


-Photo by Blanchard.]

Tremendous catches of red snapper have been taken from the deep "snapper

reefs" off Louisiana in recent weeks. The excellent specimen

looking you in the eye here weighed more than thirty pounds





ROBERT F. KENNON Governor of Louisiana

L. D. YOUNG, JR. Director

Published Monthly except May, June, July and August when

Bi-Monthly in the interest of conservation by Louisiana

Wild Life and Fisheries Commission

126 Civil Courts Building, New Orleans, La.



Vol. 6



A. C. GLASSELL, Shreveport Chairman

J. J. BESSON, Baton Rouge Vice-Chairman


0. A. LAHAYE, Eunice


J. W. DOXEY, Cameron

A. J. BUQUET, Houma

L. D. YOUNG, Jr.





Chief, Division of Education and Publicity


Chief, Fur and Refuge Division


Chief, Division of Oysters and Water Bottoms


Chief, Division of Fish and Game


Chief, Division of Research and Statistics


Chief, Division of Enforcement


Chief, Commercial Seafood Division

class mail matter August 21, 1947, at the Post Offic Orleans, La., under the act of August 24, 1912. >er. Southwestern Association of Industrial Editors

Permission for publication of all material in this issue is granted, except where specifically prohibited, provided that credit is given and we receive marked copies. Contributions and photographs are welcomed, but the CONSERVATIONIST cannot be responsible for loss or damage to unsolicited material. Manuscripts should be addressed to Editor, Louisiana Conservationist, 126 Civil Courts Bldg., New Orleans 16. La.



DIVISION by Frank Coogan.... 2



COON ON A LOG by Herman G.

Englehardt and J. B. Le Ray 6





DEER 'N DOGS by John Blanchard 14


SETUP by George Moore 16


WARDEN by Robert H. Wilcox 18


Message from the Director 1

Action of the Commission 20

Speak Your Piece 21

With the Federation 22

Book Review 24

Bayou Browsing Inside Back Cover


Great Horned Owl.


L. D. Young, Jr.


Louisiana I Wild Life and Fisheries Commission

Photo by Gresham


The hunting season is only half over, and yet the weeks which should have been joyful ones have turned to sorrow for the friends and relatives of at least a dozen Louisiana hunters. Five fatalities from gunshot wounds have already been reported to the CONSERVATIONIST, and more than that number of non-fatal accidents. Let us once again in- spect our own gun-handling habits. That time-worn cliche usually applied to safe driving, "the life you save may be your own," can be applied with equal force to gun accidents. A firearm per se is no more dangerous a weapon than is an automobile. People make them so! The Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturers Institute has distributed hun- dreds of thousands of copies of their "Ten Commandments for Hunters." Take time to read these ten listed below even though you've read them before. See how you measure up on each one.

1. Treat every gun with the respect due a loaded gun. This is the cardinal rule of gun safety.

2. Carry only empty guns, taken down or with the action open, into your automobile, camp, and home.

3. Always be sure that the barrel and action are clear of obstructions.

4. Always carry your gun so that you can control the direction of the muzzle, even if you stumble.

5. Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger.

6. Never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot.

7. Never leave your gun unattended unless you unload it first.

8. Never climb a tree or fence with a loaded gun.

9. Never shoot at a flat, hard surface or the surface of water.

10. Do not mix gunpowder and alcohol.

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by Frank Coogan, Chief

With this issue we begin a series of articles designed to acquaint you with the purpose and organization of the divisions of the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission. Presented here is the first one, on the Research and Statistics Division.

The activities of the Division of Research and Statistics have been confined almost exclusively to the abatement of stream pollution in the State of Louisiana. Division personnel enforce the Stream Control Com- mission rules and orders as provided by law.

In order to make clear the steps taken by these members of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission to promote the abate- ment of stream pollution, the various ad- ministrative means by which these steps can be augmented are set forth below.

The first set of personnel involved in pollution abatement in Louisiana are waste disposal inspectors, employees of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission. These waste disposal inspectors are semi-profes- sional in classification and are capable of performing various chemical tests in the field as well as in the laboratory in Baton Rouge. The duties of these agents or in- spectors are varied and consist of continued inspection of the sources of industrial wastes in the areas to which the inspectors are assigned and the continuous checking of the effects of discharge of industrial wastes on the receiving water bodies.

In cases where the discharge of an in- dustrial waste is a clear violation of the laws of the State of Louisiana in general or laws having to do with the Stream Con- trol Commission in particular, the waste disposal inspector files charges alleging the violation of the act or acts in the district court having jurisdiction and continues to press the charges until such time as the case is brought before the court. In in- stances where the cases are somewhat com- plicated by the necessity of having profes- sional opinions rendered by engineers or biologists, the waste disposal inspector con- cerned makes as many tests as he possibly can on the receiving water body, takes an

adequate sample of the waste or wastes being discharged into the water body for forwarding to Baton Rouge, and calls in to the Main Office at Baton Rouge for the technical personnel capable of arriving at the proper conclusions regarding the effects of the discharge of the waste involved in the case.

The second set of personnel involved in pollution abatement in the State of Loui- siana are technical personnel employed by the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission. These personnel, engineers and biologists, are located at the main laboratory in Baton Rouge and are under the administrative control of the Research and Statistics Divi- sion chief. The work carried on by the scientists and engineers are work assign- ments made by the Stream Control Com- mission and agreed to by the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission. In the ordinary course of events these technicians are not concerned with routine day-by-day enforce- ment of the anti-pollution laws. However, in cases where the Stream Control Com- mission rules or orders are violated, it sometimes becomes necessary for these technicians to make necessary observations so that the establishment of the violations of these orders might satisfactorily be proved in the court of law. In several in- stances this has been done; there is one such case now pending in a district court involving a kraft paper mill.

The third departmental group involved in pollution abatement is the coastal waste control inspectors and boat captains em- ployed by the Wild Life and Fisheries Com- mission and under the jurisdiction of the Chief of the Division of Oysters and Water Bottoms. These coastal waste control in- spectors and boat captains confine their efforts to observations of the methods of discharge of wastes from the coastal oil fields located in southeast Louisiana, stretching from Terrebonne Bay east to the Mississippi line.

These men make periodic inspections of the various coastal oil fields and check for violations of the Stream Control Commis- sion's "Rules Governing the Disposal of Oil Field Wastes". When violations of

Frank Coogan has been with the depart- ment since 1939 and has been chief of the Research and Statistics Division since 1946.

these rules and regulations are observed, the coastal waste control inspector makes a report in triplicate. One copy is left with the field foreman, one copy is kept on file in the office of the Division of Oysters and Water Bottoms in New Orleans, and one copy is sent to the office of the Stream Control Commission in Baton Rouge.

From time to time the chief of the Division of Oysters and Water Bottoms writes to the Stream Control Commission inclosing a list of certain oil field operators who are violating the rules with a state- ment that continued efforts on the part of the coastal waste control inspector have not brought about the remedying of the condi- tions complained of, and at this time, the Stream Control Commission can order notices to be sent to the oil companies in- volved, stating the violations of the Com- mission's rules and asking what steps will be taken to remedy these violations. When the answers received are not to the satis- faction of the coastal waste control in- spector and the Stream Control Commis- sion, a "Cease and Desist" order can be issued.

Another phase of waste control is being carried on in the laboratories of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission in Baton

Rouge. This is the investigation into the physical and chemical characteristics of the various types of industrial wastes that are being discharged into waters of the state. These investigations are carried on by the biologists and chemists who were men- tioned before as being employed by the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission and stationed in the Baton Rouge area. These technical investigations into waste char- acteristics have been almost exclusively confined to effluents coming from factories and industrial establishments located in southwest Louisiana. To complement the laboratory work, there has been made a complete biological investigation into the Calcasieu River drainage system, into which the majority of these wastes flow. In this drainage area there are located two large oil refineries, a number of heavy chemical plants, three pine products plants, several domestic sewerage disposal systems, and a large number of oil fields. The investiga- tion of the river has been completed as far down as the city of Lake Charles itself and will be continued down to the mouth of the river at Cameron.

Another scientific investigation by tech- nical personnel now being carried on is to ascertain the effects of the discharge of oil field brine on the Little River drainage system in the central part of the state. This area is a highly developed recreational area, and the purpose of the investigation is to ascertain the effect of the discharge of oil field brine on the aquatic fauna of the receiving stream.

I think that a few comments on the budget of the Division of Research and Statistics of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission is called for at this time. The money made available to the division from the State Treasury through the director of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission is not adequate to hire all scientific personnel presently needed. By this I mean that the supply of engineers is extremely limited, and while such personnel could be used

Many people do not realize that vast sums are already being spent in Louisiana on pollution control. This Wham Brake impoundment, built by the International Paper Co. near Monroe solely for waste disposal, cost $700,000 to construct. As lagniappe the 7(/2 square miles under levee has created excellent duck shooting.

here in the state they can not be hired because of high starting salaries set by industry. In fact the personnel now work- ing for the Department of Wild Life and Fisheries have been reduced in number by the departure of one engineer in 1950 and of another engineer in 1951.

The supply of competent aquatic biolo- gists is equally limited because the training of such biologists is carried on in just a few places in the United States, and men gradu- ating from such institutions where such courses are given are in great demand.

The funds that have been allotted to the division for the purchasing of field equip- ment are adequate.

In closing my comments on the financial situation and the budget, I might say that for several years we have benefited greatly by receiving about $16,000 a year from the Congress of the United States through the United States Public Health Service. Fortunately enough, when the allocation of these funds was discontinued the State Legislature of Louisiana saw fit to replace these funds, and we have been able to continue in part at least our enlarged program.

Leslie Sewell and George Tregre, Waste Control Inspectors, working in the laboratory at the Baton Rouge office.

Photo by Googan

The man behind the startled look is aquatic biologist Kenneth E. Biglane.

Photo by Coogan

For a list of Research and

Statistics Division Personnel

Please Turn Page




Chief: Frank J. Coogan, Baton Rouge Biologists: Kenneth E. Biglane & Ro- bert Lafleur, Baton Rouge Chemist: Mrs. M. T. Losavio, Baton

Rouge Waste Control Inspectors: George Tregre, Port Allen Leslie Sewell, New Orleans Ambrose DeLaunay, Lake Charles W. B. Bowers, Pineville Edward Regan, Crowley Engineer: Darrell Reed, Pineville Secretary: Helen Harrell, Baton Rouge

The End



FISHING— No closed season. CAUTION— YOUR 1953 fishing license expired at midnight on December 31. Get your 1954 license now.

SQUIRRELS: Closes January 10. Limits: 10 per day; 20 in possession.

RABBITS: Closes February 15. Limits: 5 per day; 10 in possession.

DUCKS: Closes January 10. Limits: 5 per day; 8 in possession, including not more than one wood duck.

GEESE: Closes January 10. Limits: 5 per day or in possession, but including not more than two Canadas or White- fronted (speckle-belly) geese.

QUAIL: Closes February 10. Limits: 10 per day; 20 in possession; 80 for season.

DEER: See November issue. No parishes open after January 1.

DOVES: Closes January 10. Limits: 8 per day or in possession.

WOODCOCK: Closes January 20. Limits: 4 per day; 8 in possession.

SNIPE: Closes January 5. Limits: 8 per day or in possession.

