75/9 O ; a ! a '• a • a > tr ; tr • Ln | JT «\ II. Lucifer : a Study in Morphology. By W. K. BROOKS, Associate in Biology and Director of the Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., U.S.A. Communicated by Professor HUXLEY, Sec. R.S. Received April G,— Read April 28, 1881. [PLATES 1-11.] CONTENTS. Page. SECTION I. — Introductory , 58 SECTION II. — Segmentation of the egg, and formation of the food-yolk and primitive digestive cavity 64 SECTION III. — Metamorphosis of Lucifer 72 SECTION TV. — History of each appendage of Lucifer 92 SECTION V. — The Metamorphosis of Acctes 101 SECTION VI. — Relation between the larvae of Lucifer, Acetes, Sergestes, Peiut-us, and Eaphausia, and the significance of the Decapod Zoea, and the Crustacean Nauplius 109 SECTION VII. — Serial homology and bilateral symmetry in the Crustacea 125 SECTION VIII. — Explanation of the plates , 129 SECTION I. — INTRODUCTORY. THE general anatomy of the adult Lucifer has been satisfactorily made known by the observations of SOULEYET, HUXLEY, HENSEN, DANA, SEMPER, GLAUS, DOHRN, and FAXON ; and the only facts which I have to add relate to the structure of the reproductive organs. The earliest recorded observations upon this subject are by DANA (' United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, and 1842,' under the Command of CHARLES WILKES, U.S.N., vol. xiii., part 1). In plate 44, fig. 9, b, h, and m", he gives a very correct representation of the male reproductive organs and sperma- tophore of an adult male specimen of Lucifer (acestra) ; but his description of these figures (p. 670) shows that he was completely at a loss for an interpretation of the parts which he has represented, and had no idea of their true function. Later students have entirely overlooked these figures by DANA, and there has been MDCCCLXXXH. I 58 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: some doubt whether Lucifer is an adult animal at all, rather than the young form of some other Decapod. In 1801, SEMPER (Reisehericht des Herrn Dr. SEMPERS. Ein Schreiben an A. KOLLIKER ; Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., xi., 1861, pp. 100-108) re-discovered and described the male organs, and also the female organs, of a large, transparent, and probably new species which he found at Zamboanga. He gives no figures, and his short account, which is in the main correct, is as follows : — " Die Geschlechtsoffnung ist einfach, liegt bei beiden Geschlechtern in der Mittel- linie des Baucb.es, dicht liinter dem letzten Brustfusse. Der Hode besteht aus einer, in der Mittellinie des Thorax, dicht unter dem Magen liegenden Samendrtlse, an deren hiuteres Ende, dort wo der kurze Samenleiter entspringt, sich mehrere Neben- driisen ansetzen. Der Same wird, noch unentwickelt, in einen birnformigen grossen Spermatophor eingeschlossen. Das hmterste Ende dieser mannlichen Driise' reicht bis in die Mitte des ersten Hinterleibgliedes, das vorderste bis ziemlich dicht an den Schlund. " Das Weibchen hat zwei Eierstocke, die vom Ende des sechsten Hinterleibgliedes an dicht unter dern Darm, sich bis in die Mitte des Thorax erstrecken, hier biegen sich die beiden Samenleiter nach unten, und schwellen dann zu zwei grossen Taschen an, die eine kleine Tasche umfassen ; die Geschlechtsoffnung ist einfach ; ein einziger Spermatophor steckt mit seinem spitzen Ende darin. Entwickelte Zoospermien habe ich nicht beobachtet. WeibHche Begattungsorgane fehlen. Die Entwickelungs- geschichte ist mir unbekanut geblieben." The male organ has two external openings ; they are not on the median line, and their position in the body does not correspond to that of the female orifice ; but in other respects my own observations show the correctness of this description. As SEMPER does not give any account of the general structure of these sexual individuals, GLAUS (" Ueber einige Schizopoden und niedere Malacostraken Messinas," Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., xiii., 1863, pp. 433-437) held that the adult nature of Lucifer must still be a matter of uncertainty ; but in 1871 DOHRN verified SEMPER'S account from alcoholic specimens ('' Untersuchungen iiber Ban und Entwickelung der Arthro- poden," von Dr. ANT. DOHRN, Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., xxi., 1871, p. 357), and showed that the mature animals have the form which had been described by THOMPSON ('Zoological Researches and Illustrations,' 1829, p. 58) as characteristic of the genus. In the following year SEMPER ("Zoologische Aphorismen, von G. SEMPER : I. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Gattung Lucifer," Zeit, f. Wiss. ZooL, xxii., 1872, p. 305) published a second paper, in which he gave two good figures of the male and female reproductive organs (taf. xxii., figs. 3 and 4), but added nothing to his earlier description. During my own studies upon the development of the larva I found an abundant supply of adult specimens of both sexes, and am thus enabled to give a more complete account of the structure and relations of the reproductive organs. Plate 9, fig. 75, is a side view of the carapace (c) and the first abdominal A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 59 somite (a) of an adult male, showing the first abdominal foot (PI. 1) and the basal joints of the third maxilliped (J//>. 3), and the first, second, and third thoracic limbs (Pi: 1, Pi: 2, Pr. 3). The testis (t) consists of a series of about eight pouches or follicles, which hang down into the body cavity under the anterior end of the intestine (/). The body of the animal is so thin that it is almost impossible to get a good dorsal view without crushing the specimen; but a very careful examination of the side view seems to show that there is only a single organ on the median line of the body, as SEMPER states. On each side of the intestine, along the line where the testis joins its wall, a small tubular vas deferens (vd) arises, and runs backwards along the side of the intestine nearly to the end of the first abdominal somite, to which it seems to be attached (at I) by a ligament. It then bends outwards and forwards upon itself to form a second much larger portion (sp), which is parallel to and outside of the first portion, and reaches nearly to the anterior edge of the first abdominal somite. The third or terminal portion (sv) has a large cavity, thick walls, and it runs down to an external opening which is situated on the outer edge of the sternal surface of the thoracic region, behind the basal joint of the third pereiopod, and therefore in the position which would be occupied by the basal joints of the fourth or fifth pereiopods if they were present. There is a vas deferens, made up of these three portions, on each side of the body, and the ventral nerve chain (ty) passes between their external openings. The more anterior follicles of the testis are almost perfectly transparent, but the development of the male cells in the posterior ones gives to them a faint granulation. The first division of the vas deferens (vd) has a small cavity, thin walls, and as it usually seems to be entirely empty it is probable that the passage of the male cells from the testis through it to the second division (sp) takes place quickly. The second division (sp) has a very large cavity, and in it the male cells become arranged in a single layer around the surface of a central core, which is formed of some dense transparent adhesive substance. The sperraatophore appears to pass into the third chamber (sv) before it is completely formed, as all those which were seen in the second chamber consisted only of a central core and a layer of male cells, while those which were contained in the thick-walled third chamber had an outer enveloping capsule. I found several specimens with a fully-developed spermatophore on one side of the body and none on the other side, and was thus enabled to thoroughly satisfy myself of the presence of two vasa deferentia, and two external openings. I was unable to discover how the spermatophore is transported to the body of the female, or what part the clasping organ (c) upon the first pleopod of the male performs during the act of copulation. Upon several occasions I observed a male clinging to the basal joints of the first antennas of a female, but as I never succeeded in getting the pair under a lens with- out separating them, I made no careful examination. Copulation usually takes place GO MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: during the daytime, or at least this was the case in every instance which I observed. In several cases I found female specimens with a single fresh spermatophore attached to the opening (Plate 9, fig. 74, o) of the seminal receptacle (sr). This opening is situated between and a little anterior to the basal joints of the third pair of thoracic limbs (Pr. 3 of fig. 74). As the spermatophore gradually discharged its contents, it was easy to see that both the central core and the investing layer of spermatozoa escaped from the outer sheath and passed into the seminal receptacle. In all the breeding females which I observed the spermatozoa filled the posterior, and the trans- parent core of the spermatophore the anterior half of the spermatic receptacle, as shown in fig. 74. The ovary is very long (fig. 74, or), and it lies under the intestine, reaching from the fifth abdominal somite to the posterior edge of the carapace, where it bends upon itself at right angles and runs down to its external opening, which is upon or close to the median line of the ventral surface, a little in front of the third pair of pereiopods. The wall of the ovary is so very thin and delicate that I was not able to detect it at all except when it was filled with ripe ova. These are very much elongated, granular, and slightly opaque ; and there does not seem to be any shell around them. They are very elastic, and undergo great changes of shape as they pass through the small oviduct. Oviposition occurs between 9 and 10 o'clock in the evening, a.nd occupies only a few minutes. After the eggs are laid they are spherical, transparent, and each one has a rather thick shell. They are attached, in a loose bunch of twenty or more, to the last pair of thoracic limbs, and in order to save space I have shown them in fig. 74, although the specimen from which the figure was drawn had not laid any of its eggs. As I obtained very few ripe females, I was not able to sacrifice one of them to study the reproductive organs under pressure, and I am therefore unable to decide whether any parts of this system are double ; but I feel confident that there is only one sper- matic receptacle, and the opening of the oviduct seems to be upon the median line. We found a few adult specimens out at sea, but, while I was able to learn little about their habits, I think that they are not strictly pelagic, but that their proper home is the salt marshes close to the ocean. They Avere met with in the greatest abundance about half-a-mile inside Old Topsail Inlet, near a large marsh, during the first hour of the ebb tide, on calm evenings when the tide turned between 7 and 8 P.M. ; and I infer that they leave the marshes at this time to breed in the ocean. All the mature females which we found, with one excep- tion, were captured under these peculiar conditions ; and we never failed to find them at this spot when the tide turned about sunset and the water was calm. Owing to this singular limitation there are only a very few favourable evenings for procuring the eggs in a single season ; and until the animals can be made to thrive and multiply in confinement, it must always remain an extremely difficult matter to procure the eggs in abundance. A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 61 Up to the present time our knowledge of the early stages of Lucifer has been extremely meagre. In his report on the Crustacea of the United States Exploring Expedition, DANA described (p. 634) an organism under the name of Erichthina demissa, and figured it in plate 42, fig. 3. GLAUS ('Crustacean System,' p. 13) gives a figure of the same organism at a latter stage of development, and calls attention to the numerous features of resemblance to the Protozoea stage of development of Penceus. Only a few months before his death, the lamented WiLLEMoES-SuHM collected a number of specimens of Erichthina in the South Pacific, and, associated with them, a sufficient number of later stages to assure him that Erichthina is the larva of Lucifer. His account (" Preliminary Ptemarks on the Development of some Pelagic Decapods," by R. von WILLEMOES-SUHM, Ph.D., Proc. Eoyal Soc., Dec. 9, 1875, p. 132-4) is very brief, and as it contains all that is known about the metamor- phosis of this extremely interesting form, I quote it in full : — " Very similar to that of Sergestes is the development of Leucifer. Here the earliest Zoea of a species from the Western Pacific has got at first no eyes, then sessile ones came out, and the animal then presents the form which DANA has called Erichthina demissa, and which GLAUS suspected to be not a Stomatopod but a Schizopod larva. After the second moulting this Erichthina gets stalked eyes, and very long setse on all its appendages, becoming a rather long, very delicate Zoea. It now enters the Amphion stage, but never gets more than four pairs of pereiopods, and loses another pair of these when it moults for the youngest Leucifer stage, in which two pairs of pei^eiopods are absent. " The next question after having found this out, was, of course, whether Amphion, Sergestes, and Leucifer leave the egg as a Zoea, or whether there is a preceding Nauplius stage. My own impression is that in the two first-named genera this is not the case, as the youngest Zoeas which I ca,ught had all the same size, and as none of them was without the large lateral stalked eyes. As for Leucifer, the question appears to me to be doubtful ; for it is, from what I have seen, quite possible that my youngest Zoea, which has only got a central eye, may be preceded by a Nauplius. Of course, the simplest thing would be to get the eggs ; but there is the difficulty, for Amphion is caught very rarely, and has never been obtained at any other time but between 8 and 12 P.M., when it is extremely difficult by lamplight to find out the youngest stages. Senjcstes larvae are commoner, appearing also in the daytime, and Leucifer is sometimes caught in abundance. I hope, therefore, that I shall succeed in completing my researches about this question, especially as far as the two latter genera are concerned. " H.M.S. 