\ r ^y/resWri nJ&cv vty V sjrra/ty/ a >.. A^ THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR, LENOXvAND TILDEN FOUNDATIONS. SI Zt ;r > '» • ' • • v 1 . I - . * . I , , , • ■ . > I New York: Rudd & Carl eton, 130 Grand Street, (brooks building, cor. of broadway.) MDCCCLIX. THE NEW PL1 106720 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S59, by EUDD & CABLETON. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the doited States for the Southern District of New York. % • • • ■ R. , Printer. Biefeolyper, «u>i fc3«cmuf|— , Svton UuilDtii|j, HI. S3, OJyl S5 (tnllt i*rflMt. PEEF ACE. There are several biographies of Humboldt, French, German, and English, but none of any importance, except Professor Klencke^s. Klencke had an excellent opportu- nity to make a good booh, for much of his material was obtained from Humboldt himself, but he failed to do so. He seemed to have no idea of writing, beyond its being a means of conveying facts. His facts are reliable, but bunglingly arranged, without order or method. He says the same thing over and over again, and entirely lacks the chief requisite of a biographer — the art of making his subject attractive. Still, he is reliable, and the author has made considerable use of his work, especially in Book I. The first Jive chapters of Book II. are taken from Hum- boldVs "Voyage aux Regions Equinoxiales." As these chapters cover an important epoch in Humboldt's life, it was thought advisable to let him tell his own story, and this has accordingly been done, wherever it was practicable, the relation being changed from the first person to the third — from autobiography to narrative. Of course only the Bubetance of th> u Voya given, for '/<> work extendi to ihr \tavo volumes, of four or fivi hundred pages <t see the advantage of so doing: his book would havt gained something in originality, but it ir, ,>//,/ have lost much m<>r< in interest* No writer of travels, ancient or modern, can compare with tTumboldt in descripHvi power, especially in the "Voyage," wht re his words are pictures. Tins, pictures have been faithfully transf m d to the chapU rs nu ntiom d, and ore comm< n d to tin read r*8 atU ntion. The r}it< rs on Colombia and Peru, anri>),ti:/ at Cdrthagena. Beyond that point the narrative of the journey ceases. Gleams of it <>--cur, however, in Humboldt's of/or works, chiefly in those Just mentioned, ami it is by these that his progress has }„-en fro,-, ,1 ,i,,til his return to Wurope. If this portion of the Biography lacks t?u picturesque works specified abavt having been translated into English, the translations have been generally used, PREFACE. \ ft not because the author preferred them to their originals, but because he doubted his ability to better them. It is one thing to find 'fault with a translator for his shortcomings, but quite another thing to avoid them in one's own trans- lation. The translators to whom the author of this Biogra- phy is indebted are: TJwmasi?ia Ross, for the "Voyage;" Mrs. Sabine for the "Ansichten der Natur;" Helen Maria Williams, for the " Vues des Cordilleres ;" and John Black for the " Essai politique." The last two works are out of print, though copies are occasionally to be found at the old book stalls ; the " Ansichten der Natur," and the "Voyage," or as it is christened in the translation, the " Personal Narrative," are in print, though scarcely within the reach of the general reader, never having been reprinted in this country. The English edition of the "Personal Narrative" costs three times as much as the present volume. The chapter on Central Asia, in Book III., which is the substance of Rose's " Reise nach dera Ural," is rewritten and enlarged from Mr. Taylor's " Cyclopa3dia of Modern Travel." These, as far as the author remembers, are the principal sources to which he is indebted. He shoidd men- tion, perhaps, the various French and English Encyclo- paedias from which he has filled up his sketches of some of Humboldt's contemporaries, but Encyclopaedias have no authors, as everybody knows ; besides, they are made for the very purpose to ichich he has p>ut them. The same may be said of the journals of the day. The reader now understands the extent of the authors VI PREFACE. obligations i?i this Biography. Of the Biography itself it does not become the author to speak, further than to say that he has taken great pains to make it accurate. If it shall be considered as readable as it is accurate, he will have accomplished his purpose, which teas to write a popu- lar life of Humboldt INTRODUCTION. A Biography of Alexander Von Humboldt, which shall contain a full and conscientious account of his life and labors, written in a style sufficiently clear and untechnical to meet the popular tastes, has long been a necessity in our literature. Those biographies which are already in exist- ence do not possess this character : they are rather chroni- cles of his achievements in the various departments of natural science, than stories of a life almost unexampled for its wealth of experience, its labors, and successes. The " Lives of the Brothers Humboldt," by Klencke, which has been translated into English, is very fragmentary in this respect ; it passes over unnoticed, many episodes in the life of Alexander Von Humboldt, which are of great interest to the general reader. In fact, it has only been in the closing years of his life, that the excellences of his charac- ter, as a man, apart from his distinction as a savant, have received full and general acknowledgment. No task could have been pleasanter to me than that of attempting to bring home to the familiar acquaintance of \ ill tNTEODl < l l'»Nv the great reading public of tlie United States, the history of the great man, with whose friendship I was honored ; and, as the literary labors I had already on hand prevented me from undertaking such a work, it is all the more gra^i- fying to me to know that it has been faithfully and con- scientiously done by one every way capable of the perform- ance. Having examined the biography which follows, lean testify to its exactness and completeness, and therefore — though the subject of the book is its own sufficient recom- mendation- -cordially accede to the request of the author, that I should add a few words of introduction, embodying my own impressions of Humboldt's character. When I first saw him, he was in his eighty-eighth year, but, except in the bowed head and slow step,showed scarcely any signs of bodily decay. A portrait, painted nearly forty years before, at which time his hair was already gray, showed that time had occasioned but little change in his appearance, while its only effect upon his mind was, per- haps, a lack of that power of concentration which enabled him to master so many various departments of natural science. He was still every inch a king, with no faculty appreciably dulled, no sympathy blunted, no hope for the increase of human knowledge or generous aspiration for the good of his kind less earnest than in his prime of life. A year later, I found him broken, indeed, in bodily health, yet still capable of sixteen hours of continuous mental labor, and his last letter to me, written but a short time before his death, betrayed no sign of failing faculties, though the hand which traced it was evidently weak and trembling. INTRODUCTION. IX In the castle at Tegel, where he was born, and in the park of which he now sleeps beside his brother, hangs a portrait of him, painted at the age of thirty-live. He is there represented as man of rather less than the medium stature, but firmly and symmetrically built, with a full, keen, ardent face, firm lips, clear blue eyes, and thick locks of chestnut hair, clustering about his square, massive brow. He wears a green coat, knee-breeches, and a heavy cloak lined with red. He is represented as leaning against a rock on a slope of the Andes, the snowy dome of Chimbo- razo filling up the background of the picture. In com- paring this picture with his living presence, I found that the shoulders had stooped, leaving the head bent forward, as if weighed down by the burden of its universal know- ledge ; the hair had grown snow-white, and somewhat thinner ; the mouth had lost its clear, sharp outline, and the eager, energetic expression of the face was gone : but the blue eyes were as serene and youthful as ever, and the skin as fair, smooth, and ruddy, almost, as that of a young man. ^ The first impresRm produced by Humboldt's face was that of its thorough humanity. The blood which fed his restless brain never weakened the pulsations of his human heart. Beneath that devotion to science which he illus- trated by the labours of seventy-five years, burned steadily and unwaveringly the flame of sympathy for his kind. Pro- bably no man who ever lived has given aid and encourage- ment to so great a number of aspiring and deserving men. I know instances of persons in humble life having sought I INTRODUCTION. his assistance for themselves or their friends, and in no case Mas it refused. The applicants returned from the interview cheered, inspired, and full of affectionate veneration for the man who, in the midst of his immense labours, could yet give an hour to themselves and their plans. Xo rational appeal to him was ever slighted, and the vast influence which he possessed, in his later years, was always exerted in the behalf of science, and her earnest votaries. Jealousy of his fellow-labourers formed no part of his nature. His enthusiasm was too pure and ardent to be alloyed by any personal consideration. Not his own fame — not his supremacy as an observer or a theorizer — but the advancement of human knowledge, the discovery of grand general laws — the footsteps of God in the Creation — was his aim and his ambition. What he has done is not to be measured by his own individual achievements : the generous impulse which he has given to others cannot be estimated. The vast results which have followed scientific research, since the commencement of this century, were initiated by his example ; he pointed out to others^he tracks which he could not himself follow, and, even wl^n acknowledged as a leader, never hesitated to labor with the humblest. In this respect, his character presents an almost ideal excellence. The lesson of Humboldt's life is not without its special significance at the present day, when the thirst for wealth, and place, and power, seems hotter and fiercer than ever. With the advantages of his birth and inherited position, many paths of advancement were open to him, but he dis- dained them all, sacrificing everything to his love of know- INTRODUCTION. XI ledge, until finally, in his old age, honors such as no states- man ever won, were laid as voluntary offerings at his feet. The indifference which he regarded them showed how little such rewards had entered into his plan of life. Yet,though the acknowledged equal of kings, he was never seduced by the splendors of courts to forget his character as a man, whose sympathies were with the people rather than their rulers. So well were his political predilections understood among the monarchs who called him friend, that at the Con- gress of Verona,of which he was a member, when he proposed some temporary measure which had an arbitrary charac- ter, the Emperor Alexander I. of Russia, turning to him, said in a tone of mock reproach : " And is it you, arch-re- publican as you are, who propose this despotic measure ?" This incident was related to me by Humboldt himself, dur- ing my last interview with him. One can therefore under- stand the depth of that esteem felt for him by the present demented king of Prussia, when the latter introduced Hum- boldt to the Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, at Prague, some four or five years ago. His Jesuitical majesty asked : " Who is the Baron Von Humboldt, that you present him to me with so much empressement f I have never heard of him !" " Not heard of him !" exclaimed the king, in honest amazement ; " why he is the greatest man since the De- luge !" Humboldt's large fortune was wholly expended in the prosecution of his travels and the publication of his works, and during the later years of his life, he was entirely depen- dent on his diplomatic pension, and the copyright of his xii IN rBODl I I [ON, "Ko mo my friend Heine, the artist, he Bent hi.4 own copy (the original edition) of his " Vu $ d 8 Cordil- tires," containing some of his marginal notes. On Learning that the same gentleman had been obliged to go to Ame- rica through his connexion with th<' events of 184s, lie pre- vailed upon the king of Prussia to grant him the Order of the Red Eagle — through which recognition the official ban w:is removed. This is but one instance of the many acts ■ of kindness on his part, with which I have become ac- quainted. His mind was so admirably balanced — his development was so various, and yet so complete in every department of science, that his true greatness is not so apparent as in the case of those who have risen to eminence by devoting them- selves to some special study. Perfect symmetry never produces the effect of vast n ess. It is only by studying tin- details that we comprehend the character of the whole. Humboldt, however, may be termed the father of Physical Geography, and the suggester, if not the discoverer, of that system of the distribution of plants and animals which opens to our view another held of that Divine Order, manifested in the visible world. lie strove to grasp those Becrets, which, perhaps, no single mind will ever be able to compre- hend— the aggregate of the laws which underlie the myste- ries of Creation, Growth, and Decay; and though he fell short of the sublime aim, he Ma- at least able to say, like Kepler, when he discovered the mathematical harmonies of the solar system ; " Oh, Almighty God, I think Thy thoughts alter Thee!" INTRODUCTION. Xlll The record of such a life, even in its external aspects, is pregnant with suggestions. It is a magnificent illustration of true success. A combination of the purest and noblest human character with splendid qualities of the mind is un- fortunately rare. Without the former, Humboldt might have achieved the same success in his own personal labors, but he could not have given the same impetus to scientific re- search in all parts of the world. The satisfaction we feel in contemplating his life arises from its completeness. In him the heart was the focus of warmth, whence radiated the light of his intellect. The Portrait which accompanies this volume, is copied from a photograph which I obtained from Berlin, and which is a perfect representation of Humboldt, in his eighty-sixth year. Bayard Taylor. New York, August, 1859. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ueber die Basalte am Rhein nebst Untersuchungm uber Syenit und Basanit der Alten. Berlin, IT 90 Flora Fribergensis, prodromus. 4to. Berlin, 1793 Specimen Flora subterranean Fribergensis et aphorismi ex physiologia chimica plantarum. 4to. Berlin, 1793 Versuche uber die gereizten Muskel- und Nervenfasern nebst Vermu- ihungen uber den Ghemischen Process des Lebens in der Thier- und Pflanzenwelt. 2 vols., 8vo. Posen, 1797 Versuche uber die Chemische Zerlegung des Luft-Kreises und uber einige andere Gegenstdnde der Naturlehre. Plates, 8vo. Brunswick, 1799 Jdeen einer Physiognomonik der Gewaeschse. 4to. Tubingen, 1806 Versuche uber die E lectrischen Fische. 12mo. Erfurt, 1806 Physique generate el Geologic 4to. Paris, 1807 Essai sur la Geographic des Plantes accompagne d'un Tableau physique des Regions equinoxiales, fonde des mesures executees depuis le sixihne degre de latitude boreale jusqu'au dixieme degre de latitude auslrale, par Humboldt et Bonpland. 4to. Paris, 1807 Ansichten der Natur. 2 vols., 12mo. Stutgard & Tubingen, 1808 Melastomatologia, sive descriptio Melastomati et generum affinium. Plates, Fol. Cassel & Paris, 1808 Conspectus longitudinum et latitudinum geographicarum per decur- sum annorum 1799 ad 1804, astronomia observatarum. Plates, Fol. Cassel, 1808 Plantes Equinoxiales recueillies au Mexique, dans Vile de Cuba, dans les Provinces de Caraccas, de Cumana el de Barcelone, aux Andes de la Nouvelle Granade, de Quito, et de Perou, et sur les Bords du Rio Negro, de V Orenoque, et de la Riviere des Amazones, par Humboldt et Bonpland. 2 vols., FoL Paris, 1808-1809 \\ I BIB] [OQB M'HV. Vines des OordittireB, ou Monumens des Peuples indigenes dt VAme- nque. Plates, FoL and Bvo. Paris, is 10 R teil d Observations astronomigues, cP Operations trigonomitriq\ Mesures baromitriques. Redigees et calculees r.s y im/lu'- triques. Atlas FoL, Texts 2 vols, 4to. Paris, 1811 RecueilcP Observations de Zoologit et oVAnatomie compares, faits dans V Ocean Atiantique, dans VInt&rieur du Nouveau Continent et dans la Mer da Sud. Par Humboldt et Bonpland. 2 vols., Ito. Paris. 1811-1833 Voyage aux Regions equinoxiales du Xuuveau Continent, fait en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, et 1801. Par A. de Humboldt et .1. Bonpland Redige par A. de Humboldt. Avec deux Atlas, qui renferment Fun les Vues des Cord-Meres et Us Monumens l'> >i pies indiijhws tie VAmerique, et V autre des Cartes gkogra- plaques et physiques. 8 vols., 4to Paris, 1*1-1-1*25 Nova Genera et Species Plantarum in Peregrinatione Orbit A" .' coir legerunt. descripserunt, partim adumbraverunt A. Bonpland et A. de Humboldt. In ordinem digessit C. S. Kunth. 7 vols., Ful. Paris, 1815-1825 Monographie des Melastomacics comprenant toutes (> B Plantes dt ordre recueiUies jusqu'd ce jour et notamment an Mexique, d I'llede Cuba, (fee., mise m ordre par A. Bonpland. FoL Paris, 1816 De Natural i font ilia graminum. Fol. Paris, 1817 Des Lignes isothermes et de la distribution de la chaleur sur le . Paris, 1818 Mvmoses et autres Plantes legumineuses du Nouveau Continent, decrites et publiees par C. S. Kunth, avec Figures colori 2 vols., FoL Paris. 1819 i Plantarum quas in itinere ad plagam oequiam Orbis Novi OoUegerunt Humboldt et Bonpland 4 vols., FoL 1822-182G Essai gSographique surle Gisement des Rochers dans les deux hemir spken 8vo. Paris & Strasburg, 1823 Ueberden Bauuud di> WirksamJceit der VuUca 8vo. Heidelberg, 1821 Evaluation numSrique dt la population du Nouveau I nt, con- $id> u It rapport dt la a -e des cultes, des races, et des idiomes. 8vo. Paris, 1825 BIBLIOGRAPHY. XV11 Essai politique sur Vile de Cuba, avec une Carte et un Supplement qui renferme des Considerations sur la Population, la Richesse territorial^ et le Commerce de VArchipel des Antilles et de Colombia. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1826 Von der in Verschiedenen Thielen der Heissen Zone am Spiegel des Heeres Stattfindenden Temperatur. 8vo. Leipzig, 1826 Ueber die Hauptursachen der Temperatur- Verschiedenheit auf dem Erdkbper. 4to. Berlin, 1827 Observations sur quelques phenomenes peu connus, qu'offre le goitre sous les tropiques, dans les plaines, et les plateaux des Andes. Paris, 1828 Revision des Graminees, publiees dans les Nova Genera et Species Plantarum de Humboldt d Bonpland, precedee dun travail general sur la famille des Graminees, par C. S. Kunth. Ouvrage accompagne decent Planches color iees. Fol. Paris, 1829 Ueber die bei verschiedenen Vblkern ublichen Sysleme von Zaldzeichen und uber Ursprung des Stellenwerthes in den Indischen Zahlen. 4to Berlin, 1829 Fragmens de Geologie et de Climatologie Asiatique. 2 vols., 8vo. Paris, 1831 Astronomische und hypsomelrisclie Grundlagen der Erdbeschreibung. 8vo. Stutgard & Tubingen, 1831 Tableau statistique de Vile de Cuba pour les annees 1825 a 1829. 8vo Paris, 1831 Examen critique de Vhistoire de la Geographie du Nbuveau Continent, et des Progres de VAstronomie nautique au JF« et XVI& siecles. 5 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1836-1839 Petrifications recueillies en Amerique decrites par Leopold de Buch. Plates, Fol. Berlin, 1839 Asie Centrale, Recherches sur les Chaines de Montagnes et la Clima- tologie comparee. 3 vols , 8vo. Paris, 1843 Kosmos, Eniwurf einer Physischen Wtltbeschreibung. 5 vols., 8vo. Stutgard & Berlin, 1845-1858 Kleinere Schriften, ersler Band; GeognostischeundPhysilMlische Erin- nerungen mit einem Atlas enhaltend Umrisse von Vulkanen aus den Cordilleren von Quito und Mexico. 8vo. Stutgard & Tubingen, 1 853 BOOK I. 1769-1799 CHAPTER I. CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH. Three leagues from the good city of Berlin, near an arm of the Havel, called Tegel, stands, or stood ninety years ago, the old castle of Tegel. Behind it lay a grove of dark pines which separated it from the capital ; on the southern shore of the lake were the town and for- tress of Spandau, and to the north-west grassy and wooded declivities, studded with promenades and gar- dens. Doubtless this castle, gray and antiquated, had a stirring history of its own in the days of old, but of this Tradition is silent. All that we know is, that shortly before the opening of this life-history, it was the resi- dence of a Prussian commissioner of woods and forests, who had greatly beautified it by the laying out of nurseries and plantations. This commissioner, whose name was Yon Burgsdorf, was succeeded in 1768, or there- abouts, by Major Alexander George Yon Humboldt. Major Yon Humboldt was born in 1720. His father, Hans Paul Yon Humboldt, served as a captain in the army of Frederick William the First ; his mother was the daughter of the Prussian major and general adjutant, Yon Schweder ; it was natural therefore that he should follow the profession of arms. He served for a long 4 LNCEST0B8. time in ;i dragoon regiment, and was then made major, and finally adjutant to Duke Frederic of Brunswick, who often Benl him on embassies to Frederic the Great This was in tin* famous sewn wars' war. When the Avar was over, in 1765, the great Frederic made him one of his chamberlains ; he was also attendant chamberlain on Elizabeth, the newly-married princess of Prussia. His official duties compelled him to reside in Potsdam, where he probably met the lady who became his wife. A descendant of the family of Colomb, which emigrated from Burgundy, where it was celebrated for its glass works, she was the widow of a Baron Yon Ilolwede. Major Von Humboldt persuaded her to change her weeds for the orange wreath, so they married and settled in Potsdam. Their first child, William, was born there on the 22d of June, 1767. They lived in Potsdam but a short time, two or three years at most, for the marriage of the princess being at length dissolved, she had no fur- ther need of an attendant chamberlain, consequently Major Von Humboldt was at liberty to change his resi- dence, if so inclined. He exchanged Potsdam for Berlin, and lived partly there, and partly in his castle at Tegel. How he became possessed of the castle is not stated. It was originally a hunting seat of the great Elector, and a hunting establishment was kept up there under Frederic the Great The Major's second son, Frederic Henry Alexander, was bom at Berlin on the 14th of September, 1769. It was principally at Tegel, however, that his childhood passed. Of the first years of his life nothing remarkable has been related. There is a sameness in the lives of chil- dren, no matter what their rank or talents. If they PICTURES OF CHILDHOOD. 5 happen to become famous in after years, admiring and credulous biographers tell wonderful stories about them, but for the most part these stories are myths. The infancy of the great, we think, should be surrounded with marvellous influences. It will never do for us to make them common mortals like ourselves. So if we fail to discover any traits of early divinity we must boldly invent them. Should the cheat be discovered the world will forgive it, for the sake of the pleasure it has given them. That the childhood of Alexander, however, was an exceedingly happy one, cannot be doubted, for if ever Nature was kindly disposed towards any of her children, it was towards him. He was born of wealthy and noble parents, who mingled, by virtue of their rank and worth, with the most illustrious of the land. His home, the old castle of Tegel, situated in a pleasant country, was surrounded by charming and varied land- scapes. His earliest glimpse of Nature was beautiful enough to make him desire to see the rest of the book : it was a fair page that opened before his childish eyes. And here, if the reader is imaginative, he can employ himself in filling up the outlines of the first five or six years of Alexander's life. He may picture him in the chambers of the old castle, climbing up his father's knee, and wondering, as he runs his fingers through his gray hair, what the wrinkles on his forehead mean ; or tugging at the gown of his mother to make her answer some un- answerable question ; or, likelier still, scrambling on the floor with his brother William, and a heap of toys. Some day when playing alone, he sees the bookcase in the corner, and remembering, as in a dream, the pic- 6 bis men i b \< heb i wipe. tares with which the nurse pacified him when he was sick, he goes to it, and opening the door softly, lights by a sort of impish instinct, on the costliest volume on the Bhelves. It is some famous work on natural history, .1 ponderous quarto filled with coloured prints ofstraE plants and animals, and still stranger men. lie pores over them with great eyes. Fearing at last that he is in mischief, for she has heard nothing of him for a long time, his mother steals into the room, and finds him fast asleep, with the book in his lap. As he grows older he takes himself out of doors on all possible occasions. Now he is in the garden, plucking and studying flowers and grasses ; now in the pine grove filling his pockets with last year's cones and needles, and now by the edge of the lake, skimming pebbles over its surface, or watching its fleet of mirrored clouds. In such wise, says Fancy, who is sometimes truer than Fact, lived the boy Alexander, until 1775, when his education commenced. The science of education, a science which is still in its infancy, the opinion of its professors to the contrary notwithstanding, was at that time agitating the European world. The new method of Rousseau, which aimed at the physical as well as the mental development of its pupils, and which considered the study of natural science full as important as that of metaphysics, and the classics, had made many adherents in Germany, and among others Joachim EEeinrich Campe. Born in 174*5, Campe studied theology at Eelmstadt and at Halle, and was appointed, in 1773, chaplain to the Prince of Prussia's regiment in Potsdam. He fulfilled for two years the duties of his sacred calling in that doubtful sphere of action, and feeling himself much more ROBINSON CRUSOE. 7 fitted to teach children than men, and those men soldiers, he was transplanted by Major Yon Humboldt to teach his sons, at the old castle of Tegel. A ripe and varied scholar even then, he enjoyed in after life the reputation of being, next to Klopstock, the greatest philologist and critic of German style. He is the author of a German dictionary, and other works calculated to improve the language. But the books by which he is best known are those of travel and adventure. The chiefest of these are his " Discovery of America," and " Robinson Crusoe." Looking back from the vantage ground of Time, and bearing in mind what Alexander Von Humboldt has done, what might have seemed a trivial thing then, a mere lucky chance, now seems the special ordering of Nature. He was fitted, we have since learned, to per- form a great work for her ; but before he could perform that work it was necessary that she should reveal it to him. If the child is to become the father of the man, the man must somehow be brought before the mental eye of the child. His infancy must be nurtured by noble books, and wise teachers, or " By solemn vision, and bright silver dream." What better teacher could the boy have had, considering the work he was to do, than one who translated that marvellous fiction of the homely old truth-teller, De Foe, — the fresh, unfading, world-renowned Robinson Crusoe? It was the book of all others to fire his youthful imagina- tion with the desire of travel, and to fill his mind with the unconquerable spirit of adventure. It was a happy day when Joachim Heinrich Campe, philologist, critic, 8 CHRISTIAN KUNTH. translator, and finally bookseller, became the tutor of Humboldt. He remained in the family a year, teaching the eldest boy the languages, and the youngest, who was then in his seventh year, whatever he was pleased to learn. Alexander was not so robust as his brother, for his health was considered delicate for many years, nor was he regarded as his equal in mental endowments. Their next tutor was a young man of twenty, poor in this world's goods, but rich in what the proverb declares to be better than houses and lands — Learning. His name was Christian Kunth. He is said to have pos- sessed an extraordinary knowledge of German, Latin, and French literature, and to have been deeply read in philosophy and history. He taught William the lan- guages, and Alexander the natural sciences. One studied Man in classic antiquity and art, the other the World in its manifold forms and appearances. It seems strange, not to say impossible, for children of eight and ten to pursue such profound studies, but we must remember that these were not common children. Nor was their teacher Kunth a common man. Had he been he would have stopped here. But having sense as well as learning, he took care of their bodies as well as their minds. Instead of merely cramming them with books until they became unwholesome monstrositi mental pates de foie gras, he gave their thoughts and limbs free play, in the wind, and dew, and sunshine. They had holidays whenever they needed them; long walks with Kunth in the woods and fields; sails on the blue bosom of the Tegel lake ; excursions to the fortress of Spandau, and now and then a Hying visit to Berlin. GOETHE AT TEGEL. 9 Or they threw aside their books, and ran off by them- selves, like the children they were, and romped and played to their hearts' content. This kept the roses of health in their cheeks (Alexanders as yet were delicate buds), and enabled them to "bear their weight Of learning lightly, like a flower." But for this it might have been a nightshade of deadly power. Besides, their life was diversified by the coming and going of visitors : for their father was hospitable, and the castle was always open to his friends. Ketiring from the world with honor, the world sought him, in the shape of its princes, statesmen, and scholars, to say nothing of generals, colonels, and the like, his old com- panions in arms. Among other celebrities who enjoyed the hospitalities of Tegel was Goethe, who accompanying Duke Karl August to Berlin in May 1778, to see a grand review, strolled over Schonhausen one morning and dined at the castle, with the Major and his family. Little did the man of thirty know that he saw in the boy of nine, one who was destined to accomplish as much in Science, as he himself in Literature. But the time came when he knew him, and admired him, none more warmly. Among the most frequent of the visitors at the castle was Dr. Ernst Ludwig Heim, of Spandau, who, having attended the now officially-defunct head-ranger, Von Burgsdorf, continued his visits, medical and friendly, to his successor, Major Yon Humboldt. And the major stood in need of his services, for his health, which had 1* 10 DK. 1IKIH. been broken for some time, now began to fail rapidly. Day alter day Dr. Heim might have been Been <>n horse- back, with bis Baddle-bags full of medicine, rounding the stretch of land between Spandau and Tegel." But lie could do little fi>r the shattered constitution and the sixty years of his patient. lie died in January 1 7 7 '• ' , ami was buried at Tegel. Alter the major's death Dr. Heim continued to come as usual, not now bringing medicine, let us hope, but with a book under his arm for Kunth, or possibly for AVilliam and Alexander. Or perhaps it was a rare flower from his conservatory. For as long ago as the days of Yon Burgsdorf he was noted for his knowledge of foreign trees and plants, and he helped the head ranger to lay out the nurseries and plantations, which the Ilumboldts were now enjoying. He would drop in near their dinner hour, and being pressed would remain to dinner, and often for hours after, instructing the boys in botany, and explaining to them the t wen t}T-four classes of the system of Linnaeus. They could now know the names, classes, and characteristics of the flowers, which they had before admired ignorantly. William was con- sidered tlie cleverest, because he could easily compre- hend the doctor's lessons, and retain the botanical names : Alexander was not, or did not seem, so apt. The brothers went with the doctor in his excursions about the neighbourhood, and in May 1783, were present with him in Spandau, where they saw Frederick the Great reviewing his grenadiers — one of his annual amu ments. But grand reviews, country excursions, after-dinner chats on botany, and the cosy comforts of home, must AT SCHOOL IN BERLIN. 11 soon come to an end. For though, the widowed mother lives only in her children, she knows that they must one day be men, and go out into the world. So the best thing they can do is to go to Berlin, and pursue their studies, and enlarge their experiences. To Berlin they go. They are instructed in Greek and the modern lan- guages, William having great philological talent, while Alexander, whose love of the natural sciences grows with his growth, continues the study of botany under the celebrated botanist Wildenow. Kunth, who accompanies them, engages Engel, Klein, Dohn, and others to give them complete courses of lectures on philosophy, law and political economy. Nor do they neglect the litera- ture of their own land and time. They read Goethe and Schiller together. William prefers " Werter," and "Don Carlos," and their art-writings; Alexander, while he ad- mires these, prefers Goethe's more abstruse researches in natural history. So passes the time, now in the bustle of the capital, and now in the quiet of the old castle at home. Dear old Tegel ! it is doubly dear to them now. For there their mother lives, and there lies their dead father's dust. In 1786 they commenced their academical life in the University of Frankfort on the Oder, where they re- mained nearly two years, William devoting himself to the study of law, and Alexander to political economy. In 1788 they removed to the University of Gottingen. The name of this University will remind the reader of English comic poetry, of Canning's famous song in the burlesque drama, " The Eovers." I 2 BLl ftfENHAl if. ■• Whene'er with haggard eyes I view This dungeon that I'm rotting in, I think of tfa mpanions true, Who Btudied with me at the I - -nivi-rsity of < tottingen, -niversity of Qottingen." The stanzas are quizzical enough, but the University itself was a staid, grave place, full of earnest students, and learned professors. Among the Latter we may mention three who were celebrated in their different blanches of literature and science, and who helped to mould the minds of William and Alexander. These were Blumen- bach, Heyne, and Eichhorn. Eichhorn, the professor of Arabic, was a profound scholar, especially in biblical literature, of which he may be considered the historian. He tilled the chair of Theology. Jn the chair of Archae- ology sat Christian Gottlob Heyne, a venerable man of sixty, who had risen from the lowest circumstances by the force of his will, and his talents. His speciality was classic bibliography. He edited Homer, Pindar, Diodo- rus Siculus, Epictetus, Virgil, Tibullus, and other Greek and Roman authors, great and small, enriching their text with learned commentaries. When the Humboldts be- came his scholars he was busy making out a catalogue of the immense Library of the University. Last was Johann Frederic Blumenbach, professor of physiology and comparative anatomy. Passionately at- tached to Bcience all his life, which by the way was nearly as Long as that of his famous pupil. Humboldt, his love of anatomy commenced at the early age often, from accidentally seeing a skeleton in the house of one of his father's friends, a physician of course. He soon had a GEOKGE FOKSTER. 13 collection of bones and skulls of his own, and taking to medicine in Jena, obtained his degree in Gottingen in 1775. The next year he was appointed conservator of the noble Museum of Natural History in the University, which he enriched by numerous collections of great value. He preceded Cuvier in many of his discoveries, institut- ing, shortly before the Humboldts entered his classes, the method of comparing different varieties of human skeletons, and skeletons of animals. To the care of these famous professors William and Alexander were com- mitted by their old tutor and friend, Kunth, and they remained under their teachings for two years. Strongly attracted by Eichhorn and Heyne, William pursued his favorite studies, philology and art, while Alexander speculated on " the ground plan of man " in the lecture- room of Blumenbach. But the person who exercised the most influence over him while at Gottingen, was the son-in-law of his teacher, Heyne — George Forster. Nor is this at all strange, for the experience of every day shows us that the influence of man over man outweighs that of books a thousand fold. There are times, indeed, when even a bad man is more potent than many good books. Blu- menbach, Heyne, Eichhorn, and the rest, excellent and indispensable as they were, were books, so to speak, dead books to the realistic Alexander, while Forster was a man, a live man. He had seen what they had only dreamed of. The feats of Alexander's mythical friend, Crusoe, were outdone by Forster. Not that Forster had ever been shipwrecked on a solitary island ; but he had done better — he had put a girdle round the earth. Some sixteen years before, when a bov of eighteen, he had 14 TRIBUTE TO HIS MEMOBT. accompanied Captain Cook as a naturalist in that great navigator's second voyage round the world. After- wards professor of natural history in Hesse Cassell, and at Wilna, he was now spending the summer with his wife at the house of his father-in-law, Heyne. Ue had written several works on natural history, geography, philosophy, and polities, besides a history of his voyage round the world. Writing of Forster in ls-14, more than fifty years after his death, Humboldt paid the following tribute to his memory : 11 Through him began a new era of scientific voyages, the aim of which was to arrive at a knowledge of the comparative history and geography of different countries. Gifted with delicate esthetic feelings, and retaining a vivid impression of the pictures with which Tahiti and the other then happy islands of the Pacific had filled his imagination, as in recent times that of Charles Darwin, George Forster was the first to depict in pleasing colors the changing stages of vegetation, the relations of climate and of articles of food in their influence on the civiliza- tion of mankind, according to differences of original de- scent and habitation. All that can give truth, individu- ality, and distinctiveness to the delineation of exotic nature is united in his works. We trace, not onlv in his admirable description of Cook's second voyage of dis- covery, but still more in his smaller writings, the germ of that richer fruit which has since matured." Such was George Forster, who, alter Campe, was the chief instrument in determining the future life of Alex- ander Von Humboldt. They were fast friends during the short period of their intercourse in Gottingen, and all the time they could spare from their customary DREAMS OF TRAVEL. 15 duties, was spent in each other's society. "What conver- sations they must have had of that eventful journey round the world, and what schemes they planned for the future ! The active imagination of the young student, fresh from the reading of wonderful adventures in the New World, the chronicles of Vasco Kunes de Balboa, Pizarro, and the rest of those grand old Spaniards, was fired with the thought of making new voyages and dis- coveries, which should cast the old ones for ever in the shade. Voyages in the long swell of tropic seas, under constellations that never shine to European eyes : sailing along the dim outlines of the western continent, dark with the long belt of the pathless forests, or ragged with the peaks of inland mountains, capped with eternal snow : or up great rivers a thousand leagues in length, on, on, into the heart of the New World, the primeval solitudes of Nature ! The best hours of a man's life are those that he wastes in dreams, and happy is he who can make them true, as Humboldt did. But this was recreation rather than study, and as he went to the University to study, a graver mood soon succeeded. The University was rich in scientific collec- tions, none of which were neglected by the earnest young student. When not attending the lectures of Blumen- bach and Heyne, which were generally given in their own houses, he pursued his researches and experiments in the University Museum. To-day in the laboratory among its vials and crucibles, testing acids and gases, or in the botanic gardens, theorizing over tropic plants and trees: to-morrow in the anatomical room, sur- rounded by casts and models ; and many a long night in the observatory unwinding the dances of the stars. 10 TOO LATE TO WRITE OF HIS YOUTH. William meanwhile was deep in the philosophy of Kant, and the esthetic speculations of Goethe and Schiller. Occasionally the brothers strolled through the city, arm in arm. Led on by their vagrant fancies they would cross into the market-place to watch the fountain splash- ing its broad basin; lounge on the bridge and look at the boats below; or quickening their steps they would hasten to the ramparts, and saunter up and down the shaded avenue of lime trees. If the day was beautiful, they wandered out of the city gates into the fertile valleys beyond, and perhaps clomb the Hainberg before they returned. So passed their university life. It ended in the autumn of 1789. It is to be regretted that we have no fuller account of the youth of Humboldt, for if there is anything interest- ing in the life of a great man like him, it is a minute relation of his youth. We want a living record of his sayings and doings in the ductile period of his genius: even his sports, if we can recover nothing better, will give us some insight into his character. We have pre* Bented, as the reader will perceive, the merest skeleton of the first twenty years of Humboldt's life. He ma/ clothe it with flesh, if he pleases, we can do no more. Nor can others at this late day. It is easy to write the biographies of those who die young, they leave so many behind who recollect all that we desire to know; but when a man of genius lives to tli<' age of ninety, as Humboldt did. and leaves no auto-biography, the sweetest time of his life is lost, " In the dark backward and abysm of Time." CHAPTER II. STUDIES AND DREAMS. In the summer of 1789, Campe. who had been for some years canon and councillor in Brunswick, deter- mined to make a trip to Paris, to be present at the funeral of French despotism, and it was deemed advisable for William to accompany him. They arrived in Paris on the 3d of August. Not being fortunate enough while there to follow Tyranny to its grave, Campe revenged his disappointment by doing what most authors would have done in his place — he wrote patriotic letters in favor of the revolution, and attracted much attention. Alexander remained behind, probably at (xottingen, pur- suing his favorite studies, and constantly corresponding with Forster, who was then at Mayence, where he was councillor and librarian of the University. The plan of the great transatlantic journey, formed a year or two be- fore, was laid aside for a time, in order that he might study what was then a new science — Geology. He was deep in the writings of the then celebrated geologist, Abraham Gottlob Werner. In his peculiar department of science Werner was un- doubtedly the most remarkable man of his time. The son of a poor iron-worker, he commenced his career as a 18 WEKNEB, THE GEOLOGIST, mineralogist in the Mineralogies! Academy of Freyberg, before he was out of his teens. From thence he went to Leipsic, where he busied himself in defining the external character of minerals, experimenting, and eventually, in 1774, publishing a work on the subject. Up to that time the descriptive language of mineralogists had been too indefinite to convey accurate information, or to en- able those of different countries to understand each other. After publishing this work, which was long a manual, Werner returned to the Mineralogical Academy at Frey- berg, and took charge of its noble cabinet of natural history. He lectured on mineralogy, and the art of min- ing, rendering the latter intelligible to all, by his simpli- fication of the machinery, and his drawings and figures. His cabinet of minerals was unrivalled for its complete- ness and arrangement, numbering one hundred thousand specimens. He wrote largely in the scientific reviews of that day, the reading of which probably drew the atten- tion of Humboldt towards him. Be contributed more to extend the ] tract ieal knowledge of mineralogy than any one who preceded him, although his method of classifying minerals according to their external charac- teristics, instead of their internal essences, if we may use the phrase, was rather empirical than scientific. His geology, too, was shallow. His observations were made on the limited portion of the earth's surface in his own vicinity, and the succession of rock-formations which he found thrrc, extended, he reasoned, over the whole sur- face of the globe. A wider range of observation would have shown him, that at a little distance from Freyberg, many of his supposed universal rock-formations were not to be found, and that other rocks supply their place. HUMBOLDT'S FIRST BOOK. 19 But as he was obstinate in "his theory he remained igno- rant of this fact. He contended for the aqueous forma- tion of almost every kind of rock, the Neptunic theory as it was called, maintaining that even pumice stone was the production of water. He would, not visit, however, the volcanic districts of Italy, and the ancient volcanoes of France, fearing perhaps that he might be led to aban- don his first theory — a common fault of scientific men. Still, considering the time in which he lived, and the little that was then known of the true formation of the earth, Werner was entitled to much credit, and is still honorably mentioned as a pioneer in science. He raised the art of mining into the science of geology. Such was Abraham Grottlob Werner, over whose mul- tifarious writings Alexander was now poring. That they made a deep impression on him may be gathered from the fact that we find him, in company with his friend Forster, in the spring of 1790, making a mineral- ogical journey. Their route was to the Ehine, through Holland, and to England. While in England Forster introduced him to Sir Joseph Banks, the famous Presi- dent of the Royal Society. Humboldt studied the rock- formations of the countries through which he passed, especially the basaltic rocks of the Rhine, and embodied the result in a small work which was published in that year. It was entitled, " Mineralogical Observations on some Basaltic Formations of the Rhine," and was in- tended to support the Neptunic theory of Werner. Forster collected materials for his magnum opus, " The Views of the Lower Rhine." In the meantime William, who had returned from Paris, vibrated between Erfurt, where he and the beautiful daughter of the president, 20 DAYBOOK AND LEDGER. Yon Dacheroden, to whom he was betrothed, wore per- fecting themselves in the art of Love, and Weimar, the residence of Schiller, with whom lie was intimate. Alexander sympathized with his brother in the cha- racter which he was then playing in the delightful drama of life, but showed no inclination to appear in the same rdfo himself. It was not that he loved woman and so- ciety less, but that he loved solitude and wisdom more. Besides, had he not his great transatlantic journey to make? To do this properly it was necessary that he should have a more thorough worldly training. So while William, who was appointed councillor of lega- tion, and assessor to the court of Berlin, went thither to familiarize himself with his duties, after which he in- tended to marry, Alexander, choosing the department of finance, set off for Hamburg, and entering the Com- mercial Academy of Busch and Bbeling, studied the practical part of book-keeping. Ere long he was initi- ated into its mysteries ; but beyond the sense of satis- faction which the performance of a duty always gives, we suspect that he found no delight in them. Evidently In- preferred the leaves of flowers, luminous with the hand-writing of Nature, to the leaves of his day-books and ledgers, with their long rows of black figures, and their monotonous horizons of red lines. And instead of worshipping gold and silver, as a true book-keeper would have . His duties were many and arduous, for in addition to his scientific labours, lie superintended the erection of public institutions in these districts. Bayreuth is divided into two parts, Oberland and Unterland. The former, which came more immediately under his supervision, is a hilly region, intersected by branches of the great Fichtelberg, and rich in mines of iron and other minerals. Humboldt spent a considerable part of his time in jour- neying over the country, visiting the various mines, and directing the operations of the miners. He descended into the mines for the purpose of making observations on the fungi that grew in the shafts, or, pursuing his journeys, he botanized by the way. If the region was mountainous he studied the rock-formations, and specu- lated on the Neptunic theory of his teacher, Werner. Busy as he must have been at this time he wrote largely for the scientific journals and periodicals, contributing to them the result of his experiments on the physical and chemical laws of metallurgy, and on the susceptibility of plants, their modes of nourishment, colour, etc. He also published a work of local botany, — a "Flora of Cryptogamic Plants in the Neighbourhood of Freyberg," and dedicated it to his former teacher, Wildenow. In 1794 he accompanied the provincial minister, Yon Harden berg, on a political mission to the Khine. He also made several tours through the Alp districts and Silesia, and an official trip into the province of Prussia and Poland. Not being able yet to begin his great jour- ney he contented himself with these small ones — slight studies as it were for the great picture that was to be. In 1795 he resigned his situation as director of mines, and went to Vienna, where he renewed his passion for DEATH OF HIS MOTHER. 23 botany, studying to great advantage an excellent collec- tion of exotic plants which he found there, and enjoying the society of the geologist Freiesleben. He also studied galvanism, and made a variety of interesting experi- ments. He planned an excursion into Switzerland with Freiesleben, but postponed it to make an Italian journey. The war, which was then raging, confined him to Upper Italy, so that he was obliged to return without visiting the volcanic regions of Naples and Sicily. Shortly before leaving Bayreuth he had received a letter from his brother William, who, having finished his role as a lover, had now assumed that of a husband, telling him that the health of their mother was failing. She is ill at Tegel, the letter ran — (it was dated in June, 1795) — but we, William and Caroline, will remain with her until the spring. On his return from Italy another letter reached him — one of those mournful letters which every man sooner or later receives. It bore the escut- cheon of death — a black seal. There was a new grave at Tegel. His mother was dead. In the beginning of the year 1797 he went to Jena, where his brother William was then residing. Here he found Freiesleben and Goethe. Goethe was so much interested in his studies in anatomy that he devoted the rest of his stay in Jena to that science. On his return to Weimar he wrote to Schiller : "I have spent the time with Humboldt agreeably and usefully : my natural his- tory studies have been roused from their winter sleep by his presence." And Schiller wrote back shortly after: " Although the whole family of Humboldt, down to the servant, lie ill with ague, they still speak only of great journeys." 24 LEOPOLD VON BUCII. But sick or well, Humboldt's studies went on. He con- tinued bis experiments on galvanism, turning bis atten- tion chiefly to tbe laws of muscular irritation, and the disposition of the nerves of living animals when under the galvanic influence. He wrote a work on tbe subject, " Experiments on Nervous and Muscular Irritation," and sent it to bis old teacber, Blumenbacb, who publisbed it for bim, with notes and comments of bis own. The brothers went to Berlin in May to settle tbe family inheritance, previous to making a journey together into' Italy. "William's share was the old castle at Tegel, Alex- ander's the estate of Ringenwalde, in Neumark. He sold it to the poet Franz Von Kleist, to raise the neces- sary funds for his great journey. The unsettled state of affairs in Italy preventing the contemplated journey, William and his family determined to proceed to Paris. Alexander went with them as far as Saltzburg, wrhere he was induced to stay awhile by bis friend Leopold Von Buch. Buch, who bad just pub- lished a scientific work, " Outlines of a Mineralogical De- scription of Landeck," had been, as the reader remem- bers, one of his fellow-students in the Mineralogical Academy at Freyberg, and was like him a believer in tbe Neptunic theory of Werner. Humboldt afterwards called bim " the greatest geologist of the age." A scientific trip was proposed, and the pair stalled off on foot, armed with their geological hammers, and a change of linen. They travelled through several cantons of Saltzburg, and Styria, and reached the Tyrolese Alps. While on this Bohemian trip Humboldt made the acquaintance of Lord Bristol, an English nobleman, who had visited tbe coasts of Greece and Illyria, and bad planned an expedition PROJECTED VISIT TO EGYPT. 25 to Upper Egypt. The party were to be provided with astronomical instruments and able draughtsmen, and were to ascend the Nile as far as Assouan, after examin- ing minutely the positions of the Said between Tentyris and the cataracts. The expedition was to occupy eight months. Humboldt consented to join it, on condition that he should be allowed to continue the journey over Palestine and Syria, and went to Paris to make the necessary preparations. He arrived at Paris in the spring of 1798, and was warmly welcomed by his brother William, whose house was a raltying point for all his educated countrymen. The family led a pleasant life during their stay in the capital: gave dinner parties, esthetic teas, etc., and en- joyed themselves at the Parisian theatres. " The comedy," wrote Frau Yon Humboldt, " is excellent." " My little ones would please you. Caroline grows very amiable ; she is delicate, and has a rare degree of sentimentality, perfectly natural, however, as you may imagine. Her brother William is handsome, much more rough, very naughty, self-willed, and yet exceedingly good-natured. Theodore is the most amiable child I ever saw : he is stout, and almost fat, and yet looks slender ; his little face has an expression of merriment, and yet his glance seems to indicate something more profound. His eyes are as if you gaze into the heavens. The white in them is quite blue, and the eyeball brown. His hair is light, and his mouth the prettiest I ever saw in a child. If you could see the boy he would make a fool of you, as he does of me." The Humboldts were surrounded by celebrities of all sorts, artists, poets, statesmen, and savans. Among 2 26 BAUDIN'8 EXPEDITION. others who patronised them was the celebrated Madame de Stael, who called William, who had praised her works highly, it is scarcely necessary to say, " la plus grande capaciie de VEurope." Had the flattering Corinne chris- tened Alexander so, she would not have been far from the truth. The political aspect of Europe destroyed the plan of the Egyptian journey, as it had already done the Italian one, and Lord Bristol having been arrested at Milan, it was given up. Another scheme, however, was soon set afoot, for Humboldt now learned that the National Mu- seum of France was preparing an expedition under the command of Captain Baudin. The purpose of this expedi- tion was to visit the Spanish possessions of South America, from the mouth of the river Plata, to the kingdom of Quito and the isthmus of Panama. It was to visit the archipelago of the Pacific, explore the coasts of New Ilolland, from Yan Dieman's Land to that of NnytSi after which the vessels were to stop [it Madagascar, and return by the Cape of Good Hope. Humboldt had but little confidence in Baudin, who had given cause of dis- content to the court of Vienna when he was commis- sioned to conduct to Brazil the botanist, Van der Schott ; but as he could not hope with his own resources to make a voyage of such extent, he determined to take the chances of the expedition. He obtained permission to embark, with his instruments, in one of the vessels destined for the South Sea, reserving to himself the right to leave Captain Baudin whenever he thought pro- per. Michaux and Bonpland were to accompany the expedition as naturalists. The war breaking out afresh in Italy and Germany, AIME BONPLAND. 27 and the French government needing the funds for some- thing more solid than science, it was postponed to an v indefinite period. Truly this was the pursuit of travel under difficulties. It is an ill wind however that blows nobody good. The failure of the expedition was no interruption to the friendship which Humboldt had formed with Bonpland. . Aime Bonpland, the naturalist, then in his twenty-fifth year, was a native of Rochelle, France. His father was a physician, and he studied the same profession, but the revolutionary authorities got hold of him before he could finish his studies, and made him a surgeon on a man- of-war. When peace was restored he went to Paris, and became a pupil of the celebrated Corvisart, who had established a clinical school at the hospital of La Charite. It was at this time that Humboldt and he met. They were friends at once. Understanding anatomy and botany better than Humboldt did, he gave him further instructions in those studies, receiving from him in exchange a knowledge of natural history and mineralogy. Humboldt's friendship with Bonpland, the society that he met at the house of his brother William, and his own scientific attainments soon introduced him to the notice of the naturalists and mathematicians of Paris. He mingled with the most eminent French savans as their equal. He pursued his experiments before and after the failure of the expedition of Baudin, working in concert with Gay Lussac, of whom more hereafter, with whom he undertook eudiometric investigations of the chemical analysis of the atmosphere. The result of their labors was embodied in a joint production, "Researches on the Composition of the Atmosphere." He also wrote a 28 STARTS FOR AFRICA. work on subterranean gases, the fruit of his experience in the mines of Bayreutb and Anspach. In the autumn there was a prospect of another expe- dition. The Swedish consul, Skioldebrand, was at Paris on his way to embark at Marseilles, on a special mission from his government with presents to the Dey of .Algiers. He had resided a long time on the coast of Africa, and being highly respected by the government of Algiers, he could, he thought, easily procure permis- sion for Humboldt to visit the chain of the Atlas moun- tains. A portion of these mountains had been visited by M. Desfontaines ; but no mineralogist had yet ex- amined them. Besides this inducement the consul despatched every year a vessel for Tunis, where the pilgrims embarked for Mecca, and he promised Hum- boldt to convey him by this means to Egypt. The opportunity was too good to be lost. Humboldt com- pleted his collection of instruments, and purchased works relating to the countries he intended to visit, and bidding adieu to his brother, and Frau Caroline, not forgetting the delicate Caroline, junior, the handsome but naughty William, and the amiable Theodore with his blue eyes and light hair, he repaired to Marseilles with his friend Bonpland. They impatiently awaited the Swedish frigate, whicb was expected at the end of October: several times a day they climbed the mountain of Notre Dame de la Garde, which commands an extensive out- look on the Mediterranean, eagerly watching even* sail on the horizon. Two months passed, and no frigate came. The papers at length informed them that she had suffered severely in a storm on the coast of Portugal, and had been obliged to enter the port of Cadiz to refit. SPAIN. 29 She would not be at Marseilles till spring. Still persist- ing in their intention of visiting Africa, they found a small vessel of Ragusa on the point of setting sail for Tunis, and agreed with the captain for their passage. Before the vessel sailed they learned that the government of Tunis, inimical to la grande nation, was persecuting its residents in Barbary, and that every person coming from a French port was thrown into a dungeon. The journey was abandoned. Not to be baffled, however, they re- solved to pass the winter in Spain, in hopes of embark- ing the next spring, either at Carthagena or Cadiz. They crossed Catalonia and the kingdom of Valencia, visiting the ruins of Tarragona and ancient Saguntum. They made an excursion from Barcelona to Montserrat, and saw the hermits that inhabit its lofty peaks. Hum- boldt ascertained by astronomical observations the posi- tion of several points important for the geography of Spain, and determined by the barometer the heights of the central plain. The inclination of the needle, and the intensity of the magnetic forces came in for a share of his attention. They arrived at Madrid in March, 1799, and Humboldt was presented to the king at Aranjuez by the minister from the court of Saxony, who was himself a mineralo- gist. The king received him graciously. He explained to his majesty the motives which led him to undertake his journey to the New World, and presented a memoir on the subject to the secretary of state. Don Mariano Luis de Urquijo, the minister, supported Humboldt's demand, and obtained for the travellers two passports, one from the first secretary of the state, the other from the council of the Indies. The good time had come at 30 CORUNNA. last, "Never," says Humboldt, "had so extensive a permission been granted to any traveller, and never had any foreigner been honored by more confidence on the part of the Spanish government." The savans of Madrid offered the travellers great inducements to stay awhile among them. Don Casimir Ortega, the abbe Pourret, and the learned authors of the Flora of Peru opened to them their rich collections. They examined part of the recently discovered plants of Mexico, from drawings which had been sent to the Museum of Natural History of Madrid, and obtained from the chemist Proust, and the mineralogist Hergen, some curious details of the mineral substances of America. They could have spent a long time usefully as well as pleasantly in the Spanish capital, but bearing in mind their previous disappointments they departed about the middle of May, en route for Corunna, from whence they intended to embark for Cuba. They crossed a part of Old Castile and the kingdoms of Leon and Galicia. The snow still covered the lofty granitic tops of the Guadarama, but in the deep valleys of Galicia the rocks were clothed with cistuses and arborescent heaths. Pursuing his geological researches on the way Humboldt examined the mountains between Astorga and Corunna, and found that many of them were com- posed of graywacke. Near Corunna he came upon granitic ridges which contained tin ore. Arriving at Corunna they sought Don Raphael Clavijo, the superintendent of the dockyards, to whom they had recommendations from the Spanish minister, and the chief secretary of state. He advised them to embark on board the frigate Pizarro, which was soon to FAREWELL LETTERS. 31 sail for Cuba, in company with the Alcudia, the packet- boat of the month of May, which had been detained by an English fleet, then blockading the port in order to cut off the communication between Spain and her colonies. They concluded to follow his advice, and arrangements were made to receive their instruments on board the Pizarro. Don Eaphael ordered the captain to stop at Teneriffe, as long as Humboldt should deem necessary, that the travellers might visit the port of Orotava, and ascend the peak. It was ten days before their instruments were em- barked and the vessel was ready to sail. They spent that time in preparing the plants that they had collected in the beautiful valleys of Galicia, which they were the first naturalists to explore, and in examining the fuci and mollusca, which the northwest winds had cast on the rocks. Crossing from Corunna to Ferrol, a little town on the other point of the bay, they made several experi- ments on the temperature of the ocean, by means of a valved thermometrical sounding lead, and found that the neighborhood of a sand bank is revealed before the lead can be made use of, by the quick decrease in the temperature of the water, and that the seaman can there- fore perceive the approach of danger much sooner by the thermometer than by the lead. The time of departure drawing near Humboldt wrote farewell letters to his friends in Germany and Paris. As before leaving Paris he had agreed with Captain Baudin, that if the expedition for discoveries in the Pacific, which seemed to be adjourned for several years, should take place at an earlier period, he would endeavor to return from Algiers and join it, at some port in 32 OFF AT LAST! France or Spain; ho now wrote him that if tlie govern- ment persisted in sending him by Cape Horn, lie would meet him at Montevideo, Chili, or Lima, or wherever else he should toueh in the Spanish colonies. This done he was ready to bid the Old World adieu. The English squadron was still off the harbor, but a storm coming up on the oth of June, it was obliged to quit the coast, and make for the open sea. They seized the opportunity and set sail, cheered by a pleasing prophecy, from those who sawT the Pizarro weigh anchor, that they would certainly be captured in three days. They sailed at two o'clock in the afternoon. The wind was contrary, and they made several tacks before they could get out of the harbor. At half-past six they passed the lighthouse of Corunna, the famous Tower of Hercules. At sunset the wind increased, and the sea ran high. The shores of Europe lessened in the dis- tance. The last thing they saw that night was the light of a fishing hut at Sisarga. It faded. The land disap- peared. The sea was before them, the wide waste Sea ! BOOK II. 1799-180 4. CHAPTER I. THE SEA. At sunset on the third day they saw from the mast- head an English convoy, sailing along the coast, and steering towards the southeast. To avoid it they altered their course. From that moment no light was allowed in the great cabin, for fear of their being seen at a dis- tance. Humboldt and Bonpland were obliged to make use of dark lanterns to examine the temperature of the water. From the time of their sailing until they reached the 36th degree of latitude they saw no organic beings, ex- cept sea swallows and dolphins; they even looked in vain for sea-weeds and mollusca. On the sixth day however they entered a zone where the waves were co- vered with a prodigious quantity of medusae. The sea was nearly becalmed, but the medusae were bound towards the south-east, with a rapidity four times greater than that of the current. Between the island of Madeira and the coast of Africa, they had slight breezes and dead calms, which were favorable for the magnetic observations that occupied Humboldt during the passage. The travellers were never weary of admiring the beauty of the nights; 86 night SCENE. nothing could be compared to the transparency and serenity of the African sky. They were struck with the innumerable quantity of falling stars, which appeared at every instant. The farther progress they made towards the south, the more frequent was this phenomenon, espe- cially near the Canaries. Forty leagues east of the island of Madeira a swallow perched on the topsail yard. It was so fatigued that it Buffered itself to be caught by the hand. The Pizarro had orders to touch at the isle of Lane - rota, one of the seven great Canary Islands: and at ii\ in the afternoon of the 16th of June, that island appeared so distinctly in view that Uuinboldt was able to take the angle of altitude of a conic mountain, which towered majestically over the other summits. The current drew them toward the coast more rapidlv than they wished. As they advanced, they discovered at first the island of Forteventura, famous for its nume- rous camels; and a short time after saw the island of Lobos in the channel which separated Forteventura from Lancerota. They spent part of the night on deck. The moon illumined the volcanic summits of Lancerota, the flanks of which, covered with ashes, reflected a silver light. Antares threw out its resplendent rays near the lunar disk, which was but a few degrees above the horizon. The night was beautifully serene and cool. The phosphorescence of the ocean seemed to augment the mass of light diffused through the air. After mid- night, great blaek clouds rising behind the volcano shrouded at intervals the moon, and the beautiful con- stellation of the Scorpion. They beheld lights carried to and fro on shore, which were probably those of fish- LANCEROTA. 37 ermen preparing for their labors. Humboldt and Bon- pland had been occasionally employed during their passage, in reading the old voyages of the Spaniards, and these moving lights recalled to their fancy thosa which Pedro Gutierrez, page of Queen Isabella, saw in the isle of Guanahani, on the memorable night of the discovery of the New World. On the 17th, in the morning, the horizon was foggy, and the sky slightly covered with vapor. The outlines of the mountains of Lancerota appeared stronger : the humidity, increasing the transparency of the air, seemed at the same time to have brought the objects nearer their view. They passed through the channel which divided the isle of Alegranza from Montana Clara, taking sound- ings the whole way, and examined the archipelago of small islands situated northward of Lancerota. In the midst of this archipelago, which was seldom visited by vessels bound for Teneriffe, they were singularly struck with the configuration of the coasts. They thought them- selves transported to the Euganean mountains in the Vicentin, or the banks of the Rhine near Bonn. The whole western part of Lancerota bore the appear- ance of a country recently convulsed by volcanic erup- tions. Everything was black, parched, and stripped of vegetable mould. They distinguished, with their glasses, stratified basalt in thin and steeply-sloping strata. They were forced by the winds to pass between the islands of Alegranza and Montana Clara, and as none on board the Pizarro had sailed through this passage, they were obliged to be continually sounding. From some notions which the captain of the Pizarro had collected in an old Portuguese itinerary, he thought hoi raima of ob \< ioa l himself opposite to a small fort, situated north of Teguisa, the capital of the island of Lancerota. Mistaking a rock of basalt for a castle, he Baluted it by hoisting a Spanish flag, and sent a boat with an officer to inquire of the commandant whether any English vessels were cruising in the roada Be was nol a little surprised to learn that the land which he had considered as a prolongation of the ' of Lancerota, was the small island of Graciosa, and that for several Leagues there was not an inhabited Humboldt and Bonpland took advantage of the boal to Burvey the land, which inclosed a large bay. The small portion of the island which they traversed sembled a promontory of lava, The rocks were naked with no marks of vegetation, and scarcely any of vege- table soil. They re-embarked at sunset, and hoisted sail, but the breeze was too feeble to permit the Pizarro to continue her course to Teneriffe. The sea was calm; a reddish vapor covered the horizon, and seemed to magnify every object In this solitude, amidst so many uninha- bited L^lcts, the travellers enjoyed for a long time the view of rugged and wild scenery. The black mountains of Graciosa appeared like perpendicular walls five or six hundred feel high. Their shadows, thrown over the of the ocean, gave a gloomy aspect to the scenery. B eke of basalt, emerging from the bosom of the waters, wore the resemblance of the ruins of some vast edifice, and carried their thoughts back to the remote period when submarine voleanoes gave birth to new islands, or rent continents asunder. Everything which surrounded them seemed to indicate destruction and sterility; but the back-ground of the picture, the coasts of Lancerota, DANGEROUS CURRENTS. 39 presented a more smiling aspect. In a narrow pass between two hills, crowned with scattered tufts of trees, marks of cultivation were visible. The last rays of the sun gilded the corn ready for the sickle. The captain of the Pizarro endeavored to get out of this bay by the pass which separated Alegranza from Montana Clara, and through which he had easily entered to land at the northern point of Graciosa. The wind having fallen, the currents drove the vessel very near a rock, on which the sea broke with violence, and which was noted in the old charts under the name of Hell, or Inflerno. Examined at the distance of two cables' length, this rock was found to be a mass of lava, full of cavities, and covered with scoriae resembling coke. As the vessel was prevented by the fall of the wind, and by the currents, from repassing the channel of Ale- granza, the captain resolved on tacking during the night between the island of Clara and the West Rock. This resolution had nearly proved fatal. A calm was very dangerous near this rock, towards which the current drove with considerable force. They began to feel the effects of this current at midnight. The proximity of the stony masses, which rose perpendicularly above the water, deprived the vessel of the little wind which blew ; she no longer obeyed the helm and they dreaded striking every instant. The wind having freshened a little towards the morning of the 18th, they succeeded in passing the channel. From the time of their departure from Graciosa the horizon continued so hazy that they did not discover the island of Canary, notwithstanding the height of its mountains, till the evening of the 18th. On the morning A BTAEBOW )-« \JT.. the 1.9th, they discovered the point ofNaga; but the land, obscured by a thick mist, presented forms that were ©nfused. As they approached the road of nta Cruz, they observed that the mist, driven by the winds, drew nearer to them. The sea was Btrongly agi- tated, as it most commonly is in those latitu«l«-s. The I anchored after several soundings, for the mist was thick thai they could scarcely distinguish objects at a few cables1 distance ; but at the moment they began to salute the place, the fog was instantly dispelled. The p ak of Teyde appeared in a break above the clouds, and the first rays of the sun, which had not yet risen, illu- mined the summit of the volcano. Bumboldt and Bonpland hastened to the prow of the vessel to behold ill'' magnificent spectacle, and at the oe instant saw four English vessels Lying to, and very near the stern. They had passed without being perceived, and the mist which had concealed the peak from their view, had Bared them from the risk of being carried k to Euro] . The Pizarro stood in as el<>.-e as possi- ble to the f>rt, to be under its protection. Jt was on this . that, in th<> landing attempted by the English fore, in July, IT'-1?, the great Nelson had his arm carried off by a cannon ball. ta ( ids on a narrow and Bandy beach. Its ■vhieh are of dazzling whiteness, with flat roofs, and win without . are built close against a wall of black perpendicular rock, devoid of vegetation. A line mole built of i >ne, and the public walk planted with poplars, are the only objects which break the same- •f the landse-: The recommendation of the court of Madrid pro- SANTA CRUZ. 41 cured for them the most satisfactory reception. The captain-general gave them immediate permission to ex- amine the island, and Col. Armiaga, who commanded a regiment of infantry, received them into his house with great hospitality. They could not enough admire the banana, the papaw tree, and other plants, which they had hitherto seen only in hot-houses, cultivated in his garden in the open air. In the evening they went to herborize along the rocks, but were little satisfied with their harvest, for the drought and dust had almost de- stroyed vegetation. The few plants that they saw, chiefly succulent ones, which draw their nourishment from the air rather than the soil oh which they grow, reminded them by their appearance, that this group of islands be- longed to Africa, and even to the most arid part of that arid continent. Though the captain of the Pizarro had orders to stop long enough at Teneriffe to give the naturalists time to scale the summit of the peak, if the snows did not prevent their ascent, they received notice, on account of the block- ade of the English ships, not to expect longer delay than four or five days. They consequently hastened their departure for the port of Orotava, which was situ- ated on the western declivity of the volcano, where tney were sure of procuring guides ; for they could find no one at Santa Cruz who had mounted the peak. On the 20th of June, before sunrise, they began their excursion by ascending to the Villa de Laguna. The road by which they ascended was on the right of a tor- rent, which in the rainy season formed fine cascades. Near the town they met some white camels. The town itself, at which" they soon arrived, was situated in a !_' \ 1 1 . i a 1 1 1 •: 1 . 1 1 1 1 M I . small plain, Burrounded by gardens, and protected by a hill which was crowned by a wood of laurels, myrtle, and arbutu . It was encircled 1»\ a greal number of Shaded by tn - oi perpetual verdure, and ■ I «»ii small eminences, these chapels added to the Seel <-l the landscape. The interior of the .vii was n«>t equal i<> its externa] appearance. The booses were solidly built, but very antique, and the str< Is - emed deserted. Our botanists, however, did • complain of the antiquity oi' the edifices, for the • Is and walls were covered with Canary house leek, and elegant trichomanes. B fore they reached Orotava they visited, at a little distance from tin- port, a botanic garden, which had been laid "Ut at a great expense some years before by the Marquis de Nava, There they found M. LeGros, the I rench vice-consul, who had often scaled the summit of the peak, and wh«> served them as a guide. They began their ascent on the morning of the 21st. M. Le Gros, M. Lalande, secretary t<> tin- French Consul- 3 ata Cruz, and an English gardener at Durasno, joined them on this excursion. The dav was not fine, for tii.' Bummil of the peak, which was generally visible at Orotava from sunrise till ten o'clock, was covered with thick cloud They passed along a lofty aqueduct, lined with a great number of fine ferns, and visited several gardens, in which the Bruit trees of the north of Europe were mil i with orange trees, pomegranate, and date trees. I! r<- th a- the famous dragon tree of M. Franqui. Although they had been made acquainted with it, from the narratives of many travellers, they were not the less LLANO DEL KETAMA. 43 struck with its enormous magnitude. They were told that the trunk of this tree, which is mentioned in several very ancient documents, was as gigantic in the fifteenth century as when they saw it. Its height appeared to them to be about fifty or sixty feet ; its circumference near the roots was forty- five feet. The trunk was divided into a great number of branches, which rose in the form of a candelabrum, and were terminated by tufts of leaves. On leaving Orotava, a narrow and stony pathway led them through a beautiful forest of chestnut trees to a site covered with brambles, some species of laurels, and ar- borescent heaths. The trunks of the latter grew to an extraordinary size, and were loaded with flowers. They now stopped to take in their provision of water under a solitary fir-tree. They continued to ascend, till they came to the rock of La Gayta and to Portillo : traversing this narrow pass between two basaltic hills, they entered the great plain of Spartium. They spent two hours and a half in cross- ing the Llano del Retama, which appeared like an im- mense sea of sand. As far as the rock of Gayta, or the entrance of the extensive Llano del Retama, the peak of TenerifFe was covered with beautiful vegetation. There were no traces of recent devastation. They might have imagined themselves scaling the side of some volcano, the fire of which had been extinguished for centuries ; but scarcely had they reached the plain covered with pumice-stone, when the landscape changed its aspect, and at every step they met with large blocks of obsidian thrown out by the volcano. Everything here spoke perfect solitude. A few goats a-nd rabbits bounded across the plain. The •1-1 M..!! 1 I\ I 111. « w l i:v. ion of the peak was Dine square leagues; and the lower regions viewed from this point retrograded in 1 1 1« - distance, the island appeared an immense heap of • - i matter, hemmed round by a scanty border of tation. Prom the Llano del Etetama they passed through nar- v defiles, and small ravines hollowed at a very remote time by the torrents, first arriving at a more elevated plain, then at the place where they intended to pass the night This station bore the name of the English Halt Two inclined rocks formed a kind of cavern, which afforded a shelter from the winds. 'Though in the midst of summer, and under an African sky, they suffered from cold during the night The thermometer descended tip low as to 41°. Their guides made up a Large fire with the dry branches of retama. Having neither tents '..-. Humboldt and Bonpland lay down on some in; of rock, and were incommoded by the flame and . which the wind drove towards them. They had at' d to form a kind of screen with cloths tied toge- ther, but their inclosure took lire, which they did not perceive till the greater part had been consumed by the Haines. As the temperature diminished, the peak became vered with thick clouds. The approach of night inter- rupted the play of the ascending current, which, during the day, rose from the plains towards the high regions phere; and the air, in cooling, lost its expa- nding water. A Btrong northerly wind chased the clouds; the moon at intervals, shooting the vapoui posed its disk on a armament of the darkest blue; and the view of the volcano threw a maj( haraoter over the nocturnal scenery, Some- MORNING CLOUDS. 