roL.. i. ■*



[NO. 2.


Massachusetts.] our country is the world our countrymen ark ma

kind. [Saturday

Januarys, 1831.


WM. fc. GAHJBJBOS, Stephen Fatter, P,

fly Two Dollars per annum, payable ii Q5» Agents allowed every aiitb copy gro (LT-Soantooriptioii will be receive d fori ' '{CT" AI|ri. [li>rr:rad™uimmiieationaiouBtb(


.<?. aiettotB thereof ; 1

u^iii ul s r i ■„.-< riii ir. i] ill;1']!

roUoVor the The charac-

l&'Thore is not tlie leant datiger of a n hellion among the slaves; and eveu if the should revolt en mailt, what could they do Thoir united phyaien.! force would be utterl contemptible.

11. Nona tint fanatics or idiots desire in mediate abolition. II' the slaves were liber uted »t once, our throats would be cut, and i our houses pillaged-and burntl

12. Our alavas must be educated for free, dom. Our slaves must never learn tlie alplia bet, because know I edge would teach them t< tliruw off their yoke.'

r I'opiiUiiiniKiftli.'UiiitriiSt.iitos.' The

is uo doubt tlial misih



liment of it ; and that we ought to miller, .id our Lord and his apostles, un resist! iijjly Mowing thatvengeancu belunjrstoGocLand vill certainly repay it where it is due ;— ' eving all this, and that the Almighty will vcr the oppressed in a way which they w not, we deprecate tho spirit and teuden-

American people, ns a nation, tfi denounce s bloody or monstrous. Mr Walker but them in their own coin, but follows their I creed, but adopts their own language.

be, and^even without ' ;tion alleged against * ites, withou- 1

therintended to in to produce such, on The truth, I am r

tlie ^exception, per

cretly among the purpose ot fltimu. blood.— it is notpul

behave bout where they are best treated, and where the kwa and public opinion pay most regard to their rights; and that measures of severity which are resorted to, to keep down

In my nexl essay, 1 shall consider the actual situation of tlio colored population of t'.o United States.

P. H.

h, in default "fluid, Kill mko you injm vour business mid your family, oud lodge

- t- «j»il, (4)

..wery is au-cvil, and ought to be abolish- ed. (.1] Imprisonment for debt is a greater evil, and ought to Ivi .ibolishod. (Ii) Hut the difficulties which impede the efforts of phi-

- great, o

ition of the condition oftha debtor an ironsidcrablo or altogether ii.iujrinarj i.the pride of the Stare .Shits, that in of tl* enforcement of the law ofim ent for debt am there few, very few, ii

rd man be opulent for eternity ;- □r bodily tortures, if I suffer in righteous causo ; I care not for the aspersions i

lestimony ; I care not for tyrannical nutlior if I serve my (Jod and benefit my fellow ci lures by lawfully resisting it. Wherever preasiun, fraud and violence exist, 1 am exposing t'i merited infamy the tyrant and

■e false, and made only

r guilty countrymen, who put arguments to the mouths, and swords into the hands the slaves. Every sentence that they ■ite every irord that they speak. every re-

'I 0

ength the time is come ill no longer hear to b< ra are the best lawgiver!


■■ay o

of the

And yet

it How,

with what coolness of manner, with mildness of tone, with whit liberality of timent, some people discourse on the subject if slavery. They wonder how die trivial fact, of human beings are hold in this country,

body. Hut if an inj

is and treated like bi

The recent formation of an Auxiliary Col- oniiation Society in Worcester County, Mass. calls furth the following commentary fromthe editor of the Boston Stute^jian:

We were, however, rather surprised to see the proposal of sending the free negroes to

It woulTbe as' well aUeast to talk of sending l!i'-M! reverend gentlemen back ti their native land: The negro is.

to earth and ruakos life mludil fire of the negro, and not a w begging, be really the object ii

and vindicate tho iijlr- . i" r 1 1 . i ' 1 upon by t'

to theii


dog of theirs hov

(3) A libel upon common se upon freedom a libel upon c

(3) Enjoymentsofflluvcry? Ofcotrrse,

equoney of pleasant flagellations, in t ost total absence of mind, in the destr nonsofhfe— Stc.&c.c

(4) We do not condemn, but rather I

■nthe subject of imprisonment for debt. !

unavoidable misfortune a criu.o. 'filill/tli leopla must be their own judges in this mal

iss drders. IV// wc nut nf riir'iij folk ' I !ii' [ir.ipi'rlv ■["tin plant.:- in Ins skives. V the right— I acknowledge not the pro- perty. The principles, the feelings of our

Be the appeal made to the understanding or to the heart, thesuntence is tlio same that rt '- "a vain you loll in<- r.f the lims thru

tlinui.alimil ;df wnrlil, (In sniiu: in nil till.! sucb as it won bolero tin' J:,rine- goliius Iambus pierced the night or ages, and ope to one world the sources of power, wealth and knowledge ; to another, all unutterable i

I bythefingerol'Godon

lespiso fraud, and hor blood, they shall n the wild and guilty fcnl properly in man ! In v

; oi-u,.


lanti of the Almighty, whether the ol, lew, denounce such unholy pretcnsioi hose laws did they of old refer, whi aincd the African trade. Such trcal .hey cite, anil not untruly ; for by one "ul compact, vou bartered tho glories < ill blood. Yet, in .es, that i "

s'avea. And the lale dinners, and illuiiuna-

Boutli, over the downfij of tie Frrwn tyrant, Charles the Tenth, furnish so many reasons, to the slaves why Ihey should obtuji thi'ir / own rights by violence.

Some editors have affected to doubt whether the deceased Walker wrote this pamphlet— On this point, skepticism need not stumble; the Appeal bears the strongest internal evi- dence of having emanated from hia own mind. No white man could have written in language so natural and enthusiastic.

The following table shows the relative pro- portion-of the Whites, Slaves and Free Blacks in the West India Islands and Colonies. Ja- maica eilubila a fearful disparity between ita

5,500 4,000 15,000 I

in i;,r I

orld but unless they

selves, the fault is t

.and soul with'llov, ■nterprise; but let b -lulousbyWlki lavery over A (5| Yet the philauthroi;

"li)"Then, as a people,

s if they s

if Africi

put to death I other pirates. How came this change to ' :? ■Nut asMirodlv hv parli;iio'-ut loiuling " ay : but tlio oountry .li lori^tli ii-.v.ike ; ill'liVinli'.ll nf tin: people nas kinJlutl; il.

'■■Ild.'d ill II h'r. and Pinole tlio tniltic,

scattered its ™ilt.v profits fo the wind.;, i.-, thon, let tlio philters bewnro-let their

1,800 800 (2,000

Editors all over the country are to insert the following advertiser trust that there will be a thousan pens put into motion for tho prise.

A Premium of Fifty Dollars, [he ! a benevolent individual in the Stat and now deposited with the Treas Pennsylvania Society for promoting tion of Slavery, &c. is offered to of the best Treatise on the folk jecti 'The Duties of Ministers am of all denominations to avoid the sto ry, and to make tho

south, l

0 tins:


b ' d.-strcjTil if his w.,rk nllnll I"'

Six months from tliis date are af tlie purpose of' Mi>- K.« :v.

Tho publk-Mi hi 1 .-...-,.1.11. ,.n o

rerrerl Tract will bo regulated by tl sylvonis Society above lui'ntioni'.l.

W. R*wi.e, 1 J. Pbestob, SQ

TllOHAS SlIieLKt, )

Philadelphia, Oct. 11.

nolt School in Ltisriov— Tho Femi liiation Society of Riclimond and Mi Chester has taken incipient measures lo ud a Frmnie School in Liberia. Had it i er establish a wioiikir sohmil li.n livo co[ ed females in Richmond and its vicinity ?

Mauritius P.OGO 7<i,000 15,100

Total 108,150 H12,700 143,707

The Centinel, a few weeks aince, contained a notice from the Sheffield Iris, of the sale of

,■ V. \\ ||. |- r !|.

shilling. 'It is surprising,' Hays the editor, 'that tliis barbarous custom ahould bo tolera- ted in England.' So it is, Mr Adams ; the annual sale ul' thousands of human beinga, in tliis country, ouniuit ho compared with the above atrocioua act. A lit why? Because one white akin is worth millions of a sable complexion. Isitnot?

Mcrilcd 1'anithmrul. A Dr Allen has been sentenced int '[■oN.i^ii!-. Loni-iaoa, to fourteen years imprisonment f.,r negro stealing. It

How ought they lo he punished, who hold their slaves in perpetual bondage, cither by

equal lo the medical kidnapper? What is Die difference between stealing men, and holding in bondage after they have beenstolen *



e Mos.

of the

It gives us pleasure to lost", that the dar genius attempt to cull a Convention in Bout Carolina has failed in both Houses of th

their lives— with their all— in order to gratif their hostile feelings toward the free elates.

In process uf time, one thing is certain they must either give up their slaves or th Union. The root of bitterness between th North and the South is slavery ; and, until :

air. His

apologises for its great length, but wo arc hard- ly disposed to forgivo him.

Nothing further has boon done toward a final adjustment of tite Massachusetts Claim, although the Governor has spared no to complete the business. The tnrdii

The State Prison is now made, emi what a Penitentiary should become— a of just yet merciful correction, and of the means of moral reform- Already the fierce and turbulent spirit is soon to yield, and habits Of submission, useful occupation, and patient industry, to be funned. With the advance- ment of moral purposes, it is gratifying to find, that the pecuniary affairs Df the Prison aro also improving.

The accounts of the Treasury Department, for the post year, show an excess of cxpt tures overreccipts ofSlO/raL 16. TheHlate Debt is now $114,100 00.

His Excellency says that liberal principles and acknowledged civil rights are every where breaking the sliacklcs of oppression, [eicept- ing in this country, he should have said,] and the minds and hearts of freemen will sympa- thise in the smugglings, and respond with con- gratulations to the triumphs of liberated and disenthralled nations.

There are two important measures, which, bb tho Governor has forgotten to recommend them to the notice of the Legislature, we shall urge for immediate adoption. The first is, the obliteration from the Statute Book of the fol- lowing section of tho Act of June 32, 1780:

' Md be it further cnacltd. That no person by this Act authored to marry, shall join in marriage any white person with any Negro, Indian or Mulatto, on penalty of the sum of Fifty /Wk/j, two third parts ^thereof to the

milted, ai

■red by tl

of the inalienable rights of every roan, name- ly, ' the pursuit of happiness '—disgraceful to

of justice and utterly absurd and preposter-

Another suggestion is, that the Legislature

Representatives in Congress to exert their in- fluence for the abolition uf slavery in the Dis- trict of Columbia.

od. It is, as usual, full of valuah Friend Lundy i. norms the public, Grand Jury of the city of li'dlmmr.-

animadversions upon the conduct < jury, in Garrison's second suit':!

We regret, though we readily i liberty he has taken in publishing private lettcrs.(l) Confidential or language is not

i be n

e pillar

■cks of millions I' human beings for the benefit ofafewplunt- rs, and the curse of the whole country, 'hey are weary uf the. loud of guilt which upusi'd upon thi'in hy the compacL While we detest the principles anc ces of the South, wo pity her despera ition. Her complaints are not mere ]

able aspect? Does the tariff, or the system of internal improvements, generate her diseases? No : tho canker that is upon her vitals— the

■ill--'- IS hIL'lililiLJ [lit li'i'l- r.ll'- phii'ie'

thru, is relarditi;.' the jm1 reuse ..Hi- r population. ii lUmery anrfnolninir but ilartnj. We wish to relieve her, by endeavoring to remove the

happy and flourishing as her more fortunate sisters; norshall we givo up our efforts tu save her, even at the risk of being set down

The hearts of some individuals aro like —concealed hy tin' frigidity of a wintrj mosphero that surrounds, envelopes and duratos. These may bo melted by the rays of humanity, the wanutli of cipoHliilution, it. the breath of prayer. Others are like uda mantinc rocks; they require a pondcroui sledge and a powerful arm to break them ii pieces, ur a cask of powder to blow them tip Truth may blare upon them with mid-day in tenseness, but they cannot dissolve.


Every one who comes into the world, should do something to repair its moral desolation and to restore its pristine loveliness ; and hi who does not assist, but slumbers away hit life in idleness, defeats one great purpose of his creation. Hut he who, nut only refusing to labor himself, endeavors to enlarge an. perpetuate the ruin, hy discouraging the hearl of the more industrious, and destroying thei hi' nuti I'ul works, is a monster and a harbariai in despite of his human nature and of civili



re lea

. . Legislature of Georgia has past Resolutions, authorizing the Guvoriior of the State to resist the precept of the Supreme Court of the United States! This looks like rebellion. -

Has a colored man brains? Con ho think con he talk can he write ? Has he the

Here is a letter from one in a distant cily, which may answer these queries. We ore acquainted with the writer, and very proud, too, of hia friendship. Pew white men pos- sess a better head or heart.

1 Dear Sir— I am estremely happy to hour

The laws uf the southern states recognise slaves ee properly, and place them on a level with cuttle. See how they punish their cattle

kick his master to death, or break into hi! kitchen, ought he to he Imng hy the neck, oi burnt at the stoke? Undoubtedly, if he oi

Elijah W. Kimbrengh and negro Carey were executed at Raleigh, N. C. on the 5U; ultimo ; the first named Fur the crime of mur- drr, and tho latter for breakinginto an unarm- fried kitchen or onl-iottft, and robbing it of ar- ticles worth not more Ihanjitic dollart !

The Americans and English in Paris given a dinner to Lafayette— 200 person! down. The General rippem-cl in lull uniform, is commander in chief of the National Guards.

riiiil'll,. 'i


merit and happiness of the human

When will tho American people respond 'Amen!' to tins noble sentiment, and grant clival rights to those upou whom they now trample ? What is the In^iage of Lafayette, in relation to their tyrannical conduct ? Hear

1 Whi n I -l rn indulging ininyvi

lortnyingto be told thot in that lurse portion of. lire people ore

I of Ami

throughout the Union, inarching with rapid si

iln.-il >n I he subject.

Alth.MO'h th.; Hi.illVrri Sl.rn.-H have enacted ]vcrc laws against the Free People of Col-

,e conducted hy Ms William J.Snelling. Tl _

ivork is printed, in an elegant manner, every

™"fi' u't fil","'ns l9JCBP[ll^,e °'' """""j;

,vli;,t"hr i-\ili;''-r't..'l..r. wo 'doubt not he" J mcomplish. We have a word to say, ne s/eck, in relation to his remarks on slavery.

'The Christian Soldier,' a new religioi loper, published hv .Mes-ra Johnson ,V Kir lalLwas issued in this cily on Wednesday asL Tho typography is elegant, and the cd- l.irird departj 1 1 cut well filled.

'Tfio Now-Kngland Baptist Herald,' N.

We ri

huh. ■; ii

the American Colonizaliun Society is in principle and impotent- in design ; ; shall thoroughly sill, its pre ten-* ions u quent numbers of the Liberator.

05" Strictures upon the libel suit are in typo, but reluctantly deferred until our next number.

turn: prist. /;/,... .;'.',„,, I:,

and driven back by them. Thej were lately iot at hy a party of eight men, but escaped.


Louden papers lo the l(lth,r.nd Liverpool tu Urn flh ult. have been received.

It is said that on alliance, offensive and dc-

Thr.' French in Affairs assure i.ii place on the con

li:,VUJg m, ,M,. | i,, ,j, 1M|;.r i,., ^r.ul.

