NPS ARCHIVE 1969 BOWMAN, W. LONG WAVE PROPAGATION IN A TRIANGULAR CHANNEL by Wi 11 iam Toft Bowman NAUAL,EIKN°XL,BRARV United States Naval Postgraduate School THESIS LONG WAVE PROPAGATION IN A TRIANGULAR CHANNEL by William Toft Bowman October 196 9 Tku document ken bten appAjovzd rfoi pub tic ie- Ivue. and 6alz; lti> dUVUbution lb unUmittd. \tf>r**9 Pnstrraduate School u.s. Haval Pos^nla 93940 Monterey, Can Long Wave Propagation in a Triangular Channel by William Toft Bowman Lieutenant, United States Navy B.A. , Knox College, 1962 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL October 196 9 ' ' ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine long wave propagation in a shallow channel of triangular cross section. Solutions for small scale (f = 0) , large scale (f ^ o) , symmetric and asymmetric channels are obtained. Results are shown to be consistent with earlier work for the fundamental mode (tA = O) , and with edgewave solutions over a gently sloping bottom for the higher modes. A second class of waves (quasigeostrophic waves) is also obtained when the Coriolis effect is included. The results are compared with those for a rectangular channel. Library Ls;/aval/ostgraduate school Monterey, California 93940 TABLE OF CONTENTS EauAL,EIKNOXL,BRARY I. ii. in. IV. INTRODUCTION ANALYSIS A. EQUATION FOR X > 0 B. EQUATION FOR X < 0 C. SOLUTION SMALL-SCALE CHANNELS A. SYMMETRICAL CHANNEL (n = /• 0) 1. Asymptotic Results 2. Numerical Results 3 . Wave Profiles B . ASYMMETRICAL CHANNEL ( n * /. o") 1. Asymptotic Results 2. Numerical Results 3 . Wave Profiles LARGE-SCALE CHANNELS A. SYMMETRICAL CHANNEL (n = /. o) 1. Asymptotic Results 2. Numerical Results B. ASYMMETRICAL CHANNEL (n * /. o) 1. Asymptotic Results 2. Numerical Results 9 10 11 12 13 16 16 16 18 21 21 21 23 23 28 28 28 29 29 29 32 V. COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR A RECTANGULAR CHANNEL 35 AND A SYMMETRIC TRIANGULAR CHANNEL A. SMALL-SCALE (i = O) 35 B. LARGE-SCALE ({ * 0) 37 APPENDLX A - Fortran IV Program to Solve Patching Equation 3 9 for Small-Scale Channels APPENDIX B - Fortran IV Program to Solve Patching Equation 41 for Large-Scale Channels APPENDIX C - Dispersion Relation for Dronkers' Rectangular 43 Channel BIBLIOGRAPHY 45 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 46 FORM DD 1473 47 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Coordinate System 10 2 Solution Region for x > 0 12 3 Solution Region for * < 0 12 4 Dispersion Relation: Symmetric Channel 19 (W. < < i) 5 Dispersion Relation: Symmetric Channel 20 (f=0, n=l) 6 Wave Profiles: Symmetric Channel (n=l) 22 7 Dispersion Relation: Asymmetric Channel 24 (f=0, n=2.0) 8 Dispersion Relation: Asymmetric Channel 25 (f=0, n=5.0) 9 Wave Profiles: Asymmetric Channel (n=2.0) 26 10 Wave Profiles: Asymmetric Channel (n = 5„0^ 27 11 Dispersion Relation: Symmetric Channel 30 (f^O, n=l) 12 Dispersion Relation: Quasigeostrophic Waves 31 (f¥0, n=l) 13 Dispersion Relation: Asymmetric Channel 33 (f*0, n = 2o0) 14 Dispersion Relation: Asymmetric Channel 34 (f%0, n = 5.0^ 15 Triangular vs . Rectangular Channels 35 16 Dispersion Relations: Symmetric Triangular vs . 