m -JT \ ■.'. t •» » i f /• ■•• I • mm, ■ii^^m^^^^' H 8 H| w^^mmmm ny \ T C > ■c,v ' ^ ^ SK ^^: ^^t/k. '♦^Hl' ■<•»-:• ■4r<^ '■•\ % ^ift i THE LIFE HISTORY OF GRIFFITHSIA BORIIETIAITA Dissertation submitted to the Board of University Studies of the Johns Hopkins Uni- versity in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, by I . F. Lewis 1903 •00-- ■p o THI'] LI?.'^ HISTORY OF GRIFFITHSIA BORTOTIAiTA. The red alga, Griff 3 thsia Bornetiana , was first de- scrilDOd by W. G. Farlov/ ('77). It has 'been reported as oc- curring coinrnonly from northern l/Iassachiisetts (COLLIITS, '0 , p, 50) south to Long Ir;lr.nd Sound, rnd h^.r. Iieen i-or;r,,->ded (1) f ro:ii Nev7 Jersey (3RITT0H, '81). It forms rosy tufts, 2.5 to 15 centimeters high, on rocks, "v.li&rves, sponges, shells and occasionally on Zostera" (PARLOV/, »79, p. 131), South of Cape Cod it is found grov/ing from one to four feet "be- lov; low water mark, in protected sitiiations such as the Lit.:.lo Hr.;:"oor at Wood's Hole, Ifess,, and on rocks in more exposed localities. The present investigation /as "begun i i 1905 on ma- terial collected at Cold Spring Ha^rhor, ITev; York, "by D. S. Johnson in 1902, and has heen cor'tinued during 1906 lUid 1907 at .Vood's Hole and at the Jolins Hopkins University, In all plants examined, v/ith two exceptions noted be- lov/, the anther idia, cystocarps, and tetraspores are borne on separate individuals, which ma:' ^e readily distinguish- ed v;ith the aid of a hand lens. The male plant is smaller and more compact than either the feiiiale or tetraaporic (1) The form reported from as fcLr south as the Barbadoes by laie. VICKP^S ('05) is "b^lir^ved by Dr. FARLOW not to be identical with G. Bornetiana- plant, and may "be identified b;- the a"brupt terminations of the filaiaents (fig. 1). It rarely becomes more than 4 centimeters high. The female plant is more loosely tufted than the male, and reaches a much larger size, becoming 12 to 15 centimeters high. The cystocarps form deep red dots at the sides of the nodes (fig). 2), The filaments of the female plant do not end abruptly, but become gradua.lly smaller tov/ard their tips (fig. 3). The tetrasporic plant is more slender the^n the female and to the eye more nearly like it than the itiale. It may be distinguished by the v/horls of tetraspores, which form complete rings at the nodes (fig. 4). The tetrasporic plant, lilce the sexual individuals, sometimes produces reproductive organs v/hen consisting of but 10-20 cells and ha,ving a height of less than half a centimeter. One plant was seen m which a few antheridial branches occurred, while the majority of the filaments bore numerous procarps and cystocarps. In another case, most of the branches produced antheridia, but a considerable number bore at the nodes rings of cells resembling in all partic- xxlars tetraspore mother cells, with the involucral rays characteristic of the tetrasporic sorus. These tetraspore- lilce structures are described in detail on pages 77- T'^. Grif fithsia Borne tl ana becomes conspicuous at V^ood's Hole in the fir'st half of July, and grows rapidly until it reaches its maximiim development ahout the first week in Au- gust, Tov/ards the middle of August the plants of all ages cease to produce new branches and slov/ly become disorgan- ized, losing their rich pink color and becoming easily de- tached fro.'.i the substratum. At this season great quantitioc are washed up on exposed points like iTobska Point at Wood's Hole, After being torn loose from their fastenings, the plants float about in the water for days or even weeks, con- tinuing to produce spores v/hich were shown by experiment to "be capable of geriaination. At this season, the tetrasporic plants frequently show a very robust feabit, forming spher- ical masses upwards of 15 centimeters in diameter. The spores develop quite rapidly in the open. Bits of cotton cloth, tied to piles near mature plants showed in two weeks' time sexual plants v/ith ripe antheridia and carpospores, and tetrasporic plants with mature spores. The largest of these plants shov/ed 3 orders of branching, and consisted of as many as 500 cells, A notevforthy fact about the occxurrence of the vjirious forms is that tetrasporic plants are always more abundant, as well as on a.n average larger tlian sexual plants. Dviring the first two weeks of August, 1907, mcire than 500 plants were collected at random, care being taken to collect every plant seen, and not to select the larger specimens. On one occasion 352 individuals v;ere "brought into the la^boratory and sorted carefully. Of these 321 were found to be tet- rasporic, 15 cystocarpic, and 16 antheridial. At another time more than 200 plants shov/ed ahout the same relative proportions. In other \7ords, there is on an average an equal number of antheridial and cystocarpic plants, and for each sexual plant about ten tetrasporic ones. An exact count v/as not kept of plants collected earlier in the sea- son, but there seems to be no doubt tha,t tetrasporic plants greatly predominate in nvunber at all seasons. The sajne relations are sliown quite strikingly by Champ i a yarvula and Chondria 'tonuissima at Wood's Hole, and will probably be found to obtain in many other red al- gae. Similar numerical prepondera-nce of tetrasporic plants has been noted in Laurencia by PHILLIPS C96), in Polysi- phonia at ITaples by OLTMAIJUS C04, p. 650), and in Corallina by SOLMS ('01). Professor Pa-rlow states that among the red algae, "tetrasporic plants are a good deal more co/nmon than sexual plants, and, in decidedly tlie majority of spe- cies which I have examined, I have had to look t}irough a mass of tetrasporic plants before coming to any bearing sex- ual organs. In the great .Majority of Jlorideae the chances are decidedly in favor of finding tetraspores rather than sexual organs . " IffiTHODS . Of various fixing fluids e.uployed, the v/oalc clirom-acetO' osrnic acid mixture was found to "be oest for cytological de- tails (YA]\tA.TiOUCHI, '06^, p. 425). The time of fixation va- ried from one to ten hours. Paraffin sections 3 and 5 1^ thick v/ere used almost exclusively for the finer details of cell structure, G:."osser anatomical features were foiuid to "he "best made out from mounts in toto . The most success- ful stain employed was Heidenlaain*s iron alum haematoxylin {2 hours in the alum solution, 4 hours in the stain) , fol- lowed "by eosin in QlOve oil, as recomiaended "by Miss Praser (*07). Por some purposes, good differentiation v/as obtain- ed "by following the haematoxylin with gentian violet and extracting the violet with the eosin-clove oil solution. Difficulty was experienced in obtaining material show- ing abundant nuclear figures. Plants brought intothe labora- tory and fixed at all hours after leaving been kept in run- ning v/ater showed almost no mitoses. J^avorable ma- dt Ust terial was. obtained by fixing in the field at eleven or tv/elve o'clock at night. VEGETATIVE CHARACTERS. The thallus forms a hemispherical tuft, and is con- posed of mizch "branched filsjiients, which are made up of large swollen cells placed end to end in series. The filaments radiate from a common point of at ta clime nt, the holdfast. In a plant of average size, from the "base to the apeoc of a single filaiaent, exclusive of the iDranches, there are twen- ty to thirty cells; in large specimens the numter of cells in a single filament may te tv;ice as great. The cells differ greatly in 3ha,pe and size in differ- ent parts of the filaments (fig, 4). Toward the "base of the plant they are approximately cylindrical below and much swollen toward the upper end. The cells nearer the tip of the filament become shorter and relatively thicker, of an obovate shape, and of a deeper color. Those cells of the female plant which bear the older cystocarps become very much swollen toward t}ieir upper ends. In the male pla.nts the terminal cells bearing the antheridia are almost glo- bose. The following table gives a general idea of the sizes of the various cells in a filajnent composed of 20 cells: llo.'fceU 0 t5 /\t,U g^i/ia/- 5l».>llS A\>t> nitcit- T'-'-'^ 7>Un. 1)10.111. /en.jt/i TTid-X iriVm .fl,kn i!i.fcTi> lexgtK 1 .()t, mm. .^t -miT ^i TTWl- . t i'''»»i irA ^ ./3 •/9 •r .i/i''7J11Il /.2.b^ 3 .0.5" ■ H .*/ .^.r /.ii" H •3a. . It -mm- •f .0^ y.^r y .32/ /.3^ Ip •f ■ A. IAT •'/i" 5,.^ 7 .4 • Oj y•^ • Vi' ■ a CL.O i .^i' •a. ;l.o .3- ■1^ .li' 2.X5" 7 i-i" 10 .lb" a.i" 3.0 IS" •i-2 . /b 3.1. .6 ■li^ 3. 0 0.0 •fef a i,.^' .^r -X. x.r The cell wall responds to the usual tests for cellu- lose. After the death of the cell, the v/all swells greatly in aqueous fluids. ^iThen so swollen, it shov/^s a plainly lamellate structure (fig. 5), similar to that described for Bornetia "by CORREITS ( ) . The cytoplasm forms a thin layer over the inner face of the free portion of the cell wall, averaging 61^ in thickness in the older cells. On the cross vra.ll it forms a thickened circular pad; adjoining pads are in communi- cation through the intercellular pores. The cytoplasmic pad over the upper cross v/all averages in the laj:'ger cells 10 K*^ in thickness in the center, beseeming thinner toward the edges. On the lov/er cross wall the pad is much thin- ner, averaging about 3 M^ in thickness. The pads are about evenly divided into a granula.r layer adjoining the sap- 8 vacuole, and a denser homogeneous layer next the cross v/all (fig. o) . Nuclei are quite abundant in the granular layer "but are not of usual occurrence in the homogeneous portion of the pad. Spherical bodies, probably of a proteid na- ture, of various sizes, occur commonly in both layers of the cytoplasm over the cross walls. In Griffiths ia barbata, BERTHOLD {*Q6) found the cyto- plasm divided into a clear outer la.yer and a granular in- ner layer, the latter containing the nuclei and the chro- me-tophores. This seems to be the usual arrangement of the protoplasmic elements in the coenocytes of algae. In Grif~ fithsia Sornetiana. the cytoplasm becomes plainly differ- entiated into two layers only v/here it reaches a consider- able thickness, as in the thic]<:ened pads mentioned above and in very young cells in which the sap-vacuole is still small. Intercellular connections are conspicuous in living as in stained specimens by reason of the peculiar plugs which close the otherv/ise open pit betv/een the cells, Griffithsia is an unusually favorable form in whic]i to observe the interce]lul?:r connections because of tlieir large size. Evidence presented below is believed to be strongly in favor of the view, doubted by many workers, that even tlie older cells are c-ctuflly in physical and organic connection tlirongh the large open pores in the cross v;alls. A tj^ical intercellular connection is shown in fig, 6. The pore in tiie cross walls is closed on each side by a disk, v.hich is the "stopper", or "plug" of ARCKER ('80). This disk is in direct conta.ct with the thickened pad of cytopla-sm lying on the cross wall. Connecting the disks is a "broad strand of tldn clear cytoplasm, or, in some cases, several smaller strs.nds (fig. 7.}, In several in- stci,nces, hits of tlie proteid suhstance norms.llj'- present in the pad liave "been found in the cytoplasmic strund which connects neighboring disks, apparently having been fixed in transit from one cell to another (fig. 8). The middle la- mella mentioned later as being formed in some cases in cell divisions lias not been demonstrated in the older intercellular connections. Tlie size of the pore varies wit]), the size of the cells whicli it connects. The average diyjneter of the disks, whitK is the sojae as that of tl;e pore, is about 11 1^ in tiie large cells at some dista,nce from the apex. In living and in unstained fixed me.terial the disks are refractive colorless bodies. They stain }ieavily v/ith 10 nuclear dyes, rarticulr.rl:' with Heidenhain's haematoxyiin. Cytoplasmic stains, such as eosin, color them much less intensely. They are soluhle in Javelle watei-, as was pointed out by Kienitz-GEKLOFP ('02). This fact, coupled with the fact that the disks exe continuous on both sides Y/ith unaltered cytoplasm, gives support to the view, first ej:pressed by SCHIvIITZ (*83) tlmt they axe protoplasmic in nature. The results obtained by vexious workers on intercel- lulair connections in the red algae are conflicting, ARCHER (»80) described in Ballia.. pits which are at first open and later become closed by a plug, or "stopper". SCHLUTz (•83) came to the conclusion that the pit is closed by a delicate meinbrane, which is pierced by ma,ny or several protoplasmic stra,nds, HICK (*84 , a,b) thought he had dem- onstrated a simple protoplasmic strand passing tlirough the open pit, MOORE (*85) found that a pit-closing membrane is pierced by one or several protopleismic strands. WILLE ( »86) described and figured a sort of sieve tube in Cysto- cloniuin. HARVEY-GIBSON (»91) fo\md that in Polysip}ionia fastigiata an actual jjrotoi'lasmic connection is present only in young stages and that later a plug closes the pore- canal. However, he mentions that from the edges of tlie plug fibrillsr thickenings connect the neighboring proto- 11 plasts. KOHL in 1902 regarded tlie matter of protoplasmic continuity in the riorideae as still unsettled. KI3;iTITZ- GERLOPF in the sanie year found that the pit is closed by a delicate membrane, and reached the conclusion that an un- broken connection cannot be said v/ith certa.inty to exist in the form studied (Polysiphonia) . The number of nuclei in a. single vegetative cell is always large. Since the nuclei are a,pproxiiria.tely equidist- tant in each cell below the apex, it is evident that the ni;imber in a cell varies directly witJi tlie size of the cell. Estimates me-de from several prepa,rations show that the lsj:'ge cells neai" the base of the plant conta,in, on an av- erage, 3,000-4,000 nuclei. As the cells become smellier toward the apex of the filajnent, the number of nuclei be- comes correspondingly less. A subterminal cell of average size contains about 100 nuclei; a.n exceptionally large sub- terminal cell may contain a,s me.ny as 500 nuclei. In the newly formed terminal cell the nuiaber is much less, varying from 12 or 15 to 50, or even 75. The terminal cells, how- ever, like the other vegetative cells, are always multi- nucleate. The occurrence of multinucleate cells is rather gener- al in the older portions of the thallus of other Florideae, 12 while the terminal cell is usually uninucleate (DAVIS, »98; 0I.TI'.!A2T1T{? , 'OS; r. «9). SCmaTZ, who first called attention to this fact (»79a), showed also that even in the different species of a single genus the numter of nuclei in the cells iarles greatlj', For example, in the genus Callitliamnicn, all the cells in the thallus of C . plujiula are uninucleate; in C. cor^Tnoosum the older cells sjre multinucleate; in C« Borreri even the youngest cells liave tv/o or more nuclei. Obviously, then, the nuuiber of nuclei in the cell is no in- dex of relationship in the red algae. The nuclei of Griffithsia Eornetiana are pretty uni- fci^mly distrihuted tlirough the cytopla.sm, THiile the dis- tance sep8j:'ating them vaj^ies somev/he.t with the a,ge a,nd con- dition of the cell, usually it is 25-30 f»^ . Hot infrequent- ly several nuclei, with the cytoplasm imjnedicitely sur- rounding them, form sma.ll clumps which project into the central vacuole (fig. 9 ) . In the cytoplasmic pad on the CEOss wall 10-15 nuclei usually form a ring around t}ie intercellxilar pore (fig. 10) , The size of the nuclei vejries considerably with the age of the cells, as has been shown by BERTHOLD to be the case in the coenocytes of Codium (81) . In the young cells the resting nucleus is, on an average, about 4 f^ in diaroeter 13 just "before nuclear division and less than half that just after mitosis. In the older cells tlie average diajn- eter of the nucleus is 2-3 1^ . In tlie young sporelings the nuclei are very small, measuring 1-2 M^ in diajneter. The resting nucleus is nearly spherical or smmewliat flattened against the cell wall. It shows a large, densely staining chroxn£itin-nucleobs ir the center. The size of the nucleolus varies from l/5 to 2/3 the diajneter of the nu- cleus. It is smallest at the time of complete rest of the nucleus, and grows larger a.s the time for mitosis draws nea-r. Around the peripher;^ of the nucleus a faint linin network is visible. This is connected \7ith the nucleolus by faint radiating strands (fig. 11). Immediately envel- oping each nucleus is a zone of cytoplasm, which appears denser than the cytoplasm elsev/here, ajad which is probably to be considered of kinoplasmic na,ture. The thickness of tliis zone is omite va.ria.ble. It often becomes a.bout one- third the diajneter of the hucleus. ITuclear division occurs regulaj:'!