I F'I'i ill ;l :• :; 1 'f i f:;. Iil!ti;if;:'l iliiih'i-;::" nliiilliililii iniiii" HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY GIFT OF y&\y FEB 2 0 1936 ■ LAWS RELATING TO INLAND FISIIEIIIES MASSACHUSETTS. 1623-188G. [COLLATED AND PUBLISHED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMON- WEALTH UNDER AUTHORITY OF CHAPTER 48 OF 'i HE RESOLVES OF THE TEAR 1886.] BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 Post Office Square. 1887. INLAND FISHERIES, 1G23-1886. A ' [; W i\ iv ' COLLECTION OF THE LAWS OF MASSACHUSETTS EEl.ATING "TO INLAND FISHERIES, 1623—1886. PLYMOUTH COLONY FISH LAWS. 1623. (Page 30.) Article 8. That fowling, fishing and hunting be free to all the inhabitants of this government : provided, that all orders from time to time made b}' this General Court for the due regulating of fishing and fowling be observed in place or places wherein special interest and propriet}' is justh' claimed by the court or an}' particular person. 1633. (Page 34.) It is enacted by the Court, That fishing, fowling and hunting bee free : provided, if any damage comes to any particulare by the prosecution of such exercise, restitutions bee made or the case actionable. But if any man desire to improve a place and stocke it with fish of any kind for his private use, it shalbee lawfull for the court to make any such graunt and for bid all others to make useof it. [Re-enacted in 1636 and lefjS.] 1637.— October. (Page 57.) Of Fish. — It is enacted by the Court, That six score and twelve fishes shall be accounted to the hundred of all sorts of fishes. [Re-enacted in 1658.] _^ i— 1670. (Page 161.) Whereas the providence of God hath made Cape Cod comodious for us for fishing with saines ; and some careles 4 LAWS RELATING TO psous have anoyed the same by casting theire ballast neare the shore where such conveniency is ; or by leaveing the garbidge of fish or dead fish to lye there roting, whereby such anoyace is : This Court cloth therefore order, That whosoever shall treaspas in an}' of the said kinds of annoyance shall pay the sume of forty shil- lings to the Collonie's use for ever}' such default unto the pson that the county doth appoint to lookp. after the same ; alsoe, this court doth further order, tJiat whosoever of our inhabitants that draw mack- erell on shore there, shall pay 'to 'the Collonie's use sixpence p. bar- rell for every barrell soe taken or tl;e quantity that ma}' amount to a barrell ; and for every barrell or the quantitie thereof soe taken by any forraigners in the aforesaid place shalbe payed one shilling and sixpence to the Collonie's use by the pson or psons that soe fish there ; and at the begining of any voyage attempted there, the pson or persons soe doing shall att the enterance an the voyage put in suf- ficient cecuritie unto the pson appointed by the court under this trust for the payment of the aforesaid sume or sumes. (Continued on page 162.) (Page 162.) Whereas wee have formerly seen great inconvenience of taking mackerell att unseasonable times, whereby there encrease is greatly deminished, and that it hath bine proposed to the court of the Massachusetts that some course might be taken for preventing the same, and that they have lately drawne up an order that hence- forth noe mackerell shalbee caught, except for spending while fresh, before the first of July annually, on penaltie of the losse of the same, the one halfe to the informer and the other halfe to the use of the Collonie ; and this order to take place from the 20th of this instant June. 1682. (Page 197.) The law prohibited the catching of fish before they have spaumed is to be revived by the Comissioners att theire next session. (Page 283.) For the better improving of fishing for mackrel at the Cape with saynes or nets ; that the fish be not wholly destroyed or driven off the shoar, witli constant beating and shooting at them with their nets and saynes : It is ordered by this Court, &c., That none shall set, shoot or hall sayne on shore with mackrel at the Cape before the fifteenth day of October yearly, nor after the twentieth day of November, on penalty of forfeiting for any mackrel so taken, without the compass of this time, eight shillings a barrel to the Colonie's use. And that so good a commodity be not spoiled nor impaired by gripple persons that only minde their present benefit ; but that it may INLAND FISHERIES. 5 be kept sweet and well preserved for a market, and so kept a com- modit}' : It is further ordered, That all such mackrel taken b}- saynes or nets at the Cape shall be there salted up in good sufficient cask, and not in lumber, neither on shoar nor on board of any boat, barque or other vessel, on penalty of forfeiting to the Colonie's use the one- half of what is so salted in lumber and not in tight casks. And forasmuch as the lands where such benefit is made by fishing with saynes or nets hath been purchased by the Colony and are truely theirs : It is also ordered, That no stranger, or such as are no inhabitants of this government, shall make use of our lands or shoar for sayning or hailing of fish, but such as this court give license to, on penalty of forfeiting all the fish of any kinde so taken by any without leave. And all strangers that shall be allowed there to fish as abovesaid, whether taken in as partners with any of ours or otherwise, shall pay unto our water baily, or such as the court shall appoint to receive it, for the use of this Colony, two shillings for every barrel or quantity of a barrel of mackrel there caught in such away ; and such of our own inhabitants as do so fish there, shall pay one shilling a barrel ; and all such payments, whether by our own or strangers, shall be made in money to the said baily, or who is appointed. And that peace and good order may be kept by all that fish there, and that the Colony may not be defrauded of their due by any : It is further ordered, That the master of any vessel that shall come there to fish, or some known person of their company, shall presently upon their arrival there, before they take any fish, give under his hand to the baily, or his deputy, for their peaceable carriage there, and their due observance of the orders of the court concerning their fishing, who shall thereupon give them a ticket under his hand for their improving the season as abovesaid. And if any man do refuse so to do, he or they shall be discharged from making use of our land on shoar there, at their peril ; and if an}' prove troublesome, or disturb their peace, sell liquor to the Indians, prophane the Sabbath, or be otherwise disorderl}^ the baily or his deput}^ is hereby impowered to carry such before the next magistrate, who may issue the case, send the offenders to prison, or take bond for their appearance at court, as he shall see cause, and the whole charge thereof be born by him or them that do so ofl[end. And that the water baily be under oath, as other publick officers, as for the faithful discharge of his trust, so for his due and seasonable ordering, and giving an account to the treasurer, for what is the Colonie's upon fishing account, within one month after the said voyage is ended, or sooner if it may be. 6 LAWS RELATING TO And for every barrel of herring at any time caught by nets on the said Cape Cod shoar, six pence per barrel be paid by any inhabitant that shall so take them, and twelve pence per barrel by strangers. And whosoever shall take any basse on the aforesaid shoar with nets, shall pa}' to the Colonie's use six pence per quintal, according to a former order, and to be paid also in mone}'. Sect. 5. And it is ordered, &c., That if any swine, belonging either to English or Indians, do there annoy or trespass such as there fish as abovesaid in the mackerel seasons, it shall be lawful for an}' to make seizure of such swine, paying one-half of the value of such swine to the said baily or his deputy for the Colonie's use. * * ANCIENT CHARTERS. (Page 113, ch. 46.) Sect. 5. This court being informed that the taking of mackrel at unseasonable times do greatly diminish their increase, and will in the issue tend to the spoil of the trade thereof: Do order and enact, That henceforth no mackerel shall be caught, except for spending whilst fresh, before the first of July annually, on penalty of the loss of the same, the one half to the informer, and the other half to the use of the country. And any magistrate or county court is empowered to act herein, to all intents and purposes, for the execution of this law. [Repealed March 5, 1693. Page 254, sect. 7, A. Charters. Revived Massachusetts Perpetual Laws, page 1-13, ch. v., 1702.] (Page 148, ch. 63.) wSect. 2. Every inhabitant who is an house- holder shall have free fishing and fowling in any great ponds, bays, coves and rivers, so far as the sea ebbs and flows within the precincts of the town where they dwell, unless the freemen of the same town or the General Court have otherwise appropriated them. Provided, That no town shall appropriate to any particular person or persons, any great pond containing more than ten acres of land, and that no man shall come upon another's propriety without their leave, otherwise than as hereafter expressed. The which clearly to determine : Sect. 3. It is declared that in all creeks, coves, and other places about and upon salt water, where the sea ebbs and flows, the pro- prietor, or the land adjoining, shall have propriety to the low water mark, where the sea doeth not ebb above a hundred rods, and not more wheresoever it ebbs further. Provided, That such proprietor shall not by this liberty have power to stop or hinder the passage of boats or other vessels, in or through any sea, creeks or coves, to other men's houses or lands. Sect. 4. And for great ponds lying in common, though within the bounds of some town, it shall be free for any man to fish and fowl INLAND FISHERIES. 7 there, and niaj' pass and repass on foot through, any man's propriety for that end, so they trespass not upon any man's corn or meadow. COLONY OF PLYMOUTH. 1684. (Page 205.) This Court doth therefore enact, and he it heerhy enacted by the authoritie thereof, That no p'rson or p'rsons whatsoever, after the publication heerof, shall catch or draw on shore any mack- erell, with nett or netts, sayne or saines, in any p'rte of this Collonie, and if any p'rson or p'rsons shall heerafter presume to catch any mackerell by setting or shooling any nett or saye, every such p'rson or p'rsons soe offending as aforsaid, shall forfeitt for his or theire said offence all such netts or saines as shalbe soe improved, and all such mackerell as shalbe soe caught by him or them ; and shall alsoe for- feite every sucli vessell and all such vessells or boates as shalbe imployed therin, whether catch- sloop or boate as shalbe imployed in taking or carrying awa}* any such fish, if att any time the p'rson or p'rsons soe offending be taken within the govrment, or the valine thereof, the one moiety to the Collonie and the other moyety to the informer that shall prosecute the same. And for the better execution of the said law, power shall be given by some one or more of the magestrates by warrant to some fitt man to act as a water bayliff to make seasurfe of any such forfeitures as aforsaid. PERPETUAL LAWS. 1702. (Page 143, ch. 5.) Be it enacted. That the clause above recited, shall be, and is hereby revived and re-enacted : and that henceforth no person or persons whatsoever shall presume to catch or cause to be caught any mackerel (except for spending whilst fresh) before the first of July annually ; on penalty of forfeiting all the mackrel so caught contrary' to the true intent and meaning of this act, and twenty shillings per barell over and above for each barrel of the same : the one half of the said forfeiture to be to her majesty, for, and towards the support of this her government ; and the other half to him or them that shall inform and sue for the same in any of her majesty's courts of record within this province. 1709. An Act to prevent Nuisances by Hedges, Wears, and other incumbrances obstructing the passage of Fish in Rivers. (Page 162, ch. 3.) Be it enacted. That no wears, hedges, fish- garths, stakes, kiddles, or other disturbance or incumbrance shall be set, erected or made, on or across any river, to the stopping, obstruct- 8 LAWS RELATING TO ing, or straitning of the natural or usual course and passage of fish in their seasons, or spring of the year, without the approbation and allowance first had and obtained from the general sessions of the , peace in the same county ; who are hereby authorized and impowered, on application made to them at their sessions, to grant liberty for the same, or to deny it, as they shall see it to bee either a public good or damage ; and so }■ early from time to time, to be allowed or disallowed, as they shall direct. And that all wears, hedges, fish-garths, stakes, kiddles, or other incumbrance whatsoever, set up and made, or hereafter to be levied, set up or made in, on or across any river, to the straitning, obstruct- ing and stopping the natural, common or usual passage of fish in the spring or proper seasons of the year, without approbation or allow- ance first had and obtained for the same, in manner as in and b}' this act is directed, are declared to be a common nusance, and shall be demolished and pulled down, not to be again repaired or amended. And that on complaint made to the general sessions of the peace, or to an}- two justices of the peace, quorum unus, in their respective counties ; a writ shall be granted to the sherifl!' or constable of the town where the nusance is done, to cause the party or parties complained of to be examined ; and upon conviction to remove the same ; and to command suitable assistance therefor, at the cost and charge of the person or persons so oflfending. Provided, That nothing herein contained, shall be construed to extend to the pulling down or demolishing of any mill-dam already made, or that shall hereafter be lawfull}- and orderl}- made. 1727. An Act for rendering more effectual the Act intituled An Act to prevent N usances by Hedges, Weares, and other incumbrances obstructing the passage of Fish in Rivers. (Page 239, ch. 9.) Whereas, in and by an act made and pass'd in the eighth year of the reign of Queen Anne, intituled An Act to pre- vent nusances by hedges, weares, and other incumbrances obstructing the passage of fish in rivers, all such incumbrances in the rivers are disallowed and forbidden without the approbation of the courts of general sessions of the peace in the respective counties, and ordered to be demolished and pulled down, but no penalty is provided in the said act : Wherefore, for the more effectual preventing such nusances : Be it enacted, That whosoever after the publication of this act, shall set up, erect or make any weares, hedges, fish-garths, stakes, kiddles, or other incumbrances whatsoever, on or across an}- river for straitning, obstructing or stopping the natural, usual or common pas- sage of the fish in the spring or other proper seasons of the year, INLAND FISHERIES. 9 without the approbation of the court of general sessions of the peace, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of ten pounds, to be sued for and recovered by plaint, bill, or information, in any of his majesty's courts of record within the county where tlie offence is com- mitted ; one-half thereof to be to him that shall inform and sue for the same, and the other half to the poor of the town or towns where such incumbrances have been made or set up. 1741. An Act in addition to an Act made to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Ale- wives, and other Fish. (Page 297, ch. 6.*) Whereas, notwithstanding the several acts made for the preservation of the fish, and to give them free passage up and down the rivers in their seasons, 3'et by reason of the many dams erected, and often erecting across such rivers and streams where the several sorts of fish pass up into the natural ponds to cast their spawns, said fish are diverted in their passage, to the great decay and ruin of such fishery : Be it therefore enacted, That whosoever shall hereafter erect or build any dam across any such river or stream where the salmon, shad, alewives, or other fish usually pass up into the natural ponds to cast their spawn, shall make a sufficient passage-way for the fish to pass up such river or stream, through or round such dam, and shall keep it open for the free passage of the fish from the first day of April to the last da}" of May annually, and all the owners or occupants of any mill-dam or other dams heretofore erected and made across any such river or stream where the fish can't conveniently pass over, shall make a sufficient way either round or through such dam for the passage of such fish, at or before the first da}' of September next, and after that to keep such passage way open from the first day of April to the last day of May annually, on pain that ever}' person offending in any of the particulars aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty pounds for each offence. Provided, nevertheless. Whereas, in some of the rivers or streams, the said fish do not pass up to spawn in the times by this act provided for, that it shall be in the power of the several towns wherein such streams are, or are adjoining, or the selectmen of such towns, or the major part of them, to appoint or order the times of keeping open such sluice-ways- as in their judgment may be agreeable, to the natu- ral lime of said fish passing up to spawn, so as it does not exceed sixty days annually. And he it further enacted, That the owners or occupants of such dam or dams, shall allow sufficient water passage round, through or over such dams, for the passage of such fish or their young spawn, in * Chap. 7, 1741, supplementary. 10 LAWS RELATING TO the season of their going down such rivers or streams, on penalty of forfeiting the sum of fift}' pounds for every offence. Provided, nevertheless, That whosoever is an owner or occupant of such dam or dams erected before the year one thousand seven hun- dred and nine, and by this act is obliged to make such passage-way for the fish as aforesaid, shall, after be has effected the same, present his account of the reasonable charge thereof, to the court of general sessions of the peace of the same county for their allowance, who are hereby impowered to proportion the several towns' parts thereof who are advantaged thereby, and order each of said towns to assess and pay the same to such owner or occupant accordingl}', and the owners or occupants of such dam, shall afterwards maintain such passage- wa}' at his or their own cost and charge. And he it farther enacted, That it shall be in the power of any -town at their annual meeting in March, to chuse one or more persons, whose business it shall be to see that the said passage-ways are open pursuant to this act, and that said fish ma^^ not be obstructed in their usual passing up and down stream, and to appoint the proper place or places for the taking such fish with scoop nets, and to limit the particular times and da3's for the taking the same. Provided, also. That this act shall not be construed so as to aflfect the order of this Court, pass'd in January, one thousand seven hun- dred and thirty-eight, relating to Watertown mill-dam. And that the several fines and penalties arising by virtue of this act, shall be sued for and recovered in any court of record proper to try the same, by an}- person that shall prosecute and sue for the same, one half of such sum to be to and for the use of the prosecutor, and the other half to be to and for the use of the poor of the town where the offence shall be committed. An Act in Supplement of an Act intituled " An Act in addition to an Act made to prevent the destruction of the Fish called Alewives and other Fish." (1741, ch. 6.) (Page 298, ch. 7.) Whereas, ***** ^q penaltj' is therein ordered to be imposed on such as shall take ale- wives or other fish at other times or places, than such as shall be appointed in pursuance of said act : Be it therefore enacted, That whosoever shall presume to take any of the kinds of fish in said act enumerated (whether with scoop-nets or otherwise) in an}' river or stream within or adjoining to any town within this province, at any other place or time than such as has been or shall be limited and appointed by an}' town in pursuance of said act, such oflTender or offenders shall forfeit and pa}- the sum of ten shillings for each ofljence ; one moiety thereof shall be for the use of the poor of the town where the offence shall be committed, the other INLAND FISHERIES. 11 moiety to be to him or them who shall inform and sue for the same before one or more of his majesty's justices of the peace in the same count}'. Provided, That this act be " not construed to affect any person taking fish in any town where such town shall not in manner as aforesaid, appoint the time and place for taking the fish aforesaid. 1743. An Act in addition to an Act made in the fifteenth year of his present Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act in addition to an Act made to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Alewives and other Fish." (Page 313, ch. 5.) Whereas, * * * * * by reason that no direction is therein given with respect to the suffi- ciency of the sluice or passage so to be made or left open, there arises great difficulty to the owner or occupant of such dams in com- plying therewith : And whereas, by reason that in some streams and rivers the said fish pass sooner, and in others later in the year than the time is prescribed in said additional act, as well as that the time of their passing up and down is in some streams and rivers longer, and in some shorter, so that it is found by experience that the gen- eral rule in the aforesaid cases by law provided, does not only fail of the good ends proposed thereby, but also exposes the owners and occupants of such dams to trouble and damage not necessary to answer the good purposes of said additional act : Wherefore, Be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any owner or occupant of an}* such dam or dams alread}' built, or that may here- after be built, and who are or may be obliged by said additional act to open or leave open such passage as aforesaid, to apply to the next court of general sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for the county where such mill-dam is, and the justices of the court respectively, on such application, are impowered, and directed to appoint a committee of three sufficient and as much as may be disin- terested persons, under oath, to repair to the dam where the passage is proposed to be opened, and carefully view the same, and in the best manner they are able, to inform themselves of the most proper place for the passage of such fish up and down stream, of what dimen- sions the same shall be made or appointed to be, and what part of each year, and how long the same shall be kept open ; and return the same under their hands, or the hands of the major part of them, to the said court for their acceptance ; which return so made and accepted, shall be deemed and adjudged the lawful rule of proceeding in making and keeping open the passage and passages for the fish in passing up and down the rivers and streams for the future : an3'thing contained to the contrary in said additional act notwithstanding. 12 LAWS KELATING TO Provided^ nevertheless^ That if at any time after such determina- tion, either party shall think themselves aggrieved b}' such deter- mination, it shall and ma^' be lawful for the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of such mill-dam or dams, or any other five persons of the other part}-, who may expect benefit by said fish pass- ing up such rivers or streams, once more to applv to the said court for a nevr view, and report on the premises in manner aforesaid, which being by said court accepted, shall be final ; the charge of such application to be born by the persons applj'ing, in case no material alteration on the first return is made, but otherways be born by the owners of the dam, in proportion to their interest, to be first stated and allowed by the said court of general sessions, and may be recovered by action or actions of debt in an}' court proper to try the same. 1745. jA.N Act in addition to and for rendring more effectual the Laws already in being for preventing the Destruction of the Fish called Alewives, and other Fish. (Page 320, ch. 2.) {Preamble. The two preceding acts are here quoted.) And whereas, it may happen that in some rivers or streams, across which dams are built, it may be doubtful whether the fish may be said to usually pass or cast their spawn, and so as to render it neces- sary that a way should be left open in such dams for their free passage, and many inconveniences may arise from such doubt or uncertainty : Be it therefore enacted, That when and so often as application shall be made to the court of sessions by the owner or occupant of any mill-dam or dams, either of such dams as have no passage-way, or of such dams through which a passage-way has been already made, and a committee shall thereupon be appointed by such court pursuant to the last recited act, and such committee shall repair to any dam or dams, and it shall appear to them upon inquiry, that the fish do not, or in case of a passage being made or kept open, would not usually pass up the river or stream across which such dam is or shall be built in such numbers as that it is necessary a passage-way through such dam should be made or kept open, or that the passing of the fish up such river will not be of greater general benefit than the leaving open of passage-ways in such dams will be of damage to the owners of the mills and other persons, then, and in either of such cases, said committee shall be impowered to make a report that such passage-way is not necessar^^ and such report being accepted b}' the court of sessions, the owner or occupant of such dam, shall there- upon be freed from all obligation to make or keep open any pas- INLAND FISHERIES. 13 sage ; any thing in the aforementioned acts to the contrary notwith- standing. And the charge of the application that shall be made by the owner or occupant of any mill-dam or dams, and all proceedings of the court thereupon, pursuant to this act, or to the said last recited act, shall be born and paid by such owner or occupant. Provided, always, That if at any time after such determination, any person apprehending it necessar}' that a passage-way should be opened in such dam, shall thereupon make application to the court of sessions, said court shall be impowered to appoint a new committee, who shall have the same power the first committee by law had, or might have had, and upon such committee's reporting that a passage- way is necessary in such dam or dams, and the demensions thereof, and the time it shall be kept open, and upon such report being accepted b}' the court of sessions, the owner or occupant of such mill or dam shall be as fully obliged to keep open such passage as if the former report had never been made and accepted ; any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding ; the charge of such application and all proceedings thereupon, to be paid by the person or persons making the same, or b}" the owner or occupant of such dam, as the court of sessions shall order. And whereas, in some counties within this province, the justices of the court of sessions have refused to admit any application from the owner or occupant of anj' mill or mill-dam, by reason that such appli- cation has not been made at the court next immediately following the publication of the last recited act : Be it further enacted, That the several courts of sessions within this province be, and hereby are impowered and directed to admit, proceed and determine upon any such application at any court at any time held for the county, and all such proceedings shall be deemed as valid to all intents and purposes as if they had been acted upon at the court next immediatety following the publication of said act. And whereas, in manj'^ rivers and streams within this province, neither shad, salmon nor ale wives usually swim, or would pass up such river or stream, altho' a passage-way was made and kept open through the several dams built across such rivers or streams, and the advantage of other fish that pass up such rivers or streams, is not equal to the damage that ma}' arise by keeping open a passage- wa}' through such dams : Be it enacted. That no owner or occupant of any mill-dam or dams built or to be built within this province, shall be liable to any penalty for not making or keeping open a passage-way through such dam or dams, except those dams only which are built across such rivers or streams where either of the aforementioned fish, viz., salmon, shad or 14 LAWS RELATING TO alewives usually swim or pass ; any former law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, always, That it shall be in the power of any person at any time, to make application to the court of sessions, setting forth that the passage of other fish up such rivers or streams, is of such advantage as to render a passage-way through any dam or dams necessar}', and the justices of the court of sessions are impowered on such application to appoint a committee to repair to such dam or dams, and upon such committee's reporting that a passage-way or ways for the fish is necessary, the dimensions thereof, and the time for keeping it open, and upon such report's being accepted, the owner or occupant of such dam or dams, shall be as fully obliged to make and keep open such passage-way or ways as if shad, salmon or ale- wives usually passed up such river or stream. And whereas, the mill-dam in the town of Watertown, referred to in the aforesaid act of the fifteenth of his present majesty, has not been subjected in like manner with the other mill-dams within this province : Be it therefore enacted, That if any person or jiersons whatsoever, shall cause the dam of said mill to be raised, so as to prevent the passage of the fish over the same, at any time between the breaking up of the ice in the winter or spring, and the first day of May annu- ally, and in any year hereafter, without the express leave or consent of the selectmen of the towns of Watertown and Newtown, every person so offending, shall forfeit and pay the sura of five pounds for each offence, to be recovered in any court of record proper to try the same, and for the use of him or them that shall inform and sue therefor. 1781. An Act more effectually to prevent the Destruction of Alewives in their passage up the Rivers and Streams in the Towns of Salem and Danvers. Whereas it is njecessary for the preservation of the fish called ale- wives, in their passage up the rivers and streams in the towns of Salem and Danvers, into the ponds at the head of those streams, that the committees hereafter to be appointed in those towns, to see that the passage-ways for said fish be not obstructed, should have their re- spective jurisdiction enlarged, and further authority given them for the purposes aforesaid. Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. T). Sect. 1. That the towns of Salem and Danvers shall be, and they are hereby respectively empowered and directed at their meetings in March annually, each town to choose three or more persons to see that the laws respecting the passage-ways for said fish be observed. And each person so chosen shall take an INLAND FISHERIES. 15 oath faithfull}- to discbarge the duties required of him b}- law. And the committees of said towns shall meet together annually, on or before the tenth day of April, at such time and place as the person first chosen b}" the town of Salem shall appoint, to be by him duly notified. And the major part of the committees present at such meeting are hereby authorized and empowered to order the times, places and manner in which said fish may be taken within the limits of either of said towns, and also the number any one person may be allowed to take on an}' one day. And the members of the committees aforesaid shall have joint and concurrent jurisdiction in either of said towns ; and the doings of said committees, or either of them, or the members of either of them, shall have full power to act as such, in either of said towns. And in case either of said towns shall neglect to choose such committee, the committee chosen by the other town shall be as fully empowered as though such town had not neglected. And the said committees, or either of them (on neglect as aforesaid) shall have power to cause the whole natural course of the streams through which said fish pass to, in both the said towns, to be kept open and without obstructions, to remove any such as may be found therein, to make the passage-ways of such streams wider or deeper, if they find it necessary. And the said committees, or either of them, or any member thereof, shall have authority to go on the land of an}' person through which any such river or stream runs, or on which such land may be bounded, for those purposes, without being considered as trespassers. And any person who shall molest or hinder said committees, or either of them, or any member thereof, in the execution of the business of his or their office or offices, or shall obstruct any passage-way in such river or stream, otherwise than may be allowed by such committees or committee, he or she shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty pounds, nor less than ten pounds. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted., That the said committees, or the major part of them present at any meeting duly notified, being not less than three in number, shall be, and they are hereby authorized and empowei'ed to open any dam or sluice-head of any mill erected or that may be erected on or over any such river or stream, at the expense of the owner or owners of such dam or sluice, provided such owner or owners shall neglect to open the same, when thereto required by said committees or such major part of them as aforesaid ; and the dam or sluice so opened shall continue open to such depth and width as the committees or said major part may judge necessary, from the tenth day of April to the tenth day of June in every year. And in case any person or persons shall obstruct the passage-way allowed or ordered by said committees, or such major part of them, in any 16 LAWS RELATING TO dam or sluice, each person so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty pounds, nor less that ten pounds. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That the owner or owners of any tide-mill erected, or that may hereafter be erected on any such river, shall keep a sluice-gate hoisted, or passage-way opened, of three feet in width and two feet high, three hours at least before high water in each tide, from the said tenth day of April to the tenth day of June annuall}', on penalty of forfeiting for each tide that it shall not be hoisted or the passage-way opened, a sum not exceeding three pounds, nor less than five shillings. And the bottom of the passage-way so opened shall be as low as the said committees, or the major part as aforesaid shall judge necessary. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall take any of said fish, on any day, or in any place, or in an}^ manner, or in greater numbers than shall be allowed b}' said com- mittees as aforesaid, each person so offending shall forfeit and pa}' a sum not exceeding fort}' shillings, nor less than five shillings ; and no seines shall at an}^ time be made use of to take said fish, nor shall they be taken in any manner more than three days in any one week. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That if the committees aforesaid, or either of them, or any member thereof, shall detect any person or persons attempting to take any of said fish on any day, at an}^ place, in any manner, or in a greater quantity, otherwise than is allowed by said committees, and shall find fish with such person or persons, such person or persons shall be doomed to have taken said fish, and be subject to the penalties of this act accordingly. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That all the penalties incurred by the breach of this act, may be sued for and recovered in any court of record in the county of Essex proper to try the same. And all sums as recovered as forfeited by this act, shall be appropriated, one moiety thereof to the prosecutors and the other moiety equally divided be- tween the said towns of Salem and Danvers. And no person, b}' reason of his being one of either of the committees aforesaid, shall be thereby disqualified from being a witness in any prosecution for breach of this act. — [February 19, 1781. An Act to provide more effectually for the Preservation of the fish called Alewives, in the Streams running into Merrimack River, within the Town of Andover. [Made perpetual March 7, 1797. Another Act but not repealing this one, March 9, 1792. This limited to four years, but extended afterwards ] (See 1765.) Whereas it is found tliat the laws already' made are not sufficient to prevent the destruction of the fish called alewives, in the streams within the town of Andover, which run into Merrimack River : INLAND FISHERIES. 17 Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 10. Sect. 1. That an act made in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five, entitled "An Act for preventing the unnecessary destruction of Alewives and other fish within this Province," be, and it is hereby extended to the streams herein before mentioned. And the selectmen of the town of Andover are hereby empowered to determine what number of barrels of said fish may be caught for market, and to let out the same in manner as is in said act prescribed, at any time in the mouths of April and May annually, as well as in the month of March therein specified. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That if any person shall catch, or shall attempt to catch, any of the before mentioned fish, in any part of the streams herein before recited, at an}' time between the hours in the evening and five in the morning, ever}' person so offending shall forfeit the sum of not less than twenty shillings, nor more than three pounds, for every offence. And the oath of any officer chosen at the annual meeting in March to see that the passage-ways for fish are kept open, testifying any fact that may be considered as a violation of this or any former act of the General Court made for the preser- vation of fish, shall be I'eceived as sufficient evidence of the same. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That each and every of the officers aforesaid be, and he is hereby empowered to make search for, and to seize any parcel of said fish which he has reason to suspect were taken at any time or place, or in any way by law prohibited. And if any such officer shall have reason to suspect that any of said fish so taken are secreted under lock, or in any other way, he is hereby em- powered in obedience to a warrant (which any justice of the peace in the same county is empowered to grant), on application therefor from such officer, to break open such lock or other obstruction, in the day-time, and having seized such fish, to take them into his custody ; and the same officer shall give public notice of such seizure, by post- ing an advertisement of the same at the public house nearest to the place where such seizure was made ; and if no person shall appear to said officer to claim said fish within twenty-four hours after posting said advertisement, such fish, and any cask in which they may be packed, shall be forfeited. And if any person shall appear as afore- said, to claim said fish, then the said officer shall require the claimer to appear before some justice of the peace of the same county, who shall hear and determine the cause, except the value of the fish seized exceed forty shillings, in which case he shall require the said claimer or claimers to recognize, to appear before the next court of general sessions of the peace for the same county ; and if sufficient evidence be not offered to satisfy the justice or the court, that the fish so seized were taken at some other time and place, and for some other purpose than by law is prohibited, then the said fish, and any cask in which 18 LAWS RELATING TO they may be packed, shall be forfeited ; and all fish that may be for- feited in consequence of this act, shall be sold by the officer who seized them ; and all forfeitures in consequence of this act, after paying charges, shall enure one-half to the said officer, and the other half to the poor of the town of Andover. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted^ That the officers before mentioned be, and the}' hereby are empowered to require suitable aid to enable them to execute their office ; and any person who shall refuse or neg- lect to give aid when thereto required, as herein pi'ovided, he shall, on conviction thereof before any justice of the peace of the same county, forfeit the sum of three pounds. This act to continue and be in force for the space of four 3-ears from the first day of next November, and no longer. This act passed May 8, 1781. 1786. An Act to prevent the Destruction of Salmon, Shad and Alewives, and other Fish in the Aggawam or Westfield River.* Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 126. Sect. 1. That from and after the first day of March next, no person or persons be allowed to catch any salmon, shad, or alewives with seines, nets, pots, or in anj' other way, in an}' part of said river, within twof miles of the entrance thereof into Connecticut River, nor in Connecticut River within half a mile south, or forty rods north of the mouth, or entrance of said Agawam into Connecticut River ; and no person or persons shall catch any salmon, shad or alewives, in any other part of said Agawam River, at any other time, than between sunset on Monda}' evening, and sunset on Thursday evening in each week ; and if any person or per- sons shall presume to catch any fish in the said rivers, contrary to the true intent of this act, he or the}' so offending, shall for each offence, forfeit and pay a fine of four pounds ; and the seine, net or machine, used in catching said fish, shall be forfeited. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That all wears, fences, and other incumbrances now erected, or that shall hereafter be erected, in any part of the said Agawam River, so as to stop the free course or pas- sage of the said fish up the said river, shall be deemed common nui- sance, and as such shall be pulled down and demolished ; and any person or persons that shall hereafter erect any such wears, fences or other incumbrance, or shall continue such already erected, on convic- tion thereof, shall forfeit and pay the sum of three pounds. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures incui-red by any breach of this act, shall and may be recovered by action or * Altered as to Connecticut River, March 26, 1788. t Reduced to one mile by Act March 8, 1796. INLAND FISHERIES. 19 information before any justice of the peace within the county where such offence shall be committed ; one half of such fines shall enure to him or them who shall sue or prosecute for the same, and the other half to the poor of the town where the offence shall be committed. This act passed June 27, 1786. 1787. An Act to prevent the Destruction, and to regulate the Catching of the Fish called Ale- wives, in their passage up the Rivers and Streams in the Town of Harwich, in the County of Barnstable. Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 166. Sect. 1. That the town of Harwich shall be and hereby are empowered and directed, at their meeting for the choice of town officers in March or April annually, to choose three or more persons, being freeholders in the said town, to see that this act be duly observed ; and each person so chosen shall be sworn faithfully to discharge the duties required of him by this act ; and the said committee shall meet together annuall3", on or before the twen- tieth day of April, at such time and place as the}', or a majorit}' of them, shall appoint, and the major part of the committee present at such meeting, are hereby authorized and empowered to order the times, places and manner in which the said fish may be taken ; and the said committee, or a majority of them, are hereby fully authorized and empowered to cause the natural course of the streams through which the said fish pass, to be kept open and without obstruction, to remove any such as may be found therein, and to make the said passage-wavs wider or deeper if the}' shall judge it necessary ; and the said com- mittee or either of them, paying a reasonable consideration therefor if demanded, shall have authorit}- for those purposes to go on the land or meadow of an}' person through which said streams run, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder the said committee or either of them in the execution of the business of his or their office, or shall obstruct any passage-way in the said rivers or streams, otherwise than may be allowed by the said committee, he or they shall forfeit and pay a fine for every such oflTence, not exceeding forty shillings, nor less than twenty shillings. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That the said committee, or the major part of them present at any meeting duly notified, being not less than three in number, shall be and hereby are authorized and empowered, to open or cause to be opened any dam or sluice of any other dam now erected, or that may be hereafter erected on, or over any of the said rivers or streams (between where such rivers or streams empty themselves into the sea at low water, and the ponds in which the said fish usually cast their spawns) at the expense of the owner or owners of such dam or sluice : provided such owner or 20 LAWS RELATING TO owners shall neglect to open the same when thereto required b}' the said committee or the major part of them, immediately after being thus required so to do ; and the dam or sluice so opened sball con- tinue open in every 3'ear, to such depth and width, and for such term of time between the fifteenth day of April and the tenth da}' of June, as the major part of the said committee shall judge necessary ; and if any person or persons shall obstruct the said passage-ways allowed or ordered by the said committee, or the major part of them, in any dam or sluice, such person so offending shall on conviction before any jus- tice of the peace in the county of Barnstable, pa}- a fine for every such offence not exceeding forty shillings, nor less tlian twenty shil- linos, and the said committee shall cause everv such obstruction to be forthwith removed. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That if an}- person or persons «hall take any of the said fish in the rivers, streams or ponds afore- said, before they shall have cast their spawns, at any time, in any place, or in any manner other than shall be allowed by the said com- mittee as aforesaid, each person so offending, for each and every such offence shall, on conviction, as aforesaid pay a fine not exceeding twenty shillings, nor less than five shillings, if the quantity of fish so taken is less than one barrel ; but if the quantity so taken shall be one barrel or more, such person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every barrel of fish so taken, the sum of twenty shillings. Sect. 4. Be it farther enacted, That if the committee aforesaid, or either of them, shall detect any person or persons in attempting to take any of the said fish at any time, or in any place, or in any manner otherwise than is allowed by the said committee, or shall find such fish with such person or persons, such person or persons shall be deemed to have taken the said fish unlawfully, and shall be subject to the penalties of this act accordingly, unless such person or persons can make it appear on trial, that they came by the said fish in some other way. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted. That the committee to be chosen as aforesaid, or the major part of them, shall determine what days in the week the said fish shall be taken, also on the certain parts of the said rivers and streams where the said fish may be taken, to be partic- ularly bounded or described, so that the said places may be easily known ; and shall notify the inhabitants thereof, by posting up notifl- cations in several public places in the said town of Harwich, within ten days after their being chosen as aforesaid. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred by any breach of this act, shall be recovered by complaint before a justice of the peace, in the county of Barnstable, where the said penalty doth INLAND FISHERIES. 21 not exceed forty shillings, jiUowing an appeal to the court of general sessions of the peace in the count}- aforesaid ; and where the penalty prosecuted for shall exceed the sum of forty shillings, it may be sued for and recovered in any court in the count}- of Barnstable proper to try the same, and all sums recovered as forfeited b}' this act, shall be for the support of the poor in the town of Harwich ; and no person, by reason of his being one of the said committee, or an inhabitant of the said town, shall thereby be disqualifled from being a witness in any prosecution for breach of this act. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the committee aforesaid, to take care that a sufficient passage- wa}- be kept open annuall}^ for the young alewives to pass from the ponds to the sea. — [Jul}^ 4, 1787. [1813, 57, 115; 1824, 107; 1844, 67.] 1788. Ax Act for the Preservation of the Fish called Alewives in Mattapoiset Uiver, in Rochester, in the County of Plymouth, and for the regulating the talking of the said Fish, in the said River. Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 180. Whereas the law which was heretofore made for the preservation of the fish called alewives, in Mattapoiset River, in the town of Rochester, and for regulating the taking the said fish, in the said river, has been found insufficient to answer the said purposes : Sect. 1. That the owner or owners of each and every mill-dam on the said river, shall make, provide and continue a sluice-way of three feet wide, and eight inches deep, for the said fish to pass their respec- tive dams, as low as the said selectmen of the said town of Rochester shall judge convenient for the said fish to pass in. And the selectmen of the said town of Rochester are hereby authorized, on the second Monda\^ of April annually, to open the said sluice-ways which, when opened by them, shall remain open until the twentieth day of May annually ; and the owner or owners of any dam on the said river who shall neo;lect or refuse to make, provide and continue a sluice-way as aforesaid, shall shut or obstruct the same during the term the said sluice-way is to be kept open as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum of forty pounds for each offence. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said town of Rochester, at their annual meeting for the choice of town officers, in the months of March or April annuall}', are hereby authorized to choose a com- mittee consisting of not more than twelve, nor less than two suitable discreet persons, for inspectors of the said river, whose duty it shall be, within four days after their appointment, to post up in four public places in the said town nearest the said river, a notification under their hands, or the major part of them, pointing out the times when. 22 LAWS EELATING TO and the places where the said fish may be taken in the said river ; and if an}' person shall pull down or deface such notification, he or she shall for each offence forfeit and pay ten shillings ; and if such com- mittee shall neglect or refuse to post up such notification within the said term of four da3's, such committee shall forfeit and pay ten shil- lings ; and any person who shall presume to take any of the said fish in the said river, except at the times and places appointed b}' the said committee as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay three pounds for each offence. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall make any wears, or any other obstruction, to hinder the passage of the said fish up the said river, each person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds ; and an}' person who shall take or catch an}' of the said fish in said river, with any other instrument than a dip-net, shall forfeit and jjay four pounds for each offence. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted^ That if any person shall set or draw any seine, drag-net, or marsh-net in the said river, or within the following bounds of the harbor adjoining it, viz. : beginning at the south-westwardly end of the inland, owned by the Eev. Mr. La Barron, and from thence to the mouth of the creek which runs out of Barlow's Pond (so called) , from and after the tenth day of April to the twen- tieth day of May annually, each person so offending shall forfeit and pay ten pounds. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That all the forfeitures mentioned in this act shall accrue to the said town of Rochester, to be recovered by the treasurer of the said town in an action of debt in any court proper to try the same ; and no person shall be considered as dis- qualified from giving evidence in any such action on account of his liA'ing in or being an inhabitant of the said town of Rochester. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted. That the agreement made and entered into between the said town of Rochester and the owners of the lower dam, on the said river, with regard to the premises, shall be good and valid in law. — [March 1, 1788, [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 247, 290; vol. 3, p. 91; 1810, 60; 1814, 99; 1817, 136; 1820, 70; 1829, 41.] An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish called Shad and Alewives, in Ten and Three- Miles Rivers, in the County of Bristol. Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 183. Whereas it is necessary for the preserva- tion of the fish called alewives, in their passage up the rivers, called and known by the name of Ten-Mile and Three-Mile River, in the county of Bristol, that some further provision should be made for the said purpose : Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the several towns through which the said Ten-Mile and Three-Mile River run, shall be, and they are INLAND FISHERIES. 23 hereby empowered and directed, in the month of March or April annuall}', to choose three or more persons in each town respective!}', being freeholders within the same, as a committee, who shall take an oath to the faithful discharge of his or their dut}' ; and the said com- mittee, or the major part of them, shall have power to cause the natural course of the said streams through which the said fish pass, to be kept open, and without obstruction, and to remove all such obstructions as may be found therein, and to make the passage-ways wider or deeper if they shall find it necessar}' ; and the committee, or a major part of them, shall have authority' for such purposes, to go on the laud of any person through which the said Ten and Three-Mile Rivers run, without being considered as a trespasser or trespassers ; and an}' person who shall hinder the said committee, or either of them, in the execution of the business of his or their office, or who shall obstruct an}' -.passage-way in the said rivers, otherwise than may be allowed by the said committee, he or they shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding the sum of fifteen pounds, nor less than five pounds. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said committee, or a major part of them, at any meeting by them duly notified, shall be and hereby are authorized and empowered to open any dam or sluice-way of any mill erected, or that may be erected on, over or across the said rivers, at the expense of the owner or owners of such dam, provided such owner or owners shall neglect to open the same when they are required by said committee ; and the said dam or dams, or sluice-way or Avays, so opened, shall continue open to such width and depth, and for such length of time betwixt the first day of April and the last day of May annually, as the major part of the said committee shall judge necessary ; and in case any person or persons shall be found to obstruct the passage-ways allowed or ordered by the said committee in any dam or sluice, such person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding the sum of ten pounds, nor less than five pounds. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That all penalties incurred by a breach of this act may be sued for and recovered in any court in the county of Bristol proper to try the same ; and all sums so recovered or forfeited by a breach of this act, shall be appropriated, one moiety thereof to the prosecutor or prosecutors, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the poor in such town where the offence is committed ; and no person, by reason of his being one of the said committee or an inhabitant of either of said towns, shall thereby be disqualified from being a witness in any prosecution for a breach of this act. — [March 10, 1788. [Repealed as regards Three-Mile River Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 287.] 24 LAWS RELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 126.] An Act for altering a certain clause in an Act entitled, " An Act to prevent the destruc- tion of Salmon, Shad and Alewives, and other Fish in Agawam or Westfield River." Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 188. Whereas by the said act no person or persons are allowed to catch any salmon, shad or alewives, with seines, nets, pots, or in any other way, within two miles of the en- trance of the said river into Connecticut River, nor in Connecticut River within half a mile south or forty rods north of the mouth or entrance of the said Agawam into Connecticut River : Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the clause in the said act respecting catching fish in Connecticut River be, and the same is hereby so far altered and repealed as that any person or persons may catch fish in Connecticut River with seines, nets, pots, or in any other wa}^ or place, excepting within one hundred rods directly south of the entrance of the said Agawam into Connecticut River ; anything in the said act to the contrary' notwithstanding. — [March 26, 1788. An Act to prevent the Destruction of Alewives and other Fish in Ipswich River, and to encourage the inci'ease of the same. Sp. Laws, vul. 1, p. 191. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of the dam across Ipswich River commonly called Warner's mill-dam, and also the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of the dam of Farlej-'s mill, so called, be and they are hereb}' required, henceforward, at their own cost and charge, in proportion to their several interests, to make and keep open a passage for the fish through their respective dams, from the twentieth day of April to the thirteenth day of June annualh' ; and that the said passages be within four feet of the northerl}- end of each of the said dams, five feet wide, to enter from the under side of the cap-piece, which cap-piece shall be level with the said dam, and as low as the upper side of the mud-sills of the same ; and that during the said time the bottom of the said passage be covered with flat stones or gravel in such manner as that the bottom be not raised higher than the sills ; and that nothing shall be kept, put or placed on the upper side of either of said dams, nor anything put or placed below either of them, within six feet of the sluice-wa}' on the southerly side of them, except a brace on the southerly side of each of the said sluice- wajys, to guard the said cap-pieces, on penalt}' that the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of either of the aforesaid mills neglect- ing to observe the directions of this act in an}' of the instances before mentioned, shall for every such offence forfeit the sum of twenty pounds, to be recovered of them, or either of them, hy action of debt in any court of record proper to try the same, in the count}' where the offence shall be committed, to be disposed of as follows, viz.: one INLAND FISHERIES. 25 moiety to him who sliall sue for the same ; the other moiet}' to the poor of the town where the offence shall be committed. Sect. 2., Be it further enacted, That the owner or owners, occu- pier or occupiers of Dodge's Mills, so called, at the Little Falls on the said river, be and they are hereby- required to keep open the pas- sage over the said falls, from the grist-mill to a large rock in the angle of the falls or dam, down to the mud-sill, from the twentieth day of April to the thirteenth day of June annually, on penalty that the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of the aforesaid mills neglect- ing to observe the direction of this act, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of twenty pounds, to be recovered of them, or either of them, by action of debt, in any court of record within the same county proper to try the same, one moiety thereof to him who shall sue for the same, the other moiety to the poor of the town where the offence shall be committed. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That the sluices or passages through or by all other mill-dams now erected, or that shall hereafter be erected upon said river, or by any stream or streams running from any natural pond into the same, provided the said mill-dam be below the same ponds, shall be open, and kept open ; and that the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of such mill-dam, shall make, maintain and keep open the said sluices or passages at their own cost and charge, in the same manner as heretofore in this act is provided with regard to the passages through Warner's and Farley's mill-dam, and under the said penalty for every neglect, to be recovered and dis- posed of in the same manner. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, Tbat every person who shall, after the twentieth day of April, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, presume to take any flsh of any kind in the said river or its branches, or any of the ponds emptying themselves into the same, with seines or drag-nets of any kind, shall forfeit for every such otfence, the sum of twenty pounds, to be recovered in any court of record proper to try the same, one moiety to him who shall sue for the same, the other moiety to the poor of the town where the offence is committed. And whereas it has been found by experience, that saw-dust floating in streams where fish pass, obstruct their passage : Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That none of the saw-mills on said river, or any of the streams running from natural ponds into the said river, shall be suffered to go between the last day of April and the first day of June annually, for cutting any wood or timber ; and every owner or occupier of such mill, who within the term aforesaid shall use or suffer the same to be used or employed for such purposes ofore- 26 LAWS RELATING TO said, shall incur tbe penalty of twenty pounds, to be recovered and disposed of in the same manner as aforesaid. Sect. G. Be it further enacted, That from and after the passing this act, every town bordering on Ipswich River, where alewives and other fish go np to cast their spawn, shall, at their meeting in March or April, for the choice of town officers annuall}', choose at least three fit and suitable persons, whose dut}' it shall be, jointly or severally, to see that this act be dulj' observed, and to inform against an}' per- ■son or persons that shall offend against the same ; and all persons so e, and they or the major part of them are hereby empowered to keep the stream aforesaid free and clear of all obstructions to the passage of said fish through the whole course of said stream from Mystic River to Ell Pond : provided, that nothing herein contained shall give said committee any right to destroy or impair said mill-dam : provided, also, that nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as in any manner to affect any interest in said stream, or tlie privileges or appurtenances thereto belonging, claimed b}' said town or said Samuel Tufts. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That during the said term of five " j^ears, it shall not 1ie lawful for any person to take any shad or ale- wives in said stream, ofterier or more than two days in each week, viz. : from sunrise on Monda}' to sunrise on Tuesda}' morning ; and from sunrise on Friday morning to sunrise on Saturday morning, in each week. And if any person shall offend against this prohibition, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten cents for each fish which he may so take, to be recovered, with costs of suit, by any one or more of said committee who may first sue for the same, by action of debt in an}' court proper to try the same ; one half of which forfeiture shall enure to the use of said town, and the other half to him or them who ma}' sue therefor. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted. That this act shall continue and be in force for and during the term of five j'ears next after the passing the same, and no longer, except as to any prosecutions for any penal- ties, or actions for recover}' of any expenses which • may then be depending according to the provisions thereof. — [March 7, 1801. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 105.] An Act in addition to an Act, entitled " An Act to regulate the Alevvive Fishery in the Town of Bridgewater, in the County of Plymouth, and for repealing all Laws here- tofore made for that purpose," passed in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 433. Whereas it is represented to this court, that by reason of the broken state of the dam, at a place called the Great River Mills, in Bridgewater, it is impracticable to take fish at said place ; therefore, Sect. 1 . Be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the town of Bridgewater, the present year only, to take said fish at such times and places as were provided by an act entitled " An Act for regidating the Alewive Fishery in the Town of Bridgewater, in the County of Plymouth, and for repealing all laws heretofore made for 86 LAWS RELATING TO that purpose," passed the ninth day of Mai'ch, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, the law to which this is an addition to the contrary notwithstanding : provided, said town shall at their annual meeting in March instant, vote the same, which the town are hereby authorized to do at said meeting ; an}- law to the contrary notwithstanding. — [March 7, 1801. An Act for regulating the Taking and Disposing of the Fish called Alewives within the limits of the Town of Weymouth, and for the more effectually securing to the said Town the advantages thereof. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 434. Whereas the town of Weymouth, in the count}^ of Norfolk, at a very considerable expense, purchased and opened a passage for the fish called alewives into Whitman's Pond and the Great Pond, so called, being wholly within said town, and conveyed into them a number of said fish, whereby a great increase has arisen ; it is therefore but just and reasonable that the benefits arising from the taking and disposing of the said fish should be wholly vested in the said town ; wherefore. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the taking and disposing of the said fish called alewives shall be under the care and management of a committee of the said town, who shall dispose of them in such man- ner, for the benefit of said town, as they shall judge best, and account with the treasurer of said town for the proceeds thereof, on or before the first da}' of November annually, and the money arising therefrom shall be appropriated to the use of schooling in said town ; and the said committee shall have a reasonable allowance for their service, and lay their accounts before the selectmen of said town for allow- ance and approbation ; and the said committee shall consist of five freeholders, chosen b}- ballot in the months of March or April annu- ally, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty ; and if an}' person chosen to serve on the said committee shall refuse to serve, or if chosen shall neglect to take said oath for the space of seven days after being legally notified of such choice, he shall forfeit and pay to the use of said town the sum of ten dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That tbe said committee, or either of them, shall have full power and authority to remove from or out of the river, brooks or streams leading to the said ponds, any ob- structions that may be made to the free passing of the said fish into the said ponds, or repassing from them into the sea ; and the said committee's going, or either of them, on to the land of any person or persons for this purpose, shall not be deemed or held as a trespass ; and the said committee, or the major part of them, shall determine the particular places where the said fish shall be taken, and give pub- lic notice thereof by posting up one or more notifications in some INLAND FISHEllIES. 87 conspicuous place or places in the said town, on or before the first daj' of May annually : provided, hoivever, that the said fish shall not be taken on any other days than Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, between the rising and setting of the sun on said days, nor by an}- other instrument or ways than b}' a scoop or dip-net. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That no person shall catch or take any of the said fish in any of the rivers, brooks or streams leading to or from the said ponds, without the direction or leave of the said committee, or the major part of them ; and whoever shall presume, at any time hereafter, to take, kill or haul ashore an}^ of the said fish, with seines or drag-nets, in either of the ponds aforementioned, or in Weymouth Back River, so called, or in the river, brooks or streams through which the said fish pass into the said ponds, or shall with any seines or drag-uets, or in any other way obstruct the passage of the said fish to or from the said ponds, or either of them, or shall ob- struct the said committee, or either of them, in the execution of their duty, in all and every of these cases the offender shall for each offence forfeit and pa^^ a sum not exceeding thirteen dollars nor less than ten dollars ; and in case the offence be committed in the night, a sum not exceeding thirty dollars nor less than twenty dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enacetd, That it shall be the duty of the said committee to give notice to the treasurer of the said town of Weymouth of all offences committed against this act that shall come to their knowledge ; and the treasurer thereof is hereby vested with full power and authorit}' to sue for and recover, from time to time, all fines and forfeitures incurred b}' any breach of this act, in an}' court proper to try the same ; and such fines and forfeitures shall be to the use of the said town, saving where an}' person shall give infor- mation of any breach of this act, the informer, upon conviction of the offender, shall be entitled to one-third part of the forfeiture ; and no person shall be considered as disqualified from being an evidence on any trial that may be had pursuant to this act on account of his being an inhabitant of the said town of Weymouth, or of his being one of the committee aforesaid. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That an act passed in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, entitled '• An Act empowering the town of Weymouth to regulate and order the taking and disposing of the fish called shad and alewives within the limits of that town," be and the same is hereby repealed, except for the purpose of recovering any fines or forfeitures that may have been incurred under the said act. — [March 7, 1801. [1825, 48; 1836, 198; 1846, 92.] 88 LAWS DELATING TO An Act to regulate the Alewive P'ishery in the Brook running out of Wakepee Pond (so called) into the Sea, in the Indian Plantation, called Marshpee, in the County of Barnstable. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 436. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the over- seers of the Indian plantation of Marshpee, or any two of them, shall annually appoint one or more suitable person or persons to inspect said brook, and to open, or cause to be opened, a sufficient passage-way for the fish to pass and repass through any mill-dams that now are or may be hereafter erected : provided, the owners of any such dams shall refuse or neglect to open such sufficient })assage-wa\' themselves, and cause the same to be kept open from the first day of April to the twenty-fifth day of May annually, and to prevent any wears or ob- structions of any kind which may be made across said brook, or any part thereof, which may impede the passage of said fish. And said committee shall regulate the times and places for taking said fish, giving liberty to the Indian inhabitants to take as many of said fish as may be needful for their own use. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall erect any wear, or obstructions of any kind, across said brook, so as to obstruct the passage of said fish, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than three dollars for each offence. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That any person not an inhabi- tant of the said plantation, who is desirous of purchasing any of the said fish, such person shall pay a sum not exceeding twent3'-five cents for each hundred, to be delivered them by such person or persons as the said committee shall appoint, and the proceeds of the same shall be applied to the exclusive benefit of the said Indian and mulatto inhabitants of said plantation. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted. That all forfeitures and penalties which may be incurred by an}- breach of this act, shall be recovered b}' any one or more of the said board of overseers of the said Indian plantation, in any couft in the said county of Barnstable proper to tr}- the same ; and all such forfeitures shall be applied to the exclu- sive benefit of the said Indian and mulatto inhabitants of said plan- tation of Marshpee. — [June 13, 1801. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. ill.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 375.] An Act repealing part of an Act entitled " An Act for Regulating the Alewive Fishery in the Gulf Stream, so called, which runs between the Towns of Scituate, in the County of Plymouth, and Cohasset, in the County of Norfolk," passed the fourth day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 450. Whereas the beneficial effects contem- plated by the act aforesaid have not been produced thereby : INLAND FISHERIES. 89 Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the aforesaid act, so far as it pro- vides that the selectmen of the towns of Scituate and Cohasset shall be fish-wardens, and so far as it respects the opening sluice-ways through the raill-dams that now are, or that may hereafter be erected, above the mill-dam erected by Elisha Doane and others, be and hereby is repealed. — [June 19, 1801. 1802. [Sp. Laws, vol.1, p. .313.] An Act in addition to the several Acts now in force, regulating the Taking of the Fish called Alewives in the Town of Middleltorough. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 469. Whereas doubts have arisen whether the inhabitants of the said town of Middleborough are authorized by law to agree with and hire an}- person or persons to take said fish and sell them at the price stipulated by law, and to account with the said inhabitants for the net proceeds of the same : therefore, Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of said town, at any legal meeting called for that as well as other purposes, by them- selves or a committee chosen by them for that purpose, to agree with and hire such person or persons as they may deem proper, to take said fish at an}' and all of the fishing places in said town, and to dis- pose of them at the price stipulated by law, being accountable to the inhabitants of said town for the net proceeds of the same. — [Jan. 21, 1802. [Sp Laws, vol. 2, p. 105.] Ax Act in further addition to an Act entitled " An Act to regulate the Alewive Fishery in the Town of Bridgewater, in the County of Plymouth, and for repealing all Laws heretofore made for that purpose," passed in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 495. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That it shall and ma}' be lawful for the town of Bridgewater, in the county of Plymouth, hereafter to take the fish called alewives in said town, at such times and places as were provided in an act entitled " An Act for regulating the alewive fishery in the town of Bridgewater, in the county of Plymouth, and for repealing all laws heretofore made for that purpose," passed the ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one ; any law to which this is in addition to the contrary notwithstanding. — [February 27, 1802. 90 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Alewives, in their passage up and down in the River and other Streams in the Town of Kingston, in the County of Plj'm- outh, and for regulating the Taking and Disposing of said Fish, and for repealing an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Alewives, in their passage up the Rivers and Streams in the Town of Kingston, in the County of Plym- outh." Sp. Laws, vol.2, p. 502. Sect. 1. Beit enacted, That the inhabit- ants of said town of Kingston, at their annual meeting in March or April, be and are hereb}' authorized and empowered to choose a committee of five or more pei'sons, to see that the laws respecting the passage- ways for said fish be observed ; and each person so chosen shall take an oath faithfully to discharge the duties required of him by law ; and the said committee shall oversee the taking of said fish in said town, and shall distribute the fish taken by them, or under their direc- tion, as equally as circumstances will admit, to such of the inhabitants of said town as may apply for the same ; and for the fish so supplied and delivered, the committee aforesaid shall demand and receive of the person or persons receiving said fish, payment therefor, at such rate or rates as the inhabitants of said town, at their annual meeting in March or April, ma}- direct ; excepting of such poor persons as may be named in a list, annually to be made out by the selectmen of said town, and who in the opinion of the selectmen are unable to pay for the same ; which list shall be given to the committee, and such persons borne on the same shall be supplied with such quantities of said fish, gratis, as the committee may think expedient. And the committee aforesaid shall have such allowance for theirt services as the inhabitants of said town, at the time of appointing said committee shall determine ; and shall annually, in the month of September next following their appointment, exhibit their accounts of the selectmen of said town for settlement and allowance, and pay the balance remaining in their hands, if any there be, to the treasurer of the town of Kingston for the town's use. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said committee, or the major part of them, be and are hereby authorized and empowered to open an}- dam, or the sluice of any mill or other water-works, erected or that ma}' be erected on or across the river, or any of the streams in said town, at the expense of the owner or owners of such dam or sluice : provided, such owner or owners shall neglect to open the same when thereto required by said committee, or the major part of them, as aforesaid. And the said committee shall also have full power to remove any other obstructions that may be made to the free passage of said fish, in the rivers and other streams into the several ponds in said town, and for their repassing from said ponds into the sea. And the said committee, or either of them, going or passing on INLAND FISHERIES. 91 or .icross the lands of any person, for any of the aforementioned pur- poses, shall not be deemed or held as a trespass ; and an}' dam, or sluice, or passage-way that may be opened as aforesaid, shall con- tinue open, to such depth and width, and for such length of time, as shall be necessarj' for the passing and repassing of the said fish as aforesaid. And if any person or persons shall obstruct the passage- wa}' allowed or ordered by said committee, or the major part of them, in any dam or sluice-wa}-, or shall obstruct the passage of them in the river, or any of the streams in said town, such person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than fifty dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons, other than the said committee, or such persons as shall be by them emploj'ed, shall take any of the said fish, in the river or in any part of any of the streams in said town, at any time, or by any wa^s or means whatsoever, each person so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twentj'-five dollars, nor less than five dollars for every such offence. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That the town of Kingston, at their meeting in March or April annually, shall appoint particular places in each stream in said town where said fish may be taken ; and no committee-man or person by them employed, or purchaser, shall be deemed a trespasser in going on the lands of any person in order to take said fish, on their paying a reasonable compensation therefor, if required. And the committee chosen as aforesaid, shall appoint certain days in each week, from the first da}- of April annually, not exceeding four for four weeks successively, when the said fish shall be taken ; and shall put up notifications in two public places in said town, of the times and places for taking said fish, before the tenth day of April annually. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred by a breach of this act, may be sued for and recovered by the treasurer of the town of Kingston, for the time being, in any court in the county of Plymouth proper to try the same ; and all sums so recovered shall be appropriated to the use of said town. And in case any minor or minors shall offend against any part of this act, and thereby incur any of the penalties aforesaid, in all such cases the parents, masters or guardians of such minor or minors shall be answerable therefor ; and in case of a prosecution of such minor or minors for any such offence, the action shall be commenced against the parents, masters or guardians of such minor or minors respectively, and judgment be rendered against any parent, master or guardian in such case, in the same manner as for his or their personal offence. And no person by reason of being an inhabitant of said town, or one of said committee, 92 LAWS RELATING TO shall be thereby disqualified from being a witness in any prosecution for a breach of this act. * Sect. 6. Be it further enacted. That an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called alewives, in their passage up the rivers and streams in the town of Kingston, in the count}' of Plymouth," passed on the eighth day of November, in the 3'ear of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, be and the same is hereby repealed. — [March 3, 1802. [1819, 125; 1857, 85.] An Act to regulate the Alewivc Fishery in the Towns of Lynn, I>ynnfield and Reading, in the Counties of Essex and Middlesex, and for repealing all Laws heretofore made for that purpose. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. .")04. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That it shall and maj' be lawful for the towns of Lynn and Lynnfield res})ectivel3', in the county of Essex, and the town of Reading, in the county- of Middlesex, annually, at any legal meeting of the inhabitants of said towns, to sell or otherwise dispose of the privilege of taking the said fish within their respective limits, at such times, not exceeding three days in a week, and places, and under such regulations as the said towns shall respec- tively direct ; and the emolument arising from said privilege shall be severally appropriated by said towns to such purposes and uses as the inhabitants thereof shall in town meeting from time to time determine. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if the purchaser or pur- chasers, manager or managers, or those emplo3'ed by them, shall presume to take any of the said fish at any other time or place in said towns, or an\- of them, than shall be l)y said towns respectively deter- mined ; and if any other person or persons whatever, except the pur- chaser or purchasers, manager or managers of said privilege, or those employed by them, shall presume to take or catch any of said fish in any of the rivers or streams within the boundaries of said towns respectively-, otherwise than may be by said towns respectively deter- mined, he or they so offending shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a simi not exceeding thirteen dollars, nor less than one dollar, at the discretion of the justice before whom the same shall be tried. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if the purchaser or pur- chasers, manager or managers of said privilege shall, when in his or their power, neglect or refuse to suppl}' any person or persons with said fish, when green, in any quantity' not exceeding one hundred to any one person who may apply therefor, at such rates as shall be determined by said towns respectivol}*, not exceeding twent3--five cents for one hundred of said fish, he or they so offending shall for each offence forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar ; and if any person shall ask, demand and receive more than twenty-five cents for one hundred of said fish, and in that proportion for a less number, at the INLAND FISHERIES. 93 landing where said fish are taken, he or they so offending shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said towns of Lynn, Lynnfield and Reading shall, at their respective annual meetings in March or April, severally choose a committee, not exceeding nine, nor less than three, freeholders of said towns, who shall be sworn or affirm to the faithful discharge of the duties enjoined upon them by this act ; and it shall be the duty of the said committee to cause the natural course of the rivers, passage-ways or streams through which said fish pass, to be kept open and without obstruction, during the whole time said fish pass up or down in said rivers, passage-ways or streams in each year, and to remove any such as shall be found therein ; and to make the said passage-ways wider and deeper, if they or the major part of them shall judge it necessary ; and the said several committees, or any two of either of them, paying a reasonable compensation therefor, if demanded, shall have authority, in dis- charging the duties enjoined upon them by this act, to go on the lands and meadows of any person through which such rivers, passage- ways or streams run, or into any building, mill or other water-works on said rivers or streams, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder the said committees, or either of them, in the execution of the business of his or their office, or shall obstruct any passage-way in the said rivers or streams, other- ways than may be allowed by the said committees, or a major part of them respectivel}-, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not exceeding ten dollars, nor less than one dollar, at the discretion of the justice before whom the same shall be tried : provided, nevertheless, that nothing in this act shall be con- sidered as authorizing the said committees to injure the proprietor of any mill or water-works further than is necessary in order to give the said fish a good and sufficient passage up the said rivers. ♦< Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the dut}' of the said committees respectively, to prosecute all breaches of this act, and for an}' two of them to seize and detain in their custod}^ any net which may be found in the hands of any person using the same, contrar}^ to the true intent and meaning of this act, until the person so offending makes satisfaction for his offence, or is legally acquitted therefrom ; and also to seize to the use of their respective towns, all such fish as they shall suspect to have been taken contrar}' to the provisions of this act, unless the person in possession thereof can give satisfactory evidence to such committee that said fish were lawfuU}' taken. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted. That all penalties incurred by any breach of this act shall be recovered by an action on the case, before any justice of the peace within and for the county where the 94 LAWS RELATING TO ofl'ence shall be committed, allowing an appeal to the court of common pleas of the same county ; and all sums of money recovered to either of the said towns as forfeited by this act, shall be for the support of the poor of the said towns respectively ; and no person by reason of his being one of either of the said committees respectively, or an inhabitant of either of the said towns, shall be thereby disqualified from being a witness in an}' prosecutions for a breach of this act. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That all laws heretofore made for regulating the fishery in the said towns of Lynn, Lynnfield and Read- ing, with joirat or separate authority, are hereb}' repealed. — [March 3, 1802. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 198 ; 1823, 97 ; 1852, 48.] ' [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p, 313.] An Act for the preservation and regulating the taking of Fish called Alewives, in the Brook running from the West Quitticus Pond to the East Quitticus Pond, near the line between the Towns of Middleborough and Rochester, in the Countj' of Plymouth. Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 516. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the said towns of Middleborough and Rochester shall annuall}^ at a regitlar town meet- ing, respectively choose an agent, whose duty it shall be annually to sell at public auction the privilege of taking said fish at said brook, on Tuesdays, Wednesda3's and Thursdays in each week, and publish their conditions of sale, wherein said agents shall express the price at which the purchasers shall sell said fish, which shall be at the rate of twenty-five cents per hundred, and also the manner of taking and dis- posing of the same. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the agent of the said town of Middleborough the first year, and the agent of the said town of Rochester the second year, and so on alternately forever, shall notify the town clerk of the other town concerned in said fishery, of the time and place in which said agents shall meet, ten daj's at least l)efore the time of meeting. Sect. d. Be it further enacted. That if either of said towns shall neglect to choose their respective agents as aforesaid, or if either of such agents shall neglect to give notice to the other, as above re- quired, such delinquent town or agent shall forfeit and pa}', to the use of the town which shall choose such agent, for each otfence the sum of thirty dollars. Sect. 4. Be it farther enacted. That all persons who shall take any of said fish in said brook, and be thereof convicted before any court proper to try the same, shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than two nor more than ten dollars ; except the purchaser or purchasers as aforesaid, or those employed by them, who shall have liberty to take said fish on said days. INLAND FISHERIES. 95 Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said agents, or any other person chosen by the said towns of Rochester and Middleborough respectively, to sue for the recovery of any forfeiture incurred by the breach of the regulations provided in this act ; and also of such further regulations as may from time to time be provided and established by said agents. And all fines and forfeitures re- covered for any breach aforesaid, except such as are mentioned in the third section of this act, shall, together with the net proceeds of said fishing, be equally divided between said towns ; and the treasurers of the towns aforesaid respectively, may, in behalf of their respective towns, recover in an action on the case, of any person or persons, corporation or corporations withholding the same, one moiety thereof, in any court proper to tiy the same. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That the purchasers of the privilege of taking said fish as aforesaid, shall in all respects conform themselves to such regulations and conditions as said agents shall publish in their conditions of sale as aforesaid, and in failure thereof shall forfeit and pay for each offence a fine not exceeding one hundred nor less than ten dollars. Sect. 7. Be it fartlier enacted, That either of the agents for the said towns of Middleborough and Rochester may be admitted as com- petent witness in any prosecution for the breach of any regulations as aforesaid ; and said agents, previous to entering upon the execution of their office, shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty, as other town officers are sworn. — [March 6, 1802. [1862, 202.] An Act authorizing the Erection of a Dam for certain purposes, and to regulate the Taking of Shad and Alewives in the Town of Middleton. Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 5. Whereas the waters running from the Great Pond in the town of Middleton, in the county of Essex, to Ipswich River, becomes so low during the summer season that shad and alewives cannot pass down to said river, but are detained in said pond, and great numbers of them perish during the winter season, to the great loss and damage of the inhabitants of said town : Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the town of Middleton aforesaid, may erect and keep in repair a dam, sluice and gate-way in the brook, at the beginning thereof, near the pond leading from said pond to said river, for the purpose of keeping so much water in said pond as may be sufficient to fill said brook, so that the 3'oung shad and alewives may pass down from said pond into said river: provided, that the water shall not be kept in said pond by means of said dam after the twentieth day of October in every year : ayid provided, also, that the gate in the sluice hereby authorized to be 96 LAWS RELATING TO erected, shall not be shut down before the twentieth day of April in every year. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of the said town of Middleton be t reby empowered to choose, at an}^ legal meet- ing of the inhabitants of said town, committees for the purpose of regulating, as the}' may think proper, the taking of shad and alewives in the waters of„t,he said pond, and the waters running into and from the same, and preventing obstructions to the said fish passing down said brook, with fines and penalties not exceeding three dollars for each offence, to be recovered in an}- court proper to try the same, one moiet}' to the person who may recover the same, and the other moiety to the use of the said town. — [June 18, 1802. [1856, 52.] 1803. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to regulate the Catching of Salmon, Shad and Alewives in Merrimack River, and the Streams emptying into the same." Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 43. Whereas it is found by experience that catching of fish at or near the mouth of Johnston's Brook, so called, emptying into Merrimack River, within the town of Bradford, in the county of Essex, greatlj' impedes and obstructs the fish from entering and passing up the said stream : Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act no person or persons shall be allowed to drag an}^ seine or set any net, pot or other machine, for the purpose of catching salmon, shad or alewives, or any other wa^'s obstruct said fish in their passage within thirty rods below or twent}^ rods above the mouth of said stream, in Merrimack River, on penalty of thirteen dollars and thirty- three cents for each ofl^ence, and the seine, net, pot or other machine so used, to be forfeited ; and the fine or fines, aforesaid shall be re- covered and applied in the same manner as fines for breaches of the act to which this is an addition. — [February 7, 1803. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 72.] An Act to regulate the taking of Alewives in the several Streams leading from Ipswich River to Prichard's Pond, in Topstield. Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 48. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the town of Topsfield, annuall}-, at any legal meeting of the inhabitants of the said town, to sell or otherwise dispose of the pri\ilege of taking alewives in the scA'cral streams leading from Ipswich River to Prichard's Pond, in said Topsfield, at such times not exceed- ing three days in a week, and at such places and under such regula- tions as the said town shall direct ; and the emolument arising from said privilege shall be appropriated b}^ the said town to such purposes INLAND FISHERIES. 97 and uses as tlic inhabitants thereof shall, from time to time, in town- meeting determine. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That if the pnrchaser or purchasers, manager or managers, or those employed by them, shall presume to take an}' of the said fish at an}' other time or place in the said town than shall be by said town determined ; and if any other person or per- sons whatever, except the purchaser or purchasers, manager or mana- gers, of the said privileges, or those emplo^'ed by them, in either of the streams aforesaid, shall take an}' alewives, said person or persons so offending shall, for each offence, forfeit and pa}' a sum not exceed- ing thirteen dollars nor less than one dollar, at the discretion of the justice before whom the same shall be tried. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That the said town of Topsfield shall, at their annual meeting in March or April, choose by ballot a committee, not exceeding seven nor less than three freeholders of said town, who shall be sworn or affirm to the faithful discharge of the duties enjoined upon them by this act ; and it shall be the duty of the said committee to remove, or cause to be removed, all obstructions or impediments out of the natural course of said streams or other passage-ways, as they, or the major part of them, shall judge obstruct and impede the passage of said fish, during the time of their passing up and down in each year ; and the said committee, or the major part of them, are empowered to open the natural course of the said streams, by making them wider and deeper, as well as other passage- ways which they may judge necessary for the passage of the said lish. And, the said committee, or any two of them, paying a reasona- ble compensation therefor if demanded, shall have authority, in dis- charging the duty enjoined upon them by this act, to go on the lands and meadows of any person through which said streams run, or into any building, mill, or other water-works on said streams, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder said committee, or either of them, in the execution of the business of his or their office, or shall obstruct any of the aforesaid streams or passage-ways, otherwise than may be allowed by the said committee, or the major part of them, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than one dollar, at the discretion of the justice before whom the same shall be tried : provided, neverthdess, that nothing in this act shall be considered as authorizing the said committee to injure the proprietor of any mill or other water-works further than is necessary in order to give the said fish a good and sufficient passage- way up the said stream. Sect, 4. Beit farther enacted, That if the purchaser or purchasers, manager or managers of the said privilege, shall, when in his or their 98 LAWS RELATING TO power, neglect or refuse to supply any person or persons with said fish, when green, in any quantitj- not exceeding one hundred to any one person who maj' apply therefor, at such rates as shall be deter- mined b}' the said town, not exceeding twenty-five cents for one hun- dred of said fish, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar ; and if any person or persons shall ask, demand and receive more than twenty- five cents for one hundred of said fish, and in that proportion for a less number, at the place of taking said fish, he or the}' so offending shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said committee to prosecute all breaches of this act, and for any two of them to seize and detain la their custod\', an}' net which may be found in the hands of any person using the same contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, until the person so offending makes satisfaction for his offence, or is legally acquitted therefrom ; and also to seize to the use of the said town, all such fish as the}' shall suspect to have been taken contrary to the provisions of tliis act, unless the person or persons in possession thereof can give satisfactory evidence to such committee that said fish were lawfully taken. Sect, 6. Be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred by any breach of this act, shall be recovered by an action on the case before any justice of the peace within and for the county of Essex, allowing an appeal to the court of common pleas for the same county ; and all sums of money recovered as forfeited by this act, shall be for the sup- ix)rt of the poor of the said town ; and no person, by reason of his being one of the said committee, or an inhabitant of the said town, shall thereby be disqualified from being a witness in any prosecution for a breach of this act. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That the fish-committee, or the major part of them, are hereby authorized to give liberty to any owner of any grist-mill standing on either of the aforesaid streams, to close the fish-ways, or either of them, after the first day of June annually, if they, or the major part of them, shall judge said fish have done passing up. Sect. 8. Be it farther enacted. That all laws heretofore made, relative to taking alewives in the aforesaid streams in said Topsfield, and relating to closing the fish-ways after the first day of June annu- ally, are hereby repealed. — [February 9, 1803. An Act regulating the Taking the Fish called Alewives, in the several Streams empty- ing into Merrimack River, in the town of Haverhill. Sp. Laws, vol 3, p. 54. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That it may and shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the said town of Haverhill, from INLAND FISHERIES. 99 time to time, at their aniui:il meeting in the month of March or April, to choose, by ballot, a comuiittce of freeholders in said town, whose duty it shall be to determine and order by whom and in what place or places the said fish may be taken in the several streams emptying into the Merrimack River, within the town aforesaid ; and shall cause a copy of such order, signed by said committee, or any two of them, to be posted up in some public place in said town. And any person who shall violate such order, upon conviction thereof shall forfeit and pa}' a sum not exceeding five dollars nor less than two dollars : 2)rovided, the quantity of fish so taken be less than one barrel. But for every barrel of fish so taken contrary to this law, any person con- victed thertof shall forfeit and pny the sum of seven dollars, to be recovered before any justice of the peace in the county of Essex before whom the complaint shall be made. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted,, That the committee aforesaid, or the major part of them, are hereby authorized and empowered to open such sluice or passage-ways through or round any dams erected, or that shall be erected across said streams, as they shall judge necessary for the free passage of said fish, and to remove lumber and every other obstruction to the free passage of said fish ; to erect racks or wooden frames, as they shall judge necessarj-, in said streams through which said fish pass, they being restricted in such opening and clearing to do the same as little to the damage of the owner or owners as ma}^ be ; and such passage so opened by the committee aforesaid, shall continue open, if the}- judge it necessary, from the tenth day of April to the last day of May annually. And if an}' person or persons shall un- lawfully obstruct the passage or passages for said fish, remove or injure any rack or racks that shall be erected by said committee on said streams, such person or persons so offending, upon conviction thereof, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars nor less than forty dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any of said committee, or their assistants, while in the execution of their office, to go upon the land adjoining to said streams without being considered as trespassers ; and any person or persons who shall attempt to hinder or molest said committee, or either of them, in the execution of their office, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, nor less than ten dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said committee be and hereby are authorized and directed to distribute, or cause to be dis- tributed, the fish that may be taken by them, or any person or persons under them, as equally as circumstances will admit, to such persons 100 LAWS RELATING TO as appl}^ for the same ; and for the fish so supplied, the committee aforesaid, or their agent or agents, shall demand a sum not exceeding twenty-five cents for each hundred of said fish so delivered, excepting of certain poor persons of said town of Haverhill, who in the opinion of the selectmen of said town, are unable to pa\' for the same, and such persons shall be supplied, gratis, with such quantities, as the said committee sliall judge expedient. And the said committee shall on the first town-meeting after the month of May annually, exhibit an account of all the fish disposed of by them, and the balance, if any remains, after paying them a reasonable compensation for their ser- vices, shall be paid into the treasury of said town, for the benefit thereof. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That the committee so chosen shall, before the^' enter upon the duties of their office, be sworn faith- fully to discharge the duties required of them by said town, agreeable to this act. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That any of the inhabitants of said town of Haverhill, not concerned in violating this act, may be admit- ted as witnesses in any action that may be brought for any penalties aforesaid, they being inhabitants of said town notwithstanding. Sect, 7. Be it further enacted, That no person or persons shall, after passing this act, be allowed to catch salmon, shad or alewives, or drag any seine, or set any net, pot or other machine, for the pur- pose of taking or catching said fish, or any otherwise obstruct said fish in their passage within thirty rods below, or twenty rods above the mouth of any streams in the town of Haverhill, emptying into Merrimack River, where said fish usually pass up, on penalty of thirteen dollars, to be recovered before any court proper to try the same ; and the seine, net. pot or other machine, so used to be forfeited. Sect. 8. Be it further enacted. That the times and manner pre- scribed for taking said fish in an act passed March 4th, 1790, entitled " An Act to regulate the catching of salmon, shad and alewives, and to prevent obstructions in Merrimack River, and in the other rivers and streams running into the same, within this Commonwealth ; and for repealing several acts heretofore made for that purpose," shall be observed as the times and manner for taking said fish in the said streams in the town of Haverhill ; and if any person shall take any of said fish at any other time or in any other manner than is prescribed in the act last recited, he shall, for each offence, be subject to such penalty as is provided in the said act for the same offence, to be ap- propriated in the same manner as the other forfeitures in this act. Sect. 9. Be it further enacted, That if any person is found at- tempting to take any of said fish at any time or place, otherwise than is provided by this act, or if any of said fish shall be found in the INLAND FISHERIES. 101 possession of an}' person, such person or persons shall be deemed to liavc taken them unlawfully, and shall be subject to the penalties by this act prescribed, unless he or they shall make it appear upon trial that the}' came b}' said fish lawfully. Sect. 10. Be it further enacted. That all fines and forfeitures in- curred b}' breach of this act, shall enure, one moiety thereof to him or them who shall complain or make information of the same, and the other moiet}' to the said town of Haverhill. — [February 9, 1803. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 43.] An Act to regulate the taking of the Fish called Alewives in Johnston's Brook, so called, emptj'ing into Merrimack River, in the Town of Bradford, and for clearing the passage-way of said fish, from said Merrimack River to Johnston's Pond, and from thence to Little Pond, so called. Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 73. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the passing of this act, the said fish may be taken between where the said Johnston's Brook crosses the road, near Benjamin Morse's and Carlton's grist-mill dam, and in no other place in said brook or passage- wa}' from Merrimack River to Little Pond, so called, and on such da3's onl}' as are allowed by law for catching fish in Merrimack River ; and on such of those days, and in such place or places within those limits, as a committee who may be appointed by the town, as is here- inafter provided, may direct. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of the town of Bradford, at their meeting for the choice of town officers in March or April annually, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to choose b}' ballot, three or five persons, being freeholders in said town, a committee to oversee the taking of the said fish as aforesaid ; which committee shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their trust, and shall distribute the fish taken by them, or under their direction, as equally' as circumstances will admit, to such of the inhabitants of the said town, or other persons, as may apply for the same ; and for fish so supplied and delivered, the committee aforesaid shall demand and receive of the person or persons applying therefor payment, at such rate or rates as the inhabitants of said town at their annual meeting in March or April may direct ; excepting of such poor persons as shall be named in a list to be annually made out by the selectmen of the town, and who, in the opinion of said selectmen, are unable to pay for the same ; which list shall be given to the committee, and the person or persons borne on said list shall be supplied with such quan- tities of said fish gratis as the committee think expedient ; and the committee aforesaid shall have such allowance fur their services as the inhabitants of said town, in open town meeting, may determine ; and shall annually, in the month of September ne.