45 times the peak was entirely hidden from tneir eyes by the fog, at other times it broke upon them in terrific proximity ; and, like an enormous pyramid, threw its shadow over the clouds rolling beneath their feet. About three in the morninsr, bv the sombrous light of a few fir torches, they started on their journey to the summit of the Sugar-loaf. They scaled the volcano on. the northeast side, where the declivities were extremely steep ; and after two hours' toil reached a small plain, which, on account of its elevated position, bore the name of Alta Yista. This was the station of the neveros, those natives whose occupation it was to collect ice and snow, which they sold in the neighbouring towns. Their mules, better practised in climbing mountains than those hired by travellers, reach Alta Vista, and the neveros are obliged to transport the snow to that place on their backs. Above this point commenced the Malpays, a term by which is designated here, as well as in every other country subject to volcanoes, a ground destitute of vegetable mould, and covered with fragments of lava. Day was beginning to dawn when the travellers left the ice-cavern. They observed, during the twilight, a phenomenon which is not unusual on high mountains, but which the position of the volcano they were scaling rendered very striking. A layer of white and fleecy clouds concealed from them the sight of the ocean, and the lower region of the island. This layer did not ap- pear above five thousand feet high ; the clouds were so uniformly spread, and kept so perfect a level, that they wore the appearance of a vast plain covered with snow. The colossal pyramid of the peak, the volcanic summits of Lancerota, of Forteventura, and the isle of Palma, A GBAND ii.I.cmi v\Tl< >v. were like rocks amidst this vast aea of vapours, and their black tints were in line contrast with the whiteness of the clouds, While they were climbing over the broken lavas of the Ma. . they perceived a very curious optical phe- nomenon, which lasted some minutes. They thought .v on the east side small rockets thrown into the air. Luminous points, about Beven or eight degrees above the horizon, appeared first to move in a vertical direction; but their motion was gradually changed into a horizontal oscillation. Their fellow-travellers, their guides • v< n, were astonished at this phenomenon, with- out either Humboldt or Bonpland having made any remark i^\ it to them. The travellers thought, at first . that these luminous points, which floated in tho air, indicate d some new eruption of the great volcano of Lancerota; for they recollected that Bouguer and La ( [amine, in scaling the volcano of Pichincha, were witnesses of the eruption of Cotopaxi. But the illusion 1. and they found that the luminous points were the images of a iveral stars magnified by the vapours. These images remained motionless at intervals, they then emed to rise perpendicularly, descended sideways, and returned to the point whence they had departed. This motion lasted our or two seconds. Though thev had no act means of measuring the extent of the lateral shift- ing they did not tic less distinctly observe the path of the luminous poim. p did not appear double from an »f mir . and left no trace of light behind. Bringing, with the telescope of a small sextant, the stars int<> contact with the lofty summit of a mountain in acerot . Bumboldt observed that the oscillation was ACROSS THE MALPAYS. 47 constantly directed towards the same point, which was towards that part of the horizon where the disk of the sun was to appear ; and that making allowance for the motion of the star in its declination, the image re- turned always to the same place. These appearances of lateral refraction ceased long before daylight rendered the stars quite invisible. The road, which they were obliged to clear for them- selves across the Malpays, was extremely fatiguing. The ascent was steep, and the blocks of lava rolled from beneath their feet. At the peak the lava, broken into sharp pieces, left hollows, in which they risked falling up to their waists. Unfortunately the listlessness of their guides contributed to increase the difficulty of this ascent. Models of the phlegmatic, they had wished to persuade Humboldt and Bonpland on the preceding evening not to go beyond the station of the rocks. Every ten minutes they sat down to rest themselves, and when unobserved they threw away the specimens of obsidian and pumice-stone, which the geologists had carefully collected. They discovered at length that none of the guides had ever visited the summit of the volcano. After three hours' walking, they reached, at the ex- tremity of the Malpays, a small plain, called La Ram- bleta, from the centre of which the Sugar-loaf took its rise. They had yet to scale the steepest part of the mountain, the Sugar-loaf, which formed the summit. The slope of this small cone, covered with volcanic ashes, and fragments of pumice-stone, was so steep, that it would have been almost impossible to reach the top, had they not ascended by an old current of lava, the debris of which had resisted the ravages of time. These 1 s si MMIT or mi: BUG u:-i <> \r. g formed a wall ol ':. which Btretched midst of the I- - 3. They ascended tin' Sugar-loaf by grasping the half-decomposed seorii which often broke in their hands. They employi nearly half an hour t" Bcale a hill, the perpendicular height of which waa Bcarcely five hundred and forty feet. When they gained the summit <»!' the Sugar-loaf tl i !-» find scarcely room enough t<> seat themseh iveniently. They were stopped by a i'l circular wall of porphyritdc lava, with a base of pitchstone, which c aled from them the view <»f tlic era* 'I'ii.' wesl wind blew with Buch violence that th< c ild scarcely stand. I' waa i ight in the morning, and they Buffered rely from the cold, though the thermometer kept a little above freezing point The wall which surrounded the crater like a parapet, was bo high, that it would have been impossible to reach tin' crater itself if. on the eastern Bide, there had not been a breach, which seemed to have been the effect of a flowing of very old lava. They descended through this breach toward the bottom of the runnel, the figure of which was elliptic. The greatest breadth of the mouth appeared t<> them to be three hundred feet, the smallest o hundred feet, Tl bernal edges of the crater were almost perpen- dicular. They descended to the bottom of the crater on a train of broken lava, from the eastern breach of the in The heat was perceptible only in a few . which gave v.-ut to aqueous vapours with a buzzing noise. Some of these funnels or cre- vic ire on theoutsideof the inclosure, on the external brink of the parapet thai Burrounded the crater. Hum- EDGE OF THE CRATER. 49 boldt plunged the thermometer into them, and saw it rise rapidly to 154° and 167°. He also sketched on the spot a view of the interior edge of the crater as it pre- sented itself in the descent by the eastern track. The top of the circular wall exhibited those curious ramifications which are found in coke. The northern edge was most elevated. Towards the south-west the enclosure was considerably sunk, and an enormous mass of scorious lava seemed glued to the extremity of the brink. The rock was perforated on the west, and a large opening gave a view of the horizon of the sea. Seated on the brink of the crater, Humboldt dug a hole some inches deep, into which he placed the thermo- meter, which rapidly rose to 107°. Some sulphurous crys- tals which he gathered here, consumed the paper in which he wrapt them, and a part of his mineralogical journal besides. From the outer edge of the crater the admiring tra- vellers turned their eyes towards the north-east, where the coasts were studded with villages and hamlets. At their feet were masses of vapour constantly drifted by the winds. A uniform stratum of clouds had been pierced in several places by the effect of the small currents of air, which the earth, heated by the sun, began to send towards them. The port of Orotava, its vessels at anchor, the gardens and the vineyards encircling the town, showed themselves through an opening which seemed to enlarge every instant. From the summit of these solitary regions their eyes wandered over an inhabited world. They enjoyed the striking contrast between the bare sides of the peak, its steep declivities covered with scoriae, its elevated plains destitute of vege- 3 KAGNIl I- I.N I PROSPECT. • don, and the smiling aspect of the cultured country be- neath. They beheld the plants divided by zones, as the • aperature of the atmosphere diminished with the eleva- tion of the Bit . B slow the Sugar-loaf; Lichens began to v. t the Boorious and lustrous lava : and viol. is rose on tin- slope of the volcano al eight thousand five hundred • of height Tufts of retama, loaded with Bowers, adorned the valleys hollowed out by the torrents, and en- tnbered with the effects of the lateral eruptiona Below the retama, lay the region of ferns, bordered by the tract of the arb at heaths. Forests of laurel, rhamnus, and arbutus, divided the ericas from the rising grounds planted with vines and fruit trees. A rich carpet of verdure extended from the plain of spartium, and the zone of the alpine plants even to the groups of the date tree and the musa, at the feet of which the ocean ap- peared to roll. The seeming proximity, in which, from the summit of the peak, they beheld the hamlets, the vineyards, and the gardens on the coast, was increased by the prodigious transparency of the atmosphere. In. spite of the great distance, they could plainly distinguish not only the houses, the sails of the vessels, and the trunks of the trees, but they could discern the vivid colouring of the vegetation of the plains. Notwithstanding the heat which they felt in their feet 011 the i of the crater, the cone of ashes remains ■iv. 1 with snow during several months in winter. It was probable that under the cap of snow considerable hollows were found, like those existing under the gla- re of Switzerland, the temperature of which was con- ntly . levated than that of the soil on which they reposed. The cold and violent wind, which blew from DESCENDING THE SUGAR-LOAF. 51 the time of sunrise, induced them to seek shelter at the foot of the Sugar-loaf. Their hands and faces were nearly frozen, while their boots were burnt by the soil on which they walked. They descended in the space of a few minutes the Sugar-loaf which they had scaled with so much toil ; and this rapidity was in part in voluntas, for they often rolled down on the ashes. It was with regret that they quitted this solitude, this domain where Nature reigned in all her majesty. They traversed the Malpays but slowly ; for their feet found no sure foundation on the loose blocks of lava. Nearer the station of the rocks, the descent became ex- tremely difficult ; the compact short-swarded turf was so slippery that they were obliged to incline their bodies continually backward, in order to avoid falling. In the sandy plain of retama, the thermometer rose to 72° ; and this heat seemed to them suffocating in comparison with the cold, which they had suffered from the air on the summit of the volcano. They were absolutely with- out water ; for their guides, not satisfied with drinking clandestinely their little supply of Malmsey wine, had broken their water jars. They at length enjoyed the refreshing breeze in the beautiful region of the arborescent erica and fern, and were enveloped in a thick bed of clouds stationary at three thou- sand six hundred feet above the plain. The clouds having dispersed, they remarked a phenomenon which afterwards became familiar to them on the declivities of the Cordilleras. Small currents of air chased trains of cloud with unequal velocity, and in opposite directions: they bore the ap- pearance of streamlets of water in rapid motion and flowing in all directions, amidst a great mass of stagnant i.\ i. oi m. jomr. As the travellers approached the town of Oro lav.-i. they met great flocks of canaries. These birds, 11 known in Europe and America, were in genera] uniformly green. Some, however, had a yellow tinge on their backs; their note was the same as that of the tame canary. Towards the close of tin • day they reached the port ofOrotava, where they received the unexpected intelligence thai the Pizarro would no1 Be1 sail till the th or 25th. If they could have calculated on this' de- lav, thev might either have Lengthened their Btav on the peak, or have made an excursion to the volcano of Cba- horra. As it was they passed the following day in visit- ing the environs of Orotava, and enjoying its agreeable jiety. They were prescnl on the eve of St. John at a pastoral fi§te. In the beginning of the evening the Blope of the volcano exhibited on a sudden a most extraordi- nary spectacle. The Bhepherds, in conformity to a cus- tom, do doubl introduced by the Spaniards, had lighted the fires of St John. The scattered masses of fire, and the columns of smoke driven by the wind, formed a fine ntrast with the deep verdure <>f the forests which yered the sides of the peak. Shouts of joy resound- ing from afar were the only sounds that broke the silence of nature in these solitary regions. They left the road of Santa Cruz on the 25th of June, and directed their course towards South America, They On 1".-! Bight of the Canary Islands, the lofty moun- tains of which were covered with a reddish vapour. The peak alone appeared from time to time, as at intervals the wmd di ed the clouds that enveloped the Sugar-loaf. A few land birds, which had been driven to sea by the impetuosity of the wind, followed them for several days. AT SEA AGAIN. 53 The wind fell gradual! y the farther they receded from the African coast : it was sometimes smooth water for several hours, and these short calms were regularly inter- rupted by electrical phenomena. Black thick clouds, marked by strong outlines, rose on the east, and it seem- ed as if a squall would have forced the Pizarro to hand her topsails ; but the breeze freshened anew, there fell a few large drops of rain, and the storm dispersed with- out their hearing any thunder. To the north of the Cape Verd Islands they met with great masses of floating seaweeds. They were the tropic grape, which grows on submarine rocks, only from the equator to the fortieth degree of north and south lati- tude. From the twenty-second degree of latitude, they found the surface of the sea covered with flying-fish, which threw themselves up into the air, twelve, fifteen,. or eighteen feet, and fell down on the deck. From the time they entered the torrid zone, they were never weary of admiring, at night, the beauty of the southern sky, which, as they advanced to the south, opened new constellations to their view. " We feel," says Humboldt, writing of himself at this time, " we feel an indescribable sensation when, on approaching the equator, and particularly on passing from one hemi- sphere to the other, we see those stars, which we have contemplated from our infancy, progressively sink, and finally disappear. Nothing awakens in the traveller a livelier remembrance of the immense distance by which he is separated from his country, than the aspect of an unknown firmament. The grouping of the stars of the first magnitude, some scattered nebulas, rivalling in splen- dour the milky way, and tracts of space remarkable for THE BOOT BERN I BOSS. their i me blackness ve a peculiar physiognoriy to the Bouthern sky. This sight fills with admiration even tip'-.- who, uninstructed in the several branches of physical feel the same emotion of delighl In the contempla- tion of the heavenly vault, as in the view of a beautiful landscape, or a majestic rite. A traveller needs not t<» be a botanist, to recognise the torrid zone by the mere aspect of its vegetation. Without having acquired any notions of astronomy, without any acquaintance with the celes- tial charts of Flamstead and De la Cattle, he feels he is not in Europe, when Ik1 sees the immense constellation of the Shi]», or the phosphorescent Clouds of* Magellan, arise on the horizon. The heavens and the earth, everything in the equinoctial regions, presents an exotic character." The lower regions of the air were loaded with vapours for soup' da\ They saw distinctly for the first time the Southern Cross only on the night of the 4th of July, in th<- sixteenth degree of latitude. It was strongly in- clined, and appeared from time to time between the clouds, the centre of which, furrowed by uncondensed lightnings, reflected a silvery light. The pleasure the travellers felt on discovering the •uthern Cross was warmly shared by those of the crew who had visited the colonies. In the solitude of the .ve hail a star as ;i friend, from whom we have long been separated. The Portuguese and the Spaniards are peculiarly Busoeptible of this feeling; a religious senti- ment attaches them to this constellation, the form of which recalls the sign of the faith planted by their an- rtora in the desi rte of the New World. The two greal stars which mark the summit and the PAUL AND VIRGINIA. 55 foot of the Cross having nearly the same right ascension, it follows that the constellation is almost perpendicular at the moment when it passes the meridian. This cir- cumstance is known to the people of every nation situ- ated beyond the tropics, or in the southern hemisphere. It has been observed at what hour of the night, in differ- ent seasons, the Cross is erect or inclined. It is a time- piece which advances very regularly nearly four minutes a day, and no other group of stars affords to the naked eye an observation of time so easily made. Often after- ward did Humboldt and Bonpland hear their guides ex- claim in the savannahs of Venezuela, or in the desert extending from Lima to Truxillo, " Midnight is past, the Cross begins to bend !" It reminded them of that affect- ing scene, where Paul and Virginia, seated near the source of the river of Lataniers, conversed together for the last time, and where the old man, at the sight of the Southern Cross, warned them that it was time to sepa- rate. The last days of their passage were not so felicitous as the mildness of the climate and the calmness of the ocean had led them to hope. The dangers of the sea did not disturb them, but the germs of a malignant fever became manifest on board the Pizarro, as they drew near the An- tilles. Between decks the ship was excessively hot, and very much crowded. From the time they passed the tropic, the thermometer stood at 93° or 97°. Two sail ors, several passengers, two negroes from the coast of Guinea, and a mulatto child, were attacked with a dis- order which appeared to be epidemic. On the morning of the 13th high land was seen from the masthead, though not clearly, as it was surrounded FEVER ON BOARD. with a thick fog. The wind blew bard, and the sea was \.r. rough. Large drops of rain fell at intervals, and ■iv indication menaced tempestuous weather. \\ hen the sun rose, and the fog cleared away, they saw the island of Tobago. It was a heap of rocks carefully cul- tivated. The dazzling whiteness of the stone formed an ngreeable contrast to the Verdun- of some scattered tufts of trees. Cylindric and very lofty cactuses crowned the top of the mountains, and gave a peculiar physiognomy t<> this tropica] landscape. The wind slackened after sunset, and the clouds disappeared as the moon reached the zenith. Tin- number of falling stars was consider- able on this and th<< following nights. The malady which had broken out on board the Pizarro had made rapid progress, from the time when they approached the coasts of Terra Firma; but having irly reached the end of their voyage, they flattered themselves that all who were sick would l>e restored to health, as soon as they could land them at the island of St Margareta, or the port of Cumana. This hope was no1 destined to be realized, due voung- • of tin- passengers attacked with the malignant fever fell a victim to the disease. Be was an Asturian, nine- d years of age, the only son of a poor widow. Seve- ral circumstances rendered the death of this young man affecting. Ee had embarked against his own inclination ; and his mother, whom he had hoped to assist by the produce of his efforts, had made a sacrifice of her afleo n in the hope of Becuring the fortune of her son, by ■ diner him to the colonies to a rich relation, who re- island «-f Cub;!. The unfortunate young man expired on the third day of his illness, having fallen FUNERAL AT SEA. 57 from the beginning into a lethargic state interrupted only by fits of delirium. Another Asturian, still younger, did not leave for one moment the bed of his dying friend ; still he did not contract the disorder. Humboldt and Bonpland assembled on the deck, ab- sorbed in melancholy reflections. It was no longer doubtful, that the fever which raged on board had as- sumed within the last few da}rs a fatal aspect, Their eyes were fixed on a hilly and desert coast on which the moon, from time to time, shed her light athwart the clouds. The sea, gently agitated, emitted a feeble phos- phoric light. Nothing was heard but the monotonous cry of a few large sea-birds, flying towards the shore. A profound calm reigned over these solitary regions, but this calm of nature was in discordance with the painful feelings by which they were oppressed. About eight o'clock the dead man's knell slowly tolled. The sailors suspended their labours, and threw themselves on their knees to offer a momentary prayer. All were united in one common sorrow for a misfortune which was felt to be common to all. The corpse was brought upon deck during the night, but the priest entreated that it might not be committed to the waves till after sunrise, that the last rites might be performed, according to the usage of the Eomish church. There was not an indivi- dual on board, who did not deplore the death of this young man, whom they had beheld, but a few days be- fore, full of cheerfulness and health. Most of the passengers considered the vessel infected, and resolved to leave her at the first place at which she might touch; among these were Humboldt and Bon- pland. It was not that they feared the fever, but 3* 1\ SIOH1 OF LAND. 1 wishing to visit Mexico until they had rrade some sojourn on the ' ol Venezuela and Paria, they thought it besl to land at Cumana. 1 1 1 mi) >< »1< It waa auxioua to behold in thru- native Bite the beautiful tropic plants which he had Been in the conservatory at Vienna. < »ii the morning of the L5th they perceived a very low islet, covered with a few sandy downs, <>n which they could discover with their glasses no trace of habitation or culture. Cylindrical cactuses rose here and there in the form of candelabra. The soil, almost destitute of vegetation, seemed to have a waving motion, in eonse- quence of the extraordinary refraction which the rays of the sun underwent in traversing the strata of air in contact with plains strongly heated. Under every zone, deserts and sandy Bhores appear like an agitated sea, from the i ffi cl of mirage. The i -, seen at a distance, Were like clouds, in which each observer met the form of the objects that occupied his imagination. The bearings of the vessel, and the chronometer being at variance with the charts which they had to consult, the crew and the passengers wen- lost in v;iin conjectures. Sonic took mounds of sand tor Indian huts, and pointed out the place where they alleged the fort of Pampatar was situated ; others •v herds of goats, which were common in the dry valley of St John; or descried the lofty mountains of MacanaO, which seemed t0 them partly hidden by the cloud-. The captain resolved to send a pilot on shore, and the men were preparing to get out the long-boat when two canoes were perceived sailing along the coast. asel fired a gun as a signal for them, and hoisted THE INDIAN PILOT. 59 Spanish colours, but they drew near with distrust. These canoes, like all those in use among the natives, were constructed of the single trunk of a tree. In each canoe there were eighteen Guayqueria Indians, naked to the waist, and of very tall stature. They had the appearance of great muscular strength, and the colour of their skin was something between brown and copper-colour. Seen at a distance, standing motionless, and projected on the horizon, they might have been taken for statues of bronze. When they were near enough for those on board the Pizarro to hail them, which they did in Spanish, they threw off their mistrust and carfte on board. They had left the port of Cumana, they said, during the night, and were going in search of timber to the cedar forests, which extended from Cape San Jose to beyond the mouth of Rio Carupano. They gave Humboldt some fresh cocoa-nuts, and some beautifully coloured fish. What riches to his eyes were contained in the canoes of these poor Indians ! Broad spreading leaves, covered bunches of plantains. The scaly cuirass of an armadillo, the fruit of the cala- bash tree, used as a cup by the natives, productions common in the cabinets of Europe, had a peculiar charm for him, because they reminded him that, having reached the torrid zone, he had attained the end to which his wishes had been so long directed. The master of one of the canoes came on board as pilot, and the Pizarro weighed anchor towards evening. They soon came in sight of the little island of Cubagua, formerly celebrated for its pearl fisheries, but now en- tirely deserted. There being but little wind, however, the captain stood off and on till daybreak. Humboldt and Bonpland passed a part of the night on deck, con- i EUE1 i:i:a< ii CI ItANA. reing with the Indian pilot respecting the animalB and plants <>f his country. At daybreak on the 1 * » 1 1 1 of July. 1799, forty-one days after their departure from Corunna, they beheld a verdant f picturesque •;. The mountains of .Ww Andalusia, half-veiled by mists, bounded the hori- :i to the south. The city of Cumana and its castle. ap ii group They anchored in the port about nine in the morning: the sick dragged themselves on deck to enjoy the sin! it of a land which was to put an cm! to their Bufferings, The eyes of the naturalists were fixed on the groups of cocoa-trees which bordered the river: their trunks, more than sixtv feet high, towered over every object in landscape. The plain was covered with tufts of Cassia, Caper, and ar- borescent mimosas, which spread their branches in the form of an umbrella. The pinnated leaves of the palms were conspicuous on the azure sky, the clearness of which was unsullied by any trace of vapour. The sun wa ndiirj- rapidly towards the zenith. A dazzling light was spread through the air, along the whitish hills, which were strewed with cactuses, and over a sea ever calm, the Bhores of which were peopled with brown pelicans, egrets, and ilaiiiin. The splendour of the day, the vivid colouring of the \ able world, the forms of the plants, the varied plumage of the birds, everything was stamped with the grand character of nature in the equinoctial regions. CHAPTER II. ABOUT CUMANA. The captain of the Pizarro conducted Humboldt and Bonpland to Don Yincente Emparan, the governor of the province, that they might present to him the passports which had been furnished them by the Secretary of State at Madrid. He received them with much cordiality, and expressed his great satisfaction at the resolution they had taken to remain for some time in the province, which at that period was but little known, even by name, in Europe. Senor Emparan was a lover of science, and the public marks of consideration which he gave them during a long abode in his government, contributed greatly to procure them a favourable welcome in every part of South America. The city of Cumana occupied the ground lying be- tween the castle of San Antonio, and the small rivers of Manzanares and Santa Catalina. The banks of the Manzanares were very pleasant, and were shaded by mimosas, erythrinas, ceibas, and other trees of gigantic growth. The children of Cumana passed a considerable part of their lives in its waters ; all the inhabitants, even the women of the most opulent families, knew, how to swim ; and in a country where man was so near the state 62 Bl i:i:vi:niiv s\\ immi HQ. of nature, one of the first questions asked on meeting in the morning was. whether the water was cooler than it wa the preceding evening. One of the modes ol bathing was curious. Every evening Bumboldt and J". >npland visited a family in the suburb of the Guay- querias. In a fine moonlighl night, chairs were placed in the water; the men and women were Lightly clothed, and the family and strangers, assembled in the river, passed BOme hours in smoking cigars, and in talking, according to the custom of the country, of the extreme dryness of the season, of the abundant rains in the neigh- bouring districts, and particularly of the extravagances of which the ladies of Cuniana accused those of Ca- racas and Havaiina. The company were luckily under no appn hensions from the small crocodiles, which were thru extremely scarce, and which approached, men without attacking them. These animals are three or four reel Long. Bumboldt never met with them in the Manzanans, but found a great number of dolphins, which sometimes ascended the river in the night, and frightened the bathers by spouting water. The situation of the house which Humboldt and Bon- pland occupied was highly favourable for the observa- tion of the stars and meteorological phenomena. The view from it by day, however, was b\T no means plea- sant to them ; for a part of the great Bquare on which it ■d was surrounded with arcades, above which was one of those long wooden galleries, common in warm coun- t ri- This was the place where slaves were sold. The sta 1 to aale were young men from fifteen to twenty years of a'_rc Every morning cocoa-nut oil was distributed among them, with which they rubbed their THE RIVER MANZANAREZ. 63 bodies, to give their skins a black polish. The persona who came to purchase examined the teeth of these slaves, to judge of their age and health, forcing open their mouths as if they had been horses in a market. The first excursion of the travellers was to the peninsula of Araya. They embarked on the Rio Manzanares on the 19th of August, about two in the morning. The principal objects of this excursion were, to see the ruins of the cas- tle of Araya, to examine the salt-works, and to make a few geological observations on the mountains forming the narrow peninsula of Maniquarez. The night was de- lightfully cool ; swarms of phosphorescent insects glis- tened in the air, and over the groves of mimosa which bordered the river. When, on descending the river, they drew near planta- tions, they saw bonfires kindled by the negroes. A light and undulating smoke rose to the tops of the palm- trees, and imparted a reddish hue to the disk of the moon. It was on a Sunday night, and the slaves were dancing to the music of the guitar. The bark in which the}*- passed the gulf of Cariaco was very spacious. Large skins of the jaguar, or American tiger, were spread for their repose during the night. Though they had been scarcely two months yet in the torrid zone, they had already become so sensible to the smallest variation of temperature that the cold prevented them from sleeping. They landed at Araya, and examined the salt-works, and having finished their operations, departed at sunset to sleep at an Indian hut, some miles distant, near the ruins of the castle of Araya. Night overtook them while they were in a narrow path, bordered on one side by the sea, and on the other by a range of perpendicular 6 I GENIUS IX 0BBC1 i:n V. rocks. The tide was risiiig rapidly, and narrowed the road at every step. They at Length arrived at the foot of the old castle of Araya, where they enjoyed a pr pect that had in it something melancholy and romantic The ruii d on a hare and arid mountain, which was crowned with agave, cactus, and thorny mimosas, and bore less resemblance to the works of man, than to in. if rock which were ruptured at the early revolu- tions of the globe. Among the mulattoes, whose lints surrounded the salt lake, they found a shoemaker of Castilian descent. He received them with an air of gravity and self-sufficiency. II>' was employed in stretching the string of his bow, and sharpening Ins arrows to shoot birds. His trade of shoemaker was not very lucrative in a country where the greater pari of the inhabitants went barefooted; ami h-' complained that, on account of the dearness of E Lropean gunpowder, a man of his quality was reduced employ the same weapons as the Indians. lie was the sage of the plain: he understood the formation of the salt by the influence of the sun and full moon, the symptoms of earthquakes, the marks by which mines of Id and silver were discovered, and the medicinal plants, which he classified into hot and c<>hK llavin<* I the traditions of the country, lie irave them trious accounts of the pearls of Cubagua, objects <>f luxury, which he treated with the utmost contempt To show the travellers how familiar to him were the cred writings he took a pride in reminding them that .1-!. preferred wisdom to all the pearls of the Indies. His philosophy was circumscrihed to the narrow circle of the want.- of Life, The possession of a very strong MANIQUAREZ. 65 ass, able to carry a heavy load of plantains to the land- ing-place, was the consummation of all his wishes. After a long discourse- on the emptiness of human greatness, he drew from a leathern pouch a few very small opaque pearls, which he forced Humboldt to ac- cept, enjoining him at the same time to note on his tablets that a poor shoemaker of Araya, but a white man, and of noble Castilian race, had been enabled to give him something which, on the other side of the sea, was sought for as very precious. In the morning the son of their Indian host conducted them to the village of Maniquarez. On their way they examined the ruins of Santiago, the structure of which was remarkable for its extreme solidity. The walls of freestone, five feet thick, had been blown up by mines ; but they still found masses of seven or eight hundred feet square, which had scarcely a crack in them. Their guide showed them a cistern, thirty feet deep, which, though much damaged, furnished water to the inhabit- ants of the peninsula of Araya. After having examined the environs of Maniquarez, they embarked at night in a fishing-boat for Cumana. The small crazy boats employed by the natives here, bore testimony to the extreme calmness of the sea in these regions. The boat of the travellers, though the best they could procure, was so leaky, that the pilot's son was constantly employed in baling out the water with a calabash shell. Their first visit to the peninsula of Araya was soon succeeded by an excursion to the mountains of the mis- sions of the Chayma Indians. On the 4th of September, at five in the morning, they M I "' " n I '» 1 HE MOl m HNS. ii their journey. <>n accounl of the extreme diffi- culties of tin- road, they had been advised to reduce their bagj to a very small bulk. Two beasts of burden were Bufficienl to carry their provision, their instruments, and the paper necessary to dry their plants. The morn- deliciously cooL The road, which led to Cuma- nacoa, ran along the ri,Lrlit bank of the Aianzanares, pass- ing by the hospital of the Capuchins. On leaving Cu- mana they enjoyed during the Bhoii duration of the twi- bt, tVoin the top of the hill of San Francisco, an extensive view over the sea, the plain covered with >lden Bowers, and the mountains of the Brigantine. After walking two hours, they arrived at the foot of the high chain of the interior mountains, which stretched from east lowest: from the Brigantine to the Cerro de San Lorenzo. There, new rocks appeared, and with them another aspect of vegetation. Every object as- Burned a more majestic and picturesque character. The !, watered by springs, was furrowed in every direction; trees of gigantic height, covered with lianas, rose from the ravines; their bark, black and burnt by the double action of the light and the oxygen of the atmosphere, tntrasted with the fresh verdure of the pothos and dra- :itium, the tough and shining leaves of which were letimes Beveral feel long. Prom the top of a hill of sandstone, they had a mag- nifioent view of the a a. of Cape Macanao, and the pen- insula of ftfaniquarez. At their feet an immense forest i (tended to the edge of the ocean. The tops of the trees, intertwined with lianas, and crowned with long wreaths of flowers, formed a vast carpel of verdure, the dark tint of which augmented the splendour of the aerial light. THE IMPOSIBLE. 67 In proportion as they penetrated into the forest the barometer indicated the progressive elevation of the land. The trunks of the trees here presented a curious phenome- non, for a gramineous plant, like a liana, eight or ten feet high, formed festoons, which crossed the path, and swung about with the wind. They halted in the afternoon, on a small flat, known by the name of Quetepe. A few small houses had been erected near a spring, well known by the natives for its coolness and great salubrity. They found the water delicious. As they advanced toward the south-west, the soil be- came dry and sandy. They climbed a group of moun- tains, which separated the coast from the vast plains, or savannahs, bordered by the Orinoco. That part of the group, over which passed the road to Cumanacoa, was destitute of vegetation, and had steep declivities both on the north and the south. It was known by the name of the Imposible, because it was believed that, in the case of hostile invasion, this ridge of mountains would be inaccessible to the enemy, and would offer an asylum to the inhabitants of Cumana. The view from the Im- posible was finer and more extensive than that from the table-land of Quetepe. Humboldt distinguished clearly by the naked eye the flattened top of the Brigantine, the landing-place, and the roadstead of Cumana. The rocky coast of the peninsula of Araya was discernible in its whole length. The travellers were particularly struck with the extraordinary configuration of a port, known by the name of Laguna Grande. A vast basin, sur- rounded by high mountains, communicated with the gulf of Cariaco by a narrow channel which admitted of the passage of only one ship at a time. THE BURNING FOREST. This port v. ipable of containing several squadiona at mi. It was an uninhabited place, bnt annually fre- quented by vessels, which carried mules to the West [ndia Islands. Bumboldl traced the rinuosities of this arm of the sea, which, like a river, had dug a bed be- ■ een perpendicular rocks destitute of vegetation. The prosped here reminded him of the fanciful landscape which Leonardo da Vinci has made the back-ground of his famous portrait of Mona Lisa, the wife of Francisco del Giacondo. The Llanero8, or inhabitants of the plains, sent their produce, especially maize, Leather, and cattle, to the port of Cumana by the road over the bnposible. Humboldt and Bonpland continually saw mules arrive, driven by [ndians, or mulattoes. Several parts of the vast forest, which Burrounded the mountain, had taken fire; and the reddisb Barnes, half enveloped in clouds of smoke, presented a grand spectacle. The inhabitants frequently • fire to the forests, to improve the pasturage, and to destroy the shrubs that choked the grass. Enor- mous conflagrations, too, were often caused by the care- lessness of the Indians, who neglect, when they travel, to extinguish the tires by which thev dress their food. • * Thev left the Imposible early in the morning of the 5th of September. The path was dangerous for their beasts, being in most places but fifteen inches broad, and bordered by precipice When they quitted it it was to enter a thick forest, traversed by manv small rivers. They walked for some hours in the shade of this forest, with scarcely a glimpse of the Bky. In this place they were struck for the first time with the aighl of nests in the shape of bottles, or small bags, SAN FERNANDO. 69 suspended from the branches of the lowest trees, and attesting the wonderful industry of the orioles, that mingled their warbling with the hoarse cries of the par- rots and the macaws. They left the forests, and taking a narrow path with many windings, carne into an open, but humid country. Here the evaporation caused by the action of the sun was so great that they were wet as with a vapour bath. The road was bordered with a kind of bamboo, more than forty feet in height. Nothing could exceed its elegance. Its smooth and glossy trunk generally bent towards the banks of rivulets, and it waved with the lightest breath of air. The road led them to the small village of San Fer- nando, which was situated in a narrow plain, and sur- rounded by steep rocks. This was the first mission they saw in America. The huts of the Chayma Indians, though separated from each other, were not surrounded by gardens. The streets, which were wide and very straight, crossed each other at right angles. The walls of the huts were made of clay, strengthened by lianas. The uniformity of these huts, the grave and taciturn air of their inhabitants, and the extreme neatness of the dwellings reminded Humboldt of the establishments of the Moravian Brethren. Besides their own gardens, every Indian family helped to cultivate the garden of the community, which was situated at some distance from the village. In this garden the adults of each sex worked one hour in the morning, and one in the evening. The great square of San Fernando, in the centre of the village, contained the church, the dwelling of the mis- sionary, and a very humble-looking edifice pompously called the king's house. This was a caravanserai, des- 7'» TIIK l ATHKIi-MoTHKR. tin,',! for lodging travellers ; and, as our travellers often perienced, infinitely valuable in a country where the name of an inn was unknown. The missionary of San Fernando was a Capuchin, a native of Aragon, far advanced in years, bul strong and healthy. 1 1 is extreme corpulency, his hilarity, the in teresl he took in battles and si . ill accorded with the ideas we form of the melancholy reveries and the con- templative life of missionaries. Though extremely busy about a COW which was to be killed next day. the old monk received Humboldt and Bonpland with kindness, and permitted them to hang up their hammocks in a llery of his house. Seated, without doing anything, the greater part of the daw in an arm-chair of red wood, he complained bitterly of what he called the indolence and ignorance of his countrymen. The Bight of Humboldt's instruments, and books, and the dried plants of Bon- pland drew from him a sarcastic smile; and he acknow- ledged, with the naivete* peculiar to the inhabitants of those countries, that of all the enjoyments of life, without excepting sleep, none was comparable to the pleasure of eating good beef. In the village of Arenas, at which they next arrived, lived a labourer, Francisco Lozano, who presented a curi- ous physiological phenomenon. This man had suckled iiild with his own milk. The mother having fallen ';. the father, to quiet the infant, took it into bed, and press- -d it to his bosom. Lozano, then thirty-two years had never before remarked that he had milk: but the irritation of the nipple, sucked by the child, caused the accumulation of that liquid. The milk was thick and very sweet Astonished at the increased size IN SIGHT OF THE TURIMIQUIRI. 71 of his breast, the father suckled his child two or three times a day during five months. He drew on himself the attention of his neighbours, but he never thought, as he probably would have done in Europe, of deriving any advantage from the curiosity he excited. Humboldt and Bonpland saw the certificate, which had been drawn up on the spot, to attest this remarkable fact, eye-witnesses of which were then living. They assured them that, during this suckling, the child had no other nourishment than the milk of his father. Lo- zano, who was not at Arenas during their journey in the missions, came to them afterwards at Cumana. He was accompanied by his son, then thirteen or fourteen years of age. Bonpland examined with attention the father's breasts, and found them wrinkled like those of a woman who has given suck. He observed that the left breast in particular was much enlarged; which Lozano explained from the circumstance, that the two breasts did not furnish milk in the same abundance. Don Yicente Emparan sent a circumstantial account of this phenomenon to Cadiz. As they approached the southern bank of the basin of Cumanacoa, they enjoyed the view of the Turimiquiri. An enormous wall of rocks, the remains of an ancient cliff, rose in the midst of the forests. Farther to the west, at Cerro del Cuchivano, the chain of mountains seemed as if broken by the effects of an earthquake. The crevice, which was more than nine hundred feet wide, was surrounded by perpendicular rocks, and filled with trees, the interwoven branches of which found no room to spread. It appeared like a mine opened by the falling in of the earth. Two caverns opened into this 72 GOLDEN DBSAMB. whence at times there issued flames which might be seen a1 a great distance in the night; judging by the elevation of the rocks, above which these fiery exhala- tions ascended, Humboldl was Led to think thai they roe vers] hundred feet In an excursion which thev made at Rinconado the travellers attempted to penetrate into the crevice, wish- ing to examine the r<»cks which Beemed to contain in their bosom the cause of these extraordinary conflagrations; but the strength of the vegetation, the interweaving of the Lianas, and thorny plants, hindered their pro- gress. Happily the inhabitants of the valley themselves felt a warm interest in their researches, less from the fear of a volcanic explosion, than because their minds were impressed with the idea that the crevice Contained a gold mine; and although the travellers expressed their doubts of the existence of gold in a secondary limestone, they insisted on knowing "what the German miner thought of the richness of the vein." Ever since the time of Charles V. and the government of the Welsers, the Alfingers, ami th ■ Sailers, at Coro and Caracas, the pco- ple of Terra Firma had entertained a great confidence in the Germans with respect to all that related to the work- ing of miu.'S. Wherever Humboldt went in South America, when the place of his birth was known, he was shown Bamples of ore. In these colonies every French- m;iii was supposed t<> he a physician, and every German a miner. The tanners, with the aid of their slaves, opened a path across the w Is to the first fall of the Rio Juagua; and on the LOth of September Eumboldt and Bonpland made their excursion to the crevice. On entering it they GOISTG TO THE CREVICE. 73 recognised the proximity of tigers by a porcupine re- cently embowelled. For greater security the Indians returned to the farm, and brought back some dogs of a very small breed. The travellers were assured that in the event of meeting a jaguar in a narrow path he would spring on the dog rather than on a man. They did not proceed along the brink of the torrent, but on the slope of the rocks which overhung the water. They walked on the side of a precipice from two to three hundred feet deep, on a kind of very narrow cornice ; when the cor- nice was so narrow that they could find no place for their feet they descended into the torrent, crossed it by fording, and then climbed the opposite wall. These de- scents were very fatiguing, and it was not safe to trust to the lianas, which hung like great cords from the tops of the trees. The creeping and parasite plants clung but feebty to the branches which they embraced ; the united weight of their stalks was considerable, and the travellers ran the risk of pulling down a whole mass of verdure, if, in walking on a sloping ground, they supported their weight by the lianas. The farther they advanced the thicker the vegetation became. In several places the roots of the trees had burst the rock, by inserting them- selves into the clefts that separated the beds. They had some trouble to carry the plants which they gathered at every step. The cannas, the heliconias with fine purple flowers, the costuses, and other plants of the amomum family, attained here eight or ten feet in height; and their fresh tender verdure, their silky gloss, and the ex- traordinary development of the parenchyma, formed a striking contrast with the brown colour of the arbores- cent ferns, the foliage of which was delicately shaped 4 7 | HO ADMIT] \\. I . The Indians made incisions with their large knives in the trunks of the trees, and fixed Humboldt's attention on the beautiful red and gold-coloured woods. The supposed gold mine of this crevice, which was the object of their examination, was nothing but an ex- ration cut into a Mack strata of marl, which contained pyrites in abundance. The marly strata crossed the torrent, and, as the water washed out metallic grains, the natives imagined, on account of the brilliancy of the pyrites, that the torrent bore down gold. Nor could Humboldt convince them to the contrary; for they con- tinned to pick up secretly, every bit of pyrites they saw Bparkling in the water. The melancholy proverb, "All that glitters is not gold," seemed never to have reached them. Leaving this mythical gold mine they followed tlie course of the crevice which stretched along a narrow canal, overshadowed by lofty tiv. 3, They had suffered great fatigue, and were quite drenched by frequently crossing the torrent, when they reached the caverns. A wall of rock b>se there perpen- dicularly to the height of live thousand feet. In the middle «.f this section, and in a position unfortunately inaccessible toman, two caverns opened in the form of crevio The naturalists were assured by their guides that they wen- inhabited by nocturnal birds. The party reposed at the foot of the cavern where the Barnes were to issue. The natives discussed the danger to which the town of Cumanacoa would be exposed in case the crevice should become an active volcano, while Hum bol.lt and Bonpland speculated on the causes of the phe- nomenon. So ended the expedition. On the L2th ^i' September they continued their jour ASCENT OF THE TUKIMIQUIEI. . 75 ney to the convent of Caripe, the principal settlement of the Chayma missions. Their first stopping-place was a solitary farm, situated on a small plain among the moun- tains of Cocallar. Nothing could be compared to the majestic tranquillity which the aspect of the firmament presented in this soli- tary region. Tracing with the eye, at nightfall, the mea- dows which bounded the horizon, the plain covered with verdure and gently undulated, they thought they beheld from afar the surface of the ocean supporting the starry vault of Heaven. The tree under which they were seated, the luminous insects flying in the air, the constellations which shone in the south ; every object seemed to tell them how far they were from their native land. If amidst this exotic nature they heard from the depth of the valley the tinkling of a bell, or the lowing of herds, the remembrance of their country was awakened suddenly. The sounds were like distant voices resound- ing from beyond the ocean, and with magical power trans- porting them from one hemisphere to the other. On the following morning they made the ascent of the Turimiquiri. The view on this mountain was vast and picturesque. From the summit to the ocean they per- ceived chains of mountains extended in parallel lines from east to west, and bounding longitudinal valleys. These valleys were intersected at right angles by an infi- nite number of small ravines scooped out by the torrents. The ground in general was a gentle slope as far as the Imposible; farther on the precipices became bold, and continued so to the shore of the gulf of Cariaco. They seemed to look down into the bottom of a funnel, in which they could distinguish, amidst tufts of scattered 7t; mi: I ««\\ BMT OF < a KITE. trees, the Indian village of Aiicagua. Towards the north, a narrow Blip of land, the peninsula ofAraya, formed a dark stripe on th< . which, being illumined },v the r. :' the sun, reflected a Btrong light Beyond the peninsula the horizon was bounded by Cape Macanao, the black rocks of which rose amid the waters like an immense bastion. At lasl the travellers reached the convent of Caripe. It was backed with an enormous wall of perpendicular rock, covered with thick vegetation: the Btone, which was of resplendent whiteness, appeared only here and there between the foliage. In a small square in front of the convent was a cross of Brazil wood, surrounded with benches for the infirm monks. They were telling their beads when Humboldt and Bonpland arrived. They were received with great hospitality by the monk- of Caripe. The building had an inner court, sur- rounded by an arcade, like the convents in Spain. This inclosed place was highly convenient for Betting up their instruments and making observations. Thev found a numerous society in the convent. Young monks, re- cently arrived from Spain, were just about to settle in the Missions, while old infirm missionaries sought for health in the fresh and salubrious air of the mountains of Caripe. Humboldt was lodged in the cell of the su- perior, which contained a pretty good collection of books. He found there the Teatro Orilioo <>l' Peijoo, the Lettres Edijiante8y and the Traiik (TJMectricite by abbe Nollet It Beemed as if the progress of knowledge had advanced even in the fore8tB of America. But that which conferred the most celebrity on the valley of Caripe, was the great Cavern of the Guacharo. THE CAVERN OF THE GUACHARO. 77 In a country where the people loved the marvellous, a cavern which gave birth to a river, and was inhabited by thousands of nocturnal birds, the fat of which was employed in the Missions to dress food, was an everlast- ing object of conversation and discussion. The cavern, which the natives called " a mine of fat," was not in the valley of Caripe itself, but three short leagues distant from the convent. Humboldt and Bonpland set out for it on the 18th of September, acompanied by the alcaldes, or Indian magistrates, and the greater part of the monks of the convent. A narrow path led them at first towards the south, across a fine plain, covered with beautiful turf. They then turned westward, along the margin of a small river which issued from the mouth of the cavern. They ascended sometimes in the water, which was shallow, sometimes between the torrent and a wall of rocks, on a soil extremely slippery and miry. The falling down of the earth, the scattered trunks of trees, over which the mules could scarcely pass, and the creeping plants that covered the ground, rendered this part of the road fa- tiguing. They were within four hundred paces of the cavern, and yet they could not perceive it. The torrent ran in a crevice hollowed out by the waters, and they went on under a cornice, the projection of which pre- vented them from seeing the sky. The path wound in the direction of the river ; and at the last turning they came suddenly before the immense opening of the grotto. Pierced in the vertical profile of a rock, the entrance faced the south, and formed an arch eighty feet broad, and seventy -two feet high. The rock which surmounted the grotto was covered with trees 78 mi KOISE OF TIIK QUACHABOS. of gigantic height Plants rose in its clefts, and creep- ing vines, waving in the wind, were interwoven in : toons before the mouth of the cavern. Nor did this luxury < >f vegetation embellish the external arch merely ; it appeared even in the vestibule of the grotto. They Baw with astonishment plantain-leaved heliconias eight- d feel high, the praga palm-tree, and arborescenl arums, ii »]]« »winLr tlif course of the river, even to those subter- ranean places. Tin- vegetation continued in the cave of Caripe, and did not disappear till, penetrating into the interior, they had advanced thirty or forty paces from the entrance. They measured the way by means of a cord, and went on about four hundred and thirty feet without being obliged to light their torches. Daylight penetrated far into this region, because the grotto formed but one single channel, keeping the Bame direction. Where the light began to fail, they heard from afar the hoarse sounds of the nocturnal birds. The noise of these birds was horrible. Their shrill and piercing cries struck upon the vaults of the rock's, and were repeated by the subterranean echoes. The Indians showed the travellers the nests of the guacharos by fixing a torch to the end of a long pole. These nests were fifty or sixty t high above their heads, in holes in the shape of fun- nels, with which the roof of the grotto was pierced like a sieve. The noise increased as tiny advanced, and the birds were • d by the light of the torches. When this noise ceas d for a few minutes around them, thev heard a distance the plaintive cries of the birds roosting in r ramifications of the cavern. It seemed as if differ- ent groups answered each other alternately. The Indians were in the habit of entering this cavern THE SUBTERRANEAN STREAM. 79 once a year, near midsummer. They went armed with poles, with which they destroyed the greater part of the nests. At that season several thousand birds were killed ; and the old ones, as if to defend their brood, hovered over the heads of the Indians, uttering terrible cries. The young, which fell to the ground, were opened on the spot for their fat. At the period commonly called, at Caripe, the oil har- vest, the Indians built huts with palm-leaves, near the entrance, and even in the porch of the cavern. There, with a fire of brushwood, they melted in pots of clay the fat of the young birds just killed. This fat was known by the name of the butter of the guacharo. As the travellers continued to advance into the cavern, they followed the banks of the river which issued from it, and was from twenty-eight to thirty feet wide. They walked on the banks, as far as the hills formed of cal- careous incrustations permitted them. Where the tor- rent wound among high masses of stalactites, they were often obliged to descend into its bed, which was only two feet deep. They learned that this subterranean rivulet was the origin of the river Caripe, which, at the distance of a few leagues, where it joined the small river of Santa Maria, was navigable for canoes. They found on the banks of the subterranean rivulet a great quan- tity of palm-tree wood, the remains of trunks, on which the Indians climbed to reach the nests hanging from the roofs of the cavern. The rings formed by the vestiges of the old footstalks of the leaves, furnished as it were the steps of a ladder perpendicularly placed. They had great difficulty in persuading the Indians to pass beyond the anterior portion of the grotto, the only BO ras CATS OF SOULS. part which they annually visited to collect the fat The whole authority of the monks was n *ary to induce them to advance as Ear as the Bpot where the torrent formed a small subterranean cascade. The natives con- nected mystic ideas with this rave, inhabited by nocturnal birds; they believed that the souls of their ancestors so- jouraed in the deep rec - - of the cavern. "Man,'' said they, "should avoid places which arc enlightened ueither by the sun nor by the moon." "To go and join the guacharo was with them a phrase signifying to rejoin their lathers, to die. The magicians and the pol- lers performed their nocturnal tricks at the entrance of the cavern, to conjure the chief of the evil spirits. At tlit- point where the river formed the subterranean cascade, a hill covered with vegetation, which was Oppo- site to the opening of the grotto, presented a very pic- turesque aspect It was seen at the extremity of a straight passage, one thousand four hundred and fifty feet in length. Th<' Btalactites d< Bcending from the roof, and resembling columns suspended in the air, were relieved on a background of verdure. The opening of the cavern appeared singularly contracted, when the travellers saw it aboul the middle of the day, illumined by the vivid light reflected at once from the sky, the plants, and the k's. The distant light of day formed a strange con- trast with the darkness which surrounded them in the vast cavern. They discharged their guns at a venture, wherev< r tin- «• >f the nocturnal birds and the flap- ping of their wing I 1 them t" bus I that a great number of nests were crowded together. After several fruitless attempts Bonpland succeeded in killing a couple of guacharos, which, dazzled by the light of the torches, THE GHOSTLY PLANTS. 81 seemed to pursue him. This circumstance afforded Hum- boldt the means of making a drawing of this oird, which had previously been unknown to naturalists. In this part of the cavern, the rivulet deposited a blackish mould. They could not discover whether it fell through the cracks which communicated with the surface of the ground above, or was washed down by the rain-water penetrating into the cavern. They walked in thick mud to a spot where they beheld with astonish- ment the progress of subterranean vegetation. The seeds which the birds had carried into the grotto to feed their young, had sprung up wherever they could fix in the mould which covered the incrustations. Blanched stalks, with some half-formed leaves, had risen to the height of two feet. It was impossible to ascertain the species of these plants, their form, colour, and aspect having been changed by the absence of light. These traces of organization amidst darkness forcibly excited the curi- osity of the natives, who examined them with silent meditation inspired by a place they seemed to dread. They regarded these subterranean plants, pale and de- formed, as phantoms banished from the face of the earth. To Humboldt the scene recalled one of the happiest periods of his youth — his abode in the mines of Frey- berg, where he had made experiments on the effects of blanching. The missionaries, with all their authority, could not prevail on the Indians to penetrate farther into the ca- vern. As the roof became lower the cries of the guacha- ros were more and more shrill. The travellers were obliged to yield to the pusillanimity of their guides, and retrace their steps. 4* I in: OONYKN i OF CABIPE, ( >n taming back to go out of the cavern, they followed tli.' course of the torrent Before their eyes became dazzled with the light of. lav they saw on the outside of the grotto the water of the river Bparkling amid the foliage of the trees which Bhaded it. It was like a pic- ture placed in tin' distance, the mouth of the cavern serv- ing as a frame. Having at length reached the entranc . they Beated thems 'Ives on the bank of the rivulet, to rest after their fatigues. They were glad to be beyond the hoarse cries of the birds, and to leave a place where darkness did not offer even the charm of silence and tranquillity. Swiftly glided their days in the convent of Caripe. From sunrise to nightfall they traversed the forests and neighbouring mountains, to collect plants. When the winter rains prevented them from undertaking distant excursions, they visited the huts of the Indians, the garden of the community, Or assemblies in which the alcaldes every evening arranged the labours of the suc- ceeding da v. They returned to the monastery only when the sound of the bell called them to the refectory to share the repasts of the missionaries. Sometimes, very early in the morning, they followed them to the church, to attend the religious instruction of the Indians. After passing almost the whole day in the open air, they employed their evenings, at the convent, in making notes, drying their plants, and sketching those that ap- peared to fonn new genera. Unfortunately the misty atmosphere of a valley, where the surrounding forests filled the air with an enormous quantity of vapour, was unfavourable to astronomical observations. Humboldt Bpenl a part of the nights waiting to take advantage of THE DESCENT OF PURGATORY. S3 the moment when some star should be visible between the clouds, near its passage over the meridian. He often shivered with cold, though the thermometer only sank to 60°. The instruments remained set up in the court of the convent for several hours, yet he was almost always disappointed in his expectations. From the valley of Caripe the travellers proceeded across a ridge of hills, and over a vast savannah, to the table-land of Gruardia de San Augustin. Beyond this was a slope, extremely slippery and steep, to which the missionaries had given the name of the Descent of Pur- gatory. When they looked down from the top to the bottom of the hill the road seemed inclined more than 60°. The mules in going down drew their hind legs near to their fore legs, and lowering their cruppers, let themselves slide at a venture. They soon entered a thick forest, known by the name of the Montana de Santa Maria, Here they descended without intermission for seven hours. It was difficult to conceive a more tremendous descent ; it was absolutely a road of steps, a kind of ravine, in which, during the rainy season, im- petuous torrents dashed from rock to rock. The steps were from two to three feet high, and the beasts of bur- den, after measuring with their eyes the space necessary to let their load pass between the trunks of the trees, leaped from one rock to another. Afraid of missing their mark, the travellers saw them stop a few minutes to scan the ground, and bring together their four feet like wild goats. If the animal did not reach the nearest block of stone, he sank half his depth into the soft ochreous clay, that filled up the interstices of the rock. When the blocks were wanting, enormous roots served g | INDIAN- ON A I I: \MI\ as supports for the feel of men and 1". $t& Some of these roots were twenty inches thick, and they often branched out from the trunks of the trees much above the level of the soil. The Creoles had sufficient confi- dence in the address and instinct of tin- mules, to remain in their Baddies during this long and dangerous descent V aring fatigue Irs- than they did, and being accustomed • travel slowly for the purpose of gathering plants and :amining the nature of the rocks, Eumboldl and Bon- pland preferred going down on foot. The weather was cloudy. The sun at times illumined the tops of the trees, and, though sheltered from its rays, they felt an oppressive heat. Thunder rolled at a distance; the clouds seemed suspended on the tops of the lofty mountains of the Guacharo ; and the plaintive howling of the monkeys denoted the proximity of a storm. They stopped to observe these monkeys, which, to the number of thirty or forty, crossed the road, pass- ing in a til<" firom one tree to another over the horizontal and intersecting branch' While the travellers were observing their movements they saw a troop of Indians • lug towards the mountains of Caripe. They were without clothing, as the natives <>('this country generally arc. The women, laden with rather heavy burdens, closed the march. The men were all armed, and even the youngest boys had bows and arrows. They moved on in silence, with their eyes fixed on the ground. The travellers endeavoured to learn Gram them whether they we • far IV. >m the Mission of Santa Cruz, where they g the aight. They were overcome with fati . and suffered from thii The heat increased as the storm drew near, ami they had not met with a single THE FOREST OF SANTA MARIA. 85 spring on their way. The words si, palre, n >, patre, which the Indians continually repeated, led them to think they understood a little Spanish. In the eyes of a native every white man was a monk; for in the Missions the colour of the skin characterized the monk, more than the colour of the garment. In vain they questioned the Indians respecting the length of the way : they answered, si and no, without the travellers being able to attach any precise sense to their replies. This made them the more impatient, as their smiles and gestures indicated their wish to direct them; and the forest seemed at every step to become thicker and thicker. At length they separated from the Indians; their guides were able to follow them only at a distance, because the beasts of burden fell at every step in the ravines. After journeying for several hours, continually de- scending on blocks of scattered rock, they found them- selves unexpectedly at the outlet of the forest of Santa Maria. A savannah stretched before them farther than the eye could reach. On the left was a narrow valley, extending as far as the mountains of the Guacharo, and covered with a thick forest. Looking downward the eyes of the travellers rested on the tops of the trees, which, at eight hundred feet below the road, formed a carpet of verdure of dark and uniform tint. They passed the night at one of the king's houses already mentioned. They were desirous of continuing their journey east- ward still farther, but learning that the roads were im- passable in consequence of the torrents of rain that had fallen, and that they would be likely to lose the plants which they had already gathered, they resolved to em- bark at Cariaco, and return to Cumana by the gulf, B6 BACK Al I I MAN \. instead of passing between (he island of Margarets and the isthmus of Arava. They accordingly started from the mission of Oatuaro, and proceeded to the town of Cariaco, where they embarked in a canoe, on the morn- ingofthe 24th. Quitting the town they sailed westward along the river of Carenicuar, which ran through gar- dens and plantations of cotton trees. They saw the Indian women on the banks washing their clothes with tlif fruit of the soap-berry. Contrary winds beset them in the gulf of Cariaeo. The rain fell in torrents, and the thunder rolled very near. Swarms of flamingoes, < _ ivts, and cormorants filled the air, seeking the shore, whilst the alcatras alone continued peaceably to fish in the middle of the gulf. They landed till evening, and then resumed their voyage, under a misty sky. In the morning they saw the vultures perching on the cocoa- trees, in flocks of forty or fifty. At last they reached Curnana. CHAPTER in. TOWARDS THE ORINOCO. Humboldt and Bonpland remained a month at Cu«. mana, employing themselves in preparing for a visit to the Orinoco and the Rio Negro. They had to choose such instruments as could be most easily transported in narrow boats ; and to engage guides for an inland jour- ney of ten months, across a country without communica- tion with the coasts. The astronomical determination of places being the most important object of this undertaking, Humboldt felt desirous not to miss the observation of an eclipse of the sun, which was to be visible at the end of October : and in consequence preferred remaining till that period at Cumana, where the sky was generally clear and serene. It was now too late to reach the banks of the Orinoco before October; and the high valleys of Caracas promised less favourable opportunities on ac- count of the vapours which accumulated round the neigh- bouring mountains. He was, however, near being compelled by a deploi- able occurrence, to renounce,' or at least delay for a long time, his journey to the Orinoco. On the 27th of Octo- ber, the day before the eclipse, he and Bonpland went as usual to take the' air on the shore of the gulf, and to observe the instant of high water, which in those parts 8^ I I '.in \\ II II TUB ZAMBO. was onlv twelve or thirteen inches. It was eight in the evening, and the breeze was not yet stirring. They crossed the beach which separated the suburb of the (iuayqueria [ndians from the landing-place. Here Hum- boldt heard souk- one walking behind them, and on turn- ing he saw a tall Zambo, naked to the waist lie held almost over Humboldt's head a stick of palm-tree wood, enlarged to the end like a club. Humboldt avoided the stroke by leaping towards the left; but Bon- pland, who walked on his right, was less fortunate. lie did not see the Zambo as soon as Humboldt did, and re- ceived a stroke above the temple, which levelled him to the ground. The travellers were alone, without arms, half a league from any habitation, on a vast plain bounded by the sea. The Zambo, instead of attacking Humboldt, moved oil* slowly to pick up Bonpland's hat, which, having somewhat deadened the violence of the blow, had fallen off and lay at some distance. Alarmed at seeing his companion on the ground, and for some moments senseless, Humboldt thought of him only. He helped Bonpland to raise himself, and pain and anger doubled his strength. They ran towards the Zambo, who, either from cowardice, or because he perceived at a dis- tance some men on the beach, did not wait for them, but ran off in the direction of a little thicket of cactus. lie chanced to fall in running, and Bonpland, who reached him lirst, seized him round the bodv. The Zambo drew along knife; and in this unequal struggle the travellers would infallibly have been wounded, if some Biscayan merchants, who were taking the air on the beach, had no1 come to their assistance. The Zambo seeing himself surrounded, thought no longer of defence. He again RED VAPOURS AT NIGHT. 89 ran away, and they pursued him through the thorny cac- tuses. At length, tired out, he took shelter in a cow-house, whence he suffered himself to be quietly led to prison, Bonpland was seized with fever during the night; but being endowed with great energy and fortitude he continued his labours the next da v. The stroke of the club had extended to the top of his head, and he felt its effect for the space of two or three months. When stooping to collect plants, he was sometimes seized with giddiness, which led him to fear that an internal abscess was forming. Happily these apprehensions were un- founded, and the symptoms gradually disappeared. During a few- days which preceded and followed the eclipse of the sun, very remarkable atmospherical phe- nomena were observable. From the 10th of October to the 3rd of November, at nightfall, a reddish vapour arose in the horizon, and covered, in a few minutes, with a veil more or less thick, the azure vault of the sky. Sometimes, in the midst of the night, the vapours disap- peared in an instant ; and at the moment when Humboldt had arranged his instruments, clouds of brilliant white- ness collected at the zenith, and extended towards the horizon. On the 18th of October these clouds were so remarkably transparent, that they did not hide stars even of the fourth magnitude. He could distinguish so per- fectly the spots of the moon, that it might have been sup- posed its disk was before the clouds. After the 28th of October, the reddish mist became thicker than it had previously been. The heat of the nights seemed stifling, though the thermometer rose only to 78°. The breeze, which generally refreshed the air from eight or nine o'clock in the evening, was no longer '.h> TIIK BARTHQUAKB. felt. The atmosphere was burning hot, and the parched and dusty ground was cracked on every side. On the 4th of November, ; 1 1 >< > 1 1 1 two in the afternoon, hirge f peculiar blackness enveloped the high mountains ill.- Brigantine and the TataraquaL They extended bv degrees as tar as the zenith. About four in the after- noon Bumboldl and Bonpland heard thunder over their heads, at an immense height, not regularly rolling, but with a hollow and often interrupted sound. At the mo- ment of the strongest eleetric explosion, at twelve minutes past four, there were two shocks of earthquake, which followed each other at the interval of fifteen seconds. The people ran into the streets, uttering loud cries. Bon- pland, who was leaning over a table, examining plants, was almost thrown on the floor. Humboldt felt the shock very strongly, though he was lying in a hammock. Some slaves, who were drawing water from a well eighteen or twenty feel <\rr\), near the river Manzanares, heard a noise like the explosion of a strong charge of gunpowder. The noise seemed to come from the bottom of the well. A few minutes before the first shock there was a very violent blast of wind, followed by electrical rain, falling in great drops. The sky remained cloudy, and the blast of wind was followed by a dead calm, which lasted all night. The sunset presented a pic- ture of extraordinary magnificence. The thick veil <>t clouds was rent asunder, as in shreds, quite near the horizon; the sun appeared at 12° of altitude on a sky of indigo-blue. Its disk was enormously enlarged, dis- torted, and undulated towards the edges. The clouds were gilded; and fascicles of divergent rays, reflecting MORE RED VAPOURS. 91 the most brilliant rainbow hues, extended over the hea- vens. A great crowd of people assembled in the public square. This celestial phenomenon, the earthquake, the thunder which accompanied it, the red vapour seen dur- ing so many days, all were regarded as the effect of the eclipse. About nine in the evening there was another shock, much slighter than the former, but attended with a subterraneous noise. In the night between the 3d and 4th of November the reddish vapour was so thick that Humboldt could not distinguish the situation of the moon, except by a beautiful halo of 20° diameter. The travellers had frequent visits from persons who wished to know whether their instruments indicated new shocks for the next day ; and alarm was great and gene- ral when, on the 5th, exactly at the same hour as on the preceding day, there was a violent gust of wind, attended by thunder, and a few drops of rain. No shock was felt. The wind and storm returned during five or six days at the same hour,, almost at the same minute. The reddish vapour disappeared after the 7th of No- vember. The atmosphere resumed its former purity, and the firmament appeared, at the zenith, of that deep blue tint peculiar to climates where heat, light, and a great equality of electric charge seem all to promote the most perfect dissolution of water in the air. Humboldt observed, on the night of the 7th, the immersion of the second satellite of Jupiter. The belts of the planet were more distinct than he had ever seen them before. The night of the 11th was cool, and extremely fine. From half after two in the morning, the most extraordi- nary luminous meteors were seen in the direction of the east. Bonpland, who had risen to enjoy the freshness of W2 PA] i IN'- STABS, the :iir, perceived them first Thousands of bolides and falling stars Bucceeded each other daring the space of four hours, No trace of clouds was to be seen. From the first appearance of the phenomenon, there was not in the firmament a space equal in extent to three diameters of the moon, which was not filled every instant with bolides and falling stars. The first were fewer in number, but BS they were of different sizes, it was impossible to fix the limit between these two classes of phenomena. All these meteors left luminous traces from 5° to 10° in length. The phosphorescence of these traces, or lumi- nous bamls, lasted seven or eight seconds. The phenomenon ceased by degrees after four o'clock, and the bolides and falling stars became Less frequent, though Humboldt still distinguished some to the north- east by their whitish light, and the rapidity of their movement, a quarter of an hour after sunrise. On the evening of the 16th of November the travellers set sail from Cumana for La Guayra, descending the little rivei- of Afanzanares, the windings of which were marked by cocoanut-trees. At high water they passed the bar at its mouth. The evening breeze gently swelled the waves in the gulf of Cariaco. The moon had not risen, but that part of the milky way which extended from the feel of the Centaur towards the constellation of S i -it tari us. seemed to pour a silvery light over the sur- face of the ocean. The white rock, crowned by the castle of San Antonio, appeared from time to time be- tween the high tops of the cocoa-trees which bordered the shore, and the voyagers soon recognised the coasts only by the scattered lights of the Guayqueria fishermen. As they advanced towards the shoal that surrounded PORPOISES AND FLAMINGOES. 93 Cape Arenas they enjoyed one of those varied sights which the great phosphorescence of the sea so often dis- plays in those climates. Bands of porpoises followed their bark. Fifteen or sixteen of these animals swam at equal distances from each other. When turning on their backs, they struck the surface of the water with their broad tails; they diffused a brilliant light, which seemed like flames issuing from the depth of the ocean. Each band of porpoises, ploughing the surface of the waters, left behind it a track of light, the more striking as the rest of the sea was not phosphorescent. The voyagers found themselves at midnight between some barren and rocky islands, which uprose like bas- tions in the middle of the sea, and formed the group of the Caracas and Chimanas. The moon was above the horizon, and lighted up these cleft rocks, which were bare of vegetation and of fantastic aspect. As they came near this group of mountainous islands, they were becalmed ; and at sunrise, small currents drifted them towards Boracha, the largest of them. The temperature of the atmosphere became sensibly higher whilst they were sailing among the islands of this little archipelago. The rocks, heated during the day, threw out at night, by radiation, a part of the heat ab- sorbed. As the sun rose on the horizon, the rugged mountains projected their vast shadows on the surface of the ocean. The flamingoes began to fish in the creeks. Humboldt and Bonpland saw them as they passed, stand- ing like a file of soldiers, along the narrow beaches, and necks of land. They were so far advanced on their voyage on the morning of the 20th, that they hoped to reach La Guayra 9 J im.mii.kvi rOBBSIB. thai day; but their Indian pilot being afraid of the pri« vateera who were near that port, thought it would be prudent to make for land, and anchor in the little har- bour of Eiguerote, which they had already passed, and await the shelter of night to proceed on their voyag , They found neither village nor farm there, but merely two or three huts, inhabited by fishermen. Their livid hue, and the meagre condition of their children, showed the voyag re that this spot was one of the most unhealthy of the whole coast The Bea had so little depth along these shores, that even with the smallest barks it was impossible to reach the shore without wading through the water. The forests came down nearly to the beach, which was covered with thickets of mangroves, avicen- nias, and rnanchineel-trees. To these thickets, and par- ticularly to the exhalations of the mangroves. Humboldt attributed the extreme insalubrity of the air. On (put- ting the boats, and whilst they were yet one hundred feel distant from the land, lie perceived a faint and sickly smell, which reminded him of that diffused through the galleries of deserted mines. The tempera- ture of the air rose to 93°, heated by the reverberation from the white sands which formed a line between the mangroves and the great trees of the forest. As the shore descended with a gentle slope, small tides were sufficient alternately to cover and uncover the roo's, and part of the trunks of the mangroves. The sea-water, along the whole coast, acquired a yellowish brown tint, wherever it came into contact with the mangrove trees. The beaches around were covered with infinite numbers of molluscs and insects. Loving shade and faint light they sheltered themselves from the shoek of the waves CARACAS. 95 amid the scaffolding of thick and intertwining roots, which rose like lattice-work above the surface of the waters. Shell-fish clung to this lattice ; crabs nestled in the hollow trunks ; and the seaweeds, drifted to the coast by the winds and tides, remained suspended on the branches which inclined towards the earth. They set sail from this noxious place at nightfall. At sunrise they were opposite Caracas. The coast was rocky and elevated, the scenery at once wild and pictur- esque. They were sufficiently near land to distinguish scattered huts surrounded by cocoa-trees, and masses of vegetation, which stood out from the dark ground of the rocks. The mountains were everywhere perpendicular, and three or four thousand feet high ; their sides cast broad and deep shadows upon the humid land, which stretched out to the sea, glowing with the freshest ver- dure. They soon saw the black rocks of La Guayra, studded with batteries rising in tiers one over another ; and in the misty distance, Cabo Blanco, a long promon- tory with conical summits, and of dazzling whiteness. Humboldt and Bonpland remained two months at Caracas, in a large house in the most elevated part of the town. From a gallery they could survey at once the summit of the Saddle, the serrated ridge of the Galipano, and the charming valley of the Guayra, the rich culture of which was pleasingly contrasted with the gloomy cur- tain of the surrounding mountains. It was in the dry season, and to improve the pasturage, the savannahs and the turf covering the steepest rocks were set on fire. These vast conflagrations, viewed from a distance, pro- duced the most singular effects of light. Wherever the savannahs, following the undulating slope of the rocks, 96 i HE GATE OP 'mi: SADDLE. had filled up the furrows hollowed ou1 by the waters, the flame appeared in a dark night like currents of lava sus- pended over the valley. The vivid but steady light assumed a reddish tint, when the wind, descending from the Saddle, accumulated streams of vapour in the low resrions. At other times these Luminous hands, enve- loped in thick clouds, appeared only at intervals where it was dear; and as the clouds ascended their edges re- flected a splendid light These various phenomena, so common in the tropics, acquired additional interest from the form of the mountains, the direction of the slopes, and the height of the savannahs covered with alpine grasses. During the day, the wind of Petare, blowing from the east, drove the smoke towards the town, and diminished the transparency of the air. On the morning of the 3d of January they commenced the ascent ^i' the Saddle, a celebrated mountain near Caracas. The party consisted of eighteen persons, and they all walked one behind another, in a narrow path, traced <>n a steep acclivity, covered with turf. They reached a hill, connected with the body of the mountain, and called the Gate of the Saddle. Here they crossed a narrow dyke of rocks, which led to the ridge of the mountain, and Looked down on two valleys, tilled with thick vegetation. In one of these valleys they heard the roaring of waterfalls, which they could not see, they were thickly hidden in groves of fig-trees. Prom the (hite of the Saddle the steepness of the ascent increased, and they were obliged to incline their bodies considerably forwards ;is they advanced. They fell the want <>f cramp-irons, or sticks shod with iron. Short grass covered the rocks of gneiss, and it was ASCENT OF THE SADDLE. 