^'' by mitosis, being found most frequently in the terminal cell. It occurs also commonly in the subterminal cell, less comiaonlj' in the third cell from the apex, and ratlier infrequently in cells older than this. 14 The divisions of the nuclei of a sincle cell near the apex are almost, tliough not quite simultaneous (fig. 12 ). In general, the nuclei near the apex of the cell are at a slightly more advaaiced stage of division than those near the base .' . For instance, tlie nuclei near the ape:. ma.y shov/ stages of anaphase, or even of telopiiase, v/hile those in the middle region of tlie cell are at metaphase, when the nuclei near the base have reached only the condi- tion of prophase, (fig, 13). V/iaen tliere is an accujnula.tion of protoplasm in the apex of the terminal cell preparatory to cell division, the ni^clei in this protoplasmic mass may divide considerahlj- before the nuclei of the lower part of -the cell. In the older cells the nuclei do not shov,' the same simultaneity of division. Here small groups of nuclei may undergo mitosis while the majority of nuclei are in the resting condition. In the younger cells, however, when one nucleus divides, all divide, though not exactly synchronous- ly. In this connection, it is interesting to note the be- havior of the nuclei in the multinucleate cells of other plants. In the sexua.1 organs of various Phycom^z-cetes, the numerous nuclei divide a.t the Scune time, as in the oSgonium of Saprolegnia (DAVIS, *C3), in the oOgonia and antheridia 15 of Pythliun (MIYAKE, '01), Al"bugo (STEVENS, '99, •00), and Peronospora (WAGER, '89). Simtiltaneous nuclear division is reported also in the plasiaodia of PULIGO (IIARPER, '00), in Plasrnodiophora (UAY/ASCHIIT, '99), in the "ascus" of Hemiasci (JUEL, '02, POPTA, '99), in the ascus of Ascomy- cetes (PIARPER, '97) , in the hasiditun of Basidionycetes (I'lAIRE, '02), and in the "binucleei.te cells of IJredineae (SAPPIN-TROIIPPY, '96). Aiaong algae, approximately simul- taneous nuclear division is knovvn in the germinating zy- gotes of desmids (KLICBAHIT, '91) in the young colonies of Volvox (OVERTON, '89), in Sphaeroplea (ICLEBAHN, »99), in Hydrodlctyon ( TIMBERLAJvE , '02) in the anther idia of Fucus (GUIGNARD, »89). In the vegetative cells of Cladophora, SERASSL'EGER found that nuclear division is not simultaneous though he reports that several sta.ges of mitosis s.re to be found in a cell at the same time. TkiS seems to indicate that the stimulus to division affects more than one nucleus at a time. Among the Arclie^oniates , simultaneous nuclear division is figured hy Miss Lj'^on for [Telaginella ('01), and seeEis to he the rule in the developing endosperm a,nd in the early divisions in the fertilized egg of Gymnosperms (COULTER and CHAIvlBERLAIIT , '01, pp. 20, 31, 41, 83, 98); in the free cell formation of the endosperm of many Angio- 16 sperms (COULTER and CJIAltBl^LAIF, '03, pp. 165-6, 172), and in the developing embryo sac (ibid,, p. 67), In certain Legiuninosae, GUIGITARD ('81) reports simultaneous nuclear division in the cells of the suspensor. The second mitosis in the gonotokonts of Arche^oniates is simultaneous in the tv/o nuclei, SCHjvIITZ, in his studies on the nuclei of Siphono- cliadacea.e (*79, b,c) does not discuss the question of sim- ultaneity of nuclear division, but leaves the reader to in- fer that the mitoses in a cell do not occur a.t the same time. The same is true of B^THeiB'S work on Godium ('81), and of FAIRCEILD'S account of Valonia (^4) , Approximate simultaneity of nuclear division may be said to be a very general phenomenon in multinucleate plant cells. The small si/.e of the nuclei renders Griff ithsia a rather Unfavorable object for the study of the details of mitosis. The follov/ing account is based on observation of the nuclei in vegetative cells of the tetrasporic plants. The nuclei are tliroughout their history very poor in linin. The chromatin of the resting nucleus is not, there- fore, distributed on a linin reticulura, but is contained in a centrally placed, homogeneous nucleolus, or karyosome ^ 17 (fig. 11), It seems posaitle that a siiia.ll aj/iount of cliro- matin is distributed on the peripheral linin net.vork, but the "bulk of it is certainly in the nucleolus. As the nucle- us prepares for mitosis, it increases somev/hat in size, "be- coming about 4,5 1^ in diameter; the nucleolus also enlarges, ehroiiiatin from the nucleolus, in the form of rather large granules, passes out to the periphery of the nucleus along faint linin strands (figs, 14, 15), very much as v/as de- scribed \)y V/olfe in Nemalion (»04), At the same time, the nucleolus becomes differentiated into faintly and darkly staining areas, the latter probably representing cioroi-ie-tin. The cliromatin continues to pass out of the nucleolus until the whole cliroma,tin content is distributed throiigh the nu- clear cavity in the form of granules, some of which are connected with each other by linin tiireads (figs. 16,17,13, 19,20) . The nui.iber of these granules seems in every case examined to be more thy.n tv/ice the niuaber of chromosomes and in some insta^nces the graniiles bedome much more numer- ous (fig. 17). The granules now a-pproach the centre of the nucleus, at the saiae time becoming fev/er in number, prob- ably b^"" the fusion of separate granules, (fig, 21). As they move tov/cj?d the centre, they become arranged roughly in a flat plate, t}iougli al i. the granules do not lie in ex- actly one plane (fig. 2,1 ). VHiile this is going on, a 13 faint spindle is formed, apjiarently by tlie rearrangejnent of tlie linin tJu'eads (figs, 21, 22). The spindle fibres are connected with small, darkly staining kinoplasmic caps, which lie on the nuclear luembrane at opposite poles of the nucleus (fig. 22) . At metaphcise the spindle is seen to he short and broad and more or less truncated at the ends (fig. 22), The nu- cleus is flattened at right angles to the axis of the spin- dle, so that it is much broader than long. The cliroirio somes are closely packed on the equatorial pls,te, which is nearly as broad as the nuclear cavity. The nuclear meiabratie is intact, so that the v;hole spindle is intranuclear. In addition to being closely packed, the chromosomes do not lie in exactly the same plane, and it has been dif- ficult to count them witli certainty. Between the chromo- somes lie a darkly staining substance that renders coxmting still more uncertain, numerous estimates made from polar views of the equatorial plates, vary from 11 to 14, The normal number of chromosomes in the nucleus of the vegeta- tive cell of the tetrasporic plant seeias pretty certainly to be 14 (fig, 23) , The nucleiir cavity is largest at time of propliase, jasuring as much as 5,5 M^ in diameter. At metaphase it me? 19 is c on sideral)ly smaller, averaging 5.5^ broad "by 3 ^ long, A similar decrease in the content of the nuclear cavity has been noted by YAMAITOUCHI in Polysiphonia ('Oeb). At metai-ihase the group of cliroiao somes splits into two, \/hich v/ithdra.v/ tov/ard the opposite poles of the spindle (figs. 24-28), In anaphase the daughter cliromosomes of each ga'^oup are seen to be arranged some\/hat in tlie sliape of a v/atch crystal, with the concave surface tov/a,rd the pole of the spindle (fig. 26), as v/as figiired in certain nuclear divisions in ITemalion by TOLPE ('04). The tv/o groups of chromosomes a,re connected hy a fev/ spindle fibres (fig. 26) As tJie daugliter groups of chromosomes approach the kinoplasmic caps, the outlines of the individual chromo- somes become lost in a dense mass of chromatin, v/hich is to give rise to the nucleolus of the daughter nucleus (fig. 27) , At telophase the me-ss of cliromatin is in immedio-te proximity v/ith the kinoplasmic cap. In the meantime the nuclear membrane, v;hich becomes fainter during the coiirse of mitosis, disappears, the origina.l nuclear cavity becom- ing filled v/ith cytoplasm, only a few faint striae remain- ing of the spindle (fig. 20) . The maas of cliromatin re- sulting from each group of daugliter cliromosomes becomes surrounded by a clear area, v/hich is bounded by a faint nu- 20 clear memlDrcaie (fie, 29). The kinoplasi.iic cap grov/s around tlie dau^liter nucleus, whose organization is now complete. The a>'.es of the mitotic figures seeias to "bear no rela- tion to the axis of tlie cell not to the position of the cell v/all (fig. 21), Y/lien the axis of the spindle is at right angles to the cell wall, however, the daughter nuclei shift tlieir position at telophase so that a line connecting them is parallel to the cell wall. In the vegetative cells of the sexual individuals the behavior of the nuclei in mitosis is in general similar to that in tetrasporic individuals. The nujiiber of cliromatin granules v/hich pass out from the nucleolus and become dis- tribu.ted through the nuclea.r cavity, v/hile variable, is always much less than in the nuclei of the tetrasporic plant (figs, 30, 31). The size of the nucleus at prophase is about the same in the two cases. At the time of meta- phase, however, the cavity of the bucleus of the sexual plant is somewhat smaller than that of the tetrasporic pla,nt , The number of chromosomes on the equatorial plate in the sexual plant is 7, though liere , too, the counting is made difficult by the presence of a darkly staining sub- stance between the chromosomes (figs, 32, 33). Mitoses of the type described above liave been observed 21 in vegetative cells of vsjfious ages, in the hair-cells of the procarp and cystocarp, in the primary tetrasporic cells, in the stalk cells of the tetrasrorangia, in the involv.cral cells of the tetraspore-sorus, in the sporelinrs froM tet- raspores, and in the sporelings from carpospores. No undoubted cases of amitosis have "been observed. An appeara-nce suggesting amitosis ha.s been noted in the stalk cells of the tetrasporangium and in the cells of the spor- ogenous lobes, and ma.y possiblj^ occiu^ in t}ie vegetative cells; but the small size of the nuclei renders exact ob- servation on tjiis point very "difficult . It may be said v/it?i confide-n.ce, hov/ever, that the usual mode of nuclear di- vision is by mitosis. It may be well to compare at this point the beha,vior of the nuclei in division v.dth those of Polys iphonia (yAI.TA- jSrOUCHI) and ITemalion (WOLPE) , the t./o other red algae v/hich have been carefully studied from the cytological stand- point , 22 The cliroriiatopliores are numerous, siiiall, oval or round, flattened "bodies of rosy pink color l;/ing in the ;;;ranular cytoplasm next the cell wall. They vary considerahlj'- in size; on an average, each is about 3.5^ long, 2.5 f^ broad, and 1,2 (^ tliick. Usually the outline of the chromatophere is smooth (fig. 11), hut occasionally it is toothed, as is true in other species of Griffithsia (BERTHOLD, '86) . In the ;'"ounger cells the chromatophores are crov/ded together without definite arrangement. In the older cells they of- ten occin' in curved rows, which are arranged in the form of an irregular network (fig. 34), as was described for other species of Griffithsia by BERTHOLD (*06), and for ina,ny gen- era of the Siphonocladiaceae by SCHOTZ ('79). In ifiaterial preserved in formalin, the distribution of the coloring xn^.tter in the cliroma-tophore is similar to that described by PRIESTLIT/ and IRVING (»07) in the chroaa- tophores of r:'elaginella and Chlorophytiim. The central por- tion of the chromatophore is colorless; the coloring matter occurs in a peripheral layer. V/hen transferred from a 5^ solution of formalin in sea water to distilled water, some of the chromatophores were seen to have split ini.o two halves (fig. 35), as was shovm by HAEGELI to occur when certain chloroplasts were subjected to solutions of less 23 osmotic strength (see PRIESTLJTY" and IRVIITG, '07, p. ). The nuiaber of chroinatophores in a cell is very lojr^e. In an older cell of average size, ahoiit 400,000v/ere esti- mated to "be present. The chroinatophores in the protoplasi.iic pc^ds lying on ^ t]ie cross walls are Liuch fewer and smaller than in other portions of the cytoplasm, Chroinatophores apparently a.re a,hsent from some lateral cells when first cut off; nor have they been seen in the young procarps, in the hair cells, in the stalk cells of the tetrasporangia, or in the young tetrasporangia. While no leucoplasts have been deraonstrs^ted in these cells, it is possible that they are present. In dividing, the chroma.tophores simply pull apart. They first elonga.te and the pigment collects in each end; then they assume approximately a dumb-bell shape; and fi- nally either separate completely, or more usiially remain connected by a fine strand, as tJiough tJie division v/ere not quite complete (fig , 36) . Starch is normally present in the vegetative cells, as has been found to be true of Florideae generally by BITTSCHLI ('03), BRUNS ('94), KOLKWITZ (»99), and others. It occurs as very small granules in circular groups or as larger granules lying in tlie cytoplasia between the 24 chronatophores , Each stjirch erain is rounded o • oval, usu- ally with a dark center i no signs of lamination have been observed (fig. ). Gt;,rch is especially abundant in sporelings, and in the cells of the attaching orgcui (fig. ). Besides the starch grains, there are nornially present in the cytoplasm rounded masses of various sizes of v/h3,t seems to be proteid inaterial. These spheres usually occtir in Gmall groups, each group being surrounded by a clear area. The groups seem to be especially abundant in the cells at the time of nuclea.r division, and often simulate miclei (fig. 12, ). Spheres of v/hat seems to be the same ma,terial are usually present in the pads of protoplasm ly- ing on the cross \/alls, a,nd small bits have been observed lying in tjie cytoplasmic strands connecting neighboring cells (fig. 6) . Cell division in Griffithsia is reiaarkable for the disparity in the size of the daughter cells. It .'as first described by 'WRIGHT (»79), whose account was supplemented by the observations of BERTHOLD (»06). In the vegetative cells, division occiu's (1) by the cutting off of daughter cells from the teruiinal cell of the filament, (2) by the cutting off of small dome-shaped seg- 25 merits from the upper borders of cells below the apex. The first tinpe of division simply increases the length of the filament, the second results in the formation of a nev/ branch. There appear to be two methods of cell division. The first occurs most comrnonly in the larger cells, and is al- ways preceded by an acciunulation of cytoplasm, nuclei, and to a less extent of ciiromatophores, which forms a dense, more or less homogeneous irictss in the terminal portion of the apical cell (fig. 37), A thin dome-shaped membrane is now laid dovm, v/ith its convexity to.Tard the apex, cutting a solid accumulation of protoplasm from the tip of the cell (fig, 38) . This membrane is formed simultaneously over its v.hole extent. There is no trace of cleavage in connection with its formation, the protoplasm being in contact \vith it on each side. The nuclei appear to have nothing to do with its formation, nor is its formation visibly associated in ajiy way v/ith nuclear division. The membrane is, howev- er, neyer formed until there is an accvunulation of nuclei and cytoplasm in the tip of the cell. The young cell, at first a solid cap over the tip of the apical cell, grows rapidly, soon acquiring a central vacuole (fig. 39), and forming a tirpica.1 vegetative cell. During the growth of 26 the young cell, the cross partition loses its convex ap- pearance and becomes flattened. It becomes overlaid on each side \)y a cellulose ^all, which does not cover the membrane completely. There is left in the center o. circu- lar area or pit, v/hich is noticeable because of the early development of the cytoplasmic pliTgs described on page 3 (fig. 40). This is a very unusual method of cell division in coenocytes (DAVIS, '04, p. 452-3). So far as I knov/, it has been described in detail in no other form, though a somev/hat similar process appears to take jla-ce in the large vesicles of Valonia (SCHIIITZ, '79). The details of the division v/hich gives rise to a, lat- eral branch are very similar to those of the division of the apical cell. The daughtersegments of the subterminal cells are formed on the side of the upper border of the cell, usually four or five cells from the apex. There is first a solid axcuraulation of protoplasm (fig. 41), then the adjoining cell .nil bulges outward, and a dome-sliaped merobrane cuts the outer part of the protoplasmic mass from the inner, precisely as in the division of the apical cell. The young segment pushes out and becomes cylindrical, a vaxuole eoTly appei^tring in its middle, and forms tlie apical cell of a new brunch (fig. 42). The branch tlms initiated 27 grows for a time more rapidly than the main filament, until it ahout equals it in size. Thus an apparent, or false, dichotomy results. True dichotomy'' appears never to occur, as in no case has a braiTidh ke.