^t after their appointment, exhibit their accounts to the selectmen for settlement, 102 LAWS RELATING TO and pay the balance, if any there is, into the town treasury, for the benefit of said town. Sect, 3. Be it farther enacted., Tliat the committee to be chosen as aforesaid, or the major part of them, be and they are hereb}^ author- ized to clear any obstructions, or open any dam, or the sluice of any mill or other water-works that is or may be erected on or over said brook or passage-wa3% at the expense of the owner or owners of such dam or sluice-wa}' : provided., such owner or owners shall neglect to open the same when thereto required by said committee, or the major part of them, as aforesaid ; and the dam or sluice-way so opened shall continue to such width and depth, and for such length of time (not exceeding sixty days in one year), as said committee, or the major part of them, may think necessar3% with the least possible damage to the proprietor or proprietors of such mill or water- works ; and if any person or persons shall obstruct the passage-ways allowed or ordered by the said committee, or the major part of them, in an}' dam or sluice-way, or shall obstruct the passage of the said fish in an\- other part of said brook or passage-wa}' than is permitted b}' this act, such person or persons so oflfending shall forfeit and pay a sura not exceeding one hundred and fiftj' dollars, nor less than thirty dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted., That if any person or persons other than the committee, or such person or persons as shall be by them employed, shall take an}' of said fish in said brook or passage-wa}', or any part of it, at any time or b}' any waj's or means whatsoever, each person so offending shall forfeit and pay a sura not exceeding seven dollars, nor less than four dollars for each oflTence. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted^ That the committee chosen as aforesaid, or either of them, or any person employed b}- them, shall have authority', for the purposes aforesaid, to go on the land or meadow of any person through which such brook or passage-way passes, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder said committee, or any of them, or any person employed b}' them, in the execution of their duty, shall be subject to the same penalties as b}^ this act is incurred for placing obstructions on said brook or passage-way. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That if the committee or either of them shall detect an}' person or persons in attempting to take any of said fish, at any time or place, or in any manner otherwise than is allowed by the said committee, or shall find any such fish with any such person or persons, they shall be deemed and considered to have taken such fish unlawfully, and shall be subject to the penalties of this act accordingly, unless such person or persons can make it appear (on trial) that they came by said fish in some other wa}'. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That if any minor or servant shall INLAND FISHERIES. 103 be found taking an}' of said fish in anj'wise contrary to this act, or contrary to the rules and regulations of said town of Bradford, or their committee as aforesaid, the parents, guardians or masters of such minors or servants shall be held to pay all fines incurred by them for anj' breach of this act or the rules and orders of the town aforesaid. Sect. 8. Be it farther enacted. That it shall be the duty of the committee of the town, chosen as aforesaid, and of the selectmen, to prosecute for any breach of this act, and all prosecutions on this act shall be brought in the name of the town treasurer for the time being, and all fines or forfeitures recovered thereby shall accrue one moiety to the complainant and the other moiety to the use of the town. Sect. 9. Be it further enacted, That no person shall be consi' the com- mittee aforesaid, or by their direction, such person so offending shall forfeit and pay for ever}' such offence a sum not exceeding one hun- dred and fifty dollars nor less than thirty dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted. That the committee to be cbosen as aforesaid, or the major part of them, be and they are hereby authorized to clear any obstructions, and to open the natural course of said streams, by making them wider and deeper, or to open any dam, or the sluice-way of any mill or other water-works, that is or may be erected over said streams or passage-ways : provided, such owner or owners shall neglect to open the same when thereto required bj' said committee, or the major part of them as aforesaid ; and the dam or sluice-way so opened shall continue open to such width and depth, and for such length of time (not exceeding sixt}' days in one year) as said committee, or the major part of them, ma}' think neces- sary, with the least possible damage to the proprietor or proprietors of such mill or water-works ; and if any person or persons shall obstruct the passage-ways allowed and ordered by said committee, or the major part of them, or shall obstruct the passage of said fish in any other parts of said streams or passage-ways than is permitted by this act, such person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay a sura not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars, nor less than thirty dol- lars. Sect. 5. Be it further enicted. That if any person or persons, other than the committee, or such person or persons as shall be by them employed, shall take any of said fish in said streams or passage-ways, or any part thereof, at any time, or by any way or means whatsoever, each person so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding seven dollars, nor less than four dollars for each offence. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That the committee chosen as afore- said, or either of them, or any person employed by them, paying a reasonable compensation therefor, if demanded, shall have authority, for the purposes aforesaid, to go on the land or meadow of any per- son through which such streams or passage-ways pass, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder said committee, or any of them, or any person employed by them, in 108 LAWS RELATING TO tbe execution of their duty, shall be subject to the same penalties as by this act Is incurred for placing obstructions on said streams and passage-ways. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That if the committee or either of them shall detect any person or persons in attempting to take any of said fish at anj-time and place, or in anj' manner, otherwise than is allowed b}' said committee, or shall find any such fish with anj^ person or per- sons, they shall be considered and deemed to have taken such fish unlawfull}', and shall be subject to the penalties of this act accordingly, unless such person or persons can make it appear, on trial, thej' came b}' said fish in some other wa}'. Sect. 8. Be it farther enacted, That if anj- minor or servant shall be found taking any of said fish, in any way contrary to this act, or contrary to the rules and regulations of the said town of Bosford, or their committee as aforesaid, the parents, masters or guardians of such servants or minors shall be held to pay all fines incurred by tliem for any breach of this act, or the rules and orders of the town afore- said. Sect. 9. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the committee of the town, chosen as aforesaid, to prosecute for any breach of this act ; and all prosecutions shall be brought in the name of the town treasurer for the time being, by an action on the case, in an}' court proper to try the same ; and all fines or forfeitures recovered thereb}' sliall accrue, one-half thereof to the complainant, and the other half to the use of the town ; and no person, by reason of his being one of the said committee or an inhabitant of said town, shall thereby be disqualified from being a witness in any prosecution for a breach of this act.— [March 3, 1804. An Act to preserve and regulate the Fisliery in the towns of Rehoboth and Swanzey, in the County of Bristol, and for repealing an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Shad and Alewives, in their passage up the Rivers and Streams in the town of Rehoboth, in the county of Bristol," passed June 27, 1786. Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 378. Sect. 1. Beit enacted. That from and after the passing of this act there shall not be an}' seine or drag-net set or drawn at anj' time in Palmer's River, in said Rehoboth ; and that no seine or drag-net shall be set or drawn in said river within the town of Swanze}-, between the first day of April and the twentieth da}^ of June annually, only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, between the rising of the sun and the setting of the same on each of said da^'s. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted, That if anj' person or persons shall at any time draw or set any seine or drag-net in said Palmer's River, in said town of Rehoboth, or shall draw or set an}' seine or drag-net in said river in said town of Swanzey, between the first day of April and the twentieth day of June annually, except as abovesaid on INLAND FISHERIES. 109 Monday, Tuesda\' and Wednesday, between the rising and setting of the sun on each of said days, he or they so offending shall forfeit and pa}- a fine of seven dollars for each and every offence. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That no fish shall be taken in said river, or in any brook or branch of said river, either in the said town of Rehoboth or Swanzey, with scoop-nets, only on Monday, Tiiesda}' and Wednesday nights, between the setting of the sun and the rising of the same on each day ; and that no wears shall be built in said river, up stream, from the south-west corner of a lot of land on the west side of said river, in said Rehoboth, belonging to Capt. Daniel Davis, adjoining to Capt. Samuel Bullock's land ; and that there shall be no driving said river, or brooks with poles or otherwise ; and that no fish be taken in said Palmer's River, within two rods of the bridge over the same near Philip Miller's, nor within five rods of the place where the brook that runs out of the pond near Richard Perse's enters said river. Sect. 4. Be it farther enacted, That no wears be made in Runins* River, in said Rehoboth, in any year, until after the first day of June ; and that no fish be taken in said Runins' River, within one rod of any bridge over said river ; and that no fish be taken in said Runins' River, only on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, between the setting of the sun and the rising of the same on each day ; and that no fish be taken in said river, north of the south line of Joseph West's land, on said river ; and that there be no driving of fish in said river with poles or otherwise. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall make any wear or take any fish in either of said rivers or brooks, at any other time or in any other place than is allowed by this act, or shall at any time drive the fish in either of said rivers or brooks, with poles or otherwise, each person so offending shall pay a fine not exceeding four dollars nor less than two dollars for each offence. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted. That all the penalties incurred by a breach of this act, may be sued for and recovered before any justice of the peace in the county of Bristol ; and all sums so recovered as forfeited by this act, shall be appropriated, one moiet}' thereof to the prosecutor and the other moiety for the use of the town in which the forfeiture shall happen. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That the aforesaid act, entitled "An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called shad and ale- wives in their passage-way up the rivers and streams in the town of Rehoboth, in the county of Bristol," be and it is hereby repealed. — [March 6, 1804. [1819, 11 ; 1820, 51 ; 1836, 130.] 110 LAWS RELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 504.] An Act in addition to " An Act to regulate the Alewive Fishery in the towns of L)-nn , Lynnficld and Reading, in tlie counties of Essex and Middlesex, and for repealing all Laws heretofore made for that purpose." Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 398. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the com. mittees chosen and appointed as required by the fourth section of the act to which this is an addition, shall cause the natural t;ourse of the rivers, passage-ways or streams through which the fish men- tioned in said act shall or ma}' pass, to be opened in each j'ear on the tenth day of April. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That no person or persons, author- ized by the act to which this is in addition to take fish in any river, stream or passage-ways, as in said act is mentioned, shall take any fish as aforesaid except on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdaj'S in each week; anything in the said act to the contrarj' notwithstanding. Sect. 3. Be it farther enacted^ That if an}' person or persons shall extend an}' wear or other obstruction across said river, stream or passage-way, or shall extend, fasten and confine any seine across the same, the person or persons so oflTending shall be subject and liable to, and shall forfeit and pay such sura as is provided in the second section of the act to which this is in addition, to be recovered and appropri- ated as in said act is described. — [March 8, 1804. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 431.] An Act in addition to and repealing the fourth Section of an Act entitled " An Act for providing a Passage for Fish from Mystic River to Ell Fond, in the town of Maiden." Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 399. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That it shall not be lawful to take shad or alewives in Ell Pond, in the town of Maiden, or in any part of the stream running therefrom into Mystic River ; and any person oflTending herein shall for each offence forfeit and pay a sum of not more than twenty dollars nor less than five dol- ars, to be recovered by an action of debt before any court proper to try the same, one half to the use of the town of Maiden, the other half to the use of him or them who may sue therefor. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That Samuel Tufts, mentioned in the act to which this is in addition, from the fifteenth day of April to the fifteenth day of May annually, shall not draw oflf the water from the said stream so as to reduce the same below the passage-way men- tioned in said act, unless by license from the fish committee appointed by said town of Maiden ; and if by virtue of such license the said Samuel Tufts, or any other person, shall reduce the water below the said passage-way, the person who shall so reduce the water shall be held to make and keep open some other passage-way for said fish, to the acceptance of the committee aforesaid ; and if there shall be at any INLAND FISHERIES. Ill time more than one mill on the said stream, the owners thereof shall be held to make and keep open during the term aforesaid, a passage- way by each mill, and the committee shall have power to determine the sufficiency of such passage-way, and also to regulate the time of grinding for each mill, so that the time allowed to all the mills may be equal to thirty days' grinding of one mill from the fifteenth day of April to the fifteenth day of May annually' ; and an}' person offending against either of the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay not more than twenty- dollars nor less than ten dollars, to be recovered by an action of debt before any court proper to try the same, one half to the use of the town of Maiden, the other half to him or them who may sue therefor. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That the fourth section of the act to which this is in addition be and the same is hereby repealed ; and this act is to continue and be in force until the expiration of the said act, and no longer. — [March 9, 1804. An Act for the preservation and to regulate the Taking of the Fish called Shad and Alewives, in the Stream called Miles River, in Wenham, Hamilton and Ipswich, in the County of Essex. Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 431. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the several towns of Wenham, Hamilton and Ipswich shall, at their an- nual meeting for the choice of officers, respectively choose annually a committee of three persons in each town, whose duty it shall be, in the months of March or April annually, to sell at public vendue the privilege of taking said fish in such places and in such manner as a majority of the said committee shall agree upon, in said towns of Wenham, Hamilton and Ipswich, in said Miles River, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in each week, for so long a time in each 3'ear as said committee shall agree upon ; and said committee, before they enter on the execution of their office, shall be sworn to the faithful and impartial discharge of their duty in the same manner as other town officers are ; and the net proceeds of said sale shall be equally divided between the said three towns. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the committee of the town of Wenham the first year, the committee of the town of Hamilton the second 3'ear, and the committee of the town of Ipswich the third j-ear, and so on in rotation forever hereafter, shall notify the town clerks of the other towns concerned in said fishing, of the time and place in which said committee shall meet, said notice to be served ten days at least before the time of meeting ; at which and all subsequent meetings, the majority present shall have the authorit}' of the whole committees ; and said committee shall give due notice in each of said towns, of the time and place, and the sale of said right of catching 112 LAWS EELATING TO said fish ; and at the vendue shall publish the conditions in writing, expressing the manner of taking as well as the length of time in each year. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all persons, except the pur- chaser or purchasers, or those employed by them, who shall take any of said fish in said Miles River, to the margin of Wenham Pond, shall pay a sum not exceeding thirteen nor less than five dollars for each offence. Sect. 4. Be it farther enacted. That if either of said towns shall neglect to choose their proportion of said committee, as is required by this act, or if such committee, when chosen, whose duty it shall be to notify the clerks of the other towns of the proposed time for the whole committee to meet as aforesaid, shall neglect to give such notice as aforesaid, the town so neglecting, or whose committee shall so neglect, shall forfeit all right to fishing in said river for the current year. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That the owner or occupier of any dam on said river, shall annually, betwixt the tenth day of April and the tenth day of June following, for such term and in such manner as said committees shall direct, open a suflBcient sluice-way or passage for said fish ; and the ovvner or occupier of such dam, who shall neglect, after proper notice from said committee, to open or continue open as aforesaid, a sluice-way, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than fifty dollars ; and if any person shall make any wear or other obstruction to the passage of said fish, or shall make use of any seine in said river (except as shall be allowed by said committee to any purchaser of the right of taking fish in said river), the person so offendiug shall forfeit and pay the sum of thirteen dollars. Sect. 6. Be it farther enacted, That each of the treasurers of the aforesaid towns, for the time being, are hereby authorized upon the complaint of the committee aforesaid, to sue for any forfeiture incurred by the breach of any of the regulations provided in this act, and also for the breach of such farther regulations as may from time to time be provided by the committee aforesaid. And all sums and forfeitures recovered for any breaches aforesaid shall, with the pro- ceeds of said fishing, be equally divided between the aforesaid towns ; and the said treasurers, or either of them, recover the said penalties, or any of them, in an action of the case, before any court proper to try the same. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted , That the purchaser or purchasers of the right of taking said fish shall, at all times, deliver to the poor of the several towns aforesaid, such number of fish taken as afore- said, gratis, as the committee shall order and direct, and shall in all INLAND FISHEKIES. 113 respects conform to such regulations as said committee shall publish in their conditions of sale ; and for each offence in breaking said regu- lations, shall forfeit and pay a sum not more than fifty dollars, nor less than twenty dollars. Sect. 8. Be it further enacted, That the committee chosen as aforesaid, or either of them, or any person emploj'ed by them, shall haA'e authority, for the purposes aforesaid, to go on land or meadow of any person through which such river or passage-wa^' passes, with- out being considered trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder said committee, or any of them, or any person employed by them in the execution of their duty, shall be subject to the same penal- ties as by this act is incurred for placing obstructions on said river. Sect. 9. Be it further enacted, That every part and clause of the several laws, made for regulating the taking of shad and alewives in Ipswich River and the branches thereof, and for preserving the same, shall cease to operate or have any effect on Miles River and Wenham Pond aforesaid. — [March 9, 1804. [1814, 22.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to regulate the Catching Salmon, Shad and Alewives, and to prevent Obstructions in Merrimack River, and in the other Rivers and Streams running into the same, within this Commonwealth ; and for repealing several Acts heretofore made for that purpose." Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 441. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That as long as there shall be upheld and maintained any mill or mills at the mouth of Stoney Brook, so called, in the town of Chelmsford, in the county of Middlesex, or there shall be erected or kept any dam or dams across the said stream, for the working of such mill or mills, it shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of any such mill, to cause to be made and kept open a sluice or passage-way for fish to pass up and down through the dam in the same part thereof, where the passage- way now is, which sluice so to be kept open, shall not be more than eighteen inches nor less than twelve inches in width, and such owner or occupant shall be holden to keep the passage-way below the dam in good repair, as the same is now constructed. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That so long as the owner or occupant of such mill or mills as aforesaid, shall cause to be made and left open a sluice or passage-way through and over such dam as aforesaid, of the form and dimensions aforesaid, for the free passage of fish up and down the said brook, such proprietor or occupant shall not be subject to any prosecution under or by virtue of the act to which this is in addition, nor to any of the forfeitures and penalties therein contained ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwith- standing. 114 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 3. Be it further enacted., That this act shall continue and be in force for the term of three 3'ears from the passing thereof, and no longer. — [March 9, 1804. 1805. An Act authorizing the Inhabitants of the Town of Newton, in the County of Middlesex, to regulate the taking of Fish called Shad and Alewives within the limits of the said Town. Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 49-i. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of said town of Newton, to sell the right and regulate the times, places and man- ner of taking said fish within the limits of said town, not exceeding in point of time three da3's in a week ; and the inhabitants of said town, at their annual meeting in March or April, are hereby author- ized and empowered to appoint agents, whose dut}^ it shall be to carry into execution the purposes of this act. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the agents aforesaid maj^ in behalf of said town, and for their use and benefit, sell the right and regulate the times, places and manner of taking said fish within the town aforesaid ; and for the proceeds of said sale of right, said agents shall be held to account with and paj^ to the said inhabitants, from time to time in such mauner as the}' may direct or vote in said meet- ings in March or April. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said agents shall forth- with, after establishing such rules and regulations, and determining by whom said fish may be taken, cause a copy thereof, under their hands, to be posted up in two or more public places within the said town ; and if an}' person or persons, other than those to whom said right shall be sold as aforesaid, shall take any of said fish called shad and alewives within the town aforesaid, or if an}' person or persons to whom said right shall be sold as aforesaid, shall take any of said fish at any other time, in any other place, or in any other manner than shall be expressed in the conditions of the sale to them, such person or persons so offending, shall severally, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay treble the value of said fish so taken, to be recovered in an action on the case, to the use of any person who may sue for the same. — [February 16, 1805. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the Destruction of Alewives and other Fish in Ipswich River, and to promote the increase of the same," passed the twenty-eighth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hun- dred and eighty-eight. Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 524. Whereas the provision in the first sec- tion of the act entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction of Alewives and other Fish in Ipswich River, and to promote the increase of the INLAND FISHERIES. 115 same," passed the twenty-eighth da}' of March, in the 3ear of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eight3'-eight, designating the time for the passage-ways to be opened for the fish to pass and repass, is found inconvenient ; therefore, Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, the time for the passage-way or ways to be kept open for said fish to pass and repass through an}' mill-dam or dams now erected, or hereafter to be erected, on that part of said Ipswich River which is below Flint's and Meriam's mills, or any stream or streams running from any natural pond into the same, shall be from the tenth day of April to the third day of June annually ; anything in the above-mentioned act to the contrary notwithstanding. — [March 11, 1805. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] An Act in addition to and for repealing a certain Clause in an Act passed March twentj'-eighth, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, entitled " An Act to prevent the Destruction of Alewives and other Fish in Ipswich River, and to encourage the increase of the same." 1805, ch. 29. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the future using and improving of Barnabas Dodge's saw-mill, standing on Ipswich River, at Warner's mill-dam, so called, within the towns of Ipswich and Hamilton, from the last day of April to the first day of June annually, shall be under the directions, regulations and restrictions of the major part of the selectmen of the towns of Ipswich, Hamilton, Topsfield, Middleton and Reading, for the time being ; such directions, regula- tions and restrictions being made in writing under the hands of the major part of the selectmen aforesaid, and delivered to the said Dodge from time to time as shall be found necessary. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That for every omission or violation of such directions, regulations or restrictions as aforesaid, the said Dodge shall be subject to such penalties and forfeitures as are incurred by an Act entitled "An Act to prevent the Destruction of Alewives and other fish in Ipswich River, and to encourage the increase of the same," for using and improving said mill, within the term aforesaid ; to be sued for, recovered and applied in manner as is prescribed in the said act. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That the sixth clause of the afore- mentioned act, so far as it respects the improving and using the said Dodge's saw-mill, within the term therein mentioned, shall be and hereby is repealed. — [February 11, 1806. An Act authorizing the Inhabitants of the Town of Acton, in the County of Middle- sex, to regulate the talfing of Fish called Shad and Alewives within the limits of said Town. , 1805, 43. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Acton, to sell the right and regulate the time, places and manner of 116 LAWS RELATING TO taking shad and alewives within the limits of said town, not exceed- ing in point of time three da^'s in a week ; and the inhabitants of said town, at their annual meeting in March or April, are hereby- authorized and empowered to appoint agents, whose duty it shall be to carr}^ into execution the purposes of this act. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the agents aforesaid may, in behalf of said town, and for their use and benefit, sell the right and regulate the times, places and manner of taking said fish within the town aforesaid ; and for the proceeds of the sale of said right, said agents shall be held to account with and pa}' to the said inhabitants, from time to time in such manner as they shall direct by vote in said meetings in March or April. Sect. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the said agents shall forth- with, after establishing such rules and regulations, and determining \)y whom said fish may be taken, cause a cop}' thereof, under their hands, to be posted up in two or more public places within the said towns ; and if an}' person or persons, other than those to whom said right shall be sold as aforesaid, shall take any of the said fish within the town aforesaid, or if any person or persons to whom said right shall be sold as aforesaid, shall take an}' of said fish at any other time, in any other place, or in any other manner than shall be ex- pressed in the conditions of the sale to them, such person or persons, so oflending, shall severalh', and for each and ever}' offence, forfeit and pay treble the value of said fish so taken, to be recovered in an action on the case, to the use of any -person who may sue for the same. — [February 25, 1806. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 117.] An Act to remove and prevent Obstrnctions to the passage of Shad, Alewives and other fish in Parker River and the Falls River, so called, in the County of Essex, and the Streams and Brooks running into the said Falls River. 1805, 76. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That all the owners or occu- pants of any mill-dam, or other dam heretofore erected and made, or that shall hereafter be made across the rivers, streams or brooks aforesaid, shall, at their own expense, within six months after the passing of this act, make a sufficient way round or through their respective dams, for the passage of shad, alewives and other fish up into the ponds connected with said rivers ; and shall at their own expense keep open such passage-ways, from the fifteenth day of April to the first day of June in every succeeding year ; and no owner or occupant of any such mill-dam, shall at any time between the fifteenth day of April and first day of June in every year, draw off the water at his mill in such manner as not to leave the sluice-ways, which shall be made as aforesaid, full of water ; and if any such sluice-way be INLAND FISHERIES. 117 closer! or shut within the times aforesaid, the owner or occivpant of the dain wlierc such shiice-wa}' is made, and also everj' such owner or occupant who shall draw oft' the water at his mill, contrary to the provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pa}- a sum not exceeding five hundred nor less than one hundred dollars for each offence, to be recovered b\' indictment before the court of common pleas in and for said county of Essex ; one-half thereof to the use of the Common- wealth, and the other to the use of the poor of the town where the offence shall be committed. Sect. 2. And whereas the petitioners for the removal of said obstructions, and the parties interested in the several dams aforesaid have mutually agreed that Aaron Hobart, Esquire, of Abington, be appointed to repair to said dams, at the expense of the said peti- tioners, and to determine the dimensions and the most proper place in each dam for the passage-ways aforesaid : Be it further enacted, That the said Aaron Hobart, Esquire., be, and he is hereb}' appointed to repair to and examine said dams, at the ex- pense of the said petitioners, and there to order and determine the most proper place at each dam for making such passage-wa3-s, the breadth and depth thereof, and the manner in which they shall be made, and to make a return, in writing, on or before the first day of July next, of his doings herein, into the office of the secretary of this Common- wealth, to be there filed and kept with the records of the Common- wealth ; and ever}' such passage-way, made and kept conformably to the order and determination of the said Aaron Hobart, to be made as aforesaid, shall be taken and considered as a good and sufficient way for the passage of said fish, according to the provisions of this act. Sect. 3. Provided, nevertheless, and be it further enacted, That if the said Aaron Hobart shall not, on or before the first day of July next, make his order and determination in the premises and return the same as aforesaid, the court of sessions for the county of Essex shall and may at any term thereof, on application of any party inter- ested, cause the place and the dimensions of the passage-ways round or through the several dams aforesaid to be fixed and determined in the manner heretofore provided by law ; and in case any new dams shall be hereafter erected and made across any of the rivers, streams or brooks aforesaid, the said court of sessions shall and may in like manner cause the place and dimensions of the passage-ways round or through said new dams to be fixed and determined according to law ; and provided, also, that this act shall be in force until the first day of May, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and until the end of the then next session of the general court, and no longer. — [March 3, 1806. [1808, 91 ; 1812, 106 ; 1837, 195.] 118 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to regulate the Taking of the Fish called Shad and Alewives within the limits of the Town of Hinghani.and for the effectual securing to the said Town the advantages thereof. 1805, 91. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the taking and disposing of the said fish called shad and alewives in the town of Hingliam shall be under the care and management of a committee of the said town, who shall dispose of said fish in such manner as they shall judge most beneficial to the town, and shall render to the town treas- urer an account of the proceeds thereof on or before the first day of November annually ; and the said committee shall have a reasonable allowance for their services, and lay their account thereof before the selectmen of the said town for their allowance and approbation ; and the said committee shall consist of five freeholders, chosen by ballot in the month of March or April annually, who shall be sworn or affirmed to the faithful discharge of their duty ; and if any person chosen to serve on the said committee, or if chosen shall neglect to take the oath or affirmation for the space of seven days after being legally notified of such choice, he shall forfeit and pa}- to the use of the said town the sum of ten dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said committee, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority to open a suffi- cient passage-way for said fish from the waters in Ware River, so called, into Accord Pond, so called, and to remove from out of the river, brooks or streams issuing from Accord Pond, any obstructions that ma}' be made to the free passing of the said fish into the said pond, or repassing from the said pond to the sea ; and the said com- mittee, or either of them, going on to the land of any person or persons for this purpose, shall not be deemed trespassers ; and the said committee, or the major part of them, shall determine the partic- ular places where the said fish shall be taken, and give public notice thereof hy posting up one or more notifications in some conspicuous place or places in the said town, on or before the first day of May annually ; and the said fish shall not be taken on any other days than Monday, Wednesday and Friday, between the rising and the setting of the sun on the said days, nor by any other instrument than by a scoop or dip-net. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That no person shall catch or take an}' of the said fish in any of the waters issuing from Accord Pond, or in any other streams within the said town, without the leave of the said committee, or the major part of them ; and whoever shall presume, at any time hereafter, to take, kill or haul on shore any of the said fish, with seines or drag-nets, in said Ware River, through which the said fish pass into the said pond, or shall with any seine or drag-net, or in any other way obstruct the passage of the said fish to or from INLAND FISHERIES. 119 the same, or shall with a scoop or dip-net, on any other clan's than as aforesaid, take any of said fish, or shall obstruct the said committee, or either of them, in the execution of their duty, in all and every such case the offender shall for each offence forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than five dollars ; and in case the off- ence be committed in the night, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said committee to give notice to the treasurer of the said town of Hingham^ of all offences committed against this act, which ma}' come to their knowledge ; and the said treasurer is hereby vested with full power and authority to sue for and recover, from time to time, all fines and forfeitures incurred by any breach of this act, in any court proper to try the same ; and such fines and forfeitures shall be to the use of the said town, saving where any person shall give infontiation of any breach of this act, the informer, upon conviction of the offender, shall be entitled to one-third part of the forfeiture ; and no person shall be considered as disqualified from being a witness on any trial that may be had, pursuant to this act, on account of his being an inhabitant of the said town of Hingham, or of his being one of the committee afore- said.—[March 12, 1806. 1806. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act in addition to an Act, entitled " An Act to regulate the Catching Salmon, Shad and Alewives, and to prevent Obstructions in Merrimack River, and in the other Rivers and streams running into the same, within this Commonwealth ; and for repealing several Acts heretofore made for that purpose." 1806, 28. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That so long as any mill or mills, or mill-dam, shall stand and be kept and maintained across Beaver Brook, in the town of Dracut, at the place where the mills of .Joshua Bradley- now stand, the owner or occupant of such mill or mills, and mill-dam, shall be required and held to keep open a passage or sluice-way for the fish to pass up and down through the same, which shall not be less than six feet wide, and the waters therein not less than six inches deep ; and the owner or occupant of such mill and dam shall be holden to keep the said passage or sluice-way below the dam in good repair. Sect. 2, Be it fnrther enacted, That so long as the owner or occupant of such mill or mills as aforesaid, shall cause to be made and kept in good repair, and left open, such passage or sluice-way through such dam or dams, of the dimensions and depth of water aforesaid, such proprietor or occupant shall not be subject to any prosecution under or by virtue of the act to which this is in addition, nor to any forfeiture or penalty therein contained. 120 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 3. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force for the term of three years from the passing thereof, and no longer. — [Februarj^ 3, 1807. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 271.] An Act for the Preservation of the Fish in Massapang Ponds (so called), in the County of Middlesex. 1806, 60. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person whatever, in the night-time, to kill, take, or destroy an}" fish in the pond called Massa- pang Ponds, lying between the towns of Dunstable, G];oton and Tyngsborough, or in the streams running into or issuing therefrom, with spears or anj^ implement whatever, which is made use of for the purpose of stabbing or killing the fish in the said ponds or streams. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons, from and after the passing of this act, in the night-time, after the setting and before the rising of the sun, with spears, or any other implement which is made use of for the purpose of killing or taking of fish, shall kill, take or destroy any fish in said pond called Massapang Ponds, or in the streams running into or issuing therefrom, such per- son shall for each and every fish so taken, killed or destroyed, forfeit and pay the sum of fifty cents, to be recovered before any court proper to try the same by action, in which the whole penalty shall enure to the use of such person as shall first sue for the same. — [February 20, 1807. [1823, 41.] An Act for the preservation of the Fish called Ale wives, in their passage up the Rivers and Streams leading through the Towns of Salem and Danvers, in the County of Essex, and for the regulating the Taking said Fish in said Streams, and for repealing all Laws heretofore passed for regulating the Fishery in said Rivers and Streams. 1806, 117. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the towns of Salem and Danvers shall be and they are hereby respectively empowered and directed, at their annual town-meetings, to choose, by ballot, a num- ber, not exceeding five persons in each town, as a fish committee, whose duty it shall be to see that the laws respecting the passage- ways for said fish be duly observed ; and each person so chosen shall take an oath for the faithful discharge of the duties required of him by law ; and the committees from each of said towns shall meet together annually, on or before the first da}' of April, as the person first chosen b}' the town of Salem shall appoint, to be by him dul}' notified ; and the major part of committees present at such meetings, are hereby authorized and empowered to order the times, not exceeding three days in any one week, and the places where and the manner in which said fish may be taken, within the limits of either of said towns. And the members of the committees aforesaid, shall have joint and concur- INLAND FISHERIES. 121 rent jurisdiction in either of the said towns ; and the said committees, or either of them, or the members of either of them, shall have full power to act as such, in either of said towns. And in case either of said towns shall neglect to choose said committee, the town not neglecting shall have all the emoluments arising from the fishery, hereafter mentioned. And the said committees, or either of them, on neglect as aforesaid, shall have power to cause the whole natural course of the streams through which the said fish pass, in both the said towns, to be kept open and without obstruction, to remove such as be found therein, to make the passage-ways of such streams wider or deeper, if they may deem it necessary. And the said committees, or either of them, or any member thereof, shall have authority to go on the land of any person through which such river or stream runs, or on which such land may be bounded, for the purpose aforesaid, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person who shall hinder the said committees, or either of the members thereof, in the business and execution of their office, or shall obstruct any passage- way in such river or stream, otherwise than may be allowed by such committee or committees, he or she shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fiftv dollars nor less than five dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said committees, or the major part of them present at any meeting duly notified, being not less than three in number, shall be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to open an}' dam or sluice-head of any mill erected or that may be erected on or over any such river or stream, at the expense of the owner or owners of such dam or sluice, if such owner or owners shall neglect to open the same when thereto required by said committees, or the major part of them, as aforesaid ; and the dam or sluice so opened shall continue open such depth and width as the said committees or the major part of them shall order, from the tenth day of April to the last day of May in every year ; and the said committees may (when they shall deem it necessary) order the pas- sage-wa3-s open at an earlier period, not prior to the first da}' of April. And in case any person or persons shall obstruct the passage- way allowed or ordered by said committees, or the major part of them, in any dam or sluice, each person so oflfending shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than ten dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That the owner or owners of any tide-mills erected, or that may be hereafter erected, shall (in addition to the regulations before prescribed for mill-dams) keep a sluice-gate hoisted, or passage-way open, of three feet in width and two feet high, three hours before high-water, and to continue open such width and depth until high-water, and the bottom of such passage-way so opened shall be as low as the said committee shall direct, on penalty 122 LAWS RELATING TO of forfeiting, for eacli tide when such sluice-gate is not hoisted or said passage-way so opened, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than five dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted^ That the committee appointed as aforesaid are hereb}^ authorized and empowered to lease, or sell at public vendue, or otherwise, the privilege of taking and disposing of said fish, when they shall deem it expedient ; and the person or per- sons purchasing the said privilege, shall pay one moiety thereof to the treasurer of the town of Salem, and the other moiety thereof to the treasurer of the town of Danvers, on or before the last day of Sep- tember, annually, under the penalty of paying one hundred dollars for the use of the said towns ; and no person hiring or purchasing said privilege, shall demand of any person more than at the rate of thirt}'^ cents for each hundred of said fish thus sold, on penalty of pay- ing five dollars for each offence ; and any person or persons taking any of said fish, not being authorized by the said fish committee, shall pay a fine of not more than ten dollars nor less than one dollar. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That when the committees afore- said, or either of them, or an}^ member thereof, shall detect any per- son or persons, not authorized by said committee, in attempting to take any of said fish, and shall find such fish with such person or per- sons, they shall be doomed to have taken said fish, and be subject to the penalties of this act accordingly ; and anj' net or other machine found in an}- such river or stream for the purpose of taking said fish (not authorized by said committees) shall be forfeited ; and no person by reason of his being one of either of the committees aforesaid shall thereby be disqualified from being a witness in any prosecution for a breach of this act. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That an}' justice of the peace in either of the said towns of Salem and Danvers, may hear and deter- mine any complaint under this act, to the amount of thirteen dollars and thirty-three cents, his being an inhabitant of the said town not- withstanding ; and in case any minor or minors shall offend against any part of this act and thereby incur any or eitlier of the penalties aforesaid, in all such cases the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors shall be answerable therefor ; and in case of a prose- cution of such minor or minors, the action shall be commenced against the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors, respectively, and judgment rendered accordingly. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted. That all sums recovered as forfeited by this act shall be appropriated, one moiety thereof to the prosecu- tors, and the other moiety equally divided between the said towns of Salem and Danvers. Sect. 8. Be it further enacted^ That all laws heretofore passed, INLAND FISHERIES. 123 concerning the fishery in the rivers and streams aforesaid, be and the same are hereby repealed, excepting so far as may relate to any for- feitures or penalties incurred for a breach of those laws. — [February 28, 1807. [1814. 129.] 1807. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 441.] An Act to continue in force an Act for regulating the passage-way for Fish through the Dam at the nioutb of Stoney Brook, so called, in the Town of Chelmsford, in the County of Middlesex. 1807, 49. Be it enacted, That an act made and passed on the ninth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four, entitled "An Act in addition to an Act entitled An Act to regulate the catching Salmon, Shad and Alewives, and to prevent obstructions in Merrimack River, and in the other rivers and streams running into the same within this Commonwealth ; and for repealing several acts heretofore made for that pur[)ose," be and here- by is continued in force for the term of three years from the expira- tion thereof, any limitation in the same act contained, to the contrary notwithstanding. — [February 13, 1807. 1808. An Act to regulate the Taking of Fish in the Town of Rochester. 1808, 64. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That any person who shall take any of the fish called alewives in the brook leading out of Merry's Pond, so called, in Rochester, into Sippican River, or in the said Sippican River, excepting as is in this act allowed, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars,' to be recovered in an action of debt in any court proper to try the same, by the treasurer of said town, to the use of said town. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the inhabitants of the said town of Rochester, at their annual town meeting in the month of March cr April annually, shall choose a committee of not more than six nor less than three inspectors of said brook and stream, who shall be under oath as other town officers, to inspect the same, under the direction of the selectmen of said town for the time being, and whose duty it shall be to give immediate notice to the treasurer of said town of all breaches of this act which has come to their knowledgre. Sect, 3. Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of said town of Rochester, at an}' town meeting legally warned (having an article in the warrant) for that purpose, ma}' if they think proper, sell the exclusive right to the taking of said fish in said brook, or in said river, for a term not more than one year, to the highest bidder or bidders, to be taken at such times and places and by such means as shall be 124 LAWS RELATING TO pointed out in the conditions of sale ; and if any such purchaser shall take an}^ of such fish in said river or in said brook, contrary to the terms in the conditions of sale, everj^ such person or persons shall forfeit and pay the sum of twent^^-five dollars, to be recovered as afore- said, for the use aforesaid. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted^ That if any person shall make, or erect an}' wear or other impediments in or across said brook or river, below where said brook empties itself into said river, by which the passage of said fish up said brook or up said river shall be obstructed, each person so offending shall for each and every offence forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered as aforesaid for the use aforesaid. — [March 2, 1809. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 313.] An Act in addition to an Act passed in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and two, entitled "An Act for the Preservation and regulating the Taking the Fish called Alewives, in the Brook running from the West Quiticus Pond to the East Quiticus Pond, near the line between the Towns of Middleborough and Rochester, in the County of Plymouth." 1808, 78. Sect. 1. Be it enacted^ That from and after the pass- ing this act, the agents appointed by the town of Middleborough and the town of Rochester in pursuance to the act to which this is in addi- tion are respectively authorized to sell the right of taking said fish in said brook on every day in the week, Sunday's onl}' excepted, and the purchaser or purchasers shall have the same right to take said fish on each and ever}- day in the week, Sundays excepted, as purchasers had under said act to take them on Tuesda3s, Wednesdays and Thurs- days ; and shall also be holden by all the restrictions and regulations provided in said act. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That if an}- person, living without the limits of the county of Plj-mouth, shall offend against the pro- visions of this act, or of the act to which this is in addition, any jus- tice of the peace in the county where such person lives or resides, is hereb}- authorized to take cognizance of, hear and determine all such offences, in the same manner as if the oflFence had been committed within the county for which he is a justice of the peace. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all forfeitures incurred by the provisions of this act, shall be recovered in the manner and to the uses specified in the act to which this is in addition. — [March 3, 1809. [1862, 202.] INLAND FISHERIES. 125 [1805, 76.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent and remove Obstructions to the passage of Shad, Alewives and other Fish in Parlier River, and the Falls River, so called, in the County of Essex, and the Streams and Brooks running into the said Falls River." 1808, 91. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That no person or persons whatever, be allowed from and after the passing of this act, to catch with dip-nets through the ice any bass, shad, alewives or other fish in Parker River, the Falls River, so called, in the county of Essex, and the streams and brooks running into the said Falls River and in Row- ley River ; and any person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay for each offence a fine, not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the court before whom trial shall be had, according to the aggravation of the oflTence. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, no person or persons whatever be allowed to take by seines any bass, shad, alewives or other fish in Parker River, Rowley River, the Falls River, and streams and brooks running into the said Falls River, excepting within that part of Parker River lying more than seventy rods below the falls, by John Lee's manufactory ; and any person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for each offence, a fine not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the court before whom trial may be had, accord- ing to the aggravation of the offence. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That from and after the passing of this act, no person or persons whatever be allowed to catch an}' bass, shad, alewives or other fish, oftener or more than two days in a week, the days to be Monday and Tuesday, and from sunrise on Monday morning to sunrise on Wednesday morning. And if any person or persons shall catch any bass, shad or alewives in Parker River, the Falls River, and streams and brooks running into Falls River, and in Rowley River, or shall drag any seine or drag-net, or set any net, or use any other machine for the purpose of catching any of the said fish in the said rivers or streams, at any other time or place than by this act is allowed, each and every person so offending shall forfeit and pay, for each offence, a fine not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the court before whom trial may be had, according to the aggravation of the offence, and the seine, net, pot or other machine shall be forfeited. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this act no person or persons whatever shall be allowed at any time to catch by seines, nets, pots or any other way, any bass, shad, ale- wives or other fish, within six rods from said mill-dam, or other dams, or of any sluice or passage-way through or by any mill-dam or other 126 LAWS RELATING TO dam that is or may be made across the said rivers or streams, or shall place any obstructions in the said sluice or passage-ways in the said rivers and streams, and each and every person so offending shall for each and every offence forfeit and pay a fine not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, at the discretion of the court before whom trial may be had, according to the aggravation of the offence. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted. That the several towns of New- bury, Rowley and Boxford shall, at their annual meetings for the choice of officers, respectively, choose by ballot a committee of three persons from each town, whose duty it shall be jointly and sev- erally to carry into effect the provisions of this act and the act to which this is in addition ; and the said committee, before they enter on the execution of their office, shall be sworn to the faithful and impartial discharge of their dut}- in the same manner as other town officers are sworn, and when so sworn they shall have power to pur- sue, and are hereby authorized to pursue and execute the duties of their said offices on any part of the aforesaid rivers and streams within either of the aforesaid towns. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures incurred by a breach of this act, may be sued for and recovered in any court proper to try the same, one moiety thereof to him or them who may sue and prosecute for the same, the other moiety to the use of the towns of Newbury, Rowley and Boxford. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That the said committee, chosen as aforesaid, shall meet at the lower dam on the Falls River, in New- bury, near John Lee's manufactor}-, on the third Monday in May annually, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and shall meet at such other times and places within each year as the committee may find necessary, and at such meetings the majorit}^ of the committee present shall have the power of the whole committee. Sect. 8. Be it further enacted, That the said committee, at their meetings in manner aforesaid, are hereby authorized and empowered to order and direct from time to time such alterations as may to them appear necessar}' in the several sluice or passage-waj's provided by the act to which this is in addition ; and any owner or occupant of an^^ mill-dam or other dam across any of the said rivers or streams, who shall neglect to make the alterations in the said sluice or passage-waj' and cause the same to be kept open and daily supplied with water, as directed by the committee, from the fifteenth day of April to the first day of June annuall}', after being dul}^ notified by the committee, shall forfeit and pa}' for each offence the same fine and in the same manner as is provided for a similar offence by the act to which this is in addition. — [March 4, 1809. INLAND FISHERIES. 127 [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act to alter the Times allowed by Law for Taking Fish in the Mouth of Concord River. 1808, 94. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act it shall and may be lawful to take salmon, shad and alewives in the mouth of Concord River on Monday and Tuesday in each week, from sunrise on Monday morning to sunrise on Tuesday morning, and at no other times : provided, that such fish shg,ll be taken within the limits prescribed in and by an act passed on the fourth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninet}', entitled " An Act to regulate the catching of salmon, shad and alewives, and to prevent obstructions in Merrimack River and the other rivers and streams run- ning into the same, within this Commonwealth, and for repealing several acts heretofore made for that purpose." And whoever shall take any of the said fish at any other time without the limits aforesaid shall be subject to the same forfeitures and penalties, to be recovered and appropriated in the same manner as in said act is provided for similar breaches thereof. — [March 4, 1809. [1835, 89.] 1809. An Act to regulate the Fishery in the Towns of Ipswich, Hamilton and Wenham. 1809, 57. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of mill-dams, across the streams leading from the head of the tide waters in that part of Ipswich called Chebacco, to Chebacco Pond, and the ponds adjacent thereto, or the owner or owners, occupier or occupiers of any mill-dam which may be hereafter erected on the streams aforesaid, be and they are hereb}' required, henceforward, at their own cost and charge, in proportion to their several interests, to make and keep open a sutBcient passage, of such depth and width as the committee shall direct, for the fish called shad and alewives, through their respective dams, from the tenth da}' of April to the fifteenth day of May, annually, and the privilege and ben- efit of taking fish in the said streams and ponds shall be free to the inhabitants of the said towns of Ipswich, Hamilton and Wenham, within the limits of their respective towns, on the days and within the limitations prescribed by this act. vSect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of the towns aforesaid, at their annual town meetings for the choice of town officers, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to appoint three or more discreet persons, in each of said towns, as a fish committee, to oversee the taking the fish agreeabl}' to this act, which committee shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their trust. 128 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if the owner or owners, oc- cupier or occupiers of the dams aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to open and keep open within the period before mentioned, the passages as aforesaid, such owner or owners shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars to the use of the towns as aforesaid, to be recov- ered l)y action of debt, in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That there shall be two days in each week appropriated for taking of said fish in the said streams and ponds, viz., on Monday and Friday, and no fish shall be taken on any other days than the days prescribed b}'^ this act, on the penalty of not more than ten dollars and not less than two dollars, and no person shall be allowed to take said fish with seines or drag-nets, on penalt}' of thirteen dollars. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That any justice of the peace in either of the towns of Ipswich, Hamilton or Wenham, shall have cognizance of an}- breach of this act, and hear, try and determine any complaints to the amount of thirteen dollars, his being an inhab- itant of either of the said towns notwithstanding ; and in case any minor or minors shall offend against any part of this act, and thereby incur any of the penalties aforesaid, in all such cases the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors shall be answerable therefor, and in case a prosecution shall ensue, the action shall be commenced against the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors, respective!}', and judgment rendered accordingly. — [March 1, 1809. [1811, 113.] 1810. An Act to preserve and regulate the taking or catching of Fish called Smelts, in the Island River, so called, in the South part of the Town of Maiden, in the Connty of Middlesex. l8lO, 112. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to draw or set any seine, net or drag-nets in the Island River (so called) , between Beacham's Point and a dam in said river, near the island so called, in said town of Maiden, from the first day of October to the first day of May, annually ; and any person so oflending herein, shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a sum not more than twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars, to be recovered by action of debt before any court proper to try tlie same, one half to the use of the town and the other half to the use of him or them who may sue therefor. — [Feb- ruary 28, 1811. INLAND FISHERIES. 129 [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction of Alewives and other Fish in Ipswich River, and to encourage the increase of the same." 1810, 117. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the towns of Ipswich, Hamilton, Topsfield, Read- ing, Danvers and Middle ton, to take fish with seines or drag-nets in Ipswich River, one day in each week, which day shall be Wednesday, at snch place in each town as the fish committees in said town shall respectivel}' direct, and under such regulations and restrictions as the towns aforesaid shall adopt, anything in the act entitled "' An Act to prevent the destruction of alewives and other fish in Ipswich River, and to encourage the increase of the same," to the contrary notwith- standing.— [February 28, 1811. 1811. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 290.] An Act further regulating the Taking of Fish in Mattapoisett River. 1811, 60. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall take any fish called alewives in Mattapoisett River, in the town of Rochester, in the county of Plymouth, or stretch any seine in said river for the purpose of taking fish at any time hereafter in either of the mouths of March, April or May in any part of Mattapoisett Har- bor in said Rochester, to the northward of a line running directly from the most southerl}' part of Capt. Job Haskell's farm on the westerly side of said harbor, to the most southerly part of Joseph Edwards' land on the easterly side of said harbor, such person or persons so ofi'ending shall for each offence forfeit and pay fift}' dol- lars, to be recovered in the same way, and to the same uses as for- feitures for taking said fish in the same river are by law to be recovered. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the selectmen of said town are hereby authorized annually to regulate the manner in which the purchasers of the exclusive right of taking said fish in said river shall respectively take them, and if any such purchaser shall not con- form to such regulations, such purchaser shall for ever}' such offence forfeit fourteen dollars, to be recovered as aforesaid, for the use or uses aforesaid. Sect. 3. Be it farther enacted, That if any person not an inhab- itant of the said county of Plymouth, shall take any of said fish in said river contrar}' to law, he shall be holden to answer for the same before any justice of the peace within and for the county of which such person is an inhabitant, or in which he is resident ; and all such justices have hereby given them respectively ample jurisdiction of all such actions which may be brought before them, and full}' authorized to hear and try them in the same manner as if the forfeiture had been 130 LAWS RELATING TO incurred in the same county, and no fiction of law shall be necessary in the declaration to bring such cause within the jurisdiction of such justice of peace. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That in all prosecutions for taking said fish in the said river contrary to law, none of the laws on that subject need to be recited, but the plaintiff may declare generall}'' against the offender for taking the fish called alewives in Mattapoisett River in Rochester, in the county of Plymouth, within a limited time, contrary to the form and effect of the statute in such case made and provided. — [June 24, 1811. An Act for the relief of the Owners of the North Mill-Datn (so called), at the Lower Falls in Newton. 1811, 76. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That a certain act made and passed in the 3'ear of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fort3"-one, entitled " An Act in addition to an Act made to prevent the destruction of the fish called alewives and other fish," so far as the same ma}" regard or impose any duty upon the owners or occupants of the North Mill-Dam, which is erected across Charles River from the town of Newton to the town of Needham, at the lower falls, be and the same is duly repealed. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall not hereafter be the duty of the owner or occupants of the said mill-dam, or any other dam which may be built or erected across Charles River, between the said towns of Newton and Needham at the lower falls aforesaid, in the place where the old dam now stands to make or keep open through anv such dam, any sluice or passage-way through any such dam dur- ing any part of the 3'ear, an}- other law or usage to the contrary not- withstanding.— [June 25, 1811. [1809, 57.] An Act to repeal an Act entitled " An Act to regulate the Fisheries in the Towns of 0 IpsAvich, Hamilton and Wenham." 1811, 113. Be it enacted, That an act passed the first day of March, eighteen hundred and nine, entitled " An Act to regulate the fishery in the towns of Ipswich, Hamilton and Wenham," be and the same is hereby repealed. — [February 28, 1811. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act in further addition to an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the Catching of Sal- mon, Shad and Alewives and to prevent Obstructions in Merrimack River, and in the other Rivers and Streams running into the same, within this Commonwealth, and for repealing several Acts heretofore made for that purpose." 1811,175. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That anj' person who shall lie convicted of catching any shad, salmon or alewives in Merrimack River, or any river or stream centering to or running into the same, INLAND FISHERIES. 131 or shall drag any seine or drag-net, or set any net or pot, or use any other machine for the purpose of catching any of the said fish in any of the said rivers or streams within this Commonwealth, at any other time or place other than is allowed by the act to which this is in addi- tion, shall forfeit and pay for each offence, a sum not less than seven dollars nor more than thirty dollars, at the discretion of the court before which trial shall be had, according to the aggravation of the offence, anything in the act to which this is in addition to the contrar}^ notwithstanding. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That from and after the passing this act, every town in this Commonwealth bordering on Merrimack River, and in which there are any ponds, rivers or streams centering to or emptying themselves into Merrimack River, where salmon, shad or alewives do or would (if not obstructed) go up to cast their spawn, shall at their annual meeting in the month of March or April, anna- all}', choose b}' ballot at least six suitable and fit persons as fish- wardens, any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. Sect. 3. Be it further eyiacted, That if any person shall be found in any wa}' aiding or assisting in unlawfull}' fishing, on conviction thereof he shall be adjudged guilty of a breach of the act to which this is in addition, and shall forfeit and pa}' the same fine as is provided in this act for actually fishing on unlawful days. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted, That the powers given to fish- wardens in the act to which this is in addition, shall be transferred to the selectmen of the several towns whei-e this law can operate or have force, so far as relates to opening and preventing obstructions in or across the said Merrimack River, or any of the rivers or streams run- ning into the same ; and it shall be the dut}' of the selectmen of the three nearest or next adjoining towns, where an}' obstructions are or may be formed in or across said rivers or streams, or the major part of such selectmen, to remove or cause to be removed after twenty-four hours' notice given to the owner, builder or occupier, all obstructions to a free and suitable passage of the said fish up and down the said rivers and streams ; and if the owner, builder or occupier of any dam or other obstruction shall refuse or neglect for the space of twenty-four hours after notice given as aforesaid, to remove such dam or obstruction, or such part thereof as the selectmen shall direct, the selectmen shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of the owner, builder or occupier thereof. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures incurred by any breach of this act, or the act to which this is in addi- tion, and not exceeding ten dollars, shall enure wholly to the fish- warden complaining; and all fish found taken on unlawful days shall be the property of the fish-warden finding them. — [February 29, 1812. 132 LAWS DELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269.] An Act supplementary to " An Act regulating the Taking and Disposing of the Fish called Alewives in the Town of Pembroke." 1811, 72. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That no person or persons shall set, draw or cast any seine, drag or set-net, of an}' dimensions what- ever, in the North River, so called, in the county of Plymouth, except from the sun's rising on Friday morning to the sun's rising on the following morning in each week ; and that no seine, drag or set-net shall be set, drawn or cast in said river above what is called and known by the name of the Third Herring Brook, or Smelt Brook, excepting as is excepted in the tenth section of the act to which this is a supplement, on the penalty of sixteen dollars for each offence, to be recovered and appropriated in the manner provided for the recover^' and appropriation of fines and forfeitures by the act to which this is a supplement. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the ninth section of the act to which this is a supplement, be and it hereby is repealed. — [June, 25, 1811. 1812. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act in further addition to and amendment of an Act entitled " An Act in addition to an Act passed the fourth daj^ of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, entitled ' An Act to regulate the Catching of Salmon, Shad and Alewives, and to pre- vent Obstructions in Merrimac River, and in the other Streams running into the same, within this Commonwealth.' " 1812, 84. Be it enacted, That the act aforesaid to which this is in addition, passed the twenty-seventh day of March, seventeen hundred and ninet^'-three, which prohibits the taking of an}' fish " within fifty rods below or twenty rods above the mouth of any river or stream in the town of Andover emptying into Merrimac River," be so amended as that any person or persons may hereafter, with the consent of the proprietors of the soil, or having otherwise the right of fishing thereon, draw any seine for the purpose of catching shad and salmon in Merri- mac River at any place between fifty and twenty-five rods below the mouth of Shausheen River, and between twenty and ten rods above the mouth of Cocheco Brook, in the town of Andover ; anything in the act aforesaid to the contrary notwithstanding. — [February 16, 1813. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 296.] An Act to regulate the taking of Fish in Connecticut River. 1812, 103. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That no person or persons whatever be allowed, from and after the passing of this act, to catch any salmon or shad, or draw any seine for the purpose of catching any salmon or shad, in that part of Connecticut River which passes through INLAND FISHERIES. 133 this Commonwealth, from the twenty-fifth day of June to the first day of December, annually ; and if any persOn or persons shall catch any salmon or shad in said river, or shall drag any seine or net for the purpose of catching any of the said fish in said river, within this Com- monwealth, between the said twenty-fifth da}' of June and the said first day of December, annually, each and every person so offending shall forfeit and pay for each oflTence a fine of ten dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if an}' person or persons, at any time, in the river aforesaid, within this Commonwealth, shall fish with a seine or net exceeding forty-five rods in length, or extend more than one seine or net on the same fishing-ground at one and the same time, he or they shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a fine of twenty dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That all the fines and forfeitures incurred b}' a breach of this act, shall be recovered in an action of debt before any court of competent jurisdiction, in the county where the offence is committed, and all such fines and forfeitures so recovered, shall enure to the benefit of him or them who shall prosecute for the same. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That no action founded on this act shall be sustained, unless the same be commenced within one 3'ear from the time in which the offence complained of may be committed. Sect, 5. Be it further enacted, That all seines, nets, boats or other fishing implements, which shall be used in violation of an}- provision of this act, shall be liable to attachment, and held to respond such damages and costs as may be recovered in any action prosecuted under this act. — [February 26, 1813. [1835, 137.] [1805, 76.] An" Act in further addition to an act entitled " An Act to prevent and remove Obstruc- tions to the passage of Shad, Alewives and other Fish in Parker River and the Falls River, so called, in the County of Essex, and tlie Streams and Brooks running into the said Falls River." 1812, 106. Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, the sluice-wa3's at each and every dam made for the passage of fish on the Falls River, so called, in the county of Essex, shall, at all times, from the fifteenth day of April to the first day of June, annually, be such that the perpendicular section of the water running in each of the said sluice-ways shall be equal to one hundred and forty-four square inches, and the said sluice-ways shall l)e made in such form, at such places, and with such convenient passages thereto, in and at the sev- eral dams aforesaid, as Dennison Wallace and Nathan Felton, Esquires, of Danvers, in the county of Essex, shall direct. And the mill-holders are hereby oliliged to make, at their own expense, the 134 LAWS RELATING TO sluice-ways and passages as above directed, if not already made, and keep the same in repair during the continuance of the act to which this is in addition, and shall not be holden to make any other altera- tions at their expense during the continuance of the said act ; and the said mill-holders shall be liable to the same penalties, to be sued for and recovered in the same manner, for an}- breaches of the duties enjoined upon them by this act, as are prescribed for the like offences in the act to which this act is in addition. — [Februar}- ^6, 1813. [1837, 195.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] An Act in addition to the several Acts to prevent the destruction of Alewives and other Fish, in Ipswich River. ; 1812, 127. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act, the time for the passage-way or passage-ways to be kept open for the fish to pass or repass through any mill-dam or dams now erected, or to be hereafter erected on the stream running from Humphrey's Pond, so called, into Ipswich River, shall be from the tenth day of May to the tenth da}- of June, annuall}^, anything in the beforementioned acts to the contrarj'^ notwithstanding. Sect. 2. Be it fxirtlier enacted, That the agent appointed 1)}- the Danvers Cotton Factor}- Company shall always be one of the fish com- mittee provided for in the acts to which this is in addition and amendment. — [February 27, 1813. An Act to preserve and regulate the Eel Fishery in the Town of Chatham. 1812, 132. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the first day of September next, it shall not be lawful for any person not an inhabitant of the town of Chatham, to take, within the limits of said town, any eels, without a permit, in writing, from the major part of the selectmen of the said town, expressing the name of the person, and the quantity permitted to be taken ; and every person so offending shall forfeit and pay for every dozen so taken, the sum of twenty-five cents : provided, nevertheless, that the major part of the selectmen, for the time being, shall have power to give permits, in writing, to any person, to take eels in said town of Chatham, at such times and in such quantities as they shall deem reasonable, and express in their permit ; provided, also, that every inhabitant of said town of Chat- ham, without such permit, shall have a right to take eels within the limits of said town, for the use of his family. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if any boat, cart, sled, horse or crafts shall be found within the limits of said town of Chatham, and not owned therein, with any eels taken within the limits of said town, without a permit as aforesaid from the selectmen, it shall be lawful for any of the fish- wardens, or for any inhabitant or inhabitants INLAND FISHERIES. 135 of the town of Chatham to seize and detain the same, not exceeding twenty-four hours, in order that the same, if need be, maj-be attached or arrested by due process of law, in that time to answer the said lines and forfeitures, with costs of suit. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures which may be incurred thereby, shall enure one-half to him or them who may sue for the same, and the other half to the said town of Chatham ; and the same shall be recovered, with legal costs of suit, in an action of debt, before any justice of peace for the county of Barnstable, not interested therein. — [February 27, 1813. Ax Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of Fresli Pond Meadows, for the purpose of Draining them." 1812, 138. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the proprietors of Fresh Fond Meadows may erect, at the bridge on the county road between Cambridge and West Cambridge, and, from time to time, keep a gate or machine for the purpose of facilitating the draining the Fresh Pond Meadows, so called, in the towns of Cambridge and "West Cambridge : provided, that the said gate or machine may be kept open by the select- men of either of the towns of Cambridge or West Cambridge, from the first day of March to the fifteenth day of June, in each and every year, for the free passage of fish. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if it shall be found that the time aforesaid is not sufficient for the free passage of shad and ale- wives, that on the application of the selectmen of either of said towns, the court of sessions, for the county of Middlesex, may direct that the said gate or machine shall be kept open for such further time as may be deemed necessary for the preservation of said fish. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That if any person shall wilfully destroy, injure or impede the operation of the said gate or machine, the person so oflfending shall forfeit and pay, for each offence, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars nor less than twenty dollars, to be recovered before any court proper to try the same, one half to the use of the informer, and the other half to the use of the proprietors of the Fresh Pond Meadows aforesaid. — [February 27, 1813. [1813, 64.] Ax Act to regulate the Fishery in the Town of West Cambridge, and to empower said town to dispose of the Privilege of taking the Fish called Shad and Alewives within the limits thereof. 1812, 129. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the said town of West Cambridge shall, at their annual meeting in March or April, choose a committee, not exceeding seven nor less than three freeholders of said town, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duty enjoined upon them by this act, and also the act to prevent the 136 LAWS RELATING TO destruction of the shad and alewives in Mystic River, so called, within the towns of Charlestown, Medford and Cambridge. And it shall be and it is hereby made the dutj' of the said committee, to cause the natural course of the rivers and streams to be kept open and without obstruction during the whole season the said fish pass n[y or down said rivers or streams, and to remove anj' such obstructions as ma}' be found therein. And the said committee, or any two of them, paying or tendering a reasonable sum, if demanded, shall have authority, in discharging the duties enjoined upon them by this act, to go on the lands of any person bounding on said rivers or streams, without being considered trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder said committee, or either of them, in the execution of their duty, he or they so offending shall forfeit, for ever}' such offence, a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than two dollars, at the discretion of the justice before whom the same shall be tried ; and it shall be the dut}' of the said committee to prosecute all breaches of this act, and for either of them to seize and detain in custody an}- net or seine found in the rivers or streams contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, until the persons so offending make satisfaction for their offence, or is legally acquitted therefrom ; and also to seize to the use of the town all such fish as they may suspect have been taken contrary to the provisions of this act, unless the person in pos- session can give satisfactory evidence to the committee that such fish were lawfully taken. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the town of West Cambridge, annually, at any legal meeting of the inhabitants of said town, to sell or otherwise dispose of the privilege of taking the fish called shad and alewives in any of the ponds, rivers or streams issuing therefrom, within the limits of said town, so far as said town bounds on both sides of said rivers and streams, at such times only as is already provided by law to prevent the destruc- tion of shad and alewives in Mystic River, so called ; and the emolu- ments arising from the said privilege shall be appropriated by the said town to such purposes as the inhabitants thereof may, in town- meeting, from time to time, determine. Sect. 3. Be it furtlier enacted. That if the purchaser or purchas- ers, manager or managers, or those employed by them, shall presume to take any of said fish at any other place than the said town shall appoint, and if any other person or persons whatever, except the pur- chaser or purchasers, manager or managers, of said privilege, or those employed by them, do presume to take any of the said fish in the said ponds, rivers or streams within the town of West Cambridge, otherwise than may be allowed by said town, he or they so offending, shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirteen INLAND FISHERIES. 137 dollars nor less than two dollars, at the discretion of the justice before whom the same shall be tried. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That the penalties incurred b}- any breach of this act, shall be recovered by an action on the case, before any justice of the peace within said count}' of Middlesex, allowing an appeal to the circuit court of common pleas of said count}' ; and all sums of money recovered as forfeited b}^ this act, shall be for the support of the poor of said town ; and no person, by reason of iiis being one of the fish-co'mmittee aforesaid, or an inhabitant of the said town, shall be thereb}' disqualified from being a witness in an}' prosecution for a breach of this act. — [February 22, 1812. [1820,67.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 285.] Ax Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to regulate the taking of the Fish called Alewives in Manatiquot River, in the town of Braintree." 1812, 154. Whereas by an act passed on the first day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, the town of Braintree were authorized to farm out and dispose of the fish called alewives, and as it appears by representation from said town, that other fish have and do run in the river in said town, which proves injurious to the alewive fish : Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the taking of all fish which do and may run from the salt water in the aforesaid river in the town of Braintree, excepting eels, smelts, and torn-cod, shall be forever here- after subject to the same restrictions as the taking of alewive fish is by the act entitled " An Act to regulate the taking of the fish called alewives, in the Manatiquot River, in the town of Braintree." Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the selectmen of the town of Braintree, for the time being, shall be the committee to farm out and dispose of the aforesaid fish, agreeably to their best judgment : pro- vided, nevertheless, that the fish called alewives shall be disposed of agreeably to the act to which this is in addition, anything in the act to which this is in addition to the contrary notwithstanding. — [Febru- ary 28, 1812. [1817, 151.] 1813. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 166.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction and to regu- late the catching of the Fish called Alewives, in their passage up the Rivers and Streams in the Town of Harwich in the County of Barnstaljle." 1813, 57. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the inhabitants of the town of Harwich be and they are hereby authorized and empowered, by their committee, annually chosen in the month of March or April, to dispose of the fish called alewives, as they may think proper. 138 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the committee aforesaid shall pay over to the treasurer of the said town of Harwich, on or before the first da}^ of Januar}^, annual!}', all the net proceeds of the sale of said fish, for the use of said town, and any committee, appointed as aforesaid, that shall neglect or refuse to pay over as aforesaid all the moneys they shall have received as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay, for each offence, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars nor less than fifty dollars, to be recovered by their treasurer, for the use of the inhabitants of said town, by action of debt, in an}' court proper to try the same. — [June 16, 1813. [1813, 115.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 166.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction and to regu- late the catching of the Fish called Alcwives, in their passage up the Rivers and Streams in the town of Harwich in the county of Barnstable," passed the fourth daj' of July, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven ; and also of another Act, in addition thereto, passed the sixteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and thirteen. 1813, 115. Be it enacted, That an act, passed the fourth day of July, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called ale wives, in their passage up the rivers and streams in the town of Harwich, in the county of Barnstable," and also of another act in addition thereto, passed the sixteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and both the said acts are extended to operate, and shall have effect over all the streams in the town of Brewster ; and all the regulations, provisions, privileges, limitations and restrictions contained in the said act to which this is in addition, so far as they may be applicable to the intents and pur- poses of this act, shall be used and exercised, and the benefits thereof enjoyed by the inhabitants of the said town of Brewster, as fully and completely as if the said town of Brewster had not been separated from the said town of Harwich ; and this act shall be deemed and taken to be supplementary to the said act before mentioned. — [Feb- ruary 12, 1814. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 353.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Aggawam or Westfield River. 1813, 147. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, any person or persons who shall draw a seine or drag- net within thirty rods of the lower side of the dam or race-way at White's mills, on Aggawam River, in the town of West Springfield, for the purpose of catching shad, alewives or other fish, shall, for each , and every offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars for each time he or they shall so draw said seine, together with the forfeiture of the boat and seine. INLAND FISHERIES. 139 Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That if an}^ person or persons shall set any pot, net, wearc or hiirdell within thirty rods of said dam or race-way, for the purpose of catching fish, of any kind, he or they shall, for each and every offence, severally forfeit and pay the sura of five dollars for ever}' twelve hours said pot, net, weare or hurdell shall be placed in the said river, and so in proportion for a greater or less time. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted., That any person who shall attempt to catch fish with a scoop-net within the aforesaid distance of the lower side of said dam, or in or near the sluice-way made for the pas- sage of fish through said dam, shall, for each and every offence, for- feit and pay the sum of one dollar. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That all the fines and forfeitures incurred b}' a breach of this act, may be recovered in an action on the case before any justice of the peace for the county of Hampden. — [F'cbruary 22, 1814. [1826, 100 ; 1838, 19 ; 1853, 377 ; 1860, 89.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 224.] An Act to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Alewives and Shad, in Charles River. 1813, 183. Sect. 1. Be it e7iacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, if any person or persons shall place or set any seine or net, or set up, erect or make an}' weares, or place any other incum- brance whatsoever (mill-dams excepted), in or across Charles River, for the straightening, obstructing or stopping the free passing of the fish called shad and alewives, up and down said river, they shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fift}' dollars for each and every offence ; one half of which shall be to the use of the town or towns within whose limits the offence is committed, and the other half to him or them that shall complain or prosecute therefor, — or any town ma}' prosecute by their fish committee. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall draw any seine or net, to take any of the fish aforesaid within said river, or in any other way take any of said fish, on any other days than Monday, Wednesday and Friday in each week, every per- son so oflTending shall Jbrfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to the use as aforesaid ; and all forfeitures incurred by any breach of this act may be recovered by information, or by action on the case, before any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That all parts of any acts relating to the fishery in said river, inconsistent with this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. — [February 28, 1814. [1815,56; 1826,76.] 140 LAWS RELATING TO 1814. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the Destruction of Alewives and other Fish in Ipswich River, and to encourage the increase of the same, passed the twenty-eighth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight." 1814, 22. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person to take an}- of the fish called shad or alewives, within four rods next below the foot of a sluice-way, nor within two rods of the side of a sluice-way of any mill-dam or dams, now erected, or to be erected hereafter, on that part of said Ipswich River which lies below Flint's or Merriam's Mills (except Burnham's Mills, so called), or any stream or streams running from an^- natural pond into said river (except Mile's River, so called) ; aud any and every person so offending, shall forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted, That each and ever}- person who, after the passing of this act, shall make 'any wear, or place any other obstruction in said river, or in the flooms of any mills, for the purpose of hindering or retarding the passage of said fish, shall forfeit and pay for each and every such offence a fine not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars. Sect. 3. Be it farther enacted, That no person shall be allowed to use any machinery for taking said fish, other than dip or drag nets or seines (nor in any place in the aforesaid river and streams, excepting such places as are appointed and allowed by the fish committee of the respective towns bordering upon said river), nor shall any person take any of said fish with seines or drag-nets in said river and streams, between eight of the clock in the evening and sunrising ; and every person who shall offend, in either of the above particulars shall, for each and every such offence, forfeit and pay a sum not ex- ceeding twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures which may be incurred by any breach of this act, shall be recovered and disposed of in the same manner as is provided in the act to which this is in addition, and that it shall be the duty of the fish com- mittees in the several towns bordering upon Ipswich River, jointl}' or severally, to cause this act to be duly observed, and to inform against any person or persons who ma}' offend against the said act. — [June 13, 1814. An Act to authorize the Boston Manufacturing Company to shut the Fish Gate in their Dam across Charles River. 1814, 40. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the Boston Manufact- uring Company have the libertj^ of closing the fish gate in their dam INLAND FISHERIES. 141 across Charles River, at their works in Newton and Waltham, being the same mill-dam which formerlj' was owned and occupied by John IJoies ; and may keep the same shut forever : provided, that said company, their successors and assigns, shall make and continue in good repair, a fish- way over said dam, of the same inclination and width, and admitting the same depth of water, as that now made over the lower dam across said river in Watertown, near Watertown bridge, and shall keep the same open from the first day of April to the first day of June annually. — [June l-i, 1814, [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 290.] An Act for further regulating the Fishery in Mattepoisett River, in the Town of Rochester. 1814, 99. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, the inhabitants of the town of Rochester, at any meeting legally warned for that purpose, may prohibit the taking any of the fish called alewives, in Mattepoisett River in said town, for the present year, excepting at one place therein, to be by them appointed in said meeting ; and may also, by their vote in such meeting, estab- lish such mode of taking said fish at such place, as tbey shall think proper. Sect. 2, Be it further enacted. That the said inhabitants, at such meeting, may appoint some person or persons to take said fish in such place for such year (not exceeding three days in a week) for the use of said inhabitants, to be disposed of in such way and manner as the}^ in such meeting, by vote shall agree upon. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons who shall be so appointed, or any person who shall purchase the exclusive right of taking said fish at any place in said river, according to the laws now in force for that purpose, shall not conform to the rules and regulations for them respectively established by said inhabitants, such person or persons shall for each breach of such rules and regula- tions, forfeit and pay to said inhabitants twenty-five dollars, to be re- covered in an action of debt, in any court proper to try the same. — [February 10, 1815. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act empowering the Town of Pemhroke to regulate and order the taking and disposing of the Fish called Alewives, within the limits of said Town." 1814, 128. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That no person or persons shall set, draw or cast any seine, drag or set net of any dimensions whatever, in the North River, so called, in the county of Plymouth, except from sun's rising to the sun's setting of the Monday's, Wednes- days and Fridays of each week ; and that no person or persons shall. 142 LAWS RELATING TO on said days, by boats, seines, drag-nets, or by any other mode, in the North River, drive any fish into any seine, set net or other recep- tacle, by which fish may be taken ; and all seines, drag or set nets cast into said river on the days mentioned in this act, shall be re- stricted from sweeping in said river, further than can be done b}' con- fining one end of said seine to the bank of the river aforesaid ; and no seine, drag or set net shall be set, drawn or cast into said river, above what is commonly called and known by the name of the Third Herring Brook, or Smelt Brook ; and no seine used in said river shall exceed the width of the river wh^re it is used, on the penalty of fifty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered and appropriated in the manner provided for in the act to which this is in addition. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted^ That the act supplementary to an act regulating the taking and disposing of the fish called alewives, in the town of Pembroke, passed June the twenty-fifth, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, and the ninth section of an act entitled ' ' An Act empowering the town of Pembroke to regulate and order the taking and disposing of the fish called alewives, within the limits of the said town," be and the same are hereb}' repealed. — [February 25, 1815. [1806, 117.] An Act for regulating the Fishery in the Towns of Salem and Danvers. 1814,129. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That all the provisions for the preservation of fish called shad,* and for regulating the taking the same, contained in an act entitled " An Act for the preservation of the fish called alewives, in their passage up the rivers and sti'eams leading through the towns of Salem and Danvers, in the county of Essex, and for regulating the taking said fish in said streams, and for repealing all laws heretofore passed for regulating the fishery in said streams and rivers," shall be and hereby are extended to the fish called shad ; and the fish committees of the said towns of Danvers and Salem shall hereafter have the same powers, authority and privileges, and be subject to the same duties for the preservation and taking shad, as they now have and are subject to for the preservation and taking of alewives. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said fish committees, or either of them, shall be and they are herel)y empowered to make and open a sluice-way in the brook running from Spring Pond, so called, and to keep and maintain the same open, and without obstruction, * This provision, though apparently erroneous by inserting " shad " instead of " ale- wives," is correctly transcribed from the original roll. The petition prayed for the exten- sion to shad of the provisions of the existing law in relation to alewives. By this inadvertence in drawing and engrossing the bill, the provision itself is rendered wholly inoperative. — Ed. INLAND FISHERIES. 143 and to shut and close the same up, as the^^ may think expedient, and also to open and clear the passage-ways and streams leading from the said pond, for the purpose of enabling 3'oung fish to pass down from the said pond, from the tenth day of April to the last day of November, in every year ; and for this purpose the said committees, or either of them, or any member thereof, shall have authority to go on the land of auj' person through which the said streams run, or on which such land ma}' be bounded, without being considered as tres- passers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder the said com- mittees, or either of the members thereof, in the execution of this part of their office or shall obstruct the said sluice-way or passages, other- wise than may be allowed by said committee or committees, he or she shall forfeit and pa}' a sum not exceeding fifty dollars nor less than five dollars, to be recovered and appropriated in the same manner as forfeitures and penalties for the breach of the act entitled " An Act for the preservation of the fish called alewives, in their passage up the rivers and streams leading through the towns of Salem and Danvers, in the county of Essex, and for the regulating the taking said fish in said streams, and for repealing all laws heretofore passed for regu- lating the fishery in said streams and rivers," are recovered and appropriated : j^i'ovided, that this act shall not give the said com- mittees, or either of them, any new powers and privileges concerning the mills, or the sluice or passages ways at the mills on the said streams, after the first day of June in each year, — [February 27, 1815. Ax Act to regulate the Fisheries in the Town of Yarmouth. 1814, 134. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, the town of Yarmouth shall be, and hereby are em- powered and directed, at their meeting for the choice of town officers, in March or April annually, to choose three or more persons, being freeholders in the said town, to see that this act be duly observed ; and each person so chosen shall be sworn faithfully to discharge the duties required of him by this act ; and the said committee shall meet together annually, on or before the twentieth day of April, and at such time and place as they, or a majority- of them shall appoint ; and the major part of the committee present at such meeting are hereby authorized and empowered to order the times, places and manner in which it may be lawful to take any of the fish called herring, alewives, perch and eels in said town ; and the said committee, or a majorit}'^ of them, are hereby fully authorized and empowered to cause the natural . course of the streams through which the said fish pass to be kept open and without obstruction, to remove such as may be found therein, and to make the said passage-ways wider or deeper, if they shall 144 LAWS RELATING TO judge it necessary ; and said committee, or either of them, paying a reasonable consideration therefor, if demanded, shall have authority, for those purposes, to go on the land or meadow of any person through which said stream runs, without being considered as tres- passers ; and an}' person who shall molest or hinder the said com- mittee, or either of them, in the execution of the business of his or their office, or shall obstruct any passage-ways in the rivers, streams, coves or ponds in said town, otherwise than may be allowed b}' the said committee, he or the}- shall forfeit and pay a fine for every such offence, not exceeding ten dollars nor less than three dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said committee, ^r a major part of them present at any meeting duly notified, being not less than three in number, shall be and hereby are authorized and empowered to open, or cause to be opened, any dam, or sluice of an}' mill, or other dam now erected, or that may be hereafter erected on or over any of the said rivers or streams, between the place where such rivers or streams empty themselves into the sea, at low Avater, and the pond in which said fish usually cast their spawns, at the expense of the owner or owners of such dam or sluice : provided, such owner or owners shall neglect to open the same when thereto required by the said committee, or the major part of them, immediately after being thus required so to do ; and the dam or sluice so opened shall continue open every year, to such depth and width, and for such term of time between the first day of April and the thirtieth day of June, as the major part of said committee shall judge necessary ; and if any person or persons shall obstruct the said passage-ways allowed or ordered by the said committee, or the major part of them, in any dam or sluice, such persons so offending shall, on conviction before any justice of the peace for the county of Barnstable, pay a fine for every such offence not exceeding ten dollars, nor less than three dollars ; and the said committee shall cause every such obstruction to be forthwith removed. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall take any of the said fish in the rivers, streams, ponds or coves aforesaid, at any time, in any place, or in manner other than shall be allowed by the said committee as aforesaid, each person so offending, for each and every such offence, shall, on conviction as aforesaid, pay a fine not exceeding four dollars nor less than one dollar, if the quantity of fish so taken is less than one barrel ; but if the quantity of fish so taken shall be one barrel or more, such person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every barrel of fish so taken, the sum of four dollars. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That if the committee aforesaid, or either of them, shall detect any person or persons in attempting to take any of the said fish at any time, or in any place, or in any man- INLAND FISHERIES. 145 ner otherwise than is allowed 1)}' the said committee, or shall find such fish with such person or persons, such person or persons shall be deemed to have taken the said fish unlawfully, and be subject to the penalties of this act accordingly, unless such person or persons can make it appear, on trial, that they came by the said fish in some other way. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That if anj^ vessel, boat or craft shall be found within the limits of any of the rivers, streams, ponds or coves, with any more of said fish than shall be permitted by the committee aforesaid, it shall be the duty of said committee, and they are hereby authorized to seize such vessel, boat or craft, and detain the same, not exceeding fort3'-eight hours, in order that the same ma}' be attached or arrested by due process of law, and made answerable for said fines and forfeitures, with cost of suit : provided, however., that as soon as the owner or master of said vessel, boat or craft shall pay such fines and forfeitures to the treasurer of said town, if he shall pay the same before being sued, such vessel, boat or craft shall be discharged, with the effects therein. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That all the forfeitures incurred by virtue of this act, shall be to the use of the said town of Yarmouth, to be recovered by an action on the case, in any court proper to try the same, to be brought by the treasurer thereof. — [February- 27, 1815. [1849, 37.] An Act to regulate the Shad and Alewive Fishery within the Town of Billerica. 1814, 137. Sect. 1. Beit enacted, That it shall and ma}- be law- ful for the inhabitants of the town of Billerica, at a legal meeting in the month of March or April, annually, to choose a committee of three or more discreet persons, to sell, or otherwise dispose of the exclusive right or privilege of taking shad and alewives in Concord River, within the limits of said town, at such time and places, and under such regulations and restrictions, not repugnant to the laws of the Commonwealth, as said committee shall, from year to year, estab- lish and determine ; a cop}' of which shall be posted up at three public places, at least, in the said town ; and the emoluments arising from said right or privilege sl|all be appropriated to such uses and purposes as said inhabitants shall, in legal town meeting, from time to time determine. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if the purchaser or pur- chasers of said right, or any person by them employed, shall take any of said fish in an}' other manner, or at any other time or place than said committee shall -authorize and allow, or if any person except the said purchaser or purchasers, or those by them employed, shall take any of said fish in said river, within the limits of said town, every 146 LAWS RELATING TO person so offending, or who shall be aiding or abetting therein, shall, for every offence, forfeit and pay a sum, not exceeding thirteen dol- lars, nor less than seven dollars, to be recovered b}' action of debt before any justice of the peace within the county of Middlesex ; one moiety to him who shall sue for the same, and the other moiety to the use of the said town of Billerica. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That said committee shall have power to determine and establish the price which said purchaser or purchasers shall have a right to demand and receive for said tish ; and if an}' such purchaser, or any person acting under their authority, shall refuse to sell said fish, when in their power so to do, at the price which shall be determined as aforesaid, of which notice shall have been given them by said committee, every person so offending shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dol- lars nor less than five dollars, to the person injured, to be recovered as aforesaid : provided^ nevertheless^ that nothing in this act contained shall be construed to take away or impair the authority of any fish- wardens, or any other persons, derived from an}' existing laws for regulating the taking of fish in said river, except so far as it relates to the appropriation of forfeitures for offences mentioned in the second section of this act. — [February 28, 1815. [1820, 70.] An Act to regulate the Shad and Alewive Fishery in the Town of Brighton. 1814, 162. Sect. 1. Be it enacted^ That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Brighton, by their agents, to sell the right and regulate the places and manner of taking the fish called shad and alewives, within the limits of said town, subject, in all things, to an act passed on the tweut3'-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred, entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called alewives and shad in Charles River." And the inhabitants of said town, at their annual meetings in March or April, are hereby authorized and em- powered to appoint agents, whose duty it shall be to carry into exe- cution the purposes of this act. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the agents aforesaid may, for and in behalf of said town, and to their use and benefit, sell their right, regulate the places and manner of taking said fish within the limits of said town, for one or more years at a time, as the town may direct ; and the proceeds arising from such sale said agents shall be held to pay over to the treasurer of said town. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said agents shall, after establishing such rules and regulations as the}' may think necessary, and by determining by whom said fish may be taken, cause an INLAND FISHERIES. 147 attested copy thereof to be posted up in some public place in said town ; aud if any person or persons other than those to whom said right is sold, or persons employed b}' them, shall take any of the fish called shad aud alewives, within the limits aforesaid, or if any person or persons to whom said right is sold, or those employed by them, shall take any of said fish in any other place or in any other manner than shall be expressed in the conditions of sale, every person so oflfending shall severally forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dol- lars nor less than four dollars for each and every oflTence, to be recov- ered in an action on the case, to the use of an}' person who may sue for the same, or the town may sue b}' their fish-agents. — [March 1, 1815. [1826, 76.] 1815. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 512.] An Act for the regulation of the Fishery, in the Town of Maiden. 1815, 43. Sect, 1. Be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall take or catch any shad or alewives in an}' river, stream or pond, within the limits of the town of Maiden, in the county of Middlesex, except as hereinafter b}' this act is provided, each person so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum, not exceeding twenty dollars, nor less than ten dollars for each offence, to be recovered in an action of debt, before any court proper to try the same, in the county of Middlesex, one half thereof to the use of him or them who shall sue for the same, and the other half to the use of the said town of Maiden. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, it shall be lawful for any and all the inhabitants of said town of Maiden, to catch shad and alewives within the limits of the said town on every Monday, Wednesday and Frida}', from sunrising on each of the said days to sunrising on each of the succeeding days, from the first day of March to the tenth day of June annuall}', at such place or places only as shall have been previously determined by the said town. — [January 27, 1816. .[1828, 129.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 512.] An Act for the regulation of the Fishery in Woburn. 1815, 54. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the act passed on the six- teenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eightj'-nine, entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called shad and alewives in M^'stick River, so called, within the towns of Cambridge, Charlestown and Medford, and for repealing all laws heretofore made for that purpose," shall extend to the town of Woburn, in the county of Middlesex, and to all the 148 LAWS RELATING TO streams running from any of the ponds, or other waters there into Mystick Pond, or Spy Pond, so called, in the same manner to all intents and purposes that it would have extended in case the said town of Woburn and the streams aforesaid had been mentioned and con- tained in the said act ; and that it shall be lawful for any or all the inhabitants of the said town of "Woburn to take shad and alewives within the limits of that town, on all such da3's and times as in and by the act aforesaid are allowed for the inhabitants for the towns of Charlestown and Medford, respectively, to take said fish, and on no other. Sect, 2. Be it farther enacted, That the owner or occupant of any dam already built, or which may hereafter be built, in or upon an}' of the streams aforesaid, shall make and maintain a convenient passage- wa}' for shad and alewives to pass by, through or over such dam, and keep the same constanth' open and free for said fish to pass up and down therein, from the fifteenth day of April to the fifteenth day of July, annually ; and if the owner or occupant of any such dam shall refuse or neglect to make and build such passage-way, when thereto requested by a majorit}'^ of the committee, for the preservation of fish m either of the said towns of Charlestown, Medford or Woburn, or shall neglect or refuse to open the same on the said fifteenth day of April annually, or after the same shall have been so opened, shall shut or obstruct, or permit or suffer the same to be shut or obstructed within the term aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay for each and every such neglect or oflFence the sum of twenty dollars. Sect. 3, Be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, the several committees for the preservation of fish, to be annually chosen in the said towns of Woburn, Charlestown and Med- ford respectively, shall be chosen by ballot, and shall consist of three freeholders, who shall not be interested in any such dam as aforesaid ; and any person who shall be duly chosen a member of either of said committees, and shall refuse or neglect to qualify himself, by taking the oath required by law, within seven days next after he shall have been duly notified of such choice, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars to the use of the town in which lie shall have been so chosen, to be recovered by the treasurer thereof, in an action of debt in any court proper to tr^' the same, in the count}' of Middlesex ; and the said town shall proceed to a new choice ; and so, toties quoties. And it shall be the duty of each and every member of an}- such committee to see that the passage-ways aforesaid are made convenient for said fish to pass up and down therein, and that the}' are kept constantly open at and during all the time required by this act ; and to open and clear the same, if any of them shall be found shut or obstructed within the said term ; and if the owner or occupant of any such dam, Inland fisheries. • 149 situate as aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to make and build suoh passage-way, when thereto requested by a majority of either of the said committees, it shall be lawful for the committee making such request, and the}' are hereby directed, to make and build the same ; and when it shall be completed by said committee, the said owner or occupant shall pay to said committee double the amount of all the expenses incurred or sustained by the said committee in making and building the same, on demand. And the said committee shall have a right to sue for and recover the same of such owner or occupant in an action of the case, in any court proper to try the same, in said county of Middlesex ; and each member of either of the committees aforesaid shall have full power and authorit}' to do any act in either of the said towns of Charlestown, Medford and Woburn, ^vhich, before the passing of this act, might have been lawfully done by a majority of either of said committees, in the town where such com- mittee was chosen ; and shall be entitled to and enjoy all the privi- leges and protection, when acting as such in either of said towns, which before the passing of this act a majority of either of the said committees were entitled to and enjoyed, when acting within the lim- its of the town in which they were chosen. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the said town of Woburn, at their annual meeting in March or April, to sell or otherwise dispose of the privilege of taking shad and alewives in the streams aforesaid, so far as the same run wholly within the limits of that town, at such times only as are or may be allowed by law for said inhabitants to fish, and to fix on and determine the place or places where said fish shall be so taken, and appropriate the emoluments arising therefrom to such purpose as the said town shall determine. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted^ That if any purchaser or manager of said fisher}' in said Woburn, shall take or catch any of the said fish at any other place than the place or places which shall be fixed on and determined by the said town as aforesaid, and if any person other than such purchaser or manager, and those in the employ of such purchaser or manager, when said privilege shall have been dis- posed of by said town as aforesaid, shall take or catch, or attempt to catch, any of the said fish within the said town of Woburn, each and every person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dol- lars to the use of said town, to be recovered by the treasurer thereof in an action of debt, in any court proper to try the same in the county of Middlesex. Sect. 6. Be it farther enacted^ That all forfeitures which may be incurred for a breach of this act, not herein otherwise appropriated, shall be recovered in an action of debt, in the name of any one or 150 LAWS RELATING TO more members of either of the committees aforesaid, before any court in the county of Middlesex proper to try the same, to the use of the town where the plaintiff or plaintiffs in such action shall live at the commencement thereof; and on the trial of any such action, any member of either of the said committees shall be a competent witness, notwithstanding said action may have been commenced and prose- cuted in the name of such member ; and each of the towns aforesaid shall be holden to pay the members of their said committee for all their services and expenses incurred b}'^ them '.respectively in execut- ing the duties required of them by this act. — [February 2, 1816. [1861,157; 1864,234.] [1813, 183.] An Act to regulate the Shad and Alewive Fishery in the Town of Watertown. 1815, 56. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Watertown, b3' their agents, to sell the right, and regulate the times, places and manner of taking the fish called shad and alewives within the limits of said town ; subject in all respects to an act passed on the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and four- teen, entitled, " An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called shad and alewives in Charles River." And it shall be the duty of the selectmen of said town, as soon as may be after the passing of this act and forever after, in the month of January in each year, to appoint, and the}'^ are hereby empowered to appoint, two persons as agents, whose duty it shall be to carry into execution the purposes of this act : provided, hoivever, that neither of the agents at the time of their appointment shall belong to the board of selectmen. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the agents appointed as aforesaid shall, for and in behalf of the inhabitants of said town, and to their use and benefit, as soon as may be after the first appointment and forever after, in the month of Februar}' in each year, sell the right at public vendue, and regulate the time, places and manner of taking the fish called shad and alewives within the limits of said town, after giving seven days' notice of the time and place of such sale ; and the proceeds arising from such sale said agents sball be held to pay over to the treasurer of the town aforesaid. Sect. 3. Be it fui'ther enacted, That said agents shall make and establish such rules and regulations as they may think necessary to promote the interest of the town, and after determining by whom said fish ma}^ be taken they shall cause an attested copy of such rules and regulations, and the name of the person or persons hiring the right to take the fish aforesaid, to be posted up in some public place in said town ; and if any person or persons other than he or they to whom INLAND FISHERIES. I5l said right is sold, or persons employed by him or them, shall take any of the fish called shad and alewives within the limits of said town, or if any person or persons to whom said right is sold, or those employed by him or them, shall take any of said fish contrary to the rules and regulations made and established by said agents, which rules and regulations shall be made public at the time and place of sale ; every person so offending shall severally forfeit and pay a sum not exceed- ing twenty dollars nor less than five dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered in an action on the case to the use of an}^ person who ma}' sue for the same, or the agents may sue in the name of the inhabitants of the town. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted^ That it shall be the duty of the town clerk to attend said agents at the time of sale, and to make a fair record of all such rules and regulations as they shall from time to time make and establish, and the conditions of such sale, with the name of such person or persons as ma}' hire the right aforesaid, in a book to be by him kept for that purpose, and to post all such rules and regulations as the agents may direct. Sect. 5. Be. it further enacted^ That an act passed on the second day of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, entitled " An Act authorizing the inhabitants of Watertown, Weston and Waltham, in the county of Middlesex, to regulate the taking of the fish called shad and alewives, within the limits of said towns," be and the same is hereb}- repealed : provided, nevertheless, that all questions of the constitutional validit}', and all actions now pending, and causes of action that have or may arise under the before described act, shall remain and be the same in any court as they might or would have been had not said act been repealed. — [February 3, 1816. [1826,76.] An Act to regulate the Fisheries in the Town of Dennis. 1815, 83. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, the town of Dennis shall be and hereby is empowered and directed, at their meeting for the choice of town officers in March or April annually, to choose three or more persons, being freeholders in the said town, to see that this act be duly observed ; and each per- son so chosen shall be sworn faithfully to discharge the duties required of him by this act ; and the said committee shall meet together annually on or before the twentieth da}' of April, on such time as they or a majority of them shall appoint, and the major part of them present at such a meeting are hereby authorized and em- powered to order the times, places and manner in which it may be lawful to take any of the fish called herring, ^.lewives, perch and eels 152 LAWS RELATING TO in said town ; and the said committtee, or a majority of them, are hereby fully authorized and empowered to cause the natural course of the streams through which said fish pass, to be kept open and without obstruction, to remove such as may be found therein, and to make the said passage-ways wider or deeper if they shall judge it necessary ; and said committee, or either of them, paying a reasonable considera- tion therefor, if demanded, shall have authority for those purposes to go on the land or meadow of any person through which said streams run, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person who shall molest or hinder the said committee, or either of them, in the execution of the business of his or their office, or shall obstruct any passage-way in the river, streams, coves or ponds in said town other- wise than may be allowed by said committee, he or the}^ shall forfeit and pay a fine for every such offence not exceeding ten dollars nor less than three dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall take any of the said fish in the rivers, streams, ponds or coves aforesaid, at any time, in any place or in any manner other than shall be allowed by the said committee as aforesaid, each person so offend- ing, for each and every such oflfence shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding four dollars nor less than one dollar, if the quan- tit}'^ of fish so taken is less than one barrel, but if the quantity of fish so taken be one barrel or more, such person or persons so offend- ing shall forfeit and pay for each and every barrel of fish so taken the sum of four dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if the committee aforesaid, or either of them, shall detect any person or persons in attempting to take an}" of the said fish, at any time or in any place, or in any man- ner otherwise than is allowed by the said committee, or shall find such fish with such person or persons, such person or persons shall be deemed to have taken the said fish unlawfully, and shall be subject to the penalties of this act accordingly, unless such person or pei'sons can make it appear on trial that they came to the said fish in some other way. Sect. 4. Be it farther enacted, That if an}' vessel, boat or craft shall be found within the limits of an}- of the rivers, streams, ponds or coves, with any more- of said fish than shall be permitted by the committee aforesaid, it shall be the dut}^ of said committee, and they are hereb}' authorized to seize such vessel, boat or craft, and detain the same, not exceeding forty-eight hours, in order that the same may be attached or arrested by due process of law, and made answerable for said fines and forfeitures, with cost of suit : provided, hoivever, that as soon as the owner or master of said vessel, boat or craft shall pay such fines aud forfeitures to the treasurer of said town, if he INLAND FISHERIES. 153 shall pa}' the same before being sued, such vessel, boat or craft shall be discharged, with the effects therein. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted. That all the forfeitures incurred by virtue of this act, shall be to the use of the said town of Dennis, to be recovered by an action on the case in any court proper to try the same, to be brought b}' the treasurer thereof. — [February 10, 1816. [1837,135; 1849,37; 1850,48; 1852,68; 1855, 90; 1880,122.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 813.] An Act to regulate the Fishery within the Town of Middleborough in the County of Plymouth. 1815, 111. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons (ex- cept as is hereinafter provided) to catch or destroy any of the fish called alewives, within the limits of the town of Middleborough, or in Titicut River, so called, either within the limits of the towns of Bridgewater, Middleborough or Raynham : provided, hoivever, that it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of said town of Middle- borough to catch said fish with scoop-nets or set nets only, at the following places in said Middleborough, to wit : at Oliver's works, so called, three days in each week onl}", to wit : on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, beginning at midnight next succeeding Sunday, and ending at midnight next succeeding Wednesday ; at the Old Stone Ware four days in each week, to wit : on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Frida}', beginning at midnight next preceding Tuesday, and ending at midnight next succeeding Friday ; and at Assawamp- set Brook three days in each week, to wit : Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, beginning at midnight next succeeding Sunday, and ending at midnight next succeeding Wednesday : provided, also, that the said town of Middleborough shall, at a legal town meeting, dis- pose of and grant, upon such conditions and under such restrictions and regulations as said town shall establish for that 3'ear, and so from year to year, the sole privilege of catching alewives, with seoop-nets or set nets only, on the days and at the places designated by this act, to such person or persons as shall give most for the same and give sufficient security for payment, such person or persons so purchasing to have the right to take fish, and no other person whatever. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted. That if an}- person or persons shall, at any time or place other than those admitted b}' this act, catch or destroy any of the fish aforesaid, or by an}^ other means whatever shall interrupt, impede or hinder the passage of said fish up the streams, brooks or ponds within said town, or in Titicut River which divides said town of Middleborough from the towns of Bridge- water and Ra^-nham, or an}' of the waters connected therewith within the limits of either of said towns, he or they shall forfeit and pay a 154 LAWS RELATING TO sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than five dollars, to be recovered by indictment, complaint, or action of debt, in any court proper to tr}^ the same ; one half to the use of the said town of Mid- dleborough, the other half to him who shall prosecute or sue for the same. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That if any person or persons be found fishing with any seine or net, or other machine and instrument, or any seine or other instrument which shall be used by any [)erson or persons contrary' to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall be lawful for any person to seize and take such seine, net or other instrument, to his own use ; and, if prosecuted therefor, to plead the general issue and give this act in evidence, as though the same had been specially pleaded. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That said town of Middleborough shall, at the annual meeting in the month of March or April in each 3'ear, choose four or more persons, being freeholders in said town, whose dut}' it shall be to see that this act be duly observed, and to prosecute for all breaches thereof; and each person so chosen, shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty. And if any person so chosen shall refuse to serve, he shall forfeit and pay to the use of said town of Middleborough, the sum of five dollars, to be sued for and recovered by the town clerk of said town ; and said town shall immediately proceed to a new choice. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That all laws heretofore made for the regulation of the fisher\' in the said town of Middleborough be and the same hereby are repealed : provided, nevertheless, that an act passed on the sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and two, for the preservation and regulating of the taking of the fish called alewives, in the brook running from the West Quiticus Pond, to the East Quiticus Pond, shall be and remain in full force ; anything in this act to the contrar}- notwithstanding. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, Th&i any justice of the peace for the county of Plymouth shall be deemed and considered competent to try an}' action, complaint, or suit, prosecuted under this act, not- withstanding said justice may be an inhabitant of the said town of Middleborough. — [February 14, 1816. [1819, 137.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Taunton Great River. 1816, 119. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the twen- tieth da}^ of March next, it shall not be lawful for an}' person or per- sons (except as hereinafter provided) to catch alewiACs or any other fish with seines or nets in Taunton Great River : provided, that it shall INLAND FISHERIES. 155 and ma}' be lawful for the inhabitants of the several towns situated on said river, to catch alewives and other fish within the bounds of their own towns and nowhere else, with seines or nets, four days in each week only, to wit, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, beginning at midnight next succeeding Sunday and ending at midnight next succeeding Thursday in each week ; and 2^'rovided, that the towns of Dighton and Wellington shall draw or sweep with two seines or nets only ; the town of Berkley shall draw or sweep with two seines or nets only : the town of Taunton shall draw or sweep with three seines or nets only ; the town of Raynham shall draw or sweep with three seines or nets only, in said river, within the time before mentioned ; and no person shall be permitted at any time to set any seine or net across said river, or in any part thereof, or in any waters connected with the said river, or make use of any seine or net of more than twenty rods in length : provided, also, that each of said towns shall at a legal town meeting, establish annually the places where the said seines or nets may be used within the bounds of the respective towns exclusively, and at the same meet- ing or an adjournment thereof, dispose of and grant for that year, and 80 from year to year, the sole privilege of catching alewives, or other fish with seines or nets on the days above mentioned, at the places so established, to such person or persons as shall give the most for the same, and give suf3acient security for the payment at such time and in such manner as the respective towns shall order such person or persons, so purchasing the privilege to have right to fish, and no other person whatever. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted, That if any person or persons shall draw any seine or net on any day or time other than those before mentioned, or at any place other than those established by the town as aforesaid, or shall on any day or at any place, set a seine or net in or across said river, or any part thereof, or in any waters connected with the same, he shall forfeit and pay fifty dollars for each and every such offence, to be recovered by indictment or information, or by action of debt, in any court proper to try the same ; the one half thereof to the use of the poor of the town where the oflTence shall be committed, and the other half to him or them who shall prosecute or sue for the same. Sect. 3. Be it farther enacted, That if any person or persons shall be found sweeping with any seine or net, or if any seine or net shall be used by any person or persons contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall and may be lawful for any person or persons to seize and take such seine and net to his or their own use, and if prosecuted therefor, to plead the general issue, and give this act in evidence as though the same was specially pleaded. 156 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 4. Be it farther enacted^ That the several towns aforesaid shall, at their annual meetings in the month of March or April in each year, choose three or more persons, being freeholders in their respec- tive towns, whose duty shall be to see that this act be duly observed, and to prosecute for all breaches thereof; and each person so chosen shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty ; and the several towns shall be holden to make a reasonable compensation to the per- son so chosen by them respectivel}' for all uecessarj^ services in dis- charge of their duty under this act. And if any {person so chosen shall refuse to serve, he shall forfeit and pa}' to the use of the town to which he belongs the sum of ten dollars, to be sued for and recovered b}' the town clerk ; and the said town shall immediately proceed to a new choice. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted^ That if any person or persons convicted of any of the offences aforesaid, by indictment or informa- tion, shall fail to paj' the costs, or any part thereof, of the process on which he or they shall be convicted, so that the county in which the conviction takes place shall be chargeable with such costs, the several towns aforesaid shall reimburse to the said county the same costs in the following proportions, to wit : the town of Taunton three seventh parts, ^nd the towns of Dighton and Wellington, two seventh parts, and the town of Berkley two seventh parts thereof, to be apportioned and charged b}' the count}' treasurer to the said towns respectively', and to be assessed by the assessors of the said town with other town charges. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted. That all laws heretofore made for the regulation of the fisher}' in Taunton Great River be and the same is hereby repealed. — [February 15, 1816. [1818, 106 ; 1832, 44.] 1816. An Act to prevent the Taking of Fisb in a Pond called Winchel's Pond in Egremont, in the County of Berkshire. 1816, 30. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act no person or persons shall be allowed to piit or draw any seine or seines, or put or set any net or nets whatsoever in the pond called Winchel's Pond, in the town of Egremont, in the county of Berkshire, for the taking of the fish called pickerel ; and any and every person who shall presume to take any fish called pickerel with any seine or net from said pond, shall incur and pay a penalty of ten dollars for every such offence, and the seine or net shall be forfeited to the said town of Egremont. as also all the fish so taken, to be at the disposal of the selectmen of said town. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That no person or ^jersons shall be INLAND FISHERIES. 157 allowed to take from said pond, in any way whatsoever, any of the said fish called pickerel, within said year, and shall incur and pay a penalt}- of five dollars for every such offence. Sect. 3. Be it farther enacted^ That all penalties incurred by any offence against this act may be sued for and recovered in an action of debt by the treasurer of the said town of Egremont, for the time being, before any justice of the peace in the said county of Berkshire, who does not belong to the said town of Egremont ; and all suras of money so recovered shall be appropriated to the use of said town. And in case any minor or minors shall offend against this act, or any part thereof, and thereby incur any of the penalties aforesaid, the parent, master or guardian of such mtnor or minors shall be answer- able therefor ; in which cases the action shall be commenced against such parent, master or guardian (as the case may be) of such minor or minors respectively, and judgment rendered accordingly in the same manner and degree as for his or their personal offence. — [June 19, 1816. An Act for regulating the Fishery in the Town of Gloucester. Whereas the town of Gloucester, in the county of Essex, have purchased of Zacariah Stevens, Esq., and opened a passage-way through his mill-dam for the fish called alewives, into the Cape Pond, so called, and conveyed into it a number of said fish, at a considerable expense, whereby a great increase has arisen : 1816,114. Sect. 1. 5e lY ewacfed. That the taking and disposing of the fish called alewives shall be under the care and management of a committee of said town, to consist of five persons, to be chosen at the annual town meeting in March or April, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their dut}^ and shall distribute the fish that may be taken by them, or any person or persons under them, as equalh' as circumstances will admit, to such persons as shall apply for the same ; and for the fish so supplied, the committee aforesaid shall demand a sum not exceeding fifty cents for each hundred of fish so delivered, and account with the treasurer of said town for the proceeds thereof weekl}', and settle their final account on or before the last da}' of September annually' ; and the money arising therefrom shall be paid over to the treasurer of said town and appropriated to the use of the said town ; and the said committee shall have a reason- able allowance for their services, and la}- their accounts before the selectmen of said town for approbation and allowance on or before the last day of November annually. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That the said committee, or either of them, shall have full power and authority to remove from or out of the rivers, brooks or streams leading to the said pond, any obstruc- 158 LAWS RELATING TO tions that may be made to the free passing of said fish into the said ponds, or repassing from thence into the sea ; and tlie said committee, or either of them, or of such person or persons as shall be employed by them, going on the land of any person or persons for this purpose, shall not be deemed or held guilty of trespass. And the said com- mittee, or the major part of them, shall determine the particular places where the said fish shall be taken, and give public notice there- of by posting up one or more notifications in some conspicuous place or places in said town, on or before the first day of May annually : provided, however, that the said fish shall not be taken any more than three days in each week, at the discretion of the committee, and only between the rising and the setting of the sun on said days ; and pro- vided, also, that the said committee, or any other person under them, shall not be authorized to appoint any such place for fishing on the lands of John Manning, Esq., without his consent. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That no person shall catch or take any of said fish in any river, brook or stream leading to or from the said pond, without the direction of the said committee, or the major part of them, in writing ; and whoever shall presume, at any time hereafter to take, kill or haul on shore any of the said fish with seines or drag-nets, in either of the rivers, ponds, brooks or streams through which the said fish pass into the said Cape Pond, or shall with any seine or drag-net, or in any other way obstruct the passage of the said fish to or from the said pond, or shall obstruct the said committee, or either of them (or those persons employed by them) in the execution of their duty ; in all and every of these cases the offenders shall for each offence forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than five dollars, with costs of suit. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the said committee, or either of them, and they are hereby vested with full power and authority to sue for and recover, in the name of the treasurer of the said town, from time to time, all forfeitures incurred by any breach of this act, before any justice of the peace for the county of Essex ; and any justice of the peace of the town of Glou- cester may hear and determine any complaint under this act to the amount of twenty dollars, his being an inhabitant of the said town notwithstanding. And in case any minor or minors shall oflTend ao-ainst any part of this act, and thereby incur any or either of the penalties aforesaid, in all such cases the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors shall be answerable therefor ; and in case of prosecution of such minor or minors, the action shall be commenced at^ainst such parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors respectively, and judgment rendered accordingly ; and all such fines shall be to the use of said town ; saving where any person shall give INLAND FISHERIES. 159 information of any breacbi of this act, the informer, upon conviction of the offender, shall be entitled to one half the forfeiture ; and no person shall be considered as being disqualified from being a witness on any trial that may be had pursuant to this act on account of his being an inhabitant of the said town of Gloucester, or of his being one of the committee aforesaid. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the dut}' of the committee aforesaid to take care that a sufficient passage be kept open annuall}- for the young alewives to pass from the said pond to the sea. — [December 14, 1816. 1817. An Act to prevent the Destruction of Pickerel in the Town of Great Harrington. 1817, 109. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act, whoever shall kill, take or catch any pickerel in any pond, cove, river or stream within the town of Great Barrington, other than by or with a hook or hooks and line, shall forfeit and pa}' the sum of five dollars for each and every pickerel so taken, to be recovered by an}' person who may sue for the same, to his own use, before any justice of the peace within the same county. — [February 13, 1818. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 290.] An Act for the Preservation of the Fish called Alewives in Mattapoisett River. 1817, 136. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, any person or persons who shall aid, assist or abet in the unlawful taking of any of the fish called alewives in Mattapoisett River, in Rochester, shall incur and be liable to the same forfeiture or forfeitures as the person or persons actually taking said fish, to be recovered in the same manner. — [February 19, 1818. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 285 ; 1812, 154.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Monatiquot River, in the Town of Braintree. 1817, 151. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the town of Braintree, at their meeting in March or April annually, may and they hereby are authorized to regulate the taking of the fish called alewives, shad and smelts in Monatiquot River, within said town, or to dispose of the privilege of taking the same, to their own use and benefit, in any manner or way that they may think proper, which sale shall not exceed three years at one time ; and said regula- tions when made shall remain in force one year next ensuing, and afterwards until new regulations, in manner aforesaid, shall be adopted by the town. And it shall be the duty of said town, at their aforesaid meeting annually, to choose three discreet persons liy bal- lot, whose duty it shall be to inspect said river, to cause the regula- 160 LAWS DELATING TO tions respecting said fisliery to be carried into effect, and to prosecute all violations thereof that shall come to their knowledge, and who shall also be sworn to the faithful performance of their duty in like manner and under like penalties as other town officers : provided^ that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the inhabitants of the town of Braintree from taking smelts for their use and con- sumption, or any of the inhabitants of the towns of Quincy or Wey- mouth, for the same purpose, two days in each week, to be agreed upon by the town of Braintree at their annual meeting in March or April. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That the owners or occupiers of dams across said river shall, during the time said fish are passing up, constantly keep open a passage through, over or round their respec- tive dams, sufficient for the passage of said fish, to the satisfaction of the selectmen of the said town, for the time being, or a major part Of them, under penalty of a sum not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, for each and every twenty-four hours that they shall neglect to open a passage as aforesaid, from and after said owner or occupier has been notified and required in writing by said committee, for the space of two days so to do. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall make any wear across said river, or cause any obstructions to the free passage of said fish, contrary to the regulations of the town, the person or persons so offending shall for each offence forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, nor less than one dollar, at the discretion of the court before whom the same may be tried. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted^ That all penalties incurred by a breach of this act, may be prosecuted and sued for before any court of record proper to try the same, by an}^ inhabitant of said town being a freeholder ; and no person shall be considered as disqualified from being a witness on any trial that may be had pursuant to this act, by reason of his or her being an inhabitant of said town (who is not a complainant), or of being one of the committee aforesaid. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted. That the town of Braintree shall cause to be given to ever}' poor and necessitous family in said town annually, two hundred of said alewives, and the selectmen of the said town of Braintree for the time being, shall or may determine what necessitous or poor family shall be entitled to the benefit of said fish. Sect. 6. Be it farther enacted, That all fines and penalties re- covered for a breach of this act, shall be one third part for the use of the complainant, and the other two thirds for the use of the town of Braintree. Sect. 7. Be it farther enacted. That the committee chosen by INLAND FISHERIES. 161 virtue of tliis act, shall be compensated for their service by the town of Braintree, at such rate as the town may agree upon, at the time the\' arc chosen. Skct. 8. Be it farther enacted, That an act entitled " An Act to regulate the taking of fish called alewives, in Monatiquot River in the town of Braintree," passed on the first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninet^'-nine, and an act entitled " An Act in addition to an Act entitled An Act to regulate the taking of the fish called alewives in Monatiquot River, in the town of Braintree," passed on the twenty-eighth da}' of Februar}', in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve, be and hereby are i-epealed. — [Feliruary 20, 1818. [1840,37; 1877,123.] [Sp. Laws, vol 1, p. 518.] An Act to prevent the taking of Fish near the Dam, at tbe Canal at South Hadiey Falls on Connecticut River. 1817, 157. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That no person or persons at an}' time hereafter shall take any salmon or shad within one mile and a half of an}' part of tbe dam in Connecticut River, near the canal at South Hadiey, with any net, seine, pot, scoop-net or any other machine or instrument whatever. And if an}- person or persons shall take or catch an}' salmon or shad, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, each person so oflTending shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a fine of. twenty dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That all nets, seines and other machines and instruments, used in taking salmon and shad as afore- said, shall be and hereby are forfeited to any person or persons who shall prosecute for the same, with costs of suit, to his or their own use, upon complaint or information to any justice of the peace in and for either of the counties of Hampshire or Hampden ; who may there- upon issue his warrant to seize the same, to be kept until trial of the said complaint or information, which the said justices are hereby fully authorized to hear and determine. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all sums of money forfeited by any breach of this act, shall and may be sued for and recovered by action or information, with costs of suit, before any justice of the peace within the counties of Hampshire or Hampden ; and one half of such fine shall enure to him or them who shall sue or prosecute for the same; and the other half for the use of the county in which said action or information shall be prosecuted. And any person or per- sons aggrieved at the sentence of the justice of the peace, given in pursuance of this act, may appeal therefrom to the next circuit court of common pleas, to be holden in the county in which judgment may be rendered. — [February 20, 1818. 162 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to prevent the Destruction of Shad and Alewives in the South River, so called, in the Town of Marshfield. 1817, 162. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the town of Marshfield, at their meeting for the choice of town officers in March or April annuall}', be and the^' are herebj^ authorized and empowered to appoint three or more persons a committee to superin- tend the taking of shad and alewives, at such places and on such days as said inhabitants at said meeting shall direct ; which committee shall dispose of said fish as said town shall order, and shall be allowed such compensation for all their said services as said town shall think just and reasonable ; and shall settle their accounts annually with the selectmen of said town and pay the balance into their hands for the use of said town. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said committee or the major part of them be and they are hereby authorized to have made and kept open sufficient sluice-ways at proper times, for the passage 'of said fish up and down said river, through, over or round all dams for mills or other water-works, which now are or shall hereafter be made over said river in said town ; and if any p"erson or persons shall obstruct or impede the passage-ways allowed or authorized by said committee or a major part of them, for the passage of said fish up and down said river, or shall by any means whatsoever, hinder the said fish from passing up and down said river, otherwise than is directed by this act, such person or persons so oflTending, shall forfeit for ever}" such oflfence, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than fifty dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons other than the said committee or such person or persons as shall be b}' them employed or permitted, shall take any of the said fish in said river or any stream that belongs to it, at any time or by an}^ means whatever, each person so offending shall forfeit and pa}' a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than five dollars for every such offence. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted. That all penalties incurred by any breach of the provisions of this act, shall be sued for and recovered by the treasurer of said town of Marshfield, for the time being, in any court in the county of Plymouth proper to try the same ; and all sums of mone}- so recovered, shall be appropriated to the use of said town ; and in case any minor or minors shall offend against any part of said act, and thereby incur au}^ or either of the penalties of this act, in all such cases, the parents, masters or guardians of such minors respec- tively, shall be answerable therefor ; and in case of any prosecution of such minor or minors for any of the aforesaid offences, the action shall be commenced against the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors respectively and judgment shall be rendered against INLAND FISHERIES. 163 them in such case, in the same manner as for his or their personal offence. — [February 20, 1818. [1853, 350.] 1818. An Act to regulate the Fishery in First Herring Brook, in the Town of Scituate. ■ 1818, 13, Sect, 1. Be it enacted, That the selectmen of the town of Scituate shall be fish-wardens in said town, and shall have author- ity to open necessary and convenient sluice-ways through anj' dam erected on the First Herring Brook, so called, in said Scituate, and shall annually form and publish such regulations respecting the pres- ervation, and the time and manner of taking ale wives in said First Herring Brook, with suitable fines and penalties annexed to the breach of said regulations as they may judge proper ; said fines and penalties to be recovered by action or complaint in au}^ court having competent jurisdiction : provided, said regulations are not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth ; and provided, also, that the said town of Scituate at any legal meeting for tliat purpose, shall have power to dispose of the right of fishing in said First Herring Brook, according to the regulations aforesaid, to such persons and upon such terms as they may determine to be proper ; and all fines and penalties which may be recovered for breaches of this act, shall inure one half to the complainant or person who may sue for and recover the same, and the other half to the poor of said town of Scit- uate. And the said regulations which may be so formed and adopted by the selectmen, shall be recorded in the town records ; and it shall be deemed sufficient notice to all persons of the publication of said regulations, by posting them up in three several places in the said town, as the discretion of the selectmen may direct. — [June 12, 1818. [1852, 151.] [1815, 111.] An Act to repeal all Laws heretofore made for regulating the Alewive Fishery in the Towns of Bridgewater and Halifax, in the County of Plymouth. 1818, 83. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That all the laws heretofore made for regulating the alewive fishery in the towns of Bridgewater and Halifax, in the count}' of Plymouth, or either of them, or that may require an}' passage-way for said fish at an}- mill-dam in said towns, or either of them, excepting Pratt's dam, so called, in Titicut, he and the same are hereby repealed, so far as they respect either of said towns. — [February 15, 1819. An Act to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Tom Cod and Smelts iu Charles River, and to regulate the manner of taking the same. 1818, 109. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act, if any person or persons shall place or set an}' seine 164 LAWS RELATING TO or net, or set up, erect or place any obstruction or incumbrance what- soever (mill-dams excepted) in or across Charles River, whereby the free passing of the 6sh up and down said river shall be straightened, obstructed or stopped, they shall severally forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars for each and every offence, one half of which shall be to the use of him or them that shall sue or prosecute therefor, and the other half to the use of the town or towns within whose limits the offence is committed ; or any town may sue in the name of its inhabi- tants, and in that case the whole penalt}' shall be to the use of the town thus sueing. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall draw or use an}' seine or net of a greater length than fifteen feet, or shall make use of more than one net or seine at the same time, to take any of the fish called tom cod and smelts within said river, or shall draw any such seine or net on any other of the days of the week than Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they shall severally forfeit and pa}' the sum of fort}' dollars for each and every offence, to the use as aforesaid ; "and all other forfeitures incurred by any breach of this act may be recovered by an action on the case before any court proper to try the same : jwovided, that nothing contained in this act shall be construed to subject any person or persons to any of the penalties aforesaid by reason of their happening to take any of the said fish called tom cod and smelts, when they shall rightfully draw or use a seine or net, the meshes of which are not less than one inch square, for the purpose of taking shad and alewives, in the usual and proper season of taking those fish. — [February 19, 1819. 1819. [Sp. Laws, vol. i, p. 272.] An Act in further addition to the several Acts for regulating the Fishery in Merrimack River. 1819, 4. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the first day in July in each and every year, the penalties contained in the several acts heretofore passed for regulating the fishery in Merrimack River, shall not extend to or be in force against any person drawing a net or seine for the purpose of taking the fish called menhaden, or any other sea or salt water fish, anywhere below Essex Merrimack bridge ; anything in the several acts before mentioned to the contrary notwith- standing.— [June 11, 1819. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 378.] An Act respecting the Fishery in the Towns of Rehoboth and Swanzey. 1819, 11. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, if any person or persons shall attempt to take any INLAND FISHEIUES. 165 shad or alewives with a seine, ov drag-net, or scoop-net, set or draw- ing in Pahner's River, or the branches thereof, at an}- time or place otherwise than is allowed by law within the towns of Rehoboth or Swanze}-. shall forfeit and pay seven dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered by action of debt in an}' court proper to try the same, one moiety to him or them who shall prosecute for the same, and the other moiet}' to the town in which the offence is committed. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That any seine, drag-net or scoop- net which shall be found set or drawing in said Palmer's River, or any branch thereof, with or without the owner of the same, or any other person, shall be forfeited to the use of the poor of the town in which the offence is committed ; and if any person or persons shall make, or cause to be made, any weare within eight rods of another in said river, he or they shall forfeit and pay a fine of seven dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as aforesaid. — [June 12, 1810. [1820, 51 ; 18^6, 130 ; 1837. 184 ] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272] An Act further regulating the Fishery in Merrimack River and the Streams running into the same. 1819, 20. Sect. 1. Be it enacted^ That if any person or persons shall erect or cause to be erected an}- mill-dam or weare, or shall place any stones, timber, boards, plank or gravel, or any other obstruction or incumbrance in or across the Merrimack River, or any of the rivers or streams running into the same, or continue or suffer to be continued any such obstruction or incumbrance as before mentioned, as hath heretofore been erected or placed so as to prevent or obstruct the free passage of the salmon, shad or alewives in their usual course up and down said rivers and streams, at the time of their passing up to cast their spaw-n, and returning down of said fish and the young fry ; the person or persons so offending, instead of the penalty heretofore pro- vided by law for such offence, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceed- ing five hundred dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court before whom the conviction may be had, to be recovered by action or indictment ; one half to the use of the county, and the other half to the person or persons who may sue or prosecute for the same ; and the court before whom such conviction may be had shall cause the obstruction to be removed at the cost and charge of the offender or ofl^enders. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall at any time, with a spear or other instrument or machine, by torch- light or candle-light, catch, kill oi,- destroy any salmon, shad or ale- wives in any of the rivers or streams aforesaid, or shall with jack and spear, by torch-light or candle-light fish for the purpose of catching jiny salmon, shad or alewives, every such person so offending shall 166 LAWS RELATING TO forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered and appro- priated as aforesaid. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall catch any salmon, shad or alewives in any part of Merrimack River, or in any river or stream running into the same, or shall draw or drag any seine, drag-net or fly-net, or set any net or pot, or use any other machine, or sufl"er such to be continued or set for the purpose of catch- ing any of the said fish, in any of the, said rivers or streams, at any other time or times than by the laws of this Commonwealth are expressly allowed and permitted, every such person so offending, instead of the penalty heretofore provided by law for such oflfence, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than fifty dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as aforesaid. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That each and every fish-warden, sheriff, deputy-sheriff, constable and grand juror is hereby empowered to command the assistance of any person or persons which they or any of them may judge necessary for carrying this act, and the sev- eral acts to which this is in addition into full effect, in the same man- ner as sheriffs are empowered to command aid in a civil or criminal process. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That all seines, nets and pots, of every sort and description used for the purpose of catching any of the aforesaid fish, if found in either of said rivers or streams, or within the banks of the same on any day or time when by law it is not per- mitted or allowed to catch any of said fish, each and every such seine, net, pot or other instrument, shall be forfeited, together with any boat, in which the same may be found ; and the same may be seized by a fish-warden, sheriff, deputy-sheriff, constable or grand juror, and prosecuted for in the same way and manner as by law provided, when seines are seized for breach of the laws for regulating the fisheries in said rivers and streams ; and the net proceeds, after paying all costs and charges, shall be for the sole use of the person who may seize and prosecute for the same, except when complaint shall be made by any other person ; in which case the informant or person complaining shall be entitled to one half, and the other half shall enure to the county where the offence is or may be committed. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall fish with seine or net more than eighteen rods long in Merrimack River, or twelve rods long in Concord River, or extend more than one seine or net on the same fishing grounds at one and the same time, instead of the penalties heretofore provided by law, shall, for every such oflfence, forfeit and pay a fine of fifty dollars ; and such seines and nets, together with the boat or boats so employed, shall be for- I INLAND FISHERIES. Ul feitcd and the same may be seized and prosecuted for in manner aforesaid. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the proprietors of the Middlesex Canal to cause to be erected and kept in repair in said canal, on both sides of said Concord River, such gates, constructed of wire or other materials, as may be sufficient to prevent the passage of the fish or young fry through said canal, either toward Merrimack River or toward Medford ; and shall not allow the said gates or either of them to be kept open, excepting at the time of passing any boat or raft, in either direction in said canal ; and no longer at an}' time, than may be sufficient for the passing of such boat or raft through the said gates ; and for failure or neglect of the duty herein enjoined, they shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars, to be recovered and appropriated as aforesaid. Sect. 8: Be it further enacted, That the act entitled " An Act further regulating the fishery in Merrimack River," passed on the fourteenth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventeen, be and the same is herel)y repealed : provided, however, that the said act shall be in full force as to the prosecutions commenced under the said act. — [.June 18, 1819. [1820, 22, 70 ; 1832, 56 ; 1866, 238.] An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish in the several Ponds in the Town of Haverhill. 1819, 98. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act, no person shall take, catch or kill any pickerel or other fish in the several ponds in the town of Haverhill, in the county of Essex, with any instrument whatever, at any time between the first day of December in each year, and the first day of May following, and no person shall catch, kill or destroy any pickerel or perch in said ponds, or in the several brooks running into or out of the same, with any spear, grapple, seine, net or pot, at any time after the passing of this act. And every person so offending against the provisions of this act, shall for each and every oifeuce, forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit in an action of debt, by any person or persons who shall sue for the same, to his or their use, before any justice of the peace within and for the county of Essex. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the inhabitants of Haverhill, aforesaid, may, at their annual meeting in March or April, in any year, by vote, suspend the operation of the prohibitions and restric- tions contained in the first section of this act, or any part of the same, for any term of time not exceeding one 3'ear, as to them shall seem expedient. — [February 7, 1820. [1848, 12.] 168 LAWS RELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 2U.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act for the preservation of the Fish called Alewives in the Weweantit River in the Connty of Plymouth, and for the regulating the Taking said Fish." 1819, 118. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the twenty-fifth day of June next, no person shall be liable to pay any penalt}' or forfeiture for taking fish called alewives in Weweantit River, or in any pond or stream having connection therewith, from the twenty-fifth day of June, to the fifteenth day of March, annual!}', an}' law to the contrary notwithstanding. — [Februar}' 15, 1820. [1836, 218.] « [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 502.] An Act to repeal all Laws heretofore made regulating the Alewive Fishery in the Town of Kingston in the County of Plymoutli, so far as they relate to Jones River, above and including Adams' mill-dam, so called, and also so far as they relate to Stony Brook in said Town. 1819, 125. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That all the laws heretofore made regulating the alewive fisher}' in the town of Kingston, in the county of Plymouth, so far as they relate to Jones River, aboA'e and including Adams' mill-dam, so called, and also so far as they relate to Stony Brook in said town, be and the same are hereby repealed. — [February 21, 1820. . [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Taunton Great River. 1819, 133. Sect. 1. Be if enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any persons, except as is hereinafter provided, to catch shad and alewives with seines or nets in the Taunton Great River, from the fifteenth day of March to the first day of June in each year : provided, that it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the several towns situated on said River, to catch shad and alewives with seines or nets in said river, with twelve seines or nets only, in the manner following, to wit : the towns of Wellington, Dighton, Somerset, Freetown and Troy shall each have the right of disposing at public auction, for their own benefit, of the privilege of catching shad and alewives with one seine or net only ; the towns of Berkley and Raynham shall each have the right of disposing at public auction, for their own benefit, of the privilege of catching shad and alewives with two seines or nets only ; and the town of Taunton shall have the right of disposing at public auction, fur their ow^n benefit, of the privilege of catching shad and alewives with three seines or nets only, in the river aforesaid, for the time aforesaid ; and the piu'chaser or purchasers of the privileges which shall be located in the towns of Raynham and Taunton shall not have a right to sweep with a seine or net more than fifteen rods in length ; and the towns of INLAND FISHERIES. 169 Berkle}' and Wellington shall not have a right to sweep with a seine or net more than twenty' rods in length, and but four days in each week, beginning at four o'clock on Morfda3' morning and ending at four o'clock on P'riday morning ; the purchaser or purchasers of the privilege or privileges which shall be located in the town of Dighton shall haA^e a right to sweep with a seine or net, thirty rods in length and no more, five days in each week, beginning at four o'clock on Monday morning and ending at four o'clock on Saturday morning ; and the purchaser or purchasers of the privilege or privileges which shall be located in either of the towns of Somerset, Freetown or Troy shall have a right to sweep with a seine or net, forty rods in length and no more, five da3's in each week, beginning at: four o'clock on Monda}' morning and ending at four o'clock on Saturda}' morning ; and }^rovided, also, that each of the said towns shall, at a legal meet- ing between the first day of September and the last day of December in each year, dispose and make sale of, at public auction, for the next year, and so from year to year, their privilege or privileges of catch- ing shad and alewives with seines or nets in the river aforesaid for the time aforesaid, to such person or persons as shall offer the most for the same and give sufficient security for the payment of the pur- chase money, at such time and in such manner as the respective towns shall order. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the several purchasers of the respective privileges aforesaid, shall select the place where they in- tend to use their seine or net for the purpose of catching shad and alewives, and shall file a certificate thereof with the clerk of the town within which the}' have determined to exercise their said privilege as aforesaid, on or before the first da}- of March in each year : provided, that the privilege which shall be purchased of the said town of Som- erset shall be exercised within the limits of said town ; and the person or persons so purchasing and locating the privileges aforesaid, shall have the right to catch shad and alewives in the river aforesaid, for the time aforesaid, and no other person. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That no purchaser of a privilege, as aforesaid, shall make use of a seine or net for the purpose aforesaid, at any other place in said river than the place so selected and certified as fiforesaid, during the time aforesaid ; and no two seines shall be located or swei)t within half a mile of Robinson's bridge, so called, in Raj'nham ; and no seine or net shall be swept more than forty rods on the bank of said river ; and no two seines shall be allowed to be swept within the same limits, on the same side of said river ; and no person whatever shall be permitted to set any seine, net, weare or other obstruction, in or across said river or any part thereof, or any waters connected with said river (Broad Cove, so called, in Somerset, 170 LAWS RELATING TO excepted), for the purpose of taking shad or alewives, or obstructing their passage along the said river, during the time aforesaid. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That if an}- person or persons shall draw or sweep with any seine or net, on any day or time other than as before expressed, or at any other place than those selected and located as aforesaid ; or shall on any da^' or at any place set any seine or net, weare or other obstruction in or across said river, or any part thereof, or an}' waters connected with the same (Broad Cove aforesaid, excepted), with the intention to catch or destro}' any of the fish called shad or alewives within the time limited in the first section of this act, he or they shall forfeit and pay fifty dollars for each and every such offence, to be recovered by indictment or inform- ation, to the use of the county in which the offence shall be commit- ted, or by action of debt ; one half thereof, after deducting all necessary expenses of the prosecution, to the use of him or them who shall sue for the same, and the other half to the use of the town in which the offence shall be committed. Sect. 5. Be it further enact ed, That if any person or persons shall be found sweeping with any seine or net, or if any seine or net shall be used by any person contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall and may be lawful for any fish-warden or inspectors, to be chosen by virtue of this act, or the law regulating the fishery in the town of Middleborough, to seize or take such seine or net and convert and retain the same to his or their own use or benefit, without any suit or process whatsoever ; and if prosecuted therefor, to plead the general issue and give this act in evidence as though the same had been pleaded special!}-. Sect, 6. Be it farther enacted, That the several towns aforesaid shall, at their annual meetings in the month of March or April, choose by ballot three or more suitable persons, being freeholders in said town, as fish- wardens, whose duty it shall be, jointly and severally, to see that this act is enforced, and to prosecute for all breaches thereof; and each fish-warden so chosen shall be sworn to the faithful dis- charge of his duty ; and the said fish-wardens, when sworn, are authorized to measure seines and nets, and to pursue and execute the duties of their office in any place within the towns aforesaid. And if any person chosen a fish-warden as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to be sworn as aforesaid, for the space of five days after he shall be duly notified of his election as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars, to the use of such town, to be recovered by action of debt by the treasurer thereof, and such town shall proceed to a new choice ; and so on, as often as circumstances shall require. And if any of the towns aforesaid shall neglect to choose fish-wardens as aforesaid, or to make sale of their privileges aforesaid, within the INLAND FISHERIES. ' 171 time liiuited therefor, according to the meaning of this act, siicli town shall forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred dollars, for the use of him or them who shall prosecute for the same. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted^ That all the laws heretofore made for the regulation of the fishery in Taunton Great River (except so far as respects the town of Middleborough) , be and the same are hereby repealed : provided, however, that any prosecutions which have been or may be commenced for the recover}' of any forfeitures incurred b}' virtue of the laws hereby repealed, ma}^ be prosecuted to final judgment and execution, in the same manner as if this act had not been passed ; and provided, also, that all contracts made prior to the passing of this act, by any of the towns aforesaid, respecting the fish- er}'^ aforesaid, by virtue and in pursuance of the laws hereby repealed, shall be valid to all intents and purposes ; this act to the contrary notwithstanding ; and provided, further, that the inhabitants of the respective towns aforesaid, who have not already disposed of their privileges as aforesaid, for the present year, by virtue and in pursu- ance of the laws hereby repealed, shall and may dispose of the same at any time before the first day of March next. — [February 21, 1820. [1822, 38.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 313.] An Act regulating the Taking of Fish called Alewives in the Town of Middleborough. 1819, 137. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the passing of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Middleborough, in the county of Plymouth, to take the^fish called alewives at the Old Stone Wear, so called, in sard town, on Wednes- day, Thursdaj", Friday and Saturday of each week during the time said fish are allowed to pass the aforesaid place, and at no other time at the place aforesaid ; any law to the contrary notwithstanding. — [February 21, 1820. [1837, 193.] 1820. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act to suspend the operation of the Seventh Section of an Act entitled "An Act fur- ther regulating the Fishery in the Merrimack River and the Streams running into the same," 1820, 22. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the seventh section of an act entitled "An Act further regulating the fishery in Merrimack River, and the streams ruqning into the same," passed on the eighteenth da}' of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, be and the same is hereby suspended in its operation, until the first day of April next. — [June 17, 1820. 172 ' LAWS RELATING TO An Act to regulate Passage-Way for Fish through the Dam near the Mouth of Concord River, in the Count}' of Middlesex. 1820, 38. Sect, 1. Be it enacted, That so long as there shall be kept and upheld a dam across Concord River, between the towns of Chelmsford and Tewksbiuy, in the county of Middlesex, where the dam of Thomas Kurd's factory now is situated, it shall be the duty of the owner, occupant or person upholding said dam, to cause to be made a sluice or passage-way, for flsh to pass freely up and down the river through said dam ; and the same shall be constructed with a permanent mud-sill, to be placed at the bottom of the natural chan- nel of said river, and to extend from the shore of the island in said river, not less than fifteen feet towards the factory, in the direction of the present dam, with permanent abutments, and a cross timber at the top not less than thirty inches above the mud-sill ; and the whole- of said passage- w'ay shall be kept open, from the first (\ixy of April to the twentieth da}' of May in each year, except only that when by reason of the falling of the water in said river, there shall not be more than twelve inches of water above said mud-sill, the said passage-waj' may, with the advice and consent of the fish-wardens of the towns of Chelmsford and Tewksbury, given in writing, be diminished in proportion to the depth of the water : provided, hoivever, that it shall never be reduced to a less depth than five feet from the abutment on the west side. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That so long as the owner, occu- pant or person upholding said dam shall cause to be made and kept a sluice or passage-way for fish through said dam, of the dimensions and constructions aforesaid, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, he shall not be liable to any penalty or prosecution by force of any act relative to the obstruction of the passage of fish up and down said river. Sect. 3. Be it farther enacted, That no person shall be permitted to obstruct the free passage of fish during the aforesaid months of April and Ma}', b}' taking them in any manner, at the said passage- way. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall continue in force for the terra of ten years and no longer. — [January 24, 1821. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 378.] An Act in addition to the several Acts heretofore passed, to regulate the Fishery in Ilehoboth and Swanzey. 1820,51. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, Tha,i no person whatever shall be permitted to set any seine, net, weare or other obstruction across Palmer's River iu Swanzey, at any time between the first day of April and the twentieth day of June in each year, for the purpose of INLAND FISHERIES. 173 olistriicting the passage of fish up the said river into Rehoboth ; and if an}' person or persons shall, within the time aforesaid, set anj- seine, net, weare or other obstruction across said river for the purpose afore- said, he or they shall forfeit and pay a fine of seven dollars for each and every such offence, to be recovered b}' action of debt, one half to the use of him or them who shall prosecute therefor, and the other half to the use of the town in which the offence shall be committed ; and such seine or net so set across said river shall also be forfeited to the use of hiui or them who shall prosecute for the same. — [Feb- ruary 9, 1821. [1836, 130.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 238, 512.] ' Ax Act for the regulation of the Shad and Alewife Fishery in Cambridge, Charlestown, Medford and West Cambridge. 1820, 67. Sect. 1. Be it enacted^ That the act passed on the sixteenth day of Februaiy, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, entitled "An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called shad and alewives in Mystic River, so called, within the towns of Cambridge, Charlestown and Medford, and for repealing all laws heretofore made for that purpose," shall be taken and construed to extend to the town of West Cambridoe in the county of Middlesex, as full}', to all intents and purposes, as if the town of West Cambridge had been originally named in said act ; and it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the said town of West Cambridge to catch and take any of the said fish within the limits of. said town, on all such days and times as by the provisions of the act aforesaid it is made lawful for the inhabitants of the said town of Cambridge to catch them, and on no other days or times. Skct. 2. Be it farther enacted, That an}' member of the several committees for the preservation of fish, annually to be chosen in each of said towns of Cambridge, Charlestown, Medford and West Cam- bridge, shall have full power and authority to do any act or thing in any or either of the said towns which heretofore might have been lawfully done b}^ a majority of either of said committees within the town where such committee was chosen, and shall be entitled to and enjoy all the privileges and protection, when in the exercise or dis- charge of their duties in either of said towns, which a majority of either or any of the said committees were heretofore entitled to and enjoyed, when acting in discharge of their said duties within the limits of the particular town for which such committee was chosen. And any person who shall disturb or hinder any or either of said committee-men in the execution of the duties of their said office, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars ; and each and every pecuniary penalty to be forfeited and 174 . LAWS RELATING TO paid by the aforesaid act for a breach or violation of any of the pro- visions thereof, is hereby raised and increased to a sunj not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars, in lieu of the sums therein mentioned, to be forfeited and paid respectively. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the better securing to the said towns of Cambridge, Charlestown, Medford and West Cam- bridge their equal benefit from said fishery, the said town of Medford shall be restricted to fish only on the ebb-tide, on such days as b}' the act aforesaid are provided for the inhabitants of said Medford to take said fish ; and every person who shall take or catch any of said fish upon the flood-tide, any net, seine or other fishing implements for the purpose of catching any of said fish, or to obstruct their passage up or down said rivers, streams or waters aforesaid, shall for each and every such offence incur the like forfeitures and penalties as shall be incurred by force of this act, by any person who shall catch or take any of said fish contrary to the provisions of the act mentioned in the first section of this act. Sect. 4, Be it further enacted, That the inhabitants of the said town of Charlestown shall be prohibited and restricted from setting or continuing any net, seine or other fishing implement in any of the rivers, streams or waters aforesaid, only wliile actually drawing or dragging for said fish, except as is hereinafter provided ; and every person who shall, within the town of Charlestown, set or continue any such net, seine or other fishing implement in any of the rivers or waters aforesaid, which may stop or obstruct the passage of said fish up or down the same, unless such person, at the same time, shall be actually engaged in drawing or dragging for said fish, except as is hereinafter provided, shall, for each and every such offence, incur like forfeitures and penalties as shall be incurred by force of this act, by any person who shall catch any of said fish contrary to the provisions of the act mentioned in the first section of this act : provided, never- theless, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to deprive the said inhabitants of Charlestown of the right of setting and having one stationary net or seine in Little River, so called, at any and all times between the hours of twelve of the clock at noon and twelve of the clock on the following night, on all such days as are lawful for said inhabitants to take said fish. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted. That no net, seine or other fishing implement shall ever be placed or used in the said Mystic River, nor in the said Little River, within fifteen rods from the point where the waters from those two rivers meet ; and every such net, seine or other fishing implement which shall be found situated in either of said rivers contrary to the provisions aforesaid, shall be wholly forfeited to the use of any person who shall find the same ; and every person who INLAND FISHERIES. 175 shall be guilty of placing or putting any such net, seine or other fish- ing implement in either of said rivers, within fifteen rods from the meeting of the waters of those rivers as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for each and every such offence, the sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered before any justice of the peace for said count}' of Middlesex. And any person who shall be guilty of opposing or hindering the removal of any net, seine or fishing implement which shall be found situated in either of said rivers, contrary to the pro- visions of this section, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twent}' dollars, to be recovered in the same manner as the forfeiture last above mentioned. Sect. 6. Be it further eyiacted, That any person or persons who shall at any one time catch or have in his or their possession, within either of said towns of Cambridge, Charlestown, Medford or West Cambridge, any of said fish, after they have cast their spawn, to the number of twenty or upwards, shall forfeit and pay for each and ever}' offence, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, nor less than ten dollars. Sect. 7. Be it further enacted, That every net, seine or other fish- ing implement which shall be placed or used in any of the rivers, streams or waters aforesaid, within either of said towns, contrar}' to the provisions of this act, as also all fish that shall be taken con- trar}' to an}' of the provisions of either of said acts, shall all be for- feited to the use of an}- person or persons who shall detect or discover any of such fish to be taken as aforesaid, or any such net, seine, or other such fishing implement to be situated or used as aforesaid ; and all forfeitures or penalties to be incurred for a breach of either of the acts aforesaid, shall be recoverable by any of the inhabitants of either of said towns of Cambridge, Charlestown, Medford and West Cam- bridge, in an action of debt, before any court proper to try the same ; one half the amount thereof to the use of the plaintiff in such action, and the other half thereof to the town where he belongs. — [February 14, 1821. [1845, UO.] [1811, 175; 1814, 137.] An Act to regulate the Passage-Way for Fish through the Canal Mill-Dam, in Billerica, and for other Purposes. 1820, 70. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That so long as there shall be kept and upheld a dam across Concord River, in the town of Billerica, where the mill-dam of the proprietors of the Middlesex Canal now is situated, there shall be kept open at the usual place in said dam, a sluice or passage-way for the fish to pass up and down the river through said dam, from the first day of April to the twentieth day of May in each year ; which sluice or passage-way shall be con- 176 LAWS RELATING TO structed with a permanent mud-sill, to be placed upon the bottom of the natural channel of said river, with permanent abutments and a cross timber at the top, not less than thirty inches above the mud-sill, and shall not be less than fifteen feet in breadth, except onl}' when b}' reason of the falling of the water in said river, there shall not be more than twenty-four inches of water above said mud-sill, the said passage-wa}- with the advice and consent of the fish-wardens of Bil- lerica, given in writing, ma}' be diminished in proportion to the depth of the water : provided^ however, that it shall never be reduced to a less breadth than six feet. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That so long as said proprietors, occupant or person upholding said mill-dam, shall cause to be kept open a sluice or passage-way for fish through said dam, of the dimen- sions aforesaid, and for the time aforesaid, neither of the said pro- prietors, or any tenant or occupant of said mill or mill-dam, shall be liable to anj' penalty or prosecution whatever, by force of any act rel- ative to the obstruction of the passage of fish up and down said river. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That the seventh section of an act entitled " An Act further regulating the fishery in the Merrimack River, and the streams running into the same," passed the eighteenth da}' of June, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, be, and the same is hereby repealed. — [February 14, 1821. 1821. [1819, 20.] An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fisb in the Town of Framinghani. 1821, 15. Sect. 1. Be it enacted^ That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall not be lawful for an}' person to set or use more than one hook, at any one time, on any of the ponds or streams within the town of Framinghani, in the county of Middlesex ; nor shall it be lawful for any person or persons to draw any seine or net, in any of the ponds or streams in said town ; nor shall it be lawful for any person to set any pot or net in any of the streams aforesaid. And if any person or persons shall, after the passing of this act, be found using or setting more than one hook, at any one time, such person or persons shall, for each hook so set or used, after the first, forfeit and pay a sum not less one dollar ; and if any person or persons shall, after the passing of this act draw any seine or net in any of the ponds or streams within said town, or shall set any pot or net within any of the streams aforesaid, he or they so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five dollars, and shall forfeit the pot, seine or net so used to the use of the said town. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred by any breach of this act, may be recovered by any person who shall sue for INLAND FISHERIES. 177 the same iu any court in said count}' of Middlesex, [iroper to try the same. And if any minor or minors shall offend against the provi- sions of this act, and shall thereby incur any of the penalties aforesaid, the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors shall be answerable therefor ; in which case the action shall be commenced against such parent, master or guardian (as the case ma}' be) of such minnr or minors, and judgment rendered accordingly : provided, how- ever, that the inhabitants of said town of Framingham may, at their meeting in March or April annually, suspend in whole or iu part, the provisions and restrictions of the act aforesaid, for any term of time, not exceeding one year. — [June 15, 1821. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] An Act to empower the Proprietors of Flint's Mills, on Ipswich River, to alter the Pas- sage for the Fish in the Dam of said Mills. 1821, 27. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the proprietors of Flint's mills, in Middleton, in the county of Essex, be, and they hereby are authorized and empowered to discontinue the way now required by law to be kept open for the passage of fish through the dam of said mills, any law to the contrary notwithstanding : provided, nevertheless, that the said proprietors shall cause to be constructed on the southerly side of said dam, within six months from and after the passing of this act, a good and sufficient passage for the fish, and shall keep the same in good repair ; which passage shall be approved and allowed b}"^ the major part of a committee to be composed of the fish-wardens of the towns of Danvers and Middleton, in the county of Essex, and the town of Reading in the county of Middlesex. — [June 16, 1821. An Act to regulate the Pass-way for Fish in Beaver Brook, in the Town of Dracut. 1821, 62. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That instead of the passway now required b}' law to be kept in said brook at the mills owned by Artemas Stanley and Sewall Stanley in the town of Dracut, iu the county of Middlesex, the owners shall be, and hereb}' are required to keep open a passway for the passage of fish called alewives, of the following dimensions : beginning at the dam, near the factory floom, six feet in width, on a level with the bottom of said floom, and run- ning by the side of said floom to the factor}' wall, then turning and running twenty feet down b}' the side of said dam, three feet and a half wide, with stoppers on each side, with a board or plank, to be placed across the head of said course, six inches in width, and the said head to keep open and in sufficient repair at all times while said fish are passing up and down said brook. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That so long as the owners of said mill shall keep open said course and in good repair in the manner aforesaid, they shall not be subject to any of the penalties or restric- 178 LAWS RELATING TO tious of an}' law regulating the passage of fish in the said brook ; and no person or persons shall be allowed to take any fish in said course, or within thirty feet of the same, in an}' wa}' or manner, under a pen- alty of five dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt in any court proper to try the same, to be for the use of him or them who may sue therefor.— [February 8, 1822. [1834, 117.] An Act for the preservation and regulation of the Fishery in the Towns of Fairhaven, New Bedford, Dartmouth and Westport. 1821, 97. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the first day of March next it shall not be lawful for any person living without the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, to take au}'^ lobsters, tautog, bass or other fish within the harbors, streams or waters of the towns of Fairhaven, New Bedford, Dartmouth and Westport, for the purpose of carrying away from said waters in smacks or vessels owned without the Commonwealth, of an}' size, nor any owned within this Common- wealth over fifteen tons ; and any ami every person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for every offence, and also forfeit all the fish and lobsters so taken. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the waters and shores of said towns of Fairhaven, New Bedford, Dartmouth and Westport shall be considered and taken by this act to extend from the line of the state of Rhode Island to the line of the county of Plymouth, including all the waters, islands and rocks lying within one mile of the main land. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That all fines and forfeitures that may be incurred for offences against this act, shall be one half to him or them who may first sue for the same, and the other half to the use of the town to which the complainant belongs ; and the said fines and forfeitures may be recovered with legal costs of suit, by action of debt or information, before any justice of the peace for the county of Bris- tol ; and any person or persons aggrieved at the sentence of the jus- tice of the peace, given in pursuance of this act, may appeal therefrom to the next court of common pleas, to be holden in the county in which judgment may be rendered. — [February 22, 1822. [Public Statutes, 91.] 1822. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the Fishery in Taunton Great River." 1822, 38. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, it shall not be lawful for the purchaser or purchasers of any privilege of catching shad or alewives of any of the towns sit- uated on Taunton Great River, to locate the place or places on said INLAND FISHERIES. 179 river for the purpose of catching said fish, or sweep or use seines or nets for that purpose, within one luindred rods of the mill-dam lately' erected across said river b}* Samuel Crocker and others, near King's Bridge, so called ; anything in the act entitled " An Act to regulate the fisher}' in Taunton Great River," to which this is an addition, to the contrary notwithstanding. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted. That it shall not be lawful for the said purchaser or purchasers, or an}' other person, to impede, inter- rupt, or turn the course of the fish within the distance of one hundred rods of the mill-dam aforesaid, for the purpose of taking said fish without or beyond that distance. Skct. 3. Be it further enacted, That any person dul}' convicted of a breach of the second section of this act, shall forfeit and pay the sum of fift}' dollars for each and every such oflience, to be recovered and appropriated in the manner provided in the fourth section of the act to which this is in addition. — [Januarj- 21, 1823. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 148.] An Act to prevent the Destruction of the Fish called Pickerel or Pike in the Ponds in the Towns of Braintree, Canton and Randolph, in the County of Norfolk. 1822, 54. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the first day of March next, it shall not be lawful for an}' person or persons to take any fish called pickerel or pike in any of the ponds called the Great Pond in the towns of Braintree and Randolph, and the Little Pond in the town of Braintree, and the pond called Ponkapoag in the towns of Canton and Randolph, from the first day of December to the first day of April, in each and every year ; and every person ofl^ending, contrary to the true intention and meaning of this act, upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace in the county of Norfolk, shall pay a fine of fifty cents for each and every pickerel or pike so taken, to and for the use of the person who shall sue for the same, together with all legal costs of prosecution : provided, nevertheless, that either of the towns of Braintree, Canton or Ran- dolph, may, at their annual meetings in the month of March or April, suspend the aforesaid act, so far as respects the ponds in their respec- tive towns, for the term of one year. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That all prosecutions for any viola- tions of the provisions of this act shall be instituted within thirty days from the time of committing the same. — [January 31, 1823. [1832, 54 ; 1837, 189 ; 1840, 37.] An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish in the Hoosick River within the Towns of Williamstown and Adams. 1822, 58. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the first day of May next it shall not be lawful to take or catch any fish with 180 LAWS RELATING TO nets or seines in the Hoosick River within the towns of Williamstowu and Adams ; and every person so otfending, contrary to the true intejit and meaning of this act, upon conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall pay a fine of two dollars, one half to the complainant and the other half to the town in which such offeuce is committed. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the inhabitants of the afore- said towns of Willianistown and Adams may, at their annual March or April meeting, by a concurrent vote, suspend the operation of the prohibitions and restrictions contained in this act, for such term of time, not exceeding one year, as to them shall seem expedient : pro- vided^ however, that the foregoing act shall not be so suspended within two years from the passing of the same. — [February 3, 1823. [Sp. Laws, vol. l,p. 272.] An Act regulating the Catching of Salmon, Shad and Alewives in Merrimack River, at the mouth of Shawsheen River in the Town of Andover. 1822, 75. Sect. 1. Be it enacted.. That all the laws heretofore made for regulating the catching of salmon, shad and alewives in Merrimack River, so far as they go to prevent their being taken at or near the mouth of Shawsheen River, in the town of Andover, be and the same are hereby repealed. — [Februar}^ 8, 1823. [1832, 56.] [1812, 129.] An Act relative to the Fishery in the Town of West Cambridge. 1822, 97. Sect. 1, Be it enacted. That an act passed the twenty-second day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve, entitled " An Act to regulate the fishery in the town of West Cambridge, and to empower said town to dispose of the privilege of taking the fish called shad and alewives within the limits thereof," be and the same is hereby repealed. — [P^ebruary 11, 1823. 1823. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 19L] An Act for the relief of the Danvers Cotton Factory in Danvers. 1823, 33. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the laws heretofore passed relative to alewives in the waters running into Ipswich River be and they are hereby repealed, so far as not to require the continu- ance of fish-ways at the Danvers Cotton Factory in the town of Danvers, or in the stream running thither from Humphrey's Pond. — [June 14, 1823. INLAND FISHERIES. 181 [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 148.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Neponset River in the Towns of Dorchester and Milton. 1823,41. Sect. 1. Beit enacted. That fi-om and after the pass- ing of this act, no person or persons shall be allowed to put or draw an}' seine or seines whatever in Neponset River, so far as that river forms any part of the dividing line between the towns of Dorchester and Milton, for the taking of fish called smelts and eels; and every person who shall presume to take any fish called smelts and eels with a seine, from said river, shall incur and pay a penalt}^ of five dollars for every such offence. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That no person or persons, .excepting the inhabitants of the towns of Dorchester and Milton, shall be allowed to take from said river, within the limits aforesaid, in any way whatsoever, any of the fish called smelts or eels, unless by permission of one or more of the selectmen of said towns, and any person not an inhabitant of said towns who shall presume to take any of said fish unless by such permission, shall incur a penalty of five dollars for every oflfence. Sect, 3. Be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred by a breach of this act ma}' be prosecuted and sued for before any justice of the peace for the county of Norfolk, by any of the inhabitants of either of said towns, for the use of him or them who shall sue for and recover the same. — [June 4, 1823. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 504.] An Act more effectually to prevent the Destruction of Shad and Alewives in the Saugus River and its Tributary Streams within the Towns of Lynn, Saugus, South Reading and Lynnfield. 1823, 97. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the towns of Lynn, Sau- gus, South Reading and Lynnfield shall be and they are hereby respectively empowered and directed, at their annual meetings for the choice of town officers, to choose in each town three persons, inhabitants thereof, to see that the laws respecting the passage-ways for shad and alewives be observed, and each person so chosen shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty. And the said com- mittees of said towns shall meet together annually, on or before the first day of April, at such time and place as the per.son first chosen by the town of Lynn shall appoint, to be by him duly notified. And the major part of those of the said committee who shall be present at such meeting, are hereby empowered and authorized to order the times, places and manner in which said fish may be taken in Saugus River and streams in each of said towns ; and the members of said committee shall have joint and concurrent jurisdiction in each of said towns, so far as respects said river and streams. And in case either 182 LAWS RELATING TO of said towns shall neglect to choose the committee assigned to it, the committee or committees which shall be duly chosen and sworn within the other towns, or either of them, shall have the powers and shall perform the duties hereb}' required ; and the regulations which shall be so agreed upon b}' said committees shall be written and posted, in three public places at least, in each of said towns. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the said committees, or the majority of the members, not less than three in number, who shall be present at any meeting duly notified by the first chosen or eldest member of the committee, which shall be chosen in the town of Lynn, or by the request of any three members of the said committees, shall be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to require of the owner or occupant of -any dam or sluice-head of any mill erected or that maj- be erected over said river or streams, to open and keep therein a sufficient passage-way for said fish at such time, on or aft6r the first day of April annually, as the said committees, or the major part of them present, as aforesaid, shall think necessary ; and may also require of the owner or occupant of any canal or course whereb}^ any natural stream is or shall be in part changed or altered, to leave sufficient water in the natural stream for the easy and safe passage of the said fish ; and upon neglect or refusal of such owner or occupant of any dam or sluice-head, or canal, as aforesaid, to comply with this act, the said committee, or major part who shall be present at any meting as aforesaid, shall and may cause such sufficient passage-way and open- ing as they shall judge necessary for the purposes aforesaid, to be made in such dam, sluice-head or canal, with least prejudice to the owner or occupant, and at his expense. And such passage and open- ing shall and may be continued at the discretion of said committee, from the time they shall order the same, as aforesaid, and until they shall order or permit the closing of the same, uot exceeding the fif- teenth day of June in every 3'ear. And if any person or persons shall obstruct the passage-way or opening required or allowed by the said committees, or the major part of them, as aforesaid, in any dam, sluice-head or canal within their jurisdiction, as aforesaid, such oflfender or offenders shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding sixty dollars nor less than thirtj' dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That if any persons shall be found taking any of the aforesaid fish on any da}', or in any place, or in any manner contrary to the regulations of the said committees, or of otherwise killing and wasting such fish, such offender shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding two dollars nor less than one dollar for each oflience. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said committees, jointly, and of each committee in their respective towns. INLAND FISHERIES. 183 to see the observance of this act, and they shall have authorit}^ there- for to go upon the land bordering upon the said river or streams, and shall not be considered as trespassers therein ; and any person who shall molest said committees, or either of them, in the execution of their office, or shall injuriousl}' obstruct the said river and streams, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding three dollars nor less than one dollar, according to the aggravation of the offence. And all fines and forfeitures given by this act shall and may be sued for and recov- ered by action of debt in any court proper to try the same, b}- the said committees or any one of them ; one moiety to the use of tlie prosecutors and the other moiety to the use of the poor of the town in which the offence shall happen. Sect. 5. Be it farther enacted. That all laws heretofore made for regulating the said river and streams in Lynn, Saugus, South Read- ing and Lynnfield, with joint or separate authority, are hereby repealed : provided., nevertheless, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to affect in any way an act passed March third, one thousand eight hundred and two, so far as respects the stream leading from the Flax Pond and emptying into said Saugus River, or any other stream within the said town of Lynn : provided, also, that said joint committee shall have no control or jurisdiction over any stream within the town of Lynn other than said Saugus River. — [February 10, 1824. An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish in the Town of Lincoln. 1823,110. Sect. 1. Se t7 enac^erZ, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person to set or use more than one hook at any one time on any of the ponds in the town of Lincoln, in the count}' of Middlesex, between the first day of Decem- ber and the first day of April annually ; and if an}' person or persons shall, after the passing of this act, be found setting or using more than one hook at any one time, such person or persons shall, for each hook so set or used after the first, forfeit and pay a sum of not less than one dollar nor more than two dollars. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred by any breach of this act, may be recovered b}' any person who shall sue for the same in any court in said county of Middlesex, proper to try the same, and if an}' minor or minors shall offend against the provisions of this act, and shall thereby incur any of the penalties aforesaid, the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors shall be answer- able therefor, in which case the action shall be commenced against such parent, master or guardian (as the case may be) of such minor or minors, and judgment rendered accordingly : provided, however, that the inhabitants of the said town of Lincoln may, at their meeting 184 LAWS RELATING TO in March or April annually, suspend in whole or in part the provis- ions and restrictions of the act aforesaid, for any term of time not exceeding one year. — [February 16, 1824. An Act to authorize Thomas Manning to erect a Dam across Ipswich River. 1823,136. Sect. 1. * * * provided, Jiowever, the s?iid Thomas Manning, his heirs and assigns shall make and keep open through said dam a passage-way for the jBsh to pass up said river or stream, of the dimensions, and constructed in the same manner and subject to the same rules and penalties as is provided by an act passed March twenty-eighth, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, and the acts in addition thereto, to prevent the destruction of alewives and other fish in said Ipswich River. — [February 21, 1824. 1824. An Act to preserve the Eel Fishery and to prevent the wilful destruction of Oysters and all other shell fish in the town of Harwich. 1824, 66. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the date of this act, no fisherman or any other person shall take from the waters within the town of Harwich, any eels without a permit from the selectmen of said town, under a penalty of three dollars for each bushel of fish so taken. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That to prevent the destruction of oysters and all other shell fish within the waters belonging to the said town of Harwich, that all the provisions, fines, forfeitures, penalties, seizures and appropriations, prescribed and contained in an act passed in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and ninet3'-six, entitled? " An Act to prevent the destruction of oysters and other shell fish in this Commonwealth," and also the several acts in addition thereto, so far as they may be applicable to the purposes of this act, be, and they are hereby extended to the said town of Harwich. — [February 12, 1825. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 313; 1815, 111.] An Act regulating the taking of Fish in the Town of Bridgewater, in the County of Plymouth. 1824, 76. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the first day of June next, it shall be lawful for the town of Bridgewater to catch the fish called shad and alewives in Titicut River, so called, which forms the boundary line between the said town of Bridgewater and the townof Middleborough, with a seine or net, and for that pur- pose they may sell at public auction for their own l)enefit, the privi- lege of catching said fish in said river, with one seine or net only, fifteen rods in length, four days in each week, between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of June in each year, to commence INLAND FISHERIES. 185 at four o'clock on Monday morning and to end at four o'clock on Frida}' morning, anj'thing in any law of this Commonwealth, now existing, to the contrary notwithstanding : provided, that the said town of Bridgewater shall, at a legal meeting, between the first day of September and the last day of December in each year, dispose and make sale of at public auction for the next year, and so on from year to year, their privilege of catching shad or alewives with a seine or net, in the river aforesaid, for the time aforesaid, to such person or persons as shall offer the most for the same, and give suffi- cient security for the payment of the purchase money at such time and in such manner as the said town shall order : x>rovided, also, that it shall not be lawful for said town or the purchaser of said privilege, to catch the fish aforesaid, within seventy-five rods of the dam across said river, known by the name of Pratt's Dam. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted , That the purchaser or purchasers of said privilege shall select the place where he or the}^ intend to use his or their seine or net, for the purpose of catching shad and ale- wives, and shall file a certificate thereof with the clerk of the town of Bridgewater, on or before the first day of March in each year ; and no purchaser of the privilege aforesaid shall make use of a seine or net for the purpose aforesaid, at any other place in said river than the place so selected and certified as aforesaid, during the time aforesaid. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall, at any time or place other than those admitted by this act, catch or destroy the fish aforesaid, in said Titicut River, he or they shall for- feit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than five dollars, to be recovered by indictment, complaint or action of debt, in any court proper to try the same, one half to the use of the said town of Bridgewater, and the other half to him who shall sue or prosecute the same : i^rovided, that in all prosecutions for any violation of this act, by the fish-inspectors, or any other inhabitant of the town of Mid- dleborough, one half of the penalty shall accrue to that town, instead of the "town of Bridgewater. Sect. 4, Be it further enacted, That said town of Bridgewater shall, at their annual meeting in the month of March or April in each year, choose four or more persons, being freeholders in said town, whose duty it shall be to see that this act be duly observed and to prosecute for all breaches thereof; and each person so chosen shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty, and if any person so chosen shall refuse to serve, he shall forfeit and pay to the use of the town of Bridgewater the sum of five dollars, to be sued for and recovered by the town clerk of said town, and said town shall immediately proceed to a new choice. — [February 15, 1825. [1825, 74.] 186 LAWS RELATING TO An Act for the regulation and preservation of the Fishery in the Towns of Edgarton, Chilmark and Tisbury. 1824, 94. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the first day of March next, it shall not be lawful for any person living with- out the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth, to take anj^ lobsters, tautog, bass or other fish within the harbors, inlets, coves or waters of the towns of Edgarton, Chilmark and Tisbury, for the purpose of carrying them awa}' from said waters, in smacks or vessels owned within this Commonwealth over fifteen tons ; and any and every per- son otfeuding against the provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for every offence and also forfeit all the fish and lobsters so taken. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the waters and shores of the said towns of Edgarton, Chilmark, and Tisbury shall be considered and taken by this act to extend from the whole county of Dukes to all the waters and rocks lying within one mile of the said count)'. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures that may be incurred for offences against this act shall be one half to him or them who may first sue for the same and the other half to the use of the town to which the complainant belongs ; and the said fines and forfeitures may be recovered, with legal costs of suit, by action of debt or information, before any justice of the peace for the county of Dukes ; and any person or persons aggrieved at the sentence of the justice of the peace given in pursuance of this act, may appeal there- from to the next court of common pleas, to be holden in the county in which judgment may be rendered. — [February 22, 1825. [1829, 84 ; 1847, 40.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191 ; 1810, 117.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Ipswich River within the Town of Ipswich. 1824, 101. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Ipswich to sell and dispose of the right of taking the fish call6d shad and alewives with seines or drag-nets in Ipswich River, within the limits of said town, one day in each week, according to the provis- ions of an act concerning said fisher}', passed on the twenty-third day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, at such place as the fish committee of said town shall direct, the proceeds of such sale to be applied according to the directions of said town at their annual meetings. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person other than the purchaser or purchasers of the aforesaid right, or those employed by them, who shall take any of said fish in Ipswich River, within said town, with seines or drag-nets, shall forfeit and pay a sum not less INLAND FISHERIES. 187 than ten dollars and not exceeding twenty dollars, for each offence, to be recovered by an action of debt in any court proper to try the same, one half thereof to the use of the said town of Ipswich and the other half to him or them who shall sue for the same. — [February 24, 1825. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 166.] . Ax Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the Destructioti and to regu- late the Catcliing of the Fish called Alewives, in their passage up the Rivers and Streams in the Town of Harwich in the County of Barnstable." 1824, 107. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to catch, by seining thereof, any of the fish called alewives within one mile of the river called Herring River, in the town of Harwich afore- said. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall violate the provisions of this act, each person so offending, for each and every such offence shall, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding three dollars nor less than one dollar, if the quantit}' of fish is less than one barrel ; but if the quantity shall be one barrel or more, such person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every barrel of fish so taken, the sum of three dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That any penalties incurred by any breach of this act shall be recovered and appropriated in the manner prescribed by the act to which this is in addition, for the recovery and appropriation of the penalties incurred under the provisions of that act. — [February 24, 1825. [1850, 148.] 1825. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 434.] Ax Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act for the regulating and disposing of the Fish called Alewives within the limits of the Town of Weymouth, and for the more effectually securing to the said Town the advantages thereof." 1825, 48. "Whereas an agreement has been entered into between the proprietors of the falls and water privileges on Alewive River, and the town of Weymouth, for the removal of the objections which exist in the minds of said proprietors under the act to which this is in addition, to the use of their water power for manufacturing purposes ; in pursuance of said agreement : Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the proprietors of the water-falls and mill privileges on Alewive River in Weymouth, be and they are hereby- authorized and empowered to erect proper fish-ways which shall be satisfactory to commissioners to be appointed as is hereinafter pro- vided, and said commissioners, when thus appointed, shall have full power to settle difficulties which may arise between the town and said 188 LAWS RELATING TO proprietors, on the complaint of either party, and the cost of such meeting shall be awarded to either party by the commissioners. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted^ That his excellency the governor, with advice of council, be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint three suitable persons to be commissioners for the purposes aforesaid. And it shall be the duty of said commissioners when an}' complaint is filed by either party, to give reasonable notice to the other party of the time and place fixed for enquiring into and deciding on the same, and in case of disagreement, the decision of any two of said commissioners shall be final. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted^ That when any obstruction shall be made to the passage of said fish into Whitman's Pond, and repass- ing from thence to the sea, instead of the fish committee appointed by said town having power, as is provided b}' the act to which this is in addition, to enter the land of any person or persons for the purpose of removing such obstructions, it shall be the duty of said committee to make complaints thereof to the commissioners aforesaid, who shall proceed to consider, examine and decide upon the same, according to the provisions of this act. Sect. 4. And he it further enacted, That such parts of the act to which this is in addition as is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, be and the same is hereby repealed. — [June 18, 1825. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 222.] An Act for the preservation and regulation of the Fishery in the Town of Falmouth. 1825, 63. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the first day of March next, it shall not be lawful for any person living with- out the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth to take any lobsters, tautog, bass or other fish within the harbors, inlets, coves or waters of the town of Falmouth, for the purpose of carrying them away from said waters in smacks or vessels owned without the Common- wealth, of any size, nor any owned within this Commonwealth over fifteen tons ; and any and every person oflfending against the provis- ions of this act shall forfeit and pa}' the sum of ten dollars for every offence, and also forfeit all the fish and lobsters so taken, or the value thereof. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That the waters and shores of said town of Falmouth shall be considered and taken b}' this act to extend from the shores of said Falmouth, including all the waters, islands and rocks lying within one mile of the main land. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all fines and forfeitures which may be incurred for offences against this act shall be one half to him or them who maj' first sue for the same, and the other half to the use of the town to which the complainant belongs ; and the said fines INLAND FISHERIES. 1«9 and forfeitures ma^' be recoverable, with legal costs of suit, by action of debt or infornialion, before any justice of the peace for the county of Barnstable ; and any person or persons aggrieved b}' the sentence of the justice of the peace, given in pursuance of this act, may appeal therefrom to the next court of common pleas, to be holden in the county in which judgment ma}' be rehdered. — [February 15, 1826. [1824, 76.] Ax Act in addition to an Act entitled "An Act regulating the Taking of Fisli in the Town of Bridgewater, in the County of Plymouth." 1825, 74. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act it shall not be lawful for the town of Bridgewater, or the inhabitants thereof, to catch the fish called shad and alewives in Titicut River, so called, which forms the boundary line between the said town of Bridgewater and the town of Middleborough, below the point where Newmasket River empties into the said Titicut River, or within twenty rods above that point, anything in the act to which this is in addition to the contrary notwithstanding. — [Februarj^ 15, 1826. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] An Act to regulate the Passage- Ways for Fish in Ipswich River, within the Town of Ipswich. 1825, 78. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That instead of the passage- ways now required by law to be kept open at Warner's mill-dam and the dam at Farley's mill, in Ipswich, the owners of said dams, their successors and assigns, shall make and continue in good repair a fish- way over said dams, at the northerly' end of the same, of the following description and dimensions : said fish-waj-s to be made either with wood or stone, beginning at the top of the dams, five feet in width and one foot in depth, and to admit of not less than six inches of water over the dam into said ways, and thence running down stream twenty feet, and terminating at seven feet in width, with stoppers on each side, of plank or stone, running not more than half way across said passage- ways, within two feet of each other ; and said head shall be kept open and in good repair at all times from the tenth day of April to the first day of June in each year. Sect. 2. Be it f^irther enacted, That so long as the owners of said dams shall keep open said course or passage-ways, and in good repair, in manner aforesaid, the}' shall not be subject to an}' of the penalties or restrictions of any law regulating the passage of fish in Ipswich River. — [February 15, 1826. [1829, 40.] 190 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to authorize Josiah Robbins to erect and maintain certain Tide-Gates in the Town of Plymouth. 1825, 108. Sect. 2. * * * Provided, however, that nothing in this act contained shall be deemed to affect any law or laws now in force, or which ma}- hereafter be made, relating to the fisheries in said town brook, nor the right or rights of an}' person or corporation in relation to said fisheries. An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the Destruction of Pickerel in the Ponds and Streams within this Commonwealth." 1825, 127. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to take any fish called pickerel in any of the ponds, rivers or streams within this Commonwealth, from the first day of December to the first day of April in each and every j^ear ; and every person offending contrary to the true intent of this act, upon conviction thereof before any court within this Commonwealth proper to try the same, shall pay a fine of fifty cents for each and every pickerel so taken, to and for the use of the person who shall sue for the same, together with all legal costs of prosecution. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That all penalties incurred by any breach of this act may be recovered by any person who shall sue for the same, in any court aforesaid ; and if any minor or minors shall offend against the provisions of this act, and shall therel)y incur any of the penalties aforesaid, the parent, master or guardian of such minor or minors shall be answerable therefor, in which case the action shall be commenced against such parent, master or guardian, as the case may be, of such minor or minors, and judgment rendered accord- ingly : provided, nevertheless, that the inhabitants of any of the towns within this Commonwealth may, at their annual meeting in the month of March or April, suspend in whole or in part the provisions and restrictions of the aforesaid act, so far as respects the taking of pick- erel in the ponds, rivers or streams within their respective towns, for any term of time not exceeding one year. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all prosecutions for any vio- lation of the provisions of this act shall be instituted within thirt}' days from the time of committing the same. — [February 26, 1826. 1826. An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish in the Harbour of Edgartown, by Seining thereof. 1826, 54. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the passing of this act it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to catch, by seining thereof or by the use of nets, any fish in the bays, waters, harbours, creeks or arms of the sea within the boundaries of INLAND FISHERIES. 191 the town of Edgartowii, excepting English herring, menhaden and mackerel : provided, however, that this act shall not have force or etfect to restrain the taking of fish in the manner aforesaid, in auj' place more than one mile from the limits of said town, nor within the limits of the harbor of Holmes' Hole. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if an}' person or persons shall vio- late the provisions of this act, each person so offending, for each and every such offence, shall, on conviction thereof, pa^' a fine not exceed- ing ten dollars nor less than one dollar, if the quantity of fish so taken is less than one barrel, but if the quantitj' shall be one barrel or more, such person or persons so oflfending shall forfeit and pa}- for each and every barrel of fish so taken, the sum of five dollars. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That all forfeitures and fines which shall be incurred by virtue of this act shall be recovered, the one half to the use of him or them who shall first sue for the same, and the other half to the use of the town of Edgartown, with legal costs of suit, b)'^ action of debt in any court proper to try the same. — [Feb- ruary 3, 1827. [1851, 77 ; 1856, 285.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 224; 1814, 162; 1815, 56.] A?f Act to unite the Watertown and Brighton Fislieries in Charles River, and for the Regulation and Management thereof. 1826, 76. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the several fisheries described in an act made and passed on the first day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, entitled "An Act to regulate the shad and alewive fishery in the town of Brighton," and an act made and passed the third day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen [^six- teen'], entitled " An Act to regulate the shad and alewive fishery in the town of Watertown," shall be united and hereafter constitute one fishery ; and the right, franchise and property of said fisheries thus united shall belong to and be owned by said towns, in the propor- tions following, that is to say : seven tenth parts thereof by the town of Watertown, and three tenth parts thereof by the town of Brighton. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the well ordering and good management of said fishery, there shall, as soon after the pass- ing of this act as may be, and thereafter annually in the mouth of January, be appointed by the selectmen of the town of Watertown for the time being, three discreet and disinterested inhabitants of that town, and by the selectmen of Brighton two of their inhabitants of like character, who shall continue in office for the space of one 3'ear from the date of their appointment, and until others shall be appointed in their places, but subject to removal at any time by the respective selectmen of said towns, and they shall be denominated the fish-wai-dens 192 LAWS RELATING TO of Charles River, and shall have power to use and occupy the said fisher^y by causing all such fish as pass into or are found in said river within the limits of said towns of Brighton and Watertown, to be taken at such times, in such manner, with such seines, nets, utensils and ma- chiner}-, and b}' such persons, agents or servants as the}' may see fit to emplo}' for that purpose ; or they ma}' lease and farm out b}' public or private sale, for one or more years, not exceeding five 3'ears in any one contract, the said fisher}^ entire orb}' parcels, as they may consider will be most advantageous for their respective towns ; and each of said towns shall provide the same place or places where the fish have heretofore been taken on the margin of said river, within their respective limits, to be used at all times for landing and drawing the fish to shore, as occasion may require ; but said fish-wardens shall not have the right or power of taking any of the fish called shad and alewives, or to authorize any other person to take them on more than three days in any one week. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said fish-wardens immediately upon the receipt of any monies arising from the management, rent or sales of said fishery, after deducting there- from such sums as they may have necessarily expended in conducting said business, to pay over the same to the respective treasurers of said towns, in the proportions aforesaid, taking their receipts for the same ; and in the month of December annually, they shall make up their accounts, with a full and fair report of their proceedings in the premises, and deliver one set to the selectmen of each town, to be examined, allowed and passed by them ; and the said fish- wardens shall be entitled to such compensation as their respective towns employing them may see fit to allow them ; and the acts and doings of any three of said fish-wardens, when the whole have been notified, shall be binding and as valid in law as if all five had acted and con- curred therein. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall cast or put into the waters of Charles River, within the limits of the towns of Watertown and Brighton, any seine,, net or other machine or instru- ment whatever (other than a hook and line, as is commonly used for taking small fish), for the purpose or with a design to take or in any manner destroy any of the fish therein, or prevent their free passage up and down, along or across said river or any part thereof, without license first had from said fish-wardens, he or she so offending, shall forfeit and pay for each offence, a sum not less than twenty dollars nor more than forty dollars, according to the nature and aggravation of the oflTence. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall take, kill or destroy any fish within the limits of the said towns of Watertown INLAND FISHERIES. 193 and Brighton, without license from the fish-wardens of Charles River (except the taking them wiih hooii and line as aforesaid), every per- son so oflending shall forfeit and pay for every fish killed, taken or destroyed the sura of thirty cents. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted^ That all fines and forfeitures which may be incurred by any breach of this act, shall enure and be to the use of the respective towns of Watertown and Brighton, in the pro- portions herein before stated ; that is to say, seven tenth parts thereof to the use of the town of Brighton, and shall and may be recovered on complaint before any justice of the peace, where the penalt}' does not exceed twenty dollars, or b}' indictment before the supreme judi- age-M''ay for Fish at the Dam across Taunton Great River, in the County of Bristol, at a place called King's Bridge. 1829, 65. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That the proprietors of the mills and dam at King's bridge, on Taunton Great River, in the county of Bristol, shall construct and keep open at their said dam a conven- ient wa}^ for the passage of such fish as usuallj' pass up the same river, in their proper season, which passage-way shall be of such dimensions and constructed and regulated in such manner as shall be prescril)ed and directed by the selectmen of the town of Bridgewater, in the county of Plymouth, or tlie major part of them, who are herebj' ap- pointed a committee for this purpose, in pursuance of the agreement of the said proprietors and the town of Middleborough, in the county of Plymouth, the said town of Middleborough being the onl3' town interested in the fisher}' in said river above said dam ; and the said selectmen of Bridgewater, or the major part of them, shall, from time to time, on the application of said town of Middleborough, or of said proprietors, and at the expense of said town of Middleborougli, or of said proprietors, as the said selectmen of Bridgewater shall adjudge, repair to said dam and order and direct such alterations to be made in said fish-wa}', and in the regulation of the water, as to them shall ap- pear to be proper, taking into ccmsideration the interest of said pro- prietors as well as the importance of providing a convenient way for the passage of the fish ; and all such alterations as may be ordered and directed as aforesaid shall be made by said proprietors within such time as said selectmen shall order. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That so long as the said proprie- tors or owners of said mills and dam shall keep open during the proper season of the passing up of said fish a passage-waj' so con- structed and regulated as aforesaid, the}' shall not, nor shall either of them, nor their tenants, nor the occupants of said mills and dam, be subject to the penalties of an}' act regulating the fisherj' in said river, nor to any action, prosecution or penalty under any law requiring a INLAND FISHERIES. 197 passTage-waj- for the fish to be constructed and maintained at said dam. — [March 3, 1830. Ax Act to prevent the Destruction of Trout in Russell Pond, in the Town of Russell. 1829, 74. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That any person who shall take or kill an}' trout in Russell Pond, in the town of Russell, at any time between the first day of October and the first da}- of Januar}' hereafter, shall forfeit and pa}' the sum of one dollar for each trout so killed or taken, to be recovered in an action of debt, in any court proper to try the same, in the name and to the use of the person w4io may first sue therefor. — [March 8, 1830. [1824, 94.] An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish by Seining in the Waters of Tisbury. 1829, 84. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That from and after the pass- ing of this act it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to catch by seining thereof, or by the use of any nets (excepting dip-nets) , any fish in the waters of the Lagoon and Chappaquansett ponds, in the town of Tisbury, or the creeks or shores adjoining said ponds, or Holmes' Hole harbor, excepting English herring, menhaden and mack- erel : provided, that this act shall not have force or effect to restrain the taking offish in the manner aforesaid, in any place more than one mile from the shores adjoining said pond, excepting Holmes' Hole harbor. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall violate the provisions of this act, each person so ofl?"ending shall for- feit and pay, on conviction thereof, for each and every such ofljence, a fine not exceeding ten dollars nor less than one dollar, if the quantity offish so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity shall be one barrel or more, such person or persons so oflJ"ending shall forfeit and pay for every barrel of fish so taken the sum of five dollars. Sect. 3, Be it farther enacted, That all fines and forfeitures which shall be incurred by virtue of this act shall be recovered in an action of debt, in any court proper to try the same, by any person who shall first sue therefor ; one half thereof to the use of the complainant, the other to the use of Tisbury. — [March 8, 1830. [1847, 40.] 1831. An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish by Cocculus Indicus or other Poisonous Articles. 1831, 43. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the first day of April next, no person shall put, cast or throw into any of the waters of this Commonwealth, for the purpose of taking or destroying an}' fish being in any of said waters any of the Cocculus Indicus (oth- 198 LAWS RELATING TO erwise called Indian Beny or Indian Cockle) or any other poisonous article, whether the same be mixed with anj' other substance or not, on pain that every person so offending shall forfeit and pa}' the sum of ten dollars for every such offence, to be recovered by complaint to an}' justice of the peace in the name and to the use of the Common- wealth, or b}' an action of debt before any such justice, in which case one moiety of said forfeiture shall enure to the use of the plaintiff and the other moiety thereof to the use of the Commonwealth. — [Feb- ruary 16, 1831. [P. S. 91, § 44.] An Act to incorporate the Skinnaquits Fishing Company, in Harwich and Chatham. 1831, 73. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That Sylvanus Eldridge, Kim- ball Eldridge, Amasa Nickerson, Levi Eldridge, Zephaniah Nickerson, Jonathan Small, Elijah Eldridge, Darius Weeks and James Long and their associates, successors and assigns, be and the,y are hereby incor- porated and made a body politic, for the purpose of making the. necessary improvements .for the preservation and taking of fish called alewives, in Red River and Skinnaquits Stream in the towns of Har- wich and Chatham. And it shall be lawful for said corporation to hold a meeting annuall}', on the first Tuesday of April, for the purpose of choosing a clerk, treasurer, assessors and a collector ; and three or more persons, being members of said corporation, to inspect, regu- late, take care of and govern said fisher}', who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty ; and said committee shall have full power and authority to determine upon the rules and regulations to be observed in the taking of said fish, and to fix in what time and what places the same shall be taken and the prices that shall be paid therefor. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted, That if any person shall take any of said fish from said river or stream within the said towns, at any time or place than such as shall be fixed by the committee aforesaid, every person so offending, shall for each and every such offence, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding five dollars nor less than two dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity' be more than one barrel, such person so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every barrel of fish so taken five dollars, to he recovered in any court proper to try the same, for the use of the corporation. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted. That if the committee aforesaid, or either of them, shall detect any person in attempting to take any of said fish at any other time or at any other place than such as shall have been fixed by said committee as aforesaid, or shall find such fish in the possession of any person, he shall be deemed to have taken said INLAND FISHERIES. 199 fish unlawfully and shall be subject to the penalties of this act as before mentioned ; unless such person can make it appear on trial that he came by said fish in some other way, and the members of said corpo- ration shall be competent witnesses in all cases where fish shall be unlawfully taken. Sect. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any person, without the permission of the committee aforesaid, shall presume to take, catch or haul on shore any of said fish in said river or stream, or within one-fourth of a mile in any direction from the mouth of said river, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding seven dollars nor less than five dollars for each offence, to be recovered in the manner and to the use hereinafter provided. Sect. 5. Be it further enacted, That the said committee shall, during the passage of said fish in said river or stream, cause all ob- structions to their passage to and from the sea, of every description, to be removed, and if an}- damage shall be done to the property-of individuals not members of the corporation, such individuals shall be entitled to reasonable damages therefor. Sect. 6. Be it further enacted. That said corporation, at any regular meeting thereof, shall have {)0wer to assess taxes equalh', according to numbers, on all the members of said corporation, and they shall be liable for said assessments in their private and individual capacities. Sect. 7. Be it further enac'ed, That the whole profits which may accrue lo said corporation from said fishery, shall annually, in the month of November, be divided according to the number of the cor- porators. Sect, 8. Be it further enacted, That Amasa Nickerson of said Harwich, be and he is hereby authorized to call the first meeting of said proprietors some time in September next, by giving personal notice thereof and the time and place at which said meeting shall be holden, and at said first meeting the mode of notifying subsequent meetings of the corporation shall be fixed and determined. Sect. 9. Be it further enacted, That all persons who now are or may hereafter become owners of land adjoining said stream or river, shall have a right to become members of said corporation : provided, hoivever, that they shall be subject to pay their proportional part of the expenses which shall have been before the time of their admission as members as aforesaid, incurred by said corporation. — [June 23, 1831. [1837, 18; 1841,61.] 200 LAWS RELATING TO 1832. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422.] Ax Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fishery in Taunton Great River. 1832,44. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the pass- ing of this act, an}' person or persons who shall have purchased or hereafter shall purchase any privilege or privileges of catching shad or alewives in Taunton Great River (the purchaser or purchasers of the privilege of the town of Somerset excepted), and who shall have selected and located or hereafter shall select and locate the place or places where he or they intend to use his or their seine or seines, net or nets, for the purpose of catching shad or alewives, and such place or places are or shall be in that part of the towu of Berkle}- which is southerl}- of a line running due east from the mouth of the Segregan- sett River, so called, in the town of Dighton, shall have the right and it shall be lawful for au}' such person or persons to draw and sweep at'such place and places, with a seine or seines, net or nets, thirty rods in length, and no more. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That the purchaser or purchasers of any privilege or privileges of catching shad and alewives, as afore- said, who shall have selected and located or hereafter shall select and locate the place or places where he or they intend to use his or their seine or seines, net or nets, for the purpose aforesaid, in that part of the town of Berkley' which is southerly of a line drawn due east from the mouth of said Segregansett River, shall be subject to, and shall regulate and govern himself or themselves, in the use of such privilege or privileges, b}' all the provisions and requisitions of an act entitled "An Act to regulate the fishery in Taunton Great River," which passed on the twent^^-first day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and tvventy. except so far as the same are in- consistent with the provisions of this act. — [February 20, 1832. [1817, 151 ; 1822, 54.] Ax Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fisherj' in Monatiquot River in the Town of Braintree. 1832, 54. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That the committee or the sur- vivor or the survivors of them, in case of death of either, annualh' chosen by the inhabitants of said town of Braintree, pursuant to the provisions of the first section of said act, be and the}' are hereby fully authorized and empowered to prosecute, sue for and recover any and all penalties incurred by any breach or breaches of said act, before any court of record proper to try the same, and that all fines and penalties recovered by such committee, suing as such, or by the survivor or survivors of them, shall be and enure to the sole use of the said inhabitants of said town of Braintree. — [February 25, 1832. INLAND FISHERIES. 201 [Sp. Laws, vol. I, p. 272.] Ax Act in addition to " .\n Act further regulating the Fisherj^ in the Merrimack River and the Streams running into the same." 1832,56. Sect. 1, Beit enacted. That the fourth and flfth sections of an act entitled " An Act further regutating the fishery in the Merri- mack River, and the streams running into the same," passed the eighteenth da}- of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, be and the same are hereby repealed: pro- vided, hoicecer, that the said sections shall be in full force as to any prosecutions commenced for a breach of the same. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That instead of the penalty con- tained in the third section of the act to which this is in addition, the person or persons offending against the same shall for such offence forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twent}' dollars nor less than five dollars, to be recovered on complaint made to any justice of the peace for the county where said offence shall be committed ; one half to the use of the town where the offence shall be committed, and the other half to the use of the person or persons who ma}- prosecute for the same. — [February 25, 1832. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422.] An Act in further addition to an Act regulating the Fishery in Taunton Great River. 1832, 120, .Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the passing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to catch or destroy shad or alewives with scoop nets or with any other instrument or b}- any other means whatsoever, within one hundred rods of the dam across Taunton Great River, near Kingsbridge. Sect. 2. Be it farther enacted. That if an}- person or persons shall at any time catch or destroy shad or alewives at or within the distance of one hundred rods from said dam, he or they shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars nor less than five dollars, for every such offence, to be recovered by indictment, complaint or action of debt, in any court proper to try the same, to the use of him who shall prosecute and sue for the same : prooided, hoiuever, that the penalty herein provided shall not be construed to apply to fishing with or setting a seine within that distance of said dam, for which a different penalty is by law provided. — [March 18, 1832. 1833. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 313; vol. 2, pp. 192, 469; ISI.i, 111 ; 1819, 137.] An Act in addition to the several Acts concerning the Fishery in Newmasket River. 1833, 137. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, That Peter H. Pierce and Horatio G. Wood, their heirs and assigns, be and they are hereby authorized to keep up and maintain their dam across the Newmasket 202 LAWS RELATING TO River, in tiie town of Middleborough, near the Old Stone "Weir, so called, upon the condition that the aforesaid Peter H. Pierce and Horatio G. Wood, their heirs and assigns, make, or cause to be made a good and sufficient passage-way for the fish called alewives passing up said river, and keep the said passage-wa3-*open during the time re- quired by laws regulating the fisheries on said Newraasket River ; and upon the further condition that the said Peter H. Pierce and Horatio G. Wood, and their heirs and assigns, at their own expense, and free from any expense to said town, and to their acceptance, pro- vide a suitable place at or near their said dam where said fish ma}' be conveniently taken, and the said fish-way, and the privilege of passing to and from the same to the liighwa}', shall be secured to the inhabi- tants of the town of Middleborough. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That from and after the location of such new fishing place as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the inhabi- tants of said town to take said fish at such new fishing place, and to dispose of the same in the manner provided b}' law for taking and selling the same at the Old Stone Weir, as aforesaid. — [March 20, 1833. [1837, 193.] An Act to preserve the Eel Fishery at Muskeeket Island, within the Town of Nantucket 1833, 211. Sect. 1. Be it enacted. That from and after the first rovided, they do not injure the owner of the dam now erected upon said river. Sect. 4. If any damage shall be done b}' said corporation to the property of an}' individual not a member of the corporation, such in- dividual shall be entitled to reasonable damage therefor. Sect. 5. All persons who are now or shall hereafter be owners of land adjoining said river, may become members of said corporation, subject, liowever, to pay their proportional part of the expenses which shall have been incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission. — [April 9, 1836. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 434.] An Act further regulating the Alewive Fishery in Weymouth. 1836, 198. Be it enacted, etc. ^ as follows: Sect. 1. The right of taking the fish called alewives in the town of Weymouth and which right is now limited, by an act passed March the seventh, in the year one thousand eight hundred and one, to Mondays, Wednesdays and Frida3's, shall hereafter, under the limitations and restrictions of the said act, be extended to Saturdays also. — [April 9, 1836. [1846, 92.] An Act to incorporate the Orleans Fishing Company. 1836, 205. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Nathan Rog- ers, James Higgins, Samuel Eldridge, their associates and successors, are made a corporation by the name of the Orleans Fishing Companj^, in Orleans, and are empowered to open the brook running from Hes- ter's Pond, so called, to Pleasant Ba}' in said Orleans, so far as is necessary for the purpose of an alewive fisher}', and to regulate the same ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities contained in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes, passed on the fourth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. Sect. 2. If any person without the permission of the corporation, shall take, catch or haul on shore any alewives in said brook or pond, or within one-eighth of a mile in an}' direction from the mouth of said brook, he shall forfeit and pay, for tiie use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding two dollars if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity taken be more than one barrel the person INLAND FISHERIES. 209 so offending shall forfeit and pay for each barrel of fish so taken, five dollars, to be recovered in an}- conrt proper to tr^' the same. Sect. 3. If au}- damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of an}^ individual not a member of said corporation, such individual shall be entitled to reasonable-damage. Sect. 4. All persons who now are or may hereafter be owners of land adjoining said brook may become members of said corporation, subject, however, to their proportional part of the expenses which may have been incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission. Sect. 5. An}- member of this corporation who shall take or catch, by seine or otherwise, an}- alewives within the limits mentioned in the second section of this act, except in tlie brook or pond aforesaid, shall incur the penalty provided for in said section, to be recovered in the manner therein set forth. — [April 11, 1836. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 214.] An Act in relation to the Alewive Fishery in Weweantit River. 1836,218. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. All the pro- visions of the several laws relating to the fish called alewives in Weweantit Eiver, and the fishery connected with said river, so far as any duties are required of or any liabilities are imposed on the inhabitants of the town of Rochester in the county of Plymouth, are hereby repealed. Sect. 2. All the rights and privileges by law conferred on the inhabitants of the said town of Rochester to the fishery of said river and the proceeds thereof, are hereby conferred on Joshua B. Tobej, his heirs and assigns, and he and they are required, in the fall of each successive year hereafter, to appoint three suitable persons as mem- bers of the committee for said river, who shall be required to per- form the same duties and are vested with the same authority as the committee of the town of Rochester now are, and the said Tobey, his heirs and assigns, shall be subject to the same pecuniary liabilities as the inhabitants of Rochester now are. — [April 13, 1836. 1837. [1831, 73.] Ax Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Skinnaquits Fishing Company in Har- wich and Chatham. 1837, 18. Be it enacted, etc., ns follows: Sect. 1. The time of holding the annual meeting of the Skinnaquits Fishing Company in Harwich and Chatham, shall be on the first Tuesday in March instead of the first Tuesday in April, as provided in the act to incorporate said company. — [February 22, 1837. 210 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to incorporate the Fish Wear Company. 1837,92, Beit enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. John Kendrick» Isaac Linnell, Josiah Linnell, their associates and snccessors, are hereby made a corporation b^' the name of the Fish Wear Company, for the purpose of constructing a fish wear in the waters of Nanwicoit Point, so called, in the south-easterly part of the town of Orleans, in the county of Barnstable, for the purpose of taking fish ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities contained in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. Said wear shall not extend farther into the water than to the depth of four feet at low water. Sect. 3. If any person shall take an}' fish from said wear without the permission of said corporation, he shall forfeit to said corporation a sum not exceeding five dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one hundred pounds, but if the quantit}' taken be more than one hun- dred pounds, the person so offending shall forfeit five dollars for every hundred pounds of fish so taken, to be recovered in any court proper to tr}' the same. Sect. 4. If an}' person shall take by seine any fish within twenty rods of the location of said wear, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding six dollars for each offence, for the use of said corporation, to be recovered as aforesaid — [March 25, 1837. An Act to incorporate the North Falmouth Fishing Company. 1837, 118. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Ebenezer Nye, Prince N3'e and Benjamin Nye, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation b}" the name of the North Falmouth Fishing Company, in North Falmouth, and are empowered to regulate the brook running from N3'e's Pond, so called, to Cautomot Harbor in said Falmouth, so far as is necessary, for the purpose of an alewive fishery ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of the corporation, shall take, catch, or haul on shore any alewives in said brook, or within one-eighth of a mile in au}^ direction from the mouth of said brook, he shall forfeit and pa}' for the use of said corporation a sum not exceeding two dollars, if the quantit}' so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity taken be more than one barrel, the person so off'endiug shall forfeit and pay for each barrel of fish so taken, five dollars, to be recovered in an}' court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of any individual not a member of the corporation, such INLAND FISHERIES. 211 individual shall be entitled to reasonable damage, to be estimated in the same manner as damages occasioned b}' the laying out of liigh- waj's. — [April 7, 1837. [1815, 83.] An Act to further regulate the Fishery in Dennis. 1837, 135. Be it enacted, etc., asfollotvs: Sect. 1. The com- mittee chosen b}- the inhabitants of the town of Dennis, at their annual meeting to regulate the fishery in said town, shall, in addition to their duties now b}- law prescribed, appoint all such suitable persons as make application, being inhabitants of said Dennis, to catch alewives in said town, and fix the compensation to be paid therefor. Sect. 2. The inhabitants of said town, at their annual meeting, shall determine the quantity of said fish each family in said town shall receive, and establish the price they shall pay therefor. — [April 12, 1837. An Act to incorporate the Rock Harbor Fishing Company in Orleans. 1837, 159. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Ilichard Sparrow, Ira Mayo and Timothy' Smith, their associates and suc- cessors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Rock Harbor Fishing Compan}' in Orleans, in the count}^ of Barnstable, and are empowered to open the stream running from Tan Pond, so called, to the mouth of Rock Harbor in said Orleans, so far as is necessary, for the purpose of an alewive fisher}-, and to i-egulate the same ; and also to erect a fish-wear on the north side of Xanwicoit River in said Orleans, in Meeting-house Pond, so called, where said river and pond adjoin the land of Isaac Doane ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the fortj'-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any- person, without the permission of the corporation, shall take, catch or haul on shore any alewives in said Tan Pond or stream, he shall forfeit and pay, for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding two dollars, if the quantity- so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity be more than one barrel, the person so offending shall forfeit and paj- for each barrel of fish so taken, five dollars ; or if any person shall take an}- fish from said wear, without permission of said corporation, he shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding five dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one hun- dred pounds, but if the quantity so taken exceed one hundred pounds, he shall forfeit and pay five dollars for every hundred pounds so taken, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said corporation to Uie 212 LAWS RELATING TO property of any individual, not a member of said corporation, such individual shall be entitled to reasonable damage, to be estimated in the same manner as damages happening in the lading out of highways. Sect. 4. If said corporation shall, in the prosecution of their work, cross any highway, they shall do it in such a manner as shall not un- reasonably incommode the travel on said way, and shall leave said way in as good repair as it was before the alteration or crossing of the same. Sect. 5. All persons who now are or shall hereafter be owners of land adjoining said Tan Pond and stream running therefrom to the mouth of Rock Harbor, may become members of said corporation, subject, however, to pay tlieir proportional part of the expenses which shall liave been incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission. — [April 13, 1837. An Act to regulate the Weight of Fish. 1837, 166. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. When fish are sold b}' the quintal, it shall be understood to mean a quintal of one hundred pounds avoirdupois, and all contracts concerning fish sold in this manner shall be understood and construed accordingly'. — [April U, 1837. [P. s. 56, ^ 47.] [1836, 130] An Act further regulating the Fishery in Palmer River in Rehoboth. 1837, 184. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. If an}' per- son shall make or cause to be made, or shall continue any wear in Palmer River, in the town of Rehoboth, in the county of Bristol, up stream from the land now belonging to Ro3'al Horton, situate on the westerly side of said river, he shall forfeit and pa}' fifteen dollars for each oflence. Sect. 2. All forfeitures named in this act or in either of the acts to which this is in addition, may be recovered either b}' indictment for the use of said count}', or otherwise, as now provided by law. Sect. 3. All acts and parts of acts regulating the fishery iti said town, inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect from and after the passage of the same. — [April 18, 1837. [1844,63; 1852,92.] [1822, 54.] An Act to authorize Abraham Hobart to erect a Dam across Monatiquot River in the Town of Braintree. 1837, 189. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoivs: Sect. 1. Abraham Hobart, of Braintree, his heirs or assigns, are hereby authorized to erect a mill-dam across Monatiquot River, in said town, three or INLAND FISHERIES. 213 four rods below where his present dam is now located, to be raised no higher than the tide usuall}- flows, wiih a sufficient passage or sluice-way therein, for the passage of such vessels, boats or rafts as may have occasion to go up and down said river, of at least twenty-four feet in width, with good and sufficient sluice-gates, to be constructed with paddle-gates therein, of two feet square: provided, hoivever, that the mud-sill upon which said sluice-gates are placed, shall not rise more than twelve inches above the bed of the river, and that said sluice-gates shall at all times be opened b}' said Hobart, his heirs or assigns, when it is practicable so to do, for the passage of vessels, boats or rafts up and down said river : and 2^i'0vide.d, further , that at all times during the continuance of said dam, there shall be kept up and maintained upon the water privilege created by said dam, a grist-mill in which shall be ground all kinds of grain, and that there shall be maintained in said dam a sufficient passage-way for the her- ring and other fish to pass up said river, and provided, further, that nothing herein contained shall authorize said Hobart, his heirs or assigns, to appropriate for said dam and privilege, the property or lands of others, except in the manner now provided b}^ law. And that said dam shall be erected within three 3'ears from and after the passage of this act. — [April 18, 1837. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 313; 1833, 137.] An Act to regulate the Alewive Fishery in Middleborough. 1837, 193. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1, The inhabi- tants of the town of Middleborough, in the county of Plymouth may, at au}' meeting called for that purpose, dispose of their right of taking alewives in said town b}' contract or b}' sale at public auction, for a term not exceeding five 3'ears, on any one contract or sale ; or said town may improve their right aforesaid, b}' choosing agents to take said alewives, and dispose of the same as the town may from time to direct. Sect. 2. All acts and parts of acts regulating the fishery in said town inconsistent with this act, are hereb}' repealed. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after the passage thereof.— [April 18, 1837. [185.5, 401 ; 1863, 73.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 117 ] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Newbury. 1837, 195. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The inhab- itants of the town of Newbury, in the county of Essex, may, at any legal meeting called for that purpose, regulate the taking the several kinds of fish in Parker River and other streams within said town, or dispose of the privileges of taking the same to their own use and 214 LAWS RELATING TO benefit, in an}- manner they may think proper, and shall choose by ballot, a committee consisting of three discreet persons, who shall cause the^regulations adopted by said town to be carried into effect, who shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their diit}'. Sect. 2. Tlie selectmen for the time being shall post up in three or more public places in said town, the regulations established by said town respecting the fishery in the river and streams aforesaid. Sect. 3. If an^- person shall take any fish in said river and streams at any^time or in any place or manner, other tlian shall be allowed by said town as aforesaid, he shall for each offence, on con- viction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding five dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to tr^- the same, to the use of him who shall prosecute for the same : provided^ however^ that nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prohibit any inhabitant of the town of Rowle}', from taking fish in that part of the branch of Parker River called Mill River, which constitutes in part the divid- ing line between the towns of Newbury and Rowley. '•tSSect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provi- sions of this act, are hereb}' repealed. — [April 18, 1837. [1859, 54.] 1838. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 255,] Ax Act to regulate the Fishery in the Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers. 1838, 19. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The towns of Plymouth and Warehara shall annually, at their meetings in the month of November, respectively, choose by ballot a committee of not more than three persons each, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, in the manner of other town oflflcers ; which committee shall in the month of March, annually, after a public notice of at least ten days, sell b}' public vendue the privilege of taking the fish called alewives and shad in the Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers, in the count}' of Plymouth, at such places not exceeding two in said towns, and on such days not exceeding three in each week, as said committee shall agree upon and publish in their notice of sale ; they shall also express in said notice the manner of taking and disposing of said fish, and the price at which the purchasers may sell them, which price shall not exceed twentj'-five cents a hundred for alewives and four cents each for shad : provided, nevertheless, that said committee may fix upon one place in the town of Wareham, and one day in each week, for taking shad ditferent from the place and day of the week appointed for taking alewives. Sect. 2. The committee of the town of Pl3'mouth, the first year after the passage of this act, and the committee of the town of "Ware- INLAND FISHERIES. 215 liam the second year, and so on alternately forever, shall notify the town clerk of the other town concerned in said fishery, of the time and place in which said committees shall meet, ten days at least be- fore the time of meeting ; and the members of the committee present at said meeting shall constitute a quorum for doing business.. Sect. 3. If either of said towns shall neglect to choose its com- mittee as aforesaid, or if the committee of either town shall neglect to give notice, as above required, to the other, said town shall forfeit and pay to the use of the other which shall choose such committee or whose committee shall give said notice, for each neglect, the sum of one hundred dollars. Sect. 4. All persons except the purchasers as aforesaid, or those emplo3'ed by'them, who shall take any of said fish in said rivers or in any pond or stream having communication therewith, between the first day of April and the first day of .June, both inclusive, in each year, shall forfeit and pay not more than twenty dollars for each and every offence. Sect. o. The owner or occupier of anj'^ dam on said rivers shall annuall}', between the first day of April and first day of June next following, for such term of time and in such manner as said committee shall direct, open a sufficient passage for said fish through said dam ; and on failure of opening such passage or of continuing the same open as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pa}' the sum of one hundred dol- lars ; and said committee ma}' open such dam when neglected as afoi'esaid, at the expense of the proprietor thereof: provided^ no more damage is thereby' done the owner than is necessar}^ to effect said purpose. Sect. 6. If any person shall make any wear or cause any other obstruction to the free passage of said fish up said rivers, or shall take any of said fish, or shall make use of any seine to take said fish in said rivers or in an}^ pond or stream communicating with the same, in an}' other manner or at any other time or place than such as may be approved and established by said committee, between the first day of April and first day of .June as aforesaid, he -shall forfeit and pay not more than twenty dollars for each and every offence ; and said com- mittee shall remove such wear or obstruction at the expense of the person causing the same, and also seize, to the use and disposal of said towns, any seine used as aforesaid, and make complaint to the town treasurer of either of the towns aforesaid, of any violation of this act that shall come to their knowledge. Sect. 7. The treasurers of the aforesaid towns respectively, may, upon any complaint of any member of the committees sue for the recovery of any forfeitures incurred by a breach of any of the regula- tions provided in this act, and also of any such further regulations as 216 LAWS RELATING TO ma}' be provided and established bj' said committees, in conformity ta this act ; and all fines and forfeitures recovered for an}' breaches aforesaid, except such as are provided in the third section of this :ict, shall, together with the proceeds of said fishery, be equally' divided between said towns ; and all the expenses attending said suits, shall in like manner be equally borne b}' them. And the treasurers afore- said respectively, may, in behalf of their respective towns, recover, by an action on the case, of an}' person or corporation withholding the same, one-half part thereof, in any court proper to try said action. Sect. 8. The purchasers of the privilege of taking said fish shall in all respects conform themselves to such regulations and conditions as said committee shall publish, as aforesaid ; and on fkilure thereof shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not exceeding twent}' dollars. Sect. 9. An}- member of the committees aforesaid may be admitted as a competent witness in any prosecution for a breach of any regula- tion as aforesaid. Sect. 10. The committees chosen b}- said towns in the month of November last, for regulating the taking of alewives in said rivers, agreeably to the provisions of the act then existing for that purpose, may perform all the duties for the present year that are required of committees hereafter to be chosen under the provisions of this act; and they, as also committees hereafter chosen for the purposes of said fishery, one dollar and twenty-five cents each for every day's service they may be actually engaged in performing the duties herein required of them. Sect. 11. All laws heretofore passed respecting the fisher}^ in said rivers are hereby repealed, excepting so far as respects any penalties already incurred for a breach of the same. Sect. 12. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [February 26, 1838. [1844, 65 ; 1853, 377.] An Act to incorporate the Sandwich Buzzard's Bay Fishing Company. 1838,111. Be it enacted, etc. ^ as follows : Sect. 1. Edward B Gibbs, Henr}' Gibbs and Benjamin Bourne, their associates and suc- cessors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Sandwich Buzzard's Bay Fishing Company, in the town of Sandwich, in the coimty of Barnstable, with authorit}' to regulate the brook running- through their lauds, from Great Pond through other smaller ponds into Buzzard's Bay, in said Sandwich, as far as is necessary, for the purpose of an alewive fishery ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions INLAND FISHERIES. 217 and liabilities set forth in the fort3'-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of said corpora- tion, shall take, catch or haul on shore any alewives in said brook, or within one-eighth of a mile in any direction from the mouth of said brook, he shall forfeit and pay, for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding two dollars for an}' quantity less than one barrel so taken, and the sum of five dollars for ever}' barrel so taken, to be recovered in an}' court of competent jurisdiction. Sect. 3. If an}- damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of any person not a member of said corporation, such person shall be entitled to damages, to be estimated in the same manner as damages occasioned by the laying out of highways. Sect. 4. All persons who are or shall hereafter be owners of land adjoining said ponds or brooks, may become members of said corporation, subject, however, to |)ay their proportional part of the expenses which shall have been incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission as members. — [April 13, 1838. 1839. An Act to incorporate the Tr.ap's Creek Fishing Company in Edgartown. 1839, 83. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. John Coffin, Nicholas Norton, Chase Pease, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Trap's Creek Fishing Company, in Edgartown, in the county of Dukes County, and are empowered to alter the present outlet of Trap's Pond, so called, for the purpose of flowing the meadows in the winter season, and for a herring fishery therein, and to regulate the satae ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of said corpora- tion, shall take, catch or haul on shore any herring in said pond or creek, he shall forfeit and pay, for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding three dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel; but if the quantity be more than one barrel, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay for each barrel of fish so taken the sum of five dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the said com- pany to take or use the private property of any person without his consent. Sect. 4. All persons who now are, or may hereafter be, owners of land adjoining said Trap's Pond and Creek, may become members of said corporation, subject, however, to pay their proportional part of 218 LAWS KELATING TO the expenses which shall have been incurred b}' said corporation before the time of their admission. — [April 3, 1839. [1848, 47 ; 1855, 299.] An Act to protect the Fisheries in certain Rivers in Barnstable and Marshpee. 1839, 102. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take any fish with a seine in Oyster Island Harbor, in Barn- stable, or in Poppenessett Harbor, in Barnstable and Marshpee, or in any of the bays or rivers connected with said harbors, between the first da}' of Ma}- and the tenth da3' of June annually, under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered in au}' court proper to try the same, to the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 5, 1839. [1852, 35 ; 1860, 46 ; 1884, 264.] An Act to incorporate the Eastham Fishing Company. 1839, 123. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Barnabas F- Knowles, Richard Sparrow and Freeman H. Myrick, their associates and successors, are hereb}- made a corporation by the name of the Eastham Fishing Company, for the purpose of constructing a fish- wear on the flat ground adjoining the upland of Henry Mayo, in Eastham, in the county of Barnstable, with leave to extend the same into the channel adjoining said flat ground, one-fourth of the width thereof, for the purpose of taking fish ; with all the powers and privi- leges, and subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the fort3'-fourth chapter of the Revised .Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person shall take any fish from said wear without the permission of said corporation, he shall forfeit and pay to them a sum not exceeding five dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one hundred pounds ; but if the said quantit}' be more than one hun- dred pounds, he shall forfeit five dollars for every hundred pounds so taken, to be recovered in any court proper to trj- the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of any person not a member thereof, such person shall be entitled to damages, to be estimated in the same manner as damages occasioned by the lading out of highways. — [April 6, 1839. [1814, 22.] An Act relating to the Fishery in Ipswich River. 1839, 134. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The owners or occupants of the dam at Farley's Mill, so called, in Ipswich, their successors and assigns, shall, within ninety days from the passage of this act, construct, to the satisfaction and acceptance of the committee INLAND FISHERIES. - 219 hereinafter named, a good and sufficient passage-way for the fisli to pass over said dam up Ipswich River ; and the said owners shall keep said passage-wa}', or cause the same to be kept open and in good repair from the tenth day of April to the first day of June annuall}', under a penalty not exceeding twent}- dollars for each and every day the}' shall neglect so to do, to be recovered in an}- court of competent jurisdiction, to the use of the town which shall sue therefor. Sect. 2. Charles Marston, of Barnstable, Elijah Swift, of Fal- mouth, and John Atkins, of Provincetown, shall be the committee for the purpose named in the preceding section. Sect. 3. All provisions of law inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 9, 1839. [1845, 79.] 1840. An Act to protect the Fishery in Long Pond in Nantucket. 1840, 24. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take an}- fish with a seine in Long Pond in Nantucket, under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for. each and ever}' offence, to be recovered in any court proper to trj' the same, to the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its acceptance b}' a vote of said town of Nantucket. — [March 7, 1840. [1841, 76.] [1817, 151; 1822, 54; 1832, 54.] An Act to protect the Fisheries in the Towns of Braintree and Weymouth. 1840, 37. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person shall take any fish with a seine in Monatiquot River iu the towns of Braintree and Weymouth, above Hingham, and Quincy Bridge, cross- ing the Fore River in Weymouth, between the first day of February and the twentieth day of June, annually ; nor shall any person take any fish in said river, by the use of torches or a light, at any time between the first da}' of December and the first day of March in any year, under a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same, to the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. — [March 18, 1840. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269.] Ax Act to protect the Fishery in the North lliver in the County of Plymouth. 1840, 45. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. If any fish committee chosen by the town of Pembroke, or any person authorized by said committee, shall find any seine or net cast in Noith River in the 220 - LAWS RELATING TO county of Plymouth, at any other time than that which is allowed by an act passed on the twenty-fifth day of Februarys in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, regulating the fishery in said river, the}' may seize and take the same away ; and it shall be for- feited to the use of the town of Pembroke. — [March 18, 1840. An Act to incorporate the Sanchachantacket Fishing Company in Edgartovvn, in Dukes County. 1840, 67. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: SECt. 1. Ichabod Norton, Constant Norton, Benjamin Kidder, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation, by the name of the San- chachantacket Fishing Company, in Edgartown in Dukes County ; and are empowered to alter the present outlet of Sanchachantacket Pond, so called, for the purpose of flowing the meadows in the winter season, and for a herring fisherj' therein, and to regulate the satne ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges and b.e subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of said corpora- tion, shall take, catch or haul on shore any herrings in said pond or in the creeks or outlets which may be made therefrom, he shall forfeit and pa}-, for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding three dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quaniity be more than one barrel the person so offending shall f« rfeit and pay for each barrel of herring so taken, the sum of five dollars, to be recovered in an}' court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the said com- pany to take or use the private property of any person without his consent ; or deprive any person of the town of Edgartown of any privilege which he now has of taking any kind of fish, excepting her- ring, from said outlet or pond. Sect. 4. All persons who now are or may hereafter be owners of land adjoining said pond or the creek or outlet to be made therefrom, may become members of said corporation, subject, however, to pay their proportional part of the expenses which shall have been incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission. Sect. 5. The present owners of lands adjoining the said pond or the said creek or outlet, shall have each one share only in said fishery, and no one of them shall, by conveyance or descent of his lands, create or cause to be created an additional number of shares : pro- vided, however, that each of the present owners or his successor or successors, may divide his original share into parts or fractions. — [March 21, 1840. INLAND FISHERIES. 221 1841. [1836, 177.] An Act concerning the Andrews Fishing Company. 1841,57. Be it enacted^ etc. ^ as follows : Sect. 1. The present owners of land adjoining the Andrews River and Mill-pond, so called, in the town of Harwich, shall be each entitled to one share in the Andrews Fishing Company, in Harwich ; and no one of them shall, b^^ conve}'- ance or descent of his land, create or cause to be created, an additional number of shares : 'provided, however, that each of the present owners or his successor or successors, ma}' divide his original share into parts or fractions. — [March 6, 1841. [1831,73; 1837. 18.] An Act concerning the Skinnaquits Fishing Company. 1841,61. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The present owners of land adjoining the Skinnaquits Pond and Stream or Red River, so called, in the towns of Harwich and Chatham, shall each be entitled to one share in the Skinnaquits Fishing Companj^ in Harwich and Chatham ; and no one of them shall, by conveyance or descent of his land, create or cause to be created, an additional number of shares : provided, however, that each of the present owners or his successor or successors, may divide his original share into parts or fractious. — [March 6, 1841. [1840, 24.] An Act in relation to certain Fislieries in Nantucket. 1841, 76. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. From and after the passage of this act, the town of Nantucket,, at an}' meeting ■duly warned and held for that purpose, may make and ordain such ordinances and regulations for the free access, increase, preservation and taking of fish in Maddecket Ditch and Harbor, and Long Pond, situated in said town, and may, for a violation of said ordinances and regulations, annex such penalties, not exceeding flft}' dollars for one offence, to be recovered in an action of debt, for the use of said town, by the treasurer thereof, as the}' may deem for the good of the inhabi- tants : provided, said ordinances and regulations are not repugnant to the laws and constitution of this Commonwealth. Sect. 2. Said town may annually appropriate a sum not exceed- ing two hundred dollars to carry into effect the provisions of this act. — [March 13, 1841. 1842. An Act to protect the Shad Fishery in Monomoy Bay. 1842, 62. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person not an inhabitant of this state, shall take any shad in Monomoy Bay, 222 LAWS RELATING TO within a line drawn from Monomo}' Point to Point Gammon, in the county of Barnstable, for the purpose of carrying them away or oflfer- ing them away, under a penalty- not exceeding twentj' dollars for each and every offence anda forfeiture of all fish so taken, to be recovered by indictment or b}' complaint before any justice of the peace ; one half of said penalty and forfeiture to enure to the use of the com- plainant, the other half to the Commonwealth. Sect. 2. No person, whether an inhabitant of this state or other- wise, shall throw overboard an^' offal or dressing of shad within the aforesaid line, or in an}' part of said bay below low-water mark, under a penalty not exceeding ten dollars for each offence, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same, to 'the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. — [March 3, 1842. [1855, 88.] Ax Act to incorporate the Long Pond Fishing Company, in Yarmouth. 1842, 75. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Zeno Kelle}^ Howes Berr}', Eliakim Studley, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Long Pond Fishing Compan}- in Yarmouth, and are empowered to open a brook or outlet from Long Pond to Swan Pond, so called, and also improve Parker's River (into which said ponds empty) , to the sea, so far as may be necessary for the purpose of an alewive fishery, and to regulate the same ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities contained in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person without permission of the corporatioa shall take, catch or haul on shore any alewives in said ponds or the brook or outlet so made, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay for the use of the corporation, a sum not exceeding two dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if said quantity be more than one barrel, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay for each and every barrel of fish so taken, five dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of any individual, such individual shall be entitled to rea- sonable damages. Sect. 4. Any inhabitant of the town of Yarmouth shall be en- titled to the privilege of becoming a member of said corporation : provided, application is made therefor within six months from the passage of this act ; and provided, also, that said applicants pay their proportion of the expenses which shall have accrued to said corpora- tion. Sect. 5. If the said corporation shall neglect to execute and INLAND FISHERIES. 223 complete the improvements provided for in this act, within three 3'ears from the passage thereof, then the same shall be void and of no effect. —[March 3, 1842. [1881, 46.] An Act to incorporate the Coy's Brook Fishing Company, in Harwich. 1842,82. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Seth Paine, Heman Bassett, William Field, their associates and successors, are hereb}' made a corporation b}' the name of the Coy's Brook Fishing- Company, in Harwi(.'h, in the count}' of Barnstable and are hereby empowered to open said brook, commencing at the point where it empties into Herring River ; thence up said brook to Co3''s Pond (so called) ; tbence througli the bridge, swamp and land of Nathan Ellis and others, to the valley swamp ; thence across the highway to Brier's Pond ; thence through a swamp to Eldridge's Pond ; thence from said Eldridge's Pond, to terminate in the Long Pond, — for the purpose of carrying on the herring fisher}' therein and to regulate the same ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the thirt3'-eighth and forty-fourth chapters of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. Jf any person, without the permission of said corpora- tion, shall take, catch or haul on shore an}' herring in said ponds or brook, he shall forfeit and pay for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding three dollars ; and if the quantit}' be more than one barrel, the person so oflfending shall forfeit and pa}^ for each barrel of fish so taken, the sum of five dollars, to be recovered in an}^ court proper to trj' the same. Sect. 3. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the said com- pany to take or use the private propert}^ of an}' person without his consent. Sect. 4. All persons who now are or may hereafter be owners of land adjoining said Coy's Brook or ponds may become members of said corporation ; subject, however, to pay their proportional part of the expenses which shall have been incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission. — [March 3, 1842. 1843. An Act concerning Alewives in Herring River, in the Town of Barnstable. 1843, 20. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The selectmen of the town of Barnstable, for the time being, or a major part of them, are hereby empowered, in the month of February, March or April annually, to prescribe the time, place or places and manner of taking alewives in Herring River, by the name of Marston's Mills, Herring River, in the town of Barnstable, such time not to exceed five days 224 LAWS RELATING TO in a week ; and the}' shall appoint some suitable person or persons to take the same, and fix the compensation to be paid therefor, if thought proper bj said selectmen. Sect. 2. The owners or occupants of dams across said river shall, annual)}', during such time, not exceeding sixt}' da3's in each year, as shall be prescribed by the selectmen of said town, or the major part of them, for the time being, keep constantly open, and maintain through, over or around their respective dams, a passage sufficient and proper for the passing of said fish, to the satisfaction of said selectmen, under a penalt}' not less than -ten nor more than sixt}' dol- lars for each and every twenty-four hours they shall neglect to open a passage-way as aforesaid ; and the said selectmen shall, thirty days at least before the commencement of said period, notify in writing the owners or occupants of said dams of the time when said passage-ways shall be opened, and the manner in which they shall be constructed and regulated : provided, however, that if any owner or occupant shall at any time be dissatisfied with the determination of said selectmen in relation to the construction or regulation of such passage-way or pas- sage-ways, such owner or occupant may, by application in writing to the selectmen of the town of Sandwich, for the time being, in said county of Barnstable, who are hereby constituted a committee for that purpose, cause such passage-way or passage-ways to be fixed, prescribed and regulated, in writing, by said committee ; and such passage-way or passage-ways shall thereafter be, by the owners or occupants of said dam or dams, kept open and regulated in width and depth, and in all other respects pursuant to said written determina- tion of said committee, under the same penalty as is herein before provided ; and the expense of said committee shall be paid by the owners or occupants of said dam or dams, or by the said town of Barnstable, as said committee shall adjudge. Si-:CT. 3. The said selectmen of the town of Barnstable shall have full power and authority to cause the natural course of the stream through which said fish pass to be kept open and free of obstructions, €xcept the dams aforesaid, and to remove all such obstructions except as aforesaid, and for that purpose, as well as for the other purposes of this act, shall have authority to go upon the land or meadow of any person through which said stream runs without being deemed tres- passers ; and if any person or persons shall molest the said selectmen, or either of them, in the execution of his or their duties under this act, or shall obstruct the passage of said fish except as aforesaid, the per son or persons so offending shall, on conviction thereof before any justice of the peace in the county of Barnstable, pay a fine for every such off'ence not exceeding twenty nor less than ten dollars. Skct. 4. If any person or i)ersons shall take any of the fish afore- INLAND FISHERIES. 225 said, in said river, or the ponds in which said fish cast their spawn, at an}' time, or in an\' place or manner otlier than shall be allowed by said selectmen as aforesaid, each person so offending shall for each and ever}' such offence, on conviction thereof, pa}' a flue not exceed- ing twenty dollars nor less than one dollar. Sect. 5. From and after the passing of this act, the inhabitants of said town, at their annual February meeting, or any meeting called for the purpose, shall determine the quantity of said fish that each family in said town shall receive, and establish the price therefor. Sect. 6. All persons not otherwise disqualified shall be taken to be competent and legal witnesses in any prosecution upon this act, they being inhabitants of said town of Barnstable notwithstanding. Sect. 7. All the forffitures incurred by virtue of this act shall be two-thirds to the use of the said town of Barnstable, and ope-third to the person or persons giving information, to be recovered in an action of debt, in any court proper to try the same, to be brought by the treasurer thereof. — [March 20, 1843. [1851, 116.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p 422.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Taunton Great River. 1843, 73. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. From and after the passage of this act,' it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, except as is hereinafter provided, to catch shad or alewivcs with seines or nets in Taunton Great River, from the first day of March to the fifteenth day of June in each year: provided, that it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the several towns situ- ated on said river, to catch shad and alewives with twelve seines or nets only, in the manner following, to wit : the towns of Someiset, Freetown and Fall River shall each have the right of disposing, at public auction, for their own benelit, of the privilege of catching shad and alewives with one seine or net only ; the towns of Berkley, and Raynham, and Dighton, shall each have the right of disposing, at public auction, for their own benefit, of the privilege of catching shad and alewives with two seines or nets only ; and the town of Taunton shall have the right of disposing, at public auction, for their own benefit, the privilege of catching shad and alewives with three seines or nets only, in the river aforesaid ; and the purchaser or purchasers of the privileges which shall be located in the towns of Raynham and Taunton, shall not have a right to sweep with a seine or net more than fifteen rods in length ; and the towns of Berkley and Dighton shall have the right to sweep with a seine or net, not more than twenty rods in length, above Rocky Point, and but four days in each week, beginning at four o'clock on. Monday morning and ending at four 226 LAWS RELATING TO o'clock on Friday morning ; the purchaser or purchasers of the privi- lege or privileges, which shall be located in the towns of Berkley- and Dighton, below Rock}- Point, shall have the right to sweep with a seine or net thirty-four rods in length and no more, five da^-s in each week, beginning at four o'clock on Monday morning and ending at four o'clock on Saturday morning ; and the purchaser or purchasers of the privilege or privileges, which shall be located in either of the towns of Somerset, Freetown or Fall River, shall have a right to sweep with a seine or net forty rods in length and no more, beginning at four o'clock on Monda}' morning and ending at four o'clock on Fri- day- morning; and provi< led, also, that each of said towns shall, at a legal meeting between the first daj' of September and the last day of December in each 3'ear, dispose and make sale of, at public auction, for the next 3'ear, and so from 3-ear to 3'ear, their privilege of catching shad and alewives with seines or nets in the river aforesaid, for the time aforesaid, to such person or persons as shall offer tlie most f ir the same, and give sufficient security for the payment of the purchase moneys at such time and in such manner as the respective towns shall order. Sect. 2. The several purchasers of the privileges aforesaid, shoU select the place where they intend to use their seine or net, for the purpose of catching shad and alewives and shall file a certificate thereof with the clerk of the town within which they have determined to exercise their said privilege as aforesaid, on or before the first da^' ■of March in each j-ear : provided, that the privilege which shall be purchased of the said town of Somerset, shall be exercised within the limits of said town, and the person or persons so purchasing and locating the privileges aforesaid, shall have the right to catch shad and alewives in the river aft>resaid, for the time aforesaid and no ■other persons. Sect. 3- No purchasers of a privilege aforesaid, shall make use of a seine or net for the purpose aforesaid, at any other place on said river tlian the place so selected and certified as aforesaid, duiing the time afores:>id, and no seine or net shall be located or swept within one mile of the dam located near King's Bridge, across Taunton Great River, in the town of R;iynhara ; and no seine or net shall be located or swept within one and a half miles of the said dara, in the town of Taunton, and no seine or net shall be swept more than fort\' rods on said river, above Rocky Point and not more than forty-five rods in length below Rocky Point, and no person shall be permitted to set an}' seine, net, wear or other obstructions in or across said river, for the purpose of taking shad or alewives or obstructing their passage along said river, during the time aforesaid. Sect. 4. If any person or persons shall draw or sweep with any INLAND FISHERIES. 227 seine or net, on anj' da}' or time other than those before expressed, or at any other place other than those selected as aforesaid, or shall on any day, at any place, set any seine or net, wear or other obstruction in or across said river or an}' part thereof, or any waters connected with the same, with the intention to catch or destroy any of the fish called shad or altwives, within the time limited in the first section of this act, or shall at any time or any place, drive with boat or boats in said river, or use an}' other implements whatsoever, with intention to catch or destroy said fish or hinder their passage up said river, or by any means whatsoever shall impede or hinder the passage of said fish up said river, or any part thereof, with intention to drive, hinder, dis- turb or destroy any of the fish called shad or alewives in the waters of said river, or shall whip with poles or any other instrument in the waters of said river, or throw into said river loam or any other thing whatsoever, with the intention to hinder the passage of said fish up said river, he and each and every individual who shall violate this act, or any part thereof, shall each and every one forfeit and pay a sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each and every such off'ence, to be recovered by action of debt, in any court proper to try the same, for the use and benefit of him who shall pros- ecute or sue for the same, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail, or in the house of correction, for a term of time not exceeding sixty days. Sect. 5. If any person or persons be found fishing with any seine or net, or with other machine or instrument or instruments, which shall be used by any person or persons in taking or carrying away any of the fish called shad or alewives, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall be lawful for any fish-warden or inspector chosen by virtue of this act or the law regulating the fishery in the town of Middleborough, to seize or take such seine or net or fish or implements as before mentioned, and convert and retain the same to their own benefit and use, without any process of law whatever, and if prosecuted therefor, to give this act as evidence of his authority for so doing. Sect. 6. The several towns shall, at their annual meeting in the months of March or April, choose by ballot, three or more persons, being freeholders in said town, as fish-wardens, whose duty it shall be, jointly and severally, to see that this act is enforced and prosecute for all breaches thereof, and each fish-warden shall be chosen to the faiihful discharge of his duty, and cause a record to be made of his oath in the town where said fish-warden is chosen, within ten days after his election ; and said fish-warden and inspectors, when sworn, are authorized to measure seines and nets and to pursue and execute the duties of their office in any place where fish may be taken within 228 LAWS RELATING TO the towns aforesaid, and to enter any building where they sui)pose this act or any parts of it are violated ; and if an}' person, chosen a fish-warden or inspector as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to be sworn as aforesaid, for the space of five days after he shall be dul}' notified of his election as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay a tine of ten dollars to the use of said town, to be recovered by action of debt by the treasurer thereof, and such town shall proceed to a new choice and so on, as often as circumstances shall require ; and if any of the towns aforesaid shall neglect to choose fish-wardens as aforesaid, or to make sale of their privileges aforesaid, within the time limited therefor, according to the meaning of this act, such town shall forfeit and pny a fine of one hundred dollars for the use of him or them who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 7. The laws heretofore made for the regulation of the fish- ery and the passage-way for fish in Taunton Great River, except so far as respects the town of Middleborough, be and the same are here- by repealed : provided, Jioicever, that any prosecutions which have ])een or may be commenced, for the recover}' of any forfeitures recov- ered by virtue of the laws hereby repealed, may be prosecuted to final judgment and execution in the same manner as if this act had not been passed: and provided, also, that all contracts made prior to the passing of this act, by any of the towns aforesaid, by virtue and in pursuance of the laws hereby repealed, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, this act to the contrary notwithstanding. — [March 24, 1843. 1844. An Act further to regulate the Fisheries in the Little River. 1844, 59. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the towns of West Cambridge and Somerville in the county of Middlesex, who now have by law the right to take fish in that part of Little River, so called, which lies north of Alewive Bridge and the Winter Hill road in said towns, shall hereafter have the right to take fish three or four daj's successively in five of the daj's on which they have by law heretofore had such right, computing from the first day of March in each year, and on no other da}'. Sect. 2. P^very person offending against this act shall forfeit and pay to any person who shall sue for the same, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for each oflTence. Sect. 3. This act shall take eflfect from its passage. — [March G, 1844. [1846,149.] INLAND FISHERIES. 229 [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422.] An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fishery in Taunton Great River. 1844, 62. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The purchaser or pur- chasers of the fishing privileges sold b}' the town of Somerset and located within said town, may improve the same at all timos from sunrise on Monday morning to sunset on Saturday evening ; and Broad Cove in Somerset shall be exempted from the operation of the law regulating the fisher}^ on Taunton Great River, anything in the act entitled "An Act to regulate the fishery in Taunton Great River," passed March twenty-fourth, in the year eighteen hundred and forty- three, to the contrary notwithstanding. — [March 6, 1844. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 378; 1837, 184.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Palmer's River. 1844, 63. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. From and after passing this act, no person or persons, except as is hereafter provided, shall take shad or alewives with seines or in nets, in Palm- er's River in the town of Rehoboth in the county of Bristol, from the first day of April to the fifteenth day of June in each year : provided, that the inhabitants of Rehoboth may, at a legal meeting held for that purpose, dispose of the privilege, at public auction, of taking shad and alewives, with scoop-nets only, in said river, for the time afore- said, to such person or persons as ma}' offer the highest price for the same and shall give sufficient security of the pa3niient of the purchase money, at such time and in such manner as the town shall order. Sect. 2. The said town may sell said privilege in sections, as the town may determine ; and the purchaser or purchasers of any privi- lege or privileges of taking shad or alewives aforesaid, or those em- ployed by him or them, may take an}' of the said fish in said river with scoop-nets, three nights, in the night-time only, in each week, beginning on Monda}' at sunset and ending at sunrise on Thursday, and may take said fish in any part of the river aforesaid, between Swanzoy line and the Orleans Dam on said river in said Rehoboth ; and no person shall be allowed to skim or drive the fish in said river, nor shall any shad or alewives be taken after the fifteenth day of June in each year. Sect. 3. The wears in said river shall be located as follows : the first on the river below the end of a fence running from the highway between the land of William K. Bullock, John Davis, 3d, and Ariel Horton (fishing to commence by the land of Joshua Miller) ; second, by the land of Borden Munroe ; third, by the land of Joseph "Watson ; fourth, by the land of Dr. Samuel Bullock ; fifth, by the land of Lovell Bullock ; sixth, by the land of widow Betsey Pierce ; seventh, by the land of Lewis Pierce ; eighth, b}' the land of John M. Davis ; 230 LAWS RELATING TO ninth, b}' the land of John Thurber ; tenth, by the land of John Watson ; eleventh, by the land of Dexter Barney ; the wears to be situated on either side of the rivers, as the purchaser may determine, the distance between each wear to be not less than twent}^ rods. Sect, 4. The town of Rehoboth, at their annual meeting in March or April, ma}' choose one or more suitable persons to serve as fish- wardens, who, when sworn, shall see this act enforced, and may prosecute for all violations thereof. Sect. 5. If any person shall fish with seine or net in any time, place or manner other than as before mentioned, or shall set any net or seine, weir or any other obstruction in said river, or in any part thereof, with the intent to take or destroy an}' shad or alewives, he shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered to the use of the county in which the offence was committed, or by action of debt, one half to the person prosecuting for the same, and the other half for the use of the town in which the offence shall be committed. Sect. 6. All laws heretofore relating to fishing in Palmer's River in the town of Rehoboth, are hereby repealed. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 7, 1844. [1852, 92 ] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 353 ; 1838, 19 ] An Act in addition to an Act for the preservation of the Fish called Alewives in Aga- wam and Half-way Pond Rivers in the County of Plymouth. 1844,65. Be it enacted, efc, as foUotvs: Sect. 1. The town of Plymouth may choose their fish-committee at their annual town meet- ing in March or April, in each year, which committee, when so elected, shall have all the powers and duties which they would have had if elected in November, anything in the act to which this is in addition to the contrary notwithstanding. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 7, 1844. [1853, 377.] [Sp. Laws, vol. l,p. 166.] Ax Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Ale wive Fishery in the River and Stream in the Town of Harwich. 1844, 67. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: vSect. 1. The time during which the sluice is required, in the second section of the act of July fourth, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, to which this is in addition, to be kept open in the dams across Herring River in the town of Harwich, is hereby extended from the twenty-fifth day of April to the twentieth day of June, in each year, and the penalties INLAND FISHERIES. 231 for obstructing said sluice-ways, provided in said act, shall apply to all the time so extended. Sect. 2. The provisions of this act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 7, 1844. [1855, 301.] 1845. [1825, 78; 1829, 40; 1839, 134.] An Act relating to the Fishery in the Ipswich River. 1845, 79. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The owners or occupants of the dam at the Ipswich Manufacturing Compan^-'s mill in Ipswich, their successors and assiu;ns, shall within six months of the passage of this act, construct, in the manner prescribed b^^ the committee hereinafter named, a good and sufficient passage-way for the fish to pass over said dam up Ipswich River ; and the said owners shall keep said passage-way or cause the same to be kept open and in good repair from the tenth day of April to the first day of June, annually, under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every day they shall neglect so to do, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction, to the use of the town which shall sue therefor. Sect. 2. Solomon Davis, of Truro, Oliver Ames, of Easton, John Dunlap, of Provincetown, James Long, of Harwich, Josiah O. Law- rence, of Cohasset, Caleb Lombard, of WellfJeet, and Richard Stevens, of Truro, are hereby appointed a committee for the purpose named in the preceding section. Sect. 3. All provisions of law inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. — [February 26, 1845. [1845, 91 ; 1855, 171.] Ax Act relating to the Fish-way at Manning's Dam across Ipswich River. 1845, 91. Be it enacted, e^.•., as folloivs : Sect. 1. The owner or occupants of the dam erected b}- Thomas Manning across Ipswich River, his assigns or successors, may construct, in the manner pre- scribed by the committee hereinafter named, a go(jd and sufficient passage-way for the fish to pass over said dam up Ipswich River ; and the said owner or owners shall keep sairmance of their duty, or shall obstruct said fish in their passage, or take or destroy any of said fish at any time or place, except at such time or place as said committee shall direct, on con- viction before any justice of the peace in the county of Dukes County not an inhabitant of the town of Tisbury, shall forfeit and pay a fine for each oflTence, not exceeding twenty dollars, one half to the use of 1 INLAND FISHERIES. 237 the town, the other half to the person or persons giving the informa- tion. Sect. 4. All persons not otherwise disqualified shall be taken to be competent and legal witnesses in an}' prosecution upon this act, the}' being inhabitants of the town of Tisbury notwithstanding. Sect. o. The selectmen of the town of Tisburj' are hereby em- powered to direct the fish-committee to take and sell such i)art of the fish taken in said creek as shall be sufficient to pay all expenses that have accrued or ma}' accrue in securing and preserving said fishery : provided, that the quantity or number so required shall not exceed one-sixth part of all the fish taken by the inhabitants of said town, in an}' one year, at said fishery. Sect. 6. If any damage is sustained by the owners of the land on which said fish are taken by the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury, the selectmen of said town shall pay a reasonable compensation there- for, when demanded. And in case of a refusal by the selectmen to pay a reasonable compensation the same may be recovered by an action on the case against the said town of Tisbury. Sect. 7. No person shall take any herring or alewives from the Vineyard Sound or Sea within one mile of said Chappaquonset Creek, or make any new outlets from Chappaquonset Pond, except it shall be done by a vote of the inhabitants of the town of Tisbury, at a ligal meeting warned and held for that purpose. Sect. 8. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the owners of marsh or meadows from flowing or drainino- their meadows through Chappaquonset Creek, whenever it can be done with- out obstructing the passage of the herrings or alewives to or from Chappaquonset Pond. And nothing in this act contained shall atfect any suit now pending, or the legal rights of any person. — [March 4, 1847. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 222.] An Act to regulate the Herring Fishery in the Town of Falmouth. 1847,94. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the town of Falmouth in the county of Barnstable, may, at any legal meeting called for that purpose, prescribe the times, manner and places for taking alewives or herrings in Dexter's River, and other waters connecting Coonamisset Pond with the Vineyard Sound or Sea, and also in the other rivers, streams and ponds which have heretofore been used by the inhabitants of said town as herring fisheries ; and they may also at said meeting adopt such further rules and regulations as may by them be deemed expedient for the preservation of said fish- ery ; and they may dispose of the privilege of taking said fish in an}' way or manner they may think proper ; and they shall choose by 238 LAWS EELATING TO ballot a committee, consisting of three discreet persons, who shall cause the regulations adopted by said town to be carried into effect, and who shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their dut}'. Sect. 2. The selectmen for the time being shall post up the regu- lations so established, in three ur more pulilic places in said town, iii each and every year, within one week after their passage. Sect. 3. If any person shall take any of said fish in an}' of the waters aforesaid, at an}- time or in any manner other than shall be allowed bj' said town, he shall, for each offence, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding five dollars; and if any person shall, in either of the months of March, April, May or June, without permis- sion of the town or fish-committee, set or shoot a seine in the Vine- yard Sound, within forty rods of the mouth of said rivers or streams, for the purpose of taking said fish, he shall, for each offence, on con- viction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding twenty dollars ; the fines and forfeitures to be recovered in an}" court proper to trj- the same, one half to the use of the town, and the other half to him who shall pros- ecute therefor; and in all such prosecutions any inhabitant of said town not otherwise disqualified shall be a competent witness : provi- ded^ that this act shall in no wise be so construed as to affect the legal rights of any corporation or persons whatever. Sect. 4. The acts passed on the second da}- of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, and on the first day of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, to prevent the destruction and to regulate the catching of alewives in the rivers and streams of the town of Falmouth in the county of Barnstable, are hereby repealed. Sect. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 17, 1847. [1855, 279.] 1848, [1819, 98.] An Act to repeal "An Act to prevent the Destruction of Fish in the several Ponds in the Town of Haverhill." 1848, 12. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. An act en- titled " An Act to prevent the destruction of fish in the several ponds in the town of Haverhill," passed on the seventh day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty, is hereby repealed : provided, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to release or absolve any person or persons from any liability incurred under or by any provision of the act hereby repealed. Sect. 2. This act shall not have the effect to revive any statute law relating to the subject of the act hereby repealed, and which may have been in force prior to the passage of the said repealed act. INLAND FISHERIES. 239 Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [February U, 1848. [1839, 83.] An Act in addition to an Act to incorporate tlie Trap's Creek Fishing Company, in Edgartown. 1848, 47. Be it enacted, etc., as follotvs : Sect. 1. The present owners of lands adjoining the said Trap's Pond or Creek, shall have each one share onl}' in said fisher}', and no one of them shall, by con- veyance of descent of his lands, create or cause to be created, an additional number of shares : proviihd, Jiowever, that each of the present owners and his successor, may divide his original share into parts or fractions. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 18, 1848. [1855,299.] [Sp Laws, vol. 1, p. 269; 1814, 128.] An Act relating to the Alewive Fishery in North River. 1848, 116. Be it enacttd, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. So much of the act passed February twenty -fifih, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, as prescribes the length of seines to be used in the North River in the taking of alewives, be and the same is hereby repealed : provided, however, that the legal rights of any person and corporations, who may have commenced suits under the provisions of the law hereb}- repealed, shall remain the same as before the passage of this act. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [Ainil 18, 1848. [1852, 66 ; 1853, 350 ; 1856, 83 ; 1872, 229 ; 1875, Res. 36 ; 1876, 103.] An Act to incorporate the Pocha Pond Meadow and Fishing Conipanj'. 1848, 185. Be it enac'ed, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. John Vinson, J. T. E. Gage, William W. Huxford, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Pocha Pond Mendow • and Fishing Company, in Edgartown, in Dukes Count}-, and are em- powered to close the outlet of said pond b}- building a causeway from the twenty-acre lot, so called, to Cape Poge Beach in said Edgar- town : provided, that said causewn}- shall be built of suitable width and kept in such repair that loaded carriages ma}' pa?s and repass in safety over the same, and shall at all times be free for the {)ublic to travel over ; and to make a new outlet or creek from Pocha Pond into the harbor of Edgartown, through lands of said proprietors, at a con- venient place, for the purpose of draining the meadows and for regu- lating the herring fishery thereby created : provided, that suitable bridges shall be built over said creek or outlet, where carriages 240 LAWS RELATING TO usually pass ; and for these purposes, shall have all thci powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities, set forth in the fort3--fonrth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of the corporation, shall take, catch or haul on shore any herring in said pond or creek, or outlet which may be made tlierefrom, he shall forfeit and pay for the use of said corporation a sum not excetding three dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity be more than one barrel, the person so offending shall forfeit and i^a^' for each barrel of herring so taken, the sum of five dollars, to be recovered in anj- court proper to try the same. Sect, 3. Nothing herein contained shall deprive any inhabitant of the town of Edgartown of the privilege of taking any fish other than herring from said creek, pond or outlet. Sect. 4. If any person, not a proprietor of this corporation, shall receive damage b}' the flowing of his meadows or in closing the present outlet, the county commissioners of Dukes Count}-, after a hearing of all parties interested, shall estimate the amount of damages which such person may have sustained by said corpoiation, which damages, if any, said corporation shall pa}' ; and either party, if dis- satisfied with any estimate made by said commissioners, may apply for a jury to assess the damages, either at the same meeting at which such estimate shall be completed and returned or at the next regular meeting of said county commissioners ; and the like proceedings shall be had thereon as are provided for the recovery of damages for laying out highways. Sect. 5. All persons who now are owners of land adjoining said pond or creek, or outlet to be made therefrom, may become members of said corporation at any time previous to the commencing by said corporation, to close said outlet. Sect. 6. The present owners of land adjoining said pond or creek or outlet, shall have each one share only in said fishery ; and no one of them shall, by conveyance or descent of his lands, create or cause to be created, an additional number of shares: provided, hoivtver, that each of the present owners or his successor or successors, may divide his original share into parts or fractions. — [April 25, 1848. [1851, 126; 1856,4.5.] [1823, 97.] Ax Act concerning the Alewive Fishery in Saugus River. 