COOTS: Closes January 10. Limits: 10 per day or in possession.

BEAR: Closed.


All fishermen are reminded that their 1953 fishing licenses expired at midnight on December 31. The 1954 licenses are now on sale at most sporting goods stores and at all sheriff's offices. Why not get your license now instead of waiting until you're in the rush of planning a fishing trip!

Outdoor Writers Reorganize

On December 6, 7, and 8 the Louisiana Outdoor Writers' Association held a re-organizational meeting at the Pass- a-Loutre Public Shooting Grounds at the mouth of the Mississippi River. This meeting, sponsored by the Education and Publicity Division of the Louisiana Wild Life and Fish- eries Commission, should mark the end of a period of in- activity for the LOWA. Retiring president Arthur Van Pelt handed over the gavel for the coming year to Mr. Charley Nutter, Managing Director of the International House, New Orleans. Elected to 1st vice-president was Hurley Campbell, photographer for the State Department of Edu- cation, Baton Rouge. The post of secretary-treasurer was filled by the election of Mr. W. McFadden Duffy, also of New Orleans. Mr. Adras Laborde, Alexandria, was elected 2nd vice-president. The 1954 board of directors will consist of Mr. George Hebert, Lake Charles; Mr. Forest Hedges, Natchitoches; and Mr. Arthur Van Pelt, New Orleans.

Most sections of Louisiana were represented at this get- together, including workers from the fields of radio, news- paper, television, photography, and free-lance writing. Division chiefs of the Louisiana Wild Life and Fisheries Commission were on hand to explain to the assembled group the workings and program of their respective divi- sions, and to answer any questions which arose. We pre- dict that this will result in a much better understanding and a closer working relationship between the state wildlife agency and the men who disseminate most of the out- door news.

The group enjoyed two days of very good duck shoot- ing, but did very little damage to the many thousands of geese out on the mudflats. A follow-up meeting of the LOWA will be scheduled early in 1954, and about forty persons from all over Louisiana have indicated their intent to participate. Most will affiliate with the national organi- zation of outdoor writers, the Outdoor Writers' Associa- tion of America.

Officers who will preside over the L.O.W.A. for 1954 are left to right: W. McFadden Duffy, Public Relations Director of the International House; Charley Nutter, Managing Director of the International House, and Hurley Campbell, photographic chief of the State Department of Education.

John Blanchard presides over the meeting at which Commission division chiefs pre- sented their program to the assembled writers, photographers, and radio men.

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One thing Hurley Campbell brought back from the trip was this beautiful photo of a bull sprig over the decoys.

Photo by Campbell

Gwen Kirtley Perkins, whose stories have often graced the pages of the CONSERVA- TIONIST, holds a limit of mallards while her Labrador looks bored.

Photo by Gresham

Most of the writers were able to kill their limit of ducks, but found geese on the mudflats almost too elusive.

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Herman G. Engelhardt and J. B. LeRay

Labor Day, 1953, was a day to be remem- bered by over a thousand sportsmen and spectators from around Baton Rouge. Be- ing the contest-minded citizens they are, they saw one they're not likely to forget for a long time to come a "Coon on a Log Contest."

The contest was jointly sponsored by the Louisiana Coon Hunters' Association and the East Baton Rouge Parish Lions' Club and was the second such contest this year in this vicinity. It is planned that this be a permanent annual event in the future.

Basically, the idea was to have a dog swim a short distance into a lake and at- tempt to unseat Mr. Coon from his perch en a log staked out in the water. If the dog- performed this feat within the space of one minute, he won a ribbon. A first, second and third cash prize was also offered to the three fastest dogs.

Many of the spectators who lined the banks of the lake eyed the "poor little animal" on the log awaiting the vicious onrush of the bugle-throated dogs. They

Photos by LeSau

clucked their tongues sympathetically at the coon who just lay on the log sunning him- self, everyone thinking the coon didn't realize he was in for a dunking. But the spectators were soon hooting at the dogs that thrashed back to the bank, glad to be away from the be-furred buzz saw. Mr. Coon got several good wettings before the afternoon was over, but he gave a darned good account of himself!

It was amusing to watch the dogs per- form, their characteristics so paralleled the foibles of human beings. Some of the dogs went right to work and unseated the coon pronto ; some whooped and bellowed right up to the time they approached the log, and then swam back to the bank as fast as they could ; some of the large dogs were hopelessly put to shame by the coon, while one tiny scrub dog smaller than the coon made the ring-tail happy to take to the water !

In several instances the dog swam out and took possession of the log, and the coon swam back and unseated the dog! All in

all, it was a hilarious afternoon's entertain- ment for the large Labor Day gathering.

One aspect of the contest that everyone appreciated was the humane consideration given the animals. Three men were posted near the log in the chest-deep water. One of the men had a long leash on the coon that permitted free movement but could pull the coon off the dogs.

The other two men stood ready to grab the dog's legs and pull him back when the two animals started underwater maneuvers. While most of the spectators feared for the life of the coon, it was actually the dog that was in peril once the two got to battling in the water! A coon is a brave animal and a good swimmer with lots of stamina. The dog, heavier and more ag- gressive and usually enthusiastic about eliminating his arch foe, is definitely the "underdog" in the water.

As it turned out neither group of animals suffered anything more than a few minor scratches, some humiliation and a good day's workout. The officials changed coons fre-

quently to prevent them from becoming tired out. The dogs just got one chance each at the coon and, of course, didn't tire out. The weather that day was in the upper nineties and none of the animals became chilled from exposure.

For those interested in putting on Coon on a Log contests in their locale, this is the way the contest was conducted:

Dog owners registered their dogs with the officials, paid an entrance fee, and drew a number from a hat which was their place in the line-up. As it turned out about 40 dogs were registered. The dogs were put into two groups: full-blooded hounds and mixed breeds, with the former group having first try. Then, as the numbers were called, dog owner came up to the starting en- closure for his turn.

The rules stated that a dog must swim cut to the log when the whistle was blown and attempt to unseat the coon in the space of one minute in order to qualify. Three officials had stop watches which were stopped the moment the coon was taken from the log or at the end of one minute. If the dog was successful in the one minute, they compared their times and entered an average time in the records. At the end of the contest the winners were announced and awarded prizes.

Putting on such a contest involves a great deal of advance work by the groups sponsor- ing the contest, and its success is assured only by the degree of effort given. The East Baton Rouge Lions' Club and the Louisiana Coonhunters' Association went to work on advertising and publicity, getting the information to both coon hunters and the general public. Their success can be judged from both the number of paying spectators and the coon hound entries, both exceeding all expectations in view of the numerous other Labor Day activities in progress in and around Baton Rouge.

"I think I'll sit this one out." Part of the crowd can be seen in the background.

The matter of getting the principal par- ticipants— the coons is an exciting and interesting detail. At least a dozen live healthy full grown and unharmed coons must be corralled in advance. Since the coons must be unharmed they cannot be

"Come on in, fellows. The water's fine."

trapped. They must be treed with hounds and a young agile hunter must climb the ti ee and retrieve Mr. Coon in a sack. Or else he must be shaken or poked out of the tree and grabbed just as soon as he hits the ground and sacked. You reallv have to

Top dogs and their owners are Bill Kiper (1st place, 8 seconds): Ed Lorio (2nd place. 10 seconds); and L. A. Thompson (3rd place, 35 seconds).

Officials for the event were (left to right) Edgar Roberts, Herman Engelhardt, L. J. Champagne, and Ed Lorio.

tree about 10 coons to retrieve one. So, the "scrap" really starts between the coon and the hunter before the main event.

Another important point in such a contest is the location selected. The Lions' Club made available their property within five minutes of the city limits. This property, normally used for local Boy Scout activities, was ideal for the coon contest. There was adequate parking space, a large building with chairs for the ladies, cold drinks avail- able and the lake which was located right at the parking site. The proceeds from the event were shared by the two organizations, the Coonhunters' Association planning to further their work with the Legislature to liberalize coon hunting restrictions with their share.

Until recently, Mr. Coon was considered a fur-bearing animal and could not be shot by hunter s just trapped. But at the farmers' insistence the wily animal was declared a predator and could be hunted with hounds and lights, but not shot. To coin a phrase, it seems as though "the old coonskins ain't what they used to be."

The only other freedom the coon hunters hope for is a change of the no shooting law, permitting coon hunting parties to take along at least one gun on hunts. The way it is now, they explain, it's kind of like being allowed to cast when fishing if you don't have hooks on the plugs!

Though coon pelts are no longer of com- mercial value, the coons do provide food and exciting nocturnal sport for a large following of Louisianians, estimated to ex- ceed the squirrel hunters. The loss of rev- enue in pelts is being replaced by a rash of coon hound breeding kennels and large purchases of sports equipment necessary to this type of hunting.

The "Coon on a Log" contests are another funds-producing event through the use of the scrappy animals, and the possibilities for such contests throughout the State are numerous. Although Mr. Coon has been declared a predator by the Commission, he's considered the scrappin'est predator that Baton Rougeans had seen in a long time! —THE END

'You take one more step, Hound Dawg, and I'll mow ya down

"You had you're warning; now git off my log!'

"Just stick that head back up here again and I'll chaw them ears off


Since there have been some changes in the personnel of the Enforcement Division since our first list was published in the February issue, and since many new names have been added to our mailing list since that time, we are again publishing this information. Get acquainted with the ranger in your vicinity and help him in any way you can. He is ready, willing, and able to aid you in many ways. If there is a question in your mind as to the legality of some item, give the ranger a call. Incidentally, he usually knows where the fish are biting and where the best spot is to kill a rabbit or two.

Efforts of your game ranger force in the first eleven months of 1953 brought about some 3,400 convictions, more than double the previous high. This could not have been accomplished with- out the help of a majority of the hunters, fishermen and just plain citizens of Louisiana. We 'want to thank all justices of the peace, judges, sheriffs and their deputies, and the State High- way Patrol for their help in our efforts to bring fair play to the pursuit of fish and game. Let's make 1954 an even better year not necessarily a bigger total in the arrest column, but a better year in law observance.



