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II Hjder Sliade of J II


Victoria Clemmons and Rochelle

Goreham: Roommates by chance, friends by choice.

The Loins I99H998 Peace Cnllfipf!

15 E. Peace St. Raleigh, NC 27604

(919) 508-2000 Student Population: 483



' tarting a new year always brings about some new changes and perspectives. Within the past four years. Peace Col- lege has grown from a two yea r school to a four year college. Our theme, A Wider Shade of Green, describes the way that our school has grown and taken on many more intellectual and extracurricu- lar aspects. Peace now has a "wider" range of classes, of ethnic and of geographi- cal backgrounds, as well as a more extensive career contact source, f With every new idea presented to a student or to any per- son a wider perspec- tiveis given and makes those things known be- fore richer, more useful or obsolete. Our "Shade" has changed over

the years as well. We have grown and matured and given ourselves a deeper, or wider, shade of being. Originally formed as a finishing school, Peace has evolved into an intellectual institution existing for the purpose of iiigher education and the career development of female students.

We have chosen to use '^^m^^^ "Green" as a symbol of H^^pfl^V Peace itself. This color

^^y^^ being the associated ^2tA wl^ school color it rep- resents Peace in W this way as well as being repre- 1 sentative in na- ture as a sign of life and growth. It is a color that attaches itself to many diverse plants and other pointsofnature, and can repre- sent that diver- sity of interests and background of Peace students themselves. The same life and growth that is seen on campus, we have tried to reflect in this year's copy of the Lotus. We hope that this new and exciting book will motivate you to take a look at A Wider Shade of Green.


Ue hope M fhis neiii and excifino booh ujill moiivaie you [0 tdhe d looh di HHidsfStjadeofSfesfj.


' I 'lie Peace College Campus ■*• is alive with activity. The bricks of the buildings form the physical founciation of Peace but we students represent the heart of it. From the everyday hustle of students traversing the walks to the special meetings and fun ac- tivities planned, there is no want for something to do. Presented in this section are captured moments of campus life at Peace College. Everything from dances to dorm life, Mother and Father/ Daugh- ter weekends to Stunt Night is included here. This is the view that we get from inside Peace buildings or out on the brick walks. This is the heart of Peace.





The bfichs form rtie pliijsicol foundotion of Peace, tiufiue students represent ttietortofif.



;a Skidniore "ue ivicPherson

1 uios on enloiioble experience fo mahe ffie audience Ifluofi!"

Horen Balcli


n Jtinuary 22 nt 7;00 students f.>Pcl C


'and faculty gathered together in the recital hall for another battle of the sister classes ...this time for

Stunt Night. .._.'>;Ia Ci UU WVCiclTl

ig Beltor

For over a week the girls practiced, '>- V' ^111.1 each group trying to get their skit to be the very best. - / - '- ^


The first skit to be performed was the Freshman/Junior production of "15 EAST: A news show. Sort of." Meredith Royall and Roni Garcia played news anchors Crystal Light and Koola Aid. They dazzled the au- dience with reports about the honor pledge, moving day, the Fall Cock- tail, and, parking problems. They even threw in a commercial. At the end they invited the audience to join them on stage in a celebration of the Freshman /Junior graduation year of 1999.

Not to be outdone, the Sophomore/ Senior production of the musical "Annie" walked awav with the win. In their production, Devon Umstead played Annie, a girl thinking about coming to Peace. Throughout the skit Annie enrolled at Peace and eventually graduated as well. At the end of this musical thev scored twenty points higher than the Fresh- man/Junior sister class. '^

y Drake i wards

I Gtc

1 .[-iardison

.Medd i O'Dea Roberts t.oyal ,a\v ■iiler rnpson





)n Umstead

Susan VVille>



"It was a lot of fun! I'll do it

again! BUlie Vdndertord

I'm definitely going to be in it next year! It looked like a lot of fun!'



Just before 4:00 P.M. on August 17, 1997, approximately 211 women, dressed in white, filed into Kenan Recital Hall. They watched as the Peace College Faculty entered wearing full Academic regalia. What was going on? This was the start of the 126th Annual Freshman Academic Convocation.

Convocation, which is the of- ficial opening of the academic year, is one of Peace's stron- gest traditions. It provides the faculty with an opportu- nity to welcome the first-year students to the school. In ad- dition, many students are rec- ognized as scholarship re- cipients.

Tori Mervyn remembered leaving the Recital Hall after Convocation and noticing a few professors who were try- ing to duck out of a different door. Tori said, "When they opened the door, an alarm went off and they started run- ning away."

Michelle Behvand's favorite part was seeing the professors and teachers wearing their aca- demic regalia. She said it showed how they had worked hard and succeeded. Now it was our turn lo do the same.

The girls o( (irst Finley attend Convocation.

Before heading to the dining hall for a special meal, Katie tilchheld. Lauren O'Neal. Sarah Newton, and Shelby Barber pose for a picture.


Below; Dr. Amngton's winning skit was a talk show recognizing the dysfunctional students

of the institute, starnng Sarah Tipton as the talk show host.

Right: Freshmen Crystal Callihan. Lisa Carter. Britt Adams, and Mary Bell huddled together

for a group photo-

far below: Hary Bell, Margie Flowers, and Kim Turner took a break from their English

work to have a cold drink at Starbucks.

In late July roughly fifty freshmen pre paretd for an intense English writing experience. They didn't just write, how- ever The freshmen attended church at Duke University, toured downtown Raleigh, took a shopping trip to the Crabtree Valley Mall, and participated in a variety of fun acti\'ities on campus as well.

"I lihed oeffino o lump M on colleoe. beiny able to leorn M colleye orounds, ond getiino to hnoiu people

Melinds HMm.

Most students left the Writing Institute feeling that they had an advan- tage over other incoming freshmen. They now knew some of the faculty, other freshmen, and the layout of the campus.



'^0 C(^.


Once again. Fall Fest conjured up a lot of school spirit among Peace College students. Sister classes (sophomore/ senior, fresh- man/junior) competed in a variety of activities such as a relay race, pumpkin carving contest and a cos- tume contest resulting in a trium- phant \ictorv at the end of the week for the freshman and junior classes. The week ended with a cocktail held at Artspace on November 1, 1997. This year's theme was "How Bizarre", and as the song goes, if you want to know the rest Hey, buy the rights!

Above; Heather Medd foresees an excellent meal at the Halloween Theme Dinner.



Left: Sheryl Wellons supports her sister classes by bobbing lor apples during Fall Fest,

8elow: Heather Evans, Katherine Costa, Stephanie Mcphearson, Amanda Garry, ,ind Carrie Bryant stop for a quick pose before attending the flalloween Costume Contest.



Above; Stephanie Carden and Kelly Dowd dance the night away at the Fall Cocktail.

f \^

Left: Meredith Hardison and friends |oin a conga line at the cocktail.



"I enjoy being back in a dorm where lifelong friendships can be made."- Jamie Averette

"Being a returning student, 1 love living in the dorms because it is so familiar and all of the girls are so nice." -Jennifer Woodyard

"Smarter than vou

think, stronger than

you beheve, braver

than you seem."-

Sara Bover

"It has been exciting and a real experience." - Austin Royal


Peace College celebrates one of its

mosi popular traditions, Parents

Weekend, in front of historical Mam.

Carrying on a Peace College tradition, Parent's Weekend took pkice October 4th to 6th, 1997. Along with the opportunity to meet Peace faculty and staff, parents were able to see the place their daughter calls a "home away from home." One of the highlights of the weekend was the return of the famous beach music band. The Embcrf. Parents, students, and staff had the chance to sit back and relax on the front lawn, or to dance the afternoon away. The day ended when everyone joined together in the recital hall for a historical musical called "Hats off to Peace." Parents weekend was once again a success and now is one more event added to Peace College history.

[lie liieeliend mas ttie return of... TtieEmtos.


In their Hawaiian attire, The Embers take over (he stage for another parents weekend at Peace College.


First Finley definitely has its advantages: no ^._ ^^ dreadful stairs to climb ■^yJjj^B or an elevator whose gate never seems to be closed. Gina Everett says, "1 just love my hall! 1 love all the girls on mv hall

Don't let Teresa Morris's smile fool you. She appears to be quite bashful, but she sail : actually gi in trouble for being so noisy!"







Above: The residents of Frnzier Dorm.



Right: Jennifer Perkinson enjoys Main. Living in Main, you are at the center of the action. Everything is close by. You only have to take a couple of steps to talk to professors, and to pick up flowers on V-Day.

'^Family Weekends

Tiroughout the school year Peace organizes weekends in which the famihes of students can come and have fun. On Mother/ Daughter weekend in the fall, mothers spent the night with their daughters. On Saturday they explored the Museum of Art and later en- joyed a movie together. When the fathers came to visit in the spring for Father/ Daughter day they got to have some fun as well. The Peace Lionesses entertained the dads as the basketball team battled it out. Later the fathers spruced up to dance with their daughters.

Little Sister weekend was by far the most favored of any of the family weekends. The little sisters ranged in age from five to fifteen and on. No matter what the age everyone enjoyed the activities. Girls wobbled all over the ice at the Ice Plex where the students made their first stop. They then enjoyed activi- ties such as the Eas- ter Egg Hunt in the f ^R Recital Hall and mov- ies in Belk Lounge.

Right: Katie titchfield shook the hand ol Kim Turner's lather while leaving alter a special Father/Daughter chapel on Sunday in which he was a guest speaker lot the sermon along with Maun Lybrand's lather.


Leit: These lathers could be seen enjoying a basketball game with their daughters during father/Daughter weekend

Below: PSCA President Sarah Murphy and her lather were on their way to dinner and dancing in the dining hall on Saturday night.

Il P

Right: Tanika Hill helped her little sister count out her eggs after the hunt was over in hopes that she would win a prize.

Below: Lisa Kennedy helped her little sister decorate a paper bag that would later be filled with eggs from the hunt.

Little girls scrambled all over the Recital Hall as their "Big Sisters" helped them find eggs filled with prues during the Easter egg hunt.

Right: Blair Coppedge and McGee Antinori showed their little sisters a great lime at the skating rink as they glided on the ice.





"Being in [lie Doiino Game mas fun, but [he l)es[ port mas Agin M audience af[er our

[urn and ma[c[]ing Jamie Bromn's game.

Slie M [[lose iioys (lancing. I[ mas crazy!"

-Jamie Sufgeon

Need a date? Try the Dating Game! Sara Bowman, Victoria Clemons, Jamie Surgeon, Bea Hayden, Meredith Hardison, Emily Harrell, Valerie Cormani, and Jamie Brown all tried their luck in this year's annual event. How- ever, Sara Bowman, Bea Hayden, Meredith Hardison, and Jamie Brown left with a man that night.

There were four games in all, two with the guys asking the questions and two with the Peace girls asking the ques- tions. "How do you like to eat your Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?" and "What

is your best pick-up line in a dance club?" were just a couple of the questions asked.

The audience was able to see quite a bit of craziness before the end of the game. Jamie Surgeon sang, Shuna Dozier danced, and in the third game, a guy named Jimmy Shiltz stripteased. Another boy, David Holt, was on crutches and was forced to pass when Meredith Hardison asked him to show off his moves. The next boy quickly grabbed one of David's crutches and used it as his dancing partner. Needless to say, lots of laughs were had.

This boy tried to win a date by showing off his dancing skills, among other things.

As Jamie Surgeon

describes what she is

wearing. Victoria

Clemmons and

Hayden watch and





T A That would vou ha\'e to do to V Vdeserve receiving a gift a day for four days? Would you believe nothing? From February 9"' to the 12"\ that's just what happened for many Peace students. PSCA spon- sored "Peanut Week" in which par- ticipating students were given the name of a girl and then acted as their secret "peanut." They gave them a present each day. On that Thursday, a special "peanut" din- ner was held so the gift-givers could reveal themselves.

A table was set up in the Main lobby to act as the "drop off" and "pick up" zone. By lunchtime, piles of goodies covered the table and girls hovered around, in search of the package with their name on it. Teresa Morris, a freshman, was ex- cited about Peanut Week, but also had some reser\'ations. "In the past, 1 have had some bad experiences with Secret Santas," she said, "But my pea- nut, Stephanie Garden, was the best!"


Patrice Moorefield and enny Clarke chat about peanut week during dinner in the Dining Hall.

By noon each day

of Peanut Week.

the table was

covered in gifts and

girls crowded

around, looking for

their name.





Yogci. Shagging. Alcoholism. What do these things have in common? They were all types of dorm educationals.

During the first semester, each Resi- dent Assistant chose an educational for her hall. Every student was re- quired to participate in one educa- tional each semester. Many halls joined together and learned self- defense one evening. Friends paired up and practiced "beatin; each other up."

Things ran differently during sec- ond semester. After the RA's de- cided what type of educational they would like to hold, it was an- nounced. All students were .wel- come to attend any eduijcttional of their choice. Karen Balch chose "Amazing Glaze/^as her educa- tional. The students went to a stu-

dio and painted ceramics. Other educationals Included Alcohol Law Enforcement, the environment, and ice skating. Overall, the change was appreciated and the educationals were found to be, well, educational.


What were ihey doing'? Rochelie Goreham and friends goof off in the halls of Ross dormitory.

What reallv goes on within the walls of Peace dormitories? Well, exactly what you would imagine! If students were not study- ing, watching TV, or running up their phone bill, they were probably sleeping.

Each dorm had its own memories and took on its own personality. Third Finley was known for being loud. Main was known for being close-knit, and Davidson was referred to as the "Hilton" because it seemed to be "more luxuri- ous" than the others. C "^^

It was in dorms that many friendships were created. Mauri Lvbrand said, "I liked bonding and making new friends. It's much easier living on campus."

"I lihed bonding ond mahing neuj friends, irs mucli easier living on campus."

Mflufi Lijtifand

E a




Spring fling was fl blast this year with the first ever Red Rose Ball held at the Elk's lodge in Raleigh. The students and their dates danced the night awav with Cream of Soul, a 70's and 80's funk band. The Spring Fling fun contin- ued the following day with the Spring Carnival. Students and their dates were invited out on Peace Beach for fun, food, games, and ex- citement. Karaoke was available for those who dared to sing and many enjoyed the giant moonwalk, making the 1998 Spring Ring a huge success.

