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Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Open Knowledge Commons and Harvard Medical School http://www.archive.org/details/lettersoncausetrOOhami LETTERS CAUSE AND TREATMENT GOUT; IN WHICH SOME DIGRESSIVE REMARKS ON OTHER MEDICAL SUBJECTS ARE INTERSPERSED. ^^.^^■^^Esa BY TUB LATE Robert Hamilton, M, D. of Lynn Regis, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, F. R. S honorary F. R. Phy- S. Edinburgh, and C. M. S. London: Author of Observa- tions on Marsh Remittent Fever, Water Canker, Scrophula, and other Medical Tracts. Nihil tarn prodire possunt aut in rebus physicis, aut medicls, ad veritatera acidendam quam exxicrlmenta, et viis insuetis removere tenebram. -Qusequeipse raiserrima vidi Et quorum pars magna fui. VlRG! PRINTED AND SOLD BY tr, WHITTINGIIAM, AND SOLD ALSO BY CROSEY AND CO. LONDON* 1806. inh ADVERTISEMENT. THE Editor of these Letters on the Gout is induced to offer them to the public y in the hope that they may benefit those zvho suffer from that distressing distemper : though most probably not so completely finished for publication as they might have been, had the author lived to have given them himself to the zvorld. But as the treatises on Marsh Remittent Fever"^ and Water Canker were received with ap- probation and liberal criticism^ by an impartial pub- lie, though labouring under those disadvantages which every posthumous zvork must in some degree expert- ence^from a want of the author* s superintendence, it is hoped that the present work will meet with similar liberality of judgment and candour of reception^ * Lundon, published by Mr. J. Mawman, Poultry, for the Editor, t See the London Medical Reriew, &c. DEBICATI^Nc TO arthritic stifferers of every denomina^ tion^ the following " Letters on the Gout^'' written for the use of a friend^ are humbly offered by their fellozv sufferer^ THE AUTHOR. i%%^,-^;:^ %^^^f^^^^^^nM:^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^k0k^ Advertisement from the Author. These letters were originally c^esl^ned for tlie private informa-r tion of a friend, but as many facts crowded upon the author which may be of utility to the public, he has thought it his duty to present them to it in the mode of his intended cornmunicatioiit to his friend. The novelty of his ideas at first withheld him from offering them to the eye of the world, from diffidence of its reception of them ; but as further experience has confirmedi the efficiency of his practice, and probably his theory or patho- logy of the disease, he commits his letters with confidence to the inspection of a liberal public as well as to the arthritic sufFcrej and medical practitioner. He flatters himself that, although this work may not be treated with systematic order, it may deserve some attention from being founded chiefly on experience in his own person for more than twenty years, and any theory that may be advanced is founded upon real observation of fact or on deduction by rea- soning by analogy from facts^ He is aware of the various opinions which may be entertained ^pon the novelty of ideas virhich mjlitate against received notions ; and as most of the following letters were the sponta.neous effu- sions of private correspondence, he has to crave the indulgence of the public for any incorrectness which may be observed in them ; but as they contain some new matter, on a subject old indeed, and deemed th? Opprobrium Medicorum, he makes no A 11 other apology for tKeir publication. He hopes, as he has repeat- edly received benefit himself from the practice he recommends, others may experience the same advantages, and should therefore, from his conviction of the relief to be found from it, have deem- ed himself a very unworthy member of scciety if he had not communicated his letters to the world. He must however caution his readers not to expect a complete cure of an incurable distemper. If an alleviation of distressing symptoms, during the fit, and an enjoyment of life with tolera* ble ease in the intervals, with the prevention of decrepitude, too often the effect of supine apathy and resignation, be obtained^ they are certainly no inconsiderable advantages to thosecondcma- ed to arthritic punishment during life^ Table of Contents, LETTER L page OfV'^KRVATIONS on the cause of the gout , „.„ 5 AU that is to be found concerning it in the best authors mere- ly conjectural — Authors have ascribed it to a variety of causes—no one allowed in this work but descent from parents 6 it is immaterial whether the father or mother of those afflict- ed had the gout or not, since it may remain latent, nor appear in its inaammatovy form for a generation , 7 Where it does not appear in its acute form it may in a ehro= nic one; as is shown by wandering pairts, (Src. .....„, 8, 9, 10 Remarks on the human foetus, the gouty virus, &c. — The gouty fluid supposed to be coeval with the existence, or ra- ther to exist before it 11, 12 13,14 Some modern physiologists deny all diseases to be hereditary — examination of this opinion ,, 16j 1^ LETTER IL The causes of the gout mentioned by authors considered- regarded here as only accidental causes of exciting a'fit...... IS As acids are said by authors to be a predisposing cause of goutj and that tophaceous concretions or chalk stones are pro- duced by an acid tartareous salt existing in the circulating fluids, these opinions are examined.... ;J9 The aerial acid or fixed air not to be regarded as one of those acids here meant ; since its existence unmixed as an acid in the system has never been ascertained 20 The phosphoric acid, though a substance produced from ani- mal matter cannot be allowed to exist in the system, since . it h entirely the product of chemical' analysis by intense heat , 21 Abstract of Mr. Bertholet's memoir conceining the presence of phosphoric acid in the system ., 23 Mr. Bertholct's opinion must be founded in mistake, as ap- pears from chemical obserrations on pho^phoxus ..,....»>,. 24 Phosphoric acid cannot exist in the circulating fluids, therefore Mr. Bertholet's hypothesis that it exists in the sweat rnu't be wrong: since the sweat is allowed to be secreted fiom ihe blood by the exhaling orifices of minute arterial ramifua- tions, opening on the surface of the skin 2':, 'j> Fixed air was discovered by Mr. Bewley, and afterwards by Bergman to be an acid, and it is now admitted into the tables of chemi«al attractions ►. 27 The aerial acid is the cause of the apparent acidity in sweat, by escaping from it, and, in fever, occasions the changing l>lue paper to red, laid on a gouty limb , 2S The sour smell perceived in a critical sweat is occasioned by its acetous fermentation ; as much saccharine matter is discharged with it 29 Observations on the acid fluid ejected from the stomach when that organ is affected by the gout and other diseases SQ This acid seems connected with the process of digestion— » opinions of different authors upon digestion and chylifica- tion examined 31, 32, 33, 34 Fermentation appears to be a necessary process in digestion, from the fixed air and saccharine matter which enter iato the composition of vegetable and animal food , 35^ 36, 37 In health a certain quantitityofan acid seems necessary in digestion • » SS A deficiency of an acid in the ^omach and a redundancy of it seem equally prejudicial.... ." 39 Mr. Hunter's observations on the acid in the stomach 40 The reason of the great quantities of acids ejected by the sto~ jmach in the gout and other diseases, is the morbid state of the digestive powers occasioned by those diseases^, 43 Acids are not the cause's of the gout) but the effects of it 44 The cause of the green or black colour of the bile in all dis- eases of the stomach is the abundant quantity of acid pro- duced in that state, which changes the bile to those colours 4Q Instead of being an excrementitioui fluid, bile is necessary to the process of digestion 4g As the acid fluid ejected by vomiting is not the cause but the effect of the gout, it is necessary to promote the evacuation Xifit — the proper method of doing this .>...,.;.. 55 A jJure acid cannot exist in the circulating fluids ; therefote an acid salt cannot be a cause of the gout 54. LETTER III. Continuation of observations on the supposed causes of the gout alleged by authors.., «,,Mi»ift, ..••>.>•.•>><•»>. •!.••>; o5 V p-g^ Peojjlc may drink with impunity, as to l!ie c:'>ut, if they ha-c it not constitutionally, though hepatitis,- phrcnitis, and other diseases may be caused by hard' drinking 55 Au instance of a gouty subject who drank hard bein^g- destroy^ ed by hepatitis, not by gout , ....^^,.... !S7 Tlie gcmt not contagious... v 50 Irregularities of every kind, exposure to ^veatl1er, &c. may act as excititig causes of gout in a gouty constitution GO, 61,G2 A-ffections of the rnind from anger, grief, or sudden misfor- fottune, may bring on a paroxysm in. those subject to the gout 63 Debility, far from being a cause, is an effect of this- disease... 66 Tiie poisons of ar^ienic and lead do not cause this disease, though they certainly will occasion the palsy : yet to the disgrace of humanity these deleterious minerals are used fur certain purposes by the manufacturers of wine.,,., 67 External injuries may excite the gout in a gouty constitatio.i, but cannot cause it in a sound one,.., , 5S From a retrospection of ail the observations it appears that the only proximate cause of gout is heieditary descent , 69 DiflFerent divisions of the gout by authors— two o«ly thought Tiecessaiy here, the acute and the chronic.............. 7G The gout a disease of the whole system — and as the powers -of nature become weakened by the repeated paroxysias, and life declines, from an inflammatory disease it gradual- ly takes on achronic form ,., 71 Professor CuUen's opinion of the gout considered 72 His Pathology of the gout liable to objectior;£,., , 74! Of the same opinion with him that the nerves are the media of the gout— Of an opinion contrary to him that there ex- ists a real morbific fiuid possessing the whole, system in ' gouty constitutions..^ .,.......^.. To^ ff LETTER IV. 'Inquiry into the natuoe of the morbific gouty fluid — It is of too subtile a nature to be collected unmixed , ^9, 8;P Observations on those circumstances which take place on the resolution of a gouty paroxysm— An infiltration of a %.\vA .into the tela cellulosa, surrounding -the pans affected, the. cause of the swelling in the foot ia gout — Blisters found -■useful to reduce the swelling' of the loot — Cause of the collection of the Buid — Cause ot the cfJ5;salioa of pain when the swelling takes place ,.,,, 8) ^ 82, 62 How the existence of the gouty fluid is raade obvious to the seases— The peculiar smell accompanying ths discharge VI (torn the pores In gout— All odours deper.rl on effluvia of a fluid nature-^As the gouty Huid e>- capes the swelling subsides. This only takes place liftor afew of the first fits of the gout ; because the coats of the vessels become thickened and the liga- ments, ^^ The coasjulable lymph being mixed with gross earthy matter and inspissated, lays the foundation of that decrepitude which those experience who have much of the gout entailed upon them : since as age ad- vances there seems to be an accumulation of disea<;e 80 Circumstances besides the smell which evince the ex- istence of the gouty fluid 90 It being concluded that there is a gouty fluid, obser- vations rrising from that conclusion 93 Calcarious concretions concomitants of the disease in the advanced periods of life, with other distressing symptoms — this is not however the lot of every one . — Cause of calcarious concretions in gouty constitu- tions considered — Observations upon bones 93 Abstract of Baron Vanswieten's account of the form- ation of bones .., «... 94, 95,96, 97,98,99 LETTER V. The cretaceous earth of the bones allowed, according to the theory ofBaron Vanswieten, to be the origin of the chalk stones in gout^ but the process of theif collection on the injured parts considered in another point of view, from examining it by the rules of modern chemistry fOl The medium by which the osseous materials are helcj in solution to be carried through the course of circu* lation, is the aerial acid or fixed air, not in an acid state, but in combinations with substances of an al* lialescent nature ,.....„„„., 102 In all adult subjects the superfluous matter of the eartk of bones must be excreted from the body — for this J purpose the kidneys seem to be chiefly employ«d by nature .,. ..^ ' j^^ Conjecture on the cause of the formation of chalk stones from the aerial acid evaporating; being no longer in the course of circulation, when the fluirf Vll page matter of the gout is infiltrated into the tela ccllulosa, eavi- ties of the joints, &c., a decomposition will take place, and the earth will be precipitated from the fluid and deposited in the cavities of the cellular texture, &c.— Situation of Mr. Pigge, an apothecary, from chalky gouty matter 106, 10^ Account of the dissection of Whig Middleton l09, 110, Ul Opinion of Mr. Watson on the calculi in the gout and stone — Cases from Morgagni de Causis et Sedibus Morborum...ll2, jllS^ 1 1^ LETTER VI. J^rom a supposition that the hypythesis given in the last let- ter is a just one, it is intended to attempt to point out, ei- ther a method to prevent the formation of the tophaceous concretions, or, to dissolve and promote their absorption into the system, and their expulsion by the emunctories after they are formed — There has lately been relief in cal- culus of the kidneys and bladder by an exhibition of fixed air.. \ n^ Observations on the orighi of the calculus of the kidneys and bladder llS When the gout and gravel are met with in the same person, they appear to alternate each other in their attacks 117 Vanswieten's detail of Boerhaave's observations Il8, 119, li'O Inferences to be drawn from those observations respecting th0 ffjrmation of earthy ccoriGretions in the bladder L 121, 121? The case of A. C. which proves that red gravel forms calculi.lj 123, 124 Experiment by Nuck showing that any extraneous body in* serted into the bladder may form the nucleus of a stone— a blunder related by Tulpius proving the same thing. 12(S Preternatural ossifications have frequently been discovered by dissection in the human body — their cause referred to the earth of bones— concretions upon the teeth to be referred to the same cause 126, 127 The formation of incrustations On the teelh quicker than that of any other calculi ; though often scaled by the dentist^— Probably this collection of iaCrusted earth on the teeth may be designed by nature to preserve a decayed tooth from the air — Foul breath docs not proceed from these incrustations, but from other causes mentioned— La'rge collections of this calcarious earth on the teeth may be prevented by a mode- rate use of sugari — Acids injurious to the teeth 126, 129, 13# Remarks from Mr Sheldo.: on calculus 131, 1S2 Mr. Hunter's opinion on the waste of osseous matter 133 The solution of solids must be occasioned by the solvent power which resides in the finer parts of the lymph.., 134 vili When boncf, ire de-^t oycd tbfcy are always exposed to the action of io:ni: «aid matter......... ''5'* Accoucit, of a dissectioa where there was a dissolution of bone 137, 138 Conjecture upon thenew ossifications discovered in the above ^^aissectlon.'. ...:.... : ^'^ * ' LETTER VU. <}i7->crv?.tioris upon qvucr:ery iu the treatiiieut of gout— Yari- OU-; impostors hav^ deluded the public under the pretence ofcuringit..... ..; no. Hi Story from I-iildanus f ^^-^ Belief that an exertion of mind upon extraordinary occasions will cure a fit, but not effect a complete cure of the gout. srom esu? 145 Another case quoted by Hildanvis \^-^, Observations i\n the cases mentioned by Hildanus l-lp, \^ Detail of the author's observations upon the gout in his own personj. c.nd his consequent treatment of himself in it... 147, 148, &c^ I.ETTER VIII. Kemar'cs on the spontaneo'as sweating in the gout— rsweatin^ not the only evacuation, as all the emunctories are emplay- cd by na^re for that purpose — The erroneous mode of treat- 2nent generally pursued in consequence of thinking sweat- ing is the outlet to discharge the gouty virus 161, 16S M ischiefs which ensue fram the above tr'-atment— Cool cloth- ing and a free circulation of air recom-mended in the gout, an accumulg.tion of heat being highly prejudicial from rjauses mentioned : an incurable lameness is sometimes the consequence, of too much heat , 163, 1G4, <5:C;- Extremes of every kind prejudicial in the gout — rmediocrity of conduct the best mode of eluding its woxst effeclSr— strong liquors improper in the gout, particulaiiy in the stomach .. 171, 172 LE'I TER IX. Abstracted arrangement of the opinions inculcated' in the fbfe- going letters, farming a retrospective view of the system up- on whi:h the author's treatment of the gout is- founded... 174, 175, ^c. The raodc of treatment of the gout deduced from the forego- ing system. .c ,., , 18!, 182, &c. Observations on regimen 190, 19l, U'>2 ^Qjiclusloii...... ..., ,.... , ,. loa, 194 iETTEKS ON THE GOUT Dear Sir^ In your last letter you gave me a very disagreeable account of your health. You tell me that you have had the Gout, which has been i^ery severe and left you much debilitated after the paroxysm ended ^ that you are chagrined and disap- pointed, and by no means satisfied with what you have read of the treatment of that disease, in the different authors which you have perused on the subject ; that you had heard that I treated myself differently from the common methods employed by the generality of Practitioners, and with considera- ble benefit. Wherefore you request my opinion of the nature of this distemper, and desire to be in- formed of mv method of treating mvsel Instead of \Vishing you joy, on this occasion, aS too many unthinking people would do, I am really from a fellow feeling, sincerely sorry for you; as you have now got one of the greatest evils that can befal a professional man; for you certainly never will be entirely free from it again ; that is, it will re- main latent in your constitution, and occasionally paying yoil a very unwelcome visit.- I shall esteem myself happy in being instrumen- tal in affording you relief, by furnishing you with any means in my powei' for that purpose; and therefore will give you all the information I can. And as it is a matter which has particularly engag- ed my attention for 50 years, with a view to alle- viate my own sufferings, as well as those of others, I flatter myself I am competent to say something on the subject, which may be of use to you, and many a brother arthritic. i shall deliver what I have observed in the plain language of candour; and what you will have rela- tive to the treatment of it, you arc to recollect is the result of experience, chiefly in my own person. But in the prosecution of the task you have set me, you must not expect a regular system, but a set of desul- tory observations, interrupted by such digressive re- marks as may occur in the series of letters I shall have occasion to write, and you mubt excuse me for repeating many things you are well acquainted with i but which being closely connected with our subject, it will be often necessary to reeal to your memory, for the better elucidation of the matter imqiediately under investigation. The first quession you will naturally ask, is, what is this formidable distemper, this enemy that has in- vaded my constitution, and taken possession of if, never more to quit the premises ? I can only an- swer,— SI very painful disease, with peculiar symp" toms and effects, the causes of which it must be honestly confessed, I no more know than you do; nor did perhaps any of the learned authors who have written so much unsatisfactory matter on the subject, and in no country more than this, know any more than either of us; they have guessed it is true, and we can do no more. Accordingly, I refer its origin, to a certain inexplicable something- in our constitution, derived from our progeni- tors, and no more do I pretend to say of it, nor of the cause of its existence in the human race. And ail that is to be found in the best authors, that any regard is to be paid to, from Hippocrates to the pre- sent tinie,-is but vague conjecture, if we except the description of the disease; and in this respect none ©f them is more accurate than Sydenham, who was an ArthriiiG sufferer himself. But the poor invalid 8 2 has no occasion for this aid, to convince him of the idenatT of the disease he labours under ; h's own feel'n?/, and dire experience, being fuller, more des- criDcive, and more exolicit to him, than all that has been collec.ed on the subject; as to the theories, they are the children of ingenious and fanciful ima- g'nsifion, often contradictory, sometimes absurd, and consequently the practice as contradictory as the theory.. Medical writers on the Gout, have ascribed its origin to a variety of causes. Among a great number the principal are said to be hereditary descent from ardiritic parents, acids, wine, particularly acid austere wine, hard drinking, in the night especially, rich hi'^h seasoned food, excessive and premature venery^ irregularities of every kind; affections of the mind, as anger, grief, intense study, violent and fatiguing eicercise, psrticularly on horseback in cold and wet weather; to which Boerhaave has added, eating of asparagus, contagion, and others mention the poi- sons of arsenic and lead in adulterated wines, debi- lity o: the nervous systern, and unnecessary exposure to inc'ement Vv^eather, &cc. Descent from parents is placed at the head of the catalogue, because it is the onlv, or if that is a better word, pioximate, cause that can be admitted here, on which the real origin of the Gout depends. All the rest may be with reason regarded, merely as subr altern or secondary, or, as they aie called by some, remote causes, which by their activity do occasio- nally derange the economy of the system, from a healthy state, by which the gouty matter or princi- ple, is developed, roused into action, and a paroxysm brought on, but how this is done we know not. Tb's singularity of opinion may be deemed pre- sumptuous, and must be supported by some facts before it can gain credit 3 as it must appear very ex- traordinary that authors of great reputation should have advanced so many causes without some foun- dation. It is therefore incumbent on me to give my reasons for differing In opinion so widely, which I shall submit to your consideration with diffidence, relate with all the precision I can, and flatter myself that in the course of the investigation, I shall be able to adduce some proofs in the support of this very different way of thinking from others. I. The first cause m our catalogue, and the only one here allowed as constituting the real origin or proximate cause of Gout shall be first noticed. Authors in general admit of this cause, and daily experience proves, that it is a fact ; and also proves that it is Immaterial whether the father or mother of the arthritic persons actually had the gout, if their predecessors were afflicted with that distemper : as it is often found, that a generation may escape the disease in its acute inflammatory form, yet the gout may have lain inactive and dormant in the constitu- tion, and for want of a Phlogistic habit, or some other reason we know not, did not appear in an inflamma- tory state. Yet upon examination those subjects have been found to labour under indigestion, disor- ders of the stomach and intestines, accompanied with flatulences : and were frequently harassed with wandering pains in the head, back, and articulations, which were generally considered as arising from the Rheumatism, but in fact a chronic gout, disguised under a variety of shapes, was the real disease, and their descendants felt the truth of this fact, in a very distressing manner. This I have seen in many families : I have known one brother occasionally attacked witli chronic Gout all his life without any confinement but for a day or two; and who never had constitutional powers to develop the gout latent in his habit, in an acute or inflammatory way, no other symptoms appealing than the wandering pains, and disordered stomach 1 have named : whilst another brother was tormented with inflamm^atory gout at certain periods, which gradually increased as he advanced in life, and rendered him a helpless cripple. Of the two the first brother^s condition was the best, because he could ft^llow business. It did not appear that his health was much impaired by it, as he lived to the age of 70 The fathers in those instances were absolutely cripples, and there could be no doubt of the disease's descending from them to their sons. I am one of the sufferers in proof of this fact. My father was afflic- ted from an early period of life with inflammatory Gout, and many years before his death, was con- fined twice a year, between two or three months at a time. My brother never had any other symptom than wandering pains w^hich never confined him, yet he was generally a hearty eater and a man of a full habit, but lax fibre. I know several instances of this kind, which I could adduce in proof of what I have advanced; your own observation will no doubt furnish you with many of the same nature; which - may have passed unnoticed, as you were not before so nearly interested in the inquiry. And I appre- hend, that there is no person afflicted with Gout but may trace it back to his progenitors, either in an inflammatory or chronic form; although it may have lain dormant in the constitutions of a generati- on or two, without being excited to action, and yet these people have been able to com^iunicate this disease to their posterity. Admitting what has been said respecting the com- muiiication by descent ; it may bs asked, a^ gout 10 must have had sonic oiigin in the human systeth^ how was it first produced in the first gouty mortal, v>dth the power of communicating it to his posteri- ty ? And why m.ay it not originate in others, from the same causes it did in him at first ? The answe must be involved in darkness! That it had a beghi- ning is most certain ; but in what manner, or from what cause, is a problem as difficult of solution, as the cause of gravitation, electricity, or any other inez- plicable fact in philosophy: and therefore we must refer it, widi other inexplicable facts, to the great Author of nature; who constructed the human frame in such a manner, and of such materials, that it must be liable to disease, decay, and resolution into its first constituent principles. For conducting with unerring rules, a system of decay and renovati- on, which seems necessary to the perpetuation of the whole, the reasons are undoubtedly wise, though to us incomprehensible. I therefore make no doubt, but that every person afflicted w^ith gout, had the stamina of the disease in his constitution when he came into the world > and that these stamina became evolved at a certain period of life, if his constitutional powers were equal to it, which in some may be sooner, in others later; but if his powders were unequal to the task, it lay dormant in the constitution, was conveyed to pes- 21 terity, and evolved in the constitutions of some of his offspring of powers more adapted to produce re- gular inflammatory paroxysms of the distemper. But in order to point out the probability of this disease^ accompanying the propagation of the spe- cies, let us take a short view of the operation of nature, in the formation, nutrition^ and accretion of the human fcEtus, and see whether any hint can be gleaned from this wonderful process which may throw a light upon our subject j in sh,ort to read to your mind, ** How the dim speck of entity began T' extend its recent form and stretch to man.'" Garth. I apprehend it will be readily granted, that the human ovum was originally in a fluid state, and that no appearances of its having taken any determinate form in the ovarium^ are to be distinguished in the eiarly periods of female life ^ after it has taken the natural form, which we suppose is before the age of puberty, it does not appear on examination by the microscope, that the organized germ of an embryo, i^ to be discovered in it. Therefore it is after the im- pregnation by the semen masculinam, that we are to date the incipient organization of the future ani- mal; but by what modification this is effected, or what quantity of seminal fluid is employed for this purpose, we are utterly ignorant, and pro- G V2 hably shall ever remain so. All we know is that th« ovum and the semen were both once in a fluid state, and from certain cii cumstances of their ope- ration on each other, the animal is formed* We shall pass over in silence every conjecture relative to this matter, and come to tliat period^^hen the ovum in the uterus, has become so much enlarged 2h bulk, as to fill up its cavity, and come into con- tact with it ; and that part of the ovum where the rudiments of the placenta are, has become attached to that part of the uterus to which it is contiguous: a period, when we suppose the rudiments of the living animal are formed^ and the materials furnish- ed by the ovum and senieri, in what may be called its vegetative state in the uterus, for its support, are exhausted, and it now^ w^anrts assistance fvom the mo- ther, for its nutrition and increment. The placenta is the medium through which this process is con- ducted; and the blood of the mother passes from it through the umbilical vein in the navel-string to the embryo^ and is received into its vascular system^, where it is further laboured in the course of circu- lation through this system; and by a wonderful pro- cess of Nature's- chemistry, the different materials are selected from this compound fluid, and by some spe- cific attraction, applied, to complete the formation already begun of the heart, brain^ nerves^ bl€K)d v«s- IS jsels, bones, muscles, membranet, &c. of the little animal, and the recrement blood is returned through the umbilical artery to the mother, as fast as it parts With its nutritive principles^ and thus a circulation is kept up between the mother and foetus, until it becomes a perfect animal; and has sufficient powers to live without the mother's assistance ^ when its birth takes place. How all this is conducted I leave to physiologists to inquire. It is sufficient for my purpose to know that it is so : and as a proof of the fact, that a total interruption being put to this circu- lation between the mother and child ^ by any acci- dent, will be succeeded by the death of the child. From this short view of the matter, it cannot be difficult to conceive, how easily certain distempers, known to be hereditary, descend from parents to chil- dren.