.'its <■[ Hriliih MinMrt.—lt apnea I'avi I, r.-v i:- Mi vears ot'oee; Lord II T,7; l,:ins(h..v„e ;,(J ; Lord Moll -111: fi.nlorich 1.- : Lord Althei I...V.1 lliirlirim '■>,■'-■ l,..rd 1'ahiier-lmi 1' Duke ol'Ric!


of slavery in the West Indies still claims the attention of Parliament.

to the numberof 900,000 men) with 400 pieces'

It is computed thtn in Jimuiirv. Itftl, inde- pendently of the great force of Notional Guards every where armed ami equipped, France will Ihjv.- a r.-jrul^r army of WO.IIOO m~

The present King of Eiiglan '

.' oi:f'T'>T,OL:

The loll. .wim- is the result of tlie election in Esses North, on Monday last, for a Repre- sentative to Congress :— Whole number of votes, 4H77; necessurv to a choice, 3430. Mr Cushing had 1!«3 ; Mr Marston 12119; Mr Osgood (the Jackson cumlidotc) layS; scat-

of-lf.OHO souls. 1, riving increased eighty per cent, since 1(120.

The entire Anti-Jackson ticket for Con- gress has prevailed in New.Jnrsey.

In Illinois, Gen. J. M. Robinson, n thorough friend of Jackson, has been elected to fill tie vacancy in Congress made by the death of the late John MTjino. The convention bill has been lost in the C. Legislature, the majority in

jchless than thellous.

>f Repress

,i either



1. Knapp,jr. t ...loni, on I'm.

of lilin.

11)1,(156; in li2U, fi.-i^ll.— icresse, 105,844.

Hishitny /toMrjT/.^George Crosby was hhed offelXJO in, mid a wnlch and gold lain, by two men. on the Nnh-m Turnpike, „. -u_ -;,.i.. ,f ti,E

tith ult This event has lent in Salem. The robbi The population of Pari

d the a

M A R R I A C. F. S.




TO THE FREE PEOPLE OF COLOR OF THE UNITED STATES. No. I. I address you as men I address you as freemen— I address you as countrymen. You are tho rational creatures of one common Trc- ator; yon derive from nature tlie inalienable right oflibertyj you ore Americans by birth, and entitled to all- the benefits of a republican

ficiontly protected i This state of tiling: selves, but more it

er your own rvuthonty, ho sold at public or pri- iu may worship-Gud nc- i of your own conscience, )( your own labor. But r many unjust and griev- ia nut bold that rank in

ted upon' us on inii in your attainments and

L owing partly to JW


Having observed a

i siiiT^csl lIji- jjti ■! irii'1 v ut

,t i„ iiu* ,itv. M) o<-

d of our whole colored population (II; et then a meeting be immediately called in lis city, to which gentlemen no" present om all parts of the state b1ib.11 be invi- d. Let a state society^ formed, auxiliary

id walls will allow ; where wo can become

ispcc-tablc, wealthy, and hold offices, as we

ay under the laws of England.'

We have listened In language like" this, but generally mure violent, without being able to -?ply any farther, than that a;

veyance t" tiered Lib

.ftiic Plymouth Pilgrii vinter, and several cult n Virginia, before any

and competent qualifications from offices or " ' ' 'ine'um!. .i'si'u'n.

the more cruel shotts i.( ]nililu: thermore, tlio colorc.l tilir.-n outlawed as to tin: benevolent I

■„li;<-!ii.V Jusl lunroe. Willi: in, and those t liti.:;il p:irlv ii g roll ef its Ik

:ria to be no otherwise tes to strangers. Half is died during the first


ii Libcri


ljuedcc i

lliov may there li.rm a powerful and glorious -allourarti(except that

but only shows the strength, tlio bitten: snd Ho blindness of prejudice. Had it been fin Clarkson and Slurp-, slavery luiL'lil '' have been recognised in England unto d.,.

I shall not dwell, at present, upon the sub- ject of colonization, as doubtless the greater portion of you know my views in relation to it, and I believe they fully coincide with yours. It is probable that many of your color, in flif- ' ferent parts of Hie country, maybe induced tc emigrate to Liberia, Hnyti, UpperCanada, one other places. But these will bo liko the fall- ing away of groins of earth from a mountain As a body, you will inevitably remain in the Dnited States as long as the whites ; ennse- quently, you must strive to get a full and im- mediate recognition of your rights. Caaet of oppression of some of your number air constantly occurring at the soot!.: these art actionable, and must be carried to the Supreme Court for trial. Pnr this purpose, a sinal fund will be necessary to fee your lawyers.

iniary prosperity of the colon; iris in the eighth veor til its mile,! In .-7(>,0u0. ha sole object of the society is

1 themst;

professing (■-') The

o do with the inala-

' H-rV let I

'. '''h'l'it.'

i, there appear to be very yi

.(1) 1 n. Unit

con gcTrid oflhnm* s.(3) The negroes j brought us here, in I sordid motives, for


;o you :

ledge I


iliflhe si. (5) God forbid ! And yet mere ore two woys to break up the slsvc system- Lbtr by iiioral force on the port of the m ,,]■ (ihisi. nl liine iiu that of the slaves.



-I lined tc a Ciige bung 1i|i ;

_ i ny, establish

he world; drenuf the [ r, mid entirely supported by pri-

lining con- vote benevolence, at au annual expense of a the roof $11200.



Boston, Massachusetts.] our country is the world our countrymen are mankind. [Saturday, January 22, 1831.

V iS 2 tlllHi V 0 IB


ICPTvvoDennrsTieruonurn, payable in odranc-

j£ZF* Agent, allowed every eisEh ropy.

ICJ- No subscription -ill be teceivcd for t sher

JCJ-AII letters and communications moil t



it Of right!

of Ike planter in hit ilueet. I deny Ih, I acknowledge not the prop/rii/. Thcprin.

in rebellion ogninit it. Be the appeal to the understanding or la the heart, the len- ience is the same that rtjtetl it.'— Ilronghur

The fael is, it is time to repudiate , wo mean, which hove for their design

This is ooi view of the subject.

31 He Bdiror o/fJis Liberator.

Bin— I believe that these descondnnls of the Af-

>Me alHent country, or remote port

The idee suggested many years agn by on, I believe, of colouring tliam it

Bte giving place to a race of republican blooded inn- laltoes ; hub! !be»e are becoming more assimilated 10 Iheir white fathers und brothers in maimers, inlbr-

2. Thosoporior ntlrnclioru of the soil and cli- mate of Looisionoond Florida, for the cultivation of soger end other profitable products, end the Don.

gil, be. to these end the adjacent Statu and Terri-

S. The determination manifested at the South 10

oftheir colored papulation, as these will be UleL only dependanee , jjs ivcll Li': dffmcc renins* ov- tetnal enemies, as for the supply of Iheir physica wants and animal comfort.

population, whereby their power to command j portion of the attentions and woallh of the slave- holder! hi rapidly ongtnooting. Tiiii fact is ron. tiered Htill more important of late, as tho white pee. pie of Georgia and the adjacent Statue seem deter.

MiiiiiB[ipi, or out of tho wotlt

: tell you, tbal I allude to the to of Africon slavery. Wbatevci ilenualion of tho practice, it is est Li

the Federal CoustiJlioo"' It is sum" moi of nujret, Ihot since tho etkibiliOn of in


At the request of my anooymoaa ceni I suppress the proponed |.(jl]li.::iiKi[i o( upon the first number of Hie Liberator, the public is not great. They woul

irutle nambe, I i trouble lost year

r gr.;..ilj <::r in jn.

ndtbe Mowing Iston Christian

ttimore, for my particular edilb


s of .Unit


r. Willi these romarl

*.nd bain

» ■*»> Pr"f l friend 10 til

ejusl those, winch will most LTii. iu ,Lly i<".:. hole project, DJaltiladei who might wish to

Having Tailed in Rallinu ietid, I can baldly oxpwl

lembly Ihe same. Ned

Will yon allow a warm friend le Ih j advocate to oiler you n suggest nod 10 □» that it wuulii puilly eikjij III.' a of your paper, if a small ,1 it wi'n appropriated to tho use of Ihe young, a woald find eager lislencrs, and m cesiible lo the force of truth, and indigi

t sympathy, wlllr

ivill prepare th'n

ir opinions— thescfe re timu only in wauling, and ,r wdl pass away with those who defend it.' By - T ■" : 1 1 -." iu L lie apprehension of children, yon I alio often do more than you could in any olber

ices or older persons. For there is, perhaps, do ter way of removing error, than by Leading the id back to tbo lint simple view of a subject. Set) you would present lo a child. And since there if much ignorance as well as prejudice oa the

.; you might hopa for i

•ml Ihey wbo all.

icasiormtly, [be young leaders niigbt bo referred to ,y article in your paper, wliiih. though not in- rtwl for tlitm, is adapted to their perusal. A juvenile department mey also malts year paper

and thus

. ,,r iii.. t


' I think they aro very pretty,' raid Lucy i ' di Kyenr-

Yes; I hare always liked those lines eicoedingly id now I shall be glad 10 bear yau repeat luem.'

id wear tho chains, tlnn fisten Ihem on him." Did you select this passage yourself, my dear i

iid bet No, molh I like Ihe

OV - I kl

bo willing 1 ' in io saner inn hardships of a slave, : i.ike any ono-eUe sailer Idem.1 ■What is .staves' aaid linle Ilelet body ibatweihs very bard ? '

fatliei; 1 1 have been working very bard at my office to-d«y, and John Wilson has wo " very bard sawing wood for ns, and be WD f hitd every day; bat we are neilbsr al ■es. Hut if I were forced to work for some 01

my having agreed with him to work Tor liiin, i lis meal cadd boot mo end punish me ifldid

igbt to liovo to work for the man, bim you were willing lo work for bii give you same money. Thai's the i

IVilnpV ,

■aid Helen, 'wool

-Ms jell I '

Mher plane, and moke me wt

[ should Del like to have him carry yea om alt of os. Fattier, how could yoncome *y body's staves'


Id her father, -I belii modo any body'a si i. Hat I can tell yon a

'Oh yes,' said Helen, 'da teUme.' 1 Begin about Iborr boing broogtii rmm Africa,' id George.

' In Africa,' said their lather, ' tho MUDUy

« people of»

' What did Ibey do so .for,' said Helen.

■The people who bougbl them wauled to Imvo Iavi4 le woik for them, and ihe people wlio carried bem away from Africa warned to goi money by elllng them,' said her fnlber.

1 1 think,' said Lucy, 1 tbay had betler been poor II tlieir Lives, than Lo have gel money by being so

Wot it wicked ' mid Helon.

Why, Helen! ' aaid Lucy, in a tone of great ss-

raald be wicked for any body lo couie and steal

any body whocaruil a then self yon tobesoi lived, wbo woald mi whip yau with a gren

very, very wicked," said Helen,

said her father, ' you have quite i sister. Helen, yon ore in no a of theiiltle

«uy from tb

and the t

nastora who bought the irk, and these people and s spoken of iu Ihe poetry

sn who(have ever been b„ugbl and said for sla Ibe wotTd oould gain for their inasler..'

T cbni" ^uruti call j chained/ u

nowba-ly to I: I I




The following ii an oilract of naolher iBIle

laded to in our sec arid number. We are milly

writers. We heps thai our Philadelphia friend will

follows, there is something for tile meditation of col- onization acliamera, as wall as fui reader, in sca- end.

' Philadrlphia, January 13, lfl:)l. Dear Sir— I have received, with addition- al pIcoHUre, the first and second number of the Liberator. It contains unanswerable, ar- gumenta, and unmasks hypocrisy ; and it ad- monishes those divines, who are constantly declaring to their congregations, that the Free People of Color cannot be happy in

lomo indefinite period, without onci Jiff to hasten the hour of its approm thing like active exertion. Theyai ly willing tlint the good work of emt -hntild be accomplished— that-""


self, whoso family has residod in the t Pennsylvania ever since the grant lawgiver, William Penn, came last to this state from Englondi and who fought for the indepen- dence of my country, whose Declaration as- serts, that all men are born with free and equal rights ? I was seven months on board of the old Jersey Prison ship in the year 178U, 'the times that tried men's souls;' and am I now to be told that Africa is my country, hy soma of those, whose birth-place is unknown? Is it not a contradiction to say that a a an alien lo the country in which ho was To separata the blacks from the whitei impossible, as to bale out the Delaware a bucket. I have always been decidedly of

take hut half the pains to improve the children of color in their own country, and expend but half the money that they are devoting to ac- complish their visionary scheme of christian- ising Africa, hy offering premiums to muster mechanics to take them as apprentices, they would do more to destroy prejudice than any thing else. When I look at this globe, con- taining eight or nine hundred millions of in- habitants, and see that they differ in color from the frozen to \he temperate and torrid zones, and that every thine i- variegated, 1 am astonished that any man should he so preju- diced against his fellow-man ; hut we pray for the aid of the Almighty to take the scales from

of the instruments in commencing the work. I know your zeal, and heartily wish you success. We have lately heard of the change in the flrit- iah Ministry, and of the determination of the new ministry to do awny with the curse of sla- very in their colonies. The year 1831 seems to be big with great events. Mankind are becoming more enlightened, and all tyrants, and the tyrants of this country, must tremble.'

isclves, during tin- proems of this trans- formation. They acknowledge the deep ini- quity of tlig system of slavorv, hut thi'v art a- if tin: a.lmis/ii.n i>f its eri.ui'iialilv, instead ol lerely prefatory to amendment, wn. rficient nf itself to satisfy all the de- "justice, to silence all the reproache* >. Theyappcar- 1

ce;— or rather, the high and true rule of loral equity, by which ihoy meet out justice

'yes, swerves instantly from

re when the rights of llii-ir o brought into competition

just and natural rig^it to ^ii

enched in some terrible scene of ri

i coiill iii;mlir>ri I'n.m Iheir native home, n

' ' g been dragged to some distant lai sold into perpetual li'imlne/e— then, i iIit such circumstances, tin: right of the ill

d he

if burden, to the /ens proviih'il.

n regard to relig- atui interesting topics, de- hem a eomidemtion by itself, may possibly at some future

-If all these trailers n , wl„, is to make it ? : make it wlio understai

LVPfN MIRROR. The acqniaitioa of a virtuous and an intelligent

III'- I - ' !"■ :i.-:---

ing. It gives us pleasure, therefore, to learn, that Alonzo Lewis, Esq. has taken charge of the Lynn

e follow

, Iiamarai

' Siltnn, as I do. in si«ht of tbu mnnumenl on Hunker [(ill, where our fathers breasted1 the ruing f foreign oppression in sight of the Slats

of Americans bava been advocnted^by nalriot-

o nil if lite lied, the dent, and the i. They who suffer

imienlof jur Tiie y .'an

r duty t

■qihlte to

.- :..V.",

cessary as intellect, and that the most capable

be depended upon. 'So it was said of Mr Brougham,a scholar whose splendid talent:

aiiiviiOiill.Me t'reiTlinri— it cannot bo supposed that I should advocate am measure* but those oflibony. I and the rights of men, both civil aod loligioas. Rut

pen bo employed in disseoii outing principles which thai] tend In impair the sacred sanctions of religion

a powerful acquisition lo the ami- masonic cause.

ICT We s'e ejceeuinglj- obliged to the gentle- man who transmitted to us, through the Pest Office, ' Thoughts and Facta respecting the Civilization of Africa.' a valuable article in the Loodon New Monthly Magazine for December. We shall mats

1,1 iir.'i.m VI.-.

Mike lor the general good. The

. I2,anfl Of

f Surih Carolina,




Fur the Libera A SP0K TO INDOLENCE. Whan T roiled upon tho lapse of lime,

Ilow brMand evanescent is man's dlte, How high the steep that yealhfal [:mg most




My dear Readers! The whale which nwal- owed thn recreant prophet, may he likened to he miLy monsters which swallow up the

When an individual becomes the slave of ippetite, and gives himself tn the habits of ii

But who, by wealth, force, fraud, or lusty (oil, Though sweet Id. eloquence, or strong ia pow.

Cm take Dsn Time a portion df hit spoil, Or gel renewed the charter of an hoar, Or add one moment unto lift's poor dower;

Can seize to-morrow « lisi Il-.Iliv ii'j.'cit J

Bund up tho pri/o of honor proudly inks : Thinu u a high and most courageous part ; , Then he aot slab by lodolence'e dan ! Bat ia ibe noble nrifc ho 6rsi to lad. And for lira rights of Dion e'en dan lo bleed.

on Ms JVew Eri-fnwl Weekly Herd- TOE FAIR QUAKERESS.

