Lebanon Valley College BULLETIN

Vol. 14



No. 9




1925 - 1926




Entered as second-class matter at Annville, Pa., nnder the Act of Aiii^ust 21. 1911'


Director of tJic Coiiscrz'alory of Music










Harmony, Theory, Counterpoint, Composition and History of Music


%&hanon X^aWa^ (TolUge !^ulUlin

Ruth Elizabeth Engle, A.B.

]\TISS Rl'TH EXGLF. returns to Lebanon A'alley College as ^^•^ Director of the Conservatory after two 3'ears' stuch^ with prominent artists in Xew York. Her musical preparation has been thorough and extensive. Having completed her academic course at Lebanon A'alley College in 1915, she resumed the study of music in a more specialized manner. At the end of a A^ear's study of piano and harmony at Obcrlin Conservatory, she entered the New England Cor.servatory in Boston, ]^.lassachusetts, where, for two years, she was a pupil of Lee I'attison. She graduated from Xew England Conser\-ator\- and then accepted the position as teacher of piano and thcor}' at Lebanon Valle}' Conservatory. She spent two successive sumniers at ChautaiU[ua in the stud}' of piano with Ernest Hutcheson, the eminent artist an.d teacher. While in Chautauqua, she did en- semble work with members of the Xew York S^miphony Orchestra.

The desire for more advanced work led Miss Engle to continue her study in X'ew York Cit}' with celebrated artists, such as Ernest Hutcheson, iM-ancis Yioorc, and Erank LaForge. Graduate courses at Columl^ia Universit}', Composition. Liiprovisation, and Alusical Pedagogy under Frederick Schlieder, amply equip her for her posi- tion as Director of the Conservator}-.

Aliss Engle has had many engagements throughout the East, appearing in Scranrcin, Pen Argyl, Greenwich, Conn., and in X^ew York Cit}'. She recenth' gave a recital at the American Listitute of Applied Music in X'"cw Y'ork CitA'.

The Musical Advance, in speaking of Yliss Engle, saj^s, "Besides a facile technic, she has artistic sensitiveness, good tone, breadth, and understanding."'

R. Porter Campbell, Mus.B.

1\ TR. CAMPBELL I'Cgan his musical career at Lebanon Valley College Conservatory. After obtaining his diploma in Piano- forte in 1915, the diploma in Organ and the Bachelor of Music de- grees in 1916. he was retained on the Facult}' for two 3-ears as teacher of piano and tlieor}-. At this point the World War inter- vened but in 1920 he resumed his teaching at Lebanon VallcA' College Conservatory. During the summer of 1921 he studied piano in Xew York City with Aloys Kramer and Arthur Friedheim. In the summer of 1923 he began his study of organ with Pietro Y^on, the renowned Italian organist. He continued his organ study throughout the year and in the summer of 1924 accompanied Mr.

IDeparlment of ^fttusic

Yon on his annual vi'-it abroad, where he hvecl and studied at the \'illa Yon in Italy for four months. For three ^-^ears he was organist and choirmaster of the Seventh St. Lutheran (Jhurch, Lebanon, Pa., but in January, 1924, accepted the position as organist of St. Luke's Epi>copal Church, Lel)anon.

While on European tour, ^Ir. Campljell Avon favorable comment from the most distinguished music critics and music autiiorities of Laly; he played at St. Peter's in the Vatican, the Pontiiical School of Sacred Music, and the Academy of St. Cecilia in Rome and appeared in public recital at ]\Llan and Settimo Vittone. Since his return he has appeared AA'ith great success in recitals in Lebanon and the Eastern part of the State.

George Rogers

T EBANON VALLEY COLLECE has been very fortunate in •^-^ securing George Rogers as the Head of the AY)ice Department. For a period of eight years Afr. Rogers was a student of the best masters of singing in Europe, including Lamperti of Berlin; Jacque Isnardon of the National Conservatory of Fiance in Paris; Raymond Von Zur i^,[euhlen of London an authority on the interpretation of German Licder and of Madam Marcella Sembrich of Nice, France, who coached and prepared him for the concert and operatic stage. }>L-. Rogers has ])een engaged for numerous concerts and recitals all over the United States. Possessing every requisite which goes to make up a satisfactory concert artist, he has proved an enthusiastic success everywhere he has been heard.

\[r. Rogers possesses a Ijeautiful tenor voice of wide range and power. He is not only a singer of great artistic merit Imt also a teacher who is capal^le of demonstrating what he teaches. As a teacher and coach, Ah". Rogers has been so successful that he is assisting ^fadam Sembrich in her diction classes in New ^ ork City.