Above: Amy Cavanaugh runs the balloon booth at the Spring Carnival,

Left: Br^an Smith unsuccessfully tries to throw the ball into the glasses. Below: Lia Luisi antj AmancJa Skidmore soak up the sun at the carnival


Left: Samaniha Jones and Elizabeth Fronzalia lake a break

between dances.


I M I" nWBIIPJi ^m%



The Peace Student Government Associa- tion is an organization of student leaders, both elected and appointed, who create an avenue of change in which the individual concerns and opinions of the student body are represented.

The Peace Student Recreation Associa- tion is a branch of the Student Govern- ment Association that is responsible for initiating and coordinating the intramu- ral and recreational sports/ activity pro- gram for the college.

The Minority Student Association's ma- jor purposes include supporting the all- around development of minoritv students and promoting multicultural awareness and appreciation of diversity.

Circle K is an international service net- work which not onlv provides service to others but also provides services for you. Opportunities are provided for personal development, leadership development and professional development.

Le Cenacle de Peace is a group of stu- dents who have completed or are pres- ently in their second semester of a 300- or 400- level French Course. The purpose of this group is to promote the love of learn- ing about France, her culture, literature, art, music, and all things relevant to the past and present of the French nation.

The Chamber Singers are a select group of 18 singers. A high standard of excel- lence is maintained for this choral organi- zation throughout its many performances on and off campus.


The purposes of the Peace Student Christian As- sociation are to provide students with the oppor- tunity tor worship and Christian service on and off campus, and to encourage the development of Christian character among all members of the Peace College family.

The Peace College Theatre offers stu- dents the opportunity to participate in the production of classic and modern plavs with special attention given to women's issues, timely topics pertinent to campus life and community, ideas that promote acceptance and understand- ing of difference, ancH other \'arious sub- jects which may contribute to student development in a liberal arts setting.

BACCHUS is a national organization with the primary initiative to educate students about the responsibility of deal- ing with choices surrounding the alcohol issue.

Students in Free Enterprise teaches oth- ers an understanding of how market economies and businesses operate, help- ing then to use this knowledge to better themseh'es, their community and their country.

The Collegiate Academy of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences is a club open to all students who are interested in science. Activities sponsored by CANCUS include educational programs as well as community ser\'ice projects.

Students Traveling

Around Raleigh Some- times was founded to give out of state students a feel- ing of community and a sense of belonging. The group provides an oppor- tunit\' to get to kno\\' Ra- leigh and to better experi- ence college life.



The Peace College Choir is a group of singers open to all students that sings for chapel services, Christmas concerts, and in the Raleigh area churches.

The Daughters and Granddaughters Club IS for all students whose mothers, grandmothers, or great-grandmothers attended Peace.

Women Organizing for World Peace is

a social action group organized to in- crease awareness of regional and global issues that directly or indirectly affect women.

The Peace Pacers Dance Company is dedicated to the development of per- formers competent in ballet, modern, and jazz styles. Students get the oppor- tunity to perform and to present their own choreography.

The College Republicans is a club for students interested in learning about and being acti\'e in Republican Party activi- ties.

The College Democrats is an organiza- tion for students interested in learning about and being active in Democratic Party activities.

The purpose of the Peace College Psy- chology Club is to pro\'ide interested students with information about the world of psychology.

Student Wellness Advocacy Team is an

organization of volunteers with the pur- pose of promoting healthy life-styles through health education activities.

The aims of the Non-Traditional Stu- dent Association are to provide mutual support, to address the concerns of adult and married students, and give a voice to the non-traditional students in the affairs of Peace College.

The purposes of the Peace College Hu- man Resource Society are to provide interested students with (a) information about the world of human resources, (b) opportunities to de\'elop planning, or- ganizing, and leadership skills, and (c) the chance to build a network with area professionals and fellow students.

The Day Student Organization is for

students who live off campus. The club meets once a month to discuss campus issues and plan activities.

Roteract is a worldwide organization for coUegiates interested in service and in- ternational understanding.

Each of the seven major pro- grams here at Peace College can boast about the quality of its faculty. Peace takes pride in em- ploying some of the finest experts in each field of study. In turn students receive a high-quality education in an environment de- signed to benefit both the pupil and the teacher. Small classes and a small student-to-professor ratio make individual instruction com- mon and all the more valued.

Acadenfcs ,


Peace sfudenfs are proud fo attend an 'm\Mm in ujliicli



o o

o o

o o


Ms. Katherine E. Arnotl Professor of Dance

Dr. Jean Arrington Associate Professor of English

Dr. Lisa A. Bonner Associate Professor of Biology

Dr. Sally Buckner Professor of English

Dr. Bill Burpit

Associate Professor tif Human


Mr. Dave Caccamo

Director of Academic


Ms. Candis Coxe Professor of Spanish

Mr. johnny Crossno Associate Professor of History

Dr. Emilie Patton deLuca Professor of French

Ms. Debbie Edwards Volleyball/Basketball Coach

Ms. Linda Ferreri Business Instructor

Ms, Sue Fisher

Physical Education /Department


Dr. Anne Fountain Professor of Spanish

Dr. Dan French

Professor of Communication/


Dr. Kennv Gannon

Director and Professor of


Dr. Valerie Gordon Hall Associate Professor of History Coordinator of Libera! Studies

Dr. Rob Harris

Professor of Business


Mr. Woody Holliman

Assistant Professor of Art

Yearbook Advisor


Ms. Deborah Houser

Physical Education/Tennis


Dr. Korrel Kanoy Professor of Psychology

Dr. Ray Kilburn Assistant Professor of Music


Dr. David B. McLennan Professor of Communications/ Coordinator of Communications

Ms. Carolyn Parker Professor of Art

Ms. Heidi Plemmons RD-Davidson


Not Pictured .

Adams, Phyllis - Physical Education

Banks, Catherine - Chemistry

Bruno, Judy - Music

Cain, Whitley - Psychology /Sociology

Fleming, Philip - Communications

Grunkemeyer, Marilyn - Anthropology

Johnson, Karen - PoHtical Science

Johnson, Sid - Student Development

Kontko, Laurie- Human Resources/ Psychology

Lermon, Scott - Psychology

Lindquist, Dana Wyime - English

Lynch, Scott - Sociology

Myer, Patrick - Biology

Parris, Pam - Psychology

Piskurich, George - Human Resources

Raymond, Stacy - Psychology

Scott, Larry E. - Physical Education

Selden, Arm - English

Stanisiaw, Edythe - Mathematics

Stallings, Sandra - Communications

Taylor, John R. - Mathematics

Thomas, George - Religion

Vance, Jennie - Music





o o

o o

o o

Dr. Linda Purnell Professor of Chemistry

Mr. Archie Ritdiie Professor of Mathematics

Ms. Adair Robertson Professor of Mathematics

Mr. Jim Smith Professor of Music

Dr. Bes S. Spangler

Professor of English/Coordinator

of Scholar/Honors Program

Dr. Robert Sturdivant

Professor of Philosophy and




^ Jii^M ' K N

1 osiB

^t^-..-^ 1

Dr. Lynn Summers Professor of Human Resources

Ms. luiianne Surface RD-Finley

Dr. Patricia Weigant Professor of Biology

Dr. Janet Wester of Bnghsh/Coordinator of Simimer I'rograms

Ms. ludv r, Williams Dir.of Academic Support/Prof, of English and Student Development

Dr. Joe Wolf Professor of Biology

Wesley Shattuck

Chief of Secunty

o o

o o

II n n

o o

p n.


^ O

o o

o o

Not Pictured

Barber, Wesley- Security

Boyd, Toni- Maintence

Cooke, Mary- Enviromental Services

Crabtree, John- Security

Crossey, Steve- Security

Currin, Ben- Security

Davidson, Willie- Maintenance

Glover, Tim- Maintenance

Hester, Al- Maintenance

Hinkel, Jack- Maintenance

Jones, Alex- Maintenance

Lyde, Charles- Maintenance

Smith, Allen- Security

Staton, Carolyn-Environmental


Shirle\ Bvrd

Ph\ iMis Cooper

Erick Peoples

Christine Tonilinson

Millie Vick




o o


o o

o o

Karen Bass Director of Student Attdirs

Marie Bass Switchboard /Mailroom

Dan Beakev

Vice I^resident of Business and


SliL'rrv hovl^m Directt)r ot Communications

Dr- Garrett Briggs President

Dawn Childeri!' Director of Student Health

Lathev Ector

Dr. lanice Edvvard>

Barbara Htird

Knsty Ferrell

dministrative Assistant

Vice President for Student Affairs

Director of Career Services

Administrative Assistant

Linda Ft-rreri Business Instructor

Verne Futre Assistant Comptroller

L.irry drittin Comptroller

Sally Gryder Bookstore Manager


Barbara Hawkins Library

Melanie Kle\'\' Communications

Cindy Seymor

Coordinator of Alumnae Student


Christie Hill

Associate Director of


Ann Huckenbeck

Vice President of Marketing/


Jane Kanipe Financial Aid

Nancv Kirbv

Executive Secretary to the


Patricia Marples Counselor

Sara McCorkle

Assistant to the Vice President of

Student Affairs

Linda Sparrow Student Christian Association

Sara jane Wilkmson Alumnae/ Development

Dr. Charles Yarborough

Vice President for Academic




Human Resources

Peace College is one of the few colleges in North Carolina to have a Human Resources department. In this department, students learn what it takes to work in the areas of employee hiring, benefits, and development.

This department challenges the minds of students while preparing them for careers studying human behavior. Psychology students take courses which delve deeply into the human psvche. Dr. Kanoy is a favorite among Peace students because she challenges them to think before they act and to analyze situations before sticking their feet in their mouths.



Within this major, students learn the skills they need for careers in business, art, design, journalism and public communication. With the guidance of teachers such as Carolyn Parker, Dan French, Davici McLennan and Woody Holliman, these students acquire the knowl- edge and skills to succeed in the real world.


Students majoring in Biologv acquire basic research skills as they work their wav through rigorous courses designed to ensure a firm grasp of biological concepts. Most Biology majors go on to become lab assistants, nurses, or medical doctors. However, some can do other things such as physical therapy or teaching.


The business program at Peace emphasizes both liberal studies and business management. Business majors take extensive courses in mathematics, marketing, and business management. Senior Stephanie Blott is one such major. She is gathering experience here at Peace through the Drama Department, as well as the Communications office.

Liberol flrls

Students within this major have the freedom to design their own curriculum. It prepares students for more specific fields of study once they reach graduate school. Within this major are specializations such as English, Music, and History. To achieve a music major here at Peace, freshman Mandy York is going through the Liberal Arts program. She intends to graduate as a Music Major in Piano.


SigiDd Delta hu

Sigma Delta MU is a national honor society in Spanish for two year colleges and the first three se- mesters of four-year colleges and universities. The national headquarters for this society is based at Peace College.

To be eligible for Sigma Delta Mu membership, students must be enrolled in the sec- ond semester or higher, be in good academic standing, ha\e a minimal grade point average of 3.00 in Spanish, and rank in the upper 35% of her class or have a minimal overall average of 2.75.

Boli)« 1VM8 Members of Sigma Delia Mu, Top Ri.u Bndgcl Br.intlc). Lori Harrington, Beth Hathcock, Karen Baleh, Caralyn Bolte, Lawson Kelly. Bottom Row Lisa Knobles, Jennifer Cox, Britt Adams, Rebekah Costin, Teresa Moms, and Mk hello Behiand

Sigma Delta PI


Lett Sigma Delta Pi Officers.

President Bridget Brantley and Viee President Carrie Br\ant

Sigma Delta PI is a national honor society for four vear colleges and uni\'ersities. With over 470 chapters nationwide, it is a member of the Asso- ciation of College Honor Societies and is affiliated with the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) and the Mod- ern Language Association (MLA). Last spring. Peace College inducted its first three members into the Upsilon Beta chapter of Sigma Delta Pi.

To be eligible for Sigma Delta Pi membership, students must have a strong academic profile, have a B or above average in Spanish, and have completed advanced level courses taught in Span- ish.

As part of the society's service to the Peace College family, members offer free Spanish tutoring to students in need. Sigma Delta Pi, in conjunction with Sigma Delta Mu, helped organize "Motown Meets Salsa", an on-campus event which allowed students to experience current music from Latin America and appreciate the classics of Motown.

Plii Theh Koppo

Phi Theta Kappa is a national honor society for American junior coOeges which encour- ages scholarship among junior college stu- dents. The Peace College chapter of this honor society is called Gamma Phi.

To be eligible for membership a student must carry a full time course load, attain a grade-point average of at least 3.70 for first year students and 3.50 cumulative for sopho- mores. To remain in good standing a mem- ber must maintain a 3.30 cumulative grade- point average.

Members of Phi Theta Kappa offer indi- vidual tutoring on a volunteer basis as their schedules allow.



Abo\e: Members of the Academic Honor Society. Top Row: Lisa Carter, Maun L\br.ind. Gm.i t\eroit. Dr. Spangler. Many Culler. Bntl Adams. Billie Vandeford. Julie Lister. Rea Thompson. Susan Willey . Bottom Row: Sara Murphy. AHson Siler. Dominique Roussier .Brett Morgan. Fara Khan. Heather Asher. Eli/ahcih Keitler, and Terresa Moms.

\^'i\e Members of the French Honor

Sntiety. Kathenne Costa. Chantelle

\\ i\nies. Laure Thrasher. Mary Whitt Jones.

I 1. 1 Luisi. Rebecca Thrasher, and Samantha


Le Cenocle de Peace

Le Cenacle de Peace is a chapter of the French Honor Society. Like most other honor societies it ree^uires a GPA of 3.5 or higher in French, and the student must have taken two of the advanced French courses. The advisor Dr. Deluca is very proud of her honor society; she speaks highly of its mem- bers and of their devotion to French.

Unlike most other honor societies there is a mystery that surrounds Le Cenacle de Peace. No outsiders are allo\ved to view the initia- tion ceremony. Those who participate in the ceremony are sworn to secrecy, leaving the rest of us to wonder. All that we know about their initiation is that once it is over the members of the honor society suddenly appear wearing sea shell necklaces around their necks, and silver rings on their fingers.

The mvsterv may intrigue someone enough to join the French classes in hopes of becom- ing a member of Le Cenacle de Peace.



Right: During Freshmen orientation Df. Briggs envited the entire Freshman class to his home For an Ice Cream Social, Catherine Mead was one oF the lucky students wFio really got to know him at the event.