97 equally impossible to hold by the grass, or to form steps as they might have done in softer ground. This ascent, which was attended with more fatigue than danger, dis- couraged those who accompanied them from the town, and who were unaccustomed to climb mountains. The travellers lost much time in waiting for them, and they did not resolve to proceed alone till they saw them descending the mountain instead of climbing it. The weather was becoming cloudy ; the mist already issued in the form of smoke, and in slender and perpendicular streaks, from a small humid wood which bordered the region of alpine savannahs above them. It seemed as if a fire had burst forth at once on several points of the forest. These streaks of vapour gradually accumulated together, and rising above the ground, were carried along by the morning breeze, and glided like a light cloud over the rounded summit of the mountain. Humboldt and Bonpland foresaw from these signs, that they would soon be covered by a thick fog ; and lest their guides should take advantage of this circum- stance and leave them, they obliged those who carried the most necessary instruments to precede them. The familiar loquacity of the Creole blacks formed a striking contrast with the taciturn gravity of the Indians, who had constantly accompanied them in the missions of Caripe. The negroes amused themselves by laughing at the persons who had been in such haste to abandon an expedition so long in preparation ; above all, they did not spare a young Capuchin monk, a professor of mathe- matics, who never ceased to boast of the superior physi- cal strength and courage possessed by all classes of European Spaniards over those born in Spanish America. 5 98 i HE PROFESSOR'S < OURAGB PAILS. He bad provided himself with Long slips of white paper, which were to be cut, and Hung on the savannah, to in- dicate to those wh<> might stray behind, the direction they ought to follow. The professor had even promised the friars of his order to iire off some rockets, to an- nounce to the whole town of Caracas that they had suc- ded in an enterprise which to him appeared of the utmost importance. lie had forgotten that his long and heavy garments would embarrass him in the ascent. Having lost courage long before the Creoles, he passed the rest of the day in a neighbouring plantation, gazing at the travellers through a glass directed to the Saddle, as they climbed the mountain. Unfortunately for them, however, he had taken charge of the water and the provi- sion so necessary in an excursion to the mountains. The slaves who were to rejoin them were so long detained by him, that they arrived very late, and the travellers were ten hours without either bread or water. They were sometimes so enveloped with mist that they could not without difficulty find their way. At this height there was no path, and they were obliged to climb with their hands, when their feet failed them, on the steep and slippery ascent. After proeeediug for the spare of lour hours across the savannahs, they entered into a little wood composed of shrubs and small trees. The steepness of the mountain became less considerable, and they fell an indescribable pleasure in examining the plants of this region. Quitting the wood they found themselves again in a savannah. They climbed over a part of the western dome, in order to descend into the hollow Of the Saddle, a valley which separated the two summits oi' the mountain. They had great difficulties LOST IN THE MIST. 99 to overcome here, occasioned by the force of the vegeta- tion, and were obliged to cut their way through this forest: the negroes walked before them with cutlasses, chopping down the limbs that opposed them. On a sudden they found themselves enveloped in a thick mist; the compass alone could guide them. In advancing northward they were in danger at every step of finding themselves on the brink of an enormous wall of rocks, which descended almost perpendicularly to the depth of six thousand feet towards the sea. They were obliged to halt. Surrounded by clouds sweeping the ground, they began to doubt whether they should reach the eastern peak before night. Happily, the negroes who carried their water and provisions, rejoined them, and they resolved to take some refreshment. Their re- past did not last long. As it was only two o'clock in the afternoon, they entertained some hope of reaching the eastern summit of the Saddle before sunset, and of re-descending into the valley separating the two peaks, intending there to pass the night, to light a great fire, and to make their negroes construct a hut. They sent off half of their servants with orders to hasten the next morning to meet them with a supply of salt beef. They had scarcely made these arrangements when the east wind began to blow violently from the sea. In less than two minutes the clouds dispersed, and the two domes of the Saddle appeared singularly near. They shaped their course to the eastern summit, which they were three-quarters of an hour in reaching. They were now over eight thousand feet high, and they gazed on an extent of sea, the radius of which was thirty-six leagues. It was as smooth as glass, but in the distance 106720 100 THE LITTLE A.NGKLS. it was lost in the strata of air. They expected, as at Teneriffe, to Bee the horizon level with the eye, but in stead of distinguishing a marked limit between the tv elements, the distant strata of water seemed to be trans- formed into vapour, anf a milky white. The valley seemed overspread with water, and looked like an arm of the sea, of which tli'- adjacent mountains formed the steep shore. Seated on the rock, Humboldt was determining the dip of the needle, when he found his hands covered with a species of hairy bee, a little smaller than the honey-bee of the north of Europe. These insects make their nests in the ground. The people, in these regions, call them little angels, because they seldom sting. The fog became so dense that it would have been im- prud< nt to remain any longer, so they descended. It was now half-pasl four in the afternoon. Satisfied with th-' success of their journey, they forgot that there might be danger in descending in the dark, steep declivities DESCENDING THE SADDLE. 101 covered by a smooth and slippery turf. The mist con- cealed the valley from them ; but they distinguished the double hill of The Grate, which, like all objects lying almost perpendicularly beneath the eye, appeared ex- tremely near. They relinquished their design of passing the night between the two summits of the Saddle, and having again found the path that they cut through the thick wood, they soon arrived at the little wood already mentioned. As there is scarcely any twilight in the tropics, they passed suddenly from bright daylight to darkness. The moon was on the horizon ; but her disk was veiled from time to time by thick clouds, drifted by a cold and rough wind. Eapid slopes, covered with yellow and dry grass, now seen in shade, and now sud- denly illumined, seemed like precipices, the depth of which the eye sought in vain to measure. They pro- ceeded onwards in single file, and endeavoured to sup- port themselves by their hands, lest they should roll down. The guides, who carried their instruments, abandoned them successively, to sleep on the mountain. Among those who remained with them was a Congo black, who evinced great address, bearing on his head a large dipping-needle : he held it constantly steady, not- withstanding the extreme declivity of the rocks. The fog had dispersed by degrees in the bottom of the valley, and the scattered lights they perceived below them caused a double illusion. The steeps appeared more dangerous than they really were ; and, during six hours of continual descent, they seemed to be always equally near the farms at the foot of the Saddle. They heard verj distinctly the voices of men and the notes of guitars. Sound is generally so well propagated upwards, that in a balloon 102 tiik zamam; del hi avi;k. al the elevatioo of eighteen thousand feet^ the barking of dogs is sometimes heard. They did no1 arrive till ten at nighi at the bottom of the valley. They were overcome with fatigue and thirst, having walked for fifteen hoars, nearly without stopping. The Boles of their feet were cut and torn by the asperi- ties of a rocky soil and the hard and dry stalks, for they had been obliged to pull off their boots, the soles having become too slippery. They passed the night at the foot of the Saddle. On the 7th of February they departed from Caracas, < n route for the banks of the Orinoco. Nothing worthy of note occurred for several days. Not far from the village of Turmero, they discovered at a league distant, an object, which appeared at the horizon like a round hillock, or tumulus, covered with vegetation. It was neither a hill, nor a group of trees close to cadi other, but one single tree, the famous Zamang del Guayrc, known throughout the province for the enormous extent of its branches, which formed a hemispheric head live hundred and seventy-six feet in circumference. The zamang is a fine species ^f mimosa, and its tortuous branches are divided by bifurcation. delicate and tender foliage was agreeably relieved on the azure of the sky. They stopped a long time under this etable roof. The trunk of the Zamang del Guavre was only sixty feet high, and nine thick ; its real beauty consisted in the form of its head. The branches ex- tended like an immense umbrella, and bent toward the "Hid, from which they remained at a uniform distance of twelve or hit. 'en fret. The circumference of this head was so regular, that, having traced different diame- FRIGHTENED BY A JAGUAR. 10S ters, Humboldt found them one hundred and ninety-two, and one hundred and eighty-six feet. One side of the tree was entirely stripped of its foliage, owing to the drought; but on the other side there remained both leaves and flowers; parasites covered its branches, and cracked the bark. The inhabitants of the adjacent villages, particularly the Indians, held in great venera- tion the Zamang del Guayre, which the first conquerors found almost in the same state in which it now remains. Humboldt considered it at least as old as the Orotava dragon-tree. On the 21st, in the evening, the travellers set out for Guacara and ISTueva Valencia. They preferred travel- ling by night, on account of the excessive heat of the day. The road was bordered witn large zamang-trees, the trunks of which rose sixty feet high. Their branches, nearly horizontal, met at more than one hundred and fifty feet distance. The night was gloomy : the Eincon del Diablo with its denticulated rocks appeared from time to time at a distance, illumined by the burning of the savannahs, or wrapped in ruddy smoke. At the spot where the bushes were thickest, their horses were frightened by the yell of an animal that seemed to follow them closely. It was a large jaguar, which had roamed for three years among these mountains. He had con- stantly escaped the pursuits of the boldest hunters, and had carried off horses and mules from the midst of in- closures; but, having no want of food, had not yet at- tacked men. The negro who conducted the travellers uttered wild cries, expecting by these means to frighten the jaguar, but his efforts were ineffectual. On the morning of the 27th they visited the hot springs 104 ] HE OOW 'i i:ii:. of La Trinchera. Next to the Bpringa of (Jrijino, in Ja pan, the waters of La Trinchera are the hottest in the world. 1 1 imil »t »lt it and Bonpland breakfasted near them, and found that eggs plunged into the water boiled in 1- than four minutes. The heat became .-tilling aa they ap- proached'the coast A reddish vapour filled the horizon. It was near sunset, and the breeze was not yet stirring. The river of hot water, along the banks of which they passed, became deeper. A crocodile, more than nine feet lung, lay dead on the strand. Humboldt wished to ex- amine its teeth, and the inside of its mouth; but having been exposed to the sun for several weeks, it exhaled a smell so let id that he was obliged to relinquish -his design and remount his horse. Between Porto CaDello and the valleys of* Aragua they saw a remarkable tree. They had heard, several weeks before, ol'a tret-, the Bap of which was a nourishing milk. It was called 'the cow-tree'; and they were assured that the negroes, who drank plentifully of this vegetable milk, considered it a wholesome aliment. All the milky juices of plants being acrid, bitter, and more or less poisonous, this account appeared to them very extraordi- nary; but they found by experience during their stay in the neighbourhood, that the virtues of this tree had not been exaggerated. It rose like the broad-leaved star- apple. Its oblong and pointed leaves, rough and alter- nate, were marked by lateral ribs, prominent at the lower surface ;tnd parallel. Some of them were ten inches Ion--. They did not see the flower: the fruit was somewhat fleshy, and contained one and sometimes two nuts. When incisions were made in the trunk it yielded an abundance of glutinous milk, tolerably thick, devoid THE HOWLING MONKEYS. 105 of all acridity, and of an agreeable and balmy smell. The travellers drank considerable quantities of it in the evening before they went to bed, and very early in the morning, without feeling the least injurious effect. The negroes and the free people who worked in the planta- tions drank it, dipping into it their bread of maize or cassava. The overseer of the farm told Humboldt that the negroes grew sensibly fatter during the season when it furnished them with most milk. It was at the rising of the sun that this vegetable fountain was most abun- dant. The negroes and natives were then seen hasten- ing from all quarters, furnished with large bowls to re- ceive the milk, which grew yellow, and thickened at its surface. Some emptied their bowls under the tree itself, others carried the juice home to their children. They left the valleys of Aragua at sunrise on the 6th of March. They were never weary of admiring the fertility of the soil, covered with calabashes, water- melons, and plantains. The rising of the sun was an- nounced by the distant noise of the howling monkeys. Approaching a group of trees, they saw numerous bands of these monkeys moving as in procession and very slowly, from one tree to another. A male was followed by a great number of females, several of the latter carry- ing their young on their shoulders. The howling mon- keys, which live in society in different parts of America, everywhere resemble each other in their manners, though the species are not always the same. The uniformity with which they perform their movements is extremely striking. Whenever the branches of neighbouring trees do not touch each other, the male who leads the party suspends himself by the callous and prehensile part of 106 BICK I'.i l PBOUD. his tail : and, 1 « ■ 1 1 i t 1 '_r fall the rest of his body, Bwings himself till in one of his oscillations he reaches the neigh- bouring branch. The whole file performs the same movements on the same spot The Indians told the travellers that when the monkeys filled the forests with their howling, there was always one that chaunted as leader of the chorus. During a Long interval one soli- tary and Btrong voice was generally distinguished, till its place was taken by another voice of a different pitch. The Missionaries asserted that when a female among them was on the point of bringing forth, the choir sus- pended its howlings till the moment of the birth of the young. At Guigue they lodged with an old sergeant, a native of Murcia, a man of a very original character. To prove to them that he had studied among the Jesuits, he re- cited the history of the creation of the world in Latin, lie knew the names of Augustus, Tiberius, and Diocle- tian ; and while enjoying the agreeable coolness of the nights in an Inclosure planted with bananas, he employed himself in reading all that related to the courts of the R .man emperors. He inquired of Humboldt for a remedy for the gout, from which he Buffered severely. "Iknow," said he, "a Xanibo of Valencia, a famous CUrioso} who ci >uld cure me; but the Zambo would expect to be treated with attentions which T cannot pay to a man of his > I prefer remaining as 1 am." In the Mesa de Paja, in the ninth degree of latitude, they entered the basin of the Llano-. The sun was almosl at its zenith; the earth, wherever it appeared B1 rile and destitute of vegetation, was at the temperature of 118° or 122*. Not a breath of air was felt at the height THE LLANOS. 107 at which thej were on their mules ; yet, in the midst of this apparent calm, whirls of dust incessantly arose, driven on by small currents of air which glided over the surface of the ground, and were occasioned by the differ, ence of temperature between the naked sand and the spots covered with grass. These sand-winds augmented the suffocating heat of the air. Every grain of quartz, hotter than the surrounding air, radiated heat in all directions ; and it was difficult for Humboldt to observe the temperature of the atmosphere, owing to the particles of sand striking against the bulb of the thermometer. All around the plains seemed to ascend to the sky, and the vast and profound solitude appeared like an ocean covered with sea-weed. The horizon in some parts was clear and distinct, in other parts it appeared undulating, sinuous, and as if striped. The earth there was con- founded with the sky. Through the dry mist and strata of vapour the trunks of palm-trees were seen from afar, stripped of their foliage and their verdant summits, and looking like the masts of a ship descried upon the hori- zon. There was something awful, as well as sad and gloomy, in the uniform aspect of these steppes. Every thing seemed motionless; scarcely did a small cloud, passing across the zenith, and denoting the approach of the rainy season, cast its shadow on the earth. The chief characteristic of these steppes was the abso- lute want of hills and inequalities — the perfect level of every part of the soil. Often within a distance of thirty square leagues there was not an eminence of a foot high. After having passed two nights on horseback, and sought in vain, by day, for some shelter from the heat of the sun beneath the tufts of the palm-trees, they 108 i m. iii.i:i.s\n \ OF i mi: m LNOS. arrived at a little farm. It was a solitary house in the steppes, Bunounded by a few small huts, covered with reeds and skins. The cattle, oxen, horses, and mules wen- not penned, but wandered freely over an extent of several square leagues. There was nowhere any inclo- Bure; men, aaked to the waist and armed with lances, rode over the savannahs to inspect the animals, bringing back th<»sc that wandered too far from the pastures of the farm, and branding all that did not already bear the mark of their proprietor. These mulattoes were partly Greed-men and partly slaves. They were constantly ex- posed to the 1 turning heat of the tropical sun. Their food was meat dried in the air, and a little salted; and of this even their horses sometimes partook. Being always in the saddle, they fancied they could not make the slightest excursion on foot. The travellers found an old negro slave, who managed the farm in the absence of his master. lie told them of herds composed of several thousand COWS, that were grazing in the steppes; vet they asked in vain for a bowl of milk. They were offered, in a calabash, some yellow, muddy, and fetid water, drawn from a neighbouring pool. The indolence of the inhabitants of the Llanos was such that they did not dig wells, though they knew that almost everywhere, at ten feet deep, tine springs were found. After Buffering during one half of the year from the effect of inunda- us, they quietly resigned themselves, during the other half to the most distressing deprivation of water. The advised the travellers to cover the cup with a linen cloth, and drink as through a filter, that they might not be incommoded by the sindl, and might swal- low less of the yellowish mud suspend) d in the water. LOST IN THE LLANOS. 109 As soon as their instruments were unloaded they let the mules go to search for water, a common custom in the Llanos. They followed them till they came to one of the pools from which the water they had drunk was drawn. They longed impatiently to take a bath, but found only a great pool of feculent water, surrounded with palm-trees. The water was turbid, though a little cooler than the air. Accustomed during their long jour- ney to bathe whenever they had an opportunity, often several times in a day, they hastened to plunge into the pool. They had scarcely begun to enjoy the coolness of the bath, when a noise which they heard on the opposite bank, made them leave the water precipitately. It was an alligator plunging into the mud. They were only at the distance of a quarter of a league from the farm, yet they continued walking more than an hour without reaching it. They perceived too late that they had taken a wrong direction. Having left it at the decline of day, before the stars were visible, they had gone forward into the plain at hazard. They were provided with a compass, and it might have been easy for them to steer their course from the position of Canopus and the Southern Cross ; but unfortunately they were uncertain whether, on leaving the farm, they had gone towards the east or the south. They attempted to return to the spot where they had bathed, and again walked three quarters of an hour without finding the pool. They sometimes thought they saw fire on the horizon ; but it was the light of the rising stars enlarged by the vapours. After having wandered a long time in the savannah, they resolved to seat themselves beneath the trunk of a palm-tree, in a spot perfectly dry, sur- 1 10 M'.H I in THK LLANOS. rounded by short grass. They could not flatter them- selves that their guidea would come in search of them in the savannah before they had prepared their food and finished their repast Whilst somewhat perplexed by the uncertainty of their situation, they were agreeably affected by hearing from afar the sound of a horse ad- vancing towards them. The rider was an Indian, armed with B lance, who had just made the round, in order to collect the cattle. The sight of two white men, who said they had lost their way, Led him at first to suspect some trick. They found it difficult to inspire him with con- fidence ; he at last consented to guide them to the farm, but without slackening the gentle trot of his horse. Their guides assured them that they had already begun to be uneasy about them; and, to justify this inquietude, they gave a long enumeration of persons who, having lost themselves in the Llanos, had been found nearly exhausted. In order to escape as much as possible from the heat of the day, they set off at two in the morning, with the hope of reaching before noon Calabozo, a small but busy trading-town, situated in the midst of the Llanos. The aspect <>f the country was still the same. There was no moonlight; but the great masses of nebula3 that spotted the southern sky enlightened, as they set, a part of the terrestrial horizon. The solemn spectacle of the starry vault, seen in its immense expanse; — the cool breeze which blew over the plain during the night: — the waving motion of the grass, wherever it had attained any height; everything recalled to their minds the surface of the ocean. The illusion was deepened when the disk of the sun appearing on the horizon, repeated its ima^e by EFFECT OF THE MIRAGE. Ill the effects of refraction, and, soon losing its flattened form, ascended rapidly and straight towards the zenith. In proportion as the sun rose towards the zenith, and the earth and the strata of superincumbent air took different temperatures, the phenomenon of the mirage displayed itself in its numerous modifications. The little currents of air that swept the surface of the soil had so variable a temperature that, in a drove of wild oxen, one part appeared with the legs raised above the surface of the ground, while the other rested on it. A well-informed person assured them, that he had seen, between Calabozo and Uritucu, the image of an animal inverted, without there being any direct image. They several times thought they saw on the horizon the figures of tumuli and towers, which disappeared at intervals, without their being able to discern the real shape of the objects. They were hillocks perhaps, or small emi- nences. The plain assumed at sunrise a more animated aspect. The cattle which had reposed during the night along the pools, or beneath clumps of mauritias and rhopalas, were now collected in herds ; and these solitudes became peopled with horses, mules, and oxen, that lived here free, without settled habitations, and disdaining the care and protection of man. They found at Calabozo, in the midst of the Llanos, an electrical machine with large plates, electrophori, batteries, and electrometers; an apparatus nearly as com- plete as the first scientific men in Europe possessed. It was the work of a man who had never seen any instru- ment, who had no person to consult, and who was acquainted with the phenomena of electricity only by 112 llli: SELF-TAUGHT ELECTRICIAN. reading the treatise of Dc Lafond, and Franklin's Memoirs. Sefior Carlos del Pozo, the name of this ingenious man, had begun to make cylindrical electrical machines, by employing largo glass jars, alter having cut off the Decks. It was only a few years before that ho had been able to procure, by way of Philadelphia, two plates, to construct a plate machine, and to obtain more considerable effects. It is easy to judge what difficulties S nor Pozo had t<> encounter, since the first works upon electricity had fallen into his bands, and that he had the courage to resolve to procure himself, by his own industry, all that he had seen described in his books. Till now he had enjoyed only the astonishment and admiration pro- dueed by his experiments on persons destitute of all information, and who had never quitted the solitude of the Llanos; the abode of Humboldt and Bonpland at Calabozo gave him a satisfaction altogether new. It may be supposed that he set some value on the opinions of two travellers who eould eompare his apparatus with those constructed in Europe. Humboldt had brought with him electrometers mounted with straw, pith-balls, and gold-leaf; also a small Leyden jar which served for his physiological experiments. Seilor del Pozo could not contain his joy on seeing for the first time instruments which he had Dot niad»\ yet which appeared to be copied from his own. Humboldt showed him the effect of the ntaet <>f heterogeneous metals on the nerves of frogs. The names ofGalvani and Volta had not previously been heard in those vast solitudes. N < ■ x t to the electrical apparatus, nothing at Calabozo :cited in the travellers so great an interest as the gymnoti, which were animated electrical apparatuses. FISHING WITH HOESES. 1 1^ Humboldt was impatient, from the time of his arrival at Cumana, to procure electrical eels. He had been promised them often, but his hopes had always been disappointed. He at first wished to make his experi- ments in the house he inhabited at Calabozo, but the dread of the shocks caused by the gymnoti was so great, and so exaggerated among the common people, that during three days, he could not obtain one, though they were easily enough caught, and he had promised the Indians two piastres for every strong and vigorous fish. Impatient, at last, of waiting, and having obtained very uncertain results from an electric eel which had been brought to him alive, but much enfeebled, Humboldt, accompanied by Bonpland, repaired to the Cano de Bera, to make his experiments in the open air, and at the edge of the water. They set off on the 19th of March, at a very early hour, for the village of Rastro ; thence they were conducted by the Indians to a stream, which in the time of drought, formed a basin of muddy water, sur- rounded by fine trees. To catch the gymnoti with nets was considered very difficult, on account of the extreme agility of the fish, which buried themselves in the much The Indians told them that they would fish with horses. They found it difficult to form an idea of this manner of fishing ; but they soon saw their guides return from the savannah, which they had been scouring for wild horses and mules. They brought about thirty with them, which they forced to enter the pool. The noise caused by the horses' hoofs, made the fish issue from the mud, and excited them to the attack. These yellowish and livid eels, resembling large aquatic serpents, swam on the sur- face of the water, and crowded under the bellies of the 114 BATTLE WITH ELECTRICAL EELS. horses and mules. A contest between animals of so different an organization presented a very striking spec- tacle. The Indians, provided with harpoons and long slender reeds, surrounded the pool closely, and some climbed up the trees, the branches of which extended horizontally over the surface of the water. By their wild cries, and the length of their reeds, they prevented the horses from running away and reaching the bank of the pool. The eels, stunned by the noise, defended themselves by the repeated discharge of their electric 1 latteries. For a long interval they seemed likely to ] »rove victorious. Several horses sank beneath the vio- lence of the invisible strokes which they received from all Bides, and stunned by the force and frequency of the shocks, they disappeared under the water. Others, pant- ing, with mane erect, and haggard eyes expressing anguish and dismay, raised themselves, and endeavoured to flee from the storm by which they were overtaken. They were driven back by the Indians into the middle of the water; but a small number succeeded in eluding the active vigilance of the fishermen. These regained the shore, stumbling at every step, and stretched themselves on the sand, exhausted with fatigue, and with limbs benumbed by the electric shocks of the gvmnoti. In less than five minutes two of the horses were drowned. The eels being five feet long, and pressing themselves against the belly of the horses, made a dis- charge along the whole extent of their electric organ. They attacked at once the heart, the intestines, and the cceliac fold of the abdominal nerves. The horses were probably not killed, but only stunned. They were drowned from the impassibility of rising amid the THE INDIAN GIRL IN THE LLANOS. 115 prolonged struggle between the other horses and the eels. The travellers had little doubt that the fishing would ter- minate by killing successively all, the animals engaged ; but by degrees the impetuosity of this unequal combat diminished, and the wearied gymnoti dispersed. They re- quired a long rest, and abundant nourishment, to repair the galvanic force which they lost. The mules and horses appeared less frightened ; their manes were no longer bristled, and their eyes expressed less dread. The gym- noti approached timidly the edge of the marsh, where they were taken by means of small harpoons fastened to long cords. When the cords were dry the Indians felt no shock in raising the fish into the air. In a few min- utes Humboldt had five large eels, most of which were but slightly wounded. Some others were taken, by the same means, towards evening. The travellers left the town of Calabozo on the 24th, highly satisfied with their stay, and the experiments they had made on an object so worthy of the attention of physiologists. As they advanced into the southern part of the Llanos, they found the ground more dusty more destitute of herbage, and more cracked by the effect of long drought. The palm-trees disappeared by degrees. The calmer the air appeared at eight or ten feet high, the more they were enveloped in those whirlwinds of dust, caused by the currents of air that swept the ground. In the afternoon they found a young Indian girl stretched upon the savannah. She was almost in a state of nudity, and appeared to be about twelve or thirteen years of age. Exhausted with fatigue and thirst, her eyes, nostrils, and mouth filled with dust, she breathed with a rattling in 1 1 G FORDING I UK URITUCU. her throat, and was unable to answer their questions. A pitcher, overturned, and half-filled with sand, was lying at her side. Bappily one of their mules was laden with water; and they roused the girl from her lethargic state by bathing her face, and forcing her to drink a few drops of wine. She was at first alarmed on seeing her- self surrounded by so many persons; but by degrees she took courage, and conversed with their guides. She judged, from the position of the sun, that she must have remained during several hours in that state of lethargy. They could not prevail on her to mount one of their beasts of burden, and she would not return to Uritucu. She had been in service at a neighbouring farm ; and she had been discharged, because at the end of a long sick- ness she was less able to work than before. Their menaces and prayers were alike fruitless; insensible to suffering, she persisted in her resolution of going to one of the Indian Missions near the eitv of Calabozo. They removed the sand from her pitcher, and tilled it with water. She resumed her way along the steppe before they had remounted their horses, and was soon separated from them by a, cloud of dust. During the night they 1'onled the river Uritucu, which abounded with a breed of crocodiles remarkable for their ferocitv. They were advised to prevent their dogs from going to drink in the rivers, for it often happened that the crocodiles of Uri- tucu came out of the water, and pursued dogs upon the Bhore. They were shown a hut, in which their host of Calabozo had witnessed a very extraordinary scene. Sleeping with one of his friends on a bench or couch covered with leather, he was awakened early in the morning by a violent shaking and a horrible noise. SLEEPING OVER A CEOCODILE. 117 Clods of earth were thrown into the middle of the hut. Presently a young crocodile two or three feet long issued from under the bed, darted at a dog which lay on the threshold of the door, and, missing him in the impetu- osity of his spring, ran towards the beach to gain the river. On examining the spot where the couch was placed, the cause of this strange adventure was easily discovered. The ground was disturbed to a considerable depth. It was dried mud, which had covered the croco- dile in that state of lethargy, or summer-sleep, in which many of the species lie during the absence of the rains in the Llanos. The noise of men and horses, perhaps the smell of the dog, had aroused the crocodile. The hut being built at the edge of the pool, and inundated during part of the year, the crocodile had no doubt entered, at the time of the inundation of the savan- nahs, by the same opening at which it was seen to go out. On the 25th they traversed the smoothest part of the steppes of Caracas, the Mesa de Pavones. As far as the eye could reach, not a single object fifteen inches high could be discovered. The air was clear, and the sky of a very deep blue ; but the horizon reflected a livid and yellowish light, caused by the quantity of sand suspended in the atmosphere. They met some large herds of cattle, and with them flocks of birds of a black colour with an olive shade. They had often seen them perched on the back of cows, seeking for gadflies and Other insects. Like many birds of these desert places, they feared so little the approach of man, that children often caught them in their hands. In the valleys of Aragua, where they were very common, the travellers 118 SAN FERNANDO. often saw tin -m perched upon the hammocks on which they were reposing, in open day. On the 27th of March they arrived at the Villa de San Fernando, the capital of the Mission of the Capu- chins, id the province of Varinas. CHAPTER IV. UP THE OEIKOCO, The next journey that the travellers made was to the Orinoco. In the afternoon of the 30th of March, they set sail from San Fernando in a large canoe, managed by a pilot and four Indians. They constructed, near the stern, a cabin covered with palm-leaves, sufficiently spacious to contain a table and benches. These were made of ox-hides, strained tight, and nailed to frames of brazil-wood. The canoe was loaded with provisions for a month ; fowls, eggs, plantains, cassava, and cocoa, not forgetting sherry wine, oranges, and tamarinds, which were given them by the Capuchins. They soon entered a land inhabited only by tigers, crocodiles, and tapirs. They saw flocks of birds, crowded so closely together as to appear against the sky like a dark cloud which every instant changed its form. The river widened by degrees. One of its banks was barren and sandy from the effect of inundations ; the other was higher, and covered with lofty trees. In some parts the river was bordered by forests on each side, and formed a straight canal nine hundred feet broad. The manner in which the trees were disposed was remarkable. First were bushes of sauso, forming a kind of hedge four feet 120 CROCODILES. high, and appearing as if they had been clipped by the hand of man. A copse of cedar, brazilletto, and lignum- vita- rose behind this hedge. Palm-trees were rare. The large quadrupeds of those regions, the jaguars, tapirs, and peccaries had made openings in the hedge of sauso, through which they passed when they came to drink at the river. As they feared but little the approach of a boat, the travellers had the pleasure of viewing them as they paced slowly along the shore till they disappeared in the forest, which they entered by one of the narrow passes left at intervals between the bushes. When the shore was of considerable breadth, the hedge of sauso remained at a distance from the river. In the intermediate space they saw crocodiles, sometimes to the number of eight or ten, stretched on the sand. Motion- less, witli their jaws wide open, they reposed by each other, without displaying any of those marks of affec- tion observed in other animals living in society. The troop separated as soon as they quitted the shore. These monstrous creatures were so numerous, that throughout the whole course of the river almost at every instant five or six were in view. Yet at this period the swelling of the Rio Apure was scarcely perceived ; and consequently hundreds of crocodiles were still buried in the mud of the savannahs. About four in the afternoon Humboldt stopped to measure a dead crocodile which had been east ashore. It was sixteen feet eight inches long; some days after Bonpland found another, a male, twenty-two feet three inches long. The Indians told them that at San Fernando scarcely ;i year passed without two or three grown-up persons, particularly women who fetched water from the river, being devoured by these carnivo- ADVENTURE OF A GIRL. 121 rous reptiles. They related the history of a young girl of Uritucu, who, by singular intrepidity and presence of mind, saved herself from the jaws of a crocodile. When she felt herself seized, she sought the eyes of the animal, and plunged her fingers into them with such, violence, that the pain forced him to let her go, after having bitten off the lower part of her left arm. Notwithstanding the enor- mous quantity of blood she lost, the girl reached the shore, swimming with, the hand that still remained to her. In those desert countries, where man was ever wrestling with nature, discourse daily turned on the best means that might be employed to escape from a tiger, a boa, or a crocodile ; every one prepared himself in some sort for the dangers that might await him. " I knew," said the young girl of Uritucu coolly, " that the cayman lets go his hold, if you push your fingers into his eyes." After his return to Europe, Humboldt learned that in the inte- rior of Africa the negroes knew and practised the same means of defence. Isaac, the guide of the unfortunate Mungo Park, was twice seized by a crocodile, and twice escaped from the jaws of the monster, having succeeded in thrusting his fingers into the creature's eyes while under water. The African Isaac, and the young Ameri- can girl, owed their safety to the same presence of mind, and the same combination of ideas. Humboldt often saw young crocodiles biting their tails ; and other observers have seen the same action in croco- diles at their full growth. If their movements almost always appear to be straight forward, it is because, like lizards, they move by starts. Crocodiles are excellent swimmers ; they go with facility against the most rapid current. It appeared to Humboldt, however, that in 6 122 THE JAGUAR AND THE VULTURES. descending the river, they had some difficulty in turning quickly about A large dog, which had accompanied him in his journey from Caracas to the Rio Negro, was one day pursued in swimming by an enormous crocodile. The latter had nearly reached its prey, when the dog escaped by turning round suddenly and swimming ainst the current. The crocodile performed the same movement, but much more slowly than the dog, wdiich succeeded in gaining the shore. Near the Jbval the travellers saw the largest jaguar they had ever met with. The natives themselves were astonished at its prodigious length, which surpassed that of any Bengal tiger ever seen in the museums of Europe The animal lay stretched beneath the shade of a large zamang. It had just killed a tapir, but had not yet touched its prey, on which it kept one of its paws. The zamuro vultures were assembled in great numbers to devour the remains of the jaguar's repast. They pre- sented the most curious spectacle, by a singular mixture of boldness and timidity. They advanced within the dis- tance of two feet from the animal, but at the least move- ment he made they drew back. In order to observe more nearly the manners of these creatures, Humboldt and Bonpland went into the little skiff that accompanied their canoe. Tigers very rarely attack boats by swim- ming to them; and never but when their ferocity is heightened by a long privation of food. The noise of their oars led the animal to rise slowlv, and hide itself behind the sauso bushes that bordered the shore. The vultures tried to profit by this moment of absence to devour the tapir; but the tiger, notwithstanding the proximity of the boat, Leaped into the midst of them, DON IGNACIO POMPOSO. 123 and in a fit of rage, expressed by his gait and the move- ment of his tail, carried off his prey to the forest. Continuing to descend the river, they met with a great herd of tapirs which the tiger had put to flight, and from whom he had selected his prey. These animals saw them land very unconcernedly ; some were seated, and gazed upon them, moving the upper lip like rabbits. They seemed not to be afraid of man, but the sight of the dog put them to flight Their hind legs being longer than their fore legs, their pace was a slight gallop, but with so little swiftness that the travellers succeeded in catching two of them. They passed the night in the open air, though in a plantation, the proprietor of which employed himself in hunting tigers. He wore scarcely any clothing, and was of a dark brown complexion like a Zambo. This did not prevent his classing himself among the whites. He called his wife and his daughter, who were as naked as himself, Dona Isabella and Dona Manuela. Without having ever quitted the banks of the Apure, he took a lively interest in the news of Madrid, enquiring eagerly re- specting " those never-ending wars, and everything down yonder." He knew, he said, that the king was soon to come and visit the grandees of the country of Caracas, but he added with some pleasantry, " as the people of the court can eat only wheaten bread, they will never pass beyond the town of Victoria, and we shall not see them here." Humboldt had brought with him a tapir which he had intended to have roasted; but his host assured him that such ' Indian game ' was not food fit for white gentlemen like the travellers and himself. Accordingly he offered them some venison, which he 1 _' i DBEX4 II KD IN THE TEMPEST. had killed the day before with an arrow, for lie had neither powder aor fire-arms. They Bupposed that a small wood of plantain-tn concealed the hut of the farm; but this man, so proud of his nobility and the colour of his skin, had not taken the trouble of constructing even a hut of palmdeaves. He invited them to have their hammocks hung near his own, between two trees; and he assured them with an air of complacency, that, if they came up the river in the rainy season, they should find him beneath a roof. They soon had reason to complain of a system of philosophy which was indulgent to indolence, and rendered a man indifferent to the conveniences of life. A furious wind arose alter midnight, lightnings flashed over the horizon, thunder rolled, and they were wet to the skin. During this storm a whimsical incident served to amuse them for a moment. Dona Isabella's cat had perched upon the tamarind-tree, at the foot of which they lay. It fell int«» tli>- hammock of one of their companions, who being hurt by the claws of the cat, and suddenly aroused from a profound sleep, Imagined he was attacked by some wild beast of the forest. They ran to him on hearing his cries, and had some trouble to convince him of his error. While it rained in torrents on their hammocks ami on their instruments which they had brought ashore, their host congratulated them on their good fortune i'i H"t Bleeping on the strand, but finding themselves in his domain, among whites and persons of respectability. W'.t as they were, they could not easily persuade them- selves of the advantages of their situation, and thev listened with some impatience to the long narrative which 'he gave of his pretended expedition to the CRIES OF THE ANIMAL' AT NIGHT. 125 Rio Meta, of the valour lie had displayed in a sanguinary combat with the Gruahibo Indians, and the services that he had rendered to God and his king, in carrying away Indian children, from their parents, to distribute them in the Missions. On the 1st of April, at sunrise, they quitted Senor Don Ignacio and Senora Dona Isabella his wife. They passed the next night on a bare and extensive strand of the river. The forest on its banks being im- penetrable, they had the greatest difficulty in finding dry wood to light fires. The night was calm and serene, and there was a beautiful moonlight. The crocodiles, stretched along the shore, placed themselves in such a manner as to be able to see the fire. The travellers thought they observed that its blaze attracted them, as it attracts fishes, crayfish, and other inhabitants of the water. The Indians showed them the tracks of three tigers in the sand, two of which were very young. A female had no doubt conducted her little ones to drink at the river. Finding no tree near, the travellers stuck their oars in the ground, and fastened their hammocks to them. Everything passed tranquilly till eleven at night; and then a noise so terrific arose in the neigh- bouring forest, that it was almost impossible to close their eyes. Amid the cries of so many wild beasts howling at once, the Indians discriminated only such as were at intervals heard separately. These were the little soft cries of the sapajous, the moans of the alouate apes, the howlings of the jaguar and couguar, the peccary, and the sloth, and the cries of the curassao, the parraka, and other gallinaceous birds. When the jaguars approached the skirt of the forest, the dog, which accompanied the 128 PORPOI8E8 AM) BIRDS. party, and which till then had never ceased barking, gan to howl and seek for shelter beneath their ham- mocks. Sometimes, after a Long silence, the cry of the tiger came from the tops of the trees ; and then it was followed by the sharp and long whistling of the monkeys, which appeared to flee from the danger that threatened them. When the natives were interrogated on the causes of the tremendous noise made by the beasts of the forest at certain hours of the night, they answered, "They are keeping the feast of the full moon." The travellers set sail on the 2d of April. The morn- ing was beautiful and cool. The porpoises ploughed the river in long files. The shore was covered with fish- ing-birds. Some of these perched on the floating wood as it passed down the river, and surprised the fish that pre- ferred the middle of the stream. The canoe was aground several times during the morning. These shocks were sufficiently violent to split a light bark. They were < -a used by the limbs of large trees, which had remained for years in an oblique position, sunk in the mud. leaching a spot near the island of Carizales, they saw trunks of the locust-tree, of an enormous size, above the surface of the water. They were covered with a species of plotus, nearly resembling the white bellied darter. These birds perched in files, like pheasants, and re- mained for hours entirely motionless, with their beaks raised towards the sky. It rained towards evening, and before the rain fell, swallows skimmed over the surface of the water. They saw also a flock of paroquets pursued by little goshawks. The piercing cries of these paroquets contrasted singu- larly with the whistling of the birds of prey. They IN DANGER FROM A JAGUAR. 127 0 passed the night in the open air, upon the beach, near the island of Carizales. There were several Indian huts in the neighbourhood, surrounded with plantations. Their pilot assured them beforehand that they should not hear the cries of the jaguar, which, when not ex- tremely pressed by hunger, withdraws from places where he does not reign unmolested. " Men put him out of humour," said the people in the Missions. They stopped at noon the next day in a spot called Algodonal. Leaving his companions while they drew the boat ashore and were occupied in preparing their dinner, Humboldt went along the beach to get a near view of a group of crocodiles sleeping in the sun, and lying in such a manner as to have their tails resting on one another. Some little herons, white as snow, walked along their backs, and even upon their heads, as if passing over trunks of trees. The crocodiles were of a greenish gray, half covered with dried mud ; from their colour and im- mobility they might have been taken for bronze statues. This excursion had nearly proved fatal to him. He had kept his eyes constantly turned towards the river ; but, whilst picking up some spangles of mica agglomerated together in the sand, he discovered the recent footsteps of a tiger, easily distinguishable from their form and size. The animal had gone towards the forest, and turning his eyes on that side, he found himself within eighty paces of a tiger that was lying under the thick foliage of a ceiba. No tiger ever appeared to him so large. He was extremely alarmed, yet sufficiently master of himself and of his motions to enable him to follow the advice which the Indians had so often given him as to how he ought to act in such cases. He continued to 128 TROUBLED WITH ZANCUDOS. » walk <>n without running, avoided moving his arm?, and thoughl h^ observed that the jaguar's attention was fixed on a herd of capybaras which was crossing the river. II" then began to return, making a large circuit toward tin- edge of the water. lie was often tempted to look hark in order to assure himself that he was not pursued! Eappily he yielded very tardily to this desire. The jaguar had remained motionless. He arrived at the boat out of breath, and related his adventure to the Indians. They appeared very little interested by it ; yet, after the party had loaded their guns, they accompanied him to the ceiba beneath which the jaguar had lain. He was there no longer. The 4th of April was the last day that they passed on the Rio Apure. During several days they had suffered crud ly from the stings of zancudos, which covered their faces and hands. These insects.were gnats, though very different from those that they had seen in Europe. They appeared only after sunset. Their proboscis was so long that, when they fixed on the lower surface of a hammock, they pierced through it and the thickest garments with their sting. The travellers had intended to pass the night at the Vuelta del Palmito, but the number of jaguars at that part of the Apure was so great that the Indians found two hidden behind the trunk of a locust-tree, at the moment when they were going to sling their hammocks. Finding no trees to which they could suspend their ham- mocks, they were obliged to sleep on ox-hides spread on ground. The I too narrow and too full of zancudos to permil them to pass the night in them. In the place where they had landed their instruments, IN SIGHT OF THE ORINOCO. 129 the banks being very steep, they saw new proofs of the indolence of the gallinaceous birds of the tropics. The curassaos and cashew birds had the habit of going down several times a day to the river to allay their thirst. They drank a great deal, and at short intervals. A vast number of these birds had joined, near their station, a flock of pheasants. They had great difficulty in climb- ing up the steep banks ; they attempted it several times without using their wings. The travellers drove them before them as if they had been driving sheep. Continuing their journey they discerned towards the south the lovely hills of Coranto ; while to the east the granite rocks of the Curiquima, the Sugar-loaf of Cay- cara, and the mountains of the Tyrant began to rise on the horizon. It was not without emotion that they beheld for the first time the waters of the Orinoco. On leaving the Rio Apure they found themselves in a country presenting a totally different aspect. An im- mense plain of water stretched before them like a lake, as far as they could see. White-topped waves rose to the height of several feet, from the conflict of the breeze and the current. The air resounded no longer with the piercing cries of herons, flamingoes, and spoonbills, cross- ing in long files from one shore to the other. Their eyes sought in vain those water-fowls, the habits of which vary in each tribe. All nature appeared less animated. Scarcely could they discover in the hollows of the waves a few large crocodiles, cutting obliquely, by the help of their long tails, the surface of the agitated waters. The horizon was bounded by a zone of forests, which nowhere reached so far as the bed* of the river. A vast beach, constantly parched by the heat of the sun, desert and 6* ]30 Tin: IfOUNTAINS OP BNCARAMADA. bare as the shores of the sea, resembled at a distance, from the effect of the mirage, pools of stagnant water. These Bandy Bhores, !ar from fixing the limits of the river, rendered them uncertain, by enlarging or contract- in-- them alternately, according to the variable action of the solar rays. Struck with the extreme breadth of the Orinoco, be- tween the mouth of the Apure and the rock Curiquima, Humboldt asc named it by means of a base measured twice on the western beach. The bed of the Orinoco, at low water, was over six thousand feet broad; but this breadth was increased to thirty-two thousand feet in the rainy season. The travellers first proceeded south-west, as far as the shore inhabited by the Gruaricoto Indians on the left bank of the Orinoco, and then advanced straight towards the south. The river was so broad that the mountains of Encaramada appeared to rise from the water, as if seen above the horizon of the sea. They formed a continued chain from east to west. These mountains were com- posed of enormous blocks of granite, cleft and piled one upon another. What contributed above all to embellish the scene at Encaramada was the luxuriance of vegeta- tion that covered the sides of the rocks, leaving bare only their rounded summits. They looked like ancient ruins rising in the midst of a forest. In the port of Encaramada they met with some Caribs of Panapana. A cacique was going up the Orinoco in his canoe, to join in the famous fishing of turtle's eggs. His canoe was rounded toward the bottom, and fol- lowed by a smaller boat. He was seated beneath a sort of tent, constructed, like the sail, of palm-leaves. 11 is THE CARIBS. 131 cold and silent gravity, the respect with which he was treated by his attendants, everything denoted him to be a person of importance. He was equipped, however, in the same manner as his Indians. They were all equally naked, armed with bows and arrows, and painted with onoto. The chief, the domestics, the furniture, the boat, and the sail were all painted red. These Caribs were men of an almost athletic stature ; they appeared to the travellers much taller than any Indians they had hitherto seen. Their smooth and thick hair, cut short on the forehead like that of choristers, their eyebrows painted black, their look at once gloomy and animated, gave a singular expression to their countenances. The women, who were very tall, and disgusting from their want of cleanliness, carried their infants on their backs. The thighs and legs of the infants were bound at certain dis- tances by broad strips of cotton cloth, and the flesh, strongly compressed beneath the ligatures, was swelled in the interstices. Near Encaramada a very long island divided the river into two branches. They passed the night in a rocky creek, opposite the mouth of the Rio Cabullare, which was formed by the Payara and the Atamaica. The evening was beautiful. The moon illumined the tops of the granite rocks. The heat was so uniformly distri- buted, that, notwithstanding the humidity of the air, no twinkling of the stars was observable, even at four or five degrees above the horizon. Towards midnight, the north-east wind became extremely violent. It brought no clouds, but the vault of the sky was covered more and more with vapours. Strong gusts were felt, and made them fear for the safety of their canoe. During this I in: PAINTED BO< k. whole day they had seen very Pew crocodiles, but all of an extraordinary size, from twenty to twenty-four feet. The [ndians assured them that the young crocodiles preferred the marshes, and the rivers that were 1< broad and less deep. Speaking of the mountains of Encaramada, Humboldt says that the natives of those countries had retained the lief that, "at the time of the great waters, when their Gathers were forced to have recourse to boats, to escape the genera] inundation, the waves of the sea beat against the rocks of Encaramada." This belief was not confined to one nation singly, it made part of a system of historical tradition, of which he found scattered notions among the Maypures of the great cataracts; among the Indians of the Rio Erevato, and among almost all the tribes of the Upper Orinoco. When the Indians were asked how the human race survived this great deluge they said, " a man and a woman saved themselves on a high moun- tain, called Tamanacu, situated on the banks of the Asiveru ; and casting behind them, over their heads, the fruits of the mauritia palm-tree, they saw the seeds con- tained in those fruits produce men and women, who repeopled the earth." A few leagues from Encaramada, a rock, called "the painted rock," rose in the midst of the savannah. Upon it were traced representations of ani- mals and symbolic figures. Between the banks of the Cassiquiare and the Orinoco, between Encaramada, the Capuchino, and Caycara, these hieroglyphic figures were often seen at great heights, en rocky chit's which could be accessible only by constructing very lofty scaffolds. When the natives were asked how those figures could have been sculptured, they answered with a smile, as if THE HARVEST OF EGGS. 133 relating a fact of which only a white man could be ig- norant, that "at the period of the great waters, their fathers went to that height in boats." A fresh breeze carrying the travellers towards the Boca de la Tortuga they landed at an island in the middle of the river. This island was celebrated for the turtle- fishery, or, as it was called there, "the harvest of eggs," that took place annually. Here the travellers found an assemblage of Indians, encamped under huts made of palm-leaves. This encampment contained more than three hundred persons. Accustomed, since they had left San Fernando de Apure, to see only desert shores they were singularly struck by the bustle that prevailed here. They found, besides the Guamos and the Ottomacs of Uruana, who were both considered as savage races, Caribs, and other Indians of the Lower Orinoco. Every tribe was separately encamped, and was distinguished by the pigments with which their skins were painted. Some white men were seen amidst this tumultuous assemblage, chiefly pulperos, or little traders of Angostura, who had come up the river to purchase turtle-oil from the natives. The missionary of Uruana, a native of Alcala, came to meet Humboldt and Bonpland, and he was extremely astonished at seeing them. After having admired their instruments, he gave them an exaggerated picture of the sufferings to which they would be necessarily exposed in ascending the Orinoco beyond the cataracts. The object of their journey appeared to him very mysterious. "How is it possible to believe," said he, "that you have left your country, to come and be devoured by mosquitos on this river, and to measure lands that are not your own?" They were happily furnished with recommendations from 134 HOW THEY FOUND THE EGGS. the Superior of the Franciscan Missions, and the brother- in-law of the Governor of Varinas, who accompanied them, soon dissipated the doubts to which their dress, their accent, and their arrival in this sandy island, had given rise among the Whites. The missionary invited them to partake a frugal repast of fish and plantains. He told them that he had come to encamp with the Indians during the time of the harvest of eggs, " to celebrate mass every morning in the open air ; to procure the oil necessary for the church-lamps, and especially to govern this mixed republic in which every one wished to profit singly by what God had granted to all." They made the tour of the island, accompanied by the missionary and by a trader, who boasted of having, for ten successive years, visited the camp of the Indians, and attended the turtle-fishery. They were on a plain of sand perfectly smooth ; and were told that, as far as they could see along the beach, turtles' eggs were concealed under a layer of earth. The missionary carried a long pole in his hand. He showed them, that by means of this pole, the extent of the stratum of eggs could be deter- mined as accurately as the miner determines the limits of a bed of marl, of bog iron-ore, or of coal. On thrusting the rod perpendicularly into the ground, the sudden want of resistance showed that the cavity or layer of loose earth, containing the eggs, had been reached. They saw that the stratum was generally spread with so much uniformity, that the pole found it everywhere in a radius of sixty feet around any given spot. Here they talked continually of square perches of eggs; it was like a mining-country, divided into lots, and worked with the greatest regularity. The stratum of eggs, however, was HATCHING THE EGGS. 135 far from covering the whole island ; they were not found wherever the ground rose abruptly, because the turtle could not mount heights. The Indians assured them that, in going up the Orinoco from its mouth to its junction with the Apure, not one island or one beach was to be found, where eggs could be collected in abundance. The great turtle dreads places inhabited by men, or much frequented by boats. It is a timid and mistrustful animal, raising only its head above the water, and hiding itself at the least noise. The period at which it lays its eggs coincides with the period of the lowest waters. The Orinoco beginning to increase from the vernal equinox, the lowest flats are found uncovered from the end of January till the 20th or 25th of March. The turtles collect in troops in the month of January, then issue from the water, and warm themselves in the sun, reposing on the sands. The In- dians believed that great heat was indispensable to the health of the animal, and that its exposure to the sun favoured the laying of the eggs. They are found on the beach a great part of the day during the whole month of February. At the beginning of March the straggling troops assemble, and swim towards the small number of islands on which they habitually deposit their eggs. At this period, a few days before they lay their eggs, thou- sands of these animals may be seen ranged in long files, on the borders of the islands of Cucuruparu, Uruana, and Pararuma, stretching out their necks and holding their heads above water, to see whether they have any- thing to dread. The Indians, who are anxious that the bands when assembled should not separate, that the tur- tles should not disperse, and that the laying of the eggs 13G MAD Tl'KTI.KS. Bhould be performed tranquilly, place sentinels at certain distances along the Bhore. The people who pass in boats are told to keep in the middle of the river, and not frighten the turtles by cries. The laying of the eggs takes place always during the night, and it begins soon after sunset With its hind feet, which are very long, and furnished with crooked claws, the animal digs a hole of three feet in diameter and two in depth. These turtles feel so pressing a desire to lay their eggs, that some of them descend into holes that have been dug by others, but which are not yet covered with earth. There they deposit a new layer of eggs on that which has been recently laid. In this tumultuous movement an immense number of eggs are broken. The missionary showed the travellers, by removing the sand in several places, that this loss probably amounted to a fifth of the whole quan- tity. The yelk of the broken eggs contributes, in drying, to cement the sand ; and they found very large concre- tions of grains of quartz and broken shells. The num- ber of animals working on the beach during the night is so considerable, that day surprises many of them before the laving of their eggs is terminated. They are then urged on by the double necessity of depositing their eggs, and closing the holes they have dug, that they may not be perceived by the jaguars. The turtles that thus re- main too late are insensible to their own danger. They work in the presence of the Indians, who visit the beach at a very early hour, and who call them 'mad turtles.' Notwithstanding the rapidity of their movements, they then easily caught with the hand. The encampments formed by the Indians began about the end of March or commencement of April. The MAKING TURTLE BUTTER. 137 gathering of the eggs was conducted in a uniform man- ner, and with that regularity which characterizes all mon- astic institutions. Before the arrival of the missionaries on the banks of the river, the Indians profited much less from a production which nature has supplied in such abundance. Every tribe searched the beach in its own way, and an immense number of eggs were uselessly broken, because they were not dug up with precaution, and more eggs were uncovered than could be carried away. It was like a mine worked by unskilful hands. When the camp was formed, the missionary of Uruana named his lieutenant, or commissary, who divided the ground where the eggs were found into different por- tions, according to the number of the Indian tribes who took part in the gathering. The lieutenant began his operations by sounding. He examined by means of a long wooden pole or cane of bamboo, how far the stratum of eggs extended. This stratum, according to the mea- surements of Humboldt, extended to the distance of one hundred and twenty feet from the shore. Its average depth was three feet. The lieutenant placed marks to indicate the point where each tribe should stop its labours. The Indians removed the earth with their hands ; they placed the eggs they had collected in small baskets, carried them to their encampment, and threw them into long troughs of wood filled with water. In these troughs the eggs, broken and stirred with shovels, remained ex- posed to the sun till the oily part, which swam on the surface, had time to inspissate. As fast as this collected on the surface of the water, it was taken off and boiled over a quick fire. This animal oil, called turtle butter, kept the better in proportion as it had undergone a strong 138 UP THE OKI N< >((). ebullition. When well prepared, it was limpid, inodorous, and scarcely yellow. The missionaries compared it to the best olive oil, and it was used not merely for burning in lamps, but for cooking. It was not easy, however, to procure oil of turtles' eggs quite pure. It had generally a putrid smell, owing to the mixture of eggs in which the young were already formed. The Indians brought away a great number of eggs to eat them dried in the sun ; and they broke a considerable number through carelessness during the gathering. The number of eggs that wen? hatched before the people could dig them up was so prodigious, that near the encampment of Uruana Ilumboldt saw the whole shore of the Orinoco swarming with little turtles an inch in diameter, escaping with diffi- culty from the pursuit of the Indian children. At the Playa de huevos where their pilot had an- chored to purchase provisions, their store having begun to run short, the travellers found fresh meat, Angostura rice, and even biscuit made of wheat-flour. Their In- dians filled the boat with little live turtles, and eggs dried in the sun, for their own use. Having taken leave of the missionary of Uruana, who had treated them with great kindness, they set sail about four in the afternoon. The wind was fresh, and blew in squalls. Since they had entered the mountainous part of the country, they had discovered that their canoe carried sail very badly; but the master was desirous of showing the Indians who were assembled on the beach, that, by going close to the wind, he could reach, at one single tack, the middle of the river. At the very moment when he was boasting of his dexterity, and the boldness of his manoeuvre, the force of the wind upon the sail became so great that they UPSET BY A SQUALL. 139 were on the point of going down. One side of the boat was under water, which rushed in with such violence that it was soon up to their knees. It washed over a little table at which Humboldt was writing at the stern of the boat. He had some difficulty in saving his journal, and in an instant they saw their books, papers, and dried plants, all afloat. Bonpland was lying asleep in the middle of the canoe. Awakened by the entrance of the water and the cries of the Indians, he understood the danger of their situation, whilst he maintained a coolness which he always displayed in the most difficult circum- stances. The lee-side righting itself from time to time during the squall, he did not consider the boat as lost. He thought that, were they even forced to abandon it, they might save themselves by swimming, since there were no crocodiles in sight. Amidst this uncertainty the cordage of the sail suddenly gave way. The same gust of wind, that had thrown them on their beam, served also to right them. They laboured to bail the water out of the boat with calabashes, the sail was again set, and in less than half an hour they were in a state to proceed. The wind now abated a little. Squalls alternating with dead calms were common in that part of the Orinoco which was bordered by mountains. They were very dangerous for boats deeply laden, and without decks. The travellers had escaped by a miracle. To the reproaches that were heaped on their pilot for having kept too near the wind, he replied with the phlegmatic coolness peculiar to the Indians, observing " that the whites would find sun enough on those banks to dry their papers." They lost only one book, the first volume of the " Genera Plan- tarum" of Schreber, which had fallen overboard. At 140 THE BRACK OF PARAIII'MA. nightfall they Landed on a barren island in the middle of the river, near the mission of Uruana. They supped in a clear moonlight, seating themselves on some large turtle-shells that were found scattered about the beach. On the 8th the travellers passed the mouths of the Sua pure and the Caripo, on the east, and the outlet of the Sinaruco on the west. This last river was, next to the Rio Arauca, the most considerable between the Apure and the Meta. The Suapure, full of little cascades, was celebrated among the Indians for the quantity of wild honey obtained from the forests in its neighbourhood. Early on the following morning the travellers arrived at the beach of Pararuma, where they found an encamp- ment of Indians. They had assembled to search the sands, for collecting the turtles' eggs, and extracting the oil ; but they had unfortunately made a mistake of seve- ral davs. The young turtles had come out of their shells be- fore the Indians had i< >rmed their camp ; and consequently the crocodiles, and a speeies of large white herons, availed themselves of the delay. These animals, and birds fond of the flesh of young turtles, devour an innumerable quantity. They fish during the night, for the young turtles do not come out of the earth to gain the neigh- bouring river till after the evening twilight. The zamuro vultures are too indolent to hunt after sunset. They stalk along the shores in the daytime, and alight in the midst of the Indian encampment to steal provisions ; but they often find no other means of satisfying their voracity than by attacking young crocodiles of seven or eight inches long, either on land, or in water of little depth. It was curious to se<- the address with which these little animals defended thems Ives for a time against the vul MONKS PLAYING CAKDS. 141 tures. As soon as they perceived the enemy they raised themselves on their fore paws, bent their backs, and lifted up their heads, opening their wide jaws. They turned continually, though slowly, towards their assailant to show him their teeth, which even when the animal had but recently issued from the egg, were very long and sharp. Often while the attention of a young crocodile was wholly engaged by one of the zamuros, another seized the favourable opportunity for an unforeseen at- tack. He pounced on the animal, grasped him by the neck, and bore him off to the higher regions of the air. They found among the Indians assembled at Pararuma some white men, who had come from Angostura to purchase the turtle-butter. After having wearied the travellers for a long time with their complaints of the bad harvest, and the mischief done by the tigers among the turtles, at the time of laying their eggs, they con- ducted them beneath an ajoupa, that rose in the centre of the Indian camp. They found there the missionary- monks of Carichana and the Cataracts seated on the ground playing at cards, and smoking tobacco in long pipes. From their ample blue garments, their shaven heads, and their long beards, they might have been mis- taken for natives of the East. These poor priests re- ceived them in the kindest manner, giving them every information necessary for the continuance of their voy- age. They had suffered from tertian fever for some months ; and their pale and emaciated aspect easily con- vinced the travellers that the countries they were about to visit were not without danger to their health. The Indian pilot who had brought them from San Fernando de Apure as far as the shore of Pararuma, was 142 INDIANS PAINTING. unacquainted with the passage of the rapids of the Ori- noco, and would not undertake to conduct their bark any farther. They were obliged to conform to his will. Bappily for them, the missionary of Carichana consented to Bell them a line canoe at a very moderate price: and Father Bernardo Zea, missionary of the Atures and May- pures near the great cataracts, offered, though still un- well, to accompany them as far as the frontiers of Brazil. Most of the missionaries of the Upper and Lower Ori- noco permitted the Indians of their Missions to paint their skins; some of them even speculated on this bar- barous practice of the natives. In their huts, pompously called convents, Humboldt often saw stores of chica, which they sold as high as four francs the cake. To form a j ust idea of the extravagance of the decoration of these naked Indians, he tells us that a man of large stature gains with difficulty enough by the labour of a fortnight, to procure in exchange the chica necessary to } »aiiit himself red. Thus as we say in temperate climates, of a poor man, " he has not enough to clothe himself," the Indians of the Orinoco say, " that man is so poor, that he has not enough to paint half his body." Humboldt was surprised to see, that, the women far advanced in years, were more occupied with their orna- ments than the youngest women. He saw an Indian female of the nation of the Ottomacs employing two of her daughters in the operation of rubbing her hair writh the oil of turtles' eg^^ and painting her back with anato and caruto. The ornament consisted of a sort of lattice- work formed of black lines crossing each other on a red ground. Each little square had a black dot in the centre. It was a work of incredible patience, lie returned from ANIMALS OF THE ORINOCO. 143 a very long herborization, and the painting was not half finished. The Indians were not always satisfied with one colour uniformly spread ; they sometimes imitated in the most whimsical manner, in painting their skin, the form of European garments. The travellers saw some at Para- ruma, who were painted with bine jackets and black buttons. The missionaries related to them that the Guaynaves of the Rio Caura were accustomed to stain themselves red with anato, and to make broad transverse stripes on the body, on which they stuck spangles of silvery mica. Seen at a distance, these naked men ap- peared to be dressed in laced clothes. The travellers had an excellent opportunity while on the Orinoco of examining several animals in their natural state, which, till then, they had seen only in the collec- tions of Europe. These little animals formed a branch of commerce for the missionaries. They exchanged to- bacco, resin, the pigment of chica, rock-manakins, orange monkeys, capuchin monkeys, and other species of mon- keys in great request on the coast, for cloth, nails, hatch- ets, fish-hooks, and pins. The productions of the Ori- noco were bonght at a low price from the Indians, who lived in dependence on the monks ; and these same Indi- ans purchased fishing and gardening implements from the monks at a very high price, with the money they gained at the egg-harvest. Humboldt and Bonpland bought several animals, which they kept throughout the rest of their passage on the river, and studied their man- ners. Among these was a little monkey called the titi. No other monkey has so much the physiognomy of a child as the titi; there is the same expression of inno- 1U THE MONKEY'S TASTE IX ART. cence, the same playful smile, the same rapidity in tlie transition from joy to sorrow. Its large eyes are in- Btantly filled with tears, when it is seized with fear. It is extremely fond of insects, particularly of spiders. The sagacity of this little animal is so great that one brought in their boat to Angostura distinguished perfectly the different plates annexed to one of Cuvier's works on Natural History. The engravings of this work were not coloured ; yet the titi advanced rapidly its little hand in the hope of catching a grasshopper or a wasp, every time the travellers showed it the plate, on which these insects were represented. It remained perfectly indiffer- ent when it was shown engravings of skeletons or heads of rnammiferous animals. When several of these little monkeys, shut up in the same cage, were exposed to the rain, they twisted their tail round their neck, and inter- twined their arms and legs to warm one another. The hunters told the travellers that in the forests they often met groups of ten or twelve of these animals, whilst others sent forth lamentable cries, because they wished to enter the group to find warmth and shelter. By shooting arrows dipped in weak poison at one of these groups, a great number of young monkeys are taken alive at once. The titi in falling remains clinging to its mother, and if it be not wounded by the fall, it does not quit the shoulder or the neck of the dead animal. Most of those that wore found alive in the huts of the Indians, had been taken thus from the dead bodies of their mothers. To gain something in breadth in their narrow canoe the travellers constructed a sorl of lattice-work on the stern with branches of trees, that extended on each side THE ROOF OF LEAVES. 145 beyond the gunwale. Unfortunately, the roof of leaves, that covered this lattice- work, was so low that they were obliged to lie down, without seeing anything, or, if seated, to sit nearly double. The necessity of carrying the canoe across the rapids, and even from one river to another, and the fear of giving too much hold to the wind, by making the roof higher, rendered this construc- tion necessary. The roof was intended to cover four persons, lying on the deck or lattice-work of brush-wood ; but their legs reached far beyond it, and when it rained half their bodies were wet. Their couches consisted of ox-hides or tiger-skins, spread upon branches of trees, which were painfully felt through so thin a covering. The fore part of the boat was filled with Indian rowers, furnished with paddles, three feet long, in the form of spoons. They were all naked, seated two by two, and they kept time in rowing with a surprising uniformity, singing songs of a sad and monotonous character. The small cages containing the birds and the monkeys of the travellers, the number of which increased as they advanced, were hung, some to the roof and others to the bow of the boat. This was their travelling menagerie. Every night, when they established their watch, their collection of animals and instruments occupied the centre ; around these were placed first their hammocks, then the hammocks of the Indians ; and on the outside were the fires which were thought indispensable against the attacks of the jaguar. In a canoe not three feet wide, and so encumbered, there remained no other place for the dried plants, trunks, sextants, dipping-needles, and the meteorological instruments, than the space below the lattice-work of 146 STOKMY WEATHER. branches, on which Humboldt and Bonpland were com- pelled to remain stretched the greater part of the day. If they wished to take the least object out of a trunk, or to use an instrument, it was necessary to row ashore and land. To these inconveniences were joined the torment of the mosquitos which swarmed under the roof, and the heat radiated from the leaves of the palm-trees, the upper surface of which was continually exposed to the solar jays. They attempted every instant, but always without success, to mend their situation. While one of them hid himself under a sheet to ward off the insects, the other insisted on having green wood lighted beneath the roof in the hope of driving away the mosquitos by the smoke. The painful sensations of the eyes, and the increase of heat, already stifling, rendered both these contrivances alike impracticable. On the 11th of April they found the course of the river encumbered by blocks of granite rocks. They passed on the west the Cano Orupe, and then a great rock known by the name of the Rock of the Tiger. The river there was so deep, that no bottom could be found with a line of twenty-two fathoms. Towards evening the weather became cloudy and gloomy. The proximity of the storm was marked by squalls alternating with dead calms. The rain was violent, and the roof of foliage, under which the travellers lay, afforded but little shelter. Happily these showers drove away the mosquitos for some time. They found themselves before the cataract of Oariven, and the impulse of the waters was so strong, that they had greal difficulty in gaining the land. They were continually driven hack to the middle of the cur- rent. • At length twoSalive Indians, excellent swimmers, RIVERS OBSTRUCTED BY ROCKS. 