.,r von

-yet o.

No pule firmrl— n blemish 00 the pure Aad snowy luBlre of iis livid light No radiant gem shouo beautifully through The shadowing of her tresses, ass alar Through the dark sky of midnight; and no wreath

Of oi


and lip,

>arly jnlap, tlte stupifying mill tli.' st i in ij lut i Li g ■, may wo not e tin iclnil'. hull, Hu-titiiiicrtt him tip.'

OBttoallsentime uf decency, callous to all sense of shame, as ' ,-niJlhiafrcultiesintheintn^icatingboi . indulge in habits of drunkenness, till he unes a loathsome anil disgusting object to

Ids nearest and dearest friends; can

with the ancient writer exclaim. As in Ihc whale's bdly at Uasi three days and three.

When we see the young man hurrying along in tlii; pursuit of pleasure following thn idr phantom tlirough every scene ofdissipati in mirth anil revelry, in carousals and brm els may wu nut say, the ichide halh nealloictd

When an individual becomes the constant tteudant on tho gaming table— risks hi me, tlie ponce and happiness of his fo u Uio shuffle of a card, or the throwing of the ice can wo not also exclaim, the whale halh ' Sfcitftou'ctl him up J

to sec families of moderate fortum e precepts, or economy, to dash on extravagance of the times, aping

all been swallowed tip the whaled

When wo see the merchant neglect hi: counting room ; entrust his business* loiipviil; and clerks, while ho dashes away in his git ' lurriclo, drinks cbampnigne at the Hotel iiiirieriil water ;il the .Springs— may wi ■-r Il,:it flu whiU \i,ll fu'nltw hint tij, .' lion wo sei! tilt! politician triivellinj igh the ci-iinr ry, tiutaus.niing tin.1 luob ri ilf-rs mill gatherings ; drinking whiskey u

' ;.ll th

Moved dewn the dance 1 Is lighted up like snnihiu Of the light viol and llio Aad the deep tones of in

, mid the versed in all

ce to music, when the hall id the them loir Ante, lod softened down

She has not mingled with the hollow world, Nor tampered with its mockeries, nntil all Thn delicate perceptions or the heart—

Of maiden dignity, are lost withb

The maze or rashion and the din of crowds,

Yet beamy halh its homage. Kings ban bowed

For tho regard nil glances of a child. Yea— the high nnes nnd powerful of EBith— Tho helmed sons of victory— the grave And schooled philosophers the giant men

viespun dinners, and making stump or^

stead ofnince, he will timl himself at the end, in Ike billy of the whale?

In line, my reinleiv. wc mnv rencirk, bv way of improvement, lliat the whales of this litter day are much more voracious than that of old inasmuch as the whale which swallowed the prophet Jonah cast him forth again after the ■bird day. But in our days, when I nortol once gets within die jaws of iter, he is lost forever ; ho is not so is to be vomited forth on dry land. A LEARNED DOCTOR

The Editors of the Lynchburg Virginia

To the Publik Peple. In efferia of my samcii to my folio citesens as a

has fur ihesejlait nine month pul^puda the

and 1 do hope that my nuteral turn and It I..:;. Mi. iviili die most closest oliservation wi le me to the publik conl'edence. It would b

M^^d >«i>» ii Simples omboor, gymsqm weeds am

oilier pluiTts^r the same k lud ii good deal leiiens

ended any of Ibeu United

■hat will° ut olijiMien'w leal online collidgs fellows

I udV vo a^send w Kt™ e a pursan fiai of his back uld nd donte Eivo him cold

u.tha tuneful greeting of a

Nor deem ya that hen!

man, whu esirrieil a Imnl from Scotland the Irish Channel, to prove to his coun- trymen, that it would live in Ireland, in spite of orcism of St. Patrick. This toad lived im several years, and grew ho tame, that if would come of .Is own accord tobe fed. lu tc food wasearth- worms and slugs. Dur- <■ winter it r-'gularly disappeared, secret-

l..nln, in mjii,,. eeiiv.-nient

7 iu hiberntttioo. When tlte weatlicr become warm agiin, in spring, it never railed to sppoar, and sometimes oven returned into Uw pailor to &wetuicn its roluiiir— FeruiBin.


Tlie .Wiznrmvi: Ir'f.the grutrth oftho Pam- is and other provinces in South America,

:prcssly provided by

nance oi the rude in- id, if it were by an accident to be exterminated, it js scarcely too much to say that tho population would fol- low it ! It is the universal sustenance of the poor, the idle, and the destitute I there ia drink made from its bean-like pod, which really excel lent— its seeds are ground into pai- ns tho general food for cattle— and its branch- es, which ore studded with sharp-pointed ;■:..! ui'..i.|.w.l to- gether into a sort of palisade, which even stowing bull will notattempt to break through, though he see the tempting pasture on the other side. Tho wood, too, is not only excel- lent for all agricultural nnd anilnteetnrul pur- poses, but is, from its hard and solid tr

almost as durable as coals, for fuel. F even dogs are fond of the pod, and pigs fatten on it bciur than on any other food. The former will 'often leavo their homes, and live ir gamiva woods as long as the pod is in sen and tho poor inhabitants will none of them nor need they— whilo Clint portion of the al- garrova tree lasts.


In regard to food, it is very certain that hab- it can raise us above the standard of ordinary men. * Meat and drink to which we are ac- customed,' says Hippocrates, ' agree with us, though naturally [>ernicious! but not those aliments to which we lire ncnuslnuicil, though naturallywholesome;1 and hence tiirth lie con- cludes tii at it is more beneficial to adhere to the same sorts of food than to change them abrupt- ly, even though wo substitute better in their ntead. Alexander the great, when in India, Ten nd itneecisnry to forbid his army the use of wholesome food, because it carriedofitho men, owing to their not being

jfCelBUa,that, 'what- ever is contrary to their habits, whether it be liard or soft, is prejudicial to health.'

Libiin iiiliimrs us, that the Ethiopians cat scorpions, and Mcrcuriolis states that the Went Indiana out toads. It is said in I'adua and Rome there wore two children win, ate scorpions, and a girl took pleasure in eating frogs, lhtards, serpents and mice, and all sorts orinseots. Another nto live lizards ami cater- pillars with pepper and vinegar. Of spider eaters, who grew fat tunui ilie-e dis-gus'i iug in- " t holf n iWn iu-ta.ii c- i. Galen relotcs of an old woman, lliut she had gradual I v Imhirusitt.'d herself to make ainetd ofheimocfc ; and Bee* tus Ihupiricus us.iurc^ us. that there have been persons who have taken thirty drachms of that poison without injury. A student at llnlie

which he took with his food "from a boy; and though at limt it occasioned vomiting, yet in time he could bear a considerable miuutity.

himself needlessly to physic, breaks down the

cany him in safety over tho abyss of disease.


The passion of fear sometimes shews itself

most unlikefyto entertain such a guest A French author related a whimsical instance of this kind ('buries Custavus, of Sweden, ras besieging Prague, when a boor of must •aronrdisuiry visile de-insil admittance In Ins cut, aud being allowed onlruuce. utlerotl, bv :ay of amusing the King, to dov„ur a whole

'& old't^enend Korlin^, re, '"h PTood b°'

ad not got rid of the prejudices of his child- ood.hiiiled tn hiu royid muster, that the peus- ni ought tube burnt tis a Sorcerer. 'Sire,' aid Uio follow, irritated nt the remark, 'if unr Majesty will but make that nlil eenlle- nati take off Ids sword and his spurs, f will eat

him before your face hetbre I begin the pig.'

Cri. Keniugsmaro (who had, at the head of r

mdy of Swedes, performed wonders against ' \llHlriuus. ami who was lenkod upeii as .fjhe bravest men of the age,) could nut

amed by a mont h.ile.ei-i mul |ireternatii-

i|.luisi if the Iriehilii] pr'ssiml's jaws.

uut uttering a word, I lie vi'Iitiui siuhlmdi drotmd,ranoutol't.hc et.urt, am! ilnni.'h't ■It' nnsal'e till lio hail arrived ill Ins quar- ... . where he remained twenty-four hours, locked up, securely, before he had got rid of the jianic which had so severely affected him.

earned Judgo, ia England, whilo trying a i injahip desired oaa of the officers to make

mote honesty a man has, the less he affei or a saint : the alluclalion of ssictitj ii bbUk on lie law gf piety.— lava tor.

Trim's tipUmtdiw of the A'i/U. t'oinaiun.f- meni.— ' Pr'ythee, Trim,' quotli my father— '.what dost thou mean, by honoring thy father and mother ? '

'Allowing them, an't please your honor, three, halfpence r: day, nut. of my pay, when they grow old.1 ' And didst thou do that. Turn ?' said Yorick. 1 He did indeed,' repli- ed my uncle Toby.—' Then, Trim,' said Yo- rick, springing out of his choir, and taking the Corporal by the hand, ' thou art. the best com- mentator upon that part of the Decalogue; and I honor thee more for it, Corporal Trim, than ii' thou lindnt liad a bund in the Talmud itself.'— [Seme.

Cohiho to tsk Fomr.— A yonng lady whda walking with a gentleman, stumbled, and when h*r companion, to prevent her fall, grasped her hand somewhat tightly, ' Oh, sir 1 1 she simpered, ' if it


BOSKET is lonk buck on hours long put a?

Still flies unwearied Time-on still we go—

And whither (Into endless weal or wo. As wo huve wrought our parts in this brief play. Vet many have I seen, whose, thiu hlonch'd locks

Bat ill became a head where Folly dwelt ; Who, having past the storm with ill iu shacks,

Had nothing learnt from wlial dley saw or fell. Crate spirits ! that can look with heedless tje On doom unchangeable, and fill eternity I


iminendsble la it not congenial with thi best atrocious =r human nam™ Jioes not the Spirit ffPsac spring from the love of Uod nnd man ;— Joes it not promote the exercise of love, good-will, nd benevolence '—Is nut Peace in our fi.uili*,, in

he world, "truly d^Rble":— Is uo't Peace "he ^a! enl or many blessings;— [lave not Chris' -~t Aposllas commanded all men la live in pi

r?-rr£cotDLen,a ' Penes wilh Cud >i

the desi-a or utijtcl el' the

it Puacs oue or the last li

.(„..llt|.d l„ Iu. felluwe.i: If ,,„, (.■,eJl„, t,e Uod ofPeacn; e„r IteileLin,:,. tl„. }•„,„., Penes ; oar Sanelilitr. dir. Spiril „f J We ; and ■„„ ^.„.!.. i.- Is:.™ I„. il,e l.oipelorPeac*; j,

lloV.toT^Th^SoBs^ofPeaee [ ° P">1™ *■ "

■■'i- '". U»- I'.l \:l..:"s."li;.|'u,

iropu.ed fur your farther consideration.

«l™'0to ™" glemLiriir 9?il,"hul nVei^oc

THE FKESS, It "a worthy of remark that the irt of printing, ' iu'PXr'tl''se"nBt'n0 '"l"10 n'""J' w,"''l-ia wed to mingle with and inllaeniie^tho' "aws.

Whether there bo any -i: Ii n v, ..mmeitiua

btween this art, and pure rcliciei,, w,'-hi,]| ,10[U|_ impt to decide. It is clear, however, that this art,

bio ; that it bus spread with fjliristkinily,— fotsll mis.

influenced by CI

' 11 Lltsrilid ! leave

sarly limited by Ibo b


or Miulngmcar Is the rol- id to bo used by the Mod-

speck.^ O nfost Mighty I because I am weak. O Itource or Lire I because 1 draw nisb to tho irrave

" n-^-1 ' ' - J-^- - oAn-

iseirby hH friendly aud

O All-Sullicie to Chrut.—, in

his original style, says ! God does net draw men as the/hangman palls a thief up the loddnr, sod on to tho gallows ; hot hs kindly allures aud attaches

Is there is any liarm in doing tlbis I ' The nueatieu ioIvcs aiMttoi 1— ' U that* any Urn in hmuf j|



[NO. 6.

Boston, Massachusetts.]


& silos a 2? ©is


Jt3» Two Dollars pe JO* No sobscriptior

1C3* All leLtera and commnnict


kite nendtipnc fraud, and ImMI rnpi*', id ntftor blond, thn/ ihatt etk'l lei'h india- iliin tAe teitd awl guilty fantasy, thai man ;n twl<l prap'rty iti tnan .' ' II Hour n * ni-

Dnn't you u, nol long sit

' Ml*-. ;t- W- : ; MlH ■■

r). I 'B loom you how 10 ran away again.


Thj following oMraclrrfo letter from lady in Miv^aippl, (Ihvorubly known in MaMchosolht, it b m.kl, ns Ihe ' Maid or I In (irtwo.'l 10 her Nephew Id lh'*3laM, wo find in Iho New-Hedfonl Weekly It, Thewriler,, noes cm find Iho

^ continuing r>]avurv, (!) onlil emancipation con lio s^clod by a gradual process. ' Whether llti* lady

II President c( Iho United ;y. If the people prefc

i Hon should you like to liave a block m your daughter ; '

' 1 am not mn tried 1 have DO daughter.

suy, thai slaveholders generally >hoold lit rsonsto afieel rastidiuusueai on lhal po sy seem lo be enamored wilh ur,i.f/_: rrrji ..


n Maryland =>liivf:l

SPIRIT OP VERMONT. Tho editor of ihe Mom of the Ureen ins'— a spirited paper published m Mimi

ituber, nsi (lie lobowing energetic language on the subject of slavery :

II h devoted to Iho B1UO ofBrnnnc^pnt

ity n.meJO thinf-ilko gui inns soil h-"~ u

Thefuro neither so well treated, asa body, by Ibnir

hub Tpon their sonls. Hot hi It is. Our New

MM nnd there they ' tint endure, then pity. thoi emhrioe ' thu horrid monster, nnd send borne pulli alive* in bohulf or sonl-buyera «"1 soul-dcstroyeri

Iho dominion or Yankee task-masters !

ore not surprised 10 learn, Ihsl very man nii'imvi; slavrlmlders in Mississippi ' in friendly I

(ilsdlywooW I complete 1 cr of tm adopted Suite, h

*tled slaveholder. They are copied Com the list imberof the Genius ,.f Vnwtnal

leu enriches ils pages with her prodnolions, ^TIIE KING-FISHEH,^

The deep clear lint of their own pore Hue.

Hut wbal that is bright, on earth may tut.' Soon wore the days of bur sunshine past : On come Iho slorm-wiuds muttering loud, i-ii.j before [Iiliii the thunder cloud ;■ And bster, as Boshed the lighniug's Same, Dashing to curlhlhe slcy-iorienls come.

Till high aroond h< Oh! if affection lik

^'nJ'^Avi ha" 'riVds/hrf^p'r^ Ilia


kidnap a fellow being, or hold him in bondage :


The man und his crow were confounded. What ! to hear such seuiiraenu in Mary load, —and in jail, loo! Looking them full in iho foce, and. getting no reply, I walked a Tew steps to tho door. After

ifl them when "tar ^"whi^^

or actinn,_New-Englund most hcar^

^iDtic^N ew^jgUind-1 lei °tho" torch* c I „■ light.-.!, f> avert the doom th u oil

lavery is righl.'

'Ah!' replied I, 'that is a olo crconduct. I have alwa

ihape of fraud nnd oppreseioi ihookl be glad to hear your lei

nting, even what reuiainu to Ijo proved— lhal c Africuns are Ihe desoondauta of Ham, Koul 10 was prerfirliou of Tuture icriilu.l,-. and i

happy n


ion from 'the pen of Mrs B] lale. recendj- puhlisl

re cannel ima uiitrjf Ij.ok

liillowing eilract from Ihe Diary or Judge " ScwIilUollhwHinle, shows on early friend Ic jf einantiipiiuoii .unl Lli.- ligliln i,f |U.< 1,1

In homage lo a mnrlul power : , never iieec lias tyrant reigned, ,ti never here has Ihonght been chained. " Then who would fullow liusope-s sickly light, When here ihe soul may put forth all her migll And shew the nations as they gnie in nwo. I'hoi wisilam thvelh wilh Liberty and Law !