36 Rectangular (f = 0) 17 Dispersion Relations: Symmetric Triangular vs . 38 Rectangular (f # 0) 5 LIST OF SYMBOLS he maximum depth of channel g gravitational acceleration (",v) velocity components (U,V) "X -variation of velocity components j* surface height ^ "X -variation of surface height S slope n slope factor (n £ l) o and ns (n;>l>) for y. < o (under the shallow water approximation s, ns < c 1 ) . The depth then is h(V) = ho + r\SX (* < o). (2) The equations to be satisfied are the shallow-water equations of motion ^u r ail IT ~fv +g^ c^V =r 0 ^r 0 (3) (4) and the continuity equation 2 *■«•■*♦»•# +■»- (5) 10 where u = -x - component of velocity v - y - component of velocity £> = surface height and y is along the channel. A wave motion in the y direction may be prescribed by the substitutions f = n\ (x) e 3 ;. (rro r* is the wave number, and cr the frequency. Then for 0 and x<0 separately, and the results will be patched to insure wave-height and velocity continuity at X = 0 . A. EQUATION FOR X > 0 Let £ =ho/s - * . Then <#Jx = - ^1, ^x* = <**«*/<*?. and h (V) =h0-S*x = S^ . The solution region is shown in Figure 2. 11 I = NyJr f=v? SOLUTION REGION Figure 2 Then (8) becomes ffi^ +'& + fa-'**f>t - where ^0 _ ***1 f (9) (10) B. EQUATION FOR X < O Let £' = "X -+■ ho/n5 . Then h^^fio-f n S*=ns£ and the corres ponding solution region is shown in Figure 3. SOLUTI OH REG-ION Figure 3 Then (8) becomes ?'^+4£ +(F'-'«*S*)n dr j? = 0 (11) where (12) 12 SOLUTION Using the substitutions nCO= e""^' c*>«) <13) equation (9) and (11) are put into hypergeometric form (Slater [1960J ): where W= 3l£ m , and w' = Si g'on • These equations have solutions of the form G = A F*, (w) + C H (w) (x > o) G= BfrCwO + DHV) (x < o) where (15) (16) P-vn ex — 2 Be" fv< is a convenient nondimensional frequency. Similarly, a- * ^9n* = ' " ^* (29) and -a- = -^x = 0 - a*) -3* . (30) Equating like terms in (28) and (30) yields the following relationship between a. and a/ : 0- a«.) = n(i- 3*') • (3D Then equation (24) relates nondimensional wave numbers Wo and frequencies c< . A. SYMMETRICAL CHANNEL (n = /.o) 1 . Asymptotic Results For channels with sides of equal slope (31) gives a. - a! . If VJo < < 1 / and a. is bounded, an asymptotic result can be 16 obtained. Dropping terms of 0(W0 ) and higher in (25) gives (l -3«0 ~ W, [Z« -f «.<>- l)] (w0<v^ , this can be written c1 = % g h. (35) which is identical to Kelland's result for a symmetric triangular channel. Since the average depth is ho/'x > then this result also corresponds to the classical result for long waves over a flat bottom: C = q h • Other asymptotic results for V/o <<1 and ) . .3 Tin^ w* aW., = etc. 17 This converges rapidly to - clWo = I. va 4 0 (-£) and from (28) , ^ ~ /. V5 . (36) Similar techniques could give the other asymptotes suggested by the numerical results presented below. For W. >> 1 (short waves), it is expected on a physical basis that the waves in the two parts of the channel become independent of one another, and that Ursell's edgewave result «-> = Ci*-H) (M» 0> l,lv ..) (37) would hold. Although this has not been confirmed here analytically, it is borne out by the numerical results. 