817 Madison Ave., Covington

Phone 1198-W


BEN C. DAHLEN 4955 Gallier Dr., Gentilly Woods New Orleans, Louisiana Phone: FR-5563

MARION SOLITO 1410 Point Street Houma, Louisiana Phone: 9426



District Name


2 New, Leonard Box 376, Kentwood

Phone: 2236

3 Jones, Wm. Monroe 3255 Linden St., Baton

Rouge Phone: 5-1697

4 Landry, Robert D Paradis

Phone: Luling 4941

5 Hebeit, Lesma Labadieville

Phone: 2651

6 Ventrella, Charles Batchelor, La.

Phone: 6106

7 Richard, Willie 204 S. Miles St., Abbeville

Phone: 2094-J

8 Bienvenu, T. Horace 311 W. Bridge St., St. Mar-

tinville Phone: o785

9 Ellis, James Box 757, Sulphur

Phone: 4471

10 Nugent, Earl .....Rt. 2, Dry Prong-

Phone: 2631

11 Hood, Clarence 204 Michigan Ave., Jones-

fa or o Phone: 2353

District Name


12 Love, Hartwell 411 Louisiana Ave., Ferriday

Phone: 3593

13 Peyton, Jessie D Box 669, Winnsboro

Phone: 4580

14 Parker, James P 403 Scott St., Tallulah

Phone: 813

15 Smith, Edmond Box 392, Oak Grove

Phone: 116-A

16 Stanfield, Jack Edgar.. ..1025 Laning St., Minden

Phone: 2044

17 Farrar, Dewey 2912 Alabama Ave., Shreve-


Phone: 3-6495 Wharf LeBlanc, Claude 77 Metairie Court, Metairie

Phone: TE-2272 Comm. Seafood Reno, Harry C.~ ..Akers P.O., Manchac

Phone: 3804 Comm. Seafood Billiot, Joseph .Box 27, Lafitte

Phone: 3658



Address and Phone

ACADIA Hanks, Irvy John... Rt. 1, Box 53-K, Morse (Phone: % 1212-R2, Crowley, La.) 8

ACADIA Leieune, Learlin .....Rt. 3, Box 260, Church Point (Phone: 4440) 8

ALLEN .....Fontenot, Rodney L Rt. 1, Box 54, Oberlin (Phone: 2381) 8

ASCENSION Schexnayder, Harold. Sorrento (Phone: 9202) 3

ASSUMPTION Arcement, Gustave H Labadieville (Phone : 4811) 5

ASSUMPTION Landry, Cullen Paincourtville (Phone : 2986) 5

AVOYELLES Chaze, Samuel J., Sr Marksville (Phone: 5942) 6

AVOYELLES.. Clark, Elzie D Vick 6

AVOYELLES. Couvillion, Alfred Rt. 1, Simmesport (Phone: Moreauville 3413) _ 6

AVOYELLES Luneau, Alfred Center Point 6

BEAUREGARD Dewey, Tom Box 44, Merryville (Phone: 4421) 9

BEAUREGARD lies, James H. 508 Magnolia St., DeRidder (Phone: 7672) _ 9

BOSSIER Barnette, Wm. G 535 Riverside Dr., Bossier City 17

BOSSIER. Coleman, Olney C Plain Dealing (Phone: 1528 362) _ 17

CADDO Britt, J. H Rt. 4, Box 446, Shreveport _ 17

CALCASIEU Andrus, Lloyd C 407 Sixth St., Lake Charles (Phone: 4482) 9

CALCASIEU Jardell, Bernett 412 Ruth St., Sulphur (Phone: 5551) 9

CALCASIEU Reeves, Newton... Rt. 1, Box 3020, Lake Charles (Phone: 6-9079) 9

CALDWELL Arthurs, Lance Box 424, Columbia (Phone: 304-J) 13

CALDWELL... Roberts, James R.F.D. 1, Columbia (Phone: 2-1305) . 13

CAMERON .Rutherford, Arnold Rt. 1, Box 7, Creole _ 9

CAMERON Devall, Simmie Rt. 2, Box 254, Big Lake Community, Lake Charles, La 9

CAMERON Roux, Daniel Box 114, Cameron 9

CATAHOULA Barron, Ray -Foules, La. (Phone: Sicily Island 2007) 12

CATAHOULA McGuffee, Cecil Enterprise 12

CATAHOULA Swayze, Allen D.... Box 160, Jonesville (Phone: 5241) 12

CLAIBORNE Killgore, Walter E Box 182, Lisbon (Phone: 2526) 16

CONCORDIA Beard, Ivy M Monterey (Phone: 3593) , 12

CONCORDIA Forman, Theo, Jr ...Eva (Phone: % A. D. George, 5241) 12

CONCORDIA Fairbanks, Edwin Wildsville (Phone: Jonesville 4901) 12

DE SOTO. Elam, Charles P.O. Box 446, Mansfield (Phone: 96) 17

DESOTO Speights, Nobel A Longstreet (Phone: 9) 17

E. BATON ROUGE Jarreau, Larance U 4165 Winbourne Ave., Baton Rouge (Phone: 5-0831) 3

E. CARROLL..... Fortenbery, Quinton Lake Providence (Phone: 557-M) 15

E. CARROLL ....Magee, C. Chappel 54 Davis St., Lake Providence (Phone: 487-J) 15

E FELICIANA Bunch, George T ..Clinton (Phone: 227-J) - 3

E FELICIANA Price, Ben A Box 93, Ethel (Phone: 2112) - 3

EVANGELINE Andrus, Jos. Alex Rt. 3, Box 486, Ville Platte (Phone: 803-F2) 8

EVANGELINE Hays, Guy Ford P.O. Box 19, Reddell (Phone: 800-J5, Mamou) 8

EVANGELINE Rozas, Arthur L Rt. 4, Box 526-C, Opelousas - 8

FRANKLIN Hodges, Homer Box 264, Wisner (Phone: 96-F2) 13

FRANKLIN Stewart, Rheo G Rt. 4, Box 4014, Winnsboro (Phone: 4505) _ 13

GRANT Coleman, Jack Pollock (Phone: 4581) - - 10

GRANT Shipp, Edgar Rt. 2, Pollock (Phone: 3-3923) - - 10

IBERIA. Bonin, Theodore Avery Island (Phone: 2-7751) - - 7

IBERIA Duhon, J. Melvin Rt. B, Box 113, New Iberia - - 7

IBERIA Weber, Earl J Box 204, Jeanerette (Phone: 4183) 7

IBERVILLE Olano, Charles Box 164, White Castle (Phone: 2427) - 6

JACKSON Shell, Thurman .... Box 363, Chatham (Phone: 89-W) 11

JEFFERSON Coulon, Alex J., Sr Extension Rt., Box 452, Barataria (Phone: Lafitte 9976) 4

JEFFERSON Rau, Peter 1122 Central Ave., New Orleans (Phone: CE-9500) 1


RANGERS Continued

Parish Name Address and Phone

JEFFERSON DAVIS LeLeux, Louis N 618 W. Plaquemine St., Jennings (Phone: 1043-J) _ 9

LAFAYETTE Begnaud, Noisey P P.O. Box 165, Carencro (Phone: 5-0042) 7

LAFAYETTE Cormier, Easton J 417 Elizabeth St., Lafayette (Phone: 8-2235) 7

LAFOURCHE Adams, Anthony R.F.D., Box 139, Lockport (Phone: LaRose 3-3796) 4

LAFOURCHE Ougel, Ulysse J R.F.D., Box 161, Lockport (Phone: cr LaRose Hotel, 3-9715) 4

LA SALLE Dunn, Thurston Olla (Phone: 96-F11) 12

LASALLE Otwell, T. H. Walters (Phone: Jonesville 4861) 12

LA SALLE Stutson, Willie R Nebo Rt., Jena (Phone: % White Castle Serv. Sta. 9107) 12

LINCOLN Maxwell, Spencer R.F.D. 4, Ruston (Phone: 1988-J1) 11

LINCOLN. Williamson, Jewel Rt. 2, Choudrant 11

LIVINGSTON Harris, Charles R Rt. 1, Box 103-B, Denham Springs (Phone: 2906) 3

LIVINGSTON Kozan, George Box 13, Albany (Phone: Hammond 1168-J) 3

LIVINGSTON Mack, Prestley R Rt. 3, Box 189, Hammond (Phone: 185-M2) 3

MADISON Smith, William D Rt. 1, Box 157-B, Delhi (Phone: % 813, Tallulah) 14

MOREHOUSE Burgess, Frank Rt. 1, Oak Ridge (Phone: Rayville 4-3991) 15

MOREHOUSE Mayo, Dan P R.F.D. 1, Jones 15

MOREHOUSE Pace, Norman A Haile 15

N. NATCHITOCHES Brossett, Percy Rt. 1, Box 235, Campti 10

N. NATCHITOCHES Conlay, Louis Creston (Phone: 2521, Campti) 11

N. NATCHITOCHES Desadier, Clarence Rt. 3, Box 179, Natchitoches (Phone: Clarence, 2957) 10

N. NATCHITOCHES Weaver, Eugene Creston (Phone: % Campti 2783) 11

N. NATCHITOCHES Williams, Lary Chestnut 11

S. NATCHITOCHES DeBlieux, Jack L Rt. 3, Box 112-A, Natchitoches (Phone: 3398) 10

ORLEANS Danove, Paul, Sr 4537 N. Rampart St., New Orleans (Phone: BY-1207)... . 1

ORLEANS Harmon, Wilkes R 3187 DeSaix Blvd., New Orleans (Phone: BY-3258) 1

ORLEANS McCue, Arthur J 1013 S. Genois St., New Orleans (Phone: AM-2236) 1

ORLEANS Tullier, Albert J., Jr 539 Wagner St., New Orleans (Phone: AL-7349). . .. 1

OUACHITA Oxley, Wm. M 507 S. Third St., Monroe (Phone: 2-1266) 11

POINTE COUPEE Bonaventure, Wilfred Oscar, La. (Phone: 4541 or 4549) 6

POINTE COUPEE Kline, Joseph M .Frisco (Phone: 4541) 6

POINTE COUPEE Purpera, Vincent, Jr Innis (Phone: 6106) 6

RAPIDES. Price, Murrell Sieper (Phone: Simpson 62-8609) 10

RAPIDES Slay, Wesley Rt. 3, Box 91-B, Alexandria (Phone: % 2-0563) 10

RED RIVER Cason, Ronald B Rt. 3, Coushatta (Phone: 4040, Range Towers) 17

RED RIVER Jowers, James O Box 213, Coushatta (Phone: 4040) 17

RICHLAND Albritton, Henry Rt. 4, Box 368, Rayville (Phone: 2693) 14

SABINE Anthony, Clyde E Many, Rt. 1 10

ST. CHARLES Schaubhut, Willie R Des Allemands (Phone: Luling 5135) _ 4

ST. HELENA Brecheen, Roscoe Greensburg (Phone: % Greensburg Drug Store) 2

ST. HELENA McCoy, Granville K Rt. 3, Box 165, Amite (Phone: 3504) 2

ST. JAMES Pertuis, Robert Box 77, Lutcher (Phone: 3350) 4

ST. JOHN Gorio, Earl Garyville (Phone: 3186) 4

ST. LANDRY Doucet, Regile, Jr Star Rt., Washington (Phone: 5701) 8

ST. LANDRY Jackson, Andrew L Rt. 2, Melville (Phone: 3903) 8

ST. LANDRY Tate, Honore Box 281, Washington (Phone: 6665) 8

ST. MARTIN Dupuis, Melvin Rt. 2, Box 678, Breaux Bridge (Phone: 5165) 8

ST. MARTIN Romero, Robert 102 Vivier St., St. Martinville (Phone: 3298) 8

ST. MARY Fouquier, Everett A 305 Sanders St., Franklin (Phone: 895). 5

ST. MARY Gilmore, Cecil Box 45, Berwick (Phone: 3886) 5

ST. TAMMANY Jenkins, Arthur Box 166, Covington (Phone: 219-J) 2

ST. TAMMANY Parker, Arthur D 18th and Monroe Sts., Covington (Phone: 839-W) 2

TANGIPAHOA Hyde, Buddy F Rt. 1, Roseland (Phone: 3397, Kentwood) 2

TANGIPAHOA Milton, E. J Tangipahoa, Box 52 2

TANGIPAHOA Niehaus, Nick Ponchatoula (Phone: 7063) 2

TANGIPAHOA Sanders, Jessie M R.F.D. 1, Kentwood (Phone: 4076) 2

TENSAS Poe, Bill R.F.D. 1, Newellton (Phone: 4432) 13

TENSAS Spruill, Harvey Lee Rt. 3, St. Joseph (Phone: 46-X) 13

TENSAS ...Stewart, Thos. W R.F.D., Newellton 13

TERREBONNE Jaccuzzo, James V 614 Point St., Houma (Phone: 6422) 5

TERREBONNE Mclntire, Daniel C. Box 39, Gibson (Phone: % Walter's Store) 5

UNION Fallin, J. Marvin Bernice, La 16

UNION Hamilton, James Downsville (Phone : 8465) 16

UNION Langston, Edward Litroe - - 16

VERMILION Frederick, Paul Rt. 1, Box 297, Gueydan (Phone: -i Fred Hebert, 3291) 7