'■I'ree.hnn o'er all the earlb.aatl liod aleue nigns Uan

'a daathless nature prest !

rds that are cherished then ; .mother's rrantie haW,

' :i.i ^:ii :l :

j ring hand, lo lite idle 1

oved, and fitted &flU the object being ave traders li.-ii, using Ibe eotmly jaui

f Iho Stale by descent, devise or mi rith the descendants 0r each. Slav, ravelins ]*iilg through Iho Stale al

Until the testimony or persons o vhilo criminals bo admissible in our I justice, all laws erucled for Iheir umpsraliiely nugatory


in ivvii!tn:l;y, :mM« of Jan.

nviit «iil !,.

mostcrae] Irenlinent. Slajeholders are totaBy in- capacilalcd 10 legislale humnaely and wisely in be- half of their iIbyos. Trust not,' eiid the late S«- relsry Canning of England, in 17113, in speaking of Colo a inl Slavery— .tad an experience of thirty yean has proved the truth of Ills words :—■ trust not the



[NO. 7.

Boston, Massachusetts.]



ICPTwoDiilbirspcrannum, payable in advance. ICT AgoBii allowed every sislh copy ^ ^

or period than sis moults.


A VOICR PROM SEff-YORK! Id the fnori\pninber of the Liberator, we n lionod llio formation of a ColonffiHiou Soi.iel New-York, nutiliarv to the Parent Society, and

Uowing liesololions of Hut People <

York, llnd Id Ik palilislled. together with these Hes-

olutions, ii nil [he same ho signed by Ihu Chr:

and Secretary.

P Deli., Secretary.

oris. To our prejudice, w

I subject ; they ore opposed to eloign its the. auk, the tunra viulent "^^P^

q 5 q 5

.: ESOL1 i AC.

ilemnly protest against that Christian philur hick, in acknowliidging onr wrongs, eoit

V 111.' V III ill.. Mine el' lllrr.-G ' lighlS " , >, Imi. ^i., ! , ili;.i wh. ;it.- L ;l .li-hn. I ■nil Hi'.'.

lining wealthy find lenrned men, and

ngage actively in trie furtherance or plans for nprovemeiit of ear ninrnl and pnlil,,;.! fen, li i the country of oar liillb. It is loo lute nov -villi i nl'.i 1 1.> lily :iny line of iho rocee of in

beruaen u* und Ihu whites, and givo to prejudice icnfijld , ignr. L[ bus produced u mistaken scnlant towrjrd* us. Africa id considered [he home ef the

dr^jJiHrMfortiwd into a 1 mavriannry .' to instruct the pint iples of Christianity, and the arts of civiiii life. Tlte Friends liavu been the lost to nid Ibesy tem pvvuod by the Society's advocates. And i rav jfjt Me feel it) thul in proportion us the; bccoi

jui-i tn benefit us, why not heru^ Wlml keeps us dawn bu

t employ

Lnu»ii[ ii-

will not encourage them, inferior .ice. Look el [he glaring injustice InwaJ

i gentlemen know but little ofa luge purlin ilororj population uf this city. Their opir


[Cpllerc is additional evidence of the omWn ble opinion entertained by our colored brethre rclaUvc 10 African colouiintinn. H e like to hoy

in evident, In any in vide his work entitled I

Africa DniSrHd ; end that w

impossible fur any while renon to oust tnnre. I deny it. Will some ef Iidbu guardiau angels of the people of color (dim*

r state with thoniselres, can live any longer b) At-

ertion that any man of common settee could make, iilara it is supposed, bi some have already said, nut we are void of understanding. If we had been om on that continent, the transportation would be

onsider the ['oiled Stales our Borne, and not ATricr. s [hey wish [a make us believe ; and if wo do migrate, it will be to a place of our own chain*. 1 nuuld also mention to the supporters of the Coo-

ts ohildrefi it is almost im,

:es generally

i.iiiricv i; -■■■■.l:ii::;. .vli.L-lt is id among laborers, there it *

nun of color to be seen, whni

ill only »y.


Why inactive? why asleep ? why this prodigal-

hsraj! Throw off jour inertoets 1 far too long

inihilatiou of these habits, that men aspire ii [liin^^. And arc you no[ mtn— farmed

.ili,.r ut'tlie Im n species— moolded ufler

image oryonr Crnur— endowed with a- Nvc-ifd II ii,, jntiViLoiis which De-

Rome up, and dispereo the mists of igno.

edge illumine your minds. Hive there not samples enough among yon to convince *"* keplicnt, that you are susceptible of all thai man powerful! Have not Iho columns of the Liberator already evinced, that yon ore able In

And first, 1 weald suggest the propriety of esCsb- lilitirj reading, debating societies. So. If you can.

by the

imted eiortions. O, bow viio, that all which is oeedfnl fiw

>ur benevolent white friends. They have den uch, it is true, and (iod will abundantly reward em. Yes tboir nuines w ill be recorded on the mala nHline, and thousands yet unborn wdlpsj of gratitude la their memory. Rot tbnre


and yon to lite wheels.

n do it



uly, and am to have no pension ! They ara gaing




A lovely Apparition. »nlP° '

Tfy Rev. JVm- Swan, AliKsiontty at Sttingiruk. There mi a man whose vary name once ahed

wThW.d°™ "J d^1' °" 0,"r hy"d°,h°°1dd;

It. solace in Iho wild distracted eooad


Or children wailing when Ihe mo islened 'ground Deslmclion his delight, his pastime to give pita.

■\ d'h""1! '"h "' "*u ^ 'n™6"1 *'"p'

known In |'^^*™^i"0°'iC^ill0;'": ZtZvLlX Wtttar ha, ,\Jg»iM~t.

A Creatarc m loo b.igbl or good

ltd monition., nfTeclionrde appeals, *irtu°"s nnD e'"1'

:hon with pointed BilosioD., dimgiutiog hyperbole, and |

There ore those who wing Ihronch Ihe wbolo

Dindi'r^o^e '^Lt^'^,' ^ He reads the page enroll. ; his Penis remove ;

and ingcoiou. comparison., In-dry embellishment..



rut gem of nighl, thoy multiply parallels and rasero-


They have told mo lhat than nil

llui.iiiii'r [ .lluabi are either r/, ot enecara.

ging aad helping other, to do, every indi^atably

They hito-iol.l mn ihnl in lom, Pride and envy nils Ihy breasl ;

Now, coinpluiwnU .re rcdundnnt aad cheap; and

f.'r ,n Cn- ii'"'-" ih. Ni"1 '"ef Bnive'rMl'°T'lat

Tell melrulyi'yosomo, .

tjMi'Urf-nh"v-ra iBjr'iyhitrL'^CiiMd

Tell ine.lody.kilu.'


)ir>.(...Mi.«i lo iI,, l. wetilih. ^ Ihose •>'""*»r ih»

We.e my rival near In Ihco :



Thai lliose cheek,. thus over-proad

^'^"a^eq^iv'dlh'eie™ fcr"a!I lh^

Sabtalh 8dXtl"™he. tre a^makin" aToeh.1 !!lo* oHlie' ^i™™ Well'';,,bem°aro owLyce"a™B,

TiFpSHFJeTZ ofth* three immortal

po^' TC"i!ti™, -snnt'l 0pbl°WelnsiIe5

riuhnTC are'Tp of pile, his Anatomy on Jive Melancholy, nite.

No'l that I believe Iheni— yet.


HOW SLEEP THE ROOD I How .leep Ihe goad, who sinlt to real

When spring, wilh *nfy finger, mid. Betwm 10 deck their hallowed mould,

ijty'k nil day , and "do? 'not* retum mlillf lin«


Vy form, onseeti Their dirge I. solig : The™ honor corns, a pilgrim grey, To Wihh the turf llial »H|B their clay ; And freedom "bell awhile repair, To dwell a weeping hermit there.

Ilicy were duiru/al the t'nle do In ifrave.

the poo. boy then p/u killed Ihtrtf

dor tliem unable u do onoagh ; aad when pove.lj


The f.irest thing mai human eye, may iitw. An the glad morning uf the mind il.iwrd through :

lis pant™ loon* and hid thmn, lo piovenl his going oat

g,eat and e,i«-.a.ivo opemlion-, Ihe P«Jk*U^ of Ihe a^plieafioo U^oVnTealth aa^S"'.^

Thete wdHIcx lip* mi yet hove only smiled On life, nor hath on evil mini dao'led

Henlly, 1 don't know where he col the punlnlnow

in bonsiral hat fraill«K epecolajiot*. ^Orthodoi pbi-

EyMlhslnre closed like How™, whoso tears Iredew


Tbu oga ilioll find them Hill uuclillled by crime 0

;{!;'*] i*rTifS%S??


Net .he with tn.lto.Od. k„ her Sa.ioo, <hmg ; Not she denied him with unholy tongue ; fiho, while apostles ihraok, coold danger brave, Lost at ha cruaf, oud earliest at iiis grave !

n°No'. °™

Not .uthcient, indeed. 1 have lom my wi in lb Ibrco jniiuunnl day. ol'the aTlh, and M 0


i gToce of broaches, a watch' machine, ncnu hies. &c. ' 4 Ji u.ucnj'l.



Boston, Massachusetts.)



[Saturday, Atkil-16, 1831.

:? :& a & ui $ it t


vaiTTii in thi mi 1776. By Thanvu Day, Esq. Author of ' Sandfard Merlon


LOther, infiilK liis person, or force him to labor for our rv or caprice, iihtoIv because he is weaker; this princi- vill bo equnlly fatal to ourselves, when Ibrtunc shalUtrip

of soperiuriiv. Ymi sn' :■"> r^u-inber llmt, upon thin nsitinn, vinir Slaves, the instnut tln v ahull become the lfjofit, "ill have n riiiht 1" the servirw of yourself and y other fjontlenuiii ul'tho siuitliern colonies; will hove a

;hn! ,<l

SB Tot

,r„h y™

goad you to overv species of servife drudgery, and punLHi fou for their amusement and caprice; wifl have a right to aiist yonr youth in *'-rviniil". nnd !■■ abandon your age to tchodness and di*cnsi's : in mio *id, fcir, they will have


(treslest possiBlc Aigrci whieh, either by fraud o sonal security of indiv things which they have

On the contrary, every disposition, iolcnce, tends to interrupt the per- -I-. or to deprive them of those |uired by their industry, is detri- , . ness, and would, if carried to tho hie degree, entirely, destroy that £art of the

.hicii beings endowed with particular faculties other; which rules, when properly observed,

?rinl hMuh upon i e father, we shall fin

tic ''wilfdeny1 these* , as the impression;

are by the moral ista ■d by different mo- ; while natural re- to believe that the t ah attention to thi

tedly' below. But

t ; the clouds whicl nnd tlie gradual pro ors and diSicukies srfnincd.

is easy to apply then nd'w, therefore, a


:testnble tlinn rubber

, yet that every o i; and that while c< e Deity in

.- an; guilty of no faults?

ic rights which yoe. tircly lost them by s to 6e beyond the

to prove yonr strength; li.' iT.ninil r.i fcL'il vf'iir lr would you rip up the. ■n iiliiiL" him, to improve ivmihl, nor dan' von rum- youhave no right to do

shePdetends her chastity? Either their labors, or acknowledge that

;■!.-- mrti :


fresh, nnd <ivan boldly, if occasion impi'irc it Hul

iour colored ctoinnnd rn i be iBtioririutgd b. thi* m i bighm degree cscnN.T


IMUIC, 111...

... n»<l i-u I.

relieve Ihc onjjtMx.'il is tlm' n..i'i pjorinu' i mui in capable (it; jl i* in wine measure doinj- ll ; bualnoH of Hod and Providence.

lhgtrvlowo, Md. to ei^iyou™«ideighlnKinihi nfinemenl in lbs Poniienlinry, for nn null mid llcry upon 0 while man , mid nooning >!«■>

I »u [[linking if Ihey hod [I



FC7" We ure surprised lo see the following wr like orticCu io Ihe Southern Religious Telegraph, I two reasons— Em, tile editor ufthot paper nrafeaj id tie d minister Dr the Prince or Puce— and « nndly, the >|iiril of Ihe address fully authorises ll .laves lo lit upaodoUermiunlu their mute™, lfll Pule may kill their tyrants, why may Dot the blucki

ADDRESS TO POLAND, W™"« uZ BeZ^LeTruin *lSiS'— ""Hy™*' i'^ti IIpa*r°11 ! hl1 t;"pt'' nl> Heeding country savt ViM though deslroction sweep time lovely plains.

■jr Cur.

The sleep she bus 50 long ci To freedom's holy light advam Deep wading tl. rough In.r ij

The cloud which hovered o'er

And ihs hns sworn n vnlijint br

ml culling 111


The Almighty Maker's conquering form— "fx Ho commands you not 10 bow.

'TLi He who rode upon the cloud, Tlial seemed like pillowed fire above,

"i'ia He who spoke, the heavens bowed. And echoed Ibrih Lb: power und love.

Polnnd, arise ! hear from Ike went..

Tlie shouts „r brother, hail your 1 Yam effort, si, nil bn nokly Lint, 'K V^^1"r'"r'ce'l0BI'',"'l> b"'


How sweet to sleep where nil i. per, Where sorrow cannot reach Iho In Where all life', idle throbbing- cess

And lowly griof ood lordly pride

Lie down, like brothers, lido by tide I

The hrenth of slander cannot come

To break (he calm Hint lingers there There no dreaming in the tomb.

Nor waking 10 despair I Unkindncss eonnot wound us more


When twu human beings meet together, or what :on»quenco a Iho color of their skiiS 10 llwi, mutu-


So^n™ hafoDO1^ b'fe'k '"ThT" h aim^™™|

was iho, of n gcnllomon and a philosopher, alUiou/h akin was us black as jet : And wbero was the

''-' ' - dnys oi '/■„,„, „;„,. Df liberal and

'"■sscd wind, nhn ninlj not listen villi uVIMit 1.1 ■od in u.. circle Hint Jul irom ins hps. Ue possessed go-

„■.„,„,, ,vho would ili-jiku n, mud, „r

these a, he did, if not dopreswd by the gulling yoke

ifivery, iLinl'uriLu f u-jinni,,,^, „, i !,„ ,..,", unl-

™h£ -Jlfri p"Jo/^ Piejudice cm the pan of

1 Ho

9 of fear,

It speaks of wo burning victim's cry. On the heathen *i vengeful pile ;

And bids him see, when orphans sigh, The exulting murderer's smile !

■""ill tlm ;i,nrney of Earth,

'Lh.,IV.i:(,«-in3 anonymous letter was received by

-I l Jill Ii. I'etill.. I.-.I. ailll.l"il till! I'll.t tlllifi! Oil ill"'

l-Lth April.

Lord Jesus Christ, 1

Who uinlui hlTcr


ii:l I,

And Passion's pulse lies hushed and Kill, Beyond the ruach of iho Tempter's skill. Tils mother sbn holh gone lo sleep, With her babe open her breast—

[ollu, the day before Good Frkloy of Inst y, in linn -rtiic person.,™ imbiliKllhuit™, or 1„. kli.iuii, p.i~,tiB lineup III.- L|;,.|.lf in, |„

"cli" and" T^lh' '"""J "ha*" 2* im'™™xktoi Jok^'aI! PC"°'":" """ Ihe male pnpulntion orMullu belong 10 ecctofiosueu or monastic orders. It is ronMuknblu to what an el

. the vi™0f^rep^p|s°Ve Cages' ^Tlfc her are in every .hep. Even^drnm Kller lamp over barntng in tlie evening before om pictures, in n corupicnuus place. ]| in snk

...r. -jrning horuro the Virgin, to i,„0ko her aid ii gatnmg tlie wages ofpio-rittitiun.

