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AS salyvualy N ( NVINOSHLIWS ‘ & ITHSONIA Fins bY pea Mins es 7 " MI SMITHSONIAN. | LIBRARIES OSHLIWS 3 SMITHS Wh: ESS i NOILALILSNI NOLL orgs : HSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI ON “an Lee ARIES SMITHSONIAN _INSTITUTI ee il JOSHLINS SAINVUGIT_ LIBRARIES SJINVUSIT LIBRARI INSTITUTION ‘) > ‘om at Bed i anal oe yy a — ! Kg ‘ 1 i oa, SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLINS S3IY¥WYRIT LIBRARIE NVINOSHLIWS SMITHSONIAN 1a HSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS NOMLALILSNI IBR L , S31uvuait_ LIBRARIES. SMITHSONIAN If a1uvugin SAIYVYE!IT LIBRARIES INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI INSTITUTION S THSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILMLILSNI_ NVINOSHLIWS $ SMITHSONIAN NVINOSHLIWS SMITHSONIAN ts. ae Ey en wb y —s O w aa = > wv” uv) Lis 8 af <= 33 mo af o oO *) > A m w” Ww = aad be w Oo = > = \S _ fa NVINOSHLIWS SMITHSONIAN. NVINOSHLIWS va, YS SSS NVINOSHLIWS S3IYVYUEIT LIBRARIES NOILNLILSNI LIBRARIES NOILNLILSNI "LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI z e z ere : A = y : a OD , Zz | D Z | NOILALILSNI_NVINOSHLINS S31YVHAIT_LIBRARIES 1: ae a aR Kk fy 5 x 2 4 N 4 GY We - oO if vi x j , ca = = : es yf = et > = " qi pa 1p) ie sp) sad Pl BRARIES SMITHSONIAN NOILALILSN i ap) = v) : E nae 2 val < * im os 5 Be ts) ma Z O a iz ia - — i NOILALILSNI_NVINOSHLINS >A luYvugd at BRARIE ‘ : So - | as 2 28 -e BK > -~ > . ee) RK Pe) \es as a ae : mM =. a ri wn LIBRARIES INSTITUTION NOILOLILSI hee 7 wn ol * 2) re Uo < s ss 1 > Zz “4 Yi; D on a oO Vio ff % : YP 4 Gs, E zZ = 2 44 fer a 3 ; > NOILMLILSNI. NVINOSHLINS S31NVNGIT LIBRARIE Eh het S REST OF THE SPECIMENS OF DIPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. PART II. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1849. PRINTE j 7 ‘ 9, D “ i + i »* © ~ 1 " ‘ . : , Pas i } Pet ‘ “Hy INTRODUCTION. THE principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Dipterous Insects contained in the collection of the British Museum, indicat- ing at the same time the peculiarities of each, as regards variations of character, locality, and the source from whence it has been derived. With this view, the different individuals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by _ the letters a, b, c, &c., following the name of the species and its synonymes, and the description, if it appeared to have _ been before undescribed. This part of the Catalogue of Dipterous Insects has been prepared and the new species described, by Mr. Francis WALKER, so well known for his attention to this order of Insects. The remaining parts, containing the other families, are in hand, and will follow as soon as they can be completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, *** March 15, 1849. ort wl ont ile Os fi Ja ie vis a. r . ee AWRLS OF Lothculys: iy andl 7. ~ Py ae ia Fe | 4 iy 150 CMe | RES reer oy r \ fa 75 ce 3 : Ls : 3 a + / , 4 - iy a9 } bh) Lit Lbs : * £ ' . 5 € “4 % wh biden ett 7+ bts y pe cee tar ee & p3et f? 7 } DOES: iP. “eet rest) MM Tah setey'ti anit aati Pah A piel. reve Ts Ae C89 Ba be Tih eek | 4 ie) Ree a dente tat Bao Hees Y eta’ oa: Beko & , an fit fs! Vt 1 oc) ot. BOnisiioges ry : ‘ ; oF en cane} T ‘ereePE on bas ; / PIT, — Pay : >. a _ oe = Pi -< 25 ~~ o or ~~ ai " > _— *y rae =— *, -— pa < me a ant ned 3 Y3 236 LIST OF DIPTERA. Lomatia saboea, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 412, 3. Bibio sabeeus. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 416, 8. Anthrax sabceus, Fabr. Ent. Syst, iv. 261, 19. Syst. Antl. 126, 36. Musca sabceus, Gmel. Kid, Syst. Nat. v. 2832, 139. Stygia saboea, Meg. Dipt. ii. 1 138, 1. a. France. b. Italy. From Dr. Leach’s collection. ce. Albania. From Mr. Walker's collection. Lomatia lateralis, Curt. Brit. Ent. 2nd. edit. ix. 2. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt.i. 411, 2. Gim. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mose. 1847, 1,209, 1. Anthrax Belzebul, Panz. Faun. Germ. xlv. 16. Stygia lateralis, Mer. Dipt. ii. 140, 3. a. England. 6. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. e. South of France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. d. Clermont, Auvergne. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. e. France. Lomatia Hecate, Meig. Dipt. vi. 324, 4. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 412, 4. a. Italy ? Anturax, Fabricius. Group I. ANTHRAX stymphalis, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 252,1. Dw. 1, pl. 3, a. Boni | AntTHRAXx Phlegethon, n. s., Div. I., Wted., fem. Picea, thorace quingue vittato, fascia pilosa antica, fasciculisque quatuor late- ralibus rufis ornata, scutello ferrugineo, abdomine ciliis nigris fasciculisque albis lateralibus vario, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis piceis, cinereo uniguttatis subfulvoque vittatis, piceo unigut- | tatis. Body dark piceous, clothed with black hairs, with which gray hairs are mingled on the abdomen: head dark ferruginous on each side in front: feelers and mouth black, the former very hairy at the base: eyes dark red: chest covered with a dark brown bloom on which five stripes may be indistinctly traced, and having a band of bright red hairs on the fore border, and two tufts of the same on each side, one in front, the other behind: scutcheon very dark ferruginous: abdomen with a fringe of black hairs on each —————— LIST OF DIPTERA. 237 side, and having a tuft of clear white hairs on each side of the fourth, fifth, seventh, and eighth segments: there is also a smaller tuft of whitish hairs on each side of the second segment; under- side piceous, with a ferruginous tinge: legs black, clothed with black hairs and bristles: wings dark piceous, with a gray dot on the disk of each, before one-third of the length from the base, brown and having grayish tawny areolet-disks at the tip and along the hind borders for more than half the length from the tips; there is also a small round piceous spot very near the tip of each wing; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips ; poi- sers piceous, with yellow tips. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 17 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by Mrs. J. P. G. Smith. ANTHRAX Harpyia, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 254, 3. Div. 1. a. Brazil. AnTHRAX umbrifer, n.s., Div. I,. Wied., fem. Nigra, capite antice Jerrugineo, abdomine basi rufo utringue maculato, antennis pedi- busque piceis, femoribus ferrugineis, tarsis nigris, antennis fuscis apice pallidioribus basi ferruginets. Body black: head and chest clothed with bright tawny hairs: head ferruginous in front: eyes, mouth, and feelers piceous: abdo- men clothed with ferruginous hairs on the hind borders of the seg- ments, and having a large red spot on each side near the base: legs piceous, clothed with short black hairs ; thighs dark ferruginous ; feet black: wings dark brown, slightly paler along the fore borders and at the tips, ferruginous at the hind base ; wing-ribs and veins piceous ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming’s collection. AnTHRAX Orcus, n. s., Div. I., Wied., fem. Nigra, thoracis lateri- bus posticis rufo-fasciculatis, scutello ferrugineo, antennis nigris, pedibus piceis, alts cinereis, bast costaque nigro-fuscis. Body dull black, thinly clothed with ferruginous hairs and black bristles: feelers and mouth black: eyes dark red: scutcheon dark ferruginous: a tuft of red hairs on each side of the hind chest: legs dark piceous, beset with black bristles: wings blackish brown at the base and along the fore borders, and this colour passes into dark gray, which prevails at the tips and on the hind borders ; the brown colour lingers on the cross-veins, and the gray begins on the disks of the areolets; wing-ribs and veins piceous ; the latter black 238 LIST OF DIPTERA... towards the tips ; poisers also piceous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. AntTurax Erebus, n.s., Div. I., Wied. Nigra, seutello apice ferru- gineo, pedibus niyris, femoribus piceis, alis nigro-fuscis cinereo vittatis, apice margineque postico cinerets. Head wanting: body black, clothed especially beneath with bright ferruginous hairs: scutcheon dark ferruginous along the hind border: legs black, clothed with ferruginous hairs and black bristles ; thighs piceous: wings blackish brown, darkest at the base, gray at the tips and on the hind borders, and having some gray streaks on the areolets of the disks; wing-ribs, veins, and poisers piceous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Anturax Cerberus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 256, 1. Syst. Antl. 118, 1. “Wied. Dipt. Hxuot.i. 118,1. Auss. Zweif. i. 253, 2. Div. 1. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 400, 1. Exoprosopa Cerberus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 38, 6, pl. 16, f. 5. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse’s collection. b. Jamaica. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. AntTHRAXx Proserpina, Wied. Auss. Zwetf. i. 257, 6. Div. 1. Exoprosopa Proserpina, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 38, 7. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. b. Anturax rufescens, n.s., Div. I., Wied. Fusca, scutello rufo, pec- tore plerumque rufo, abdomine rufo-nigro univittato, pedibus rufis, tarsis piceis, alis fuscis maculis fasciaque limpidis, apice limpidis fuscoque maculatis. Head wanting: chest brown, thinly clothed with short red hairs, and in front and on each side with longer bright tawny hairs ; scutcheon red: breast mostly red, brown here and there, clothed with red hairs: abdomen red, thinly clothed with black hairs, and having a broad black interrupted stripe along the disk ; there are also some tawny hairs on each side, and more at the base and be- neath which is all red: legs red, furnished with black hairs; feet piceous: wings brown, darker in some parts than elsewhere, with two colourless dots on the disk, one nearly one-third of the length, the other more than two-thirds of the length from the base; a short broad irregular colourless band occupies part of the disk from the | middle to the hind border, where it nearly surrounds asmall brown ~ LIST OF DIPTERA. 239 spot ; tip of the wing colourless, with the exception of two brown spots; veins black; poisers piceous, with tawny tips. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Y AntHrax Mara, n.s. Div. I. Wied., mas. Fusco-nigra, abdomine cinereo-nigro, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis limpidis, basi costa fasciaque nigris. Body narrow, dull black, with a slight brown tinge, and clothed with very few hairs: feelers and mouth black: eyes piceous: abdo- men with a slight gray tinge: legs black: wings colourless, rather long, black at the base, and irregularly along the fore borders for full half the breadth unto two-thirds of the length, where the black part ends in a broad band; wing-ribs, veins, and poisers black. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. _ a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. AnTHRAX erythrocephala, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 118, 4. Wied. Dipt. Fixot.i.120,3. Auss. Zweif. i. 255,5. Div.1. Stomoxys morio, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 393,1. Syst. Antl. 279, 1. Exo- prosopa erythrocephala, Macq. Dipt. Ewot. ii. 1, 37, 5, pl. 16, f.4; pl. 19, f. 2, Var. 1. Spot towards the base of the wing rather large. Var. 2. Spot towards the base of the wing very small. Var. 3. Band of the wing composed of four spots, the hinder- - most of moderate size. Var. 4. Band of the wing composed of four spots, the hinder- most very small. , Var. 5. Band of the wing composed of three spots, the hinder- most wanting. é Var. 6. The foremost spot of the band of moderate size. Var. 7. The foremost spot of the band extremely small. Var. 8. The two middle spots of the band very large, the fore- most spot subdivided, and seated much nearer the tip of the wing than in other varieties. The transverse vein at the end of the first submarginal cell is more angular in this species and in A. Mara than in the preceding species. . Brazil. Presented by Mrs. J. P. G. Smith. . Para. Presented by Reginald Graham, Esq. . Brazil. From Mrs. Noel’s collection. . Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. . Brazil. From Mr. Mornay’s collection. . South America. From Mr. Warwick’s collection. n) eS co Ao oS 240 . LIST OF DIPTERA. Group II. AnTHRAX dives, n.s., Div. I., Wied., mas. Fusca, pilis aureis ves- tita, capite nigro, scutello ferrugineo, abdomine nigro pedibus Serruginets, tarsis nigris, alis fuscis apice limpidis. Head black, with an orange tawny tuft above between the eyes, which are dark red: there are also a few tawny hairs about the mouth, which like the feelers is black: chest brown, clothed with short brown and a few long black hairs, and adorned with a fringe of orange tawny along the fore border and along each side: breast brown, having also a fringe of orange tawny hairs along the fore border, and some hairs of this colour extend into the disk and mingle with the long black hairs that clothe it; scutcheon ferruginous, beset with stout black hairs, and on the hind border with long black bristles: abdomen black above, clothed especially towards the tip with brown hairs, and adorned along each side with orange tawny hairs ; these last are most thick at the base, and there they slightly extend across the back; a band of white hairs occupies nearly the whole breadth of the third segment; the tip of the abdomen and the whole of the under-side are also clothed with orange tawny hairs : legs ferruginous, clothed with short black hairs; hips, knees and feet black : wings dark brown at the base and along the fore border till near the tip, the outline of this colour is regular and very oblique, and runs nearly to the base in a line almost parallel to the hind border ; rest of the wing colourless; veins black; poisers pi- ceous. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Silhet. From Mr. Stainforth’s collection. b. Silhet. From Mr. Sowerby’s collection. ANTHRAX ferrea, n.s., Div. 1., Wied., fem. Cinerea, capite fulvo, thorace cano univittato fuscoque bivittato, scutello ferrugineo, pectore rufo-fulvo, abdomine ferrugineo maculis dorsalibus nigris, pedibus piceis femoribus ferrugineis, alis fulvis fusco nebulosis, apicibus marginibusque posticis limpidis. Head bright tawny, and clothed with short hairs of the same colour, black beneath: eyes bright red: mouth black : feelers tawny with black tips: chest gray, clothed with tawny hairs, and having a hoary stripe along the middle, and an indistinct brown stripe on each side; scutcheon ferruginous: breast reddish tawny, clothed with tawny hairs: abdomen ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs, and having also some yellowish white hairs towards the base, where they most abound, and form a tuft on each side ; each segment, excepting | the two last, with a triangular black spot on the back, these spots de- — crease in size from the base onwards: legs piceous, clothed with — ll ee — EEE a a a oe —= LIST OF DIPTERA. 241 short stout black hairs ; hips and thighs ferruginous, excepting the tips of the latter: wings tawny at the base and along the fore bor- der, and thence downwards till near the middle of the disk, where the veins are clouded with brown ; tips and hind borders colourless ; veins brown ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6—7 lines; of the wings 14—16 lines. a. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 6. Albania. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. ce. Albania. From Mr. Walker's collection. Anturax Tantalus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 260, 15. Syst. Antl. 124, 29. Wied. Dipt. Exot.i. 120,2. Auss. Zweif. 1. 255,4. Div. 1. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt.i.401,2. Exoprosopa Tantalus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 37, 4. The fifth posterior areolet (reckoning from the base of the wing) is much more oblique at its base here than in the species of the first group. - Variations in the wing-veins :— Var. 1. The fifth posterior cell is divided at the base. Var. 2. The fifth posterior cell is divided in the middle. Var. 3. The second submarginal cell is subdivided by a little forked cross-vein which forms an additional areolet. Var. 4. The second submarginal cell has three little additional cross-veins united at one end, and forming two areolets. a. Java. _6. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. AnTuHRAx bombyliformis, Macleay, King’s Narr. Surv. Coasts of Austral. ii. 468, 187. Wied. Auss. Zweif. ii. 648,74. Div. 1 Ligyra bombyliformis, Newn. Entomologist. 220. ; In one specimen there is an additional cross-vein near the tip of each wing, which thus has five submarginal areolets. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 6. New Holland. From Mr. Lambert’ collection. ce. New Holland. From Mr. Walker's collection. d. New Holland. From Mr. Children’s collection. AntTHRAx sylvanus ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 261,17. Syst. Antl. 125, 34. Wied. Auss. Zweif. 1. 321,94. Div.1. Bibio sylvanus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 758,12. Mant. Ins. ii. 329, 18. This species has five submarginal areolets. It does not well agree with the description of Fabricius, which more probably refers to A. bombyliformis, Macleay. — a. New Holland.. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq. 242 LIST OF DIPTERA. AnTHRAX funesta, n.s., Div. I., Wied., mas. Cinerea, capite fer- rugineo, abdomine nigro, pedibus nigris, alts cinereis, bast mar- ginibusque anticis fulvis. Head ferruginous above and in front, hoary behind, and clothed there with pale tawny or silvery down: eyes red: mouth and feelers — black; first joint of the latter ferruginous: chest gray, clothed with tawny hairs, which are very thick in front and on each side; it has also a few long black bristles on each side above the base of the © wing: breast gray, clothed with yellowish white hairs: abdomen ~ black, clothed with black down, and having a fringe of short black hairs along each side; there is a thick tuft of shining yellowish white hairs on each side of the base, which is traversed by a band of simi- lar hairs; this band is dilated on each side; there are a few white hairs on each side of the base of the third segment, and each of the three last segments has a broad interrupted band of shining white hairs; on the under-side the abdumen is clothed with white hairs from the base to the middle, and there is a broad band of the same near the tip: legs black, thinly clothed with short black hairs: wings deep gray, paler at the tips and along the hind border, bright tawny at the base and along the fore border, and slightly tinged with that colour along some veins in the disk; veins black; poisers piceous, with tawny knobs. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 19 lines. . It differs from A. erythrocephala in the upright fore side of the angle at the end of the first submarginal areolet. a. Port Essington. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 6b. New Holland. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq. Cc. P ANTHRAX imbuta, n.s. Nigra, pectore cano, scutello ferrugineo, abdomine nigro lateribus apice subtusque ferrugineo, pedibus ferrugineis, alis flavo-fuscis. Allied to A. fulvula. Head wanting: chest dark brown, clothed with yellow hairs; scutcheon ferruginous: breast hoary, thickly clothed with yellow hairs: abdomen black, clothed with yellow hairs, ferruginous on each side, at the tip, and beneath: legs ferruginous, clothed with yellow hairs and black bristles; feet pi- ceous: wings yellowish brown, rather long; the yellow colour pre- vailing most at the base, on the fore borders and along the margins of the veins; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous to- wards the tips of the wings; poisers yellow. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. P LIST OF DIPTERA. 243 Group ITI. AntTurax heros, Wied. Zool. Mag. iii. 8,11. Dipt. Exot. i. 126, 10. Auss. Zweif. i. 265, 15, Div. 3, pl. 3, f. 3. Exoprosopa Heros, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 46, 26. Variation in the wing-veins. The fifth posterior cell has a lit- tle areolet at its base. a. Cape. _ Anturax Satyrus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 259, 13. Weed. Auss. Zwerf. i. 322, 95, Div. 3. Bibio Satyrus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. 758, 10. Mant. Ins. ii. 329, 16. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot’s collection. _ Anturax ignifer, n.s., Div. I., Wied., fem. Picea, capite scutello | abdomineque ferruginets, thoracis lateribus albo subvitiatis, ab- | domine fascia bast maculisque lateralibus albo pilosis, maculis- | que dorsalibus nigris, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis limpidis | Fusco trivittatis. | Body dark piceous: head very dark ferruginous, somewhat _ paler beneath: feelers and mouth black: breast and sides and fore border of the chest clothed with red hairs: a band of white hairs _ around and beneath the wing-ribs interrupted towards the middle | of the breast: scutcheon and abdomen dark ferruginous, the latter | with a row of black spots on the back: a band of white hairs at the | base and white spots on each side; the tendency of these spots to I form bands may be indistinctly traced across the back ; under-side ; _ thickly clothed with ferruginous hairs: legs black, pubescent: wings colourless, long, brown mingled with ferruginous colour along the fore border, and thence sending forth three broad brown bands towards the hind border; the first band at the base occupies the whole breadth of the wing; the second is oblique and irregular, and does not reach the hind border, but is joined to the first by two clouded lon- | gitudinal veins; the third is small, club-shaped and irregular, and also falls short of the hind border; ; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the | body 73—8 lines; of the wings 20—2] lines. _a. Jamaica. ANTHRAX insularis, n. s., Div. I., Wied. Picea, scutello abdomine- gue ferruginets, abdomine maculis dorsalibus ,trigonis nigris, apice albo fasciato, pedibus ferrugineis, alis fuscis, vittis sub- limpidis, incisura postica, guttis duabus, apiceque limpidis. | Head wanting: chest and breast piceous: breast and sides of | the chest clothed with ferruginous hairs; scutcheon and abdomen PART II. Z, 244 LIST OF DIPTERA. ferruginous, shining; the latter with a row of triangular black spots along the back, one on each segment, and successively de- creasing in size from the base to the tip; penultimate segment adorned with a white band: legs dark ferruginous; feet piceons: wings dark brown, colourless at the tips, and each having a large truncate-conical slightly oblique spot extending from the hind bor- der to a little beyond the middle of the disk ; two very small colour- less spots near the base of the wing, and slight traces of pale marks — on the disk along the borders of some of the veins ; wing-ribs and — veins ferruginous along the fore border, which also has a ferruginous tinge ; the other veins and the poisers are black; the lower vein of the second submarginal areolet is angular. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. | a. ? Anturax Lar, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 257, 4. Syst. Antl. 110, 8. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 127,12. Auss. Zweif. 1. 268, 18, Div. 3. Bibio Lar, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 414,10. Mant. Ins. ii. 329, 11. a. Bengal. ANTHRAX seniculus, Wied. Auss. Zwetf. 1. 270, 20, Div. 3. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. AnTHRAX Dux, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 269, 19, Div. 3. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. AntHrax stellifer,n.s. Nigra, thoracis lateribus albido vittatis, scutello ferrugineo, abdomine macula media utrinque apiceque albis, pedibus piceis, alis nigris, guttis quatuor, apiceque lim- prdis. Head wanting: chest and breast black and thickly clothed with black hairs: a yellowish white stripe on each side of the chest, and a white tuft of hairs on each side of the scutcheon, which is ferruginous: abdomen black, with a white spot on each side at half its length; tip also white: legs piceous, pubescent: wings black, for nearly three-fourths of their length from the base, colourless thence to the tips; the black part comprises three or four little co- lourless spots; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers piceous. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b. West Australia. From: Mr. Clifton’s collection. AnTHRAX caffra, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i.131,17. Auss. Zweif. i. 275, 27, Div. 3. | a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. LIST OF DIPTERA. 245 AnTHRAX Meigenii, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 278, 31, Div. 3. a. P AnTHRAX rufa, Wied. Zool. Mag. ii. 41. Dipt. Exot. i. 140, 31. Auss. Zweif. 1. 291, 49, Div. 5. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. ANTHRAX capensis, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 133,20. Auss. Zwetf. i. 279, 32, Div.3. Exoprosopa capensis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 48, 31. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. _ Antrurax Hessii, Wied. Zool. Mag. ii. 2,40. Dipt. Exot. i. 139, 29. Auss. Zweif. i. 289, 45, Dw. 5. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. ANTHRAX maculipennis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 56, 4. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. AntTHRAx umbra, n.s., Div. III., Wied., fem. Nigra, canescens, antennis nigris, pedibus piceis, alis cinereis, basi costaque fuscis, venis nonnullis transversis fusco nebulosis. Body dull black, covered with a hoary bloom, and clothed with _ gray-black and hoary hairs: feelers black, covered with gray down: eyes, mouth and legs piceous, the latter clothed with black hairs: wings dark gray, dark brown at the base and along the fore borders till near the tips, and especially on the margins of some of the cross-veins; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 16 lines. ? Presented by Captain Lord Byron. a. ANTHRAX tegminipennis, Say, Long’s Exped. to St. Peter’s River, App. 371, 2. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 289, 46, Div. 5. a. Nova Scotia. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ANTHRAX marginicollis, G. R. Gray, Griff. transl. Cuv. Anim. Kingd. xxxv. Ins. 2, pl. 125, f. 6. Div. 3, Wied. ? a. y Age 246 LIST OF DIPTERA. ANTHRAX undans, n.s. Nigra, thorace flavo ciliato fulvoque quinquevittuto, scutello, pectore, abdominis ventre fasciisque dor- salibus ferrugineis, abdomine pilis albis fasciato, lateribus ru- fescentibus, pedibus ferrugineis, tibiis anticis tarsisque piceis, alis limpidis vittd undante fusca, costa flavo-fusca, vittisque sublimpidis varia. 3 Head wanting: chest black, thinly clothed with yellow hairs, and having a thick fringe of the same in front and along the sides above the base of the wings ; it is adorned with five tawny stripes, — of which the middle one is shortened in front; scutcheon ferrugi- nous: abdomen black, ferruginous and with a band of ferruginous hairs on the hind border of each segment, which has also a band of white hairs towards its fore border, and is reddish on each side: breast and under-side of abdomen ferruginous and clothed with yel- low hairs: legs ferruginous; feet and fore shanks piceous: wings colourless, yellowish brown along the fore borders for almost three- fourths of the length; this colour includes some almost limpid — streaks, and descends slightly into the disk of the wing by some of the veins; the latter join it to a rather darker serpentine mark, which borders the veins nearer to the hind border; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous ; the latter piceous towards the tips ; poisers tawny. Length of the bodye7 lines; of the wings 16 lines. ? a. AnTuHrax Alexon, n.s. Ferruginea, captie thoracisque disco piceis, abdomine pilis albis fulvis piceisque vittato, antennis fulvis, pedi- bus ferrugineis, tarsis picets, alis cinereo-fuscis, apicibus margi- nibusque posticis subcinereis fusco trimaculatis. Body ferruginous: head and chest piceous: head thickly co- | vered with ferruginous down: eyes very dark red; feelers tawny: chest clothed with tawny hairs: breast with longer pale yellow hairs: scutcheon ferruginous: back of the abdomen clothed with tawny and white hairs, and along the hind borders of the segments with piceous hairs, and thereby banded: under-side rather paler and clothed with white hairs: legs ferruginous; thighs and shanks clothed with very short pale yellow hairs, and beset with black bris- tles ; feet piceous, clothed beneath with short black bristles: wings brown, which colour passes into brownish gray towards the hind border near the base, and the disks of some of the areolets in the middle of the wing are also gray ; the brown has likewise a very ob- | lique branch, which becomes gray and irregular as it approaches — the hind border, which, like the tips of the wings, is gray, with the | following exceptions ; a brown spot on the first, and somet*~*s ano- | LIST OF DIPTERA. 247 ther on the second of the longitudinal veins, where their upward curve approaches the fore border; two brown spots on the cross- veins near the tip, one of them mostly on the brown part, from which it is distinguished by its darker colour; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. Group IV., Wied. Auss. Zweif. pl. 3, f. 4. AnTHRAXx Pygmalion, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 124, 30. Wied. Dipt. Exot. 1. 137,26. Auss. Zweif.i. 285,40. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 401, 3. Exoprosopa varinervis, Macg. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 41, 13, pl. 17, f. 8. a. Tunis. From Mr. Fraser's collection. Variation in the wing-veins.—The fifth areolet on the hind bor- der, reckoning from the base of the wing, contains one lesser areolet in one wing, and two in the other. Group. V. “ANTHRAX apicalis, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i.126,11. Auss. Zweif. i. 266, 16, Div. 3. a. Cape. - ANTHRAX pennipes, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 129,14. Auss. Zweif. i. 272, 23, Div. 3. Exoprosopa pennipes, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 49, 33. P Group VI. AnTuHRAX collaris, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 271,21. A. ruficollis, var. Saunders, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. iii. 59, pl. 5, f. 5. The specimen here described agrees more with the characters of A. collaris than with those of A. ruficollis. Fem.—WNigra, ciliis lateralibus nigris, capite pectoreque piceis, tho- race pilis rufis anticé fasciato et utrinque fasciculato, abdominis segmento 3° albo utrinque fasciculato, antennis pedibusque ni- gris, alis nigro-fuscis, incisurd macula vittaque lumpidis, apicem versus ferrugineo-fuscis. Body black, with a few short gray hairs on the back: head pi- ceous, with a slight gray bloom in front and behind: mouth ferru- ZO 248 LIST OF DIPTERA. ginous ; sucker and feelers black: eyes red: chest adorned in front — with a band of bright red hairs, and having a tuft of the same on each side: breast piceous, with a hoary bloom: a fringe of black hairs on each side of the chest and of the abdomen; the back of the _ latter adorned with a tuft of white hairs on each side of the third segment: legs black, clothed with black hairs and bristles: wings — blackish brown, with a colourless space on the middle of the hind ~ border, of whose length it occupies about one-third, and extends up- ward in a short-conical form to more than two-thirds of the breadth of the wing ; there is a small colourless spot at a short distance from the tip of this space towards the base of the wing, still nearer to which there is a small colourless streak along one of the veins, and the neighbouring part of the wing has a ferruginous tinge ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips ; poisers black, with piceous tips. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. ee ee ee Se Group VII. AnTHRAX basifascia, n.s., Div. III., Wied. Nigra, capite fulvo, scutello pectoreque ferrugineis, abdomine piceo ciliis flavis fas- ciato, antennis pedibusque nigris, femoribus piceis, alis subcine- reis, bast costa venarumque lateribus fulvis. Head tawny and clothed with tawny hairs: mouth black : eyes piceous: feelers black, ferruginous at the base: chest piceous, clothed with tawny hairs, which form a fringe along the fore border and on each side: scutcheon and breast ferruginous, the latter clothed with tawny hairs: abdomen dark piceous, with a fringe of pale yellow hairs on the fore border of each segment, and more com- pletely clothed on the under-side: legs black; thighs piceous: wings slightly gray, tawny at the base and on the fore borders, and along the margins of the veins; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 18 lines. I ne ee a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell’s collection. Anturax hetrusca, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 257, 3. Syst. Anil. 119, 7. Meig. Dipt. ii, 151, 15. | | a. Frejus. From Mr. Walker's collection. ANTHRAX lutea. Exoprosopa lutea, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 40, 12, pl. 17, f.11. a. Spain. From Dr. Leach’s collection. LIST OF DIPTERA. 249 ANTHRAX pictipennis, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 302, 65, Div. 5. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. ANTHRAX diffusa, Wied. Anal. Entom. 23,14. Auss. Zweif. i. 291, 48, Div. 5. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. Anturax Iacchus, Fabr. Syst. Anil. 123,21. Meig. Dipt. ii. 162, 32, vi. 325. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 408,29. Guim. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. 1847, 1, 215,14. A. Pandora, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 121,10. Meig. Dipt. ii. 170, 44, pl. 17, f. 12. Curt. Brit. Ent. 2nd. edit. ix. 5. A. Megera, Hoffmansegg, Meig. Dipt. ii. 172,47. A. italica, Rossi, Mety. Dipt. 1. 171, 46. A. picta, Wied. Meig. Dipt. ii. 171, 45, pl.17, f. 23, vii. 65. Exoprosopa Pandora, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 39, 9. a. South of France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. b. Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. ce. Albania. From Mr. Walker’s collection. d. Tunis. From Mr. Fraseyr’s collection. ANTHRAX capucina, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 259,12. Syst. Anél. 123, 23. Meig. Dipt. ii. 173, 48, vii. 65. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 409, 30. Loew, Prog. 1840,13. Gim. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. 1847, 1, 215,15. Bibio capucina, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 425, 14. | a. France. ANTHRAX subfascia, n.s., mas. Nigra, pectore cano, scutellt abdo- minisque latertbus ferrugineis, ventre ferrugineo ciliis albis or- nato, antennis fulvis, pedibus piceis, alis cinereis, bast costdque nigro-fuscis. Body black: head clothed with tawny hairs, which abound most in front: mouth tawny; sucker black: feelers tawny: eyes red: chest clothed with tawny hairs; breast hoary and clothed with pale yellow hairs; scutcheon ferrnginous: abdomen ferruginous on each side and beneath, its back clothed with tawny hairs, its under- side adorned with fringes of whitish hairs, which cover the whole of the two last segments: legs piceous, beset with black bristles; thighs also clothed with tawny hairs beneath: wings gray, blackish brown at the base and on the fore borders till near the tips ; the brown, as usual when it blends with the gray, disappears first on the disks of the areolets; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips ; poisers ferruginous, with yellowish white knobs. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse’s collection. 