After a decade of hard work. Dr. Garrett Briggs has decided to retire from Peace College. He has become friends with many Peace students and faculty over the years. Dr. Briggs is a man described by many as a father figure.

He once allowed a pair of freshmen on a hall scavenger hunt to invade his office looking for in- formation. A memory that freshman Billie Vanderford won't soon forget as she prepares for the incoming President, a woman who once attended Peace herself.


"Wtienever he sees me fie oives me fl liuQ and iolhs io me no mM uiiio lie's ujirii, 111 tiol he's doing onuhere lie's

going." UzHelffer

Right: Dr Briggs gave

his last speech for

Awards Day this year.

It was not a long

Ofie, but It was

certainly one we will

never forget.

Right: Dr. Brig|

welcomed Laura

Bingham-Carpenter, the

newly elected President,

with open arms.

Though Peace will welcome the new president with open arms, we will never forget the man who has meant so much to so many.

P.J. Lane (along with some other girls) as- sembled a scrap book of prayers provided by the student body for Dr. Briggs. It was a present which meant a lot to him when he accepted it at the Senior Chapel.

The love the Senior Class has for him was evident in the passion- ate speech that LeaAnn Oakes gave at Senior Chapel in April. As she spoke of Dr. Briggs tears streamed down her face. "I didn't do this in re- hearsal," she stated as she wiped them away.



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The Peace College Lotus provides an opportunity for students to contrib- ute in an imaginative, creative manner to their school. The Lotus helps create the image of Peace College for prospective students and preserves memories of Peace for its alumnae. Participation on the Lotus staff gives students valuable job experience in graphic design, writing, editing, proofreading, photography, and desktop publishing.


Woody Holliman looks over a layout to edit for mistakes.





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The Peace Times is the student newspn- per, which is published periodically dur- ing the academic year and focuses on campus events, social concerns, and cre- ative writing. Staff members are required to attended meetings, meet story dead- lines, and contribute to each issue.

From left to right: Teresa Morris, Latoya Mack, and Tanika Hill


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From left to right: tatoya Mack, Teresa Morris, Jenny Beaver, Dan French (advisor), Diana Marshal (editor). Tammy Tillotson, Tanika Hill

The College literary magazine. Prism, is published annually as a showcase for student art and creative writing. The editor is chosen each spring; students may join the staff in either spring or fall. Staff work includes selection of material, editing, layout, and business management.

Editor, Photography, Graphic Design; Jennifer A. Perkinson Faculty Advisor: Woody Holliman

Peace College is a liberal arts school providing many opportunities both in intellectual and creative studies. Many talented students are enrolled here and dazzle their peers with abilities to use their voice, bodv and mnid in uncommon ways. Displayed in this section are images of the creativity of students and professors alike. From dance, to art and voice, as well as talent on musical instruments Peace College is a very diverse environment. Opportunities to display these abilities are abundant and any- one interested in enjoying and appreciating these students can attend one of tbflKany recitals or concerts givej^jer



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[he fnind con be

free fo create its







This year's group of Chamber Singers, directed bv Jim Smith, has been ex- tremely busy. The eighteen member group is preparing for their fourth European Tour while continuing to perform for Peace College functions. The Chamber Singers perform not only in our chapel, but in other churches as well. Thev also act as Ambassadors tor the college by performing at junior/senior visita- tions. A compact disc featuring the Chamber Singers, titled Music From Peace, was released in October 1995 and is forsale in the Book Store in Belk Hall.

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ABOVE: The 1997-98 Chamber Singers

Left: The Chamber Smgers take time for a tunny picture durmg their photo shoot. Below; Jamie performs a solo during the Christmas Concert


Above and right: The Chamber Singers











The 1997-98 Chamber Singers spend many hours rehearsing for upcom- ing events and performances. This time is crucial for them to be able to put on such an awesome show. Each year a singer receives a scholarship for participating in the group. Under the direction of Jim Smith, this elite vocal group is one of the most popular per- forming groups at Peace.

ABOVE: The 1997-98 Chamber Singers

Reliearsol is cruciol to an excellent performonce.




■^-^■^ Arf^^t^Omp^n^

The Peace Piicer Dance Company is an excellent opportunity for voung women to creatively express them- selves through dance. The com- pany consists of sixteen dancers who have the option of choreo- graphing and /or performing un- der the direction of Katherine Arnott. The Pacers begin the sea- son by formulating ideas for the Spring Concert. At the same time they were kept husv performing at various functions throughout the fall. They perform every year at the Thanksgiving ceremony held at First Presbyterian Church as well as various functions on campus.

The Company: (roni row: Maun tybrand. Sara Iipion, Amy Weber, Vales Perkms. second row; Joy Hmes. ton Bowes, tisa Auman, Beverly Heath, Meredith Berryhilt, Gmny Wiard. third row; Heather Evans. Jennifer Roberts, Suzanne Page, Mary Bennon Gray, Sissy Schuchardt. Christy Hobbs

Left; The cast of a piece practices hard lor the performance Below; Co-Captains [feather Evans and Jennifer Roberts






^Sli)fm4 concert

This year's spring concert was a success, as usual . The three act production consisted of 10 pieces choreographed by various dancers. In the beginning of the fall semester each dancer in the company was given the opportunity to choreograph for the concert. Ten of the company's members decided to do just that. Using music ranging from Gi(;;.< and Koscs to the Beatles and Andrcu^ Loi/d Webber most dancers were challenged to perform to types of music that were quite unfamiliar to tliem.

Above: Ttie company poses for a picture before rehearsal.










Left: Sissy Schuchardi ites her leg after a long rehearsal. Below: Merideth Berryfiill takes a breal< between pieces.



Above: Guest dancer. Tracey "Pudge" Foster. Right: Jennifer and Mary Bennon dreading notes at the end of reliearsal.

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The cast of Little Women take time out during dress rehearsal to pose for a group shot.

ord, let me laugh again but never let me forget how much I cried." From October 1-7, 1997, Dr. Kenny Gannon and the Peace College Drama De- partment put on the inspiring pro- duction of L/ff/t'Woj);t')(, written by Louisa May Alcott. The play oc- curs in the 1860's portraying the lives of the March family and the obstacles that four sisters must face in the name of love - love for one another and the value of life. Peace College's production of Little Women touched the hearts of 1 00 audience members for seven full nights not onl v because it was wonderfully written (adapted by Gannon), but also because it re- flects our own memories, our own sorrows and happiness, our own lives.

Right: Erika Gannon diligently works on Carey Dawson's wig before show time

Left; Liz Keiffer and Mary Kathryn Tyson prepare their stage makeup, yet take time out to give a surprised look to the camera.






To be or not to be," is pnrt of the theater department's recent past. This year William

Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing dominated the limehglit. The play was set m Hawaii in late 1945 at the end of World War 11. Even with the change in time pe- riod, Dr. Kenny Gannon once again brings Shakespeare's elo- quent language to life in a way that is very understandable and enjoyable. With nothing else on stage but a green sphere, the actors were still able to take the audience's imagination to

Hawaii. The light and music brought the stage to life with a 1940's swinging style of dance. The whole cast seemed to thoroughly enjoy the presence of the stage and each other. Thev connected to each other magnificently and proved a real sense of family.

Below: Tom Milton and Jenny Beaver in a lightheaned dance scene.


Above: Carey Dawson and Toni Milton

Left; An intense moment m Much Ado About Hoihing

Below; Melissa Lee and Jenny Beaver laugh it up durmg the dress rehearsal of Much Ado About Nothing.



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Tie Peace College Art Depart- ment and the citv of Raleigh both provide a rich environ- ment for experiencing the arts. Art students explore career opportu- nities in area internships in which they work under the supervision of professionals/facultv on cam- pus. Art students pursue exliibi- tion opportunities throughout the community in numerous galler- ies and juried competitions. Local artists come to campus to share their work with students. They give lectures and exhibit their work in a new exhibitions space in the Main Building. Art students go to Washing- ton, DC and tour museums and galler- ies in the Museum Practicum course. This summer students mav experience the arts on the fine arts tour of France and England.

Above: Still lile painting by Jenniler Roberts.

Right: Compoter-designed sell portrait by Heather Evans

Below: Still life depictions of fruit and other everyday objects are a ma|or part ol instruction in painting.


Above: Greita Davis and photography instrudor Dave Stmonton at the Works in Study student exhibition at the Visual Art Exchange. Seniors Heather Evans and Gretta Davis both had photographs in

the show

Right: Graphic Design students are given the opportunity to design posters and advertisements for school functions.


8 o'clock pm


Above: The making of the Peace College mural designed by graphic design instructor

Woody Holhman, Along with several art

students, Mr, Holliman transformed a blank

stairway into a work of art.




Tiere arc quite a few athletes on Peace Col- lege campus. Some have the privilege and the courage to represent our school while playing on the organized teams here. Basketball, vol- levball, and tennis are the main sports offered at Peace and the Lionesses always ju mp a t thei r opponents, stri v- ing to do their best and ulti- mately come back with the WIN!


The Lionesses of Peace Colleoe fiyMforftie




he PeaceVolleyball season came to an end with the final record of h and 21. The Pride team had a full season of 2S or more matches a trulv exhausting schedule. With only three returning players the Peace volley- ball team is still building up its program, but after just two seasons is already showing great improvement.

Tony Sauls passes the volleyball to her teammate after recovering the hard-hit ball from the other team.


In the ready position, Rebecca Wood,


Kayie Vlazny. Holly Harrison, and KellJe Meeks intensely waits for the serve.




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The 1997-98 Peace Pride Voile/ball Team.

The Peace Pride Club shows its team spirit from front to back.

The Peace Vofleybali team listens intently to Coach Edwards about their team effort after a tough match.



Xie Peace Pride Basketball team is also in and year competing in NCAA Division Three stats. The team was much bigger and better this season. The season started off strong because of the five returning players: Mandy Frazier, Kati Moerman, Abby Smith, Brooke Lilley, and Chery Wellons. They set the pace for the six new players. Coach Edwards says: "plan on seeing the best Peace Basketball team vet, next year as the team keeps improving."

Mandy Fraizer practices her dribble with one of her teammates before the game.


Brooke Lilley holds her stance as she waits to see her (oul shot go the rest of the team waits to rebound.

The team huddles right before the basketball game to discuss what needs to be done to wm. The team ends by shouting " Go Peace Pride,"


Kati Simmons guards the basketball while looking to pass to one of her teammates.

Mandy Fraizer gets open and shoots a three

pointer, while the rest of the Peace team is boxing out (or the rebound.

Ttie Peace Pride MM\ \m heeps improvino.

The Peace College "97 and "98 Peace Pride Basketball team.


The overall 1997-98 record was 5 wins and 6 losses. The highlight was the Ruth Hopkins Tournament in October co-sponsored by Meredith College and Peace College. Coach Houser said, " It was fun to watch the team bond both on the court and off from Fall to Spring season. 1 really enjoyed coaching these excep- tional young women. They were a fun and talented group."

jenny Sharpless is in ready posilion to attack her opponent's hard-tiit challenge.


The 1997-98 Peace Pride Tennis Team


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rochets liioii

Peace Pnde

lennis Team

for a great


Anne Donaldson, Polly Nelson, Elizabeth

Jenkins, and Stephanie Cameron pose for

a quick picture before their tennis match.

Left 10 Right- Stephanie Cameron. Anne Donaldson, Elizabeth Jenkins, Vanessa Kerkhof. Ahson Riley, Polly Nelson, Jenny Sharpless. These players relax after an afternoon of tough practice.




The first annual Peace College Athletic Banquet was held at The Velvet Cloak Inn on Sunday, April 26. The Banquet was a great success with excellent dining as well as atmosphere. Dr. Briggs said a few words to praise the athletes for doing a wonderful job this season. The other speakers of the night were Toni Sauls, Debbie Edwards, Deborah Houser, and Dr. McLennan. Each of the three sports had two main awards which they awarded to a Peace College athlete. For Volleyball, Coach Edwards awarded the Most Improved award to Patrice Moorefield. The Most Valuable Plaver was awarded to Rebecca Wood. In Basketball there were two athletes who were awarded Most Improved: Emilv Gardner and Tori Mervyn. Mandy Frazier was the highlight of the evening; she received Peace College Basketball's Most Valuable Player award as well as the Frazier Cup. The Frazier Cup goes to the best all-around athlete chosen by members of the Athletic Council. Coach Houser gave out the awards for Tennis. The Most Improved went to Polly Nelson and the Most Valuable went to Vanessa Kerkhof . The banquet came to an end with an outstanding closing by Dr. McLennan.

The Velvet Cloak Inn was a greal plate to end the athletic year and to see the athletes looking their best


Ppople here at Peace College carry on the evervdav activities that balance out the extraor- dinary and this balance keeps life normal and fulfill- ing. The following section is meant to capture the images of fellow classmates and friends as individuals. Laugh, remember and en- joy. Tliese art- the people of our institution. ■^^




Ihe QJOfnenof

Peoce Colleoe fohe


life oblioofions luifii

as mucti enftiusi-

m OS M unusuol.




