•% DEPOSITED. vr. o! li tr a m o • ** { n o i$tN'i| ': VOD. X. LIFE-HISTORIES OF THE J'.V THOMAS G. GENTRY, MEMBER OF THE ACADEMY OF JfATl'UAL S( li:M 1> or PHILADELPHIA, AXD OP THE t'ANADlAX ENT< > M < -I- " i U'A L SoriKTV OF ToUOXTO. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL I. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR 187G. COPYRIGHT, 1876, BY THOS. G. GENTRY: H. SMH ii. !M:I . i 1:1; mantown, /"/• Had " Pa tr. TO MY WIFE, THIS -V O :L TJ s m0st ,3tTett(0u;iteb .'jinsrribti, i BY HE'S HCSBAXD, . Close by the busy haunts of man, Within the shelf ring leave.-. ( )f some tall pear-tree, low down AVhere thorny branchlets meet, The King-bird builds her cosy nest : Without, of slicks and grasses coarse And blossomed weeds of divers kinds Variously intermingled, And in the neatest style arranged; \Yithin, oi' IV;il!:ets soft, and do\vn, The cast-oil' plumes of distant kin. I 1 en- she ivars her tender oll'spring And t. aches -hfiii the roystt-ri <>f bird-life. Wor to thr \\ivtrh III !V;illi.'iVi! ill. : 3 \\!l.. .i.ll'i-S i1..', :idf Tin- ii-alm \> Ill-rein shr : u ;i\ - i In- rod And • ivptre! GENTRY. PREFACE, so much has been written upon the sub ject of Amerk- ornithology, it becomes the author to state succinctly the reasons which have •s prompted him to repeat observations on supposed well-known species. The lack of anything like satisfactory information upon the food and breed- ing habits of many of the birds of Eastern Penn- .^-> ^ sylvania, as we'll as the- desire; to reconcile if pos- sible, the contradictory statements of many authors, abundantly justify in his opinion, additional Jnvesli nation. It is also \\ril to record these habits attain, .'~> c? because of the value of testimony to uniformity or of habits in bi; ds to qu< ;eta- phs sii I IK lue . kiie - ' lood to tlif developing -it of the law of natural sd«-, tion as v !l as \ riculturists, is sufBciently obvious. The tacts contained in this work are the results ot observations carried through a period of six ..i .mci have been derived from observations in the held, arid can iul .uicl elaborate «• \amina- tions in the studio. Upwards of five hundred Xll nests have been carefully studied as to elements of composition and peri6ds of building; and many- pairs of the species whose habits are herein des- cribed, have been closely and diligently watched, with the view of determining the details of incu- O bation, and the early history of the young. The various articles which cqntribute to their main- tenance have been partially derived from repeated observations upon the same species in their natural haunts, and elsewhere; but mainly from examinations of the stomachs of more than seven hundred birds. A brief synopsis of the leading items of interest embraced within its scope, cannot be amiss. Herein are found numerous facts which an- un- mentipned in the latest American work on birds, besides corrobo rations of important statements of Audubon and \Yilson which have been entirely i-noivd by its authors. In addition to which, a vast amount of knowledge which has not hitherto been * — •* published, ind which may be conveniently ar- r:in •« .1 under the lollowm--*' heads ._> 1. Descriptions of nests which show marked deviations irorn normal structures, and the causes \vhich have probably conduced to the -variations 2. Labor of nidification whether performed by the ivale and female separately, or conjointly. PREFACE. Xlll 3. Duration of nest-building arid also of oviposi- tion, and whether the eg^s are laid on successive, or alternate clays. ,|. Periods of incubation and duties thereof, •whether accomplished by the female exclusively, or with the assistance of the male. 5. Age of the young on quitting the nest, arid the further time which elapses before they are fitted for self-maintenance. 6. Character of the sexes both before and after incubation, particularly the male. ;\ Insects, seeds, and bernes which constitute their bill of tare In the systematic portion of the work, the author has rigidly adhered to the arrangement given by Dr. Elliott Coues in hi I ,'ey to North American Bird Where, in In.1- delineation ot the habits of species wrwh stop but a short tniu> from their more northern migration, he has been necessita- ted to borrow from others, credit has been duly awarded. Px-forr concluding this brirt and im- perfect introduction, he desires to acknowledge his obligations to Prof. K. 1 >. Cope for kindly perusin. must of the manuscript and eliminating extraneous and useless matter. It is the desire of the author that this volume may receive a cordial welcome, and be instrumental \ XIV PREFACE. in awakening new litr ami vieror in tins irmrh > •> Alighted department of ornithology. Tin- second volume of this work will in all probability be ready for the press during" the coming summer. THOS. G. GENTRY. February ^ih, L87G. CONTENTS. 2 Subclass], AVES AiiiiE.33, or lusessores, . . . ' >r(U-r P.\!< KUES. i \TC! ie rs proper, ... Subor'.ltr ' '' < iNLo, Siii'-jn;'. liinK-, . . Family Tui;i"i- '. Thru-!" ..... Subfamily TURDII E, . . . ... :-ubi'amily MJMIN. : . . 2(-» Family SAXi.coi.iD-E. Stone-dint -. ucl Blue Bird^, . .42 r'ii'iiily SiLYiii) •• . ylvias ol Subfamily Hi.' i ;.r:> .! , ... .51 Family I'AKID.E. Titmice, . ... 57 Subfamily PAKI^-L, . . . .58 Family biriii'-i,. Nuthau !. . . . 05 Family CJ-:I:TIIIID.L:. Creepers, .... Gl) ;>'biamily CEKTHHN . . . . 70 Family THOGLODYTIDJS. AVn-ns, . . . .7:5 Family SYLVICOLIDJB. American Warblers, . . '.MI Subfamily SVLYICOLIX.E, . . . .91 Subfamily ICTERIIN^E, . . . i'" Subfamily SETOPH AGIN, . . . l<>4 :' WNVGKID.I:. Taiiiigers, .... l-\tniily linn. MHNIJ(.:'-. S\v;i!lov. mily A MPELIDJS. Cha.' lorci-s, . JO ' • :l)['amily A':ji'K!,i>;.K, ..... : ,- N'niKo^iD.i-:. A ii-cM>s, . . . . 311 Fan \i\iJ!Vi . h!irJ]:es. ..... rrt-.bi'amily LA^IIN.L:, ^ . . . . :.: .; ;iiily FiiixoiLLiD.r. Faicbc::-, tVc., .... 1'amily ICTEKID.E. American Starlings, . . . ;)"j[ Subfamily AGEL. . . . . . . 351 Subfamily ICTEIUX.I:, .... 368 Subfamily QCI^CALIN.E, .... 383 Important Corrections, ..... 395 Index, ........ 390 EHKATA. For ' .'• in bottom, puge 30. n'linl'l;/ Hsid i>< i n:e 31. . it&sij /''/M r road &)'/>•./.•./< '" - . I inc. fi, 1'aj-vf. 56. -•/;•. i si ri-iid (/nvy.v, Hue 8 [ruin Itutlom, ['age 72. read/<7r//.(7;>,s-, last line, page !>L'; /n//i read /"rft lim 18, i !.;• 9 > c re;id nniin^i-if;,ii>;,^ line 13, page loo. ,• f> oriiiKitinfi read Hjijiro.rimafiny, line 4, pagel-Srt. ttoitctt&Ze read woficeaiZe, line 6, page 142; forwi read/rent, lim 23 pn.g( 150 .r><-)( them read :-ou.thcrn^ line 16 page, 167. o< A: read tussock, line 'Jo, pagf 171. ^c read requisite, line 11, page i'i". ? read twrdMfl'ftf , line 15, page 200; truely rend, truly ijni- :i pagi i( • ''••I'L read hesitate, line "?, page "00. . - _• .'f<;!ra^ read mctfor^l^'ii- a!, linn C1.', pa:;c :n: ui'i IHK 14 ]• Lgi f/c'.1) read Mc\,ioii.' , line 13, page &'•''>. . ' /' . M;,' ]-i;ad. ?rN'( JOT/, linf :?, page 251. Phi.l.fti'ei rhia rrad PfttZflrieZpAia, line 11, IM.V ' !i y;,/,«,. read JVwZafo, pages 255 and 298; /•";":' read ^"/'- r> • md I '.'('.- read Jn/ic, page 270, ./17/a;?. read. Allen, puge.1? 278 and >:.J i'"':>triz!>, read wkifit'i, line l';, pa go "OR; ^sy re:«d ,? ,', Vi |ju,; 4, |.;, . .1 , ( >nui Wr HIM- 9, page 388. LIFE-HISTOR OK IRDS OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. C H A 1 ' T E R I . Subclass I. Aves Aereae, or Ixsess^res. cr: Mrds or f lurchers. OF the three primary divisions constituting the clas> .--lyes, the above ranks as lirst in importance and highest in position, and embraces all existing species down to the c/L; or gallinaceous birds. Without entering into a full definition of its ex- < ^ ternal characters, suffice it to say, that with rare • eeptions, the toes occupy the same plane and touch the same support throughout, thus adapting them for grasping or perching. The members of this extensive irroup are now usually placed in rive • > i * i ./ orders of which the First is the Order Passeres. (Perchets proper. The lo\v insertion of the hind toe and its length; its great power of opposibility to the front toes. and the superior mobility of the same which is secured by the separation of its principal muscle, from that that Ilexes the other toes collectively, perfectly adapt the feet for grasping. The hind toe is ever present and never directed anteriorly or laterally. 'I tic feet are never zygodactyle, syn- f A •LIFE-HISTOKIKS OF BIRDS dactyle, nor semipalmate, although the anterior toes for a part or the entire length of the basal joints, are ordinarily immovably joined to each other. For further ordinal characters our readers should ex- amine some standard work upon classification. The species belonging to the above order are the typical Insessores, and represent the highest grade of developmental structure, as well as the most complex, of the class. They possess high physical irritability, the result of a rapid respiration and circulation ; of all birds they consume the most oxygen and live the fastest. The (Passer es constituting the Insessores proper of most ornithologists, comprehending the great majority of birds, are separable into two groups ordinarily designated suborders, from the structure of the inferior larynx ; in one, this organ is a com- plicated muscular vocal apparatus; while in the other, it is less developed, rudimentary or lacking. Suborder O seines. Singing (Birds. The above constitutes the higher of the two sub- o orders previously referred to; comprising species which possess a more or less complicated vocal apparatus, consisting of five sets of muscles; but many of them are unable to sing. Ornithologists are not agreed which of the numerous Oscine families, should occupy the head of the series; but Dr. Cones inclines to the belief that some member of the oscine family with the possession of nine primaries — as the finches or tanagers — will eventu- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 3 ally assume the leading position. Here we will follow usage. Family Turdidae. Thrushes. The nostrils are nearly or quite oval, but un- covered by feathers. In all our genera, there ex- ist bristles about the rictus and base of superior mandible. The toes are deeply cleft; the inner one nearly to its base, and the outer to the ex- tremity of its basal joint. There are twelve caudal feathers, ten primaries, of which the first is considerably abbreviated or spurious, and the second shorter than the fourth. The two subfami- lies of our fauna are rigidly defined by the character of the tarsus. Subfamily Turdinae. Typical Thsii^hes. The Typical Thrushes are easily distinguished in the adult condition by the continuous plate, formed by fusion of all the scutella, except some two or three just above the toes which envelop the tar- sus. Upwards of one hundred and fifty species are ordinarily assigned to this subfamily, principally referable to the genus Ti:rJ:t3 with its subgenera. They are nearly cosmopolitan, and attain a con- siderable development in subtropical America where the subfamily is represented by forms in- timately related to the Turduz proper. More aberrant types of different genera are found in the old world. In the United States we have but one genus, to which the Robin belongs, and which em- braces several common and familiar species. They LIFE-HISTORIES O|-' I'.IKMS are migratory and generally diffused over the woodland regions of our country; insectivorous, but like many other insect-feeding birds, feed con- siderably upon berries and such like. Although not strictly gregarious, some, the robin for exam- ple, collect in troops during feeding, or migrate in companies. They are all vocal, and some exquisitely melodious, as the wood- thrush. CT" 1 ' i T * 1 uraus migratonus. JLinn. Scarcely any of our ordinary species is so abun- dant in Eastern Pennsylvania as the Robin, which is the subject of the present sketch. Within a circle of country scarcely exceeding one half-mile in diameter, sixty families have been frequently ob- served. In one particular instance, at least six occupied nests were noticed upon an acre of ground, besides a few of the cat bird, wood-thrush, song and tree sparrows, making .fifteen in all. In the month of February small flocks of a. dozen and even more have been observed on open grounds, flying from tree to tree, doubtless the scenes of past associations. In the small valleys among the hills of the romantic Wissahickon, where the pier- cing winds and drifting snows of winter do scarcely visit, many of these birds discover comfortable shelter. We venture this opinion for the following reason: On certain warm days in February, which remind us of the genial days of April, small flocks have often been seen by the author in such situa- tions. These could hardly have migrated from " i K A S TE KN 1 ' K N X S V LVANI A. 5 more southern latitudes, ibr the obvious reason that the three or four clays preceding" their obser- vance indicated a low decree of temperature; but on the supposition that they were birds which had been left behind in the autumn, when their breth- ren had taken up their southward-bound journey for pleasanter climes, their occurrence need not excite comment or surprise. According to Dr. Brewer many of this species are permanent resi- dents in various parts of the country. Nidification commences occasionally during the middle of March, often when there is snow upon the ground, and days before the trees have donned their foliage. Ordinarily, building operations are entered into with considerable vigor about the first of April ; and by the tenth of the month every- thing is in readiness for oviposition. A pair of birds will usually construct a nest in from three to seven days, if working under the most favorable auspices. Two or three days elapse however before oviposition commences; the birds mean- while beinor en^ao-ed in various manoeuvres as if o o o felicitating each other on the successful accomplish- ment of their task. Ordinarily the nest is placed upon the stout limb of an apple-tree. In the selec- tion of a site some birds manifest little judgment so to speak. Before us is a nest which was found in Northumberland County, Pennsylvaina, buik in the hole of an upright post, In contour it is nearly elliptical. Last spring, our attention was directed to a LIFE-IIISTORIFS OF TURDS nest which had been built upon a mass of tangled grasses and roots that had accidentally lodged within the angle formed by two branches of a grape-vine. Again, as it to show their confidence in man, a pair had selected for the site of a nest, a small vine which had been trained against the t> side of a door which commanded the entrance to an occupied dwelling. Still more anomalous situ- ations have fallen under our observation. A nest was discovered upon the ledge of a window of an occupied dwelling, which wras carefully shel- tered from the weather by projecting eaves of considerable depth; and, lastly, another was found upon the horizontal timber which supports the rafters of an outhouse; a situation that afforded the necessary shelter and concealment. The typical nest is composed ot a base of straw, leaves, grasses, mosses, roots, etc., upon which a cup-shaped fabric of clay or mud is built ; the in- terior is lined with tine roots and o-rasses. 4_> In the last two nests referred to, the cup-shaped fabric is an unnoticeable feature. The bottoms are provided with a moderately thick layer of mud, so that they might rigidly adhere to the smoothened surfaces upon which the)' reposed. A similar layer of clay has been frequently noticed in the nests of the Wood Robin, the Tnrdus mustelinus of Gmelin. That compactness of structure which is so emi- nently characteristic of the normal form was lack- ing. This is readily accounted lor. In unexposed situations there seems to be no necessity for that OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 7 binding of materials together, which open places would seem to require ; consequently, the mud or clay which ordinarily constitutes' the rim of a typi- cal nest and serves to join the inner and outer fabrics more intimately together, is entirely dis- pensed with. By an intelligent selection of locality the birds have saved considerable time and labor, and also have constructed their nest none the less tastefully and symmetrically. Many nests of the Robin frequently betray un- mistakable resemblances to those of a closely allied species, the mnstclinns of Gmelin. These latter are undoubtedly the unskilled labor of young birds and adults that have never risen to eminence in the art of nest-building. Many of these nests might be taken as fair samples of the workman- ship of the Wood Thrush. In this interpretation of facts, we should expect to meet with some evi- dence that migratorius is a higher type of avis than mustelinus. It is well known that the young of the former, or the Robin, has the breast spotted precisely like the latter, or Wood Thrush in its adult plumage ; but this condition of plumage is of short duration and gradually merges into the uniform tints of the mature bird. With this light upon the subject, we are pre- pared to understand why resemblances should obtain between certain nests of the Robin and the typical ones of the Wood Thrush. Among birds, as among the human species, there exist individ- uals of lazy and careless habits ; and others, dull 5 LIFE-HISTORIES ul- WKDS and stupid in nature. Granting the existence of such classes, for the sake of argument, may we not assume with some show of reason that those structures which deviate materially from the typi- cal form, are the workmanship of unskilled mechanics. Oviposition commences on the third day sub- sequent to the completion of the nest. But a single egg is deposited daily. Whilst the female is en- gaged in incubation, which shortly ensues, the male is extremely devoted and attentive. He stations himself upon an adjoining tree or bush, when not engaged in supplying her physical wants, in full view of the nest. Ever on the alert he permits no intrusion within the territory over which he has chosen to exercise jurisdiction. When his dominions are encroached upon by any of his feathered brethern, with almost deafening clamor he repels the intruder. On the approach of human footsteps he instantly sounds the alarm, beats around the head of the supposed enemy with his pinions, taking due care to keep at a safe distance, and with loud and rapid cries of mingled complaint and fear, endeavors to cause him to desist from any contemplated annoyance. This watchfulness is mainly relaxed when the nest is placed beyond the reach of dancer. 1 s O Whilst writing (May I2th), a nest very snugly reposes upon the, window-ledge; of a neighboring dwelling. But three clays were spent in its con- struction. Subsequent to receiving its plaster of OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 9 mud on the inside, which in this, case, was much less than what more exposed nests require, the female was observed to resort freequently to a pool of water and after having1 saturated her plumage, to repair to the unfinished nest, and by a series of bodily evolutions which she practised, im- part thereto a smoothness and symmetry of outline, At the time of writing the femaU is enpfasfed in t» * "» « > sitting. Her partner seldom vi ihe nest, and is rarely to be discerned in the , .ite vicinity. The female is compelled to provide her own sus- tenance which she regularly does every morning Actuated by a true motherly instinct, she barely allows time to satisfy the cravings of appetite before resuming her labor. The period required for the hatching ol the young ranges from 13 to 14 clays. The usual complement of eggs is four. \Ve have frequently discovered nests with three eggs, and occasionally others with five. The full number is ordinarily hatched where the female is not interfered with, The eggs are of a uniform greenish-blue color, liable to fade on exposure to light, but when fresh- exhibit a bright and distinct tint. They vary in size, but the average measurement is i.iS by >i inches. Both parents arevi r\ attentive to their helpless- charges, and alternate usually in fetchino- food to *» J *7> satisfy their rapacious appetites. During the temporary absence of the parents on such mis- sions which occasionally occurs, the young- are IO LIFE-HISTORIES OF TURPS objects of special regard by the Purple Grakle, which visits the nest and carries off the tender fledglings as articles of diet. The parents provide for their physical wants during a period of 18 days, when they are driven from the nest to earn their own livelihood. The following- insects constitute an important part of the food of the young: Earth worm (Lwn- bricus tcrrcslris), ground beetle (Lachnosterna quercina), measuring worms (Gcomctra catcnaria of Harris, Anisopteryx vcrnata, Enfitcliia ribcarid], Dryocampa Yubicunda, rose slug (Selandria rosce), sulphur butterfly (Colias pJiilodice], cabbage but- terfly (Picris oleracca), in their larval condition ; besides various dipterous insects as the house fly {Mnsca domestica), white-lined. horse fly (Tabamts lincola], stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans], mosquito (C?t/e.r tceniorhynckus),&c\.& others. Add to these the fruits of the several varieties of cherry (Pnmus ccrasns), the strawberry (Fragaria virginiana), and the various species of Rubus or blackberry, and you have a bill of fare not to be despised. As the you no- increase in size and strength other articles » i* ^5 are add(^d to their diet. Of all species the Robin is pre-eminently insect- ivorous. It is true that it will feed upon seeds and berries when insect-food cannot be obtained. Besides the berries mentioned above we have found it feeding upon Rnbus villosns and Rubus canadensis. among blackberries; the wild choke- cherry (Pninus serotina), the cedar (Juniperus OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. I I virginiana), its near cousin the common juni- per (J.communis)tiix\& the sweet gum (Liquidam- bar styraciflua). In early spring1 various species of beetles constitute its principal food. An exami- nation of the stomachs of several birds, revealed traces of the following coleoptera which mostly dwell underneath stones, loo-s and the bark of trees. o For want of common names we are compelled to place before our readers their scientific appella- tions ; reserving for a future work, plain and simple descriptions of the configuration and mark- ings by which the uneducated in science ma)' be able to identify them. The most common forms are Dic&lus dilatatns. Harpalus pensylvani- cns, H. compar, 1'angus caliginosus, Scaritcs snb- terraneas, Casnonia pensylvanica> Platynus cupri- pennis; larvx* and images of Laclinostcnia quercina, Cratonychus cincrcns amon^ beetles; Mnsca *' o domestica, Tabanns I in col a, Stomoxys calcitrans, Culex tceniarhynchus\ A\'hosc* common names have been given above, crane tly (Tipulaferruginea), SyrpJnis obliqnus and Scatophago furcata among diptera; Formica sangitinea among hymenoptera; CEdipoda ncbnlosa, CK. sitlpJntrca, Caloptenafemur- rnbrum among grasshoppers, and the black cricket (Ac h eta nigra; larvae of Anisopteryx vcrnata, Eu- fitchia ribcaria, Gcomctra catcnaria of Harris, corn worm (Gortyna zecc}, Pier is oleraccce, P. rape?, Colias philodicc, Spilosoma virginica, apple borer (Penthina pomonella), and Harrisina Americana; besides the earth worm (Lumbricus terrestris). I 2 LIFE-HISTORIES <>!• HIkl>S The flight of the Robin is low, heavy, firm and o J tolerably well sustained. Its movements upon the ground like most of the Turdida or Thrushes, is a slight jump rather than a hop, both feet being « -i''vated and depressed at the same instant. Its song varies somewhat in different individuals. It is pronounced in a clear, distinct manner and with a pleasing intonation; and consists of the repetition of two short syllables pitched in the same musical key, and succeeded by others more melodious and pleasing which are uttered with a gradually rising modulation. Occasionally these last syllables are altered, thus producing a marked variety and charming effect. The following lan- guage is a tolerably accurate expression in sylla- bles of the notes of an individual which passes for a capital singer: — t-wuh-t-wuh-teo-ee, t-wuh-t-wfth- te-oui\ this last syllable has the sound of the French word oui meaning yes, moderately prolonged. Whilst feeding in low damp meadows, and even in cultivated fields, its notes vary and sound much like the syllables tc-fwnh tc-fwuJi-tcec, the last syllables being, uttered very sharply, and consider- ably prolonged. The ordinary call-note is a sharp tut produced at irregular intervals. Surprise is expressed by the syllables twl-ti-kl-kl-kl-ki-kl pro- nounced very quickly and with a rising intonation. Its song is chiefly heard in the morning and in the evening, but seldom during the heat of the day, It is heard more particularly during the mating season. EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 13 In closing- this brief but necessarily imperfect sketch, an incident which was related to us by a thoroughly reliable friend is deserving- of notice. Having taken a pair of young Robins from their nest, he confined them in a cage and placed the latter upon a tree at a short distance from his residence, supposing that* the old birds would supply their wants. For a brief period they were carefully fed by the latter, but after repe.s t 1 unsuc- cessful efforts to free them from incarceri! ion, early one morning the parents were seen to visit the cage and administer what appeared to be large green caterpillars of irritating properties. In a short time both birds which up to this period were full of life and energy, became lifeless bodies. A similar state o J ' ment in connection with the history of the Mockiii Bird has been reported to us by reliable parties who have been eve-witnesses. But the above is j the only instance of a not dissimilar action upon the part of the Robin. Turdus nwstelinus, Gmelin. Unlike its near cousin whose historv has been ^ briefly delineated, the Wood Robin as the above species is fitly designated, is a rather late visitant, At least, it has never been observed by us until Spring has thoroughly re-asserted her supremacy, It ordinarily visits the latitude of Philadelphia. during the last week of April or the beginning of May ; often as late as the eleventh clay of the latter month. Its presence is announced by th e 14 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS agreeable gushing tinkling notes which greet the ear from the tallest tree tops, long before the sun has arisen in the East. The same delicious strains are re-assumed a little before sunset, and pro- longed for more than an hour with scarce an in- termission. It is the males who are thus occupied, doubtless, with the view of attracting their partners who have not yet arrived from their Southern homes'; for it must be born in mind that the former precede the latter by several days. This song- continues in all its vigor until mating is accom- plished, when it measurably diminishes. Writers on ornithology have spoken of this Thrush as beimi of a shv and retired nature. In O J the latest work on North American birds, instances are cited where the species has displayed consider- able confidence in man by building in close prox- imity to his habitation. For several years past we have noticed greater predilection for the busy haunts of life, that for more sequestered situations. As time progresses, the species will become more eminently social and trustful. The current of events is tending in this direction. In thickly- wooded regions there is still a prevalence of this same feeling. Besides the haunts of man, dense forests, the outskirts of thickets, and borders of waste fields are noted places of resort. We have never known individuals to nidificate " in low damp forests, shaded by large trees," as affirmed by the writers previously alluded to. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 15 * The flight of the Wood Robin is but slightly elevated, and less sustained than that of the com- mon Robin; but decidedly more graceful. Unlike the latter much of its time is spent upon the ground in foraging for 'food. Later in the season when caterpillars and berries are abundant it is less terrestrial and more arboreal. Like the Robin it frequently visits our orchards while in bloom, not more for the insects that lurk in the blossoms of the cherry and apple, than for the tender stamens and immature ovaries them- selves. Besides the fruits of the above plants which it esteems a great luxury, it possesses a decided relish for those of the cultivated varieties of Fragaria and the wild Rubus. The berries of the Red Cedar and Common Juniper are also de- voured with a gusto, together with the seeds of many of our commonest weeds and grasses. The accompanying list embraces a few of the many insects which it aids its fellow-creatures in holding in check. Among beetles may be enumerated Harpafas pensylvanicuS) H. com par, Pinions caligi- nosus, C/atonycJms cincrcits, Casnonia pensylva- nica, Scarites subtcrrancus, Platymis cupripennis, Lachnosterna quercina, TJiancroclenis s'anguineus, Ptinus humercdis; among orthoptera, the young of CEdipoda sulphured, CE ncbulosa, Ccdoptenus femur- rubrum ; among the diptera or two-winged flies, Musca domestica, Tabanus lincola, T. cinctus* Syrphus obliquus, S/oino.vys calcitrant Cnlc.v taniorhynchus ; among lepicloptera which em- i 6 i n-T.-insToKiKs OF r.rki»s • braces butterflies and moths, the larvae of Anisop- teryx vemata, Eufitchia rihcaria, (jorlyna zcir, ' 'alias h!n!odi<(\ Picris /w/V, J\ brassiere* with the rmap'os of the same, besides earth-worms and ant. o Tiie nest is generally built according to our cperience, -u-pon the horizontal branch, and oc- casionally within the crotch of some species of nuSf at an elevation of less than two feet above ^:K "-round. We have taken nests at an elevation o of titVt'en f«-et above the soil; but rarely. A normal structure is described as beinir chiefly o * composed ot decayed deciduous leaves closely i * ^ '!<"ated, as if combined while in a humid «_> o o condition^ the entire fabric assuming consider- able iinnness and compactness. It then pre- sents the appearance of paste board that has been soaked and compressed until thoroughly drie I. These are intermingled and strengthened "* O> by a few dried sticks, and lined with a layer of fine roots and grasses. In lieu of tin- dried im- pa ted leaves, a deposit of mud is occasionally ivsed. After careful analyses ot several nests, we are tti I'd that the above description which is sub- mtiallv that of ] )r. Brewer's as Driven in "North J . O American Birds," needs some modification. But m the language Of One of our best ornithologists, •> : •• <_) " t.jie horizon of OIK- man is at the best very limited, tt and many ornithological facts occur that are not dreamed of in hi', philosophy." Our dissections of many nests clearly show OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 17 that the typical nest is constituted of a basis of leaves, chiefly of Quercus and Fagus, loosely ar- ranged in the bottom, and gradually increasing in compactness from below upward; strengthened and secured in a partially hemispherical attitude by the aid of small twigs. This is surmounted by a superstructure which consists of a heterogeneous mass of plant-stems in an advanced state of decomposition, decayed fragments of wood re- sembling pine, a modicum of mud closely impacted, instead of decayed deciduous leaves according to the authority of the above eminent ornitholo- gist; over all is a layer of roots intricately ar- ranged. No further amendment seems necessary. The environment of this Thrush like that of the Robin, occasionallv determines a marked deviation « J from the normal structure. In a nest which we have before us, which was built upon the horizon- tal branch of a species of Finns, along a carnage drive which was daily the scene of much bustle j and clatter, there is lacking the internal parch- ment-like layers. Externally there is a layer of the dried leaves of Oucrcus and Fa pus, the inner — ' O bark of trees, and largely of the blades of grasses possibly of Dactylus glomerata or Orchard-grass ; occasionally, scraps of paper form a noticeable feature. Interiorly there is a thick lining of small roots and grasses. Five or six days of steady application by both sexes, are ample for the con- struction of a nest. The period of incubation commences not earlier 1 8 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS than the i 2th of May and continues about thirteen days. Its duties devolve exclusively upon the female ; the male like a devoted husband mean- while attends with marked assiduity to her neces- sities. Both parents assist by turns in supplying the young- with food. Earthworms, the larvae of Cr atony chus cinereus, Lachnosterna quercina, Anisopteryx vcrnata, Eu- fitchia ribcaria, Clisiocampa Americana or Tent- caterpillar, Colias philodice, Pieris rapcc, Musca domestica, Tabamis lincola, Ta banns cine Ins or Banded-horse-fly, Scatophago fur cat a, Stomoxys c aid trans, Culex ttcniorhyncJms, and other dip- terous forms ; small moths and beetles when such food is adapted to their age and condition, besides the berries of Prunus cerasus, P. serotina, Fragaria. Virginiana, and the various species of Rubus. The parent-birds manifest considerable solici- tude for their progeny. When the nest is assailed both birds labor vigorously by their clamor and threatening attitudes to excite fear into the assail- o ant. The young are carefully nourished by their parents which vie with each other in rendering every needful attention. But a single brood is reared in a season. Nests with eggs have been taken by us as late as the i 5th of July; but these were doubtless the labor of birds whose early efforts had been frustrated. Their departure for Central America, the home of their winter diversions, is apparently regulated by the abundance or scarcity of food-stuffs. We OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 19 have known them to remain with us as late as the first of November, when the season has been unusually propitious. The same agreeable strains are heard in the morning and evening twilight during their autumnal stay, as marked their vernal advent. The song of this Thrush is one of its most pleasing characteristics. No lover of music can i O fail to appreciate it ; and having ascertained its source, no one can fail to recognize it when heard £5 again. The melody is one of great sweetness and power, and consists of several parts. The con- clusion resembles the tinkling of a small bell, though ending somewhat abruptly. Each suc- ceeding strain seems more pleasing than what went before. The following language will convey to the minds of our readers, a tolerably clear idea of its syllabic expression: — ki-ki-ke-wil-ali-tce, ke- wll—ah—tliii, twitiki-ke-wll-dh-favlin, kc—wll-ali—tcc, ke-wll-ah-tmi, tur-kwillah. The ordinary call-note is twiil-ku-ku pronounced very quickly and with a sharp intonation. The eggs of the Wood Thrush are usually four in number. We have never observed five in a nest, but have occasionally met with three. They are of a uniform deep blue color, with enough of yellow to impart a greenish tint. The average measurement is .99 by .75 of an inch. 1 urdus Pallasii, Cabanis. The "Ground Swamp Robin" or Hermit Thrush 2O LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS as the above species is commonly designated, is a common visitant in the latitude of Philadelphia. At the time of writing, April, 1875, it is unusually abundant. It migrates in small straggling parties ordinarily, but on the occasion referred to above, solitary male individuals were alone discerned. This Thrush delights in open fields and the borders of dense forests. In these situations it frequents young trees of Abies canadensis prin- cipally, among the nethermost branches of which it reposes when not engaged in foraging among the underlying leaves for the insects and seeds which constitute its diet. In one instance we captured a specimen close to our habitation. Though generally a frequenter of retired localities, it cannot be accused of shyness and timidity. Nothing is more remote from its nature. It has proved itself to be the most confiding and unsuspecting little creature with which we are acquainted, except sEgiothus linaria. When closely pursued, it is the same quiet confiding creature, as when gleaning among the fallen leaves. To test its disposition in this particular, the writer stationed himself at the termination of a clump of small trees, where a single bird was feeding, and requested a friend to place himself in its rear and to proceed directly towards the spot where he was standing. He did so, driving the bird before him. o o The latter advanced within a few feet of the writer, and perched upon a small twig with the utmost gravity. From this position it calmly sur- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 21 veyed us without the slightest betrayal of fear or alarm. After a few moments thus spent, the writer stretched forth his hand, when with an air of the most startling unconcern, it hopped carelessly aside. Whilst in the pursuit of food, this Thrush does not utter a single note. Its lack of m'V; during the intervals of feeding, is one oi its i.