^ foxind to divide longitudinal- ly. Frequently more than one "branch is laid dovm at a node so that trichotomy results, and in the larger cells near the oase of the plant, four branches have been observed to proceed from the suminit of the same cell, A second laethod of cell division occurs commonly in the apical cells of the smaller branches, and sometimes in the division of the larger cells below the apex. A ring of cellulose projects inward from the cell wall a short dis- tance from the apeii, very much as was described for Cladoph- ora oy Strasburger {'88), (figs. 43,44). The ring grows in- v/ard, but not so as to cut off the new cell completely. An open circular pore is left in the center, across which the protoplasioic plugs are soon formed in the usual v/ay. ITo pit-closing membrane is formed between cells separated in this manner. The second mctliod of division, which is the usual one in coenocytes, differs from the first in that the daughter cell is from tjie beginning mud. more nearly equal in size to the cell fro.'.i which it is cu.t tlian is the case in the 28 first :iiethod of division. ViTierever the second method of cell division occurs, the partition is in one plane, never arched. In all the cases exaiained in v/hich division occurred by the ingrov/th of a cellulose ring, the partition cnt into the central vacuole, so as to cut oifff a segment containing part of the vacuole of the mother cell; in the first method of division however, the segment cut off is at first solid. The rela- tion of the cleavage plci,ne to the vacii.ole seems to deter- mine the method of cell division; in the division of the vegetative cells, where the cleavage pls-ne occurs so as to cut into the solid protoplasmic accumulation in the a,pex of the cell, division talces place "by the first method. ^Vhere the plane of division is sufficiently removed from the a,pex to allov/' the partition to cut into the central vacuole, division is by the second method. As mentioned above the nuclei appear to take no part in cell division. This seems to be the rule in coenocytic cells (St , '88), tliough '.Ville lias noted an appa- rent exception in Acrosiphonis ('00). The number of nuclei in t}ie smaller daugliter cell just after its formation i.s various. The average number is be- tween 12 and 20, but in some causes, and always following the second method cf cell division, the numter is consid- erably grea-ter. The cell next below the apex ina,y show 30- 250 nuclei. Branched lia.irs are fretiiiently home on the upjier "bor- ders of tlie younger cells. There are usually 6 or 7 of these ra-ound each node on which they occur. Their mode of origin is very similar to that of the tetrasr^oric file^ments to be described Iciter. Small papil- lae arise nearly simultaneously around the upper border of a cell near tlie cross partition (fig. ), each papilla con' taining a single nucleus and dense, homogeneous cytoi'lasm. The papillae are cut off from the protoplast by an arched membrane (fig. ), similar to tha.t foi-med in the division of some of the vegetative cells. The nucleus now divided (fig, ), and one of the da,ugliter nuclei wa.nders into a bud from the papilla, the bud, with its nucleus, now becom- ing cut off (fig. ). A second, a third, and somelriimfes a fourth bud are formed and cut off like the first (fig. Each of these daughter cells behalves in the same way, cut- ting off three or more buds, and in t]iis way a tlirice com- poimd hair is formed (fig. 47). Plach of the terminal cells divides into two. The basal cell of a hair becomes multi- nucleate, as do the cells of the firr-t order of branching; 30 the cells of the second order of branching rein3.in uninucle- ate. The hasal cell is connected wit!:, the cell on v/iiich it is Lome "b;- an intercellular connectioh of the same t^^e as that v/hich occvrs bet\/een neighboring vegetative cells. After they sxe fully formed, tlie hairs elongate great- ly and become hyaline. Each cell takes part in the elonga- tion. A vacuole is formed in the cytoi'la-sm v/hich increa^ses in size as the cells elongate. A very thin layer of cyto- plasm lies bet'./een this vacuole and the cell wall:; in the outer ends of the long cells are seen accuiuulations of cy- toplasm, in v/hich most of the nuclei lie. The f\illy formed hairs mi;,y rema,in a considerable time before elongating. Elongation occurs in all the hairs of a single node at the same time, and seems to take place rather suddenly. Tlie total length of a hair of average size before elongation is about 40 >«^ , and after elonga- tion about 550 u/ . Such great increase in size in a short time seems to be rendered possible by the fact that the cells of a hair do not secrete a cellulose v;all until after elongation has teicen place. After elongating, the hairs remain for a while on the plfijit, but fintilly the connection bet;/een the basal cells and the vegetative call breaks, and the hairs fall off as a vvhole . ITot infreotientl;- a second crop of liairs is form- 31 ed before t}ie first crop falls off, go tha.t there appear to be "t\.o sets of hair-like organs" (FARLOV/, '79, p. 132). Bi'- the time the second f;ot is foriiied, the first set is car- ried uy the grov/J?h of t}ie vegetative cell to some distance from the cross paa^tition bet\/een the vegetative colls, and the sfecond set of hairs is alv/a.j'-s formed bet..een the cross pBj'tition and the first set (figs. 45, 46). Individuals vary greatlj'- in the nuxiber of hairs pro- d^^ced. In some specimens, hairs a.re found on almost every node in the younger portion of the plant. Again, one may look over a great ma.nj'- shoots before encountering e. single set of hairs. V/hat e:<:ternal conditions ejre favorable to the production of hairs in Griff ithsia is not known. In the m£.terial examined by litESS SIvHTH ('96), hairs occurred on the fem^ile plant only on nodes bearing cysto- carps. Such a restricted distribution is not general,. Any of the young vegetative cells seems to be capable of producing liairs, and v;hile hairs occur usually in tlie vi- cinity of reproductive oi-gans, there seems to be no neces- sary connection between the t ,o. The function of the hairs is quite unknovm. They un- doubtedly ij>crease,.^^_^^ tlie si'rface exposed to the v/a- ter, and inasmuch as tliey occur especially abundantly in the neighborhood of the reproductive organs, ..here t}ie pro- cesses of metabolism may be assumed to be most active, and are usually absent on the sterile portions of the plant, it seems likely that they perform the functions of absorp- tion and respiration, as is believed by ROSEUVIITGE ('Oo) to be the functions of similar organs in tlie R}iodomelaceae, Rhizoids are frequently formed from the older vegeta- tive cells. Protoplasm accujnulates at a spot on the lov/er half, or near the middle, or even at tiines on the upper half of the cell (fig. ), and pushes out as a hollow tube v/ith a plug of protoplasm at its tip (fig. t8),. in the cytoplasm of a. rhizoid the chromc-^tophores e:re rather few in number, and the nuclei are smaller than usual in vegeta- tive cells. The average diameter of a rhizoid is about 80 1^ ; the length 2 irnn or more. The rhizoid secretes a rather thick cellulose wall. The longer rhizoids become divided into two or t}-iree long cylindrical cells by tlie centripetal growth of a cellulose ring such as occurs in the division of certain vegetative cells. The rhizoids so formed attaxh themselves tc^ any neigh- boring object^, curving around it in tlie ma.nner of a tendril (fig. 49) . In this v/ay the plant is more securely anchored tlian it v/ould be by a holdfast alone. Further, rhizoids 33 freqxiently 'become entangled aiaong neighlDoring filaments of the same plant, tlms binding the lov/er parts of the fil- aments more closely together and rendering them less easily torn apart (fig. 50). This is especially true of the an- theridial plants, in which the rhizoids are very richly developed. After the rhizoids "become a.ttached, new shoots may arise from tliem in the same way that lateral branches c.rise from tlie vegetative cells (fig. ). Tendrils have been known in the red algae since AGARDH (*80) fir!3t described them in Hypnea , I'l^xhodea , Rhabdonia, and other genera. SETCHELL ('96) described tendrils in laizrencia and Cystoclonium, and stated that they may also serve for vegeta.tive proiiag3.tion. ITOKDHAUSEIJ (*00) de- scribed tendrils in Kypnea, Sp;rridia, 8.nd Uitophyllum and showed that new plants may arise from root tendrils in Hvjmea. A process of regeneration occurs in the filament, v/hen, as is often the case, one of the old cells perishes. Con- tinuity of the filament is r^^Sstablished in the following way. An outgrowth from the cell ne>:t above pushes tlirough the intercellular i>ore, and grows down into the cavity of the dead cell. The outgrowth is a tube, similar in appear- 34 ance and mode of foriii&-tion to a rhizoid. The cavity of the outgrowth is perfectly contimious with tjie cavity of tlie cell froifl which it originates (fig. 51). A similar tube grows up more slowly from t}ie cell helow and the two meet near the centre of the old cell cavity (fig. 52). They fuse at their tips (fig. S3) to form a continuous hol- low cylinder; the cylinder increases in size and comes to replace the dead cell exactly. The usual intercellular con nection is formed at the junction of the nev/ cell witli each of the t\.o old cells v/hich contributed to its formation. A similar process of regeneration was described for Grif- fithsia Corallina by JA1ICZEV7SKI ('76), with this difference ho'.vever, that in G, Corallina only the cell above txie dead cell plays a part in the formation of tlie new cell. TOBLER ('03) has shown that a simil&.r process takes place in oth- er species of Griffithsia and in Bornetia. This process leads at times to the production of a cell of very peculiar appearance. When the cell next belov/ tv^o branches perishes, the lowest member of each branch puts out a tube (fig. 51) which meets tlie tube from the cell be- low. The tliree fuse at the point of contact and a Y-shaped cell results, which is a product of tlie fusion of three dis^ tinct cells (fig. 54) . 35 Griff ithsia niay be anchorec'. to the sulDstratuin either "by a special attaching disk, or more usually by a tangled mass of rhizoids. An e-ttaching disk has been noted in plants growing on Zostera and smooth rocks, but v/hen, as is often the case. Griff ithsia as attached to other algae of cylindrical habit, the disk is replaced by a ta,ngled mass of rhizoids, which are short, thick-wa-lled, and filled v/ith starch. Inspection of a number of specimens sliov/s all stages of transition from a mass of rhizoids to a. well de- veloped att&ching disk. The disk xna,y be said to be formed of rhizoids in contact laterally. The development of the attaching organ is described on page Q>Q • The attaching disk when present is formed of a single layer of heavy-walled cells, bright pirJc in color owing to the presence of numerous cliromatophores, densely filled with protopla,sm, and packed with laj?ge starch grains (figs. 55,56). ?rom it new shoots may arise. Judging from analogy v/ith other forms (see OLTKAOTS, •04, p, 64B, a,nd »05, p. 212) v/e may assume tiiat the plant winters over by means of the atta.ching disks or the mass of rhizoids at its base. In the spring these give rise to the plants which reach perfection in tlie summer. Tlie ev- idence for tiiis is rather negative. 1, The first plants 36 found in 1907 possessed the attaching disk already well developed, v/hereas v/e know tliat in the sporelings the tasal disk is developed quite slov/ly, 2, From the time Griffithsia v/as first found in July development V70.s e:-tremely rapid, and this seems to jioint to the conclusion that t}ie pl8.nts drew on some store of. food, SEXUAL REPRODUCTIOIT. The antheridie, are distributed as caps over the upper ends of tlie somev/hat glolDose termina,l cells of the male plants (fig. 1). They are formed e.s the terminal cells of short, much branched antheridial filaments. On a cell of average size there were found to "be ahout 500 of these fil- aments, each of which produce about 50-75 a.ntheridia, a total of 25000-37500 antheridia for each fertile cell of the male plant. The number of antheridia on a single an- theridial filament, as well as the number of fila,ments pro- duced on a single cell, varies greatly. The mode of origin of the antheridial filaments is as follows: while the terminal cell of the male plant is still small and not much swollen, (measuring on an average 0.2mm. long and 0.15 in broad at this stage) about 100-200 protuberances arise simultaneously on its apical surface 37 (fig. 57), Each protuberance is at first hemispherical and about 20-25 »«^ in dieoneter. There ie in each a single nu- cleus, surrounded "by dense, clear cytoplasm, which is in free coirununication v/itli tliat of the mother cell (fig. 5C) . Their formation is not connected \/ith nuclear division, "but takes place v;hile the nuclei are in the resting condition. The withdrawal of so manj- nuclei from the upper portion of the parent cell leaves this region almost free of nuclei (fig, 57). As grcv/th proceeds, however, nuclei v/ander up from the "basal region, and become aga-in evenly distributed in the cytoplasm. Each primari' protubers.nce is soon cut off from the motlier cell b;'' b. delicate partition, which is laid dov-m by the protoplasm in the same way as in the first method of cell division described on pages 25-2fe{ fig. 59). When its formation is complete, the prima,ry protuberance divides several times vertically (figs. 61 ^60), A lateral cyto- plasmic process is formed, then the nucleus divides by mi- tosis (figs. 61,60). One daughter nucleus remains in the body of the primary protuberance, the otlier passes into the cytoplasmic process. The two protoplasts nov/ become separated by a constriction of the Iiautschiclit , whose in. grov/th appears to be aided by the formation of a vacuole 38 at the point of constriction (figs, 60,61). This process of division continues until there are ahou.t P,00-500 second- airy protuberances on the apical portion of the terminal cell. The protuberances appeaj:* not to develop cellulose cell walls of their ovm, hut lie in the swollen wall of the mother cell (fig. 62). Each of these secondaj?y protuberances gives rise to a branched antheridial filament. The single nuclei's in each divides by mitosis, and a partition is formed separating the two nuclei, and cutting the protuberance into an upper and a lower cell (fig. 63). The lower or basal cell buds off other cells above, each uninucleate, to the number of five or six (fig. 64). These, along with the upper of the t\/o cells first formed, in tu.rn bud off groups of uninu- cleate cells, which become the sperma,tia directly (fig.GG . Thus the antheridial filivnent is a twice compound structure like a small bush, the teraiinal twigs of which become the spermatia. The basal cell of the antheridial filament is some- what cubical in shape, and ms.y contain ultima-tely several nuclei. The cells of the first and second order of branch- ing ai'e uninucleate and are reuiarkable for their sliape. 