Bntt Adams

Courtney Adams

Erica Albright

Devin Allen Jennifer Allen

Christina Alley

Carrie Ambrose

McGee Antinori

Stephanie Averitt

Emily Baldree

Shelby Barber Rebecca Barnes

Alana Barnett

Jennifer Batchelor

Son)a Batchelor

Michelle Behvand

Mary Bell

Carrie Blair

Lamanda Blanks

Caroline Boney

Lori Bowes

Kelly Bradsher

Kelly Brandon

Shannon Brewer

Krystal Bryant

Laurie Bryant

Susan Burnette

Jessica Cahall

Crystal Callihan

Stephanie Cameron

Brandy Carter

Lisa Carter

Suzannah Carter

Ashley Gates

Anna Clark



Jennifer Clarke Brianne Cooper Blair Coppedge Valerie Cormani Jessica Coscia

Rebekah Costin Kathryn Cox Kim Crabtree Nicole Crane Tracy Cusumano

Mandv Cutler krista DeBose Katie Demmer LaShuna Dozier Ashle\' Edlin

Virginia Edwards Paula Evans Gina Everett Mary Farriss Margie Flowers

Jessica Fort Emily Gardner Charitv' Gay Lauren Gibbes Mary B. Gray

Tammy Haithcock Stacey Harrington Joanna Harris DeMichelle Harvey

LeighAnn Hatchel

Beth HatJicock

Nakia Hill

Tanika Hill

Amanda Hollingsworth

Katherine Honevcutt




Kellv Inscoe ^

Krista johnsun

Mistv Johnson

Melanie Keith

Jennifer Kellihci'

Bethany Kidd |F^" Juhan Kinnev Renee Laphani Candice Luc

April Le\\'i;>

Katie Litchfield

Mauri Lyhrand

LaToya Mack

Susan Man'r

Amanda Mavur

Tonya Maynard Kathryn Mayo

Catherine Medd Leigh Medford Kellie Meeks ^

Tori Mer\'yn

Amy Minges

Patrice Moorefield

Teresa Morris

Catherine Muse

Polly Nelson

Lisa Nobles

Lauren O'Neal

April Owens

Allison Pa hi

Cassie Parks

Kasey Paschal

Melinda Patterson

Yates Perkins

Alison Riley


1 1


Crystal Rook Summer Shoen Chelsea Sherman lulia Smimons Shanna Smith

Stacey Smith Molly Stokes Jamie Surgeon Courtney Taylor

Nancv Tliomas

A resident of First Ross, Meredith Bartletl. a freshman, demonstrates the hall's favorite hobby. "talking,"

Sarah Tipton Kim Turner Billie Vanderford

lenne Vaughan Lorie Wall

Audrey Warrenteltz Amy Weber Virginia Wiard

Hillary Williams Barbara Willsey



Vivian Adams Kelly Allison Jennifer Amo

Heather Asher Lisa Auman

Amelia Averette

Jamie Averette

Karen Balch

Bridgette Barker

Brooks Bartholomew

Rachel Beach

Jennifer Beaver

Alison Blackwell

Christy Blanding

Elizabeth Bleecker

Pamela Blizzard

Caralyn Bolte

Sara Boyer

Catherine Boylin

Anna Brown

Cynthia Brown

Jamie Brown

Jesica Brown

Kayla Buckner

Allison Buffaloe '

Georgia Carmicheal ) Crystal Charnock Katherine Clay ' < Emily Costa lennifer Cox




Julie Davidson Stephanie Davis Norma Dunn Lydia Easter Jenny Edmondson

Tavia Edwards Sara Everliart Shannon Flvnn Rebecca Fortenberry Sarah Gates

Laurie Gibbons Adrianne Geitz Vallerie Gooden Brand! Goss Steplianie Hammer

Catherine Hancock Meredith Hardison Sarah Harmon i Lori Harrington Amanda Haynes

Beverly Heath joy Hines Christel Hobbs Stephanie Hov^fard Leslie Hrabak

r Jacqueline IngersoU

Jennifer Ingle Portia Johnson MaryWhitt Jones Shannon Kariher




lean Keeton

Eliziibeth Kellv

Elizabeth Keiffer

Emily Koontz

Patience Lane

Elisabeth Laughridge

Jennifer Lee

Frances Lewis

Melanie Lillev

Julie Lister

Marv Longest

Melanie Lunsford

Dava Machacek

Emily Mattix

Annette Mavhew

Dawn Michael

Susan Miller

Drett Morgan

Sarah Murphy

Jennifer Nance

Elizabeth Negrelli

Amber Nichols

Shannon Nichols

Juhe Oakley


Shannon Odea Olivia Ogburn Meghann Partin »- ^y^ Elizabeth Peay ^^ C:: Mary Petteway '



a^ ^i


Tar<i Kogliind Mary Rivers Heather Roberts Katherine Roberts Vanessa Roberts

Susan Willey Rebecca Wood Amanda Woods Mary Wyatt

Jennv Ross Austin Royal Carrie Russell Amber Sauer Toni Sauls

Beth Shropshire Abby Smith Elizabeth Smith Natalie Spangler Kara Sutherland

Rea Thompson Laura Thrasher Rebecca Thrasher Natahe Thrift Tammv Tillotson

Jessica Toney Elizabeth Turnage De\'on Umstead Laura Vaughan Cheryl Wellons



Andrea Blalock

Leah Blachard

Bndi;et Brantlev

Michelle Braswell

Annvii Broderick

LeeAnn Brown

Stephanie Garden

Tiana Clade

Tammy Gotten

Amanda Gozart Allison Davey Garey Dawson



Kellv Dowd Candv Edwards Jamie Ellis

Angela Gray Beatrice Havden Jacqueline Havnie

Suzanne Jenkins Lisa Kennedy Dianna Marshall

Kathrvn Moerman Sharon Mooring Kimberlv Ramer




Meredith Ro\al Amanda Skidmore

Vicki Smith

Mary Stewart Turner

Mary Katherine Tyson

Jennifer Vega

Shandalyn Bennett Heather Brantley Victoria demons Bonnie Clifton Nicole Frahm Amanda Frazier Veronica Garcia Jennifer George Megan Ives Faye Landis

Those not photographed

Courtney Laws Rosalia Luisi Jennifer MacNabb Elizabeth Maynard Jennifer McLamb Stephanie McPherson Jennifer Mitchell Michelle Morris Alicia Neumann Cynthia Prow

Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar Michelle Smith



Shannon Andrews Merr\' Belton Stephanie Blott Sara Bowman

Carrie Bryant Stephanie Bverlv Stacey Cartrette Amy Cavenaugh

Margaret Chanblee Kathenne Casta Gretta Davis Kimberly Davis

Kimberly Drake Heather Evans SalUe Evans Kristina Feldsine



Amandci Garry

Anna Hancock

Laura Hubbard

Samantha Jones

Keri McGee

Heather Medd

Tom Miltctn

Christ! Murphv

Jamie Newsome

Lea Ann Oakes

Megan Page

Caria Pike

Stephanie Rose

Stephananie Russell

Crystal Shaw

Catherine Sineath



Marv Smith Whitney Todd Layla Travlor

Lindsev Tyler Allison Wickham lenniter Woodvard

Those not photographed

Kristin Murphy Rachel Ross

Jenna Allen Laura Britt

Christy Wilder Jacqueline Williams

Mary Schuchardt

Elisha Crawshaw

Tamela Schuster

Darcy Curl

Adrienne Shields

ann Currier

Mary Slaydon Lindsay Smith Sarah Sponenburg Mary Warner Hannah Whitfield

Samantha Daniels Amy Fain Mary Gidney Candace Hughes Delia McCloskey



Student Lite


The ladies of Peace College do more than just study. We lead verv active lifestyles which enhance our personalities, broaden our views of life and bring fun into our days and nights. Cheering for ball games and getting sunburns, climbing a ladder to walk a wire 60 ft. in the air, and digging ice cream from a gallon tub for your frienci are all activities displayed here. These are just the beginning of a wide array of experiences that makes us unique. The view of the world open to us is limited only by the boundaries of our imaginations. We bring away from each person we meet and from each new place we visit "a wider view of life."

Thevieiuofitie luorld open [o us is limited only by the boundoriesofour imoolnotions.



International Study opportunities are available to Peace College students each summer. Par- ticipants in the Study Pro- grams attend lectures, visit historic sites, receive aca- demic credit, and ha\'e an unforgettable group of friends to make the sum- mer a memorable experi- ence. The summer pro- grams include Peace's own Mcxicim Culture ami Civili- zation course, our Fiiic Art^ Tour of Fraitcc ami Eu^laiui, and cooperative programs in England with North Carolina State University.

Temple of the Seven Dolls

Students who attended the study program at Mexico's Yucaton Peninsula got to explore the historic city of Merida, as well as see many museums, parks and markets. Students stayed in the Central College Center. Some of the sites visited this summer were the Loltun Cave and the Temple of the Seven Dolls.

toltun Cave.


few students from Peace also attend- ed the Suiunicr at Oxford offered through North Carolina State University. The students resided at the University of Oxford, England's Oldest Univer- sity. Along with touring the sites, the students were al- lowed to take a three-credit hour class in art, literature, or history. Some of the sites visited were Buckingham Palace, Blenheim Palace, and the Courts of Wimbleton.

Outside the Courts of Wimbleton

Buckingham Palace. Rachel McPherson, Jennifer Beaver, ancf Jennifer Ingle




Below Students who attended the Washington Trip: Jennifer Roberts . Carohne Mazza, and Jennifer Perkin




Above: Carohne Mazza takes a smoking break between museum visits

Students enrolled in His- hnv of Art, Art Appre- ciation, or any studio art course were given the op- portunity to earn an addi- tional credit for a field practicum. Tliev visited mu- seums and experienced vari- ous art forms in Greensboro and Washington, DC. The goal of these trips was to expose students to a diverse artistic climate in wliich they gain a direct experience and knowledge of a wide variety of art forms and styles, as well as to stimulate the de- velopment of personal cre- ative wcirk.


J 1



Students who went on the trips felt as though thev would be more active and in- formed participants in the arts community. The practicum not only allowed for field experience, but also provoked persona thought for future projects bv the students who attended.

Led; One of ttie many sites seen during the trip.

Above: Jennifer and Caroline pose beside a piece in the exhibit. Left: Jennifer, Carohne. and instructor Woody ffolfiman.


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No showers. No beds. No TV. Just yourself and a few friends, camped out in the forest for two and a half days. Sound Uke fun? To thir- teen Peace students and Ms. Sue Fisher, it did. They participated in PSRA's annual Hiking Trip to Hanging Rock State Park. On the afternoon of Friday, September 12, they headed out in two vans and arrived back in Raleigh the following Sunday dirty and exhausted.

Watch your step' Karen Balch gets

assistance from Ms. Fisher as she

attempts to cross the waterfall

without getting her teet wet.

One of the group's favorite stops

during the Hiking Trip was the

waterfalls. Not only were they

beautiful, but it was the closest

thing to a shower stutJents were

getting that weekend

Because of the stench, Karen Balch kept the door to the outhouse open while she was in it. Unfortunately, this provided an opportunity to capture quite a Kodak moment.



lis foil breah opproaclied. monij lijondered hoiu io spend it. Seven Peace students opted for adven- ture and danger. Itieij traveled to Georoia and uient rafting douin ttie Hattooga River.

As cars drive by honking their horns, Rea Thompson, Emily Koontz, jean Keeton, and Suzanne Gooden pose for Alh Davey at the South Ca'ohna Welcome Center.



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a bionnuol event

enloyed bij oil iiJlio

choose [0 go.


Lt the same time the parents were arriving for Parents day, some Peace College students were on their way to Black Mountain in Montreal, North Carolina. Linda Sparrow described the retreat as "a beautiful place in the moun- tains" where "firm friendships" could be made. There the stu- dents stayed in a place called the Peace House, their home away from home. The girls got to enjoy activities such as hikes, square dancing, and other group activi- ties with students from other Ra- leigh colleges like State and Meredith. The Peace girls even got to enjoy the attendance of a past Peace chaplain, Ms. Anne Jones.


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In the spring just as most Peace students were heading off to Cancun, some were returning to Black Mountain. Tliis time it was an all-church retreat sponsored by First Presbyterian. The girls got to participate in the worship service by helping with the offer-

ing. In the afternoon the girls had free time to do what they wished, which usually meant shopping or hiking into the mountain. By attending the re- treat, the Peace girls got to bond with members of First Presbyte- rian as well as other Peace stu- dents.

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QoHo hnouj 0 lot of

people. Ifiuosniceio

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needed [iiem. I reollii

felfflfliofne." uwinm



Above Righl; Mary Kathryn works to decorate for the party. Above: Frazier residents en|oy treats during their social

To celebrate the year. Resident Assistant Mary Kathryn Tyson, organized a social for the girls in her dorm. The majority of the Frazier residents are seniors. So, it seemed fitting to label this event as the Senior Social. There were awards given to the residents, ranging from Most Cigarette Butts (recipient: Melissa Schuchardf) to . Most Likely to Succeed (recipient:

Catherine Sineith).

Above: Leigh Ann. Polly. Stephanie, Catherine, and Crystal show off their sparkly new jewels.


Above: Lee Ann Brown receives the "Best Smile" Award. Right: Heather Evans strikes a pose to shov/ oil her "Best Hair".

Above: Mary Kathryn Tyson is appreciated for a job well done as Resident Assistant.



Holidciys lire a big part of the Peace College experience. Hall as well as overall school ac- tivities are planned to get the stu- dents, faculty, and staff into the holiday spirit. Halloween was a big success when conjoined with Fall Fest, and Christmas is always a favorite among the students. Holidays on campus are always a perfect time for students to come closer together: as a hall, as a class, as a communitv.



Above: Belh Halhcock decorates 1st Ross with her hohday spirit.

Left. Audrey Warrenfeltz (in gypsy attire) participates in the Peace College Halloween dinner.


Left: Frazier RA, Mary Kalhenne Tyson, diligently paints a cup while Heather Medd looks on.



What could be n better wa v to get to know your classmates than to get together and experience something new?! Mystery trips do just that. All you need is a small group of girls and several clues to make the night unforgettable. Some of the clues might lead them astray, but by the end of night the group finds its way to a lot of fun. Whether it be to Chucky Cheese, Raleighwood, or to the local McDonald's , mystery trips are always a success.




"Hliere ore Hiey tflhino us?"

Chucky Cheese isn't |ust for little kids, It's for big kids too.



WliL'ii class is over and the home work is complete, Peace stu- dents always find something to occupy their time. Sometimes thev just hang out with their friends, go out to eat, or take a weekend getaway. Whatever the deci- sion Peace girls are always HAVING FUN!



Students of the Advanced Photography class held an impressive exhibition of their work in Leggett Theatre. The 495 show, named after the photography course number, was a collection of photos created by Karen Bass, Heather Evans, Gretta Davis, Katherine Costa, and Carrie Bryant. The show featured a variety of artistic themes and subjects, including landscape, still life, and portraiture.

Above: The Advanced Photography class preparing the exhibition space in Leggett theatre.

Above Right Instructor and coordinator. David Simonton. Above: Karen, Katherine, Gretia, Carrie, and Heather decide which photos they will use for the show.

Above & Below: Pieces from the exhibition.

i i





Above. Gretla Davii's Abbe^-Oait.