^-^t natural characteristics. In other species these intervals are marked by occasional articulations of short and apparently meaningless syllables. This feature of the Hermit Thrush, constitutes it an interesting exception to its exceedingly loquacious brethren of the subfamily Turdince. Several years of experience have convinced us that this species can by no means be considered as rare in this latitude. Its sojourn with us seldom exceeds the limit of a week, when it repairs farther north to breed. On its return in the autumn it frequents secluded situations, but its stay is of short duration. Its food consists of the seeds of grasses and various small beetles and diptera. The accompany- ing list gives a correct and tolerably complete idea of the coleopterous insects which constitute its diet during its temporary sojourn. This list is based upon careful examinations of many stomachs: — Diccelus dilatatus, Platynus cupripennis, Scarites subterraneas, CratonycJms cincreus, C. pertinax, Harpalus pensylvanicus, H. compar, Rhynchoeits pint or Pine-weevil, Saperda bivittata or Apple-tree- borer, and Corymbitcs sEthiops. Various species of 22 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS ants with the common earthworm are also devoured with avidity. The flight of this species is low, resembling that of Turdus mustelinus, but slightly less sustained. Its ground-movements are accomplished by short hops or jumps properly speaking, and do not differ in this respect from those so eminently char- acteristic of the Thrushes. As its habits of feeding are pre-eminently ter- restrial, and generally in secluded places under- neath coniferous trees, one little acquainted with its nidification might reasonably look for its nest in similar situations. In fact it is precisely in such places that it breeds according to the testimony of able writers. It may be true as a rule, though subject to some exceptions however, that the nidificating habits of a species, whether terrestrial or arboreal in character, bear a definite relation to its habits of feeding. Ground-feeders mainly construct their nests upon the soil, or among the branches of low shrubbery. On the contrary, those that seek their food amonof the branches of o trees, or within the crevices of bark, are usually tree-builders. This Thrush does not nidificate in our latitude. According to Dr. Brewer its nest is "built on the <_> ground, most generally either under the low bushes, or in the open ground, rarely, if ever among thick trees, and for the most part in low swampy places." It is said to resemble the nest of Turdus fuscescenS) and is "composed of decayed OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 23 deciduous leaves, remnants of dried plants, sedges and grasses intermingled with twigs, and lined with finer grasses, sedges and strips of bark. The nests are 3 inches in height and 5 inches in diameter, with a cavity 3^ inches wide by i^ deep." The young birds are readily domesticated and become quite cheerful and playful ; but are so uncleanly in their habits as to make not very desirable favorites. When the nest is visited, these Thrushes silently retire to a short distance ; but when it is assailed by the hawk, both birds unite to drive away the intruder, uttering all the while "loud and clear chirps and peculiarly twittering sounds." The eggs vary in length and measure on the average .82 with a width of .62 of an inch, and are of a uniform bluish-cjreen hue. o Turdus fuscescenS) Stephens. The Tawny or Wilson's Thursh as this species is popularly designated, revisits us not earlier than the middle of May. Being of a retired disposition and chiefly a frequenter of copses and open fields, its presence is not ordinarily observed in situations which its congeners love to visit. Its flight is moderately elevated and tolerably well-sustained. Its habits whilst feeding are both terrestrial and arboreal. In this respect it differs materially from Pallasii and approximates musteli- mis. 24 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS Its diet is both vegetal and animal. The seeds o of grasses and the berries of the red-cedar, com- mon-juniper, Rubus villosus, Prunus -serotina, Fra- garia Virginiana, and Viburnum Lentago consti- tute the former; while the latter includes such insects as Harpalus compar, H. pensyhanicus, Pangus caliginosus, Or atony elms cinerens, C. pcrti- nax, Platynus cupripcnnis, Rhynchcens pini, For- mica sanguined and F. subterranca. The song of this Thrush is quaint but not unmusical; variable in character, changing from a monotonous whistle to quick and shrill notes at the conclusion. It consists of an indescribably delicate metallic articulation of the syllables ta-weel'-ah, ta-weel-ah, twil'-ah, twil'ali followed by a fine trill which renders it truly enchanting; The above syllables expressive of the language of its melody, which are those of Mr. Ridgway, are tolerbly correct representations in our judgment. Its nest is commonly built during the early part of June in a clump of grasses, so carefully hidden as to 'escape observation. Indeed, there would be little possibility of discovery, did the female ex- ercise the slightest degree of precaution. Instead of maintaining silence on the approach of danger, her over-solicitude betrays her, and thus reveals the tale. So rare is this species of Turdus that we have never discovered more than a half dozen nests in three square-miles of territory. In compactness and also in the variety of materials which are utilized, considerable variation OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 25 is observable in nests. Most nests are rather compactly built. A heterogeneous medley of fine and coarse grasses, skeletonized leaves, fragments of corn leaves and husks, are conspicuous ex- teriorly; while interiorly, there is a thick lining of slender dichotomously-divided branches of Pani- atm capillare. The dimensions vary but slightly from what has been recorded by others. A single specimen which we have by us, in details of structure and elements of composition, bear a close resemblance to a published descrip- tion of the Turdus Pallasii of Cabanis. This nest is loosely constructed. The situation in which it was found, to wit, a tussock of grasses would seem to render a more durable fabric unnecessary. Exteriorly it is composed of the leaves and culms of coarse grasses, fragments of corn husks and leaves of the same, dried leaves of Quercnst Fagus and Castanea in abundance, inner bark of various trees, besides a species of moss probably Sphag- num squarrosum. The interior is constituted of fine leaves, slender stems of Panicum, and a superabundance of slender dark rootlets of Aris- tolochia serpeniaria or Virginia-snakeroot. In situ, the dimensions of the fabric vary a trifle from the typical form. The period of incubation of this species, owing to its various and secluded habits, we have not been able to determine. The eggs, usually four in number, seldom more, are of a uniform green color, slightly tinged with 26 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS blue, and measure on the average .93 by .65 of an inch in diameter. We are convinced that its autumnal migration is much earlier than its near relatives. It has been missed by the latter part of August. In the summer of 1873, during the first week of Septem- ber, small flocks were seen along the eastern shore of Delaware Bay, feeding upon the seeds of Paspalum setaceum, which grows luxuriantly in sandy soils. On the succeeding morning, no traces of them were to be seen. It was observed on this occasion that the birds were exceedinp-lv *_5 J unsuspicious, and would permit a near approach without the least manifestation of fear or alarm. Subfamily Miminae. Mocking Thrushes. The Mocking Thrushes as a group are chiefly southern, scarcely passing beyond the borders of the United States. They attain their maximum development in Central and South America. The Mimince are properly restricted to the American representatives of the genera Mimus, Harporhyn- chus, and several closely allied forms. More than forty species are recorded, about two-thirds of them being genuine. The genus Mimus embraces nearly one-half of the current species, while Har~ porhynchus is represented, within our limits, by all known species, with a single exception. In general habits they resemble the true Thrushes. Mimus polyglottus, Boie. The Mocking Bird by which our readers most OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 27 generally recognize this species, has been rare in Eastern Pennsylvania, of late years. For- merly, it was more abundant. In some obscure and unfrequented nook, we have occasionally observed a mated pair. Such retirement as is met with in the small valleys which nestle among the Wissahickon hills, is its chief delight. Unlike its former self, it now shuns rather than courts the society of man. A friend of consider- able experience informs us, that twenty years ago it was exceedingly common in Germantown, before the arts and appliances of a spreading civilization had usurped the wild retreats of nature. Then it would occasionally charm us with its choicest songs, and favor us with its presence by building within our orchards. It certainly is a late comer; its presence being unobserved before the beginning of May. On its arrival it seeks a partner and commences nidifica- tion. But a single brood is reared in a season. In details of structure and in nest-materials, a marked resemblance to the Cat Bird, the Mimiis carolinensis of Gray, is distinctly noticeable. Both parent-birds are strongly attached to each other, and extremely sedulous in their attentions to their young. During incubation and sub- sequently, they display great pertinacity and courage- when assailed by enemies. Diptera, mosquitoes, butterflies, larvae of non-irritating properties, earthworms, and berries of divers kinds, constitute their dietary. The period of incubation 28 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS differs but little if any from that of the common Cat Bird. f The vocal powers of the Mocking Bird sur- pass in their imitative notes and natural melody, those of any other species. Its song is full, firm and musical, and capable of considerable variation in its modulation. The scream of the Eagle, and the soft delicate notes of the Blue Bird, are imitated with great precision, and with equal facility. Notwithstanding its remarkable powers of imitation, it possesses a natural song which for sweetness, force, and volume, cannot be excelled. The eggs are mostly four in number, but Occasionally five. They vary in length from .94 to i. 06 of an inch, and in breadth from .81 to .96 of an inch. Considerable variations are exhibited in the combinations of markings and tints. The ground color is ordinarily a light greenish-blue, varying from a light to a decided blue, with a somewhat greenish tint. The markings consist of purple, chocolate brown, russet and a decided dark brown. Minn is Carolinensis, Gray. This widely detested and much persecuted species, the Cat Bird, makes its annual visit from the genial climate of Central America, in small flocks during the latter part of April; but more generally in the beginning of May. For some time after its arrival, it seeks sequestered situa- tions, spending much of its time upon the ground OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 29 among underbrush. Seemingly it prefers conceal- ment, if its actions afford any criteria. But later, when the buds begin to burst and the leaves to expand, it becomes less suspicious, and emerges from its obscurity and charms us by the sociability of its manners and the variety and loveliness of its melodies. Its flight is low, moderately firm, slightly un- dulating, and but feebly sustained. Whilst feeding it is both arboreal and terrestrial, but chiefly the latter; never gleaning among the topmost boughs of tall trees, but among low bushes and trees of short stature. During its temporary residence it subsists upon berries and insects. Among the former, the fruits of Juniper us Virgiuiana, Ruhus villosus, Virburnum Icntago, and the seeds of grasses con- stitute an important part of its diet. The flowers of the apple and cherry are often visited for the insects which lurk in them; possibly, the authers and ovaries are as much a source of attraction. A careful examination of the stomachs of many individuals, reveals besides perfect specimens, recognizable fragments of the following insects :- Pangus caligiuosus, Harpalus pcnsyhanicus, H. cornpar, Platyuus cupripcunis, Ptinus humeralis, BostricJius piui, Formica sanguinea Luuibricus tcrrestris and a species of Tulis. The above insects constitute its food early in the season ; but as it advances, and the various dipterous and lepidopterous types of articulate existences come 3O LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS into being, its bill of fare is augmented. Complete specimens of the diptera have been identified, of which Tabcuius lineola, T. cinctus, Mns.ca domestica, Stomoxys f calcitrans, and species of Or tali s and Anlhomya, are ezamples. Among lepidoptera, the larvae of Pieris rapic, Eujitchia ribearia, Gortyna zece, Anisopteryx vernata, and others of the PhalcenoidcBt Clisiocampa Americana, and the smaller Noctuids, Tortricids and Tincids. The Cat Bird's power of memory though circum- scribed and imperfectly exercised, is nevertheless very amusing. The more complicated notes it seldom attempts to copy, for when it does, it sig- nally fails. The note of the Quail, the refrain of the Towhee, the simple strain of the Pewee Fly Catcher, it imitates so faithfully that it is difficult to distinguish them from the original. Besides these, we have heard snatches of soni^s of the o Field and White-throated Sparrows, as well as the surprise notes of the Robin. Unlike the Long- tailed Thrush when it essays a songf, the Cat Bird is not over-nice in its choice of o' position. It generally seeks low bushes and small trees, but will occasionally like the Blue Bird pour forth its choicest strains from the ground, a de o cayed log, or perched upon a fence-rail. It is one of the earliest and most persevering of our song- sters, regaling us with its varied notes, except at brief intervals, during the livelong clay. With its extensive store of notes and meagre knoweledge of the rules of harmony, it but excites amusement OF EASTERN .PENNSYLVANIA. 3! by its mirth-provoking arrangements. Its notes are often well selected; but it occasionably hap- pens that its well-tuned unisons are unavoidably marred, it seems to us, by the introduction of some misplaced or ridiculous passage. The following syllables express a tolerably accurate representation of a portion of the song of what might be deemed a capital singer: — hvur- twe- i-twlch-£wich-twe-i-twiiii, fwa-weet^ kee-fkare^ kwecr, t'wuJi-cIiUk-tuil, pcc-dcc, cJiou, cJic, vise, twin, che-che-che. When alarmed by an intruder, a harsh disagreeable sound which has been likened o to the cry of a cat is heard; this note is also repeated on the approach of any object of fear or disgust. It may be somewhat accurately expressed by the syllable uicvah. When mating is over, much time is spent in selecting a locality for building purposes. The injudiciousness of the selection is not always fore- seen, and a nest is often nearly completed before the mistake is discovered. In this predicament, instead of "making the best of a bad bargain," the birds totally ignore the site for another better suited to their taste. Few species will tolerate for any considerable time the scrutiny of human beings whilst engaged in nest-building, but will rather suspend operations until the annoyance has disappeared. Not so with the Cat Bird; where accustomed to man, it will work fearlessly and resolutely under his very eyes. T.2 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS *-^ • Ordinarily nidification commences about the 1 8th of May. Both birds work diligently during the cooler hours of the morning and evening, until the nest is completed, which is the labor of five or six days. We have known cases where the birds have continued to labor until after dusk, but then on moonlit evenings. We have frequently amused ourselves in watch- ing for hours the building process. When a suitable article has been found, the bird does not fly immediately to the nest arid adjust the piece, but indulges in short flights from one object to an aojoining one, carefully surveying the premises all the while, until within a few paces of the nest, when she rapidly flies thither, and having satis- factorily adjusted it, goes off in quest of other materials. For building purposes a bush or small tree in close proximity to a stream of water is ordinarily selected. The common alder, spice wood, juniper, and wild Rulms, are most commonly chosen for the site of a nest. We have often observed nests upon bushes close by dwellings, and in places where travel was of common daily occurrence. "The usual materials for nests are dried leaves for a base, slender strips of long dark bark, small twigs, herbaceous plants, fine roots, and fine stems. They are lined with fine dry grasses and sedges. The nests average 4 inches in height, by 5 inches in diameter. The diameter and depth of the cavity are 3^ inches." The above description OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 33 has been borrowed from ll Birds of North America" by Baird, Brewer and Ridgway. In many nests which we have examined, there has been a heterogeneous commingling of various vegetable substances constituting an exterior. Leaves of Oucrcus, Fagus, and Populus, steins of Chenopodium album, coarse strips of the outer bark of the vine, inner bark of the poplar, husks of corn, composed the outer fabric. The strips of bark served to bind the other materials firmly * together. A thick layer of rootlets constitute the inner structure. Another nest which we have examined, in addition to the above materials, exhibited frag- ments of vines of Convolvulus ari'eiisis, a species of Bindweed, and the Wild-bean, ^-]/>tos iuberosa\ liber of trees of dingy whiteness, three-fourths of an inch in width ; and discolored pine shavings. Few leaves were noticeable in the exterior. In- teriorly, there was a close lining of the roots and stems of herbaceous plants. In contour, the nest was very irregular, with the base obliquely in- clined to the mouth. The structure bore a near resemblance to the nest of the Maryland Yellow Throat, save that it was somewhat shorter. From its marked deviation from the typical nest which is hemispherical, beautifully symmetrical and moderately compact, \ve presume it. to be the workmanship of vourii>f birds or those of indolent 1 * O habits. The ground-structure of a nest in our possession, c 34 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRD? is mainly composed of the culms of grasses, with a slight int.ersprinkling of leaves and rootlets. Within, there is an excess of the stems of grasses and a few rootlets. The entire fabric is carelessly arranged with little evidence of design. But for the strips of bark that cover the outside, the nest unsupported by the branches upon which it was built, would be shivered to pieces by the gentlest breeze. The most beautiful fabric we have seen was constructed close to a human habitation. The outside of this cozv and beautiful structure is j composed of wool, raw cotton,. strings, fragments of lamp wick, a slight intermixture of tangled silk, fragments of lichen possibly Cenomyce rangiferina, held /// situ by strands of silk. Upon this basis, is built a superstructure of fine rootlets, inter- mingled with patches of wool. For a lining internally, small clichotomously-divided branches of Panic uui capiilarc and wool were used. This nest is the most unique specimen of architecture of the Cat Bird which we have ever seen. Nothing of the kind have we seen described in books. It was certainly the work of superior mechanics. The foregoing fact with others of a similar character which we have noticed, conclusively shows that birds are not the dull routine-loving beings which we have often depicted them to be; such of us as have some pet theory to support. It is evident from a thousand circumstances, that they often reason a-priori from cause to con- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 35 sequences, providently managing with a constant aim for future comfort, convenience and necessity. Let us now recur to other facts of nidification. The nest being completed, which is ordinarily the case in five days, a short time intervenes prior to oviposition. But a single ovum is deposited daily. After the full complement of eggs is laid, the female immediately assumes the duties of incuba- tion, which happen in the beginning of June, and continue for a period ranging from 12 to 13 days. The male bird seldom departs any considerable distance from his partner, except to provide himself and her with food; but we have never known him to relieve her during incubation. Should any being approach the nest, he assails the intruder with commendable boldness. Various species of serpents, particularly the black-snake, the Bascanion constrictor of naturalists, have a de- cided penchant for the eggs of the Cat Bird. On occasions of visits from these' snakes, the birds heedless of their own safety, frequently fly into the very jaws of their enemy. In the case of a human foe, knowing that resistance would be futile, they seek to deter him from any supposed attack by the most discordant cries and frantic gestures. The young are not very fastidious. Earthworms, spiders, diptera, caterpillars of non-irritating prop- erties, together with such berries as the season affords, constitute their fare. In about 12 days after being hatched, the young leave the nest, and in 6 clays more are ready to be initiated into the 36 LIFE-IirsT<>RIES OF BIRDS mysteries of flight. The duties of preceptor necessarily devolve upon the male-parent. A single brood is rear in a season. The you HP* o J - o are the objects of parental solicitude long after they are fitted to look after their own welfare. The autumnal stay of this species is of short duration. It generally retires to the sunny South during the latter part of September. The e^crs are ordinarily four in number, and of oo ^ a uniform deep bluish-green color. They measure .97 in length and .68 of an inch in width. There is one trait which detracts from the character oi this species. Of an exceedingly Jealous and selfish nature, it persecutes in the most violent manner, other species which chance has brought within, its territory. Not unlike the Blue Jay, it has a passion for fresh and will not scruple to tear from their n s the young of other species during the temporary absence of the parent-birds. It is a constant source of an- noyance to the Robin as we well know. An j overweening love ior its youn^ has doubtless Cr atony c Jin s cinereus^ Lachnosterna qncrcina, Tenc- brio inolitor, Sea-rites subtcrranens, Pangns caligi- nosns, Cetonia inda, Chlcenius scriccns and Platynns cupripennis. Among other types were noticed Formica sanguineus, CEdipoda sulpJiurca, CE. nebulosa, Caloptenus femur-rubrum ; later in the 38 LIFE-HISTORIES OF season, the larvae of Anisopteryx vcrnata, Eujltcliia ribcaria and others of the same family, Clisiocampa Americana, Gortyna zecz, Colias pJiilodice, Plar- risina Americana, Callosamia pomonella, besides mature forms of the Tortricids, Tineids and Noc- tuids, which are eagerly hunted and devoured with a gusto. Various berries contribute no mean portion of its diet. The wild-cherry, Rubus villo- sus, Viburnum Lentago, Juniperus Virginiana and y. communis constitute great luxuries. Pairing begins about the 25th of May; but a week elapses before a suitable locality is se- selected for nesting purposes. Ordinarily a brier- bush is chosen as the site of a nest. A pile of brush, as affirmed by Dr. Brewer, is occasionally made the site of a nest. In one instance, we dis- covered a nest snugly hid away among the accumulated leaves within a patch of brier-bushes. This fabric reposed upon the bare soil, and was so artfully concealed, that its presence would have escaped detection, had not the authors unwittingly revealed its whereabouts by their worried move- ments and piteous cries. We have never observed this species to build in close proximity to human habitations. More remote situations are, however, preferred. After the selection of a suitable site, both birds set diligently to work until a nest is completed, which is the result or four of rive days' steady labor. In size, the nest is nearly equal to that of the Red-shouldered Black Bird, Agelams phoeni- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. > and like the same is rudely constructed, but lacks its compactness. In "North American Birds" by Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, it is posi- tively affirmed that the "base is usually made of coarse twigs, sticks and ends of branches, firmly interwoven." A fair sample which we have beside us, and which may be considered as the normal type in our latitude, presents considerable variation. Dry leaves of Qucrcus, Fagus and Castanca sparingly, with the culms and leaf-blades of Phlcnw- pratense the common Timothy, and other grami- naceous plants, in abundance, constitute its basis. These are slightly interwoven; but the firmness of the fabric is due in a oreat measure to the o previous condition of the materials utilized. Moistened with water and plastered with mud, they become firmly agglutinated so as to require great effort to detach them from the fabric. Sticks are but seldom used. The inside is lined with the stems of fine grasses, haying a weather- beaten appearance. Its thickness which is nearly i y^ inches, adds very materially to its firmness. Oviposition is closelyattendant upon nidification, and lasts nearly a week. In the performance of the duties of incubation, the male takes no direct share. Indirectly he aids in providing his partner with food, and in exercising a rigid surveillance over the nest. The period of incubation ranges from 1 3 to 14 days. It is worthy of remark in this connection, that the time depends in an appreci- able degree upon atmospheric mutations. 40 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS The male-parent during- the breeding season is bold and daring, and wreaks instant vengeance o o upon any feathered creature whom presumption and curiosity may have brought within his territory. Both parents are extremely fond of their progeny, and sedulous in their attentions. The larvae of beetles and lepidoptera constitute their early diet. The grubs of Lacknosterna qiicrcina, L. hirticnla, Cratonychus cincrcns, Cotalpa lanigera, and the caterpillars of Anisopteryx vcr- nata, Eufitchia ribearia, Gortyna zca>, Picris rape?, with mature forms of Tortricids and Tineids, dip- tera, and the ordinary earthworm, are notable ar- ticles of food for the young. We have never known more than a single brood to be raised in a season. The younp- are the J O objects of parental care long after they are able to supply their own necessities. The eggs are ordinarily four, sometimes five in number; but never more, according to our ex- perience. The ground-color is white, and marked with reddish-brown spots which are confluent at the larger end. In some specimens these dots constitute a broader annulns around the crown. Dr. Brewer affirms that the ground-color is some- o times a light green. We have never observed this variety in the many specimens which we have seen and examined. Their length varies from ^^ .98 to 1. 1 2 inches, with a mean of 1.05. Their breadth ranges from .77 to .87 of an inch; the mean being .82. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 4! The Brown Thrasher possesses great beauty and variety of song, which is uttered in a loud, clear and emphatic manner. It is never imitative, and can be easily recognized when once heard. It is a steady performer and sings for hours at a time without changing its posture. When in the full glory of song, the presence of a human being upon the scene, does not divert its attention one tittle from the performance. The following sylla- bles will express its song with as much accuracy as is possible for pen to do\--hcc-tu>jf-fwccl, ti-iccct- /?7r, /'7777, /Y//7/Y7777, t^d-tni\ kaw-kaw-kaw-kwoir, tcJiku-ku-ku-, /7c'77777-/Zc'7/, keah-ki, kwcr-kn-oo, kcr- ker-ker-tsl, cJic-clic-che, te-te-wd, pee-pee-pcc, tse-tse- tsc, kee-wd-kd-te-oo-te-oo, ka-iva, keon, koo-koo, t'wa- wect, td-kdrc-^.c~i^d, pcc-wec-te-ti-i^aJi-tc, te-wdh-ti, tiueet, &*c. At no time is this bird gregarious in the strict sense of the word. It arrives singly and departs as it came. When the breeding period is over, the ties which bound the sexes become dissolved, and an overweening love for self, triumphs over every other feeling. The period of departure varies with meteorological and dietetic changes, An abundance of food-stuffs prolongs its stay, while a paucity, on the other hand, perceptibly diminishes it. Ordinarily its retirement takes place in the early part of October. CHAPTER II, Family Saxicolidae. Stone-chats and Blue Birds. The species comprehended in the above family are chiefly residents of the Old World. It is represented in North America by one European straggler, the White-ear or Stone-chat, which reaches the Atlantic coast via Greenland, and the North Pacific by way of Asia; and the familiar Blue Birds which are placed in the genus Sialia of Swainson. Out of the three species which inhabit this Continent, but one inhabits the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Of the others one is an Arctic, and the other a Western species. Sialia Stalls, Baird. The Blue Bird claims more than a passing notice. By its confidence and familiarity it wins our favor and esteem; and few species are more encouraged to build in our yards and orchards. While the Robin and Orioles do immense service in the destruction of numberless insects of inju- rious habits, they offset this good character in a measure, by the mischief which they commit to our fruit-trees in nipping the tender stamens and juicy ovaries of the blossoms, which they relish with apparent satisfaction. Not so with the sub- ject of the present sketch. We can heartily recommend it as the non-possessor of such an unenviable trait. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 43 • A very early visitor, we have often observed it about the middle of February, while the ground was covered with snow, returned from its winter home, to enjoy once more the delights and asso- ciations of its northern habitat. So warmly at- tached to the place in which it has successfully reared its tender broods, it returns thither, year after year, unless driven iwxf per force. Its soft and plaintive notes, produced in a minor key, are singularly pleasing, and awaken a sym- pathetic feeling in the bosom of relentless man. The following syllabic language is a nearly accu- rate representation of the male's song, during the season of courting: — tftr-r-r-r-wa, tur-wuh-tur-r- r-wa, tur-r-r-liweet. His movements while thus engaged are perfectly amusing; after entertaining the female awhile with his best performance, he makes a few oraceful movements in front of »•> her, and then alights to ascertain what effect has been produced upon her. This is repeated at regular intervals, until the female becomes so impressed with his charms, that she is led a will- ing captive. The love of offspring is so strong and predomi- nant, that building-operations are frequently com- menced as early as the loth of March. For thft site of a nest, a decayed branch, the deserted nest of a Woodpecker, or a box which has been put up for its accommodation, is generally selected. In a few instances the security which the above places afford has not been taken advantage of. Nests have 44 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS been found by us, securely located within the forked branch of an apple-tree. Why should the Blue Bird select a hollow or perforated limb for its nest? The answer to this query is not far to reach. Being an early visitor, such situations secure the requisite warmth and shelter for the eggs and young. They also guarantee protection from rapacious birds. But other species of equal size and less brave, nidificate in open and exposed situations, without encounter- ing more than ordinary opposition. The bright azure blue of the female, which is triflingly less than that of her partner, would render he: a con- spicuous object to the keen gaze of rapacious birds. Therefore, to insure security against attack, advantage has been wisely taken of hollows in the trunks and branches of trees. The female Indieo Bird contrasts as favorably o •* with the male. Now this species constructs its nest in thick brier-bushes ordinarily, and fares equally well. May not such bushes secure the same protection? We think they do. From facts which we shall shortly present, we incline to the opinion that in primitive times, hollow trees were more generally chosen than at present, on account of the security which they guaranteed against the predacious attacks of birds and the inclemency of the weather. SialiaMexi- cana, the nearest relative of our eastern species, according to the authorities of Drs. Cooper and Kennedy, are common in our Western Territories OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 45 during the months of. November, December, and January. During" the rigor of these months it cannot be4 doubted but that the species discovers in hollow trees the warmth and shelter which it requires. Many of our winter denizens select similar situations in order to escape the cold. It is worthy of remark here, that these to a consider- able extent, nidificate in like situations. We might instance Lophophanes in color, Pants atricapillus, Certhia Americana, Sitta Carolinensis, and the Pic idee as dwelling in hollow trees during the inclemency of winter, and utilizing similar situa- tions for nesting-purposes. From these data we ariaie that our eastern o species of Blue Bird, learned to build in hollow frees by first using such places for shelter during the inclemency of weather which prevailed on their early arrival; and perceiving the comfort and convenience of such situations, have come to regard them as appropriate quarters for nesting purposes. Thus what was merely accidental, has become intuilivu and habitual. Coming back from this digression, after a judicious selection of locality, the birds set to work to- collect nesting-materials. Soft grasses, hair, feathers, and wool when the latter is obtain- able, are gathered and arranged with little regard to design. The time required seldom exceeds live days at the utmost. Shortly after the com- pletion of the nest, oviposition commences; the usual complement of eggs being laid within a 46 LIFE-HISTORIES OF F.IRDS week. The male occasionally relieves his partner of the duties of incubation. When not thus engaged, he is very attentive to her slightest wishes, and often cheers the monotony of her task by a soft, agreeable warble. He is also now very jealous. Not a bird is permitted to trespass upon his premises; even individuals of the same species are treated with the same incivility. For his tenderness and devotion to his partner, the male is unsurpassed. We were once a witness of the endeavors of a pair of Robins to take forci- ble possession of an apple-tree in which a pair of Blue Birds had located themselves, After re- peated efforts they were compelled to abandon the purpose. The cavity which the Blue Birds occupied, had been in survice for five years; but whether or not by the same birds, we are unable to say; but judging from the strong attachment which the species ordinarily possesses for the scenes of past associations, as evidenced by recorded instances, we feel safe in concluding that either the same pair or some of its progeny had held it during- the aforementioned time. o One of the most inveterate foes with which the Blue Bird has to contend, is the mischievous and half-provoking Mouse Wren, the Troglodytes sEdon of Vicillot. While the former is absent, it enters the nest and either despoils it, or ejects the materials and remains in possession. \Ve have known three broods to be reared in a single season. When the nest has been befouled OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 47 by the first brood, the soiled materials are thrown out, and a fresh supply introduced. Sitting com- mences about the 25th of May, and lasts until the 5th of June; thus making the period of incubation between 1 1 and i 2 days. The young when hatched are alternately fed by each parent. Their food consists of earthworms, diptera, coleopterous and lepidopterous larvae, with berries occasionally when in season. As they increase in size and strength, their bill of fare is augmented. Beetles and moths of the smaller kinds are in great demand. When the young birds are nearly able to shift for themselves, they are entrusted to. the care of the male, while the female busies herself in pre paring for a second brood. Thus it happens that the male is charged with double duty. Upon him devolve the maintenance of his mate and the care of the older children. On their arrival, the Blue Birds subsist principally upon insect-food, yet the few remaining berries of the cedar and common-juniper which may be clinging to their branchlets, together with the seeds of CJicnopo- dium album, Amaranlus albus, ^/. hybridus^ and others, are keenly relished. In the stomachs of several individuals we have discovered traces of Pangus caliginosus, Har pains pcnsylvanicus, Pla- tynus cupripennis, Cratonychus cinereus among beetles; CEdipoda sulphured, CE. nebulosa among orthopter*a, besides ants and earthworms. As the season advances, Mnsca doniestica, Tabanus lineola, 48 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS Stomoxys calcitrans, Scatophago furcata, and the smaller dipterous forms which swarm in the atmosphere and in humid situations; the small Noctidds which welcome returning spring the first, and which delight in waste cr round and thickets; o o the 7 orlricids and Tineids together with the larvae of Eujltchia ribearia, Anisopteryx veniata, Gorlyna zees, liarrisina Americana, many of the Agroii or Cut-worms, Pieris rapes, Colias pJiilodice, and others. For two weeks after its arrival it frequents the borders of thickets and waste fields. Its habits are then terrestrial and gregarious. But as the o o season advances and the trees become clothed in beautiful green foliage, it deserts its former haunts for the habitations of man. The change is evidently determined by the question of food.* The flight of the Blue Bird is low, less firm than the Robin's, and but slightly sustained. The exceptional nest to which we referred above, is composed externally of a few leaves, fragments of tendrils of the vine, stems of grasses and of a species ofSmafits, and horse hair, variously intermingled. Internally there was noticeable, stems of Chenopodium, slender grasses, stems of a species of Poet with the seeds attached, and an intermixture of wool. An interesting episode in the life of this species cannot be out of place. A friend having placed a tomato-can upon an upright post to attract some passing avis, was amply rewarded by OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 49 seeing a pair of the Great-crested Flycatchers occupy it. A nest was soon constructed of leaves, feathers, and human hair, and the ordinary com- plement of eggs deposited. At this crisis, a pair of Blue Birds came upon the scene, and sought to expel the rightful occupants. The Flycatchers made a determined resistance. The property-owner wishing to pre- serve the latter, shot the female Blue Bird, think- ing to put an end to the disturbance. The male instantlv abandoned the contest and flew 4 away. In less than a half-hour he returned with two females and renewred the contest. Victory was soon decided in favor of the Blue Birds. The Flycatchers, however, did not retire until they had thrown out the nesting-materials, a portion of which they afterwards carried away to use elsewhere. After the defeat of the Flycatchers, the male Blue Bird instantly selected a partner from his aids; the unfortunate female retiring into the obscurity whence she came. This fact shows that there are females which necessity compels to lead lives of solitude, and which only enter into matri- monial relationship on the creation of vacancies. The same may be, doubtless, said of the males. Or there may be males and females which prefer a life of celibacy. The proprietor of the premises, perceiving a strong predilection upon the part of the ^Blue Birds for the can, determined to annoy them awhile, 3 D 5O LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS to ascertain the effect of such treatment. He, therefore, fastened a lath over the aperture of the can, and retired to a short distance to watch the result. The birds went to work, and by their per- severing efforts, the piece was soon dislodged. All hindrances being now out of the way, they applied themselves diligently to work, and in a short time raised a brood of five young birds. On this occa- sion it was discovered that the young were fed almost exclusively upon the larvae of Pieris olera- ce autumns, their presence has been missed by the last of September; but, when the weather has been OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 51 very propitious, and there is an abundance of food-stuffs in consequence, the migration has been delayed until the middle of October. Family Sylviidae. Sylvias. The birds constituting this large family are chiefly denizens of the Old World, but sparingly represented in the New. Three subfamilies occur in North America; one of them, Polioptiliuce , peculiar to this country, was formerly associated with the Paridcc, with which it has no special affinity; another, Rcgidincc, is merely warblers with booted tarsi; a third, Syhiintr, constitutes an im- mense assemblage of more than five hundred recorded species. The Syhiiiicc, the typical Old World warblers, is represented in North America by a single Asiatic waif, Kennicott's Sylvia, which was discovered by Dall in our newly acquired territory of Alaska. Subfamily Regulinae. Kinglets. There are about ten species of the following genus resident in Europe, Asia, and America; two of them are quite abundant in our woods and orchards. Regulus calendulas, Licht. The Ruby-crowned Kinglet as the above species is popularly designated, is a permanent resident in this latitude. It is an exceedingly active creature, and has been observed by us from early October until the dawn of June. During 52 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS the dreary winter-months, it frequents the pine- forests along- the Wissahickon, where it meets with food and shelter. Several years of experience have convinced us that hills with a southern exposure are more particularly chosen. It delights in the company of Regulus satrapa, Lophophanes bicolor, Parus atricapillus, Certhia familiaris, Sitta Carolinensis, and Anorthura tro- glodytes which are common in similar situations. Whilst feeding, it is the very impersonation of agility. Its movements contrast most strikingly with its less active convener, the Golden-crowned O ' Kinglet. The tallest tree-tops are its delight, where it may be observed during the entire day, probing within their fissured bark for the eggs and imagos of insects, as the small Picida and Cer- thiida do; occasionally, it maybe seen suspended head downward from the nether surface of a hori- zontal branch, after the fashion of the little Black- capped Titmouse. On occasions of feeding, its movements are hurried; scarcely remaining a minute in the same situation, but moving from branch to branch, and from tree to tree with commendable zeal. Its ilight is ordinarily elevated, firm, and well sustained. In the spring it descends from its lofty eminences, to the low trees and shrubbery along water-courses. It is now less retired, and is a common visitor to our lawns and gardens, attracted to such places by the maple and cherry-blooms that afford convenient lurking-places for the small OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 53 insects upon which it feeds. We think that the tender stamens and unripe ovaries receive their share of attention. Indeed, we are confirmed in this belief, by the discovery of these floral organs within the stomachs of several individuals. In the intervals of feeding, and also when an- noyed, we are reminded of its presence by a loud, sharp, rattling noise, repeated at irregular intervals, and in a hurried, excited manner. These notes may be expressed with considerable accuracy by the syllables kl-kl-kl-kl pitched in a moderately high key, and gradually increasing in intonation to the close. The song of this Kinglet is affirmed to be an agreeable clitty, neither lacking power nor variety; it is but occasionally heard, and then just a brief time before its retirement from the busy haunts of civilized life. Its food varies with the seasons. During the winter it feeds upon the seeds of grasses, with