VERMILION Lege, Milton 708 S. East St., Abbeville (Phone: 1774-R) - 7

VERMILION Menard, Levise Henry (Phone : Erath 3471) 7

VERNON Davis, Leslie Simpson (Phone: 62-8609) 10

WASHINGTON Seal, Leroy Varnado (Phone: 1991-J3) - 2

WEBSTER ..Smith, Claude Box 443, Cotton Valley (Phone: 8603) 16

W. BATON ROUGE Francois, John G Rt. 1, Port Allen (Phone: 1414, Erwinville) 6

W. CARROLL Ford, James A Box 133, Epps (Phone: % 2181) 15

W. CARROLL Schrock, Clyde Rt. 1, Box 310, Oak Grove (Phone: Dumas Serv. Sta., 112) 15

W. FELICIANA Rosenthal, Joseph St. Francisville (Phone: 122-J) 6

WINN Harrington, Hoyt W Rt. 3, Winnfield (Phone: 4372) 11

WINN Raborn, Victor Rt. 1, Goldonna (Phone: cc 2353, Jonesboro) 11


Who'll claim this very cute youngster with the very nice sac-a-lait? We lost the data that came with the pic.

Victor and Sam Michelli, Son and Sam Fedele, and Samuel Consentino, all of Baton Rouge, with the results of a highly suc- cessful rabbit hunt.

Leopard Catahoula Cur owned by Overton Futrell of Dry Prong.


Winners of the South Louisiana Beagle Club Field Trial October 25 were Mona's Molly, Dyers' Tilley, Cherokee Missy, Bonura's Frisky, and Dyers' Sandra. This was in the 15" class for females.

Wayne Coon, 11 year old from Monroe, killed this nice buck in Madison parish last year.

This 170 lb. alligator gar was caught in Tensas River near Gilbert by Carl Rider, Geo. McManus, and Henry Wafer, Jr., all of Winnsboro. It was seven feet and four inches in length.


Deer killed near Westwego by Frank Gisclair, Sr. and Frank, Jr. Palmated antler of top head is 6%" wide.

The Ouachita unit of the La. Wild. Fed. had this excel- lent exhibit at the Ouachita Valley Fair.

The Readers

Mrs. Bill Stone, Cotton Valley, with a 50 lb. Opelousas catfish caught on trot line by Bill Stone, V. Keeling, and John Dean.

d, all of 7 years ss unaided on a ucky "13" out of om Delhi.

W. A. and I. S. Herrington of Mansfield took this string of bass from Black Lake on December 29, 1952.

A group of Marksville High School boys did mighty fine the Spring Bayou area on this trip. Prof. Fuqua and Jam Bordelon display the catch.

"Slick" Thompson, Winnsboro, with an eight- point buck killed in Madison parish.




Guy Kincaid checks the weight (184 lbs.) of a nice five point buck killed by Bill Allen Butler on opening day at the Winnsboro Hunting Club, Tensas parish. Bill Allen is the one with the grin and without horns.

It had been 11 months since we'd heard the coarse choppy tongue of Tip, the squalling- mouth of Rachel, woods-rocking blare of Sampson and the sharp squealing of Bell and we were hungry . . . starved for a good deer race and a chunk of venison smothered in brown onion gravy. The time was near; mighty close only one night away as our station wagon lights burned twin holes in the Madison parish twilight November 30.

Bernard had gone ahead in the pickup with the hounds and was standing on the front steps of the weather-beaten club- house when we bumped into the yard. We call it a clubhouse just to have bigshot ideas. Actually, it is no more than a lean- to built off the ground to keep out spring- floods. The yard is a pin-oak studded piece of ground enclosed with two strands of rusting barbed wire. We fondly speak of the stables (four pieces of tin held intact by two by fours) and dog pens (rabbit and poultry wire draped around some trees) in our world of make-believe.

You'd have thought we hadn't seen Bernard in two years when we landed our booted feet in the yard and yelled our

greetings. We'd talked to him in Tallulah not six hours hence. But it was a happy world this chilly November night as the tantalizing odor of squirrel mulligan waft- ed from the kitchen (the kitchen is also a part of the living, dining and bedrooms). Bernard is a pretty fair cook, rifleshot, horseman and hound-handler and we con- sidered ourselves lucky to have him as one of the "Terrible Four."

The station wagon springs sighed in relief as the bed rolls, ice-box, guns, lan- terns and what-have-you were unloaded. Willie D. called back over his shoulder and reminded us that "Be sure and unload my long-handles" which his wife insisted that he take, even after the vehicle took on the appearance of an over-stuffed dufflebag back at his house. We tied the arms and legs of the union suit in forty-eleven dozen knots and deposited them casually on his army cot as he threatened the trio with double-oughts.

We must have chewed three or four times as we downed the mulligan and drank piping hot black coffee. We were eager, eager as 16 year-olds on the first hunt. The four of us probably had a total of 60


by John Blanchard

Photos by Gresham

years experience deer hunting, but that wasn't to be considered as we held a goose- pimply bull session after supper, discussing what stand we'd take as Bernard drove (rode after the dogs) the next morning.

Charles insisted that we go to bed or we'd be a sleepy, drowsy crew to look down gunsights the next morning. Charles is a pretty bright boy, quiet, reserved and a darn good hunter, regardless of the game he stalks. For once we listened to his well- put advice,, turned out the lantern and snuggled in our blankets as the oil-drum heater cast a red glow into the darkness. It seemed to call for more wood as it popped and crackled in its cooling-off process.

Tip knew it was breaking day and told us about it with a mournful howl which seemed to say: "This is opening day, fel- lows; pile out and let's get a race started." We did.

We scattered in three directions as Ber- nard rode off with the four hounds trailing him. Charles headed toward the Bloody Bucket, Willie D. for the Scottish stand, and I went northward to the three stoopin' oaks. Familial- landmarks, not seen in al- most a year, brought back memories of the spike shot by my fellow hunters, of the 12-point slain by one, a neat six-point by another in years gone by. Right then I had my mind set on the three stoopin' oaks and almost noiselessly gum-shoed my way through buckvines, hanging spiderwebs and vine-draped trees. I might creep up on a


big buck and get the jump on my com- panions, I day-dreamed as I continued toward my favorite stand, located about one-half mile east of Tensas river.

We had time to reach our destinations when I heard Tip give out a sharp, warning bark that indicated a cold but promising- trail. The big black and tan is a strike dog, one of the best, who weaves in and out of brush tops in search of his quarry. Oddly enough he'd rather run a buck than a doe, and if he starts a race with both sexes and they split their trails, Tip will take the buck everytime. Put down those shotguns, men, 'tis a fact. He'll run a deer about 45 minutes and then return to start another race. Miss a buck and he stands and looks at you with his big brown eyes as if to say "why'n hell did you miss 'em?"

Rachel put in her two cents' worth be- cause she trusts her running mate and Bell squalled in anticipation of fun remembered from last season. Not a word out of Samp- son because this was his first trip with the music-making trio. Tip gave five short barks and I knew that he had struck; the trail had suddenly become hot; probably routed the venison-on-the-hoof from one of his favorite tree tops. Three other tongues joined in as the deer headed northwest to- ward the Bloody Bucket now guarded by Charles. Rachel, the half black-and-tan and half redbone, soon gained the lead as she always does, ahead of the big Walker, Sampson, in front of Tip and Bell. Not to be defied by a female, Sampson pulled in close, nearly knocking the acorns from the trees with his resounding bass voice.

The deer undoubtedly turned south momentarily and was making his famous circle. Then I knew it was a big buck, especially if he turned again into the north wind and headed out of the country. I got cold, colder than I have ever remembered 'cause the pack seemed to be headed east toward the oaks where I stood trembling, cold from the chill morning, but colder from the anticipation of getting a shot. He made the circle and headed out as I stood motionless with ears strained for the report of Charles' 12 gauge automatic. He was going Bucketward and there was nothing I could do but hope that Charles would fold him like an accordion with those double-oughts.

The woods, all of Madison, seemed to be alive with dogs. The quartet sounded like a pack of forty as Bernard cheered them on, encouraging them as much as possible over the roar of Tip, Rachel, Bell and Sampson. "Why doesn't he shoot?" I asked myself. "Has he got buck-ager?" I thought. "Maybe he didn't get to the Bucket." I answered all of my own questions, becom- ing more impatient with every fleeting moment.

Then I heard the twelve. Once. Twice. The dogs continued their chase and won- dered if the deer was THAT far ahead or had Charles missed. Heavens to Betsy,

what in the world was going on? Then there was silence and I grinned triumph- antly, knowing that Charles was cutting the buck's throat by now. My feet just wouldn't stand, I had to go see for myself. It had been so long. I struck out through the dense undergrowth toward the Bucket, walking as fast as I could, knowing that I shouldn't be tramping through the woods making so much noise. I might get some buckshot, so I started whistling . . . for joy.

I was greeted at the scene by a grinning Charles, four hounds and Bernard who had ridden nonchalantly to the spot on the big- bay horse. Tip lapped up a few splotches of blood as the other three lay quietly near the very dead eight-point.

We took a vote and Bernard hauled the deer aboard his horse and headed camp- ward to deposit his load and try another race. The morning was young and we three, Willie D. had arrived by this time, were willing to make another drive. To- ward our two stands headed Willie D. and I to wait for the music ... if it started again.

I leaned against the oaks, had a smoke and when I relaxed I discovered I was sleepy; probably caused by tension and then relaxation. I summoned my strength and listened to the dogs running near Hunter's and Greenleaf bends, but wanting to hear the sweet voice of old Tip. I did and I jumped quickly to my feet, hoping. And I hadn't long- to hope because the pack ran two does through my stand giving me heart failure, goose-bumps, nervous tension, the shakes and other disturbances too numerous to mention.

Too excited to catch the dogs I stood and watched them literally fly through the brush in pursuit of the sleek beautiful creatures. My mouth stood open like a fireplace as the race faded in the distance and I came to my senses, cussin' my luck and blaming old Tip for running a doe, almost consider- ing writing an editorial about the ratio of bucks to does in this area. I knew the day's hunt was over and hoped that the pack would return so we might have another race the next day. I was way ahead with my pipe dreams.

Making a little passe toward the river in hopes of finding a walking buck, I headed toward the camp and found all my companions dressing the buck. They had already rehashed the chase and even ac- cused me of having buck-ager on that last sashay. Nothing is as indignant as a man who has does run over him and his buddies insist that he should have shot at the BUCK.