14 7 leaped into the water, and having drawn the boat to shore by means of a rope, made it fast to a shelf of bare rock, on which they passed the night. The thunder continued to roll during a part of the night ; the swell of the river became considerable ; and they were several times afraid that their frail bark would be driven from the shore by the impetuosity of the waves. The next day they found the bed of the river, to the length of thirty -six hundred feet, full of granite rocks. They passed through channels that were not five feet broad. Their canoe was sometimes jammed between two blocks of granite. When the current was too violent to be resisted the rowers leaped into the water, and fastened a rope to the point of a rock, to warp the boat along. This manoeuvre was very tedious ; and the tra- vellers sometimes availed themselves of it, to climb the rocks among which they were entangled. The rocks were of all dimensions, rounded, very black, glossy like lead, and destitute of vegetation. It was an extraordinary phenomenon to see the waters of one of the largest rivers on the globe in some sort disappear. They perceived, even far from the shore, those immense blocks of granite rising from the ground, and leaning one against another. The intervening channels in the rapids were more than twenty-five fathoms deep ; and were the more difficult to be observed, as the rocks were often narrow towards their bases, and formed vaults suspended over the surface of the river. From the mouth of the Meta, the Orinoco appeared to be freer of shoals and rocks. Thev navigated in a channel three thousand feet broad. The Indians remained row- ing in the boat, without towing or pushing it forward 148 THE MISSION OF SAN BORJA. with their arms, and wearying the travellers with tneir wild cries. It was night when they reached the Cataract of Tabaje. As the Indians would not hazard passing the cataract, they slept on a very incommodious spot, on the shelf of a rock, with a slope of more than eighteen degrees, and of which the crevices sheltered a swarm of hats. They heard the cries of the jaguar very near them daring the whole night. The jaguars were answered by their great dog in lengthened howlings. Humboldt waited the appearance of the stars in vain : the sky was exceedingly black; and the hoarse sounds of the cascades of the Orinoco mingled with the rolling of the distant thunder. Early in the morning of the 13th they passed the rapids of Tabaje, and again disembarked. Father Zea, who accompanied them, desired to perform mass in the New Mission of San Borja, established two years before. They found there six houses inhabited by un- catechised Guahibos. They differed in nothing from the wild Indians. Their eyes, which were large and black, had more vivacity than those of the Indians who inha- bited the ancient missions. They were offered brand}^, but they would not even taste it. The faces of all the young girls were marked with round black spots; like the patches by which the ladies of Europe formerly imagined they set off the whiteness of their skins. The bodies of the Guahibos were not painted. Several of them had boards, of which they seemed proud; and, taking the white men by the chin, they showTed them by signs, thai they were made like them. The Orinoco, in running from south to north, was crossed by a chain of granitic mountains. Twice con ROCKS AND TORRENTS. 119 fined in its course, it turbulently broke on the rocks. Nothing could be grander than the aspect. of this spot. It was traversed, in an extent of more than five miles, by innumerable dikes of rock, forming so many natural dams. The space between these dikes was filled with islands of different dimensions ; some hilly, divided into several peaks, and twelve or fifteen hundred feet in length, others small, low, and like mere shoals. These islands divided the river into a number of torrents, which boiled up as they broke against the rocks. The jaguas and cucuritos with plumy leaves, with which all the islands were covered, seemed like groves of palm-trees rising from the foamy surface of the waters. Blocks of granite were heaped together, as in the moraines which the glaciers of Switzerland drive before them. The river was ingulfed in caverns ; and in one of these caverns the travellers heard the water roll at once over their heads and beneath their feet. The Orinoco seemed divided into a multitude of arms or torrents, each of which sought to force a passage through the rocks. They were struck with the little water to be seen in the bed of the river, the frequency of subterraneous falls, and the tumult of the waters breaking on the rocks in foam. From Caracas the travellers proceeded to Atures. The missionary at Atures related to them a striking instance of the familiarity of a jaguar. Some months before their arrival, a jaguar, which was thought to be young, though of a large size, had wounded a child in playing with him. The facts of this case, which were verified to them on the spot, are not without interest in the history of the man- ners of animals. Two Indian children, a boy and a girl, about eight and nine years of age, were seated on the 15 I THE HAIRY MAN OF THE WOODS. grass near the village of Atures, in the middle of a rannah. At two o'clock in the afternoon, a jaguar issued from the forest, and approached the childr< o, bounding around them ; sometimes he hid himself in the high grass, sometimes he sprang forward, his back bent, his head hung down, in the manner of a cat. The little boy, ignorant of his danger, seemed to be sensible of it only when the jaguar with one of his paws gave him some blows on the head. These blow.-, at first slight, became ruder and ruder; the claws of the jaguar wounded the child, and the blood flowed freely. The little girl then took a branch of a tree, struck the animal, and it fled from her. The Indians ran up at the cries of the children, and saw the jaguar, which bounded off without making the least show of resistance. * The little boy, who was brought to the travellers, ap- peared lively and intelligent. The claw of the jaguar had torn away the skin from the lower part of the fore- head, and there was a second scar at the top of the head. Among the cataracts of Atures the travellers began to hear of the hairy man of the woods, that carried off women, constructed huts, and sometimes ate human flesh. The Tamancas called it achi, and the Maypures vasitri, or " great devil." The natives and the missionaries had no doubt of the existence of this man-shaped monkey, of which they entertained a singular dread. Father Gili gravely relates the history of a lady in the town of San Carlos, in the Liangs of Venezuela, who much praised the gentle character and attentions of the man of the woods. She is stated to have lived several years with one in great domestic harmony, and only requested some ZANCUDOS AND MOSQUITOS. 151 hunters to take her back, "because she and her children (a little hairy also) were weary of living far from the church and the sacraments." The travellers did not see this mythical hairy man. They were horribly tormented in the day by mosqui- tos and the jejen, a small venomous fly, and at night by the zancudos. Their hands began to swell considerably, and this swelling increased daily till their arrival on the banks of the Temi. The means that were employed to escape from these little plagues were extraordinary. The good missionary Bernardo Zea, who passed his life tor- mented by mosquitos, had constructed near the church, on a scaffolding of palm-trees, a small apartment, in which the travellers breathed more freely. To this they went up in the evening, by means of a ladder, to dry their plants and write their journal. The missionary had observed, that the insects abounded more particu- larly in the lowest strata of the atmosphere, that which reaches from the ground to the height of twelve or fifteen feet. At Maypures the Indians quitted the village at night, to go and sleep on the little islets in the midst of the cataracts. There they enjoyed some rest, the mos- quitos appearing to shun air loaded with vapours. The travellers found everywhere fewer in the middle of the river than near its banks. In the missions of the Orinoco, in the villages on the banks of the river, surrounded by immense forests, the plague of the mosquitos, afforded an inexhaustible sub- ject of conversation. When two, persons met in the morning, the first questions they addressed to each other were: "How did 3^011 find the zancudos during the night? How are we to-day for the mosquitos?" These 152 TWENTY YKAKS <>F MOSQUITOS. questions reminded Humboldt of a Chinese form of po- liteness, which indicated the ancient state of the country where it took birth. Salutations were formerly made in the Celestial Empire in the following words, "Have you been incommoded in the night by the serpents?" " How comfortable must people be in the moon !" said a Salive Indian to Father Gumilla ; " She looks so beau- tiful and so clear, that she must be free from mosquitos." These words which denoted the infancy of a people were remarkable. The satellite of the earth appears to all savage nations the abode of the blessed, the country of abundance. The Esquimaux, who counts among his riches a plank or trunk of a tree, thrown by the currents on a coast destitute of vegetation, sees in the moon plains covered with forests ; the Indian of the forests of Ori- noco beholds there open savannahs, where the inhabit- ants are never stung by mosquitos. At Mandavaca the travellers found an old missionary, who told them with an air of sadness, that he had had " his twenty years of mosquitos in America." He de- sired them to look at his legs, " that they might be able to tell one day beyond the sea, what the poor monks suffer in the forests of Cassiquiare." Every sting leav- ing a small darkish brown point, his legs were so speckled that it was difficult to recognise the whiteness of his skin, through the spots of coagulated blood. Wlr.it appeared to the travellers singular, was that the different species did not associate together, and that at different hours of^the day they were stung by distinct species. Every time that the scene changed, and, to use the simple expression of the missionaries, other insects "mounted guard," they had a few minutes, often a quar- INSECTS MOUNTING GUARD. 153 ter of an hour, of repose. The insects that disappeared did not have their places instantly supplied by their suc- cessors. From half-past six in. the morning till five in the afternoon, the air was filled with mosquitos. An hour before sunset a species of small gnat took the place of the mosquitos. Their presence scarcely lasted an hour and a half; they disappeared between six and seven in the evening, or, as they said there, after the Angelus. After a few minutes' repose, the travellers would be stung by zancudos, another species of gnat with very long legs. The zancudo, the proboscis of which contains a sharp-pointed sucker, caused the most acute pain, and a swelling that remained several weeks. Its hum resembled that of the European gnat, but was louder and more prolonged. In the day-time, and even when labouring at the oar, the natives, in order to chase the insects, were continually giving one another smart slaps with the palm of the hand. They even struck themselves and their comrades mechanically during their sleep. Near Maypures the travellers saw some young Indians seated in a circle and rubbing cruelly each other's backs with the bark of trees dried at the fire. Indian women were occupied, with a degree of patience of which the copper-coloured race alone are capable, in extracting, by means of a sharp bone, the little mass of coagulated blood that formed the centre of every sting, and gave the skin a speckled appearance. One of the most bar- barous nations of the Orinoco, that of the Ottomacs, was acquainted with the use of mosquito-curtains, woven from the fibres of the moriche palm-tree. At Higuerote, on the coast of Caracas, the copper-coloured people slept buried in the sand. In the villages of the Rio Magda- 154 THE CATARACT OF THE GUAHIBOS. lena the Indians often invited the travellers to stretch themselves on ox-skins, near the church, in the middle of the great square, where they had assembled all the cows in the neighbourhood. The proximity of cattle gives some repose to man. The Indians of the Upper Orinoco and the Cassiquiare, seeing that Bonpland could not prepare his herbal, owing to the continual torment of the mosquitos, invited him to enter their ovens. Thus they called the little chambers, without doors or win- dows, into which they crept horizontally through a very low opening. When they had driven away the insects by means of a fire of wet brushwood, which emitted a great deal of smoke, they closed the opening of the oven. The absence of the mosquitos was purchased dearly enough by the excessive heat of the stagnated air, and. the smoke of a torch of copal, which lighted the oven during their stay in it. Bonpland, with courage and patience well worthy of praise, dried hundreds of plants, shut up in these ovens of the Indians. They embarked on the morning of the 17th of April. On the 18th they stopped at the mouth of the Rio Tomo. The Indians went on shore, to prepare their food, and take some repose. When the travellers reached the foot of the Cataract of the Guahibos it was near live in the afternoon. It was extremely difficult to go up the cur- rent against a mass of water, precipitated from a bank of gn : — sveral feet high. An Indian threw himself into the water, to reach, by swimming, the rock that diviu the cataract into two parts. A rope was fastened to the point of this rock, and when the canoe was hauled near enough, their instruments, their dry plants, and the pro- vision they had collected at Atures, were landed in the LEMONADE FOR THE MISSIONARY. 155 cataract itself. They remarked with surprise, that the natural dam over which the river was precipitated, pre- sented a drjr space of considerable extent, where they stopped to see the boat go up. The rock of gneiss exhibited circular holes, the largest of which were four feet deep, and eighteen inches wide. These funnels contained quartz pebbles, and appeared to have been formed by the friction of masses rolled along by the impulse of the waters. Their situation, in the midst of the cataract, was singular enough, but unat- tended by the smallest danger. The missionary, who accompanied them, had his fever-fit on him. In order to quench the thirst by which he was tormented, the idea suggested itself to them of preparing a refreshing beverage for him in one of the excavations of the rock. They had taken on board at Atures an Indian basket filled with sugar, limes, and grenadillas. As they were destitute of large vessels for holding and mixing liquids, they poured the water of the river, by means of a cala- bash, into one of the holes of the rock : to this they added sugar and lime-juice. In a few minutes they had an excellent beverage. After an hour of expectation they saw their boat arrive above the cataract, and were soon ready to depart. They were now overtaken by a storm, accompanied happily by no wind, but the rain fell in torrents. After rowing awhile, the pilot declared, that, far from gaining upon the current, they were again approaching the cata- ract. These moments of uncertainty appeared to them very long ; the Indians spoke only in whispers, as they always did when they thought their situation perilous. They redoubled their efforts, and the travellers arrived 156 THE VILLAGE OF MATPUBES. at nightfall, without any accident, in the port of May- pures. The night was extremely dark, and it was two hours or more before they could reach the village. They were wet to the skin. In proportion as the rain ceased, the zancudoa re-appeared, with that voracity which tipulary insects always display immediately after a storm. Their fellow-travellers were uncertain whether it would be best to stop in the port or proceed on their way on foot, in spite of the darkness of the night. Father Zea was determined to reach his home. He had given directions for the construction of a large house of two stories, which was to be begun by the Indians of the mission. " You will there find," said he gravely, " the same conveniences as in the open air; I have neither a bench nor a table, but you will not suffer so much from the flies, which are less troublesome in the mission than on the banks of the river." They followed the counsel of the missionary, who caused torches of copal to be lighted. Thev walked at first over beds of rock, which were bare and slippery, and then entered a thick grove of palm-trees. They were twice obliged to pass a stream on trunks of trees hewn down. The torches had already ceased to give light. Being formed on a strange principle, the woody substance which resembled the wick surrounding the resin, they emitted more smoke than light, and were easily extinguished. The Indian pilot, who expressed himself with some facility in Span- ish, told the travellers of snakes, water-serpents, and tigers, by which they might be attacked. Arriving during the night at Maypures they were forcibly struck by the solitude of the place ; the Indians were plunged in profound sleep, and nothing was heard THE CATARACT OF MAYPURES. 15? but the cries of nocturnal birds, and the distant sound of the cataract. In the calm of the night, amid the deep repose of nature, the monotonous sound of a fall of water had in it something sad and solemn. They re- mained three days at Maypures. Humboldt and Bonpland were enraptured with the cataract of Maypures, and they often visited the little mountain of Manimi to gaze upon it. A foaming sur- face of four miles in length presented itself at once to the eye : iron-black masses of rock, resembling ruins and battlemented towers, rose frowning from the waters. Eocks and islands were adorned with the luxuriant vege- tation of the tropical forest; a perpetual mist hovered over the waters, and the summits of the lofty palms pierced through the clouds of spray and vapour. When the rays of the glowing evening sun were refracted in these humid exhalations a magic optical effect began. Coloured bows shone, vanished and reappeared; and the ethereal image was swayed to and fro by the breath of the sportive breeze. During the long rainy season the streaming waters brought down islands of vegetable mould, and thus the naked rocks were studded with bright flower-beds adorned with Melastomas and Droseras, and with small silver-leaved mimosas and ferns. The calm of the atmosphere, and the tumultuous movement of the waters, produced a contrast peculiar to this zone. Here no breath of wind ever agitated the foliage, no cloud veiled the splendour of the heaven ; a great mass of light was diffused in the air, on the earth strewn with plants with glossy leaves, and on the bed of the river, which extended as far as the eye could reach. 158 THE MOUTH OF THE ZAMA. They spent two days and a half in the little village of Maypures, on the hanks of the great Upper Cataract, and on the 21st of April embarked in the canoe they had obtained from the missionary of Carichana. It was much damaged by the shoals it had struck against, and the carelessness of the Indians; but still greater dan- gers awaited it. It had to be dragged over land, across an isthmus of thirty-six thousand feet; from the Rio Tuamini to the Rio Negro, to go up by the Cassiquiare to the Orinoco, and to repass the two cataracts. They landed at the mouth of the Rio Viehada or Yisata to examine the plants of that part of the country. The scenery was very singular. The forest was thin, and an innumerable quantity of small rocks rose from the plain. These formed massy prisms, ruined pillars, and solitary towers fifteen or twenty feet high. Some were shaded by the trees of the forest, others had their summits crowned with palms. Passing the Cano Pirajavi on the east, and then a small river on the west, they rested on the night of the 22d on the shore of the Orinoco, at the mouth of the Zama. Notwithstanding the " black waters " of the Zama, they suffered greatly from insects. The night was beautiful, without a breath of wind in the lower regions of the at- mosphere, but towards two in the morning they saw thick clouds crossing the zenith rapidly from east to west. When, declining towards the horizon, they traversed the grc;it nebulae of Sagittarius and the Ship, they appeared of a dark blue. The travellers left the mouth of the Zama at five in the morning of the 23d. The river continued to be skirted on both sides by a thick forest. The mountains on the UP THE guavia.ee. 159 east seemed gradually to retire farther back. They passed first the mouth of the Rio Mataveni, and afterwards an islet of a very singular form ; a square granitic rock that rose in the middle of the water. It was called by the mis- sionaries the Little Castle. They passed the night on the right bank opposite the mouth of the Rio Siucurivapu, near a rock called Aricagua. During the night an in- numerable quantity of bats issued from the clefts of the rock, and hovered around their hammocks. On the 24th a violent rain obliged them early to re- turn to their boat. They departed at two o'clock, after having lost some books, which they could not find in the darkness of the night, on the rock of Aricagua. The river ran straight from south to north ; its banks were low, and shaded on both sides by thick forests. They passed the mouths of the Ucata, the Arapa, and the Caranaveni. About four in the afternoon they landed at the Indian plantations of the mission of San Fernando. The good people wished to detain them among them, but they continued to go up against the current, which ran at the rate of five feet a second. They entered the mouth of the Guaviare on a dark night, passed the point where the Rio Atabapo joins the Guaviare, and arrived at the mission after midnight. They were lodged as usual at the Convent, that is, in the house of the missionary, who, though much surprised at their unexpected visit, never- theless received them with the greatest hospitality. During the night, they had left, almost unperceivecl, the waters of the Orinoco ; and at sunrise found them- selves as if transported to a new country, on the banks of a river the name of which they had scarcely ever heard pronounced, and which was to conduct them, by 160 THE CONQUEST OF SOULS. the portage of Pimichin, to the Rio Negro, on the fron- tiers of Brazil. " Yon will go up," said the president of the missions, who resided at San Fernando, "-first the Atabapo, then the Temi, and finally, the Tnamini. When the force of the current of 'black waters' hinders you from advancing, you will be conducted out of the bed of the river through forests, which }'OU will find in- undated. Two monks only are settled in those desert places, between the Orinoco and the Rio Negro ; but at Javita you will be furnished with the means of having your canoe drawn over land in the course of four days to Cano Pimichin. If it be not broken to pieces you will descend the Rio Negro without any obstacle (from north-west to south-east) as far as the little fort of San Carlos ; you wTill go up the Cassiquiare (from south to north), and then return to San Fernando in a month, descending the Upper Orinoco from east to west." Such was the plan traced for their passage, and they carried it into effect without danger, though not without some suffering, in the space of thirty-three days. In their walks together the president of the mission gave the travellers an animated account of his incur- sions on the Rio Guaviare. He related to them how much these journeys, undertaken for the conquest of souls, were desired by the Indians of the missions. All, even women and old men, took part in them. Under the pretext of recovering neophytes who had deserted the village, chil- dren above eight or ten years of age were carried off, and distributed among the Indians of the missions as serfs. Three years before the arrival of the travellers the missionary of San Fernando led his Indians to the banks of the Rio Guaviare, on one of those hostile in- THE CAPTIVE MOTHER. 161 cursions. They found . in an Indian hut a Guahiba woman with her three children, two of whom were still infants, occupied in preparing the flour of cassava. Resistance was impossible ; the father was gone to fish, and the mother tried in vain to flee with her children. Scarcely had she reached the savannah when she was seized by the Indians of the mission. The mother and her children were bound, and dragged to the bank of the river. The monk, seated in his boat, waited the issue of an expedition of which he shared not the danger. Had the mother made too violent a resistance the Indians would have killed her, for everything was permitted for the sake of the conquest of souls, and it was particularly desirable to capture children, who might be treated in the mission as slaves of the Christians. The prisoners were carried to San Fernando, in the hope that the mother would be unable to find her way back to her home by land. Separated from her other children who had ac- companied their father on the day in which she had been carried off, the unhappy woman showed signs of the deepest despair. She attempted to take back to her home the children who had been seized by the mission- ary ; and she fled with them repeatedly from the village of San Fernando. But the Indians never failed to re- capture her ; and the missionary, after having caused her to be mercilessly beaten, took the cruel resolution of separating the mother from the two children who had been carried off with her. She was conveyed alone to the missions of the Rio Negro, going up the Atabapo. Slightly bound, she was seated at the bow of the boat, ignorant of the fate that awaited her ; but she judged by the direction of the sun, that she was removing farther IGli HER PUNISHMENT AND ESCAPE. and farther from her hut and her native country. She succeeded in breaking her bonds, threw herself into the water, and swam to the left bank of the Atabapo. The current carried her to a shelf of rock, which bears her name to this day — The Mother's Rock. She landed and took shelter in the woods, but the president of the mis- sions ordered the Indians to row to the shore, and follow the traces of the Gruahiba. In the evening she was brought back. Stretched upon the rock, a cruel punish- ment was inflicted upon her with straps of manati leather, which served for whips in that country, and with which the alcaldes were always furnished. The unhappy wo- man, her hands tied behind her back, was then dragged to the mission of Javita. She was there thrown into one of the caravanserais. It was the rainy season, and the night wras profoundly dark. Forests till then believed to be impenetrable separated the mission of Javita from that of San Fer- nando, which was twenty-five leagues distant in a straight line. No other route was known than that by the rivers ; no man ever attempted to go by land from one village to another. But such difficulties could not deter a mother, separated from her children. The Gruahiba was carelessly guarded in the caravanserai. Her arms being wounded, the Indians of Javita had loosened her bonds, unknown to the missionary and the alcaldes. Having succeeded by the help of her teeth in break- ing them entirely, she disappeared during the night; and at the fourth sunrise was seen at the mission of San Fernando, hovering around the hut where her children were confined. " What that woman performed," added the missionary, who gave the travellers this sad narra- UP THE RIO TEMI. 163 tive, "the most robust Indian would not have ventured to undertake I" She traversed the woods when the sky was constantly covered with clouds, and the sun during the whole days appeared but for a few minutes. Did the Course of the waters direct her way ? The inundations of the rivers forced her to go far from the banks of the main stream, through the midst of woods where the movement of the water was almost imperceptible. How often must she have been stopped by the thorny lianas, that formed a network around the trunks they entwined ! How often must she have swum across the rivulets that ran into the Atabapo ! This unfortunate woman was asked how she had sustained herself during the four days. She said that, exhausted with fatigue, she could find no other nourishment than black ants. The travel- lers pressed the missionary to tell them whether the Guahiba had peacefully enjoyed the happiness of remain- ing with her children ; and if any repentance had fol- lowed this excess of cruelty. He would not satisfy their curiosity ; but at their return from the Eio Negro they learned that the Indian mother was again separated from her children, and sent to one of the missions of the Upper Orinoco. She there died, refusing all kind of nourish- ment. Above the mouth of the Guasucari they entered the Rio Temi. The country exhibited the uniform aspect of forests covering ground perfectly flat. Wherever the river had formed caves the forest was inundated to the extent of more than half a league square. To avoid the sinuosities of the river and shorten the passage, the navigation was performed here in an extraordinary man- ner. The Indians made the travellers leave the bed of 164 DOLPHINS IN THE FOREST. the river; and they proceeded southward across the forest, through open channels of four or five feet broad. The depth of the water seldom exceeded half a fathom. These channels were formed in the inundated forest like paths on dry ground. The Indians, in going from one mission to another, passed with their boats as much as possible by the same way ; but the communications not being frequent the force of vegetation sometimes pro- duced unexpected obstacles. An Indian, furnished with a machete, a great knife, the blade of which was fourteen inches long, stood at the head of their boat, employed continually in chopping off the branches that crossed each other from the two sides of the channel. In the thickest part of the forest they were astonished by an extraordinary noise. On beating the bushes, a shoal of fresh- water dolphins, four feet long, surrounded their boat. These animals had concealed themselves beneath the branches of a Bombax ceiba. They fled across the forest, throwing out those spouts of compressed air and water which have given them in every language the name of "blowers." How singular was this spectacle in an inland spot, three or four hundred leagues from the mouths of the Orinoco and the Amazon ! At five in the evening they regained with some diffi- culty the bed of the river. Their canoe remained fast i'nv some time between two trunks of trees; and it was no sooner disengaged than they reached a spot where several small channels crossed each other, so that the pilot was puzzled to distinguish the most open path. They uavigated through a fo rest so thick that they could guide themselves neither by the sun nor by the stars. On the 1st of May the Indians chose to depart long SAN ANTONIO DE JAVITA. 165 before sunrise. The travellers were stirring before them, however, because Humboldt waited, though vainly, for a star ready to pass the meridian. In those humid regions covered with forests, the nights became more obscure in proportion as they drew nearer to the Rio Negro and the interior of Brazil. They remained in the bed of the river till daybreak, being afraid of losing themselves among the trees. At sunrise they again entered the inundated forest, to avoid the force of the current. On reaching the junction of the Temi with another little river, the Tuamini, the waters of which were equally black, they proceeded along the latter to the south-west. This direc- tion led them near the mission of Javita, which was founded on the banks of the Tuamini ; and at this Christian settlement they were to find the aid necessary for transporting their canoe by land to the Rio Negro. They arrived at San Antonio de Javita shortly before noon. They went every day to see how their canoe advanced on the portages. Twenty-three Indians were employed in dragging it by land, placing branches of trees to serve as rollers. The canoe being very large it was necessary to avoid with particular care any friction on the bottom ; consequently the passage occupied more than four days. Hearing on the 5th that it had arrived, they set off and followed it on foot, fording a great number of streams which were considered dangerous on account of the vipers with which the marshes abounded. They passed the night in a hut lately abandoned by an Indian family, who had left behind them their fishing-tackle, pottery, nets made of the petioles of palm-trees ; in short, all that composed the household furniture of that careless race of 166 VIPERS IN THE HUT. men, little attached to property. A great store of resin was accumulated round the house. This was used by the Indians to pitch their canoes, and fix the bony spines of the ray at the points of their arrows. They found in the Bame place jars filled with a vegetable milk, which served as a varnish, and was celebrated in the missions by the name of " milk for painting." Before they took possession of the deserted hut, the Indians killed two great mapanare serpents. These serpents grow to four or five feet long. As the inside of the hut was filled with grass, and Hum- boldt and Bonpland were lying on the ground, there being no means of suspending their hammocks, they were not without inquietude during the night. In the morning a large viper was found on lifting the jaguar-skin upon which one of their domestics had slept. They embarked on the Rio Negro on the 8th of May. Passing the mission of Maroa, and the mouths of tho Aquio and the Tomo, they arrived at the little mission of San Miguel de Davipe. Here they bought provisions, among which were some fowls and a pig. This purchase greatly interested their Indians, who had been a long time deprived of meat. They pressed the travellers to depart in order to reach the island of Dapa, where the pig was to be killed and roasted during the night. They reached this island at sunset, and were surprised to find some cultivated ground on it, and on the top of a small hill an Indian hut. Four natives were seated round a fire of brushwood, in this hut, and they were eating a sort of white paste with black spots. These black spots proved to be large ants, the hinder parts of which resem- bled a lump of grease. They had been dried, and black- AN EXCELLENT ANT PASTE. I 0 7 ened by smoke. The travellers saw several bags of them suspended above the fire. These good people paid but little attention to their guests ; yet there were more than fourteen persons in this confined hut, lying naked in hammocks hung one above another. When Father Zea arrived, he was received with great demonstrations of joy. Two young women came down from their ham- mocks, to prepare for them cakes of cassava. In answer to some inquiries which were put to them through an interpreter, they answered that cassava grew poorly on the island, but that it was a good land for ants, and food was not wanting. In fact, these ants furnished subsist- ence to the Indians of the Rio Negro and the Guainia. They did not eat the ants as a luxury, but because the fat of ants was a very substantial food. When the cakes of cassava were prepared, Father Zea, whose fever seemed rather to sharpen than to enfeeble his appetite, ordered a little bag to be brought to him filled with smoked ants. He mixed these bruised insects with flour of cassava, which he pressed Humboldt and Bonpland to taste. It somewhat resembled rancid butter mixed with crumb of bread. The cassava had not an acid taste, but some remains of European prejudices prevented their joining in the praises bestowed by the good missionary on what he called " an excellent ant paste." The violence of the rain obliged them to sleep in this crowded hut. The Indians slept only from eight till two in the morning ; the rest of the time they employd in conversing in their hammocks, and preparing their bitter beverage of cupana. They threw fresh fuel on the fire, and complained of cold, although the temperature of the air was at 70°. This custom of being awake, and even ]68 STOPrED AT SAN CARLOS. on foot, four or five hours before sunrise, was genera] among the Indians of Guiana. The travellers left the island of Papa long before day- break ; and notwithstanding the rapidity of the current, and the activity of their rowers, their passage to the fort of San Carlos del Iiio Negro occupied twelve hours. They were informed at San Carlos that, on account of political circumstances, it was difficult at that moment to pass from the Spanish to the Portuguese settlements; but they did not know till after their return to Europe the extent of the danger to which they would have been exposed in proceeding as far as Barcellos. It was known at Brazil, through the medium of the newspapers, that Humboldt was going to visit the missions of the Rio Negro, and to examine the natural canal which united t wo great systems of rivers. In those desert forests in- struments had been seen only in the hands of the com- missioners of the boundaries; and at that time the sub- altern agents of the Portuguese government could not conceive how a man of sense could expose himself to the fatigues of a long journey, " to measure lands that did not belong to him." Orders had been issued to seize his person, his instruments, and above all, his registers of astronomical observations. The pair of dangerous na- turalists were to be conducted by way of the Amazon to Grand Para, and thence sent back to Lisbon. But for- tunately for Humboldt, the government at Lisbon, on being informed of the zeal of its ignorant agents, in- stantly gave orders that he should not be disturbed in his operations ; but that on the contrary they should be encouraged, if he traversed any part of the Portuguese possessions. CLOUDY WEATHER. 169 On the 10th of May, their canoe being ready, they em- barked to go up the Eio Negro as far as the mouth of the Cassiquiare, and to devote themselves to researches on the real course of that river, which united the Orinoco to the Amazon. The morning was fine ; but, in propor- tion as the heat augmented, the sky became obscured. The air was so saturated by water in these forests, that the vesicular vapours became visible on the least increase of evaporation at the surface of the earth. The breeze being never felt, the humid strata were not displaced and renewed by dryer air. The travellers were every day more grieved at the aspect of the cloudy sky. Bonpland was losing by this excessive humidity the plants he had collected ; and Humboldt, for his part, was afraid lest he should again find the fogs of the Eio Negro in the valley of the Cassiquiare. No one in these missions for half a century past had doubted the existence of communica- tion between two great systems of rivers ; the important point of their voyage was confined therefore to fixing by astronomical observations the course of the Cassiquiare, and particularly the point of its entrance into the Eio Negro, and that of the bifurcation of the Orinoco. With- out a sight of the sun and the stars this object would be frustrated, and they would have exposed themselves in vain to long and painful privations. Their fellow-travel- lers would have returned by the shortest way, that of the Pimichin and the small rivers ; but Bonpland and Humboldt persisted in the plan of the voyage, which they had traced for themselves in passing the Great Cata- racts. They had already travelled one hundred and eighty leagues in a boat from San Fernando de Apure to San Carlos, on the Eio Apure, the Orinoco, the Atabapo, 8 1/0 THE WHITE WATERS. the Temi, the Tuamini, and the Rio Negro In again entering the Orinoco by the Cassiquiare they would have to navigate three hundred and twenty leagues, from San Carlos to Angostura. By this way they would have to struggle against the currents during ten days ; the rest was to be performed by going down the stream of the Orinoco. It would have been blamable, they thought, to have suffered themselves to be discouraged by the fear of a cloudy sky, and by the mosquitos of the Cassiquiare. Their Indian pilot promised them the sun, and " those great stars that eat the clouds," as soon as they should have left the black waters of the Guaviare. They there- fore carried out their first project of returning to San Fernando de Atabapo by the Cassiquiare; and, fortu- nately for their researches, the prediction of the Indian was verified. The white waters brought them by degrees a more serene sky, stars, mosquitos, and crocodiles. They reached San Carlos again, and Humboldt passed a part of the night in the open air, waiting vainly for stars. The air wras misty, notwithstanding the white waters, which were to lead them beneath an ever-starry sky. They passed three nights at San Carlos, Humboldt watching during the greater part of them, in the hope of seizing the moment of the passage of some star over the meridian. That he might have nothing to reproach him- self with, he kept his instruments always ready for an observation. On the banks of the Cassiquiare he purchased from the Indians two fine large birds, a toucan, and a species of macaw, seventeen inches long, having the whole body of a purple colour. lie had already in his canoe THEIR BIRDS AND MONKEYS. 171 seven parrots, two manakins, a motmot, two guans, two manaviris, and eight monkeys. Father Zea whispered some complaints at the daily augmentation of this ambu- latory collection. The toucan resembles the raven in manners and intelligence. It is a courageous bird, but easily tamed. Its long and stout beak serves to defend it at a distance. It makes itself master of the house, steals whatever it can come at, and loves to bathe often and fish on the banks of the river. The toucan that Humboldt bought was very young ; yet it took delight, during the whole voyage, in teasing the nocturnal mon- keys, which were melancholy and irritable. Most of the animals were confined in small wicker cages ; others ran at full liberty in all parts of the boat. At the approach of rain the macaws sent forth noisy cries, the toucan wanted to reach the shore to fish, and the little monkeys went in search of Father Zea, to take shelter in the large sleeves of his Franciscan habit. These incidents sometimes amused the travellers so much that they forgot the torment of the mosquitos. At night they placed a leather case containing their provisions in the centre ; then their instruments, and the cages of their animals ; their hammocks were suspended around the cages, and beyond were those of the Indians. The ex- terior circle was formed by the fires which were lighted to keep off the jaguars. Such was the order of their en- campment on the banks of the Cassiquiare. Among the Indians in their canoe was a fugitive from Guaisia, who had become sufficiently civilized in a few weeks to be useful to them in placing the instruments ne- cessary for their observations at night. He was no less mild than intelligent, and they had some desire of taking 172 A CANNIBAL AMONG THEM. him into their service. "What whs their horror when, talk- ing to-him by means of an interpreter, they learned, that the flesh of the marimonde monkeys, though blacker, appeared to him to have the taste of human flesh. lie told them that " his relations preferred the inside of the hands in man, as in bears." This assertion was accom- panied with gestures of savage gratification. They in- quired of this young man, so calm and so affectionate in the little services which he rendered them, whether he still felt sometimes a desire to eat of a Cheruvichahena. He answered, without discomposure, that, living in the mission, he would only eat what he saw was eaten by the Padres. As they approached the bifurcation of the Orinoco their passage became troublesome, on account of the luxuriance of the vegetation. There was no longer a bank: a palisade of tufted trees formed the margin of the river. They saw a canal, one thousand two hundred feet broad, bordered by two enormous walls, clothed with lianas and foliage. They often tried to land, but without success. Towards sunset they sailed along for an hour seeking to discover, not an opening, since none existed, but a spot less wooded, where their Indians by means of the hatchet and manual labour, could clear space enough for a resting-place for twelve or thirteen persons. It was impossible to pass the night in the canoe; the mosquitos, which tormented them dur- ing the day, accumulated towards evening beneath the roof covered with palm-leaves, which served to shelter them from the rain. Their hands aud faces had never before been so much swelled. Father Zea, who had till then boasted of having in his missions of the cataracts NIGHT IN THE FOREST. 173 the largest and fiercest mosquitos, at length gradually acknowledged that the sting of the insects of the Cassi- quiare was the most painful he had ever felt. They ex- perienced great difficulty, amid a thick forest, in finding wood to make a fire, the branches of the trees being so full of sap that they would scarcely burn. There being no bare shore, it was liardty possible to procure old wood, which the Indians called zuood baked in the sun. However, fire was necessary to them only as a defence against the beasts of the forest ; for they had such a scarcity of provision that they had little need of fuel for the purpose of preparing their food. On the 18th of May, towards evening, they discovered a spot where wild cocoa-trees were growing on the bank of the river. It rained violentty, but the pothoses, arums, and lianas, furnished so thick a natural trellis, that they were sheltered as under a vault of foliage. The Indians, whose hammocks were placed on the edge of the river, interwove the heliconias, so as to form a kind of roof over them. Their fires lighted up, to the height of fifty or sixty feet, the palm-trees, the lianas loaded with flowers, and the columns of white smoke, which ascended in a straight line towards the sky. They passed the night of the 20th, the last of their passage on the Cassiquiare, near the point of the bifur- cation of the Orinoco. They had some hope of being able to make an astronomical observation, as falling-stars of remarkable magnitude were visible through the vapours that veiled the sky ; whence they concluded that the stra- tum of vapours must be very thin, since meteors of this kind were scarcely ever seen below a cloud. Those they now beheld shot towards the north, and succeeded each 174 THE OBOES OF THE JAGUARS. other at almost equal intervals. The Indians, who seldom ennobled by their expressions the wanderings of the ima- gination, named the falling-stars the urine, and the dew the spittle of the stars. The clouds thickened anew, and the travellers discerned neither the meteors, nor the real stars, for which they had waited during several days. They had been told that they should find the insects at Esmeralda still more cruel and voracious, than in the branch of the Orinoco which they were going up ; never- theless they indulged the hope of at length sleeping in a spot that was inhabited, and of taking some exercise in herbalizing. This anticipation was, however, disturbed at their last resting-place on the Cassiquiare. Whilst they were sleeping on the edge of the forest, they were warned by the Indians, in the middle of the night, that they heard very near the cries of a jaguar. These cries, they alleged, came from the top of some neighbouring trees. As their fires burnt brightly, the travellers paid little attention to the cries of the jaguars, who had been attracted by the smell and noise of their dog. This animal began at first to bark ; and when the jaguars drew nearer, to howl, hiding himself below the hammocks of the travellers. Great was their grief, when in the morning, at the moment of re-embarking, the Indians informed them that the dog had disappeared ! There could be no doubt that he had been carried off* by the jaguars. Perhaps, when their cries had ceased he had wandered from the fires on the side of the beach. They waited part of the morning, in the hope that the dog had only strayed. Three days after they came back to the same place; they heard again the cries of the jaguars, THE SHOP KEEPER OF ESMERALDA. 1*75 but all their search was in vain. The dog, which had accompanied them from Caracas, and had so often in swimming escaped the pursuit of the crocodiles, had been devoured' in the forest. On the 21st they again entered the bed of the Orinoco, three leagues below the mission of Esmeralda. It was now a month since they had left that river near the mouth of the Guaviare. They had still to proceed seven hundred and fifty leagues before reaching Angostura. ■ At Esmeralda they were cordially received by an old officer, who took them for Catalonian shopkeepers, and who supposed that trade had led them to the missions. On seeing packages of paper intended for drying their plants, he smiled at their simple ignorance. "You come," said he, " to a country where this kind of mer- chandise has no sale ; we write little here ; and the dried leaves of maize, the plantain- tree, and the heliconia serve us, like paper in Europe, to wrap up needles, fish-hooks, and other little articles of which we are careful." This old officer united in his person the civil and ecclesiastical authority. He taught the children the Rosary ; he rang the bells to amuse himself; and impelled by ardent zeal for the service of the church, he sometimes used his chorister's wand in a manner not very agreeable to the natives. When they arrived at Esmeralda, the greater part of the Indians were returning from an excursion which they had made to the east, beyond the Rio Padamo, to gather brazil nuts. Their return was celebrated by a festival, which was called in the mission the festival of brazil nuts, and which resembled the harvest-homes and vintage-feasts of Germany. The women had prepared a 176 ROASTED MONKEYS. quantity of fermented liquor, and during two days the Indians were in a state of intoxication. The harvest was celebrated by dancing and drinking. The hut where the natives were assembled, displayed during several days a singular aspect. There was neither table nor bench ; but large roasted monkeys, blackened by smoke, were ranged in regular order against the wall. DO O The manner of roasting these animals contributed to render their appearance extremely disagreeable in the eyes of the travellers. A little grating or lattice of very hard wood was formed, and raised one foot from the ground. The monkey was skinned, and bent into a sitting posture ; the head generally resting on the arms, which were meagre and long. When it was tied on the grating, a very clear fire was kindled below. The mon- key, enveloped in smoke and flame, was broiled and blackened at the same time. On seeing the natives de- vour the arm or leg of a roasted monkey, it was difficult not to believe that this habit of eating animals so closely resembling man in their physical organization, had, to a certain degree, contributed to diminish the horror of can- nibalism among these people. The flesh of monkeys is so lean and dry, that Bonpland preserved in his collec- tions at Paris an arm and hand, which had been broiled over the fire at Esmeralda ; and no smell rose from them after the lapse of a number of years. The travellers saw the Indians dance. " The monotony of their dancing was increased by the women not daring to take part in it. The men, young and old, formed a circle, holding each other's hands, and turned sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left, for whole hours, with silent gravity. Most frequently the dancers themselves INDIANS DANCING. 177 were the musicians. Feeble sounds, drawn from a series of reeds of different lengths, formed a slow and plaintive accompaniment. The first dancer, to mark the time, bent both knees in a kind of cadence. Sometimes they all made a pause in their places, and executed little oscillatory movements, bending the body from one side to the other. When they were weary of dancing the women brought them roasted monkeys and palm cabbage, not forgetting their native liquors, which were strong and heady. Leaving Esmeralda on the afternoon of the 23d the travellers reached the bifurcation of the Orinoco, where they remained that night. Descending the river the next morning they passed the mouths of the Rio Cunucunumo, and the Guanami, and Puriname. Be- tween the sources of the Rio Blanco, and the Rio Esse- quibo, they met with rocks and symbolical figures. They were also shown, near the Culimacari, on the banks of the Cassiquiare, traces which were believed to be regular characters. They were however only misshapen figures, representing the heavenly bodies, together with tigers, crocodiles, boas, and instruments used for making the flour of cassava. It was impossible to recognise in these painted rocks any symmetrical arrangement, or characters with regular spaces. The travellers stopped at the village of Santa Barbara on the evening of the 25th. During the whole of the next day they enjoyed the view of the fine mountains of Sipapo, which rose at a distance of more than eighteen leagues in the direction of north-north-west. The vege- tation of the banks of the Orinoco was singularly varied in this part of the country; the arborescent ferns de- 8* 178 THE RIO MATAVEM. scended from the mountains, and mingled with the palm-trees of the plain. They rested that night on the island of Minisi; and, after having passed the mouths of the little rivers Quejanuma, Ubua, and Masao, arrived, on the 27th, at San Fernando de Atabapo. They lodged in the same house which they had occupied a month previously, when going up the Eio Negro. Then they directed their course towards the south, by the Atabapo and the Temi ; they were now returning from the west, having made a long circuit by the Cassiquiare and the Upper Orinoco. Quitting San Fernando on the 27th, they arrived, by help of the rapid current of the Orinoco, in seven hours, at the mouth of the Rio Mataveni. They passed the night in the open air, under the granitic rock El Cas- tillito, which rose in the middle of the river, the form of which reminded Humboldt of the ruin called the Mouse- tower, opposite Bingen. " Fair Bingen on the Rhine." On the evening of the 31st they landed just before sunset on the eastern bank of the Orinoco in order tc visit the cavern of Ataruipe, the sepulchre of a de- stroyed nation. They climbed with difficulty, and not without some danger, a steep rock of granite, entirely bare. It would have hern almost impossible for them to have fixed their feet on its smooth and sloping surface, but for large crystals of feldspar, resisting decomposition, which stood out from the rock, and furnished points of support. Scarcely had they attained the summit of the mountain when they THE CAVERN OF ATARUIPE. 179 beheld the singular aspect of the surrounding country. The foamy bed of the waters was filled with an arclii- pelago of islands covered with palm-trees. Westward, on the left bank of the Orinoco, the wide-stretching savannahs of the Meta and the Casanare resembled a sea of verdure. The setting sun seemed like a globe of fire suspended over the plain, and the solitary peak of Uniana, which appeared more lofty from being wrapped in vapours which softened its outline, all contributed to deepen the majesty of the scene. Immediately below them lay a deep valley, inclosed on every side. Birds of prey and goatsuckers winged their lonely flight in this inaccessible place. The travellers found a pleasure in following with the eye their fleeting shadows, as they glided slowly over the flanks of the rock. The most remote part of the valley was covered by a thick forest. In this shady and solitary spot, on the declivity of a steep mountain, the cavern of Ataruipe opened to the view. It was less a cavern than a jutting rock, in which the waters had scooped a vast hollow when, in the ancient revolutions of our planet, they attained that height. In this tomb of an extinct tribe the travellers counted nearly six hundred skeletons well preserved, and regularly placed. Every skeleton reposed in a sort of basket made of the petioles of the palm-tree. These baskets had the form of a square bag. Their size was proportioned to the age of the dead ; there were some for infants cut off at the moment of their birth. The travel- lers saw them from ten inches to three feet four inches long, the skeletons in them being bent together. They were all ranged near each other, and were so entire that not a rib or a phalanx was wanting. The bones had been 180 l'Tsi.i: w, [JENS. prepared in three different manners, either whitened in the air and the sun, dyed red with anoto, or like mummies, varnished with odoriferous resins, and enveloped in Leaves of the heliconia, or the plantain-tree. The Indians in- formed them that the fresh corpse was placed in damp ground, that the flesh might be consumed by degrees; some months afterwards it was taken out, and the flesh remaining on the bones was scraped oil* with sharp stones. Earthen vases half-baked were found near the baskets. They appeared to contain the bones of the same family. The largest of these vases, or funeral urns, were five feet high, and three feet three inches long. Their colour was greenish-grey, and their oval form was pleasing to the eye. The handles were made in the shape of crocodiles or serpents; the edges were bordered with painted mean- ders, labyrinths, and grecqucs, in rows variously com- bined. Such designs are found in every zone among!; nations the farthest removed from each other, either with respect to their respective positions on the globe, or to the degree of civilization which they have attained. They still adorn the common pottery made by the inhabitants of the little mission of Maypures ; they ornament the bucklers of the Otaheitans, the fishing- implements of the Esquimaux, the walls of the Mexican palace of Mitla, and the vases of ancient Greece. They could not acquire any precise idea of the period to which the origin of the baskets and the painted vases, contained in the bone-cavern of Ataruipe, could betracrd. A tradition circulated among the Guahibos, that the war- like Atures, pursued by the Caribs, escaped to the rocks that rose in the middle of the Great Cataracts ; and there that nation became gradually extinct, as well as its Ian- A MILE LOAD OF SKELETONS. 181 guage. The last families of the Atures still existed in 1767, in the time of the missionary Grili. At the period of Humboldt's voyage an old parrot was shown at May- pures, of which the inhabitants said, that " they did not understand what it said, because it spoke the language of the Atures." The travellers opened, to the great concern of their guides, several baskets, for the purpose of examining attentively the form of the skulls. They were all marked by the characteristics of the American race, with the exception of two or three, which approached to the Caucasian. In the middle of the Cataracts, in the most inaccessible spots, cases were found strengthened with iron bands, and filled with European tools, vestiges of clothes, and glass trinkets. These articles, which had given rise to the most absurd reports of treasures hidden by the Jesuits, probably belonged to Portuguese traders who had penetrated into these savage countries. Humboldt and Bonpland took several skulls, the skeleton of a child of six or seven years old, and two full-grown men of the nation of the Atures, from the cavern of Ataruipe. All these bones, partly painted red, partly varnished with odoriferous resins, were placed in the baskets which we have just described. They made almost the whole load of a mule ; and as the travellers knew the superstitious feelings of the Indians in refer- ence to the remains of the dead after burial, they care- fully enveloped the • baskets in mats recently woven. Unfortunately for them, the penetration of the Indians, and the extreme quickness of their sense of smelling, rendered all these precautions useless. Wherever they stopped, in the missions of the Caribees, amid the Llanos 182 SMELLING THEIR OLD RELATIONS. between Angostura and Nueva Barcelona, the natives assembled round their mules to admire the monkeys which they had purchased at the Orinoco. These good people had scarcely touched their baggage, when. they announced the approaching death of the beast of burden that carried the dead. In vain the travellers told them they were deceived in their conjectures ; and that the baskets contained the bones of crocodiles and manatis ; they persisted in repeating that they smelt the resin that surrounded the skeletons, and " that they were their old relations." The travellers were obliged to request that the monks would interpose their authority, to overcome the aversion of the natives, and procure for them a change of mules. They withdrew in silence from the cavern of Ataruipe. It was one of those calm and serene nights which are so common in the torrid zone. The stars shone with a mild and planetary light. Their scintillation was scarcely sensible at the horizon, which seemed illumined by the great nebulas of the southern hemisphere. An innumer- able multitude of insects spread a reddish light upon the ground, loaded with plants, and resplendent with these living and moving fires, as if the stars of the firmament had sunk down on the savannah. On quitting the ca- vern the travellers stopped to admire the beauty of this singular scene. The odoriferous vanilla and fes- toons of bignonia decorated the entrance ; and above, on the summit of the hill, the arrowy branches of the palm- trees waved murmuring in the air. They descended towards the river, to take the road to the mission, where they arrived late in the night. They stayed at the mission of Atures only during the PASSING THE CATARACT OF ATURES. 183 time necessary for passing the canoe through the Great Cataract. The bottom of their frail bark had become so thin that it required great care to prevent it from split- ting. They took leave of the missionary, Bernardo Zea, who remained at Atures, after having accompanied them during two months, and shared all their sufferings. This poor monk still continued to have fits of tertian ague ; they had become to him an habitual evil, to which he paid little attention. Other fevers of a more fatal kind prevailed at Atures on their second visit. The greater part of the Indians could not leave their hammocks, and the travellers were obliged to send in search of cassava- bread, the most indispensable food of the country, to the independent but neighbouring tribe of the Piraoas. The travellers passed in their canoe through the lat- ter half of the Cataract of Atures. They landed here and there, to climb upon the rocks, which like narrow dikes joined the islands one to another. Sometimes the waters forced their way over the dikes, sometimes they fell within them with a hollow noise. A considerable portion of the Orinoco was dry, because the river had found an issue by subterraneous caverns. In these soli- tary haunts the rock-manakin with gilded plumage, one of the most beautiful birds of the tropics, built its nest. The little Cataract of Carucari was caused by an accu- mulation of enormous blocks of granite, several of which were spheroids of five or six feet in diameter, and they were piled together in such a manner, as to form spacious caverns. The travellers entered one of these caverns to gather the confervse that were spread over the clefts and humid sides of the rock. This spot displayed one of the most extraordinary scenes of nature, that they had con- 184 WAITING IN THE STORM. templated on the banks of the Orinoco. The river rolled its waters turbulently over their heads. It seemed like the sea dashing against reefs of rocks ; but at the en- trance of the cavern they could remain dry beneath a large sheet of water that precipitated itself in an arch from above the barrier. In other cavities, deeper, but less spacious, the rock was pierced by the effect of suc- cessive nitrations. They saw columns of water, eight or nine inches broad, descending from the top of the vault, and finding an issue by clefts, that seemed to communi- cate at great distances with each other. They had the opportunity of examining this extraor- dinary sight longer than they wished. Their boat was to coast the eastern bank of a narrow island, and to take them in again after a long circuit. They passed an hour and a half in vain expectation of it. Night approached, and with it a tremendous storm. It rained with vio- lence. They began to fear that their frail bark had been wrecked against the rocks, and that the Indians, con- formably to their habitual indifference for the evils of others, had returned tranquilly to the mission. There were only three of the party ; they were completely wet, and uneasy respecting the fate of their boat : it appeared far from agreeable to pass, without sleep, a long night of the torrid zone, amid the noise of the cataracts. Bon- pland proposed to leave Humboldt on the island, and to swim across the branches of the river, that were separated by the granitic dikes. He hoped to reach the forest, and seek assistance at Atures from Father Zea. They dissuaded him with difficulty from undertaking this hazardous enterprise. The little monkeys which they had carried along with them for months, were deposited THE MISSION OF URTJANA. 185 on the point of the island. Wet by the rains, and sensi- ble of the least lowering of the temperature, these deli- cate animals sent forth plaintive cries, and attracted to the spot two crocodiles, the size and leaden colour of which denoted their great age. After long waiting, the Indians at length arrived at the close of day. The na- tural coffer-dam, by which they had endeavoured to de- scend, in order to make the circuit of the island, had become impassable, owing to the shallowness of the water. The pilot sought long for a more accessible pas- sage in this labyrinth of rocks and islands. Happily the canoe was not damaged, and in less than half an hour the instruments, provision, and animals, were em- barked. They stopped a few days after at the mission of Uruana. The situation of this mission was extremely picturesque. The little Indian village stood at the foot of a lofty granitic mountain. Rocks everj^where appeared in the form of pillars above the forest, rising higher than the tops of the tallest trees. The aspect of the Orinoco was nowhere more majestic, than when viewed from the hut of the missionary, Fray Ramon Bueno. It was more than fifteen thousand six hundred feet broad, and it ran without any winding, like a vast canal, straight towards the east. Two long and narrow islands contributed to give extent to the bed of the river. The mission was inhabited by the Ottomacs, a tribe in the rudest state, and presenting one of the most extraordinary physiologi- cal phenomena. They ate earth ; that is, they swallowed every day, during several months, very considerable quantities, to appease hunger, and this practice did not appear to have any injurious effect on their health. 186 THE DIRT EATERS. Though the travellers could stay only one day at Uruana, this short space of time sufficed to make them acquainted with the preparation of the balls of earth. Humboldt also found some traces of this vitiated appetite among the Guamos ; and between the confluence of the ' Meta and the Apure, where everybody spoke of dirt- eating as of a thing anciently known. The inhabitants of Uruana belonged to those nations of the savannahs called wandering Indians, who, more difficult to civilize than the nations of the forest, had a deeided aversion to cultivating the land, and lived almost exclusively by hunting and fishing. They were men of very robust constitution ; but ill-looking, savage, vindic- tive, and passionately fond of fermented liquors. They were omnivorous animals in the highest degree ; and therefore the other Indians, who considered them as barbarians, had a common saying, " nothing is so loath- some but that an Ottomac will eat it." While the waters of the Orinoco and its tributary streams were low, the Ottomacs subsisted on fish and turtles. The former they killed with surprising dexterity, by shooting them with arrows when they appeared at the surface of the water. When the rivers swelled fishing almost entirely ceased. It was then very difficult to procure fish, wdnch often failed the poor missionaries, on fast-days as wTell as flesh- days, though all the young Indians were under the obli- gation of fishing for the convent. During the period of these inundations, which lasted two or three months, the Ottomacs swallowed a prodigious quantity of earth. The travellers found heaps of earth-balls in their huts, piled up in pyramids three or four feet high. These balls Were five or six inches in diameter. The earth which ANGOSTURA. 187 the Ottomacs ate was a very fine and unctuous clay, of a yellowish grey colour ; when it was slightly baked at the fire, the hardened crust had a tint inclining to red, owing to the oxide of iron which was mingled with it, The travellers brought away some of this earth, which they took from the winter-provision of the Indians. They reached Angostura on the 13th of June. In seventy-five days they had performed a passage of five hundred leagues on the five great rivers, Apure, Orinoco, Atabapo, Rio Negro, and Cassiquiare ; and in this vast extent they had found but a very small number of inha- bited places. After the life they had led in the woods, their dress was not in the very best order, nevertheless they hastened to present themselves to Don Felipe de Ynciarte, the governor of the province of Guiana, He received them in the most cordial manner, and lodged them in the house of the secretary of the Intendencia. Coming from an almost desert country, they were struck with the bustle of the town, though it contained only six thousand inhabitants. They admired the conveniences which industty and commerce furnish to civilized man. Humble dwellings appeared to them magnificent ; and every person with whom they conversed, seemed to be endowed with superior intelligence. Long privations give a value to the smallest enjoyments ; and Humboldt could not express the pleasure he felt, when he saw for the first time wheaten bread on the governor's table. They felt themselves on the first days after their arrival tired and enfeebled, but in perfect health. Bonpland began to examine the small number of plants which he had been able to save from the influence of the damp climate; and Humboldt was occupied in settling by 188 TAKEN DOWN WITH FEVER. astronomical observations the longitude and latitude of the capital, as well as the dip of the magnetic needle. These labours were soon interrupted. They were both attacked almost on the same day by a disorder, which with Bonpland took the character of a debilitating fever. At this period the air was in a state of the greatest salubrity at Angostura; and as the only mulatto servant they had brought from Cumana felt symptoms of the same disorder, it was suspected that they had imbibed the germs of typhus in the damp forests of Cassiquiare. Their mulatto servant having been much more exposed to the rains than they were, his disorder increased with frightful rapidity. His prostration of strength was exces- sive, and on the ninth day his death was announced to them. He was however only in a state of swooning, which lasted several hours, and was followed by a salu- tary crisis. Humboldt was attacked at the same time with a violent fit of fever, during which he was made to take a mixture of honey and bark, a remedy^ much extolled in the country by the Capuchin missionaries. The intensity of the fever increased, but it left him on the following day. Bonpland remained in a very alarm- ing state, which during several weeks caused them the most serious inquietude. Fortunately he preserved suf- ficient self-possession to prescribe for himself. The fever was continual ; and, as almost always happens within the tropics, it was accompanied by dysentery. Bonpland displayed that courage and mildness of character which never forsook him in the most trying situations. Hum- boldt was agitated by sad presages ; for he remembered that the -botanist Loening, a pupil of Linneus, died not far from Angostura, near the banks of the Carony, a MELANCHOLY FOREBODINGS. 189 victim of his zeal for the progress of natural history. They had not yet passed a year in the torrid zone ; and Humboldt's faithful memory conjured up everything he had read in Europe on the dangers of the atmosphere inhaled in the forests. Instead of going up the Orinoco, they might have sojourned some months in the temperate and salubrious climate of the Sierra Nevada de Merida. "It was I," he thought, "who chose the path of the rivers, and Bonpland's death, if he dies, will be laid at my door." CHAPTER V. TO CUBA AND BACK. The travellers left Angostura on the 10th of July. Night had set in when they crossed for the last time the bed of the Orinoco. They purposed to rest near the little fort San Rafael, and on the following morning at daybreak to set out on their journey through the plains of Vene- zuela. About a month had elapsed since their arrival at Angostura ; and they earnestly wished to reach the coast, with the view of finding, at Cumana, or at Nueva Barce- lona, a vessel in which they might embark for the island of Cuba, thence to proceed to Mexico. After the sufferings to which they had been exposed during several months, whilst sailing in small boats on rivers infested by mos- quitos, the idea of a sea- voyage was not without its charms. They had no idea of ever again returning to South America. Sacrificing the Andes of Pern to the Archipelago of the Philippines, they adhered to their old plan of remaining a year in Mexico, then proceeding in a galleon from Acapulco to Manilla, and returning to Europe by way of Basso ra and Aleppo. Their mules were in waiting for them on the left bank of the Orinoco. The collection of plants, and the differ- ent geological series, which they had brought from the THE CARIBS AT CAM. 191 Esmeralda and Rio Negro, had greatly increased their baggage ; and, as it would have been dangerous to lose sight of their herbals, they expected to make a very slow journey across the Llanos. On the 13th they arrived at the village of Cari, the first of the Caribbee missions. They lodged as usual at the convent. Their host could scarcely comprehend " how natives of the north of Europe could arrive at his dwelling from the frontiers of Brazil by the Rio Negro, and not by way of the coast of Cumana." He treated them in the most poilte manner, at the same time manifesting that somewhat importunate curiosity which the appearance of a stranger, not a Spaniard, always ex- cited in South America. He expressed his belief that the minerals they had collected must contain gold ; and that the plants, dried with so much care, must be medici- nal. Here, as in many parts of Europe, the sciences were thought worthy to occupy the mind only so far as they conferred some immediate and practical benefit on society. The travellers found more than five hundred Caribs in the village of Cari; and saw many others in the sur- rounding missions. They were a very tall race of men, their height being from five feet six, to five feet ten inches. According to a practice common in Ameri a the women were more sparingly clothed than the men. The former wore only the guajuco, in the form of a band. The men had the lower part of the body wrapped in a piece of blue cloth, so dark as to be almost black. This drapery was so ample, that, on the lowering of the tem- perature towards evening, the Caribs threw it over their shoulders. The men cut their hair in a peculiar manner, 192 DIFFICULTIES WITH THE MULETEERS. very much in the style of the monks. A part of the forehead was shaved, which made it appear extremely high, and a circular tuft of hair was left near the crown of the head. The Carib women were less robust and good-looking than the men. On them devolved almost the whole burden of domestic work, as well as much of the out-door labour. They asked the travellers eagerly for pins, which they stuck under their lower lip, making the head of the pin penetrate deeply into the skin. The young girls were painted red, and were almost naked. On quitting the mission of Cari, they had some diili- culties to settle with their Indian muleteers. They had discovered that the travellers had brought skeletons with them from the cavern of Ataruipe ; and they were fully persuaded that the beasts of burden which carried the bodies of their old relations would perish on the journey. Every precaution the travellers had taken was useless ; nothing could escape a Carib's penetration and keen sense of smell, and it required all the authority of the mission- ary to forward their passage. They had to cross the Rio Cari in a boat, and the Rio de Agua Clara, by fording, or, it may almost be said, by swimming. They had two bad stations, one at Matagorda and the other at Los Riecetos, before they reached the little town of Pao. They beheld everywhere the same objects; small huts constructed of reeds, and roofed with leather; men on horseback armed with lances, guarding the herds ; herds of cattle half wild, remarkable for their uniform colour, and disputing the pasturage with horses and mules. The travellers arrived, on the 23rd, at the town of Nueva Barcelona, less fatigued by the heat of the Llanos, to which they had been long accustomed, than annoyed NUEVA BARCELONA. 193 by the winds of sand, which occasioned painful chaps in the skin. The climate of Barcelona was not so hot as that of Cumana, but it was extremely damp, and somewhat un- healthy in the rainy season. Bonpland had borne very well the irksome journey across the Llanos, and had recovered his strength and activity ; but Humboldt suf- fered more at Barcelona than at Angostura, immediately after their passage on the rivers. They remained nearly a month at Barcelona, where they found their friend Fray Juan Gronzales, who had traversed the Upper Orinoco before them. He expressed regret that they had not been able to prolong their visit to that unknown coun- try ; and he examined their plants and animals with that interest which must be felt by even the most uninformed man for the productions of a region he has long since visited. Fray Juan had resolved to go to Europe, and to accompany them as far as the island of Cuba. They were together for the space of seven months, and they found his society agreeable : he was cheerful, intelligent, and obliging. Little did they anticipate the sad fate that awaited him. He took charge of a part of their collec- tions; and a friend of his own confided to his care a child, who was to be conveyed to Spain for its education. Alas ! the collection, the child, and the young ecclesias- tic, were all buried in the waves. The packet boats from Corunna bound for Havanna and Mexico had been due three months ; and it was be- lieved they had been taken by the English cruisers sta- tioned on this coast. Anxious to reach Cumana, in order to avail themselves of the first opportunity that might offer for their passage to Yera Cruz, the travel- 9 194 TAKEN BY A PRIVATEER. lers hired an open boat called a lancha, a sort of craft employed habitually in the latitudes east of Cape Co- dera, where the sea was scarcely ever rough. Their lancha, which was laden with cocoa, carried on a contra- band trade with the island of Trinidad. For this reason the owner imagined they had nothing to fear from the enemy's vessels, which then blockaded all the Spanish ports. They embarked their collection of plants, their instruments, and their monkeys ; and, the weather being delightful, they hoped to make a very short passage from the mouth of the Rio Neveri to Cumana. But they had scarcely reached the narrow channel between the conti- nent and the rocky isles of Borracha and the Chi man as, when to their great surprise they came in sight of an armed boat, which, whilst hailing them from a great dis- tance, fired some musket-shot at them. The boat be- longed to a privateer of Halifax. The protestations of the travellers were without effect; they were carried on board the privateer, and the captain, affecting not to re- cognise the passports delivered by the governor of Trini- dad for the illicit trade, declared them to be a lawful prize. Being a little in the habit of speaking English, Humboldt entered into conversation with the captain, begging not to be taken to Nova Scotia, but to be put on shore on the neighbouring coast. While he endeavoured, in the cabin, to defend his own rights, and those of the owner of the lancha, he heard a noise on deck. Some- thing was whispered to the captain, who left in con- sternation. Happily for them an English sloop of war, the Hawrk, was cruising in those parts, and had signalled the captain to bring to ; but the signal not being promptly answered, a gun wTas fired from the sloop, RELEASED BY THE ENGLISH CAPTAIN. 195 and a midshipman sent on board the vessel. He gave Humboldt hopes, that the lancha, which was laden with cocoa, would be given up, and that on the following day they might pursue their voyage. In the meantime he in- vited the traveller to accompany him on board the sloop, assuring him that his commander, Captain Gamier, would furnish him with better accommodation for the night, than he would find in the vessel from Halifax. Humboldt accepted these obliging offers, and was re- ceived with the utmost kindness by Captain Gamier, who had made the voyage to the north-west coast of America with Vancouver, and who appeared to be highly interested in all he related to him respecting the great cataracts of Atures and Maypures, the bifurcation of the Orinoco, and its communication with the Amazon. He introduced to him several of his officers, who had been with Lord Macartney in China. Humboldt had not, during the space of a year, enjoyed the society of so many well-informed persons. They had learned from the English newspapers the object of his enterprise. He was treated with great confidence, and the commander gave him up his own state-room. The travellers continued their passage the next daj', and were surprised at the depth of the channels between the Caracas Islands, where the sloop worked her way through them almost touching the rocks. Numbers of pelicans, and of flamingoes, which fished in the nooks, or harassed the pelicans in order to seize their prey, indi- cated their approach to the coast of Cumana. At sun- rise the sea-birds suddenly appeared, and animated the scene, reminding the travellers, in these solitary re- gions, of the activity of the cities of Europe at the 196 BACK AT (UMAX A. dawn of day. At nine in the morning they reached the gulf of Cariaco, which served as a roadstead to the town of Cm nana. The hill, crowned by the castle of San An- tonio, stood out, prominent from its whiteness, on the dark curtain of the inland mountains. They gazed with interest on the shore, where they first gathered plants in America, and where, some months later, Bonpland had been in such danger. Among the cactuses that rose in columns twenty feet high appeared the Indian huts of the Guayquerias. Their friends at Cumana came out to meet them : men of all castes, with whom their frequent herborizations had brought them in contact, expressed the greater joy at sight of them, as a report that they had perished on the banks of the Orinoco had been cur- rent for several months. The travellers hastened to visit Don Vicente Em- paran, whose recommendations and constant solicitude had been so useful to them during the long journey they had just terminated. He procured for them, in the centre of the town, a house which was extremely useful for their instruments. They enjoyed from its terraces a ma- jestic view of the sea, of the isthmus of A ray a, and the archipelago of the islands of Caracas, Picuita, and Bor- racha. The port of Cumana was every day more and more blockaded, and the vain expectation of the arrival of Spanish packets detained them two months and a hall' longer. They were often nearly tempted to go to the Danish islands, which enjoyed a happy neutrality ; but they feared that, if they left the Spanish colonies, they might find some obstacles to their return. They em- ployed their time in completing the Flora of Cumana, geologically examining the eastern part of the peninsula OFF AGAIN. 