the few insects which it manages to extract from «r> creviced bark. The berries of the common-juniper and the seeds of Amaranius hybridus, Ambrosia artemisicefolia, and various Panicums, constitute its vegetable diet. In the spring, it is eminently insectivorous, and subsists upon Formica san- guinea, Casnonia pennsylvanica Rhynchceus pim> Harpalus cornpar, Mycetocharis basillaris, Platy- nus cupripenniSj Haltica chalybea, Musca domeshca, and Stomoxys calcitrans ; besides the ordinary earthworm. While engaged in the procurement of food, it is 54 LlFE-HISTORiES OF fcIRt>S very tame and unsuspicious, and will permit a near approach without manifesting the least fear. It has often exhibited in our presence, those social traits so characteristic of the House Wren, a very distant relative. During inclement weather and the dreary winter nights, it shelters itself in the deserted nest of some species of woodpecker. When the cold is unusually severe, its presence is conspicuously scarce; but on the return of mild days, it is tolerably abundant. •During the early vernal and autumnal months it freely associates with the song and tree- sparrows, and often condescends to come down from its airy heights, to grovel with the latter; and when sorely pressed will partake of the fare which the kind-hearted cook has thrown out for her feathered pets. We have been informed by Mr. John Strouse, of Chestnut Hill, that males and females of this species have been observed by him during every month of the year. When the warm days of May have returned to o-ladden the earth, it is no longer o o to be seen in our yards; but has retired to the gloomy thickets where it pursues its ever busy life. It, doubtless, breeds amid the forests that crown the hills of the Wissahickon, as it has frequently been seen in them by the gentleman just referred to, during the breeding-period. Much yet remains to be learned concerning the nesting-habits and distribution of this species during the breeding-season. It is discovered at OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 55 varying periods in all parts of North America from the Gulf to the Arctic seas, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean; but its occurrence during the productive period in northern latitudes, indicates with tolerable accuracy the extent of its range. None of our ornithologists have ever met its eggs and nest, and are inclined to believe that it constructs a pensile nest after the manner of its European cousin. Regulus satrapa, Licht. The Golden-crowned Kinglet, like its near con- gener, whose habits have just been described, is a permanent resident. It will be found to nidifi- cate in the tall trees which crown the hills of the stream so often alluded to, as individuals of both sexes apparently paired, have been observed under very suspicious circumstances. When its nest is discovered, we shall venture to assert that it will be found to occupy a cavity in a tree, in some solitary locality, which may be the reason that it has so long escaped detection. In the winter it is an occasional companion of the preceding species; but seems to be more partial to the society of the little Parus atricapiUus. When the one is alarmed and seeks security in flight, or is necessitated to change its base of sup- plies, the other does likewise. On warm sunshiny days in mid-winter, it may often be observed climb- ingalong the horizontal boughs of a tall oak or pine, or clinging to their under surfaces in an inverted 56 LtFE-mSTORlES OF BlRftS manner with the pertinacity of a Creeper, in its search for eggs and small insects. Though a very active creature, it lacks, however, the nimbleness of its cousin, the Ruby-crowned. Scarcity of food impels it to visit our yards, in the company of the Black-cap, where it derives a partial subsistance from the discarded crumbs of the table. Within its natural haunts, it frequents the light of the tallest trees, and can then only be approached with the greatest caution. ' About the time the Red Maple arrays itself in purple gar- ments, this little creature may be seen along the borders of fields, and within our orchards and gardens, in the enjoyment of the most perfect felicity. It is now exceedingly tame and confiden- tial. Though chiefly arboreal in its habits of feeding, in the spring it freely descends from its aerial heights, to seek its food upon terra firma. The small insects which are attracted by the blossoms of the tulip-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), which mani- fest themselves in early June, afford it a rich repast. The ova and larvae found in fissured bark are captured with nearly the skill of a Creeper, and relished with & gusto. The following insects have been found in the stomachs of several individuals which we have examined:- — Cratonychns cinereus, Rhynchceus pini, Bos trie Juts pini, Harpalus compar, Piatynus cupripennis, Dona da metallica Chry- somela c&ruleipennis, besides Formica sanguined. This species is an expert fly- catcher and cap- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 57 tu res insects upon the wing with nearly the skill and address of the Wood Pewee. The smaller diptera and hymenoptera contribute no mean portion of its diet. Its flight is usually lofty, gracefully undulating, rapid, and tolerably well sustained. During its. friendly stay around our dwellings, the only notes wrhich we have heard it essay to utter, may be happily expressed by the syllables tsl-tsi-tsi pronounced very quickly, rather loudly and with a gently rising intonation. It lacks the ability to produce as powerful a note as the species last described. Besides the above, it possesses a succession of pleasing sounds which we have frequently heard during the most in- clement weather in mid-winter, and which have been continued with scarce an intermission for hours together, But little is known respecting its breeding- habits, and its nest and' eggs have never been described. The presumption is that it builds a pensile nest like its European congener, and lays eggs finely sprinkled with buff-colored dots upon a white ground, and nearly equal in size to those of the Humming Bird. It has been inferred that two broods are reared in a season, from the fact that it spends so long a period in its summer abode, and because full-fledo-ed young were seen by Mr. Nuttall as early as May. Family Paridse. Titmice or CJiickadees. This family is distributed over the whole of 58 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS North America, but the crested species are rather Southern, and all but one is Western. They are mostly hardy birds and endure the rigors of win- ter without inconvenience, and, in consequence, are not migratory; musical after their own fashion, active, restless, and heedless of the presence of man. They are very prolific, laying many eggs, and rearing more than a single brood per season. The young closely resemble their parents, and there are seasonal or sexual variations of plumage. Subfamily Parinae. True Titmice. With few exceptions, they are birds of the Northern Hemisphere, and abound in Europe, Asia and North America. Larger proportion of the genera and species occupy the Old World; all these occur within our limits, except Psaltri- parus melanotis and Pants meridional-is, two Mex- ican species, which have been recently compre- hended in our systematic works; the former is a distinctive and beautiful species, while the latter is probably only a seasonal variety of Pants atricapilhis.. LophopJiancs bi color, Bonap. The habits of the Crested Titmouse differ very materially, in some respects, from those of Parits atncapillus. It is a solitary and retired species, seldom venturing within the domains of man, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 59 where its near ally loves to congregate with snow- birds, for the refuse-matter of the kitchen. The topmost boughs of the tallest trees in its natural haunts, are its delight, because there it is out of danger, and can feed upon the eggs, larvae and small insects which are found in creviced bark, with perfect complacency. It is very shy and can be approached only with great difficulty. In quest of food, its movements are imitative of the Ccrthiidce and Muscicapidc?. Being very agile, it moves along the branches with facility, now above and then suspended head downward; and ever and anon, darts forward with the utmost celerity to seize some luckless fly or beetle as it flits by on rapid wings. According to the authority of Mr. Ridgway, this Titmouse is pre-eminently gregarious, and often becomes a "positive nui- sance' from its vehement scolding as it appears to follow the hunter in troops through the woods. In our latitude we have always found it solitary. A noticeable feature is its protracted silence in the intervals of feeding. *Its disposition to congregate with other species of birds, is chiefly noticeable during the spring and autumn, when the tide of migration has set northward. There are but few of our permanent residents that are thus addicted. We have ob- served that some which have always been regarded as eminently gregarious in certain quarters, are gradually losing this tendency, and usually pass the winter in flocks of n half dozen 60 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS while foraging, and even in isolated pairs. The Kinglets and our common Chickadee very often travel and feed in pairs; but the Cedar Bird which is a common as well as a variable species, often collects in flocks of fifties and sixties; but this is an exceptional illustration. Where food is abundant, this disposition to flock is easily ac- counted for; but when there is a scarcity, and only obtainable under great difficulties, it is not strange a solitary life should be preferred. So extremely shy is this species, that even the slightest rustling of the forest leaves will inspire fear and lead to its hasty departure. When wounded or in danger of being captured, the most determined opposition is exhibited. With glisten- ing eyes of anger and extended claws, it bids defiance to its assailants. Its lack of song while dwelling in our midst, may possibly be attributed to the life of solitude which it leads. Later, when the benignant influ- ences of returning spring sends the blood tingling through its accustomed channels, this Titmouse will frequently pause from its insect-pursuing labors, and essay a few notes which are uttered in aloud distant manner, and resemble peto-petd-peto. We have never heard its full song which it prob- ably utters in its more northern habitat, where it delights to nidificate. Mr. Nuttall describes it as representing the syllables whip-tom-killy-kUly-day- day-da-it-tschica-dee-dec varied with kal-tee-did-did- did, etc. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 6 1 During inclement weather, it spends the day and night in hollows of decayed trees or deserted holes of Woodpeckers, and in such localities de- lights to place its nest, and has often been known to excavate a place in hard wood for this purpose. The nest is but a rude lining of soft, warm materials. A single brood is reared in a season. As soon as fledged, the young hunt in common with their parents and remain associated with them until spring. The eggs are round-oval, densely sprinkled with minute brownish dots, interspersed with larger spots of lilac upon a white back-ground. From 6 to 8 constitute a sitting, which average .74 inches in length and .56 in breadth. Its flight is lofty, moderately firm and well sustained. The food consists of the eggs, larvae, arid ima- p-os of Craionychus ciucreus, and perfect insects, of C. pertinax, Harpalus pensylvanicus, PI at y mis cupripennis, Bostrichus pini, and Formica sanguined. Tfye seeds of various grasses constitute its vege- table diet. Pants atricapillus, Linn. The habits of the Black-capped Titmouse as this species is commonly called, are so well known as scarcely to need more than a passing notice. It is a permanent resident in our latitude. Though a lover of woodland retreats and scenery, it often ventures in the heart of winter into our yards, 62 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS and ingratiates itself into our favor and esteem by its familiar manners and winning actions; becoming so tame and fearless as even to visit our very door- ways for the crumbs which have fallen from the table, unheedful of the near approach of human beings. Again, it will descend to the ground and mingle with the common barn- yard fowls for its share of cracked corn. If the wood-house door is carelessly left open, it will gratify its curiosity by entering, and having satis- fied it quietly retire. Its appetite at these times is far from being fastidious. Almost all things O £> edible are devoured with avidity; even the bacon which is used to grease the saw, and which is a noticeable feature of every wood-house, disappears before its keen appetite. Within its sylvan retreats it is more retired. Few species are more active in the pursuit of insects than the subject of the present sketch. It is the very impersonation of agility, and combines in a remarkable manner the twofold character of an expert Creeper and skillful Flycatcher; mov- ing circuitously up the trunk and along the horizontal branches, freely suspending itself in an inverted manner by the aid of its claws, with the nimbleness and gracefulness Of the Brown o Creeper. Ever restless it moves with rapidity from tree to tree. Unlike the Crested Titmouse, it generally travels in pairs which prove to be male and female. If either in its eager pursuit of food, unknowingly OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 63 strays from the other, as soon as it becomes con- scious of the fact, it utters its usual call-notes which are instantly responded to by the other, when within hearing distance. A similar succes- sion of notes is heard when a booty is discovered to which it desires to summon the other. We are informed by a friend of considerable experience, and whose reliability is unquestioned, that other species frequently respond to these calls. Its flight is high, well sustained, and character- ized by notable firmness and celerity. The syllables tsckica-dee-dee-dee repeated quite loudly and with a clear, distinct, and resonant ex- pression, are often heard in the intervals of feeding. Whet* alarmed even by the movements of the squirrel or other small animals, these notes are exchanged for the hoarse cries of day-day-day which are often taken up by many individuals at once, producing a perfect medley of inharmonious sounds. The food of the Black-cap consists principally of insects. Their eggs, larvce and images are sought after and devoured with avidity. Even chrysalides, however large, do not resist its assaults. The following beetles constitute a con- spicuous portion of its diet: — Rynchceus pint, Bos- trichus pini, Cratonychus coinpar, C/iryso.meia cceruleipennis, Platynus cnpripennis, Harpalus cal- iginosns, and others. Among lepicloptera, Clisio- campa Americana, Anisopteryx vcrnata and other geometers, besides many of the Noctnidcc and 64 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS TortricidcC) both in the larval and pupal stages, are eagerly devoured. The period of nidification commences during the latter part of April, or the beginning of May. For the accommodation of a nest, the hollow of a decayed tree is ordinarily selected. When this is not to be obtained, the birds will not hesitate at much expense of time and labor, to excavate one either in decayed or solid wood. We have never known it to build in trees in close proximity to human habitations, but always in well-woocled regions. That feeling of sociability which charac- terized the species during the inclement weather of winter, is now merged into the all-absorbing one of paternity. The nest is a warm, soft, felted mass of hair and fur of small quadrupeds and down of birds; fine, dry grasses and mosses line the cavity, wrhich are placed and contracted into a purse-like opening when the cavity is unnecessarily large. The period of incubation has not been definitely determined, but we are inclined to the opinion that it does not exceed 10 days. The young birds are objects of the tenderest solicitude upon the parental part. When the nest is assailed by other than human enemies, the most determined perti- tinacity and bravery are displayed; but in the case of a human foe, the parents remain silent and passive spectators of the violence committed. A single brood is raised in a season, according to o o our experience; although some ornithologists consider the species double-brooded. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 65 The eggs never exceed eight in number. The ground-color is white, with reddish-brown marks which are sometimes gathered into a rin^ around <_> o the larger end; in others, the spots equally dis- tributed over the entire surface. Length on an average is .58 inches and width .46. A singular decree of affection subsists between «_> o the sexes, which is marked by the most endearing attentions and earnest efforts to promote each other's happiness. We have remarked that in severe winters some individuals forsake their natural haunts, driven by necessity for those of man, but afterwards re- turn thither on the approach of mild weather; but in the last great work on the birds of North America, we are told that a post or hollow tree contiguous to human habitations, are occasionally selected for nidificating purposes. This fact does not accord with our experience. Perhaps, in cer- tain sections where the forests have disappeared before the face of an advancing civilization, this is the case; but, in situations where nature has not been interfered with, and still retains its primitive form and grandeur, the old order of things pre- vails, obviously, for the security thus afforded. Such situations almost in immediate presence of man, once chosen, would continue to be occupied so lon^ as the conditions of the environment re- o main unaltered. Family Sittidse. Nuthatches. These birds differ in so many particulars from 66 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS the Creepers and Titmice, with both of which they have been affiliated, that Dr. Elliott Coues pre- ferred to give them an independent family rank. They are the most active and adroit of creepers, and scramble about and hang in every conceivable position, and even without the support of the tail, but by the aid of the entire' tarsus. They are principally insectivorous, but readily subsist on hard fruits, and receive their English appellation from their habit of fastening nuts and seeds in the crevices of bark and hammering with the bill until broken. They are active, restless, and soci- able creatures, and chiefly gregarious. This family contains no less than 30 species; among them exists a single remarkable Madagas- car form, Hypherpes; the genus Sittella indigenous to Australia, and one confined to New Zealand, Acanthisitta. It is chieliy represented by Sitta, which embraces from 12 to 14 species; 8 or 9 of which are European, while the remainder are confined to this country; one of the latter being found in this latitude. Sitia Carolinensis, Gmelin. Few species display greater activity than the Carolina Nuthatch, whose habits we shall now portray. From early morning until sunset, it is busy gathering food. Its winding movements up the trunks and alontr the horizontal branches of o trees, and the' inverted suspensory position which it readily assumes, ally it in habits very closely to OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 67 the Certhiidce\ still there are some points of re: semblance to the Picidce. Like the latter, it is occasionally seen to tap the bark of trees, then to assume a listening attitude as if to discover the whereabouts of some undermining larva, which, if successful, it endeavors to transfix by its sharp bill. Unlike the species whose history we have just described, this Nuthatch is very shy, and loves retirement. It prefers the solitude of dry, high thickets to the noise and bustle of civilized life. We have never known it to desert its solitary haunts for those of man, even during the most rigorous winters. Isolated individuals sometimes occur, but most generally males and females are seen together. The same devotion characterizes o the sexes as those of the little Pants atricapillus. Whilst engaged in feeding, it frequents the uppermost and middle branches of tall trees, seldom descending to the lower branches, as is the case with our common Brown Creeper. During the winter, great numbers of the ova and larvae of coleoptera which occupy the crevices of bark, and fully developed elaters and buprestians, the Elatcr cincrcus of \Yeber now referred to the genus CratonychuS) and Buprestis Virginica of Drury, also referred to the genus Chalcophora by Dr. Leconte, constitute an important part of its diet. As winter lapses into spring, and insect-life becomes more plentiful, its bill of fare is consider- ably enlarged ; Cr atony chus pertinax, Rhynchceus 68 LIFE-IJ I. STORIES OF BIRDS pint, Bos trie Jius piiii, Chrysomela cceruleipennis, Buprestis lurida, among beetles, and Formica san- guinca, among hymenoptera. Whilst feeding, the male keeps up his peculiar nasal cry of honk-honk^ repeating it at irregular intervals as he climbs around the trunks and over the branches of trees. In the spring when the tulip-poplar is in blos- som, it is a constant visitor thereto, for the small insects which have been attracted thither by the honey of its flowers. Its cone-like seed vessels are freely visited during the winter for the seeds which they contain. It has been supposed by some writers, that this species like its European congener, collects and stores away the fruits of nut-bearing trees. This fact cannot be disputed if we are to rely upon the ' statement of Mr. Strouse, of Chestnut Hill. He informs us that he has observed the fruits of various species of Quercus very securely wedged in between the bark and outer woody layers of trees, and Nut- hatches in such positions as to lead to the suspi- cion that they had placed them there. From many years of experience, we are satis- fied that the species does not breed in our latitude. We are told by Dr. Brewer that the birds labor together in the construction of a cavity for a nest; one carrying away the chips while the other is en- gaged in the perforation, and vic&versa. The nest is not unfrequently placed at a depth varying from 15 to 20 inches, and is composed of warm and \ OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 69 soft materials, such as fur, clown, hair, and feathers, somewhat loosely thrown together. Soon after the young are hatched, we are told by the same authority, that they climb to the opening to re- ceive their food, and even venture upon the trunks to try their legs and claws, before their alar ap- pendages are prepared for use; then retire at night. The eggs present a beautiful roseate tinge when fresh, and also a reddish hue from the spots and blotches of ferruginous and purplish with which they are closely covered; these markings vary in size, from fine points to well-marked blotches. The average demensions are .80 by .62 of an inch. As we have never met the Red-bellied Nuthatch, a near kin of the preceding, in our latitude, we pass on to the next Family which has representa- tives in our fauna. • » Family Certhiidae. Creepers. • This is a very small and well characterized group of a dozen species included in four or five genera, which fail into two subfamilies; one of these is TichodromincB represented by the Eu- ropean creeper, and a small number of species chiefly Australian of the genus Ctimacteris; while the genus Certhia embracing five or six species and varieties, inclusive of one or two allied genera, chiefly belonging to the Old World, constitute the 7O LIFE-HISTORIES OE BIRDS Subfamily Certhiinae. Typical Creepers. Our representative species may be readily re- cognized by its stiff acuminate tail-feathers like a woodpecker's. It is a restless little creature which obtains a living by picking insects from the crevices of bark. In scrambling about, the tail serves as a support. Certhia familiaris, Vieillot. This Creeper is one of our commonest winter occupants. It is almost exclusively confined to dense forests, remote from human habitations. It has been said by Dr. Brewer to visit the haunts of man in the city of Boston, during the winter, where it manifests all the tameness and confidence of Pa- rus atricapillns. We have yet to record a single instance in which it has shown such trustfulness. It has always proved itself, according to our obser- vations, to be a very suspicious and retired species, seeming to shun rather than to court man's society. Fond of the society of the common Chickadee and the smaller Picidce, among which it is usually found, and despising the companionship of its own kith and kin, its character appears singular and exceptional. Instances are known to us where in- dividuals have led a comparatively solitary and iso- lated existence. It is a curious and interesting fact, that its fondness for stranger species, closes with the return ot night. The following testimony shows this to be the case. In a dense thicket called "Dunnett's Woods," on the outskirts of Phil- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 71 adelphia, stands a certain hollow birch-tree, which has afforded lodoqnors for a half-dozen individuals o o of this species, for several successive winters. On the return of night, the birds will precipitate them- selves into the cavity, and closely huddle en masse, until day-break. This habit is not the teaching of a mere blind instinct, but the prompt- ing of a reason, similar in kind but different in degree from that which human beings possess. Why so many seek the same cavity is a question which presents itself for solution. May it not be that the above number constitutes the* entire family, parents and offspring of the preceding season? As a birch-tree is frequently selected for the site of the nest, this fact lends some aid to the foregoing supposition. Another query offers itself for consideration. Why does this species lead a solitary life during the prevalence of winter, and seldom, if ever, hunting in pairs as is the case with Pants atricapilliis, but generally found associated with the latter, and the smaller Picidcz? The answer must necessarily be of a speculative character. The facility with which Woodpeckers discern the lurking places of insects, doubtless, is the cause of this singular association. Experience has taught it the wisdom of such as- sociations, and the advantages which flow there- from. That its selfish propensities should frequently triumph over its better nature, need not be a mat- ter of much surprise. When there is a scarcity of food and its procurement is attended with con- 72 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS siderable difficulty, it is natural that the feeling of affection so strong and ardent during the breeding season, should be temporarily merged into the all- absorbing pursuit of the means of support. Whilst securely intent upon feeding, the faintest noise is instantly perceived. When apprised of its cause, and danger is imminent, retreat is precipi- tate. We have often been amused while watching its movements on descrying a human being. As though unperceived, or thinking to conceal itself, on such occasions it would pass round to the op- posite side of the tree from him, and by an almost vertical course, direct its way to the topmost boughs, and, then, as if actuated by a sudden im- pulse, fly quickly away. During the rigor of winter, the eggs, larvae and imagos of coleoptera which it manages to draw from the cracks of bark, constitute mainly its diet, We have frequently seen it upon the evergreen branches of the hemlock, spruce, and the yellow- birch, feeding upon the seeds which occupy the loose cones of the former and the catkins of the latter. Later in winter and during the early spring diverse beetles are eagerly devoured. We have found in the stomachs ol several individuals the remains of Cratonychus cinercus, C.pertinax, Rhyn- ch&us pini, Bostrichns pini, Platymis aipripennis, Har pains com par, Formica sanguinea and F. sub- terranea. In its rapid movements from tree to tree in quest of insects, we are reminded of its presence by its OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 73 peculiar cry which may be quite accurately ex- pressed by the syllables krce-krcc-krcc-krc-cp, pro- nounced sharply and hurriedly. Although a com- mon winter resident, it does not remain long enough in the spring to gladden us with a song. Its nest in more northern latitudes consists of a loose aggregation of soft warm materials, such as the fur of small animals, and feathers, with an in- termingling of decayed wrood, but with so little consistency of form as to render removal without violating the structure, utterly impossible; it is placed in the deserted holes of the Woodpeckers, and in the rotten stumps and branches of trees. The birds are strongly attached to their nest, and are reluctant to leave it even when assailed by human enemies. When rilled of their treasure, they hover around the head of the delinquent, uttering the most reproachful cries. Not a trace of timidity is discoverable durinp- such times, but an exhibition o of the most reckless devotion. The eggs, when compared with the size of the bird, are proportionally small. Tfcey are almost oval in configuration, and display a sprinkling of small minute reddish-brown spots upon a grayish- white back-ground. They measure .55 by .43 of an inch. Family Troglodytidae. // ^retis. This family embraces a number of forms ex- ceedingly variable and difficult of precise definition. They are intimately related to the last two fami- 74 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS / lies, but are distinguished therefrom by the non-acuminate tail-feathers and exposed nostrils. The Troglodytidcz, with the exclusion of the Old World forms which are ranked with the Wrens, and which are better assigned elsewhere; and excepting the European Wren and its congeners, are limited to America. There are one hundred recognized specie-s belonging to sixteen genera or subgenera, mostly tropical American. Of the North American forms, three genera are exclu- o sively western, while species of all our other genera, are common eastern birds. Thryothorus ludovicianus, Bonaparte. The above species which is commonly surnamed the Mocking Wren from its remarkable powers of mimicry, is not a rare visitor in our latitude, and has been observed on frequent occasions. In Delaware County, Pa., it is quite abundant during breeding-period, from which we infer that it breeds there. Like its congeners, it displays a lack of shyness and timidity, and permits a near approach without fear or alarm. The food of the Carolina Wren consists mainly of coleoptera, diptera, lepidopterous larvae and the small forms of neuropterous life which inhabit low aqueous situations, besides the seeds of grami- naceous plants, and the berries of Juniperus Vir- gimana. It is noted for the variety and power of its song. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 75 Remarkably imitative, the rattle of the Kingfisher, the liveliness of the Tufted Titmouse, the refrain of the Ground Robin, with the notes of the Grakles, Meadow Lark, and Blue Bird, are produced with astomsning exactness. Nidification commences about the beginning of June. Low swampy grounds ordinarily surround the tree which marks the site of the nest. This experience agrees with Audubon's. Instances have been recorded of nests beincr built in close o proximity to human dwellings; butthese are, doubt- less, exceptional occurrences. The cavity which is occupied, measures five or six inches in depth; and the entrance is just large enough to admit but one bird at a time. The materials employed are leaves, hay, grasses, horse-hair, and feathers, on the ex- terior, with a warm and soft lining of hair and «^> feathers. We have never known more than a sin- gle brood to be reared in a season, although the experience of others proves the species to be oc- casionally triple-brooded. The fact that sequestered situations are chosen for nidihcating-purposes, is not always proof that a species is shy. Both before breeding and after it, we have observed birds in retired situations, and have not seen the least betrayal of timidity. In primeval times, when dense forests and impene- trable underbrush covered what is now arable ground, there was no choice of locality; but since their disappearance by the magic wand of civiliza- tion, some have deserted their natural haunts for 76 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS those of man, but the majority still linger in the "old beaten ruts of habit." It is probable as the en- croachment of civilization still advances, and sylvan scenes become transformed into fertile fields, the species will embrace the altered conditions, and by frequent intercourses with the " lords of creation," learn to regard them in the same lio-ht as the little o o House Wren which is the very impersonation of sociability. As before remarked, the Mocking Wren's nest is ordinarily placed within hollow trees and stumps, and occasionally in open situations, with no other covering than what the foliar appendages of bushes can give. When a cavity is chosen which does not secure the requisite protection and immunity from inclement weather and excessive heat, an artificial covering is appended. The eggs are usually 6 or 7 in number, and vary in dimensions and configuration. They are spheroidal-oval in shape, and measure .75 10.70 of an inch inlenpth; the o-reatest breadth bein^ .60 c> o o to .65. The ground-color is reddish- white with blotches of purple and reddish-brown, thickly and pretty equally diffused over the outer surface. Troglodytes among orthoptera; liar pains pensylv animus, H. coinpar, Platynus cupripennis, Bosti'icJius pini, Chry- soniela c&ruleipennis, among coleopters ; Formica sanguined) and F. subterranea, among hymenoptera ; Syrphus obscurus, Tabamts lincola, Stomoxys calci- trans, Culcx ttcniorJiyncJuts, and other dipterous forms ; and Eufitchia ribcaria, Anisopteryx vcrnata, CUsiccainpa Americana, and various species of lar- val Nocluids and Tortricids. The son j i sharp key. The following syllables express with tolerable accuracy its literal representation:- — iivii- /; t .'/ /- twit- fck tun- //a •;/- tuii-ke-ak-twoo-fai >c-kcah . Its ordinary call note is a simple livit. When pro- voked its cry resembles twlt-l-chee. The notes of affection which the male addresses to his partner, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 8 1 are lull- twit-twit ; disgust and petulence by chee- chee-tcheep. The song of the young is repre- sented in syllabic language by twit~ti-ti-ti, twili-twi- tzui-twi. Throughout its entire stay, it is the same cool, intrepid, and saucy little creature. Far from manifesting any shyness, it seems to prefer the society of man, for the many advantages which aresecured. Secluded situations are seldom chosen for nidification. During the latter part of Sep- tember, sometimes earlier, it repairs to its winter- quarters, long before its appropriate food-stuffs have become scarce. The eggs are from seven to nine in number, round-oval in configuration, and nearly as broad as long in some instances. They are usually colored white, and marked with fine points of reddish-brown, with occasional purplish ones so as to conceal the ground-color. Some are .60 inches in length by .55 in breadth; others measure .65 inches in length with the same breadth. Anorthura troglodytes, Rennie. In our latitude, the Winter Wren is quite com- mon during its winter stay. Within the small val- leys along the Wissahickon, it has been frequently observed at this time. It leads a solitary existence ; its chances of subsistence being thereby consider- ably enhanced. Unlike the Golden-crowned Regulus, and its nearest congener, previously described, which forage among the topmost boughs of the tallest F 82 LIFK-lIISTOKIi:S ( >!• HlkD.s trees, the subject of our sketch seldom aspires to such loftiness, but rather delights in low situations, where amon<>- the small bushes that line our water- o courses, it derives a scanty and precarious subsis- tence; these places it occasionally deserts for a pile of brush, or the prostrate trunk of a decayed tree. The larvae and small beetles which are found in decomposed wood, constitute an essential part of its food; the debris which accumulates in such places, affording a suitable nidus for insects. When there is a paucity of the latter, the seeds of various plants, particularly those of asters and panicums, are devoured with avidity. In valleys having a southern exposure and hemmed in by high hills, we have seen both males and females, but always isolated from each other. It is well known that animals are prone to congre- gate in times of plenty; but when a scarcity of food-stuffs prevails, a disposition to dissolve into small parties, or pairs, or even into solitary indi- viduals, exists. In view of these facts, may it not be inferred that the subject under consideration, has been brought to its present mode of living, in conformity to the scarcity of nutrient materials in its environment? Solitary individuals in their "struggle for existence," would thus be better able to survive. When spring approaches, the sexes freely as- sociate. Pairing, however, does not take place until the breeding district has been reached. According to the opinions of leading' ornitholo- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 83 gists, this Wren breeds in mountainous places. Mr. Audubon in his rambles, never discovered but a single nest; and this he found in a hollow o protuberance overgrown with mosses and lichens which presented to the eye of a spectator, even at a short distance, the semblance of an excrescence. This nest was discovered in a dense forest in the state of Pennsylvania. In the small valleys which nestle among the hills of the Wissahickon, paired individuals have been seen late in the spring, when most of our resident species are engaged in nidiiication or incubation; from which we have been led to infer that a few individuals possibly remain to breed; but we have never discovered the slightest evi- o dence of a nest. A nest of this bird met with by Mr. William F. Hall in the central-eastern portion of Maine, is described as being "built in an unoccupied log-hut among fir-leaves and mosses, in a crevice between the logs," and was composed exteriorly of mosses, and lined internally with the fur of small quadru- peds and the feathers of birds. It was pouch- shaped with a neatly-framed entrance constructed of pine sticks. I he walls were firmly impacted and interwoven, with a thickness of two inches; and the cavity possessed a width of one and a quarter inches, and a depth of four inches. The eggs are ordinarily six in number, and measure .64 of an inch in length by .48 in width. They resemble slightly those of the Black-capped 84 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS Titmouse, and compared with its European congener are larger, less oval, and possess spots characterized by greater distinctness. Their ground-color is white which is spotted with clear reddish-brown and indistinct markings of purplish- slate. • Its earliest appearance dates from the beginning of November. During the prevalence of unusually severe weather, which often occurs in the months of January and February, many individuals are driven from their coverts when the ground is covered with snow, and there is a consequent scarcity of food-stuffs, to seek the abodes of man. During its stay it is devoid of song. Auclubon describes its sontr as being- full of force and o o> melody, and superior to that of any bird of a similar size of his acquaintance. Its power of endurance is affirmed to be truly astonishing. Telmatodytes palustris. Baird. The long-billed Marsh Wren as we popularly designate this species, is occasionally met with in Eastern Pennsylvania, and delights in marshy situ- ations. Among the tall sedges and grasses that thickly border the streams of Southern New Jersey, however, it is uncommonly abundant. But in the salt-water marshes of Atlantic County, of the same State, which extend landward from the beach for nearly a half-mile, it occurs in vaster numbers. Within an acre of territory at least fifty nests have been counted of recent construction. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 8$ In July, 1874, during a second visit, many oc- cupied nests were seen with many others that showed evidences of recent occupancy. As this species reaches its breeding-quarters early in May, and instantly repairs to nest-building, it is safe to affirm that these constituted second broods; the first having already matured and quitted their nests. From the character of the situation and its re- moteness from human habitations, it might be sup- posed that this Wren is exceedingly shy and timid. But this is no argument for timidity. Our ex- perience clearly shows its unsuspicious character, as in frequent instances we have been permitted to approach within a few paces of birds, as they gracefully swayed to and fro upon the flexible reeds. It is probable that the species prefers marshy situations on account of the advantages which o they secure, so far as food-stuffs are concerned. Its appropriate articles of diet consist of aquatic insects as mosquitos and libellulas, besides small mollusks. In " North American Birds," the nest is described as being built in low bushes, but a few feet from the ground. Howsoever accu rately this description may apply to some localities, it differs from our general experience. In a single instance we have observed a nest built upon a bush. In details of structure, all the nests which we have seen and examined to the number of fifty, compare favor- ably with the published description of the nest of Cistothorus stellaris, in the work just mentioned. 86 LIFE-HISTORIES OF lURDS We are positive upon this point, for the follow- ing reasons. The occupancy of nests by the Long-billed Marsh Wren; the presence of eggs thickly marked with blotches and spots of a deep chocolate brown, so as to present an almost uni- form color so strikingly constrastive with the pure white eggs of C. stcllaris ; and, lastly, the great numbers of T.palustris everywhere seen ; form an array of evidence not to be lightly considered. It may be argued that the nest of a very close ally has been forcibly taken possession of. The absence of any positive knowledge tending to show the existence of such a pilfering propensity, nulli- fies any such presumption. It is true that the cavity which a hard-working Woodpecker has constructed at infinite pains, is appropriated by a different species, in a few instances. But we have yet to meet with a case, for example, where the Baltimore Oriole has stolen and occupied the nest of Icterus spnrins. This would bean anomalous occurrence. Birds, as a rule which admits of no variations, prefer their own workmanship to those of strangers'. The typical nest ot this species is described as beincr "made externally of coarse sedo-es firmly O J O J interwoven, the interstices being cemented with clay or mud." Further, it is saicl, "a small, round orifice is left in one side for entrance; the upper side of which is also protected from the rain by a projecting ledge." Audubon describes it as built amonsf sedges, <*> *> OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 87 and ordinarily partially constructed of the sedges among which it is placed. So far his description agrees substantially with our experience. In a criticism of Audubon's description, Dr. Brewer says, "in the localities in which they' (T. palustris) "breed near the coast, being subject to irregular heights of tides, it could not be done o o with safety." With no wish to dispute the truth of this last statement, coming as it does from such high authority, our plea for so doing as necessitated by facts, is an earnest desire that truth and jus- tice shall prevail. Our experience confirms Audubon's published statement. As nidificating habits vary in particu- lar localities, in correspondence, with surrounding conditions, this fact will, doubtless, reconcile the two statements. It seems to us that irregularities o in tidal elevation cannot materially aftect nidifica- tion. The nests which we have examined were mostly built in tussocks of sedges, at elevations varying from two to two and a half feet, and thickly and compactly made of interwoven grasses, with a dense lining of feathers, almost proof against the permeation of water. Before us is a fabric which was built in a tus- sock of sedores, at an elevation of two feet above o the marshy ground. It was completely enveloped by sedges, many of which were woven into its structure. In shape, it resembles a cocoanut, and is nearly of the size of a fair specimen. The 88 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS. aperture is located near the top, and in some specimens is almost entirely hidden by the en- veloping sedges, which at this point are closely arranged. On entering, the sedges are pushed aside, and carefully re-adjusted when the bird is once in the nest. On retiring therefrom, the o modus opcrandi is analogous. Exteriorly, the nest is constituted of the foliar appendages of Scirpus maritimus ; interiorly, of the leaves of grasses of remarkable fineness; the dermis of weeds in broad patches; and over all, a mixture of soft feathers and wool. While most of the nests we have examined, correspond in the main with the above description, we have noticed occasional exceptions. A nest in our collection bears a very close resemblance to that of Gcothlypis trickas, in being nearly oven- shape. The opening occupies the anterior aspect, and has a breadth of two inches. The materials which enter into its composition, vary but little on the exterior from the typical form, but, within, they consist of fine grasses and silk-like threads of vegetable origin. The peculiar shape of the nest leads us to infer the character of its site which we have reason to believe was a cavity in the earth, perhaps, at the base of a clump of grasses. The flight of this Wren is ordinarily low and but slightly sustained; having much in common with the other members of its family. Its food consists of the larvae of aquatic insects which are found abundantly in its natural haunts; OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 89 mature forms of Tabanus lineola, T. cinctus, Tip- ula ferruginca, Culex t&niorhyncJms, among diptera ; and Anisopteryx vernata, Clisiocampa Americana, Spilosoma Virginica, S. acrcra, and many of the Noctuidcs and Lycccnidoe, in the con- dition of images ; besides coleoptera and minute mollusks. The note of the Long-billed Marsh Wren is a harsh, grating cry, lacking in power and harmony, and resembling more nearly the sounds of an insect than those of a bird. It is an early, autumnal migrant, usually retir- ing to its winter quarters in the beginning of September, long anterior to the growing scarcity of food-stuffs. The eggs of this species range from six to nine in number, are oval in shape, but occasionally spheroidal. They are thickly marked with blotches of a deep chocolate-brown, so as to present an almost uniform appearance. The average length is .65 of an inch, and breadth ,50. CHAPTER III. Family Sylvicolidae. American Warblers. All the Sylvicolas are small birds not one being over six inches in length, if we except Ictcria and probably a species of Seiurus. They are mostly clad in variegated colors. The sexes are gener- ally unlike, and the variations of plumage so striking with respect to age and season of the year, that most careful discrimination is absolutely essential. Some of the Warblers possess the habits of Titmice or Wrens; others, imitate the Creepers or Nuthatches; the Seinri,\\\ many par- ticulars, resemble the Titlarks; while the Redstarts simulate so completely the true Flycatchers, that they were formerly classified with the Tyrannidce. The Warblers graduate so completely into the Tanagers, that they have been constituted a sub- family of Tanagridtz; their affinity with the Ccsrebidce is so intimate, that a clear line of de- marcation is not possible. The Sylvicolidtz as now constituted, comprehend •more than a hundred genuine species, and in America to which they are restricted, may be con- sidered as representative of the Sylviidce of the Old World. Dr. Coues separates them into three subfamilies: — Sylvicolince, Icteriince, and Setopha- gina' which are distinguished from each other by certain structural peculiarities. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 9! Subfamily Sylvicolinse. Warblers. The above group is especially characteristic of North America; the entire genera with the major part of the species, being summer residents, which mostly winter in Mexico, West Indies, and Cen- tral America. The genus Dendrceca is character- istic of the Eastern United States. They may be classed as creeping warblers which have the poste- rior digit longer than its claw, and the anterior toes more completely united at base than in other types ; ground warblers with the feet relatively stouter than the remainder; worm-eating warblers which are devoid of rictal bristles; and wood warblers par excellence. They are all strictly insectivorous, possess some ability as songsters, particularly in springtime, and are, also, migratory. Mniotilta varia, Vieillot. This happy and genial Warbler which is known in common parlance as the Black and White Creeper, revisits us during the early part of May, and, doubtless, breeds in our midst; although we have never been able to discover the situation of its nest. In o-eneral habits it closely resembles the o * Certliiidce, while its song which is a pleasing yet somewhat monotonous ditty, bespeaks it a posi- tion amonp- the Warblers. o Its movements whilst feeding, recall tire agility of Certhia famtiiaris. It moves up and down the trunks of trees in a circuitous manner, along their 92 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS horizontal branches, often clinging to their under surfaces in an inverted position, and probing the creviced bark for insects that lurk therein. Ever and anon it intermits the busy task, and indulges in a rustical ditty. Whilst thus engaged, it passes from tree to tree with moderate celerity. Though mainly arboreal whilst foraging, yet an examination of the contents of several stomachs affords- convincing evidence of the fact that it fre- quently descends from its lofty heights, to grovel in the dust; beetles of exclusively terrestrial habits have been found therein. Timidity and suspicion form no part of its disposition. We have fre- quently approached it within a few paces, and without the least caution being exercised, and could not discern the slightest evidence of distrust or alarm. When the tulip-poplar is in blossom, it may be seen in company with the Kinglets, glean- ing among the flowers for the small insects which have been attracted thither in quest of honey. Ex- cept when the passions are excited through amatory influences, a solitary life is preferred. It is never gregarious in the strictest sense of the word* At the termination of the breeding-period it relapses into solitude. During the entire months of June and July, paired individuals have been frequently observed within the dense underbrush that covers the Wis- sahickon hills, which fact inclines us to the belief that its nest may yet be found in such situations. In open and exposed places, there would be better "facilities for discovery, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 93 The food of this species as far as we have been able to determine, is principally coleoptera. The accompanying list embraces a few of the commoner kinds: — Cratonychus cinereiis, C. pcrtinax, Harpa- lus pensylvanicus, H. compar, Platynus ciipripennis, Rhynchceus pint, BostricJms pint, Chrysomela cceruleipennis, Donacia metallic a and Hal tic a cJia- lybea. Earthworms, cjiptera, and ants, also con- stitute a share of its diet. The song is moderately loud and but slightly prolonged. It is a simple monotonous ditty which is uttered with a strong, shrill, and grating intona- tion. The following syllable will convey to the mind a pretty accurate representation of its ex- pression:— tsi-tsl-tsi-tsi-tsi-tsi. The whole is sung crescendo, and has an abrupt termination. As the season advances, the foregoing notes become more mellow and warbling; and though feeble, are yet pleasing. It commences to sing from its first ap- pearance in May, and continues its refrains, at brief intervals, until its departure in September. The nests of this bird as described by Dr. Brewer, are "strongly and compactly built externally of coarse strips of various kinds of bark, and lined within with hair and fine stems of grasses." In several instances, they have been known to be roofed over after the fashion of the Golden- crowned Thrush. Mr. Nuttall speaks of the nest as being built upon the ground "on the surface of a shelving rock," and constructed of "coarse strips of the inner bark of the Abies canadcnsis 94 LIFE-HISTORIES OF P.IKDS externally, and internally, of soft, decayed leaves and dry grasses, and lined with a thin layer of black hair." Mr. Burroughs speaks of a nest which he discovered as being- "placed upon the ground at the foot of a stump, and in such a posi- tion that the color of the young harmonized per- fectly with the bits of bark, sticks, etc., lying about." The parents are both affectionate and consider- ate toward their young, and manifest no uneasiness in the presence of strangers. The eggs vary in configuration from a rounded to an oblong-oval. Their ground-color is a creamy- white with an apparently pinkish tinge, which is imparted thereto by the bright red dots and blotches which are scattered more or less pro- fusely over their surfaces. In size they vary from .70 to .75 in length and from .50 to .52 of an inch in breadth. Panda Americana, Bonap. The Blue Yellow-backed Warbler is one of the most attractive of its family. It arrives in Phila- delphia during the first week in May, and by the 28th of the same month, it has retired to its more northern breeding-quarters. During its early stay, it is a frequenter of high, open woods, bordering swampy grounds, where amid the blossoms and foliage of the tallest trees it delights to forage. A true Warbler in o o most of its attributes, it possesses many of the OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 95 habits of the Pander, in the comparative ease with which it moves along; the trunks and branches of «_> trees, and the gracefulness and freedom with o which it suspends itself from a swaying bough. Few species display less timidity and suspicion. During the month of May when our ordinary Pyrus mains is in bloom, it leaves its accustomed haunts for our gardens and orchards, where it derives an ample subsistence. Mr. Audubon in speaking of this bird, alludes to its habit of Hitting over humid -localities, the borders of ponds, and small streams, in quest of prey which it pursues with considerable ardor. This allusion would aptly apply to the little Maryland Yellow Throat in every particular, but has never been observed in our study of the species under consideration. It is impossible to say what course of action a change of environment j o would determine. During its vernal stay, we have never heard its song, although our opportunities have been many and frequent. From beginning to end it remains JL <— > <_J the same songless but energetic little creature. Its flight is generally lofty, quick, and moder- ately sustained. Its movements whilst feeding are characterized by wonderful agility. Insects constitute its principal diet ; but the pollen with the disruptured anthers of apple and pear blossoms, and others, form an important part. The following-list is but a small fraction of its volum- o inous bill of fare \-Feronia clialcites, Platynus cupri- 96 LTFK-HISTORIKS OF BIRDS pomis, Tliancr-oclcrus sanguinalis, Harpalus corn- par, H. pensylvanicus, Chrysomela cceruleipcnnis, Formica sanguinca, Apis inellifica, Aphis mali in profusion, and innumerable small spiders. We have often witnessed its capture of small bees and cliptera, which it accomplishes with nearly the adroitness of the Muscicapida. Mr. Trippe describes its song as being sharp and lisping, yet varied and agreeable. The nests are occasionally fastened to the trunks of trees, but more generally are suspended from branches at an elevation of a few feet above the ground. They are beautifully and ingeniously wrought of long grey lichens which depend from the trees upon which the fabric is built. An elabo- rate intertwining of these fibres constitutes the major part, if not the entire structure. Whilst the female is employed in incubation, when not en- gaged in the procurement of food the male devotes his spare moments to the improvement and en- largement of the nest. The eof^s are four, sometimes five in number, OO ' with a few markings of reddish-brown, purple and lilac upon a pure white background. They have an average length of .64 of an inch, and in breadth range from .49 to .50. It returns during the first week in September, and remains with us until the middle of October, when it takes up its southward-bound journey. During its autumnal stay it is a resident of high woodlands, and forages among the leaves and branches of the tallest trees. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 97 • Helmitherus vermivorus, Bo nap. The Worm-eating Warbler has never been seen by us within the precincts of Philadelphia, though we have diligently scoured the country in quest of it. In Chester County we have observed soli- tary individuals during the early part of May. It makes the most unfrequented part of the woods its home, beyond the precincts of which it is never seen. It is the most agile of its family, darting about hither and thither, wherever there is a probability of capturing a spider for which it affects a great fondness. It is principally arboreal in its predilec- tions, but occasionally descends to the ground and rummages among the fallen leaves for insect-lite. Their notes and habits are said by Xuttall to re- semble those of Fa i'ii s atricapillus. The same writer also remarks that they are continually utter- ing a call of complaint which sounds like tsJic-dc- dc. The nest is said by Mr. Jackson of Westchester, Penn., to be located ''in a hollow in the ground," and completely concealed from vie.w by dry leaves which thickly strewed the ground. It was com- posed externally of dead leaves, mostly of beech, while the interior was prettily lined with fine thread-like stalks of the hair-moss, (Poly trie huvn). The usual complement of eggs is five, while nests have often been found with but four. They are round-oval in configuration, with a clear G 98 LIFE-msTOKlKS OF BIRDS white ground, and marked with minute spots of reddish-brown which are more numerous and confluent at the larger end. They measure on an average .74 of an inch in length and .55 in breadth. HclmintliopJiaga chrysoptera, Caban. The Golden-winged Warbler as this species is popularly called, is by no means a very common migrant in eastern 'Pennsylvania. It arrives among us during the first week of May, and usually lingers until the fifteenth of the same month. It is notably tame and unsuspecting, and of easy approach. It is a common visitor to our orchards and gardens, where it delights to glean among the leaves and blossoms of the apple and cherry for insect-life. It has but little preference for woodland scenery. ** Among the foliage and branches of trees it dis- plays surprising agility, and manifests many of the attributes of the Titmice and Flycatchers. It, however, measurably lacks the address of Panda Americana. Whilst feeding not even a simple call -note, much less a song does it essay to utter, during its transient stay. We have discovered in the stomachs of several individuals traces of Plalymis cupripennis,Harpalus compar, Cr a tony chits cinereus, CJirysomcla cceru- leipennis, Formica sanguined, Aphis mali, and others of the OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 99 The nest of this Warbler is built upon the ground, and is unusually large for so small a bird, bein'jf five inches in diameter and four inches o • in height. A nest discovered by the late Dr. Alexander Gerhardt, in Georgia, was composed externally of the desiccated leaves of divers j deciduous trees variously interwoven with dry sedges, black vegetable roots and fine strips of bark, and the entire structure lined with fine leaves, grasses, and roots interlacing each other. According to the authority of the lamented Ger- hardt, these nests are built under tussocks of grass, in clumps of busl es, and on the ground. .The eggs are from four to five in number, of a pure white, with a few reddish-brown spots en- circling the larger end. Their relative size varies with the latitude. Some measure nearly .70 of an inth in length and .53 in breadth; others have a measurement of .63 by .48 of an inch. Dkndrceca tzstiva, Baird. This beautiful and attractive species, the Blue- eyed Yellow Warbler, is a not uncommon migrant. It reaches our latitude during the first week of May. Remarkably trustful it prefers man's so- ciety to the wild retreats ot nature. By its agree- a-ble ditty and familiarity it has won our favor and esteem. Within the maples and horse-chestnuts that line our principal thoroughfares it delights to dwell, making them vocal with music. Upon the IOO LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS nethermost branches just above the head of a pedestrian it frequently perches, and all enrap- tured with the spirit of sweet song, pours forth its dulcet strains unmindful of passing footsteps. Though chiefly arboreal in habits, it is sometimes driven by necessity to grovelling pursuits. It seldom aspires to lofty heights. In general habits there is a striking resemblance to Chrysomitris tristis, notwithstanding their remote affinities. The flight of this bird is low, quick, and moder- ately sustained. Among the foliage of trees its movements are rather sprightly, and betray un- mistakeable similarity to the Titmice. Its song is simple and pleasing, and sustains a close resemblance to the Maryland Yellow Throat. After a careful study we are prepared to represent its syllabic expression with considerable exactness. The syllables whlt-ti-tee-tee-tcc-tcc uttered loudly, forcibly, and with a gradually rising cadence, will convey a clear idea of its language. In early morning the song is heard in. its full vigor, and continues until the sun has attained the zenith of his power, when it perceptibly diminishes in force and frequency. Small beetles and diptera constitute its food early in the season; but, later, the larvae and imagos of lepidoptera are in great demand. Several stomach-examinations reveal reliable evi- dences of Chrysomela caruleipennis, Donacia nie- tallica, BostricJius pini, Platynus cnpripennis, liar- pal us JOJiipar, Casnonia pcnnsylvanica, Hal flea OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. IOI chalybca, among coleoptera; Syrphus obliquus, Stomoxys calcitrans, ScatopJiaga furcata, Culex t&niorhynchUs and Tipula ferruginca, among dip- tera; besides ants and aphides. As the season advances, the larvae of Anisopteryx vernata, Enjit- chia ribcaria, Gortyna zc animation of these fibres, exhibits remarkable structural uniformity, as if they had been plucked from a single or several closely allied plant-species, IO2 LIFE-HISTORIES OE BIRDS Two grades of fibres are readily identified, differ- ing slightly in color and texture; perhaps the pro- ducts of Linum virginianum, and possibly of usi- tatissimum which is occasionally spontaneous in cultivated grounds. The interior is lined with the o woolly furze of EriopJwnmi virginicum, and that of various ferns, which render the fabric both cozy and. comfortable. To build a nest is the work of three days. Ovipo- sition follows close upon its completion. After the full complement of eggs islaid, incubation im- mediately follows, and continues during a period of 1 1 days. This Warbler is famous for its de- votion to its young and the anxiety which it mani- fests even when the nest is unoccupied; this latter feeling frequently betraying its whereabouts. In this latitude two broods are generally raised in a season, although instances are known, where a third has been successfully raised. The middle of September is fixed upon as the date of their de- parture for more genial climes. The eggs of this species are ordinarily five, and occasionally six in number. 1 he}" have a light preen ground-color, and are variously marked with <"><_> J light purple, purplish-brown and lilac dots and blotches. They vary in length from .61 to .70 of an inch, and from .48 to .52 in breadth. Dendrceca vlrcns, Baird. The Black-throated Green Warbler is rather abundant in Eastern Pennsylvania during its ver- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 103 nal migration, making its appearance not earlier than the loth of May, and then only in high open woodlands where it is a busy gleaner among the foliage and branchlets for various insects. It is an exceedingly active little creature, and in habits re- sembles both the Paridce and Vireonidce. With the nimbleness and gracefulness of Parus atrica- pillus, it clambers about, freely suspending itself from the under surface of a branch, and ever and anon being diverted therefrom by a passing insect which it seizes with great adroitness, after the fashion of the Vireos. Whilst in wooded regions its foraging is re- stricted to the uppermost branches, and is pro- secuted with considerable celerity, from branch to branch, and from tree to tree. But as its stay is prolonged, it changes its base of operation; about the time the apple is in blossom, it visits our orchards and lawns for the insects which are at- tracted to their bloom. It now becomes notably tame and unsuspicious and easy of approach. Its food consists almost wholly of small beetles which it eleans amono- the leaves, and various o o small diptera which Vireo-like it captures on the wing. Although chiefly arboreal, it is not exclu- sively so, as it occasionally descends to the earth to complete a meal. We have found within its stomach, larvae of, CratonycJms cinereus, mature forms of Chrysomela ccerulcipcnnis, Platynus cupripennis, Cymindis viridipennis, Harpalus compar, Bostrichus pini, Formica sanguined, Apis mcllifica, a species LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS of Cynip, Aphis uiali, Mnsca domcslica, Tabanns lincola, Tipula fcrruginca, Anthrax elongata and Stomoxys calcitrans. From its first appearance till its departure to more northern habitats for breeding-purposes about the 26th of May, it is the same busy, song- less creature. Its silence should not excite comment nor provoke surprise. With its attention so com- pletely concentrated upon selfish gratifications, the finer feelings of its nature, have a poor chance to develop themselves. The song of the male is de- scribed by Mr. Nuttall as a simple chant re- sembling the syllables te-de-teritse-a, with a loud, drawling and plaintive enunciation. We may add in this connection, that the birds were nesting at the time when Mr. Nuttall surprised the male thus engaged, from which we infer that, like many others, it becomes empowered with song only when actuated by amatory influences. The birds generally nidificate in tall trees within dense thickets; but Mr. Nuttall describes one which he found in a low and stunted juniper, (a somewhat unusual location). According to Dr. Brewer they are "small, snug, compact structures, built on a base of fine strips of bark, bits of leaves and stems of plants." The upper rims are a cir- cular intertwining of fine slender twigs, inter- woven with a few fine stems of the most delicate grasses. The inner portions of these nests are very softly and warmly bedded with the fine down and silky stems of plants. They have a diameter OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 1 05 of three and a quarter inches, and a height of one and a half. The cavity is two inches in diameter and one and a half in height. The eggs are usually four in number, with numerous dots and blotches of purplish-brown upon a white or flesh-colored background, scat- tered over the entire surface, but mainly about the larger end. £> Dcndroeca carulescens, Baird. The Black-throated Blue Warbler as this species is called in unscientific language, is neither very rare nor very abundant. It arrives early in May, and retires to its breeding-quarters not earlier than the 2;th of this month, its stay being prolonged a trifle over three weeks. Its habits of feeding are solitary, mostly arboreal, and mainly restricted to dense forests, where among the smaller trees and bushes it gleans a scanty sub- sistence. When driven by necessity to the taller trees, unlike its near congener whose history we have just detailed, it never visits the topmost boughs, but restricts itself exclusively to the lower branches. As the season advances, attracted by the blos- soms of the apple and cherry, it retires from woodland scenery and seeks the haunts of man, where it fares more luxuriously, and with less outlay of strength. There is now a marked change in its demeanor. Confidence and courage have given place to suspicion and timidity. IO6 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS 111 habits there is a closer resemblance to the Muscicapida than to the Paridce. Along the trunks and branches of trees it moves, and freely suspends itself therefrom with comparative ease, but with less gracefulness and dexterity than is noticeable in Dendrceca castanca. In the capture of insects it particularly excels. The peculiar clicking noise which is heard after a racy tidbit has been engulphed, is characteristic of the Fly- catchers. Its flight is moderately elevated, gracefully un- dulating, and but poorly sustained. The sono- of this Warbler which we have fre- o quently heard and carefully studied, may be fitly expressed in language by tsc-aJi, tsc-aJi, tse pro- nounced loud and quick; the last syllable ending very abruptly. Whilst feeding it will occasionally stop, peer around, utter a low, simple faich* and resume operations. Traces of Cratonychus cinercus, C. pertinax^ Haltica chalybea, Cymindis viridipcnnis, CJiryso- mela formosa, Formica sanguined, small spiders and various aphides have been found among the undigested contents of several stomachs. Like many others of its family-relations, the ripened anthers and immature ovaries of apple and cherry blossoms it considers a great luxury. This species is not known to breed in Pennsyl- vania. Several pairs were observed by Mr. Nutt- all among the Alleghanies near Farranville, Pa., under rather suspicious circumstances. Further OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 1 07 north in New York, Massachusetts, Nova Scotia, and south, occasionally in Cuba, according to the authority of De la Sagra, its breeding-quarters have been discovered. To our knowledge of its nest and eggs we are indebted to Mr. John Burroughs, who with his nephew Mr. C. B. Deyce, first discover- ed it breeding in a thicket of hemlocks in Roxbury, Delaware County, N. Y., early in July, 1871. The nest was built in the fork of a small hemlock, at an elevation of fifteen inches above the ground. Ex- ternally it was composed of strips of decayed liber, chiefly of basswood, somewhat loosely arranged and strengthened by rootlets, fine twigs and frag- ments of wood and bark. Within this fabric was placed a compact, well-woven nest, consisting of small roots, pine-needless, twigs and hair, elaborately inter\\oven. The cavity was capacious, two and a third inches in diameter at the rim, and one and a half in depth. The eggs are oval in shape, narrower at one end, marked with an umber-broxxn circle at the larger end, with lighter markings of reddish-brown and obscure purple upon a grayish- white ground which is pinkish in the unblown egg; a few dot- tings of the above shades are sparingly scattered over the rest of the egg. They are from four to five in number, and measure .70 of an inch in length snd .50 in breadth. During- the breeding-period, the parents are re- markably suspicious and endeavor by an assumed confidence to mislead intruders from the exact 'TOS LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS. location of the nest. When the nest is discovered, the birds manifest the utmost consternation, and with a recklessness that knows no bounds, throw themselves clown at the very feet of their assailants. Dcndncca ccendca, Baird. The Caerulean Warbler is an exceedingly rare species and but little known. Of its breeding- habits we need more information to enable us to detail its history with any degree of exactness. It makes its appearance in our midst during the first week of May, and retires further north, after a brief sojourn. They delight in low grounds and the borders of streams, which they occasionally desert for high wooded regions where they maybe seen gleaning among the branches of the tallest trees. They are excessively timid and suspicious, and not easily obtainable. Their habits remind us of the Fly- catchers especially, although in some particulars, they imitate the Titmice. Its only note in the in- tervals of feeding is a simple cheep. We have never heard its song; the birds in this particular maintaining the most astonishing pas- sivity. Mr, Audubon speaks of it as being neither loud nor prolonged, but exceedingly sweet and mellow. The food of this species consists of the following insects:- -Ckrysbmelaformosa, C, ccerwleipennis, Cra- tonycJms pertinax, Haltica cJialybea, Cymindis viri- dipennis, and others not identified, besides spiders and diptera, unrecognizable. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 1 09 The nest is described by Mr. Audubon as being built within the forks of a low tree or shrub, par- tially pensile, projecting beyond attachments superiorly, and extending inferiorly to a depth of two inches. It is composed of the stalks of herba- ceous plants, fibres of the vine, and rootlets ar- ranged circularly, and lined with the dry threads of the Spanish moss. The nest from which the above description was made, was taken in the State of Louisiana. When the female is annoyed during the incubat- «< o ing process, she is said to trail along the branches with fallen wings after the fashion of 'D. astiva, uttering the while the most plaintive notes. The young have a strong partiality for tree-tops which are thickly enveloped with grapevines; occasion- allv they alight upon tall weeds and subsist upon their seeds. On retirement from the nest, they forage together in company with their parents, evincing surprising agility in the pursuit and capture of insects. The eggs are live in number, of a beautiful white, with a sprinkling of reddish spots about the larger end. o Dendrceca coronata, Gray. This species, commonly designated the Yellow- rumped 'Warbler, is the most abundant of all our migrants, and also the earliest, making its appear- ance often during the second week of April, but never later than the third. In small flocks of a dozen IIO LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS or more it may be seen among the low trees and bushes along our water-courses. Isolated indi- viduals have been observed by us on the out- skirts of dense woods, gleaning for insects among the leaves and branches of the tallest trees. Just before their departure, they visit our haunts in great numbers, where they derive a ready sub- sistence. Unlike the Red Poll, their stay is brief. With a most voracious appetite they hurry from tree to tree and are soon out of our midst. Its habits are those of the Muscicdpidce, being less expert, however, than many of its congeneric relations. The flight of this species is low, slightly undu- lating, and moderately sustained. The only note which it essays to utter during its short stay, is a simple tweet, which is heard at irregular intervals during the passage from tree to tree. Notably unsuspicious even in its natural haunts, the subject of the present sketch will permit the closest approach without betrayal of fear or alarm. During its vernal stay, its bill of fare is as various as it is voluminous. We have detected indubitable fragments of the following insects, in the stomachs of the numerous individuals which we have been permitted to examine:- -Cnitony- thus cincrcus, C. pcrtinax, Scaritcs snbtcrrancus, Harpalus pennsylvanicus, H. coin par, Casnonia pennsylvanica, Platynus cupripennis, Corymbites sEthiops, Chrysomcla ccc.'uleipennis, Bostrichus OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. I I I ///, Donacia inctallica, Formica sanguined, Apis jticllifica, Tabanns lincola, ScatopJiaga furcata, Tipula ferniginca, and the common earthworm. It is evident from the many terrestrial beetles which add materially to its diet, that it is far from being exclusively arboreal. During its autumnal stay, the seeds of various weeds and grasses, wifh the berries of J'unipenis Virginiana are eagerly devoured. We can find no evidence that this Warbler breeds in the United States, although it is highly probable that future explorations will show that it does so in our northeastern States, to a limited extent. Neither Wilson, Nuttall, nor Audubon appears to have met with its nest, although the latter received one from Prof. McCulloch, of Halifax. To Dr. Brewer, of Boston, we are indebted for a description of its nest. Early in July, 1855, he obtained a nest of this species in Parsboro, Nova Scotia. It was located upon a low bush in the heart of a small village. The smaller branches of the horizontal limb upon which it reposed were interwoven into its structure, thus strengthening it materially. Exteriorly, it was formed of fine stalks of grasses, and slender twigs and roots; within of fine grasses, downy feathers, and the hair of small mammals. It measured two inches in depth, and four and a half in diameter, with a cavity one and a half inches deep, and two and a half wide. 112 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS % The eggs arc rounded-oval in shape, and marked with reddish-brown, purple and dark- brown blotches and spots, upon a white ground- color which often presents a bluish tinge. They are six in number, and average .76 of an inch in length and .53 in breadth. During incubation the parents are exceedingly shy, and can be approached only with the greatest difficulty. Dendroeca blackbumitf, Baird. The Orange throated or Blackburnian Warbler is a very late migrant which reaches the latitude of Philadelphia not earlier that the 1 5th of May, and retires about the 22nd of the same month. Its early presence is restricted to tall open woods with a slight undergrowth, which it subsequently deserts for the borders of fields and thickets, where it may be found foraging high up in the tulip- poplar, for insects. Mainly arboreal whilst feed- ing, we have seen it busily searching a heap of freshly- turned earth for food, and even using its feet like the Brown Thrasher which is exceedingly rasorial. In woods it delights in the tallest tree-tops where it may be seen for long periods, gleaning with all the address and perseverance of a Flycatcher, and moving about with the wonted agility of a Titmouse. Few species exhibit greater activity and nimble- ness than the one under consideration. It will sometimes descend from its leafy height to mingle OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 113 with its less ambitious brethren in the lower walks of life. When driven by necessity to humbler fields it permits the nearest approach with the least mani- festation of timidity. It is a solitary feeder, except when brought into the presence of its own kith and strangers, by the merest chance. As it comes, so it departs. The flight of this spjcl'js is high, gracefully un- dulating, and tolerably well sustained. During its stay it is devoid of song. According to Mr. Audubon it has a very sweet song of five or six notes, comparatively loud for the size of the bird. Its area of reproduction is not accurately known, but its southern limit is supposed to be the high wooded regions of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Enp-land. Its most northern summer habitat o is probably Greenland, as a young bird was cap- tured by Holboll, October 16, 1845, at Fredericks- haub; Dr. Bachman has discovered it nidificating in Lansingburgh, N. Y.; Mr. Audubon has found it breeding in northeastern Maine, in New Bruns- wick, in the Magdalene Islands, and in Newfound- land and Labrador; Mr. Allen supposed it to breed in the vicinity of Springfield, Mass., as in- dividuals have been obtained as late as June 24; and Prof. Yerrill affirms it a summer resident of western Maine. A nest presented to Mr. Audubon by Mr. McCulloch, was built in the small fork of a tree H I I 4 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS at a height of five feet above the ground, and o o close by a small stream of water. It was con- structed, externally, of divers materials, and lined with fine pieces of bark and a dense layer of feathers and horse-hair. Another nest which was obtained in a wild, sequestered portion of Roxbury, Mass., in the summer of 1838, was located in a bush a few feet from the ground. This structure, in some par- ticulars, resembled, externally, a nest of the Maryland Yellow-throat, being formed of coarse, dry grasses; but, internally, it was more cozily lined with soft fur and feathers, than is ordinarily the case in the nests of this species. The eggs in this last nest were of a crystal whiteness, and marked with dark purple at their larger end; and, but for the smallness of their size, might have been readily taken for those of G. trichas. Its food consists of various small insects, mostly coleopterous, which it gathers in its hurried move- ments. We have discovered in the stomachs of several individuals, almost perfect remains of Bos- trie hus pini, Chrysomela ccendeipennis, Cratonychus perttnax, Platymts ciipripcniiis, Formica sangiii- nea, Apis mellifica, aphides, small diptera, and the various small spiders that infest the bark and leaves of trees. Dcndrceca slriata, Baird. The Black-poll Warbler though a beautiful, and OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. I