P^'^ LIS T SPECIMENS HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS • IN THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. PART II. ^ U ^ : ■y PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. LONDON, 1851. LONDON : PRINTED BY EDWARD NEWMAN, 9, DEVONSHIRE ST., BISHOPSGATE. INTRODUCTION. The principal object of the present Catalogue has been to give a complete list of the specimens of Homopteroiis Insects contained in the collection of the British Musemn, indicating at the same time the pecoharities of each, as regards variation of character, locality, and the som-ce from whence it has been derived. With this \iew, the different indi\iduals of each species contained in the collection are indicated by the letters a, h, c, &c., following the name of the species and its synonymes, and the description, if it appeared to have been before im- described. This part of the Catalogue of Homopterous Insects has been prepared and the new species described by Mr. Feancis Walker, so well known for liis attention to this order of Insects. The two remaining parts are in hand, and >vill follow as soon as they can be completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. British Museum, April ^Sth, 1851. LIST HOMOPTEROUS INSPXTS. Order I. CICADINA. Fam. II. FULGOEINA. FulgorellaB, Latr. Germar, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii, 202. Subtericornes, Amyotet Serville, Hist. Nat. Hem. 483, Note. — The wing-veins of the Stridulantia vary in each spe- cies ; in this family they vary in each individual, and differ in pro- portion to their multiplying, and have an apparently endless variety of combinations. Sub-Fara. 1. FULGORELL^E. Fulgorellse, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 202. Fulgorina, II, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 14,4. Cavigeni, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. 485. Tribe 1. FULGORITES. Fulgorites, Spinola^ Ann. Soc. Ent. viii. 202. Nudimargines, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 487. -J> 262 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Sub-Tribe 1. FULGOROIDES. Fulgoroides, Spmola, Ann. Soc. Ent. viii. 202, 206. Fulgorides, Amyot et Serville (ad partem). Fulgoridae, Schaum (ad partera.) Genus 1. FULGORA, Fulgora, Linn. Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. viii. Laternaria, Linn. Cicada, Deyeer. Cucujus, Greiv. Musca, Vincent. 1. FuLGORA LATERNARIA. Fulgora laternaria, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 703, 1. Gron. Zooph. 668. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2089, 1. Merian, Surin. 40, pi. 49. Roes. Ins. Belust. ii. Locust, pi. 28, 29. Reaum. Lis. V. pi. 20, f. 6, 7. Dey. Ins. iii. 195, 1. Seba, Mus. 4, pi. 77, f. 3, 4. Fahr. Syst. Ent. 673, 1. Sp. Ins. ii. 313, 1. 3Iant. Ins. ii. 260, 1. Ent. Si/st. iv. I, I. Syst. Rhyn. 1, 1. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 563, 567, 1, pi. 108, f. 15. Stoll, Cic. 13, pi. 1, f. 1. Tign. Hist. Nat. Ins. iv. 106, pi. 2, f. 4. Pal. Beauv. Ins. 67. Hem. pi. 194, f. 1. Germ. Thon, Ar- chiv. ii. 2, 46. Mag. Ent. iii. 186, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 169, 5. Gen. Ins. i. 8. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. i. Latr. Regn. Anim. v, 2! 5. Lam. Hist. Nat. An. sans Vert. iii. 482, 1. Guer. Mag. Zool. pi. 174, f. 1, 2. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 213, 1. Bridle. Hist. Nat. Lis. Hem. pi. 4. Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 137. Duncans Nat. Libr. i. 279, pi. 22, f. 1. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 168, 1. Hem. pi. 11. Amyot et Sew. Hist. Nat. Hem. 490, 1. Laternaria phusphorea, Linn. Mus. Lud. Ulr.. 152, 1. Cucujus Peruvianus, Grew, Mus. 158, pi. 13. Musca laternaria, Vincent, Mus. 9 Cicada laternaria, Deg. Ins. iii. 195, 1. Var. ? Fulgora Castresii, Guer. Mag. Zool. pi. 173, 174, f. 3, 4. Mexico. Westw, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 138, 2. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 214, 3. Burm. Gen. Ins. i. 8. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. 4. Var. ? Fulgora lucifera. Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 100. Thon, Arch. ii. 46. Brulle, Hist. Nat. Ins. x. pi. 4, f. b. P Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 138, 3. Burm. Gen. Ins. \. 8. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. 5, j)l. f. 1. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 263 Var. ? Fulgora Servillei, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 214, 2. Burm. Gen. i. 8. Rhijn. Cic. Fidg.3. Var. ? Fulgova lampetis, Burm. Gen. Ins. i. 8. Rhi/n. Cic. Fulg. 2. a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. c. d. Brazil. e. Venezuela. From Mr. Pamplin's collection. /. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. g. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's collection. Genus 2. PHRICTUS. Phrictus, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 216. Fulgora, Linn., Fabr., Lindenb., Seba, Olivier, Gmelin, Drury^ Donovan, Germar, Burmeister, Westivood, Blanchard. Pyrops, Spinola, Schaum (ad partem). Group I.' Protuberance of the liead rather short, armed with spines, end- ing in a knob which consists of three large spines. 1. Phrictus diadema. Phrictus diadema, Spin. An. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 219. Anujot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 495, 1. Fulgora diadema, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 703, 2. Gmel. Ed. Sgst. Nat. i. 4, 2089, 2. Lindenb. Natiirf. xiii. 20, pi. 3, f. 3. Fabr. St/St. Ent. 673, 2. Mant. Ins. ii. 260, 3. Sp. Ins ii. 313, 3. Ent. Si/St. iv. 2, 3. Syst. Rhyn. 2, 3. Oliv. Enc. vi. 567, 3, pi. 109, f. 2. Stoll, Cic. 31, pi. 5, f. 22. Seba, Mus. iv. pi. 77, f. 7, 8. Donov. Nat. Repos. v. 145. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 46, 3. Burm. Handb. Ent. 1, 169, 4. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 169, 3. Westiv. Drury, Ins. 2 edit. 78. Tran^. Linn. Soc. xviii. 147, 24. F. armata, Drury, his. iii. 76, pi. 50, f. 4. c, b. From Mr. Mornay's collection. c — e. From Mr. Stevens' collection. B 2 264 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Var. Fore-wings red, not spotted towards the base, adorned with a fawn-coloured, entire, waved and slightly oblique band which has a whitish tinge ; along its inner side there is a slender inter- rupted red and brown stripe, and from thence to the tip the cross- veins are more numerous, more regular and more distinct than on the rest of the wing : hind-wings red with white spots, black with white spots towards the tip, brown along the hind border ; the outer border of the red hue is much interrupted, and forms more or less distinct spots. /. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 2. Phrictus annularis. Fulgora annularis, Oliv. Enc. Meth, vi. 568, 6. Siull, Cic. 57, pi. 14, f. 69. Westiv. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii, 140, 9. Flata annularis. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47, 3. Pyrops annularis. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 240,8. Surinam. Group 2. Protuberance of the head armed with teeth on each side like a saw, and decreasing in breadth from the base to the tip. 3. Phrictus serratus. Fulgora serrata, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 313, 2. 3Iant. Ins. ii. 260, 2. Ent. Syst. iv. 2, 2. Syst. Rhyn. 2, 2. Seha, Mus. iv. pi. 77, f. 5, 6. Lindenherg, Naturf. xiii. 19, pi. 3, f. 1, 2. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 563, 567, 2, pi. 109, f. 1. Stall, Cic. 170, pi. 29, f. 170. Seba, Mus. 4, pi. 77, f 5, 6. Gjnel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2089, 10. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, f. 46, 4. Bunn. Ilandb. Ent. ii. 1, 169, 3. Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 147, 23. Pyrops serratus. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 235, 2. a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. Genus 3. HOTINUS. Hotinus, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. 490, 378. Laternaria, Linn. Fulgora, Linn. Fabr. Degeer, Sulzer, Gmelin, Tign. Olivier, Palisot-Beauvois, Donovan, Kirby, Burmeister, Westwood, Blanchard, Guerin. Flata, Germar. Pyrops, Spinola, Schau7n. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2t35 1. HOTINUS CANDELARIUS. Hotinus candelarius, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 490, 1. Laternaria candelaria, Linn. Mies. Liid. Ulr. 153, 2. Act. Stockh. 1746,63, pi. 1, 1,5, 6. Fulgoria candelaria, Linn. S//st. Nat. i. 2, 70, 33. Fabr. Sf/st. Ent. 673, 3. *S'/;. his. ii. 313, 4. Mant. Ins. ii. 260, 4. Ent. Sijst. iv. 2, 4. Sj/st. Rhyn. 2, 4. O/ii'. ^-mc. vi. 593, 568, 4, pi. 109, f. 3. ^ 10, pi. 12, f. 2. Java. 4. Prolepta cognata. Fulgora cognata, Westiv. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 145, 19. 5. Pkolepta obscurata. Pyrops obscurata. Spin. Ann. Soc, Ent. Fr. viii. 237, 4. Fulgora obscurata, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 315, 10. Mant. Ins. ii. 260, 10. Ent. Si/st. iv. 4, 10. Sijst. Rlujn. 3, 10. Gmel. Ed. Si/st. Nat. i. 4, 2090, 12. Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 145, 20, pi. 12, f. 7. Flata obscurata. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b. New Holland. From Mr. Dring's collection. 6. Prolepta dilatata. Fulgora dilatata, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 146, 21, pi. 12, f. 8, 9. New Holland. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS- 271 Genus 6. ENCHOPHORA. Enchophora, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 222. Fulgora, Olivier^ Gertnar, Burmeisier. Flata, Germar. Aphaena, Guenn. Phrictus, Schaum (ad partem). 1. Enchophora eecurva. Enchophora recuvva, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii, 222, 1, pi. 10, f. 1,2. Atm/ot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 496, 1. Fulgora recurva, Oliv. Enc. Meth. y\. 569, 11. Stoll, Cic. 43, pi. 9, f. 44. Fulgora tuba, Genn. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 46, 6. Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 169, 2. a — c. South America. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 2. Enchophora vibidipennis. Enchophora viridipennis, Spin, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 225, 2, pi. 11, f. 2. Brazil. 3. Enchophora variegata. Enchophora variegata. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 225, 3, pi. 12, f. 3. Brazil. 4. Enchophora Servillei. Enchophora Servillei, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 227, 4, pi. 11, f. 3. 5. Enchophora fuscata. Enchophora fuscata, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. viii. 227, 5, pi. 12, f. 2. Aphsena fuscata, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Zool. 184, pi. Ina. No. 10. New Guinea. 272 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 6. Enchophora tuberculata. Fnlgora tuberculata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 569. Stoll, Cic. 86, pi. 23, f. 122. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 46. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 169. Brazil. 7. Enchophora sicca, Fem. Nigro-fusca cervino reticulata ; abdomen nigrum lateribus supra rufis ; pedes nigri fidvo maculati apice ferruginei ; alee an- ticce cervince nigro varice ; aloe posticts rufce apice nigrce albo guttatcB margine postico nigro maculates. Allied to Aphcena hcemorrhoidalis P Body black ; head dark fawn-colour, spotted with black, nearly as long as the chest; pro- tuberance of the head sliohtly clarate, inclined upward and form- ing an obtuse angle ; scutcheon fawn-colour with black dots : sides of the abdomen red above : legs black with numerous lawny spots ; feet mostly ferruginous ; fore-wings dark fawn-colour or somewhat ferruginous, adorned with very numerous, irregular small black marks : hind-wings red, black with white dots towards the tips, spotted with black along the hind border. Length of the body 10 lines ; of the wings 24 lines. a, b. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 8. Enchophora pvrrhocrypta, Mas. Fulva^ viridi varia Jlavo tuberculata^ rufo guttata ; cornu recur - vum ; scutellum nigro bimaculatum ; pedes virides ; alee an- ticcB rufo-f usees croceo guttatce ; alee pas tic ce rufce., apice fusca. This species seems to be a connecting link between Phrictus and Enchophora. Body tawny, dull, tinged with green, covered with numerous small yellow tubercles and with many very little red dots : head full half the breadth of the chest ; a longitudinal ridge on the fore part of the crown, and a slight transverse ridge on its disk, on each side of which adjoining the eye there is a green upright angular horn with black dots ; protuberance of the head green, rugulose, ridged, apparently crumpled, recurved till it almost touches the fore part of the crown, then inclined upward and terminating in three knobs: mouth tawny, extending far beyond the hind-hips: eyes prominent: fore-chest surrounded by a slight ridge, somewhat ex- cavated on the disk, deeply keeled along the middle : scutcheon of the middle-chest with a black spot on each side near the fore border, having a rim towards its tip which is pointed ; five ridges in the disk, LIST OF HOMOPTEBOUS INSECTS. 273 the two side pair short and very oblique : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest: legs dull green, furrowed, clothed with short black hairs ; spines of the hind-slianks tawny with black tips: fore- wings reddish brown, adorned witli numerous small orange spots, paler and tinged with green towards the tips ; veins green, very nu- merous towards the tips : hind-wings bright red, with brown lips ; veins bright red. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens" collection. 9. Enchophora? ensifeea. Flata ensifera, Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. Fulgora? ensifera, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 148, 27. Sub-Tribe 2. LYSTROIDES. Lystro'ides, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 202, 240. Fulgorides, Amyot et Serville (ad partem). Fulgoridap, Schaum (ad partem). Genus 1. APH^NA. Apheena, Guerin. Lystra, Fabr. Donovan, Germar, G. R. Gray. Flata, Germar. Fulgora, Olivier, Gmelin, G. JR. Gray. Ai>hRna, Bio'meister, Amyot et Serville, Hope, IVestwood, White. Penthicus, Slanchard. 1. APH.SNA DISCOLOE. Aphsena discolor, Guer. Voy. Belanger, Zool. 452, pi. 3, f. 2. Spin. ■ Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 242, 1. Java, Cochin-China. 2. Aph^na nigeomaculata. Aphsena nigromaculala, Guer. Voy. Belanger, Zool. 457, v. pi. 3, f. 1. Spin. An. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 243, 2. Fulgora (Aphaena) nigromaculata, G. R. Gray, Griff. An. King. Ins. pi. 90, f. 6. pi. 138, f. 2. Cochin-China. 274 list of iiomopterous insects. 3. Aph^ena corticina. Aphana corticina, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 166, 1. Brazil. 4. Aphana farinosa. Aphana farinosa, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 166, 2. Aphaena farinosa, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 244, 3. Lystra farinosa, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 57, 3. Germ. Thon^ Arch. ii. 2, 52, 4. Sumatra. 5. Aphana nigropunctata. Aphaena nigropunctata, Guer. Voy. de la Coquille, Zool. 185. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 248, 5. Aphana nigropunctata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 497, 2. Java. 6. Aphana eosea. AphoBua rosea, Giier. Voy. Belanger, Zool. 454, pi. 3, f. 3. Sumatra. 7. Aphana H(emoptera. Aphaena hcemoptera, S-pin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 248, 8. Westiv. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 49, 6, pi. 12, f. 13. Flata hcemoptera, Perty, Del An. Art. 176, pi. 35, f. 3. Burtn. Handh. Ent. ii. 398. 8. ApHiENA PULCHELLA. Aphaena pulchella, Guer. Voy. Coquille,Zool. 186. Spin. Ann. Soc Ent. Fr. viii. 249, 9. Java. 9. Aphaena cicateicosa. Flata cicatricosa. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 149, 7. 10. Aphana amabilis. Aphana amabilis, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 132, 19, pi. 12, f. 1 . SilheL LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 275 11. APHiENA HCEMORRHOIDALIS Fulgora lioemorrhoidalis, O/ir. Enc.Meth. vi. 569. Stoll, Cic. 103» pi. 27, f. 148. Flata hcemorrhoidalis, Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 247. Cape. 12. Aph^na submaculata "? Aphana snbmaculata ? Westw. Duncans Nat. Lihr. i. 284, pi. 24, f. 1. A. aurantia ? Hope^ Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 443, pi. 31, f. 2. Var. ? Fulva viridi varia ; abdornen ochraceum, laterihus viridi varium ; pedes viridi-ochracei, femora fusco unimaculata; ala alho maculatcE, anticce virides, posticcB ochracece. A recurved horn on the head : wings ample : body tawny : crown of the head with a ridge on each side, furnished with a horn, which is green, and is inclined backward on the head and the shield and extends to half the length of the latter ; face with four slight ridges: moiith tawny with a black tip, extending a little beyond the hind-hips: fore border of the shield partly green, slightly ridged, somewhat excavated on each side for the reception of the eyes : ab- domen obconical, orange, partly green on each side, a little longer than the chest: legs dull orange, tinged here and there with green ; a brown spot on each thigh ; hind-shanks armed with spines, and terminating in a cluster of small spines : wings ample ; fore-wings green, adorned with numerous white dots above and with white spots beneath : hind-wings orange, with a few white dots above and with more white spots beneath. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 34 lines, a, b. Silhet. From Mr. Argent's collection. 13. AphyENa Aurora.'* Aphana Aurora, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 133, 20, pi. 12, f. 2. Ferruginea ; abdominis segmentorum margines postici rufi ; pedes ferruginei ; alee crocece, apice ferruyinece ; alee anticce subfa- sciatcB ; alee posticce alho suhvittatce. A recurved horn on the head : wings ample : body ferruginous : ridges of the crown of the head enclosing two semicircular com- partments ; underside indistinctly ridged : mouth pale ferruginous, with a darker tip, reaching fiir beyond the hind-hips : abdomen nearly elliptical, longer than the chest ; hind borders of the seg- c2 276 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ments bright red : legs pale ferruginous, furrowed, pubescent ; tips of the claws black ; hind-shanks armed with spines : wings orange for half the length from the base, ferruginous from thence to the tips ; some pale indistinct bands on the orange part of the fore- wings ; that part of tlie hind-wings adorned with short irregular white streaks; inner border and part of the hind^border white. Length of the body 8^ lines ; of the wings 27 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 14. Aph^na guttata. Enchophora guttata, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, xvii. 331. A recurved horn on the head : wings of moderate size: fore- wings much longer than the hind-wings ; their tips rather acute. a. South America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 15. Aph^na sanguinea. Fulgora sanguinea, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 573. Stoll, Cic. 32, pi. 5, f. 23. Var. ? Ferruginea, viridi etfulvo varia ; scutelli discus niger, fulvo maculat.us ; abdominis segnientorum margines pnstici nigri ; pe- des ferruginei, antici nigro vittati ; alee anticcsferruginea^fusco varice, marginihus fulvo maculatce, vitta nigra undata ornatce. No horn on the head ; fore- wings narrow, acute, very much longer than the hind-wings : body ferruginous : head greenish- tawny, with a quadrangular ridge along the borders above, rounded in front, brown, shining, with four longitudinal ridges beneath ; epis- toma triangular with a tawny border : mouth ferruginous, extending far bevond the hind-hips : shield of the chest green, pale tawny and forming a ridge along the borders, having also a longitudinal ridge, and along the fore border an undulating ridge : scutcheon tawny ; disk black with tawny dots ; on each side two black spots, between which and the disk there is a zigzag ridge ; a longitudinal ridge in the middle terminates in a black spot on the fore border ; sides slightly concave : abdomen obconical, longer than the chest ; hind borders of the segments black above : legs ferruginous; fore- legs striped with black; hind-hips armed with spines : wings long and rather narrow: fore-wings much longer than the hind-wings, ferruginous, reddish beneath for three-fourths of the length from the base, marked here and there with brown, adorned with lawny spots along the fore border and towards the tips, and having a waved LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS, 277 black stripe extending- along the whole length of the disk ; from the middle of this stripe a short slightly oblique black band passes to the hind border: hind-wings bright red, streaked with black along the veins, blackish-brown towards the tips, near which there are two or three colourless and sometimes confluent spots on the hind border, the latter is slightly concave at the termination of the red part ; cross-veins much more numerous and more distinct towards the tips than towards the base. Length of the body 12 lines ; of the wings 40 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 16. Aph.ena scutellaris. Aphana scutellaris, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, xvii. 330. No horn on the head : fore-wings of moderate breadth, not much longer than the hind-wings: thorax with a ridge. This de- scription will also apply to the ten following species, a — d. Borneo, From Mr. Low's collection, e. ? Presented by the Entomological Club, 17. Aphana Saundersii. Aphana Saundersii, A. scutellaris, var. Saundersii, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, xvii. 330. a — e. India. Presented by W. W. Saunders, Esq. 18. Aph.exa leucostictica. Aphana leucostictica. White, Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 37. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 19, Aphana atomaria. Aphana atomaria, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii, 1, 167, 3, Lystra atomaria, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 57, 4. Germ. Thou, Arch. ii. 2, 52, 7. a. N. India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. h. Java. From the East hidia Company's collection. c, d. ? c3 27'6 LIST OF HOMOPTEROOS INSECTS. 20. APHiENA VARIEGATA. Apbgeua variegata, Guer. Voy. Belamjer, Zool. 455. Regn. Anim. Ins. pi. 58, f. 3. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 247, 4. Aphaiia variegata, Amijot et Sen. Hist. Nat. Hem. 497, 1. Pentbiciis variegatus, Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 171. Hem. pi. 12, f. 4. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 21. Aph^na pulchea. Lystra pulchra, G. R. Gray., Grijf. Ed. Anim. Kingd. Ins. ii. 260. pi. 90, Lb. 22. Aph^na Caja, Mas. Flavo-fusca ; metalhorax et abdomen rufa, hnjus discus niger ; pedes fusci viridi vitlati ; alee basi nifce ; alo: anticce fulvcs ; basim versus lutece viridi maculates, apices virides subfasciatce ; alee posticce lutece, basi nigro maculatce, apice fuscce albo guttatce. Body yellovvisli brown : bead and sbield of ibe cbest somewbat reticulated ; tbe former ridged across in front : moutb brown, ex- tending far beyond tbe bind-bips : bind-cbest red: abdomen brigbt red ; disk black, witb tbe exception of tbe bind borders of tbe seg- ments ; legs brown, streaked wilb green: wings red at tbe base: fore-wings tawny luteous, wilb olive-green sj)ols towards tbe base, towards tbe tip olive-green wilb a pale green irregular and indefinite band : bind-wings luteous, adorned witb wbite dots ; tbese are mostly near tbe tip, whicb is brown ; towards tbe base are live black spots, tbree of wbich are near ibe bind border. Length of tbe body S\ lines; of the wings 24 lines. a, Silhet. From Mr. Stainfortb's collection. 23. ApHiENA BAsiRLTA, Mas. Fusca ; metathorax et abdomen rufa, hoc subtus nigrum ; pedes nigri ; femora et tibits Jlavo varice ; alee anticce virides fusco guttata: et niaculatce, albo bhnaculatce, ad costam fulvce ; alee posticce lutece, nigro et albo maculatce, basi rufce, apice itigro- fuscce cceruleo inaculatce. Body brown: crown of tbe bead surrounded by a ridge which encloses a single compartment ; under side slightly ridged, finely LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS, 279 furrowed : moulh brown : a single ridg'e on the shield of the chest : three ridges on the scutcheon ; the side pair curved and inclosing a semicircle, of which the middle one is the radius: hind-chest red : abdomen bright red above, black beneath ; legs black, furrowed ; thighs and shanks marked with yellow ; hind-shanks armed with spines: fore-wings olive-green, adorned with very numerous dark brown dots and spots, vvhich are partly confluent towards the tip ; fore border tawny from the base to half the length, beyond which there is a nearly square white spot, and the hind^border has a corres- ponding white spot: hind-wings luteous, red at the base and along the inner border, adorned with about twelve black spots and dots and with four white dots, blackish-brown along the hind border and towards the tip, near which there is an irregular blue spot. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 25 lines. a, b. Silhet. From Mr. Stainforth's collection. 24. Aph^na Io. Mas. Flavo-fusca , caput et mesothnrax nigro punctata ; abdomen rufum, fusco fasciatum, lateribus nigro vittatum, subtus nigro macu- latum ; pedes nigri ; femora et tibice nigro fasciatcc ; alee anti- cce Jlavo-fuscce nigra varice, apice albido maculatie alee postica lutece nigra alboque 7iiaculatce, basi rufce, apice tiigrce cceruleo maculatcc. Nearly allied to A. Confucius, but distinguished by the hind- wings, which have some white dots in the disk, and a blue spot on each bkck tip. Body yellowish-brown : head and middle-chest punctured with black, ridged as usual: mouth brown, as Inng as the body : hind-chest red : abdomen bright red ; underside spotted with black, having a black stripe along each side, and a brown hind border to each segment: legs black; thighs and shanks adorned with irregular yellow bands ; hind-shanks armed with spines : fore- wings yellowish brown with numerous black marks which are con- fluent and form a black spot at the tip of the hind border; this spot has a yellowish white spot adjoining : hind-wings luteous, red at the base and along the inner border, adorned with about twelve black spots and with four white spots, brown along the hiiul border, termi- nating in a very large black spot which has a blue disk. Length of the body 8 lines ; ol the wings 22 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 280 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 25. Aph.ena albiflos, Fern. Viridis, subtus riifa; caput supra fidvum ; pedes ferruginei ; fe- mora rufa ; alee anticcB nigrcB^viridi notata, apice ferruginece ; alaposticce fusca, cyaneo-viridi maculat(B, apicibus marginibus- que posticis alba. Body green above, bright red beneath : crown of the head tawny, indistinctly ridged along the border ; face slightly ridged: mouth red with a black tip, nearly as long as the body : a concavity corres- ponding to the eye on each side of the fore border of the shield, the fore part of whose side borders is black ; hind border tawny ; longi- tudinal ridge almost obsolete : abdomen obconical, much longer than the chest, thickly clothed with white down : legs ferruginous, furrowed ; thighs red ; hind-shanks slightly spined : fore-wings black, adorned with numerous little green marks ; reticulated part ferruginous : hind-wings brown, adorned wtth bluish-green spots, white at the tips and along the hind border. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 26 lines. a. Malabar Coast. Presented by T. Ward, Esq. 26. ApH^NA Confucius. Aphana Confucius, White, Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii. 24. a. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. 27. Aphjena dives, Mas. Ferruginea^ metathorax et abdomen nigra, hoc subtus rufum ; pedes nigri ; femora postica fusca ; alee virides ; alee anticce fusco guttata, croceo subvittatce, apice fuscce ; alee postica fusco ma- culatce, apice albo-cinerea marginibus posticis alba. Body dark ferruginous : disk of the crown of the head rather concave : borders slightly ridged ; fore border slightly inclined up- ward : mouth dark brown, extending far beyond the hind-hips: shield of the middle-chest with a slight longitudinal furrow ; fore border very undulating : a black band along the fore border of the scut- cheon : hind-chest l)lack : abdomen obconical, larger than the chest, black above, thickly clothed with white down, red beneath: legs black, furrowed; thighs brown; hind-shanks armed with spines: fore-wings green, adorned between the veins with orange streaks, which are interrupted by very numerous brown dots, the latter are LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 281 sometimes confluent; a tawny sli<^htly curved band separates this part from the reticulated tips, which are brown witli tawny veins : hind-wings green with nnmerous brown spots, gray mingled with white towards the tips, white along the inner border. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Malabar Coast. Presented by T. Ward, Esq. Var. ? Flavn-fusca, subtiis rufa ; metathorax niger ; abdomen ru- fum, nigra fasciatiim ; pedes nigri, femora rufa ; alic anticce Jlaiida, fusco notatce ; apice fiavo-fuscce ; alee posticce fiiscce, maculis suhlbnpidis var ice. A recurved horn on the head : wings of moderate size ; fore- wings not much longer than the hind-wings : their tips obtuse. Body yellowish-brown, red beneath : crown of the head slightly ridged and furrowed; front rather prominent, furnished with a slender, black, linear, furrowed horn which is inclined backward nearly to the hind border of the shield: mouth ferruginous with a darker tip extend- ing nearly to the tip of ths abdomen : an excavation partly inclosing the eye on each side of the front of the shield, the fore part of whose side borders is black : hind-chest mostly black : abdomen red, nearly elHptical, a little longer than the chest; a black band across each segment above : legs black, furrowed ; thighs red ; hind-shanks armed with spines: fore-wings pale dingy yellow, adorned with very numerous brown marks; reticulated part yellowish -brown : hind- wings bro\vn, with many almost colourless spots which are partly confluent ; hind border almost colourless ; tip pale brown. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. East India. 28. Aph-ena torrida, Mas. Rufa, subtus fulva ; prothorax et scutum flavo bimaculata, kujus discus nigricans ; abdomen lateribus ventreqv£ fiavum ; pedes rufi., tarsi nigri ; alee fiavo-fusccB, basi rufce ; alee anticce fulvo subvittatcB. Body red, lawny beneath : crown of the head surrounded by a ridge, which is highest in front, and is imperfectly divided into two compartments, the middle ridge not extending to the fore border ; front with six longitudinal ridges, between which are many little furrows : a longitudinal ridge on the epistoma : mouth tawny with a black tip extending far beyond the hind-hips : shield of the chest transversely rugulose, deeply ridged in front and along tlie middle, on each side of which it is concave and has a large yellow spot : scutcheon much sculptured, blackish with two yellow spots in front : 282 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. abdomen obconical, longer than the chest, yellow on each side and beneath: legs red, farrowed; feet black; hind-shanks armed with spines : fore-wings yellowish-brown, red towards the base ; a tawny interval between the red and the brown part ; reticulated part occu- pying more than half the length of the wing: hind-wings lurid, bright red towards the base. Length of the body 10 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Kichardson. 29. Aph^ena morosa. Aphaena ? morosa, Westwood, MSS. P Mas. Fulva ; abdomen nigro varium ; pedes ferruginei ; alee an- ticcB virides, fulvo maculata, ad costam maculis quadratisjia- vis ornatcB, apice nigrcB ; alee posticcB ruf(e, apice nigra. Body tawny, short and stout : crown of the head surrounded by a ridge, somewhat pointed in front ; face slightly rugulose, not ridged: moulh ferruginous, with a black tip extending to the hind- hips : shield of the middle-chest not ridged : abdomen partly black, broader but not longer than the chest : legs ferruginous ; anterior shanks slightly widened; hind-shanks armed with spines : fore-wings green, adorned with many tawny spots and along the fore border with five quadrilateral yellow spots ; reticulated part black ; veins tawny: hind-wings bright red with black tips. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 18 lines, a, b. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 30. APHiENA delicatula. Aphana delicatula, White, Ann, Nat. Hist. xv. 37. a, b. Canton. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. 31. APHiENA OIPERIALIS. Aphana imperialis, Wiite, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1846, xvii. 330. a. Silhet. From the Kev. J. Stainforth's collection. Genus 2. EPISCIUS. Episcius, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 249. Flata, Germar. Fulgora, Westivood. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 283 1. Episcius Gueeinii. Episcius Guerinii, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 252, pi. 13, f, 2, Amrjot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 495, 1. Flala platyrhina, Germ. Than, Arch. ii. 2, 46. Fulgora pfatyrhina, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 148, 26, pi 12 f. 11. a. East India. 2. Episcius ? amabilis. Fulgora (Episcius.^) amabilis, Westiv. Ann. Nat. Hist. ix. 118. Ar- cana Ent. 89, pi. 71, f. 1. This species seems allied to Pyrops and Enchophora. Genus 3. DILOBURA. Dilobura, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 254. 1. Dilobura Spinol.e. Dilobura Spinola?, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 494, 1. D. corticina, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 256, pi. 14, f. 1. Brazil. 2. Dilobura subocellata. Dilobura subocellata, Westw. Arc. Ent. Note. pi. 71. Brazil. Genus 4. OMALOCEPHALA. Omalocephala, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 261. Fulgora, Fabr. Cercopis, Fabr. 1. Omalocephala festiva. Omalocephala festiva, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 261, 1. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 493, 1. 284 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Fulgora festiva, Fahr. Ent. Syst. iv. 517. SysL Rhyn. 4, 17. Do- nov. Ins. Ind. Hem. pi. 1, f. 2. a — c. East India. 2. OilALOCEPHALA CIXCTA. Omalocephala cincta, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 262, 2. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 493, 2. Cercopis cincta, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 90, 9. Senegal. 3. Omalocephala? planirostris. Fulgora planirostris, Donov. Neiv Holl. Hemipt. pi. 1, f. 1. New Holland. Genus 5. CYRENE. Cyrene, Westiv. Arc. Ent. ii. 35. 1. CVRENE GUTTULATA. Cyrene guttulata, Westw. Arc. Ent. ii. 35, pi. 57, f. 3, 3a. a. Java. From Mr, Argent's collection. Genus 6. ODONTOPTERA. Odontoptera, Carreno, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. x. 275. 1. Odontoptera spectabilis. Odontoptera spectabilis, Carreno, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. x. 277, pi. v. No. 2. 2. Odontopteea Carrenonis. Odontoptera Carrenonis, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2 Ser. vii. 177, pi. 6. Genus 7. RHINORTHA. Omalocephala affinis : caput conicum. Distinguished from Omalocephala by the shape of the head, which is flattened and conical in front. LIST OP HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS- 285 1. Rhinortha guttata, Mas. Cervina, nigro quatiiordecim-guttata ; pectus albidum ; pedes fulvi ; alajlavo-fuscce, basi rnfce, ad costam virides. Body pale fawn-colour, nearly flat above, bufi" beneath ; head flat, conical, longer than the shield of the chest, adorned above with four black dots, the inner pair of which are in advance of the outer pair ; a ridge above, along each side and along the front which forms a thin edge: mouth pale fawn-colour with a ferruginous tip, reach- ing beyond the hind-hips : eyes brownish, adorned with five yellow bands: feelers yellow: shield adorned with four black dots, the middle pair larger and slightly in advance of the outer pair : scut- cheon with ten black dots, six along the fore border and two along each side : breast whitish : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest : legs pale tawny, darker towards the tips ; claws black : wings yellowish-brown, red towards the base ; veins and fore border green. Length of the body 9 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. o. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. b. Pupa ? Zoolu, South Africa. Presented by G. F. Angas, Esq. Genus 8. LYSTRA. Lystra, Fabr. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 263. Cicada, Linn. Druri/, Sulzer. Cicada (Deflexa), Gmelin. Fulgora, Olivier. 1. Lystra lanata. Lystra lanata, Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 52, 2. 3Iag. Ent. iii. 226, 1 Dumeril, Cons. Gen. Ins. i. 219, pi. 38, f. 5. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 164, 1. Gen. Ins. 1. Rhyn. Cic. Fidg. Lt/st. 6. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 265, 1. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 172, 1. Amgot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 499, 1. Cicada lanata, Limil Si/st. Nat. i. 2, 711, 42. 3Ius. Lud. Ulr. 163, 10. Druri/y Ins. ii. pi. 37, f. 3. Sulz. Hist. Lis. pi. 9, f. 11. Stoll, Cic. 46, pi. 9, f. 49. Gmel. Ed. Sijst. Nat. i. 4,21 13, 42. Fulgora lanata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 573. 32. Var. Lystra morio, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii, 1, Gen. Ins. I. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. Lyst. 4. a. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. c—j. Brazil. D 286 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2. Lystra pdlverulenta. Lystra pulvemlenta, Btirm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 165, 2. Gen. Ins. 1. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. Lyst. 5. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 266, 2. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 172, 2, Hem. pi. 13, f. 2. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 499, 2. Crochard's Ed. Regne Anim. Ins. pi. 97, f. 2. L. lanata, Fair. Syst. Rhyn. 56, 2. Stoll, Cic. 47, pi. 10, f. 50. Germ. Than, Arch. ii. 2, 52, 2. Cicada lanata, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 324, 12. Mant. Ins. ii. 268, 13, Ent. Syst. iv. 30, 16. Fulgora pulvenilenta, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 573, 33. a. South America. 3. Lystra dimidiata. Lystra dimidiata, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 133, 22, pi. 12, f. 4. Silhet. 4. Lystra punicea. Lystra punicea, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 133, 23, pi. 12, f. 5. Silhet. 5. Lystra Westwoodii. Lystra Westwoodii, Parry, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 21, 133, pi. 12, f. 3. Silhet. 6. Lystra costata. Lystra costata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 59, 10. Stoll, Cic. 35, pi. 6, f. 30. Btirm. Gen. Ins. i. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. Lyst. 3. South America. 7. Lystra multiguttata. Lystra multiguttata, JBtirm. Gen. Ins. 1. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. Lyst. Brazil. 8. Lystra cruenta. Lystra cruenta, Burm. Gen. Ins. 1. Rhyn. Cic. Fulg. Lyst. 1. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 287 9. Lystra crocea, Mas. Fusca, fulvo et viridi varia, rufo guttata, suhtus crocea ; abdomen nigrum, fiavo bivittatum ; opercula crocea ; pedes nigri, fiavo fasciati, femora anteriora lutea ; aim anticcB fusca viridi ma- culatce ; ahe posticce virides,margine fusca albo-guttala ornatce. Body brown, hairy, with tawny dots : crown of the head greenish- yellow, adorned with red dots, forming on its fore side a prominent edge which is slightly concave and has an angle on each side ; face greenish with red dots towards the fore border, having a longitudinal ridge, and on each side an oblique ridge which proceeds from the angle; there are two other ridges towards the epistoma which has a spindle-shaped tawny stripe on its disk, and a green ridge along each side : mouth black, extending to the tip of the abdomen : eyes pro- minent: shield of the chest with a longitudinal ridge which is en- closed in a greenish-yellow red-dotted stripe, the latter widens over the disk of the scutcheon, and there it sends forth two tawny branches on each side which is adorned with a tawny spot ; hind- chest with transverse greenish-tawny ridges ; under side saffron- colour ; abdomen black, obconical, a little shorter than the chest, adorned above with saffron-coloured plates, and with a yellow stripe along each side: legs black, hairy, furrowed; shanks and hind- thighs adorned with yellow bands ; anterior thighs luteous with black tips ; hind-shanks armed with spines : fore-wings brown, adorned with numerous olive-green spots and dots, some of which are confluent and form an oblique stripe ; they are scarce towards the tips : hind-wings pale sea-green with a broad brown border which includes a few white dots. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 23 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 10. Lystra terebrifera, Mas. Nigra, fulvo varia, subtus rufo maculata ; abdomen fulvum ; pedes nigri, femora antica basi rufa; alee fusca. Body black : crown of the head tawny, forming on its fore side a prominent edge which is slightly concave and has an angle on each side ; face tawny towards the fore border, having a longitudinal ridge, and on each side an oblique ridge which proceeds from the angle ; there are two other ridges towards the epistoma which has also a longitudinal tawny ridge : mouth black, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen : eyes prominent : shield of the chest dull, shghtly rugulose, with a longitudinal ridge which is enclosed in a D 2 288 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. greenish-yellow stripe; the latter widens overtlie disk of the scutcheon which is slightly ridged on each side; underside adorned on each side with two red spots and with two red oblique stripes which are grooved for the reception of the anterior thighs towards the base : hind-chest transversely ridged : abdomen tawny above with the ex- ception of the base, a little longer and broader than the chest : legs black, furrowed, anterior hips and the base of the anterior thighs red ; hind-shanks armed with spines : fore-wings dark brown ; reti- culated part paler, divided from the other region by an indistinct greenish-white band which is mostly developed on the hind border : hind-wings dark brown, paler towards the base, grayish along the hind border. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 23 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Genus 9. PAIULYSTRA. Paralystra, White, Ann. and Mag. Zool. and Bot. xviii. 25. 1. Paealystra Emma. Paralystra Emma, White, Ann. and May. Zool. and Bot. xviii. 25' pi. 1, f. 2. a. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. Genus 10. CALYPTOPROCTUS. Calyptoproctus, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 266. Fulgora, Olivier. Lystra, Perty. Poeocera, Burmeister, Schaum. 1. Calyptoproctus lystroides. Calyptoproctus lystroides. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. x. 269, I, pi. 12, f. 5. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 501, 1. Var. Sequentis ? 2. Calyptoproctus elegans. Calyptoproctus elegans, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 269, 2. Fulgora elegans, Oliv. Enc. Meth. x. 576, 36. Stoll, Cic. 81, pi. 21, f. 111. Pceocera elegans, Bunn. Handb. Ent. ii. 165. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. h. Venezuela. From Mr, Dyson's collection. LIST OF HOMOFTEROUS INSECTS. 289 3. Calyptoproctus lugubris. Calyploproctus lugubris, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 270, 3. Lystra lugubris, Perly, Del. An. Art. 177, pi. 33, f. 5. Brazil. 4. Calyptoproctus marmoratus. Calyptoproctus marmoratus. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 271, 4. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 501, 2. North America. 5. Calyptoproctus luctuosus. Calyptoproctus luctuosus, Spiji. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 272, 5. 6. Calyptoproctus heteroscelis. Calyptoproctus heteroscelis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 273, 6. Lystra heteroscelis, Lefebvre, MSS. Lystra tibialis ? Germar. Brazil. Genus 11. POLYDICTYA. Polydictya, Guerin, Icon, dii Regne Anim. Texte, Ins. 358. Eurybrachys, Hope. Lystra, Westicood, Signoret. Aphaua, Schaum. 1. POLYDYCTVA BASALTS. Polydictya basalis, Guer. Icon. Regn. Anim. Texte, Ins. 359. Eurybrachys l)asalis, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 134, pi. 12, f. 6. fl, b. Silhet, From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection, c, d. Silhet. From Mr. Argent's collection. d3 290 LIST OF HOxMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 2. PoLYDiCTYA TEicoLOR ? Mas ct Feni. Lystra tricolor? Westw. Arc. Ent. ii. 35, pi. 57, f. 4, Rufa^ nigra fasciata viridi varia ; pedes rufi ; alee aniic(B fusccB basi straminece nigro maculatce ; alee posticce rufce apicefusca. Body bright red, smooth, shining : head dull tawny, tinged with green, narrower than the thorax ; crown short, somewhat exca- vated, surrounded by a ridge, having a brown spot on each side ; front large, flat, scutcheon-shaped, with large shallow excavations along each side, in the female reticulated with green on the fore border and along each side, which is green ; face and epistoraa black in the male, green with a red disk in the female : mouth tawny, extending a little beyond the hind-hips : fore-chest having in front a black band Avhich is broader in the male than in the female ; scut- cheon of the middle-chest black, excavated and red along the hind border : hind-chest rather large, slightly excavated, with a rim along the hind border, black in the male : abdomen nearly linear, not longer than the chest, dark olive-green towards the base in the male: legs red, furrowed; hind-shanks armed with spines: fore-wings brown, pale straw-colour for near half the length from the base, adorned w^ith six black spats ; three of these form an interrupted band near the base ; the other three are in a transverse line on the middle of the pale part, the middle one is wanting in the left wing of the male ; a straw-coloured spot on the brown part rather beyond the middle of the fore border: hind-wings bright red, brown towards the tips ; veins pale. Length of the body 6 — 8 lines ; of the wings 18— 22 lines. a. Malabar Coast. Presented by T. Ward, Esq. b. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 3. POLYDICTYA? PUNCTATA. Lystra punctata, Signoret, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, viii. pi. 2,1. Genus 12. POIOCERA. Poiocera, De Laporte, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. i. 221. Cicada, Fabr. Lystra, Fabr., Germar, Perti/, Guerin, IVestivood. Fulgora, Olivier. Poeocera, Biirmeister, Amyot et Serville, Schaion. Cladodipteryx ? Westwood. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 291 1. PoiOCERA FLAVOPUNCTATA. PcGOcej-a flavopunclata, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 279, 4. Lystra flavopunctata, Perly, Del. An. Art. 176, pi. 35, f. 4. In this species the fore-wings are much longer than the hind- wings. a. Brazil. h, c. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 2. PoiOCERA PERSPICILLATA. Pceocera pevspicillata, Bimn. Handh. Ent. ii. 2, 165, 1. Blanch, Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 171. Hem. PI. 13, f. 1. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. his. Hem. 500, 1. Poiocera perspicillata, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 277, 1. Lystra perspicillata, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 59, 13, 2. Stoll^ Cic. 19, pi. 1, f. 5. Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 227, 2. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 00, 27. L. luctuosa? Guer. Voy. de la Coquille, 188. Cicada perspicillata, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 322, 1, Mant. Ins. ii. 268, 1. Ent. Syst. iv. 27, 1. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2104, 115. C. atrata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 31, 19. Fulgora perspicillata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 574, 34. In this, and most of the following species, the fore-wings are not much longer than the hind-wings. a — e. Brazil. 3. PoiOCERA OBSCURA, MSS. Poiocera obscura, var. perspicillata? MSS. a. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. 4. PoiOCERA MACULATA. Poiocera maculata, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 278, 2. Pceocera maculata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hhn. 500, 2. Lystra maculata, Guer. Voy. de la Coquille, 187. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. ft, c. Brazil. 292 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 5. POIOCERA PALLIDA. Poiocera pallida, Spin. An. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 279, 3. Lystra pallida, Guer. Voij. de la Coquille, 188. Brazil. 6. POIOCEEA LUCZOTI. Poiocera Luczoti, De Lap. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. i. 222, pi. 6, f. 1. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 279, 5. Bahia. 7. Poiocera Servillei. Poiocera Servillei, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 280, 6. Lystra Servillei, Giar. Voy. Coquille, Ins. 187, pi. 10, f. 8. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. b. Brazil. 8. Poiocera picta. Lystra picta, Germar. Brazil. 9. Poiocera spilota. Lystra spilota, Gerinar. Brazil. 10. Poiocera lepida. Poiocera lepida. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 281, 7. Brazil. 11. Poiocera Dian^. Lystra Dianee, Germ. Brazil. 12. Poiocera conspersa. Lystra conspersa, Germar. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 293 13. PoiOCEEA FLAYIVENTRIS. Lystra flaviveiitris, Germnr. Brazil. 14. PoiOCERA TIBIALIS. Lystra tibialis, Germar. Calyptoproctus lieteroscelis ? Spinola. Brazil. 15. PoiOCERA DICHROA. Lystra dichroa, Germ. Brazil. 16. PoiOCERA TURCA. Cicada tnrca, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 40, 56. Plata turca, Fahr. Sijst. Rhijn. 51, 26. Lystra turca, Germ. Brazil. 17. PoiOCERA SPECULARIS. Lystra specularis. Germ. StoU, Cic. S7, pi. 23, f. 123. Surinam. 18. PoiOCERA ? COCCINEA. Fulgora coccinea, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 565, 574, 38. Stoll., (.ir. 119, pi. 29, f. 172. Lystra coccinea, Germar. Cape. ? 19. PoiOCERA VENOSA. Lystra venosa, Germar. Brazil. 294 LIST OF IIOMOPTEROUS INSECTS 20. POIOCERA MINIACEA. Lystia miniacea, Germar. Brazil. 21. PoiOCERA COMBUSTA, Lystra combusta, JVestw. Arc. Ent. pi. 71, f. 2. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 22. PoiOCERA ARROSA. Poeocera arrosa, Blanch. Voy. d'Orb. pi. 31, f, 1. Bolivia. 23. PoiOCERA OLIVACEA. Poeocera olivacea, Blanch. Voy. d'Orb. pi. 31, f. 2. Bolivia. 24. PoiOCERA PORPHYREA. Poiocera porphyrea, Erichson, Schonih. Reisen. Ill, p. 14. British Guiana. 25. PoiOCERA ? LIMBATA. Fulgora limbata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. Stoll, Cic. pi. 29, f. 119, 171 Cape. 26. PoiOCERA? FULIGINOSA. Fulgora fuliginosa, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. Lystra fuliginosa, Germar. North America. LIST OF HOIIOPTEROUS INSECTS, 295 27. PoiocEKA UNDATA, Fein. Nigra ^ ferrmjineo varia ; abdomen apice rufum^ suhtus fulvum ; opercida fulva ; pedes nigri ; femora ferrugineo vittata ; alee anticm viridi-nigr^^ apice fmcce, fascia undatajiava ornat(S ; alee postica nigrce, alba maculntce et fasciatce. Body black : crown of the head short and broad, surrounded by a ferruginous ridge ; face rather rugulose, surrounded by a slight ridge, and having three ridges in its disk, the side pair oblique and waved: mouth extending far beyond the hind hips: eyes pro- minent: shield of the chest with a ferruginous ridge which sends forth a branch along a suture to each side, where it widens into a large ferruginous spot; the ridge is continued along the scutcheon, which has an undulating ferruginous ridge on each side of its disk, and the ridges of its border are partly ferruginous: hind-chest black, ridged across : abdomen hlack, short-elliptical, a little longer and broader than the chest, bright red towards the tip, tawny beneath ; opercula tawny : legs black, furrowed ; a ferruginous stripe beneath each thigh ; hind-shanks armed with spines : wings partly red at the base : fore-wings greenish black, brown at the tips, adorned with a yellow, undulating band ; veins ferruginous, 'green- ish tawny towards the tips, much reticulated along the whole length ; cross-veins bright green, bordered with white: hind wings black, with two white spots near the base, and with a very broad white band near the tip which is brown ; veins black. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 28. PoiOCERA MULTIFARIA, MaS. Fulva ; scutelli latera nigro quadrimaculata ; abdominis latera fulva albo-guttata ; pedes fulvi, tibice anteriores nigro macu- late ; alcB anticte fiisca viridirnaculata apice fulvte ; alee pos- ticce nigro fuscce macula limpida subapicaii ornata. Body tawny, slightly shining, finely rugulose: head nearly as broad as the chest, its breadth more than twice its length ; crown short, slightly curved, surrounded by a ridge ; front broad, short, flat, thinly clothed with short tawny hairs, angular on each side ; face with two indistinct longitudinal ridges, and with a more dis- tinct transverse ridge near the epistoma: mouth tawny with a black tip, reaching a little beyond the hind hips : fore-chest curved, tinged with green and brown, having a slight transverse depression on each side near the fore border : scutcheon of the middle-chest 296 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. depressed, pointed, adorned on each side with four Llack spots : ab- domen black, sliojhtly keeled above, a little broader, but hardly longer than the chest, adorned with a very broad luteous stripe on each side from half the length to the tip ; a slender luteous stripe along the dorsal keel ; a row of black spots along each side ; hind borders of the segments tawny : legs tawny, furrowed ; knees mostly green ; anterior shanks with black spots ; hind-shanks armed with spines : wings bright red at the base : fore wings pale brown, adorned for two-thirds of the length from the base with numerous green dots, and along the fore border with green spots, tawny, with a reddish band, and with paler spots tow'ards the tip ; veins mostly tawny : hind-wings very dark brown, grayish along the hind border, adorned with a large colourless spot near the tip ; veins black. Length of the body 8^ lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. ? From Mr. Shuckard's collection. 29. POIOCERA SATELLITIA, MaS. Fulvo-viridis ; metathorax niger ; abdomen rufum ; opercida fulva ; pedes nigro-fusci, viridi vittati, tibiis, tarsisque posticis fer- rugineis; alee anticte virides, Jlavo maculatcB, apice viridi, fiavce suhhyalince nigro quinque-maculatce ; alee posticcB nigrce fascia arcnata alba ornatce. Body green, mingled with tawny, transversely rugulose : crown of the head very short ; face divided by a distinct suture from the epistoma : moiilh ferruginous, extending to half the distance be- tween the hind-hips and the tip of the abdomen : shield of the chest with a longitudinal ridge which is forked towards the fore border and unites with the transverse wrinkles : three ridges on the scut- cheon, the side pair waved : hind-chest black, ridged across : abdo- men obconical, bright red, a little longer than the chest, black at the base and on each side of a deep longitudinal ridge; opercula tawny: legs blackish-brown, furrowed, slightly streaked with green ; hind- shanks and hind-feet ferruginous ; hind-shanks armed with spines : fore-wings green, adorned with numerous yellow spots and dots ; re- ticulated part very pale greenish-yellow, almost transparent, adorned with five black spots ; veins yellow and green : hind-wings black, brown towards the tips, adorned with a curved white band, which does not reach the hind border ; veins black, bluish-green towards the base and on some parts of the hind border. Length of the body 7 lines; of the wings 19 lines. a, b. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. r ? LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 297 30. PoiOCERA BASISTELLA, Fcm. Viridi-ferruginea; metathorax piceus ; abdomen piceum ; suhtus fulinim, apice luteum ; pedes fulvi^ viridi et fusco varii ; alee antic(B fusca^ flavu maculaice, hasi et ad costam virides ; alee posticcB nigro-fusca;. Body ferruginous, slightly shining, finely rugulose, tinged with dull dark green : head much narrower than the chest : its breadth more than twice its length : crown short, slightly curved, surrounded by a ridge ; Iront flat, very rugulose, with three ridges, the side pair curved and oblique ; epistoma slightly keeled : mouth tawny, extend- ing far beyond the hind-hips: fore-chest widened in front, angular on each side, with a short ridge along the middle : scutcheon of the middle-chest bordered with a slight ridge, which is most distinct on each side of the angle at the tip ; three ridges on the disk, the side pair curved : hind-chest pitchy : abdomen pitchy, nearly linear, tawny beneath, luteous towards the tip, a little broader but hardly longer than the chest : legs tawny, furrowed, tinged with green and brown ; feet mostly brown ; hind-shanks armed with spines : fore- wings dark brown, green at the base and along two-thirds of the fore border, adorned in the disk with yellow dots, and towards the base with yellow spots which are partly confluent : veins lawny, green or yellow where the wings are so coloured, white in the disk beyond the middle : hind-wings dark brown, blackish-brown towards the base ; veins black Length of the body 6 — 8 lines ; of the wings 20 — 23 lines. a, h. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection, c, d. ? 31. PoiocERA DivisA, Mas. Fulva, nigro maculata et fasciata ; metathuracis latera rufa ; abdo- men rufum, maculis nigris quadvittatiim, subtiis Jiavum ; pedes Jtavi nigro vittati ; alee Hmpida, basi rufce^ apice subfiiscce^alce antica nigra fuse iatce. Body tawny, finely rugulose ; head much narrower than the chest ; crown very short, somewhat concave, surrounded by a ridge, with a narrow black band in its disk ; face adorned with a black band be- tween the eyes and with many black spots, and having three longi- tudinal ridges, of which the side pair converge slightly towards the fore border ; the latter is somewhat concave ; a black band on the distinct suture between the face and the epistoma, the latter has two irregular brown stripes ; mouth tawny ; extending a little beyond E 298 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS IKSECTS. the hind-hips : shield of the chest adorned with numerous black spots, surrounded by a ridge, and divided by a longitudinal ridge into two compartments ; scutcheon spotted with black, having two curved oblique ridges, which unite on the fore border and form a semicircle : sides of the hind-chest bright red : abdomen short-ellip- tical, bright red, a little longer and broader than the chest, blackish at the base, and having four rows of blackish spots, and near the tip two large black spots ; underside yellow : legs yellow, furrowed, striped with black ; knees bright red ; tips of the feet black ; hind- shanks armed with spines : fore- wings bright red for full two-thirds of the length from the base, colourless from thence to the tips, which are slightly tinged with brown ; a slender curved black band divides the fore part of the red from the colourless region ; longitudinal veins black, strongly marked, including numerous dull green irre- gular cross-veins ; veins of the colourless part bright green, distinct and regular: hind-wings colourless, tinged with pale brown at the tips, bright red towards the base, blackish about the hind angle of the base and on some part of the adjoining hind border; veins fer- ruginous, here and there blackish. Length of the body 5 — 6 lines ; of the wings 14 — 16 lines. a, h. ? c. ? From Mr. Shuckard's collection. 32. PoiocERA VENOSA, Mas. Fusca^ fulvo guttata ; metathorax niger ; abdomen rufum, maculis nigris quadrivittatnm ; pedes nigrifulvo maculati; alee antioB ftiscte, albido viaculata, alcB posticce cinerece^ basifusco cyaneo- que maculatce. Body brown, finely rugulose, adorned with numerous tawny dots : crown of the head very short, surrounded by a ridge which is tawny on the hind border, yellow on the fore border, the latter is slightly convex ; face parted by a distinct suture from the epistoma, having three ridges, the side pair are oblique and very indistinct : mouth black, reaching the hind-hips: shield of the chest with a broad but indistinct cross furrow, and a slight longitudinal ridge, which is continued on the scutcheon : hind-chest black with ferru- ginous transverse ridges : abdomen slightly obconical, not longer than the chest, brilliant red, adorned with four rows of black spots, black at the base and beneath : legs black, furrowed, adorned with yellow spots and with numerous yellow dots ; hind-shanks anned with spines ; hind-feet brown with black tips : fore-wings brown with numerous dingy white spots ; longitudinal veins ferruginous; cross- LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 299 veins very numerous, tawny and irregular for two-thirds of the length from the base, yellow and regular from thence to the tips : hind-wings pale gray, dark brown for more than one-third of the length from the base, brown at the tip ; a blue spot on each near the base ; veins dark brown. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 14 lines. 33. POIOCERA RUFIFASCIA, MaS. Nigra; caput et mesothorax fiavo-fusca ; abdomen nigra vittatiun et fasciatum, laterihus ventreque jiavum ; pedes nigri ; tibice Jiavo bifasciatcB ; alee fuse ce ; alcB anticce rubra fasciatce, basi subferruginem ; alee posticm apices versus limpidce. Body black: head and middle-chest brown, somewhat lawny along the borders : crown of the head surrounded by a ridge, and having a small tubercle on each side of the disk ; face rather rugu- lose, divided by a slight transverse ridge from the epistoma: mouth dark brown, extending far beyond the hind-hips : middle-chest somewhot rugulose: hind-chest black, ridged transversely and ob- liquely: abdomen slightly obconical, broader but not longer than the thorax, yellow above, and on each side beneath ; a longitudinal ridge, and the hind border of each segment black : legs black, fur- rowed ; two yellow bands on each shank; hind-shanks armed with spines ; fore-wings brown, somewhat ferruginous and having green veins towards the base, adorned with a slender crimson band, beyond which is the reticulated part where the veins are brown : hind-wings dark brown, adorned with sea-green or whitish veins, colourless to- wards the tips whose borders are pale brown. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 34. PoiOCEKA RUBRIVITTA, MaS. Nigro-fusca ; scutelli latera ferruginea ; abdomen vittis duabus rufis nigro-maculatis ornatum ; pedes nigri ; alee antica; nigrce fidvo maculatce, basi rufcB ; aUc posticce fuscce, basi ruf(s,apice lim- pidce. Body blackish-brown, finely rugulose : crown of the head very short, surrounded by a ridge ; face parted from the epistoma by a distinct suture, having an indistinct longitudinal ridge : moiith black, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen : an indistinct longitudinal ridge on the shield ; scutcheon ferruginous on each E 2 300 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. side ; hind-chest black with transverse ridges, which are partly ferru- ginous or red: abdomen black, nearly square, a little broader but not longer than the chest, adorned along each side with a very bril- liant red stripe, and with a row of black spots which are more or less confluent with the black disk : legs black, furrowed : wings red at the base : fore-wings black, adorned with numerous tawny spots ; those towards the tips are nearly colourless : veins tawny, paler to- wards the tips : hind-wings dark brown for half the length from the base, colourless from thence to the tips; veins black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. ? 