'Challenger,' Honolulu, Sandwich Islands. "July 30, 1875." As the sad death of this lamented naturalist, only a short time after, put an end to tins as well as to his other researches in all departments of zoology, I take pleasure in G-2 MR, W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: stating that I have fortunately been able to complete his observations upon Lucifer, and to furnish a very perfect account of its entire metamorphosis, as well as a few important facts with reference to its development in the egg. At the end of April, 1880, I found a single specimen of Lucifer with two eggs attached to one of its appendages, and I was led by the great importance and interest of the subject to make every effort to trace its life-history. For four months I met with no success whatever, but about the 1st of September I found a few advanced larvas, and traced them to the adult, and I then succeeded in finding earlier stages and tracing them as far as the stages which I had previously found, but it was not until the last week of my season at the sea-shore that I succeeded in hatching the Navplius from the egg, and the last gap in my series was bridged by a moult which occurred only a few hours before my departure. As the result of my four months' efforts I can now state that I have seen the eggs of Lucifer pass out of the oviduct. I have seen the Nauplius embryo escape from the same egg which I had seen laid, and I have traced every moult from the Nauplius to the adult in isolated specimens. There is therefore no Crustacean with the meta- morphosis of which we are more thoroughly acquainted than we now are with that of this extremely interesting genus. Not only is it true, as WiLLEMoES-SuHM has pointed out, than DANA'S Erichthina demissa is a larval stage of Lucifer, but that DANA'S Sceletina armata is a later stage in the same series, while some of the forms which he includes in his genus Furcilta are also, in all probability, Lucifer larvre. The occurrence of a free Nauplius stage of development in the life-history of one of the higher Crustacea is a matter of such profound significance in the scientific discussion of the phenomena of embryology in general, that it can hardly be accepted without question so long as there is any possibility of error. Two of the observers who have testified to its occurrence have based their conclusions upon evidence which would be perfectly satisfactory in any ordinary case, but as they did not actually trace all the stages of development their statements do not stand the severe analysis which the importance of the case demands, and certain naturalists have therefore refused to give them unqualified acceptance. The third observation was made so many years ago, and the larva is so briefly described, that it would not be safe to assume, in the absence of all corroborative evidence, that it is a Nauplius at all. In December, 1838, DANA found in the harbour of Ptio de Janeiro great numbers of specimens of a Schizopod, which he described (' United States Exploring Expedition during the Years 1838-1842,' under the command of CHARLES WILKES, U.S.N., vol. xiii., part i., p. G54) as Macromysis gracilis. In the brood-pouches of some of his specimens he found an abundance of eggs and developing embryos, several of which are shown in his plate 45, fig. 5. He made no careful study of their structure ; his notice of them in the text is only a few words ; and his figures are very small, A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 63 and show the embryos in dorsal view, as seen under a very low magnifying power, but they are so much like FRITZ MULLER'S figures, that we must acknowledge that the credit of the first discovery of a Malacostracan Nauplius belongs to DANA, and that up to the present time this is the only case in which a Nauplius has been traced to an egg which could be definitely identified as that of a specific adult Mala- costracan, although his account is so imperfect that in itself it is certainly not sufiicient to prove the existence of the Nauplius stage at all. In 1861 FRITZ MULLER found, at Desterro, in Brazil, a single specimen of a Nanp- lius ("Die Verwandlung der Garneelen." Erster Beitrag von FRITZ MULLER, in Desterro, Arch. f. Naturgeschichte, 1863, p. 9), which he traced, through other speci- mens winch were also collected in the ocean, to a form which he believed to change into the youngest Zoea of a species of Penceus. The series of stages is so satisfactory that there is no reason for doubting the accuracy of his conclusion, but the chances for error, in the attempt to trace Crustacean development from isolated specimens, are so very great that the statement has not received unqualified acceptance. The only other recorded observation of a Malacostracan Nauplius is not among the Decapods, but in the more embryonic Schizopods. These observations, which were made by METSCHNICKOFF, would tend to corroborate those by MULLER, but they are unfortunately open to the same criticism. He did not actually rear the larvae and trace them to a specific adult, and although there would in ordinary cases be no doubt of the correctness of his conclusion, a careful analysis of his papers will show that there certainly is a possibility of error. In the spring of 1868 he collected from the surface of the ocean at Messina a few early stages in the development of a Crustacean, which he believed to be Euphausia mulleri (GLAUS), and showed (" Ueber ein Larvenstadium von Euphausia " von EL. METSCHNICKOFF in Petersburg, Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., xxix., 1869, p. 479, taf. xxxvi.) that it passes through a well-marked Nauplius stage, of which he gives three figures. The following year, at Villafranca, he collected a good supply of young Iarva3 and floating eggs in advanced stages of development, and was thus enabled to supplement his first paper by a second (" Ueber die Naupliuszustande von JHuphausia," von ELIAS METSCHNICKOFF, Zeit, f. Wiss. Zool.7 xxi., 1870, p. 380, taf. xxxiv.) in which he gives a minute account of the Nauplius from the time it leaves the egg until it changes into a form somewhat similar to the youngest stage of Euphausia, which had been previously described by GLAUS (" Ueber einige Schizopoden und niedere Malacostraken Messinas," von Prof. Dr. C. CLAUS, Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., xiii., 1863, p. 422). CLAUS had supposed this to be the stage in which the larva leaves the egg, and he says (p. 450), " Diese Larve bin ich geneigt fur die jiingste aller freieren Entwickelungsformen der Euphausia anzusehen." He subsequently learned, however (" Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der Genealogischen Grundlage des Crustacean-Systems," p. 9), that he had been in error, since he afterwards found, in an Atlantic and also in a Mediterranean species, an earlier Protozoea stage, which changed into the Zoca described in his first paper. It therefore 64 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: follows that METSCHNICKOFF studied something else, or that he was in error in believing that he had traced his Nauplius directly to what CLAUS has shown to be a somewhat late stage in the development of Euphausia. METSCHNICKOFF'S only reason for believing that his Nauplius is a young Euphausia is its resemblance to CLAUS'S larva, and as there is certainly an error here, we are not justified in giving unqualified acceptance to his statement that it is an Euphausia larva. It seems very probable, indeed, that this is the case, but in the absence of the direct evidence which could only be afforded by actually tracing it back to an Euphausia egg, or forwards to the adult Euphausia, I do not think that the existence of a Malacostracan Nauplius can be said to be established by these observations, for they do not stand the severe test which is demanded by their unusual importance, and I think the facts justify the statement that, up to the present time, there has been no unquestionable evidence of the occurrence of such a stage of development in the higher Crustacea. The present series of observations is complete at both ends, and I have not relied upon surface-collecting to fill a single gap, but have traced every stage in isolated captive specimens, and the possibility of error seems to be entirely out of the question. The close resemblance between the Nauplius of Lucifer, and MULLER'S and METSCHNICKOFF'S larvae, renders it almost certain that they also are Malacostracan larvte, but before this corroborative evidence was furnished, it was certainly quite possible, although hardly reasonable, to doubt whether this was true of either of them. II. — THE SEGMENTATION OF THE EGG, AND FORMATION OF THE FOOD-YOLK AND PRIMITIVE DIGESTIVE CAVITY. Unusual difficulties attend the study of the early stages in the embryology of Lucifer, and the observations which I have been able to make are incomplete, and leave many gaps to be filled and many interesting points to be decided by future investigations ; but the facts which I have made out are so novel, so different from all that was previously known of the early stages of Arthropod development, and they throw so much light upon the relation of the peculiar and greatly modified form of segmentation characteristic of the group to the less modified form of segmentation presented by the more normal eggs of other animals, that it seems best to give my results in their present incomplete state. I am the more willing to do this, because the peculiar difficulties of the subject leave little hope for the attainment of more complete results in the future. The eggs are so loosely attached to the appendages of the female that they are broken off by the slightest roughness of handling, and it is very difficult to obtain them by collecting the egg-bearing females. Even when great numbers of mature specimens are captured in the breeding season, with the greatest care and delicacy, very few of A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 6.3 them, much less than 1 per cent., are found to have eggs attached to their limbs when the collection is examined. If the mature animals could be induced to thrive and multiply in confinement, there would be no difficulty in obtaining a sufficient supply of eggs, but until this can be done it must be extremely difficult to procure them in sufficient numbers for exhaustive study. During the early stages the eggs are so delicate that they are soon destroyed by the confinement and compression to which it is necessary to subject them while they are under examination, and it is therefore impossible to watch very many stages in a single egg. When we add to this that the eggs are laid about 9 o'clock in the evening, and must be studied between this time and daylight, after several hours of laborious collecting, by eyes that have been already severely taxed with looking over the collec- tions and picking out the transparent and almost invisible adults by an artificial light, and examining each one of them with a lens to find those which carry eggs, the difficulty of the subject will be appreciated. The eggs are spherical, transparent, and they contain extremely little food- material. This is uniformly distributed over the whole egg in minute globules, which have nearly the same colour and refractive index as the sunminding protoplasm. The egg undergoes total regular segmentation, and a true segmentation cavity occupies the place filled by the large central yolk-mass in the eggs of other Arthropods. It first divides into two equal portions (Plate 1 , fig. 1 ) ; then, by a cleavage at right angles to the first, into four (fig. 5) ; then into eight (fig. 8) ; then into sixteen (fig. 10) ; and so on. At the stage shown in fig. 10 the inner ends of the sixteen spherules are seen to be separated from each other by a central space, the segmentation cavity, which persists, and is shown at later stages in figs. 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20, at b. In fig. 10 the egg will be seen to be spherical, and all the segments have their broad ends at the surface ; but in the next stage one pole of the egg becomes a little flattened, and in an optical section the spherule (c), which occupies the centre of the flattened area, is seen to have its broad end nearest the centre of the egg. Most of the food-material has meanwhile disappeared from the other spherules, which are now quite transparent, while the spherule (c) still contains as much as ever, but apparently no more than there was contained at an earlier stage in an equal area of any part of the egg. In an optical section of the same egg, in a plane at right angles to that of fig. 11, the spherule (c) shows a trace of a fissure, which a little later divides it into two (see fig. 12, c). Plate 2, fig. 13, is an optical section, like the one given in fig. 11, of a somewhat older egg; and fig. 14 an optical section of the same egg at right angles to fig. 13. The outline is a little more flattened on one side than it is in fig. 11, and the MDCCCLXXXII. K 66 MR, W. K. ERODES ON LUCIFER: spherule (?) is completely divided by a radial fissure into two, and these project into the segmentation cavity (b) a little more than they did before. In fig. 15 the flattening has become a deep pit (d), and the spherules (c) have been pushed quite into the segmentation cavity, and the adjacent cells have begun to move in the same direction. This change is more marked in fig. 16 ; and in fig. 17 the egg consists of a double wall of cells, the ectoderm and the endoderm, surrounding a primitive digestive cavity (d), and separated from each other by the segmentation cavity (b), in which the two cells (c) are situated. Each of these also shows traces of a division into two. These changes are more marked in fig. 19 ; and in fig. 20 the opening of the primitive digestive cavity is much reduced in size, and the cavity itself does not lie exactly in the axis of the egg, but at one side of it. A more minute examination of the segmentation brings out a number of interesting points ; one of them is the rhythmical character of the process, which is not a con- tinuous uniform change, but a series of stages of activity, separated from each other by periods of rest. The egg shown in Plate 1, fig. 1, was laid about 10 o'clock P.M., and about 10.35 it was in the condition which is represented in the figure. As I had not been watching it I did not observe the first division, and when first seen it was in the resting condition, and the two spherules were not sharply defined, but pressed together. During the next fifteen minutes no external change was visible, and the drawing was made at 10.50 P.M. It then entered upon the second period of segmenting activity, and in five minutes the two spherules were well defined, as shown in fig. 2 ; and in five minutes more (fig. 3) one of them showed traces of division into two. In ten minutes more (fig. 4) this division was completed, and traces of a similar change had made their appearance in the other spherule, which was also perfectly divided into two at the end of five minutes more (fig. 5). This stage ended the second period of activity, which was twenty-five minutes long. During the whole of this tune the egg showed gradual and uniform change, which was sufficiently rapid to be distinctly visible. Although four so-called stages are figured, there was no division into stages, but a continuous change without interruption. The four spherules now began to flatten down, and in five minutes the egg was in the condition which is shown in fig. 6, and it then remained without any external change for more than ten minutes. The second period of rest, measured from the time when the four spherules began to shrink together to the time when they began to swell out and enter upon the third period of active segmentation, was therefore more than fifteen minutes long. At 11.40 the four spherules were once more sharply defined (fig. 7), and changes went on uniformly until, at 12.15 A.M., each was perfectly divided into two, as shown in fig. 8, which marks the end of the third period of activity, thirty-five minutes long. I was not able to watch this egg pass into the next rusting stage, as it had been so A STUDY TN MORPTTOMHJY. 