I 5 familiar species in New England, is according to our experience, an occasional visitant in Eastern Pennsylvania. In Southern and South-western j New Jersey it is more abundant. It makes its ap- pearance at the earliest, from the i 5th to the 2Oth of May, and lingers usually with us until the 5th of June when it suddenly disappears. Its habits remind us of those of the ]\[niotUta raria, in the facility wit1! which it moves around the trunks of trees in quest of insects; it is, besides, an expert Flycatcher, capturing insects after the fashion of the Wood Pewee. It is an active, rest- less creature, seldom remaining any considerable length of time in the same locality. The duration of their stay depends mainly upon the abundance of insect-food. Though chiefly denizens of low swampy woods and waste fields overgrown with bushes and a few scattering trees, during the greater part of their stay, they sooner or later forsake these haunts for the habi- tation of man, where in the adjoining orchards they glean a ready subsistence. They now manifest considerable tameness, and permit an easy ap- proach. Their food consists oi the larvae and pupae of insects which they obtain from creviced bark, \ * besides, mature forms of different kinds. Among the latter, may be mentioned CJirysoinela ccerulci- fciinis. L'ynrindis liridipcnnis, Bostriclnts />/;//, Aphis inali, Apis mcllijica, Muse a domes tic a, Tab a- nus lineola, Anisopteryx vernata, and others com- mon to the season. Il6 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS Wilson regarded it as a silent bird, which has also been our experience in this latitude. A busy and solitary feeder, it seems to- have no time for song. This, however, may not be the case as it nears its breeding-quarters, when it becomes actuated by amatory influences, and pours out the very soul of its being, in a flood of song. It is said to be a varied, pleasing, yet powerful singer. Mr. Trippe characterizes its song as faint and lisping, and made up of four or five syllables. We have never expected to find its nest in this latitude, although Mr. \Vilson entertained such a hope. Mr. Audubon describes a nest from La- brador. Mr. Lockhart procured a nest and eggs at Fort Yukon, and they have also been taken in the vicinity of Eastport, and at Grand Menan. They are usually placed within trees, at a slight elevation above the ground; in a few instances, they have been actually built upon the ground. According to Mr. Audubon, the nest is com- posed on the outside of green and white moss and lichens, Avith an intermixture of coarse grasses; and is carefully lined with dark-colored mosses, and a thick laver of soft feathers of the willow- ^ grouse and ducks. Its internal diameter was two, and its depth one and a half inches. It was built in the fork of a small branch, close to the main axis of a species of fir, about four feet from the ground. Dr. Brewer describes the nest as being "built in thick spruce-trees in the midst of foliage so OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. I I 7 dense as hardly to be noticeable." Those which he found around Eastport, and at Grand Menan, were large and bulky, nearly five inches in diame- ter, with a depth of three. They were built prin- cipally of the tender ends of the branches of firs, pines, and spruce, variously interwoven, and bound together by slender, herbaceous roots, finer carices, and elongated branches of the Cladonia lichens; strongly, compactly, and homogeneously made, and elaborately lined with fine straw and panicled grasses. Of the precise time of nidification and incuba- tion we are io-norant. Nests with eofo\s have been c> oo procured as early as June 9, and in a solitary instance, a nest was taken containing well- developed embryos on the first of the same month. From these data, we infer that nest-building takes place as early as the middle of May; reasonable time being allowed for the completion of the nest and the laying of the eggs. The eggs of this species are oblong-oval, beau- tifully white in ground-color, but slightly tinged with pink when fresh, and spotted and blotched with a profusion of markings of subdued lavender and profounder markings of dark-purple, inter- mingled with lighter spots of reddish- brown. They measure .72 by .50 of an inch. The usual com- plement is five, though six are occasionally found, Dendrosca castanea, Baird. The Bay-breasted Warbler, one of our most Il8 LIFIMIISTORIES OF P.IRDS usual migrants, occasionally revisits us as early as the 25th of April, but generally not earlier than the first of May. It is pre-eminently solitary, and occupies chiefly high, open woodlands, where it is an active insect-hunter, and enlists the atten- tion by its agility, as it darts among the foliage, or suspends itself from twigs with fluttering wings. It frequents the loftiest trees in quest of food, occasionally descending to the lower branches as necessity impels. When it deserts its natural retreats for civilized haunts, which it not uncom- monly does, it delights in small trees, particularly the apple and cherry, amid the foliage and blossoms of which it gleans a luxurious subsistence. It manifests on such occasions very little of timidity. Instances are known to us, where visits have been paid to trees overhanging doorways which were in daily use. Its lack of fear and of comparative dis trustfulness reminds us of the little Blue Yellow-back whose history has been previously detailed. In habits and manners, a close resemblance to Daidrceca pennsylvauica is noticeable; but it is less active. Its flight is generally lofty, and but slightly sustained. During its briet stay of two weeks, it is devoid of song. Whilst moving from tree to tree in pursuit of insects, it does not produce a single note. It retires as it comes, singly and alone. Its food consists of the small beetles and other insects which it Cleans amonp- the branches, foliasre, O cJ O OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. I 1 9 and blossoms of trees. The accompanying list will convey a brief though meagre idea of the essential articles of diet during its restricted stay: — Chrysonielafornwsa, Cymindis viridipennis, Bostri- clius pini, Harpahis compar, Cratony chits cinercus, Platynus cnpripennis, Donacia metallica, among coleoptera; the smaller ants, Selandria rosce, Apis mellifica, and Lophyrusabietis, among hymenoptera; aphides, diptera, and larvae of many of the PJiala- noidcz, which appear during its stay. This species was regarded by AYilson as ex- ceedingly rare, and so far eluded the observation of Audubon as to prevent him from describing its habits. Mr. Nuttall noticed its passage through Massachusetts, about the i5th of April. It breeds in northern latitudes, eggs having been obtained by Mr. George Bush, at Colclwater, near Lake Superior; by Maynard.it is considered the. most abundant of the Sylvicolidce at Lake Umbagog where he discovered it breeding. Nidification commences according to the last named authority, in June ; a nest having been found on the 3rd, just completed in a tree, alongside of a cart-path, in a thicket. This was placed upon a hori- zontal branch of a hemlock, at an elevation of twenty feet above the ground. Another was built in a o similar locality, 'but fifteen feet from the soil. These fabrics were unnecessarily large and bore a close resemblance to those of Carpodacus purptireus* Exteriorly they were composed of slender twigs of the hackmatack, with an intermingling of long 1 2O LIFE-HISTORIES OF r.IRDS pendent Usnca mosses. Interiorly, they were smopthly and elegantly lined with the seed-stalks of Cladonia mosses, dark fibrous roots, and a sprink- ling of hairs. They measured six inches in diame- ter, and two and a half inches in height, with a cavity three inches wide, and one and a quarter deep. The eggs are oblong-oval in configuration, and vary in length from .70 to .65 of an inch, and in breadth from .5 2 to .50. They are closely marked with brown upon a greenish-blue background, and generally possess an anmdus of brown and lilac blotches around the larger end. We have never observed this species in the autumn, from which fact we infer that it does not stop during its southern migration. Dendrceca p. 'iinsyhanica, Baird. The Chestnut-sided Warbler is an early migrant which appears during the first week of May, when the woods resound with the melodies of the Red- start and the Black-throated Blue. Like most of its near relatives, it is never gregarious, but feeds singly and alone. At first, it forages almost entirely among the slender branches and foliage of lofty trees, in high and open woods; but as the season advances, our gardens and orchards are the recipients of its visits, where it delights to revel amid apple and cherry blooms. Like the last described species, it manifests considerable OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 121 confidence in man, permitting near approaches without the least fear. It is extremely agile in its movements, and like its congeners, combines many of the traits of the Ccrthiidte and Paridce, in a remarkable degree; superadded to which, is the possession of many of the attributes of the Muscicapidtf, being able to capture insects upon the wing, with nearly the adroitness of the members of this family. Being less erratic than most of its kindred, it remains for long periods gleaning among the foliage of the same tree. Not unlike the Bay-breasted Warbler, this species certainly reserves its powers of song until it has attained its northern quarters. Not so much as a single note has it been heard to utter. Its departure usually occurs about the 22nd of Ma)', making the length of its stay nearly three weeks. Divers kinds of insects constitute its dietary. We have detected remains ot the following in the stomachs of several individuals: — Rhynchanus strobi, Chrysomela ccsruleipennis, CrafonycJtns, cine- reus, Harpalus compar, Platynus citpripennis, among beetles ; Musca domestica, Tabanus lincola, Syrphns obscurus, among diptera , besides Aphis wait, For- mica sangninca, earthworms and a single species of cut-worm. The results of these examinations conduct to the conclusion, that in habits it is n,ot strictly arboreal, but occasionally terrestrial. This species was formerly regarded as rather rare by our older ornithological writers. Wilson 122 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS could give little description of its habits; the most of what . he says being- conjectural. Audubon knew nothing of its habits or distribution; he having met but a single individual. Nuttall's de- scription is in a measure hypothetical and inaccu- rate. Its song he represents by the syllables ts/i- isJi-tsli-tshyia, given at short intervals, and fre- quently responded to by the female from her nest. He perceives a resemblance to that of D. (estiva, beincr somewhat louder and less of a whistle. «_> According to the authority of Mr. Allen, it breeds in western Massachusetts, where it arrives about the Qth of May, frequenting low woods and marshy thickets, and nesting in bushes. Prof. Verrill has found it breeding in western Maine. o and Mr. Riclgway in the oak-openings and prairie- thickets, of southern Illinois. J. Elliot Cabot, Esq., was the first to discover in June, 1839, its nest and eggs, in Brookline, Mass. The nest was compactly built, elastic and shallow, and composed externally of strips of red-cedar bark, and lined with coarse hair. Mr. Welsh, of Lynn, Mass., has discovered a number of nests situated within barberry-bushes, which were constituted, exte- riorly, of the bark of the smaller vegetables loosely intertwined, reinforced by stems and fragments of dry grasses, and lined with soft hairs of the smaller animals and vegetable wool. These nests varied from two and a half to three inches in height, externally, and possessed a diameter rang- ing from three to four inches. They were securely OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 123 fastened to small branches by means of the silk of clivers kinds of cocoons. The situations chosen for nidification, are affirmed to differ not materially from those selected by the Golden Warbler, being in open grounds, and also low marshy localities. The eggs are oblong-oval in shape, creamy- white in the background, and beautifully marked with shades of purple and purplish-brown princi- pally about the larger end. The dimensions are .64 by .48 of an inch. Dendrceca maculosa, Baird. The Magnolia Warbler is very abundant in eastern Pennsylvania, and one of the most attrac- tive members of its genus. It appears not earlier than tin- loth of May, along the borders of cultivated fields, and within our gardens and orchards, where the blooms of the apple, cherry, and maples are sources of attraction. In high open thickets, which its congeneric relatives de- light to visit, it is exceedingly rare. During the past season it might have been reckoned by fifties in cultivated sections, whereas not a single indi- vidual was observed in secluded situations. Like most of our Warblers already described with the single exception of D. coronata, it never flocks during its vernal migration, but. prefers to lead a solitary existence. Few species manifest freer confidence, and less fear than the one under consideration. In this particular, it emulates I 24 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS * Pan tla Americana. We have frequently advanced within three or four feet of an individual, though not unperceived, without awakening distrust or exciting alarm. In common with most of its brethren, this Warbler beautifullv blends the attributes of the 0 Pa rides with those of the Muscicapidce. Insects in their various stages, compose its diet. These it procures in its perambulations along the trunk and branches, adherent to the bark or concealed within fissures, or expertly captures while on the wing. It is equally dexterous in hovering over the expanded bud and examining the opening leaves. Its flight is low, gracefully undulating, and moderately prolonged. During its entire stay it is devoid of song. Its only note is a simple fwea, produced quickly and with a sharp, grating articulation, in the intervals of feeding. Dr. Brewer in speaking of its song- says, it u is clear and sweetly modulated, and sur- passes that of most of .this family," and is u chiefly heard during the early summer" in low woods, whilst searching Vireo-like for insects. The accompanying list will convey to the mind some idea of the services which it renders to man in the destruction of injurious insects. In several stomach-examinations we have discovered evident traces of Chrysomela c&nileipcnnis, C. formosa, Cymindis viridipennis, Bostrichus pini, Harpahts pensylvanicus, H. compar, and Platynus cupripcn- OF EASTERN- PENNSYLVANIA. 125 nis\ besides a variety of small spiders that reside temporarily within the flowers and upon the foliage of plants; aphides, especially Aphis mali, and also our commonest ants. The stamens and ovaries of blossoms, with fragments of corollas, have been found within the stomachs of several individuals. This last cited fact materially lessens the esteem in which it is held, and proves- in this, as in many instances, that no species can be considered as an unmixed good. We have never observed this species in the autumn, and are led to believe that it does not stop from its southward-bound journey. During the breeding-period throughout North America, it resides " east of the Great Plains between latitude 44° and Fort Simpson in the fur country," ( Vide North American Birds, page 233). Mr. Audubon describes the nest as being built of lichens and moss, externally, and lined with fibrous * ' roots and feathers, and as b'jing placed upon fir- tree branches, and sustained bv horizontal twigs. ^ o Nidification must take place during the latter part of June, as a nest was found in Labrador by the same gentleman, in the beginning of July, with five rather elongated eggs. These are described as being of a white color, with a sprinkling of reddish dots at the larger end, and as being1 three -fourths of o o an inch in length and nine-sixteenths in breadth. A nest wras obtained by Mr. Kennicott near Great Slave Lake, June 12, 1 860, which was loosely built and placed within a small spruce, in a dense 126 UFK-HISTORIES OF BIRDS woods, at an elevation of two feet above the ground . It was composed almost wholly of fine plant-stems, slender grasses, and a modicum of mosses, and was lined interiorly with finer stems, and black herbaceous rootlets. It measured three and a half inches in diameter, and one and a half in depth, with a cavity one inch deep and two and a half inches in diameter. The eggs are rounded-oval in form, being more pointed at one end than the other, a light ashen hue or dull white on the background, and finely dotted and blotched \vith light-brown ; these mark- ings being chiefly grouped about the larger end. This bird has been found breeding by R. Deane, Esq, of Cambridge, near Lake Umbagog. The nest was placed about three feet from the soil in the fork of a low spruce, and consisted externally of spruce twigs, rootlets and dry grasses, and was lined with fine black roots. The errors were cle- oo scribed as spherical, creamy-white, and marked with a few large blotches of umber and lilac. The female is said by Audubon to manifest oreat * <_> distress which is exhibited by fluttering among the branches with expanded tail and wings, when her nest is assailed. According to Dr. Brewer, they also evince much sympathy when the nests of other species are disturbed. He instances a case where the outcries of a pair of the Hudson's Bay Titmice, brought a pair of these Warblers to their aid, which displayed fully as much anxiety as the real parents. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 127 In A ueu st. Mr. Audubon observed a number of o young accompanying their parents in their south- ern migration. Dendrceca tiyrina* Baird. o The Cape May Warbler, so called because it was discovered near the extreme southern point of New Jersey, is a rare species in this latitude. The first specimen was obtained at this point by George Ord, in 1811, and was described and figured by Wilson who never came across a second specimen. Both Nuttall and Audubon were un- acquainted with it; the latter depended for the specimens which he delineated, upon Edward Harris, Esq., who procured them near Philadelphia. In their northern migrations, these birds reach the latitude of Philadelphia from the loth to the i 5th of May, remaining but a few days, and sud- denly departing. They are fond of retired situa- tions, and are remarkably suspicious in disposition. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, individuals have been shot whilst feeding within alder swamps and along the banks of streams. Their foraging is chiefly restricted to shrubbery; instances being unknown where tall trees are objects of visitation. Their movements are exceedingly active and re- mind us of both the Flycatchers and Titmice. Unlike many of its family relations, it is a hermit, and shuns rather than courts the society of man. Its flight is commonly low, undulating, and well sustained. Its movements whilst feeding are both arboreal and terrestrial. 128 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS Various small beetles, cliptera, and spiders, con- stitute its bill of fare. Cynnindis viridipcnnis, Cra- tonychus cinereus, Donacia metal lie a, Harpalns compar, Tabantts lincloa, Culex tccuiorJiynclius, and aphides, are eagerly devoured. Their temporary stay, though brief, is unmarked by the slightest trace of song; not even a single call-note is uttered. It is very improbable that this species nidificates in the United States, although an egg obtained in Coventry, Vt, in 1836, has been attributed to this bird, from its resemblance to identified specimens from Jamaica. In this island they frequent the mangrove-swamps and river-banks for food, during the early part of their visit, but repair to the highlands for nidificating purposes. In his ornithological notes of this island, \V. T. March, Esq., describes the nests as possessing long and deep cavities, and being wrought of long and thin strips of flexible bark, stoutly and firmly interwoven, with an intermingling of lichens, mosses, and bark of deciduous trees. Interiorly, * * there is a lining of finer and more delicate strips than are found in the exterior. They measured three and one-fourth inches in diameter, and two and one-half in height. The eggs are oval in configuration, slightly acu- minate at one end, with various shades and tints of brown and purple blotchings upon a pinkish- white background, which are chiefly arranged in the form of an annuhts about • the larger end. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. I 2 9 They are .70 of an inch in length by .55 in breadth, Dendrceca discolor, Baird. The Prairie \Yarbler, a not very abundant species in eastern Pennsylvania, revisits us about the latter part of April or the beginning- of May. Although a denizen of open plains and thinly wooded regions, it is far from being shy and sus- picious, and will permit near approaches without manifesting the least timidity. In searching for food, thev may be seer, moving O> * * Jeisurely along the lowermost branches of trees, examining every leaf and blade of grass for insect- life, uttering at irregular intervals a brief chirr. Exceedingly active creatures, they resemble the Paridct, and in being expert Flycatchers, remind us of the Redstart and the Myiodioctes. Coleoptera, diptera, spielers, and caterpillars, contribute mainly to its maintenance. In the pro- curement of food, its habits are both arboreal and terrestrial. Ckrysomela cceruleipennis, Platynus cupripennis, Donacia metallica, Cymindis viridi- pennis, Casnonia peniisylvanica, Hal tic a chalybca, Cratonychus pcriinax, Tabanus lincola, Culex tcsniorhynchus, and larvae of Anisoptcryx vcrnala, Clisiocampa Americana, and many of the early NoctuidS) with Formica sanguined, Apis nicllijica, and various aphides, and others, have been found JL in the many stomachs which we have examined. Mr, Nuttall speaks of the slender, filing notes i 130 LIFE- HISTORIES OF 7JIRDS of this bird, which he represents by the syllables ' tsh^ tsJi- tsli- Islica sn n<>' crescendo. <•» The Prairie Warbler has been supposed by Cassin to breed in New Jersey, near Philadelphia, from the fact that young birds have been met with during the breeding-season. Nuttall de- o o scribes the nest as non-pensile, placed in a bifur- cating branch, and composed externally of strips of red cedar, liber, caterpillars' silk, fibres of Asclepias, with an internal lining of the down of Gnaphalium plantagineum. The eggs are de- scribed as being sharp at one end, and marked with spots of light-brown and lilac-purple upon a \\hite background, which are chiefly annulated about the larger end. Several nests have been found in Lynn, by Mr. Welch. One built on a wild rose, a few feet from the ground, was compactly, elaborately, and variously interwoven, principally of soft, inner bark oi shrubs, with an intermingling of decayed plant-stem.s, woody fibres, dry rose-leaves, frag- ments of vegetables, and spiders' webs, &c.; the whole being bound together and strengthened by cotton-like vegetable fibres. The upper rim was composed of vegetable roots and bark, strongly interlacing each other. Internally,, their was a layer of vegetable fibres, with a few horse-hairs. In some nests, decayed leaves; in others, weather- beaten cocoons; and, in others, the pappus of plants are more noticeable materials than strips of bark. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 131 This species was found by Dr. Gerhardt to ni- dificate in northern Georgia, where its nests in position, structure and size, were similar but differed in the materials of composition; being composed, externally, almost invariably of strips of inner bark, and (lax-like fibres of vegetable origin, with a lining of fine plant-stems, and in one case of the feathers of Bubo Virriahus. In Georgia <5 A O almost every kind of bi'.sh or tree, is selected in which to build; whereas, in Massachusetts, open and thinly- wooded pasture lands, often not very remote from villages, are invariably chosen. In " i-outhern Illinois, in the oak barrens where it breeds, it is exceedingly rare, according to the authority of Mr. Ridgway. We have never known it to breed in Philadelphia, and are disposed to view it as only a temporary visitor. The female is very confiding and approaches the nest without the exercise of any precautions; and seeks not like many species on the intrusion of human beings, to entice them away from the site of her nest. The eggs vary from three to five and even to six in number; they are oval in form, and marked with spots of lilac, purple and umber-brown, upon a white ground. They measure .68 by .48 of an inch. Since writing the above, a nest of the Prairie Warbler has been obtained by H. D. Minot, Esq., in Northern New Hampshire, at the latitude of Mt. Washington (44^°), containing four eggs. It is 132 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS said to be a summer resident there, though Lynn, Mass., in latitude 42 y* °, has, hitherto, been generally accepted as its northern limit of breeding. Deridrceca palmarum, Baird. In its habits the Red Poll Warbler is nearly ter- restrial. In this particular, it differs very materially from its more intimate relatives. It frequents the borders of thickets and bushes along water-courses. Along the banks of the latter where projecting rootlets are visible, it gleans its daily diet. Oc- casionally, it visits the lower branches of trees, where it may be seen imitating the activity and gracefulness of the Paridce and Certkiidce. Some- times its movements are those of the Muscicapid&, but these are exceptional. This bird is extremely shy, leads a secluded life whilst feeding, and can be approached but with the greatest difficult}-. Its flight is ordinarily low, firm, but slightly undulating, and poorly sus- tained. Its song is a low, simple chirp, produced very infrequently, and resembling somewhat intimately that of a grasshopper. From its early appearance in May, till its de- parture about the i 2th of the same month, it is a silent, solitary creature, wholly engrossed from morn to night, in the all-absorbing thought of self-preservation. Unlike many of its kin, it never deserts sylvan retreats for human habitations, even when pressed by hunger. During its brief stay, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 133 which varies from a week to ten days, its food consists principally of insects. Within the stom- achs of several individuals which we have ex- amined, have been noticed the following:— For- mica sangninea, and F. snbtcrranca, in great abundance; Scaritcs subtcrraucns, Harpahis pensyl- vanicns, H. coinpar, Casnonia pcnnsyhanica, larvae of CratonycJins cincrens, Platynus cnpripennis, Chlcenius s eric ens, Cr atony elms pertinax, Muse a domes tica, Ta banns lineola, Culex tczniorJiynchns, and others, which we were unable to identify. The berries of yunipcrus Virginiana are occa- sionally eaten. With the above a few seeds of graminaceous plants, fragments of leaves of grasses, and buds ok Acer ritbrum were detected. We are inclined to believe that it does not stop during its southern migration, since its non- appearance in habitual habits, is a notable fact. Ordinarily, a rare visitor in our latitude, it is very abundant at certain times, but is always observed as isolated individuals. A combina- tion of circumstances apparently determines the period of its maximum and minimum numbers. During the breeding-season, and also during mi- gration, birds are at times very differently circum- stanced. Sometimes, surer success attend their procreative and parental endeavors, and larger numbers of young are reared. Again, particular species escape more successfully the assaults of predatory birds, and the warfare of man, and are thus enabled to bring greater numbers to accus- 134 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS tomed haunts durino- succeeding seasons. Per- o o haps, the same localities are not always annually visited by particular non-breeding species, which would also tend to numerical variations. The Red Poll generally selects a swampy thicket which is more or less open, for the purposes of nidification. The nest is invariably placed upon the ground. The walls are firmly, closely, and tastefully built of an interweaving of fine grasses, small plant-stems, slender strips of bark, Hypnum and other mosses, exteriorly, with a warm and soft lining of feathers and down. It is usually not large, having a diameter of three and a half inches, a depth of two and a half inches, with the diameter and depth of the cavity but half an inch less. The above is substantially the description given by Dr. Brewer, A nest of this bird found by Mr. Kennicbtt, * June 1 8, at Fort Resolution, was built on the ground on a hummock, near the base of a small spruce, in swampy ground, and contained five young birds. It, doubtless, breeds in the vicinity of Halifax, its being a summer resident there from May to September. It may possibly breed in the United States, although we can discover no evidence to justify the assertion. The eggs are rounded-oval in shape, and blotched chiefly about the larger end with purple, lilac, and reddish-brown spots, blending together upon a yellowish background. They measure .70 of an inch in length by .56 in breadth. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 135 Dendrceca pinns, Baird. i The Pine-creeping Warbler has not been found in our latitude during its vernal migration, to any considerable extent. It is mostly a denizen of pine forests and may be seen running up and down the trunks of trees and along their branches, ever on the alert for the larvae and ova of insects, which it most dexterously extracts from their hiding places. In southern New Jersey it proves to be more abundant, frequenting low marshy grounds, overgrown with shrubbery and the scrub pine. It reaches the latitude of Philadelphia during the latter part of April, and its visit is usually pro- longed until about the i5th of May, when it is notably scarce. During the breeding-period it is unobserved, whence we infer that it does not re- main to perform that essential business. During certain mild and open \vintrrs, we are informed by reliable authority, that it is common in pine forests in the vicinity of Bridgeton, N. J, An instance is recorded where a stray individual was met in Philadelphia in mid-winter. This species is both terrestrial and arboreal. It is an active, restless being, generally searching for insects among the blossoms and needles of the pine, or in the crevices of the bark, or seizing them upon the wing; occasionally, it descends to the ground for this purpose. Its movements recall those of the Certhiida. Though chiefly restricted to pine forests, we have never known it to desert such places for open fields and orchards. 136 LIFE-IIISTORIKS OF IURDS Its llight is short and gracefully undulating. The song of this Warbler is lacking in compass and variety, although, far from disagreable. Mr. Nuttall characterizes it at times as approximating the simpler trills of the canary, but, ordinarily, a reverberating, gently-increasing or murmuring sound resembling cr-r-rrrrr-ah. In the spring- time it sounds like twe-twe-tw-tiv-tiv-tw-tw and sometimes like tsh-tsh-tsh-pw-tw-tw-tw uttered with an agreeable cadence. The note of the female is said to resemble that of Mniotilta varia. Its food consists of insects in their various de- velopmental stages. Early in the spring many coleoptera are eagerly devoured. We have iclenti fied in our examinations remains of B&strichus pini, Cratonychus cinereus, C. pertinax, Cymindi* viridipennis, Platynus cupripenitis, besides the hy- menopterous forms of Formica sanguinea, F. suit terranca, and others. Later, the larvae and ova of Anisopteryx vcrnaia, Clisiqcampa Americana, Citheronia regalis, Eacles imperialis, besides many mature forms oi our early Noctuidce and Tineidct, and earthworms. In the autumn the berries of Juniperus Virginiana, Cornus canadensis, and the seeds of various species of Pinus. Its most northern breeding-quarters are proba- bly in Massachusetts, where it has been found to be very abundant, particularly in the western pan, by Mr. Allen; and in the east as high up as Lynn, by George O, Welch, Esq. There is good reason to suppose that it breeds in New Jersey, since the OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 137 surroundings are favorable, and birds already paired have been noticed under the most sus- picious circumstances. Nidification occurs most probably about the 1 5th of May, as Mr. Nuttall describes a nest which he observed with a full complement of eggs, highly advanced towards hatching, on the 7th of June, which was built about forty feet from the ground, wedged in between two nearly vertical branches of a Virginia juniper tree, in Mt. Auburn. This fabric was composed principally of the wiry stems of Polygonmn tenuc, circularly interlaced with caterpillars' webs, and linty fibres of Asclepias. Interiorly, there were noticed fine rootlets, a few bristles, down of fern- stalks, and feathers. Several nests were discovered by Mr. Nuttall of similar manufacture. Several nests of this Warbler found by George O. \Yelch, Esq., in Lynn, Mass., differed from the one just described, only in the composing materials. These were built of red cedar bark, the liber of several deciduous trees, dry grasses, and plant-stems, and the exuviae of insects; in- ternally, with feathers, silk of plants, and fur of small mammals, lining comparatively large and deep cavities. There were also some wiry roots noticeable. They measured two and a half inches » in height, and three in diameter. In Massachusetts but a single brood is reared in a season, whereas at the south it is accredited with being triple-brooded. 138 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS • The eggs are affirmed by Dr. Brewer to re- semble in size and appearance those of D. castanca, but differ in the spots being more numerous, and the blotches being "larger and more ^enerallv o o o J distributed." They are rounded-oval in configu- ration, with a bluish-white ground-color, which possesses subdued tintings of a delicate purple- shade diffused thereon; and the latter rendered other than monotonous, by dark purplish-brown dots and blotches, with a few pencillings of black distributed over its surface. The averaee length O « "> is .71 of an inch, and breadth 55. Seinrns anrocapillns. Swains. The Golden-crowned Thrush or Oven Bird as this species is popularly known, appears in unusually large numbers, between the ist and 1 2th of May, and restricts itself chiefly to low, damp woods, being seldom, if ever discerned close to human habitations. It is pre-eminently partial to retirement, from which we infer a shy and x timid nature, which experience faithfully justifies. We have occasionally seen it upon wooded hillsides as affirmed by Dr. Brewer; but generally low, humid woods with dense underbrush; in close proximity to water-courses, as described by Au- dubon, accord more acurately with our experi- ence. It is chiefly terrestrial; if arboreal, it is during the early part of the season, anterior to mating. It then seeks the tallest trees, the lowest bushes, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 139 and even alights upon the ground, and from its position makes the thickets resonant with song. Its song may be heard at irregular intervals, from early morn until twilight has melted into dusky night. It is so peculiarly its own, as never to be forgotten when once heard. The following- o o syllables tswe—tswe—tswe—tswe—tswe pronounced quickly, so that the final sound of each preceding word crlides into the initial sound of each succeed- o ing one, the last syllable ending somewhat abruptly, express its language quite accurately. It is sharply, loudly, and distinctly enunciated, and increases in intonation from the beginning to the end. Being uncommonly terrestrial it its habits, than otherwise, its diet consists mainly of the seeds and insects which it discovers underneath decom- posing leaves, and aquatic insects which it procures along the margins of streams. Its earliest diet consists of CEdipoda sulphured, OL. nclmlosa, Caloptemis femur-rubrnm, Achcta nigra% among orthoptera ; Har pains pen syhani cits, II. com par, Pangus caliginosns, Cratonychus cinercns, .Cicindela imlgaris, Lachnosterna hirticnla, Plalynus cnpri- penms, Rhynchcemts pini, among beetles, Formica sanguinea and F. su6ferranea^among hymenoptera; besides spiders and earthworms. Later, when lepidoptera are abundant in their larval and mature stages, an important addition is made to its bill of fare. Anisopieryx vernata, Eufitchia ribearia, and other geometers; CHsiocampa Ameri- cana, immature specimens of Promeihca, Eacles I4O LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS imperialis and Harrisina Americana in their larval condition, and mature forms of Spilosoma Virginica, Utetheisa bella, Eudryas grata, and many of the Noctuidtf, Tortricidce and Tineidce.. Few species among the Warblers possess a more graceful movement upon the ground, than the one under notice. It may be truly said to Avalk, one foot being slightly raised while the other is being placed upon the ground, and vica versa. It maybe readily indentified in the distance by the peculiar nodding movement of the head. Its flight is low, tolerably firm, and well sustained. Nidification commences usually about the last week of May, but at the time of writing (June 3), this essential operation has hardly 'begun. This delay is probably due to the backwardness of the season. Both birds work diligently until the com- pletion of a nest which is the labor of four clays. A concavity in the ground is selected for the site, which usually inclines at an angle of 45 degrees. The typical structure is said to be oven-shaped with an aperture sufticienly large to admit the ready ingress and egress of the female. We have never observed a single nest which would agree with the above partial description. All that we have examined were modeled somewhat after the fashion of that of Gcothlypis triclias, being located at the base of a clump of bushes, and carefully concealed by enveloping leaves. Externally, the nest is composed of dry leaves, stems of grasses, mosses, and fragments of vegetables; and is lined OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 14! externally with fine stems and leaves of grasses. After the lapse of a clay or two subsequent to the completion of the nest, oviposition commences, and proceeds at the rate of one egg per dicut. Incubation then ensues, and continues for 1 1 days. The male bird takes no direct part in this business, save to supply food occasionally to his partner. He is, however, close by, ready to announce the presence of danger, in time to secure a safe retreat. For his mate, the most ardent affection and strongest solicitude are manifested, which do not show themselves after the fashion of Mimus Carolinensis by odd gesticulations and noisy vociferations. The young are objects of especial attention by both parent-birds for three weeks. Their food consists of ants, aphides, earthworms, many of the Phalcenoidce, particularly the larvae of Anisopteryx vernata, the common Geomctra catcnaria of Harris, Clisiocampa Americana, and mature forms of the Noctuidce^ Tor tr id dee, and Tine idee. There is but a single brood in a season. When the breeding season is past, the species still lingers within its natural haunts, until prepared to depart to its southern home. Its absence is conspicuous about the first of October. Up to its retirement, its song is kept up with the same perseverance and vim, as characterized it early in the season. . The nest of this bird seems to be a favorite place for the Cow Blackbird to deposite its eesr. i OO We have frequently observed nests that contained as many as two parisitic eggs. 142 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS The eggs of the Golden-crowned Thrush are oval in shape, with one end the larger. Their ground-color is a beautiful creamy-white which is marked with dots and blotches of reddish-brown, lilac, dark purple, and ferruginous, variously inter- mingled. In a few instances, there is noticable around the larger end, a beautiful crown of the above colors, contrasting very markedly with the nearly spotless surface of the residue. Sciurus noveboracensis, Nutt. The Water Thrush or Wagtail as we commonly term this species from its peculiar habits of alter- nately elevating and depressing its tail, cannot be considered either abundant or rare. It makes its appearance in the beginning of May, about the time of the arrival of the subject of the preceding sketch. Like its near cousin, it is partial to woodlands with a dense growth of underbrush, or in which running water is a noticeable feature. It rarely visits cultivated grounds. It is par excellence a hermit. Within its accustomed haunts, it manifests little dread of man. The fondness which it affects for sequestered retreats, is, doubtless, due to the ready supply of particular food-stuffs