The afternoon was spent without in- cident and the night dragged through to dawn into a damp, foggy morning, ideal for deer we said. The dogs and the party were just as eager as ever, excepting Charles, of course. Willie D. talked him out of the Bucket stand and we split up as

Crossing the Tensas.

during the previous morning. Rachel opened up on a hot trail, unusual for her since she isn't a strike dog, and the three joined in. May be a back trail, I thought, knowing that Tip would straighten out the pack. This he did and another race was in progress more fervent than yesterday. The circle and again toward the Bucket they went as I cussed for not having thought of trading stands with Charles.

The sharp crack of a high-powered rifle severed my thought chain and I knew that Bernard had fired at the fleeing buck with his carbine. He had shot while the animal was making his circle in an attempt to throw the dogs off track. The race was short-lived and the dogs hushed as if turn- ing off a water faucet. There'd be no shirt- tail cutting if Bernard had done the shoot- ing I knew. I heard the call blow (three long blasts) and headed toward the sound. Upon arrival at the scene I saw a two hundred and fifty pound buck with antlers much likened to branched candelabra at a wedding. Twelve points that buck had and we three enviously congratulated the proud victor for his running rifle shot and trophy.

We had one more day to go and I tossed restlessly in my bunk, dreaming of to- morrow, the stooping oaks and herds of deer which grazed nearby while I searched in vain for shells to load my automatic. I was awakened sharply by my wife who said : "John, if you are going back to north Louisiana to kill a deer you'd better get up. Edouard and Claude will be here any min- ute now."



Biologists Begin District Setup

There will be changes made in the Fish and Game Division on the first of January, but as far as the sportsmen are concerned, there will be little noticeable difference. These changes should reflect more and better game management in the future. The reorganization will give the sports- man closer and more frequent contact with the game and fish technicians and should reflect in better service to everyone in the state.

This reshuffle will affect only the Pitt- man-Robertson Section of the Fish and Game Division. Effective January 1 the entire Administration Office of the Federal Aid Section will move from Baton Rouge to New Orleans. This move is designed to reduce overhead and give closer coordina- tion between the various sections of the Game and Fish Division and between other divisions of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission. The closer coordination in the administrative level will reduce cost and give more efficient operation in purchasing and other procedures.

The major change will be a district setup affecting the entire Pittman-Robertson pro- gram, and resulting in a complete reorgani- zation of that program. The state will be divided into districts, with parishes of similar game conditions grouped together. Each district will have one supervisor who will be responsible for carrying out all Pittman-Robertson activities. In addition to the supervisor, one or more biologists and other personnel will be located in each district. The number of men in each dis- trict will be governed by the type of work being undertaken and the complexity of the problem.

The present Pittman-Robertson program consists of several distinct research proj- ects, several developmental and mainte- nance activities, each project having a lead- er, one or more assistants, and associated personnel as needed. The scope of the project was frequently state-wide, which necessitated considerable travel on the part of certain men. Effective January 1 all separate research development and mainte-

District 1

Headquarters: Minder.

Supervisor Morton Smith is on leave in the armed forces. Biologist Ray Rogers is Acting Supervisor in his absence. Par- ishes: Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Bienville, Red River, and DeSoto.

by George Moore

nance projects will be combined into one of each type. Under this setup, the duties of the entire Pittman-Robertson staff will be prorated into one of the three projects, depending upon the amount and kind of work he does. There will be no projects requiring statewide travel by a single proj- ect leader, as all the work in each district will be carried out by the district per- sonnel. The present leaders of key research projects will also serve as study leaders, and each will be responsible for compiling and submitting the data on his specialized study. He will organize the work but will gather the information only in his district. Additional data will be gathered by other district personnel and routed to the study leader for assembling.

There are disadvantages in the district setup, but these are outweighed by the many advantages. A major disadvantage is the tendency of a district man to become a troubleshooter in his particular locality in all matters concerning the commission. Thus, his duties are spread so thin that his major objective suffers. This disadvant- age is not a serious one and depends upon each individual's ability to follow the work program as outlined for him. The advan- tages are many, the major ones being bet- ter utilization of personnel, more economi- cal operation, and more security in the job. By arranging the work-load, each em-

ployee can set up a schedule so that there will be no slack periods, thus giving better utilization of technical talent. The em- ployee will also have a chance to become familiar with all types of problems, rather than being limited to the ecology of one or two species. In the future, each man will be working on a program, not just a three-year study of a specific game animal. The types of data gathered will change according to the needs of the commission, but the program will continue. The com- pletion of a certain phase will not end a project and leave the administrators and project leaders uncertain as to what they will do next. Since each man is part of a program, he will continue his work, and new jobs will be added with no change in his status. Since the district man knows he will be permanently stationed in an area, he can feel free to establish a home, whereas in the past he had no idea where his next project might take him.

The district system is more economical because time-consuming, expensive trips from one end of the state to the other will be eliminated. Problems that arise will be handled by personnel in the district in which the situation occurs. This not only reduces the cost of travel but also gets the job done quicker.

The state will be divided into seven dis- tricts of similar physiographical conditions (see map). The district supervisor and biologist are listed in Table I. Every sports- man is invited to get acquainted with the Pittman-Robertson personnel in his district and to call upon them for assistance.

District 2

District 3


Headquarters: Monroe

Parishes: Union, Morehouse, W. Carroll, E. Carroll, Lincoln, Ouachita, Richland, and Jackson.

JOHN NEWSOM Supervisor

Headquarters: Alexandria

Parishes: Winn, Grant, Natchitoches, Sa- bine, Vernon and Rapides.


District 4

District 7



Headquarters: Ferriday

Parishes: Madison, Caldwell, Franklin, Tensas, La Salle, Catahoula, and Concor- dia.

District 5


Headquarters: DeRidder

Parishes: Beauregard, Allen, Evange- line, Calcasieu, Jeff Davis, Acadia, Cam- eron, and Vermilion.

District 6

Headquarters: Opelousas

Parishes: Avoyelles, Pointe Coupee, St. Landry, Lafayette, St. Martin, Iberville, West Baton Rouge, Iberia, Assumption, St. Mary, Terrebonne, Lafourche, St. James, and Ascension.


Headquarters: Baton Rouge

Parishes: West Feliciana, East Feliciana, St. Helena, Washington, East Baton Rouge, Livingston, Tangipahoa, St. Tammany, As- cension, St. James, St. John, St. Charles, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, and Orleans.



Duck Hunter

By A. B. Cobb

Another year has come and gone, And the ducks are on the wing;

The honkers are a'honkin, And the season has a ting.

The leaves have started fallin', And the grass is turnin' brown; Your eyes are on the calendar, "Cause the ducks are comin' down.

The clock just seems to slow up, And the weeks are twice as long; The time just doesn't get here, When the warden sounds the gong.

And then one day it happens,

And it seems it isn't true;

But you get into your blind,

And you blow like "Little Boy Blue."

And you blow the kind of language That you've practiced all the fall, And you find the ducks are furriners, And they don't understand at all.

And then you finally realize They are anything but bright; They circle just outside of range And never try to light.

A smug smile creeps across your face, And you thank your lucky star That you're blessed with intelligence And not stupid like they are.

And the north wind is ablowin', And you're shivering 'cause you're wet; And the same thing happens every year. It takes one year to ferget!


How They Flew

Malcolm Connolly, JENNINGS DAILY NEWS . . . Well, we got a later opening date on ducks this year, and still lots of gripes about hunting conditions.

Maybeso the boys who set the dates should get together with the Weather Bu- reau. Something might be worked out.

This Corner believes there are lots of ducks down here now and lots more to come. Just not enough bad weather to make them circulate. Too, the moon has been full this week and that sorta messes up the legal shooting hours.

Paul Kalman, NEW ORLEANS ITEM . . . Anyone could figure that duck hunting was far below par during the first week of the 1953 season. Most of the shooters go- ing out last weekend considered themselves extremely fortunate to bag even a limit of the smaller ducks they have by-passed during recent seasons in preference to the choicer and more handsome French ducks and pintails.

Arthur Van Pelt, NEW ORLEANS TIMES-PICAYUNE . . . Waterfowl hunt- ers in the marshes that extend entirely across the southern borders of Louisiana, and those also whose hunting is done around the many large lakes scattered about the state, found ducks of several species and in large concentrations in numerous localities. Beginning with open- ing day, Nov. 17, limit hunts made within a few hours were reported by the majority of those hunting.

W. C. Goins, SHREVEPORT JOURNAL . . . The duck season has come, and for a lot of hunters, it is already gone. Most observers agree on the fact that the main flights have left this area, and many of them did not even stop in for a visit. Last Saturday and Sunday when the winds were so strong, many flocks were seen flying high over the lakes on their way south. A few flights of geese were also reported, but most of these birds have been on the coast for some time.

Delbert Oliver, LAFAYETTE ADVER- TISER . . . Duck hunters have reported large flights of ducks every day since the season opened if you have or can find places to hunt them. Large concentrations of ducks were reported Tuesday and Wed- nesday, and Thursday's rains increased activity for the birds and gave hunters plenty of targets.

Mallards and pintails are plentiful in the marshes or flooded rice fields, one hunter reported, and the rains have prob- ably made a lot of other areas wet enough to attract ducks and geese. Limits were easy to get all this week, and most hunters could pick their flights to shoot into to assure them of at least a couple of mal-



Recollections of


by Robert H. Wilcox


A copy of the Louisiana Conservationist showing recent developments in the state's fish and game fields brings back memories of conditions as I knew them more than a half century ago. I was then publishing the Southern Sportsman in New Orleans, with an office in Carondelet Street near Gin-Fizz Ramos. This ambitious little magazine was short-lived. Two years of yellow fever quarantine, when only first- class mail left the city, and that punched and fumigated, was much too much. In my connection with the Sportsman I became acquainted with the leading hunters and fishermen and enjoyed their hospitality at their camps on Chef Menteur and other favored locations. At that time there was very little restraint as to dates and bag- limits for fishing or hunting throughout the state. There was no such thing as a license required for either sport and the only thing resembling a date that I can remember was that a gentleman should not shoot a deer before September first. Soon after that date the owner of the Promised Land Plantation, several miles down river, would send out invitations for the annual drive; a tug would be chartered and the New Orleans crowd would go down. One year, I remember, the only successful hunter was a one-armed individual with a double-barreled shotgun who bagged the three deer approaching his stand. He surely reloaded without delay!

In an effort toward regulation, at the suggestion of leading sportsmen, I was ap- pointed a Special Officer. We were having trouble enforcing the Parish of Orleans ordinance protecting black bass (green trout) and I drew up a stronger one which was adopted by the Council. Also I en- deavored to tighten up an enforcement of wildfowl ordinance. One of the first offend- ers I brought in was Captain Leathers of the famous river steamer T. P. Leathers. He had too many poule d'eau! He paid his fine but remained a firm friend and after :he demise of the Sportsman he helped me run the shotgun quarantine against the yellow fever ridden city by taking me with my team of ponies and buckboard aboard the Leathers and dumping me off a distance up the river whence I drove to Calcasieu parish, five days driving over the roads of :hat time.

The aforementioned officer's badge al- most caused me trouble in the rice country. [ was sewing sacks with a harvesting crew, iving in bunkhouse with the other hands, >vhen a nosy member saw fit to go through ny luggage in my absence and found the star. The crew got wind of it at once and

there was an exodus from that farm! It seemed all were allergic to police officers and each thought I was a detective on his trail. A new crew had to be rustled to complete the threshing.