— If a subtile particle of matter, too minute to be an object of the senses, produces invariably a distemper of the same kind, by only being convey- ed into the circulating fluids of so large an animal as man, by absorption or otherwise ; how much more readily, may we not conceive, that a distem- per blended vvith the very essence of the existence of the parents, as much as the very materials which furnish the existence of their little offspring, should be conveyed to their posterity. And surely the par- ticles of matter constituting diseases thought to I ehc- c2 14 reditaiy, must bear a wonderfully larger proportion, in the ovum, and the semen^ which impregnates it, to the bulk of both : than the subtile particle of mat- ter requisite to produce, for instance, the measles or smallpox, although very different from the dise?.se under consideration, in an adult, can possibly bear to that adult. As it is certain that the ovum was, at its first for- mation, in a fluid state, and furnished from the juices. of the mod^er ; that the semen is fluid and furnished from the blood of the father ; it is natural to infer, that they miist partake of the qualities of the origi- nal constituent juices of both the parents, be they good or bad. Hence therefore, it "is easy to con- ceive, how the rudiments of disease may be blended with the rudiments of the foetus at conception, and how they may ba-'^fterwards continued to be con- veyed with the materials furnished by the mother for its nourishment and increase, and the foundation of the gout laid in the constitution of tlie little, offspring. Some theorists have lately asserted that struma is not a hereditary disease, but is brought on by som« adventitious injury, in any constitution, either from debility superinduced by othef diseases or some other cause. This however is contradicted by ex- perience. For instance, any abscess taking pl^ce 15 gn the crisis of any acute disease; or suppuration, from a blow, or bruise, in any constitution, other- wise sound or free from the suspicion of any here- ditary leven of scrofula; digests kindlf, granula- tions of sound flesh form, and fill up the cavity, and it soon heals. Far different is it with suppuration in any of the lymphatic glands, in a habit that is scrofulous by descent. Instead of bland, well con- ditioned, or what is called laudable, pus, the dis- charge is sanious, crude, and indigested. Instead of florid, healthy, granulations, a pale, smooth, glassy, flaccid, ill conditioned, fungus arises, and the sore degenerates into an ulser that does not heal, but re- mains open for many months, and even years, and if situated in the vicinity of bones, produces carie$ of them, and tedious exfoliations. Here we see that accidental injury, in a scrofulous habit, will, if we may use the expression, rouse, by an adventi- tious stimulus, the materia morbifica of scrofula, and produce the mischief we have noticed. Just so does it happen with a gouty constitution, an ex- ternal injury, does not, it is true, bring on, always, suppuration and ulceration ; but a blow on the el- bow, hand, foot, or knee, a sprain of the ankle or wrist, will most certainly rouse the latent gouty rirus, and bring on a paroxysm of the disease. Some very ingenious modern physiologists, deny the probability of the gout, or any other disease, be- ing hereditary, upon another ground- They think it inconsistent with the simplicity of Nature, to sup- pose, that she would introduce disease, or any im« perfection, into her work, at the creation of the foetus s but allow only, that a tendency to ,the pre* disposing cause of the disease, may be hereditary. With all deference to those ingenious men, allowing a tendency to diseased actions, which may fee con- sidered as a predisposing cause, is allowing an im- perfection in the formation of the foetus, as much, as allowing the minute stamina of disease to descend from the parents : and, in short, seems to be using different words for the same thing. For in fact the rudiments of disease, or that active principle, what- ever it is, which constitutes the gout, and which jnay be called the materia morbifica of the gout, is not in a state of morbid activity, when first convey- ed into the rudiments of the embryo, from the pa- rents, but appears to lie dormant aud inactive in the habit, till at a certain period of life, it is evolved, and brought into action, by some accidental cir- cumstance, or occasional exciting cause, and con- stitutes a fit of the gout ; and after the fit is over, it again becomes latent ; yet whilst the man is well, the disease may be supposed not to exist; but it certainly does so in a dormant state ; and experi- It ence shows that the particles are capable of being again brought into action and a second paroxysm is produced, whicji constitutes with certainty the disease, which the repetitions of them suiHciently evince through life. From this state of the matter, does It not appear, that even this tendency to a predisposing cause of disease, contended for, thus supposed to be con- veyed from parents to children, must have some original cause, primarily existing, in the habits of the parents, to occasion this tendency or disposition to disease in their oiTspring ? And is it not natural to think that the subtile particles of morbiiic matter alluded to^ are the most likely causes to produce this effect ? And notwithstanding ail that has been ad- vanced to overturn the long received opinion, that diseases, particularly gout, struma, and lepra, are he- reditary: no ingenuity, no plausibility of reasoning, can contradict plain facts. How rnany instances are there daily to be met with, every where, of whole families labouring under, either scrofula, or lepra, who can trace those diseases back for several generations-^ among their forefathers y and who find, that neither the strictest courses of medicine, nor regimen, have «Yer been able to eradicate either of those diseases^ from a single individual, or prevent either, from de- seending- to their cffspring. 18 LETTER if. Dear Sii\ Having in my last given you mf reasons for supposing descent from parents, to be the only original cause of the gout j I am next to consider the rest of the catalogue of causes alleged by authors to be the origin of that distemper in the human body, and which 1 have regarded only as oc- casional or accidental causes of excitinor a fit. And this we may believe is done by those several stimuli on the nervous system, inducing pain and inflamma- tion with a certain degree of fever necessary to de- velop the latent particles, promoting their accumu- lation, and bringing on a paroxysm of what is call cd the regular gout. This is perfectly consonant to the operation of every cause of fever whether specific or adventitious; if the morbific matter in the smallest particle of the small pox or measles is introduced into the system, it certainly first sti- mulates the nervous system, and excites pain and fever, which cease on the appearance of the speci- 'fic characteristic phenomenon of the disease. 19 2. Acids are said to be a predisposing cause of the gout ; and what appears to be very extraordinary, is, that the generation of tophaceous concretions, vulgarly called chalk stones, is said to be produced by an acid tartareous salt, actually existing in the circulating fluids. How far these opinions are found- ed on fact v/ill appear from the following consi- derations. Acids in their pure state cannot enter the lacteals. The corrugating power of this species of acrid mat- ter, must most probably, stimulate the orifices of this order of the absorbent system to contract, and effectually deny their admission. Were it possible for acids to enter these orifices, the chyle within the vessels to which they led^ would be immediately coagulated by them, many and perhaps incurable ob- structions, must ensue, the body could not be nou- rished, an atrophy, and probably death, v/ould fol- low. But supposing it possible, that they did enter the lacteals, even pass through the mesenteric glands, and were carried through the receptaculam chyli and ductus thoracicus, and did in their acid state enter the lefl: subclavian vein, the consequence must be an immediate coagulation of the blood in a large vessel in the vicinity of the hearty through v/hich all the nourishment of the body was conveyed, a stag- nation of blood, a suspension of circulation, and al- most instant death. p- 10 We may from these premises conclude, that adds must be first neutralised and animalised in the sto- mach and intestines, in short their acidity totally destroyed, that they may, in their neutral state, be rendered fit to mix, first with the chyle, and after- wards with the blood, without hurting the fluidity of either, before they can enter the lacteals, and be- ing now become an Ingredient in a new compound, can be no longer considered as acids. It may be objected to what is here said, that acids do actually exist in animal matter, can be detected In it and produced to our senses. For instance, first, the aerial acid or fixed air, which exists in all sni- mal, vegetable, and we believe, mineral, substances, and indeed enters into their composition, as a bod}^^ and really, in its fixed state of combination with them, adds considerably to their solidity, weight, and bulk: and it is mixed also with our fluids. But It is certain that whilst it remains combined in the composition of these substances, it does not disco- ver its acidity, but must be separated by some pro- cess before it becomes obvious to the senses as an acid. — It is therefore not to be considered in the light which we must here mean by an acid ; for al- though it is more loosely connected with fluids than other bodies, yet its existence, pure and unmixed, ^ian acid, iu the system, has never been ascertained. 31 although a small degree of heat, even that of the at- mosphere, will separate it from fluids out of the bo- dy; a decomposition must therefore take place in the mixture before it can appear in its acid form, as daily experiment sufficiently evinces. The second is the phosphoric acid, a substance produced from iinimal matter. This acid is entire- ly the product of chemical analysis, and it is found no tr fling process, by every chemist, to separate it from the other matters with which it is combined^ and that a most intense degree of heat is absolutely necessary for that purpose. Every book of modern chemistry shows, and every chemist knows, that the process for making Kunckel's phosphorus from urine, is operose and la- borious, and that an intense degree of heat is requi- site t© complete it. Dr. Henry Qahn, of Stock- holmn, first discovered a method of extracting the phosphoric acid from bones, The excellent Scheele prosecuted and confirmed the experiments « and those ingenious chemists, by labouring together in the same pursuit, extracted phosphorus from this acid by means of the phlogiston of charcoal, by a much less operose process, than that by which it is obtained from urine. Macquer, Poulletier, Proust, and others, hare repeated the experiments in France, and gbtained the Phosphoric Acid from burnt hart- D 2 liorn.^ All those chemists suppose that the earth of bones is a composition of the calcarious earth, saturated with the Phosphoric Acid. Macquer tells us that Mr. Proust has discovered a particular substance, which constantly accompanies the Phos- phoric Acid in the animal fluids; he has not how- ever shewn what it is, but is prosecuting the sub- ject with assiduity. Mr. Bertbolet, a french diemist, in a memoir read before the Royal Medical Society at Paris, says, that the Phosphoric Acid is a very important agent in thq animal economy; that it is every where active in the system, and is expelled by perspiration and urine* I'hat he has found it in a separate state or rather combined to excess (so as to predominate) with cal- carious earth in the urine, which has been deemed an alkalescent fluid by physicians. That perspira- ble matter tinctures blue paper of a red colour, which he attributes to the Phosphoric Acid it pro- bably contains. Thinks, that the urine of persons subject to the gout and rheumatism contains natu- rally much less of the Phosphoric Acid than that of persons in heaUh : but during a fit of the gout much more o^ this acid ; though not riiore than that of a strong healthy person ; and in persons very subject * Didtlonnaire de Chymie, Article Q$. f3 to the gout, could tell if a fit was coming on, bj the quantity of acid in his urine. And supposes that' the Phosphoric Acid is not so well discharged in persons subject to the gout, and wandering rheu- matic pains, as in healthy constitutions, but that it wanders, and when accumulated to a certain de- gree, produces irritation, and reaction of the vital organs, a natural effort of the constitution by w^hich it is partly thrown on the extremities and partly on the kidneys. But that this acid is combined with a greater or less quantity of calcarious earth, and an animal matter, and often forms depositions, greatly resembling bone, and those gouty earthy collections called chalk stones, in the extremities, and calculi in the kidneys and bladder. — Supposes— that if the sweat contains the Phosphoric Acid, may it not owe its stimulating powers to it ? And may not this acid, being dispersed in the cellular membrane, produce catarrhs, or on the intercostal nerves pleurisies? And when the urine appear* limpid and pale in fevers, or nervous disorders, may not this acid be the irrita- ting principle that disturbs the whole animal econo- my ? And suspects that this acrimony, whose ex^ istence (he thinks) is certain, aiay be substituted ii^ many cases, for those imaginary acrimonies, by which the nature of diseases has been attempted t« be explained. 24 Here is a new species of humoral pathology, bj fvbich the cause of many of the most terrible dis- eases l^as its existence in the habit from the first for- mation of the foetus, to the grave, which is the Phosphoric Acid — if there really existed such a sub- stance in an acid state in the system, which would appear incompatible \Yith life, and even Berthokt allows it to be combined with other matters, and it therefore must undergo some decomposition before it can appear in a separate, pure, acid, state, and as this requires the addition of the strong vitriolic acid ^nd the most intense heat to effect it out of the body, we cannot think it possible to be done in the body by the power of mere animal heat, and there- /ore this ingenious chemist must be mistaken. Be- sides, some modern chemists have suspected, thai the Phosphoric Acid does not exist even in combir nation with other matters, in bones, in a state of filature, but is formed by the vitriolic acid employed in the extraction of it, which by combining in a peculiar manner with animal earth, and other mat- ters, perhaps Phlogiston, by means of the power of an intense heat takes on this appearance. The ef- fect of the compositions made to imitate the Bolog- nian stone, seems to favour this conjecture. The late Mr. Canton's was the best of any. His pre- paration, taken from his paper in the Ph. Trans- 2^ actions^ is, three parts of the white powder of cal- cined oyster shells^ and one part of the flowers of sulphur, intimately mixed, and rammed into a cru- fcible "I inch deep, and kept red hot in the middle ot a good fire for an hour, and not turned out of the crucible till cold. The parts found to be best on tfial, are to be kept in a vial with a ground stopple, A small quantity of this powder exposed a few se- conds to the light, v/ill be so luminous in the dark, as to enable one to distinguish the hour on a watch dial plate. In this preparation there is the vitriolic acid, and phlogiston in the sulphur, and the calca- rious earth, and probably animal matter, in the oys- ter shells, materials not w^idely different, from the vitriolic acid and the earth of bones. Part of the acid may be phlogistic ated, and dispelled with the phlogiston by the heat during the process. Perhaps also the phlogiston requisite to render it luminous, may be supplied by the sun's rays. Phosphoric Acid is not luminous itself, but only becomes so by the phlogiston it receives from the charcoal in the distillation of phosphorus. The changing of blue paper red, by sweat, on the surface of the skin, may be owing to other causes. The sweat is now allowed to be immedi- ately secreted from the blood, by the exhaling orifi- cies of minute arterial raniJfic^tiQns^ opeuSng oh th© 28 surface of the skin. Were it acid, slCcording td Bertholet, and that the Phosphoric Acid were ex- creted from these orifices^ it must exist in an acid state in the circulating fluids, which we^conceive to be impossible ; and the only circumstance that could give a colour to the hypothesis, of its being the Phosphoric Acid that gives this change of colour to the blue paper, is to suppose that a decomposition of the sv^eat, and a separation of this acid from it> must take place the instant this fluid passes the ex- cretory orifices on the surface of the skin ; but as it has been shown, that it requires the presence of the vitriolic acid, and the most intense heat of a chemi- cal furnace, to accomplish the separation of the Phosphoric Acid, from the matters with which it is combined ; I look upon it as being impossible to be done by the heat of the human body. Therefore this change of colour cannot be owning to the Phos- phoric Acid, Nor is it at all necessary to oblige Nature to perform a task she appears to be unequal to ; as the change of the colour of the paper laid on the sweating limb, from blue to red, may be more easily accounted for; which I shall endeavour to point out. I have tried the experiment and have never succeeded in the most severe fit I ever had. Fixed air was discovered by our late ingenious- and worthy Friend, Mr, Bewley, and afterw^ards bj S7 Bergman, to be an acid ; "although neith&rknew the other's pursuit, they were both employed in the same inquiry ; but Bewley was certainly the first who discovered this Important fact, and it is now admitted int5 the Tables of chemical attractions, as an acid sui generis under the denoriiinatioii of the Aerial Acid, This substance is perhaps the most uni- versal acid in nature ; it has already been observed that it enters into the composition of most bodies perhaps into all, aad adds considerably to the solidity, weight, and bulk of solid bodies, and is al- so a component part of fluids, and certainly of those of the animal system. It is perhaps most abundant in calcarious earth, and is separated from it by fire, or acids which have a greater chemical attraction or affinity to this earth. Dr. Black has shown in his ingenious paper on magnesia, that It is the expul- sion of this principle by fire, that converts the mild calcarious earth, to the caustic, or quick lime, a dis- covery of the greatest importance in chemistry ; but it is not the business of this inquiry to go any farther into this matter, than what relates to the present sub- ject of investigation^ the cause of the apparent acidity in sweat. And therefore it is nov/ only proper to ob- serve, that the aerial acid enters into the composition of fluids as well in the animal body as out of it; is the substance on which the properties of mineral waters.. as tiiose of ryrmoiit. Sec. chiefly depend, and which from its predominancy are termed acidulous ; and is the medium by which sohd matters, as calcarious earth, iron, &c. are held in solution in those waters. It is present in the fluids of the animal body, being supplied by the ingesta, and copiously passes off by the secretions, particularly urine and sweat But al- though it requires fire or mineral acids, and some- times both to expel it from solid substances ; fermen- tation however will separate it from vegetable matter ; and it is found to be so loosely connected with fluids that a very small degree of heat, even that of the atmosphere, is, when the fluid is in a state of rest and exposed to the external air^ sufliei- ent to loosen its attraction to the fluid, and then a decomposition takes place, it escapes in its acid form into the atmosphere, and the solid matters, as cal- carious edrth, iron, &c. which were held in solution by its means, in the watery fluid, are separated from it and precipitate. As it is so loosely connected wdth water as to be separated from it by the heat of the atmosphere only ; no wonder that the heat of th^ human body augmented by fever, shouM separate it from the sweat upon its surface, and being detained and imbibed by the moistened blue paper, change it into a red colour^ on the gouty limb, Jit the decliiie ®f a paroxysm. 29 Every one conversent with the treatmeiit of sick people, in any epidemic season, or in some climates^ ©r the local situations in the same climate where fevers rage more extensively than in others, must have observed a sour smell issue from persons under the influence of a copious critical sweat. This cir- cumstance, may, at first sight, seem to favour Ber- tholet^s opinion, of the actual discharge of the Phos» phoric Acid, by the pores of the skin. But on a little attention to this matter, this sour smell will probably appear to arise from another cause, and that is the acetous fermentation of the sweat, copi» ously ascending from the patulous orifices of the ex- cretory vessels in the skin. There is not a doubt but much saccharine matter is discharged In mix- ture with the sweat ; and when the quantity of this, evacuation is so considerable, as it very frequently is, as to wet the sheets and bedcloths so much that it may be wrung out of them by pressure, and the bed itself is so thoroughly soaked with it, as even to have it run through the sacking bottom and drop on the floor ; it is not difhcult to conceive that a fer- mentation may ensue, from the great heat, run speedily into the acetous fermentation, and thus ac« count for the sour smell. We know that such a smell frequently occurs in women that give suck^ when their linen is wetted, by the redundant dis- E 2. 30 charge of milk from their breasts, and that this h owing to the saccharine matter in the milk running speedily into the acetous fcrm.entatipn by the he^t o.f the women's bodies. Another thing worthy of notice, is, that by fer- mentation the aerial acid is let loose and escapes, as fast as the decomposition takes place of the matters, subjected to that process, as in the case of wine and been The large quantities of an acid fluid ejected from the stomach, when that organ, and some other of the abdominal viscera, are attacked with the gout, have been adduced in proof, that acids are among the pre- disposing or original causes of the o^out. From some inquiry into the production and existence of of this acid, which is symptomatic to more diseases than one^ it ,^all probably appear, that, as the acid Yomited up is the same in all of them> it is in reality the effect of the disease and not the cause of it.-— But as the production of this acid seems connected with the process of digestion, it may be proper, to make some remarks on that necessary operation, in the economy of animal life, which may throw some light on this subject. Notwithstanding the great number of experi« ments put in practice by modern philosophers and physiologists, we are probably still in the dark, as to SI the mode in which digestion, and chylification are really carried on in the stomach and intestines. This seems indeed to be evident, from the difference in opinion which these gentlemen entertain, and the different deductions they draw from their expe- riments. We certainly do know, that our food which consists of animal and vegetable substances, is digested ; that the most nutritive part of it, is converted into one uniform liquid, the chyle, which we also know is carried into the habit, for the nou- rishment of the body, and that, the unconverted part of it is discharged as useless. That there are certain liquors separated, as saliva, eesophagal, and gastric juices, that the bile, pancreatic, and othcrjuices, are secreted by their proper glands, and pass by their proper ducts into the stomach and intestines ; all of which are supposed to be concerned, in this great alimentary process ; but we cannot positively say what share each has singly in it. The late Sir John Pringle, and Dr. Macbride, from experiments on alimentary substances (which you will find at large in their works) were led to suppose, that digestion depends upon the fermenta- tion of the food in the stomach. Abbe Spallanzanl thinks, on the contrary, that neither the sweet, ace- tous, nor the putrid, fermentation of the chemists, takes place in the stom.ach 5 but that the solvent 32 power of the gastric juice is the only efficient cause ot digestion. Dr. Edward Stevens and some others have taken up the same opinion. That excellent anatomist and ingenious physiolo- gist^ Mr. John HuRter, thinks '^the process of di- gestion different from every natural operation in the change of bodies. — It is not fermentation, though it may somewhat resemble it. Fermentation is that spontaneous process, and is that natural succession of changes by which vegetable and animal matter is reduced to earth ; therefore different from diges- tion which converts them into chyle ^ in the forma- tion of which (he thinks) there cannot be a decom- position, similar to fermentation. It is not a che- mical solution, but it is an assimilating process, a species of generation, two substances making a third: "the most curious circumstances of which is, the con- version of animal and vegetable matter into the same substance or compound, which no chemical process can effect; Chyle, (he thinks) is composed of gas- tric juice, and the -.nost digestible substances per- fectly converted, and that the quantity of gastric juice is nearly equal to that part of the food really converted into chyle ; which evinces the necessity of a quick secretion of a large quantity of that fluid, which however is not lost to the constitution.'