250 LIST OF DIPTERA. ANTHRAX trimacula,n.s. Niger, capite fulvo, scutello ferrugineo, abdomine ferrugineo nigro univittato, pedibus ferrugineis, tarsis nigris, alis cinereis fusco trimaculatis; marginibus anticis ferru- gineis. | Head tawny in front and beset with short black bristles: feelers black ; first and second joints ferruginous; sucker piceous; palpi ferruginous: eyes piceous: chest and breast black, their sides adorned with long yellow hairs ; scutcheon ferruginous: abdomen ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs, and“ having also a row of short black bristles along the hind border of each segment; the black stripe on its back is broad at the base, but quickly decreases in width before the two last segments: legs ferruginous, beset with black bristles; feet black: wings gray, darker towards the fore bor- der, which is ferruginous, and each having three dark brown spots on the cross-veins of the disk ; veins black ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. | a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse’s collection. ANTHRAX emarginata. Exoprosopa emarginata, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 51, 40. a. Massachusetts. From Prof. Sheppard’s collection. 5. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. ANTHRAX fasciata. Exoprosopa fasciata, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 51, 38, pl. 17, f. 6. . a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot's collection. AnTHRAX indecisa, n.s. Nigra, flavo-hirta, subtus cano alboque hirta, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis subcinereis, anticé fuscis. Body black, clothed with yellow hairs, hoary and clothed with white hairs beneath: feelers, mouth and legs black; thighs hoary: wings slightly gray, brown along the fore border for about half the length ; wing-ribs and fore border veins piceous ; the other veins and the poisers black. Length of the body 33 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. ANTHRAX singularis. Exoprosopa singularis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 41, 15, pl. 17, f. 3, var. B.? a. Africa? ANTHRAX Nox, n.s. Nigra, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis nigris maculis nonnullis fulvis, apice albis. Body rather narrow, black, and clothed with black hairs: feel- ers, mouth, and legs also black: eyes dark red: wings long, black, A ee — > ee ee - Se ——— a a LIST OF DIPTERA. 251 white at the tips, fringed on the hind borders near the base; the black part includes some small, more or less, distinct tawny marks on the borders of the cross-veins ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers piceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. ANTHRAX vitriecosta,n.s. Nigra, thorace antico pilis flavis fasciato, pedibus nigris, coxis femoribusque pices, alis limpidis. Head wanting: body rather narrow, black, shining, thinly clothed with very short white hairs: front of the chest with a thick band of pale yellow hairs: legs black, and clothed with black hairs ; hips and thighs piceous: wings colourless; wing-ribs and veins tawny ; fore border veins slightly clouded with yellow ; poisers yel- low. Length of the body 43 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 5) a. _ ANTHRAX suffusa, n.s.,fem. Picea, scutello ferrugineo, abdomine subtus fulvo, pedibus fulvis, alis cinereis, bast costaque fuscis Juscoque septem-maculatis. Body piceous: head covered with a few yellow hairs, hoary and thinly clothed with white hairs behind: eyes bronze-colour: chest _ thinly clothed with pale yellow hairs, and having a few black bristles behind and on each side; scutcheon dark ferruginous ; breast covered with a hoary bloom and thinly clothed with white hairs: abdomen covered with white down and yellow hairs, and having a thin fringe of black hairs on each side; under-side tawny, piceous at the base, with the exception of the hind borders of the segments : ' legs tawny, thinly beset with black hairs and bristles ; hips and tips of feet piceous ; thighs with a slight hoary bloom: wings brown at the base and along the fore borders till near the tips and for more than half the breadth, with darker marks on the borders of the cross- veins ; the other part is gray, which colour may also be traced on the disks of some of the areolets on the border of the brown part, there are seven brown spots on the gray, two of them at the tip, and five along the hind border of the wing ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. 2 a. AntTHRAx Simson, Fabr. Syst. Antl.110,5. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 122, 6. 7 a. France. : b. South of France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ANTHRAX fimbriata, Meig. Klass. Zwetf. i. 205,11. Dipt. ii. 154, 21, pl. 17, f. 18. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt.i. 405,16. Loew. Prog. 1840, 13. Zeller, Isis, 1840, 30. Gim. Bull. Soc. Imp. — Nat. Mose. 1847, 1,211,6. Anthrax afra, Fabr. Ent. Syst. — iv. 258, 7. Syst. Anil. 122,15. Latr. Gen. Crust. iv. 310. . a. France. 6. South of France. Presented by the Entomological Club. e. South of France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. AntTHRAx maura, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 258, 6. Syst. Antl. 121, 12. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Anthrac. 7,3. Panz. Faun, Germ. xxxii. 19, ‘Musca maura, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 981. Faun. Suec. 1785, Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2831, 11. Schell. Gen. Mouch. pl. 32, f.2. Stew. El. 256. Bibio maura, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 414, 12. Nemotelus maura, Deg. Ins. vi. 77, 13, t. 11, f. 11, 12. Bom- bylius maurus, Zurt. ii. 685. Anthrax bifasciata, Meig. Klass. Zweif. 1. 209, a. Dipt. ii. 156, 24, pl. 17, f. 15. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 405,17. A. Demon, Panz. Faun. Germ, xlv. 16. | a. South of France. Group X. ANTHRAX vestita, n.s. Nigra, pilis flavis fulvis nigrisque densis- sime vestita, pedibus nigris, femoribus subtus basique fulvis, alis subfusco-cinereis. Body black, very broad, resembling that of a Bombylius: head clothed with short tawny and long black hairs, the latter are most numerous, especially towards the mouth, which is piceous: feelers black: eyes nearly black: chest most thickly clothed with yellow hairs, which extend over the sides of the breast; the disk of the latter has an equally thick covering of black hairs: abdomen thickly clothed with yellow hairs, and having a large patch of bright tawny hairs near the tip, which like the disk of the under-side LIST OF DIPTERA. 259 is clothed with thick black hairs: legs black, clothed with short black hairs, and beset with longer black spines; thighs tawny beneath and towards the base above where they have tawny hairs : wings slightly brownish gray ; the base and the fore border are dark brown, which colour ceases before the tip of the wing; its hinder outline is irregular, and dissolves into the gray of the wing; veins piceous ; poisers brown, with yeliow knobs. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Nova Scotia. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. AnTurax fulviana, Say, Long’s Exped. to St. Peter’s River, Apv. 372, 3. Weed. Auss. Zwetf. i. 290, 47. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. 6. Nova Scotia. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. ANTHRAX alternata, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. 1822,45,5. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 303, 66. a. New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. P From Mr. Children’s collection. ANTHRAX resurgens, n.s. Negra, abdomine maculis quatuor ferru- _ gineis, subtus fulvo, pedibus fulvis, genubus tarsisque pices, alis limpidis, ad costam flavo-fuscis. Body black: head wanting: sides and fore border of chest clothed with pale tawny hairs which are more thick on the hoary breast: abdomen clothed with yellow hairs, tawny beneath, and having two large ferruginous spots on each side of the second and third segments; legs tawny, clothed with yellow hairs and black bristles ; knees and feet piceous: wings colourless, yellowish brown at the base and along the fore borders till near the tips; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards their tips; poisers tawny, with yellow tips. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. AnTHRAX hottentotta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 260,10. Syst. Anil. 125,31. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Anthr. 9,6. Meig. Klass. Zweif. i.199,1. Latr. Gen. Cr. iv. 310. Cons. Gén. 443. Lam. Anim. sans Vert. iii. 410, 3. Curt. Brit. Ent. 2nd edit. ix. 2. Musca hottentotta, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 281. Faun. Suec. 1287. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2831, 13. Schef. Icon. pl. 12, f. 10—12, pl. 76, f.17. Bibio hottentotta, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 415,16. Schrank. Faun. Boic. iii. 2369. Bombylius Hotten- tottus, Turt. iii. 686. Nemotelus hottentottus, Deg. Ins. vi. 77, 2a 260 LIST OF DIPTERA. pl. 11, f. 77. Anthrax flava, Hoffmansegg, Meig. Dipt. ii. 143, pl.17,f.9. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt.i. 403. Curt. Brit. Ent. 2nd edit. ix. 1. Loew. Prog. 1840, 12,1. Ent. Zeit. Stett: 1841, 26. Zett. Dipt. Scand. a 195, 1. Gim. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mose. 1847, 1, 209, A. fasciata, Meig. Klass. Zweif. i. 200, 3. A. circumdata, Hoff. Meig. Dipt. ii. 143, 2. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i.403,9. Zett. Dipt. Scand. i. 196, 2. Gim. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mose. 1847, 1, 210,2. LIST OF DIPTERA. 265 AntHRAx Demogorgon, n.s. Nigra, pilis rufis hirta, capitis vertice scutellogue ferruginets, abdominis lateribus nigro ciliatis, anten- nis nigris, pedibus ferrugineis, tarsis piceis, alis nigro-fuscis maculis una magna fulva tribusque limpidis guttisque duabus limpidis, apice subcinereis fusco bivittatis. ; Body black: head clothed with black hairs, ferruginous between the eyes, tawny in front: mouth tawny; feelers and sucker black: eyes dark red: chest and breast, and especially the latter, clothed with red hairs; scutcheon ferruginous, excepting the fore border: abdomen dull black, piceous beneath, clothed with red hairs, and having a fringe of black hairs on each side: legs dark ferruginous, beset with black bristles; feet piceous: wings blackish brown, having near the fore border in middle of the length a large ferrugi- nous spot, which also stretches along the borders of the veins ; be- neath this there are three colourless spots, which occupy as many areolets,—the first nearest to the hind border is small, the second is larger, the third is triangular and larger; beyond the latter and nearer to the hind border there are two very small, and sometimes almost obsolete, colourless spots; the tips of the wings are pale gray, excepting two stripes which follow the curves of the veins and are joined together at each end; wing-ribs and veins piceous; poisers tawny, their knobs piceous above. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. The fork on the base of the fourth areolet on the hind border, reckoning from the base of the wing, is longer than that of A. Hal- cyon. Group XVII. AnTurax bipunctata, Fabr. Syst. Antl.118,4. Wied. Dipt. Exot. 1.138, 28. Auss. Zweif. i. 286, 42. 9 a. Group XVIII. Anturax melaleuca, Wied. Auss. Zweif. 1. 299, 61. a. Brazil? Anturax hyalacra, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 315, 84. a. Brazil? . | 266 LIST OF DIPTERA. AnTHRAX delicatula,n.s. Nigra, angusta, pilis albis ornata, pedi- — bus nigris, alis longis, angustis, limpidis, bast marginibusque anticis fuscis. Body black, narrow: head clothed with white hairs: eyes pi- ceous: feelers black: chest also adorned with white hairs, which form a stripe on each side and a band near the tip: the white hairs on the abdomen form a band, and a patch on each side near the base, and another patch on each side near the tip : legs black, rather long and very slender, beset with black spines: wings long and narrow, dark brown across the whole breadth for one-third from the base, and across half the breadth from thence to the tips ; the hinder half is limpid, and the boundary lines between the two colours is very uneven and indistinct, and forms three or four hardly defined angles; veins black; poisers tawny, with piceous knobs. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse’s collection. ANTHRAX noctiluna, n. s. Cyaneo-nigra, maculis argenteis, abdomi- nis bast fasciculis albis, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis nigro- fuscis vittis sublimpidis, basi costaque subcyaneis. Body black, with a very slight bluish tinge, clothed with black hairs: head silvery behind and along the eyes in front: feelers and mouth black: eyes dark red: breast hoary, with some silvery marks: each side of the abdomen adorned with a large tuft of white hairs at the base and with a smaller tuft of bright silvery hairs near the tip: legs black and clothed with black hairs: wings long, narrow, blackish brown, with a bluish tinge at the base and along the fore borders, and having eight pale streaks on the areolets at the tips and along the hind borders; wing-ribs and veins piceous ; poisers piceous, with tawny tips. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. P ANTHRAX Cephus, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 124,25. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i- 141,33. Auss. Zweif. i. 297,58. Macq. Dipt. Hxot. ii. 1, 59, 12. a. Brazil? Group XIX. _ Distinguished by the contortion of the veins at the tips of the wings. ; ANTHRAX insignis. Neuria lateralis, Newman, Entomologist, 220. a. New Holland. Presented by Dr. A. Sinclair. ) 6. New Holland. Presented by R. Brown, Esq. LIST OF DIPTERA. 267 Anrurax fasciata, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 118, 2. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 321,93. Neuria nigrescens, Newm. Entomologist, 221. a. New Holland. Presented by the Earl of Derby. AnTHRAX Stria,n.s. Nigra, capite cano, thoracis scutellique lateri- bus, pectore, abdomineque subtus ferrugineis, abdomine fascits fulvis, antennis piceis, pedibus ferrugineis, tarsis piceis, alis ferruginets vittis sublimpidis apicem versus fusco alboque fasci- atts. Body black, clothed with black and tawny hairs, among which are mingled a few white hairs: head hoary behind and in front along the eyes, above the insertion of the feelers, where it is thickly clothed with black hairs; front thickly clothed with bright tawny hairs: feelers and mouth piceous: eyes dark red: breast and sides of the chest ferruginous and covered with a hoary bloom; sides of the scutcheon also ferruginous: abdomen ferruginous beneath and thinly clothed with yellow hairs ; hind borders of the segments pale tawny: legs ferruginous; feet piceous: wings ferruginous brown, with a white band on each before the tips ; the areolets with almost colourless streaks, which are most distinct along the hind borders, but thence to the fore borders become successively more obsolete; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny, with piceous tips. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 22 lines. | a. New Holland. Presented by Dr. A. Sinclair. AnTHRax basalis,n.s. Nigra, pectore cano, thoracis lateribus, scu- tello, abdomineque subtus ferrugineis, abdomine fusco basi albo vittato, antennis piceis, pedibus ferruginets, alis fusco-cinereo variis, apice albis. Body black: head hoary, beset with black bristles,-which are most thick about the insertion of the feelers, tawny and thickly clothed with tawny hairs in front: mouth black, ferruginous at the base: eyes and feelers piceous, the latter dark ferruginous at the base: chest with a gray bloom, which is interrupted by three black stripes, and clothed with tawny hairs, which are more thick on the hoary breast; scutcheon and sides of the chest ferruginous: abdo- men dull brown, thinly clothed with tawny hairs, with a white stripe at the base, ferruginous beneath : legs dark ferruginous, clothed with black hairs: wings brown, white at the tips, and having several pale gray streaks in the areolets of the disks ; hind borders also mostly pale gray ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the PART II. | QR 268 LIST OF DIPTERA. tips; poisers ferruginous. Length of the body 72 lines; of the | wings 21 lines. | a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. ANTHRAX quadripennis, n.s., mas. Nigra, abdomine subtus ferru- gineo, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis ferrugineo-cinereis, fusco fasciatis apice albis. Body black, clothed, especially on the sides, with yellow hairs : feelers, mouth and eyes also black: abdomen beneath ferruginous, but black towards the tip, with the exception of the hind borders of the segments: legs black, beset with black bristles: wings ferrugi- nous along the fore borders till near the tips, which are white, pale gray along the hind borders from the base to a little beyond half the length, where this colour is divided from the white of the tips by a short broad pale brown band; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the lat- ter black towards the tips; poisers ferruginous. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. New Holland. AntTurax ocellata. Neuria ocellata, Newman, Entomologist, 221. a. New Holland. Presented by the Rev. Augustus Beaufort. P ANTHRAX preargentata, Macleay, King’s Narr. Surv. West Austral. 11. 468, 186. Wied. Auss. Zwief. ii. 648, 73. a. New Holland. From Mr. Walker’s collection. ANTHRAX inclusa,n.s. Nigra, capite pectore ventreque canis, an- tennis pedibusque nigris, alis fuscis, albo quinguemaculatis, apice albis margine apicali subfusco. Nearly allied to A. ocellata, but smaller and somewhat different in other characters. Body narrow, black, clothed with pale yellow hairs: head hoary, piceous about the mouth, thickly clothed with tawny hairs about the feelers, which, like the sucker, are black: chest with a fringe of black hairs on the fore border: breast hoary: abdomen with a few black hairs on the hind borders of the seg- ments and on each side, hoary beneath: legs black, beset with black hairs and bristles; thighs also clothed with yellow hairs: wings brown, with a large white spot at the tip, the extreme part of which is slightly clouded with pale brown ; the brown part is very pale on the disks of the areolets, and especially so towards the hind border, but dark along the veins ; it comprises five white spots, which are LIST OF DIPTERA. 269 variable in size and in shape; two of them are near together to- wards the base of the wing ; beyond these there is another, which is larger ; the fourth and the fifth are alongside of each other, and nearer to the tip of the wing ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the lat- ter black towards the tips; poisers tawny, with yellow knobs. Length of the body 23—4 lines ; of the wings 7—10 lines. a. Van Dieman’s Land. Presented by the Rev. T. Ewing. AntTurax sobria,n.s. Picea, capite cano, scutello ferrugineo, abdo- mine subtus ferrugineo fascris fulvis, antennis nigris, pedibus — ferrugineis, femoribus tibtis tarsisque apice nigris, alis cinereis, bast costaque fuscis. Body piceous: head hoary, thickly clothed with black hairs above the feelers and with pale yellow hairs in front: feelers black : mouth dark ferruginous : eyes red: chest clothed with tawny hairs, which are paler and thicker on each side: breast ferruginous, with a hoary bloom, and clothed with white hairs: abdomen thinly clothed with tawny black and whitish hairs, the latter mostly on the sides ; under-side ferruginous, its segments with tawny hind borders : legs ferruginous, clothed with black hairs ; tips of the thighs, of the shanks and of the feet black: wings gray, long and narrow, brown at the base and along the fore borders for four-fifths of the length, where the brown blends with the gray; wing-ribs and fore border veins piceous, the other veins black; poisers tawny. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 18 lines. | _ a. New Holland. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq. Anturax extensa, Walker, Ent. Mag. ii. 473. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b. Western Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. ANTHRAX corculum. Neuria corculum, Newman, Entomol, 221. a. New Holland. From Mr. Argent’s collection. b. New Holland. ANTHRAX dorsalis, n.s., mas. Ferruginea, capite necnon thoracis abdominisque discis nigris, thorace pilis flavis utringue vittato, antennis nigris, pedibus ferruginets, alts cinereis, bast costaque fuscis. | Body ferruginous: head black, clothed with tawny hairs in front, and with black hairs on the crown and about the base of the feelers, which, like the sucker, are black: eyes red: lip pale yellow: lancets ferruginous: disk of the chest and that of the abdomen black ; chest clothed with pale red hairs, and having a stripe of pale | ~ 28e 270 LIST OF DIPTERA. yellow hairs with a few black bristles on each side: breast covered with a hoary bloom and with a few short yellow hairs: abdomen thinly clothed with short yellow and longer black hairs: legs ferru- ginous, beset with black hairs and bristles: wings brown at the — base, along the fore borders and at the tips; the other part gray, with the exception of three short oblique white bands, which divide the brown from the gray colour ; the disks of the areolets are paler | towards the tips of the wings ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the lat- ter black towards the tips ; fore border veins ferruginous ; poisers tawny, with piceous knobs. Length of the body 33 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a, New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. ANTHRAX serpentiger, n.s. Nigra, abdomine subtus ferrugineo, an- : tennis pedibusque nigris, tibiis tarsisque fulvis, alis fuscts, vittis © cinereis striaque serpentina limpida. Body black, clothed with ferruginous hairs: feelers and mouth black: eyes piceous: sides of the chest clothed with white hairs, of which there are also some on the hind border: hoary hairs are mingled on the abdomen with the ferruginous hairs, which prevail chiefly on the hind borders of the segments; under-side of the ab- domen dark ferruginuous: legs black, and beset with black bristles ; shanks and feet tawny, the latter piceous towards the tips: wings dark brown ; cross-veins clouded with black; areolets varied with gray streaks, which are most distinct towards the hind borders of the wings ; a narrow colourless serpentine streak begins in the disk ata | little beyond two-thirds of the length of the wing, and extends — thence to the tip; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers tawny, with piceous knobs. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 8 lines. : 4 a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. i AnTurax plena,n.s., fem. Nigra, angusta, pilis nigris albis ful- visque vestita, thoracis lateribus scutello ventreque piceis, pedibus fulvis femoribus nigris, alis cinereis vittts maculisque plurimis fuscis, marginibus anticis fuscis, bast fulvis. 7 | Body black, rather narrow: head clothed with black hairs, and _ having a few tawny hairs near the base of the feelers, which like the mouth are black: eyes red: chest and breast clothed with long black hairs, among which are some shorter tawny hairs, and there is a fringe of white hairs along each side; scutcheon and sides of the - the chest piceous: abdomen more thinly clothed with long black hairs, and also furnished with short white hairs along its sides; un- der-side piceous; legs beset with a few black spines and hairs; SS a ee Oe ee - = = = LIST OF DIPTERA. 271 hips and thighs black; shanks and feet tawny, with piceous tips: wings narrow, gray, dark tawny at the base, brown along the fore border for near two-thirds of their length ; this brown stripe slightly widens towards its tip, where it terminates rather abruptly, but very irregularly, being interrupted by gray intervals; twelve brown spots oecupy the veins on the gray part of the wing ; six of these are on the cross-veins, and five along the hind borders; there are several pale brown stripes on the disks of the arevlets, and two large irregu- lar brown blotches ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers tawny, with a large piceous spot on the upper-side of the knob. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. | a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. ANTHRAX decedens,n.s. Nigro-fusca capite nigro, thorace vittis quingue pallidis, lateribus scutelloque ferruginets, abdomine sub- tus fulvo, pedibus ferruginets, alis cinereo-fuscis ferrugineo va- riis, apice albis. Body dark brown, much broader and less linear than that of any of the preceding species: head black, hoary behind, beset with black bristles between the eyes, and thickly clothed in front with tawny hairs: chest clothed with tawny hairs, having three pale very indistinct stripes on the disk, and a more decided white stripe on each side ; sides and scutcheon ferruginous; breast hoary: ab- domen clothed with tawny hairs which form a tuft on each side at the base, and the latter has also a slender band of yellowish white hairs ; under-side tawny: legs dark ferruginous; thighs clothed with tawny hairs; shanks and feet clothed with black hairs: wings grayish brown, white at the tips, with a ferruginous tinge at the base and along the fore borders ; wing-ribs and veins dark fer- ruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. AnTrax tendens, n.s.,mas. Ferruginea, thoracis dorso nigro, ab- domine rufo fasctis nigris, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, alis limpidis fusco bifasciatis. Head thickly clothed in front with yellow hairs: feelers and sucker black, the former ferruginous at the base: eyes dark red: chest black, clothed with tawny hairs ; sides and breast ferruginous, the latter slightly covered with a hoary bloom; scutcheon also fer- ruginous: abdomen red, clothed with yellowish white hairs at the base and on each side, and having a slender irregular black band on each segment of the back: legs red or tawny, beset with black hairs and bristles: wings long, brown, with two irregular colourless 2B3 272 | LIST OF DIPTERA. bands, one in the middle, the other at the tip of the wing: the brown at the base is blackish on the fore border, but becomes paler — and lastly gray towards the hind border ; the first colourless band is — more or less tawny adjoining the fore border; the brown between — it and the second colourless band is very irregular towards the tip of | the wing, the disks of its areolets are there nearly colourless, and its | outskirts are confined to the borders of the veins ; squamule fringed with bright yellow hairs; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers ferruginous. Length of the body 5—65 lines; of the wings 15—19 lines. : a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. ANTHRAX plana, n.s.,mas. Picea, thorace cano trivittato scutello abdomineque ferrugineis. | Body piceous: head clothed with black hairs in front, ferrugi- nous about the mouth: sucker and feelers black: chest with three hoary stripes, clothed with tawny hairs, and adorned on each side with a tuft of dark red hairs in front, and of pale yellow hairs with a few red ones behind, and having also some white hairs ahout the base of the wings: scutcheon ferruginous: abdomen ferruginous, with a tuft of white hairs on each side at the base, black along the fore borders of the segments, which have each a band of white hairs ; their sides are adorned with alternate tufts of black and white hair, and there is‘a double row of these tufts on the under-side ; legs pi- ceous, clothed with black hairs and bristles; thighs clothed beneath with tawny hairs, and having also some white hairs: wings gray, white at the tips, brown at the base and along the fore borders for more than three-fourths of the length, and for somewhat less than half the breadth ; a white interval between the brown and the gray ; the hind border of the brown part is rather concave, and it is oblique towards the tip ; on the veins of the gray part there are four brown spots and two paler brown streaks, the latter approaching the hind border of the wing; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter darker towards the tips; poisers tawny, with yellow knobs. Fem.—Differs from the male in the following characters. Head larger, hoary, fer- ruginous in front, thickly clothed with tawny hairs about the mouth and the feelers, which latter are thickly beset with black bristles at the base: sides of the chest ferruginous: breast (like that of the male) ferruginous, with a hoary bloom : legs somewhat paler ; thighs ferruginous beneath: the gray of the wing is darker, and the white between it and the brown is therehy more clearly defined. Length of the body 6—7 lines ; of the wings 17—20 lines. ~ a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. ce lle a a et ae ee ee ei ee oe ee ee le eee a —Z - = LIST OF DIPTERA. 273 AnTHRAX patula, n.s., mas. et fem. Picea, thoracis lateribus scu- tello pectore abdomineque ferrugineis, pedibus nigris, fem. tibiis picers, alis cinereis, fusco-vittatis et quadrimaculatis, apice et dis- co limpidis, bast costaque fuscis, alboque unimaculatis. Head wanting: chest piceous, clothed with hoary hairs, and having along the fore border a band of tawny hairs, with which some black hairs are mingled: sides of the chest and scutcheon fer- ruginous: breast ferruginous, covered with a hoary bloom, and thinly clothed with white hairs: abdomen like that of A. plana, thinly clothed on the back with black hairs, and that of the male having a broad and thick band of pale yellow hairs at the base: legs black, clothed with black hairs and bristles; shanks of the fe- male piceous: wings gray, brown at the base and along the fore- borders for more than three-fourths of the length, and for full one- _ third of the breadth, colourless at the tips, and for a space between the gray and the brown; there is a small white spot on the outskirt of the brown at one-third of the length of the wing: the gray part is indistinctly clouded with pale irregular brown streaks, and on its veins there are four darker brown spots, two of them very small ; wing-tibs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny, with yellow tips. Length of the body 6—7 lines; of the wings 18—19 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by Capt. Gray. 6. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. Corsomyza, Wiedemann. Corsomyza clavicornis, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 329, 4. Jenson, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc. iv. 332. Mulio clavicornis, Wied. Zool. Mag. iii. 12, 16. a. Cape. From Mr. Walker’s collection. Bomsy.ius, Linn. * Cross-veins along the hind border of the wing forming an inter- rupted line. + Discoidal areolet closed. A. The little cross-vein at three-fifths of the length of the discoidal areolet. Bomeytius orientalis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 90, 9, pl. 6,«f. 2. a. North India. From Mr. L. James’s collection. 6. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell’s collection. 1 274 LIST OF DIPTERA. | ‘| Suscis. Head dark brown, clothed with black hairs on the crown, with — tawny hairs in front, and with white hairs beneath, where it is hoary: mouth black, much less than half the length of the chest : feelers black, a little longer than the head ; third joint linear, longer than the first and second joints; fourth joint very short: chest brown, with a few tawny hairs; sides hoary, and clothed with a thick fringe of tawny hairs: breast hoary, clothed with white hairs, and having a thick fringe of tawny hairs on each side and in front: abdomen dark brown, with a few tawny hairs on the back, and having a band of white hairs at the base; the sides fringed with long black and red hairs and with shorter white hairs, the lat- ter are chiefly towards the tip, which is adorned with a tuft of red hairs ; under-side hoary, clothed with white and pale red hairs, the latter chiefly on the hind borders of the segments: legs red, beset with bristles of the same colour: wings brown at the base, and along the fore borders to the tips, colourless along the. hind borders; the brown occupies full half the surface, it slightly de- creases in breadth from the base to the tip, and its border is waved with three distinct outward and two inward curves; wing-ribs and veins dark ferruginous; poisers tawny, with ferruginous knobs. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 12 lines. 3 a. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 6. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. B. The little cross-vein at two-thirds of the length of the discoidal areolet. Bompy.ius analis. Mas. B. analis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 408, 5. Syst. Antl. 180, 10. Cog. Lllust. Icon. 85, pl. 20, f. 5. Wied. Dipt. Exot.i. 160, 1, Auss. Zweif.i. 331, 1. Fem. B. discoideus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 409, 6. Syst. Antl. 130, 11. Coq. Ill. Icon. 86, pl. 20, f, 6. Wied. Zool. Mag. ii. 42. Var. a. Tip of the abdomen clothed with white hairs. Var. 8. Tip of the abdomen clothed with tawny hairs. Var. y. Tip of the abdomen clothed with black hairs, with a — small tuft of tawny hairs in the middle. Var. 6. Smaller: tip of the abdomen with a tuft of tawny hairs on each side. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. 6. Cape. From Mr. Walker’s collection. 7 Bompytius hilaris,n.s. Fuscus, thoracis lateribus canis fulvoque — e e 4 %, e ° i q e q pilosis, pectore ventreque canis alboque pilosis, abdomine basi piloso albo fasciato et utringue pilis nigris rufis albisque or- — : nato, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis alis limpidis, bast et antice } LIST OF DIPTERA. 275 BomBy ius suffusus, n.s., fem. Néger, thorace pilis fulvis vestito, pectore pilis albis et nonnullis nigris vestito, abdomine pilis nigris vestito fasciculisque uno fulvo duobusque albis apice ornato, antennis pedibusque nigris illis bast fulvis, alts limpidis, basi nigro-fuscis, costa venarumque marginibus fulvis. Body black: head clothed above with pale tawny hairs, and in front with silvery hairs; sides of the mouth piceous: mouth black, about half the length of the body: feelers black, tawny at the base : eyes piceous: chest clothed with pale tawny hairs: breast clothed with white hairs, and having a few black hairs about the base of the legs: abdomen clothed with black hairs, which are most thick on each side ; its tip adorned with two large tufts of white hairs, and having also beneath a small tuft of bright tawny hairs: legs black : _ wings slightly gray, tawny on the fore borders and along the sides _ of the veins, blackish brown at the base; veins tawny; wing-ribs and poisers piceous ; the former having each a tuft of white hairs in the front. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Bompsyttius subluna, n.s.,mas. Niger, pilis albis vestitus, scutello Jerrugineo, pectore pilis nigris vestito alboque bifasciculato, ab- domine pilis vestito, dorso albo quinquemaculato, ventre vitta arcuata alba utringue ornata, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis limpidis basi nigro-fuscis costaque fuscis. Body black: front of the head clothed with white hairs: sides of the mouth and eyes piceous : mouth black, half the length of the body: feelers black, beset towards the base with black hairs and bristles: chest thickly clothed with white hairs, which have a tawny tinge on the disk; breast clothed with black hairs, and having a tuft of white hairs on each side ; scutcheon dark ferruginous, piceous on the base: abdomen clothed with black hairs, and having five spots of snow-white hairs, one on each side at the base, and three in a row along the back; under-side adorned on each side with a curved stripe, formed by four spots of snow-white hairs: legs black, thinly beset with black bristles: wings colourless, blackish brown at the base, brown along the fore borders for three-fourths of the length and full half the breadth; wing-ribs piceous, each with a tuft of white hairs in front; veins tawny; poisers piceous. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 17 lines. a. Odessa. Presented by Dr. Dowler. Bomsyutvs flaviceps, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 88, 4, pl. 6, f. 4, pl. by FESS a. West Africa. Presented by Sir E. Belcher. * 276 . LIST OF DIPTERA. Bomsytivs capensis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 1009, 3. Mus. Lud. Ulr. | 423. Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 409, 7. Syst, Anil. 132,14. B. lateralis, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 129, 3. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 165, | a Auss. Zweif. i. 337,10. Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 89,7, | pl. 7, f. 5. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. b. Cape. - Bomsy ius pygmeus, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. 367,18. Ent. Syst. iv. 411,19. Syst. Antl. 135, 32. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 351, 34. | Lam. Anim. sans Vert. iii. 407,4. Kirby, North Amer. Zool. Ins. 313, 2. 3 a. Nova Scotia. Presented by the Entomological Club. 6. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. | Bomsy.ivs pictus, Panz. Faun. Germ. xxiv. 24. Mikan. Monogr. 32, pl. 2, f. 3. Schell. Gen. Mouch. pl. 34, f. 1. Schrank. Faun. Bote. iii. 2580. Meig. Dipt. ii. 198,15. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 379, 9. B. planicornis, Fabr. E'nt. Syst. Supp. 569. Syst. Antl, 129,6. Wied. Zool. Mag. i. 2, 20. a. Odessa. Presented by Dr. Dowler. C. The little cross-vein somewhat beyond two-thirds of the length of the discoidal areolet. Group III. Bompyuius micans, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Supp. 569, 2. Syst. Anil. 129,4. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 162,3. Dasypocon Aigon, n.s.,mas. Ferrugineus, thorace piceo trivittato, abdomine piceo, fasciis ferrugineis vittisque lateralibus fulvis, antennis pedibusque fulvis, tarsis piceis, alis limpidis cinereo | varits. | Body ferruginous: head as broad as the chest, bright tawny above, black and clothed with some black hairs beneath the eyes ; tubercle of the eyelets beset with two long black bristles; cly- peus armed with long yellowish white bristles ; hypostoma tawny, shining, clothed with pale yellow hairs: eyes dark green ; fore part quite flat, composed of large facets, and distinct from the other part: lip dark ferruginous, black and clothed with short pale yellow hairs towards the tip; palpi and tongue tawny, the former clothed with yellow hairs: feelers tawny; first and second joints shining, clothed | with a few yellow hairs ; second joint beset with one or two bristles, | about twice the length of the first; third joint spindle-shaped, a lit- tle longer than the first and the second joints: chest with three | broad piceous stripes, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, be- _set on each side and behind with black bristles: abdomen piceous, tapering from the base to the tip, narrower than the chest and about | twice its length ; sides of the segments with a pale tawny stripe, in- , creasing in breadth from the fore border to the hind border, which -is ferruginous ; some yellow bristles on each side of the second seg- ment ; segments from the third to the sixth successively but slightly decreasing in length; seventh, eighth and ninth segments smaller, shining: legs tawny, clothed with short black hairs, and beset with black bristles, which are very short on the thighs and shanks, but long on the tips of the latter and on the feet; feet piceous at the tips; claws black; foot-cushions tawny, yellow beneath; tips of fore shanks armed with a long black curved tooth, corresponding with little black tubercles at the base of the feet: wings colourless, gray at the tips and thence along part of the hind border and on the disks of some of the areolets in the middle of the wing ; wing-ribs | Ppiceous ; veins black, piceous towards the base; the rudiment of a vein at the end of the areolet in the middle of the wing ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 16 lines. s) - a. 262 330 LIST OF DIPTERA. Dasypocon Anemetus, u,s.mas. Aureus, thoracis vittis quinque nigris, abdomine ferrugineo maculis lateralibus nigris albidisque, antennis ferruyineis, pedibus fulvis, alis limpidis apicibus mar- gintbusque posticis cinerets. Head tawny, as broad as the chest, covered above with bright golden down, clothed along the borders of the eyes with a row of tawny bristles above and with a fringe of tawny hairs beneath; tu- bercle of the eyelets beset with two long black bristles; clypeus armed with many long pale yellow bristles: eyes dark purple; fore part flat, bronze-black, and distinct also from the convex. part by its larger facets, and by a slight angle which marks its border: lip pi- ceous, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs ; palpi ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs ; hypostoma pale tawny, clothed with yel- low hairs: feelers ferruginous ; first and second joints covered with short black hairs; second joint beset with a single stout black bris- tle; third joint spindle-shaped, a little longer than the first and the second joints, clothed above with short black hairs till near the tip, which is paler; following segments almost obsolete: ridge of the neck beset with a row of long tawny hairs: chest covered with golden down, thinly clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with long black bristles, adorned with three deep black stripes ; middle stripe inlaid with a narrow tawny stripe ; side stripes very short and interrupted by two oblique tawny bands ; shoulders ferruginous; breast tawny, almost hairless: abdomen ferruginous, tapering from the base to the tip, narrower than the chest and more than twice its length, ‘clothed with very short black hairs, beset on each side at the base with a few long pale yellow hairs, and with two long tawny spines, adorned along each side with a whitish yellow stripe, which is widened towards the hind border of each segment ; a large black spot occupies the side of each segment from the fore border to the middle ; first segment extremely short, crossed by rows of little punctures ; second segment short, its hind border yellow; third segment long, with a cross row of punctures near the base, which is piceous; following segments successively decreasing in length to the tip, which is piceous and rather thickly clothed with tawny and black hairs: legs tawny, clothed with short tawny hairs; shanks and feet beset with black spines of various length ; tips of feet, of hind thighs and of hind shanks piceous ; claws black ; foot-cushions yellow; tips of fore shanks armed with a black curved tooth, corresponding with little black tubercles at the base of the fore feet: wings colourless, gray towards the tips and along the hind borders; disk of the areolets in the middle of the wings also gray; wing-ribs ferruginous; veins black, piceous \ ‘ re 3 A ; 3 A kK et + — LIST OF DIPTERA. 331 towards the base, ferruginous along the fore border; poisers dark ferruginous. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. P Dasypocon Phalna, n.s., mas. Aureus, thoracis vittis tribus nigris, abdomine ferrugineo maculis dorsalibus fuscis, lateribus fulvis, antennis ferrugineis, pedibus fulvis, alis limpidis apicibus mar- ginibusque posticis cinereis. Body longer and more slender than that of D. Anemetus : head tawny, as broad as the chest, covered above with bright golden down, clothed along the borders of the eyes with a row of tawny bristles above, and with a fringe of tawny hairs beneath; tubercle of the eyelets beset with two long black bristles ; clypeus armed with many _ long pale yellow bristles ; eyes dark bronze ; fore part flat, composed _ of larger facets than those of the convex part, from which it is also separated by the slight angle along its border: lip piceous, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs; hypostoma pale tawny, clothed with yellow hairs: feelers ferruginous ; first and second joints covered with short black hairs ; second joint beset with a single stout black bristle ; third joint spindle-shaped, a little longer than the first and the second juints, clothed above with short black hairs till near the tip, which is paler; following joints almost obsolete: ridge of the neck beset with a row of long tawny hairs: chest covered with golden down, thinly clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with long _black bristles, adorned with three black stripes; the middle stripe is cleft in its fore part only; side stripes interrupted by two oblique tawny bands, longer than those of D. Anemetus ; shoulders ferrugi- nous : breast tawny, almost hairless : abdomen ferruginous, tapering from the base to the tip, narrower than the chest and nearly thrice its length, clothed with very short black hairs, beset on each side at the base with a few long pale yellow hairs, and with two or three long tawny spines, adorned along each side with a pale tawny stripe, which is widened towards the hind border of each segment; disks of the third and following segments brown ; first segment extremely short, crossed by rows of little punctures; second segment short ; third segment long, with a cross row of punctures near the base ; following segments successively decreasing in length; tip clothed with tawny and black hairs: legs tawny, clothed with short tawny hairs; shanks and feet beset with black spines of various length ; tips of feet, of hind thighs and of hind shanks piceous; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny ; tips of fore shanks armed with a black curved tooth, corresponding with little black tubercles at the base of the fore feet: wings colourless, shorter than those of D. Anemetus, 263 302 LIST OF DIPTERA. gray towards the tips and along the hind borders ; disks of the are- — olets in the middle of the wings also gray; wing-ribs ferruginous ; — veins black, piceous towards the base, ferruginous along the fore _ border ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 7% lines; of the wings 11 lines. : a. ? Dasypocon Winthemi? Wied. Dipt. ot. i. 223,17. Auss. Zweif. i. 387, 32. a. South America? Presented by the Entomological Club. Dasypocon Eburnus,n.s. Fulvus, thoracis vittis tribus nigro-fus- cis, antennis fulvis apice ferrugineis, abdomine pedibusque fer- ruginets, alis subfulvis. Head piceous, as broad as the chest, covered with pale yellow down, clothed behind and on the sides with white hairs, beset behind the eyes with a few black bristles ; clypeus armed with seven or eight long white bristles; eyes bronze ; fore part nearly flat, its fa- cets rather larger than those of the other part: lip black, shining, — ferruginous, and clothed with very short pale yellow hairs at the tip ; palpi black, clothed with black hairs: first and second joints of the feelers tawny, beset with some stout black hairs,—these are mostly on the second joint, which is slightly club-shaped and rather longer than the first; third joint ferruginous, spine-shaped, as long as the first and the second joints: chest tawny, thickly clothed with black hairs, and beset on each side with some very long black bris- tles, adorned with three blackish brown stripes on the disk ; middle stripe including a paler stripe ; side stripes short, interrupted by two oblique yellow bands: breast tawny: abdomen ferruginous, thinly clothed with short tawny hairs, narrower than the chest and nearly twice its length, almost linear till near the tip, which is shin- ing ; first and second segments short ; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length : legs ferruginous, clothed with very short tawny hairs; hips dark tawny; shanks beset with very long black bristles ; feet armed with short black bristles ; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny ; tips of fore shanks armed with a curved black tooth, corresponding with some little black tubercles at the base of the feet: wings slightly tawny; wing-ribs ferruginous ; veins piceous, black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Para. Presented by Gordon Graham, Esq. LIST OF DIPTERA. 333 Group VIII. Dasypocon plumbeus, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 165, 8. Wied. Auss. — Zweif. i. 413,78. Asilus plumbeus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 382, 27. a. New Holland. Dasypocon Beebius, n.s. Fuscus, capite albo, antennis ferrugineis articulo 3° nigro bast ferrugineo, pedibus nigris, alis limpidis venis subfusco limbatis. Body brown: head white, a little narrower than the chest, thickly clothed behind and beneath with pale yellow hairs, covered above with yellow down, beset behind the eyes with a row of black bristles; sides of the crown beset with black hairs; front thickly clothed with long pale yellow hairs; clypeus armed with numerous long yellow spines: eyes dark bronze; fore part flat, composed of larger facets than is the rest of the eye: lip and palpi black, the latter and the tip of the former clothed with tawny hairs: feelers ferruginous ; first and second joints thickly clothed with pale yellow hairs ; second joint much shorter than the first ; third joint black, spindle-shaped, ferruginous at the base, as long as the first and the second joints; fourth and fifth joints extremely short: neck beset with a cross row of black bristles: chest clothed with a few short _ pale yellow hairs, beset on each side and behind with long black bristles : breast covered with a gray bloom and clothed with a few short pale yellow hairs: abdomen narrower than the chest and nearly twice its length, tapering from the base to the tip, thinly clothed with short pale yellow hairs; first and second segments short ; third and following segments long, but successively decreas- ing in length to the tip, which is armed with a circlet of black spines: legs black, clothed with short pale yellow hairs, and beset with very long pale yellow bristles; claws black, tawny at the base ; foot-cushions pale tawny ; fore shanks unarmed: wings colourless ; veins slightly bordered with brown, which hue disappears at the base, at the tips, and along the hind borders; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black; poisers tawny. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. : a. Port Essington. From Mr. Gould’s collection. 304 LIST OF DIPTERA. Group IX. Dasypocon Allia, n.s., fem. Ferrugineus, capite nigro, thoracis vittis tribus nigris, pectore piceo, abdomine fasciitis nigris, pedt- bus fulvis, femoribus plerumque piceis, alis subfulvis. Head black, a little narrower than the chest, covered with taw- ny down, clothed behind and beneath with tawny hairs, and beset behind the eyes with tawny bristles ; clypeus armed with ten or twelve long yellow spines: eyes bronze ; fore part flat, its facets not larger than those of the other part: lip black, partly ferruginous, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs ; palpi ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs; first joint linear; second joint club-shaped, much shorter than the first: neck beset with a cross row of tawny bristles: chest ferruginous, with three broad black stripes, thinly clothed with short tawny hairs, and beset with some tawny bristles on each side; side stripes shortened in front ; scutcheon and hind chest piceous, the latter with a large ferruginous spot on each side : breast piceous: abdomen ferruginous, linear for one-third of the length from thé base, spindle-shaped thence to the tip, a little nar- rower than the chest and about twice its length ; first and second segments short, black ; third and following segments long, but suc- cessively decreasing in length to the tip, which is clothed with taw- ny hairs and armed with a circlet of short ferruginous spines ; fore borders of third, fourth and fifth segments black: legs tawny, thinly clothed with tawny hairs, and beset with some tawny spines; hips, hind thighs except the tips, middle thighs from the base to the mid- dle, and fore thighs at the base, piceous ; claws black, tawny from the base to the middle; foot-cushions tawny ; tips of fore shanks armed with a long curved black tooth, corresponding with a short blunt tooth near the base of the fore feet: wings tawny along the fore half, and along the borders of the veins of the hind half, which is nearly colourless ; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. P Dasypocon Carus, n.s. Fulvus. capitis vertice nigro, thorace nigro fulvo quadrivittato, abdomine nigro-fasciato, antennis ferrugineis, pedibus fulvis, femoribus plerumque piceis, alis fulvis discis sub- limpidis, apicibus marginibusque posticis subcinerets. Head tawny, as broad as the chest, rather thickly clothed with tawny hairs; a black band on the crown between the base of LIST OF DIPTERA. 335 the feelers and the tubercle of the eyelets; clypeus prominent, armed with long tawny spines; front covered with close golden down: eyes bronze, slightly convex in front, where the facets are but very little larger than in the other part, and the division of the eye into two regions can hardly be traced: lip ferruginous, short, beset with long tawny hairs, and clothed at the tip with short yellow hairs: feelers ferruginous ; first and second joints beset with a few ferruginous hairs; second joint cup-shaped, much shorter than the first ; third joint slightly tapering from the base to the tip, more than twice the length of the first and second joints: chest and breast black; each side of the chest with a bright tawny stripe, which is widened on the fore part and in front of the scutcheon be- hind ; scutcheon and sides of the hind chest clothed with tawny down, which also more slightly covers the back of the chest where it is disposed in two stripes, and these, like the side stripes, are beset with tawny bristles: abdomen tawny, cylindrical, narrower than the chest and more than twice its length, slightly decreasing in breadth for one-third of its length, and spindle-shaped thence to the tip, clothed with short black hairs, and having a tuft of black bristles on each side of the second segment; first and second segments and fore borders of the third segment black ; fourth segment black on the fore border ; fifth segment black, excepting the hind border; third segment crossed by a furrow near the base : legs tawny, clothed with short tawny hairs ; hips and trochanters black ; thighs thickly crossed with little furrows ; hind thighs, middle thighs except the tips, and fore thighs at the base, piceous; shanks and feet beset with tawny spines ; claws black, tawny towards the base: foot-cushions tawny : fore legs armed with a long curved tawny tooth at the tip of the shank, and with a corresponding short blunt tawny tooth at the base of the foot: wings bright tawny, especially at the base and on the fore borders ; tips and hind borders slightly tinged with gray, their disks almost colourless; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 7—11 lines; of the wings 12—20 lines. | Allied to Laphria coarctata, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 181, pl. 36, 4. a. ? Dasypocon Numicius, n.s., fem. Niger, thoracis lateribus fascia- que ferrugineis, abdomine apice nigro, antennis pedibusque ful- vis, femoribus plerumque nigris, alis fulvis. Body black, stout: head not broader than the chest, clothed on the crown, behind and about the mouth with dark tawny hairs, and beneath with black hairs: clypeus armed with nine tawny spines ; 336. LIST OF DIPTERA. hypostoma tawny; eyes dark blue, the inner or front part flat, — the outer part convex, but all the facets very small and with no perceptible difference in size: lip short, tawny, marked with black, — thinly clothed with tawny hairs, and having a tuft of shorter tawny hairs at the tip: feelers tawny; first and second joints of equal length, beset with short black hairs; third joint linear, about twice — the length of the first and of the second; fourth joint extremely small: neck short, black, beset with a cross row of tawny bristles : chest and breast dull, very finely and closely punctured: sides of the chest ferruginous, with a few tawny hairs and pale yellow bris- tles; this ferruginous stripe is widened in the fore part, and also behind, where it forms a band in front of the, scutcheon: abdomen ferruginous, smooth, shining, narrower than the chest and about twice its length ; first and second segments mostly black ; first seg- ment very short; second segment very convex; fourth, fifth and sixth segments black, dull, very finely punctured, their disks more or less ferruginous: the abdomen has a few short tawny hairs, but these are longer and more abundant at the tip, which is armed with short tawny spines: legs tawny, beset with tawny hairs and spines ; hips, base of fore thighs, middle thighs from the base to beyond the middle, and hind thighs except their tips, black; fore legs armed with a long curved black tooth at the tip of the shank, and with a short blunt tooth at the base of the feet ; claws black, tawny at the base ; foot-cushions tawny: wings bright tawny, paler along the hind borders; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 17 lines. a. ii Dasypocon Volcatius, n. s. Ferrugineus, capite nigro, abdomine piceo, antennis pedibusque ferrugineis, alis fulvis marginibus pos- ticts pallidioribus. Head black, not broader than the chest, covered between the feelers and the clypeus, and behind, with thick bright tawny down, and slightly clothed behind and beneath with black hairs: clypeus armed with about twelve long white bristles: hypostoma tawny: lip rather longer than the head, beset with a few black hairs, tawny at the base, ferruginous at the tip, where it has a cluster of short yellow hairs ; palpi ferruginous, rather long, nearly one-third of the length of the lip, clothed—especially at the tip—with long black hairs: eyes dull brass colour; fore part flat, composed of large facets, which regularly decrease in size as they diverge towards the outer convex part, which, however, is separated from the inner part by a very clearly defined line, the facets in the former being all extremely small and of much less size than the least of those on the front: LIST OF DIPTERA. 337 first and second joints of the feelers ferruginous, of equal length, beset with short black hairs: chest and breast ferruginous, covered with shining tawny down, and when this is effaced three broad pi- ceous stripes appear on the back; scutcheon tawny ; hind chest ra- ther large ; sides of the chest beset with black hairs and bristles : abdomen piceous, clothed with short black hairs, slightly shining, linear towards the base, spindle-shaped towards the tip, narrower than the chest, but not twice its length ; hind borders of the seg- ments tawny, especially those of the third and fourth segments ; first segment very short ; second segment also short, rather broad, its sides beset with black hairs and bristles; third segment long, with a cross furrow near the base, which is dark ferruginous; the following segments successively decreasing in length; the tip clothed with a few short tawny hairs, and armed with some short black spines: legs ferruginous, clothed with short black hairs; shanks clothed with short tawny hairs and armed with some black spines; tips of fvot-joints also armed with black spines ; first joint clothed with tawny hairs; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny; fore legs armed with a long black curved tooth at the tip of each shank, and with a corresponding short blunt tawny tooth at the base of each foot: wings bright tawny at the base and along the fore bor- ders, much paler along the hind borders ; wing-ribs and veins fer- ruginous ; poisers bright pale yellow. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 17 lines. a. ate ; Dasypocon Spinther,n.s. Ferrugineus, abdomine rufo, basi fas- cidque nigris, apice ventreque ferrugineis, antennis pedibusque ferrugineis, femoribus nigro-vittatis, alis fulvis, discis margint- busque posticis subcinereis. Body ferruginous: head hardly as broad as the chest, clothed more thickly than usual with tawny hairs: a piceous band on the crown of the head across the eyelets: clypeus thickly beset with tawny bristles: eyes bronze-black, divided as usual into two parts, which are distinctly marked : lip black, short, thick, its tip clothed with a few short yellow hairs: first and second joints of feelers fer- ruginous, of equal length, clothed with tawny hairs: chest and breast ferruginous, the latter and the sides of the former with large patches of shining tawny down: abdomen slightly convex, hardly narrower than the chest and rather less than twice its length, thinly clothed with short yellow hairs; first and second segments black ; first segment very short; second segment rather short, broad and convex, with a red tubercle on each side, where it is beset with taw- ny hairs and with a black spine; third segment long, red, having 338 ‘LIST OF DIPTERA. along the fore border a black band, whose hind border is interrupted _ by a semicircular inlet of the red ; fourth segment red, black on the _ fore border, a little shorter than the third ; fifth segment deep vel- q vet-like black, a little longer than the third ; sixth segment ferrugi- _ nous, black on the fore border ; seventh segment tawny; under-side ferruginous, shining ; each segment with three black spots, the mid-. _— dle one behind the other two, but hardly separate from them: legs _ ferruginous, thinly clothed with tawny hairs ; a black stripe on each thigh ; shanks and feet beset with a few black spines ; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny ; fore legs armed with a long black curved tooth at the tip of each shank, and with numerous little corresponding black tubercles at the base of each foot: wings tawny, colourless, or with a slight gray tinge on the disks and from thence to the hind borders ; wing-ribs ferrnginous ; veins partly ferruginous, partly pi- ceous ; poisers tawny, with yellow knobs. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. Group X. Dasypocon castaneus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 35, 6. a. — ‘ey . Dasypocon brunneus? Fabr. Syst. Antl. 165, 9. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 219,9. Auss. Zwetf. i. 382, 26. Asilus brunneus, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. 359, 20. Ent. Syst. iv. 382, 28. a. Brazil. From Mrs. Mornay’s collection. Dasypoecon Alcippe, n.s., mas. Fulvo-fuseus, thorace fusco trivit- tato, lateribus albis, abdomine nigro maculis fulvis, antennis pe- dibusque fulvis, tibiis tarsorumque articulis apice piceis, alis sub- fulvis. Head brown, hardly broader than the chest, covered—especially above and on the front—with thick shining white down, clothed he- ~ hind and beneath with black hairs, and with a few of the same on _ the tubercle of the eyelets and above the feelers, having also four — long shining white bristles and a few black hairs on the clypeus : lip black, not longer than the head, clothed at the tip with short pale yellow hairs: eyes divided into two spaces ; the inner space, or that part of the eye by which the fly sees before it, is blue, flat, and composed of large facets, which successively decrease as they diverge towards the outer part, which is convex, composed of small facets of equal size, and is larger than the inner part, which it half encircles: feelers tawny ; first and second joints beset with black hairs ; second LIST OF DIPTERA. 339 joint a little longer than the first, covered with long black bristles : fore chest brown, covered on the hinder part with a white bloom: chest yellowish brown, with three broad rich brown stripes in the middle, and a brilliant white stripe on each side, where there are two or three long white spines ; the middle brown stripe is shorter than the side stripes, and does not reach the scutcheon, which is rich brown and has a tawny hind border covered with white bloom: breast hoary, with a tawny oblique band on each side: abdomen cylin- drical, black, shining, clothed with short black hairs, much narrower than the chest and much more than twice its length ; first segment very short, tawny at the base ; second segment semicircular, gibbous in the middle, tawny on each side; third segment long, tawny, with a long triangular black spot, whose tip approaches the fore border, which is yellowish ; fourth segment tawny on each side, longer than _ the third ; fifth and three following segments covered with a hoary bloom ; seventh and eighth short, piceous ; tip of the abdomen armed with short tawny spines; under-side dull black, excepting the seg- ments from the first to the fourth, which are dull tawny : legs tawny, clothed with short black hairs; tips of shanks and of the joints of the feet piceous ; hips covered with a hoary bloom; thighs with a few yellow spines ; shanks with more and longer spines, and these are still more freyuent on the feet, where the black hairs are also more abundant; claws black, tawny at the base; foot-cushions yellow : wings tawny, especially at the base and along the borders of the veins; disks of the areolets mostly colourless ; wing-ribs and veins tawny, the latter piceous on the fore borders; poisers tawny. _ Length of the body 10 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss’s collection. Dasypocon Herennius, n.s., fem. Rufo-fuscus, capite fulvo, tho- race vittis tribus nigris, abdomine piceo, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, tibiis ferruginets, tarsis piceis, alis fuscis. Body rich reddish brown : head tawny, a little broader than the chest ; hinder part dark tawny, and beset with black bristles along the borders of the eyes; front covered with pale yellow shining down ; clypeus armed with long white spines: eyes bronze; the fore part flat, composed of large facets, forming an edge along its border and quite distinct from the other part; lip black, shining, longer than the head, its tip clothed with short tawny hairs; palpi black, rather long, clothed with long black hairs: feelers tawny ; first and second joints beset with a few black bristles ; second joint a little longer than the first ; third joint spindle-shaped, black at the tip, beset with short black bristles, a little longer than the first and second joints: chest with three black stripes; the two side stripes PART II. 2H 340 LIST OF DIPTERA. short, oblique and rather indistinct ; the middle one linear, longer and broader, its fore part divided lengthwise by a narrow line: breast — and sides of the chest paler, the latter beset with a few long stout black bristles : abdomen piceous, shining, linear, flat, obconical, a little narrower than the chest and more than twice its length, obco- nical and red towards the tip, which is armed with short black spines ; under-side paler, dull; first segment very short; second segment short, broader and more convex; third segment long; the following segments successively decreasing in length: legs tawny, covered with short black hairs ; hips pale reddish brown, with afew — tawny bristles; thighs covered at the base with shining yellow down; _ shanks and feet clothed more thickly than the thighs with black hairs; shanks ferruginous, beset with a few black spines, which are longer towards the tips; feet piceous, more thickly armed with short black spines, pale tawny towards the base ; claws black, each with a stout tooth at the base beneath; foot-cushions pale tawny ; fore shanks armed at the tip beneath with a black stout curved tooth, corresponding to some little black tubercles beneath the base of the feet: wings dark brown, paler on the lower border towards — the base and on some of the areolets of the disk; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips. Length of the body 9—10 lines; of the wings 14—16 lines. a. Cincinnati. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Dasypocon Duillius, n.s. Fulvus, thorace fusco trivittato, alboque maculato, abdomine piceo lateribus ferrugineis, antennis fulvis, pedibus ferrugineis, alis fuscis. Head tawny, a little broader than the chest, piceous on the crown, where, as well as along the hind rims of the eyes, it is beset with black bristles; it is clothed beneath with tawny hairs, and thickly covered between the base of the feelers and the clypeus with pale yellow down; clypeus armed with ten or twelve long white bristles: lip short, black, tawny towards the base, where it has some tawny hairs, and there is a little tuft of short yellow hairs at the tip ; palpi rather long, tawny and clothed with tawny hairs towards the base, ferruginous and clothed with black bristles towards the tip: eyes brassy green; fore part flat, composed of large facets, which diminish in size as they diverge towards the outer and con- vex part of little unvarying facets, but the division is not near so distinct as in some other species: feelers tawny; first and second joints beset with black bristles; second joint much longer than the first ; third joint very long, spindle-shaped, longer than the first and the second joints, but not twice their length, clothed with a few black hairs: fore chest short: chest dark tawny, paler on each side, LIST OF DIPTERA. 34] adorned with three rich dark brown stripes ; middle stripe longer than the side stripes, ferruginous in front and coming near to the scutcheon behind ; side stripes much shorter in front and a little longer behind ; there is also a white mark on each side near the fore chest; sides of the chest beset with some black hairs and longer black bristles: breast partly covered with a hoary bloom: abdomen cylindrical, piceous, rather thickly clothed with short black hairs, much narrower than the chest and twice its length; sides of the segments ferruginous ; under-side also ferruginous, and having a piceous stripe along its whole length; first and second segments short ; the following segments, from the third to the tip, successively de- creasing in length: legs ferruginous, clothed with short black hairs ; shanks beset with a few black bristles, their tips and the tip of each foot-joint armed with a circlet of black spines ; shanks at the base and _ foot joints (excepting their tips) tawny; claws black; foot-cushions indie=t pale yellow ; fore legs armed with a long curved black tooth at the tip of the shank, and with a short blunt tawny tooth at the base of the foot: wings brown, darkest at the base and along the fore bor- der for half the length ; wing-ribs and veins piceous; poisers dark tawny. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Miller’s collection. Dasypoeon Carvilius, n.s., fem. errugineus, capite nigro, thorace nigro quadrivittato, scutello fulvo, abdomine apice piceo, anten- nis fulvis apice nigris, pedibus ferrugineis, alis fulvis basi et ad costam subfuscis. _ Head black, not broader than the chest, tawny on the front, clothed behind and beneath with black hairs, and having a few black bristles on the crown and along the rims of the eyes; clypeus armed with about twelve white bristles, and having also afew white hairs: lip short, black, shining, tawny at the base, furnished with a few tawny hairs, and having a tuft of short yellow hairs at the tip ; palpi black, rather long, clothed with tawny hairs and black bristles, the latter chiefly at the tips: eyes dull bronze; fore part flat, com- posed of large facets, which, however, decrease in size as they di- verge towards the outer part; the latter, or the means of the upward, the downward and the side sight, are, as usual, convex and composed of very small facets of equal size: feelers tawny; first and second joints beset with short black hairs ; second joint a little shorter than the first ; third joint black, very long spindle-shaped, clothed with a few black hairs, nearly twice the length of the first and of the se- cond; fourth joint very small: fore chest black, furrowed across, beset with black bristles: chest and breast ferruginous, with a few black hairs and bristles: chest with four black stripes ; the two middle 2H? 342 LIST OF DIPTERA. stripes narrow, long and linear; the outer stripes short, broad, and — not extending over the fore part of the chest; scutcheon tawny: — abdomen ferruginous, dull, very finely punctured, clothed with short | black hairs, and towards the tip with longer tawny hairs, somewhat narrower than the chest and about twice its.length; base and last three segments more or less piceous on the back ; first and second segments short, beset on each side with black bristles; third segment long, with a cross impression before the middle ; fourth and following segments successively decreasing in length to the tip: legs ferrugi- nous, rather thickly clothed with short tawny hairs; hips black; shanks having very few black spines, but these are more frequent on the feet, especially towards the tips of the joints; claws black; foot- cushions pale yellow; fore legs armed with a long curved black tooth at the tip of the shank, and with a short blunt tawny foot at the base of the foot: wings tawny, with a brown tinge at the base and along the fore border for about half the length; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. P Group XI. Dasypocon Libo, n.s. Canus, thoracis disco fusco vittis tribus pal- lidioribus, abdomine rufo-fusco bast apiceque pallidioribus, an- tennis pedibusque nigris, alis subfuscis fusco subvittatis. Body dull: head hardly as broad as the chest, covered with thick shining yellowish white down, clothed behind and beneath with yellow hairs, and having a few black hairs on the crown and on the tubercle of the eyelets: rims of the eyes beset with black bris- tles: clypeus armed with eight long pale yellow bristles, and also beset with some tawny hairs and long black bristles: lip black, a little longer than the head, clothed with very few long yellow hairs, and having a group of short yellow hairs at the tip ; tongue ferru- ginous ; maxille and labrum tawny: eyes black, with a very slight purplish tint; fore part, its facets large, but decreasing in size as they diverge towards the convex part, not however so as to blend with the latter, which has extremely small facets: feelers black, a little longer than the head; first and second joints of equal length, beset with black bristles ; third joint long club-shaped, nearly as long as the first and the second joints, but much more slender: fore chest distinct, with a cross furrow: chest and breast hoary ; disk of the chest dark brown, with three narrow indistinct pale stripes ; sides beset with black bristles; breast clothed with long yellowish white LIST OF DIPTERA. 