39 each resemljling a pear with a very long stem (fig, 65). These cells early "become filled with a large vacuole, the cytoplasm forming a very tliin film next the hautschicht , and the nucleus lying in the apical portion. None of the cells of the antheridial filament appear to form a cellu- lose wall. The whole filament is covered hy tlie swollen wall of the mother cell (fig, 63). X^Ihen the spermatia are matvu'e, they simply treak loose from the cells on which they are borne, and float freel2^ out into the water, (fig. 66) . As they become free, the long neck v/hich attached them to the cell next beloY/ becomes dravm into the body of the spermatium, which assiuaes an oval sha.pe . The mature sperma.tium is about 3 M^ long and 2 k/ in diameter. Its bulk is occupied by a large vacuole, which is bounded by a thin film of cytoplasm. The single nu- cleus lies in the end which pointed away from the antherid- ial filament. ITo chroma, tophores haive been discovered in any of the antheridial cells. The living sperme,tium is quite cleitr and somewhat refractive. It seems of interest to note the fact that the living spermt-tia appear not to be e:--.truded unless a slight pres- sixre is exerted on the cells of the thallus. If branches of an antheridial plant are transferred carefully from sea- 40 water to a slide and left undistiu'Taed, fev/ antheridia be- come extruded. However, the pressure of a cover glass or even a mere touch with a needle causes the extrusion of hundreds of i.ntheridia from each large antheridial cap. This, coupled v/ith tlie fact that the tufts of Griff ithsia are feeding grounds for several species of minute Crustacea, especially of a species of Caprella , seems to lend prob- ability to the suggestion that the antheridia of the red algae are sometimes transloca,ted tlirough the agency of an- imals. xTo evidence was secured as to \7hether the antheridial filaments produce successive crops of speraiatia. It is cer- tain, however, that after a time the antheridial cap ceases to producespermatia, and the antheridial filaments become disorganized and brealc away, leaving the globose terminal cell of the thallus free of any antheridial cells. Vlien this occtirs, it is usual for tv/o or more side branches to arise from the svibterminal cell and to begin to produce an- theridia when 3 or 4 cells long (fig. 67). The globose terminal cell which has produced one crop of spermatia frequently prod\ices one or more new branches from its svimmit, so that this cell becomes again a function- al apical cell (figs. 68. ). The procarps occur laterally on tlie nodes near the 41 tips of the filaments of the female plants (fig. 3), They are produced successively, sc tliat on a fertile branch a procarp is formed on nearly every node. Their origin and development has "been described in detail hy Lliss SMITH (»98), whose account supplements that of PARLOW ('yg), and SPALDIIIG ('90) . The procarps are formed from the s.-iiall terminal veg- etative cells. V/hen a procarp is to be initiated, the ter- minal cell, instead of dividing in the v/a,y usual in termi- nal vegetative cells, becomes pushed to one side by a lat- eral branch of the subterminal cell (fig. 43), v/hich be- comes the main axis of the filament. The terminal cell which is to give rise to the proca-rp contains several nu- clei; it divides into two cells in such a way that one cell lies partly over the other. The pla.ne of division is oblique, the inner edge of the partition being somewhat low- er than the outer (fig. 70) . Tlie lower of the two cells so formed is the basal cell of the procarp. The upper cell divides again by a transverse wall to form tlie central cell of the procarp and the first peripheral cell (fig. 71) , The first peripheral cell is cut off from tlie central cell on the axial side. A second and third peripheral cell be- come cut off from the upper border of tjie central cell, with no discernible regularity of position (figs. 72,73). The fourtli peripheral cell mentioned "by FARLOV/ has not been only seen, and must occur.occasionally. Of the peripheral cells only one has any furtjier part in the production of edtJ\ of carpo spores. Often, though not alv/ays,Athe peripheral cells cuts off terminally a sins.ll sterile cell (fig. 74). Up to this point tiie niunher of nuclei in e.'ch of the cells of the procarp varies from 4 or 5 to 10 or 12 or more* there appear to be alwa.ys more than one. As the procarp develops, the nuiaber of nuclei increases by mitosis, luitil in the cells of the matiu:'e procarp the nuclei become quite numerous. The average numbers are about as follows: basal cell, 50 , central cell, 45, peripheral cells, 3-30 , each sterile cell, 4 The cytoplasm in the cells of the Jroung procarp is ho-. mogenous and rather dense. A vacuole of considerable size occupies the center of the basa.l cell, and of the central cell. Ho chromatophores or leucoplasts have been seen in the cells of the procarp, though cliromatophores are devel- oped in the cells of the cystocarp. It sometimes happens that after the first tliree cells of the procarp c._re formed the procarpic branch becomes laet- ounorphosed into a vegetative shoot of tiie usual type, but distinguishable from otiier vegetative shoots by the fact 43 that the cell at its base reind.ins broad a,nd flat, retaining the appearance of a basal cell of a procari) (fig. 75) . In sucii cases the first peripheral cell, v/hich is really a terminal cell, functions as an apical cell of a vegetative branch, Prom the second or third peripheral cell the carpo- genie branch is formed laterally. The peripheral cell from which the carpogenic branch is produced is the "supporting cell" of Miss SfflTH, and is equivalent to the "avDciliary cell" of HASSEI'iCAI'.CP ('02). In this account I shall adopt the term auj>:iliary cell, H^Froii i"t a small ununlcleate cell is produced laterally, which is the basal cell of the carpogenic branch. This cuts off a terminal cell, v/hich in turn divides (fig. 74) . The upper of the tiiree cells so formed divides again, thus fonaing a carpogenic branch of foui" cells (fig. 76) . The carpogenic branch is bent at right angles in such a way that the terminal cell, from \.hich the carpogonium and trichogyne are formed, is usu- ally in contact with the auxiliary cell. Each cell of the carpogenic branch is at first uninucleate. From the free border of th'^ terminal cell the trichogi/Tie is produced as a club-shaped projection (fig. 76 a) . wlaether a diijision of the nucleus of the carpogoniiim accompanies the formation 44 of the trichogyne, as has been found to "be the case in Batracho speriaum (DAVIS, '96), ITeinalion (V/eiFE, '04), and Polysiphonia ( YAivIAJTOUCHI , »06b), has not "been determined. The trichOE^me ireaLCnes d. length of 35-40 A*<> and ■becomes quite slender, with a diajneter of about 1 K- In the mature trichogyne several granules, which stain like chroms.tin, are to be observed (fig. 85 ) . The mature trichogyne is straight or somewhat curved and sometimes , though not alvmys, slightly swollen at the free end. Before and during the forma.tion of the carpogenic branch, noteworthy changes take place in the auxilary cell. The cytoplasm becomes denser and the nucleus nearest the centre of the cell increases very greatly in size. Before the differentiation of the aiuciliari/- cell, the nuclei may average 1.5 m/ in diameter. I-Fhen the carpogenic branch is fully formed, the central nucleus of the auxiliary cell may reach a diameter of 6.5 Av , A similar change ma,y take place in one of the nuclei of the other peripheral cells. The structure of the mature procarp is as follows: (figs, 79,80). The broad, flat ba.sal cell bears on its upper border the central cell, which is also broad and ra- ther flat. The central cell bears usually tiiree peripheral 45 cells, which may or may not cut off sterile cells at their tips. One of the peripheral cells hears laterally the car- pogenic branch, which consists of a basal cell, tv/o inter- mediate cells, and the carpogoniuin v/ith its trichogyne. The intermediate cells and the carpogonitun are disposed in a straight line, which lies at right angles to a line pass;* ing tlirough the basal and the aiixiliary cells . A.11 the cells of the procarp 8jre multinucleate e>;cept those of the carpogenic branch. Of these the terminal cell is at an early stage of development binucleate, one of the nuclei passing into the trichogyne and later disintegrat- ing, the other remaining to form the nucleus of the carpogo— nium. The two intermediate cells are uninucleate, and the basal cell of the carpogenic branch is usually binucleate. The connections between the cells of the procarp appear to be similar in general to the connections between neighbor- ing vegetative cells. Mention has been made above of the hairs which usually occur in the vicinity of procarps. The small size of the trichogyne and of the carpogoni'* uxa renders Griff ithsia Bornetiana a rather unfavorable ob- ject for the study of the details of fertilization, but it has been possible to madze out the essential facts. A cpcr- matium becomes attached to the trichog^Tie near its tip (figs. 46 01,33) . The spermatium is either applied directly to the surface of t}ie trichogyne (fig. 32), or there /nay "be a short tube connecting the t..o (fig. 80). V/hether the nu- cleus of the sperinatium divides at this stage, as is the case in ITeinalion (V/OLPE, '04) v/as not determined though such an appearance as is presented in fig. 84 suggests tliat division may occur. A sufficient numher of stages v/as not obtained to enable ine to speak with certainty on the sub- ject, but the stages tha,t v/ere obtained seem to render it higlily probable that the nucleus from the spermatium passes down the trichogyne, enters the carpogonium, and there fu- ses with the nucleus of the carpogonium (figs. 82,85). Immediately after fertilization the trichogjTie becomes much tv/isted and falls off, leaving a short stump on the carpogonium (fig. 35) . Since the fusion nucleus stains very heavily, the details of its structure were not made out. However, because of this very capacity for taking up dyes, it is easily distinguished from the other nuclei of the procarp. Very soon after fertilization, the carpogenic branch begins to be withered, and the fusion nvicleus is seen to be present in the auxiliary cell (fig. 87). TJie actual passage of the fusion -niicleus into tlie auxiliary cell was 47 not observed. In no case har^ a fusion nucleus been seen in any of the cells of tlie carpogenic branch other than the carpo^oniiun, ajid it seems unlikely tjiat it passes into any of these other cells. The position of the carpogoniu-in in contact with the auxiliary cell renders it possible that the tv/o become connected by resorption of the v/alls at the point of contact, and tliat the fusion nucleus passes di- rectly into the auxiliary cell, as was suggested by SCKLCTZ for other species of Griff ithsia, anr' . demonstrated in Thuretella and Chylocladia by HASSElTCMtP {»02) . In Polysiphonia violacea the coinmii.nication between the carpo- gonium and the aujciliary cell is transient ( YAI.IAIIOUCHI , *06b), so thii.t it might well be difficult to demonstrate in such a form as Griff ithsia. The cells of the ca,rpogenic branch after fertilization and the passage of the fusion nucleus into the aiuciliary cell usually degenerate simultaneously, and often the v/hole carpogenic branch breaks av/ay from its attacliment to the auxiliary cell, and lies free among the cells of the pro- carp (fig, Oa) , In one case the lower cells of the carpo- genic branch vfere seen to have withered before the passage -nu.cleu-s of the fusion^into the auxiliary'' cell, villi ch lends support to the view that t]ie fusion nucleus passes directly into 48 the atociliary cell and not tlirougji tlie cells belov/ the car- pogonium. Hiss f'TaTH'S account (»96, p. 41) of the wither- ing of the carpogenic "branch v/as not corroborated in the present study. She sjrates that the carpogonium first "be- comes disorganized, "the adjacent cell at the saiae time apparently increases in size, "but it atlso soon loses its contents, and in some cases a-ppee.rs to "become disorganized, while the tv/o lower cells take a deeper stain t^n "before". As stated a"bove, the carpogenic "branch us^ially withers as a whole, and hot cell "by cell. At the time of the passage of tlie fusion nucleus into the atixiliary cell, there is in the center of the latter a very large clear nucleus. This is one of the nuclei orig- inally present in the auxiliary cell. Besides this, two or tiiree small nuclei are freqi^.ently seen in the peripheral portion of the cell (fig. 87). These are the reim^ining nuclei present at the time of the organization of the aiuc- iliary cell. They seem to disappear during tlie course of the further development of the aiociliary cell. The fusion nucleus in the avuxiliary cell is of very characteristic appearance. It differs from the us\Jial t^^pe of nucleus in possessing tv/o chromatin-nucleoli instead of one. It would seem as if the cliromatin from the male and 49 the female piurent does not fuse completely, and that the nucleoli of different origin reiaain distinct for some time after nuclear fusion. The "beliavior of the chroi.iosomes in the eeirly di:?isions of the fusion nucleus was not observed, though it ',/ould "be of considerable interest to know v/hether two distinct groups of cliromosomes are formed at this stage. The fusion nucleus divides once in the auxiliary cell, and the two nuclei come to lie in the opposite ends of the now some-vvhat elongated cell (fig, 89), Between them lies the greatly enlarged central nucleus originally present. Each of the nuclei resulting from the division of the fu- sion nucleus usually shows the characteristic double nu- cleolus. The aiuciliary cell nov.- divides^ ©ne daugter cell containing the enlarged central nucleus and a single fusion nucleus, and the other containiTig^only a fusion nu- cleus (fig. 90) . The latter may be called the placental cell* from it the sporogenous lobes usually arise. Figtire 92 shows clearly that sporogenous lobes may also be formed from the auxiliary cell after tlie placental cell lias been found; the nuclei entering these lobes are derived from the fusion nucleus. Very similar behavior ha.s been observ- ed by HASSEIICAI.IP ('02) in the auxiliary cells of Thuretella 50 and Chylocladia. During these changes, the large nucleus of the aux- iliary cell continues to increase in six.e. It becomes al- most empty of contents, the nuclear outline "becoming less and less distinct, and finally the nucleus disappears in the cytoplasm (fig. 91), Changes also take place in the other elements of the young cystocarp. The central cell, which at first contains a large central vacuole, "becomes filled with homogeneous cy^ toplasm with numerous nuclei formed "by the multiplication of those originally present (fig. o7), Prom the Hides of tlie basal cell of the procpjr'p soon after fertilization sev- eral sina.ll cells are cut off successively'' (fig. 91). These in turn divide, ^xid tiie outer cell becomes an invol- i;cral ray (f igs.87,?