2 . Numerical Results A Fortran IV computer program to solve (24) for small scale channels (f zr c/) is given in Appendix A. The results for the symmetric channel (n = l>0) are shown in Figures 4 and 5. In Figure 5, the dispersion relation for the fundamental mode (p\ •=. o) and the next five modes are plotted. For Vn/o < < 1 (Figure 4) the calculations agree well with the asymptotic results (34) and (36). For W« > > 1 / note that ex ~ fart + 0-T^ (K* *>'»*i • • 0 or u __ ( j p\ f j ) g ^ s (M« °»'^) "'^ which is the same as (37). 18 Dispersion Relation: Symmetric Channel ( W, << I ) (f=0,n=1 .0) 19 IOO0 ro to 0 no Figure 5 Dispersion Relation: Symmetric Channel (f=0,n=1.0) 20 3 . Wave Profiles Figure 6 is a sketch of the wave profiles for modes 0 through 5 showing the nodal points for the symmetrical channel. Note that the nodes for all modes are symmetric about the center of the channel. The profile for the fundamental mode fM = o) has no nodes along the channel. Wave mode (7*1 = l) is the first asym- metric profile, corresponding to the solution n(£)= -??(£') fp^(vy.)= oj. Wave mode (W-2) has a symmetric profile with two nodal points. The higher modes have symmetric profiles for even mode numbers and asymmetric profiles for odd (tf[) , with the number of nodal points equal to (tA)- Tne nodal points (except X - o ) move toward the channel walls with increasing Wo • This corresponds to the edge- wave condition for short waves (large y*\ ) . B. ASYMMETRICAL CHANNEL (n ^ I. d) 1 . Asymptotic Results For Vv/„ < < 1 and a. bounded, (24) can be written I - ("* + «') = wc[««W) + al^O + °L(£D] + o(w;) . (38) Since VJ0 < < 1 , then a. + a. ~ 1 . Using (3 1) , this gives a. + £7j" (a ol + n- /) ~ I so that a. » /i ; *' ~ 'A • Let a. = ^ - € and a'« & — €*. Then (38) gives W^ ~7 O + O (39) 21 Figure 6 Wave Profiles: Symmetric Channel (n=1.0) 22 which with (28) and (30) gives This is the same as (34), and is independent of n. Other results for V/> << 1 similar to (36) are expected for asymmetric channels but are not examined here. 2 . Numerical Results The results for n = 3.0 and r\ - 5.0 are shown in Figures 7 and 8. In each case, the asymptotic result (34) is confirmed In fact, the entire dispersion relation for the fundamental mode (M = o) appears to be independent of n . The higher modes have all been shifted to higher frequencies in comparison with the symmetric case. 3. Wave Profiles Profiles for n= 1.0 and n =i 5"0 are shown in Figures 9 and 10. Again the fundamental mode (M»0) is unchanged, but the higher modes have been altered significantly from the symmetric case. 23 loao Dispersion Relation: Asymmetrical Channel (f=0,n=2.0) 24 loao Dispersion Relation: Asymmetrical Channel (f=0,n=5.0) 25 Figure 9 Wave Profiles: Asymmetric Channel (n=2.0) 26 Figure 10 Wave Profiles: Asymmetric Channel (n=5.0) 27 IV. LARGE-SCALE CHANNELS For large channels where the Coriolis effect must be considered, (10), (12), and (17) give //=/-a«.»