14: 5 a£ I 1 I ^* CA *g.sf*"l«ls 1iSiiii?«o:l S?*rf53' CQ LUTHER BURBANK HIS METHODS AND DISCOVERIES AND THEIR PRACTICAL APPLICATION PREPARED FROM mS ORIGINAL FIELD NOTES COVERING MORE THAN 100,000 EXPERIMENTS MADE DURING FORTY YEARS DEVOTED TO PLANT IMPROVEMENT WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF The Luther Burbank Society AND ITS ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP UNDER THE EDITORIAL DIRECTION OF John Whitson and Robert John AND Henry Smith Williams, M. D., LL. D. VOLUME XII ILLUSTRATED WITH 105 DIRECT COLOR PHOTOGRAPH PRINTS PRODUCED BY A NEW PROCESS DEVISED AND PERFECTED FOR USE IN THESE VOLUMES NEW YORK AND LONDON LUTHER BURBANK PRESS MCMXV Copyright, 1915, by The Luther Bui-bank Society Entered at Stationers' Hall, London All right* reserved Volume XII— By Chapters Foreword .................................................. Page 3 I Luther Burbank — His Boyhood on a Massachusetts Farm —The Conception of an Idea and the Birth - of a Great Ambition .................................. 7 II Luther Burbank — The Early Years in Santa Rosa —The Period of Bitter ,, Struggle ............................................. 61 HF Luther Burbank— His Patience Rewarded —The Period of Great Achievement IV Luther Burbank— The Sum of His Work With Plant Life —What It Has Meant to Science ... and Agriculture ...................................... J.OD y Luther Burbank — The Bearing of His Work on Human Life —On Improving the Human orto Plant ................................................ 206 VT The Luther Burbank Society —What It Has Done and What -» , - It Proposes .......................................... 247 List of Direct Color Photograph Prints in Volume XII .................................... 289 Subject Index to Volumes I-XII... .. 293 349367 FOREWORD TO VOLUME XII Having covered the entire range of plants with which Mr. Burbank has worked, and having ob- tained a thorough understanding of all the methods he has employed, we are given, in this volume, a summing up of what has gone before, with an eye not only to its application to plant life, but to the immediate improvement of the human plant In this volume also will be found the intimate life story of Luther Burbank; from his boyhood days in Massachusetts, through his first hardships in Santa Rosa, to the final glory of success, to- gether with a report of the work of the Luther Burbank Society and an outline of its plans for the widespread dissemination of Mr. Burbank's methods and discoveries in the future. THE EDITORS. Mr. Burbank's Mother To Olive Ross Burbank, his mother, Mr. Burbank bears striking resemblance not alone in his physical features but in many of his mental traits. Mr. Burbank's mother spent the closing years of her life with him at Santa Rosa, and she was at all times a source of inspiration to him. LUTHER BURBANK— His BOYHOOD ON A MASSACHUSETTS FARM THE CONCEPTION OF AN IDEA AND THE BIRTH OF A GREAT AMBITION HAD my father been a superstitious man my advent would perhaps have been unwel- come, for I was my father's thirteenth child. I have no reason to suppose, however, that this fact was ever given a thought. It is indeed very likely that at the time of my coming no one counted heads carefully enough to find out that the newcomer had drawn the traditionally unlucky number. In point of fact, it was only by reference to the Family Bible that anyone was likely to know the full roll of the fraternity, for several of my father's children had died in infancy, and some of the old- est ones had gone out into the world before the date of my arrival. I speak of "my father's children" because my mother was his third wife, and she had borne only two children before my birth, both of whom [VOLUME XII — CHAPTER I] LUTHER BURBANK had died in infancy. So there was a considerable gap between me and the next older child, and as I ranked eldest in the new coterie, which com- prised presently two other children — my sister Emily and my brother Alfred respectively — I occu- pied in a sense the position of an elder brother in the fraternity, my half brothers and sisters being so much senior to me as to seem almost like members of an older generation. In my work of later years I was to attain my successes very largely through practice in plant breeding of the method of "quantity production," as the reader of these volumes is aware. I have sometimes said facetiously that I gained a clew to this method by contemplation of my own relation to the fraternity into which I was born. Our household, like so many other New England households of the period, furnished an illustration of quantity production in the breeding of the human race. And I have more than once reflected with amusement that if my father had been content with a family of twelve offspring — which in these later days would be considered a not insignificant brood — there would have been no horticulturist bearing his name, and it would per- haps never have been known that the factors of a devoted plant developer were in the Burbank heredity. [8] ~o~ps? s »5r* h^ "s. 1 a LUTHER BURBANK In so far, then, as my work may have been useful to the human race, the principle of quantity production has been justified. Viewing the matter in less facetious mood, 1 should perhaps hasten to add that the inherent love of nature which was the stimulus to my life work was inherited, in all probability, from my mother. I was her third child, only, as already noted, and of course the fact that my father had children by earlier wives had no bearing on the hereditary influences that she contributed, which, as just suggested, were probably largely respon- sible for the impelling bent that has always domi- nated me. So, in the last analysis, it is necessary to recall that, in so far as we may draw analogies between plant heredities and human heredities, the production of a horticultural Burbank illus- trated a principle lying back of and taking precedence over quantity production — the prin- ciple, namely, of the selection of the right racial strains for blending. It is useless to produce plants in quantity unless the parent plants are endowed with the right potentialities. And doubtless my father never would have had a child who was an ardent nature worshiper had he not married for his third wife a woman who was a nature lover. [10] ON BOYHOOD DAYS It must not be forgotten, to be sure, that my father had a cousin, Professor Levi Sumner Bur- bank, who was a man of strong scientific proclivi- ties, and who, indeed, was in part responsible for stimulating my love of nature, inasumch as he lived with us at times, and I often rambled with him in the woods and gained from him a knowl- edge of the names of rocks and flowers and trees. This Burbank cousin was a friend of Agassiz. He was an early member of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. He wrote books on technical aspects of geology, one of these, it is recalled, being entitled "The Eozonal Lime- stones of Eastern Massachusetts. He often took long trips with Agassiz to places of scientific inter- est. He was for some time curator of geology of the Boston Society of Natural History, and he had a large and well selected geological collection. Through him I gained a certain knowledge of geology, and in particular of the work of Agassiz, although I met the great scientist himself on one occasion only. THE HEREDITARY BACKGROUND I mention this scientific Burbank cousin as sug- gesting that there were certain proclivities that might in part account for the instincts of a plant developer in the strains of Burbank heredity. But, as what has just been said will further suggest, •s*i 5£«' lai V •£.•3 o-e; o «•« ON BOYHOOD DAYS ences to the beauties of field and trees and flowers, the songs of birds, the piping of the frogs, and all the homely manifestations of animate nature that appeal to the eye and ear that are receptive to them. So, as was said, it was perhaps inevitable that sooner or later an occupation should be taken up that would bring me hourly in contact with nature. But it was not until my twenty-first year that I entered specifically on the work, although of course I had been trained in all the tasks of the gardener and fruit grower on my father's farm from earliest childhood. I had all along been serving an apprenticeship that stood me in good stead now that the work of market gardener and seed raiser was taken up as a business. Yet it is not certain that I should have been led to put this knowledge to practical use at this time had it not been for the stimulation and fresh enthusiasm that came from the reading of an extraordinary book. This book was Darwin's Animals and Plants Under Domestication. The work was first published, it will be recalled, in 1868. It probably fell into my hands a year or so later. It came to me with a message that was not merely stimulating but compelling. It aroused my imagination, gave me insight into the world of [53] ON BOYHOOD DAYS plant life, and developed within me an insistent desire to go into the field and find the answer to the problems that the book only suggested. In particular it showed to me the plants of the field in a new light. I had understood from Darwin's earlier work that all life has evolved from lower forms; that, therefore, species are not fixed and immutable but are plastic, and amenable to the influences of their environment. But I had not before understood to what an extent species of every kind all about us vary, and what possibilities of modification of existing forms are contingent on such variation. From that hour plant life presented to me a sort of challenge to test its capacities, to investigate its traits, to invent new ideals of growth and to endeavor to mould the plant in accordance with these ideals. Thus, thanks to the inspiration of Darwin's work, my ideas were finally crystallized. The philosophical bent inherited from my father and the love of nature that I owed to my mother were to work now in harmony. Guided by the practical instincts that were perhaps a joint heritage from both strains of my ancestors, and the love of mechanics that was only second to my love of nature, the inventive pro- pensities that had found earlier vent in the manu- [55] LUTHER BURBANK facture of steam engines and new turning devices were to be applied to the plastic material of the living plant. Just where it all might lead no one could say. The field I was entering had heen but little devel- oped, but to my aroused imagination it seemed a field of picturesque possibilities. Meantime, of course, it was necessary that I should gauge my enthusiasms in accordance with the practicalities. I must make a living. So I purchased a seventeen-acre tract of land in the village of Lunenberg and began to raise garden vegetables and seeds for the market. Something of the practical success achieved has been suggested here and there in connection with accounts of later plant experiments. In par- ticular, it may be recalled that I found ways of cultivating sweet corn to meet the demands of an early market; and it may be said that in general my garden products were of exceptional quality. Something has been said also as to the hybrid- izing experiments that were performed from the outset, including in particular the work with corn and with various races of beans. The experiments were by no means confined to these plants, how- ever. I was like an explorer in a new and strange land full of inviting pathways and alluring vistas. I undertook to experiment in this direction and [561 2.** jra r>> •§ a 2 "2.** ls?Illl^-^"w Ht;l=* a •gs. :*o «~ a r> c <* \l** ; i ? 09 C^ 3 & 5 S5 5tt [iHK!»f»*W»| i I *3 » » c S"* ?a H» S5? 3 S llslsss!!l!lf - 5 &5e§'sSSo2 FIiaS5g^§s^5 1 ra rr **^i p*t, I *t ft. a I LUTHER BURBANK in that, giving every moment of spare time to the work of investigating the mysteries of plant life. Every plant in the garden and every shrub and tree and herb in field or woods was scrutinized now with new interest, always with first thought as to its tendency to variation. Where I had cas- ually noticed before that individual flowers of a species differed in details as to form or color or productivity, accurate notes were now made of such variations and the query was raised as to whether they gave suggestion of the possibility of developing new races under cultivation. Some of the early experiments were full of interest, and the knowledge gained through mak- ing them laid the foundation for later successes in plant development. But I had not proceeded far before it seemed clear that such experiments as were contemplated could not be carried out to best advantage in the climate of New England. My thoughts turned to California, whither two of my half brothers had gone many years before. What was reported of the climate of the Pacific Coast region suggested this as the location where such experiments as were planned might best be carried out. And when the first conspicuous success in the development of a new race of plants had been achieved, through the production of the Burbank [58] ON BOYHOOD DAYS potato — with the story of which the reader is al- ready familiar — I determined at all hazards to move to California. With the taking of the prac- tical steps that followed that determination, in the year 1875, a new epoch of my life began. — I desired to deal with the forces of life, and to mold the plastic forms of living organisms — rather than to spend my life in classifying the fixed and immutable phe- nomena of dead organism. "III! LUTHER BURBANK— THE EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA THE PERIOD OF BITTER STRUGGLE WITHIN sixty days of the time when the definite decision to go to California was reached, I had sold my personal property and closed out my business at Lunenburg. The business habits that my father had incul- cated had been so systematically followed that there was little difficulty in closing up accounts. The total amount of sales was found to be within a few cents of the amount of my annual appraise- ment. But, although I had been fairly successful in the gardening enterprise during the three years that it had been under way, so much money had been spent on improvements that there remained but a small balance to my credit. At the moment, nothing could be realized on the farm. So in start- ing for California I was entering on a new field, backed by very little capital. Meantime the celebrated Ralston failure [VOLUME XII — CHAPTER II] LUTHER BURBANK occurred, an event which every old Calif ornian remembers but too well. So depressing were the reports of conditions in California that then came to us that friends urged me to change my mind about going there. I had finally decided, however, and had made every preparation, and was not to be deterred. Not feeling able to pay for a sleeping berth, which at that time was a rather unusual luxury, I was obliged to make such shift as I could to gain snatches of sleep. And I retain very vivid recol- lections of the discomforts of the trip. It is curious how some minor incident will linger in the memory when many relatively impor- tant ones are quite forgotten. For example, I recall that when on rare occasions I had an entire seat to myself, and would thus be able to curl up on my side to gain a little sleep, the trainmen seemed always to be hurrying through the car and perpetually colliding with my projecting feet. And there is scarcely an incident of the entire journey that is more vivid in my memory than the recol- lection of this trivial discomfort. A generous lunch-basket had been provided, and this served its purpose well, for the train was sometimes delayed for an entire day far out on the plains with no house in sight. Several times I had the pleasure of sharing my lunch with fellow- [62] J§lll all"*3 It S~OB*O §2^3 I ~< 5." * S S&g, < 2 e?" a n ^.-^23 5.*, 5«^^"§^-: ||^--r^a.s.g.< Sid ! fi^ O 5W Q \ I??°^2' ?