^ Singular Dnvlliiigt.— Ths Georgian or Tnnai

the lop is covered with beams of wood, llranchn'o

mnkes it love] with'lha grou™ The^nntiva'are

moqic^u'rwmTuJPf'rt','hei' "JB S"' b?

the Inmlw 10 fall through" n'nd b^H'w

groeerul than all nili. .-.IwoiiM | n„lir„ :

mtiping willow. Its longsilk-likebongbs'droopri lass ponsively lhan llw eye-lids of some sleepi

CmUinil.- Iltir Tnir renders ere rrapeclfully m- ''aT" .■n.tlem-mttbr''wh0,'''Ih "f ee™"''"" lD " then or5iL7f^nLTp/L,.*™™^ of Flora's dictionary, ,1 is generally understood as an evidence of prr/ercrcc eve, oil ether snilor,.-

ver u offered' l<i '',,.„ ,,„. irstnnd,^ how much the youth is dutzled by inrms; exhibit then the f/r.rr?i upp't, end

Who i, Inaving hi. father', soil, With the heavy heart of n eonquced foe

Through a weary way In toil. "Tis Pity's voice Hint ii brenlhing low-

'Ti. Pity's voice, tha^is nTver'slow To relieve 0 mm** pain ;

And rcorful gloom 1. shadowing lliem. Where Religion', tone is still ;



Untouched hy the piercing sound .' Creatures that reason hnili never tnight,

Ami stem With funlm^. nl'^ympathy fraught Shall wo pit; less dtun thoy 1

Till the Pagan shout is forever still. Or clunged to Religion-. ™ng ;

That in sorrow hnth lingered long Till Hurmnh's daughter!, shall join Iho f

Of the great Redeemer's worth. And Alric's wilds respond the leys,

Thnt swell through tlie giaiefnl earth Till he who roams b, Ihe Gouge,' side

Aud the red man, long noblest.

dcblcd for this act of jipt Festilolicn.— ['low safe"is"lt to trust in the Lord ! How nhle is He lo protect our properly Trom the evil man ! If the Lord be fur us, ■■ Lo cnu bo against us? O, nbttsed friend ! pardon wrong, and help to spread a gospel so honoinhlc Jod— » safe for man. Hovr shall we oscnpe, ir neglect so great a salvation 1 1

lie Christian bo not t.._

rtahily deserves to be.' Mr Pete. .

.11 enel.1,,.,1 10 th„ Home Mbisionnry Society, hcra it will be employed in spreading that gospel , Im li li:is l I b 1 1 -: mi iL.-. I intii repealunco the heart of


du/li.Eo.( comer 0/ M (• JvVofc Sit. PHILADELPHIA.

CPE1RCK, grateful for the encoorageraont l«-lMi:.r.-....-,ifc<l. „i.,l..„f ,/„,,,-„.,

ra^Cd^e /r7^ ™^««^'i'vT'1'n^i ^nl

„.e desirous or bearing Ihoi, testimony against eBf,^i t?*^m8hl™ie "1° V^'di ^m

vingmayi.a from Porto

in France and the present one in Poland,' aur

ncntsorthe slaves in Llie wIsl'lnTi'j ,"

1 "'I'.'Iim-il 1..' alf of tt once gallant und chlvnfoos nation ng under the chains or despotism, there Bj no

gulling and degrading.— -MimcAcitir Ham, "* """^

A hlllr unload l.i.v ivho I111I been gent to a Ihea. Ire in Philndrlpliiu In >.wi.>.p tl,„ ,-Iihniiii -. >v.n frlciu. ™"fj£> a W ™»n nom"d Wilkin,, who toldTiim

mlTin oJld shook win.' skull l.ones ;u " TU--

hov Ml ml.. 1,1. and ,i„., s„n„ night. Wntkin.

was committed for trial by Alderman Ituuu.

^ J^rr«rr._lr 182b, u,0 population of Sicily iiuounled to ] .TBII.dlH! soul, ; SUll.lWO of these were

of n^hThovo1 'rtSled

'!. ■-. ■■!.-.

tnolri°BidTPPr™ kf "orl,ilQ1" jj2 nrpl™ a third pan of the hurry. '

From Hie Lynn Mirror. TUT. SABBATH.

.miug dawns in lilenco. The light til tinged by the red raj, „r the rfsfng ra

Nil Jill ill:; -,, null H't lire.iks till? sti linen of nil Ii ■ho door. oTlhe vilfcg™ ure dosed, fur Ihe in™

" '!'! '"' 1 "ril'y ..h..., ,1.111

11.1.M1' |.ray.Tt,t tin- p,,!,, I., I , „, I, 1,.,.

COFFEE-& JJomingo .nd Java ; nitniling CHOCOLATE— ilamiiactared fiom St Do-

ple Sugar ; retjilint pri™ M ,.f.„tH ,„,, „„]!„„

COTTO.V ■<—(,„■ if,,, ..„,.. !,,.

im North Cnrolinu Cotton ; retailing priw

i.'ii.',1„X!8B 4- CC Ml).\-_SEU.I1!S. x SMItKt.vti ,v (HE knturedfmmSt Don

«Iinn TF.-IK of a superior uoulitv - and Common Oil, Wine., tc. orv.rioui

s ol the long rows nf warehouses are barred weary horse stands rpin-ilv 111 hi- ,L;I||, ,„„( |„M,| ure no mora heard in the market place. The ,0^™ "Tl^iTlhe'sfbh'tn °rU'Eir "°'Cn"1

A^eavy floodVflighrrolls^n silence through the depths orhenven. Nothing ennsmp itsTrrais. " immensity or.pace b, deluged with

■nghmcst Thedark' '-■

I away fenrrully hero.- ,„ inuons nre wcaK as Iho spirits of ovil, before the mar oTlhe mailed archangel, They relin' in ^i.

'^raa^ejionger or Cod.811 linotion of

slilluoa. ft is the pMl oCf hel'll'—l'i'oTr loud" toneS ugh the valley., an^ are ra-ecl»ed,


if iho -inner is metier .tis staff, feels hlmBcir 1 mi grace d.

iak3 or the ar.

thousand cots, and a ihonser* »« " aittnmon,. Thebon

on thu wing, or devotion,3 it the acceptance ofllenven.

hi .1 ■:„■ ,i

tied drop, which fall on Iho forehead of

I garden. The wotds ol

HO. 2 Jk 3,

I of Dock Squarr, near the Cily Taeen

E O S T O Iff ,


1 A'*i'ineUa' * l>e*11 m^ °f roll°'

im., .if K.ise, .ilacaasnr end Ant;

..osst, Bear'n Oil, Coronet Oil, Zm ,

Lssencs Soap, I*mon and Hercainol. Hun I Pot Pomatum, '

M.-..I. Vimhes und"TeTtl -.luuici ownn s uown Powder Pnfls, LmeBnn'a and I't'i.iioy's^.i.^.rinoT.Hh.l'cckelnod Dress

Comlu, Court Planner, |{,,,| i„,„.|, ,|lir j.

Playiug Cards, Old t; Itaion, H. Uurko'. do'

•ieotleinen'. Shaving Soap, firsl quality, from (VimT- or, Englnod ; Rose do. 1V„|, |l„l|Si i;,^^

iVallels, Pencils and Cm,, Toelh rovrdu.. Pocket ,:,i, :,.,;„■;,-. S.iunHe,.M-„.lin- Tongs, Urro an J lm.ll Blackball. Day and Ma'rtin's^Raal \pZ

Hacking, Miirren »,li,. ■,!„,,■, s,l,,!, ,,Ja[J.,i

■enoil Com, Collor,, tiiock., StilTnet,, Glore. luugo GoruianHon,,, Itriianninnnd Woml™ l,,U, ring IWs, ].iSlil ISiuus. -|\vlv«t., Iluriiinn,,- icralches and Curls, Hut Pins, fcc ito^foT -^y1""1*'*0 ■"■mtment of aniclet reqni- N. 11. Raioraand Penknives put in oil isle ordui

VOL. I.]


LNO. 23.

Boston, Massachusetts.] our country is xhe world oT'R countrymen are mankind. [Saturday, June 4, 1831.



urn of tier Birth-Day, Jane i ULh been Hid or sung ofwODJUB,

Llpeoing nod ripening 'n

> of ihe moments that flit by j

. Though i.ear-s'lghied,

gloriously lighted

Tile ladi.-i- fern, ., ber ft ,

Wherein I Tin Licelieiifj olnidli The lion of Ihe day. ' The tbjOW Hal ill the lion 's dignity l'iJil« :

10 in flaming i. drin

Her lipa— more opalcnlly red than wise

Her raven locks k;ir_ !;.:.-..--.,;lv inlv.- I ;

Her Jipcft lair /I-.- Nairn,- in lit jl.-siirii ; And then her ayes ! ao eloquently bright, V 1 1 .■ndi: ivunl'l recoil beftne their light !

■-*■• *V. Night folio™ day— end rot, long oiercise :

'I'll., rn. M.I ,h-|..v till.- jr.- v i-ii-

Thai lovely object vanished from my eyes-

-, pardon this digrowion use moti palpably dutll

Unless., indued, you n l-nst, striving to get hnn

oveliness, had p I.

ey had resided

e for David S pi

ough long-winded slory ;

:hsrgor forinady prancing;

ind epcars, and crests, vera brightly


le Governor ! how mil bis Aids !

IWI..M. i

My limp,

Simply to ask ft

lul hash-eyed hope and gcnilo peace atte ■ad Ibi good Sliepherd from all ham def XVII.

Sooner or lata, in thy path be slrown lore thorns thao roses ; if affliction rears

I lei pallid form to weigh thy spirit duwi ncaroe a sunny ray thy Toouieps cheers ;

If friends prove false, nod envious rivals


A lady residing at the M

he wished to rewardTl :es,she gave Mm, wj ey which enabled biint

into poser ly , iDislbrtiina had overtaken h-r,aod nbe found oernelf in nldnga, pooi. aoluary . neglect- ed, and in -out nf the toinma.i comfortt 'of lift- thai pjd b>ard of l^r anhsppycond ipjn.uod .Hime- dtsleji camo to the tnwo end sough: hei out 10 her hamula ojode ; »iih -he otmoM reject he etpnwed 'lie concruo al finding hu* bi-ngm) ad* in » rcdocod etule, Bed implored her to mnie to bv estate, end How hnn thi- gratihr-M-i.i |m -I -ic. f,:i he, I ,t^<r

lg evinced hy her old aiirvant. but declined his nf-

ii'[iii"li hi-i ilii-ij^n l 'My good mistress,1 aaid ho, oblige me bj accepting ray ■en-ice* ; when ^nq

Mf'eVand'nuTfonly^do'my rniytiasKu^yon e my prosperity when joe are 111 need.' If urgent ec"caUea at length preiailed, and the lad

ea clash

ily -gainat t


. but court [itis

y humble ollering As warm ray wii rrchauca anollier i

II llicn, oii'.rroar: . (1) Formerly tut

ght an evening taper, iX.

pleasing in address, ir thy hnppinem ! loncbiogly eipress :

n prohibited. Of ct


THE I. (TO!!,

(Ome aj AfiMit. f.mmrtfiUuai Ktuucipauiin ia tlm nrdfr ofim? d»y. Giory hi find iii tl.i' liiulipHt, Lhe.t the rifhu of row are beginning tub" univansej]/ undPnrtonil,ea. aertrd im: ob!Bir-nd— th»l fnn inquiry isebitun! in liH p»rth, armkinc the towiTn of dnl and *c eWiiisucil domir.ulion, rpi-iiiiu; tbe prienii diinre. giving frw'rlotn the tuntits, aad rP- generating tie wnrid. Netiotm im bora in day. The empire* i.fth» old wotWare inrrt.- u) with ronilNti™ is nmrchiB); oti- ward witli an eimhii'iaif 9t<ip, and UuMiree are crambltnii to the ilu-i, ajid friU'i* areevfry- whore falling, and VuU; 14 vniu|iimhine emT,

and nations are ju g inmur.age, anJpeople

of everv trilie and t'lti^no and mlnr :ire ahoiit- inn;, LIRERTY A^D KtlOALITY ™«- LIBRRTV AND EUUAI.ITY roatxi!

It is right thut it nliuulti be ho. It ia right that maiisln,iildhf,ashpwaa nia/lc, bill 1 a lil- llo lower tlian the uiiyt U' To d«gradf liirn tn the BiTVitiifli! anil cunditinn of n beast, is a l!a- erant insult to Ihe (.'realor, and a war upon inajikinrl An oppressor in a hateful object; hia claims are mnnatr'nis ; he deserves timnin-


lind pejson, will enable I


i-lifv the nicked fordovolin;

needed either for maintenance, or luxury, er UK than thnt nf being boarded, is a lor of praise than of ecnsnro, with worldlinj

0 day.'

(8) Boston ia truly ;i princi'ly city ; but her [nc;

lounded hy Ihe prettiort'vXgea in the worTd— « haaccH her vnluo a thousand fold.

(3) ThiaUngminlepiiluco.saidtoborichly fut

delightful promenade— lhegCoramon and Mall—of

sltoU thou labor, and Jv all thy u-nrk

ilhoal going ro church I Why they are geoeraliy rpphi ulin either rarely pi In t-lnir'ch iIililjui'Im*. .■on or the l.ord'n day \ or rarely work themselves in noyduy of Uie wouk. T^eT^ra Pson.le »bo go


olutiona, ihe following vrns unariiraouxly he late meeiiiig of the- ft'ntionnl Lyceum r\ow-Vork:

, unanimous^/, That in the jndgm*nt 1111, a pi.rrion of the Scii|,riiir.- oo^iil in ■'id <liil>t In ...fell irornmon school ; and i> berohy reepoctfully recommetideil by

publish tha n to run htm l.n 11 m ho mnltilude delight to palrDh-

.|";l'. li.i-in.|.nr,itlol. Tlieircarcasaea

to lite fowls of honi-en ; their

ttie L'lound whioh they till ;

,, Jieyflrelnroniled vi^ith red h .t branda ; tliey nre torn asunder ut tlie aucrifire uf every natural mid douieatif. relation; they nte fnihl like cattle; they are aeantily led with (lie car-n.t ; thoir nudity is but half concealed hy rsjiri. lint, more than ulL mid worse tlian all this— terrible as itia— thev ate immortal beint>B, bnt U10 ryea of tlmirsoiifs are put out; they are rational beings, but their in- tellects are crippled ; they are accu notable he- rs, but the light of (lie gospel ia hid from

It is the design of tlie Liberator to overthrow -. Imrnhlr: servitude, mid In break these fet- -. The r-ntFTprisr- is great, but ilia not dea- ■■■ !■■ : rh-. .iiiii.-rilii,.s ii. in., nay are numer-

i.dant. We e\pect to conquer through the ji'-ty of public opinion ; our hope is on God,

likewise ia its removal a national duty. One Slate ran not meet it single-handed ; one sec- tion of rhe country cannot destroy it. The peo- ple, the whole people, must engage in the work ; every man, and every woman, and every child. Wa have all committed the act of oppression, directly or indirectly ; there is innocsnt hlnnd H|". ■-■ <rarnii-ms, tlliTC \*


ilion of

rights end in TIip Liberator will contend earneatly leir complete enfranchisement, uiid for -in' Int. pulihi'iil. lilti'lli'iniinlnnd rrlijiniw lrcinenL It will interrogate public iu-


- lir.-t rini.ib.T of ihe Liberator was 13- Jantmry I, IrSII, without a subacriher. itronttge has steadily and flatteringly in-

nttitne. lis tor I.- niitlinently i!--

Appalling as is the evil or slavery, the proas able to cope with it ; and without the agency of the press, no impression can be made, nrt plan perfected, no victory achieved. Our ap- peal ia directed to this community— to this -to New-Kngland— to the whole nation, it be made in vain? Editors of newspapers, who are friendly to the cause of emancipation, are requested to


sheet and in a handsome n

num. No subscription will be received for a shorter period than six months.

livery individual who procures and becomes responsible f„r live subscribers, will be enJtled - lixthcopy.

ilon, Junel, 183].