/) , Three to seven involucral rays are formed; they are of various six-es and ages, and curve up over t}.e cystocarp so fc,s to cover it almost completely, ex- cept e.t the top. The structm^e of tlie involucral rays of- fers nothing especially remi.,rkable . They are distended sacs, pe-le pink in color ov/ing to the presence of a small number of cliroma.tophores, A tliiTi layer of protoplasm bounds a very large vacuole. The nuclei may become quite numerous, 07 having been counted in a ray of average size. 51 The rays do not form a definite pericarjj, as tliey are not united at tlxe sides. ITone are produced "between tlie cysto- carp and the vegetc;,tive cell .'hich bears it. The placental cell formed at tlie division of the aujc- iliary cell increases in size and in nuiaher of nuclei, all of v/hich are the product of tlie division of the fusion nu- cleus. Small protuber8,nces are formed on its free border, each of v/hich conta,ins a, single nucleiis (figs. 91,92). Each protuberance is cut off from the mother cell by an arched membrane, and the cells so formed give rise by re- peated division to the sporogenous cells from v/hich tlie carpospores are formed. While this is taking place, there is a general fusion of cells in tlie center oi" the cystocarp (figs. 91,93,94). The follov/ing cells take part in this fusion; the placental cell, the auxiliai^y cell, the central cell, and sometimes the peripheral cells. The result of the fusion is the pro-- duction of a very It^rge, iri-egulairly sharped placenta., on the upper sur-face of v/hich the sporogenous lobes cire form- ed (figs. 94,95) . The placenta contains nuclei from tliree sources: (1) the original nuclei of the peripheral and au:<:iliary cells, v/hich appeitr to take no part in spore foi^mation, (2) the numerous nuclei of tlie central cell, v/Ijich lie in t}ie "base of the placenta, a region from v;hich no sporagenous lotes are formed, c.nd (3) tlie numerous nuclei resultinc from tlie division of tlie fusion nucleus. These last lie in the up- per region of tlie plcicenta, where the sporogenous lolDes are being formed, f(,nd appear to "be the on.ly nuclei to enter tliese. A sii'iilci-r placenta, v/itli niuiierous nuclei of diverse origin, has been described in Chylocladia by HASnENCAlIP »02. At least in some cases, tlie nuclei from the central cell appesj? to become abnorms,! and break dovm. The cliro- matin forms a ci^esent -shaped mass applied to the nuclear membrane on one side (fig. 96), the nuclei swell, their outlines become fa,int, and finally their contents mingle with the cytoplasm. ITot all of the nuclei from the central cell degenerate, and it is often difficult to distinguisli tliose which remain normr.l from the sporogenous nuclei, es- pecially in the older cystoca.rps, except by their position in the cell. The mode of division of tlie sporogenous lobes seems to vary considerably in different lobes. The series of figures fro;.i 97 to 101 gives a fair idea of v/hat usually takes I lace. Following the division of tlie nucleus of one 53 of tlie protuberances mentioned as being foi^med on the free surface of t}ie placentail cell cr on the I'pper part of t}ie placenta, small curved segments are cut off from the outer t he- surfaces of the protuberance in miicli . same way as a segment is cut off from the apical vegetative cell, v/ith this dif- ference, however, t}iat tlie cells of the sporogenous lobe are usie-lly uninucleate. In t}iis way a compact tissue is formed, the cells of which round themselves off, each cell producing a carpospore. As the cells round off, the spor- ogenous lobe becomes converted into branched chains of oval cells. The links of a cha.in are free at the sides, but connected with eexh other above and below by a narrov/ strand of cytopla.sm; midway bet\;een connected spores occur callus-like plugs similar to tliose Ijang in tlie pits be- tween adjacent vegetative cells. From the time when they first round off, the spores increase greatly in size, v.nti-3: imuil^y^^hey ore rocidy to bO'Shc^-, -4J%e- -spores ^noac^ro- about in diameter, the niioloi moaouring ,V/lien the spores are ready to be shed, their disjneter is about 30-35 Aa^ , tlieir length 40-54 M/ , the diameter of the nuclei 8.5-9 M^. This is the usual history of a sporogenous lobe. In some cases a difference is presented because of tlie fact tliat the spore mother cells are rounded off at a ver"" early 54 age, so tliat tlie sporogenous lobe is not a compact tissue when young, "but a group of rounded cells (figs. 95,102), There is aoiae evidence tliat in this case tlie method of cell division in the sporogenous lobe is by constriction, some- what after tlie manner of the second metliod of cell division described on page 2-7 . The final result is the same in the t\;0 cases, i.e., the production of branched chains of carpospores. The sporogenous lobes of a, single c^'^stocarp e.re of va- rious £.ges. Lobes with ma,ture spores may be seen by the side of unicelli;lar sporogenous lobes, and usually all stages of development may be seen ir a single cystocarp (fig. 103). Each sjorogenous lobe is covered v/ith a gelatinous en- velope, not easilj^ seen until sv/ollen v/itli glycerine or a v/atery fluid. The individua,l spores seem to be ./itiiout a cellulose v/all , being enclosed only by the liautscjiiclit . As a rule, s,ll tlie spores of a single lobe become ma- ture at the same time. The IjtiKs of the chains break at the point where the calli.;s-like plugs are developed, the cor;necting strands B^e drav.Ti into the body of tlie spores, and the -spores slip oi't of the gelatinous envelope and float av/ay into the v/ater. 55 The nvm'ber of spores produced ir; a cystocarp can }iard- ly "be estimated witli certairilty, "because v/hile the ma-ture spores are being slied, new sporogenous lobes are being in- aueurated. Prom a study of several cystocarps of average size, it v^-as found tliat about 6 lobes are present at one time, with an average of about 40 spores in each lobe, giv. ing a total of a,bout 240 spores in a norma,! cystocarp. Undoubtedly the nxiwber of spores produced during the life of a cystocarp may often be greater than this . When set free, the spores present much the same ap- pearance as the tetraspores described on page T3 , They are oval in shape. Around tlie periphery' is a ;^one contain- ing rat}ier dense cytoplasm and numerous flattened cliromato- phores, which sometimes present their edges, but usually their flat surfaces, to the outside. In the centre is the la.rge nucleus, enveloped in a zone of homogeneous cyto- plasm. The nucleulus, which contains the cliromatin, is usually in the form of 12-14 rounded bodies in tlie centre of the nuclear cavity. The linin is scanty- in ajnount, be- ing barely visible axound the periphery of the nucleus. Between the nucleus and the peripheral zone of chroiiiato- phores, the cytoplasm is very coarsely vacuolar (fig. 104). In a few cases, spores liave been noted wiiich liave germ- 56 inated in situ, £,nd v/hich contain tv/o nuclei (fie. 105) . ITuclear divisions in the cystocarp are of the usual type. In the divisions of the sporogenous nuclei, tiie niun- iDer of chromosoraes is ah out 14 (fig. 105a) . Pood in5,terial appears to he passed into the cystocarp from the vegetative cell on v/hich it is horne . Figure 105b shows a section tlirough tlie connection het\/een the he.sa,l cell of the cystocarp and the adjacent vegetative cell. In the cytoplasmic pad occtirs a great abundance of the spheres of food material mentioned on page 2,4 • ASEXUAL RKPRODUCTION (Tetraspores) . The tetraspores are formed in a ring around the upper border of any cell belov/ the a,pex of tlie filament (fig. 4). The ring of tetraspores appears to encircle the node, fit- ting snugli" in tlie constriction bet\/een neighboring vegeta- tive cells. On the outside of the tetraspores a circle of involucral rays grows up around the sorus. The munber of these is varie.ble; there are often only 6 or 8; sometimes there sTe as many as 20. They appear rather late in the development of the sorus, in some cases the most advanced 57 tetraspores having already ms.tured before the involvicro,! rays are formed. The rp.ys are expanded curved plates, con- nected £i,t the hcise v/it]i the vegetative cell, and free lat- erally and terminally. Usually nei^^hboring rays are in contact at the sides, so tliat the circle of tetrasjiores is well screened from without. Each ray is a single cell sim- ilc-T in appeccrance a,nd in structiu'e to the outer cell of the involucral ray of the cyptocarp, Y/here the rays sjre in connection witli the vegetative cell, the pliigs character' i^tic of the intercelliilar connections elsev/here a.re form- ed. The tetraspores £ire formed a,s follows: Around the up- per border of a young cell below the apex, protoplasm ac- cuiTiUlates in sma.ll rounded ma.sses, each containing a single nucleus (fig. 106) . The cell wall near each protoplasmic accumulc-tion becomes gelatinous, which a,llows the acciunula- tions to protrude as small papille.e (fig, 107), Each of these papillae early becomes cut off from tlie mother cell by a delicate dome-shaped membrane (fig, 108), Each of the cells so formed, witli its nucleus, increases in size, and at tlie same time t]ie membrane loses its convex form and becomes flattened (fig. 109). The fori!ia.tion of these prima.ry tetrasporic cells seems 50 to tfiJ^e place entirely independent of nuclear division. On tlie upper torder of each of these cells a finger- like outgrov/th of cytoplasm is protruded (fie* HO). The nucleus then divides "by mitosis in the way described for vegetative nuclei of the tetrasporic plant (fig. 110). One of the dau.gliter nuclei reiricdns in the basa-l portion of the cell, the other passes into the cytoplas.'iiic outgrowth, •qhich as usual becomes cut off from the basal portion by the familiar arched membrane (fig. 112), which as usual soon becomes f le,t , Thus is formed a small tvro-celled branch, v/ith a single nucleus in each cell (fig. 113) . The lower may be called the sts,lk cell, v/hile the upper is the tetrasporangiujn or tetraspore mother cell, Dujr'ing the growth of this structiire, the stalk cell pushes out another cytopls,smic projection similar to the one first formed. The nucleus divides by mitosis (fig. 114), one of the daughter nuclei remaining in the stalk cell, and the otlier passing into the projection, which be- comes cut off like the first. Thus a second tetraspore mother cell is formed on tlie ste.lk cell, A tliird a.nd some- times a fourth motlier cell may be formed in the same way. The first motlier cell may be regc'j:'ded as terminal, the oth- er as lateral. In rare cases, two nuclei occur in the primary 59 tetrasporic cell from its inception, pjid in one ca.se, at least, t\/o nuclei have been noted in t}ie very young tet- raspoi'e mother cell. Thir. recalls tlie suggestion of KEY- DRICH ('02) of a possible sexual significance of the tet- raspore. Exainination of a large series of developing tet- raspore mother cells convinces me, hov;ever, thcit there Is here a purely accidental phenomenon, v;hich has no place in the normal life history, s.nd which is not to be considered as analogous in any way to the se:Kual process. The cells of the tetrasporic branch appear at? first not to secrete cellvxlose v;^llls of their own. The stalk cell, with its tetraspore mother cells, remains siirroionded by the gela.tini7,ed wall of the vegetative cell on which it is borne. Thiff. wall, much swollen, covers the tetra,sporic branch completely (fig, 115). It continues to swell and by the time the spores are ready to be discharged it seems to dissolve lejr'gely or completelj'' in the sea-wa.ter. The stalk cell increa,ses in size, and its nucleus at tlie same time divides b;'- successive mitoses until usually 16 da,ughter nuclei are finally produced. V.'ith tlie grov;th of tiie cell ir size, tlie cytoplasm becomes less dense, and vacuoles appear iii it. There may be a single large central vacuole (fig. 115), or several sins.ller ones variously dis- 60 posed. The connection of tlie st^.lk cell ■..itij the vegeta- tive cell and also with tlie tetraspore mother cells is of the upual t^'pe. On the side toward tlie sta,lk cell, the cytoplasm of tlie mother cell is produced into a rather nar- rov/ strand, \7hich meets a similar strand from the stalk cell at the point where the callus-like plugs are develop- ed (fig. 116). It sometimes happens t}iat the stalk cell produces lat- erally a tuhtile-r process that curves up around the mother cells cJid resemhles iri s,ppea,rance an involucral ray (fig. 117) . This recalls the condition in Griffithsia "barhata and other species, in v/Iiich the tetraspores c'j:'e "borne lat- erally on short involucrate reimuli • The tetraspore mother cell increases in si^'.e, the nu- cleus showing corresponding enlargement. The cytoplasm he- gins to shov« nuuierous small vacuoles betv;een the rather dense cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus and that lying in the periphery of the cell. The "behavior of tlie nucleolus during the period of en- largement of the nucleus is interesting. As the nucleolus increases in mass, it fragments into several rounded "bodies of various sizes (fig. 113) . This process of fragmentation continues until from 12 to 14 rounded masses of cliromatin 61 of about the same si;:e are formed (fig. 119) . These lie in a cliunp in t}ie centre of the nucleus, staining very iieavily with nuclecO' dyes. At this stage the tetraspore mother cell rnay "be con- sidered to he ns.ture. The length of a ina.tvire mother cell is about 20 1^, the width 15 A^ , and the diameter of the nu- cleus 7^. rwther changes in tiie mother cell are in an- ticipation of division into tetraspores. From tliis time the che.nges in the cytoplasm occto* mainly in connection vitJi the vacuolar area. The vacuoles becoine larger and the whole vacuolaj? area presents a. coarse spongy appearance. In the meshes are deposited numerous spheres of substance staining deeply witli haematoxylin. There is reason to believe that t]iese bodies are derived from the nucleus. As the time of nuclear division approach- es, these granules become larger and fewer in muaber, so that it is possible, by noting their size and nujiiber, to predict in just what stage of mitosis the nucleus v/ill be found. The granules seem to be analogous to the ciiromidial substance of Protozoa (see GOLDS CHI.IIDT, •04) and of some plants (see TISCHLER, '06). The cha,nges in the nucleus pjre profound. Host strik- ing is the decrease in staining capacit;' of tiie nucleolar 62 masses. These "become irregular in form, and at the same time fuse with one another, so that their number is re- duced by more than half (fig. 120) , At this stage they are in the form of thick, curved rods, in v/hich light and dark- ly sta.ining a,reas rae-y oe discovered. Often four dark areas may be detected i i each rod, v/liich sviggests that this 3,tage corresponds to the formation of tetrads in the oocytes 3-nd spermatocytes of many aniiaals, Coincidently v/ith these changes, small granules- are to be seen in the nucleus near its periphery, \/hich seem to pass out into the cytoplasm (fig. 121), to form the granules alr*eady mentioned as oc- cuj-'ing in the vacu^tir ai^ea. The stage just desci-'ibed is considered to be the pe- riod of s^Tiapsis, It is of long dura,tion, it shows a con- dition which does not occur elsev/here in the life history, and it immediately precedes the mitoses in v/hich nvunerical reduction of the chromosomes takes place. It differs from the usual type of sjTiapsis in that no spirem or synaptic tlirecid is formed; but tjiis is not to be wondered at inas- much as nowhere in the life history of Griffithsla Bornet- iana is a spirem produced. Perhaps tlie worm-like nuclear masses are to be considered as replacing the usual spirem stage. 63 While the thick, irregular rods continue to lose their capacity for tcUcine up stains, there appear) scattered throughout the nuclear cavity^ but riiciinly ne;\r tlie periplijry a niunber of small spherical "bodies (figS- 12^) . In ifi£i,n2'- instances, 14 of these bodies v/ere countod; less frequently d.TlJ often tKe- i-vu-mber a,f[>e^re3 to la only 13 v/ere to be seen;, in the lattor events — one of the o-reate-r tKa^n tMs. jp. iiulca ia luZ-.-'ccr tjian the rost, and is probably to be con-sidered ac roiiroGonting tv.o of tho amallcr bodies — (rfirg, iS^ , After these bodies are formed, there may be no other trace of nucleolar ros.tei^ial in the nuclear cavity (fig/-?