That winter, with a young man named Earl, I trapped 'coon and mink back of Lake Arthur. We were doing well as far as quantity was concerned but the price of fur was very low, prime 'coon and mink bring- ing only about 75 cents each. Mink were especially numerous, probably due to the supply of crippled ducks. However, our trapping ended on receipt of news that Earl's parents and their entire family had been murdered on their farm near Lake Charles by a hired hand. My partner left to join the posse in pursuit of the killer who was captured, driving a team of the Earl mules, a couple of hundred miles north.

I spent the remainder of the winter with a party of market hunters camped on Hackberry Island in Lacasine Bayou, Cam- eron Parish. Market hunting was not con- sidered reprehensible in those days! Ducks and geese were so numerous that there was little sport in hunting, only butchery. Out before daylight in our pirogues, poling through swamp grass to some cleared space, then shooting, shooting, shooting, and drag- ging in the game. At night each man must reload 150 or 200 brass shells and roll his cigarettes for the next day, and the birds would be sketchily dressed by plucking feathers from breast and removing entrails. They were packed in barrels and teamed to then the nearest railroad at Welsh, thence to New Orleans market. The gizzards were salted down by the individual hunter for his family later.

There was no thought of conservation at that time. Ducks and geese were a pest to the rice planter and had to be guarded against to protect the crop. I have seen the fields blanketed with ducks, literally thousands of them. When disturbed they would rise with a roar and form clouds of mallard and pintail. Between the Mer- mentau and Lacasine bayous in upper Cameron and lower Calcasieu parishes was a bountiful hunting section. There were many prairie chickens and I have had great sport with quail along the long- Cherokee rose hedges bordering the old "providence" rice plantations. Going along the hedge on the lee side and the quail would run along a short distance, then flush and come over the high hedge to a perfect shot. Jack snipe were plentiful in season and rail were com in on.

The wild prairie between the two bayous extending north from Lake Miserie was inundated in late winter to a depth of two or three feet. The immense buffalo fish would come up seemingly in droves and were impaled with pitchforks from horse- back and wagon. It was quite a problem, however, dragging a squirming thirty pound fish up to the saddle of a half wild pony! During this high water, too, deer hunting provided some excitement. In some locations there were many "domes", each probably half an acre in extent. (These were surmised to indicate oil deposits and now probably each dome is topped by a der- rick.) The deer would sun themselves high and dry on these domes and the idea was to approach from the shady side and get a shot as they bounded away through the water. Not so easy from a running horse ! The high grass on these prairies during normal dry weather was sometimes burned off by alligator hunters. The holes that were occupied and grass kept moist by the saurians in the outgoings were well marked after the fire and could be located from a distance. The 'gators were snaked from their holes with a hook on a long pole. They were hunted for their hides and teeth, and cross slices from the tail of a small four footer were not bad for a fish fry.

Well, that was a long time ago and the old timer has quit burning powder. I am looking just at this moment at a couple of gray squirrels hunting acorns just outside my window. Later in the afternoon, should I go outside, I could hear a partridge drumming a few hundred feet away. The lake shore another hundred feet away every morning bears the prints of a family of 'coons that were in quest of frogs. Deer come down from the hills for water at the lake and kept my beans trimmed off in the garden until I found a slight sifting of bloodmeal was very objectionable to them. There is a beaver house in the shallow water of the lake not far from shore and its inmates have lumbered all the poplar near the water. Within fifteen miles bear are frequently seen and only within the past five years have been protected as a game animal. But this a far piece from Louisiana! I should like to visit that land again but perhaps it is time that an octo- genarian settle down.

Anyhow, Good Hunting!

ROBERT H. WILCOX Lake Hortonia Brandon, Vermont





Continuing its program to convene in different sections of the state, the seven- member agency met in the Police Jury Building in Franklin, Iberia Parish.

Members of the Commission agreed that a three-foot dam on Catahoula Lake would possibly not destroy the lake as a migra- tory waterfowl resting area and feeding- ground. The matter was referred to the Fish and Game, Fur and Refuge, and Re- search and Statistics Divisions. George A. Foster requested that the attorney be in- structed to investigate the Commission's power in permitting or rejecting cutting of canals to and from the lake.

The Civil Service salary schedule for wildlife rangers was changed as follows: Wildlife Ranger: Old range, $250 to $305; new range, $230 to $305. Wildlife Refuge Supervisor: Old range, $200 to $275; new range, $250 to $325. Wildlife Refuge Warden: Old range, $180 to $230; new- range, $230 to $305.

The $50,000 allotment from the Board of Liquidation was allocated thus: Increase rangers' salaries, S22,890 ; expenses, mem- bers and department personnel to Gulf States Marine Fisheries Meetings, $1,500; per diem and expenses Commission mem- bers, seven meetings at $500 each, $3,500; reimburse budgetary funds for per diem and expenses Commission members (12 meetings to date), $5,500; to increase salaries other personnel not meeting Civil Service minimum pay scale, seven months at $225, $1,575; purchase of outboard motors and miscellaneous equipment for Enforcement and Fish and Game Divisions, $5,000; to cover increased costs license and several tax collections and printing- costs, S7,535 ; educational program equip- ment and increased expenses, $2,500.

Director Young advised that the sale of fishing licenses show an increase of almost 100 per cent in 1953 as compared with the previous year.

A request from the St. Tammany Police Jury to permit commercial fishing with seines, mesh not smaller than two inches, in Lake Pontchartrain was tabled.

A permit for Sand and Shells, Inc., to continue their dredging in Lake Pontchar- train was renewed.

No action was taken on a request by the Catahoula Lake Game and Fish Com- mission asking that the sanctuary bed of the lake be extended. Such action requires an enactment by the state legislature.

Two requests by the Avoyelles Police Jury asking that permission be given to kill grosbeaks and declare an open season on raccoons, allowing night hunting, were not granted because : Grosbeaks are mi- gratory birds and are controlled by fed- eral law; raccoons are fur bearing animals with regulations set by the state legisla- ture.

A report from W. S. Werlla, assistant director and revenue supervisor, showed an overall increase of $188,163.13 in rev- enues for the current year.

Union Parish requested a 32-day deer season instead of 45 days as designated by the Commission at a previous meeting. Because of the lateness of the request, the agency failed to grant same.

James N. McConnell, Chief of the Divi- sion of Oysters and Waterbottoms, pointed out that the reef area in Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes were the backbone of the oyster industry east of the Mississippi River, and that fresh water must be ob- tained for the area because of the conch threat. He recommended that the Com- mission, in conjunction with the U. S. Engineers, Orleans Levee Board and the Police Jury of Plaquemines, do everything possible to find ways and means to open, with controlled structure, Bayou Lamoque, situated on the east bank of the Mississippi opposite Sixty Mile Point and emptying into California Bay south of Mangrove Point. "Should the Mississippi River water reach California Bay, tremendous areas of

oyster reefs now dead because of high salinity and conch infestation would re- produce; and, in my opinion, no other one thing can be done which would be of greater value to our natural reefs east of the Mississippi."

McConnell also recommended that an effort be made to obtain a control struc- ture built where the Violet canal formerly connected with the Mississippi at Violet. U. S. Engineers should be asked to dredge and maintain a channel with a minimum depth of five feet from Bayou St. Malo to Yscloskey. Canning plants obtaining oysters from natural reefs in St. Bernard and Plaquemines should increase their shell re- turn from 10 to 20 per cent, at the canner's expense. The board adopted the recommen- dations.

Director Young asked that the State Public Shooting Grounds at Pass-a-Loutre be used for public relations purposes when not in use by persons who reserved privi- leges prior to November 10, the closing date for requests from the public for camp facilities. He stated that he would assume full responsibility for camp operation. His request was granted.

The agency voted not to sell any timber in the Iatt Lake Fish and Game Preserve in Grant Parish at this time.

Director Young was authorized to dis- pose of the equipment at the L.S.U. quail farm and that expendable equipment be given to interested parties of sportsmen's clubs, 4-H clubs and others.

The hull of the boat Eagle will be sold, since the cost of repair was estimated at $1,800, according to action by the group.

The Washington Sand and Gravel Com- pany's request to lease a part of the Bogue Chitto River was referred to Fish and Game, Oysters and Waterbottoms Divisions and the Stream Control Commission for investigation and report.

Concerning leasing of bottom lands of the state for sand, shell and gravel, the following resolution was adopted: That from and after November 24, 1953, all exclusive leases by this Commission cover- ing and affecting the dredging of sand, shell and gravel, exclusive of oyster bot- toms, in the bottom lands of the waters of this state, under the jurisdiction of this Commission, shall, prior to the granting and confection thereof, be anteceded by a notice of intention to lease which shall be advertised for a period of three times with- in 10 days in the official journal of the parish and/or parishes wherein said bot- tomlands are situated, which notice shall contain a description of the area to be leased and other matters which shall from the subject matter of said lease to the extent that whomsoever may be interested in bidding thereon shall have ample notice of the proposed letting.

The meeting was adjourned to meet again on Monday and Tuesday, December 21 and 22, 1953 in the city of Jennings, La.



Pioneer, La. I have been out three times and have seen only one squirrel, three rabbits and one fox. Most of the squirrels were killed before the season opened. The warden you hired has not been on the job. Either he was out too late to catch the law violators, or would not try to catch them, or would not report certain ones when he caught them.

Randall L. Vining

Basile, La.

I'm so well pleased with the many squir- rels we find this year, I feel I should let you know. As a matter of fact, there are more than I have seen for a good many years before. One reason is satisfactory to me for the increase. They were protected during breeding season, which they were not before. Leopold Miller

Any other ideas? C.H.G.



Would appreciate it very much if you could mail me another copy of your Novem- ber issue.

I am more than anxious to have two of my Missouri cousins (who love to fish) come down here to spend their vacations with us this coming summer. Have talked Black Lake to them so much; but your November issue will tell it all, and the pictures are lovely, too.

We have been going to Chandler's for years. Their hospitality and service are perfect, and we consider our money well spent there. Mrs. Adrian K. Hide

We were gratified by the many fine letters complimenting the magazine on the Black- Lake article. Mo> e of that type coming up. —C.H.G.


Easton, La.

I would like to get your opinion about how most fires are started in the woods and swamps in Louisiana.

I am a great outdoor sportsman; I have been on several camping trips this year with my friends, and each time I bring up

the subject of forest fires and how they are started. In most articles I read, cigarettes seem to be the biggest cause; but I can't see it that way. I have offered S100 to any member of our party if he could start a fire with a cigarette, and I still have my S100. They have tried with crumbled leaves, sage grass, pine straw in the heat of the day none has started a fire yet.

I am careful with my cigarettes; but it is my opinion that forest fires are started from camp fires left smoldering and from matches thrown away while still burning. Harland Ardoin

/ believe that statistics show that most fires in Louisiana are incendiary in origin they are started deliberately. I expect that you are right in your believe that most ac- cidental fires result from matches and camp- fires. Anybody else got an idea? C.H.G.


Baton Rouge, La.

I take this opportunity to thank you for past issues of the Louisiana Conservation- ist and to request that future issues be sent to me. Copies of this publication are espe- cially helpful in conveying to ninth grade boys and girls the importance of conserva- tion and in studying- about the organization of and the services rendered by the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission when we study Louisiana's government.