§ |Vf 3 C ^- ^ — 4 *> V •< S ft £• <» X E ^ S " s- LUTHER BURBANK passengers who would otherwise have suffered hunger. At that time it was not an uncommon experi- ence for axle boxes to become heated by friction, and then it would be necessary to make long stops until repairs could be made. This, with numerous unclassified delays, made the journey longer, but perhaps not more unpleasant than was expected. At best, at that time it took nine days to cross the continent, and the contrast between the trains of that period and the luxurious expresses of to-day is notable. EARLY DAYS IN CALIFORNIA An inventory of my belongings on arriving at last in California would have shown very little except clothing, books, and garden seeds, and ten Burbank potatoes that Mr. Gregory had allowed me to keep when he purchased that vegetable. So it was necessary to find employment at once. I have said that two older brothers were living in California. But I did not go to Tomales where they lived, because it appeared that this region, being close to the ocean, had a climate that was not well adapted to my experiments. I had been advised of conditions by letter, of course, from time to time, and had also read such books and articles dealing with California as could be found, so I had rather clear notions as to what to expect. [64] ON EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA I had hesitated between San Jose and Santa Rosa as the location best suited to my purposes, and had decided on the latter place. It has sometimes been thought that my work might have been car- ried on to better advantage if I had settled in the larger town of San Jose, that being in the midst of a great fruit-producing region; but, on the whole, as elsewhere recorded, I have had reason to be satisfied with the choice that was made. In that day, however, Santa Rosa was but a small village, offering comparatively few attrac- tions. It had not even a sidewalk. There were no vineyards, no orchards, no ornamental trees. There were wheat fields in the surrounding coun- tiy, and these gave opportunity for work in the summer with harvesting and threshing crews. For the rest, about the only available employment was the driving of teams of oxen or mules in breaking the soil with gang-plows. Unfortunately my physical strength was not adequate to either of these tasks. So I found myself almost without means, in a strange land, far from home and friends, and there was no obvious way in which to enter on the specific work that was contemplated. For a time it was even difficult to earn enough to meet immediate needs. It was necessary to give up all thought of entering immediately on the work of gardening. [65] s illfJl^iiLri *> 3 8SgS5°J a| ?I»^ co ON EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA For the time being I must seek work wherever it could be found, and do any odd job that offered. I recall that on one occasion I heard that help was wanted on a building then in construction, and on applying was promised a job if I would furnish my own shingling hatchet. I spent my last dollar in purchasing one, and on returning found to my bitter disappointment that the job had been given to another applicant. This was but one of a good many episodes that were well calculated to dampen enthusiasm, and cause me to question whether I had acted wisely in leaving New England. Yet I doubt whether I ever regretted my decision. For the spirit of dogged persistency and of obstinate effort in the face of difficulties is a heritage that the pioneer breed of New England transmits almost unfail- ingly. Whatever the son of Puritan ancestors may lack, he is almost sure to have a full endowment of the basal instinct of sticking to it. There were times, however, when, whether or not the spirit faltered, my physical constitution was in jeopardy. In the fall of 1876, I secured work in the nursery of W. H. Pepper, at Petaluma — one of the first nurseries in California, estab- lished in 1852 — where I worked throughout the winter and into the following spring. Here I oc- cupied a room over the steaming hothouse at [67] LUTHER BURBANK night, and worked in a damp soil by day, until my strength gave out, and I was stricken with fever and returned to Santa Rosa very ill. But for the kindly ministrations of a good neighbor who, see- ing my need, furnished me fresh milk without hope of reward, it is doubtful whether I should have pulled through. These were indeed dark days. THE LAND OF PROMISE Yet even in this time of trial I was not for a moment oblivious to the natural advantages and beauties of the country to which I had come, not- withstanding the inhospitable reception. Letters of the period, as preserved by my mother and sis- ter, are filled with enthusiasm over the marvels of the new land. I may quote one of these letters as showing the impression that California made on me, and the opportunities that it appeared to offer for carrying out my treasured project, if ever means could be found to make a beginning. "Santa Rosa is situated," I wrote, "in a mar- velously fertile valley containing one hundred square miles. I firmly believe from what I have seen that this is the chosen spot of all the earth as far as nature is concerned. The climate is per- fect; the air is so sweet that it is a pleasure to drink it in; the sunshine is pure and soft. "The mountains which gird the valley are lovely; then the valley is covered with majestic [68] §5 Sill IIP Is Ml Us :* ^s*i?f all ilr1 H £ § LUTHER BURBANK oaks placed as no human hand could arrange them for beauty. I cannot describe it. (I almost cry for joy when I look upon the lovely valley from the hillsides.) "California's gardens are filled with tropical plants, palms, figs, oranges, vines, etc. Great rose trees, thirty feet in height, loaded with every color of buds and blossoms, in clusters of twenty to sixty, like a cluster of grapes (I would like to pile a bushel of them in your aprons) climb over the houses. English ivy fills large trees, and flowers are everywhere. "Do you suppose I am not pleased to see fuch- sias in the front yards, twelve feet high, and loaded with various colors of blossoms? Veronica trees, geranium trees; the birds singing and everything like a beautiful spring day. "The sweet Gum tree of Australia grows here seventy-five feet high in five years; it is a beauti- ful tree. Honeysuckles, snow berries, etc., grow wild on the mountains. There are so many plants more beautiful that they are neglected. "I improve all my time in walking in every direction from the city; but have seen no place which nature has not made perfectly lovely. "I took a long walk to-day and found enough curious plants in a wild spot of about an acre to set a botanist wild. [70] LUTHER BURBANK "I found the wild Yam which I hunted for so much in Massachusetts, also the yerba buena, a vine which has a pleasant taste like peppermint. (I send you a few leaves.) I also found a nut that no one has seen before (have planted it), and/^.v- eral (to me) curious plants. I mean to get a piece of land (hire or buy) and plant it, then I can do other work just the same." The intention to hire or buy a piece of land was not realized for a long term of months after it was thus confidently expressed. But the time came, after weary waiting, when it was found pos- sible to hire a few acres. Then, although working at carpentry during the day, I was able to devote the long summer evenings to preparation for start- ing a small nursery. I had come to California in October, 1875, and it was not until the autumn of the following year that the start in the line of work that had been planned was thus tentatively made. And even then my time of trial was by no means over. For, as has been said, no capital was available with which to push my enterprise, and it was necessary to feel the way, step by step. To be sure I could have appealed to my broth- ers, and they would very gladly have helped me, but I was averse to doing this, both from an inher- ent sensitiveness about money, which is almost as [72] S o 2.?r» 'iU^ilirri *» «s -"^w? o-r-^ea If 2* S I* LUTHER BURBANK universal a New England heritage as the Puritan conscience itself, and because I knew that my rel- atives, in common with such other people as knew of my project, were skeptical as to the practicality of such experiments in plant development as were contemplated. Such skepticism was natural enough on the part of practical men, for the things that I hoped to do ran counter to all common experience. To think of changing the form and constitution of liv- ing things in a few years seemed grotesque even to many people who believed in the general doc- trine of evolution. It was not generally admitted at that time that the plants under cultivation had been conspicu- ously modified by the efforts of man. And even those exceptional botanists who believed that the cultivated plants owed their present form to man's efforts were prone to emphasize the fact that the plants had been for centuries under cultivation, and to question whether the modifications that could be effected in a single generation would have any practical significance. So it seemed to most people who knew of my enterprise that it was a half-mad project and one that was foredoomed to failure. Of course I had only enthusiasm, backed by [74] a-* LUTHER BURBANK the tentative results of early experiments in Mas- sachusetts, to offer in response to such criticisms. So it seemed best to trust to my own resources, so far as possible, and prove my case according to my own method. I would not be understood, however, as saying that my brothers did not give me friendly co-op- eration. On the contrary they were, as suggested, ready to extend a helping hand, and their aid was sought at the outset in the matter of the propaga- tion of the Burbank potato, the ten tubers of which constituted, in my judgment, my most important tangible asset. The ten potatoes were planted on my brother's place; and the entire product of the first season was saved and planted, so that by the end of the second season the stock of potatoes was large enough to offer for sale. The sale of the Burbank potato helped out a little, but did not at first bring a large return. Not- withstanding the very obvious merits of this potato, time was required to educate people to appreciate it. They were accustomed to a red potato, and a white one, even though larger, smoother, and more productive, did not seem at first a suitable substitute. But in the course of time the Burbank potato made its way, as has else- where been related, until it became the leading [76] » s£asj«i§5- =;• LUTHER BURBANK potato of the Pacific Coast. Long before this, however, I had ceased to grow the potato. It was only during the first few years, before its cultiva- tion became general, that I could profitably grow it for seed purposes. For the rest, I began my nursery business at Santa Rosa by raising such fruits and vegetables as gave promise of being immediately acceptable to the people of the vicinity. At that time the pos- sibilities of California as a fruit center were for the most part vaguely realized, and it was first necessary to educate the Californians themselves to a recognition of the fact that in the soil and climate of their state were the potentialities of greater wealth than had ever been stored in the now almost depleted gold mines. Once that lesson had been learned, there would be no great difficulty about disposing of the fruit, for the railways either built or projected insured facilities for transportation. As to the latter point, however, the conditions were very different from what they now are. The refrigerator car had not come into vogue, and the possibility of transporting fresh fruits across the continent at a reasonable cost seemed remote. So it was natural that such fruits as the prune and the olive were the ones that chiefly attracted at- tention. Their product could be transported any- [78] S! LUTHER BURBANK where, and there was an established market that was practically inexhaustible. But, as already intimated, the region about Santa Rosa at the time of my coming was pre- eminently a wheat country, and the farmers in general were far more interested in cereals than in fruit of any kind. It was only after the wheat crops began to fail, through exhaustion of the soil for the special nutrients that this cereal demands, that the thoughts of the farming population in general could be directed toward fruit culture. It is necessary to make this explanation because nowadays everyone thinks of California as pre-eminently a fruit country; and so it would not be obvious, without this elucidation, why one could not start in the nursery business at Santa Rosa, in the year 1876, and hope for immediate patronage and a reasonable return for his labors. But even if the market had been more certain, it would doubtless have been difficult for me to get a start, because fruit trees cannot be brought to a condition of bearing, or even to a stage where cions for grafting are available, in a few weeks. And I had neither capital nor credit, being vir- tually a stranger in a strange land. So it was necessary for me to continue to gain a livelihood by working at carpentry, in which vocation I had now established a sufficient repu- [80] Bi 1^*8 § :!|llli I ' « * w. *. r?-. _ 3 ^ 2 O 8 ^ * i' LUTHER BURBANK tation to insure me pretty steady work. But every cent that I could earn, beyond the barest cost of maintenance, was put into stock for my prospec- tive nursery; and, as has been said, the evening hours after the day's work with the hammer was over were devoted to the culture of seedlings. The tedious and almost disheartening char- acter of the task of establishing myself as a prac- tical nurseryman at Santa Rosa may perhaps be illustrated about as tangibly as otherwise could be done by the citation of memoranda from old account books, which show that the total sales of nursery products in 1877, the first year that my nursery was supposed to be in operation, amounted to just $15.20. The products that brought this munificent return are listed as "Nurs- ery stock and ornamental and flowering plants." The following year, 1878, the total return from the nursery sales was $84. The third year the sales amounted to $353.28. The fourth year they came to $702. And it was not until 1881, when the nursery had been fo** five years in operation, that the aggregate returns from the sale of its products of all descriptions passed the thousand dollar mark. The specific figure, in 1881, was $1,112.69. The figures thus baldly presented tell their own story. They show that the nursery business in [82] i ? Il|*!l = ^l|8 1 4!iilfill? ° LUTHER BURBANK California thirty-five years ago was in far differ- ent condition from what it is to-day. And it does not require much imagination to connect with the figures a story of hardship and privation, and of unrewarded effort, that spelled discouragement for the would-be plant developer. Yet, on the other hand, the figures are sus- ceptible of a more cheerful interpretation. If we regard percentages, instead of aggregate dollars, it will at once be manifest that the record shows steady progress with a cumulative tendency. Eleven hundred dollars is not a large return for the output of a nursery, but it is a relatively tre- mendous advance on $15. And when I add that the return for the succeeding year went forward again by about 300 per cent., it will be clear that my efforts were fast gaining recognition, and that the foundations were being laid for a thoroughly successful nursery business. Not to dwell exclusively on the darker side of the picture, let me say that within ten years the quality of the trees and the reliability of the stock in general of the Burbank Nursery had become so widely known that I was selling more than $16,000 worth of stock per year. In the light of this ultimate prosperity, the privations of the ear- lier years may very well be minimized, even though they cannot quite be forgotten. [84] LUTHER BURBANK There are many incidents of that early period of probation, when I was struggling to establish myself as a nurseryman, in order that ultimately I might take up my scheme for plant development on a large scale, that would have a measure of interest and would not be without importance in their bearing on my later work. But I content myself with the narration of a single incident, partly because it has to do with an event that was at the time of momentous importance to me, inas- much as it gave me a much needed monetary return, and at the same time served to advertise my work; and partly because it illustrates in detail the possibility of rapidly laying the founda- tions for an orchard, and hence may be of value to some would-be plant experimenters. TWENTY THOUSAND PRUNE SEEDLINGS The incident in question has to do with the production of twenty thousand prune trees, well rooted and ready to transplant for permanent location in an orchard, in a single season. It was in the fourth year of my attempt at the development of a nursery business at Santa Rosa —that is to say, in the season of 1881 — that I pro- duced the twenty thousand prune trees in response to a "hurry order," and in so doing fortified a rep- utation for reliability and resourcefulness that my earlier work had begun to establish. [86] LUTHER BURBANK The order for twenty thousand prunes was given by Mr. Warren Button, a wealthy merchant and banker of Petaluma, and later of San Fran- cisco, who had conceived a sudden interest in prune-growing and wished to undertake it on a large scale wtih the least possible delay. Mr. But- ton had seen something of my work, and he came to me in March, 1881, and asked if I could furnish him twenty thousand prune trees ready to set out the coming fall. At first thought I was disposed to answer that no one on earth could furnish twenty thousand fruit trees on an order given in March for deliv- ery in the fall of the same year. But, after think- ing the matter over for a few minutes, I decided that the project was not quite so hopeless as it seemed. If almond seedlings were used for stock, and prune buds June-budded on these stocks, the thing might be accomplished. Mr. Button agreed to furnish what financial aid was needed during the summer to pay for help and to purchase the required number of almonds for planting. So the bargain was closed, and I entered on the task with enthusiasm. What made the project seem feasible was the knowledge of the fact that almonds, under proper conditions, sprout almost at once like corn, unlike nearly all [88] fi HIII c 15 ~| s* I o c c o- c5 w S, LUTHER BURBANK other stone fruits. I estimated that if almonds were secured at once, and bedded in coarse sand for sprouting, they would furnish