COLLECTION OF William Schaus © PRESENTED TO THE National Museum MCMV SCIENTIFIC RESULTS THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION; BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, Ph.D. LEPIDOPTEPvA, BY FREDERIC MOORE, F.Z.S., etc., ASSISTANT OUBATOB, INDIAN IIUSEUM, LONBOtT. ^ublishcb bij orbcr of the ©obcrnmcut cf Iubi;r. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OP GOVERNMENT PRINTING 1879. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION: BASED UPON THE COLLECTIONS AND NOTES OF THE LATE FERDINAND STOLICZKA, Ph.D. LEPIDOPTERA, FEEDEEIC MOORE, E.Z.S., etc. ASSISTANT CURATOR, INDrAN MUSEUM, LONDON. Publishcb bij oibcr of the Cobcrnmcnt nf Inbiit. CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING. 1879. CALCUTTA : FEINTED lit EHB SUKntilNTENDENT OF GOVEENMENT TBINTING, S, IlASTIXOa STEEET. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS THE SECOND YARKAND MISSION LEPIDOPTERA. By FREDEEIC MOORE, F.Z.S., etc., Assistant Curator, India Museum, London. Tribe-PAPILIONES. Ya.xn\\y—NrMPHA LID^. Sub-Family— S^ TYRINJE. 1. HiPPARCHIA LEHANA. Plate I, fig. 4, $ . Hipparchia lehana, Moore, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1878, p. 227. Allied to IS., baldiva, Moore, from Upper Kunawur, the upperside being paler in colour, the discal transverse ochreous band broader on both wings, and its inner border, in the male, inwardly oblique. Both sexes above and beneath arc wdthout the small ocellus on the disc^il band above the anal angle. The underside is also veiy much paler, and the transverse sinuous lines wider apart. Expanse n band extending below the cell from near base to beyond postmedian line ; reniform mark partly green. Other parts as in male. Expanse 2J to 3 inches. Hah. India {AUahahad, Bombay, Canara, Kilgiris, DarjiUng) ; Ceylon. " Larva half-loopcr ; sixteen legs, the first ventral pair being so slightly developed as to be useless for the purpose of progression; cylindrical, the 11th segment raised, and the apex surmounted by a single blunt red tubercle raised above the skin, behind which the body slopes abruptly down towards the anal legs; spiracles oval and black. General colour dusky purplish-brown, dotted with numerous minute cobalt-blue spots regularly arranged, and with large yellow oval patches on the 4th, 5th, and Gth segments, those on the sides of the 5th and Gth being in the shape of ocelli, the iris yellow, pupil azure blue, surrounded by black ; the 9th and 10th segments also patched with yellow irre- gularly more or less. Changes to pupa beneath a canopy of living leaves fastened firmly together and thinly lined with a bed of silk ; pupa fastened by the tail ; of an orange-colour, beautifully burnished and rough like shagreen ; the lower part of the thorax is much compressed, in fact quite sharp. Found during June, Jidy, and August and sparingly in October and November below the Ghats, and in July and x\ugust above the Ghats." {S. N. Ward, 2IS. Notes.) Has been reared by Dr. Thwaites, in Ceylon, from larva feeding on Menispermum; Mr. S. N. "Ward reared the larva, in Canara, upon Cocculus villosus. Othreis smar.\gdipict.\. Ophideres smaragdipicta. Walker, Cat. Lep. Het. Brit. Mus. xiii. p. 1229 (1857), $ . Female. Fore wing deep ferruginous-brown, witli a purplish tinge, varied with black strigae, which are darkest and thickly confluent on the costa and disk; an irregular- shaped longitudinal bright green band extending from the base below the cell, its broad basal centre being brown ; some green strigic along the costa, and a thick cluster below the apex and along exterior border. Hind wing orange-yellow, marginal black band broad, extending paler along the costa and suffusing the base ; a short black bilobed ME. F. MOOKE ON THE OPUIDERINJ^ OF THE INDIAN REGION. C9 discal band. Thorax, head, palpi, fore legs in front, and tarsi beneath dark ferruginous- brown, thorax grey-speckled ; abdomen above orange-yellow, beneath blackish. Expanse 3 inches. Hah. Borneo. In I'oll. British Museum. Khadira, n. gen. Differs from Othreis in the fore wing having a decided falcate apex, the hind margin with shorter and more deeply excavated space between the angles ; the hind wing also shorter ; the palpi having the third joint slender and not tufted at the apex, the second joint also being more slender ; fore tibiae less tufted, and tarsi more spinous. Khadira aura^'tia. (Plate XIII. fig. 4.) Ophideres aurantia, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 607. Male. Fore wing dark ochrey-red, with numerous short transverse grey strigee, veins alternate grey- and black-speckled ; a narrow black oblique band from apex to middle of excavation on hind margin ; the oblique band, two inner and two outer transverse dusky fascifE bordered inwardly with purple-grey : hind wing pale orange-yellow, with a black, short, curved, narrow submarginal band, and broader, short, constricted discal band. Thorax, head, palpi, fore legs in front, and antennae ochrey-red; abdomen pale orange-yellow. Underside orange-yellow ; fore wing with a dusky patch at the apex, and two blackish short curved oblique discal streaks above posterior angle ; hind wing with a short black discal spot and an indistinct dusky outer fascia. Expanse 4 inches. Hab. South Andamans. In coll. British Museum. Adris, n. gen. Fore wing : costa arched beyond the