07 long under observation (1 hour 45 minutes) that its development was arrested at this point ; but another egg in this stage of development was seen to pass into the resting condition, as shown in fig. 9, and it then remained quiet for about fifteen minutes, showing no external indications of change during this time. At the end of the third period of rest the spherules again became prominent, so that the outline of the egg was exactly like that of fig. 8, and the egg entered upon the fourth period of activity, soon dividing into sixteen spherules (fig. 10), arranged around a segmentation cavity. In about twenty-five minutes from the beginning of this period of activity the spherules began to flatten down once more, and the egg passed into the fourth resting stage, but it was not observed beyond this point. The alternation of activity with rest was observed at much later stages, but after the gastrula invagination makes its appearance the cells of the endodermic portion of the egg do not undergo active change at the same time with those of the ectoderm, and the egg has one set of periods of activity for each layer. As development goes on the periods of rest grow longer and the periods of activity shorter, and the spherules do not flatten down while at rest. The egg which is shown in optical longitudinal section in fig. 1G was in the field of the microscope for nearly twenty minutes, while I was examining another specimen. An occasional look at it showed that it was not changing, but at the end of this time I noticed that the outer ends of the ectoderm cells directly opposite the orifice of invagination were notched, as is shown in the figure. Activity spread in all directions from this point, and in less than five minutes all the cells were notched, and those nearest the centre of the area of activity were perfectly divided into halves. In about five minutes more all the ectodermal cells had divided, and this layer had the appearance shown in fig. 17 — which, however, was drawn from another specimen. This last egg remained in the condition shown in the drawing for fifteen minutes from the time it was first observed, and a movement of the appendage to which it was fastened caused it to roll over and present its formative pole for examination before the beginning of the next period of activity, which is shown in surface view in fig. 1 8. The manner of division was simply a repetition of that which has just been described. The cells nearest the centre of the formative area became notched, and then divided into halves ; and the activity gradually spread over the egg in all directions, until, in a few minutes, all the cells which were visible were at some stage of division. The rapidity and uniformity with which this change spread over the egg rendered it an extremely interesting and impressive sight, and I know of no other case in which segmentation is so perfectly regular at such an advanced stage of development. The activity did not affect the endoderm cells in either of these cases, but at a later stage (fig. 20) they were seen to be in an active segmenting condition at a time when the ectoderm cells were at rest. I was not able to keep this egg alive long enough to watch the completion of the process, for it had been under the microscope for some K 2 68 MR. W. K. BEOOKS ON LUCIFER: time before the stage shown in the figure was reached ; but the division of the endoderm cells appears to go on much more slowly than that of the ectoderm cells. This phenomenon, the alternation of periods of rest with the periods of active segmentation, does not seem to have received from embryologists the attention which it deserves. A number of observers have pointed out that in many animals, among the Mollusca especially, the distinctness of the spherules becomes more or less com- pletely obscured after each division, and that this state persists until just before the next division, when the spherules swell out and again become conspicuous. The change of form does not seem to be at all general, and in most accounts of segmentation nothing of the kind is recorded. I believe that it is a secondary phenomenon, and that the essential thing is the alternation of rest with activity ; and I am confident that careful time records of segmentation will show that this occurs in nearly every case, sometimes with and sometimes without the accompanying change of form. I have observed it in Physa, Limncsus, and Planorbis, where segmentation is total and nearly regular ; in the Oyster, where the egg has a rudimentary food-yolk and segmentation is irregular ; in a bony fish with a large food-yolk and a discoidal seg- mentation ; and in Lucifer, Other investigators working under my guidance have observed it in Amllyxtoma and in oligochsetous and polychretous Annelids. These are all the cases in which I have been able to test the matter since my attention has been attracted to the subject ; and as the alternation was found to occur in every case, although the animals are so widely separated and present such diverse modes of segmentation, I feel justified in assuming that the phenomenon is general, and will be found in all eggs which can be properly examined by watching and timing them while segmentation is going on. The cause of rhythmical physiological change is an extremely interesting question ; and as the segmenting egg exhibits the phenomenon in the greatest possible simplicity, it would seem to be a peculiarly favourable subject for investigation. The phenomena which have been described seem to show that segmentation is not clue to the action of any purely molecular force, like polarity, but is essentially a vital activity, and in a paper on the embryology of the fresh-water Pulmonates (' Studies from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University,' vol. i., part ii.) I have ventured the following explanation. During the period of segmentation the protoplasm of the whole egg (of Physa) gradually becomes more and more transparent, on account of the gradual disappear- ance of the granular food-material which it contains, and the rhythmical character of the process of segmentation would seem to admit of a simple explanation on the supposition that the physical properties of the protoplasm offer a resistance which must be overcome before the force which is set free by the assimilation and reduction of the food-material can exert itself to bring about the active changes of segmentation. During a period of rest the process of digestion and assimilation accumulates a store A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 09 of energy which, at length, becomes sufficient to overcome this resistance, and to initiate a period of activity which lasts until the whole of this reserve of force has been expended in the rearrangement of the protoplasm. The physical properties of the protoplasm now reassert themselves, and tend to reduce the whole egg as nearly as possible to a spherical form once more, and the egg then remains inactive until the supply of energy again becomes great enough to overcome the resistance. If this is the true explanation we should expect to find the alternation of rest and activity much more general than the change of form, for the degree of consistency of the protoplasm or the amount or character of the food-material, or the way in which it is distributed through the egg, may prevent the second set of changes from showing themselves. This is precisely what we do find, and in the bony fishes, where the large food-yolk would prevent any marked change of form, we find the first set of changes well marked, but with no trace of the second set. Leaving this subject for the present, I wish to say a few words about another interesting phase of the early stages of Lucifer. We cannot fail to be impressed by the very remarkable departure from ordinary Arthropod segmentation, nor can we overlook the fact that in all the points of difference from the eggs of allied forms, the eggs of Lucifer show a most suggestive resemblance to the ordinary unspecialized ova of other Metazoa. In an ordinary Arthropodan egg we have, as the outcome of the process of segmen- tation, a central mass of food-yolk, which may or may not be divided into segmentation products, and which completely fills the segmentation cavity ; and an outer investing layer of blastoderm cells; that is, the egg undergoes a centrolycethal segmentation."5' In most Crustacea the early stages of segmentation are regular, and apparently total, but the lines of cleavage do not pass entirely through the egg, and the spherules are united to each other by a central mass of food-yolk. When segmentation is somewhat advanced the products of segmentation become more or less pyramidal, with the bases of the pyramids at the surface, and their apices fused together at the centre of the egg. The outer ends of the pyramids then become transparent and separate off as a blastoderm, while the inner portions usually fuse together, more or less perfectly, to form a central food-yolk, which fills the space which in ordinary eggs constitutes the segmentation cavity. A small portion of the blastoderm then becomes invaginated to form the primitive digestion cavity, and the remainder becomes the ectoderm. The centrolycethal type of segmentation presents great variations in the different groups of Arthropods, but in nearly all cases its peculiarities are so well marked f The whole subject of segmentation has been so ably and exhaustively reviewed by BALFOUR in his recent work on ' Comparative Embryology,' that it does not seem necessary to burden this paper with a long list of references to the literature of Arthropod segmentation, or to enter into an exposition of the present state of our knowledge of the subject. All the essential facts and opinions may be found on pages 79-99, 317-379, and 425-433 of vol. i. of the ' Comparative Embryology.' L I 3 R A R Y W 70 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: that it is difficult to trace any resemblance to the various forms of segmentation which occur in other groups of animals. In Lucifer the case is reversed, and we have a type of segmentation which is obviously similar to that of the Echinoderms, Annelids, Molluscs, Tunicates, Vertebrates, &c., but is less obviously related to that of the eggs of closely allied forms. The resemblance to what may be called " normal " segmenta- tion is so plain that it need not be dwelt upon, but the relation between the egg of Lucifer and an ordinary centrolycethal egg is by no means clear. It seems probable, however, that since the food -material which has not been assimi- lated becomes centralised, after segmentation is somewhat advanced, in the single spherule c, of fig. 11, this spherule must correspond to one of the yolk-pyramids of an ordinary Crustacean egg. This then divides, by radial fission, into two portions (fig. 13, c), and it seems probable that the food-material then becomes restricted to their central ends, while the outer protoplasmic ends separate off as a pair of blastoderm cells (fig. 15), thus leaving the two masses of food-yolk (c) inside the segmentation cavity. While I was investigating the subject I regarded the spherule c, of fig. 11, as a primary mesoblast, which became pushed into the segmentation cavity, and then divided up to form the mesoderm ; and I expressed this view without comment in a preliminary abstract of the subject (" Embryology and Metamorphosis of the Sergestida?," Zoologischer Anzeiger, iii., p. 563). In most cases where the origin of the mesoderm has been most carefully studied, it originates by the separation of the inner ends of the cells which are to give rise to the endoderm, either before or during or after the invagination takes place ; the mode of origin of these spherules in Lucifer and their position in the egg agree with what we should expect if thej belong to the mesoderm, but the great quantity of food -material which they contain would hardly be looked for in this case, and favours the view that they are yolk-pyramids rather than mesoblasts. As I examined no eggs between fig. 20 and fig. 21, the later history is uncertain, but a reference to figs. 21, 22, 23, and 24, which are about twenty hours later than fig. 20, shows that the region of the digestive tract of the Nauplius is marked by the presence of a number of large polygonal masses of what appears to be food-yolk, and it seems probable that these are the derivatives of the spherules c, of fig. 20. I was not able to actually witness the change from fig. 11 to fig. 15, and cannot state with absolute certainty that the spherules c divide into a central and a peripheral portion. Fig. 1 5 seems to indicate that this is the case, but in the absence of direct observation of the change, it is possible that the two cells which in fig. 15 lie below the cells c, are the ones which were at its sides in fig. 1 1 . If each of the cells c gives rise to a blastoderm cell, we shoiild expect to find two more cells in fig. 15 than in fig. 18, but the number is the same. This is hardly a safe guide, however, for while the drawings are careful copies from Nature, they are not from the same egg, and the cells are so wedged together that vertical sections in A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 71 different planes would not intersect the same number in all cases, and there may have been two more in fig. 15 than in fig. 13. I think, then, that the facts indicate that c of fig. 11 is a yolk-pyramid, rather than a primary mesoblast, and that after it divides into two, as in fig. 13, each part gives rise to a central portion c, and a peripheral endoderm cell. If we accept this view and regard the cell c as a yolk-pyramid, two views as to the relationship between the egg of Lucifer and an ordinary Crustacean egg at once suggest themselves. We may hold that Lucifer presents the primitive or ancestral form of segmentation, of which centrolycethal segmentation is a secondary modification. In this case we may suppose that as the supply of food-material gradually increased, new food-bearing cells or yolk-pyramids were added until all the cells were included, and the segmentation cavity was entirely filled and obliterated by them. According to the other view, we may hold that the segmentation of the Lucifer egg is a secondary modification, which has been brought about by the gradual reduction of the amount of food-material, and its restriction, at last, to a single one of the cells of the segmenting egg. There does not seem to be much difficulty in deciding which of these views is most satisfactory and probable. Lucifer is undoubtedly a very primitive Malacostracan, but it can hardly be regarded as a primitive Crustacean ; and the occurrence of perfectly centrolycethic segmentation in the Copopods, Phyllopods, Amphipods, and Isopods, as well as in the Decapods — forms below as well as forms above Lucifer — forbids us to believe that the egg of Lucifer is ancestral, or the unmodified descendant of an ances- tral type of egg ; and we must therefore believe that the egg of Lucifer has been simplified by the loss of the greater part of its food-yolk. A change of this kind is not without a parallel, and I have shown (" The Acquisition and Loss of a Food- Yolk in Molluscan Eggs," ' Studies from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University/ vol. i., part iv.) that the resemblance between the segmenting egg of the Oyster and a Molluscan egg with a food-yolk can only be explained by the supposition that the Lamellibranchs have inherited a rudimentary food-yolk which was functional at some past time, and that the assumption gives an explanation of all the peculiarities of oyster segmentation. If we accept this view, and regard the egg of Lucifer as simplified by secondary change, it is extremely instructive to note that the loss of a food-yolk has brought it back to a type of segmentation which is directly comparable with that of ordinary Metazoan eggs, and we must therefore believe that a segmentation cavity is poten- tially present in all centrolycethic eggs, or else that the segmentation cavity of the egg of Lucifer is not homologous with that of ordinary eggs. 72 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: III.— GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE METAMORPHOSIS OF LUCIFER. The most instructive method of studying the metamorphosis of Lucifer is to trace each part of the body through the series of changes which it undergoes from its first appearance until it assumes the adult form ; but as this method of comparing the successive stages in the development of each organ necessarily involves references to other organs, it seems best to give first a general account of the whole structure of the larva at each stage of development, and afterwards to go over the same ground more rapidly in a different way, and to trace the history of each appendage. The egg Nauplius. About thirty hours after oviposition the eye spot and appendages of the Nauplius became visible inside the egg-shell, as shown in a ventral view in Plate 2, fig. 21, and in a dorsal view in fig. 22. If the egg-shell is torn at this stage the embryo escapes, and swims about quite vigorously for a short time, but soon dies. The various parts of the body are much better shown in the swimming embryo than while it is contained in the egg, and I therefore give, for comparison with figs. 21 and 22, a dorsal view (fig. 23) and a ventral view (fig. 24) of an embryo which has thus been set free. Fig. 23 shows an embryo of exactly the same age as those in figs. 21 and 22, while fig. 24 was drawn from an embryo a few hours older. The difference in the outline of the body is not due to this difference in age, however, but to a slight change in the point of view. In all four figures the letter e marks the anterior end of the body, and fig. 22 is a view directly opposite to fig. 21. Fig. 23 is in the same position as fig. 22, but the embryo shown in fig. 24 was in such a position that more of the anterior surface and less of the posterior surface was visible than in the other figures. On the median line of the ventral surface the labrurn (figs. 21 and 24, L) is very conspicuous at the anterior end of the body, and behind it there is a double row of four pairs of bud-like eminences, arranged in a longitudinal series. The first pair (figs. 21 and 24, //) are much larger than the others, and the depression which separates them on the median line is less marked than it is in the three pairs which lie behind. It is rather difficult to decide with certainty what this pair of buds becomes, but in the larva which METSCHNICKOFF studied the changes were more gradual than they are in Lucifer, and he was therefore able to trace their history more satisfactorily, and to show that they become the rnetastoma. Their position with reference to other parts indicates that they have the same history here, and that the other three pairs of buds are the first and second maxilla? and the first pair of maxillipeds (Mx. 1, MX. 2, and M'p. 1). Three pairs of much larger appendages are folded down on to the sides of the body, within the egg ; and when the embryo is set free they are seen to be the first antenna? A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 73 (A), the second antennas (An], and the mandibles (J/). They are not divided into joints or rings, although the second antennae and the mandibles are bi ram cms, and consist of a basal portion or protopodite, an expedite, and an endopodite. All three pairs have hairs projecting from their tips, and these lengthen considerably within a few minutes after the embryo is freed from the egg. The first antennae are nearly as long as the second, and both pairs, as well as the mandibles, are organs of locomotion, to row the animal through the water. The motions of the larva are very erratic and violent, and consist of a series of quick leaps produced by vigorous backward strokes of the appendages. The outline of the body will be understood by a reference to the figures. When the second maxillae are in the centre of the field of view, as in fig. 21, the outline is pear-shaped, with the broad end of the pear at the posterior end of the body ; but when the metastoma is in the centre this is reversed, and the broad end is in front. This difference is due to the fact that the dorsal region is much wider than the labrum and series of buds, which together form a ridge along the ventral surface. In a dorsal view the simple eye (Oc) is seen as a black spot on the middle line, near the anterior end of the body. It did not show any traces of a division into halves at any stage of development which was observed. The ocellus lies upon a large rounded granular body, which is imperfectly divided into halves by a notch upon its posterior margin. This body consists of the fused cerebral ganglia. The dorsal portion of the posterior region of the body is swollen and rounded, as shown in figs. 21 and 23 ; and near its lateral margins there are a pair of small, but very conspicuous, dark pigment-spots («'), which might easily be mistaken at this stage for ocelli, since they have almost exactly the same size and colour. These two pigment- spots are very conspicuous during all the early stages of the metamorphosis, and their position during the later stages (figs. 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 47, p) shows that the portion of the Nauplius body which bears them becomes the thoracic, not the abdominal, region of the adult. In the interior of the enlarged posterior portion of the body there is a huge mass of polygonal highly-refractive bodies, which appear to constitute a food-yolk, and which surround the digestive tract of the embryo. I have already given my reasons for believing that those bodies are derived from the spherule which becomes pushed into the segmentation cavity during the early stages of development. If this is their origin they must increase in size between the stage shown in fig. 20 and that shown in fig. 21. This is not at all an unusual occurrence, and in the fresh -water Pulmonates the yolk-spherules which surround the digestive tract continue to grow until a very advanced stage of development. I found so few eggs at this stage that I was afraid to sacrifice any of them by attempting to study their internal structure under pressure, and I am not able to give an account of the digestive tract or of the other internal organs. MDCCCLXXXII. L 74 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: When the embryo is set free from the egg it is seen to be inclosed by a delicate cuticle, which is shown, around the antennae, in figs. 23 and 24. It is soon stripped off by the vigorous movements of the larva, and in fig. 24 it has been torn from all the appendages except the first antennae (A). In a dorsal view a number of muscular fibres are seen to extend outwards and forwards from the median line of the body to the basal joints of the antennae. The posterior end of the body is not notched, the anus is absent, and there is no trace of the telson or of the carapace. The first free Nauplius stuye. About thirty-six hours after oviposition the larva escapes from the egg as a Nauplius, T~oou ulcn l°ng> which is shown in side view in Plate 3, fig. 25. There is now no difficulty in keeping it alive and rearing it, and it swims very actively by vigorous strokes of its two pairs of antennae. Its movements are very characteristic, and much like those of a Copepod or Cirrhiped Nauplius. The most important differences between it and the egg Nauplius are the segmenta- tion of the locomotor appendages, the lengthening of their hairs, the increased size and dendritic form of the pigment-spots (p), and the appearance of the telson (77), as a projecting fold furnished with two pairs of short spines or hairs, in the ventral surface of the posterior end of the body. As regards the more minute structure of the appendages, the first antennas (fig. 25, .4) are five jointed, and the hairs, which are more than half as long as the limb, are borne on the terminal joint. The second antenna consists of a two-jointed basal portion or protopodite which carries two rami, one of which (fig. 25 ex), is obscurely divided into three nearly equal joints, while the other (fig. 25, en), is divided into eight very distinctly marked joints. Both at this stage and later the appendage possesses considerable power of rotation, and sometimes the branch ex, and sometimes the branch en, is on the outer surface. It is therefore very difficult to decide from an examination of this appendage alone which branch is the exopodite and which the endopodite ; but, as I shall show further on, a comparison with other appendages at a later stage indicates that the eight- jointed ram us is the endopodite, although the limb is frequently, and perhaps generally, carried in a position which brings this branch on to the outside. At this stage the locomotor hairs of both branches are confined to the tips of the terminal joints. The first and second joints of the endopodite are quite short, while the other six are longer and nearly equal in length. The mandible consists of a short unjointed basal segment, which carries a one- jointed endopodite, and an obscurely three-jointed exopodite. Each branch carries three hairs, which are somewhat longer than the limb, and the entire length of the appendage, including the hairs, is about equal to the length of the first or second A STUDY TN MORPHOLOGY. 75 antenna, without its hairs. There are no cutting blades or hooks upon the basal joints of either pair of antennte or the mandibles. The labrum (L) is somewhat larger and more prominent than it was at the stage before, and the anus is still absent. The second free Nauplius stage or ??u-?a-Nauplius. In about twelve or fourteen hours the Nauplius sheds its skin and assumes the form shown in Plate 3, fig. 26. From the prominence of the region of the hind body, and the presence of a carapace, GLAUS has distinguished this stage of development, in allied forms, by the name of meia,- Nauplius. I did not actually witness the change, and am not sure of the exact length of the first free Nauplius stage, bnt it is not more than eighteen, and probably no more than twelve hours long. A Nauplius which had hatched from the egg some time during the latter part of Monday night was placed, alone, in a watch-glass of sea-water, and changed into the one from which fig. 26 was drawn before 9 P.M. on Tuesday evening. The differences between this and the preceding stage are sufficiently great to attract the attention at first sight. The length, as measured from the ocellus to the posterior end of the body, has increased from y-jjol) hich to J-Q-Q-Q inch. The labrum (L) is longer and more prominent. The first antennae (A) are unjointed, and the joints of the second antennae (An) and mandibles (M) are almost absent. The hairs at the tips of the endopodites of the second antenna? and mandibles (en) are irregularly plumose, and a long slender slightly curved hair is carried by each of the larger joints of the endopodite of the second antennae. On the inner posterior edge of the basal joint of the mandible, a short stout curved hook or blade has made its appearance. The four pairs of buds on the ventral surface, posterior to the labrum, are in the same condition as before, but the telson (T) is quite prominent, notched or forked, and furnished with two pairs of short stout spines, the inner pair being much longer than the outer. A well-marked fold (c) of the surface of the body now marks the posterior and the lateral edges of the carapace, but this line is not continued on to the anterior end of the body, and the posterior edge is not yet raised or separated from the hind body as it is, according to METSCHINCKOFF, in the last Nauplius stage of Eupliausia. The pigment-spots (p) are drawn out in such a way as to surround a large rectan- gular area, at the posterior end of the carapace, and in the region where the heart is placed at the next stage. The digestive tract is now visible in a side view. The oesophagus (a?) runs upwards and forwards from the mouth, situated under the overhanging tip of the labrum, and then bends backwards and upwards to open into the floor of the stomach (s) ; the side walls and top of the stomach could be made out without difficulty, but I was not able to decide whether its ventral wall is complete or not. It is divided by a fold or flap L 2 6 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: in its dorsal wall into a small rounded anterior chamber, into which the oesophagus opens, and a longer posterior chamber, with its dorsal wall very thick, which gives rise at its posterior end to the intestine (i). The greater part of the anterior chamber lies in front of the cesophageal opening. On each side of the stomach there is a group of polygonal yolk-cells (/), which are by no means as conspicuous as they were at an earlier stage. The intestine is small, with thin walls, and it follows the dorsal curva- ture of the body to the anus, which was visible in a ventral view just in front of the spines of the telson, at the point marked (a) in fig. 2G. The cerebral ganglia (go), and the ocellus (oc), are still visible, and underneath the stomach there is an elongated granular body (n), obscurely divided into segments, which is, without doubt, the rudi- mentary ventral nervous system. As it was necessary to keep this larva alive I did not dare to use much pressure whilst examining it, and was therefore unable to make a very thorough study of its internal structure. The first Protozoea stage. On Tuesday evening, September 28th, at 9.30 P.M., the Nauplius which has just been described was placed alone in a watch-glass of sea- water, and at 9 A.M. on Wednesday, the 29th, it had changed into the larva which is shown in dorsal view in Plate 3, fig. 27. The number of segments and appendages of this larva and its general form and proportions are like those of the Euphausia, Pcnceus, and Sergestes larvae at the stage of 'development which GLAUS has proposed to call a Protozoea ('Crustacean System,' p. 2). The precise time when the change took place could not be learned, but there is reason to believe that it was not much later than the middle of the night, On September 1 4th I obtained, by dipping with a surface-net, a Protozoea, which I studied and drew. It was of exactly the same size (T§TO °f an inch measured from the tip of the rostrum to the bases of the spines of the telson) as the one which moulted from the Naiyjlius, and it agreed with this in every respect except that the free segments of the hind body, shown in fig. 27, were wanting. It hardly seems probable that there are two stages of exactly the same size between 9.30 P.M. and 9 A.M., and it is much more probable that the body segments do not become distinct until some time after the moult, and as the larva had them at 9 A.M., I infer that it was nearer the end than the beginning of the first Protozoea stage, and that the change had taken place some hours before I examined it. GLAUS is inclined to believe that the difference between FRITZ MULLER'S last figure of the Nauplitis of Penceus and his first figure of the Protozoea is so great that there must be a gap in the series of observations. The isolated Nauplius of Lucifer passes through quite as great a change in twelve hours, and its length increases from 10900 to Y§§^J, or mure than 100 per cent., and there does not seem to be any necessity for supposing that FRITZ MULLER has missed a stage in order to account for the change in his larva, A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 77 In the case of Lucifer the actual increase in size is not very great, but the carapace becomes folded out over the body, and the thick posterior portion of the body of the Nauplius becomes pulled out into the long free movable hind body of the Protozoea,, so that the length is more than doubled, while the vertical thickness of the body is correspondingly reduced. The shape of the larva when seen from ' one side will be understood by a reference to Plate 4, fig. 35, for although this figure was drawn from an older larva, it correctly represents a side view of fig. 27 in all essentials. The most marked differences between the meta-NaupUus of Lucifer and the Protozoea are due to the development of the carapace and the hind body. The carapace (fig. 27) is horse-shoe shaped, with smooth lateral and posterior edges, and it forms about one-half of the total length of the body. On the median line of the anterior edge it is drawn out into a long rostrum (R), at the base of which are the cerebral ganglia (yet) and the ocellus (Or). On the median line of the posterior edge of the dorsal surface there is a shorter dorsal spine (ds), and at the outer angles of the posterior edge a pair of lateral spines (Is), which are a little longer than the dorsal one. The side view (fig. 35) shows that the sides of the carapace have folded down on to the sides of the body, and all the appendages, except the antennas, are almost completely covered by it. The appendages are so nearly alike in this and the next stage that it will be most convenient to describe them together. The stomach (s) is now divided into a pair of anterior or cephalic, and a pair of posterior or hepatic lobes, and between the cephalic lobes a number of muscular fibres run upwards and forwards from the oesophagus to be attached (at m) to the carapace. The intestine is small and straight (i), but it is not of uniform