* And in the paper subjoined to that on digestion, in his 33 observations of different parts of the animal economy^ and which was before published in the Philos. Trans- actions, Tol. 6^, he says that " animals, or parts of animals, possessed of the living principle, introduced into the stomach, cannot be acted upon so long as the anhnal principle remains ; hence it is that worms, &;c. may live and even be hatched in the stomach, but the moment they lose the principle of life, the stomach acts upon them and digests them like other dead substances. Indeed if it were not so, the sto- mach itself must have been mad^ of indigestible materials,; for if the living principle was not capa- ble of preserving animal substances from undergoing that process, the stomach itself would be digested. But we find that when the stomach is deserted by the living principle, it is not only capable of being digested by the digestive powers of otlier stom-achsj but by the remains of that pov/er which it had of digesting other things." The power he means is the gastric juice, a quantity of which might have been secreted before, and have remained in the stomach after death. To the solvent powers of this ju^ce he attributes " those holes found in the 2[reat end of the stomach in dead bof^ies, which have been supposed erroneously to have arisen, from disease, and to have killed th e patients; but as those apertures are more frequently f^und in those persons i4 Who have suffered a violent death, tlian in morbid bodies, and as the apertures were large, ragged at the edgesj and appeared to be as it were, in a ten- der half state of solution, and the food wliieh had been in the stomach had passed through the aper- tures, into the abdomen ; he has no doubt but they were the effect of the digestive process, by means of the gastric juice after death." This is an outline of the opinion of this ingenious gentlemanj the matter at large you will find in his Physiological Observa- tions, on certain parts of the Animal Economy. From his further experiments and observation S;» pro- mised to be communicated to the public, we may hope to obtain further information. As in this how- ever he has taken no notice of the use of the Bile in Digestion^ I suspect from an expression (page 174) that he regards h as an excrementitious fluid. He says, " that the digested or animalised part, when carried into the intestines, is attracted by, or clings to its villous coat, as if entangled among the villi ; Avhile the excrementitious part, sucJl as Bilc^ is found unconnec ted in the gut as if separated from the other." Spallanzini wdli hardly allow that fermentation ever takes place in the stamach. Mr, Hunter does not doubt but it can go on in the stornach, but when it does happen, it arises from the powers of digestjf? 35 on defective. It appears, however, from the fol* lowing circumstances to exist pretty generally, if not always, as a necessary process. Fixed air enters largely as a principle, into the composition of ali- mentary matters, vegetable or animal; saccharine matter is also a large ingredient in them, particularly jn the vegetable, and in the state of crystalized. sugar, is separately used in abundance as an article in diet. The experiments of Sir John Pringle and Dr. Macbride have shown, that, with a certain de- gree of heat, out of the body, the process of fer- mentation, most readily succeeds In the decompo- sition of alimentary animal and vegetable substances, and that during this process fixed air is as freely extri- cated, as in the fermentation of vinous liquors. The ingenious Mr. Henry, from experiments related in the Memoirs of the Society of Manchester, has sup- posed that fixed air is the principle on which fermen- tation depends; for by throwing fixe6. air, extricated from chalk, by means of the vitriolic acid^ into a mix- ture of flour and water, he made a ferment with the same properties as yest, and made fermented bread with it. But had there not been saccharine matter in the flour I suspect this would not have succeeded. Perhaps fixed air may have a specific attraction to the saccharine matter, and perhaps from its abundance in the sacchwne juices of vegetables, the great F 36 quantity let loose by fermtntation arises, and proba- bly without its presence fermentation would not take place, as there would be none to extricate. But be that conjecture as it may, Vv^e are certain of one fact, that no fermentation will take place in vegetable mat- ter, without the presence of sugar. Upon saccharine matter, the intoxicating spirit of the vinous ferinenta- tion, and the vinegar of the acetous seem to depend. Sugar is contained in the grape, in all fruits ca- pable of being fermented into wine; is added to all made wines, to promote fermentation and give rhem a body ; is in the germ of leguminous seeds in inci- pient vegetation, and upon its being developed in the barley by vegetation in the steeping, and after- wards, arrested in the malt on the kiln by the lire, the whole success of beer brewiHg depends. It is the saccharine matter extracted by the hot water^ (after- wards called wort) that is the basis of the whole process. Chemists have detected sugar in all vege- table and in some animal substances. A decoction of the tops of the spruce fir, is, by the addition of molosses, fermented into a vinous liquor or beer and is a wholesome and pleasant beverage. A mixture of sugar and water only, will ferment, first into a wine and then into vinegar; many housewives make their vinegar in this way. From the fermentable properties of the ingesta, thus largely furnished with 37 sugar, the admixture of the natural secreted fluids, the saliva, a^sophagal, and gastric juices, which may perhaps act as ferments, and the uniform warmth of the part; I am led to conclude, that a fermentation probably comes on, after a meal, in the stomach. We have indeed mare than probability on our side, "vve have real evidence that it does take place, and whatever solvent power may be ascribed to the gas- tric juice, or any other, fermentation is part of the process of digestion in the living body. Our evi- dences are the following. > Every person in full health, must have observed eructations of air from his stomach after a full meal^ and that the air thus discharged, did in irs passage, impress the fauces with an acidulous pungency, and the tongue with an agreeable acid taste. Whiclv impressions were exactly similar to those arising from the eructations of the gas,, which happen after drinking new beer in a state of fermentation 5 the natural, or artificial mineral waters, or from the mixture of acids and alkalies, taken in the act of effervescence, which we kQow to be fixed air. There can be therefore little doubt but these eructations after a full meal are chiefly fixed air, which evidently appears to be extricated from the alimentary matters in a state of actual fermentation in the stomach. But we have a further proof of this, sometimes^ (eppc- S8 cmlly if much exercise is used immediately after tli^ meal) by the regurgitation of some of those aliraenr tary matters with the fixed air ; which from their sweetish acidulous taste, appear to be actually ia a state of fermentation. We have here an evidence, that fermentation takes place in the aliment in the stomach even in fu'! health, and from Mr. Hunter's curious acount, we may conclude that the gastric juice is a power- ful solvent, and he further says stops fermentation. How is this difference to be reconciled, §ince two processes, the one actually destroying the other, can- not go Oft at the same time, in the same matter ? But, may they not go on at different times, and may they not be necessary to succeed each other in gradation, to complete the great object of diges- lion ? May not fermentation be necessary to the separation of the coniponent parts of the vege- table matters employed in food, previous to their more perfect solution by the gastric juice ? And may we not suppose that the fermentation ceases before the action of the gastric juice begins, or when the fermentation is ineffectual, may it not stop this process, and act on the undivided aliment, and by the solution, and animalization of it, finish the ali- mentary process in the stomach so far as that vis- cus is concerned?. It certainly is not straining 3^ probability to suppose that the mixture of the bile is afterwards necessary in the duodenum and other small intestines, first perhaps to correct any redun- dant acidity, and then to complete the assimiJatioa and animalization ok the aliment and, in short, the formation of the chyle 5 Sir John Pringle tells us that alimentary mixtures with the addition of bile never tasted sour after fermentation was over. We know that the bile has always been reckoned parti- cularly instrumental in this business, by Haller^ Boerhaave, and the other first rate physiologists of the present century,* But be those conjectures as they may, all the modem experimental physiologists agree in one thing, the presence of an acid in the stomach. — How is this acid produced ? Is it by a natural process in health ? or is it the consequence of a morbid affectio n? May we not conclude, that the presence of a certain quantity is always neces^ sary in health, from this circumstance, that many girls, from a kind of instinct, are fond of drinking vinegar, and eating acid fruits; which seems to in- dicate a deficiency of the natural quantity ? And on the contrary, other girls, -when there is a redun- dance so great as to become painful, from a similar irtstinctive principle, eat chalk, lime, and other alkaline substances, to destroy this superabundance' * The eighteenth. 40 From these two extremes, thus tak uig on morbid appearances, by which it is evident thit digestion is much impaired in both, we may conclude that a certain quantity of acid in the stomach is neces-^ sary to healthy digestion. Sir John Pringle tells us, that in a diseased state &( the digestive organs, the acid in the stomach is; so acrid as to excoriate the throat and set the teeth, on edge ; which fact I apprehend every person has experienced less or more, at some period in life, as this takes place in many diseases. He thinks, that this can hardly be accounted for, from the common theory of digestion, but easily, from the principle of fermentation: by which not only a strong but an austere acid may be produced, '' from food consisting only of flesh, bread, and watery" as often as the stomach is relaxed, or any way disabled from conveying the whole aliment into the intes- tines: for what is left having time to undergo a complete fermentation is thereby changed into a harsh sort of vinegar. Mr. Hunter says. *'It may be admitted as an axiom, that two processes cannot go on at the same time in the same part, of any substance; therefore neither vegetable nor animal substances can undergo their spontaneous changes while digestion is going on in them 5 a process superior in power to fermen- 41 tatlon. Bat if the digestive power is tiot perfect, then the vinous and acetous fermentation will take place in the vegetable, and the putrefactive in the food of those animal which Jive w^holly on flesh. — The gastric juice therefore preserves vegetables from running into fermentation, and animal substances from putrefaction; not from any antiseptic quality in the juice, but by making theni go through another process, it prevents the spontaneous change from tak- ing place. In most stomachs there is an acid, even though the animal has lived upon meat for many weeks ; this however is not always the case, there- fore we may suppose it is only formed occasionally. Whether the stomach has a power of immediately secreting an acid, or first a sugar which afterwards? becomes acid, is not easily ascertained ; but (says he) I should be inclined to suppose, from analogy^ the last to be the case; for animals in health seem to have a power of secreting sugar, as Wc find in the milk; and sometimes in urine, from disease.— The acid prevails sometimes to so great a degree, as to become a disease, attended with very disagree- able symptoms, the stomach converting all substan- ces which have a tendency to become acid, into that form; the sugar of vegetables, and even vinous spi- rits, turning directly into an acid. — -To ascertain whether there is an acid naturally in the stomach, it 42 will fee. proper to examine the contents before birth, when the digestive organs are perfect, and when no 'acid can have been produced by disease, or any thing that has been swallowed. In the slink calf *#ear the full time, there is no acid found in the sto- mach ; although the contents have the same coagu* lating powers with those of animals who have nucked. :As we find (continues he) stomachs possessed of a power of dissolving the whole substance of a bone, it is reasonable to suppose that its earth is destroyed by the acid in the stomach." J^rn inclifled with Mr. Hunter, to think> that the conversion of substances iitthe stomach, into an acid, is more likely to depend upon a saccharine matter than an acid actually secreted irom that or- igan : because, we kaow of no glands^ in the hu- man body, nor indeed in any carnivorous or grumi* nivorous animal, that secrete an acid liquor.- — I look Upon the acid of ants and that of the small green insect, called by the french pu9on or pu9eron, which infests the stalks of gooseberries, currants, and some other vegetables, the origin of which acid is not known ^ to be more probably a collection of vege* table acid matter, extracted for their nourishment, and retained in the stomach or some other recepta- f k for that purpose, in th^ same mi^nner as feeisrs do ,4.2 lioney — The acids of th.es.e ins.ects are I apprehend out of the question in our present enquiry. Sir John Pringle, we fiid^ supposes, that the acid in the stomach is produced by fermentation Mr. Hunter inclines to suppose tlic production of this acid to be owing to a secretion of sugar, which ;afterwards be- comes sour, rather than that there is an irnmediate secretion of an acid from the stomach. It is cer- tainly immaterial which way sugar is introduced in- to the stomach, whether by an actual secretion from a glandular system in that.viscus, pr in out.Yegeta- ble food, or in the form of cfystali/ed sugar itself, of which large quantities are continually used as, ar- ticles in diet; it must, .sooner oj later, undergo the acetous fermentation before it beeomes sour there. Unless we can suppose, that the storriach has a pow- ,.€r of decompounding the sugar, in a chemical sense, and speedily separating the saccharine acid from it, {an operation of no small difficulty to every working chemist) which I cannot help thinking is at least as irnprobable, as the separation of the Phosphoric Acid already- noticed. -Jfut in, whatever way acids are produced^ it is immaterial as to the fact uf their exigence in the stomach; as there are certainly great quantities ge- nerated there, and ejected by vomiting in simple inflammations of the stomach and adjacent parts^ the 43 cholera morbus, the onset of several fevers, parti- cularly those of the remittent and intermittent kinds, dypsepsy, as well as the gout in the stomach, and every other disease by which that organ is affected. The reason of this I am led to think, is the morbid state of the digestive powers, brought on by those several diseases^ by which circumstance, as diges- tion is impeded, the acetous fermentation is pro- duced. ^ The acid ejected by vomiting in any one of the diseases above named, does not appear to be differ- ent in quality, from that which is ejected in any of the others, and the quantity in all, seems to depend entirely upon the violence or quantity of the disease. Whence it appears evidently to be owing to the dis- ease's l)avhig materially hurt the powers of diges- tion. It may be alleged that gout is essentially dif-^ ferent from several of those diseases. It certainly is so, but the parts generally affected with the gout, in its acute form, whether the head, stomach, or ex- tremities, are affected with inflammation less or more at the attack. Most certainly simple phlegmasis, and erysipctalous inflammation affect every part of the human body. So does inflammatory gout^ and we may with as much parity of reason say, that because acids are ejected by vomiting in simple or erysipctalous inflammation of the stomach, of the same quahty as they are of in inflammatory gout in u the stomach, therefore those several inflammations affecting the head, lungs, pleura, abdominal visce- ra, and the different extremities, are owing to an acid existing originally in the constitution^ as that because acids are thrown off by vomiting in gouty inflammations of the stomach, the gout is, in those different parts affected with gouty inflammation, al- so caused by an acid originally in the habit, a thing which appears improbable if not impossible. I am therefore convinced that the ejection of acids from the stomach, when that organ is affected by the gout, is no more a proof of acids being the causes of the goiitthan of tlieir being the causes of any of the diseases above nam.ed ; and that the superabun- dant production of the acids in the stomach, when it is affected by the gout, is the effect of the inflam- matbn upon the organs of digestion, just as mu^ as it is in those diseases above recited, and not the cause of the gout, any more than it is the cause of any of them. As it is by no means unconnected with our sub- ject I beg leave to make some remarks on the green colour, and quantity of bilious matter ejected, in the gout in the stomach, and the other diseases,* in which this circumstance takes place. * Some remarlis of the same tendency as these, are, from the author's conviction of their connection with the treatment of that disease, inserted in his treatise upon Marsh Remittent Fever. g2 46 It is a very commoa observation, tliat the patient has vomited a large qaantity of green poraceoiis bile in such a^id such diseases^ and a Hipposition from this syrtiptom arises, that this is the offending matter in the stomacH Srtd intesHues, and the cause of the disease i and therefore its evacuation is absolutely necessary, and if it v^'as completely effected^ the disease, would soon: g.lve way ; upon this groul-id^ repeated emetics and cathartics are given. I wilt take upon me to say that this is but too frequently a- very erroneous opinion,, and the practice founded upon it also eiToneotis : because this Very pora'ce- ous bilious vomiting li merely the 6^ct, and not the cause of the di^e^se. To make this oJ)!nf6n clear, it is A^cces^aiy to ob^ serve that the quafttity of b'ile secretecrfrdhr th^rs^ liver Si twenty-four hoiirs by & person in. lYrattb, is e^ mated by Hallar and otht^^s to be between 20 aiKl 24 ounces in a middle sized man. B:it thi^iia-tural secretion may be increased by various ca^tfses, as ir- ritation, compression, &:c. a cOmm'on em-e!ic will wonderfully increase the secfetiD'n, and what l^ thrown off tbe stomach is mostly secreted by the act ton oftheemetiGi d(i ring its €>perati6n ; although it is commonly supposed to. be c6}Iected theiie before the medicine was taken: some morbid stimuli will*^ increase the secretion more. But the bile thus pre- maturely or precipitately secreted has no bad qualitj 4:6 in itself. It is indeed rather thmner and less active thaft cystic bile^ and is rendered offensive only by mix-- tutts of other fluids it meets with. ' And perhaps one of the oilmen sive mixtures is the acid, whose quality from its superabundant quantity, k is uiiable to coi?- recti AH acids are known to chj^nge bik to a gireert colour, and the stronger the acid is, an4 the larger quantity there is of it ki the mixtttre wMi t\m bile, tlie deeper is the gresn^ ; I have frequently seen itscj- deep as to appear black. But the acid here is by ue^ means an admixture that will produce pmtvef^^ticm^ on the contrary it will retard it^ ^id ks osily :&ak here is its predominant abiand^dce^ whkh the bi^ b^« not a sufficient power to G^rreet^ by Ms alkales- €jebt saponeous prc^perty : and %1^-efefmt it stiti keeps acting as an acrid stimulus OS ttie secretory organs^ so as to forqe z larger secretion, and create an uiine- eessary waste of this fluid t which w^ste, lam stroi^- If of opinion, is one calise, of the sudden pr€^s>trati#m of strerigth, in many diseases a^Gompanied by vomiting. ^ Jn the iiiarsh rernittent fever. We som^^tiiireg^nd that spontaneous vomiting takfs place. Which will often firee the patient df the disease ^ in the course of twenly-fotif bouts. Thjs is a great proof that the itiarsh tlii^smMiajlhi^mtlsesqf ttiis fever are swallow- ed, and descend into 4he stC]^iiiaGh With the saliva i and if the patient ha§ the good fortune to bring up 47 all this matter entangled in the mucus which he vo- mits, he thus gets rid of the disease. But if this is not effected, by this spontaneous effort of nature, the digestive powers are impaired^ a redundant acid is the consequence, and the miasmata act as stimuli to promote an increased secretion of bile, v/hile the acid changes its colour to green after its secretion. The mischiefs which then ensue are repeated Vomitings and ejections by stool, and, from the stimuli and ab- sorption, fresh exacerbations of fever follow , In this process we have now the ineffectual efforts of nature to get rid of the original offending causes of the disease, the march miasmata in the primse viie, but it is now too late ; the poison is absorbed into the system, and nature again makes efforts to dis-^ charge it by the pores of the skin. The practioner, observing that a vast quantity of green bile, mixed with other offensive juices is thrown off by these evacuations, is sometimes deceived by such appear- ances into an opinion that this bile (from the quan- tity thus thrown off, the disease has obtained the name of billious fever) is the cause of this disease ; and therefore to cure it, that it is necessary to get rid of this matter. With this view he accordingly continues repeatedly to accelerate both evacuations, in his patient, I believe erroneously ; because the stimulus of the operating medicines he takes, as well 48 as the mechanical effect of the operation, will in- crease the secretion of the bile, and, consequently, the quantity of that very offending matter, which he supposes to be the cause of the disease : wherefore instead of removing itj he will certainly increase the mischief, which, if he does not stop his hand, may help to sink his patient to the verge of the grave* which experience has taught us is more readily pre- vented after the absorption of the poison has taken place, by an early and liberal use of wine and peru- vian bark, Chan by any other means. An emetic first, and a cathartic afterwards, certainly ought to be employed in the beginning, in imitation of nature, with a view to expel the miasmata from the ali- mentary tube : but if the fever appears again, the miasmata are most probably absorbed, and are now out of the reach of these medicines ; and therefore they are not only useless but hurtful, and repeated evacuations from their continued use, must evidently, from the above state of the matter, do mischief. So necessary does bile seem to be to the process of digestion and nutrition, that if, by the liver's be- ing obstructed, it is not secreted in due quantity, thq body is not nourished, wastes, and soon becomes diseased 3 the juices become vapid, the vessels tor- pid, dropsy, and other diseases ensue, which end in ^trophy and death, unless the obstruction is re- 49 moved atid digestion restored. In ^^ounds of the gall bladder, the patient dies in a few days, I believe from the waste of the bile discharged from the wound, if the bile was an excrementitious fluid this waste would no more endanger life, than the waste of urine in wounds of its reservoir, the uri- nary bladder, and every one knows, that after litho- tomy the edges of the -wound sometimes become callous, and an incurable fistula often remains, com- municating with the bladder, through which the urine constantly drains for many years, without the patient's life being in danger from this circumstance. Tmust indeed confess there is a difference in wounds :6f the gall bladder and those of the urinary bladder, which must increase ^@ danger of the former, which is this j the gall bladder is placed high in the abdomen, and the bile may for that reason be liable to escape into that cavity, and by being more acrid -ihan the naturd abdominal 'fluid, may inflame the viscera and peritoneum, and, by an additional dis- ease, increase the danger and hasten the catastrophe. '^ Wounds in the bladder from lithotomy are not so "liable to this misfortune, except the higher operas ration, because they are depending; the urine there- fore i5 less liable to dislodge and inflame the con- tents of the pelvis: although this sometimes does happen^ and proves rao rtal. It is, from what has b and many are addicted to hard drinking occasionally^;: yet very few of these men ai|"e subject ta the gout* Lastly I y^dll narnethe gentlemen sportsmen, the sedulous followers of the field diversions of hunting, shooting,, and coursing; among whom I shall in- clude the gentlemen farmers and farmers of a lower- order, who, besides the vicissitudes of weather they experience in their necessary business, endure thenv in the pursuit of field diversions. These people are less or more exposed to all kinds of weather, and every species of intemperance; yet a very trifling, number of them wc find subject to the gout, and in those it can easily be deduced from ahereditary origin. If these causes therefore were actually productive 63 pf the original gout in the constitution, every man exposed to theni would be more or less afBicted >yith it; the contrary of which darly experieiie« evinces. 9> Violent affections of the mind from aaiger, terror, grief, or any sudden misfortune or distrc?is. These repeated causes will occasion 3 paroxjrsnjf;, A sudden shock from- aay unforeseen distressing ac- cident, I know from experience, wiH produce a £t of the gout. But this can only happen in a consti- tution iqipregnated with the original levcm conveyed by descent. For if these were really original causes. pt the first generation of the gout, in an otherwise sound constitution, every human being, male or: female, upon tiie face of the earth, wouM be sub- ject to the goi^t, as all, one time or other, are ex- posed to the vicissitudes of those several passions. Therefore this cannot be true. 10. Intense study. Sydenham in his *^ Letter t^ Dr. Short," (Swan's Trans. Pag. 462.) tells him, that an immediate application to a large work cm the gout and dropsy, which he was composing, occa- sioned the severest fit of the gout he ever had, and that, a& often as he returnetl to this study, the gout recurred, which made him abandon it and consult his health, and content himself w^th the short essay he had wTitten, to which his Letter Is prefixed. 64 Sydenham was terribly afflicted with the gout, and an unusual exertion of mind, in a habit s^ charged with the disease, by this appUcation might excite the action of th(? gouty matter, and occasion a pa*- roxysm; and the same thing may happen to other people. Nothing of this kind ever happened to me : on the .contrary I can apply closer and with more at- tention to a subject , and discuss it with more clear- ness and recollection in a state of convalescence af- ter a fit of the gout than at any time. But, how- ever that may be, it cannot be concluded that, be- cause intense study excites a fit. it must lay the origi- nal foundation of the gout, in any sound constitu- tion. Were it so, every studious man in the world would be liable to the gout, the contrary of which is well known. 