Uz. 5S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, “BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, A. D. MELVIN, Chief of Bureau. LIST OF PROJECTS AND SYMBOLS. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1917. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1917, eo 9 S 2 » KEY TO PROJECT SYMBOLS. APPROPRIATIONS. No. ‘ No. Administrative expenses __ 1 | Diseases of animals______ 6 Inspection and quarantine. 2 Contagious abortion____ 6a Hradicating cattle ticks___ 3 | Construction buildings Be- Live - stock demonstra- thesda and Beltsville___ 7 EVO Toss ets Aaah 3a | Hog-cholera control ______ 8 IDEMIAy TMCS Ay 4 Control virus, serum, Animal husbandry________ 5 CORAM 2.0 5 2 teil 8a Military horse breeding_ 5a Hog-cholera research___ ' 8B Poultry investigations __ 5b | Hradicating dourine______ 9 Purchase land, Middle- Meat inspection __________ 10 bury 222 ee be) Piva di Cart iim. toot-ande Equipment sheep farm, maoubh, eclel Ss eeeee 11 Wd eh oye Seeks, Cee eae od DIVISIONS. Office chief of bureau_____ A | Experiment station_______ ‘A Animal husbandry________ B| Field inspection__________ K IBKOONATMNKO C| Control hog cholera_______ L 1D) Aiea ___ D| Control virus, serum, and Meat inspection__________ HK TORING 02S a ie enn M Patholo sical aes es I | Tick eradication _________ N Quarantine wets G| Tuberculosis eradication, OOO Si Cae a H Ct@2 ia eee P Projects are numbered 1, 2, 3, ete., under each appropriation, subappropriation, and division. (See illustrated symbol below.) Appropriation_______ Meat inspection. Division! sie ese 10E9 ; Meat inspection. Project number_____ Post-mortem inspection of animals. (2) D. of :D. dL AGG Atl, , mre / ge 1A9 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION. (Appropriation: ‘‘ Administrative expenses.” ) Chief, assistant chief, and chief clerk. Stores. Department overhead. Editorial. Accounts. Appointments. Property. Filing. Instrument maker. ERADICATION AND CONTROL OF ANIMAL 2K1 2P1 2K2 2P2 2K3 2C1 2K4 2C2 2P3 2P4 2G1 2G2 DISEASES. (Except where otherwise specifically provided.) (Appropriation: ‘‘ Inspection and quarantine.” ) Supervision (Seabies and dourine). Supervision (Tuberculosis, etc.). Stores. Stores. Hradication of scabies in sheep. Preparation of testing outfits for sheep dips. Hradication of mange (Scabies) in cattle and horses. Preparation of testing outfits for cattle and horse dips. Supervision of interstate transportation of live stock. Enforcement of the 28-hour law. Inspection relative to the existence of contagious diseases : Control of animal diseases in Porto Rico. Control of glanders and scabies in District of .Co- lumbia. 99099—17 (3) 4 Inspection and tuberculin and mallein testing of IE and horses: 2P5 Inspection and testing cattle and horses for interstate movement. 2P6 Testing dairy herds in Maryland and Virginia in ¢o- operation with District of Columbia. 2P7 Testing pure-bred breeding cattle in cooperation with private individuals. Preparation and distribution of tuberculin, mallein, and blackleg vaccine: EXO} = Tuberculin. © 204. Mallein. 21 Blackleg vaccine. 2C5 Investigation and chemical testing of dips and disin- fectants. INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE OF IMPORTED ANIMALS AND EXPORT LIVE-STOCK Na SPECTION. (Appropriation: “ Inspection and quarantine.” ) 2G3 Supervision (Quarantine Division). 2G4 Stores. Inspection of animals for importation: 2G5 From Mexico. 2G6 Hrom Canada. 267 From other than North American countries. 2G8 In Great Britain for export to the United States. 2G9 Quarantine of animals at ports of entry. 2G10 Supervision over importation of animal by-products, for- age, ete. 2G11 Inspection and testing of animals for export. 2G12 Inspection of vessels carrying export animals. 2C6 Investigating methods of disinfecting hides. ERADICATION OF CATTLE TICKS. (Appropriation: ‘“ Hradicating cattle ticks.’’) 3Ni lHradication of cattle ticks. 3N2_ Stores. 