middle, convex at the end, the apex being pro- duced into a lengthened point ; exterior margin very oblique, convex, the angle very acute ; posterior margin very short in the male, lobe much produced, excavation beyond short. Hind wing prolonged anteriorly, the exterior margin slightly concave below the apex ; veins similar to those in Othreis. Palpi larger and stouter than in the other genus, more laxly clothed, the third joint with a large, flattened, dense tuft above. Fore tibijE in male more densely clothed with longer lateral hairs. Type A. tyrannus. Adris tyrannus. (Plate XIII. fig. 5, 6 .) Ophideres tyrannm, Gueuee, Noct. iii. p. 110 (1852) ; Walker, Catal. Lep. Het. Brit. Mus. xiii. p. 1224. Male. Fore wing dark ochreous-brown, with indistinct darker transverse sinuous fascige bordered with chalybeous purple ; sparsely covered with dark red-brown delicate 70 ME. F. MOORE ON THE OPlUDERINiE OF THE IXDIAJ^ REGION. transverse strigJE ; veins black-speckled ; a narrow blackish antemedian line and an oblique postraedian line from the apex, each with paler inner border, the latter also bordered externally at the apical end with green speckles ; a small black orbicular spot, and distinct green-speckled rcniform mark ; a small black subbasal spot and cluster of green speckles. Hind wing ochreous-yellow, the base tinged with brown ; a narrow curved black submarginal band (entirely separated from the outer margin), and a short broader bilobed discal band. Thorax, liead, palpi, and legs above dark ochreous-brown, abdomen ochreous-yellow. Female. Fore wing ochreous-green, numerously covered with red-brown delicate strigsE, transverse lines red-brown ; some greyish-speckled spots towards the apex and on the disk, and a similarly coloured marginal patch from posterior angle. Hind wing and body as in male. Expanse 4 inches. Ilah. India (Simla, Darjil/n;/, Bomhatj) ; China (S/urnr/hai) ; Japan. " Taken in forests at Simla ; disturbed from the thickets in broad daylight it dashes off very suddenly and swiftly with a blind headlong flight, like a frightened owl." {3faJor A. M. Lang, MS. Notes.) Adris kutilus, n. sp. Male. Fore wing ferruginous, crossed by darker wavy greyish-bordered fasciic ; an indistinct antemedian transverse line and a prominent postmedian oblique black line ; a cluster of green speckles near the base, another on reniform mark, and a few along outer border of the oblique line. Hind wing orange-yellow, an elongated narrow curved black submarginal band, and a small short black lobate discal spot. Thorax, head, palpi, and fore legs in front ferruginous ; abdomen above and beneath, and legs yellow. Expanse 3| inches. Hah. Ceylon. In coll. Dr. Thwaites and F. Moore. " Larva feeds on MeuisperraacesD." (I>r. Thwaites, MS. ISfote.) PuRBiA, n. gen. Both sexes with shorter wings ; fore wings broad, the exterior margin straight below the apex, oblique, even, lobe of hind margin very broad, more so than in any other of the group, the excavation being also very concave. Palpi similar to those in A. tijrannus, but the second joint broad at its apex ; fore tibiae very densely tufted. ME. F. MOOEE ON THE OPHIDEREN'^ OF THE INDIAN REGION. 71 PURBIA DISCREPANS. (Plate XIV. fig. 1, (^ .) Ophideres t^jscre/aaws, Walker, Catal. Lcp. Hct. Brit. Mus. xiii. p. 3227 (1857), cj . Ophideres archon, Felder, Reise der Novara, Lcp. pi. csiii. f. 3 (1873-1), ? . Male. Fore wing pale purplish-brown or fawn-coloui', with a few black speckles along the costa and on the veins ; crossed by three very indistinct and incomplete nar- row brown bands, the outer sinuously recurved and bordered externally by clusters of greenish scales ; an indistinct greenish subbasal spot and a green-speckled reniform mark. Hind Aving orange-yellow, with broad black apical marginal band, the row of cilial spots and apical angle being white ; a short broad curved black discal band. Thorax, head, palpi, and legs purplish brown ; abdomen orange-yellow. Female. Differs in having a narrow white reniform mark, and two short linear white spots on middle of the disk. Expanse 3 to of inches. Ilab. India {Malabar) ; Siam ; Singapore ; Java. M^NAS, Hiibner. Matnas, Hubner, Verz. bek. Schmett. p. 2G-1 (1816). Ophideres (part), Guenee, Walker. Fore wing elongated, trigonal; costa slightly arched towards the end, apex acute exterior margin oblique, straight ; posterior margin long, witli a tufted angle near base ; slightly curved to the end. Palpi short, compactly clothed with short scales ; apical; joint small, very short, and conical. Larva similar in form to that of Othreis. M^NAS SALAMINIA. (Plate XII. figs. 3, 3 a, ob, larva and pupa ; Plate XIV. fig. 2, imago.) Phalaina Nod. salaminiu, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. p. 117, pi. elxxiv. f. A (1779); Clerck, Icones, pi. xlviii. f. 5, 6. Noctua salaminia, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. 2, p. 17 (1793). M^^?l4^ ^X^'^C u'G-C- ^^^X/J/^' j%^^.^^c^. t^.Xl^M \ f 3, F 0 Moore del ct lilK MintemBros iTnp SPECIES OF OPHIDERINiE Moor Sc •^ 1830-1907- ' 'Ifffc r'esults of the .econr^ar^nd ---;;,,;ns based upon the ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^nd notes ot t .^optera. nand_Stox^,,,^^==^ SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRABIES 3 lOfifi 0D3Sbb3H t nhenl gQL542 M6 On the genera ana species o( the lepidop iH 1 #fi}: « iMii