Edith Frantz Mills

T^HE ability of Mrs. Mills, as an artist, is well known and far reaching. Having graduated in voice from Lebanon VaUey College Conservatory m 190S, she spent two years in New York City and four summers at Lake George studying with A. Y. Cornell. Later she was a pupil of Madam Omstrom-Renard. In 1912 she accepted the position as vocal teacher at Lebanon \'"alley College Con- servatory. The past 3'ear she studied with Mme. Cahier, the world's greatest contralto.

Having appeared with Anna Case and other celebrated artists,

Xcbanon Valley College 2Sullclin

Mrs. Mills has v;on much success by her colorful voice, charming personality and dramatic interpretation. In 1923 she resumed her teaching at I^ebanon Valley College and has been enthusiastically welcomed as a member of the staff of vocal teachers for the ensuing 3-ear.

Harold Malsh

IX/TR. HAROLD MALSH, a graduate of the Institute of Musical Art, New York Cit}-, of which Dr. Frank Damrosch is director, has been engaged as teacher in the Violin Department during the past year. Besides his studies in New York City, Mr. Malsh taught at the Music and Art Institute, Mount Vernon, N. Y., for two 3'ears, and also gave private instruction in the metropohs. He is A\-ell known in Plarrisburg musical circles, having appeared to advantage en many concert programs. His playing is marked for its beauty of tou'j, hue musical perception and superb technic. (Besides his regular teaching at the Studios, Mr. Malsh will also be in charge of the violin ensemble class which will be open to all violin students.)

The aim of Lebanon Valley College Conservatory is to teach music historicall}' and aestheticall}' as an element of liberal culture; to offer courses that will give a thorough and practical understanding of theory an i composition; and to train artists and teachers.

Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees are granted by the Trustees of Lebanon Valley College to students who have satisfactorily com- pleted their course of stud}-.


Piano, Organ, Singing or Violin 2

Sight Singing and Melodic Dictation 5

Sight Playing 1

Elementary Harmon}- and Composition 2

Appreciation of Music 2

English 12 and 14 3

Four hours daily practice 10

Second Year

Piano, Organ, Singing or Violin 2

Sight Singing and Interval Dictation 3

Sight Playing 1

Harmony, Composition and Counterpoint 2

History of Music 2

English 26 3

Four hours daily practice 10

Department of ^fttusic

Third Year

Piano, Organ, Singing or Molin 2

Sight Singing and Chord Dictation 2

Harmony, Composition and Counterpoint 2

Psychology of Music 1

Musical Form 2

French or German 3

Four hours dail}' practice 10

Choral Works 1

Fourth Year

Piano, Organ, Singing or Violin 2

Harmon}^ Composition and Counterpoint 2

Harmonic Analysis 2

Science and Tlieory of Music 2

Ensemble Playing 1

Four hours daily practice 10

Choral Works 1


The value of music as an educational subject is clearly shown (1) b}^ the increasing number of college students who elect music as their major subject. (2) by the growing tendency for high schools to grant credits for study to those who are pursuing music either in special music schools, or with private teachers. Because of this granting of credits, a higher degree of preparation, skill, and efficiency is demanded of the private teacher.

The aim of this course is to give Juniors and Seniors practical teaching experience under the instruction and supervision of mem- bers of the Faculty, After a course of lectures and demonstrations by the Supervisor, the student gains actual experience in teaching pupils both in class and private lessons.

Lectures will be given on all phases of piano playing. The instruction will be based on the most modern pedagogical and ps^'chological principles. All presentation of material will be first made through the ear, the most spiritual sense, then the eye and touch.

The chief duty of the teacher is to develop within the child a consciousness of music as the universal language and to lead him to a proper unfoldment of the impulse for self-expression.


These classes are formed of children who possess musical ability. A large number of young people thus acquire, at a nominal expense,

Xcbanon Valley College !^ulkUn

the nuliments of a musical education, sufficient to lit them later to enter the regular courses of the Conservatory.


Tuition fees are payable in advance unless otherwise provided. Rates for private lessons are determined by the classification of the pupil and tlie rates charged by the different professors.