3C1 Preparation of testing outfits for cattle-tick dips. 5) LIVE-STOCK DEMONSTRATION WORK IN 3aBl 3aD1 4D1 4D2 4D4 ADS 4D6 4D7 4D8 4D9 41D10 4D11 4D12 4D13 - 4D15 4D16 4D17 4D18 4D19 4D20 4D21 4D22 4D25 4D26 AREAS FREED FROM CATTLE TICKS. (Appropriation: ‘“ Live-stock demonstration.” ) Live-stock demonstrations in tick-freed areas: Animal husbandry. Dairy. DAIRY INVESTIGATIONS (Appropriation: “ Dairy industry.’ ) Administration : Administration. Stores. Improvement of dairy product: Improvement of dairy product. Dairy farming: Supervision. Southern dairying. Dairy demonstration farm. Cow-testing associations and cooperation with county agents in dairy work. Bull associations extension. Community development in dairying. Investigations in cow-testing associations. Investigations in bull associations. Holstein cattle breeding. Dairy manufacturing: Supervision. .Creamery extension. Cheese factory extension. Farm butter making. Creamery management investigations. Cheese factory investigations. Renovated. butter inspection. Butter inspection for the Navy. Dairy research laboratory: Supervision. Investigations of the manufacture and handling of commercial ice cream. 4D33 4D34 4D35 4D36 4D37 4D40 4D41 4D42 4D43 4D44 4D50 4D51 4D52 4D53 4D54 4D55 4D60 4D65 4D66 4D67 4D68 6 Dairy research laboratory—Continued. Changes in butter. Milk-condensing investigations. Bacteriology of milk. Physiology of milk secretion. Utilization of creamery and cheese-factory by-prod- ucts. Disposal of dairy, creamery, and cheese-factory wastes. Manufacturing and ripening of Swiss cheese. Soft-cheese investigations. Cheddar-cheese investigations. Silage investigations. Chemical investigation in the feeding of dairy cattle. Milk investigations and demonstrations: Supervision. Dairy sanitation investigations. Cost of handling milk. Cost of milk production. Dairy sanitation extension. Dairy Division experiment farm: Supervision. Breeding of dairy cattle. Feeding of dairy cattle. Housing and care of dairy cattle. Feed production. Silage investigations. Metabolism in dairy cows: Metabolism in dairy cows. Western dairy extension: Supervision. ~ 2 Dairy farming. Milk work. Dairy manufacturing. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY INVESTIGATIONS. 5B1 5B2 (Appropriation: “Animal husbandry.” ) Administration : Administration. Stores. 5B5 OBS 5B15 oB16 5B17 5B18 5B23 5B28 5B29 5B30 oB31 5B32 5B34 Animal genetics: Genetic research. Animal husbandry experiment farm: Animal husbandry experiment farm. Beef-cattle investigations: Supervision. Beef production. Breeding shorthorn cattle. Shrinkage in live stock during transportation. Swine investigations: Production of pork. Sheep and goat investigations: Supervision. Farm-sheep investigations. Range-sheep investigations. Studies of wool and other animal fibers. Milch-goat investigations. Certification of dedigrees: Certification of animals imported for breeding pur- poses. - Animal husbandry extension work: 5B35 5B36 SB387 5B38 5B45 5DB46 5BAT 5B48 5B49 5aBl 5bB1 obB2 5bB3 5bB4 5bDB5 Supervision. Farm-sheep demonstrations. Organization of pig clubs. Beef-cattle extension. Horse and mule investigations: Supervision. Farm horse and mule investigations. Breeding American carriage horses. Breeding Morgan horses. Breeding horses on Indian reservations, Breeding horses for military purposes. Poultry investigations: Supervision. Farm poultry investigations. Pigeon and squab investigations. Ostrich investigations. Turkey and guinea investigations. § Poultry husbandry extension work: 5bB10 Supervision. 5bBI1 Improvement of the market egg. 5bB12 Organization of boys’ and girls’ poultry clubs. (Appropriation “ Purchase of land, Middlebury, Vt.’’) 5eBl1 Purchase of land, Middlebury, Vt. (Appropriation ‘“ Equipment of sheep farm, Idaho.’’) 5dB1 Equipment of sheep farm, Idaho. INVESTIGATIONS OF ANIMAL DISEASES. (Appropriation ‘“ Diseases of animals.’’) 6F1 Supervision (Pathology). 6H1 Supervision (Zoology). 6J1 Supervision (Experiment Station). 62 Stores (Pathology). 6H2 Stores (Zoology). 652 Stores (Experiment Station). 6F3 Rabies investigations. Dourine and glanders investigations. (Changed to glan- ders investigations. ) Serum diagnosis of dourine. (Charged under “ Wradica- tion of dourine.”’ ) 6F4 Glanders investigations. 6F5 Forage poisoning or cerebrospinal meningitis of horses. Animal tuberculosis investigations: 656 Pathological. 633 Hxperiment Station. (Appropriation ‘“‘ Contagious abortion of animals.”) Animal-abortion investigations. 6aF1 Pathological. 6aJ1 Experiment Station. (Appropriation ‘“ Diseases of animals.’’) 6E7 Swamp fever investigations. 6F8 Anthrax diagnosis and immunization. Fowl disease investigations: 6F9 Investigation of avian tuberculosis, diphtheria, pox, cholera, ete. 6F10 Investigation of infectious enterohepatitis, blackhead in turkeys. 9 Miscellaneous biological investigations: 6F11 Pathological. 634 Experiment station. 6H3 Index catalogue and collection of parasites. . 6H4 #£Investigation of roundworms of sheep. 6H5 Investigations of anthelmintics and treatment live stock for internal parasites. 6H6=Investigation of parasitic protozoa, with particular ref- erence to blackhead in turkeys. 6H7 Investigations and control of cattle ticks and other ex- ternal parasites. 6H8 Miscellaneous investigations of animal parasites. 657 General maintenance of Bethesda Experiment Station. 658 Breeding and feeding small experiment animals. 6F15 Investigations of stock poisoning by plants. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS AT BETHESDA AND BELTSVILLE. (Appropriation ‘‘ Construction of buildings at Bethesda and Beltsville.” ) 7B1 Animals husbandry, Beltsville. 7D1 = Dairy, Beltsville. TJ1 Experiment Station, Bethesda. INVESTIGATION, TREATMENT, AND ERADI- CATION OF HOG CHOLERA. (Appropriation: “ Hradicating hog cholera.’’) 8L1 Supervision (hog-cholera control). 8bC1 Supervision (Biochemie. (Appropriation: ‘‘ Hog-cholera research.” ) 8L2 Stores (hog-cholera control). (Appropriation: ‘ Hradi- cating hog cholera.” ) 8bC2 Stores (Biochemic). (Appropriation: “ Hog-cholera re- search.” ) (Appropriation: ‘“ Hradicating hog cholera.”’) 8L3 Hog-cholera control, looking to eradication. 8L4 Educational and demonstrational hog-cholera work. 8bC3 8bC4 8bC5 10 (Appropriation: ‘“ Hog-cholera research.” ) Investigation of methods of producing immunization against hog cholera. Investigation of the cause of hog cholera. Investigation of the mode of dissemination of hog cholera. CONTROL OF THE MANUFACTURE, IMPORTA- TION, AND SHIPMENT OF VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, ETC. 8aM1 8aM2 8aM3 SaM4 Sal1 9K1 9F1 10H1 10EH2 10H3 104 1055 10E6 10E7 10H8 109 (Appropriation : ‘“‘ Control of viruses, etc.’’) Supervision (control viruses, serums, and toxins). Stores. Special supervisory inspection. Inspection of establishments. Pathological Division. ERADICATION OF DOURINE. (Appropriation: ‘‘ Hradicating dourine.”’) Hradication of dourine: Scabies and dourine. Pathologieal. CONTROL OF MEAT AND MEAT FOOD PRODUCTS. (Appropriation: “‘ Meat inspection.” ) Supervision (Meat-Inspection Division). Store. Purchase, preparation, and distribution of branding ink and brands: Branding ink. Brands. Special supervisory inspection. Laboratory inspection : Special laboratory inspection. Field-laboratory inspection. Ante-mortem inspection of animals for slaughter. Post-mortem inspection of animals. 10H10 10E11 10H12 10E13 1014 10E15 10H16 10E17 10E18 10C1 10C2 10C3 10F1 10H1 11 Supervision of the preparation and distribution of meats. Inspection of meats for the United States Navy. (Re- imbursable, ) Inspection of public markets. Supervision of operations conducted under certificates of exemption. Examination of imported meats and meat food prod- ucts. Field overhead and miscelieanous meat inspection : Expense of transferring employees. Expenses of employees on relief duty. Station expenses. Investigation and control of house fly, etc., in inspected establishments. Bacteriological investigations of meats and meat food products. Investigating changes in meats during preservation. Investigation of canned meats. Pathological investigations of meats and meat food prod- ucts. Investigations of trichinosis, measles, ete., relating to meat inspection. O ee fies’ sade! e (aviator Mecca a. ky ae LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iu