11. It would be useless to run through the whole of Boerhaave's list, most of the articles of which are-^ounded on mere speculation and conjecture. He reckons eating asparagus as one cause of the gout, as also fat bacon. Vanswieten tells us in his commentary on this aphorism, that the subputrid peculiar smell which asparagus communicates to the urine after it has been eaten, shows it to be a very penetrating substance; he however acknowledges that it may be eaten in large quantities by men of sound constitutions, vvithout any injury: yet in gouty peof)le It had sometimes been observed that a copious use of it brought on a fit; and asks, whe- ther by its penetrating virtue it does not move and bring into action the hitherto dormant morbific mat- ter? he says that Trallcanus condemns cabbage, cresses, rocket, leeks and garlic, as inimical to the constitution in this disease, and that these occasion a different smell in the urine. I have not sufficient experience to decide In these matters. It strikes me however that boiled beef and boiled mutton very soon convey a peculiar smell to the urine; and food of this kind, and many other substances may as well be condemned upon this ground, as those above named. For my own part I eat freely of aspara- gus, cabbage, beef, mutton, &c. and hitherto with impunity, and when a fit does come on it must be from some other cause, as it generally happens when asparagus is not to be had. I therefore believe this opinion to be without foundation. Upon the same ground many other substances may be said to produce the gout, because they are active and penetrating ; as most of the tribe of diu- retic medicines^ in particular all the turpentines, from whatever origin ; whether in the form of gross turpentine, burnt turpentine known by the name of tar, resins, balsams, or essential, or distilled, oils: all which ^onyev a violet smell to tbe urine^ whether m tmkcn inwardly or applied externally. Even the ef- Suvia of them are known to produce that effect, as GveTy one must have experienced who has remained any time in a new painted room, where OI. Tere- binth had been used in the colour : but as it will ap- pear in the sequel that the kidneys are employed as one of the outlets of the gouty matter, in the decline of a paroxysm, it is reasonable to suppose that those renpsdies which promote the secretion of urine^ would rather conduce by expelling a large portion of the offending matter, to relie\'e the patient, than to bring on a fit. 12. Debility — from its latin origin, means no^ other than weakness, feebleness, decay of strength. It can mean no other in a medical sense. To sup^ jK)se that the gout originates in the system from debility seems to be contradicted by common expe- rience. The gout generally attacks men of strength and vigour, in the prime of life, with firm fibres and a full habit, and it is with them a truly phlogis- tic or inflammatory disease. Men of this descrip- tion cannot be said to be in a state of weakness, feebleness, or debility. After the inflammatioa abates, the intense pain gives place to a real debi- lity, in the part affected chiefly, but by consent in some degree in the whole habit. This appears ma- niffstlv to be the effect of the disease. The action bf the goUty matter seems first to have produced the paroxysm with great inflammation, and after that has abated, to act as a sedative poison on the ner- vous system, and bring on debility. This must be ubvioiis to every ob^erverj as must also be the in- crease of this debility^ by the repeated irritation of the cause of the disease, after every paroxysm, as people advance in life. To suppose debility, then, to be a cause of the gout, is to suppose cause and effect the same thing* 13. Some have lately supposed that the gout ori- ginates in an otherwise sound constitution, free from suspicion of any hereditary cause, from the poisons of arsenic and lead, which, to the disgrace of hu- manity, are used, for certain purposes, in wine, by the manufacturers of that otherwise wholesome be- verage. It is however well known that many ab- stemious people, who very seldom taste wine, are dreadfully afflicted with the gout, whilst ninety nine wine bibbers out of a hundred (or we may go much farther) and hard drinkers too, are never afflicted with it^ therefore this cause requires no refutation. It rs not my purpose to enter uito a discrimina- tion of the well known deleterious powers of these minerals. It may be however observed en passant tfiat arsenic and lead will produce the palsy. We know that severalmechanics use arsenic In their dif- K 6S ferent occupations, without being afflicted with the gout; some few of these and manufacturers of lead, plumbers and painters, are afflicted with it, but not in a greater proportion than other people; and if these poisons, particularly lead, would produce the gout, a great majority of these artists would be afflicted with it, which is not the case. 14. Others have added to the catalogue, strains and bruises, as exciting causes of the gout. It W(pild be inconsistent to suppose that those external^ injuries would lay the foundation of the gout in a sound constitution: since if that were the case na one could be safe. We find that in sound constitu- tions with regard to gout, these injuries produce but temporary maladies, and seldom, unless extremely^ violent, amount to simple inflammation ; therefore to consider them as original or- proximate causes of the gout must -be injudicious. But we know that external injuries will produce a fit in a gouty con- stitution. For instance the sudden application of cold, particularly to the extremities; blows, hurts^ bruises near the joints, producing acute pain the in- stant they are inflicted, wounds, sprains, &c. are frequently sure to produce a paroxysm out of the comnion course. I have twice had a ^eveffe iit brought on imr^ediately, by falling accidentally with my foot under me ; twice by sitting up all night in 69 my professional duty in a room with a brick floor, although there was a good fire in it; and once by sitting only during the time of dinner, on a cool day in summer, with my feet on a painted patent floor cloth, over a boarded floor, in a room where there was no lire. It struck a chilness through my whole frame as if my feet had been placed uncovered sud- denly on a cold marble slab. And I have had fre- quent relapses by being obliged to travel in cold, wet, or snowy weather, in attending my professional avocations. I have known a blow on the elbow, the fail of an inconsiderable weight on the joints of the foot, a sash window upon the fingers, and many other accidental injuries, bring on a fit of the goat directly, and, exclusive of the temporary mis- cJiief, superinduce a thickness in the ligaments, a total lameness, and sometimes chalk stones have ap- peared near the injured joints. From a retrospective view of what has been of- fered, it seems to appear that the only original, or, if you will, proximate cause of the gout, in an otherwise apparently sound constitution, is heredi- tary descent : that all the restare secondary, occa- siona4, or remote causes, and can only produce a fit; and that the application of any extraordinary specific stimulus, whether from within the system or from without, will derange the economia anima- K 2 70 lis of an arthritic, excite the latent gout into action, and bring on a paroxysm, even out qf the course of what is commonly supposed to be the time for the regular periodical returns of the disease, in either spring or autumn. This consequence will not howr ever always be the case : and the powers of the Constitution, by the exertion of ?ome particular and unknown process, are gften ^ible to avert the mis- chief. Thus we see that every fit of intemperance, ever}" instance of grief or terror, every application to intense study, or any thing that the mind is anxi- ously employed on,, every violent exercise, applica- tion of cold or external injury, will not constantly produce a paroxysm of the gout; although these causes frequently do produce this effect: but the na- tural resources of the habit have very often powers unknown tons of getting the better of those stimu- li, without a fit of the gout being the consequence. Different authors have given different divisions of the gout, which it will be unnecessary to take up your time with here.— A very respectable one. Dr. Cullen, divides it into the regular and irregular, and the latter into atonic, retrocedent, and misplaced. Perhaps it maybe more simple to divide this disease into tvyo kinds only, the Acute and the C/ironw Gout ; because, agreeably to the different pheno- mena, the several gradations, if I may so term th.enx> 71 between the highly inflammatory acute state of if, and the low^t debilitated chronic state, the two extremes of the disease, involving all the irregula- rities of it, may be readily comprehended. It must be remembered that the gout is a disease of the whole system ; and although the extremities are first affected, in its acute form, every part of the body, from its continuance, is liable to be attacked whilst that form lasts, with inflammatory symptoms. And we can easily conceive that the inflammatory diathesis does gradually lessen, as the powers of na- ture become weakened, by the repetitions of the pa- roxysms,, and the concomitant decline of life; that this lessening of the inflammatory diathesis will con- tinue in proportion to the increasing debility of the system, from these causes ; and all the intermediate symptoms of gout, with ineffectual Inflammatory powers, may seize difier^^nt parfsof the body, and have the appearance of retrocession or being misplaced, al- though j in fact, it may be the real progression of the (disease, excited to act in diflferent parts, according to the quantity of it, and the power applied. In course of time the debilitat-ed system becomes so Weakened, and the eflbvts gradually so feeble, that tlie natural powers can do no more in the inflamma- tory form, and then it may be presumed that the chronic form of the disease bec*inS;s and spasms ini duced in this state are ineffectual in throwing It off. Hence we may conceive that as the gout is an aSection of the whole habit, from a hereditary labes, the morbid matter is diffused through the whole body; that it lies dormant until an adequate power, by a process we are entirely ignorant of^ rouses it into action ; that although the extremities are gene- rally first affected: as we know from experience, in some constitutions other parts are attacked before the extremities; and that, in an advanced period of life, with a concomitant quantity of the disease, different parts are indiscriminately affected ; the feet or hands no more* than the knees, thighs, ischia, loins^ spine , shoulders-, clavicles, sternum, &c. this has therefore been called wandering gout, probably with impro- priety, as the cause was present in every part alike, - A living author* of great respectability, to whom medicine is much indebted, is of opinion that the gout is hereditary, and also believes that it may be acqutred. He is at much pains to prove that it is not owing to a fluid morbific matter descending from father to son : but supposes it to arise , as a disease of the whole system, from a general confor- mation of the body; yet says that the general state of the system depends on the state of its primary mov- ing powers, therefore the gout is an affection of these, and chiefly of the nerves. This is briefly the sum. ♦ Professor Cullen. •7'3 of his theory respecting its hereditary origin, =1 leave you to consult his arguments against the :ex- istance of a morbid fluid cause of the gout, at ;your leisure, and shall only observe that the most rigid sceptic will not deny that the rudiments ^ef eveFy living being were originally in a fluid state ;'tbat the constituent principles upon which the formation, organization, nutriment and increase of < th« » foBtes depend, existed first in the blood of the parents : and we can no more discover the different materials upon v^rhich those different processes in the body depend, by any examination or an aly nation of the blood, than we can the particles of morbid matter which we know have actually been conveyed into the blood, of both young and old subjects, and wliicb . do produce disease. And on the other side^thaty apon dissecting the offspring of gouty parents, no difference in the texture and general conformation of parts, particularly those parts mostly affected witb the gout in adults, has been discovered from those ©f other subjects, where there was no suspicion of a hereditary gouty leven in them. We do not find but mefl descended from gouty parents have their joints as wellformed,andareas athletic, vigorous, and active, before they are attacked by the gout, as tho$e whose parents never had the gout themselves^ nor any su^piciJon-of its-being ia their constitution,. l;>y descent, frorti their forefathers. We find that the difference which appears afterwards in the articula- tions of gouty people, is, beyond a doubt, owing to the consequences arising from repeated parox- ysms of the gout, and has nothing to do with the author's general position, in regard to the general tonformatiort of the body, as hereditary from father tdsoni but is ihe effect and not the cause of the 'disease. The suni of this Professor's pathology of the goUt ^moutits to this: he supposes— that a plethoric and vigorous system irt some, at a certain time of life, causes atony in the extremities; that this is in some measure communicated to the whole system, but chiefly to the stomach. That if the energy of the brain and nerves is still as great as ever, the vis me- dicatrix naturae is excited to restore the tone of the parts, and accomplishes it, by exciting an inflanfi- matory affection in some part of the extremitic's, which, subsisting some days, the tone of the extre- mities is restored, and the patient returns to his or- dinary state of health. This ingenious hypothesis is liable to objections.-^-* If by some, is meant people of a hereditary gouty constitution, and th.is manoeuvre of the vis medica- trix naturae, is merely introduced to account for the production of a paroxysm, this machinery is alto- 7S getlicr unnecessiiry : because a plethoric habit is not absolutely required to excite ^ fit; any stimulus, even blows or hurts on or near the joints, in gouty constitutions where no plethora exists, are from ex- perience found to be sufficiently competent to this purpose. Plethora is supposed to cause different inflamma^ tory diseases, and it may. bring on the gout in a he- reditary gouty habit. But if he means here that this supposed manoeuvre of nature is to produce what he c^lls accquired gout in an otherwise sound habit^ We hav6 qlready^ in the examination of different sup- posed existirfg causes of the gout, said so much on the improbability qf its being produi:ed In any ^ other way but from descent, that we must have better proofs than mere opinion or bare assertion before wc can accede to this hypothesis* ^\ The inflammation, subsisting some days, is sup« po^ed to restore the tone of the extremities, and the patient returns to his ordinary state of health." Were this really so, we should have no gouty- cripples ! For, according to this hypothesis, the in- flammation excited in the extremities^ supposed to be in an atonic state, produces a reaction of the ves- sels, which, by these, means, recover their tone, and become better able to perform their functions than they were before the fit. This supposed atony how- h t 6 6v^r, at' this pen66 ,13 much to be doubted ; beeaus^ I apprehend it is not supported by expencnce. I know ma-ny who Appear to be more alert and active, hatve greater fiexJbiHty in their jbints> and more; Strength and ^ility in their limbs, immediately be- fore a paroxysm than at any other time. 1 am one of the number, and have fconstahfly experienced this for many yo^rs ; afid froiii this very eircumstante know f 0 k cerf^'fnfy when a fit is tiear ^t hsind Peo- p\^ of this descrfption^ in which may be mcliided the vigorous ^nd pJethoric, catmdt be said to have any ^ppeararite of greater debility, or, in othei: tvords, atony, or wSiit of action^ in their extremities befbTe the iiti than at aily other timfe; itideed it li notorious that instead of the \Vonted hdalth ^nd vi- gour being restored,- a real atony is produced by the fit, this atony progressively iricrfeases \Vith every pa- roxystn, the functibfts of the parts are gradually im.- paired, arid detrepittide, itl a greater or less degree^ becomes the CGnsequehcei I perfectly agree with this author that the nerves are the media through which this whole intricate busitiess is transacted : for, as the whole system is coriceived to be impregnated with the gouty origi- nal cause, the nerves bi^ht to possess at least their proportional quantity. As th^ir extreme sen- sibility renders them first susceptible of irritation. 77 being diffused so full}^ through the system, thc-y be- come readily obnoxious ^o >be affected by every sti- Hiul'js; tho application iof wiiic^ 4:oaises ^hera iuj- mediately, and that portion cf Xhe gouty matt'erj which they possess, may he supposed to be fh-us de- veloped, diffused, and brought into action, and to bring on a paroxysm. This seems to be mo^st <:y nature, to overcome the resistance met with in the capillary .extremjtie?, those capillaries must be ;so ,much .distended that they are ready-to burst ; and would actually do so if their orifices did not give Way,.anda]low the fluids tbpass in greaterabundance : thaa w.h en: ihe natural secretion of the usual limpid form, in th^ process of secretion and absorption, is duly performed, in the eel Is of the tela cellulosa and ..every other cavity. in .an animal body. -Tha fluids which thus And their way are mingled, most certain- -ly, with, morbid particles o£ gouty matter, although .they are, mostly forced in the colour of serum, from the finer arterial, orifices,; into the cavities, above named; or else, in the state of red blood,. :either through orifices of a larger diameter, or a. rupture . in the vessels themselves. One of those circumstances must sometimes take place, as it is. not uncommon to see large extravasations in the tumefied part at this period, several instances of which I have seen on the tops of both feet at the same time, in the form of. a large ecchymosis, on each of them, like that - occasior,ed by a contusion, but much blacker, and they were many wrecks longer in dispersing than ec- chy moses produced by external violence generally are. So The violent distention of the obstructed capillary arteries above named, must occasion gr^at pain, and, in all probability, must be one of the leading causes of that dreadful pain and spasm so distressing to arthritic sufferers, at the period immediately pre- cedins: the tumefacrion of the foot : and the rdaxa- tion which must take place after the capillaries find this exit for their contents, whether in the form of serum or blood, may be part of the cause of the relief afforded to these terrible symptoms,^ when the ^welling is produced by the infiltration or extravasa- tion of blood or serum, in the manner abovemen- tioned. At the same time that this process is going on, the pain in the coats of the ramifications of the venal system and other inflamed tendinous or ner- vous parts, will, in all probability, disappear with the resolution of the inflammation, beginning about this period to take place.* We now, my friend, come to that period of the paroxysm, when it is about to resolve, and then it * This may afford a plausible reason for the symptoms above related ; but what can account for that peculiar shifting and transi tory pain, which so often takes place in gouty invalids ? I do not mean that pain which moves from joint to joint, in a regular progression of a paroxysm j where, for in- stance, the gout seizes the foot on one side, then the knee, and moves frora tiicnce to the knee and foot on the other side j or from foot to foot and knee to kaee ; all which are so common in a fit of the gout : but that in- stantaneous darting pain, v/hich strikes without warning, and springs like au eledric shock from place to place : sometimes rapid, sometimes slower^ in its progiessioiij with little or no acceleration of pulse, and little or no in- M 2 86 is that the existence of the gouty fluid is rendered obvious to our senses. When the tumefaction of the foot is arrived at its height, the parched cuticle cracks, and a sweat be- gins to issue from the pores of the skin. At this period the pain is abated and the inflammation be- gins to resolve. This discharge from the pores is accompanied with a very peculiar foe tor, which is the first and strongest proof, that is obvious to the senses, of the existence of the genuine gouty fluid. This smell is sui generis, and like ne other existing flammatory heat; and after shifting for sometime from place to place, seems to affect one spot more than the rest, which is generally in the vicinity of some lymphatic glands, and here a puffy trifling swelling appears. The seat of these singular pains seems sometimes to be in the tendinous fascia;, which is spread over the muscles, immediately under the adipose mcm-» brane, in rnost parts of the body j but is particulary distressing, on those expansions which cover the loins ai^d os sacrum; and the periosteum of the bones of the thighs and legs seem to my feelings chieSy affed^ed ; from this it seems to afFe£t, in a distressing manner, the ligaments of the joints and the tendinous insertions of the muscles ; although those parts have been supposed by Haller and others to be void of sensation : and the lymphatic glands in the neighbourhood, particularly those seated between the flexor tendons of the leg at the back of the articulation of the knees, and from them darts along the lymphatics. The nervous system, in those parts, is affected, in a wonderfully distressing manner, with excruciating torture- particularly on the least alteration of posture. The cause of this evidentlv cannot be a gross agent, but seems to be one as subtile and active as the ner- vous inflnence itself; but in what manner it does act, is a mystf ry I believe beyond the reach of human wisdom to discover. All that inexplicable chain of malady here recited,! have repeatedly experienced in the course of my »rthriticlife. S7 in nature. It strikes the olfactory nerves ot gouty people themselves in a singular and forcible manner, but much more so does it those of the attendants and bystanders. In every critical evacuation by sweat in fevers, rheumatisms, &:c. there is some smell, and in those diseases the smell is pretty much alike, but very different from the smell of the pers- piration of a gouty person, at the resolution of the paroxysm, which is most readily distinguished from all others on the face of the earth. Philosophy teaches us that odours of every kind, depend on effluvia of a fluid nature, ascending from odoriferous bodies, in very minute particles : whether the bo- dies are aromatics or fcetids, in concreted masses or a liquid form, makes no difference, the odoriferous particles are diffused through the circumambient air, and most probably are in a state of solution in it. These gouty effluvia are certainly very minute parti- cles, and sufficiently evince the presence of an ex^- ceeding subtile, I may say, ethereal fluid, escaping in the form of vapour, mixed with the sweat ot the diseased limb, and whilst part of it mingles with the surrounding atmosphere, a much greater part, mix* cd with the sweat, is absorbed by the bedcloths, &c. and impregnates these so much that it is long before it leaves them, even after the fit is over. In pro« portion as this fluid escapes^ the symptoms abate^ 88 the swelliri^Tf subsides, and the extravasated fluid, its ciise, gradually lessens from the absorption being restored to the lymphatics, in cavities of the cellu- lar texture: and' of course the general secretions, arid therefore the reduction of the swelling of the fdot keeps pace' with the quantity of the discharge by the pores of the skin. The decrease of the smell aCcbrripanies the decrease of the swelling, until the foot returns to its natural size or nearly so ; but this lasVcirciinistande only takes place after a few of the first fits of the gbut, because the coats of the ves- sels become thickened, and the ligaments, &c about the joints enlarged in every succeeding fit, in a few years after the first attack, and g radually increiase as people advance in life. This seems to be owing to tbeinspiissatiori of the extravasated fluid, at least the residuum of it, if I may so call it ; for the fluid, which was at first thin, and after the inflammation first abates, begins to be taken up by absorbent lymp'hatics, is probably thickened by heat; and partly from its moibid state, perhaps cannot be all taken up, the most watery parts of it alone being capable of entering the mouths of the lymphatics. For secreted lymph, in a healthy state, was found of different thicknesses by Hewson, according as the animals w^ere nourished on which his experiments were tried; those that were less nourished having a9 more water and less of that, part' of it which is coa:«' gulable, and tliose that were more nourished more of -the coagulable part and less water. .,As; the most watery part is the most readily absorbed, we may suppose it - is soonest taken up in . the diseased sitate of the gouty limb above, described ^ apd jmost pro- bably the coagulable lymph is the latest,- .a^d hay « ing the admixture of some gross gdy.entitious earthy matter hereafter to be noticed^ it is. easy to cQiic^ive that it may by the addition of heat be so much in- spissated as not to be capable of being absorbed in- -to the system: and being retained, may lay the foundation for that decrepitude which afterwards in general takes place in those unfortunate people, who have a large quantity of the disease^ entailed upon them : for as age advances, there seems to be an -accumulation of disease, and the dimensions of the parts involved in. the succeeding fits, as before ob- served, gradually enlarge, their natural functions are irnpaired, and the articulations losetheir freedom in motion : indeed some of the small ones become actually apchylosed. AYhen the foot is reduced as far as it can, and the freedom of the joints restored; in short, when the paroxysm is completely ended; then it is that the odour leaves. the part affected, no longer accompa^ nies the sensible perspiration, and does not appear 90 again during the intervals of the paroxysms. The very singular smell arising with the sweat from the diseased parts only as above mentioned, is sufficient alone to evince the existence of the gouty fluid. But there are other circumstances in the course of the disease, by which this fluid is developed, ren- dered obvious to the sense of smelling, and its ex- istence further established. The first of these I shall take notice of is not indeed the effect of a na- tural but an artfficial operation : which is after the application of blisters. The same peculiar odour accompanies the discharge from the vesicated part, after the cuticle is removed, which attended the evacuation by sweat from the diseased foot, and is undoubtedly part of the materia morbifica propria of the gout escaping that way, which shall be far- ther noticed in the treatment of the disease. The next instance of its being developed and rendered obvious to the senses is, the same smell at- tending the collections of calcarious earth deposited in the cellular texture about the joints and other parts of the gouty limb, so frequently met with in all consistences, from that of a milk like fluid to that ©f a solid concreted mass, in the advanced periods ^©f life and the accumulated load of disease, which force their way through the skin, forming very trou- blesome ulcers. The discharge from ulcers of this 91 ■sort is generally called gouty matter. Part of it cer- tainly is so, as the smell eviriceSj but the recre- ment, solid 5 earthy^ matter is not so, it is pretty Evident; for as the fit goes off the thinner parts are ^]ischarged, and the grosser are often left, when it is perfectly over, a mere concrete, inert earth, to- tally soluble in acids, without that peculiar foetor at- tending the other. The gouty fluid appears by its action on the net- vous systeni to be a kind of sedative poison : for it is wonderful what a distressing debility it leaves be- hind it, if even the Inflammatory stage has not lasted above twelve hours, a debility which is long in go- ing off, and, froni the frequent repetition of the paroxysm, continues iti the intervals ignore 6r less, through the rerhainder of the arthritic's life. We may from these premises, my friend, without much hesitation, affirm, that there is a subtile fluid matter, sui generis, concomitant v/ith the exit of a gouty paroxysm, and I apprehend it will not be any presumption to believe that this is really the morbific matter of the gout. This then being granted, at least to ourselves, observation has extended this ob- jett still farther 3 for from hence we learn that there are some peculiarities or particular circumstances^ which lead to a conjecture that this gouty matter h:\'' a power of increasin-g in quantity and extend- 92 ing its distressing influence as we advance in lite. What this maj be owing to I confess is beyond my comprehension ; the fact however is so, indisputa- bly; and whether this fluid has the power of some other ferments of assimilating other fluids of the body to its own nature and thereby increasing the quantity of the disease, I shall not take upon me to determine. However that may be, observation proves that the frequency and length of duration of the paroxysms^ gradually increase as we advance in life, and atony, and a gradual accumulation of the quantity of the disease, keep pace with them ; that calcarious concretions are only concomitants of the disease, with its accumulations, at an advanced pe- riod of life; and that at length gout, under these circumstances, takes so entirely possession of the frame, that the symptoms of it, in some instances^ never totally leave the patient. There is scarcely any interval between the paroxysmsy unless a partial remission of pain may be called so; there is indeed a partial resolution of the swellings of the joints, but the rigidity of the parts, and debility increase, and the miserable arthritic is never twenty four hours w^ithout pain : chalk stones, and ulcerations in con- sequence of them, appear, and the poor cripple is just enabled to crawl from the bed to the cough, and from the couch to the bed again. 