343 hairs: abdomen decreasing in breadth from the base to the tip, clothed with short yellow hairs, narrower than the chest and rather less than twice its length ; first segment short, black ; second seg- ment a little longer, rather broad, covered with a tawny bloom, its sides beset with pale yellow bristles ; third segment long, with a cross suture near its base; the following segments successively de- creasing in length to the tip, which is armed with short piceous spines ; third, fourth and fifth segments bright reddish tawny ; sixth and following segments black, shining, with numerous but very slight cross furrows: legs black, thinly clothed with tawny hairs ; hips hoary; thighs with some black spines; more of these on the shanks, and still more on the feet, which are also most hairy ; claws _ black; foot-cushions tawny; fore legs unarmed : wings light brown, darker at the base and along a streak in the disk; wing-ribs and _ veins piceous ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wing's 20 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. Dasypocon Aidon, n.s. Niger, thorace fulvo trivittato, pectore fulvo, abdomine cinereo albo fuscoque vitiato, antennis pedibusque nigris, alts subfulvis apice cinereis. Body deep velvet-like black: head short, a little broader than the chest, covered with shining pale yellow down between the cly- peus and the base of the feelers, hoary and clothed with black hairs behind and beneath ; crown beset with some black hairs; clypeus armed with long black hairs and still longer white bristles: eyes _ bluish black, divided as usual into two parts, which are distinctly marked : lip black, clothed with black hairs at the base, tawny and bearing a group of short yellow hairs at the tip: feelers black ; first and second joints of equal length, beset with black bristles and hairs; third joint club-shaped, as long as the first and the second joints, narrower than them at the base, but much broader at the tip : chest with three stripes and some other traces of pale tawny down ; sides beset with black bristles and hairs, and there are a few of the latter—but of smaller size—on the back: breast pale tawny, with a hoary bloom, thinly clothed with pale hairs, and having a more or less brown tinge where it joins the chest: abdomen nearly linear, but somewhat increasing in breadth at the base and at the tip, clothed with short yellow hairs and at the tip with longer yellow hairs and black bristles, much narrower than the chest and less than twice its length ; first segment very short; second segment a little longer, with a cluster of yellow hairs and black bristles on each side ; third segment long, divided into two parts by a cross furrow; the fore part gray, the hind part white ; on the furrow between them are 2H 38 344 LIST OF DIPTERA. two rows of round punctures, of which the three on each side of the middle of the furrow form an angle upwards; segments from the — third to the last successively decreasing in length ; fourth segment white, and having on its fore border two rows of punctures disposed like those of the preceding segment; fifth segment white, with a single row of punctures on its fore border, having—as has also the fourth—some punctures on the middle of each side ; sixth segment deep rich brown, white on each side of the fore border, where there is a single row of punctures ; seventh and eighth segments black ; under-side gray, black at the tip: legs black, clothed with black hairs; shanks beset with some black bristles, more hairy than the thighs, but less so than the feet, where the black bristles are also most numerous; claws black; foot-cushions piceous; fore legs armed with a long curved black tooth at the tip of the shank, and with a short obtuse black tooth at the base of the foot: wings with a very slight tawny tinge, gray at the tips; wing-ribs and veins black; poisers piceous. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 16 lines. . a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. Dasypocon Otacilius, n.s. Niger, capite nigro-fusco, thorace albo quadrivitiato, abdomine croceo bast piceo apice ferrugineo, an- tennis nigris, pedibus ferruginets, tibtis, tarstsque apice, genubus, femoribus supra coxisque nigris, alis fulvo-fuscis ceruleo mican- tibus ad costam cinereis. Head dark brown, white and clothed with black hairs behind, covered with dark ferruginous silky down between the base of the feelers and the clypeus, which is armed with six long black bristles and with some black hairs ; there is a band of the same ferruginous hue between the base of the feelers and the tubercle of the eyelets : eyes dark bronze colour, divided as usual into two parts, which are distinctly marked: lip black, ferruginous and clothed with short whitish hairs at the tip: feelers black; first and second joints of nearly equal length, clothed with black hairs ; third joint long club- shaped, conical at the tip, more than twice the length of the first and of the second joints : fore chest and chest deep velvet-like black, the latter with four shining white stripes ; the two middle stripes are short in front, but the side stripes are longer, and converge towards each other on the fore border of the chest ; scutcheon, hind chest and breast also more or less overspread with silvery white down : abdomen orange, decreasing in breadth from the base to the tip, clothed with a few yellow hairs, narrower than the chest and less than twice its length; first segment piceous, very short; second segment short, rather broad and convex, and having a cluster of LIST OF DIPTERA. . 345 yellow bristles on each side; third segment very long, with the usual cross furrow ; the following segments successively decreasing in length; fourth and succeeding segments ferruginous, shining, furrowed with very slight and small cross lines; tip armed with short black spines ; under-side more dull: legs ferruginous, clothed - with short black hairs; hips, thighs above, knees, tips of shanks and of feet black; shanks and feet armed with black spines ; claws black ; foot-cushions yellow; fore legs not armed ; wings yellowish brown, dark gray along the fore borders, adorned with a dark blue lustre ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers pale tawny. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. Group XII. Dasypocon Sura, n.s., mas. Niger, pilis albis vestitus, thorace albo quadrivittato, abdomine apice rufo, antennis pedibusque nigris, tibits anterioribus fulvis, alis nigro-fuscis. Body black : head as broad as the chest, white and clothed with white hairs behind and beneath, where the hairs are long, thick and silky ; sides of the crown covered with a few black hairs; clypeus beset with black bristles: eyes bronze; fore part quite flat and composed of large facets: lip black, shining, ferruginous at the tip, with short tawny hairs at the tip; palpi black and clothed with black hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints beset with a few short black hairs ; second joint slightly club-shaped, as long as the first ; third joint broader, spindle-shaped, longer than the first and the second joints; fourth and fifth joints rudimentary: a row of hairs along the sides of the fore chest: chest thinly clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles, adorned with four white stripes, of which the middle pair are straight and narrow, the side pair are broader and follow the curve of the chest: breast clothed with white silky hairs: abdomen cylin- drical, very slightly tapering from the base towards the tip, where it again widens, narrower than the chest and less than twice its length, clothed with white silky hairs, which disappear towards the fore border of each segment ; first and second segments short ; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length to the tip, which is red and shining: legs black, clothed with short black hairs, and beset with some black bristles ; tips of feet furnished with some long hairs; claws black; foot-cushions tawny; fore shanks and middle shanks tawny beneath ; fore shanks unarmed : 346 LIST OF DIPTERA. wings blackish brown ; wing-ribs and veins black; poisers tony Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. Dasypocon Volcatus, n.s., fem. Flavo-fusca, metathorace et pentods flavis, abdomine rufo apice nigro, antennis fulvis, pedibus rujis, tibiis posticis femoribusque apice nigris, femoribus posticis pt- ceo cinctis basique flavo vittatis, alis flavo-fuscis illis clavatis. Head broader than the chest, black on the crown and behind, thickly clothed with shining pale yellow down between the mouth and the feelers ; clypeus armed with two long pale yellow bristles ; hypostoma black, beset with black bristles; under-side dark tawny and rather hairy: eyes piceous, with a bronze tint, divided into two parts by the different sizes of the facets ; the larger facets in front, the smaller on each side occupying the greater part of the surface and half encircling the rest: mouth black, a little longer than the head, beset with a few black hairs, and having a tuft of short tawny hairs at the tip: feelers tawny ; first and second joints of nearly equal length, beset with a few black hairs and tawny bristles; third ‘ joint spindle-shaped, with a few short black hairs, as long asthe — first and the second joints, but rather broader: fore chest tawny: chest _ thickly covered with close yellowish brown down, tawny on each side: hind chest pale yellow: breast dull yellow : abdomen red, shining, nearly cylindrical and linear, but rather more slender at the base and at the tip, rather narrower than the chest and very nearly thrice its length; fifth and sixth segments partly, and the following segments wholly, black: legs red, beset with short black hairs and red bristles ; feet clothed beneath with bright yellow down ; tips of the thighs and of the shanks of the hind legs black ; a narrow pale yellow band at the base of each hind thigh, succeeded by a broad but not well-defined piceous band: hind shanks somewhat club-shaped at the tips: hind feet not thicker than the others: wings yellowish brown, darkest for two-thirds of the length along the fore border, which is straight ; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips ; poisers yellow, with ferruginous knobs. Length of the body 73 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk’s collection. Dasypocon Garamas, n.s. Ferrugineus, thorace vittis duabus obscu- rioribus, pectore pedibusque fulvis, alis fulvis marginibus anti- cis subconvexis. Body ferruginous : head a little broader than the chest, adorned between the eyes with a thick coating of shining yellow down, beset with black bristles on the tubercle, where the eyelets are seated, and ——— Oe — $<. LIST OF DIPTERA. 347 with pale yellow bristles in front, and with more pale yellow hairs beneath : eyes piceous, divided into two regions by the difference in size of the facets; the first part, composed of large facets, is flat, and occupies the crown ; the second part, composed of small facets, is much larger than the first, which it half encircles: mouth tawny, piceous at the tip, a little longer than the head: feelers tawny ; first and second joints beset with black bristles ; second joint a little longer than the first; third joint piceous, spindle-shaped, tawny at the base, a little longer than the first and the second joints ; fourth joint piceous, conical, very small: chest with two indistinct dark stripes and having four rows of black bristles, two of them on the stripes, and two on each side, where the chest is paler: breast tawny: abdomen cylindrical, shining, rather darker towards the base, and slightly decreasing in breadth from thence to the tip: legs tawny, beset with hairs and bristles of the same colour: wings tawny, espe- cially along the borders of the veins; fore borders very slightly con- vex ; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. P Dasyrocon Sergius, n.s. Ferrugineus, thorace nigro bivittato, ab- donunis fasciis duabus mediis nigris, antennis ferruginets, pedi- bus fulvis, alis limpidis ad costam subfulvis. Body ferruginous, thinly clothed above with tawny hairs: head thickly clothed behind and beneath with yellow hairs; crown pi- ceous ; front covered with close shining tawny down; clypeus armed with eight long pale yellow bristles: eyes black, the front part flat and composed of larger facets, but the difference in point of size is not so conspicuous as in many other species : lip short, stout, pi- ceous, tawny at the base, ferruginous and covered with a cluster of yellow hairs at the tip: feelers ferruginous ; first and second joints beset with tawny hairs; second joint much shorter than the first ; third joint nearly linear, longer than the first and the second joints ; fourth joint small, shorter than the second; fifth joint extremely small: fore chest short, its disk mostly black : two broad black stripes on the chest: breast and sides of the chest partly covered with shining yellow down, the latter beset with pale yellow bristles: abdomen nearly cylindrical, thinly clothed with very short yellow hairs, much narrower than the chest and more than twice its length, its breadth decreasing from the base to the fourth segment, and thence slightly increasing to the tip; first segment extremely short ; second segment piceous, short, broad, convex, beset on each side with long yellow hairs ; third segment long, with two broad black stripes along its whole length, having a cross suture and a cross row of punctures 348 LIST OF DIPTERA. near its base, where it is furrowed with very little cross lines,—its sides are covered with yellow hairs of moderate length ; the follow- ing segments successively decreasing in length ; fourth segment with two black stripes, which cease before its hind border; tip clothed with rather long ferruginous hairs; under-side tawny, shining, not hairy: legs tawny, thinly clothed with yellow hairs; ‘hips mostly piceous ; shanks and feet armed with yellow spines; — claws black, tawny towards the base ;. foot-cushions pale tawny; fore legs armed with a long curved ferruginous tooth at the tip of the shank, and with a few corresponding little black tubercles at the base of the foot; hind legs much longer than the rest: wings co- lourless, with a slight tawny tinge on the fore part ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. Dasypocon Hypsaon, n.s., fem. fulvus, capite cano, abdomine ferrugineo apice nigro, antennis fulvis piceo vartis, pedibus fer- ruginets, tarsis piceis, alis fuscis. Body tawny: head hoary, a little broader than the chest, almost hairless ; crown piceous ; clypens armed with two long pale yellow bristles: eyes dark bronze; fore part flat, its facets larger than those of the other part: lip and palpi black, the latter thickly clothed with black hairs: feelers tawny; first joint linear; second joint subclavate, clothed with a few short black hairs, a little shorter than the first; third joint spindle-shaped, piceous in the middle part, longer than the first and the second joints: chest hairless, beset with one or two pale yellow bristles on each side; breast paler: ab- domen ferruginous, smooth, shining, almost hairless, narrower than - the chest and full twice its length, increasing in breadth from the base till near the tip; first segment very short; second segment with a piceous disk; third and following segments long ; fifth and following segments mostly black : legs ferruginous, long and slender, clothed with short ferruginous hairs; shanks with one or two tawny bristles towards the tips; feet piceous and beset with tawny spines; claws black; foot-cushions tawny: wings dark brown; wing-ribs ferruginous ; veins black ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. China. Presented by G..T. Lay, Esq. LIST OF DIPTERA. 349 Dasyeocon Cerco,n.s.,fem. Fulvus, thorace ferrugineo, disco flavo- Fusco, abdomine ferrugineo bast piceo apice nigro, antennis fulvis apice ferrugineis, pedibus fulvis, alis fuscis. Head tawny: chest clothed with pale golden down above and with whitish down beneath, piceous on the crown, beset with a few short black hairs along the borders of the eyes ; clypeus armed with a few tawny slender hairs and with two long tawny bristles: eyes ' piceous, bronze here and there; fore part flat, bright bronze, and also distinguished by its larger facets ; first and second joints of the feelers pale tawny, of nearly equal length, covered with a few short tawny hairs; second joint having also a long tawny bristle; third joint spindle-shaped, ferruginous, tawny at the base, as long as the _ first and the second joints: lip black, shining, clothed at the tip -_ 0 aa et tt with short tawny hairs: palpi black, beset with black bristles: hy- postoma tawny : chest pale ferruginous, yellowish brown and clothed with tawny down on the disk, beset with two or three tawny bristles on each side: breast tawny and clothed with pale tawny down: ab- domen ferruginous, hardly narrower than the chest, but more than twice its length, narrow and linear towards the base, broader and spindle-shaped from thence to the tip, thinly clothed with very short black hairs; first and second segments short, piceous; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length; third segment with a cross furrow near the fore border; fourth seg- ment widening to the hind border; fifth and following segments black, with ferruginous hind borders: legs tawny, slender, thinly clothed with very short black hairs; knees and tips of shanks armed with some pale tawny spines; tips of feet piceous ; claws black, tawny at the base; foot-cushions pale tawny: wings brown, rather paler towards the tips and along the hind borders ; wing-ribs tawny ; veins piceous, black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Hong-Kong, China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. Dasypocon Acratus,n.s. mas. Piceus,abdomine nigro, basi ferrugi- neo, antennis piceis, pedibus ferrugineis, tarsis picers, alis fuscis. Head piceous, beset with a few black hairs and bristles, which are mostly beneath, having on the front a protuberance crowned with two tubercles, from whence proceed two long black bristles: eyes reddish bronze; fore part flat, composed of large facets: mouth black: feelers piceous, not longer than the head; first and second joints beset with stout black hairs; second joint a little longer than the first; third joint oval, compressed, furnished with a few short black hairs, rather longer than the first and the second joints, and full twice their breadth: chest and breast piceous, 350 LIST OF DIPTERA. thinly clothed with short black hairs; breast a little paler than the — chest: abdomen black, clothed with short black hairs, rather more — slender towards the base, narrower than the chest and very nearly — thrice its length; segments from the first to the fourth ferrugi- nous: legs ferruginous, covered with short black hairs; shanks beset — with a few bristles; hips and feet piceous; hind legs slender: wings dark brown ; fore borders straight; wing-ribs and veins pi- ceous; poisers tawny. Length of the body 5—6 lines; of the wings 7—10 lines. 5) a. Group XIII. Dasypocon Maricus, n.s., mas. Fulvus, thoracis vittis tribus nigris, humeris ferrugineis, pectore cano, antennis pedibusque fulvis, alis limpidis. ; Head tawny, covered with white down, nearly as broad as the chest, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs; clypeus and front very thickly covered with long white bristles: lip black, shining ; tongue ferruginous ; palpi black, hairy ; feelers tawny, thinly clothed with short white hairs; second joint cup-shaped, much shorter than the first: eyes dark bronze; fore part slightly eonvex, its facets but little larger than those of the rest of the eye: chest tawny, with a broad black stripe on the back, and a shorter and more indistinct stripe on each side, clothed with very short black hairs, and beset on each side and behind with yellowish white bris- tles; shoulders ferruginous: breast hoary and clothed with a few white hairs : abdomen tawny, flat, tapering from the base to the tip, — narrower than the chest and rather less than twice its length, clothed with short white hairs and beset with one or two white spines on the sides of the hind borders of each segment ; hind borders of the seg- ments paler; tip ferruginous ; segments from the third successively decreasing in length: legs tawny, clothed with short white hairs ; hips hoary and beset with white bristles, of which there are also a few on the thighs, but more on the shanks and most on the feet ; claws black, tawny at the base; foot-cushions pale tawny: wings colourless ; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous ; poisers yellow. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 10 lines. ? Presented by Captain Lord Byron. a. LIST OF DIPTERA. 351 Group XIV. Dasypocon Clelius, n.s.,mas. Nigro-fuscus, pectore thoracisque latertbus fulvo-cinereis, abdomine purpureo-cupreo, antennis ferrugineis apice piceis, pedibus ferruginers, alis limpidis. Body dark brown: head nearly as broad as the chest, clothed with long brown hairs; clypeus and sides of the front white, the former very thickly beset with black hairs: eyes dark bronze ; fore ‘part flat, very distinct, composed of large facets, and darker than the other part: lip black, shining, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi black and beset with black hairs: feelers ferru- _ginous, piceous at the tips; first and second joints of equal length, clothed with black hairs; second joint subclavate; third joint spindle-shaped, much longer than the first and the second: chest thickly clothed with long brown hairs ; breast and sides of the chest gray with a tawny tinge, and clothed with short brown hairs: abdo- men purplish bronze, smooth, shining, nearly cylindrical, twice the | length of the chest, thickly clothed on each side with brown hairs | and on the back with shorter hairs; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length to the ninth: legs long, | slender, ferrnginous, thickly clothed with black hairs, which are very | short on the shanks and on the feet; hips, trochanters, and tips of feet piceous; shanks and feet beset with black bristles; claws black, ferruginous at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings quite , colourless ; wing-ribs, veins, and poisers tawny. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 12 lines. 3 a. Cape. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Cape. minis apice ferrugineo, antennis fulvis apice ferrugineis, pedibus fulvis, tibiis apice tarsisque piceis, alis limpidis, venis fulvo sublimbatis. Head brown, covered with dull yellowish white down, clothed behind the eyes with a few tawny hairs; clypeus armed with four long yellowish white bristles: eyes bronze ; fore part nearly flat; its facets rather larger than those of the other part: lip black, shining, Dasypocon Tapulus, n.s., fem. Cano-fulvus, pectore cano, abdo- . : ferruginous at the base, clothed with short tawny hairs at the tip; palpi piceous, clothed with tawny hairs: hypostoma tawny: first and second joints of the feelers tawny, of nearly equal length, beset with some short stout black hairs; second joint slightly cup-shaped, armed with a few black bristles ; third joint broader, spindle-shaped, ferruginous, a little longer than the first and the second: chest pale ’ PART II. VI x Tere 352 LIST OF DIPTERA. tawny, with a hoary tinge, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, and beset on each side with a few tawny bristles; brown on the disk, with the exception of two stripes, which are indistinct towards the fore border: breast hoary: abdomen linear at the base, broader, and spindle-shaped towards the tip, nearly as broad as the chest, — and more than twice its length, covered with a dull tawny bloom, but black and shining when this is effaced ; first and second seg- ments short; third segment long, with a cross furrow near the fore border ; fourth and following segments successively decreasing in length to the tip, which is ferruginous, and armed with a circlet of black bristles: legs tawny, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, and beset with some tawny spines; hips hoary ; tips of shanks piceous ; feet piceous, tawny at the base ; claws black, tawny at the base ; foot-cushions pale tawny ; fore shanks not armed : wings co- lourless, with a tawny tinge along the borders of the veins; wing- ribs dark ferruginous ; veins piceous ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Cape. Presented by the Entomological Club. Group XV. Dasypocon Decula,n.s. Fulvus, abdomine rufo-fusco bast ferru- gineo, antennis picets, pedibus flavis, alis cinereis. Head tawny, full as broad as the chest, rather thickly clothed behind and beneath with pale yellow hairs, and with a few black hairs on the piceous tubercle of the eyelets; front and clypeus - adorned with golden hairs, the latter has likewise six very long — black bristles: eyes bronze-colour; the fore part flat, and composed of large facets, which, though they decrease in size as they diverge, are easily distinguished from the small facets of the outer part: lip black, longer than the head, clothed at the tip with tawny hairs ; feelers piceous ; first and second joints beset with tawny hairs; se- cond joint much shorter than the first ; third joint nearly linear, co- nical at the tip, much longer than the first and the second: chest and breast tawny, clothed with yellow hairs; disk of the chest pale brown; sides beset with black bristles: abdomen linear, flat, reddish brown, a little narrower and much longer than the chest, but not twice its length, clothed with short yellow hairs, ferruginous for near one-third of its length from the base: legs yellow, clothed with yel- low hairs; hips, knees, and tips of the feet ferruginous; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny; forelegs unarmed: wings gray; wing- ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rey. D. F. Morgan. ie LIST OF DIPTERA. 353 Dasypocon Coon, n.s. Fulvus, capite thoracisque disco fuscis, pedibus fulvis, alis limpidis. Distinguished from the other species by the large facets of the eyes, which are cupreous ; their fronts are slightly convex, and the boundary between the two parts is not clearly defined: head covered above with brown down; clypeus armed with four long black bristles: lip short, ferruginous, its tip covered with short yellow hairs: chest and breast tawny: chest clothed with some yellow hairs, and beset on each side with yellow bristles ; its disk brown : legs tawny, beset with tawny bristles and hairs: wings colourless ; | ' | : | : wing-ribs, veins, and poisers tawny. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a4. ——— P Group XVI. Dasypocon Barrus, n.s., fem. Cinereus, pilis albis vestitus, pectore cano, abdominis fasciis canis, antennis nigris, pedibus canis, ales limpidis. Body gray : head narrower than the chest, clothed thinly above and very thickly behind and beneath with white hairs ; clypeus thickly beset with long white hairs: eyes black ; fore part slightly convex, with facets very little larger than those elsewhere on the eye: lip black, shining: feelers black; first and second joints hairy; second joint shorter than the first; third joint spindle- shaped, very much longer than the first and the second: chest thinly clothed with short white hairs, and beset on each side with a few white bristles: breast hoary, clothed with longer white hairs: abdomen as broad as the chest and much longer, but not twice its length, slightly increasing in breadth from the base to one-third of the length, and tapering thence to the tip, rather flat, clothed with white hairs; hind borders of the segments hoary; first segment very short; second segment moderately long; third segment long ; fourth and following segments successively decreasing in length ; eighth segment very short; ninth segment a little longer: legs hoary, thickly clothed with white hairs, and beset with a few short white spines; fore shanks not armed ; claws black ; foot-cushions dark tawny ; wings colourless ; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black, pi- ceous at the base; poisers tawny. Length of the body 5 lines; of of the wings 9 lines. . ? From Mr. Children’s collecion. a. 354 - LIST OF DIPTERA. Group XVII. Dasypocon viduus,n.s., mas. Niger, cinereo pubescens, thoracis vittis duabus cinereis, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis subcinereis apice obscurioribus. Body black ; head narrower than the chest, clothed with gray down, beset behind the eyes with a row of black bristles, thinly clothed beneath wtth gray hairs; crown piceous, beset on each side with black hairs; clypeus armed with twelve long black spines: eyes black ; fore part flat; its facets a little larger than those of the convex part: lip piceous, clothed at the tip with tawny hairs; hy- postoma and palpi black, clothed with black hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints clothed with long black hairs; second joint a little shorter than the first ; third joint spindle-shaped, nearly as long as the first and the second, clothed above with short black hairs; fourth joint short ; fifth joint extremely short: chest covered with gray down, beset on each side and behind with long black bristles; disk black, excepting two gray stripes, which are widened in front and behind, and are beset with a few short black hairs: ab- domen slightly shining, with an indistinct gray stripe on each side, tapering from the base to the tip, narrower than the chest and more than twice its length, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, and having also a few longer gray hairs at the base and on the under- side; the black hairs are more numerous at the tip ; first and se- cond segments short; third and following segments long, but suc- cessively decreasing in length; third segment with a cross row of punctures on the furrow near the base: legs black, thinly clothed with short gray hairs; shanks and feet beset with black spines; feet long, clothed beneath with dark tawny down; claws black; foot- cushions dark tawny ; tips of fore shanks armed with a curved black tooth, corresponding with a large black tubercle at the base of the fore feet: wings very slightly gray, dark gray at the tips ; wing-ribs piceous; veins black, piceous at the base; poisers yellow. Length of the body 6—7 lines ; of the wings 10—12 lines. a. Colenso, New Zealand. Presented by Dr. J. Hooker. Dasyrocon sexfasciatus ? Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii. 50,1. Wired. , Auss. Zweif. i. 408, 68. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. Dasypocon argenteus? Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii. 51,4. Wred. Auss. Zweif. i. 409, 69. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. . LIST OF DIPTERA. 350 - Dasypoeon guttula? Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 228,27. Auss. Zwerf. i.411,74. Mas. et fem.—WNiger, capite fulvo-cinereo, thorace cinereo-nigro, pilis nonnullis longis nigris vestito, abdomine nigro- eneo nitente nigroque pubescente, subtus obscuro pilisque canis vestito, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis limpidis. Body black: head gray, with a tawny tinge, covered with rather long hoary hairs, as broad as the chest: eyelets seated on a tubercle: eyes dark red: mouth black, very short: feelers black; second joint about half the length of the first: chest and breast having a gray bloom, and slightly covered with long black hairs: abdomen much narrower and longer than the chest, but not twice its length, cylindrical, shining, and with a metallic tint above, dull beneath, covered with black down, and clothed be- neath with hoary hairs, which are longest, and most frequent at the base: legs rather short and stout, black, shining, clothed with black down, and beset with hoary hairs and black bristles ; hind shanks club-shaped; hind feet wide, especially the first joint, which is as long as the three following joints, and much broader: wings co- lourless; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the _ tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 23 lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Ohio. Presented by the Entomological Club. e. E , Dasypocon Falto, n.s., mas. et fem. Niger, capite pectoreque cano pilosis, thorace fulvo quinquevittato, abdominis segmentis utrin- que cano fasciculatis, antennis pedibusque nigris, tibiis tarsisque basi flavis, alis limpidis apice subcinereis. Body black: head a little broader than the chest, covered with a brown bloom, thickly clothed above and behind with black hairs, and beneath with white hairs; front covered with silvery down, which appears dark tawny in some aspects, and adorned with thick tufts of golden hairs: eyes bronze; fore part flat, not very distinct from the other part, but with larger facets: feelers black ; first and second joints clothed with long black hairs; first joint linear ; second joint club-shaped, shorter than the first; third joint long, nearly linear, but conical at the base, and slightly compressed before one-third of its length, longer than the first and the second joints ; fourth, fifth, and sixth joints very short, like a spine at the tip of the third: chest black, shining, clothed with long black hairs, and adorned with dark tawny down; this down is mostly disposed in five stripes, which proceed from the fore border to the disk, the outer pair are oblique, the inner pair are at first straight, then form a right | 259 356 LIST OF DIPTERA. angle, and proceed in a course parallel to the side of the chest; middle stripe slender and linear: breast covered with a hoary bloom, — and clothed with long white hairs: abdomen convex, shining, de-— creasing in breadth from the base to the tip, narrower than the chest and about twice its length, clothed on each side of the tip with black hairs, and with longer white hairs towards the base; hind border of every segment adorned on each side with a large patch of hoary down; first segment very short; second segment — broad, short, more convex than the rest; third segment long, crossed by a furrow near its fore border; the following segments — successively decreasing in length: legs black, shining; hips and thighs clothed with long white hairs, and the latter having shorter black hairs towards their tips ; shanks and feet clothed with shorter black hairs and with black bristles: shanks for more than one-third of their length from the base , and each foot-joint at its base bright tawny ; claws tawny, black towards the tips; foot-cushions tawny; fore legs unarmed; hind shanks slightly club-shaped; hind feet rather broad: wings colourless, slightly gray towards the tips; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black, piceous towards the base, where they are bright tawny ; poisers tawny, with yellow knobs. Female. —Like the male, but larger: sixth joint of the feelers more slender and like a short bristle: tip of the abdomen armed with short black spines: the tawny colour does not extend beyond the base of the — shanks, and the foot-joints are nearly all black. Length of the ~ body 5—6 lines; of the wings 9—10 lines. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. Dasypocon Macerinus,n.s. Niger, lateribus abdominis apice ven- — treque ferrugineis, thorace cano trivittato, antennis ferrugineis — apice nigris, pedibus nigris, tarsorum articulis bast tibtisque — ferruginets, alis limpidis, basi costa venarumque marginibus apice fuscis. | Body black, dull: head full as broad as the chest, clothed with — long white. hairs: tubercle of the eyelets beset with some black bristles: front dark red, covered with hoary down : eyes cupreous ; front part flat, composed of very large facets, and quite distinct from the convex part of the little facets: lip black, short, ferruginous, and clothed with short black hairs at the tip: first and second joints of the feelers ferruginous, beset with black bristles ; first joint linear ; second joint club-shaped, a little shorter than the first; third joint — black, slightly tapering from the base to the tip, as long as the first — and thesecond, but much more slender: chest black, very dark fer- ruginous on each side, thinly clothed with hoary hairs, adorned with three slender indistinct hoary stripes, beset on each side with black rr i ee eee —.._ lm ——— ll) Sl lhl eee LIST OF DIPTERA. 357 bristles: breast covered with hoary bloom, and clothed with long white hairs: abdomen slightly shining, clothed with short tawny hairs, less than twice the length of the chest, which it nearly equals in breadth at the base, but it diminishes thence to the tip; sides fer- ruginous; segments from the third to the last successively decreas- ing in length; sides of the segments, from the first to the fifth, clothed with long white hairs, and each of them adorned with a patch of hoary down on the hind border ; sixth, seventh, and eighth segments shining, thickly crossed with little furrows ; under-side and lip ferruginous, the latter armed with short black spines: legs black, clothed with short white hairs ; hips clothed with long white hairs ; shanks ferruginous, armed with black and pale yellow spines; feet more thickly beset with black bristles and with black hairs; fore joints ferruginous at the base; claws black ; foot-cushions taw- ny: wings colourless, brown at the base, on the fore borders, and along the sides of the veins towards the tips ; wing-ribs and veins black ¢ poisers piceous, tips of the stalks and of the knobs tawny. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Trenton Falls. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Dasypocon Lutatius,n.s. Niger, capite pectoreque canis, thorace fusco lateribus argenteis, abdominis fasctis interruptis canis, an- tennis pedibusque nigris, alis subcinerets. Body black, slightly shining: head covered with hoary bloom, clothed with long white hairs, and beset with a few black hairs on - the tubercle of the eyelets, and behind the rims of the eyes ; some _ little furrows along the crown; clypeus beset with black bristles : eyes bronze, like those of D. Macertnus : lip black, clothed at the tip with tawny hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints clothed with a few long black hairs; first joint linear ; second joint club-shaped, shorter than the first; third joint irregularly spindle-shaped, longer than the first and the second; fourth and fifth joints like a spine, which is not near half the length of the third ; sixth joint like a short bristle : chest covered with a deep brown bloom, and adorned with silvery down on each side, which is beset with a few black bristles: breast covered with silvery down: abdomen a little nar- rower than the chest and less than twice its length, almost linear till near the tip, which is conical; hind border of each segment adorned with a hoary band, which is interrupted in the middle; segments clothed on each side towards the base with white hairs, decreas- ing in length from the third to the last, thickly crossed with little furrows ; tip armed with short black spines: legs black ; hips hoary, and clothed with long white hairs; thighs and shanks clothed with tawny hairs, and the latter with black bristles ; feet beset with black 358 LIST OF DIPTERA. hairs and bristles ; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny : wings slightly tinged with gray; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black to- — wards the tips; poisers pale tawny. Length of the body 33—4 © lines ; of the wings 5—6 lines. i a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. Group XVIII. Dasypocon Levinus, n.s.,mas. Cinereus, abdominis apice rufo, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, genubus tarsisque apice piceis, alis fulvis. Head gray, a little narrower than the chest, clothed thinly above and thickly behind and beneath with yellowish white hairs ; clypeus beset with yellowish white bristles: eyes black; fore part slightly convex, its facets very little larger than those of the other part: lip black, shining, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs : feelers black ; second joint much shorter than the first: chest gray, covered with yellow down, and clothed with pale tawny hairs: abdo- men gray, linear, red at the tip, clothed with pale tawny hairs, nar- rower and longer than the chest, but much less than twice its length ; first and second segments very short ; third and following segments lung, but successively decreasing in length to the tip: legs red, clothed with pale yellow hairs; hips gray; knees and tips of feet piceous ; claws black; foot-cushions dull tawny ; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips; poisers yellow. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7 lines. | a. South Africa. Dasypocon Discus, White, Zool. Voy. Erebus and Terror. Fem.— Niger, fulvo pubescens, abdomine rufo disco nigro, antennis tar- sisque nigris, pedibus rufis, alis limpidis, apice cinereis. Body black: head covered with tawny down, a little narrower than the chest, covered on each side of the crown with a few black hairs, beset behind the eyes with a row of black bristles, clothed be- neath with long pale yellow hairs; front and clypeus adorned with bright pale golden down; clypeus armed with ten long white bristles: eyes black; fore part nearly flat, distinguished also from the other part by the larger size of its facets: lip black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi and hypostoma black, clothed with long pale yellow hairs: feelers black; first and second joints clothed with black hairs; second joint slightly club-shaped, beset with one or two black bristles, a little shorter than the first; third joint linear, longer than the first and the second ; fourth joint very LIST OF DIPTERA. 359 short ; fifth joint obsolete: chest covered with tawny down, which forms two stripes in the middle, thinly clothed with short black hairs, and beset on each side with some black bristles: breast covered with pale tawny down, having a hoary tinge: abdomen above black, and thinly clothed with very short pale tawny hairs, red at the tip and along the sides, tawny and shining beneath, almost linear, nearly as broad as the chest and more than twice its length; first and second segments short; third segment long, with a cross row of punctures - along the furrow near its base; the following segments successively decreasing in length: legs red, almost hairless, beset with black spines, which are much more numerous on the feet than on the shanks or on the thighs; thighs paler at the base; feet black, red at the base; claws black ; foot-cushions pale brown ; a black stripe on each fore thigh ; tips of fore shanks armed with a black curved tooth, corresponding with some black tubercles at the base of the fore feet: wings colourless, gray at the tips; wing-ribs ferruginous ; veins pi- ceous, black towards the tips; poisers large, yellow. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. New Zealand. From Mr. Earl’s collection. Group XIX. Dasypocon Venno,n.s. Niger, thorace rufo nigro univittato et bi- maculato, abdomine purpureo, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis nigris apice limpidis. Body black: head a little broader than the chest, with a stripe of white down on each side of the front between the feelers and the clypeus ; the latter is armed with six long black bristles : lip black, short: eyes bronze-black, flat in the front, where the facets are larger and distinct from those of the convex part: feelers black, a little longer than the head: first and second joints beset with black hairs; second joint a little shorter than the first; third joint slightly club-shaped, very much longer than the first and the second, but not twice their length: chest and breast bright red; a black stripe on the back, and a black spot at the base of each wing; a space about the hips is also black: abdomen purple, shining, linear | for a short space from its base, elliptical thence to the tip, fringed with white hairs on each side, a little narrower than the chest and twice its length, hoary on each side at the base: legs black, slender, clothed with black hairs and bristles; claws black; foot-cushions piceous: wings black for two-thirds of the length from the base, co- lourless thence to the tips; wing-ribs and veins black; poisers 360 LIST OF DIPTERA. ) | piceous, their knobs pale tawny and very large. Length of the body 23 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. ae a. Van Dieman’s Land. Presented by the Rev. T. Ewing. 7 4 § Group XX. Dasypocon Aphidnus, n.s.,mas. Fulvus, capite albo, pectore et metathorace cinereis, abdomine ferrugineo bast cinereo, antennis pedibusque fulvis, alts limpidis. a Body tawny: head as broad as the chest, covered with whitish _ down, clothed thinly above and thickly beneath with pale yellow | hairs, beset with yellow bristles along the upper hind borders of the — eyes ; clypeus armed with a tuft of pale yellow bristles: eyes black ; fore part nearly flat, with facets very little larger than those else- where on the eye: lip and palpi black, the latter clothed with tawny hairs: first and second joints of the feelers tawny, clothed with taw- ny hairs; second joint cup-shaped, shorter than the first: chest and breast very thinly clothed with short yellow hairs; scutcheon and — hind chest gray: abdomen ferruginous, slightly tapering from the base to the tip, much longer than the chest, and almost equal to it in breadth at the base, clothed with yellow hairs, which are most thick on each side towards the base and at the tip ; first and second segments gray, short ; third and following segments longer, but suc- cessively darker along the fore borders, decreasing in length to the — seventh, which is very short, its appendages are large, and piceous _ at the tip: legs tawny, clothed with white hairs, and beset with | some short white bristles ; hips gray; feet piceous, tawny beneath ; claws black ; foot-cushions whitish: wings colourless; fourth areo- let on the hind border from the base of the wing very open; wing- ribs ferruginous ; veins black, ferruginous at the base; poisers pale yellow. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 5 lines. 5) — ad. Group XXI. Dasypocon Luscinius, n.s., fem. Niger, brevis, latus, abdomine rufo bast nigro, antennis pedibusque nigris, tibits et tarsis poste- cis genubusque ferruginers, alis limpidis. Body black, short, broad, thick : head narrower than the chest, clothed above, behind, and more thickly beneath, with white hairs ; clypeus thickly beset with white bristles: eyes dark red; fore part flat, almost black, quite distinct from the other part and composed LIST OF DIPTERA. 36] of much larger facets: lip black, ferruginous at the tip: feelers black: chest and breast thinly clothed with white hairs: abdomen red, obconical, as broad as the chest and a little longer, black at the base and on the sutures of the segments, thinly clothed with white hairs on each side; segments from the first to the sixth successively increasing in length; seventh and following segments shorter : legs black, clothed with white hairs; shanks beset with short white spines ; knees, hind shanks and hind feet ferruginous ; claws black ; _foot-cushions pale tawny: wings colourless; rudiments of a vein near the base of the fork which divides the submarginal areolets ; the next areolet beneath closed before the border of the wing; the two following areolets only half divided from each other, the tip of the vein being wanting; the succeeding areolet closed by a cross- vein near the hind border; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black, piceous _at the base; poisers yellow. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. | ; Group XXIT. - Dasypocon Agalla,n.s. Fuscus, capite lato, thoracis lateribus fulvis; ; | | | e— tn. —_ — pectore cano, abdomine plano subtus pallido, antennis nigris, pe- dibus picets, alts fusco-cinereis. Body deep rich brown: head much broader than the chest, co- vered with hoary down, and clothed behind and beneath with white hairs ; clypeus beset with tawny bristles: eyes cupreous: fore part very slightly convex, composed of very large facets, which are quite distinct from the small facets, especially on the lower part of the front: lip black, short, tawny at the base and clothed with tawny hairs ; palpi black, their tips beset with dark tawny bristles: feelers black, as long as the head ; first and second joints very short, beset with a few black hairs ; third joint spindle-shaped, much more than twice the length of the first and the second joints; fourth joint small, not one-fourth of the length of the third; fifth joint very small: sides and hind border of the chest and of the scutcheon tawny: breast hoary, shining: abdomen flat, nearly linear, much narrower than the chest, and rather more than twice its length; under-side pale, shining: legs piceous, clothed with tawny hairs ; hips hoary; feet dark piceous, beset with black bristles; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny; hind shanks club-shaped ; hind feet broad at the base: wings brownish gray, especially at the base and along the fore borders ; wing-ribs and veins piceous; poisers tawny, with a broad piceous band at the base of the knob. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. 362. LIST OF DIPTERA. Dasypocon Mta, n.s. Fulvus, capite subtus pectoreque canis pilisque albis vestitis, vertice thoracisque vittis tribus fuscis, abdominis — disco fusco, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, tibtis tarsisque apice nigris, alis fuscis. Head dark brown on the crown, hoary and clothed with white - hairs behind, tawny and having a few tawny hairs on the front, very short, much broader than the chest; its fore part chiefly occupied by the eyes, which are large, prominent, and dark red with a bronze tinge ; they may be divided into two regions ; in the first or inner part the facets decrease regularly in size from the border of the crown outwards ; in the second, or outer part, they are all extremely small, and of equal size: lip black, covered at the tip with short tawny hairs ; palpi piceous, beset with long yellow hairs: feelers black ; ' second joint much shorter than the first ; third joint slightly club- shaped, longer than the first andthe second; fourth joint conical, short ; fifth joint like a bristle, much shorter than the fourth: chest tawny, downy, having very few hairs, adorned with three very broad rich brown stripes which unite and occupy the whole breadth of the chest in front, but decrease towards the hind border, which they do not ~ reach: breast hoary, thinly covered with white hairs: abdomen rich brown, slightly covered with short hairs, tawny on the sides and on the hind borders of the segments, and on the whole of the under- side, narrower than the chest, and about twice its length: legs taw- ny; hips hoary; thighs clothed with hairs of various length, and having a piceous tinge towards the tips; knees and tips of the tro- - chanters black; shanks more thickly clothed with hairs and bristles, black towards the tips; feet clothed with thick down, and having a’ few long black hairs on the upper-side, tip of each joint black; fore feet nearly all black ; hind shanks club-shaped ; hind feet wide, es- pecially the first joint, which is as long as the three following joints, and much broader: wings deep rich brown, somewhat paler towards the tips, convex on the fore borders; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers yellow, each with a large piceous spot on the outer-side of itsclub. Length of the body 23 lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. St. John’s Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. Massachusetts: From Prof. Sheppard’s collection. Dasypocon Amastris, n. s. Niger, nitens, pilis albis hirtus, abdomine fulvo-piloso apice obscuro rufo, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, tar- sis piceis, tibtis posticts subarcuatis, tarsis posticis latis, alis sub- cinereis fuscoque subbifasciatts. Body black, shining: head a little broader than the chest, dull and punctured above, with a row of tawny bristles on the clypeus, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, a little broader than the chest: there are a few long tawny hairs on the tubercle of the LIST OF DIPTERA. 363 eyelets: lip black; its tip clothed with short tawny hairs: feelers black, not longer than the head; first and second joints short, of equal length, clothed with short tawny hairs; third joint red, linear, piceous at the tip, full twice the length of the first and of the second; fourth joint spine-shaped, dark red, slender, black at the tip, about one-third of the length of the third: eyes red, divided into two regions; the inner part small, flat, composed of rather large facets, which however successively decrease in size as they diverge to the outer part which is convex, composed of small facets, and much larger than the inner part, which it half encircles: chest and breast finely punctured, thinly covered with short white hairs; the former having also a few long tawny hairs on its hinder part: abdomen thin, increasing in breadth from the base to the tip, full twice the length of the chest ; segments from the first to the sixth very slightly convex, smooth, shining, clothed with very short tawny hairs; first and second seg- ments very short; third and following segments to the sixth long ; seventh and eighth dull, flat, large, very finely punctured, with no hairs ; seventh slightly red along the hind border and on the side borders, having on each side five large punctures disposed by twos and threes in two oblique rows; in the eighth segment the red overspreads more of the surface, and it has on each side three more indistinct punctures which are arranged in a more oblique row; un- derside of abdomen dull, punctured ; segments with a rim on each side: the last segment red on the hind border, and more slightly so on each side border: legs red, clothed with short tawny hairs ; hips black; shanks beset with some longer tawny hairs; feet piceous, and armed with bristles; hind shanks slightly curved and club- shaped; hind feet rather broad: wings narrow, slightly gray ; each with two large brown spots, one is on the middle of the fore border, the other at the tip of the wing, and they descend into the disk along the borders of the cross-veins ; the hind border about the tip is brownish gray, with a colourless streak on each areolet; wing- ribs and veins black; poisers tawny. Length of the body 4% lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot’s collection. Dasypoeon Prytanis, n.s. Canus, thorace vittis tribus fuscis, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, femoribus basi, tibits apice tarsisque ni- gris, femoribus posticis crassis dentibusque armatis, tibtis posti- cis subarcuatis, alis albis. Body stout: head hoary, with short hoary hairs on the crown, and having a few tawny bristles in front, rather thickly clothed be- neath with white hairs, very short, much broader than the chest; PART II. ae 364 LIST OF DIPTERA. its fore part chiefly occupied by the eyes, which are large and pro-— minent; in their inner region the facets decrease regularly in size from the border of the crown outwards, but the facets of the outer Art, elle part are all extremely small, and of equal size: feelers and mouth — black : chest, breast, and abdomen hoary, thinly clothed with white - hairs: chest with three brown stripes; middle stripe broad, linear, extending from near the fore border to a little beyond the middle of - the length ; side stripes but little more than half the length of the middle stripe, being shortened in front where their borders are straight, but their hind borders are convex; scutcheon prominent: abdomen narrower than the chest, and less than twice its length: legs stout, tawny, clothed with black hairs and bristles ; hips hoary ; thighs towards the base, knees, feet, and tips of the shanks black ; hind thighs thick, each armed beneath with nine black spines; hind shanks slightly curved; hind feet not wide: wings white; wing ribs and veins pale yellow, the latter tawny towards the tips of the fore borders ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 4% lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell’s collection. Group XXIII. Dasypocon transiens,n.s. Niger, pilis nigris vestitus, thorace vit- tis tribus cinereis, abdomine pilis ferrugineis vestito, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis fusers. Resembles a Laphria; and some of the species of Dasypogon, Laphria and Asilus form parallel series, like those of Empis and Rhamphomyia. Body black, thickly clothed with black hairs: head a little narrower than the chest: tubercle of the eyelets beset with a tuft of black bristles ; front covered with silky brown down ; cly- peus thickly armed with long black bristles: eyes black; fore part — flat, composed of large facets, its border quite distinct and not blending with the facets of the other part: lip short, stout, deep black, its tip clothed with short tawny hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints beset with black hairs and bristles ; second joint a little longer than the first ; third joint nearly linear or slightly ta- pering from the middle to each end, clothed above with short black hairs, more than twice the length of the first and of the second — joints: chest with three indistinct very dark gray stripes; middle | stripe long and linear; side stripes short and oblique: abdomen — nearly linear, convex, thickly clothed with ferruginous hairs, armed | at the tip with short black spines, a little narrower than the chest | and nearly twice its length: legs stout, black, thickly clothed with LIST OF DIPTERA. 365: black hairs; shanks and feet also beset with black spines; claws black ; foot-cushions pale tawny ; fore shanks armed at the tip be- neath with a curved black tooth, corresponding to some little tuber- cles beneath the base of the feet: wings dark brown ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers piceous. Length of the body 103 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. | Note.—The four following species belong to the earlier sections of the genus, but were accidentally omitted. | Dasypocon Spectrum, var.? Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 368, 2. (See page 304, Group I.) a. China. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. 6. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. e. China. Presented by the Entomological Club. _d. China. Erom Mr. Birch’s collection. ) / Dasyrocon Scython, n.s., fem. Fuscus, capite flavo-vittato, abdo- mine rufo vittis nigris, pedibus rufis, alis ferruginets. (See ° page 304, Group I.) | Head much narrower than the chest, covered with white down, | clothed behind and beneath with yellow hairs, beset behind the eyes with black and tawny bristles ; crown reddish brown, furnished on each side with some whitish hairs and tawny bristles, adorned with ‘four pale yellow stripes; front and clypeus covered with whitish silky down ; front ridged across; clypeus armed with ferruginous bristles and with some pale yellow hairs: eyes dark bronze ; fore part flat, black, its facets very much larger than those of the other part: lip black and clothed with short tawny hairs at the tip ; palpi black, beset with long pale yellow hairs: first joint of the feelers black: chest brown, rather paler on the sides, thinly clothed with very short tawny hairs, beset on each side and be- hind with black bristles: breast brown, covered with pale yellow | down : abdomen bright red, flat, tapering from the base to the tip, _ thinly clothed with very short tawny hairs, adorned on each side at : base with a tuft of longer tawny hairs, a little narrower than the chest and rather more than twice its length; first and second segments black, very short ; third and following segments long, suc- cessively decreasing in length, black along their hind borders ; sixth and following segments shining; tip armed with a circlet of short black spines: legs red, clothed with tawny hairs, armed with black spines; hips brown; fore hips thickly clothed with long tawny 2 Ee 366 LIST OF DIPTERA. hairs; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny: wings ferruginous ; wing- | ; ribs piceous ; veins ferruginous; poisers tawny. Length of the — body 15 lines ; of the wings 27 lines. ; a. Sandwich Isles. Presented by Captain Beechey. Dasypocon melanogaster, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 215, 2. Auss. Zweif. | i. 368, 3. (See page 304, Group I.) a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay’s collection. EE Dasypocon Fossius, n.s., mas. et fem. Flavus, thorace nigro tri- vittato, lateribus pectoreque fulvis, abdomine ferrugineo, anten- nis pedibusque fulvis, alis limpidis apicibus marginibusque pos- ticis cinereis. (See page 322, Group VIT.) Head yellow, as broad as the chest, piceous about the eyelets, beset behind with black bristles, clothed beneath with pale yellow hairs; front and clypeus covered with golden down, the latter armed with long white bristles: eyes bronze; fore part flat and composed of rather large facets : lip black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi pale ferruginous, beset with ferruginous hairs: feelers tawny; second joint very slightly clavate, full as long as the first ; third joint nearly spindle-shaped, longer than the first and the second joints: chest yellow, adorned with three broad black stripes, beset on each side and behind with a few black bristles; breast and sides. © of the chest tawny: abdomen of the male ferruginous, narrower ~ than the chest and nearly thrice its length, slightly tapering from the base to one-third of its length, nearly spindle-shaped from thence to the tip, which is shining, and clothed with tawny hairs ; first segment extremely short ; second segment short, convex ; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length: abdomen of the female nearly linear for two-thirds of its length, — slightly tapering from thence to the tip, which is armed with a circlet of short ferruginous spines: legs tawny, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, beset with a few black bristles ; feet black to- wards the tips ; claws black ; foot-cushions pale tawny ; tip of each fore shank armed with a long black curved tooth, which corresponds with some black tubercles at the base of each fore foot: wings co- lourless, gray at the tips and along the hind borders; wing-ribs ferruginous ; veins black; poisers tawny. Length of the body 9—16 lines; of the wings 16—18 lines. | a. ? From Mr. Children’s collection. LIST OF DIPTERA. 367 Crratureus, Wiedemann. Creratureus fasciatus, n.s., mas. Nager, flavo varius, abdominis segmentis flavo vittatis, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, femori- bus nigris, alis flavo-fuscis. Body black, linear: head as broad as the chest, clothed with shining yellow down along the hind rims of the eyes; tubercle of the eyelets beset with some tawny hairs; front and sides of the crown covered with ferruginous down; clypeus clothed with long red and brown hairs: eyes brassy red; fore part flat, composed of larger facets, and distinct from the other part: lip short, black, shining, its tip ferruginous and clothed with very short yellow hairs: feelers black, more than twice the length of the head ; first and se- cond joints thinly clothed with yellow hairs ; second joint a little shorter than the first; third joint linear, much longer than the first and the second joints; fourth joint short, oblique at the tip; tifth joint linear, thickly clothed with black down, a little longer and broader than the fourth: chest and breast slightly covered with pale yellow down, which is more thick on some parts, and forms two spots on the disk, a band along the hind border of the scutcheon, and some stripes on each side: abdomen linear, convex, thinly clothed with short yellow hairs, rather narrower than the chest and less than twice its length; each segment with a broad band of yel- low down on its hind border ; first segment very short; second seg- ment short; third segment long; the following segments suc- cessively decreasing in length; a tuft of long yellow hairs on each side of the tip: legs tawny, clothed with very short yellow hairs ; hips and thighs black, tips of the latter ferruginous; shanks and feet beset with a few yellow spines; claws black, tawny at the base; foot-cushions yellow; hind thighs slender; hind shanks straight: wings yellowish brown for two-thirds of the length, tawny from thence to the tips and along the hind borders; wing-ribs fer- ruginous ; veins piceous, ferruginous at the base, black at the tips ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. New York. Presented by the Entomological Club. Crraturecus (?) Andocides, n.s., mas. Niger, pilis flavis vestitus, humeris rufis, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, femoribus nigris, alis fuscis basi pallidioribus. Body black, stout, dull: head hardly as broad as the chest, clothed with long pale yellow hairs, which are most thick beneath ; tubercle of the eyelets beset with four tawny bristles ; front clothed with long shining pale yellow hairs, as is also the clypeus, where oS 368 LIST OF DIPTERA. the hairs are still longer and more numerous: eyes dark red ; fore part flat, composed of much larger facets, and distinct from the other part: lip black, shining, its tip clothed with short tawny hairs : feelers-black, full twice the length of the head ; first and second joints linear and of equal length; first joint clothed with yellow hairs ; second joint beset with a few short yellow bristles; third joint linear, covered with a brown bloom, very slightly compressed ; fourth joint short, slightly club-shaped, about one-eighth of the length of the third; fifth joint club-shaped, much broader and longer than the fourth: neck with a cross ridge: chest and breast, especially the latter, clothed with pale yellow hairs ; shoul- ders dark red: abdomen nearly spindle-shaped, slightly convex, much narrower than the chest and less than twice its length, thinly clothed with very short yellow hairs; first segment very short; se- cond segment short; third segment long ; the following segments successively decreasing in length; under-side clothed with longer pale yellow hairs: legs red, shining, clothed with short tawny hairs ; hips, trochanters and thighs black, clothed with long pale yellow hairs, as are also the fore feet and fore shanks, especially the latter, whose hairs are very long and thick ; feet beset with yellow bristles ; claws black, pale red at the base ; foot-cushions yellow: wings dark brown, paler towards the base ; wing-ribs and veins piceous ; poisers — pale ferruginous. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 14 lines. P a. Lapuria, Fabricius. European Species. Div. I., Loew. First submarginal areolet divided by a cross-vein. Lapuria maroccana, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 158,7. Latr. Gen. Crust. iv. 299. Wied. Zool. Mag. i. 2,38. Metg. Dipt. ii. 290, 5. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 282, 7, pl. 7, f.3. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 540, 1. Asilus maroccanus, Fabr. Ent, Syst. iv. 378, 10. Asilus &c., Geoff. Ins. ii. 467, 2. P Presented by the Entomological Club. . Albania. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. . Albania. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. . Albania. From Mr. Walker’s collection. . France. eo aAa ne One specimen has a double cross-vein on the submarginal are- olet of the left wing. | LIST OF DIPTERA. 369 Div. Il., Loew. First submarginal areolet not divided ; first hind border areolet open. Lapuetia aurea, Meig. Dipt. fe 295,15. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 281,2. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 541, 2. a. LapHria gibbosa, Fabr. Syst. Antl.156,1. Latr. Gen. Crust. iv. 299. Cons. Gén. 443. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Asil.4,1. Wied. Zool. Mag. i. 2,27. Meig. Dipt. ii. 287, 1. Macq. Dipt. Nord. Asil. 37, 1. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 280, ls Zeller, Isis, 1840, 73,1. Zett. Ins. Lapp. 504,1. Dipt. Scand. i. 160, 1. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 543,4. Asilus gibbosus, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1907. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2896, 6. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 461, 7. Ent. Syst. iv. 378, 8. Scheff., fF. 11. Schrank, Faun. Boic. iii. 2443. Asilus bombylius, Deg. Ins. wavG, 1. 7. 13, 7. 6. P Presented by the Entomological Club. 9 a. b. Lapueia ephippium, Fabr.. Syst. Antl. 157,3. Latr. Gen. Crust. iv. 299. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Asil. 4, 3. Meg. Dipt. ii. 289, 3. Macq. Dipt. Nord. Asil. 39, 3. ’ Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 281, 4. Zeller, Isis, 1840, 74, 3. Rett. Dipt. Scand. i. 161, 3. Loew, Linn. Ent. 11. 544,5. — Asilus ephippium, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 461,6. Ent. Syst. iv. 377,7. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2896, 19. Asilus dorsalis, Deg. Ins. vi. 96, 2, t. 13, f. 9. a. France. b. es c. Martigny, Switzerland. From Mr. Walker's collection. Lapueia flava, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 156, 2. Latr. Gen. Crust. iv. 299, Panz. Faun. Germ. xxxix. 23, 24. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Asil. Fi 2. Meig. Dipt. ii. 288,2. Macq. Dipt. Nord. Asil. 38, Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 281,3. Zeller, Isis, 1840, 74, 2. Zett Dipt. Scand. i. 161,2. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 545, 6. Asilus flavus, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1911. Gel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2897, 8. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 462,12. Ent. Syst. iv. 380, 18. Deg. Ins. vi. 96, 3, t. 13, f. 10. Scheff. Icon. t. 51, f. 2. Herbst, Gem. Nat. viii. 119, t. 346, f.3. Schrank. Faun. Bove. lil. 2539. b. Sipinuerland, Presented by Dr. Dowler. ce. Grisons, Switzerland. From Mr. Walker’s collection. — > 370 LIST OF DIPTERA. Lapuria ignea, Meig. Dipt. ii. 294. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 282,6. Zeller, Isis, 1840, 76,7. Zett. Dipt. Scand. i. 162, 5. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 547, 7. L. gilva, Metg. Klass. i. 261, 4. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Asil. 5, 4, var. B. a. Sweden. Lapuaria gilva, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 159,15. Latr. Gen. Crust. -iv. 299. Panz. Faun. Germ. cvii. 18. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Asil. 5, 4. Meig. Dipt. ii. 294, 12. Macq. Dipt. Nord. 40,6. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 281,5. Zeller, Isis, 1840, 75,6. Zett. Ins. Lap., 506, 2. Dipt. Scand. i. 162, 4. Dahlb. Scand. Ins..308, 207. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 548, 8. Asilus gilvus, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1912. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2897, 9. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 462, 22. Ent. Syst. iv. 381, 22. Herbst, Gem. Nat. viii. 119, pl. 346, f. 4. Scheff. Icon. pl. 78, f.6. Schrank. Faun. Bote. iii. 2544. Asilus rufus, Deg. Ins. vi. 97, 4, pl. 13, f. 15. a. France. Lapuria marginata, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 160,17. Meg. Dipt. ii. 291, 7. Macq. Dipt. Nord. Asil. 33,4. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 283,11. Zeller, Isis, 1840, 75,5. Zett. Dipt. Scand. i. 163, 6. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 556,12. Asilus marginatus, Linn. Syst. Nat. xii. 1008, 10. Faun. Suec. 1913. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2898, 10. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 463,16. Ent. Syst. iv. 381, 25. Deg. Ins. vi. 97, 5, t.14, f.1. Schrank. Faun. Boice. iii. 2545. Fall. Dipt. Suec. Asil.5,5. Laphria nigra, Meig. Dipt. ii. 293, 11. Germ. Faun. ii. 24. LL. fulgida ? Meig. Dipt. 11. 298, 20. a. England. b. France. “% LapHaia auribarbis, Meig. Dipt. ii. 292,8. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 283,12. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 558,13. LL. cineta, Zeller, Isis, 1840, 74, 4. ig Div. III., Loew. First hind border areolet closed. Lapueia atra, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 159,13. Latr. Gen. Crust. iv. 299. Meig. Klass. Zwetf. i. 265, a. Dipt. ii. 302, 28. Macq. Dipt. Nord. 41,8. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 285,23. Zeller, Isis, 1840, 76, 8. Zett. Dipt. Scand. i. 164, 9. Loew, Linn. Ent. ii. 564,17. Asilus ater, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1910. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. v. 2897,7. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 462, 10.. Ent. Syst. LIST OF DIPTERA. 371 iv. 379,15. Schrank. Ins. Austr. 993. Laphria violacea, Meig. Klass. Zweif. i. 262, 5. a. Switzerland. Presented by Dr. Dowler. b. Exotic Species. Group I. Lapuaia labiata, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 160, 20. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 232,1. Auss. Zweif. i. 499, 1. Dasypogon rufimanus, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 181, pl. 36, f.6. Megapoda cyanea, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 288,1. M. labiata, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 59, pl. 5, f. 3. a. Brazil. 6. Brazil. From Mr. Walker's collection. Group II. Lapueia Shalumus, n.s.,mas. Ferruginea, capite pectoreque piceis, thoracts vittis tribus nigris, abdominis fascris nigris latertbusque prceis, antennis nigris apice ferrugineis, pedibus ferrugineis, femoribus nigro vittatis, alis fulvis. Head piceous, narrower than the chest, covered above with golden down, beset behind the eyes with black and tawny bristles, thickly clothed beneath with pale yellow hairs; crown beset on each side with black hairs; clypeus armed with a few long black hairs and with eight very long black bristles: eyes bronze; fore part flat, distinguished also from the convex part by its much larger facets: lip and tongue black, clothed with ferruginous down ; hy- postoma piceous ; first and second joints of the feelers black, clothed with long black hairs; second joint slightly club-shaped, ferruginous at the tip, a little shorter than the first ; third joint spindle-shaped, ferruginous, longer than the first and second joints, armed at the tip with a very short spine—the rudiment of the fourth joint: neck adorned with a ruff of ferruginous hairs, and on each side with a thick tuft of pale shining golden hairs: chest ferruginous, clothed with very short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with long black bristles, adorned with three black stripes ; middle stripe decreasing in breadth along its whole length from the front, whence to the middle it is slightly inlaid with a slender ferruginous stripe; side stripes short and interrupted by two oblique bands: breast piceous, ferruginous beneath the base of the wings: abdomen ole LIST OF DIPTERA. ferruginous, long spindle-shaped, as broad as the chest and full twice its length, piceous on the sides and black on the borders of each segment, thinly clothed with short tawny hairs, and adorned on each side with thick clusters of long tawny hairs; under-side black ; first and second segments short; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length: legs ferruginous, clothed with short black hairs, and armed with black spines ; a black stripe on each thigh ; claws black, ferruginous at the base; foot-cushions tawny ; middle shanks slightly curved, their tips armed with a very stout tubercle which is provided with two teeth: wings tawny ; wing- ribs aud veins ferruginous; poisers tawny. Length of the body 17 lines ; of the wings 32 lines. a. Hong-Kong, China. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. Group ITI. Lapuria rufibarbis, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 157, 4. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 233, 2. Auss. Zweif. 1. 500, 3. 3) a. e b. Congo. Lapueia Ufens, n.s., mas. Nigra, pilis fulvis nigrisque vestita, abdomine purpureo, subtus piceo, apice nigro, antennis nigris apice piceis, pedibus fulvis, alis fuscrs. Head and chest black, slightly shining: head a little narrower than the chest, clothed with bright tawny hairs, which are very thick on the front and on the clypeus; sides of the crown and hind bor- ders of the eyes beset with black bristles; eyes bronze ; fore part flat, composed of large facets, clearly distinguishable from the other part: tongue black, longer than the lip, clothed beneath with tawny down : lip black, not much longer than the head, ferruginous at the base, crowned with yellow hairs at the tip: first and second joints of the feelers ferruginous; first joint linear, clothed with ferruginous hairs; second joint clothed with black bristles, not half the length of the first; third joint piceous, spindle-shaped, very much broader than the first and the second joints and nearly twice their length : chest and breast clothed with black hairs: chest with a slight brassy tinge, beset on each side and behind with black bristles: breast slightly covered with dark tawny down: abdomen purple, shining, clothed with very short black hairs and on each side with longer black hairs, slightly convex, piceous beneath, ferruginous at the tip, rather narrower than the chest and not near twice its length ; first segment very short; second and third segments of equal length; LIST OF DIPTERA. ofa fourth and fifth segments a little longer; sixth segment a little shorter; seventh segment still shorter: legs bright tawny, clothed with tawny hairs (which are very long on the thighs and on the shanks of the four front legs), and beset with spines and bristles, nearly all of which are on the feet; hips and trochanters black ; claws black, tawny towards the base ; foot-cushions yellow: wings dark brown, with a slight purple lustre; disks of the areolets paler ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers picecus. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 19 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Lapuria Reinwardtii, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 503, 7. a. Java. Group IV. LapHria Amandus, n.s. Nigra, capite pectoreque cinereis, abdomine rufo lateribus nigris, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis limpidis bast costa venarumque marginibus subfulvis. Head gray, a little narrower than the chest, very thickly clothed with long white hairs, and beset behind with a cross row of tawny bristles: some black bristles on the tubercle of the eyelets: eyes bronze-black, flat or very slightly concave in front, where the facets are large, but the division of the eye into two regions is not very distinct : clypeus and front clothed with white down, the former be- - set with long black bristles: lip black, about twice the length of the head, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; tongue thickly beset with black bristles ; palpi black, clothed with black hairs and bristles: feelers black; first and second joints clothed with white hairs and black bristles; second joint not half the length of the first, slightly club-shaped ; third joint nearly linear, a little longer than the first and the second joints: neck short, with a cross furrow : chest black, adorned with five dark ferruginous stripes, and with two oblique bands on each side between the outer and inner pair of these stripes ; outer stripes covered with a shining white bloom; sides and hind part of chest, and scutcheon, beset with black bristles ; hind border of the scutcheon dark ferruginous : hind chest and breast hoary, the latter thickly clothed with long white hairs : abdomen dark red, clothed with short black hairs, black along each side, which is clothed with black and white hairs, among which are some dark red bristles with white tips ; hind borders of the seg- ments clothed with short tawny hairs ; under-side red, shining : legs black, long, clothed with long white hairs; hind thighs and hind 374 LIST OF DIPTERA. shanks towards the tips, and feet, clothed with black hairs ; claws . black ; foot-cushions dark tawny; hind thighs not thick nor armed with teeth, but slightly curved; shanks, especially the fore pair, slightly curved: wings colourless, slightly tawny at the base and on the fore borders, and along the borders of the veins; tips and hind borders till near the base slightly gray ; wing-ribs and poisers pi- ceous; veins black. Length of the body 17 lines; of the wings 30 lines. ; a. Brazil. Lapnueria Tectamus, n.s., fem. Nigra, capite pectoreque canis, tho- racis vittis quatuor canis, abdomine cyaneo, antennis nigris, pedi- bus nigro-cyaneis, alis limpidis vents fusco subnebulosis. Body black: head a little narrower than the chest, covered with hoary lustre, and thickly clothed with long hoary hairs; two long tawny bristles on the tubercle of the eyelets ; clypeus very prominent, armed with long black bristles: eyes bronze-black; a very small part of the front is flat, and has larger facets, but the boundary line between the two parts is tolerably distinct: lip black, rather short, clothed at the base with long white hairs and at the tip with short piceous hairs; tongue piceous, clothed beneath with ferruginous down: feelers black ; first joint linear, thickly clothed with hoary hairs; second joint slightly club-shaped, beset with a few black bristles, piceous at the tip, narrower than the first joint and hardly more than half its length ; third joint spindle-shaped, rather longer and broader than the first and the second joints : chest covered with hoary down, which has a silvery lustre on four irregular stripes, be- set on each side and behind with black hairs and bristles: breast hoary and clothed with hoary hairs: abdomen blue, shining, rather thickly clothed with very short black hairs, narrower than the chest and much less than twice its length ; segments from the first to the third hoary above and clothed with long hoary hairs, piceous be- neath: legs dark blue; thighs and shanks clothed with hoary hairs and beset with a few black bristles; feet black, beset with black bristles ; claws black; foot-cushions tawny: wings colourless ; lon- gitudinal veins from the disk to the border of the wing slightly clouded with brown ; wing-ribs and veins black; poisers piceous. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Port Essington. From Mr. Gould’s collection. TT a A ti LIST OF DIPTERA. 370 Group V. Lapnria Olbus, n.s., fem. Cyanea, abdomine eneo-cyaneo, an- tennis nigris, pedibus purpureo-cyanets, alis nigro-purpureis. ~ Body deep metallic blue, shining: head as broad as the chest, covered with hoary down and thinly clothed with hoary hairs ; sides of the crown covered with a few black hairs ; tubercle of the eyelets armed with two long black bristles; front and clypeus armed with silvery down, the latter thickly beset with black bristles; eyes dark bronze ; fore part flat and composed of large facets, which, as usual, diminish in size on approaching the outward border: lip rather long, black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi black and clothed with black hairs: feelers black; first and second joints covered with black hairs ; second joint about half the length of the first; third joint long spindle-shaped, slightly concave on one side near the tip, very much longer than the first and the second joints: chest thinly clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with a few black bristles: breast covered with hoary down : abdomen linear, almost flat, with a bronze tinge, narrower and longer than the chest, but much less than twice its length; first and second segments short, convex ; third and following segments long and of nearly equal length; tip tawny: legs purplish blue, covered with a few short black hairs and bristles; fore shanks and middle shanks beset with some longer bristles; fore shanks slightly curved ; middle shanks straight; hind shanks curved, clothed beneath for two-thirds of the length from the base with short white hairs; feet black towards the tips, clothed beneath with ferruginous down ; claws black ; foot-cushions dull ferruginous: wings purplish black ; wing-ribs and veins black; poisers yellow. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson’s collection. Gronp VI. Lapueia saffrana, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 160,18. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 234,4. Auss. Zweif. i. 504, 9. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Lapueia erythropyga, Wied. Auss. Zwerf. i. 509, 17. a. Brazil. From Mrs. Mornay’s collection. P PART II. - oF 376 LIST OF DIPTERA. Lapuria Telecles, n.s., mas. et fem. Cyanea, albo pilosa, thorace | albo bimaculato, antennis nigris, pedibus cyaneis, alis limpidis _ fusco variis. Body blue, shining, clothed with white hairs: head nearly as broad as the chest, rather thickly clothed with hairs, having a tuft of black bristles on each side of the crown and a thick tuft of black bristles on the clypeus: eyes black ; fore part flat, distinct from the other part, and with larger facets: lip black, short, its tip clothed with yellow hairs: feelers black; first joint linear, thickly clothed with long black hairs ; second joint cup-shaped, beset with black bristles, less than half the length of the first; third joint spindle- shaped, broader and a little longer than the first and the second joints: chest very thinly clothed with hairs, adorned with a bright white spot on each side in front: breast white and clothed with long white hairs: abdomen of the male linear, of the female spindle- shaped, much narrower than the chest and nearly twice its length ; the sides clothed’ with white hairs, especially towards the base: legs blue, stout, not armed with teeth, clothed with white hairs; feet black, beset with black hairs and bristles ; claws black ; foot-cushions dull ferruginous ; hind thighs thick, yellow from the base to the middle ; hind shanks much curved: wings brown; disks of the areolets colourless; wing-ribs and veins black; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6—8 lines; of the wings 10—12 lines. a. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. Lapuetia clavipes, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 162,27. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. — 237,9. Auss. Zwerf. i. 513,23. Lampria clavipes, Macq. — Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 61, 2. ) a. Para. Presented by Reginald Graham, Esq. | b. Para. Presented by Gordon Graham, Esq. | c. Brazil. Presented by J. P. George Smith, Esq. d. Demerara. Presented by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. e. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. f. Brazil. From Mr. Tucker’s collection. g. Brazil. Lapuria Macquartii, Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 181, pl. 36, f. 3. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. George Smith, Esq. 6. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. ce. Para. Presented by Gordon Graham, Esq. d. Brazil. From Mr. Walker’s collection. e. Brazil. LIST OF DIPTERA. 377 Lapuetia spinipes, Fabr. Syst. Anil. 162, 28. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 240,17. Auss. Zwerf. i. 525,45. L. affinis, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 163, 29. a. Para. Presented by J. P. George Smith, Esq. Lapuria Tolmides, n.s. Rufa, capite thoracis lateribus abdomi- nisque apice nigris, pedibus cyaneis, alis nigris. Body red, dull: head black, a little broader than the chest, _ sides of the front and clypeus thickly clothed with golden hairs, the | latter also beset with black bristles: lip black, rather longer than the head; rest of the mouth ferruginous: neck beset with black bristles: chest with a black stripe on each side, parallel to the curve of the border: a tuft of black bristles on each side of the hind chest: breast partly clothed with yellow hairs: abdomen rather a re re eo — — ,Q_LL EE EEE EEE EEE ee ee > t . narrower than the chest, and less than twice its length, slightly de- ereasing in breadth from the base to the tip, which is black: legs blue, clothed with black hairs; claws black; foot-cushions red ; hind thighs thick, armed beneath with short teeth ; hind shanks curved : wings black ; wing-ribs and veins also black ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Brazil? From Mr. Argent’s collection. * Group VII. Hoplistomera, Macquart. Lapurpia serripes, Fabr, Syst. Antl. 159, 16. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 505, 11. L. maculipennis, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 285, 22. Dasypogon serripes, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i.211,11. Hoplisto- mera serripes, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 260, 1, pl. 5, f. 4. a. Gambia. Presented by the Entomological Club. Group VIII. | TapHria Dymes,n.s. Nigra, pilis argenteis vestita, capite aureo pubescente, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, alis fuscis bast limpi- dis marginibusque posticis sublimpidis. Body black, dull, linear, clothed with very short golden hairs : head as broad as the chest, clothed with hoary hairs: a silvery tuft of hairs on each side of the front : tubercle of the eyelets beset with two tawny bristles: clypeus armed with a few long black bristles: eyes bronze ; fore part flat, composed of large facets, and distinct from the other part: lip black, shining, clothed at the base with black hairs and at the tip with very short tawny hairs: feelers a4 3 378 | LIST OF DIPTERA. black; first and second joints clothed with black hairs; first joint linear; second joint very short, not half the length of the first; — third joint very long, linear, much more than thrice the length of the first and the second joints: chest beset with a few black bristles on each side, adorned, as is the breast, with silvery down, which ~ also forms a spot on each side of the front of the chest: breast co- vered with hoary bloom: abdomen linear, slightly convex, as broad as the chest and about twice its length; first segment extremely | short ; second and following segments of moderate and equal length, with an impression on each side; tip mutilated: legs red; hips black, covered with hoary bloom ; shanks beset with tawny bristles ; feet dark red, armed with tawny spines, clothed beneath with golden down; claws black, red at the base; foot-cushions tawny ; hind thighs rather thick, armed beneath with some tawny teeth; hind shanks nearly straight: wings brown, colourless towards the base ; disks of the areolets on the hind border nearly colourless; wing- ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Lapueia flavipes, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 238,12. Auss. Zweif. i. 519, 33. Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 63, 1. a. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss’s collection. Lapureia Sadales, n.s., mas. Nigra, argenteo micans, antennis ni- gris, pedibus rufis, tarsis nigris, alis subfuscis basi limpidis. Body black, shining, thickly covered with golden down, narrow, _ linear: head as broad as the chest, clothed above with black hairs ~ and more thickly clothed beneath with hoary hairs ; a tuft of silvery - hairs on each side of the clypeus, which is most thickly clothed with long black bristles: eyes black ; fore part small, but composed of larger facets, and very distinct from the other part: lip black, shin- ing, a little longer than the head, clothed at the base with hoary hairs and at the tip with very short tawny hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints clothed with black hairs ; first joint linear ; second joint cup-shaped, not half the length of the first; third joint linear, much longer than the first and the second joints, but not near twice their length: under-side of the head behind the eyes, two oblique spots on the fore part of the chest, and some marks on the breast, of silvery lustre: sides of the chest beset with a few black bristles : hind chest with a slight tuft of long black hairs on each side: ab- domen as broad as the chest and about twice its length, with a few hoary hairs on each side at the base; first segment extremely short ; second and following segments to the seventh of equal and mode- ee ——— LIST OF DIPTERA. 379 - rate size, with an impression on each side; eighth and ninth seg- ments very small: legs red, clothed with tawny hairs ; hips black, clothed with hoary hairs ; shanks and feet beset with black spines ; shanks with a silvery lustre at the base; feet and claws black ; foot- cushions tawny ; hind thighs not thick ; hind shanks slightly curved ; wings pale brown, colourless towards the base ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 10 lines.; The little cross-vein in the disk is double in one wing of the specimen described. a. New York. Presented by the Entomological Club. _ Lapuria Antea,n.s. Nigra, pilis nigris vestita, pectore pilis non- nullis canis, abdomine rufo pilisque rufis vestito, antennis pedi- busque nigris, alis cinereo-fuscis. Body black, shining, head as broad as the chest, clothed with black hairs, which are most frequent beneath ; a stripe of short white hairs on each side of the front between the clypeus and the base of the feelers ; clypeus armed with a tuft of long black bristles: eyes bronze-black ; fore part flat, with large facets, and very distinct from the other part: lip black, shining, a little longer than the head, clothed with black hairs at the base ; its tip covered with short taw- ny hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints clothed with short black hairs ; first joint linear; second joint not near half the length of the first; third joint nearly linear, rather narrower at the base and near the tip, about twice the length of the first and of the second joints: chest and breast punctured, thinly clothed with short black hairs, the former beset with a few black bristles on each side, the latter partly clothed with longer hoary hairs: abdomen bright red, punctured, clothed with very short red hairs, nearly as broad as the chest and about twice its length, very slightly convex ; segments impressed on each side, successively increasing in length from the first to the sixth ; seventh segment a little shorter than the sixth ; eighth and ninth segments very short, the latter black: legs black, clothed with short black hairs and with a few black bristles ; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny ; feet clothed beneath with dark tawny down ; hind thighs thick, and armed with short slender black teeth, which are ferruginous at the base: wings very dark brown with a slight bluish lustre, pale along the hind borders, where some of the areolets have pale gray spots in the middle ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers yellow. Length of the body 5—35é lines ; of the wings 9—10 lines. a. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b. P o La 380 3 LIST OF DIPTERA. LapHria Amaracus,n.s.,mas. Fulva, thorace vittis tribus cinereis, - abdomine nigro, antennis nigris, femoribus ferrugineis apice ni- — gris, tibiis flavis apice tarsisque nigris, his bast ferrugineis, alis fuscis. : Body stout, tawny: head as broad as the chest, furnished with a few black hairs on the tubercle of the eyelets and on the sides of the eyes, beset behind with black bristles and clothed beneath with white hairs; clypeus armed with long black bristles: eyes dark green ; fore part flat, quite distinct from the other part, and com- posed of much larger facets: lip black, shining, clothed at the base with long white hairs and at the tip with short pale tawny hairs; palpi black, thickly beset with black bristles: feelers black; first | joint beset with black bristles ; second joint clothed with black hairs, slightly clavate, much shorter than the first; third joint much longer than the first and the second joints, slightly increasing in breadth till near the tip, then becoming more slender: chest with three very broad gray stripes and with three rows of black hairs ; sides beset with black bristles: abdomen tapering from the base to the tip, black, shining, crossed by numerous little furrows, clothed with tawny hairs, adorned with bands of tawny down along the hind bor- ders of the segments, rather narrower than the chest and less than twice its length ; segments from the third successively decreasing in length: legs stout, clothed with short yellow hairs, beset with black bristles; gps gray; thighs ferruginous, with black tips ; shanks yellow, with black tips ; feet black ; first joint ferruginous from the base to the middle; claws black ; foot-cushions brown: wings brown, paler on the hind borders towards the base ; wing-ribs and veins pi- ceous, the latter black towards the tips ; poisers tawny, with ferru- vinous knobs. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq. Group IX. Lapuria submetallica, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 1. 2, 63, 3. a. Isle of France. Lapuria Taphius, n.s., fem. Nigra, pilis nigris vestita, thorace nigro-fusco, pectore pilis nonnullis canis,abdomine purpureo, an- tennis nigris, pedibus nigro-purpureis, alts nigris. Body black, clothed with short black hairs: head a little broader than the chest, clothed with long black hairs, which are most frequent beneath ; two long black bristles on the tubercle of the eyelets; clypeus armed with long black bristles: eyes bronze : LIST OF DIPTERA. 381 the flat part comprises only a small part of the front, but is com- posed of very large facets, and quite distinct from the other part : lip black, shining, much longer than the head, clothed with black hairs at the base, ferruginous and covered with short tawny hairs at the tip: feelers black; first and second joints clothed with black hairs; second joint full half the length of the first; third joint spindle-shaped or nearly linear, much longer than the first and the second joints, but not near twice the length: chest covered with a brown bloom, beset with some black bristles on each side: breast partly clothed with hoary hairs: abdomen bluish purple, shining, linear, convex, clothed with very short black hairs, thickly crossed with very little furrows, rather narrower than the chest and rather less than twice its length; first segment extremely short; second and third segments of moderate length ; fourth, fifth and sixth seg- ments longer ; seventh segment shorter ; eighth and ninth segments very small: legs purplish black, clothed with hoary hairs; shanks and feet beset with black bristles; claws black; foot-cushions piceous ; hind legs longer than the rest, their thighs not thick nor armed with teeth, their shanks slightly curved: wings black, pale gray to- wards the base ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers piceous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood’s collection. Group X. Lapuria Aiatus, n.s. Nigra, pectore cinereo, abdomine piceo, dorso Jerrugineo, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis bast limpidis apice sublimpidis. Body black, shining, rather slender, thinly clothed with hairs : head a little narrower than the chest, covered with hoary or silvery lustre, and clothed with black and white hairs; front and clypeus thickly beset with long black bristles ; two black bristles on the tu- bercle of the eyelets: eyes black ; fore part flat, distinct from the other part, and with much larger facets: lip black, its tip clothed with short ferruginous hairs : feelers black ; first joint linear, clothed with black hairs ; second joint beset with black bristles, not half the length of the first ; third joint spindle-shaped, much longer than the first and the second, but not twice their length : chest thinly clothed with hoary and tawny hairs: breast gray and clothed with hoary hairs : abdomen linear, piceous, convex, obconical at the tip, nearly as broad as the chest but less than twice its length, hairless beneath, ferruginous and clothed with ferruginous hairs on the back, except- ing the base, which has a fringe of long white hairs on each side : 382 LIST OF DIPTERA. legs black, rather slender, not armed with teeth, clothed with short gray hairs; shanks hardly curved; thighs and shanks beset with a few black bristles ; feet armed with short black spines ; claws black; | foot-cushions dark tawny: wings colourless for half the length from the base, light brown thence to the tips ; wing-ribs and veins black ; poisers ferruginous. Length of the body 6—8 lines; of the wings — 12—14 lines. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. ; b. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. Cc. ? LapHRia posticata, Say, Long’s Haped. to St. Peter's River, App. 374,1. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 518, 32. a. St. Martin’s Falls, Albany River, Hudson’s Bay. Presented by G. Barnston, Esq. b. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. c. Maine. Presented by the Entomological Club. P Lapuaia thoracica, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 158,10. Wied. Dipt. Exot. 1. 236, 8. Auss. Zwetf. i. 511, 21. a. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. b. New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Lapuria sericea, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii.74,4. Amer. Ent. pl. vi. Wired. Auss. Zweif. i. 508, 16. a. Ohio. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. ? From Mr. Children’s collecion. e. Canada. d. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. Lapueia Sacrator, n.s. Ayneo-atra, sublinearis, via lata, pilis fla- vis nigrisque hirta, pectore ventreque picets, antennis nigris, pedi- bus piceis, tarsis ferruginets, alis limpidis. Body bronze-black, nearly linear, not very broad, thickly clothed with hairs: head narrower than the chest, clothed with black and yellow hairs ; the latter are most frequent on the front and on the clypeus, where the hairs are longest; tubercle of the eyelets beset with two black bristles : eyes black ; fore part flat, very distinct from the other part, and having much larger facets: lip black, short, its tip clothed with ferruginous hairs ; feelers black ; first joint linear, clothed with black hairs ; second joint cup-shaped, beset with black bristles, not half the length of the first; third joint slightly tapering from near the base to the tip, about twice the length of the first and es Ph EO = ~< = ——— ——— LIST OF DIPTERA. 383 of the second joints: chest clothed with yellow hairs: breast and under-side of the abdomen piceous, almost hairless: back of the abdomen clothed with yellow hairs from the base to the middle, and with black hairs thence to the tip : legs piceous, thickly clothed with tawny and black hairs, not armed with teeth; hind thighs rather thick ; hind shanks slightly curved ; feet ferruginous and clothed with ferruginous hairs, as are also the tips of the shanks; claws black, ferruginous at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings colourless ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 73—8 lines; of the wings -15—16 lines. a. Nova Scotia. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. 6. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman’s collection. Lapueia lasipes, Wied. Auss. Zwetf. i. 502, 6. a. Newfoundland. Presented by W. C. St. John, Esq. Lapuaia tergissa, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii. 75,5. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 502, 5. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot’s collection. Lapuria Alcanor,n.s.,mas. Aneo-atra, lata, crassa, pilis nigris flavisque vestita, antennis nigris, pedibus piceis, alis subfuscis, marginibus posticis sublimpidis. Body bronze-black, broad, stout, very thickly clothed with hairs: head small, very much narrower than the chest, thickly clothed with black hairs, especially on the front and on the clypeus: eyes black ; fore part flat, composed of large facets, and distin- guishable from the other part: lip short, stout, its tip clothed with ferruginous hairs: feelers black; first joint hairy, linear; second joint bristly, cup-shaped, about half the length of the first: chest clothed with yellow hairs: breast almust hairless: abdomen almost hairless at the base, excepting a tuft of black hairs on each side; then comes a broad yellow band of hairs extending to a little beyond the middle of the back, the rest of whose surface is clothed with black hairs : legs piceous, stout, thickly clothed with black and. dark ferruginous hairs, not armed with teeth ; thighs rather thick ; shanks ‘curved, especially the hind pair; tips of the thighs and under-side of the fore shanks adorned with ferruginous down ; claws black ; foot-cushions dark tawny: wings very light brown ; disks of the areolets along the hind borders colourless ; wing-ribs and veins fer- ruginous, the latter piceous towards towards the tips; poisers dark tawny. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. Massachusetts: From Prof. Sheppard’s collection. 384 LIST OF DIPTERA. i Lapueia Alebas,n.s., fem. Nigra, crassa, flavo-hirta, pectore ab- ‘A domineque piceis, antennis ferruginets bast piceis, pedibus fer- rugineis, alis albis. ae Body black, broad, thick, and most thickly covered with short — close hairs: head much narrower than the chest, clothed with pale — yellowish brown hairs above, in front and beneath, and with pale tawny hairs behind: eyes bronze-black, flat on the fore part, where the facets are much larger, and the line between the two regions is distinct: lip black, very stout, clothed towards the tip with short yellow hairs; tongue black, covered beneath with yellow down: feelers ferruginous ; first joint piceous, nearly linear; second joint cup-shaped, beset with a few black bristles, hardly more than half — the length of the first ; third joint very long spindle-shaped, very much more than twice the length of the first and of the second joints: chest clothed with pale yellow hairs: breast piceons: abdo- men piceous, elliptical, broader and longer than the chest, clothed above with pale yellowish brown hairs: legs ferruginous, thickly clothed with tawny hairs; thighs paler at the base; shanks be- neath at their tips and under-side of feet covered with shining | pale yellow bloom; hind thighs thick, not armed with teeth; hind shanks curved; fore shanks armed on the middle of the under- side with about four stout short teeth ; claws black, ferruginous to- wards the base; foot-cushions yellow; shanks, and more especially the feet, beset with black bristles: wings white ; wing-ribs, veins and poisers yellow. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. 