^) or the acliroiaatic portion of the nucleolus may be represent- ed by t».o or tliree faintly staining bodies of irregular outline lying neix the centre of the nucleeir cavity (fig,7-2^^y* This is the stage of prophase and the siiiall bodies scat- tered through the nuclear cavity are the chromosomes. ITot all the nucleolus goes to form tiie chromosomes . As already mentioned, part of the nucleola,r substance pas- ses out of the nucleus and becomes dei^osited in the vac- uolar c^/'toplasm, and part may remain in the nuclear cavity^ where it forms irregular riU.snes. The part remfj.ining in the nucleus ultimately disappecirs in the cytoplasm after the nuclear membrane is dissolved. 04 The details of tlxe orcanii:ation of tlie spindle are made out with difficulty, Dui^ing prophase, kinoplas:nic caps e,re formed at the poles of t}ie nucleus l^y differenti- ation of cytoplasm at these points. In most cases, at the centre of each kinoi'ilas.vlic mc.ss is a darkly sta,ining body (fig, 124) prohahly comparable to the "centrosphere-like structiu'es" of Polysiphonia YALIAITOUCHI , '06h) . In some cases these are large and prominent; in others they could not be demonstrated e.t all. They are certainly not perms.- nent structui^es; tliey seem rather to be t]ie expressions of some temporary kinoplasmc activity. To them the spindle fibres are attached. The spindle is entirely intranuclear, and is probably differentiated from materials v/ithin the nuclear cavity, as no evidence has been seen to indicate that the fibres grow in from . ithout, as is the case in Spirogi'ra (BEEOHS, '06). The spindle is truncate at the poles and slightly broader at the equatorial plate (figs. 124,125), The chromosomes, •.:hich lay scattered in the nu- cleajr cavity before the formation of the spindle, now move in toHard the centre of tlie nucleus, (fig, 126a). H^re they become arranged on the equatorial plate. Some prep- arations (fig, 126) seem to indicate that during tliis pro- cess they become associated in pairs, -..Mch soon sepa,rate; 65 "but on this point it is impossible for me to speak v/ith certainty at present. The ni'inber of c}iro:nosoi!ies in the equatorial plate is approximately 14. Tliey are small roujided "bodies, rather closel^r crowded and not lyin^ in exactly tl-ie saine plane (fig. 127). The axis of the spindle seems to hear no constant re- lation to the axis of the cell. It is .Tiore usual, hovrevor, to find the long axis of the spind.le coincident v/itli the long axis of the mother cell. The outline of the nucleus at metaphase is nearly circular, or more often, slightly elongated in the direction of the axis of the spindle (fig. 124) . At anapha,se the chromosomes separate into tv/o groups, probably of seven each (fig, 120), As the groups of cliro- mosomes approach the poles of the spindle, the nuclear mem- brane fades av/ay, and the cavity of the nucleus is oblit- erated by the cytoplasm. In some cases, however, this does not happen; the nuclear membrane persists throughout mito- sis. During anaphase, it elongates and then pulls apart in the middle (fig, 129), V.Tiether this diversity in the be- havior of the nuclear membrane is in any way connected with certain irregularities of development to be described later, is not obvious. 66 As each group of cliromosojaes approaches the pole of the spindle, the individual c lor o mo somes unite to form a densely staining spherical mass, v/Iiich becomes the nucleolvs of the daugjiter nucleus. V/hen the original iaciear meia- "brane persists, tlie organization of the daugjiter nuclei is complete on the separation of the tv;o halves of the nu- cleus, by which time no trtice of the spindle is seen. 'Vnien. as is more usual, tiie nuclear membrane disappears tov;ard . telophase, the mass of chromatin in the i'.imediate vicinity of the kinopla,smic cap becomes surrounded by a new nuclear membrane, around v/hich the kinoplasm becomes distributed. In s^ny event, tv.o daughter nuclei are formed, .jhich lie at some distance from each other. Each is somev/hat elongated, v/ith a large, spherical, uniformly staining nu- cleolus in tlie centre, and frequently v/ith t,o or three s:iia-ller bodies of cliroinatin in the nuclear cavity (fig. 13oV The da.ughter nuclei are considera-bly sm£,ller tlian the nu- cleus of the mother cell. Each is about 5/^ long oy 6K broad, though the size varies, ITo trace of any intcrntr clear pc-rtition has been observed between the daughter nu- clei, which lie uuite freely in the cytoplasm. The daugliter nuclei do not rejnain long in t}ie resting condition. In each the nucleolus disappea.rs, and seven 67 rounded cliroino somes, ri^o^a-^ly derived from the nucleolus, ap- pe£xr in the nuclear cavity (fig. 131) . At the sai/ie time the nucleus elongates further, and there is to "be seen a kinoplasiaic ca,p at each end. A sidndle is organized as be- fore, a,nd the 7 clxroiflosomes arrange themselves in an equa- torial plate. The division of the t-.;o nuclei is syncliro- nous, their soies of division lying at right angles to each other (fig. 132) . At anaphase, two groups of 7 chroLiosoraes pass to the jioles of each spindle, the nuclear mejahranes disappearing (fig. 133) . At teloplia-se the cliroino somes of each group \/hich is in close proxi.niity to the kinoplasmic cap, fuse to form the nucleolus of the daugJiter nucleus. A new nuclear ineiaorane is formed around each mass of cliro- matin and the kinoplasm again hecomes distributed around the nucleus (fig. 134) . The four nuclei thus formed lie very near tjie periph- ery of the mother cell, and equidistant from one another (fig. 115). Each is a definitive tetraspore nucleus. Their arrangement in the cell is determined by the fact that one nucleus alv/ays lies at the point from v/hich the cytoplasmic strand passes to meet the stalk cell. The stj^uctui^e of the nucleolus at tliis st.ige is somev/hat dif- ferent from that of the preceding stages. The cliromatin mass is usually pl^dnly lobulated. 0\itside and near tliis 68 is to be seen a ;:iuch DJii£.ller, regularly spherical body, v/hose history I have heen unable to trace. Probably it is of the same na,ture as the nucleolus, since, \/hen the nu- cleolus fragments, as it does a little later, the sT;:aller body is indistinguishable from the other cliro!na,tin masses. An appearance frequently seen at this stage lends sup- port to the view that food m^.terial is passed up froi;i below into the tetrasporangium (see YAIvIAITOUCHI , '06b, p. 424). The nucleus v/joicii lies near the strand of cytoplasm con- necting the tetrasporangium v/ith the stalk cell is seen to be surrounded by a mass of food material, v/hich is probably derived from the stalk cell. The other nuclei at the same time lie in clear cj^'toplasm in v/hich little stored food is visible (fig. 135) . During the progress of these changes in the nuclear content of the tetrasporangium, the deeply'- staining granules in the cytoplasm disappear, so that by the end of ^tiie first mitosis they are no longer visible. At the same time, the lajTge vacuoles in tlie cytoplasia give place to smaller, more regular ones. Cleavage of tlie cytoplasm begins al./ays when tlie four nviclei begin to move to\/ard the centre of the tetrasporan- givun, vjhich happens soon after their formation. The jiaut- G9 scliicht folds inv/ard along; planes v/hich, if continued to the centre of tjie cell, ..ould cut the protoplast into 4 equal parts, presenting the familiar tripajr^tite arrangement (fig, 136). Hov/ever, the partitions are produced inwards only about tv/o-tliirds of t}ie distance to the centre of the cell (fig. 137) , T}ie central portion of the tetrasporan- gium is occupied "by the foujr definitive spore nuclei ,/ith their envelopes of kinoplasm v/hich ai^e in contact v/ith one another, so the.t e, rather definite nucleo-kinoplasmic fliass is formed. In the very centre of t]ie tetrasporangiujn lies the portion of the undifferentiated cytoplasm enclosed \)y the nucleo-kinoplasraic mass (fig. 138). The nuclei at this stage are either spherical (fig. 139), or somewhat "biscuit shaped, the inner svjfface "being less convex tha.n the outer (fig. 140). The nucleolus has "by this time .fra-gmented into 12-14 granules, similar in appearaiice to those in the nucleolus of the tetraspore motlier ce;i.l before s;mapsis. At tjiis point of development, 5-10 "^ of the tetra- sporangia begin to sliov/ degenerative changes and do not de- velop further. The outer sur'face of the tetrasporangium be- comes^ery much flattened, almost v/af er-like . The entire contents of the protoplast stain very heavily, ov/ing to the 70 j-iresence in tlie cytoplasm and in the nuclei of nuiiierous dark crauules. Tliece deseneratinc tetro.sporangia are eas- ilj^ distinguishable even in the living condition "b- rea,son of their almost hlaxk opaque appearance, and some ere to "be found in every tetraspora,ngial sorus . V/liat causes lead to tlieir degeneration I have not "been able to determine. In the normal tetrasporangia, the cleavage partitions, which represent folds of the hautschicht, but which appear in section as a single line except near the periphery (fig. 137) , split so as to reveal clearly their double na- ture. At the sajne time the cytoplasm, which lay in close contact witla the partitions, separates along the line of the partitions so that the cleavage furrov/s become wide as well as deep (fig, 133), Even at this stage, ]io-wever, tiiey ejKtend no further in than to the edge of the nucleo- kinoplasmic rna.ss . Coincident witii tliese changes in the partitions, the nuclei ..iiich were fl^ittened become again approximately spherica,l. Vacuoles develop in the cytoplasm in the centre oiff the nucleo-kinoplasmic me^ss . At tlie same time, siXoll cliroj.iatophores begin to appear in the cytoplasm along the outer border of the tetrasporangium. These in- crease in size, and ei few extend along tiie partitions into the body of the protoi.last . In this condition tj^e tetra- 71 si-orangium re::ic,ins for a lone time, increasing in cir.e and in vacuolization of the cytoplasm. The significance of this incomplete separation of the spores probably lies in the fact that food material seems to pe.ss v.t tlirough the "basal cell. If the spore v/ere completely separated before ma.tiu'ity, only one of the fovr v/ould be in communication • ith the stalk cell, the source of supplies. Kov;ever, in- asmuch as the cliroma,tophores at this stage are v/ell devel- oped, it seems probable tlmt the tetrasporangium is capp.ble of ela.borating at least part of its food material for it- self. BERTHOLD (*86) seems to have been the first to point out this incomplete separation of the tetraspores of red algae after tiie division of the nucleus of the mother cell, though SCffi.'iITZ ('79a) ha,d given an account of tv/o succes- sive nucleajT' divisions in the tetraspore mother cell. The tetra-sporic branches are from their inception sur- rounded by the swollen v/all of the vegetative cell on ■, hich they are borne. A portion of tliis \7all is carried out by the developing tetrasporic cells. As the cells develop, the portion of the .all surrounding them swells greatly and appecirs to become gelatinized, ceasing to respond to tlae tests for cellulose. The tetrasporangivun, with the incoaipletely separated spores, increases niarkedl;'- in size. The nuclei also en- large and show abundant chroinatin, in tlie form of the 12- 14 masses already mentioned. Each mass is differentiated into lightly and darkly staining areas, "ot infrequently the niunber of these masses is greater thaji this, as many as 20 liaving "been counted in some cases i and sometimes the numher is considerably less than 12. This variability in the number of cliromatin masses in the resting nucleus e y: fi L D L ^ serves to shov; tiiat they do not flh?~^f-e the same constancy in numbers tliat the chromosomes shov/, and therefore are not to be relied on as an index of the condition of the nucleus^ v.heth.er haploid or diploid. As the tetrasporangiiun enltj'ges, t'ne cytoplasm becomes more coaxsely vacuolate, and the vacuoles in the central protoplasmic mass become conspicuous (fig, 14) . The pcU"- titions now grow in until tliey meet in the centre of tlie tetrasporc'-ngilun, their ingrowth being appai'ently aided by the i^osition of the large central vacuoles already mention- ed (fig. 142), The spores are now completely separated, \,it3i the nuclei in tie iuner cornei's. The nuclei v.anaer towciJT'd tlie centre of tlie spores, tJie c]a"'omci.topliores at the same time migrating so as to line tjie entire ierii"!liery 73 (fig. 143), and t}ie spores round off, becojning oval in shape. The lowest sjore, up to tliis time attached to the stalk cell hy a slender t}iread of cytoplasm, hreaJcs away at the point of attacliment, and the strand is v/ithdra\vri into tiie "body of tlie spore. The gelatinized cell wall, nov/ very much sv/ollen, appebjr*s to dissolve in the sea v/ater, and tlie four spores are set free, aLmost iimnedij-.tely "be- coming spherical. Like tiie carpospores, they are heavier th.an sea-vvater, and slowly sink, if left undisturhed , The ras,ture tetraspore resembles the ca.rpospore in ap- pearance. It is approximately spherical. In the centre the large nucleus is conspicuous, v.ith its ch-romatin seg- regated into 12-20 small masses. Immediatelj'^ around tlie nucleus is a zone of rather dense cytoplasm; outside this the cytoplasm is coa,rsely vacuolar. In the perijiheral cy- toplasm is a single layer of chroma.tophores, outside which is the limiting membra.ne of t}ie spore. Fo cellulose cell wall is visible. The average size of tlie tetrasporic structures is sliovm in the follo-vdng table: 74 ii'-X.o;^ ;i.oXa.^/^ ^oxa-VA^ a-5--3or 40-5^^/^ The tetrasroric structures in a single Gorus are of very various r.ges. While the first-formed tetraspores are developing, nev/ tetre.si^ore motlier cells Bjce "being formed nearer the cross v.a,ll betv/een the vegetative cells, tlie older tetrasi'Ores being cea^ried av/ay from the cross parti- tion by the grov/th and the stretching of the v/all of the vegetative cell. A longitudinal section of a sorus shows primary tetrasporic cells being formed very near the point of junction of the vegetative cells; outside these are the older tetraspore motlier cells; farther out mature spores are to be seen; while farthest from tlie center occur the involxicral rays (fig. 144). The number of tetraspores produced in a single sorus is quite laj'ge . The average number in v/ell developed sori was found to be about 300. The process of nucleair o.ivision in the tetrasjore mother cell of Griff ithsia offers ^'lany striking points of difference from the sajne stages in the life liistory of 75 PolysipLonla; it rese.'ubles much jioi-e necirly similar stii.Ees in Corallina (DAVIP, »9a) . As tiiese tliree fprms are the only members of the R}iodoph;ceae in v/hich the behavior of the tetraspore mother cells hs.s been carefully studied from a cytological standpoint, it may be well to suimnarize here some of the points of resemblance and difference: akroTwouin^ U^fTs, pee a.t . ' the e-t^Ts kromosonves -r^u.f.leo La.r- boiiTes o A- -.-o -m a t t -k. ^-t'^-^u/es 5 ,j> i t^ e -x^ , (^ s e Fe i. 6 ^ A a- s e C entire S»>*\e or K'<-'«<'/'^'^-5'»*^''- '^'^A 4— i.l„^ i<.i^c p l ^if^^^- ca-k i^eYul e-r 0/- Tt\9t AC I' >H«.£^C e U.5 lU.ee.^ ,'^LK^t^^r^it-e:^ n5./,;>e.r^ be-^«^e ^.r^u^U tkr.^.L ■Yy\e>»v Dr-».-He -meXoLbkii.se °/ f'^^'sr , . .' 