The v

1 of Jan

II. formerly of Will,

i.irViin.wvj. N

.d mm7. Hum,,,.

boy«, and all living nnddo-

The game began in ISIS, and ei

jjrcmnUlH b W -thiruj C™i— the w "J*.^ >

brooghl,S|ind new LI proposed by H


aT voice fro m etTcTla N D 1


iaew already pari of my

v!$!ed in. and DC! 6nd.i-JJ on

era 1 leg ml I imbor| M Kieb.iiaoJ | nU

Tub Smart? was (brmcd in Ihe United Slates, in 1S17.

[U objecC™piiprwMd by^eTf.Tsee 1 3tTi Report, page 41', app. B.ul. a,) " mjwfi tin' Ire" ui\:,>li.'ir. r. ■-!.!!!.:: id ■!..■■ t.'nM..'J Klines' in Africa, oi

' jl^ilWEhrittd Hum ham M I l.fipfljff I ml n villi Mnrlm 3. That they have about 500,000 free blacks.-

3. Turn In. tn Hi--- l" a-.-- in-" ri;.i..ilv mt rousing. 4. That bo\h ore ■■ ,\ .iee. Imil'Iv depressed and degraded. The duty nf the United States to them, is tlio same cjactly an *e ate lo .,nr floured re I low. subjects in qui 1 colonies, vit to Hod. In- l.'tui^' ile'in j-.i lr"". Uy pl-"'inL' iheui henrat'i vvn" ami eipulable lows, and by ig them all and treatim- lit" Itn-r lir^.'ji ; tint i~ t'i -jv. t'n' mirpii -Lenalii.' thm "I Ihe people nf the United esis to emancipate their 3,000,000 slaves, inJ to raise tlie 500,000 free coloured people to that estimation in

rT?°.U.Le_t?"nl?.__ CjlonJjjatloa Society deliberately reject* both oflTlese firat great duties, and confines itself TricBofthe free col.i'.ired>'.' Tliey Hay, in pi,.*" nl'tlimr l.'HIi Hopurt. '■ To abulitioti

ould not


hi.; ii.i.i

m this side of the Allan ■eat crime of Negro slavery at, a few, fur the meat and sacrer

page 8, " Emancipation, with the liberty tn Now in thus deli lie ratrh- l.'ttlng til- slricted act ul'very J.i!i,L.u, be i .. vi.:. ■:»- they bun the great cause of i'v ■ria-Muj

1. B? offering til III" mil .11 a, m nmuu ...mi) «. u,-.. ™i

the coloured people abroad— Uiey md lure ill .t.- ami more, as thia hope prevail: unalterable, and immediate duty of lighting them at hoioe.

2. By rein. hi ii l- "lialen'r number]] li". from th"ir name ru'.iiitry. tli" mini!..

the hope of their ever recovering their own liberty and the more and the longer

3. The more the people of the United States [and this is equally true of G. duty, difficult, expensive, and partial a s it must be, and rriiu mil i,* it uiiini. rtimv.

thev ui.otlietr Negro fuliow-subjeetn, ofputiinf.' (Finn, bell.rc ill.' Inn-. ii[ pan'

he jitelv t„ fee) th'.ar sin iu i-ontinuing to wrong them; and the loss they feel tliei to repthinfit, and it du tbe« duty.

;rasping, or getting rid of ■■' i i. id the superior,

ill they become— the lesfl will be will the? be trampled upon. , i \n Britain) .-mbstimte n kulf-maif ahlv is— for the tr/ralf duty which

•r Ike i

led, the

is powerfu >y conduce* tn e> iretent »J] that glonona eaert.on, which would make tb>-ni a blmir. irncsnCokr.iiauor. Society Take* up a nrsrhced. a' rmel r.,|. un :l a upon it, u if it were an ir.-clragable -nun . ngti it, as inch, upr :e, to unite Mot jnn.tvatfy Imf, "!nrh is ur.e ef the pri-atest Btaii.s it grtiitKBt ikiiuiL'fs that could pos>.li;v afl..l i." fr.-f oimirr.' pi "pi. . rablv lalae. Far be the pcrt.nac.iy 'of pre udie e -hat .t ma?, 10 bmoi nniaigaiuatod in all respects, in >.,ua'. brotherhood with, the wb.tfB, it I tha -xkrdrian " prui.ufrc ho>I perpti. ato the un-nti-s, th

:ng that the blackf nf A

'dirt dc«prnu!oiu rf





-by checking the A inditcorroborateai

I' luJ A.i-. -.c r Cfl. mnsn'i S. .., t, .ui.-e.C .n e.-„i ' ,. i|,;r kie<a op [hi the people ..I ihr Uciu d Siaif-. .i «n.,ii on « prf.ic u e r. > pi- nf the United net thev «™ gin'n over, thr»ugh then uh.t n.rv .r i r, ii:u ,i ■•, Vl.eve shej tn I in [bar m qui'/ B -t thev ban Do) smcHllad .n tlUWuhiruj tUa fear!..l fact ap.,i !•»)■ contir.ue cipable uf repeutanee, .tnrrrr can be true. lUt the prnud and l< a'hciiaTe Uirm ir r. 'Ii-.n ;iki.-ed ticit-er, tray m', will r.ot, ii.mbi not, yield to tVurd nfGod-toltf b e- d «-(p-r. « f trjth and love.

The AmenrTn (V..r. -olior. Ser.n. i- bea itiful and beneficial an far a> it sup S.e.-.-a, tunu-tdicnFiiil" Mr.ce. c^.l./at. >n. c. n.-...rce. and genuine rhn«tii SlavB Trado— and jv serving .r. kip the timnranta won rnj-sc tj -asb I- L.bena.

But it powerfulfv tends to veil Ihe exiting and outrapeoUH alrocity uf Negro Slav I.." p.-iiple ...I' ij.J...ur. nli'ith'-r oin! nf! ur ;>f;e. "tn- ol'th" mewl base, LTiuuidleis, ami cruel prejudices, that hae ever disgraced the powerful, or afflicted the weak.

The following calculation- mm tur.i" liinher lijtht upon the subject.

■I',,... r,,j., ,. s;„i. '■;.!.', M

The American Colonization Society has existed for 13 years, and has exported yearly, upon an average, about 150 persons.

Meanwhile the natural yearly iiii'reas- has b".', r.ii.CI-11 i-u.ils : and nearlt a million have died in slavery..

But it may be said this is onlv the beginnm;:— mi. re mav h- "ip'Tt. il li.-n-nl't. r. Let us isee.

The average pri;c or transporting <■;■, h nlr, i,le:,l i- ■■liiii'-mil ill S()d..ll.irs: sup].!,-.' il I" b" reduced to 2P,

and then, as 5<i,"0Ct> must be "XKH't.'il venrlv, :n ..rili-r. uiereh- l„ prevenl iin'ren-e, I.!'-". .Uh : n ..M b" y.-nr.y

r"0.moiie -iinpK- t:.r trau?portnUon. Where is this va--t sum t.i come I'm i ? Or -n: -f it supplied. Mill, in ihe

uian ,.f er 'ami " r.'ichifln,-.-. an it now e.M.m, there would be no rfrtKMc .' Two millions of human beings every

30 years would still be tool and dit in Slaver? ! !

But perhaps you wish lo eslini'iii-ii ih" . l iine in IhirtvycBrs.

Then you uhm >-_nn In i Mi-p 'tine: at lejst 100,000" yearly. In order lo do this, you must have an annual in - ODttt , riipiiardsof 4000,000 dollars; and if you hove not only to transport, but also W purchase, you would probabl? want yearly, tictnty millions more!."-

where are you to get this ?

Or suppose it got, and still one generation would perish in i!i"it ut"!.:Ii.>i!i:!-^ ; 2,OriO,(K10 nf inmiortal uoula— plunil ri a,' ."ii nf Tin n,.-i-i-a,T:-i! ri.-l,l:' „f liiiman nimir.' . nf,v>\.l- "/if ru- Wir.rarrt-, and evrl.Klingly iilrlAtnoWr, n..'Ui";:i.i'-r".l-'v..,il.l Imve perished unrtdnmnl. anil "..lie I" eeuii"in\-nu at the bar of Cod.

' ^ - m! iiuiiiil ,.,;i„-;,v, "OI..".--,tiiiK',:,,urselves,snd

ify others, that if we transport" 1 -


e [he r.

>1» indulf-e tr,t irnnr h e rrpi.^nar.ce "hieh w

> aeoloured akin. We rcallv nVHuet il better, to enl« u •en Uvea in it, ,cl .lerabie 'iy o.n, should the? obstina sttsr, than bumbling ouraelves before our brother and oni

^•nnt e>ich laniruage ainnlai to the awearer'apra?^' I

lirest Britain and Hie fn'm Si-tcs.ti.e t u.'..»l f>.«, rd tl.e t~u m.'t guilty niti-n. .■pen earth, both eed retuhc. They ought id to b.. ihn r, m iluo v >!rar ai d hti.uurabie to earh other, in all that is trie and kind, ut never, never, let : - ii.jert ei.e ..n»ther .n guilt.

People ..fCeal Hril-:n, ;l v ...r Lo- rr»- ,i :,,iv- *.r.,.-io g,,e nrero .'.a.erv ni rest, bntlo put .tdown— ot by lettion the 1/unk al.^ne, wh > you id t bu-v i. I mpio/ .IT. ..: ,o njiy oil . ■- to Inp orT, a few of

ic straggling branclu-a b-^t bv a.e's.e at ^icetj.^ r>. I-, and iv , ,i;.o-; - i"i".: nerve int.. the steal,.

I! this great pn.imtree 1,,-t ..c , .. iml nf a and I.ea-U.-.-- .n,,,i,iv. loll before you, anu Ua

id:uve,and God ai d, a:ica' urtvy .ts ruin.

Hearken-tiiutsa.!'. ti e I, r.l, " R.ib not the poor, because .ne is poor, n*ii:.i-i f i-'I." afli.-tod ,n the gmW.

or the Lord "dl plead tkt .r cause, and sp.U the sool uf those that spoded thsn. n Prov. utu. 3S,«1. /Won, Juig 15, 1031. C. STUART.


icy* The SMihcni ptNttmt ; I TWa—ph tawbsioj do f->™ a, a**,

iktHiin^lv "11 "III.: i '.erl hi-'i.i. b'.t [| Ml 11. ,i ;. i.-ii ,|, a.,', "...r.1... ..I

Lkilcnlioii ill- ".u^li ihf .In t'lilnl im -Diiiiiinii.. iiill.l ii rtiU'/.e^ aad

\ HI. Jin-


m 2,wm.«imii, H'w


r»: ii i. inn i :,n -j.ikhmuh!

" Wnj.hyi.ij, nwkn juu cltaii, |iui au.K- ilic evil "i" , .1 j. Iiimh I.. I.-1..

SPt, oliuvu the iiiiprrMFLl, ja.lep ihe I'.hIi.i Ii ^. iile^.l fur ihp widow/1

" Hut if in rcWsod rtlni.yi; ilull !• ucvuuml with [La ..nrd— for Uw



/Vum isc JKtMdawlfi WW"

Tim following verms by Mia Gouki, will pan, well with Mn Heinanl. No lady in tl 8. oicepl Mrs Sigournuy, writes so well as

TO THE SIAMESE TWINS. Mysterious tie by tho Hind above.

And watched by your Maker's eye 1 May both, Dt the close, one call obey To shine 09 twin onus on high !

H. F. G.

DEATH. Ah i that funereal tall ! loud tongue or titan ! What won an centred in that (V ightfol Hand I It calls ! il colls ata with n mite sublime, To the lone chambers of lite buiiil ground. My life's lirat footsteps ore midst yawning grates j

A scythe of lightning Uial polo spectre waves, Mows down man's days like grass, and homes by

Devours the pride of glory

All tenderness exringuiahea the stars. Teals from the firmament [he flowing son.

But marUll man forgets mortality ! His dream* crowd ages inlo lift's short day ; While, like a midnight robber mealing by. Heath plunders time by hoar and hoar away. When least we fear, then is the traitor nigh ! Where most secure we seem, be love. 10 come :

Lc« sore than he, the lightning strikes the dome.


SKETCH OF A YOUNG MATROX. How beautiful the look'd ! at o'er her child

While on ill jolly fringe, did lightly lie A gem-like drop - affection's tribute

I low man than beautiful, dues Beauty



We cnfiv tin! following interesting ailiclo from in! lio. in:-t':i Observer. A correspondent of that

In passing through the African eelUcinunt in the . j :.. known by the namoofWil- jerforce, I was much pleased to observe lire eier- ;ions ranking omong Ihom to rise above prejudice Ind llavery. Judging t'rLiin uh;u I sjw tvhil., dime. I .111, ol'iiii' e|iimuri tin. ci.lo.ny wdl ere long, convince thoeuoiuies of the African race, ofliaviug spoken wrong conceining them. So tarns it ro- ' their itiihs-iosil--- '■ -

it, I oil) ready to my that

murdered by the blow of a iputlily over the right

The present possessor, who purchased Ihi

at llobart Town for two "mucus, infonu

that heads of tins iwr —'—

litre can be 1

Hi, 1 .■.iii-iii-iliochildrenoNluin. They bavt prosperaosdayscliool,cousi6tillgof2Uor BO 0 dren, who ahead every day. deoobtly clad. The in -1 111 cli .1 .it this school is Mies I'. Ibe daughter of Kov. .Mr r. of .\ew-Yorh, whose ciiuructer, ability v.i Ihj.' mil i|ujlil'y her ior her station.

t) S.n.kiili Iheru ure WO sermoni preached,

one Kcv. Mr f'.ml, and the Other by [lev. Enos Adams. Sabbath afternoon there is a Sabbath School, superintended by Mr Aostin Stewart' ofRocbssler. All ages attend the Sabbath 1 and manifest great eagerness to receive religious in-

The BjOTIiont which this company ordospi blacks ore making to raise themselves Irom their graded tarnation, claim tile sympathies and aid l lii ii:l 1.11 i.'i and philanthropists in their behalf L mi other people, whoa engaged in any good cau», and moved to complete 11 from the best urolitis, they havo no disposition to feint by the way.


Chief Mjsriitrate of the notion, I

A Head Df a Department lying" in wait in lional edifice, dedicated to civil order aod | IDiilil, ntl'l ftrtnil ins; tin; streets, of tllO Capil

Tho same cballeoging unollier of his collet^,....

Subordinate officers of the Government openly joining in tho affray, and retaining their placet to lbs scandal of the countrj and the grief of all good

One of them turned not from sheer fright eipressian of public opinion, now unpointed a spe- cial messenger under the pretence of carrying impor- tant despatches to several courts in Europe, but in ntdity 10 fnotish on apology for firing him per

I pi lo I d a 1)

The horrible outrage of Poller, 111 North C;

St*' Woods

ins of negroes,

than most of the above

..■■"I inni ^ . 1 our ;lii

The Dirt at New 1 liivcu and assault up House of Arthur Tnppun, because be is wi

liruj the condi lien oflbu Africans whom w nation have deeply injured.

were guilty ones, (if they can bo southed ! hot they ore no more to than the Poles, or than we were with respect to Ueurge HI.) concerned in the late

The threat! 10 assassinate Mr. Garrison, 1

.■-tjoji. .11...


■niEE, tKJVEi;i;ii.iN,A\D imjitenlik.w


<;,.:._: 1,1 diiim* the right of condemning to liurd 1 . toto tha Cherokee Country, wL -

mund those resolute citizens at the hands afoot Gt eruor !— fTarcater Femian.