character, and is divided into a series of small enlargements separated from each other by constricted portions. The last of these enlai-gements is much more constant than the others, and its walls are attached to the integument of the abdomen by a number of small muscles. It exhibits regular pulsations, which seem to draw water into and out of the anus (a), which is on the ventral surface of the telson. The heart (h) is compact, short, situated near the posterior edge of the carapace, and it gives rise to a single median and two lateral anterior arteries. The hind body is about as long as the carapace, and it is divided into four somites and a long unsegrnented region (al>d). The study of the appendages shows that the four somites are those which carry the third pair of maxillipeds (Mp. 3), and the first, second, and third thoracic somites ( T 1 , T 2, and T 3). There are no traces of appendages on any of them. The end of the unsegmented region of the hind body forms a well- marked flattened telson (J1), which is slightly notched on the median line, and carries four pairs of stout spines, and one pair of very small ones. The small ones are nearest the median line ; the third pair are the longest and largest, and the fifth pair spring from the edges of the telson, some distance from the end. 78 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: The second Protozoea stage. As my season's work at the sea-shore ended the day the Nauplius shown in fig. 2G turned into the Protozoea shown in fig. 27, I was not able to trace the development of that specimen ; but on September 14th I had captured and drawn a larva in the same stage, and this moulted, while isolated in a watch-glass, into the second Protozoea which is shown from above in Plate 3, fig. 34, and from the right side in Plate 4, fig. 35. This larva measures y§ij-o inch from the tip of the rostrum to the fork of the telson. The appendages are like those of the first Zoea in number and structure, but there is a well-marked difference in the shape of the body. The carapace is somewhat elongated, its anterior edge is less perfectly rounded than before, and a pigment-spot (fig. 34, E) represents the future compound eye. The pouches of the stomach (s) are much more conspicuous than before, and the oesophagus (fig. 34, cc) is visible in a dorsal view, between its anterior or cephalic lobes. The four somites of the hind body (Mp. 3, T I , T 2, and T 3) have become short, but there is, as yet, no trace of their appendages. The unsegmented portion of the abdomen (abd) has increased in length, as have also the spines of the telson (T). The two pairs of antennfe have substantially the same form that they had during the Nauplius stage, and they are still the chief locomotor organs. The larva swims by jerks like a Nauplius or a Copepod. The appendages at this as well as at the preceding stage are as follows (see Plate 4, fig. 35) : the long uniramous first antennae (A) ; the biramous second antennas (An.); the cutting mandibles (J/); the biramous first and second maxilla3 (M.r. 1, M.c. 2) ; and two pairs of biramous maxillipeds (Mp. 1, Mp. 2). The first antennse consist at both stages (figs. 27, 34, and 35, A) of a long cylindrical basal joint which carries a few short hairs, and a short pointed terminal joint or flagellum, which ends in two long rather thick sensory hairs. The second antenna) (figs. 27, 34, and 35, An ; and fig. 36) are the chief locomotor organs, and are made up of a short stout two-jointed basal portion, a longer unjointed exopodite (ex), with four long terminal swimming hairs, and a longer endopodite (en), which is made up of two short proximal rings, and a series of six longer joints, each of which carries one, and the terminal one four, long slender swimming hairs. Underneath the rostrum (fig. 35, R) there is a little elevation upon which the ocellus (Oc) is situated. The labrum (fig. 35, L) has been carried on to the ventral surface of the body, and its anterior angle has become produced into a short .stout, sharp spine, which is extremely small during the first Protozoea stage. As has been stated, the compound eye is represented at the second stage by a pigment-spot (fig. 35, E). The mandibles (J/), (figs. 27, 34, 35), have become reduced to cutting blades, which are visible in a dorsal view, and all traces of the Nauplius limb have disappeared. A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 79 During the first Protozoiu stage (Plate 3, figs. 28 and 29) it lias only one denticle, which is large and pointed, and situated at the posterior angle of the cutting edge ; Imt at the second Protozoea stage (Plate 4, fig. 37) a number of smaller denticles have appeared in front of the long one. The mandibles are never quite symmetrical, but the outline of the left always differs a little from that of the right. The external surface of the first maxilla of the first Protozoea is shown in fig. 30, and the posterior surface of that of the second Protozoea in Plate 4, fig. 38. It consists, at both stages, of a basal portion made up of two joints with cutting hairs (fig. 38, i and 2) ; a two-jointed endopodite (en), with three long slender hairs ; and an exopodite or scaphognathite (figs. 30 and 38 sc), with three long slender hairs. In the first stage (fig. 30) the hairs of the scaphognathite are simple, but in the second stage (fig. 38) they are plumose. The posterior surface of the second maxilla of the first Protozoea is shown in Plate 3, fig. 31, and that of the second Protozoea in Plate 4, fig. 39. It consists of a many-jointed basal portion (b), a two-jointed endopodite (en), and a scaphognathite or exopodite (sc). The whole inner edge of the appendage carries short stout hairs ; the tip of the endopodite a few somewhat longer hairs ; and the scaphognathite three slender plumose hairs, which are much longer in the second than in the first stage. The first maxilliped (figs. 32 and 40) is very similar to the second antenna, and consists of a two-jointed basal portion, a four-jointed endopodite, and an unjointed exopodite. The inner edge is set with short stout hairs, which are simple in the first, but irregularly plumose in the second Protozoea stage. The terminal joint of the endopodite" carries four long slender simple hairs, and the tip of the exopodite four long straight slender hairs, which are plain in the first but regularly plumose in the second stage. The second maxilliped of the first Protozoea is shown in fig. 33, and that of the second Protozoea in fig. 41. It is essentially like the first maxilliped in structure, but much smaller, and apparently of little functional importance. In the second stage there is a small convoluted shell gland (fig. 35, sg), which appears to open at the base of the first maxilla ; but the constant and violent movements of the limbs render it difficult to decide with confidence exactly what its relation to them is, and it is possible that its opening is upon the base of the second instead of first maxilla. In the second Protozoea stage the two pigment-spots (/>) on the carapace become extremely dendritic, and a pair of a,nal pigment-spots (Plate 3, fig. 34, pj>) make their appearance on the telson on each side of the anus. At this stage the area, when the oesophageal muscles are attached to the carapace, is somewhat peculiarly marked by six little circles arranged in a pentagon, as shown, highly magnified, in fig. 35o. SO MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: The hitst Protozoea stage (Erich tliina). The change from the last stage to the next one in the series was actually observed in several specimens, and more than fifty larvae passed through it in the laboratory. After the moult the larva, which is shown from the ventral surface in Plate 4, fig. 42, and in outline in fig. 42a, has the characteristics of DANA'S genus Erichthina. Its length, from the tip of the rostrum to the end of the telson, has increased to about T§^Q- inch, and most of the increase is in the hind body. The carapace also is somewhat elongated (it was a little flattened by pressure in the specimen which was drawn), and the outline of the antei'ior edge is no longer regularly curved. At the base of the rostrum there is a slight eminence where the integument is pushed out a little by the optic ganglion, and at the outer angle there is a much larger eminence which is the rudimentary cornea of the compound eye. The eye itself is now represented by a large conspicuous pigment-spot (fig. 42a, E). The appendages have undergone extremely little change, and they are, as before, as follows : the first antennas (A), the second antennas (An), the mandibles (M), the two pairs of maxillas (Mx. I and MX. 2), and two pairs of maxillipeds (Mp. 1 and Mp. 2). The second antennas are still the chief organs of locomotion. The hind body is much longer than it was at the stage before, and it is now some- what longer than the carapace. It now consists of nine free segments and an unseg- mented portion (A 5, 6). The first of the free segments (fig. 42, Mp. 3) is much narrower than any of the others, and its outer edges are marked by enlargements which appear to be the rudimentary appendages, the third pair of maxillipeds. None of the segments which follow it show a trace of the appendages, and the thoracic and abdominal ganglia are not yet visible. The four segments which follow next after the one with the bud-like processes have rounded posterior edges, while the posterior edges of the next four are pointed. The later history seems to show clearly that those with rounded edges are the first, second, third, and fourth thoracic somites, and that the following ones are the first, second, third, and fourth abdominal somites. It will be seen, then, by a comparison of this with the earlier and later stages, that the somites of the body are all developed in regular order, from in front backwards, but that the first abdominal somite follows immediately after the fourth thoracic, while the fifth thoracic is never developed. At this stage the long unsegmented region (A 5, 6), represents the fifth and sixth abdominal segments and the telson. The two anal pigment-spots are larger than they were during the stage before, and from this time to maturity their colour is a dirty reddish- brown instead of black. The "Zoea" stage (Elaphocaris stage of Sergestes.) After the next moult, which was observed in a great number of specimens, the larva passes into a stage which is directly comparable, so far as the appendages are A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 81 concerned, with the Elaphocaris stage of Scrgestcs, although the most conspicuous features of the Elaphocaris larva, the long compound spines, are not present in Lucifer. It is now about ytHfo inch long, and it is shown in a dorsal view in Plate 5, fig. 44, and, more highly magnified, from below in Plate 4, fig. 43. In a side view (fig. 45) it still agrees pretty^ closely with fig. 35 ; its body is carried in the same attitude, and the antennae are still the chief organs of locomotion. The fully-developed appendages are, as before, the first and second antennae, the mandibles, two pairs of maxillae, and the first and second pairs of maxillipeds, but the third pair of maxillipeds, four pairs of thoracic appendages, and the swimmerets or appendages of the sixth abdominal somite are now present as rudimentary buds. The compound eye (figs. 43 and 45, E] is now well advanced in development, although there is as yet no trace of a stalk, and the cornea is simply a modified portion of the integument of the carapace. The carapace is longer, narrower, and more rectangular in a dorsal view than it was at the last stage, and it makes only about one-third of the total length of the body of the larva. Its pigment-spots are very large, dendritic, and conspicuous, but their colour has changed from black to dark reddish-brown. The anterior lobes of the stomach (fig. 44, s) have lengthened and approached each other on the median line, and they now reach forwards nearly to the optic ganglia. The appendages which were present during the Protozoea stage have essentially the same structure now, and the differences are very slight. The number of cutting hairs on the basal joints of the first maxilla (fig. 46) has increased ; the hairs on its endopodite are plumose, and one of those carried by the scaphognathite is much longer than the other two. This is the case also with the second maxilla (fig. 47), and the hairs along its inner edge have become almost as long and slender as those at its tip. The first maxilliped (fig. 48) is almost exactly like that of the Protozoea; but the second (fig. 49) is much more developed, and the hairs on its exopodite are plumose. The hind body is now divided into its full number of segments ; that of the third pair of maxillipeds (Mp. 3) ; the first, second, third, and fourth thoracic somites (T 1, T 2, T3, and 7*4); and the six abdominal somites, but the telson (T) is not yet com- pletely distinct from the last abdominal somite. The thoracic somites are shortened and crowded together, and each of them carries a pair of bilobed buds, the rudi- mentary thoracic appendages. These buds are crowded together in a double row on the median line of the ventral surface of the body, and outside them is a pair of much larger buds (figs. 43 and 45, Mp. 3), bilobed also, but pointing backwards ; the rudimentary third pair of maxillipeds. The future history of the larva seems to show conclusively that the inner set of buds are, as indicated in fig. 43, the first four pairs of thoracic limbs or pereiopods. The side view (Plate 5, fig. 45) shows that there is no other pair in front of or MDCCCLXXX1I. M ME. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: behind them, and the fifth thoracic somite is entirely wanting, nor are its appendages present at any stage in the development of Lucifer. The abdomen is much longer than it was at the last stage, and all its segments (fig. 43, A 1, A 6) are present, although the last one (A 6) and the telson (T) are not yet entirely separated. The ventral surface of the sixth abdominal somite is armed with a pair of long stout spines over the base of the swimmeret, or sixth abdominal appendage, which is shown in fig. 43 as a long, bilobed pouch or bud, which reaches nearly to the tip of the telson. The third, fourth, and fifth abdominal somites carry, close to the anterior edge of the ventral surface, irregular groups of reddish-brown pigment -spots, which do not seem to be present in all specimens. The thoracic spots (fig. 44) and the anal spots (fig. 45) are usually a little more red than before, but they are nearly black in some specimens. The abdominal ganglia, which could not be distinctly made out in the last Protozoea, are now very conspicuous, as shown in the ventral view (fig. 43). They lie near the posterior edges of the somites, and their halves are united in the median line, although the commissures between the ganglia are quite widely sepai'ated. The spines on the telson have lengthened, but their number, arrangement, and relative size is the same as before. Their pi-oximal ends from the base about half-way to the tip are marked by fine serrations, which appear to be short hairs, which have not been perfectly extended. Schizopod or Sceletina stage (Acanthosorna of Sergestes). Up to this time the mode of locomotion has been by means of short, jerking Naup- lius leaps, and the two pairs of antennae have been, as they were when the larva left the egg, the chief organs of locomotion. The structure of these appendages has remained extremely constant through all the moults, but they now change their character entirely, and lose their locomotor function. The change which is undergone by the larva at the end of the Zoca series is very much greater than it has been at any preceding moult, except that between the Naitp- lius and the first Protozoea, and in some respects it is even greater than it was at that time. After the moult it is a Schizopod (Plate 6, fig. 50), about y^g^ inch long, with seven pairs of long jointed biramous swimming feet, fringed with long slender hairs. The swimmerets are also present as functional appendages, with long fringing hairs. This stage differs from those which have gone before in this, that it persists with slight change for several moults, while there has been considerable change at each of the preceding moults. It is shown from below in fig. 50, as it appears immediately after the moult which follows the stage shown in fig. 43. The figure was drawn from a Zoca which was captured at the surface of the ocean, A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. carefully examined and compared with fig. 43, and found to agree with it exactly. It was then placed alone in a small beaker of sea-water. The next day it was found to be moulting, and the drawing (fig. 50) was made from it immediately after the completion of the moult. Other specimens, like fig. 50, were kept until they changed their skins, and assumed a form a little larger than fig. 50, but similar to it in all respects except that the abdominal appendages were now present as small buds. Some of these were kept until they changed into larva) like the one which is shown, less highly magnified, from the side, in fig. 54. The abdominal appendages were now quite long, but still rudimentary, and the general form of the larva from above or below, as well as the form, number, and arrangement of the thoracic appendages and mouth parts, was like fig. 50. When seen from above or below (fig. 50) the carapace has nearly the same shape that it had during the Zoea stages, but it now makes less than one-third of the total length of the body, and a side view (fig. 54) shows that it is now only a little deeper than the body, so that the basal joints of the thoracic limbs and maxillipeds are exposed below its inferior border. The posterior dorsal spine and the two postero- lateral spines have disappeared, and a pair of long antero-lateral spines (fig. 54, .s), nearly half as long as the rostrum, have made their appearance underneath the eyes. The rostrum (fig. 50, R) has the same shape and about the same relative length as before, and the ocellus (Oc) is still present at its base. The compound eye (E) is mounted upon a movable stalk, which is quite short during the first Schizopod stage, but it soon lengthens, as shown in fig. 55, which is a dorsal view of the anterior end of the carapace of the larvoe shown in fig. 54. The first antenna has undergone more change at this than at all the previous moults together. It is now about as long as the carapace, and each of the two long cylindrical joints (fig. 50), which make up its basal portion, carries on its inner edge three long slender two-jointed delicately plumose hairs. The base of the proximal joint is swollen and carries a small hook-like process on its inner edge. The two long sensory hairs have disappeared from the tip, which is unsegmented, pointed, and ends in a bunch of short hairs. This appendage changes slightly with each moult, and in the third Schizopod stage (fig. 54) the distal half of the proximal joint (fig. 56) has separated from the proximal joint, so that the shaft is made up of three instead of two portions. The hook is still present on the swollen base of the first joint, and behind it the otocyst (e] has made its appearance. The terminal joint or flagellum has now lengthened, and it carries three long sensory hairs which spring from about the middle of its outer surface. The changes which the second pair of antenna undergo at this moult are even greater than those which take place in the first pair. Their locomotor function is lost ; the long swimming hairs have disappeared ; and in the first Schizopod stage (fig. 50) the appendage is quite rudimentary, unjointed, less than one-half as long as the first antenna, and divided into an exopodite and an endopodite which are nearly M 2 84 ME. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: equal in length, although even at this stage the endopodite is a little the longest. Each ramus ends with a pair of very short hairs. The appendage now changes with each moult, and in the third Schizopod stage (fig. 54) the exopodite has become a scale (fig. 57, ex) while the endopodite (en) has elongated, and now forms a seven-jointed flagellum, about as long as the first antennse or the carapace. The basal joint (fig. 57, b) is thick and swollen, the two proximal joints of the flagellum (2 and 3) are short ; the next (4) long, and the other four about equal in length, and about half as long as the joint (4). Through all the Schizopod stages the structure of the labrum (L) is about as it was in the Protozoea and Zoea, and its interior angle is still produced into a short stout sharp spine. The mandibles are cutting jaws with no trace of a palpus, and at the first Schizopod stage (fig. 51) the denticles are numerous and of nearly uniform size. In the last Schizopod stage (fig. 58) a second set of denticles has appeared on the outer surface of the blade a short distance from the cutting edge. The first maxilla (fig. 52) is very much like that of the Protozoea and Zoea, but the cutting hairs upon the two basal joints (1 and 2) are more numerous, and a small slender plumose hair has appeared near the edge of each joint. The scaphognathite is small and has only two hairs, which are less regularly plumose than before. The scaphognathite of the second maxilla (fig. 53, sc) is now rudimentary and has no hairs. The hairs on the inner edge of the appendage are shorter than they were during the Zoea stage, and all of them are plumose and about equal in length. The first maxilliped (fig. 50, Mp. 1) has not changed very much, although its joints are nearly absent. The exopodite is about as long as the endopodite, and all the hairs on the appendage are short and plumose. The second and third maxillipeds and the four pairs of thoracic appendages are well developed, as a series of long biramous or Schizopod feet, which are essentially alike in form and structure, and, with the telson and swimrnerets, now form the locomotor apparatus of the larva, which no longer swims by jerks but darts through the water with great rapidity, and is able to offer considerable resistance to the suction of a dipping tube. Each swimming foot consists of a two-jointed basal portion or protopo- dite, a long four-jointed endopodite, and a much shorter exopodite. The exopodite is flat, pointed, and its outer or distal half is marked by a series of six pairs of notches, or annulations, close together. The terminal joint carries a pair of long slender unplumose hairs, and a pair of similar hairs springs from each annulation, so that there are fourteen hairs in all on each exopodite, arranged so as to form a large fan -shaped paddle at the tip of the limb. The terminal joint of the endopodite is much shorter than the others, and it carries six long plumose hairs. The first appendage in this series, the second maxilliped (fig. 59, Mp. 2), is somewhat rudimentary: the endopodite is scarcely longer than the exopodite, and its hairs are short. The next or third A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 85 maxilliped (Mp. 3) is more like those which follow, but its hairs are shorter. The first, second, and third pereiopods are about equal in length, and they have the typical structure which has just been described ; but the endopodite of the fourth (Pr. 4), like that of the second maxilliped, is shorter than the exopodite, although its hairs are very long. At the last Schizopod stage (fig. 54) the series of limbs, shown from above in fig. 59, is about as it is in the first stage, but the hairs on the endopodites of all the appendages, except the last, are short. A comparison of one of these appendages with the second antenna of the Nauplius or Protozoea or Zoea shows great similarity, and I am therefore disposed to believe that the long jointed ramus of the antenna is homologous with the long ramus of the thoracic limb, and consequently the endopodite. The abdomen is very much longer in proportion to the carapace than it was at the "Zoea" stage, and a comparison of figs. 50 and 54 with fig. 43 will show that it has become flattened from side to side, while its vertical thickness has greatly increased. All six somites are distinct, but at the first Schizopod stage there are no traces of any abdominal feet except the swirnnierets, which are large and perfect. In the second Schizopod stage the first five pairs of pleopods are represented by short buds, and in the last Schizopod stage (fig. 54) they have nearly or quite their full size, but are still rudimentary. The posterior edge of the ventral surface of each abdominal somite carries a couple of spines (fig. 50) pointing backwards. They are small on all the somites except the last, and they appear to correspond to those which, from their great size, have given the name Acanthosoma to the larva of Seryestes at the same stage of development. The sixth abdominal somite also has a small median dorsal spine. The telson (T) is movable, greatly elongated, three times as long as wide, and its spines have become very small, although in number, arrangement, and relative size they agree with those of the Zoea and Protozoea. The sixth pleopod or swimmeret consists of a short thick basal joint, a long flat exopodite which is serrated along its inner edge and free extremity, but smooth along its outer edge ; and a flat endopodite serrated on both sides. Each serration carries a long slightly curved plumose hair, and the outer edge of the exopodite has a small tooth at its outer end. From the base to the tooth the outer border is nearly straight and parallel to the inner border, but the end of the appendage is prolonged into a rounded tip which reaches beyond the tooth. In the first Schizopod stage there are eight hairs on the inner border and four on the end of the exopodite, or twelve in all ; and there are eight hairs on the endopodites, but the number of serrations and hairs increases rapidly with each moult, on each division of the limb, and they are much more numerous in the last Schizopod stage, as shown in fig. 54. A large reddish-brown pigment-spot (fig. 54, p) has now appeared on each side of WAT &/P /CO 80 ME, W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: the fourth abdominal segment, and the anal spots are large, with a dull red tinge. The spots on the carapace disappear at the end of the Zoca series. The Mastigopus stage. After the next moult the larva (Plate 7, fig. 60) assumes a form which is essentially like that of the adult, but with numerous slight differences, the most important of which are the shortness of the nagellum of the first antenna and the absence of the neck or elongation of the carapace. In these respects, as well as in the number, character, and relative size of the appendages, it now agrees very closely with the young Sergestes or Mastigopus. The size of the thorax is reduced, while the abdomen has grown larger and longer. The exopodites of the maxillipeds and first three pairs of pereiopods have disappeared, together with every trace of the fourth pereiopod. The abdominal appendages are perfect ; the first is made up of an elongated basal joint, which carries a single terminal branch of about the same length as the basal joint, but pointed and fringed with long slender swimming hairs. The four appendages which follow are each furnished with two terminal branches instead of one, but are similar in other respects. The larva now sheds its skin several times, and grows with each moult ; but the process of change into the adult is, with the exception of the elongation to form the neck, simply a process of growth, as the appendages and somites ah1 have essentially their adult character. A larva about one-fifth of an inch long, two moults after the last Schizopod stage, is shown from the side, magnified about fifty diameters, in Plate 7, fig. GO. The first antenna (A) is a little more than twice as long as the eye-stalk, and consists of a stout three-jointed basal portion, which forms about two-thirds of the total length of the appendage, and a short, thin, two-jointed flagellum. The scale (ex) of the second antenna is only a little longer than the eye, while the flagellum (en) is more than half as long as the body of the animal, measured from rostrum to telson, and is made up of thirteen small joints and two thicker basal joints. The carapace has elongated considerably, and the neck (n) makes nearly half its length. The anterior end of the carapace has a dorsal rostrum (R), two much shorter lateral spines (Is), and a very small spine on each side close to the anterior edge and about half way between the rostrum and the lateral spine. The cephalic lobes of the stomach extend into the neck, and reach nearly to the basis of the eye-stalks. The coiled autennal gland (g) has made its appearance. The carapace proper (c) has a pair of anterior spines, but none on its posterior margin. The labrum (L) has a much greater relative size than it had during the Schizopod stages, but its spine disappears at the end of the last Schizopod stage. The mouth parts and thoracic limbs have their adult character, and will be noticed at length in the description of the adult. A reddish -brown pigment-spot has now appeared between the bases of the eye-stalks; A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 87 another at the base of the telson ; and the dorsal surfaces of the fifth, fourth, and sometimes the third abdominal somites are irregularly marked, near their posterior edges, by patches of the same colour. The anal pigment-spots are of a dirty red colour. The Lucifer stage. The specimen from which fig. 61 was drawn was a little more than half an inch long, or about half as large as an adult specimen. It differs in several particulars, besides size, from an adult male, but in all respects except size and the presence of reproduc- tive organs it is exactly like a mature female. Its appendages are like those which are shown in figs. 63 to 70, although these were drawn from an adult female specimen. The adult structure of our American species has been described by FAXON (' Studies from the Biological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University,' vol. i., part iii.) ; but as he had only a single male specimen, which had been preserved in alcohol, his account was necessarily somewhat incomplete. The first antenna (Plate 7, fig. 61, and Plate 8, fig. 66, A) is about as long as the carapace and neck, and it is divided into two nearly equal portions, the base (fig. 66, i) and the flagellum (fig. 66, 2). The base is divided into three joints, the first about as long or a little longer than the eye, the second much shorter, and the third still shorter. The large ear occupies the centre of the proximal end of the first joint. On the outer end of the first joint and on the second there is a row of six short, equal, plumose hairs, three on each joint. The flagellum is made up of ten joints ; the first and second are thicker than the others, and the first carries two and the second three sensory hairs. The terminal joint of the flagellum is much longer than the other, and carries a few very short hairs at its tip. The second antenna (figs. 61 and 66, An] is, in the fully-grown specimen, almost twice as long as the first, and nearly or quite as long as the body. It consists of a very short basal joint (fig. 66, a), which carries the scale (ex) and the flagellum (en). The scale is somewhat longer than the eye, flat and narrow, and its inner edge carries nine and its tip three long, slender, plumose haii-s, which are about half as long as the scale itself. The flagellum tapers gradually from the base to the tip, and is made up of twenty-four joints, each of which carries a pair of very short hairs. The joints at the tip of the flagellum are a little longer than those at the base. The living animal usually carries these appendages extended before it, and diverging a little at their tips. It occasionally throws them back along the sides of the body, but only for an instant at a time. The eye-stalk