4 fl DolK -m i ( o S &X 76 This coupaa''ison serves to emphasize one xoiJ^t. rartic- ulai'ly. At a critical stage an the life history of rather closely related members (Polysiiper "border of the vegeta- tive cells. Each divides to form a short twO-celled "branchy the lower cell repx^esenting the stalk cell of the tetra- sporangian, the upper corresponding to the tetraspore mother cell (figs. 145,146) . The stalk cell increases in size and becomes vacuolate, the mother cell also becomes larger, but reiiiains somev/hat smaller than the normal tet- raspore mother cell. The average diameter of the fully formed itiatiure mother cell is about 20-22 W as against 24 K for the mother cell of the tetraspore. The nucleus in the t.7o cases shov/s the sajne configuration, but remains smaller in the mother cells borne on the sexual plant, (fig. 147). ITuclear raa.terial passes out into tlie cytoplasm where it forms small darkly staining granules, Involucral rays are formed in the v/ays chaj'acteristic of the tetraspore-sorus, usvially as outgrowths from the vegetative cell outside the ring of spore mother cells, exceptionally as lateral outgrowths from the stalk cell (fig. 148). The furtiier development of the mother cells on the 7S sexual pli-mt differs strikingly from t.jiat of the norrual tetraspore inotlier cells. In the majority of cases, the nu- cleus divides (v/liet;ier "by mitosis or amitosis I hove not yet been able to deterniin^^ and cleavage begins at the periphery (fig. 149) , The cleavage furrows do not advance far into the body of the mother cell. The surface of the cell begins to shov/ irregular v/rinkling, and degenerative changes set in similar to those described for certain tet- raspore mother cells. The number of nuclei in cells in v/hich cleavage furrows begin is usually 4-3, of which some are very much larger tlian the rest (fig. 149). One case deserves sjiecial mention. Sixteen nuclei lie scattered in the cell, which shows no trace of the for- mation of cleavage furrows (fig. 150) , The ./hole cell pre- sents the appearance of a germinating spore. It would seem that here the eell corresponding to the tetraspore mother cell behaves as a monospore; tjiough whether such a cell ever produces a norms.l plant is uncertain. The Ciiromoso):ie -hi story of the nuclei of the cells just described has not yet been determined. 80 GERIflKATIOlT OF PPOKFIS . The srores germinate readily in the laboratory. If a mature tetrasporic or cystocariiic plane be ilaced in sea- Y.ater ocer niglit, young sporelings up to the tlur-ee-celled stcige v.ill "be found abundantly attached to the bottom and sides of tlie vessel tlie next morning. Many of the sta^ges of germination here described were collected in the field under natural coniffitionG, but the majority'' of the figtires [•; given, especially of the younger stages, vere teJcen from me-tei'ial cultivated in the laboratory. The similcirity of the structure of the carpospores and the tetraspores ha,s been noted above; the phenomena of geriiiMation are also practically the same in the t-..o kinds of spores. On being released, the spores become spherical and settle slov/ly in the v^ater. They appear to become at- tached to the surface of laij solid body they touch, such as rocks, glass, other algae, s,nd even sucji soft bodies as the gelatinous si-bstance enclosing c}ia,ins of diatome. Ptiring the progress of germination, scon after the spore lecomes attached, there is formed aroimd it a cellu- lose -.all of the I'sual type, which becomes tolerably tliick, especially ai'-oimd the basal region of the spoi*eling. At the sajne time, nxjunei-ous starch grains also become visible 81 in the cytoilasm of the cjore. Several hours after the spore is shed, tlie m^cleus divides "by mitosis. During this time tliere is no noticeahle change of sha,pe in the sj ore . Opportunity lias not occurred for tlie examination of a large series of dividing nuclei in tlie sp'orelings, but in the cases exai.ained, tlie mitoses v;ere of the type usual in vegetative nuclei. In the dividing nuclei of sporelings from tetraspores, about 6 or 7 cliromosomes appear on the equatorial pla.te (fig. 155a) . In the sporelings from car- pospores, the nizmber of cliromosomes is e.lways greater tiian this, but appears to be less than the nvunber that might be expected (14) . The small size of the nuclei in the spore- lings renders exact counting of the chromosomes very dif- ficult, but it ma^'- be stated with certaint3' that as many as 9 chromosomes appear on each spindle in the mitoses of the nuclei of the sporelings from carpospores (fig. 155b) ; and this is believed to be sufficient evidence for regarding these nuclei as •©# diploid in chsjr'acter . The daughter nuclei vvi tlidrav/s to opposite sides of the spore . :''-'^- .alcjtr^^^- .073 bas 0- L ccLL -oHl , /07 .of -073 totc^L -/2j .7/ The number of nuclei in the cells, even after enlarge- ment, is sirif.ll . Several counts indicated that there are in the ajical cell on aii average 25-30 nuclei, in the ioid- fle cell 20-25, in tlie basal cell 5-10. These nuclei in 6S the restinc condition £ire very snie.ll, averacing, perhajiij , /•^'/^ in diejneter. In structm^'e they resemble the nuclei of the older vecetative cells. The chances in the apical and middle cells consist ma,inly of (1) a e^'es-t increase in length, (2) slight inb- crease in breadth, and (3) the distribution of the proto- plasm and inclusions over a much lejfger a^rea. In the hasal cell, besides an increase in size, the most striking changes are those of shape. These changes depend to a large degree on tlie substratimi. In ca,se the sporeling is attached to some soft body, such as another alga, the bg-sal cell remains somewhat top-shaped, with the pointed end 5,pplied to, or in some cases vredged into the substratum (figs. 164,165,166,167). If, however, the sporeling is attached to a hard body, such as glass or stonc-y the bascil cell becomes greatly elongated, in some cases coming to equa,l in length ?,11 the rest of the sporeling (figs, 168,169). V/lien this occurs, tlie basa,l cell resem- bles very strikingly a rhizoid of tlie older plant. MlTien the stage just described is readied, there seems to come a natural pause in the life-cycle. In a state of nature, a great majiy more sporelings etre found in the 3- celled stcige tlian in any other, indicating that this stage 86 occupies a longer time in the course of development tlian any other. Under laboratory conditions, the 3-celled stage is retained at least several days, and frequently develox^- ment goes no further. The factor determining furtlier de- velopment seems to "be, in v-d^rt at les.st, the cha,racter of the suhstratum. In the cultujr-es exairdned, it -..as found 4ii that on glass or on clean, though rough stones, the basal cell continued to elongate, though without further division of the apical cell, until the whole sporeling lost its nat- ural color and died. However, i^ji case the elongating basal cell came in contact v/ith some soft substance, it fastened itself iimnediately , and norme.l development proceeded. In a state of nature, young sporelings of Griff ithsia have been most coi-oinonly found at V/ood's Hole, on Champ ia pa.rvula and on Lomentaria uncinata, though they occur on other al- gae and on Zostera marina. Young plants were sometimes foxmd on stones, the surface of v/hich a^ppeared clean, but proved., on cai^'eful examination, to bear other sporelings, to which the plantlets of Griff ithsia were probably e.t first attached. There is no evidence of parasitism, how- ever, in the early development of Griff ithsia. Sporelings floiirish on any soft substratum, such as bits of cotton cloth. From tlie observations noted above, it seems clear 88 that Griff ithsia Borne ti ana needs some other substra,tuin than the stones on v.hich tlie inatwe plant is often found, to pass tl'irough the early staces of its eristdnce. When the sporeling is growing on some other alga, the "basal cell mav simply hecoiie attached to the surface ■by- some adhesive at the surface of contact (fig. 164), or may grov/ in betv/een the cells of the s.lgal substratum (fig. 165) or may even tv/ine about it in the ma.nner of the rhizoidal tendrils, Further development of tlie basal cell results in its division into cells of various sizes and irregular shape. Usually short tubular projections resenbling rhizoids, be- come cut off (figs. 170,171) by the circular ingrov;th of the cell v/all , Somewhat less frequently dome-shaped seg- ments are formed on. the sides of the basal cell (fig. 172). In either case a multinucleate lioldfast, or attaching disk is formed, all the cells of \/hich are derived from the di- vision of the ba.sel cell. The apical cell cuts off daughter segments ir; the usual manner (fig. 1'^^) . By the time tlie sporeling is four or five cells long, lateral branches appear on the upper borders of the cells below tlie apex (fig. 175) . The rapid grov/th of the lateral branches gives the characterist- 89 ic false die ho torn;'- to the yovng t}iallus. Branching is pro- fuse neur the base of the sporeling. Frequently five or six lateral "branches are civen off from ea,ch of the lov/er cells, so that the youn^^ ;^lant is copiously branched. In this event, the cells bearing numerous branches becomes thick-v/alled and almost globose in shape. It is interesting to note that \/hen niuabers of spore - lings ai-e found in iioinediate vicinity in natu-re, all are often at fefe© precisely the same sta-ge of development. "For instemce, about 15 sporelings v/ere observed on a single branch of Lomentaria; a,ll v/ere at the stage of gennination represented in figure 174, Hairs tire usually v/anting in the young plants; nor are rhizoids developed except from the basal cell. The phenomena of germination noted above agree in all essentia,ls v/itii the account of Griff ithsia Borne tiana. given by Miss DERICK (»99), and ojfe in line with the pjienomena reported in other species by TOBLER (*07). It is of considerable interest that the coenocytic condition characteristic of the cells of the mature plant is attained in the snoreling before any sign of cell di- (1) vision or differentiation. The recapitulation theory (1) "A highly organized plant, v/hich begins its develop- ment v/ith the simplest stages and gradually adva,nces to a state of higher differentiation, repeats in its ontogeny its so has "been shown in iiic.ny cc ses to "be applicable to otJier plants, e.g., in the forms.tion of the mecjaspores of the Hv- dropteridineae (STRASBIIRGRR, »02), in the forms of juvenile leaves (BERRY, *06), in the post -embryonal otaces of t}ie Laminariaceae (SETCHELL, *05), in the formation o£ t}ie eggs of the Pucaceae (for the facts, see OLTIJIAITIIS , »05, pp. 47- 3) . If this theory is c-t all applicable to Griff ithsia, .e should expect some evidence of it at the times in the life history \;hen the plant returns to the unicellular con- dition. If there is virtue in the conclusions drawn from coiviparative morphology, the ancestors, and even tlie compar- atively recent ancestors^ of Graf f ithsia, possessed iminu- cleate cells. The coenocytic iiabit ^.as acquired late in the history of the race, and v/e -Should exjject it, there- fore, to appes,r late in the history of the individual, so that the cells of the early stages v/ould be uninucleate; yet in the germinating spore of Griff ithsia the first vis- ible change is the attainment of v/hat we luuct regard as the recently acquired coenocytic habit. In this respect, then. Griff ithsia does not conform to the recapitulation theory. phylogenetic development." Strasbitrger, IToll, Sclienck, and Schimper: A Text -book of Boto.ny, 2nd English edition, 1903, p. 49. 91 VEGETATI VE iTLTLTI PLI CATI ON . Griff ithsia Borne ti ana ina.y reproduce itself ve(;eta- tively in tv/o v/ays: first, by accidental isolation and subsequent crov/th of single cells or small pieces of a filament; second, by tlie production of new plants from ten- drils. The first method of propagation v.as described for G. Corallina by JAITCZEV^SKI (*76) and mentioned as occurring in G. Borne tiana oy TARLOW (•79). More recently TOBLER ('03, *03a, *02) has called attention to the fact that Griff ithsia, Bornetia, Dasya, Polysixhonia, and other forms may reproduce themselves under laboratory conditions by a l)rocess of fragiaentation of the filaments and grov/th of the resulting portions into nev7 plants. In G. Borne tiana this process taJces place not rarely in nature. In such cases the isolated cell produces a rhizoid from its base and a new growing point from its apex (figs. 151,157). The rhizoid is formed norraall;/ in the raa.nner already de- scribed. The apical cell is produced b;-- the accumulation of protoplasm at the tip of and subsequent unequal division of the parent cell in tiie usual me.nner. Vegetcitive propagation by means of tendrils lias heen described on page J3 . 3Z nSCUSSION OF RESTTLTS . Prom the cytological evidence brouglit forward in this paper it seems probable that there exists in Grif fithsia Borne ti ana an alternation of generations similar to that which has been suggested for Polysipiionia violacea (YAil- A2T01TCITI , '06). The fusion nucleus, which contains 14 chromosomes, with the cooperation of the c^rtoplasm of some of the cells of the procarp, produces the ci'stocarp, in which are formed carpospores; the nucleus of each of these contains 14 cliromosomes . The nuclei of the tetraspoTic plant contain each 14 chromosomes; and it therefore seems reasonable to assume that the tetrasporic plaints arise from carpospores. In the first division of the nucleus of the tetraspore mother cell, the number of cliromosomes is re- duced one -half, so that 7 chromosomes enter the nucleus of each tetraspore. It seems probable that on germinating, the tetraspore gives rise to an individual, whose general morphological relations and vegatative structure are sim- ilar to those of the plant producing tetrasjores, with t\/o significant exceptions, (1) the nuclei show at mitosis 7 chromosomes instead of 14, and (2) the individual bears sexual organs instead of asexual spores. In other words, in r^rif fithsia a sexual plant is probably succeeded by an 93 asexual plant of similar morphological relations. The proof of this hypothesis must rest on actual cul- tiu'al experiments, and it is much to he desired that such experiments he ca,rried out. Since STEASBlIRCrKR ('94) showed that in the Archegoni- ates the douole niuiiber of claro:nosomes is characteristic of the sporophyte and tlie single nujaber of the gametophyte, the main facts have oeen confirmed in so many forms tha.t many "botanists ha.ve come to consider that the cliromosome number alone is a trustworthy guide for the identification of the two generations: that plants showing the diploid condition of the nucleus necessarily belong to the sporo- phi'-te, and that where tlie haploid condition of the nucleus obtains, the gametophyte is necessai-ilj'' involved. Bota- nists have come to speak of the sporophyte as the "2x-gen- oration" ^LOTSY, *04) , and of the gametophyte as the "x- generation"; and undoubtedly within tlie Archegoniate series such a conception is very useful. However, even in Arclie- goniates, where the rule is so generally applicable, recent v/ork tends to shovT that the diploid condition of the nu- cleus is not necessary for the differentiation of the sporo- phyte ( YAI-IAirOTJCHI , *07), nor is the I'laploid condition nec- essary for the differentiation of the gajnetophyte (JAKuITIR 9f and DIG3Y, fO?) . In thallophytes, the evidence at hand indicates great diversity in the point at which the numerical reduction of cliroino somes takes place. Even in the single group of Rho- dophyceae, the point of reduction occurs at different places in the life history of different species. When one comes, therefore, to regard the chromosome n\jjnl3er as the sole test for the delimitation of sporophyte and gameto- phyte, it seems prooaole that confusion vdll result. V'ith this in mind, I shall now reviev/ briefly the opinions ex- pressed by workers in tJiis field as to the alternation of generations in the red algae; and shall venture to offer some suggestions as to the meaning of the rather compli- cated nuclear life histories of members of this group, OLTrJ^TlTS. {*9Q) after a careful study of the develop- ment of the cystocarp in four genera, came to the conclu- sion that the sporogenous cells constitute a generation similar to the sporophyte of the Archegoniate series. La- ter, ('05, '07) he elaborated this conception and expressed the opinion that the sporophyte is of antithetic origin, i.e., that it became gradually intercalated in the life his- tory by b. series of stages of increasing cojnplexity. In those forms in v/hich the tetraspores are borne on distinct ^5 t plants, he regai'ds tjie tetraspore-producing plant as a "fac\iltative gaj/ietophyte" , which is a resx'lt of a process of diff erentia.tion