93 This however is not the lot of every arthritic, but it is the lot of many; and as the calcarious concre- tions at this period are the niobt distressing circum- stances, let us inquire into their cause. These cal- carious collections, whether in a fluid or a concrete state, although vulgarly called gouty matter, I have already observed are not altogether so. It is indeed evident from the smell, that this subtile agent is certainly present in the admixture, but the grosser adjuncts have by many degrees the largest share in the compound, and indeed these last appear rather to be an effect th^n the cause of the disease. Cal- carious concretions are undoubtedly to be met with in many parts of the body, and probably, when ex- amined, may have nearly the same properties, but those in question are always confined to the same parts, and their formation in those parts in a gouty constitution, and no other, evidently marks them to be the effects of the disease. Let us try to develop the origin of them. Bones are known to be of a fibrous reticular struc« ture, of a cartilaginous, elastic, and flexible nature ^ and an earthy or cretaceous matter fills up the inter- stices, and gives them solidity and stability. This has been discovered by experiment, and the creta- ceous matter is soluble entirely in acids. Anato- mists have availed themselves of this knowledge, N 2 and by destroying the earth by acids have further; developed their texture by boiling thern in turpen- tine varnishes, by which they become iransparentj and the ramifications of injected blood vessels run- ning through thcni are rendered visible. You can- not have forgotten the many beautiful preparations of this k;ind in the possession of that excellent ana^ tomist, the late Dr. Hunter. Baron Vanswieten gives so good an account of -this curious subject from Baron Haller and others, that I shall take the liberty to add the following ab- stract of it. " The Illustrious Haller, by an uncommon indus^ try, discovered in the newly created animal the for- mation of the boner., and although he modestly offers his opinion as conjecture, he relates what he actually saw. He observed that the whole body of the be- ginning animal, bones and all, was composed of a soft gluten, that this gluten, which formed the basis of the bones, changed first into cartilage and then into bone : that the change of the gluten into cartilage WcTS rapid and easy ; as it only seemed to acquire more solidity : but that the alteration of this cartilage into bone was a much slower, and more obscure operation : that the cartilage was at firskt pellucid, and that the signs ot its turning bone were an opacity and yellov^^ibh colour. At this period its 95 fibio^s tcxtcre began to appear. On the eighth day of incubation this changq was perceived. On the tenth day the rudiments of blood, distinguished by a yellow colour, appeared : on the eleventh day it wa§ ycd and that part of the cartilage which began to be opaque and yellow on the eighth day reddened on the eleventh, the arteries being so much dilated that the globules of red blood could pass and in their place the bony hardness was perceived at the same time to have taken place in the cartilage; this pircumstance appears also on the callus of fraictured bones, before the same is consolidated : the increasing firteries press nxor.e and more on the neighbouring parts, they become firmer whilst they are dilated by the blood, and more capable of transmitting the thicker parts; first the earth, which, being in- sinuated into the cartilaginous substance, gives it hardness and fragility, diminishes its flexibility, and hence, from a flexible, elastic, cartilage, a hard and brittle bone is generated. When the acid of vine- gar, unites with this earth, a neutral salt with splen- did, shining, crystals is formed, the bones become at the same time soft, and return to their cartila^ ginous state again. This earth appears to be perfectly soluble in acids. Storck macerated the bones of fowls in aquae fortis diluted with water, by which they were rendered 96 flexible and elastic. An addition of al. tart, per deliq. to this solution, occasioned a precipitation, which being collected and washed, proved to be a mere earth. He then immersed a skull, which had \)t^n many years in a cemetery, in a dilution of aq. fort, in water, which by these means became flexibly and elastic. Madder seems to act only on the earthy part of bones, and imparts to it its red colour. It, for that reason, does not tinge cartilages, unless they ossify, ilor the callus uniting broken bones, before it begins to acquire the nature of bone. A cartilage therefore differs from bone only be^. cause it wants this cretaceous or earthy matter, and if this earth is taken away by macerating the bone in acids, it then becomes cartilage again : as if in- deed the cartilage lay concealed in the bone, an4 was thus developed. If bones tinctured wath madder are macerated in acids, the tophaceous, coloured, earth is dissolved » the colour is destroyed, and the cartilaginous part remains in no degree tinctured by the colouring mat- ter. Herissant observed, that tophaceous, gouty, concretions dissolved entirely in the nitrous acid, and that neither cartilage iior membrane w^as left ; that also, in an old hen, who had concretions of this sort about her toes, it was observed that after the 97 use of the Rub. Tinctor. the concretions were deep-^ ly tinged with a red colour, and wholly dissolved in the diluted nitrous acid. From these experiments it is confirmed that it is the cretaceous or earthy part of the bones, which receives the tinge from the Rub. Tinctor. and that as the gouty concretions con- sist wholly of this earth, they are therefore more im* pregnated with the colour than the bones themselves. If here it be considered that the solid parts undergo perpetually an abrasion or waste by the vital actions in perfect health, it must be requisite that there b^ a constant restitution' of lost parts that health may be preserved. It appears from many experiments instituted by the celebrated l)u Hamel, and confirmed by others^ that if the madder root be added to the fo©d of ani- mals the bones will be tinged of a red colour. If afterwards these animals are fed without madder the part of the bone which grows during this period will not be tinctured : but if they are again fed with madder, the red colour will appear. Du Hamel found the thigh bone of a hog, cut transversely which had been fed in this manner, variegated alter- nately with circles of red and white. It was obser- ved that when the animal was fed with madder for the space of a month, a part of the bone of a remark- able thickness^ was tinned of a red colour. And as D8 it was before demonstrated that the earth j part of the bone is alone tinctured witbinaddv r, it shows that, in the space of a month j a considerable quantity of cretaceous earth is furnished, partly to repair the loss sustained by abrasion^ and partly towards the ir.cre° ment of the bone ; those expefiment being made on the younger animals. And he demonstrated by experiment that if the animal was afterwards nou- rished by his common food, without the addition of madder, in six weeks the red colour entirely vanish- ed : because, whilst the earthy matter of the bone (which had been tinged) was carried off during this period, its place was supplied by a similar substance^ but not kt all tinctured with a red colour. From hence it may be concluded that this earthy mat- ter is separated from the bones, that this separated part passes out of the body by the usual out- lets by which the useless parts are comn^only dis- charged; but at the same time (whilst this pro- cess is going forward) that there is furnished by the proper vessels, not only a supply for the waste, but, also, for the grov^^th, of the bones required in the young animals. ,. - If therefore, the vessels ate so changed by repeated attacks of the gout, the fabric of the bones may be §0 injured that the matter destined for repairing the waste of them, is denied entrance to the usual 99 place. It does not seem extraordinary that thi^ matter should be deposited in the neighbourhood of them, and constitute the gouty concretions: and from what has been said before, it appears evident that the chalky, gouty, concretions have the same quali- ties, v^hich are found in the earthy substance of the bones 5 which earth, added to cartilage, renders the cartilage, bone: therefore, when that, which ought to be employed in repairing the bone, is collected in the cavities of the articulations, incurable anchyloses ire produced : if it should possess the ligaments, it takes away their flexibility, insomuch that their mo- tion is destroyed, and the shape of the parts deform- ed in a surprising manner.'* Thus far I have followed the illustrious Baroti Vanswieten, and have now to remind ybu that the experiments which he has adduced have been re- peated with the same results by eminent anatomists in this country, and, if I am not mistaken, Mr. John Hunter stands foremost in the list of those philoso- phers who fed hogs with madder, and confirmed all Du Hamel's experiments, by which it is proved that the bones are composed of a fibrous, cartilaginous matter, and a cretaceous earth : for al- though we may suppose the fibrous, cartilaginous matter must suffer some abrasion in the general course of constant waste and renewal of animal o ' 100 parts, in a state of healthy this waste is not so ob- vious to the senses v and it appears, that the creta- ceous earth is the matter that is principally and largely carried off, in this natural process, and nmst abundantly renewed to restore the waste of parts, in a state of health. Hence the Baron concludes , that as the vessels in the vicinity of the joints are contracted in their dimensions by gouty causes, this cretaceous matter, although in a dilute state, may be detained in its passage, and form the tophaceous concretions so fre- quently distressing to the gouty patient. 101 LETTER V. Deal' Sir, Baron Vanswieten''s is a plausible theory of the formation of gouty concretions, com- monly called chalk stones. My conjectures on this subject lead me to deduce their origin from the same cause, the cretaceous matter of the bones ; but the modern discoveries in chemistry have induced me to consider the process of their collection and deposition on the injured parts in another point of view, which whether eiToneous or not I give you as follows. It being evident that it is essentially necessary for our existence that the bones, as well as other parts ofthe human body, should be furnished with materia als for their nutrition and increment in young sub- jects, and nutrition, and a supply to recruit the abraded parts, in the adult, it is plain that these os- seous, or rather osteageneous, materials, must be in a state of perfect solution to be carried through the eourse of circulation, and we may readily suppose 02 102 that this solution must constantly exist in the thinner parts of the blood. Now this solid matter must have some medium by which it is held in solution in a -watery fluid. That there is such a medium actually existing in our constitution in large quantities, is most certain^ not in an acid state^ but in various combinations with different substances of an alka- lescent nature. This medium is the aerial acid^ more commonly called fixed air; because it is found, in a fixed state, to contribute to the weight and com- position of many bodies, and, when let loose from these bodies, is discovered to be an acid, volatilCj vapour, or permanently elastic fluid, with many properties similar to common air. This acid fluid readily unites with water, and modern chemists have discovered that the most solid matters^ metals^ chalk% marble, and every other kind of-calcarious eartha are held in a state of solution in water impregnated with fixed air, and that, by agitation, more iixed^ air is absorbed by the water, and more calcarious earth, or other matters, may be taken up and dis- solved in the fluid; and that this power of keeping the solid matters in a state of solution^^ in water thus impregnated with fixed air is, in proportion to the quantity of aerial acid i^ it and the quantity and continuance of the motion. For it has been found by experiment that water, thus impregnated, when 103 ieft in a state of rest, soon becomes decompounde(ig|^ The aerial acid is volatile, flies off by heat from the water, a heat even not greater than that of the com- mon atmosphere, and although heavier than atmos- pheric air, it easily mixes with it by a kind of soluti- on ; of course it will leave the earth, with which it was combined, in a state of solution in the water, the fluid will become turbid, and the earth will pre- cipitate to the bottom of the vessel. The greater the heat is the sooner the decomposition takes place, but heat will not so readily produce this whilst the fluid is kept in agitation, particularly in close vessels; but this evanescent principle will escape in the open air. Upon the presence of the aerial acid, in water, depends the impregnation of the mineral waters of Seltzer, Pyrmont, Spa, &c. with the different mate- rials of which they are compounded; it is what gives them the sparkling briskness and agreeable subacid taste, and -is that which escapes when these waters become effete and lose their virtues, and the other component parts, viz. iron, calcarious earth, ScC. precipitate. It is upon the escape of this prin- ciple in calcarious waters, that the incrustations of stony matters, or half petrifaction of vegetable substances and real petrifaction, depend. There is great probability that, by means of wai- ters impregnated with calcarious earth, which ar$ 104 exceedingly common in all marly and chalky soils, a portion of this calcarious earth is introduced into the habit by the constant use of these waters, and may help to furnish some part of the materials for the cretaceous matter of the bones, as well as that furnished by our nutriment. Trtm the recruit and decay which the system is perpetually undergoing, it is evident that it may suffer either from a defect or superabundance of the different materials furnished from the aliment, for nutriment and the restitution of wasted paris abraded in the constant course of circulation, to the diffe- rent parts j and the bones as well as soft parts must be greatly affected by these processes of nature, and suffer remarkable vicissitudes. Facts have evinced this, and the cretaceous earth, which gives the bones stability, is proved, from the experiments be- fore mentioned, to be the matter which is constant- ly changing: hence it requires no great stretch of imagination to suppose, that the instances upon re- cord, of the bones having become flexible in adult subjects, might have arisen from a deficiency of sup- ply of cretaceous matter to keep the firmness and solidity of their texture, whilst this matter was con- stantly carrying off by the emunctories; and there appears to be little doubt but the rickets in young children, wliere there is a softness and flexibility in lOS ail the bones, in particular those of the extremities^ an enlargement of the heads of the long bones, and the spongy texture of these and the cranium, is ow- ing to the same cause, viz. a deficiency of the cre- taceous matter to give stability and firmness to the bones. On the contrary that exostoses and preter- natural ossifications must arise from a superabundance of the osseous matter thus furnished, particularly the cretaceous part of it. It is evident, from the laws of the. animal econo- my, that in adult subjects, where the bones have acquired their acme and utmost state of solidity, less will be required to repair the daily waste, and there- iorc the superfluous matter becoming useless must be excreted from the body by some outlet or other: for which purpose it must still be circulated with the fluids and still in a state of solution: and no one of the emunctories is better calculated for this excre-» tion than the kidneys, which I believe to be more generally employed (if not chiefly) by nature, in this salutary office, than any of the other secretory or- gans. You will readily, my friend, excuse me for trou- bling you with this preliminary digression on mat- i;ers you are well acquainted with, because it is ne- cessary to be kept in remembrance for explaining the hypothesis I am about to give you. 106 Having already shown that the swellhigs of the gouty limb, which commence at the height of tlic paroxysm and subside with its resolution, are caused by the infiltration of a fluid into the tela cellulosa, Sic. I shall now hazard a conjecture on the cause of the formation of the tophaceous concretions; which is this. As the earth of bones is held in a state of solu- tion in the thinner parts of the fluids of the human body, is it not probable that part ot this earth is dissolved, and mixed with this fluid, before men- tioned, infiltrated into the tela cellulosa, cavities of the joints, &c. and beihg now out of the course of circulation, and in a quiescent state, the evanescentj aerial acid, the principle on which the solution (we suppose) depends, will leave the calcarious earth, to which the heat of the parts, and perhaps a great- tf elective attraction to some saline or other mattery may contribute,* a decomposition will take places * The ingenious Mr, Henry; of Manchester, and other modern chemist^ think that fixed air is a menstruum to the putrid effluvium. The gouty eiffluvia have a. singular foetor, which may perhaps depend upon a peculiar putridity in the system • at least the fcetor from the arthritic's breath, seems to Indicate a certain degree of putrefaction in some of his fluids. It hiaybea^kedthen, \vhy may no! the gou^y matter attract the aerial acid ? i— Perhaps the volatile, gouty, tnatter is the substance that does (by a greater degree of affinity) attract it, and promote the decomposition of the Buid ih the tela cellulosa, &c. how out of the course of circulation^ and the fixtd air, deserting »he **rth, leaves it to precipitate, nhile thd nevr 107 and the earth w'lU precipitsLte from the fluid lii its earthy form, and be deposited in different consist- ences in the cavities of the cellular texture, cavities of joints, and every other part where the fluid has been diffused in the diseased liqib? Fqr you know that the tela ccllulosa enters into the texture arid is Ihe connecting medium of all parts, and abundantly so in those in which the tophaceous concretions are found: and although they are commonly deposited about the joints, I have known tkem every whpre as far as the disease extended. The whole tela ceHk- iosa in both legs and feet of the late Mr. Andrew Pigge, an ingenious apothecary, in this town,' from the knees to the toes, was filled with chalky mat- ter, and appeared as full as if liquid mortar had been injected into the cells, and there left to harden by the evaporation of the water that suspended it, the ^hole appearing like a coat of broken hair mortar, under the skin. By continual accumulations, it had c9iTibin^tion, of the aerial acid and gouty etSuviuum may escape with the^ isweat from the pores of the skin, or the open ulcers which discharge cha^^:y matter: for, we find, as the gouty fluid escapes, that the cretace^ ous matter from the ulcers has, according to the degrees of its spissitude, les3 or nv)re of the arthritic 3mell, until, a5 before observed, it entirely leaves it. Soma experiments might discover this °, perhaps by ecllecting :he s-weat upon oiled silkj and adding it to lime 'vRteij, th« aerial a«id^ ii P 108 made its way through the skin in a great many ul- derations, and hard and soft cretaceous matter was discharged from them many years before he died. He often had the gout in his viscera, and a fit seiz- ing his stomach, at length finished the catastrophe, a vomitirrg of black, putrid, matter, indicating gangrene, ensued, which carried him off in forty eight hours. It is highly probable that in some gouty constitu* tions, and perhaps it miglit be so in that of the gen- tleman above mentioned, collections of this earthy matter are deposited in many other parts besides the vicinity of the extremities. Dissection has disco- vered concretions of chalky orcalcarious matter not only in the glands and cavities, but in every part where secretion and absorption are performed, in short wherever the cellalar texture enters; and in many places ossifications take place at the same time in the same subject, which leads me to a presump- tion that these different states of those preternatu- ral formations are dependent on the same cause; which we may infer is the redundant earth of the bones. I shall take the liberty to mention some other in- stances, and first that of a gentleman known in Lon- don by the name of Whig Middleton, whose dis- section is given by the Ingenious Mr. Watson, in 109 the 1st Vol. of the Medical Commen: a brief ab- stract of which is as follows. This gentleman ' died of the gout at the age of fifty. He was a free liver in early life, and so soon a martyr that he was an old man at forty. His last ten years were most uncomfortable. From a tail, active, well looking man, he lost all strength and vigour of mind, became emaciated, dejected, and his faculties impaired: was unable to lie straight in bed, his legs being contracted to his thighs, his thighs to his belly, and knees to his breast, He was in this state, when dissected. The first joint of one great toe was cased in chalk, like a fossil shell, yet the bone was unaltered. The joints of his fingers were swelled and knotty with chalk, and he was said to have scored his game with his knuckles when he played at cards. There was an oblong tumour on the right tibia like a node, found to be a mere deposition of chalky between the skin (which was thin and ready to burst) and the periosteum, which; although thick and large, had not injured the bone. He complamed often, a little before death, of excruciating pain in his head, with a sense of falling . down headlong. It was impossible after saWing, to remove the cranium without dividing the dura mater , which p 2 seemed owing to an inflammation, thickening, and induration of that niembrane: which accounted for the excrueiatin^ pains in feis head, which distressed him often before death. The fo^cicidated texture nearthesinusses was remarkably strong; the glands, ^'s they are called, large and distinct^ the brain it- self, firm as #ax: a large quantity of lymph like the clearest spring water was in the ventricles* The pia mater was pale, with a sort of clear jelly deposited in the cellahr membrane connectirrg its two li^mellce. Its outer siirface was srrieared with a smooth chalky mucus Irke cream. , The m^dalhd oblongata and medulla spinalis were much iirmer than the brain. The tunica aradmoi- des was tbickerred, harsh^ and gritty. The gtan- :dula pinealis quite ^e^troyed, nbthin-g remaining but its membrarious coafs, filled \vith concretions resembling sfnall pearls. Althougli the t)ody w^s emaciated, ^rm fat dt' tivo inches in thickness, 'was imder the sk/n of the kbdbmen. The mesentery wirs ^o much loaded \yith fat, that two thii*ds of the ci4*cifmference of the :|^iit were invisible. The stomach and guts \^^re healthy although pale ; the spleen and pancreas were sounds the liver was in- durated, and of a pale yellow colour; the gall blad- (Jer was buried in fat, aiid contained a little pale and in wiitery bile : the abdominal portion of fhe ^mtn. was ossified from the diapbmgm to ttie iliac artenes. The kidneys were small ^nd filled with hj^dattds, and the external surface of the right kidney Was al- most covered with them. The ■urinary bkdd-er was thick and cr^ntracted, little iJtlm With itt its cavttyi neither was there gravel, ^tone or chalk m it 0t in the kidneys. The valves of the heart, the ^eat vessels 5sMitvg; from itj and the whole thonicic porti the bfonchial glands "accon^pftnymgtlte trachea were 'filled Witli gouty Ttraft^ter. The rigid contraction of the %wer litirbs, #a&, owing: to the ^hardened anfl tMcken^d state 'of ^e Trgamchts, whicli had lost their polished 'hue. The synovia warlike a mixture c^ chalk, ail -and water, and beconie thick as cream; the cartilages not dtered. From this cxamrnaltion Mr, Watson infers that gouty matter has the Strongest tendency to tTie ex- tremities, where the Weaker impe^tus of ^the circulat- ing Euids is most likely to lea ve it. " Is it not remarka[ble (says he) thsft there were no marks of it in the hollow viscera : ^neither in tte "liver, kidneys, spleen nor pancreas ? " He thinks it 112 pronouncing rather too much, that those subject td gouty concretions are subject to the stone, and vice versa ; because of all the lithotomy patients of every age and sex cut at the hospitals, few have the slightest indication of the gout. Gout and stone (he thinks) are morbid secretions, and may exist in the same subject, but differ essentially in their ma-- terial principles and tendencies ; calculous matter is formed in the urinary passages ; — the gouty depo- sites itself on bones, cartilages, membranes, and lym- phatic glands. Gouty seems to be a different earth from that of the urinary calculus: it never appears laminated, or to have formed a nucleus; but is soft, %vhite and uniform throughout ; may be dissolved and ground by the motion of the joints, mixes with the synovia forming a smooth creamy fluid. Gouty earth is then a kind of greasy bole, easily rhadc to mix with oil and water, which in general a calculus cannot do ; so that in every respect (says Mr. W.) colour, form and consistence, it seems to differ essentially from that which lays the foundation, and causes the increase of the stone. Morgagni (de causis et sedibus morborum lib. iv. p. 277) gives an instance of a nun, about thirty, who had a tumour in one of her breasts, attended with much pain, which burst spontaneously. It was suspected to be cancerous, but the attending surgeon 115 was of a different opinion, which was confirmed hy the event. From the opening during the treatment of the sore, he extracted a round body about the size of a walnut, which Morgagni found to be compqsed of pieces of bone of different dimensions, as if they had been broken asunder, placed in no regular order, but connected together by the interposition of a ligu- mentous like substance, which, on drying, became black but the bony fragments preserved their white colour. He tells us likewise of a cartilaginous substance found in one of the mammse of a bitch he dissected, calcarious granular in the membranes of her lungs^ calculi in both kidneys, which were otherwise diseased. He also in the same page gives an instance of a learned gentleman, who in the thirty first year ol" his age, had a small glandular knot appear on the upper part of his right breast, which in the space of a year increased to the size of a man's fist, but with- out any shew of malignity. This tumour about the beginning of 1742 (fourteen months after its first appearance) broke of itself, and under its coverings of integuments and some fleshy fibres, nothing but calcarious matter, hard in some places soft in others, was discovered. In a consultation held on this case, the safety of extracting this matter was daubted i 114 becaus;e it was alleged^ as the father and gfand- father of this gentleman were severely afflicted with the gout, although he never had had any symptom? of it himself, hut a short transient pain in each great ttie, dbis was referred to a gouty origin, and it ivas therefore supposed that by removing the gouty mat- ter which had taken possession of this place, there would fee same hazai'd of diverting it to some other and more noble part. However, after all the learn- ed arguments which Morgagni gives at large, and I forbear, as useless, he committed himself to the care of a surgeon entirely, who, regardless of ^11 that had been iirged, opened th^tuniour, removed the chalky substance, and cured the WQUOd livithpijt any trou- ble or any ill consequence, evincing the futility of the fears of the ieztrned gentlemen consulted. 