197 of Araja, and observing many eclipses of satellites, which confirmed the longitude of the place already obtained by other means. They also made experiments on the extraordinary refractions, on evaporation, and on atmo- spheric electricity. They prolonged their stay at Cumana a fortnight. Having lost all hope of the arrival of a packet from Corunna, they availed themselves of an. American vessel, laden at Nueva Barcelona with salt provision for the island of Cuba. They had now passed sixteen months on this coast, and in the interior of Venezuela, and on the 16th of November they parted from their friends at Cumana to make the passage for the third time across the gulf of Cariaco to Nueva Barcelona. The night was cool and delicious. It was not without emotion that they beheld for the last time the disc of the moon illuminating the summit of the cocoa-trees that surrounded the banks of the Manzanares. The breeze was strong, and in less than six hours they anchored near the Morro of Nueva Barcelona, where the vessel which was to take them to Havanna was ready to sail. They sailed from Nueva Barcelona on the 24th. On the 2d of December they descried Cape Beata. During the night there was a very curious optical phenomenon, which Humboldt could not account for. At half-past twelve the wind blew feebly from the east ; the ther- mometer rose to 74°. Humboldt had remained upon the deck to observe the culmination of some stars. The full moon was high in the heavens. Suddenly, in the direction of the moon, 45° before its passage over the meridian, a great arch was formed tinged with the pris- matic colours, though not of a bright hue. The arch 198 IIAYAN'NA. appeared higher than the moon; this iris-hand was near 2° broad, and its summit Beemed to rise nearly from 80° to 85° above the horizon of the sea. The sky was sin- gularly pure ; there was no appearance of rain ; and what struck him most was, that this phenomenon, which perfectly resembled a lunar rainbow, was not in the direction opposite to the moon. The arch remained sta- tionary, or at least appeared to do so, during eight or ten minutes ; and at the moment when he tried if it were possible to see it by reflection in the mirror of the sex- tant, it began to move and descend, crossing successively the moon and Jupiter. It lacked six minutes of one o'clock when the summit of the arch sank below the horizon. This movement of an arch, coloured like the rainbow, filled with astonishment the sailors who were on watch on the deck. They alleged, as they did on the appearance of every extraordinary meteor, that it denoted wind. The travellers anchored at Havanna on the 19th of December. Not being able to find a passage in any neu- tral vessel, Humboldt freighted a Catalonian sloop, lying at Batabano, which was to be at his disposal to take him either to Porto Bello or Carthagcna, according as the gales of Saint Martha should permit. The travellers set sail on the 9th of March, somewhat incommoded by the smallness of their vessel, which afforded no sleeping place but upon deck. The cabin received no air or light but from above ; it was merely a hold for provisions, and it was with difficulty that they could place their instruments in it. They were soon in the gulf of Batabano, which was bounded by a low and marshy coast, and looked like a vast desert. The fishing birds, which were generally at GARDENS AND BOWERS. 199 their post whilst the small birds and the indolent vul- tures were at roost, were seen only in small numbers. The sea was of- a greenish-brown hue, as in some of the lakes of Switzerland ; while the air, owing to its extreme purity, had, at the moment the sun appeared above the horizon, a cold tint of pale blue, similar to that which landscape painters observe at the same hour in the south of Italy, and which makes distant objects stand out in strong relief. They sailed E.S.E., taking the passage of Don Cristoval, to reach the rocky island of Cayo de Piedras, and to clear the archipelago, which the Spanish pilots, in the early times of the conquest, designated by the names of Gardens and Bowers. The Queen's Gar- dens, properly so called, were nearer Cape Cruz, and were separated from the archipelago by an open sea thirty-five leagues broad. Columbus gave them the name they bear, in 1494, when, on his second voyage, he struggled during fifty-eight days with the winds and currents between the island of Pinos and the eastern cape of Cuba. He describes the islands of this archipelago as verdant, full of trees and pleasant. A part of these so-styled gardens was indeed beautiful ; the voyagers saw the scene change every moment, and the verdure of some of the islands appeared the more lovely from its contrast with chains of rocks, displaying only white and barren sands. The surface of these sands, heated by the rays of the sun, seemed to be undulating like the surface of a liquid. The contact of layers of air of unequal temperature, produced the most varied pheno- mena of suspension and mirage, from ten in the morning till four in the afternoon. Even in these desert places the sun animated the landscape, and gave mobility to the 200 THE PASS OF DON CRISTOVAL. sandy plain, to the trunks of trees, and to the rocks that projected into the sea like promontories. When the sun appeared these inert masses seemed suspended in air; and on the neighbouring beach, the sands presented the appearance of a sheet of water gently agitated by the winds. A train of clouds sufficed to seat the trunks of trees and the suspended rocks again on the soil ; to render the undulating surface of the plains motionless ; and to dissipate the charm which the Arabian, Persian, and Hindoo poets have celebrated as " The sweet illusions of the lonely desert.'' They doubled Cape Matahambre very slowly. Hum- boldt determined, "as they sailed, as they sailed," the positions of Cayo de Don Cristoval, Cayo Flamenco, Cayo de Diego Perez, and Cayo de Piedras. He also employed himself in examining the influence which the changes at the bottom of the sea produce on its tempera- ture at the surface. Notwithstanding the small size of their bark, and the boasted skill of their pilot, they often ran aground. The bottom being soft, there was no danger ; but, nevertheless, at sunset, near the pass of Don Cristoval, they preferred to lie at anchor. The first part of the night was beauti- fully serene : they saw an incalculable number of falling- Btars, all following one direction, opposite to that from whence the wind blew in the low regions of the atmo- sphere. The most absolute solitude prevailed in this spot, which, in the time of Columbus, was inhabited and frequented by great numbers of fishermen. The inhabit- ants of Cuba then employed a small 6sh to take the great sea-turtles. The " fisher-fish," formerly employed FISHING WITH FISH. 201 by the Cubans, by means of the flattened disc on his head, furnished with suckers, fixed himself on the shell of the sea-turtle, which was common in the narrow and winding channels of the Bowers. " The fish," says Columbus, "will sooner suffer himself to be cut in pieces than let go the body to which he adheres." The Indians drew to the shore by the same cord, the fisher- fish and the turtle. When Gomara, and the learned secretary of the Emperor Charles V., Peter Martyr d'Anghiera, promulgated in Europe this fact which they had learnt from the companions of Columbus, it was received as a traveller's tale. There is indeed an air of the marvellous in the recital of d'Anghiera, which begins in these words : " Exactly as we follow hares with greyhounds in the fields, so do the natives of Cuba take fishes with other fish trained for that purpose." We now know, from the united testimony of Bogers, Dampier, and Commerson, that the artifice resorted to in the Bowers to catch turtles, is employed by the inhabit- ants of the eastern coast of Africa, near Cape Natal, at Mozambique, and at Madagascar. In Egypt, at San Domingo, and in the lakes of the valley of Mexico, the method practised for catching ducks was as follows : men, whose heads were covered with great calabashes pierced with holes, hid themselves in the water, and seized the birds by the feet. The Chinese, from the remotest antiquity, have employed the cormorant, a bird of the pelican family, for fishing on the coast: rings are fixed round the bird's neck to prevent him from swallow- ing his prey, and fishing for himself. In the lowest de- gree of civilization, the sagacity of man is displayed in the stratagems of hunting and fishing : nations, who 9* 202 SLAUGHTERING THE YOUNG ALCATRAS. probably never had any communication with each other furnish the most Btriking analogies in the means they employ in exercising their empire over animals. It was three days before the travellers could leave this labyrinth of Gardens and Bowers. At night they lay at anchor; by day they visited the islands, or chains of rock, that were most easily accessible. One day while they were employed in herborizing on the Cayo Bonito, their sailors were searching among the rocks for lobsters. Disappointed at not finding lobsters there, they avenged themselves by climbing on the mangroves and making a dreadful slaughter of the young alcatras, grouped in pairs in their nests. With the want of foresight peculiar to the great pelagic birds, the alcatra builds his nest where several branches of trees unite together. Humboldt and Bonpland counted four or five nests on the same trunk of a mangrove. The young birds defended themselves valiantly with their enormous beaks, which were six or seven inches long ; the old ones hovered over their heads, making hoarse and plaintive cries. -Blood streamed from the tops of the trees, for the sailors were armed with great sticks and cutlasses. In vain were they reproved for this crueltv. Condemned to long obedience in the solitude of the seas, they felt pleasure in exercising a cruel tyranny over animals, when occasion offered. The ground was covered with wounded birds struggling in death. At the arrival of the sailors a profound calm prevailed in this secluded spot; when they left, everything seemed to say: Man has passed this way. They sailed along the coast keeping two or three miles distant from land. On the 13th, a little before sunset, TRINIDAD DE CUBA. 203 they were opposite the month of the Rio San Juan, which was dreaded bj navigators on account of the innumera- ble quantity of mosquitos and zancudos which filled the atmosphere. Humboldt passed a great part of the night on deck. The coast was dreary and desolate. Not a light announced a fisherman's hut. There was no village between Batabano and Trinidad, a distance of fifty leagues ; scarcely were there more than two or three farm-yards, containing hogs or cows. Yet, in the time of Columbus, this territory was inhabited along the shore. When the ground is dug to make wells, or when torrents furrow the surface of the earth in floods, stone hatchets and copper utensils are often discovered. On the 14th the travellers entered the Rio Gruaurabo, one of the two ports of Trinidad de Cuba, to put on shore the pilot of Batabano, who had steered them across the flats of the Bowers, though not without causing them to run aground several times. They also hoped to find a packet-boat in this port, which would take them to Car- thagena. Humboldt landed towards evening, and placed Borda's azimuth compass and the artificial horizon, on the shore, for the purpose of observing the passage of some stars by the meridian ; but they had scarcely begun their preparations, when a party of traders, who had dined on board a foreign ship recently arrived, invited them to accompany them to the town. They requested the tra- vellers to mount two by two on the same horse ; and, as the heat was excessive, their offer was accepted. The road leading to the port was brilliantly illuminated by phosphorescent insects. The grass that overspread the ground, the branches and foliage of the trees, all shone with a reddish and moveable light, which varied 204 CHEAP LANTERNS. in its intensity at the will of the animal by which it was produced. It seemed as though the starry firmament reposed on the savannah. In the hut of the poorest in- habitants of the country, fifteen of these insects, placed in a calabash pierced with holes, afforded sufficient light to search for anything during the night. To shake the calabash forcibly was all that was necessary to excite the animal to increase the intensity of the luminous discs situated on each side of its body. The people of the country remarked, that calabashes filled with these phos- phorescent insects were lanterns always ready lighted. They were, in fact, only extinguished by the sickness or death of the insects, which were easily fed with a little sugar-cane. A young woman at Trinidad de Cuba told the travellers, that during a long and difficult passage from the main land, she always made use of their phos- phorescence when she gave suck to her child at night ; the captain of the ship would allow no other light on board, from the fear of corsairs. The travellers quitted Trinidad on the night of the 15th. The municipality caused them to be conducted to the mouth of the Eio Guaurabo in a fine carriage lined with old crimson damask ; and, to add to their confusion, an ecclesiastic, the poet of the place, habited in a suit of velvet notwithstanding the heat of the climate, cele- brated, in a sonnet, their vo}-age to the Orinoco. On the morning of the 17th they came within sight of the most eastern island of the group of the Lesser Caymans. As long as they were within sight of this island, sea- turtles of extraordinary dimensions swam round their vessel. The abundance of these animals led Columbus to give the whole group of the Caymans the name of ZAPOTE. 205 " The Rocks of the Turtles." The sailors would have thrown themselves into the water to catch some of these animals ; but the numerous sharks that accompanied them, rendered the attempt too perilous. The sharks fixed their jaws on great iron hooks which were flung to them ; these hooks were very sharp and, for want of fish-hooks with chains, they were tied to cords. The sharks were in this manner drawn up half the length of their bodies ; and the voyagers were surprised to see that those which had their mouths wounded and bleeding continued to seize the bait over and over agaiD during several hours. The passage from the island of Cuba to the coast of South America terminated at the mouth of the Rio Sinu, and it occupied sixteen days. The roadstead near the Punta del Zapote afforded bad anchorage ; and in a rough sea, and with a hard wind, the travellers found some difficulty in reaching the coast. Everything denoted that they had entered a wild region, rarely visited by strangers. A few scattered houses formed the village of Zapote : they found a great number of mariners assem- bled under a sort of shed, all men of colour, who had descended the Rio Sinu in their barks, to carry maize, bananas, poultry, and other provisions, to the port of Carthagena. Their barks, which were from fifty to eighty feet long, belonged for the most part to the planters of Lorica. The Zambos of the Rio Sinu wearied the travellers with idle questions respecting the purpose of their voyage, their books, and the use of their instru- ments. They regarded them with mistrust; and to escape from their importunate curiosity, the travellers went to herborize in the forest, although it rained. The Zambos had endeavoured, as usual, to alarm them by 20G HUMBOLDT MEETS A FELLOW-COUNTRYMAN. stories of boas, vipers, and the attacks of jaguars; but during a long residence among the Chavma Indians of the Orinoco, the travellers were used to these exaggerations. Quitting the coast of Zapote, covered with mangroves, they entered a forest remarkable for a great variety of palm-trees. After an hour's walk, they found, in a cleared spot, several inhabitants employed in collecting palm-tree wine. The dark tint of the Zambos formed a strong contrast with the appearance of a little man with light hair and a pale complexion, who seemed to take no share in the labour. Humboldt thought at first that he was a sailor who had escaped from some North American ves- sel ; but was soon undeceived. This fair-complexioned man was his countryman, born on the coast of the Bal- tic ; he had served in the Danish navy, and had lived for several years in the upper part of the Rio Sinu, near Santa Cruz de Lorica. He had come, to use the words of the loungers of the country, " to see other lands, and to roam about : nothing else." The sight of a man who could speak to him of his country, seemed to have no attraction for him ; and, as he had almost forgotten Ger- man without being able to express himself clearly in Spanish, the conversation was not very animated. Dur- ing the five years of his travels in Spanish America, Humboldt found only two opportunities of speaking his native language. The first Prussian he met with was a sailor from Memel, who served on board a ship from Halifax, and who refused to make himself known till after he had fired some musket-shot at his boat. The second, the man he met at the Rio Sinu, was very amica- bly disposed. Without answering his questions, he con- THE PAPS OF TOLU. 207 tinued repeating, with a smile, " that the country was hot and humid ; that the houses in the town of Pomerania were finer than those of Santa Cruz de Lorica ; and that, if they remained in the forest, they would have the ter- tian fever from which he had long suffered." The travel- lers had some difficulty in showing their gratitude to this man for his kind advice ; for according to his somewhat aristocratic principles, a white man, were he barefooted, should never accept money "in the presence of those vile coloured people !" Less disdainful than their Euro- pean countryman, the travellers saluted politely the group of men of colour, who were employed in drawing off into large calabashes, the palm-tree wine, from the trunks of felled trees. They weighed anchor in the road of Zapote, on the 27th, at sunrise. The sea was less stormy, and the weather rather warmer, although the fury of the wind was undiminished. They saw on the north a succession of small cones of extraordinary form, as far as the Morro de Tigua ; these cones were known by the name of the Paps of Santero, Tolu, Rincon, and Chichimar. The two latter were nearest the coast. The Paps of Tolu rose in the middle of the savannahs. There, from the trunks of the Toluifera balsamum was collected the precious balsam of Tolu. In the savannahs of Tolu the travellers saw oxen and mules wandering half wild. In the archi- pelago of San Bernardo, they passed between the island of Salamanquilla and Cape Boqueron. They had scarcely quitted the gulf of Morosquillo, when the sea became so rough, that the waves frequently washed over the deck of their little vessel. Their captain sought in vain a sheltering-place on the coast, to the north of the village 208 THE ISLAND OF BARU. of Rincon. They cast anchor at four fathoms ; but haying discovered that they were lying over a reef of coral they preferred the open sea. The wind having dropped during the night they could only advance to the island of Arenas, where they an- chored. The weather became stormy during the night. They again set sail on the morning of the 29th, hoping to be able to reach Boca Chica that day. The gale blew with extreme violence, and they were unable to proceed with their frail bark against the wind and the current, when by a false manoeuvre in setting the sails (they had but four sailors), they were during some minutes in im- minent danger. The captain, who was not a very bold mariner, declined to proceed further up the coast, and they took refuge, sheltered from the wind, in a nook of the island of Baru. There was to be an eclipse of the moon during the night, and the next day an occultation of a star in Vir- go. The observation of the latter phenomenon might have been very important in determining the longitudo of Carthagena. In vain Humboldt urged the captain to allow one of his sailors to accompany him by land to the foot of Boca Chica, a distance of five miles, lie objected on account of the wild state of the country, in which there was neither habitation nor path. A little incident, which might have rendered the expedition more fatal, justified the prudence of the captain. Humboldt and Bonpland went by moonlight, to collect plants on the shore; as they approached the land, they saw a young negro issue from the thicket. lie was quite naked, loaded with chains, and armed with a long knife. He invited them to land on a part of the beach covered with ESCAPED CONVICTS. 209 large mangroves, as being a spot where the surf did not break, and offered to conduct them to the interior of the island of Baru, if they would promise to give him some clothes. His cunning and wild appearance, the often- repeated question whether they were Spaniards, and cer- tain unintelligible words which he addressed to some of his companions who were concealed amidst the trees, inspired them with mistrust. These blacks were no doubt maroon negroes: slaves escaped from prison. The party from the vessel were without arms ; the negroes appeared to be more numerous than they were, and, thinking that possibly they invited them to land with the desire of taking possession of their canoe, they thought it prudent to return on board. On the morning of the 30th they doubled Punta Gi- gantes, and made for the Boca Chica, the entrance of the port of Carthagena. From thence the distance was seven or eight miles to the anchorage near the town; and although they took a pilot to guide them, they repeat- edly touched on the sandbanks. On landing, Hum- boldt learned, with great satisfaction, that the expedition appointed to take the survey of the coast, had not yet put to sea. This circumstance not only enabled him to ascertain the astronomical position of several towns on the shore, which had served him as points of departure in fixing chronometrically the longitude of the Llanos and the Orinoco, but also served to guide him with respect to the future direction of his journey to Peru. The passage from Carthagena to Porto Bello, and that of the isthmus by the Kio Chagres and Cruces, were alike short and easy ; but it was to be feared, that they might stay long at Panama before they could find an opportunity of pro- 210 CHANGE OF ROUTE. ceeding to Guayaquil, aud in that case the voyage on the Pacific would be extremely lingering, as they would have to sail against contrary winds and currents. The persons they consulted all agreed that the journey by land along the Cordilleras, by Santa Fe de Bogota, Popayan, Quito, and Caxamarca, would be preferable to the sea- voyage, and would furnish an immense field for exploration. The predilection of Europeans for the cold and temperate climate that prevailed on the back of the Andes, gave further weight to these counsels. The distances were known, but Humboldt was deceived with respect to the time it would take to traverse them on mules' backs. He did not imagine that it would require over eighteen months to go from Carthagena to Lima. Notwithstand- ing this delay, or rather owing to the slowness with which he passed through Cundinamarca, the provinces of Popayan, and Quito, he did not regret having sacri- ficed the passage of the isthmus to the route of Bogota, for every step of the journey was full of interest both geographically and botanically. This change of direc- tion gave him occasion to trace the map of the Rio Mag- dalena, to determine astronomically the position of eighty points situated in the inland country between Cartha- gena, Popa}^an, and the upper course of the river Ama- zon and Lima, to discover an error in the longitude of Quito, to collect several thousand new plants, and to ob- serve on a vast scale the relations between the rocks of syenitic porphyry and trachyte, with the fire of vol- canoes. During the six days of their stay at Carthagena their most interesting excursions were to the Boca Grande, and the hill of Popa. A small portion of hilly land sepa- THE HILL OF POPA. 211 rated the town of Carthagena and the islet of Manga from the Cienega de Tesca. These hills, some of which were more than five hundred feet high, commanded the town. The Castillo de San Lazaro was seen from afar rising like a great rocky pyramid ; when examined nearer its fortifications were not very formidable. Layers of clay and sand were covered with bricks, and furnished a kind of construction which had little stability. The Cerro de Santa Maria de la Popa, crowned by a convent and some batteries, rose above the fort of San Lazaro, and was worthy of more solid and extensive works. The image of the Virgin, preserved in the church of the convent, had been long revered by mariners. The view from the Popa was extensive and varied, and the windings and rents of the coast gave it a peculiar character. Hum- boldt was assured that sometimes from the windows of the convent, and even in the open sea, before the fort of Boca Chica, the snowy tops of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta were discernible. In order to avoid the excessive heats, and the diseases which prevailed during the summer at Carthagena, the travellers removed inland to the village of Turbaco. This small Indian village stood on a bill, at the entrance of a majestic forest, which extended towards the south and the east as far as the canal of Mahates and the river Magdalena. The houses were mostly built of bamboos, and covered with palm leaves. Here and there limpid springs rose out of the calcareous rock, which contained numerous fragments of petrified coral, and were shaded by the splendid foliage of the anacardium caracoli, a tree of colossal size, to which the natives attributed the pro- perty of attracting from great distances the vapours float- 212 THE VOLCANOES OF TURBACO. ing in the atmosphere. As the soil of Turbaco was more than nine hundred feet above the level of the ocean, a delightful coolness prevailed, especially during the night. The Indians of Turbaco, who accompanied the travel- lers in their herbalizations, spoke of a marshy coun- try, situated in a forest of palm trees, and called by the Creoles the Little Volcanoes. They related that, accord- ing to a tradition still existing among them, this spot had formerly been in flames ; but that a very pious man, a vicar of the village, had succeeded by his frequent asper- sions of holy water in extinguishing the subterraneous fire. They added, that, since this time, the fiery volcano had become a water volcano. From their long residence in the Spanish colonies, the travellers were familiar with the strange and marvellous stories, which the natives eagerly recited to fix the attention of travellers on the phenomena of nature; though they knew, that these stories were in general less indebted for their currency to the superstition of the Indians, than to that of the whites, the mulattoes, and the African slaves; and that the reveries of a few individuals, who reasoned on the progressive changes of the surface of the globe, gradu- ally assumed the character of historical traditions. With* out giving any credit to the existence of an extent of country in a former state of ignition, they were conducted by the Indians to the Volcanoes ; and this excursion made them acquainted with phenomena, much more im- portant than any they could have expected. The Volcanoes were situated to the east of the village of Turbaco, in a thick forest, abounding with balsam of Tolu trees. The ground rose gradually two hundred SPOUTING MUD. 213 and fifty or three hundred feet above the village of Tur- baco ; but as it was everywhere covered with vegetation, it was not possible to distinguish the nature of the rocks that reposed on the shelly calcareous soil. In the centre of a vast plain were eighteen or twenty small cones, in height not above twenty-five feet. These cones were formed of a blackish gray clay, and had an opening at their summits filled with water. On ap- proaching these small craters, a hollow but very distinct sound was heard at intervals, fifteen or eighteen seconds previous to the disengagement of a great quantity of air. The force with which this air rose above the surface of the water led them to suppose, that it underwent a great pressure in the bowels of the earth. Humboldt generally reckoned five explosions in two minutes ; and this phe- nomenon was often attended with a muddy ejection. The Indians assured him, that the forms of the cones suffered no visible change in a great number of years ; but the ascending force of the gas, and the frequency of the explosions, appeared to vary according to the seasons. He found by analyses made by means both of nitrous gas and of phosphorus, that the disengaged air scarcely contained a thousandth part of oxygen. It was azotic gas, much more pure than that which is generally pre- pared in laboratories. CHAPTER VI. COLOMBIA AND PERU. Completing about the end of April the observations they proposed to make at the northern extremity of the torrid zone, Humboldt and Bonpland were on the point of proceeding to Yera Cruz with the squadron of Admiral Ariztizabal ; but being misled by false intelligence respecting the expedition of Captain Baudin, they were induced to relinquish the project of passing through Mexico on their way to the Philippine Islands. The public journals announced that two French sloops, the " Geographe" and the " Naturaliste," had sailed for Cape Horn ; that they were to proceed along the coasts of Chili and Peru, and thence to New Holland. This in- telligence revived in Humboldt's mind all the projects he had formed during his stay in Paris, when he solicited the Directory to hasten the departure of Captain Bau- din. The travellers at once set to work and divided their precious herbals into three portions, to avoid ex- posing to the risks of a long voyage the objects they had obtained with so much difficulty on the banks of the Orinoco, the Atabapo, and the Rio Negro. They sent one collection by way of England to Germany, another by way of Cadiz to France, and a third remained at UP THE RIO MAGDALENA. 215 Havanna. They bad reason to congratulate themselves on this foresight : each collection contained nearly the same species, and no precautions were neglected to have the cases, if taken by English or French vessels, remitted to Sir Joseph Banks, or to the professors of natural history at the Museum at Paris. It happened fortunately that the manuscripts which Humboldt at first intended to send with the collection to Cadiz, were not intrusted to Fray Juan Gonzales, who had followed them to Havanna with the view of returning to Spain. He left the island of Cuba soon after the travellers, but the vessel in which he sailed foundered on the coast of Africa, and the cargo and crew were all lost. By this event the travellers lost some of the duplicates of their herbals, and what was more important, all the insects which Bonpland had with great difficulty collected during their voyage to the OH noco and the Rio Negro. Their collections shipped, the travellers ascended the Rio Magdalena, Bonpland, as was his wont, exploring the botanical treasures of the shore, and Humboldt making a chart of the river district. The sky was cloudy, but the nights were tropically fine. Their old torments, the mosquitos followed them. By and by they passed the little city of Monpex, with its white houses and its red roofs. They saw the inhabitants chatting before the doors of their dwellings (it was evening at the time,) and promenading the darkening streets. In addition to the plague of mosquitos, which kept them most of the day in their hammocks, the inhabitants of Monpex were horribly disfigured with goitres. Their city was sur- rounded with swamps, and was liable to inundations. Sometimes they were obliged to desert their houses, and 216 HONDA. take to their canoes. Crocodiles came up to the banks to feed on the offal thrown from the city. From Monpox to Santa Margarita the shore was bor- dered with orange and lemon trees. At Pinon they saw the mountains in the interior. The depth of the water increasing along the shore, they were now and then obliged to lay in the poles, and haul along by the trees. They passed the island of Morales, which was shaded with cocoa palms. Beyond Badillo the crocodiles diminished, and cocoa plantations began. Sometimes the river, broadening, resembled a large lake, bordered with forest- trees. At such places the travellers saw their old friends of Cumana and the Orinoco, flamingoes, herons, parrots, and macaws, and hordes of bowling monkeys. Turtles were plentiful, as were also crocodiles and jaguars. They saw the crocodiles and jaguars fighting on the banks as they passed. At last they reached the town of Honda, having been thirty -five days on the river. From Honda they proceeded on mules to Bogota. The road was more like the bed of a torrent than a road. They descended from the mountain of Sarjento into the picturesque valley of Guaduas ; then they climbed the steep sides of the Alta del Trigo, and again descended to the plain of Villietas. From the paramo of Cerradera they saw the plains of Bogota, though they were still nine leagues from the capital. At last they came in sight of the white towers of the cathedral, and the monasteries of Monserrat and Guadalupe. The travellers arrived at Bogota in June, and remained till September, pursuing their botanical and geographi- cal researches, and making excursions to the natural curiosities of the neighborhood. THE FALLS OF TEQUEXDAMA. 21 7 The plain of Bogota was encircled with lofty moun- tains ; and the perfect level of the soil, its geological structure, the form of the rocks of Suba and Facatativa, which rose like small islands in the midst of the savan- nas, all served to indicate the existence of an ancient lake. The Eio Funzha, into which flowed the waters of the valley, forced its way through the mountains to the south-west of Bogota. Near the farm of Canoas this river rushed from the plain by a narrow outlet into a crevice, which, descended towards the basin of the Eio Magdalena. Here were the celebrated falls of Tequen- dama. Taking one pleasant day the road which led to the falls, the travellers passed the village of Suacha, and the great farm of Canoas, famous for its crops of wheat. At a small distance from the farm, on the height of Chipa, they found themselves surrounded with oaks and elms, and plants which recalled to their minds the vege- tation of Europe. Looking down, as from a terrace, they discovered below them a country producing bana- nas and sugar canes. They descended by a dangerous pathway to the brink of the precipice, into which the river threw itself. At a short distance above them it was one hundred and forty feet broad, but as it drew near the foil it contracted itself in a deep but narrow bed, scarcely forty feet wide, and plunged at two bounds down a perpendi- cular rock to the depth of six hundred and fifty feet. It came on like a broad arch of glass ; as soon as it was over the brink of the precipice it became a fleece of spray, which was changed in its descent to mist. The mist rose, how- ever, to a considerable height, and was crowned with glit- tering rainbows. From the rocky sides of the crevice, hung with shrubs and bushes, gushed innumerable springs 10 218 THE LEGEND Or BOCHK A. and tributary streams, and over and around all darted strange birds, with beautiful plumage. A great portion of the fall was lost in vapour ; what little was left below, a dwindled streamlet, rushed impetuously along a stony bed overhung with trees, and was lost in the dark windings of the rock. The crevice into which the river plunged, communicating with the plains of the warm regions, a few palm trees had sprung up at the foot of the cataract. This led the inhabitants of Bogota to say that the river plunged from a hot into a cold country. Humboldt suc- ceeded, not without danger, in canying his instruments into the crevice. It took him three hours to reach the bottom by a narrow path. A few feeble rays of noon fell on the bottom of the crevice. The solitude of the place, the richness of the vegetation, and the dreadful roar that struck upon his ear, were long remembered by him. He considered it one of the wildest scenes in the whole range of the Cordilleras. The column of vapour, rising like a thick cloud from the falls, could be seen from the walks round Bogota, at five leagues distance. There was a legend connected with the place: " In the remotest times," it ran, " before the moon accompanied the earth, the inhabitants of the plain of Bogota lived like barbarians, naked, without agriculture, without any form of laws or worship. Suddenly there appeared among them an old man, who came from the plains situ- ate on the east of the Cordillera of Chingasa, and who appeared to be of a race unlike that of the natives, having a long and bushy beard. He was known by three distinct appellations, Bochica, Nemquetheba, and Zuhe. This old man instructed men how to clothe THE LAKE OF GU AT A VITA. 219 themselves, build huts, till the ground, and form them- selves into communities. He brought with him a woman, to whom also tradition gives three names, Chia, Yube- cayguaya, and Huythaca. This woman, extremely beau- tiful and not less malignant, thwarted every enterprise of her husband for the happiness of mankind. By her skill in magic she swelled the Rio Funzha, and inun- dated the valley of Bogota. The greater part of the inhabitants perished in this deluge ; a few only found refuge on the summits of the neighbouring mountains. The old man, in anger, drove the beautiful Huythaca far from the Earth, and she became the Moon, which began from that epoch to enlighten our planet during the night. Bochica, moved with compassion for those who were dis- persed over the mountains, broke with his powerful arm the rocks that inclosed the valley on the side of Canoas and Tequendama. By this outlet he drained the waters of the Lake of Bogota. He built towns, introduced the worship of the Sun, named two chiefs, between whom he divided the civil and ecclesiastical authority, and then withdrew himself, under the name of Idacanzas, into the holy valley of Iraca, near Tunja, where he lived in the exercise of the most austere penitence for the space of two thousand years." After the excursion to the Falls of Tequendama, the travellers visited the Lake of Guatavita. It was situated to the north of Bogota, in a wild and soli- tary spot, on a ridge of the mountains of Zipaguira, at a height of eight thousand five hundred feet. It was held in veneration by the Indians in the olden time, who were supposed to have repaired thither for the purpose of ablution and purification. The travellers found the 220 ICONONZO. remains of a flight of steps, by which the Indians were accustomed to descend to the water, and a channel by which the Spaniards, after the conquest, had attempted to drain the lake, to recover the treasures which were said to have been concealed there when Quesada and his cavalry appeared on the plains of Cundinamarca. It lay on a plain, surrounded by mountains. Its basin was a sort of half oval, whose stony sloping sides were over grown with bushes and trees. Towards the end of September Humboldt and Bon- pland bade Bogota adieu, and started for Quito. Out of two roads which they might have taken, like true natu- ralists thev chose the worst. The road from Bogota to Fusagasuga and thence to Icononzo was one of the most difficult and least frequented in the Cordilleras. "The traveller," Humboldt afterwards wrote, "must feel a passionate enthusiasm for the beauties of nature, who prefers the dangerous descent of the desert of San Fortu- nato, and the mountains of Fusagasuga, leading towards the natural bridges of Icononzo, to the usual road by the Mesa de Juan Diaz, to the banks of the Magdalena." Journeying two days in a south-easterly direction they came to Icononzo, a ruined town of the Muvsco Indians. It lay at the southern end of a valley of the same name. The rocks of this valley seemed to have been carved by the hand of man. Their naked and barren summits presented a picturesque contrast with the tufts of trees and shrubs which covered the brinks of a deep crevice in the centre of the valley. Through this valley ran a small torrent called the Rio de la Summa Paz. To this torrent the travellers came, nor could they have crossed it, without great difficulty, had not nature provided two THE NATURAL BRIDGES. 221 bridges of rocks, like the natural bridge in Virginia, The highest of these bridges was forty-six feet in length, and nearly forty in breadth; its thickness in the centre was about seven feet. Humboldt experimented on its height, and found it three hundred and twelve feet above the level of the torrent. For the safety of travellers the Indians of the valley had formed a small balustrade of reeds, ex- tending along the precipitous road leading to the bridge. Sixty feet below this bridge was another, to which the travellers were led by a narrow pathway, descending along the brink of the crevice. In the middle of the second bridge was a hollow of more than twenty -four feet square, through which they perceived the bottom of the abyss. The torrent seemed to flow through a dark ca- vern, from which arose a melancholy noise, caused by the numberless flights of nocturnal birds that haunted the crevice. Humboldt at first mistook them for bats of gigantic size. Thousands of them were seen flying over the surface of the water. The Indians assured him that these birds were of the size of a fowl, with a curved beak and an owl's eye. They were called cacas. It was impossible to catch them, on account of the depth of the valley ; and they could be examined only by throwing down rockets, to illumine the sides of the crevice. Leaving the bridges of Icononzo, the travellers pursued their journey until they came to the mountain of Quin- diu. At the entrance of this mountain, near Ibague, they saw the truncated cone of Zolima covered with per- petual snow. The little river of Combeima wound along a narrow valley, and forced its way across a thicket of palm-trees. 222 THE M<>; MAIN OF QUINDIU. The mountain of Quindiu was considered the most difficult passage in the Cordilleras of the Andes. It was a thick, uninhabited forest, which, in the finest season, could not be traversed in less than ten or twelve days. Not even a hut was to be seen, nor could any means of subsistence be found. Travellers, at all times of the year, furnished themselves with a month's provision, since it often happened, that, by the melting of the snowrs, and the sudden swell of the torrents, thev found themselves so circumstanced, that they could descend neither on the side of Cartago, nor that of Ibague. The highest point of the road, the Garito del Paramo, was one thousand four hundred and fifty feet above the level of the sea. As the foot of the mountain, towards the banks of the Cauca, was only three thousand one hundred and forty feet, the climate there was, in general, mild and tem- perate. The pathway which formed the passage of the Cordilleras was only about a foot in breadth, and had the appearance, in several places, of a gallery dug, and left open to the sky. In this part of the Andes the rock was covered with a thick stratum of clay. The streamlets which flowed down the mountains, had hol- lowed out gullies eighteen or twenty feet deep. Along these crevices, which were full of mud, the travellers were forced to grope their passage, the darkness of which was increased by the thick vegetation that covered the opening above. The oxen, which were the beasts of burden commonly made use of in this country, could scarcely force their way through these galleries, some of which were two thousand yards in length ; if a travel- ler had met them in one of these passages, he could not have avoided them, but by turning back, and climb- A DELUGE OF EAIN. 225 ing the earthen wall which bordered the crevice, and keeping himself suspended, by laying hold of the roots which penetrated to this depth from the surface of the ground. They traversed the mountain of Quindiu in October, on foot, followed by twelve oxen, which carried their collections and instruments, amidst a deluge of rain, to which they were exposed during the last three or four days in their descent on the western side of the Cordil- leras. The road passed through a country full of bogs, and covered with bamboos. Their shoes were so torn by the prickles which shoot out from the roots of these gigantic gramma, that they were forced, like all other travellers who disliked being carried on men's backs, to go barefooted. This circumstance, the continued hu- midity, the length of the passage, the muscular force required to tread in a thick and muddy clay, and the necessity of fording deep torrents of icy water, rendered this journey extremely fatiguing ; but, however painful, it was accompanied by none of those dangers with which the credulity of the people alarmed travellers. The road was narrow, but the places where it skirted precipices were very rare. As the oxen were accustomed to put their feet in the same tracks they formed small furrows across the road, separated from each other by narrow ridges of earth. In very rainy seasons, these ridges were covered with water, which rendered the steps of the travellers doubly uncertain, since they knew not whether they placed their feet on the ridge or in the furrow. The usual mode of travelling for persons in easy cir- cumstances, was in a chair, strapped to the back of one of the native porters, who lived by letting out their backs 224 BIDING <>N MEN'S BACKS. and loins to travellers. They talked in this country of going on a man's back, as we mention going on horse- back. No humiliating idea was annexed to the trade of porters ; and the men who followed that occupation were not Indians, but mulattoes, and sometimes even whites. It was curious to hear these men, with scarcely any covering, quarrelling in the midst of a forest, because one had refused the other, who pretended to have a whiter skin, the pompous title of don, or of su merced. The usual load of a porter was six or seven arrobas ; those who were very strong carried as much as nine arrobas. When we reflect on the enormous fatigue to whicn these miserable men were exposed, journeying eight or nine hours a day over a mountainous country ; when we know, that their backs were sometimes as raw as those of beasts of burden ; that travellers had often the cruelty to leave them in the forests when they fell sick ; that they earned by a journey from Ibague to Cartago, only twelve or fourteen piasters in from fifteen to twenty- five days ; we are at a loss to conceive how this employ- ment of a porter was so eagerly embraced by all the robust young men who lived at the foot of the moun- tains. The taste for a wandering life, the idea of a cer- tain independence amid forests, led them to prefer it to the sedentary and monotonous labour of cities. The passage of the mountain of Quindiu was not the only part of South America which was traversed on the backs of men. The whole of the province of Antioquia was surrounded by mountains so difficult to pass, that those who disliked entrusting themselves to the skill of a bearer, and were not strong enough to travel on foot from Santa Fe de Antioquia to Bocca de Nares or Rio THE FAT ANTIOQUIAX. 225 Samana, relinquished all thoughts of leaving the country. Humboldt was acquainted with an inhabitant of this province so immensely bulky, that he had not met with more than two mulattoes capable of carying him ; and it would have been impossible for him to have returned home, if these two carriers had died while he was on the banks of the Magdalena, at Monpox, or at Honda. The number of young men who undertook the employment of beasts of burden at Choco, Ibague, and Medellin, was so considerable, that the travellers sometimes met a file of fifty or sixty. A few years later, when a project was formed to make the passage from JSTaires to Antioquia passable for mules, the porters presented formal remon- strances against mending the road, and the government yielded to their clamours. The person carried in a chair by a porter was compelled to remain several hours mo- tionless, and leaning backwards. The least motion was sufficient to throw him down, and his fall was so much the more dangerous, as the porter, confident in his own skill, generally chose the most rapid declivities, or crossed a torrent on a narrow and slippery trunk of a tree. These accidents were, however, rare; and those which happened were attributed to the imprudence of travellers, who, frightened at a false step of the porters, leaped down from their chairs. At Ibague, before the porters started on their journey across Quindiu, they plucked on the neighbouring moun- tains several hundred leaves of the vijao, a plant of the family of bananas. These leaves were twenty inches long, and fourteen inches broad. Their lower surface was covered with a farinaceous substance which fell off in scales. This peculiar varnish enabled them to resist the 10* 226 UNDER THE VIJAO LEAVES. rain for a long time. Of these leaves, with which they were plentifully supplied on their journey, the porters made a roof; a hundred weight was sufficient to cover a hut. huge enough to hold six or eight persons. When Humboldt and Bonpland stopped for the night, in Quin- diu, they picked out a spot in the forest where the ground was dry, and the porters lopped from the trees a lew- branches, and made a tent. Dividing their timber-work into squares, by the stalks of some climbing plants that grew near, or perhaps by the threads of the agave, they spread over this frame-work their vijao leaves, the stems of which were notched so as to hang, row overlapping row, like the tiles of a house. The travellers found these extemporized houses cool and commodious : if they felt the rain during the night, they had only to point out the spot through which it dropped upon them — a single leaf wTould mend it. Day after day passed, and they were still on the moun- tains of Quindiu, struggling along its difficult paths, now buried in the depths of its forests, and now emerging into solitary openings, rugged and stern with rocks. When the rain ceased, and the sun shone, a varied prospect opened before them ; deep but irregular valleys : table- lands of rock sloping away precipitously : barren-looking hills whose sides were studded with trees; now and then a gigantic cactus like a bundle of broken spears ; forests before and behind, and in the distance the snowy cone of Zolima, looming among the ragged peaks, in a wilderness of clouds ! Then the sky would be overcast, and the rain would fall in torrents, drenching them to the skin. They reached Popayan in November, and rested there awhile to recruit themselves. Popayan was situated in THE CATARACTS OF THE RIO VINAGRE. 227 the beautiful valley of the Rio Cauea, at the foot of the great volcanoes of Purace and Sotara. They visited these volcanoes during their stay. On ascending from Popayan towards the top of Purace they found, at an elevation of eight thousand feet, a small plain inhabited by Indians, and cultivated with the greatest care. This delightful plain was bounded by two ravines extremely deep, on the brink of which the houses of the village of Purace were built. Waters sprang out profusely from the porphyritic rock ; every garden was inclosed by a hedge of euphor- biums, with slender leaves, and of the most delicate green. Nothing; could be more agreeable than the contrast of this beautiful verdure with the chain of black and arid mountains, which surrounded the volcano, and which were cleft and torn asunder by earthquakes. The village of Purace was celebrated in the country for the beautiful cataracts of the Rio Pusambio, the waters of which were acid, and were called by the Spaniards Rio Vinagre. This small river was warm towards its source, and probably owed its origin to the daily melting of the snows, and the sulphur that burned in the interior of the volcano. It formed, near the plains, three cataracts, the two uppermost of which were very striking. Humboldt sketched the second of these in the garden of an Indian, near the house of the missionary of Purace. The water which made its way through a cavern precipitated itself downward nearly four hundred feet. The cascade was extremely picturesque, but the inhabit- ants of Popayan regretted that the river was not ingulfed in some abyss, instead of mingling, as it did, with the Rio Cauca. For the latter river was destitute of fish for four leagues, on account of the mixture of its waters with those 228 wito. of the Rio Yinagre, which were loaded with oxide of iron, and sulphuric and muriatic acids. The travellers arrived at Quito on the 6th of January, L802, and remained there nearly nine months. Bow they rilled up the greater part of this time is not stated ; hut from the number of celebrated mountains in the neighbourhood, most of which they visited, and from their omnivorous taste in the sciences, it is certain that it seldom or never hung heavily on their hands. They had first to look after their instruments and their collections : Humboldt had to complete his map of the Rio Magdalena, and Bonpland to arrange his crowded herbal. Then there were visits to be received, and returned ; excursions to be planned and executed : in short a thousand ways to make the days and months slip away unperceived. When not in the city of Quito itself they resided in the neighbour- hood, in the villas and country houses of their friends. Humboldt resided at one time in the hacienda of General Aguerre, at Chileo, where his portrait was painted by a Quitan artist, and where it still hangs. When Mr. Church, our greatest landscape painter, was in South America, making studies for his magnificent painting, "The Heart of the Andes," he lodged in the very room that Humboldt occupied, and struck with his portrait, which continually met his eyes on the wall, he procured a copy of it, from a pupil of the artist who painted it, and brought it with him, in his return to the United States. It is an invaluable relict of the great traveller, represent ing him, not as we know him from later engrav- ings and photographs, a gray old man, wTith his head drooping on his bosom, heavy with its harvest of thought ; but in the vigour of manhood, thin and muscular, with MOUNTAINS AND VOLCANOES. 229 his hair long, as was the fashion then, and in a Prussian uniform. The pleasant look of the old face is there, and the beautiful blue eyes ; but the look is more eager and longing, and the eyes are brighter and keener. A copy of the same picture hangs in the old castle at Tegel. The months of May and June were devoted to moun- tains and volcanoes, which abounded in the regions about Quito. Within the space of thirty -seven leagues to the west, were Casitagua, Pichincha, Atacazo, Corazon, Illi- niza, Carguairazo, Chimborazo, and Cumambag: to the east, were Guamani, Antisana, Passuchoa, Rumminnavi, Cotopaxi, Quelendanna, Tungurahua, and Capa-Urcu. Humboldt visited several of these mountains, but two of the grandest ones, Chimborazo and Cotopaxi, he was unable to ascend. Cotopaxi was situated twelve leagues from the city, to the south-east, between the mountain of Rumminnavi, the summit of which, rugged with small separate rocks, ex- tended like a wall of enormous height, and Quelendanna, which entered the boundaries of eternal snow. Its height was eighteen thousand seven hundred feet. The masses of scoriae and huge pieces of rock, which it had in former times vomited from its fiery depths, were spread over the neighbouring valleys, covering a space of several square leagues ; could they have been col- lected and heaped together, they would have formed a colossal mountain, as large perhaps as Cotopaxi itself. Cotopaxi was the most dreadful mountain in the whole kingdom of Quito. During one of its eruptions in 1739, flames rose into the lurid air three thousand feet above the brink of its crater. In 1744 its roaring was heard as far as Honda, a distance of two hundred leagues. In 2:)0 COTOPAXI. 1768 the quantity of ashes sifted from it was so great, tliat in the towns of Hambato and Tacunga, day broke only at three o'eloek in the afternoon, and the inhabit- ants were obliged to use lanterns in the streets. The summit of Cotopaxi was one of the most beauti- ful and regular of all the colossal summits of the Cor- dilleras. It was a perfect cone, covered with an enormous layer of snow, which at sunset shone with a dazzling splendour, detaching itself picturesquely from the in- tensely blue sky. This covering of snow concealed from the eyes of the travellers the smallest inequalities of the soil; no point of rock, no stony mass penetrated this coat of ice, or broke the regularity of the figure of the cone. Near the brink of the crater they saw a ledge of rock which was never covered with snow, and which looked like a series of belts of the darkest hue. The cone was too steep here for the snow ever to lodge upon it; besides, currents of heated air were continually issuing from the crevices. The soul of Winter himself would have shrunk into nothingness before these " blasts from hell." The crater of Cotopaxi, like that of Teneriffe, was sur- rounded by a circular wall, wThich the travellers were unable to scale ; for unlike the crater of Teneriffe it had no opening. The lava which had poured over its horri- ble brink had never yet made a breach in it. Indeed they found it difficult to attain even the inferior boun- dary of perpetual snow : so the}7 were reluctantly com- pelled to descend. Humboldt made two sketches of the volcano, one at Suniguaicu, from a ridge of porphyritic mountains which joined Cotopaxi to the Nevada of Quelendanna — a southern view of the crater, near the chimborazo. 231 limit of eternal snow; the other, a westerly view from the terrace of a beautiful country house, belonging to his friend, the Marquis of Maenza, with whom he occasion- ally lodged during his residence in Quito. On the 22nd of June, the birthday of his brother, Humboldt commenced his ascent of Chimborazo, accom- panied by Bonpland and Carlos de Montufar, a young Spanish naturalist. They started from the plain of Tapia, at an elevation of over nine thousand feet. This arid table-land was near the village of Lican, the ancient residence of the sovereigns of Quito. From Lican to the summit of Chimborazo was nearly five leagues in a straight line. They followed the plain, leaving behind them groups of Indians bound to the market of Lican, and slowly ascending halted for the night at the little vil- lage of Calpi. They were now at the foot of Chimbo- razo It rose before them stupendously in the light of the setting sun. The foreground was veiled in the vaporous dimness that striped the lower strata of the air, but as they cast their eyes towards the summit it de- tached itself from the deep blue sky. They saw above the region of ligneous plants and alpine shrubs a broad belt of grass like a gilded yellow carpet. Beyond this was a region of porphyritic rocks, and beyond these rocks, eternal ice and snow. As the earth below grew darker, the heaven above seemed to grow brighter ; their sight was dazzled with the refulgent splendour of the snow. Early the next morning their Indian guides awoke them, and they began to climb the mountain on the south-western side, traversing the great plains which rose like terraces, one above another, until they reached the plain of Sisgun, twelve thousand four hundred feet 232 THE FOREST OF BOCKS. above the level of the sea. Here Humboldt wished to make a trigonometrical measurement to ascertain the height of the summit, but it was shrouded in thick clouds. From time to time they caught a momentary glimpse of it, through openings in the clouds, but the sky was gradually darken- ing. They continued to ascend until they reached the little lake of Yana-Cocha, a circular basin one hundred and thirty feet in diameter. It was the most elevated spot yet reached by man on the ridge of mountains, three thou- sand three hundred feet higher than the summit of Mont Blanc. Here they left their mules. The barometer show* •< 1 a height of fourteen thousand three hundred and fifty feet. Crossing the yellow belt of grass which they had seen over night, they came to a region of augite. Here rocks rose in columns fifty or sixty feet high, and looked like the trunks of trees. Traversing the aisles of this enchanted forest of stone, over fields of new-fallen snow, they gained a narrow ridge wrhich led directly to the summit of Chim- borazo, and by which alone they might hope to reach it ; for the snow around was too soft and yielding to be ven- tured upon. The path became steeper and narrower, and at last the guides refused to go any further. When they were sixteen thousand five hundred feet high, all but one left them. Nothin 2; daunted, however, the travellers went on, enveloped in a thick mist. The path which they were ascending was in many places not more than eight or ten inches broad : the natives called it a " knife-blade." On one hand was a declivity of snow covered with a glassy coating of ice, on the other a chasm one thousand feet dvcp^ the bottom of which was covered with masses of naked rocks. They inclined their bodies over this chasm, dan- gerous as it was, for they dared not trust themselves to the BIRDS AXD BUTTERFLIES. 233 snowy pitch on the opposite side. Had they stumbled they would either have been buried in the mingled snow and ice, or would have rolled headlong down the steep. The character of the rock, which was brittle and crumbling, increased the difficulty of the ascent. Here and there they were obliged to crawl on their hands and feet ; the sharp edges of the rock wounded them, and they left behind a bloody trail. They marched in single file, testing with their poles the stability of the rocks before them. This precaution was very necessary, as many of the rocks were lying loose on the brink of the precipice. Desirous of knowing how much of the mountain remained to be ascended, for the summit was continually hidden from their sight, Humboldt opened the barometer on a point where the path was broad enough to allow two persons to sit side by side : the mercury indicated a height of eighteen thousand three hundred and eighty feet. The temperature of the air was 98°, and that of the earth 107°. They proceeded for another hour, and found the rocky path less steep ; the mist, however, was thicker than ever. They now began to suffer severely from the extreme rarefaction of the air. They breathed with difficulty, and what was still more disagreeable, felt like vomiting. Their heads swam, their lips and gums bled profusely, and their eyelids and eyeballs were charged with blood. From time to time great birds, probably condors, came swooping down the terrible pass, sailing grandly away ; and little winged insects, resembling flies, fluttered gaily around. It was impossible to catch them, owing to the narrowness of the ledge ; but Humboldt judged that they were Dipteras. Bonpland saw yellow butterflies, a little lower down, flying very near the ground. 234 STOPPED BY A chasm. Finally the belts of cloud parted, and the}' saw on the sudden, the vast dome of Chimborazo. It Beemed Dear them, so near that in a few minutes they might reach it. The Ledges too seemed to favor them by becoming broader. They hurried onward for a short distance, excited with the hope of soon standing on the pinnacle. All at once the path was stopped by a chasm, four hun- dred feet deep, and sixty feet broad. There was no way by which they could cross it: the difficulty was insur- mountable. To tantalize them still further they saw that the path went forward on the other side of the ledge, evidently reaching the summit. If they could have but crossed that chasm ! It was one o'clock in the afternoon, and they were benumbed with cold. They were nineteen thousand two hundred feet above the level of the sea. The belt of clouds closed again, and the peak was lost. The mist grew thicker and thicker, and everything indicated a storm. There was nothing left them but to descend. Halting long enough to collect a few specimens of the rock they retraced their steps. A storm of hail overtook them, but as they descended into a lower atmo- sphere it changed into snow. When they reached the little lake of Yana-Cocha, where they had left their mules, they found the ground covered with snow several inches deep. Before dusk they reached the Indian village of Calpi, and were entertained that night by the priest. So ended the attempt to scale the summit of Chimbo- razo. Not content with his defeat at Chimborazo and Coto- paxi, Humboldt visited several other mountains and vol- canoes in the neighbourhood of Quito. If he could not ILLINISSA AND CORAZON. 235 ascend them, he could at least sketch them, which was something. He visited and sketched Corazon, Illinissa, and Cayambe. Of the various summits of the Cordilleras, the heights of which have been determined with any precision, Cay- ambe is the loftiest after Chimborazo. From angles which he took on the Exido of Quito, to observe the progress of the terrestrial refraction at different hours of the day, Humboldt found its elevation to be eighteen thousand seven hundred feet. Its form, which was that of a truncated cone, reminded him of the peak of Zolima, as he saw it looming above the forests of Quindiu. Among the many snow clad mountains that surrounded the city of Quito he considered it the most beautiful, as well as the most majestic, and it never ceased to excite his admiration when at sunset it threw its vast shadow over the plain. Illinissa was grand and picturesque. Its summit was divided into two pyramidal points, which were probably the wrecks of a volcano that had fallen in. These pyra- mids were visible at an enormous distance. Corazon derived its name from the form of its summit, which was nearly that of a heart. It was on the western Cordillera, between Illinissa and Pichincha. Bouguer and Condamine ascended this mountain in July, 1738. " We began our journey," says Condamine, in his celebrated Voyage to the Equator, " in very fine weather. The persons whom we had left in our tents soon lost sight of us among the clouds, which appeared to us only a mist,, from the time we entered them. A cold and piercing wind covered us in a short time with icicles. In several places we were forced to scale the rock, by climbing with 23G Tin: BUDGE OF ROPES at penipe. our hands and feet. At length we reached the summit; and on looking at each other, we perceived all one side of our clothes, one of our eyebrows, and half our beards, stuck full of small frozen points, exhibiting a singular spectacle." In one of their excursions to Riobamba, on the west- ern slope of the volcano of Tunguragua the travellers visited the delightful village of Penipe, where they saw a famous bridge of ropes. It crossed the river of Chambo, which separated the villages of Penipe and Guanando. The ropes of this bridge, which were three or four inches in diameter, were made of the fibrous part of the roots of the agave Americana, and were fastened on each bank to a clumsy wooden framework. As their weight made them bend towards the middle of the river, and as it would have been imprudent to have stretched them with too much force, the Indians were obliged, when the banks were low, to form steps or ladders at both extremities of the bridge. That which the travellers crossed at Penipe' was a hundred and twenty feet long, arid seven or eight broad. The great ropes were covered transversely with small cylindrical pieces of bamboo. These structures, of which the people of South America made use long be- fore the arrival of the Europeans, reminded Humboldt of the chain bridges at Boutan, and in the interior of Africa. "Mr. Turner, in his interesting account of his journey to Thibet, gives the plan of the bridge of Tchintehieu, near the fortress of Chuka, which is one hundred and forty feet in length, and which may be passed on horseback. Travellers had often spoken of the extreme danger of passing over these rope bridges, which look like ribands suspended above a crevice or an impetuous torrent; but PERUVIAN BRIDGES OF WOOD. 237 Humboldt did not consider this danger great, when a single person passed over the bridge as quickly as possi- ble, with his body leaning forward. The oscillations of the ropes, however, become very strong, when the travel- ler is conducted by an Indian who walks quicker than himself; or when frightened by the view of the water which he sees through the interstices of the bamboos, he has the imprudence to stop in the midst of the bridge, and lay hold of the ropes that serve as a rail. A bridge of this kind lasted generally in good condition only twenty or twenty-five years. It was necessary to renew some of the ropes every eight or ten years. But in these countries the police was so negligent, that Humboldt often saw bridges, in which most of the pieces of bam- boo were broken. On these old bridges it was necessary to proceed with great circumspection, to avoid holes, through which the whole body might slip. A few years before Humboldt's visit to Penipe, the bridge of the Eio Chambo suddenly broke down. This was owing to a very dry wind having succeeded long rains, in conse- quence of which all the ropes gave way at the same time. By this accident four Indians were drowned in the river, which was very deep and rapid. The ancient Peruvians constructed also bridges of wood, supported by piers of stone ; though they most commonly satisfied themselves with bridges of ropes. These were extremely useful in a mountainous country, where the depth of the crevices and the impetuosity of the torrents prevented the construction of piers. It was by a bridge of ropes, of extraordinary length, on which travellers could pass with loaded mules, that a permanent communication was established between Quito and Lima, 238 THE PANECILLO OP CALLO. after uselessly expending upwards of forty thousand pounds sterling, to build a stone bridge, near Santa, over a torrent, which rushed from the Cordillera of the Andes. But we must not forget the various monuments of the ancient Peruvians, visited by the travellers during their nine months' residence in Quito, especially the Panecillo of Callo, and the House of the Inca Huayna-Capac. They came upon these singular remains in April, on their way to the volcano of Cotopaxi, and Humboldt made a sketch of them as they then appeared. He found them in an immense plain covered with pumice stone. The Panecillo was a conic hillock, about two hundred and fifty feet high, covered with small bushes of molina, spermacoce, and cactus. The natives believed that this hillock, which resembled a bell, and was perfectly regular in its figure, was a tumulus, or one of those numerous hills, which the ancient inhabitants of this country raised for the interment of the sovereign, or some other distinguished personage. Tt was alleged, in favour of this opinion, that the Pane- cillo was wholly composed of volcanic rubbish, and that the same pumice stone, which surrounded its basis, was found also on its summit. This reason might appear little conclusive in the eyes of a geologist, for the back of the neighbouring mountain of Tiopullo, which was much higher than the Panecillo, was also covered with great heaps of pumice stone, probably owing to ancient eruptions of Cotopaxi and Illinissa. We cannot doubt, but that in both Americas, as well as in the north of Asia, and on the banks of the Boristhenes, mounds raised by men, and real tumuli of an extraordinary height, are to be seen. Those which are found amid the ruins of the ancient town of Mansiche, THE HOUSE OF THE INCA. 239 in Peru, are not much lower than the Panecillo of Callo. It is nevertheless possible, and this opinion appeared to Humboldt the most probable one, that the latter was a volcanic hillock to which the natives had given a more regular form. Ulloa, who visited the Panecillo, and whose authority is of great weight, adopted the opinion of the natives ; he even thought that the Panecillo was a military monument ; and that it served as a watch tower, to discover what passed in the country, and to insure the prince's safety on the first alarm of an unforeseen attack. The Inca's House was a little to the south-west of the Panecillo, three leagues from the crater of Cotopaxi, and about ten leagues to the south of the city of Quito. This edifice formed a square, each side of which was one hundred feet long ; four great outer doors were still distinguish- able, and eight apartments, three of which were in good preservation. The walls were nearly fifteen feet high and three feet thick. The doors were similar to those of Egyptian temples; the niches, eighteen in number in each apartment, were distributed with the greatest symmetry. The stone made use of in building the Inca's House was a rock of volcanic origin, a burnt and spungy porphyry with basaltic bases. It was probably ejected by the mouth of the volcano of Cotopaxi. As this monument appeared to have been constructed in the be- ginning of the sixteenth century, the materials employed in it proved that it was a mistake to consider as the first eruption of Cotopaxi that which took place in 1533, when Sebastien de Belalcazar made the conquest of the kingdom of Quito. The stones of the Inca's House were cut in parallelopipedons, not all of the same size, but forming courses as regular as those of Roman workman- 240 A NEW BOl IK. ship. During bis long abode in the Cordilleras Humboldt never found any structure resembling those which are termed Cyclopean. In every edifice thai dated from the time of the Incas, the front of the stones was very skil- fully cut, while the back part was rugged, and often angular. Before Humboldt and Bonpland visited the ruins at Callo, Don Juan Larea had remarked, that in the walls of the Inea's House the interstices between the outer and inner stones were filled with small pebbles cemented with clay. Humboldt did not observe this circumstance. He saw no vestige of floor, or roof; he supposed, however, that the latter was of wood. He could not decide whether the edifice had originally more than a single story, or not; as the height of its walls had been diminished no less by the avidity of the neighbouring peasantry, who took away the stones for their own use, than by the earthquakes, to which this unfortunate country was con- tinually exposed. He thought it probable that this edifice, as well as others which he heard called at Peru, Quito, and as far as the banks of the Amazon, by the name of Inea's Houses, did not date farther back than the thirteenth century. Some time in August or September Humboldt received intelligence that Baudin's expedition had sailed to New Zealand, intending to pass homeward around the Cape of Good Hope. This frustrated his projected visit to the Philippine Islands. As he was by this time, however, somewhat accustomed to having his plans thwarted, he devised a new route, and as soon as it was practicable he and Bonpland .-tailed upon it. About the last of Sep- tember they left Quito, following the chain of the Andes by the way of Assuay, Cuenca, and Loxa. THE FORTEESS OF CANNAE. 241 The road which led them over the Paramo of Assuay was nearlv as hi^h as Mont Blanc. Here it descended a valley, there it ascended a mountain, and a little farther on it stretched monotonously across a level plain. In one of these plains, which was six leagues square in breadth, the travellers found lakes of fresh water of con- siderable depth. These lakes were bordered by a thick turf of Alpine grasses, but contained no fish, and scarcely any aquatic insects. Here they found the remains of the great road of the Incas, which ran by the side of their heavily-laden mules for over a mile. It had a deep under- structure, and was paved with well-cut blocks of blackish trap-porj)hyry. Nothing that Humboldt had seen of the remains of Koman roads in Italy, the South of France, or Spain, was more imposing than these works of the an- cient Peruvians. They originally formed a line of com- munication through all the provinces of the Empire, extending over a length of more than a thousand miles. Proceeding from Assuay towards Cuenca the road led them to the ancient fortress of Cannar. It was on a hill, terminated by a platform, and was in excellent preserva- tion. A wall built of large blocks of freestone, rose to the height of twenty feet, forming a regular oval, the great axis of which was nearly one hundred and twenty feet in length. The interior of this oval was a flat piece of ground, covered with rich vegetation. In the centre of this inclosure stood the Fortress of Cannar, a house containing only two rooms, the walls of whieh were twenty feet high. It was probably a lodging-place for the Incas, when they.journeyed from Cuzco to the king- dom of Quito. The foundations of a great number of 11 242 TELE RAVINE OF THE SUN. edifices surrounding the inclosuiv showed that there was room enough to lodge the small army which generally accompanied the Incas on these journeys. What was curious about the Fortress of Cannar was the form of its roof, which gave it the appearance of a European house. As one of the first historians of America, Pedro de Cieca de Leon, who began to describe his travels in 1541, says that several similar houses, which he examined in the province of Los Canares, were covered with rushes this roof was probably added after the conquest of Peru by the Spaniards. Leaving the Fortress of Cannar, the travellers came to a valley hollowed out by the river Gulan. Here they found small foot-paths cut in the rock. These paths led to a fissure, which the ancient Peruvians called the Ravine of the Sun. In this solitary spot, shaded by beautiful and luxuriant vegetation, the travellers saw an isolated mass of sandstone, twelve or fifteen feet high. One side of this rock was remarkable for its whiteness: it was cut perpendicularly as if it had been worked by the hand of man. On this smooth white ground were several concentric circles, representing the image of the sun. They were of a blackish brown, and in the space they inclosed were features, half effaced, that indicated two eyes and a mouth. Examining these circles closely Humboldt found that they were small veins of iron ore, common in every formation of sandstone. The features indicating the eyes and mouth, which were evidently made by some metallic tool, were probably added by the Peruvian priests to impose upon the people. When the Spaniards conquered the country, it was to the interest of the missionaries to efface them, and it was accord- THE CHAIR OF THE INCAS. 245 ingly done. Humboldt saw traces of their chisels in all the circles. The foot of the rock was cut into steps, which led to a seat, hollowed out on the top, and so placed that from the bottom of a hollow the image of the sun might be seen. The natives related that when the Inca Yupa-Yupangi advanced with his army to conquer the kingdom of Quito, then commanded by the conchocando of Lican, the priests who accompanied him discovered on the stone the image of the Divinity whose worship ought to be introduced among the conquered nations. The prince and his soldiers considered the discovery of the stone as a lucky augury, and it no doubt contributed the choice of the ground on which the Fortress of Cannar was built. Near by was a chain of hills which was once a part of the garden belonging to the ancient fortress. Here, as at the ravine, the travellers found a number of small path- ways cut in the slope of a rock, which was scarcely covered with vegetable mould. There was not a tree which seemed to have outlived fifty years. Nothing re- minded them of the Incas, except a small monument of stone, placed on the edge of a precipice. At a distance it resembled a sofa, the back of which was decorated with a sort of arabesque, in the form of a chair. From this singular chair, in which but one person could sit at a time, there was a delightful prospect. Here, without doubt, the Incas used to sit and gaze over the surround- ing country. Before them was the verdant valley, through which ran the river Gulan, broken into cascades, and foaming along through tufts of gunnera and mela- stomas : behind and around were the everlasting hills ! 244 THE CIN< IIMNA WOODS. The travellers rested awhile al Loxa, and visited its cinchona woods which yielded quinine, or Peruvian bark. Peruvian bark was firsl brought into Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century, either, as Sebas- tian Badus asserts, to Alcala de Henares in 1632, or to Madrid in 1640, on the arrival of the wife of the Viceroy, the Countess of Chinchon, who had been cured of inter- mittent fever at Limn, accompanied by her physician, Juan del Ve£o. The trees which yielded the finest quality of quinine were found from eight to twelve miles to the south-east of Loxa, in the mountains of Uritusinga, Villonaco, and Riimisitana. They grew in dense woods, and aspired above the surrounding trees. Their leaves were five inches long and two broad, and of a peculiar reddish color. When the upper branches waved to and fro in the wind, their glittering could be seen at a great distance. The quinine tree was cut down in its first flowering season, or in the fourth or seventh year of its age, accord- ing as it had sprung from a vigorous root-shoot, or from a seed. Humboldt learned, that at the period of his journey, according to official computations, only 11,000 lbs. of the bark were collected annually. None of this precious store found its way at that time into commerce; the whole was sent from the port of Payta on the Pacific, round Cape Horn to Cadiz, for the use of the Spanish Court. In order to furnish this small quantity eight or nine hundred trees were cut down every year. The older and thicker stems were already becoming scarce; but the luxuriance of vegetation was such that the younger trees, which supplied the demand, though only six inches in diameter, often attained the height of fifty or sixty feet. RUIN'S OF CHULUCANAS. 245 Between the Indian villages of Ayavaca and Guanca- bamba the travellers found the ruins of the city of Chulu- canas. These ruins were situated on a slope of the Cordilleras, near the brink of a river, from which they were separated by a wall. Two openings in this wall corresponded with the two principal streets of the city. The houses, built of porphyry, were distributed into eight quarters, formed by streets cutting each other at right angles. In the centre of these quarters, each of which contained twelve small habitations, were the remains of four large buildings of an oblong form, sepa- rated by four small square buildings, occupying the four corners. The hill on which the city stood was divided into six terraces, the platforms of which were faced with hewn stone. On the right of the river which bounded the city, they discovered an uncouth structure, evidently an ancient amphitheatre. The region of country in which they were now travel- ling— a series of mountain wildernesses, was cold and stormy. They were often for days in a dense mist, or worse still, they endured the peltings of violent showers of hail, which cut their faces and hands. The vegetation had a peculiar character, from the absence of trees, the short close branches of the small-leaved myrtle- like shrubs, the large-sized and numerous blossoms, and the perpetual freshness of the whole from the constant and abundant supply of moisture. At various points in their journey they came upon the remains of the old road of the Incas. The finest portions of these roads were at Chulucanas, and in the neighbourhood of Ingatambo, at Pomahuaca. It was nine thousand seven hundred feet lower at the latter place than at Assuay. _ 1 ; THE ROADS OF THE I. WAS. They found placed at nearly equal distances apart, sta- tions consisting of dwelling-houses built of well-cut stone These stations were a kind of caravanserai, and were called Tambos, and Inca-houses. Some were surrounded by a kind of fortification ; others were constructed for baths with arrangements for conducting hot water. The largest of them were designed for the use of the family of the Monarch himself. There were two great artificial Peruvian paved roads or systems of roads, covered with flat stones, or some- times even with cemented gravel. One passed through the wide and arid plain between the Pacific Ocean and the chain of the Andes, and the other over the ridges of the Cordilleras. Mile-stones, or stones marking the dis- tances, were often found at regular intervals. The road was conducted across rivers and deep ravines by bridges of stone, wood, and rope. Both systems of roads were directed to the central point, Cuzco, the seat of government of the great empire. As the Peruvians em- ployed no wheel carriages, and the roads were con- sequently only designed for the march of troops, for men carrying burdens, and for lightly-laden lamas, Hum- boldt and Bonpland found them occasionally inter- rupted, on account of the steepness of the mountains, by long flights of steps, provided with resting-places at suitable intervals. Francisco Pizarro and Die^o Al- magro, who on their distant expeditions used the military roads of the Incas with so much advantage, found great difficulties for the Spanish Cavalry at the places where these steps occurred. The impediment presented to their march on these occasions was so much the greater, be- cause in the early times of the Conquista, the Spaniards WHAT THEY WERE WHEN PERFECT. 