-4 (Va-0 - Z7 and (40) a, where <*^- = «"/f . Equating like terms in (40) , c^ =-*ktl and " = *<£&)[ feS&fe)1- '1 (41) (42) where V = At. .y.?. . Now W* must satisfy both (24) and (42). A. SYMMETRICAL CHANNEL (n = /. o) 1 . Asymptotic Results From (41), a. and a.' are related by ck =■ a.' ■+• /or. But for Wo << 1 and ur bounded, (42) implies that Jcu-ha'J is large, so that a. -si a.' • Then (40) gives This can be written -** = ~^(^1 0 - 7ZF. (44) 28 From (36) and (44) , l^4 = -&-Cur»-0 - -b Cu.«A U, w. Dropping the small term gives us*= ±^ + | . (45) 2 . Numerical Results A Fortran IV computer program to solve (24) and (42) is given in Appendix B. A value of )( = 0. 1 is chosen, which corresponds approxi- mately to the dimensions of the Red Sea. The results for the symmetric channel are shown in Figure 11. Note that for Wo < < 1 / the asymp- totic result (45) is confirmed. For LJ~ < < 1 a new class of waves appears. These are analogous to the quasigeostrophic edgewaves obtained by Reid. Figure 12 is an expanded plot of these low frequency waves . For UT, V/» >> 1 (short high-frequency waves) , the Coriolis effect should be negligible. Then, for a fixed W., the frequencies > 1 . (46) B. ASYMMETRICAL CHANNEL (h*/. o) 1 . Asymptotic Results For Wo < < 1 and (0 s o •H £ ft O CM u T-l ■p tfl 0) 0 u 0 3 bO bO •H •H tn b. (0 c o •H •p CB H <1> « O •H « - 31 2 . Numerical Results The results for n = a.o and n ■ S. o are shown in Figures 13 and 14. Note that all modes have been shifted to higher frequencies in comparison with the symmetric case. Also for uT, \JD > > 1 the f = o and f * o results give good agreement via (46) . 32 ur Figure 13 Dispersion Relation: Assymetric Channel ( f *£> ,n=2.0) 33 Figure lk Dispersion Relation: Asymmetric Channel ( f xO ,n=5 • 0 ) 34 V. COMPARISON OF RESULTS FOR A RECTANGULAR CHANNEL AND A SYMMETRIC TRIANGULAR CHANNEL The dispersion relation due to Dronkers for a channel of uniform depth (h) and width (w) is (Appendix C) CM = o,t»a> . ..), (4 7) It is reasonable to compare channels of equal average depth, (Figure 15' Figure 15 Then h = ho/a. and W= 2h*/s , and (47) becomes A. SMALL-SCALE (f = 6) For small-scale channels (f = 0) , (48) becomes (48) (49) This agrees with (34) for the fundamental mode (tA-0). This dispersion relation (4 9) is compared with that for a symmetric triangular channel in Figure 16 . 35 IOOlO 5ao zoo 5.0 l.o Rectangular Channel Triangular Channel r.o /«.o Figure 16 Dispersion Relations : Symmetric Triangular vs. Rectangular (f=0) too 36 B. LARGE-SCALE (f * 0) For large-scale channels (f^o), (48) becomes WoJ = HX(<±x-i) -ttV (m« o,ina ) (so) This dispersion relation (50) is compared with that of a symmetric triangular channel in Figure 17. 