115 LETTER VL Dear Sir^ In my last I gave you my hypo- thesis respecting the formation of cretaceous c6n- cfetions in the gout. You are to observe, my friend, I give it you as a probable conjecture: whe- ther I am right or wrong let time and experience determine. If right it may furnish a hint for afford- ing relief, if wrong it can do no harm: however, upon the supposition that it may be right, I rriean to in- stitute a set of experiments with a view to discover a method of either preventing the formation of thos'e concretions, or of dissolving and promoting their ab- sorption into the system and their expulsion by the emunctories, after they are formed. There has been lately some relief, in the calculus in the kidneys and bladder, reaped from an exhibition of fixed air in what is called by the name of our much kmented fiiend, Bewley's mephitie water or julep, which you know is a perfect saturation of a solution of fixed alkali in water, by the aerial acid. I refer you to Q 116 what Dr. Falconer has said, in his appendix to Dr. Dobson's Commentai-y on fixed air, upon that sub- ject. Bat there are two different opinions on the similarity or dissimilarity of the gouty calcarious^ earth and urinary calculi. Yoii have seen what Mr. Watsbii says on this subject. As however the gouty conGretiohs have been supposed by some' respectable authors, to originate from the same cause ^s^the calculi abovjc^namedi and we suppose that the sameagent hjas a very considerable share rn both ^ since it is aot very foreign to aUr principal subject, Jet.us.make a few observations on the origin of the ui-inaryiealaujjiis, ran:d the relation it bears to gouty concretions. It has been pretty , generally supposed that fevtr gouty pe^opie are ifree^from calculous complaints, ei- ther in the shape of tege oi" small stones in the kid-^ neys or bladder.- 6y dienham, i rom i believe his own feelings, s^ys :th^t ithe ,gQUt breeds the stone in many subjects, in the kidneys. This, with the frequency with which both diseases have been met wrth, in the same subject, has perhaps led to this opinion^ although I cannot assert frora my own knowledge that Lth.ey are always existing in the same subject at tixe same time : I must own I have often observed ^r^tvel and small calculi afflict4rtg gouty patients. One remarkable fact has fotcibly struck me, I 117 speak from experience in; rny^rff and;QtherS;; I bayj&, seldom or never seen a paroxysm of both diseases, existing in the same subject ^t the' same time, I know a gouty subject who was habitu^ed.to a, djs? charge of red, sand)% gravely many years, before, he had the gout; particularly after travellirig on horse back: fram which circumstance it appea^-ed as if jt.did not- fprii): altogether in; the bladder, hut came dpwn from the kidneysin tha.tforni; qn these, occasions ij^. detention in the uretlira was frequently distressing. After the gout attacked hini, ^bout two, months be- fore the/ return of th^^ paroxysm the grayel left hin^i: during which period he: felt very aleri andiaptiye* When the gout werit off the grav.el a gaift^ returned, apd these; alternations of disease continued, for many^ years ^. butas.th^ gout increases in the violence- and duratipn, of the parox^ysnis, th^ appe^r^nce qi gr^yejl. din^inishes.:, y^ from, his. painful sensatioiis it: seenis ta me that all is not well c^bout the kidneys. Hpnc^^ I pi:esume to corijectiire, that he who. is afflicted tyith. a load of gout and.a constant apcgLpiulation of chalky, depositions on. thp cellular texture, is lesa li^j^l^, to have gravel Qf stone 3 because the earthy ipt^t^. of bpneis.diyerted another way : and perhaps from this circumstance, a reason may be given why, when the gout and gravel, are naet with in the same person, the paroiJO^ysnis of each^ distemper s(^ein (a| r% <^ IIS least from my observation) to alternate each other lu their attacks. The urine of a healthy person is known to abound with an earthy matter; this appears evident from the concrete incrustations deposited on the bottom and sides of the vessel if it stands any thne. Vanr sw^ieten gives a detail of Boerhaave's observations on the urine of a healthy person which afforded some curious phenomena : exhibiting the formation of these concretions. For this purpose he chose the urine of a healthy man, in whose family there never was the smallest suspicion qf the e^ristence of a hereditary calculous labes, nor in himself had there ever been any sign of a latent calculus observed.— r He put this urine dis- charged when the man was in full health, tweh^e hours after a copious meal, and most profound placid sleep, i^to a cylindrical glass vessel six inches long . and about the diameter of the^ middle of the thumb. Whilst it continued warm, it was of a citrine colour/ pellucid, and every where homogeneous, neither in the transparent bottom of vhe vessel, nor in any other place, could he discover by the assisance of the microscope the smallest particle of heterogeneous matter. He placed this vessel in a degree of heat equal to 72 of Farenheit*s Thermometer^ in the open air, and 119 only covered the orifice with paper to keep out the dust.— In about a quarter of an hour he examin- ed it with a microscope, when it appeared full of corpuscles iike flocks of wool without any equal or polished surface, which corpuscles seemed to be agitated with rapidity backwards and forwards, equally moving upwards and dov^n wards, so as to maiuftain a kind of equilibrium, ascending and des- cending by turns. A little after this something whitish appeared in the urine, with striae like far, resembling the appearance of spirit of wine poured into water before an intimate mixture takes place, this tatty matter was somewhat like eels, and w^hilst this new phenomenon was accurately examined by the microscope, clouds formed out of those fatty stri-je, pendulous at first through the whole cylinder,^ which gradually receding from the sides of the ves- sel gathered together towards its axis: those floc- culi which before moved about, began to disappear, and were collected into the cloud : — which becom- ing thicker every minute, began to descend, and at length to settle within the distance of half an inch from the bottom of the vessel, and the upper part of the cloud rested within about one inch of the surface of the urine. All this cloud appeared by the assistance of the microscope to contain every where \yithin and without, minute shining concreted^ pai;ticles, and similar particles began to adhere to the sides and bottorr^ pf the vessel, at the same time. These particles, at first white, b^,game reddish in, half an hour; from hence they turned redder, and in two houra wem of th^ same colour with that uri- nous sand, generally deposited on the sides and bot? toHijof the vesseJa in which urine is left a consider- able tiiifi|2. Nevertheless thiese rudinienis of nascent calculi remained enveloped in the cloud:, and did not. fall; ta the bottom, of the vessel, but appeare4, suspended in the fimdinthe form, of a yellow cloud. By decrees however some of these particles increased inb raa^nittule ^d fell to- the bottom ; and, at the s^me time, sevecai other molicles generated on the sur/^e which wajs contiguous to the a;r, which by ^M^ shakmg the vessel fejl also to the bottom. And these molicles. on the. sides of the vessel, alsa mcm^s^d in hi^)h and in twenty four, hours equalled oa^stai^d s^od m si^e. These, were of a rhomboidal 6gitm^ wath the opposite angles obtuse and equaU mter^ixed with p^r4llelopiped moHcle^ much red- d^C in colour, ^d krger in siz^ than the rest. Some square grains wexe interspersed but tl^ose were few int number.'«"None of thes^e molicles generated in ^e Gl<>ud became so large as thp&e which formed Oil th< sides and boUom of the cylinder; and those stiefcing ga tfee sides appeared to bo composed q/ 121 six otliers similar in figure^ by whose mutual adhe- ■sion the size was increased. I shall le^ve you to follow Vans wieteti through th-e conclusions he formsfrom this curious experiment, as it would be taking up too much of our time in this Letter. I shall only observe/that the most natural in- ference to be drawn from it is; that the urine of a healthy person, appears to be loaded with solid rirattets in astate otf solution^ whenit is excreted : and the^emat- ters seem to be earth salt^ and other animal matterg^i tvhich, on the decompositioti of the mixture by, I suppose, the escape of the volatile principlej by th€ means of which the fluid held them in a state of so- lution, the solid particles thus let loose, attract each other and form new combinations in d crystalline form, which lay the foitndation of cakuli. Thefe- fore we may suppose that urinary calculi are formed of the earthy matter of the bones, -salts, and abta- 'sions of the soft parts, Whit*h having become effete and recrementitious, are secreted from the blood as useless, and ordained by the la>ws of the animal eco* nomy, to be excreted hy the urinary passages: and^ that this will always be the case when they are held in solution in a watery fluid.— The bladder being the reservoir of the tarine secreted by the kidneys, very considerable quantities are very often detained there for many hours in a quiescent state : during 123 tliis time that principle, let it be fixed air or wl^at it will, which held these solid, earthy, and Oiber matters in a state of solution, may have time to se- parate from them and perhaps form some new com- bination, we guess it may be fixed air, because the urine is found by experiment to contain a great deal of that principle. We find however that there is certainly a decomposition takes place, that there is actually a separation of the component parts, and that the more solid precipitate, and by attracting each other, sand or gravel in smaller or larger mas- ses are formed, arid lay the foundation for calculi. That in healthy people this seldom happens, unless some foreign adventitious matter^ should be met . with in the bladder, which may form a nucleus, to which the calculi may adhere. Vanswieten observes that the sabulous concre- tions, arising as before related, in the urine of the .mostiiealthy men, was of a red colour, in some it w^as yellow, others ash coloured, w^hite, and some- times, though rarely, black: and adds, that some - think, they are the worst kinds of calculi, which arise from sand of any other colour than red. He . says calculi are formed by granulation or crystaliza- tion, not from different principles in the body or a -confusion of humours, but by the application of similar eleraentSc 125 It has I iDclieve, often beeti said, that red gtavel never forrlis calculi: that this opinioti is however erroneous, the following instance will prove^ and many more no doubt have appealed. A. C. a young worrian aged 2 1 , at Westvvinch, in this neighbourhood, was cut for the stone in Aprils I7o6j and a flat, dblbng, brown stone near 3 inches long, i ^ broad, and 1 thick, weighing two ounces ind three quarters, was extracted : that end pre- senting to the urethra, was rounded off like the end of a flat potdto«i and was of a solid firm texture, the other was covered aiid elongated by means of an in- crustation of transparent, beautiful crystals, very much resenlbling browri sugar caridy^ some of the crystals were large ahd others small, and seemed t0 be an addition endwise of a late formation, covet- ing the other extremity of the solidj I m^y say pri* mitive, stone, which seemed tb have been blunted and rounded off like the other end, visible through the transparent crystalization, of the late creation. Those crystals were of different figures, as well as dimensions, some rhomboidal others square. In the course of the cure stony incrustations from the urine which constantly drained off, formed daily upon thelipsand edgesof the Wounded parts, which were not small, as the cutting gorget was used to divide the urethra: and the operator finding the incision too R i24 small for the stoiie when in forcTps, cliose to tlit ^pon it in the extraction to enlarge tlic aperture rather than lacerate the Joarts, as it ^as so large. — These incrustations sloughed off In the course 6f digestion, and hung in a chain together by the membranous parts in large quantities; biit after the wounded parts healed so far that she could retain her Water ten minutes or a quarter of an hour, and no urine passed involuntarily, no more crusts formed. She was perfectly well in less than two months, and although the great quantity of sabulous and stony con- cretions, which formed and were discharged during the cure, seemed to indicate a constitution very much disposed to the disease, she never afterwards had any symptoms of calculus. Here we have an instance of liot only red crysta- lizations forming the stone of the bladder, but even stony concretions forming on the wounded parts after the urine was out of the bladder. We have many instances of extraneous bodies forming nuclei for calculi, recorded in surgical writers, memoirs of so- cieties, medical essays, &c. as for instance, ivory bodkins, needles, pieces of wood, &c. It would be impertinent to give you here a detail of them y Van- swieten has collected a number, and to him I refer you. I will however mention three extraordinary facts; two are experiments, and the other a blunder* 1^5 Nuck (adenographia p. ) tells us that he Inserted a small ball of wood ia(:o the bladder of a dog-, throi^gh a wound made into it for that purpose^ and proper care 'was taken of the wound. The animal spenied to be iy\ pain two days, but his appetite and alacrity soqn returned, the oiily disagreeable sy^ip^ torn remaining was a frequent irritation to mak^ water. A few weeks afterwards, he dissected the dog before his. pupils, ^n4 extracted the ball of wood, which appeared to be incrust^d with calculous crys- talizations, not unlike white sugar ca^dy: hence he concludes, that a §m^ll calculus formed in th^ kidney, by descending into the bladder, may form the nucleus of a ^tone, which may by degrees in- crease to an enormous sizej and s^lso that, any ex- traneous body n>ay forr^ a nucleusj the 'truth of which as befoipe observed is proved by the annals of inedicine. The blunder is thus related by Tulpiqs (observa- tiones medica? lib. iii. cap. 9,.). A rash young man in hunting a buffalo in India, was gored by that ^uin\al, and his horn penetrated into his (the hun- ger's) bladder. — ^An incautious surgeoq put a tent into the \fyp,und, without a thread affixed to It, the ponsequence \^as ^he ^ent slipped in^o the bladder. The wound however healed, but the patient was afflicted with a difficulty of naajcing water, and pus R 2 196 passed with his urine for some time: from hence he became afflicted with symptoms of the stone, and ii^ process of time lithotomy was performed and a stone extracted the size of a man's fist f but of a tri- able texture, which had for its nucleus in the cen- ter, the tent which the surgeon h^d so carelessly let slip into the bladder. The young man, however, fortunately got well. Hence Tulpius takes occasion to w^arn surgeons, always to fasten threads to the dossils which they may be induced to apply tp wounds in the cavities of the abdomen, thorax, &Cc The other experiment is one quoted from Mr. Sheldon's absqrbent system and shall be related afterwards. Preternatural ossifications have frequently been discovered by dissection to have formed, in the cur- vature of the aorta, valves and ventricles of the heart, in tendinous fascios and many other parts of the human body. Calculi of different textures, some friable either like sand or in larger concrete masses, others more compact, and more nearly re- sembling bone, are to be met with in every hollow viscus, and every cavity j I have seen the inner coat of the pericardium incnisted with a sabulous lining. The kidneys and bladder are the most common re- ceptacles for them, even the veins and arteries are not exempted from their formation. But the ab- 1^7 sorbent system and lymphatic glands are more often affected; and the salivary glands, in whose excre- tory ducts calculi are frequently found: all which niay be referred to the same origin, the earth of bones: to which ^Iso we may add those concretions deposited from the saliva on the teeth, forming hard incrustations upon them, which if suffered to grow too large are very inconvenient and troublesome. Fansvvieten rneniions an instance of a young woman who suffered these hard incrustations to increase from the dread of having them removed by an in- strument, to such a degree that the teeth were buried totally under the frightful mass; which by pressing ^nd ulcerating the gums, distressed the poor crea- ture exceedingly and caused a very disagreeabJc foetor. put the load, which was extremely hard, being removed by means of a steel chisel, and kaden mallet, iri the hands of a dexterous and skil- ful surgeon, her mouth washed ^nd cleaned, her teeth were cleared of the deformity and foetor. The deposition of this concretion on the teeth from the saliya, we may suppose to be much quick- er in its formation than calculi any where else, the bladder and kidneys perhaps excepted; because the solutiori of the osseous earth secreted with the saliva, is more exposed to the air, which, with the heat of the mouth, will, more speedily dispose the I@8 aerial acid to escape, the decomposition to take place, ai>d allow thq earth thus separated, to be dcr posited froxn the saliva, and gather in the form of ^ thick fqr on the teeth, but particularly about the roots, where the gum has left them and vyher^ the enamel does nqt reach, as if the naked, |>.ony, part of the teeth, from containing the same materials^, invited the adhesion qf it ; and where it is soon con- solidated into the stone lik^ concretion. The quickness of the fQrnr\atio,n of this calcarious, (If I may so pall it) incrustatiQp on the teeth^ appears, the more eviderit, when we co^nsi^er that ^he masti- cation of our food at rneals, must abrade aad carry off, great part of that already fo,rnied, as well as p^e^ vent the accumulation of it in hard qi^sses ; whicl^ with the pains that many people t^ke to, clean, thcii; teeth, renders it surprizing that this crust forms at all. Notwithstanding which, it forms so quickly that^ those ladies and gentleman > who are pa,rticularl3f nice about their teeth, are obliged to have frequent recourse to the dexterous hand of the surgeon dentist, to remove this extraneous covering. By whicl> species of luxury, you know thart the artists most in repute of this ingenious class of men, add conside- rably to their large income in London ; son\e I an^ told enjoying from their industry and reputation not less than one thousai^d, and froni thence to up^wards 129 of three thousand pounds per ^nnatn.— But the enio* lument arises to those great sums from the addition- al assistance of the other branches of their operative profession. The fair of both sexes, axe not only obliged to the raccommodeurs des dents, for clean- ing (ca^Ied scaling) extracting, transplanting, in- grafting, &:c. of teeth, but also to the ingenuity of these useful gentlemen, for supplying from the jaws of the Elephant, but more especially those of the Hippopotamus, the Sea Horse, {because the ena- mel of his teeth is thicker and harder, and of a purer white colour than ivory) the ravages of time committed on those useful and ornamental parts of the mouths ot the beaux and belles in the fashion-» able world: giving as natural and youthful an ap- pearance to those adventitious teeth, as the Rouge and Blanc gives to their complexions. Nature is said to do nothing in vain, it is therefore a query with me, whether, even this collection of incrusted earth on the decayed and exposed bony part of the teeth, although from a recrementitious origin, may not be designed, for their protection from the exter- nal air, and the prevention of their more speedy decay ? You may, my friend, observe in old people almost a demonstration of this matter : an incrustation forming upon the surface of the decayed stumps which not only protects the nerve from the influence of the ex- ISO ternal air, but the angular points arc covered ^nd blunted by its accreObn, the soft parts, viz. the checks and toriguc prevent^ed from being wounded; and somuch firmness given to the slumps th?.t they actually perform in a great degree the office of sbund teeth in masticiition !^ — This the dentists will say is a strange doctrine, can an excrementitious foetid matter like this be designed by nature to cover the teeth, which occasions foul breath, &c ? It is not this earth that causes the putrid halitus^ the gums are the principal seat of itj small ulcerations, there,- discharge fluids liable to corrupt by the heat of the mouth, and send forth foetid effluvia y yet this fcetof frequently depends upon carious teeth and often up- on injured lungs.— But the foetor attending large collections of this incrustation, will depend upon the injury the gums sustain by its extension, which ir^ ritating the softer texture of their edges will produce Ijlcerations and a discharge from them. Large collections of this sort may always be pre- vented by a moderate use of sugar. — This calcarious matter is entirely soluble in acids, so is the enamel and earth of the bone of the teeth. They are there- fore dangt^rous applications. But sugar you will say contahis an acid, and it has always been ob- served that people addicted to an immoderate use of sweets^ soon have their teeth destroyed; — sugar 131 therefore contaias an acid on which this destruction depends.— This is certainly true in an immoderate nse of sugary and the acid of the sugar will actu- ally dissolve this crust of adventitious calcaneus matter and expose the uncovered part of teeth to the air, it will also attack the* enamel, and upon rhese circumstances depends the injury which an immoderate use of sugar, always present in the mouthj occasions. But I know from experience that a moderate use of sugar, will have a contrary effect; a small piece of white sugar candy or even double refined loaf sugar dissolved in the mouth once or twice a day, will keep the breath sweet (as far as that depends on the teeth) and prevent tfie too great increase of this incrustation, that is, pre- vent its becoming either hurtful or inconvenient, and render the scaling of the teeth, as it is called, if not totally unnecessary, at least less necessary than is commonly imagined: — and w^ill be found a far less injariQ'Js dentirrice, than many a composition that goes under that name, which generally con- tains a fossile acid material, of a far more active and destructive nature. The ingenious Mr. Sheldon page 30 of his ab- sorbent system, says that if a calculus be formed in the uiinary bladder of an animal wdiose bones are coloured with madder (which can be effected by 152 \he introduction of any extraneous substance into that organ), — the earth which composes the calcu- lus will be of a red colour similar to that of the dyed bones. If we suspend for a time the feeding of the animal with madder and then (e^d him again with the same substance, and proceed alternately in this manner, upon cutting the stone through either in a perpendicular, or horizontal section, streaks of red wull be found intermixed with others exhi- biting the ordinary colour of the urinary calculus. * This phenomenon cannot be otherwise explained than (he tells us) by supposing the earth of the bone to be absorbed by the lymphatics, and by them con- veyed into the sanguiferous system, where, being secreted by the emulgent arteries from the blood with the earth of the urine, it is afterwards attracted by the nucleus introduced into the bladder. Some years ago, from observing some phenomena in the human body, the idea first suggested itself to me, (says Mr. S.) that the earth of the bone was conti- nually changing by the deposition of new matter and absorption of old. f He had a conversation with * Query — -Did Mr. Sheldon ever try this experiment f or is this ?.n ia- duction drawn from reasoning, by analogy, from the experiments of th!= kind on bones oi' animals ? A matter of this importance ought to be clear- ed up. t It seems to appear from this passage that Mr. Sheldon was totally ig- norant of the many beautiful experiments in proof of this curious, fact made by Herissant, Du Hamel, th« French acadeiuiciahs, Haller, Storck, 133 Mr. J. Hunter who informed him, fliat he had fed himself with madder: I immediately (says Mr, S.) asked him, if the earth of his urine was tinged with madder? to which he answered, that the earth at- tracted by the sides of the vessel in which the urine was made, was of a red colour.| Vide Sheldon's; absorbent system page 30. & 3lo I am informed that the ingenious Mr. J. Hunter, and some other physiologists are of opinion that the waste of the osseous, &c. matters, which require a perpetual renovation, is performed entirely by the absorbent system, and that this system has the power of absorbing the most solid parts of bone, car- rying them into the course of the circulation, froni whence they are secreted and expelled by the emunc- lories. — Mr. Sheldon, after mentioning the extraor- dinary case related by Mr. Cheston in the Philoso- phical Transactions, vol, 70, part 1 1, page 323, of the Thoracic duct of a man he dissected, being found entirely plugged up with ossific matter from imme- diately above the receptaculum chyli, — says, this is &c. (mentioned "m the extract frora Tanswieten.} many years before h« was a professional man : which is a little extraordinary in the writer of a system of absorption, and teacher of ai^atomy. X The Earth in form of crystallized sand, deposited on the bottom, and attracted by the sides of the vessel in which urine is made, in different people, xery often exhibits, a red, sometimes a pink colour, although no maddsr has been taken, s2. 134" a proof of calcaneus matter being absorbed, and found in the lymphatic system. There certainly Js not a doubt of the fact^ the question is was it in a, state of diffusion and suspension in a divided forni -of minute^ solid, particles in the chyle and lymph, or was it in a state of perfect solution in a fluid ? — If the earth of bones is to be taken up in a solid form, from the bone itself, as by implication we may be- lieve it supposed to be, as no other mode seems to to be hinted a^. I must confess I am under much difficulty in being able to comprehend^ the nature, indeed the possibility of such a process : it is giving a power to the mouths of lymphatics, of abrading, comminuting, and dividing this the most solid part of the body; for which by their structure they are by no means adapted. There is no such thing as a solvent property given by those gentlenien to the fluids in the system, which may alone be capable of effecting this purpose. Although totally ignorant of the w^onderful means which nature employs to remove the effete and useless parts of the solids in our sysfem, I cannot think it possible, that such a process can be effected without the intervention of such a medium, or rad^ier menstruum, as is able to reduce them to a perfect state of solution : and wd:y may not this power reside in mixture with the finest part of the lymph? It cannot be a comminuticpi 135 of the soVi J matter and Its mere suspension in the fluids ; because this could never pass the secretory organs without forming concretions everywhere by merely subsiding, as this earth must be specifically heavier than tl\e fluid it is suspended in. Fine argil- laceous earthy or any impalpable pow^der specifically heavier than water, is capable of remaining diffused through it and suspended in it whilst the fluid is in constant agitation ; yet the fluid is ahvays turbid, and the particles of the powder are easily detected in it by a lens of a small magnifying power, cr even the naked eye, and will immediately subside, when in a quiescent state.