Day Student Bulletin Board with Bridgette Brantley and Amber Sauer

88^^ TAT" '^'■^ '^'■^ those girls in your classes that you haven't ^^m^^m-:^:^^^'^' » V seen before? Are they new students? No, ....they're

DAY STUDENTS. Whether you hve on campus or off campus you are a big part of Peace College. The number of day students has increased greatly over the past few years and we don't want to leave them out. They have their own socials, parties, and their specialty is the Friday night Coffee Talks. Coffee talk is where a group of dav students get together and visit a local coffee shop. The nights lead to a lot of coffee and . a lot of challenging conversation.

Just hanging around

from left to right; Emily Maltix,

Bridgette Brantley, tydia Ruth Easter,

Tom Hilton. Hollie Albridge. Michelle

Braswell. and Melame Keith

Christmas tree trimming party.

Left to Bight: Bridgette Brantley.

Eliiabeth Rawls. Kim Bamer. Amber

Sauers. Emily Mattix, Amanda York.

Hollie Albridge, Cyndi Robinson, and

jamie Boykin



Very first day student Coffee Talk,

From left to right: Bridget Brantley.

Whitney Todd. Elizabeth Rawls,

^^.-.5^;/,' Amber Sauer, Lia Luisi, Bea Smith,

and jamie Newsome


Coffee Talk with day student (acuity advisors.

From left to right: Amanda York. Elizabeth Rawls, Or. Johnson. Emily Mattu, Bridget Brantley, Dr. Fountain, Harden, and Lia Luisi


Mcin y students brave the roads every Friday afternoon for their weekend adventure or they find their own adventure riglit here at Peace. Weekends range from ordering pizza in the room with friends to a weekend excur- sion to the beach. Weekends are a time to release academic tension from the week before or to just catch up on work that should have been done earlier. Regardless, ev- eryone has a weekend story to tell.

Above: Jennifer Roberts spends ihis particular weekend studying

Right: Samantha Daniels also spends her

weekend preparing her school work for the

week ahead.


Above: Freshman hnika Hill finds a quiet spot in the lounge to study.


Above Kim Ramer gets ready (or a big dale with her boyfriend this weekend.

Left: Jennifer Roberts and Melissa khuchardt spend their

weekend goofing around.

Above: iara Bowman and Polly Slaydon spend the weekend hanging out on Peace campus.




Although the weather was not .sunny and warm in Raleigh, most Peace girls foinid a wav to enjoy themselves. Some chose to rest at home while others decided to relax in the sun.

Many students began planning their break during the first semester. They took trips to places like Panama City, Cancun, the Bahamas, and Miami. They visited amusement parks, clubs, and, of course, beaches.

Others went home for the week. They spent time with friends and family. Courtney Adams said, "1 didn't go anywhere for spring break. The most exciting thing I did was sleep and I did a lot of that." Caralyn Bolte, however, did not have the best spring break. "1 went home but 1 was sick the whole time."

Don't fall' Ashley Ediin. Chelcy Sherman, and Maun Lybrand goof off at Walt Disney World, Florida.

Fortunately, regardless of how they spent the vacation, most students returned with great stories and fun pictures. Some came back with dark tans too!


While staying at the Bahama Princess Hotel in freepon. Veronica Everett, Slacey Kinney, Chnssy Ragsdale. and Sarah New- ton share a laugh.


IM V^i^^^^^^^vi


The lost doijs ore liere and studenis ol Peace ofe readii for ^ Cominencement exercises. Pamilij and friends siand by and uafcli oil of our prill occomplislimenfs reiuarded.



^' T <o'


fr ^


Throughout the year Peace Students build and maintain friendships that will last to the end of the year and perhaps even for a lifetime. Many activities keep them occupiecl and there is c^uite a bit of pressure put upon us bv parents, professors, employ- ers and ourselves to do the best that we possibly can. These pictures depict the lives that each one of us lead and give an insider's \'iew of the fun that goes along with the work.

Below: Sophomores Annette Mayhew, Brooks Bartholomew, and Mohana Raiakum pose with some good friends m a favorite restaurant.

Above; Jackie Ingersoll crochets a blanket

for a loved one while talking and laughing

with a friend late on a Friday night.


The Sophomores on second Davidson eat ice cream and |abber during a hall social.

Above: Laura Thrasher (left) and sophomore sister, Rebecca Thrasher (right), wait In line for the Baccalaureate service to begin.








-^ ^..

Above: Visual Communication majors Kathenne Costa, Gretta Davis, and Heather Evans stop for a pose before receiving their diplomas.

Above: Melissa Schuchardt and Samantha Daniels stop for a quick picture while lining up for the processional.

Below: Seniors lininjz up tor the processional


Above: Jessica Fi




^ I <>

- -<s

As a Peace College tradition, each vear students are recognized for their achievements at the annual Awards Con- vocation Ceremony. The ceremony is held in the Peace College Chapel and is attended by Faculty, Students, and Par- ents. Awards are given out by profes- sors and advisors of many depart- ments and organizations. The awards recognize outstanding academic achievement , most improved academic success, along with leadership involve- ment. Each vear much thought is put into the awards and great consideration is given to all students.

Or. Jean Arrmgtion presents Crndy Robinson the Penny English Award for outstanding achieve- ment in Enghsh Cindy also won an award for her poem that was published in the Prism,

Dr. Mctennan presents tatoya Mack an achievement award (or working with the Peace Times.

Dr. Purrell presents Mandy Cutler with an academic achievement award for having the highest grades in Chemistry for two consecutive semesters.

f ^.^i

1997-1998 Awards Presented


BIOS Award in Biological Science

Ida Currie Business Award

W. Robert Everett Business Achievement Award Allison Davey

Chemical Rubber Company Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award

Penny English Scholarship Award

Schwertman Award for Excellence in English

Peace Times Award Prism Awards:

Penny Poetry Award

Elizabeth Gibson Taylor Prose Award Tyner-Crossno Award in History and Political Science ASPECT-Recognition of ASPECT students Le Cenacle do Peace French Award Sigma Delta Mu - Spanish Honors Society Sigma Delta Pi - Spanish Honors Society Outstanding Achievement Award in Spanish Leigh Goodman Mathematics Award Physical Education Award Pacer Award:

Choreographer of the Year

Dancer of the Year Social Saence Achievement Award American Bible Society Award Frances Newton Steele Award in Bible Who's Who Among Students in American Universities The National Dean's List Academic Excellence Awards


Lindsey Tyler Susan Willey

Mandy Cutler Cindy Robinson Winner- Beth Hancock Runners up- Billie Vanderford Valerie Cormani Tanika Hill, Latoya Mack

Cindy Robinson Lisa Lawrence Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar

Bridgette Brantley

Fara Khan, Valerie Cormani

Heather Asher

Heather Evans Jennifer Roberts Man,' Craig Belton

Stephanie McPherson


Peace College held its 1 26th commenceinei ceremonies on Saturday, May 9th, 199: This marked the last term for President Garre Briggs and closed another semester. A spi

cial announcement was made regardin

1 fundraising for the new academic build

ng. An anonymous party donated $1

million toward its construction, which

to be completed in the year 2000. Clas

representative speakers were Allison Sil<

of the sophomore class and Suzanne Pag

of the BA candidates. Sunny and full of lif

it was an unforgettable day.

Below: Sophomore graduate Julie tister pro- ceeds back to her seat alter receiving an Associate's degree and the traditional Peace College bible-

Above. Senior tayla Traylor recieves her Bachelor's diploma Irom Dr Garrett Bri


Peace College graduated its second senior class this May with two added departmental ma)ors.

Right: Graduates were joined by many friends and family on their special day.



During the singing of the Alma Mater. Senior luates congregate on the balcony of second floor Mam to watch and sing.

J l"?Mlil




radudtion is a time of happiness as well as sorrow. Some Associate grads are transferring to other uni- versities to complete their bachelors degrees. They are also leaving be- hmd priceless friend-ships they have gained at Peace. Others have chosen to stay at Peace to complete their four-year degrees. Students receiving their bachelor's degrees are moving on to begin their careers, marriages, and new experiences. This can be exciting but also scary. Leaving Peace you take a great deal of pride with vou but a piece of vour heart is alwavs left behind. So as you go, may vou always be at Peace.

Above: Freshman and Junior marshals helped lead the processional ior the 1998 graduating classes.

Right: Faculty member Sherry Boykin with Katherine Costa belore she receives her diploma.

Above: Instrumental music during the processional was provided by the North Carolina State Pipes and Drum hne.

Right: Academic Dean Charles Yarbrough delivers his annual speech

Below: Stephanie Blott holds her rose as the 126th Commencement exercises come to a close.




T\) be eligible tor the out standing sophomores and seniors awards these stu- dents had to be active and maintain good grades. In each of their own ways these girls have left a positive im- pression on the student body. For those gradu- ating it was an emo- tional time during class day as they ac- cepted a single rose each. Many tears fell when descriptions were read by close friends. Crystal Shaw said it all when she quoted her mother as say- ing "Don't cry because it's over . . . smile because it happened."

£'ea Ann (JaJees Mo/iana J?a/a/e<



C^fifiij Smilfi

Detion Urns had

jennt/ Jjeauer rj/ep/ian/e Jjioti Cjorrie CBiyant

Cmilij Gosta G//za6e//i Jlei/Jer Sara/i J/TurpAu

Grustal <^Jnaw

Susan (i'JiKe,




The Frazier Award Winner, as well as Outstanding Senior, Katherine Costa has made many outstanding achievements both in academics and in service to Peace Her reign as Senior Class President and her work with PSGA are widely known to all. She won this award for her service to the college and to her fellow students.

Tie honor of being nominated Miss Peace as well as being nominated an Outstanding Sophomore is something that Allison Siler will carry with her for the rest of her life. She has excelled in academics as well as in her commitment to Peace College. Everyone who meets Allison remembers her radiant smile most of all. She seems to Ccirrv it with her wherever she is, and no matter how hard her day has been she produces it when a friend is in need of some compan- ionship. The smile, along with her southern twang, are hard to forget when accompanied by such a devoted and friendly attitude. Allison has been actively involved in PSGA, and even though chapel is not required for upper- assmen she managed to attend just about every service. Every student has either had the honor of meeting Allison or has heard of her. Her accomplishments have been great, and her reign as Miss Peace is a much deserved reward for such excellent service.




Parents and friends ore alQjoijs here for us. In these paoes [heyiiianifolef ijou linoiu hoiu proud [lieii are and iiouj mucli tlieu core.



Kimberly Leigh Davis

The first year was tears and the later years were cheers! These memories will last us a lifetime. Your mother's joy and your father's pride. . .

Our Love Always

Sara Bowman

Great going, Sara!

Now you are going to meet

your biggest challenge . . life

as an adult. We're proud of


Mom & Dad


Suzanne Page

Sometimes we miss the little girl you were, the exuberant, exciting, bouyant blur of motion . . . but then we see the wonderful woman you've become. Thank you for being our daughter and sharing life with us!!


Heather Evans

Heather, con- gratulations on your four years at Peace. We are very proud of all you have achieved in college but our greatest joy is in seeing what a wonderful person you have become. We know you have a bright future ahead of you.

Love, Mother Daddy



Lea Ann Oakes

Lea Ann's four years at Peace have been challeng- ing, fun and very reward- ing. She was challenged to do her best. With the help of her professors and friends her accomplish- ments have been enhanced and acknowledged. Lea ann's years at Peace College have prepared her for the workforce and life ahead. Thanks to the staff and friends acquired at Peace, Lea Ann has grown into a very independent young woman.

Thank You

The very proud parents of Lea Ann Oakes

Margaret E. Chamblee


Four years at Peace College have turned you into a delightful, self-confident young woman and we are very proud of you. You are so spe- cial to us, and add so much laughter and hap- piness to our lives. We love you very much.

Mom, Dad, and Scott


Christi Michele Murphy

We are proud of you.

Mama, Daddy,

Heather (and Mrs. Keestom Kostum)

Catherine Palmer Sineath


Another milestone in your hfe.

Just think . . next month you'll be

Matt's wife.

P.A. school next you'll be

Thanks to your excellent four

years at P.C.

You've mostly done just like you


we love you and are so proud of

you our daughter

Peace Be With You

Mom & Daddy


Shannon Andrews

God blessed us when he brought you into our lives. He has blessed us again by the beauti- ful young lady you are today, inside and out. Continue to search for God's plan in your life. We are proud of you! We love you!

Dad, Mom and Craig


Kristina Feldsine

From that tiny girl of not so long ago to the woman of today, you have brightened our lives and we wish you all the happiness your heart can hold. You mean the world to us.

Gram and Grandpa


Lindsey D. Tyler


You know how proud we ha\'e always been of you. All the hard work and sacrifices, and all those fantastic grades.

But do you know what it is that makes our hearts swell and brings tears of joy? It's you! Your strength of character; the honesty, integrity, loyalty! You are the example we should hve by. It is our honor to call you our daughter We lo\'e vou.

Mom & Dad

Darcy Curl


Standing, sitting or dancing, you are always on your toes perseyering. Your Peace years haye been filled with challenges and victory, crises and triumph, illness and adjustment, friendship and joy. Through it all you persevered.

We are so proud of you. With all our love.

Dad, Mom & Micah


Stephanie Blott


we are:

P - proud of you E - excited for you A - always love you C - confident in you E - encouraging you Love, Mom and Dad

Heather Medd

Dear Heather,

In the beginning you led us to a quiet block in Raleigh: Peace College. Its voices, texture, and im- ages have guided us not only by conventional wisdom but what now feels like grace. The privilege to meet and hear men and women whose lives add inspiration and luster to our own will continue to brighten your life.

With pride we celebrate your choice and future.


Daddy, Mommy and Catherine




Nicole McGee

What an extraordi- nary person you have become. You have already ac- complished so many things that have made me feel so proud of you. You've earned the respect from your family and friends by being the per- son you are. You are intelligent, thoughtful, sensi- tive and beautiful. Your sophomore year held more challenges that you first ex- pected. When faced with one of life's challenging moments you chose to meet the challenge head first because you trusted and believed in the person you knew inside, and wouldn't allow your dreams and goals to be shattered. I think that's when I realized you had grown up. 1 am so very proud to be your mother, and you my daughter, and re- member you will always be my P e.

We are all so very proud of you and we love you so very much.