247 used only horses instead of the carefully treading mule, who in the difficult parts of the mountains seems to de- liberate on every step he takes. It was not until a later period that mules were employed. Sarmiento, who saw the Eoads of the Incas while they were still in a perfect state of preservation, asks in a Relacion which long lay unread, buried. in the Library of the E sco rial, "how a nation unacquainted with the use of iron could have completed such grand works in so high and rocky a region, extending from Cuzco to Quito on the one hand, and to the coast of Chili on the other? The Emperor Charles," he adds, " with all his power could not accomplish even a part of what the well-ordered Govern- ment of the Incas effected through the obedient people over whom they ruled." Hernando Pizarro, the most educated and civilized of the three brothers, who for his misdeeds suffered a twenty years' imprisonment at Medina del Campo, and died at last at a hundred years of age in the odour of sanctity, exclaims : "In the whole of Christendom there are nowhere such fine roads as those which we here admire." The two important capitals and seats of govern- ment of the Incas, Cuzco and Quito, are one thousand English geographical miles apart in a straight line, without reckoning the many windings of the way ; and includ- ing the windings, the distance is estimated by Grarcilaso de la Vega and other Conquistadores at five hundred leagues. Notwithstanding the great distance, we learn from the well-confirmed testimony of the Licentiate Polo de Ondegardo, that Huayna Capac, whose father had conquered Quito, caused some of the building materials for the houses of the Incas in the latter city, to be brought from Cuzco. 248 WHEN TIIKY WEBB CONSTRUCTED. When enterprising races inhabit a land where the form of ili<' ground presents to them difficulties on a grand scale which they may encounter and overcome, this contest with nature l>ecomes a means of increasing their strength and power as well as their courage. Und-r the despotic centralizing system of the Inca-rule, security and rapidity of communication, especially in the move- ment of troops, became an important necessity of govern- ment. Hence the construction of artificial roads on so grand a scale, and hence also the establishment of a highly improved postal system. Among nations in very different stages of cultivation we see the national activity display itself with peculiar predilection in some particular directions, but we can by no means determine the general state of culture of a people from the striking development of such particular and partial activity. Egyptians, Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindoo-. show many interesting contrasts in these respects. It is difficult to pronounce what length of time may have been required for the execution of the Peruvian roads. The great works in the northern part of the Empire of the Incas, in the highlands of Quito, must at all events have been completed in less than thirty or thirty -five years ; i. e. within the short period intervening between the defeat of the Ruler of Quitu, and the death of Iluayna Capac. But entire obscurity prevails as to the period of the formation of the Southern roads. Notwithstanding the tribute of admiration which the first Conquistadores paid to the roads and aqueducts of the Peruvians, they not only neglected the repair and preservation of both these classes of useful works, but they even wantonly destroyed them ; and this still more FORDING THE GUANCAIJAMBA. 249 towards the sea-coast, than on the ridges of the Andes, or in the deep-cleft valleys by which the mountain chain is intersected. In their journey from the rocks of Zaulaca to the Valley of San Felipe, the travellers were obliged to wade through the Rio de Guancabamba, which flowed into the Amazon, no less than twenty-seven times, on account of the windings of the stream ; while they continually saw near them, running in a straight line along the side of a steep precipice, the remains of the high built road of the Incas. The mountain torrent, though only from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty feet broad, was so strong and rapid that, in fording it, their mules were often in danger of being swept away by the flood. As these mules carried their manuscripts, their dried plants, and all that they had been collecting for a year past, we can conceive the suspense with which they watched from the other side of the stream until the long train of eighteen or twenty beasts of burden had passed in safety. The same river, in the lower part of its course, where it had many falls and rapids, was made to serve in a singular manner for the conveyance of correspondence with the coast of the Pacific. In order to expedite more quickly the few letters from Truxillo which were intended for the province of Jaen de Bracamoros, a swimming courier, as he was called in the country, was employed. This post messenger, who was usually a young Indian, swam in two days from Pomahuaca to Tomependa, first by the Rio de Chamaya, and then by the Amazon. He carefully placed the few letters entrusted to him in a large cotton handkerchief, which he wound round his head 11* 250 tin: SWIMMING postman. in the manner of a turban. When he came to the water- falls he l<'ft the river, and made a circuit through the woods. In order to lessen tin- fatigue of swimming forso long a time, lie Bometimes threw one arm round a piece of a very light kind of wood. Sometimes a friend went with him to bear him company. The pair had no concern about provisions, as they were always sure of a hospitable reception in any of the scattered huts, which were abun- dantly surrounded with fruit trees. The Governor of the province of Jaen de Bracamoros assured Humboldt that letters carried bv this singular water-post were rarely either wetted or lost. Soon after his return to Europe from Mexico, the traveller received, in Paris, letters from Tomependa, which had been sent in the manner above described. Several tribes of Indians, living on the banks of the Upper Amazon, made their journeys in a similar manner, swimming down the stream sociably in parties. On approaching the hot climate of the basin of the Amazons, the eyes of the travellers were cheered by the aspect of a beautiful, and occasionally luxuriant vegeta- tion. They had never before, not even in the Canaries, or on the hot sea coast of Cumana and Caraccas, seen finer orange trees than those of the EEuertas de Pucara. Laden with many thousands of golden fruits, they attained a height of sixty feet; and, instead of rounded tops, had aspiring branches, almost like laurels or bay trees. The oranges of these trees were deliciously sweet, though the bitter, or Seville orange, was not wanting anions them. Not far from thence, near the Ford of Cavico, the travellers were surprised by an unexpected sight. They saw a grove of small trees, only about eighteen or nineteen DOWN THE AMAZONS. 251 feet high, which, instead of green, had apparently red or rose-coloured leaves. It was a new species of Bougainvillaea, a genus first established by the elder Jussieu, from a Brazilian specimen in Commerson's herbarium. The trees were almost entirely without true leaves, as what were taken for leaves at a distance, proved to be thickly crowded bracteas. The appearance was altogether different, in the purity and freshness of the colour, from the autumnal tints which, in many of our forest trees, adorn the woods of the temperate zone at the season of the fall of the leaf. They found at Chamaya rafts in readiness to convey them to Tomependa, which they desired to visit for the purpose of determining the difference of longitude be- tween Quito and the mouth of the Chinchipe. They slept as usual under the open sky, on the sandy shore at the confluence of the Rio de Chamaya with the Amazons. The next day they embarked on the latter river, and descended it to the Cataracts and Narrows of Rentema, where rocks of coarse-grained sandstone rose like towers, and formed a rocky dam across the river. Humboldt measured a base line on the flat and sandy shore, and found that at Tomependa the afterwards mighty river of the Amazons was only a little above thirteen hundred and eighty-six feet across. In the celebrated River Narrow of Manseritche, between Santiago and San Borja, in a mountain ravine where at some points the overhanging rocks and the canopy of foliage forbade more than a feeble light to penetrate, and where all the drift wood, consisting of a countless number of trunks of trees, was broken and dashed in pieces, the breadth of the stream was less than one hundred and sixty feet. The 252 THE HARROW OF BENTEMA. rocks by which all these Narrows were formed underwent many changes in the course of centuries. Thus a part of the rocks forming the Narrow of Rentema, had been broken up by a high flood a year before Humboldt's journey; and there had been preserved among the inha- bitants, by tradition, a lively recollection of the precipitous fall of the then towering masses of rock along the whole of the Narrow — an event which took place in the early part of the eighteenth century. This tall, and the con- sequent blocking-up of the channel, arrested the flow of the stream ; and the inhabitants of the village of Puaya, situated below the Narrow of Rentema, saw with alarm the wide river-bed entirely dry: but after a few hours the waters again forced their way. Earthquake move- ments were not supposed to have occasioned this remark- able occurrence. The powerful stream appeared to be incessantly engaged in improving its bed, and some idea of the force which it exerted may be formed from the circumstance, that notwithstanding its breadth it was sometimes so swollen as to rise more than twenty -six feet in the course of twenty or thirty hours. The travellers remained for seventeen days in the hot valley of the Upper Amazons. Here Humboldt cor- rected and revised the chart of the Amazon made by Condamine, by sketching an accurate chart of this un- known portion of the greal river, partly from his own observations, and partly from careful inquiries. This done they ascended the eastern declivity of the Cordil- leras, and arrived at the argentiferous mountain of G-ual- gayoc, the principal site of the silver mines of Ohota. Gualgayoc was an isolated mass of siliceous rock, tra- versed bv a multitude of veins of silver which often in- THE WINDOWS OF GUALGATOC. 253 tersected, and terminating to the north and west by a deep and almost perpendicular precipice. The outline of the mountain was broken by numerous tower-like and pyramidal points. "Our mountain," said a rich possessor of mines to the travellers, "stands there like an enchanted castle." Grualgayoc reminded Humboldt of the serrated crest of the Monserrat Mountains in Cata- lonia, which he had visited before his departure for the JSTew World. Besides being perforated to its summit by many hundred galleries driven in every direction, this mountain presented natural openings in the mass of the siliceous rock, through which the intensely dark blue sky of those elevated regions was visible to a spectator stand- ing at the foot of the mountain. These openings were called windows — the windows of Gualgayoc. Similar windows were pointed out to the travellers in the walls of the Volcano of Pichincha, and called by a similar name, — ■ the windows of Pichincha. The strangeness of the view was still farther increased by the numerous small sheds and dwelling-houses, which nestled on the side of the fortress-like mountain wherever a flat surface permitted their erection. The miners carried down the ore in bas- kets by very steep and dangerous paths to the places where the process of amalgamation was performed. The travellers quartered themselves awhile near the mines in the small mountain town of Micuipampa, which was twelve thousand feet above the level of the sea, and where, though only 6° 43' from the equator, water froze in the house nightly throughout a large portion of the year. In this desert devoid of vegetation lived three or four thousand persons, who were obliged to have all their means of subsistence brought from the warm valleys, as 254 MICUIPAMPA. tliey themselves only reared some kinds of kale and salad. Here, as in every town in the high mountains of Peru, ennui led the richer class of persons to pass their time in gambling. They reminded Humboldt of the soldier of Pizarro's troop, who, after the pillage of the temple at Cuzco, complained that he had lost in one night at play " a great piece of the sun." In a high plain not far from Micuipampa, there were found throughout an area of above a square mile, imme- diately under the turf, and as it were intertwined with the roots of the alpine grasses, enormous masses of rich red silver ore, and threads of pure silver. Another ele- vated plain near the Quebrada de Chiquera, was called the Field of Shells. The name referred to fossils which belonged to the cretaceous group, and which were found there in such abundance that they early attracted the attention of the natives. In this place there was obtained near the surface a mass of pure gold, spun round with threads of silver in the richest manner. The path by which the travellers journeyed from Micuipampa to Caxamarca was difficult even for mules. Their way lay over a succession of Paramos, where they were exposed almost incessantly to the fury of the wind, and to the sharp-edged hail so peculiar to the ridges of the Andes. The height of the route above the level of the sea was generally between nine and ten thousand feet. Reaching at length the last of these mountain wilder- nesses, they looked down with increased pleasure on the fertile valley of Caxamarca. It afforded a charming prospect : a small river wound through the elevated plain, which was of an oval form and about a hundred CAXAMARCA. 255 square miles in extent. The plain resembled that of Bo- gota : both were probably the bottoms of ancient lakes. But at Caxamarca there was wanting the myth of the wonder-working Bochica, who opened for the waters a passage through the rock of Tequendama. Caxamarca was situated six hundred and forty feet higher than Bo- gota— almost as high as the city of Quito ; but being sheltered by surrounding mountains it enjoyed a far milder and more agreeable climate. The soil was ex- tremely fertile, and the plain full of cultivated fields and gardens traversed by avenues of willows, large flowered red, white, and yellow varieties of Datura, Mimosas, and beautiful Quinuar- trees. Wheat yielded on an average in the Pampa de Caxamarca fifteen to twenty fold, but the hopes of a plentiful harvest were sometimes disappointed by night frosts, occasioned by the great radiation of heat towards the unclouded sky through the dry and rarefied mountain air; these frosts were not felt in the roofed houses. In the northern part of the plain, small porphyritic domes broke through the widely extended sandstone strata, and probably once formed islands in the ancient lake before its waters had flowed off. On the summit of one of these domes, the Cerro de Santa Polonia, the travellers enjoyed a beautiful prospect. The ancient residence of Atahuallpa was surrounded on this side by fruit gardens and by irrigated fields of lucerne. Co- lumns of smoke were seen at a distance rising from the warm baths of Pultamarca, which were still called the Baths of the Inca. Atahuallpa spent a part of the year at these baths, where some slight remains of his palace still survived the devastating rage of the Conquistadores. 25G THE PA1A< i: OP 4TAHUALLPA. A large and deep basin in which, according to tradition, one of the golden chairs in which the Inca was carried had been sunk, and has ever since been sought in vain appeared to Humboldt, from the regularity of its circular shape, to have been artificially excavated in the rock above one of the fissures through which the springs issued. Of the fort and palace of Atahuallpa there were only very slight remains in the town, which was adorned with some fine churches. The destruction of the ancient buildings was hastened by the devouring thirst of gold which led men, before the close of the sixteenth century, in digging for supposed hidden treasures, to overturn walls and carelesslv to undermine or weaken the founda- tions of all the houses. The palace of the Inca was situated on a hill of porphyry which had originally been hollowed at the surface, so that it surrounded the princi- pal dwelling almost like a wall or rampart. A state prison and a municipal building had been erected on a part of the ruins. The most considerable ruins still visi- ble, but which were only from thirteen to sixteen feet high, were opposite the convent of San Francisco ; they consisted of fine-cut blocks of stone two or three feet long, and placed upon each other without cement, as in the fortress of Cannar. There was a shaft sunk in the porphyritic rock which once led into subterranean chambers, and a gallery said to extend to the other porrlhyritic dome before spoken of. Such arrangements showed an apprehension of the uncertainties of war, and the desire to secure the means of escape. The burying of treasures was an old and very generally prevailing Peruvian custom. Subter- THE PRISON OF ATAHUALLPA. 257 ranean chambers were often found below many of the private dwellings of Caxamarca. The travellers were shown steps cut in the rock, and also what was called the Inca's foot-bath. The washing of the monarch's feet was accompanied by some incon- venient usages of court etiquette. Minor buildings, designed according to tradition for the servants, were constructed partly like the others of cut stones, and pro- vided with sloped roofs, and partly with well formed bricks alternating with siliceous cement. In the latter class of constructions there were vaulted recesses, the antiquity of which Humboldt long doubted, but, as he afterwards believed, without sufficient grounds. In the principal building the room was still shown in which the unhappy Atahuallpa was kept a prisoner for nine months from November, 1532, and there was pointed out the wall on which the captive signified to what height he would fill the room with gold, if set free. This height is given variously, by Xerez in his " Conquista del Peru" which Barcia has preserved for us, by Hernando Pizarro in his letters, and by other writers of the period. The prince said that " gold in bars, plates, and vessels, should be heaped up as high as he could reach with his hand." Xerez assigns to the room a length of twenty- three feet, and a breadth of eighteen feet. Garcilaso de la Vega, who quitted Peru in his twentieth year, in 1560, estimates the value of the treasure collected from the temples of the sun at Cuzco, Huaylas, Huamachuco, and Pachacamac, up to the fateful 29th of August, 1553, on which day the Inca was put to death, at three mil- lion, eight hundred and thirty-eight thousand Ducados de Oro, — not far from fifteen millions of dollars. 258 THE BLOOD-STAINED STONE. In the chapel of the state prison the stone was shown still marked by the indelible stains of blood. It was a thin slab, thirteen feet long, placed in front of the altar, and had probably been taken from the porphyry or trachyte of the vicinity. Humboldt was not permitted to make a precise examination by striking off a part of the stone, but the three or four supposed blood spots appeared to him to be natural collections of horn- blende, or pyroxide in the rock. The Licentiate Fer- nando Montesinos, who visited Peru scarcely a hundred years after the taking of Caxamarca, even at that early period gave currency to the fable that Atahuallpa was beheaded in prison, and that stains of blood were still visible on the stone on which the execution had taken place. There is no reason however to doubt the fact, confirmed by many eye-witnesses, that the Inca, to avoid being burnt alive, consented to be baptized under the name of Juan de Atahuallpa, by his fanatic persecutor, the Dominican monk Vicente de Valverde. He was put to death by strangulation, publicly, and in the open air. Another tradition relates that a chapel was raised over the spot where Atahuallpa was garroted, and that his body rests beneath the stone; in such case, the supposed spots of blood would remain entirely unaccounted for. In reality, however, the corpse was never placed beneath the stone in question. After a mass for the dead, and solemn funereal rites, at which the brothers Pizarro were present in mourning habits, it was conveyed first to the churchyard of the convent of San Francisco, and after-" wards to Quito, Atahuallpa's birthplace. This last trans- fer was in compliance with the expressed wish of the djdng Inca. His personal enemy, the astute Ruminnavi, THE SON OF ASTORPILCO. 259 from political motives, caused the body to be buried at Quito, with solemn obsequies. Humboldt found descendants of the monarch, the family of the Indian Cacique Astorpilco, dwelling in Caxamarca, among the melancholy ruins of ancient departed splendour, and living in great poverty and pri- vation ; but patient and uncomplaining. The son of Cacique Astorpilco, a pleasing and friendly youth of seventeen, who accompanied Humboldt over the ruins of the palace of his ancestor, while living in extreme poverty, had filled his imagination with images of buried splendour and golden treasures hidden beneath the masses of rubbish upon which they trod. He related to the traveller that one of his more immediate forefathers had bound his wife's eyes, and then conducted her through many labyrinths cut in the rock into the subter- ranean garden of the Incas. There she saw, skilfully and elaborately imitated, and formed of the purest gold, artificial trees, with leaves and fruit, and birds sitting on the branches; and there too was the much sought for golden travelling chair of Atahuallpa. The man com- manded his wife not to touch any of these enchanted riches, because the long foretold period of the restoration of the empire had not yet arrived, and that whoever should attempt before that time to appropriate any of them would die that very night. These golden dreams and fancies of the youth were founded on recollections and traditions of former days. These artificial golden gardens were often described by actual eye-witnesses, Cieza de Leon Sarmiento, Garcilaso, and other early his- torians of the Conquest. They were found beneath the Temple of the Sun at Cuzco, in Caxamarca, and in the 200 GOLDEN DREAMS. pleasant valley of Yucay, a favourite residence of the monarch's family. Where the golden gardens were Dot below ground, living plants grew by the side of the arti- ficial ones; among the latter, tall plants and ears of maize were mentioned as particularly well executed. The morbid confidence with which the young Astor- pilco assured Humboldt that below their feet, a little to the right of the spot on which Humboldt stood at the moment, there was an artificial large-flowered Datura tree, formed of gold wire and gold plates, which spread its branches over the Inca's chair, impressed him pain- fully, for it seemed as if those illusive and baseless visions were cherished as consolations in present sufferings. He asked the lad: " Since you and your parents believe so firmly in the existence of this garden, are not you some- times tempted in your necessities to dig in search of trea- sures so close at hand ?" The boy's answer was so sim- ple, and expressed so fully the quiet resignation charac- teristic of the aborginal inhabitants of the country, that Humboldt noted it down in his journal. " Such a < It sire does not come to us ; father says it would be sin- ful. If we had the golden branches with all their golden fruits, our white neighbours would hate and injure us. We have a small field and good wheat." Quitting Caxamarea, the travellers descended into the valley of the Magdalena, the outlet to which lav over the mountain pass of Guanganiarca. A longing desire now seized them to behold tin- sea, which they had not seen for eighteen mouths. In Looking from the summits of the volcanos near Quito, no sea horizon could be clearly distinguished, by reason of the too great distance of the coast and the height of the station : it was like looking THEY PINE FOE THE SEA. 261 down from an air-balloon into vacancy. Subsequently, when between Loxa and Guancabamba they reached the Paramo de Guamim, from whence the mule-drivers had coufidently assured them that they should see beyond the plain, beyond the low districts of Piura and Lamba- jeque, the sea itself, which they so much desired to behold, a thick mist covered both the plain and the dis- tant sea shore. They saw only variously shaped masses of rock alternately rise like islands above the waving sea of mist, and again disappear. They were now exposed to almost the same disappointment. As they toiled up the mighty mountain side, with their expecta- tions continually on the stretch, their guides, who were not very well acquainted with the road, repeatedly pro- mised them that at the end of the hour's march their hopes would be realized. The stratum of mist which enveloped them appeared occasionally to be about to dis- perse, but at such moments their field of view was again restricted by intervening heights. " The desire which we feel," says Humboldt, " to behold certain objects does not depend solely on their grandeur, their beauty, or their importance ; it is inter- woven in each individual with many accidental impres- sions of his youth, with early predilection for particular occupations, with an attachment to the remote and dis- tant, and with the love of an active and varied life. The previous improbability of the fulfilment of a wish gives besides to its realization a peculiar kind of charm. The traveller enjoys by anticipation the first sight of the con- stellation of the cross, and of the Magellanic clouds circling round the Southern Pole; of the snow of the Chimborazo, and the column of smoke ascending from 262 IN BIGHT OP THE PACIFIC. the volcano of Quito; of the fi ret grove of tree-ferns, and of the Pacific Ocean. The days on which such wishes are realized form epochs in life, and produce ineffaceable impressions; exciting feelings of which the vividness seeks not justification by processes of reasoning." With the longing which Humboldt felt for the first view of the Pacific from the crests of the Andes, there mingled the interest with which he had listened as a boy to the narrative of the adventurous expedition of Vasco NTufiez de Balboa, the fortunate man who, followed by Francisco Pizarro, first among Europeans beheld from the heights of Quarequa, on the Isthmus of Panama, the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. When, after many undulations of the ground, on the summit of the steep mountain ridge, the travellers finally reached the highest point, the Alto de Guangamarca, the heavens which had been long veiled became suddenly clear: a sharp west wind dispersed the mist, and the deep blue of the sky in the thin mountain air appeared between narrow lines of the highest cirrhous clouds. The whole of the western declivity of the Cordillera by Cho- rillos and Cascas, covered with large blocks of quartz, and the plains of Chala and Molinos as far as the Bea shore near Truxillo, lay beneath their eyes in astonishing apparent proximity. They now saw for the first time the Pacific Ocean itself; and they saw it clearly, forming along the line of the shore a large mass from which the light shone reflected, and rising in its immensity to the well-defined horizon. They reached Truxillo, from whence they proceeded southward .along the sandy tracts that bordered the Pa- cific, till they came to Lima. Near Truxillo Humboldt THEY' SET SAIL FOR MEXICO. 2G3 visited the ruins of the ancient city of Chimu, and de- scended into the tomb of a Peruvian prince, in which Garci Grutierez de Toledo, while digging a gallery, in 1576, discovered a mass of gold amounting in value to more than a million of dollars. They remained some time at Lima and Callao, Bonpland botanizing, and Humboldt studying the influence of the. climate, and making astronomical observations. They were fortu- nate enough while at Lima to observe the transit of Mer- cury over the sun's disk, which enabled Humboldt to determine the exact latitude of the city. Towards the end of December, 1802, or at the begin- ning of January, 1803, they departed for Mexico, sailing for Acapulco in the Spanish frigate, Atalanta. They touched at Guayaquil on their way, and remained there several days. Here they heard from their inaccessible old friend, Cotopaxi, although they were at least one hundred and fifty miles from him. After a long period of rest the volcano had suddenly burst into violent erup- tion, and was discharging its terrible artillery. They heard it day and night. After a few hasty preparations they started inland, fired with the determination to re- visit the volcano: but before they had gone far they were recalled by the news, that the frigate was obliged to set sail immediately. They were soon at sea again, standing away to the north and west for Acapulco. They landed in Mexico on the 23d of March, 1803. CHAPTER VII. MEXICO. Tup: letters with which Don Mariano de Urquizo had furnished Humboldt before leaving Spain, introduced him at Acapulco, and throughout Mexico, as they had already done in South America, to the highest govern- ment officials. We accordingly find him three days after his arrival at the house of the contador, Don Bal- *asar Alvarez Ordono, taking observations to ascertain l,he latitude and longitude of the town. Except in a sci- entific point of view Aca.pulco had little to attract him. It stood on the southern shore of Mexico, on the recess of a bay, near a chain of granitic mountains. On a hill commanding the town and the entrance to the harbour, stood the castle or fortress of San Diego. The harbour was shut in by mountains. It had two entrances formed by the island of Koquetta; one a quarter of a mile wide, the other a mile and a half. This was the extent of its picturesqueness. From Acapulco, in the beginning of April, the travel- lers proceeded to the capital, passing the plains of Chil- pantzingo, rich in wheat fields, and the little town of Tasco, famous for its beautiful church. They stopped at Cuernavaca on the southern declivity of the Cordillera of Gruchilaque, to rectify the longitude, which was incor- THE MONUMENT OF XOCHICALCO. 265 rect on the common maps. Not far from Cuernavaca was the monument of Xochicalco, an isolated pile three hundred and fifty feet high. It was a mass of rocks to which the hands of man had given a regular conic form. It was divided into five stories, or terraces, each of which was at least sixty feet high, but narrowed towards the top. The hill was surrounded with a deep and broad ditch ; the whole encampment was nearly twelve thou- sand feet in circumference. The summit, which was an oblong platform, two hundred and thirty feet from north to south, and three hundred feet from east to west, was encircled by a wall of hewn stone six or eight feet high. Within this wall stood the remains of a pyramidal monu- ment. It was originally five stories high, bat only the first story remained ; for the owners of a neighbouring sugar-house had demolished the rest, and used the stones to build their ovens. There was no vestige of a stair- case leading to the top of the pyramid, where, it was said, there was once a stone seat, ornamented with hiero- glyphics. The stones of the pyramid were beautifully cut and polished, and decorated with reliefs. As each of these reliefs occupied several stones, and as they were interrupted by the joints, they must have been sculp- tured after the edifice was finished. Among the hiero- glyphical ornaments were heads of crocodiles spouting water, and figures of men sitting cross-legged, after the manner of some Asiatic nations. As the building was on a plain four thousand feet above the sea, and croco- diles haunted only the rivers near the coast, it was strange that the architect should have sculptured them, instead of the plants and animals that belong to moun- tainous countries. 12 268 THE CITY OF MEXICO. This artificial mountain, or pyramid, was probably a fortified temple, which originally contained an arsenal, and served in war as a fort. The Indians of the neigh- bourhood showed an ancient map, drawn before the ar- rival of the Spaniards, in which, where this monument should have been, there was a rude sketch of two war- riors fighting with clubs. And about thirty years before the arrival of Humboldt and Bonpland, an isolated stone was found near by, with a relief of an eagle tearing a captive. It was in the capital, however, which they soon reached, that the travellers found the greatest number of ruins. In fact the city of Mexico was based on ruins — the wrecks of the ancient capital, Tenochtitlan. Under the Great Square were fragments of the spacious temple of Mexitli. Behind the Cathedral was the palace of the king of Axajacatl, where Montezuma lodged the Span- iards on their arrival ; and opposite the Vicerov's palace stood formerly the palace of Montezuma himself. These things had a great influence over the imaginative travel- lers; but their first object, after finding a residence, and delivering their letters, was to inquire for a new set of scientific instruments, in order to pursue their studies. They were not content to run through the country like ordinary travellers, chronicling their journey by a list of the inns at which they stopped : nor yet like artists or poets, alive to the charm of beautiful seenery and strange traditions. They were poets, artists, travellers, it is true: but they were something more. They were men of science, philosophers, savans: whose business and pleasure it was, to understand what they saw. They would read, or at least would try to, every page in the THE ACADEMY OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE. 267 great World-Book ; not skipping any, because they were common, or tedious, but reading all. They fouDd in Mexico a School of Mines, like the Mineralogical Academy of Freyberg, (the director, by the way, was a pupil of Humboldt's old teacher, Wer- ner) a Botanic Garden, and an Academ}^ of Painting and Sculpture. The last bore the title of Academia de los Nobles Aries de Mexico. It owed its existence to the patriotism of several private citizens, and the protection of the minister, Galvez. The government had assigned it a spacious building, which was enriched by a finer and more complete collection of casts, than was at that time to be found in any part of Germany. Humboldt was surprised and delighted when he saw the Apollo Belvi- dere and the Laocoon. There were no fees for entrance at the Academy : it was free to all, even mulattoes and Indians. The rooms were lighted every evening with Argand lamps, and filled with hundreds of young peo- ple, who drew from reliefs, or living models, or copied drawings of furniture, chandeliers, or ornaments in bronze. The director of the class of sculpture, Don Manuel Tolsa, had just completed a bronze equestrian statue of Charles IV., the then reigning king of Spain. Humboldt was present when it was cast, and saw it moved to the Great Square — a five days' task. As the buildings around the Square were not lofty it looked admirably on its pedestal, standing grandly out from its blue background of skv. This royal statue, the Viceroy's palace, and above all the new Cathedral with its massive towers, made the Great Square an imposing place. Humboldt did it full justice, we have no doubt, for his tastes like his powers were 208 THE GBEAT AZTEC IDOL. universal, but we suspect it interested him more for what it had been, than what it was — more for what was under it, than what was above and around it. Below it, as we have already remarked, were the remains of the great temple of Mexitli, fragments of which were fre- quently brought to light. A few }Tears before his arrival, (in August 1790) some workmen who were employed there in making excavations, in order to build a subter- raneous aqueduct, discovered a great Aztec Idol of basaltic porphyry. It was about twenty feet high, and six or seven feet broad, and wras sculptured on every side. At first it appeared an almost shapeless mass, but on being examined closely, upon the upper part was found the united heads of two monsters. The eyes were large, and in each mouth were four hideous teeth. The arms and feet were hidden under a drapery surrounded by enormous serpents; the ancient Mexicans called this drapery the Garment of Serpents. All these accessories, especially the fringes, which were in the form of feathers, were sculptured with the greatest care. This double idol probably represented Huitzilpochtle, the Aztec God of War, and his wife, Teoyamiqui, who conducted the souls of the warriors who died in the defence of the gods, to the Ilouse of the Sun, where she transformed them into humming-birds. Her bosom was surrounded with deaths'- heada and mutilated hands, symbols of the sacrifices which were celebrated in honour of this horrible pair. The hands alternated with the figures of vases, in which in- cense was burnt. As the idol was sculptured on every side it was doubtless supported in the air on two columns, between which the priests dragged their victims to the altar of the temple beyond. Upon the under side of the THE AZTEC PRIESTESS. 260 idol was a representation of Michlanteuhtli, the lord of the place of the dead. It was a fitting roof to that ter- rible portal of death. The viceroy, Count Revillagigedo, transported it to the University of Mexico ; but the professors of the University were unwilling to expose it to the sight of the Mexican youth, so they buried it anew, in one of the passages of the college. At Humboldt's solicitation the Bishop of Monteray, who was passing through the capital on his way to his diocese, persuaded the rector to unbury it, which gave the traveller an opportunity of sketch- ing it. Humboldt was shown another idol at the house of Senor Dupe, one of his Mexican friends. It represented a sitting, or rather squatting woman. She had no hands, but where they should have been were the toes of her feet. This statue was remarkable for its head-dress, which resembled the veils sculptured on the heads of Isis and the Sphynxes. The forehead was ornamented with a string of pearls on the edge of a narrow fillet : the neck was covered with a three-cornered handkerchief, to which hung twenty-two little balls or tassels. These tassels and the head-dress generally, reminded Humboldt of the apples and pomegranates on the robes of the Jewish High Priests. This strange figure was called the statue of an Aztec priestess, but Humboldt thought it a representation of some of the Mexican divinities. It was probably one of the old household gods. Besides this statue he saw the great Monument of the Calendar, and the Stone of Sacrifice, adorned in relief with the triumphs of some old Aztec king, both of which were dug up in the Great Square. He also visited the 2*70 YIKW PROM CHArOLTEPEC. arcliivcs of the Viceroyalty, and pored over its hoard of Aztec manuscripts. These hieroglyphs were written cither on agave paper, or on stag-skins. They were fre- quently from sixty-five to seventy feet in length, and each page contained from two to three feet of surface. They were folded here and there in the form of a rhomb, and thin wooden boards fastened to the extremities formed their binding, and gave them a resemblance to our volumes in quarto. No nation of the old continent ever made such an extensive use of hieroglyphical writ- ing as the Aztecs, and in none of them were real books bound in this way. Humboldt procured several frag- ments of similar manuscripts during his stay in Mexico. But mysterious manuscripts which he could not read, and uncouth idols with which he could have no sym- pathy, were soon laid aside for the great Book of Nature, and the thousands of men around him. One of his favour- ite haunts was the famous hill of Chapoltepec. From the centre of this solitude his eye swept over a vast plain of cultivated fields which extended to the feet of the dis- tant mountains covered with perpetual snow. Below him were old cypress trunks fifty feet in circumference, and off to the east the city. It appeared as if washed by the waters of the lake of Tezcuco, whose basin, sur- rounded with villages and hamlets, brought to his mind the most beautiful lakes of the mountains of Switzerland. Large avenues of elms and poplars led to it in every direction ; and two aqueducts, constructed over arches of great elevation, crossed the plain like walls. The magnificent convent of Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared joined to the mountains of Tepeyacac, among ravines, which sheltered date and yucca trees. Towards the THE MARKETS OF MEXICO. 271 south was the tract between San Angel, Tacabaya, and San Augustin de las Ouevas, an immense garden of orange, peach, apple, and cherry trees. This beautiful cultivation formed a singular contrast with the wild ap- pearance of the naked mountains which enclosed the valley, among which were the famous volcanoes of La Puebla, Popocatepetl, and Iztaccihuatl. And around and overhead, steeped in sunshine, was the deep blue tropic sky. Sometimes in the morning Humboldt went to the market-place and watched the Indian hucksters, en- trenched in verdure. No matter what they sold, fruit, roots, or pulque, their shops were ornamented with flowers. A hedge, a yard high, made of fresh herbs and delicate leaves, surrounded like a semicircular wall the fruits offered to public sale. The bottom of the market, which was smooth and green, was divided by garlands of flowers, which ran parallel to one another. Small nosegays placed symmetrically between the festoons, gave this enclosure the appearance of a carpet strewn with flowers. Humboldt was struck with the way in which the natives displayed their fruit in small cages of light wood. They filled the bottom of these cages with raisins and pears, and ornamented the top with the most odorous flowers. Without doubt this art of entwining fruits and flowers had its origin in that happy period when, long before the introduction of inhuman rites, the first inhabitants of Anahuac offered up to the gre*at spirit Teotl the first fruits of their harvest. But the prettiest sight was to see at sunrise the In- dians with their boats loaded with fruits and flowers, descending the canals of Iztacalco and Chalco. The greater part of their fruits and roots were cultivated on 272 Tin: floating gardens. floating gardens. There were two sorts of these gardens, one which was movable, and driven about by the winds, the other fixed and fastened to the shore. The ingeni- ous invention of floating gardens appears to go back to the end of the fourteenth century. It had its origin in the extraordinary situation of a people surrounded with enemies, and compelled to live in the midst of a lake little abounding in fish, who were forced to fall upon every means of procuring subsistence. It is even proba- ble that Nature herself suggested to the Aztecs the first idea of floating gardens. On the marshy banks of the lakes of Xochimilco and Chalco, the agitated water in the time of the great rises carries away pieces of earth covered with herbs, and bound together by roots. These, floating about for a long time as they are driven by the wind, sometimes unite into small islands. A tribe of men, too weak to defend themselves on the con- tinent, would take advantage of these portions of ground which accident put within their reach, and of which no enemy disputed the property. The oldest floating gar- dens were merely bits of ground joined together artifi- cially, and dug and sown upon by the Aztecs. Similar floating islands are to be met with in all the zones. Hum- boldt saw them on the river Guayaquil, twenty-five or thirty feet long. Apropos of the markets of Mexico. Here is a pass- age from a letter of Cortez to the Emperor Charles V., which gives a description of the valley of Mexico, and the old city of Tenochtitlan, markets included. It is dated the 30th October, 1530, nearly three hundred years before the visit of Humboldt : " The province in wdiich the residence of this great DESCRIPTION OF MEXICO BY CORTEZ. 273 lord Muteczuma is situated, is circularly surrounded with elevated mountains, and intersected with precipices The plain contains near seventy leagues in circumference, and in this plain are two lakes which fill nearly the whole valley ; for the inhabitants sail in canoes for more than fifty leagues round. Of the two great lakes of the valley of Mexico, the one is fresh and the other salt water. They are separated by a small range of mountains. These mountains rise in the middle of the plain, and the waters of the lakes mingle together in a strait between the hills and the high Cordillera. The numerous towns and villages constructed in both of the two lakes carry on their commerce by canoes, without touching the con- tinent. The great city of Temixtitan is situated in the midst of the salt-water lake, which has its tides like the sea ; and from the city to the continent there are two leagues whichever way we wish to enter. Four dikes lead to the city ; they are made by the hand of man, and are of the breadth of two lances. The city is as large as Seville or Cordova. The streets, I merely speak of the principal ones, are very narrow and very large ; some are half dry and half occupied by navigable canals, furnished with very well constructed wooden bridges, broad enough for ten men on horseback to pass at the same time. The market-place, twice as large as that of Seville, is surrounded with an immense portico, under which are exposed for sale all sorts of merchandise, eat- ables, ornaments made of gold, silver, lead, pewter, pre- cious stones, bones, shells, and feathers, delf ware, lea- ther, and spun cotton. We find hewn stone, tiles, and timber fit for building. There are lanes for game, others for roots and garden fruits ; there are houses where bar- 12* 274 THE PYRAMIDS OP TEOTIHUACAH, bers shave the head, with razors made of obsidian; and there are houses resembling our apothecary shops, where prepared medicines, unguents, and plasters are sold. There are houses where drink is sold. The market abounds with so many things, that I am unable to name them all to your highness. To avoid confusion, every species of merchandise is sold in a separate lane ; every- thing is sold by the yard, but nothing has hitherto been seen to be weighed in the market. In the midst of the great square is a house which I shall call the Audiencia, in which ten or twelve persons sit constantly for determin- ing any disputes which may arise respecting the sale of goods. There are other persons who mix continuallv with the crowd, to see that a just price is asked. We have seen them break the small measures which they had seized from the merchants." In one of their excursions from the city the travellers visited the pyramids of Teotihuacan. These pyramids stood in a plain that bore the name of the Path of the Dead. Surrounded by several hundreds of smaller edi- fices which formed streets, in exact lines from north to south, and from east to west, rose two great pvramids which the Indians called Tonatiuh Ytzaqual, and Metzli Ytzaqual, or the Houses of the Sun and Moon. The largest was one hundred and seventy-five feet in perpen- dicular height, the smallest one hundred and fort}' feet. TwentY-five or thirty feet was the average height of the lesser p}rramids, which,* according to the traditions of the Indians, were burial-places for the chiefs of the tribe. They were said to be dedicated to the stars. The two great pyramids of Teotihuacan were divided into four principal terraces, which were subdivided into EXCURSION TO THE MINES. 275 steps. These steps were covered with fragments of ob- sidian, which were probably the edges of the instruments with which the Toltec and Aztec priests in their barba- rous sacrifices, opened the chests of their human victims. The upper terrace was formerly crowned with colossal statues of the Sun and Moon. These statues were made of stone, and covered with plates of gold. Had they been stone merely, they might have remained there to this day, but being plated with gold they were sure to be spoiled by the first foreign invader. The soldiers of Cortez stripped off the gold at once, and Bishop Zuma- raga, a Franciscan monk, who undertook to destroy whatever related to the worship, the history, and the an- tiquities of Mexico, completed the work of his militant followers, by demolishing the idols. The pyramids alone remained. When Humboldt arrived in Mexico his astronomical instruments were sadly out of order, and thinking it would be impossible to replace them, he intended to re- main only a few months, and then depart for Europe. But as Don Manuel del Kio, the director of the School of Mines, was able to lend him a new set, he remained a year, travelling in various parts of the country, and .making observations. Towards the end of April, or the beginning of May. he proceeded to the mines of Moran, and Real del Monte, which lay to the north-east of the capital. The road was covered with oaks, cypresses, and rose trees. He made several astronomical observations on his way, stopping for that purpose at the haciendas of Zumpango, Huchue- toca, and Tisayuca. Long before the arrival of the Spaniards, the natives 276 as. ii.Ni WORKING OF nn: mi\i>. of Mexico, as well as those of Peru, were acquainted with several metals. They were not contented with the metals which were found in their native state on the sur- face of the earth, and particularly in the beds of riv< and ravines formed by the torrents: they applied them- selves to subterranean operations in the working of veins ; they cut galleries, and dug pits of communication and ven- tilation ; and they had instruments for cutting the rocks. Cortez informs us in the historical account of his expedi- tion, that gold, silver, copper, lead, and tin, were publicly sold in the great markets of Tenochtitlan. The inhabit- ants of Tzapoteca and Mixtecapan separated the gold by washing the alluvial lands. They usually paid their tributes in two ways, either by collecting in leathern sacks or small baskets of slender rushes, the grains of native gold, or by founding the metal into bars. These bars, like those now used in trade, are represented in the ancient Mexican paintings. In the time of Montez.uma, the natives had begun to work the silver mines of Tlachco, in the province of Cohuixco, and those which run across the mountains of Zumpango. In all the great towns of Anahuac gold and silver vases were manufactured. The Spaniards on their first arrival at Tenochtitlan, could never cease admiring the ingenuity of the Mexican gold-, smiths. When Montezuma, seduced by his credulity, recognised on the arrival of white and bearded men, the accomplishment of the mysterious prophecy of Quetzal- coatl and compelled the Aztec nobility to yield homage to the king of Spain, the quantity of precious metals offered to Cortez was one hundred and sixtv-two thou- sand pesos de oro. "Besides the great mass of gold and silver," says the famous Conquestidor in his first letter COIITEZ TO CHARLES V. 277 to the Emperor, Charles V., " I was presented with gold plate and jewels of such precious workmanship, that un- willing to allow them to be melted, I set apart more than a hundred thousand ducats worth of them to be pre- sented to your Imperial Highness. These objects were of the greatest beauty, and I doubt if any other prince on earth ever possessed anything similar to them. That your Highness may not imagine I am advancing fables, I may add that all which the earth and ocean produces, of which king Montezuma could have any knowledge, he had caused to be imitated in gold and silver, in pre- cious stones and feathers, and the whole in such great perfection, that we could not help believing that we saw the very objects represented. Although he gave me a great share of them for your Highness, I gave orders to the natives to execute several other works in gold, after my designs, which I furnished them with, such as images of saints, crucifixes, medals, and necklaces. As the fifth or eighth on the silver paid to your Highness amounted to more than a hundred marcs, I gave orders to the native goldsmiths to convert them into plate of various sizes, spoons, cups, and other vessels for drinking. All these works were imitated with the greatest exactness." When we read this passage, we cannot help believing that we are reading the account of a European ambassador, re- turned from China or Japan. Yet we can hardly accuse the Spanish General of exaggeration, when we consider that the Emperor Charles Y. could judge with his own eyes the perfection or imperfection of the objects sent him. Humboldt remained a couple of months at Moran and Keal del Monte, inspecting the Mexican system of min- 278 DISHONESTY OF THE MEXICAN MINERS. ing. As might have been expected, it was in its infenqjr. It had not advanced since the sixteenth century, when it was first transplanted from Europe. The miners were not enterprising enough to adopt any of the modern im- provements ; they adhered tenaciously to the old way, which wras notoriously crude and imperfect They wrere better paid, however, Humboldt thought, than the miners of other countries ; they earned from $5 to §6 a-week, while the wrages of other labourers in Mexico did not exceed $1,50, or $1,75 for the same time. The miners were not remarkable for their honesty, for they made use of a thousand tricks to steal the rich minerals in which they worked. As they were nearly naked, and were searched on leaving the mines (not in the most delicate manner either), they tried to conceal small mor- sels of native silver, or red sulphuretted and muriated silver in their hair, under their arm-pits, in their mouths, and other out-of-the-way corners of their persons. Good or bad, all were searched alike, and a register was kept of the minerals found about them. In the mine of Valenciana, between 1774 and 1787, the sum stolen, but recovered, amounted to $180,000. The wrorking of the mines was long regarded as one of the principal causes of the depopulation of Mexico. Humboldt, however, did not consider the mortality among the miners much greater than among the other classes. This seemed to him remarkable from the tem- perature to wThich they were exposed. In one mine he found the thermometer at 93° at the bottom, a perpen- dicular depth of one thousand six hundred and eighty- one feet, while at the mouth of the pit, in the open air, the same thermometer sank in winter to 39° INDIAN PORTERS OP THE MINES. 279 above 0, a difference of 54° to which the miners were exposed. The hardest part of the work was performed by the native Indians, who were the beasts of burden of the mines. They carried the metals out on their backs, in loads of from two hundred and fifty to three hundred and fifty pounds at a time, ascending and descending thousands of steps, of an inclination of forty -five degrees, where the air was from 71° to 73°. The mode of trans- portation was in bags, under which the Indians placed a woollen covering, for they were generally naked to the middle, to save themselves from being bruised and chafed. Humboldt met them in files of fifty or sixty ; men of seventy years, and children of ten or twelve. They threw their bodies forward in ascending, and rested on staffs, which were generally not more than a foot in length. They walked in a zig-zag direction, because they had found from long experience that their respira- tion was less impeded when they traversed obliquely the currents of air which entered the pits from without. Great care was taken in controlling the minerals trans- ported by them. The proprietors of the mines knew, within a few pounds, what went out daily. As the Indians were paid for what they carried, their loads were weighed before they left the mines. The Indians of Mexico bore a general resemblance to those who inhabited the forests of North America, and the interior of Peru and Brazil. They had the same swarthy and copper colour, flat and smooth hair, small beard, squat body, long eyes, with the corners directed upwards towards the temples, prominent cheek bones, thick lips, and an expression of gentleness in the mouth, 280 DRUNKENNESS OF THE INDIANS. strongly contrasted with a gloomy and severe look. They had a more swarthy complexion than the Indians which Humboldt and Bonpland saw in Peru, and more beard likewise. Almost all those that he saw in the neighbourhood of the capital wore small moustaches. They attained a pretty advanced age, in spite of their excessive drunkenness. This vice was most common among those who inhabited the valley in which the capital stood, and the environs of Puebla and Tlascala. The police of Mexico, when Humboldt was there, were in the habit of sending round tumbrils to collect the drunkards that were found stretched out in the streets. They were treated like dead bodies, and carried to the principal guard-house. The next morning an iron ring was put round their ancles, and they were made to clean the streets for three days; they were set free on the fourth day, but many of them were sure to be back again in the course of the week. Travellers who merely judge from the physiognomy of the Indians are tempted to believe that it is rare to see old men among them. In fact, without consulting parish registers, which in warm regions are devoured by the ants every twenty or thirty years, it is very difficult to form any idea of the age of Indians: they themselves are completely ignorant of it. Their head never becomes gray. It is infinitely more rare to find an Indian than a negro with gray hairs, and the want of beard gives the former a continual air of youth. The skin of the Indians is also less subject to wrinkles. Humboldt often saw in Mexico, in the temperate zone half way up the Cordillera, natives, and especially women, a hundred years of age. This old age was generally comfortable- LONGEVITY OF THE INDIANS. 281 for the Mexican and Peruvian Indians preserved their muscular strength to the last. While Humboldt was at Lima the Indian Hilario Pari died at the village of Chi- guata, at the age of one hundred and forty-three. He remained united in marriage for ninety years to an Indian of the name of Andrea Alea Zar, who attained the age of one hundred and seventeen years. This old Peruvian went, at the age of one hundred and thirty, from three to four leagues daily on foot. He became blind thirteen years before his death, and of twelve chil- dren left behind him but one daughter, of seventy -seven years of age. The copper-coloured Indians enjoy one great physical advantage, which is undoubtedly owing to the great sim- plicity in which their ancestors lived for thousands of years. They are subject to almost no deformity. Hum- boldt never saw a hunchbacked Indian ; and it was ex- tremely rare to see one who squinted, or was lame in the arm or leg. In the countries where the inhabitants suffer from the goitre, it never prevails among the Indians, and seldom among the Mulattoes. The Indians of Mexico adhered to their ancient cus- toms, manners, and opinions, especially their religious ones, with great obstinacy. The introduction of Chris- tianity into the country had no other effect than the substituting of new ceremonies for the old — the symbols of a gentle and humane religion for the ceremonies of a sanguinary worship. They received from the hands of their conquerors new laws and new divinities : their van- quished gods appeared to them to yield to the gods of the strangers. In such a complicated mythology as that of the Mexicans, it was easy to find out an affinity between 282 THE 0L1» FAITH AND THE NEW. the divinities of Aztlan and the divinity of the east. Cortez very artfully took advantage of a popular tradi- tion, according to which the Spaniards were merely the descendants of king Quetzalcoatl, who left Mexico for countries situated in the east, to carry among them civilization and laws. The ritual books composed by the Indians in hieroglyphics at the beginning of the conquest, several fragments of which Humboldt procured while in Mexico, show that at that period Christianity was con- founded with the Mexican mythology : the Holy Ghost is identified with the sacred eagle of the Aztecs. The missionaries not only tolerated, but even favoured to a certain extent, this amalgamation of ideas, by means of which the Christian worship was more easily introduced among the natives. They persuaded them that the gospel had, in very remote times, been already preached in America ; and they investigated its traces in the Aztec ritual with the same ardour which the learned, who in our days engage in the study of the Sanscrit, display in dis- cussing the analogy between the Greek mythology and that of the Ganges and the Barampooter. . The Indians knew nothing of religion beyond the ex- i terior forms of worship. Fond of whatever was connected with a prescribed order of ceremonies, they found in the Christian religion particular enjoyments. The festivals of the church, the fireworks with which they were ac- companied, the processions mingled with dances and whimsical disguises, were a most fertile source of amuse- ment for them. In these festivals their national charac- ter was displayed in all its individuality. Everywhere the Christian rites assume the shades of the country where they have been transplanted. In the Philippine INDIAN PAINTINGS AND CARVINGS. 283 and Mariana islands, the natives of the Malay race have incorporated them with the ceremonies which are peculiar to themselves ; and in the province of Pasto, on the ridge of the Cordillera of the Andes, Humboldt saw Indians, masked and adorned with small tinkling bells, perform savage dances around the altar, while a monk of St. Francis elevated the host. The Indians were fond of painting, and carving on wood or stone. Humboldt was astonished at what they were able to execute with a bad knife on the hardest wood. They were particularly fond of painting images, and carving statues of saints. They had been servilely imi- tating for three hundred years, the models which the Europeans imported with them at the conquest. This imitation was derived from a religious principle of a yery remote origin.' In Mexico, as in Hindostan, it was not allowable in the faithful to change the figure of their idols in the smallest degree. Whatever made a part of the Aztec or Hindoo ritual was subjected to immutable laws. The Christian images had preserved in Mexico a f)art of that stiffness and harshness of feature which cha- racterized the hieroglyphical pictures of the age of Mon- tezuma. Eeturning from Moran and Real del Monte in July, Humboldt projected a visit to the mines of Guanaxuato. These celebrated mines, which were among the richest in the country, lay to the north of the capital. On his way thither he stopped to examine the canal of Huehue- toca. From the valley of Tula, through which this great canal ran, he proceeded to the plain of Queretaro, pass- ing the mountain of Calpulalpan, and the town of San 284 THE .MINE OF VALEX< I ANA. Juan del Rio, till ho came to the city of Qucrctaro. He remained there a few days to make an astronomical ob- servation, and started for Guanaxuato, stopping on his way at the mines of Sotolar, Juchitlan, Las Aguas, Mu- coid, El Doctor, and San Christobal. The mine of Valenciana, the most celebrated of all the mines of Guanaxuato, and the richest in Mexico, although it had been worked by the Indians, and the early Spanish settlers, was not much wrought until towards the end of the eighteenth century. In 1760 a Spaniard, named Obregon, began to work a vein on a part of the old mine, which was till then believed to be destitute of metals. He was without fortune, but as he had the repu- tation of being a worthy man, he found friends, who from time to time advanced him small sums to carry on his operations. In 1766 the works were 'over two hun- dred and fifty feet deep, yet the expenses greatly sur- passed the metallic produce. The next year he entered into partnership with a petty merchant of Rajas, named Otero, and in a short time the silver began to be more plentiful ; as the pit grew deeper it grew richer. In 1771 they drew enormous masses of sulphuretted silver, mixed with native and red silver. From that time it yielded over $1,000,000 annually. When Obregon, or as he was afterwards called, the Count of Valenciana, began to work the vein above the ravine of San Xavier, goats were feeding on the hill tops. Ten years after there was a town there containing seven or eight thousand inhabitants. At the time of Humboldt's visit the population of Guanaxuato was seventy thousand six hundred ; twentj-nine thousand six hundred of the number were miners. He remained THE MINERALS OF MEXICO. 285 there and in the neighbourhood two months, pursuing his scientific studies, now on the mountains making as- tronomical observations, and now in the mines, wresting from Nature the secret of her richest treasures. We shall not pursue him in his various excursions among the mines, but give here the result of his obser- vations on the mineral wealth of Mexico. The quantity of silver annually extracted from the Mexican mines was ten times greater than was at that time furnished by all the mines in Europe ; gold, how- ever, was not more abundant than in Hungary or Tran- sylvania. For the most part extracted from alluvial grounds by means of washing, it was occasionally found in veins on mountains of primitive rock. The mines of native gold were most plentiful in Oaxaca, in gneiss, or micaceous slate. This last rock was particularly rich in gold in the mine of Rio San Antonio. It was either found pure, or mixed with silver ; there was scarcely a silver mine in Mexico that did not contain some gold. The principal vein in the mine of Santa Cruz, at Villal- pando, was intersected by a great number of small rotten veins of exceeding richness. The argillaceous slime writh which these veins were filled contained so great a quantity of gold disseminated in impalpable parcels, that the workmen were compelled to bathe themselves in large vessels wrhen they left the mine, to prevent any of the auriferous clay from being carried off by them on their bodies. Great quantities of silver were derived from ores, such as antimony, arsenical gray copper, sulphuretted silver, muriated silver, prismatic black silver, and red silver. Red silver constituted the greater part of the wealth of 286 SALAMANCA. Cosola, Zolaga, and Sombrete. The mine of la Veta Negra, near Sombrete, yielded in five or six months seventy thousand silver marcs ; yet it was not one hun dred feet deep. Black silver was common in the mines of Guanaxuato, Zacatecas, and Real del Monte. Muri- ated silver abounded in the mines of Catorce, and Cerro San Pedro. At Fresnillo it was frequently olive-green; superb samples of this colour were found in the mines of Vallorecas. The veins of Zimapan, a little to the north of Real del Monte, offered a great variety of curious minerals; among others chiysophrase, and a new species of opal of rare beauty. Humboldt procured one of these opals of great size, and carried it with him when he returned to Europe. The mineralogists Karsten and Klaproth described it as a fire-opal. Of all the rock -formations in Mexico the porphyritic rocks were the richest in gold and silver; then came primitive slate, graywacke, and alpine limestone. Cop- per was found in the mines of Ingaram, and at San Juan Guetamo. Tin was sometimes obtained by washing the alluvial lands. Iron, too, was abundant. From Guanaxuato Humboldt proceeded in a southerly direction to Salamanca. He stopped at Salamanca long enough to fix its latitude and longitude, and then con- tinued his journey to Valladolid, the capital of the In- tendancy of that name. Valladolid was a small city, containing only eighteen thousand inhabitants. Its ele- vation was six thousand four hundred feet above the sea, yet snow had been known to fall in its streets. It con- tained nothing worthy of notice, except an aqueduct, and a bishop's palace. From Valladolid he proceeded to Pascuaro. PASCUARO. 287 Pascuaro was situated on the picturesque banks of a little lake of the same name. This lake, and the scenery in its vicinity, Humboldt declared, would alone have re- paid him for his voyage across the ocean. The city or town of Pascuaro contained the ashes of a remarkable man, Vasco de Quiroga, the first bishop of Mechoacan. He was the benefactor of the Indians in his diocese, whose industry he encouraged, prescribing one particular branch of trade to each village. He died in 1556 ; but even in Humboldt's time his memory was venerated by the Indians, who continued to call him their father. The Indians of the province of Valladolid formed three races of different origin, the Tarascs, celebrated in the sixteenth century for the gentleness of their manners, for their industry in the mechanical . arts, and for the harmony of their language, abounding in vowels; the Otomites, a tribe far behind them in civilization, who spoke a language full of nasal and guttural aspirations ; and the Chichimecs, who had preserved the Mexican lan- guage. All the south part of the Intendancy of Valla- dolid was inhabited by Indians. In the villages, the only white figure to be met with was the cure, and he also was frequently an Indian, or Mulatto. The benefices were so poor there, that the bishop of Mechoacan had the greatest difficulty in procuring ecclesiastics to settle in a country where Spanish was almost never spoken, and where along the coast of the Great Ocean, the priests, infected by the contagious miasmata of malignant fevers, frequently died before the expiration of seven or eight months. But the wonder of the Intendancy of Valladolid, and indeed of Mexico itself, was the remarkable volcano of 288 THE VOLCANO OF JOKULLO. Jorullo, which lay a little to the south of Pascnaro. The great catastrophe in which this mountain rose from the earth, and by which a considerable extent of ground totally changed its appearance, is one of the most extra- ordinary physical revolutions in the history of our plaint. Geology points out the parts of the ocean, where, at recent epochs, within the last two thousand years, near the Azores, in the JEgean sea, and to the south of Iceland, small volcanic islands have risen above the surface of the water ; but it gives us no example of the formation, from the centre of a thousand small burning cones, of a mountain of scoriae and ashes one thousand seven hun- dred feet in height, comparing it only with the level of the old adjoining plains, in the interior of a continent, thirt3T-six leagues distant from the coast, and more than forty-two leagues from every other active volcano. This remarkable phenomenon was sung in hexameter verses by the Jesuit Father Raphael Landivar, a native of Grua- timala. It is mentioned by the Abbe Clavigero in the ancient history of his country ; and yet, till Humboldt visited and described it, it remained unknown to the mineralogists and naturalists of Europe, though it took place not more than fifty years before, and within six days' journey of the capital of Mexico. A vast plain extended from the hills of Aguasarco to near the villages of Teipa and Petatlan, both equally celebrated for their fine plantations of cotton. This plain was at the most not over two thousand six hun- dred feet above the level of the sea. In the middle of a tract of ground in which p°rphyry, with a base of griinstein predominated, basaltic cones appeared, the summits of which were crowned with evergreen oaks CAUSED BY EARTHQUAKES. 289 of a laurel and olive foliage, intermingled with small palm trees. This beautiful vegetation formed a singular contrast with the aridity of the plain, which was laid waste by volcanic fire. Till the middle of the eighteenth century, fields culti- vated with sugar-cane and indigo occupied the extent of ground between two brooks, called Cuitamba, and San Pedro. They were bounded by basaltic mountains, of which the structure seemed to indicate that all this coun- try at a very remote period had been already several times convulsed by volcanoes. These fields, watered by artificial means, belonged to the plantation of San Pedro de Jorullo, one of the greatest and richest of the coun- try. In the month of June, 1759, a subterraneous sound was heard. Hollow noises of a most alarming nature were accompanied by frequent earthquakes, which suc- ceeded one another for from fifty to sixty days, to the great consternation of the inhabitants of the plantation. From the beginning of September everything seemed to announce the complete re-establishment of tranquillity, when in the night between the 28th and 29th, the horri- ble subterraneous noise recommenced. The affrighted Indians fled to the mountains of Aguasarco. A tract of ground, from three to four square miles in extent, rose up in the shape of a bladder. The bounds of this convulsion were still distinguishable in the fractured strata. The Mai pays near its edges was only thirty-nine feet above the old level of the plain ; but the convexity of the ground thus thrown up increased progressively towards the centre to an elevation of about five hundred and twenty feet. Those who witnessed this great catastrophe from the -< o J J 290 THE OVENS OF JOBULLO. top of Aguasarco, asserted that flames were seen to issue forth for an extent of more than half a square league, that fragments of burning rocks were thrown up to pro- digious heights, and that through a thick cloud of ashes, illumined by the volcanic fire, the softened surface of the earth was seen to swell like an agitated sea. The rivers of Cuitamba and San Pedro precipitated them- selves into the burning chasms. The decomposition of the water contributed to invigorate the flames, which were distinguishable at Pascuaro, though it was situated on extensive table-land, four thousand six hundred feet elevated above the plains of Jorullo. Eruptions of mud, ajid especially of strata of clay enveloping balls of decomposed basalts in concentrical layers, appeared to indicate that subterraneous water had no small share in producing this extraordinary revolution. Thousands of small cones, from six to nine feet in height, called by the Indians ovens, issued forth from the Malpays. Each small cone was a funnel, from which a thick vapour ascended to the height of forty or fifty feet. In many of them a subterraneous noise was heard, which appeared to announce the proximity of a fluid in ebullition. In the midst of the ovens six large masses elevated from thirteen hundred to seventeen hundred feet each above the old level of the plains, sprung up from a chasm. The most elevated of these enormous masses was the great Volcano of Jorullo. It was continually burning, and had thrown up from the north side an im- mense quantity of scorified and basaltic lavas containing fragments of primitive rocks. These great eruptions of the central volcano continued till the month of February, 1760. In the following years they became gradually less REAPPEARANCE OF THE RIVERS 291 frequent. The Indians, frightened at the horrible noises of the new volcano, abandoned at first all the villages situated within seven or eight leagues of the plain of Jo- rullo. They became by degrees, however, accustomed to this terrific spectacle ; and having returned to their cot- tages, they advanced towards the mountains of Augua- sarco and Santa Ines, to admire the streams of fire dis- charged from an infinity of great and small volcanic apertures. The roofs of the houses of Queretaro were then covered with ashes at a distance of more than forty- eight leagues in a straight line from the scene of the ex- plosion. Although the subterraneous fire appeared to Humboldt far from violent, and the Mai pays and the great volcano began to be covered with vegetables, he found the ambient air heated to such a degree by the ac- tions of the small ovens, that the thermometer, at a great distance from the surface, and in the shade, rose as high as 109°. This fact appeared to prove, that there was no exaggeration in the accounts of several old Indians, who affirmed, that for many years after the first eruption, the plains of Jorullo, even at a great distance from the scene of the explosion, were uninhabitable, from the excessive heat which prevailed in them. Humboldt was shown, near the Cerro de Santa Ines, the rivers of Cuitamba and San Pedro. These streams disappeared in the night of the 29th September, 1759 ; but, at a distance of six thousand five hundred feet far- ther west, in the tract which was the theatre of the con- vulsion, he saw two rivers bursting- throuoh the are;illa- ceous vault of the ovens, of the appearance of mineral waters, in which the thermometer rose to 126°. The In- dians continued to give them the names of San Pedro and 292 ANATHAMA MARANATHA. Cuitamba, because in several parts of the Malpays great masses of water were still heard to run from east to west. In the opinion of the Indians, these extraordinary transformations, the surface of the earth raised up and burst by the volcanic fire, and the mountains of scoria and ashes heaped together, were the work of the monks, the greatest, no doubt, which they have ever produced in the two hemispheres! In the cottage which Humboldt occupied in the plains of Jorullo, his Indian host related to him, that, in 1759, Capuchin missionaries came to preach at the plantation of San Pedro, and not having met with a favourable reception (perhaps not having got so good a dinner as they expected), they poured out the most horrible and unheard of imprecations against the then beautiful and fertile plain, and prophesied that in the first place the plantation would be swallowed up by flames rising out of the earth, and that afterwards the ambient air would cool to such a degree, that the neigh- bouring mountains would for ever remain covered with snow and ice. The former of these maledictions having already produced such fatal effects, the Indians contem- plated in the increasing coolness of the volcano, the sinister presage of a perpetual winter. After visiting the volcano of Jorullo, and descending, on the 19th of September, two hundred and fifty feet into the burning crater of the central cone, Humboldt re- turned to the capital. The arrangement of his botanical and geological collections, and the regulation and calcu- lation of his barometric and trigonometric measurements, detained him and Bon pi and there until the beginning of January, 1804. It would have been difficult to have found anywhere, least of all in the dolce far niente of THE PYRAMID OF CHOLULA. 293 Mexico, two busier men than the travellers were at this time. They were up to their eyes in work, Humboldt surrounded with rocks, ores, minerals, observations, maps and road-books, and Bonpland with thousands of strange plants, many of them unknown to botanists. But busy as they were, the travellers found time to mingle in the gay society of the capital, and to make short excursions in the neighbourhood. Having made several journeys to the northern, west- ern, and southern parts of the country, Humboldt now determined to see some of the eastern portions, lying along the gulf of Mexico. So in company with Bon- pland he started off in January for Xalapa and Vera Cruz. On their way the travellers stopped at the vol- canoes of Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl, and the pyramid of Cholula. This famous pyramid, the largest in all Mexico, stood in the vicinity of the old city of Cholula, in the intendancy of Puebla. " The inhabitants of this city," so writes Cortez, in his third letter to the Em- peror Charles V., " are better clothed than any we have hitherto seen. People in easy circumstances wear cloaks above their dress. These cloaks differ from those of Africa, for they have pockets, though the cut, cloth, and fringes are the same. The environs of the city are very fertile and well cultivated. Almost all the fields may be watered, and the city is much more beautiful than all those in Spain, for it is well fortified, and built on very level ground. I can assure your highness, that from the top of a mosque, I reckoned more than four hundred towers all of mosques. The number of the inhabitants is so great, that there is not an inch of ground unculti- vated ; and yet in several places the Indians experience 294 THE LEGEND OF QUETZALCOATL. the effects of famine, and there are many beggars, who ask alms from the rieh in the streets, houses, and market- place, as is done by the mendicants in Spain, and other civilized countries." When the pyramid of Cholula was in its prime, its summit was covered with an altar dedicated to Quetzal- coatl, the God of the Air. He was a white and bearded man, like the Bochica, of whom we have spoken in our description of the falls of Tequendema. He was high priest of Tula, legislator and chief of a religious sect, which inflicted on themselves the most cruel penances. He introduced the custom of piercing the lips and ears, and lacerating the rest of the body with the prickles of the agave leaves, or the thorns of the cactus; and of putting reeds into the wounds, in order that the blood might be seen to trickle more copiously. The reign of Quetzalcoatl, strange to say, was the golden age of the people of Anahuac. Men and animals lived in peace : the earth brought forth without culture the fruitfullest of harvests, and the air was filled with in- numerable birds, of whom it was difficult to say, which was most admired — the beauty of their plumage, or the sweetness of their song. Such a blessed epoch could not, and did not last long. The great spirit Tezcatlipoca, offered Quetzalcoatl a rare beverage which rendered him immortal, and inspired him with a taste for travelling. He started off at once for the distant country of Tlap- allan. The inhabitants of Cholula, through whose terri- tory he passed, offering him the reins of government, he remained among them twenty years. He taught them to cast metals; ordered fasts of eight days; regulated the intercalations of their year ; preached peace to them, and THE CREDULITY OF MONTEZUMA 29.5 would permit no other offerings to the Divinity than the first fruits of the harvest. From Cholula he proceeded to the mouth of the river Groasacoalco, where he disap- peared, declaring however, that he would return soon, to govern the Cholulans again, and renew their happiness. The unhappy Montezuma thought he recognised the posterity of this saint in the soldiers of Cortez ! " We know by our books," said he in his first interview with the Spanish General, " that myself and those who inhabit this country are not natives, but strangers who came from a great distance. We know also that the chief who led our ancestors hither, returned for a certain time to his primitive country, and thence came back to seek those who were established here. He found them married to the women of this land, and living in cities which they had built. Our ancestors hearkened not to their ancient father, and he returned alone. We have always believed that his descendants would one day come to take, posses- sion of this country. Since you arrive from that region where the sun rises, and, as you assure me, you have long known us, I cannot doubt, but that the king who sends you, is our natural master." So far Cortez in his first letter. How far he and his soldiers resembled Quet- zalcoatl, the Mexican Prince of Peace, the readers of Mexican history must judge for themselves. Cholula in its glory was one of " The Delphian vales, the Palestine^, The Meccas of the mind." It was the holy city of the ancient Mexicans, who re- sorted thither from the most distant parts of the empire. 296 GLORY TO C^UETZALCOATL. Its streets were picturesque with the long train of their processions, its winds were jubilant with their barbaric music. With noise and pomp they marched to the great pyramid, whose summit was crowned with perpetual flame, that rose from the temple of Quetzalcoatl. Climb- ing the steps that led from terrace to terrace they reached the shrine, and worshipped the image of the god. It was a monstrous idol of stone, holding in one hand a shield covered writh hieroglyphics, and in the other a jewreled sceptre. Upon its head was a mitre with plumes ; its neck was encircled with a collar of gold, while from its ears hung pendants of turquoise. " Glory to Quetzal- coatl! the mighty God of the Air!" But to return from the Past to the Present, from Tra- dition to Fact. The perpendicular height of the pyramid when Humboldt and Bonpland saw it, wras one hundred and seventy-seven feet; the horizontal breadth of its base was one thousand four hundred feet. It had four sides, facing the cardinal points, and as many terraces; alto- gether it covered a space of forty-five thousand square feet. They had a magnificent view from its summit, seeing at one glance four mountains, Popocatepetl, Iztac- cihuatl, the peak of Orizaba, and the Sierra de Tlascala, famous for its tempests. Three of these mountains were higher than Mont Blanc, two were burning volcanoes. The Pyramid of Cholula was built of unbaked bricks, alternating wTith layers of clay. Humboldt wras assured by the Indians that the inside was hollow. During the abode of Cortez at Mexico, their ancestors, they said, concealed in the body of the pyramid a considerable number of wrarriors, for the purpose of falling suddenly on the Spaniards. The material of which the pyramid THE MYSTERY OE THE SKELETONS. 