tapers gradually from the base to the tip, and there is no abrupt distinction between the stalk and the eye proper, as there appears to be in other species. The length of the eye, with its stalk, is a little less than that of the true carapace. The neck makes a little more than three-fifths of the total length of the carapace, MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: and its vertical diameter is more than half that of the thorax. It has a median dorsal rostrum (fig. 61, .R), which is much smaller relatively in the adult than in the young, and two antero-lateral spines (Is). About half-way between the rostrum and the lateral spine the anterior edge of the neck has an extremely minute spine on each side, as in the younger stage last described. The cerebral ganglia (cy) occupy the ventral half of the anterior end of the neck, and the long commissures can be seen at co. running back to join the ventral nervous system. The cephalic lobes of the stomach (s) and the antennary gland (g) occupy the dorsal portion of the neck. The true carapace (c) does not reach down on to the sides of the body as far as the basal joints of the thoracic limbs and mouth parts, and both these and their ganglia (figs. 75 and 76, trf) are visible below its free edge. Its edges are smooth, but there is a small spine at its anterior end. The labrum (fig. 61, L) is massive and prominent, but there is no trace of a spine. The inner surface of the mandible (fig. 62) is marked by a number of parallel ridges, one for each denticle; and there is a second, and a faint trace of a third, series of denticles on the outer surface (fig. 63). There is no trace of a mandibular palpus. The scaphognathite of the first maxilla (fig. 64) has disappeared, the endopodite is rudimentary, while the second basal joint is very much larger than the first, and carries about fifteen stout short hairs arranged in three rows. The first joint has four much larger unequal hairs, which are serrated. The outer edge of the first and both edges of the second joint carry a single delicate plumose hair each. Fig. 65 shows the inner surface of the second basal joint. The second maxilla (Plate 8, fig. 67) is more like that of the larva. There is a three-jointed inner portion with short stitY hairs, and an extremely large scaphognathite (fig. 67, sc), which is long and narrow, and united to the body of the appendage by a very narrow stalk. The outer end carries three rather stiff, short, plumose hairs, and five similar but somewhat longer hairs arise from the inner surface between the oxiter end and the area of attachment. The inner end carries four plumose hairs, three of which are almost as long as the scaphognathite itself, while the fourth appeared to be broken off in the four specimens which I dissected out. The first rnaxilliped is a short, stout, two-jointed appendage (Plate 8, fig. 68), convex on its outer but flat on its inner surface, and fringed with short, stout, plumose hairs. The second maxilliped (Plate 7, fig. 61, Mp. 2, and Plate 8, fig. 70) is a long jointed limb, bent into a knee, and formed of six joints. It is fringed by long plumose hairs, which, on all the joints except the first and second, are arranged in a single row. The first and shortest joint has no hairs ; the next, or second, has one row of five and one row of three ; the next, or third, has six hairs ; the next, or fourth, and the fifth have ten each ; and the terminal joint has six. The next or third maxilliped (fig. 61, Mp. 3) is a long, slender, six-jointed limb, with a double row of short hairs. A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 89 The first pereiopod (fig. 01, Pr. 1) is four-jointed, and shorter than the last maxilliped. The second and third pereiopods (Pr. 2 and Pr. 3) are nearly equal, and twice as long as the first ; they are four-jointed, have a double row of small hairs along the anterior edge, and the last ends in a small curved hairy claw. They exhibit no trace of gills or of endopodites, and there is no stump to indicate the position of the fourth pereiopod, which disappeared at the end of the Schizopod period. The first abdominal appendage of immature specimens or of mature females (Plate 9, fig. 74, PL 1) is made up of a thick basal portion, which is unjomted in young specimens but two-jointed in mature ones, and a pointed annulated terminal portion which is fringed with swimming hairs. In the nearly grown but immature male (fig. 76) there is a little bud or projection (a) near the base of the anterior surface of the long basal joint. In the sexually mature male (fig. 75) this bud has become the clasping organ which has been described by MILNE-EDWARDS, DANA, SEMPER, DOHRN, GLAUS, FAXON, and others ; and another smaller process or tooth has appeared upon the distal one of the two joints into which the base of the limb has now divided. The second, third, fourth, and fifth pleopods consist, in the young of both sexes, and in the mature females, of a long unjointed basal portion and two hairy terminal branches. In the adult male the second pleopod has a third and smaller terminal branch, as GLAUS has pointed out (Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., xiii., 434). The first, second, third, fourth, and fifth abdominal somites end below in short spines, and they are all about equal in length, except the fifth which is nearly twice as long as any of the others. It has a median dorsal spine on its posterior edge, and the very young specimens also have a pair of postero -lateral spines, as shown in Plate 7, fig. GO. In older specimens this pair of spines disappears, as shown in Plate 9, fig. 72, and in the adult female the somite undergoes no further change. When the male reaches sexual maturity, however, the lower edge of the somite becomes produced, as described by DANA, on each side into the hooks shown in fig. 73. In our species the smaller one of these hooks is near the middle of the somite, and the larger one about halfway between it and the posterior edge. As shown in figures 72 and 73, the telson of an adult specimen is only about half as long as the swimmerets. The tip of the telson of an adult female is shown from above in fig. 71. In the male the telson becomes somewhat bent (fig. 73, T) as maturity is reached, and a rounded anal papilla becomes developed in its lower surface, while the telson of the adult female remains like that of immature specimens of both sexes. The exopodite of mature specimens usually has about twenty hairs, and the endopodite sixteen. The exopodite is longer and wider than the endopodite, and it is alike in both sexes until maturity is reached, when it becomes somewhat modified in the male, MDCCOLXXXII. N 90 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: This sexual difference has been pointed out by DOHRN (Zeit. Zool., xxi., 1871, p. 358), but it seems to have escaped the notice of all other observers. In the young and in the mature female (fig. 72) the rounded tip projects beyond the tooth («), but as the male approaches maturity the outer edge lengthens, thus pushing the tooth out, as shown in fig. 73, until the end of the appendage becomes square instead of rounded. It is extremely interesting to notice that in Lucifer, as in so many other animals, the adult female is infantile in all the secondary points of difference from the male. General view of the metamorphosis of Lucifer. A review of the facts which have been described in this section indicates that some of the changes are much more significant than others, since the number of moults is much greater than the number of distinct larval type. The meia-NaupUus is obviously a Nauplius with the rudiments of structures which are to appear after the moult, and it must therefore be regarded as a Nauplius prepared for the change into a Protozoca, rather than a distinct stage of development. There is no such break between the first Protozoca and the last Zoca as there is between the first Protozoca and the Nauplius. The rudimentary pereiopods and swimmerets of the so-called Zoea are nothing but a preparation for the next stage of development, and the supposed necessity for finding a stage which can be directly compared with the Zoca of the higher Decapods does not justify us in making two larval types out of the unbroken series of Protozoca and Zoca forms. It is obvious that the three Schizopod stages are modifications of a single larval type, and the presence of rudimentary pleopods in the second and third stages must be regarded as a preparation for the next stage of development. There is no abrupt break between the so-called Mastigopus and the young Lucifer when it is a little older and the neck has appeared. On the other hand, there is a real break between the Nauplius and the Protozoca, and the change from one to the other is accompanied by profound structural changes. This is the case also with the transition from the Zoca to the Schizopod stage ; and with that from the Schizopod stage to the young Lucifer stage. The same thing is true to a lesser degree of the change from the immature Lucifer to the adult male. The metamorphosis may then be divided into the following well-marked stages, each of which except the last, and in all probability the last also, persists through more than one moult :— 1. A Nauplius stage. 2. A Protozoea stage. 3. A Schizopod stage. 4. An immature Lucifer stage, which persists in the female. 5. An adult male stage. A STUDY TX MORPHOLOGY. PI If we neglect the features which, at the end of each stage, make llieir appearance as preparation for the next, we may describe each stage as follows : — The Nauplius has three pairs of locornotor appendages, the first antenna?, the second antennae, and the mandibles ; and there is a large labrum without a spine, and the carapace and telson are absent. There is an ocellus, but no compound eyes. The Protozoca has two pairs of antennae, which are like those of the Nanplius. The mandible is reduced to a cutting blade. There are two pairs of biramous maxillee, with scaphognathites, and two pairs of biramous maxillipeds. There is a long hind body, ending in a flat telson. The labrum has a spine. The carapace is large, and has a rostrum, a median dorsal and two lateral posterior spines ; and its free edges reach down beyond the basal joints of the appendages. There is an ocellus, but no stalked eyes. The Schizopod stage is characterized by the great change in the two pairs of antennae, which are no longer like those of the Nauplius, but have the characteristics of those of the adult. All the mouth parts and four pairs of thoracic limbs are present, and all posterior to the first pair of maxillipeds are biramous and locomotor. The abdomen has six somites and a movable telson. The swimmerets are present, but the other abdominal appendages are not. The ocellus persists, but the stalked eyes are also present. The carapace has a rostrum and two antero-lateral spines, but those at the posterior edge have disappeared. The edges of the carapace do not reach over the basal joints of the thoracic limbs, and the body is flattened vertically. The labrum still has a spine. The young Lucifer and the adult female have a long flagellum on the first antenna, a flagellum and scale on the second ; the ear and antennary gland are present ; the neck is elongated. The fourth pereiopod has disappeared, and the others, as well as the maxillipeds, have lost their exopodites. The first pleopod has one terminal branch, the next four two branches each ; the sixth abdominal somite has a smooth lower edge. The telson is straight and the outer end of the exopodite of the swimmeret is rounded. The adult male has a clasping organ on the first pereiopod, three rami on the second, two teeth on the lower edge of the sixth abdominal somite, a square end to the exopodite of the swimmeret, and a bent telson. It is true that these five stages merge into each other somewhat, and that they are complicated by the presence of the rudiments of organs which are be functional at the next stage ; but after ah1 these secondary modifications are allowed for, it will be seen that each stage is sharply and definitely marked, and separated by a pronounced gap from the stages before and after. The significance of these five stages can be best inquired into after the corresponding stages of other Sergestidce have been examined, and I will return to the subject further on, in a section on the general relationships^ the group. N 2 92 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: IV. HISTORY OF THE APPENDAGES OF LUCIFER. For convenience of reference I will now describe the changes which each appendage undergoes at each stage of development, going over the same ground once more, but in a different way. The first antenna. In the egg Nauplius (figs. 21, 23, and 24,^4) this appendage is unjointed, more than half as long as the body, and it carries a terminal tuft of hairs. In the first free Nauplius (6g. 25, A) it consists of five nearly equal joints; it is nearly as long as the body of the second antenna, and its tip carries two long simple hairs and two much smaller hairs. In the last Nauplius stage, or metti-Nauplius (fig. 2G) the joints have disappeared ; it is only about two-thirds as long as the body, and it carries only the two long hairs at the tip. In the first Protozoea stage (fig. 27, A) it is made up of a long cylindrical basal joint with a few short hairs, arid a much shorter terminal joint, which is pointed, and carries the two long hairs as before. The structure of the appendage does not change until the end of the Zo&a series, and it is shown at A in figs. 34, 42, 43, and 44. At the first Schizopod stage (fig. 50, A) the basal portion is made up of one very long cylindrical joint, with a hook near its swollen base, and a much shorter distal joint. Three long, two-jointed, plumose hairs spring from the inner edge of the second joint, and three more from the inner edge of the distal third of the basal joint. The terminal portion has lost the two long hairs which it had at earlier stages. In the last Schizopod stage (fig. 54, A, and fig. 56) the distal third of the basal joint has separated off as a distinct joint (fig. 56, 2) upon which the tliree hairs are situated. The ear has made its appearance, behind the hook, on the swollen base of the first joint. The terminal joint (4) carries three sensory hairs, which arise upon its outer surface about half way between its tip and base. In the Mastigopus stage (fig. 60) the terminal joint has lengthened to form a two- jointed flagellum, and the appendage is more than twice as long as the eye. In the young specimens which have attained to the adult form (fig. 61, A) the appendage is about as long as the carapace and neck, and in the adult (fig. 66, A) the flagellum (2) is about as long as the basal portion (1). It consists of ten joints, the terminal one longest, and the first and second thick. The first carries two and the second three sensory hairs. The basal portion is thick, cylindrical, three-jointed, with six plumose hairs, and the ear nearly fills the enlarged base. A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. '.»3 The second antenna. In the egg NaupJ/t/s (fig. 24, An) this is unjointed, more than half as long as the body, divided into two nearly equal rami, with hairs at their tips. In the first free Nauplius stage (fig. 25, An) a two-jointed basal portion carries a three-jointed exopodite and an eight-jointed endopodite. The appendage is nearly as long as the body, the two rami are about equal in length, and each has three long simple hairs at its tip. In the last Nauplius stage (fig. 26) the joints are obscure ; the endopodite is longer than the exopodite ; it has long hairs along its side, and those at the tip are plumose. In the Protozoea stages (figs. 27, 34, 35, 42, 43, and 45, An, and fig. 36) it consists of a two-jointed basal portion (fig. 3G), which carries an unjointed exopodite (ex) with long, slender, non-plumose terminal hairs, and an eight- jointed endopodite (en) with eight long hairs arranged along its side and tip. The first and second joints are very short, while the other six are longer and nearly equal. In the first Schizopod stage (fig. 50, An) the appendage is rudimentary, its joints are absent, and the exopodite is almost but not quite as long as the endopodite. The appendage is only half as long as the first antenna. In the last Schizopod stage (fig. 54, An, and fig. 57) the exopodite has become a scale, which is only half as long as the seven-jointed flagellum which has become developed from the endopodite ; the basal joint is simple, very large, and the appendage is as long as the first antenna. The flagellum now grows rapidly, and in the adult (fig. 61, An, and fig. 66, An) it has twenty-four joints, and is more than half as long as the body. The antennal gland opens into its base, and the scale is longer than the eye, and carries twelve long plumose hairs. The mandible. In the egg Nauplius (fig. 24, M) this is biramous, unjointed, and tipped with hairs. In the first free Nauplius (fig. 25, M) it is short, and made up of a stout basal joint ; a two-jointed exopodite with three long slender hairs, two of which are carried by the terminal and one by the proximal joint ; and a shorter endopodite with three long simple hairs. In the last Nauplius stage (fig. 26, M) the joints of the exopodite have disappeared, the three hairs on the endopodite have lengthened and become plumose, and the inner edge of the basal joint carries a hook or blade. From the beginning of the Protozoea series to maturity the mandible is a cutting blade, with no trace of a palpus, and the number of its denticles gradually increases with age. The metastoma. The manner in which the metastoma originates in the Nauplius as a pair of buds similar to those which become the maxillee, as well as the fact that it persists in closely-allied forms as a pair of limb-like structures, seems to show, as CLAUS has 94 MB. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: pointed out (' Untersuchungen,' &c., p. 15), that the Decapod metastoma is moi*pho- logically a pair of appendages ; that it has been formed by the simplification and union of structures homologous with the limbs; and that this pair of appendages was originally furnished with a body-somite and a pair of ganglia. CLAUS'S reason for the homology is the resemblance between the Decapod Protozoca, and the larva of Phyllopods and Copepods, and the manner in which these parts are developed in the Nauplii of Lvcifer and Eitphausia seems to be an additional reason for accepting his view. The first maxilla. This appendage is rudimentary during the Nauplius stages, but, as shown in fig. 21, MX. 1, it is represented by a pair of buds several hours before birth. In the Protozoea and Zoea series it has the form shown in fig. 46, which was drawn from the appendage of a larva in the last Zoea stage. Its characteristics are developed gradually, and it is somewhat simpler during the earlier Protozoea stages than it is in fig. 4(3. Fig. 30 shows it as it appears in the first Protozoea when seen from the outside. It consists of a basal portion (fig. 46) made up of two joints (1 and 2), which carries a short obscurely-jointed endopodite (en) and a scaphognathite (.*•). In my description of this and the other mouth parts of Lucifer I have accepted CLAUS'S homology ('Untersuchungen,' &c., p. 16), and regard the two basal joints as the equivalent of the basal portion of the antenna, or of one of the thoracic limbs ; the jointed palpus as the homologue of the inner ramus of the antenna, or the limb proper of one of the thoracic appendages ; and the scaphognathite as the homologue of the exopodite of one of the thoracic appendages, or of the antennte. In all these appen- dages the exopodite is shorter than the endopodite, unjointed, and set with long hairs, the plumose character of which is well marked. The scaphognathite of the maxilla agrees with the exopodite of the second antenna and of the other appendages in this respect, while the palpus of the maxilla agrees with the endopodite of the second antenna, and with that of the mandible of the JVfmj;>?n4) the seaphognathite is absent ; the endopodite is rudimentary and the second joint of the base (2) is very much wider than the first (l), and has fifteen cutting hairs arranged in three rows, while the first joint has only four very much longer serrated cutting hairs. The basal joint has only one plumose hair as before, but the second joint has one on each side of the blade. The second maxilla. The second maxilla is present as a bud (fig. 24, MX. 2) in the egg, and it becomes functional in the first Protozoea, and persists without very much change to maturity. In the first Protozoea (fig. 31) it has a long, many -jointed basal portion (h), with slender simple hairs on its inner edge ; a two-jointed endopodite (en) with three simple hairs on its tip, and two on the second joint ; and a small seaphognathite with plumose hairs. In the last Zoea (fig. 47) the hairs on the inner edge are plumose, and one of the three hairs on the small seaphognathite is much longer than the others. In the Schizopod stage (fig. 53) the limb is thick and long, the seaphognathite is rudimentary, and the endopodite is small, and has no terminal hairs. In the adult (fig. 67) the endopodite and all but three of the joints of the basal portion are absent. The first of these (3) is the largest and has a broad edge, with a number of cutting hairs, while the others (2 and 1) are narrow and have three hairs each. All these hairs are simple. The seaphognathite is elongated, and is now about as long as the body of the appendage, to which it is joined by a narrow neck. The inner end has four plumose hairs, three of which are about as long as the appendage, while the fourth was short and apparently broken in all the specimens which I examined. The outer half of the seaphognathite has three short straight plumose hairs on its outer end, and five somewhat longer ones on its inner side. Thejirst maxilliped. The first maxilliped is represented by a bud in the. egg Nauplius (fig. 21 J\Jj>. 1) and it becomes functional in the first Protozoea., and then consists (fig. 32) of an unjointed exopodite (ex) with four long terminal hairs ; a four-jointed endopodite (en), with three long terminal simple hairs, and a shorter hair springing from the inner edge of each joint ; and an obscurely two-jointed basal portion with short simple hairs on its inner edge. In the Zoea stage (fig. 48) the hairs on the inner edge and on the exopodite are plumose, and the endopodite is long and six-jointed. In the Schizopod stage (fig. 50, Mp. 1) the joints are obscure ; the exopodite is nearly as long as the endopodite ; all the hairs are plumose, and about equal in length, and there is a double row along the inner edge of the appendage. 96 MR, W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: In the adult the appendage (fig. 68) is extremely simple, short, stout, two-jointed, flattened on its inner and rounded on its outer surface, with a fringe of short, stout, equal, plumose hairs around the edge of the flattened surface. The second maxUliped. It is difficult to decide with certainty whether this appendage is represented by a bud in the Nauplius or not. If the first pair of buds become the nietastoma, as seems probable from their position with reference to the mandibles and from the analogy of the Euphausia nauplius, the second pair of maxillipeds are not represented, but if the first pair of buds are the rudimentary first maxillas the last pair are the second maxillipeds. At any rate the appendages are present in the first Protozoea (fig. 33), and they are essentially like the first pair, but much smaller. In the last Zoca stage (fig. 49) they are larger, although still smaller than the first, and their inner edges carry only three short hairs which are not plumose. In the Schizopod stage (fig. 59, Mp. 2) a long basal joint carries a four-jointed endopodite and an unjointed exopodite of nearly equal length. The outer half of the exopodite is fringed by fourteen long, simple hairs, and the terminal joint of the endopodite has a few short plumose hairs. In the next stage the exopodite is absent, and the long six-jointed limb (fig. 70) is bent into the shape which is so characteristic of the adult Sergestidce. The basal joint (1) is quite short and stout. The next joint (2) is longer and has five plumose hairs, almost as long as the joint, on one side and three on the other. The next joint (3) is the longest, and carries six plumose hairs. The next (4) is about as long as the second, and the bend in the limb occurs in this joint and between it and the third. It carries ten plumose hairs about as long as those in the other joints, and arranged in a single close rank. The fifth and sixth joints are shorter than any of the others except the tirst ; they are about equal in length, and the fifth carries ten, the sixth six long plumose hairs. T/te third maxilliped. This appendage makes its appearance as a bilobed rudiment (figs. 43 and 45, Mp. 3), at the end of the Zoca series, and it becomes developed into a Schizopod foot, at the next or first Schizopod stage (fig. 59, Mp. 3). A stout basal portion which appears to be two-jointed, carries an unjointed exopodite, and a four-jointed endopodite. The latter branch is the longest, and its tip carries four rather short plumose hairs. The outer half of the exopodite carries fourteen long simple hairs. At the end of the Schizopod period the limb loses its exopodite entirely, lengthens and becomes a slender six-jointed leg, fringed by a double row of short hairs, as shown in fig. 61, Mp. 3. A STUDY IN .MORPHOLOGY. D7 The history of this appendage in Lucifer shows that that there is no reason, except the arbitrary system borrowed from the higher Decapods, for classing this appendage with the mouth parts, instead of with the thoracic limbs. It appears much later than the first and second pairs of maxillipeds, or at the same time with the thoracic limbs. It agrees with these latter in all its subsequent changes and in its adult structure, and must be regarded as forming one of the thoracic series. I have employed the recognised name, third maxilliped, to prevent confusion, but the appendage is in no sense a mouth part. In fact, the only reason for holding that the missing appendage in Lucifer is the fifth pereiopod, instead of the last maxilliped, is the tacit assumption that the appendages must follow a definite serial order from in front backwards. We do not know that this assumption is justifiable in all cases, and it is therefore perfectly possible that the appendage which is usually called the third maxilliped of Lucifer may really be the first pereioped. I think the probability is in favour of the accepted homology, but the use of the term " third maxilliped " in the present paper for the appendage in question must not be regarded as evidence that the homology is accepted without question. The pereiopods. At the end of the Zoea series four pairs of pereiopods, the first, second, third, and fourth, are represented by buds (figs. 43 and 45), while the fifth is entirely absent, as DANA pointed out in the ' Report on the Crustacea collected by the United States Exploring Expedition,' p. 634. WiLLEMOES-SuHM (Proc. Roy. Soc., vol. 24, p. 134), calls attention to the same fact : the total absence of this somite at all stages of development. In the Schizopod stage each of these appendages is biramous (fig. 59), and similar to the last maxilliped, although the first three pairs (fig. 59, Pr. 1, Pr. 2, and Pr. 3) are longer. At the end of the Schizopod series of stages the entire fourth pair and the exopo- dites of the other three pairs disappear, and the endopodites lengthen to form the long slender limbs of the adult (fig. 61, Pr. 1, Pr. 2, and Pr. 3). They are four- jointed, with a double row of short hairs along the anterior edge, and the first is only half as long as the second and third, which are nearly equal, and almost as long as the carapace and neck. The third ends in a short, curved hairy claw, too small to be shown in the figure. The Jirst abdominal appendage. This is present as a rudimentary bud at the end of the Schizopod series, but does not become functional until the Lucifer form is reached. In the young it consists of a long uujointed base, and a single pointed tip, fringed with swimming hairs (fig. 61, PL 1). In older specimens the basal portion divides into two joints, and in the young male or the young or mature female the appendage has the form shown in fig. 74. As the male approaches maturity a small process, shown in fig. 76, MDCCCLXXXII. o 98 MR. W. K. BROOKS ON LUCIFER: appears on its anterior face, and becomes modified in the mature male into the clasping organ (rig. 75, c), while a second process (d) appears a little nearer the tip of the limb. The second abdominal appendage. This appears at the same time with the first, and developes two terminal branches. In the mature male a third shorter one is added. The third, fourth, and fifth abdominal appendages, These all develop at the same time with the first and second ; they have two terminal branches and are alike in both sexes. The sixth abdominal appendage. This is present as a rudiment in the last '•' Zoca" and it becomes fully developed in the first Schizopod larva. It consists of a basal joint which carries a long, wide, and flat exopodite, and a narrower shorter endopodite. In the young and in the mature female the outer end of the exopodite is rounded, but it is nearly square in the mature male. The labrurn. The labrum is large and conspicuous in the Nauplins, but it has no spine. The spine is present from the first Protozoea stage to the last Schizopod stage, but it is absent in the adult. The compound eyes. These make their appearance as rudiments in the last Protozoea, but they are not perfectly developed or stalked until the last Schizopod stage. The homology of the stalked eyes of the Malacostracan has been a matter of some uncertainty. They are usually enumerated in the list of appendages, and the typical Crustacean is sup- posed to have a corresponding somite. GLAUS has pointed out (" Zur. Kenntniss der Malacostrakenlarva," Wiirzb. Zeitschr. ii., 180 1. p. 33) that no especial taxonomic importance can be attached to their presence or absence ; and their mode of origin in Lucifer certainly gives no support to the view that they have been produced, like the mandibles, by the gradual specialisation of a, pair of ordinary appendages. They do not resemble ordinary appendages at any stage, but are formed directly, and the fact that the period of their development is spread over several moults renders their history quite different from that of the appendages. As I shall show further on, A STUDY IN MORPHOLOGY. 99 serially homologous organs do not necessarily owe their resemblances to inheritance from the unspecialisecl organs of a remote ancestor, and I think that the presence of a distinct occular segment in Squilla compels us to recognise an homology between the stalked eye and an ordinary appendage, although it is no doubt true that all the groups in which stalked eyes occur cannot be traced back to a common stalked-eyed ancestor, and also true that the stalked eyes themselves cannot be traced back to ordinary appendages. The ocellus. This is present from the first Nauplius stage to the end of the Schizopod series. Explanation of Table I. This table is designed to show at a single view the condition of each appendage at each stage of development. For convenience I have included the compound eyes, the ocellus, and the labrum, but do not wish to imply that these structures are or are not homologous with ordinary appendages, and I have omitted the metastoma, although I have no doubt that this should be included in a list of the appendages. In the table the word " same " indicates that the condition of the appendage is the same as it was at an earlier stage, and does not refer to other appendages in the same vertical line. 100 MR. W. K. 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