35. POIOCERA BIMACULA, MaS. Fulva ; metathorax piceus ; abdomen piceum^ subtwi et apice ful- vimi ; pedes fulvi ; tibice anticce nigro maculata ; alee anticee ferniginea, maculis duabus Jlavis ad costam oniatce ; apice fulvce ; alee posticce fusca, apice sublimpidce. Body tawny, finely rugulose, slightly shining : head much narrower than the chest ; its breadth more than twice its length ; crown short, surrounded by a ridge ; front flat, very rugulose, with three ridges, the side pair curved and oblique ; epistoma slightly ridged: mouth tawny, extiending far beyond the hind-hips : fore- chest with a ridge along the middle, widened in front, very angular on each side: scutcheou of the middle-chest with three ridges, the side pair nearly semicircular : hind-chest pitchy : abdomen pitchy, nearly obconical, tawny at the tip and beneath: legs tawny, fur- rowed ; feet partly black ; fore-shanks spotted with black ; hind- shanks armed with spines: fore- wings ferruginous, dull tawny to- wards the tips, with two round pale yellow spots on the fore border ; a few indistinct white dots in the disk; veins tawny: hind-wings brown from the base to a little beyond the middle, nearly colourless from thence to the tips ; veins black. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the winffs 21 lines. 36. PoiocERA SEMILIMPIDA, Mas ct Fem. Fulva; caput nigro trimaeulatum et unifasciatum ; mesothoracis scutelliim nigro octomaculatum ; abdomen subtus basi luteum ; pedes fulvi ; aUe limpidce^ basi rufce ; alee anticce dimidio ni- gr(B,Jiavo bimaculatce et unifasciatcB. Body tawny, dull, very finely rugulose : head very little nar- rower than the chest, its breadth more than twice its length ; crown LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 301 very short, surrounded by a ridge ; front flat, slightly shining, with a black interrui)ted band near the crown, with a black spot on each side, and with one longitudinal and two diagonal ridges, the latter intersect each other in the middle ; a black spot at the base of the epistoma vvhich is slightly ridged : mouth tawny, extending a little beyond the hind-hips ; fore chest widened in front, angular on each side, adorned with four black spots, the inner pair much larger than the outer pair: scutcheon of the middle-chest nearly trianguhir, adorned with two large black spots, and on each side with three small black spots : two black spot^ on each side of the breast ; side-plates yellow: abdomen obconical, a little longer and broader than the chest, luteous beneath towards the base : legs tawny, furrowed ; hind-shanks armed with spines: fore-wings nearly colourless, black for near half the length from the base which is red ; a yellow band on the black part has a yellow spot on each side: hind-wings black, red at the base ; veins green, black in the colourless part. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a, b. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 37. PoiocERA LiMPiDA, Mas. Fulva ; caput nigro maculatum et subtus reticulatum ; scutelll dis- ctis niyer ; abdomen fas c lis virldibus et nigris oniatuni, subtus nigro maculatum ; pedes fulvi nigro maculati ; alee limpid(B. Body tawny, slightly shining, almost smooth : head a little nar- rower than the chest; its breadth more than twice its length ; crown very short, surrounded by a ridge, with a transverse brown spot on each side; front flat, traversed by a black band ; face and epistoma reticulated with black : mouth tawny, extending to the hind-hips ; fore-chest mostly yellow, convex in front, slightly concave behind, adorned with black ringlets, which are partly connected together and interrupted: a large irregularly elliptical black spot on the scutcheon of the middle-chest sends forth a short branch on each side in front, where it is divided by a slender tawny stripe ; on each side of it are some ferruginous and black marks: abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest, adorned with slender green and black bands along the hind borders of the segments; underside spotted with black : legs tawny, furrowed, spotted with black : hind-shanks armed with spines ; wings colourless ; brands black, nearly trian- gular ; veins with taw^uy, green and black bands, the latter colour prevailing chiefly on the cross-veins which are partly clouded with brown. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. e3 302 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 38. PoiOCEEA OBLIQUA, Feiii. Cladodypteryx obliquata? Westtv. Arc. Ent. 90, pi. 7T, f. 3. Ferruginea ; caput sitbtus nigrum, Jlavo fasciatum ; pectoris la- terafiava; pedes ferruginei ; alec limpidce ; alee anticm nigro bimaculatce et unifasciatce ; vencc apice setosce ; vena transversa; nigro nebulosce. Body ferruginous, dull, somewhat granulated : head much nar- rower than the chest ; crown narrow, surrounded by an indistinct ridge; front square, flat, black; face yellow ; epistoma pitchy, with a ferruginous border : mouth tawny with a black lip, extending to the hind-hips : eyes rather large, like those of Cladodiptera, to which genus this and the neighbouring species are somewhat related: fore- chest slightly convex in front, very slightly concave behind: scut- cheon of the middle-chest with three indistinct ridges ; the side pair slightly curved : sides of the breast pale yellow, forming a conti- nuous band wih the face : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs ferruginous, furrowed ; fore-thighs and fore-shanks somewhat widened ; hind-shanks armed with black spines : wings colourless; fore-wings adorned with three black marks; the first a small spot on the hind border near the base ; the second an oblique band, widening from the hind border ; veins black, ferruginous to- wards the base, feathered with bristles towards the tips ; cross- veins clouded with black. Length of the body 5^ lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a, b. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 39. PoiocERA SETIFEEA, Mas. Flava, viridi varia , thorax nigro quadrivittatus ; abdomen supra viride, nigro fasciatum et bivittatum ; pedes Jiavi, viridi et nigro varii ; alee limpidce, angustce : vence transversce fusco subnebulos/e. Body pale yellow, tinged with green, nearly smooth, slightly shining: head nearly as broad as the chest; crown short, surrounded by a slight ridge, a black band along its hind border : front flat, quadrate, with a black stripe supported by a broad black band, both somewhat excavated ; disk of the face black with a red border : mouth yellow: eyes rather prominent: fore-chest convex in front, hardly concave along the hind border, adorned with four black stripes ; the inner pair parallel, approximate, slightly widening towards the hind bolder, iheir outer sides slightly excavated ; theouterpair curved, somewhat interrupted : scutcheon of the middle-chest adorned with LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 303 four black stripes ; the inner pair parallel, almost contiguous ; the outer pair much interrupted ; hind border mostly black : abdomen obconical, green, much longer than the chest, tawny beneath ; a broad black stripe along each side ; hind borders of the segments bk;ck : legs yellow tinged with pale green, slender, rather long, slightly furrowed, thinly clothed wfth short hairs ; fore legs black ; fore-thighs and fore-shanks rather broad ; a broad black band near the tip of each posterior thigh; middle-feet and tips of middle- shanks black; spines of hind-shanks stout, tawny, with black tips : wings colourless, long and narrow ; a stout vein along the whole border; brand small, brown; veins tawny, partly green or black, beset with bristles ; cross-veins stout, black, slightly tinged with brown. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. Sub-Tribe 3. DYCTTOPHOROIDES. Dyctiophoroides, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 202, 283. Pseudophanides, Amyot et ServiUe (ad partem). Flatides, Amyot et ServiUe (ad partem). Genus 1. PLEGMATOPTERA. Piegmatopteva, Spinola, Aiin. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 283. Plegmatoptera prasina. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 286. South America. Genus 2. DICHOPTERA. Dichoptera, Spinola, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 286. Fulgora, Fabr., Olivier, Gmelin, Donovan. Flata, Germar. Dictyophora, Germar. Pseudophana, Burmeister. 1. Dichoptera hyalinata. Dichoptera hyalinata. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 289, pi. 13, f. 3 Flata hyalinata, Germ. May. Ent. iii. 190, 4. T/ion, Arch. ii. 2 47, 18. Dictyophora hyalinata, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. i. 175, Pseudophana hyalinata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 160, 1. Fnlgora hyalinata, Fabr. Sp. /«.s\ ii. 315, 14. Mant. Ins ii. 261, 18. Ent.'Syst. iv. 5, 16. Syst. Rhyn, 4, 16. 01 iv. Enc. vi. 572, 15. Donor. Ins. Incl. Ilemipt. pi. 1, f. 3. 304 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Fulgora hyalina, Gmel Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2091, 17. a, h. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Staiiiforth's collection. c. d. India. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 2. DiCHOPTERA. SMARAGDINA, MaS. Ferruginea, nigro varia ; metathorax viridis ; abdomen viride, nigro fasciatwn ; pedes fidvi, nigro maculati ; femora riifo- guttata ; alee anticceferruginece, fusco maculatce, apice limpidce fusco varice; alcB postica limpidce, hasi virides, apice subfuscce. Body greenish-tawny, covered with red dots, many of which are confluent, and give the head and chest a ferruginous hue: head about half the breadth of the chest ; crown small, having on each side adjoining the eye a lofty ridge, which forms an upright plate, the fore part of its side borders is black ; disk of the crown divided into two compartments by a ridge which is forked towards the fore border, each compartment contains three black spots ; protuberance of the head conical, curved upward, slightly furrowed, a little longer than the crown, spotted with black ; face large, scutcheon- shaped, with a rim round the border, and two nearly parallel ridges in the disk ; face shield-shaped, with a rim round its border, some pitchy marks on its disk ; epistoma small, narrow, keeled, partly pitchy : mouth tawny with a black tip, extending near to the tip of the abdomen : fore-chest large, straight along the hind border, much widened in front; a slight ridge along the middle divides a short black stripe towards the fore border ; a ridge runs nearly parallel to each side, on which is a black spot adjoining each eye : disk of the scutcheon of the middle-chest occupied by a cruciform black mark, which is irregular and much excavated, and its disk is mostly tawny ; hind-chest bright green ; abdomen bright emerald- greeu, obconical, a little longer than the chest ; hind borders of the segments with black bands, increasing in breadth towards the tip, their fore borders are irregular ; tip of the abdomen black, hairy : legs tawny, furrowed, spotted with black; thighs doited with red; anterior feet black; hind-shanks armed with black-tipped spines: fore-wings ferruginous with brown marks for near half the length from the base, colourless from thence to the tips, about which there are many small brown marks, some of which are confluent ; veins brown, tawny towards the base : hind-wings colourless, bright emerald-green at the base, slightly tinged with brown at the tips, and on the hind border near the base ; veins black, green towards the base. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. LIST OF H03I0PTER0US INSECTS. 305 3. DiCHOPTERA TESSELLATA, Fem. Fulva,fusco varia; caput cornu incurvum fingens ; pedes fulvi, femora rufo guttata, tihice fusco cinctce, tarsi ferrwjinei ; alee iimpidce fusco va rice . Body tawny mottled with brown : head about half the breadth of the chest ; crown narrow ; its disk mostly black with the excep- tion of a tawny stripe ; an upright ridge forms a nearly right angle on each side ; protuberance full thrice the length of the crown, fur- rowed, curved upward, sickle-shaped, varied with brown, having a deep notch above at one-third of its length ; front, face, and epis- toma narrow, ridged : mouth tawny, extending far beyond the hind-hips : eyes prominent : fore-chest widened in front, slightly concave on the hind border, with a ridge along the middle, and with two ridges and a few tubercles on each side : two slight parallel ridges on the scutcheon of the middle-chest : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs lawny, pubescent ; thighs adorned with red dots ; shanks with brown bands ; feet ferruginous ; spines of the hind -shanks w^ith black lips : wings slightly tinged with tawny ; fore-wings adorned with numerous irregular brown marks ; veins bristly, brown tawny or pale yellow ; cross-veins regular and very numerous along the whole length of the wing. Length of the body 8 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 4. DiCHOPTERA FEERUGINEA, Fcm. Fulva, fusco et nigro maculata ; caput prothorace vix duplb longius : abdomen ftilvo-viride, thorace paullb longius^ suhtus apice nigrum ; segmentorum margines postici fusci ; pedes fulvi^ tibiis apice tarsisque fuscis ; alee limpida, anticce apice sub- fuscce ; stigma rufum. Body tawny with brown spots : head short, its length in front of the eyes somewhat less than that between them ; two brown spots in the disk of the crown, which has on each side an upright convex ridge, the edge of the latter is black, and it forms an obtuse angle near its tip, where it is elevated ; sides in front of the eyes yellow, a black spot on each, and between them, at the tip of the under side, a larger triangular black spot ; from the latter two parallel red ridges proceed along the whole length of the front, which is yellow, and widens towards the epistoma, its borders are also red ; the epistoma is yellow, and has a tawny middle ridge, and a brown stripe along 306 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. half the length of each side, its tip is also brown : mouth tawny with a brown tip reaching the hind-hips : fore-chest almost conical in front, slightly concave along the hind border, surrounded by a brown border ; on each side is a small brown spot near a brown ridge which is parallel to the border : the borders of the shield of the middle-chest are mostly brown, and on each side of its disk it has a brown stripe, which accompanies a slight ridge, and is forked near the fore border, where there is a brown spot in front of it ; two ir- regular brown spots between it and each side : abdomen obconical, partly green, a little longer than the chest ; hind borders of the seg- ments brown ; tip compressed, black beneath : legs tawny, slightly grooved ; knees, feet and tips of the shanks mostly brown ; hind- shanks armed with five black-tipped spines ; hind-feet less widened than in most species of the genus : wings slightly tinged with tawny, which prevails most on the fore-wings whose tips are brownish ; brand red, occupying five areolets ; veins of the fore-wings brown, tawny at the base ; of the hind-wings black. Length of the body 4^ lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 5. DiCHOPTERA HERBIDA, MaS. Viridis, sublinearis ; caput suhtus fusco bimaculatum ; mesothorax Jlavo-viridis ; abdomen thorace multb longius^ basi subluteum; pedes virides ; alee limpidce. Body green, nearly linear : no protuberance on the head, which is broader than long ; crown not ridged ; front contracted in the middle and again widening towards the epistoma, with three ridges ; the side pair tawny, with two brown spots between the eyes : mouth green with a black tip, reaching the hind-hips: fore-chest short, convex in front, concave and slightly notched on the hind border; the ridges indistinct : middle-chest partly yellow ; its ridges distinct: abdomen slightly tapering towards the tip, much longer than the chest, with a pale luteous tinge towards the base : legs green ; hind- shanks armed with four black-tipped spines; hind-feet hardly widened : wings colourless ; brand green, occupying three or four areolets ; veins green, black towards the tips. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a, Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 307 Genus 3. LAPPIDA. Lappida, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 505, 393. 1. Lappida peoboscidea. Lappida proboscidea, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 505, L Dyctiophora proboscidea, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 292, \. pi. 13, f. 4. a. Brazil. ? From Mr. Stevens' collection. Genus 4. DYCTIOPHORA. Dyctiophora, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. i. ] Qb. Fulgora, Linn., Fair., Gmel., Panz., Sulz., Schulz., Oliv., Vill., Tign., Leon-Duf., Petayna, Costa. Flata, Germar. Pseudopbaua, Bwmeister, Amyot et Serville. \. DiCTYOPHORA EUEOPCEA. Dictyophora europoea, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. \. 165. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 298, 5. Pseudopbana europoea, Burm. Hanclh. Ent. ii. 1, 160, 2. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 506, 1. Fulgora europcea, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2, 704, 9. Fabr. Sp. Lns. ii. 315, 15. Mant.Ins.'W. 261, 19. Ent. Syst. \v. Q, 19. Syst. Rhyn. 5, 21. Panz. Faun. Germ. 2016. Sulz. Hist. Ins. pi. 9, f. 5. Schulz. Naturf. 9, pi. 2. Stoll, Cic. 48, I, pi. 11, f. 51. Gmel. Ed. Syst. A\it. i. 3, 2091, 9. Oliv. Enc. vi. 572, 28, pi. 109, f. 4, 2, 3. Vill. Ent. Linn. i. 454, 1, pi. 3, f. 10. Panz. Faun. Germ. 20, 16. Tign. Hist. Nat. Ins. iv. Ill, Leon-Duf. Rech. Hem. 94. Petagna, Ins. Ent. ii. 616, pi. 9, f. 1. Costa, Fauna del Regno di Napoli, Insetti Emitteri. Flata europcea, Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 190, 3. Thon, Arch. ii. 47, 12. Pseudopbana, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me. Serie v. 160, 381. Fulgora, 1,1. a. Germany. b—f. Sou til France. g — i. Italy. 308 LIST 0¥ HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2. DiCTYOPHORA HEMIPTERA. Fulgora hemiptera, Costa, Fauna del Regno di Napoli, Ins. Em. Fulg. 2, 2. Naples. 3. DiCTYOPHORA ELEGANS. Fulgora elegans, Costa, Annual. ZooL 1834, 12. Fauna del Regno di Napoli, Ins. Em. Fulg. 2, 3. pi. 2, f. la. A. Naples. 4. DiCTYOPHORA CYRNEA. Dictyophora cyrnea, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 294, 2. 5. DiCTYOPHORA SeNEGALENSIS. Dictyophora Senegalensis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 295, 3. Senegal. 6. Dictyophora pannonica. Dictyophora pannonica, Herr. Schceff. Faun. 13, 1. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 297, 4. Flata pannonica, Creutzer, Gerinar, Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. Pseudophana pannonica, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 507, 2. Chanithus, Amgot, Ann. Soc"^ Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 160, 380. East Europe. 7. Dictyophora affinis. Dictyophora affinis. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 299, 6. South America. 8. Dictyophora virescens. Dictyophora virescens. Germ. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 300, 7. Fulgora virescens, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 4, 15. Stoll, Cic. 28, pi. 4, f. 18. Flata virescens. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. South America. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 309 9. DlCTYOPHORA DISTINGUENDA. Dictyophora distinguenda, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 301, 8. South America. 10, Dictyophora vivida. Dictyophora vivida, Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 47. Flata vivida, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 519, 10. Fulgora vivida, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 5, 20. Stoll, Cic. 54, pi. 13. f. 64..? Cicada vivida, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 29, 10. Flata vivida, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 519, 10. Fulgora conica? Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 571. Pseudophana vivida. Burnt. Hanclb. Ent. ii. 160. West Indies. 11. Dictyophora noctivida. Pseudophana noctivida, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 160, 3. Fulgora noctivida, Linn. Syst. JSat. i. 2, 705, 4. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 314, 6. Mant. Ins. ii. 313,6. Ent. Syst. iv. 3, 6. Syst. Rhyn. 3, 6. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 3, 2090, 5. Cicada conirostris, Degeer, Ins. iii. 202, 5, pi. 32, f. 4, 5. Bahia, Para. 12. Dictyophora graminea. Fnlgora graminea, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 4, 14. Flata graminea, Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. Pseudophana graminea, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 160. East India. 13. Dictyophora pungens. Flata pungens, Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. Pseudophana pungens, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 160, 14. Dictyophora lyrata. Flata lyrata, Gt^-m. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 47. Pseudophana lyrata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 160. 310 LIST OF IIOMOPTEROrS INSECTS, 15. DlCTYOPHORA FENESTEATA. Fulgora fenestrata, Fahr. Sp. Ins. ii. 315, 14. Mant. Ins. ii. 261, 18. Ent. Syst. iv. 6, 18. Syst. Rhijn. 5, 18. Gmel.Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2091, 19. Pal. Beauv. Ins. pi. 19, f. 4. Flata fenestrata. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 48. Equatorial Africa. 16. DiCTYOPHOEA? TiENIA. Fulgora tceiiia, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 5, 19. Guinea. 17. DlCTYOPHORA LINEATA. Fulgora lineata, Donov. Ins. Ind. pi. 8, f. 1. Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii. 147, 25. F. pallida, G. R. Gray, Grijf. An. Kingd. Ins. 260, pi. 90, f. 2. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 6, c. East India. 18. DlCTYOPHORA PALLIDA. Fulgora pallida, Donov. Ins. Ind. pi. 8, f. 2. East India. 19. DiCTYOPHOEA SPLENDENS. Flata splendens, Wied. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 48. Java. 20. DiCTYOPHOEA Indiana, Mas. Fulva, fusco varia ; cornu capitis longitudine ; abdomen fuscum, fiavo maculatum ; pedes fulvi, niyro maculati ; alee limpideej apicefuscoB. Body pale tawny, nearly smooth, slightly shining, mottled with brown: head not more than half the breadth of the chest: crown small, having a rim round the border and a ridge along the middle, its protuberance short-conical, not exceeding its length be- tween the eyes ; front, face, and epistoma narrow with three slight ridges : mouth tawny with a black tip, extending to the hind-hips : fore-chest very convex in front and equally concave behind, with two undulating ridges on each side along the fore border : scutcheon of the middle-chest divided into four compartments by three slight LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 311 ridges : hind-chest mottled with brown and yellow : abdomen brown, obconical, a little long^er than the chest ; each segment adorned with several yellow spots of various size and shape: legs tawny, slender, spotted with black ; hind-shanks armed with black spines : wings colourless ; brand pale brown, occupying three areolets and extend- ing into one of the submarginal areolets ; a large pale brown mark occupies the tip of the wing, and extends irregularly along the hind border: on the hind-wings a very short stripe extends to the tip, which is also tinged with brown ; veins tawny. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. India. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 21. DiCTTOPHORA CHLOROCHROMA, Fem. Fulva, viridi varia ; cornu viride thorace paidlb longius, ferrugineo vittatum ; pedes fulvi ; alee limpida ; alee anticce apice suh- fuscm. Body tawny, smooth, slightly shining: head about half the breadth of the chest : protuberance of the head emerald-green, fur- rowed, horizontal, a little longer than the chest, nearly linear, slightly widening at the base and at the tip, adorned with three fer- ruginous stripes ; epistoma pale yellow with a ferruginous ridge : mouth tawny with a black tip, extending a little beyond the hind- hips : fore-chest concave along the hind border, very convex in front, emerald-green along the borders and on the two longitudinal ridges of its disk : scutcheon of the middle-chest with two emerald-green parallel ridges: transverse ridges of the hind-chest green : abdomen obconical, longer than the chest, compressed and pointed at the tip, mostly green above towards the tip, darker on the hind border of each segment : legs tawny, tinged with green, slender, furrowed ; hind-shanks armed with four black-tipped spines besides those at its tips : wings colourless ; tips of fore-wings very pale brown ; brand green, occupying three areolets ; veins black, green towards the base. Length of the body 8^ lines ; of the wings xh lines. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 22. DiCTYOPHORA PLATYRHIXA, Fem. Fulva, fusiformis, viridi vittata ; caput prothorace phis triple lon- gius ; abdomen viride^ apice compressum ; pedes virides ; tarsi fulvi ; al(B Hmpidce ; aim anticce apice suhfuscce. Body tawny, spindle-shaped, smooth, slightly shining : pro- tuberance of the head near thrice the length of the fore-chest, nearly f2 312 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. prismatic, obtuse at the tip, as broad as the crown, adorned above with three emerald-green stripes, slightly tapering for two-thirds of its length, and thence widening to its tips ; underside pale grass- green, slightly concave, with two black ridges inclosing a furrow on each side and in front, where they are most conspicuous, and form two compartments by means of a little tawny ridge between them : fore-chest conical in front, deeply notched on the hind border, adorned with five emerald-green ridges, the inner pair slightly curved, the outer pair very slanting : scutcheon of the middle-chest adorned with three emerald-green ridges ;. the side pair uniting and forming an acute angle at the tip ; a spot of the same colour on each side behind the base of the fore-wing : hind-chest tinged with green : abdomen tapering from the base to the tip, green, slightly mottled, tawny at the base with a dorsal ridge, compressed towards the tip, a little longer than the chest : legs pale green, long and slender, slightly grooved, feet tawny with black tips ; hind-shanks armed with three black-tipped spines besides the cluster at the tips ; hind-feet with two dilations, the second less than half the length of the first, both at right angles, and armed with rows of little black teeth : wings colourless ; tips of the fore-wings slightly tinged with pale brown; brands green, occupying five areolets; veins brown, green or tawny towards the base ; middle parts of some of the cross- veins near the tips of the fore-wings slightly clouded with brown. Length of the body 6| lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. ? From Mr. Argent's collection. 23. DiCTVOPHORA ELLIPTICA, MaS. Viridis^ elliptica ; capitis comu brevi, subquadratum ; tibia pos- ticcB spinis sex arinateB ; alcB limpidcs. Body elliptical, bright grass-green, slightly mottled with paler colour ; head much narrower than the chest, a little more than twice the length of the fore-chest, with three longitudinal ridges ; the side pair slightly converging; protuberance conical, not longer than broad ; front long and narrow with five ridges ; three ridges on the epistoma : mouth green with a brown tip, extending just beyond the hind-hips : fore-chest convex in front, deeply notched on the hind border, surrounded by a ridge, and having five ridges on its disk ; the inner pair slightly waved ; the outer pair near to and parallel with the ridges on each side : three ridges on the scutcheon of the the middle-chest, the side pair enclosing a spindle-shaped compart- ment : hind-chest somewhat wrinkled : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs green, slender, slightly grooved ; hind- shanks armed with six black-tipped spines; hind-feet widened like LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS, 313 those of D. pluti/rhina : wiujjs colourless ; brand very pale green, almost colourless, occupying five areolets in one wing, six in the olher ; veins green. Length of the body 4i — 5 lines ; of the wings 13—14 lines. a, b. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 24. DlCTYOPIIORA FERRIFERA, Fcm. Ferruginea viridi varia ; capitis cornu proihorace dimidio lojigius, subascendens ; abdomen subfasiforme, viridi vtrium, thorace multu longius ; pedes fulvo-virides ; alec limpidce. Body ferruginous, tinged here and there with green : head hardly half the length of the chest ; crown much longer than broad, with three ridges, the side pair strongly marked, the middle one very shallow : protuberance nearly prismatic, slightly tapering till near the tip, where it is a little widened, somewhat inclined upward, forming an obtuse angle with the crown, which it exceeds by nearly half in length; tip obtuse; disks of the sides green; four ridges on the front and three on the epistoma: mouth tawny: fore-chest conical in front, concave along the hind border, surrounded by a slight ridge ; two little waved oblique ridges on the disk, and one on each side near to and parallel with the borders : three ridges on the scutcheon, the middle one very indistinct : abdomen nearly spindle- shaped, very much longer than the chest : legs slender, tawny, partly green, slightly grooved ; hind-shanks armed with five black- tipped teeth : wings colourless ; a slight tawny tinge on the fore- wings ; brand ferruginous, occupying four areolets; veins brown, green or lawny towards the base. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. 25. DiCTYOPHORA RUFISTIGMA, MaS. Ferruginea, viridi et fulvo varia; capitis cornu nigrum, Jiavo vitlaf.um, corporis trienti (equate; abdomen thorace longius, supra piceum, vittis duabus flavo-viridibm ornatum, subtus fulvum; pedes fulvo-virides ; femora apice viridia; alee an - tic(£ fulv(e apice fusco viltalce. Body ferruginous, partly green or tawny : head hardly half the breadth of the chest ; crown much longer than broad, with three ridges, the middle one very indistinct, the side pair somewhat rounded in front ; protuberance very slightly inclined upward, nearly prismatic, black with a yellow stripe on each side, verv slightly taper- 'f3 314 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ing till near the lip, where it is linear, near thrice the length of the crown with which it forms a very obtuse angle, about one-third of the length of the body; tip obtuse : front and epistonia dart-shaped, with a longitudinal ridge, bright green on each side : mouth tawny, reaching beyond the hind-hips : fore-chest conical in front, deeply angular on the hind border, with three slight ridges, one in the middle, and a very oblique one on each side : a green stripe along the middle of the scutcheon, which has a slightly curved indistinct ridge on each side of the disk : abdomen obconical, longer than the chest, pitchy above, with a bright pale yellowish-green stripe on each side ; underside tawny : legs greenish-tawny, slender; thighs towards tTie tips and shanks at the base red ; hind-shanks armed wiih five spines : fore-wings tawny, yellowish-brown along the hind border from two-thirds of the length to the tip ; brand bright reri, occupy- ing four areolels ; hind-wings colourless, very slightly tinged with brown along the hind border and at the tip, near which there is a more distinct brown spot ; veins brown, tawny or red towards the base. Length of the body 5^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. ? From Mr. Shuckard's collection. 26. DiCTYOPHORA DESPECTA, MaS. Fulva, viridi vittata ; caput prothorace qiiadruplb longius ; abdo- men obconicum, thorace paidlb longius ; pedes fulvi ; tibite posticce spinis quatuor armatcB ; alee limpida. Body tawny -. head full four times the length of the fore-chest; protuberance forming an uninterrupted line with the fore-chest, al- most prismatic, slightly tapering from the base to the tip, which is rather obtuse ; angles green : fore-chest slightly conical in front, very concave on the hind border, adorned with five bright green stripes; a slight oblique ridge on each side: scutcheon of the middle-chest adorned with three bright green stripes, and on each side with a green spot : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs pale tawny, slender, slightly grooved; hind-shanks armed with four black-tipped spines; wings colourless; a slight tawny tinge on the fore-wings ; brand tawny, occupying parts of two or three areolets ; veins brown, tawny towards the base. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Malabar Coast. Presented by T. Ward, Esq. LIST OF HOxMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 315 27. DiCTYOPHOBA MICRORHINA, Fcm. Viridis, fnsiformis ; caput subascemlens, prothoracc fere quadruplo loiujius ; abdomen obconicuin, thorace longius, segmentorum marghilbus poslicis luteis ; pedes virida ; tarsi fulvi ; aUe limpidfE. Body spindle-shaped, bright grass-green: head about half the breadth of the chest, near four times the length of the fore-chest : protuberance very slightly inclined upward, forming a hardly con- cave line with the crown, nearly prismatic, tapering from the base to the tip which is conical ; on the upper side a ridge extends from the hind border along half the length of the head and is there ob- solete ; on the under side three ridges extend to the epistoma : mouth green with a black tip, reaching a little beyond the hind- hips : fore-chest conical in front, very deeply and acutely angular on the hind border, with three ridges ; the side pair undulaiing : three ridges on the scutcheon of the middle- chest, the side pair united and forming an angle in front and behind, and enclosing a spindle-shaped compartment: abdomen obconical, longer than the chest; hind borders of the segments mostly luteous : legs green, slender, slightly grooved ; feet tawny ; hind-shanks armed with four black-tipped spines : wings colourless ; a very indistinct greenish tinge on the fore-wings; brand pale green, occupying four areolets; veins green, darker towards the tips. Length of the body b\ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. New Orleans. From M. Salle's collection. 28. DiCTYOPHORA rUSIFOHMIS. Fnsiformis, viridis, fulvo varia ; caput el protkorax ferruginea viridi vittala ; caput prothorace pauUo plus duplb lomjius ; cornu latum; abdomen thorace multb longius ; pedes virides ,- tarsi fulvi ; alee limpidce. Body spindle-shaped, grass-green, tawny here and there: head and fore-chest nearly ferruginous, slightly mottled with paler colour : head rather more than twice the length of the fore-chest ; pro- tuberance broad, hardly tapering from the base to the tip, which is obtuse, having four flat sides, adorned with three emerald-green stripes, one above and one on each side; under side slightly concave, with three ridges, the side pair obsolete on the epistoma : mouth tawny with a black tip, extending beyond the hind-hips: fore-chest slightly conical in front, deeply angular behind, adorned with five eraerald-green ridges; the inner pair slightly oblique : the outer pair 316 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. very oblique, parallel to each side : three emerald-green ridges on the scutcheon ; the side pair converge, unite and form an angle at each end, and thus enclose a spindle-shaped compartment : abdo- men tapering from the base to the tip, very much longer than the thorax: legs slender, green, slightly grooved; feet tawny; hind- shanks armed with four black-tipped spines: wings colourless: brand green, occupying two areolets in one wing, three in the other ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 29. DicTYOPHORA TRUNCATA, Mas. Flavo-viridis, fusifor)7iis, viridi vittata ; caput fulvum, prothorace duplh longius ; abdomen tliorace paullb longius ; pedes rirides ; alee limpidce. Body yellowish-green, spindle-shaped : head conical, horizontal, tawny, twice the length of the fore-chest, its length much less than twice its breadth; upper surface much broader than the sides, green along the edges and the middle-ridge ; a pale green stripe on the disk of each side ; under side with three ridges, the side pair con- verging from the tip to the epistoma, along which the middle one is continued ; mouth green with a black tip, extending a little beyond the hind-hips: fore-chest obtusely-conical in front, with a deep an- gular notch on the hind border, adorned with five green ridges, the inner pair oblique, and extending from the fore border to the disk : the three usual green ridges on the middle-chest : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs green, slender, slightly grooved ; hind-shanks armed with four black-tipped spines: hind-feet hardly widened : wings colourless ; brand pale green, occupying four or five areolets ; veins green, with some pale yellow bands towards the base, blackish towards the tips : cross-veins widened and slightly tinged with brown in the middle. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Para. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 30. DiCTYOPHORA LONGIPENNIS, MaS. FulvO'viridis, fusiformis • caput prothorace triplb longius ; abdo- men thorace multb longius ; pedes virides ; tibia postiae spiiiis octo armatoB ; alee limpidce, longce, angustce. Body spindle-shaped, pale green with a slight tawny tinge: head pointed, forming above a long acute triangle, its length in LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 317 front of the eyes about twice of that between thera ; some red dots on each of its four sides, those on the under side accompany the ridge which runs along the whole length and along the epistoma ; on each side beneath there is also a more slight ridge, which extends along half the length from the tip of the head: fore-chest and middle-chest formed as in many other species, their state not allow- ing a more minute description : abdomen tapering towards the tip, very much longer than the chest: legs green, slender, slightly grooved ; knees darker ; hind-shanks armed with eight black-lipped spines : wings colourless, long and narrow ; brand green, occupying three areolets; a very indistinct and pale buff tinge on the fore- wings ; tawny towards the tips. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 13 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 31. DiCTYOPHOEA BRACHYRHINA. Fulva, gracilis ; caput viride, thorace tripio longius, rufo-margi- natum; thorax viridi vittatus ; pedes virides : tihi 7. Elidiptera tuberculosa, Fem. Lutea, nigro varia ; abdomen thorace paullb longius ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticcB sublimpidce, subtuberculatcB, nigro varice, ad venas fulvce, subtus alba farinosce* anticcB dilatatce ; alee posticce alba. Body luteoiis : head conical above, having on each side a ridge, which is most elevated and partly black between the eyes ; a black spot at the tip on the under side, whose side borders are slightly contracted in the forepart, but much widened towards the epistoma, the latter is very slightly keeled, and has a row of oblique furrows on each side: mouth tawny, extending far beyond the hind-hips ; feelers luteous, rather long ; second joint much longer than the first : fore-chest almost quadrate, hardly convex in front nor concave be- hind, with a small triangular black spot on the fore border, and a black spot on each side : middle-chest adorned in front with black marks, some of which form two oblique black stripes united in front: abdomen nearly elliptical, a little longer and broader than the chest : legs tawny, rather broad, slightly grooved ; hind-shanks armed with one black-tipped spine besides those at the tip : wings broad ; fore- wings colourless, powdered with white beneath, marked with black and slightly tuberculate here and there above; disks of the areolet so covered with luteous dots as to give the whole wing that colour ; veins luteous; cross-veins very numerous towards the tip and along the fore border, where the wing is convex and much widened, and slightly waved: hind-wings white; veins dull tawny. Length of of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. 8. Elidiptera indica, Mas. Fulva, depressa; caput prothoracis longitudine ; abdomen thorace paullb longius et latius ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce latce, sub- fulvce,fusco guttatm et unifasciatcB ; alee posticce albidce. Body pale tawny, mottled with darker colour: head conical, not longer than the fore-chest, somewhat concave and with a brown stripe above, yellow and marked with darker colour beneath, where it widens to the epistoma : mouth luteous, reaching to the hind-hips : eyes very prominent: feelers luteous, rather long ; second joint longer than the first: fore-chest conical, slightly excavated and indistinctly angular on the hind border: disk of the middle-chest very concave; a ridge on each side towards the tip which forms an acute angle : LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 331 abdomen slig-btly obconical, a little longer and broader than the chest : \e^s pale tawny, slightly grooved ; a single black-tipped spine on each hind-shank : wings broad ; fore-wings very pale tawny, al- most colourless towards the tips, adorned on the veins with numerous brown dots, some of which are confluent; a brown baud across each at one-third from the base ; veins pale tawny ; a broad convex mem- brane along the fore border and at the tip, slightly waved, furnished with numerous veins, most of which are connected by a band of cross-veins ; hind-wings whitish ; veins pale straw-colour. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. French rocks, near Madras. Presented by Mrs. Capt. Hamilton. 9. Elidipteea fimbeia, Fem. Lutea ; mesothorax fuscus ; abdomen basi nigrum; pedes fulvi ; al'l. Acad. Handl. 1847. 39, 10. SwedeD. 33. Delphax nasalis. Delphax nasalis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 41, 11. Sweden. 34. Delphax longifrons. Delphax longifrons. Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 42, 12. Sweden. 35. Delphax mutabilis. Delphax mutabilis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 43, 13. Sweden. 36. Delphax hamata. Delphax hamata, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 45, 14. Sweden. 37. Delphax truncatipennis. Delphax truncatipennis. Boh. Vet. Acad. Of vers. 1847, 266, 12. Ko7igl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 46, 15. Sweden. 38. Delphax pallidula. Delphax pallidula. Boh. Vet. Acad. Ofvers. 1847, 265, 9. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 48, 16. Sweden. 39. Delphax brevipennis. Delphax brevipennis. Boh. Vet. Acad. Ofvers, 1847, 266, 10. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 49, 17. Sweden. 368 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 40. Delphax collina. Delphax collina, Bok. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 51, 18, Sweden. 41. Delphax raniceps. Delphax raniceps, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 52, 19. Sweden. 42. Delphax obscurella. Delphax obscurella, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 53, 20. Sweden. 43. Delphax lugubrina. Delphax lugubrina, Boh. Vet. Acad. Ofvers, 1847, 266, 11. Kongl. Vtt. Acad. Handl. 1847, 55, 21. Sweden. 44. Delphax palliata. Delphax palliata, Boh. Vet. Acad. Of vers, 1847, 266, 13. Kongl. Vet, Acad. Handl. 1847, 56, 22. Sweden. 45. Delphax eorcipata. Delphax forcipata. Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 57, 23. Sweden. 46. Delphax m(esta. Delphax moesta, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 59, 24. Sweden. 47. Delphax tristis. Delphax tristis, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 60, 25. Sweden. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS IxNSECTS. 359 48. Delphax discoloe. Delphax discolor, Boh. Kongl Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 61, 26. Sweden. 49. Delphax elegantula. Delphax elegantula, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad, Handl. 1847, 63, 27. Sweden. 50. Delphax denticauda. Delphax denticauda. Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 64, 28. Sweden. 51. Delphax exigua. Delphax exigua. Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1847, 65, 29. Sweden. Genus 11. AROEOPHUS. Aroeophus, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 336. Delphax, Fahr. Cicada, Panzer. Asiraca, Latr. Creutz, Germar, Burmeister, Curtis. 1. Arceophus crassicornis. Asiraca crassicornis, Creutz^ Germ. Mag. iii. 215, 4. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 57, 7. Burin. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 151, 2. AroBophus crassicornis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 336. Delphax crassicornis, Fabr. Ent. Sj/st. Snppl. 522, 1. Cicada crassicornis, Panz. Faun. Germ. 35, pi. 19. Asiraca crassicornis, Latr. Gen. iii. 168. Asiraca pulchella, Curt. Brit. Eit. x. 445, 3. Asiraca dubia, Creutz. Panz. Faun. Germ. 35, 20. Curt. Brit. Ent. X. 445, 2. Asiraca grisea, Latr. a. England. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. K 2 360 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2. Ar(EOPUS? cylindricornis. Asiraca cylindricornis, Latr. Gen. iii. 167, 2. Delphax cylindricornis, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 83, 3. South America. 3. Arceopus? oppositus. Delphax opposita, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 84, 4. South America. Genus 12. ASIRACA. Asiraca, Latr. Gen. Crust, iii. 167. Cicada, Fabr., Coquebert. Delphax, Fabr. \. Asiraca clavicornis. Asiraca clavicornis, Latr. Gen. Crust, iii. 167, 1. Germ. May. iii. 205, 4. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 57, 8. Curt. Brit. Ent. x. 445, 1. Guer. Icon. Regn. Anim. Ins. pi. 58, f. 15. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. ], 151, 1. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 337. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Lis. iii. 176, 1. Crochard, Ed. Regn. Anim. Ins. pi. 97, f. 8. Cicada clavicornis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 41, 62. Cog. Illustr. Icon. i. 33, pi. 8, f. 7. Delphax clavicornis, Fabr. Sgst. Rhyn. 83, 1. Asiraca, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 168, 395. a — d. England. e. Sicily. From Mr. Melly's collection. 2. Asiraca angulicornis. Asiraca angulicornis, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iii. 167, 2. Africa. 3. Asiraca Hagamia. Hagamia, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 172, 401. Europe. 4. Asiraca ? Pteridetha. Pteridelha, Var. 1. nigra. 2, pallida. 3. grisescens, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 173, 402. Europe. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 361 Tribe 2. ISSITES. Issiles, Spin. Ann. Snc. Ent. Fr. viii, 204. Fulgorides, Amijot et Serville (ad partem). Flatides, Amyot et Serville (ad partem). Sub-Tril)e 1. ISSOIDES. Issoides, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 204, 341. Issides, Amyot et Serville. IssidaB, Schaum (ad partem). Gemis 1. MYCTERODES. Mycterodes, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 341. 1. Mycterodes nasutus. Mycterodes nasutus, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 342. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 517, 1. Issus nasutus, Herr.-Sch'djf. Noni. Ent. 65. Faun. Germ. 144, 15. Mycterodes, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '2me Serie, v. 174, 403. South Europe. Genus 2. TSSUS. Issus, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 99. Fulgora, Olivier. Cicada, Geoffrey, Villers. Cercopis, Fabr. Panzer, Petayna. Group 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 148. Amphiscepa ? Germar, Schaum (ad partem). Fore-wing's rather flat, broadest near the base, convex on the fore border, smaller and rounded at the tip. 1. Issus Colombia, Mas. Fvlvus ; caput nigra varium, antice carinatum et tuberculatum ; mesothora.v bicarinatus ; abdomen piceum, basi rufum ; pedes fulvi ; femora antica subtus serrata ; alcB anticce fulv(C, pos- tic(B fuscie. Body tawny, head narrower than the chest, a little broader than long, spotted wiih black, concave on the hind border, slighllv convex K 3' 362 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. in front ; front mostly black, excavated and angular next the crown, sligbtly increasing in breadth to the epistoma where it is round ; its ferruginous middle ridge has on each side a tawny curved stripe, these latter are studded with tawny tubercles, united at each end, and inclose an oval compartment ; epistoma lanceolate, mostly black : fore-chest almost conical in front, straight behind ; its length about one-fourth of its breadth : middle-chest much longer than the fore- chest with an oblique ridge on each side : hind-chest reddish : ab- domen pitchy, longer and broader than the chest, reddish towards the base, tawny at the tip : legs tawny ; fore-thighs serrated beneath : fore-wings tawny, brighter here and there ; veins tawny, slightly tinged with green : hind-wings brown ; veins black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Colombia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 2. ISSUS PECTINIPENNIS. Issus pectinipennis, Guer. Voy. Belanger, Zool. 475. Icon. Regn. Anim. pi. 58, f. 10. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 347, 1. . Bengal. 3. Issus LONGIPENNIS. Issus longipennis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 348, 2. 4. Issus PEASINUS. Issus prasinus, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 349, 3. Brazil. 5. Issus TENDINOSUS, Issus tendinosus, Frivaldsky, MSS. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 349, 4. Roumelia. 6. Issus Servillei. Issus Servillei, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 351, 5. North America. 7. Issus COLEOPTRATUS. Issus coleoptratus, Fabr. Syst. Rkyn. 99, 1. Ent. Syst. iv. 53, 26. Gerrn. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 50, 3, 1. Mag. Ent. iii. 204, 1. Curt. Brit. Ent. x. 449. Herr.-Schaf. Nomencl. Ent. i. 65. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 352, (). Burnt. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 148, 1. Crochard, Ed. Regn. Anim. Ins. pi. 97, f 6. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 363 Cicada dilatata, Don. Brit. Ins. iv. 81, pi. 138, f. 5, 6. Fulgora gibbosa, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi, 576, 52. Cercopis coleoptrata, i^a^r. Ent. Syst. iv. 53, 26. Panz. Faun. Germ. 2,11. Cicada coleoptrata, Geoff. Ins. i. 418, 7. Petagna, Ins. Ent. ii. 622. Issus ^ibbosus, Lntr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xii. 313. Costa, Faun. Regn. Nap. Ins. Em. Iss. 1, 1. Var. Issus Lauri, Germ. Reise, Dalm. Mag. Ent. iii. 204, 2. Ahrens, Faun. Ins 2, 19. Issus, Amyot, Ann. Sac. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 175, 404. a — k. 'England. I. Geneva. Presented by M. Gory. 8. Issus DILATATUS? Issus dilatatus, Latr. Hist. Ins. xii. 314, 2. Herr.-Sch'djf. Nom. Ent. 1, 109. Burm. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 353, 7, Costa, Ann. Zool. 1834, 84, 24. Faun. Regn. Nap. Ins. Em. Iss. 33. Cicada dilatata, Vill. Ent. i. 469, pi. 3, f. 13. Fulgora dilatata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 577, 50. a — c. South France. d, e. Italy. 9. Issus LILIIMACULA. Issus liliimacula, Costa, Faun. Regn. Nap. Ins. Em. Iss. 2, 2, pi. 2, f. 1. 10. Issus BIFASCIATUS. Issus bifasciatus, Costa, Faun. Regn. Nap. Ins. Em. Iss. 3, 4. pi. 2, f. 2. 11. Issus FLAVESCENS. Issus flavescens, Costa, Faun. Sici. Iss. 3, 3. 12. Issus MAURUs, Mas. Fuscus, fulvo et viridi varius ; pedes viridi-fulvi, fusco fasciati ; alee anticce fuscce , postic(C subnigra. Body dark brown : head narrower than the chest and than the fore-wing: crown forming a prominent angle in front, equally 364 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Dotclied behind, slightly depressed, a little broader than long ; front increasing in breadth till near the epistoma where it again contracts, much longer than broad ; a row of tawny spots along each side ; disk greenish-yellow towards the epistoma; a tauny middle ridge traversed near the crown by a yellow ridge ; epistoma triangular, as long as the front, with three yellow spots at the base and one on the disk near the tip : fore-chest nearly as long as the crown, adorned with yellow dots and a yellow middle ridge, straight behind, convex in the middle of the fore border, it is slightly concave for the recep- tion of the eyes : middle-chest triangular, longer than the fore-chest, tinged with green on each side: abdomen longer than the chest, mostly tawny and slightly tinged with green beneath : legs tawny, tinged with green, adorned with irregular brown bands ; hind-shanks aiTTied with two teeth whose tips are black : fore-wings pale brown, like those of /. coleoptralus in shape ; veins brown : hind-wings blackish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. South of France ? 13. Issus BiMACULA, Mas. Fulvus, fusco varms ; abdomen subtus viride, nigro plagiatum ; pedes fid vi, viridi etferrugineo varii ; alee anticce viridi^fulvce- fusco bimaculat(B ; alee posiicee subfulvce. Body tawny : head narrrower than the chest and than the fore- wing near the base ; crown prominent and angular in front, nearly equally notched on the hind border ; front very slightly widening till near the epistoma where it is slightly contracted, brown with a row of tawny spots along each side; the tawny middle ridge is inter- sected by a cross-ridge, between which and the crown the space is dark brown with tawny spots ; epistoma triangular, as long as the front; disk ferruginous with tawny oblique streaks on each side: fore-chest a little shorter than the crown, ^very convex in the middle of the fore border, straight behind, brown with tawny spots on each side : middle-chest triangular, partly brown, hardly longer than the fore-chest : abdomen obconical, longer than the] chest, grass-green beneath with a large black spot in the disk ; tip tawny, partly ferru- ginous : legs tawny, tinged with green and ferruginous ; tips of the shanks and of the feet brown : fore-wings a little narrower towards the tips than those of /. coleoptralus, pale tawny tinged with green ; longitudinal veins green ; cross-veins brown ; a brown spot on the disk near two-thirds of the length from the base: hind-wings pale tawny ; veins darker. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 365 14. Issus coNCOLOR, Mas. Fuscus^fidvo maculatus ; thorax fulvo carinatus ; abdomen suhttis fulvum; pedes fulvi; alee anticcs testacea ; ala posticcenigrcB. Body brown : head as broad as the chest, a little narrower than the fore-wing near the base, slightly angular on the fore border, equally concave behind, partly tawny on each side, with a slight lon- gitudinal middle suture ; border tawny, ridged ; its breadth full twice its length ; front large, adorned with tawny dots, widening much towards the epistoma, near which it is contracted and has a concave fore border ; a row of impressions along each side ; middle longi- tudinal ridge and that round the border slight; a more distinct con- vex cross-ridge near the crown ; its length exceeding its breadth ; epistoma lanceolate, about half the breadth of the front: fore-chest adorned with tawny spots, a little longer than the crown, very convex in the middle of the fore border, hardly concave on each side, straight along the hind border ; longitudinal middle ridge and the borders tawny : middle-chest triangular, a little longer than the fore-chest, with three ? tawny ridges : abdomen slightly obconical, shorter than the chest, tawny beneath, with a long slender hairy incurved append- age at the tip : legs tawny ; hind-shanks armed with two teeth whose tips are black : fore-wings testaceous, convex but hardly dilated on the fore border ; veins ferruginous ; cross-veins pale yellow : hind- wings blackish, veins black. Length of the body If line; of the wings 5 lines. a. ? 15. Issus coNSPERsus, Mas. Fulvus, nigro-guttatus, flavo striatus ; abdomen vinde, nigrofas- ciatum ; pedes fulvo-virides, nigro et fusco varii ; alcBfusece, anticce nigro punctatce. Body tawny : head about one-third of the breadth of the fore- wings near the base, mostly yellow on each side and behind : crown much broader than long, somewhat angular in front, slightly concave on the hind border, crested and black on each side ; front rather long, notched next the crown, yellow with black spots along each side ; having a middle ridge which is continued along the epistoma ; the latter is triangular, as long as the front, and has a row of oblique black streaks along each side: mouth tawny, fore-chest a little longer than the crown, straight along the hind border, very convex in front, partly yellow on each side and with a yellow middle stripe, adorned with numerous black dots, its length about one-fourth of its 366 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. breadth ; middle-chest triangular, longer than the fore-chest, with three parallel yellow ridges, adorned with black dots on each side : abdomen green, obconical, dotted with black, tawny at the tip, as long as the chest ; hind borders of the segments black above : legs green, grooved, partly tawny, marked with black or brown ; hind- shanks armed with two teeth: fore-wings brown, convex on the fore border towards the base, covered with black punctures, their breadth near the tips more than half of that near the base ; veins ferru- ginous; cross-veins few, confined to the fore borders and the tips : hind-wings dark brown, paler towards the base : veins black. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings ?§ lines. a. Warm Springs, N. Carolina. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 16. ISSUS QUADEIGUTTATUS, MaS. Fulmis^flavo quadrimaculatus ; pectus flavum, nigro varium ; ab- domen suhtus Jlavum^ piceo trivittatum ; pedes fulvi ; tarsi postici fiavi ; aim fulvce, anticcB fmco biguttatce. Body tawny : head less than half the breadth of the fore-wings near the base ; crown quadrangular, angular and edged with black in front, more concave on the hind border, its breadth less than twice its length ; front ferruginous, flat, nearly quadrate, slightly widen- ing towards the epistoma, and having a convex cross-ridge which approaches near the crown, the compartment between them being brown, divided by a tawny ridge and having some tawny spots on each side, a row of punctures along each side and with a slight tawny middle ridge, its length slightly exceeding its breadth : epis- toma ferruginous, narrow, triangular, as long as the front, yellow at the tip and at the base where there are two black spots ; a bright yellow spot on each side of the head : mouth tawny reaching the hind-hips: fore-chest very convex in front, straight behind, slightly marked with ferruginous colour, adorned on each side with a yellow spot: middle-chest triangular, hardly longer than the fore-chest: breast yellow, marked with black on each side : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest, yellow beneath with three pitchy stripes : legs tawny, slightly tinged with darker colour ; hind-shanks aimed with two spines, yellow towards the tips ; hind-feet yellow : fore- wings dull tawny, very convex on the fore border near the base, adorued with two brown dots, one in the middle of the disk, the other in a line with it near the hind border, their breadth near the tips about half of that near the base: veins tawny: hind-wings darker ; veins black. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 367 17. Issus BiPLAGA, Mas. Fulmis ; thorax fusco himaculatus ; abdomen suhtus nigro viitatum ; pedes fulvi, femora supra fer rug Inea ; tihice viridi-fulvcB ; alee anticce fusece^Jiavo himaculatm ; alee postica nigro-fuscce. Body tawny : head rather less than half the breadth of the fore-wings near the base ; crown partly ferruginous, surrounded by a rim, angular behind, very convex on the fore border, where there is a narrow arched compartment with a black disk ; front brown, very large, subqnadrate, with a yellow spot on its middle ridge near the crown, slightly widening towards the epistoma where it is rounded, its length slightly exceeding its breadth ; epistoma much shorter than the front : mouth tawny: fore-chest semi-ellipticai, a little shorter than the crown, straight along the hind border, brown towards the front where it is rounded, its breadth nearly thrice its length : middle- chest triangular, a little longer than the fore-chest, with a slight middle ridge, and having a brown spot on each side by the fore border: abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest; a black stripe beneath : legs tawny ; thighs ferruginous above ; shanks tinged with green ; fore-shanks armed with two spines : wings brown, very convex on the fore border at one-third of the length, tawny towards the tips, adorned with a very large subquadrate whitish-yellow spot which occupies full half the breadth from the fore border, their breadth near the tips full half of that near the base ; veins tawny, tinged with green : hind-wings dark brown ; veins black. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 18. Issus Sinensis, Mas. Fuscus ; caput supra fulvo cinctum ; suhtus Jiavo maculatum ; thorax fulvo et flavo varius ; ahdomen fulvum, fusco subvit- tatum. ; pedes fusci ; ala: anticce nigro fuscce^ inter venas flavo seriatim fas ciatcB ; alee posticce nigrce. Body dark brown : head about half the breadth of the fore- wings near the base ; crown slightly depressed, somewhat convex in front, more angular behind, almost surrounded by a tawny border ; a tawny spot near the hind border on each side of the tawny middle stripe; front subquadrate, slightly wider and rounded towards the epistoma, with a pale yellow spot on each side near the crown, and a slight middle ridge ; epistoma triangular, with a large yellow spot on each side at the base: mouth pale brown: fore-chest very con- 368 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. vex in front, almost straight behind, adorned with a pale yellow middle stripe which is broader in front, and with a more obscure spot on each side ; its breadth rather more than twice its length : middle-chest triangular, somewhat tawny along the borders, and having a pale dull yellow spot on the middle ridge near the fore border; its length a little more than half its breadth : abdomen dull tawny, obconical, slightly striped with brown, a little shorter than the chest: legs pale brown, rather broad, slightly grooved ; hind- shanks armed with two teeth : fore-wings dark brown, convex along the fore border, adorned between the longitudinal veins with rows of short pale dull yellow bands ; their breadth near the base less than twice that near the tips ; veins black : hind-wings blackish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 19. Issus APiCALis, Mas. Fulvus, ad partem obscurior ; pectus roseum ; pedes fulvi, lati ; alee anticcB cervince, subnotatce, apice nigro maculata; ; alee pos- ticcB nigro-fiisca, basi sublirnpidce, apice albo fasciatce. Body tawny: head broad, about half the breadth of the fore- wings near the base ; fore border of the crown ferruginous ; face hexagonal, much broader than long, with an acute angle on each side ; epistoma small, triangular : mouth tawny : fore-chest irregu- larly dotted with darker colour, slightly convex in front, straight on the hind border ; its breadth about four times its length : middle- chest triangular, its breadth full twice its length : breast bright rose- colour : abdomen obconical, a little shorter than the chest : legs broad, tawny, streaked with darker colour, slightly grooved ; hind- shanks armed beneath with five black spines : fore-wings very convex near the base, fawn-colour, with indistinct darker marks, their breadth near the base full twice that near the tips which are adorned with a few black spots of various size ; veins tawny : hind-wings dark brown, nearly colourless towards the base, adorned with a white band near the tips. Length of the body 2\ lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 20. Issus TESTACEUs, Mas. Testacens, fusco varius ; abdominis discus subtus niger ; pedes fulvi ; alee testacece. Body testaceous : head a little less than half the breadth of the fore-wings near the base; crowu slightly concave, surrounded by LIST OF HOMOPTEROrS INSECTS. 