seedlings that could be planted in nursery rows in time for June budding. There was no difficulty about securing the almonds for planting, so the enterprise was almost instantly under way. In addition to the two acres of land which were then available in my nursery, I rented five additional acres; and a large number of men were engaged to plant the almonds in nursery rows as soon as they began to sprout. The almonds were spread on a well-drained bed of creek-sand and covered with coarse burlap cloth, which in turn was covered with a layer of sand about an inch in depth. In this way we could examine the almonds without any trouble, by lift- ing one end of the cloth. The seeds commenced to sprout in less than fourteen days. Those which sprouted were care- fully removed and planted in the nursery rows; the others were covered again, and each day more and more would be found sprouting. The almonds were planted about four inches apart in the rows, the rows about four feet apart, on a piece of land adjoining the creek — a plot now covered with fine residences, and known as "Ludwig's Addition". [90] LUTHER BURBANK They began showing growth above ground in a short time, and the ground was very carefully cultivated. By the time the buds in my prune orchard were ready for grafting, the young almond-trees were also ready. Toward the last of June, and in July and August, a large force of budders were employed in placing the French prune buds on the almond-stalks. After about ten days, when the buds had thor- oughly united with the stalk, the tops of the young trees were broken over about eight inches from the ground; great care being exercised not to break them entirely off, but only to break the top down and still keep it alive. If the top is broken or cut entirely off, the young trees are about certain to die. This is a mistake which many nurserymen make in trying to grow June buds, but by bending the tops over and leaving them on, none of the trees die, and the buds start much better than by any other plan. Soon the young prune buds began to burst forth. These were carefully tied up alongside the stalk, and when they were a foot or more in height the old almond top was wholly cut away. By December first, about 19,500 of the trees were ready for the planter; the others were fur- nished the next season. [92] ON EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA Mr. Dutton was greatly pleased, as he had been told by all other nurserymen that it was impos- sible to produce trees in eight months, and he was very anxious to get a prune orchard at once. By systematic and energetic work we were able to meet his exceptional needs. Never before or since, I believe, was a 200-acre orchard developed in a single season. SUCCESS AT LAST As suggested, the feat of producing the twenty thousand prunes served to advertise my work locally. Meantime the reputation for dependable- ness of the Santa Rosa nursery products had been greatly extending, in a very modest way to be sure, yet with cumulative effect. Also the general knowledge that prunes con- stituted a profitable crop was spreading, and about this time the demand for prune trees became very great. Naturally my reputation as a producer of prune stock was enhanced by the demonstration given with the twenty thousand young trees. Prunes that had been grown in smaller lots gave equal satisfaction to purchasers in various regions. Great pains had been taken that no tree should leave my nursery that was not exactly true to name, and in all respects precisely as represented. And now I began to reap the benefits of the repu- tation thus established. [93] 14 § § ON EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA Year by year the reputation of the Burbank Nursery spread, until people were coming from a hundred miles or more away, and the number of would-be purchasers was so great that sometimes there was quite a crowd of them in my dooryard waiting their turn. The quest of prune trees became such a hobby that it came to be the current jest when anyone was asked for to respond: "Well, if you do not find him in town, you will probably find him at Burbank's Nursery waiting for some trees." In course of time more land was needed, so I purchased the four-acre place in the very heart of Santa Rosa which was in future to be my home and the seat of many of my most important experiments. This place, which has since become so well- known, was then a neglected, run-down plot which had been on the market for many years. The land was about as poor as could be found. Many attempts had been made to cultivate it, but a crop had not been grown upon it for a long time. Such a plot of land did not seem to offer great inducements for a nurseryman. But I had a plan in mind that I thought would transform it. My first move was to place tiles under the whole tract at a depth of four feet, thus draining the land which had at one time been the bottom [95] LUTHER BURBANK of a pond. At the same time the ground was care- fully graded. Then, as manure was cheap near by, I had 1,800 loads of it put on the four acres. The manure was spread so thickly that it was impossible to plow it under without the aid of several men, who followed the plow and pitched the manure into furrows as the plowing proceeded. Further details as to the method of tillage and the preparation of the soil have been given in an earlier chapter and need not be repeated here. But I advert to the subject because I wish to emphasize the possibility of transforming very poor land into land of exceptional fertility. The would-be plant developer who has small financial resources may take a lesson from this experience, and let ingenuity take the place of money. To what extent intelligent manipulation of land may be rewarded is illustrated in the immediate sequel. For in the spring following the season in which the new land was tiled and fertilized, it was planted to fruit trees, and the year following enough nursery stock was sold from half the land to pay for the entire place and all the improve- ments that had been made. So I had a four-acre plot of the finest land, located near the business center of Santa Rosa, that had been paid for with ingenuity and knowl- edge without making any drain on my purse. [96] 5~ So 5** 53 ?3 5 a * a2^n3^S2goa,3;;"»E: '"a !**« 8 —§•» S **8 **- tra UfeSwntf;1*?'* ^•llSmlldK1*" ^i LUTHER BURBANK This same plot of land, modified in places by treating with sand to make it suitable for raising bulbs, has doubtless grown a greater number of varieties of plants from regions near and remote than were ever elsewhere grown on any four acres of the earth's surface. THE LONG-DEFERRED PROJECT By about the year 1884, then, I was thoroughly established with a nursery business that gave me a sure income of ten thousand dollars or more per year, and nothing more was required than to con- tinue along the lines of my established work to insure a life of relative ease and financial prosperity. But nothing was farther from my thoughts than the permanent following of the routine business of the nurseryman. At no stage of the work in California had I given up the expectation of devot- ing the best years of my life to plant experimen- tation and the development of new races of use- ful fruits and vegetables, and of beautiful flowers. And now the time seemed to have arrived when the long-deferred project could be put into execution. So from the very hour when my nursery busi- ness had come to be fully established I began laying plans for giving it up. The practical work in the nursery itself had, [98] ON EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA of course, furnished a most valuable schooling. I had learned the technique of growing seedlings, and grafting, and the general routine of practical plant culture. And this obviously was knowledge of a kind that would be of inestimable importance when I came to deal with rare exotics and with new forms of plant life. The practical knowledge of how best to nurse a tender seedling has had its full share in the furtherance of the successes of later years. Meantime, I had gained a comprehensive knowledge of the native plants of California, through having collected their seeds and bulbs for Eastern and foreign seedsmen. At about this time there was an interest in the native plants of California, and many nurserymen were anxious to give them a trial. During those years when my own nursery business was only formative I eked out an income — in intervals of carpenter work — by gathering seeds and bulbs on orders from various Eastern and foreign firms. In the course of this work I made various trips to the surrounding territory. On two occasions, in 1880 and in 1881, 1 visited the region of the geysers, which was found to be a productive locality for new material. And everywhere I went careful study was made of the vegetation, both with an eye to the immediate collection of seeds and bulbs, [99] ON EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA and for future reference in connection with the projected work. The knowledge thus gained served well in later years in suggesting material for hybridizing experiments. Moreover, the work of collecting, preserving, and shipping seeds, plants, and bulbs taught prac- tical lessons that were of infinite importance later in the instruction of my own collectors in foreign lands, who gathered the materials that had so large a share in the production of new plant forms that finally appeared in my experiment gardens. I should have loved dearly to extend the botanizing explorations to still wider territories, and after my nursery business had come to be fully established, about the year 1884, it would have been quite feasible to do so. The work was so organized that it might readily have been left to assistants for periods of a year or more, during which I could have trav- eled all over the world and observed for myself the plant products that seemed to invite importa- tion. But to have done this would have been to break in on the plan of the projected life work that had already been to some extent interrupted for a period of about eight years, during which I had found it impossible to carry out new experi- [101] LUTHER BURBANK ments, except on a limited scale, and in intervals of arduous practical duties. Longer delay was not to be thought of. I was eager to take up the pro- jected work, and it was not deferred for a season longer than was absolutely necessary. Even before I could see my way to the aban- donment of the practical work of the nurseryman, projects were in hand that were preparing the way for the new activities. In particular, I had sent to Japan to secure seeds and cuttings of a great variety of fruits. It seemed certain that I could better afford to hire collectors in foreign lands to secure material than to go to foreign lands in per- son in quest of it. The first consignment of Japanese seeds and seedlings reached me November 5, 1884. In prep- aration for their coming I had purchased the Dimmick place and prepared my experiment grounds a few months earlier. And when the consignment was in hand, with the representatives of exotic species of fruits, I felt that a new era had begun for me, and that the long frustrated plans were about to find realization. The following year, so well had the nursery business prospered, I was able to purchase a farm at Sebastopol, seven miles away from Santa Rosa, where the conditions were more favorable for the growing of some types of plants. [102] •§§ Is5 Is •a-SS**- |« 3ils*M5 5lirm S3a^*?*t'J5«1S§lia5>51S:S.sS;" ^g :a&w:i^°83 a3 ll%^?5oC •^^l-^Sgs^l^Si los."?50 |£I^ § 3 g.§^ »fi I S3? 5 5^ al§^ls-g § § LUTHER BURBANK The second consignment from Japan, including the plum, whose story has elsewhere been told in detail, came Dec. 20, 1885. The place at Sehastopol where they were to be planted and nurtured was purchased eight days later. And with this pur- chase the project of devoting a lifetime to the work of plant experimentation was fairly and finally inaugurated. For the Sebastopol place, with its eighteen acres, was not purchased for use as a practical nursery, but solely as an experiment garden. With the development of the Sebastopol place, a new phase of lifework began. Thenceforward my time was divided between the experiment garden at Santa Rosa and that at Sebastopol, and upon one place or the other all my experiments in plant development were to be performed. An interest in the nursery business was re- tained for two or three years more, to give money to carry out the initial stages of the new experi- ments; for of course it could not be expected that new varieties of fruits and flowers would spring into existence in a single season. Nor could in- stant purchasers be found for them if they had been thus magically produced. But from the time when the place at Sebastopol was purchased, the die was cast, and it was determined in future my [104] ON EARLY YEARS IN SANTA ROSA energies were to be devoted to the work of plant development — the work that had been projected, and at which a beginning had been made back in Massachusetts, and the hope of continuing which had been the incentive to persistent efforts during the period of stress and privation. — An inventory of my belong- ings on my arrival in California would have shown very little excepting clothing, books, gar- den seeds and ten Burbank potatoes that Mr. Gregory had allowed me to keep when he purchased that vegetable. Luther Burbank at the Age of Fifty Thanks to good heredity, abstemious habits, and out of door living, Mr. Burbank was a young man at. fifty, as this pic- ture will testify. Although seemingly of rather delicate physique, he has always enjoyed a large measure of good health, and his supply of working energy is unlimited. LUTHER BURBANK-HIS PATIENCE REWARDED THE PERIOD OF GREAT ACHIEVEMENT THE purchase of the farm at Sebastapol was made, as recorded in the preceding chap- ter, on the 28th of December, 1885. As this was to be the important testing ground for the chief companies of my trees and flowers, it may perhaps be of interest to describe somewhat in detail the farm itself and its topographical sur- roundings. In particular an idea should be given of the indigenous flora of the region, because many of the wild species were utilized in experiments of great interest and sometimes of importance. The picture thus presented of the environment of the work will serve, perhaps, to give a clearer understanding of some of its details. The plot of land at Sebastopol was known at the time of its purchase as the Gold Ridge farm, and that name has been retained, although the place has usually been referred to in the preceding [VOLUME XII— CHAPTER III] LUTHER BURBANK pages merely as the experiment farm at Sebastopol. The farm has a gradual and gentle slope toward the Santa Rosa valley. It is undulating in con- tour, and its chief slopes face the east. The soil is sandy, no doubt part of one of many great sand dunes piled up by the waves of the Pacific Ocean and the winds in past ages. On this place there is a great variety of soils and of degrees of moisture. Some parts of the land are so moist that the water seeps up to the surface throughout the season, and the remainder is so loose and friable that moisture may be found all through the summer even six months after any rain has fallen upon it. NATIVE PLANTS At the time the place was purchased about two- thirds of it was covered with white and tan oaks, the native Douglas spruce, manzanita, cascara sagrada, hazel and madrona, while beneath the trees grew brodiaeas, calochortus, cynoglossum, wild peas, fritillarias, orchids, sisyrinchiums — yel- low and blue — and numerous other wild plants and shrubs. During the first few years following the clear- ing away of this forest many species of clover wholly new to me made their appearance, prob- ably in all nearly or quite twenty species. There [108] « 2 g^Spa sifi if ii§ LUTHER BURBANK was also an abundance of alfilaria — Erodium moschatum — a Chilean plant, belonging to the geranium family. This and the clovers growing in the winter made a splendid crop to turn under in the spring, thus adding to the soil much nitro- gen— among the most expensive of all fertilizing materials. Later, five acres were added on one side of this place, and again three acres on another — of very similar soil — making now eighteen acres closely covered with numerous species of plants and trees used in the various experiments. This farm is one of the most sightly places in the vicinity. In the middle foreground lies the broad Santa Rosa Valley with the city of Santa Rosa in the distance; and almost under one's feet is Sebastopol. Mount Saint Helena looms up grandly in the east some thirty miles away, more than four thousand feet in altitude. Most of the hills and mountains of the region are wooded with Douglas spruce, various oaks, madronas, and man- zanitas. Along the streams, through the valley, grow Oregon maples, alders, ash, willows, and hawthorns. Looking over the Valley of Santa Rosa one sees one of the most prosperous communities any- where to be found. In the early spring, great apple and prune orchards lighten the valley with [110] ON THE REWARDS OF PATIENCE a sheet of bloom; and later, fields of hops here and there, with the vineyards along the foothills, make a most