which it there tmcls. No feature of woodland scenery is more attractive to the Wagtail than running water. Its appreciation is shown by its common tendency to breed inclose contiguity. The small aquatic inr sects, in divers stages, which are denizens of such OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 143 places, constitute a permanent part of its diet. To secure which, the birds will often wade in the water up to the tibia-. i Building' operations usually commence during the latter part of May, but not later than the first of June. Both birds labor in the construction of the nest almost continually for three days. A cavity in a decayed log is occasionally selected for the site, but, ordinarily, the nest is placed upon the ground within a dense growth of underbrush. The leaves which are abundant in such places, materially aid concealment. It is composed of mosses, leaves, stems of grasses, and rootlets, ex- ternally, and has the inner structure mainly lined with various mosses. It is a beautiful fabric, but characterized bv a notable flatness and shallow- •/ ness. A wonderful degree of affection and solicitude is manifested by the male-bird for his partner. During incubation when approaching footsteps lead him to suspect danger, he endeavors by feint or stratagem, to decoy the intruder from the place of the nest. In this he is singularly successful. Incubation speecily follows nest-completion, and lasts for 10 days. While the female is thus occupied, for the task devolves exclusively upon her, the male-bird remains in the immediate vicinage ready O •' to obey the slightest call, or to guard against en- croachment or assault. The young are objects of the most devoted parental care. The mutual labors of the parents 144 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS in their behalf are unremitting- during the period of helplessness; at the expiration of three weeks they are thrown upon their own resources. The species is single-brooded. The following beetles constitute a portion of its bill of fare: — Platynus capripennis, Harpalu s pen - sylvaniciis, and Cratonychus pertinax. Later in the season the neuropterous larvae of Agriou and Phryganea, the dipteria Culex lacniorhynchus, and the larvae and imagos of Noctuids and Tineids which abound at the time. Its song is loud clear and ringing, beginning with a sudden gush of melody and gradually de- creasing until scarcely audible. Like most of the Warblers while singing it does riot like intrusion. During its winter residence in Jamaica it is devoid of song arid merely utters a monotonous chip. The eggs of this species are oblorig-oval in figure pointed atone extremity and rounded at the other. They are marked with dots, lines, and dashes of umber-brown, varying in tints upon a clear white ground, which are more numerous about the larger end. In some, these markings are larger arid bolder; while in others they are reduced to mere points, and are pretty evenly diffused over the en- tire surface, or are confluent about the larger end forming" a ring, while the rest of the eg-^r is im- o o - oo marked. They average .84 of an inch in length and .67 in breadth. In some sections of the country, particularly in sheltered localities, such as dense woods afford, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 145 small numbers of this species are resident through- out.the entire year. Such is not the case in our latitude, as far as our observations have extended. Seiurus hidovicianus, Bonap. The Louisiana Water Thrush is an uncommonly rare species i& eastern Pennsylvania. Like its nearest congener which we have just spoken of, it inhabits the margins of creeks, swampy grounds, and low damp woods. It is pre-eminently the quickest, as well as the most restless of the Sylvi- colidce though mainly terrestrial in its habits. When observed upon the wet ground, the posterior part of its body is somewhat elevated, and is being con- stantly tilted up and down. It makes its appear- ance about the middle of May, and during its stay, it is exceedingly shy and suspicious. When started it flies up suddenly with a sharp and startling chat- ter. Its flight is easy, continued, and low; whereas upon the ground it has a graceful walk. The song of this species is rich, loud, vivacious. It begins very high .and falls with a gentle grada- tion, until the last notes are scarcely articulated. When singing it perches upon the lower branches of a tree overhancrinor tne water, which it occa- o o sionally deserts for the topmost boughs. Audubon speaks of its notes as rivalling those of the night- ingale in mellowness, variety, and power. The call-note is a simple sparrow-like chirp. Insects and their larvx are mainly its diet. J 146 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS These are mostly of terrestrial character, although it has been observed to capture them upon the wing. Among beetles, Chrys'omela cceruleipennis, Cymindis viridipcnnis, Bostriclius pini, Haltica cha- lybca, Buprestis luridus, Cratonychus cinereus, PI ci- ty mis cupripennis, Pangus caliginosus, are eaten, besides various dipterous forms, Tabanus lineola, * Ctdex tceniorhynchus, and Asilus sericens, ants spiders, earthworms, aphides, and larvae and imagos of Harrisina Americana, LitJwsia miniaia, Ani- sopteryx vernata, and other geometers, UtetJicisa bella and many Noctuids which are found in sylvan retreats. The nest of this bird is generally placed at the base and among the roots of a tree, and frequently alongside of a decayed log. Nidification commen- ces about the middle of May. Externally the nest is formed of dry leaves, grasses, and mos- ses, and lined internally with fine grasses, and oc- casionally a few hairs. The period of incubation is between 13 and 14 days; the duty is performed wholly by the female. In from ten to twelve days the young are prepared to -leave the nest, but still continue with their parents. When disturbed while with young, the female utters the most piteous and agonizing cries, all the while fluttering about the ground with expanded wings and tail; while incubation is progressing, in case of distur- bance, she quietly slips out of the nest, flies a short distance where she remains a passive spec- tator of the proceedings enacted. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 147 The eggs are four in number, flesh-colored and marked with a sprinkling of dark-red at the larger end. Oporornis agilis, Baird. The history of this extremely rare and beautiful species, the Connecticut Warbler, is involved in considerable obscurity. Nowhere very abundant, solitary individuals have been observed by us in Delaware Co., Pa. Just beyond the limits of Phila- delphia. Its appearance occurs between the ist and loth of May; and by the loth or 2Oth of the month, it resumes its journey for more northern climes. All that we have noticed at this time were males, which fact conducts to the inference either that females retire from their southern homes subsequently to the former or at the same time, and either go directly to their breeding- quarters, or being more retired, seek the coverts of dense thickets. The males do not appear shy, judging from their behavior. They delight to visit the trees along streams of water, and show a decided predilection for the common Salix hicida, doubtless, on account of the ready supply of insects which it finds among its leaves and branches. Its movements are extremely agile, \vhich its specific name would seem to imply. It has all the address of the Paridtz, and in the skill with which it captures an insect upon the wing, it almost rivals the Muscicapidce, It is unquestionably true I.j.8 LIFK-IIISTUKIKS OK HIRDS that it is sometimes terrestrial in its habits of feeding. Insects of exclusively terrestrial habits, and seeds of graminaceous plants have been found o in its stomach. Apart from .such evidence, we have the testimony of able writers. According to our experience its -habits are mainly arboreal; being- only occasionally terrestrial. When disturbed by the too near approach of human beings, it quietly shifts its quarters by short (lights as long as the annoyance continues. Its only note which it utters whilst gleaning J o> o alone for food, is a simple twecc, resembling very closely the ordinary call-note t&Dendrceca coronata. This is pronounced at irregular intervals and is so intimately related to that of the just mentioned species, that even the most critical ear is apt to be imposed upon. The following insects are prayed upon in vast numbers : — Platynus cupripennis, Harpalus cornpar, Cratonychus cincrcus, l>osiricJius pini, among colebptera; Cnlcx IccuiorJiyncJius, Tabanus lincola, among the two-winded Hies; besides the small o «_> pulinonary and tracheary Arachnida which infest the leaves, and discover suitable lurking places within the creviced bark of trees. During the autumnal migration, its presence has often been observed by some of our ornitho- logical friends, although not by us. O ij J Of its habits of nidification and incubation, description of its eggs, and the extent of its dis- tribution, our knowledge at present is very limited. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 149 It was supposed by Mr. Turnbull to be a summer resident in Pennsylvania, which is probably not the fact. Oporornis forniosus, Baird. The Kentucky Warbler, though an abundant species in the Southern and Southwestern States, is very rare in Eastern Pennsylvania. It is never gregarious, |3Ut is alwavs observed alone. It o o •> makes its appearance during the latter part of April, or the beginning of May, and is always to be found in ravines, or on the outskirts of low- woods bordering upon the banks of streams of water. Its habits are eminently terrestrial; but it is occasionally found upon low bushes, but has never been known to visit the tall tree-tops. It is naturally quiet and reserved. Whilst feeding it reminds us very forcibly of the X< :>/;-/, especially noveboracensis and ludowcianus, having the tilting movement of the body, and horizontal perching attitude so characteristic of these birds. During its brief stay of a week, it does not utter a single note to remind us of its presence. Its sole business seems to be the procurement of food. It is not until it has reached its breeding-quarters, and is in pursuit of a partner, that it essays the power of song. Its usual note, according to Mr. Ridgway, "is a sharp tship almost precisely like that of the Pewee (Sayornis fuscus) , uttered as the bird perches on a twig near the ground, continually til- ting its body, or is changed into a sharp rapid 150 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRD?; twitter as one chases another through the thicket." c> Its song is said to resemble in style that of Car- dinalis Virginianus though finer in tone, and feebler. The song is said to resemble twcedle- tweedlc-tweedlc, by Wilson. Like its near relative just described, this Warbler is exceedingly restless, hopping from twig to twig in continuarpursuit of insects, larvae, and berries for food. It seldom pursues an insect on the wing. Its flight is low, slightly sustained, and exe- cuted with a gliding movement. The insects, mostly beetles, which contribute to its nourishment, are chiefly terrestrial in char- acter. We have detected remains of Cr atony chus cinereus with larvae, Harpalus conipar, Casnonia pennsylvanica, Platynus cupripennis, and Scaritcs subteraneus, besides Formica sanguinca, F. subter- ranea, earthworms, a species of Tutus, and various spiders. We have never known it to breed within the limits of Philadelphia. Dr. Brewer describes in "North American Birds," a nest that was obtained form Chester Co., Penn. by J. P. Norris, Esq., that had evidently been located in a bed of fallen leaves. Its basal part was loosely built of dry leaves, upon which was placed a superstructure constituting a coarse lining of plant-stems and long, wiry rootlets. It was a comparatively flat structure, six inches in diameter, and two in height; the cup being only one-half inch in depth. Dr. Gerhardt speaking of this nest in northern OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Georgia, says it is built generally <(on the ground under a tuft of orass, often on a hillside and <_> always in dry places." Externally, it is mainly composed of leaves of the oak and chestnut, loosely aggregated, and possessing scarcely any coherence. Internally, a mass of dark-brown roots, compactly interwoven, exists. The nests are awkwardly and inelegantly made, large in compari- son with the size of the bird, and measure four inches in diameter, three in height, and two in depth of cavity. Another nest which the same writer describes, was nearly spherical, with an arched entrance, partially lateral in position. It was partly constructed of partially decayed leaves, somewhat loosely impacted together, which were strengthened by a framework of twigs, stems, and rootlets. Within, hair, finer rootlets, and fibres constituted a snug lining. This nest measured six inches in diameter, and five in height. o The eggs are four in number, sometimes three, and often six, and in Georgia are deposited from the 4th to the 1 5th of May. They are oblorjg-oval in form, and sprinkled with fine, red, and reddish- brown dots on a clear- white ground-color, which are more numerous about the larger end. They measure .68 of an inch in length, and .55 in breadth. The young are said by Audubon to remain with their parents until they retire to their winter- quarters in Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, and Cuba. In the "American Naturalist" for October, 1875, 152 LIFE-HISTORIES OP UiRi>S A. K. Fisher, Esq., of Sing Sing, N. Y., describes a nest which he and a friend discovered in a woods "overgrown with ferns and other perennials." It was built at a slight elevation from the ground. «^ £5 and was composed of coarse grass and dry chest- nut leaves, externally, and lined with horse-hair. It was located not more than 20 feet from the public road. Geothlypis trichas, Cabanis. This beautiful and exceedingly active little species, the Maryland Yellow Throat, generally arrives in the latitude of Philadelphia during the first week of May. It is mostly paired on its arrival; sometimes, isolated individuals are ob- served. Few species are more eminently social and confiding. At its earliest appearance it con- sorts with our common sparrows, and delights in the society of man for whom it manifests marked attachment. As the season advances and the time of nesting draws near, it forsakes such places for more quiet retreats. This species combines the attributes of the Pari- dtz with those of the Muscicapidce. It moves among the branches and foliage of trees, and often suspends itself from the former with the nimbleness of the little Black Cap; and perched upon a small twig, ever on the alert, it seizes a passing insect with the ease and dexterity of a Flycatcher. It is not strictly arboreal whilst feeding, having been frequently observed by us gleaning among the forest leaves. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 153 Its food consists principally of coleopterous and lepidopterous larvae, although other kinds are devoured when there is a scarcity of its favorite diet. At first, it subsists upon beetles. Among which may be mentioned Mycetochares basillaris, Isomira scricca, Donacia metallica, D. conflucns, Platynus cupripcnnis, Harpalus pcnsylvanicus, H. compar, Scaritcs subtcrraiicus, Chrysomela cccrulci- pcnnis and C. spircca; Formica sanguinca, F. sub- termnca, Selandria roscu, Apis mcllifica, Megachile ccntuncularis, among hymenoptera; SyrpJnis ob~ scnrus, Cnlcx t.cniorJiyncJius, Tabanus lincola, Scatophaga furcata and Mnsca domcstica, among diptera; besides small spiders, earthworms, aphides, and the common species of Jnlns. Later, the larvae of different lepidoptera are eaten in great numbers. Some of these are Harrisina Americana, Anisopteryx vcrnata, UtctJicisa bclla, Gortyna zoo1, and mature -forms of Spilosoma Vir- ginica, Orgya Icucostigma, Penthina pomonclla, Acronycla obliiiita, and numerous Noctuids and Tortricids. During the past season, the Maryland Yellow Throat has been a common visitant to low, marshy grounds, where it may be frequently observed perched upon a tussock of grass, on the alert for small insects; occasionally, small, shallow pools on account of the aquatic insects which swarm in such localities, are chosen. The song of this bird is a lively and pleasing- refrain, easily recognized, and exhibiting at times marked variety. It resembles very closely that 154 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS t)f the Summer Yellow Bird. When in the full vigor of song, about the i5th of May, this resem- blance is not so marked as has been anticipated. Its melody consists, of a few short syllables, re- peated rather quickly and uniformly, and with a loud, distinct, and sharp intonation, and may be quite accurately expressed in language by tec- whit-ti-tee-whit-tl-tee:whit-fi. Whilst the singer continues his protracted search for insects, the irksomeness of the task is occasionally relieved by whit-whl-tl-tee-tee. Its ordinary note is a simple twich which is uttered very infrequently. As fond as this species appears to be of cultiva- ted grounds and lawns, subsequently to nidification, it has never been observed by us to build in similar places. For this purpose it usually seeks the re- tirement of thickets where there is a dense growth of brier-bushes; but, occasionally, the nest occupies the centre of a huge skunk-cabbage, carefully con- cealed by its broad leaves, a not very agreeable locality judging from a human standpoint. We are told that this species is more partial to low than high grounds, preferring moist to dry situa- tions. Our observations have been such as to warrant the assertion that there is a strong predi- lection for the latter places. With but a single ex- ception, all the nests which we have discovered during the past five years, to the number of twenty and upwards, have been built upon high grounds along the borders of thickets, in comparatively dry places. Ordinarily, the base of a brier-bush where OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA, 155 there is an accumulation of dry leaves, is wisely selected for building-purposes. Nidification does not usually take place until three or four weeks after the arrival of the species, which is often during the latter part of May, but not later than the begining of June; the period apparently depending upon the forwardness or backwardness of the season. Unlike the Redstart, the work is the joint labor of the sexes, and is prose- ecu ted with remarkable diligence until completion. At the ordinary rate of working, a nest is five days in building. But little time is lost preparatory to oviposition. This requires from four to six days, and is dependent upon the number of eggs which is daily deposited, and proceeds at the rate of one egg per diem. Incubation takes place on the day of deposit of the last egg, or the succeeding day, most generally the latter, and continues for a period not exceeding lodays. The duty devolves exclusively upon the female. While she is thus engaged, the male actuated by the purest affection administers to her necessities with the most com- mendable zeal and alacrity. When not thus employed he remains in the im- mediate neighborhood ready to resist any attack which may be made upon the nest. On the ap- proach of human beings he evinces the utmost restlessness and solicitude, and seeks by the most pitiful cries to withdraw the intruder from any con- templated assault. The young are objects of the tenderest care. 156 LIFE-HISTORIES OF UIRDS They are feel with the larvse of small beetles and lepidoptera mainly; but the various species of our common diptera are also freely eaten. But a single brood is reared in a season. The young are able to leave the nest in about twelve clays; but remain under parental care for a week longer, when they are obliged to shift for themselves, still permitted, however, to enjoy the society of their parents. The nest in the latitude of Philadelphia is built after the following fashion. Firstly, there is a peri- phery of loose leaves chiefly of Qucrcns and Fagns, which are held in position by the circumferential walls of the cavity in which they are placed. In- ternally, there is a layer of bark of the wild grape- vine loosely interwoven, and lined with narrow strips of the inner bark of Qucrctis and Castanca. In the construction of the rim there is no evidence that would lead a person to suspect the existence of a palisade or hedge for protective purposes. Of the many nests which we have seen and examined in situ, not one has ever presented the slightest indication of such an appendage. They have nearly all been inclined at angles varying from 20 to 45 degrees, and have been deeply imbedded among the roots. of brambles, and invariably con- cealed from view by leaves. After the breeding-period is over, the Yellow Throat revisits but occasionally cultivated districts, preferring, however, the solitary, dense forests. It retires to the south during the latter part of September. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 157 The eggs are a beautiful crystalline-white, and are dotted and blotched around the larger ex- tremity with purple, reddish-brown, and dark umber. They measure about .64 of an inch in length, and .53 in breadth. The size varies with the latitude; the largest coming from Kansas, and the smallest from Georgia. Within its nest, we have frequently found the eggs of Molpthrus pecoris, as many as two at a time. Geothlypis Philadelphia, Baird. The Mourning Warbler is one of the rarest of o our spring migrants. It makes its appearance early in May, and retires north to breed not later than the 22cl of this month. We have observed it but once in four years. It is a solitary bird, and delights in low bushes, rather than high, open thickets which most Warblers are accustomed to frequent. It is fearless and unsuspecting, and suffers itself to be approached without exhibiting the least alarm. In habits, it resembles the species last described in many particulars. In search of in- sects, it is an energetic creature, clambering alonof o o o the branches of small shrubs, and freely suspend- ing itself from their extremities,* head downward; and as often darting forward with notable skill to o secure some passing insect, which it accomplishes with nearly the dexterity of a Flycatcher. When molested, it does not seek safety in prolonged flight, or climb to the tops of tall trees, but merely 158 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS avoids any supposed danger by short flights from bush to bush, all the while seemingly manifesting as little timidity and concern as is possible under the circumstances. Its food consists chiefly of small spiders, and the various species of Aphidce which are the curse of florists, on account of the immense mischief which they commit; besides small beetles as Bostrichus pini, Chrysomela cccnileipennis, C. formosa, Dona- eta conflueiita, Harpalus compar, Plaiynus cupri- pennis, which it procures from the foliage of bushes and the surface of the ground; for like its nearest congener last described, this species is both ter- restrial and arboreal. During its stay, not a single note is uttered. It remains the same busy, songless creature to the last; its chief concern being the gratification of a most vigorous appetite. Mr. Maynard in speaking of the son g of the male which he heard at Lake o Umbagog, Maine, says in substance, it is heard early in the morning from the dead branch of a tree, or the top rail of a fence, and is loud and clear, resembling slightly that of Sciurus novebo- racensis. Nuttall describes the song of a species which he presumed to be the one under con- sideration, as a very agreeable warble, resembling the lively chant of the Yellow Throat partially, and to a certain extent the song of Dendrceca (estiva. Br. Burroughs likens its song to that of o o ( Ipororn is form&sa . From its manner of feeding we should infer that OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 159 it builds either upon the ground, like the Yel- low Throat, or else upon small bushes; for as a rule subject to some exceptions, however, the site fora nest measurably depends upon the terrestrial or non-terrestrial habits of a species. Birds that generally feed high up in trees, usually nidificate in such places; those that feed within small trees and low bushes, build low down; whereas, species that are eminently terrestrial in their habits of feeding, or frequent very low bushes, build most generally either upon the ground within a tussock of grass, or in a concavity in the soil artfully con- cealed by dry leaves; but, occasionally, a nest is built upon a low bush. In "North American Birds" we learn that a nest of this species was discovered by John Burroughs, Esq., of Washing- ton, " near the headwaters of the Delaware river in Roxbury, Delaware Co., N. Y." It was placed "in some ferns about one foot from the ground." From the very close resemblance which obtains between the breeding-habits of this species and those of trichas, it would be remarkably strange if it should deviate very widely from the latter in habits of nidification. The nest alluded to was built in a hemlock wood ; it was rather massive, and was composed of dry stalks and leaves, externally; its cavity was quite deep and was lined with fine black roots. It has been known to breed in Waterville, Maine, and there are good reasons for supposing that it breeds in Vermont, as Mr. Paine has ob- 160 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS served a pair with their young at Randolph; and also in the Adirondack regions, N. Y., according to the authority of Mr. George Welch. The eggs are oblong-oval in shape, acuminate at one extremity, and marked with dark purplish- brown clots and blotches of varying proportions. They measure .74 of an inch in length, and .54 in breadth. The probable number is three. Subfamily Icteriinae. Chats. This group is of recent establishment. It was formed to accommodate the North America genus Icteria and its two tropical allies. The pro- priety of considering them as Warblers, has been much questioned. The genus Icteria is larger than any other Sylvicolidte, and has the bill short, stout and compressed; the culrrien and commissure curved; rictus devoid of bristles, and tip unnotched; the wings are rounded and usually shorter than the tail. The sexes have little color-variation. It is probable that the genus is restricted to a single species. Icteria virens, Baird. The Yellow-breasted Chat arrives in Philadelphia not earlier than the first week of May. The males apparently precede the females by at least three days. In disposition this species is remarkably shy, and affects a partiality for retired localities, which high woods with dense underbrush, and uncultivated fields with patches of brambles, afford. It shuns rather than courts man's society. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. l6l Its habits whilst feeding are both terrestrial and arboreal; it, however, restricts its foraging to low trees and shrubs. In general movements, there are noticeable remarkable agility and a certain de- gree of eccentricity. They frequently squat upon the ground, keeping up all the while a peculiar jerking movement of the tail; then spring upon their feet and display the most antic gestures. l * «_5 When surprised while thus occupied, they en- deavor to effect concealment among the bushes, or seek securitv in flight. - o The food of the Chat consists mainly of in- sects, although the fruits of the wild strawberry (Fra^ana Virginia^,}, Rubus villosus* and the common whortleberry are esteemed great luxuries. We have detected in th° several stomachs which' we have examined, the presence of Pangus caligi- nosus, ffarpalus pehsylvanicus> H. compar, Scarites subierraneus, PI at y mis cnpripcnnis, Bostrichus pint, Dona da pusilla, Chrysomela caruleipennis, and many other coleoptera; besides Formica sanguinea, F. snbtcrranca, small spiders, and. the smaller species of Tulis. Later, the smaller lepidoptera belonging to the Noctuidce, Tortriddce, and TineidfE, in mature stages, besides the larvtne of Anisopteryx vernaia, Eufitchia ribcaria, Clisio- campa Americana, Utetiieisa bclla, and Colias philo- dicc are eagerly hunted. *!_> ^ Its song consists of a variety of uncouth sounds easily imitated; at one time, comparing favorably with the whistling of the wings of a duck, being K I 62 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS loud and rapid, and produced with a gradual cadence; at another time, closely resembling the barking of young puppies; and, again, resembling the mewing of a cat, only hoarser. These notes are uttered with great vehemence in divers keys, and with peculiar modifications. Its voice, as it shifts from place to place, the possessor being unseen, seems to be more like that of a spirit than a bird. At one time it is close by: the next move- ment it comes from a distance; so that by these tricks of ventriloquism, it is not always possible to locate its whereabouts with any degree of cer- tainty. The following syllables express its song during the period of nidification quite accurately: — twl-wl -wl-wl-wi-wl, kwawawawawa, knk, -chl-chl- f/il-chi-chi, twcinm, chweah. Mating commences during the last week of May usually, and nest-building early in June. The nest is .generally placed within a forked twig of Kalmia latifolia, the smaller growths being in- variably selected. It is rarely placed at a greater height than three feet from the ground. In a few instances we have seen nests in brier-bushes. The nest is the joint labor of both sexes, and is the reward of patient and unwearied perseverance from three to four days. Oviposition instantly succeeds, and proceeds at the rate of one egg per day; this duty is followed by that of incubation which continues for a period of 1 1 clays, the female performing the labor exclusively. Whilst the Utter is thus employed, the male becomes * very OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 163 faithful and jealous husband. When not engaged in the procurement of food for her and self, he seeks to relieve the monotony of her task by his best vocal performances ; and ever and anon, shows his delight by the most ridiculous and unmeaning rhapsodies and gestures. During these exhibi- tions of overflowing spirits, he chants his prettiest and best. The approach of an enemy on such occasions, is heralded by loud and noisy chatter- ings between fear and anger; and even frequent attempts are made to repel the intruder. The young are objects of intense solicitude on the part of the parents. Both are assiduous in their efforts to provide them with suitable and abundant nourishment. Larvae of various kinds, dip tera, smaller lepidoptera, and the berries of Fra- X-'V/tf Virginica and Rnbns 'ci//<\*us are in great demand. As tlrey advance in age, their diet is in- creased in quality and quantity. In about thirteen days from the time of hatching they leave the nest, and in a week more they are thrown upon their own resources. In this latitude there is but one brood in a season. In a nest before us which may be considered typical in Eastern Pennsylvania, the exterior is rather loose in structure, and composed almost ex- clusively of the inner bark of Bctulu excelsa, in j strips from one-half to nearly three-fourths of an inch in width and nearly nine inches in length, in some instances. Interiorly then* is a thick lining of roots compactly interwoven, and which gradu- 1 64 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS ally diminish in thickness toward the centre. Another nest which we possess differs materially in composition from the foregoing. It is composed exteriorly of skeletonized leaves of Betula excelsa in profusion, loosely arranged and held in situ by the small and nearly vertical branches between which it is posited. Within, the inner bark of the wild grape-vine sparingly, culms of grasses, small sticks, and a soft lining of beech-leaves and slender stems of grasses, are noticeable features. The breeding-period being past, it spends the remainder of its time until its departure early in September, in thick brier-bushes, and within close hedges; but occasionally forsakes such places for cultivated fields. Now its song can be heard at midnight, and frequently continues until daybreak. The early departure of the Chat is not due to the paucity of appropriate food-stuffs, but chiefly to its remarkable susceptibility to cold. On rainy days in August which are often attended with low ba- rometric pressure, this species becomes so affected in consequence, as to render it easy of capture. The eggs are four or five in number, rounded- oval in shape, and marked with reddish-brown and lilac spots upon a white and slightly yellowish background. They average .88 of an inch in length and .68 in breadth. Subfamily Setophaginae. Fly catching Warblers. While many ot the Sylvicdlida are dexterous in OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. "165 the capture of insects upon the wing, the represen- tatives of this group, accomplish the task with special address, for which reason they were for- merly placed in the extensive old genus Musdcdpa. The Setophagina are mainly developed in Central and South America, where they embrace three or four genera with more than forty species. As some of them closely resemble the Tyrannidce, the presence of only nine primaries and the oscine character of the tarsi will clearly distinguish them from these clamatorial birds. Myiodioctes mitratus, Aud. The Hooded Warbler is almoust exclusively a southern species, being found in South Carolina in greater abundance than in any other State. It makes its appearance earl)' in May, but does not remain to breed. It leaves us about the I5th of May. It is fond of sequestered situations, and has been observed by us both in high and low grounds, in the laurel thickets of the Wissahickon hills, and in the dense undergrowth of many of its valleys. It is an expert flycatcher, pursuing its prey with^spirit_and activity until captured, and catching the greater part upon the wing. It is the liveliest of its tribe, and is almost constantly in motion. While o-ambollino- from tree to tree, o it has a peculiar graceful fashion of opening and closing its tail, which clearly distinguishes it from any other species. I 66 LIFE-HISTORIES OF Rl The flight of this bird is low, gliding, and O <-> O moderately sustained. During its brief stay of a week it is apparently silent; not so much as a simple call has it been heard to utter. Coming alone and being a solitary and voracious feeder, its attention is so completely engrossed with appetital gratification, that other influences are temporarily held in absyance. Its call-note is said by Mr. Audubon to resemble that of Spiza cirisy but difficult to distinguish; but its sonor of three syllables is loud, cheerful and acrree- ^> j «_> able, and resembles wcet, wed, w:etcc. The species is pre-eminently vocal in the spring, so says the sime writer, but ceases altogether at the time of the first hatching; its sonp* is resumed \vhen the *T* *7** mate is a^ain sitting on her second set of epf^s. o * * r^ o Its food consists ot beetles, two-winged Hies, and lepidoptera, principally. Although chiefly aerial, so to speak, in foraging for food, it is never- theless, both arboreal and terrestrial. The fol- lowing insects constitute a portion of its volumin- • ous bill ot fare:- -Cymindis viridipennis, Donacia metallic a, D. comflu?nia, Bostrichus pint, Chryso- mela c&ndeipcnms, Ccisnonia pmnsylvanica and Culex taeniorhynchus, among diptera; Apis melli- fica, Formica sanguined, F. subterranea, Setandna rose?, Megachile centuncularis, and various species of Hali.ctus among hymenoptera; Utcihcisa bella, Lithosia miniata, Anhopteryx -jn-nata, in larval state, mature forms of Spilotoma Virginica, and many of the smaller i\ ^ociuid-z and Ttncidcu; besides various species of aphides and spiders. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 167 According to Wilson the nest is placed in the fork of a small bush and is very neatly and com- pactly built. It is formed externally of flaxen fibres of plants and moss, and lined with hair and leathers. Mr. Audubon says it is placed a few feet from the ground, and is found in low situa- tions. The late Dr. Gerhardt of Georgia, in writing to Dr. Brewer, says that it is built of coarse grass and dry leaves, externally, and internally of pine- needles interwoven with horse-hair and long yellow grasses, and resembles the nest of Spiza cyanea, but is larger. The nest he further affirms is placed upon oak bushes, four or five feet from the ground, close by brooks and creeks, Mr. Ridg- way states it to be a common summer resident in the bottom-lands of sotthern Illinois, where it in- habits the borders of bushy swamps and cane- brakes*. The eggs are four or five in number, oval in shape, and pointed at one extremity. They have a beautiful white background, flesh-colored when fresh, and are marked with fine, red spots, and a few of subdued purple. The length is .70 of an inch, and the breadth .50. Myiodioctes pusillns* Bo nap. The Green Black-capped Flycatcher is pretty abundant in Eastern Pennsylvania, where it ar- rives early in May in transits, and leaves about the 1 5th of the same month. Like its near cousin 1 68 un-MiisTokiKs OF JU which we have just described, it affects a fondness for retired situations, where among the low bushes of low lands, and the snvill trees and underbrush of wooded hillsides, it is busy gleaning- from morning until nicrht. It is exceedingly shy and O <_> O J J contrives to keep out of the way of danger. It possesses many of the attributes oi the Muscica- pid&, and like mltraius exhibits much energy and spirit in catching its prey on the wing. It is at the same time both terrestrial and arboreal. Its flight is low, gliding and tolerbly protracted. In the intervals of feeding, it is occasionally heard to utter a loud chattering song which Wilson was pleased to characterize as a "sharp, squeaking note, in nowise musical." Mr. Nuttall who dis- played such a happy faculty in expressing the syl- labic languages of birds, calls it a "little, cheerful songster, the very counterpart of our brilliant and cheerful Yellow Bird," and describes its songr as O lesemblino- 'tsh-tsh-isl.ea. The call is short and ^.5 far from being loud. The following insects constitute a small fraction of its bill of fare:- -Donacia confluenta, Haiti c a chalyleci, Cymindis viridipennis, Donacia metallic a y Musca domes tic a, Scatopliaga furcata, Aphis mali, Apis nielli jica, Andreiicz, Halicii, Selandria rosce, Anisopteryx vcrnata, Colias philodice, Eufiichia ribearia in their larval state and mature forms, with many of the early Noctuid& and Tineidce; besides ants and small spiders. This species breeds in high northern latitudes, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 169 among the exuberant shrubbery upon the margins of the canyons of the lofty interior moun- tain ranges. Mr. Nuttall speaks of its breeding in Oregon, and Mr. Audubon in Labrador. We have no evidence that it breeds in our Middle and Northeastern States, but future explorations may show that in limited numbers it does so in North- western Maine. A nest discovered in Oregon by Mr. Nuttall, on the 1 6th of May, was placed very.adroitly upon a mass of Usnca, on a branch of the service-bush. It was composed externally of Hypmtm mosses, and internally of dry, wiry grasses. Another found in Labrador by Mr. Audubon, was placed in the very centre of a thicket, at the extremity of a horizontal branch, almost concealed by the foliage of a stunted fir. It was composed of pine-twigs and dry mosses agglutinated to the leaves and branch upon which it was hung, and was lined with fine vegetable fibres. The diameter was three and a half, and the depth one and a half inches. The eggs are usually four in number, obovate in shape, and spotted with reddish and brown dots upon a white background. Audubon describes these markings as forming a circle .about the larger end, leaving the extremity plain. Myiodioctes Canadensis, Aud. The Canadian Flycatcher is quite abundant in Eastern Pennsylvania in transitu, arriving from its genial southern home early in May, and remains i;O LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS for nearly three weeks, when it resumes its noth- ward-bound journey. It leads a solitary life and being fond of retirement, ordinarily seeks the borders of dense woods, where among- the smaller trees and shrubbery it procures a ready subsist- ence. When the apple and cherry are in blossom it vacates its former retreats for cultivated grounds which yield it an ample remuneration for its trouble. It manifests but ordinary timidity when ap- proached, and* like the little Pamla Americana before mentioned, only seeks safety in flight when closely pressed by its pursuers, merely indulging in short flights from branch to branch, and from bush to bush. Whilst foraging, its movements are exceedingly agile and graceful, combining in a remarkable manner the peculiar attributes of both the Paridce and Muscicapidcz . Like the former it moves with nimbleness along the trunks and branches of trees, in every conceivable direction; freely suspending itself from their lower surfaces, and occasionally poising itself before an expanding bud or flower; like the latter when the opportunity occurs, it will seize a passing insect with equal ease anq dexterity. Its habi'ts whilst feeding are pre-eminently arbo- real, althouo-h there is eround for the belief that o o it is sometimes terrestrial Several stomach ex- aminations disclose the presence of beetles whose habits are exclusively terrestrial, as the following listabundantly shows > -Thaneroclerus sanguineus> Haliica chalybca, Chrysomcla c&ndeipennis, Fcro- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. I 71 nia chalcites, Donacia- confluenta^ Harpalus pcnsyl- vanicus, and Platynus cupripennis. Besides coleop- tera, our commonest ants and small spiders are articles of diet. During its temporary sojourn, like many other migrants, it does not resale us with a sonf June, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 175 sometimes during the last week of May. A small bush is selected for this purpose; most commonly ^funipcrus comniunis\ the nest being seldom placed higher than from five to six feet above the ground. The labor of building devolves upon the female, mainly; the male occasionally rendering a little assistance. While his partner like a true and faithful servant plies her task with indefatigable zeal, he occasionally deserts his post close by, to inspect the character of the work, and occasionally deigns to adjust a stray piece, or to render the structure more symmetrical. The work continues through the day, and is prosecuted with commend- able rapidity. Ordinarily, it requires a period of three days to complete a nest, which is about the time the Summer Yellow Bird devotes thereto. Whilst the female is laboring hard under the sur- veillance of her lord, the male as if to encourage and stimulate her to greater exertions, rewards her occasionally with a juicy tidbit. The nest is built in a crotch, and held in posi- tion by nearly vertical branches. It presents, exteriorly, at a short distance, a decided resem- blance to the nest of Dendrccca (estiva \ but, upon critical examination, perceptible differences are found to exist. The periphery of the nest is com- posed of hempen fibres of Limim Virginianum and L. usitatissimum almost exclusively, with a few spiders' webs; interiorly, there is a profusion t)f horse-hairs. The height is four inches, and tnQ diameter nearly two and a half, The diameter at i;6 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS the mouth and the depth of the cavity are the same, being- about two inches. The structure is beautifully symmetrical, hemispherical in shape, and neatly and compactly woven. Oviposition is closely attended upon nest-com- pletion, and proceeds at the rate of one egg per day, until the number is laid which requires a period of four days. Incubation subsequently follows, and lasts for 1 1 days, the female performing the labor exclusively. Whilst she is thus occupied, her part- ner administers to her necessities. When not thus occupied, he remains near by, manifesting the utmost solicitude. When danger is imminent, he comes boldly to the front, and endeavors by his clamors and mena- cing attitudes, to inspire fear on the part of the in- truders. He is bold and courageous, and like the Ruby-throated Humming Bird, darts with gaping jaws into the face of the person who dares to dis- turb his nest or mate. The* female is so strongly attached to her nest, that she will permit a very close approach before she can persuadg herself to vacate. The young are objects of more than ordinary solicitude. Both parents labor unremittingly to provide them with suitable and abundant nourish- ment. They are fed upon young caterpillars and larvae of various insects which the parents procure at great distances. The larvae of Anisoptcryx vernata and other geometers, Colias philodicc, Harrisina Americana, Eufitchia ribearia, and Cli- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 177 siocampa Americana; besides mature forms of Musca domestica, Tabanuslineola, SyrpJnis obscurus , S. obliquus, Formica sanguined, aphides, and small spiders in abundance, are largely devoured. Late in the season, both young and old subsist in part upon the berries of Juniperns Virginiana, and the seeds of grasses. The younef leave the nest in c> J about \ 2 days after being hatched, and in a week more are fitted to care for themselves. The species is single-brooded. Both young and old retire to their winter homes late in September, spending the interval of time between brood-raising and retire- ment, in cultivated fields. The eggs are usually four in number, grayish- white, and blotched and dotted with purple and brown. They average .6%; of an inch in length and .50 in breadth; they resemble slightly those of D. ccstiva. Family Tanagridae. Tanagers. This extensive and beautiful family is restricted to America. The species are chiefly tropical. Its precise position is undetermined. The single well- established North American genus Pyranga, em- braces birds of brilliant colors with marked seasonal and sexual variations in plumage. In distribution it is rather southerly, never passing beyond the limits of the United States. Pyranga rubni, Vieill. The Scarlet Tanager may be considered as one 178 LIFE-IIISI OKIES OF I'-IKDS of the most conspicuous and brilliant of our summer occupants. From its appearance early in May until its departure during the first week of September, it accomplishes an immense amount of good in the destruction of many insects in their various developmental stages. Within secluded situations this species displays a certain amount of shyness and timidity, which it throws aside on its visits to the domains of man. We have frequently approached within a few paces of it without exciting undue alarm. In \vooded regions it seeks the topmost boughs of the tallest trees, where it-gleans for hours its daily subsist- ence! The apple and pear are its favorite trees outside of its natural haunts. In its habits of feed- ing it is far from being strictly arboreal, as we have known it to follow the plowman in company with 'the Robin and Purple Grakle. This. species is never gregarious. Early in the season the sexes are dissociated, and lead solitary lives. From their earliest appearance, it is obvious that the male arrives in advance of the female. Perhaps the modest and unassuming garb of the female renders her a less conspicuous object of notice than her more highly favored partner. The habits of the males on their arrival confirm us in our opinion. They seek the tops of the loftiest trees, and for an hour at least pour forth their choicest music, doubtless, with a view of at- tracting the passing females. We have known., instances where a venturesome fellow had stationed .OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 179 himself upon a tall tree by the side of a public road, utterly unconscious of his surroundings and aught else save the task which he had in view, and which he performed with commendable vim. Within the coverts of dense woods, the male invariably seeks the tallest tree-tops, seldom . changing his position unless to seize a passing insect, or to obey the call of a kindred species. At irregular intervals he utters his simple call of chi- charr. The sounds are strangely delusive, seem- ingly emanating from a distance, when their author is evidently close by. Later in the season when the trees are covered with leaves, he is seldom observed. His gaudy drei-s needs to be concealed by enveloping leaves from the view of rapacious birds, which his stationary position materially assists in bringing about. In orchards and gardens adjoining occupied dwellings, it is true that his behavior is marked with less shyness and greater freedom. The less danger which such places afford, from the less frequent visits of rapacious birds thereto, doubtless furnishes an explanation to the fact. Birds of prey have a decided aversion to man, and hence the advantage which this species derives by building close to human habitations. The power of ventriloquism which is the peculiar property of the male, enables him to please his mate with sweet music, without revealing to his enemies his precise whereabouts. The song of the male which is uttered at irregular intervals, is a moderately low and pensive I So LIFE-HISTOKIKS OF BIRDS ditty, and may be quite accurately represented by the syllables chl-chl-chl-char-ee-char-ee-ckl. It has been likened to the mellow notes of the Baltimore Oriole, but we are utterly unable even to trace the most distant relationship. In the mating season, and also on the approach of danger, both birds utter a low whispering warble, in a tone of marked sweetness and tenderness, as they move through the branches and foliage together. The food of this bird consists of coleopterous, lepidopterous, and dipterous insects, with their larvae. In July, various kinds of berries are eaten, and constitute an important part of its diet. In several stomachs which we have examined, have been found remains of Harpalus.pensylvanicus, H. touipar, H. carbonarius, Ptinus- Juinieralis, Platynus iiipnpeiinis, Pangus caliginosns, Chrysomela cceru- leipcnnis, Cratonychus cinercus and . Lachnosterna hirlicula in their larval forms, earthworms, ants, and small spiders. Later in the season the larvae of Gortyna zccc, Anisopteryx vcrnata, .Eufitchia ribcatdctt Harrisina ^li]iericaiia,Eudryas grata, the dart moth, with mature forms of the .above, besides Spilosoma, Virginic'a, LitJiosia . viiniata, Utetheisa bella, and many oi the Satyridtz, Lyc&nidce, and Tortricidce. During the breeding-period, which occurs late in May or the beginning of June, the male keeps at a wary distance, and his less suspicious mate is compelled to. .yield the protection which he should rightfully bestow. When her nest is assailed she OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 181 hovers about the head of the intruder evincing the o most intense anxiety and distress. Building operations are begun about the i5th of May, the bulk of the work being performed by the female. The nest is placed upon a horizontal branch of the tulip-poplar or a species of Quercus on the outskirts of a grove, or upon an apple-tree in less sequestered situations. It takes but four days to construct a nest, which is loosely put together and scarcely survives the season for which it is designed. Exteriorly, it is composed of rude sticks, with an intermixture of weeds and grasses; and is lined with roots, grass-stems, and occasionally the inner bark of Castanea or Qnercus. After the completion of the nest and the usual complement of eggs is deposited, one being laid a day, incubation ensues. This duty devolves wholly upon the female. She is also necessitated to provide her own nourishment. The time spent in sitting is about 1 2 clays. The young are fed by the female principally. Their food consists of the larva: of beetles and lepidoptera, with mature forms of the same; besides, spiders, earthworms, aphides, and diptera. In about two weeks the you no- leave the nest, and J O in another week, they are thrown upon their own resources. So susceptible to cold is this species, that in unusually chilly weather, many have been known to perish. We distinctly recall a season of unusual cold in May. which succeeded very oppressive 1 82 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS weather in April, which was attended with unhappy consequences to the species under consideration. Many individuals were picked up which were so completely overpowered that life was imperilled. It departs for the South during the last week of September; sometimes, earlier, when the season is unusually severe. The eggs vary from a well-marked shade of greenish-blue, to a dull white. The spots are reddish or rufous-brown, and more or less con- fluent at the larger end. They are four or five in number, and measure about .95 of an inch in length, and .65 in breadth. CHAPTER IV. Family Hirundinidae. Swallows. The Swallows constitute a perfectly natural group, and represent among Oscines, the fissir- ostral type of structure. Their resemblance to the Cypsclidcz and Caprimiilgickz is one of analogy rather than affinity, though these birds were for- merly placed in die artificial "order" Fissirostrcs. It is estimated that one hundred species of Swallows are recorded, man)' of which are pro- bably not genuine. They are universally distri- buted, some of them like Hirundo, being more or less cosmopolitan ; each of the grand divisions of the globe possesses its particular subgenera; all the American groups, with the exception* of Hirundo and Cotyle being peculiar to this con- tinent. Formerly, Swallows bred in hollows of trees; in banks on cliffs, and like places, which is the custom with many yet; but the majority have abandoned their primitive haunts for the artificial ^ nesting places provided purposely, or otherwise; by^ man. Some at present are in a transition state; for ex- ample, the Purple Martin which still clings' to its old habits of breeding in hollow trees in our Western States; while here it avails itself of the boxes which are provided for its accommodation. 184 LtFK-llISTORiKS OF Stronger evidence coulcl not be adduced to show the modifying influences which civilization has brought to bear upon indigenous birds. hirundo horreorum, Barton. No one of all our North American species is more abundant and better known than the subject of the present sketch. From its first appearance in early May, till its departure about the i5th of September, the immense good which it accom- plishes should prompt us to accord to it a generous welcome, and bestow upon it the full pro- tection of the laws. The myriads of insects which it destroys during its temporary stay, should com- mend it to public favor. It frequents our pastures where the cattle are grazing, and kindly relieves them of their dip- terous tormentors, even alighting upon their backs for this purpose; it puts an end to the insects that infest our fruits and vegetables, and indirectly rids man of many of his inveterate insect-foes. It may be justly characterized as an unmixed good. Not the slightest tinge of evil, we are happy to say, exists in its nature, to rnar the happy results which flow from its labors. The solicitude which it manifests towards its fellows is proverbial. Who has not descerned its willingness and readiness to assist a comrade in distress, and the piteous cries of appeal which it utters when danger is imminent ! These estimable X J? traits are too well-known to require any portrayal OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 185 at our hands. The love which the male cherishes for his partner is remarkable. He feeds and caresses her; and we are informed by a reliable person, that he occasionally relieves her of the irksome duty of incubation. In the selection of a nesting- place, special regard for the shelter and comfort of the" female and the young is of primary importance. To secure these requirements, a barn, porch, or wagon-house, is usually selected. In rural districts, what are familiarly known as overshoots, with which some barns are specially provided for the accommoda- tion of cattle, are called into requisition. Again, unoccupied springhouses, close by streams of water are favorite resorts. The above places are, doubtless, selected on account of the various dip- terous insects which are to be found there. Ap- petital gratification has probably dictated the pro- priety of nidificating where a ready supply of tood-stuffs can be obtained, with but little waste time and expenditure of physical Strength. Nests have also been found attached to the piers of bridges. In many localities there seems to be a decided partiality for such positions. In a rural part of Germantown, upon the east bank of a small tributary of the Wissahickon creek, stands a dilapidated building which is annually resorted to by these Swallows, for nidificating purposes. At this time.'solitude and retirement are infinitely more desirable than sociality, Many birds which are pre-eminently gregarious before and after I 86 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS breeding, manifest an utter repugnance to general society at this time. Nesting ordinarily commences during the last week of May, sometimes as early as the i5th, and as often not before the first week of June. The labor is performed jointly by both sexes, and is prosecuted with considerable diligence until the nest is completed. The time thus spent seldom exceeds a period of six days. A nest by our side which was built under an overshoot, and which may be considered a typical structure, is composed externally of ten semi-ellip- tical series of mud pellets, slightly overlapping each other in the manner of tiles, and intercalated with the culms and blades of fine grasses. Simi- lar grasses in small quantity serve to strengthen the pellets, and thus act as girders to bind the elements of the fabric more closely together. In- teriorly, there is an inner layer of the stems of Phieum pr&tense, another compactly pressed, and succeeded by a softer layer of the leaves of Holcus lanatns. The cavity is nearly two and a half inches, longitudinally, and about four, transversly; its depth is hardly an inch. The shallowness is com- pensated for by the greater length in the transverse direction. For alining, soft feathers take the place of grasses. After the lapse of two or three days, oviposition commences, and continues during a period ranging from four to six days, in accordance with the rate of laying which is one per diem. Incubation is OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. not entirely performed by the female as stated above; it lasts for a period of 1 1 days. The male is a very dutiful husband and administers most faithfully to his partner's wants. The young are objects of special parental regard. Their food consists of various diptera, aquatic larvae, and small lepidoptera. \Ve have never known more than one brood to be raised in a season. The fact that some birds are later breeding than others, has, doubtless, given rise to the impression that in some sections the species is double-brooded. The young are able to vacate the nest in about 14 days after breeding; and in a week or ten days more are prepared to attend to their own wants. We have found the remains of the following in- sects in the stomachs of the many individuals which we have examined:- -Musca doviestica, Tabanus lineola, Tabamis ciuttus, Syvphus obsairus, Asilus sericeus^ Stomox.ys i aid trans, ScatopJiaoa furcata, Culex tceneorhynchus, and Tipnla fcrniginca, besides the smaller dipterous forms that are found skimming over the surfaces of pools and ponds of water; Harpaius compar, CratonycJius cinereus, Casnonia pennsylvanica, Platynus cupripennis, Donaaa confluenta, Cymindis -jindipi-nnis, among coleoptera; Spilosomayirginica, S. acre? a, Lithosia miniata, Utetheisa bella, Penthina pomonella, Ani- sopteryoc vernata, and many of the Lyc&nidce, Tor- tricida?, and Noctuidce. Its song especially during flight, is both pleasing and lively. It consists of a succession of twitter- 1 88 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS ings repeated in a very rapid and animated manner. When alighted, the song is slower and less anima- ted, but none the less pleasing. The following syl- lables give a tolerably accurate representation: — twit- tt-tt-ti. Its ordinary call is simply twit. Dr. Brewer affirms in "North American Birds' that "a striking peculiarity of these nests (Barn Swallows'), is frequently an extra platform built against but distinct from the nest itself; designed as a roosting place for the parents; used by one during incubation at night or when not engaged in procuring food, and both when the young are big enough to occupy the whole nest." We have no reason to doubt the above facts, coming as they do from so eminent authority. The existence of such an appendage may be a noticeable feature of the nest in certain sections; but our experience has been different. When a nest is fastened to the horizontal timber of a building, and in unexposed situations, there seems to be no necessity for such an appurtenance; but in the absence of suitable protection and convenience, it may serve a pur- pose. The eggs are white with a roseate tinge in un- blown specimens, and are marked with reddish and purplish-brown spots chiefly at the larger end. Their mean length is .77, and mean breadth .55 of an inch. Tacky cine fa bicolor, VieilL The White-bellied Swallow, unlike the species OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 189 last mentioned, may be considered the least abun- dant of all of our swallows in Eastern Pennsylva- nia. It reaches this latitude early in May a little in advance of the Martin, and like the latter, is known to avail itself of a box for a nest; and from its earlier arrival, frequently lays claims to boxes which the martins by virtue of priority of possession are legally entitled, so to speak. A disturbance ensues, and the latter by reason of inferior strength- are forced to seek quarters else\vhere. Where they have been induced to accept the conveniences of man, they soon enter on the most familiar terms with him, and for the many little kindnesses and attentions which he bestows, reward him most gfratefullv bv their eminent services in the destruc- £> J J tion of noxious insects. Its movements are exceedingly active, but less so than' the barn-swallow's. Like the latter it seizes much of its food on the wing; but its foraging is more arboreal and terrestrial. It subsists upon the following insects: — Culex tceniorhynchus,Asilus sericeus, Scatophaga furcata, Tabanus lincola, Syr- phus obliq uits, S. obscnrus, Anthrax elongata, among cliptera; Har pains corn par, Cymindis viri- dipennis, Chrysomela caruleipennis among coleop- tera; and Acronycta oblinita, Spilosoma Virginica, Orgy a leucostignia, Picris rapes, Colias philodice, Penthina ponwnella^nd. many of the Lcuccenidce Tortricidce, and Noctuid&. In Eastern Massachusetts this species breeds exclusively in martin boxes; and in the western 190 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS part of the State according to Mr. Allen, it is the least abundant of the swallows; and is exceedingly o J careless in its selection. It has a breeding rantre o o from the 38th degree to high norfhern latitudes. Mr. Richardson found it breeding in trees on the banks of the Mackeiizies river; Dale mentions it in Alaska, but it has not been observed in Green- land. In this latitude it is chiefly a denizen of woods, and builds almost exclusively in hollow j trees. Its nest is loosely built and is composed of soft leaves, fine meadow-grasses, and^warmly lined with an abundance of down and feathers. We have never met with more than one nest in a season. : Its departure for the West Indies, Central America, and Northern South America, where it winters, takes place early in September. The parents like those ot the species last de- scribed, are strongly attached to each other, and manifest the utmost devotion to their offspring. The eggs area pure white, with a delicate pink- ish tinge when unblown, and unspotted; oblong- oval in shape, and more pointed at one extremity than the other. They measure .8£ of an inch in length and .54 in breadth. ' Petrqclielidpn huiifrons, Baird. The Cliff Swallow has been but ' occasionally observed within the limits of Philadelphia, but in Northumberland Co., to the westward, it is nearly as common as the Barn Swallow is with us, Its OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 191 appearance is noticed early in May. It seemingly delights in man's society, and attaches its mud-built nest to the eaves of barns and outhouses. From its first advent to its departure in the latter part of September, it is the same sociable creature. Scores of birds have been known to nidificate in dilapidated buildings, constituting well-established and peaceful settlements. But most generally there is a strong aversion to such settlements, as evidenced by the many solitary nests which we have observed in comparatively out-of-the-way situations. This species, however, carries this feeling of sociability to the utmost. The most perfect harmony prevails in each set- tlement. In a colony which we observed, a few years since, there were counted at least twenty domiciles arranged in a row underneath the pro- jecting eaves of a barn; and what was truly re- markable, there was not discernible during the three weeks we spent in the neighborhood, a single exhibition of ill-nature or petulency. The song of this Swallow which has been com- pared to "an unmusical squeak," rather than a twitter, is produced with a geniality of expression which abundantly compensates for its harshness. When the birds in their hurry would jostle each other, the utmost good feeling prevailed as evi- denced by the same constant noise which they kept up. The Cliff Swallow claims our generous indulg- ences,. Like its near relative, the Barn Swallow, 192 LIFE- HISTORIES OF BIRDS it is vastly destructive to insects. Building close to the barn-yard, it meets a ready supply of its favorite articles of diet, which consists of the larvae and im-agos of Musca domcstica, mature forms of Tabamts lincola, T. cine his, and the blood -sucking Stoinoxys, which delight in such places. In the adjoining fields it destroys vast numbers of Pen- thiiui poinonclla, Anisoptcryx vcmata, Eufitchia nbcaria, and many of the Noctnidce and Tortricidcr among lepidoptera; besides the young of CEdipoda sulphurea and CE. ncbulosa, for which it affects a peculiar fondness. Nidification commences during the last week of May or the beginning of June. Both birds assist each other in constructing a nest; the prin- cipal part of the labor depends upon the male under the supervision of his partner. It has been affirmed that in large colonies it is a common occurrence to find several females engaged in incubation upon the same nest. We have never observed a similar circumstance, but do not doubt its authenticity. The mutual good--\vill which prevails in a colony would lead us to suspect the occasional existence of such a state of affairs. The nest is hemispherical in shape, with a small opening at the side just large enough to admit the passage of the female. The retort-like figure, characteristic of the primitive form of structure, has never been observed by us. The exterior of the nest is composed of clivers kinds of earth, pro- cured from puddles and low shallow streams. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Io^ .7 «_; The interior is chiefly lined with feathers, but, occasionally, with a mixture of feathers and soft grasses, especially Poa annna. It is probable that the saliva of the birds materially aids in the agglu- tination of the particles of mud. The fact that the nests crumble to pieces with great facility, is no argument that this lluid is not utilized. They adhere so firmly to their supporting surfaces as to require considerable physical effort for their de- tachment. While intact th'.-y will endure the peltings of winter. The force requsite to separate them from the surfaces of contact, undoubtedly tends to diminish the force of adhesion resident in the mud-particles, and thus renders the structure exceedingly fragile, which has led some to believe v_> J C^ that saliva is not used. The small twi:?T, which <_) compose the nest of the Chimney Swift, it is well- known, are held. /;/. situ by a viscid secretion elaborated by that species. Experience has taught us that this secretion looses its adhesive property in time, even when the nests are kept in either moist or dry situations. It is difficult to preserve a nest intact fora sixth-month. This is readily accounted for. Clay and earth of any kind being more porous and brittle than wood, it is a reasonable presumption that after the lapse of time when the saliva has lost much of its virtue, that it will yield with great readiness to natural forces. In fine, the saliva would minele with the moisture of the o clay, which moisture would be imparted to the clay, even in the dryest places, and be equally M 194 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS distributed among its particles; and the latter, deprived in a measure, of their means of cohesion, by desiccation, would crumble to pieces. A nest is usually six days in building-. Oviposi- tion succeeds its completion. In the duties of incubation which require a period of 1 1 days, the female is occasionally relieved by the male. While she is thus occupied he is very attentive, vigilant, jealous, and affectionate. A stranger is not permitted within his territory without en- countering the most unpleasant reception; the male strength of the whole community is mustered to wreak instant vengeance upon such temerity. Should a human being attempt any familiarities, he is instant! v beset bv numbers infuriated to the s •> highest degree. Two broods are generally reared in a season; one appearing .early in June, and the other early in August. At the close of the breeding-season o o the birds still linger in their accustomed haunts, •C^ ' where they remain until the time of their southern departure. The eggs are white and marked with reddish- brown blotches, which are chiefly placed about the larger end. They are less elongated than those of the Barn Swallow, and measure from .86 to .74 of an inch in length with an average breadth of .60. Cotyle riparia, Boie. Unlike the subject of the last article, the Sand Martin is more retired in its habits, but none the OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 195 less social in its character. It is less abundant than Hirundo korreorum^ and makes its appear- ance about the middle of April, a little before the latter. Its nests are placed in excavations in the banks along streams, in cliffs by the sea shore, and in other suitable localities. In Philadelphia they are chiefly found in railroad cuttings, in clusters of a half- o dozen or more. Though more retired than many of its family-relatives, this s'« ( ies cannot be said to be unusually shv and timid. It still retains s * much of its primitive manner:-. In. the sites which *\ chosen for nidihcation, no little forecast is manifested. The insects which are so abundant in such places, vield it an. ample supply of food with but »light entailment of physi- cal fatigue. The stagnant water-pools which are O O r-n common along railroads, outside: th" sleepers, are exceedingly prolific sources of insect-life. While excavating a place for a nest, the birds work by turns; neither bird intermitting the labor until the task is accomplished. The length of time requisite to complete a cavity, depends much upon the character of the earth to be re- moved. It seldom exceeds four days, even under the most unfavorable circumstances. The re- quisite depth being attained, a circular apartment is constructed and lined with feathers. Oviposition immediately succeeds, and is closely followed by incubation which continues for 1 1 days. In the labor of sitting we are inclined to 196 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS think that the male assists. The young are fed by both parents, which vie with each other in en- dearing attentions. Their food consists of mos- quitos, small lepidoptera, and coleoptera; while their parents subsist upon larger insects. The following list embraces the bill of fare of the latter: — Stomoxys c aid trans, Tabanus atratus, T. lineola, Asilus sericeus, Tipida ferruguinea, Chryso- mcla ctfruleipcnnis, Donacia mctallica, Spilosoma. I 'irginica, Anisopleryx vernata, Penthina pomonella, and many of the Noctuidce> Lycccnidcc, and Tortri- tid(c ; besides spiders and aphides. Like most of the Hirundinidce, the male is ex- •* tremely sedulous in his attentions to the female, lie is also as jealous as the male Pclrochelidon htnifrons, and manifests his aversion to interfer- ence by repeated vociferations and gesticulations. Both birds are very fond of their young, as shown by the little attentions which they bestow upon them, and by the reckless bravery which they exhibit in protecting them from danger. The young are 12 days old when they leave the nest; in a week more they are able to sustain themselves. The eggs are live in number, pure white, with a roseate tinge in unblown specimens, oval in. shape, and pointed at the smaller end. They measure .71 of an inch in length, and .46 in breadth. ' ^'( 'Igidoptef \ f.r sa 7 -ipcn n is, B a i r d , The Rough-winged Swallow is by no means OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 197 abundant in our latitude, and is chiefly a denizen of eminently rural districts, where it breeds in small numbers in the excavations of the Bank Swallow, but more generally between crevices in walls and arches of bridges over running water; in some instances, less than a foot above the sur- face. It arrives about the 2Oth of April; but in very backward seasons, as late as the 5th of June. During its early visit, it delights in the retirement of solitary streams, and then manifests consider- able shyness. Its chief concern is the procure- ment of food. Whilst forao-ine it is not so strictly aerial as the ^5 «^ * Barn Swallow, but has been observed on several occasions to glean among the foliage and branches of trees, but very rarely upon the ground. Its food consists principally of dipterous and lepidopterous insects, with a small percentage of coleoptera. Remains of the following insects have been found in the many stomachs which we have examined: — Anthrax elongata, Tipnla ferniginea, Culex t&niorhynchus, Tabanus iineola, Stonwxys calcitrans, Syrphus obliquus, Musca cczsar, and smaller diptera which inhabit aqueous situations; common May- fly and other small neuropterous beings, and Spilosoinci Virginica, S. a era a, Orgy a lcucostigiiia> Utetkeisa bclla, Col ins pliilodicc, the smaller Argynni, with the most common of the Lyc&nid&> Noctuidce, and Tortricidtz. Its flieht resembles that of the Bank Swallow in o being less firm and sustained than that of Hirundo horreonun. 1 98 LIFE-HISTORIES OF This species is devoid oi a song; its only notes being a few chirping- calls which are easily recog- nized. Nkjification takes place generally about the 1 5th of May, at least three or four days after mating; and in cases where the excavation of a Bank Swallow has been selected for the site of a nest, it is but the work of a couple of days. Where the birds are compelled to excavate a place for them- selves, they select a cliff composed of a soft, sandy soil, which prolongs the period for two days more. But where the crevices in the walls of a bridge are chosen for nidificating purposes, the structure being necessarily more compact, it requires the joint labor of the sexes for at least three days. The nest like that of the Bank Swallow is constructed of leaves and grasses, with a lining- of soft feathers. In 1 843, in tli^ neighborhood of Carlisle, Prof, Baird met a number of nests of this species, built within crevices in walls, and the arches of bridges over running- water; in some instances being so close to the edge of the water, as to suffer material injuries in times of rain. Again, nests have been observed in out-of-the-way-places, for example, between the boards of a building in which was a water-wheel, where the female had to pass through a nut-hole to reach the nest. Oviposition immediately follows nest-completion, an 1 continues for six days, one egg being de- posited daily. Incubation ensues die succeeding (Jay and as far as we have been able to determine is OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 199 performed wholly by the female, the male provid- ing her with nourishment. It continues for a period of 1 1 days. The young are objects of special regard upon the parental part. Both birds guard them with a jealous care. Their food consists of the diptera before mentioned, spiders, and such larvae as the parent-birds are able to procure from their sur- roundings. They are able to leave the nest in from 12 to 13 days, but are still provided for by the parents; the addition of a week to this period pro- duces a marked difference in their development, and fits them for self-maintenance. In the fall these birds are gregarious especially in the daytime, but on the approach of night the flocks break up and they retire to their resting- quarters for roosting-purposes. Their departure dates from the 2Oth to the last of September. The eggs are oblong in configuration, pointed at one end, and of a pure white color. The average length is .75 of an inch and breadth .54. Prog no pur pure a , B o i e . The Purple Martin in some parts of Philadel- phia is not so abundant as formerly. We remem- ber, when a boy, in our neighborhood, it was a very common visitant, and every available house or box, however rude, was taken possession of, on its arrival during the last week of April. This con- O 1 dition of affairs continued for several years; the birds being encouraged to build by the inhabitants 2OO LIFE-MISTORIES OF WRDS who often erected very costly buildings for their accommodation. At last the Blue Birds came upon the scene in great numbers, and being possessed of superior courage, and being more pugnacious and quarrelsome, the Martins were driven away, never to return. Few species are more eminently sociable and confidential, and manifest greater pleasure in man's society, where suitable building conveniences are provided, then the subject of this sketch. In Bridgeton, Cumberland Co., N. J., it appears in immense numbers, reminding- us of our childhood days. Constant association with man for many years, has worught a wonderful change in its character and habits. Except in special cases, nidification no longer takes place in hollow trees in secluded situations, but is now accomplished \vithin our gar- dens and lawns. In the selection of a place this bird is not very particular ; an old tin can, or a perforated gourd, is as truely acceptable as the most costly structure which affluence can affect. When there is a scarcity of boxes, &c., it does not hessitate to dispute the right of another species ; even the mis- chievous little wren often finds its efforts to bar out intruders completely foiled. What this species cannot accomplish individually, it effects by com- bination ; for in union there is strength. o Like Sialia sialis it lias a strong- attachment to the scenes of past associations, and frequents the same localities year after year, unless driven away. OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 2OI Its quarrels with others, frequently result from their pre-occupancy of accustomed sites. The great good which the Martins accomplish should commend them to our favor and esteem, and should be an inducement for us to extend to them our warmest sympathies and fullest protec- tion. The beetles that injure our fruits; the aphides that sap the strength of our useful as well as ornamental plants; the various dipterous in- sects as Muse a domes tic a, Tab anus lincola, Muse a casar, and the Ortalis and its allies whose larvae infest our raspberries and other fruits, and pro- duce the galls of many of our commonest plants. Like the Cliff and Bank Swallows, this species is fond of society. Where several apartments exist in a house, as many pairs take up their quarters; often six pairs have been known to occupy the same dwelling. The most perfect order and harmony prevail among the tenants ; but woe to the feathered stranger that approaches : for the combined strength of the male portion of the entire community is summoned, to wreak instant vengeance upon him. The males are strongly attached to their part- ners; and faithful and ever attentive to their wants. We are disposed to believe that the species arrives already paired, as we have never observed the least indication of anything that would lead to a different belief. When, a male has once selected a partner, we know no instance where she has been abandoned, while living, for 202 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS another, during the season for which she was espoused. In some cases this alliance is dissolved at the close of the breeding-season, to be re- assumed during the subsequent spring; in others, the separation is, doubtless, permanent, another taking the place of the discarded suitor; again, the union is life-loner. We believe that this relation- o ship in some cases, at any rate, with the present species is life-long, unless this important business is attended to at the time of setting out from its southern home. Nest-building commences about the i5th of May, and is the joint labor of the sexes. A nest is two days in building. Scraps of paper, leaves, grasses, feathers, and bits of strings, are utilized for this purpose. The whole is quite loosely ar- ranged. Oviposition commences the clay after the nest is completed, and lasts from four to five days; one egg being laid per diem. Incubation commences on the ensuing day, and continues for a period ranging from 1 1 to 12 days, according to meteorlogical vicissitudes, and the assiduity of the female. As we have not detected the male en- gaged in sitting, we