1848, 187. Be it enacted, etc., as fulloivs : Sect. 1. The towns of Lynn, Saugus and South Reading may, together or separately, enforce the laws which regulate the alewive fishery in the Saugus River and its tributary streams, in their several towns. INLAND FISHERIES. 241 Sect. 2. All acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. — [April 25, 1848. [1852, 48.] 1849. Ax Act to protect the Trout Fishery in Marshpee River. 1849,36. Be it enacted, etc., as folio ics : Sect. 1. No person shall take any trout in Marshpee River, in the district of Marshpee, in the county of Barnstable, from the fifteenth da}' of September in each 3'ear to the first day of April in the j'ear next ensuing. Sect. 2. No person except the proprietors of said district shall take any trout in said river, at any time, without a written permit from the treasurer of Marshpee, wliich shall specif}' the time wlien and the places where the person holding the same is allowed to take fish ; and no person shall at an}' time use any other means of taking trout in said river than by angling with hooks and lines. Sect. 3. The said district may, by vote in legal meeting, make any regulations or by-laws respecting said fishery which may not be repugnant to the provisions of this act ; and the income from said fishery shall inure wholly to said district. Sect. 4. Any person offending against the provisions of this act, or any regulations or by-laws passed by authority of the third section of this act, shall forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars for each and ever}' offence, to be recovered by prosecution, before any justice of the peace in the county of Barnstable, to the benefit of said district ; and the proprietors of said district shall be competent witnesses on the trial of any such process. Sect. 5. Any person who shall have in his possession any trout taken from said river contrary to the provisions of this act, knowing the same to have been so taken, shall forfeit the sum of fifty cents for every trout so found in his possession. Sect. 6. If any minor shall offend against the provisions of this act, the parent, master or guardian of such minor shall be liable, and may be prosecuted accordingly therefor. Sect. 7. All prosecutions under this act shall be commenced within sixty days from the time when the ofll'ence is committed. Sect. 8. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 16, 1849. [1853, 186; 1859, 105; 1860, 46.] [1814, 134; 1815,83] Ax Act to authorize the Towns of Dennis and Yarmouth to regulate the Fisheries in Bass River. 1849, 37. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: .Sect. 1. The towns of Dennis and Yarmouth, in the county of Barnstable, are hereby 242 LAWS RELATING TO authorized and empowered, at any legal meeting of the inhabitants of said towns, to choose three persons in each town for a fish-committee, who shall be inhabitants of the towns for which they are chosen, and who shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duty. The said committees shall meet together annually, on or before the twen- tieth day of April, at such time and place as a majority of them may appoint; and when so united, shall be considered a joint committee for enforcing the provisions of this act. The major part of this joint committee present at such meeting, or at any subsequent meeting before the twentieth day of April in each year, are hereby authorized and empowered to order the time, place and manner in which it may be lawful to take any of tlie fish called herrings or ale wives and perch in Bass River, or the ponds and streams connected therewith, and may prescribe the length of the seines, nets or other instruments ■which may be used for taking such fish, together with the length of the lines attached thereunto ; and may appoint and grant permits to suitable persons, being inhabitants of one of said towns, to catch any of the said fish in the said river, or in the ponds and streams connected therewith, and fix the compensation to be paid to the said towns for such permits ; and shall determine the quantity of said fish which each family in said towns shall receive from such catchers, and establish the price therefor ; and when directed by a vote of both the said towns, may sell at auction or otherwise the exclusive right of fishing in said river and its waters to one or more persons for a term of time not longer than one fishing season, at one sale, upon such terms and con- ditions as the said towns or said joint committee may direct. Sect. 2. If either of the said towns of Dennis or Yarmouth shall have chosen its fish-committee according to the provisions of this act, and the other town shall neglect or refuse so to do, then the com- mittee which is lawfully chosen shall have all the power and authority which is intended by this act to be conferred on the said joint com- mittee. Sect. 3. The said committee or a majority of them, are hereby fully authorized and empowered to cause the natural streams through which the said fish pass to be kept open and without obstruction ; to remove such obstructions as may be found therein, and to make the said passage-ways wider and deeper if they shall judge necessary ; and the said committee, or either of them, by paying a reasonable consideration therefor, if demanded, shall have authority for these purposes to go on the land or meadows of any person through which the said streams run, without being considered as trespassers ; and any person or persons who shall molest, or in any way hinder the said committee, or either of them, in the execution of the duties of their oflSce, or shall obstruct any passage-way in the said Bass River, or in INLAND FISHERIES. 243 the ponds or streams connected therewith, otherwise than maj* be allowed by the said committee, shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceed- ing twenty dollars for ever}^ such offence. Sect. 4. If any person or persons shall take any of the said fish called herrings, alewives or perch, in the said Bass River, or in the ponds and streams connected therewith, or within half a mile, in any direction, from the mouth of said river, at any time or place or in any manner other than may be allowed by the said committee, each person so offending shall for each and every such offence, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and paj^ a fine not exceeding ten dollars, if the quantity of fish so taken be less than one barrel, but if the quantity of fish so taken shall be one barrel or more, such person or persons so offending shal forfeit and pay for every barrel of fish so taken a sum not more than twenty dollars nor less than ten dollars. Sect. 5. If any vessel, boat or craft shall be found within the lim- its of the said river or the ponds or streams connected therewith, or within half a mile of the said river's mouth, with any more of the said fish on board the same than is allowed by said committee, or if any person or persons, with any such vessel, boat or craft shall be detected in taking or in attempting to take any of the said fish in any manner different from the regulations of said committee, or with seines, nets or other instruments of a kind or size different from that established by the said committee, it shall be the duty of such committee, or either one of them, and they are hereby authorized to seize such ves- sel, boat or craft, seine or other instruments, and detain the same not exceeding forty-eight hours, in order that the same maj' be attached by due process of law, and made answerable for such fines and for- feitures incurred, with costs of suit. Sect. 6. All fines and forfeitures incurred under this act shall go, one half to the said towns of Dennis and Yarmouth, and the other half to the person who shall prosecute for the same, excepting that when the said committee or either one of them shall prosecute, then the forfeitures shall accrue wholly to the said towns, to be recovered by complaint before a justice of the peace, or in amy court competent to tr}' the same. Sect. 7. All laws heretofore passed regulating the fisheries in either of the towns of Dennis and Yarmouth, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed, excepting that a fish-committee which may be chosen the present year under the pro- visions of an}' existing law, shall be considered the committee of such town under the operation of this act. Sect. 8. This act shall take effect from and after its passage, — [March 16, 1849. [1869, 384.] 244 LAWS RELATING TO An Act authorizing the erection of a Fish Weir in the Town of Eastham. 1849, 64. Be it enacted^ etc.^ as follows: Sect. 1. Joshua Hig- gins, junior, Scotto Cobb and their associates, of Eastham, in the count}^ of Barnstable, are hereby authorized to erect and maintain in said town, a weir for taking fish, on their land at or near a place called Cook's Brook, on the ba}- side of said town, extending from the upland to low-water mark : provided, that the said weir shall not be so constructed or maintained as to obstruct the navigation at said place. Sect. 2. If any person shall wilfully injure or destroy said weir, or any part thereof, or shall, without leave of the owners thereof, take from the same any fish found therein, he shall, upon conviction, for- feit and pay to the use of the owners of said weir a sum not exceed- ing twenty dollars, to be recovered in any court of competent juris- diction, and shall, moreover, be liable to the parties injured for all damages, in a civil suit. — [March 29, 1849. [1821,97; 1849, 219.] An Act to prevent the Seining of Fish in the Harbors of New Bedford and Fairhaven. 1849, 128. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs : Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or use any seine or net in the harbors of New Bedford and Fairhaven or the waters falling into said harbors north of a line drawn due east from the almshouse in New Bedford to Fairhaven, for the purpose of taking any description of fish other than menhaden, and any person offending against the provisions of this act, shall for- feit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each offence, to be recov- ered by complaint before the justice of the police court in New Bed- ford, or any justice of the peace, to the use of the complainant. — [April 20, 1849. ^ [1854, 293.] [1821,97; 1849,128.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled " An Act to prevent the Seining of Fish in the Harbors of New Bedford and Fairhaven." 1849, 219. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Sect. 1. Nothing con- tained in the act entitled " An Act to prevent the seining of fish in the harbors of New Bedford and Fairhaven," passed the twentieth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, shall be construed to appl}' to the herring fisheries in Acushnet River, from Island Marsh, so called, in said river, northwardly, to the head waters thereof.— [May 2, 1849. [1854,293.] INLAND FISHERIES. 245 1850. [1833, 211; 1855, 156; 1858, 95.] An Act for the protection of the Fisheries in the vicinity of Nantucket. 18r)0, 6. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. From and after the first clay of Jul}^ next it shall not be lawful for any person or per- sons to take any fish b}' seining, within one nolle from the shores of Nantucket, Tuckernuck, Smith's, Muskeeket and Gravel Islands. Sect. 2. The provisions of the sixteenth section of the fifty-fifth chapter of the Revised Statutes in regard to the town of Chatham, shall be and the same are hereby extended to the town of Nantucket. Sect. 3. Any person violating any provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pa}' for each offence the sum of fift}- dollars. Sect. 4. The said town of Nantucket is hereby authorized to choose, at the annual town meeting or at any meeting duly warned for that purpose, such number of fish-wardens as may at the time be deemed necessary, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty, whose duty it shall be to prosecute for every offence against any provisions of this act. Sect. 5. If any boat or craft be found within or without the limits aforenamed with fish of any kind on board, taken within said limits contrary to the provisions of this act, it sliall be the duty of said fish- wardens to seize such boat or craft, and detain the same not exceed- ing forty-eight hours, in order that the same may be attached or arrested by due process of law, for the better security of the payment of the penalty for the violation of the provisions of this act, together with the costs of the suit : provided, however, that as soon as the master or owner of such boat or craft shall pay such penalty to the treasurer of the town of Nantucket (if he pay the same before being sued therefor) , such boat or craft shall be discharged, with the effects therein. Sect. 6. All fines and penalties recovered and received by virtue of this act, shall go, one-half to the treasurer of Nantucket, for the use of said town, the other half to the complainant ; and said for- feitures, fines or penalties may be recovered, together with legal costs of suit, by an action of debt, in any court of record proper to try the same. — [February 5, 1850. [1870, 284.] An Act to incorporate the Great Marsh Dyking, Water-Power and Fishing Company. 1850,73. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: * * * Sect. 4. Said corporation shall have the exclusive ownership of any herring or other fisher}' created in consequence of the location of said d^'ke, together with the right of regulating such fisheries and taking the fish therein, to their own exclusive use, * * * — [March 14, 1850. 246 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to incorporate the Wequabsqua Fishing Company. 1850, 99. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Charles Weeks, Samuel T. Hancock, Moses A. Ma3-hew, Tristram Allen, Calvin O. Adams and others, their associates and successors, pro- prietors of the lands adjoining a pond, situated in the south part of the town of Chilmark, known by the name of Chilmark Pond, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Wequabsqua Fishing Compan}', for the purpose of taking fish in the limits hereinafter specified ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privi- leges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities contained in the fort^'-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes, passed on the fourth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five. Sect. 2. All persons who are proprietors of the lands as aforesaid, shall have the right to become members, bear the expenses and share the profits, of the company, in like proportion as was the estimated value of their several meadows, according to the valuation of the commissioners of sewers, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fort3'-eight, to the value of the whole. Sect. 3. The said company are hereby empowered to maintain a creek or canal from said pond, across the neck of land called Wequab- squa, to the sea, with the exclusive privilege and control of the fisljery in said creek and so much of the pond as lies within ten rods from the head of the creek, and also so much of the sea or ocean from high- water mark, as lies within the distance of fifty rods from the mouth of said creek. Sect. 4. If an}'^ person, in violation of the by-laws of said com- pany shall take, catch or destroy any fish within the limits named in the preceding section, he shall forfeit and pa}'^ for each offence, a sum not exceeding twent}^ dollars nor less than five dollars, one half to the complainant and the other half to the town of Chilmark. Sect. 5. Either of the persons named in the first section of this act, is hereby authorized to call the first meeting of the company, by causing a notification, stating the time and place of meeting and the business to be acted upon, to be published in the " Vinej^ard Gazette," a newspaper printed in the town of Edgartown or b}^ giving notice to each proprietor. Sect. 6. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 20, 1850. [1815, 83.] An Act concerning the Alewive Fishery in the Town of Dennis. 1850, 148. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios : Sect. 1. So much of an act passed on the twenty-fourth day of February, in the j'ear one INLAND FISHERIES. 247 thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, entitled "An Act in addition to an act entitled an act to prevent the destruction and to regulate the catching of the fish called alewives, in their passage up the rivers and streams in the town of Harwich, in the county of Barnstable," as prevents the catching of fish called alewives, on the westward of Job Chase's Wharf, so called, situated in the town of Dennis, in the county of Barnstable, is hereby repealed. Sect. 2. This act shall take efl["ect from and after its passage. — [April 4, 1850. [1852, 68; 1855, 90; 1880, 122.] 1851. [1826, 54.] Aw Act to protect the Mattakeeset Herring Fishery in the Town of Edgartown. 1851, 77. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person or persons shall set, draw or stretch any seine or drag-net or set up any weirs, in the Great Pond, bays, coves or creeks of said Great Pond, jn the town of Edgartown, from the first day of September, annuall}', under a penalty of fifty dollars for each person, for each oflfence, to be recovered in any court proper to tiy the same, one half to the use of the said town, and the other half to any person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 25, 1851. [1856,285; 1872,248.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, pp. 222, 289 ; 1825, 63 ; 1847, 94.] An Act to protect the Fisheries in the Town of Falmouth. 1851, 98. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or stretch any seine or drag-net in the Waquoit Bay, or in any of the ponds, rivers or creeks, within the limits of the town of Falmouth, under a penalty of twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars ; to be recovered in any court proper to try the same, one half to the use of the said town, and the other half to any person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 2. Tbis act shall take eflfect from and after its passage. — [April 30, 1851. [1858, 130.J [1843, 20.] An Act in addition to an Act concerning Alewives in Herring River in the Town of Barnstable. 1851,116. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the town of Barnstable, at their annual meeting in the month of Februar}', shall choose one or more proper persons as a committee to regulate the taking of alewives in Herring River, at Marston's 248 LAWS RELATING TO Mills, in the said town, which committee shall prescribe and make known the time, not exceeding five days in each week, and the man- ner and place or places where the said fish ma}' be taken by all the inhabitants of the said town, and the said committee shall have and exercise all the powers and duties which, b}' the act to which this is in addition, are placed in the selectmen of the said town. Sect. 2. The time during which the said fish shall be so taken b}' the inhabitants of the said town, and during which the occupants or owners of dams across the said river shall be required to keep open and maintain the passage-ways over or around their respective dams, shall not exceed thirty days in each year; and nothing contained in this act, or the act to which this is in addition, shall be so construed as to affect the legal rights of any person. Sect. 3. The first and fifth sections of the act to which this is in addition, and all other parts of the said act which are inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. — [May 7, 1851. [1848, 185.] An Act in addition to " An Act to incorporate the Pocha Pond Meadow and Fishing Company in Edgartown." 1851, 126. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. If any per- son not a proprietor of this corporation, shall receive damages by the flowing of his meadows, or in the closing of the present outlet of Pocha Pond, the county commissioners of Dukes County, after the hearing of all parties interested, shall estimate the amount of damage such persons may have sustained by the said corporation and also the benefits, if any, such persons may derive by the flowing of his meadows or in closing the present outlet ; which damages, if any, after deducting therefrom the benefits, said corporation shall pay : and either party if dissatisfied with any estimate made by the said commissioners, may apply for a jury to assess the damages, either at the same meeting at which such estimates shall be completed and returned, or at the next regular meeting thereof, and the like proceed- ings shall be had thereon as are provided for the recovery of damages for laying out highways. Sfxt. 2. The fourth section of an act entitled " An Act to incor- porate the Pocha Pond Meadow and Fishing Company," passed on the twenty-fifth day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight is hereby repealed. Secp. 3. This act shall take eflfect from and after its passage. — [May 7, 1851. [1856. 45.] INLAND FISHERIES. 249 1852. [1839, 102] An Act to protect the Fisheries in the town of Barnstable and Marshpee District. 1852, 35. Be it eivicted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or stretch an}' seine or drag-net in Osterville Harbor, or Popponessette Ba}-, or an}- of the waters within the limits of the town of Barnstable or Marshpee district on the southerly side, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same, one half to the use of the said town, and the other half to any person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 15, 1852. [1860,46; 1884,264.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 504; vol. 3, p. 398; 1823, 97; 1848, 187.] Aj* Act to prevent the Destruction of Shad and Alewives in the Saugus River, and its Tributary Streams within the City of Lynn. 1852, 48. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The cit}' council of the city of Lynn is hereby empowered and directed in the month of April or May annually, to choose five persons, inhabitants of said city, to see that the laws respecting the passage-ways for shad and alewives be observed ; and each person so chosen shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty. And the said committee or a major part of them are hereby authorized ami empowered to order the times, places and manner in which said fish may be taken in Saugus River and streams in said city : provided, however, that no person shall be allowed to take said fish as aforesaid more than three da\ s in an}- one week ; and provided, also, that the taking of said fish shall n<;t be prohibited more than four days in any one week. And the regulations which shall be so agreed upon by said committee, shall be written and posted in three public places, or published in a newspaper in said city. Sect. 2. The said committee or a majority of the members, are hereby authorized and empowered to require of the owner or occupant of any dam or sluice-head of any mill erected, or that may be erected over said river or stream, to open and keep therein a sufficient passage-way for such fish, at such time, between the first day of April and the twentieth day of June annually, as the said commiUee or a major part of them shall think necessary ; and may also require of the owner or occupant of any canal or course, whereby any natural stream is or shall be in. part changed or altered, to leave sufficient water in the natural stream for the easy and safe passage of said fish ; and upon neglect or refusal of such owner or occupant of any dam, 250 LAWS RELATING TO sluice-head or canal as aforesaid, to comply with such act, the said comraittee or major part of tbem, shall and may cause sufficient passage-way and opening as they shall judge necessary, for the pur- poses aforesaid, to be made in such dam, sluice-head or canal, with the least prejudice to the owner or occupant, and at his expense. And such passage-way and opening shall and may be continued at the discretion of said committee, from the time the}' shall order the same as aforesaid, and until they shall order or permit the closing of the same, between the days above named. And if any person shall obstruct the passage-way or opening required or allowed by said com- mittee or the major part of them, as aforesaid, or in an}' manner obstruct the passage of said fish, or put or cause or suffer to be put in either of said streams an}' noxious substance whereb}' said fish may be destroyed or their passage hindered, such offender shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. Sect. 3. If any person or persons shall be found taking any of the aforesaid fish on any day or in any place or in any manner con- trary to the regulations of the said committee, or of the provisions of this act, or of otherwise killing or wasting such fish, such oflender shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than one dollar for each ofl^ence. Sect. 4. If an}' person not a resident of the city of Lynn, shall take any fish from either of said streams within said city, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. Sect. 5. It shall be the duty of said committee to see to the observance of this act, and they shall have authority therefor to go upon the laud bordering upon the said river or streams and shall not be considered as trespassers therein. And any person who shall molest said committee or either of them, in the execution of the duties of their office, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars nor less than one dollar. Sect. 6. All fines and forfeitures given by this act may be recovered by complaint or information in the police court of said city, and to the use of said city ; and all costs incurred therein, if not otherwise recovered, shall be paid by said city. Sect. 7. All acts and parts of acts heretofore made which are inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Sect. 8. This act shall take eflfect from and after its passage. — [March 26, 1852. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269; 1814, 128; 1848, 116] An Act to regulate the setting of Mesh Nets in North River. 1852, 66. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person or persons shall set or cast any mesh-net across North River, so i INLAND FISHERIES. 251 called, in the count3' of Plymouth, so as to prevent the free passage of fish up or down said river, on any days excepting Monda3-s, Wed- nesdays and Fridays of each week, from sunrise to sunset of said days. Sect. 2. All laws restricting and regulating the setting of seines in said North River, shall apply to the setting of mesh-nets in said river. — [March 27, 1852. [1853, 350; 1856, 83; 1872, 229; 1875, Res. 36; 1876, 103.] [1815, 83.] An Act to incorporate the Flax Pond Fishing Company in Dennis. 1852, 68. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoivs : Sect. 1. James Howes, William Crowell, 2d, John Gorhara, their associates and successors, are herebj'^ made a corporation by the name of the Flax Pond Fishing Company, in Dennis, and are empowered to open a brook or outlet from Flax Pond to Sesuit Creek, so called, and also improve Sesuit Creek (into which said pond empties) to the sea, so far as may be necessarjr for the purpose of an alewive fishery, and to regulate the same, and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities contained in the fortj'-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If anj' person, without the permission of the corpoi'ation, shall take, catch or haul on shore any alewives in said pond or brook or creek or outlet so made, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay, for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding two dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if said quantity be more than one barrel, the person so ofllending shall forfeit and pay for each and every barrel, five dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of an}' individual, such individual shall be entitled to rea- sonable indemnit}' for the damage done him. Sect. 4. Any inhabitant of the town of Dennis shall be entitled to the privilege of becoming a member of said corporation : j)rovided, application is made therefor within three months from the passage of this act ; and provided, also, that said applicants pay their proportion of the expenses which shall have accrued to said corporation. Sect. 5. If the said corporation shall neglect to execute and com- plete the improvements provided for in this act within tliree years from the passage thereof, then the same shall be void and of no effect. Sect. 6. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 27, 1852. 252 LAWS RELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 378; 1819, 11; 1820, 51; 1836, 130; 1837, 184; 1844, 63.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in Palmer's River. 1852, 92. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. From and after the passage of this act, no person, except as is hereinafter provided, shall take shad or alewives with seines or in nets in Palmer's River in the town of Rehobotb, in the county of Bristol, from the first da3- of April to the first day of July in each j^ear : provided, that the inhabitants of Rehoboth ma}', at a legal meeting held for that pur- pose, dispose, at public auction, of the privilege of taking fish fur that year, with scoop-nets and seines only, in said river for the time aforesaid, to such person or persons as ma}' offer the highest price for the same and shall give suflficient security for the payment of the purchase money, at such time and in such manner as the town shall direct. Sect. 2. The said town may sell said privilege in sections or otherwise as the town ma}- determine, and the purchaser or purcha- sers of anj' privilege or privileges of taking shad or alewives aforesaid, or those emploj-ed by him or them, maj' take any of said fish in said river between Swanze}' line and the Orleans Dam, with scoop-nets, three nights in the week, beginning on Wednesdaj' at sunset and end- ing on Saturday at sunrise, of each week ; and may also take said fish with not more than two seines to be used at the same time, and iu tlie daytime onl}', three daj'S in each week, beginning on Thursday morn- ing at sunrise and ending on Saturday at sunset, in any part of said river between Swanzey line and Miller's Bridge, so called, on said river in said Rehoboth : provided, however, that no shad or alewives shall be taken in any manner from said river after the first day of July in each 3-ear. Sect. 3. The town of Rehoboth, at their annual meeting in March or April, may choose one or more suitable persons to serve as fish- wardens, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, and shall see this act enforced, and shall prosecute for all violations thereof; and it shall be the dut}^ of the said fish- wardens to prevent and remove all obstructions in the course of the stream to the passing up and down of the fish during the season, from the first day of April to the first day of Julj- in each year ; and the said wardens or either of them, and also those who are lawfully emploj^ed in catching or buying the fish taken in said river, shall be authorized to go upon and pass over the lands of any person through or by which said river runs without being considered trespassers : provided, the}' shall so pass over or on said lands only at such times and places as the fish-war- dens shall direct and prescribe and only when such passing over and on said lands shall be necessary for the purpose of protecting said INLAND FISHERIES. 253 fishery, and taking and selling, and shall do no more damage to said lands than is indispensable for such proper use ; and any person who shall wilfully hinder or molest said wardens or an}' person authorized b}' them in the neccssar}' clearing of said river, and in the necessary and proper use of lands on said stream, for protecting the said fishery and taking or selling the said fish, shall forfeit and pay not exceeding twent}' dollars for each offence, to be recovered in the manner pro- vided in the fourth section of this act. Sect. 4. If an}- person or persons other than those who have purchased a privilege or privileges, shall fish with seine or nets at any time or in any place or manner, or shall set an}' nets or seines, wear or other obstruction in said river or in an}' part thereof, with intent to take or destroy any shad or alewives, he shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars for each ofl^ence, to be recovered to the use of the county in which the offence was committed, or by action of debt ; one half to the use of the person complaining and who shall give informa- tion that shall lead to the prosecution and conviction of any person guilty of a violation of the provisions of this act, and the other half to the use of the town in which the offence shall be committed. Sect. 5. All laws heretofore passed relating to the fishery and fishing in Palmer's River, within the limits of the town of Rehoboth, are hereby repealed. Sect. 6. This act shall take eflfect from and after its passage. — [April 3, 1852. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 296; vol. 2, p. 15i; 1812, 103 ; 1835, 137.] An Act to protect Shad in Connecticut River. 1852, 122. Be it enacted^ etc.. as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall catch, take or destroy shad in Connecticut River after the first day of July in each year. Sect. 2. Any person convicted of a violation of this act shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars. — [April 20, 1852. [1864, 62.] An Act to authorize John Nickerson and Eldridire Nickerson to construct a Fish-wear in Provincetown Harbor. 1852, 149. Be it enacted., etc., as follows : Sect. 1. John Nicker- son and Eldiidge Nickerson, of Provincetown, in the county of Barn- stable, are hereby authorized to construct a fish-wear on the side of Long Point, in Provincetown Harbor, which flats join the uplands of the said Nickersons, with leave to extend the same as far as the tide ebbs, for the purpose of taking fish. Sect. 2. If any person shall take any fish from said wear with- out the permission of said Nickersons, he shall forfeit and pay to them a sum not exceeding five dollars, if the quantity so takui be 254 LAWS RELATING TO less than one hundred pounds, and five dollars for every hundred pounds so taken, to be recovered in an}' court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said Nickersons in the construction of said wear to the property of any person, such person shall be entitled to damage, to be estimated in the same manner as damages occasioned by laying out of highways. — [April 27, 1852, [1818, 13.] An Act for the Regulation and Protection of the Alewive Fishery in the Towns of Cohasset and Scitnate. 1852, 151. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Sect. 1. The select- men of the towns of Scituate and Cohasset, and their successors, sliall be a committee for the purpose of protecting, regulating and improv- ing the alewive fisher}- in the stream running from Scituate Pond into Cohasset Harbor, on or near the boundary line between the towns of Scituate and Cohasset, and shall have full powers for these purposes ; they shall annual]}- dispose of said fishery for the term of one year, and no longer, after proper notice, at public sale ; they may make improvements in and remove obstructions from said stream for the purposes aforesaid. The expense of such improvements and remov- als shall, with the exceptions of sluice-ways in dams, as hereinafter provided, be borne equally by the towns of Scituate and Cohasset ; and said towns are hereby empowered to raise money for this purpose. The proceeds of said fishery shall be equally divided between the two towns. Sect. 2. The acts of a majority of said committee shall be valid : provided, reasonable notice of all meetings shall be given to every member of the same ; and provided, that at least one member from each town shall be present. Sect. 3. All persons excepting those purchasing the right from said committee as aforesaid, or employed by such purchasers, who shall take any of said fish from said stream, in any part of it, from Doane's Mill, so called, upward, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars for every offence to the use of said purchasers, who may recover the same by an action at law. Sect. 4. The owner or occupier of every dam on said stream shall annually, between the first day of March and the first day of June next following, for such term of time and in such manner as said committee shall direct, open a sufficient passage for said fish through said dam ; and on failure to open such passage, or of continuing it open as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars ; and said committee may open said passage when neglected as afore- said, at the expense of the owner or occupier thereof: provided, that INLAND FISHERIES. 255 no more damage is thereby done said owner or occupier than is neces- sary to effect said purpose. Sect. 5. Any member of said committee may be a witness in an}' legal proceeding touching said fishery. Sect. G. The said committee shall regulate the times, places and manner of taking said fish : provided, that no fish shall be taken on more than four days of an}' one week ; and the said purchasers shall conform to such regulations, on penalty of not less than twentj' nor more than one hundred dollars for each offence. Sect. 7. The said committee shall receive out of the proceeds of said fishery one dollar and twenty-five cents each for every clay's actual service in performing the duties herein required of them. Sect. 8. All fines and forfeitures named in this act, and not otherwise appropriated, shall be equally divided between the towns of Scituute and Cohasset, and they may join in a suit for the same. Sect. 9. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 27, 1852. 1853. An Act to incorporate the Magonsett Fishing Company. 1853, 53. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Charles S. Nye, James Witherell and Charles O. Nj-e, citizens of North Fal- mouth, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Magonsett Fishing Company, and are empowered to regulate the brook running from Dam Pond, so called, to Wild Harbor, in said Falmouth, so far as is necessar}' for the purpose of an alewive fisher}- ; and for this purpose shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and lia- bilities set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of the corporation, shall take, catch or haul on shore any alewives in said brook, or within one-eighth of a mile in any direction from the mouth of said brook, he shall forfeit and pay for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding two dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity so taken be more than one barrel, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay for each barrel of fish so taken five dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of any individual, not a member of the corporation, such individual shall be entitled to reasonable damage, to be estimated in the same manner as damages occasioned by the laying out of high- ways. Spxt. 4. This act shall take eflTect from and after its passage. — [March 17, 1853. 256 LAWS RELATING TO [1834, 126.] An Act in addition to an Act entitled "An Act concerning Alewives in Herring River, in the town of Sandwich." 1833, 95. Be it enacted, etc., as follous: Sect. 1. If an}- per- son or persons shall take any of the fish named in said act, in said Herring River, or ihe ponds in which said fish cast their spawn, at any time, or in any place or manner other than shall be allowed by the selectmen of said town of Sandwich, each person so oflfending shall, for each and every offence, on conviction thereof, before any justice of the peace, in the county of Barnstable, pay a fine not exceeding twent}' dollars nor less than one dollar, or shall be impris- oned in the county jail of said county for a time not exceeding sixty days, at the discretion of the justice before whom the trial may be had. — [March 26, 1853. [1854, 285.] [1834, 166 ; 1849, 36.] An Act to abolish the office of Commissioner of Marshpee. *********** 1853,186. Be it further enacted, etc., as foUoius: Sect, 5. The said district at any regular meeting, with notice in the warrant that the subject will be acted on, may authorize the selectmen of said district to lease or dispose of the herring or trout fisheiy, belonging to said district, from time to time, for terms of time not exceeding five years in anj^ one lease, the proceeds to go into the treasur}' for the benefit of the district ; and the}' may elect or appoint two or more fish-wardens to protect said fishery : provided, the same is not repugnant to the laws of the Commonwealth. *********** Sect. 8. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 23, 1853. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269; 1814,218; 1848, 116; 1852,66.] An Act to equalize and protect the Fishery on the North River, so called, in the County of Plymouth. 1853,350. Be it enncted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the town of Pembroke are hereby permitted to take fish at the weir where they have usually caught them on the North River, so called, or stream leading to the Indian Ponds, so called, in said town, or on the following da3-s in each week : Tuesday, Wednes- da}^ Thursday and Frida}-, from' sunrise on Tuesday to sunset on Friday, inclusive, and at no other time, under a penalty- of fifty dollars for each and every da}' fish are taken from said weir, con- trary to the provisions of this act, to be paid by the town of Pembroke as follows : one-quarter part of the said fifty dollars to the person INLAND FISHEIUES. 257 making the complaint, and three-quarters of the same to be paid to the towns of Marshfleld, Scituate and South Scituate, in the propor- tion to the number of their inhabitants bj' tlie census last taken. Sect. 2. No person or persons shall take fish from the stream leading from said North River to the said Indian Ponds or streams tributar}- to the North River, excepting at the weir before mentioned, at any time between the tenth 6ny of April and the fifteenth of May inclusive, of each 3'ear, under a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every oflTence, which shall be paid as follows : one half of the twenty dollars to the complainant, and the other half to the said town of Pembroke. • Sect. 3. It shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the several towns situated on said North River, to take fish with ten seines onl}', in the manner following, to wit : the towns of Pembroke, Scituate and South Scituate, shall each have the right of disposing at pi^blic auction, for their own benefit, of the privilege of catching fish with two seines only, and the town of Marsh field shall have the right of disposing at public auction, for their own benefit, of the privilege of catching fish with four seines onl}-, in the river aforesaid. Sect, 4. An}' person or persons who may by seine or mesh-nets, take fish from the said North River, except such persons as have authoiity under this act, shall each forfeit and pay for each and every time they so trespass, the sum of twenty dollars to the town wiih'n whose limits the same were taken. Sect. o. The proprietors of any and all mills located on the North River, and streams leading from said North River to the said Indian Ponds, so called, in the county of Plymouth, shall take up the wastewa^-s of said mills in each year, on or before the tenth day of April, and keep the same up to the fifteenth day of May following, that the fish shall not be obstructed in their passage to the said Indian Ponds from the said North River ; and in the neglect or failure of a proprietor of any mill to take up the waste-ways, so called, and keep the same up for the before mentioned time, he shall forfeit and pay for each and every day of such neglect, the sum of one hundred dollars to the towns of Marshfield, Scituate, South Scituate and Pembroke, in the proportion to their number of inhabitants. Sect. 6. An}- expense that may accrue in removing obstructions or clearing the streams leading from the North River to the Indian Ponds, for the preservation of the fish, with the exception of taking up the waste-ways of mills, shall be borne by the several towns of Marshfield, Scituate, South Scituate and Pembroke in the proportion to their in- habitants, who are hereby permitted to raise money for the same. Sect. 7. All penalties and forfeitures under this act may be recovered in anj- court competent to try the same. 258 LAWS RELATING TO Sect, 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent witli tliis act are hereb}' repealed. Sect. 9. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — FMay 19. 1853. [1876, 103.] [1813, 147; 1838, 19; 1844,65.] An Act in addition to an Act to establish the Fishery iii Agawara and Half-way Ppnd llivtrs. 1853,377. Be it enacted, etc, as follows: Sect. 1. If any person or persons shall use any seine or drag-net for the taking of fish in the Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers between the first day of March and the first day of October, he or they shall each forfeit and pay to the towns of Plymouth and Warchara twenty dollars for each and every offence ; and shall also forfeit such seine or drag-net, together with such boat or boats as may be used to work the same. Sect. 2. All forfeitures under this act shall be collected in the same manner and disposed of in the same way, as forfeitures under the act passed February twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and thirty- eic^ht, to which this is in addition. Sect. 3. If the committee annually chosen by the towns of Plym- outh and Wareham, shall fail by neglect or disagreement to fix the time and prescribe the manner in which the owner or occupier of any dam on said rivers shall open a sufficient passage for said fish through said dam, then and in that case, the committee of either town, who may feel aggrieved thereby, may apply to the county commissioners, of the county of Plymouth, who, after due notice to the committee of the other town, shall have the same power now vested in said com- mittee to fix the time and prescribe the manner in which the owner or occupier of any dam on said rivers shall open a sufficient passage for said fish through said dam ; and the owner or occupier of any dam on said rivers, who shall fail to comply with the order of said commis- sioners therein, shall be liable to the same penalties as they are now liable to for failing to comply with the order of said committee, to be recovered in like manner. And said county commissioners shall have the same power which said committee now possess, to open said dam when neglected as aforesaid. And if either of the county commis- sioners shall reside in either of the towns of Plymouth or Wareham, his place shall be supplied by one of the special commissioners not resident in either of said towns. Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sect. 5. This act shall take eff'ect from and after its passage. — [May 19, 1853. •- '' [1860,89; 1863, 117.J INLAND FISHERIES. 259 1854. An Act to secure an Alewive Fishery at West Sandwich. 1854, 231. Be it enacted, etc., asfullmvs: Sect. 1. Isaac Kcilh, of Sandwich, in the county of Barnstable, his heirs and assigns, shall have the c.Nchisive right to tal^e and catch fish in the stream or creek known as Scusset River, and leading into the mill-pond in West Sand- wich, on Monday-, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in each week, and at no other time: provided, that the said Isaac Keith, his heirs or assigns, shall open a good and sufficient passage-wa}- around tlie dam or dams erected on said stream, to enable the fish to go into said mill-pond to spawn, and maintain and keep the said passage- w\a3-3 open and unobstructed, from the tenth day of April to the twentieth day of May inclusive, in each year. Sect. 2. Any person or persons taking fish from said stream or pond without the consent of the said Isaac Keilh, his heirs or assigns, shall forfeit and pay for each and every offence the sum of ten dollars, one half of the forfeiture to be paid to tlie person ranking the com- plaint, the other half to be paid to the said Isaac Keith, his heirs or assigns, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same. — [April 7, 1854. [1824, 107; 1834, 126; 1853, 95 ] An Act concerning the Alewive Fishery in Herring River in the Town of Sandwich. 1854, 285. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The Herring Pond tribe of Indians shall be entitled to fish on the west bank of the river known as Herring River in the town of Sandwich, in their an- cient way, above the weir established on said river, to the land belonging to the heirs of Nathan B. Gibbs, deceased, on those days prescribed In- the selectmen of said town, agreeabl}^ to an act passed on the twent3--seventh of March in the year one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty-four ; and also to receive from the town of Sandwich, two barrels for each famil}', annually. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 12, 1854. [1821,97; 1849, 128,219.] An Act concerning Seine Fishing in the Harbor of New Bedford. 1854, 293. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Instead of the limits prescribed in the act of April twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, for the use of any seine or net in the harbors of New Bedford and Fairhaven, the following limits are hereby pre- scribed, namely : from a point called Butler's Rock on New Bedford shore, to the beacon on Egg Island, thence on a course north-east by east to the Fairhaven shore ; and so much of the above mentioned act 260 LAWS RELATING TO as authorizes seining for menhaden, and all other parts thereof incon- sistent with the provisions of this act, are hereb}' repealed. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 13, 1854. J 1855. [1813, 115.] An Act in addition to an Act to protect the Alewive Fishery in the Town of Brewster. 1855, 39. Be it enacted, etc., as follouis : Sect. 1. That the inhabitants of the town of Brewster be and are hereb}' authorized to prohibit all obstructions to the passage of alewives and also to pre- vent the catching of the same b}^ any person or persons other than those said town may direct, within the distance of one-fourth of a mile east of the mouth of Mill Creek or the outlet of Stony Brook, so called, in Brewster Ba}', and on the west from said boundarj^ to the line of the town of Dennis, from the twentieth of April to the twentieth of June : j^^ovided, such prohibition shall not affect the right to take other kinds of fish within the time and limits named in this section. Sect. 2. Any person causing obstructions or found taking alewives within said limits without the authority of said town, shall be liable to a penaltj' not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence, to be recov- ered in any court competent to try the same, to the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 9, 1855. An Act to authorize Augustus Paine and Timothy Jarvis to construct Fish-weirs and Fixtures in the Town of Brewster. 1855,51. Beit enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. That Augustus Paine and Tiraothv Jarvis, inhabitants of the town of Brewster, be and are hereby authorized to construct fish-weirs and the usual fix- tures for taking fish on the lands of said Paine and Jarvis in said Brewster: prodded, said weirs and fixtures shall not be placed within one-fourth of a mile from the entrance of Stony Brook, so called, in Brewster Ba}-. Said weirs and fixtures shall all be within the limits of the town of Brewster, and shall cause no obstruction to navigation. Sect. 2. Any person obstructing the provisions of the first section of this act, or taking fish from said weirs without the authority of said Paine or Jarvis, shall be liable to a penalt}' of a sum not exceeding fifteen dollars for each offence, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same, to the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect on and after its passage. — [March 14, 1855. INLAND FISHERIES. 261 An Act to authorize Samuel Young, of Chatham, to construct a Fish-weir. 1855, 75. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Samuel Young of Chatham, is hereby authorized to construct a lisli-weir on the nortli side of the new harbor, on the flats adjoining Nauset Beach, in the town of Chatham in the county of Barnstable : provided, said fish- wcir shall cause no obstruction to navigation nor infringe on the riglits of others. Sect. 2. An}- person or persons unlawfully taking fish from said weir, or obstructing the passage of fish into said weir, or causing damage thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars, to be recovered in anj- court competent to tr}' the same, for the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 24, 1855. Ax Act to autliorize Thomas L. Eidridge and his Associates to construct a Fish-weir. 1855, 84. Be it enacted, etc., as folhws: Sect. 1. Thomas L. Eldiidge and his associates are herebj' authorized to construct a fish- weir and other necessary fixtures in the tide-waters at a place where the channel that runs southerly from Broad Creek, so called, unites with the Crooked Channel, so called, in the south-easterly part of Orleans, in the county of Barnstable, for the purpose of taking fish : provided^ that the said weir shall not be so constructed or maintained as to ob- struct the navigation at said place or infringe on the rights of others. Sect. 2. If any person shall wilfully injure or destroy said weir, or an}' part thereof, or shall, without leave of the owners thereof, take from the same any fish found therein, he shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pa}^ to the use of said owners of said weir, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction, and shall moreover be liable to the parties injui'ed for all damages in a civil suit. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 24, 1855. [1842, 62.] An Act to authorize Thomas Sparrow and his Associates to construct a Fish-weir. 1855, 88. Be it enacted, etc., asfolloios: Sect. 1. Thomas Spar- row and his associates, in the town of Chatham, are hereby authorized to construct a fiih-weir, commencing on the westerly shore of Mono- mory Beach, in said Chatham, at the south side of Steward's Hole, so called, and to extend said weir not more than eight hundred yards in a westerly direction into Chatham Bay, in Barnstable County, with all the privileges thereto attached : provided, that said weir shall cause no obstruction to navigation or infringe on the rights of others. 2Q2 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. If an}- person shall wilfully injure or destroy said weir, or any part thereof, or shall, without leave of the owners thereof, take from the same any fish found therein, he shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay to the use of the owners of said weir, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction, and shall moreover be liable to the parties injured for all damages, in a civil suit. Sect. 3. This act shall take elTect from and after its passage. — [March 20. 1855. [181.% 83.] Ax Act to autborize Barnabas W. Eldiidge, Francis Joseph, Canada Perry, and their Associates, to build a Fish-weir. 1855,90. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Barnabas W. Eldridge, Francis Joseph, Canada Perry, and their associates, are her'.'b}' authorized to construct a fish-weir near Kilt Pond Point, so called, on the south shore of the town of Dennis, in the county of Barnstable : provided, said weir shall cause no obstruction to naviga- tion nor encroach ou the rights of others. Sect. 2. Any person or persons unlawfully taking fish from said weir or obstructing the passage of fish into said weir, or causing damage thereto, shall be liable to a penalt}' of twenty dollars, to be rec(jvered in any court competent to trj' the same, for the use of tlie jjerson who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take eflTect from and after its passage. — [March 26, 1855. An Act to authorize Ira Wixon and Elijah Whittemore to construct a Fish-weir. 1855, 125. Be it enacted., etc., as follows: Sect. 1. That Ira "Wixon and Elijah Whittemore are hereby authorized to construct a fish-weir near Hill Pond Point, so called, in the town of Dennis, in the county of Barnstable : 2^^'ovided, said weir shall cause uo obstruction to navigation nor encroach on the rights of others. Sect. 2. All persons unlawfully taking fish from said weir, or causing obstructions to the passage of said fish to said weir, or caus- ing damage thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars, to be recovered in an}- court competent to trj' the same, for the benefit of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 31, 1855. An Act to authorize Eleazer Rogers, Jr., and his Associates, to build a Fish- weir. 1855, 154. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoivs : Sect. 1. Eleazer Rogers, .Jr., and his associates, are hereby authorized to construct a fish-weir near the mouth of the Crooked Channel, where it unites INLAND FISHERIES. 2G3 with the Little Bay, so called, in the south-easterly part of the town of Orleans, in the county of Barnstable, for the purpose of taking fish : pj'ovidefl, said weir shall cause no obstruction to navigation nor encroach on the rights of others. Sect. 2. All persons unlawfully taking fish from said weir, or causing obstruction to the passage of flsh to said weir, or causing damage thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same, for the benefit of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 9, 1855. [1833, 211 ; 1850, 6.] Ax Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fisheries in the vicinity of Nantucket. 1855, 150. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The penalty itn- posed in third section of the act of February' fifth, in the j-ear eighteen hundred and fift}', to which this is in addition, shall be so amended as to make the sum not to exceed five hundred dollars, to be recovered in an}- court competent to trj' the same, for the use of the town of Nantucket. Sect. 2. The provisions of this act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 9, 1855. [1858, 95 ; 1870, 284.] An Act to authorize Jesse Tuttle and his Associates to construct a Fish-weir in the Town of Harwich. 1855,162. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Jesse Tuttle and his associates are hereby authorized to construct a fish-weir on the flats east of Andrews River, so called, in that part of Harwich called South Harwich, in the count}' of Barnstable, for the purpose of taking fish : 2^^'ovided, however, said weir shall cause no obstruction to navigation nor encroach on the rights of others. Sect. 2. All persons unlawfull}^ taking fish from said weir, or causing obstructions to the passage of fish to said weir, or causing damage thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same, for the benefit pf the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 10, 1855. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 191, 451; vol. 2, p. 128; vol. 3, p. 524; 1805, 29;^1810, 117; 1812, 127; 1814, 22; 1824, 101; 1825, 78; 1829, 40; 1839, 134; 1845, 79.] An Act to protect the Fisheries in Ipswich River. 1855, 171. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the town of Ipswich and vicinity, in the county of Essex, may, at all times take fish from Ipswich River in said town, with dip- nets, Sundays excepted. 2G4 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. 'No person shall set, draw or stretch any seine or drag- n(t in anj' part of the waters in Ipswich River, within the limits of said town, nnder a penalt}' not exceeding fifty dollars, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same, for the use of said town. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and afcer its passage. — [April 10, 1855. [18.56, 14, 52, 248 ; 1868, 157.] Ax Act to authorize William W. EldriJge, Jonathan Eldridge and Warren N. Rogers to construct a Fish-weir. 1855, 173. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. William W. Eldridge, Jonathan Eldridge and Warren N. Rogers are hereby authorized to construct a fish-weir in the tide-waters near Clam Point, so called, in the easterl}' part of the town of Harwich in the count}' of Barnstable, for the purpose of taking fish : provided, said weir shall cause no obstruction to navigation nor encroach on the rights of others. Sect. 2. All persons unlawfull}' taking fish from said weir, or causing obstructions to the passage of fish to said weir, or causing damage thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars, to be recovered in a;)y court competent to try the same, for the use of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. Tiiis act shall take eflTect from and after its passage. — [April 10, 1855. Ax Act to prohibit Seining in Apponigansett River and Creeks. 1855, 175. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or use any seine for taking fish in Apponigansett River in tlie town of Dartmouth in the count}- of Bristol, or its tributaries, north of a line running south-west from Ricketson's Point across said river. Sect. 2. An}' person violating this act shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not less than fifteen nor more than fifty dollars, to be recov- ered by any court competent to try the same, for the use of said town. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect on and after its passage. — [April 14, 1855. Ax Act to protect the Fislieries iu the towns of Danvers and Beverly. 1855, 208. Be it enacted, etc., as folio ics: Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the towns of Danvers and Beverly and vicinity, in the county of Essex, may at all limes take fish from Porter's, Crane and Waters Rivers, so called, situated within and between the towns above named, in any manner except that prohibited in the following section. Sect. 2. If any person or persons shall take any fish in either of INLAND FISHERIES. 265 the rivers named in the first section, by the use of a seine or weir, above a point designated in the tliird section, he or they shall, for each offence, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, the fines and forfeitures to be recovered in any court proper to tr}' the same, one half to the use of the town in which the offence is com- mitted, the other half to the use of him who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. It shall be lawful for any person or persons whatever to take fish in any manner below a point called Horse Pasture Point situated in the town of Danvers, and on the westerly side of Bass River, and near or below the mouths of the rivers named in the first section of this act. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 18, 1855. An Act to authorize the construction of a Fish-weir in the Town of Yarmouth. 1855, 212. Be it enacterl, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. George Weaver and his associates are hereby authorized to construct a fish- weir in the tide-waters of Lewis Bay, so called, in the town of Yar- mouth in the count}' of Barnstable, for the purpose of taking fish : provided, said weir shall cause no obstruction to navigation nor en- croach on the rights of others. Sect. 2. All persons unlawfully taking fish from said weir, or causing obstructions to the passage of said fish to said weir, or caus- ing damage thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered in an}' court competent to try the same, for the benefit of the person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 18, 1855. An Act to protect the Fisheries in the Town of Chilmark. 1855, 272. Be it enacted, etc., asflloivs: Sect. 1, Abner May- hew, George Maj'hew, and their associates, are hereby authorized and directed to build and maintain a good and suitable fish-way, both for ingress and egress, through the creek leading to Squipnocket Pond, so called, in the town of Chilmark in the count}' of Dukes, during the usual season for the passage of fish through said creek. Sect. 2. Any person causing obstruction to the passage of fish through said creek named in the first section of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty dollars for each and every day such obstruc- tions shall wilfully be allowed to remair^ during the season named in the first section of this act, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same, for the use of the person who shall sue for the same. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [May 2, 1855. 266 LAWS EELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, pp. 222, 289 ; 1847, 94.] An Act authorizing the Selectmen of the Town of Falmouth to permit Seines to be used in certain Ponds. 1855, 279. Be it enacted, e'c, as foUoios: Sect. 1. The select- men of the town of Falmouth in the county of Barnstable, and their successors, are herebj' authorized to permit seines to be used at their discretion (said permits to be given in writing), between the first day of December and the following first day of April in each year, in the following ponds, viz. : " Bowman's Pond," " Little Pond" and " Perch Pond." Sect. 2. Anj' person or persons detected in using or shooting any seine or seines for the purpose of taking fish in any of the ponds named in the foregoing section, without the permission of the select- men as provided in said section, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred for every such offence, to be recovered before any court competent to trj* the same, one half of said fine to accrue to the use of said town, the other half to the person complaining. Sect. 3. The selectmen aforesaid shall determine, so far as shall appear to them advisable, in what manner an}' fish taken from said ponds b}^ their permission, shall be disposed of, so far as to secure to the inhabitants of said town of Falmouth a suppl}' of fish so taken. Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Sect. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [May 2, 1855. [1839, 83 ; 1848, 47.] An Act in addition to "An Act to incorporate Trap's Creek Fishing Company, in Edgartown." 1855, 299. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The owners of Trap's Creek Fishing Company in the town of Edgartown, in the county of Dukes, their associates and successors, are hereby author- ized to catch all kinds of fish by seine or otherwise, in Trap's Pond, from the first day of November to the first day of April, in each year. Sect. 2. If a,nj person shall set, stretch or drag a seine in said pond, except as above provided, without the consent of said pro- prietors, he shall forfeit and pa}' to the use of the aforesaid company the sum of twent}' dollars for each offence, and an additional sum for each and every barrel of perch so taken, to be recovered b\' indict- ment, or on complaint before any justice of the peace. Sect. 3. No person, whether a proprietor or not, shall be allowed to seine perch in said pond, from the first day of April to the first day of November, in each jesiv. INLAND FISHERIES. 267 Sect. 4. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any inhabitant of this Commonwealth from catching perch in said pond with hook and line, at any time. Sect. 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby" repealed. Sect. 6. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [May 4, 1855. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 166; 1844, 67.] Ax Act to protect the Fisheries in the Town of Harwich. 1855, 301. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Obed Brooks, Jr., and his associates and successors in the town of Harwich, in the count}- of Barnstable, are hereby authorized to remove all obstructions in the brook or stream called Coy's Brook, from the branch of Herring River (so called), near Hall's Island to Clark's Pond and Flax Pond, for the purpose of propagating and catching herrings or alewives, for the sole use and benefit of said Brooks and his associates : provided, that no individual's rights or privileges shall be infringed thereby. Sect. 2. All persons illegally taking fish from said ponds or said brook or stream, or causing obstructions to the passage of fish or ale- wives to or from said ponds, shall be liable to a penalt}' of not less than two dollars or more than twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same, for the use of the person who shall sue therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take eflfect from and after its passage. — [May 4, 1855. An Act to regulate the Fisheries of the Oyster Pond River Company in the Town of Falmouth. 1855, 324. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. William Gifford, Stephen Dillingham, their associates and successors, in the town of Falmouth in the county of Barnstable, are hereby authorized, under the name of the Oj'ster Pond River Compan}', to regulate the river running from Oyster Pond to Hogg Island Harbor, so far as is necessary for an alewive fishery ; said company to have sole control and benefit of said fishery : provided, that no individual rights shall be infringed thereby. Sect. 2. All persons unlawfully taking fish from said pond or river, or causing obstructions to the passage of said fish to or from said pond or river, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than two nor more than twenty dollars, to be recovered in any court competent to tr3' the same, for the use of the person who shall sue therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [May 10, 1855. 268 LAWS RELATING TO Ax Act to authorize the Town of Nantucket to regulate the Fisheries in all the Ponds, Creeks and Harbors in the County of Nantucicet. 1855, 337. Be it enacted, etc., as foHows: SECfc. 1. The town of Nantucket is hereby authorized aad empowered, at any legal meeting of the inhabitants of said town, to make such by-laws as may be deemed expedient to preserve and protect the iisheries in all the ponds and creeks within the county of Nantucket : provided, such by- laws do not infringe on the rights of any person. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect on and after its passage. — [May 15, 1855. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 313, 3.54, 422; vol. 2, pp. 192, 381, 469; vol. 3. appendix, p. 20. 181.5, 111, 119; 1818, 106; 1819, 133, 137; 1822, 38; 1829, 5o; 1832, 44, 120; 183J, 137; 1843, 73 ; 1844, 62. An Act to regulate the Fisheries in Taunton Great River and the Newmasket River. 1855, 401. Be it enacted, etc., as follows; Sect 1. From and after the passage of this act it shall not be lawful for an}' person or persons to catch shad or alewives in an}' manner, in Taunton Great River or in Newmasket River, from the first day of March to the tenth day of June, including both of said days in each year, except as hereinafter provided in this act. Sect. 2. The several cities and towns hereafter in this section named, shall annually, in legal meeting to be held for that purpose, on or before the fifteenth day of November in each year, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder who shall give satisfactory security for the payment therefor, for the benefit of said cities and towns respec- tively, the privilege of taking shad and alewives in Taunton Great River, between the days aforesaid and including those days, in the year next succeeding such sale, with the number of seines following : the city of Fall River and town of Freetown may each sell the privi- lege of fishing with one seine for the purpose aforesaid ; the towns of Somerset, Dighton, Berkley and Raynham may each sell the privilege of fishing with two seines for the purpose aforesaid ; and the town of Taunton may sell the privilege of fishing with three seines for the purpose aforesaid, which privileges of fishing shall be sold separately, and the purchaser or purchasers thereof may locate and use the privi- lege or privileges by him or them obtained at any such sale, at any place upon Taunton Great River which he or they may select or pro- cure, with the consent of the owner or owners of the shore on which such location or locations may be made. Sect. 3. No seine that shall be used for the purpose of fishing in said Taunton Great River in the towns of said Taunton and Raynham, and in the towns of Berkley and Dighton above Rocky Point, shall be more than twenty rods in length ; and no seine that shall be used for INLAND FISHERIES. 269 such purpose in said towns of Berkley and Dighton below Rocky Point, shall be more than thirty -five rods in length ; and no seine that shall be used for such purpose in the towns of Somerset, Freetown or the city of Fall River, shall be more than forty rods in length. And no shad or alewives shall be taken by any instrument or means at any time within one mile and a half of the dam near '' King's Bridge," so called, in Squawbettj- Village. Sect. 4. No seine shall be allowed to be set or to remain in said Taunton Great River for any longer time than is necessary to cast the same and haul it immediatel}' to the shore. And no seine or other obstruction to hinder the fish going up shall be put in the river below the dam at Squawbett}' Village during the time not allowed for fishing, hereinafter mentioned. And all locations that shall be made on the shore of said river for the purpose of fishing shall have the upper and lower limit thereof designated b}' some proper object on the shore, which shall not be changed during anj' one fishing season ; and such locations shall be forty rods in length above Rocky Point, and fort}-- five rods in length below Rocky Point. And no seine shall be swept without the compass of two parallel lines drawn, the one from a point ten rods above the upper limit, and the other from a point ten rods below the lower limit of all locations above Rocky Point, and at right angles with a line drawn from such upper and lower limits ; or with- out the compass of two parallel lines drawn, the one from a point thirty rods above the upper limit, and the other from a point thirty rods below the lower limit of all locations below Rocky Point, and at right angles with a line drawn from such upper and lower limits ; all said distances above and below to be measured on the shore of said river. And no seine shall be swept more than fifty rods in the river above Rocky Point, or more than seventy-five rods in the river below Rock}* Point, at any one sweep. Sect. 5. No shad or alewives shall be taken in any part of Taun- ton Great River or the Newmasket River, between the hours of nine o'clock on Friday evening of each week and four o'clock on Monday morning succeeding, from the first daj^ of March to the tenth da}- of June in each year hereafter, including both of said days ; and no shad or alewives shall be taken in Taunton Great River above Berkley and Dighton Bridge, between the hours of twelve o'clock in the night following Thursday of each week, and four o'clock on Monday morn- ing succeeding, from the first day of March to the tenth day of June in each year, including both of said daj's. Sect. 6. The several purchasers of the privileges aforesaid shall select the place where the}" intend to use the same for the purpose of catching shad and alewives, and shall file a certificate of such selection, and the location thereof, with the clerk of the city or town within 270 LAWS RELATING TO which such location shall be made, on or before the first daj- of March in each _year hereafter. And the purchaser or purchasers so locating said privileges shall have the right to catch shad and alewives in Taun- ton Great River for the time named in the first and fifth sections of this act, at their respective locations to be made as aforesaid, and no other persons except the assistants of such purchaser or purchasers. Sect. 7. No person shall set any seine, net, weir or other hin- drance or obstructions in or across said river or any part thereof, or in an}' of the waters connected therewith, except in the mouth of Broad Cove, so called, in the* towns of Dighton and Somerset ; nor shall an}' person at an}' place on said waters, drive or pursue with any boat or boats, contrary to the intent and meaning of said act, any shad or alewives ; nor shall any person beat or whip the said waters with any instrument or thing, or throw into said waters any earth or other substance or thing whereby said fish shall be hindered, dis- turbed, destroyed, driven or delayed, during the time named in the first section of this act. And if any person shall be found fishing with any seine, net or other instrument, contrary to the provisions of this act, and if any person shall be found having or conveying away in any building, boat or vessel, or in any cart or other A'ehicle, any fish taken in violation of the provisions of this act, knowing the same to be so taken, it shall be lawful for any fish-warden, chosen in pursu- ance of the ninth section of this act, to enter any such building and take to his own use all such fish and any such seine, net or other in strument, any such boat, vessel, cart or other vehicle, without any warrant other than is given by the provisions of this section. Sect. 8. The inhabitants of the towns of Sliddleborough and Lakeville shall have the whole control and management of the fisher- ies on the Newmasket River, and shall have the right to catch, by their committees or their agents duly chosen in legal meetings, or to sell the right of catching, shad or alewives by set-nets or dip-nets, during the time named in the first section of this act, at any three places within the limits of said towns, to be designated for each year by said towns in legal meetings, each of such rights to be used only from four o'clock on Monday morning to nine o'clock on Friday even- ing of each week, and at no other time or places during the period named in said first section. And the net proceeds of such fishery or sales shall be divided between the said towns of Middleborough and Lakeville, in proportion to the number of ratable polls in each re- spectively, and the respective parts of such proceeds shall be disposed of by said towns respectively in such manner and for such purposes as each town shall for itself determine and direct. Sect. 9. The several towns aforesaid, at their annual meetings in the months of March or April, and the mayor and aldermen of any INLAND FISHERIES. 271 city upon said river, at any meeting, sliall choose, by ballot, each, three or more persons for fish-wardens, whose dut}^ it shall be to see that this act is enforced, and prosecute for all breaches or violations thereof; and each fish-warden so chosen shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of his duty by the clerk of any city or town in which he may be chosen, within ten da^'S after his election ; and said clerk shall make record thereof; and such fish-wardens when duly sworn are authorized to measure seines and locations, and to pursue the duties of their office in any place, and to enter any building where the}' have good cause to believe any fish taken in violation of the pro- visions of this act are kept. And if any person chosen fish-warden as aforesaid, shall neglect, for the space of ten days after his elec- tion, being notified thereof, to take the oath aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pa\^ to the use of the town or cit}' in which he was so elected or chosen, a fine of ten dollars, to be recovered in an action of tort, in the name of the treasurer of such town or city, and the town or cit}^ shall proceed to fill the vacancy created by such refusal to be qualified as aforesaid ; and if any of said towns or cit}' shall neglect to choose fish-wardens as aforesaid, or to make sale of their privileges as afore- said, such town or cit}^ shall forfeit and pa}' a fine of one hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action of tort, to the use of any person who shall sue for the same. Sect, 10. The proprietors of the mills and dam at King's Bridge in Squawbetty Village, and all other proprietors of dams on said rivers, shall keep open a good and sufficient way for the passage of fish that usually go up said Taunton Great River in their usual and proper season during the time named in the first section of this act : provided, such fish way need not be kept open in the spring of the year before such proprietors or some one of them, or their agent or agents, shall have been notified to open them by some fish-warden. And the proprietors of any dam on said rivers who shall not comply with the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars for each and every day during which the}' shall wilfully neglect to comply therewith, to be recovered in an action of tort, to the use of any fish-warden who shall sue for the same, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sect. 11. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, or shall take any shad or alewives in the waters aforesaid, at any time or in any manner contrary to the provisions of this act, shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered in an action of tort, in any court having jurisdiction of either of the parties to such action, to the use of the person who shall sue for the same ; or shall, upon complaint made before any jus- tice of the peace having jurisdiction of the offence and conviction 272 LAWS EELATING TO thereon, be punished b}' a fine not exceeding twenty dollars and im- prisonment not exceeding sixty days. And in any suit or complaint instituted under the provisions of this section, the right of appeal shall be had to the court of common pleas bj' either party in such action, or the defendant in such complaint. Sect. 12. This act shall take effect from and after its passage; and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. — [Maj- 19, 1855. [1863,73; 1866,54; 1871,258; 1875,71; 1876,208; 1879,83.] [Resolves, 1832, 120.] Resolve concerning the Fisheries in Taunton Great River. 1855, Res. 22. Resolved, That the governor be requested to appoint three commissioners to examine into the condition of the fisheries in Taunton Great River, and the laws regulating the same, and to report such alterations or amendments of said laws as may tend to promote the interest and harmony of the inhabitants of the several towns on said river. — [March 17, 1854. 1856. [1855, 171.] An Act to protect the Fisheries in Ipswich River. 1856, 14. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the town of Ipswich, in Essex County, ma^' at an3' time between the first da}^ of April and the first da}^ of June (Sundays excepted) , take alewives from Ipswich River, in said town, with dip- nets, and at no other time. Sect. 2. No person shall, between the first day of April and the first da}' of Juue, set, draw or stretch any seine or drag-net in any of the waters in Ipswich River, within the limits of said town. Sect. 3. Any person who shall offend against the provisions of either of the foregoing sections of this act, shall for each and ever}' oflTence forfeit the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, one half thereof to the use of the complainant, and the other half to the use of the town. Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sect. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [February 13, 1856. [1848,185; 1851,126] An Act in addition to " An Act to incorporate the Pocha Pond Meadow and Fishing Company in Edgartown." 1856, 45. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The Pocha Pond Meadow and Fishing Company, in Edgartown, in Dukes County, INLAND FISHERIES. 273 their successors and assigns, are hereby exclusively empowered, by seines, nets, or any other fishing apparatus, at any time between the first day of March and the first day of July in each year, to take herrings from the waters of Pocha or Capepoge Ponds, in said Edgar- town, or an}' of the outlets thereof. Sect. 2. If an}- person shall set, stretch or drag a seine or net in said pond, or the outlets thereof, or shall in any manner catch, or attempt to catch herrings therein, except as above provided, without the consent of the said company, he shall forfeit and pa^^ to the use of the aforesaid company the sum of twenty dollars for each offence, and an additional sum of twenty dollars for each and every barrel of herrings so taken. Sect. 3. If any person shall iu any way hinder or prevent the herrings from passing through any or either of the aforesaid ponds, or the outlets thereof, during the period aforesaid, he shall for each and every oflfence forfeit and pay to the use of said compan}' the sum of one hundred dollars. Sect. 4. The penalties above provided for may be sued for and recovered in an action of debt, or an act of trespass in the case, in any court proper to tr}' the same. Sect. 5. The proprietors of the aforesaid corporation ma}" increase the number of shares to sixteen. Sect. 6. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 11, 1856. [Sp. LaAvs, vol. 3, p. 5.] An Act to protect the Fisheries in Ipswich River, in the towns of Hamilton, Wenham, Topsfield, Boxfordand Middleton. 1856, 52. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Sect. 1. No person shall set, stretch or draw any seine or drag-net in any of the waters in Ipswich River, within the limits of the towns of Hamilton, Wen- ham, Topsfield, Boxford and Middleton. Sect. 2. Any person who shall oflfend against the provision of section first of this act, shall for each and every offence forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars, one half thereof to the use of the com- plainant, and the other half to the town where the offence was com- mitted. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 15, 1856. An Act to regulate the Construction of Fish-Weirs. 1856, 50. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The mayor or aldermen of any city, and the selectmen of the several towns lying 274 LAWS RELATING TO upon the tide-waters of this Commonwealth, are hereby empowered to authorize, in writing, any person to construct fish-weirs in said waters, within the limits of such city or town, for a term not exceed- ing five 3'ears : provided, said weirs shall cause no obstruction to navigation nor encroach on the rights of others. Sect. 2. If any person shall wilfullj' injure or destroy said weirs, or any part thereof, or shall, without leave of the owhers thereof, take from the same an}' fish found therein, he shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay to the use of the owners of said weirs, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, to be recovered in an}' court of competent jurisdiction, and shall, moreover, be liable to the parties injured for all damages, in a civil suit. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 15, 1856. [P. S., 91, ^ 70.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269.] An Act relating to Fish-ways at the several Dams on Barker's River, so called, in the Town of Pembroke. 1856,83. Be it enacted, etc., as folloics: Sect. 1. The owners or occupants of the several mill-dams erected across Barker's River may construct, in the manner prescribed by the fish-committee of the town of Pembroke for the time being, good and sufficient passage-wa3'3 for the fish called alewives to pass said dams up said river to the Indian Ponds, so called, in the towns of Pembroke and Hanson ; and the owners or occupants of said dams shall cause the same to be built and kept in repair at their own expense, and the same shall be kept open from the tenth da}' of April to the fifteenth day of May, inclusive, in each year. Sect. 2. In case the owners or occupants of said dams shall neglect or refuse to comply with the foregoing requisition, then said owners or occupants shall take up the waste-ways of said mills, agreeable to an act entitled "An Act to equalize and protect the fish~- ery on the North River, so called, in the county of Plymouth," passed the nineteenth of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Sect. 3. The fish-committee of the town of Pembroke, for the time being, shall have full power to regulate and control the flow of water in Barker's River and Indian Ponds, so long as they may deem it necessary for the preservation of said alewive fish in their passage to and from said Indian Ponds. Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. Sect. 5. This act shall take eftect from and after its passage. — [April 3, 1856. [1865, 47.] INLAND FISHERIES. 275 An Act for the preservation of Fish in Buzzard's Bay, within the Towns of Sandwich and Wareham. 1856, 176. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or stretch an}- seine or net, for the purpose of taking an}' fish, except bhie fish, in the ba3's, harbors, ponds, rivers or creeks, of the waters of Buzzard's Ba}', within one mile from the shore, and within the jurisdiction of the towns of Sandwich and Wareham. Sect. 2. From the first day of April to the first day of July inclusive, it shall be unlawful for an}^ person to take more than one hundred pounds per week of lobster, tautog, bass or scuppaug, within the waters aforesaid. Sect. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this act, or either of them, shall be subject to a penalty of not more than fifty dollars, oneli alf to the complainant and the remainder to the towns in whose jurisdiction the offence was committed. Sect. 4. The penalties above provided for may be sued for and recovered in an action of contract, or an action of tort, in any court proper to try the same, upon complaint of the selectmen or any legal voter of the towns of Sandwich or Wareham. Sect. 5. This act shall take eflfect from and after its passage. — [May 24, 1856. Ax Act to incorporate the Farm Pond Fishing Company, in Edgartown. 1856, 211. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Elijah Nor- ton, Benjamin Davis and Orlando E. Davis, their associates, succes- sors and assigns, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the " Farm Pond Fishing Company, in Edgartown," in Dukes Count}', and are empowered to close the present outlet of said pond and to make another outlet at such place as they may select, through the lands of said proprietors to the Vineyard Sound, for the purpose of creating a herring fishery. Sect. 2. The aforesaid corporation are hereby empowered, by seines, nets or otherwise, to take herring from the waters of the said pond, or the outlet thereof, at such times as a majority of the pro- prietors at a legal meeting may direct. Sect. 3. If any person shall set, stretch or drag a seine or net in said pond or outlet thereof, except as above provided, without the consent of said company, he shall forfeit and pay to the use of said company the sum of ten dollars for each offence, and an additional sum of ten dollars for each and every barrel of herring so taken, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same : x>i'Ovided, however, that nothing in this act shall prevent any person from taking any other fish from said pond. Sect. 4. The present owners of lauds adjoining the said pond, 276 LAWS RELATING TO or creek, or outlet, shall have each one share only in said fishery ; and no one of them shall, by conveyance or descent of his lands, create or cause to be created an additional number of shares : pro- vided^ however, that each of the present owners, or his successors or assigns, may divide his original share into parts or fractions. Sect. 5. The foregoing provisions of this act shall not affect the existing rights of any person or corporation. — [Ma}' 30, 1856. [Dissolved 1884, 156.] An Act for the protection of the Fisheries on the South Shore and Bays on the South side of the Town of Barnstable and District of Marshpee. 1856, 214. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. It shall be unlawful to set or draw any seine or drag-net to take fish in any of the bays, or in waters within one mile from the beach and shore on the south side of the town of Barnstable and district of Marshpee, within the limits between Succanesset Point and Point Gammon, between the first day of April and the first day of November, in each year. Sect. 2. The provisions of the sixteenth section of the fiftj'-fifth chapter of the Revised Statutes, concerning the taking of shell-fish in the town of Chatham, shall be, and the same hereby are extended to the south shore of the town of Barnstable and district of Marshpee. Sect. 3. Every person violating any provision of this act shall forfeit and pay for each oflTence not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered, together with costs of suit, by an action of tort, brought by any inhabitant of said town or district, in an}' court competent to try the same. Sect. 4. Any boat, craft or seine being in the possession or use of any person violating the provisions of this act at the time and place of such violation, may be seized by any inhabitant of said town or district, and detained not exceeding forty-eight hours, in order that the same, if need be, may in that time be attached or arrested by due process of law, for the better security of the payment of the said fines and forfeitures with cost : provided, however, that if the person owning, or so in the possession or use of such boat or craft, shall, before being sued therefor, pay said highest named penalty to either the treasurer of the town of Barnstable or of the district of Marshpee, such boat or craft shall be discharged with the contents therein ; and provided, also, that if the person owning or so in the possession or use of such seine, shall, as aforesaid, pay as aforesaid the same lowest named penalty, such seine shall be discharged in like manner. Sect. 5. All forfeitures and penalties recovered and received by virtue of this act, 'shall go one half to the complainant and the other INLAND FISHERIES. 277 half for the use of the said town, if the complainant shall be an inhabitant thereof, or for the use of said district if the complainant shall be an inhabitant of said district. Sect. 6. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to pre- vent the taking of menhaden or mackerel, by the use of seines, within the said waters, between Succannesset and Point Gammon, when used bona fide for that purpose and not for the purpose of taking other fish. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [Ma3^ 30, 1856. [P. S. 91.] An Act to protect the Fishery in Pleasant Bay. 1856, 225. Beit enacted, etc.,asfoUoivs: Sect. I. The town of Orleans, at any legal town meeting called for the purpose, may make and enact such laws as they may from time to time deem expedient, to protect and preserve the fishery in Pleasant Bay and all the inlets therefrom within the limits of said town of Orleans : 2^'>'ovided, always, that no law, made as above, shall infringe upon the laws of the Commonwealth. — [May 31, 1856. [1855, 171.] An Act in addition to the several Acts for the protection of the Fisheries in Ipswich River. 1856, 248. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. When au}^ person is found violating the provisions of any law for the protection of the fisheries in Ipswich River, it shall be lawful for any constable of the towns mentioned in said act to seize and detain any boat, vessel or nets used b}- such persons as are found violating said laws for the protection of fisheries in Ipswich River, and hold such boat, vessel or nets, until the lowest fine named in those acts shall be paid or good and sufficient bond, with surety, shall be given to abide the judgment of the court in that case. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [June 3, 1856. [1826, 54; 1851,77.] An Act to protect the Fishery in the Town of Edgartown. 1856, 285. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or stretch anj' seine or net of an}^ kind within one mile from the shore of any of the ponds, creeks, ba3's, harbors or inlets of the sea within the limits of the town of Edgartown, excepting in a pond known b}^ the name of the Oyster Pond, from the first da}' of April to the first da}' of October, exclusive, in each year ; nor shall any person not an inhabitant of said town at any time set, drag or 278 LAWS EELATING TO stretch any seine or net in any of the ponds, creeks or outlets thereof. The seining of menhaden and mackerel is exempted from this act. Sect. 2. Any person violating any provision of this act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars for each offence, or any boat, vessel or fishing apparatus used by persons violating the provisions of this act may be seized and detained not exceeding the time of forty-eight hours, by any person appointed for the purpose by the town of Edgartown, for the purpose of duly prosecuting the person offending this law. Sect. 3. The town of Edgartown is hereby authorized to choose, at the annual town meeting or at a.nj meeting duly warned for that purpose, such number of fish-wardens as may at the time be thought necessary, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty, whose duty it shall be to prosecute for offences against the provisions of this act ; one half of all fines imposed and collected shall inure, to the fish-wardens, and the other half to the Commonwealth. Sect. 4. All fines or penalties for violating any provision of this act, with costs, may be sued for and recovered in any court compe- tent to tr}' the same, on complaint of either of the fish-wardens. Sect. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [June 6, 1856. [1872, 218.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act for the preservation of Fish in the Merrimac River. 1856, 289. Be it enacted^ etc., a.s foUoios: Sect. 1. The Essex Company shall, before the first day of Februar}' which will be in the }'ear one thousand eight hundred and fift^^-seven, make and forever thereafter maintain in or around their dam in Lawrence, a suitable and sufficient fish-wa}^ for the usual and unobstructed passage of fish during the months of April, May, June, September and October, in every year, under a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for every day said company shall neglect to make and maintain such fish-way after said first day of February, to be recovered by indictment in either county of Essex or Middlesex, one half to the use of the complainant and one half to the use of the Commonwealth. Sect. 2. No person shall take an}- fish with a spear, net, hook or seine during either of the months aforesaid in any year, within eighty rods of said dam or the entrance of said fish-way. Sect. 3. Ever}' person offending against the provisions of the preceding section shall be punished by fine, not exceeding one hun- dred dollars for each offence, one half of which shall inure to the use of the complainant, and the other half to the use of the Commonwealth. INLAND FISHERIES. 279 Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts iuconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. — [June 6, 1856. Resolve concerning the Artificial Propagatipn of Fish. 185G, Res. 58. Resolved, That his excellency the governor, with the advice of the council, be authorized to appoint three commissioners whose duty it shall be to ascertain and report to the next general court, such facts respecting the artificial propagation of fish as may tend to show the practicability and expediency of introducing the same into this Commonwealth under the protection of law ; and said commissioners shall keep an account of their actual expenses in executing this commission, to be dul}' audited and allowed by the governor and council, and paid b}' warrant upon the treasury duly drawn b}" the governor for that piu'pose : provided, however, that the amount does not exceed one thousand dollars. — [May 16, 1856. 1857. An Act to amend Chapter Fifty-five of the Revised Statutes, relating to Fisheries 1857, 30. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take or catch any pickerel or trout in any rivers, streams or ponds, in an}' other manner than by hooks and lines ; and no person shall take any pickerel in any rivers, streams or ponds, from the first day of December to the first day of May ; and every person oflTending against an}' of the provisions of this act shall forfeit the sum of one dollar for ever}' pickerel or trout by him taken contrary to the said provisions, to be recovered by indictment, or on complaint before any justice of the peace ; and one half of said fine shall belong to the complainant, and the other half to the Commonwealth : 2:)rovided, that the inhabitants of any town may, at their annual meeting, suspend, in whole or in part, the provisions of this act, so far as respects such town, for any time not exceeding one year. Sect. 2. The second section of chapter fifty-five of the Revised Statutes, relating to fisheries, is hereby repealed. — [March 25, 1857. [P. S.91,] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 502.] Ax Act to protect the McnUade.i Fishery in the Towns of Duxbury, Plymouth and Kingston. 1857, 85. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Every per- son who shall, between the first day of May and the first day of November, inclusive, in each year, deposit the offal or waste dressing of the menhaden fish upon the shores or flats, or throw the same into the waters of the bays, harbors, rivers or creeks of the towns of Duxbury, Plymouth or Kingston, shall, for each and every offence, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, one half to the 280 LAWS RELATING TO complainant, and the remainder to the town within whose jurisdic- tion the offence was committed, to be sued for and recovered in anj^ court competent to try the same, on complaint of any one of the select- men, or any legal voter of either of the towns of Duxbury, Kingston or Plymouth. Sect. 2. Any boat, craft, vessel or fishing apparatus used by per- sons violating the provisions of this act, may be seized and detained not exceeding forty-eight hours by the selectmen of either of the towns aforesaid, in order that the same, if need be, may be attached or arrested by due process of law, to satisfy said fine, with costs. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [April 24, 1857. An Act to incorporate the Lagoon Pond Company in Dukes County. 1857,87. Be it enacted, etc. ^ as follows: Sect. 1. Bay es Norton, Darius Norton, Elisha T. Smith, and their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Lagoon Pond Company, in Dukes County, and are empowered to build a dam across said pond about or from that part of the pond called Long Point, for the pur- pose of creating a herring and perch fishery ; and said company shall possess the exclusive right to said herring and perch fishery : provided, that all persons may take fish from said pond with hook and line and ma}' spear eels and dig clams therefrom. Sect. 2. The said compan}' shall make said dam within two years from the passage of this act ; and said dam shall be of sufficient width and strength, with a good and sufficient bridge, so that it can be used as a public highway. Sect. 3. The said dam shall not injure by its height any of the surrounding meadows, or take away or injure an^' existing right of any person or corporation whatever. Sect. 4. For the above named purposes said company shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties, restric- tions and liabilities contained in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 5. If any person, without leaA^e from said company, shall take any fish from said pond except as provided in this act, they shall forfeit for each offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, which may be recovered in any court competent to try the same. — [April 24, 1857. [1862, 47 ; 1885, 245.] An Act to incorporate the Caleb's Pond Company. 1857, 193. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Valentine Pease, Henry Pease, 2d, and David Davis, their associates and sue- INLAND FISHERIES. 281 ccssors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Caleb's Pond Company, in Edgartown, Dukes count}', for the purpose of creating a herring and perch fishery ; and they are empowered to close the present outlet of said pond and make a new one through the land of the company. The profits of the fishery so created shall belong to tbe compau}' ; but all persons may take fish with hook and line or spear eels from said pond. And for this purpose the company shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the EeA-ised Statutes. Sect. 2. If anj- person, without permission of the company, shall take an}' fish from said pond, except as provided in this act, he shall be subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, to be sued for in any court competent to try the same, and said fine shall belong to the company. Sect. 3. All persons who now are owners of land adjoining said pond or outlet, may become members of said corporation, provided they shall signify to the company their intention to become members within sixty days from the organization of the company ; and the company shall give public notice of their organization by publishing the same at least sixty days in the " Vineyard Gazette." Sect. 4. The present owners of the land adjoining the said pond or outlet who shall determine to become members of the corporation shall each be entitled to one share and no more. Sect. 5. In making or closing any outlet of said pond, the com- pan}' shall not infringe upon the rights of any person or corporation. — [May 19, 1857. 1858. An Act regulating the Seining of Menhaden in the Rivers of the Commonwealth. 1858,52. Be it enacted, etc. ^ as folloivs : Sect. 1. The mayor and aldermen of any city or the selectmen of an}' town situated upon or ad- jacent to any river in which the seining of fish is now or may hereafter by law be prohibited, may, upon the petition of twelve or more legal voters, and after due notice and hearing thereon, grant permission to such persons, upon such condition and with such restrictions as they may see fit, to seine menhaden therein, if, in their judgment the same is consistent with the public good : provided, hoioever, that in all cases where two or more cities or towns are situated upon said waters and interested in said fishery, no action shall be had except upou petition to each of them, and by their concurrent vote. Sect. 2. If any person so licensed shall exceed in any manner the terms of said permission or violate any of the conditions thereof, he shall be subject to the same penalties as would attach to seiniug without such license. 282 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 3. Such license may be altered or revoked at any time, by the concurrent action of the municipal authorities granting the same. — [March 15, 1858. An Act to incorporate the Baker's Pond and Drain Fishing Company. 1858, 65. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. "Wilson V. Baker, Loren Baker, Orlando Baker and Labau Baker, their asso- ciates, successors and assigns, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Baker's Pond and Drain Fishing Compan}^, in the town of Yarmouth, and are empowered to make a suitable outlet from Baker's Pond in said town, through their own land, to Bass River, for the purpose of creating an alewive fishery, and are authorized to regulate the same ; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the liabilities, duties and restrictions contained in the forty- fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of the said corpo- ration, shall take, catch or haul on shore any alewives from said Baker's Pond or Drain, or within one hundred yards from the mouth of said drain, he shall, upon complaint, forfeit a sum not exceeding two dollars, if the quantity taken be less than one barrel ; and if the quantitj' be more than one barrel, a sum not exceeding five dollars for each barrel of fish so taken, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. This act shall not take effect unless accepted by the town of Yarmouth, at a legal meeting called and held for that pur- pose within one 3^ear after the passage of this act. — [March 22, 1858. An Act in relation to the Pickerel and Perch Fishery in the District of Marshpee. 1858, 94. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoujs: Sect. 1. The dis- trict of Marshpee is hereb}- authorized and empowered, at any legal meeting held for that purpose, to make and establish bj'-laws in rela- tion to the taking of pickerel and perch in au}^ of the ponds in said district, by hooks and lines, at anj^ season of the 3'ear. Sect. 2. The said district, at an}' regular meeting, with notice in the warrant that the subject will be acted on, may authori/^e the selectmen of said district to let or dispose of the pickerel and perch fishery, or either, within said district or any part thereof, from time to time, for any term not exceeding one year, to an}^ person, upon such terms as may be by its by-laws fixed and established. Sect. 3. Any person who shall take or catch any fish in violation of the provisions of any by-laws established under authority of this act, shall forfeit and paj^ a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars, for each and every off'ence, to be recovered by prosecution before any court of competent jurisdiction, one-half to the person prosecuting and one-half to the said district. INLAND FISHERIES. 283 Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. — [March 26, 1858. [1833, 211 ; 1850, 6; I85n, 156; 1858, 95.] An Act in further addition to an Act to regulate the Fisheries in the Vicinity of Nan- tucket. 1858, 95. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoios: Sect. 1. The pro- visions of the sixth chapter of the acts of eighteen hundred and fift}-, and of the one hundred and fifty-sixth chapter of the acts of eighteen hundred and fifty-five, are hereby extended and shall apply to the taking of fish with any kind of net by any person or persons within the limits prescribed in the act first above mentioned. — [March 26, 1858. [1870, 284.