enchanting view. The floor of the valley is like one great park dotted here and there with giant oaks, each one of a different form; here, perhaps, a hundred in a cluster, there a half dozen, artistically grouped as if by a landscape gardener. These are mostly white oak— though in some parts of the valley there are numerous patches of the black oak — and along the streams the mountain live oak. In the distant hills north and east are a great variety of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs among the most common of which are the following Conifers: the digger pine, sugar pine, the yellow pine, the knob-cone pine, Coast red- wood, incense cedar, MacNab cypress, Goven cypress, and nutmeg pine. Some of the other evergreen and deciduous trees growing in this immediate vicinity are : Ore- gon maple, box elder, Oregon ash, California buck- eye, white alder, red alder, tan-bark oak, white oak, Pacific post oak, black oak, blue oak, maul oak, mountain live oak, tree elder, bush elder, cottonwood, bayberry, madrona, golden chestnut, Coast manzanita, and common manzanita. There are ornamental shrubs in profusion; among others, the rose bay, Azalea, June berry, [in] Watsonias at Sebastopol At Sebastopol there is opportunity for flower beds on a somewhat more expensive scale than at Santa Rosa, as this picture suggests. But we find the same indiscriminate mixture of plant tribes, — in this case beds of Watsonias lying alongside a group of orchard trees. ON THE REWARDS OF PATIENCE Judas tree, thornapple, western sweet-scented shrub, California lilac, shrubby lilac, Coast lilac, mahala mats (trailing or creeping lilac), buck- thorn, cascara, flowering dog-wood, common dog- wood, choke cherry, meadow-sweet, wild apple, burning bush, poison oak, hazel, black willow, creek willow, velvet willow, snow-berry, oso berry, chamissal, and salal. Of vines and bearers of small fruit or of hand- some flowers there are the wild grape, Oregon grape, mahonia, huckleberry, bilberry, low goose- berry, straggly gooseberry, canon gooseberry, flow- ering currant, compact flowering currant, tree poppy, modest shrub, Labrador tea, redwood rose, California rose, Sonoma rose, silk-tassel tree, bear brush, yerba santa, bush monkey flower, mistletoe, Dutchman's pipe, salmon berry, raspberry and thimble berry. These glimpses of the indigenous flora of the immediate vicinity of the new experiment farm will serve to give an idea of the abundance of interesting native material, for the most part hith- erto quite untouched by the plant experimenter, that awaited investigation. ANTICIPATIONS Had I felt at liberty to follow my own inclina- tions, paying no heed to the question of practical monetary returns, I could have found abundant [113] LUTHER BURBANK material for the investigations of a lifetime with- out going outside the bounds of the Gold Ridge Farm itself. My own tastes would have led me to devote the major part of the time to the investigation of flow- ering plants and the development of flowers hav- ing hitherto unrevealed qualities of form and color and odor. But it was obvious that one could not hope to make a living in this way. I knew that in order to have even a fair prospect of securing a monetary return that would enable me to keep up my work, once the nursery was abandoned, it would be necessary to produce marketable fruits. In this field alone could one hope to find a ready sale for new plant developments, however striking or interesting from a scientific standpoint the results of experiments in other lines might prove. And of course the indigenous wildings of the immediate environment offered only scant mate- rial for the immediate production of new fruits of practical value. As a matter of course one must depend for material largely on the orchard fruits already under cultivation. These had been edu- cated for countless generations. Doubtless most horticulturists regarded them as perfected beyond hope of conspicuous further development. But in my view what had been done with these fruits [114] q-3 -n o c a c;o » >l?!l''f|li % i r*. Co f* ? _ £3 CL ^ ^^, ^» !•§ S LUTHER BURBANK might better be regarded as a proof of their ca- pacity for further education. In particular, I hoped, with the new material then being gathered from foreign countries, to be able to undertake hybridizing experiments that might reasonably be expected to produce alto- gether novel results. How fully this expectation was justified, the reader is already aware. But it should be recalled that the things which now seem axiomatic because they have been accomplished had quite a different aspect from the standpoint of the year 1885. Hybridizations that have now been shown to be ready of accomplishment were then regarded as quite impossible by all horticulturists who gave the matter a thought. Indeed, as has been pointed out, the general attitude among botanists and horticulturists every- where was one of profound skepticism as to the possibility of developing modified races by hybrid- izations, or, indeed, by any means whatever within limited periods of time. My own faith in the possibility of developing new races through crossing and selection had never faltered, however, since my earlier studies had given a clear view of the range of variation of plants both under natural conditions and under cultivation. And it may be taken as adequate [116] ON THE REWARDS OF PATIENCE proof of confidence that I purchased experiment farms and sent far and wide for hybridizing mate- rial at the very earliest moment when my financial condition made such action possible. Nor should it be understood that I had by any means entirely neglected experimental tests during the period of my nursery experience. On the con- trary, I had at all stages of this experience devoted as much time as I could spare to tests in cross- fertilizing and in selection among the various nurs- ery products. These had served to give an expert knowledge of the results that might be expected from plant improvement. Moreover, tentative results had been attained that gave support to the most sanguine expecta- tions. ORCHARD AND GARDEN MATERIALS Indeed, it was largely as the result of these experiments in selection that my nursery orchards had come to be of such quality as to command the attention of an ever widening circle of fruit growers. I dealt with a very wide range of fruit-bearing and flowering plants, and although no new plants had been produced that could be compared with those of a later period, my nursery had been stocked with the very best existing varieties of forty or fifty different groups of fruits and flowers, [117] %) I'll its :- «c t* I 1*4 ON THE REWARDS OF PATIENCE and all had been submitted to careful compara- tive tests until those that remained were of excep- tional quality, and thousands of new productions were under way that were undeveloped. The nursery catalog issued in 1887 — the year before I sold my nursery preparatory to devoting my entire time to the experiment gardens then in an advanced stage of preparation — comprises 24 pages, and preserves the list of the exceptional varieties of horticultural plants that had been se- lected and developed and supplied the material for continuance and extension of the experiments on a larger scale on the test ground at Sebastopol. Here were orchard fruits in great variety; small fruits of the choicest types; nuts of several species, including chestnut, walnut, and pecan; garden vegetables, including asparagus and rhubarb; a long list of deciduous ornamental trees and shrubs, and an even longer list of evergreens; vines and trailing shrubs in interesting variety; and elab- orate series of roses, hedge-plants, bulbous plants, and bedding plants in general. All these had been collected and selected and prepared for this very purpose. With such materials at hand, it was obviously possible to continue the work of developing new varieties on an expansive scale so soon as the grounds were ready. Moreover, as we have [119] LUTHER BURBANK (already seen, shipments of plants from Japan began to be received even before the Sebastopol farm was purchased. MATERIAL FROM ABROAD The year following the purchase of the farm, grafts of twelve varieties of New Zealand apples were imported. And from this time forward I was constantly in receipt of shipments of seeds or bulbs or cions of rare or interesting plants from all regions of the world. Association was established with foreign col- lectors who made a business of securing plants. And as the work became known in the course of succeeding years, amateur collectors everywhere were kind enough to send me materials, so that the experiment gardens became a testing ground for seeds of many thousands of species that doubtless had never before been grown in America. Much of this is already known to the reader of the early chapters of this work, but the facts are emphasized anew because an understanding of them is essential to the comprehension of the work that was being carried forward. The very essence of the new method was to bring together, through hybridization, plant strains that had been long separated, making possible the recombination of hereditary factors in such a way as to bring out submerged racial traits. [120] fey* Days of Preparation at Sebastopol Here the ground has been carefully prepared, and the seeds planted in the straightest possible rows. Note the label- stakes to indicate different varieties. Note also the length of the rows, in contrast with the more compact flower beds of the Santa Rosa garden. LUTHER BURBANK Obviously such an attempt requires the co- operation of collectors living in widely separated regions. I wish to pay especial tribute to the faith- ful service that has been rendered both by pro- fessional collectors and by amateurs who knew me by reputation only and who had no thought of reward beyond the satisfaction of aiding in a work calculated to benefit humanity at large. Through these collectors I have frequently obtained wild plants the economic value of which had never been suspected, and which might other- wise have remained unknown, which, when com- bined with plants already in hand proved of ines- timable value in the development of new varieties of great scientific interest or of practical import- ance. Often a certain line of experiment has been carried to the point where further progress seemed impossible unless the plant under cultivation could be effectively crossed with some new closely re- lated species. And, curiously enough, just when a new plant was needed — be it plum or blackberry or solanum or poppy or walnut — it seemed always to come from some thoughtful, perhaps unknown collector living in an out of the way part of the world, who appeared to have known by intuition just what were the needs of the moment. This occurred so often that it came to be a mat- [122] ON THE REWARDS OF PATIENCE ter almost of expectation, and so constant and so varied have been the contributions of willing helpers that these expectations have seldom been disappointed. Among my regular collectors residing in places that have not hitherto been thoroughly botanized, I must name in particular my highly esteemed friend, Senor Jose D. Husbands of Chile, who has sent me almost numberless new species for trial from the southern half of South America. For me Senor Husbands has scaled forbidding mountain peaks, waded rivers, visited islands, traveled through wild arid deserts, even risking his life among barbaric natives who have never been subdued and who do not always give the traveler hospitable welcome. The value of the materials that thus have been secured would be beyond estimate. METHODS AND OBJECTS SOUGHT To give details as to the methods by which I sought to blend the qualities of the plants that furnished material for the new investigations when the experiment gardens were fairly in opera- tion, would be to repeat what has been fully told in earlier volumes of this work. The record of the results of these experiments makes up the main bulk of all these volumes. So it obviously is not desirable that I should attempt [123] K •£ *a mi-iM rfgfstsiJNs ^ 6 fc 2 ai C. n> gffST^aas^as^. Mrlsgel S3*H ^ s-o*1^ S:S<* S-S.-3 K. 3§g""*2$S§S!p tr> J» <i4Iv&|f ^s.^^g^g tai22. S ^ E=>3~?5 ?S a &S2 a if' s>S-S"-»s£°s* *. ^ i^H|«lil|I K 5 5 * £• 5 O »U«I«K a ft E*! o P« « .sgssasrff '^. 5 a a s* g d 5 st s-SS «. ;* s2 ^*~* ^S^^fcC £ " e 2 R . gQ o a 0-2° 52^*- 13 .§°a^ iJQjH^Tt^jP?**^*^ So.'ococjotoi^ ON THE REWARDS QF PATIENCE the point of view, we may say that the principle of selection is the same in each case. And we are justified, I suppose, in saying that the experiments in artificial selection made on my experiment farms during the period under review, constitute the most elaborate series of experi- mental proofs of the truth of the Darwinian doc- trine of Natural Selection that have ever been brought forward. Such experiments in hybridizing and selection as were part of the every-day work at Santa Rosa and Sebastopol, season after season, involving thousands of species, had been performed else- where only in isolated cases and by rare excep- tion. Nowhere else had such a work been under- taken on a comprehensive scale even with a few species of plants. The application of the method to thousands of species, involving countless myriads of individ- uals, was an absolute novelty. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS The results of the work in their bearings on scientific theory may be briefly summarized. These experiments demonstrated that the bar- riers between natural species are much more fragile than had been almost universally supposed. They showed that not only may we produce fertile hybrids between a very large number of [133] LUTHER BURBANK related species of plants, but that equally fertile hybrids may be produced by the union of a good many species that are so widely separated as to be classified in different genera. They showed that the first-generation hybrids may resemble one parent or the other pretty closely or may show a blending of qualities; and that in the second generation, with rare excep- tions, there is a segregation and recombination of the racial qualities of the original parent species, in which the extreme forms will more or less closely duplicate one parent or the other, and the intermediate forms may show almost every con- ceivable gradation between the two. They showed, further, that it is possible by selecting among the second-generation hybrids the individuals that show any desired combination of qualities, to develop, in the course of a few gen- erations of inbreeding, races in which this com- bination of qualities is so accentuated and fixed as to constitute a distinguishing characteristic of a new variety quite unlike the original forms. Moreover, the later-generation hybrids might reveal racial traits that were not observable in either of the parent species. The segregation and redistribution of charac- ters often gave opportunity for the appearance of qualities that have long been submerged. [134] ^J*SH O 5 <* ilsfl a1 1«» 3 « i |. « «- 8 f &• O t) ** >>j £*• i^* :? I - § 81 I LUTHER BURBANK As a tangible illustration, hybrids in the first generation may show an enhanced capacity for growth, and the later generation hybrids may be graded from groups of dwarfs at one end of the scale to giants at the other. A corresponding gradation may be shown in regard to other quali- ties, such as color of flower, character of leaf, flavor of fruit, productivity, resistance to disease- in a word as to all the varied properties that go to make up the personality — if the expression be permitted — of a plant. Many of these things are so well recognized to- day that they seem mere matters of fact, quite beyond challenge. But they were matters of very ardent challenge in the day when they were first being demonstrated in the experiment gardens at Santa Rosa and Sebastopol. When the first official announcements of this work were sent forth, through publication of the brochure called New Creations in Fruits and Flow- ers in June, 1893, the measure of the novelty of the announcements may be gauged by the popular interest aroused on one hand and by the outspoken incredulity of the botanical and horticultural worlds in general, save only the individual ex- perts who had previously visited my grounds and seen for themselves the truth of the matters that were now given publicity. [136] ON THE REWARDS OF PATIENCE It will serve to give an outline of the progress of the work if we briefly summarize the contents of the successive catalogs in which the new devel- opments were publicly reported. NEW DEVELOPMENTS ANNOUNCED IN 1893 The first of these, as already noted, appeared in June, 1893, under title of New Creations in Fruits and Flowers. The subsequent ones were regarded as supplements to the original publication. By running over the contents of these supplements of successive years, an impression is gained of the sequence in which the more important plant de- velopments were brought to a stage of improve- ment that justified their introduction. But of course it must not be inferred that the different experiments had been taken up in the precise sequence in which their successful results were announced. Some lines of investigation require far more time than others; there are experiments still awaiting announcement that were begun at the very outset of my experimental work. Nevertheless the successive announcements may be taken as at least giving a general view of the progress of the work; so we may briefly sum- marize the contents of the original publication and of the earlier Supplements to which chief interest attaches because of the entire novelty of the prod- ucts they present. [137] ^ISS&lll&fl*1!!! ** ® 5 a ?!Bol3'*-*><5c:*'t3 ii iir^1!!!!! Ilif 1 1 ^fiiilitif !!