37 Dispersion Relations : Symmetric Triangular vs. Rectangular (fxO) 38 APPENDIX A FORTRAN IV PROGRAM TO SOLVE PATCHING EQUATION FOR SMALL-SCALE CHANNELS IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,0-Z) DIMENSION C(36)/C(36)/CP(36),DP(36)/CCP(36)/CDP(36)/DCP(36)/WORK * (36) , B(36) , ROOTR(36) ,ROOTI(36) 1 READ(5,5)A 5 FORMAT (F 10. 5) IF(A.EQ.-9.50)GOTO99 S=5.0 AP=(S+2 . 0*A-1 . 0)/(2 . 0*S) WRITE(6,10)A,AP,S 10 FORMAT (35X, 'A = ' , F10 . 5 , 5X, 'AP= ' , F10 . 5 , 5X; 'N = ' , F5 . 2 ,/) C(l) = 1.0 C(2)=A DO 2 N =3,12 C(N)=C(N-l)*(A+(N-2))/((N-l)*(N-l)) 2 CONTINUE D(1)=A D(2^=A*(a+l)/2.0 DO 3 N=3,12 D(N)=D(N-1)*(A+(N-1))/((N-1)*N) 3 CONTINUE CP(1) = 1.0 CP(2)=AP/S DO 4 N=3,12 CP(N)=CP(N-l)*(AP+(N-2))/(N-l)*(N-l)*S) 4 CONTINUE DP(1)=AP DP(2)=AP* (AP+l)/(2 . 0*S) DO 6 N=3, 12 DP(N)=DP(N-1)*(AP+(N-1))/((N-1)*N*S) 6 CONTINUE DO 7 K=l,12 CCP(K) = 0.0 DO 7 1=1,12 DO 7 1=1,12 IF(I+J.NE.K)GOT07 CCP(K-1)=CCP(K-1)+C(I)*CP(J) 7 CONTINUE DO 8 K=l,12 CDP(K) = 0.0 DO 8 1=1,12 DO 8 1=1,12 IF(I+J.NE.K)GOT08 CDP(K-1)=CDP(K-1)+C(I)*DP(J) 39 8 CONTINUE DO 9 K=l,12 DCP(K)=0.0 DO 9 1=1,12 DO 9 1=1,12 IF(I+J.NE.K)GOT09 DCP(K-1)=DCP(K-1)+D(I)*CP(J) 9 CONTINUE DO 11 N=l,ll B(N)=CCP(N)=CDP(N)-DCP(N) 11 CONTINUE CALL DPOLRT(B/WORK/ 10 ,ROOTR,ROOTI, IER) WRITE (6 , 25) (ROOTR(I) , ROOTI(I) ,1=1, 10) 25 FORMAT (//,4X,2D25. 16,/) WRITE (6, 3 0) IER 30 FORMAT (5 OX, 12) GOTOl 99 STOP END 40 APPENDIX B FORTRAN IV PROGRAM TO SOLVE PATCHING EQUATION FOR LARGE-SCALE CHANNELS IMPLICIT REAL*8(A-H,0-Z) DIMENSION C(36) ,D(36) ,CP(36) , DP(36),CCP(36), CDP(36), DCP(36), WORK * (36) ,B(36) ,ROOTR(36) , ROOTI(36) CF=1.0D-04 H=1000.0 G=9.8 SLP=0.1 S=5.0 CAPA=.10 1 READ(5,5)W 5 FORMAT (F 10. 5) IF(W.GT. 14.5)GOT099 WRITE (6, 10) W 10 FORMAT(50X/,W='/F10.5,/) OMEGA=C5 0 12 OMEGA=OMEGA-.001 IF (OMEGA. DE.0.0)GOTOl A=. 5* (1 . 0/OMEGA+l . 0-(CAPA* (OMEGA* OMEGA- 1 . 0))/W) AP=. 5* (1.0-1. 0/OMEGA-(CAPA* (OMEGA*OMEGA-l . 0)/(W*S))) C(l)=1.0 C(2)=A DO 2 N=3,12 C(N)=C(N-l)*(A+(N-2))/((N-l)*(N-l)) 2 CONTINUE D(1)=A D(2)=A*(A+l)/2.0 DO 3 N=3,12 D(N)=D(N-1)*(A+(N-1))/((N-1)*N) 3 CONTINUE CP(1)=1.0 CP(2)=AP/S DO 4 N=3,12 CP(N)=CP(N-l)*(AP+(N-2))/((N-l)*(N-l)*S) 4 CONTINUE DP(1)=AP DP(2)=AP* (AP+l)/(2 . 0*S) DO 6 N=3,12 DP(N)=DP(N-1)*(AP+(N-1))/((N-1)*N*S) 6 CONTINUE DO 7 K=l,12 CCP(K)=0.0 DO 7 1=1,12 DO 7 J=l, 12 IF(I+J.NE.K)GOT07 41 CCP(K-1)=CCP(K-1)+C(I)*CP(J) 7 CONTINUE DO 8 K=l,12 CDP(K)=0.0 DO 8 1=1,12 DO 8 J=l, 12 IF(I+J.NE.K)GOT08 CDP(K-1)=CDP(K-1)+C(I)*DP(J) 8 CONTINUE DO 9 K=l,12 DCP(K)=0.0 DO 9 1=1,12 DO 9 1=1,12 IF(I+J).NE.K)GOT09 DCP(K-1)=DCP(K-1)+D(I)*CP(J) 9 CONTINUE DO 11 N=l,ll B(N)=CCP(N)-CDP(N)-DCP(N) 11 CONTINUE FCN=B(1)+B(2)*W+B(3)*W*W+B(4)*W**3+B(5)*W**4+B(6)*W**5+B(7)*W**( * + B(8)*W**7+B(9)*W**8+B(10)*W**9+B(ll)*W**10 WRITE(6,15)A,AP,OMEGA,W,FCN 15 FORMAT(2X,4F15.7,D25.16) GOT012 99 STOP END 42 APPENDIX C DISPERSION RELATION FOR DRONKERS' RECTANGULAR CHANNEL A. FORMULATION The equations to be satisfied are: Substitution of into (1) and (2) gives kU- fV + f#- = 0 (2) (3) (4) Then , for