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, pp. 222, 289 ; 1825, 63 ; 1851, 98.] Ax Act to protect the Herring Fisheries in the Town of Falmouth. 1858, 130. Be it enacted, etc., asfoUoivs: Sect. 1. No person shall set down or stretch an}' seine or drag-net of any kind within a half mile from the mouth or outlet of any river or stream running from any pond in Falmouth into the sea, or Vineyard Sound, between Nobsque Point and Waquoit Harbor, from the twentieth day of March to the twentieth daj^ of September inclusive, in each year. Sect. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for each oflfence. Sect. 3. All fines and penalties for violating an}- provision of this act, with costs, may be sued for and recovered in any court competent to try the same, on the complaint of any inhabitant of said town of Falmouth, one half thereof to accrue to the complain- ant and the other half to the Commonwealth. ^ Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act, are hereby' repealed. — [March 27, 1858. 1859. [1837, 195.] An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fishery in Newbury. 1859, 54. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The third section of the one hundred and ninety-fifth chapter of the acts of the year eigh- teen hundred and thirty-seven, is hereby amended b}' striking out the words "five dollars" and inserting in place thereof the words "one dollar for each fish so taken." — [February 19, 1859. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 326.] An Act regulating the Herring Fishery in Indian Head River. 1859, 90. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: All the rights, duties, benefits and privileges conferred or imposed upon the towns of Pem- 284 LAWS RELATING TO broke and Hanover, or either of them, by the act entitled "An Act for regulating the taking the fish called alewives in their passage up Indian Head River, so called, between the towns of Pembroke and Hanover, in the county of Plymouth, into a pond in said town of Pembroke known by the name of Indian Head Pond," passed Feb- ruary twenty-second, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, are herebj^ conferred and imposed upon the towns of Hanson and Hanover, in said county of Pl^-mouth. — [March 7, 1859. [1849, 36 ; 1853, 186.] An Act relating to the Trout Fisher)' in Marshpee River. 1859, 105. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The first section of the thirty-sixth chapter of the acts of the year one thou- sand eight hundred and fort3'-nine is hereby so amended that no person shall take any trout in Marshpee River from the fifteenth day of September in each year to the twentieth day of March in the year next ensuing. Sect. 2. The fifth section of chapter one hundred and eighty-six of the acts of the 3'ear one thousand eight hundred and fift3'-three is hereby so amended that the selectmen of the district of Marshpee may lease or dispose of the trout or herring fisher}'^ in said district, accord- ing to the provisions of said section, for terms of time not exceeding twenty years in any' one lease. — [March 17, 1859. [I860, 46.] [1857, 30.] An Act to amend an Act relating to the Fisheries. 1859, 106. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The first section of the thirtieth chapter of the acts of the 3-ear eighteen hun- dred and fift3'-seven, is hereb3' amended 1)3' striking out all after the word "provided," in said section, and inserting the following: That the provisions of this act shall not extend to an3' town unless such town, at a legal meeting, shall adopt the same. — [March 17, 1859. 1860. [1839, 102 ; 1856, 214.] An Act to protect the Fishery in Marshpee. 1860, 46. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios: Sect. 1. No person shall take an3^ trout in Marshpee River, extending to and including all the waters into which said river empties from the westerl3' side as far as the water flows, to a line drawn due east and west across the northerly' end of Poppenessett Island, so called ; thence on the same line east to the centre of the channel which forms the line of division between Barnstable and Marshpee ; thence b3' said line of division INLAND FISHERIES. 285 northeii}' till it meets a line drawn due east from the mouth of Quaw- ker's River, so called ; thence west to the mouth of said Quawker's River, and thence by the shore to the said Marshpee River, from the fifteenth da}' of September in each year to the twentieth day of March in the year next ensuing. Sect. 2. No person except the proprietors of said district, shall take any trout in said river and the waters aforesaid, described in the first section, at any time, without a written permit from the treasurer of Marshpee, which shall specify the time when and the places where thfe person holding the same is allowed to fish. And no person shall at an}' time use any other means of taking trout in said river and waters described as aforesaid, than by angling with hooks and lines. Sect. 3. The said district may, by vote in legal meeting, make any regulations or by-laws respecting said fishery not repugnant to the provisions of this act ; and the income from said fisher}' shall inure wholly to said district. Sect. 4. Any person offending against the provisions of this act, or any regulations or by-laws passed by authority of the third section of this act, shall forfeit and pay a fine of twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered by prosecution before any trial justice in the county of Barnstable, to the benefit of said district. Sect. 5. Any person who shall have in his possession any trout, knowing the same to have been taken from said river contrarv to the provisions of this act, shall forfeit the sum of fifty cents for every trout so found in his possession. Sect. 6. If any minor shall offend against the provisions of this act, the parent, master or guardian of such minor shall be liable, and may be prosecuted accordingly therefor. Sect. 7. The said district, at any regular meeting, with notice in the warrant that the subject will be acted on, may authorize the selectmen of said district to lease or dispose of the trout or herring fishery belonging to said district, from time to time, for terms of time not exceeding twenty years in any one lease, the proceeds to go into the treasury for the benefit of the district ; and they may elect and appoint two or more fish-wardens to protect said fishery. All prose- cutions under this act shall be commenced within one year from the time when the offence is committed Sect. 8. The thirty-sixth chapter of the year eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and the fifth section of chapter one hundred and eighty-six of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and chapter one hundred and five of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-nine are hereby re- pealed. Sect. 9. This act shall take effect from and after the first day of March next. — [February 24, 1860. n864, 150.] 286 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to incorporate the Assonet Fishing Company, 1860, 82. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Gilbert Wins- low, John D. Wilson and John Crane of Freetown, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Assonet Fishing Company, for the purpose of introducing, cultivating and catching herrings or alewives in the Assonet River and Bay, so called, and the several ponds connected therewith ; and they are hereby empowered to alter such dams and construct such race-ways and adopt and carr}^ out such other measures as may be necessary to secure the aforesaid purpose, subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes, and the sixt^'-eighth chapter of the General Statutes. Sect. 2. If any person, without the permission of said corpora- tion, shall take, catch or haul on shore any herrings in said river, bay or ponds, he shall forfeit and pay for the use of said corporation, a sum not exceeding three dollars, if the quantity so taken be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity be more than one barrel, the person so offending shall forfeit and pay for each barrel of fish so taken, the sum of five dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. If any damage shall be done by said corporation to the property of any individual not a member of the corporation, such individual shall be entitled to recover reasonable damage, to be esti- mated in the same manner as damages occasioned by the laying out of highways. Sect. 4. Nothing herein contained shall authorize said company to take or use the private property of any person without his consent, or deprive any inhabitant of the town of Freetown of any privilege which he now has of taking any kind of fish, excepting herring, from said river, ba}^ or ponds. Sect. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. — [March 17, 1860. [1813,147; 1838,19; 1844,65; 1853,377.] An Act to regulate the Fishery in the Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers. 1860, 89. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The town of Plymouth at its annual meeting in the month of March or April, and the town of Wareham at its annual meeting in the month of Novem- ber, of each year, shall choose, by ballot, a committee of not more than three persons each, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, in the manner of other town officers ; which committee shall, in the month of March, annually, after a public notice of at least ten days, sell at public auction the privilege of taking the fish called alewives and shad in the Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers, INLAND FISHERIES. 287 in the county of Plymouth, at such places, not exceeding two in said towns, and on such days, not exceeding three in each week, as said committee shall agree upon and publish in their notice of sale ; they shall also express in said notice the manner of taking and disposing of said fish, and the price at which the purchasers may sell them, which price shall not exceed twenty-five cents per hundred for ale- wives and four cents each for shad : provided, nevertheless, that said committee ma}' fix upon one place in the town of Wareham and one day in each week for taking shad, different from the place and day of the week appointed for taking alewives. Sect. 2. The committee of the town of Plymouth, the first year after the passage of this act, and the committee of the town of Ware- ham the second year, and so on alternately, forever, shall notif}^ the town clerk of the other town concerned in said fishery, of the time and place in which said committee shall meet, ten da3's at least before the time of meeting ; and the members of the committee present at the said meeting shall constitute a quorum for doing business. Sect. 3. If either of said towns neglects to choose its committee as aforesaid, or if the committee of either town neglects to give notice, as above required, to the other, said town so neglecting shall forfeit and pa}' to the use of the other which chooses such committee or whose committee gives such notice, for each neglect, the sum of one hundred dollars. Sect. 4. All persons except the purchasers aforesaid or those employed b}' them, who take an}' of said fish in said rivers or in any pond or stream having communication therewith, between the first day of April and the fifteenth day of June, both inclusive, in each year, shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every oflTence. Sect. 5. The owner or occupier of any dam on said rivers, shall annually, between the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of June next following, for such term of time and in such manner as said committee directs, open a sufficient passage for said fish through said dam ; and on failure of opening such passage or of continuing the same open as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars ; and said committee may open such dam, when neglected as aforesaid, at the expense of the proprietor thereof: provided, no more damage is thereby done the owner than is neces- sary to effect said purpose. Sect. 6. If any person makes any weir or causes any obstruction to the fi'ee passage of said fish up said rivers or makes use of any seine to take said fish in said rivers or in any pond or stream com- municating with the same in any other manner or at any other time or place than such as may be approved and established by said commit- 288 LAWS RELATING TO tee, between the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of June as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offence ; and said commit- tee shall remove such weir or obstruction at the expense of the person causing the same, and also seize to the use and disposal of said towns anj' seine vised as aforesaid, and make complaint to the town treas- urer of eitlier of the towns aforesaid, of any violation of this act that shall come to their knowledge. Sect. 7. The treasurers of the aforesaid towns respectivel}- shall, upon the complaint of any member of the committees aforesaid, sue for the recovery of any forfeitures incurred by a breach of any of the regulations provided in this act, and of an}' such further regulations as may be provided and established by said committees in conformity to this act ; and all fines and forfeitures recovered for any breaches aforesaid, except such as are provided in the third section of this act, shall, together with the proceeds of said fishery, be equally divided between said towns ; and all the expenses attending said suits shall in like manner be equally borne by them. And the treasurers afore- said respectively shall, in behalf of their respective towns, recover by an action on the case of any person or corporation withholding the same, one-half part thereof, in any court proper to try said action. Sect. 8. The purchasers of the privileges of taking said fish shall in all respects conform themselves to such regulations and conditions as said committees shall publish as aforesaid ; and on failure thereof shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars to be recovered in any court of proper jurisdiction. Sect. 9. Any member of the committees aforesaid may be admit- ted as a competent witness in any prosecution for a breach of any regulation as aforesaid. Sect. 10. The committee chosen in said town of Plymouth either in the months of March or April last, and the committee chosen by said town of Wareham in the month of November last, for the regu- lating the taking of alewives in said rivers, agreeably to the provisions of the act then existing for that purpose, shall perform all the duties for the present 3^ear that are required of committees hereafter to be chosen under the provisions of this act ; and they, as also committees hereafter chosen for the purposes contemplated by this act, shall receive out of the proceeds of said fishery, one dollar and twenty-five cents each for every day's service they may be actually engaged in per- forming the duties herein required of them. Sect. U. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provi- sions of this act are hereby repealed. — [March 20, 1860. [1863, 117.] INLAND FISHERIES. 289 An Act to incorporate the Nine Mile Pond Fishing Company. 1860,91. Beit enacted, etc.. as follows: Sect. 1. Nelson Scudder, Daniel Scudder, Walter Chipman, Elijah Sears, their associates and successors, are hereby made a coi'poration by the name of the Nine Mile Pond Fishing Company, for the purpose of opening a canal or outlet from Nine Mile Pond in Barnstable, and from Long Pond to tide-water, and maintaining the same ; and for that purpose are empowered to open such canal or outlet, and to continue the same in such manner as to said corporation shall seem fit and proper ; and they shall liave all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions set forth in the forty-fourth chapter of the Revised Statutes and the sixty-eighth chapter of the General Statutes. Sect. 2. Any herring fishery which may be created in the canal or outlet or the ponds aforesaid, by opening the same, or which may hereafter exist therein, shall be the property of said corporation ; and if any person, without the permission of said corporation, shall take, catch, kill or haul on shore any herrings in said canal or outlet or in the ponds aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay, for the upc of said corporation, a sum not less than three dollars, if the quantity s > taken, killed, caught or hauled on shore be less than one barrel ; but if the quantity so taken, killed, caught or hauled on shore shall be more than one barrel, he shall forfeit and pa}- for each barrel of herring so taken, and for each fraction of a barrel, the sum of five dollars, to be recovered by an action of tort in the name of said cor- poration in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sect. 3. Nothing herein contained shall authorize the said com- pany to take or use the private property of any person without his consent ; and any proprietor of lands adjoining said canal or outlet may become a member of said corporation if application be made therefor within six months from the time of the organization of said company under this act, by paying a due proportion of all expenses incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission. Sect. 4. If any person not a member of said corporation sliall receive damage in his lands or estate in consequence of the opening of said canal or outlet, or in consequence of the draining of said ponds or otherwise, and the parties in interest failing to adjust said damages, the part}' aggrieved ma}' apply to the county commissioners of the county of Barnstable, who are hereb}^ authorized to determine and assess the same ; and either party may appeal from the decision of said commissioners to the superior court of the county of Barn- stable, and have a trial by jury in said court. Sect. 5. The said corporation, for the purpose herein set forth, and for maintaining and carrying on the fishery aforesaid, may hold 290 LAWS RELATING TO real estate not exceeding two thousand dollars in value over and above the right of fishery named in the second section of this act. Sect. 6. The capital stock of said corporation shall be one thou- sand dollars, represented by one hundred shares of ten dollars each, with the right to increase the same to three thousand dollars, by vote of said corporation. Sect. 7. Nothing herein contained shall give the corporation rights and privileges in an}' fishery now existing in said ponds, over and above other citizens of the town of Barnstable ; and this act shall be void unless approved by the town aforesaid, at a public town meeting, by a majority of the voters present and voting thereon. Sect. 8. This act shall take effect from its passage. — [March 20, 1860. 1861. An Act to incorporate the Little Sipwissett Cranberry and Fishing Company in the Town of Falmouth. 1861,74. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Barnabus Bower- man, Silas Gifford and Prince G. Moore, their associates and succes- sors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Little Sipwissett Cranberry and Fishing Company, for the purpose of improving and regulating the Little Sipwissett Meadow in the town of Falmouth, by flowing and draining said meadow as the company shall deem best for the culture of cranberries, and also for the purpose of regulating and protecting the alewive fishery in a pond in said meadow, and in the river leading from said pond to Buzzard's Bay. Sect. 2. Said compan}' shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the sixty-eighth chapter of the General Statutes. Sect. 3. Whoever shall obstruct the passage of alewives between said pond and ba}', in either direction, or, without the permission of said corporation, shall take any alewives from said pond or river, or shall set, drag or shoot any seine in Buzzard's Bay, within fifty rods of the mouth of said river, for the purpose of taking alewives there- from, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, which shall inure to the benefit of the company. Sect. 4. This act shall take eflTect upon its passage. — [March 15, 1861. [1815, 154.] An Act for the regulation of the Fisheries in the Town of Winchester. 1861, 157. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The pro- visions of the act passed on the sixteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, entitled " An Act to prevent the destruction of the fish called shad and ale- INLAND FISHERIES. 291 wives in Mystic River, so called, within the towns of Cambridge, Charlestown and Medford, and for repealing all laws heretofore made for that purpose," and also the provisions of the act passed on the second daj of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, entitled " An Act for the regulation of the fisherj' in Woburn," shall extend to the town of Winchester in the county of Middlesex, and to all the streams therein running from any of the ponds or other waters there into Mystic Pond, so called. Sect. 2. " The committee for the preservation of fish," in the town of Winchester, raaj' be elected either in the month of March or April, annually, and they shall be invested with all the powers and authorit}' conferred by the acts aforesaid on the committees of the several towns therein mentioned. Sect. 3. Nothing in this act shall be construed to repeal, modify or affect any of the provisions of the act entitled " An Act to supply the city of Charlestown with pure water," approved March twenty- eight, one thousand eight hundred and sixt3'-one. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 9, 1861. [1864, 234.] 1862. [1857, 87.] An Act to prohibit Seining near the Outlet of Lagoon Pond in Dukes County. 1861, 47. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or use any seine for taking fish, within fifty rods of the dike, creek or outlet of Lagoon Pond, in Dukes Count}', without first obtaining permission to do so from the Lagoon Pond' Company in Dukes County. Sect. 2. Any person violating this act shall, on conviction, pay a fine of twenty dollars, to be recovered before any court competent to try the same, for the use of said company. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 28, 1862. An Act for the protection of Trout in Maple Spring Pond, in the Town of Wai-eham. 1862, 58. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take any trout in Maple Spring Pond in the town of Wareham, or in the waters running into or flowing therefrom, from the fifteenth day of September in each year, to the fifteenth day of April in the year next ensuing ; nor shall an}^ person take any trout therefrom except by hooks and lines, nor without permission of the proprietor or proprietors. Sect. 2. Any person offending against the pro\dsions of this act shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for each trout taken, to be 292 LAWS RELATING TO recovered by prosecution before any trial justice in the count}'' of Plymouth. — [March 6, 1862. [1868, no.] An Act for the protection of Trout in Nye's Pond in the Town of Sandwich. 1862,94. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take an}- trout in Nye's Pond in Sandwich or the stream running therefrom to Jeremy's Creek, so called, from the first day of August in each year to the first day of April in the year next ensuing ; nor shall an}^ person take an}'' trout therefrom except b}'^ hook and line ; nor shall an}" person enter upon the land bordering upon said pond or stream, at any season of the year, for the purpose of taking trout, without the written permission of the proprietors. Sect. 2. Any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for each trout taken, to be recovered by prosecution before any trial justice in the county of Barnstable. — [March 27, 1862. An Act for the protection of Fish in Little Quitticus Pond in the Towns of Lalceville and Rochester. [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 516.] 1862, 202. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Whoever takes or catches any fish in Little Quitticus Pond, so called, lying in the towns of Lakeville and Rochester and county of Plymouth, for a term of six years after the passage of this act, shall forfeit one dollar for every fish so taken. — [April 30, 1862. 1863. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422; 1855, 401.] An Act concerning the Fisheries in Taunton Great River. 1863, 73. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The pro- visions of chapter four hundred and one of the acts of the year eigh- teen hundred fifty-five, relating to the catching of shad and alewives in Taunton Great River and the Newmasket River, are hereby ex- tended to all waters connected with the Newmasket River, within the towns of Middleborough and Lakeville. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the fish-wardens chosen by the town of Middleborough, under the provisions of chapter four hundred and one, section nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five, either personally or by the assistants by them appointed and employed, to use all needful care, watch and inspection to pre- vent any violation of any of the provisions of said act, from a point one mile and a half below the dam at Squawbetty Village up to the waters of Assawampscott Poud ; the expense of which care, watch and inspection shall be paid by said town of Middleborough ; and INLAND FISHERIES. 293 the other towns on said Taunton Great River shall annually pay to said town of Middleborough, for reimbursement for their share in the benefits to be derived b}' them for said care, watch and inspection, the sums following : the city of Fall River and the town of Free- town, ten dollars each; the towns of Somerset, Dighton, Berkle}' and Raynham, twenty dollars each ; and the town of Taunton, thirty dollars. And the said town of Middleborough may recover the same in an action of contract, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sect. 3. Any person who shall beat upon the ground, or do any act whatsoever whereby said fish in said rivers shall be disturbed, driven, destroyed or delayed, from the first day of March to the tenth day of June in each year, contrarj- to the meaning and intent of the provisions of chapter four hundred and one of the acts of the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, shall be entitled to all the pains and penalties named in the eleventh section of this act. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 12, 1863. An Act to incorporate the East Falmouth Herring River Company in Falmouth. 1863, 81. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Henry F. Hatch, Benjamin H. Hatch, Robert H. Hatch and Isaac H. Hatch, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the East Falmouth Herring River Company in Falmouth, and are empowered to open a brook or ditch through their own land from Ashuinet Pond to Bourne's Pond, so called, and from thence to the Vine3^ard Sound, with full powers to regulate the same so far as is necessary- for an alewive fishery ; and for this purpose said corpo- ration shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subiect to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the sixty-eighth chapter of the General Statutes. Sect. 2. Whoever, without the permission of said corporation, shall take any alewives from said brook or river shall forfeit and pa}'^ a fine of five dollars, to be recovered before any court proper to try the same. Sect. 3. All persons who may be owners of land through which said brook passes or which adjoins the same, may become members of said corporation ; subject, however, to pa}' their proportional part of the expenses which shall have been incurred by said corporation before the time of their admission. Sect. 4. If an}' damage shall be done b}' said corporation to the propert}' of any person not a member thereof, such individual shall have an action of tort for the injuries. And the members of said corporation shall be jointly and severally individually liable for such damage in an action of tort, in an}' court having jurisdiction of the 294 LAWS RELATING TO case ; and any member of said corporation of whom such damage has been collected, may have an action of contract against his co-members for contributions. Sect. 5. If said brook crosses the highway where no bridge now exists, said corporation shall build a bridge over the same to the acceptance of the selectmen of the town of Falmouth, and be held to keep the same in repair. Sect. 6. Nothing herein contained shall authorize said corporation to take or use the property of any person without his written con- sent. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 12, 1863. An Act for the protection of Pickerel in Clapp's Pond. 1863,89. Be it enacted, etc., asfolloios: Sect. 1. Richard C. Hartford, his heirs and assigns, are hereby entitled to the exclusive right to take pickerel from Clapp's Pond, so called, in the town of Provincetown, for the term of ten years from the passage of this act : provided, the consent of the owners of said pond be first obtained. Sect. 2. Any person taking pickerel from said pond contrary to the provisions of this act, shall, on conviction in any court having jurisdiction of the offence, be fined not exceeding one dollar, to the use of the Commonwealth. — [March 14, 1863. [1813, 147 ; 1838, 19 ; 1844, 65 ; 1853, 377 ; I860, 89.] An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fishery in Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers. 1863, 117. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The committees annually chosen by the towns of Plymouth and Wareham, under the provisions of the eighty-ninth chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty, shall have a general superintendence and control of the alewive and shad fishery in the Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers, and in any pond or stream communicating therewith, through- out the entire year for which the}^ are elected, and until other com- mittees are chosen and qualified in their stead. Sect. 2. All persons, excepting those who may be engaged with their agents in taking said fish under the license of said committees, within the times limited b}' said committee, who shall take any of the fish called alewives or shad in any stage of their growth, at Kwy time of the 3'ear, in either of said rivers or in a.nj pond or stream commu- nicating therewith, shall forfeit and pay not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered in the same manner and to the use of said towns, as is provided in the seventh section of the act herein first before referred to. INLAND FISHERIES. 295 Sect. 3, All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provis- ions of this act, are hereby repealed. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 28, 1863. 1864. [Sp. Laws, V. 1, p. 269.] An Act to protect the Shad Fishery in the Connecticut River. 1864, 62. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or sweep any seine or net the meshes of which are less than two and one-fourth inches square when new and dry, for the purpose of catching shad or anj^ other fish in that part of the Connecti- cut River which is within the limits of this Commonwealth, and below the dam across said river at Holyoke, between the first day of May and the fifteenth day of July during each year. Sect. 2. Every person violating the provisions of the preceding section shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each offence, to be recovered in any court competent to try the same ; one half of said fine to enure to the use of the town in which the offence shall be committed, and the other half to the per- son who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 2, •1864. [1868, 130 ; 1869, 76, 384, 422 ; 1870, 369.] [1856,214; 1860,46.] An Act to protect the Trout Fishery in Marshpee. 1864, 150. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take anj^ trout in Quashnet River in the district of Marshpee, from the fifteenth day of September in each year, to the twentieth da}'^ of March in the year next ensuing. ' Sect. 2. No person except the proprietor of said district shall take any trout in said river without a written permit from the treasurer of Marshpee, which shall specify the time when and the place where the person holding the same is allowed to fish ; and no person shall at any time use an}^ other means of taking trout in said river than by angling with hook and line. Sect. 3. The said district may, by vote in legal meeting, with notice in warrant to that effect, make any regulations or by-laws re- specting said fisheiy not repugnant to the provisions of this act ; and the income from said fishery shall inure wholly to said district. Sect. 4. Any person offending against the provisions of this act or any regulations or by-laws passed by authority- of the third section of this act, shall forfeit and pay a fine of twenty dollars for each 296 LAWS RELATING TO offence, to be recovered by prosecution before any trial justice for the county of Barnstable, for the benefit of said district. Sect. 5. Any person who shall receive any trout knowing the same to have been taken from said river contrary to the provisions of this act, shall forfeit the sum of fifty cents for every trout so received. Sect. 6. Said district, at any regular meeting, with notice in the warrant to that effect, may elect and appoint two or more fish- wardens to protect said fishery. All prosecutions under this act shall be com- menced within one year from the time when the offence is committed. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect upon the first day of May next.— [April 13, 1864. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 238, 512; vol. 3, p. 98. 1815, 54; 1820, 67; 1861, 157.] An Act in relation to Fisheries in the Town of Winchester. 1864, 234. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. All acts heretofore passed for the preservation of fish and the regulation of fisheries in the Mystic River, shall extend to the town of Winchester, and to all the ponds and streams therein ; and the committee for the preservation of fish in said town shall have full powers to remove all obstructions to the passage of fish therein, during the time fixed by law for the free passage of fish. Sect. 2. Nothing in this act shall be construed to affect any of the provisions of the act entitled " An Act for supplying the city of Charlestown with pure water," approved March twenty-eighth, in the 3^ear eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 12, 1864. [1865, 219 ; 1867, 149.] An Act to regulate Seining in the Harbor of Mattapoisett. 1864, 259. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: No person shall set, draw or use any seine or net in the harbor of Mattapoisett or the waters flowing into said harbor, within a line drawn from Strawberry Point, on the easterly side of said harbor, to the most southerly point of Mattapoisett Neck, on the westerly side of said harbor, without the permission of the selectmen of Mattapoisett ; and any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay the sum of twentj' dollars for each offence, to be recovered by complaint before any trial justice, for the use of the complainant. — [May 13, 1864. [1865, 183.] .. s An Act to restrict the Seining of Fish in the Harbor of Marion. 1864, 273. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person hall set, draw or use any seine or net for taking fish in the harbor INLAND FISHERIES. 297 of Marion or in the streams running into said liarbor, within a line drawn from Charles Neck Point, on the westerly- side of said harbor, to Great Neck Point, on the easterly side of said harbor, without the permission of the selectmen of Marion. Sect. 2. Any person violating this act shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, to be re- covered before any court competent to try the same, for the use of said town. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 13, 1864. 1865. [Sp.Laws, vol. 1, p. 269; 1814,128; 1848,116; 1852,66; 1853,350; 1856,83.] An Act relating to the Alewive Fishery in Barker's River. 186.5,47. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The select- men or any committee for the time being, of the town of Pembroke, having in charge the regulation of the alewive fishery in Barker's River in said town, may, at their discretion, close the passage-ways above the weir upon said river for the passage of alewives to the Indian Ponds, so called, in Pembroke, and may take any other meas- ures which the}^ may deem necessary and which are not prejudicial to the rights of mill-owners, to obstruct and effectually prevent the passage of alewives above said weir : provided, that said selectmen or committee shall from the first running of alewives after the tenth day of April in each year, take and deposit, alive and in good con- dition, in said Indian Ponds, not less than two thousand alewives, so they ma}' cast their spawn in said ponds. Sect. 2. Alewives coming to said river after the number of two thousand shall have been deposited in said ponds as herein before required, may be taken on any secular day of the week and at any hour of the day, and disposed of under the direction of said selectmen or committee in the manner now provided by law. Sect. 3. The mill-owners upon said weirs shall not be liable to any of the penalties now provided by law for not opening a passage- way for alewives around or through their respective dams while said passage-ways are closed by order as aforesaid ; and nothing in this act shall be so construed as to abridge or impair the rights which any officers of said town now have by law to regulate the flow of water in said river. Sect. 4. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. — [February 27, 1865. 298 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to authorize the Town of Plymouth to establish Herring Fisheries in Eel River and Town Brook. 1865, 58. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The inhab- itants of the town of Plymouth are hereby authorized to establish fisheries for herrings in the streams of said town known by the names of Eel River and Town Brook, and to locate weirs for taking herrings in said streams. Sect. 2. The inhabitants of said town are further authorized to grant, for a period not exceeding twelve years from the passage of this act, the powers conferred by the same to such person or persons as the^' maj' in town meeting elect. Sect. 3. At the expiration of the period of such grant, the fish- eries in said streams shall be sold annually, under the direction of the selectmen of said town, and the proceeds paid into the treasury of said town. Sect. 4. Any person interfering with said fisheries, disturbing the weirs located by authoritj' of said town, or taking any herring in said streams except by such authority, shall be punished b}" a fine not exceeding ten dollars for such offence. Sect. 5. No right is given b}^ this act to the inhabitants of the said town of Pl3'mouth to molest or disturb or in any manner inter- fere with any dams upon said streams, or private property upon the borders of said streams, without the consent of the owner or owners thereof. Sect. 6. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 6, 1865. [Sp. Laws, vol. I, p. 200 ; 1836, 56.] An Act concerning the Alewive Fishery in the Town of Wellfleet. 1865, 85. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: The selectmen of the town of Wellfleet may, at the annual town meeting, sell the right to take alewives within the limits of said town, for any number of j-ears not exceeding ten. — [March 16, 1865. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 290.] An Act to regulate the Herring or Alewive Fishery in Barlow's Pond and the Waters connected therewith in Mattapoisett. 1865,183. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The town of Mattapoisett is hereb}^ authorized lo make the necessary improve- ments for the preservation and taking of herrings or alewives in Barlow's Pond and the waters connected therewith, and the outlet therefrom to the sea, and to do all acts necessary for the purpose of protecting and regulating a herring or alewive fishery in said waters. Sect. 2. The inhabitants of said town ma}', at anj' legal meeting called for that purpose, make such by-laws, with penalties for viola- INLAND FISHERIES. 299 tion of the same, and such rules and regulations as they may deem necessary for the preservation and protection of said fisher}^ and for the taking and disposal of said fish : provided, such by-laws are not inconsistent with the laws of this Commonwealth. Sect. 3. The selectmen shall annually post up the regulations so established in two or more public places in said town, within ten da^^s after their passage. Sect. 4. If any person shall take any of said fish in any of the waters aforesaid at a time or in a manner other than shall be allowed by said town, such person shall for each offence, on conviction thereof, pay a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. Sect. 5. The said town of Mattapoisett shall be liable to pay all damages that shall be sustained by any person in their property by the taking of any lands or by the construction of any dams, sluice- ways or other works or by flowage for the purpose of carrying this act into effect ; and if any person sustaining damage as aforesaid, shall not agree with the selectmen of the town upon the damage to be paid therefor, the superior court holden within and for the county of Plymouth shall, upon the petition of such person, appoint three competent and disinterested persons to hear and award thereon ; and their award or that of any two of them, being accepted b}^ said court, shall be final : provided, that said petition shall be filed in the office of the clerk of said court within three years after such damage shall have been sustained, and not afterwards. Such person, if he shall so elect, may have his damages assessed and paid in the manner provided by law with respect to land taken for highway. Sect. 6. If at any time it shall be apparent that the establishment of the herring fishery herein provided for shall have sensibly dimin- ished the catch of herrings at the weirs upon Hammond's River, in said Mattapoisett and in Rochester, then such equitable indemnity shall be rendered to the owners of said Hammond's River fisher}^ in fish or otherwise, as the legislature shall determine. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 1, 1865. [1856, 176.] An Act relating to the taking of Menhaden in the Waters of Buzzard's Bay and Vine- yard Sound. 1865, 212. Be it enacted, etc., as folloins: Sect. 1. From and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for any person to take menhaden by the use of the purse seine, so called, in the waters of Buz- zard's Bay or of Vineyard Sound, or the waters of an}- baj's, inlets or rivers bordering on or flowing into the same : provided, that no authority shall be hei'eby given to use any such seine at the mouth of 300 LAWS RELATING TO any river where there now is or where there maj' hereafter be a herring fishery established by law, until after the fifteenth day of June in each year ; and provided^ further, that no authority shall be hereby given to use anj' seine in the waters around Nantucket or the islands belonging thereto. — [May 9, 1865. [1870, 249.] [8p. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 238, 512; vol. 3, p. 98; 1815, 54; 1820, 67; 1861, 157; 1864, 234.] An Act for the protection of Alewives and other Fish in Mystic River. 1865, 219. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No fish shall be taken within fift}' rods of an}' fish-way now existing or here- after to be constructed over or at any dam in the towns of Medford, "West Cambridge and Winchester, between the first da}' of April and the fifteenth day of June. Sect. 2. An}' person violating the provisions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of fifty cents for each and every fish so taken. Sect. 3. All prosecutions under this act shall be commenced within thirty days from the time of the commission of the offence. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 10 1865. [1867,149; 1868,128.] An Act for the better Observance of the Lord's Day. 1865, 253. Sect. 2, Whoever attempts to take or catch any fish on the Lord's Day, by using any hook, line, net, spear or other implement, on any of the waters within this Commonwealth, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars. Sect. 3. All prosecutions under this act shall be instituted within thirty days from the time the offence is committed. — [May 6, 1865. [P. S. 98, ^S^ 10, 11.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 272, 296.] Resolves concerning the Obstructions to the passage of Fish in the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers. 1865, Res. 45. Resolved, That his excellency the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the council, is authorized to appoint two commissioners, whose duty it shall be to cause observa- tions to be made, during the months of May and June, of the height of the water upon the crests of the dams at Lowell, Lawrence and Holyoke, the heights of the flash-boards upon said dams, respectively, the right of the owners to maintain such flash-boards, and if they are uniformly maintained thereon during said months : also to ascertain the extent and degree of the discoloration of the water of said rivers below said dams caused by the discharge of dyestuffs and other noxious matter therein from the manufactories, and the effects of such INLAND FISHERIES. 301 matter upon the water and the fish inhabiting the same ; and, further, to make inquiries and ascertain the best mode of constructing fish- ways over said dams, the expense of the same, and such farther facts touching fish-waj's and their usefulness in aiding the passage of fish over obstructions as such commissioners ma}^ deem useful or expedient. Resolved, That said commissioners communicate with such com- missioners as may be appointed by the states of New Hampshire and Vermont, upon the subject embraced in these resolutions ; ascertain the legislation which has, from time to time, taken place in those states concerning the erection of dams in either of said rivers, and the height of said dams respectively; if fishways suitable for the passage of shad and salmon exist in said dams or an}^ of them, and if said states possess the right to maintain or cause to be maintained suitable fish-ways for the passage of such fish up said rivers to their sources, or to any and what extent. • Resolved, That said commissioners ascertain, so far as practicable, the supply of shad and salmon in said rivers previous to any obstruc- tions being placed therein, when such supply began to fail and the causes generally assigned for such failure, with such further informa- tion touching the value of the fisheries and the habits of the fish as may be attainable. Resolved, That said commissioners make a report of their doings to the governor and council on or before the first day of December next. Resolved, That the obligation of the Essex Company to rebuild a fish-way in their dam on Merrimack River, in accordance with their charter and the prescription of the connt}^ commissioners of Essex county, be suspended until the first day of July, in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-six. Resolved, That his excellency- the governor be requested to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the governors of the states of New Hampshire and Vermont. — [May 3, 1865. 1866. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422; 1855, 401.] An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fisheries in Taunton Great River and the Newmasket River. 1866,54. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The city of Taunton may hereafter sell its privileges of taking shad and alewives in Taunton Great River under the direction of its city council, instead of at a legal meeting to be held for that purpose, as required by the second section of chapter four hundred and one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five. — [March 2, 1866. 302 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to incorporate the Nantucket Fishing Company. 1866, 109. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Matthew Crosbj', Joseph B. Macy, Joseph C. Chase, their associates and suc- cessors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Nantucket Fishing Company, for the purpose of carr^-iug on a general fishing and freighting business ; with all the rights and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions set forth in all general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force applicable to such cor- porations. Sect. 2. Said corporation may hold such real and personal estate as may be necessar}- for the purpose aforesaid ; but the capital stock of said company shall not exceed sixty thousand dollars, and shall be divided into shares of fift}' dollars each. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 26, 1866. An Act to authorize Towns and Cities to establish Herring Fisheries. 1866,187. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The mayor and aldermen of any city and the selectmen of any town in this Commonwealth, are hereby empowered to authorize, in writing, any three or more persons and their associates, to organize a corporation, with a capital stock of not less than one thousand and not more than five thousand dollars, for the purpose of opening outlets, canals or ditches for the introduction and propagation of herrings and alewives in the ponds, creeks and rivers within the limits of such town or city as aforesaid ; and said corporation, when organized, shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions set forth in the sixty-first chapter of the General Statutes, and in all general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force re- lating to corporations. Sect. 2. Such corporations may purchase and hold real estate necessary for the purpose of opening outlets, canals, sluice-ways or ditches for the passage of herring or alewives to and from said ponds and other waters. Sect. 3. Towns and cities in their corporate capacity, may open ditches, sluice-ways or canals into any ponds within their limits, for the introduction and propagation of herrings and alewives, and for the creation of a fishery for the same ; and the land for opening such ditches, sluice-ways or canals within such town or city, may be taken under the provisions of the statutes which now regulate and limit the taking of land for highways and other purposes. Sect. 4. Any fishery so created by any town or city, shall be deemed to be the property of such town or city, and such town or city may make any proper regulations concerning the same, and may INLAND FISHERIES. 303 lease such fishery for a period not exceeding five years, upon such terms as may be agreed upon between such town or city and the lessees of the same. And any town may lease for a like period and upon like terms, any fishery now owned by such town, or any public fishery which has heretofore been regulated and controlled b}' such town. Sect. 5. No person, without the permission of such town or city, or of the lessees of such fisher}', in any fishery created by such town or city, or in any fishery created by any corporation, without the per- mission of said corporation, shall take, kill or haul on shore any herrings or alewives in any fishery so created by any town, city or corporation, for the introduction and propagation of herrings or ale- wives. Sect. 6. Whoever violates any of the provisions of the preceding section, shall forfeit and pay a sum uot less than five nor more than fift}' dollars for each offence, to be recovered by prosecution before any court competent to try the same. Sect. 7. All prosecutions under the preceding section shall be instituted within thirty days from the time the offence was committed. Sect. 8. Nothing contained in this act shall be held to impair the rights of any person under any law heretofore passed, or to deprive any person of any right under any contract now existing, or to author- ize any town, city or corporation to enter upon or build an}* canals or sluice-ways into any pond which is the private property of any indi- vidual or corporation. Sect. 9. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 25, 1866. [P. S. 91, ^^63-67.] An Act concerning the Obstructions to the passage of Fisli in the Connecticnt and Merrimack Rivers. 1866, 238. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The gov- ernor, by and with the advice and consent of the council, is hereb}' authorized to appoint two persons to be commissioners of fisheries in the Merrimack and Connecticut rivers, who shall hold said office for the term of five years, unless sooner removed therefrom. And in case of any vacanc}' in said board the governor shall have power to fill the same. Sect. 2. Said commissioners shall forthwith examine the several dams on said rivers in this Commonwealth, and shall, after notice to the owners of said dams, determine and define the mode and plan upon which fish-ways shall be constructed suitable and sufficient, in their opinion, to the free passage of salmon and shad up said rivers during their accustomed seasons. Sect. 3. It shall be the duty of the commissioners appointed 304 LAWS RELATING TO under this act, when they shall have determined upon the method and plan for such fish-wa3's, to submit a full and specific statement and description of the same to any board of commissioners empowered to act by the state of New Hampshire upon the same or similar subjects, for their approval. Sect. 4. If an}- plan so submitted shall be approved by the said commissioners for the state of New Hampshire, the commis- sioners under this act shall forthwith, upon such approval being expressed, furnish a cop}"^ of the plan adopted for each dam to the proprietors thereof, and^shall file a copy of each of such plans in the office of the secretary of the Commonwealth ; with an affidavit of the fact that the same has been furnished to said proprietors, which affi- davit shall be full proof of the facts therein stated. Sect. 5. If the several proprietors of said dams shall consent to construct said fish-ways, according to the several plans adopted for their respective dams, at their own expense, the commissioners under this act may agree with the proprietors of the several dams so to do. And when the same shall have been constructed within such reason- able time as said commissioners shall prescribe, and according to said plans, with such minor variations therein as said commissioners shall approve, the said commissioners shall certify said construction to the secretary of the Commonwealth, and the same shall, for the period of five years from the passage of this act, be taken and deemed as in lieu of the fish-wa^'s which said proprietors respectively are now required by law to keep and maintain over, at or around the respec- tive dams. But said proprietors respectively shall be required to keep said fish-ways on their respective dams in good repair, and to main- tain the same for the period of five years from the passage of this act to the satisfaction of said commissioners ; and during the period of said five 3'ears the liability of said proprietors respectively to build and maintain the fish-ways now by law required of them shall be suspended. Sect. 6. When said fish- ways shall have been constructed as aforesaid, the commissioners under this act shall prescribe in writing the times when the same shall be kept open and unobstructed, with power to change such times as they may deem judicious. And a copy of such prescriptions shall be served on each of such proprietors, and the certificate of said commissioners of the manner in which the same have been served shall be full proof of the fact. Sect. 7. If any proprietor of any dam shall refuse or neglect, for the period of thirty days from the time said commissioners shall have furnished said proprietor with the plan, as herein before provided, to agree with said commissioners for the building at, over or around his dam of the fish-way prescribed by the plan furnished such proprietor INLAND FISHERIES. 305 by said commissioners, then said commissioners shall be authorized to contract in behalf of this Commonwealth for the construction of the fish-way at, over or around the dam of said proprietor so refusing or neglecting. And said commissioners shall thereupon cause such fish- waj' to be constructed with all reasonable despatch. And the expense thereof shall be a charge against the owner of such dam, and the same may be recovered of said proprietor in an action of contract in the name of the Commonwealth, with costs and twelve per cent, interest on the amount of such expense from the time when the same shall have been demanded of such proprietor by said commissioners. Sect. 8. Whenever, in the construction of any such fish-way, the property of any person not liable by law to provide a suitable and sufficient fish-way at, over or around such person's dam, shall be taken for the purpose of such fish-way, the said commissioners shall, upon the application in writing of the person aggrieved, assess a reasonable compensation therefor, to be paid by the Commonwealth. And any person aggrieved b}' such assessment shall have the right to have such compensation determined by a jury, in the manner provided b}' the General Statutes for the assessment of damages occasioned by the laying out of highways. Sect. 9. Said commissioners shall have power to contract with the proprietor of any dam on either of said rivers, for the suspension for five 3-ears from the passage of this act of the liability of said pro- prietor to construct at his own expense any fish-way at, over or around his said dam, upon the payment of said proprietor to the treasurer of the Commonwealth of such a sum of money as said com- missioners shall deem reasonable, and a copj' of any such contract, attested bj^ said commissioners, shall be filed in the office of the secretar}' of the Commonwealth. Sect. 10. Said commissioners shall have power to contract with the Essex Company for the construction of the fish-way prescribed by said commissioners over the dam of said company-, at Lawrence, by said company, at an expense to the Commonwealth not exceeding seven thousand dollars, the said P^ssex Company to pay the expense of such building over and above the said amount so to be paid b}^ the Commonwealth. Sect. 11. The compensation of each of said commissioners shall be determined by the governor and council. Sect. 12. The commissioners appointed under this act shall have power to construct, or to contract for the construction of such appli- ances and structures as they may think essential or useful for the passage of the fish herein named, up and down said rivers, and for their protection in such passage. Sect. 13. Said commissioners may in their discretion delay in the 306 LAWS RELATING TO definite constriielion of fish-ways on the Connecticut River, until they shall be satisfied that such legislation has been adopted by the state of Connecticut as shall in their opinion be necessary to secure the free passage of the fish above-named through the part of said river run- ning through said state of Connecticut. Sect. 14. There shall be appropriated and paid from the treasury of the Commonwealth a sum not exceeding seven thousand dollars, to defray the expenses of the commissioners herein created, and of con- structing the fish-ways herein provided for. Sect. 15. An}- person who shall neglect or refuse to keep open or maintain any fish-way at the times prescribed by the xjommissioners under this act, shall forfeit the sum of fifty dollars for each day's neg- lect or refusal so to keep open or maintain said fish-ways, to be recovered by indictment in the county where said dam, or any part thereof, is situated, one half thereof to the use of the complainant and the other half to the use of the Commonwealth. Sect. 16. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [Ma}- 1.^, 1866. [P. S., 91, ^ 4-7.] An Act for the protection of Trout and Black Bass. 1866, 249. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes or catches any trout in any rivers, streams or ponds between the twentieth day of September and the twentieth da}^ of March, or within the time aforesaid sells, buys or has in his possession an}- trout so taken within this state, shall forfeit one dollar for each trout so taken or caught, sold, bought or had in possession. Sect. 2. Whoever shall take or catch any fish called black bass in any of the jionds within the limits of this Commonwealth from the first day of December to the first day of June, or at any time, except with hook and line, shall forfeit a sum not less than two nor more than twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered by prosecution before any court competent to try the same. Sect. 3. In all prosecutions for forfeitures under tlic provisions of this act, the fact of sale, purchase or possession shall be evidence that the trout or black bass so sold, purchased or had in possession, were taken within this state. — [May 22, 1866. [1869, 384.] Resolves in regard to Obstructions to the passage of Fish in the Connecticut River at Enfield Falls. 1866, Res. 80. Whereas, The Connecticut River in this state for- merly furnished an inexhaustible supply of shad and other kinds of migratory fish, which fish have now partially disappeared from that portion of said river within this state ; and whereas, there is nothing INLAND FISHERIES. :^()7 except the want of suitable fish-ways over the dam at Eufield Falls in the state of Connecticut to prevent the return of said fish from the sea to our waters in such numbers as largely to contribute to the sup- pi}' of food for the inhabitants of this state ; therefore, Resolved, That the attention of the state of Connecticut be invited to this subject, and that said state be earnestly requested to take early measures to cause fish-ways to be constructed over the dam at Enfield Falls, either by requiring this work to be done by the proprie- tors of said dam or bv exercisina; the right of eminent domain ; said measures being due alike to the relations of comity between that state and this Commonwealth and to the local interests of that state. Resolved, That the governor is hereb}' requested to transmit a cop}' of these resolutions to the governor of the state of Connecticut, with a request that the same be laid before tlie legislature of the said state. — [May 18, 1866. 1867. Ax Act to amend Section fifteen of Chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes in relation to the Fisheries. 1867,70. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Section fifteen of chapter eight3'-three of the General Statutes is hereby amended by inserting the words " an inhabitant of this state," after the word " fisherman," in the third line. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 16, 1867. [P. S., 91, yJ96] An Act for the protection of Trout in East Head in the Towns of Carver and Plymouth. 1867, ^^). Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person shall take any trout in the waters of the stream known as East Head in the towns of Carver and Plymouth, from the source thereof to the dam recentl}' erected thereon b}' George P. Bowers, without the writ- ten permission of the proprietor or proprietors of the land bordering upon that portion of said stream : provided, such proprietors shall at all times keep an open and sufficient fish-way for the passage of trout at said dam. Sect. 2. Any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for each trout taken, to be recovered by prosecution before any trial justice in the county of Ply- month. — [March 23, 1867. [1869, 384.] 308 LAWS RELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 238, 512; vol. 3, p. 98. 1815, 54; 1820, 67; 1861, 157; 1864, 234.] An Act for the Re-stocking of Mystic River and its Tributaries with Fish. 1867, 149. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The right to take alewives or shad from M^'stic River or its tributaries or from Mystic Pond, shall be and hereby is suspended for the period of five years next ensuing, and no net, seine or weir shall be set therein dur- ing said period. Sect. 2. Anj^ person violating the provisions of this statute shall forfeit one dollar for every alewive or shad so taken. Sect. 3. All prosecutions under this act shall be commenced within thirty days from the time of committing the offence. Sect. 4. The several '' committees for the preservation of fish "of the towns of Medford, Somerville, West Cambridge or Winchester may remove and destroy any and all nets, seines or weirs found in said waters during the said period of five years. — [April 13, 1867. [1868, 128.] An Act to incorporate the Pasque Island Corporation. 1867,200. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Welcome R. Beebe, Genio C. Scott, Peter Balen, their associates and successors, are hereb}- made a corporation on the island of Pasque in the town of Gosnold, by the name of the Pasque Island Corporation, for the purpose of erecting on said island houses and other buildings for resi- dence and the propagation of fish ; with all the powers and privileges and subject to the duties, liabilities and restrictions which now are or may be in force relating to such corporations ; and with the right to close the outlets to creeks in said islands for the propagation of black bass or other fish. Sect. 2. Seining or taking fish in any other mode than by hook and line within forty rods from the shores of Pasque Island is prohib- ited under a forfeiture for each offence of a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, and not less than five dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to trj'^ the same. Sect. 3. Said corporation may hold real and personal estate to the amount of fifty thousand dollars, and mortgage and sell the same ; and the whole capital stock of said corporation shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars, nor be less than twenty-five thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each : provided, that said corporation shall incur no liabilities until an amount equal to fifty per cent, thereof is subscribed and paid in, in cash. — [May 2, 18G7. INLAND FISHERIES. 309 [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272 ; 1866, 238.] An Act to regulate Fishing in Merrimaclv River, and for other purposes. 1867, 289. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall fish with a seine in Merrimack River, nor in any manner take or catch shad, salmon or alewives in said river, until the fifteenth day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and sevent^'-one, under penalty of the forfeiture of the seine and five dollars for each shad or alewife and fifty dollars for every salmon taken : provided, that the fish com- missioners shall be allowed from time to time to take such fish as may be required to re-stock the Merrimack or any other river. Sect. 2. No person shall fish within four hundred yards of any fish-way on Merrimack River, nor trespass within the limits of the same, under a penaltj^ of fift\' dollars. Sect. 3. The fish commissioners are hereby empowered to cause any tributaries of the Merrimack River to be opened to the passage of shad, salmon and alewives, by directing the proprietors of dams in such tributaries to build suitable fish-wa^s over their dams. Sect. 4. The mayor and aldermen of any city and the selectmen of any town bordering on the Merrimack River shall appoint one or more suitable fish-wardens and fix their compensation, to see to the execution of the provisions of the first and second sections of this act.— [May 31. 1867. [1869, 422; P. S. 91, ^ 4-7, 35, 42.] An Act to regulate Fisheries. 1867, 344. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The commis- sioners of fisheries appointed under chapter two hundred and thirty- eight of the acts of the ^ear eighteen hundred and sixty-six, in addi- tion to their powers and duties under said act, are hereby authorized to examine all the dams upon rivers in this Commonwealth over and around which the proprietors are now required by law to keep and maintain fish-ways, and said commissioners shall determine whether said fish-ways are suitable and sufficient for the passage of such fish as are found in said rivers ; and if, after inspection, the said commis- sioners shall find said fish- wa3-s are unsuitable, or insufficient for the passage of fish, or are out of repair, or are not kept open at suitable times, the}' shall give notice to the proprietors of said dams of any defect in their fish-wa3's, or that the fish-ways are not kept open tlae proper time. And said commissioners shall further, in writing, pre- scribe the times for keeping open and unobstructed said fish-ways, and what repairs may be necessary, and what changes, if any, should be made for improving said fish-ways. Sect. 2. Anj' person or corporation who shall neglect or refuse to keep open or maintain any fish-way at the times prescribed by the 310 LAWS KELATING TO comiaissioiiers under this act, shall forfeit the sum of fift}' doUars for each day's neglect or refusal so to keep open or maintain said fish- way, to be recovered by indictment in the county where said dam, or any part thereof, is situated, one-half thereof to the use of the com- plainant, and the other half to the use of the Commonwealth. Sect. 3. There shall be ajtpropriated and paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth a sura not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to defray the expense of the commissioners, first, in re-slocking the rivers of Massachusetts with shad, salmon and alewives ; second, in re-stocking the ponds in this Commonwealth, for the purpose of propagating black bass and other fish. — [June 1, 1867. [P. S. 91, §§ 4, 6.] 1868. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 4il.] Ax Act for the protection of Trout in Grist-Mill Pond, in the Town of Wareham. 1868, 110. Be it enacted, etc., as foUotvs : Sect. 1. No person shall take any trout from Grist-Mill Pond, near the Parker Mills Iron Works, in the town of Wareham, or the waters running into the same, at any time of the year, without permission of the proprietor or proprietors of said pond and waters. Sect. 2. Any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for each trout taken, to be recovered by prosecution before any trial justice in the county of Plymouth. — [April 10, 1868. [1867, 149.] A?i Act to amend " An Act for the Re-.stocking of Mj stic River and its Trihutaries with Fish." 18GH, 128. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoics: Sect. 1. The one hundred and forty-ninth chapter of the acts of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, entitled " An Act for the re-stocking of Mystic River and its tributaries with fish," is hereby amended by adding to the second section thereof the words following, viz. : provided, that the several committees for the preservation of fish mentioned in the fourth section, may take such fish as may be re- quired to re-stock the said river and tributaries ; and also, by adding to the fourth section, after the word "Cambridge," the word " Woburn." Sect. 2. Any person who shall place or cause to be placed in the waters of Mystic River or of its tributaries, or of Mystic Pond, or who shall c:.use to flow into said waters any substance which may destroy or injure the fish therein, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each offence, — [April 16, 1868, INLAND FISHERIES. 311 [Special Laws, v. 1, p. 296.] Ax Act to regulate Fishing in Connecticut River. I861S, 130. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Any person who shall take, or who shall aid or assist in taking from the Connecti- cut River an}- shad at any other time than between the fifteenth daj- of March and the fifteenth day of June in each j'ear, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of one hundred dollars. Sect. 2. Any person who shall take, or aid or assist in taking from the Connecticut River an}' salmon before the fifteenth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of fifty dollars. Sect. 3. Nothing in this act contained shall apply to the taking of any fish by order of the fish commissioners for the purpose of artificial or natural propagation of the same. Sect. 4. The mayor and aldermen of any city, and the selectmen of any town, bordering on the Connecticut River, shall appoint and fix the compensation r.f one or more suitable persons as fish-wardens within their respective cities and towns, who shall make complaint of all offences under this act. — [April 17, 1868. [1869, 76.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 191, 451; voL 2, p. 128; vol. 3, pp. 431, 524; 1805, 29; 1810, 117; 1812, 127; 1814, 22; 1823, 33; 1824, 101 ; 1825, 78; 1829, 40; 1839, 134; 1845, 79; 18.55, 171 ; 1856, 14, 52, 248.] Ax Act for the Re-stocking of Ipswich River and its Tributaries with Fish. 1868, 157. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The right to take alewives or shad from Ipswich River or its tributaries, or from Wenham Pond, shall be and is hereby suspended for the period of three years next ensuing, and no net, seine or weir shall be set therein during said period. Sect. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this statute shall forfeit one dollar for every alewive or shad so taken. Sect. 3. All prosecutions under this act shall be commenced within thirty days from the time of committing the offence. — [April 29, 1868. Ax Act for the protection of Smelts. 1868, 179. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever catches any smelt from the first day of February to the first day of May in each year, in any manner whatever, or at any season of the year in any other manner than by hooks and lines or hand-nets, shall forfeit twenty-five cents for each smelt so cauo;ht, to be recovered bv prosecution })efore any trial justice or court competent to try the same : 'provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to any person catching smelt in any seine or net in Taunton Great River, while fishing for herring or alewives. 312 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. The commissioners of river fisheries may take any kind of (ish at any time for the purpose of obtaining spawn for artificial propagation of fish. Sect. 3. All prosecutions under this act shall be instituted within thirty days from the time of committing the offence. — [May i, 1868. [1869, 384.] An Act for the protection of Trout in the Merrill Pond in the Town of Wendell. 1868,289. Be it enacted, etc., asfolloivs: Sect. 1. No person shall take any trout from the Merrill Pond, on the old Wendell town farm, in the town of Wendell, or the waters running into the same, at any time of the year, without permission of the proprietor or pro- prietors. Sect. 2. Any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for each trout taken, to be recovered by prosecution before any trial justice in the county of Franklin. — [June 4, 1868. An Act to protect Trout in Jones' Mill Creek in the Town of Barnstable. 1868, 290. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take any trout in Jones' Mill Creek, in the town of Barnstable, from its source to the junction with Scorton Creek, and within two hundred yards of said junction, on either side thereof, from the first day of August in each year to the first day of April in the year next ensuing ; nor shall any person take any trout therefrom except by hook and line ; nor shall any person enter upon the land bordering upon said pond or stream, at any season of the year, for the purpose of taking trout, without the written permission of the proprietors. Sect. 2. Any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for each trout taken, to be recovered by prosecution before any trial justice in the county of Barnstable. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [June 4, 1868. [1868, 130.] Resolve concerning a Fish-way over or around the Dam at Holyoke, on the Connecti- cut River. 1868, Res. 53. Resolved, That there be allowed and paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, and the same is hereby appropri- ated, a sum not exceeding twelve thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the commissioners appointed under chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of eighteen hundred and sixty- six, in the construction of a fish-wa^^ over or around the dam at Holy- oke, on the Connecticut River, in accordance with the provisions of INLAND FISHERIES. 313 said chapter two huiidrcci and thirty-eigLit of the acts of the year eigh- teen hundred and sixty-six. — [June 4, 1868. 1869. An Act concerning Fisheries in Bass River, in the County of Barnstable. 18(59, 64. Be it enacted, etc., asfolloios: Sect. 1. The provi- sions of chapter one hundred and seventy-nine of the acts of the ^eur eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, shall not apply to the lessees of the towns of Yarmouth and Dennis, while fishing for perch or alewives in Bass River or its tributaries. Sect 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 10, 1869. [1869, 384.] An Act relating to the Fisheries in Dukes County. 1869,75. Beit enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Chapter one hundred and seventy-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixt^'-eight shall not appl}' to any person catching smelts in any seine or net in any of the waters of Dukes County, while fishing for herring or alewives. Sect. 2. This act shall take eflect upon its passage. — [March 17, 1869. [1869, 384.] [1868, 130.] Ax Act to extend the provisions of the Act of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight to regulate Fishing in Connecticut River. 1869, 76. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Any person who shall take or aid or assist in taking, from the Connecticut River, any shad, at any other time than between the fifteenth day of March and the fifteenth day of June in each 3'ear, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of one hundred dollars, and any person who shall take or aid or assist in taking from the Connecticut River an}- salmon before the fifteenth day of March in the 3'ear one thou- sand eight hundred and seventy-two, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of fifty dollars. Sect. 2. Nothing in this act contained shall apply to the taking of any fish b}' order of the fish commissioners, for the purpose of the natural or artificial propagation of the same. Sect. 3. No person shall set or draw, or shall assist or aid in setting or drawing any net or seine for the purpose of taking fish in Connecticut River, at any time between the setting of the sun on Saturday evening of each week, and the rising of the sun on the succeeding Monday morning ; and the owners of all weirs, pounds and set-nets of any description, placed in the waters of said river, shall cause the same to be and remain open and free for the passage of fish 314 LAWS RELATING TO during the said period in each week, in such manner as to satisfy the fish commissioners. And every person who shall A'iolate the provis- ions of this section, and every person owning or controlling, in whole or in part, any pound or weir, and failing to comply with the require- ments of this section, shall forfeit and pay the sum of four hundred dollars to the treasurer of the state, for each offence ; and any person setting or using or aiding or assisting in setting or using any pound, weir or set-net in said river between the fifteenth day of March and the fifteenth day of June in each year, the meshes whereof are less than five inches in extent, shall also forfeit and pay the sura of four hundred dollars for each offence, and such pounds, weirs and set-nets shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth. Sect. 4. The mayor and aldermen of any city and the selectmen of any town bordering on the Connecticut River, shall appoint and fix the compensation of one or more suitable persons as fish-wardens, within their respective cities and towns, who shall make complaint of all offences under this act. Sect. T), Chapter one hundred and thirty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight is hereby repealed, — [Marcli 17, 18G9. [P. S.91,^<>^S 40,42.] Ax Act to regulate the seining of Fish in Cole's River and Lee's River in Swansea. 1869,172. Be it enacted, etc., as folloics: * * * Sect, 9, No person shall set, draw or use anN' seine, net or woir for taking fish, except menhaden, in Cole's River within the limits of the town of Swansea, nor in Lee's River within the limits of the towns of Swansea and Somerset, Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall pay a fine of not less than fifteen dollars nor more than fifty dollars. Sect, 10. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 17, 1869. Ax Act for the protection of Trout in Aver}' Brook in the Towns of Charlemont and Heath. 18G9, 235, Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect, 1. Whoever, without a written license from the owners or lessees of Avery Brook or its tributaries, takes any trout therefrom within the limits of either of the towns of Charlemont or Heath, shall forfeit and pa}' a fine of twenty-five dollars for ever}' such offence, to be recovered before an}^ trial justice or in an}' court of record in the county of Franklin, Sect, 2, The foregoing section shall be without effect unless the owners or les.sees aforesaid shall erect and maintain notices of this act and its penalties, painted or engraved in clear, legible letters ; said notices to be erected within one hundred rods of each other INLAND FISHERIES. 315 tiiroughout the entire length of said brook and its tributaries, and on or near the banks thereof, within the boundaries of the aforesaid towns. Sect. 3. Whoever destroys, injures or defaces any such notices so erected, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence, a fine of twenty- five dollars, to be recovered in the same manner as provided in section one of this act. — [May G, 1869. [1868, 179.] An Act for encouraging the Cultivation of Useful Fishes. 1869,384. Be it enacted, etc.. as folloivs: Sect. 1. All the laws of the Commonwealth relating to the culture, preservation, capture or passage of fisli, shall be known as the laws relating to inland fisheries. Sect. 2. The commissioners under chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-six, shall be styled the Commissioners on Inland Fisheries, and shall be a board consisting of three persons appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the council, each for a term of five years from the time of his appointment. Vacancies in the board, by the expiration of the terms of service of the members or otherwise, shall, from time to time, be filled in like manner and for like terms of time. Sect. 3. Each of said commissioners maj-, personally or by deputy, enforce all laws regulating inland fisheries ; and mav seize and remove, summarily if need be, all obstructions to the passage of migratory fish illegally used, except dams, mills or machinery, at the expense of the person usiag or maintaining the same. Sect. 4. Whenever either of said commissioners finds that there is no fish-way or an insufficient fish-wa}- in or around a dam where the law requires a fish-way to be kept and maintained, he may, at his discretion, enter with workmen and materials upon the premises of the person or corporation required to maintain said fish-way, and maj' improve said fish-wa^' or cause one to be constiueted where none exists, at the expense of said person or corporation, and may take, if necessary, the land of any other person or corporation not obliged by law to maintain said fish-way : provided, compensation shall be ren- dered to the owner thereof, in the manner provided in relation to land taken for highways, and said expense shall be charged against said person or corporation required bj- law to construct and maintain such fish-wa}', to be recovered in an action of contract in the name of the Commonwealth, with costs and interest at the rate of twelve per cent. : provided, that when a fish-way has been constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section, said commissioners shall not require the alteration of the same by the owner of the dam, within five years from the completion of the same. Q 16 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 5. .Said commissioners may take or cause to be taken, any 3sh at any time or manner for purposes connected with fish culture or with scientific observation. Sect. 6. Each of said commissioners may, in the discharge of his duties, enter upon and pass through or over private propcrt}' without rendering himself liable in an action for trespass. Sect. 7. The riparian proprietors of any pond the superficial area of which is not more than twentj' acres, and the proprietors of au}' pond or parts of a pond created b}' artificial flowage, shall have exclusive control of the fisheries therein existing, but this shall not al)ridge anj' rights heretofore granted to fish for herring or alewives in ponds of the above dimensions which are connected with salt water, nor affect any previous laws restricting fishing lor any period of time. Sect. 8. The fishery of any pond the superficial area of which is .nore than twenty acres, shall be public, except such as may have been granted speciall}^ by law or leased as hereinafter provided, and all persons shall, for the purpose of fishing, be allowed reasonable means of access to the same without rendering themselves liable to prosecution or action for trespass. Sect. 9. The commissioners, or any two of them, may, in the name of the Commonwealth, lease any great pond exceeding twenty acres in area, for the purpose of cultivating useful fishes, for such periods of time and on such terms and conditions as shall seem to said commissioners most for the public good ; and the lessee of such pond ma}' occupy a portion, not exceeding one-tenth part thereof, with inclosures and appliances for the cultivation of useful fishes ; but this shall not affect any public rights in such pond other than the right of fisheries ; and the appliances and inclosures used by the lessee shall be so placed as not to debar ingress to or egress from such pond at proper places. Sect. 10. The commissioners shall have the custody of all leases made under the provisions of this act, and may cause an}' agree- ments, rights, reservations, forfeitures and conditions therein con- tained to be enforced, and for that purpose may institute proceedings in the name of the Commonwealth, and may take possession of any premises, for conditions in such lease thereof being broken, and re- vesting the Commonwealth therewith, may again lease the same. Sect. 11. The county commissioners for each county shall, upon the request and at the expense of any party claiming to be interested in any great pond, cause the same to be measured, and such measure- ment, when determined, shall be recorded in the town clerk's office of each town within which said pond is situated ; and said measurement shall take place in the month of July, and no arm or branch shall be INLAND FISHERIES. 317 computed as a part of any pond unless said arm or branch be at least fifty feet in width and one foot in depth. Sect. 1 2. The riparian proprietors of an}' pond of less area than twenty acres, shall have all the privileges given them by section seven as soon as the said county commissioners have determined that their ponds do not exceed the above limit. Sect. 13. Any pond within the limit of twenty acres in area, bounded in part b}' land belonging to a town or county of the Com- monwealth, shall only become the exclusive property- of the individ- ual proprietors as to the fisheries therein upon payment to the town treasurer, county commissioners or state treasurer, of a just compen- sation for their respective rights therein, to be determined by a board of three persons, one of whom shall be one of the riparian proprie- tors of said pond, one the chairman of the board of selectmen, if the rights of a town are in question, or of the count}^ commissioners, if the rights of a county or the Commonwealth are in question, and one to be appointed by the commissioners on inland fisheries. Sect. 14. For the purposes of this act, no tidal stream shall be considered navigable above the point where on the average through- out the year it has a channel less than forty feet wide and four feet deep during the three hours nearest the hour of high tide. Sect. 15. The governor, with the advice and consent of the coun- cil, upon the recommendation of the commissioners on inland fisher- ies, may limit or prohibit for a period not exceeding five years at a time, fishing in the navigable tidal waters of specified streams and in the unnavigable waters of streams, except in such portions as may be inclosed, according to the provisions of section sixteen ; and whoever fishes in streams whose fishery is thus limited or prohibited shall for- feit for the first oflfence ten dollars, and for every subsequent oflf'ence fift}^ dollars, and shall in addition forfeit all fish captured and appa- ratus used. Sect. 16. Any riparian proprietor maj , within the limits of his own premises, inclose the waters of a stream not navigable, for the cultivation of useful fishes : provided^ he furnishes a suitable passage for migratory fishes naturally frequenting such waters. Sect. 17. The governor, by and with the advice and consent of the council, may, for the purposes of this act, arbitrarily fix and de- fine the tidal bounds and mouths of streams, upon recommendation of the commissioners on inland fisheries. Sect. 18. Fishes artificially propagated or maintained shall be the absolute property of the person propagating or maintaining them. • Sect. 19. Whoever fishes in that portion of a pond, stream or other water in which fishes are lawfully artificially cultivated or main- tained, without the permission of the proprietors, shall forfeit not less 318 LAWS HELATING TO than oue dollar nor more than twenty dollars for the first offence, and not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for any subsequent offence. Sect. 20. Any person legally engaged in the artificial culture and maintenance of fishes may take them in his own waters how^ and when he pleases, and ma}' have them in his possession for purposes properly connected with said culture and maintenance, and may at all times sell them for these purposes, but shall not sell them for food at seasons when their capture is prohibited by law. Sect. 21. Whoever, between the fifteenth of April and the fif- teenth of December in each year after this year, uses any sweep-seine or hand or dip-net in the waters of the Connecticut, Westfield, Deer- field, Miller's, Merrimack, Nashua or Housatonic Rivers, or their tribu- taries, having a mesh which stretches less than five inches when new and dry, shall forfeit for the first offence twenty -five dollars and for every subsequent offence fifty dollars ; and in each case shall also for- feit the apparatus thus unlawfully used and the fish captured. Sect. 22, Whoever uses any sweep-seine .or combination of sweep- seines in such a manner as at any moment to close or seriously ob- struct more than two-thirds of the width of the stream at the place where it is used ; and whoever dela3-s or stops in paying out or haul- ing any sweep-seine within one-half mile of a point where such seine has been hauled within an hour, shall be liable to the same penalties and forfeitures set forth in the preceding section : provided^ that this section shall not apply to the seines used in the smelt fishery ; and provided^ farther, that none of the provisions of this section shall af- fect the fisheries for shad and alewnves in Taunton Great River. Sect. 23. Whoever at any time obstructs with a salmon-pot more than one-half of a waterfall, channel or rapid, or sets, uses or main- tains in any of the waters of this state a salmon-pot the diameter of which is more than two feet, or who, when the taking of salmon is forbidden bv law, sets, uses or maintains in an}' of such waters, an\" salmon-pot whatever, shall forfeit said salmon-pot and all fish cap- tured, and shall pa}' ten dollars for the first offence and twenty dollars for every subsequent offence. Sect. 24. Whoever takes salmon, shad or alewives in any of the waters of this Commonwealth except the Connecticut, Taunton Great, Newmasket and Merrimack Rivers, or their tributaries, in any other manner than by naturally or artificially baited hook and hand- line, on any day of the week but Monday, Wednesday, Friday and S^urday, shall forfeit for each offence the penalties prescribed for taking these species of fish at seasons prohibited by law. Sect. 25. Every clerk, superintendent or other ofHcer having charge of a market, provision store or other place where fish are sold. INLAND FISHERIES. 31!) shall immediately inform a constable or a trial justice in the town or cit}' where said premises are situated, when any fish which have been taken in violation of law, has been offered for sale on said premises : provided^ that such clerk, superintendent or other officer shall know or have reasonable cause to believe that said fish has been so taken ; and for each neglect so to do, such clerk, superintendent or other offi- cer shall pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty. Sect. 2G. Whoever takes or catches fishes which at any season frequent fresh water, except eels and pickerel, in any other manner than b}- artificially or naturally- baited hook and hand-line, hand or dip net, sweep-seine or salmon-pot, shall forfeit a sum not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars : provided, that nothing herein contained shall authorize the taking or catching of trout, land-locked salmon or lake trout in any other manner than b}' hook and hand-line ; and provided, that towns may be allowed to permit the use of set-nets for the capture of herring or alewives. Sect. 27. Whoever takes or catches any salmon within the limits of this Commonwealth, or who buys, sells or has in possession the same taken within said limits, between the first day of August and the first day of Ma}', shall forfeit for each offence not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars ; and whoever buys, sells or has in posses- sion any young salmon less than one foot in length shall forfeit five dollars for ever}- young salmon of said dimensions bought, sold or had in possession. Sect. 28. Whoever takes or catches any trout, land-locked salmon or lake trout within the limits of this Commonwealth, or buys, sells or has in possession the same taken within said limits between the twentieth da}- of September and the twentieth day of March in each year, or takes or catches any trout, land-locked salmon or lake trout with any net or salmon-pot, at any season of the year, shall forfeit for each oflTence a sum not less than one nor more than twenty dollars. Sect. 29, Whoever catches any shad at any other season than between the first day of March and the fifteenth day of .June, shall forfeit for each shad, five dollars. ' Sect. 30. Whoever takes or catches any black bass in any of the ponds or streams of this Commonwealth from the first day of Decem- ber to the first day of June in each year, or at any time except with naturally or artificially baited hooks and hand-line, or buys, sells or has in possession any such fish taken within the limits of this Com- monwealth, shall forfeit for each ofljence not less than two nor more than twenty dollars. Sect. 31. Whoever takes or catches any smelts or white perch, in any of the waters of this Commonwealth, in any other manner than by naturally or artificially baited hooks and hand-lines, between the 320 LAWS RELATING TO fifteenth day of March and the first day of June, in each year, or takes or catches an}' smelts with a net of any kind, on any known spawning ground within said Commonwealth, shall forfeit for each smelt so taken or caught, the sum of twenty-five cents : provided^ that nothing herein contained shall apply to anj' person catching smelts in any seine or net in Taunton Great River, or in Dukes Count}^ while fishing for herring or alewives, or to the lessees of the towns of Yarmouth and Dennis, while fishing for perch or alewives in Bass River or its tributaries, or to any person lawfully fishing for perch, herring or alewives in either branch of Westport River. Sect. 32. Actions and prosecutions under the laws relating to in- land fisheries shall not be commenced except within four months from the time when the cause of action accrues or the offence is committed. Sect. 33. One-half of the money recovered as a penalty in any case arising under the laws relating to inland fisheries, shall be paid to the person making the complaint in the case in which the same is recovered, and the remainder to the Commonwealth. Sect. 34. The two hundred and forty-ninth chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the one hundred and seventy-ninth chapter of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and all legislation heretofore enacted limiting the time and season when pickerel may be taken, are hereby repealed. — [June 12, 1869. [P. S. 91.] [1866, 238.] An Act in addition to an Act concerning the Obstructions to the Passage of Fish in Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers. 1869, 422. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. When- ever an}' proprietor of any dam in Massachusetts, upon the Merri- mack or Connecticut Rivers, shall have refused or neglected for the period of thirty days from the time when the commissioners of fish- eries shall have furnished such proprietors with the plan specified in sections three, four and five of chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, to agree with said commissioners for the building on, over or around his dam of the fish-way prescribed by the plan furnished such proprietors by said commissioners, then said commissioners, or the survivors or survivor of them, or their successors or successor, may file in the supreme judicial court a bill in equity, in their name but in behalf of said Commonwealth, asking for a decree to enforce the immediate con- struction and erection of such fish-way as is called for by the plan so furnished, to the acceptance of said commissioners, and for such fur- ther and other relief as they may deem necessary to enable them to enforce the provisions of said chapter two hundred and thirty-eight. INLAND FISHERIES. 321 Sect. 2. Such proceeding, whether by bill to enforce specific per- formance or by suit at law, as is provided in section seven of said chapter two hundred and thirty-eight, for money expended, shall be brought in the supreme judicial court, may be made returnable in the county of Suffolk, and shall have precedence upon the docket and priority in all its stages over suits depending between private parties. — [June 21, 1869. [Repealed P. S. 224.] Resolve making an Appropriation for Fish-culture. 1869, Res. 28. Resolved, That there be allowed and paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, and the same is hereby appropriated, a sum not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars, to be expended under direction of the commissioners appointed under chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, for purposes connected with the culture of useful fishes and of stocking the waters of the Commonwealth therewith. — [April 10, 1869. 1870. An Act to incorporate the Cape Cod Ship Canal Company. 1870,36. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: * * * Sect. 17. The said canal compan}^ shall also make such suitable provisions for the continuance of the herring fishery in Monument River and Herring Pond as the commissioners on inland fisheries may prescribe ; and in case of injur}' to any private fishery, shall pay to the owner thereof such damages as shall, upon the application of either party, be esti- mated b}' said commissioners, in a manner similar, so far as may be, to that provided in laying out highways ; and with a similar right of appeal to a jury, by proceedings like those provided for in section six. *********** Sect. 25. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 26, 1870. [1856, 176 ; 1865, 212.] Ax Act for protection of the Fisheries in the Head-waters of Buzzard's Bay. 1870, 249. Be it enacted, etc., asfollov)s: Sect. 1. No person shall draw, set, stretch or use any drag-net, set-net, purse or seine of any kind, or construct, maintain or use any fish-weir, yard or pound for taking fish of any kind anywhere in the waters of Buzzard's Bay northerly of or within a straight line extended from the entrance to the harbor in West Falmouth to Bird Island Light ; thence in a straight line to Great Neck Point, on the Marion shore, nor in any hay, cove, inlet, x'iver, creek or stream bordering on or flowing into said waters within the limits aforesaid. 322 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. Whoever violates any provision of this act, or aids or assists in violating the same, shall forfeit and pay to the use of any person who shall sue therefor, a sum of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered iu an action of tort, in any court having jurisdiction of either party to such action ; and shall also upon conviction of an}' violation of anj^ provisions of this act before an}' justice or court competent to try the same, be imprisoned in the house of correction not exceeding sixty days, or pay a fine of not less than ten dollars or more than one hundred dol- lars, one half to the use of the complainant and the other half to the use of the county within whose jurisdiction the offence was com- mitted. Sect. 3. Any net or seine used by any person in violating any pro- visions of this act, together with any boat, craft or fishing apparatus used in unlawfully working such net or seine, and all fish found there- with, captured contrary to any provision of this act, shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth. Sect. 4. All nets and seines in actual use set or stretched in violation of this act within the waters and limits aforesaid, holding fish contrary to any provisions of said act, are declared to be common nuisances. — [May 16,1870. [P. S. 91, ^v^ 79, 80.] [1833, 211; 18.50, 6; 1855, 156; 1858, 95.] An Act for the protection of the Fisheries in the Vicinity of Nantucket. 1870,284. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to take any fish with any kind of net, or to set any net for the purpose of taking any fish therewith, within one mile from the shores of Nantucket, Tuckernuck, Smith's, Muskegat and Gravel Islands, without first obtaining permission of the selectmen of Nantucket. Sect. 2. Every person violating any provision of this act, shall forfeit and pay for each offence a sura not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. Sect. 3. The town of Nantucket is hereby authorized to choose, at the annual town meeting, or at any meeting duly warned for that purpose, such number of fish-wardens as may at the time be deemed necessary, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duty, whose duty it shall be to prosecute for every offence against any pro- vision of this act. Sect. 4. All A-essels, boats, craft and apparatus of every kind employed in taking fish contrary to the provisions of this act, or hav- ing on board any such fish unlawfully taken, shall be liable for an}- fines, penalties and forfeitures, also costs herein provided for, and I I INLAND FISHERIES. 323 ma}' be attached on mesne process, and sold on execution as the prop- ert}' of the person or persons offending by the use thereof. And it shall be the duty of said fish-wardens to seize such vessel, boat, craft or apparatus, and detain the same not exceeding forty-eight hours, in order that the same may be attached or arrested by due process of law : provided^ hoivever, that as soon as the master or owner of such vessel, boat, craft or apparatus shall pay the penalty required by the fish-wardens, to the treasurer of the town of Nantucket, together with the accrued costs, such vessel, boat, craft or apparatus shall be dis- charged with the effects therein ; and the ninth clause of section thirty- two of chapter one hundred and thirty-three of the General Statutes is hereby so modified that it shall not apply to boats, fishing tackle and nets taken under the provisions of this act. Sect. 5. All fines, penalties and forfeitures recovered and received by virtue of this act, shall go, one half to the treasurer of the town of Nantucket, for the use of said town, the other half to the fish-warden or fish-wardens commencing the action ; and said fines, penalties and forfeitures ma}- be recovered, together with the legal costs of suit, by an action of tort in any court of record proper to try the same. Sect. 6. Chapter six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty, chapter one hundred and fifty-six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fiftj'-five, and chapter ninety-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-eight are hereby repealed. Sect, 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 27, 1870. An Act to amend an Act for encouraging the Cultivation of Useful Fishes. 1870,360. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Section nine of chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eigh- teen hundred and sixty-nine is hereby so amended that the commis- sioners on inland fisheries shall have no authority to lease any great pond exceeding twenty acres in area, situated within the limits of Dukes County. Sect. 2 This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [.Tune 1.5, 1870. [1875, 115.] [1868, 130; 1869,384.] An Act in relation to the taking of Shad in the Connecticut River. 1870, .369. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The limita- tion of time for catching shad in the Connecticut River in this state shall hereafter be the same as that now fixed, or which shall hereafter be prescribed by the legislature of Connecticut for taking shad in said river in that state. 324 LAWS RELATING TO • Sect. 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [June 18, 1870. [1881, 47.] An Act to prohibit the tailing of Black Bass in Lake Cochituate. 1870, 382. Be it e7iacted, etc., as follows: Whoever catches, takes or destro3's any black bass in the waters of Lake Cochituate in the towns of Natick, Wayland or Framingham in the county of Middlesex, shall forfeit for each offence not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars. — [June 21, 1870. Resolve making appropiiation for Fish Culture. 1870, Res. 41. Resolved, That there be allowed and paid out of the treasury, a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars, to be ex- pended under direction of the commissioners on inland fisheries, for purposes connected with the culture of useful fishes and of stocking the waters of the Commonwealth therewith. — [May 12, 1870. 1871. [1869, 384.] An Act for the better protection of Black Bass. 1871, 113. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. That in section thirty of chapter three hundred and eightj'-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, the word July be substi- tuted for the word June. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 22, 1871. [P. S. 91, § 56.] An Act to protect an Alewive Fishery in Sandwich. 1871, 189. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs : Sect. 1. Barzilla Sears, of the town of Sandwich, his heirs and assigns, shall have, for the term of twenty years from the date of the passage of this act, the exclusive right to take and catch alewives in the stream known as Mill River, running over the mill-dam of said Sears and through the marshes of said Sandwich to the waters of Sandwich Harbor, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday in each week, and at no other time : provided, that said Sears, his heirs and assigns, shall construct and maintain a good and sufficient passage-way over or around the dam or dams which now are or which may hereafter be erected upon said stream, to enable fish to enter the ponds above such dam or dams, and shall keep such passage-way open and unobstructed from the tenth day of April to the first day of June inclusive in each year. INLAND FISHERIES. 325 Sect. 2. An}- person or persons taking alewives in said Mill River or the said ponds, without the written consent of said Barzilla Scars, his heirs or assigns, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of ten dollars, one-half of the forfeiture to the use of the person making the complaint, and one-half to said Sears, his heirs and assigns, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction. — [April 14, 1871. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422; 1855, 401.] Ax Act lo amend an Act to regulate the Fisheries in Taunton Great River and New- masket River. 1871, 258. Be it enacted, etc. ^ as follows : Sect. 1. That so Huich of the fifth section of chapter four hundred and one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-five as provides that no shad or alewives shall be taken in Taunton Great River above Berkle}' and Dighton Bridge, between the hours of twelve o'clock in the night following Thursda}' of each week, and four o'clock on Monday morn- ing succeeding, from the first da^^ of March to the tenth da}- of June in each year, including both of said daj's, is hereby repealed. vSect. 2. Whoever catches any shad or alewives either in the New- masket or Taunton Great River at any other season of the 3-ear than between the first day of March and the fifteenth da}' of June, shall forfeit for each shad five dollars, and for each alewive twenty-five cents. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect from and after the first day of July next. — [May 9, 1871. [1875, 71 ; 1876, 208 ; 1879, 83.] [1869, 384.] An Act in addition to an Act for encouraging the Cultivation of Useful Fishes. 1871, 281. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect, 1. Whoever takes any fish the capture of which is forbidden by any of the provis- ions of chapter three hundred and eightj'-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine shall, in addition to the penalties therein prescribed, forfeit any boat, net, line, rod or other apparatus used in such, capture, in all cases where such forfeiture is not already provided for in said act. Sect. 2. The proprietor of any unnavigable tidal stream, where the same empties into salt water and in which fishes are lawfully cul- tivated or maintained, shall control the fishery' of said stream within his own premises ; and also beyond and around the mouth of said stream so far as the tide may ebb : provided, it does not ebb more than eighty rods ; and whoever fishes within the above described limits without the permission of the said proprietor shall forfeit not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars for the first offence, 326 LAWS RELATING TO and not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for any subsequent offence, and shall in addition forfeit any boat, net, line, rod or other apparatus used in such illegal fishing. — [May 12, 1871. [P. S. 91, sS^ 31, 61.] An Act to limit the time for catching Alewives. 1871, 293. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section twenty-nine of chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixt3'-nine is hereby amended by inserting after the word '' shad," the words " or alewives," and also by adding after the word "dollars," the words " and for each alewive twenty-five cents." — May 15, 1871. [P. S. 91, ^ 55.] 