*| Go *« *9'*32^*>c'w5'>i^^ ~*i JN^S .^.S fti'ciHCsa^ fc«;> c« »^ ^^t,«w ^i «*^i f-XsCrfi-eBp^.^r e«^9 rs "^ ON THE REWARDS OF PATIENCE In a later chapter we shall take up the theo- retical bearings of the new work. Here we are concerned for the most part with a bald recital of the names of the more important new varieties of plant life, presented somewhat in the order of their introduction. Even as to these, nothing like a complete list will be given, for the minor im- provements of plant life, large numbers of which have been referred to in the course of this work, do not call for special reference here. Even the recital of the names that cannot well be overlooked may carry us to rather tiresome lengths. The new varieties of hybrid plants announced in the publication of 1893 are listed in 18 suc- cessive groups as follows : (1) Hybrid Walnuts, including the forms afterward named the Paradox and the Royal. The pedigrees of the two hybrids are given, one being a cross between the California and the Persian walnut and the other between the black walnut of the East and the California black walnut; but the distinctive names were given later. (2) A new Japanese Mammoth Chestnut. The origin of this chestnut is given, and it is stated that the one offered is "the best one of more than ten thousand seedlings, a tree which every season bears all it can hold of fat, glossy nuts of the very [139] LUTHER BURBANK largest size and as sweet as the American chest- nut." (3) Two Quinces named respectively the Van Deman and Santa Rosa, the former named in honor of the Chief of the Pomological Department of the Department of Agriculture, who had par- ticularly admired it. A new Japan quince named Alpha and a new flowering quince named Dazzle. (4) Plums and Prunes. These comprised ten new varieties of hybrids, for the most part bearing numbers only, but including the Golden, the Dela- ware, the Shipper, and the plums that afterward were famous as the Wickson and America; also the Giant and Splendor prunes. (5) Hybrid and crossbred Berries. Here there are 19 new varieties, including the Japanese Golden Mayberry, the Primus berry, the berry afterward named Phenomenal, the Paradox, the Autumn Giant, and Eureka. The strange raspberry-straw- berry hybrids are also described and pictured, although not offered for sale. (6) Seedling Roses and rose hybrids. There are five named or numbered varieties in this list, including the Peachblow and the one afterward known as Santa Rosa. A number of Rugosa hy- brids are listed in addition, one of them being mentioned as having received a medal from the California State Floral Society. [140] US ! liljJillsi! 1 ? 1 s® s C LUTHER BURBANK • (7) New Callas. These included the varie- gated Little Gem, the Snow Flake, the Giant Galla, and the Golden variegated Richardia albo maca- lata, it being recorded of the first-named that it was selected from eighteen thousand seedlings, and of the last named that it was the single selec- tion among hundreds of thousands of bulbs of the spotted-leaved Calla that had been raised from seed on my grounds. (8) Hybrid Lilies. Only two specified varieties are offered under individual numbers, one being the large-flowering Lilium pardalinum afterward known as Fragrance, and the other a dwarf form — growing only ten inches high and producing from 20 to 40 blossoms on each of the short stalks — which afterwards bore the name of Glow. But the names of 42 species and varieties were given as only a partial list of the lilies that had been combined in the hybrid seedlings which even at that time made up an extraordinary colony in the experiment garden. It was stated that some of the older hybrids and seedlings were represented by as many as a thou- sand bulbs each; that half a million kinds were yet to unfold their petals for the first time; and that we were still planting from one to three pounds of hybridized lily seed every season. So the varieties actually announced were only [142] Mr. Bur bank's Porch Even the flowers that grow beside Mr. Burbank's house are always undergoing observation and being tested as to their capacity for further education. So pictures taken in different seasons do not have the same appearance. At the moment, this beautiful rose has the place of honor as the dec- oration selected for Mr. Burbank's porch. LUTHER BURBANK the forerunners of a vast company of which more would be heard in later years. (9) New varieties of Gladiolus. It was stated that six of the best forms of this flower, from among a million or more seedlings raised during the ten years preceding, had been introduced four years earlier, one of these being the first double gladiolus and the first of a type in which the flowers are closely arranged all around the spike, like a hyacinth. In the catalog ten interesting forms were listed and succinctly described, among others a white form with very large flowers, sev- eral dwarfs with curious stripes and markings, and sundry double forms. (10) Hybrid Clematis. Six new forms were named, including a double variety, with broad snow-white petals, the flowers five to six inches in diameter, that blooms almost constantly through- out spring, summer, and fall. Another variety was said to resemble a white water-lily, and it was said of the group that "No hardy flower except the rose and the lily is so magnificently beautiful as the new hybrid Clematis; seedlings of which have been grown at the rate of ten thousand a year for several years." (11) A new Myrtle. This is described as a new silver variegated Roman Myrtle or Brides' Myrtle, originated as early as 1882. It had been [144] Another View of Mr. Burbank's Porch At this end of the house, an ivy is at present in favor, and will perhaps form a permanent attraction. It is a very beautiful selected specimen, as will be seen. LUTHER BURBANK characterized by the California State Gardener as the handsomest variegated shrub he had ever seen. (12) A new Poppy named Silver Lining. De- scribed as developed by six years' selection from a sport of the Papaver umbrosum (Butterfly Poppy), and as being of a glistening silver white on the inside of each petal instead of crimson and black; the outside remaining of the original bril- liant crimson, thus producing a strikingly beauti- ful effect. (13) A new plant, the Nicotunia. This name had been coined to describe a new race produced by crossing a tobacco plant (Nicotiana) with a Petunia. A suggestion of the difficulties involved in making this cross was given in these words: "If anyone thinks he can take right hold and produce Nicotunias as he would hybrid petunias or crossbred primroses, let him try; there is no patent on their manufacture; but if the five hun- dredth crossing succeeds, or even the five thou- sandth, under the best conditions obtainable, he will surely be very successful; I do not fear any immediate competition." It was stated that the flowers of the new hybrid are handsome, white, pink, carmine, or striped, and are borne in bounteous profusion, but that no seed is ever produced, although the plants are very readily multiplied by cuttings. [146] • d"o •» «g 2 * «• llilll:g * *. * 1* 3 S? S «? S ^ S >•»- O ^ •JlreSa,"* 5> ^ »J E ^J S ^ •. " tfirJl S 3 a g> ^^Scft»« & h* * ^ ^§- a^^s q- o •« E S o g T «J& | •* ft. "Sla* - a £££2 e-B o»£ I* 921* sis** iW 3«~?? •Orf; •**: THE SUM OF HIS WORK would be to introduce an element of iconoclasm that would shake the entire structure of systematic botany. So when evidence is presented that a black- berry and a raspberry have been hybridized, and that the offspring is a plant quite as fertile as either of its parents, though markedly different from both, the case seems to give evidence that the off- spring of true species are not necessarily sterile. And the fact that the new hybrid differs so widely from either parent that it would be named by the classifier as constituting a new species according to ordinary standards, and that it breeds true to its new form, seems to furnish further evi- dence that new species of plant life may conceiv- ably arise by the hybridization of old species. In a word, a single case like that of the hybrid Blackberry-raspberry, described and depicted in New Creations under the name of the Primus Berry, would seem by itself fairly to establish the doctrine that new species of plants may arise by the hybridization of old species. Stated otherwise, the case of the Primus berry would seem to furnish unequivocal evidence as to at least one way in which the problem of the origin of new species might be answered. The survival of the fittest had been explained as an essential part of the Darwinian doctrine. The [179] LUTHER BURBANK origin of the fittest (or at least one possible origin) appeared to be explained by the existence of such a hybrid as the Primus Berry. The parents of the Primus berry, it will be recalled, were the California dewberry (Rabas ursinus) and the Siberian raspberry (Rubus cra- taegifolius). Not only are these forms so differ- ent in appearance that no botanist would ever think of denying that they belong to totally dif- ferent species, but the fact that one of them is indigenous to California and the other to Siberia gives what might be called geographical support to the opinions of the classifiers. Few indeed are the forms of animal or plant life inhabiting the Eastern and the Western Hemispheres that are recognized as specifically identical. The same genera are represented on both con- tinents, because the remote progenitors of all races of animals and plants of the Northern Hemisphere were once inhabitants of a common territory in the region of the North Pole. But there has been no opportunity for the mingling of Asiatic and American forms of plant life since the separation of the continents, until civilized man in very recent time began to transport forms of animal and plant life across the oceans. There had been no communication since a remote geological era — probably not since the last [180] £55^? ? £. =• = ^ LUTHER BURBANK ice age; so on mere geographical grounds the spe- cific difference between the Siberian raspberry and the California dewberry might be accepted without further argument. But, quite aside from this, differences between the two forms are suffi- cient to give them independent specific rank in the mind of any botanist. The fact that one is classified as a blackberry and the other as a raspberry will sufficiently estab- lish their diversity in the mind of the layman. Yet the report from Santa Rosa told of the hybridizing of these diverse forms, and of the production of a new fruit differing very markedly from either parent, although retaining some of the characteristics of each; and told further that this new hybrid, far from being sterile, has such fer- tility that it ripens its main crop of berries long before most kinds of raspberries and blackberries commence to bloom, and continues to bear more or less berries all summer. So the evidence that hybrid offspring of two species may be fertile and may thus offer material for the action of natural selection in the creation of new species appeared doubly demonstrative. It is probable, then, that the announcement of the development of the Primus Berry would have aroused no small measure of interest among prac- tical plant breeders and theoretical students of [182] THE SUM OF HIS WORK evolution, even had it been made by itself as a single and isolated experiment in hybridization. But, in point of fact, the record of the Primus Berry was accompanied by similar records of an entire company of new hybrid blackberries and raspberries. In the same section of New Creations that told of the Primus Berry, there wras the record of an equally remarkable blackberry-raspberry hybrid of an entirely different character, the par- ents this time being the California dewberry and the well-known Cuthbert raspberry, the latter a native of England. Three hybrids of this cross were offered for introduction, one of them being the extraordinary berry that was afterward named the Humboldt, and then renamed the Phenomenal. There were two other hybrid dewberries of only lesser interest. There was also the hybrid between the Crystal White Blackberry and Shaf- fer's Colossal Raspberry, which produced the berry famous afterward as the Paradox, and from which new races of raspberries and blackberries of almost every conceivable combination can be produced, as the photograph showing varied leaves, to which reference has already been made, amply demonstrated. Then, too, there was the hybrid between the Japanese Golden Mayberry and the Cuthbert [183] a\ i* — o» 7! •-* w • •» 5! « «« S .I oaS c ° -2 §?! a a a I u •issJS=lslSllsJS THE SUM OF HIS WORK Raspberry; and there were no fewer than ten other raspberry hybrids that were listed specifi- cally each under a definitive name or number, and offered for sale as new varieties at a specified price. Moreover, a list was given of no fewer than thirty-seven named species of Rubus (the generic name of the tribe of raspberries and blackberries) that had been utilized in the hybridizing experi- ments through which the new varieties have been produced; and the statement was made with refer- ence to the list that "the combinations are endless; the results are startling and as surprising to myself as they will be to others when known." An inkling of the work involved in the produc- tion of these unique results is given in an explana- tory paragraph: "Everybody appreciates delicious berries, but probably not one person in each million has the faintest idea of the labor and expense of crossing, raising and testing a million new kinds of berries as the writer has done, and selecting with untiring diligence those which are to become standards of excellence as the years roll by. The reader of earlier chapters of this work will fully comprehend the sense in which the phrase "a million new kinds of berries" is used. We have learned that each variant type of cultivated [185] LUTHER BURBANK fruit is regarded by the orchardist as an inde- pendent variety, owing to the fact that it may be propagated indefinitely by division or by grafting. "A million new kinds" refers to the endless diversity of individual forms among hybrid black- berries and raspberries, from among which a score or so had been selected as worthy of introduction. It should be added, however, that certain of these, including the Primus berry and the Phenomenal, were fixed varieties or new species that would breed true from the seed. In another clause reference is made to "four- teen years" of experiment, revealing the fact that the blackberries and raspberries were among the plants that Mr. Burbank had found time to experi- ment with extensively during the ten year period of the nursery experience that preceded the establish- ment of his experiment gardens. It was partly because these fruits had been experimented with for this long period that so large a section of New Creations was devoted to new races of hybrid berries. It should not be understood, however, that the work with the blackberries and raspberries stood at all by itself in presenting evidence of the fer- tility of hybrids, and in thus throwing new light on the problems of evolution. On the contrary, evidence of precisely the same [186] LUTHER BURBANK character was presented by one after another of the different records that made up the total of more than fifty new hybrid varieties of nuts and orchard fruits and flowers offered for introduction in the pages of New Creations. The hybrid walnut, known as the Royal, one parent of which was the black walnut of the East and the other the black walnut of California, was represented by its gigantic nut, depicted on the same page with the smaller nuts of the ancestral forms. And it was particularly noted that the new hybrid had borne nuts in abundance, although the other hybrid walnut, due to the union of the Cali- fornia and Persian walnut, had not then borne fruit. It may be added that the relative infertility of hybrids between forms distantly related is recog- nized in the course of the description of this sec- ond hybrid walnut, in the statement that in its failure to bear fruit it is like many true hybrids; the writer having doubtless in mind such examples as those furnished by the new plant called the Nicotunia, a combination of the tobacco and the petunia, which is described on another page of New Creations; and the equally interesting hybrid between the raspberry and the strawberry, also described and depicted. These sterile hybrids, with which the reader [188] THE SUM OF HIS WORK of the present work is already familiar, illustrate another aspect of heredity no less interesting; but at the moment we are concerned with the fertile hybrids. And these, it may be added, include all the fifty-odd plants described in the catalog, with the three