Love, Mom



AdjmsO'urtnu'v J id: BreniMii PId.e Jacksonville NC :k54(i

AJamsJrilE 33HlThaMon Place Charl.nie NC 28226

AJanis MjTgjrel B ■Ri:, Ba\ 12-C- AhoskieNC 27<JHI

Adams Vivian M 31)5 South Oakum Si Edenlon NC 27932

Alhnghl Enca L

2348 Mana Lynn Court

Gaslonia NC 2S056

AldndgeHolheE 3333 Donner Trail Wake Forest NC 275H7

Alesiou Janice A 2725 Townedge Court Raleigh NC "27612

Allen Devin N Roule4, Box 131^ Old WiK.tn Road RoLk> Mount NC27S1)I

Allen Jenna E 6416 Apt, G The Lake'v Dnve Raleigh NC 2760y

Allen Jennifers

1601 Greenfield Dnve

Riehmond VA 23235

Alley ChnstinaS 2SfW Ridge Road Wilsim NC 27S4t.

AlliM.n Kellv D 1527 Ft Bragg Rd, Fayeitevilte NC 28305

Ambrose Can time 8(HII Ha\ market Lane Raleigh NC 27^15

Amo Jennifer L

20 Country Club Road

Rochester NY 14445

Andrews Shannon M PO Box 1660 Apex NC 27502

Antinon Holland M 135 VJrgmjLane Sneads Ferry NC 2846(1

Arnold Nicole A 9017 Wildwotxl Links RaleighNC27fil3

Amolt Sarali J 411 Cutler Street Raleigh NC 27603

Asher Heather M PO Box 7S4 Mechanicsville MD 20659

Aster Jennifer B 2024 J.K-lcne Dr Rocky Mount NC 27X03

Auman Lisa N 2207 Carol me Dr Durham NC 27705

Avcrelte Amelia P 432 College Dr Raelord NC 2S376

Averette Jamie E 7K(W Lt>uisburg Road Raleigh NC 27619

Avcntt Stephanie C 72(1 Calmer Street Durham NC 27701

Balch Karen M 465 Sherwond Rd. LumkTtnn NC 2K35S


ILildree [-mil> C 516 Lilhpul Drive New Bern NC 2X562

Baraias Valene J 9X31 Sturgeon Dr. LelandNC2S451

Barhcr Shelhv A 4<W Camellia Dnve Washmgton NC 27S89

Barbour Cameron G 217 West Church Street Benson NC 2751)4

Barker Bndgetle 301 W Thomdale Dr Oxford NC 27565

Barnes Rebecca A

8521 Valley Brook Dnve Raleigh NC 27613

Bamett Alana H 150X4 NC 242 HWV S Bl.idenhornNC 2X320

H.im-ti l-li/abelhE 405 VV Main Street Danville VA 24541

Bartholomew Briwks A I "JO I Thorpshire Dr Raleigh NC 27615

Banlelt Meredith A

46 Discovery Place Sylva NC 2S779

Bass Karen E

3 1 29 Gold Dust Lane

Willow SpnngsNC 27592

Batchelor Jennifer D 308 Bnarhaven Ct. Gamer NC 27529

Batchelor Sonja M

164 Goiise Creek Loop Road

Newport NC 2x570

Beach Rachel G 1^)06 Chelsea Dt WiKnn NC 27S»J6

Beaver Jemiiler L 2200Bas\icw Di Fayetleville NC 2X305

Behvand Michelle J 400 Bethel Street

BladcnhoroNC 28320

Bell Mary-Elizabelh C l09Brookvicw Dnve

Jacksonville NC 28540

Belmn Men7 C 20X Rohm Road Mount Air> NC 27O30

Bennett Shandalyn H 4131 Hawkins Avenue

Sanlord NC 27330

Berrxhill Meredith D 550 Berryhill Road Roxboro NC 27573

Bisselte Lcanne N

914 (.)ak Forest Dnve NW

Wilson NC 27896

Blackwell Alison R 228 School Street Alberta VA 23X21

Blair Came M 705 Spence Place GoldsboroNC 27534

Blalock Andrea R 903 Holland Road Fuquay-Vanna NC 27526

Blanchard Leah

635 EaslCaslaha Rd. Nashville NC 27X56

BlaiidmgChnsly N ■■Route LBox45" Gable SC 29051

Blankenship Lindy B 2342 NC X6 South Hillsborough NC 27278

Blanks Lamanda 41 4 Campion Place Newport News VA 23608

Blcau Tracey A 2102 Neuse Cliffs New Bern NC 2X560

Bleecker Elizabeth M 1219 L.mgleaf Drive Fayelteville NC 28305

Bhz^ard Pamela D 1I64NC 1 1 -903 North Kenansville NC 28349

Blott Stephanie L 236 Old Colony Way Rocky Mount NC 27804

Bolte Caralyn M 2339 Bernard Si. Raleigh NC 27608

Boney Ciirnline L 204 Park Street Hamlet NC 2X345

Boone Latoyia A 301 Weston Hall Raleigh NC 27610

Bowes Lon S

10640 Hurdle Mills Rnad

Hurdle Mills NC 27541

n Sara C 317 Wimbledon Court Wilmington NC 28412

Boyer Sara E

222 Riverside Drive

Havelock NC 28532

Boykin Jamie L

409 Hogan Circle Clayton NC 27520

Boyle Ashley B 316 Tralalgar Lane Gary NC 27513

Boylin Calhennc A 912 Vermont Street SmilhfieldNC 27577

Bradshuw Kcllv D

109 Rolling Ridge Circle

Gamer NC 27529

Bradsher Shelly A 6500 Louishurg Road Raleigh NC 27616

Brandon Kcllv N

348 Twin Oaks Dnve Apt 17

Yadkinville NC 27055

Brantley Bndget B 224 Adams Street Cary NC 27513

Branllev Heather P 1213 Weldon Place Ralejgh NC 27608

Brantley Jamie L 2X12-AWayland Drive Raleigh NC 2760X

Braswell Michelle K 3205 Flintshire Road Raleigh NC 27604

Breeden Laura F PO Box 11442 Raleigh NC 27604

Brett Eh/abeth H

2B 100 Windemiere Circle

Tarboro NC 278X6

Brewer Leigh A 405 King Anhur Trail Gamer NC 27529

Brewer Marv h

523 Pine Forest Dnve

Slier CilyNC 27344

Brewer Shannon R

5650 Thompson Chapel Ch

Wilson NC 27S'-ih

Bnti Laura L

3521-102 Ivy Commons Dr

Raleigh NC 27606

Brodenck Annya N 717 Point Court New Bern NC 2X560

Brooks Shannon M 314 Sandy Boliom Coun Clayton NC 27520

Broughton Jennifer C PO. Box 1722 Wendell NC 275'^tl

Bn.nvn Anna B

608 Woodndge Dnve

Murtreesboro NC 27855

Brown Cynthia K 5401 Deep Valley Run Raleigh NC 27606

Brown Jamie A

2X75 US 42 1 Lillmglon NC 27546

Brown Jessica S

2901 Dalton VLG Apt D

Charlotte NC 2X208

Brown Kalhryn A 1201 Bennington Dnve Concord NC 28027

Brown Lee A 1238 North Mam St Walnut Cove NC 27052

Bryant Came E PO Box 1893 Manteo NC 27954

Brvani Kelly A

1703 Cherokee Dnve Fayetteville NC 28303

Bryant Krysial A PO Box 754 Franklin VA 23X51

Brvant Laune D PO Box 481 Jackson NC 27845

Buck Dai^ M

5936 Crepe Myrtle Court

Raleigh NC 27h09

Buckner KaylaE

PO Box 239

Rose Hill NC 2845X

Buckner Shen D PO Box 58401

Raleigh NC 27058

Buff Melissa R

l3204NonA'oodRd Raleigh NC 27614

Bultaloe Allisim H 723 Hillandale Lane Gamer NC 27529

Bullard Tonya E 2004 Corbeme Lane Raleigh NC 27(il3

Bumelte Susan G 717 Salem Lane Tarboro NC 27886

Bums Sandra S

3(M) Mill Stone Road Moncure NC 27559

Burton Rulh E

6329 Donnybrook Dnve

Raleigh NC 27606

Byerly Stephanie C 1218 Fnes Street Salisbury NC 28145

Cahall JessKa M 1201 Crescent Drive SmilhfieldNC 27577

Calhhan Crystal D 9087 Green Loop Road LelandNC 28451

Cameron Stephanie N 12780 MacDougald Road Sanford NC 27330

Garden Stephanie R 6219 Whill Road Durham NC 27712

Carlton Julie E

804 W Morgan Street Apt K I B

Raleigh NC 27603

Carmichael Georgia R 5620 Folkstone Road Pfafflown NC 27040

Carter Brandv L

732 Whitlev Wav Wendell NC 27591

Carter Lisa A

4707 Perquimans Road W

Greensboro NC 27407

Carter Suzannah J 515 West Mam Street Wallace NC 28466

Carlretle Staccy M 402 S E. Maynard Rd

Gary NC 27511

Gates Ashlev D 92tHl Doe Court Chdrloile NC 28277

Cavenaugh Amy N 346 Rivenbark Town Rd, Wallace NC 28466

Chamblee Margaret E 1 405 Chemy Lane Wilson NC 27896

Chamock Crystal L 10351 Lees Mill Rd. Wan-enton VA 221X6

Chnsimas De\in L Stuan Hall Box 210 Staunton VA 24402

Chu Ying-Pmg

149 Apt F Jones Franklin Rd

Raleigh NC 27606

Clade Tiana J

608 Larkfie Id Court

Fayelteville NC 28314

Clark Anna C PO Box 36036 Fayelteville NC 28303

Clarke Jennifer C 509 Dmmmond Lane Chesapeake VA 23320

Clay Kathenne N PO Box 456 Oxford NC 27565

demons Victona D

10(H) Peed Dnve Greenville NC 27834

Clifton Bonnie J 3623 Chiton Lane Sanford NC 27330

Cloud Elizabeth B 2440 Oxford Road Raleigh NC 27608

Cooper Stephanie B

PO Box 1 1 54

Morehead City NC 28557

Coppedge Blair E 2lOOEdinborough Road Rocky Mount NC 27803

Cormani Valene M 6905A Thomchfle Dnve Austin TX 78731

Coscia Jessica B PO Box 2347 Manteo NC 27954

Costa Emily T

605 Noble Lane

Mount Pleasant SC 29464

Costa Kathenne H

605 Noble Lane

Mount Pleasant SC 29464

Costin Rebekah K 312 Blackmore Road Warsaw NC 2839S

Gotten Tammy R 2MM)Buck Rowland Rd. Fuquay-Vanna NC 27526

Cox Jennifer M

7437 Deer Track Dr. Raleigh NC 27613

Cox Kalhryn L

1208 Buckingham Road

Greensboro NC 27408

Cozan Amanda P 1925 Hilltop Rd. Raleigh NC 27610

Crabtree Kimberly D 2311 Willougby Dr Fayetteville NC 28301

Graft Lauren M 1 704 Ponder Coun Aiken SC 298tl3

Crane Nicole M 7l8Windy Trail Newport NC 28570

Crawshaw Elisha J

4239 Aveni Feny Apt. # 2

Raleigh NC 27606

Cromartie Monica M 2421-105 Tonv Tank Ln Raleigh NC 27613

Cunimings Allison L 4610 Spnng Hill ChRd Lilhngton NC 27546

Curl Darcy R 5825 Sentinel Dr. Ratcigh NC 27605

Cumer Ann E 303 Winhavcn St. Roxboro NC 27573

Cusumano Tracy C 310SChenaultCoun Raleigh NC 27604

Cutler Mandy L 22530 NC 32 North Plymouth NC 27962

Daniels Samantha J PO Box 14

WanchescNC 27981


65(MI Enclave Place Charlotte NC 28277

Davenport Emilie D 924 S.W, 149th Way Fort Lauderdale FL 33326

Davev Allison T 5528 Eagle Rock Road Knighldale NC 27545

Davidson Julie N PO Box 160 Brookncal VA 24528

Davis Gretla J

25 1 1 Jamboree Rd Apt 30 1

Raleigh NC 27613

fJavis Hunter A Rl I Box 1049 Port RepubliL VA2447I

Davis Judith E

4001 Cumming Circle Apt. 2H

Raleigh NC 27613

Davis Kimberly L 1 205 Tangtewood Dr, South Hill VA 23970

Davis Stephanie R 5379 Five Knolls Dr Charlotte NC 28226

Davis Valene D

5X1X Hunting Ridge Road

Hope Mills NC 28348

Dawson Carey A 205 Hunterhill Road Chapel Hill NC 27516

Dawson Shaunu S 2918 Sheep Farni Road Mount Air>' NC 27030

DeBose Knsla L 207 Brurcliff Dnve Dunn NC 28334

Demmer Kalhryn A 2860 Foothill Trail Marietta GA 30066

DcMoniegre Amy E 539 (Xik Run Dnve Raleigh NC 27606

Dew Jamie L

3.108 MillbriH>k Dnve

Wilson NC 27893

Diamond Amanda B 1502 Mi.haux Chapel Hilt NC 27514

)ill>m-ShomianChelcy L Mi Richwdod Road )udi.im NC :77l)5

Flowers Marjonc A 33(M Lockpon Coun RiL-hmond VA 23:3.^

m P Hum Club Lane

Flynn Shannon R 1 203 Duncan Slrcet Fayeiievillc NC 2S303

Xm.iklMHi Ann.ll. .iiu.'ll NC :7544

Forsgrcn Su.san S 3l(l7AKingsCl Raleigh NC 27606

)o«.l Ktlly A

OM M^ Arthur Road


Fun Je^Mca M

42(11 Samaniha Drue

Raleigh NC 27f.l3

XvkT L.iShunaT (U Mjain Sassor Dr :...U Mount NC:7S()I

Fartcnhen7 RchL'Lta B 223 Johnslun Dr BelmonlNC 2S(H2

>r.ik>. KimlHTly L 114^ Sand^ Road

Fosler Tratie R 3021-G Donn.-rCin.lc

Raleigh NC27Wtf>

lu^l ^Mirlh Kalhnn S ii: Huiik-r'sRoad i\|.'ij NC 27.'i65

Foyles Melissa J 404 I Parkton C.nirl CaryNC 2751!

luriii Nomia M

sot ,ihle Blvd. Apt. 34

kTklcrson NC 27536

Frahm Nicole L 3714 Cardinal Downs Greensboro NC 27410

jsi.-T Lydia R

Ih I'.'hhlehrwk Dr

.akiL'h NC 27(>IW

Frazier Amanda K Rl 1. Bo\ 206


dim Ashlev B



Freeman Rohm K 325Ri\ersidc Dnvc Greenville SC 24h05

liiinTidson Jenny L 4li; Surry Rd ViKon NC 27K4f)

dnu-nvlon Melissa A 52'' H,ino\er Sireei ;aki:Jh NC 2itm

ll^^,lids Anne E 44s Wesilakc Dnve .akhjh NC 27fi(W

dvvarJs Candy M 11.^ l.AeN. Shore Dr, ■InicheadCiiyNC 28557

Jwai Js Ta\ia L :ni: The Hall Road ir„i>JiMlle VA 23828

dvi.irds Virginia E sMi h\eler Circle wikMjhNC 27W)K

Ik.n.Tracv L xi|(i Verling Dn%e lurJnnsMlie VA 22''42

4()\ ( hesnee [>n\e ^■l^.||l NC 27S4fi

^.m^ Heather E

Ml r jv lor Heath Rd.