1872. An Act to amend Chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes, in relation to the seizure of Vessels with Shell-fish on board. 1872,46. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Section four- teen of chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes is hereby repealed. Sect. 2. Section fifteen of said chapter is hereby amended by striking out the word " four" in the first line, and , inserting in place thereof the word " three." Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 27, 1872. An Act to re-establish the Alewife and other Fisheries in the Towns of Bridgewater West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater and Halifax. 1872,190. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The owners and proprietors of the dams on the Town River in the towns of Bridgewater and West Bridgewater, on the Satucket River in the town of East Bridgewater, and on the Monponset River or brook in the town of Halifax are hereby required to erect and maintain fish- ways over or around said dams, and shall be subject to all the powers given to the comraissioners on inland fisheries by chapter three hun- dred and forty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven and chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. Sect. 2. No person shall take, catch, or cause to be taken or caught by any means whatsoever, in any of said rivers or their tribu- taries or the ponds out of which said rivers or tributaries flow, any of the fish called herrings, alewives, or shad, until the first day of May in the j^ear eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Sect. 3. The inhabitants of the several towns named herein, shall, at their annual town meetings in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five and annually thereafter, determine upon some place INLAND FISHERIES. 327 on said rivers or their tributaries within their limits, where said fish shall be taken, but neither of said towns shall establish more than one place upon said rivers or tributaries iu the same year, where said fish shall be taken, and no person shall take said fish in an}' other place or places on said rivers or their tributaries than those estab- lished as aforesaid ; and no person shall take said fish in anj^ of the ponds out of which said rivers or tributaries flow. Sect. 4. The commissioners on inland fisheries shall have full power to regulate the da}' or days of the week upon which the inhabitants of said towns shall take said fish, assigning to each of said towns separate da3's for fishing, and no person shall take or cause to be taken any of said fish at any other time or times than those which shall be prescribed by said commissioners. Sect. 5. The inhabitants of the several towns named herein, msiy make all proper regulations concerning said fisheries, not in conflict with the other provisions of this chapter, and the general laws relat- ing to inland fisheries, and ma}' lease all or either of said fisheries for a term not exceeding three years, or may otherwise dispose of the same from year to year as they shall deem fit, but shall have no right to release or sell the same. Sect. 6. Any person offending against any of the provisions of this act, shall forfeit for each offence a sum not less than five nor more than thirty dollars, and shall be subject to all further penalties in such cases as is by law made and provided. Sect. 7. All other special laws relating to said fisheries upon said rivers and tributaries are hereby repealed. — [April 12, 1872. [1878, 32.] Ax Act to protect and control the Alewife Fishery in Kingston. 1872, 218. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The owners of dams on Jones's Rivei", Stony Brook and Smelt Brook in Kingston, are required to erect and maintain fish-ways over or around said dams, and shall be subject to all the powers given to the commissioners of inland fisheries by chapter three hundred and thirty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and chapter three hun- dred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. Sect. 2. The inhabitants of Kingston may make any pro{)er regu lations concerning their fisheries and rights to fisheries in such streams, and may lease all or either of said fisheries for a period not exceeding five years, or may otherwise dispose of the same from year to year as they shall deem fit, but shall have no right to release or sell the same. Sect. 3. For the purposes of the fifth, sixth and seventh sections 328 LAWS RELATING TO of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the fisheries above named shall be considered fisheries created by the town of Kingston. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 17, 1872. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269.] Ax Act relating to the Shad and Alewife Fishery in North River. 1872,229. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No shad or alewives shall be taken in any part of North River in the county of Plymouth, from the first day of March to the fifteenth day of June in each year hereafter, including both of said days, excepting on Mon- days, Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week from sunrise to sunset of said days, under the penalty provided for in section twenty-one, chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, one-half of the money recovered as a penalty in any case arising under this law to be paid to the person making the complaint in the case in which the same is recovered, and the remainder to the Commonwealth. Sect. 2. So much of section twenty-second, chapter three hun- dred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine as provides that whosoever uses any sweep seine or com- bination of sweep seines in such a manner as at any moment to close or seriously obstruct more than two-thirds of the width of the stream at the place where it is used, shall not apply to said North River : provided, that no seine or combination of seines used in said river shall exceed in length the width of the river where it is used : and provided, also, that no person shall be allowed to use set-nets or gill- nets on said river or its tributaries under the penalty prescribed in the first section of this act. — [April 20, 1872. [1876, 103; 1881, 44; 1883, 76; 1884, 199.] Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272. An Act in relation to the Taking of Smelts and Pickerel in Merrimack River. 1872,235. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Nothing con- tained in section twenty-one of chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, shall be con- strued to prevent the taking of smelts or pickerel or pickerel bait, in the Merrimack River, between the first day of October and the fifteenth day of April following. — [April 23, 1872. [1878, 172; P. S. 91, ^39.] [1826,54; 1851.77; 1856,285.] An Act to protect the Fisheries in the Town of Edgartown. 1872,248. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or stretch any seine or net of any kind in any of the INLAND FISHERIES. 329 creeks, l)ays or inlets of the Great Pond, Sengekoutacket Pond, east of Nathan's Island, Katama Bay, or in the harbor of Edgartown, south of Chappequiddick Point, in said town, between the first day of March and the first day of October, in each year; nor shall any person not an inhabitant of said town at any time set, drag or stretch any seine or net in any of the ponds or creeks of said town or outlets thereof. The seining of menhaden and mackerel is exempted from this act. This act shall be void as to Great Pond, if it shall appear that no sufficient creek is kept open and maintained from said [)ond to the sea ; and it shall be void as to Trap's Pond, if it shall appear that no such creek is kept open and maintained from said pond to the sea. Sect. 2. Any person violating any provision of this act shall i»e liable to a fine not exceeding throe hundred dollars for each offence. Sp:ct. 3. Chapter two hundred and eighty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six is hereby repealed. — [April 24, 1872. [1869, 384.] An Act for amending an Act for encouraging tlie Cultivation of Useful Fishes. 1S72, 290. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section thirty-one of chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine is hereby amended by striking out the words " while fishing for herrings and alewives," and inserting the following : " during the time and in the manner a person may lawfully fish for herrings or alewives." Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage; — [April 30, 1872. 1873. An Act to protect the Oyster Fishery in Barlow River. 1873, 41. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios : Sect. 1. Whoever takes any oysters from Barlow River, in the town of Sandwich, at any time previous to the first day of October, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, shall forfeit five dollars for each bushel and fraction of a bushel so taken. Sect. 2. The inhabitants of the town of Sandwich, at a legal meeting called for the purpose, may make regulations concerning the taking of oysters in said river after said first day of October; and whoever takes any oysters from said river contrary to such regula- tions, shall be subject to the same penalties as are provided in the preceding section. The penalties provided in this act may be recov- ered by complaint or indictment in any court of competent jurisdic- tion. 330 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 26, 1873. An Act to extend the time within which Actions and Prosecutions under the laws relating to Inland Fisheries may be commenced. 1873, 137. Be it enacted, etc., as folhnvs : Sect. 1. Section thirty-two of chapter three hundred eight}- four of the acts of eighteen hundred sixtj^-nine is amended by striking out the words "■ four months," and inserting the words "one year" instead thereof. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect on its passage. — [March 29, 1873. [P. S. 91, § 103.] Ax Act to regulate the leasing of great ponds for the purpose of Cultivating useful Fishes. 1873, 195. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. It shall be the duty of the commissioners on inland fisheries in all cases where application is made for the lease of an}' great pond for the purpose named in section nine of chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of eighteen hundred and sixtj'-nine, to give notice of said application to the town or city within whose limits said pond lies, and of the time and place appointed for a hearing thereon. Sect. 2. The several towns and cities in the Commonwealth are authorized to take leases of any great ponds within their respective limits, for the purpose of cultivating useful fishes, under such con- ditions and restrictions as the commissioners on inland fisheries may prescribe, and may make appropriations to carry out the pro- visions of this act. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect on its passage. — [April 15, 1873. [P. S. 91, §§ 13, 14; 1885, 109.] , [18^9, 384] An Act in relation to the Smelt Fishery. 1873, 211. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes or catches any smelts with a net of any kind or in any other manner than b}' naturally or artificially baited hooks and hand-lines, shall forfeit for each smelt so taken or caught, the sum of twenty-five cents : provided, that nothing herein contained shall appl}' to any person catching smelts in any seine or net in Taunton Great River, or to an}' person lawful!}' fishing for herrings or alewives in Dukes County, or to any person lawfully fishing for perch or alewives in Bass River or its tributaries in the towns of Yarmouth and Dennis, or to any person lawfully fishing for perch, herring or alewives in North River in Scituate, or in either branch of Westport River. INLAND FISriEKIES. 331 Sect. 2. Section thirty-one of chapter three hundred eighty-four of the acts of eighteen hundred sixty-nine is repealed. — [April 19, 1873. [1873, 364.] An Act in addition to an Act in relation to the Smelt Fishery. 1873, 364. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes any smelts with a net of any kind, or in any other manner than by naturally or artiflcially baited hooks and hand lines shall forfeit for each smelt so taken the sum of twenty-five cents : provided, that nothing herein contained shall apply to any person catching smelts in any seine or net in Taunton Great River or Dukes County during the time and in the manner a person may lawfully fish for herrings or alewives, or to any person lawfully fishing for perch or alewives in Bass River or its tributaries in the towns of Yarmouth and Dennis, or to any person lawfully fishing for perch, herring or alewives in North River in Scituate, or in either branch of Westport River. Sect. 2. Section one of chapter two hundred and eleven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three is repealed. — [June 11, 1873. [1874, 153 ; P. S. 91, ^\ ,17-60.] 1874. An Act to protect the Rights of Owners of Ponds. 1874, 82. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios: Sect. 1. Whoever without the written consent of the proprietor or lessee of any natural or artificial pond, the superficial area of which is not more than twenty acres, takes an}' fish therefrom shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for every such offence, to be recovered before an}' court having jurisdiction of such offence. Sect. 2. No penalty under this act shall be incurred until such proprietor or lessee has caused such pond to be measured, and such measurement to be recorded in the town clerk's office in each town within which such pond is situated, in the manner provided by section eleven of chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of eigh- teen hundred and sixty-nine. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 23, 1874. [P. S. 91, ^ 24.] An Act to prohibit Fishing in any Reservoirs, Ponds and Streams taken by the City of Worcester for a supply of Pure Water. 1874, 86. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios: Sect. 1. No person shall take any fish from any reservoirs, ponds and streams held or owned by the city of Worcester for the purpose of supplying said city with pure water, without the permission of the water commissioners of said city, under the direction of the city council of said city. 332 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. Any person offending against the provisions of this act shall forfeit and paj' a fine of not less than five dollars and not more than fifty dollars, to be recovered by prosecution before any court of competent jurisdiction. — [March 24, 1874. Ax Act to amend an Act for encouraging the Cultivation of t^seful Fishes. 1874,131. Be it enacted, etc., as folio tcs: Sect. 1. Section one of chapter three hundred and sixty of the acts of eighteen hundred and sevent}-, shall not apply to the pond known as the Oyster Pond in Dukes County. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 1, 1874. [1875, 115; P. S. 91, i^ 12,] An Act in addition to an Act to regulate tbe-leasing of Great Ponds for the purpose of cultivating useful Fishes. 1874, 135. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoios: Sect. 1. Any town in this Commonwealth, raa}' either alone or joiuth' with any other town, take a lease of any great pond for the purposes named in sec- tion two of chapter one hundred and ninety-five of the acts of the year one thousand eight hundred and sevent^'-three, and may make approi)riations therefor. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 1, 1874. [P. S. 91, § 14; 1885, 109.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 272, 296.] An Act to regulate Fishing in the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers. 1874, 144. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoios : Sect. 1. From and after the passage of this act whoever takes or catches any shad or alewives in an}- part of the Merrimack River or its tributaries h'ing within this Commonwealth, except between sunrise on Monday morn- ing and sunrise of Thursda}' morning of each week, from the first day of March to the tenth day of June in each year, shall forfeit for each alewive so taken, a sum not less than one nor more than five dollars, and for each shad so taken, a sum not less than five' nor more than twenty dollars. Sect, 2. Whoever takes or catches anj- salmon in any part of the Connecticut or Merrimack Rivers or their tributaries lying within this Commonwealth, for a period of six years from and after the passage of this act, shall be punished for each offence by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of correction not less than two nor more than six months : provided, that any person catching salmon when seining for other fish and not retaining the same shall not be subject to the penalty provided in this section. INLAND FISHERIES. 333 Sect. 3. Whoever takes or catches any fishes within four hundred yards of any fishwaj- now built or hereafter to be built on the Connec- ticut River or its tributaries lying within this Commonwealth, or trespasses within the limits of such fishway, shall forfeit for each offence the sum of fifty dollars. Sect. 4. Whoever uses any gill- net of any size or description in the waters of the Connecticut or Merrimack Rivers or their tributaries lying within this Commonwealth, shall forfeit for each offence the sum of twenty-five dollars. Sect. 5. Whoever takes or catches any fish in violation of the provisions of this act shall in addition to the penalties herein pre- scribed, forfeit any boat, net, line, rod or other apparatus used in such taking or catching. Sect. 6. If the major and aldermen of anj^ city or the selectmen of any town, bordering on either the Connecticut or Merrimack Rivers, shall neglect to appoint and fix the compensation of fish- wardens within their respective cities and towns as now required by law, the city or town in which such neglect occurs, shall forfeit a sum not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. — [April 7, 1874. [P. S. 91, §§ 34, 37, 38, 43; 1882, 166; 1883, 31; 1884, 317.] Ax Act in addition to Acts in relation to Smelt Fisheries. 1874, 153. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever within this Commonwealth ofl!ers for sale or has in his possession any smelt or smelts between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of June in each year, shall forfeit for each and every smelt so sold, offered for sale, or had in his possession, the sum of one dollar. Sect. 2. Whoever takes or catches any smelt or smelts with a net of any kind, or in any other manner than b}' naturally or arti- ficially baited hooks and hand lines, shall forfeit for each smelt so caught or taken the sum of one dollar : provided, that nothing con- tained in this act shall apply to any person catching smelts in any seine or net, within the limits of Bristol, Barnstable or Dukes counties, during the time, and in the manner, a person may lawfully fish fur perch, herring or alewives, or to any person oflTering for sale or having in his possession smelts so caught, within those limits ; and in all prosecutions under this act, the burden of proof shall be upon the defendant to show that the smelt or smelts, the oflfering for sale, possession, or catching of which is the subject of the prosecution, were legally caught. Sect. 3. The maj'or and aldermen of an}- city, the selectmen of any town, and all police oflScers and constables within this Common- wealth, shall cause the provisions of this act to be enforced within 334 LAWS RELATING TO their respective cities and towns, and all forfeitures and penalties for violations of the provisions of this act shall be paid, one-half to the person making the complaint and one-half to the city or town in which the offence is committed. Sect. 4. All acts conflicting with this act are hereb}' repealed. — [April 9, 1874. [P. S. 91, ^§ 57-60.] An Act to regulate the Shell-fisheries in the waters of Mount Hope Bay and its tributaries. 1874,185. Beit enacted, He, as follows : Sect. 1. The select- men of the towns of Swansea and Somerset, and the mayor and alder- men of the city of Fall River may by a writing under their hands grant a license for such a terra of years not exceeding five as the}' in their discretion deem necessary and the public good requires, to any inhabitant or riparian owner in said towns or cit}', to plant, cultivate and dig clams, quahaugs and scollops, and other shell-6sh upon and in any flats, shores, creeks and waters in their respective towns and cit}', not however impairing the private rights of any person. Sect. 2. Such license shall describe hy metes and bounds, the flats, shores, creeks or waters so appropriated, and shall be recorded by the town or city clerk, before it shall have any force, and the per- son or persons licensed shall pay to the town or city two dollars and to the clerk fifty cents. Sect. 3. The person or persons so licensed and his or their heirs and assigns shall for the purpose aforesaid have the exclusive use of the flats, shores, creeks and waters described in the license during the time specified therein, but such license shall not give any authority to remove or disturb any sedge or thatch bordering on said shore or flats, and may in an action of tort recover treble damages of any person who without his or their consent digs or takes clams, qua- haugs, or scollops, or other shell-fish, from such flats, shores, creeks or waters during the continuance of the license. Sect. 4. The towns of Swansea and Somerset and the mayor and aldermen of the city of Fall River at any legal meeting called for the purpose, may make such by-laws as they may from time to time deem expedient to protect and preserve all shell fisheries within said towns and city : provided, always, that no by-laws made as above shall infringe upon the laws of the Commonwealth. Sect. o. Whoever tak'es any shell fish from within the waters of said towns of Swansea and Somerset and the city of Fall River in violation of the by-laws established by said towns or city, or of the provisions of this act, shall for every offence pay a fine of not less than five or more than ten dollars, and costs of prosecution, and one dollar for every bushel of shell fish so taken. Said fine and forfeiture INLAND FISHERIES. 335 imposed under this act to be recovered l)y indictment or by complaint before a trial justice in the county of Bristol. — [April 24, 1874. [1875, 116.] Ax Act for the protection of Trout, Land-locked Salmon and Lake Trout. 1874, 18G. Be it enacted^ etc., as foUoioa : Sect. 1. Whoever takes or catches any trout, land-locked salmon or lake trout, within the limits of this Commonwealth, or buys, sells or has in possession the same taken within said limits between the twentieth day of August and the twentieth da}- of March in each year, or takes or catches anj- trout, land-locked salmon or lake trout with an^- net or salmon-pot, at an}- season of the year, shall forfeit for each fisli so caught a sum not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. Sect. 2. The twenty-eighth section of the three hundred and eighty- fourth chapter of the acts of eighteen hundred and sixt\--nine is repealed. — [April 24, 1874. [P. S. 91, ;j 51; 1884, 171.] An Act in addition to an Act for the Protection of Fisheries in the Head-Waters of Buzzard's Bay. 1874, 282. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The pro- visions of chapter two hundred and forty-nine of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy, entitled " An Act for the protection of the fish- eries in the head-waters of Buzzard's Ba}-," shall hereafter be appli- cable to the waters north-westerly of, or within a straight line extended from Angelica Point to the town of Mattapoisett, to the central point of Ram Island, thence west in a straight line to the westerly town line of Mattapoisett, from the twenty-fifth day of March to the fifteenth day of Ma}- in each year. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 29, 1874. [P. S. 91, § 79; 1886, 192.] 1875. An Act concerning the Shell-Fisheries of the Town of Brewster. Be it enacted, etc., as foUotvs: Sect. 1. No person, except the inhabitants of the town of Brewster, shall take any clams, quahaugs, oysters or other shell-fish from within the waters of said town, with- out a permit from the selectmen thereof, nor shall any inhabitant of said town, at any one time, take more than three bushels of said fish, including their shells, for bait or for the purpose of selling the same without a permit from the selectmen of said town, who may grant the same for such sum to be paid to the use of said town, as they shall deem proper ; but the inhabitants of said town may take said fish for family use without such permit. 336 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. Whoever takes anj^ shell-fish from within the waters of said town of Brewster in violation of the provisions of this act, shall, for every offence pay a fine of not less than five nor more than ten dollars, and costs of prosecution, and also one dollar for every bushel of shell-fish so taken, said fine and forfeiture imposed under this act to be recovered by indictment or complaint before a trial justice in the county of Barnstable. — [March 4, 1875. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 296; 1869, 76.] An Act to amend Chapter seventy-six of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty -nine, relating to fishing in the Connecticut River. 1875,39. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs : Sect. 1. Section one of chapter seventy-six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine is hereby amended so that shad may be taken from the Connecticut River with rod and line and artificially-baited hook at any time between the fifteenth da^^ of March and the fii'st day of August in each year. Sect. 2. This act shall take eflfect upon its passage. — [March 8, 1875. [1881, 47, §§1,3; P. S. 91, §^ 32, 40.] An Act for the Preservation of the Eel Fishery in the Town of Mashpee. 1875, 60. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person shall take from Jehu's pond, so called, in the town of Mashpee, or from the outlet therefrom more than three dozen of eels on any one day without a permit in writing from the selectmen of said town. Sect. 2. Whoever violates the provisions of this act shall forfeit for ever}' eel taken in violation thereof, twent^'-five cents ; and all for- feitures under this act shall be paid, one-half to the town of Mashpee, and one-half to the complainant. — [March 20, 1875. An Act concerning the Clam Fisheries in the Town of Winthrop. 1875,61. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person not an inhabitant of the town of Winthrop, shall take any clams from within the waters of said town without a written permit from the selectmen of said town : nor shall any person being an inhabitant of said town at any one time, take any clams from within said waters exceeding three bushels including their shells for bait or for the pur- poses of selling the same without a permit from the selectmen of said town ; who may grant the same for such sum to be paid to the use of the town as the}- shall deem proper ; and the inhabitants of said town may take clams for family use and for no other purpose without such permit. Sect. 2. Whoever takes any clams from within the waters of Win- throp in violation of the provisions of this act shall for every otfence. INLAND FISHERIES. 337 pay a fine of not less than five nor more than ten dollars and costs of prosecution : said fine and forfeiture imposed under this act to be re- covered by indictment or complaint l)efore any trial justice or an}^ court of competent jurisdiction within the county of Suffolk. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 20, 1875. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422; ISSf), 401.] An Act to amend an Act to regulate the Fisheries in Taunton Great River and Nemasket River. 1875, 71. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios: Whenever any fishing privilege is hereafter offered for sale agreeabl3"to the provisions of the second section of chapter four hundred and one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fift3'-five, or any act in amendment thereof, if no offer of one hundred dollars or more is made for said privilege, the mayor and aldermen of the cit}' or the selectmen of the town offering the same for such sale ma}' refuse to accept any offer less than said sum, and thereafterwards maj' sell or dispose of said privilege in such manner as will best promote the interests of said city or town. — [March 27, 1875. [1876, 208 ; 1879, 83.] An Act to authorize the Leasing of Great Ponds in Dukes County. 1875, 115. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The com- missioners on inland fisheries may lease anj' great pond, exceeding twenty acres in area, situated within the limits of Dukes Count}' : provided, that the town, or towns wtthin which said pond lies shall, after the notice now required by law, at a meeting called for that pur- pose, assent to the granting of such lease. Sect. 2. Chapter three hundred and sixty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy is hereby repealed. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April lU, 1875. P. S. 91, $ 12; 1885,109.] [1874, 185.] Ax Act concerning the Shell-Fisheries in the Towns of Swansea and Somerset. 1875, 116. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios : Sect. 1. Whoever, within the limits of the towns of Swansea and Somerset violates any of the provisions of section thirteen of chapter eight3'-three of the General Statutes shall in addition to the penalty therein prescribed be liable to a fine not exceeding ten dollars. Sect. 2. The sheriff of Bristol Count}' or an}' of his deputies, or any constable or selectman of the towns of Swansea and Somerset may without a warrant arrest any person whom he finds in the act of taking shell-fish from their beds in said towns in violation of the pro- 338 LAWS EELATING TO visions of section thirteen of chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes, or in the act of carrj'ing away therefrom any shell-fish so taken, and detain him in some place of safe keeping until a warrant can be procured against said person upon a complaint for said offence : provided, that such detention without a warrant shall not exceed twenty-four hours. Sect. 3. The selectmen of the towns of Swansea and Somerset may charge and receive in behalf of and for the use of said towns such sum not exceeding thirty-five cents per bushel as they shall deem proper for the permit to take shell-fish from their beds in said towns as authorized b}- section thirteen of chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes and the person or persons receiving the permit shall pa}' tlie same according to the terms therein specified. Sect. 4. Chapter one hundred and eighty-five of the acts of the 3'ear eighteen hundred and seventy-four is hereb}' repealed. — [April 10, 1875. [1840,24; 1841,76.] An Act to prohibit Seining of Fish in the Ponds on the Island of Nantucket. 1875, 180. Be it enacted, eic, as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or use any seine or net for taking fish in the great ponds on the island of Nantucket. Sect. 2. Any person violating this act shall, on conviction, pay a fine of not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars with for- feiture of boats, nets and apparatus thus used, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction, for the use of the town of Nan- tucket. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 3, 1875. [1876, 49.] An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fishery in Palmer's River. 1875,201. Beit enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The sheriff of Bristol County or any of his deputies, or an}' constable or fish- warden of either of the towns of Swansea and Rehoboth, ma}' with- out a warrant arrest any person whom he finds in the act of taking herring, alewives or shad from the waters of Palmer's River in either of said towns, in violation of the provision of chapter ninety-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two ; and may detain him in a place of safe-keeping, until a warrant can be procured against him upon a complaint for said offence : provided, that such detention without a warrant shall not exceed twenty-four hours. Sect. 2. Whoever violates the provisions of chapter ninety-two of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-two, shall, in addition to the forfeitures therein provided, forfeit the seines or nets so used. INLAND FISHERIES. 339 Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 10, 1875. [1852, 66.] Resolve relative to the Fisheries on the North River and its Tributaries. 1875, Res. 3G. Resolved, That the commissioners of inland fish- eries are hereb}' required to make a full investigation into the con- dition of the fisheries on North River in Plymouth County, and its tributaries, and to recommend what legislation, if any, is necessary concerning the same, to the next general court. — [April 15, 1875. 1876. An Act to preserve the Eel Fisheries in Jones River, in the Tovi^n of Kingston. 1876, 32. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes, catches or destroys any eels in Jones River, in the town of Kingston, in the county of Plj'mouth, in anj- other manner than by spear or hook and line, shall forfeit for every eel so taken, not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, one-half of said fine to be paid to the complainant. Sect. 2. All fines or penalties for violating this act, with costs, may be recovered in any court competent to try the same. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 7, 1876. An Act to preserve the Eel Fisheries in Eel River in the Town of Plymonth. 1876, 45. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. WhocA^er takes, catches or destroys any eels in Eel River in the town of Ply- mouth, in the county of Plymouth, in any other manner than by spear or hook and line, shall forfeit for every eel so taken not less than one dollar, nor more than five dollars, one-half of said flue to be paid to the complainant. Sect. 2. Whoever wilfully places any obstruction, or otherwise interferes with the free passage of eels in said river, shall forfeit a sum not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars for each offence. Sect. 3, All fines or penalties for violating this act, with costs, may be recovered in any court competent to try the same. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 13, 1876. [1840, 24; 1841, 76; 1875, 180.] An Act to amend Chapter one hundred and eighty of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five, relative to the Seining of Fish in Hummock Pond on the Island of Nantucket. 1876,49. Beit enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Chapter one hundred and eighty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and 340 LAWS KELATING TO sevent3'-five is hereb}' amended, so as to allow the inhabitants of Nan- tucket to catch fish called alewives, or herring, with nets or seines, in the Hummock Pond in said Nantucket, south of the bridge, from March tenth to Ma}' thirty-first of each 3'ear inclusive. All fish caught in seines or nets, excepting alewives or herring, shall be immediately put back into said Hummock Pond. An}' person violating the provi- sions of this act shall, on conviction, pay a fine according to section two of said chapter. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 16, 1876. [1866, 238 ; 1869, 422.] An Act concerning the obstructions to the passage of Fish in the tributaries of the Con- necticut and Merrimack Rivers. 187G, 50. Be it enacted^ etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The provi- sions of chapter two hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and of chapter four hundred and twenty-two of the acts of the 3'ear eighteen hundred and sixt3'-uine, are hereb}^ extended and shall apply to the tributaries of the Connecti- cut and Merrimack rivers within this Commonwealth. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 16, 1876. An Act to authorize the Commissioners on Inland Fisheries to occupy Great Ponds for the cultivation and distribution of useful Fishes. 1876,62. Beit enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The commis- sioners on inland fisheries, as such commissioners, are hereby author- ized to occup}', manage and control any great ponds within the limits of the Commonwealth, not exceeding six in number, and not then subject to lease from Ihem, for the purpose of cultivating useful fishes and of distributing the same within the Commonwealth, subject to the restrictions and limitations contained in chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine as to leased ponds. Sect. 2. Whenever said commissioners shall determine so to occupy and improve an}- such pond, the}' shall post a notice of such purpose in some public place in the town or towns in which said pond is located, and shall file a like notice in the office of the town clerk of said town or towns, and in the office of the secretary of state ; and the affidavit of any oflBcer qualified to serve civil process that said notice has been posted shall be deemed full proof of the same. Sect. 3. From and after the time when said notice shall have been filed and posted as above, said commissioners shall have all the rights in respect to said pond as are secured to lessees of ponds from said INLAND FISHERIES. 341 commissioners ; and any violation of an}- of said rights shall be sub- ject to the penalties imposed by section nineteen of said chapter. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 22, 1876. [P. S. 91, §§ 17-19.] [1872, 229.] Ax Act to regulate the* taking of Fish in North River, in the County of Plymouth. 1876,103. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person shall fish with a net or seine in North River or any of its tributaries, in tlic county of Plymouth, nor in any manner take or catch any shad, salmon or alewives, until the first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-one, under the penalty of five dollars for each shad or alewife, and fifty dollars for every salmon so taken. Sect. 2. An}^ net or seine, together with any boat, craft or fishing apparatus used in violation of the provisions of this act, and all fish unlawfully captured as hereinbefore mentioned, shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect on the first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-si. x:. — [April 6, 1876. [1877, 109; 1884, 199.] An Act requiring certain returns to the Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. 1876, 104. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The owner or owners of every pound, weir, or other similar fixed contrivance, or of any fishing pier, seine, drag or gill net used in any of the waters of this state for fishing purposes, shall make written report, under oath, to the commissioners on inland fisheries, on or before the first day of October in each year, specifying the number of each kind of edible fish caught by his or their respective pounds, weirs or other similar fixed contrivances, piers, seines, drag or gill nets, during the 3'ear next preceding the date of said report. Sect. 2. It shall be the duty of the commissioners on inland fish- eries to furnish each owner or proprietor of any pound, weir or similar fixed contrivance, pier, seine, drag or gill net, on or before the fifteenth day of March in each 3'ear, with suitable blank forms for the reports required by the preceding section, so arranged that each day's catch maybe separatel}" recorded thereon; and in filling out such reports, such owner or proprietor shall give the results of each day's fishing so far as practicable ; and it shall be the duty of such owner or proprietor to apply to the commissioners on inland fisheries for such blank forms. Sect. 3. Whoever knowingl}^ and wilfully violates any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than cue hundred dollars. 342 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 4. This act shall take eflfect upon its passage. — [April 6, 1876. [P. S. 91, ^^§ 73-7o.] [1838, 19; 1844, 65; 1860, 89; 1863, 117.] An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the Fishery in the Agawam and Half-Wa)' Pond Rivers. 1876, 161. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: §ect. 1. The com- mittee annually chosen b3'*the towns of Plymouth and Wareham to make sale of the privileges of taking the fish called alewives and shad in the Agawam and Half-Way Pond rivers in the county of Plymouth, shall pay to each of the treasurers of said towns one-half part of the whole amount of the money received by them from such sales, and all promissory notes taken for said sales shall be made payable to each of said treasurers in the proportion aforesaid. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 21, 1876. [1875, 71.] An Act to regulate the Fisheries in Taunton Great River and Nemasket River. 1876, 208. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No shad or alewives shall be taken in any part of Taunton Great River or Ne- masket River between the hours of twelve o'clock in the night follow- ing Thursda}- of each week and four o'clock on Monday- morning- succeeding, from the first day of March to the tenth day of June of each year, including both of said days. Section five of chapter four hundred and one of the acts of the year eighteen himdred and fifty-five, and chapter two hundred and fifty-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, are hereby repealed. Sect. 2. Not more than one seine shall be cast, set, swept or used on said rivers, within the same limits or over the same ground and at the same fishing place or location, nor shall any seine be cast, set, swept or used within forty rods of any other seine. Any person vio- lating this section shall pay a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars, and whoever violates the provisions of the first section, shall be liable to the penalties and forfeitures provided in said chapter four hundred and one of the acts of the year eighteen hun- dred and fift^'-five. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect on the first day of July next. — [April 28, 1876. INLAND FISHERIES. 343 1877. Ax Act to regulate the Fisheries in Lake Qiiaunapowitt, and in Saugus River and its tributaries, 1877, l(i. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall fish with a net or seine in Lake Qnannapowitt, or in Saugus Kiveror its tributary streams in the counties of Middlesex and Essex, other than the one running from Flax Pond in the city of Lj'nn, nor in any manner take or catch an}- shad, salmon or alewives in said waters until the first day of January in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, under the penalt}' of fifty cents for each ale wife, one dol- lar for each shad, and ten dollars for each salmon so taken : provided, that the several fish committees of the towns of Wakefield and Sau- gus, or such person or persons as may be authorized by them, may take such fish as ma}- be required to re-stock said river and its trib- utaries. Sect. 2. The several fish committees of the towns of Wakefield and Saugus, or any member or members of said committees may remove any and all nets, seines, weirs or other fishing apparatus, used in violation of the provisions of this act. Sect. 3. Any person who shall place or cause to be placed in the waters of Lake Quannapowitt or of the Saugus River or any of its tributaries, not herein exempted, or who shall cause to flow into said waters any substance whereby the fish therein may be destroyed or injured, or their passage hindered or obstructed, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each oflfence. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 16, 1877. An Act to preserve the Eel Fisheries in Musquashuit Creek and its tributaries in the Towns of Scituate and Cohasset. 1877, 26. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes, catches or destro3-s any eels in Musquashuit Creek or its trib- utaries, in the towns of Scituate and Cohasset, in the counties of Ph-mouth and Norfolk, in any other manner than b}' spear, or hook and line, shall forfeit for every eel so taken, not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, one-half of said fine to be paid to the complainant. Sect. 2. Whoever wilfully places any obstruction, or otherwise interferes with the free passage of eels in said creek or tributaries, shall forfeit a sum not less than fift}' nor more than one hundred dol- lars for each offence. Sect. 3.- All fines or penalties for violating this act, with costs, may be recovered in any court competent to try the same. 344 LAWS KELATING TO Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 21, 1877. An Act to preserve the Eel Fisheries in Herring River and its tributaries in the Town of Wellfleet. 1877, 42. Be it enacted, etc., as follozvs : Sect. 1. Whoever talies, catches or destro^^s any eels in Herring River or its tributaries in the town of Wellfleet, in the count}' of Barnstable, in any other manner than by spear or hook and line, shall forfeit for ever}' eel so taken not less than one dollar, nor more than five dollars ; one-half of said fine to be paid to the complainant. Sect. 2. Whoever wilfully places any obstruction or otherwise interferes with the free passage of eels in said river or its tributaries shall forfeit a sum not less than fift}' nor more than one hundred dollars for each ofl'ence. Sect. 3. All fines or penalties for violating this act, with costs, may be recovered in an}' court competent to try the same. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 10 1877. An Act concerning the taking of Eels in certain Waters in the Town of Mattapoisett. 1877,66. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes, catches or destro}s any eels in Mattapoisett River or its tributaries, in the town of Mattapoisett in the county of Plymouth, from the Bridge at Town Mills to Mattapoisett Harbor, or in Barlow's Pond or its tributaries, in said town, or in its outlet to the harbor, in any other manner than by spear or hook and line, shall forfeit for every eel so taken not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars ; one- half of said fine to be paid to the complainant. Sect. 2. All fines or penalties for violating this act, with costs, may be recovered in any court competent to try the same. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 19, 1877. [1876, 103.] An Act to amend Chapter one hundred and three of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, concerning the taking of Fish in North River in the County of Plymouth. 1877,109. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section one of chapter one hundred and three of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six is hereby amended by striking out after the words "North River" in the second line the words, "or any of its tribu- taries." Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 6, 1877. INLAND FISHERIES. 345 An Act to prohibit the Seining of Fish in Watnppa Pond in Fall River and Westport. 1877, 110. Be it enacted etc., as follows : Sect. 1. No person shall set, draw or use any seine, net or trawl for the purpose of taking fish of any kind in the Watuppa Pond, or any inlet or outlet thereof in Fall River or Westport. Sect. 2. Any person violating this act, or buying, selling or hav- ing in possession anj- fish so taken, shall on conviction thereof pay a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fift}' dollars, with forfeiture of boats, nets and apparatus used in such taking, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction ; one-half of said fine and forfeiture to be paid to the person making the complaint and the remainder to the Commonwealth. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 6, 1877. An Act to amend an Act in relation to the Construction of Fish-weirs. 1877, 119. Be it eriactecl, etc., as folloios: Chapter fift}' of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-six is hereby' amended b}- adding the following section : Section 4. No person shall construct or maintain an}' fish-weir within the tide-waters of this Common- wealth unless authorized in the manner set forth in the first section of this act, or from any island within said tide-waters without author- ity in writing from the mayor and aldermen of every city, and the selectmen of every town, distant not over two miles from said island. An}- person who shall construct or maintain any weir in violation of the provisions of this section shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars for each da}' he shall maintain such weir, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction to the use of any cities or towns, from the mayor and aldermen or selectmen of which he ought to have obtained the authority aforesaid, and shall also l)e liable to be indicted there- for and to be enjoined therefrom. — [April 10, 1877. [P. S. 91, f 72.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 2, p. 285 ; 1817, 151.] An Act to regulate the taking of Fish in Monataquot River in the Town of Braintree. 1877,123. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The town of Braintree may, at any legal meeting called for that purpose, make regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of the general laws of the Commonwealth concerning the taking of alewives and shad in Monataquot River within said town, or concerning the disposal of the privilege of taking the same, for its own use and benefit. Sect. 2. Said town shall, at its annual meeting in March in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight and in each year thereafter, choose three discreet persons by ballot, whose duty it shall be to 346 LAWS RELATING TO inspect said river, to cause ttie regulations respecting said fishery to be carried into effect and to prosecute all violations thereof. Sect. 3. No persons shall in anj wa}^ take or catch any shad or alewives in said river until the first day of March in the year eighteen hundred and seventv-eioht. Sect. 4. Whoever takes from said river any of said fish in viola- tion of the provisions of this •act, or of said regulations, shall forfeit for each fish so taken not more than ten dollars nor less than one dollar, one-half of said penalty to be paid to the complainant and the other half to said town. Sect. .5. Chapter one hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the jear eighteen hundred and seventeen is hereby repealed. Sect. (». This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 10, 1877. An Act to regulate the Fisheries in the Weweantit River and its Tributaries, and for stocking the same witli Shad and Alewives. 1877,141. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall take or catch an}' shad or alewives in the Weweantit River or its tributaries in Plymouth Count}', for a period of five years from the passage of this act, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every shad taken, and fift\^ cents for each and every alewife taken in viola- tion of this act, and forfeiture of all boats, seines, nets or other appa- ratus for taking said fish, used in violation of the provisions of this act : provided, however, that the several fish committees of the towns of Wareham, Rochester and Carver, chosen annuall}-, shall have the right to take or catch said fish in sufficient numbers for the purpose of assisting in the stocking of said river and its ponds and tributaries, and for no other purpose whatever. Sect. 2. The provisions of law now in force, b}' which the fish committees of the towns of Wareham, Rochester and Carver are obliged annually in the month of March to give notice to the town clerks and to sell at public vendue the right to take and catch alewives at certain times and at certain places, each 3'ear, in the Weweantit River, are hereby suspended for the period of five years from the passage of this act. Sect. 3. Any person or persons, compau}' or corporation who shall cause or permit an}^ saw-dust or other obstruction to the free passage of the said fish, or any drugs, dye-stuffs, acids, alkalies or any other substance destructive of the life of shad or alewives, to be deposited in or flow into said river or its tributaries at an}' time of the year, shall pay a fine of twenty-five dollars for each and every offence so committed. INLAND FISHERIES. 347 Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 20, 1877. An Act in addition to an Act for encouraging the Cultivation of Useful Fishes. 1877, 180. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Sect. 1. In all cases where the commissioners on inland fisheries have leased or shall here- after lease any great ponds in this Commonwealth for the cultivation of useful fishes, the said commissioners may fix the limits of such great ponds, and determine what arms, coves or bays of the same shall be regarded as part of said great ponds ; and the limits of said great ponds, so fixed and determined by said commissioners, and recorded in the registr}- of deeds for the count}- where such ponds lie, shall be taken to be the legal limits of said great ponds for all the purposes of such case. The expense of fixing and recording such limits shall be paid by the lessees. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [Ma\- 4, 1877. [P. S. 91, § 15.] 1878. [1872, 190.] An" Act to amend Chapter one hundred and ninety of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, relating to the Alewife and other J'isheries in the Towns of Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, East Bridgewater and Halifax. 1878, 32. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section three of chapter one hundred and ninet}- of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sevent3'-tw() is hereb}' amended by adding after the word " riow," at the end of said section, the following words: — "And it shall be lawful for said towns to agree upon and take said fisli at one common fishing place for all of said towns, upon either of said rivers or their tributaries, within their limits or upon that portion of the Taunton River within the limits of the town of Bridgewater ; to regu- late the taking of said fish under the direction of said commissioners, and to determine the manner in which the ex[)ense attending such common fishing shall be apportioned between them, and to make all necessary appropriations therefor." Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 2, 1878. Ax Act concerning Shell Fish on the shores and fiats of Thompson's Island. 1878, 78. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes any shell fish from the shores or flats of Thom|)son's Island in Boston Harbor without the permit of the managers of the Boston Asylum and Farm School for Indigent Boys, or the chief of the police of the city of Boston, shall for ever\' offence pay a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars, aud costs of prosecution ; 348 LAWS RELATING TO said fine to be recovered by complaint before the municipal court of the city of Boston. Sect. 2. Any constable or police officer of the cit}' of Boston may without a warrant arrest any person whom he finds in the act of taking shell fish in violation of the provisions of the preceding section of this act, or in the act of carrying away shell fish so taken, and detain him in some place of safe keeping until a warrant can be procured against such person upon a complaint for said offence : provided^ that such detention shall not exceed twenty-four hours. — [March 23, 1878. [1869, 384.] An Act to amend Chapter three hundred and eighty-four of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine concerning the Cultivation of Fishes. 1878, 172. Be it enacted., etc., asfolloivs: Sect. 1. Whoever uses an}' sweep seine in the waters of the Connecticut, Westfield, Deerfield, Miller's, Merrimack, Nashua, or llousatonic rivers, or their tributaries, naving a mesh which stretches less than five inches, shall forfeit for the first oflfence twent^'-five dollars, and for ever}' subse- quent offence fifty dollars ; and in each case shall also forfeit the apparatus thus unlawfull}^ used, and the fish captured. Sect. 2. Section twent^'-one of chapter three hundred and eighty- four of the acts of thej^ear eighteen hundred and sixty-nine is hereby repealed. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect on the first day of December next. — [April 23, 1878. [P. S. 91, § 39.] An Act for the better protection of the Oyster Fisheries in this Commonwealth. 1878, 179. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person siiall dig, lake or carry away any oysters by any method whatever, from any flats or creeks, for which a license has been granted under the provisions of section sixteen of chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes, between sunset and sunrise. Any person holding a license under the provisions of said section who shall violate the foregoing provisions, shall upon conviction thereof, in addition to the penalties hereinafter provided, forfeit his license together with the oysters re- maining on the premises licensed, to the town or city granting the same. Sect. 2. An}^ person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, and any person who digs or takes any oysters from an}' flats or creeks described in any license granted under the provisions of sec- tion sixteen of chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes, during the continuance of such license, without the consent of the person so licensed, shall be punished by a fine not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the house of correction not less than thirty days INLAND FISHERIES. 349 nor more than six months, or by both said fine and imprisonment. One half of said line shall be paid to the complainant and the other to the count}' within whose jurisdiction the otTence was committed. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect on the first do.y of June next. — [April 24, 1878. [P. S. 91, §§ 100, 101.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 191.] Ax Act to preserve the Eel Fisheries in Ipswich River and its Tributaries in the Town of Ipswich. 1878, 202. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes, catches or destroys any eels in Ipswich River or its tributaries, in the town of Ipswich in the county of Essex, in any other manner than by spear, or hook and line, shall forfeit for every eel so taken, caught or destroyed, not less than one dollar nor more than five dol- lars ; one-half of said fine to be paid to the complainant. Sect. 2. All fines or penalties for violating this act, with costs, may be recovered by complaint or action of tort in any court of com- petent jurisdiction. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 29, 1878. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 296; 1874, 144.] An Act to further regulate fishing in the Connecticut River. 1878,224. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Section three of chapter one hundred and fortj'-four of the acts of the year eigh- teen hundred and sevent3'-four, is hereby amended by striking out the word " four," where it first occnrs in said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the word " two." Sect. 2. Whoever takes or catches any fish beyond two hundred yards and within four hundred yards of any fish-wa}' now built, or hereafter to be built on the Connecticut River or its tributaries l^'ing within this Commonwealth in any other manner than by naturally or artificially baited hooks and line, shall forfeit for each fish so taken or caught the sum of twenty-five dollars. Sect. 3. The limitation of time for catching black bass in the Connecticut River or its tributaries, in this state, shall hereafter be the same as that now fixed, or which shall hereafter be prescribed by the legislature of Connecticut for taking black bass in said river in that state. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 3, 1878. [P. S. 91, §^ 34, 56.] 350 LAWS RELATING TO 1879. An Act to establish an Alewife Fishery in Eastham. 1879, 45. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The town of Eastham is hereb}' authorized to make the necessary improvements for the preservation and taking of alewives in the Great Pond, so called, in the town of Eastham and the waters connected therewith and the outlet therefrom to the sea, and may take land and do all acts necessary for the purpose of establishing, protecting and regulat- ing an alewife fishery in said waters. 8ect. 2. The said town of Eastham shall be liable to pay all damages that shall be sustained in any way by any persons in their property, in carrying into effect this act. If any person sustaining damage as aforesaid, shall not agree with the selectmen of the town upon the amount of damage to be paid therefor, he may have his damage assessed and paid in the manner provided by law in respect to land taken for highwa3's. Sect. 3. Any fishery so created shall be deemed to be the property of said town of Eastham, and said town may make any proper regula- tions concerning the same, and may lease such fishery for a period not exceeding five years, upon snch terms as may be agreed upon between said town and the lessees of the same. Sect. 4. No persons without the permission of said town or of the lessees of said fishery shall take, kill or haul on shore any alewives in the fishery so created by the town. Sect. 5. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this act or any of the regulations of the town regarding said fishery shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for each offence, to be recovered by prosecution before any court in the county of Barnstable competent to try the same. Said forfeiture shall accrue to the benefit of the inhabitants of the town. Sect. 6. All prosecutions under the preceding section shall be in- stituted within thirty days from the time the offence was committed. Sect. 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 21, 1879. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 269; 1872, 229.] An Act to protect the Eel Fisheries in North River and its Tributaries in the County of Plymonth. 1879, 47. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes, catches or destroys any eels in North River or its tributaries, in the county of Plymouth, in any other manner than by spear, or hook and line, shall forfeit for every eel so taken, caught or destroyed, not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars ; a half of said fine to be paid to the complainant. INLAND FISHERIES. 351 Sect. 2. Whoever wilfulh' places an}- obstruction, or otherwise interferes with the free passage of eels in said river or its tributaries, shall forfeit a sum not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dol- lars for each offence. Sect. 3. All fines or penalties for violating this act, with costs, ma}' be recovered by complaint or action of tort in any court of com- petent jurisdiction. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [P'ebruary 21,1879. [Sp. Laws, vol. 3, p. 98.] Ax Act to amend Chapter forty of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and three relative to the privilege of taking certain Fish in Mystic River in Medford. 1879, 65. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section three of chapter forty of the acts of the j^ear eighteen hundred and three is hereby amended by striking out the word " freeholders," in the third line of said section, and inserting in place thereof the word " inhabi- tants." Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 27, 1879. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 422, 1855, 401.] As Act for the better protection of the Shad and Alewife Fishery in Taunton Great River. 1879,83. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs : Any person who shall wilfull}' drive or stick any stake in or upon any fishing ground or privilege duly located in Taunton Great River, or who shall, by throwing into the waters thereof any substance or thing, or in an}' other manner, prevent, obstruct or impede any purchaser or pur- chasers of such ground or privilege or their agents from seining or fishing thereon at such time and manner as provided by law, shall for each ott'ence be punished by a fine not exceeding ten dollars. — [February 28, 1879. Ax Act to amend Chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes regulating the taking of Shell-fish. 1879, 105. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Section twelve of chapter eight^'-three of the General Statutes is hereby amended by adding thereto at the end thereof after the word " annually," the words " not exceeding in any week the quantit}' of two bushels including shells."— [March 12, 1879. [P. S. 91, § 94.] An Act regulating the taking of Perch in the town of Plymouth. 1879, 110. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes or catches any white or red perch, except with naturally or 352 LAWS RELATING TO artificial!}' baited hooks and lines, in any of the ponds or streams within the limits of the town of Plj'mouth, shall for each offence for- feit not less than two nor more than twent}' dollars. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 12, 1879. An Act for the protection of the Fisheries of Mill River and its Tributaries in the town of Essex. 1879, 119. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The owners and proprietors of dams on Mill River or Brook, in the town of Essex, are hereby required to erect and maintain fishways over or around said dams, and they shall be subject to all the powers given to the commissioners on inland fisheries under the laws of the Common- wealth. Sect. 2. No person shall take, catch, or cause to be taken or caught, b}' any means whatsoever, in said river or its tributaries, or the ponds and connecting streams out of which said river and trib- utaries flow, any of the fish called alewives or shad, nor any land- locked salmon in said ponds and connecting streams, until the first day of Ma}' in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four. Sect. 3. The inhabitants of the town of Essex may make all proper regulations concerning said fisheries in said Mill River and its tributaries, within said town of Essex, provided they do not conflict with the general laws relating to inland fisheries. Sect. 4. Any person oflfending against any of the provisions of this act shall forfeit for each offence a sum not less than five nor more than thirty dollars, and shall be sul)ject to all further penalties in such cases as is bylaw made and provided. — [March 13, 1879. An Act for the protection of the Eel Fisheries in the town of Edgartown. 1879, 122. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes, catches, or destroys any eels in any of the ponds or streams within the town of Edgartown in any other manner than b}' pots, spear, hand net, or hook and line, shall forfeit for every eel so taken, caught or destroyed, not less than one dollar nor more than five dol- lars ; a half of said fine to be paid to the complainant. Sect. 2. All fines and penalties for violating this act, with costs, may be recovered, by complaint or action of tort, in any court of com- petent jurisdiction. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 20, 1879. An Act for the better protection of the Fisheiy of the Nine Mile Pond Fishing Company. 1879, 137. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios: Sect. 1. Whoever takes or catches any alewives in Centreville River, so called, in the INLAND FISHERIES. 353 town of Barnstable, between that part of said river where the mouth of the canal of the Nine Mile Pond Fishing Company opens into the same, and a point fifteen rods above said mouth, shall forfeit and pay a fine of not less than five, nor more than fifty dollars for each offence. Sect. 2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to authorize the taking of alewives bj^ any person between said mouth of said canal and tide water. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 21, 1879. An Act to amend chapter forty-nine of the General Statutes, relating to the Inspection and Packing of Fish. 1879, 171. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section thirty-six of chapter forty-nine of the General Statutes is hereb}^ amended by striking out all after the words " in half barrels contain- ing each one hundred pounds " in the ninth and tenth lines and before the words ''every cask" in the thirteenth line, and inserting the fol- lowing words : " or in packages containing each less than one hundred pounds, on which the number of pounds therein shall be plainly and legibly branded." Sect. 2. Section forty-seven of said chapter is hereby amended by adding after the words "half barrel" the words "and all packages less than one hundred pounds or more than fifty pounds, one-half cent, and on all packages of fifty pounds and less, one quarter of a cent each." Sect. 3. The inspector-general of fish or some one deputy espe- ciall}' thereto authorized by him for that purpose, shall have the right to enter at all reasonable times, upon any wharf, and into any store, warehouse or other place, where the packing of pickled fish is carried on in this state, for the purpose of inspecting, examining and super- vising the packing and inspecting of such fish, and to examine and weigh an}- packages of such fish, for the purpose of ascertaining if the same are fit for exportation, in accordance with the requirements of the law. Sect. 4. Sections forty and forty-one of said chapter are hereby repealed. Sect. T). This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 1, 1879. [P. S. 56, § 25.] Resolves concerning the Fishery Clauses of the Treaty of Washington. 1879, Res. 11. Resolved, That justice to the fishermen and to the fishing interests of the country requires that articles eighteen and twent3'-one of the treaty concluded between the United States and the government of Great Britain on the eighth day of May, A. D. 354 LAWS RELATING TO eighteen hundred seventy-one, should be terminated at the earliest possible period. Resolved, That a copy hereof be sent to each of our Senators and Kepresentatives in Congress. — [February 27, 1879. 1880. An Act to regulate Fishing in certain waters by Fish Pounds and other fixed apparatus. 1880,61. Beit enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. From the first day of May to the fifteenth da}- of June in each year no person shall set, or permit to remain set, any fish pound, weir, trap, fyke or other similar fixed apparatus for catching fish, except gill nets, between the hours of six o'clock on Saturday morning and six o'clock on the succeeding Sunda}^ evening, so as to catch any fish, in the tidal waters of the count}' of Dukes Count}^ and of the count}' of Bristol and of the towns of Mattapoisett, Marion and AYareham in the county of Plymouth, and in the tidal waters on the westerly boun- daries of the towns of Sandwich and Falmouth at and near Buzzard's Bay,, and on that portion of the southerly boundar}' of the county of Barnstable extending from the south-westerl}' corner of the town of Falmouth easterly to Point Gammon in the town of Yarmouth. Sect. 2. Whoever by himself or by his servants or agents, or as the servant or agent of another, violates any of the provisions of this act, shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars nor less than one hnndred dollars. Sect. 3. One-half of the penalt}' paid on conviction shall be for the use of the person commencing the prosecution whether bv com- plaint or indictment. Sect. 4. All prosecutions under this act shall be commenced within three months after the offence committed and not afterwards. Sect. 5. The provisions of this act shall not be construed so as to permit fishing with such fixed apparatus where it is now forbidden by law. — [March 5, 1880. [P. S. 91, §J 76-78, 104.] An Act to regulate the Taking of Salmon in this CommoTiwealth. 1880, 68. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes or catches any salmon in any of the waters of this Commonwealth for a period of two 3'ears from and after the first da}' of April in the year eighteen hundred and eighty shall be punished for each offence by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the House of Correction not less than two nor more than six months : provided, that any one catching salmon when law- fully fishing, and immediately returning them alive to the waters whence taken, shall not be subject to the penalty provided in this section. INLAND FISHERIES. 355 Sect. 2. Except as provided in the last clause of the preceding- section, whoever takes or catches any salmon at any time in any of the waters of this Commonwealth, except with naturally or artificially baited hook and hand line, shall be punished, for each fish so taken or caught, by a fine of not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars. — [March 8, 1880. [P. S. 91, ^^^ 45, 46.] An Act relating to Salmon Trout. 1880,86. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The provi- sions of chapter two hundred and twenty-one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six shall not apply to the species of fish known as salmon trout, provided the same have not been taken in an}'' of the waters of this Commonwealth. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 11, 1880. [P. S. 91, ^ 53.] [1875, 115.] An Act to repeal section one of Chapter one hundred and fifteen of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-five relating to the Leasing of Great Ponds in the county of Dukes County. 1880,89. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section one of chapter one hundred and fifteen of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sevent\'-five relating to the leasing of great ponds in the county of Dukes County is hereby repealed. Sect. 2. This act shall take eflTect upon its passage. — [March 12, 1880. [P. S. 91, J 12.] [1815, 83 ; 1849, 37.] An Act to authorize the towns of Dennis and Yarmouth to regulate the Salmon and Trout Fishery in Bass River. 1880, 122. Be it enacted, etc., asfolloios: Sp:ct. 1. Section one of chapter thirtj'-seven of the acts of the 3'ear eighteen hundred and forty-nine, entitled " An Act to authorize the towns of Dennis and Yar- mouth to regulate the fisheries in Bass River," is hereby amended by inserting after the words " herrings or alewives and perch," the words " salmon and trout ; " and after the words " Bass River," the words "at the mouth thereof;" and section four of said chapter is hereby amended by inserting after the words "herrings, alewives or perch," the words " or salmon or trout," and by striking out of the last line of said section four the word " twenty," and insertino- in lieu thereof the word "forty." Sect. 2. This act shall take etfect upon its passage. — [March 19, 1880. 356 LAWS RELATING TO An Act to authorize the Selectmen of Towns and the Boards of Mayor and Aldermen of Cities in the Commonwealth to control certain Fisheries within said towns and cities. 1880,200. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The select- men of all towns and the board of maj^or and aldermen of cities within the Commonwealth shall have full power when so instructed bv said towns and cities to control and resrulate the taking: of eels, clams, quahaugs and scallops within their respective towns and cities, including ponds which are now or ma}- hereafter be leased by the fish commissioners under chapter three hundred and eight3'-four of the acts of the 5"ear eighteen hundred and sixt3--nine ; and ma}' grant permits prescribing the times and methods of taking eels and the shell fish above named within their said towns and cities, and may make such other regulations in regard to said fisheries as the}' may deem wise and expedient. But the inhabitants of any city or town, with- out such permit, may take from the waters of their own or other cities and towns, eels and the shell fish above named for their own family use ; and from the waters of their own towns they make take any of the shell fish above named for bait, not exceeding three bushels, including shells, in any one day, but subject nevertheless to the gen- eral rules prescribed by the selectmen of towns and the boards of mayor and aldermen in cities as to the times and methods of taking said fish. Sect. 2. Whoever takes any eels or any of the shell fish men- tioned in the preceding section without such permit, and in violation of this act, shall on conviction pay a fine of not less than three nor more than fifty dollars and costs of prosecution ; said fine and forfeiture imposed under this act to be recovered by indictment or complaint before any trial justice or any court of competent jurisdic- tion within either of said counties. Sect. 3. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 17, 1880. [P. S. 91, §§ 68, 69.] 1881. An Act to amend section one of Chapter one hundred and four of the Acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-six, relating to certain Returns to the Commissioners on Inland Fisheries. 1881, 28. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section one of chapter one hundred and four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-sis, is hereby amended by striking out the word " first," before the word " day," in the sixth line in said section, and inserting the word " twentieth." INLAND FISHERIES. 357 Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 23, 1881. [P. S. 91, § 73.] [1860, 91.] Ax Act to ameud " An Act to incorporate the Nine-Mile Pond Fishing Company." 1881,32. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Chapter ninety-one of the acts of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty, entitled " An Act to incorporate the Nine-Mile Pond Fishing Company," is amended in the sixth line of section two by inserting after the word " outlet," the words "or the stream leading from said outlet to the sea." Sect. 2. The rights of riparian owners shall not be affected by this act. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [February 23, 1881. [1872, 229 ; 1876, 103.] A.\ Act to regulate the tailing of Fish in North River in the County of Plymouth. 1881,44. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The inhabi- tants of the town of Pembroke are hereby permitted to take fish at the weir where they have usually caught them, on the North River, so called, or stream leading to the Indian Ponds, so called, in said town, on any secular day of the week, and at any hour of the day, and at no other time. Sect. 2. No person or persons shall take fish from the stream leading from said North River to the said Indian Ponds, or streams tributary to the North River, excepting at the weir above mentioned, at any time between the tenth day of April and the fifteenth day of May inclusive, of each year. Sect. 3. The selectmen or committee for the time being, of the town of Pembroke, shall, from the first running of alewives, after the tenth da}'^ of April in each year, take and deposit alive, in good con- dition, in Indian Ponds in said Pembroke, not less than ten thousand alewives, so they may cast their spawn in said ponds ; and the expense of the same shall be borne in equal shares by the towns of Pembroke, Marshfield, Scituate and South Scituate, and said towns are hereby permitted to raise money for the same. Sect. 4. It shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the several towns on North River to take fish on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each week, from April first to June first inclusive, of each year, with ten seines only in the manner following, to wit : The towns of South Scituate, Scituate and Pembroke shall each have the right of disposing at public auction for their own benefit, of the privilege of catching fish with two seines only, and the town of Marshfield the 358 LAWS RELATING TO right of disposing at public auction for tlieir own benefit, of the priv- ilege of catching fish with four seines only, in the river aforesaid. Sect. 5. It shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the town of Hanson to take fish from Indian Head River on Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays of each week, from April first to June first inclusive, of each year : provided, said inhabitants shall not be allowed to take fish at any time from said Indian Head River within eighty rods of the mouth of said river. Sect. 6. Any person or persons who may by seine or mesh net take fish from the said North River, except such persons as have authority under this act, shall be punished for each offence by a fine not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of correction not less than one nor more than three months. Sect. 7. Chapter two hundred and twenty-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy -two, and all other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. Sect. S. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 2, 1881. [1883, 76; 1886, 163.] [1842, 75.] An Act to amend the " Act to incorporate tlie Long Pond Fishing Company in Yar- mouth." 1881,46. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The act to incorporate the Long Pond Fishing Company in Yarmouth, being chapter seventy-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, is hereby amended as follows: — In the first section, seventh line, after the word, " alewive," insert the words " and white perch." In the second section, second line, after the word "ale- wives," insert the words " or white perch ;" after the word " ponds," in the third line of said section, insert the words " or Parker's River ; " after the words "so made," in said line, the words "or within five hundred yards from the mouth of said river ; " and in the fifth line of said section, strike out the word " two," and insert in lieu thereof the word " twenty ; " and in the eighth line of said section, strike out the word "five," and insert the word " fifty." Sect. 2. The right of riparian owners shall not be aflJected by this act. Sect. 3. This act shall take eflfect upon its passage. — [March 2, 1881. [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 296.] An Act to amend the law regulating Fishing in Connecticut River and its tributaries. 1881,47. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Any person who shall take or aid or assist in taking from the Connecticut River INLAND FISPIERIES. 359 or any of its tributaries, within the limits of this Commonwealth, any shad or alewives at any other time than between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of July in each year, shall forfeit and pay for each offence the sum of one hundred dollars. Sect. 2. Section three of chapter seventy-six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine is hereby amended by striking out the words " fifteenth day of June in each year, the meshes whereof are less than five," in the eighteenth and nineteenth lines, and insert- ing the words " first day of July in each year, the meshes whereof are less than two," in place thereof. Sect. 3. Chapter three hundred and sixty-nine of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act, are hereby repealed. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 2, 1881. [P. S. 91, §§ 32, 40.] Ax Act authorizing the ditching of South Beach in Edgartown, adjacent to Great Pond, and relative to the Fislieries in said pond. 1881, 75. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoivs : Sect. 1. The lessees holdino; from the commissioners of inland fisheries a lease of Great Pond and Job's Neck Pond in the town of Edgartown, may, with the permission of the owners of the land, cut through the beach known as the South Beach, lying lietween the waters of Great Pond and the ocean, and maintain ditches and dams to regulate the flow of water between said pond and the ocean. Sect. 2. Commissioners may be appointed, who shall be disinter- ested persons, in accordance with the provisions of section three of chapter one hundred and forty-eight of the General Statutes, who shall have all the powers conferred by said chapter and the acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, during and after the ter- mination of said lease, notwithstanding any previous right of fishery. Said commissioners may direct and control the opening and closing of the channel across said beach, and the exercise of all rights conferred b}' the preceding section of this act. Sect. 3. Said lessees shall have the right of fishery in said Great Pond according to the terms of their lease, under the laws limiting and defining the rights of such lessees, notwithstanding any statutes heretofore in force specially regulating the fisheries in said pond. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 8, 1881. 360 LAWS RELATING TO [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, pp. 272, 296.] An Act relative to the taking of Fish from the Merrimack and Connecticut Rivers and their tributaries. 1881,103. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Nothing in the provisions of chapter two hundred of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty shall be construed as giving authority to take or catch fish of any kind within four hundred yards of any fishway on the Merrimack River or its tributaries, or within two hundred yards of any fishway on the Connecticut River or its tributaries, lying within this Commonwealth. vSect. 2. This act shall take eflfect upon its passage. — [March 17, 1881. [P. S. 91, { 68.] [Sp. Laws, vol. 1, p. 272.] An Act to regulate Fishing in the Merrimack River. 1881, 104. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever takes or catches any shad or alewives in an}- part of the Merrimack River, or its tributaries, lying within this Commonwealth, except between sunrise on Monday morning and sunrise on Friday morning, of each week, from the first day of March to the last day of May, inclusive, in each year, shall forfeit for each alewife so taken a sum not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, and for each shad so taken a sum not less than five nor more than twent}' dollars. Sect. 2. Whoever uses a net of any kind or description in the Avaters of the Merrimack River, or its tributaries, lying within this Commonwealth, from the first daj' of June in each3'ear to the last day of Februar}' in the year next succeeding, inclusive, shall forfeit for each offence the sum of twenty-five dollars. Sect. 3. Section one of chapter one hundred and fortj'-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-four is hereb}' repealed. Sect. 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 17, 1881. [P. S. 91, §§ 33, 36.] An Act to incorporate the Sesuet Cranberry Company. 1881,801. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : * * * * Sect. 3. Said corporation shall provide, for the passage of the fish of the Flax Pond Fishing Compau}^, a fishway to be constructed and regulated as the commissioners of inland fisheries may direct, — [May 13, 1881. [Accepted May 27, 1881.] INLAND FISHERIES. 3fil 11. 12. 13. 14. Il3. 17. IS. 19. 20. Section 1. Laws relating to inland fisheries. 2. Comnaissioners, how appointed, etc. 3. Each commissioner may enforce the laws, etc. 4. Commissioners may examine dams and fishways, prescribe changes, etc. 5. shall give notice to certain owners, how. 6. Penalty for not keeping fishway open at prescribed times. V. Commissioners may build or alter fish- ways, etc. 8. Compensation to owner of land taken. 9. Commissioners may enter on land, etc. 10. Riparian owners of small ponds to have exclusive fishery. Great ponds public. Commissioners may lease great ponds. to appoint a time and place for a hear- ing, before making such lease. Towns may take such leases. 15. Commissioners may fix limits of ponds leased or to be leased. to have custody of leases, and enforce provisions. may occupy not over six great ponds. to post notices of such occupation, etc. their rights in such cases. may take fish for fish culture at any time. 21. County commissioners to measure great ponds. 22. Selectmen may measure great ponds, when, 23. How riparian owners on small ponds may obtain exclusive fishery in certain cases. 24. Penalty for taking fish in certain ponds. 25. Riparian owners may enclose waters of streams not navigable. 26. Ownership of fishes artificially propa- gated. 27. Penalty for fishing where fish are artifi- cially propagated. 28. What tidal streams to be deemed navi- gable. 29. Governor may define tidal bounds and mouths of streams. 30. may limit times of fishing in certain waters. 31. Owners of unuavigable tidal streams to control fishery thereof, etc. 32. Rule as to shad and alewife fishery in Connecticut River. .33. as to shad and alewife fishery in Merri- mack River. 34. Fishing near fishways in Connecticut River forbidden. 35. in Merrimack River forbidden. 36. with nets in Merrimack River between certain dates forbidden. Public Statutes, Chap. 91. Of Inland Fisheries and Kelp. Section 37. Fishing with gill-nets in Connecticut or Merrimack Rivers forbidden. 38. Penalties. 39. Meshes of sweep-seines used in certain waters to be of certain size. 40. Rules as to weir and seine fishing in Con- necticut River. 41. Rules as to fishing with sweep-seines. 42. Fish-wardens to be appointed in towns on Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers. 43. Penalty for neglect. 44. for poisoning fish with Indian cockle, etc. 45. Fishing for salmon prohibited till certain date. Penalty. 46. Penalty for taking salmon after said date, except with hook and line. 47. for taking salmon between certain dates. 48. for taking fish, except with hook and line. 49. Guardian responsible, if minor takes trout, except, etc., when. 50. Prosecutions under preceding section limited. 51. Penalty for taking trout, etc., between certain dates. 52. for obstructing stream with salmon-pot. 53. for selling, etc., trout, etc., between cer- tain dates. 54. Town officers to see to enforcement of preceding section. 55. Penalty for taking shad, etc., excei)t, etc. 56. for taking black bass, except, etc. 67. for selling, etc., smelts between certain dates, etc. 58. for taking smelts except with hook and line. 59. Prohibition not to extend to certain coun- ties, etc. tiO. Town oflicers to see to enforcement of sections fifty-seven and fifty-eight. 61. Forfeiture of boat and apparatus, when. 62. Keepers of fish-markets, etc., to give in- formation of unlawful taking. Penalty. 63. Towns may open ditches, etc., to create herring fisheries. 64. shall own such fisheries. 65. Penalty for fishing in such fisheries with- out permission. 66. Prosecution limited. 67. Rights under contracts, etc., not affected. 68. Town officers may regulate fishing for certain fish. 69. Penalties. 70. Town officers may authorize fish-weirs. 71. Penalty for injuring such fish- weirs. 72. Fish-weirs not to be constructed without authority. 362 LAWS RELATING TO Section 73. Owners of fish weirs, etc., to make returns of fish caught. 74. Commissioners to furnish hlauk forms for returns. 75. Penalties. 76. Prohibition of fish-weirs, etc., in certain waters between certain dates. 77. Penalty. 78. Prosecution limited. 79. Prohibition of seines, weirs, etc., in certain waters of Buzzard's Bay. Penalties. 80. Seines, etc., so used declared nuisances. 81. Penalty for taking lobsters between cer- tain dates. 82. for having lobsters in possession, etc. 83. Town officers to see to enforcement of two preceding sections. 84. Penalty for selling, etc., small lobsters. 85. Disposition of penalty. 86. Prohibition of taking lobsters in certain waters. 87. Boundaries defined. 88. Penalty where certain 8tatut«8 have been adopted. 89. Prohibition of taking lobsters in waters of Provincetown, unless, etc. Section 90. Penalty. 91. Boundaries defined. 92. Penalty for taking too many lobsters, etc., in Buzzard's Bay. 93. for unlawfully destroying oysters. 94. Selectmen may give permits to take oysters. 95. Penalty for taking other shell-fish, except, etc. 96. Indians not included in prohibition. 97. Town officers may grant licenses. 98. Boundaries to be defined. 99. Rights of persons licensed. 100. Oysters not to be taken between sunset and sunrise. 101. Penalty for taking oysters from licensed flats without permission. 102. No shell-fish, except, etc., to be taken in Chatham, etc. 103. Prosecutions under this chapter limited. 104. Disposition of penalties. 105. Special laws not to be deemed repealed, etc. KELP AND SEAWEED. 106. Kelp, etc., adrift. Section 1. All laws relating to the culture, preservation, capture, or passage of fish shall be known as the laws relating to inland fish- eries. Sect. 2. There shall be a board of commissioners on inland fish- eries, consisting of three persons appointed by the governor by and with the consent of the council, each for the term of five years from the time of his appointment. The present members shall continue to hold their oflflces during the terms for which they were appointed. Any member of the board shall be removable at the pleasure of the gov- ernor. Vacancies in the board by the expiration of the terms of ser- vice or otherwise shall, from time to time, be filled in like manner and for like terms of time. Sect. 3. Each of the commissioners may., personally or by deputy, enforce all laws regulating inland fisheries ; and may seize and remove, summarily if need be, all illegal obstructions to the passage of migra- tory fish, except dams, mills, or machinery, at the expense of the persons using or maintaining the same. Sect. 4. The commissioners may examine all dams upon rivers where the law requires fish ways to be maintained, and shall determine whether the fishways, if any, are suitable and sufficient for the pas- sage of the fish in such rivers ; and shall prescribe by an order in writing what changes or repairs, if any, shall be made therein, and at what times the same shall be kept open, and give notice to the owners of the dams accordingly. : INLAND FISHERIES. 363 Sect. o. Such notice shall be given to the proprietors of dams upon the Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers and their tributaries by serving upon them a copy of the order; and a certificate of the com- missioners that such service has been made shall be deemed sufficient proof thereof. Sect. 6. Anj- owner of such a dam who refuses or neglects to keep open or maintain a fish way at the times prescribed b}' the com- missioners shall forfeit fifty dollars for each day of such refusal or neglect. Sect. 7. When either of the commissioners finds that there is no fishway or an insufficient fishway in or around a dam where the law requires a fishwaj' to be maintained, he may, in his discretion, enter with workmen and materials upon the premises of the person required to maintain a fishway there, and may at such person's expense improve an existing fishwa}', or cause one to be constructed if none exists, and may take, if necessary, the land of any other i)erson not obliged by law to maintain said fishway ; and when a fishway has been constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section, the commissioners shall not require the owner of the dam to alter the same within five years from the completion thereof. Sect. 8. The commonwealth shall pa}' all damages occasioned bj' taking land as provided in the preceding section, and such damages shall upon the application of either pai't}' be estimated in the manner provided in relation to land taken for highways ; and said expense shall be a charge against the person required by law to construct and maintain such fishwa}-, to be recovered in an action of contract in the name of the commonwealth, with costs and interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per annum. Sect. 9. Each of the commissioners mav, in the discharo;e of his duties, enter upon and pass through or over private property without rendering himself liable in an action for trespass. Sect. 10. The riparian proprietors of any pond, the area of which is not more than twenty acres, and the proprietors of any pond or parts of a pond created by artificial fiowing, shall have exclusive con- trol of the fisheries therein existing. 1869, 384, §§ 7, 12. 119 Mass. 300. Sect. 11. The fishery of any pond, the area of which is more than twenty acres, shall be public, except as hereinafter provided ; and all persons shall, for the purpose of fishing, be allowed reasonable means of access to the same, without rendering themselves liable to an action for trespass. Sect. 12. The commissioners, or any two of them, may, in the name of the commonwealth, lease any great pond, exceeding twenty acres in area, for the purpose of cultivating useful fishes, for such periods of time and on such terms and conditions as mav seem to 364 LAWS EELATING TO them most for the public good ; and the lessee of such pond may occupy a portion not exceeding one-tenth part thereof with enclosures and appliances for the cultivation of useful fishes ; but this shall not affect an}' public rights to such pond, other than the right of fishing ; and the appliances and enclosures used by the lessee shall be so placed as not to debar ingress to or egress from such pond at proper places. 1885, 109. Sect. 13. Before making such lease, the commissioners shall appoint a time and place for a hearing upon the application therefor, and shall give notice thereof to every city or town within whose limits any part of the pond lies. i873, 195, § 1. Sect. 14. A city or town, either alone or with another city or town, may, for the purpose of cultivating useful fishes, and under such conditions and restrictions as the commissioners may prescribe, take a lease of a great pond situated either wholU' or partly within its limits, and may appropriate money therefor. Sect. 15. The commissioners may fix the limits of any great pond heretofore leased or hereafter to be leased b}' them, and determine what arms, coves, or ba3'S shall be regarded as a part thereof; which limits, being recorded in the registry of deeds for the county or dis- trict where such pond lies, shall be taken to be the legal limits thereof for all the purposes of this chapter. The expense of fixing and re- cording such limits shall be paid b}- the lessee. Sect. 16. The commissioners shall have the custody of all such leases, and ma}' cause aii}^ agreements, rights, reservations, forfeitures, and conditions therein contained to be enforced, and for that purpose may institute proceedings in the name of the commonwealth, and may take possession of an}' premises for breach of condition of such lease, and after revesting the commonwealth therewith may again lease the same. isse, 243. Sect. 17. The commissioners ma}- occupy, manage, and control any great ponds, not exceeding six in number, and not leased by them, for the purpose of cultivating useful fishes, and of distributing the same within the commonwealth, subject to the restrictions and limitations contained in section twelve. Sect. 18. When the commissioners determine so to occupy and improve any such pond, they shall post a notice of such purpose in some public place in the town or townis in which said pond is situ- ated, and shall file alike notice in the office of the town clerk or clerks of said town or towns, and in the office of the secretary of the common- wealth ; and the affidavit of an officer qualified to serve civil process that such notice has been posted shall be deemed full proof of the same. Sect. 19. From and after the time when such notice has been so INLAND FISHERIES. 365 filed and posted, the commissioners shall have all the rights in respect to such pond which are secured to lessees of ponds from them ; and any violation of anj^ of said lights shall be punished as provided in section twenty-seven. Sect. 20. The commissioners may take or cause to be taken any fish at any time or in any manner for purposes connected with fish culture or scientific observation. Sect. 21. The county commissioners for each county shall, upon the request and at the expense of any party claiming to be interested in any great pond, cause the same to be measured in the month of July, and such measurement when determined shall be recorded in the town clerk's oflSce of each town within which such pond is situated ; and no arm or branch shall be included as a part of a pond, unless it is at least fifty feet in width and one foot in depth. Sect. 22. The selectmen of a town may measure ponds wholly within the town in the manner provided in the preceding section, and such measurement shall be recorded in the town clerk's office. Sect. 23. A pond not more than twenty acres in area, bounded in part by land belonging to a town or county, shall only become the exclusive property of the individual proprietors as to the fisheries therein upon payment to the town treasurer, county commissioners, or state treasurer, of a just compensation for their respective rights therein, to be determined by a board of three persons, one of whom shall be one of the riparian proprietors of said pond, one the chairman of the board of selectmen, if the rights of a town are in question, or of the countj' commissioners, if the rights of a county or the common- wealth are in question, and one to be appointed by the commissioners on inland fisheries. Sect. 24. Whoever without the written consent of the proprietor or lessee of a natural pond, the area of which is not more than twenty acres, or of an artificial pond of any size, in which fish are lawfully cultivated or maintained, takes any fish therefrom, shall for- feit a sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars for every such offence. Sect. 25. A riparian proprietor may, within the limits of his own premises, enclose the waters of a stream not navigable, for the culti- vation of useful fishes : provided^ he furnishes a suitable passage for migratory fishes naturally frequenting such waters. Sect. 26. Fishes artificially propagated or maintained shall be the property of the person propagating or maintaining them ; and a per- son legally engaged in their culture and maintenance may take them in his own waters at pleasure, and may have them in his possession for purposes properly connected with said culture and maintenance, and may at all times sell them for these purposes, but shall not sell them for food at seasons when their capture is prohibited by law. 366 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 27. Whoever without the permission of the proprietors fishes in that portion of a pond, stream, or other water in which fishes are lawfullj^ cultivated or maintained, shall forfeit not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars for the first oflence, and not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for any subsequent offence. Sect. 28. For the purposes of this chapter, no tidal stream shall be considered navigable above the point where, on the average throughout the year, it has a channel less than fort}' feet wide and four feet deep during the three hours nearest the hour of high tide. Sect. 29. The governor, with the advice and consent of the coun- cil, may, for the purposes of this chapter, arbitraril}' fix and define the tidal bounds and mouths of streams upon recommendation of the commissioners on inland fisheries. i869, 384, § it. Sect. 30. The governor may in like manner limit or prohibit, for a period not exceeding five years at a time, fishing in the navigable tidal waters and in the unnavigable waters of specified streams, except in such portions as ma}- be enclosed according to provisions of section twenty-fiA'e ; and whoever fishes in streams where the right of fishing is thus limited or prohibited shall forfeit for the first off'ence ten dol- lars, and for every subsequent offence fifty dollars, and shall in addi- tion forfeit all fish taken and apparatus used. Sect. 31. The owner of an unnavigable tidal stream, where the same empties into salt water, and in which fishes are lawfully culti- vated or maintained, shall have the control of the fishery thereof within his own premises, and also be3'oud and around the mouth of the stream so far as the tide ebbs, provided it does not ebb more than eight}' rods ; and whoever fishes within these limits without permission of such owner shall forfeit not less than one dollar nor more than twent}^ dollars for the first offence, and not less than five nor more than fift}' dollars for any subsequent offence ; and shall in addition forfeit any boat and apparatus used in such illegal fishing. Sect. 32. Whoever takes or aids in taking from the Connecticut River or its tributaries any shad or alewives between the first da}' of July and the fifteenth day of March shall forfeit one hundred dollars for each offence. Sect. 33. Whoever takes any shad or alewives in any part of the Mei'rimack River or any tributary thereof, except between sunrise on Monday morning and sunrise on Friday morning, from the first day of March to the thirty-first day of May, shall forfeit for each alewife 80 taken not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars, and for each shad so taken not less than five nor more than twenty dollars. 1882,166; 1884,317. INLAND FISHERIES. 367 Sect. 34. Whoever takes any fish within two hundred yards of an}' fishwa}' on the Connecticut River or its tributaries, or trespasses within the limits of such fishway, shall forfeit fifty dollars for each offence. And whoever takes any fish beyond two hundred and within four hundred 3'ards of an}- such fishwa}-, in any other manner than by artificial!}' or naturall}' baited hook and line, shall forfeit twent3'-flve dollars for each fish so taken. Sect, 35. Whoever takes any fish within four hundred yards of any fishway on the Merrimack River, or trespasses within the limits of such fishwa}', shall forfeit fifty dollars for each offence. Sect. 36. Whoever from the first day of June to the last day of February inclusive uses a net of any description in the waters of the Merrimack River or any tributary thereof shall forfeit twenty-five dollars for each offence. isss, si. Sect. 37. Whoever uses a gill-net of any description in the waters of the Connecticut or Merrimack River or an}' tributary thereof shall forfeit twenty-five dollars for each offence. i874, U4, §4. Sect. 38. Whoever takes any fish in violation of section thirty- three, thirty-four, or thirty-seven, shall, in addition to the penalties therein prescribed, forfeit any boat and apparatus used. Sect. 39. Whoever uses in the Connecticut, Westfield, Deerfield, Miller's, Merrimack, Nashua, or Housatonic River, or any tributary thereof, a sweep-seine having a mesh which stretches less than five inches, shall forfeit twenty-five dollars for the first offence, and fifty dollars for every subsequent offence ; and in addition shall forfeit all fish taken and apparatus used. Sect. 40. Whoever between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of July sets or uses, or aids in setting or using, in the Con- necticut River, a pound, weir, or set net the meshes whereof are less than two inches in extent, or at any time between sunset on Satur- day evening and sunrise on Monday morning sets or draws, or aids in setting or drawing, a seine for the purpose of taking fish in said river, and any person owning or controlling in whole or in part a pound, weir, or set net of any description, placed in said river, who between sunset and sunrise as aforesaid fails to keep the same open and free for the passage of fish, in such manner as to satisfy the com- missioners of inland fisheries, shall forfeit to the treasurer of the commonwealth four hundred dollars for each offence ; and, in addi- tion, such pounds, weirs, and set nets shall be forfeited. Sect. 41. Whoever uses a sweep-seine or combination of sweep- seines in such a manner as at any moment to close or seriously ob- struct more than two-thirds of the width of a stream at the place where it is used, or delays or stops in paying out or hauling a sweep-seine, or hauls a sweep-seine within one-half mile of a point 368 LAWS KELATING TO where such seine has been hauled within an hour, shall forfeit twenty- five dollars for the first offence, and fifty dollars for any subsequent offence, and in addition shall forfeit all fish taken and apparatus used ; but this section shall not appl}- to seines used in the smelt fisheries, or to the fisheries for shad or alewives in the Taunton Great River. i884, 199. Sect. 42. The mayor and aldermen of cities and the selectmen of towns bordering on the Connecticut or Merrimack River shall appoint and fix the compensation of one or more suitable persons as fish-wardens within their respective cities and towns, who shall, respectively, make complaint of all offences under sections thirty- two, thirty-five, and forty. Sect. 43. A city or town whose mayor and aldermen or selectmen neglect to appoint and fix the compensation of one or more such fish- wardens shall forfeit not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. Sect. 44. Whoever puts or throws into any waters for the pur- pose of taking or destroying fish therein any Indian berry or Indian cockle or other poisonous substance, whether the same is mixed with anj' other substance or not, shall forfeit ten dollars for every such offence. Sect. 45. Whoever takes a salmon before the second day of April in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two shall be punished for each offence by fine of not less than fift}^ nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of correction for not less than two nor more than six months ; but a person catching a salmon when lawfully fishing, and immediately returning it alive to the waters from which it was taken, shall not be subject to such penalty. Sect. 46. Except as provided in the last clause of the preceding section, whoever takes a salmon at any time after the time limited in the preceding section otherwise than with naturally or artificially baited hook and hand-line shall be punished by fine of not less than fifty nor more two hundred dollars for each fish so taken. Sect. 47. Whoever at any time after the first day of April in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two takes a salmon between the first day of August and the first day of May, and whoever at any time buys, sells, or has in his possession a salmon taken in this com- monwealth between the first day of August and the first da^^ of Ma}', shall forfeit for each offence not less than ten nor more than fifty dol- lars ; and whoever at any time buys, sells, or has in his possession a young salmon less than one foot in length shall forfeit five dollars for every such salmon. Sect. 48. Wlioever takes any fish which at any season frequent fresh water, except eels and pickerel, and except as otherwise allowed INLAND FISHERIES. 