The rates i)er semester, two lessons per week, range from S34.00 to $50.00, and one lesson per week, from $17.00 to $25.00.


Harmon}-, Counterpoint and Composition $18.00

Harmonic Analysis 18.00

:Musical Form 18.00

Sight Singing 18.00

Historv of Music 18.00

Sight Playing 18.00

Xormal Methods 18.00

Psychology of Alusic 18.00


A student is not permitted to enroll for a shorter period than one full semester, or the unexpired portion thereof, thus the instructor's time is engaged by each student for that period.

Xo reduction is made for absence from recitations except in case of illness extending beyond a period of two weeks, in which case the loss is shared equall}^ b}- the College and student. No reduction is made for late registration unless at least one-fourth of the semester has elapsed.


Faculty and Student Recitals will be given at stated times throughout the 3'ear. The recitals are of great value to the student in acquainting him with repertoire, in developing musical taste, and in giving young musicians poise and experience in appearing before an audience.


The course for Supervisors of Public School Music offered at Lebanon \'alley Conservatory will be the same course as outlined by the State ICducation Department at Harrisburg.

The tuition for the Supervisor's Course will be $225 per year, and will include all Theoretical work, one Piano and one Voice lesson per week and two hours practice daily.

IDcparlmcnt of ^^usic


Requirements for admission to the supervisor's course include the following:

The possession of an acceptable singing voice and of a fairh' quick sense of tone and rh}-thm.

Aln'lity to sing at sight hymn and folk tunes with a fair degree of accurac}- and facility.

A general academic education, representing a four-year high school cour-e or its ecjuivalent, including the ability to speak, write and spell the l^nglish language acceptably.

Advanced credit granted at entrance is based upon attainment and is determined by the results of the classification tests given at entrance.

First Year

First Semester

Elementar}- Theo^-y 3 periods 3 hours credit

Sight Reading 5 " 5

English 5 "" 5 '' "

Dictation 5 '" 5 " "

Chorus 2 '• 1

Voice 1 ■• 1

Piano 1 •• 1

Second Semester

Elementary Harmony 3 periods 3 hours credit

Dictation 3 " 3

Sight Reading 3 '" 3 "

English 3 '" 3 " "

Oral Expression 2 " 2 ''

Chorus 2 " 1

Voice 1 '■ 1

Piano 1 " 1

Second Year

First Semester

Harmony and Melody 3 periods 3 hours credit

Melodic Dictation 3 '" 3

Sight Reading 3 " 3

Material and Methods (Grades 1-6).. 3 " 3 "

Violin Class 3 " 3

General Methods and Sch. ]\ranagement 3 " 3 "

Chorus 2 " 1

Voice 1 " 1

Piano 1 " 1

Xcbanon Valley (ToUcgc !^uUctin

Second Semester

Harmony and Melod}^ 3 periods

Keyboard Harmony 3 "

Sight Reading 3 "

Alaterial and Methods (Jr. High Sch.) 3 "

\''iolin Class 3 "

Ps3^chology and Child Stud}^ 3 "

Chorus 2 "

Voice 1 "

Piano 1

Third Year

First Semester

Advanced Harmony and Melody 3 periods

Histor}' of Music and Appreciation. ... 2 "

Practice Teaching 5 "

Music Appreciation in Grades 1 "

High School Material and Methods. ... 3 "

Orchestra & Band Materials & Methods 4

Community Music 1 "

Chorus 2 "

Voice 1

Piano 1 "

Orchestra 3 "

Second Semester

History of Music and Appreciation. ... 2 periods

Orchestral and Choral Conducting. ... 3 ''

Care and Classification of Voices H. S. 2 "

Practice Teaching 5 "

Games, Pageantry and Folk Dancing. . 3 "

Chorus 2 "

Voice 1 "

Piano 1 "

Orchestra 3 "

Organization and Administration 1 "

Histor}' and Principles of Education.. 3 "

hours credit

hours credit

hours credit

FINAL REQUIREMENTS Completion of the Course includes:

The ability to play acceptably at sight, piano accompaniments of song material found in standard school texts. This represents not less than three years' serious study of the piano.

A sufficient knowledge of the child voice, adolescent voice and adult voice to deal intelligently with the vocal problems found in the grades and in the high school.

The ability to sing with acceptable tone, quality and interpretation.

The ability to play an orchestral instrument sufficiently well to meet the requirement to play in the orchestra one j^ear.