369 a rim, excavated behind, hardh convex in front, its length rather less than half its breadth ; front luteons, large, flat, subquadrate, a little longer than broad, very slightly widening and ronnded on each side towards the epistonia, ferruginous»and tuberculate along each side, with three ridges, the side pair converging towards the enis- toma; the latter is triangular, ferruginous towards the tip, much shorter than the front ; mouth tawny : fore-chest a little longer than the crown, straight along the hind border, very convex in front, with two brown dots on the disk, its length about one-fourth of its breadth : middle-chest triangular, marked with darker colour, a little longer than the fore-chest -. abdomen obconical, as long as the chest, disk beneath black : legs tawny, slightly grooved ; hind-shanks armed with tw^o teeth : fore-wings testaceous, convex along the fore border, slightly rugulose, their breadth near the tips much more than half of that near the base; veins testaceous: hind-wings paler. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 21. Issus ACUTUs, Mas. Fiiscus^ subtus fcrnigineus ; caput acuminatum ; pedes fusco-ferru- ginei ; ala anticce angustce^ posticce suhcinerece. Body brown, ferruginous beneath: head small, but more than one-fourth of the breadth of the fore-wings : crown narrow, conical, almost pointed, its length rather more than twice its breadth ; a triangular compartment on each side between it and the front which is long-conical, transversely striated, and has three ridges, the middle one more distinct than the other two which are parallel to the sides; epistoma short obconical, hardly half the length of the front : mouth ferruginous, reaching the hind-hips : eyes large : fore-chest full half the length of the head, nearly semicircular in the middle, concave on each side for the reception of the eye, with a slight ridge on the border, and a longitudinal middle ridj^e : middle-chest triangular, longer than the fore-chest, with three ridges, the side pair short and slightly oblique: abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs ferruginous, partly brown, slightly grooved ; hind-shanks armed with three teeth ; hind-feet rather broad : fore-wings almost elliptical, narrower than is usual in this genus, slightly convex but not widened on the fore border, with eight longitudinal ridged veins, the tirst and second distinct, the third united near the base to the fourth which is united near the tip to the tilth, the latter is united beyond half its length from the tip to the sixth; cross-veins indistinct: hind-wings grayish. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Philippine Ishmds. From Mr. Cuming's collection. L 370 LIST OF HOMOPTEROBS INSECTS. Group 2, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1 , 148. Amphiscepha ? Germar. Fore-wings concave, aljnost triangular, widening gradually to- wards the tips. 22. ISSDS CRISTATUS. Issus cristatus, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 100, 2. Isle of France. 23. Issus CARINATUS. Issus carinatus, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 100, 3. a. Isle of France. 24. Issus MUSCARIUS. Issus muscarius. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 52, 22. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 148,2. Bahia. 25. Issus NODIPENNIS. Issus nodipennis, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 102, 5. Amphiscepa nodipennis, Germ. Schaum, Allg. Enc. Wissensch. Kumt. 1. Sect. 51, 71, 50. Brazil. 26. Issus COMPRESSUS. Issus compressus, Sj)in. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 354, 8. Brazil. 27. Issus RUBROCOSTATUS. Issus rubrocostatus, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 357, 9. Brazil. 28. Issus HEEBACEUS. Issus herbaceus, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 357, 10. Cayenne. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 371 29. Issus RETUsus, Fern. Cervinm ; abdomen apice productum compressum et retusum ; pedes cervini ; ala anticce straminece^ retuste, apice ferruginea ; alee posticcB alhidm. Body pale fawn-colour: head rather small, hardly one-fourth of the hreadth of the fore-wings near the base ; crown short, quad- rangular, hardly concave behind, very slightly convex in front, its breadth a little more than twice its length ; front nearly flat, sur- rounded by a rim, with a middle ridge, slightly rounded on each side, its length much exceeding its breadth ; epistoma small, much shorter than the front: mouth pale fawn-colour, reaching the hind- hips : fore-chest about twice the length of the crown, very slightly concave on the hind border, conical in front, its length about half its breadth : middle-chest triangular, paler and a little longer than the fore-chest : abdomen much longer than the chest, tapering, com- pressed and retuse towards the tip, darker beneath towards the base : legs pale fawn-colour ; hind-shanks unarmed : fore-wings pale straw- colour, very convex on the fore border, tapering and inclined upward towards their tips which are ferruginous, crested on each side of the inner base ; some white tubercles on the disks of the areolets ; veins pale straw-colour: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body If line ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Madeira. Presented by Capt. Parry. 30. Issus ADSCENDENS. Issus adscendens, Herr.-Sch'dff. NomencL Ent. i. 65. Europe. 31. Issus NASUTUS. Issus nasutus, Herr.-Sch'dff. NomencL Ent. i. 65. Europe. 32. Issus RETICULATUS. Issus reticulatus, Herr.-Sch'dff. NomencL Ent. i. 65. Europe. L 2 372 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 33. Issrs VARics. Fulvus ; thorax nigro hivittatus ; pedes fulvi ; alee antica fulv'tSy nigro maculatct. Body tawny : head less than half the breadth of the fore-wings near the base; crown concave on the hind border, almost conical in front, black along- each side, its length about half its breadth ; crow^n with a middle ridge, mottled with black, slightly rounded on each side, narrower towards the epistoma whose sides it partly embraces ; epistoma small : mouth tawny, nearly reaching the hind-hips : fore- chest as long as the crown, slightly tuberculate, straight along the hind border, very convex on the fore bonier, its length full one-fourlh of its breadth : middle-chest triangular, much longer than the middle- chest, tuberculate near the fore border, with a black streak on each side: abdomen not longer than the chest: legs tawny : hind-shanks unarmed : fove-wings pale tawny, very broad, spotted with black in the disk, dotted with brown along the fore border and at the tips ; their breadth at the tips very little less than that near the base. Length of the body l-i- line; of the wings 4 lines. a. St. James' Isle, Galapagos. Presented by C. Darwin, Esq. 34. ISSUS? PR^USTUS. Cercopis praeusta, Fahr. Ent. Syst. iv. 53, 28. • Issus prseusta, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 100, 5. Sweden. 35. Issus? PEDESTRIS. Cercopis pedestris, Fahr. Ent. Syst. iv. 54, 32. Pupa. Issus pedestris, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 101, 9. Pupa. Piedmont. 36. Issus? BICORNIS- Issus bicornis, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 101, 10. South America. 37. Issus ? UXDATUS. Issus undatus, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 101, 11. West Indies. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 373 38. ISSUS SANGUINIPES. Issus sanguinipes, Germar. 39. TSSUS BIFORIS. Issus biforis, Germar. 40. Issus ALBIGER. 41. Issus SIMPLEX. Issus simplex, Germar. 42. Issus ELLIPTICUS. Issus ellipticus, Gertnar. 43. Issus MUSCARIUS. Issus muscarius, Germar. Genus 3. HYSTEROPTERUM. Hysteropterurn, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 519, 407. Issus, Fabr. Germar, JBurmeister, Spinola, Herr-S chaff. Schaum. Cercopis, Fahr. Fulgora, Olivier. 1. Hysteropterum im m AC u latum. Hysteropterurn immaculatum, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 519, 1. Cercopis iramaculatus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. iv. 54, 59. Issus iramaculatus, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 100, 6. Germ. T/ion, Arch. ii. 2, 51, 12. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 149, 3. L :3 374 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2. Hysteropterum grylloides. Tssus grylloides, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 101, 8. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 358, 11, pi. 17, f. 2. Cercopis grylloides, Fabr. Ent. Syst, iv. 54, 31. Issus apterus ? Herr.-Sch'dff. Var. Issus immaculatus, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 100, Var. Fulgora flavescens, Oliv. Enc. Meth. Ins. vi. 557, 52. Gryllomorphus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 177, 407. Italy. 3. Hysteropterum Dufourii. Issus Dufourii, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 361, 12. Var. Grylloides ? South of France. 4. Hysteropterum after um. Cercopis aptera, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 54, 30, Issus apterus, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 101, 7. Germ. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 362, 13. Hysteropterum, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 176, 405. Barbary, 5. Hysteropterum ? coriacelim. Issus coriaceus, Fabr. Syst, Rhyn, 100, 4. South America. 6. Hysteropterum discolor. Issus discolor. Germ. Mag, Ent. iv. 102, 4. South Russia. 7. Hysteropterum smyrnense. Issus smyrnensis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 363, 14. Smvrna. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 375 8. Hysteropterum conspurcatum. Issus conspurcatus, Friwaldshj MSS. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 363, 15. Roumelia. 9. Hysteropteeum difforme. Issus diiSformis, SpiJi. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 364, 16. Cyphopterum, Amijot^ Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 176, 406. Tuscauy. 10. Hvsteropterum dorsale, Mas. Flavum, breve, latum ; thorax fulvus, flavo bivittatus ; abdomen fun- cuni^Jiavo fasciatum, subtus fulvum ; pedes fulvi ; alec antic ce fulvce., flavo et fusco fasciatcE, apice latce trwicatce. Body yellow, short and broad : a brown longitudinal middle stripe on the head and chest and a row of brown dots on each side : head full half the breadth of the fore-wing near the base : crown short and broad, slightly convex in front, equally concave behind, its breadth about four times its length : fore part of the front scutcheon- shaped, with a row of brown spots along each side, its length much exceeding its breadth ; epistonia tapering, much shorter and nar- rower than the front, mottled with brown on each side: mouth yellow: fore-chest very convex in front, equally concave behind, much longer than the head: middle-chest tawny, much longer than the fore-chest, very convex in front, straight along the hind border, with two yellow stripes on each side: abdomen obconical, a little shorter than the chest, brown above, tawny beneath ; hind borders of the segments yellow : legs tawny, grooved: fore-wings dull tawny, nearly triangular, very convex on the fore border, truncate at the tips which are very broad ; a short irregular and interrupted yellow band in the disk ; nearer the tip a brown band proceeds from the fore border to the disk, and there bends to the tip ; veins tawny : hind-wings wanting? Length of the body \\h lines; of the wings 4 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 376 LIST OF HOMOPTERODS INSECTS. 11. Hysteropterum irroratum, Mas. Fulvum, hreve, latum; thorax Jlavo guttatiis ; abdomen fusco gut- tatum ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce suhnigra^ maculis liinpidis ornatCB. Body tawny, short and broad: head very short, raucli broader than the fore-wing- near the base; crown extremely short, nearly straight in front, concave on the hind border, its breadth full eight times its length : front large, scutcheon-shaped, speckled with yellow, having a slight rim along its border and a slight longitudinal middle ridge : its length much exceeding its breadth, deeply notched where it joins the epistoma, the latter is small and rhomboidal : mouth mostly brown : eyes prominent : chest speckled with yellow, slightly concave behind, more convex in front, its length not one-fourth of its breadth: middle-chest nearly triangular, much longer than the fore-chest, with a slight ridge on each side : abdomen obcouical, speckled with brown, a little longer than the chest: legs tawny, slightly grooved ; hind-shanks armed with four spines: fore-wings blackish, nearly straight on the fore border, very convex on the hind border, adorned with many colourless spots along the fore borders and at the tips ; veins tawny : hind-wings wanting. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 12. Hysteropterum punctiferum, Mas. .? Fulvum, breve, latum ; thorax fusco quadrivittatus ; abdomen fus- cum, fulvo fasciatum ; pedes fulvi, fusco varii ; ala anticce fulvce, fusco guttatce. Body tawny, short, broad, dotted with brown : head short and broad, much more than half the breadth of the fore-wing near the base ; crown slightly depressed, nearly straight in front and behind ; its breadth about thrice its length; front large, with three ridges, the side pair curved and inclosing a nearly elliptical area ; its length slightly exceeding its breadth ; epistoma nearly heart-shaped, with a slight middle ridge, and with a yellow spot on each side : mouth ta^ny, partly yellow : fore-chest as long as the crown, nearly straight behind, convex on the fore border : middle-chest triangular, longer than the fore-chest, adorned with four brown stripes which widen towards the hind border : abdomen obconical, brown, not longer than the chest; hind borders of the segments tawny: legs tawny, marked with brown, slightly grooved ; hind-shanks armed with two spines : LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 377 fore-wings tawny, broad, convex above, and on the fore border near the base, and on the hind border near the tips, adorned with nume- rous brown dots, about a dozen on each areolet ; veins tawny : hind- wings wanting? Length of the body H line ; of the wings 4 lines. rt. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 13. Hysteropterum truncate llum, Mas. Fuluum ; thorax nigra maculatus ; abdomen fuscum, flavo fas- datum; pedes fulvi; alee anticafulvcc, subcoriacea, latcB,apice truncates. Body tawny, short, broad, and very deep : head very short and broad, more than half the breadth of the fore-wing ; crown extremely short, adorned with contiguous black spots, its breadth more than eight limes its length ; front large, flat, subquadrate, tinged with black on the fore border, the hind border and the middle longitudinal ridge, its breadth less than twice its length ; epistoma small, nearly heart-shaped, adorned on each side with oblique ferruginous bands : mouth tawny: eyes not prominent: fore-chest very short, nearly straight, adorned with black spots, its breadth more than eight times its length : middle chest triangular, full twice the length of the fore- chest, adorned with two black spots: abdomen obconical, brown, not longer than the chest ; hind borders of the segments yellow : legs tawny, raiher stout ; hind-shanks armed with one spine : fore-wings tawny, coriaceous, nearly vertical, very broad, yellowish and slightly convex on the fore border, very convex and almost angular on the hind border, somewhat obliquely truncated at the tips ; veins tawny ; cross-veins very numerous, forming intricate ramilications: hind- wings wanting. Length of the body H line ; of the wings 2^ lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. Genus 4. HEMISPHGERIUS. Hemisphoerius, Schaum, Allg. Enc. JVissench. Kunst. i. Sect. 51, 71, r>2. Issus, Burmeister. Alae anlicae convexa), glabra, elytrorum Coccinellcc similitudine. Fore-w'ings globose, smooth, quite coriaceous, like those of a beetle, such as Coccinella or Chilucorus. 378 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 1. Hemisphcerius Coccinelloides. Issus CocciDelloides, Burm. Meyen, Reise, N. Act. Ph. Med. Soc. C. Leop. n. c. xvi. 305, 38, pi. 41, f. 11. Hemisphcerius Coccinelloides, Schaum, Allg. Enc. Wissench. Kunst. i. 51,71. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. h. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 2. Hemisphcerius fla.vima.cula, Mas. Ferrugineus, Jlavo varius ; abdomen jiavo fasciatum ; -pedes jiavi, ferrugineo varii ; alec anticce fei'ruginece, fiavo quatuordecim maculatcB. Body ferruginous, convex, like a Coccinella in shape: head much more than half the breadth of the fore-wing near the base ; crown yellow, nearly straight before and behind, ferruginous and rather narrower in front ; its breadth slightly exceeding its length ; front pitchy, long, diamond-shaped, adorned with two yellow bands, the first slightly curved, the second straight ; epistoraa very small, tawny : mouth yellow : eyes not prominent : fore-chest extremely short : middle-chest yellow, triangular, with a ferruginous border : abdomen nearly semicircular, a little shorter than the chest ; hind borders of the segments yellow: legs yellow; thighs adorned with ferruginous bands; shanks pitchy above; feet ferruginous; hind- shanks armed with two black-tipped spines : fore-wings ferruginous, very convex, quite coriaceous, each adorned with seven yellow spots ; the first at the base; the second and third in the middle ; the fourth, fifth and sixth forming an interrupted band near the tip, the sixth sometimes united to the seventh, which is narrow and accompanies the fore border to the tip. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 3. Hemisphcerius contusus, Mas. Fulvus ; prothorax Jlavo unimaculatus ; mesothorax undecimstri- atus ; abdomen ferrugineum, ; pedes nigri, fulvo varii ; alee anticce fuscce, apice fulvo maculaice ; alee postica subfulva. Body tawny, in shape like that of a Coccinella : head about half the breadth of the fore-wing near the base, mottled with yellow LfST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 379 crown short, very slightly convex in front and equally concave be- hind, its breadth abont thrice its length ; front forming with the epistonia almost an oval, darker along each side where it is adorned with a row of little yellow tubercles; epistoma pitchy, triangular, slightly ridged, shorter and very much narrower than the front : fore- chest not longer than the crown, slightly tuberculale, almost trans- versely spindle-shaped, but more convex in front than behind, adorned on the fore border with a transversely elliptical yellow spot between which and the hind border it is darker than elsewhere: middle-chest triangular, finely striated across, slightly concave on the fore border whence eleven indistinct ridges radiate, darker towards the tip : breast red, partly yellow : abdomen ferruginous, obconical, not longer than the chest: legs black, broad, slightly grooved; thighs towards the base, shanks towards the lips and feet tawny ; hind-legs tawny ; hiud-shanks armed with two spines : fore-wings brown, convex, elliptical, quite coriaceous, widened on the fore border at the base, near which they are slightly concave ; some indistinct tawny marks near the tips : hind-wings slightly tinged with tawny, fully developed ; veins tawny. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. 4. Hemisph(erius Chilocorides, Fem. Fulvus, flavo maculatus ; mesothorax substriatus ; pedes fulvi, nigro varii ; ala fulvcB. Body tawny, in shape like the preceding species : head mottled with yellow ; front with a row of little yellow tubercles along each side ; epistoma black, tawuy next to the front: mouth tawny, reach- ing the hind-hips: a transversely elliptical yellow spot on the fore border of the fore-chest : middle-chest brown, its ridges more indis- tinct than those of C. coiitusus, some of them obsolete : legs tawny ; anterior thighs black with tawny tips ; a black band on each of the anterior shanks ; hind-shanks armed with two spines whose tips are black : fore-wings tawny, in structure like those of C. contusm : hind-wings pale tawny ; veins tawny. Length of the body 1^ line ; of the wings 4 lines. a. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 380 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 5. Hemisphcerius signifer, Mas. Stramineus ; alee anticce fusco unifasciatce, univittatcB et hujuttatfe ; al(S pnstica limpida. Body straw-colour, in shape like ibe two preceding species: crown almost conical, slip^htly mottled with darkercolour, angular on the bind border, divided by a longitudinal suture into two compart- ments ; I'ront very sligbtly concave on each side, widening much from the crown to the epistoma where it is convex on each side ; epistoma lanceolate, a little shorter and much narrower tban tbe front : fore-chest as long as the crown, nearly triangular, almost straight along the hind border, with a somewhat rounded angle in front; its breadth about twice its length: middle chest triangular, a little longer than the fore-chest : abdomen obconical, not longer tban the chest ; inside of the valves at the tip pale green : legs pale straw-colour, grooved ; hind-shanks armed with two spines whose tips are black : fore-winSec<. 51,71,53. a. North India. From Mr. James' collection. 8. Eurybrachys pulverosa. Eurvbrachis pulverosa, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 134, 25, pi. 12, 'f. 7. Silhet. 9. Eurybrachys re versa. Eurybrachis reversa, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xii. 26, pi. 12, f. 8. Silhet. 10. Eurybrachys decora, Mas. Viridis ; mesothnrax anticus nigro interrupts fasciatus ; pedes rufi ; femora antica nigro viltata ; tarsi nigro varii ; alee aniicce virides,albo higuttat 384 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS IxNSECTS. the hind border at three-fourths of the length ; veins very pale green- Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 18 lines. a. Madras. Presented by Mrs. Capt. Hamilton. 12. EURYBRACHYS TRICOLOR, MaS. Nigra ; caput subtus fuscum ; prothoracis lateraferruginea ; pectus, abdomen et pedes rufa ; tarsi nigri ; alee anticce nigra, fusco guttatcB ; alee posticce albce. Body black : head nearly as broad as the chest ; crown pitchy, arched, striated lengthwise, more convex in front than concave be- hind, its breadth nearly four times its length ; front brown, quite flat, very finely granulated, scutcheon-shaped, hexagonal, broader than long, slightly concave on the fore border, where it joins the epistoma which is lanceolate and reddish-tawny : mouth tawny with a black tip, nearly reaching the hind-hips : fore-chest slightly convex in front, straight behind, ferruginous on each side, very little longer than the crown : middle-chest longer than the fore-chest, very in- distinctly furrowed, forming behind an acute angle, on each side of which it is slightly concave : breast red : abdomen bright rose-colour, obconical, a little longer than the chest, pale tawny towards the tip, Avhich is black : legs red, broad ; feet black ; hind-shanks armed with four teeth whose tips are black : fore-wings black, with irregular and indistinct brown dots, some of which are confluent ; veins black : hind-wings white ; tips sometimes gray ; veins pale yellow. Length of the body 3ij — 4 lines ; of the wings 11 — 13 lines. a — d. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 13. EuRYBRACHYS SICCA, Fem. Ferruginea ; abdomen fulvum suluris piceiwi, pedes ferruginei ; alee anticce ferrugineeB, nigro varicc, apice fulvce maculisque nigris et limpidis ornatce ; aloe posticee limjndcB apice fuscce. Body ferruginous, dull, minutely rugulose, adorned with tawny spots : head as broad as the chest, its breadth more than twice its length ; crown short, slightly curved, surrounded by a ridge ; face broad, flat, surrounded by a slight ridge, transversely elliptical with the exception of a concavity on the fore part of each side, having in the disk a shallow slightly arched transverse ridge, concave in the middle of the suture where it joins the epistoma: mouth ferrugi- nous, reaching the hind-hips : eyes hardly prominent : shield of the chest short, slightly arched ; scutcheon having on each side two slight LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 385 curved ridges, which converge near the fore border: hind-chest short, with tawny transverse ridges: ai)domen tawny, nearly elliptical, a little longer than the chest ; tip thickly clothed with white filaments; sutures of the segments more or less pitchy: legs ferruginous, stout, furrowed ; hind-shanks armed with broad spines : fore-wings ferru- ginous, adorned with black marks which are various in size and shape; reticulated part lawny, occupying more than one-third of the surface, adorned with some black and colourless marks, the latter chiefly on the borders ; veins ferruginous : hind-wings tawny, brown towards the lips; veins brown. Length of the body 5^ lines; of the wings 16 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Earl of Derbv. b,c. ? 14. EUEYBRACHYS SERA, MaS. Ferruginea nigro varia ; metathorax fulvus ; abdomen luteum ; pedes ruji ; alcB anticce Jlavo-Umpid(B, basi Jlavo-fusccB nigra var ice macula una limpida, apice Jiavo-fusca maculis duabus liin- pidis ; alee posdcce limpidce apice margineque postico fuscce. Body ferruginous with blackish marks : head as broad as the chest; crown short, with numerous little longitudinal ridges, adorned on each side with an indistinct tawny spot, slightly convex along the fore border; face broad and flat, finely rugulose, spotted with yellow, surrounded by a shallow ridge, and traversed on the disk by a slight blackish ridge which has a notch in the middle ; epistoma ferruginous, parted from the face by a concave suture : mouth tawny, reaching the hind-hips: eyes rather large and prominent : shield of the chest shorty convex along the fore border, with a very indistinct ridge proceeding from the hind border and shortly dividing into two distinct curved ridges which join the fore border: three ridges on the scutcheon, the side pair curved and move distinct than the middle one : hind-chest tawny, ridged across : abdomen obconical, luteous, longer than the chest, furnished at the tip with an apparatus which consists of twelve appendages; the first is long, channelled, curved downward for much more than half its length, and then emits a little appendage above, and is armed with two teeth beneath ; it next in- clines upward at a right angle and widens into an obconical deflexed plate with a notch at its tip : the second and the third are a pair which form two stout upright spines beneath the curve of the first : the fourth and the fifth are another pair, which are more short and obtuse and form right angles between the preceding pair and the base of the first : at the tip beneath there are three pairs of various length, which are inclined upward beneath the plate of the first : M 3 386 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. the inner pair are tlie longest and between them is the twelfth which is loniic and spindle-shaped: legs red, stout, furrowed ; hind-shanks armed with stout spines: fore-wings nearly colourless, slightly tinged with yellow : more than one-third of the surface from the base is yellowish-brown, tinged here and there with black, and includes a colourless spot; towards the tip the wing is also yellowish-brown with the exception of two colourless spots; the reticulated part occupying about a third of the length ; veins tawny ; hind-wings colourless, brown towards the tips and along the hind border. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Port Essinaton. From Mr. Gould's collection. 15. EURYBRACHYS RUBIGINEA, Fcm. Ferruginea macidis ohscurioribus ; metathorax fulvns,Jlavo variiu^ ; abdomen fulvum^jiavo et fusco fasciatum ; pedes ruji ; alee anticce rufo-fulvce, nigra trimaculatee, apice subfnscce maculisque Jiavis et Umpidis ornata ; alee posticce jiavo aut fulvn-limpidce, apice fusca^ margine postico albidce. Body feiruginous, indistinctly marked with darker colour ; head as broad as the chest ; crown very short, surrounded by a very slight ridge, slightly convex in front ; face finely rugulose, very broad, sur- rounded by a slight ridge, scutcheon-shaped, forming an angle on each side, and having on the middle of its fore border a concavity where it joins the epistoma : mouth ferruginous, reaching the hind- hips: shield very short ; concave along the hind border : hind-chest tawny, partly yellow, ridged transversely : abdomen tawny, obconical, a little longer than the chest, adorned with indistinct yellow and brown bands, thickly clothed at the tip with white filaments : legs red, stout, clothed with very short black hairs ; hind-shanks armed Willi stout spines : fore-wings tawny, tinged with pale brown in the reticulated part where there are a few pale yellow and colourless ir- regular spots ; a black spot on the hind border near the tip, and one or two smaller black spots in the disk nearer the base ; veins red, bordered also with red in the basal region which occupies much more than half the length of the wing, and at a distance appears wholly red : hind-wings transparent, tinged with yellow or tawny, brown towards the tip, whitish ahmg the hind border; veins ferruginous. Length of the body 5k — 6 lines; of the wings 14 — 15 lines. a. New Holland. Presented bv the Haslar Hospital. b. ? LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 387 16. EURYBRACHYS SEMILIMPIDA, MaS. Fulva ; pedes ferruginei ; alee anticce fulv(B, fusco nehuhscp^ fasciis diiabus Jlavo-limpidis ornatce ; alee posticce sublimpidcE, apice fuscce. Body tawny, slightly shining-, hardly rugulose : head as broad as the chest, its breadth more than twice its length ; crown short, slightly curved, surrounded by a ridge; face broad, flat, pale tawny, scutcheon-shaped, surrounded by a slight ridge, adorned with a black half interrupted band, concave in the middle of the suture where it joins the epistoma which is luteous : mouth tawny, reaching the hind-hips, clothed with short pale hairs ; third joint less than half the length of the second: eyes hardly prominent: disk of the chest mostly ferruginous: fore-chest very short, convex in front : scutcheon of the middle-chest wiih three ridges; the side pair curved, meeting on the fore border : hind-chest short, with transverse yellow ridges : abdomen obconical, hardly longer than the chest ; sexual apparatus like that of sera : legs ferruginous, broad, furrowed ; hind-shanks armed with stout spines : fore-wings tawny, slightly clouded with brown across the middle and about the tip, having two irregular and interrupted nearly colourless bands, one broad, tinged with yellow, and in the disk, the other near the tip, narrower and less coloured ; reticulated part occupying more than one-third of the surface; veins tawny : hiud-wings nearly colourless, brown towards the tips ; veins tauny, darker towards the tips. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b, c. ? 17. EuRYBRACHYS sEMisiccA, Fem. Ferruginea fulvo maculata ; abdomen fulvum, basi ferrugineum, lateribus apice et seg mentor urn marginibm posticis subtus viridt: ; pedes ferruginei, nigro maculati ; ales anticce ferru- ginea nigro varice, apice fulvce maculisque limpidis ornatcB ; alee posticce subfusca', margine antice limpida, apice fuscce. Body ferruginous, dull, minutely runulose, adorned with tawny spots : head as broad as the chest, its breadth more than twice its length ; crown short, slightly curved, surrounded by a ridge ; face broad, flat, surrounded by a slight ridge, transversely elliptical with the exception of a concavity on the fore part of each side, along this there is a sliirhl curved ridiie comnuinicalinji: with a more dis- 388 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. tinct ridge which runs parallel to the fore border (the same in sicca, sera and ruhiginea): concave in the middle of the suture where it joins the epistoma : mouth ferruginous, reaching the hind-hips : eyes hardly prominent : fore-chest short, slightly arched : scutcheon of the middle-chest having on each side an indistinct slightly curved ridge which joins the fore border : hind-chest short, transversely ridged : abdomen tawny, nearly elliptical, a little longer than the chest, ferruginous at the base, bright green on each side towards the tip which is thickly clothed with white filaments ; hind borders of the under segments bright green : legs ferruginous, stout, furrowed, marked with black; hind-shanks armed with broad spines : fore- wings ferruginous, adorned with various black marks, tawny, reticu- lated and variegated with colourless spots for more than one-third of the length from the tips ; veins ferruginous : hind-wings pale brown, colourless along the fore border till near the tips which are brown ; veins brown. Length of the body 3i lines ; of the wings lOi lines. 18. EURYBRACHTS LEUCOSTIGMA, Fcm. Ferruginea nigro varia ; abdominis latera apice lutea ; pedes rufi ; alee antic(B f err ugine(B maculis tribus nigris subfasciata, apice fusvo-fulvcB albo et nigro ad nuirginem maculatce ; alee pos- ticce fulvcB, apice f usees albo maculatcB, margine postico fuscoe falvo maculatte. Body ferruginous, dull, minutely rugulose, adorned with black marks : head as broad as the chest, its breadth more than twice its length ; crown short, slightly curved, surrounded by a ridge ; face broad, flat, tawny, not marked with black, surrounded by a slight ridge, scutcheon-shaped, concave in the middle of the suture, where it joins the epistoma which is red : mouth tawny, clothed with short black hairs, reaching the middle-hips ; third joint brown, about half the length of the second : eyes hardly prominent : fore-chest short, luteous and convex in front, having a short cross-ridge which joins the fore border on each side and includes with it a spindle-shaped compariment : scutcheon of the middle-chest with three very indis- tinct ridges, the side pair curved: hind-chest short, transversely ridged: abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest, luteous on each side towards the tip which is thickly clothed with white fila- ments; legs broad, red, furrowed ; feet blackish ; hind-shanks armed with stout black-tipped spines ; fore-wings ferruginous, adorned with three black spots which form an interrupted baud across the middle ; reticulated part mostly tawny, brown at the tip, occupying more than LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. .S89 one-third of the surface, adorned with hlack and white marks along the border; veins ferruginous : hind-wings tawny, dark brown along the hind border and towards the tip, where there is a white spot ; a tawny spot on the hind border; veins ferruginous, brown towards the tips. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 19. EuRYBRACHYS DECEMMACULA, MaS. Ferruginea ; caput suhtus viridi-fulvum ; metathoraxjiavo varius ; pedes ferruginci ; ahe anticce ferrnginece nigra quinquemacu- lat(e, ad costam et apice cinerece ; aim pontic ce subnigrce. Body ferruginous, very broad: head as broad as the chest; crown dull tawny, tinged with green, finely striated, slightly convex in front, equally concave behind, its breadth about six times its length ; front large, flat, scutcheon-shaped, tawny, tinged with green, concave where it joins the epistoma which is small : mouth ferrugi- nous : fore-chest much longer than the crown, nearly straight on the hind border, convex in front where it has a double rim : middle- chest nearly triangular, about twice the length of the fore-chest : hind-chest partly yellow : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest: legs ferruginous, broad ; their ridges bristly ; a stout spine on each hind-hip; hind-shanks armed with three black spines: fore- wings ferruginous, pale gray along the fore border, dark gray at the tips, adorned with five black spots; three on the fore border, and two at the tip ; the third smaller than the others ; veins ferruginous, slightly dotted with brown towards the tips ; a row of short parallel cross-veins along the fore border : hind-wings and their veins black- ish, paler at the base. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. New Holland. From Mr. Lambert's collection. 20. EuRYBRACHYS DECISA, MaS. Ferruginea; metathorax luteo varius; abdomen nigrum, basi lu- teum ; segmentorum margines postici lutei; pedes ferruginei ; alee anticce Irete glauco-ferruginea, fulvo fasciatte, ad costam nigro Irimacnlatic, apicem versus nigrum guttis albis fasciatce ; ahe posticcB subnigrce. Body dark ferruginous, broad : head as broad as the chest ; crown finely striated, surrounded by a rim which is black in front and behind, slightly convex on the fore border, equally concave on 390 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. the hind border, its breadth about six times its length ; front large, nearly flat, broader than long, slightly riigulose, surrounded by a rim within which is a semicircular ridge whose ends disappear on approaching the epistoma, the latter is pitchy •• fore-chest longer than the crown, very convex in front, very slightly concave on the hind border : middle-chest nearly triangular : hind-chest partly luteous : abdomen black, obconical, a little longer than the chest, luteous at the base and on the hind border of each segment: sexual apparatus like that previously described : legs ferruginous, broad ; their ridges bristly ; a stout spine on each hind-hip ; hind-shanks armed with three long spines : fore-wings bright ferruginous, with a glaucous tinge which is most prevalent beneath, brown towards the tips which are black ; near them is a cross row of white dots ; fore border adorned witli three black spots, and beyond them with a white spot ; a more indistinct black spot on the hind border ; a broad tawny band tinged with white across the middle of the wing ; veins tawny, darker towards the tips ; the usual row of short cross-veins along the fore border: hind-wings and their veins blackish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. New Holland. From Mr. Lambert's collection. 21. EUEYBRACHTS LLRIDA, Fem. Picea ; abdominis segmentorum margines postici fulvi ; pedes nigin ; al(B anticce ferruginece, nigro fasciatce, apice nigrce alho gut' tatce ; alee posticcB nignr. Body pitchy, broad: head as broad as the chest; crown slightly arched, somewhat depressed, striated lengthwise ; its breadth about six times its length : front scutcheon-shaped, broader than long, very slightly convex, tuberculate, deeply concave where it joins the epistoma which is rhomboidal, almost smooth, and has a longitu- dinal ridge: fore-chest convex on the fore border, straight behind, transverse, half oval, a little longer than the head : middle-chest with a slight middle ridge, and a ridge along the sides of the angle : abdomen black, longer than the chest, furnished with a large mass of white filaments ; hind borders of the segments tawny : legs black, very broad : hind-shanks armed with three stout teeth : fore- wings ferruginous, slightly tinged with Idue ; a curved black band in the middle ; their tips black with two or three white dots and a short somewhat zigzag tawny band ; veins ferruginous : hind-wings black. Length of the body 3i lines : of the wings 9 lines. a. ? LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 391 22. EURYBRACBYS RUBICUNDA, MaS. Picea, ferrugineo varia ; 'pectus, inetatfiorax et ahdomen rufa ; pedes nigri ; femora postica rufa; iihice posticoi ferruginece ; alee anticm ferruginecB, nigro marginatcB, apice maculis duahus limpidis ornatce ; alee posticce suhnigrce, apice albo unima- culatcc. Body broad, very short, pitchy varied with dark ferruginous : head as broad as the chest; crown very slightly arched, with a slight longitudinal ridge and with a rim on the border ; its breadth more than six times its length ; front scutcheon-shaped, slightly riigulose, bordered by a rim, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma ; its breadth almost twice its length ; epistoma short, nearly triangular : mouth ferruginous : middle-chest much longer than the fore-chest, almost triangular, with two oblique ridges; hinder sides slightly concave: breast, hind-chest and abdomen bright red, the latter ob- conical, a little longer than the chest; laminae pale straw-colour, powdered with white: legs black, hind-thighs red with black lips; hind-shanks dark ferruginous, armed wiih three long stout spines : fore-wings ferruginous, black along the fore border and at the tips and partly along the hind border; a few ferruginous dots in the black part ; a tawny spot on the hind border and two large colour- less spots near the tip which is bristly ; veins ferruginous, black to- wards the tips : hind-wings blackish with a white spot near the tip of the fore border; veins black. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines, a. Sandy Cape, New Holland. Presented by the Earl of Derby. 23. EUEYBRACHYS L^TA. Eurybrachys laeta, White, Eyres Exped. Austral. 1. Appendix 433, pi. 4, f. 3. a. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. 24. Edrybrachys subfasciata, Mas et Fem. Testacea, couspersa ; pedes rufi ; femora postica jiava ; alee antica fidvo-ferruginece, apice nigro maculatcc ; ahe postica sublim- pid(C aut subfusca, apice subnigrce albo fasciatce. Body short, broad, testaceous, sprinkled with darker colour: head as broad as the chest ; crown very slightly arched, with an in- 392 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. distinct ridge along the border ; its breadth full six times its length; front short, flat, forming an acute angle on each side, not concave where it joins the epistoma but forming an obtuse inward angle on each side, near which it has two slight oblique furrows; its breadth much more than twice its length ; epistoma triangular, slightly con- vex : mouth ferruginous : eyes produced into a spine on each side : fore-chest very slightly convex on the fore border, straight behind, a little longer than the front : middle-chest longer than the fore-chest, subtriangular, its hinder sides concave: breast and hind- chest red: abdomen obconical, as long as the chest : fore legs and middle legs red, very broad : hind-legs slender, dark red ; hind-thighs mostly pale yellow ; hind-shanks armed with four stout spines whose tips are black : fore-wings pale ferruginous, partly tawny, adorned at the tips with a few black spots of various size and varying in each in- sect ; veins fermginous : hind-wings almost colourless or slightly tinged with brown, blackish with a white band towards the tips ; veins tawny. Length of the body 2^ — 3 lines ; of the wings 7 — 8 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 6, c. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. d. India. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 25. EURYBEACHYS DILATATA, MaS. Ferruginea^ nigro consfersa ; abdomen piceiim, basi fermgineum, Jlavo bivittatum ; segmentormn margines postici subtus flavi ; pedes rufi nigro varii ; femora postica Jlavo vittata ; alec an- ticcB ferruginece^ conspersa?, apice fusco guttata ; alee postica: fmca, apice nigro-fuscce alba fasciatce. Body short, broad, ferruginous, sprinkled with black: head full as broad as the chest ; crown very slightly arched, somewhat de- pressed, its breadth four times its length ; front testaceous, transverse, bordered by a slight rim, produced into an acute angle on each side, hardly concave where it joins the epistoma ; its breadth nearly thrice its length; epistoma pitchy, triangular, keeled: mouth pitchy: eyes produced into a spine on each side : fore-chest a little longer than the middle-chest, almost transversely semifusiform : middle-chest (excepting the scutcheon) as long as the fore-chest, and forming with it a spindle-shaped compartment ; scutcheon small, triangular : abdomen pitchy, obconical, a little longer than the chest, ferruginous at the base; hind borders of the segments pale yellow beneath; a yellow stripe along each side: legs red, very broad, varied with black; a short yellow stripe beneath each hind-thigh near the tip ; hind- LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 393 shanks and hind-feet mostly black, the former armed with four stout spines: fore-wings ferruj^inous, sprinkled with brown, adorned at each tip with about fifteen brown dots, very convex on the fore border near the base ; veins ferruginous : hind-wings brown, blackish-brown towards the tips with an oblique white band. Length of the l)ody 2i lines ; of the wings 8 lines. e. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. J. Hooker 26. EURYBRACHYS APICAL IS, MaS. Ferruginea ; metathorax et abdomen rufa ; pedes nigri rufo varii ; tibicE posticcB pallide rufce ; alee anticce ferruginea, nigro gut- tata, apice nigrcB ; ala poslica testacea, apiee nigra. Body ferruginous, short, broad : head nearly as broad as the chest; crown slightly arched, flat, its breadth more than four times its length ; a slight curved furrow accompanied with a row of im- pressions along each side near the eye; front pitchy, slightly convex, broader than long, angular on each side, convex where it joins the epistoma, very minutely and thickly striated ; epistoma darker, al- most triangular, keeled and ferruginous towards the mouth : fore- chest slightly convex on the fore border, straight behind, as long as the crown, transversely semifusiform ; its breadth much more than four times its length : middle-chest almost triangular, much longer than the fore-chest: hind-chest red: abdomen red, obconical, longer than the chest; tip tawny: legs black, very broad, slightly marked with red ; hind-shanks pale red, armed with three stout teeth : fore- wings ferruginous with some little black marks in the middle ; lips black ; veins ferruginous : hind-wings testaceous with black tips ; veins tawny. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. North-west Coast of New Holland. From M. Dring's collection. 27. EUEYBRACHYS BUFO, MaS. Nigra rufo varia ; abdomen nubtus rufum ; pedes nigri, rufo varii ; femora et tibia postica rufa ; ala antica nigra, apud mar- ginem posticum ferruginecB, ad costam albo maculata, apice niaculis duabus limpidis ornata. Body black, slightly varied with red, very short, broad and thick: head as broad as the fore-chest; crown depressed, straight in front, slightly concave on the hind border, bordered with red, with a red spot on each side of the disk ; its breadth about six times its length ; front slightly rugulose, much broader than long, angular on N 394 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. each side, very concave where it joins the epistoma, with a very slender curve ou each side near the eye ; epistoma nearly triangular, ferrugi- nous, slightly keeled : fore-chest a little longer than the crown, nearly straight behind, slightly convex on the fore border : middle-chest triangular, more than twice the length of the fore-chest, bordered with red, and having three red ridges, the side pair oblique: breast red : abdomen red beneath, obconical, not longer than the chest : legs black, very broad, slightly marked with red ; hind-thighs and hind-shanks red, the latter armed with three teeth : forewings black, mostly ferruginous towards the hind border, adorned with a white spot in the middle of the fore border and with two colourless spots near the tip ; fore border convex near the base, concave towards the tip ; veins ferruginous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital' 28. EURYBRACHYS VAEIA, MaS. Nigra, rufo varia ; metathorax et abdomen rufa ; pedes nigri ; femora postica rufa, nigro vittata et apice fasciata ; tibia posticcB ferruginece ; alee aniicce nigrte, angustce, subtuhercu- latce, basirufo varia;, disco fidvo fasciatcB, apice fascia limpida oimatce ; alee posticce nullcB ? Body black, varied with red : head narrower than the chest ; crown somewhat depressed, very slightly arched, bordered with red ; its breadth about four times its length; front very large, a little broader than long, rather depressed, much rounded on each side, angular where it joins the epistoma, with a slight longitudinal ridge which is traversed by a furrow ; fore border red ; epistoma ferrugi- nous, triangular: eyes very prominent: fore-chest slightly convex on the fore border, straight behind, a little longer than the crown : middk-chest triangular, longer than the fore-chest: hind-chest and abdomen bright red : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest; sexual appendages black : legs black, very broad ; hind-thighs red, striped with black and with a black band near the tips ; hind-shanks ferruginous, armed with three stout spines : fore-wings black, hori- zontal, narrow especially towards the tips, slightly tuberculate, bristly, partly red towards the base, with a tawny band in the middle and a colourless band near the tip, the bands irregular and accompanied by some dots of their respective colours ; veins tawny and black, few and very robust : hind-wings wanting ? Length of the body 1 line; of the wings 4 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 395 Genus 8. CORETHKURA Coretlirura, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 135. 1. COEETHRURA FUSCOVARIA. Corethruva fuscovaria, Hope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 135, pi. 12, f. 10. Silhet. Genus 9. ANCYRA. Ancyra, White, Ami. Nat. Hist. xv. 34. 1. Ancyra appendiculata. Ancyra appendiculata, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 34. a, b. East India. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. Genus 10. BRUCHOMORPHA. Bruchomorpha, Newman Ent. Mag. v. 399. 1. Bruchomorpha oculata. Bruchomorpha oculata, Newman, Ent. Mag. v. 399. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Genus 11. CALISCELIS. Caliscelis, De Laporte, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. 251. Fulgora, Latr. Eurybrachys, Guerin. Derbe, Herrich.-Sch'dffer. 1. Caliscelis Bonellii. Caliscelis Bonellii, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 371, pi. 17, f. 1. Amijot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 509, 1. Fulgora Bonellii, Latr. Gen. iii. 106, 1, n2 396 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Derbe Bonellii, Herr-Sch'dff, Nam. Ent. i. Qb. Eurybrachys Bonellii, Guer. Voy. Belanger, 467. Caliscelis heterodoxa, Delap. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. 251, pi. 9, A. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 159. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 174, 1. Caliscelis, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 167, 394. South of Europe. Sub-Tribe 2. DERBOIDES. Derboides, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 204, 377. Derbides, Amyot et Serville. DerbidfB, Schaum. GeDus 1. DERBE. Derbe, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 80. 1. Derbe nervosa. Derbe nervosa, Klug. Stoll, Cic. 109, pi. 27, f. 161. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 154, ). Para. 2. Deebe Hcemorrhoidalis. Derbe hcemorrhoidalis, i^aJr. Syst. Rhyn. 80, 1. Stall, Cic. 109, pi. 27, f. 160. Perch. May. Zool. Sect. ix. 36, 2. South America. 3. Derbe semistriata. Derbe semistriata, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 4, pi. 1, f. i. Brazil 4. Derbe strigipennis. Derbe strigipennis, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 4, pi. 1, f. 2. Brazil. 5. Derbe Essikgtonii. Derbe Essingtonii, Westwood. a. Port Essiugtou. From Mr. Gould's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 397 6. Derbe biclavata. Derbe biclavata, Westwood. a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 7. Derbe mcesta. Derbe moesta, Westwood. a, h. East India. 8. Derbe dilatata. Derbe dilatata, Westwood. Genus 2. MYSIDIA. Mysidia, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 7. Derbe, Fabr. Germar, Burm. Percheron, Spinola. 1. Mysidia pallida. Mysidia pallida, Westw, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 7. Derbe pallida, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 81, 2. Perch. Mag. Zool. Ins. Sect. ix. pi. 36, f. 1. a— e. Spin. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 379, 1. South America. 2. Mysidia albipennis. Mysidia albipennis, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 7, pi. 1, f. 3. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection.' 3, Mysidia lactiflora. Mysidia lactiflora, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 8, pi. 1, f. 4. Brazil. 4. Mysidia pallida. Mysidia pallida, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. pi. 1 , f . 51. Brazil. n3 398 list of homopterous insects. 5. Mysidia subfasciata. Mysidia subfasciata, Westiv. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 19. Brazil. 6. Mysidia costalis. Derbe costata, Fabr. Syst. Rhijn. 81, 4. Burm. Handb. Ent. 154, 2. Derbe squamigera, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 81, 3. a. Para. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 7. Mysidia ,? punctum. Derbe punctum, Fobr. Syst. Rhyn. 82, 5. South America. 8. Mysidia? testacea. Derbe testacea, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 82, 6. South America. 9. Mysidia? nivea. Derbe nivea, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 82, 7. a. Para. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. b. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 10. Mysidia stigma. Derbe stigma, Germar. Montevideo. Genus 3. PHENICE. Phenice, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 10. Derbe, Boheman, Amyot et Serville. 1. Phenice fritillaris, Phenice fritillaris, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 11. Derbe fritillaris, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1838. Guinea. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 399 2. Phenice lunulata. Deibe lunulata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 515, 1. Isle of France. 3. Phenige stellulata. Phenice stellulata, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. II. Derbe stellulata, Boh. Konyl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1838. Guinea. 4. Phenice fasciolata. Phenice fasciolata, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 11, pi. 2, f. 3. Derbe fasciolata, JBoli. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1848. Guinea. Genus 4. CENCHREA. Ceuchrea, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 15. 1. Cenchrea dorsalis. Cenchrea dorsalis, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 15, pi. 2, f. 8. Isle St. Vincent Genus 5. LABICERUS. Labicerus, Erich. Schonih. Reise, Brit. Guiana, 614. 1. Labicerus elegaxs. Labicerus elegans, Erich. Schomh. Reise, Brit. Guiana, 614. British Guiana. Genus 6. THRACIA. Thracia, Westiv. Linn. Trans, xix. 10. Derbe, Boheman. 400 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 1. Thracia SINUOSA. Thracia sinuosa, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 10, pi. 2, f. 2. Derbe sinuosa, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1838. Sierra Leone. 2. Thracia Javanica. Thracia Javanica, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 19, pi. 2, f. 9. Java. 3, Thracia nervosa. Derbe nervosa, Boh. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1838. Thracia Bohemanni, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 10. Sierra Leone. Genus 7. PATARA. Patara, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 14. 1. Patara guttata. Patara guttata, Westiv. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 14, pi. 2, f. 6. Isle St. Vincent. 2. Patara albida. Patara albida, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 14, pi. 2, f. 7. Isle St. Vincent. Genus 8. DIOSPOLIS. Diospolis, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 9. Lydda, Westw. Proc. Linn. Soc. 84. Cicada, Fabr. 1. Diospolis elongata. Diospolis elongata, Westw. Linn. Trans, xix. 9, pi. 2, f. 1. Cicada elongata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 34, 29. Derbe elongata, Syst. Rhyn. 82, 8. New South Wales. Genus 9. ZEUGMA. Zeugma, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 20. list of homopterous insects. 401 1. Zedgma vittata. Zeugma vittata, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 21, ph 2, f. 10. Genus 10. HYNNIS. Hynnis, Bunn. Hanclh. Ent. 153. Otiocerus, Kirhi/, Westw. 1. Hynnis rosea. Hynnis rosea, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 154, 1. Otiocerus Dejreeri, Kirby, Linn. Trans, xiii. Westw. Linn. Trans. xix. pi. 2, f. 4. a. St. John's Bluff, Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. b—f. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman. Genus 11. OTIOCERUS. Otiocerus, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. 16. Cobax, Germar. I. Otiocerus Stollii. Otiocerus Stollii, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. 16, 2. Burm. Handb. Ent.n. 1, 153, 1. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 383, 1. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 176. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem, 514, 1. Cobax Winthemi, Genn. Mag. iv. 5, 1, pi. 1, f. 7. United States. 2. Otiocerus CoauEBERTii. Otiocerus Coquebertii, Kirby, Linn. Soc. xiii, Westw. Linn. Tram- xix. pi. 2, f. 5. Crochard, Ed. Reyne, Anim. Lis. pi. 97, f. 1 . a—f. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection, 3. Otiocerus Abbotii. Otiocerus Abbotii, Kirby, Trans. Linn. *S'oc. xiii. United States. 402 LIST OF HOMOPTEROCS INSECTS. 4. Otiocerus Francilloni. Otiocerus Francilloni, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. United States. 5. Otiocerus Reaumurii, Otiocerus Reaumurii, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. United States. 6. Otiocerus Wolfii. Otiocerus Wolfii, Kirby^ Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. United States. 7. Otiocerus Schellenbergii. Otiocerus Schellenbergii, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. United States, Genus 12. DERIBIA. Deribia, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix. 13. Anotia, Guerin. 1. Deribia coccinea. Deribia coccinea, Westw. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix, 1,13. Anotia coccinea, Gner. Voy. Ind. Orient. Belanger^462. Icon. Reg. Anim. Ins. pi. 58, f. 13. Voy. Coquille., Zonl. 169. Genus 13. ANOTIA. Anotia, Kirby^ Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. 21, 1. Anotia Bonnetii. Anotia Bonnetii, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii, 21, pi. 1, f. 15. Bmm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 153, 1, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii, 385, Crochard, Ed. Regne, Anim. Ins. pi. 97, f. 7. Georgia. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 403 Sub-Tribe 3. FLATOIDES. Flatoides, Spin. Afin. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 204, 387. Strigimargines Acanorides, Amyot et Serville. Strigimargines Flatides, Amyot et Serville (ad partem). Strigimargines Ricanides, Amyot et Serville. FlatidcB, Schaum. Genus 1. LOPHOPS. Lophops, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 387. 1. Lophops Seevillei. Lophops Servillei, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 388, pi. 10, f. 3. Amyot. et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 527, L Africa. Genus 2. ELASMOCELIS. Elasraoscelis, Spin. Ayin. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 388. Ricania, Germar. 1. Elasmocelis cimicoides, Elasmoceiis cimicoides, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 391, pi. 16, f. 4. Ricania cimicoides, Germ. Cat. Drege. No. 1662. a, b. Cape. From M. Drege's collection. 2. Elasmocelis trimaculatus. Piceus ; caput viridescens ; frons bicarinatus, rufo trivittatus ; epistoma nigrum^ tricarinatum ; thorax nan carinatns ; pedes nigri ; ala antica ni(jro-fusc(C, maculis quatuor limpidis ad marginem ornatce : al(C posticce fnsccB, basi sublimpida. Body pitchy : head greenish ; crown narrow, having on each side a high ridge whose edge is brown ; front narrow, with two ridges, adorned with three bright red stripes ; epistoma black, pointed, with three ridges : chest not ridged : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs black, broad ; fore-thighs and fore-shanks ver? 404 LIST OF nOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. much dilated : fore-wings very dark brown, with two colourless spots on the fore border, the first much larger than the second ; a narrow transverse colourless spot along the tip, and a colourless dot near the tip of the hind border : hind-wings brown, almost colourless towards the base; veins brown, paler in the colourless part. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Kev. D. F. Morgan. Genus 3. FLATOIDES. Flatoides, Gutr. Icon. Regn. Anim. Texte, 362. Cicada, Fair. Eicania, Germar, Burmeuter. Flata, Fah7\, Gnerin. 1. Flatoides toeteix. Flata ? tortrix, Guer. Icon. Regn. Anim. Texte, 362. Madagascar. 2. Flatoides fenesteata. Flata fenestrata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 51, 28. Java. 3. Flatoides hyalina. Ricania hyalina. Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 224, 2. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 161, 2. Cicada hyalina, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 40, 59. Stoll, Cic. 75, pi. 19, f. 102. Flata hyalina, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 51, 24. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. J. Hooker. 4. Flatoides Pe lops, Mas .'^ Ferrugineus, subtus fiavo-albus ; frons fusco variu^s, tricar inatus ; epistoma fusco trivittatum ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; pedes fulvi ; alcB niyro-fuscce, latissimce ; alee anticce apice limpidm. Body ferruginous, yellowish-white beneath : head nearly as broad as the chest; crown somewhat rugulose, surrounded by a rim, LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 405 very short in the middle, angular and much lengthened backward on each side; front blackish brown along the crown, having two brown spots on each side where it is rounded, very slightly increasing in breadth towards the epistoma ; its length hardly exceeds its breadth ; its side ridges are high ; its middle ridge is very slight, and disappears near the epistoma which is lanceolate and has three brown stripes : fore-chest surrounded by a rim, and having a middle ridge, concave on the hind border, truncate, conical in front and advancing near to the fore border of the crown : middle-chest flat on the disk, full four times the length of the fore-chest, with three slight ridges, the side pair curved and united in front : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest: legs tawny: wings dark brown, very broad, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen ; tips of fore-wings colourless ; veins dark brown, much ramified in the disk, extremely numerous towards the tips; fore border dilated, convex, along it is a row of oblique parallel cross-veins. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 5. Flatoides iiumeralis, Mas. Ferrugineus, snhtus Jiavo-alhus ; fronsfuscovarkis, tricarinatus ; epistoma fusco trivittatum ; rnesothorax tricarinatus ; pedes fulvi ; ala fusae, latissinid ; alee anticce maculis quatuor lim- pidis ornatce. Body ferruoinous, yellowish-white beneath : head nearly as broad as the chest; crown somewhat rugose, surrounded by a rim, very short in the middle, angular and much lengthened backward on each side ; front brown along the crown, having two brown spots on each side where it is rounded, hardly increasing in breadth towards the epistoma ; its length scarcely exceeds its breadth : its side ridges are high ; its middle ridge is very slight, and does not extend beyond half the length from the crown ; epistoma lanceolate, with three brown stripes: fore-chest surrounded by a rim, with a middle ridge wdiich does not extend to the fore border, slightly concave on the hind border, truncate-conical in front, and advancing near to the fore border of the crown : middle-chest with a flat disk, full four times the length of the fore-chest, with three slight ridges, the side pair curved and united in front: abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest : legs tawny : wings brown, very broad, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen ; fore-wings adorned with four colourless spots; one on the disk, large, with three lobes; second large, tri- angular, on the fore border near the tip ; third narrow, extending O 406 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. along the tip near the fore border ; fourth on the tip near the hind border, irregular, and almost divided into four little spots ; veii:s dark brown, much ramified in the disk, extremely numerous towards the tips : fore border dilated, convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 6. Flatoides speculum, Fem. Niger; frons carinatus ; inesothorax tricar inatus ; pedes ferru- ginei ; alcB fuscte, amplce ; alcB anticce maculis quinque lim- pidis ornatcB ; alee posticce pallidiores, guttis sublimpidis ornatce. Body black : head as broad as the chest: crown surrounded by a rim, very concave on the hind border, straight in front ; its length nut one-eighth of its breadth ; front broad, rounded but not broader towards the epistoma, slightly concave at the junction, surrounded by a rim and having a slight middle ridge which hardly extends beyond half the length from the crown, rather broader than long ; epistoma triangular, with a middle ridge : fore-chest slightly arched, with a middle ridge, about twice the length of the crown : middle- chest full four times the length of the fore-thest, with three ridges, the side pair curved and united in front: abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest : legs ferruginous: wings brown, ample ; fore- wings adorned with five colourless spots ; two in the disk ; one near them on the fore border, and two along the tip ; veins brown, whitish on the colourless parts ; longitudinal veins very numerous but hardly ramified ; cross-veins few ; fore border dilated towards the base where there is a row of oblique parallel cross-veins : hind-wings paler than the fore-wings, with many almost colourless dots. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 7. Flatoides tenebeosls, Mas et Fem. Niger; frons et epistoma carinata ; prothorax carinaius ; mesa- thorax tricarinatus ; abdomen ferrugineum ; pedes ferruginei ; alee nigro-fuscce^ ampLe, apice guttis albis fasciata ; alee an- ticce maculis sex limpidis ornata. Body black : head as broad as the chest: crown surrounded by a rim, slightly concave on the hind border, straight in front ; its length not one-eighth of its breadth ; front very broad, rounded on LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 407 each side, rather narrower in front, slightly concave where it join^ the epistoma, surrounded by a rim and havino- a slight middle ridtre? its breadth nearly twice its length; epistoma triangular, with a middle ridge: fore-chest slightly arched, with a middle ridge, about twice the length of the crown : middle-chest about five times the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges ; the side pair curved, united in front and behind, and enclosing a flat elliptical compart- ment: abdomen ferruginous, a little longer than the chest: legs ferruginous : wings blackish-brown, ample: fore-wings adorned with six colourless spots ; two in the disk ; one near them on the fore border ; one on the tip near the fore border, and two close together on the tip near the hind border; sometimes there is a colourless dot near the larger spot on the disk ; a row of colourless dots along the tips of the four wings ; veins blackish, pale on the spots; longitu- dinal veins very numerous, the spaces between them thickly ribbed across towards the tips; cross-veins rather numerous; fore border dilated near the base where there is a row of oblique parallel cross- veins. Length of the body 3 — 4 lines ; of the wings 10 — 12 lines, a, b. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. c. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. d. ? 8. Flatoides peefoeatus. Fern. Niger ; frons et epistoma carinata ; prothorax carinatus ; ineso- thorax tricarinatus ; pedes rufi, ; femora picea ; alee nigro- fuscce, cyaneo-albo suffusce ; alee anticce maculis quinque lim- pidis ornatce. Nearly allied to the preceding species, but the spots on the wings are very different in form. Body black : head as broad as the chest : surrounded by a rim, slightly tuberculate, slightly concave on the hind border, sraight in front ; its length not one-eighth of its breadth ; front very broad, rounded on each side, rather narrower in front, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, surrounded by a rim and having a slight middle ridge; its breadth nearly twice'its length ; epistoma triangular, with a middle ridge: fore-chest slightly arched, with a middle ridge, about twice the length of the crown : middle-chest about five times the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges ; the side pair curved, united in front and behind, and in- closing a flat elliptical compartment: abdomen a little longer than the chest: legs dark red; thighs pitchy: wings blackish-brown, ample, tinged with bluish-white ; fore-wings adorned with five large colourless spots ; two in the disk ; one near them on the fore border ; 0 2 408 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. one on the tip near the fore border ; the fifth which is larger on the tip near the hind border, including a small brown spot; a row of colourless dots along the tips of the four wings; veins blackish, pale on the spots ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins rather numerous; fore border dilated near the base where there is a row of oblique parallel cross-veins. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a,h. ? 9. Flatoides guttatus, Mas. Niger ; frons tricarinatus ; epistnma carinatum ; prothorax ferru- gineus, carinatus ; mesothornx quinque-carinaius ; pedes fulvi ; femora picea ; alee nigro-fuscce, amplce, apice guttis limpidis fasciatce ; alee anticcB maculis trihus limpidis oj-natce. Body black : head as broad as the fore-chest ; crown pitchy surrounded by a rim, slightly concave on the hind border, straight in front ; its length not one-eighth of its breadth ; front broad, dark ferruginous, rounded on each side, not narrower in front, very slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, surrounded by a rim, and having three slight ridges ; its breadth far exceeding its length ; epistoma triangular, with a middle ridge : fore-chest ferruginous, with a middle ridge, slightly arched, about twice the length of the crown : middle-chest about five times the length of the fore-chest, with five ridges ; the inner pair near the middle one, diverging towards the middle, beyond which they do not extend ; outer pair curved, and including a somewhat flat and almost elliptical compartment : ab- domen obconical, hardly longer than the chest : legs tawny ; thighs pitchy : wings blackish-brown, ample : fore-wings adorned with three colourless spots ; one on the disk, round ; the second larger, almost triangular, on the foie border near the tip ; third as large as the first, on the tip near the fore border; a row of colourless dots along the tips of the four wings; veins blackish, pale on the spots; longi- tudinal veins very numerous; cross-veins rather numerous; fore border dilated near the base where there is a row of oblique parallel cross-veins. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowriug, Esq. LIST OF HOMOI'TEROUS INSECTS. 409 10. Flatoides marginalis, Fern. Niger ; frons et epistoma carinata ; prothornx carinatus ; meso- thorax quinque-carinatus ; abdomen obscure ferrugineum ; pedes ferruginei ; femora picea ; alee nigro-fusca, amplce, apice guttis albis fasciatce ; al(B anticce maculis quinque lim- pidis ornatcB. Body black: head as broad as the chest; crown surrounded by a rim, slightly concave on the hind liorder, straight in front ; its length hardly one-eighth of its breadth; front very broad, rounded on each side, narrow towards the epistoma, slightly concave at the junction, surrounded by a rim, and having a middle ridge which does not reach the fore border ; epistoma triangular, with a middle ridge : fore-chest with a middle ridge, on each side of which it is somewhat impressed, slightly arched, about twice the length of the crown : middle-chest with five ridges ; inner pair curved, and in- closing a somewhat flat and almost elliptical compartment ; outer pair short, straight, joining the inner pair before half the length of the chest: abdomen dark ferruginous, as long as the chest: legs ferruginous ; thighs pitchy : wings blackish-brown, ample : fore wings adorned with five colourless spots ; one a dot on the disk ; the second very large, triangular, on the fore border near the tip ; third much smaller, on the tip, accompanied by two or three colourless dots; fourth and fifth small, irregular, on the tip near the hind border ; a row of colourless dots along the tips of the four wings ; veins blackish, pale on the spots ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins rather numerous ; fore border dilated near the base, where there is a row of oblique parallel cross-veins. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Africa. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 11. Flatoides discus. Cervinus ; frons transverse suhcarinatus ; mesothorax luteiis, mm carinatus ; abdomen subtus nonnumquam albidum ; pedes albo- cervini ; alee anticce cervincc, subtus albo suffusce, macula maxima obliqua limpida disco ormitic ; alee posticce cinerece^ basi et ad costam limpidce. Body buff: head nearly as broad as the chest ; crown not visible above ; front broad, with a slight cross-ridge near the crown, rounded on each side, not narrower towards the epistoma, straight at the junc- tion, a little longer than broad ; a middle ridge proceeds from the O 3 410 LIST OP HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. cross-ridge to the disk and there ceases ; epistoma lanceolate, not ridged : fore-chest slightly arched ; its breadth full four times its length : middle-chest luteous, not ridged, full five times the length of the fore-chest : abdomen sometimes whitish beneath, obconical, not longer than the chest : legs buff, tinged with white : fore-wings brown, tinged with white beneath, adorned with a very large oblique colourless spot which extends across the disk, having as it were a very broad border along their tips ; fore border cunvex near the base, beyond which there is a row of almost upright, parallel cross-veins; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins nut numerous: hind- wings gray, colourless towards the base and along part of the fore border ; veins brown, pale on the colourless part. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. rt, b. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 12. Flatoides stigma, Mas et Fem. Ferrugineus ; frons tricarinatus^ transverse iinicarinatus ; epistoma fulvtim, carinatum ; prothorax carinatus ; mesothorax quinque- carinatus ; abdomen testaceum ; pedes fidvi ; alee sat latce ; alee anticee fusca aut testacete, macula trigona sublimpida ad costam ornatce ; fasciis obliquis fulvis etfuscis basi notatce. Body ferruginous : head as broad as the chest ; crown surrounded by a rim, very slightly arched ; its length not one-eighth of its breadth ; front broad, rounded on each side, narrower near the epis- toma, slightly concave at the junction, surrounded by a rim, having a middle ridge which is shortened towards the epistoma, and two side ridges which are slightly curved and united by a cross-ridge near the epistoma; the latter is tawny and lanceolate with a middle ridge: fore-chest with a middle ridge, slightly arched, about twice the length of the crown : middle-chest with five ridges ; inner pair curved, united in front and behind, and inclosing a somewhat flat almost elliptical compartment ; outer pair very short, not extending far from the fore border: abdomen testaceous, obconical, not longer than the chest: legs tawny: wings rather large; fore-wings brown, some- times testaceous, with brown tips ; a somewhat triangular, almost colourless spot on the fore border of the fore-wing ; between it and the base is a row of very short oblique alternately brown and tawny bands : veins brown, pale on the spot ; longitudinal veins very nu- merous ; cross-veins not numerous ; a few almost upright slightly curved cross-veins along the fore border which is slightly convex. Length of the body 2^ lines : of the wings 9 lines.. a—d. ? LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 411 13. Flatoides stipatus, Fein. Ferruqineus ; frons non carinatus ; prothorax carinatus ; meso- thorax piceus, ejus carina semicirculum fingens ; pedes ferru- ginei ; alee anticce fusccc, fulvo guttata, maculis duabits suhlimpidis ad costam ornatts ; alee posticce fulvce, apicefuscte. Body ferruginous: head nearly as broad as the chest; crown surrounded by a rim, slightly concave on the hind border, almost straight in front; its length hardly one-eighth of its breadth ; front broad, surrounded by a rim, not ridged, rounded on each side, rather narrower towards the epistoma, slightly concave where they join ; its breadth lesss than twice its length ; epistoma triangular, not ridged: fore-chest slightly arched, with a middle ridge, ai)out twice the length of the crown : middle-chest pitchy, with a semicircular ridge, which proceeds from each side of the fore border into the disk : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs ferruginous : fore-wings brown, adorned with numerous tawny dots, several of which are confluent in the disk ; two larger almost colourless spots on the fore border, one beyond the middle, the other near the tip ; veins black- isl), pale on the spots ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross- veins few ; fore border very convex towards the base, where there is a row of oblique parallel cross-veins : hind-wings tawny, brown to- wards the tips. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines. «. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 14. Flatoides mesochlorus, Fem. Fulvus; frons suhcarinatus ; epistoma non carinatum ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen Jlavuni, subtus viride ; pedes fulvi; alee antic(B fusc(e, disco virides, nigro-fusco decem-giittatcs, yuttis albis oblique fasciatte ; alee posticoe fusco-cinerece, basi limpidce. Body tawny : head a little narrower than the chest ; crown ex- tremely short ; front nearly flat, surrounded by a slight rim, having a very slight middle ridge, rounded on each side, hardly narrower towards tlie epistoma, straight at the junction with the latter ; its length slightly exceeding its breadth ; epistoma lanceolate, not ridged : fore-chest convex in front, slightly concave on the hind border: middle-chest about four times the length of the fore-chest, with three very slight ridges: abdomen pale yellow, green beneath, obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs pale tawny : wings of moderate breadth ; fore-wings brown ; disk pale green, with about ten blackish-brown dots ; beyond them is a slightly oblique row of 412 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. smaller white dots ; veins brown, ^reen in the pale green part ; lon- gitudinal veins numerous towards the tips ; cross-veins few ; fore border dilated, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins : hind- wings pale brownish gray, colourless towards the base with the ex- ception of the borders of the veins. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 15. Flatoides cervinus, Mas. Fulvus ; frons subcarinatus ; epistoma trigonum, non carinatiim ; abdomen cervinum ; pedes fu hi ; alee anticce cervince, ad apices augustiores ; alcB postica subci7ierea, ad venas obscuriores. Body tawny : head as broad as the chest ; crown slightly arched ; front flat, broad, surrounded by a rim, rounded on each side, much narrower towards the epistoma, with a very short middle ridge next the crown ; epistoma triangular, not ridged : fore-chest slightly arched ; its breadth full six times its length : middle-chest ridged? : abdomen obconical, fawn-colour, a little longer than the chest; upper and lower appendages large, much curved, crossing each other: legs pale tawny : wings of moderate breadth ; fore-wings fawn-colour, narrower towards the tips ; veins tawny ; longitudinal veins nume- rous; cross-veins rather numerous; fore border dilated; along it a row of oblique crosss-veins ; hind-wrings pale gray, darker along the borders of the veins. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 16. Flatoides confoemis, Mas. Fulvus ; frons ellipticus, bifoveolatus ; thorax non carinatus ; ab- domen stramineiim, obcomcum ; pedes straminei ,• altc anticce cervina, sat angustce ; alee posticce subcinerece. Body tawny: head narrower than the chest, very convex in front; crown short, much arched; front elliptical, surrounded by a rim, with two slight furrows along the disk ; epistoma triangular, not ridged ; fore-chest concave on the hind border, very convex in front; middle-chest full twice the length of the (ore-chest, not ridged : abdomen obconical, pale straw-colour, a little longer than the chest, its appendages short: legs pale straw-colour : fore-wings fawn-colour, rather narrow and slightly decreasing in breadth to- wards their tips; longitudinal veins rather numerous towards the tips ; a row of parallel slightly oblique cross-veins along the fore LIST OF HOMOPTEROCS INSECTS. 413 border: hind-wings pale gray. Length of the body 2i lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 17. Flatoides tenebrosus, Mas. Nigro-fuscus ; frons ferrugineus, tricannatus ; prothorax carinatus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen Gbconicum, thorace paulld longius, subtus apice fulvuin : pedes fulvl : alcB anticcc nigro- fiisca, latcB, fasciis albidis inter venas ornatce ,• al<£ posticm cinerecE. Body blackish-brown : head as broad as the chest; crown very short, very concave behind, slishtly cunvex on the fore border, its length in the middle about half of its length on each side ; front ferruginous, very much broader than long, rounded on each side, hardly narrower towards the epistoma, flat, surrounded by a rim, straight where it joins the epistoma, having three ridges, the middle one approaching the epistoma, the side pair shorter and slightly curved ; epistoma ferruginous, triangular, not longer than broad : mouth tawny : fore-chest broadest in the middle, very convex in front, more slightly concave behind, with a middle ridge ; its length about one-sixth of its breadth: middle-chest full five times the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges, the side pair diverging backward from the middle one and terminating on the oblique sides of the chest ; abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest, tawny beneath at the tip ; appendages short ; legs tawny : fore-wings blackish brown, rather broad, adorned with numerous little dingy white bands between the longitudinal veins and on some of the cross-veins: longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins few; fore border dilated, along it a row of oblique more or less parallel cross- veins ; hind-wings gray, darker towards the tips ; veins blackish. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. 18. Flatoides lignarius, Mas et Fem. Ferrugineus ; frons falvus ; prothorax bicarinatus ; mesothorax piceus, non carinatus; abdomen obconicum ; pedes f til vi ; alee anticcE ferruginea, sat latce, maculis nonnullis nigro-fuscis ; areolarum disci sublimpidi ; ahe posticee cinerecCy bast palli- diores. Body ferruginous : head a little narrower than the chest, crown almost united with the front, not arched, with a large pitchy spot on 414 LIST OF nOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. each side, its breadth full twice its length ; front tawny, flat, broad, rounded on each side, not narrower towards the epistoma, slightly concave where they join, surrounded by a slight rim, having a very short middle ridge adjoining the crown ; its breadth much exceeding its length ; epistoma tawny, lanceolate : fore-chest straight in front and behind, with a ridge on each side converging towards the fore border, its breadth about four limes its length : middle-chest pitchy, not ridged : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest, raised into a cone near the base ; sexual appendages very long, upper one armed above near the base with two spines, curved downward towards the tip which approaches the middle of the tip of the lower one, the latter is very deep, especially at the tip where its depth is almost equal to its length : legs tawny : fore- wings ferruginous, moderately broad, with a few variable darker spots ; disks of the areolets almost colourless; veins brown; longitudinal veins not numerous; cross- veins rather numerous ; fore border much dilated towards the base, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins ; hind-wings gray, paler towards the base. Fern. Abdomen shorter than the chest ; tip rounded, along it is a groove which is ridged across. Length of the body 2\ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. — c. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 19. Flatoides fumosus, Fem. Obscure ferruginens ; frons subtricarinatus ; mesothorax piceus, non carinatwi ; abdomen obconicum, thoracenon longius ; pedes ferruginei ; alee anticcB lata;, uigro-fusca ; alee posiica fuscce. Body dark ferruginous : head as broad as the chest ; crown very short, slightly arched, its length not one-eighth of its breadth ; front ferruginous, flat, rounded on each side, a little narrower towards the epistoma, surrounded by a slight rim, having three indistinct ridges, concave where it joins the epistoma, which is triangular: fore-chest very short, slightly arched: raiddle-chest pitchy : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest : legs ferruginous : fore-wings blackish brown; veins black ; longitudinal veins rather numerous; cross-veins few; fore border widened,^ convex, along it a row of more or less oblique and parallel cross-veins; hind-wings brown. Length of the body H line ; of the wings 6 lines. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 415 20. Flatoides bifascia, Fem. Piceus, hh'tiis, lahis ; frons ferrugineus, carinatus ; epistoma fer- rugineum, laterihus piceiim ; mesothorax non carinatus ; ptctus et abdomen ferruginea ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce nigra, amp Ice, albn bifasciatcB, ad costam subferruginecB ; alcB posticcB fuscce fascia basique limpidis. Body pitchy, hairy, broad and short : head nearly as broad as the chest: crown straig-ht, A'ery short; front slightly tuberculate, rounded and ferruijinous on each side, not surrounded by a rim, not narrower towards the epistoma, straight at the junction, wiih a slight middle ridge, its breadth very nearly iwice its length ; epistoma fer- ruginous, triangular, pitchy on each side : mouth tawny : fore-chest short, slightly arched: middle-chest not ridged : breast ferruginous : abdomen ferruginous, obconical, not longer than the chest: legs tawny : fore-wings black, very large, with two white bands ; veins black, pale yellow on the bands ; longitudinal veins not numerous ; cross-veins rather numerous towards the base : fore border very con- vex, partly ferruginous, along it a row of parallel, slightly oblique cross-veins : hind-wings brown, colourless towards the base, and having near the tip a colourless band which is shortened towards the fore border. Length of the body If line; of the wings 5 lines a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 21. Flatoides marginatus, Fem. Fei'rugineus, gramdatus ; frnns piceus, glaber, lateribus ferrugi- neis ; mesothorax non carinatus ; abdomen Iceve ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce latce, ferruginea, apice oblique truncate, cosfa un- dulata ; vitta sub costa fascicsque nonnullcB fnscce ; vence lon- gitudinales guttatce ; alee posticce subfusccB. Body ferruginous, dull, finely granulated, broad, stout: head as broad as the chest ; crown concave along the hind border, straight in front, its length on each side nearly twice that in the middle ; front pitchy, flat, shining, tawny and slightly concave where it joins the episloma, with a broad ferruginous border which is slightly im- pressed, rounded on each side, not narrower towards the epistoma ; its breadth much exceeding its length ; episloma tawny, lanceolate : fore-chest slightly concave behind, more convex in front, much longer than the crown, its breadth near eight times its length : middle-chest flat, not ridged, lull four times the length of the fore- chest ; abdomen obconical, smooth, shining, a little longer than the 416 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. chest ; segments towards the tip edited with black : legs tawny, rather broad ; hind-shanks armed with two stout spines whose tips are black: fore-wings ample, ferruginous, obliquely truncated at the tips by the fore border, slightly undulating and having a brown band from thence to the hind border, brownish along the fore border and with two or three undulating brownish bands in the disk; veins fer- ruginous ; longitudinal veins dotted, numerous towards the tips ; . cross-veins very numerous in the disk ; fore border convex toward the base, slightly concave toward the tip, along it a row of more or less parallel and oblique cross-veins which are most numerous towards the tip : hind-wings pale brown, little more than half the length of the fore-wings; veins ferruginous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. 22. Flatoides eetractus, Fern, Ferrugineus, granulatus ; frons piceus, glaher ; mesothornx non carinatus ; pedes fulvi ; alcB anticte latce, ferruginea^ fiisco varicB^ oblique ti'uncatcB, albo fasciata ; alee posticce subfusccB . Body ferruginous, dull, finely granulated, broad, stout : head as broad as the chest ; crown concave along the hind border, straight in front, its length on each side nearly twice that in the middle : front pitchy, flat, shining, slightly emarginate where it joins the epis- toma, with a broad border which is slightly impressed, rounded on each side, not narrower towards the epistoma, its breadth much ex- ceeding its length ; epistoma ferruginous, lanceolate : mouth tawny : fore-chest slightly concave behind, more convex in front, much longer than the crown, its breadth near eight times its length : middle-chest flat, not ridged, full four times the length of the fore-chest : abdo- men obconical, smooth, shining, a little longer than the chest: legs tawny, rather broad; hind-shanks armed with two stout spines whose tips are black : fore-wings ample, ferruginous, mottled with brown, obliquely truncated at the tips by the fore border, slightly undulating and with a brown band from thence to the hind border, adorned with an elliptical short white band in the disk ; veins darker or paler according to the colour of the wing ; longitudinal veins numerous ; cross-veins few ; fore border very slightly undulating, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are much more numerous and more oblique near the tip than towards the base : hind-wings pale brown ; veins darker. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines, a. Sierra Leone. Presented by the Rev. D. F. Morgan. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOITS INSECTS. 417 23. Flatoides OiiiENTis, Mas. Fulvus ; frons suhcarinatus ; prot/iorax carina tus ; mesotJiorax tri- Cfirinatus ; pedes falvi ; al(B andcce testacerr, macuiis limpidis ornatce ; alee posticce cineretB. Body tawny : head as broad as the cliest; crown short, bordered liy a very slight rim, concave behind, straight on the fore border, iis length in the middle half of that on each side ; front flat, rounded on each side, a little narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a very slight rim, concave where it joins the epistoma, with a very in- distinct ridge, its breadth less than twice its length ; epistoma tri- angular, not ridged : fore-chest move than twice the length of the crown, concave on the hind border, more convex in front, with a middle ridge : middle-chesl with three ridges, the side pair slightly uudtdating, diverging much from the fore border: abdomen obcon- ical, a little longer than the chest: legs tawny: fore-wings broad, testaceous, colourless at intervals along the tips ; a colourless dot near the tip of the fore border, and a large oblong colourless spot in the disk touching the fore border ; veins tawny, pale yellow in the colourless part ; longitudinal veins very numerous; cross-veins rather numerous in the disk ; fore border convex, along it a row of parallel oblique cross-veins decreasing in length towards the tip : hind-wings gray. Length of the body '2h lines ; of the wings 7h lines. a. East India. 24. Flatoides minor, Mas. Ferrugineus ; vertex carinatus, piceo himaculalus ; froniis carini furcaf.a ; thorax non carinatus; mesothoracis discus piceus ; pedes fulvi ; alceaniiccElatce^ferruginecB; alceposticce cinerete. Body ferruginous : head as broad as the chest : crown slightly depressed, surrounded by a slight rim, having a slight middle ridge and on each side a pitchy spot, its length about half its breadth ; front broader than long, rounded and with a slight rim on each side, concave where it joins the epistoma, having a slight middle ridge which is forked towards the crown ; epistoma lanceolate : fore-chest as long as the crown, slightly concave behind, truncate on the fore border: disk of the middle-chest piichy : abdomen o])conical,a little longer than the chest; appendages very large; upper one with a groove, near whose base is a little appendage, curved downward and meeting the lower one, the latter is very deep towards the tip : legs tawny: fore-wings broad, ferruginous ; veins ferruginous; longitu- P 418 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. dinal veins not numerous; cross-veins rather numerous in the disk ; fore border widened, along it a row of slightly oblique nearly parallel cross-veins : hind border widened and tuberculate near the base : hind-wings dark gray ; veins black. Length of the body 2i lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. China. 25. Flatoides decoeus, Mas. Fulvus ; vertex tricarinatus ; frons ftava, fulvo bicarinata : pro- thorax et mesothorax tricarinati, hujus discus niger ; meta- thorax Jlavus ; pectus albidum ; abdomen basi viride, supra fusco varium ; pedes virides : tarsi fulvi ; ales anticee fuscee, fulvo varice ; macula ad costam magna trigona limpida ; alee poslicce fuscce basi limpidce. Body tawny, head much narrower than the chest ; crown much longer than broad, with three ridges which are partly brown ; an oblique brown stripe on each side of the low middle ridge ; the high side ridges united and forming an angle in front ; front pale yellow, very slightly increasing in breadth till near the epistoma where it is rounded and much dilated ; its two lawny ridges are connected by a single ridge with the side ridges of the crown, and thence slightly diverge to the epistoma, which is pale yellow and lanceolate: fore- chest shorter than the crown ; its breadth more than four times its length ; the middle of its disk occupied by three ridges which are united in front and include a brown divided conical compartment : middle-chest more than twice the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges ; the side ridges diverging much towards the hind border ; disk black : hind-chest yellow ; breast whitish : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest, partly brown above, green at the base : legs pale green ; feet tawny ; hind-shanks armed beneath with two spines : fore-wings brown, varied with tawny, and having in the middle a very large triangular colourless spot which rests on the fore border, and occupies about one-fourth of the surface ; veins pale yellow, very numerous towards the tips ; a row of short oblique parallel cross-veins along the fore border: hind-wings brown, colour- less towards the base; veins blackish. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 8 lines. „ ? LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 4 H> 26. Flatoides truncatus, Mas. Fulvus ; frons carinatus ; mesothorax ferruginem ; abdomen lu- te lan ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce subfulvce, apice trancatce ; ales postica sublimpid(E, apice fiiscce. Body tawny, darker here and there: head a little narrower than the chest ; crown conical, slightly concave ; front much l()np;er than broad, widening from the crown to the epistoma where it is rounded, surrounded by a rim, and having a slight middle ridge ; epistoma lanceolate: eyes striped: fore-chest convex in front, slightly concave behind; its breadth nearly four times its length : middle-chest fer- ruginous, more than twice the length of the fore-chest : abdomen luteous, obconical, not longer than the chest: sexual apparatus con- sisting of two curved appendages whose tips cross each other; the lower one compressed, deep, grooved ; the upper one longer and more slender: legs tawny: fore-wings truncate at the tips, pale tawny: veins darker, very numerous towards the tips ; a row of very short oblique parallel cross-veins along the fore border : hind-wings almost colourless, brown towards the tips ; veins brown, tawny at the base. Length of the body 2i lines ; of the wings 7 liues. a. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 27. Flatoides basalis, Mas. Testaceiis, sat latus ; frons non carinatus ; thorax ferrugineus ; ab- domen luteum ; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce sub fulvee, basi picetr trimaculatce ; alee posticce subcinerece. Body testaceous, rather broad : head as broad as the chest : crown extremely short, channelled across, its breadth more than eight times its length ; front flat, smooth, nearly square, not ridged : epistoma triangular: chest ferruginous: fore-chest arched, more than twice the length of the crown ; its breadth more than ^four times its length : middle-chest much more than twice the length of the fore-chest: abdomen obconical, luteous, not longer than the chest: the lateral plates at the tip with black edges; lower middle appendage serrated : legs tawny : fore-wings pale tawny ; three pitchy spots near the base of each ; veins tawny, very numerous ; a row of rather long slightly oblique parallel cross-veins along the fore border: hind-wings pale gray; veins brown. Length oflhe bodv If lines; of the wings 0 lines. a. ? From Mr. Birch's colleciion. p2 420 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 28. Flatoides quadeatus, Mas. Fulvus ; vertex carinatm, margine postico elevato ; frons pallidiore varius, carinatus ; epistoma vitta fasciisque ohliquis pallidis ; prothorax fusco guttatus ; mesothorax non carinatus, apice niger ; metathorax et pectus alhida ; ahdomen apice alhidum; pedes fulvi ; alee anticce ampke, albidce, fulvo varies, apice ob- lique fruncatce, fusco guttata, margine postico apicem verstts fusco maculatce : al(E posticce alhidce, iridescentes. Body tawny : head a little narrower than the chest ; crown extremely short and apparently united to the front, having a middle riri<,'-e and along the hind border a cross ridge ; front mottled with paler colour, flat, having a slight rira along each side where it is hardly rounded, straight where it joins the epistoma, with a slight middle ridge which is continued from the crown, and disappears in the disk ; epistoma lanceolate, with a pale middle stripe, from whence oblique bands recede to each side: fore-chest concave along the hind border, more convex in front, adorned with numerous brown dots : middle-chest flat on the disk of the hind part, not keeled ; tip black : hind-chest and breast whitish : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest ; plates at the tip whitish : legs pale tawny : wings •ample : fore-wings dingy white, partly tawny, truncate at the tips or having an inward curve towards the hind border, adorned with nu- merous little brown dots which are mostly towards the fore border, and v\ith a brown spot which is near the lip of the hind border ; veins whitish, darker when the wings are so; longitudinal veins very numerous; cross-veins numerous in the disk ; fore border hardly convex, along it a row of stout slightly oblique parallel cross-veins: hind-wings whitish, iridiscent ; veins pale tawny. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 29. Flatoides Cixii, Fem. Niger ; frons fulvus, tricarinatus, nigra fasciatus et maculatus ; prothorax fulvo varius ; mesothorax ferrugineo varius, bicari- naius, ad apicem cristatus ; abdomen basi subtus fulvum ; pedes fulvi ; alie anticce fuscce, apice et ad costam limpidce fasciis guttisque fuscis ; alee posticce limpidcc. Body black : head a little narrower than the chest ; crown very short, surrounded by a rim ; front tawny, with a broad black band next the crown and a few small black spots towards the epistoma. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 421 rounded on each side, straight where it joins the epistoma, surrounded by a slight rim and having three ridges, the side j3air slightly curved and disappearing in the disk, its hreadth less than twice its length ; epistoma tawny, triangular, pitchy on each side : mouih tawny with a black tip : fore-chest arched, partly tawny, more than twice the length of the crown : middle-chest partly ferruginous and with an oblique ridge on each side, having a high crest towards the hind border: abdomen obconical, as long as the chest, tawny beneath to- wards the base : legs tawny: fore-wings brown, colourless with four interruptions along the fore border and at the tips, where there are numerous irregular hrown dots ; veins ferruginous, tawny in the colourless parts ; longitudinal veins very numerous towards the tips ; cross-veins few ; along the fore border a row of long mostly parallel cross-veins which are more oblique towards the tips than elsewhere : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 31 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 30. Flatoides RUDisPMas. Ricania rudis, Schaum. P Cicada rudis. Stall, Cic. 81, pi. 21, f. 113. ? Fuscus ; caput striatum ; frons carinatus ; 'prothnrax fulvus^ cari- natiis, fusco maculatus ; mesothorax tricarivatus^apice flavun ; melathorax et pectus ferruginea , abdomen ferrugineo varium; pedes fiilvi ; aUe antica angustiores, fusca, ad costam nigrce ; alcB posticce cinerece, apice fusca. Body brown : head as broad as the chest ; crown finely striated ; very concave behind, slightly convex in front, its lengih iu the middle about half of that on each side ; front very much longer than broad, surrounded by a slight rim, rounded and rather broader on each side towards the epistoma, to which it is closed joined by a very slightly concave suture, obliquely and very finely striated on each side of the very distinct middle ridge which is continued along the epistoma ; the latter is lanceolate: fore-chest conical in front, slightly concave on the hind l)order, tawny with brown spots h;iving a slightly raised tawny middle stripe, its length on each side about one-third of that in the middle: middle-chest having a slightly raised tawny middle stripe, and on each side a sligiitly undulating ridge: tip yellow: hind-chest and breast ferruginous: abdomen obconical, partly fer- ruginous, a little longer than the chest ; a])pendages at the tip black r legs tawny: fore-wings narrow, brown, paler in the disk and about p3 422 LIST OF HO.MOPTEROUS INSECTS. the cross-veins, black along the fore border ; veins ferruginous; cross- veins ramified in the disk ; longitudinal veins and cross-veins regular and very numerous towards the tips ; fore border convex, along it a row of oblique very short nearly parallel cross-veins: hind-wings pale gray, brown towards the tips; veins black; a few very short cross-veins towards the lip of the fore border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. Genus 4. RICANIA. Bicania, Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 221. Flata, Fabr., Germar, Boisduval. Cicada, Fabr., Donovan. Cixius, Gverin (ad partem). 1. RiCANIA RETICULATA. Ricania reticulata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 161, 1. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 403, 8. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 173, 1. Hem. pi. 13, f. 4. Aymjot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 529, 1. Flata reticulata, Fabr. Sijst. Rhyn. 47, 12. StoU, Cic. 29, pi. 4, f. 19. Germ. Thon, Arch. ii. 2, 49, 40. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. b. ? 2, Ricania planipennis. Ricania planipennis. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 396, 2. Africa. 3. Ricania hyalinata. Ricania hyalinata, Guer. Voy. Belanger, Zool. 466. Cicada hyalinata, Donovan. Ricania Donovanii, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 397, 3, Offak. 4. Ricania pcecilopteeoides. Ricania pcecilopteroides, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 398,4, pi. 6, f.6. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 423 5. RiCANIA PELLUCIDA. Ricania pellucida, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 401, 0. Cixius pellucidus, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Zool. 189. Java. 6. Ricania panorp.eformis. Ricania panorpoepennis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii, 402, 7 Cixius panorpaepeiinis, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Zool. 190. Port Jackson. a — d. Van Diemen's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. e. ? From Mr. Shuckard's collection. f-h. ? 7. Ricania Servillei. Ricania Servillei, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 404, 9. Isle of France. 8. Ricania oculata. Ricania oculata, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Ins. 192, pi. 10, f. 9. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 407, 11. Flata lo, Boiscl. Voy. Astrolabe, p. 10, f. 14. New Guinea. 9. Ricania Klugii. Ricania Klugii, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 408, 12. a, h. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 10. Ricania trimaculata. Ricania trimaculata, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Ins. pi. 9, 190. New Guinea. 11. Ricania crocea. Ricania crocea, Guer. Icon. R^ijne Anim. Texte, 359. Madasrascar. 424 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 12. RiCANIA NEBL'LOSA. Flata nebulosa, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 51, 25. Cicada nebulosa, Fahr. Ent. Syst. iv. 40, 58. Equatorial Africa. 13. RiCANIA PALLIDIPENNIS. Cixius pallidipennis, Guer. Voy. Coquille, 182. Port Jackson. 14. RiCANIA CYANESCENS. Ricania cyanescens, Le Guilloti, Rev. Zool. 1841. 15. RiCANIA ALBIZONA. Ricania albizona, Germ. Cat. Drege^ No. 1661. Spin. Ann. Soc Ent. Fr. viii. 395, 1. Cape. 16. RiCANIA? VITRATA. Flata vitrata, Fabr. Sijsi. Rhyn. 48, 13. South America. 17 RiCANIA ? PLA^ ICE PS. Flata planiceps, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 48, 14. South America. 18. RiCANIA? DIAPHANA. Flata diaphana, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 48, 15. South America. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 425 19. RicANiA HEMEROBH, Mas et Fern. Fulra ; frons tricarinatus, fuxco maculatus ; epistoma carinatum ; }iiesothorax ferrugineus, fulvo vittatus, niyro hicar'matus ; ab- domen nigra vittatum ; pedes fulvi, nigra viltati ; alee hublhn- pid(B ; atcB anticcp lata, apice fusccc, fusca quinquemaculatcc ; ahc pasticce fusca marginatce. Body tawny : head narrower than the chest ; crown very con- cave on the hind border, hardly convex in front, surrounded by a rim, iis length in the middle about half of that on each side ; front prominent, formino: a rioht anuria on each side, rounded and slightly widened towards the epistoma, straip^ht where it joins the epistoma, dotted with brown, bordered by a bLick-edged rim which is deepest towards the epistoma, having three ridges ; the side pair converging, extending beyond the middle one, and united on the fore border ; its length about twice its breadth ; epistoma lanceolate, with a black border and a black middle ridge: fore-chest long on the middle, very short on each side, very sli2;htly concave on the hind border, conical in front and apparently advancing over the crown : middle chest ferruginous w^ith a tawny middle stripe and two black oblique and slightly undulating ridges : abdomen obconical, longer than the chest, with a black stripe above: legs tawny, slender, striped with black : wings nearly colourless ; fore-wings ample, pale l)rown at the tips, with two brown spots near the tips towards the hind border, one on the fore border near the tip, and two by the brand which is tawny ; veins black, forming many areolets of various forms in the disk, forked at the tips ; along the fore border a row of parallel cross-veins which are most numerous and most oblique towards the tips : hind- wings edged with brown. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 13 lines. a, b. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. J. Hooker Genus 5. POCHAZIA. Pochazia, Amj/ot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 528, 419. Cicada, Fabr. Plata, Fabr. Ricania, Guerin, Spinola. Poeciloptera, Westwood, 426 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 1. PoCHAZIA FASCIATA. Pochazia fasciata, Amt/ot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 528, 1. Flava fasciata, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 47, 8. Ricania fasciata, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 410, 14. Java. 2. Pochazia fumata. Pochazia fumata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 529, 2. Cicada fuscata ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. ir. 28, 4. Plata fuscata ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 517, 4. Syst. Rhyn. 47, 9. Java. 3. Pochazia splexdida. Kicania splendida, Guer. Voy. Coquille, Lis. 191, pi. 10, f. 10. Spin. A7in. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 406, 10. Plata splendida, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 50, 21. New Guinea. 4. Pochazia obscura ? Ricania obscura, Guer. Voy. Belang. 466, pi. iii. f. 6. (Euryptera obscura). Poeciloptera antica, Westw. Griff. Anim. Kingd. Ins. ii. 260, pi. 90, f. 4. pi. 138, f. 4. Plata obscura.? Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 49, 16. East Indies. 5. Pochazia iodipennis. Poeciloptera iodipennis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 428, 5. Ricania iodipennis, Guer. Voy. Coquille, 191. New Guinea. 6. Pochazia trianguli, Mas. Nigra ; frons striatufi, tricarinatus ; epistoma ferrugineum, cari- natum ; prothorax impressus, carinatus, ferrugineo margi- natus ; mesothorax quinqiiecarinatus, lateribus ferrugineus ; abdomen ferrugineum ; pedes ferruginei ; alee anticce nigro- fuscce, magme, ad costam albo maculatce ; alee posticce Juscte. Body black: head very short, as broad as the chest; crown bordered by a rim, concave on the hind border, slightly undulating LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 427 in front, its length in the middle not half of that on each side ; front finely striated, rounded on each side, rather narrower towards the epistoiua, bordered by a rim, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, having three ridges, the side pair indistinct, its breadth nearly twice its length; epistoma ferruginous, triangular, with a middle ridge : fore-chest ferruginous before and behind, very slightly concave behind, convex on the fore border, with a middle ridge on each side of which is an impression, its length in the middle rather less than twice that on each side : middle-chest very finely striated, ferruginous on each side, having five ridges, the two on each side united in the disk: abdomen ferruginous, obconical, a little longer than the chest; upper appendage short; lower one much longer, very deep at the tip : legs ferruginous : fore-wings dark brown, very ample, triangular, with a colourless edge from the hind border till near the tip ; a triangular white spot on the fore border a little be- yond the middle ; veins pitchy, pale yellow on the white spot; lon- gitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins few ; fore border straight, along it a row of mostly parallel cross-veins which are most nume- rous and most oblique towards the tips : hind-wings brown, not more than half the length of the fore-vvings. Length of the body 3| lines; of the wings 15 lines. a, b. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 7. PocHAZiA GUTTiFERA, Mas et Fem. Nigra ; frons striatus, ferrugineus,'carinatus, nigra marginatus ; prothorax carinatus ; mesothorax quinquecarinatus ; abdomen basi ferrugineum ; pedes ferriiginei ; alee nigro-fuscce ; alee anticce magnce, maculis tribus guttaque una limpidis ornatce. Body black: head veiy short, as broad as the chest; crown bordered by a rim, concave on the hind border, straight in front, its length in the middle about half of that on each side; front dark ferruginous with a black border, very finely striated, rounded on each side, narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a rim, hardly con- cave where it joins the epistoma, having a middle ridge which dues not reach the fore border, its breadth nearly twice its length ; epis- toma triangular, with a middle ridge : fore-chest slightly concave behind, more convex on the fore border, with a middle ridge, much longer in the middle than on each side : middle-chest with five ridges, the two on each side united in the disk : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest, ferruginous towards the base : legs ferruginous : fore-wings triangular, ample, dark brown, blackish along the fore border, with three colourless spots, one on the fore 428 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. border beyond the middle, one near the tip, and one which is smaller, near the hind border; a white dot on the disk, and between it and the tip a small indistinct tawny spot ; veins blackish, tawny on the colourless spots ; longitudinal veins very numerous towards the tips ; cross-veins few ; fore border strai^i^ht, along it a row of oblique, mostly parallel cross-veins which are shorter towards the tip : hind- . wings dark brown, little more than half the length of the fore-wings. Length of the body 3i — 4 lines; of the wings 14 — 17 lines. a—c. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. 8. POCHAZIA INTEERUPTA, Fem. Nigra; frons striata, tricarinata, ferrugineo marginaia ; tpistoma ferrugineum, carinatum ; prothorax carinalus ; mesothorax quinquecarinatus ; abdomen ferrugineum ; pedes ferruginei ; alee albo interrupt e fasciatce ; alee anticcB nigro-fuscce, magna; ; alee posticce fuscfe. Body black : head very short, as broad as the chest ; crown very short, dark ferruginous, bordered by a rim, concave on the hind border, nearly straight in front, its length in the middle about half of that on each side ; front very finely striated, rounded on each side, rather narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a ferruginous rim, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, having three ridges, the side pair indistinct, its breadth a little less than twice its length ; epistoma ferruginous, triangular, with a slight middle ridge : fore- chest very slightly concave behind, convex on the fore border, with a middle ridge, on each side of which is an impression, its length in the middle less than twice that on each side: middle-chest very finely striated with five ridges, the two on each side united in the disk : abdomen dark ferrujiinous, obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs ferruifinous: foie-wings dark brown, ample, triangular, with a broad, oblique white band which is interrupted in front; a row of white dots extending on the edge of the wing from the hind border along one-third of the distance to the tip ; veins blackish, pale yellow on the while parts ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins few : fore border straight, along it a row of mostly parallel cross-veins which are more oblique where the longitudinal vein ap- pears contorted, beyond this they are shorter: hind-wings brown, little more than half the length of the fore-wings, with a white band which forms one with that of the fore-wing. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. ? From Mr. Children's collection. b. Malabar. From Mr. Walker's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 429 9. POCHAZIA OB LI QUA, MaS. Nigra ; frons ferniginea, carinata ; proihorax carinatus ; meso- thorax quinquecarmatus ; pedes ferriighiei ; alee anticw magncp^ fusccc, basi ferruginece^ fulvo bifasciatce et unimacv- latce ; alee posticcs subfulvcs. Body black : head very sLort, as broad as the chest; crown very short, bordered by a rim, slightly arched, shorter in the middle than on each side ; front dark ferruginous, rounded on each side, narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a rim, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, with a slight middle ridge, its breadth rather less than twice its length ; epistoma triangular, not ridged : fore-chest arched, with a middle ridge, more than twice the length of the crown : middle-chest with five ridges; the inner pair diverging from the fore border and united near the hind border to the outer pair which are short: abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs fer- ruginous : fore-wings ample, nearly triangular, brown, ferruginous towards the base with the exception of the fore border, adorned with two slightly tawny bands, the outer one of irregular breadth, the inner one shorter and broader, between them on the fore border is a slightly tawny nearly triangular spot ; veins varying according to the colour of the wing ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins few ; fore border very slightly convex, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are more oblique where the longitudinal vein ap- pears contorted : hind-winirs very slightly tinged with tawny, brown along the fore borders. Length of the body 3 — 3h lines ; of the wings 9 — 10 lines. a, b. ? 10. PocHAZiA OCELLUS, Mas ct Fcm. Picea ; frons striata, carinata, f err ugineo marginata ; epistoma fill - vum, subcarinatum ; prothorax carinatus ; mesothorax trails- verse striatus, quinquecarinatus ; abdomen, basi snbtusque femigineum ; -pedes fidvi ; alee limpidxe, fusco marginatce ; alee anticcB latce,fmco bifasciatce ; fascia \a ocellum fingens . Body pitchy: head as broad as the chest; crown very short, bordered by a ferruginous rim, concave on the hind border, nearly straight in front, its length in the middle about half of that on each side ; front very finely striated, rounded on each side, a little nar- rower tovvards the epistoma, bordered by a ferruginous rim, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, with three ridges, the side pair Q 430 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. indistinct, its breadth nearly twice its len^^tli ; epistoma and mouth tawny, the former indistinctly rida^ed : fore-chest arched, with a middle ridge, full twice the length of the crown, longer in the middle than on each side: middle-chest finely striated across, with five ridges, the inner pair diverging from the fore border and united to the outer pair in the disk : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest, ferruginous at the base and beneath : legs tawny : wings colourless, with brown borders; fore-wings ample ; a brown dot near the base, beyond it two slender brown bands; the first forming a brown ringlet in the disk, between which and the fore border it is widened and includes a colourless dot ; the second very slight, ex- tending along the outer band of cross-veins ; veins tawny, here and there brown; longitudinal veins numerous; cross-veins few: fore border very slightly convex, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are more oblique where the longitudinal vein appears con- torted ; brand tawny. Length of the body 2^ — 3 lines ; of the wings 8 — 9 lines. a, b. China. Presented by G. T. Lay, Esq. 11. PocHAZiA AUSTR4LIS, Fern. Ferruginea ; frons testdcea, tricarinata ; prothorax carinatus ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; pedes teatacei ; alee anticcc suhfulvce^ ad contain testacece, fusco marginatce et bifasciatce ; alee pos- ticee limpid(S, fusco marginata. Body ferruginous : head as broad as the chest ; crown very short, bordered by a rim, concave behind, very slightly convex in front and consequently much shorter in the middle than on each side ; front testaceous, rounded on each side, very little narrower to- wards the epistoma, without a rim, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, with three ridges, the side pair curved, its breadth nearly twice its length ; epistoma testaceous, triangular, not ridged : fore-chest more than twice the length of the crown, with a tawny middle ridge, hind border concave in the middle, convex on either side, fore border the reverse, its middle curve exceeding that of the hind border : middle-chest with three ridges, the side pair slightly undulating : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest ; the three processes above and the lateral plates tipped with black : legs testaceous : fore-wings ample, with a very slightly tawny tinge, tes- taceous along the fore border for near half the length from the base, brown mottled with tawny behind the testaceous hue and along the fore border beyond and along the tip, a colourless spot on the brown of the fore border, two or three very irregular and imperfect brown bands on the disk ; veins tawny ; longitudinal veins numerous ; LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 431 cross-veins few ; fore border very slightly convex, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are most oblique towards the tip : hind- wings colourless, edged with brown ; veins black, tawny towards the base. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines, a. New Holland. From Mr. Lambert's collection. b. New Holland. 12. POCHAZIA SIMULANS, Fcm. Ferruginea, non carinata ; mesothorax niger ; metaihorax fulvua ; abdomen basi fulviim ; pedes fulvi ; al(B anticte fusca, fasciis duabus limpidis ornatce^ ad cosiam fulvo maculatce ; alte pos- ticce einereo-fmccB. Body ferruginous : head as broad as the chest ; crown very short, concave behind, very slightly convex in front, shorter in the middle than on each side ; front flat, rounded on each side, narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a rim, concave where it joins the epistoma, not ridged, its breadth very nearly twice its length ; epis- toma triangular: fore-chest very short, arched, bordered by a rim: middle-chest black, not ridged: hind-chest tawny: abdomen ob- conical, tawny at the base, hardly longer than the chest : legs tawny : fore-wings brown, ample ; a tawny triangular spot on the fore border beyond the middle; two broad oblique, very irregular colourless bands in the disk, the first short, the second interrupted : veins tawny; longitudinal veins numerous; cross-veins few; fore border very slightly convex ; along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are contorted and more oblique towards the tip : hind-wings pale grayish brown. Length of the body 2^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 13. PocHAziA APicALis, Fcm. Testacea ; frons tricarinata ; mesothorax niger, quinquecarinatus ; pedes iestacei ; aloe anticce cervina, fusco bifaseiake, apice nigro guttalce ; alee posticce subcinerece, margine postico sub- fuse ce. Body testaceous : head as broad as the chest; crown very short, slightly arched, bordered by a rim, of equal length across its whole breadth ; front flat, rounded on each side, narrower towards the epis- toma, bordered by a rim, hardly concave where it joins the epistoma, with three slight ridges, the side pair slightly curved, its breadth a little less than twice its length: fore-chest very short, arched, with- q2 432 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. out a rim : middle-chest black, with five ridges, the two on each side slightly undulating: abdomen obconical, very little shorter than the chest: legs testaceous: fore-wings dull fawn-colour, ample, finely pubescent, with two indistinct pale brown oblique bands, the first forming a ringlet ; a black dot by the tip of the foie border; veins tawny ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins few ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are con- torted and more oblique near the tip, where the longitudinal vein approaches the fore border : hind-wings pale gray, pale brown along the hind border. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. ? 14. POCHAZIA DUBIA, Fcm. Fulva ; mesothorax quinquecarinaius ; pedes fiilvi ; aim antica: flavo-fusc(B,maculis quatuor limpidis omat(S,ad costam nigro- fusco bimaculatcs, hasi nigro guttatcB ; alee posticce suhcinerecE, fusco marginata. Body tawny: head Avanting : fore-chest very short: middle- chest with five ridges, the inner pair diverging from the fore border: abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs tawny : fore- wings yellowish- brown, pubescent, of moderate size ; a black dot on the disk near the base ; two blackish-brown spots on the fore border, one a little before the middle, the other near ihe tip ; four colourless spots ; first large, nearly triangular, on the fore border ; second larger, interrupted, behind tbe first, touching the hind border ; third smaller, near the base ; fourth much smaller, on the tip of the fore border ; veins lawny; longitudinal veins very numerous; cross-veins few, forming two bands ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are longer and more oblique towards the the tip: hind-wings very pale gray, with brown borders; veins brown. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Mozambique. From Mr. Argent's collection. 15. PoCHAZIA EEMOTA, MaS. Ferruginea ; frons testacea, tricarinata ; protliorax testaceus, cari- natus ; mesothorax quinquecarinaius ; pedes fulvi ; alec anticce fusca, hasi ferrugineee, ad discum fulvo trimaculatce, costa maculis iina limpida duahisque 7iigro-fuscis ornaUe, basi nigro guttata ; alee posticce subcinerecB, fusco marginatcs. Body ferruginous : head as broad as the chest ; crown very short, bordered by a rim, much arched ; front testaceous, shining, LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 433 much rounded on eaeli side, a little narrower towards the epistonsa, bordered by a slight rim, almost straight where it joins the episloma, with three ridges, the side pair curved, its breadth rather less than than twice its length ; episloma triangular, black along each side, not ridged ; an oval plate on each side of the front, and a narrower one on each side of the episloma: fore-chest testaceous, short, bordered by a rim, with a middle ridge, concave on the hind border, more convex in front: middle-chest with live ridges, the two on each side straight, parallel, the outer one short: abdomen obconical, very little longer than the chest: legs tawny: fore-wings brown, of mode- rate size, ferriiginuus towards the base; a large triangular colourless spot beyond the middle of the fore border with a blackish-brown spot on each side of it; two or three irregular and almost united pale tawny spots in the disk and one nearer the base, near the latter a black dot; veins tawny, green on the colourless spot; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins very few ; fore border slightly con- vex, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which are longer and more oblique towards the tip: hind-wings pale gray with dark brown borders ; veins black, ferruginous towards the base. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. Genus 6. NEPHESA. Nephesa, Ami/ot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem, 527, 418. Ricauia, Spinola. 1. Nephesa rosea. Nephesa rosea, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 528, 1. Ricania rosea, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 400, 5. Java. Genus 7. DALAPAX. Dalapax, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 521, 409. Plata, Spinola. Pseudotiata, Guerin. 1. Dalapax postica. Dalapax postica, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 521, I. Plata postica. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 420, 5. Pseudoflata nigncornis, Guerin, Icon. Regn. Anim. Te.vte, 'S&J. a — d. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Q 3 434 LIST OF ilOAIOPTEROrS INSECTS. Genus 8. FLATA. Flata, Fabr., Spin. Aim. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 412. Cicada, Fabr., Donovan. Fiilg'ora, Olivier. PcBciloptera, White (ad partem). Flatida, White (ad partem). 1. Flata limbata. White-wax Insect, DuHalde, LHistoire de la Chi7ie,\v. 495, (Paris Ed. )735, fol.) Sir. G. Staunton s China ; Gordons China, Sfc. Cicada limbata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 27, 3. Stoll, Cic. 50, pi. 11, f. 54, 101, pi. 26, f. 45. Donovan, Ins. China, pi. 17. Flata limbata, Fabr. Ent. St/st. Suppl. 515, 3. Si/st. Rhyn. 46, 0. Spin. Ann. Sor. Ent. Fr. viii. 415, I. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins. iii. 172, 2. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 522, 1. Var. Fulgora pallida, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 575, 42. StoU, Cic. 101, pi. 26, f. 144, 145. a. East India. Presented by E. Doubleday. Esq. b. East India. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. c. d. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. e. Pupa. East India. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. f—h. Pupa). Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. 2. Fl.^ta flocc'osa. Flata floccosa, Guer. Voy. Belanger, Zool. 472, pi. 3, f. 4. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 418, 3. Java. 3. Flata marginella. Fulgora marginella, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vi. 566, 575, 43. Cicada marginella, Stall, Cic. 50, pi. 11, f. 54. Flata nigricornis, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 45, 1. Burm. Haudb. Ent. ii. 1, 163, 1. a. Assam. Presented by the East India Company. b. East India. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. d. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 435 4. Flata tineoides. Fulo-ora tineoides, Oliv. Enc.Meth. vi. 564, 57(5,47. Stall, Cic. S'i ^pl. 7, f. 33. Flata Stollii, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 418,4. PtEciloptera papilionaria, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 36. a. Java. Presented by J. Wilson, Esq. h, Java. From Mr. Walker's collection. 5. Flata Bojjbycgides. Flata Bombycoides, Guer. Icon. Reg. Anim. Texte, 361. Malabar. 6. Flata pyralis. Flata pyralis, Gxter. Vorj. Coquille, 192. Atlas. Ins. pi. 10, f. II. Offiik. 7. Flata Malgacha. Flata Malgacha, Guer. Icon. Reyn, Anim. Texte. 362. Madagascar. 8. Flata tricolor. Pceciloptera (Flatida) tricolor, White, Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii. 26. a. b. Silhet. From Mr. Argent's collection. 9. Flata intacta, Feni. Straminea ; angusta ; antennw straminecB, apice nigra ; prothorax et mesothorax Iricarinati ; pedes fulvi ; tarsi anteriores niyri ; alee anticce alhidce ; alee posticce albee. Body pale straw-colour: head much narrower than the chest; crown very short ; front long and narrow, forming nearly the whole upper side and fore part of the head, with a high ridge on each side, narrower between the antennas, but slightly increasing in breadth beyond, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma which is lanceo- late ; side compartments slightly concave : feelers long, straw-colour : third joint black, much longer than the second : fore-chest almost 436 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. tvuncate-conical on the disk, somewhat impressed in front, with three ridp^es, the side pair slightly diverti:ino- from the fore border : middle- chest having also three sliglit ridges which are a continuation of those on the fore-chest : abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest: legs tawny ; anterior tarsi and tips of the anterior tibiae and of the hind tarsi black : wings ample : fore-wings dingy white ; veins white ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins very few ; fore border very convex, along it a deep row of parallel oblique here and there forked cross-veins of equal length : hind-wings milk- white. Length of the body 4i lines ; of the wings 22 lines. a. Silhet. From Mr. Stainforth's collection. 10. Flata Maria. Poeciloptera Maria, White, Arm. Nat. Hist, xviii. 25, pi. 1, f 3. a, b. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforth's collection. 11. Flata completa, Fem. Fulva, albo farinosa ; caput Jiaxnim, ; antenna ^ligrcB ; prothorax viridi-flavus, fusco hiinacuhitm ; mesothorax subtricarinatus, lateribus fuscns ; abdomen jiavum, apice subtiis fuscinn ; la- mince apicnles ritfo marginatcB ; pedes nigri ; femora viridi- fiava ; tibi(E posticcE fulva ; al(e albce ; alee antictB rufo ma- culata, nigra oblique fasciata et binotata. Body tawny, powdered with white : head pale yellow, much narrower than the chest; crown not visible above; front long and narrow, with a high ridge on each side, occupying the whole upper side and fore part of the bead, linear, concave where it joins the epistoraa which is lanceolate and tawny ; side compartment slightly concave : eyes brassy : feelers black, powdered with white ; tips of the joints green; third joint hardly longer than the second: fore- chest pale yellow, tinned with green, conical on the disk, slightly impressed in front, with a large brown ^pot on the vertical compart- ment of each side : middle-chest with three very indistinct ridges, mostly brown on each side : abdomen pale yellow, obconical, a little longer than the chest, brown at the tip beneath, furnished with a large mass of white down ; lateral plates edged with bright red : legs black; thighs yellow, tinged with green, black towards the tips ; hind-shanks tawny: wings ample, milk white: fore-wings with a bright red spot in the disk near the base, a curved and slightly ob- lique black band in the disk near the tip, and behind it two short LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 437 black streaks ; veins white ; lonrritudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins not many; fore border convex, alon_£^ it a deep row of oblique parallel cross-veins of equal length. Length of the body 4i lines ; of the wings 16 lines. a. Silhet. Presented by H. G. Harrington, Esq. 12. Flata tenella, Mas et Fem. Viridis (mas) aut vindi-Jlava (fem.) ; anf.enncs viridi-nigrce, (fem.) basi fulvce ; mesolhorax tricarinatus ; abdomen viridi-Jtavum ; pedes virides ; tarsi fusci; tibice anteriores fusco vittatce ; alee anticce subvirides, luteo maculatce, nigro fasciatce et binotatce ; alee posiicce albee. Male. Body pale green : head much narrower than the chest ; crown not visible above ; front linear, long and narrow, with a slight arched cross-ridge next the crown, and a high ridge along each side, occupying the whole upper side and fore part of the head, closely joined to the epistoma which is lanceolate: eyes and ejelets red: feelers greenish-black ; third joint slightly club-shaped, a little longer than the second : fore-chest conical on the disk : middle-chest with three very indistinct ridges : abdomen pale yellow, obconical, tinged with green, powdered with white, a little longer than the chest ; appendages at the tip rather large : legs green ; feet dark brown ; anterior shanks streaked with brown: wings ample: fore-wings very pale green, with a luteous spot in the disk near the base, an oblique slightly curved, very slender, almost interrupted, black band beyond the middle, and behind it two short black streaks ; veins green; lon- gitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins not many ; fore border convex, along it a deep row of oblique parallel cross-veins of equal length: hind-wings milk white. Fem. Body yellow, tinged here and there with green : feelers tawny towards the base; lateral plates at the tip of the abdomen whitish. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 14 lines. rt, h. East India. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. 13. Flata matutina, Mas. Fulva ; caput fusco bivittatum ; prothorax nigro bifasciatus et bivittatus ; pedes nigri ; tibiec posiicce et femora fulva ; alee anticce roseee ; alec posticec albee. Body tawny : head narrower than the chest, prominent ; crown extremely short ; front linear, shghtly convex, with a high black- 438 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. ed2:ed rim on each side where it forms a right angle, concave where it joins the epistoma, its length much exceeding its breadth ; a dark brown stripe along each rim ; epistoma lanceolate, with two brown stripes : fore-chest very slightly concave on the hind border, truncate- conical in front, with two conical black stripes on the disk, and with an oblique black band on each side : middle-chest full twice the length of the foie-chest; abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest ; plates at the tip very large : legs black ; thighs and hind-shanks tawny : wings ample; fore-wings pale rose-colour; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins very few ; fore border convex ; along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins: hind-wings milk white. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. 14. Flata inorxata. Fulva ; antennce iiigra, longa^ basi fiilvcB ; mesothorax tricarinatus : pedes fulvi ; tarsi nigri ; alee anticcE fulvcB ; aite posticce Ihn- pidce. Body tawny: head prominent, narrower than the chest; crown extremely short ; front linear, horizontal next the crown, vertical in the fore part, slightly convex, with a high rim on each side where it forms a right angle, concave where it joins the epistoma, its length very much exceeding its breadth ; epistoma lanceolate : antennas black, very long, tawny towards the base : fore-chest straight be- hind, conical in front, its length about one-fourth of its breadth : middle-chest rather more than twice the length of the fure-chest, with three indistinct ridges ; disk flat : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs tawny ; feet and tips of the fore-shanks black: fore-wings dull pale tawny ; veins yellow ; longitudinal veins very numerous, much ramified ; cross-veins few ; fore bolder very con- vex, along it a row of oblique rather long cross-veins which are mostly forked, and here and there connected by ramifications: hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 20 lines. a. Tenasserim. 15. Flata nivis, Fem. Viridis, crassa ; caput breve, fere conicum , suhascendens ; anteniKB nigra; ; abdomen ovatum ; alee aibce. Body green, very stout, thickly powdered with white : head short ; crown almost conical and slightly ascending in the middle ; front slightly convex, a little broader towards the epistoma, straight LIST OF H0310PTER0US INSECTS. 4.39 on each side, bordered by a rim, almost straight where it joins the epistoma, very much longer than broad ; epistoma rather long- ; side compartments small : second joint of the feelers black, linear, very long: fore-chest as long as the head, convex in front, slightly con- cave behind, a little longer in the middle than on each side : middle- chest full thrice the length of the fore-chest : abdomen oval, very thick, a little longer than the chest : legs pale green, powdered with white: wings white: hind-wings rounded along the tips and be- tween the latter and the hind borders ; fore border undulating ; veins whitish ; longitudinal veins very few, forked towards the tips ; cross-veins none with the exception of very few rudiments. Length of the body 8i lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Port Xatal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Genus 9. COLOBESTHES. Colobesthes, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 522, 4, 11. Flata, Fabr. Cicada, Donovan. Poeciloptera, Bunneister, Spinola. 1. Colobesthes falcata. Colobesthes falcata, Amijot et Sen: Hist. Nat. Hem. 523, 1. Poeciloptera falcata, Guer, Vol/. Belanger, 469, pi. 3, f. 5. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 430, 7. a. Java. From j\Ir. Argent's collection. h. ? 2. Colobesthes Candida. Flata Candida, Dumeril, Cons. Gen. Ins. 219, pi. 38, f. 1. Poecilopiera Candida, Bimn. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 162, 1. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 431, 8. Flata Candida, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 517, 3. Syst. Rhyn. 45, 2. a, h. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. c. ? 3. Colobesthes truncaticornis. Poeciloptera truncaticornis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. viii. 429, 6, pi 16, f. 3. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 440 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 4. COLOBESTHES COROMANDELICA. Poeciloptera coromanclelica, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 440, 15. Cororaandel. 5. CoLOIiESTHES PUSTULATA. Cicada pustiilata, Donovan, Ins. Neiv Holland, pi. 9. New Holland. 6. CoLOBESTHES ADSCENDENS? Flata adsceudens ? Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 46, 5. a. Ashanti. From the Wesleyan Missionary Society's collection. 7. CoLOBESTHEs coNSPERSA, Mas ct Fein. Fulva ; prothorax carinatus ; meso thorax tricar inatus , pedes fulvi ; al(2 anticcs cervince, falcata, nigro consperscB ; alee postica alhtx. Body tawny : head narrower than the chest ; crown very short, straight, longer on each side than in the middle ; front conical above ; fure part paler, slightly convex, rounded on each side, not narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a rim, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, the latter is lanceolate ; side part slightly con- cave, surrounding the eye and the antenna : fore-chest concave on the hind border, truncate-conical in front, bordered by a shght rim, ami having a middle ridge : middle-chest much more than twice the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges, the side pair slightly curved and inclosing aflat spindle-shaped compartment: abdomen obconical, longer than the chest, powdered with white : legs pale tawny : wings ample : fore-wings pale fawn-colour, sprinkled with black which is chiefly on the cross-veins, convex on the fore border, truncate at a right angle along the tip, concave on the hind border at whose tip they are produced into an acute angle or hook ; veins pale tawny; longitudinal veins and cross-veins very numerous; along the fore border a row of oblique rather long cross-veins which are mostly forked and are shorter towards the tip : hind-wings milk white. Length of the body 5 — 7 lines; of the wings 18 — 22 lines a. East India. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. h. Assam. From Mr. Warwick's collection. c. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Stainforlh's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS- 441 8. COLOBESTHES GUTTIFASCIA. Straminea ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; pedes straminei ; alee latce ; alee anticcB substraminece, ad apices guttis fuscis trifasciatce , margine ■postico unigutiata, disco ohlique fasciatce ; alee pos- tica aihic. Body straw-colour: head wanting: middle-chest with three parallel ridges : abdomen wanting : legs pale straw-colour : wings ample: fore-wings very pale straw-colour, with three irregular rows of brown dots along their tips ; a larger dot on the hind border be- yond the middle ; and an oblique band extending from the hind border near the base to near the tip of the fore border, blackish- brown at its base, afterwards tawny and very indistinct ; inner angles slightly falcate ; veins pale straw-colour ; longitudinal veins very numerous; cross-veins very few ; fore border very slightly convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins of equal length : hind- wings milk-white. Lengih of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 9. CoLOBESTHES BIGUTTA, Fcm. FlavO'Viridis, albo farinosa ; frons et prothorax carinati ; meso- thorax bicarinatus ; pedes virides ; tarsi fulvi ; alee la tee ; alee anticee albo-virides, Jiavo aut rufo marginatee, apice truncatee subfalcatee, margine postico tuberculatee fusco-guitatee ; alee posticeB alba. Body yellowish-green, poAvdered with white: head narrower than the chest, very short ; crown very short, almost hidden by the fore- chest ; front slightly increasing in breadth from the crown till near the epistoma, bordered by a rim, not rounded on each side, straight where it joins the epistoma, having a slight middle ridge which dis- appears in the disk ; its lengih much exceeding its breadth : epistoma lanceolate : feelers green : fore-chest conical above, slightly concave along the hind border, bordered by a rim, having a distinct middle ridge : middle-chest rather more than twice the length of the fore- chest, with a middle green stripe, and on each side a slight ridge : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs pale green, powdered with white; feet tawny : wings ample; fore-wings whitish- green, truncate at the tips, slightly falcate at the inner angle, with a brown dot on the hind border at two-thirds of the length ; fore border pale yellow ; hind border tuberculate along half the length from the base; veins green ; longitudinal veins rather numerous; cross-veins 442 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. very numerous, ramified and irregular in the disk, regular and form- ing square areolets towards the tip where there is a row of short longitudinal veins : fore border very convex near the base; along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins which become short and irre- gular towards the lip : hind-wings milk-white. Var. Borders of the fore-wings, especially the fore border, bright red. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a, b. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. Genus 10. PHYLLYPHANTA. Phyllyphanta, Aini/ot et Serv, Hist. Nat. Hem. 523, 412. Pceciloptera, Spinola. 1. Phyllyphanta producta. Phyllyphanta producta, Amyot et Serv. Hist. A^at. Hem. 523, Pceciloptera producta, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 432, 9. a. South America. From Mr. Warwick's collection. Genus 11. PCECILOPTERA. Pceciloptera, Latr. Gen. Crust, et Ins. iii. 165. Cicada, Linn.., Degeer, Fabr., Stoll, Gmelin, Sulzer, Donovan. Flata, Fabr., Spinola (ad partem). Fulgora, Linn., Fabr., Gmel., Oliv. Kicania, Germar (ad partem), Guerin (ad partem). 1. Pceciloptera PHALiENoiDES. Pceciloptera phalaenoides. Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 221, 1. Burm.Hand. Ent. ii. 1, 162, 2. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 423, 1. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 524, 1. Crochard, Ed. Regne Anim. Lis. pi. 97, f. 5. Flata phalaenoides, Fahr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 517, 1. Syst. Rhyn. 46, 4. Sioll, Cic. 23, pi. 2, f. 9. Cicada phalaenoides, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 710, 40. Sp. Ins. ii. 323, 5. 3Iant. Ins. ii. 268, 5. Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 28, 5. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 3, 2112, 40. Stall, Cic. 23, pi. 2, f. 9. Sidz. Hist. Ins. pi. 9, f. 10. Beg. Ins. iii. 222, 19, pi. 33, f. 6. Fulgora phalajnoides, Oliv. Enc. vi. 575, 44. a — c. Para. Presented by Sir E. Home. LIST OF HOMOPTEKOUS INSECTS. 443 d. Guayaquil. Presented by Dr. Hooker. e. British Guiana. Presented by Sir. R. Scboraburgck. /. Rio Doce, Brazil. Presented by J. Bowring, Esq, g. Brazil. From jNIr. Swainson's collection. A, f. ? 2. PCECILOPTERA AUEORA. Pceciloptera aurora, Giier. Voy. Belang. Zool. 469. Plata aurora, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 416, 2. a, h. Java. From Mr. Children's collection, c. Java. From Mr. Walker's collection. 3. Pceciloptera. maculata. Pceciloptera maculata, Guer. Voy. Belang. 470, Icon. Regne Anim. Ins. pi. 58, f. 7. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 425, 3. a. Java. From Mr. Walker's collection. 4. Pceciloptera melanaria. Pceciloptera melanaria, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii, 424, 2. Cayenne. 5. Poecilopteea marginella. Pceciloptera marginella, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 433, 10. Ricania marginella, Guer. Voy. Belang. 467. Icon. Regne Aniin. Ins. pi. 58, f. 6. Cochin China, 6. Pceciloptera aspericollis. Pceciloptera aspericollis, Spiii. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 434, 11. Interior of Brazil, 7, Pceciloptera septenteionalis. Pceciloptera septentrionalis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 436, 12. North America. R 2 444 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 8. POECILOPTEEA BeaSILIENSIS, Poeciloptera Brasiliensis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 438, 13. Brazil. 9. PCECILOPTERA DoMINICENSIS. Poeciloptera Dominicensis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 439, 14. St. Domingo. 10. Poeciloptera ocellata. Poeciloptera ocellata, Burm. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 441, 16. Cicada ocellata, Fubr. Ent. Syst. iv. 27, 2. Plata ocellata, Fabr. Ent. St/st. Suppl. 517, 2. Sijst. Rlujn. 49, 18. Ricania ocellata. Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 224, 1. Java. 11. PCECILOPTERA RICANIOIDES. Poeciloptera licanioides. Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 442, 17, pi. 15, f. 7. North Mexico or California. 12. PCECILOPTERA ACUMIXIPENNIS. Poeciloptera acuminipennis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 445, 18 St. Domingo. 13. PCECILOPTERA CRUENTATA. Plata cruentata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 46, 7. Amboina. 14. Poeciloptera yiridana. Cicada viridana, Donovan., Ins. New Holland, pi. 9. New Holland. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 445 15. P(ECILOPTERA MODESTA. Cicada modesta, Donovan, Ins. New Holland, pi. 9. New Holland. 16. PCECILOPTERA EMORTUA, Flata emotfua, Fabr. Syst. RJujn. 46, 3. Stoll, Cic. 64, pi. 16, f. 84. Surinam. 17. PCECILOPTERA ROSCIDA. Poeciloptera roscida, Germ, May. Ent. iv. 104, 8. Brazil. 18. PoeCILOPTERA ALBICOSTA. Poeciloptera albicosta, Guer. Icon. Regne Anim. Texte, 360. Malacca. 19, Pgeciloptera dentifrons. Poeciloptera dentifrons, Guer. Icon. Retjne Anim. Texte, 360. Malabar, 20. Pgeciloptera folium. Fulgora folium, Deg. Ins. iii. 284, 7, pi. 32, f. 7. Gtnel. Ed. St/st. Nat. 1. 4, 2092, 21. South America. 21. PCECILOPTERA UNIPUNCTATA. Fulgora unipunctata, Oliv. Enc. MHh. vi. 566, 576, 45. Senegal. 22. P(eciloptera tortricina. Poeciloptera tortricina. Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 1036. a. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. R 3 446 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS, 23. P(ECILOPTERA CIRCULATA. Pceciloptera circulata, Guer. Icon. Regne Anim. Texte, 361. Poecilopteia Diauthus, White, Ann. Nat. Hist. xv. 36. a. Java. From Mr. Leadbeater's collection. b. Java From Mr. Walker's collection. 24. Pceciloptera fritillaria. Pceciloptera fritillaria, Erich. Schomb. Reis. iii. 614. British Guiana. 25. Pceciloptera u:meraculata ? Flata umbraculata ? Fabr. Syst. Rhi/n. 50, 52. Pceciloptera umbraculata? Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 162, 3. Pceciloptera pyralina ? Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 104, 7. 26. Pceciloptera truncata.'* Fulgora truncata ? Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 704, 8. Ainan. Acad. vi. 309, 40. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 4, 2091, 8. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 315, 11. Mant. Ins. li. 261, 13. Ent. Syst. iv. 4, 13. Syst. Rhyn. 4, 13. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 27. Pceciloptera suffusa, Mas et Fem. Rufo-fulva ; frons tricarinatus ; prothorax jlavo vittatus ; ineso- thorax subcarinatus, Jlavo trivittatus ; pectus et abdome7i fulva , alba farinosa ; pedes fulvi ; alee antic(e ruf(e, albo farinosa ; alcB posticcB albce, apice rosem. Body reddish-tawny : head nearly as broad as the chest; crown very short, concave behind, straight along the fore border, longer on each side than in the middle ; front flat, rounded on each side, but slightly concave and much narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a rim, convex where it joins the epistoma, with three ridges which extend from the fore border to the disk, its breadth rather lei>s than its length; epistoma lanceolate, slightly convex: fore-chest with a pale yellow middle stripe, slightly concave behind, LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 447 very convex on the fore border, furrowed transversely on each side where its length is little more than half of that in the middle : middle-chest nearly four times the lenf^th of the fore-che&t, with three slight pale yellow stripes, and with an indistinct middle ridge ; disk flat: hind-chest, breast and abdomen tawny, powdered with white : abdomen obconical, longer than the chest; appendages large: legs tawny : wings ample ; fore-wings red, powdered with white ; longi- tudinal veins and cross-veins extremely numerous ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of oblique generally parallel cross- veins: hind-wings snowy while with rosy tips. Length of the body 4| — 5 lines ; of the wings 20 — 22 lines. a, b. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. 28. PCECILOPTEEA COMMA, MaS. Sublutea ; frons subcarinatus ; prothorax bicarinatns ; mesothorax subtricarinatiis ; pedes fulvi ; tarsi anterior es nigri ; alte an- ticce sublutea', nigra binotatce; ala posticce albcB. Body buff: head narrower than the chest; crown short, with a rim in front, its breadth about four times its length ; front above about the length of the crown, rounded on the fore part where it be- comes vertical, with a rim on each side where it is rounded, straight when it joins the epistoraa, with a very indistinct middle' ridge; epistoma triangular; side comparttneuts of the head slightly con- cave, including the eyes and the antennae whose three joints are of equal length: fore-chest much broader than long on the disk, nearly straight behind and in front where it has a rim, a curved ridge on each side where it becomes vertical and slightly concave, and forms apparently one compartment wiih that on each side of the head : beyond this there is a slanting plate with a rim in front: middle- chest with three indistinct ridges: abdomen obconical, powdered with while, a little longer than the chest; valves and other append- ages at the tip large: legs tawny ; anterior feet and tips of the an- terior shanks and of the hind-feet black : wings ample : fore- wings buff; a very short and slender slightly oblique black streak in the disk ; an oblong black dot near the hind border at one-third of the length from the base ; veins buff; longitudinal veins very numerous; cross-veins rather numerous in the disk ; lore border very convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins which are shortened at one-third of the length from the base and again near the tip where they are more frequently forked : hind-wings milk-white. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 18 lines. a. Silhet. From the Rev. J. Staiuforth's collection. 448 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 29. PCECILOPTEEA ADDITA, MaS. Viridis ; prothoi'ax carinalus ; mesothorax subcarinaius ; abdomen viridi-Jlaviim ; pedes virides ; tarsi fulvi ; alee unticce sub- virides, albo suffmce ; alee posticce albce. Cicada, &c. Stoll, Cic. 76, pi. 19, f. 103* Body pale green : head very short, a little narrower than the chest ; crown hardly vi!^ible above ; front narrowest next the crown, slightly increasing in breadth till near the epistoma, bordered by a rira, a little rounded on each side, straight where it joins the epis- toma, its length rather less than twice its breadth ; epistoma tri- angular; compartment on each side slightly concave : feelers yellow : fore-chest conical, with a middle ridge, bordered by a rim : middle- chest very indistinctly ridged: abdomen obconical, greenish-yellow, powdered with white, longer than the chest ; appendages of the male large, of the usual form : legs pale green ; feet tawny : wings ample : fore-wings pale green, powdered with white ; veins green ; longi- tudinal veins and cross-veins very numerous ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins which become rather shorter towards the tip: hind-wings milk-white. Length of the body 3 — 3^ lines ; of the wings 12 — 14 lines. a — c. ? 30. PoEciLOPTERA ACUTA, Mas et Fern. Flavo -viridis, tuhercidata ; capttt co7iicum, rufo marginatum ; frons prothorax et mesothorax tricarinati ; pedes Jlavo-virides ; tibice rufo vittatce : tarsi rufi ; aloe anticce virides, ad margines tuberculatce et rufcB, apice truncata: ; alee posticce albce. Body yellowish-green, tuberculate : head conical, narrower than the chest; crown broader than long, bordered by a rim which is bright red in front ; front bordered by a rim, adorned with indistinct green ramifications, having three very indistinct ridges, tinged with red and slightly rounded on each side, a little narrower on approach- ing the epistoma which is lanceolate : fore-chest truncate-conical on on the disk, with three ridges, concave and slightly angular on the hind border; its length about one-fourth of its breadth: middle- chest rather more than twice the length of the fore-chest, with a ridge on each side and a more indistinct middle ridge : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: le<»s yellowish -green ; shanks striped with red ; feet mostly red : wings ample : fore-wings green, tuberculate along the borders which are red, truncate at the tips; inner angle slightly acute veins green; longitudinal veins LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 449 tolerably numerous, ramifying from three or four radical veins ; cross- veins very numerous : fore border convex, alonsj it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins ; hind-wings milk-white. Length of the body 3 Hues ; of the wings 9 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by F. Walker, Esq. h. New Holland. From Mr. Walker's collection, c, d. ? 31. PCECILOPTERA PEEFECTA, MaS. Viridi-fulva ; frons et thorax cnrinati ; pedes fidvi ; tarsi ferru- ginei ; tibice posticee virides ; alee latce ; alee anticce virides, rufo marginalee, apice truncatce, margine postico tuberculatcB ; alee posticcB alhce. Body tawny, tinged with green, rather broad : head a little narrower than the chest; crown very short, not visible above ; front very much broader than long, straight where it joins the epistoma, bordered by a rim, rounded on each side, with a middle ridge which disappears in the disk ; epistoma triangular, not ridged : fore-chest very slightly convex behind, very convex iu front, with a slight middle ridge, its length on each side about half of that in the middle: middle-chest full thrice the length of the fore-chest, flat above, with a middle ridge: abdomen obconical, powdered with while, a little longer than the chest: legs tawny; feet ferruginous ; hind-shanks green: wings broad: fore-wings green, edged with red, truncated at the tips, tuberculated along part of the hind border, forming a right angle between that and the tip, having a very deep border whose veins are not reticulated and have a construction dif- ferent from that in the disk; veins green ; longitudinal veins very numerous ; cross-veins very numerous in the disk ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins which become longer and more oblique towards the tip, and there associate with the longitudinal veins : hind-wings milk-white ; veins pale yellow. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 14 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Crosse's collection. h. ? 32. PCECILOPTERA EOBUSTA, Fcm. Fulva ; frons et prothorax carinati ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; pedes fiavo-virides ; tibice rufo viltatcc ; tarsi pier umque rufi ; alee latee ; alee anticce virides, ad margines rufas tuberculatee, apice truncatee, postice acutce ; alee posticee albce. Body tawny : head a little narrower than the chest, crown very short, not visible above ; front occupying the whole upper and fore 450 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. part of the head, inereasino: in breadth towards the episloma; bor- dered by a rim, having a middle ridije, ahnnst angular on each side, deeply notched where it joins iheepistoma, its breadth in front much exceeding its length ; epistoma ridged at the base: tip of the mouth black : fore-chest slightly concave behind, very convex on the fore border, with a middle ridge, its length in the middle much exceeding that on each side: middle-chest more than four times the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges, the side pair slightly diverging ; a cross suture near the tip which is lanceolate : abdomen obconical, hardly longer than the chest ; appendages at the lip large : legs tawny; feet and fore-shanks ferruginous : wings broad; fore-wings green, edged with dark red, very convex on the fore border, slightly convex at the tips, a little rounded and not angular between the tips and the hind border; veins pale yellow; longitudinal veins and cross-veins very numerous, occupying the whole surface with irre- gular ramifications : hind- wings white. Length of the body 3i — 4 lines; of the wings 10 — 11 lines, a, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 33. PCECILOPTEKA. LaCTIFREA. Straminea; mesothorax luteo bivittatus ; pedes straminei ; alee albcB. Body pale straw-colour, powdered with white: head a little narrower than the chesl, very short ; crown hardly visible above ; front verv short above, large* and flat on the forepart, with a very short ridge, rounded on each side, narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a rim, straight when it joins the epistoma, its breadth exceeding its length ; epistoma lanceolate: fore-chest arched : middle- chest with two luteous stripes, more than thrice the length of the fore-chest: abdomen obconical, not longer than the chest: legs pale straw-colour, powdered with white : wings white, broad ; veins pale straw-colour ; longitudinal veins of the fore-wings numerous ; cross- veins not numerous ; fore border slightly convex ; along it a row of oblique, parallel, here and there forked, cross-veins. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. East India. From Mr. Argent's collection. b. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 451 34. PCECILOPTEEA COMPLETA, Fem. Suhlutea ; frons supra bicarinatus, antice carinatm ; prothorax et mesnthorax tricar inati ; abdomen apice subretusum ; pedes pallide lutei ; alee antica sublutece, apice trimcatcB, postice subacutce ; alee posticce alba. Body buff : head a little Earrower than the chest; crown not visible above ; frout short, and with an oblique ridge on each side above ; its fore-part flat, rounded on each side, narrower towards the epistoma, slightly ridged, with a rim on each side, straight where it joins the epistoma ; its length exceeding its breadth ; epistoma lan- ceolate : fore-chest concave behind, more convex on the fore border, with three indistinct ridges, the side pair slightly oblique: middle- chest about four times the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges, the side pair slightly oblique : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest, slightly curved upward at the tip : legs buff: wings broad : fore-wings buff, truncate at the tips, between which and the hind border the angle is very slightly acute ; veins luteous ; longi- tudinal veins and cross-veins very numerous ; fore border very slightly convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins : hind-wings milk-while. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 16 lines, a. Java. From Mr. Aro-ent's collection. 35. PcEciLOPTERA SINENSIS, Mas ct Fcm. Lutea ; subcornpressa, viridi varia ; caput conicum, subascendens, apice fuscum ; thorax viridi et albo fasciatus ; mesothoracis discus lu tens ; abdomen cristatum ; pedes virides; alee ant icts virides, apice truncatce et f usee guttata , margine postico tuber- culatce ; areolarum disci limpidi ;. ala posticce albce. Body pale luteous, tinged with green : head conical, slightly compressed, somewhat ascending, with a brown tip ; crown con- cealed ; front convex, short above, much longer and bordered by a rim on the fore side, broader and fiat towards the epistoma, which it joins by a straight suture ; epistoma triangular, with oblique darker stripes on each side ; on each side a somewhat oval slightly concave compartment surrounds the eye and the leeler, the bristle of the latter is black at the base : thorax slightly compressed : fore-chest conical, adorned with an emerald green middle stripe and on each side with green spots, its length on each side not one-fourth of that in the middle : middle-chest almost tw ice the length of the fore-chest, bright luteous on the disk, with an emerald-green stripe on each 452 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. side, and with a slender white middle stripe : abdomen obconical whitish-green, a little longer than the chest, crested above ; upper appendages inclined downward, forming an obtuse angle, and meet- ing the lower appendage which is curved upward and is furnished with upright tawny spines: legs pale green ; feet partly tawny : wings broad ; fore-wings pale green, tuberculate along the hind border to- wards the base, truncate at the tips, along which and along the adjoining parts of the fore border and of the hind border there is a row of brown dots; hind angles hardly acute; veins green ; cross- veins very numerous ; disks of the areolets colourless ; fore border convex ; along it a row of parallel, slightly oblique, here and there forked, cross-veins which are shorter and irregular towards the tip : hind-wings white. Length of the body 3^ — 4 lines ; of the wings 11 — 12 lines. a, b. Hong-Kong. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 36. PCECILOPTEEA PRODUCTA, MaS. Lutea, subcompressa ; caput conicum, vix ascendens ; thorax tri- carinatus ; abdomen cristatum; pedes postice virides ; ala anticce virides, apice truncate et fusco guttata, margine postico tuberculatce ; areolarum disci limpidi ; alee posticce albce. Nearly allied to P. sinensis, but differing in the shape and neuration of the fore-wings Body luteous: head conical, hardly ascending, terminating in a sharper lip than that of P. sinensis ; crown concealed ; front convex, short and with a middle ridge above, flat, much longer and broader and bordered by a rim on the fore side, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma which is triangular; an oval slightly concave compartment on each side surrounding the eye and the leeler, the bristle of the latter is black : thorax slightly compressed: fore-chest conical, green, tuberculate, with a middle ridge and somewhat reticulated with ridges on each side, slightly concave at the tip ; its length on each side about half of that in the middle, but it lengthens again towards the breast : middle-chest near thrice the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges, the middle one more strongly marked than the side pair, which are slightly curved outward : abdomen obconical, hardly longer than the chest, crested above ; appendages at the tip much like those of P. sinensis : legs pale luteous; hind-legs pale green : wings broad; fore-wings green, tuberculate along the hind border for two-thirds of the length from the base, truncate at the tips, along which and along the adjoining parts of the fore border and of the hind border there is a row of brown dots; hind angles acute; veins green; cross-veins very nu- LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 453 merous ; disks of the areolets mostly pale ; fore border very convex, along it a row of stout parallel oblique cross-veins which slightly decrease in length from the base to two-thirds of the length where they terminate: hind-wings white. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the winofs 12 lines. 37. PcECiLOPTEEA CupiDO, Mas. Crocea, tuberculata ; caput conicum, depressum, vix ascendens ; thorax Iricarinatus ; abdomen cristatum ; pedes fiavi ; tarsi ruji ; alee anticce crocecB, apice truncatcB et rufo guttatcB^ mar- gine posiico tuberculata ; alee postica albce. Body saffron -colour, tuberculated : head conical, flat, hardly ascending; crown concealed; front short above, much longer and with a slight middle ridge on the fore side, somewhat rounded on each side, straight where it joins the epistoraa ; the latter is trian- gular and has a slight middle-ridge ; side compartments nearly triangular : fore-chest conical, as long as the head, concave on the hind border, longer in the middle than each side : middle-chest more than twice the length of the fore-chest, with three slight ridges : abdomen obconical, crested, a little shorter than the chest : legs pale yellow ; feet and tips of the shanks red : wings broad ; fore-wings saffron-colour, powdered with white beneath, truncate at the lips, along which and along the adjoining parts of the fore border and of the hind border there is a row of red dots; a stripe of red tubercles along the hind border decreases in breadth from the base ; tip and hind border forming a right angle; veins red : longitudinal veins rather numerous, ramified ; cross-veins veiy numerous ; areolets minutely mottled, their disks pale ; fore border slightly convex, along three-fourths of it a row of oblique parallel here and there forked cross-veins: hind-wings white. Length of the body 2^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. 38. PCECILOPTEEA STELLAEIS. Lutea ; caput perbreve ; prothorax viridi marginatus ; inesothorax carinatus ; tarsi subferruginei ; alee anticce virides, ferrugineo maculatce, apice truncatce, margine postico tuber culatce ; alee postlcce albce. Body luteous : head very short ; crown short, very slightly arched, bordered by a rim ; front flat, a little broader towards the 454 LIST OF nOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. epistoma, slightly rounded on each side, hordered by a rim, concave where it joins the epistoma, with three ridges, the side pair curved and indistinct ; the compartments on each side oval and concave ; epistoma triangular, very slightly convex : fore-chest bordered with green, almost conical in front, slightly concave behind, with a middle ridge ; its length on each side less than half of that in the middle : middle-chest with a slight ridge, about four times the length of the fore-chest: legs'pale luteous; feet slightly ferruginous : wings broad: fore-wings pale green, adorned with several ferruginous sj)Ots and dots whose disks are mostly brown, truncated at the tips which form right angles wiih the hind borders, the latter are dilated and slightly tuberculate towards the base ; fore border convex, along it a row of parallel oblique cross-veins which are shorter and irregular towards the tip ; veins pale green; longitudinal and cross-veins very nume- rous ; hind-wings white. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. Africa. 39. PCECILOPTERA OCELLATA? MaS. Lutea ; caput perbreve ; prothorax carinatus ; mesothorax vindi varius ; pedes Jlavi, alee anticcB virides^ fernigineo maculata^ apice truncalCB^ margine jmstico vix tuberculatcB ; alcB posticce alba. Cicada ocellata ? Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 27, 2. Flata ocellata ? Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 49, 8. Nearly allied to P. stellaris but smaller, and with fewer and smaller spots on the fore-wings. Body pale luteous : head very short ; crown short, arched, bordered by a rim ; front flat, a little broader towards the epistoma, slightly rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, hardly concave where it joins the ejiistoma, with three ridges, the side pair indistinct ; the compartment on each side oval and concave : e])istoma triangular, very slightly convex : fore-chest almost conical in front, slightly concave behind, with a middle ridge ; its length on each side more than half of that in the middle : middle- chest tinged with green, more than three times the length of the fore-chest : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest ; ap- pendages large, of the usual form : legs pale yellow : wings broad: fore-wings pale green, tinged with white beneath, adorned with several ferruginous dots whose disks are brown, truncated at the tips which form right angles with the hind borders, the latter are dilated but hardly tuberculated towards the base ; fore border convex, along it a row of parallel oblique cross-veins which decrease in length from LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS IN SECTS. 455 the base; veins green; longitudinal and cross-veins very numerous: hind-wings white. Length of the body 3h lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Tranquebar. 40. PCECILOPTERA MUNDA, Fem. Crocea ; caput subacution ; mexothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen cristatum ; "pedes rufi ; femora vtridia ; alee antict^ croceee, apice truncatce, margine postico tuherculatte ; alee posticfB allxe . Body pale saffron-colour : head of moderate length ; crown conical and almost acute in front, concave on the hind border, with a ridge in the middle which is longer than each side ; front flat, a little broader towards the epistoma, straight on each side, bordered by a slight rim, straight where it joins the epistoma, with three dis- tinct ridges, its length much exceeding its breadth ; the compartment on each side nearly triangular, hardly concave ; epistoma yellow, triangular, very slightly convex : fore-chest longer than the crown, very convex in front, more slightly concave behind, with a ridge in the middle whose length slightly exceeds that of each side: middle- chest about thrice the length of the fore-chest, with three ridges, the side pair slightly curved, inclining to each other and united near tlie hind border, where there is a cross-suture : abdomen ob- conical, crested alcove, a little longer than the chest : legs pale red ; hips and thighs \)\x\e green : wings broad ; fore-wings pale saffron- colour, truncated at the tips which form slightly obtuse angles with the hind borders, the latter have a tuberculated region which is very broad at the base and tapers thence along two-thirds of the length where it terminates ; fore border convex, along it a row of oblique parallel often forked cross-veins which terminate at three-fourths of the length, a dot on each space between the veins ; longitudinal veins rather numerous, much ramified; cross-veins very numerous, paler than the longitudinal veins; disks of the areolets whitish: hind-wings white. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Ilaslar Hospital. s2 456 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 41. PCECILOPTERA TESTACEA, MaS. Testacea ; caput perhreve ; mesothorax tricarinatus ; abdomen cris- tatum ; pedes straminei ; alee anticce cervince^ ad discum limpidce, apice truncatae, margine postico tubercidatcB ; alee posticce albce. Body straw-colour: head very short; crown broad and slightly convex in front ; front flat, a little narrower towards the epistoraa, rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, straight where it joins the epistoma, with a short ridge which extends along half the length from the crown, and has an impression on each side ; compartment on each side large, very concave; epistoma slightly convex: fore- chest very convex in front, slightly concave behind, bordered by a rim, its length on each side less than half of that in the middle: middle-chest about four times the length of the fore-chest, with three slight ridges : a cross furrow near the tip: abdomen very pale, ob- conical, crested, a little longer than the chest; appendages rather large, of the usual fonu : legs pale straw-colour : wings broad : fore- wings pale fawn-colour, almost colourless on the disks, truncated at the tips which form somewhat rounded and slightly obtuse angles with the hind borders, the latter are tuberculated along half the length from the base where the tubercles are most numerous and occupy most space ; fore border convex, along it a row of parallel cross-veins of equal length blending with a row of longer veins along the tip, these latter are slightly curved and are mostly forked towards their tips ; the vein which parts them from the discoidal region is much waved; longitudinal veins rather numerous, ramified; cross- veins numerous towards the border of the disk : hind-wings white. Length of the body 3|- lines ; of the wings 12 lines. rt. Para. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 42. PCECILOPTEEA ANTICA, Fcm. Flavo-viridis ; caput perbreve ; thorax carinatus ; mesothorax viridi trivitlatus ; abdomen cristatum ; pedes lutei ; alee anticce al- bidovirides, apice tt'uncatce, margine postico tuberculatm ; al(£ posticce albce. Body yellowish-green : head very short : crown extremely short, apparently almost hidden by the fore-chest ; front flat, a little broader towards the epistoma, pale luteous and slightly rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, very slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, with a middle ridge which extends along three-fourths of LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 457 the lengtli ; compartment on each side oval, concave ; epistoma slightly convex, with obli(|ue streaks on each side : fore-chest with a very obtuse inward angle on the hind border, very convex and bordered by a rim in front, with a middle ridge ; its length on each side less than half of that in the middle : middle-chest more than thrice the length of the fore-chest, with three green stripes, the middle one accompanying a ridge: breast luteous : abdomen ob- conical, crested, pale green and tinged with white above : legs pale luteous: wings broad : fore-wings whitish-green, dilated and tuber- culated along more than half the length of the hind border, trun- cated at the ti|is which form right angles with the hind borders ; veins bright luteous, especially along the fore border towards the base where the whole wing has that hue when not closely inspected : longitudinal veins rather numerous, ramified ; cross-veins very nu- merous over the whole surface; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of obllcpie parallel cross-veins which are shoiter and more apart towards the tip, along which there is a row of similar veins : hind-wings white. Length of the body 4| lines; of the wings 12 lines. a. East I)idia. From Mr. Sowerby's collection. 43. PCECJLOPTERA LATIFEONS, Fem. Lutea, lata,viridivana ; caput breve ; thorax carinatus ; ahdoinen cristatum ; pedes Jlavi ; tibia iarsique anleriora fernujinea ; a((B anlicce virides, liUeo inarginatce, apice subrotundatie et fiisco noLalce ; alee poslica albidce. Body rather broad, luteous, green here and there: head short, crown not visible, or forming one segment with the front which is short and slightly arched above, flat and vertical on the fore side, slightly rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, very concave where it joins the epistoma, with a middle ridge which extends along the whole length, the breadth on the fore side rather exceeding the length ; e])istoma convex, with ferruginous oblique stripes on each side, tapering in front: tip of the mouth black; compartment on each side rather small : bristle of the antenna black : fore-chest with a slight middle ridge, convex in front, slightly concave behind, its length in the middle nearly twice that on each side: middle-chest with a longitudinal ridge, full four times the length of the fore-chest; a transverse suture near the tip: abdomen ol)coiiical, crested, a little longer than the chest: lower appeudagts curved upward, concave within, ferruginous at the tips ; upper appendage pale green, spindle- shaped, inclosing with the other two a cavity : legs pale yellow ; an- s 3 458 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. tevior shanks and feet ferruginous : wings broad : fore-wings grass- green with luteous borders, slightly rounded at the tips, along which there is a row of short brown streaks ; veins while ; longitudinal veins ramified, not numerous ; cross-veins very numerous, irregular; fore border very convex ; no cross-veins along it: hind-wings whitish veins pale green. Length of the body 3i^ lines; of the wings 11 lines. a. New Orleans. From M. Salle's collection. 44. PCECILOPTERA PKASINARIA, MaS. Viridis ; caput breve, suhconicum ; abdomen albo-viride ; pedes viridi-fiavi ; alee anticce albo-virides, apice rolundata;, margine postico subtuherculatoe ; aUe posticce alba. Body pale green: head short, slightly conical in front; crown extremely short; front forming above an ascending cone, vertical and slightly convex on the fore side, a little broader towards the epistoma, slightly rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, very slightly con- cave where it joins the epistoma, with an indistinct middle ridge extending along the whole length which much exceeds the breadth ; compartment on each side concave, rather small : antennag thick : fore-chest as long as the head, slightly arched, longer in the middle than on each side: middle-chest full thrice the length of the fore- chest : abdomen obconical, whitish-green, much powdered with white, a little longer than the chest; appendages large, curved, one of the lower pairs ferruginous : legs pale yellow, tinged with green : wings broad : fore-wings whitish-green, rounded at the ti])s, dilated and very slightly tuberculate along half the length from the base of the hind border; veins green; longitudinal veins few ; cross-veins irre- gular, very numerous ; fore border extremely convex, along it a row of oblique cross-veins many of which are forked, towards the tiji they are shorter and more irregular: hind-wings while ; veins whitish- green. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. 45. PCECILOPTERA RUFIFASCIA. Rufa, viridi-vUtata ; caput perbrtve ; prothorax viridi-fasciatus ; mesothorax carinatus ; pedes virides ; tarsi lutei ; al(B anticce luteo-virides, apice subtruncatce, margine postico tubercidata; ; alee posticce albce. Body grass-green : head pale red, very short ; crown very slightly convex in front, shorter in the middle than on each side ; LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 459 front flat, rounded on each side, bordered by a rira, concave where it joins the epistoma, wiih three green stripes which are united at both ends, the middle one is accompanied by a ridge ; epistoma with ob- lique streaks on each side ; compartment on each side small, bordered by a rim but not concave : antennce rather long : chest pale red : fore-chest concave behind, almost truncate-conical in front, its length in the middle much exceeding that on each side, adorned with a green middle stripe and on each side with a green band along the fore border : middle-chest full four times the length of the fore-chest, with three green stripes, the middle one accompanied by a ridge : legs very pale green; feet luteous: wings broad: fore-wings veiy pale green with a luteous tinge along the tips and along the hind borders, almost truncated at the lips, tuberculaled and slightly dilated along the hind borders towards the base ; veins green, longitudind veins very numerous ; cross-veins not numerous, a band of them near to and parallel with the tip, and a few more in the disk ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross- veins blending with those along the tip which are rather longer : hind-wings white. Length of the body 2^ lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq- 46. POECILOPTERA PEOXIMA, MaS. Viridi-Jlava ; caput perhr eve ; abdomen cristatum ; alee anticce vi- rides, apice fere truncaice, margine postico ttiberculatce ; alee pos ticca a I bee. Body pale yellow, tinged with green: head very short; crown very slightly convex in front, shurier in the middle than on each side ; front flat, rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, very slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, with a middle ridge which does not reach the epistoma, a little broader than long; epistoma lengthened in front: tip of the mouth brown: fore-chest arched, longer than the crown, a little longer in the middle than on each side : middle-chest about four times the length of the fore-chest : abdomen obconical, crested, a little longer than the chest ; append- ages tawny : legs pale yellow, tinged with green : wings broad : fore-wings pale green, almost tumcated at the tips which form a slightly obtuse and somewhat rounded angle with the hind border ; the latter is tuberculate towards the base ; veins green ; longitudinal and .cross-veins numerous, some of the latter forming two uninter- rupted bands near to and parallel with the tip ; fore border convex, along it a row of oblique parallel slightly curved cross-veins of nearly 460 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS, equal length : hind-wings white. Length of the hody 2^ lines ; of the wings 2 lines. a. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 47. PCECILOPTERA QUADRATA. Viridi-flava ; caput breve viridi subreticulata ; thorax carinatus ; abdomen alho-fiavum ^ cristatiim ; jtedes albo-Jiavi; tibice tarsi- que anteriora ferruginea ; alcB anticcs virides, apice fusco gut- tata, vix rotundatce ; al(B postica albidce. Body pale yellow, tinged with green : head short, slightly re- ticulated with green ; crown concealed or forming one segment with the front, a middle ridge aloJig the whole length ; upper part mode- rately long, with slight short ridge and a tubercle on each side ; fore part convex, rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, very concave where it joins the ej>istoiiia, broader than long ; epistoma very slighily convex, with oblique stripes on each side: tip of the mouth brown : eyes very prominent : fore-chest as long as the head, very slightly concave behind, truncate-couioal in front, with a middle ridge, its lengtli on each side full half of that in the middle: middle-chest with a ridge, more than four times the length of the fore-chest, with a rim towards the tip where it is lengthened and pointed : abdomen whitish-yellow, obconical, crested, a little longer than tlie chest : legs yellowish-white ; anterior tibiae and tarsi ferruginous : wings broad: fore-wings green, hardly rounded at the tijis along which there is a row of dark brown linear dots, almost angular at the tips of the hind borders; veins green; longitudinal veins few; cross-veins veiy nu- merous, irregidar, extending over the whole surface ; fore border very convex, without a row of parallel cross-veins : hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 12 lines, a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 48. PCECILOPTERA ACUMINATA. Viridi-Jlava ; caput trigonum, acutum, subascendens : mesothorax tricarinalus ; jiedea fluvi ; aUc anlica vlrides, apice truncatcEy manjine poslico tuberculatce ; alee poslicce albidce. Body j)ale greenish-yellow : head triangular, pointed, slightly ascending ; crown a little broader than long, bordered by a rim, with a middle ridge ; fnmt flat, widening towards the e]>istoma, slightly rounded on eacli side, bordered by a rim, much longer than broad, very slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, with five lidges, LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 461 the inner pair very short, the outer pair slightly curved ; epistoma rather long-, slightly convex ; tip of the mouth hrovvn : fore-chest truncate or angular on each side in front, slightly concave behind, with a ridge in the middle which is not longer than each side : middle- chest with three ridges, more than thrice the length of the fore-chest: abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs yellow : wings broad : fore-wings pale green, truncated at the tips which form slightly obtuse angles with the hind borders, the latter are tuberculated and slightly dilated towards the base ; longitudinal veins green, not numerous ; cross-veins tawny, rather numerous ; fore border almost straight, along it a row of oblique parallel cross- veins which are shorter and more apart towards the tip : hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 11 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. 49. PCECILOPTEKA C03JPLANATA, Fcm. Flava,robusta ; caput hrevs ; thorax carinatus ; abdnynen crista turn ; pedes Jlavi; tibicB tarsique anteriora fulva ; al(e antic(S virides, apice rotundatce et fusco (juttatce ; alee posticce limpidoe. Body yellow, rather short : head short ; crown forming with the front one compartment which is short above, has a middle ridge and is bordered by a rim ; fore part slightly convex, straight on each side, a little rounded towards the epistoma, broader than long, notched where it joins the epistoma which is short and narrow : fore-chest a little longer than the head, with a middle ridge, bordered by a rim, convex in front, concave behind, longer in the middle than on each side : middle-chest about four times the length of the fore- chest, with a middle ridge : abdomen obconical, crested, a little longer than the chest: legs yellow; anterior shanks and feet tawny: wings broad : fore-wings pale green, rounded at the tips, along which are linear brown dots ; tips of the hind borders rounded ; veins pale green ; longitudinal veins few ; cross-veins numerous, irregular, extending over the whole surface; fore border very con- vex, without a row of parallel cross-veins : hind-wings colourless ; veins whitish. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. n ? 462 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 50. P(ECILOPTERA LATA, Fem. Flavo-viridis, lata ; caput sat longuin, carinatum ; mesoihorax tri~ carinatus ; abdomen fiavum ; pedes Jlavi ; tibiee tarsique an- teriora fulva ; alee anlicce virides, apice subtruncatce et fusco- guttatce ; alee posticcB limpidce. Body rather broad, pale yellowish-green : head modeiately long, with a middle ridge, bordered by a rira ; fore part flat, a little rounded on each side, narrower towards the epistoma, broader than long, very concave where it joins the epistoma, the latter is small : fore-chest with a middle ridge, as long as the head, very convex in front, hardly concave behind, very much longer in the middle than on each side : middle-chest about thrice the length of the fore-chest, with a middle ridge ; an indistinct ridge on each side and a cross furrow near the tip : abdomen obconica], pale yellow, a little longer than the chest : legs yellow ; anterior shanks and feet tawny : wings broad : fore-wings pale green, almost truncated at the tips along which there is a row of linear brown dots, tips and hind borders forming right angles which are somewhat rounded ; veins pale ; lon- gitudinal veins few; cross-veins numerous, irregular, extending over the whole surface ; fore border very convex, without a row of parallel cross-veins : hind-wings colourless ; veins pale yellow. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 10 lines. 5). PCECILOPTERA INCERTA, Fem. Fulva; caput perhreve ; p ro thorax flavus ; mesothorax fusco macu- latus et bivittatus ; nbdomen picewn ; pedes fulvi ; alcB anticce JlavcB, apice truncatcc, marfjine postico tubei'culatcc, aloi posticoe limpidce. Body tawny : head very short ; crown extremely short, bordered by a rim, hardly convex in front, shorter in the middle than on each side; front flat, l)ordered by a rim, slightly convex on each side, with a short ridge towards the crown, very slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, hardly longer than broad ; epistoma short : fore- chest yellow, nearly six times the length of the crown, very convex, slightly concave behind, its length in the middle about twice that on each side ; middle-chest about thrice the length of the fore-chest, with some brown spots and two broad brown stripes : abdomen ])itchy, a little longer than the chest : legs tawny: fore-wings broad, yellow, truncated at the tips which form slightly obtuse angles with the hind LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 463 borders, the latter are tuberculated towards the base ; veins tawny ; longitudinal veins numerous ; cross-veins rather numerous in the disk ; fore border convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross- veins of nearly eqnal length : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 2j lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. ? 52. PCECILOPTEEA PLANA. Flava ; caput breve ; thorax carinatus ; tarsi fulvi ; alcB anticce Jlava, apice subiruneates, manjine postico tuherculalce. Body yellow : head short ; crown very short, much arched, bordered by a rim ; front almost flat, broader towards the epistoma, bordered by a rim, much longer than broad, hardly concave where it joins the epistoma, with a middle ridge which extends along three- fourths of the length from the crown ; epistoma with oblique ferru- ginous stripes on each side: fore-chest conical, bordered in front by a rim, with a middle ridge, sliglitly concave along the hind border, its length in the middle about thrice of that on each sidet middle-chest full thrice the length of the fore-chest, with a very slight middle ridge: abdomen wanting: legs yellow; feet tawny: wings broad : fore-wings })ale yellow, almost truncated at the tips which form slightly obtuse angles with the hind borders, the latter are tuberculated ami slightly dilated towards the base; veins tawny; longitudinal veins rather numerous; cross-veins very numerous, irregular ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross-veins which slightly decrease in length towards the tip. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 13 lines. a. ? 53. P(ECILOPTERA NIVIFERA, Fem. Lutea ; abdomen cristatum ; pedes albo-fiavi ; tarsi fulvi ; ala- an- ticcB albida, apice subirtincatce, margine postico tuberculatce ; ahc posticce albce. Body luteous : head wanting : fore-chest short, low, arched : niiddle-ehest more than four times the length of the fore-chest, with a pale stripe on each side : abdomen paler and a little longer than the chest, obconical, crested : legs yellowish white ; feet tawny : wings broad : fore-wings whitish, almost truncated at the tips which form a shghtly obtuse and somewhat rounded angle with the hind borders, the latter is tuberculated and slightly dilated towards the base ; veins tawny ; longitudinal veins numerous ; cross-veins rather 464 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. numerous, irregular in the disk butforminp: two uninterrupted bands towards each tip with which they are parallel ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of slightly oblique parallel cross-veins of nearly equal length : hind-wings white ; veins whitish. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Rio Janeiro. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 54. PCECILOPTERA HEBES. Viridis, depressa, tuherculata ; caput conicum, sat longum ; pedes flavi ; tarsi fulvi ; alee antic(B virides^ apice truncatce, margine postico tuberculala; alee postica alhidce. Body pale green : head and thorax flat, tuberculated : head moderately long, crown conical, bordered by a rim in front ; front slightly convex, narrower towards the epistoraa, bordered by a rim, slightly rounded on each side, almost straight where it joins the epis- toma, with a short middle ridge towards the crown, an indistinct slightly oblique ridge on each side : epistoma slightly convex, rather long : fore-chest much longer than the crown, truncated in front, notched behind, much longer in the middle than on each side: middle-chest full thrice the length of the fore-chest: abdomen ob- conical, a little longer than the chest : legs yellow ; feet tawny : wings broad : fore-wings" green, truncated at the tips which form right angles with the hind borders, the latter are tuberculated and very slightly dilated towards the base ; veins green ; longitudinal veins rather numerous ; cross-veins numerous, moderately regular ; fore border convex, a row of slightly oblique parallel cross-veins along two-thirds of its length from the base : hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. New South Wales. From Mr. Pamplin's collection. 55. PcEciLOPTERA SERVA, Fem. Sordide straminea ; caput breve ; thorax carinatus ; alee anticce albida, apice truncates^ margine postico tuherculata ; alee pos- ticcB sublimpidcB. Body dingy straw-colour : head short ; crown and front forming one compartment, which above is short, convex, and conical; fore part flat, nearly linear, a little narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a slight rim, very much longer than broad, straight where it joins the epistoma, with a middle ridge which extends along half the length from the crown ; side compartments large, concave. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 465 irregularly spindle-shaped : second joint of the feelers long", linear : epistoraa small, slender towards the tip : fore-chest twice the length of the head, truncate-conical in front, slightly concave hehind, its length in the middle nearly thrice that on each side : middle-chest about thrice the length of the fore-chest, with a slight middle ridge ; a rim on each side towards the tip, near which there is a cross suture: abdomen obconical, longer than the chest: legs pale dingy straw- colour: wings broad: fore-wings dingy white, truncated along the tips which form acute angles with the hind borders, the latter are tuberculated towards the base ; veins pale yellow ; longitudinal veins numerous; cross-veins very few; fore border slightly convex, tuber- culated at the base, along it a row of parallel cross-veins which towards the tip are more slanting, more apart and mostly shorter : hind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Philippine Islands, From Mr. Cuming's collection. 56. PCECILOPTERA UXICOLOR, Lutea, suhtuherculata ; caput breve ; tibicB taisique rufa ; ahe antic(2 lutea, apice subtruncatce rufescentes, margine postico tuberculalce ; alee posiicce albidce. Bodyluteous, slightly tuberculated : head short; crown arched concave behind, reddish and almost conical in front where there is an angle on each side, longer in the middle than on each side ; front slightly convex, nearly linear on each side, narrower towards the epistoma, bordered by a very distinct reddish rim, very much longer than broad, concave where it joins the epistoma, with a reddish middle ridge: epistoma small: fore-chest arched, very little longer than the head, rather shorter on each side than in the middle : middle- chest rather more than twice the length of the fore-chest: with a slight cross furrow near the tip : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs pale luteous; shanks and feet red : wings broad; fore-wings pale luteous, reddish and almost truncated along the tips which form nearly right but somewhat rounded angles with the hind borders, the tubercles of the latter extend along the whole length but diminish much towards the tips ; veins luteous ; longitudinal veins rather numerous; cross-veins very numerous; fore border con- vex, along three-fourths of it a row of oblique parallel veins which are alternate with little tubercles, and there is a row of the latter along the tip : hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 2| lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. T 466 LIST OP HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 57. PCECILOPTERA NANA, Fem. Flavo-viridis, sat lata; caput ferrugineum^ sat longum, ad di scum Jiavo-viride ; thoracis latera ferruginea ; abdomen subcrista- tum, aj)ice acuminatum et subascendens ; pedes fulvi ; alee an- ticce virides, ferruginea submarginatcB^ apice ro tun dates ; alee posticcc limpidce. Body pale yellowish-o;reen, rather broad : head ferruginous, moderately loug ; crown and front forming one compartment, which above is thrice broader than long and has a pale yellowish-green disk ; fore part slightly convex, broader and rounded towards the epistoraa, not bordered by a rim, a little broader than long, very concave where it joins the epistoma ; the latter is small and narrow : fore-chest ferruginous on each side, as long as the head, slightly arched, a little shorter on each side than in the middle : middle- chest about thrice the length of the fore-chest, ferruginous on each side, pointed at the tip where there is a slight cross furrow : abdo- men obconical, slightly crested, pointed and a little ascending at the tip, longer than the chest; legs tawny: wings broad: fore-wings pale green, rounded at the tips and between the latter and the hind borders which like the tips are ferruginous; veins pale bluish-green ; longitudinal veins few ; cross-veins numerous, spread over the whole surface ; fore border very convex : hind-wings colourless ; veins greenish-white. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 58. P(ECILOPTERA ALBULA. Fulva ; caput perbreve ; ales alba ; alee anticce apice rotundatxe. Body pale tawny: head verjf short; crown forming one com- partment with the front ; upper part extremely short ; fore part slightly convex, a little broader towards the epistoma, rounded on each side, bordered by a rim, longer than broad, straight where it joins the epistoma, with a slight middle ridge along three-fourihs of the length from the crown : epistoma rather long: fore-chest arched, a little longer in the middle than on each side : middle-chest darker than the fore-chest and more than thrice its length : abdomen want- ing: legs pale tawny : wings broad, white: fore-wings white, rounded along the tips and between the latter and the hind borders ; veins pale yellow ; longitudinal veins veiy numerous ; cross-veins few, some of them forming a band near to and parallel with each tip ; fore border slightly convex, along it a row of oblique parallel cross- LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 467 veins of equal length : hind-wings and their veins white. Length of the body 2h lines : of the wings 8 lines. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. 59. PCECILOPTERA VEN USTA, Mas. Flava ; caput breve, angustum ; alee alba. Body pale yellow, powdered with white : head short, very nar- row, hardly half the breadth of the chest ; crown very short ; front flat, linear, a little broader towards the epistoma, with a high rim on each side, concave where it joins the epistoma, its length about four times its breadth : epistoma narrow, attenuated ; side compart- ments flat, almost spindle-shaped : feelers subclavate ; second joint rather long : fore-chest much shorter than the head, almost straight: middle-chest full four times the length of the fore-chest : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: legs pale yellow : wings broad, white; veins of the fore-wings pale yellow, very few. Length of the body If lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. ? 60. PCECILOPTEEA SOLITA, Fcm. Fulva; caput, longum, subconicum, siibfoveolatum ; alee antics virides, sat angustce ; ala postlcce albidce. Body tawny : head rather long: crown almost conical, forming a thin edge with the front, having a slight furrow across the middle of the disk ; front arched, elliptical, slightly concave, straight where it joins the epistoma, bordered by a slight rim ; epistoma small, rather narrow : fore-chest arched, shorter than the head : middle-chest full thrice the length of the fore-chest: abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs pale tawny : wings rather narrow : fore- wings pale green ; veins green ; longitudinal and cross-veins nume- rous, the latter undulating ; fore border very slightly convex, along it a row of cross-veins of equal length: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 ? lines. 61. PCECILOPTERA PERPUSILLA, Fcm. Albida ; pedes anteriores fulvi; pedes postici albidi ; alcB anticce albo-flavce ; alee posticce albce. Body whitish : head and fore-chest wanting : middle-chest not ridged : abdomen obconical, a little longer than the chest: anterior T 2 468 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. lee;s tawny, hind-legs whitish : wings broad : fore-wings yellowish- white ; longitudinal veins rather numerous; cross-veins very few; fore border almost straight, along it a row of oblique parallel cross- veins of equal length ; hind-wings white. Length of the body H lines ; of the wings 5 lines. 62. POECILOPTEEA? MARGINATA. Cicada marginata, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 610, 39. C. (Deflexa) marginata, Gmel. Ed. Si/st. Nat. i. 4, 2112, 39. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 322, 4. 3Iant. Ins. ii. 268, 4. Ent. Si/st. iv. 29, 11. Flata minuta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 519, 12. Syst. Bhyn. 52, 36. West Indies. 63. PCECILOPTEEA? FEREUGATA. Flata fermgata, Fabr. Syst. Bhyn. 50, 19. Tranquebar. 64. PCECILOPTERA? VITTATA. Flata vittata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 52, 33. South America. 65. PCECILOPTERA PULVEEULENTA ? Poeciloptera pulverulenta ? Guer. Icon. Reg. Anim. Texte, 361. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. 66. PCECILOPTEEA? QUADEIPUNCTATA. Cicada quadripunctata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 30, 14. Flata quadripunctata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 53, 38. West Indies. 67. PCECILOPTEEA? EELICTA. Flata relicta, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 52, 32. Carolina. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 469 68. PCECILOPTERA .? RETUSA. Cicada retusa, Fahr. Ent. Syst. iv. 28, 7. Flata retusa, Fahr. Ent. Syst. Suppl. 518, 8. SyH. Rhyn. 50, 23. Cayenne. 69. PCECILOPTEEA ? PYRALINA. Poeciloptera pyralina, Germ. Mag. Ent iv. 114, 7. 70. PCECILOPTERA? PRUINOSA. Flata pruinosa. Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 237. United States. 71. PCECILOPTERA ? BIVITTATA. Plata bivittata. Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 335, 1. United States. 72. PCECILOPTERA ? STIGMATA. Plata stigmata. Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. iv. 336. United States. 73. PCECILOPTERA? NCEVA. Flata nceva. Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 238. United States. 74. PCECILOPTERA? OPACA. Flata opaca. Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 50. United States. 75. PCECILOPTERA ? PALLIDA. Flata pallida, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 51. United States. T 3 470 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 76. PCECILOPTERA ? BULLATA. Flata builata, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 52. United States. 77. PCECILOPTERA ? QUINQUELINEATA. Flata qiiinquelineata, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 53. United States. 78. PCECILOPTERA ? HUMILIS. Flata humilis, Say, Journ. Acad. Philad. vi. 54. United States. 79. PCECILOPTERA ? SUBQUADRATA. Poeciloptera subquadrata, Friwaldsky, MSS. Herr.-Sch'dff. Faun. Germ. Fasc. 134, f. 2, 3. Spin. Ann. Soc. But. Fr. viii. 426, 4. Hypotmetus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, 408. Rouraelia. 80. PCECILOPTERA ? HERBIDA, Fem, Viridis ; caput Jiavum, perhreve ; abdomen flavum ; pedes Jiavi, breves ; ala anticce virides, sat augustee, fusco maculatcB, apice rotundatcB, basi tuberculatcB ; alee posticcc albidce. Body green : head yellow, very short; crown arched, longer on each side than in the middle; front flat, a little narrower towards the epistoma, rounded ou each side, bordered by a slight rim, straight where it joins the epistoma, much broader than long-, with a middle ridge which extends along half the length from the crown ; epistoma triangular, not longer than broad: fore-chest concave behind, almost conical in front ; its length in the middle about twice that on each side : middle-chest longer than the fore-chest, almost conical in front, concave behind, much shorter on each side than in the middle: abdomen pale yellow, obconical, a little longer than the chest : legs pale yellow, short : fore-wings green, rather narrow, rounded at the tips, tuberculated towards the base, with a few brown spots in the disk and towards the tips and along the hind border, and with an indistinct brown dot in each areolet ; veins green ; longitudinal veins and cross- veins very numerous ; lore border convex, along it a LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 471 row of oblique parallel cross-veins: hind-wings whitish. Length of the body H l^ues ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. Genus 12. ACANALONTA. Acanalonia Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 447. 1. Acanalonia Servillei. Acanonia, Amyot et Serville. Acanalonia Servillei, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. viii. 448, pi. 16, f. 2. Acanonia Servillei, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 520, 1. Philadelphia. Fam. III. TETTIGOMETRIDES. Tribe PLANIGENI. Planigeni, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 530. Tettigomeirides, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 530. Fulgora, Burmeister (ad partem.) Genus 1. TETTIGOMETRA. Tettigometra, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xii. 312. Fulgora, Panzer (ad partem.) 1. Tettigometra virescens. Tettigometra virescens, Lntr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xii. 312. Gen. Crust. iii. 164, 1. Bimn. Handh. Ent. ii. I, 147, 1. Blanch. Hist. Nat. Ins, iii. 178, 1. Guerin, Icoji. Reg. An. Ins. pi. 58, f. 9. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 531, 1. Crochard, Ed. Regne Anim. Ins. pi. 97, f. 4. Fulgora virescens, Panz. Faun. Germ. 61, f. 12. Tettigometra, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 178, 409. Europe. 472 list of i103i0pter0us insects. 2. Tettigometra lmbrosa. Tettigometra umbrosa, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 7, 3. Europe. 3. Tettigometra piceola. Tettigometra piceola, Klug, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 147, 3. Europe. 4. Tettigometea obliqua. Tettigometra obliqua, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 147, 2. Duf. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. Bull. Ent. 45. Fulgora obliqua, Panz. Faun. Germ.fasc. 61, f. 13. Epiplagia (Vars. controbliqua, obliqua, subobliqua), Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2wie Serie, v. 179, 411. Europe. 5. Tettigometra impresso-punctata. Tettigometra impresso-punctata, Duf. Ann. Soc. E7it. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. Bull. Ent. 47. France. 6. Tettigonia atra. Tettigonia atra, Hagenbach, Symb. Faun. Ins. Helvet. Switzerland. Fam. IV. MEMBRACINA. Membracides, Latr. Membracina, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 126. Fam. Antericoines, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 531 (ad partem.) Trib. Cornidorsi Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 532. Stirps 1. Tectiscuti, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 532. Group 1. Membracides, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 533. Group 2. Hoplopborides, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 537. Group 3. Darnides, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 544. Group 4. Combophorides, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 546. Stirps 2. Nudiscuti, Amyot et Serv. Hist. ATat. Hem. 549. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 473 Group 1. Centrotides, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 549. Group 2. Bocydides, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 551. Genus 1. XEEOPHYLLUM. Xerophyllum, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 242. 1. Xerophyllum Servillei. Xerophyllum Servillei, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 242, pi. 4, f. 10—12. Genus 2. MEMBEACIS. Membracis, Fabr., Oliv., Tign., Germ., Burm., Blanch., Westw., Amyot et Serv. Cicada, Linn., Deg., StoU, Gronov., Merian, Fabr., Gmel., Fairm. Membraces foliacea, Fabr., Burm. 1. Membracis fusca. Membracis fusca, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 244, 1. Cicada fusca, Deg. Ins. iii. 208, 10, pi. 32, f. 14. Deg. ed. Retz. 80, 374. Membracis atrala, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 8, 10. a. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. 2. Membracis carinata. Membracis carinata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 8, 8. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 224,2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 244, 2. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 3. Membracis lunata. Membracis lunata, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. 262, 6. E7it. Syst. iv. 9, 5. Syst. Rhyn. 8, 11. Stoll, Cic. i. 33, pi. 5, f. 24. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 224, 5. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 244, 3. Membracis foliata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 662, 3. a. Brazil. From Mr. Children's collection. b. Brazil. From Mr. Walker's collection. ?. Brazil. 474 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 4. Membracis C.-album. Membracis C.-album, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, \v. 244, 4. Cicada foliata fasciata, Deg. Ins. iii. 205, 8, pi. 32, f. 9, 10. Membracis luiiala, var. Fabr. Membracis foliata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 662, 3. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 224, 4. a. — c. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Scbomburgck. d. Columbia. From Mr. Pamplin's collection. e. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. f,9' ? 5. Membracis foliata. Membracis foliata, Fabr. Ent. Si/st. iv. 9, 4. S7/st. Rhyn. 7, 7. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 136, 4. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 534. Westiu. Duncans Nat. Libr. i. 285, pi. 24, f. 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 245, 5, pi. 4, f. 21. Crochard, Ed. Regne Anim. Ins. pi, 98, f. 1. Cicada foliata, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 705, 2. Deg. Ins. iii. 205, 8, pi. 32, f. 9, 10. StoU, Cic. i. pi. 1 , f. 2. Gronov. Zooph. 677. Merian, Ins. Surin. pi. 5, f. ult. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 316, 3. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 3, 2092, 2. Membracis lunata, Fabr. Mant. Ins. 262, 5. Membracis flaveola, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 224. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. b. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 6. Membracis trimaculata. Membracis trimaculata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2mt SSrie, iv. 245, 6, pi. 4, f. 14. New Grenada. 7. Membracis periph^ria. Membracis peripbasria, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 245, 7, pi. 4, f. 15. Cayenne. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 475 8. Membracis expansa. Nigra ; prothorax Jlavo-irifasciatus ; fascia \a marginem anti- cum occupans, postice subarcuatus ; 2a fere erecta, paullb antemedia, ad carinam subdilatata, hnsi dilatata ; Saapicalis, 2(S dimidiatce vix latitudine, basi dilatata et 2a connexa ; pectus et abdomen picea. Black : fore-chest witb three pale yellow bands ; the first occupying the fore border, and extending thence to the eye, its hind side very slightly curved ; second nearly upright, a little in ad- vance of the middle of the fore-chest, slightly widened backwards on the fore border, more widened at its base; third occupying the tip, hardly half the length of the second, widening towards its base, where it is connected with that of the second by means of a pale yellow stripe along the inner side of the fore-chest : breast and ab- domen pitchy. Length of the body 6^ lines ; of the wings IH lines. a. Venezuela, From Mr. Dyson's collection. 9. Membracis celsa. Nigra ; prothorax Jlavo-trifasciatus ; fascice augustce ; fascia la marginem antieum occupans, postice subarcuata ; 2a erecta^ paullb antemedia, basi subdilatata et 3a connexa ; 3a prope apicem,obliqua, ad carinam dilatata ; pectus et abdomen picea. Black : fore-chest with three narrow pale yellow bands ; the first occupying the fore border and extending thence nearly to the eye, its hiud side very slightly curved; second upright, before the middle of the fore-chest, slightly widened towards the base, joined by a broad pale yellow stripe with the third which is oblique, near the tip, and widens towards the upper side : breast and abdomen pitchy. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Brazil. 10. Membracis surgens. Nigra; prothorax fiavo-trif asciatiis ; fascia \a marginem antieum occupans, postice recta ; 2a fere erecta, paullb antemedia, e vertice dilatans, 3d basi connexa ; 3a lata, apicalis, antice connexa ; pectus et abdomen picea. Black : fore-chest lower than those of the two preceding spe- cies, with three pale yellow bands ; the first occupying the fore border and extending thence to the eye ; its hind side straight ; 476 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS, second nearly upright, a little in advance of the middle of the fore- chest, widening much from the ridge to the lower side, joined by a rather broad pale yellow stripe with the third which is broad, occu- pies the tip, and is concave along the fore side : breast and abdomen pitchy. Length of the body 5i lines ; of the wrings 10 lines. a. Brazil. 11, Membracis alta. Nigra; protkorax albo-bifasciatvs ; fascia \a angusta, marginem anticum occupans, antice subcurva ; 2a lata, brevis fere api- calis, antice undulata ; abdomen piceum. Blaclc, thinly clothed with pale down : fore-chest »very high, more conical than those of all the preceding species, with two white bands; the first narrow, occupying the fore border, and ex- tending thence half-way to the eye ; its fore side slightly curved ; second broad and short, occupying the tip, excepting the acute angle of the latter which is black ; its fore side undulating ; abdo- men pitchy : fore-wings blackish ; veins tawny : hind-wings colour- less ; veins black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr, Dyson's collection. 12. Membracis fasciata. Membracis fasciata, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. 262, 6. Ent. Syst. iv. 9, 6. Syst. Rhyn. 9, 16. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. ii. 2092, 54. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 662, 5. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 225, 6. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serle, iv. 245, 8. Membracis cucullata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 534, pi. 1, f. 2. a. Interior of Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 13. Meaibracis rosea. Membracis rosea, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 246, 9, pi. 4, f. 24. a. Brazil. From Mr, Parzudaki's collection, b. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 477 14. Membeacis Lefebvrei. Membracis Lefebvrei, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 246, 10. a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. 15. Membeacis tectigeea. Membracis tectigera, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 668, 8. Stoll, Cic. 58, pi. 14, f. 71. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie. iv. 246, 11. M. elevata, Fabr. St/st. Rhyn. 8, 9. Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 225, 7. M. fuscata, Coq. III. Icon. pi. 18, f. 1. a — c. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. d. Brazil. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. e. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. /. ? From Mr. Children's collection. g. Brazil. h. ? 16. Membracis fuscata. Membracis fuscata, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 9, 15. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 247, 12. Brazil ? 17. Membeacis nigra. Membracis nigra, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 668, 4. Stoll, Cic. pi. 17, f. 92. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 247, 13. M. compressa, Fabr. St/st. Rhyn, 9, 14. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 225, 8. a. Brazil. 18. Membeacis confusa. Membracis confusa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 247, 14, pi. 4, f. 23. Brazil. 478 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 19. Membracis arcuata. Memhvacis arcuata, Oliv. Enc. Mith. vii. 664, 14. Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 224. 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 247, 15. Cicada arcuata, Deg. Ins. iii. 206, 9, pi. 32, f. 10. Dcg. Retz. 80, 373. Gmel. Ed. Si/st. Nat. 2094, 60. Membracis dorsata, Fabr. Sijut. Rhyn. ii. 26. Brazil. 20. Membeacis malleonotata. Membracis malleonotata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 247, 16. Brazil. 21. Membracis zonata. Membracis zonata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie., \v. 248, 17, pi. 4, f. 16—19. Brazil. 22. Membracis cingulata. Membracis cino^ulata, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 307. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 248, 18. Brazil. 23. Membracis mexicana. MemT)racis mexicana, Guer. Icon. Reg. Anim. Texte, 364. Ins. pi. 59, f. 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 248, 19. a. Mexico. Presented by tbe Entomolopfical Club. b. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. r : ? 24. Membracis stolida. Membracis stolida, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 248, 20. Mexico. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 479 25. Membracis Peruviana. Membraois Peruviana, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv 249, 21, pi. 4, f. 26. Chili? Peru? 26. Membracis intermedia. Membracis intermedia, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 249, 22. y Brazil. 27. Membracis tricolor. Membracis tricolor, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 249, 23. Columbia. 28, Membracis ambigua. Membracis ambigua, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 249, 24. Cayenne. 29. Membracis marginalis. Fern. Fusco-testacea ; prothorax convex us, supra caput projectii.<;, antice conicus, subobtusus. Dark testaceous : fore-chest minutely punctured, reticulated with ferruginous veins, forming a very thin keel, slightly convex along the back, produced in front of the head into a horizontal cone which has a slightly obtuse tip, and is full half the length of the hind part; the latter extends a little beyond the tip of the ab- domen, and terminates in an acute tip : tibiae slightly dilated : wings testaceous : fore-wings punctured along one-third of the length from the base and along two-thirds of the fore border. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6i lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 30. Membracis ? Pupa. Alba, pilosa ; abdomen spinis niyris biseriatim armatum ; pedes nigri. Snow-white, compressed, very hairy : ridge of the fore-chest slightly conical, blunt: abdomen very convex, not covered by the U 2 480 LIST OF HOMOPTERODS INSECTS. chest, armed with double rows of long black hairy nearly per- pendicular but slightly diverging and radiating black spines; six in each row : legs black, powdered with while : wings white, rudi- mentary. Length of the body 2 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. Genus 3. ENCHOPHYLLUM. Membracis, Fabr., Germ., Burm., Fairm. M. foliaceo-ensatSB, Burm. Hanclh. Ent. ii. 1, 135. Enchophylluni, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 534, 424. 1. Enchophyllum crcentatum. Enchophyllum cruentatum, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 534, pi. 9, f. 3. Membracis cruentata. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. in. 226, 11. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 250, 25. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. b. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. 2. Enchophyllum ensatum. Membracis ensata, Coq. III. ii. pi. 18, f. 2. Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 12, 28. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 136, 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 250, 26. Brazil. 3. Enchophyllum quinque-maculatum. Membracis quinque-maculata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 250, pi. 4, f. 27. Brazil. 4. Enchophyllum squamigerum. Cicada squaraigera, Linn. Syst. Nat. ii. 705,4. Deg. Ins. iii. pi. 32, f. 17, 18. Membracis squamigera, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 10, 21. S. America. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 481 5. Enchophyllttm gladius. Membracis gladius, Fahr. Syst. Rlujn, 13, 30. S. America. Genus 4. ENCHENOPA. Cicada Fahr. Gmel. Membracis, Fahr., Coq., Oliv., Latr., Germ., Burm., Say, Fairm. M. ensatse, Fahr., Burm. M. carinatEB, Germ. Enchenopa, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 535, 425. 1. Enchenopa lanceolata. Membracis lanceolata, Fahr. Ent. Syst. iv. 16, 10. Syst. Rhya. 13, 32. Coq. III. ii. pi. 18, f. 3. 'Stoll, Cic. pi. 28, f. QQ. Oliv. Enc. Meth. 664, 19. Latr. Voy. Humh. 169, pi. 16, f. 11. Germ. Mag. Ent. ii. 114, 21. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 251, 28. Cicada lanceolata, Fahr. Mant. Ins. ii. 263, 10. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. \. 3, 2094, 65. Membracis lungicollum, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 667. a, h. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 2. Enchenopa binotata. Membracis binotata, Say, Narr. Exped. Appendix, 301. Journ. Nat. Sci. Philud. Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 226, 10. Harris, Ins. New Engl. 181. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Sarie, iv. 251,29. a. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. h. New York. 3. Enchenopa albidorsa. Membracis albidorsa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 251, 30, pi. 4, i. 29. Brazil. U 8 482 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 4. Enchenopa fulica. Membracis fulica, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 225, 9. Fairrn. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 251, pi. 4, f. 28. a. Brazil. Presented by J. C. Bowring, Esq. 5. Enchenopa latipes. Membracis latipes, Sai/, Narr. Expecl. Append. Jour>i. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 227, 13. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2m-e Serie, iv. 252, 32. Pennsylvania. 6. Enchenopa nutans. Menabracis nutans, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 28, 30. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 227, 14. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 252, 33. Brazil. 7. Enchenopa altissima. Membracis altissima, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 252, 34,pl. 4, f. 31. Columbia. 8. Enchenopa minans. Membracis minans, Fairm. A7in. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 252, 35, pi. 4, f. 32. Mexico. 9. Enchenopa gracilis. Membracis gracilis. Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 29, 31. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 227, 15. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 253, 36. Brazil. 10. Enchenopa concolor. Membracis concolor, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 253, 37, pi. 4, f. 30. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 483 11. EnCHENOPA 3I0N0CER0S. Enchenopa monoceros, Ami/ot et Serv. Hut. Nat. Hem. 535,425, 1. Meiuljracis monocero-;, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 28, 29. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 226, 12. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 253, 38. a, h. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 12. Enchenopa truncata. Membracis truncata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 253, 39. Buenos Ayres. 13. Enchenopa maculosa. Membracis maculosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 254, 40. Brazil. 14. Enchenopa decipiens. Membracis decipiens, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie., iv. 254, 41, pi. 4, fig. 33. Brazil. 15. Enchenopa tricostata. Membracis tricostata. Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 24, 24. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 228, 16. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 254,42. Brazil. 16. Enchenopa opthalmica. Membracis opthalmica, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 25, 43. Columbia. 17. Enchenopa nigrovittata. Membracis nigrovittata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 255, 44, pi. 4, f. 36. Cayenne. 484 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 18. Enchenopa Luconica. Memhracis Luconica, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.2me Serie, iv. 255, 45. Philippine Islands. 19. Enchenopa sanguinolenta. Membracis sanguinolenta, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 255, 46. Cayenne. 20. Enchenopa bicristata. Memhracis bicristata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 256, 47, pi. 4, f. 35. Brazil. 21. Enchenopa pcecila. Membracis poecila, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 24, 23. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 228, 17. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 256, 48. Brazil. 22. Enchenopa toeva. Membracis torva, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 228, 18. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 256, 49. Brazil. 23. Enchenopa caebonaria. Membracis carbonaria, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 228, 19. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 257, 50. Brazil. 24. Enchenopa monstrosa. Membracis monstrosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 257,51. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 485 25. Enchenopa? xiphias. Membracis xiphias, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 12, 29. S. America. 26. Enchenopa fissa, Fera. Picea ; protlioracis carina undulata, antic e fissa et f areata ; pns- ticc attenuata ; abdomen rufum ; pedes picei ; tarsi fv'lvi ; alee anticee ad apices maculis diiabus mac/nis trigonis costalihus ornatcB. Pitchy : fore-chest punctured ; upper side forming? an undula- ting ridge which in front is divided into two ridges, each of which accompanies one of the forks into which the tip is divided ; under side broader, slightly undulating, with three very minute ridges ; an indistinct ridge along each flank ; hind part attenuated into a long horn which extends over part of the wings : abdomen red : legs pitchy ; feet tawny : fore-wings pitchy, punctured towards the base, reddish beneath, with a very large triangular colourless spot near the tip of the fore border ; fore border slightly convex ; veins pitchy, yellow in the colourless part : hind wings colourless. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. 27. Enchenopa subtrigona, Mas. Nigra; prothoracis carina antice alta suherecta,- maculis duabus magnis subtrigonis Jiavis utrinque ornata, postice attenuata ; tarsi fulvi ; ales posticce cinerecc. Black : front of the head punctured, conical : fore-chest punc- tured, edged in front and along its upper side, almost perpendicular and slightly convex in front, hardly extending beyond the head, above which it has the greatest depth, tapering thence to its tip beyond three-fourths of the length of the fore-wings; between the fore edge and the upper edge are five or six slight diverg- ing ridges ; the upper ridge is slightly undulated, and along it on each side are two large, nearly triangular pale yellow spots : legs black, tarsi tawny : fore-wings black, punctured towards the base ; fore border slightly convex ; hind border straight for half the length, then slightly widening, and again inclined inward towards the tip : hind-wings gray. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 486 LIST OF IIOIIOPTEKOUS INSECTS. 28. Enchenopa longa, Fern. Nigra ; inothoracis carina subundidata, ante caput porrecta, anticc ascendens etjiavn vlttata, postice Jlavo interrupte vittata ; tarsi fiilvi ; al(B anticoB longa; ; alee posticce cinerecB. Black : fore-chest punctured, edged in front and along the upper side, straight, ascending obliquely and inclined forward in front to some length in front of the head, with a pale yellow stripe on its edge along more than half the length from the head ; three short diverging ridges between the fore edge and the ui)per edge ; upper edge very slightly undulating, extending a little ])eyoDd half the length of the fore-wings, with two pale yellow stripes, the first long, widening towards the second which is short : legs black ; feet tawny: fore-wings black, long, punctured towards the base; fore border slightly convex; hind border straight for half the length, then widening and again inclined inward towards the tip : hind wings gray. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 29. Encheis'gpa galeata, Fem. Picea ; prothoracis carina alia, ad marginem ferruginea, anticc erecta cucullata, supra undulata ; pedes ferruginei , alee antias hasi ad apices dilatatce, ferrugineo guttatcB, apice oblique sub- truncatcB. Pitchy : front of the head nearly round, with a ferruginous spot on each side of its fore border: fore-chest punctured, very deep, hardly extending in front of the head, edged in front and along the upper side ; fore side ferruginous, perpendicular till near the top where it forms an obtuse angle for a short space forward ; upper side mostly ferruginous along the ridge, with three undulations, the first above the head deep and resembling a crest, the second and third more shallow; under side nearly straight, extending nearly to the tips of the fore-wings where it forms an acute angle with the upper side : legs ferruginous : fore-wings pitchy, very broad, adorned with numerous irregular ferruginous dots, widening from the base till near the tips, where they are oblique, slightly convex and almost truncated ; fore border convex ; hind border straight. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings Q\ lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. LIST or HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 487 30. Enchenopa scenica, Mas et Fern. Nigra ; prothorax subundulatiis, anlice rufo macidatus et flavo bivittatus, supra cornu porrecto armatus, postice attenuatus Jlavoqiie fasciatm : abdomen basi riifum ; tarsi fid vi. Black : head punctured ; front obtusely angular on each side, very concave in front where it joins the episloma, its length in the middle about one-third of its breadth ; epistoma nearly round, rather broader than long : fore-chest punctured, edged in front and along the upper side ; fore side adorned with a brilhant red oblong spot, perpendicular, slightly convex and hardly advancing in front of the head till near the top, where it is prolonged inlo a slender slightly curved horn whose length is about equal to half the depth in front of the head, it has on each flank a slight ridge parallel to its con- cave under side ; on each side of the red spot there is a large pale yellow stripe which becomes very narrow at the base of each wing and again widens towards the breast ; upper side very slightly un- dulating; fore-chest tapering hindward to the tip of the abdomen, where it forms a very acute point near which there is a broad pale yellow band ; under side straight : abdomen red or ferruginous to- wards the base : legs black ; tarsi tawny : fore-wings blackish, lan- ceolate, slightly punctured towards the base ; fore border convex ; hind border straight till near the tip where it is convex : hind-wings colourless ; veins black. Length of the body 2§ — 3 lines ; of the wings 6 — 7 lines. a. Eio Jiineiro. Presented by H. G. Harrington, Esq. b. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 31. Enchenopa bicuspis, Fern. Nigra ; prothorax marginatus, cornu porrecto subascendente ar- matus, postice attenuatus apice ferrugineus ; tarsi picei ; alee anticce nigricantes, apice luridce. Body black : head punctured ; front and epistoma surrounded by a rim ; front with a slight middle furrow, very concave where it joins the epistoma, its length in the middle rather less than half its breadth ; epistoma nearly round : fore-chest punctured, edged in front and along the upper side, prolonged into a slender-, very slightly ascending pointed horn which is about twice the depth of the fore-chest above the head ; on each Hank of the horn are four ridges, the upper one extends to the lower border of the fore- chest at some length behind the base of the fore-wing; the other three 488 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. are much shorter, the second is curved, aud the fourth is very short ; fore-chest tapering hackwavd beyond the lip of the abdomen, very slender towards its tip which is ferruginous ; upper side and lower side of the hind horn nearly straight : legs black ; tarsi pitchy : fore- wings lanceolate, blackish, slightly punctured towards the base, lurid towards the tips ; fore border slighily convex ; hind border straight till near the tip where it is slightly convex. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. 32. Enchenopa Antonina, Mas. Nigra; prothorax ferrugineo marginattis, cornu porrecto compresso subcurvo non ascendenie armatus, postice attenuatus ; tarsi lutei ; alcB anticce fusees, apice luridce. Body black : head punctured ; front widening towards the mouth, concave to half its length where it joins the episloma, its length in the middle about half its breadth ; epistoma almost tri- angular; fore-chest punctured, with a ferruginous edge in front and along the upper side, prolonged into a horizontal, slightly curved, compressed pointed horn wbose length much exceeds the depth of the fore-chest, above the head ; on each tlank of the horn are four ridges, the upper one extends to the lower border of the fore-chest near the tip, the other three are short and suc- cessively more indistinct ; fore-chest tapering backward nearly to the tip of tne abdomen, very slender towards the tip which is pointed ; upper side and lower side of the hind horn straight, disk of the latter hollow : legs black ; feet luteous : fore-wings lanceo- late, brown, lurid towards the tips, very slightly punctured at the base; fore border slightly convex; hind border straight till near the tip where it is convex : hind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body 2| line ; of the wings 5 lines. a. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. 33. Enchenopa venosa, Fem. Picea ; prothorax granulatus, ferrugineo marginatvs, cornu par- recto compresso subcurvo attenuato subascendente vix acuto arniatus, postice citenuatus ; abdomen et femora nigra ; tarsi Jlavi ; alee anticce luridce. Body pitchy : head granulated ; front not widening towards the mouth, indented on each side, concave to half its length where LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 489 it joins the epistoma, its length in the middle about half its breadth; epistoma almost triangular ; fore-chest granulated, with a ferrugi- nous ridge in front and along the upper side, prolonged into a some- what ascending, very slightly curved, compressed, tapering, but hardly pointed horn whose length is more than twice the depth of the fore-chest above the head ; on each flank of the horn are five irregular ferruginous ridges, the upper one is forked near the tip of the horn and extends backward to tlie lower border of the fore-chest near the tip, the other four are indistinctly forked in front and are successively more short ; fore-chest tapering backward nearly to the lip of the abdomen, very slender towards the tip which is pointed ; upper side and lower side of the hind horn nearly straight ; disk of the latter hollow : abdomen black towards the base ; plates at the tip large, punctured: legs pitchy ; thighs black; feet yellow: fore- wings lanceolate, lurid, punctured towards the base; fore border slightly convex ; hind border straight till near the tip where it is slightly convex: hind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. New York. 34. Enchenopa ferruginea, Mas. Ferruginea, granulata ; prothorax cornu pnrrecto compresso obtuso non ascendente armatus, postice attenuatus et luridus ; abdo- men apice lurid wn ; pedes luridi ; alee aiitica fusccB. Body ferruginous: head granulated; front not widening to- wards the mouth, slightly convex on each side, concave to somewhat less than half its length where it joins the epistoma, its length in the middle rather less than half its breadth ; epistoma transversely elliptical: fore-chest granulated, with a ridge in front and along the upper side, 'prolonged into a horizontal, hardly curved, com- pressed, tapering but not pointed horn whose length much exceeds the depth of the fore-chest above the head ; on each flank of the horn are four ridges ; the upper one is strongly marked and extends from the tip backward to the lower border of the fore-chest a little beyond the base of the Ibre-wing ; the other three are short, slight and oblique ; fore-chest tapering backward to the tip of the abdo- men, lurid and slender towards the tip which is pointed ; upper side and lower side of the hind horn almost straight, disk of the latter hollow : legs and tip of the abdomen lurid : fore-wings lanceolate, brown, not punctured; fore border slightly convex; hind border straight till near the tip where it is slightly convex : hind-wings 490 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. almost colourless. Length of the body 3 Hues ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 35. ExcHENDPA DEXSA, Mas. Nigra; prothorax ferrugineo jnarginatus, cornu porrecto compresso attenuato suhcurvo acuta non ascendente armatus^ postice alte- nuatus et luridus ; ahdoinen rufo fasciatuin ; pedes rufi ; alee antic(B fusca. Body black: head punctured; front not widening towards the mouth, slightly convex on each side, concave to somewhat less than half its length where it joins the epistoma, its length in the middle rather less than half its breadth ; epistoma broader than long, some- what truncate-conical in front, its edge ferruginous : fore-chest punctured, with a ridge in front and along the upper side, prolonged into a horizontal, slightly curved compressed tapering pointed horn whose length much exceeds the depth of the fore-chest above the head; on each flank of the horn are four ridges, the upper one is strongly marked and extends from the tip backward to the lower border of the fore-chest a little beyond the base of the fore-wings ; the other three are short and indistinct ; fore-chest tapering back- ward to the tip of the abdomen, lurid and slender towards the tip which is pointed ; upper side and lower side of the hind horn almost straight; disk of the latter hollow: hind borders of the segments and tip of the abdomen dark red : legs red: fore-wings lanceolate, brown, not punctured; fore border slightly convex; hind border straight till near the tip where it is slightly convex: hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 2i lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 36. Enchenopa frigida, Fern. Fusca ; prothorax ferrugineo marginatus, cornu porrecto compresso attenuato subascendente vix incurvo armatus, postice attenu- atus, apice luridus ; abdomen rufum ; pedes ferruginei ; femora nigra ; alee anticcE iuridcB. Body brown : head and fore-chest granulated, covered with shining yellow down : front narrower towards the epistoma, some- what indented on each side, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, its length in the middle nearly equal to half its breadth between the eyes : epistoma transverse, semi-elliptical, its length much less than half its breadth : fore-chest with a ferruginous ridge LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 491 in front and along the upper side, prolonged into a somewhat ascend- ing hardly curved compressed tapering but not pointed horn, whose length exceeds the depth of the fore-chest above the head ; on each flank of the fore-chest are four ferruginous ridges, the upper one is distinct, slightly undulating, and extends from the tip backward to the lower border of the fore-chest considerably beyond the base of the fore-wings; the second and third are short but strongly marked ; the fourth is very indistinct ; fore-chest tapering backward to the tip of the abdomen, very slender towards the tip which is lurid and pointed ; upper side and lower side of the hind horn almost straight ; disk of the latter hollow: breast black: abdomen dark red, sometimes black towards the base : legs ferruginous: thighs black : fore-wings lanceolate, lurid, not punctured ; veins thinly covered with pale shining down ; fore border slightly convex ; hind border straight till near the lip where it is convex : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body Sh lines; of the wings 5^ lines. a — -/. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. (7. ? From Mr. Children's collection. 37. Enchenopa bimacula, Mas. Nigra ; prothorax fernujineo marginatus^ cornu porrecto compresso suhattenuato vix incurvo armatus ; abdomen fulvo fasciatum ; pedes ferruginei ; femora nigra ; alee anticce liiridce ; areola- rum disci sublimpidi. Body black : head and fore-chest granulated, covered with shining yellow down; front slightly convex on each side, with a triangular ferruginous spot on each side in front where it joins the epistoma, concave to nearly half its length which in the middle is less than half its breadth between the eyes ; epistoma transverse, obconical, ferruginous along the fore border: fore-chest wdth a fer- ruginous ridge in front and along the upper side, prolonged into an almost horizontal, hardly compressed slightly tapering but not pointed horn, whose length slightly exceeds the depth of the fore- chest above the head ; on each flank of the fore-chest are four ferru- ginous ridges ; the upper one is strongly marked, slightly undulating, and extends from the tip backward to the lower border of the fore- chest at half the length between the hind tip of the latter and the base of the fore-wings ; the other three are short and slightly undu- lating, the fourth is very slight : fore-chest tapering backward to the tip of the abdomen, slender towards the lip which is lurid and pointed ; upper side and lower side of the hind horn straight ; disk of the latter hollow : tip and hind borders of the segments of the abdomen X 2 492 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. tawny: legs ferruginous ; ihiglis black : fore-wings lanceolate, lurid, punctured towards the base ; disks of the areolets almost colourless; veins thinly covered with pale shining down ; fore border slightly convex; hind border straight till near the tip where it is slightly convex : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a, Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 38. Enchenopa bicoloe, Mas. Fulva ; prothorax cornu porrecto comprcsso attenuato subcurvo sub- acuto annatiLS ; pectus et abdomen nigra, hoc fulvo fasciatum ; femora nigra ; ales anticcB subfulvce. Body black: head and fore-chest tawny, punctured, ferruginous between and above the eyes : front slightly indented on each side, deeplj concave where it joins the epistoraa, furrowed in the middle where' its length is less than half its breadth between the eyes ; epis- toma transverse, almost elliptical, its hind border more convex than its fore border: fore-chest with a ridge in front and along its fore border, prolonged into a horizontal, slightly curved, compressed, tapering and almost pointed horn whose length very much exceeds the depth of the fore-chest above the eyes ; on each flank of the fore-chest are four ridges"; the upper one is distinct, slightly undu- lating, and extends from the tip backward to the lower border of the fore-chest at nearly half the length between the hind tip of the latter and the base of the fore-wings : fore-chest tapering backward beyond the tip of the abdomen, slender towards the tip which is pointed; upper side and lower side of the hind horn straight ; disk of the latter hollow : a tawny spot on each side near the base of the abdomen ; tip and hind borders of the segments tawny : legs tawny; thighs black: fore-wings lanceolate, pale tawny, punctured towards the base ; fore border slightly convex ; hind border straight till near the tip where it is slightly convex : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 2h lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 39. Enchenopa brevis, Mas. Nigro-fusca ; prothoracis carina Jiavo-bimaculata ; tarsi fulvi ; al(S posticcB subcinerecs. Dark brown: head as broad as the chest; crown short; face long, conical : fore-chest thickly punctured, in front conical com- LIST or HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 493 pressed and not much prorluced : its length before the shoulders not exceedinof its breadth between them ; upper ridge slightly undu- lating, extending to the tip of the abdomen, adorned with two pale yellow spots, one a little beyond the l)ase oi the fore-winus, the other at the tip ; two ridges on each side, diverging landward, the lower one short, the upper slightly undulating and extending to the border at two-thirds of the length of the fore-chest : tarsi tawny : fore- wings dark brown, slightly punctured at the base of the fore border, with two discoidal areolets : hind-wings pale gray; veins black. Length of the body If line ; of the wings 3 lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 40. Enchenopa ascendens. Fern. Picea, angusta ; prothorax cornu compresao lineari ahruptc ascen- dente ferruyineo-quadrivittato armatus ; pectus et abdomen nigra ; pedes ferruginei. Pitchy, very narrow : head almost triangular, a little longer than broad, hardly narrower than the fore-chest : eyes prominent : fore-chest roughly punctured, very slightly ridged, transversely im- pressed near the fore border, prolonged in front of the head into a compressed abruptly ascending linear horn, its length is about four times its breadth, and it has two parallel ferruginous stripes on each side ; hind part of the fore-chest extending beyond the tip of the ab- domen, having on each side a slight ridge which converges towards the acute tip; breast and abdomen black: legs ferruginous; tibiae flat, fusiform : wings pitchy, long and narrow ; fore-wings punctured with the exception of their tips and some part of the hind border. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 8 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 4L Enchenopa sericea, Fern. Ferruginea :. prothorax cornu porrecto compresso subascendente attenuato armatus ; pectus et abdomen nigra; ala nigro-fuscce. Ferruginous, clothed with yellow down : head conical, a little longer than broad, narrower than the fore-chest : fore-chest thickly and minutely punctured, ridged, prolonged in front of the head into a much compressed slightly ascending horn, which decreases very little in depth from the base to the tip and is there rounded, its length is about thrice its depth and it has three ridges along each side ; the upper pair of ridges inclose a long narrow lanceolate com- x3 494 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. parlment and converge to the acute tip of the fore-chest which ex- tends some distance beyond the tip of the abdomen : breast and abdomen black : anterior tibice flat, spindle-shaped ; hind tibiae beset with two rows of stout spines : wings dark brown ; fore-wings punc- tured towards the base. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 6^ lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 42. Enchenopa l^ta, Fem. Nigra ; prothorax cornu compresso lanceolato suhascendente ar- matus, pnstice attenuatus gracilis compressus carinatus ; alcB anticce macula magna limpida suhtrigona ornatce. Black, not shining : head thickly punctured, transverse, nearly triangular, as broad as the thorax, with a little tubercle on each side in front: eyes prominent: fore-chest roughly punctured, slightly ridged, produced in front of the eyes into a lanceolate, compressed very slightly ascending horn ; this is nearly as long as the rest of the body, slightly nodulose above' and below, keeled above, has a ridge beneath and one on each side, and is deeply excavated above and beneath near the tip which is notched, tinincated and widened; the hind part forms a slender compressed keeled horn which is red beneath, is excavated beneath near the base, extends to half the length of the abdomen, and is attenuated towards the acute tip; it has a slight ridj»e on each side and is apart from the scutellum and the abdomen : fore-wings black, punctured at the base and along part of the fore border, with a very large colourless nearly triangular spot on the fore border near the tip, occupying more than half the breadth ; veins black, tawny in the colourless part ; basal areolets long, the other areolets short, more or less rhomboidal; one discoidal areolei : hind-wings colourless ; veins black : abdomen bright red with a black tip : feet ferrruginous. Length of the body 3f lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a — d. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 43. Enchenopa? univittata. Merabracis univittata, Harris, Ins. New Engl. 1 80. United States. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 195 44. Enchenopa? taorina. Membracis taurina, Harris, Ins. Massachusetts. United States. Genus 5. BOLBONOTA. Centrotus, Fabr., Coqueh. Membracis, Germ., Burm. Bolbonota, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 537, 429. Fairrn. 1. Bolbonota globosa. 4 Bolbonota globosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 257, 1. Columbia. 2. Bolbonota pusilla. Bolbonota pusilla, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 258, 2. Columbia. 3. Bolbonota pictipennis. Bolbonota pictipennis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 258, 3. Cayenne, Brazil. 4. Bolbonota mel^na. Bolbonota melsena, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, i v. 256,4. Membracis melaena, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 129, 20. Brazil. 5. Bolbonota flavicans. Bolbonota flavicans, Fairm. Aim. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 258, 5. Brazil. 496 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 6. BOLBONOTA NISUS. Bolbonota nisus, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 537. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Shie, iv. 259, 6. Membracis iiisus, Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 229, 2. Brazil. 7. Bolbonota auripennis. Bolbonota auripennis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 259, 7. Brazil. 8. Bolbonota in^qualis. * Bolbonota inaequalis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '2me Serie, iv. 259, 8. Centrotus inaequalis, Fahr. Sijst. Rhyn. 22, 23. Membracis ina;qualis, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 230, 22. Brazil. 9. Bolbonota tdberculata. Bolbonota tuberculata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. 2me Serie, iv. 260, 9. Centrotus tnberculatus, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 22, 32. Coq. 111. Icon. pi. 18, f. S. Membracis tuberculata, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 135, 1. South America. 10. Bolbonota pusio. Bolbonota pusio, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 260, 10. Membracis pusio, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 230, 23. Brazil. Genus 6. SPHONGOPHORUS. Centrotus, Kirby, IFestic. Hypsaucheniu, Germ., Amyot et Serv. Sphongophorus, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 260. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 49'< 1. Sphongophoeus BALLIST.^ Sphongophorus ballisla, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '2me Serie, iv. 261, 1. Hypsauchenia ballista, Germ. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 535, 1, pi. 9, f. 5. Mexico. 2. Sphongophorus miraeilis. Sphongophoms mirabilis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 261,2, pi. 4, f. 5,6. Interior of Brazil. 3. Sphongophorus paeadoxa. Sphongophorus paradoxa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.2me Serie, iv- 261,3. Membracis paradoxa, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 26, 27, pi. 1, f. 1. Brazil. 4. Sphongophorus clavaria. Sphongophorus clavaria, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 261, 4, pi. 4, f. 2. Brazil. 5. Sphongophorus Bennetii. Sphongophorus Bennetii, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 262, 5, pi. 4, f. 7. Centrotus Bennetii, Kirkj, Mag. Nat. Hist. 1829, 20, f. 5, a. Choco, Colurabia. 6. Sphongophorus Guerinii. Sphongophorus Guerinii, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 262, 6, pi. 4, f. 1. Brazil. 498 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 7. Sphongophorus spatltlatus. Sphongophonis spatulatus, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 262, 7, pi. 4, f. 3. Brazil. 8. Sphongophorus biclavatus. Sphongophorus biclavatus, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 262, 8, pi. 4, f. 4. Centrotus biclavatus, Westw. Dune. Nat. Lihr. Ent. i. 286, pi. 25, f. 3. Brazil. 9. Sphongophorus undulatus, Mas. Luridus ; capitis discus piceus ; prothoracis cornu posticum un- dulatum, ascendens, piceo varium, apice truncatum, cornu inferius furcatum ; furca superior buUifera ; furca inferior lutea, compressa ; tibia anticcB latissimcB ad discos picea ; alee posticcB suhlimpida. Body lurid : head aiid fore-chest coarsely punctured : disk of the head pitchy ; front transverse, not extending beyond the eyes, almost straight where it joins the epistoma, its breadth nearly twice its length : epistoma short-conical, hardly longer than broad, a little longer than the front : fore-chest divided into two parts ; the upper part more than twice the length of the body from the head to the tip of the abdomen, quadrilateral, ascending obliquely backward, forming three curves, thicker in the middle and at the tip which is truncate and concave, and whose disk like that of each side is pitchy ; the lower part is forked ; the upper fork ascends almost perpendicularly and forms two bulbs, and ends in a small truncate tip which touches the second curve of the upper part ; the lower fork is luteous, compressed, half the length of the upper fork, hori- zontal and concave beneath, ascending slightly above towards the tip which is obliquely truncated : legs lurid ; shanks very broad, especially the fore-shanks which are almost oval ; their disks pitchy : fore-wings lurid, punctured towards the base and along the fore border : hind wings almost colourless. Length of the body with the fore-chest 4^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Para. From jNIr. Stevens' collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 499 GeiiQS 7. PTERYGIA. Centrotus, Fahr. Oxyrhachys, Germ. Pterygia, De Laporte, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. i. Notocera, Aimjot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 536, 427. Group 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 263. 1. Pterygia aeietixa. Pterygia arietina, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 263, 1. Oxyrachys arietina, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 308. a, b. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. c, d. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 2. Pterygia trepida. Pterygia tripodia, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '2ine Serie, iv. 263, 2, pi. 7, f. 30. Cayenne. 