«mML>nNC 28501

.vjTis Jessica S

Ms:.]m LangwoodDnve

UlLi-h NC 27(il3

^^iis Paula W

211 (.;old Hill Road

■lunmrnNC 2S3S(i


211 (inid Hill Road

.iLDiiinn NC 28386

uT.it Gina L 11 I odar Circle

.\,.hmgionNC 27889

Acu-u Veronica A ih Kenton Coun jvelleMllcNC :S3II

\i.rhart Sara E . 4vs L'nitv Sireel homasMileNC 27360

'ain Amy E

t412 Wenhcrson Lane

iaieigh NC 27h|3

"amss Man K ■21 Rill Road Vilminglon NC 28403

•eldsinc Knstina D il04 Country Club Dr. Vilson NC 27896

Towers Jessica J i!08H.W.«.dlake Place laleigh NC 27W)7

Freeman Robin L 1441 TrevlerCoun Raleigh NC 27W)h

Fulk Enka R

5552 Bnishy Mm Rd

Moravian Falls NC 28654

Gaine> Amanda M 801 Waverly Place Statesvillc NC 28677

Garcia Veronica M 207 Linwix)d Dnve Jacksonville NC 28546

Gardner Emily M

4S(.MJLalimerRoad Raleigh NC 27f>Oy

Gardner Enn D

1211 Lmle Acres Dnve

Durham NC 27713

Garrv Amanda S ll07ForresiHillDr High Point NC 272h2

Gales Sarah K 1012 Mersey Lane Raleigh NC 27615

Gav Chantv E PO Box 4 " Seaboard NC 27876

George Jennifer R 145-E, Hunt Club Ln.

Raleigh NC 27606

Gibbes Lauren C 3627 Quail View Road Charlotle NC 28226

Gibbons Laune M 407 Norwood Street Lenoir NC 2864.*!

Gibson Melissa C 111 Fnendlv Dnve Raleigh NC 27695

Gidney Mary C

l01-2CKindlelreeCt. CaryNC 27513

Gielz Adrian ne L 103 NW 4ih Street Snow Hill NC 28580

Gilman Melanic A

54(.MJ Timber Ridge Dnve

Raleigh NC 27609

Gonzalez Ailecn L 309 Kinlaw Road FayettevilleNC 28311

Gooden Valerie S 8733 US 701 N, Clarkton NC 28433

Goodman Julie R

Hm\ Teakwood Dnve Dispulanta VA 23842

Goreham Rochcllc S 937 West Chatham Street CiiryNC275ll

Goss Brandi N

229 West Pine Street

Williamston NC 27892

Gray Angela D

14 Pier Point

New Bern NC K5f)2

Gray Mary B l412Spivev Road Whiieville NC 28472

Hailhcock Tammy K PO Box 355 Gashurg VA 23857

Hammer Stephanie C Route I Box 2.''3-B BelMdercNC 27919

Hancock Anna B 1 1 3 Denard Street Oxford NC 27565

Hancock Calhenne N 31845 BrowntownRd. Rocky Mount NC 27804

Hankins Robvn L 3871 Village Drive Tnniiy NC 27370

Hanley Anna C 906 Canterbury Rd

Raleigh NC 27607

Hardison Meredith B 401 Lee Street Williamston NC 27892

Harmon Sarah E 70! East Park Dnve Lincolnlon NC 28092

Harper Melissa A 604 Wanda Ridge Dr Durham NC 27712

Harrel! Emily J 2983 McCaskey Road Williamston NC 27892

Hamngton Lon M 632 Guinness Place Wake Forest NC 27587

Hamngton Stacey D 632 Guinness Place Wake Forest NC 27587

Hams Joanna E 1698 Natchez Trace Greensboro NC 27455

Hamson Holly M

1040 Dan Peele Road Williamston NC 27892

Harvey DeMichclle A Rt, 2 Box 37 Leonard TX 75452

Haichel Uigh A 7392 Colesbury Coun MechanicsvilleVA 23111

Hathc(xk Kathryne E 16382 Lake Point Dnve


Hayden Beatnce O 4170BnarcrcekRd-

ClemmonsNC 27012

Haynes Amanda M

P,0 Box218

Fair Bluff NC 28439

Haynie Jacqueline 3133 N. Mam Street Hope Mills NC 28348

Heath Beverly R Route I Box 3 1 6 Htwkenon NC 28538

Henderson Aubrey L 702 Powell Dnve Raleigh NC 27fiO(>

Hemn Jessica L

94 East Stratford Dnve

Henderson NC 275.36

Hieks Elizabeth L 3305 Felton Place Raleigh NC 27612

Hill Nakia D

4016 Vass-Canhage Road

Carthage NC 28327

HillTanika V

200 Evettsvillc R.iaU Dudley NC 2X333

Hmes Jo\ R

721 Old kestrel Dr

Apex NC 27502

Hiiiton Sheme L

SI4 Martin Lulher King Bl

Raleigh NC27W) I

Hobbs Chnstel L 5705 Havlofi Circle Raleigh NC 27606

Hollingsworth Amanda L 468 Union Street S. Concord NC 28025

Honevcutt Kalhennc F 3.^0l>elton Place Raleigh NC 27612

Hopkins Alexandra R 5413 Edington Lane Raleigh NC 27604

Hora Knstie L Route 1 Box 1 35

Eure NC 27935

Horwhal Andrea B 5K23 FamiU Farm Road MorresMlle NC 275O0

Houston Donna L 4 1 69 DogwoixJ Acres Raleigh NC 27603

Howard Stephanie C 3714 London Ch Rd. Elm City NC 27822

Hrabak Leslie A

IIHI4 Ml. CamielCh Rd.

Chapel Hill NC 27514

Hubbard Laura G MM) Haywood Dnve Roanoke Rapids NC 27870

Hudson Crystal L 10.30 E.Justin Dnve Gamer NC 27529

Hughes Candace M

PO Box 861

Slier City NC 27.344

Hwang Seo H

5015-B Ft Sumier Road

Raleigh NC 27606

lns;ersoll Jacqueline 7S30 Woodland Hills Semmes AL 36575

Ingle Jennifer R UIOLukcMCw Dn^e KiyetlevillcNC2s305

Inman Pamela L 654 Inman L^ke Rd Whiteville NC 28472

Inscw Kelly M 109 Bell wood Dr Henderson NC 27536

Ives Megan

54IHI Holland Church Rnad

Raleigh NC 27603

Jackson Amanda L 1205 Holland Road Fuquay Vanna NC 27526

Jenkins Apnl S

5-305 -A Thicket Hill Lane

Raleigh NC 27604

Jenkins Elizabeth L 701 Salem Lane Tarboro NC 27886

Jirjis Lava

20(U Lonmer Road

Raleigh NC 27606

Johnson Knsla D 6401 Zion Church Road Sanford NC 27330

Johnson Misty D 5520 Heather Sireel Hope Mills NC 28348

Johnson Portia D 1 500 Buffalo Road Gamer NC 27529

Johnson Rebecca L

61)4 Meme Road Raleigh NC 27606

Jones MarvAMiili F 215 Mount Vcmon Ave Danville VA 24541

Jones Meredith M 2706Oldenway Dnve Charlotte NC 2S269

Jones Samantha 105 Trafalgar Lane Cary NC 27513

Jones Soulhall R 6 Watauga Court Durham NC 27713

Jones Stephanie B 1409 Fairway Dnve Clayton NC 27520

Kanhcr Shannon E K4 1/2 Edgemoni Rd 4

AshevilleNC 28801

Keeton JeanC 4057 Rockwell Road Oxford NC 27565

Keever Leigh B 1044Rockford Road High Point NC 27262

Keith Melanie K 2825 Durham Road Wake Forest NC 27587

Kelliher Jennifer E 3517 Lionel Lane FayetievilleNC283ll

Kelly Elizabeth L 439 Bnghlwood Dnve FayetteCille NC 28303

Kennedy Lisa D 2S20 Ahon Phillips Rd Kinston NC 2S504

Kerkhof Vanessa M 7913 Jenkins Ridge Ct Raleigh NC 27613

Khan Fara A

7608 Mine Vallev Rd

RuleighNC 27615

Kidd Bethany L PO Box 1138 Cullowhee NC 28723

Kieffer Elizabeth 5906 NW Adnan Ter KansasCity MO 64151

Kinney Julian S 308 East Lake Dnve Greensboro NC 27401

Knight Karen D 1501 E. Manin Street Raleigh NC 27611)

Kothik Susan R

4917 S«isswt>ood Dn\e

Raleigh NC 27613

Koontz Emily E 323 Cascade Dnve High Point NC 27265

Landis Faye D 4809 Ellsworth Drive Fayettcville NC 28304

Uinc Amy L POBox 1024 Manteo NC 27954

Lane Patience J 107 Morgan Lane RockwwHJ TN 37S54

Lapham Renee M 10060 LP Bailey Hwy

Nathalie VA 24577

Laughndge Elisubelh R 17(17 Chamberlain Dnve

Wilson NC27S96

Lawrence Lisa C 520 Gordon Moore Rd. Franklinton NC 27525

Laws Counney B 363 Hawthorne Road ElkinNC2S62l

Lay Megan E

105 Blanchard Street

Fuquay Vanna NC 27526

Lee Candice R

612 Willon Meadow Dnve

Garner NC 27529

Lee Jennifer A

5825 Hagan Stone Park Rd

Pleasant Garden NC 27 M 3

Lee Melissa J

1033 Sturdivant Dnve

Cary NC 27511

Lcggett Allison N PO Box 2503 Washington NC 278S9

Lewis Apnl M

2 108 Coreygale Court

Fayclteville NC 28304

Lewis Frances M KKlSmmt Dnve Roanoke Rapids NC 27870

Lilley Melanic B 10708 Chalkle\ Road Richmond VA 23237

Lisk-r Juhe A

II I Hnbwhiie Court

Oxford NC 27565

Litchfield Katie T

407 Camellia Dnve

Washington NC 27889

Little Amber D 411 Lynhaven Dnve Winston Salem NC 27 KM

Longest Mary L 109 Rose Avenue Wallace NC 2S466

Luisi Rosalia A 313 Pond Dnve Suffolk VA 23434

Lunslord Melanie D 100 Done Dn\e Belmont NC 28012

Lybrand Jennifer M

1 372 Hunters Crossing Ln

Gastonia NC 28054

Lyons Kathenne P 2312 Airline Dr Raleigh NC 27607

Machacek Dava B IO(UBranchviewCi Raleigh NC 27610

Mack LaToya J 307 Duffy Drive Goldsboro NC 27534

MacNabb Jennifer 4141-207 Lake Lynn Dr Raleigh NC 27613

Major Susan V

12141 The Glebe Lane

Charles City VA 23030

Manning Jessica B 5601 Limpkin Court Fairfax VA 22032

Mansfield Sarah E 609 Chancery Place Greensboro NC 27408

Marshall Dianna 1 12A Pinehurst Manor Pinehurst NC 2H374

Massengill Karen D

1904 OBerty Center Road

Goldsboro NC 27530

Matthews Jennifer A

1.3217 Melvin Arnold Road Raleigh NC 27613

Mattix Emily 10(.U Plateau Lane Raleigh NC 27615

Mayer Amanda L PO Box 337 Hobgood NC 27843

Mayhew Annette M

408 Dorado Court High Point NC 27265

Maynard Elizabeth T 1 05 Merewixid Road

BelmonlNC 28012

Maynard Tonya D 1509 Old Maynard Road

MomsMlleNC 27560


Mayo Kjihr\'n B 122(S RiiL-rmom Av

Lvn^lihitr^ VA 24503

Mays Ldura K I»0 Box 73 Lovingsti>n VA 22^49

Md//j Caroline M 471 1 Charlciiies'.illc GrecnsKm-NC 274 lU

McCain Lisii L

6135 Pine ForeM Road

Camertin NC 28326

McCamy Emily E 3125 Planlcrs Ridge CdMnnia NC 28056

MLCIeery Devon E 3713 GlouLeslcr Road Rocky Mnunl NC 27803

McCloskey Delia P 2622 Idlewood Circle Charlolle NC 28209

McGee Ken N 4700 Foresl Highland Raleigh NC 27604

McLamh Jennifer H 401 Wesierwood Court Raleigh NC 27609

McPherson Slephanie ion Rivershore Road ElizabelhCily NC 27909

Medd Calhenne E Rt 6 Box 89A Hendersonville NC 28792

Mcdd Healher M Rl 6 Box 89A Hendersonville NC 28792

Mcdford Leigh M

Star Rl Box 67

Rich Sijuare NC 27869

Meeks Kelhe D 605 Ccdarhursl Road Greenville NC 27834

Mehl Susan K

I Ut Minute Man Dnve

Gary NC 27913

Mcrvyn Victoria I 1104 Kennedy Street Camden SC 29033

Michael Dawn E 8552 Applecross Circle Apex NC 27502

Miller Susan W

PO Bo\4X

Snow Hill NC 28580

Milton Morgan M 2101 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh NC 27608