369 in this chapter, in an}' other manner than by artificially or naturally baited hook and hand-line, hand or dip net, sweep-seine, or salmon- pot, shall forfeit not less than five nor more than fifty dollars : pro- vided^ however, that towns may permit the use of set nets for taking herring and alewives. Sect. 49. If a minor takes a trout in any other manner than by hook and line, his guardian shall be liable to a forfeiture of one dollar for each-trout so taken ; but this section shall not extend to anj^town unless section two of chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes or this section has been adopted thereby. Sect. 50. All prosecutions under the preceding section shall be instituted within thirty days from the commission of the oflTence. Sect. 51. Whoever takes a trout, land-locked salmon, or lake trout between the first day of October and the first day of April, or buys such fish taken in this commonwealth between said dates, or takes a trout, land-locked salmon, or lake trout with a net or salmon- pot at an}' season of the year, shall forfeit not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each fish so taken. * i8S4, i7i. Sect. 52. Whoever at any time obstructs with a salmon-pot more than ouQ-half of a waterfall, channel, or rapid, or sets, uses, or main-* tains a salmon-pot the diameter of which is more than two feet, or who, when the taking of salmon is forbidden by law, sets, uses, or maintains any salmon-pot whatever, shall forfeit ten dollars for the first off"ence, and twenty dollars for every subsequent offence ; and in addition shall forfeit all fish taken and the salmon-pot used. i884, i7i. Sect. 53. Whoever sells, or offers or exposes for sale, or has in his possession, a trout, land-locked salmon, or lake trout, except alive, between the first day of October and the first da}' of April, shall forfeit for every such fish taken in this commonwealth between said dates ten dollars ; and the possession of any such fish between said dates shall be prima facie evidence to convict. i884, in. Sect. 54. The mayor and aldermen of evei'y city, the selectmen of every town, and all police officers and constables, shall cause the provisions of the preceding section to be enforced in their respective cities and towns ; and all forfeitures and penalties for violations thereof shall be paid one -half to the person making the com- plaint and one-half to the city or town in which the offence was committed . Sect. 55. Whoever takes shad or alewives, except in the Con- necticut, Taunton Great, Nemasket, and Merrimack Rivers, and their tributaries, in any other manner than by naturally or artificially baited hook and hand-line, on any day of the week but Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, and whoever takes shad except in the Connecticut River, or alewives, between the fifteenth day of June 370 LAWS RELATING TO and the first day of March, shall forfeit for each shad five dollars, and for each alewife twent^'-five cents. Sect. 56. Whoever takes a black bass between the first da}' of December and the first day of July, or at any time except with natu- rally' or artiflciaily baited liook and hand-line, or buys, sells, or has in possession any such fish taken in this commonwealth between said dates, or otherwise than as allowed in this chapter, shall forfeit for each offence not less than two nor more than twenty dollars : provided, however, that this limitation of time shall not be applicable to the Connecticut River or its tributaries. Sect, 57. Whoever sells or offers or exposes for sale or has in his possession a smelt between the fifteenth day of March and the first day of June shall forfeit one dollar for every such smelt taken in this commonwealth between said dates ; and the possession of an}' smelt between said dates shall be prima facie evidence to convict. Sect. 58. Whoever takes a smelt in any other manner than b}' artificially or naturally baited hook and hand-line shall forfeit one dollar for each smelt so taken ; and in all prosecutions under this section the burden of proof shall be upon the defendant to show that smelt or smelts taken by him, the catching of which is complained of, were legally caught. Sect. 59. The two preceding sections shall not apply to smelts taken in a seine or net, in the counties of Bristol, Barnstable, or . Dukes County, during the time and in the manner in which fishing is allowed for perch, herring, or alewives. Sect. 60. The mayor and aldermen of every cit3\ the selectmen of ever}' town, and all police oflflcers and constables, shall cause the provisions of sections fifty-seven and fifty-eight to be enforced in their respective cities and towns ; and all forfeitures and penalties for violations thereof shall be paid one-half to the person making the complaint and one-half to the city or town in virhich the offence was committed. Sect. 61. Whoever takes any fish in violation of sections twenty- seven, thirty, forty-seven, forty-eight, fifty-one, fifty-five, fifty-six, and efty-eight, shall in addition to the penalties therein provided forfeit the boat and apparatus used. Sect. 62. Every superintendent, clerk, or other person, having charge of a market, provision store, or other place where fish are sold, and having reasonable cause to believe that any fish taken in viola- tion of law has been offered for sale on such premises,' shall immedi- ately give information thereof to a constable or trial justice in the city or town where said premises are situated ; and for each neglect so to do shall be punished by fine of not leas than five nor more than fiftv dollars. INLAND FISHERIES. 371 Sect. 63. A cit}' or town may open ditches, sluiceways, or canals, into an}' pond within its limits, for the introduction and propagati-m of herrings or alewives. and for the creation of fisheries for the same ; and the land for opening such ditches, sluiceways, or canals within such cit}' or town ma^' be taken according to the provisions of the statutes which regulate and limit the taking of land for highways. Sect. 64. A city or town creating such fishery shall own the same, and may make an}^ pi'oper regulations concerning it, and may lease it for a period not exceeding five years, upon such terms as may be agreed upon. And a town may lease for a like period, and upon like terms, any fishery now owned by it, or any public fishery which has heretofore been i-egulated and controlled by such town. Sect. 65. Whoever takes, kills, or hauls on shore any herrings or alewives in a fishery created by a city or town, without the permission of such city or town or of its lessees, or in a fishery created by a corporation without the permission of such corporation, shall forfeit not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. Sect. 66. All prosecutions under the preceding section shall be instituted within thirty days from the commission of the oflence. Sect. 67. Nothing contained in the four preceding sections shall be held to impair the rights of any person under any law passed before the twenty-fifth day of April in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, or to deprive any person of any right under any contract then existing, or to authorize a city or town to enter upon or build canals or sluiceways into a pond which is the private property of an individual or corporation. Sect. 68. The mayor and aldermen of cities and the selectmen of towns, when so instructed bj' their cities and towns, may control and regulate the taking of eels, clams, quahaugs, and scallops within the same, including ponds which are now or may hereafter be leased by the commissioners ; and may grant permits prescribing the times and methods of taking eels and the shell-fish above named within such cities and towns, and make such other regulations in regard to said fisheries as they may deem expedient. But any inhabitant of the commonwealth, without such permit, may take, from the waters of his own or any other city or town, eels and the shell-fish above named for his own family use ; and may take from the waters of his own city or town any of the shell-fish above named for bait, not exceeding three bushels, including shells, in any one day, but subject nevertheless to the general rules prescribed by the mayor and aider- men and selectmen respectively as to the times and methods of taking such fish. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as allowing the taking of any kind of fish in violation of section thirty-four or thirty-five. 372 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 69. Whoever takes any eels or an}' of said shell-fish without such permit, and in violation of the preceding section, shall forfeit not less than three nor more than fifty dollars. Sect. 70. The mayor and aldermen of a city and the selectmen of a town Ijdng upon tide water ma}' authorize in writing any person to construct fish-weirs in said waters within the limits of such city or town for a term not exceeding five years : provided^ such weirs cause no obstruction to navigation, and do not encroach on the rights of other persons. Sect. 71. Whoever wilfully destroys or injures any such weir, or takes fish therefrom without leave of the owner, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, to the use of the owner ; and shall, moreover, be liable to the party injured in an action at law. Sect. 72. Whoever constructs or maintains a fish-weir in tide- water without the authority mentioned in section seventy, or from an island in tide-water without authority in writing from the mayor and aldermen of every city and the selectmen of every town distant not over two miles from said island, shall forfeit ten dollars for each day he maintains such weir, to the use of any cities or towns from the mayor and aldermen or selectmen of which he ought to have obtained the authority aforesaid ; and he shall also be liable to be indicted therefor, and to be enjoined therefrom. Sect. 73. The owner of every pound, weir, or other similar fixed contrivance, and of every fishing pier, seine, drag or gill net used for fishing purposes, shall make written report, under oath, to the com- missioners, on or before the twentieth day of October in each year, specifying the number of each kind of edible fish caught by his pound, weir, or other similar fixed contrivance, pier, seine, drag or gill net, during the year next preceding the date of said report. Sect. 74. The commissioners shall furnish to each owner of a pound, weir, or similar fixed contrivance, pier, seine, drag or gill net, on or before the fifteenth day of March in each year, suitable blank forms for the reports required by the preceding section, so arranged that each day's catch may be separately recorded thereon ; and in filling out such reports, such owner shall give the results of each day's fishing, so far as practicable. Such owner shall apply to the commissioners for such blank forms. Sect. 75. Whoever knowingly and wilfully violates any of the provisions of the two preceding sections shall be punished by fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. Sect. 76. From the first day of May to the fifteenth day of June, no person shall set, or permit to remain set, a fish pound, weir, trap, fyke, or other similar fixed apparatus for catching fish, except gill nets, between the hours of six o'clock on Saturday morning and six INLAND FISHERIES. 373 o'clock on Sunday evening, so as to catch fish in the tidal waters of the counties of Dukes Count}' or Bristol, of the towns of Mattapoisett, Marion, or Wareham, of the westerly boundaries of Sandwich and Falmouth at and near Buzzard's Bay, or of that portion of the south- erly boundary of the county of Barnstable extending from the south- westerly corner of the town of Falmouth easterly to Point Gammon in the town of Yarmouth. Sect. 77. Whoever violates any of the provisions of the preceding section shall be punished by fine of not less than one hundred nor more than two hundred dollars. Sect. 78. All prosecutions under section seventy-six shall be commenced within three months after the commission of the oflTence. Sect. 79. Whoever draws, sets, stretches, or uses a drag net, set net, purse, or seine, or constructs, maintains, or uses a fish pound, weir, or yard in the waters of Buzzard's Bay northerly of or within a straight line extended from the entrance to the harbor in West Fal- mouth to Bird Island light, thence in a straight line to Great Neck Point on the Marion shore, or in any bay, cove, inlet, or stream bor- dering on or flowing into said waters within said limits, or from the twenty-fifth day of March to the fifteenth day of May, in the waters north-westerly of or within a straight line extending from Angelica Point in Mattapoisett to the central point of Ram Island, and thence west in a straight line to the westerly town line of Mattapoisett, or aids in doing so, shall forfeit not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, to the use of any person suing therefor in an action of tort ; and shall also be punished by imprisonment in the house of correction not exceeding sixty days, or by fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, one-half of which shall be paid to the person making the complaint, and the other half to the county within which the offence was committed ; and in addition shall forfeit to the commonwealth all fish taken, and the boat, seine, and other apparatus used. isse, 192. Sect. 80. Nets and seines in use, set or stretched and holding fish, in violation of the preceding section, are declared to be common nuisances. Sect. 81. Whoever from the twentieth day of June to the twen- tieth day of September takes a lobster shall be punished for each of- fence by fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of cori'ection for not less than one nor more than three months ; but a person catching a lobster when lawfull}^ fishing, and immediately returning it alive to the waters from which it was taken, shall not be subject to such penalty. 1882, 98. Sect. 82. AVhoever from the twentieth day of June to the twen- tieth day of September buys, sells, or has in his possession a lobster 374 LAWS RELATING TO taken in this commonwealth, shall forfeit for each offence not less than ten nor more than Mij dollars. 1882, 98. Sect. 83. The mayor and aldermen of ever}- cit}-, the selectmen of every town, and all police officers and constables, shall cause the provisions of the two preceding sections to be enforced in their re- spective cities and towns. Sect. 84. Whoever sells or offers for sale, or has in his posses- sion with intent to sell, either directh* or indirectly, a lobster less than ten and one-half inches in length, measuring from one extreme of the bo'ly extended to the other, exclusive of claws or feelers, shall for- feit five dollars for every such lobster ; and in all prosecutions under this section the possession of any lobster not of the required length shall be prima facie evidence to convict. i884, 212. Sect. 85. All forfeitures under the four preceding sections shall be paid, one-half to the person making the complaint, and one-half to the city or town where the offence was committed. Sect. 86. No person living without this state shall take any lob- sters, tautog, bass, or other fish within the harbors, streams, or waters of Fairhaven, New Bedford, Dartmouth, or Westport, for the purpose of carrying them thence in vessels or smacks of any size whatever owned without this state, nor in any of more than fifteen tons burden owned within this state, under a penalty of ten dollars for every offence, and a forfeiture of all fish and lobsters so taken. Sect. 87. For the purposes of the preceding section, the waters and shores of the places therein mentioned shall be deemed to extend from the line of the state of Rhode Island to the line of the county of Plymouth, and to include all the waters, islands, and rocks lying within one mile of the main land. Sect. 88. If, within the harbors, streams, or waters of any place on the sea-coast which adopts this section, or has adopted the corre- sponding sections of earlier statutes, any person living without the state takes, for the purpose of carrying thence, any lobsters, tautog, bass, blue fish, or scuppaug, or if any person living within this state takes and carries away from such place any such fish or lobsters in vessels or smacks of more than fifteen tons burden, he shall forfeit for each offence a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, and all the fish and lobsters so taken. Sect. 89. No person shall take lobsters within the waters and shores of the town of Provincetown for the purpose of carrying them from said waters in a vessel or smack of more than fifteen tons bur- den, or for the purpose of putting the same on board of such vessel or smack to be transported to any place, unless a permit is first ob- tained therefor from the selectmen of said town, who may grant the INLAND FISHERIES. 375 same for such sum, to be paid to the use of the town, as they shall deem proper. Sect. 90. Whoever violates the provisions of the preceding sec- tion shall forfeit ten dollars for each offence ; and if the number of lobsters so unlawfully taken or found on board of any such vessel or smack exceeds one hundred, he shall in addition forfeit a further sum of ten dollars for ever}' hundred lobsters so taken or found over the first hundred, and in that proportion for any smaller number. Sect. 91. For the purposes of the two preceding sections, the waters and shores of Provincetown shall be deemed to be as follows : namely, beginning at Race Point, one-half mile from the shore, and thence running by said shore to the end of Long Point which forms the harbor of Provincetown, and from the end of Long Point one- half mile and including the harbor within the town of Provincetown. Sect. 92. Whoever between the first day of April and the first day of July inclusive takes more than one hundred pounds per week of lobsters, tautog, bass or scuppaug in the bays, harbors, ponds, rivers, or creeks of the waters of Buzzard's Bay, within one mile from the shore and within the jurisdiction of the towns of Sandwich and Wareham, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, to be recovered in an action of tort b}' the selectmen or any legal voter of Sandwich or Wareham, for the use of the party suing therefor. Sect. 93. Whoever takes oysters from their beds, or destroys them, or wilfully obstructs their growth therein, except as is provided in the following sections, shall forfeit two dollars for every bushel of oysters, including the shells, so taken or destroyed. Sect. 94. The mayor and aldermen of a city or selectmen of a town in which there are oystei*-beds may grant a permit in writing to any person to take oysters from their beds at such times, in such quantities, and for such uses, as the}' shall express in their permit ; and every inhabitant of such city or town may, without such permit, take oysters from the beds therein for the use of his family, from the first day of September to the first day of June, not exceeding in any week two bushels, including the shells. Sect. 95. Whoever takes any other shell-fish from their beds, or destroj's them, or wilfully obstructs their growth therein, except as is hereinafter provided, shall forfeit one dollar for every bushel of such other shell-fish, including the shells. But the major and aldermen of a cit}' or selectmen of a town may at any time give a permit in writ- ing to any person to take such other shell-fish from their beds therein, at such times, in such quantities, and for such uses, as they shall ex- press in their permit ; and every inhabitant of each of said places may, without such permit, take such other shell-fish from the beds therein for the use of his family. 376 LAWS EELATING TO Sect. 96. Nothing contained in the three preceding sections shall be construed to deprive native Indians of the privilege of digging shell-fish for their own consumption, or to prevent a fisherman, who is an inhabitant of this state, from taking any quantity of shell-fish which he may want for bait, not exceeding at any one time se\'en bushels, including the shells. Sect. 97. The mayor and aldermen of a city or selectmen of a town may, by writing under their hands, grant a license for a term not exceeding twenty' years to an}' inhabitant thereof, to plant, grow, and dig oysters at all times of the 3'ear, upon and in any flats and creeks therein, at any place where there is no natural oyster-bed ; not, however, impairing the private rights of an}' person, nor materially obstructing the navigable waters of any creek or bay. i884, 284. Sect. 98. Such license shall describe by metes and bounds the flats and creeks so appropriated, and shall be recorded by the city or town clerk before it shall have any force ; and the person licensed shall pa}^ to the maj^or and aldermen or selectmen, for their use, two dollars, and to the clerk fift}' cents. i884, 284. Sect. 99. The person so licensed, his heirs and assigns, shall for the purposes aforesaid haA'e the exclusive use of the flats and creeks described in the license, during the time therein specified ; and may in an action of tort recover treble damages of any person who, with- out his or their consent, digs or takes 03'sters from such flats or creeks during the continuance of the license ; and whoever digs or takes oys- ters therefrom without such consent shall also forfeit twenty dollars for each offence. 1884, 284. Sect. 100. No person shall dig, take, or carry awa}' any oysters between sunset and sunrise, by any method whatever, from stny flats or creeks for which a license has been granted under the provisions of section ninety-seven. A person holding such license, who violates the provisions of this section, shall, in addition to the penalties here- inafter provided, forfeit his license, and shall also forfeit to the town or cit}^ granting the same the oysters remaining on the premises licensed. i884, 284. Sect. 101. Any person who violates an}- of the provisions of the preceding section, or who digs or takes an}^ oysters from anj'^ flats or creeks described in an}- license granted under the provisions of section ninety-seven, during the continuance of such license, without the consent of the person so licensed, shall be punished by fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the house of correction for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. One-half of the fine shall be paid to the complainant, and the other half to the county within ;which the offence was committed. 1884, 284. INLAND FISHERIES. 377 Sect. 10*2. No person shall take from the towns of Chatham, Nantucket, Barnstable, or Mashpee, any shell-fish for bait or other use, except clams and a shell-fish commouh' known b}' the name of horsefeet ; and no quantity exceeding seven bushels of clams, includ- ing the shells, or one hundred horsefeet, shall be taken in one week for each vessel or craft, nor in any case without a permit being first obtained from the selectmen of the town. Sect. 103. Except when otherwise specially" provided, actions and prosecutions under the laws relating to inland fisheries shall not be commenced except within one year from the time when the cause of action accrued or the offence was committed. Sect. 104. Except when otherwise specially provided, one-half of the money recovered as a penalty in any case arising under the laws relating to inland fisheries shall be paid to the person making the complaint in the case in which the same is recovered, and the re- mainder to the commonwealth. Sect. 105. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to repeal or affect any provisions or penalties contained or any privi- leges granted in any special statutes relating to fisheries in particular places. KELP AND seaweed. Sect, 106. An}' person maj' take and carry awa}- kelp or other seaweed between high and low water mark, whilst the same is actualh^ adrift in tide-waters ; but for such purpose no person shall enter on upland or on lawfully enclosed flats without the consent of the owner or lawful occupant thereof. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any city or town in which the subject is regulated b}" special act of the legislature. 1882. An Act for the protection of Traps, Trawls and Seines. 1882, 53. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Any person who shall take any fish or lobster from any trap, trawl or seine set for catching fish or lobsters, except by consent of the owner thereof, and any person who shall wilfully molest or interfere with such trap, ti'awl or seine, shall for the first offence be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment for thirty days, or by both fine and imprisonment ; and for any subse- quent oflTence by a fine of not less than twenty nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment for sixty days, or both fine and imprison- ment. Sect. 2. This act shall take eflfect forty daj's after its passage. — [March 11, 1882. 378 LAWS RELATING TO A.v Act for the protection of Striped Bass and Bluefish in the waters of Edgartown. 1882, 65. Be it enacted, etc., as foUoivs: Sect. 1. Whoever at any season of the j'ear shall set, stretch or draw any seine or net of anj' kind in any of the waters of the town of Edgartown, excepting the Oyster Pond, the Great Pond, and Job's Neck Pond, for the pur- pose of taking or catching striped bass or bluefish, shall forfeit the sum of one hundred dollars for each offence. Sect. 2. Whoever shall take or catch at any season of the year in any of the waters of the town of Edgartown, excepting the ponds named in the preceding section, any striped bass or bluefish, by means of anj- seine or net of any kind, shall forfeit one dollar for each and every fish so taken or caught. Sect. 3. One-half of the money recovered in an}- case arising under this act shall be paid to the person making the complaint and the remainder to the Commonwealth. Sect. 4. This act shall take eflfect upon its passage. — [March 11, 1882. [Repealed, 1885, 247.] [P. S. 91, §§ 81, 82.] An Act to provide for the preservation of Lobsters. 1882,98. Beit enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section eighty- one of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes is hereby amended to read as follows : — "Section 81. Whoever during the mouth of July in any year catches or takes from any of the waters of this Commonwealth anv female lobster beai'ing eggs, shall be punished for each offence by a fine of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of correction for not less than one nor more than three months ; but a person catching or taking an3' such lobster during said month of Juh", and immediately returning it aliA^e to the waters from which it was taken, shall not be subject to such penalty." Sect. 2. Section eighty-two of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes is hereby amended to read as follows : — " Section 82. Whoever during the month of July in anj' year sells or has in his possession with intent to sell, any female lobster bearing eggs, taken in this Commonwealth, shall forfeit for each offence a sum not less than ten nor more than fift}^ dollars." Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 21, 1882. [1885, 256.] INLAND FISHERIES. 379 An Act concerning the Fisheries in Great Pond and Job's Neck Pond in the town of Edgartown. 1882, 102. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The lessees holding from the commissioners on inland fisheries a lease of Great Pond and Job's Neck Pond, in the town of Edgartown, may take smelts and alewives from said ponds and from the ditches connecting them with each other and with the ocean, at all seasons of the year and without restrictions as to days. Sect. 2. Whoever other than said lessees takes an}' fish, except eels, from either of said ponds or ditches, without the permission in writing of said lessees first obtained, shall forfeit one dollar for each fish so taken, and shall also forfeit any boat, net, line, rod or other apparatus used in such taking in accordance with the provisions of chapter one hundred and ninety-four of the Public Statutes. — [March 21, 1882. [1884,245.] . An Act to incorporate the Dennis and Yarmouth Improvement Company. 1882,122. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: * * * * Sect. 5. Said corporation shall have the exclusive right to con- duct the fisheries at and about said dam and sluice-way, and ma}- introduce and propagate any kind of fish. — [March 28, 1882. An Act relative to the Fisheries in Granite or Goose Cove Pond in the city of Gloucester. 1882, 160. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. David Bab- son of Rockport shall have the exclusive right in Granite or Goose Cove Pond in the city of Gloucester for the purpose of cultivating lobsters and other useful fish until the first day of September in the year eighteen hundred and eight^'-three. Sect. 2. This act shall take eff'ect upon its passage. — [April 15, 1882. [Sp. Laws, vol 1, p. 272.] An Act relative to Fishing in the Merrimack River. 1882, 166. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The penal- ties provided by chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes relative to fishing in the Merrimack River shall not apply to or be in force against any person drawing a net or seine after the twentieth day of June in each 3'ear at any point below the Essex Merrimack Bridge in said river, unless such person shall take salmon or shad, nor shall a person taking a salmon or shad while thus lawfully fishing and imme- diatel}' returning it alive to the waters from which it was taken be liable to any of the aforesaid penalties. Sect. 2. No penalty- shall be incurred b}' anj- one taking sturgeon 380 LAWS RELATING TO in the tidal waters of the Merrimack River : provided., that no net or 8eine having a mesh which stretches less than twelve inches shall be used in taking the same. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 19, 1882. [1884, 317.] [1869, 172.] An Act to regulate the Herring and Shad Fishery in Cole's River and its tributaries, and in Milford Pond, in the county of Bristol. 1882, 189. Be it enacted., etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The town of Swanzey is authorized to create herring and shad fisheries in Cole's River and its tributaries, and in Milford Pond, so called, in the count}' of Bristol ; and the right to take herring or shad from said river or its tributaries, or from said pond, is suspended for the period of three yestrs next ensuing after the passage of this act ; and no net, seine or weir shall be set therein during said period except as herein- after provided. The fish wardens chosen as provided by section three of this act may, however, take or cause to be taken from said river or its tributaries, or from said pond, at an}' time after the passage of this act, such herring or shad as may be required for the purpose of stocking said pond or any of the tributaries of said river. Sect. 2. The town of Swanzej^ may sell at public auction, atr a legal town meeting to be held in March in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-five, two privileges to take herring and shad from Cole's River from the first day of April to the first day of July in each year, for a period not exceeding five years, as hereinafter provided, at such places on said river as shall be designated by such fish wardens. The purchaser or purchasers of such privileges may take herring and shad with one seine, at the places so designated, from sunrise on Monday until sunset on Wednesday in each week during such period ; but no herring or shad shall be taken in any manner from said waters after the first day of July in each year. Sect. 3. The town of Swanzey, at its annual meeting in March in each year, may choose two or more suitable persons as fish wardens, who shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, and shall cause this act to be enforced and shall prosecute all violations of its terms. The fish wardens so chosen shall prevent and remove all un- lawful obstructions in the course of said river or its tributaries to the passing up and down of the said fish from the first da}- of April to the first day of Jul}' in each year ; and may, for the purposes of this act, go upon and pass over the land of any person through or by which said river or any tributary thereof runs, or which borders upon said pond, without being considered trespassers : provided, that any per- son sustaining damage in his property may have the same assessed in INLAND FISHERIES. 381 the manner provided when land is taken for highways. Whoever wilfulh- hinders or molests any such fish warden, or any person authorized by such fish wardens, in the necessary clearing of said river or its tributaries, and in the necessary and proper use of lands on said river or its tributaries, or said pond, for creating and protect- ing the said fishery, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered in the manner provided in section four of this act. Sect. 4. If any person other than those who have purchased such privilege as aforesaid fishes with a seine or net at any time or in any manner, or sets an}^ net, seine, weir, or other obstructions in any part of said river or its tributaries, or of said pond, with intent to take or destroy any shad or herring, he shall forfeit and pay twenty dollars for each offence, to be recovered on complaint, one-half to the use of said town of Swanzey and one-half to the use of the person who shall give information leading to the prosecution and conviction of such offender ; and all seines, nets or weirs so used or set shall be for- feited to the person who shall give such information. Sect. 5. All laws relating to fishing in Cole's River are repealed. — [April 29, 1882. 1883. [P. S. 91, §§ 36 -39.] An Act relative to Fishing in the Merrimack River. 1883, 31. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: For the purpose of taking fish called "shiners" for bait, any person may draw a net or seine during the months of November and December at any point in the Merrimack River, except within four hundred yards of any fish- way : provided, that all other fish so caught are immediately returned to the waters from which they were taken ; and the penalties provided for in sections thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight and thirty-nine of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes shall not apply to the taking offish as herein provided. — [March 6, 1883. [1872,229; 1876, 103; 1881,44.] An Act in addition to An Act to regulate the taking of Fish in North River in the county of Plymouth. 1883,76. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios: Sect. 1. Whoever sets a seine or casts a mesh net in the North River in Plymouth County, or whoever by seine or mesh net takes any fish from said North River, ex- cept such persons as have authority so to do under chapter forty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-one, shall be punished for each offence by a fine not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of correction not less than one nor more than three months. 382 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 2. Section four of chapter fourty-four of the acts of tlie j-ear eighteen hundred and eighty-one is hereby amended by inserting after the word " fish," in the second line, the words " from two o'clock in the morning until sunset." — [March 24, 1883. [1884, 199 ; 1886, 163.] An Act to authorize the Commissioners on Inland Fisheries to issue permits for Fishing in the Merrimack River. 1883, 121. Be it enacted, etc.. as follows : Sect. 1. The com- missioners on inland fisheries may issue permits for the taking of any variety of fish in the tidal waters of the Merrimack River and its tributaries, the taking of which is now in any way prohibited by law. Such permits shall be revocable at the discretion of said commis- sioners, and no fee or consideration shall be charged for the issuing of the same. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 11, 1883. An Act to regulate the taking of Fish in Acushnet River in the town of Acushnet. 1883, 180. Be it enacted etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The town of Acushnet may at anj' legal meeting called for that purpose make regu- lations, not inconsistent with the provisions of the laws of the Com- monwealth, concerning the taking of herrings, alewives and shad within said town, or concerning the disposal of the privilege of taking the same for its own use and benefit. Sect. 2. Said town maj-, at its annual meeting in April in the year eighteen hundred and eighth-three, and in each year thereafter, choose three discreet persons by ballot whose dutj- it shall be to inspect said river, to cause the regulations respecting said fishery to be carried into effect and to prosecute all violations thereof. Sect. 3. Whoever takes from said river any of said fish in viola- tion of said regulations shall forfeit for each fish so taken not more than ten dollars nor less than one dollar, one half of all such forfeit- ures shall enure to the complainant and one half to said town. Sect. 4. The powers and duties granted by this chapter, shall be subject in all respects to the rights heretofore granted to the city of New Bedford under chapter one hundred and sixty-three of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and nothing contained in this act shall in an}' way be construed as permitting or authorizing any interference with the water suppl}- of said city, or authorizing anj- control in or in an}' way applying to the storing reservoir of said city or any works connected with its water supply, nor shall an}^ such fishery be permitted to be operated in said reservoir or in any portion of said water supply. INLAND FISHERIES. 383 Sect. 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [Ma}' IG, 1883. 1884. [1856,211.] Ax Act tn dissolve the Farm Pond Fishing Companj' in Edgartown. 1884, 156. Be it enacted, etc., as folloios: Sect. 1. The Farm Pond Fishing Company in Edgartown, incorporated by chapter two hundred and eleven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred fifty-six, is hereby dissolved. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 16, 1884. [P. S. 91, §^ 51, 53.] An Act to limit the time within which Trout, Land-locked Salmon, and Lake Trout may be taken. 1884, 171. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. The time within which any person is forbidden to take, sell, offer or expose for sale or to have in his possession a trout, land-locked salmon, or lake trout, bj' sections fifty-one and fifty-three of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes, shall be between the first day of September and the first day of April. Sect. 2. So much of said sections fifty-one and fifty-three as is inconsistent with this act is hereby repealed. — [April 19, 1884. [1872, 229.] Ax Act in addition to an act to regulate the taking of Fish in North River in the county of Plymouth. 1884, 199. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever sets a seine or combination of seines over three hundred and eighty- five feet in length, or casts a mesh net over three hundred and fifty feet in length, in the North River in the count}- of Plymouth, shall for each offence be punished by fine not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of correc- tion not less than one nor more than three months. Sect. 2. Section forty-one of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes shall not apply to the fisheries in said North River. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April 30, 1884. [1882, 102.] An Act concerning the Fisheries in waters of the county of Dukes County. 1884, 245. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Section one of chapter one hundred and two of the acts of the year eighteen hun- dred and eighty-two is amended to read as follows : — Section 1 . The lessees holding from the commissioners on inland fisheries a lease of 384 LAWS DELATING TO any body of water in the county of Dukes County, and all other per- sons having the right to take alewives in any other waters in said county, may take alewives from said waters and from the ditches con- necting them with each other and with the ocean at all seasons of the year and without restrictions as to day. Sect. 2. Section two of said chapter one hundred and two is amended to read as follows : — Section 2. Whoever other than said lessees or any other person duly authorized takes any fish, except eels, from any of said waters or ditches without the permission in writing of said lessees or said person duly authorized first obtained, shall forfeit one dollar for each fish so taken, and shall also forfeit any boat, net, line, rod or other apparatus used in such taking in accord- ance with the provisions of chapter one hundred and ninety-four of the Public Statutes. Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 20, 1884. [1839, 102 ; 1852, 35 ; 1860, 46.] An Act to protect the Fisheries of the towns of Mashpee and Barnstable. 1884,264. Be it enacted, etc. ^ as follows: Sect. 1. No person not an inhabitant of the town of Mashpee shall fish for or take from the waters within said town, except Hamblin's Pond and its outlet, and excepting the trout fishery in Popponessett Bay, south of a line drawn from Gooseberry Island to Mashpee Neck, any fish, shell-fish or eels, without a written permit or lease from the selectmen of said town, stating the time, place, manner and number in which the same may be taken ; nor shall any inhabitant of said town at any one time take more than three bushels of shell-fish for bait, or take any fish, shell-fish or eels for the purpose of selling the same, without a written permit from said selectmen, who may grant the same for such sum, to be paid to the use of said town, as they shall deem proper : provided, Jioivever, that no seining shall be allowed in any of the waters of said town ; but the inhabitants of said town may take such fish, shell-fish and eels for family use without such permit, except from such fish- eries as are lawfully leased by said town to others. Sect. 2. Whoever fishes for, takes or destroys any fish, shell-fish or eels in the waters of said town of Mashpee in vio^tion of the pro- visions of this act, or otherwise than is specified in his permit, and whoever wilfully places any obstruction to, or otherwise interferes with, the free passage of fish or eels in said waters, shall for each offence be subject to a fine of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, and if he have a permit shall forfeit the same ; and all fines under this act shall be paid, one- half to the town of Mashpee and one-half to the complainant. Said I INLAND FISHERIES. 385 fine and forfeiture imposed under this act, may be recovered by com- plaint before an}^ trial justice, or by indictment before any court of competent jurisdiction in Barnstable County. Sect. 3. Any constable or fish warden of said town may, without a warrant, arrest an}' person whom he finds in the act of fishing for, taking or destroying fish, shell-fish or eels, in violation of this act, or in the act of carrying awa}" fish, shell-fish or eels so taken, and detain him in some place of safe keeping until a warrant can be procured against such person upon a complaint for said offences, or either of them : provided^ that such detention shall not exceed twenty-four hours. Sect. 4. Section one of chapter thirty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fiftj'-two is hereby amended so as to read as follows : — No. person shall set, draw or stretch any seine or drag-net in Barnstable Harbor, Osterville Harbor, Popponessett Bay, or an}' of the creeks, ponds or streams within the limits of the town of Barnsta- ble, under a penalty of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered in any court proper to try the same, one-half to the use of said town and the other half to any person who shall prosecute therefor. Sect. 5. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. — [May 24, 1884. [1882, 166.] An Act relative to Fishing in the Merrimac River. 1884, 317. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect, 1. Section one of chapter one hundred and sixty-six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two is hereb}^ amended by inserting after the word " seine " and before the word " after " in the fourth line thereof, the fol- lowing words '"'• with a mesh not less than two and a quarter inches." Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [June 3, 1884. An Act to prevent the use of Nets in Ponds. 1884, 318. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever draws, sets, stretches or uses a drag net, set net, purse net or seine in any pond in the Commonwealth, or aids in so doing, shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than twenty, nor more than fifty dollars, one half of which shall be paid to the person making the complaint, and the other half to the county within which the offence was commit- ted, and in addition shall forfeit to the Commonwealth all fish taken by the above means and the seines, boat and other apparatus used. Sect. 2. Trial justices, police and district courts shall have juris- diction to enforce the penalties provided in section one of this act. 386 LAWS RELATING TO Sect. 3. This act shall not be construed to interfere with the rights of lessees of great ponds in the counties of Barnstable, Dukes County and Nantucket, into which the usual varieties of salt water fish are or ma)' be admitted b}^ natural or artificial inlets and which under existing leases have been seined or which may be leased with permission to seine the same, nor the riparian proprietors of ponds mentioned in section ten of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes, nor with the corporated rights of any fishing compan}'. — [June 3, 1884. [1886, 234.] [P. S. 91, §§ 97-101.] An Act relating to the planting and growing of oysters. 1884, 284. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Sect. 1. The provi- sions of sections ninety-seven, ninety -eight, ninetj'-nine, one hundred and one hundred and one of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes relating to the planting and growing of oysters are hereby extended so as to apply to any waters where there is no natural oyster bed, not however impairing the private rights of an}' person, and not materially obstructing any navigable waters. Sect. 2. Section ninet^'-seven of said chapter ninety-one is hereby amended b}' striking out the word " twenty" in the third line and in- serting in place thereof the word " ten." Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 28, 1884. 1885. [P. S. 91.] An Act relating to the Leasing of Great Ponds. 1885, 109. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. So much of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes, relating to inland fisheries, as authorizes the commissioners on inland fisheries to lease great ponds, is hereby repealed. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [March 27, 1885. An Act to prevent the taking of Blue-fish with nets or seines in the waters of Vineyard Sound opposite to the towns of Yarmouth, Dennis and Harwich. 1885, 193. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1, Whoever takes any blue-fish in the state waters of Vineyard Sound opposite to the towns of Yarmouth, Dennis and Harwich, with nets or seines, shall be punished by a fine often dollars for each offence, one-half of which shall be paid to the person making the complaint and one-half to the county of Barnstable. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect on the first day of July in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-five. — [April 24, 1885. INLAND FISHERIES. 387 An Act confirming the acts of the iSsh committee of the towns of Dennis and Yar- mouth relating to the regulation of the Fisheries in Bass River. 1885, 209, Be it enactedi etc., as foHo>vs : Sect. 1. The acts of the committee of the town of Dennis and the committee of the town of Yarmouth, acting as a fish committee under chapter thirtj'-seven of the acts of the jear one thousand eight hundred and fort)--nine, are hereby made valid and confirmed to the same extent as though the committee of the town of Dennis had been chosen annually instead of for the term of three j'ears, and the said committee as now consti- tuted shall continue to exercise the powers of fish committee under said chapter until their successors are chosen at the next annual town meetings in said respective towns. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 1 , 1885. [P. S. 91, §^ 97-101 ; 1884, 284.] Ax Act relating to licenses to plant, grow and dig Oysters, and to the taking of Scallops. 1885, 220. Be it etiac'ed, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No license shall be granted to plant, grow and dig oysters under sections ninety- seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred and one hundred and one of chapter ninet^'-one of the Public Statutes, and chapter two hundred and eighty-fuur of the acts of the year eighteen hundred eighty-four, without a public hearing upon the matter, due notice of which shall be given in writing, to be posted in three or more public places in the town in which the premises lie, at least seven days be- fore the time fixed for such hearing. Sect. 2. In case any person to whom such license shall be granted fails for two years thereafter to plant and grow 03'sters in the waters described in said license, the same shall be revoked by the officers who granted it, which revocation shall be recorded as provided in said section ninety-eight. Sect. 3. Whoever takes in any one day, between sunrise and sun- set, more than twentj'-five bushels of scallops, including the shells, for each boat actually employed by him in taking the same, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. Sect. 4. Any person who at any time between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of September shall take scallops from any of the waters of the state by dredging, or b}^ nets of any kind, or shall expose any scallops for sale within the state, or shall export the same, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each offence. Sect. 5. Whoever works a dredge, 03'ster tongs or rakes, or any other implement for the taking of shell fish of any description, upon 388 LAWS RELATING TO any oj'ster grounds or beds, other than public grounds or beds, with- out the consent of the licensee, lessee or owner thereof, or who shall, while upon or sailing over any such grounds or beds, cast, haul, or have overboard any such dredge, tongs, rake or other implement for the taking of shell fish of an}' description, under any pretence or for an}' purpose whatever, without the consent of the licensee, lessee or owner, shall for the first offence be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding thirty days, and for every subsequent oflFence shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the house of correction or jail not exceeding six months. Sect. 6. The selectmen of any town or mayor and aldermen of any city may designate one or more constables for the detection and prosecution of any violation of the laws of the state relating to shell fisheries, within their respective jurisdictions. Piach of said consta- bles so designated may without warrant arrest any person found violat- ing any of said laws, and detain him for prosecution not exceeding twenty-four hours, and may seize any boat or vessel used in such vio- lation, together with her tackle, apparel and furniture, with all imple- ments belonging thereto, which shall be forfeited to the use of the town or city in which such seizure is made. — [May 11, 1885. [1857, 87 ; 1862, 47-] An Act to amend the charter of the Lagoon Pond Company in Dukes County. 1885, 245. Be it enacted, etc., as folloivs: Sect. 1. The Lagoon Pond Company in Dukes County, incorporated by chapter eighty- seven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-seven for the purpose of creating a herring and perch fishery, is hereby authorized to use the pond above the dam at Long Point for the purpose of stor- ing therein food fishes. Sect. 2. Said corporation shall during the occupancy of said pond for storing food fishes be required to post notices of the fact of such occupancy on the shores of said pond ; and during such occu, pancy said corporation and its agents shall have the exclusive right to take fish therefrom, except that any person may spear eels or dig clams therefrom. Sect. -3. Whoever without leave from said corporation, during the occupancy of said pond for storing food fishes, takes fish there- from, except as provided in section two of this act, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars. Sect. 4. Trial justices may enforce tlie penalties provided by this act. — [May 21, 1885. INLAND FISHEKIES. 389 [1882, 65.] An Act to repeal An Act for the protection of Striped Bass and Bluefish in the waters of Edgartown. 1885, 247. Be if enacted, etc., as follows : Sect. 1. Chapter sixty- five of the acts of the 3'ear eighteen hundred and eight3--two is hereby repealed and no penalt3' shall hereafter be enforced for its violation. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 22, 1885. [1884, 212.] An Act providing for the enforcement of an Act for the protection of Lobsters. 1885, 256. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. For the pur- pose of enforcing the provisions of chapter two hundred and twelve of the acts of the 3'ear eighteen hundred and eighty-four, relative to the protection of lobsters, either of the commissioners on inland fish- eries, personall}' or by deputy, or any member of the district police detailed by the governor as provided in said chapter, may search in suspected places for, seize and remove, lobsters taken, held or offered for sale in violation of the provisions of said chapter. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [May 22, 1885. 1886. [1872, 229; 1876, 103; 1881, 44; 1883, 76; 1884, 199 ] An Act to regulate the taking of Fish in North River in the County of Plymouth. 1886, 163. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. The board of selectmen of either of the towns mentioned in section four of chapter forty-four of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-one, may, at the request of any purchaser of a right to fish in said river, designate in writing the place where said right shall be exercised on that part of the river lying within the limits of such town ; and who- ever, after notice of such designation, uses any seine or net for taking fish in the waters of said river, within the distance of one-third of a mile below the place so designated, shall be punished as provided in section six of said chapter. Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. — [April, 27, 1886. An Act for the protection of the Fisheries in Buzzard's Bay. 1886, 192. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No person shall draw, set, stretch or use an}^ drag net, set net or gill net, purse or sweep seine of any kind for taking tish anywhere in the waters of Buzzard's Ba}' wit'jin the jurisdiction of this Commonwealth nor in any harbor, cove or bight of said bay except as hereinafter provided . Sect. 2. Any net or seine used in violation of an}' provision of 390 LAWS RELATING TO this act, together with any boat, craft or fishing apparatus employed in such illegal use, and all fish found therewith, shall be forfeited ; and it shall be lawful for any inhabitant or inhabitants of any town bordering on said bay to seize and detain, not exceeding forty-eight hours, any net or seine found in use contrary to the provisions of this act, and any boat, craft, fishing apparatus and fish found therewith, to the end that the same may be seized and libelled if need be by due process of law. Sect. 3. All nets and seines in actual use set or stretched in the waters aforesaid in violation of this act are declared to be common nuisances. Sect. 4. Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to in- terfere with the corporate rights of any fishing company located on said bay nor in any way to affect the fish weirs mentioned in section seventy of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes, nor the use of nets or seines in lawful fisheries for shad or alewives in influent streams of said bay, nor the use of the set nets or gill nets in the waters of the town of Fairhaven within a line drawn from Cotnmorant rock southwesterly to the buoy on West island rips and from thence westerly in a straight course through the buoy on West island ledge to the town line of Fairhaven. Sect. 5. Whoever violates any provision of this act or aids or assists in violating the same shall pay a fine not exceeding two hun- dred dollars for each offence. Sect. 6. District courts and trial justices shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the superior court of all offences and proceedings under the provisions of this act. Sect. 7. All fines received under this act shall be paid one-half to the complainant and the other half to the Commonwealth. All moneys from any forfeitures incurred under this act shall inure and be paid one-fourth to the informer and one-fourth to the person filing the libel and the other half to the Commonwealth. — [May 6, 1886. An Act to prohibit the seining of Bluefish in the waters of Vineyard Sound opposite the towns of Barnstable and Mashpee. 1886, 202. Be it enacted, etc., as foHoivs: Sect. 1. Whoever in any inlet, bay or arm of tlie sea within three miles of the shore of Barnstable or Mashpee, or in the waters of Vineyard Sound within three miles of the shore of said towns, takes bluefish with a seine or net of any kind, or for the purpose of taking bluefish sets, stretches or draws a seine or net, shall be punished by a fine of one hundred dollars, and shall forfeit to the Commonwealth any fish so taken. Sect. 2. One-half of the penalty collected under this act shall be paid to the person or persons making the complaint, and the remain- der to the county of Barnstable. — [May 15, 1886. INLAND FISHERIES. 391 [1884, 318.] An Act for the protection of Fish in a portion of the county of Dukes County. 1886, 234. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. Whoever sets or uses, or aids in setting or using any seine, mesh net or gill net for the purpose of catching any other fish than maclterel, or who shall catch and retain by such means any other fish than mackerel, in the waters of the towns of Edgartown and Cottage City in the county of Dulles county within three miles from the shores of said towns shall be punished b}^ a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars, one-half of which shall be paid to the person making the complaint ; and in addition, in the discretion of the court, shall forfeit to the Common- wealth all fish taken in said nets. Sect. 2. A sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable or police officer, upon view of an offence described in the preceding section, may without a warrant arrest the offender and make complaint against him therefor. Sect. 3. The provisions of this act shall not be construed to inter- fere with the rights of anj- person or persons referred to in section three of chapter three hundred and eighteen of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, nor with the corporate rights of any fishing company. — [May 21, 1886. [P. S. 91.] An Act relative to proceedings for violations of the terms and conditions of Leases of Great Ponds. 1886, 248. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. District at- torneys or the commissioners on inland fisheries shall institute pro- ceedings, in the name of the Commonwealth, against the lessees of great ponds who have failed or may hereafter fail to comply with the terms and conditions of their leases, upon the complaint of the ma3-or or ten citizens of anj^ city, the selectmen or ten citizens of any town wherein any great pond has been leased under the laws relating to inland fisheries. Sect. 2. The provisions of section seventeen of chapter ninety- one of the Public Statutes shall not appl}^ to great ponds that have re-vested in the Commonwealth for failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the leases of the same. Sect. 3. So much of chapter ninety-one of the Public Statutes as conflicts with section one of this act is hereby repealed. — [May 28, 1886. An Act relating to licenses to plant, grow and dig Oysters, and extending the time in which Oysters may be taken. 1886, 299. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sect. 1. No license to plant, grow and dig oysters, shall be assigned or transferred with- out the written consent of the mayor and aldermen of the city, or the 392 INLAND FISHERIES. selectmen of the town in which the premises described in the license are situated, and no license shall be granted, assigned or transferred to persons who are not inhabitants of the city or town wherein the licensed premises are situated. Sect. 2. The authorit3' to dig, take or carry away oysters from any premises for wliich a license has been granted is hereby limited to the hours in each day between one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. Sect. 3. Any person holding a license who violates any of the provisions of the acts relating to the planting and growing of oysters, or any of the provisions of this act, shall, in addition to the penalties now provided, forfeit his license and the 03'sters remaining on the premises licensed, to the town or citj- wherein the premises are situ- ated. — [June 21, 1886. Resolution concerning the obstruction to the passage of Shad in the Connecticut River. Whereas, It appears that by the maintaining a dam across the Con- necticut River at Enfield, in the state of Connecticut, by parties in the jurisdiction of the state of Connecticut, the shad fisheries of the citi- zens of Massachusetts are practically destroyed, because of the ob- struction of said dam to the run of the shad up the river ; and Wliereas, The dam is almost an impassable barrier to the passage of the fish, and Massachusetts citizens being thus deprived of the shad, there is little inducement for Massachusetts to continue the artificial propagation and cultivation of the shad in that river ; and WJiereas, If the obstruction of the dam was modified as it might be, to allovv the passage of the fish, Massachusetts would gladly, in con- junction with Connecticut, re-establish the hatcher}' at South Hadley, as the artificial cultivation and propagation of shad is now so well undei'stood and is so successful that the Connecticut river can be stocked with shad plentifully and cheaply, to the great benefit of the people of both states ; therefore. Resolved, That the Commonwealth of Massachusetts respectfully suggests to the state of Connecticut that mutual measures be taken by the said states for the restoration of tlie shad to the river. That a copy hereof be tiansmitted by His Excellency the Governor to his Excellency the Governor of Connecticut. In House of Representatives, adopted April 7, 1886. In Senate, adopted in concurrence, April 9, 1886. INDEX. A. Page Accord Pond, alewives and shad . 118 Acqnesnet River, New Bedford, ale- wives 43 Actions and prosecutions, when to he commenced .... 320, 330 Acton, alewives and shad . . . 115 Acushnet River, Acushnet, herring, alewives and shad .... 382 Acushnet River, New Bedford and Fairhaven, herring .... 244 Adams and Williamstown, Hoosick River, seines not to be used . . 179 Agawam River, mouth of, fisheries . 50 Agawam or Westfield River, ale- wives, salmon and shad . 18, 24, 138i Agawam or Westfield River, West Springfield, alewives, shad or other fish, 138, 193 Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers, Plymouth, alewives and shad . 230 Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers, Plvmouth and Wareham, alewives and shad . . 214, 258, 286, 294, 342 Alewife River to Whitman's Pond, Weymouth, alewives . . . 187 Alewives, fisheries regulated, 9-12, 319,326 Alewives, Taunton, price may be fixed by the selectmen ... 65 Alewives and herring, fisheries may be established by oities and towns, 302 Andover, Merrimack River, alewives and shad . . 16, 51, 58, 69, 132, 180 Andrews Fishing Company, in Har- wich, incorporated . . . 207, 221 Apponigansett River, Dartmouth, seining prohibited .... 264 Artificial propagation of fish, com- missioners to consider the matter . 279 Ashumet Pond to Bourne's Pond, Falmouth, alewives . . . 293 Assawampset Brook, alewives . 45, 153 Assonet Fishing Company, herring and alewives 286 Avery Brook, Charlemontand Heath, trout 314 B. Baker's Pond and Drain Fishing Company, in Yarmouth, incorpo- rated 282 Ballast not to be cast near the shore under penalty 4 Barker's River, Pembroke, ale- wives .... 37, 274, 297 Page Barlow River, Sandwich, oysters . 329 Barlow's Pond, Mattapoisett, ale- wives and herring .... 298 Barlow's Pond, Mattapoisett, eels . 344 Barnstable, shell-fish for bait , . 377 Barnstable, Herring River, ale- wives 223,247 Barnstable, Jones' Mill Creek, trout, 312 Barnstable, Nine Mile Pond Fishing Company, incorporated . 289, 352, 357 Barnstable, Oyster Island Harbor, seining prohibited .... 218 Barnstable and Mashpee, seining reg- ulated .... 276, 385, 390 Barnstable and Mashpee, shell-fish- eries regulated . . 276, 377, 384 Barnstable and Mashpee, Poppones- sett Harbor, seining pi'ohihited, 218, 385 Barnstaple and Mashpee, Osterville Harbor and Popponessett Bav, sein- ing prohibited, . . ' . 249, 385 Bass, black, fishery regulated, 306, 319, 324, 370 Bass, striped, and bluefish, Edgar- town 378,389 Bass, tautog and lobsters, Edgar- town, Chilmark and Tisbury . . 186 Bass, tautog and lobstf rs, Fairhaven, New Bedford, Dartmouth and AVestport 178, 374 Bass, tautog and lobsters, Falmouth, 188 Bass, tautog, scuppaug, bluefish and lobsters. Buzzard's Bay, Sandwich and Wareham .... 275, 375 Bass River, Dennis and Yarmouth, alewives, herring, salmon, trout and perch . . . 241,355,387 Bass River, Yarmouth and Dennis, smelts 313 Beaver Brook, Dracut, alewives . 177 Berkley, Taunton Great River, ale- wives and shad . 168, 200, 225, 268 Beverly and Danvers, Porter's, Crane and Waters Rivers .... 264 Billerica, alewives and shad . 145, 175 Black bass, fishery regulated, 319, 324, 370 Black bass. Lake Cochituate . . 324 Black bass and trout, fisheries regu- lated 306 Bluefish, Sandwich and Wareham, Buzzard's Bay .... 275 Bluefish, Vineyard Sound, Barnsta- ble and Mashpee .... 390 Bluefish, Vineyard Sound, Yar- mouth, Dennis and Harwich, nets and seines prohibited . . . 386 394 INDEX. Page Bluefish and striped bass, Edgar- town 378, 389 Bourne's Pond to Ashumet Pond, Falnionth, alewives . . . 293 Bowman's Pond, Falnioutli, select- men ma.v permit seines to l)e used, 266 Boxford, Ipswich River, seining pro- hibited 273 Boxford, Parker, Falls and Rowley Rivers, alewives, bass, shad and other fish 126 Boxford, Rush, Little and Johnson's Ponds to Merrimack River, ale- wives ...... 106 Bradford, Merrimack River, ale- wives, salmon and shad . . 96, 101 Braintree, Great and Little Ponds, pickerel or pike .... 179 Braintree, Monatiquot River, ale- wives 79 Braintree, Monatiquot River, ale- wives and other fish . . 137,219 Braintree, Monatiquot River, ale- wives and shad .... 345 Braintree, Monatiquot River, ale- wives, shad and smelts . . 159, 200 Braintree, Monatiquot River, herring and other fish 212 Braintree, Monatiquot River, smelts. 160 Brewster, alewives . . . 138, 260 Brewster, fish-weirs .... 260 Brewster, shell-fisheries . . . 335 Bridgewater, alewives, 62, 85, 89, 153, 163 Bridgewater, Taunton Great River . 196 Bridgewater, Titicut River, alewives and shad 184, 189 Bridgewater and West Bridgewater. "Town River, shad, herring and alewives; fishwaj's . . 326,347 Brighton, Charles River, alewives and shad .... 146, 191 Bristol County, fisheries regulated, 354,373 Brook, River Meadow, Chelmsford, passage of fish . . . .59 Buzzard's Bay, seining regulated, 321, 335. 354, 373, 389 Buzzard's Bay, Sandwich and Ware- ham, lobsters, bluefish, tautog, bass and scuppaug . . . 276 Buzzard's Bay and Vineyard Sound, menhaden 299 C. Caleb's Pond Company in Edgar- town, herring and perch fishery . 280 Cambridge, Fresh Pond, seines not to be used 70 Cambridge, Mystic River, alewives and shad . . .29, 60, 104, 136, 173 Cambridge and West Cambridge, Fresh Pond Meadows, alewives and shad 135 Canton, Neponset River, alewives, shad and other fish . . 67, 78 Canton, Pemkapoag Pond, pickerel or pike 179 Cape Pond, Gloicester, alewives . 157 Carlisle, River Meadow Brook, pas- sage of fish 59 Carver, Weweantit River, shad and alewives .... 71, 168, 346 Page Carver and Plymouth, East Head, trout 307 Chappaquansett Pond and Creek, Tisbury, herring and alewives, 197, 236 Chaiiemontand Heath, Avery Brook, trout 314 Charles River, fisheries . 76, 130, 140 Charles River, alewives and shad . 139 Charles River, tonicod and smelts . 163 Charles River, Brighton, alewives and shad 146, 191 Charles River, Watertown, alewives and shad ..... 150, 191 Charlestown, Mystic River, alewives and shad . . . 29, 60, 104, 136, 173 Charters, ancient, fisheries regulated, 6 Chatham, eel fishery ... 134 Chatham, shell-fish for bait . . 377 Chatham, fish-weir by Thomas L. Eldridge and others . . . 261 Chatham, fish-weir by Thomas Spar- row and others .... 261 Chatham, fish-weir by Samuel Young, 261 Chatham, Nauset Beach, fish -weir . 261 Chatham and Harwich, Skinnaquits Fishing Company, incorporated . 198, 209, 221 Chebacco Pond, Ipswich, alewives and shad 127 Chelmsford, Concord River, alewives, salmon and shad .... 172 Chelmsford, River Meadow Brook, passage of fish .... 59 Chelmsford, Stoney Brook, passage offish 113,123 Chilmark, fish-weir by Abner and George May hew .... 265 Chilmark, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish 186 Chilmark Pond, Wequabsqua Fish- ing Company 246 City and town authorities may regu- late the taking of eels and certain shell-fish 356 Clam fishery, Winthrop . . . 336 Clams, taking may be regulated by city and town authorities . 356, 371 Clapp's Pond, Provincetown, pick- erel 294 Close seasons .... 318-320 Cocculus Indicus or other poisonous articles not to be used for destruc- tion of fish . . . . 197, 368 Cocheco Brook, alewives . . 58, 132 Cochituate Lake, black bass . . 324 Cohasset Gulf Stream, alewives 82, 88 Cohasset and Scituate, alewives . 254 Cohasset and Scituate. Mushqiiash- uit Creek, eels .... 343 Cole's and Lee's Rivers, Swansea, seining regulated .... 314 Cole's River and Milford Pond, Swanzey, herring and shad . . 380 Commissioners of fisheries, for Merri- mack and Connecticut Rivers . 303 Commissioners of fisheries, to exam- ine dams throughout the state . 309 Commissioners on inland fisheries, general powers and duties, 312, 315, 320, 362 Commissioners on inland fisheries, leasing great ponds, 316, 323, 330, 363, 386, 391 INDEX. 395 Page Commissioners on inland fisheries, may occupy great ponds for fish culture, etc 340 Commissioners on inland fisheries, to examine dams and fishways upon Connecticut and Merrimack Rivers, 363 Commissioners on inland fisheries, to investigate fisheries on North River, Plymouth County . , 339 Commissioners on inland fisheries, returns to be made by owners of weirs, etc., of fish taken . . 341, 356 Concord River, fisheries . . 71, 205 Concord River, mouth of, alewives, salmon and shad . . .39, 127, 172 Concord River, Billerica, alewives and shad 145 Conjiamon Ponds, Southwick, fish not to be taken with seines or nets, 193 Connecticut River, fisheries regu- lated . 45. 69, 358, 360, 366, 367, 369 Connecticut River, alewives and shad 332,349 Connecticut River, fish not to be taken within four hundred yards of a fish- way 360 Connecticut River, salmon . . 311 Connecticut River, salmon and shad, 132, 205, 313 Connecticut River, shad . 253, 323, 336 Connecticut River, resolution, pas- t,age of sliad 392 Connecticut River, size of mesh pre- scribed . . . 295, 318, 348, 367 Connecticut River, commissioners to be appointed ; construction of fish- ways .... 303, 320, 340 Connecticut River, attention of state of Connecticut called to the dam at Enfield Falls 306 Connecticut River, fishways, etc., to be examined by commissioners . 363 Connecticut River, Holvoke, height of dam . . . " . . .300 Connecticut River, Holyoke, fishway over dam 312 Connecticut River, South Hadley Falls, salmon and shad . . 61, 161 Coonamisset Pond, Falmouth, her- ring and alewives .... 237 Cottage City and Edgartown, seining regulated 391 Coy's Brook, Harwich, obstructions to be removed 267 Coy's Brook Fishing Company, Har- wich, herring 223 Crane, Porter's and Waters Rivers in Danvers and Beverly . . . 264 Cultivation of useful fishes, 279, 309, 315, 321, 323, 324, 325, 329, 330, 332, 340, 347 D. Dam Pond to Wild Harbor, Fal- mouth, alewives .... 255 Dams, fishways . . . 303, 315, 340 Danvers, alewives . . 14, 120, 142 Danvers, Ipswich River, alewives and other fish . . . 129, 134, 177, 180 Danvers and Beverly, Porter's, Crane and Waters Rivers .... 264 Dartmouth, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish 178, 374 Page Dartmouth, Apponigansett River and tributaries, seining prohibited . 264 Dartmouth, Pasequamanset River, alewives 53 Deerfield River, size of mesh pre- scriljed .... 318, 348, 367 Dennis, alewives . . .211, 246 Dennis, alewives, herring, perch and eels 151 Dennis, fish-weir, by Ira Wixon and Elijah Whittemore . . . .262 Dennis, fish-weir by Barnabas W. Ei- dridge and others .... 262 Dennis, Flax Pond to Sesuit Creek, alewives 251 Dennis, Vineyard Sound, bluefish . 386 Dennis and Yarmouth, Bass River, alewives, herring, salmon, trout and perch . . . 241, 3-55, 387 Dennis and Yarmouth Improvement Company may conduct fisheries; artificial propagation of fish . . 379 Dexter's River and Coonamisset Pond, Falmouth, herring and ale- wives 237 Dighton, Newmasket River, alewives and shad 270 Dighton, Taunton Great River, ale- wives and shad, 155, 168, 200, 225, 268 Dorchester, Neponset River, ale- wives and other fish ... 67 Dorchester, Neponset River, smelts and eels 181 Dracut, Beaver Brook, alewives . 177 Dracut, Peter's Pond, alewives . . 203 Dukes County, fisheries regulated, 354, 373, 383, 391 Dukes County, leasing of Great Ponds, 323, 337 ; repealed . . 355 Dukes County, smelts . . . 313 Dunstable, Massapaug Ponds . . 120 Duxbury, deposit of waste dressing in waters of 279 Duxbury, Island Creek Brook, ale- wives 80 E. East Bridgewater, Satucket River, shad, herring and alewives ; fish- ways 326, 347 East Falmouth, Herring River Com- pany, incorporated .... 293 East Head, Carver and Plymouth, trout 307 East Quittacus Pond, alewives, 94, 124, 154 Eastham, fish-weir .... 244 Eastham, Great Pond, alewives . 350 Eastham Fishing Company, incorpo- rated 218 Edgartown, eels 352 Edgartown, harbor of, seining regu- lated .... 190, 277, 328 Edgartown, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish 186 Edgartown, striped bass and blue- fish 378, 389 Edgartown, Farm Pond Fishing Company, incorporated . . 275, 383 Edgartown, Great Pond, Mattakce- sett Herring Fishery . . . 247 Edgartown, Great Pond and Job's Neck Pond through South Beach to the ocean . . . 359, 379, 383 396 INDEX. Page Edeartown Oyster Pond, seining reg- ulated 277 Edcrartown, Pocha Pond Meadow and Fishing Company, incorporated, 239, 248, 272 Edgartown, Sachachautacket Fish- ing Company, incorporated . . 220 Edjiartown, Trap's Creeli Fishing Company, incorporated . 217, 239, 266 Edgartown and Cottage City, seining regulated 391 Eel River and Town Brooli, Ply- mouth, herring .... 298 Eels and shell-fish, Marshpee and Barnstable 384 Eels, taking may he regulated by city and town authorities . . 356 Eels, Chatham 134 Eels, Edgartown .... 352 Eels, Eel River, Plymouth . . 339 Eels, Harwich 184 Eels, Herring River, Wellfleet . . 344 Eels, Ipswich River and tributaries, 349 Eels, Jehu's Pond, Mashpee . . 336 Eels, Jones River, Kingston . . 339 Eels, Mattapoisett River and Bar- low's Pond 344 Eels, Mushquashuit Creek, Scituate and Coliasset 343 Eels, Muskeekit Island, Nantucket, 202 Eels. Neponset River, Dorchester and Milton 181 Eels, North River in the county of Plymouth 350 Eels, Orleans 69 Eels and shell-fish, taking regulated by cities and towns . . . 371 Egremont, Winchel's Pond, pickerel, 156 Eldridge, Barnabas W., and others, fish-weir in Dennis .... 262 Eldridge, Thomas L., and others, fish-weir in Orleans . . . 261 Eldridge, William W., and others, fish-weir in Harwich . . . 264 Ell Pond, Mystic River, Maiden, alewives and shad . . . 84, 110 Essex, Chebacco Pond, shad and alewives 127 Essex, Mill River, alewives and shad ; fishways 352 Essex Company, to maintain fishway, Merrimack River, at Lawrence . 278 F. Fairhaven, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish .... 178, 374 Fairhaven, seining regulated . . 244 Fall River, Mount Hope Bay, shell- fisheries 334 Fall River, Taunton Great River, alewives and shad . . 168, 225, 268 Fall River, Watuppa Pond, seining prohibited 345 Falls River, alewives, shad and other fish 116, 133 Falls River, Newbury, Rowley and Boxford, alewives, bass, shad and other fish 125 Falmouth, alewives ... 75. 80 Falmouth, fisheries regulated . 354, 373 Pace Falmouth, seining regulated . . 283 Falmouth, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish 188 Falmouth, Ashumet Pond to Bourne's Pond, alewives .... 293 Falmouth, Bowman's, Little and Perch Ponds, selectmen may per- mit seines to be used . . 266 Falmouth, Dam Pond to Wild Har- bor, alewives 255 Falmouth, Dexter's River and Coona- misset Pond, herring and alewives, 237 Falmouth, Little Sipwissett Cran- berry and Fishing Company, incorporated 290 Falmouth, Oyster Pond River Com- pany, alewives .... 267 Falmouth, Waquoit Bay, seining prohibited 247 Farm Pond Fishing Company, Edgar- town, incorporated . . . 275, 383 First Herring Brook, Scituate, ale- wives 163 Fish, six score and twelve, accounted to the hundred .... 3 Fish, inspection and packing . . 353 Fish, artificial propagation of, com- missioners appointed to consider the matter 279 Fish culture, 279, 309. 315, 321, 323, 324, 325, 329, 330, 332, 340, 347, 379 Fish or lobsters, traps, trawls and seines not to be molested . . 377 Fishery of ponds of more than trt'enty acres to be public . . 363 Fishing, fowling and hunting to be free 3 Fishways over dams . . . 303,315 Fishways over dams to be con- structed under direction of com- missioners 363 Fish-wear Company, incorporated . 210 Fish-weir, Brewster .... 260 Fish-weir, Chatham . . . .261 Fish-weir, Dennis .... 262 Fish-weir, Eastham .... 244 Fish-weir, Harwich . . . 203, 264 Fish-weir, Orleans . . . 261,263 Fish-weir, Provincetown . . . 253 Fish- weir, Yarmouth . . . 265 Fish-weirs, construction of . . 345 Fish-weirs, pounds, etc., owners to make returns of fish taken, to com- missioners .... 341, 356 Fish-weirs, city and town authorities may authorize construction . . 273 Flax Pond to Saugns River, Lynn, alewives and shad . . . 183, 343 Flax Pond to Sesuet Creek, alewives, 251, 360 Flax Pond Fishing Company, Dennis, incorporated . . . 251 Framingham, shad and alewives . 50 Framingham, seines not to be used . 176 Freetown, Taunton Great River, ale- wives and shad . . 168, 225, 268 Fresh Pond, Cambridge and Water- town, fisheries . • . . .70 Fresh Pond Brook, Plymouth, ale- wives 78 Fresh Pond Meadows, Cambridge and West Cambridge, alewives and shad 135 INDEX. 397 G. Page 157 Gloucester, Cape Pond, alewives Gloucester, Granite or Goose Cove Pond, lobsters .... 379 Gosnold, Pasque Island Corporation, incorporated 308 Granite or Goose Cove Pond, Glou- cester, lobsters and other fish . 379 Gravel Island, seining regulated, 245, 263, 283, 322 Great Harrington, pickerel . . 159 Great Marsh Dyking, Water Power and Fishing Company, fisheries . 245 Great Pond, Easthain, alewives . 350 Great Pond, Edgartown, Mattakee- set Herring Fishery . . . 247 Great Pond, Edgartown, seining reg- ulated 329 Great Pond, Weymouth, alewives . 86 Great Pond to Ipswich River, Mid- dleton, alewives .... 95 Great and Little Ponds, Braintreeand Randolph, pickerel or pike . . 179 Great Pond and Job's Check Pond, Edgartown, channel through South Beach to the ocean . . 359, 379, 383 Great ponds, fish culture, etc , by commissioners . . . 340, 364 Great Ponds, may be leased by com- missioners, 316, 323, 330, 332, 363 ; repealed 386, 391 Great ponds, limits may be fixed . 364 Great Ponds in Dukes County . 323, 337, 355 Grist-Mill Pond, Wareham, trout . 310 Groton, Massapaug Ponds . . 120 Gulf Stream, between Scituate and Cohasset, alewives ... 82, 88 H. Half-way Pond and Agawam Rivers, Plymouth, alewives . . . 230 Half-way Pond and Agawam Rivers, Plymouth and Wareham, alewives and shad . .214, 258, 286, 294, 342 Halifax, alewives .... 163 Halifax, Monponset River, shad, herring and alewives ; fishways, 326, 347 Hamilton, alewives and shad . 127, 130 Hamilton, Ipswich River, alewives and other fish 129 Hamilton, Ipswich River, seining prohibited 273 Hamilton, Miles River, alewives and shad Ill Hanover, Indian Head Pond, alewives, 48, 283 Hanson, Indian Head River, alewives, 358 Harwich, alewives 19, 137, 138, 187, 267 Harwich, eels, and oysters and other shell-fish 184 Harwich, Andrews Fishing Company incorporated .... 207, 221 Harwich, Coy's Brook Fishing Com- pany, incorporated . . . .223 Harwich, Coy's Brook, obstructions to be removed ■ 267 Harwich, Herring River, alewives . 230, 232, 247 Harwich, fish-weir, William W. El- dridge and others . . . .264 Harwich, fish-weir, Jesse Tuttle and others Harwich, Vineyard Sound, bluefish, Harwich and Chatham, Skinnaquits Fishing Company, incorporated, 198, Harwich, White Pond Fishing Com- pany, incorporated .... Haverhill, streams into Merrimack River, alewives .... Haverhill, ponds in . Haverhill, pickerel and perch . Heath and Charlemont, Avery Brook, trout ....". Herring fisheries, may be established by cities and towns Herring fisheries, Plymouth Herring Pond and Monument River, herring Herring River, Barnstable, alewives, Herring River, Harwich, alewives 230 Herring River, Sandwich, alewives, 256 Herring River, Wellfileet, eels . Herring River Company, incorpo- rated Hester's Pond to Pleasant Bay, Orleans, alewives .... Hinghani, Ware River to Accord Pond, alewives and shad Holyoke, Connecticut River, height of dam Holyoke, Connecticut River, flshway over dam ....". Hoosick River, Williamstown and Adams, seines or nets not to be used Housatonic River, size of mesh pre- scribed .... 318, 348 Hummock Pond, Nantucket, seining regulated Humphrey's Pond to Ipswich River, Damvers, alewives and other fish . Page 263 386 209, 221 232 98 238 167 314 302 296 321 223, 247 187. ,232 203, ,259 344 233 208 118 30O 312 179 ,367 339 134. 180 Indian berry or other poisonous article not to be used for destruc- tion of fish . . . . 197, 368 Indian Head River, Hanson, ale- wives 358 Indian Head River and Pond, Pem- broke and Hanover, alewives, 48, 283 Indian Ponds, Pembroke, alewives . 35, 256, 274, 297, 357 Indian Ponds, to North River, . . 256 Inland fisheries, commissioners on, general powers and duties, . 312,315, 320, 362 Inland fisheries, laws relating to cul- ture, capture, etc., of fish . . 362 Inspection and packing of fish, . . 353 Ipswich, Ipswich River, alewives and other fish, 58,66, 129, 186, 189, 195,21.S, 231,263,272 Ipswich, Miles River, alewives and shad Ill Ipswich, Chebacco Pond, alewives and shad, 127, 130 Ipswich, Ipswich River and tributa- ries, eels 349 398 INDEX. Page Ipswich River, alewives and other fish, 24, 58, 66, 114, 115, 129, 134, 184, 189, 218, 231, 263, 272, 277 Ipswich River, alewives and shad, 140,186 Ipswicli River, Danvers, . . 129, 177 Ipswich River to Humphrey's Pond, Danvers, alewives , . . 134, 180 Ipswich River to Prichard's Pond, Topsfield, alewives . . . .96 Ipswich River, Hamilton, Wenham, Topsfield, Boxford and Middleton, seining prohibited . . . . 273 Ipswich River, Middleton, alewives and shad . . .58, 66, 95, 129, 177 Ipswich River, Reading, . 66, 129, 177 Ipswich River and tributaries, ale- wives and shad not to be taken for three years 311 Island Creek Brook, Duxbury, ale- wives 80 Island River, Maiden, smelts . . 128 J. Jarvis, Timothy, and Augustus Paine, fish-weir in Brewster . . . 260 Jehu's Pond, Mash pee, eels . . 336 Job's Neck Pond and Great Pond, Edgartown, channel through South Beach to the sea . . 359, 379, 383 Jones' Mill Creek, Barnstable, trout . 312 Jones River and Stonj' Brook, Kings- ton, alewives .... 168, 327 Jones River, Kingston, eels . . 339 Johnson's Pond, Boxford, alewives . 106 Johnston's Brook, Bradford, ale- wives, salmon and shad . . 96, 101 K. Katama Bay, Edgartown, seining regulated 329 Kingston, alewives .... 90 Kingston, deposit of waste dressing of menhaden in waters of . . 279 Kingston, Jones River, eels . . 339 Kingston, Jones River and Stonv Brook, alewives . . . 168, 327 L. Lagoon Pond in Dukes County, sein- ing regulated .... 197, 291 Lagoon Pond Company in Dukes County, herring and perch . 280, 388 Lake Cochituate, black bass . . 324 Lake trout, fishery regulated, 319, 335, 369, 383 Lakeville, Newmasket River, ale- wives and shad . . . 270, 292 Lakeville and Rochester, Little Quit- ticus Pond, fishing prohibited for six years 292 Land-locked salmon, fishing regu- lated. . . . 319,335,369,383 Lawrence, fishway to be maintained by the Essex Companv . . 278, 300 L-asinc of great ponds, 316, 323, 330, 332, '363; repealed . . . 386,391 Leasing of great ponds in Dukes County .... 323,337,355 Lee's River, Swansea and Somerset, Page seining regulated .... 314 Lincoln, restrictions upon fishing in ponds 183 Little Quitticus Pond, Lakeville and Rochester, fishing prohibited for six years 292 Little Sipwissett Cranberry and Fish- ing Company, Falmouth, incorpo- rated 290 Little Pond, Boxford, alewives . . 106 Little Pond, Falmouth, selectmen may permit seines to be used . 266 Little Long Pond, Rochester, ale- wives 103 Little River, West Cambridge and Somerville .... 228,232 Lobsters, fishery regulated 373, 378, 389 Lobsters, Provincetown . . . 374 Lobsters, bluefish, tautog, bass and scuppaug, Buzzard's 13ay, Sand- wich and Wareham, . . 275, 375 Lobsters or fish, traps, trawls and seines, not to be molested . . 377 Lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish, Fairhaven, New Bedford, Dart- mouth and Westport . . 178, 374 Lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish, Edgartown, Chilmark and Tisl)ury, 186 Lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish, Falmouth 188 Lobsters, Granite or Goose Cove Pond, Gloucester . . . .379 Long Pond, Nantucket, seining pro- hibited 219 Long Pond and Maddecket Ditch and harbor, Nantucket . . . 221 Long Pond to Swan Pond, Yarmouth, alewives 222 Long Pond Fishing Company in Yar- mouth, incorporated . . 222, 358 Lord's Day, taking fish punishable by fine 300 Lowell, Merrimack River, fishway at dam 300 Lynn, alewives . . . . 92, 110 Lynn, Saugus River, alewives and shad 181,240,249 Lynnfield, alewives . . . 92, 110 Lynnfield, Saugus River, alewives and shad 181 M. 4-7 Mackerel, fishing regulated Maddecket Ditch and Harbor, Nan- tucket 221 Magonsett Fishing Company, Fal- mouth, incorporated . . . 255 Maiden, alewives and shad . 147, 194 Maiden, Island River, smelts . . 1'28 Maiden, Mystic River, alewives and shad .... 60, 84, 110 Maple Spring Pond, Wareham, trout, 291 Marion, seining regulated in harbor, 296 Marion, fisheries regulated . 354, 373 Marshfield, South River, alewives and sbad 162 Marshfield, North River to Indian Ponds, alewives . . . 257, 357 Mashpee [Marshpee], office of com- missioner abolished . . . 256 Mashpee, pickerel and perch . , 282 INDEX. 399 Page Maslipee, seining bluefish prohibited, 390 Mashpee, Jehu's Pond, eels . . 336 Mashpee, Mashpee River, trout, 241, 284 Mashpee, Quashnet River, trout . 295 Mashpee, Wakepee Pond, alewives, 88, 105 Mashpee and Barnstable, seining regulated .... 276, 385, 390 Mashpee and Barnstable, shell-tish and eels . . . . . 377,384 Mashpee and Barnstable, shell-fish- eries regulated . . . 276, 384 Mashpee and Barnstable, Poppones- sett Harbor, seining prohibited . 218 Mashpee and Barnstable, Poppones- sett Bay and Osterville Harljor, seining prohibited . . . 249, 385 Massapaug Ponds, Dunstable, Groton and Tyngsborough, fisheries . . 120 Massapog Pond, alewives and other fish 66 Mattakeeset Herring Fishery, Great Fond, Edgartown .... 247 Mattapoisett, fisheries regulated, 354, 373 Mattapoisett, seining regulated in harbor 296 Mattapoisett, Barlow's Pond, ale- wives and herring .... 298 Mattapoisett River, Rochester, ale- wives . 21, 32, 41, 103, 129, 141, 159 Mattapoisett River, Rochester, shad, 196 Mattapoisett River and Barlow's Pond, Mattapoisett, eels . . 344 Mayhew, Abner and George, fish-weir in Chi I mark 265 Medford, Mystic River, alewives and shad, 29, 60, 104, 136, 173, 207, 308, 351 Medford, Mystic River, fish not to be taken within fifty rods of a fish- way 300 Medford, Middlesex Canal, alewives, salmon and shad .... 167 Menhaden, seining regulated in riv- ers 281 Menhaden, deposit of waste dressing in waters of Duxbuiy, Plymouth and Kingston 279 Mendaden, Buzzard's Bay and Vine- yard Sound 299 Menhaden and other sea-fish, Merri- mack River 164 Merrill Pond, Wendell, trout . , 312 Merrimack River, alewives, salmon and shad, 38, 60, 113, 119, 123, 127, 130, 132, 164, 165, 171, 201, 203, 236, 309, 332, 367, 369 Merrimack River, menhaden and other sea-fish 164 Merrimack River, salmon . . .62 Merrimack River, " shiners " for bait, 381 Merrimack River, smelts and pick- erel 328 Merrimack River, sturgeon . . 379 Merrimack River, fish not to be taken within four hundred yards of a fish- way 360, 367 Merrimack River, use of nets regu- lated 367, 379 Merrimack River, size of mesh pre- scribed . . . 318, 348, 367, 385 Merrimack River, permits for taking fish 382 Merrimack River, commissioners to be appointed ; fishways . 303, 320, 340 Page Merrimack River, fishways and dams to be examined by commis- sioners 363 Merrimack River and tributaries, fishing regulated . . . 360, 367 Merrimack River, Andover, ale- wives . . 16, 51, 58, 09, 132, 180 Merrimack River, Andover, ale- wives, salmon and shad, 58, 69, 132, 180 Merrimack River, Boxford, alewives, 106 Merrimack River, Bradford, ale- wives, salmon and shad . . 96, 101 Merrimack River, Haverhill, ale- wives 98 Merrimack River, Lawrence, fishway to be maintained by the Essex Company 278 Merrimack River, dams at Lawrence and Lowell 300 Merry's Pond, Rochester, alewives, 123 Methuen, Peter's Pond, alewives . 203 Middleborough, inhabitants may establish price of fish ... 70 Middleborough, alewives, 89, 94, 124, 153, 213 Middleborough, Newmasket River, alewives and shad .... 270 Middleborough, Newmasket River, 202,292 Middleborough, Taunton Great River 196,227 Middleborough, Titicut River, ale- wives and shad .... 184 Middleborough, Titicut River, Old Stone Weir and Assawomsett Brook, alewives, 45, 153, 171, 184, 189 Middlesex Canal, Medford to Merri- mack River, alewives, salmon and shad 167, 175 Middlesex Canal, Billerica . . 175 Middleton, Ipswich River, seining prohibited 273 Middleton, Ipswich River, alewives and other fish . 58, 66, 95, 129, 177 Middleton, Great Pond to Ipswich River, alewives and shad . . 95 Miles River, Wenham, Hamilton and Ipswich, alewives and shad . . Ill Milford Pond, Swanzey, herring and shad 380 Mill River, Essex, alewives and shad; fishways .... 352 Mill River, Sandwich, alewives . 324 Mill River, Taunton, alewives . . 73 Miller's River, size of mesh pre- scribed .... 318, 348, 367 Milton, Neponset River, alewives and other fish 67 Milton, Neponset River, smelts and eels 181 Monatiquot River, Braintree, ale- wives 79 Monatiquot River, Braintree, smelts, 159 Monatiquot River, Braintree, ale- wives and other fish . . . 137 Monatiquot River, Braintree, ale- wives and shad .... 345 Monatiquot River, Braintree, ale- wives, shad and smelts . . 159, 200 Monatiquot River, Braintree, her- ring and other fish .... 212 Monatiquot River, Braintree and Weymouth, seining regulated . 219 Monoinoy Bay, shad . . . .221 400 INDEX. Page Monp'^nset River, Halifax, shad, herring and alewives ; fishwaj's, 326, 347 Monument River and Herring Pond, herring 321 Mount Hope Bay, Fall River, Som- erset and Swansea, shell-fisheries, 334 Mushquashuit Creelj, Scituate and Cohasset, eels 343 Muskeeket Island, eels . . . 202 Muskeeket Island, seining regulated, 245, 263, 283, 322 Mystic Pond, alewives ... 30 Mystic Pond, Woburn, alewives and shad 148 Mystic Pond and River, Winchester, alewives and shad . . 290, 296, 308 Mystic River, to be restocked with tish 308, 310 Mystic River, Cambridge, Charles- town and Medford, alewives and shad . 29, 60, 104, 136, 147, 173 Mystic River, Ell Pond, Maiden, alewives and shad . . .84, 110 Mystic River, xMedford, alewives and shad . . . 104, 207, 308, 351 Mystic River, Medford, West Cam- bridge and Winchester, fish not to be taken within fifty rods of a fish- way 300 Mystic River, Somerville, alewives and shad 308 Mystic River, West Cambridge, ale- wives and shad . . 135, 180, 308 Mystic River, Woburn, alewives and shad 147 N. Nantucket, great ponds, seining pro- hibited 338 Nantucket, ponds, creeks and har- bors, town may regulate fisheries, 268 Nantucket, Hummock Pond, seining regulated 339 Nantucket, Long Pond, seining pro- hibited 219 Nantucket, Lond Pond and Mad- decket ditch and harbor . . 221 Nantucket, Muskeeket Island, eels, 202 Nantucket, Tuckernuck, Smith's, Muskeeket and Gravel Islands, seining regulated, . 24.5, 263, 283, 322 Nantucket, shell-fish for bait . . 377 Nantucket Fishing Company, incor- porated 302 NainMcoit Point, Orleans, fish-weir . 210 Nashua River, fisheries regulated . 367 Nashua River, size of mesh pre- scribed .... 318, 348, 367 Natick, alewives and shad . . 62 Neponset River, Stoughton and Can- ton, alewives, shad and other fish, 66, 78 Neponset River, Dorchester and Mil- ton, smelts and eels . . .181 New Bedford, Acquesnet River, ale- wives 43 New Bedford, seining regulated in harljor 244, 259 New Bedford, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish .... 178, 374 Newbury, Parker River, alewives, bass and shad . 55, 125, 213, 283 Newbury, Parker River, bass . . 65 Paije Newmasket River, alewives and shad, 189, 201, 269, 301, 325, 337, 342, 369 Newmasket, Middleborough and Lakeville, alewives and shad . 292 Newton, alewives and shad . .114 Newton, Charles River, alewives and other fish 130 Nine Mile Pond Fishing Company, Barnstable, incorporated, 269, 352, 357 North Falmouth Fishing Company, incorporated, Nye's Pond to Cau- tomot Harbor 210 North River, Pembroke, alewives, 37, 132, 141, 219, 239, 357 North River, Pembroke, Scituaie, South Scituate and Marshfield . 256 North River, mesh-nets . . . 250 North River, in the county of Ply- mouth, 132, 141, 219, 239, 328,339,341, 344, 357, 381, 383, 389 North River, in the county of Ply- mouth, eels 350 Nye's Pond, Sandwich, trout . . 292 Nye's Pond to Cautomot Harbor, Falmouth, alewives . . . 210 O. Old Stone Weir and Assawampset Brook, Middleborough, alewives, 45, 153, 171,201 Orleans, may regulate fishery in Pleasant bay 277 Orleans, eel fishery . . . .69 Orleans, fish-weir by Thomas El- dridge and others .... 261 Orleans, fish-weir by Eleazer Rogers, Jr., and others .... 262 Orleans Fish-wear Company, incor- porated 210 Orleans Fishing Company, Hester's Pond to Pleasant Bay m Orleans, alewives 208 Orleans, Rock Harbor Fishing Com- pany, incorporated . . . .211 Osterville Harbor, Barnstable, sein- ing prohibited .... 249, 385 Oyster Island Harbor, Barnstable, seining prohibited .... 218 Oyster Pond, Edgartown, seining regulated 277 Oyster Pond River Company, Fal- mouth, alewives .... 267 Oysters, fishery regulated, 348, 375, 376, 3ob, 391 Oysters and other shell-fish, Harwich i84 Oysters, scallops and other shell-fish, taking regulated .... 387 Oysters, Barlow River, Sandwich . 329 P. Paine, Augustus, and Timothy Jar- vis, may construct fish-weirs in Brewster 260 Palmer's River, Rehoboth, alewives and shad .... 229, 252, 338 Palmer's River, Rehoboth, wtirs pro- hibited 212 Palmer's River, Rehoboth and Swan- zey, alewives and shad . 108, 104, 172 Palmer's River, Swanzey, alewives and shad 206, 338 INDEX. 401 I'age Parker lliver, alewives, sliail and other tisli 116, 133 Parker River, Newbury, alewives, bass and .«-had . . 55, 125, 213, 283 Parker River, Newbury, liass . . 65 Parker River, Newlniry, Rowley and Boxford, alewives, shad, bass and other tish 125 Parker's River, Yarmouth, alewives, 222 Pasequamanset River, Dartmouth, alewives 53 Pasque Island Corporation, Gosnold, incorporated 308 Pembroke, North River, alewives, 37, 132, 141, 219, 239, 357 Pembroke, Indian Ponds, alewives . 35, 256, 274, 297, 357 Pembroke and Hanover, Indian Head Pond, alewives ... 48, 283 Perch, Plymouth .... 351 Perch, white, lishery regulated . . 319 Perch and pickerel, Marshpee . . 282 Perch Pond, Falmouth, selectmen may permit seines to be used . 266 Permits for taking fish in Merrimack River 382 Peter's Pond, Dracut and Methuen, to Merrimack River, alewives . 203 Pickerel, fisheries regulated . . 190 Pickerel, Clapp's Pond, Province- town 294 Pickerel, Great Barrington . . 159 Pickerel, Great Pond, Braintree and Randolph 179 Pickerel, Little Pond, Braintree . 179 Pickerel, Ponkapoag Pond, Canton and Randolph .... 179 Pickerel, Winchel's Pond, Egremont, 159 Pickerel and perch, Marshpee . . 282 Pickerel and smelts, Merrimack lliver 328 Pickerel and trout, to be taken only with hook and line . . . 2t9, 284 Pleasant Bay, fishery may be regu- lated by the town of Orleans . . 27/ Plymouth Colony, laws regulating fisheries 3-12 Plymouth, perch .... 351 Plymouth, deposit of waste dressing of menhaden in waters of . . 279 Plymouth, Eel River, eels . . 3o9 Plymouth, Eel lliver and Town iirook. herring .... 298 Plymouth, Fresh Pond Brook, ale- wives ....,,. 78 Plymouth, Town Brook, alewives, 34, 190 Plymouth, Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers, alewives . . . 230 Plymouth and Carver, East Head, trout 307 Plymouth and Wareliam, Agawam and Half-way Pond Rivers, ale- wives and shad, 214, 258, 286, 294, 342 Pocha Pond Meadow and Fishing Company in Edgartown, incorpo- rated .... 239, 248, 272 Ponds, to be restocked with black bass and other fish .... 310 Ponds, rights of owners protected . 331 Ponds, seines and nets prohibited . 385 Ponds of more than twenty acres, fishing to be public . . . 363 Page Ponds, great, fish culture by commis- sioners 340, 364 Ponds, great, may be leased by com- missioners, 316, 323, 330, 332, 363; repealed 386, 391 Ponds, great, limits may be fixed . 364 Ponkapoag Pond, alewives and other fish 66 Ponkapoag Pond, Canton and Ran- dolph, pickerel or pike . . . 179 Popponessett Bay, Barnstable and Marshpee, seining prohibited 249, 385 Popponessett Harbor, Barnstable and Mar>hpee, seining prohibited, . 218 Porter's, Crane and Waters Rivers, in Danvers and Beverly . . . 264 Prichard's Pond to Ipswich River, Topsfield, alewives ... 96 Propagation of fish, 279, .309, 315, 321, 323, 324, 325, 329, 330, 332, 340, 347, 379 Provincetown, lobsters . . . 374 Provincetown, Clapp's Pond, pick- erel 294 Provincetown Harbor, Long Point, fish-wear 253 Quahaugs, taking may be regulated by city and town ituthorities . 356, 371 Quannapowett, Lake, and Saugus River, Wakefield and Saugus, sal- mon, shad and alewives . . . 343 Quashnet River, Marshpee, trout . 295 Quintal of fish, one hundred pounds nunirrl II rM^ic ^ 212 avoirdupois R. Randolph, Piinkapoag and Great Ponds, pickerel or pike . . . 179 Raynham, Taunton Great River, ale- wives and shad . . 168, 225, 268 Ilaynhaiii, Tiiicut River, alewives . 153 Reading, alewives . . .92, 110 Reading, Ipswich River, alewives and other fish . . . . 66, 129, 177 Red River, in Harwich and Chatham, 198 Rehoboth, Palmer River, weirs pro- hibited 212 Rehoboth, Palmer's River, alewives and shad, 108, 164, 172, 229, 252, 338 Rehoboth, Runins' River, alewives and shad 109 Resolution, passage of shad in Con- necticut lliver 392 Resolves, fishery clauses of the treaty of Washington . . . .353 Restocking the rivers and ponds . 310 Restocking Ipswich River and tribu- taries 311 Restocking Mystic River and trilju- taries 308, 310 Returns of fish taken in weirs and pounds to be made to the commi.— sioners 341, 356 River Meadow Brook, Chelmsford, passage of fish .... 59 Rivers to be restocked with alewives, salmon and shad .... 310 Rochester, East and West Quittacus Ponds, alewives . . .94, 124 402 INDEX. Rochester, Mattapoisett River, ale- wives . 21, 32, 44, 103, 129, 141 Rochester, Mattapoisett River, shad, Rochester, Merry's Pond, Sippican River, alewives .... Rochester, Weweantit River, shad and alewives . . 71, 168, 209 Rochester and Lakeville, Little Quit- ticus Pond, fishing prohibited for six j-ears Rock Harbor Fishing Company, Orleans, incorporated Rogers, Eleazer, Jr., and others, fish- weir in Orleans .... Rowley River, alewives, bass, shad and other fish Rowley River, bass .... Runins' River, Rehoboth, alewives and shad Rnsli Pond, lioxford, alewives . Russell Pond, trout fishing pro- hibited Page , 159 196 123 ,346 292 211 262 12.T 65 109 106 197 Salem; alewives, . . 14, 120, 142 Salmon fishing, regulated . 319, 354, 368 Salmon trout, fishing regulated . 355 Salmon, land-locked, fisbing regu- . lated . . . 319,335,369,383 Sanchachantacket Fishing Company, in Edgartown, incorporated . . 220 Sandwich, fisheries regulated . 354, 373 Sandwich, Barlow River, oysters . 329 Sandwich, Herring River, alewives, 203, 256, 259 Sandwich, Mill River, alewives . 324 Sandwich, Nye's Pond, Sandwich . 292 Sandwich and Wareham, Buzzard's Bay, lobsters, bluefisb, tautog, bass and scuppaug . . . 275, 375 Sandwich, Buzzard's Bay Fishing Company, incorporated . . . 216 Satucket River, East Bridgewater, shad, herring and alewives; fish- ways 326, 347 Saugus, Saugus River, alewives . 240 Saugus, Saugus River, alewives and shad Saugus River, seining prohibited Saugus River, Lynn, Saugus and South Reading, alewives Saugus River, Lynn, alewives and shad Saugus River, Saugus, South Read- ing and Lynnlield, alewives and shad Scallops, taking may be regulated by city and town authorities, 356, 371, 387 Scituate, First Herring Brook, ale- wives 163 Scituate, Gulf Stream, alewives 82, 88 Scituate, North River to Indian Ponds, 257, 357 Scituate and Cohasset, alewives . 254 Scituate and Cohasset, Mushquashuit Creek, eels 343 Scuppaug, tautog, bluefish, bass and lobsters, Buzzard's Bay, Wareham and Sandwich .... 275, 375 Scusset River, West Sandwich, ale- wives 259 181 343 240 249 181 335 334 337 347 384 381 123 198 327 132 313 Page Sengekontacket Pond, Edgartown, seining regulated .... 329 Sesuit Creek, Dennis, alewives . 251, 360 Shad fisheries, regulated . .196, 319 Sharon, Neponset River, alewives and other fish 67 Shawshine [Shawsheen] River, ale- wives ... 58, 78, 132, 180 Shell fisheries, regulated, 307, 326, 351, 371, 387 Shell-fish, taking may be regulated by citv and town authorities, 356, 371, 375, 370, 387 Shell-fish, Barnstable and Marshpee, 276, 384 Shell-fish, Brewster .... Shell-fish, Mount Hope Bay, Fall River, Somerset and Swansea Shell-fish in Somerset and Swansea . Shell-fish, Thompson's Island, Bos- ton Harbor Shell-fish and eels, Marshpee and Barnstable Shiners for bait, Merrimack River . Sippican River, Rochester, alewives . Skinnaquits Fishing Company, in Harwich and Chatham, incorpo- rated .... 198, 209, 221 Skinnaquits Stream, Harwich and Chatham, alewives Smelt Brook, Kingston, alewives Smelt Brook, Pembroke, alewives . Smelts in Dukes County . Smelts, fishery regulated, 311, 313, 318, 319, 330, 331, 333, 370 Smelts, Bass River .... 313 Smelts, Island River, Maiden . . 128 Smelts, Monatiquot River, Braintree 160 Smelts and eels, Neponset River, Dorchester and Milton, . Smelts and pickerel, Merrimack River . . . Smelts and tomcod, Charles River . Smith's Island, seining regulated, 245, 263, 283, 322 Snipticit Pond, Rochester, alewives . 103 Somerset, Taunton Great River, ale- wives and shad . 168, 225, 229, 268 Somerset, Newmasket River, ale- wives and shad .... 270 Somerset and Swansea, Lee's River, seining regulated .... 314 Somerset and Swansea, Mount Hope Bay, shell-fisheries . . . 334, 337 Somerville, Mystic River to Mystic Pond, alewives and shad Somerville, Little River . . 228, 232 Southwick, Congamon Ponds, fish not to be taken with seines or nets. South Hadley Falls, Connecticut River, salmon and shad . . 61, 161 South Reading, Saugus River, ale- wives South Reading, Saugus River, ale- wives and shad .... South River, Marshfield, alewives and shad South Scituate, North River to Indian Ponds, alewives . . 257 Sparrow, Thomas, and others, fish- wtir in Chatham .... 261 Spy Pond, alewives .... 30 181 328 163 308 193 240 181 162 357 INDEX. 403 Page Spy Pond, Woburn, alewives and shad 148 Stoney Brook, Chelmsford, alewives, salmon and shad . . .113, 123 Stony Brook and Smelt Brook, Kingston, alewives; fishways . 327 Stoughton, Neponset River, ale- wives, shad and other fish . 67, 78 Striped bass and bluefish, Edgartown, 378, 389 Sturgeon, Merrimack River . . 379 Swan Pond to Long Pond, alewives, 222 Swanzey, [Swansea,] Mount Hope Bay, shell-fisheries . . 331, 337 Swanzey, Palmer's River, alewives and shad . . 108, 164, 172, 206, 338 Swanzey, Cole's River, seining regu- lated 314 Swanzey, Cole's River and Milford Pond, herring and shad . . . 380 T. Tan Pond, Orleans, alewives . . 211 Taunton, price of alewives regulated, 65 Taunton, Mill River, alewives . . 73 Taunton Great River, alewives, 51, 55, 83 Taunton Great River, alewives, shad and other fish, 154, 168, 178, 200, 201, 225, 268, 292, 325, 337, 342, 351, 369 Taunton Great River, commissioners to be appointed .... 272 Taunton Great River, Bridgewatcr . 196 Taunton Great River, Middleborough, 196 Taunton Great River and Newmasket River, Taunton, alewives and shad, 301 Taunton Great River, Somerset . 229 Tautog, bluefish, bass, scuppaug and lobsters. Buzzard's Bay, Wareham and Sandwich . Tautog, bass and lobsters, Edgar- town, Chilmark and Tisbury Tautog, bass and lobsters, Fairhaven, New Bedford, Dartmouth and Westport 178, Tautog, bass and lobsters, Falmouth, Ten-Mile and Three-Mile Rivers, shad and alewives . . . . 22, 44 Tewksbury, Concord River, alewives, salmon and shad .... Third Herring Brook, Pembroke, ale- wives Thompson's Island, Boston Harbor, shell-fish Tisbury, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish Tisbury. seining prohibited in waters of Tisbury, Chappaquonsett Pond and Creek, herring and alewives . Titicut River, Middlel)orough and Bridgewater, alewives and shad, 184, 189 Toracod and smelts, Charles River . 163 Topsfield, Ipswich River, alewives and other fish . . . 58, 06, 129 Topsfield, Ipswich River, seining pro- hibited ...... Topsfield, Ipswich River to Prich- ard's Pond, alewives Town and city authorities may regu- late the taking of eels and certain shell-fish 356 275, 375 186 374 188 172 132 347 186 197 236 153, 273 96 Page Town Brook, Plymouth, alewives, 34, 190 Town River, Bridgewater, West Bridgewater, shad, herring and ale- wives; fishways . . . 326,347 Traps, trawls and seines, for catching fish and lobsters .... 377 Trap's Creek Fishing Company, in Edgartown, incorporated, 217, 239, 266 Treaty of Washington, fishery clauses, 353 Trour, fishing regulated, 319, 335, 369, 383 Trout, lake, fishing regulated, 319, 335, 369, 383 Trout, East Head, Carver and Ply- mouth 307 Trout, Grist-Mill Pond, Wareham . 310 Trout, Jones' Mill Creek, Barnstable, 312 Trout, Maple Spring Pond, Ware- ham 291 Trout, Marshpee, Marshpee River, 241,284 Trout, Marshpee, Quashnet River . 295 Trout, Merrill Pond, Wendell . . 312 Trout, Nye's Pond, Sandwich . . 292 Trout, not to be taken from Russell Pond in Russell . . . .197 Trout and black bass, fisheries regu- lated 306 Trou«- and pickerel, to be taken only with hook and line . . . 279, 284 Troy, [Fall River,] Taunton Great River, alewives and shad . . 168 Tuckernuck Island, seining regu- lated . . . 245, 263, 283, 322 Tuttle, Jesse, fish-weir in Harwich . 263 Tyngsborough, Massapaug Ponds . 120 V. Vineyard Sound, Barnstable and Mashpee, bluefish, seining prohib- ited Vineyard Sound, Yarmouth, Dennis and Harwich, bluefish, seining pro- hil)ited Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay, menhaden W. Wakefield and Saugiis, Lake Q'lan- napowitt, seining prohibited . Wakepee Pond, Marshpee, alewives, Waltham, alewives and shad . 76, Waquoit Bay, Falmouth, seining pro- hibited Ware River, Hingham, alewives and shad Wareham, fisheries regulated . 354, Wareham, Grist Mill Pond, trout Wareham, Maple Spring Pond, trout, Wareham, Wareham River, alewives, Wareham, Weweantit River, shad and alewives ... 71, 168, Wareham and Plymouth, Agawam and Half-waj' Pond Rivers, ale- wives and shad, 214, 258, 286, 294, Wareham and Sandwich, Buzzard's Ba.y, lobsters, bluefish, tautog, bass and scuppaug .... 275, Washington, treaty of, fishery clauses, Waters, Crane and Porter's Rivers, Danvers and Beverly Watertown, alewives and shad . 76, 390 386 299 343 88, 105 150 247 118 373 310 291 57 346 342 375 353 264 150 404 INDEX. 70 265 7 372 Page AVatertown, Charles River, alewives and shad 150, 191 Watertown, Fresh Pond, seining pro- hibited Watuppa Pond, Fall River and West- port, seining prohibited . Weaver, George, fish-weir in Yar- mouth Weirs, regulated .... Weirs, penalty for injuring Weirs, pounds, etc., owners to make annual leturns to commissioners of tish taken .... 341, 856, 372 Wellfleet, alewives . . 27, 205, 298 Wellfleet, Herring River, eels . . 344 Wellington, [Freetown,] Taunton Great River, alewives and shad, 155, 168 Wendell, M'.rrill Pond, trout . . 312 Wenham, alewives and shad . 127, 130 Wenham, Ipswich River, seining prohibited 273 Wenham, Miles River, alewives and shad Ill Wenham Pond, alewives and shad not to be taken for three years . oil AVest Bridgewater, Town River, ale- wives and other flsh . . 326, 347 West Cambridge, Little River . 228, 232 West Cambridge, Mystic River, ale- wives and shad . 135, 173, 180, 308 West Cambridge, Mystic River, tish not to be taken within fifty rods of a fish way 300 West Quittacus Pond, alewives, 94, 124, 154 West Sandwich, Scusset River, ale- wives 259 West Springfield, Agawam or West- field River, alewives, shad and other fish 138, 193 Westfield River, size of mesh pre- scribed .... 318,348,367 Westfield or Agawam River, ale- wives, salmon and shad . ■ 18, 24, 138 Westfield or Agawam River, West Springfield, alewives, shad and other fish .... 138,193 Weston, alewives and shad . 76, 150 Westport, town of, seining regulated, 26 Westport, lobsters, tautog, bass and other fish 178, 374 Westport, Watuppa Pond, seining prohibited 345 Wequabsqua Fishing Company, Chil- mark Pond, incorporated . . 246 Pape Weweantit River, alewives, Rochester, 203' Weweantit River, Rochester, Ware- ham and Carver, shad and ale- wives .... 71,168,346 Weymouth, alewives . . 208, 233 Weymouth, Whitman's and Great Ponds, alewives . . .86, 187 Weymouth and Braintree, Monati- quot River 21ft White perch, fishery regulated . . 319 White Pond Fishing Company, Har- wich, incorporated . . . . 232 Whitman's Pond, Weymouth, ale- wives 86, 188 Whittemore, Elijah, and Ira Wixon, fish-weir in Dennis .... Wild Harltor to Dam Pond, Fal- mouth, alewives .... Williamstown, Hoosick River, seines or nets not to be used Winchel's Pond, Egremont, pickerel, Winchester, Mystic River, alewives and shad .... 290, 296, 308; Winchester, Mystic River, fish not to be taken within fifty rods of a fish- way Winthrop, clam fishery Wixon, Ira, and Elijah Whittemore, fish-weir in Dennis .... AVoburn, Mystic River, alewives and shad 60,147 Worcester, fish not to be taken from reservoirs, etc. .... 331 Y. Yarmouth, alewives, eels, herring and perch 14S Yarmouth, fisheries regulated . 354, 373 Yarmouth, fish-weir by George Weaver and others . . . 265 Yarmouth, Baker's Pond to Bass River, alewives .... 282 Yarmouth, Long Pond Fishing Com- pany, incorporated . . . 222, 35S Yarmouth, Vineyard Sound, blue- fish . . . . . . .386 Yarmouth and Dennis, Bass River, alewives, herring, salmon, trout and perch . . . 241, 355, 387 Young, Samuel, may construct fish- weir in Chatham .... 26L 262 255 179 156 30O 336 262 SH222 .M37 1887 I .i"\ ril.idni; l.i inhml fisheries i Harvard MCZ Library WMuf ^^ 2044 062 418 256 m i:-r lii