297 was built, and the silence of historians on so singular a circumstance led Humboldt to doubt the truth of the tradition. It was certain, however, that in this pyramid there were several cavities, which had been used as sepulchres for the natives. A short time previous the old road which ran from Puebla to Mexico was changed, and in tracing the new one the first terrace was cut through, so that an eighth part remained isolated, like a heap of bricks. In making this opening a square house was dis- covered in the interior of the pyramid. This house con- tained two skeletons, several idols in basalt, and a great number of vases curiously varnished and painted. There was no outlet ! To whom did these vases and idols belong ? Of whom were those skeletons the remains ? Humboldt conjectured that the pyramid was built by prisoners, taken by the Cholulans in their wars with the neighbouring nations, and that these were the skeletons of some unfortunate slaves who had been shut up in the interior of the pyramid to perish. It seems to us, how- ever, that they were the remains of some important state personages, condemned for some reason which must ever remain unknown, to die in this horrible manner. Might not the King of the Toltecs, like another civilized bar- barian of later times, have had his Man in the Iron Mask ? A wife false to him? A daughter loving below herself? Upon the platform of the pyramid the Spaniards had built a little chapel, dedicated to the Virgin de los Eeme- dios. Here an ecclesiastic of Indian blood celebrated mass every day. Crowds came from far and near to witness the festival, and among them were many of the descendants of the ancient people, to whom the land had once belonged. What thoughts must have crowded 13* 298 IZTACCIHUATL AND POPOCATEPETL. upon them as they stood there, silent and degraded, the last of their race! " Glory to Quetzalcoatl !" no longer rent the air; it was drowsy with "the blessed mutter of the mass," and " Good, strong, thick, stupifying incense-smoke." Quetzalcoatl had passed away, but his altar still remained. A mysterious dread, a religious awe pervaded their souls as they gazed upon that immense pile, covered with shrubbery and perpetual verdure. The pyramid of Cholula having led the travellers a little beyond Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl, they turned back and visited these volcanoes.' Before proceeding to Xalapa, Humboldt determined their geographical posi- tion by his observations, and measured their height. Iztaccihuatl he found to be fifteen thousand seven hun- dred feet above the sea, and Popocatepetl seventeen thou- sand seven hundred, which was two thousand feet higher than the most elevated summit of the old world. He ascended to the summit of the latter mountain. It was an ever-burning volcano, but for several centuries it had thrown up nothing from its crater but smoke and ashes. Speaking of a report that prevailed in Mexico, that Diego Ordaz penetrated into the crater of Popocatepetl, for the purpose of procuring sulphur for the Spaniards to make powder with, Humboldt gossips thus about the circumstance, and the mountain itself. " When the united army of the Spaniards and Tlas- caltecs, in the month of October, 1519, marched from Cholula to Tenochtitlan, across the Cordillera of Ahualco, which unites the Sierra Nevada to the volcanic summit THE STORY OF DIEGO ORDAZ. 299 of Popocatepetl ; the army suffered both from the cold, and the extreme impetuosity of the winds, which con- stantly prevail on the table-land. Writing of this march to the Emperor, Cortez expresses himself in the follow- ing manner : ' Seeing smoke issue from a very elevated mountain, and wishing to make to your royal excellency a minute report of whatever this country contains of wonderful, I chose from among my companions in arms, ten of the most courageous, and I ordered them to ascend to the summit, and to discover the secret of the smoke, and to tell me whence and where it issued.' u Bernal Diaz affirms that Diego Ordaz was of that expedition, and that this captain attained the very brink of the crater. He may have happened to boast of it afterwards, for it is related by other historians, that the Emperor gave him permission to place a volcano on his . arms. Lopez de Gomara, who composed his history from the accounts of the Conquistadores and religious missionaries, does not name Ordaz as the chief of the expedition ; but he vaguely asserts that two Spaniards measured with the eye the size of the crater. Cortez, however, expressly says : ' That his people ascended very high ; that they saw much smoke issue out, but that none of them could reach the volcano, on account of the enor- mous quantity of snow with which it was covered, the rigour of the cold, and the clouds of ashes that enveloped the travellers.' A terrible noise which they heard on approaching the summit determined them to turn im- mediately back. We see from the account of Cortez, that the expedition of Ordaz had no view of extracting sulphur from the volcano, and that neither he nor his companions saw the crater in 1519. ' They brought .°»00 ANCIENT AS< KNT OF POPOCATEPETL. back,' says Cortez, ' only snow and pieces of ice, the ap- pearance of which astonished ns very much, because this country is under the 20° of latitude, in the parallel of the island Espanola, and consequently, according to the opinion of the pilots, ought to be very warm.' " Three years later, however, after two unsuccessful attempts, the Spaniards succeeded in seeing the crater of Popocatepetl. It seemed to them three-fourths of a league in circumference, and they found on the brink of the precipice a small quantity of sulphur, which had been deposited there by the vapours. Cortez relates : 1 that he is in no want of sulphur for the manufacture of powder, because a Spaniard drew some from a mountain which perpetually smokes, by descending, tied to a rope, to the depth of from seventy or eighty fathoms.' " A document preserved in the family of the Montaiios, and which Cardinal Lorenzana affirms he once had in his hands, proves that the Spaniard of whom Cortez speaks, was Francisco Montana Did that intrepid man really enter into the crater of Popocatepetl ; or did he extract the sulphur, as several persons in Mexico sup- pose, from a lateral crevice of the volcano? M. Alzate, with very little foundation affirms, that Diego Ordaz ex- tracted sulphur from the crater of the old volcano of Tuctli, to the east of the lake of Chalco, near the Indian village of Tuliahualco. The makers of contraband pow- der no doubt procure sulphur there ; but Cortez expressly designates Popocatepetl by the phrase, ' the mountain which constantly smokes.' Be this as it may, it is certain that after the rebuilding of the city of Tenochtitlan, the soldiers of the army of Cortez ascended the summit of Popocalepetl, where nobody has since been." THE COPPER OF PEROTE. 303 From the volcanoes of Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl, the travellers proceeded to Xalapa, travelling for the most part over lofty mountains, and through dense forests of oaks and fir-trees. They lodged while at Xalapa in the convent of Saint Francis, the view from which was mag- nificent. On one hand they could see the plains and the ocean ; on the other the declivities of the Cordilleras of Anahuac, and the colossal summits of Orizaba and the Coffer of Perote. The Coffer of Perote was a rock of singular shape on the eastern side of the summit of the porphyritic mountain of that name. It resembled a square tower, and served as a signal to the sailors who put in at Vera Cruz. The harbour of Yera Cruz, and the castle of San Juan de Ulua, were visible from this great watch-tower. ISTo thing at the summit announced a crater, yet the mountain was enveloped in a thick bed of pumice-stone. Its height was thirteen thousand five hundred feet. The peak of Orizaba, which Humboldt ascended, and which he always regarded as the most magnificent mountain in the world, was two or three hundred feet higher than the crater of Popocatepetl. The intendancy of Yera Cruz like that of Puebla was celebrated for its ruins. The most remarkable of these was the pyramid of Papantla. It was situated in the midst of a thick forest, at the distance of two leagues from a great Indian village. It was unknown to the Spaniards, for centuries ; for as it was an object of vene- ration among the Indians, they concealed its existence from the conquerors of their country ; and it was only discovered accidentally by some hunters, about thirty years before the time of Humboldt's visit. It was not constructed of bricks, or clay mixed with stones, and 302 THE PYRAMID OF PAPANTLA. faced with a wall, like the pyramids of Cholula and Teotihuacan ; the only materials employed were immense stones of a porphyritical shape. Mortar was distinguish- able in the seams. The edifice, however, was not so remarkable for its size as for its symmetry, the polish of the stones, and the great regularity of their cut. The base of the pyramid was an exact square, each side being eighty-two feet in length. The perpendicular height appeared not to be more than from fifty to sixty feet. This monument, like all the Mexican temples, was com- posed of several terraces. Six were still distinguishable, and a seventh appeared to be concealed by the vegetation with which the sides of the pyramid were covered. A great stair of fifty-seven steps conducted to the truncated top of the pyramid, where the human victims were sacri- ficed. On each side of the great stair was a small stair. The facing of the terraces was adorned with hierogly- phics, in which serpents and crocodiles carved in relief were discernible. Each terrace contained a great number of square niches symmetrically distributed. In the first story were twenty-four on each side, in the second twenty, and in the third sixteen. The number of these niches in the body of the pyramid was three hundred and sixty-six, and there were twelve in the stair towards the east. The Abbe Marquez supposed that this number of three hundred and seventy-eight niches had some allusion to a calendar of the Mexicans ; and he even believed that in each of them one of the twenty figures was repeated, which, in the hieroglyphical language of the Toltecs, served as a symbol for marking the days of the common year, and the intercalated days at the end of the cycles. LAST DAYS IN MEXICO. 303 The route from Xalapa to Perote was thrice travelled over by Humboldt and Bonpland, and each time sub- jected to barometric measurements, for the purposes of a post road, which was afterwards constructed in that locality, according to Humboldt's plans. The remainder of their stay in the New World was destitute of incident, and may be summed up briefly. From Xalapa they proceeded to Vera Cruz, where the yellow fever was raging. They stopped here a few days when a Spanish frigate sailing for Havana, they took passage in her, quitting the shores of Mexico on the 7th of March. They remained at Havana two months attending to the packing and shipping of their various collections, and then set sail for Philadelphia, which they reached after a stormy passage of thirty-two days. While in Philadelphia, at a public library, Humboldt received intelligence which delighted him. It was in a scientific publication, and to this effect : " Arrival of M. de Humboldt's manuscripts at his brother's house in Paris, by way of Spain." He could hardly help shout- ing for joy. From Philadelphia they proceeded to Washington, where Humboldt was introduced to Jefferson. They left the New World on the 9th of June, 1804. BOOK III. 1804-182 9. CHAPTER I. BOOKS. One pleasant August day, fifty-five years ago, in a quiet chamber in Paris, sat a pale and thoughtful woman. The chamber was decidedly French, the furniture dating back, it may be, to the days of Louis Quatorze ; yet there was something in its atmosphere not quite in keeping. Perhaps it was the books and pictures, both of which were German, or it might have been the lady herself, who was also German. She was not beautiful ; her figure was a little crooked, but the contour of her head was fine, and her eyes were remarkably brilliant. Indeed, her eyes were too brilliant, large and lustrous, as is often the case with those who are, or have been, ill. That this lady was ill, could be seen at a glance. Being a wife and mother she had known all the pains and pleasures of woman. She knew what it was to give birth to children, and to have her children die. A few months before she had given birth to a daughter, her fifth child, who soon died. It was this that made her pale and thoughtful. On the couch beside her lay a book, which she had just been reading, a German book, the work of Goethe, or Schiller. Beside her was a bundle of letters, one with a foreign "post mark. It was directed to her husband, 308 FRAU CAROLINE IN PARIS. William Yon Humboldt. The lady was Frau Caroline, and the letter was from Alexander. It was dated in March, at Havana, and announced his speedy return from the New World. Two or three months had passed since it was received in Rome, and yet there were no tidings of him. None, at least, that they wished to believe. There was at one time an ugly report that he had died of the yellow fever, but it lacked confirmation, they thought. So Frau Caroline, who had been spend- ing a few weeks at Weimar, with her friend Schiller, had come up to Paris to see if she could not learn some- thing definite concerning the long-absent Alexander. While she was sitting there with his letter before her, that pleasant August day, there came a tap at the door, and a note was handed her by a messenger. It was from the Secretary of the National Institute, announcing the arrival of the traveller in the Garonne. He was then at Bordeaux, and would shortly be in Paris. Her heart was lightened of one load ; her pale cheek kindled, and snatching a pen, she wrote the good news to her husband. In a few days Alexander himself appeared. From time to time during his five years' absence, rumours of his travels were noised abroad, and he was much talked about, not only by scientific men, who naturally felt a deep interest in him and his pursuits, but by the world at large. Great changes had been wrought since he left ; battles had been fought, before which the famous fields of antiquity must " pale their ineffectual fires :" empires had risen and fallen, or were tottering to their fall, yet he was not forgotten. The crash of empires, the thunder of battles had not drowned the " still small HUMBOLDT'S COLLECTIONS. 309 voice" of Science, and the name of its most distinguished votary, Alexander Von Humboldt. He returned to find himself famous. He was warmly welcomed by the savans of Paris. The collections which he had brought from the New World were richer than any that had ever before been brought into Europe from foreign countries. Other tra- vellers, selecting some speciality with which they parti- cularly sympathized, had enriched different departments of science, but Humboldt and Bonpland, universal in their tastes and pursuits, enriched all. Botany, geology, mineralogy, geography, climate — they left nothing un- touched. Their collections and journals contained the natural history of a continent. They had achieved a great triumph by their travels, but its fruit was yet to come. As they had travelled for the interests of science rather than their own private gratification, for the world rather than themselves, it was necessary that the world should know the results of their travels. For themselves it was not necessary, for they could recall them day by day, and step by step, without even turning to their jour- nals. The rocks and ores in their cases, the plants in their herbals, were dumb historians of their progress. Even their mirrors were tell-tales, whispering, as they reflected their sun-bronzed faces, the gorgeous secret of the tropics. Of this, however, the world could know nothing. They might, as they afterwards did, deposit their collections in Museums of Natural History. This would be something towards making known the results of their five years' sojourn in the New World, but it would not be much after all. B}^ this means they might reach the scientific and the curious, but not the world. 310 WILLIAM'S TRAVELS. There was but one way to reach the world, and that was by writing. Such, we may conceive, were the thoughts of the tra- vellers as they surveyed their collections and journals. In the meantime there were some arrears to be settled before they could fully resume their old life of civilization and refinement. There were half-sundered ties to be renewed ; letters to be written ; friends to be seen ; homes to be visited ; and for one at least, a debt of love to be paid. Before Alexander could begin the great work he must see his brother William, who was then at Albano. lie learned from Frau Caroline, to whom his return had been a cordial of health, all that had taken place since his de- parture. When he started for the New World he left William in Paris, but the letters which he wrote him during his journey in Spain, led the latter to undertake a journey thither. He left Paris in July or August, 1799, accompanied by Frau Caroline and his family, and proceeded to Garonne and the Pyrenees, crossing over into Spain at St. Jean de Luz. In the autumn he reached Biscay. He was delighted with the Basque nation, whose strange language opened a new field for his philological studies. From Vittoria he travelled to Madrid : thence to Cadiz, Seville, Valencia, and Bar- celona. The journey ended in the plains and mountains of Catalonia. In 1802 he was made a chamberlain by the King of Prussia, and appointed privy counsellor of legation, and resident-ambassador at the court of Eome, an office which he still filled. In literature he had not done much, beyond planning great works, many of which were never executed. He was then, or as Frau Caroline GA Y-LUSSAC. 311 doubtless said to Alexander, in August, 1804, " He is now translating Agamemnon." The fact of William's being hard at work on his be- loved iEschylus, and that Frau Caroline intended to re- main in Paris until the commencement of the following year, determined Alexander to remain there until he had regulated his collections and arranged his journals for publication. He renewed his intimacy with his former scientific associates, especially with his friend, Gay-Lus- sac, who had just distinguished himself as an ajronaut, by making two ascensions from the Conservatory of Arts, one with M. Biot, on the 24th of August, and one alone, on the 15th of September. The object of these ascen- sions was to examine whether the magnetic power ex- perienced any appreciable diminution as we leave the sur- face of the earth. Saussure, who made experiments on the Col du Geant, at eleven thousand feet above the level of the sea, thought he could perceive a very sensible de- crease of magnetic virtue : some aeronauts even asserted that it vanished at a certain height. Loaded with a cargo of galvanic apparatus, barometers, thermometers, hygro- meters, and electrometers, besides a small menagery of frogs, insects, and birds, Biot and Gay-Lussac rose from the Conservatory amid the plaudits of all Paris. The lower side of the clouds through which they passed had a bluish tint, similar to that which they exhibit on the surface of the earth, but as they rose above them, they saw that they were full of small eminences and undulations, like a vast field of snow ploughed and drifted by the wind. They commenced their experiments at the height of six thou- sand five hundred feet, and continued them to the height of fifteen thousand seven hundred feet, and the result of 312 IIUMBOLDT QUITS PARIS. their observations was that the magnetic property expe- rienced no appreciable diminution. This first trip not being considered satisfactory in some respects, Gay-Lussac made the second alone, and ascended to the height of four miles and a quarter. He still saw clouds above him, at a great height, but none below. The atmosphere had a dull misty appearance. He suffered intensely from the cold during his experiments. His hands were benumbed ; he breathed with difficulty ; his pulse was much quickened, and his throat was so parched that he could scarcely swallow a morsel of bread. The result of his experiments was the same as before — namely, that the magnetic quality does not diminish as we proceed from the surface of the earth. Humboldt, to whom great heights were by this time no novelty, was deeply interested in these researches of Gay- Lussac, and afterwards joined him in them. His only literary labour at this time was an essay on the Geology of America, published in the "Journal of Natural His- tory." In the spring of 1805 he accompanied Frau Caroline, who in the meantime had had another child, a little Gus- tavus, to Albano. The reader will be good enough to imagine the meeting of the brothers, who were both men of strong feelings, though they did not always show them, and loved and respected each other as two such brothers should. 13e sure they had much to talk of, be fore they settled into the quite routine of life, William of his studies, and Alexander of his travels. He had remembered his brother's tastes in the distant regions of the New World, and had collected for him, in missions and cloisters, and wherever he could, a great number of ALBANO. 313 grammars of American dialects. These treasures he gave to William, with the stipulation that he would oc- casionally lend them to Professor Yater and Frederick Schlegel, both noted philologists. The Humboldts were as much sought after at Albano, as they had previously been at Paris, not only by their own countrymen, of whom they knew a goodly number, but by all the learned and great, residing in Pome and the vicinity. They still gave dinner parties, esthetic teas, etc., to which the elect were invited. Among those who visited them at this time were the sculptors, Thorwaldsen and Pauch, and Sismondi, A. W. Schlegel, and Madame de Stael. The latter lived so near the Humboldts that they might be said to form one household. Notwithstanding the gay life that he led at Albano, Humboldt was far from idle ; for he contrived to find or make time to visit the great libraries of Pome, especially that of the Vatican, and the famous Museum of Cardinal Borgia, of Velletri. This Museum was rich in hiero- glyphical writings, especially those of Mexico, and he renewed in it his acquaintance with his old friends, the Aztecs, and copied some quaint specimens of their sin- gular picture-language. And, better still, he was joined, about this time, by Gay-Lussac, and Leopold Yon Buch. Learning that Yesuvius was active, they had come to Italy, the one from Paris, and the other from Germany, to be present at the expected eruption. They witnessed it with Humboldt on the 12th of August. As neither have left a record of the impression it made upon them, we conclude that it was not remarkable, or, what is quite as likely, that they were preoccupied with other pursuits . Gay-Lussac was still engaged with his magnetic experi- 14 314 NO MAN'S LIFE EVER WKITTEN". ments, in which he was assisted bv Humboldt and Von Buch, the latter examining the magnetic qualities of the serpentine rocks of Vesuvius. In the autumn Humboldt departed for Berlin, where he#remained nearly two years. Though he wrote largely during this year, he seems to have published little, except an " Essay on Botanical Geography," and a paper on magnetism. From this time for twenty years and more, his life was as destitute of incident as can well be imagined ; ex- cept in a bibliographical point of view it is nearly a blank to his biographers. Yet this blank covers the most prolific period of his genius, for in it he wrote all his great works, except " Kosmos." From 1805 to 1829 — from his thirty -sixth to his sixtieth year, not much is known of Humboldt. We know where he lived during that time ; this year he was in Berlin, we can say, and that year in Paris ; but this is little. To be sure locality is something, for it helps statistical readers to facts, which are never to be despised ; but an authentic leaf from the book of his life, a momentary gleam of thought or feeling would be worth centuries of mere locality. And here we are reminded of a thought which has often come home to us with striking force, when reading the biographies of great men. It is this : No man's life was ever written ! If a biographer is skilful, like Boswell for instance, he gives us a life-like picture of his hero : the colour of his eyes and hair, his voice, his manner of speaking, his gestures : his little peculiarities of dress, the snuff on his shirt frills, or, possibly, the stains of his last night's wine ; or, as in the case of Poor Goldy, the awkward patch on the breast of his coat. Still, we are not satisfied. Delighted we may be, but satisfied we LIVES OF AUTIIOKS NOT PICTURESQUE. 315 are not. We feel all the while that this is not the man, it is but his outline, his frame, his shell. "What we want to get at is the man himself, and unfortunately that is just what we never do get at. It is but little to know that his head is covered with golden curls, or thatched with the snows of age, when we know nothing of the brain within it — nothing of the thoughts that struggle there like mad demons, or sleep serenely like angels. Give us an insight into the man : open his secret doors and let us see his heart, whether it be noble or base. Does his blood run rich with love, or boil and seethe with hate ? Or does it lie like a stagnant pool in a dead marsh, loathsome, horrible ? We can never know. Granting, however, that the inner life of a man is hidden from us, there is still his outer life to be narrated, and it is with this that most biographers occupy them- selves. It is not, or should not be, difficult to write the life of a soldier, for the biographer's work is ready done to his hands. What can be want better than " The spirit-stirring drum, the ear-piercing fife, The royal banner, and all quality, Pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war ?" The biographies of actors, and other adventurers, are excellent reading. But authors, whose days and years are proverbially barren of incident, and whose profession keeps them from mingling actively with the world — how shall their lives be made interesting ? The most that can be done for an author, in a picturesque point of view, is to describe him with pens, ink, and paper before him. From these, by the subtle alchemy of his genius, books are made — poems, novels, histories, but how is a mystery, 316 Humboldt's scientific life. often to the author himself. A man at a table writing, or, as Miss, who doats on his books, fancies, a pale and spiritual genius in his study at night, his brain labouring with thought, which his fingers are not swift enough to jot down — let the picture be as romantic as possible, the world will never think it equal to a battle-field, although it reiterates complacently, " The pea is mightier than the sword." As with the author, so with the man of science, or rather worse with him, for his life, while it is similar to the author's, is generally less interesting, which makes the writing of his biography more difficult. Fortunatelv, however, Humboldt was more than a mere man of science, and his life in the main was a stirring one. There were intervals of comparative quiet in it, chasms of scientific and literary labours, yawning, as it were, between epochs of travel and adventure ; but these once bridged over, all is well. We shall bridge over, in this chapter, Humboldt's scientific life in Paris. We left him at Berlin in the autumn of 1805. There was no reason for his quitting Albano where he was so happily situated, except that he needed more solitude than he could find there. He was, doubtless, too hap- pily situated to work as he washed. He remained at Berlin two years, writing, and pursuing his scientific researches. He continued his magnetic observations, and the result of his experiments wTas, that mountain chains and even active volcanoes exercise no perceptible force on the magnetic powTer, but that it deviates gradually with its distance from the equator. He wrote largely at this time, working up different BOOKS WRITTEN AT BERLIN. 317 portions of his travels, in the form of essays and treatises, which he read before the Academy of Berlin. Two of these papers, one on Steppes and Deserts, and another on the Cataracts of the Orinoco were included in his "Aspects of Nature." Upon this book, which was the first, not purely scientific, that he wrote after his return to Europe, he was now busily engaged. Not having made up his mind as to the exact form in which he would cast his journey, he selected some of its most striking inci- dents and phenomena, and interwove them in a series of papers, which he called "Aspects of Nature." The "Aspects of Nature" is one of the few books that he wrote in his native language, and for that reason perhaps it was always a favorite with him. When he wrote for the scholars of Europe he wrote in French or Latin, but when he wished to reach the hearts of his countrymen he wrote in German. It was not published until 1808, when he had left Berlin for Paris. It was dedicated to his brother William, who acknowledged the compliment in one of his finest poems. Humboldt's literary life in Berlin may be summed up in the writing of the " Aspects of Nature," and in the writing and publishing of four smaller works, " Ideas on a Geography of Plants," " A Picture of the Natural Productions of the Tropics," a "Tableau of the Equinoctial Eegions," and a treatise on " Electric Fish." In the autumn of 1807 Humboldt removed to Paris, in order to be near his beloved collections, and to commence his long-delayed work. He had come to the conclusion that it could not be done properly, or at any rate as he wished to have it done, by one man in the course of a life-time, so he divided the material among the savans of 318 BERTHOLLET. Paris, giving to each the portion for which his tastes and studies had fitted him. No city in the world was ever so rich in men of science, as Paris was then, and all these men were Humboldt's personal friends. He was ac- quainted with most of them before he started on bis travels: when he returned, opulent in knowledge and experience, his acquaintance was sought by the rest. Among his friends at this time, and for years afterwards, in fact till the close of their lives, for Humboldt never lost a friend, except by death, we may mention Biot, Gay-Lussac, Latreille, Cuvier, Laplace, Arago, and Ber- thollet. Arago and Gay-Lussac were the youngest of the band, the former being in his twenty-second year, the latter in his twenty-ninth. The oldest were Laplace and Berthollet, both of whom were within a few months of fifty-nine. Cuvier was born in the same year with Hum- boldt, and like him was thirty-eight. Claude Louis Berthollet was born at Talloire, in Savoy, on the 9th of December, 1748. Eeceiving his early education at Chambery, he entered the university of Turin, where he obtained a diploma as doctor of medi- cine. Armed with this formidable weapon he came to Paris, and was fortunate enough to be appointed physi- cian to the Duke of Orleans. While holding this situa- tion he devoted himself to the study of chemistry, and published his "Essays," which made him favourably known in the world of letters. The influence of the Duke procured for him, some years later, the office of government commissary, and superintendent of dyeing processes. This led him to write a work on the theory and practice of dyeing. He was soon after engaged in another kind of dying, or rather trying to help the CUVIER. 3 1 G French people towards the material for it. When the Revolution had involved the country in war, saltpetre, which at first was plentiful enough, finally became scarce, owing to the difficulties of importation. To make up the deficiency Berthollet travelled over France, and showed its sanguinary citoyens how to extract and purify the salt. Under his teaching any man who desired it, might have had a private powder-manufactory of his own. In addition to his little lessons in the art of extempo- rizing gunpowder, Berthollet was engaged, like many other men of science at the time, in teaching the French the art of smelting iron, and converting it into steel. The swords of the citoyens were probably a little dinted with hacking each other, so they wanted new ones. In 1792 we find Berthollet one of the Commissioners of the Mint, and two years later a member of the Com- mission of Agriculture and Arts, and Professor of Che- mistry in the Polytechnic and Normal Schools. In 1796 the Directory, who began to think of returning to civili- zation, sent him to Italy to select works of art and science for the capital. Meeting General Bonaparte there, he joined the expedition to Egypt, and helped to form the Institute of Cairo. On his return to France Napoleon, then first consul, made him a senator, and grand officer of the Legion of Honour, and shortly after- wards created him a count. George Leopold Christian Frederic Dagobert Cuvier, the most celebrated anatomist of modern times, was born at Montbeliard, on the 23d of August, 1769, twenty-two days before Humboldt. From his earliest childhood he gave indications of great talent. He learned to draw from the works of Buffon, a copy of which, illustrated 320 HIS EARLY CAREER. with plates, fell into bis hands in his twelfth year. Latin and Greek were among his first studies ; he learned them as by intuition, and German with equal facility. He also made himself master of most of the modern lan- guages. He had a passion for all kinds of reading, especially for history, the driest details of which he mas- tered, and remembered without an effort. Proficient at the age of fourteen in all the branches of study taught in the school of Montbeliard, he was sent to the Caroline Academy, at Stuttgard, where he re- mained four years. His favourite study was the science of government, which was one of the five different facul- ties in which lessons were given at this academy. His great mental endowments wrere at once recognised by the professors, and by none more warmly than M. Abel, the professor of Natural History, who rekindled in the mind of the young student his early taste for that science. When the Revolution broke out, Cuvier was residing in Normandy. Here he met the naturalist, Jessier, wrho discovered his scientific attainments, and put him in communication with the savans of Paris. He repaired thither in 1795, when the fury of the Revolution had subsided, and by the interest of Jessier and Mellin was appointed a member of the Commission of Arts, and soon after a professor of the School of the Pantheon. For the use of this school he composed a treatise on the natural history of animals, which served as the basis of all subsequent works on zoological classification. From the School of the Pantheon he passed to the Museum of Natural History, where he filled the chair of Comparative Anatomy. When Bonaparte returned from Egypt, in 1800, he wras secretary to the National Institute. The LAPLACE. 321 revolution of the 18th Brumaire, made the victorious general first consul, and led him to assume the title of President of the Institute. This made him acquainted with Cuvier, who vacated the post of secretary for the chair of Natural History. Wishing, in 1802, to remodel the system of public instruction, Napoleon named him one of the six inspectors, who were directed to establish lyceums in the principal towns in France. His commis- sion directed him to Bordeaux and Marseilles. He esta- blished lyceums in these cities, and returned to Paris, shortly before Humboldt made it his permanent abode. Pierre Simon Laplace, the world-renowned mathemati- cian, was born in Normandy on the 23d of March, 1749. Of his youth nothing is related, except that he was re- markable for his talents. He achieved his first success in theology, which he soon abandoned for the study of geo- metry. To perfect himself in the science, he came to Paris, with letters of recommendation to D'Alembert. He presented himself at the house of this philosopher, but could not succeed in reaching him. Finding his recom- mendations useless he sat down and wrote D'Alembert a letter on the general principles of mechanics. Astonished at its profundity, D'Alembert in his turn waited upon La- place. "Sir," said he to the young geometrician, "you see that I pay little attention to recommendations. You have no need of them. You have made yourself better known ; that is sufficient for me. You may command my support." In a few days he had Laplace appointed Professor of Mathematics to the Military School of Paris. The wind of good luck, blowing from the 18th of Brumaire, made Laplace Minister of the Interior. His talent for statesmanship not being equal to his talent for 322 ARAGO. mathematics and geometry, he resigned the portfolio of his office to Lucien Bonaparte, lie was then created a senator, then vice-chancellor, and at length chamberlain of the conservative senate. Of his various scientific writings, especially of his immortal work, the Traite de Mecanique Celeste, we shall not speak here; neither shall we pursue him through his subsequent career. An anecdote of his last days, and we have done with Pierre Simon Laplace. " You have made many splendid discoveries, mar- quis," said a friend to him as he lay on his death-bed. " What we know is a little matter," the dying philo- sopher murmured, " what we do not know is immense." Of Dominique Francois Jean Arago, the celebrated astronomer, and equally celebrated friend of Humboldt, no sketch is necessary here, as most readers are familiar with his biography. It will be sufficient to say that he was at this time engaged in measuring the arc of the meridian, a famous and dangerous epoch in his life. Of Biot, and Gay-Lussac — their balloon ascensions, and mag- netic experiments, we have already spoken. Among these men, and others of less note, minor lights in the constellation of science, Humboldt took his place, as a star of the first magnitude. He was undoubt- edly surpassed by some of them in particular departments of stud}7, but in general knowledge, a knowledge of all branches of science, and all literatures, he had no sup - rior, if indeed an equal. There was no sense of in- feriority on his part; he was a king among his peers. Once fairly settled in Paris, he sat down and mapped out his great work. Had a book of travels been his object, it would not have been difficult for him to have written DIVISION OF LABOUR. 323 it within a reasonable time : many a traveller would have done so, while Humboldt was thinking about it. A book of travels, however, was not his object, at any rate not his sole object, it was but a small portion of the task which he contemplated. He would do himself justice as a traveller by describing the scenes through which he had passed ; the ocean over which he had sailed ; the forests in which he had wandered : the rivers he had explored ; the mountains he had ascended ; the ruins he had seen ; but he would also do himself justice as a man of science. He would give the geography, the geology, the botany, in short, the natural history of the New World ; not in a general way, from the vague reports of others, but from his own conscientious observations and researches. Clearly this was a Herculean task. He divided his material into six portions. First, the narrative of his journey ; then its zoology and anatomy ; then its political aspect. These were followed by its astronomy and magnetism, its geology, and its botany. Knowing that he could not, without assistance, write the multitude of books that such a treatment of his travels implied, he parcelled the different portions around among his friends. Arago and Gay-Lussac were to assist him in chemistry and meteorology : Latreille and Cuvier in anatomy : Laplace in mathematics : Vauquelin and Klaproth in mineralogy ; and Bonpland and Kunth, — (not our old friend, and his boyish tutor, Christian, but Charles Sigismund Kunth, Professor of Botany in the University of Berlin) in botany. For his own part he would superintend their labours, and write the narrative of his journey. And now to work, Messieurs! To work they went. 324 WORKS JM BLISHED IN 1808. As Humboldt laid out his works with groat regularity, the reader may suppose that the same regularity attended their publication : but it was not so Not all those that related to, and completed one branch of science, appeared at one time : they were published as they were written. It could not well have been otherwise when so many hands were at work. To know the years in which Humboldt's books were published, is to know the nature of his employment at that time. With this clue before us we shall trace him during his life in Paris. He came thither, the reader will remember, in the autumn of 1807. 1808 was a busy year with him. It witnessed the publication of two edi- tions of his "Aspects of Nature," one in German, the other in French; of a work on latitude and longitude, in Latin ; of a work on electric fish, in German, and of the first volume of his work on the equinoctial plants. This last publication, an immense folio, with pages two feet, or thereabouts, in length, was the first of a series of works of the same size and kind. They were mostly written in Latin, some by Humboldt, others by Bonpland and Kunth. In the preface to the first volume of "Equinoctial Plants," which preface, by the way, was written before Ilumboldt visited his brother William at Albano, (it is dated at Paris, March 1, 1805) he speaks of the labours to which Bonpland and himself were devoted during their five years' travels, and says that botanical researches were those with which they oceupied themselves most assiduously. A great part of the countries through which they passed had never been visited by botanists. Don Jose Celestino Mutis, director of the botanical expedi- EQUINOCTIAL PLANTS. 325 tion of New Grenada, whom Humboldt met at Bogota, where he was royal astronomer, and to whom he dedi- cated the " Equinoctial Plants," had examined before them the forests of Turbaco, and the banks of the Rio Magdalena; he did not penetrate, however, the moun- tains of Quindiu, where they obtained some of their rarest botanical specimens. Only one traveller, Joseph de Jussieu, had preceded them at Loxa. Ruiz and Pavon had examined some portions of Peru, but not the province of Jaen de Bracamorras, where the vegetation was richest. Cervantes, Sesse and Mocino had made many researches in Mexico, but nature was so unexhaustible in that im- mense territory that Humboldt and Bonpland obtained many specimens, not known to those botanists. The number of equinoctial plants which the travellers collected in both hemispheres amounted to six thousand two hundred different species, many of which were not previously known in botany. Their collection surprised the most celebrated botanists, it contained so many new specimens. In palms, gramines, and cryptogrames, three families of plants much neglected by former botanists, it was especially rich. The " Equinoctial Plants" bore on the title page the names of Humbolt and Bonpland as its authors. Most of the work, however, was written by Bonpland, who was highly complimented by Humboldt. His praise of his fellow-traveller was as sincere as it was beautiful. "If my enterprise," he said, " shall one day be regarded as interesting in the progress of botany, the success will be almost entirely owing to the active zeal of M. Bon- pland." The work was embellished with a great number of designs, which were carefully engraved by Sellier. 326 WORKS PUBLISHED IN 1809-10. The second volume of the "Equinoctial Plants" was published in 1809. This, and the two following years, found Humboldt hard at work. He had not yet decided, it would seem, upon writing a regular narrative of his travels, or, deciding, had postponed it for a few years longer, until he could see his way more clear before him. lie would first work up some of his lighter materials. His port- folio was full of sketches ; his journals were overflowing with astronomical observations. He entrusted the latter to Oltmans, a young geometrician of Berlin, who revised them and made all the calculations anewr, employing the lunar tables of Berg, and correcting them at the same time by the passage of the moon over the meridian. The Institute of France recognised the seven hundred positions calculated in this manner as the greatest mass of materials for astronomical geography then existing, and awarded to Oltmans, in 1809, the prize for astro- nomy. His work, " A Collection of Astronomical Ob- servations, Trigonometric Operations, and Barometric Measurements," was published in 1810, in two quarto volumes. Humboldt's own publication this year was the "Picturesque Atlas." This was another of his great folios, and undoubtedly the most attractive one to general readers. It is not scientific, like the " Equinoctial Plants,' and his other botanical works in folio, but descriptive and historical — a sort of sketch-book of the New World. It is illustrated by sixty-nine engravings, executed by the best artists in Paris, Rome, and Berlin — such men as Gmelin, Wachsmann, Pinelli, and Massard, the elder. Many of these engravings were made from Humboldt's own sketches, which were taken on the spots represented. HUMBOLDT THE AUTHOR. 327 The popularity of the folio "Picturesque Atlas" in- duced Humboldt to issue a less expensive edition in 12mo. The title of the folio " Picturesque Atlas" was dropped, and its sub-title, "Views of the Cordilleras, and Monuments of the Native People of America," substi- tuted instead. It soon became a favourite book. If the reader were to imagine Humboldt at this time, he would doubtless picture him as a man absorbed in his pursuits, and inattentive to everything else ; his mind pre-occupied, his memory burdened, his days and nights devoted to thought. He would picture him in his study, with quires of white paper before him, a pen in his hand, and the floor strewn with pages of blotted manuscript. Or, in the alcoves of some great library, taking down ponderous folios or quartos to settle some knotty point. This, we believe, is the usual beau ideal of a scholar, and in many cases it happens to be the true one. For Humboldt it will not answer*. It is true that he read deeply in the public libraries of Paris, and wrote unweariedly in his private study, turning quires and reams of paper into manuscript. The manuscript was not blotted, however, for his handwriting was singularly clean, neat, and lady-like in its delicacy ; nor was his memory burdened, or his mind pre-occupied. He pos- sessed himself too thoroughly to be oppressed by his work ; his nature was large enough to rise above it, gigan- tic as it was. He would as soon have gone into society with ink on his fingers, as to have betrayed himself as a scholar by any of the cheap signs of scholarship. With the scholar's love of solitude, he had a woman's love of society. He loved it, not because it flattered his vanity, for he had no vanity ; but because his nature was emi- 328 HUMBOLDT LN THE SALONS. nently a social one, and because it revived and refreshed him in bis labours, and sharpened his insight into life and man. Like his friend Goethe, lie was a man of the world, in the noblest sense of that much-abused term. He loved to meet and converse with the distin- guished men and women who filled the salons of Paris. Even its frivolous characters, the light-headed and light- heeled crowd, were not despised by him. He amused himself at their expense occasionally, but it was in such a pleasant manner that they could not be angry. He had a vein of genial humour in him, and, when the occasion demanded it, a biting wit. The worst that could be said of him was, that he was a little sarcastic. "In the salons of Metternich," says Varnhagen Yon Ense, who met him at Paris, in 1810; "in the salons of Metternich (at that time Austrian ambassador near the Court of St. Clond), I saw Humboldt only as a brilliant and admired meteor, so much so, that I hardly found time to present myself to him, and to whisper in his ear a few of those names which gave me a right to a per- sonal acquaintance with him. Rarely has a man engaged in such a degree the esteem of all, the admiration of most opposite parties, and the zeal of all in power to serve him. Napoleon does not love him. He knows Humboldt as a shrewd thinker, whose way of thinking, and whose opinion can not be bent ; but the Emperor and his Court, and the high authorities have never denied the impression which they received by the presence of this bold traveller, by the power of knowledge, and the light which seems to stream from it in every direction. The learned of all nations are proud of their high asso- W0EKS PUBLISHED IN 1811. 329 ciatc, all the Germans of their countryman, and all the liberals of their fellow. "It has been rarely vouchsafed to a man in such degree as to Humboldt, to stand forth in individual independence and always equal to himself, and at one and the same time, in scientific activity, and in the widest social and international intercourse, in the solitude of minute in- quiry, and in the almost confusing brilliancy of the society of the day : but I know of no one who, with all this, has endeavoured throughout his whole life to pro- mote the progress and welfare of our race, so steadily, uniformly, and with such ample success." Humboldt published three works in 1811 ; one in Ger- man, on the Geography of Plants, another, or rather the first volume of another, in French, on Zoology and Ana- tomy, and another, also in French, on Mexico. It was his " Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain." The title of this celebrated work gives but a poor in- dication of its contents. It is not only a political essay in the amplest sense of the word, but a geographical, mi- neralogical, agricultural, and ethnological picture of Mex- ico, as it appeared to Humboldt at the time of his visit. It is divided into six grand sections or books. The first is taken up with general considerations of the extent and physical aspect of the country. The second treats of the general population and division of the castes. The third presents a particular statistical view of the intendancies, their population, and area. He discusses in the fourth book the state of agriculture, and of the metallic mines ; and in the fifth, the progress of manufactures and com- merce. The sixth contains researches into the revenues of the state, and the military defence of the country. 330 POLITICAL ESSAY ON NEW SPAIN. To obtain, as be did, during his years life in Mexico, the material necessary for such a work, did not im- ply much idleness either on his part, or that of Bon- pland. For they worked in concert, Bonpland taking the botanical and agricultural portions, and Humboldt those that related to geography and geology. He also drew up a minute map of the whole country, or rather a series of maps, in most cases from his own surveys and measure- ments. He determined the position of the capital, and of most of the principal cities and towns ; the height above the sea of the different table lands, mountains, and volcanoes : the configuration of lakes and the windings of rivers : and above all, the exact situation of the hun- dreds of mines, with which Nature has blessed, or cursed, that rich but unfortunate country. Humboldt was led to this undertaking by the Director of the Royal School of Mining, who had long been col- lecting facts regarding the position of the Mexican mines, and the districts into which they were divided. He was desirous of having a detailed map, on which the most noted mines should be marked, constructed for the use of the Tribunal of Mines. Such a labor was necessary, he thought, both for the administration of the country, and for those who wished to know its resources. The city of Guanaxuato, for instance, was not on most of the maps published in Europe, although it contained seventy thousand inhabitants, and some of the richest mines in Mexico. Neither were Bolanos, Sombrete, Batopilas and Zimapan mentioned. The position of the Real de Catorce in the intendancy of San Louis Potosi was not indicated, although it yielded annually $4,000,000. The " Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain " PROJECTED JOURNEY TO THIBET. 331 was dedicated to the King of Spain. How his Catholic Majesty received the work, which, on the whole flatter- ing to his government of Mexico, was still truth-telling when it came to speak of its defects, we are not told. It was eagerly read in France, and immediately translated into English, the English version appearing simulta- neously in London and New York. The English and American public were anxious to see what Humboldt had to say concerning Mexico ; familiar with his reputa- tion as a traveller and a naturalist, they were curious to see him in the character of a political economist. That he satisfied their expectations the reviews of the day tes- tify. In the autumn of 1810. William Yon Humboldt, who, since we left him at Albano, had been appointed by the King of Prussia Councillor of State in the Ministry of Home Affairs, and Chief of the Section of Keligion and Public Instruction, went as Extraordinary Ambassador to the Court of Yienna. There, as at Rome and Paris, he was surrounded with authors, artists, and statesmen, such men as Metternich and Schlegel, and Korner, the youthful Theodore Korner, who was soon to lay down his lyre, and take up his sword. But a greater celebrity soon appeared. It was his brother Alexander, who had left Paris after the publication of the first portions of his American travels, to take leave of his family before he started on another great journey. The Minister Roman- zow had proposed to him to accompany a Russian mis- sion across Kashghor to Thibet, and, delighted with the idea, he had at once accepted. He could now visit the mountains of India, and compare them with the Cordil- leras of America. 332 WRITING II IS PERSONAL NARRATIVE. But it was not to be, for France and Russia were at war. The ill wind that had so often crossed his path when a scheme of travel was on foot, blew him back to Paris. Disappointed, but not disheartened, he resumed bis labours. They were not much lightened by the books he had published, for his great book, the personal narra- tive of his travels, was still to be written. In addition to the labour which this implied, he assumed another, the task of learning Persian. Considering his projected journey to Asia as merely postponed, not abandoned, he set about fitting himself for it. It was his intention to proceed to India, by the way of Teheran or Herat, at his own expense. He returned to Paris on the breaking out of the war in 1812, and for two years the public knew nothing of him. lie forsook the salons, and was seldom seen in the chambers of his scientific associates. Even his old friend Bonpland, to whom Napoleon had granted a pension, and whom Josephine, whose heart he had won by a col- lection of flower-seeds from the West Indies, had made intendant of Malmaison, saw but little of him. He was busy with his travels, finishing from memory and imagi- nation his wonderful picture of the tropics. How he must have enjoyed reading his journals, written on the spur of the moment years before; this page on the deck of the Pizarro, with the sea around him, that on the crater of TenerifFe, with the heavens above him, and that in Caracas, dear dangerous Caracas, which an earthquake had just tumbled in ruins! It was as good as a second journey to the tropics. It was eight years since his return to Europe, and during all that time he had brooded, over his task. He had written much, as the reader has seen — VOYAGE TO EQUINOCTIAL REGIONS. 333 great scientific works on botany, zoology, and astronomy, and a profound political essay on the resources of a king- dom ; but with, the exception of a few slight sketches in his " Picturesque Atlas," nothing that showed his marvel- lous power of description, or could be considered as an ap- proach to a narrative of his travels. He was making up for lost time now, if an epoch so fruitful in books can be called lost time, delighting his heart and wearying his fingers with his task. He wrote, and wrote, and wrote, turning the quires and reams of blank paper, with which our fancies have furnished him, into pages of the neatest manuscript that ever came from an author's study. His fingers, indeed, might ache, but he was never tired of his labour of love. Neither was he discouraged at the good- natured banter of Arago, who told him that he did not know how to write. " You write without end, mon cher ami, but that is not a book ; it is a picture without a frame." The first volume of his travels appeared in 1814. It was entitled " A Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent." We shall not criticise this remarkable book, of which the reader has by this time formed an opinion, but let Humboldt speak for himself, by culling a few paragraphs from his introduction. It is one of his most masterly productions, fresh, clear, and philosophical, with a charm- ing vein of autobiography. " Many years have elapsed since I quitted Europe, to explore the interior of the New Continent. Devoted from my earliest youth to the study of nature, feeling with enthusiasm the wild beauties of a country guarded by mountains and shaded by ancient forests, I expe- 334 EXTRACT FROM TREFACE. rienced in my travels, enjoyments which have amply compensated for the privations inseparable from a labo- rious and often agitated life, These enjoyments, which I endeavoured to impart to my readers in my ' Remarks upon the Steppes,' and in the 'Essay on the Physiog- nomy of Plants,' were not the only fruits I reaped from an undertaking formed with the design of contributing to the progress of natural philosophy. I had long pre- pared myself for the observations which were the princi- pal object of my journey to the torrid zone. I was pro- vided with instruments of easy and convenient use, con- structed by the ablest makers, and I enjoyed the special protection of a government which, far from presenting obstacles to my investigations, constantly honoured me with every mark of regard and confidence. I was aided by a courageous and enlightened friend, and it was sin- gularly propitious to the success of our participated labour, that the zeal and equanimity of that friend nevei failed, amidst the fatigues and dangers to which we were sometimes exposed. " Under these favourable circumstances, traversing re- gions which for ages have remained almost unknown to most of the nations of Europe, I might add even to Spain, M. Bonpland and myself collected a considerable num- ber of materials, the publication of which may throw some light on the history of nations, and advance the study of nature. " I had in view a two-fold purpose in the travels of wbich I now publish the historical narrative. I wished to make known the countries I had visited ; and to col- lect such facts as are fitted to elucidate a science of which we as yet possess scarcely the outline, and which has DEFECTS OF MODERN TRAVELS. 335 been vaguely denominated Natural History of the World, Theory of the Earth, or Physical Geography. The last of these two objects seemed to me the most im- portant. I was passionately devoted to botany and cer- tain parts of zoology, and I flattered myself that our investigations might add some new species to those already known, both in the animal and vegetable king- doms ; but preferring the connection of facts which have been long observed, to the knowledge of insulated facts, although new, the discovery of an unknown genus seemed to me far less interesting than an observation on the geographical relations of the vegetable world, on the migrations of the social plants, and the limit of the height which their different tribes attain on the flanks of the Cordilleras. " When I began to read the numerous narratives of travels, which compose so interesting a part of modern 'literature, I regretted that travellers, the most enlightened in the insulated branches of natural history, were seldom possessed of sufficient variety of knowledge to avail themselves of every advantage arising from their posi- tion. It appeared to me, that the importance of the results hitherto obtained did not keep pace with the immense progress which at the end of the eighteenth century, had been made in several departments of science, particularly geology, the history of the modifications of the atmosphere, and the physiology of animals and plants. I saw with regret (and all scientific men have shared this feeling), that whilst the number of accurate instruments was daily increasing, we were still ignorant of the height of many mountains and elevated plains ; of the periodical oscillations of the aerial ocean ; of the 33G SEA VOYAGES VEBSU8 LAND JOUIINEYS. limit of perpetual snow within the polar circle and on the borders of the torrid zone ; of the variable intensity of the magnetic forces, and of many other phenomena equally important. " Maritime expeditions and circumnavigatory voyages have conferred just celebrity on the names of the natur- alists and astronomers who have been appointed by various governments to share the dangers of those under- takings ; but though these eminent men have given us precise notions of the external configuration of countri of the natural history of the ocean, and of the productions of islands and coasts, it must be admitted that maritime expeditions are less fitted to advance the progress of geology and other parts of physical science, than travels into the interior of a continent. The advancement of the natural sciences has been subordinate to that of geography and nautical astronomy. During a voyage of several years, the land but seldom presents itself to the obser- ' vation of the mariner; and when, after lengthened expec- tation, it is descried, he often finds it stripped of its most beautiful productions. Sometimes, beyond a barren coast, he perceives a ridge of mountains covered with verdure, but its distance forbids examination, and the view serves only to excite regret. " Journeys by land are attended with considerable diffi- culties in the conveyance of instruments and collections, but these difficulties are compensated by advantages which it is unnecessary to enumerate. It is not by sailing along a coast that we can discover the direction of chains of mountains, and their geological constitution, the climate of each zone, and its influence on the forms and habits of organized beings. In proportion to the WHAT HUMBOLDT WROTE IN THE NEW WOELD. 337 extent of continents, the greater on the surface of the soil are the riches of animal and vegetable productions ; the more distant the central chain of mountains from the sea- shore, the greater is the variety in the bosom of the earth, of those stony strata, the regular succession of which unfolds the history of our planet. As every being con- sidered apart is impressed with a particular type, so, in like manner, we find the same distinctive impression in the arrangement of brute matter organized in rocks, and also in the distribution and mutual relations of plants and animals. The great problem of the physical description of the globe, is the determination of the form of these types, the laws of their relations with each other, and the eternal ties which link the phenomena of life, and those of inanimate nature." He next states the objects that he had in view in his expeditions, and gives a resume of his collections and observations, and the various scientific publications to which they gave use, and continues : " After having distributed into separate works all that belongs to astronomy, botany, zoology, the political de- scription of New Spain, and the history of the ancient civi- lization of certain nations of the New Continent, there still remained many general results and local descriptions which I might have collected into separate treatises. I had, during my journey, prepared papers on the races of men in South America ; on the Missions of the Orinoco ; on the obstacles to the progress of society in the torrid zone arising from the climate and the strength of vegetation ; on the character of the landscape in the Cordillera of the Andes, compared with that of the Alps of Switzerland ; on the analogies between the rocks of the two hemispheres ; on the phy- 15 338 IIOAV BE WBOTE His JOURNAL. sical constitution of the air in the equinoctial regions, &c# I had left Europe with the firm intention of not writing what is usually called the historical narrative of a journey, but to publish the fruit of my inquiries in works merely descriptive; and I had arranged the facts, not in the order in which they successively presented themselves, but according to the relation they bore to each other. Amidst the overwhelming majesty of Nature, and the stupendous objects she presents at every step, the traveller is little disposed to record in his journal matters which relate only to himself, and the ordinary details of life. 11 1 composed a very brief itinerary during the course of my excursions on the rivers of South America, and in my long journeys by land. I regularly described (and almost always on the spot) the visits I made to the summits of volcanoes, or mountains remarkable for their height ; but the entries in my journal were interrupted whenever I resided in a town, or when other occupations prevented me from continuing a work which I considered as having only a secondary interest. Whenever I wrote in my journal, I had no other motive than the preservation of some of those fugitive ideas which present themselves to a naturalist, whose life is almost wholly passed in the open air. I wished to make a temporary collection of such facts as I had not then leisure to class, and note down the first impressions, whether agreeable or painful, which I received from nature or from man. Far from thinking at the time that those pages thus hurriedly written would form the basis of an extensive work to be offered to the public, it appeared to me, that my journal, though it might furnish certain data useful to science, would present very WHAT A HISTORICAL NARRATIVE SHOULD BE. 339 few of those incidents, the recital of which constitutes the principal charm of an itinerary. " The difficulties I have experienced since my return, in the composition of a considerable number of treatises, for the purpose of making known certain classes of phenomena, insensibly overcame my repugnance to write the narrative of my journey. In undertaking this task, I have been guided by the advice of many estimable persons, who honour me with their friendship. I also perceived that such a preference is given to this sort of composition, that scientific men, after having presented in an isolated form the account of their researches on the productions, the manners, and the political state of the countries through which they have passed, imagine that they have not fulfilled their engagements with the public, till they have written their itinerary. "An historical narrative embraces two very distinct objects; the greater or the less important events connected with the purpose of the traveller, and the observations he he has made during his journey. The unity of composi- tion also, which distinguishes good works from those on an ill-constructed plan, can be strictly observed only when the traveller describes what has passed under his own eye ; and when his principal attention has been fixed less on scientific observations than on the manners of different peoj^le and the great phenomena of nature. Now, the most faithful picture of manners is that which best displays the relations of men towards each other. The character of savage or civilized life is portrayed either in the obstacles a traveller meets with, or in the sensations he feels. It is the traveller himself whom we continually desire to see in contact with the objects which surround 340 qbxat vAKiirrv of his WORK. him; and his narration interests as the more, when a local tint is diffused over the description of a country and its inhabitants. Such is the source of the interest excited by the history of those early navigators, who, impelled by intrepidity rather than by science, struggled against the elements in their search for the discovery of a new- world. Such is the irresistible charm attached to the fate of that enterprising traveller (Mungo Park), who, full of enthusiasm and energy, penetrated alone into the centre of Africa, to discover amidst barbarous nations the traces of ancient civilization. " In proportion as travels have been undertaken by persons whose views have been directed to researches into descriptive natural history, geography, or political economy, itineraries have partly lost that unity of com- position, and that simplicity which characterized those of former ages. It is now become scarcely possible to con- nect so many different materials with the detail of other events; and that part of a traveller's narrative which we may call dramatic gives way to dissertations merely descriptive. The numerous class of readers who prefer agreeable amusement to solid instruction, have not gained by the exchange ; and I am afraid that the temptation will not be great to follow the course of travellers who are encumbered with scientific instruments and collections. "To give greater variety to my work, I have often interrupted the historical narrative by descriptions. I first represent phenomena in the order in which they appeared ; and I afterwards consider them in the whole of their individual relations. This mode has been suc- cessfully followed in the journey of M. de Saussure, whose most valuable work has contributed more than ADVANTAGES OF OLD-WORLD TRAVEL. 341 any other to the advancement of science. Often, amidst dry discussions on meteorology, it contains many charm- ing descriptions ; such as those of the modes of life of the inhabitants of the mountains, the dangers of hunting the chamois, and the sensations felt on the summit of the higher Alps. " There are details of ordinary life which it may be useful to note in an itinerary, because they serve for the guidance of those who afterwards journey through the same countries. I have preserved a few, but have sup- pressed the greater part of those personal incidents which present no particular interest, and which can be rendered amusing only by the perfection of style. " With respect to the country which has been the object of my investigations, I am fully sensible of the great advantages enjoyed by persons who travel in Greece, Egypt, the banks of the Euphrates, and the islands of the Pacific, in comparison with those who traverse the continent of America. In the Old World, nations and the distinctions of their civilization form the principal points in the picture ; in the New World, man and his productions almost disappear amidst the stupen- dous display of wild and gigantic nature. The human race in the New World presents only a few remnants of indigenous hordes, slightly advanced in civilization ; or it exhibits merely the uniformity of manners and institu- tions transplanted by European colonies to foreign shores. Information which relates to the history of our species, to the various forms of government, to monuments of art, to places full of great remembrances, affect us far more than descriptions of those vast solitudes which seem destined only for the development of vegetable life, and 342 AMERICA THE FIELD FOR A NAITKALIST. to be the domain of wild animals. The savages of America, who have been the objects of so many sys- tematic reveries, and on whom M. Volney has lately published some accurate and intelligent observations, inspire less interest since celebrated navigators have made known to us the inhabitants of the South Sea islands, in whose character we find a striking mixture of perversity and meekness. The state of half-civilization existing among those islanders gives a peculiar charm to the description of their manners. A king, followed by a numerous suite, presents the fruits of his orchard ; or a funeral is performed amidst the shade of the lofty forest. Such pictures, no doubt, have more attraction than those which pourtray the solemn gravity of the inhabitant of the banks of the Missouri or the Maranon. "America offers an ample field for the labours of the naturalist. On no other part of the globe is he called upon more powerfully by nature to raise himself to general ideas on the cause of phenomena and their mu- tual connection. To say nothing of that luxuriance of vegetation, that eternal spring of organic life, those climates varying by stages as we climb the flanks of the Cordilleras, and those majestic rivers which a celebrated writer (Chateaubriand) has described with such graceful accuracy, the resources which the New World a'ffords for the study of geology and natural philosophy in general have been long since acknowledged. Happy the traveller who may cherish the hope that he has availed himself of the advantages of his position, and that he has added some new facts to the mass of those previously acquired ! " Since I left America, one of those great revolutions, SPANISH REVOLUTIONS IN AMERICA. 343 which at certain periods agitate the human race, has broken out in the Spanish colonies, and seems to prepare new destinies for a population of fourteen millions of inha- bitants, spreading from the southern to the northern hemi- sphere, from the shores of the Rio de la Plata and Chile to the remotest part of Mexico. Deep resentments, excited by colonial legislation, and fostered by mistrustful policy, have stained with blood regions which had enjoyed, for the space of nearly three centuries, what I will not call happiness but interrupted peace. At Quito several of the most virtuous and enlightened citizens have perished, victims of devotion to their country. While I am giving the description of regions, the remembrance of which is so dear to me, I continually light on places which recall to my mind the loss of a friend. " When we reflect on the great political agitations of the New World, we observe that the Spanish Americans are by no means in so favourable a position as the inha- bitants of the United States ; the latter having been prepared for independence by the long enjoyment of constitutional liberty. Internal dissensions are chiefly to be dreaded in regions where civilization is but slightly rooted, and where, from the influence of climate, forests may soon regain their empire over cleared lands if their culture be abandoned. It may also be feared that, during a long series of years, no foreign traveller will be enabled to traverse all the countries which I have visited. This circumstance may perhaps add to the interest of a work which pourtrays the state of the greater part of the Spanish colonies at the beginning of the nineteenth century. I even venture to indulge the hope that this work will be thought worthy of attention when passions shall be 344 AYOKKK I'lBLISHED IN 1815 hushed into peace, and when, under the influence of a new social order, those countries shall have made rapid progress in public welfare If then some pages of my book are snatched from oblivion, the inhabitant of the banks of the Orinoco and the Atabapo will behold with delight populous cities enriched by commerce, and fertile fields cultivated by the hands of free men, on those very spots where, at the time of my travels, I found only im- penetrable forests and inundated lands." Such was the plan that Ilumboldt proposed to himself when he sat down to write the historical relation of his travels, and he succeeded perfectly. He produced the finest book of travels ever written. As picturesque as the most perfect masters of description, no writer, living, or dead, ever approached him in varied and pro- found knowledge — in what may be called the philosophy of nature. lie is nature's own philosopher. Nearly fifty years have elapsed since the publication of his " Voyage ;" men and manners have changed, and taste with them ; what was a mere groping after knowledge then, is a grasping of it now : similar books have been written, and excellent ones, too : yet he still holds his ground with all classes of readers. Nay, he has gained ground, for his book wras never so popular as at pre- sent. From 181-1 to 1819, when the second volume of the "Voyage" was published, Humboldt continued his- literary labours, writing a number of works, mostly scientific. In 1815, he published the first volume of the "New Genera and Species of Plants." It was a great folio, similar to the "Equinoctial Plants." Like that it wras wrritten in Latin, and chiefly by Kunth, to whom he WORKS PUBLISHED IN 1816-17-18. 345 e» had committed his botanical collections, Bonpland being as we have seen, at Malmaison. A kindred work ap- peared in 1816, the "Monography of Melastomes." This year was marked by two other publications, a map of the Eio Magdalena, and a paper " On the Mountains of India, "the result of his oriental studies. In 1817, he published the second volume of the " New Genera and Species of Plants," his celebrated essay on the " Iso- thermal Lines," and two Latin treatises, one on the u Geographical Distribution of Plants," the other on the " Nature of the Family of Grammes." In 1818, appeared the third volume of the " New Genera," and a " Memorial upon the Settlement of the Limits of French and Portu- guese Guiana." Busy during all these years with the works that we have enumerated, Humboldt still found time to write in the scientific reviews of France and Germany. From his early years, as far back as when he was superinten- dent of mines at Bayreuth and Anspach, he was in the habit of contributing to them. His first papers appeared in the " Mining Journal" of Yon Moll, in Kohler and Hoffman's " Journal," and in Crell's " Chemical Annals:" his later ones in the " Journal of Natural History," in the " Annals of Chemistry," and the " Memoirs of the Society of Arcueil." The Society of Arcueil was a scientific association, composed of some of the most distinguished savans of Paris. It took its name from the place at which they assembled — Arcueil, a little village on the Bievre, three or four miles from Paris. A favourite holiday resort of the Parisians, it was- the abode of Laplace and Berthollet, the founders of the society. Its members were Biot, 15* 340 THE SOCIETY OF ARCUEIL. G-ay-Lussac, Thenard, Decandolle, Collet, Descotils, Malus; A. B. Berthollet, and Humboldt. They met once a fort- night at the house of Berthollet, and spent the day to- gether, giving each other the results of their studies and experiments, reading the scientific papers that they had composed since their last meeting, or in pleasant rambles about the neighbourhood. Most of these men were members of the Institute of France, and the papers that they read at Arcueil, were delivered before that august body, and afterwards published in the " Memoirs" of the society. To this work, which extended to several volumes, Humboldt was a constant contributor. In con- junction with Biot, he wrote the opening paper of the first volume — (published in 1807) — a treatise on magnetic observations, to the second (published in 1809) he con- tributed a curious paper, on the respiration of fishes, the result of a great number of experiments, made by him- self and Provencal. It is a happy thing for a busy man, whose days are passed in the noise and dust of cities, to have a pleasant neighbourhood within reach, " a city of refuge," as it were, to which he can retreat now and then, and meet a few friends, and refresh his jaded spirit. Such was Arcueil to the busy Humboldt, who spent many delight- ful days in its quiet shades. The friends that he met there were the most congenial that he could have chosen, the world over ; each distinguished for some pursuit witli which he sympathized, and all united in the interests of science. It was a pleasure to him to read his papers to them, and what is not always the case in these matters, a pleasure to listen to theirs in turn. They met, as we have said, at the house of Berthollet; but, as the house WILLIAM VON HUMBOLDT AT PARIS. 347 of Laplace was near by, the gardens of the two savans adjoining each other, they were as often at Laplace's as at Berthollet's. They could not but profit by the con- versations of the old mathematician, for he was pro- foundly versed in all the sciences ; besides, he had seen much of the world, and was full of anecdotes of bygone times and men. He could tell them of D'Alembert, Diderot, and the Encyclopedaists, — the master-spirits of the eighteenth century. If the conversation turned, as was likely, on Descartes or Newton, their portraits hung in his study, as did also those of Euler, and poor old blind Galileo. If they wished to walk he accompanied them. Arm-in-arm, discussing what was uppermost in their minds, they wandered around the neighbourhood, now in the fields and meadows, or along the banks of the Bievre ; and now by the ruins of the aqueduct built by the Emperor Julian, in the olden time, to convey water to his palace in Paris. There was no end of pleasant rambles at Arcueil. In addition to the best literary and scientific society in Paris, Humboldt met from time to time, many of his German friends. Among others who were present there in 1814 was A. W. Schlegel, and his brother William. Napoleon had fallen, the Bourbons were restored, and the different Powers sent their ambassadors to congratu- late them. William came as the ambassador of Prussia. He had ascended several rounds of the political ladder since he left Albano, as Alexander himself might have done, had he wished. Soon after the latter settled in Paris, in 1807, and again in 1809, he filled a political mission there, near the person of Frederick William, the Prince of Prussia. When the conferences were over at 348 BONPLAND STABT8 FOB BRAZIL. Paris, the Prince Kegent of England invite 1 the assem- bled crowned heads and their courts to visit England. Alexander accompanied the Prussian embassy to Lon- don, where he remained some weeks. About this time, on the 29th of May, 181-1, his old friend, Bonpland, suffered a severe loss in the death of the Empress Josephine. He was by her bed when she died. When Napoleon abdicated he was advised by Bonpland to retire to Mexico, and await there the course of events; but the great disturber of nations was still confident of his star. He could not foresee its fatal setting on the bloody field of "Waterloo. Bonpland might have remained at Malmaison, under the new dy- nasty ; he was even solicited to do so by Prince Eugene, but he refused. It wTas no place for him, since the death of his beloved mistress. He remained with Humboldt till the close of 1816, when he sailed from Havre to Bra- zil, carrying with him a collection of useful plants and European fruit trees. As soon as he arrived at Buenos Ayres the Brazilian government offered him the post of Professor of Natural History, but some intrigue or slan- der, wThat was never known, changed their feelings to- wards him, and he tendered his resignation. He was not allowed to show his collections, which would have conferred a greater benefit on the country than on him- self; he was even refused a place to lecture in. Dis- pirited by such ill treatment, but as eager as in his youth to explore new lands, and to discover new plants and flowers, he started on an expedition into the interior. Such was the tenor of his letters to Humboldt. In August or September, 1818, Humboldt made his third visit to England, where his brother William was LADY MORGAN'S DIARY. oiO residing as Prussian ambassador. His stay was short, for he was in Paris during both these months. We gei glimpses of him at this time, as of other French celeb- rities, in the flippant but amusing diary of Lady Mor- gan. Writing from Paris in August, to her sister Lady Clarke, she gossips in this fashion : " We found dear Denon surrounded by English fashionables, from whom he rushed, when we were announced, into our arms alternately. We met at din- ner chez Madame d'Houchien, who received us like her children. We found some of the old habitues there ; but Denon and Morgan set me down at our hotel early in the evening, I was so tired, and they proceeded to the Bishop of Blois (Gregoire.) The bishop actually em- braced him, heretic as he was, before all the company, although there were two Italian bishops present, praised my work on ' France,' and assured him it had done infi- nite good. You may, therefore, be perfectly easy about us. We are to dine to-morrow with Denon. Humboldt asked to meet us." At the commencement of September her ladyship walked to the Barbe bleue, Marche des Innocents, where she bought herself a chapeau de soleil, with corn flowers stuck in the side of it — a regular Leghorn — twenty francs. She then went to Eaubonne to see poor dear Madame Ginguene, but not finding her at home, she drove to Montmorenci, where she dined deliciously for* four francs. On her return she found that Humboldt had called upon her during her absence. He left a little billet, instead of a card. " Le Baron De Humboldt est venu s' informer du retour bien tardif de Sir Charles et Lady Morgan." 