Milton Tom D P O Box 1044 Apex NC 27502

Minges Amy A 2220Nonh"WesleyanBI\d Rocky Mouni NC 27804

Mitchell Jennifer A 4021 Billy Hopkins Road Zcbulon NC 27597

Moerman Kaihryn H ll2EdinboroughCi, Rocky Mount NC 27K03

Mokurram Shcva 5817 Hodon Place Fayettevillc NC 28314

Montana Anne-Margaret 2501-A Kilgore Ave Raleigh NC 27607

Montondo Mclinda M l798Rt 9.W

Mitlon NY 12547

Mooreficld Kimherly P

t696Beckv Ann Dn've Kemcrsville NC 27284

Moonng Sharon R 102 Chelsea Drive Snow Hill NC 28580


Morgan Brett S 5iOOHdycourt Lane Wendell NC 27591

Moms Michelle F 4217 Avcnl FeiTy-#2 Raleigh NC 27606

Moms Teresa S

2715 Nonhwoods Dnve

Jacksonville NC 28540

MullinsShay E

4365 Avcnt Ferry Road Apt 4

Raleigh NC 27606

Murphy Chnsti M PO- Box tfiX4 Hender^on NC 27536

Murphy Knsiin M 109 Chamberlain Si Raleigh NC 27607

Murphy Sarah L 8500 Oak Pointe Way Fairfax Station VA 22019

Muse Calhenne E 304 Glen Cove Coun Lexington SC 29072

Nance Jenniler G 2014 Spintual Drive Kinston NC 28504

Nance Jessica D 6225 Cor> Brel Road Charlotte NC 29732

Negrelh Elizabeth C 2317 Sharon Lane Charlotte NC 28211

Nelson Polly M 1 76 Old Nassau Rd

Smyrna NC 28579

Neumann Alicia M 320 Greenbnar Dnve Jacksonville NC 28546

Newsom Cleonc E 1 113 Country Ridge Dr Raleigh NC 27609

Newsome Jamie T 6029 Wintergreen Dnve Raleigh NC 27609

Newton Sarah D

PO Box 2065

Atlantic Beach NC 28512

Nichols Amber N

432 1 Avenl Ferry Road Apt. 4

Raleigh NC 27606

Nichols Shannon A 3308 Stable Coun Greensboro NC 27410

Nobles Lisa G 120Chipaway Dnve Greenville NC 27858

OakesLca A

1968 Red Marshal Rd

Pelhani NC 27311

OakleyJuhc A

4201 Hwv 96 Oxiord NC 27565

Oakley Karen M 480 WW GaskinsRd Ayden NC 28513

O'Dea Shannon M 915 Oak Dnve MoreheadCity NC 28557

Oghum Olivia B 409 N Second Street Smithrield NC 27577

O'Neal Uiuren P 3629 Plantation Road Morehead City NC 28557

Owen Apnl D

658 Yorkshire Dnve

lidgewood MD 2I(M1

Page Jessica N

671 Stokes Gooding Rd

Kenansville NC 28.149

Page Megan S

1947 Mid Sound Loop

Wilminglim NC 28405

Pahl Allison T 3212 B-2 Quiet Mill Raleigh NC 27612

Parks Cassandra G 1412 Edgcbrook Dnve Gamer NC 27529

Pamsh Emily N 311 W Ander^onSl.

Selma NC 27376

Panin Meghann E 303 Linwood Avenue Goldsboro NC 27530

Paschal Kasev R

118 Waxwood Lane Gary NC 27511

Patterson Melinda E POBox 1337 Raeford NC 28376

Peay Elizabeth A 1U4 Yorkshire Lane Wilmington NC 28409

Perkins Mary Y 2208 Snowcresi Trail Durham NC 27707

Perkinson Jennifer A 1233 Woodrow Avenue Waynesbiini VA 22980

Petteway Marv B PO Box 97 Ehzabethlown NC 28337

Phillips Emily C 2407 Foxcrofi Road

Wilsw NC 27896

Pike Caria D

785! Silk HopcLibenvRd

Slier City NC


Port Jennifer E 153 Sandy Ridge Dr, East Clayton NC 27520

Prow Cynthia G PO Box 1386 1 140 Masscy Farm Rd Knightdalc NC 27545

Pwili Leah S

3111 B5 Hillsborough

Raleigh NC 27607

Ragland Tara L 630 Boyd Street Chase Cily VA 23924

Ragsdale Chnstina D 13610 Hunts Bridge Rd

Midlothian VA 23112

Rajakumar Mohanalakshmi 1624 SW 40th Tcr Apt F Gainesville FL 326117

Ramer Kimherly A 1 12 Whitman Avenue Castle Hayne NC 2K429

Ralliff Rhiannon M 319 Bradley Dnve

Wilmington NC 28409

Rawls Eh/abeth T 3312 Barker Place

Raleigh NC 27604

Reives LaKeisha D 1250 Gee's Grove Rnad

Slier Citv NC 27344

Riley Alison B

502 Back Swamp Road

Richlands NC 28574

Rivers Mary M

417 Whitehead Circle

Chapel Hill NC 27514

Roberts Heather L 425 Rollingw.K.d Circle Jacksonville NC 28546

Roberts Jennder L 128 Foresl Hills Dnve Monnx- NC281I2

Roberts Kalhennc F 522 George Anderson

Wilmington NC 28412

Roberts Vanessa H 1182 Beaver Dam Rd Creedmoor NC 27522

Robinson Cynthia L 5105 Bridlington Ln Raleigh NC 27612

Roebuck Danielle K 2803 Everell Avenue

Raleigh NC 27607

Rook Crysial M ll3CreeksideCoun Roanoke Rapids NC 27870

Rose Stephanie B PO Box 98 Courtiand VA 23837

Ross Jenny L 10134 NCHwy 99 S Balh NC 27808

Ross Rachel E

405A NonhpoinlRd. Spnng Lake NC 28390

Rossier Dominique CP 127-Lossy 1782Belfaux(X)

Rownd Allison D 2705 Smokey Ridge Crt Raleigh NC 27613

Royal Austin E 1708 Evergreen Ave Goldsboro NC 27530

Royall Meredith L 9609 Theresa Lane Rougemont NC 27572

Ruggero Sally A

6012Tamhour Ct, Raleigh NC 27612

Russell Came L 276 Sigma Dnve

Harvuxtd MD 20776

Russell Stephanie A 16661 B Tyson Road Albemarle' NC 28001

Sanders Alisa D 600 Garden Street Sanlord NC 27330

Sauer Amber J 1 1 1 Modena Drive Cary NC 27513

Sauls Tom L 8940 Sauls Road Raleigh NC 27603

Scarborough Chianii 8565 Old Percival Rd Columbia SC29223

Schoen Summer M 180 Connelt Road Carthage NC 28327

Schuchardt Mary M 832 Roberts Chapel Stem NC 27581

Schuster Tamela D

4000 Beaver Lake Court Apt 2B

Raleigh NC 27613

Sears Ashley R 4405 NC 55 Hwy Momsville NC 27560

See Yon H

2505 Torbav Court

Raleigh NC 27613

Sharpless Jennifer L S902 Moss Creek Rd Midlothian VA 23112

Shaw Crystal G 2849 Sonnett Dnve RandlemanNC 27317

Shelor Lindsay H 3532-202 Ivy Commons Raleigh NC 27514

Shields Adnenne L 5105 McConnick Road Durham NC 27713

Shropshire Beth A 1010 Com Tassel Trl Martinsville VA 24112

Slier Allison J 205 DogwoiHJ Unc Belmont NC 28012

Simmons Julia K 1 1 1 Short Dnve Lumbenon NC 28358

Sinealh Cathennc P 17 Palmetto Dnve Wnghlsvitle Beach NC 2848(J

Singleton Felicia V 675 Clark Road Vanceboro NC 28586

Sinnett Susanne L 821 Ivanhoe Dnve Raleigh NC 27615

Sjpe Elizabeth S 3I4W. Bessemer Ave Greensboro NC 27401

Skidmore Amanda J 63 1 2 Guess Road Durham NC 27712

Siaydon Mary P 1812 Fairway Dnve Reidsville NC 27320

Smith Abby L 201 Bluff Street Mount Airy NC 27030

Smith Chnsla R 3522 Carnage Dr Raleigh NC 27612

Smith Elizabeth S 204 Anita Forte Dnve Swansbtiro NC 28584

Smith Elizabeth S

245 Shady Apanmenl 50 H

Washington NC 27889

Smith Evan M 2320 Airline Drive Raleigh NC 27607

Smith Lindsay W 125 Cedar Circle

Washington NC 27889

Smith Mary E

109 West Quailndge

Oxford NC 27565

Smith Michelle L 617 N. Sexton Ave Zcbulon NC 27597

Smith Shanna R 200 Santree Drive Wilhamslon NC 27892

Smith Vicki L

1020 Ruffin Mill Place

Colonial Heights VA 23834

Spangler Natalie E 1616 Graham Avenue Henderson NC 27536

Sponenburg Sarah M 514 Cedar Rock Est Dr Lenoir NC 28645

Stanley Melissa A 204 Oakdale Dnve Hillsborough NC 27278

Stanley Traeie E 2838-203 Aveni Feny Road Raleigh NC 27606

Stokes Mary P 2441 Reynolds Dnve Winston Salem NC 27104

Slrom Caroline E 2IIW Wevbndge Dnve Raleigh NC 27615

Strom Caroline E 2104 Weybndge Dnve Raleigh NC 27615

Slump Kalhenne P

1306 W ComwallisDnve

Greensboro NC 27408

Surgeon Jamie T 1300 Bearhollow Road Greensboro NC 27410

Sutherland Kara C 3705 Saers Court Kennesaw 30144

Tadlock Melissa L 2302 Sterling Place Wilmington NC 28403

Taylor Counney J

702 S Bro POBox 608

RobersonvilleNC 27871

Thompson Rea H

412 N Thompson Si. Whileville NC 28472

Thrasher Laura L 75 Cedar Tree Dnve RemlapAL 35133

Thrasher Rebecca J 75 Cedar Tree Dnve Remlap AL 35133

Thnft Natasha E 1 336 Pinebluff Road Winston Salem NC 27103

Tibbclls Ellen C 19389 WotKlsRd Culpepcr VA 22701

Tillolson Tammy L PO Box 8147 Clarksvillc VA 23927

Tipton Sarah E 900 West 3rd. Street Roanoke Rapids NC 27870

Todd Whitney S 1630 Crescent Dnve Henderson NC 27536

Toney Jessica D 9112 University Blvd Richmond VA 23229

Tozer Megan T

208 GreenwiKxl Dnve

Greenville NC 27834

Traylor Layla J l4Ol-202Pinewinds Raleigh NC 27603

Tumage Elizabeth S 610 West Divine Dunn NC 28344

Turner Kimberly D 5352GardnervilleRd Ayden NC 28513

Tumer Mary S

9062 Galalia Church Road

Fayette ville NC 28304

Tyler Lindsey O 1 1 1 Planters Place Goldsboro NC 27530

Tyson Mary K

118 Steeplechase Rd.

Chapel Hill NC 27514

Umslead Devon R 169 Deerwood Lane MtKiresville NC 28115

Vandertord Billie M 1197 Winslow Road Robersonville NC 27871

Vaughan Jenne M PO Box 202 Alberta VA 23821

Vaughan Laura S

7092 Vaughan Chpl Rd.

Elm City NC 27822

Vega Jennifer M 1009 Oak Dnve Jacksonville NC 28540

Vlazny Kayic M

1 108 Tanglewood Drive

Cary NC 275 1 1

Vogl Sarah A

4012 Heaven Bound Street

Wake Forest NC 27587

Wall Lone G 259 Deacons Way Mocksville NC 27028

Warmaek Angela J

P O Box 705

Rich Square NC 27869

Warner Mary C 414 Thorncliff Drive Fayctlcville NC 28303

Warrcnfcltz Audrey R PO Box 652 FunkstownMD 21734

Watts Cathenne A 127 Riverview Dnve Wa-shingtonNC 27889

Weber Amy M 514 Robin Lane Edenton NC 27932

Wellons Cheryl D 2989 Reesedale Road Ellislon VA 24087

Westcmian Apnl C 4712 Kaplan Dnve Raleigh NC 27606

*'hct-lifi^ Shaiij R |75 L.'n^view CouiX j'ounLjsv^lle NC 27396

iftiiieMde Cathenne ill) ^'irainia Avenue

liorehead City NC 28557

ibnTiJi KWhitfieid

17 H Dogwood Trail |jli> Hdwk NC 27949

yiard Wginij B '65 Pine frail tendcr>on NC 27336

yickhdm Allison S 140J Chippenham Ci

taleigh NC 27613

VilJcr Chnsty L ,002 WiKKJbnar Si >pcx NC 27502

«lkins Melissa B «3i Brwadwell Dr >ileigh NC 27606

/ille\ Susan D

Northwood Road Washington NC 27889

fllhoms Hillao B

231 Cameron Oaks Dn\e

barlone NC 28211

fiiliams Jacqueline M S20 Lnion Streei. South" onconi NC 27612

lUiams Melanie K Jl Balsam Dnve filminglon NC 2S4tW

fillse> Bartiaia R MM3 Little Creek Lane mon\ille VA 22567

SIson Camedelle H 05 Wavne Dnve filminglon NC 28403

filson Elizabeth A 660 Arthur Corey Road fiUiamslonNC 27892

/ikon Tabalha A 903 Brenspark Dr hesterlleld VA 23832

rtnkles Leah M (0 Ike Lvnch Road alias NC 28034

tood Rebecca L lOS 4ihSL ibane NC 27302

bodlief Tracey L )24 Dorsev Road Slford NC 27365

food-s Amanda J

18 Lav. rence Road aisborough NC 27278

bodyard Jennifer H X) Teal Circle oldsboroNC 27534

fyatl Mary K

101 Santa Rosa Dr

ichmond VA 23229

y Allison L

K)8 Old Elizabeth Rd

akigh NC 27616

mk Amanda M

M Stourbridge Circle

liy NC 27311

Jungs Donna M '8 Cedar Rock Lane enderson NC 27536




e say good-bye to yet

another school year:

for some of us it's our first,

for others our last. We

have to say our final

good-byes not onlv to

Dr. Briggs and the

graduating classes,

but also to Mrs.

Annette Woodard.

Mrs. Woodard was taken from our Peace College fam- ily suddenly, and will be greatly missed. She was friendly to us all here at Peace and will not soon be forgotten.

Though our

friends and kwed

ones are leaving us

this year. Peace will

alwaysbe with them.

. . it will just be A

Wider Shade of Green

Vou luJII go ouMn |oi| ond be led \M in peoce; M mm\m ond hills mill burst into song before pjnd all [beta of [be field ujill clop tbeir bonds...

- ISflifltl SS:12


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