Several issues of Louisiana Conserva- tionist are kept on my desk at all times during the school year for the benefit of those students who complete assigned work before the end of a supervised study period. Many of the boys anticipate with eagerness the arrival of a new issue.

Thanks again for this fine teaching aid. Charles MacMurdo

Our magazine is sent to every school in Louisiana, and we hope that many teachers are taking advantage of it as you are. —C.H.G.


Jackson, La. Am enclosing a picture that might be of

interest to the readers of the Conserva- tionist. This is a picture of 31 out of 36 fish (five wei'e too small and were thrown back) caught on Labor Day at Horseshoe Lake near Ferriday. There were three of us in the party: Charlie Ray Allen, Bill Haney, and myself, all of Jackson, La.

The fish were caught between daybreak and 9:30 A.M. They weighed from 1% lbs. to 3% lbs. All put up plenty of fight; guess that was due to a cool spell at that time. The first six fish were caught on jitterbugs; the rest were caught on a Helldiver, a Hawaiian Wiggler, and a Fisherman's Favorite. Harvey Spillman.

Sorry we couldn't use the picture. That was a fine string of fish. C.H.G.


New Orleans 2459 Gladiolus St.

I am very interested in the articles on conservation in the Conservationist this month. I'm almost 17 and love to collect snakes. I've wanted to get into the con- servation department of wildlife. If there's any field open, could you please let me know what I could do to get in it. I am taking my high school course in conservation.

If you could give me the addresses of any boys my age whom I might be able to write to and trade ideas with, I would appreciate it. Or perhaps you would put my name and address in the magazine so anyone who was interested could contact me. My address is 2459 Gladiolus, New Orleans, La.

Your friend, Bobby Crayon

/ do not knoiv how many years of high school you have left but would suggest that you take all the courses offered in botony and biology. If you intend to go to college there are quite a few courses ivhich offer training in wildlife work. The Louisiana State University School of Forestry offers both the bachelor's and the master's degree in wildlife management and forestry. If you would prefer to specialize in reptiles, which yon say you are interested in, you could get such training in the zoology schools of both Tulane and L.S.U. C.H.G.



Charley Bosch

Executive Secretary Louisiana Wildlife Federation

We are still missing some important data that we wish to use in our article on Cata- houla Lake. But we assure you it will be in the February issue. We think the following address delivered last March will be of in- terest to our readers as it deals with the overall problem:



Hon. Clifford R. Hope

House of Representatives (Kansas) Washington, D. C.





MARCH 10, 1953

I am pleased to be here today and have a part in this discussion of a natural re- sources policy for the nation. I agree thor- oughly with Bill Voigt as to the importance of this subject and with his statement that a concise, comprehensive declaration of a natural resources policy in our law books is long overdue.

It is true that some steps have been taken in the direction of formulating a policy. We have made progress, but it has been piece- meal and erratic, and in most cases what has been done has been inspired by some national calamity. The result, as might be expected, is that we have advanced on some fronts but haven't even gotten started on others. Almost everywhere there is much confusion and little coordination. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of soil and water conservation.

Let me illustrate what I mean. The great Mississippi flood came along in 1927 and jarred us out of our complacency to the extent that we enacted the Flood Control Act in 1938. This has been supplemented by later flood-control legislation including the Act of 1936, the Act of 1944, the 1950 Act, and others. The terribly destructive flood on the Kansas and Missouri Rivers last year has naturally resulted in a fur-

ther consideration of flood-control legisla- tion, but except for financial assistance to those who suffered losses, no new legisla- tion has resulted as yet. The President, however, has appointed a Commission of nine members known as the Missouri Basin Survey Commission to consider anew the whole problem of soil and water conserva- tion in the Missouri Valley.

We have had legislation on our statute books relating to reclamation ever since 1902, but it took the drought of the 1930's to awaken the nation to the need for ex- panding our irrigated acres on a large scale.

This drought and the dust storms which accompanied it focused attention in a very dramatic way upon the destruction of our topsoil by blowing. It also brought the realization that for every acre of farm land we were losing through wind erosion, we were losing one hundred acres from water erosion. Almost overnight this became recog- nized as one of our top national problems and so we set up the soil conservation pro- gram.

The development of the water resources of the Tennessee Valley begun as a war measure in World War I plus the great ex- pansion of industry in World War II brought increased interest in the develop- ment of hydro-electric power.

High transportation rates stimulated in- creased interest in the expansion of navi- gation on our inland streams, although ac- tivity on the part of the Federal Govern- ment in the development of inland water- ways goes back more than a hundred years. All of these matters have resulted in some degree of action. We have had legis- lation— much of it. Large sums of money (and I mean large even in these days) have been and are being spent in the name of flood control, reclamation, soil conservation, navigation, hydro-electric power, range and forest restoration, and the development of recreational areas, but all of these things have been done piecemeal. As Mr. Voigt well says, "It is a crazy quilt pattern."

I do not know how many federal agencies in all have dealt with these subjects I could name a dozen right now without half trying. I don't know how many committees in Congress have dealt with various aspects of the matter. Even since the reorganiza- tion of Congress with its consolidation of committees, there are still several com- mittees in each House including Appropria- tions Subcommittees which must pass upon some particular phase of legislation and government activity dealing with the sub- ject of soil and water conservation.

Furthermore, as long as we insist upon dividing government activities relating to soil and water resources into separate com- partments with such labels as soil conser- vation, watershed protection, reforestation, agricultural production, irrigation, drain- age, navigation, flood control, federal pro- grams, state programs, local programs, and so on, there is bound to be duplication, over- lapping, and rivalry between agencies, as well as inefficiency, waste, and an utter failure to get our money's worth in the way of conservation. In fact as long as we pro- ceed in this way, the job simply is not going to be done.

I have already given one reason for this dispersion of effort. It is due in most cases to the fact that our efforts toward conser- vation in the past have generally been brought about by a rather sudden recog- nition that something was wrong. So we rushed in and attempted to do something about that particular difficulty without giv- ing much if any consideration as to how the situation arose in the first place or how the proposed remedy fits in with the over-all problem of conserving our land and water resources. When one of these specific programs is set up, it is placed in the hands of some particular government agency and that agency, as it probably should, dedi- cates itself to doing the job that is assigned it. In doing that job, it bumps into many allied problems and if it can get the money from Congress, it starts dealing with them also, even though some other agency may have already occupied that field. Illustra- tions of this can be cited time and again.

This is not said so much in the way of criticism of these agencies as it is of the fact that we have failed so far to develop a comprehensive policy dealing with the subject. It is true, however, and I do say this critically, that every effort which has been made in and out of Congress to bring about a consolidation of agencies dealing with conservation matters has been bitterly resisted by practically all of these agen- cies.

When I say this I am speaking from ex- perience because I have introduced consoli- dation bills, and I know just what the re- actions are not only among the agencies which are affected but on the part of in- dividuals and organizations who feel that they have some vested interest in the work which is being done by them.

Some of you are familiar with the report of the Hoover Commission on the subject of natural resources. Whether one agrees with the details of that reorganization pro- posal or not (and even the Commission


divided on it), it was a sincere effort to effect a consolidation of agencies which were operating1 in competition with each other and in whose work there was over- lapping and duplication. It is well known of course that the report aroused tremen- dous opposition on the part of the agencies affected. I think this will be true as to any proposals along this line.

I do not say that it is absolutely neces- sary that every activity relating to soil and water conservation be handled by a single government agency. In fact, such a program might not be practical at least in the beginning. What we do need is an over-all policy which will clearly define the objectives to be followed up by a legislative program which will outline how the job is to be done and just who is to do it.

Even in the absence of a statement of national policy, we are making some prog- ress. It is encouraging that within the last few years there have been instances where federal agencies have gotten togther in an effort to work out natural resources programs in a coordinated way. Some of these efforts have worked out well.

In a more recent instance Congress has stepped in and directed that a survey be made and plans submitted to Congress for the development of the Arkansas, White, and Red River Basins. Every government agency dealing with any aspect of soil and water conservation and related subjects is to participate in this survey. Because this marks the first time to my knowledge that this approach has been taken in the case jf large river basins, I am going to read to you the language directing this survey, be- ing a part of Section 205 of the Flood Con- ;rol Act of 1950. The provision in question after stating that the Secretary of the Army is authorized and directed to make preliminary examinations and surveys goes )n to say, and now I quote, "with a view ;o developing comprehensive, integrated Dlans of improvement for navigation, flood lontrol, domestic and municipal water sup- slies, reclamation and irrigation, develop- nent and utilization of hydro-electric power, conservation of soil, forest and fish and vildlife resources, and other beneficial de- velopment and utilization of water resources ncluding such consideration of recreation lses, salinity and sediment control, and rollution abatement as may be provided for inder Federal policies and procedures, all o be coordinated with the Department of he Interior, the Department of Agricul- ture, the Federal Power Commission, and )ther appropriate Federal agencies and with he States, as required by existing law."

This survey is now in progress. The re- )ort is scheduled to be submitted to Con- gress by July 1, 1954. It is my understand- ng that every federal agency which deals vith the subject matter is participating in his survey. No one knows how it is going o work out. The report itself will be the >est proof of that, but it is encouraging to mow that such an effort is underway and hat, so far at least, there is apparently i close working arrangement between the igencies which are participating. It may ie that previously there have been similar urveys on small streams, and of course he Tennessee Valley Authority has been i coordinated effort. Otherwise I do not :now of any attempts at coordination which lave gone as far as this one.

Speaking specifically to the subject of watershed planning, it seems to me that all 'f us must agree that the way to do that ob is to put first things first and begin vhere nature begins. That is, watershed ilanning must start at the place where the rater falls. Yet until very recently at least, ve have followed just the opposite course.

We did so for one thing because we ap- proached the subject from the standpoint of flood control. The big spectacular floods occurred far down on the main streams. We decided the way to meet the problem was to build huge levees on the main streams in order to hold the water in ex- isting channels. Building levees was help- ful, but it was dealing with the effect rather than the cause. So the next proposal was to build reservoirs on the main streams and the larger tributaries to impound flood wa- ter before it reached the areas of concen- trated population most subject to heavy and dramatic losses. Experience has been that such reservoirs are helpful in controlling floods, but we have found as time goes on that neither reservoirs nor levees nor a combination of the two will do the entire job.

And so at long last we are planning to go to the headwaters of the streams and beyond that to the farm land and the range and forest areas where the water falls. It is proposed to hold as much of the water as possible in that area. There, in most cases, it will serve a useful purpose and every drop which can be retained in this way means that much less water to cause damage and destruction farther down- stream.

This makes sense from several stand- points. In the first place if we put the land where the rain falls to its proper use and if we take steps to set up good cropping practices, terraces and grassed spillways, small ponds, gulley plugs, and minor reser- voirs on the smaller streams, these steps will directly prevent some of the greatest flood damage now taking place. In saying this I am referring to the damage which occurs on the uplands and in the valleys of the smaller streams.

It may surprise some to know that sur- veys made by the Soil Conservation Service show that 75 per cent of our average an- nual flood loss occurs above our main river valleys. This of course is due in part to the fact that the major river flood plains and the cities along the rivers are already protected in part at least by levees and major reservoirs, but the main reason that the greatest damage occurs where it does is because the greatest loss from floods is the loss of the soil itself.