350 HUMBOLDT AND THE MILLINER'S CARD On the 10th of September she writes Lady Clark.', from the chateau of Lafayette, at La Grange, and among other feminine tattle says, "The general has proposed inviting Humboldt and Denon to join us. If they come, Europe could scarcely present sucli another circle of talent and celebrity." A month later at Paris she again mentions Humboldt, this time in her diary. " Humboldt had called, and, as usual, had written his scrap in the porter's lodge. The poor porter ! had he known the value of this autograph he would have pil- fered it ; and what renders it more curious, it is written on the back of a milliner's card!" Where could Humboldt have got that milliner's card, pray ? Had he been buying a new bonnet for some of his lady acquaintances? Or was he thinking of studying the botany of artificial flowers ? If the latter he must have found her Ladyship a rare specimen. Another extract from the diary : no date : about the 30th of October. "Humboldt has been again to-day, and again we were out. How very mortifying ! His visits are none the less ' angels' visits' because they are not ' few or far between ;' and certainly, so far as my acquaint- ance goes with the angelic choir, ' celui-la vaut bien les autres.' He left a precious little billet in the porter's lodge, where he wrote it : ' Alexandre Humboldt tou- jours assez malheureux de ne pas trouver Lady Mor- gan.' " Another amusing extract from the diary : some time towards the end of November. " Tliursday. — I was sitting this morning for my picture HER LADYSHIP SITS TO BERTHON. 351 to Berthon, when the frotteur of the hotel, in the absence of my servant, threw open the door, and announced in one word, ' Lordvillanspence !' and enter the charming William Spencer, the poet-laureate of the aristocracy of London. What an agreeable surprise! He always brings a bon-ton London atmosphere about him. Berthon was charmed with the cordiality of our meeting, which, he thought, brightened up my countenance — which had hitherto expressed nothing but bore. He made Spencer sit down — per far effetto — whence I could see him, and kept poking my head with his mahl stick till, I am sure, my pose gave me the air of an illustration of the petit courier des dames. I took the opportunity of asking Spencer for a copy of his beautiful verses of ' Apology to Lady Anne Hamilton' for staying too late at her house, spell-bound by the eyes of the lovely Susan Beck- ford (afterwards the Duchess of Hamilton). He pre- tended to have fbrgotten them. I said that was an affec- tation unworthy of him ; and I repeated the first verse myself: ' Too late I stayed — forgive the crime, For who could count the hours ? For lightly falls the foot of time That only treads on flowers,' &c. Berthon, affecting to be charmed with the metre, said, ' Mais traduisez moi cela, Miladi.' I began, ' J'ai reste trop tard l'autre soir,' but Spencer and I both burst out laughing, so that we could not proceed. Berthon looked confused. 'Oh!' said Spencer, in beautiful French, 'it is only nonsense worthy of Yoiture ; or the Hotel Ram- bouillet' ' Yraiment !' said Berthon, who had, most 352 HUMBOLDT'S LBTTEB. likely, not heard of either one or the other, 'Attention, Miladi !' "So he went on with his painting, and we fell into dis- course, in English, on the cancan of May Fair, and into fashionable frivolities, and Miss Berry's last mot — 'No friendship can cross the north of Oxford Street' — when a letter was delivered to me, on the outside of which was written, ■ Alexandre Von Humboldt.' The dirty little spot called the world disappeared into its own mists, and the universe, of which Humboldt is at this moment the high-priest, seemed to replace the puppet-show with which we had been playing. " Spencer begged the cover, and read out the letter, that my pose might not be disturbed ; and Berthon said, look- ing at the picture through his hand, ' C'est un grand homme, M. Ilumboldt ! J'ai ambition de faire son portrait, et de le mettre a l'exposition du Louvre avec le portrait de Miladi.' " I promised to invite Spencer to the first Wednesday evening I expected Humboldt. This is Humboldt's letter : " From M. Ilumboldt to Lady Jforgan. " ' Thursday. " ' The pleasing remembrance of Sir Charles and Lady Morgan adds to the deep regret I felt at not having en- joyed their interesting conversation at Madame d'H.'s My health is almost entirely re-established, and I shall hasten to present myself at Lady Morgan's residence to offer what is her due on so many claims, the homage of my sentiments of admiration and devoted respect AT MADAME DE HOUCHIEN'S. 353 Alas ! what pitiless judges I have in your beautiful Al- bion ! You will permit me, I hope, to complain a little when you see how I am treated in the last number of the ' Quarterly Review.' But I have well deserved it. " ' Humboldt.' " Our next and last extract from the diary is the most Morganish of all. It shows us the sort of people with whom Humboldt mingled in his lighter moments, and with whom he amused himself, unbending his great nature in the intervals of his labours. Towards the end of December, her ladyship, after dining with the "Doctrinaires," a political set of the day, set Morgan, who enjoyed an opera, serious or comic, beyond everything else in the world, down at the Opera Comique, and drove to the Faubourg St. Honore to pay a visit to Madame de Houchien, who received in the charming easy French style every evening. " Madame de Houchien had been a dame d'atour of the Empress Josephine, and her salon was Bonapartiste tout pur. " Her compares this evening were no less than Denon, Segur, and M. de Mortemar, the latter creating groups out of a pack of cards scattered on the table. Well, the moment I mentioned where I had come from, grande hilarite ! "'Figurez vous,' said Madame de Houchien, 'the author of that maudite ' France,' popped down among these Solons and Lycurguses.' " They insisted on hearing how I had debuted, and my irreverent question as to the religion a la mode was the 354 CHAT ABOUT THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA. text to a most curious and interesting conversation, in which every one bore a part, and were well qualified to do so, as they knew all the chief actors, and, above all, the principal actresses at the Congress of Vienna (1814), where Madame de Krudencr was the pythoness, and the Duchesses de Biron and de Bragazia were the secret oracles of Metternich, who won his spurs in their boudoirs. " Lady Castlereagh (with whom, by-the-bye, some two or three years ago, I lived for three days every week — for she used to come to Lord Abercorn's whilst I was there every Saturday, and stopped till Monday), who was ' so innocent, dear chuck,' of the knowledge of all politics, that even that Mephistopheles of diplomacy, Talleyrand, gave her up in despair, though he tried his hand to turn her to account whilst she was at the Con- gress. " ' Oh,' said Denon, ' Madame Krudener engrossed all influences. I remember her at the Congress, and later at Paris, when her salons were crowded with devotees and crowned heads. She was the greatest actress I ever saw — too melo-dramatic for a Clairon or a Mars, but quite good enough for an audience of kings and empe- rors ; for royalty has loved the drama from Cassar to Bonaparte.' " ' How was she dressed ?' I asked — always a woman's first idea. " ' Well, in a flowing robe of white cashmere, or some soft fabric, but draped artisliquement, the folds gathered round her waist by a silver girdle, des tresses dorees flow- ing in profusion over a neck of alabaster. She had the air of having been flung on a crimson velvet sofa piled KINGS AND EMPERORS PRAYING. 355 with cushions — the sort of background a painter would have chosen for her. Always two or three crowned heads in attendance : — Alexander on one side, dressed to effect in black and diamonds ; the King of Prussia, nowise remarkable except by contrast, on the other. On a low stool at the feet of the prophetess, sat her disciple, Bergasse, and her high priest, Jung Stilling.' " ' Ecoutez done !' said Madame de Houchien, nudging me ; ' est-il artiste, notre Denon ? Quelle groupe !' " ' Attendez, attendez !' said Denon. ' In the midst of a solemn silence she .rose, and extending her arms, exclaimed, with a strange and penetrating tone, ' Prions P Down on his knees went the Emperor of all the Russias, followed by everybody present, kings, aides-de-camp, and valets included.' " ' And this,' said Segur, starting up, ' was the grand- son of my great Catherine !' "'You may well *say your great Catherine,' said Denon. ' What must the Prince de Ligne have thought on the occasion ? He was present.' " ( Madame de Krudener must have had great talent,' said Madame de Houchien. " ' Pas le moins du monde,' said Denon. ' She had art, the genius of mediocrity.' 11 ' Yes,' ventured I, * she had religion for her aid ; but she fought with the arms of St. Therese, who legislated for popes, and made princes do her bidding. Once you get into the spiritual, you have nothing to go by but faith ; and Madame de Krudener had the greatest faith in Jung Stilling, as the Emperor Alexander had in her.' "Here Humboldt was announced. I never hear his .°>5G HUMBOLDT AND HER LADYSHIP. name without rising with involuntary deference. II is presence recala all that is most sublime in the capability of human nature. His gigantie labours, contrasted with the pleasant familiarity of his conversation, indicate the universality of the highest order of mind. He is like the elephant, who can with equal ease tear down an oak or pick up a pin! With me, he always 'picks up the pin,' and we fell into persiflage as usual. His frequent visits to my salon, and his great kindness to us, have not diminished the awe and reverence with which I first met him. He is reckoned very sarcastic, and given to mysti- fication. Den on put me en garde against this habit, on which I answered, ' Jalousie du metier.' And so I soon after took my leave, somewhat wearied, but highly delighted by the contrast of the two societies, 'L s homines de la veille et les homines de l'avenir.' I am glad, however, I was born soon enough to live among the former." As we have given a specimen of one kind of light- writing, the reader may like to see another. It dif- fers from the prattle of her ladyship, but is equally amusing in its way. It is from one of "the pitiless judges" of " beautiful Albion." Everybody remembers the brilliant opening of Judge Jeffrey's charge, in the Edinburgh Review, in the famous case of The Excur- sion— " This will never do ;" and how signally his lord- ship's verdict has been reversed. Here is a similar case, from some unknown judge, sitting in the court of the Quarterly. It is to this that Humboldt playfully refers in his note, though he was mistaken in the number which contained the article. It appeared in the Quarterly for January, 1816, and was called forth by a translation of o xh THE QUARTERLY REVIEW ON HUMBOLDT. 357 the first volume of his uYoyage to the Equinoctial Regions." " We have been rather tardy," his honour commences, " in directing our attention to the labours of this cele- brated traveller; and we hardly know what excuse to offer for such apparent neglect towards so highly gifted a person. It is some consolation however to be able to state that our readers will lose but little from the delay; for, if we may be permitted to form a judgment from the two volumes now before us, and from two others under the title of • Researches,' which we shall notice hereafter, the most material parts of all his former publications, have been, or will be, worked up anew, and in a less bulky form, in which some of them originally appeared. " It is not the fault of M. de Humboldt, though it may be his misfortune, that he has fallen into the hands of inju- dicious friends, who speak of his pretensions in a tone of exaggerated panegyric that must pain a modest man, and shame a wise one : to term M. de Humboldt ' the first of travellers ' is little ; he is represented as one in whom may be found the rare union of all that Plato, Thales, and Pythagoras taught among the ancients — all that Montes- quieu, Buffon, D'Alembert have written among the moderns. Astronomer, physiologist, antiquary, philolo- gist, he superadds, it is said, to all these characters a profundity of wisdom in political economy, and an en- larged comprehension in the science of statistics, that would do honour to the first statesman of any age or country. Language like this has had its usual effects. It has made the subject of it impatient of just rebuke; and M. de Humboldt is disposed to be angry with us, because in our review of the Missionary Travels, (No. 358 NO BESPECTOR OF PERSONS. xxvi. p. 325) we animadverted on his quoting a fact from a journal in which it did not exist, and which he now admits to be the case. We know nothing of that unfriendly criticism, of which he complains. M. de Hum- boldt may rest assured that we deprecate alike all bias of friendship or hostility towards the person of an author ; but he may also rest assured that we shall use all possible freedom with his ivories, neither lavishly bestowing unde- served praise, nor wantonly scattering malicious and unjustifiable censure: we are disposed indeed to think highly of M. de Humboldt's acquirements; we admire his zeal and unwearied industry in collecting information, and his liberality in distributing it, but at the same time we have a duty to perform which will neither permit our senses to be ravished, nor our judgement swayed 'by the whistling of a name.' " It would be great injustice, and a violation of the truth," his honour continues, cunningly blowing hot and cold at the same time, " not to allow to M. de Humboldt an extraordinary share of talent ; his literary acquire- ments appear indeed to be more various than generally fell to the lot of man. To intellectual powers of the highest order, he adds an ardent and enthusiastic mind, full of energy and activity in the pursuit of knowledge. In the true spirit of enterprise and research we doubt if he has any superior ; and it seems to be equally exerted on all occasions; the ardour of pursuit, the mental energy, and the bodily activity are as much in earnest in rummaging the shelves of a library, as in clambering up the sides of a volcanic mountain. He is well read in all the modern discoveries of astronomical, geological, and physiological science, but his book affords no evidence TOO MUCH CANVASS AND TOO LITTLE BALLAST. 359 that he is well grounded in chemistry and mineralogy, or in the principles and details of the several departments of natural history, with the exception of botany, in which he had an able assistant in M. Bonpland. " M. de Humboldt however," his honour concludes, after giving a sketch of the traveller's journey as far as it was contained in the volume before him, or rather the volumes, for the first volume of the French edition was expanded into two in the translation ; " M. de Humboldt however," his honour concludes, "has one good quality for a traveller; he is no egotist; he never offends by thrusting forward his own exploits, his own adventures, and his own ' hair-breadth escapes :' all the parade which he displays is in adorning science, in whose cause he is always eloquent ; perhaps he may too frequently throw his cloak of wisdom over subjects that ages ago had descended to the vulgar, and thoughtlessly expend his powers on familiar objects that are generally understood. In a word we are persuaded that he aims at too much for any one man to accomplish ; or, to make use of a nautical phrase, (we have been dealing in nautical mat- ters) he spreads too much canvass, and carries too little ballast." This curiosity of literature is a fair sample of scores of others which might be selected from the Quarterly at that time. Its proprietors paid their contributors libe- rally, and certain prejudices respected, left them free to slash as they pleased ; the harder the better, it made the thing sell ! It is instructive to turn over its back volumes, and see its treatment of many of the now famous names of the century ; especially the poetical names. It tram- pled on the divine genius of Shelley : called dear old 800 AFRICAN PAINTINGS. Leigh Hunt a cockney, and was supposed to have killed 11 Johnny Keats." Far from killing Humboldt, its absurd attempt to slash his "Voyage" only amused him. The very extracts that the scribbler quoted, proved his own incompetency and malice. To think of Humboldt knowing nothing of mineralogy ! The origin of the difficulty between the traveller and the reviewer, for there luas a difficulty, is to be found in the preceding volume of the Quarterly, in the number for July, 1815. It was this passage which occurs in a review of Campbell's "Travels in South Africa:" " 'Having heard,' says Mr. Campbell, 'of some paint- ings in Salakooto's house, wre went after breakfast to view them. We found them very rough, representations of the camel-leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, lion, tiger, and stein buck, which Salakooto's wife had drawn on the clay wall, with white and black paint; however, they were as well done as we expected, and may lead to something better.' " If any credit were due to the authority of M. Hum- boldt, they have already ' something better.' * ' Mr. Triiter relates,' says the traveller, ' that in the southern extremity of Africa, among the Betjuanas, he saw chil- dren busy in tracing on a rock, with some sharp instru- ment, characters which bore the most perfect resemblance to the P and M of the Roman alphabet, notwithstanding which, these rude tribes were perfectly ignorant of writ- ing.' No such passage, nor any allusion to such a cir- cumstance occurs in the only journal which Mr. Triiter wrote; we take it upon ourselves to assert this posi- tively, having examined the original manuscript with HUMBOLDT AT AUX LA CHAPELLE. 361 great care. Yet this is a fact on which M. Humboldt hangs one of his numerous theories." But enough of reviewers and tourists. Humboldt's visit to London in the summer or fall of 1818, had something of a political cast, for in addition to his receiving a commission from the Allied Powers to compose a political treatise on the colonies of South America (probably in relation to the boundaries of French and Portuguese Guiana) he was summoned by the King of Prussia to Aix-la-Chapelle, where the Congress of the Allied Powers was to be held. He arrived there on the 13th of October, and remained till the 26th of November. Famous as Aix-la-Chapelle was, for the treaties that had been signed there, it was never so re- splendent as now. The object of the Congress being an im- portant one, namely, the settling of all the old scores that Napoleon had entailed upon Europe, before and after the battle of Waterloo ; the adjustment of that formidable bugbear, the Balance of Power; in short the formation of what has since been called the Holy Alliance, — (as if any alliance between kings and emperors could be holy !) it was necessary for all the leading potentates of Europe to be present. Thither came the King of Prus- sia, and the Emperors of Eussia and Austria, each with his train of diplomats, astute statesmen, headed by the wily Metternich, and the sagacious Nesselrode. France sent Talleyrand, and England Castlereagh and Welling- ton. On the 5th of November came William Von Humboldt, somewhat disgusted with politics. Another potentate was present, though we question his being taken into the account by many of the great personages that attended the Congress. It was Alexander Von 16 362 WORKS PUBLISHED FKOM 1819 TO 1829. Humboldt, who was holding a Congress of his own. To this few were admitted save himself, and the King of Prussia. It related to his old scheme of travelling in Asia. The king promised to defray the expenses of his preparations, and to allow him twelve thousand thalers a year during the journey, which he purposed to commence at once. His plans, however, were thwarted, as they usually were in such cases, so he returned to Paris. The next ten years of his life were prodigal in books. In 1819 he published the second volume of his " Voy- age to the Equinoctial Regions," and " Mimosas and other Leguminous Plants of the New Continent." In 1820 appeared a second paper " On the Mountains of India," and the fourth volume of " The New Genera and Species of Plants." The fifth volume of "The New Genera" was published in the ensuing year; the sixth in 1823. To the latter year belongs his " Geological Essay on the bearing of the Rocks of both Hemispheres." In 1824 he published a work "On the Structure and Opera- tion of Volcanoes," and in 1825 the seventh volume of " The New Genera," the third volume of his " Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions," and " A Numerical Esti- mate of the Population of the New Continent." In 1826 and '27 he published " The Temperature of the Sur- face of the Sea in different parts of the Torrid Zone," "The Principal Causes of the difference of the Tempera- ture of the Globe," and "A Political Essay on the Island of Cuba." The draft of this latter work is to be found in the third volume of " The Voyage to the Equi- noctial Regions." He has expanded the chapter in which it occurred, and enriched it with a Map, and a Supplement, devoted to the Internal Resources and Com- ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. 363 merce of the Antilles and Columbia. Three works ap- peared in 1828 and '29 ; "Remarks on the Goitre in the Tropics," "On the Systems of Numbers," and "A Re-. vision of the Gramines published in the New Gerera and Species of Plants." A paragraph has sufficed to give the name and date of these works ; to criticise them would require at least a chapter. We shall not write that formidable chapter, but, lest the reader should find our resume as meagre as an auctioneer's catalogue, we shall devote a few pages to the subject. As we have already spoken of " The Aspects of Nature," and the " Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions," we shall confine ourselves to some of Hum- boldt's less popular, but more abstruse books. Discard- ing an embarras du richesse, in the shape of literary and scientific reviews, we shall let Humboldt himself describe them, believing that he understood the character of his writings as well, if not better, than any of his critics. We follow his own classification in the introduction to the " Voyage to the Equinoctial Regions." " I. Astronomical observations, trigonometrical operations, and barometrical measurements made during the course of a journey to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent, from 1799 to 1804. This work, to which are added his- torical researches on the position of several points im- portant to navigators, contains, first, the original obser- vations which I made from the twelfth degree of south- ern to the forty-first degree of northern latitude ; the transit of the sun and stars over the meridian ; distances of the moon from the sun and the stars ; occupations of the satellites ; eclipses of the sun and moon ; transits of 364 EQUINOCTIAL PLANTS. Mercury over the disc of the sun; azimuths; circum- meridian altitudes of the moon, to determine the loneri- tude by the differences of declination ; researches on the relative intensity of the light of the austral stars; geo- desical measures, &c. Secondly, a treatise on the astro- nomical refractions in the torrid zone, considered as the effect of the decrement of caloric in the strata of the air ; thirdly, the barometric measurement of the Cordil- lera of the Andes, of Mexico, of the province of Vene- zuela, of the kingdom of Quito, and of New Granada ; followed by geological observations, and containing the indication of four hundred and fifty -three heights, calcu- lated according to the method of M. Laplace, and the new co-efficient of M. Raymond ; fourthly, a table of near seven hundred geographical positions on the New Continent ; two hundred and thirty-five of which have been determined by my own observations, according to the three co-ordinates of longitude, latitude, and height. "II. Equinoctial plants collected in Mexico, in the island of Cuba, in the provinces of Caracas, Cuniana, and Barce- lona, on the Andes of New Grenada, Quito, and Peru, and on the banks of the Rio Negro, the Orinoco, and the River Amazon. M. Bonpland has in this work given figures of more than forty new genera of plants of the torrid zone, classed according to their natural families. The methodical descriptions of the species are both in French and in Latin, and are accompanied by observations on the medicinal properties of the plants, their use in the arts, and the climate of the countries in which they are found. " III. Monograph]) of the Melastoma, Rhexia, and other genera of this order of plants, comprising upwards of a THE GEOGItArHY OF PLANTS. 365 hundred and fifty species of melastomacese, "which we collected during the course of our expeditions, and which form one of the most beautiful ornaments of tropical vegetation. M. Bonpland has added the plants of the same family, which, among many other rich stores of natural history, M. Kichard collected in his interesting expedition to the Antilles and French Guiana, and the descriptions of which he has communicated to us. " IV. Essay on the geography of plants, accompanied by a physical table of the equinoctial regions, founded on mea- sures taken from the tenth degree of northern to the tenth degree of southern latitude. I have endeavoured to collect in one point of view the whole of the physical pheno- mena of that part of the New Continent comprised within the limits of the torrid zone from the level of the Pacific to the highest summit of the Andes ; namely, the vegetation, the animals, the geological relations, the cultivation of the soil, the temperature of the air, the limit of perpetual snow, the chemical constitution of the atmosphere, its electrical intensity, its barometrical pres- sure, the decrement of gravitation, the intensity of the azure colour of the sky, the diminution of light during its passage through the successive strata of the air, the horizontal refractions, and the heat of boiling- water at different heights. Fourteen scales, disposed side by side with a profile of the Andes, indicate the modifications to which these phenomena are subject from the influence of the elevation of the soil above the level of the sea. Each group of plants is placed at the height which nature has assigned to it, and we may follow the prodigious variety of their forms from the region of the palms and arbores- cent ferns to those of the johannesia (chuquiraga, Juss.), 366 ZOOLOGY AND ANATOMY. the gramineous plants, and lichens. These regions form the natural divisions of the vegetable empire ; and as perpetual snow is found in eaeh climate at a determinate height, so, in like manner, the febrifuge species of the quinquina (cinchona) have their fixed limits, which I have marked in the botanical chart belonging to this essay. " V. Observations on Zoology and Comparative Anatomy. I have comprised in this work the history of the condor; experiments on the electrical action of the gymnotus ; a treatise on the larynx of the crocodiles, the quadrumani, and birds of the tropics ; the description of several new species of reptiles, fishes, birds, monkeys, and other mammalia but little known. M. Cuvier has enriched this work with a very comprehensive treatise on the axolotl of the lake of Mexico, and on the genera of the Protei. That naturalist has also recognised two new species of mastodons and an elephant among the fossil bones of quadrupeds which we brought from North and South America. For the description of the insects col- lected by M. Bonpland we are indebted to M. Latreill'1, whose labours have so much contributed to the progress of entomology in our times. The second volume of this work contains figures of the Mexican, Peruvian, and Aturian skulls, which we have deposited in the Museum of Natural History at Paris, and respecting which Blumenbach has published observations in the ' Decas quinta Craniorum diversarum gentium.' "VI. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain, with a physical and geogrlii Naples, which was in October or November. He made three ascents of Vesu- vius, partly to witness the eruption, and repeat his former barometric measurements of the mountain, ana HUMBOLDT AT TEGEL. 373 partly to make a more complete determination of all the edges of the crater. The eruption of Vesuvius which Humboldt witnessed in the autumn of 1822 was the most memorable of any of which we possess any authentic account, since that which occasioned the death of the elder Pliny, and destroyed Herculaneum and Pompeii. In the commencement of 1823, the King of Prussia returned to Berlin and Humboldt accompanied him thither. It was not long before he was at Tegel. He found his brother William, and Frau Caroline, and the children there, but not the old castle of his childhood. Only one turret of it remained ; the rest had given place to a new and stately building. The grounds, the trees, the flowers, all were changed ; but so was Humboldt himself. The careless light-hearted boy had passed away, and in his stead was a staid and thoughtful man. He left Tegel when he was fourteen, he returned when he was fifty-four ! What changes had passed over him in that time ! What lands he had seen, what books he had written ! He left Tegel a boy, clever it is true, but un- known : he returned a famous man, known to the world, one of the world's men — a Name ! Humboldt remained some months at Tegel and Berlin, enjoying the society of his brother, and his king. The king had long honoured him for his profound knowledge of science, and felt a strong liking for his person and conversation. This liking and honour now took a definite turn ; he solicited Humboldt to remove from Paris, and to come and live in Berlin. His brother, William, and Frau Caroline, joined in this solicitation, and he resolved at last to gratify them. He would 374 HUMBOLDT AND GOETHE. return to Paris for a while, and finish some of the woiks that he had left there undone ; then he would come to Berlin. So back to Paris, his dear Paris, he went. He remained at Paris till the autumn of 1826, when he made a visit to his brother at Tegel, to announce his speedy and permanent return to Berlin. While stopping in Berlin, or on his way back to Paris, he saw Goethe. Of Goethe's impressions of Humboldt at this time we have a record in " Eckerman's Conversations," under the date of Monday, 11th December. Hear the German Boswell. 11 1 found Goethe in an animated and happy mood. 1 Alexander Yon Humboldt has passed some hours with me, this morning,' said he, coming to meet me with great vivacity ; ' What a man he is ! Long as I have known him, he is continually astonishing me anew. I may say he has not his equal in knowledge, in living wisdom ; and such rmury-sidedness I have found nowhere else. Wherever you call upon him, you find him at home, everywhere ready to lavish upon you the intel- lectual treasures he has amassed. He is like a fountain with many pipes ; you need only to get a vessel to hold under it, on any side refreshing streams flow at a mere touch. He is to stay some days, and I shall feel, when he goes away, as if I had lived years during his visit.' " This is the way that a great man speaks of his equal. How unlike those little fellows, the reviewers ! Clearly Goethe would never have answered the requirements of the Quarterly. In February 1827, Humboldt removed from Paris. He did not proceed directly to Berlin, but joined his brother's IDEA OF KOSMOS. 375 son-in-law, Count Billow, who had just been appointed ambassador to England, on a journey to London. Hum- boldt's stay in England was short, for in May we find him permanently settled in Berlin. He found his brother in Berlin, for he had a residence there, as well as at Tegel, and scores of his old friends, among others Augustus Schlegel. The king received him with open arms, and conferred upon him the title of privy councillor. He might have been Secretary of State, if he had chosen ; indeed, there was no office too good for him, but he loved Science too well to change it for Politics. Never enamoured of that artful, but powerful goddess, who, whatever her faults, is sure in the end to reward her worshippers, he was less likely to be won by her blandish- ments then, than at any other period of his life. He had a new and grand scheme on foot, — one that he had pon- dered over for years. He thought of it at Paris, in his study among his books and manuscripts, and in the salons of art and fashion, among the wise and the foolish. He thought of it in Mexico, as he groped his way in the darkness of the mines, or wandered among the ruins of vanished nations. He thought of it in Peru, on the rugged sides of Chimborazo and Cotopaxi ; in the terrible pass of Quindiu ; in the dense forests of the Orinoco, and at Cumana among the earthquakes. He thought of it on the deck of thePizarro, in the midst of the Sea, and on the crater of Teneriffe in the illimitable wilderness of Air. He thought of it everywhere, by day and at night, in his waking moments, and in his dreams. It was always with him. It was the one thought of his thoughts, his first and last conception, the most majestic statue of his house of life. It was " Kosmos." " Its undefined 3V6 LECTURES AT BERLIN. image," he wrote in 184-i, " has floated before my mind for almost half a century." All the travels that he had undertaken, and all the books that he had written, related to this great work. It was not as a traveller that he had crossed the sea, and explored unknown lands : nor yet as a man of science : but as the traveller, the man of science. He aimed at no common fame. Indeed, he aimed at none. It was to a nobler object than " the bauble reputation" that he de- voted his life ; it was a thirst for knowledge, a passion for wisdom, not in one thing, or many things, but in all things. To be a wise man was not enough ; he would be the wisest of men. His wisdom was universal, like the Universe to which it was directed, and which he under- stood, if ever man did, or can understand it. On the 3rd of November, 1827, he commenced a series of lectures on the Universe, at Berlin. The University building in which they were delivered was crovvded. The king and royal family were there ; the court was there : the rich, the noble, the wise — in short all the intellect of Berlin was there. A perfect master of his theme, he was clear, eloquent, impassioned, inexhaustible, and they were enchanted. He stood before them like one inspired. It was a memorable time in Berlin, and indeed throughout Prussia ; for the fame of these lectures was soon noised all over the land. Scholars came from great distances to hear him, and even common people, the unlettered mass, who only knew of him through the newspapers. Everybody was anxious to hear and see Humboldt. The press was soon so great that he was forced to repeat the earlier lectures, in a larger building. "Alex- HUMBOLDT POPULARIZES SCIENCE. 377 ancler," William wrote to a friend in Vienna, " Alexander is really a 'puissance,' and has gained a new kind of glory by his lectures. They are unsurpassable. He is always the same ; and it is still one of the principal fea- tures of his character to have a peculiar timidity and undeniable anxiety in the mode of his appearance." But Herr William that is not strange, for your truly great man is always modest. The greatest of men — the " myriad-minded" Shakespeare was so, or he would never have left his divine plays to the mercy of the players and commentators. " These lectures of Humboldt," says his biographer, Professor Klencke, " were also new and remarkable in respect to the position which he took towards the people. For while other learned men, whose social position is always higher than that of the people, nearly all, in their scientific and academic pride, did not deem it worth their while to disseminate their knowledge among the people, whom it must ultimately most benefit, while they generally keep their learning as the property and mystery of a caste, and interchange it among themselves ; while they consider it infra dig. and degrading for a man of science to popularize his knowledge ; Alexander Von Humboldt set them the noble example that a baron, a chamberlain, and confidential adviser of his king-, did not consider it beneath his rank and dignity to appear publicly as the teacher of his favourite science; he showed that a true man of science does not attach him- self to an exclusive caste, and that all considerations of birth, rank, and title, are as nothing in the high service of science. And thus, Alexander, in the impulses of his heart and mind fulfilled the noble duty which the men- 378 OFFER OF THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT tally-gifted man owes to his people of bestowing on them, and instructing them with the rich treasury of his know- ledge and experience, thereby raising them nearer him- self." Humboldt finished his course of sixty-one lectures on the 26th of April, 1828. Their reputation was now so universal that he was urged to print them, for the sake of those who had not been able to hear him. He con- sented to do so, and began to write them off from memory, for he had spoken without notes, but his atten- tion was distracted by other things. He had been applied to some months before, while the course was in progress, by Count Cancrin, the Russian Minister of Finance, who requested him to give his opinion as to the eligibility of a coinage of platina from the Ural, and its relative value to gold and silver. The Spanish Government had also applied to him on the same subject, and a proposal had been made by some private individuals to the Congress of Vienna, to introduce the new metal into circulation, supported and recognised by government authority. Humboldt doubted the eligibility of the scheme, and said so frankly, without forfeiting the good opinion of the Russian Government. Happening in the course of his correspondence to express a wish to visit the Ural, and to compare its mountains with those of the New World, the Emperor of Russia invited him to undertake an expedition thither, and offered to defray the whole ex- pense. More than this, he was instructed to consider the advantages which the Imperial Government might draw from his researches into the mining capabilities of the country, as of secondary importance, and to devote himself entirely to what he thought the advancement of BONPLAXD IN BRAZIL. 379 science. The offer was too tempting to be resisted. He had long dreamed of such a journey, but his plans for it had been repeatedly thwarted and postponed. It had seemed to him that it was never to be, but here when he least expected it, when he had almost ceased to think of it, was an opportunity such as might never occur again. He at once accepted the offer. Besides the preparations which such a journey demanded, he was busy with other important matters — the books that he had in progress, some of which were then passing through the press, and above all with the unhappy case of his friend Bonpland. We left poor Bonpland as far back as 1817, in Brazil, on his way into the interior of that country. He ascended the Parana until he reached the ancient mission of the Jesuits, which was situated on the left bank of that river, at a little dis- tance from Itapua. The possession of this region of country was then a subject of dispute between Paraguay and the Argentine Confederation. Aware of this fact, Bonpland notified Dr. Francia, the Dictator of Paraguay, of his presence there, and explained to him his intention of cultivating tea, with the aid of a small colony of Indians whom he had taken into his service. Francia wished to have the monopoly of tea to himself, so he pretended to take Bonpland for a spy, and sent four hundred men across the Parana one dark night to fall upon him and his Indians. The little colony was taken by surprise ; a massacre ensued, many of the Indians were killed, most were wounded, and Bonpland himself received a sabre- cut on the head. He repaid this inhuman assault by dressing the wounds of the soldiers. Two days after- wards (the massacre took place on the night of the 3d 380 A PRISONER AT SANTA MARIA. of December, 1821) he was sent in chains to the neigh- bouring village of Santa Maria. Francia refused to see him ; he was not imprisoned, but a watch was kept upon him, and he was forbidden to return to Assumption. He was allowed to practise as a physician, so he whiled away the months and years of his captivity, in making medi- cines, distilling and composing liquors, and in going about to minister to the sick and afflicted. He wore onl v the coarsest garments, and went barefooted. It was a long time before intelligence of this outrage reached Europe, but it did at last, while Humboldt was residing in Paris, and he left no means untried to secure the release of his friend and fellow-traveller. He inter- ested the French Government in his behalf, and Chateau- briand, who was then Minister of the Affairs of Strangers, demanded his freedom from the tyrannical Francia. It was not granted. The Emperor of Brazil made the same demand with the like success. At last, however, after a captivity of nearly eight years, Bonpland was set at liberty. What influence was powerful enough to com- pel Francia to this tardy act of justice is not known, but it is said to have been that of Bolivar. If so, he probably owed his freedom to Humboldt. We know that Hum- boldt was at this time in correspondence with Bolivar, in reference to the internal improvement of his country, and we cannot doubt that he urged the cause of his friend with him, as he had previously done with the French and Brazilian Governments. It was Humboldt, we believe, who restored Bonpland to liberty. Ostensibly set free on the 12th of May, 1829, he took the road to the Missions, but when he arrived at Itapua there was no order there for his release. He remained at EHRENBERG AND ROSE. 381 Itapua some months before the caprieious Dictator could make up his mind to let him go. On the 6th of Decem- ber, 1830, the creatures of Francia again beset him, and demanded of him, for the fourth time, the motives of his former association with the Indians. They insisted upon knowing whether he was a spy of the French or Argentine Governments. Finally on the 2nd of Febru- ary, 1831, they told him that he was free to cross the Parana, and that the Supreme, (not his Maker, but one of his Maker's worst specimens of humanity, Francia), allowed him to go where he would. He hurried towards Brazil, and fixed his residence on the frontier near the little city of San-Borja. There, in a modest cottage, sur- rounded by a large garden of orange trees, he passed the remainder of his life, practising medicine, botanizing, and writing to Humboldt and the savans of Europe. He died last year over eighty years old. When Humboldt accepted the offer of the Eussian Government, to explore the mountains of the Ural, he selected two companions for the journey, — Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg, and Gustav Kose. Both these naturalists were young men, one being thirty years old, and the other thirty-three, which was about the age of Bonpland and Humboldt when they started on their great transatlantic journey twenty-nine years before. Eose, who had studied chemistry and mineralogy, was conservator of the collection of minerals in the Uni- versity of Berlin ; and Ehrenberg, whose speciality was the microscope, had travelled with Hemperich through Egypt, Abyssinia, and a great part of Arabia, and had brought back from those countries a magnificent collec- tion of plants and animals, many of which were till 382 FRAU CAROLINE DYING. then unknown in Europe. The narrative of his travels, which lasted from 1820 to 1825, was published while the preparations for the Asiatic journey were in progress, and was edited by Humboldt. Besides editing, or help- ing to edit, this work, and attending to the measurements of temperature, which the king, at his suggestion, had caused to be made in all the Prussian mines, the never- resting traveller was occupied and troubled with the afflictions of his brother. William was indeed afflicted, for Frau Caroline, who had been in ill health for years, was slowly dying. At the close of Alexander's lectures lie had taken her to Paris and London, in the hope that a journey thither, and the use of the bath of Gastein, at which they were to stop on their return, would benefit her ; but it was not to be. They returned to Tegel in the middle of September, and she was worse than ever. She failed rapidly, and towards the end of November was in constant expectation of death. November, December passed, and she still lived. All over the land the Christmas holidays were celebrated. The candles were lighted on the Christmas tree, the presents were plucked from the branches, and rich and poor, young and old rejoiced in the birth of the blessed Christ-Child. But at Tegel all was sad. No Christmas tree, no gifts, no happy hearts. All was stillness and gloom, — the hush of the sick chamber, the shadow of the coming doom. The New Year came, and went, and Frau Caro- line still lived. Alexander visited her on a Lord's day in January. " She was dying," he wrote to a friend ; " opened her eyes and said to her husband, ' Another human being is ended !' She expected her death, but in vain ; she lived again and took an interest in what was ANOTHER GRAVE AT TEGEL. 383 going on around her. She prayed much." So wrote Alexander on the 22nd of January, 1829. He was still preparing for his journey : Frau Caroline was prepared for hers. It was a short one. " One step to the white death-bed, And one to the bier ; And one to the charnel, And one — oh where ? The dark arrow fled Into the noon!" She departed on the 26th of March. There was another grave at Tegel. CHAPTER II. CENTRAL ASIA. On the 12th of April, 1829, Humboldt, Rose, and Ehrenberg departed from Berlin for St. Petersburg. They had arranged the different branches of science to which each was to devote himself. Ehrenberg was to attend to the botany and zoology of the countries through which they should pass, Rose was to analyse the minerals, and keep the travelling diary, while Humboldt undertook the magnetic observations, the results of geographical astronomy, and the geology and natural history gene- rally. To show the respect in which he held him, be- fore he started, the King of Prussia appointed Humboldt an acting privy councillor. It was the rank of a minis- ter, and his title thenceforth was Excellency — " His Excellency the Baron Von Humboldt." On their way from Berlin to St. Petersburg, the tra- vellers passed through Konigsberg and Dorpat, Esthonia and Livonia. As the sea shore in the neighbourhood of Konigsberg abounded with amber, it was almost a for- bidden ground to the inhabitants. It was farmed out at a high rate, and carefully guarded, so that the fishermen could only put to sea at certain prescribed points of the coast. The coast between Dantzic and Memel was let ST. PETERSBURG. 385 out to a rich contractor for ten thousand dollars a-year. His magazines contained, at the time the travellers visit- ed them, one hundred and fifty thousand pounds of amber. Being highly inflammable it was kept in vaulted rooms, which were secured with iron doors. They arrived at St. Petersburg on the 1st of May, and found everything in readiness for their journey. Carriages, couriers, and horses were placed at their dis- posal by Count Cancrin ; a military escort was provided for them, and even their residences on the way were selected. A Russian mining officer was appointed as Humboldt's companion, to give him information regard- ing the roads and localities, and to see that the authori- ties performed what was required of them. The travellers remained some time in St. Petersburg, in order to see its sights before they commenced their journey. They visited the public institutions of the capital, and most of the show-places in the vicinity. As might have been expected, from their tastes, and the objects of their journey, they were attracted by the mineralogical collections of St. Petersburgh, and the size and splendour of the crown jewels. The largest of these jewels was on the top of the imperial sceptre. It weighed one hundred ninety-four and three-quarter carats, and its greatest diameter was one inch three and and a half lines. Formerly in the possession of Nadir Shah, whose throne it long adorned, it was bought, with other jewels, after his death, by an Armenian at at Bagdad, for fifty thousand piastres. From this Arme- nian it was purchased by Catharine the Second, at the price of four hundred and fifty thousand silver rubles, and a patent of nobility. 17 386 KASAN. On the 20th of May the party started for Moscow. Be- sides a courier, and the mining officer already mentioned, they were furnished with a Russian cook, as in the sta- tions beyond Moscow travellers were obliged to cook for themselves. The broad highway between St. Petersburg and Moscow was soon traversed, and they halted for a few days in the old capital of Moscovy. After making some barometric observations and examining the geology of the country, they continued their journey over a marshy level until they reached Nishni Novgorod, on the Yolga. Here they met with Count Polier, the owner of several large mining estates in the Ural, and as he was on his way thither he joined the party. They em- barked on the Yolga on the last of May, and reached Kasan on the 4th of June. Originally the seat of a Tartar Khanate which was overturned in 1552, after nourishing for three hundred years, Kasan was still inhabited by Tartars, especially in the suburbs. The travellers visited the temples of these Tartars to see their form of worship : the guides removed their slippers as they entered, but as the travellers wore boots they were permitted to keep them on. The party remained at Kasan five days, during which they made several excursions in the neighbourhood. The most interesting of these was to the ruins of Bul- gar, the capital of ancient Bulgaria. As they drew near the modern village they were met by groups of men, women, and children ; the whole population came forth to meet them. At the head of these groups walked the oldest inhabitants, who, when they came to Humboldt, offered him bread and salt as a token of reverence, according to the Russian custom. THE RUINS OF BULGAR. 387 Dismissing these good people when their hospitable ceremony was over, the travellers proceeded to the ruins of the old capital. They found the walls of some build- ings still standing, two towers, and a number of tomb- stones bearing monumental inscriptions, in Turkish, Arabic, and Armenian. These inscriptions dated back to the year 623 of the Hegira (a. d. 1226). Silver and copper coins and copper rings and trinkets were some- times found in the rubbish of Bui gar. There were several tombs among the ruins, which were objects of veneration to the faithful. They were the tombs of Tartar saints, who, as the Tartars generally were any- thing but saints, were undoubtedly, in their time, the cream of Tartars. The travellers found a Mollah per- forming his devotions at one of these tombs. He repeated his form of prayer, and bowed his body without being disturbed by their presence. They offered him a seat in, their carriage, which he accepted, as the ruins were some distance from each other; and he managed each time they stopped, to finish his devotions before they finished their examinations. Devotion was a good thing, so was a comfortable ride. Returning to Kasan they witnessed the Saban, a Tartar festival, celebrated every year after seed-time. The Tartars wrestled with each other, and ran foot races, and galloped their horses at full speed. It was a scene of barbaric merriment. They left Kasan on the 9th, and passed through a dis- trict inhabited by the Wotjaks. This tribe was a branch of the family of Finns ; they had embraced Christianity, and spoke the Russian language, although they retained the customs of their ancestors. The women wore high caps of birch-bark, covered with blue cloth, bedecked 388 JEKATHARINENBURG. with fringes, and hung with silver coins. On the 12th the j reached the estate of Count Polier, at Werchne Mulinsk, where they halted to partake of his hospital it v. From Werchne Mulinsk, they journeyed to Jekathari- nenburg, the Count accompanying them. Near Perm they fell in with a party of exiles on the way to Siberia. This party consisted of sixty or eighty women and girls, and as they were not fettered, they were probably ban ' ished for trivial offences. The worst class of criminals were always fettered while on their way to Siberia, being fastened by one hand to a long rope. The party that the travellers overtook was escorted by a band of armed and mounted Bashkirs. The postmaster at Malmiisch was a mineralogist, with a taste for anatomy, for around and within his house were the teeth and bones of an immense mammoth, found on the banks of the Wjatka. On the 14th the travellers reached the outskirts of the Ural — a series of delicious vallies. When thev left the Neva three weeks before, it was crusted with ice ; now the grass was out, the plants were in full bloom, and the ground was profusely covered with flowers. On the 15th they arrived at Jekatharinenburg. Jekatharinenburg was situated among the mountains on the Asiatic side of the Ural ridge. This ridge consisted of several nearty parallel lines, whose highest point rose to the height of nearly five thousand feet. Its direction in the meridian, which was in a line standing perpendicu- larly upon the equator from the pole, reminded Humboldt of a similar situation in a chain of the Andes. The north- ern and central portions of the Ural mountains contained gold and platina, and abounded in minerals of all kinds. THE TINE OF THE CONTINENTS. 3 SO The party remained at Jekatharinenburg four weeks, making excursions to the mines in its vicinity. They visited the gold mines of Scbabrowski and Beresowsk, and the copper mines of Gumeschewskoi, and penetrated as far northward as Nischne Tagilsk. Nischne Tagilsk and the whole district for some eight thousand square versts belonged to the Demidoff family. Their ancestor, Netika Demidoff, was a common blacksmith at Tula, poor and obscure, until Peter the Great, in 1702, made him a present of Magnetberg, a recently discovered magnetic mountain, and the iron forges of Newjansk. This was the foundation of Nischne Tagilsk, and the fortunes of the family. Nischne Tagilsk was one of the richest mining dis- tricts in the world. At two versts distance from it stood the Magnetberg, which supplied all the surrounding forges with ore, and in the immediate neighbourhood were copper ores, and mines of gold and platina. Between Tscherno-Istotschinsk and Kuschwinsk, a lofty plateau separated the waters of Europe and Asia. On the east rose the springs of Bobrowka, a rivulet flow- ing into the Tagel ; on the west those of the Wissim, which flowed into the Utka and Tschussowaja. Near the centre of this plateau stood a majestic pine, with the words "Asia," and "Europe" carved on the right and left sides. It was the guide post of two continents. Not far from Kuschwinsk, which was the seat of the Imperial Iron Works, there was a second mountain of magnetic iron. It was called Gora Blagodat, or the Blessed Mountain. Its existence was made known to the Russians by a Wogul, named Tschumpkin, who was afterwards burned alive on it by his enraged countrymen. 090 WHY N< T DIAMONDS IN THE URAL? the primitive inhabitants of the country. The Russians erected on the summit a monument to his memory. This region abounding in gold and platina, reminded Humboldt of the gold and platina regions of Brazil. The latter produced diamonds; why should not these produce hem also ? They would, if there was any truth in his theory, that Nature was always true to herself; not governed by accident or caprice, but by eternal im- mutable laws, of which she was at once subject and sovereign. He had already in his " Essay on the Bear- ing of Rocks," directed attention to the singular analogy of mineralogical characteristics in different parts of the globe, as regards platina and gold-sand. Thus at Cor- rego, in Brazil, gold, platina, and palladium were found together; near Tejuco gold and diamonds; and platina and diamonds near the river Abaste. This fact awakened in him the strongest hope of discovering diamonds in the Ural. When he arrived at any of the works he caused the gold-sand to be subjected to microscopic ob- servations: if gold and platina were found in it, he directed the workmen to search carefully for diamonds. These examinations revealed the existence of crystals previously unknown in the gold-sands of the Ural, such crystals as in Brazil occurred in gold-sand with dia- monds. The travellers parted from Count Polier at Kusch- winsk, on the 1st of July. It was their intention to have accompanied him to his estates on the Koiva, in the western declivity of the Ural, but as the direct path was only practicable on horseback, and another route would have caused them to lose too much time, they abandoned the idea. The same day they proceeded to THE FORESTS OF THE URAL. 391 the copper mines of Bogoslowsk. The road led through dense forests of pines, larches, and cedars; here and there were birches and poplars. The underwood of these forests was formed of wild roses in full bloom, and luxu- riant junipers whose dark green shade was relieved with the light hue of the birches. The richness and beauty of the plants contrasted strongly with the poverty of the fauna. The travellers saw hares and squirrels, and " such small deer," and now and then a bird. No war- bling was heard in these forests. They saw several small hawks, and one finch, but no civilized birds, so to speak, such as swallows, wagtails, etc. The excessive vegetation of plants abounding in sap, produced myriads of gnats, which were a great torment to the travellers. To protect themselves against these gnats the inhabitants of the country wore over their faces nets steeped in birch tar, the smell of which was offensive to the insects. Sometimes they carried pots on their backs, filled with decayed wood ; or they burned the fungus of the birch, the smoke of which was not injurious to the eyes. As the travellers were not prepared to meet the gnats, they suffered severely from their attacks: their only resource was to drive rapidly through them. When they drove slowly, or stopped, they were beset and stung by swarms. Their horses were stung worse than themselves : the poor beasts were in agonies. Along the road, which was being mended at the time, were groups of peasants at work. These peasants had lighted fires as a means of defence against the gnats, and whenever the}' paused from their labour they held their heads in the smoke, preferring to suffer that rather than the intolerable torment of the in- sects. 302 MURsrasK. Arriving at last at Bogoslowsk, the travellers pro- ceeded to visit the mines in its vicinity. The scenery here was magnificent. To the east was a broad unbroken plain, stretching away like the sea: to the west and north, forty or fifty miles distant, a range of magnetic moun- tains. The peaks of these mountains, clad with snow, loomed over the dark forests of pine and fir that covered the intervening heights. From Bogoslowsk they returned to Jekatharinenburg, stopping on their way at Mursinsk. This district was rich in precious stones, topazes, beryls, amethysts, and the like. Eighty-five versts from Jekatharinenburg, near the granite rocks on the right bank of the Teko- waja, emeralds were found in abundance. The presence of emeralds in this neighbourhood was first detected by a peasant, who was attracted one day as he was cutting wood by their lustrous sparkling in the mica, where the ground was opened around the roots of a tree which had been blown down by the wind. He collected a quantity, and took them on sale to Jekatharinenburg. They were tested, fresh excavations were made, and specimens were sent to St. Petersburg. These emeralds were remarkable for their extraordinary size, one in the mineralogical col- lections of St. Petersburg being no less than eight inches in length, and five inches in diameter. The travellers arrived at Jekatharinenburg on the 11th, after an absence of sixteen days. They spent a week there preparing and arranging their collections, and then set out for Tobolsk, where they arrived on the 21st. Tobolsk had been originally laid down as the eastern limit of their journey, but their speedy and easy pro- gress through the northern Ural induced Humboldt to ON THE WAY TO BARNAUL. 393 extend his researches to the Altai, of which but little was known since the time of Pallas, Renovantz, and Hermann. This scheme was strongly supported by the Governor-General. The distance from Tobolsk to Bar- naul was one thousand five hundred versts, but by start- ing at once they could traverse it within the time pre- scribed for their undertaking. So providing themselves with cap-nets as a defence against the gnats, they imme- diately commenced the journey. Their road lay across a steppe through Zara and Kainsk to Tomsk. The soil was firm and black, cultivated near the villages, and everywhere covered with tall herbage, interspersed with groups of birch and poplar. Between the Wagai and the Ischen whole tracts were covered with red flowers in full blossom: others were of a deep azure. The pea- sants of the villages through which the travellers passed appeared to be wealthy, and their houses, for the most part, were strikingly clean and neat. As the sky was unclouded the heat was considerable. The waters of the river Ajeff, at noon, on the 21st, were 19° 4' Reaumur, the air being 24° 6'. The Irstysch was also warm, being 19° near the convent of Abalak, on the 24th. The water of the wells, however, was ex- tremely cold. At Basckshewa, the first station from Tobolsk, the water of an ordinary well, free from ice, was 2°. Ascending the Irstysch to Tatmytakaja they proceeded in a south-easterly direction to the waters of the Om, and thence eastwardly along its banks across the great steppe of Barabinski, which reached from the Irstysch to the Obi. Unlike the majority of steppes which are dry and arid, this terrible waste abounded with marshes, rivers 17* 394 THE SIBERIAN PLAGUE. and hikes. The soil in some places was flat and level as the sea, in others it was covered with vegetation It was impregnated with salt, and many of the lakes contained salt water. The road was bridged in lung courses over the marshy ground ; but as these courses were out of repair, the travelling was tedious. The party reached Kainsk on the 29th. Here they learned, for the first time, that the Siberian Plague was raging in the neighbouring villages. The physician who gave them this intelligence could afford them but little information regarding the nature of the disease, except that it broke out among the cattle, and soon ex- tended to men. It attacked men in the uncovered parts of the body, in the face, neck, or arms, commencing with an indurated swelling, which turned to black and burning suppurations, that ended in fever and death. The origin of the disease was ascribed to the stings oi insects. As it was impossible to reach the Altai region by any other route, at least within the time they had allowed themselves, the travellers resolved to continue their jour- ney, taking all possible precautions to avoid contact with the peasants among whom the plague prevailed. They even refrained from sleeping at the halting places. They found traces of the malady in all the villages. The day before their arrival six persons died at Karganskaja, where five hundred horses had already perished. It was with considerable difficulty that they procured the means of continuing their route. Every village had a hospital of its own, and smoky fires of dry turf and dung were kept continually burning, in order to jjurify the air. As the travellers drew near the Obi and left the steppe BARNAUL. 395 behind them, the disease disappeared. It was never known among the mountains. They crossed the Obi at Bergsk, and proceeding in a southerly direction, reached Barnaul on the morning of the 2d of August. In nine days they had travelled one thousand miles. The city of Barnaul was the central point of the mining interests of the Altai. It was the seat of the authorities of the whole region, and the principal loca- tion of its smelting furnaces. The most important pro- duct of the Altai was silver, the yield of which was greater there than in any other part of the continent. For fifty years before Humboldt's visit it amounted to two hundred thousand dollars annually. The annual yield of the mines during the same time was five hun- dred thousand pounds of copper, and eight hundred thousand pounds of lead. Notwithstanding the quan- tity of silver produced by the Altai, the ore from which it was obtained was very poor ; its average was only four per cent., while the average of the silver ores of Mexico was from eighteen to twenty-five per cent. Though the working of the Altai mines was more recent than that of the Ural, the former were undoubt- edly known from the earliest antiquity, for the remains of ancient mining operations were plentiful among them. These remains were generally ascribed to the Tchudes ; but who the Tchudes were, and at what period they lived was a mystery which no one cared to inquire into. It was enough to know that they had left the mines behind them. The actual working of the mines of the Altai owed its existence to Akimfitsch Nitikas Demi- ,190 USTKAMENOGOBSK. doff, a son of tlie old blacksmith of Tula. With the permission and assistance of the government he formed, in 1728, the great smelting establishments of Kolywansk and Bjelaja, and in 1739 laid the foundation of the town of Barnaul. Leaving Barnaul on the 4th, the travellers journeyed southward across the steppe of Platowskaja to the upper districts of the Obi. They visited the porphyry works of Kolyvansk, and the silver mines of Eiddersk and the Serpent Mountain. This mountain, which derived its name from the great number of serpents found upon it when it was discovered, was an immense mass of ores, the most important of which was silver. Two versts be- yond Eiddersk there was a comical hill, called Kruglaja Sopka, or the Eound Mountain. The vegetation of this hill, which was destitute of trees, was so dense and lofty that it prevented the travellers from seeing each other, when they were a few steps apart. On the 13th they reached Ustkamenogorsk, a fortress on the frontiers of Chinese Mongolia. Leaving their baggage at this post, which was guarded by a company of Cossacks, who went through their military exercises for them, they continued their journey to the gold and silver mines of Syranowsk. Beyond Syranowsk they came in sight of the ranges of Cholsun and Katunja. They saw at a distance of thirty miles the Stolbrowucha, and still further to the eastward the untrodden summit of Bjelueha, or as it was called by the Calmucks, God's Mountain, the highest peak of the Altai. In this region, near the source of the Berel, in the valley of Eachman- owka, the travellers saw some remarkable hot springs. A few feet distant from one of these springs was one of THE CHINESE STATION. 397 cold water, which flowed eastward through the tuif, into a small lake. They were now so near the boundary of China that Humboldt determined to pass over to Bate, the nearest Chinese Mongolian post. It was situated on the Irstysch, below Lake Saisan. As he had made known his wishes at Buchtarminsk, a Cossack had been sent to Bate to an- nounce his visit. There were two stations at this post, one on each bank of the river. The left, or Mongolian station, was occupied by Mongolian troops, the right, or Chinese station, by Chinese troops; both were com- manded by Chinese officers. Between these two stations, on an island in the Irstysch, was a. Mongolian and Chi- nese piquet, commanded by a captain of cavalry. Un- like the rest of the soldiers, who lived in tents, this piquet lived in houses. They superintended the fishery carried on by the Mongols of the Chinese portion of the Irstysch, and arranged the moderate duties on salt, payable to the Chinese officers. During the winter, when there was no fishing, the Mongolian part of the piquet returned to the village of Krasnoyarsk, while the Chinese retired to the town of Tschugutschask, south of Lake Saisan, and four hundred and fifty versts from Buchtarminsk. The travellers visited the Chinese station first, and as their arrival was expected, they found two tents prepared for their reception. They were met at one of these tents by the Chinese commander and two attendants. He was a tall, thin, young man, arrayed after the fashion of the Celestial Empire ; he wore a blue silk robe reach- ing to his ancles, and the usual conical cap, adorned with peacock feathers, which denoted his rank. His compa- nions wore a similar dress, but had no feathers in their o98 THE MONGOLIAN STATION. caps. He invited the travellers by signs to enter the tent. It was carpeted, and opposite the door stood seve- ral chests, covered with carpets and pillows. He seated himself on one of these extempore couches, and placed Humboldt by his side; the rest of the party sat on the other chests, or on the ground. The interpreter they had brought spoke only Mongolian, but as the Chinese commander understood that language they were able to converse with him. He offered them tea, which was declined, and then inquired into the object of their jour- ney. Humboldt told him it was to inspect the mines, and questioned him in turn. He told the traveller that he came direct from Pekin, on horseback, in four months ; that he had not been long on that station ; and that he would be sent to another in three years, that being the length of military service at any one station in China. Proceeding to the Mongolian post, they found the com- mander in his tent at the end of an avenue of poles, upon which hung fresh pieces of meat. He was dressed like his comrade on the other side, but was considerably older, and very dirty, as were also his tent and attendants. As he did not understand Mongolian, or pretended not to, the conversation was carried on with difficult v. Hum- boldt presented him with a piece of velvet, which he accepted thankfully and offered tea, which was declined. He led the party to a temple on the bank of the Irstysch. It was a small square wooden building, with a door opening on the river. In the interior wras an altar, and on the wall over the altar, a Buddist idol. Between the door and the river in a kind of walled court, there was another altar with burning coals on it. Returning to their own tent, the party were visited by VISIT FROM THE FIRST COMMANDER. 399 the first commander, who was accompanied by his two companions and a band of soldiers. They received him seated, while the common Mongolians crowded around the door and looked on. The ceremonies of visitation over, he and his attendants lighted their pipes, and smoked vigorously, urging the travellers to do the same. He tried some tobacco which they offered him, and relished it highly, but seeing that they did not join him in his fumigation, he put up his pipe, as his good breed- ing would not permit him to smoke alone. Humboldt offered him a piece of blue cloth, which he declined to accept, though evidently with great reluctance. It was pushed towards him, and pushed back, but very gentry, several times. When he had done all that Chinese polite- ness required of him under the circumstances, he accepted it, and the twinkle of his eye showed the satisfaction that he felt. He inquired what he could offer in exchange, and the interpreter, who had received his instructions before hand, told him that he could offer Humboldt nothing that he would value so much as some Chinese books, which he had seen in his tent. They were immediately brought, and the same ceremony was again gone through with : he pushed them towards Humboldt, and Hum- boldt pushed them gently back. When etiquette was satisfied he accepted them. They proved to be a famous historical novel — "San-kue-tchai," containing the history of the three kingdoms into which China was divided, after the Han dynasty. Humboldt told the commander that he intended to give the books to his brother, who was studying the Chinese language, and the commander desired him to inscribe his name, Chin-foo, upon them. He did so, and presented him with the pencil with 400 FEASTING THEIR VISITERS. which lie wrote. It was placed on the blue cloth, and borne away by his attendants. Madeira, biscuits, and sugar were handed round to the guests. Chin-foo took a small piece of sugar, and drank one glass of wine. His attendants were not so moderate ; they drank several glasses, tossing them down at a single draught, and devoured quantities of sugar, putting away their pipes for that purpose. Sugar was then handed round among the Mongols, who by this time had entered the tent, and stood like children, hold- ing out their hands wistfully. After a time Chin-foo took his leave. The Mongols, full of curiosity, crowded around the Europeans, and touched them. They were much struck with one of the party who was corpulent, putting their hands round his stomach, and feeling him with their fingers. The travellers pushed them away, but they took it good-humouredly, and as a matter of course. There were eighty men in these two stations, all dressed like their leaders, though their robes were of different colours, and were confined at the waist by a girdle. They were ragged, dirty, and mostly without arms. The weapons of those who were armed were bows and arrows. They seemed to set little store by them, for they offered to sell them to the travellers, to- gether with their pipes and chopsticks, and the rest of the celestial k nick-nacks. About the tents were a few camels, a flock of goats, and some sheep with enormous fat tails. The travellers returned to Ustkamenogorsk, by the way of the Irstysch. The route was full of interest to Humboldt, for on the lonely shores of the river he saw MIASK. 401 immense rocks of granite, lying horizontally and in layers, and resting on clay slate, whose layers were partly perpendicular and partly at an angle of eighty- five degrees. It was an important fact for him in his theory of granitic formations. From Ustkamenogorsk the travellers proceeded to Miask. They were accompanied by a military escort of Cossacks, which was relieved at the different posts. These posts, which consisted of small fortified villages, at intervals of twenty or thirty versts, extended along the whole boundary, from the frontier of China to the Caspian Sea. Passing through Semipolatinsk, a town of considerable importance in the caravan trade of Central Asia, they followed the course of the Irstysch as far as Omsk. They arrived at Omsk on the 25th, and remained there two days, visiting the Cossack, military, and Asiatic schools, and pursuing their usual researches. They left the river at Omsk, and struck to the westward, across the steppe of Ischim, passing along the frontiers of the Middle Horde of Khirgises, and stopping by the way at Petropaulowsk and Troitsk. On the 3d of Septem- ber they arrived at Miask. They spent two weeks at Miask, visiting the gold workings in its vicinity, and making excursions to the Ilmen mountains, and the mines around Slatoust. The truth of Humboldt's theory of the existence of diamonds in the gold-sands of Asia was made known to them while at Miask ; not through any discoveries of their own at this time, but by a messenger from Count Polier. They parted from the Count, who was on his way to his estates, as the reader will remember, on the 1st of July, at Kuschwinsk. He was strongly impressed with the 402 DIAMONDS IN THE URAL. mineralogical ideas of Humboldt, so he examined all the works for gold-washing in the vicinity of Bissersk. On the oth of July he reached the last of these works, about twenty-five versts from Bissersk, and entered it with M. Schmidt, a young mineralogist from Freyberg. In the sands which were brought to him, amongst a quantity of iron crystals and quartz, lay the first dia- mond of the Ural ! It had been found the day before by Paul Popoff, a boy of fourteen, employed in the works. As a reward had been promised to those who should discover any valuable stones, the boy hastened with his prize to the overseer. The overseer taking it for a topaz, placed it among the other minerals for the Count's inspection. Its transparency was perfect, and the Count at once recognised it as a diamond. Within three days afterwards a second was found by another boy ; and a few days after his departure from the works the Count received a third, larger than the two others put together. As M. Schmidt had all the necessary instruments to examine the three crystals, and verify the discovery, the Count ordered him to take their specific gravity. The first two gems weighed together 3.520, the exact medium between the extremes assigned by mineralogists, as the specific gravity of the diamonds; there are 3,4 and 3,6. The absolute weight of the first was 0.105, or a little over half a carat. Count Policr sent one of these diamonds to Humboldt by M. Schmidt, requesting him not to make the dis- cover}^ public until the party should return to St. Peters- burg, as he had not yet presented one to the Emperor. Before his departure from St. Petersburg, Humboldt was ORENBERG. 403 confident of finding diamonds in the Ural, and jestingly declared to the 'Empress that he would not return with- out Russian diamonds. When the party returned to St. Petersburg in November, the Emperor alone had seen the Count's diamonds. Humboldt was the first who showed one to the Empress. Count Polier made a circumstantial report of his dis- covery to the Minister of Finance, and commenced a letter on the subject to Arago and the " Annals of Chemistry," but died before he could finish it. The boy who discovered the first diamond was more fortunate, for his liberty was given him, and a sum of money besides. From Miask Humboldt and his party proceeded south- ward to the head waters of the Uri. They passed a number of villages belonging to the Bashkirs, but not then peopled by them, for this tribe, leading a nomadic life in summer, occupied their houses only in the winter. Following the course of the southern Ural, the travellers came to Orsk, at the junction of the Or. This district was rich in quarries of green jasper, and the river Jaik, in its vicinity, presented some curious geological pheno- mena. The road from Orsk to Orenberg being the most dangerous one on the whole frontier, the authorities fur- nished Humboldt with a guard of Cossacks as a defence against the Khirgises. On the 21st the party reached Orenberg. It was the capital of the district, the chief fortress on the line, and the centre of a vast caravan trade to all parts of Central Asia. The Governor-General being absent, the party were entertained by Major-General Gens. General Gens was deeply versed in the geography of Asia, for which he had collected many important materials, partly from 404 THE MOUNTAIN OF STORMS the caravans that traversed that country, and partly from his own travels. He told Humboldt of a lofty mountain situated to the north-east of the great Balkasch lake. This mountain had once been a volcano, and caravans in passing it were frequently disturbed by the storms which it occasioned. The inhabitants of the region in which it stood endeavoured to propitiate it by sacrifices of sheep. General Gens had not seen this singular mountain, but he knew a Tartar who had visited it, or pretended to have done so. It reminded Humboldt of the volcanoes mentioned in the Chinese books, as lying far from the ocean, the existence of which had divided the opinions of geologists. He made it the subject of his investiga- tions, and subsequently obtained more accurate imforma tion concerning it from the Russian police-director of Semipolatinsk. As Humboldt had seen but little of the Tartars that inhabited the regions along his route, General Gens sent a messenger to the nearest sultan of the Khirgises, and requested him to come with his people into the neigh- bourhood of Orenberg, and give the travellers a specimen of their games and sports. A large number of Khirgises soon made their appearance, and raised their tents a few versts from the city. Then the sultan came, and paid his respects to Gens and Humboldt. They drove out to the encampment, surrounded by a band of Khirgises, who rode around the carriage at full gallop, resting with their hands on the backs of their horses, with their feet in the air. The sultan introduce I the travellers to his wives who were seated in a row in his tent, and the sports began. The first was horse- racing. The jockeys drove off to the distance of seven TARTAR SrORTS. 405 versts, and commenced galloping their horses back to the tents. In the meantime the spectators formed a ring, into which stepped two stout Khirgises to wrestle. Cast- ing off their outer garments, they threw their leather girdles over each other, and struggled until one was thrown. When this was done another entered the ring and contested the prize with the victor, who remained there until he himself was thrown. One of the wrestlers threw six of his comrades in succession, but was van- quished by the seventh. Then a large kettle was brought out, half filled with boiled groats. Into this kettle General Gens tossed a silver ruble, which the Khirgises attempted to fish out with their teeth. Several added to their stock of small change by their dexterity in this sport, but the greater number besmeared their heads and shoulders in vain. Now came the musicians, a band of men who sang in long-drawn tones, and frightfully distorted their faces. Their singing was execrable, but they were so enraptured with it, that it was almost impossible to stop them. When they had finished, a veiled woman entered the circle, and sang in the same horrid manner. Then came two others who sang a duet. They stood with their faces close together, and were veiled ; but in the course of the duet they raised their veils so that they could see each other, and at the same time give the spectators a side view of their charms, which piece of coquetry was not thrown away. But now the news spread that the horsemen were coming, whereupon the overseers plied their whips, and the crowd gave way. The first prize, a cloak embroidered with gold, was won by a boy. Then commenced the foot-race. The distance from the starting point to the sultan's tent was about a mile ; it was run 406 THE GOLDEN LAKE. by the winner in three minutes. The first prize was a silver ruble, the rest were pieces of cotton cloth, and smaller presents. When the sports were over, the tra- vellers returned to the city, and prepared for their departure the next day. From Orenberg they descended the Ural to Uralsk, the chief city of the Uralian Cossacks, where they re- mained a day to witness the autumnal fishing. Then turning to the north-east across the mountain steppe of Obschtschei Syrt, they proceeded to Busuluk, and from thence westwardly to the Volga at Samara. This region abounded with sulphur springs and waters impregnated with salt and asphaltes ; in many places large quantities of sulphur were obtained from the earth. They de- scended the Volga, passing a number of German colonies on its banks, and came to Dubowka. From this place they made an excursion to the great salt lake of Elton, or Altan Vbr, the Golden Lake, as it was called by the Cossacks. It was situated in the steppe, seventy miles to the eastward of the Vol