2 Lapuria Tidius, n.s. Aneo-atra, lata, pilis flavis vestita, pectore piceo, abdomine apice nudo subtus piceo, antennis nigris, pedibus piceis, alis subfuscis marginibus posticis sublimpidis. — Body bronze-black, broad, thick, clothed with yellow hairs: : head much narrower than the chest, clothed with shining yellow | hairs, which are thickest on the front and on the clypeus; crown thinly clothed with dark tawny hairs: eyes bronze-black ; fore part flat, composed of larger facets, distinct from the other part: lip short, stout, its tip clothed with short ferruginous hairs: feelers black ; first joint nearly linear, clothed towards the base with long yellow hairs ; second joint cup-shaped, beset with a few black bris- tles, hardly less than half the length of the first; third joint slightly increasing in breadth from the base till near the tip, which is coni- cal, about twice the length of the first and the second joints: chest thickly clothed with bright yellow hairs ; breast piceous, with a few dull yellow hairs; scutcheon beset with black bristles: abdomen LIST OF DIPTERA. 385 linear, obconical towards the tip, as broad as the chest and much longer ; disks of the fore borders of the segments and the whole of the two last segments hairless: legs piceous, stout, not armed with teeth, clothed with short black hairs and beset with black bristles ; thighs and shanks partly clothed with yellow hairs; hind thighs rather thick ; shanks, especially the hind pair, curved ; claws black ; foot-cushions piceous: wings pale brown; disks of the areolets along the hind border colourless; wing-ribs, veins and poisers fer- _ ruginous. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. ? Group XI. » Lapnria hirtipes, Fabr. Syst. Anil. 158, 8. Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 235, 5. Auss. Zwerf. i. 504, 10. a. Var.? abdomen and wings entirely black. Africa. Presented by J. D. Tebbs, Esq. Lapuaria Xylocopiformis, n.s., fem. 4'neo-atra, purpureo micans, nigro pilosa, capite albo piloso, thoracis fasciculis duobus flavis, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis purpureo-nigris. Body broad, bronze-black with a purple tint, clothed with short black hairs; head a little narrower than the chest, clothed with white hairs on the crown and on the front, and with long black hairs beneath ; clypeus armed with many black bristles: lip black, shin- ing, not so long as the head, beset at the base with black bristles, clothed at the tip with short piceous hairs: eyes black ; fore part flat, tolerably distinct from the other part and composed of larger facets: feelers black, very small, but little longer than half the breadth of the crown between the eyes; first and second joints shining, slightly club-shaped, beset with a few black bristles ; second joint more slender and a little shorter than the first ; third joint very long spindle-shaped, dull, hairless, about twice the length of the first and the second joints: sides of the chest thickly clothed with long black hairs, and each adorned in front with a tuft of very bright yellow hairs : abdomen nearly oval, smooth, shining, a little broader than the chest, thickly clothed on each side with black hairs ; first segment very short ; second segment short; third and four follow- ing segments of equal length; eighth and ninth segments very small: legs black, stout, thickly clothed—especially the shanks— ‘with black hairs ; hind thighs not thick nor armed with teeth; hind shanks curved slightly, but more so than the other shanks; claws black ; foot-cushions pale piceous, whitish beneath: wings black, 386 LIST OF DIPTERA. adorned with bluish purple lustre; wing-ribs and veins black ; | poisers piceous. Length of the body 15 lines; of the wings 28 lines. | a a. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. Group XII. Lapuria Echemon,n.s., fem. Nigra, thorace nigro-eneo, antennis pedibusque nigris, genubus ferrugineis, tibtis tarsisque posticis latis, alis sublimpidis. ‘ Head gray, a little narrower than the chest, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs ; front and clypeus covered with shining whitish down, the latter beset with pale yellow hairs and bristles: lip black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; tongue tawny; - palpi black, clothed with black hairs: eyes dark reddish bronze; fore part convex, its facets very little larger than those of the other part: feelers black ; first and second joints of nearly equal length, beset with black hairs; third joint spindle-shaped, longer than the first and the second joints: chest brassy black, punctured, shining, with a few short pale hairs on each side ; shoulders and breast gray, the latter clothed with short hoary hairs: abdomen black, thickly punctured, shining, clothed with tawny down, nearly linear, convex, as broad as the chest and about twice its length ; segments from the base successively increasing in length: legs black, thinly clothed with short white hairs, and beset with a few long slender white bris- tles ; shanks at the base and knees ferruginous ; feet clothed beneath — with ferruginous down ; claws black, ferruginous at the base ; foot- cushions tawny; hind shanks club-shaped, thickly clothed beneath with short tawny hairs; hind feet broad: wings with a very slight gray tinge; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black; the two fore border veins united for some length before their end; the two cross-veins that bound the second and the third hinder areolets forming an un- interrupted line ; poisers yellow. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines. a. Ohio, Presented by the Entomological Club. Asiuus, Linn. Group I. an | AsiLus coriarius, Wied. Auss. Zweif. ii. 644,62. Craspedia cori- aria, Macq. Dipt. Hxot. i. 2, 83,1, pl. 8, f. 1 (Blepharis cori- LIST OF DIPTERA. 387 arius). Midas giganteus, Dict. Univ. d’Hist. Nat. pl. 1, : ae a. New Holland. From the Hardwicke bequest. b. Port Stephen. Presented by the Earl of Derby. ce. New Holland. From Mr. Lambert’ collection. d. West Australia. From Mr. Clifton’s collection. e. New Holland. From Mr. Walker's collection. Asttus Audouinii. Craspedia Audouinii, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 84, 2. Blepharotes abdominalis, Westw. Naturalists Libr. maxiv. pl. o7, f- |. a. New Holland. Presented by R. Brown, Esq. 5b. New Holland. From Mr. Lambert’s collection. Group II. Asitus infernalis, Wied. Dipt. E'wot. i. 202, 35. Auss. Zweif. 475, 76. Perty, Del. Anim. Art. 181, pl. 36, f.5. Mallophora in- fernalis, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 301, 1. a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay’s collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Walker’s collection. e. Brazil. AsitLus bomboides, Hoffmansegg, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 203, 37. Auss. Zweif. i. 476,77. |Mallophora bomboides, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 302, 2. Dipt. Exot. ii. 1, 89, 11. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot’s collection. b. Georgia. Asitus Pluto, Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 477, 80. a. Brazil. Asttus tibialis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 85, 1. a. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. AstLtus Amphinome, n.s., mas. et fem. Piceus, abdomine ferrugi- neo pilis flavis vestito, basi nigro, antennis nigris, apice piceis, pedibus prceis, tibiis posticis fulvis, alis fulvis. Body piceous: head narrower than the chest, clothed behind and beneath with yellow hairs; crown covered on each side with tawny down and with a few black hairs; front and clypeus covered with pale yellow down, the latter prominent, thickly clothed with long pale yellow hairs: eyes dark bronze ; fore part large, flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip thick, black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs ; palpi black and clothed PART II. 2M 388 | LIST OF DIPTERA. with black hairs: first and second joints of the feelers black, beset with a few black bristles ; second joint much shorter than the first ; third joint piceous, conical, as long as the first; bristle piceous, much longer than all the preceding joints: chest clothed with short tawny hairs, and beset on each side and behind with black bristles, which are most numerous on the scutcheon: abdomen ferruginous, black at the base, shining towards the tip, which in the female is armed with a circlet of short ferruginous spines, mostly piceous be- neath in the male, thickly clothed with pale yellow hairs for about one-third of the length near the base, much narrower than the chest and about one-fifth longer; its breadth decreases slightly from the base to the middle, and thence more quickly to the tip : legs piceous, stout, clothed with black hairs and beset with black spines and bristles ; foot-cushions picevus above, dull ferruginous beneath ; hind shanks pale tawny, clothed with pale yellow hairs; hind feet ferruginous towards the base: wings dark tawny; wing-ribs, veins and poisers piceous. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Miller’s collection. AsiLus Lampon, n.s.,mas. Piceus, nigro-pilosus, abdomine pilis flavis vestito, antennis piceis, articulo 2° ferrugineo, femoribus ferruginets, tibits flavis, tarsis nigris, alis fulvis basi et ad cos- tam fuscts. Body piceous, a little narrower than the chest: head covered with pale yellow down, clothed behind and beneath with yellow hairs, beset behind the eyes with some black bristles ; crown black ; front covered with a few yellow hairs; clypeus dark ferruginous, thickly beset with long pale yellow bristles: eyes black ; fore part large, nearly flat, its facets larger than those of the other part: lip stout, black, clothed with pale tawny hairs: feelers piceous ; first and second joints beset with a few black hairs, of nearly equal length; first joint dark ferruginous; third joint nearly spindle- shaped, as long as the first and the second joints ; bristle black, very much longer than the first and the second joints: chest clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles ; the scutcheon is thickly armed with these bristles, and, like the breast and the sides of the chest, is covered with a ferruginous bloom : abdomen narrower but not longer than the chest, decreasing in breadth from the base to the tip, thickly clothed with pale yellow hairs, which on the back are mingled with black hairs towards the base, and the hairs are tawny towards the tip, which is black and shining: legs stout, clothed with black hairs and beset with black LIST OF DIPTERA. 389 bristles ; hips and thighs piceous; thighs dark ferruginous; knees black ; shanks yellow, with black tips; feet black, broad, clothed at the tips with hoary hairs; claws black ; foot-cushions dark tawny ; fore thighs and middle thighs thicker than the hind thighs; fore shanks and middle shanks clothed with yellow hairs: wings tawny, dark brown at the base and along the fore border for half the length; wing-ribs and veins black; poisers piceous, with tawny knobs. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 20 lines. P Presented by the Entomological Club. a Asiuus ater. Mallophora atra, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 30, 2. a. Para. Presented by Gordon Graham, Esq. b. P Group ITI. ASILUS nigtitarsis, Wied. Auss. Zweif. 1. 479, 84. Dasypogon ni- gritarsis, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 168,18. Mallophora nigritarsis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 86, 4. | a. Demerara. Presented by J. 8S. Bowerbank, Esq. 6. Brazil. FroufMr. Mornay’s collection. €. P Asixus Copillus, n.s., mas. et fem. Fulvus, subtus canus, abdominis maculis nigris, antennis rufis, pedibus fulvis, alis subfulvis. Head as broad as the chest, covered with golden down, clothed on the crown and behind with tawny hairs and beneath with longer yellow hairs ; front covered with a few yellow hairs ; clypeus promi- nent, thickly beset with yellow bristles: eyes green and purple ; fore part flat, very distinct from the other part, and composed of much larger facets: lip black, stout, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs ; palpi ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs: first and second joints of the feelers red, covered with a few short black hairs ; second joint about half the length of the first: chest covered with tawny down, thinly clothed with very short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles; a large spot on each side of the hind chest; breast hoary, clothed with very long pale yeilow hairs : abdomen tawny, much narrower than the chest and rather less than twice its length, tapering from the base to the tip, thinly clothed with long yellow hairs, hoary beneath and on each side towards the base; a large black spot on each segment occupying most of its breadth and one-third of its length from the base; first and second segments very short; second segment arched, adorned with a thick tuft of tawny hairs on each side; third and following segments 2M 2 390 LIST OF DIPTERA. long, but successively decreasing in length to the last, which is adorned with a cluster of silvery hair; sexual parts large, piceous, shining: legs bright tawny, clothed with pale yellow and black hairs,—the latter are scarce on the thighs, more frequent on the shanks, and most so on the feet, where the black spines are also most abundant: wings with a slight tawny tinge, reaching when closed nearly to the tip of the abdomen ; wingribs pale ferruginous; veins black ; poisers tawny. £em.—Abdomen twice the length of the chest, black at the tip, not adorned with silvery hairs. Length of the body 10—12 lines ; of the wings 15—20 lines. a. ? Asitus fulvipes. Trupanea fulvipes? Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 93,1. a. ig AsiLus Guineensis, Wied. Anal. Ent. 25,19. Auss. Zweif. i. 486, 92. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. AsiLus Peetinus, n.s.,mas. Fuscus, fulvo pubescens, thorace fulvo trivittato, abdominis fascits latertbus ventregue fulvis, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis nigro varits, alis subfulvis. Head as broad as the chest, covered with pale tawny down, thickly clothed behind and beneath with pale yellow hairs, beset be- hind the eyes with a few black bristles; crown piceous, beset with black hairs on each side; front and clypeus very thickly clothed with long pale yellow and black hairs; clypeus prominent, armed with some long yellow bristles: lip black, clothed at the tip with short whitish hairs: palpi black, clothed with black hairs : eyes dark bronze ; fore part flat, composed of much larger facets than the other part: feelers black ; first and second joints beset with stout black hairs; second joint not half the length of the first ; third joint tapering from the base to the tip, a little shorter than the first ; bristle about twice the length of the third joint: chest tawny, thinly clothed with black hairs, beset on each side and behind with some black bristles: disk brown, adorned with three tawny stripes and with two oblique tawny bands; side stripes forked towards the hind border; scutcheon and hind chest pale tawny, thickly clothed with long yellow hairs: breast gray, partly clothed with yellow hairs: abdomen narrower than the chest and rather more than twice its length, tapering from the base to the tip, brown, clothed with yellow hairs, which are longest and most frequent towards the base ; sides and hind borders of the segments and the whole of the under-side tawny; first and second segments very short; second | LIST OF DIPTERA. 391 segment arched, clothed with tufts of hairs; third and following segments long, successively decreasing in length to the tip, which is piceous and shining: legs red, clothed with tawny hairs and armed with black spines; hips gray; trochanters black; fore and middle thighs on the upper side and tips of the hind thighs black ; feet, claws and tips of shanks also black; foot-cushions dark piceous ; hind thighs thickly clothed towards the tips beneath with black hairs: wings slightly tawny; wing-ribs and veins piceous. Length of the body 93 lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. Amorges, n.s., mas. Fuscus, thorace bivittato, pectore cine- reo, abdomine nigro, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis, femoribus et tebirs apice tarsisque nigris, alis fulvis. Head very nearly as broad as the chest, piceous, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, beset behind the eyes with black bris- tles ; front and clypeus adorned with tawny down ; front beset with a few black hairs ; clypeus armed with long black and tawny bris- tles: eyes bronze; fore part flat, composed of large facets: lip and palpi black, the latter clothed with long black and tawny hairs: feelers black ; first joint clothed with black hairs ; second joint beset with black bristles, about half the length of the first ; third joint tapering from near the base to the tip, a little shorter than the first; bristle a little more than twice the length of the third joint: ridge of the neck armed with a row of black bristles: chest brown, with two indistinct darker stripes, beset on each side and behind with black bristles: breast gray, partly clothed with tawny hairs: abdo- men black, very slightly tapering from the base to the tip, much longer and narrower than the chest but not near twice its length, clothed with black hairs; sides and hind borders of the segments piceous ; first and second segments very short; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length ; last segment adorned with some white hairs: legs dark red, thickly clothed with long and short black hairs, armed with some black spines; tips of the thighs and of the shanks mostly black ; feet black; claws pi- ceous at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings dark tawny; wing- ribs, veins and poisers piceous. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 17 lines. s) a. 2M 3 392 LIST OF DIPTERA. Asitus Levinus,n.s. Fuscus, capite fulvo pubescente, thorace vit- tato, pectore ferrugineo, abdomine nigro, pedibus ferrugineis, femoribus nigro-vitiatis, alis subfulvis, areola submarginali ci- nereo univitiata. Body brown: head narrower than the chest, covered with pale yellow down, clothed behind and more thickly beneath with golden hairs, beset behind the eyes with a row of stout black bristles ; crown pale brown, with some pale brown hairs on each side; front and clypeus thickly clothed with long golden hairs: eyes dark green ; fore part flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip stout, black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi black, clothed with black hairs: chest thinly clothed with very short black hairs; sides furnished with some whitish hairs, and beset like the hinder part with black bristles ; a broad brown stripe occupies the middle, and is inlaid with two slender pale brown stripes : breast dark ferruginous, clothed with whitish hairs, partly covered with a hoary bloom: abdomen black, clothed with short black hairs ; hind borders of the segments, especially on each side, adorned with longer hoary hairs: legs ferruginous, clothed with rather long pale yellow hairs, armed with black spines ; thighs streaked with black: wings slightly tawny, with a gray streak on the submarginal areolet ; wing- ribs ferruginous ; veins piceous, ferruginous at the base; poisers tawny. Length of the body 10 (?) lines; of the wings 14 lines. a. Massachusetts. Prom Prof. Sheppard’s collection. Asitus Anicius, n.s., fem. Cinereus, thorace piceo quadrivittato, pectore abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis ventreque ca- nis, pedibus nigris, tibtis fulvis, alts subfulvis aut limpidis. Body gray: head a little narrower than the chest, covered with hoary down, clothed thickly behind and beneath with yellow hairs, beset behind the eyes with black bristles ; crown furnished with a few black hairs ; front and clypeus covered with a few yellow hairs, the latter also armed with yellow bristles: eyes bronze-black ; fore part slightly convex, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs ; palpi be- set with long pale yellow hairs: first and second joints of the feelers black, clothed with a few black hairs; second joint about half the length of the first: ridge of the fore chest clothed with pale yellow hairs and beset with black bristles: chest thinly clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles, adorned with four slender indistinct piceous stripes; hind chest and breast hoary, partly clothed with yellow hairs : abdomen narrower than the chest and full twice its length, tapering from the base to the tip, clothed with yellow hairs and towards the tip with black hairs, LIST OF DIPTERA. 393 adorned on each side of the base with a few tufts of bright yellow hairs; hind borders of the segments and the whole of the under-side hoary ; first and second segments very short; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length: legs black, clothed with yellow hairs and armed with black spines; shanks bright tawny, with black tips; claws black; foot-cushions dark tawny: wings slightly tawny or colourless ; wing-ribs and veins fer- ruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips ; poisers pale ferrugi- nous. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 20 lines. a. China. Presented by J. Reeves, Esq. b. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. Group IV. Astius Philus, n.s., fem. Niger, pilis ferruginets vestitus, abdomine nigro-ptloso apice compresso, antennis nigris, pedibus rufis nigro- varits, alis fulvis apice cinerets. Body black: head narrower than the chest, covered with fer- ruginous down, clothed behind and beneath with ferruginous hairs ; clypeus armed with ferruginous bristles: eyes bronze, large; fore part fiat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with tawny hairs ; palpi black, clothed with long black hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints clothed with tawny down and beset with long black hairs; second joint much shorter than the first ; third joint nearly as long as the first and the second joints, tapering from the base to the tip ; bristle nearly twice the length of the third joint: chest covered with ferruginous down and clothed with ferruginous hairs: breast gray: abdomen black and clothed with black hairs, nearly linear for half the length from the base; the last four segments forming a slender tail ; first and second segments very short, clothed with ferruginous hairs; third and following segments long, but successively decreasing in length: legs red, clothed with black hairs above and with tawny hairs be- neath, beset with black bristles ; hips, thighs at the base and espe- cially on the upper side, knees and feet black; base of feet red ; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny; tips of hind shanks piceous: wings tawny, gray at the tips and thence half the length of the hind border ; wing-ribs ferruginous ; veins piceous ; black towards the tips ; poisers pale ferruginous. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 19 lines. a. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth’s collection. 394 LIST OF DIPTERA. Group V. AsiLus quadratus, Wied. Dipt. Exot. 1. 201, 34. Auss. Zwetf. 1. 485, 90. a. Georgia. From Mr. Abbot’s collection. Asttus annularis, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 211,49. Auss. Zweif. i. 491,99. Dasypogon annularis, Fabr. Syst. Anil. 171, 35. a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay’s collection. 6b. Brazil. From Mr. Children’s collecion. e. Brazil. From Mr. Tucker's collection. Asitus flavifasciatus. Trupanea flavifasciata, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 102, 26, pl. 9, f. 1. a. Para. Presented by Gordon Graham, Esq. b. ? From Mr. Children’s collection. e: ? AstLus Amastrus, n.s., fem. Fulvus, thorace fusco, vittis iribus ferruginets, fem. abdomine maculis fuscis, antennis nigris ferrugineo cinctis, pedibus ferruginers, alts limpidis. bd Head tawny, a little narrower than the chest, clothed with tawny hairs and beneath with white hairs, beset behind the eyes with tawny bristles; there are some black hairs on the crown and on the front, and the latter has also some long yellow hairs; clypeus armed with long yellow bristles and on the hinder part with a few black hairs: eyes dark bronze, rather large; fore part nearly flat, tolerably distinct from the other part, and composed of much larger facets: lip black, clothed at the tip with pale yellow hairs; palpi black, beset with black bristles: feelers black; first and second joints clothed with a few black hairs ; first joint linear, ferruginous at the tip; second joint ferruginous, about half the length of the first ; third joint conical, hardly longer than the first ; bristle nearly linear, as long as the second and the third joints : chest pale brown, with three narrow indistinct ferruginous stripes, clothed with very short black hairs; sides and breast dull tawny, the latter covered with hoary bloom and clothed with some mingled black and white hairs ; sides of the chest furnished with some white hairs and black bristles, and with a ferruginous mark on the fore part: abdomen dark tawny or piceous, narrower and somewhat longer than the ‘chest, tapering from the base to the tip, clothed with short black hairs and with longer white hairs,—the latter are chiefly on the hind borders of the segments and are thickest at the base ; first and second segments very short ; second segment arched, furnished on LIST OF DIPTERA. 395 each side with a long black bristle and with long hoary hairs ; third and following segments long, successively decreasing in length ; tip black : legs ferruginous, stout, clothed with white hairs and armed with black spines, which are longest on the feet ; hips dull gray ; claws black, ferruginous at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings whitish or with a very slight tawny tinge, reaching when closed nearly to the tip of the abdomen ; wing-ribs and veins tawny, the latter piceous towards the borders ; poisers tawny. em.—Abdomen nearly twice the length of the chest, spindle-shaped till near the tip, where it is compressed ; disks of the segments brown towards the fore borders, where they are clothed with black hairs, while the longer white hairs cover the hind borders ; tip black: wings colour- less; veins darker than those of the male. Length of the body 6—95 lines; of the wings 10—14 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. Asttus Scilurus, n.s., fem. Fuscus, capite albo, thoracis vittis tri- bus nigro-fuscis, abdominis segmentis cano fasciatis, antennis nigris, pedibus piceis, tibiis ferrugineis, alis subfulvis. Body brown: head white, narrower than the chest, darker on the crown, where it is furnished with a few black hairs, thickly clothed behind, in front and beneath with white hairs; clypeus armed with white bristles: eyes dark bronze; fore part nearly flat, not very distinct from the other part, but*with rather larger facets : lip black, shining, clothed at the tip with yellow hairs; first and second joints of the feelers black, beset with black bristles ; second ~ joint much shorter than the first: chest brown, with three indistinct dark brown stripes, clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles,—covered also on the fore bor- der, on the front of each side and partly behind with white hairs : breast pale brown: abdomen brown, tapering from the base to the tip, clothed with long hoary hairs, much narrower than the chest and less than twice its length ; hind borders of the segments hoary : segments from the third successively decreasing in length: legs pi- ceous, clothed with white hairs and beset with black spines ; shanks dark ferruginous; claws black; foot-cushions dull tawny: wings very light brown ; wing-ribs piceous; veins black, piceous towards the base; poisers tawny. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. 396 LIST OF DIPTERA. AsiLus Geminus, n.s., mas. et fem. Niger, pilis flavis vestitus, ab- dominis fem. apice compresso tenut, antennis ferrugineis apice nigris, pedibus rufis, alis subfulvis, apicibus cinereo univittatis. Body black: head a little narrower than the chest, clothed thinly on the crown, more thickly behind, and most thickly beneath, with yellow hairs, beset behind the eyes with a row of black bris- tles; front and clypeus ferruginous, clothed with long yellow hairs : eyes black ; fore part slightly convex, its facets larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with ferruginous hairs ; palpi ferruginous, clothed with black hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints ferruginous, clothed with short black hairs; second joint about half the length of the first ; third joint spindle-shaped, nearly as long as the first; bristle full twice the length of the third joint: chest and breast clothed with yellow hairs; chest beset on each side and behind with black bristles: abdomen of the female a little narrower than the chest, and more than twice its length, slightly tapering from the base to rather less than two-thirds of the length ; the three segments thence to the tip compressed, and form- ing a slender tail; segments from the middle to the hind borders clothed with short pale tawny hairs ; first and second segments very short ; third and following segments long, but successively decreas- ing in length ; seventh segment longer than the sixth: abdomen of the male about twice the length of the chest, tapering from the base to the tip, which is adorned with a thick tuft of white silky hairs ; segments from the third successively decreasing in length: legs red, clothed with short pale yellow hairs, and armed with black spines ; claws black, red at the base; foot-cushions tawny; thighs striped with black: wings slightly tawny; a gray streak near the tip of the fore border; wing-ribs and veins piceous; poisers tawny. Length of the body 103—12 lines; of the wings 15—18 lines. a. if Asiuus fasciatus, var. Fabr. Syst. Ent. 793,7. Ent. Syst, iv. 379, 13. Wied. Dipt. Hxot. i. 208,45. - LIST OF DIPTERA. AsiLus geniculatus, Meig. Dipt. ii. 317, 17. a. England. Asitus bifurcus, Loew, Linn. Ent. iii. 452, 11. A. picipes ? Meig. Dipt. ii. 338, 51. A. varius? Giirtl. Meig. Dipt. ii. 329, 34. a. England. b. France. AsILus punctipennis, Hoffmansegg, Meig. Dipt. ii. 330,37. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 306, 11. Zeller, Isis. 1840, 61, 14. Loew, Linn. Ent. iii. 424, 2. A. punctatus, Meig. Klass. Zwetf. i. 248, 10. a. France. Asiius varipes, Meig. Dipt. ii. 328, 33. Zell. Ent. Zeit. Stett. 1847, v. 280,1. A. aurifluus? Zell. A. tenax? Zell. A. xanthopygus ! ? Ruthe. A. macrurus? Ruthe. | a. England: AsI.vs inconstans, Hoffmansegg, Meig. Dipt. li, 323, 25. a. South of France. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. AsiLus cinerarius, Pallas, Wied. Zool. Mag. i. 2,29. Meig. Dipt. ii. 333, 43. a. Ukraine. Presented by Dr. Dowler. AsILus a. AsILUS a. ——_ ? ASILUS a. ASILUS a. AsILuS a. ASILUS a. ASILus a! -LIST OF DIPTERA. 469 ASILUS a. P From Mr. Children’s collection. AsILus a ? From Mr. Children’s collection. Omymartivs, Illiger. Ommativs Pennus, n. s. Fulvus, thoracis vittis quatuor fuscis, ventre cano, antennis rufis apice nigris, pedibus nigris, tibiis alisque fulvis. Allied? to O. fulvidus, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 214,3. Auss. Zweif. i. 420, 3. Head as broad as the chest, covered with yellow down, clothed with yellow hairs, which are most thick beneath ; tubercle of the eyelets beset with some short black bristles; clypeus very promi- nent, most thickly clothed with long yellow hairs and bristles ; eyes - dark bronze, darge; fore part flat, its facets larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short yellow hairs: palpi black, clothed with long yellow hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints red, beset with a few short black bristles, covered with whitish bloom; second joint a little shorter than the first; third joint red at the base, tapering thence to the tip, a little shorter than the first and the second ; bristle branched, tawny towards the base, longer than all the preceding joints: fore chest tawny, short, clothed with tawny hairs and bristles: chest tawny, clothed with very short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles, adorned with four indistinct brown stripes, which are widened in front: breast pale tawny, with a hoary tinge: abdomen tawny, | broad, flat, tapering from the base to the tip, a little narrower than the chest and much less than twice its length ; first and second seg- ments very short; third and following segments long, successively decreasing in length; under-side hoary: legs black, clothed with short pale yellow hairs, armed with black spines; shanks bright tawny; claws piceous towards the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings tawny; wing-ribs piceous: veins ferruginous ; poisers taw- ny. Length of the body 10 lines; of the wings 20 lines. — a. Corea. Presented by Sir E. Belcher. 6. Borneo. Presented by the Admiralty. Ommatius Coryphe, n.s., mas. Fulvus, thoracis vittis quatuor fuscis, pectore ventreque cano-flavis, antennis rufis apice nigris, pedibus nigris, tibiis fulvis, alis fulvo-cinereis. | Body dark tawny: head as broad as the chest, covered with bright tawny down, clothed above and beneath with golden hairs, 470 LIST OF DIPTERA. beset behind the eyes with tawny bristles; tubercle of the eyelets furnished with tawny bristles; clypeus thickly armed with yellow hairs and bristles: eyes bronze; fore part flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the | tip with short tawny hairs ; palpi black, clothed with tawny hairs and bristles: feelers red ; first and second juints clothed with short tawny hairs ; second joint a little shorter than the first ; third joint black, slender, spindle-shaped, about twice the length of the first; — bristle black towards the tip, much longer than all the preceding — joints: chest clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and — behind with black bristles, adorned with four brown stripes; middle | pair of stripes interrupted, and afterwards united on the hinder part; | side stripes also interrupted: breast and under-side of the abdomen | pale yellow, with a hoary tinge: abdomen much narrower than the | chest, and much less than twice its length, tapering from the base | to the tip, clothed with tawny hairs ; first and second segments very | short; third and following segments long, successively decreasing | in length; sexual parts ferruginous, shining: legs black, thickly | clothed with short yellow hairs, armed with some black spines; © shanks bright tawny, with black tips; foot-cushions tawny: wings — gray, with a slight tawny tinge; wing-ribs, veins, and poisers — tawny. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 16 lines, ? a. Ommatius chinensis. Asilus chinensis? Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 883, | 34, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i. 185, 6. Auss. Zweif, i. 434, 14. | Dasypogon chinensis ? Fabr. Syst. Antl. 169, 25. a. Hong Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. Ommatius Androcles, n.s., fem. Fulvus, abdomine nigro, fasciis — lateribus apiceque fulvis, antennis ferrugineis, pedibus nigris, | tibiis fulvis, alis fulvis, apicibus marginibusque posticis ci- || nereis. Body rather dark tawny: head full as broad as the chest, | covered with pale golden down, and clothed with hairs of the same colour, beset behind the upper borders of the eyes with a row of tawny bristles ; front dark tawny; clypeus prominent, very thickly | beset with golden hairs and bristles: eyes large, dark bronze, its fa- — cets larger than those of the other part: lip and palpi black, the lat- ter beset with black bristles ; first and second joints of the feelers | ferruginous, clothed with short tawny hairs; second joint shorter © than the first, armed with two or three black bristles ; chest thinly - clothed with short black hairs, and beset with black bristles on each side and behind, when it is also slightly covered with some tawny - Soe LIST OF DIPTERA. 471 hairs: breast and sides of the chest paler, covered with golden down, and clothed with pale tawny hairs: abdomen black, very little narrower than the chest, but nearly twice its length, nearly linear for half its length, and thence slightly decreasing in breadth to the tip, clothed with short tawny hairs ; sides and hind borders of the segments tawny, especially beneath ; first and second seg- ments short ; third and following segments longer, but successively decreasing in length; tip tawny; legs stout, black, clothed with short yellow hairs, and beset with black bristles ; hips covered with golden down; shanks bright tawny; tips of hind shanks black; wings tawny, gray atthe tipsand along the hind borders ; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips; poisers tawny. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 22 lines. a. Sandwich Island. Presented by Captain Beechey. Ommatius Plautius, n.s., fem. Fuscus, thoracis vittis tribus abdo- minisgue segmentorum marginibus posticis fulvis, pectore ven- treque cinereis, antennis pedibusque nigris, femoribus anticis apice subtus rufis, tibais anterioribus rufis nigro variis, alis sub- fuscis apice fuscis. Body dark brown: head a little narrower than the chest, covered with hoary down beneath, and with yellow down above, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, beset behind the eyes with a row of black bristles; sides of the crown beset with black bristles ; clypeus prominent, armed with black bristles, and in front with some long pale yellow bristles: eyes large, bronze; fore part flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short pale yellow hairs; palpi black, clothed with long black hairs: feelers black; first and second joints beset with short black bristles; second joint less than half the length of the first : chest clothed with short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles, adorned with three slender tawny Stripes; side pair connected with the sides by two oblique tawny bands: breast gray: abdomen narrower than the chest, and less than twice its length, tapering from the base to the tip, clothed with short black hairs, beset with a few black bristles on the sides of the hind borders of the segments; hind borders of the segments dull tawny; under-side gray: legs black, clothed with short whitish hairs, armed with black spines; four front shanks dark red, striped with black; fore thighs red beneath at the tips; foot-cushions piceous: wings light brown, darker at the tips; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black; poisers tawny. Length of the body 12 lines; of the wings 20 lines. ° PART II. > rp 472 LIST OF DIPTERA. Ommatius Papus,n.s., mas. Fuscus, thoracis vittis tribus canis, latertbus pectoreque fulvis, metathorace cano, antennis pedibusque nigris, alis fuscis apice obscurioribus. | Body dark brown: head large, as broad as the chest, covered with tawny down, clothed behind and beneath with hoary hairs, be- set behind the eyes with a row of black bristles; tubercle of the eyelets, front and sides of the crown covered with black hairs; cly- | peus prominent, thickly beset with bright tawny hairs: eyes large, — bronze; fore part flat, its facets much larger than those of the other | part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi black, beset with long black bristles: feelers black ; first and second — joints beset with long black bristles; second joint about half the length of the first ; third joint spindle-shaped, nearly as long as the first; bristle much longer than all the preceding joints: chest clothed with very short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with black bristles, adorned with three hoary stripes; sides and breast tawny, with a hoary tinge: hind chest hoary: abdomen nar- rower than the chest, and nearly twice its length, tapering from the | ‘base to the tip, clothed with tawny hairs, especially on each side to- | wards the base; first and second segments very short; third and | following segments long, successively decreasing in length; sexual | parts black, shining, rather large; legs black, clothed with dark | tawny hairs and black bristles; hips and thighs clothed with long and paler hairs; foot-cushions tawny: wings brown, darker towards — the tips ; wing-ribs piceous; veins black; poisers piceous. Length | of the body 10 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. P Ommatius Lema, n.s., fem. Piéceus, thoracis vittis tribus fulvis | maculisque duabus arcuatis albis, lateribus pectoreque canis, ab- | dominis segmentorum marginibus posticis ventreque cinereis, an- || tennis pedibusque nigris, tibis rufis nigro varus, alis fuscis. Body piceous: head nearly as broad as the chest, covered | beneath with hoary down, above with yellow down, heset behind the ~ eyes with a row of black bristles, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs; tubercle of the eyelets beset with a few black hairs; clypeus armed with very long pale yellow bristles, and on the hinder © part with a few black bristles: eyes large, bronze; fore part nearly | flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, its tip clothed with short tawny hairs; palpi black, clothed with long | white hairs: feelers black; first and second joints beset with short - black hairs; second joint much shorter than the first; third joint short-conical, hardly more than half the length of the first and the second; bristle more than twice the length of all the preceding LIST OF DIPTERA. 473 joints, adorned with numerous side bristles: chest clothed with some black hairs, beset on each side and behind with a few black bristles, adorned with three indistinct tawny stripes, and on each side of the front with a semicircular white spot ; fore chest, scutch- eon, hind chest, and breast hoary: abdomen narrower than the chest, and less than twice its length, tapering from the base to the tip, thinly clothed with very short tawny hairs, and at the tip with some longer black hairs; hind borders of the segments and under- side gray; first and second segments very short; third and follow- ing segments long, successively decreasing in length: legs black, clothed with very short tawny hairs, armed with black spines ; shanks very dark red, with black tips and streaks ; foot-cushions dark tawny; hips gray: wings brown; wing-ribs piceous; veins black ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 16 _ lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. Oumatius Cerebus, n.s., mas. et fem. Niger, thoracts vittis tri- | bus aurets, latertbus pectoreque flavis, antennis pedibusque nigris, —_ tabiis lavis apice nigris, alis subfuscis, mari. dilatatis. : Body black: head narrower than the chest, covered behind and beneath with hoary down, and above with pale yellow down, beset | behind the eyes with a row of black bristles, clothed beneath with white hairs ; tubercle of the eyelets beset with a few black hairs; clypeus armed with many long pale yellow bristles, and on the hinder part with a few darker bristles: eyes dark bronze, large ; fore part flat, its facets larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi black, red at the tips, clothed with long black hairs: feelers black ; first and se- cond joints covered with tawny down, beset with black hairs; second _joint shorter than the first; third joint long-conical, much longer than the second; bristle nearly twice the length of all the preceding _joints, adorned with numerous side bristles: chest clothed with a very few short black hairs, furnished on each side and behind with some longer hoary hairs and with a few black bristles, adorned with three golden stripes ; side stripes connected by two oblique golden bands with the sides of the chest, which are pale yellow like the breast; the latter has a hoary tinge: abdomen hardly half the breadth of the chest, and less than twice its length, tapering for nearly one-third of the length from the base, linear, and nearly cy- lindrical from thence to the tip, clothed with hoary hairs on each side, and with a few black hairs at the tip ; first and second segments very short; third and following segments long, successively decreas- ing in length: legs black, armed with black spines; thighs and 272 474 LIST OF DIPTERA. shanks clothed with long pale yellow hairs; shanks clothed with — Jong pale yellow hairs; shanks bright yellow, with black tips ;_ claws tawny at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings very light brown ; each wing of the male with a brown spot below the fore border just before the part where the wing is widened by the con- _ vexity of the vein ; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black, dark ferruginous towards the base; poisers tawny. Female.—Like the male: chest — narrower: wings not spotted nor widened. Length of the body 8—11 lines; of the wings 13—18 lines. Ma a. P From the Hardwicke bequest. b. New Holland. c; % OmmatTivus marginellus, Wied. Dipt. Exot. i.213. Auss. Zwetf. i. 421,5. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 314, 3. Asilus marginellus, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 464, 22. Ent. Syst.iv. 384,36. Dasypogon marginellus, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 170, 28. a. South America. From Mr. Warwick’s collection. b. P Ommatius Saccas,n.s.,fem. Fuscus, thoracis vittis tribus lateri- busque fulvis, pectore albo, abdominis segmentorum marginibus posticis cinereis, antennis fulvis apice nigris, pedibus fulvis, femoribus et tibiis apice tarsisque nigris, alis sublampidis apice fuscis. | ‘ Body dark brown: head a little broader than the chest, covered ~ with hoary down, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs; © crown, front, and clypeus covered with tawny down; tubercle © of the eyelets beset with a few black bristles ; clypeus armed witha | few white bristles, and on the hinder part with some longer but ~ more slender black bristles: eyes bronze; fore part flat, its facets — much larger than those of the other part: lip black, ferruginous to- wards the tip, where it is clothed with short yellow hairs: palpi — black, clothed with a few long black hairs: feelers black; first and — second joints tawny, of equal length; second joint beset with a few black bristles; third joint conical, as long as the second; bristle — very much longer than all the preceding joints: chest thinly clothed with very short black hairs, beset on each side and behind with a few black bristles, adorned with three tawny stripes; each side — stripe connected by two oblique tawny bands with the sides of the — chest, which pass from a tawny to a hoary hue towards the white — breast: abdomen much narrower than the chest, and rather more than twice its length, very slightly tapering from the base to the tip, clothed with hoary hairs ; hind borders of the segments gray ; a ee LIST OF DIPTERA. 475 first and second segments short; third and following segments long, successively decreasing in length: legs tawny, clothed with short black hairs, beset with black spines ; hips hoary ; thighs and shanks more or less black towards the tips ; feet black, tawny at the base foot-cushions piceous: wings nearly colourless, brown towards the tips, and thence for half the length along the hind borders; wing- ribs and veins black; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse’s collection. Oumatius Pera, n.s.,fem. Fuscus, thoracis vittis duabus cinereo- fulvis, marginibus scutelloqgue cinereis, pectore cano, antennis fulvis, pedibus flavis, tarsis obscurtoribus, femoribus tibtisque apice nigris, alis subfuscis. Body brown: head full as broad as the chest, covered with hoary down, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, beset be- hind the eyes with a few black bristles; tubercle of the eyelets ‘clothed with a few black hairs; clypeus in front armed with white ‘bristles, its hinder part and the adjoining part of the front beset with longer black bristles: eyes bronze; fore part flat, its facets \much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short whitish hairs; palpi black, clothed with long black hairs: feelers pale tawny ; first and second joints beset with short black hairs; second joint much shorter than the first: chest beset ,on each side and behind with a few white bristles, adorned with two dull grayish tawny stripes; fore chest, scutcheon, hind chest, and sides gray; breast hoary: abdomen much narrower than the chest, and nearly twice its length, almost linear from the second segment to the tip, clothed with short pale yellow hairs and with longer hairs on each side, especially towards the base ; first and second segments very short; second segment broader and more convex than the third ; third and following segments long, successively decreasing ‘in length: legs yellow, clothed with pale yellow hairs, armed with ale yellow and black spines ; tips of thighs and of shanks black ; feet tawny, piceous towards the tips; hind feet black, piceous at the jbase ; claws black, tawny at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings slightly tinged with brown: wing-ribs piceous ; veins black ; poi- sers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 12 lines. 2T3 $< ee ee 476 LIST OF DIPTERA. Ommatius Hecale, n. s., mas. et fem.? Mas. Fuscus, thoracis vittis | duabus cinereo-fulvis, marginibus scutelloque cinereis, pectore cano, antennis nigris, pedtbus flavis, tarsis obscurtoribus, femort- bus tibiisque apice nigris, alis limpidis, mari. ad costam dilatatis cinereoque maculatis. Body brown: head as broad as the chest, covered with hoary down, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, beset behind the eyes with a few black bristles ; tubercle of the eyelets furnished with a few black hairs ; front clothed with a few white hairs; cly- peus armed with long white bristles: eyes bronze; fore part flat, | its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, — clothed at the tip with short tawny hairs; palpi black, clothed with long black hairs: feelers black; first and second joints beset with short black hairs; second joint much shorter than the first; third joint long-conical, a little longer than the second ; bristle nearly twice the length of all the preceding joints, adorned with many side bris- tles: chest beset on each side and behind with a few white bristles, adorned with two dull tawny grayish stripes ; fore chest, scutcheon, hind chest and sides gray; breast hoary: abdomen much narrower than the chest and nearly twice its length, nearly linear from the second segment to the tip, clothed with short pale yellow hairs, and on each side, especially towards the base with longer hairs; first and second segments very short; second segment with a slight tawny tinge, broader, and more convex than the following segments ; third and following segments long, successively decreasing in | length: third segment crossed by rows of black punctures: legs | yellow, clothed with pale yellow hairs, armed with pale yellow and — black spines; tips of thighs and of shanks black; hind feet black, | piceous at the base; four front feet tawny, piceous towards the tips; claws black, tawny at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings colour- less, gray beneath the convex part of the fore border, which is less widened than that of some other species ; wing-ribs ferruginous ; veins black, ferruginous at the base; poisers pale tawny. Fem.— Feet black, piceous at the base ; hind feet quite black ; hind thighs mostly black: wings with a very slight brown tinge, not widened. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. "4 b. ? From Mr. Children’s collection. Ommativus Tarchetius, n.s. Fulvus, thoracis vittts quatuor fusers, pectore cano, abdomine fusco fascris fulvis, antennis pedibusque fulvis, alis subfulvis. Body tawny: head narrower than the chest, hoary and clothed | with white hairs behind and beneath; front and clypeus clothed © LIST OF DIPTERA. 477 with pale yellow down, the former beset with some tawny bristles, the latter armed with long pale yellow bristles: eyes bronze ; fore part flat, composed of facets larger than those of the other part, from which it is clearly distinguishable: lip black, shining, its tip ferruginous and clothed with yellow hairs ; palpi black, hairy, their tips beset with bristles: feelers tawny; first and second joints clothed with very few hairs; second joint a little shorter than the first; third joint tapering from the base to the tip, much longer than the first; fourth joint or the bristle much longer than all the preceding joints: chest beset with some tawny bristles on the sides and towards the hind border; four irregular brown stripes occupy most of the disk: breast hoary, which colour blends with tawny on the sides of the chest: abdomen brown, nearly linear, much nar- rower than the chest and much more than twice its length, clothed _ with short yellow hairs; hind borders of the segments, especially on each side, tawny: legs tawny, beset with tawny bristles and hairs ; hips covered with pale tawny down ; trochanters and knees piceous ; feet clothed with black hairs and bristles ; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny: wings with a tawny tinge, especially at the base and along the fore border; wing-ribs ferruginous ; veins piceous, ferruginous at the base, black at the tips; poisers pale tawny. Length ofthe body 5 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Isle of France. - Ommatius Amycleus, n.s., mas. et fem. Niger, thoracis vittis dua- bus flavis, lateribus scutello pectoreque albis, abdominis segmen- torum suturis lateribusque fulvis, ventre cinereo, antennis pedi- busque nigris, femoribus tibiisque bast rufis, alis subfuscis, mari. dilatatis. Body black: head nearly as broad as the chest, covered with white down, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, beset behind the eyes with black bristles ; tubercle of the eyelets beset with a few ‘black bristles ; clypeus armed with white bristles on the fore part, and with a few long black bristles behind and on the adjoining part of the front: eyes bronze; fore part nearly flat, its facets much longer than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short yellow hairs; palpi black, yellow towards the tips, clothed with white hairs: feelers black; first joint clothed with a few tawny hairs ; second joint a little shorter than the first and beset with some short black bristles ; third joint conical, a little longer than the first ; bristle nearly or twice the length of all the preceding joints: fore chest, scutcheon, hind chest, sides and breast white; disk of the chest black, adorned with two pale yellow slightly curved stripes, which are widened in front when they join the sides, and also behind , A478: LIST OF DIPTERA. when they are joined together, and they have a slightly oblique band~ on each side: chest beset with some black bristles on each side and behind: abdomen linear, much narrower than the chest, less than twice its length, clothed with very short tawny hairs; sides and bor- ders of the segments dull tawny ; under-side gray; first and second segments very short ; third and following segments long, successively decreasing in length; third, fourth and fifth segments crossed by rows of black punctures: legs black, clothed with hoary hairs, armed with black and white spines ; thighs and shanks red towards — the base, and this colour is most prevalent in the fore legs; thighs of the male rather thick;.shanks and feet covered beneath with tawny down ; foot-cushions dull tawny: wings slightly tinged with brown, widened on the fore border in the male; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black, ferruginous at the base; poisers ferruginous. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 12 lines. ? From Mr. Children’s collection. a. Ommatius Ademon, n.s. Niger, pectore piceo, antennis nigris, pedibus ferrugineis, alis subtus bast limpidis. Body black, probably overspread with brown, gray or tawny bloom, which is effaced in the specimen described: head a little broader than the chest, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, beset with a fringe of black bristles on the crown and in front, where it is covered with black down; clypeus adorned with many bright tawny bristles: eyes dark bronze colour; fore part slightly convex, composed of large facets, which diminish as they diverge, but the boundary where they cease to decrease is distinctly marked: lip black, short, tipped with tawny hairs; palpi black, clothed with black hairs and bristles: feelers black ; first joint clothed with black hairs ; second joint shorter than the first, beset with black bristles ; third joint oval, as long as the second; fourth joint or the bristle slender, as long as all the preceding joints, furnished with long hairs: breast piceous: sides of the chest beset with pale yellow bristles : abdomen nearly linear, slightly convex, narrower than the chest and nearly twice its length, thinly clothed with short pale hairs: legs ferruginous, clothed with short pale yellow hairs and beset with black spines and bristles ; feet also covered with black hairs ; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny ; fore legs unarmed: wings pale brown, colourless towards the base, excepting the fore border ; wing-ribs and veins piceous, the latter black towards the tips; poisers piceous. Length of the body 6—6z lines; of the wings 11—114 lines. 9 a. ce Sie Sao LIST OF DIPTERA. 479 Ommatius Ialmus, n.s., mas. Fuscus, thoracis maculis duabus, me- _ tathorace pectoreque fulvis, abdomine nigro, lateribus fulvo ma- culatis, antennis nigris, pedibus fulvis, femoribus rufis, tarsis nigris, alis subfuscis. Head as broad as the chest, covered with pale tawny down, clothed behind and beneath with white hairs, thickly beset behind with black bristles ; tubercle of the eyelets and sides of the crown clothed with black hairs ; clypeus bright tawny, armed with black bristles: eyes large, dark bronze; fore part flat, its facets larger _ than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with pale yellow hairs; palpi black, beset with long black hairs: feelers black ; first joint clothed with long black hairs ; second joint beset with short black bristles, about half the length of the first: chest dark brown, clothed with black hairs, beset on each side and behind _with black bristles, tawny behind and on each side in front: breast 'tawny, with a hoary tinge: abdomen black, a little narrower than the chest and much less than twice its length, tapering from the base to the tip, clothed with tawny hairs, of which there is a thick | tuft at its tip; hind borders of the segments adorned on each side with triangular tawny spots ; first and second segments short; third and following segments long, successively decreasing in length: legs clothed with tawny hairs, beset with black bristles; hips tawny, | clothed with long pale tawny hairs; thighs red ; shanks tawny, with black tips; feet black, tawny at the base; claws tawny at the base; foot-cushions tawny: wings light brown, rather darker along the | borders of the veins; wing-ribs piceous; veins black, piceous to- | wards the base; poisers tawny. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. | a. New Holland. Presented by J. Hunter, Esq. | Ommatius auratus, Wied. Dipi. Fxot. i. 213,2. Auss. Zweif. i. | 420,4. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 314,2. Asilus auratus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 387,48. Dasypogon auratus, Fabr. Syst. | Anil. 167, 12. a. Madras. Presented by Walter Elliott, Esq. b. East India. From Mr. Walker’s collection. nis fulvis apice nigris, alis subcinereis. Head pale tawny, as broad as the chest, armed behind with rows of black bristles, and clothed with white hairs, which are most thick beneath : clypeus very thickly clothed with pale yellow hairs and bristles: lip black, short, stout, its tip covered with a cluster of Var.? Fulvus, thorace cinereo, abdomine basi apiceque piceo, anten- _ short pale yellow hairs: eyes dark bronze colour, divided as usual 480 LIST OF DIPTERA. into two parts, which are distinctly marked: first and second joints of the feelers tawny, short, of equal length, clothed with short black hairs ; third joint spine-shaped, black, about thrice the length of the first and of the second joints ; fourth joint, black, short, bristle-like : chest gray, its sides beset with a few black hairs and bristles: breast pale tawny, thinly clothed with pale yellow hairs: scutcheon of a colour between that of the chest and that of the breast: abdomen tawny, convex, nearly cylindrical, clothed with very short yellow — hairs, narrower than the chest and full twice its length, slightly — compressed before half its length, spindle-shaped thence to the tip; _ first segment piceous, very short; second segment rather short, broad and convex, and furnished on each side with a cluster of yellow : hairs ; third segment long; the following segments successively de- creasing in length; sixth and seventh segments mostly piceous: legs . tawny, thinly clothed with short yellow hairs ; thighs armed with two or three spines ; these are more numerous on the shanks, but abound most on the feet; claws black ; foot-cushions tawny; fore legs un- armed: wings slightly gray; wing-ribs and veins ferruginous, the latter piceous towards the tips ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 7% lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell’s collection. Atomosia, Macquart. Atomosia incisuralis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 76, 4, pl. 7, f. 1. a. Ohio. Presented by the Entomological Club. — Damatts, Fabricius. Damatts myops, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 148, 4. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i. 417,3. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 316,1. D. tibialis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i. 2, 154, pl. 12, f. 6. a. " Damatis planiceps, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 148,2. Wied. Auss. Zweif. i.416,4. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 316, 2. P a. Damatis Andron, n. s., mas. et fem. Fuscus, thoracis lateribus humeris scutelloque fulvis, abdomine eneo, antennis nigris, pedi- bus fulvis, tibiis apice piceis, alis subfulvis. Male.—Body brown, covered with brown down: head much broader than the chest, with a few black hairs along the borders of the eyes; clypeus armed with four long black bristles: lip black, piceous at the tip, where it is clothed with dark tawny hairs; palpi LIST OF DIPTERA. 481 t black and beset with long black hairs: eyes coppery, large, flat on the fore side, composed of facets with three sizes; the facets in the middle of the fore part are remarkably large and are surrounded by facets of moderate size, but those in the outermost border of the eye are very small: feelers black ; joints from the first to the third very short ; first joint club-shaped ; second joint linear, somewhat shorter than the first; third joint conical, as long as the second; fourth joint or bristle very long, thrice the length of all the preceding _ joints: chest thinly clothed with black hairs on the back, tawny and _covered with tawny hairs on each side and behind and on the scutcheon ; this tawny hue is darker on the fore sides and on the two oblique side-bands ; shoulders tawny, shining : abdomen linear, with a bronze tinge, thinly clothed with black hairs, tawny and clothed with pale tawny hairs, much narrower and longer than the chest but not twice its length; first and second segments short; | third and following segments longer, but successively decreasing in length to the tip: legs tawny, clothed with black hairs; hips, tro- chanters and tips of shanks piceous ; feet dark tawny; claws black, ' yellow at the base; foot-cushions pale tawny; hind legs much ' longer than the others; hind thighs armed beneath with some black spines ; hind shanks slightly curved, somewhat piceous in the mid- dle: wings with a very slight tawny tinge ; wing-ribs ferruginous ; | veins black, ferruginous at the base; poisers tawny, with piceous ( knobs. Female.—Rather darker than the male: first and second | joints of the feelers hardly longer than broad; third joint much | more slender than the first and the second: abdomen bronze, _ slightly spindle-shaped, twice the length of the chest, with a pale tawny spot at the base, tawny beneath, more shining than that of _the male: wings darker than those of the male: knobs of the poisers pale tawny. Length of the body 4—4¢ lines; of the wings ' 9—10 lines. | Var. B. fem—Abdomen with two large pale tawny spots to- _wards the base: wings rather dark. a. Hong-Kong, China. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq. ' Damatis fuscus, n.s., fem. F'uscus, thoracis lateribus pectoreque canis, abdomine nigro, antennis pedibusgue nigris, alis subfuscis | ad costam obscurioribus. Body dark brown: head a little broader than the chest, thinly clothed beneath with white hairs; clypeus armed with a few black bristles: eyes bronze; fore part nearly flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short | tawny hairs; palpi black, clothed with long black hairs: feelers | : | Fai sas gen eacil 482 LIST OF DIPTERA. black ; first and second joints very short, beset with black bristles ; third joint slender, conical; bristle more than twice the length of all the preceding joints: chest thickly clothed with short hoary hairs ; breast and sides of the chest hoary: abdomen black, linear, a little narrower than the chest and full twice its length, clothed (especially along the sides) with short tawny hairs; first and second — segments short; third and following segments long: legs black, — thickly clothed with hoary hairs; feet beset with black spines; | foot-cushions tawny; claws yellow, with black tips; hind thighs — thick, armed beneath with black teeth; hind shanks curved: wings — light brown, darker along the fore borders; wing-ribs ferruginous ; _ veins black, ferruginous; poisers tawny. Length of the body 45 © lines; of the wings 10 lines. [| a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell’s collection. LeptocasTER, Meigen. LepToGastTER cylindricus, Macq. Dipt. Nord. Asil. ii. 1. Zeller, © Isis, 1840, 42,2. Zett. Dipt. Scand. i. 186,1. Loew, Linn. © Ent. ii. 403, 7. Asilus cylindricus, Deg. Ins. vi. 99, 10, t. xiv. © 13. A. lividus? Geoff. Ins. ii.474,17. A. tipuloides, Fabr. © Syst. Ent. 795, 20. Lint. Syst. iv. 385. Schrank. Faun. Boic. © iii. 161, 2556. Dasypogon tipuloides, Fabr. Syst. Antl. 172, | 37. Leptogaster tipuloides, Meig. Klass. i. 242, t. xi. 16. | Fall, Dipt. Suec. Asil. 13,1. lL. fuscus, Meig. Syst. Beschr. — ii. 344, 2. Macq. Dipt. Nord. Asil. ii. 2. Gonypes tipuloides, — Lair. Hist. Nat. xiv.309. G. cylindricus, Latr. Gen. Crust. iv. 301. Cons. Gén. 443. Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 315, 1. G. fuscus ? Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. 315, 3. a. England. b P From Mr. Children’s collection. Leprocaster Proculus, n.s. Niger, thoracis maculis duabus rufis, — pectore cinereo, antennis piceis rufo cinctis, pedibus nigris femo- — ribus apice rufis, tibtis fulvo vittatis, alis flavo-fuscis basi ob- — scurioribus. | Body black, shining: head as broad as the chest, covered with — hoary down, clothed behind and beneath with short white hairs, be- — set behind the eyes with a few black bristles; front and clypeus — covered with pale tawny down; clypeus armed with short black bristles: eyes black; fore part flat, its facets very much larger than — those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with short yel- low hairs; palpi black, shining, clothed with long black hairs: feelers red; first joint piceous; second joint much longer than the mo LIST .OF DIPTERA. 483 first, beset with a few short black bristles; third joint very slender, long spindle-shaped, piceous towards the tip, much longer than the first and the second joints; bristle black, very stout, about half the length of the third joint: chest thinly covered with very short hoary hairs, red on each side in front: breast gray: abdomen club-shaped, very slender from the base to more than half the length, widening thence to the tip, narrower than the chest and about thrice its length, thinly clothed with hoary hairs, beset with long hoary hairs and black bristles on each side towards the base: legs black, clothed | with short tawny hairs, beset with a few short black spines ; feet armed with long black spines; thighs red towards the tips ; shanks with tawny stripes : wings yellowish brown, darkest towards the base ; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black, piceous towards the base ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 12 lines. _a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. LeproacasTER Datis,n.s. Niger, pectore cinereo, abdominis latert- bus fulvo maculatis, antennis rufis bast piceis, pedibus fulvis, tarsis piceis bast fulvis, femoribus posterioribus nigro vittatis, tibiis posticis apice picets, alis fuscis ad costam ferrugineis. Body black: head a little broader than the chest: hind part and under-side covered with white down and beset with short white hairs ; front and clypeus covered with pale yellow down ; clypeus armed with pale yellow bristles : eyes black; fore part flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the - tip with pale yellow hairs: feelers red; first joint piceous, clothed with a few tawny hairs; second joint longer than the first, beset with some short black bristles; third joint long spindle-shaped, much longer than the two preceding joints; bristle stout, black, about half the length of the third joint: chest thickly clothed with short tawny hairs: breast gray: abdomen club-shaped, narrower than the chest and about thrice its length, very slender from the base to more than half the length, widening thence to the tip, clothed with short tawny hairs ; sides of the borders of the segments tawny: legs tawny, clothed with tawny hairs ; feet piceous, armed with black spines, tawny at the base; claws black; hind thighs striped with black on each side; hind shanks piceous at the tips; middle thighs very slightly streaked with black: wings brown, fer- ruginous along the fore borders ; wing-ribs piceous; veins black, ferruginous towards the base and along the fore borders; poisers pale ferruginous. Length of the body 52 lines; of the wings 8 lines. | a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. PAGT I. Pa 484 LIST OF DIPTERA, LeprocastER Marion, n.s. Fuscus, thoracis lateribus pectore abdo- — minisque fasciis canis, antennis nigris, pedibus flavis, tarsis necnon femoribus tibiisque anterioribus nigris basi flavis, alis Suscis apicibus marginibusque posticis pallidioribus. — Body dark brown: head a little broader than the chest, clothed: beneath with some white hairs ; front and clypeus covered with pale yellow down ; clypeus thickly clothed with pale yellow hairs: eyes black ; fore part flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black, clothed at the tip with pale yellow hairs: feelers black ; first and second joints very short,’ beset with a few short | black bristles ; third joint long spindle-shaped, much longer than the first and the second joints; bristle rather stout, much shorter than the third joint: chest thinly covered with short hoary hairs; sides and breast hoary: abdomen club-shaped, much narrower than | the chest and more than thrice its length, compressed and very slender for nearly three-fourths of the length, widening thence to the tip, adorned with seven or eight broad hoary bands: legs yellow; feet and four front thighs and shanks black, yellow at the base; hind knees and tips of hind shanks black: wings dark brown, paler towards the tips and along the hind borders; wing-ribs piceous ; veins black ; poisers yellow. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 53 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell’s collection. | Lerrocaster Pedanius, n.s., mas. Niger, thoracis lateribus pecto- reque albis, abdominis fasciis ventreque cinereis, antennis fulvis | apice nigris, pedibus fulvis, alis limpidis. Body black: head a little broader than the chest, covered with } white down: eyes black; fore part nearly flat, its facets much larger than those of the other part: lip black: feelers black; first and se- cond joints short, dark tawny ; third joint tapering from the base to the tip, a little longer than the first and the second joints; bristle ~ longer than the third joint: breast and sides of the chest white: — abdomen very slender for three-fourths of its length, widening thence to the tip, much narrower than the chest and about thrice its length; _ borders of the segments and under-side gray ; first and second seg- ments very short; third and following segments long: legs tawny ; claws black: wings colourless; wing-ribs piceous; veins black ; poisers tawny. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. E, NEWMAN, PRINTER, 9, DEVONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPSGATE. 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