exceptions just noted. Without entering into specific details, we may briefly note that the new hybrid plums here listed, and for the most part pictorially shown, were ten in number, involving the racial strains of species from Japan and China, from Europe, and from various regions of America. The hybrids among flowers were also given full representation, ten pages of the catalog being devoted to them, and the new varieties named and described including roses, callas, lilies, glad- ioli, a number of forms of clematis, and a new poppy. New types of hybrid seedling potatoes were also listed, and a new form of crossbred tomato, called the Combination. The extraordinary Aerial potatoes grown on potato vines grafted on the roots of the tomato; and the no less extraordinary potatoes grown on a stock having an engrafted tomato top are also shown, although merely as curiosities and not as commercial products. To complete the summary of the evidence that [189] i:!!i?ifii c^->? - 5 o fe a j, THE SUM OF HIS WORK was presented for the possibility of producing new varieties through hybridizing old species, it should be added that mention was made in a separate section of numerous experiments with seedlings of the ampelopsis, a new type of wax myrtle, and "some charming, crossbred seedling tigridias, new cannas, arums, amaryllis, brodiaeas, aquiligias, asters, and a multitude of other things not yet near enough to perfection to merit a special description; yet some of the hybrids of which are worthy of much study." A list of other species that had been mutually hybridized begins with the peach and almond, and names more than twenty crosses between the various types of orchard fruits — apricot, plum, quince, and apple, as well as peach — in various combinations. Without detailing further examples, it may be said that this body of evidence was overwhelming. It could be supplemented indefinitely, of course, by examples from other plants in my experiment gardens. But without further elaboration, the examples cited in my first two catalogs sufficiently establish the fertility of hybrids of many species of widely different families. Thenceforth there could never be any doubt in the minds of practical plant developers that true species, within certain limits of affinity, may be interbred and produce fertile offspring. [191] LUTHER BURBANK On the other hand, the examples of the straw- berry-raspberry, and the petunia-tobacco might be cited in proof that species too widely removed from each other produce sterile hybrids. Thus the experiments as a whole show on one hand the method through which material is sup- plied for the operation of natural selection; while, on the other hand, they show how barriers are ultimately erected that prevent crossbreeding from being carried to an extent that would introduce a chaotic element in the scheme of evolution. The importance of such a demonstration as this, made for the first time on a really compre- hensive scale in the experiment gardens at Santa Rosa and Sebastopol, soon came to be generally recognized. THE NEW EXPERIMENTS AND MENDELISM Perhaps it may be of interest, in extension of the present theme, briefly to trace the relation of the new experiments to the particular aspect of the theory of heredity that has most actively claimed the attention of the biological world in very recent years. He refers, of course, to the doctrine of Men- delism, which was to take the biological world by storm in the first decade of the twentieth century. Of course the results of the hybridizing experi- ments performed in my experimental gardens and [192] LUTHER BURBANK recorded in the catalog of 1893 could not be at once interpreted in what are now spoken of as Mendelian terms, because at that time no one knew anything of Mendelism as such. The experi- ments of Mendel had indeed been made just thirty years before, and Mendel himself, as it chanced, had died in the very year — namely 1884 — in which my first importation of plants from the Orient, to furnish material for experiments, was made. But, as the reader is aware, the publication of Mendel was altogether ignored, and nothing was heard of his experiments until his paper was rediscovered by Professor de Vries and by two others about the year 1900. But it is elsewhere pointed out that whereas the Mendelian formula was not then in vogue, yet the essentials of the aspect of heredity that Mendel espoused were abundantly illustrated in the hybridizing experiments, the results of which were published in New Creations (1893) and its suc- cessive supplements. It is scarcely necessary to remind the reader that the essentials of the aspect of heredity in question had to do, as stated by Mendel, not so much with the great mass of heritable characters, as with some of the minor points of difference that mark varieties within a species. Mendel himself did not hybridize different species, or, if he did, [194] THE SUM OF HIS WORK the records of such hybridizing have been lost. His essential experiments had to do with garden peas and with the manner of transmission of the minor difference between varieties of these peas — tall- ness versus shortness of stem, purpleness versus whiteness of flower, yellowness versus greenness of pod, and so on. But the peculiar manner in which these antago- nistic pairs of qualities are given representation in the offspring of parents having the opposite traits, is precisely duplicated when the cross-fertilization is similarly effected between allied species that show corresponding diversities. In each case, the essential fact is that certain minor characters or groups of characters tend to assume prepotency or dominance in hybrids of the first generation; and that both the dominant and the submerged (or recessive) characters appear in the hybrids of the second generation segregated and variously recombined, so that where several pairs of qualities are under consideration, the off- spring of the second generation constitute a most heterogeneous lot, in which the diversified traits of their grandparents are mixed and blended and mosaiced together in every conceivable combina- tion. Not only were these essential facts clearly revealed by my early hybridizing experiments, [195] 8 ACgiS^io 5 fe £ §> : si •a ^ |M ^ 1 1-.4. >5£'S,8 S THE SUM OF HIS WORK but they were succinctly expressed in the text of New Creations, and the diversities of forms among second generation hybrids were illustrated by photographs showing many types of hybrid black- berry and raspberry canes and leaves. The diversity of second-generation hybrids was illustrated by such other examples as the Phe- nomenal Berry and two other hybrids listed in the catalog under separate numbers and an- nounced as of the same origin. But for that matter, the segregation and re- combination of characters in the second genera- tion, leading to endless diversity or variation, was illustrated in the case of every new variety named in the entire catalog, with the exception of the Paradox and Royal Walnuts and the Primus Berry, these alone being first-generation hybrids. Quotation has already been made as to the "million kinds" of blackberry hybrids of the sec- ond generation. It may be added that in the sup- plement of 1894, a photograph was reproduced that showed a "sample pile of brush twelve feet wide, fourteen feet in height, and twenty-two feet long, containing sixty-five thousand two- and three-year- old hybrid seedling berry bushes (forty thousand blackberry-raspberry hybrids and twenty-five thousand Shaffer-Gregg hybrids) all dug with their crop of ripening berries." [197] LUTHER BURBANK It was stated in connection with this picture that of the "forty thousand blackberry-raspberry hybrids of this kind, Paradox is the only one now in existence. From the other twenty-five thou- sand hybrids about two dozen bushes are left for further trial, but from these selected ones, won- derful new berries are appearing whose forces are so fixed in the right direction that they generally produce good and productive seedlings." It may be of interest, as giving farther insight into the work, to quote the concluding sentence which states that: "This pile of brush cost some- thing like $700, and is one of fourteen similar piles which were cremated on one of my places last summer." Of similar import is the account given of the hybrid lilies, which were declared to be so varied in character, thanks to the hybridizing of many species, that "all the earth is not adorned with so many new ones as are growing at my establish- ment." A description of the varied characteristics of some of these lilies, and two pages of illustra- tions showing fifteen diversified forms, are intro- duced by way of substantiation. To the reader of to-day it may seem a work of supererogation to dwell thus on the fact that ex- periments, the results of which were published in 1893-1894, demonstrated so obvious a proposition [198] An Improved Bartlett Pear Orchard This is an orchard of Bartlett pears, improved by utiliz- ing the Burbank methods, which is earning one thousand dol- lars per acre. Note the attractive and symmetrical form of the low- headed trees; also the evidences of thorough cultivation of the soil. LUTHER BURBANK as that hybrids are relatively uniform in the first generation, and highly diversified in the second and a few succeeding generations. But it must be understood that this was the essential discovery that made possible a large part of my successes in producing new varieties by hybridization. And it must further be recalled that the facts in question were ardently contested by large numbers of the leading botanists and the most authoritative stu- dents of hereditary theory. It was the demonstration made a thousand times over at the experiment gardens at Santa Rosa and Sebastopol that first showed in a com- prehending and convincing way that such is the operation of the principles of heredity in deter- mining the characteristics of hybrid generations. And, as has elsewhere been suggested there is no doubt that it was these demonstrations that prepared some of Mr. Burbank's most eminent critics, including Professor de Vries, to accept the Mendelian statement of this proposition when it came finally to their attention. It may be added that the subsequent history of such aspects of the problem as came to be associ- ated with the name of Mendel has shown curious analogy with the history of the Weissmannian doc- trines to which reference has been made in another connection. [200] THE SUM OF HIS WORK Just as followers of Weissmann were obliged to shift their ground to meet the evidence brought by new experiments, until finally all that remained of their doctrine had been substantially har- monized with and blended into the broader and earlier theories of Darwinian heredity, only the doctrine of the continuity of the germ plasm re- maining as a permanent acquisition; so the attempt to make "Mendelism" comprehend the entire sub- ject of heredity, has necessitated a perpetual modi- fication of the point of view, and an amplification of the terminology to meet the facts of more com- prehensive experiments, until Mendelism has come to be harmonized with and blended in the more comprehensive knowledge of heredity, leaving only the formulae associated with dominance and recessiveness to mark the individual contribution of Mendel to the all-comprehending subject of heredity. — Into an atmosphere of in- quiry and doubt and solicitude, came the document from Santa Rosa, ostensibly only a nursery catalog, but conveying a mes- sage on heredity that made itself heard far beyond the province of the nurseryman. A Bed of English Primroses or "Cowslips" This bed of flowers grew last season beside Mr. Bur- bank's greenhouse at Santa Rosa. It shows how Mr. Burbank, even when not working for a specific end, delights in getting a num- ber of variations before him. He inspected these flowers daily during 'heir time of blossoming, and made selections among them; and though at the time he had no very specific purpose in so doing, it is more than likely that interesting results will come of the primrose experiments before these flowers are banished to make room for some other claimants of space. LUTHER BURBANK— THE BEARING OF His WORK ON HUMAN LIFE — ON IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT STUDENTS of heredity are becoming more and more agreed that the same laws and principles apply to the organisms of the vegetable and animal worlds. This is quite what might be expected, considering the fundamental identity of protoplasm, which is the physical basis of all life. But quite aside from any theoretical deductions in the matter, a wide range of experi- ments with many types of animals has brought conclusive evidence that striking analogies are everywhere to be found between the manner of transmission of traits and characteristics in plants and animals. Moreover observations of human genealogy have shown that man himself is subject to pre- cisely the same laws of heredity that apply to the lowliest vegetable or animal organisms. We must of course make allowance for differences incident [VOLUME XII — CHAPTER V] LUTHER BURBANK to the elaborate organism of man, and we must not forget that man differs from the other organ- isms in that he can take conscious note of the conditions of his heritage and of his environment and can be guided in a measure by what he thus learns. This fundamental fact gives man a place apart in the entire scheme of evolution. But it does not remove mankind from the limitations imposed by the laws of hereditary transmission. He can con- sciously modify his environment and he can be guided in his selections by his knowledge of heredity; but he cannot free himself from the thralldom of environmental influences or from the inexorable limitations of his ancestral heritage. In some respects, indeed, man is far more ham- pered when he attempts to apply the laws of heredity to his own race than he is in making application of the same laws to the basis of tran- sient animals under domestication. The necessi- ties of the social organism that he has built up place limitations on his freedom of selection in the mating of individuals and even sharper restric- tions on his selections among the progeny for the parents of future generations. Indeed, until very recently it has not been thought fitting that man should give any considera- tion whatever to the scientific breeding of his own [204] The South American Scilla This picture, and a few succeeding ones, are introduced as showing specimens of the plants with which Mr. Burbank's newest experiments are being performed. A large bed of the South American Scillas grew in his garden in Santa Rosa the past season, undergoing the usual careful observation and discriminating selection. The results will be known in subsequent seasons. LUTHER BURBANK race, notwithstanding the obvious advantages that have resulted from the scientific breeding of races of plants and animals. Of late, however, it has gradually dawned on the intelligent people of the world that the laws of heredity which confessedly apply to man might rationally be given consideration in the breeding of races of men. The new science of eugenics, named and in large part originated by the late Sir Francis Galton, has received an amount of atten- tion in very recent years that it could not possibly have hoped to receive had it been brought to the attention of the public even twenty years ago. And it cannot well be doubted that the demonstrations as to the possibility of improving the races of valued plants by selective breeding made at Santa Rosa and Sebastopol have had their share in call- ing public attention to the possible benefits that may accrue from the systematic and intelligent application of the principles of heredity. A general appreciation of the unity of life- forces as well as of life substances, due primarily to the spread of the Darwinian doctrine, has pre- pared the public to look with unbiased eyes for the first time on the human race itself as an evolu- tion product that owes its pre-eminence to the conscious utilization of natural forces and that may obtain still greater heights by the still more [206] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT intelligent utilization of these forces. So it will be accepted as a mere matter of course that we should attempt, in completing the review of Mr. Burbank's life work with the development of new forms of plant life, to make application of the practical knowledge gained in the experiment gar- den to what might, without violence to words, be described as the breeding of the human plant. Such an application we shall now attempt, concisely, yet with as much explicitness as is warranted. THE GREAT PRINCIPLE OF SELECTION Even the most casual reader of this work will be aware that the great fundamental principle that guides us in all stages of our experiments in plant development is the principle of selection. We select first the kind of plant that is to be utilized in a given series of experiments. We select the best individual or individuals to be found among the entire company of these plants at our disposal. We select other individuals of the same or of different species as mates before cross-pollenizing, and in successive generations we repeat these processes