Last year after the record-breaking flood on the Kansas River and other streams in that area, the Soil Conservation Service made a survey of the storm and flood dam- age in Kansas and Nebraska during the month of July. That survey showed that the loss of crops on upland farms amounted to approximately 110 million dollars; that the loss of irreplaceable topsoil there was estimated at 200 million dollars; and losses from flood water and sediment in the ci'eek bottoms and in the small stream valleys above the points where specific flood protec- tion had been proposed were estimated to be 102 million dollars; or a total of 412 mil- lion dollars, all of which occurred before we even got to the areas which were severly flooded. Yet one who got his information from the press and radio would have thought that practically all the damage oc- curred in Kansas City and Topeka and other cities along the Kansas River.

The thing to remember is that every year this loss of crops and soil occurs in the upstream areas, but it is only occasionally that important damage is done on the main streams.

Yet another reason why flood control to be effective must start where the water falls is that the greatest menace to the reservoir and levee program is siltation which can only be prevented by treatment of the land and upstream control. Illustrations of the

folly of overlooking this can be found everywhere that reservoirs have een con- structed.

I do not want to be misunderstood. Flood- control measures on the land and along the small streams will not of themselves afford complete flood protection on the main streams. There will still be a place for reser- voirs and levees. And when it comes to making beneficial use of our water resources for hydro-electric power, navigation, irriga- tion, and other purposes then dams and reservoirs must come into the picture. All I am saying is that we must start with the land and the small streams and unless the work is done there first, or at least con- currently with the work downstream, we will not achieve sound, permanent flood con- trol or the most economical and beneficial use of our water resources for other pur- poses.

Let me conclude these remarks by saying that the fact that this great conference is devoting so much time to a discussion of a National Policy for Renewable Natural Re- sources is the best possible indication that the American people are awake to the grave dangers which confront them through the careless way in which we have handled our natural resources. When our fore- fathers came here they found a land rich in all the resources needed in establishing a great and growing country. It is safe to say that no nation in all history has been blessed with such a combination of fertile soil, healthful and diversified climate, abundant water supplies, plentitude of wild- life, rich and varied mineral wealth, and forest resources as existed originally in the United States. And when we come to look for those things which have made us the world's greatest and most powerful nation, we must agree that this combina- tion of natural resources has played a tre- mendous part. And yet this very abundance constituted a danger because for a long time it prevented us from realizing the ex- tent to which we were exploiting and wast- ing this greatest of all heritages.

But thank God we are waking up. Now instead of a few voices crying in the wil- derness, we have millions of people who are aware of what is going on and who are determined not only to conserve our re- maining resources but to do everything possible to restore that which has been lost. These millions of Americans are today speaking through the Natural Resource's Council and the 37 conservation organiza- tions which constitute its membership. The fact that these organizations some large, some small, but all dedicated to the idea of conserving and restoring the natural resources of this country have set up this Council and have gotten together on a statement of policy for renewable natural resources is perhaps the most significant de- velopment in American conservation efforts. It is a good statement. It covers the field and it outlines a good program which, if adopted, and implemented by legislation, will give us for the first time a goal and an integrated program in the field of conser- vation. This is the only way that we can do the big job that has to be done.



The Annual Convention of the La. Wildlife Federation, Inc., will be held in the Captain Shreve Hotel, Shreveport, on February 26, 27, 28, 1954.



PHOTOGRAPHY AFIELD, by Ormdl I. Sprungman,

Published bv the Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Perm. 7" x 10", 449 pages. $7.50.

An excellent presentation of a subject becoming more and more important to sportsmen. The book is divided into two main parts, the first on still pictures and the last on movies. Each is designed to furnish the sportsman-cameraman all the information he needs to take home a photo- graphic record of his trips afield. Both the beginner and the advanced amateur, as well as the professional interested in outdoor photography, will find this publication help- ful. It contains many photographs in black and white and in color.

Sprungman is well qualified to write this book. He has conducted the camera section of SPORTS AFIELD magazine since 1934, and has made a number of movies for Ducks Unlimited. Very good. C.H.G.

HOMEMADE FISHING, by Verne E. Davison. Pub- lished by the Stackpole Company, Telegraph Press Building! Harrisburg, Penn. 6" x 9", 205 pages. $4.50.

If you are interested in farm fish ponds, or small fish ponds of any kind for that matter, this is for you. Many books have been written on this subject but this one does the job just a little bit better. Davison should know whereof he speaks or writes. He worked first with the Oklahoma Fish and Game Department and then joined the Soil Conservation Service in 1935. He has been with them ever since that time as Regional Biologist, and was chiefly responsible for the introduction of the fertilized and man- aged farm fishponds advocated by the S.C.S.

This book is well written and easily read. It tells all you need to know about building and managing a fish pond, from selecting the site to catching the fish. Best of all, it hammers home the need to forget the

old, erroneous traditions of fish manage- ment that handicap so many programs. The first three chapters are general, the next twelve are on warm water ponds, and the last three on cold water ponds. Excellent. —C.H.G.

THE PIKE FAMILY, by Robert Page Lincoln. Pub- lished by The Stackpole Com]. any. Harrisburg. Pa. 6" x 8%", 274 pages. Published October 1, 1953. Price: $5.00.

This book will be rather limited in interest for most residents of the Pelican State, since the pike family is not important in Louisiana fisheries. It appears to be, however, a very well-handled treatise on the northern pike, pickerel, wall-eyed pike, and muskellunge by a very able author, Robert Page Lincoln. It is the final chap- ter in 47 years of telling readers through- out the world what he knew about fish and fishing. Lincoln died this year at the age of 61. —C.H.G.

DUCK DECOYS: Hon- To Make Them, now To Paint Them, Hon- To Big Them, by Eugene V. Con- nett :Srd. Published by D. Van Nostrand Company. Inc., New York. 9" by 6", 116 pages, numerous illus- trations, two color plates. 32 scaled patterns, $4.75.

This book is a welcome source of infor- mation for duck hunters whether he makes decoys or uses decoys made by others. There are chapters on materials, patterns for bodies and heads, painting decoys, ballast and balancing weights, an- chors and anchor lines, and setting out your decoys for various species, etc. The author has produced an excellent book for the lay decoy builder or potential de- coy builder; it is of less value to the ad- vanced decoy maker. The 32 patterns of heads and bodies are most valuable and there is a wealth of information about ducks, their attitudes and characteristics, and just how to copy these in your decoys. Good. C.W.B. & W.R.

THE PRACTICAL FLY FISHERMAN, by A. J. MrClane. Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc.: New York. 0" x 9", 253 pages. $5.95.

Many of you are familiar with the writ- ings of A. J. McClane through FIELD & STREAM magazine, of which he is the fishing editor. This book is McClane at his best, and as the title denotes, is strictly for fly fishermen. He runs the gamut with chapters on The Fly Rod, How to Cast, The Fly Line, Leaders, Fishing The Nymph, Fly Fishing for Bass, Panfish, and others.

Contains five full color plates of flys, and the "receipts" for many of them. Very good. C.H.G.

BIRDS AS INDIVIDUALS, by Len Howard. Pub- lished by Doubleday & Co., New York. 5y2" x 8", 216 pages, 1953. Price: $4.00.

The home of Miss Len Howard, in a little Sussex village, is literally for the birds. BIRDS AS INDIVIDUALS is a record of her experiences in coming to know birds through very intimate asso- ciation. Visitors to her place are under- standably surprised to find birds flitting about through the house, in and out the open windows and doors. The book is di- vided into two parts; Bird Behavior and Bird Song. Illustrated with excellent photo- graphs by Eric Hosking, one of the finest of bird photographers. Very good. C.H.G.

In Memory of


Age: 16. Address: Paradis, La.

Shot while hunting on De- cember 13, 1953. Trigger of gun caught in brush when vic- tim alighted from his pirogue. Wound fatal.

One of the ten commandments of safety is: "Always carry your gun so that you can control the direction of the muzzle, even if you stumble."


All fishermen are reminded that their 1953 fishing licenses expired at midnight on December 31. The 1954 licenses are now on sale at most sporting goods stores and at all sheriffs' offices. Why not get your license now instead of waiting until you're in the rush of planning a fishing trip!

In Memory of


Age: 28. Address: Poncha- toula, La.

Shot while deer hunting on December 13, 1953. Died De- cember 16. Shot by lifelong friend who mistook him for game.

One of the ten commandments of safety is: "Be sure of your target be- fore you pull the trigger."


The Conservationist is now gathering data from all parishes on parish regulations which might affect the activities of the hunter, fisher- man, or camper. When the survey is completed we'll tell you, through the pages of this magazine, the results. Some of the rules now in effect will surprise a great many people. For instance, there's at least one parish in which you must have a permit from the sheriff before you can buy, sell, borrow, lend, or transfer in any manner any rifle or pistol.

Charles W. Howell is dead! This Baton Rouge sportsman, in the prime of life, was deliberately shot by a headlighter while sitting by his camp- fire in the marshes near Venice, La. I say delib- erately because the man behind the gun pointed it deliberately and pulled the trigger deliberately. He was headlighting, presumably for deer, in vio- lation of state law, knowing that in such practice there is always the possibility of shooting a cow, or horse or a man instead of a deer. When the killer heard the screams of John Day, Howell's companion who was wounded by the same load of buckshot, he fled the scene. The Baton Rouge Sportsmen's League has begun a fund which it will offer for information leading to the arrest of the man who did the shooting. The League kicked in with a hundred bucks, and the total is up to several hundred now.

The Louisiana Outdoor Writers' Association held a reorganizational meeting on Dec. 6, 7 and 8 at the Pass-a-Loutre public shooting grounds at the mouth of the Mississippi River as guests of the Commission. While there they were treated to an explanation of the program of the Wild Life and Fisheries Commission by the various division

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chiefs. This should result in a much better work- ing relationship between the department and the men who contact the public.

Among the officers who were elected to serve the LOWA for the coming year were : President Charley Nutter, managing director of the Inter- national House, New Orleans; Vice-President Hurley Campbell, who has charge of all photo- graphic work for the State Department of Edu- cation; and Secretary-Treasurer W. McFadden Duffy, public relations director for the Inter- national House.

Our mailing list revision, initiated with a card insert in the October issue, is about to be com- pleted. We don't know yet whether it's a success or not. Depends on the way you look at it. Actu- ally, we confidently expected to chop ten to twenty thousand names off of our list of 44,000. Ten- nessee recently cut their roster from 27,000 to 12,000 by the exact procedure we used. In our case, however, it looks as if we may end up with more names than we originally had. Such may not be the case when the tabulations are finally in, but believe you me we had a flood of cards. Many people commented about the magazine on the bottom of the card, and we'll be telling you more about some of those gems at a later date.

We made one trip into the Bay Denny area of the Atchafalaya floodway to shoot some mallards. It wasn't exactly an armchair trip, what with a boat ride of a couple miles, another couple by shank's mare circumventing a posted area, and then the going got kinda muddy. Wood ducks by the literal thousands were there. Makes a guy wonder about the one-a-day limit on that species. Yep, I missed my share of mallards, too.

Sunset, January 10, 1954, will mark the end of waterfowl shooting for Louisiana hunters for an- other ten or eleven months.

Photo by Gresham.




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