— Far different is this from the state of secreted fluids which hold the calcarious earth in solution ; upon their immediate secretion, they are limpid and diaphanous, and not a particle of earthy matter is to be seen in them by the best micjToscope till long after their secretion, and after a decomposion of their principles takes place : as al- ready mentioned in Boerhaave's experiment. Mr. J. Hunter in his Treatise on the venereal disease says (page 7-) that in ulcerative inflamma- tion, the action of the absorbents superadded to the action of the arteries, will remove solid parts and even the arteries themselves. — What I should un- derstand by this doctrine is, that the parts destroyed in the process of ulceration and digestion^ are dis- 136 solved in the matter, and partly removed by it on the dressing, if the ulcer is external, or absorbed again into the system : — but perhaps this is not the author's meaning. When boHes are destroyed, they are, I believe, always exposed to the action of some fluid matter, which we may presume to have been the instrument of their destruction, and the most solid bones of the body have been known, to have lost their solidity and become porous and soft and even altogether dissolved under such circumstances. And that this has been the case whether the bone has been ex- posed to the action of blood, lymph, serum, sanies, or pus, without being subject to the influence of the external air is well known to every surgeon : and many instances of this kind are upon record in the annals of physic and surgery. — The destruction of the texture of carious bones thus exposed, and the softness they incur, seems to be owing to the loss of the calcarious or earthy matter, which appears to have been dissolved and carried off in a state of so- lution. .' It may be asked what is this solvent princi- *ple, which seems to be diffused in those several fluids, and has this peculiar property of uniformly produc- ing the same effect,having a similar elective attraction to the earth of bones, and forwarding its dissolution in those different menstrua ? In 1773, I sent an 137 account to the Philosophical Society of Edinbur^^h, of an encysted dropsy of the right thigh, with a disso- lution of the bone, in a lady* who died tabid in 1767 : as the case was a curious one I will give you a short abstract of what appeared on dissection. The tumour was very large, of a pyriform shape, and extended from the spine of the ileum, and ar- ticulation of that bone with the os sacrum, possess- ing the whole thigh to within about three inches of the joint of the knee: on plunging a knife into it, about six quarts of a fluid were discharged, the first quart of which was yellow and without smell, the rest a bloody sanies. In ope ning the tumour by cru- cial incision, many ossifications in the soft parts •were broken asunder before the knife would pass. It was now discovered that the fluid had been con« tained in a cyst, between whose thick coats, many preternatural ossifications of various shapes, thick- nesses, and dimensions, uniting with one another, and forming a kind of reticular coat, of plates of boue_^ were every where spread. The muscles of the thigh were emaciated, and so united that distinction wab lost, and appeared like a thin fleshy mem- * The case of this lady is given tit large in the Author's ** Observation.^ who some 141 years ago gulled some people of distinction out of more than a^5000, in a very short time, under pre- tence of an absolute cure, which he cunningly made them believe could not take place in less than a fifteen months' course of his powders : he received his money, and left the credulous patients to discover the cheat at their leisure. His patients, appeared, I am told, somewhat relieved at first ; but they soon found that the disease returned with aggravated symptoms, (as it was supposed to be an arsenical preparation it destroyed the remains of their debili- tated constitutions) and many died victims to their credulity, and had their lives shortened by this dan- gerous experiment, as I have been credibly informed by several people concerned, and I liave seen some of the victims myself. Yet I am told that this powder (if I am not mistaken) is sold under the name of the Liege medicine to this day. It would be endless to give you a catalogue of these healers of the gout, which would begin with that empi- ric, Paracelsus. It will be sufficient to notice that the credulous patient has always found himself disappointed,' and that the gout has returned after tlie boasted cure was declared to have been per- formed, and the only certainty which remained after his delusion was the expense it cost him. But in answer to this it may be said that there T 2 142 are many undoubted testimonies upon record in proof of the gout*s having been cured. One of these is the story which Hildanus relates (page 393) of a very ill tempered arthritic, who used to be con- tinually reviling and calumnating his neighbours. A wag he had thus maletreated, took the opportu- nity, one evening when his attendants were absent to enter his chamber,, blacked, and disguised like a negro, and approaching his bedside with a solemn pace, without uttering any answer vO his questions, seized on hi$ gouty hands in the height of a parox- ysm, threw him on his back, and carried him in that manner below stairs, with his feet dragging on the stairs from step to step. When he arrived in the hall, he set him down terrified and speechless, on the pavement, and, retreating during his consterna- tion, instantly disappeared. The arthritic who. could not move a limb before, even upon plain ground, much less go up a stair, instantly found the use of his feet, and, fled with great agility, above stairs, where, having gained bis chamber, he alarm- ed all the neighbourhood by clamorously calling out at the window. When the neighbours came, they found him breathless and almost lifeless from fear. All he remembered was.thathe had been pulled out of bed by a spectre, who carried him out of his chamber, and cruelly dragged him dov/n the stairs ; 1 43 and that if he had not groaned out the name 6f Jesus he must have been destroyed. Every one was filled with astonishment, but especially at perceiv- ing a person who^ just before, had been deprived of theuseof his limbs, able to escape up the stairs,and now standing upright upright before them. **' What was the cocsequence? (says the writer to Hildanus) He perfectly recovered, and never afterwards was afflicted with the gout." Credat Judcsus appella— non ego. That a violent agitation of the mind, from an attention to a particular object; for instance, when a person in a dangerous situation, requires immedi- ate assistance, will suspend the pain of the gout, I well know from my own experience irr more than one instance : and from an exertion of an energy of mind, by an attention to one distressing object, which engrossed all my faculties, I have from a crip- ple, been enabled to set my foot to the ground ; in a short space of time, been capable of walking with the assistance of a stick only, and very soon after without it. I have more than oncebeen sent far hv patients in dangerous sit nations, when confined to my bed with the gout> with great torture have gotten up, and gone down the stairs, sitting on one and sliding from that to the next, till I arrived at the bottom* I have slidden along in this manner or beea carried ;144 tQ the chaise which was to convey me. I once par- ticularly was thus circumstanced, being obliged to go a short journey to visit a patient; with much dif- ficulty I was helped into the house: I immediately- sat down on the bottom stair, and slipped up back- wards step by step to the landing, which as my right foot was well I ^could do. I was helped into the chamber in extreme pain: but the idea of the lady's* danger, it being a midwifry case of an alarming kind, in an instant suspended my pain. The difficulty and danger of the state I found her in, immediately occurred to me; and my presence of mind was instantly exerted to relieve this lady in her perilous situation, in which I happily succeeded. In short this exertion of my mind suspended all pain, and in ten minutes or a quarter of an hour at most I was able to walk with ease about the room with a stick: only, and very soon after, without it. I perfectly recovered from that time, but was not so fortunate as the subject of Hildanus*s case, for ray paroxysms still continue to return. The same author, pag. 58. and 59. gives an in- stance where the torture had the same effect on an- other patient, that terror had in the case above re- lated. A certain nobleman, afHicted with the gout, * Mrs. Wm. F. of South Wootton, 145 hemg suspected of holding a correspondence with the enemy, was impiisoned and put to the rack, whiibt under a paroxysm of the disease. He bore the torture with fortitude, and his innocence being manifested, he was set at liberty. To recover from the injury sustained from the torture, he went to the warm baths, where he was cured of the hurts he suffered by his cruel punishment, and his gout at the same time: and although eighteen years had elapsed since he was put to the torture, he never had the gout afterwards, but was as firm and erect upon his feet as any man of his age. Happy would it be for gouty people if adventi- tious pain w^ould always have the effect related by Hildanus of this nobleman, but unfortunately we poor arthritics find that sudden and continued ap- plication of cold, particularly to the extremities, blows, hurts, bruises near the joints producing ex- cruciating pain the instant they are inflicted, sprains, &c. are frequently sure to bring on a fit of the gout out of the common course. The relation of these apparent facts of the gout's being thus cured by ac- cidental causes is certain in other authors of undoubt- ed credit, besides Hildanus, but with regard to the facts themselves I must confess my infidelity : be- cause as I have before observed the gout is a heredi- tary disease^ so intimately blended with the very es-. U6 sential matenals of our existence, from the first or- ganization of the f(£tus, even in the formation of our most soltd parts, that I cannot think it possible to remove it without the constituent partsof our bo- dies were disunited and resolved into their first prin- ciples, a process in compatible with our existence: therefore it cannot in the nature of things be a cura- ble disease. Vanswieten gives some instances, I have heard of some myself of cures by a milk diet of a very long continuance; but I believe on a strict investigation that all those pretended cures, which have been adduced in proof, of the efficacy of cer- tain nostrums, and certain regimens, are no other than an apparent mitigation of t>ym.ptoms arising from a debility superinduced in the system, which pre- vents an acute paroxysm from taking place, at the usual periods, but they carry indubitable marks of inactive gout remaining in the system under a chronic form. From this exordium, you may suppose that J have no nostrum, and no method of cure to offer in this distemper. You may be right in your suppo- sition, and may ask, what have I to offer that can be ■worthy of attention in the treatment of a distemper I have declared to be incurable ? I flatter myself however that I have some observations and some facts to relate, which will ooint out the means of miti- 147^ gating the distressing inflammatory paln^ lessening the periods of the paroxysms, and preventing the rigidity and distressing lameness which remain in many arthritics in the intervals of those paroxyms. Desiderata, I conceive^ of no small importance to gouty people. On being attacked by the gout myself I was na-^ turally led to examine what authors had said of that distemper, especially in relation to the treatment of it: but finding so much contradiction and so much whim, and nothing absolutely founded upon prac* tical facts, I was dissatisfied^ and the disappointment I repeatedly met with in following the advice of the best, in the first five years I was affiicted with this distemper, disgusted me so much that I laid them entirely aside, and began to study th^ course of the distemper as it appeared in myself, and from my own feelings and the evidence of my senses to regulate my conduct in the treatment of it accord- ingly. From the most accurate investigation of It in my own person, it appear-ed evidently to me that every attack was accompanied withsymptortis of a highly lafiammatory distemper, and during the commence- ment of the paroxysm was as much so as pleurisy, peripneumony, acute rheumatism, or any other phlo- gistic distasej indeed it resembled the inflammatory 148 rheumatism more than any of the other. Here was intense pain, great heat, violent inflammation, so great as even to render the vasa minima almost im- pervious to the blood, fever and strong, full, pulse : such a pulse as, Huxham says, in treating of an- other disease, he would bleed for, aye even if it was in the plague. Under, such symptoms why not bleed here? does not common sense with a very slender degree of medical knowledge, point out the necessity of it? will it not help to lessen the impetus of the blood, and prevent the violence na* ture often suffers in overcoming the resistance, the obstruction of the capillaries, as much as in pleuri- sy, &c. and by assisting to abate the general inflam- nation In the part, contribute the sooner to render the vessels pervious and restore the freedom of the circulation ? But authors say it is wrong, it is dan- gerous, it may cause a retrocession of the disease f a disease which must be left entirely to nature, and she must not be disturbed in her business! so it has been said of exanthematous diseases, as small pox and measles; bleeding and evacuations, and cold air were destructive, they would occasion a retroces- sion of the eruption, and endanger the life of the patient. But the boldness of the Suttons pointed out a happy improvement in the treatment of the small pox by inoculation, which entirely overturned 149 the old practice and showed it was founded in error and continued from prejiadice : however humiliating it might appear to the pride of regular professors. This happy discovery forms a remarkable era in the practice of physic ; as it laid the foundation for a more rational and successful treatment of fevers of every denomination, as well as the small pox: which every honest and humane physician not only acknow- ledges but practises. If prejudice in favour of old customs, had so fatally ?nisled practitioners in the treatment of the small pox, why may we not con- clude that the same attachment to what had been recommended by ancient authors, and early writers on this disease amongst the modems, might mislead practitioners, in such an extraordinary, versatile^ distemper as the gout. We find them talking of the danger of a retrocession of gout, from bleeding and other evacuations, but there does not appear, that I know of, a single proof of it upon record. The gout is so variable in its appearapce, ^nd so extraor- dinary in its shifting from place to place, that I do not hesitate in saying that the natural progression of it in subjects loaded with an uncommon quantity of disease, might easily be mistaken. for the effect of the treatment: and indeed there is so much contra* diction in opinions respecting the treatment, that a man that would wish to regulate his practice byres- V ^ 150 pectable authorities, is so much bewildered that he does not know \vhich to choose. Those very authors who condemn bleeding and other evacuations in the gout in the extrerhities, gravely tell you if it attacks the head, lungs, fee. that blood must be immediately taken away: as this is confessedly to alleviate the inflammation, why may it not be done 'with equal advantage when it is violent in the extremities ? From this view of the matter I was strongly prepossessed with an opinion that this practice must be attended With the best effects, I therefore lost blood in a quantity propor- tioned to the degree of inflammation, and state of the pulse, and always with great relief, and I declare most sincerely that I never felt any thing like a rcr trocession of gout after it, although I have used this practice eighteen years y and can safely affirm the same with regard to some of my friends ; one gen- tleman in particular who loses generally twice, some- times thrice the quantity that I do, by repeating the operation, indeed I have sometimes thought im- prudently: he is of a plethoric habit, and can bear it better on that account, and suffered no debility from it ; he however never had any retrocession of gout, but always reaped great benefit from this prac- tice and that which is the subject of the next para- graph. Some, medical authors tell you that a single 151 c^athavtic or breathing a vein will often bring an a fit of the gout iminediately ; but further, (mark, my fflcnd, the dreadful sentence!) if either is attempted in the fit its^lf^ it will throw the gout all over the constitution, and the greater the evacuation the more dangerous the event ! — I can only answer, that if I may speak from my own feelings, I do not believe a single word of the assertion : it is from mere con- jectural theory and not from facts 1 I have taken mercury, 8cc. and have lost blood repeatedly during the paroxysm, perhaps I have done this more than any man living, notwithstanding this dreadful ana» thema, not only without feeling a single inconve- nience, but on the contrary the greatest benefit, and, my friend, you as well as others know that my fits are no trifling ones : therefore I must infer that this , opinion is founded on false theory, and consequently erroneous, Upon the same principle that I used bleeding (the lessening the inflammatory diathesis) I was induced |o try the effects of calomel* and opium. Ycfu, my * The ipader is referred to a paper by Dr. Hamilton, upon the Effect* of Mercury in iriflammatory disease*, published in the 9th Volume of Dr<. Duncan's Medical Commentaries, for an account of his reasons for the ap- ^licatiori of it in those case?, from an opinion of its antiphlogistic propel- ties ; and his success in the trials he made of it, in contradistinction to the g-^neral opinion tntertained of its stimulant powers. The author left a panuscripf Second Part to the aboye pap^r^ which has net yet beeja published. ■ ■ . 152 friend, and many of our medical acquaintance, have? long seen the great benefit derived from the use of calomel and opium in every kind of inflammatory disease, with the occasional addition of tartar emetic and camphlre, as circumstances pointed out : and you know that it has been marked with such a series of success, that it has become a general practice within our circle of acquaintance. From a series therefore of successful experience, I was determined to try it in another inflammatory distemper, which I have already said a paroxysm of the gout appeared to be. I have taken them myself in every fit, and always obtained great relief from their exhibition, as have many of my friends, in particular the gentleman before mentioned. Not- withstanding the prohibition of purgatives by authors of great respectibility, as detrimental in the gout, I could not help thinking, that as it was founded upon the same principle, the danger of a retrocession of the disease, there must be a mistake in the ratio- nale of it: and indeed the very directions of the same authors to administer earth artics, when the gout attacks the head contents, of the thorax and abdo- men, most undoubtedly with a view to abate inflam- mation, forms such a contradiction to the general principle they would inculcate ^ that I cannot help thinking it must be founded in error. I do not 153 know a single instance that is adduced in proof of this retrocession, and from the same reasoning that inflammation is lessened in the head, lungs, and contents of the abdomen, by the exhibition of cathartics, it must hold good in violent inflammati- on on the joints. The following consideration will howerer point out the necessity of administering them, if the inflammation did not exist. Most gouty people are of a costive habit, at least if they were not so before they were attacked by the first fit, they become so afterwards : certainly this dispo- sition is augmented by degrees ^ and the want of exercise, when tolerably free from the disease, and the almost total rest during the paroxym, with the increased secretions of sweat and urine, greatly con- tribute to it. Must not the retention of putrid foeces be injurious in any disease with febrile symptoms ? Will not an absorption of putrid sordes, from the ca- vity of the intestinal tube, increase the distemper ? These are questions common sense must resolve ! Clysters are recommended, but they reach but a small way into the intestinal tube, and in general only empty the rectum. Something more then is neces- sary, the whole canal wants to be cleansed, and an eccoprotic is plainly indicated for this purpose, as before observed : and we know not but medicines of this class are pointed out by nature. The diges- 154. tion, t)efore the Ht, is generally very indifferent,- th^ appetite lessened; there is sometimes great sick- ness and a loathing of food : when this is the case, the alimentary process cannot be canied on in a re- gular and salutary manner, crudities v/ill arise in the primal viae, vitiated chyle must be taken into the blood, the habit will not be nourished, and a mor* bid affection in the system will be induced. From these circumstances does it not appear probable that the cause of the gouty paroxysm, about to make its appearance, is accumulating at this period in the first passages, a^id, from thence is diffused through the habit, and excites the latent gout into action by its stimulus ? This is rendered more probable from a spontaneous vomiting sometimes relievirig the pa- tient, and a spontaneous diarrhoea coming on some- times at the going oiFof the most violent symptoms of the paroxysm, from which I have known very great i'eiief received. This evacuation I observed did not diminish the natural discharge by sweat from the parts affected, which continued notwithstanding: and the great benefit received from it convinced me that a great deal of gouty matter was evacuated by this spontaneous diarrhoea. This circumstance may certainly be adduced in favour of occasional cathar- tics, during the paroxysm of the gout, and will go some way to overturn the opinion of its being a 155 4(angerous practice; since experience is the basis on which I may found it, and facts cannot be contro- verted An inference of some consequence natu- rally arises from consideiing the foregoing circum- stance ; would it not be of use to attempt to prevent an indigestion, and the abovementioned supposed accumulation, w^ich I am strongly induced from jjiy own feelings to believe takes place, by adminis- tering an emetic and cathartic as soon as the appe- tite begins to fail, and strengthening the tone of the viscera by chalybeate waters, bitters, and the bark | I never have tried the experiment here suggested, but as I believe it may be attended with advantage, and not with prejudice, I certainly shall : although emetic^ have a very disagreeable, indeed painful effect upon mc, by inducing a spasn; oi^ the upper orifice of my stomach, which entirely prevents their operation. The painful sensation occasioned by them has naade me decline taking any medicine of that kind, upwards of twenty years. The cathartics which I have generally employed are the cooling eccoprotics, in the inflammatory stage, or warmer aloetics, as Tinct. Sacr. on the decline of the paroxysm ; arid I can safely aver with considerable ad- vantage. I therefore without hesitation declare, that I think cathartics are not only attended with safety in their exhibition, but with very beneficial effects in the gout* W 156 Medical writei*s recommend the application of blisters and symaepisms to the extremities, wheij the gout seizes the head, chest, stomach, &c, with a view to make a revulsion from the parts affected. Having repeatedly seen the application of blisters attended in those distressing cases with the most happy consequences, I paid particular attention to their effects, and observed that in proportion as an inflammation ^yas excited on the skia by the blister, the pain and other symptoms abated, and as the blisters rose and the discharge increased, they went gradually off. From these observations, I imagined that as blis- ters certainly allay inflammation, for that reason arq used with success in pleurisies, peripneumonies, &c. and proved of such benefit in removing the gout from the parts abovementioned, they must be of use to abate the violence of the inflammation in the ar^ ticulatlons, of the feet and knees for instance, and contribute to discharge the gouty matter. Impress- ed with this idea I applied them, to my feet on the instep near the ankle, on and near the knees when- ever those parts were attacked. The benefit I re- ceived from them greatly overbalanced the temporaiy pain they occasioned. If I applied them ovej night ihe intenseness of the pairt and inflammation was gone by the morning, and-as the blisters discharged, 167 entirely went off; but as many small fits that daily return in different parts compose what is called by Sydenham, the grand or cardinal fit, I have been obliged to repeat the application to different parts, as the former blisters dried up, so that during the whole paroxysm or cardinal fit, several are repeatedly applied, and indeed so great is the relief I receive from them, that as soon as the pain begins to be in- tense, i«^irh ther concomitant inflammation, I directly have recourse to my certain friends, the blisters: I hare used them in my own case upwards of eighteen years. I had long put this method of practice into execution on myself before Dr. Stephenson's pamph- let fell into my hands, which contains much good matter on the subject of blisters in the gout, mixed with much eccentricity. Their effect upon me is: very extraordinary : about the second day after their application, when the discharge is very great, the inflammation is also intense where the vesications were^ and when I put my legs out of a horizontal position, as for instance in sitting on the bedside^ the throbbing pain is prodigious in the site of the blister, and is exactly similar to the same sensation I used to have in the diseased joints of my (eet^ w^hilst the gouty inflammation remained in them, when I put them out of bed; and it contiques for a minwte or two and then gradually declines exacts w 2 158 iy in the same manner, whilst the diseased joints themsefes remain perfectly free from pain, and this ha opens when the blisters are applied at a dis- tance from the joints either of the feet or knees; from which ciixumstance I generally now place them at a distance. If the foot and knee are affected at the same time, I place the blister above the ankle on the inside df the leg, on the part where they are ge- nerally put in fevers: and this place I find more eli- gible than any other, being fully efficacious in re- lieving both the foot and knee. On this spot the throbbing pain abovementioned takes place with the gouty inflammation: but it is not felt unless I hang my legs in a sitting posture, or when I get up to walk> when I must pause a little till k abates and in a short time it leaves me. This pain is not alike in all blistered parts, but chic% confined to those to w^hich the greatest quantity of g.auty matter is de- termined> and blisters there are generally the best applied, i have had two on each leg open at once, but in succession : three gave no pain, and the last seemed to have absorbed all gouty pain. The sen- sation on getting out of bed continues several days. After the blisters have discharged two days there Is something like pus appears upon their site; then it is that the peculiar smell takes place in the discharge fromthem^ which the gouty efSuvia from thespon* 159 taneous discharge of sweat from the feet, so strong« ly exhibits on the decline of a paroxysm; a smell which there seems nothing like on the face of the earth: though I have lately thought that it bears a faint resemblance to that of dry human bones, as a «kull for instance, which is emitted after rubbing it with a dry hand. The inliammation and pain on the blisters, abovementioned, and the peculiar smell of their discharge, are sufficient demonstrations that a great part of the gout is translated from the joints to the blisters, and is there discharged, and are suf- ficient evidences that the disease depends upon fluid matter, sui generis^ which here finds an artiiici^ cutlet. Besides the relief from pain, and abatement of in- flammation afforded by the discharge of the blisters^ thi^f discharge is attended with another great advan- tage the batement of tumour occasioned by the infiltra- tion of a serum or other watery part of the blood into the cellular membrane of the diseased part : the absorp- tion of this fluid is certainly promoted by their effects, and great pain is discharged at the vesicated surface. This is rendered pretty clear not only from the lessen, ingof the swelling whilst the blisters run, butfromthis diminution stopping, when the discharge from them stops. Another advantage is obvious ^ the great ac- cumtilation from this extrar^ation about the joints 160 is prevented, and that stiffness^ from the inspissated stagnant fluid, about the ligaments, &c. in a great measure obviated, at least I find it so in myself, my joints being perfectly free in thdr motion? when t am clear of the paroxysm. May v^^e not infer froni this that a discharge thus pfocurcd of th^ stagnant fluid in the cellular membrane, may be in some de- gree the means of preventing chalky concretions ? Dr. Stephenson ^ems to have entertained this ideay and I believe he is right. It has been alleged that blisters ^re liable to occa* sion a retrocession of gout : — this I believe io be ill founded, from the very nature of the effects of these applications 5 however the facts above related are presumptive evidences' to the contrary : besides I never felt the least symptom of a retrocession, and I really believe that some of those instances of a«up- posed retrocession which so we often hear of> are no other than varieties of it, different parts being affect- ed in the progression of the disease in subjects loaded with a superabundant quantity of it (as before ob* served) of which there are many instances in the world. 