TnAri-it in Huh an Hub. Tho Bydnoy Giselle, of tile l-th of April , contains a gove " i.r.l.-r, [I... ,.!.|,.,-: ..I'lvinrli n Hi [.;il in ,-n.| 10

singular kind uf trallic carried on by die mash.. - .

ciewtof lessels, trading heiwton that Colony nod

e eagerly booghl by Enru- donbl Ibrat the Now '/.■■:.-

rPUud°s™inf™ put an end to,—

who fron

h I'lnkin.-, l:'-i.j.

.10 Island of Hispankda.

homo the name of MOUSSE * attachment lo the family, into whose his good fortune 10 fall, on being landed re ship which brought bitn from I"'- """

eooil end (a it Mil the family, who

till. Ili-'lCNllli!

f.lNlllv ,.,.,ll. „l„

in Mouday.dopositi

f\u un-ilMr- anil ftspoliliri ' Flee writing id despotism/ toys Dr Chnnuing, 'are suob im- ocable foes, that we hnrdly thiuk of blaming e ty- .nt for not keeping on with tlie press. Hu cannot in. Ho might as retsonably choose a toleauo for

slavery, and by turning tho press, that greet organ of truth, into an instrument of public delosioQ and

case of Judge Marshall isonoofttie rnosl ery, One of the surgeons present at the op- el. '[ lb.; Mill ef laiae peas down lo that II shot, taken Iron, the veoerable sulTerei, actually counted ; and the whole number

difficult, that instead of one or two minutes, tho op- eration was necessarily protracted to ahovo twenty, JVot a groan escaped hit lips, nor was there a per- ceptible twinge of u muscle. Tho wonder is. that.

lately espied u huge bassinHurli

prize, which weighed forty pounds. ^Self-pa^n^ Dmlor—ll was said of 0 Dalh

caK"y"wn.™wrru' given him by his fellou,

that when taken with In- lliriicriu that bo waj a mt

in the morning of Saturday night. The poor 1

illered the bone» un the tombs, unt! ilanj. elloru were mode 10 iudoco him to desist, urn isuof m t^^fXrm'ing^ii^rcndei in 5 li in M ^ , a !'i

terts that bo knew a Lady of the II ill,.. r.iH'ri oi t.'.Ltliiiijue If. who hep

lube*. Shall ir head dress, at

fram*™ STtbst °tJn.C'lady" wore™ w ig^Th.

Mr. Lumpkin is J very ordinary man ; inferior 1 his i: urn pel it or in mind and education i but I hope belter citizen. Since the days el" Ihe ruiehmei,. do not remember a parallel to Governor Gilmer In political iniquity. Sir. Troop was inflammatory ; bin never l.eyond tho line which separates Executive

I .1 m3 i 1 i : it ji.iw.t. tiilrneris a tyrant ol" Uio wi '

1 ... 1 1 -liLwini^ not only a reckless disregard oft

Ibe^KiaryiBltartlyof^ownSuie08 Parljrso

insignod lo infamy. His conduct in aged him -

to t.t.onkeo.' : oil,,,!,, . and [lionysiu

,1 i y :\,

.en^nb^aVmCed^trfle'! lie iliy^uv*'-™

dbl and happy. They wore equipped

e uniform of the prkon, with the u^u.,1 bailgi's miiiiak a It, in I icil. duo of lb.™ in employed 10 making bedsteads, and the oilier in turning a largo wheel, grinding like Samson, in he prison house.



le writer™ru!i. nnic£

onuge, foundtd upon

f nhsurdity by its ap|iurent ob-

Whileyou soy that lb

hand - those who hare Ihe IrjtsT piety themselves aro 1 I man is the first to dulcet a fraudulent

hANn CossmurricES, Nothing is plain- of duly, from nny^pretendij foietight1 of


Till- S , nspeCtfUly informs his friends and the public, thai he has taken a large and hiliii.ilVii-. I li'iiw rjlseesnll* Miuiiied, at Uio Foor orners. in Uoincy, [t* miles from Itoston.t for Iba tcommodatiou of Travellers and such Cmnpnny no

silors, and 10 gratily their desires. JVn Spirituous

ay ho obtained at all hours of the day. Boarders in bu accommodated on liberal terms.




.1.. , . ■. .,■ ; ■■

:.u|,|,h III.-. I 80,110" and

d ™*Tta Eoglut

and the Wi

v -nil k. .Ill *■..!]!.! 1 1 -.i i ! r ■.■ -- ■_■ i " :-- bondogo, iliat their

and, every year.

, uid Ion of life ere

tot-.. - gei.Or.1..

often e.(hi«i Ikiufi ire roused from stini


Odin When tney ns,J. Tbe drrmt

or slaves, within the liui hull' century. In

ion id n miracle. To these ion; bo added ho following interesting fuel, lately communicated by Lord Howick in tho Driluh House of Common.

Lord Ho wink mid, ihai before ilio orders were nl out 10 emancipino Iliac alarei^ha government

■no orders tn DM MM CM Hi! socVVformotion is foil; considered. Besides Ibis, he conld earns

Mr, Hume said, that tire Noble Loid bnJe uiadt •atamenMlie substance of which |M lad liiriisel


SATi iuiAV. i

opposition lo slavery in llii' Colonic.-, are giving Ihe American people un esnmple which musl be ir.ii.jcei- ted, orlhu fearful judgments uf God will destroy lbs guilty land. Wilberforce and Clnrksoo, uiiur an iMMMil warfare uf marly years against the atro- cious system, incut-dual because llisy were led n- stray hy the ignis-firluus. chadvai. asom'I tort, together with Ibo most influential men in thai country, sustained moreover by the great body of thn clergy mid their flocks, arc urging Pirlioruonl to

flesh enough has been Joshed, and blood enough

too many bodies hove L,.en warn out by unrequited

ed; thatsluvchi>W,3W!ll ,„.-, en, nor voluntarily omnncipal aurriri. : Uc.inu, I1ii:i. mi.:;. . Jii-[i, i-, It .'linim, all assert Ihe right of personal libarly ; and I.M.MEDIATi: AllOI.llTON is ihe only cure To malady cfslav


i of the >

o Afrits

> fdlow

nil. Al Ihe last mealing of Parliament, u| ■or FIVE THOUSAND petitions were rec preying for Iho speedy overthrow of sln.ory Colonies 1 The British Government htrs giv ders for the emancipation of all Iho slaves whi the properly of iho ciown. Wo may ejtpeci r to hoar tho glad tidings, [ravelling on Ihe wir the wind over ihe broad Atlantic, thai EIGHT HUN- DRED THOUSAND human beings nro restor . ibe dignity and privileges of freemen.

immediate abolition,

|CJ= To suppose that our live* would bo « folly, and directly charging Iho Almighty will


Tho American Colonisation Society ought not'

the onemy offhe Sabbath, or Sabbath Shoots, of Foreign end Domestic Missions, df Bible nnd Tract Societies:, of Abolition,— in short, of ovory Ihing that

but to find il copied approvingly into the American Spectator, al Washirrgtan. shows u congenial ily of mind which we did not expect le >ec. The piece is a fuir specimen oflhc hypocritical cunt which is used l>y llie. enemies of [he si ni c ]ropalnlion. Where is its sympaihy for Ibe Iwo millions or bleeding slaves, who are whipped and sold like cattle in our

■re 'Ligrnd ,dw benTho " d. The free colored m

ter seeing their husbands, fathers, brolliets end

li i\.:ii; ■:. ■nderedlh.

io dark' Again wo solemnly call open them to nose, before they bring down on Ihe heads of their rethren, and upon the heads of those whom they re lending to dcspeiatioo, a train of horrors Jl

If you will coosoll Clsrltson

opposed lo Ihe wishes and ssnlimenls of thn great body of the free people of color. r[:p.::ii.ii-v mpi> ed in the most public manner, but cruelly disregr ed by it.

psnsnra in recording tho destruction of Ibe colonists, rosof prejudice and cru-

n moral persec

:ii' paper. ■■pcjI.Li^ hi re Lore oce lo lb e slave. rxUeed n n runaway from the Secretary nf the ?ricun Colonization Society, says, ' Mr Gurley

g /rce.y and ToilfiriirfjMo Liberia.' We me lied wjiii this ciplanniion. Tho compulsory

A FKiHTI.Ki CLERGYMAN. A 1'olislr meeting was lately held in Georgetown, D, C. ai which [he Jim, Isaac Orr, Editor of the American Spectator and Siigmatizsr-Guneral oTour colored population, presided I He made a very pa- triotic speech, fall of revenge, blood and valor, in bebair of those ' ruiralici.' 'monsters,' ' cul-throels.'

vol'ters in Virginia— some of Ihem h, Mr Orr)_ihm

urging Ihem lo destroy their masters. This is lira

A minister ofHim who lelle his followers to over.

ing one portion of the family tu'r a- nolher I encooraging a warfare which has already destroyed, ool merely silly men, women and chil- dren, |n in Virginia,) but upward., of ONE HUN- DRED THOUSAND, nnd entailed rnin and de- spair upon a far greater Dumber ' Is this iho spirit of Christ!

The following among other resolntiont was unan- imously passed at thn meeting :

fiesofoed, Thai the Poles, in this their eecond straggle for liberty, Itave received our most cnrdiiil sympaihy. We have regarded thw dovoled peopla n engager] in a mosl holy and glorious cans.

They who say that the Poles are ' engaged in a most holy arid glorious cause/ and yet dsuounco the slaves for perpetrating the same bloody acta nnd aiming at the some object, arc, lo say Ihe least, very

NEW-YORK TRAVELLER. Mr, Freemen Hunt (formerly oftho firmofPut- deinStHnnl.onhiicily.) has issued n 'Prospectus of a newspaper, lobe published in the Cily orNow- Vork, every Wednesday morning, to be devoted to the interests, wimls, and convenience of Ibe poblic generally, and travellers especially, nnd to be enli-

Sociely might bo formed (in our large cities] of Ireepeupleofeolor.^ intending lo emigrate to Li-

Emigrating Society ; end conneeled with this, let 'iere be n Savings Bank, in which those who wish g^o 10 LiberB, may fcpciile fnim lirne B Urasj,

eir fathers. J/riean RcpQlUanj.

ju.uterl .,1. . ItSSpora

uge imperial i


ecially by co|npfrriil^ »al", probably in theaama ■ould be their champion against imposition and

fluoric by bis disembodied onlagonisl.

Awn the ffailiinglon Spectator, CHALLENGE ACCEPTEO.

cale of the Colonranion Socieiy, lo lereird'it ogoin« him. ! am reedy, and now prescribe the hunts. He shall^rnblrsh flnrl, in iho Spoctatiir, Ga-

ullimoro Chronicle or Amsriean, or irTliii? Tnlelh- mcer or Telegraph of Wujhingtoi, City. The Br-

io paper ; a copy orthc^paper. contnining ih. l . r - ih.: I l1 1 1 ii iv in g ni.idest panignrph fur I


I of the a

.llerisores wt ,

iho U;mi;.hIi:lil si'Lllenieitl. ^Iircb it reprosenLed n

10^0 or color. 'l^emovemc'iiu'Vlhe War^n™

ley are sent luck lo native land. Ihn better.

LuiBtH Jourata/. ICp Very alarming, indeed, to the prejudice id pride of Ihe vulgar, to see Ibe^frae people of

irinted in Uoslon, wKich is devoicd to

libeller, a shameless Ui

Jlbtlitian of S/aorTV The inhabitants .acca, who caiTy on all their domiaUc all

if Ma

Llarily come forward and

A letter from Southampton, Va. lo me Norfolk rent of Ibo Colonization Society, slates thai 246

nlwrk for liberie, nnd tho agent has advertised for

The colored preacher, James Grimes, hn been tqnitted of conspiring lo rebel. St Norfolk, Va.

Chief Julian Marshall lira ultoined Iho ago of ranHy-stj:.

In Wilkeaborre, Pa. a man named Heacocll, lale- ly tried Ibo strength of a keg of powder, which h*

goint; lo il-" f,ir bla^lin^- He ignited a few

grain iuhia hand, wlien a spur, went intn the ksg. ulciv up Iiih lioo>c, killed his lilllo daugbler, end his owi. lilo isdespeired of.


Boston, Massachusetts.]



L i" ju .lid bt

er period than si tO- Aaeau a

ICP ATI let*

'Ill'am Asdiii«'ok, JVeur London. „', ,, \ llr.M.. JVtio-Vvrk City.

- - !(..., ,.ti. /J.'.n.'.-lun, J?. F. Aitiiv l>" t'mnhkctnw.Jf. r.

nnjCwti, Pliladi/p/iiu, Pa.

B Vasiiok. Piltiitu-s*. Pa- ■,.,,„,.; Oir.-T.'n. /I.irri.brirg, Pa. 'ho Mil H a mb l iron, Jeimcrvillc, Pa.

.,,1 ■-- 1'irii. farlillt. Pa. Losdy, Wsitiivtliin Cily. Z>. C.


wb Ihe wind of public opinion, succeed in panning The church from lbs guilt ot slavery, lbs Moody system mil loilafsll. What ia obviously the duty teligious journali at lh» jnnctore 1

the proposed convention.

we as. The loner appears to roe tiie more piou la result- Embarransrneiilt, such as those wbi ill for this nol spring front the da Whatever be Ihe mend causes by whirl! Uitv j prcdaccd. [he band of the lj>id is in them. 1 Sh

bra Ihe enemy, or in confusion, beating du>

id ii chastising as ? Wa mast know whnl r i ere, and so must repanland pel them nw:

imonts will he useless. We may bo chargesi

h winkmg Ht other people's metaphysics and m

idacled byyolcntary aswoialioos.orby [lie cllnr

thai Ihe Lord U pleading u controversy with as.

i Immortal sjals in slavery ! Snbjectl of tb i of Cod, and tha purchase of the preoitiv i ol Christ, is slavery 1 Beings capoblo of a riesiings of civil aociaty, deprived of tbetn al


following pungent essay sboald cause II e to whom it is addressed , to tingle. Tbanki

teholdin; Slates

0(h. Nothing is ,o habitually ni

they acknowledge at ll properly 1 1 and who loll, In whip and mam

in table,)

are traffickers in (ho bodiestind souls or men. Tl abettors of slavery are n mill-stone hanged al ;ho neck of the church, from which she mast bolt sued, or she will be drowned in the depth of the >

that every owner or slaves SB) really and trul kidnapper as if he had stolen his victims art theci of Africa. Tbesophbnry ofihe worldcunnol re the charge. The people of this country, Ihrough Congress, have virtually passed [CP SENTENCE OF DEATH upon every slave owner in [he repe-

at of Africa of common

will I

, and pursuiti the

fi Thoaowjoara

si:..,-,. ..,..-,!

infill, (see Digest, page 338, 3*7.) What italeslo acknowledge, (hat, in principle.


divine insiiiaiion, a Abraham and [ho wr

" "?*JIt!