3. Pterygia cruciata. Pterygia cruciata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 264, 3. Centrotus cruciatus, Fabr. Si/st. Rhijn. 18, 8. Stoll, Cic. 22, pi. 2, f. 8, 61, pi. 15, f. 77. Perty, Del. An. Art. Bras. 179, pi. 35, f. 14. Notocera cruciata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 536, 427, 1. Cayenne. 4. Pterygia quadridexs. Pters'gia quadridens, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2m€ Serie, iv. 264,' 4. Cayenne. 5. Pterygia crassicornis. Pterygia crassicornis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 264, 5. Brazil. 500 LIST OF HOMOPTEROCS INSECTS. 6. Pterygia satanas. Pterygia satanas, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 264, 6. Tragona satanas, Lesson, III. ZooL pi. 56, f. 2. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 7. Pteeygia hispida. Pterygia hispida, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 265, 7. Columbia. 8. Pterygia Macquaeti. Pterygia Macquarti, De Lap. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1, 221, pi. 6. f. 6. 6, a. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 265, 8. Brazil. 9. Pterygia horrifica, Fern. Centrotus horrifieus, Westwood, MSS. Nigra, tuherculata, spinosa ; prothorax supra hicornutus, postice cornu longo undutato gibhoso armatus ; pedes lutei ; femora nigra ; alee antica luridcs, piceo varice ; alee posticce limpidce. Body black : head and fore-chest thickly beset with little tu- bercles and short spines ; most of the tubercles and some of the spines are pale yellow : front transverse, slightly concave where it joins the epistoma, its breadth about twice its length ; epistoraa conical, much longer than the front; fore-chest armed above the head with two horns which are full twice its depth ; they are com- pressed, slightly curved backward, prismatic, truncated and much widened at their tips where the compartments are slightly concave: lower horn of the fore-chest extending horizontally a little beyond the tip of the abdomen, undulating beneath at its base and more slightly so towards the tip ; two conical protuberances on its upper side, the first at the base about one-third of the breadth and of the height of the second which is near the tip : abdomen roughly punc- tured: legs lateous; thighs black: fore-wings lanceolate, lurid, pitchy, punctured and tuberculated at the base and along the fore border ; hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines, o, h. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. c—e. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Wood's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 501 Group 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 265. 10. Pterygia brachycera. Pterygia brachycera, jpairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2ine ASerie, iv. 265, 9. Brazil. 11. Pterygia quinque-tuberculata. Pterygia quinque-tuberculata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 266, 10. Venezuela. 12. Pterygia tuberosa. Pterygia tuberosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 266, 1 1 . Corieutes. Group 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 266. 13. Pterygia pileata. Pterygia pileata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 266, 12, pi. 7, f. 28. Columbia. 14. Pterygia capitata. Pterygia capitata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 267, 13 *pl. 7, f. 29. Columbia. 15. Pterygia bifida. Pterygia bifida, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 267, 14. Cayenne. 502 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 16. Ptekygia exaltata, Fem. Nigra; prothorax asperus, ptinctatus, spinosns, quinque-cnrnutus ; cornua dua antica majora erecta parallela ; corrm posticum ahdomen superans, tricarinatum, ferrugineo varium ; tarsi fiavi ; alee antica; fusccE, ferrugineo guttatcB^ apice albido maculates ; ales poslica cinei'ecB. Black : face conical, concave : eyes larg-e : fore-chest very roughly punctnred, beset with short spines, with a slight ridge in front, armed above the head with two oblong, upright parallel horns which are convex on the outer side and concave on the inner side ; behind them there is a smaller horn, and a still lower one rises at one-third of the distance between the latter and the tip ; hind part convex, spindle-shaped, extending beyond the tip of the abdomen, with three ridges, partly ferruginous : tarsi yellow : fore-wings dark brown, roughly punctured for half the length from the base, with some ferruginous dots in the disk, and a whitish spot at the tip ; hind-wings gray. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 3 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 17. Ptekygia varia. Ferruginea ; prothorax flams, ferrugineo varius, biconiutus, fascia obliqua Jiavo-alba utrinque ornatus ; cornu anlictun supra caput erectu7n, apice dilatatum ; cornu posticum abdomen su- perans, compressiim, serratum, subundulatum ; pedes fulvi ; alee antica fulvo varia. Body ferruginous : front transverse, with an indistinct middle ridge, slightly convex on each side, very concave where it joins the epistoma, its length rather more than half its breadth ; epistoma con- vex in front, a little dilated on each side, a little longer than broad : fore-chest yellow, ferruginous here and there, armed above the head with a short horn which is curved backward, slightly compressed at its base, widened and quadrilateral at its tip where the compartments are semi-ovate and slightly concave ; behind it and a little beyond its tip is an upright conical protuberance ; from thence a compressed serrated and slightly undulating horn extends beyond the tip of the abdomen ; an oblique yellowish-white band extends from the fore- chest to the breast on each side between the eye and the shoulder where there is a large yellow knob : legs tawny ; fore-wings lan- ceolate, punctured, ferruginous, partly lawny : hind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body H IJwe; of the wings 2 lines. a. Columbia. From Dr. Cuming's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 503 Genus 8. OXYRHACHIS. Membracis, Fahi\ Centrotus, Fahr. Oxjrhachis, Germ., Burm., Amyot et Serv., Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 267, 6. 1. OXYRHACHIS TARANDUS? FetD. Oxyrhachis taraiidus ? Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 232, 1. Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 133, 1. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat Hem. 536, 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, 268, 1, pi. 4, f. 13. Membracis tarandus, Fabr. Ent. Sysi. Suppl. 514, 23. Centrotus tarandus, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 19, 17. Picea ; caput ferrugineo marginatum, ; prothoracis carina ferrii- ginea ; cormi posticum apice subtus serratum ; pectus et abdo- men albo pubescentia ; pedes rufi, ; femora supra picea ; tibia; dilatatcB ; alee limpidcB : ala antiae basi piceo-fulvce, margi- nibus posticis fusco maculates. Pitchy, clothed with tawny down : head transverse, subquad- rate, flat, slightly impressed, finely punctured, not much broader than long, a little narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders, ferruginous and undulating along the hind border, truncated and ferruginous in front : fore-chest rather high in front, roughly punc- tured, rising almost vertically from the head, with a very distinct pale ferruginous ridge; shoulders rounded, not prominent; horns above very broad, prismatic, conical, diverging, slightly ascending, very slightly curved downward, with ferruginous edges ; hind side much shorter than either of the other sides ; length of the horns rather more than twice the breadth of the chest between them : hind appendage very long, mostly ferruginous, extending very far beyond the tip of the abdomen, slightly undulating above, along half the length from whence to the tip it is slightly inclined upwards, and has a black serrated keel beneath : breast, abdomen and legs clothed with white down : legs red ; thighs pitchy above ; shanks widened : wings colourless ; fore-wings tawny, punctured and partly pitchy at the base, with a brown spot on the angle of the hind border ; veins thick, red ; four discoidal areolets. Length of the body 4^ lines : of the wings 7^ lines. a. North India. From Mr. Warwick's collection. Y 2 504 LIST or HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 2. OXYKHACHIS SUBJECTA. Nigra, albo-pubescens ; caput antice ferrugineum ; prothoracis carina ferruginea ; pedes ruji ; tihicB dilataicB ; alee limpi dee ; al(B anticce hasi fulvce, marginibus posticis fusco maculatce. Nearly allied to the preceding species, but is smaller; the dorsal horns are shorter in proportion and less diverging ; the hind appen- dage is more inclined upward and not serrated beneath. Black, clothed with whitish down : head transverse, subquadrate, flat, slightly impressed, finely punctured, not much broader than long, a little narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders, truncated and ferruginous in front : fore-chest rather high in front, rather roughly punctured, rising almost vertically from the head, with a ferruginous ridge ; shoulders rounded, not prominent; horns above very broad, prismatic, conical, diverging, ascending, hardly curved downward ; hind side much shorter than either of the other sides ; length of the horns rather less than the breadth of the chest be- tween them ; hind appendage mostly ferruginous, extending very far beyond the tip of the abdomen, inclined upward and keeled beneath but not serrated from the middle to the tip: breast and abdomen clothed with white down : legs red ; shanks widened : wings colourless ; fore-wings tawny and punctured at the base, with a brown spot on the angle of the hind border ; veins stout, ferrugi- nous ; four discoidal areolets. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5i lines. a. East Indies. 3. OXYRHACHIS FURCICOENIS .'' MaS. Oxyrhachis furcicornis ? Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 232, 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 268, 2. Ferrugineo-rufa ; prothoracis cornu posticum piceum ; pectus piceo varium ; tibia dilatata ; alee limpidce ; alee anticce basifulvce. Fermginous-red, clothed with tawny down: head transverse, subquadrate, flat, finely punctured, a little narrower than the fore- chest between the shoulders, mostly black, truncated in front : fore- chest ridged, moderately high in front, rather roughly punctured ; rhoulders rounded, not prominent ; horns above pitchy, conical, spismatic, ascending, diverging, slightly inclined forward ; hind side narrower than either of the other sides ; chest very narrow between the horns, not more than one-third of their length ; hind appendage LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 505 pitchy, slender, straight, extending some distance beyond the tip of the abdomen : breast partly pitchy : shanks widened : wings colour- less ; fore-wings tawny and punctured at the base; veins black, ferruginous at the base ; four discoidal areolels. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. South Africa. Presented by Dr. A. Smith. 4. OxYRHACHis Delalandii.'' Mas. Oxyrhachis Delalandii? Falrm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 268, 3. Ceriina nigro varia ; prothoracis cornua dorsalia porrecta, divciri- cata, apice arcuaia ; cornn posticuin abdomen superans, supra tumidum, suhtus serratum ; femora nigra ; tarsi ferruginei ; ales limpidce ; alee andccB basifulvce ; vence nigro guttatcB aut nebulosce. Fawn-colour, very pubescent ; head transverse, a little narrower than the fore-chest, truncate in front, notched on each side, black on each side adjoining the eye; its breadth not much exceeding its length ; face obconical, less than half the length of the head : fore- chest roughly punctured, deep in front, varied with black, rising al- most vertically from the head, slightly ridged ; shoulders rounded, not prominent: horns above short, very thick, irregularly prismatic, acute, slightly diverging and inclined forward; their tips curved outward ; outer side and hind side slightly concave ; inner side con- cave near the base, transversely ridged towards the tip; hind horn extending much beyond the tip of the abdomen, very slightly curved upward ; lower side flat, obliquely serrated near its tip ; upper side with a concave curve, forming a semi-oval between two humps, the first at the base almost angular, the second near the tip lower and more rounded : breast mostly black : abdomen sometimes ferrugi- nous: thighs black ; shanks dilated ; feet ferruginous : wings colour- less ; fore-wings tawny and punctured at the base ; veins tawny, with black dots; some of the cross-veins clouded with black; four discoidal areolets ; veins of the hind-wings black. Length of the body 2f lines; of the wings 5 lines. a. Cape. From M. Drege's collection. 6, c. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius collection. Y 3 506 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 5. OxYRHACHis Gambia. Oxjrliachis Gambiae, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Sene, iv. 269, 4. Senegal. 6. OXYEHACHIS SUBSEREATA, FeiH. Picea ; pi'othnrax ferrugineo varius ; cornua dorsalia lata, acuta, divaricata, fere plana ; cornu posticum abdomen superans un- dulatum, apice nigrum suhascendens et subtus serratum ; pedes luridi ; femora nigra ; alee luridce, basi nigrce. Pitchy, clothed with tawny down : head flat above, hardly broader than long, a little narrower than the fore-chest, notched and with a quadrate membrane on each side in front; disk slightly im- pressed ; hind border slightly convex ; face narrow, black, obconical, occupying half the length of the head : fore-chest thick, roughly punctured, partly ferruginous, rising vertically above the head, slightly ridged ; shoulders obtusely angular, not prominent ; above them are two very broad acute prismatic almost directly diverging horns ; angles of the horns slightly ridged ; lower sides and hind sides slightly concave; upper side slightly convex, broader than the lower side, much broader than the hind side ; behind these the fore-chest forms a long hoi'n which extends far beyond the tip of the abdomen ; it is compressed and quadrilateral, and forms above two long and very gentle curves; behind these it is black, very obliquely inclined upward, and obliquely serrated beneath: legs lurid, clothed with pale yellow hairs ; thighs black; shanks dilated: wings lurid, punctured at the base, black at the base along the fore borders, fer- ruginous towards the hind borders ; veins of fore-wings pitchy, clouded, tawny towards the base of the fore border. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Congo. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. 7. OXYRHACHIS RUFESCENS, Fcm. Picea, ferrugineo varia, pedes fcrruginei ; tibice subdilatata ; al(S limpidce ; alee anticce basi picece. Nearly allied to O, subjecta. Pitchy, clothed with whitish hairs : head black, transverse, thinly punctured, not much broader than long, a little narrower than the fore chest, slightly impressed in front, ferruginous and slightly convex along the hind border, ferruginous about the eyelets, ferruginous and truncated on each side of the face LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS- 507 which is almost oval : fore-chest thinly and roughly punctured, moderately deep and slightly convex in front, rising almost verti- cally from the head, with a ferruginous and very slight ridge ; shoulders rounded, ferruginous, not prominent; horns above conical, broad, prismatic, diverging, almost horizontal, very slightly curved downward, at right angles to the chest, in length not exceeding the breadth of the chest between them ; edges ferruginous ; hind side not more than half the breadth of the other sides: legs ferruginous; shanks slightly widened : wings colourless ; Ibre-vviugs pitchy and punctured at the base ; veins ferruginous; fourth longitudinal vein pitchy to- wards the base ; four discoidal areolets. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. 8. OXYRHACHIS VETUSTA, FcUl. Nigra, cano-hirta; pectus et abdomen ferruginea ; pedes ferruginei ; tibue dilatatcB ; alee limpidie ; alee anticce basi fulvce. Black, thickly clothed with hoary hairs : head transverse, nar- rower than the fore-chest, truncate and ferruginous on each side of the fiice, which is almost obconical, and about half the length of the head : eyes very prominent : fore-chest roughly punctured, deep in front, rising vertically from the head, slightly ridged : shoulders almost flat : horns above conical, long, broad, prismatic, porrect, slightly diverging, very slightly ascending, in length full six times the breadth of the chest between them ; upper side narrower than either of the other sides: breast and abdomen ferruginous: abdo- men covered with whitish bloom: legs ferruginous; shanks dilated: wings colourless ; fore-wings punctured and tawny at the base ; veins ferruginous ; four discoidal areolets. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. 9. OXYEHACHIS DILATICORNIS, Fcm. Ferruginea ; cornua antica compressa ; tibice vix dilatatcB ; alcB limpidfC', alee anticcB basi ferruginecc^ albido fasciatce. Ferruginous, clothed beneath with white down : head and fore- chest thickly punctured : head very short, slightly impressed, trans- versely subfusiform, a little narrower than the chest ; face broad, conical in front, semicircular behind, shorter than the head behind it : eyes very prominent : fore-chest low in front, distinctly ridged, rising almost vertically from the head ; shoulders rounded, not pro- 508 LIST OF HOAIOPTEROUS INSECTS. minent ; horns above much compressed, very broad, especially in the middle, slightly inclined forward, very slightly diverging, indis- tinctly ridged, in length full twice the breadth at the base : legs clothed with white hairs ; shanks hardly widened : wings colourless ; fore-wings at the base ferruginous with a whitish band ; veins ferru- ginous ; four discoidal almost rhomboidal areolets. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 10. OXYEHACHIS PARALLELA, Fem. Picea ; "pedes ferruginei ; tibia sat latcB ; alee antic(B subfulvcB, hasijlavce ; alee posticce limpidce. Pitchy, clothed with tawny down: head transverse, flat, very little broader than long, finely punctured, a little narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders, truncate in front ; hind part of the face obconical, not so long as the head behind it : fore-chest roughly punctured, low, very slightly ridged, rising vertically from the head; shoulders rounded, hardly prominent; horns above porrect, pris- matic, slightly ascending, conical, almost parallel ; their length equal to about thrice the breadth of the chest between them ; hind appendage keeled, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, very slightly tapering from, the base to the tip, slightly inclined up- wards towards the tip which is conical : legs ferruginous ; shanks rather broad : fore-wings narrow, lanceolate, slightly tawny, punc- tured and partly yellow at the base ; veins ferruginous ; cross-veins pitchy: hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection. 11. OXYRHACHIS SUBERECTA, Mas. Picea, alho-puhescens ; pedes ferruginei ; femora nigra ; tihice suh- dilatatcB ; alee anticcB subluridce, basifulvce et punctatce. Nearly allied to O. parallelus, but the lateral horns diverge slightly, and are hardly inclined forward. Pitchy, clothed with whitish down : head transverse, flat, finely punctured, not much broader than long, truncate in front, very little narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders ; face obconical, occupying less than half the length of the head : fore-chest roughly punctured, rather high in IVont, rising almost vertically from the head ; horns above stout, prismatic, conical, slightly diverging and very slightly inclined forward ; their length slightly exceeding the space betwaen LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 509 them at the tips, and full thrice the breadth of the chest between them at the base ; hind appendage keeled, very slightly curved up- ward, extending much beyond the tip of the abdomen, very slightly tapering from the base to the tip : legs ferruginous ; thighs black ; shanks slightly widened : fore-wings slightly lurid, tawny and punc- tured at the base ; veins ferruginous ; three or four discoidal areoleis. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Port Natal. From Dr. Krauss' collection. 12. OxTEHACHis UNicoi.oE, Fem. Picea ; pedes ferrtiginei ; femora nigra ; tihice latcB ; alcB anlicce sublimpidce, basi fulvo-ferruginece ; alcB posticce limpidcs. Pitchy, thickly clothed with tawny hairs : head and fore-chest thickly punctured : head transverse, not much broader than long, flat, slightly convex along the hind border, truncated in front, a little narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders: fore-chest ridged, rather low, rising vertically from the head ; shoulders rounded, not prominent ; horns above conical, prismatic, inclined forward, as- cending, slightly diverging ; their length equal to rather less than twice the breadth of the chest between them ; hind appendage keeled, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, very slightly tapering from the base to the tip which is acute ; very slightly un- dulating along the ridge : legs ferruginous ; thighs black ; shanks dilated : fore-wings almost colourless, long, narrow, lanceolate, punc- tured, ferruginous and partly tawny at the base ; veins ferruginous, stout: hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 7 lines. a — c. East Indies. Presented by Capt. Parry. 13. OxYRHACHis RUDis, Mas. Ferruginea ; caput piceuni, antice ferrugineo-bimaculatum ; pro- thorncis cornu posf.icum apire subtus serratum ; tibice dilatatce ; alee limpidce ; alee anticoe margine poslico fusco maculatcB. Ferruginous : head pitchy, transverse, flat, finely punctured, truncated, and with a ferruginous spot on each side in front, not much broader than long, a little narrower than the fore-chest be- tween the shoulders : fore-chest very roughly punctured, slightly ridged, rising vertically from the head ; shoulders rounded, not prominent : horns above very broad, conical, diverging, almost horizontal, slightly curved ; disk of the inner side slightly concave 510 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. towards the base ; hind side less than half the breadth of either of the other sides ; hind appendage keeled, extending very far beyond the tip of the abdomen, tapering and slightly declining from the base to the middle, where it is deepened and keeled beneath, and from thence to the tip it is serrated beneath and slightly inclined upward : shanks dilated : wings colourless ; fore-wings narrow, lanceolate, with a small pale brown spot on the angle of the hind border ; veins thick, ferruginous ; three discoidal areolets. Length of the body 3 — 3i lines ; of the wings 6 — 7 lines. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. Genus 9. TETRAPLATYS, N. Caput non productum : thorax ineimis : tibiaE; anteriores latis- simae ; posticae graciles, serratae. Head not prolonged: chest without horns above the shoulders : four anterior shanks much dilated ; hind shanks slender, serrated. 1. Tetraplatys atomarius, Mas. Niger ^ hrevis^ crassiis ; tarsi lutei ; alee anticce nigra, luteo vel albido guttatce, apice albce ; ales posticcB limpidce. Black, short, broad, thick, dull : head, and fore-chest minutely punctured : head longer than broad, very much narrower than the fore-chest ; face rhomboidal, almost as large as the hinder part of the head : eyes prominent: fore-chest high, with a distinct middle ridge, and with three irregular ridges on each side ; shoulders rounded, not prominent ; hind appendage broad, triangular, slightly tuber- culate, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen, its keel undula- ting above : four anterior shanks very broad, almost elliptical ; hind-shanks serrated ; tarsi luteous: anterior wings black, adorned with some luteous or whitish dots or spots in the disk, and with a white spot at the tip : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body H line ; of the wings 3 lines. a—e. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. /, g. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. Genus 10. HOPLOPHOKA. Centrotus, Fabr., Coqueb. Membracis, Germ. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 511 Hoplophora, Gei-m., Burnt., Amyot et Serv. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 269, 7. Group 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 269. 1. Hoplophora gigantea. Hoplophora gigantea, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 269, 1. a, b. Columbia. From M. Jurgens' collection. 2. Hoplophora sanguinosa. Hoplophora sanguinosa, Fairra. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 270, 2. a, b. Mexico. From M. Hartweg's collection. 3. Hoplophora vicina. Hoplophora vicina, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 270, 3, pi. 6, f. 10. Columbia. 4. Hoplophora lineata. Hoplophora lineata, Sturm, MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 270, 4, pi. 6, f. 12—14. North America. 5. Hoplophora vittata. Hoplophora vittata, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 134, 2. H. vittala, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 271, 5. Centrotus vitlatus, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 20, 23. Coq. III. Icon. pi. 21, f. 5. America. 512 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 6. HOPLOPHORA PERTUSA. Hoplophora pevtusa, Klug, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent.'iW. 242,5. Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 134, 3. Amyot et Sen: Hist. Nat. Hem. 544. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 271, 6. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 7. Hoplophora variegata. Hoplophora varieg-ata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 271, 7. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 8. Hoplophora MONoaRAMMA. Hoplophora monograrama, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 24, 2, 6. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 271, 8. Mexico. 9. Hoplophora sordida. Hoplophora sordida, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 243, 7. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 271, 9. Brazil. 10. Hoplophora cribrum. Hoplophora cribrum, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 272, 10. Columbia. 11. Hoplophora corrosa. Hoplophora corrosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 272, 11, pi. 6, f. 11. Bogota. 12. Hoplophora punctum. Hoplophora punctum, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 272, 12, Columbia. LfST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 513 13. HOPLOPHORA CINEREA. Hoplophora cinerea, Fairni. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2nie Serie, iv. 272, 13. Mexico. 14. Hoplophora Triangulum. Hoplophora triangulum, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 242, 4. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '2me Serie, iv. 273, 14. Brazil. 15. Hoplophora proxima, Mas. Rufa, nigro varia ; prothorax viridis, rufo marf/inatus, niyro f/nt- tatus ; pedes ruji ; tarsi supra picei ; alec anticce subluridfB. Body red : head thickly clothed with whitish hairs, among which are a few black hairs ; on each side between the eyes is a depression whose disk is black, between these a black stripe extends to the fore border which is truncated, retuse and partly black : fore- chest pale green, bordered with red, thinly clothed with short whitish hairs, thickly covered with black punctures of various size, with a larger depression in front on each side of the dorsal ridge, slightly concave behind each shoulder and slightly convex nearer the tip ; each shoulder forming an angle whose length does not exceed the breadth at its base ; tip black, very acute, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen: breast and abdomen partly black: legs red, thickly clothed with long wdiitish hairs ; feet pitchy above : fore- wings with a slight lurid tinge, colourless towards the tips ; veins red, pitchy towards the tips: hind-wings colourless with black veins. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a. Quito. Presented by W. Hewitson, Esq. 16. Hoplophora porosa, Fem. Hoplophora porosa, B. M., MSS. Rufa; caput Jlavum, alho-hirtnni ; prothorax flavus, rufo margi- natus, nigro guttatus ; tibice nigro unimaculatce ; aUe limpidce. Body pale red : head and fore-chest pale yellow : head thickly clothed with whitish hairs, having on each side between the eyes a z 514 LIST or HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. depression whose disk is black ; a retuse lobe on each side of the face which is small and nearly triangular ; episloma triangular, longer and broader than the face : fore-chest bordered with red, thickly covered with black punctures of various sizes, with a larger depression in front on each side of the middle ridge, concave behind each shoulder and slightly convex nearer the tip ; each shoulder forming an obtuse angle whose length is much less than its breadth at the base ; tip very acute, extending nearly to the tip of the abdo- men : legs pale red, clothed with long whitish hairs ; a black spot on each shank : wings colourless ; veins pale red. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. h—d. ? 17, HoPLOPHOBA coNcoLOE, Fem. Viridis ; pedes Jlavi; tarsi rufi ; alee anticcs subfulvcB ; alee pos- ticce limpidcB. Body green : head slightly punctured ; front slightly retuse on each side of the fore border, its breadth more than twice its length; face nearly round, not half the breadth of the front; epistoma tri- angular, longer than the face : fore-chest thickly punctured, slightly concave behind each shoulder which forms a cone whose length is less than its breadth at the base ; middle ridge very slight ; tip very acute, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen : legs pale yellow, clothed with whitish hairs ; feet red : fore- wings with a pale tawny tinge, punctured at the base ; veins pale red: hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 9 lines, a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 18. HoPLOPHORA HUMiLis, Mas. Fulva, nigro vana ; tibice nigro vittatce ; tarsi nigri ; alcB anticce subfulvce ; alee posticce subcinereee. Tawny : head a little narrower than the fore-chest ; crown black, with tawny marks ; eyes prominent : fore-chest obconical, roughly punctured, marked with black, extending to the tip of the abdomen, ending in a sharp point, with a very slight middle ridge which is black in front ; shoulders angular, slightly prominent : shanks slightly striped with black ; feet mostly black : fore-wings pale tawny, slightly rugulose, punctured and with some black and luteous marks towards the base ; veins pitchy, partly tawny along the fore border: LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 515 hind-wings slightly tinged with gray. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7^ lines. Group 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 273. 19. HOPLOPHORA GRANADENSIS. Hoplophora granadensis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 273, 15. Columbia. 20. Hoplophora sagittata. Hoplophora sagittata, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 241, 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 273, 16. Membracis sagittata, Germ. Mag. Ent. ir. 19, 15. Brazil. 21. Hoplophora quadrilineata. Hoplophora quadrilineata. Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 241, 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Qme Serie, iv. 273, 17. Carolina. Group 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 273. 22. Hoplophora tuberculata. Hoplophora tuberculata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 273, 18, pi. 6, f. 9. California. 23. Hoplophora ornata. Hoplophora omata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 274, 19. Mexico. z 2 516 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus 11. PHYSOPLIA. Physoplia, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem, 542, 438. Umbonia, Fairm. 1. Physoplia nigrata. Physoplia nigrata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 543. Umbonia nigrata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 275, 1, pi. 6, f. 6, 7. a. Brazil. Presented by H. G. Harrington, Esq. 2. Physoplia media, Mas. Flava ; caput nigro varium ; prothorax nigro et rufo vittatus ; ab- domen nigro interrwpte vittatum^ subtus maculis nigris bivit- tatum ; pedes rufi ; tibice nigro varice ; aim anticce fulvcB^ basi jiavce. Body yellow : head yellow above, varied with black, slightly punctured ; front with a slightly forked rim along each side of the fore border, its breadth more than twice its length ; face small, nearly round, much less than half the breadth of the front : fore- chest bright yellow, thickly punctured, with two slender blackish stripes which include two broad more or less united red stripes; a similar stripe but more indistinct ascends on each side to the horn, between which and the tip there is a single red stripe ; two large black punctures on each side of the fore border ; each shoulder pro- duced into a short cone which is much broader than long and has a black spot on its tip ; middle ridge indistinct in front, more promi- nent as it ascends the horn ; the latter is longer than the body and rises upward obliquely and is then compressed and inclined back- ward horizontally; it is black varied with yellow towards the tip and has on each side a red ridge which sometimes is partly double or treble : breast partly black : a black interrupted stripe along the abdomen beneath where there is a black spot on each side of the fore border of every segment: legs red, clothed with short whitish hairs ; shanks slightly marked with black ; fore-wings tawny, yellow and punctured towards the base ; veins pitchy : hind-wings colour- less. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 12 lines. a — b. Mexico. From Mr. Argent's collection. c. Mexico. From M. Hart\veo:'s collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 517 3. Physoplia crassicornis. Phjsoplia crassicornis, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 543, pi. 10, Umbonia crassicornis, Fairni. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie iv. 275, 2. a. Mexico. From Mr. Walker's collection. b. Mexico. Genus 12. UMBONIA. Cicada, Fabr., Gmel. Membracis, Fabr., Oliv. Centrotus, Fabr. Hoplopbora, Germar. Umbonia, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 138, 12. Amyot et Serv., Fairm. Hemiptycha, Blanchard. Group 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Fnt. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 275. B. 1. Umbonia gladius. Umbonia gladius, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 275, 3, pi. 6, f. 4, 5. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 2. Umbonia turrita. Umbonia turrita, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 276, 4. Hoplophora turrita, Gej^m. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 243, 10, pi. 6, f. 8. a. Brazil. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. 3. Umbonia obscura, Fem. Fulva; prothorax nigro guttatus ; cornua lateralia longa, acuta, suhcompressa, oblique porrecta, vix arcuata ; cornu dorsale porrectum, oblique ascendens ; alee antica luridce. Body tawny, partly black : fore-chest thickly covered with large black punctures, attenuated into a very acute point which is much z3 518 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. beyond the tip of the abdomen ; middle vid^e very slight ; each shoulder produced into a long pointed somewhat compressed horn, which diverges obliquely forward and is very slightly curved down- ward ; a little behind these on the back there is a straight somewhat compressed horn, which is inclined obliquely forward and is broader but not longer than each shoulder-horn ; legs tawny : fore-wings lurid, punctured towards the base ; veins tawny : hind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a,h. Brazil. From Mr. Moruay's collection. 4. Umbonia apicalis, Fem. Fulva, nigro guttata : cornua lateralia longa, subcompressa, ob- lique divaricata, acuta ; cornu dorsale porrectum^compressum, subi'ecurvum^ oblique ascendeiis ; pectus nigrum; alee anticce sublurid(B. Body tawny : head slightly rugulose, varied with black ; face ferruginous, very convex, not half the breadth of the head : fore- chest thickly covered with large black punctures, attenuated into a very acute point which is much beyond the tip of the abdomen ; middle ridge very slight, not extending far from the fore border ; each shoulder produced into a long pointed somewhat compressed horn which diverges obliquely forward and is very slightly curved downward ; its outer side black, its tip pale tawny ; a third equally long, somewhat compressed and slightly recurved horn rises from the back a little behind these and is inclined obliquely forward : breast mostly black : legs tawny : fore-wings slightly lurid, punc- tured towards the base; veins tawny, partly green: hind-wings al- most colourless. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. Group 2. Fairm. Ann. Sac. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 276. C. 5. Umbonia eeclinata. Umbonia reclinata, Fairm. Ami. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 276, 5, pi. 6, f. 3. Hoplophora reclinata. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 243, 9. a. Brazil. Presented by H. G. Harrington, Esq. b. Mexico. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 519 Group 3. Falrm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '2me Serie, iv. 276. D. 6. Umboxia spinosa. Umbonia si^'mosR, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 138, 1. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 543. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 276, 6. Centrotus spinosus, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 17, 6. Cicada spinosa, Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 316, 5. Mant. Ins. ii. 263, 13. Stall, Cic. pi. 21, f. 116. Gmel. Ed. Syst. i. 3, 2094, 66. Sulz. Hist. Ins. pi. 9, f. 6. Membracis armata, Fabr. Ent. Si/st. iv. 11, 12. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 668, 3. Hoplopbora spinosa, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 243, 8. Hemiptycha spinosa, Blanch. Him. 184, 3, pi. 13, f. 6. a. Brazil. Presented by W. Raddon, Esq. h. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. c, d. British Guiana. From Sir R. Schoniburgk's collection. e. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. / — m. Brazil. n. Cayenne. 7. Umbonia Orozimbo. Umbonia Orozimbo, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 277, 7, pi. 6, f. 2. a. Mexico. Presented by the Entomological Club. 8. Umbonia pyeamidalis. Umbonia pyramidalis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2m€ Serie, iv. 277, 8, Brazil. 9. Umbonia Amazili. Umbonia Amazili, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 277, 9. North America. 10. Umbonia Signoreti. Umbonia Signoreti, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 278, 10, pi. 6, f. 6. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 520 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 11. Umbonia Ataliba. Umbonia Ataliba, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 278, 11, pi. 6, f. 1. South America. Group 4. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 278. E. 12. Umbonia \^nosa. Hoplophora venosa, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 24, 1. Burm. Handb. Ent. il 1, 134, 1. Membracis venosa, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 19, 16. Umbonia venosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 278, 12. Brazil. 13. Umbonia indicator. Umbonia indicator, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 279, 13, pi. 6, f. 15. Cayenne. 14. Umbonia eeducta. Fern. Flava ; prothorax rufo sexradiatus ; radii antici siihcurvi ; cor- nua lateralia rufa ; pedes fulvi ; aim anticcB fusca. Bodj'' yellow : fore-chest thickly and roughly punctured, ex- tending nearly to the tip of the fore-wings ; its horn shorter than that of U. spinosa, from it six red rays diverge to the border : the side pair in front are slightly curved inward ; shoulders produced into short horns which are mostly red, their length is rather less than their breadth at the base ; middle ridge very slight : legs tawny : fore-wings brown ; veins pitchy. Length of the body 7 lines ; of the wings 15 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 15. Umbonia lativitta, Fem. Flava; prothorax rufo sexradiatus ; corniia lateralia nigra, hasi rufa ; pedes fulvi ; tihicc nigro vittatce ; alee anticcc subfulva, apice subfusccB. Body yellow: fore-chest thickly and roughly punctured, ex- tending nearly to the tips of the fore-wings ; from it four rather LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 521 broad red rays diverge to the border ; the side pair in front are rather broader than the middle one which is accompanied by a slight ridge ; shoulders produced into short black horns which are red at the base; their breadth exceeds their length: legs tawny; shanks striped with black : fore-wings pale tawny, brownish towards their tips ; veins tawny. Length of the body 6 lines ; of the wings 14 lines, a. Brazil. From Mr. Walker's collection. 16. Umbonia Pupa. a — c. British Guiana. Presented by Sir R. Schomburgk. 17. Umbonia Pupa. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 18. Umbonia Pupa. a. ? From Mr. Argent's collection. Genus 13. TRIQUETRA. Triquetra, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 279. Hoplophora , Germar. 1. Triquetra inermis. Triquetra inermis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 280, 1, a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 2. Triquetra nigro-carinata. Triquetra nigro-carinata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 280, 2. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 522 list of homopterous insects. 3. Triquetra grossa. Triquetra grossa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, \v. 280, 3. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 4. Triquetra tridentata. Triquetra tridentata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 280, 4. 5. Triquetra. ustulata. Triquetra ustulata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 281, 5. 6. Triquetra fastidiosa. Triquetra fastidiosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 281,6. Columbia. 7. Triquetra testacea. Triquetra testacea, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2tne Serie, iv. 281, 7. Bogota. 8. Triquetra virescens. Triquetra virescens, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 281, 8. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 9. Triquetra virgata. Triquetra virgata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2nie Serie^ iv. 282, 9, pi. 6, f. 27. Bogota. 10. Triquetra bos. Triquetra bos, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 282, 10. Bogota. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 523 11. Triquetra ANGUSTATA. Triquetra angustata, Fairm. Aim. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 282, 11. Bogota. 12. TRiaUETRA TEUNCATICORNIS. Triquetra truncaticornis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 282, 12. Hoplophora truncaticornis, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 244, 11. Brazil. 13. Triquetra sobbia, Fem. Flava ; prothoracis cornu dorsale carinis quadriradiat.um ; comua lateralia, carina dorsalis, pectus et abdomen nigra ; pedes fulri ; tibia fosticce apice picea ; aUe anticce fulvcc. Yellow : bead willi a short black stripe which has a black dot in front and two on each side: fore-chest thickly punctured, with a short acute upright horn, from whose tip four ridges radiate on each side ; each shoulder produced into a short compressed almost acute horn, which is slightly inclined forward, mostly black and rather broader than long ; keel black for three-fourths of the length from the head, its tip acute, extending to the tips of the fore-wings : breast partly black : abdomen black ; tip beneath ferruginous : legs tawny, tips of hind-shanks pitchy : fore-wings tawny, punctured towards the base ; veins ferruginous : hind-wings paler. Length of the body A\ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Quito. Presented by W. Hewitson, Esq. 14. Triquetra venosa, Fem. Flava ; prothoracis carina nigra ; abdomen nigrum., apice fulvum ; pedes fidvi ; alec antic(e Jiavcc, apice fulvce. Yellow: head and fore-chest thickly punctured : fore-chest with a short acute horn which is slightly inclined lorward ; three verv slight almost parallel ridges proceed from its tip on each side, and join one of the longitudinal ridges which are strongly marked ; each shoulder produced into a short compressed conical horn which is 524 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. broader than long and hardly inclined forward ; keel black, except at the tip of the horn, for three-fourths of the length from the head; its tip acute, extending to the tips of the fore-wings : abdomen black, tawny at the tip : legs tawny : fore-wings yellow and thickly punctured for nearly two-thirds of the length from the base, tawny from thence to the lips ; veins yellow, tawny towards the tips: hind- wings paler. Length of the body 3f lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 15. Teiquetra reticulata. Fulva ; prothoracis cornu dorsals quadricarinatum ; carina dor- salisjiava ; pectus nigrum ; ales anticce fulvcc. Tawny : fore-chest thickly punctured, here and there slightly pitchy, with a short acute upright horn ; four very distinct slightly diverging ridges proceed from this horn, and join one of the longi- tudinal ridges ; the latter are very strongly marked and almost parallel; each shoulder produced into a short compressed conical horn which is broader than long and not inclined forward ; keel yellow along the whole length, extending to the tips of the fore- wings, ending in an acute tip : breast black : legs tawny : fore-wings tawny, punctured for more than half the length from the base ; veins tawny: hind-wings paler. Length of the body 3h lines; of the wings 7 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 16. Triquetra valida, Mas. Fulva; cormia lateralia extus nigra; carina dorsalis Jiava, ferru- gineo univittata^ nigro oblique bivittata, apice nigra ; pectus, abdomen, pedes et alee ferruginea. Tawny, pubescent, shining: head transverse, minutely punc- tured, almost triangular, very much narrower than the fure-chest, impressed on each side of the disk ; face with a slight furrow on each side ; its hind border rectangular and occupying rather less than half the length of the head : fore-chest roughly punctured, rounded and with a very slight ridge in front where there is a smooth mark on each side ; on each shoulder an acute prominent horn whose outer compartment is slightly concave and mostly black ; keel yellow, rather deep, convex and with a ferruginous stripe along the ridge for full half the length where it declines, and is straight, shallow and tapering from thence to the tip which is LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 525 black and extends beyond the tip of the abdomen ; an oblique short broad black stripe adjoins the ferruginous black stripe on each side: breast, abdomen, legs and wings ferruginous. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. 17. Triquetka hebes, Fem. Viridis, lata ; pedes viridi-Jlavi ; alee limpidcc ; alee anticce basi et ad costam virides. Body broad, short, pale green : head transverse, very short, somewhat reticulated, not half the breadth of the lore-chest ; face obconical, not half the length of the head : fore-chest very convex, roughly punctured, slightly ridged ; shoulders conical prominent ; hind part keeled, very acute at the tip, not extending to the tip of the abdomen : legs pale yellow, tinged with green : wings colour- less ; veins pale yellow ; fore-wangs green and punctured at the base and along part of the fore border. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. Genus 14. CERESA. Membracis, Fabr., Say, Blanchard. Centrotus, Fabr., Germ. Smilia, Germ., Burm. Ceresa, Amyot et Sen'. Hist. Nat. Hem. 539, 433. Fairm. Group 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 283. L Ceresa Vitulus. Ceresa vitulus, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 540, 1. Fax Ann. Soc. Eni. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 283, 1 . Smilia vitulus, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 137, 2. Membracis vitulus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 14, 25. Centrotus vitulus, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 20, 2L Centrotus pallens. Germ. Mag. Ent. iii. 25, 26. Smilia pallens, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 235, 6. Brazil. 526 list of homopterous insects. 2. Ceeesa aculeata. Ceresa aculeata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 283, 2. Bolivia. 3. Ceeesa affinis. Ceresa affinis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 284, 3, pi. 5, f. 21, 22. Brazil. 4. Ceeesa te stage a. Ceresa testacea, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 284, 4. Mexico. 5. Ceeesa borealis. Ceresa borealis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 284, 5. a — c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. d. Canada. 6. Ceeesa spinifeea. Ceresa spinifera, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 284, 6. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. h. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. c. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. d. ? 7. Ceresa ustulata. Ceresa ustulata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent, Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 285, 7. Brazil. 8. Ceeesa malina. Ceresa malina, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 285, 8. Smilia malina. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 236, 9. a. Brazil. From Mr. Momay's collection. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 527 9. Ceresa brunnicornis. Ceresa bmnnicornis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 285, 9. Smilia brimnicornis, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 235, 7. Buenos Ayres. 10. Ceresa axillaris. Ceresa axillaris, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 285, 10. Smilia axillaris, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 235, 8. Brazil. 11. Ceresa diceros. Ceresa diceros, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 285, 11. Membracis diceros. Say, Narr. Exp. App. Journ. Acad. Nat. Soc. Philad. Smilia diceros, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 237, 12. Ceresa postfasciata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat Hem. 540, 2. pi. 10. f. 3. a — e. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. /. Nova Scotia. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. g — I. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 12. Ceresa basalis, Mas. Nigra, pilosa ; caput fulvum nigro trimaculatum ; prothorax ful- vus, nigro quadrimaculatns ; pedes fulvi ; femora nigro fas- ciata ; alee anticce sublimpidce, basiflavce, apice subfulvce. Black, hairy : head tawny, hairy, rugulose, with three black spots ; one on each side by the eye ; the third in front : eyes pro- minent: fore-chest tawny, thickly punctured, extending beyond the abdomen, hairy in front, with a black spot on each side of the fore border, rising perpendicularly for some height above the head, and then forming across a nearly right angle, behind which is a triangular flat compartment, and on each side a short acute horn ; the compartment formed by the outer side of each horn is triangular, slightly concave, with a black disk ; hind part of fore-chest keeled, much compressed, slightly convex, very slender towards the tip, which is black and acute : abdomen obconicai ; lower appendage at 2 A 2 528 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. the tip long, shining, slightly curved upward, with a long tawny style on each side ; upper appendages tawny, with a black perpen- dicular tooth on each side ; legs tawny, slender, beset with white bristles; a broad black band on each thigh: wings almost colour- less, pale yellow at the base, slightly tawny at the tips; veins tawny. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a — c. Nova Scotia. From Lieut. Redman's collection. 13. Ceeesa brevis, Fem. Testaceus ; prothorax apice et pectoris discus nigri ; abdomen luteum, apice Jlatmm ; pedes lutei ; femora nigra subvittata ; alcB limpidcB. Testaceous: head transverse, short, scutcheon-shaped above, bordered by a slight rim, finely punctured : fore-chest roughly punctured, extending a little beyond the abdomen, rising perpendi- cularly high above the head, and then forming a slightly obtuse angle across, behind which is an almost flat triangular curvilinear compartment, whose angle on each side is formed by the humeral horn, which is acute, rather long, and slightly curved backward, and has very concave side-compartments ; hind part of fore-chest keeled, convex, much compressed, rather deep, but very slender towards the tip, which is black and acute : breast black about the base of the legs : abdomen luteous, pale yellow at the tip : legs luteous, clothed with whitish hairs ; hips black ; a slight black mark on each thigh : wings colourless, rather broad ; veins pale yellow. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7h lines. a. New York. 14. Ceresa terminalis, Fem. Testacea ; comua lateralia longa, apice nigra ; prothorax apice niger ; alee limpidce. Testaceous : head transverse, shining, almost smooth, slightly hairy, somewhat pointed in front, convex in the middle and con- cave on each side of the hind border : fore-chest thickly punctured, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen, rising perpendicularly above the head, and then forming across an almost right angle ; behind this is a flat triangular curvilinear compartment, whose angle on each side is formed by the humeral horn, which is acute, rather long, with a black tip, hardly curved backward, and has concave LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 529 side compartments ; hind part of fore-chest deeply keeled, convex, much compressed, very slender towards the tip, which is black and acute : abdomen rather long : wings colourless ; veins yellow. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9i lines. a. ? Presented by the Entomological Club. 15. Ceresa alta, Fern. Testacea ; cornua lateralia brevia, apice nigra ; prothorax apice niger ; aim limpidcB. Testaceous : head and fore-chest finely punctured : head trans- verse, slightly hairy, hardly pointed in front, very slightly convex in the middle and concave on each side of the hind border : fore-chest deep, with a slight middle ridge in front, extending hardly beyond the tip of the abdomen, rising perpendicularly above the head, and there forming across a slightly obtuse angle ; behind this a flat tri- angular curvilinear compartment, whose angle on each side is formed by the humeral horn, which is acute, short, with a black tip, not curved backward, and has hardly concave side-compartments ; hind part of fore-chest deeply keeled, convex, compressed, very slender towards the tip, which is black and acute : wings colour- less ; veins yellow. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. 16. Ceresa plana, Mas et Fem. Testacea ; cornua huineralia piceo vittata, apice picea ; comu pos- ticum apice piceum ; pedes fiilvi; femora postica nigra; alee limpidce ; alee anticce margins postico apicem versus fulvce, costoi apice fusco maculata. Pale testaceous, shining : head short, transversely subfusiform, nearly as broad as the fore-chest between the shoulders, flat, thinly punctured, slightly i*ugulose ; hind border very slightly undulating ; fore border convex ; hind part obconical, occupying less than half the length of the head ; fore-chest roughly punctured, very slightly ridged, flat in front and rising vertically from the head ; fore border slightly undulating ; shoulders rounded, not prominent ; horns above diverging, almost horizontal, acute, very slightly inclined backward, prismatic, pitchy at their tips, whence a broad pitchy stripe proceeds across the shoulder to the breast ; their inner side •2 A3 530 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. hroader than the outer side and much broader than the hind side ; length of the horns equal to half the breadth of the chest between them ; hind appendage keeled, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, obconical and rather deep from the base to half the length, where it is abruptly attenuated, pitchy and very slender from thence to the tip, which is very acute : legs tawny ; hind- thighs mostly black ; hind-shanks slender, beset with rows of minute black spines ; wings colourless ; fore-wings tawny along the hind border near the tip ; a brown spot near the tip of the fore border ; veins yellow. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. b. Brazil. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. c — d. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 17. Ceresa suffusa, Fern. Testacea ; caput ferrugineum ; prothorax viridis, fulvo varius, ferrugineo fasciatus et vittatus ; pedes ferruginei ; femora picea ; alee limpid(£ ; aim anticcs had viridi-fulvce. Testaceous, hardly shining : head short, ferruginous, flat, finely punctured, transversely sub fusiform, narrower than the fore- chest between the shoulders ; borders slightly undulating ; hind part of face small, obconical, occupying little more than one-third of the length of the head : fore-chest pale green, partly tawny, roughly punctured, slightly ridged, rising almost vertically from the head ; shoulders rounded, not prominent ; horns above prismatic, diverging, slightly ascending, very slightly curved, almost acute ; their hind side narrower than either of the other sides ; their length rather more than half the breadth of the chest between them ; a ferruginous band from their tips across the chest ; hind appendage keeled, extending a little beyond the tip of the abdomen, slightly tapering from the base to the tip, which is very acute ; ridge ferru- ginous : legs ferruginous ; thighs pitchy ; shanks widened : wings colourless ; fore-wings punctured, tawny and tinged with green to- wards the base ; veins green or tawny ; apical areolets numerous. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 531 18. CeRESA ? BUBALUS. Memhracis Biibalus, Fahr. Ent. Si/st. iv. 14, 23. Centrotiis bubalus, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 20, 18. North America. 19. Ceeesa discolor. Ceresa discolor, Spinola MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 286, 12. Brazil. 20. Ceresa bifasciata. Ceresa bifasciata, Spinola MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 286, 13. Brazil. Group 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 286. 21. Ceresa colon. Ceresa colon, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 286, 14. Smilia colon. Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 237, 11. Brazil. 22. Ceresa ciliata. Ceresa ciliata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 287, 15. New Granada. 23. Ceresa terminata. Ceresa lemiinata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie. iv. 287, 16. Columbia. 24. Ceresa tigrina. Ceresa tigrina, Fairm. Anii. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 287, 17. Bocrota. 532 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 25. Ceresa morio. Ceresa morio, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 287, 18. Bogota. 26. Ceresa flaccida. Ceresa flaccida, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. '2me Serie, iv. 288, 19. Bogota. 27. Ceresa incrassata. Ceresa incrassata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 288, 20. a, b. Columbia. From Mr. Jurgens' collection. c — h. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 28. Ceresa aurantiaca. Ceresa aurantiaca, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 288, 21,pl. 3, f. 22,23. . Columbia. Group 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 289. 29. Ceresa nervosa. Ceresa nervosa, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 289, 22. Brazil. 30. Ceresa chlorotica. Ceresa chlorotica, Fairm, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 289, 23. South America, 31. Ceresa femorata. Ceresa femorata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 289, 24. Mexico. list of homopterous insects. 533 32. Ceresa uniformis. Ceresa uniformis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 289, 25. Mexico. 33. Ceresa apicalis, Fem. Ferruginea ; caput nigra maculatum ; prothorax nigro Jiavoque quadrivittatus, apice jiavo unifasciatus ; femora picea ; tibia basi picecB ; alec anticce limpida, fusco bimaculatce. Ferruginous, obconical : head and fore-cliest punctured, shin- ini^ ; head short, transversely subfusiform, almost as broad as the fore-chest, slightly marked with black, somewhat impressed in front: eyes prominent : fore-chest obconical, with a veiy slight middle ridge, extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen, having on each side behind the base of the wings a short oblique yellow stripe and a long curved black stripe, the latter joins a yellow band which is very near the tip ; shoulders obtusely angular, not extending beyond the base of the fore-wings : legs pubescent ; thighs pitchy ; tibiae pitchy to- wards the base : fore-wings colourless, broad, with a large brown spot in the disk and another at the tip ; punctured at the base and on the basal costal areolet which is very long ; second and third costal areo- lets small, the second sometimes subdivided ; apical areolet almost elliptical ; four or five discoidal areolets ; membrane very broad along the hind border ; veins tawny, punctured with brown, dark brown and clouded at the tips of the wings, slender along the hind borders : hind-wings colourless ; veins black. Length of the body 2 lines : of the wings 5 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. Genus 15. SMILIORACHIS. Smiliorachis, Fairm. Ann. Snc. Ent. Fr. '2me iSerie, iv. 290. Group 1. 1. Smiliorachis eipuxctata. Smiliorachis bipunctata, Fairm. Anti. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 290, 1. Brazil. 534 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 2. Smiliorachis bispina. Smiliorachis bispina, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 290, 2. Columbia. 3. Smiliorachis binotata. Smiliorachis binotata, Lefebvre, MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 291, 3. Brazil. Group 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 291. 4. Smiliorachis variegata. Smiliorachis variegata, Faimi. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 291,4. America. Genus 16. SMILIA. Membracis, Germ. Smilia, Germ., Burm., Amyot et Serv. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 291, pi. 5, f. 1. 1. Smilia vaginata. Smilia vaginata. Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 233, 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 292, 1. Brazil. 2. Smilia brunneo-fasciata. Smilia brunneo-fasciata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 292, 2. Brazil. 3. Smilia lacca. Smilia lacca, J5ur7W. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 138, 3. Bahia. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. o35 4. Smilia CAMPESTRIS, Smilia campestris, Fairm. Ann, Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, \v. 292, 3. Brazil. 5. Smilia peasina. Smilia prasina, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 234, 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 292, 4. Brazil. 6. Smilia nigro-fasciata. Smilia nigro-fasciata, Lefehme, MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 292, 5, pi. 5, f. 2. Brazil. 7. Smilia dorsata. Smilia dorsata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 293, 6. Brazil. 8. Smilia formicata. Smilia formicata, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 234, 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 293, 7. Brazil. 9, Smilia vittatipennis, Smilia vittatipennis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 293, 8, pi. 5, f. 3. Guatimala. 10. Smilia -f* sellata. Smilia sellata, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 234, 4. 536 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. Genus 17. ACONOPHORA. Membracis, Fahr. P Burm. Smilia, Germ. Aconophora, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv, 294. 1. ACONOPHOEA FLAVIPES. Aconophora flavipes, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2m€ Serie, iv. 294, 1. Smilia flavipes, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 238, 16. a. Brazil. Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. b, c. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. d. ? From Mr. Birch's collection. 2. ACONOPHOEA LAMINA TA. Aconophora laminata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 295, 2. Mexico. 3. Aconophora pugnax. Aconophora pugnax, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 295, 3. Smilia pugnax, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 239, 19. S. grisescens, var. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 238, 17. Brazil. 4. AcONOPHOEA IMBELLIS. Aconophora imbellis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 295, 4. Brazil. 5. Aconophora teligera. Aconophora teligera, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 295, 5 Smiha teligera, Germ. Mag. Ent. iw. 21, 18. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 239, 18. Brazil. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 537 6. ACONOPHOEA PUGIONATA. Aconophora pugionata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv 295, 6. Membracis pugionata, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 20, 17. Burnt. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 135, 2. Smilia pugiouata, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 238, 15. a. Brazil. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 7. AcONOPHOEA INCUMBENS. Aconophora incumbens, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv 295, 7. Membracis incumbens, Germ. Smilia incumbens. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 239, 20. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 8. AcONOPHOEA ? XIPHIAS. Membracis xiphias, Fabr. Sj/st. Rhyn. 12, 29. South America. 9. AcONOPHOEA.'* HASTATA. Membracis hastata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 13, 33. South America. 10. Aconophora.'' curvata. Membracis curvata, Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 13, 34. South America. 11. Aconophora rubeivittata. Membracis rubrivittata, Say. •2b 538 LIST OF HOiMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 12. AcoNOPHORA POERECTA, Fem. Flava ; caput nigro univittaium, liiteo higuttatum ; prothorax luteo vittatus ; abdomen fusco fasciatum ; tibicB nigro stri- gat<2 ; alcB limpidce. Yellow : head very short, shininp:, slightly punctured, trans- versely spindle-shaped ; crown slightly undulating in front and behind, Ivery concave in the middle of the fore border for the recep- tion of the face, which is small ; hind border with a short black stripe and a luteous dot on each side : eyes prominent : fore-chest roughly punctured, very slightly ridged, prolonged in front of the head into a much compressed conical horn whose length exceeds twice its depth at the base (the horn of A. rubrivittata is less than twice its depth), a luteousstripe extends along each side from the tip of the horn to the disk of the fore-chest which has also a few other more indistinct luteous marks and some black impressions in front ; shoulders nearly rectangular, slightly prominent ; hind part extend- ing nearly to the tip of the abdomen, much attenuated towards the tip, on approaching which its ridge becomes more distinct : hind borders of the abdominal segments brown : tibise streaked with black : wings colourless ; veins tawny. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 8 lines, fl. ? Presented by the Entomological Club. 13. AcONOPHORA. VIRIDESCENS, Fcm. Flava ; viridi varia, prothorax luteo guttatus ; cornu riifo margi- natum ; tibicE nigro strigata ; ala limpidce. Yellow: head shining, slightly punctured, very short, trans- versely subfusiforra, undulating in front and behind, clothed with white hairs on the fore border : eyes prominent : fore-chest roughly punctured, partly green, adorned with luteous dots, transversely im- pressed on each side above the eye, hardly ridged, prolonged in front of the head into a conical much compressed red-edged horn, whose length exceeds twice its depth at the base ; shoulders short-conical, slightly prominent ; hind part extending nearly to the tip of the abdomen, much attenuated towards the tip which is acute : legs thickly clothed with white hairs : abdomen tinged with green : tibiae streaked with black : wings colourless: fore-wings punctured, green and w ith luteous marks at the base and along part of the fore border ; veins of the fore-wings thick, pitchy, of the hind-wings slender, tawny. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 539 14. ACONOPHORA NIGRIVITTATA, Fem. Flava ; prothoracis cornu rufum nigra marginatum ; alcB limpiche. Yellow: head shining-, finely punctured, very short, transversely subfusiforra, slifrhtly undulating in front and behind, clothed with white hairs, much narrovver than the fore-chest ; fore-chest roughly punctured, slightly ridged, hardly impressed in front, prolonged iii front of the head into a conical much compressed horn with a red disk and a black border; its length does not exceed twice its breadth at the base ; shoulders very short-conical, hardly prominent ; hind part extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, wiih slight con- verging ridges along each side, much attenuated towards the tip which is acute: legs clothed with white hairs: wings colourless; fore-wings tawny and punctured at the base and along part of the fore border ; veins tawny. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a — c. ? Presented by J. G. Children, Esq. 15. ACOXOPHORA GUTTIFERA, MaS. Viridis ; caput luteo sex- guttatum ; pro thorax luteo adspersus,/lavo vittatus, antice nigro bimaculatus, postice fusco bimaculatus, apice fuscus ; cornu rufo marginatum ; alcB limpidce. Pale green : head shining, finely punctured, very short, trans- versely subfusiform, slightly undulating in front and behind, clothed with white hairs, adorned with six luteous dots along the hind l)order, a little narrower than the fore-chest : eyes prominent : fore-chest roughly punctured, very slightly ridged, speckled with luteous, slightly impressed and with a black mark on each side in front, pro- longed in front of the head into a conical compressed horn with a reddish border ; its length is less than twice its breadth at the base ; shoulders very short-conical, hardly prominent ; hind part ending much before the tip of the abdomen, with a brown spot on the border of each side beyond half its length, attenuated towards the tip which is brown and acute ; middle ridge pale yellow : legs clothed with white hairs ; tibiae slightly streaked ; tarsi brownish: wings colour- less ; fore-wings punctured, green and partly luteous at the base and along some of the fore border ; veins tawny, thick, pitchv to- wards the tips ; veins of hind-wings tawny, slender. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9t lines. a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. •2 B-2 540 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 16. ACONOPHOEA MAKGINATA, Fem. Ferruginea ; caput nigro vittatum ; prothorax apice niger ; cornu nigro inarginatum ; ales subferruginece. Ferruginous: head finely punctured, transverse, of moderate length, a little narrower than the fore-chest, slightly undulating along the hind border, deeply notched in front for the reception of the face, with a black middle stripe which is slightly widened at each end : fore-chest thickly and minutely punctured, slightly ridged, very slightly impressed on each side in front, prolonged in front of the head into an obliquely ascending much compressed horn ; this has a broad black rim, and slightly deepens towards the tip which is rounded, its length is about four times its breadth ; hind part ex- tending to the tip of the abdomen, much attenuated and with a rather deep keel towards the tip which is black and very acute: legs thinly clothed with short white hairs ; hind-shanks beset with minute black spines : wings pale ferruginous, fore-wings punctured at the base and along one-third of the fore border ; veins ferruginous ; areolets long. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 9| lines. a. Mexico, From Mr. Argent's collection. 17. AcoNOPHORA coNcoLOR, Mas. Ferruginea , prothorax antice nigricans ; cornu apice fulvum ; pectus^ abdomen et femora nigra : tibiee nigro vittatoe ; al(B subferruginea. Dark ferruginous, very pubescent : fore-chest thickly and mi- nutely punctured, ridged in front and towards the tip, blackish and slightly impressed on each side in front, prolonged in front of the head into a very slightly ascending much compressed horn ; this has a broad rim, is rounded at the tip, and very slightly decreases in depth from the base to the tip, towards which it is tawny and semi- transparent ; its length is more than twice its breadth ; hind part extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, much attenuated to- wards the tip which is very acute : breast and abdomen black : thighs black ; tibiae streaked with black ; hind tibiae beset with minute black spines: wings pale ferruginous; fore-wings punctured at the base, brown along the fore border ; veins brown ; areolets long. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 7^ lines. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 541 18. ACONOPHORA COMPEESSA, Mas. Picea ; caput nup'icans ; pectus et abdomen ni(/ra ; pedes ferru- ginei ; femora nigro vittata; aUe subfusca. Pitchy, thickly clothed with yellow down : head blackish, transverse, of moderate length, nearly as broad as the fore-chest, very slightly convex along the hind border, tawny on each side of the notch in front : fore-chest thickly and minutely punctured, ridged in front and at the tip, slightly impressed on each side near the fore border, prolonged in front of the head into a conical, hardly ascending, much compressed horn, with a rather broad blackish rim, its length is much less than twice its breadth ; hind part extendinij; a little beyond the tip of the abdomen, slightly attenuated towards the tip, which is very acute : breast and abdomen black : legs ler- ruginous ; thighs streaked with black ; hind tibiae beset with minute spines, whose tips are l)lack : wings pale brown ; fore-wings slightly punctured at the base ; veins pitchy ; areolets long. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6^ lines. a. Mexico. Presented by E. P. Coffin, Esq. 19. ACONOPHORA INTERNA, Fcm. Fulva ; 'proihoracis carina fiava ; cornu utrinque carinatum ; alec limpidfc ; ales anticce ad costam fulire, macula apicali lim- pida. Tawny : head punctured, transverse, triangular, very slightly convex along the hind border, deeply notched on the fore border, much narrower than the fore- chest : eyes prominent : fore-chest with a slight yellow ridge, roughly punctured, prolonged into a conical much compressed horn, which is nearly upright and hardly ad- vances in front of the head, its height much exceeds its width, and some slight ridges diverge on each side from its tip to its base ; shoulders nearly rectangular, rather prominent ; hind part of fore- chest rather deeply keeled, extending to the tip of the abdomen : legs pubescent : wings colourless ; fore-wings tawny along the whole length and on half the breadth beneath the fore border, with the exception of a colourless spot near the tip, punctured at the base and along two-thirds of the length of the fore border ; veins tawny. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. Brazil. 2 13 3 542 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 20. AcoNOPHORA OBTUSA, Mas. Picea ; prothorax nigro marginatus ; pectus^ abdomen et pedes fer- ruginea ; alee anticce picea. Pitchy, clothed with short, shining, yellow hairs ; head and fore-chest minutely punctured : fore-chest conical and compressed in front of the head, with a broad black rim or ridge which widens from the base above and below to the tip ; shoulders rounded, not prominent ; hind part convex, not keeled, extending beyond the tip of the abdomen, attenuated and with a middle ridge towards the tip, which is acute: breast, abdomen and legs ferruginous: fore- wings pitchy, slightly rugulose, punctured at the base and along part of the fore border, paler along the hind borders towards the tips ; veins stout ; areolets long and narrow : hind wings lurid. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 6^ lines. a. Brazil. Genus 18. NESSORHINUS. Nessorhinus, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 542, 437. Fairm. 1. Nessorhinus vulpes. Nessorhinus vulpes, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 542, 1, pi. 12, f. 11. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 296, 1. St. Domingo. Genus 19. POLYGLYPTA. Polyg^ypta, Biirm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 142. Amyot et Serv. Fairm. 1. POLYGLVPTA COSTATA. Polyglypta costata, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 142, 1. Silh. Rev. Ent. iv. 177, 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 296, 1. Mexico. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 543 2. POLYGLYPTA PILOSA. Polyo^lypta pilosa, Germ. MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 296, 2. Mexico. 3. PoLYGLYPTA DOESALIS. Poly^•lypta dorsalis, Burm. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 178, 2. Fairm. Aim. ^Soc. Ent. Fr. '2me Serie, iv. 287, 3. P. sicula, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 541. a. Mexico. From M. Hartwe^'s collection. 4. PoLYGLYPTA BOGOTENSIS. Polyajlypta Bogotensis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie iv. 297, 4. Bogota. 5. PoLYGLYPTA MACULATA. Polyglypta maculata, Burm. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 178, 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 297, 5. P. flavomaculata, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 541, pi. 9, f. 9. Mexico, Bogota, Savannah. 6. Polyglypta nigeiventris. Polyglyta nigriventiis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 297, 6. Columbia. 7. Polyglypta viridimaculata. Polyglypta viridimaculata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 298, 7. Columbia. 544. LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 8. POLTGLYPTA PALLIPES. Polyglypta pallipes, Burm. Silh. Rev. Ent. xix. iv. 179, 4. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 298, 8. Columbia, Mexico. 9. Polyglypta lineata. Polyglypta lineata, Burm. Silb. Rev. Ent. iv. 179, 5. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 298, 9. Mexico. 10. Polyglypta xigella. Polyglypta nigella, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 298, 10. Mexico. 11. Polyglypta tbidecim-costata. Polyglypta tridecim-costata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 299, 11. Mexico. 12. Polyglypta straminea, Fem. Flava, perangusta, lanceolata ; prothora/x multicarinatus, nigro vittatus, apice nigra maculatus ; pectoris discus niger ; abdo- men nigrum, apice subtus ferrugineum ; pedes fulvi ; alee limpldfB ; alee anticce nigro vittatce, basi et ad costam fulvce. Body lanceolate, very long and narrow : head and fore-chest yellow, shining, thinly clothed with white hairs -. head triangular, trilobed, a little broader than long, much narrower than the fore- chest ; a furrow between the hind lobes, which are angular in front and impressed on the disks ; fore-lobe formed by the face, quad- rangular, with a slight furrow along each side of the disk, which is convex ; its hind angle occupying nearly half the length of the head: eyes not prominent : fore-chest horizontal, with pale yellow parallel ridges, roughly punctured between the ridges, not keeled, forming in front of the head a horizontal lanceolate horn, which is quadrilateral, has eight ridges, is irregularly striped with black on LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 545 each side and beneath, and has a black obtuse tip ; hind part ob- lanceolate, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, attenuated towards the tip, wliich is black and acute ; with nine ridges, one of which on each side disappears towards the tip ; with two black spots on each side and a large annular black mark nearer the tip : breast yellow ; disk mostly black : abdomen black, fermginous at the tip beneath : legs tawny : wings colourless ; fore-wings striped with black, tawny and punctured at the base and along part of the fore- border. Length of the body 6^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, b. Columbia. From M. Jurgens' collection. c. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 13. POLYGLYPTA BREVIVITTA, MaS. Ferruginea, perangusta, lanceolata ; caput fiavum ; prothoraxjiavo et picen maculatus ; cornu suhtus nigrum Jlavo trivittatum ; pedes ferruginei ; alee anticce subcinerecp, nigra vittatce, basi et ad costam ferruginecB. Body lanceolate, ferruginous, long and narrow, in general structure like that of P. straminea, thinly clothed with white hairs : head yellow, shining, almost triangular, slightly trilobed, broader than long, much narrower than the fore-chest ; middle furrow in- distinct ; disks of hind-lobes slightly impressed ; fore-lobe with a ferruginous furrow along each side of its convex disk : fore-chest adorned with alternate, irregular, yellow and pitchy marks, roughly punctured between the ridges ; horn black beneath, with, three yel- low stripes extending from the base along part of the length : legs pale ferruginous: fore-wings slightly tinged with gray, striped with black, ferruginous and punctured at the base and along part of the fore border. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 14. PoLYGLYPTA INTERRUPTA, MaS. Nigra, perangusta, lanceolata ; caput flaviim, nigro varium ; p'o- thorax Jlavo carinafus et bimaculatus ; pectus Jlavo varium ; pedes fulvi ; ake limpidte ; alee anticce nigro vittatce, basi fulvcB. Body black, lanceolate, long and narrow, in general structure like P. straminea : head yellow, triangular, hardly broader than long ; disks of hind-lobes mostly black : ridges of the horn yellow 546 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. along each side, yellow towards the hase beneath and on each side above ; ridges of the hind part mostly yellow ; two yellow spots be- tween them on each side : breast partly yellow : legs tawny : wings colourless ; fore-wings striped with black, tawny and punctured to- wards the base; veins pale ferruginous. Length of the body 5 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner s collection. Genus 20. EXTYLIA. Membracis, Fabr., Germ., Sai/. Darn is, Germ. Entylia, Germ. Amyot et Serv. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 299, pi. 5, f. 28. Hemiptycha, Burm. 1. Entylia geMxMata. Entylia gemmata. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii, 248, 1. Fairm. Ann. \Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 300, 1. pi. 5, f. 30. Membracis gemmata, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 16, 11. rt, h. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 2. Entylia corniculata. Entvlia corniculata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 300, *2, pi. 5, f. 31. Venezuela. 3. Entylia sinlata. Entylia sinuata, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 248, 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 300, 3, pi. 5, f. 29. Membracis sinuata, Fabr. Ent. Si/st. Suppl. 513, 4. Syst. Rhyn. 7,5. Damis sinuata, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. i. 78, 25. Hemiptycha sinuata, Burm. Handb. Ent. ii. 1, 140, 5. North America. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 547 4. Entylia Bactriana. Entylia Bactriana, Germ. Silh. Rev. Ent. iii. 248, 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 300, 4, pi. 5, f. 32. North J^menca. 5, Entylia concava. Entylia concava, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 249, 4. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 301, 5. Membracis concava, Sut/, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. Exped. App. a. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. b — e. United States. Presented by E Doubleday, Esq. 6. Entylia concisa, Fern. Ferruginea ; prothoracis carina alte bici'istata, utrinque albo in- interrupte et oblique fasciat.a ; pedes flavi ; alee limpid^ ; alee anticcB basi et ad costam fubxc. Ferruginous : head and thorax roughly punctured : head trans- verse, almost semicircular, narrower than the lore-chest, slightly impressed with an indistinct middle suture which extends to the face, the hind border of the latter is angular and occupies nearly half the length of the head : shoulders very obtusely angular, not prominent : fore-chest forming two lofty compressed keel-shaped crests which incline towards each other and inclose three-fourths of a circle ; the first rises between the shoulders and is tiimcated at the tip; the second is lower and above the keel ; the latter is rather deep and extends far beyond the tip of the al)domen whose sides it em- braces; the irregular ridges on the sides of the crests communicate with the ridges of the keel, and the latter has an oblique white in- terrupted band on each side behind the second crest: breast pitchy: abdomen black ; a stripe on each side beneath and the tip yellow : legs yellow: wings colourless: fore-wings tawny at the base and along more than half the length of the fore border ; veins pitchv, tawny where the winjis are so, pale yellow near the tip of the fore border. Length of the body 2^ lines; of the wings 4^ lines. Var. 3- Breast and abdomen tawny : white bands of the keel hardly visible. Var y. Breast and abdomen black ; tip of the latter tawny. a— e. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 548 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 7. Entylia decisa. Fern. Nigra ; caput ferrugineo varium ; prothoracis carina alte hicris- tata, Jlavo maculata et bifasciata ; pectoris discus Jlavus ; abdomen Jlavo marginatum ; pedes fiavi ; alcB limpidcB ; alee anticcB basi et ad costam nigrce. Black, in general structure like E. concisa : head partly ferru- ginous : a yellow spot on the ridge of the keel behind the second crest whence an oblique much interrupted yellow band proceeds on each side to the hind border, two or three yellow dots in the disk on each side : disk of the breast yellow : abdomen yellow with a black disk : legs yellow : fore-wings black and punctured at the base and along the fore border till near the tips where they are colourless with yellow veins. Length of the body 2^^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 8. Entylia accisa, Fern. Nigra ; cupxit ferrugineum ; prothorax antice fidvus ; carina bicristata, flavo guttata, apice fiava ; abdomen subtus apice fulvum ; pedes fulm ; alee liinpidce ; alee anticce basi et ad costam nigrcB. Black, in general structure like E. concisa : head pale ferrugi- nous, slightly concave on each side iu front: fore-chest tawny in front; shoulders slightly prominent ; crests rather lower than those of E. concisa ; some yellow dots on each side of the keel which is wholly bright yellow from the hind part of the second crest to the tip : tip of the abdomen tawny beneath : fore-wings black and punc- tured at the base and along two-thirds of the fore border, colourless and with yellow veins from thence to the tips. Length of the body 2i lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a. North America. Presented by the Entomological Club. 9. Entylia incisa, Fern. Testacea ; prothoracis cornu dorsale compressum, truncatum, an- tice subjlexum ; alee limpida ; alee anticce basi et ad costam fulvce. Testaceous : head and fore-chest rather roughly punctured : head triangular, transverse, narrower than the fore-chest, hardly im- pressed ; hind border of the face angular, rather less than half the LIST OF H03I0PTER0US INSECTS. 549 length of the head : shoulders almost rounded, not prominent ; a much compressed truncated horn between the shoulders, slightly inclined forward, with a dorsal ridge and two more slight ridges on each side ; keel behind the ridge convex for a space, then straight and tapering gradually to the tip, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen whose sides it embraces ; ridges on the sides of the keel slight : wings colourless ; veins yellow ; fore-wings tawny and punctured at the base and along two-thirds of the fore border. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4^ lines. a. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. 10. Entylia indecisa, Fem. Ferruginea; frothorax fiavo bivittatus, antic e fulvus, cornu trun- cato armatus, postice yibhosus ; pectits et abdomen nigra ; pedes fulvi ; alcB limpidw. In general structure like E. concisa. Head and fore-chest fer- ruginous : fore-chest partly tawny in front, fomiiug between the shoulders a low compressed truncated horn which has two ridges on each- side ; behind this is a semicircular concavity, and then the thorax is again gibbous but not so high as in front ; the fore-chest has a broad yellow stripe along each side, and the keel is wholly yellow towards the tip : breast and abdomen black ; tip of the ab- domen tawny : legs tawny : wings colourless ; veins yellow. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 5 lines. a, b. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 11. Entylia eeducta, Fem. Testacea ; prothorax Jlavo varius, cornu truncate annatus, postice convexus ; pedes fiavi ; femora nigro vittata ; ala limpidts, alee anticcB basi fulvcc. Black : head and fore-chest testaceous, roughly punctured ; head transverse, somewhat triangular, but rounded in front, slightly impressed, narrower than the fore-chest ; its breadth about twice its length ; hind border of ihe face obtusely angular, occupying nearly half the length of the head : fore-chest slightly marked with pale yellow ; shoulders almost rounded, not prominent ; horn between them vertical, much compressed, truncated, not higher than broad, with two ridges on each side ; behind it the keel is concave for a space, then convex, and lastly declines gradually to the tip, extend- ing far beyond the tip of the abdomen whose sides it embraces : •2c 550 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. tip of the abdomen yellow : legs yellow ; thighs striped above with black ; hind tibise beset with minute black bristles ; wings colour- less ; veins yellow ; fore-wings tawny aud punctured along more than half the length from the base. Length of the body 2^ lines ; of the wings 4f lines. a. United States. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Genus 21. OXYGONIA. Membracis, Oliv.^ Fabr. Entylia, Germ. Hemiptycha, Burnt. Oxygonia, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. .301. Group. 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie^ iv. 301. 1. Oxygonia rufipes. Oxvgonia rufipes, Spinola, MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me ' Serie,iv. 301, 1, pi. 5, f. 19. Columbia. 2. Oxygonia chrysura. Oxvgonia chrysura, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 302, * 2, pi. 5, f. 18. a, b. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 3. Oxygonia auriflua, Fern. Nigra ; caput luteum ; prothorax luteo reticulatus ; cornu dorsale acutum, utrinque tricarinatum ; pectus luteo varium ; pedes Jiavi ; femora et tihim piceo vittata ; metafemora et metatibite picea ; alee anticce subcinerea^ basi et ad costam picece. Body black: head luteous, triangular, transverse, thinly punc- tured, hairy in front, much narrower than the fore-chest, impressed on each side near the eyes ; middle suture very distinct, extending to the face, whose hind border is semicircular and occupies much less than half the length of the head : fore-chest roughly punctured, with luteous ridges, on each side in front with some luteous net- work ; shoulders very prominent, forming rectangular horns ; behind these there is a very acute luteous dorsal horn which inclines slightly LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 551 backward, and has three vertical ridges on each side ; the fore-chest is nearly horizontal for a space behind this horn and then declines abruptly, and thence is liiteous and tapers gradually to the tip which is acute and extends far beyond the tip of the abdomen ; it has three ridges of various length on each side : breast partly tawny: abdo- men ferruginous at the tip beneath : legs yellow, clothed with short white hairs ; thighs and shanks with pitchy stripes ; hind-thighs and hind-shanks pitchy: wings pale gray; fore-wings pitchy and punctured at the base and along part of the fore border, colourless and v^ilh yellow veins at the tips: veins of the hind-wings black. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a, h. Venezuela. From Mr. Dyson's collection. 4. OXYGONIA CONICA. Oxygonia conica, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 302, 3. Bogota. 5. OXYGOMA PACIFICA. Oxygonia pacijfica, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 302,4. Brazil. Group 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 203. 6. Oxygonia dorsalis. Oxygonia dorsalis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 302,5. Bogota. 7. Oxygonia maculicornis. Oxygonia maculicornis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 303, 6. Bogota. 8. Oxygonia erythropus. Oxygonia erythropus, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.2me Serie, iv. 303, 7, pi. 5, f. 17. Hemiptycha erythropus, Burm. Handh. Ent. ii. 1, 139, 2. Brazil. •2 c '2 552 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 9. OXYGONIA RUFIVENTRIS. Oxygonia rufiventris, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 304, 8. Membracis rufiventris, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 14, 8. Entylia rufiventris, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 249, 5. Brazil. 10. Oxygonia signata. Oxygonia signata, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie^ iv. 304, 9. Membracis signata, Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 15, 9. Entylia signata, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 249, 6. Brazil. 11. Oxygonia atroapteea. Oxygonia atroaptera, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 304, 10. Brazil. 12. Oxygonia galeata. Membracis galeata, Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 13. Oxygonia militaeis. Membracis militaris, Fair. Syst. Rhyn. 15, 39. Stall, Cic. pi. 17, f. 90. South America. 14. Oxygonia ndibata. Membracis nimbata, Fahr. Syst. Rhyn. 15, 40. South America. 15. Oxygonia culteata. Membracis cultrata, Coqueb. Illustr. Icon. ii. pi. 18, f. 4. Fabr. Syst. Rhyn. 14, 36. South America. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 553 Group 3. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 304. 16. OXYGONIA ALLIACEA. Oxvgonia alliacea, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2we Serie, iv. * 304, 11. Entylia alliacea, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 249, 7. a — c. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. 17. OxYGONIA ZEBRINA. Oxygonia zebrina, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 305, 12. Venezuela. 18. Oxygonia vieidula. Oxygonia viridula, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 305, 13. Bogota. 19. Oxygonia altifrons. Fulva ; prothoracis carina flava, nigra vittata ; cornu nigrum., conicum ; abdomen ferruginenm, apice piceum vel nigrum ,- pedes rufi, tihiis far.nsque nonnunquam piceis ; ala limpid (C ; alee anticce ad costam picece., macula apicali limpida ; alee posticce ad costce apicem cinerece. Body tawny : head triangular, transverse, thinly punctured, haii-y in front, pitchy and slightly impressed on the disk, narrower than the fore-chest; middle ridge very indistinct; hind border of the face angular, occupying about half the length of the head : fore- chest roughly punctured, ridged, vertical in front and forming a black conical horn, which sends forth a black stripe to each shoulder, the latter is very obtusely angular and not prominent ; three ridges on each side of the horn, from whence the fore-chest forms a bright yellow keel, which extends far beyond the tip of the abdomen, whose sides it embraces ; its dorsal ridge is black, and it has seven or eight slight ridges on each side, and is black at the acute tip, and thence along part of the lower border : abdomen ferruginous, pitchy or black towards the tip : legs red ; shanks and feet sometimes pitchy : wings colourless ; fore-wings punctured at the base and •2 c 3 554 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. along half the length beneath the fore border, which is lurid ; a broad pitchy stripe proceeds along the fore border to the tip, near which it encloses a colourless spot ; hind-wings gray along the fore borders near the tips ; veins pitchy, pale yellow towards the hind borders. Length of the body 3 — 3^ lines ; of the wings 7 — 8 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. South America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 20. Oxygon I A Extensa, Mas. Niyra,Jlavo maculata ; prothorax utrinque quinque-carinaius ; pedes fulvi ; femora nigra; alee suhcinerece ; alee anticce basi fulva, apice fusc(B. Body black, obconical : head and fore-chest roughly punctured, adorned with many yellow marks, some of which are confluent: head transverse, almost semicircular, narrower than the fore-chest ; borders very slightly undulating ; face small, its hind border rounded, not half the length of the head: fore-chest ridged shoulders very obtusely angular, not prominent ; keel concealing the abdomen and extending some distance beyond its tip, having on each side five ridges, some of which are forked towards their tips : legs tawny ; thighs black : wings pale gray ; fore-wings with brown tips, tawny and punctured at the base and along part of the fore border, veins pitchy. Length of the body H line; of the wings 3 lines. a. United States. Presented by the Entomological Club. b. Cincinnati. Presented by G. Lea, Esq. c. Trenton Falls, New York. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. Genus 22. THELIA. Membracis, Fabr., Oliv., Burm. Hemiptycha, Burm., Germ. Atypa ? Delaporte. Smilia, Amyot et Serv. Thelia, Amyot et Serv. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 305. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 555 Group 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 306. Thelia, Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 1. Thelia uesus. Thelia ursiis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 306, 1, pi. 5, f. 10. Bogota. 2. Thelia iwiltoglypta. Thelia miltoglypta, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2ine Serie, iv. 306, 2, pi. 5, f. 4, 12. a. Columbia. 3. Thelia plane flay a. Thelia planeflava, Zefebve MSS. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 306, 3. Brazil. 4. Thelia porphyrea. Thelia porphyrea, Fairm. Ann. Soc. JEnt. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 306, 4. North America. 5. Thelia varia, Fern. Flam, nigra vittata ; abdomen piceum : pedes fulvi ; alee antices nigra, hasi fulvce, apice macula limpida subfasciatcs ; alee posticce limpidce. Yellow : head and fore-chest roughly punctured : head trian- gular, much narrower than the fore-chest, very slightly tuberculate, reddish and hairy about the mouth, whence a black stripe proceeds to the hind border : fore-chest ridged in front, deeply keeled along the back, with an impression on each side by the fore border ; shoulders obtusely angular, slightly prominent ; between them arises a low conical protuberance, whence a gentle and shallow curve extends backward to another elevaiion, which rises above the abdo- men ; thence the fore-chest extends far beyond the tip of the abdo- 556 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. men and is attenuated and luteous towards the tip, which is very acute ; a black stripe proceeds from the fore border, widens and in- closes a diamond-shaped spot in front of the first cone, and a smaller spot on each side of it, and a spindle-shaped spot on the curve, and a small spot on each side of the second cone, and is there interruptedly connected with each side border ; three slight ridges on each side : abdomen pitchy : legs tawny : fore-wings black, punctured for more than half the length from the base, tawny to- wards the base and along the hind border, with a very large oblong colourless spot, which extends almost across the wing from the fore border near the tip ; veins pitchy, tawny where the wings are so, yellow in the colourless part ; one discoidal areolet : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 3| lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a, b. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 6. Thelia bipuncta, Fem. Testacea, Jlavo vittata ; humeri lutei ; carina rufescens ; alee an- ticee testacea, margine postico nigro maculates. Testaceous, shining : head transverse, very short, slightly ru- gulose, almost triangular, with a yellow stripe, pubescent in front, much narrower than the fore-chest ; its breadth much more than twice its length : eyes prominent : fore-chest rather thinly punctured, convex and with a yellow stripe in front, very high, almost conical, and with a very deep keel behind the shoulders, which are rectan- gular, prominent and luteous ; keel reddish along its ridge, slightly and transversely rugulose on each side, much attenuated towards the tip, which is very acute, extending far beyond the tip of the ab- domen : fore-wings testaceous, punctured at the base along part of the fore border, with a small black spot on the angle of the hind border ; veins testaceous ; two discoidal areolets : hind-wings paler. Length of the body 4| lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a, h. Para. From Mr. Stevens' collection. 7. Thelia similis. Testacea, nigro vittata ; alee anticce suhtestacees, margine postico nigra maculatce. Testaceous, shining : head transverse, very short, slightly ru- gulose, almost triangular, with a black stripe, ^pubescent m front, much narrower than the fore-chest ; its breadth much more than LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 557 twice its length : eyes prominent : fore-chest rather thinly punc- tured, convex and with a black stripe in front, high with a deep keel but not conical behind the shoulders, which are rounded and hardly prominent ; keel black along its ridge, slightly and trans- versely rugulose on each side, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, much attenuated towards its tip, which is very acute : fore-wings pale testaceous, punctured at the base and along part of the fore border, with a small brown spot on the angle of the hind border, blackish along the fore border near the tip ; veins testaceous ; two discoidal areolets : hind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Brazil. Presented by John Miers, Esq. b. Brazil. Presented by the Entomological Club. c. d. Brazil. From Mr. Mornay's collection. e. Brazil. 8. Thelia spinigera, Fem. Testacea ; prothorax viridis ; carina testacea vel rufa ; alee anticce sublimpidce, basi et ad costam virides, apice fulvce. Testaceous, shining : head very short, slightly rugulose, trans- versely semielliptical, much narrower than the fore-chest ; its breadth more than thrice its length : eyes not prominent : fore-chest green with a testaceous ridge, punctured, convex in front, very high, al- most conical and with a very deep keel behind the shoulders, which are obtusely angular and rather prominent ; keel pale red along its ridge, slightly and transversely mgulose on each side, extending a little beyond the tip of the abdomen, concave beneath and very much attenuated towards its tip which is very acute : fore-wings almost colourless, green and punctured at the base and along part of the fore border, tawny towards the tips ; veins green, tawny at the tips ; two discoidal areolets, the lower one curved, very large : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. South America. From Mr. Warwick's collection. 9. Thelia conica, Mas. Fulvo-viridis ; prothorax alte carinatus ; carina ferruguieo maeu- lata ; abdomen fuliiun, subtiis nigrum ; pedes testacei ; alcB subfidvcc. Green with a tawny tinge, pubescent: head short, very finely punctured, almost transversely elliptical, slightly angular in front 558 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. and behind, much narrower than the fore-chest; its breadth full twice its length : eyes prominent : fore-chest ridged, conical, very high and with a very deep keel behind the shoulders, which are rounded and rather prominent ; keel with ferruginous marks ; fore- chest a little longer than deep, extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, much compressed but not attenuated towards the tip : ab- domen tawny, black beneath from the base along three-fourths of the length with the exception of the hind borders of the segments : legs testaceous, clothed with short white hairs ; hind-shanks beset with minute black spines: wings very pale tawny; veins tawny. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 10. Thelia axgulata, Fem. Testacea ; prothoracis humeri apice nigri ; carina apicem versus attenuata, nigra ; pedes Jiavi ; alee limpidce. Testaceous : head transverse, almost triangular, a little nar- rower than the fore-chest, finely striated along the hind border, hairy in front; its breadth much exceeding its length; fore sides very slightly convex, with pale yellow edges: fore-chest thickly punc- tured, almost vertical for some height above the head, and forming a transverse obtuse angle between the shoulders, which are slightly prominent and have obtuse angles with black tips ; behind the shoulders is an almost flat triangular compartment, and beyond this a rather deep keel whose sides are slightly concave ; it extends a little beyond the tip of the abdomen, is slightly concave beneath and much attenuated towards the tip which is black and very acute : legs yellow, clothed with short white hairs : wings colourless ; veins yellow ; three discoidal areolets. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Warm Springs, N. Carolina. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. H. Thelia substriata, Mas. Testacea ; femora nigro vittata ; alee limpidce. Testaceous: head and fore-chest thickly punctured : head trans- verse, nearly as broad as the fore-chest, with a slight rim, rather convex behind, very convex in front, with an indistinct suture which is forked in front and extends along each side of the small and al- most triangular face ; its breadth almost twice its length : eyes prominent : fore-chest rising some height above the head, and then LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 559 curved backward but not angular between the shoulders, which are rounded and not prominent ; behind the shoulders the keel com- mences ; its sides are flat ; it extends to the tip of the abdomen, and is slightly concave beneath and attenuated towards the lip which is acute ; a curved furrow on each side, its ends joining the border: a broad black stripe on each thigh : wings colourless ; veins pale yellow; four or five discoidal areolets; apical areolets numerous. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a, b. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 12. Thelia eufivitta, Mas. Testacea ; prothoracis carina rufo hivittata ; ventris discus niger ; alee limpidcB. Testaceous : head and fore-chest thickly punctured : head trans- verse, nearly as broad as the fore-chest, with a slight rim, rather convex behind, very convex in front, with an indistinct suture which is forked in front and extends along each side of the small face ; its breadth almost twice its length: eyes prominent: fore-chest indis- tinctly ridged, rising some height above the head and then curved backward but not angular between the shoulders which are rounded and not prominent ; behind the shoulders the keel commences ; its sides are flat ; it extends to the tip of the abdomen, has a red stripe on each side converging from the shoulder to the tip, is slightly con- cave beneath and attenuated towards the tip which is acute ; curved furrow on each side larger than that of T. substriata : disk of the under side of the abdomen black: wings colourless; veins pale yellow. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. St. John's Bluff, E. Florida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. 13. Thelia lutea, Mas et Fem. Lutea ; prothorax apice niger ; pectus nigrum ; femora supra nigra ; alee limpidcB ; alee anticce basifulvcB. Luteous shining : head punctured, transverse, almost triangular, nearly as broad as the fore-chest ; hind border very slightly undu- lating; fore sides pale yellow, very slightly convex; a slight middle furrow joins the suture on each side of the face whose hind an ; alee posticce limpidce. Ferruginous : head very short, transversely subfusiform, finely punctured, a little narrower than the fore-chest : hind border slightly LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS, 607 retuse in the middle, slightly concave on each side; facehroad, with two indistinct parallel ridges ; hind part broad, less than half the lenp:th of the head : fore-chest punctured, very deep in front, rising vertically from the head, very slightly ridged; shoulders angular, hardly prominent, with a very broad yellow band between them : horns above long, acute, prismatic, rouj^hly punctured, united at the base, yellow beneath, bordered with yellow above, vertical for a short space, then curved and diverging outward ; sides lanceolate ; upper side rather broader than either of the lower sides which are slightly concave; the angle between the two latter is prolonged on each side into a ridge which extends to the hind border of the iore- chest ; hind horn stout, roughly punctured, almost vertical but slightly inclined backward for a short space from the base, then forming a conical protuberance in front and extending nearly at a right angle backwards beyond the tip of the abdomen; hind part slender, tapering, triangular, very undulating, yellow along the middle third of its length, black towards the tip which is very acute: scutelliim long, oblanceolate : legs yellow; hinder shanks beset with very minute black spines : fore-wings dark brown, rather paler to- wards their tips, with a pitchy spot on each hind angle ; stigma and veins [pitchy ; two discoidal areolets : hind-wings colourless ; veins tawny. Length of the body 2| lines ; of the wings 6 lines. a. W. Africa. Presented by B. Frend, Esq. 20. Centrotus latipennis. Fern. FetTWiineus ; caput et profhorax piceo varia ; prothorax antice Jiavo vittatus, postice fiavo fasciatus ; alee anticce luridce. Connects Centroim with Oxi/rachis, allied also to Lycoderes, Ferruginous: head and fore-chest punctured, partly pitchy: head triangular, notched on each side in front, very little narrower than the fore-chest ; lace conical, not half the length of the head : fore- chest very deep and with a slender yellow middle stripe in front, rising vertically from the head, hardly ridged ; shoulders anoular, not prominent ; horns above of moderate length, acute, prismatic, roughly punctured, slightly curved outward, diverging fronj a (-(mi- mon vertical base ; sides lanceolate; upper side a little hroader than the lower sides ; hind horn deep, narrow, triangular, ridged above, proceeding from between the union of the fore horns, convex or curved downward for a space from its base, thence horizontal to its lip which dues not extend to the tip of the abdomen ; a broad yel- low band near its base : shanks slightly widened: fore-wings lurid, broad, punctured for one-third of the length from the base ; tips 608 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. rather broad ; veins ferrupfiiious ; two discoidal areolets : bind-wings paler. Length of the body 2 lines ; of the wings 4\ lines. a, h. Brazil. Presented hy John Miers, Esq. 21. Centeotus altifrons, Fera. Niger ; scutellum picewn ; abdomen supra cinereum ; pedes picei ; femora nigra ; alee anticcc sublurida; ; al, iv. 513, 13. a. North Bengal. From Miss Campbell's collection. 24. Centeotus Tasmania? Fern. Centrotus TasmanicB? Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, 513, 14, ph 3, f. 15. Ferrugineus, angustus ; cornu posticum rufo hlvittatum ; pectus Jlavo-pubescens ; tibice sat latce ; ala anticce fusca, longcB ; al(e posticce limpidce. Ferruginous, clothed with tawny hairs: body rather long and narrow : head transverse, slightly impressed, finely punctured, nar- rower than the fore-chest between the shoulders, convex and slightly retuse on each side in front ; hind part of face angular, occupying a little less than half the length of the head: fore-chest not high, roughly punctured, very slightly ridged ; shoulders obtusely angular, slightly prominent ; horns above very thick, prismatic at the base, ascending, slightly diverging, twisted, quadrilateral towards the tips which are truncated ; fore side and hind side widening towards the tips, the foi-mer with two ridges, the latter concave ; outer side and inner side conical ; length of the horns more than lour times the breadth of the fore-chest between them ; hind appendage extending far beyond the tip of the abdomen, slightly curved, tapering from the base to the tip, red on each side along the lower border; sides of the scutellum and of the breast clothed with yellow down : shanks rather i)road : fore-wings brown, long, lanceolate ; veins ferruginous; three discoidal areolets : hind-wings colourless. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a, b. Van Dieman's Laud. From Dr. Hooker's collection, c. Van Dieman's Land. From Mr. Shuckard's collection. d. ? 2h 610 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 25. Centrotus fuscipennis. Centrotus fuscipennis, Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. 256, 3. Fainn. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 514, 15. a. Cape. From M. Drege's collection. 26. Centrotus capensis. Centrotus capensis. Germ. Silb. Rev. Ent. ii. 256, 2. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, i v. 514, 16. Cape. 27. Centrotus cornutus. Cicada cornuta, irnn. Syst. Nat. ii. 705,6. Faun. Suec. 879. Geoff". Ins. i. 423, 18, pi. 9, f. 2. Schreb. Ins. ii, f. 3, 4. Sulz. Ins. pi. 10, f. 63. Schceff. Icon. pi. 96, f. 2. Scop. Ent. Cam. 435. Geoff. Ins. ii. 423, 18. Fabr. Sp. Ins. ii. 317, 9. Mant. Ins. ii. 264, 19. Gmel. Ed. Syst. Nat. i. 3, 2094, 6. C. fusca, Deg. Ins. iii. 181, 3, pi. 11, f. 22. Ranatra cornuta, Petiv. Gaz. pi. 47, f. 2, 3. Centrotus cornutus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. 14, 22. Syst. Rhyn. 19, 15. Panz. Faun. Germ. 4, 19. Don. Brit. Ins. iii. pi. 83. Oliv. Enc. Meth. vii. 665, 22. Tiyn. 120, pi. 5, f. 3. Germ. Mag. Ent. iv. 32, 1. Curt. Brit. Ent. 313, 1. Duf. Rech. 97. Bunn. Handb. Ent. ii. I, 132, 1. Ramb. Faun. Andal. 206. Blanch. Hem. 112, pi. 13, f. 8. Amyot et Serv. Hist. Nat. Hem. 551, 1. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 514, 17. Costa, Faun. Regn. Nap. Ins. Emitt. Centrotus, 1,1. Crochard, Ed. Regn. An. Ins. pi. 98, f. 5. Membracis cornuta, Petagna, Inst. Entom. ii. 617, pi. 9, f. 2. Centrotus, Amyot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, v. 182, 413. a — c. England. d — i. France. j. Spain. Presented by Capt. Parry. k. Sicily. From Mr. Melly's collection. /. Marseilles. 28. Centrotus curvidens. Centrotus curvidens, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr.2me Serie, iv. 515, 18. Mexico. LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 611 29. Centrotus acanthaspis. Centrotus acanthaspis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 515, 19. Port Jackson. 30. Centrotus trispinifer. Centrotus trispinifer, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie^ iv. 515, 20, pi. 7, f. 35. a. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. b — d. Van Dieraan's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. 31. Centrotus virescens. Centrotus virescens, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 515, 21. a — c. New Holland. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. d. New Holland. Presented by the Entomological Club. e. New Holland. /. Van Dieraan's Land. From Dr. Hooker's collection. g. New South Wales. 32. Centrotus Havanensis. Centrotus Havanensis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Sirie, iv. 516,22. Cuba. 33. Centrotus ursus. Centrotus ursus, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie^ iv. 516, 23, pi. 3, f. 6. Sierra Leone. 34. Centrotus flexuosus. Membracis flexuosa, Fahr. Ent. Si/st. iv. 12,6. Centrotus flexuosus, Fabr. Si/st. Rhyn. 18, 10. Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 516, 24. •2 h2 612 LIST or HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. C. anchorago, Guer. Icon. Reg. An, pi. 59, f. 4. a — c. Tenasserim. Presented by — Packman, Esq. d. East Indies. From Archdeacon Clerk's collection. 35. Centrotus assamensis. Centrotus assamensis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 517, 25. Assam. 36. Centrotus Javanensis. Centrotus Javanensis, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 517,26. Java. 37. Centrotus neuter. Centrotus neuter, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Shie, iv. 517, 27. Java. 38. Centrotus obesus. Centrotus obesus, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie., iv. 518, 28. Java. 39. Centrotus Poeyi. Centrotus Poeyi, Fairm. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 2me Serie, iv. 518, 29. Cuba. 40. Centrotus malleator, Mas. Nigro-cyaneus ; pectus et abdomen nigra ; abdomen supra cinereum, apice piceum ; pedes nigri ; aUe anticce limpidce, basi picece, apice luridcB, ad costce apicem fiisco vittatce ; alcB posticce sub- limpidce, marginibus posticis subfuscce. Nearly allied to C. Jle.vuosus, clothed with pale hairs: head and fore-chest dark blue : head transverse, punctured, much narrower than the fore-chest ; face conical, prominent, a little shorter than the hinder LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. 613 part of the head: fore-chest convex, not ridged, roughly punctured, clothed with pale hairs along the fore border, deep in iront, rising •vertically from the head ; shoulders not prominent ; horns above them broad, thick, prismatic, diverging, hardly inclined backward, about half the length of the space between them ; sides conical : upper side broader than either of the lower sides ; hind horn slightly ascending, forming a very acute angle with the abdomen, thick at the base, slender triangular tapering and almost smooth from thence to the tip which is very acute and extends far beyond the tip of the abdomen : breast and abdomen black : abdomen gray above, punc- tured with black ; tip pitchy, shining : legs black : fore-wings lan- ceolate, pitchy at the base, colourless from thence to the middle with the exception of two or three narrow lurid stripes, lurid from the middle to the tips with the exception of a brown stripe along the hind border ; veins pitchy along part of the fore border, ferruginous along the hind border and towards the lips : hind-wings almost colourless, pale brown along the hind borders; veins pitchy. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. 41. Centrotus malleus, Mas. Nigro-cyaneus ; pectus et abdomen nigra ; abdomen svpra piceiim, apice nigrum ; pedes nigri ; tarsi ferruginei ; aicc limpidce, basi et margine postico picece, apice luridce. Nearly allied to C. malleator^ thinly clothed with pale hairs : head and fore-chest dark blue : head transverse, finely punctured, much narrower than the fore-chest ; face conical, prominent, a little shorter than the hinder part of the head ; epistoma triangular : mouth ferruginous : fore-chest convex, not ridged, roughly punc- tured, finely punctured along the fore border where it is clothed with pale hairs, deep in front, rising vertically from the head ; shoulders not prominent; horns above them broad, thick, prismatic, diverging, hardly inclined backward, shorter than half the length of the space between them ; sides conical ; upper side broader than either of the lower sides; hind horn slightly ascending, forming a very acute angle with the abdomen, thick at the base, slender trilateral tapering and almost smooth from thence to the tip which is very acute and extends far beyond the tip of the abdomen; sides slightly concave : breast and abdomen black; abdomen gray above, punctured vviih black, tip black, shining: legs black; feet ferruginous: fore-wings lan- ceolate, colourless, pitchy at the base and along two-thirds of the fore border, lurid from thence to the tips ; a narrow pitchy stripe along the •2h3 614 LIST OF HOMOPTEROUS INSECTS. hind border ; veins ferruginous, pitcliy along the fore borders: hind- wings colourless. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 8 lines. a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Hooker. 42. Centrotus malleolus, Mas. Nigro-ct/aneus ; pectus et abdomen nigra ; pedes nigri ; tarsi ferru- ginei ; alee antiae luridce hasi picece, margine postico sub- limpidce. Nearly allied to C. malleiLS, thinly clothed with pale hairs : head and fore-chest dark blue: head transverse, finely punctured, almost triangular, much narrower than the fore-chest; face prominent, a little shorter than the hind part of the head : mouth ferruginous : fore-chest convex, hardly ridged, roughly punctured, clothed with pale hairs along the fore border, deep in front, rising vertically from the head ; shoulders obtusely angular, not prominent ; horns above them broad, thick, prismatic, diverging, hardly inclined backward, shorter than half the length of the space between them ; . sides conical ; upper side broader than either of the lower sides which are slightly concave; hind horn almost horizontal, slightly curved down- wards towards the tip, forming a very acute angle with the abdomen and about twice its length, thick at the base, slender trilateral taper- ing and almost smooth from thence to the tip which is very acute and extends very far beyond the tip of the abdomen ; sides slightly concave : breast, abdomen and legs black ; knees and feet ferrugi- nous : fore-wings lurid, pitchy, at the base of the fore border, almost colourless along part of the hind border; veins pitchy, lurid towards the tips: hind-wings pale. Length of the body 3^ lines; of the wings 7^^ lines. a. Java. From Mr. Argent's collection. 43. Centrotus erigens, Fern. Niger ; abdomen cinereo suffusum ; alee sublimpidce ; alee anticce nigro-fusco marginatcc. Black: head and fore-chest roughly punctured: head trans- verse, much narrower than the fore-chest: fore-chest convex, slightly ridged, very deep in front, rising vertically from the head; shoulders obtusely angular, hardly prominent; horns above them broad, thick, prismatic, diverging, very slightly inclined backwards and down- wards, as long as the space between them ; sides conical, sightly and irregularly ridged, of almost equal breadth; hind horn very deep at LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS IXSECTS. 615 the base, slender tapering trilateral ridged and slightly curved from thence to the lip which is acute and extends beyond the tip of the ab- domen : abdomen tinged with gray : fore-wings blackish-brown along the borders, almost colourless in the disks, punctured at the base along three-fourths of the fore border : hind-wings almost colourless. Length of the body 4^ lines ; of the wings 9 lines. a. Philippine Islands. From Mr. Cuming's collection. 44. Centrotus costalis, Fem. Piceus, fiavo varius ; prothorax Jlavo bimaculatus, apice niger ; caput subtus, pecUis et abdomen pier unique jiava ; pedes fulvi ; tarsi basi et apice picei ; alee anticcesubfulvcc, bad et ad costani picece ; alee posticcB sublimpidce. Head and fore-chest pitchy mingled with yellow, shining : head transverse, slightly impressed, thinly punctured, a little narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders ; face angular and pro- minent in front; its hinder part semicircular, about half the length of the hinder part of the head: fore-chest rather shallow, rising vertically above the head, slightly ridged, roughly punctured ; shoul- ders angular, not prominent; horns above them conical, prismatic, diverging, very slightly inclined upwards in accordance with the concavity between them ; their length about equal to the diameter at the base ; upper side and lower side broader than the hinder side : fore-chest behind them keeled, extending much beyond the tip of the abdomen, impressed and with a large yellow spot on each side, tapering and much attenuated towards the tip which is black and acute: head beneath, breast and abdomen mostly yellow : legs tawny ; feet pitchy at the base and towards the tips : fore-wings slightly tinged with tawny, punctured and pitchy at the base, pitchy along the fore border ; veins black; one discoidal areolet: hind-wings al- most colourless. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 10 lines. a. Columbia. From Mr. Turner's collection. 45. Centrotus megaceros, Fem. Niger ; pedes sat longi ; aloe anticce luridce, basi nigrce, costcB basi Jlavo maculat(e. Black, shining: head transverse, impressed, slightly punctured, a little narrower than the fore-chest between the shoulders, slightly retuse in front where it is deeply notched on each side: fore-cbest rugulose, rather shallow, slightly iucliued backward above the head; shoulders angular, hardly prominent; horns above them very long, 616 LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. prismatic, diverging obliquely upward ; tips hooked or inclined at a right angle backward ; inner sides and outer sides broader than the hinder sides ; outer sides slightly concave ; length of the horns equal to twice the breadth of the chest between them ; hind appendage keeled, extending to the tip of the abdomen, tapering and very slender towards the tip which is very acute : breast covered with buff down: legs rather long: fore-wings lurid, black and punctured at the base, with a yellow spot on the fore border near the base ; veins black, pitchy towards the tips ; one discoidal areolet : hind-wings paler. Length of the body 3| lines ; of the wings 9 lines. 46. Centeotus rufiventris, Fern. Ferrugineus ; caput nigro bimaculatum ; cornua lateralia apice nigra ; cornu posticum bicristatum ; abdomen rufum ; pedes nigro vittati ; alcB anticce suhfulvce. Ferruginous, thinly clothed with shining yellow hairs : head transverse, minutely punctured, narrower than the fore-chest, sur- rounded by a rim, with a black spot on each side between the eyelets and the eyes ; face subfusiform, prominent in front, as long as the head behind it : fore-chest roughly punctured, low and inclined backward in front, distinctly ridged; shoulders roimded, not promi- nent: horns above stout, conical, prismatic, diverging, slightly as- cending, black towards the tips which are mutilated in the specimen described ; hind appendage slender, extending to the tip of the abdomen, much attenuated towards the tip which is very acute, armed with two erect, high, compressed, conical, acute humps, one at the base, the other in the middle: abdomen bright red, punctured, blackish towards the base beneath : legs ferruginous ; thighs striped with black : fore-wings pale tawny, tawny and punctured towards the base ; veins tawny ; two discoidal areolets : hind-wings colour- less. Length of the body 3 lines ; of the wings 7 lines. a. Moreton Bay. From Capt. Parry's collection. 47. Centeotus ignipes, Fem. Nigro-cgayieus ; cornua humeralia purpureo-cganea ; cornu posti- cum Jlavo bivittatum ; pectus et abdomen rufa; pedes late rufi ; alee nigra. Dark blue, narrow: bead transverse, impressed, almost smooth, a little narrower than the fore-chest between the eyes ; fore border slightly reiuse; face conical, very prominent, a little shorter than LIST OF HOMOPTEEOUS INSECTS. 617 the length of the head behind it : fore-chest roughly punctured, shallow, inclined blackward above the head ; shoulders angular, not prominent ; horns above them very long, prismatic, bright blue tinged with purple, diverging obliquely upward ; tips truncate, widened and forming acute angles backward ; inner sides and outer sides much wider than the hinder sides which are oblique; length of the horns equal to thrice the breadth of the chest between them ; hind appen- dage keeled, very slightly curved, extending a little beyond the tip of the abdomen, tapering from the base to the tip which is very acute, bright pale yellow along the lower border on each side : breast and abdomen red, the latter pitchy about the ovipositor : legs very brilliant red : wings black ; fore-wings punctured at the base and along part of the fore border; veins blnish-black ; two discoidal areolets. Length of the body 3^ lines ; of the wings 8 lines. rt, b. Jamaica. From Mr. Gosse's collection. 48. Centrotus flavivitta, Mas. Niger ; prothoracis cornu poslicum Jlavo hivittatum ; pedes fer- ruginei ; femora nigra ; tarsi posteriores fulvi ; alee antic