presume that it is wholly per- formed by the female. While the latter is thus occupied, he is very attentive, thoughtful, and provident. They are both extremely assiduous in their attentions to the young, and feed them upon the larvae of various lepicloptera, mosquitos, small spiders, and mature forms of Tabanus line- olq, Musca domestica, and Qrialis and its allies. OF .EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 2O3 In about i 2 clays from the time of hatching the young- quit the nest, but still continue to be fed by their parents for a week more, when they are prepared to provide their own nourishment; still continuing, however, to reside with their parents. Occasionally two broods are reared annually. Whilst the parents are engaged in rearing the second brood, the first is scouring the country for food; but returns in the evening to the place of common shelter, when suitable accommodations exist. In August, 1874, we were visiting in Brigeton, N. J., and had the privilege of study ing- very minutely the history of this species. Close by the place where we were staying, was located a house of considerable capacity, and possessing a dozen apartments. These were occupied by as man) pairs of birds early in tlu- season. T\\;» broods had been successfully reared. At the time * to which we refer, ail the young had attained matur- ity, and were dwelling with their parents. Early in the morning, the almost deafening clatter that emanated from the building, told that its inmates were astir and prepared to commence their daily avocation. The departure of one from the build- ing was the signal for the rest to do likewise; which they did to the number of sixty and upwards. Instead of leaving instanter, they kept circling around the house for at least ten minutes, chattering away at a fearful rate; and, then, as if by common consent, struck off in divers directions, and were not seen again until sunset, when they 2O4 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS returned to renew the circling movements of the o morning with the same amount of noise, when one by one with as much regularity as the marching of soldiers, would drop into the building until the last had entered. A little din and chattering over the day's adventures, and all was quiet again. The presence of persons upon the scene did not cause the circle to waver in the least. Being very intent upon this sort of amusement, for such it seemed to be, nothing seemed to distract attention or cause desistance therefrom. The most un- bounded confidence in man, acquired and strength- ened by the peaceable enjoyment of his society for many years, has rendered this species exceed- ingly tame and unsuspicious. Few species mani- fest their trustfulness to such an extent. Their departure for warmer countries occurs usually about the I5th of September. Their eggs are oblong-oval, being pointed at one end, and of an unspotted, creamy-white color. They measure .93 of an inch in length, and .78 in breadth. Family Arnpelidae. Chatterers. With some writers, this arbitrary and unnatural grouping of genera which agree in some, while they differ in other particulars, is placed in Clama- tores, next to the Tyrannidcz. Dr. Coues is of the opinion that this family should be dismembered. The near resemblance of the Myiadestincs a sub- family, to the Turdidce, as shown by Prof. Baird, OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 205 suggests, beyond doubt, the dissociation of the other two subfamilies. Subfamily Ampelinae, Waxwings. This subfamily as restricted, includes but one genus with three species; one of Asia and Japan, one of Europe and America, and one indigenous to this country. Being songless, they are in marked contrast with the MyiadestiiKc and Ptilogonydina:. By a strange misnomer, these birds are designated ''chatterers' which are in fact the most silent of all aves, their only voice being a wheezy kind of whistle. The head is crested, and the wings are provided with curious horny appendages of the color of red sealing-wax, the use of which is unknown. In our species the tail is tippedjwith yellow; the plumage very smooth and of a name- less color. The young are minus the wing orna- ments, and have a streaked plumage. Ampelis cedrorum, Scl. The Cedar Bird, as the above species is exclu- sively called in some sections of the country, is tolerably abundant and exceedingly nomadic. It changes its quarters according as food becomes plentiful or scarce. Late in the autumn small ilocks may be observed feeding upon the berries of Juniperus Virginiana, J. connmtiiis, Vacfinium staniineuni, and Liquidambar styraciflua. In the middle of winter we have seen it subsisting upon the berries of J. Virginiana, J. communis, R/ms 206 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS glahra, Louiccra periclyincniiui, in sheltered locali- ties, and the seeds of Panicum. At all seasons except the breeding-season, it is pre-eminently gregarious; its continuance in a place beimjf necessarily short. It is exceedingly I O J O J shy, and can be approached only with much diffi- culty; the sportsman when desiring a shot is necessitated to take advantage of the cover of bushes. i Thickets of evergreens, particularly of the red cedar, are rioted resorting places, on account of the requisite shelter and concealment which they secure. When changing its base of supplies, its flight is always lofty. The sight of birds being keenly developed, a lofty flight enables them to take into the range of vision broader scopes of country; and thus secures excellent facilities for food-detection. This a -priori assumption will, doubtless, account tor the aforementioned habit ascribed to this species. We have never observed its presence oftener than once in the same locality, during the cold weather. Late in May, when our cultivated varie- ties of Ccrasns are in fruit, it returns in large [locks, and becomes a nuisance to the farmer. Its wanton destruction of cherries renders it exceed- ingly odious. The farmer's ingenuity is taxed to the utmost in devising means to check its devasta- tion, since the species has little dread of the gun, and still less of contrivances in the guise oi scarecrows. Its appetite for the juicy cherry is so perfectly OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. uncontrollable, that life is often sacrificed in its gratification. Early in June the flocks break up into pairs, and nidification is the all-absorbing thought. Very few remain to build in the same immediate neigh- borhood; not more than a half-dozen pairs being seen in a circle of three miles. They have now abandoned their roving habits and the greater part of their shyness, and seek the society of man. Nidification commences right after mating. For this purpose an apple-tree is usually selected; the nes,t being placed not more than ten feet from the ground. We have never known the species to build in low bushes. Next to the apple-tree the cedar is preferred. Their nests are rather bulky and compactly built. In "North American Birds," it is said that they generally build a strong frame- work, exteriorly, six or seven inches in diameter, and " composed of twigs, coarse stems of vegeta- bles, and grasses." Within is placed "a compact, well-made fabric of grasses, grape-vine bark, and other finer substances," the whole being lined "with .leaves and root-fibres." We have examined many nests and they all dif- fer very materially from the foregoing description. * The nests according to our experience are far from being bulky. They are firmly built; the external framework is strong, composed of light materials, and is seldom more than five inches in diameter. It is built of a few small twigs, the culms of grasses chiefly Poa annua and Phleiini prcetense, fine roots .70S LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS of grasses, slender stalks of simbrosia, probably artemisiee folia, cucurbitaceous tendrils, undevelop- ed leaves of Pyms mains, exteriorly; and lined with soft flower-bearing stalks of Panic it in capillare, and delicate roots of grasses, internally. The above is a description of a typical nest in this latitude. In a single nest before us, a marked deviation from the normal form is noticeable. The exterior is composed of the stems of Poa annua, Phleum prce- tense, small roots, dried leaves of Verbascum Thapsus, young green leaves of Pyms mains and others. The entire framework is compactly bound together by long leaves of grasses, broad strips of colored rags and lint of the same, and variously colored strings. The rags and strips constitute a promenent feature of the structure. The interior is lined with strings, lint, flower-bearing stalks of Panicum capillare, fine roots ot grasses, and ten- drils of Cucitrbita. The nest is four and a half inches in diameter, and three in depth ; the cavity being three inches wide, and two and a half inches deep. This last described nest was located upon a horizontal branch of an apple-tree near its ex- tremity, and at a distance of fifteen paces from an occupied dwelling. A pupil of ours furnished the strings and rags alluded to. When these articles were first proffered, the birds were not slow to per- ceive the advantages which might accrue from their use. Even after he had ceased to supply the materials, the birds would fly to the bush upon OF EASTERN. PENNSYLVANIA. 2OQ which they had been placed, as if to seek further favors. This they did several times. In view of these facts the strongest arguments would be re- quired to convince us that this was not an exercise of reason of a simple order. Xest-building usually requires a period of six days, and is the joint labor of the sexes; the male is chiefly occupied in fetching the materials, while the duty of his partner is the adjustment of them to their proper places; when disengaged from L I O C? such services, she willingly assists her mate. Oviposition commences on the day following the completion of the nest, and continues for five clays; proceeding at the rate of one egg per day. Then follows the next day. the essential labor of incubation, which, as far as we have been able to determine, is the exclusive duty of the female, for a period varying from 15 to 14 days. Whilst his mate is thus engaged, the male acts in the capacity of purveyor. When not thus employed, he stations himself close by the nest and keeps the most vigilant guard. The approach of enemies is sig- nalled by a low note. Unlike many other species which we have described, he lacks the courage to defend his nest and partner; but slinks silently away and becomes a passive observer of what fol- lows. The female taking the hint follows his ex- ample. It now feeds upon what berries it can procure, but more exclusively upon diptera, aphides and the larvae of various species of lepidoptera. The N 2IO LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS following insects constitute a portion of its bill O A of fare: — Tabanus lincola, T. cinctus, Stomoxys c aid trans, Mitsca domesiica, AL cccsar, Cut ex t&-. niorhyncJius, Anthrax ctongata, among diptera; Aphis inali, A. roscc, Apis mellifica, Selandria roscc, among hymenoptera; ancl larvi^ of Chcerodes transversata, Angeronia crocataria, Ennomos siibsig- naria, Zerene catenaria, Anisopteryx vernata, A. pometaria, Lozotcenia rosaceana, Anckylopera fra- garice, and mature forms of Utethcisa bclla, sEgeria tupilifonnc, Limacodcs scapha, and Piusia precatio- nis, among lepidoptera. In the fall it is less in- sectivorous and more frugivorous; subsisting upon Juniper us Virginiana, Vacciniuni stamineum, Lonicera periclymenum and other fruits. The young venture from the nest when twelve days old, but are not sufficiently matured until a week later, for self-maintenance. They do not, however, dissolve connection with their parents, but wander about from place to place with the latter, subsisting upon small lepidopterous larvae, diptera, and the smaller coleoptera, until there is a scarcity of such food. On the approach of cold weather, they feed, as before remarked, upon various kinds of berries. The flocks at first are made up of individuals of the same family. But later, by the continual additions of small families which are met .with in roaming from place to place, a large fiock is the ultimate result. Besides the low lisping call which the Cedar Bird possesses, it has a song which is uttered in a OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 2 I I very low key, so as to be almost inaudible at a dis- tance of twenty paces, and which may be re- presented by tze — •-£ produced with considerable uniformity of sound. The eggs are slate-color, with a tinge of olive, and marked with blotches of dark purplish-brown, with penumbrae of light purple surrounding the darker spots. The average length is .86 of an inch, and the average breadth .65. In shape they vary from oblong-oval to nearly rounded forms. Family Vireonidee, Vireos and Grecnlets. This family which wa:; former!)' united with the Laniidce which it resembles in the structure of the bill, has structural peculiarities in the feet by which it may be readily discriminated. The Greenlets are peculiar to America, and embrace five or six genera with nearly seventy recorded species, one- sixth of them being probably not genuine. The typical genus l^irco embraces thirty species, specially characteristic of N. America, seven oc- curring in the West Indies and Central America, one being exclusively West Indian, and the rest occupants of South and Central America. Vireo olivaccus, Vieill. The Red-eyed Vireo is one of the most abundant of our breeding species, in Eastern Pennsylvania. It arrives generally during the last week of April, but, occasionally, as late as the second week of • May. It is a bold and fearless creature, entering 212 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS the principal thoroughfares of towns and cities, where its agreeable notes maybe heard among the foliage of the maple, and other trees. It only occasionally nidificates in such places, from which we infer that it is only attracted thither by the necessity of food-stuffs. A nest, however, came into our possession lately which was found sus- pended from a maple twig in a densely-populated portion of our city. In this neighborhood it nidificates almost entirely in thick woods. Its appropriate food-stuffs being more abundant 'in those places, it is natural to infer that it would resort there for the purposes of nidification. There are, doubtless, a few cases where building is performed close by occupied Iranian dwellings, which the birds in their misra- o> o lions would revisit under the spur of past associa- tions. If nests exist in this latitude, in such places we are not aware of the fact. In the pursuit of food which is chiefly insects, this species, in some particulars, resembles the Kinglets, and in others, the Flycatchers. It oc- cupies the tallest tree- tops where it may be seen running along the branches, and mingling among the leaves, for whatever of insect-life abounds. When not thus engaged we have seen it perched upon a branch on the alert for insects which it would seize with the address of a Muscicapa. Their food consists of various arachnids, cynips, diptera in their larval and perfect stages, hymenop- tera, lepidoptera, and small beetles. Among dip- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 213 tera they feed upon Culex tceniorJiynchus, Tipula fcrruginea, Asihis sericeus, Tabanus lineola, Musca domestica, and many species of Anthomya, Ortalis, and Scatophaga. The larvae of Anisopteryx ver- nata, Zerene catenaria, Anisopteryx pometaria, Choerodes transversata, Hybernia tiliaria, Asopia cos talis, Halesidota tessellaris, CallimorpJia Lecontei, with mature forms of Agrotis tessellata, Plusia pre- cationis, and 6thers among lepidoptera. Sclandria rosce, Apis inellifica, Megachilc ccntuncularis, and many of the Cynipsera that puncture our oaks, producing the galls thereof, among hymenoptera; and CJirysomela fonnosa, Cymindis viridipcnnis, Haltica chalybca, and other beetles. From our knowledge of this Yireo, we are satis- fied that it prefers retirement and loves to suspend its domicile from the pendant branches of the beech, maple, and sassafras. It builds mainly on high grounds. The nests are never placed higher than ten feet from the ground and occasionally at a less elevation. Yvhile the female is incubatino- o she is readily approached, and manifests, seem- ingly, neither timidity nor alarm. We have known instances where she would permit us almost to lay our hand upon her, without leaving the nest. She would gaze intently upon us for a few minutes, as if to learn our motives; but when con- scious of iniBendino- dano-er she would elide O O £> noiselessly out, and perch very demurely upon a twig close by, and become a quiet observer of our proceedings. She will permit a person to pass and 214 LIFE-HISTORIES OF TURDS repass the nest within two feet, without manifesting much concern. Nidification is begun about the I2th of May, but, occasionally, as late as the 2oth of the same month. This labor is performed by both birds. For this purpose, a forked branch is ordinarily chosen, to which a beautiful pensile nest is attached. A delicate framework, somewhat purse-shaped, is first fastened to the bifurcating twig, by means of spiders' webs, long strips of the inner bark of Quercus alba, tangled masses of Hyprwm squar- rosum, floss of Bombyddce^ silk of plants, and the untwisted silk of the capsules of spiders. This structure is composed mainly of strips of bark, fragments of decayed Finns, and bits of Hypnum, which are held /;/ sitn by spiders' webs, the webs of several species of Epeira being utilized. At this stage there is little resemblance to the perfect structure, being a long and narrow fabric. In order to give symmetry and form thereto, the birds now construct an inner nest of fragments of paper, parchment-like capsules of spiders, bits of papery material from nests of Vespa maculala, spiders' webs, inner bark of Quercus alba, which are adjusted so as to strengthen the outer fabric. It is now the duty of the female, by bodily evolu- tions, to reduce the whole to some sort of sym- metry. Narrow strips of the inner bark of Vitis cordifolia, Quercus alba, and spiders' webs, variously intermingled, constitute a cozy lining; occasionally, a profusion of white and black 'horse- OF KASTERX PENNSYLVANIA, 215 hairs take the place of the former, In another nest which we have before us, the fabric, exteriorly, is composed of strips of rags and strings curiously woven together, and lined with spiders' webs, and the inner bark of the wild grape-vine. The period required for the completion of a nest is from six to seven days. That this species constructs its nest in the man- ner described, we have both direct and indirect evidence; direct, as furnished by our own personal observations; and, indirect, in the possession of several incomplete nests which show the primitive pensile character, without the internal structure. These incomplete nests were given to us by per- sons who had little knowledge of the appearance which a perfect nest should present. The foregoing description will be found to vary in many particulars from the one given in "North American Birds." The latter leads to the opinion that the entire fabric constitutes one structure, which may be the case in certain localities. It is obvious from our experience, that there is an outer structure as well as an inner one, which are ultimately conjoined by interlacing bark-fibres, and the floss of spiders' cocoons. Careful examinations of many nests have convinced us that saliva is unnecessary to the agglutination of their constituent elements. The materials are so completely inter- laced and held together by spiders' webs, &c,, that the requisite compactness is secured without the use of saliva. Add to this fact their tendency 21 6 LIFE-MISTORIES OF to become more adherent and impacted on ex- posure to the elements, and the necessity of a tin id can be dispensed with. After the nest is finished, the female commences on the ensuing day, the duty of oviposition, which proceeds at the rate of a deposit of one egg per diem, until her complement has been laid, \vhich requires from three to four days. Incubation commences on the day succeeding the last deposit, and requires a period of 1 1 days. In this duty we have known the male to perform his share of the labor. While the one is thus engaged, the other is absent from the immediate neighborhood, either designedly, or in quest of food. When the nest is assailed, there are manifestations of un- easiness; but the earnest scolding and hoarse mewing that are so peculiar to its near cousin, the Vireo noveboracensis of Bonaparte, are traits which it has not developed. The young are assiduously fed by their parents until sufficiently matured to look after their own temporal concerns. During their state of helpless- ness, they are nourished with the larvae of Ani- sopicryx veruata, A, pome tar la, Zerene catenaria, Hybernia tiliaria, Ennomos subsignaria, JLimacodes scapha, and mature forms of Musca domes tica, Tabanus lineola, Tipula ferruginea, aphides, and small spiders. In about 1 2 days they leave the nest, and in a week longer they are prepared to earn their own subsistence. There is but one brood in a season, although o OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA! 21 7 nests have been taken early in July which con- tained eggs, and which we attributed to birds whose early designs had been frustrated. After the cares of brood-raisino- are over, both old and • *-* young, the latter, in imitation of their parents, seek the tops of the highest trees in their preda- tory excursions. Occasionally, they descend from such lofty eminences to glean among the grasses, and, as if disdaining too near an approach to the earth, ultimately perch upon some tall shrub to feast upon its berries, as those of Cornns florida and Viburnum Lcntago. It continues in its favorite sylvan retreats, until its departure for the South, during the last of September or the beginning of October. The song of the Red-eyed Yireo is simple, musical, and pleasing. It is uttered in short em- phatic bars in the intervals of feeding; and so unsuspicious is the male while thus occupied, that he heeds not the presence of human beings. It may be heard even during the sultry hours of noon, wrhen most other songsters are panting in the refreshing shade of some tall tree. From its first appearance until its departure, its song is continued with undiminished ardor. Its notes being but moderately loud, are uttered with a somewhat plaintive intonation, and may be repre- sented by the syllables te-te-tweah-we-ah-twcah- frueah-tweet, produced rather hurriedly. The eg-ors are white, and marked at the larger OO ' <-> end with reddish-brown spots and dots. They 2lS MFK-IIISTORIKS OF BIRDS measure .82 of an inch in length, and .56 in breadth. Virco pJiiladclpliicus, Baird. This species called the Philadelphia Greenlet is certainly very rare, and has, doubtless, been ob- served in this latitude but once, when it was dis- covered by Cassin, in a woods near Philadelphia, in September, 1851, whilst stopping from its southern migration. There are but three speci- mens of this species known. Virco giknis, Bonap. The Warbling Vireo arrives in this latitude <_> about the 1 5th of April. It is tolerably abundant, but not so much so as Virco olivaceus. On its arrival it frequents villages and towns almost ex- clusively, and chiefly delights in the tall tree-tops around our houses, to pour forth its song, and to suspend from their highest branches its pensile, nest. From its first appearance until after sum- mer has gone, during the livelong clay, its notes may be heard. It is a very sweet and constant singer, but does not possess a voice that is power- ful, but one that is melodious, flute-like, and tender. Even during the noontide heat its sono- *j *--7 is heard, while other birds are silent. From early dawn until nightfall it is in motion, in quest of .insects, and ever and anon gives expression to its jubilant feelings in the luxury of song. Its de- parture happens late in September. KASTKKX PKXXSV1 A'AMA. 21() It probably spends its winter-quarters about Orizaba, as numbers have been observed there at this time, by Sumichrast; and most likely reaches this latitude by entering Texas, and following the courses of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Like Vireo olivaccus in habits, and equally as expert, it does immense service to man, in the destruction of vast numbers of injurious insects, as well as those that are beneficial. Its food is principally of a dipterous and lepidopterous character, and consists of Musca doincstica, Taba- nus lineoia, T. cinctus, Tipula fcrrugiuca, Cnlc.v tceniorJiynclius, and others among the two-winged flies ; and Anisopleryx vcniala, A. pcmctaria, Zc- renc catena-net, Ennomos subsignaria, EujitcJiia ribearia, Angeronia crocataria, Limacodes scapJia, among lepidoptera; besides, aphides, and the hy- menopterous forms of Apis meUiftca, Selandria rose?, and Megachile ccntnncularis. Its nest is usually placed in the vicinity of dwell- ings as previously remarked, and very often over frequented streets. We have known cases where secluded localities have been selected, but very rarely. Nidification commences ordinarily about the 1 5th of May. The nest is an elaborately woven basket-like structure, carefully, neatly, and closely built, and suspended from a forked twig near the top of a tree; and, occasionally, at the ex- tremity of an upper branch, at an elevation of thirty feet from the ground. The birds mostly select a Maple for this purpose. The nest is se- 22O LIFE-HISTORIES OF TURDS cured to twigs by a felting of flax-like fibres, plant- stems, and bark, which are carried around the outside of the nest, which is lined with flexible bark of deciduous trees, and fine stems of plants, with horse-hair, occasionally. It measures two inches in height, and three and a half in di- ameter in the centre, and narrows towards the supporting surfaces. The time spent in building is about 8 days. Oviposition follows' on the day following the completion of the nest, and continues for five days; one egg being deposited daily. Incubation com- mences the day after the last egg is laid, and lasts from 10 to ii days. In its duties the female is as- sisted by the male. His affection for his partner is very devoted, and is shown by the most endear- ing attentions. Unlike the Red-eyed Vireo, he is jealous of strangers, and will not brook their presence with impunity. Whilst his mate is incu- bating, he is close by, ready to administer to her wants, or protect her when danger is imminent. The young are able to leave the nest in about 12 days, and in a week more, are able to provide for themselves. They are fed upon the larvae of the lepidoptera,diptera, and aphides, mentioned above. The eggs are a beautiful white, and sparingly marked with dark and light-brown spots at the larger end. We have never seen any unspotted specimens as Dr. Brewer alleges to have met with. Their average length is ,74 of an inch and breadth •54- OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 221 Vireo flavifrons, Vieill. The Yellow-throated Yireo is less abundant according to our experience than the one last de- scribed. It makes its appearance during the last of April, or the beginning of May, and confines its foraging to the tall tree-tops in retired places, generally in high woods, seldom visiting the habi- tation of man. It is more shy than even the Vireo solitaries. Like the most of its family relations, it is characterized by remarkable agility, arid is a busy gleaner among the leaves for insects, which it also secures after the fashion of the Muscicapi- dce. Unlike the Kinglets it is a more careful nsect-hunter, thoroughly searching one tree before leaving it for another. Its food consists chiefly of cliptera, hymenoptera, and the larvae and imagos of the smaller lepidop- tera, with a small percentage of beetles and berries. It feeds upon Musca domestica, Tabanus lineola, T. cinctus, Cut ex tcgniorhynchns, Syrphus obliquus, S. obscurus, Anthrax elongata, among diptefa; the larvae and mature forms of Thecla Innnuli, Ca/li- mor'pha Lecontei) Cimacodes scapha, Argynnis bel- lona, Plusia prccationis, Cher r odes transvcrsata, En- nonws subsignaria, Zerene catenaria, Anisopteryx vcrnata, A. pomctaria, Lozoteznia rosaceana, and other lepidoptera ; besides, Aphis mali, the hymen- opterous forms of Apis inellijica, Megachile centun- cularis, Selandria roscc, with many Andrenee and Halicti, and a small number of the phyllophagous coleoptera. 222 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS Nidification commences from the i5th to the 2Oth of May, continues for a period varying from six to seven days, and is the joint labor of the sexes. The nest is suspended from a forked twig, and is generally occupied by the female before its completion ; the external improvements, in the shape of mosses and lichens, being adjusted by the male, whilst she is engaged in oviposition. When he is not employed in beautifying her domi- cile, his time is varied by capturing winged and creeping insects, which like a faithful and devoted husband he carries to his partner. Occasionally, he seeks to relieve the irksome duties by the vol- untary offering of a song. He is exceedingly jealous and will not permit any intrusion upon his premises without venturing the full force of his vengeance upon the rash intruder. Sometimes the nest is so completely enveloped with mosses and lichens, as to present at a dis- tance, the appearance of a moss-grown protu- berance, which must assuredly be protective in its tendency. It is fastened to its supporting sur- faces by a combination of materials, such as spiders' webs, the thread of cocoons, ingeniously interwoven, and with an intermingling of mosses and lichens which constitute the exterior of the nest, and which are held together and strengthened by strips of bark of the grape-vine. Internally, there is a lining of fine stems, and bark of grape- vine; occasionally horse-hair. The nest is sym- metrical and well-made, measuring four inches in OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 22^ «_/ » diameter and two and a half in height, and is placed from ten to fifteen feet above the earth. The young are objects of the tenderest solicitude upon the part of the parents. They are fed upon the dipterous and lepidopterous insects mentioned above. Between the ages of 1 1 and i 2 days they quit the nest, but are still fed by the parents for a week longer, when they are compelled to provide their own subsistence. This species is chiefly insectivorous, and subsists mostly upon insects, with the exception of a few berries as those of the Juniperus Virgiana, until its departure for Central America, and the United States of Columbia in South America, during the o last week of September. In the fall its food con- sists of the larvae of Colias philodice, Orgya Lcueos- tigma, Clisiocampa Americana, and many of the Phalcenida and Tincida. The eggs are white, with a slightly- roseate tinge when fresh, and are marked with blotches of red- dish-brown, more or less. The average measure- o rnent is .83 by .64 inches. Virco soli farius, Vieill. The Blue-headed Yireo arrives usually about the i 5th of April, and, occasionally, as late as the beginning of May. It prefers most generally soli- tary situations, and unlike Virco olivaceus, delights to nidificate on the confines of dense forests, and along roads whe re travel is of rare occurrence, Its favorite trees for building-purposes are Juniper us 224 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS Virginiana and Veer nibnim. When the nest is built by a road-side, the red cedar is generally chosen, as it affords the requisite shelter and con- cealment. On the borders of woods the red maple is its choice. In the latter situation con- siderable attention is paid to the character of the country. Comparatively low grounds being chosen with an eastern and western exposure, as being more secure against prevailing storms and winds. Although affecting a partiality for retired situa- tions, it cannot be considered a shy and timid species. Like many others have done, as time advances, it will become more familiar with man. It is but three years ago since we first met this species in this part of the country, in anything like great numbers. Last spring it was nearly as abundant as Vireo olivaceus. As the forests dis- appear, and new conditions are imposed upon its environment, a change of nidification will be the o inevitable result. From observations extending over three years, we are satisfied that the sexes arrive together, o The females being more modest and retired than their mates, and comparatively songless, are less observed. In less than a fort-night after their arrival, a site is chosen for a nest which is a matter of some moment. After a couple of clays thus spent, a place is mutually agreed upon, and nidifi- cation at once begun. This happens about the 2Oth of May, and sometimes as late as the loth OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 225 * of June; about the time usually when Oucrcus palustris has doffed its ripened catkins, which are principally utilized in the construction of its nest. Each nest is uniform in structure, and remarkably homogeneous in composition. Where the tassels of the pin-oak are used, nothing else is to be found. Where grass is the favorite article, as a species of Aim in exceptional cases is, this alone is a noticeable feature. The nest is gracefully disposed between the bifurcating branches ot at\vi-;r, and presents a neat o o and cozy appearance. The interior is compara- tively even, and strict!}' symmetrically cup- shaped. The exterior with its roughened aspect, produced by the projecting catkins, is a rather imposing sight. The female adjusts the materials while the male is busy in fetching them. On the completion of the structure, which is the work of three days, the female on the succeeding day, begins to deposit at the rate of one per day, her complement of eggs, which requires from three to four clays, according to the number laid. On the ensuing clay, incubation takes place, and continues from 10 to ii clays, and is the sole labor of the female. While thus occupied, the male like a dutiful hus- band supplies her with nourishment. Like its near congeners, the female of this species is very unsuspicious, and lacks timidity. Persons may pass and repass underneath the nest, which is mostly placed ten feet from the ground, o 226 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS without exciting distrust or creating alarm. But o o when an effort is made to violate this confidence by hostile intentions, the female glides silently out of the nest and does not exert herself in the least to ward off any attack; but the male when not absent on foraging business, is close by the nest and ready by his valor to resent an injury or to deter an assault. With open bill and vehement scold- ing he hazards his own life; resembling in this respect both Vireo noveboracensis and V. gilvus. After incubation, both parents are kept con- stantly employed in furnishing their young with suitable nourishment. Their bill of fare consists of the larvae of Anisopteryx vernata, A. pometaria, EufitcJiia ribcaria, Zcrcnc catenaria, Chcerodes* transvcrsata, Hybernia till aria, and other geome- ters which infest our trees; Tabamis lincola, Musca dontcstica, various species of Or tali s and Anthomya, the common Culex, and others. Add to these the various species of Cynips that infest our oaks, and small lepicloptera, both diurnal and nocturnal, with a few coleoptera, and we have a bill of fare which cannot fail to please the most fastidious bon vivant among aves. When the young are able to provide their own food, which is the case in about a week after leaving the nest, (they being between 1 1 and 1 2 days of age at the time), they are no longer depend- ent upon their parents. But a single brood is reared in a season. After the breeding-period is over, the male OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 227 becomes a selhsh gourmand. His partner is now necessitated to look after her own salvation. For the purposes of subsistence they seek the solitude of dense woods, where they glean among the leaves and branches of the tallest tree-tops; some- times they may be seen perched upon a rotten twig on the alert for insects which they seize with nearly the adroitness of the Muscicapidce . Although insects now contribute the principal part of their diet, yet the berries of Cormis florida, C. circinata, Viburnum Lcntago, and V. dentatum, are eaten with & gusto. Except at breeding-time we have known this species to be of a quiet and reserved disposition, never venturing into the dis- putes of other specie?, and dwelling in peace and harmony with its own kith and kin. It retires for the South during the last of September, or the beginning of October. Before closing this narrative, a few thoughts on its style of architecture may not be amiss. As its present habit of nidification in this latitude varies materially from what has been recorded, a few hints in reference thereto may be highly interest- ing and instructive. In localities much visited by the Blue-headed Vireo, we have frequently seen masses of catkins of the pin-oak, which at a short distance were very deceptive in appearance, and bore every indication of being genuine nests. The question naturally occurs, may not some formerly existing individuals possessed of a due amount of sagacity and forethought, have dis- 228 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS cerned the utility which a nest composed of such materials would secure in a conservative point of view? It is true our smaller species have invet- erate foes which are ever on the qui vive to gratify their rapacity, and it behooves them to encircle themselves with such guards as best conduce to their preservation. Birds of prey having been frequently deceived by masses of the kind, which they at first probably regarded as nests, would cease to regard them in such a light and pass them by. It therefore follows as a logical sequence, that the utilization of such substances in the manner of nests, from their fancied resem- blance to loose clusters of catkins, are best adapted to the security and well-being of the species, and now constitute in certain localities the typical structure. Its song differs from that of any other Vireo. It is a protracted and peculiar ditty which is heard at irregular intervals, and begins with an animated O ' O warble, which gradually increases in sound until a certain pitch is attained, when it breaks clown to a falsetto note, then rises again, and ultimately ceases. The eggs are five in number, oblong-oval, and slightly pointed at one end; the ground-color is a transparent white, flesh-colored in unblown speci- mens, and chiefly marked with reddish-brown spots about the larger end. They measure .77 inches in lem-th and .^2 in breadth. « s \J OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 2 29 Vireo novcboraccnsis, Bonap. The White-eyed Vireo is neither so abundant nor unsuspicious as Vireo olivaceus. It arrives ordinarily during- the first week of May, and at first confines its foraging to high, open woodlands, where among branches, both high and low, it gleans a ready subsistence. Later in the season, durino- the second week after its arrival, it is an o occasional denizen of cultivated fields and gardens, where its presence is clearly indicated by its loud and peculiar so.ng. Although more suspicious than the Red-eyed Yireo, it cannot be justly accused of undue shyness. Besides the above situations, it is a not uncom- mon occupant of wild, open grounds on the borders of woods, where there is a preponderance of thickets of Suiila.\\ briers, and wild vines, in which it commonly delights to suspend its beauti- ful pensile nest. During our perambulations we have often di- verted ourselves by imitating- the notes of this Yireo, with a view of eliciting a song so as to deter- mine its whereabouts, in order to witness its eccen- tric movements. On all such occasions the bird would manifest intense wonderment, and gradually approach the place whence the sound emanated, and when apprised of its source by the discovery of the author, as quickly retreat to the adjoining bushes as it came. This Yireo is one of the most conspicuous of our songsters. Its son^s are louder and more o o 230 LIFE-HISTORIES OF BIRDS earnest than those of any of our Eastern species, and exhibit most astonishing- variations. Early in the spring it begins with a low whistle, which it changes to a very quaint and peculiar succession of irregular notes as the season advances; some of these notes are softly and gently uttered, while others are produced with a vehemence and shrill- ness truly remarkable for so small a species. The following syllables will express with considerable accuracy, the language of its song: — tehlck- tchick-a-tec-way-ah ; tch uka-wayoc ; tc hick-way -ah - tchlcka-way-dc-tchick. Sometimes tchicka-way-dc- tchuk pronounced in a clear mournful manner, and so distinct as to be heard at a ^reat distance.