.. esiahlisn slo- ven'. To quiet us on this mbjncl.lhey point to neigh-

I ■■■lis whniu d ill! ire mi; ol" opinion crisis, ' nu[-

wilhrLnnding which [hey live in charity and peace.' And they toll us, 1 Ibis is according lo the doctrine and praclico of Ihe Apostles i andlhey

Thoy o o will de|

they hod hoped to abolish slavery , renting Ihcir benevolcnl efforts 10

ks absurdity of an ecclei ... .,_],!,« »», and .bewinf, practice it aid vol be good chrali

of easlivingt

to be bold up to Ihe lighi, thai all cancer ee ll, Alas i the proof is Ino easily m Look for a momenta! Ibasu appalling fanl

dren, some of the Slates have enacted laws for pun- ishing iham when found asaaaibled lo hear Ihe ros-

have prohibited Sabhalh schools foe thtjr IMtrnclion.

people ctisct

lift thekhaTd Let, shall be pat lu I Ihe penitentiary for life. In thu iimoiiu, re we doing i Ara we diligenlly naing tl

J™^o/ ™" "'csif Gennral Assembly dom

■especl duo to that venerable body. In some court- ■ries, questioning the infallibility of Ihe church, would lost a man his bead. But we ate protestanls. ll a notorious that the asnmbly will not say, that dis-


Vne troth is, Preshytcriati church

io communion and good standing

read Ibis vvilMut feeling ashamed. Som poor ciealsrt know bellcr than 10 ir -lass nut -And Bine orthem (ignorant things knp .i i tat .-tarvntion and whippi In,,,!,*, ,.imiwte-«t byn by anolhct Did Ihe osacmbly 1 that in the jnMI day, no one will be

itsppen Blws belonged to aur church? ^ «ldg«

.ireach Ihaltlavoholdera must repeal. Such preach- ing by a slave hoi ding minister wonld be so goods joke ihat sides and benches would fail. What can tbey du .r Like other men when in pain, they cry -id Ihey isll thEiiruih when Ihey say Ihal rnove-

g, nnd preach 10 slaverk aalhenpoade Jamoa did— ' go to oow.ya rich weep and bawl for Ihe muene, Ihat shall coma you— behold Ihe hirecflhe laborers who have

" ud. crioth; end liie criau of ll:."in ll ,! ara eBlered into the can or Ihe Laid ofSebi What art our -Wisjion-rr-s Soeirliri do Weshlll only sav thalthev employ men who per th. *r&°S m hie -og-r. ll!o lataetl an Alherles, and thnl loin aside lh- >trsn;cr Ire


tome.' Th,

tel. And slave sel- ihcraor bis body, Tor id Iho difference is, makin^a^ood

io ho that pervertelh tha judgmenl

and all Ihe peep

oniiem have ac-juired splendid follones by selling ., . 1,.___lsoo|il,f lueirpnor oeighhocs. ' And have traded deeply in tha member.

r'ubcilv. Of nrplicantf"

membership, c. licensure lo preach Ihe gospsl, rh.iii"ii hi- hiiiidi were red wilhdicso sins, will mil d.iilcnllv- fin nnv avow it, that he has rorn re wirefiomhe. hnshand. Ho may havo sn«ch-

rotbsr"o mS it with bis hogs and cnllle. Hi insy lis eompelled Ihe friendless slran^r to wok hard

i/tbeir children. Bui alaverj ^^eeetn^ is too

|mo."beThoanMu^ted.' n°U"b'"' 7

Whnlart our minuter, deing' Alas ! many T Ihem are the llaveholders. ^ Aiid^ra.^ of them

rovcnl Ihem from reading. In lh- mean time, 'the iv.iii a Ii

nd'oecCFionolly crying prudnnct when they dis- .avet tymptonn ofuueosmeH aiiong their MM 1 lately travelled through a slavj region where Ihe eyitem is only maturing. I passed some splendid

-,.■■::■■ .:..■■:.■■■.■■■■

I could tiol hear or one ilouusbing »b- r dvin™ The nccounl was, tttat/"

Within Ihe lael year, wo nave nmiu t.„..- plsims by our slavobolduig biethren, against those who, by printed resolutions nnd pamphlcli, aie do- clnriag alavary a sin which calls for Ihe exorcise Df diacipTios. ll s«m» that in mora regions tbsn one,

: . :.

hard.' The condi-

-n.l lal«

the lirsl Ibings wo hear or.'omo of our Missionaries io the slave region, "a— Ihey havu become ihe weallby

are onJuring in Iho^work oflho gospel, may bo seen

poofc^ootuiu who ate stripped of all lint makes life dutiable— and some of then, systematically kepi

Ihinp used tn be kept in Ihe dork. But the alave- holding spirit is becoming imprudent. I now recol- lect a report wilhin the lost year, in which wa els told of aome of Ihe rogolslions of tht^farnt. ^ A

beaveiwJariog law or thai region, which we alluded Id in the commencement ; and laments thai those law makers did not know thai religion would make slaves more industrious. But to shew us that ha has learned lo keep out or danger, as well as Io manage slaves, ha lemerfo-we submil, for we roue! not

was published lor the edihcation of iho churches , or perhana for Iho instruction ofyuong students, who,

icliko Luther, mast speak oul.^taiugh every tile SlSrioihing'be V" in r^ard to lhe« thioga? Shall the ministers in '"•J^y^^"^™™^ onTlroahlH, and say nothing aboat sins or which airy'in'lto'race'an^for which the Lord baa pledged

end Baa-


2nd. To rec unnocted with Ihe Fresbytet

e Mission

rfthe Assembly, cot la aLi^ of slave holding,

, sin , and report tbem forthwith to, the Pres-.

byteriaa to which Ihey belong.



0 pars of liMrt ! thou need's! not ink What this strong music in the soul m.

'Tii nut for gold I love y»,

'Tisnotfor power nor fume; 'Twae not for these I askud (heo To laks and wear my name. 'Tin not Tor drees I love ye,

of Una*;

Twos not for I

LL,i(.:J III


11 ma. nol be generally known, thjt_ n society colored femnle. Tin beta organized In I lira ell ' '.ami the title of the Femnla Literary Associutii

' FtAaAlplull- The ndvu stages^ reallting fro

hopertat it m'oy interest iheiifriendj and indu m colored Mien in other places to imitate their 0 mple, 1 have thoogtll proper to Mod this inform 1 „.„„,i hmirr oive in idea of tbeirobiei opy of Ibeir <

To ba forever mine. -Ti» not for looks i love ye.

These have 00 power 10 charm me,

Thon young and fairy girl ! Thy gold— like dross 1 deem it ;

Thy beauty soon will fade ; The grave will soon destroy it,

When nature's debt b paid. •mtftr %/ieart/iot>e ye.

"Pis only thai. I ween j And only that has charmed me,

Aod may its power he seen, Till flowers bloom bright around me.

And green grass grows above, Till I can no more oall ye

The only one I love.

The following lines wore suggested by the two signal instances of female justice, lately recorded i the Genius of Universal Emancipation.


Oh, blessings on thee, lady ! we could lie Down nt thy (sol in oor deep gratilude,

So thou couldst bo iiiado happier by oar bluotl '. Tel life has never seemed « dear, as now That we may lift n free unbiondsd brow, la the deep sileaca of the starry night,

Oor lips shall call down blessings on thy head [ And the tint gush nf light.

That in its splendor o'er Iho norld is spread, Shall view ns bowed in prayer, that life may bo A calm and sunny day of joy for ■"


At n meeting convened at Philadelphia, Septem-

imbor 20th, when the fallowing Preamble and


nve engaged the attention of mankind in the U- ereutefasVthewo

irtered by persons of judgment und ^penetration, us leslomed^upDn us by the God of nature ; it there- Is daughters of a despised

lighten the understanding, to

- lj-?plng, tbst

.y in a great

mure, break down t

io lift ::n asjdskm

Of the rnde lash ;— they ne'er, like os, shall know

Fot this we bless lliee, lady ! and may Heaven Poor down its frequent blessings on thy brow.

And to thy life ho given, Ofl through its sunset hours, such bliss as now It swelling round thy heart— scarce less than thein Who pour for thee their deep nnd gratefol prayers


Behold Iho westorn evening light !

Kmolts in evening gloom ; So calmly Christians link away,

DcHctrding to the tomb. The winds irraliic low ; the withering lllf

So gently glows lie porting breath,

When good men .ease 10 he. Hon beaoiifhl on all m.hills

So faith springs in the heart of those

Whose eyes ire dimmed with tears. Bat soon the morning's happier light, And aye-hdi that are ssa'l'd in death,

CENSUS OF 1 The number of inliabitants in

™Fre1 whi£p™n."U

The populotii ...

v.- I ■!•:.. 11 - : ,S47,872; Virginia 1,211,266; ~"


TEMPERANCE SOCIETY- The Fourth Report of the American Temperanss Society is published in a pamphlet of about 12t> pages.

id its progress up to May 1, 1831, It alio embodies

osa principles are illustrated in their various hear' Ke nature of ardent spirit, and its effects upon lb*

Should every parent supply his children with a copy, and thus lead them from principle founded

equaft^wllh those of oor'fel low beings, who differ

moiety for the promotion of this great object lalled' The Female Literary Association of lelphia. ' Conscious also, thai rules and rcgh when" properly enacted and administered,

CONSTITUTION, -tfrlirle 1st, The officers of this Associate

Vr°|,™S§!V™shaU ha the duty or tho^ Presiden'

jn^lo preserve order, propose aff motions proper! lode and seconded, sign all orders upon the Treat

\«r/.°4™ The Vice President shall preside in th iscncaof the President. Art- jlh- It hImlII be 'lie duly of tho Secretary, c

rdcri drawn upon the Treasurer, and sucb proceed- oaustssil bss deemed requiaile, and file sue!

PSJ™. Gth! 6°ial!^[me0da'ly ofth'o Troasur oiled and hold [he funds of the i.f:ii!:»r;: j.

.: ■■ li-

Jirt. Till. The Agent shall be nnlboriled 10 si ribefor, and rocciecsuch periodicals us IhnAssor m may direct, end tee Ihnllhej be car. fuilj I;'- .i

books belonging to lhe Association, nnd sifter each meeting, lake care tbat they be placed in the Libra-

'y'Art. 9th. It shall be the doty of the Commiltei of Exsra^usriisn to inspect and read to the Associa-

ehall be to procure suitable boolrs Tor the Assoc ia. tion, and present their bills, properly signed, to the Treasurer for psymeni-

Ve yesterday had an opportunity of esauiining

Dieted l>y our talented fellow-citizen, ALOMiti law- is, Esq.— in ncoordnnco with the requisition of the late Law ofthe Commonwealth. ^ ^

if the Streets, Beaches, Ponds, fco. which ore given

ipon tho^Geology of our rugged hills, and seabeaten Ijon - which evince a mint thorough topographical raowledge of every nook nnd corner. Tha sltiolest soretiny was necessary to detect it m

with any Map that will ho returned Id the Secretary 'i uflice.— Lynn Record.

On Sa(urday lira 22d Oot. a woman by the name of MeClean, in iho township of Cobourgh, U. C. died beside the mad, from drunkenness and eipo sure. Her husband with her, until she sun down, when ho endeavored lo go on^w a neighbc

down also, and lay till morning ; when he wis nt>l

Two men near Frankford, (Ken.) a ihorl tirr

was settled by the strongest man beating the braii ,[ (il'slie oilier. Both were drunk. Poland has again passed under tbo yoke. Her _ldiers liavo dispersed, and ber wirriotsha.e sought safety in flighL Bkryineckl, Csnrtorjiki , Roiydii, and kaminski have passed inlo Gollacia.

: grand system of Copernicos actoally remaia- manuseript after it was fulW prepared, for

ir die perils of publication, two several occasions, was Galileo forced to

! Vermont House of Representatives. lbS 10 ive instructed the Judiciary commit lee lo bring

.i ■■.!■ .1 pri^onmenl fordobton nil con-

ifletJan. I, no.t.

< cost of tho banking honss of the United States Dank, ul Philadelphia, was 82" ,432, nnd the lot cost S15o,568— lOtol, 41 3,000.

Domcsfic Industry— It has been found out in New llampsliire, Man! Wer^p^/™ ornoiufh-

ory is well-founded.

The Report may be obtained nl the Bookstores of :rl,lui i: Marvin,' Boston ; Whipple t Lawrence,

ilowiand, Worcester 'KWiSoMf N^Itharnp'on ; iriiiiin, Little, ii Co., Springfield ; J. 9. tt C. Ai- ls, Amherst ; Win. S. Bartlell, Flyinoulh ; G. rdo, k Co., Portland ; J. C. Plummer, Bangar ; W, Shephnrd, Portsmouth : Lli French, Dover ; Marsh, Unpen U Lvon, Concord ; Thomas Mann, "—aver ; Benjamin Uurko, Nashua ; D. V. Rob-

1, fcl_o..lriirlniid ; Kuwcll, Hubbard, fe Co... In-vich; Ik/rkiuli Howe, New-Haven; Isaac IViko.i, Providence , JonMlian l.eavitt, Hew- York ; John P. Haven, New- York ; Oliver Steele, Albany j Wm. Williuui?. flier, : E. Park, Si Co. Rochester ; _ rr & Hogan, Philadelphia ; R. Patterson, PitH- ll i Josepn Jewett, Baltimore ; D. W. Harrioo, Charleston | and in various other places. Tbe

unol 'Temperance ihrotignou Ui« United' Slates. [CJ= All Editors of papeis, frieadly to the Close ^emperaoce, are requa^^inse


For the Liberator. COIORED TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. In the discharge, of my doty as Agent ofthe Nov

' " a numberof Tamp aranco meetings among IE I eongregaiions of Iho cily. Tho following a

ho meeting holdsn in Rov. Mr \ gregalion, (Prcsbylorian,) 29weroadd<

making more than 6I> tbat bare been a few months. At two meetings which Abyssinian Baptist Church , 40 names i

ing ground in Iho eonntry. Nnt that in New- England, or any where else. It requires n year lo roll over our heads lo convince us ofthe everlasting mer-

... _ ...ij thing oriheso, and can, for a mocneat.

Yet, though every irwantn"e°f.uilf0| in'bletsinsi, 0 are inntleniivo, and do not regard ; we aw igno- nl. and do not appreciate : we are ungrateful, end

and them. The best require' to ho reminded of leir doty, and the thoughtless must be told of it al-

fttn hnshandman rejoices for the harvest is ripe, and d of hw_

the Giver of all things. Then, especially^ should he pour forth the grateful incense or his praise ond de-

Tho Almighty dcrerves the proiseofhis creatures, be^flower^ pays its worship in fragrant eihalatioii,

iff the fore* procfa

.Wonr/fi-,— Agairwt slander them is no defence, ell cannot boast so foul a fiend ; nor man deplore , fell a foe. It stabs with r, word— with a n,-,d—

pestilence walking in darkness— spreading for and

it is tha heart-searching dagger of tho dark assassin ; it is the poisoned arrow whose woond is incurable ,. it is tbo mortal sting of the deadly adder murder

. 4th, No lustration or amendnjanl shall I

.0 tills Constitution, unless it be proposed et

slated meeting, and receive the voles of IV thirds ofthe member, present, tha succeeding one After soma suitable by-lawa ware passed, t meoliuE proceeded to the election of officers, a then Hiijeurned.

Dislrejjins- fnintorecfr.— The ship Lady Digbj, from Liverpool for Q-uebec, was wrecked on tha 2Bth Oct. off Byron's island, thirty seven pass drowned. Tho crew and remaining passenger taken olT by the ship Thames.

A Parisian Chemist is said lo have discov

dying moment, bnl (be Bible. [John Bsldon.

Temperance meetings at the Methodist place of wr ship in Mulborry-straet. At tho first, 24 names we taken ; at the second, 9 ; nl iho third, 21 ; nubii in all 54. I have likewise attended a Temperan meeting at the Bethel Methodist Church in Elizabet

a few na

i or a Temperance Society. I inls^ahostlj, ild another Temperance meeting there. At a Temperance mooting which 1 recenilv helJ in tin Method rat Church in Brooklyn, L, l.,2J wets added


third. It will bo lime for the wh uperiority when thny havo belter ce meetings than Lhese.

ORIGEN BACF New-York. Nov. 14, Utl.

Tin: A

The 22d biennial stated meeting oflhs ' Ameri-

very,' tic. will bo held at Washington City, on the second M.ind-i, In January nest, al 10 o'clock, A. M. li.e Aholilion, Manumission, Anti^laverj,

arc emitted lo a representation, and are invited to pirticipolo.

On behalf of the Convention,

IFojnmj-fon, Sipl, 23d, 1S3I. ^ N. B. Prtnleis of newspapers, favorable lo the ruse of freedom, ara respectfully requested togiva

United Stales, may think propi the number of any ona Seoietj