of selection and re- selection over and over. Now in the human family precisely analogous processes of selection are being employed, con- sciously or unconsciously, in every community. Of [207] The Abutilon or Flowering Maple These are seedlings of the Abutilon Vitifolium, the mother plant having grown for several seasons beside Mr. Burbank's old homestead at Santa Rosa. The present experiments are designed to produce improved varieties of this attractive flowering shrub. IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT course the selections are not usually made with the definite and avowed object of producing progeny of an improved type; but the inherent affinities that lead to the selection of marriage partners are themselves determined by principles that might properly be said to be eugenic — pro- viding artificial restrictions do not too greatly in- terfere with the freedom of choice. Generally speaking, men and women would choose marriage partners having vigor and health and beauty to the exclusion of those showing the opposite traits, were free choice given them. But, of course, under actual social conditions, entire freedom of choice is impossible, and no fact is more distressingly patent than the fact that large numbers of persons who are obviously unfit to as- sume the duties of parenthood nevertheless enter the marriage state and bring forth abundant progeny. Indeed, under existing conditions, it is the all too general observation that the notoriously unfit members of the community are the ones that produce the largest families. Now it requires no very profound knowledge of the laws of heredity to understand that such a condition of things is not conducive to the better- ment of the race. No one could hope to produce an improved variety of plants of any kind if he had not freedom of choice in determining that [209] LUTHER BURBANK the more desirable individuals should be mated and their progeny preserved to the exclusion of the progeny of the less desirable. The entire foundation of plant improvement depends, as we have all along seen, on such free- dom of choice. And in proportion as the plant developer selects wisely, chooses the individual plants that have the best hereditary tendencies, mates the right individuals, and rigidly selects the best only among their progeny, can he hope to progress in the direction of his ideal plant. It would appear, then, that unless human society can devise a means whereby a preponder- ant number of the offspring of each successive generation are the progeny of those members of the community who are superior in body and mind and morals, we cannot expect that the human race will improve generation after generation. Any colony of flowers left to breed indiscrim- inately, good or bad, will inevitably degenerate from the stage of culture to which artificial selec- tion has brought it. The reason for this is that the conditions imposed by cultivation are different from the conditions of Nature and the special development of the plant has taken place along the lines of man's tastes and needs without special regard to the needs of the plant itself. But if you remove the artificial conditions, so [210] The Blue Flag A prominent horticulturist has said that Mr. Burbank cannot keep his hands off any plant that comes under his ob- servation. His every instinct calls out to him to test the plant and tee what can be done to better it. This blue flag is an illustra- tion of a flower that is being thus tested, probably with- out any very specific object. Not even Mr. Burbank can tell what unexpected variations mag show themselves, offering material for Interesting developments. LUTHER BURBANK that the conditions of Nature again prevail, then selection will take place in accordance with the needs of the plant itself, and this will imply a re- version, in the course of a few generations, to something like the original wild state of the plant. UNNATURAL STANDARDS OF CIVILIZATION Now the conditions of human civilization are no less artificial. Standards of excellence among civilized men are quite different from the standards of excel- lence among barbaric races. We do not count a man as the foremost individual in his community because he has the physical ability to wield a heavier club than his neighbor can wield, nor be- cause of the ruthless freedom with which he exer- cises his superior strength. Among savage tribes mere physical strength, coupled with brute cunning and ferocity, may determine leadership. Such are the natural and necessary standards so long as man is at war with wild beasts and with other savage men that know no law except that of physical supremacy. But under conditions of civilization all that has been changed. The standards of excellence that determine the position of men and women in any given community are mental and moral rather than merely physical. They are in the broad sense of the word un- [212] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT natural standards, but they are the only standards compatible with the persistence of the unnatural state of society that we term civilized. So it has come about that the condition of men in civilized society is closely comparable to the condition of plants in a hothouse or in a carefully cultivated and weeded garden. The very condi- tions of civilization make it as essential that the human weed should be removed and the unfit members of the community prevented from propa- gating their kind as that similar principles should apply in the hothouse or the flower garden. Under the conditions of barbaric life, and ieven under those of the high civilization of classical antiquity, the principles of eugenic selection thus implied were carried out with a good deal of rigor. Even if the weaklings were not consciously re- moved— and this was sometimes done — the stress of living was such that the abnormal or weakly infants were claimed by disease, and the adults who lacked strength and intelligence were likely to succumb to the attacks of wild pests, to starva- tion, or to the onslaught of human enemies. So the principle of selective or eugenic breed- ing was all along applied, even when no one com- prehended its meaning or gave it a name; and the results are seen in the progress of humanity to its present state. [213] LUTHER BURBANK In very recent years, however, there has been great progress in the way of ameliorating the en- vironment, in particular the environment of child- hood, through improvement in the understanding of hygiene and the prevention of disease, so that there is no longer the weeding out of the unfit in infancy that occurred even a single generation ago; so the generation of to-morrow are con- fronted with problems of selection in the breeding of the human race more urgent than ever before. The problem is complicated by the fact that the more intelligent members of the community — precisely the ones that should be selected for the propagation of the race — are prone to restrict the number of their offspring, whereas the less desir- able parents practice no such restriction. The obvious tendency of this must be com- parable to the condition of a flower garden in which the best plants are restricted to the produc- tion of one or two seed pods while the poorer varieties are allowed to scatter their seeds by indiscriminate thousands. The plant breeder who permitted such a con- dition to obtain in his garden would assuredly not produce improved races of plants. And the human system which permits such a condition to obtain cannot hope to better the aver- age condition of the human race. [214] The Parrot Bill Flower This is a species of Clianthus which Mr. Burbank has under careful scrutiny, and the possibilities of which, as to variation, modification of flower, and the like, he is carefully testing. Rare flowers and common flowers are of equal interest to Mr. Burbank, as the reader is aware. In his eyes, no flower is devoid of beauty and none can justly be designated as "ordinary." LUTHER BURBANK As to the precise methods through which condi- tions more in accordance with the improvements of the future generations of our race are to be applied, we shall attempt no details of sugges- tion. It suffices to point out the principle and to suggest that there cannot well be two opinions as to the desirability of restricting the fecundity of the unfit, however wide the diversity of opinion as to the way in which this may be practically accomplished. THE ARISTOCRATIC AMERICAN RACE Lest we seem to take a pessimistic view of the situation, however, let me hasten to point out that the average human plant in most communities of America to-day is somewhat comparable to the average plants in the most highly developed col- onies of Mr. Burbank's experiment gardens. The reader will recall the somewhat detailed accounts that have been given of the cherry colo- nies comprising 400 aristocratic families, and of the various colonies of plums and quinces and chestnuts and lilies and gladioli and Watsonias and countless others that are similarly made up of individuals exclusively of good breeding and of desirable qualities. Now, whoever will properly gauge the condi- tion of the human garden of to-day, here in Amer- ica, must realize that in general the races of [216] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT human beings that make up the population are of correspondingly aristocratic lineage. Here of course we do not use the word "aristo- cratic" in the conventional sense. We are referring to the qualities that make a good and desirable citizen; and mean to imply that the process of crossing and selection has been carried out so well for the past ten generations or so in America that a race has been developed having a very high average of those traits that determine "fitness" for existence in a civilized community. It is true that there are certain strains of abnormality — of physical degeneracy, mental obliquity, moral perversion — that have made their way, generation after generation, like weeds in the garden, and that must constantly be reckoned with just as the gardener reckons with his weeds. But the main body of citizens that make up the popula- tion are at least moderately fit to live in harmony with the normal environment of civilization, and by the same token to reproduce their kind. Unfortunately, however, there has been a very pronounced tendency within recent decades for the individuals who were reared under the health- ful conditions of the farm and village to make their way to the cities and to take up the relatively abnormal life that is forced upon a majority of the city population under existing conditions. [217] The Calceolaria Another example of the almost numberless varieties of flowers that are still undergoing tests at Santa Rosa. The read- er has been told that not fewer than three thousand experiments are carried forward together, and new flowers are claiming atten- tion faster than old ones are perfected or discarded. IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT The offspring of these city dwellers are reared in an environment radically different from the healthful one in which their parents were reared. They are crowded into dark, ill-ventilated tenements, amidst surroundings that not only lack the light and air and joyousness of the country, but are often positively vitiated as to their mental and moral no less than as to their physical atmosphere. It is as if we were to take the plants that have been bred in the rich, well watered, carefully weeded soil of a garden and transplant them into an infertile, dry soil, choked with weeds and away from sunlight. By no chance could we expect the plants under these conditions to attain full growth or to put forth even a fair complement of flowers and fruits. The Burbank giant amaryllis bulbs, which un- der proper conditions will put forth splendid stalks bearing flowers ten inches across, would be reduced, under such altered conditions, to the throwing up of meager stalks and, at best, the production of a restricted number of dwarf flowers little calculated to add to the reputation of the plant developer. THE POWER OF ENVIRONMENT This matter of environment, then, goes hand in hand with heredity and is a final determining fac- [219] LUTHER BURBANK tor in deciding the character of the individual product It is quite useless to have practiced the most rigid selection among plants for any number of generations, and thereby to have produced varie- ties of the most splendid possibilities — unless the plants of the newest generation are given proper soil and nourishment and sunshine they will come to nothing. And so it is with the human plant. Despite the good heredity of generations of ancestors bred, let us say, from the old Pioneer stock in New England or Virginia or from the transplanted cions of that stock in the Middle or Far West, the coming gen- erations will be dwarfed and perverted representa- tives of their race if they are denied a normal en- vironment, particularly in childhood. So one of the great problems that confronts the humanitarian of to-day is the problem of provid- ing a proper environment for the human plant. In the decade covered by the most recent census returns (1901-1910) the total population of the United States increased by 21 per cent. But the rural population increased by only 14 per cent, and the city population by 38 per cent. There are entire states in which the rural population did not in- crease at all, and these were precisely those middle western farming districts that supply the health- [220] A Selected Dandelion Mr. Burbank delights in taking common plants of all kinds and improving them through care and selection. Prob- ably he had looked forward for many years to a time when he could find a few moments of leisure to devote to the common dandelion; and this plant is now being im- proved under his tutelage. LUTHER BURBANK iest of all environments for the production of im- proved examples of the human plant. It is not meant to imply that the environment of the city is necessarily unwholesome. But it requires no argument to show that the average city dweller is less favorably situated for the development of normal children than is the aver- age dweller on farm or in country village. Children vitally need fresh air and sunlight and the out-of-door life. They need to be allowed to romp in the fields and to come in contact with nature. The city walls and pavements are a pitifully inadequate substitute for the greensward and the trees of the country. And a generation for which this substitution has been made cannot be expected to improve upon the traditions of its parent gen- eration. So the student of the human plant will do well to give full attention to the question of improving the environment of the human colonies with which he is concerned. The story has been told of the way in which the soil of my experiment garden at Santa Rosa was prepared and modified and even metamorphosed until the conditions were attained that were fav- orable for the growth of my plant charges. With- out such attention to the physical environment it [222] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT would have been quite impossible to produce the improved races that have been developed at Santa Rosa and Sebastopol. And unless a way can be found to make the average environment of successive generations of human beings better and better — instead of allow- ing it to become worse and worse — we cannot hope that the generations of our grandchildren and great grandchildren will maintain the average standards of our own time, let alone improve upon them. EDUCATING THE SEEDLING A word must be said also as to the influence of environment in its bearing on the mental and moral development of the individual in determin- ing the bringing out or the suppression of heredi- tary potentialities. The mental and moral attributes of man may be likened to the flower or fruit of the cultivated plant, in that they are the qualities most recently developed or transformed through selective breed- ing. In token of their newness, they are the quali- ties most easily altered or modified by environing influences or by new racial blendings. There are, for example, the qualities that are prone to "Mendelize" in hereditary transmission, as we shall see illustrated and interpreted in another connection. [223] « *; s S * 5 5 "48 -SIS IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT The direct influence of environment on these highly differentiated and hence unstable charac- teristics of plant or of man is easily demonstrated in any experiment garden or in any social com- munity. But even the most deep-seated and funda- mental qualities may be profoundly modified if the environing influences are applied during the childhood of the seedling plant or the human subject. "As the twig is bent the tree is inclined" is a maxim the literal truth of which is apparent to the least-skilled horticulturist. The application of the maxim to the human sapling is equally familiar matter of fact to even the tyro in human pedagogy. A Shakespeare is not born with a fund of knowledge and a profuse vocabulary stored in his brain; but only with the receptive quality of brain- fibre that will enable him — granted proper sur- roundings— to acquire knowledge of things and of