16\ I.ETTER VIII. Dear Sir, The spontaneous sweating from the feet and other parts affected by gout, which takes place on the decline ot a paroxysm has been considered as the only outlet by which nature carries off the morbific cause of tlie disease: and the pecu- liar smell which attends it seems ta confirm the conjecture. — I am convinced from experience that although it is the principal, yet, it is not the ONLY discharge by which the crisis of the parox- ysni is cpn^plpted. First, because a spontaneous ^iarrhpsa frequently takes place at that period (as .already notice4) and also an increased secretion of "firine, \yhich is the more remarkable, as it is very large on the decline, and very sparing during the paroxysm ', and these increased discharges are attend- ed with manifest relief: and secondly because I have known ^Iso a large discharge from the salivary glands continue for some days, and not unfrequent- Jy a large expectoration^ both with and without a ^63 cough, of a mucns of a very peculiar and disagree^ able flavour, and this also continued through the whole of the decline of the paroxysm, without any apparent diminution of the sweating froni the feet ; which leads me, as I have attended particularly to these circumstances in repeated instances, to bc-» lieve that all the emunctories are eniployed by na- ture, in discharging the morbific matter, the acci^r mulation of which was the cause of the paroxysm. But the sweating from the parts affected is attend- ed with so peculiar a smell, and continues such a length of time, that this discharge has been regarded as the only critical evacuation, both by medical people and arthritics. For this reason, the gouty man, the moment he is attacked, wTaps himself In flannel, confines himself in bed covered with a load of blankets, whose weight he contrives to keep from the parts affected, weltering in heat and sweat for many successive days and even weeks ; breath^^ ing the filthy atmosphere of his own steams, in a close chamber, with his bed curtains drawn close round htm, and a free circulation of that salutary principle, fresh air, denied admission, lest by the influence of cold a retrocession of gout on some of the noble parts should take place. This I am sorry to say has often been the language of doctor and pa- tient : but a seasoned arthritic thinks himself com* I6S pefent to the business Without the assistancef of the doctor, and wc see him coridemn himself by this preposterous treatmer>t to suffer real evils, to shun imaginary ones;; till when the pain is gone, at the end of eight or ten weeks' confinement, he is drag- ged out of bed an exhausted, miserable cripple, un- able either to stand or go. This is by no means an exaggerated picture, but di^awn from life : several of my acquaintances have obstinately persevered in this plan till they have destroyed good constitutions, and readered themselves ten times lamer thari they would othervv^ke have been; and it cannot but be so. — Every surgeon knows, in the cure of fractares of the leg, especially compound ones which require long confinement, in persons otherwise of good con- stitutions, that by the tnere want of motion, the knee and ankle joints as well as the toes become so rigid that many months, sometimes years, elapse before they recover their motion, and sometimes in* deed they nevef recover their usual freedom at all: this is supposed to be caused by the inspissation of the synovia; but whatever the cause may be, the fact is SO- If therefore, this is the case, where ^he joints labour under no disease, and that mere want of motion will produce this effect, how much more may we expect it to be so if we add to the want of motion the most violent gouty inflammation round the joints^ with intense heat, a heat artificially kept 164 up by double yea quadruple wrappers of thick Man- uel, under the false notion of bringing on a sweat, and preventing a retrocession of the disease? i say a false notion^ because it is impossible a sweat can take place until the inflammation abates, the very effect of which inflammation is a stoppage of the pores from the compression of the distended vessels on the excretory ducts, and the crisping up and parching of the cutide by the intense heat, which tenders it impervious to the perspirable fluid: and when such pains are^ taken to keep up this heat by the surrounding. flannel, the inflammation cannot speedily abate: I have on the contrary felt the in- fiammatory heat and pain augmented by this mis- management. When I first had the gout I did like my neighbours, wrapped the diseased feet in flan* nel, and adopted the fashion soon after invented of covering them over the flannel vi^ith the oiled silk bootikins, with a view to confine the heat and sweat- ing, and form, as it was called, a kind of warm vapour bath: this was said to be attended with the best consequences; but the distressing torment I felt in the height of the inflammation, which was highly aggravated by the confinement of intense heat, soon forced me to lay flannels and bootikins aside and to acjopt another and more cooling plan, with great advantage. The sweating process has however been univcr- i the ank!e or the knee. Thus it goes on, till its coarse is finished, first in one extremity then in the other, and some- times in the loins, hips, shoulders, elbows and wrists: and this complication of individual fits forms a compound aggregate of one; although the attack and progress of the disease in each part may bie considered as one in that part. 6. That gout is an inflammatory disease in the early periods of its attacks; it may remain latent in some constitutions of not sufficient powers to deve- lop it, and which therefore cannot produce a regu- lar fit: yet wandering pains will declare the pre- sence of the enemy, and persons of such constitu- tions, though it remains inert in them, may convey it to their posterity. The various distinctions of au- thors with regard to the appearances of gout may therefore be reduced to two, the acute and the chronic: and though it is a disease of a highly in- flammatory nature in its acute form, not caused by debility, but producing it on the decline of a pa« 178 roxysm, its repeated attacks and the gradual advance of life occasion it at length to appear principally in a chronic form, sometimes earlier, but, mostly in old age. 7. That tophaceous concretions are probably caused by the earthy matter of the bones, being whilst in a state of rest, deserted by the aerial acid which held itjn solution in the fluids: that calculi in the kidneys and bladder are owing to the same cause, and as a course of Bewley*s* julep is found to dissolve calculi ; the same may in the intervals of paroxysm, prevent the accumulation of, if not dis- solve, the chalk stones. * Made by completely saturating a solution of Salt of Tartar, in water, with fixed air, in Nooth*s glass machine, improved by Parker ; in the common -way from chalk and vitriol. The quantity of one ounce of Salt of Tartar should be put to a quart of boiling water in a stone vessel, and whan the liquor is cold, and the calcarious earth of the water precipitated *o the bottom of the vessel, it should be carefully poured from the sediment into the mi wards afSicted with bad digestion, or wandering chronic pains : besides Vanswieten follows the ancients and some moderns, in distinguishing the Podagra, the gout affecting the feet only, from the arthritis, affecting all the joints; jind from his account of arthritis being always attended by an acute inflammatory fever, it would appear on comparison to be little differ- (Tkt from the acute rheumatism, in short they seem, though treated under di.-ji-nct headsj to be conroundcd togQther, He says the arthritis is cured sometimes after one fit and never returns — Pkres emm vld'iy qui hoc inorho ^ra-Aier dccuhuci a:\i , ei ^•osiea ^initus mmunes vLycrur, V?.ns^vk'ten, Com. de FciagTa, p£3;e 189, Tv)m. iv, Z 180 proofs of its being so* In my own case I know that an energy of mind exerted upon extraordinary occasions, will cure a fit of it; but I also know by experience that it cannot effect a radical cure of the disease. Yet although the gout is incurable, it is in the power of medicine to relieve and abbreviate the distresses of the patient^ and by avoiding adven- titious stimuli from hard drinking, or other irregu- larities of conduct, exposure to extremes of cold or heat, and external injury, as far possible, &:c., a fit out of the regular course may be prevented : though some of these exciting causes of gout it is impossible to avoid, from the circumstances of human life it- self; mental distress must be experienced by all; ex- ternal injury cannot always be guarded against; and the avocations of active life must necessarily ex- pose men to vicissitudes of weather. Of these vi- cissitudes every member of the medical profession must come in for his share; which was one reason of the remark in the first letter that no greater mis- fortune could befal a medical man than such a disease* He may be exposed in the pursuits of his business to journey under a meridian sun in the hottest period of summer, and to travel in the middle of a snowy night in the severest part of winter. His mental feelings ate likewise often hurt by the scenes of distress he is obliged to witness, sometimes with- 184 out the power of relieving, when the patient la- bours under a malady which must quickly terminate in death. Having often experienced these sit- uations, superadded to the disease which is the sub- ject of my remarks, I know what effect such excit- ing causes may have. To vicissitudes of weather ihQ soldier, sailor, mechanic and husbandman must also be unavoidably exposed: as far however as these and every other exciting cause may be avoids ed, they ought to be guarded against by the arth- ritic sufferer. The following is a concentrated view of the mode of treating the gout, which from facts, reasonings from those facts, and experience I would recom- mend. When the gout attacks a person of a full habit, with symptoms of great inflammation, strong full pulse, and intense pain, bloodj should be takea away without hesitation, in a quantity proportioned to the violence of the symptoms, and strength of the constitution; and a dose of calomel, opium^ and tartar emetic, given in certain portions, accord- ing to the state of the patient, and repeated accord- ing tocircumstances; and if this medicine does not X The ancients used venesection in the part itself. Vanderheyden ani some moderns advised the same, and even by way of prevention, to open ^ vein in the great toe, the seat of the gout, twica or thrics a year. z 2 182 open the bowels, which it generally does, at the same time that it promotes perspiration and urine, a suitable purgative should be given to answer the purpose. But if the disease goes on, extending to different parts in succession, for instance the feet and knees, blisters should be applied, but not im- mediately on the diseased part, but on the inside or outside of the limb, between the aggrieved joints, as much as possible upon the course of the large lymphatic vessels: these are constantly attended with the most beneficial effects, discharge prodigi- ously, and the discharge has strongly that smell so conspicuously peculiar to the perspiration of gouty people, and evidently shows that a great deal of gouty matter is discharged this way. Whilst this is going on the opiate with calomel and tartar emetic should still be taken, and a plentiful dilution with weak wine whey, barley water with a little wine, or any tepid liquor the patient may have a fancy for. When the iniiammatory symptoms and pain abate, and debility in the diseased articulations becomes now distressing, wine should be used with greater freedom and the diet should be more generous ac- cording to the state of the stomach, and the peru- vian bark given in full doses. As the acute gout is certainly an inflammatory disease, and should be so treated, though pracli- tloners have been afraid of treating it in this way under the notion of the danger of its retrocession, those practices are erroneous which have been in- stituted to prevent this, for instance wrapping the diseased Wmh round with a load of double flannel, which from undoubted facts arising from personal experience of many years, is found by accumulating heat in an extreme degree to aggravate every inflam- matory symptom, and by inspissating the coagulable lymph and synovia or jelly of the joints, and thus as it were baking the limb, by thejntense increased heat, leaves the joints rigid and contracted, and in- creases that afllicting debility, consequent to re- peated attacks of this distressing disease. If the joint thus wrapped up sweats, the patient hopes it is for his advantage, but the misfortune is that it is ©nly the finer fluid which evaporates, while the co- agulable matter is rendered by these means thicker, and aggravates the distressing lameness and rigidity of the part, A thinner covering of bedcloths should be used when the patient has the gout than at any other time, he should leave his bed as much as po£« sible, and there should be' a free circulation of air through the room, no flannels should be worn on the diseased part, and only a pair of thin gauze stock- ings drawn on when the legs are blistered, to pre- vent friction from the bedcloths ; though even these 184 I have found from exp€rience occasion so great an accumulation of heat and pain, that I. am glad to get rid of them. What then are we to think of the late contrivance of fleecy hosiery? I am convinced from my own feehngs that although it is necessary to pro- tect the limb from the influence of too much cold^ yet the accumulation of heat which these stockings must produce, especially during the fit, must do all the mischief I have pointed out. The doctrine of what is called retrocession in gout is not founded on fact. All symptoms of gout, wherever they appear, arise from one specific cause, the universal prevalence of the constitutional disease, which it is notorious lies dormant, and may be excited to action in different parts, by an adven- titious stimulus to those parts : hence the action of in- digestion, acidity, or, any acrid matter internally, will cause gouty symptoms in the stomach, &;c., and ac- dental injuries exteraally will excite the gouty mat- ter to action, which w^ill first appear on or near the parr, where the injury was received, and afterwards spread in succession, and it is remarkable, that the violence abates in the part first attacked, when the diseased action is excited in another, for instance, one toot is first attacked, it soon appears in the knee or the other foot, and gradually abates in the first as it increases in the second. To remove the gouty affection from the stomach, S^c, it has been a practice to give very strong spiri- tuous waters, tinctures, &c., a very dangerous one in- deed, because they are without doubt acrid stimuli^ and will rather tend to increase than lessen the symp- tom : certainly the most rational way of relieving this is by exciting a greater stimulus in a distant part, as by blisters on the extremities, and conse- quently producing a greater action of the specific disease at those parts and an inlet to some of the matter: as nature actually teaches us herself in the usual progress of the gout from one part to anothefo It will at the same time be necessary to remove the acrid matter, which excites this attack, from the stomach and intestines, by purgatives, and to dilute it and promote its evacuation by some bland inoffen- sive liquor, as barley water, water gruel, or muci- iage of gum arable and water, to which may be added a small portion of fixed alkaline salt, which will blunt its acrimony at the same time and render the exhibition of anodyne medicines more efficacious. Clysters may be likev^ise employed, though not so useful as cathartics. From an attentive view of the matter I am in- duced to think that acids are not even a proximate or exciting cause of the gouty paroxysm : for ex- cepting the acid vomiting when the gout- attacks 186 the stomach, the cause of which has been accounlcd for from the impaired state of the digestive powers occasioned by the superabundance of the gouty matter, there is no appearance of acids; and as the production of this acid is the effect of the disease and not the cause of it, and happens equally when that organ is affected with inflammation from, other causes, it must be regarded as an adventitious pro- duction. It was therefore an erroneous practice to forbid the use of acids in the gout; which Iiiis been inculcated under the supposition that they w^ere the causes of it: from this idea physicians have de- nounced th^ pains and penalties of a multiplication of arthritic torments upon the gouty sufferer who uses them> but as the existence of this cause w^as imaginary, so was the prohibition wrong: nor can I see any reason why the arthritic should, in the febrile stage, be debarred from the use of cooling acid drinks, when the gout attacks any other part but the stomach. I certainly would preclude tiieir use when the gout attacks the stomach, for the same reason that the dilution and evacuation of tl>e acid generated by disease at that time, were recom- mended; because it would be absurd -to add to acid already too redundant in that 'serisible irritable or- gan; now rendered more so by the gouty infiaroma- tion; indeed wine or any irritating fluid ought not tt) be taken in this sta^eofit: but when tlie in- Sammation is in the extremities, and nature points out the necessity of the advantage to be gained by their use, it would be cruelty in the extreme from a false theory, to deny the afflicted the comfort of quenching insatiable thirst, and correcting a mani- fest tendency to putridity in the first passages, by an agreeable acidulous beverage. Strongly impress- ed with those ideas, I have always freely indulged myself id theiise of vegetable acids, arid with con- siderable benefit, not only during the paroxysm, but, when in health and free frbm it, and have strenuously recommended it to others. Far differ- ent has it been with others, who, bigoted to erro- neous opinions, have already rendered their juices putrid; as appears evidently from the smell of their , breath, &c., by the accumulation of more heat, and denying themselves the use of acidulous li- quors. It is well known that the animal juices in the first passages are disposed to be alkalized and putrid in the advanced stages of fevers, in that state are ta° ken up by the absorbent system in the intestines, particularly the lacteals, are carried into the course of the circulating fluids and increase the disease ? indeed I believe that the nervous system is thus af- fected, and coma subsultusand delirium are chiefly A 2k B8 owing to this cause. Providentnature, in that case> raises a strong inclination in the sick, for cooling acid liquors, to allay the thirst and heat, which li- quors will absolutely destroy the cause of those af- flicting symptoms, in destroying the alkalescent pu- tridity in the stomach, Bic. The distressing heat and thirst which the arthritic labouring under fever en- dures no one can judge of but he who has felt them: I ani fully competent to speak of this situation of the gouty sufferer from many years' experience in my own person. I am therefore fully persuaded that acids so far from being the causes of gout are ex- cellent remedies, in the inflammatory stage of it, when the fever runs high: though certainly for obvi- ous reasons when calomel is administered to the pa- tien^t, acids must not be taken. As gouty persons a.dvance into the vale of life,^ the inflammatory symptoms gradually decline in every succeeding paroxysm, and the disease becomes rather chronic, the rigid limbs- are distressed w^ith debility, and frequently chalky concretions are found in their vicinity. In this state the treatment must differ: still however gentle doses of the calomel ano- dyne become of great use in opening the secretions at first, and blisters are of great utility. The pa- tient should use wine liberally, camphire occasion- ally, and large doses of musk, about thirty or forty grains twice or oftener in the day. The musk has a sedative as well as a neurotic and antispasmodic power (spasm in this state of the disease being very common and distressing) and if opium disagrees, or induces a torpidness or stupefaction, which it some* times does, musk will he found an excellent substi- tute : and the bark must be given with freedom to strengthen the tone of the viscera, with chalybeates and bitters. It is of the greatest Iconsequence to admit free air, and as soon as possible for the recover- ing patient to use exercise. Horseback is excellent if the patient can bear it, if not^ a carriage, and he ought to walk, as soon as he can. The flesh brush and dumb horse, have their utility in a reniarkable manner in convalescence. To prevent chalky concretions and stiff joints, I have long used a medicated water strongly impreg- nated with fixed air, and drink a pint daily with or without wine. We have good grounds to believe that the chalky matter is the earth of the bones, which is constantly renewing and separating, in a state of solution in our joints, andiii a healthy state is carried out of the body^ but by disease may be separated from the fluid in which it was dissolv- ed, and detained in some deposite. Upon a sup- position that fixed air is the principle which keeps it in SQlutioa in the fluid, I have used this water^ Aa2 190 ^nd have reason to conclude from my own fcclingt. that niy suggestion was right: I may appeal to facts in my own ease. I have no chalk stones, and after my fits of the gout are over I have the free use of yny joints. With regard to regimen, much has been said by authors upon the apparent cures of the gout by ob*? serving a particular one. The reason of which nii- tigation of disease niay be accounted for by the theory of the contrary effect of the redundant earth of the bones remaining in the habit, from the escape of the aerial acid, which w'ould have held it in so- lution in the system, till expelled by the emunctories. The labourer and mechanic must certainly eat less ani- mal food than their brethren in more opulent circum 1 stances in middle life: and therefore have less earthy niatter of bpnes furnished, and of course less redun- dancy of it to be carried off. Tlieir laborious exer- cise superinduces a firmer tone of fibre, greater strength and agility, and the animal functions are consequently better performed; in particular the glandular secretions : and hence that redundancy of earthy matter which we have supposed to be in less quantity, is more easily and fully carried out of the constitution by the emunctories. So that if a labourer has even a clairn to gout from his proge- nitors, he has less of the presence of this, what may 191 be called, natural cause of exciting the latent matter into action, than the other class of men. For this reason if we take a view of the men in mid- dle life, who have a claim to goat from descent, we shall find their state the reverse of that of the hard working man. The man of middle life, in which may be included the three learned professions of Divinity, Law, and Physic, the merchant. Shop- keeper, and wealthy mechanic, &c., has generally a plentiful table of animal food in its different vari- eties, which, affording more delicacies than the ve- getable kingdom, constitutes almost wholly his diet. Of course more of redundant earth of bones is fur- nished in his constitution than in that of the labourer, and from his habits of life, and perhaps avocations, he uses less exercise, and is more prone to indolence, ' he^is less athleticj and the animal functions are per- formed with less regularity and ' order, and conse- quently the glandular secretions must suffer; if there- fore more earth of bones is formed, the redundancy^ having less chance of being carried ofFby the emunc- tories, must accumulate in the habit and become an exciting cause by its stimulus of rousing the latent gouty matter into action and producing a paroxysm. i uo.' From the foregoing considerations it would ap- pear that in order to relieve the arthritic man in 192 middle life, from frequent attacks of gout, he must by regimen be reduced nearly to the condition of the labourer. He must live temperately, abstain Simost wholly from animal food^ drink of the limpid s.tTeam:, or home-brewed new beer, and condemn himself to laborious exercise in the field in the open air, ior some hours in a day. According to our conjecture his vegetable diet will afford less redun- dancy of the earthy matter of bones, will also, with Ms- fermenting beverage, afford him more fixed air to keep it in solution, untilit is expelled, and his labour will increase^ the vigour of the system and rile secretions and anim.al functions in general. From a view of our theory there is a possibility that Ihe paroxysms of the gout might be thus suspended, but the distemper would be by no means cured, and upon any future deviation from this regimen would make it-s appearance. ' Dr. M. Adair, in his cautions to invalid?, men- lions an instance of an attorney, w'ho by regimen of this kind escaped the gout for, I think, sixteen years: but being persuaded that this long exemption from it must indemnify him from future attacks? he returned to a more liberal diet, and in six weeks af- terwards bad a most severe Rt of the gout.* This • This single instance is by no means sufficient to establish a theory upon. Sach is ihe verfiatilliy of thi* Uiasase that fro^n some inexplicable cause this is a proof that the gout remained dormant in the con- stitution and only Waited for a stimulus to brin<'- it into action. But the rigorous prosecution of such a regimen could only take place in vigorous arthritics of the middle age. Men of this description might probably with advantage try this, but it mujit be thought too dangerous an experiment for an aged and infirm arthritic, who must require a nutritive and generous diet to support a worn ouc debilitated frame. I shall conclude with observing that the thejorv which has been advanced in these letters, has been adduced from observations on what have appeared to me to be facts. I am open to conviction if it should be proved that I have been mistakea in my conclusions. But of this from experience in your- self, you, my dear Sir, if you live long enough (which I hope will be the case, many years, as w^ell for the benefit oi mankind, as your relatives) you will be sufficiently enabled to judge. If the theory fee erroneous, reject it^ but the practice is entitled gentleman might have had this long interval between the paroxysms, if he had not lived in this manner. I know several who live liber-ally and some hard drlakersj who have intervals of nine or ten years j and again E know many abstemicu? men affected with it severely, for some months^ in succession, or at very ehort interval- j, every year: yet ou.^ht hard drink- ing to be avoided und regularity of conduct observed, as must be obvious to common sen'^e t0 more Indulgence; because it is chiefty founded on results from the experiefice of many years in my own person, — I therefore presume that can- dour will give me credit for them, until they are refuted by as long a course of experiment on other people. w^C^rNS3H0Binif(5S^^-«^>--n Whittiiigham, Printer, Lynn-r ERRATA. Page 4, line 8, yj?r paying r^^^ pay. 28, 15, for to the fluid read io it. 45, 1 6j for this liver r^^^ the liver. 46, 1 5, yj7r saponeous read saponaceous. 55, 6, insteadofare not I believe predisposing causes^ read'is not I believe a predisposing cause, 7.5, 13, y<7r existing r^^<^ exciting. 80, 20, for prodagrs r^r^J podagras. 95, 26, /