similar to that v/hich produced dioecism in many of the Archegoniates . The tetraspores he consid- ers analogous to the gemmae of certain liverv/orts . Admit- ting the possibility that a nxuaerical reduction of the chromosomes may take place in the tetrasporangivim, he ex- presses the opinion that the numtier of chromosomes is not the final test of alternation of generations, "Ich ver- mvite, die vergleichende Untersuchiing des ganzen Entvvick- elungsganges ftUirt eher ziun Ziel, oder aher die Kombination header Llethoden" ('05, p. 273). The v.'ork of "Wolfe on JHemalion multif idum (»04), in which he found a nujnerical reduction of chromosomes just previous to the production of carpospores, furnished a cytological analogy betv/een tiie cystocarp of the Rhodophy- ceae and the sporogonium of the Bryophytes, and strength- ened the position of OLTl'JUTiTS . YAI'JMTOUCKI ('Oeb), after a very complete cytological study of Polysiphonia violace^, reached the following con- clusion: "The sexual plants and the tetrasporic plants pre- sent the t\.o distinct phases of an antithetic alternation of generations, with the cystocarp a peirt of the sporophyt- ic phase" (p. 433). This conclusion is based on the dis- 9^ covery by YAJ^^rOUCHI that the dividing nuclei of the tet- raspore-producing plant tiiroughout its iiistory, as well as those of the sporogenous cells of the cystocarp, show 40 chromosomes (t}ie 2x niuaher) , while the nuclei of the sexual plants show 20 chromosomes (the x nvunber) . The nvunber of the chromosomes is reduced in the divisions of the nucleus of the tetr^spore mother cell; the double niuaber is Restor- ed by the union of the nuclei of the gamates. In discuss- ing the origin of the tetraspore, YALJ'jTOUCPII surmises that in some such form as Batracnospermma, in which monospores are borne along v.itli gamates on the sexual plants, reduction !nay ha,ve 'been suppressed in the formation of the carpos- pore, "so that it germinates with the sporophytic nujober of chiTomo somes, producing a plant v;^hich consequently becomes at once a part of the sporophytic phase. It is quite pos- sible that the first tetraspore mother cell corresponded to monospores on the sexual plant except that they had tlie double niuaber of chromosomes, since such reproductive cells v,r as regarding the sporoeenous cells ol' the cystocarp as "be- longing to the sporophytic phase of an antithetic alterna- tion of generations. Tlie point of departure lies in the interpretation of the tetraspore-producing plant. Because of its general morphological identity v/ith the gametophyte, OLTTIAIIMS regards this as a part of the gai/ietophyte , vhich has become differentiated for the production of tetraspores. Because of the diploid condition of its nuclei, Yamanouchi regards the tetrasporic plant as a part of the sporophyte, whose resemblance to the gametophyte is stamped on it by "similar environmenta,l conditions". For the purposes of the present discussion, I sliall assume from the c^-^tological evidence what it will take cul- tural experiments to prove, nai.iely, tlia-t in those red al- gae in which tetraspores and gametes are regularly formed on separate individuals there is an actual succession of sexual and tetrasporic plants, the reproductive bodies of one kind of plant always producing tlie other kind of plant. YAIIAJ'OUCKI ' S suggestion ('06b) that the tetrasporic plant may iiave arisen jihylogenetically b:' tiie postponement of the phenomena of reduction from the formation of carpo- spores to tlie production of asexual spores seems to be re- S6 rendered probable "by what we know of other groups of plants. In the simplest plants which liave been investii^ated from Viiis standpoint, the position of reduction in the life history seems to he at the first divisions of the fusion nu- cleus, as is described in Coleochaete (ALLEN, '05), certain desmids (KLEBATCI, '91), SpiroF.LT^-af CrOCEELRV/SKT^ '00), and in I/T;ocomycetes (laiAlIZLIir, '07) . Beginning with the simple Bryopliytes, the familiar Archegoniate series shows a pro- gressive removal of the point of reduction from the point of fusion of the sexual nuclei. These and other examples seem to show that there is a general tendency thi'oughout the planj; kingdom to prolong the diploid condition of the nucleus through the greater part of the life history. ITowhere is this more plainly shovm tlian in the Uredi- neae (ELACKIIAII, '04, BLACKIIAIT and ERASER, 'Of,, CKRISTilAM, •07) . This group is characterized by a succession of phases, or generations, whicji httve been shown by Christman (•06, '07) to be morphologically equivalent, thoug}i each ends in a distinct form of spore. Now nuclear association, which has been reg&xded as tlie equivalent of fertilization in this group, occurs, in all foi^ms in which tlie aecidial stage is present, in those cells of tlie mycelium which give I'ise to tlie aecidium. The process of nwnerical reduction 99 of the chromosoEies, or, to speak ijiore accurately , of the cliroinatin, occurs alv/ays in tlie last spore -form preceding the I'roduction of ci.ecidia, in tlie teleutosjore -when pres- ent. The diploid condition, extending from the aecidium to the teleutospore, is lengtiiened hi' the intercalation of new phases, v/hich, in some cases, seem to have tlie pov/er of contini^ing the diploid genera.tion indefinitely. The haploid generation, from the teleutospore to the hinucleate cells at the "base of the a.ecidiiijn, is never lengthened hy the in- tercalation of new phases. In other v/ords, in the Ure- dineae the diploid generation hits 'become prolonged tlirough- out tlie greater portion of the life history. In the red a,lgae, it seems likely that a simila.r post- ponement of reduction has taJcen place. In the llemalionales^ v/hicli is considered the most primitive group of the Rhodo- phyceae, the point of reduction is retaoved from the point of nuclear fusion only "by the few cell-generatioas in the cystocajfp (Y/OLFE on TJemaliori, '04). In the higher forms, such as the Rhodomelaceae ' YAI'.IAITOUCHI on Folysiplionia, •06), and the Ceramiaceae (Griff itlisia) , nuclear reduction is sepsj'ated from nuclear fusion, not only by tlie cell- generations of the cystocarp, hut e-1so by all the divisions of the vegetative cells of the tetrasporic plant. Tliat is, 700 the dii'loid j-hase has coaie to occupy tlie greater i.ortion of the life history. The tiological meaning of tlas appareiitlj' ^^eneral tend- ency in the evoli;tion of pls,nt structures is hinted at "by the experiments of GPIRASSIl'.O^, ('01). Aftei- studying the growth of vegetative cells of Spii''0":rra in y/hich nuclei had Ijeen induced to fuse, GERAoF;IMOW,cJ'.' -e to tlie conclusion t}iat the grov/th of a cell which has an u.nusual amount of nuclear material is more vigorous than that of a cell with the USU9.1 nuclear content. The cell wall, the chrojiiato- phores, and apparently the protopla.sin grow more vigorously. Such cells divide only after they have reached a size nc- ticeahly larger than norme,l. (see Bot. Ga^, . 3_5, 224-5, »03). If, then, the presence of nuclei v/itli the douole chrome tin content impcirts greater vigor to the cell, we should e:-;pect to find some evidence of this greater vigor not only in the size, hut in the rate of growtli of the tet- rasporic plants of Griff ithsia. A comparison of sexual plants with tetraspoi-ic plants does not reveal any constant difference in the size of the resting nuclei or in the size of the cells of the two ki^ds of individuals. However, a comparison of those cells of tlie diploid individual which 101 produce sori of tetraspores with tlie occasional cells of the haploid plant which form similar structures shows a striking difference in size, tlie cells with tlie diploid nuclei "being much larger . . More iifiportant froDi this standpoint is the fact t}:iat not only in Griff ithsia,, but in red algae generally v;here tetrasporic and sexual plants occur side "by side, the tet- rasporic plajits are, as a, rule, more alaundant (p. 4" ) . In Griff ithsia Borne ti ana the nuinber of tetraspores produced is certainly much greater than the niimlDer of carpospores, and v/e should e:cpect, tlierefore, if the tv/o kinds of spores were equally vigorous, that the nuinter of sexua-l plants v/ould grea-tly e^xeed tlie numter of tetrasporic plants; whereas the reverse is the case. It seems possible that the carpospores have a greater capacity for development than the tetraspores. Cultural experiments along this line are mucli to be desired. If the view is correct that a postponeuient of reduc- tion has occurred in some Rhodophyceae , it is evident tiiat, besides the altei'nation of the gcunetophyte (the sexual plant) with tlie antithetic sporoph^'te (tlie sporogenous cells of the cystocarp) , there is a succession of homolo- gous phases, inasmuch as a tetrasporic individual regularly ]0Z. succeeds a sexual individual of identical morrhology. This latter condition is not paralleled in tlie Archegoniate se- ries; and since the terms gametophyte and sporophyte hiave come to have a special significance in connection with such conditions as are found in the Archegoniates , neither of these terms should he applied to the tetra.sporic plants of Griff ithsia and Polysiphonia. The tetra-sporic plant iias prohahly been intercalated in the life history of the red algae, hut there is no evidence for t}ie helief that it lias been intercalated hy gradual integration and differentia- tion of a. simple product of the germination of the zygote, which product was at first unlike the sexua,l plant and which represents a new departure in the life history; and the interco.lation of an unlike phase seems to he the very pith of the theory of antithetic alternation (see B0Y7ER- 89-91) . According to this view, the tetrasporic plant probably arose, when first produced, v/ith tlie complete differentia- tion characteristic of tlie species. Tlie best evidence for this conclusion is based on tlie morphological identity of the tetra.sporic with the sexual plant. Similar environ- mental conditions would hardly suffice to produce identity of form in two individuals unless the individuals were joz from t}ae "beginning identica,!. The tetrasporic pla-nt of a red alga may "be said, tlien, to be homolocous v/ith the sex- ual plant. That the tv/o phases are homologous is evidenced, not only by their similarity of structtire, but b;^ the fa,ct that either seems capable of producing the morphological equiv- alent of the reproductive structiires of the other. It has been known since BOroiRT first called attention to the fact ( ) that in many species of red algae structures re- sembling tetraspores are occasionally found on the sexual individuals. This phenomenon has been carefully investi- gated in Polrsiphonia violacea and Griff ithsia 3ornet_iana. In Polysiphonia, YA:IA:T0TJCHI ('06b) found that the develop- ment of these tetraspore-like structures ceases at the moth- er cell stage; cleavage of the cytoplasm ma;' begin, but noi-Tiial nuclesir division is absent. In Griff ithsia, the phenomena observed h< ve been similaj? to those noted in Polysiphonia^, e:;cept that by the time tlie abortive cleavage begins, the nacleus has divided into two or three. The cleavage planes have never been observed to reach the cen- tre of the cell, and it is quite evident that tetraspores are not formed, since the v/liole cell becomes withered and wrinkled, resembling the degenero ted tetrasporangia de- 10^ scribed on page G5 . In one instance, however, a xiiother y cell was observed in ..hich no trace of cleavage of tlie c.t- toplasm was apparent, and in vJiich the niunber of nuclei had increased to^the whole structure resembling very much the early stages of germination of a normal spore. It seems quite possible that the tetraspore mother cells borne on the sexual plants sometimes germinate as monospores, though tliis can be ascertained only by cultivation. On the otlier hand, tetr^cporic plants may at times produce structures morphologically identical with procarps. Text-figure / is taken from a tetrasporic plant of Sper- mothamnion Turneri collected at Wood's Hole in August, 1907, and shows tetr£tspores and procarp on opposite branch- es of the same fil ament. Text-figure ^ shows a section of the tetrasporangium in which the definitive tetraspores are formed, though not yet separa^ted. Antheridia liave not been reported as occurring on Spermo tharoni on Tiu'neri at Wood's Hole, and cystocarps are very rarely produced. Whether functional gametes are ever produced on an indi- vidual v;hich bears normal tetraspores is not known. Another species of Sp ei^mo t hamn ion. S. roseolum, is extremely interesting from our point 5?f viev/. pRINGSIffilM states that in this species, which he collected on the 105 coast of Helgoland, "Kapselfrflchte, Vierlinf:sfrQchte ,i'nd Anther idi en normal ztisazmnen auf denselben Exemplaren auf- treten" ('61, p. 26). V/hatever may te the conditions in Poly^iphonia and Griff ithsia, in which tetraspore-like structures occuj? only occasionally on the sexiial plants, it seems highly unlikely that such a careful v/orker as PRIITGJ- I-Q-IIM should have mstsJcen for tetraspores structiires vrliich really never "became separated as tetra,spores . Assuming, then, that the structures descri"bed "by PRIIJGSHEIM were really normal tetraspores, it becomes at once evident that differentiation into homologous successive sexual a.nd asex- ual p}iases has not "been "brought about in all Florideae above the ITemalionales, but only in those in which the tet- raspores and sexus-1 organs are borne on distinct plants. Cytological investigation of such a form as Spermothamnion roseolum is much to be desired. The theory o^ homologous alternation in the red algae outlined above is almost identical with the viev; of PRIITGE- KRIM as to the relations within this group (»76). PRIITGSR HEIM states (p. 897) "die Annahme ist nachstliegende dass bel Plorideen und Dictyoteen zwischen Exemplaren mit Kap- selfruchten und Exemplaren init Vierlingsfruchten eine Ab- wechselung besteht". PRU'IGSIIEIM'S view was based, however. JOG on a very different kind of evidence froi.i that broueht for- v.ard in the present paper. The evidence at liand seems to justify the following conclusions: 1. There is in Griffithsia a.n antithetic alternation of generations, the gajnetophyte being represented Id;'- the sexual plants, the sporophyte by the sporogenous cells of the cystocarp, 2, In addition to this, there is a regular succession of tetrasporic individuals and sexual individuals. The tetrasporic individuals resemble the sporophyte in niujiber of chromosomes; they resemble the iametopiiyte in morpho- logical differentiation. They are to be considered as a phase of an homologous alternation of generations, not the equivalent, wholly or in part, of the sporophyte of Archegoniates , «L VITA. Ivey Foreman Lewis was born in Raleigh, North Carolina August 31, |08f5. He received the degree of A. B. from the University of North Carolina, in 1902, and that of K. S. in 1903, being Assistant in Biology during 1902-3. He was Instructor in the University of ITorth Carolina Summer School in 1904. He undertook graduate work at the Johns Hopkins University in 1903 and continued in residence until November, 1905, when he was appointed Acting -Professor of Biology at Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Virginia. In the fall of 1906 he returned to the Jo}ins Hopkins University, where he was the holder of a University Fellovr- ship during 1906-7, During 1907-i.i he held the Adam T. Bruce Fellowship in Biology a.t the same institution. In June, 1907, he was elected Professor of Biology in Randolph- Macon College, v/ith one year's leave of a,bsence. V/liile at the Jolms Hopkins Univei^sity, his jirincipal subject has been Botany, his first subordinate Zoology, and }iis second subordinate Phj/siblogy. Acknowledgment . I v/ish to express my grateful appreciation of the un- failing interest and helpful criticism of Professor D. S, Johnson during the course of this investigation. ^"^ %^- \ w^^ ^\ \ '% m "m^ '%i^ ■, ;i im ■y^^mm I .'mm mm \'i\\]:f '& \)\ ! VI M^