words. Placed in childhood on a South Sea Island, among savages, Shakespeare could have passed his life without knowing a single word of the English tongue, and without having even the vaguest con- ception of the existence of a written language of any kind. This extreme example will serve to suggest the extent to which the individual even of the very [225] LUTHER BURBANK best heredity is dependent upon environment for the bringing out of his inherent potentialities. As another extreme example might be cited the case of the child who becomes blind and deaf in infancy through some accident or disease. Such a child will commonly remain at a stage of mental culture comparable to that of a congenital idiot. Exceptional cases like those of Laura Bridgman and Miss Helen Keller, in which, through infinite effort, the other senses are made in part to com- pensate for the loss of sight and hearing, building up the brain through vicarious channels, serve to give further emphasis to the fact under considera- tion— the all-importance of the environing influ- ences that we commonly speak of as "educational" in completing the work which heredity carries only to the nascent state of development. THE MIXTURE OF RACES Yet another respect in which the problems of breeding a better human race in our day run parallel to the problems of the plant developer is with reference to the foreign materials that make up the stock for the propagation of future genera- tions. It will be recalled that some of Mr. Burbank's most important successes were achieved by blend- ing the racial strains of plants brought from differ- ent continents. Plants were imported from Japan, [226] r'/V W-^ j o/ Me O/d Homestead Any house that Mr. Burbank occupied would be sure to be vine-covered and embowered in foliage. This is the rear entrance of the Old Homestead, and the one which Mr. Burbank habitually uses when he visits the rooms of The Luther Burbank Society. LUTHER BURBANK from New Zealand, from Siberia, from South Af- rica, from Canada, from South America. Carefully selecting among them, he inbred the species from widely separated regions, and thus brought to- gether racial strains that had long diverged. And the results were often startling, and some- times highly gratifying. It is easy to draw the inference from the most casual glimpses into the past history of our race that the development of civilization has been largely conditioned on the mingling of different racial strains. It is scarcely too much to say that each of the great civilizations of the past was built by a mixed race. It was so in Egypt, in Assyria, in Greece, and in Rome in the ancient days. It is true of the important races of central Europe and of Great Britain in modern times. And it is pre-emi- nently true of the American race of our own day. The point is too obvious for elaboration. No one needs to be told that the colonial stock that came to America in the early part of the seven- teenth century was itself made up of mixed an- cestral strains. And the most casual inspection of statistics shows to what extent the increase of pop- ulation of the past hundred years has been due to the coming of immigrants from all parts of Europe, including the representatives of nearly every race of civilized men. [228] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT That such mixing of racial strains, within cer- tain limitations, is likely to result in the develop- ment of exceptional individuals will not be doubted by any student of the subject, least of all by the plant developer who has produced striking results by a corresponding mingling of divergent types. But, on the other hand, it cannot escape atten- tion that there are limits of crossbreeding beyond which the plant developer may not advantageously go. If he attempts to combine species of plants that are too widely divergent, he either gets no result or produces inferior progeny. And if the races that are crossed lie just at the limits of affinity, he may produce a progeny, that, particu- larly in the second and later generations, become so variable and diversified as to run counter in the main to all of his plans and expectations. We have seen this illustrated in many cases — witness, for instance, the crossing of the tobacco and the petunia, of the European and Chinese quinces, of the oriental and opium poppies, and of the various members of the genus Rubus. THE NEED OF SELECTION In some of these cases, to be sure, individual forms were produced that had very exceptional interest and that might even supply material highly prized by the plant developer for the production of new races. [229] Front Entrance to the Old Homestead The Old Homestead stands near the street, with a huge Chilean pine on one side (shown here just at the left edge of the picture), and the famous hybrid elm on the other side. It is almost buried in the massed foliage of vines. IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT But it must be recalled that the plant developer always has full privilege of excluding the unde- sirables from the hybrid fraternity. He can pick out one or two individual hybrids showing desir- able qualities, and can eliminate the thousands that are unfit. As a single illustration, let us recall the Phe- nomenal berry, a hybrid between the California dewberry and the Cuthbert raspberry. It will be recalled that this individual plant was the only one worth preserving out of a hybrid colony of many thousand individuals. The one valuable plant was carefully preserved and nurtured. The thousands of undesirables were piled in a heap and burned. The blending of different racial strains had produced one highly prized new specific form. Granted the privilege of destroying the undesirables, the experiment was eminently worth making and the results were alto- gether gratifying But wrhat if it had been incumbent on the plant developer to preserve the thousands of undesir- able hybrids? Not all of them were altogether obnoxious, to be sure. Yet a very large proportion of them com- bined racial traits of remote ancestors in such a way as to make them very unfit members of a colony of cultivated plants. [231] LUTHER BURBANK Lacking the selecting hand of the plant devel- oper, which could ruthlessly rout out these unde- sirables, the net result of the hybridizing experi- ment would have been to produce a vast colony of brambles far less desirable on the average than their parent forms. AMERICA, THE MELTING POT OF NATIONS Making the application, it becomes at least a very serious question as to whether the recent altogether unprecedented influx of immigrants of many widely divergent races — notably those that have come from the Mediterranean region and Southeastern Europe, from various provinces of Russia, and from the Far East — are not supplying material that, blended with the existing American stock, may produce results as startling and on the whole of as doubtful value as those produced among plants when widely hybridized. A certain admixture of new strains of these varied races might not be without its advantages. It has been urged that there are qualities of tem- perament associated with a love of music and the arts characterizing the Latin races, for example, that might advantageously be mingled with the somewhat cold and practical temperament of the American race, to give it a new quality, just as new flavors are bred into the racial strains of plums or pears or peaches. [232] !!!!?!„ 3 a: |!ta|*2igll ? sir ITS? * 3 f :eip|||?jf ? »« to •V*IS!:".Jtl 2^: LUTHER BURBANK There is no gainsaying the possibility that such blending may have its advantages. But there seems danger at the moment that the matter may be overdone. When we read of the coming of as many as a million three hundred thousand aliens in a single year; and when-we are told that of those that come from Southeastern Europe more than 35 per cent, are of such undeveloped or atavistic types that they are unable to read or write — we cannot escape a feeling of solicitude over the introduction of so high a percentage of blood of so doubtful a char- acter into the strains of our developed colony of American races. It must be recalled that when the plant devel- oper brings from Japan or from Europe or from Asia a new race of plants to combine with his native stock, he selects always the very best indi- viduals that are to be found. Very commonly he breeds the newcomers for successive generations and makes repeated selections before he finds an individual suitable for his hybridizing experiment. He knows very well that if he were to choose inferior members of any stock for his experiments he would be working in the wrong direction, and could not hope to produce improved races. But the immigrants that are flooding in on us, in particular those that come from Southeastern [234] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT Europe, cannot even by the most liberal interpre- tation be said to represent the best strains of the varied racial stocks from which they have sprung. They are in large proportion confessedly inferior representatives of their races. There is much evidence to show that they even include large numbers of defectives, who, owing to their alien tongues and habits, can with great difficulty be properly adjudged by the immigrant officials and denied admission in accordance with the laws that are intended to prevent the coming of the notoriously unfit. THE GREATEST MIGRATION IN HISTORY But even if it were supposed that a large ma- jority of newcomers are really representatives of the best of their alien racial strains, their coming in such numbers would still make them objects of solicitude to the student of heredity. The American race of to-day has been built up along certain lines not only of physical, but of mental and moral development that have adapted iHor a social and political environment that is far different from that from which many of these aliens come. Transplantation to the new environ- ment may have a certain effect on the immigrants, just as transplantation to the soil of California has had its effect on large numbers of plants brought from the Tropics. [235] £ •5-fc .Ss •S .•8 $ :»M* I* « • :|3 IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT But in one case, as in the other, such changes are, after all, only matters of minor detail. A plum tree transplanted from Japan may put out a somewhat larger growth of twigs and a somewhat larger and more highly flavored fruit than was its wont in its native habitat. But at best it remains unmistakably a Japanese plum. The modifications wrought by the environment are matters of detail; the fundamentals of hered- ity, built up by thousands of generations of past environments, are fixed beyond immediate change. Nor can we doubt that the same thing is true of the fundamental physical, mental, and moral traits of the alien races that make up the great army of immigrants that come to our ports in such numbers as to make their migration, in all prob- ability, by far the largest and most rapid migra- tion of human races that ever took place in the history of the world. The total number of immigrants that have come to America since 1880 — within the compass, there- fore, of a single generation — is more than twenty million. This is a number in excess of the total popula- tion of America at any census prior to 1850. Such an influx of new blood must of necessity change in very large measure the aggregate hered- ity of the population of America. Whatever the [237] LUTHER BURBANK American race was in the middle of the nineteenth century, it is something far different to-day. That at least is axiomatic, regardless of our estimate as to whether the change has been an improvement or otherwise. The aggregate status of the population of the plant colonies at Santa Rosa and Sebastopol to- day has probably not more greatly changed from the status of the colonies of 1886 than has the average status of the American race changed in the same period. Doubtless it would be impossible for anyone to gauge accurately the precise character of the mod- ifications in one case or the other. But in general terms it may safely be affirmed that the members of the plant colonies have vastly improved in the sense that they have been modi- fied as to leaf or flower or fruit in such wise as to make them better adapted to meet the needs and tastes and desires of men. Whether the crossbred population of America has been similarly improved in its average adjust- ment to the needs of a highly evolved social en- vironment is a question that we shall not, at the moment, attempt to decide. Here, as before, it suffices to point out the con- ditions and to suggest analogies with the cross- bred plant colonies; but here also we must not [238] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT overlook the fact that the plant developer's privi- lege of weeding out the unfit members of his hybrid colony may change the entire complexion of the situation. COUSIN MARRIAGES As to all this we are taking a wide view and considering the American race as a whole. But in making the final interpretation, it will be well to glance a moment at the needs of the individual and to make application of one or two principles of heredity to individual cases. In so doing we are no longer considering the question of the mingling of different racial strains but more particularly the blending of individual traits as presented in marriages contracted by persons of the same race and even of the same community. Here we are obviously concerned with prob- lems similar to those that confront the plant developer who is making selection among the members of an inbred colony, where his cross- pollenizings do not involve different species or varieties but only members of the same fraternity or of closely related fraternities. In such a case, it is axiomatic to say that the plant developer selects the individual plants that come nearest to his ideal, and combines them. But of course it often happens that the plant [239] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT developer is looking for the production or the accentuation of some quality that may be said to constitute an abnormality; whereas the human eugenist is concerned above everything else with the accentuation of normal qualities and the elim- ination of the elements of abnormality. Neverthe- less the experiments of the plant developer may afford a demonstration of principles of heredity that are susceptible of useful application. It is fairly demonstrated, for example, that there is no necessary deterioration brought about by the crossing of plants that are related in the degree which in the case of human beings we de- scribe as cousinship. If the strain is normal and healthy, and in particular if the cousins have grown up under different environment, there is no inherent objection to their mating. That is to say, there is no hereditary reason why they may not produce normal and healthy offspring. The great difficulty, however, is that very few families are quite free from one taint or another of disease or infirmity, and the mating of cousins brings to- gether the hereditary factors for this defect in such combination as to accentuate them, and en- hance the probability that the defect will make itself manifest in the offspring. Take, for example, the case of the wild heu- chera with the crinkled leaf from which it proved [241] LUTHER BURBANK feasible, by inbreeding, to develop a race of crinkled-leaved heuchera. It would have been im- possible to develop and fix this race so rapidly had pains been taken to cross the plant showing the peculiarity with a normal plant, instead of cross- ing it with a cousin showing the same peculiarity. In quite the same way such a human abnormal- ity as a tendency to deafness or a malady of the eyes or feeblemindedness or susceptibility to tuberculosis may be accentuated through cousin marriages and thus brought out in the progeny, where, had mating occurred with a normal strain, the tendency might have been indefinitely sub- merged or even eliminated. MENDELISM AND HUMAN MALADIES It has been shown that the phenomena of Mendelian inheritance apply to a number of ab- normal conditions to which human beings are subject. It seems fairly established, for example, that normality of mind and feeblemindedness constitute a Mendelian pair of unit characters or unit groups in which normality is dominant and feeblemindedness recessive. It follows that the offspring of a normal indi- vidual and a feebleminded one may be all normal in mind; and if these individuals mate exclusively with normal individuals, the character for feeble- mindedness may be permanently submerged. [242] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT But, on the other hand, if the individual nor- mal offspring of the first filial generation were to mate with other individuals having the same heri- tage, the recessive trait of feeblemindedness would reappear in a certain proportion of their offspring. Obviously cousin marriages give opportunity for the bringing together of such recessive traits, and hence may cause the reappearance in the off- spring of undesirable or abnormal characters that might otherwise be suppressed. In the celebrated series of experiments made by Professor Biffin at Cambridge, England, it was shown that susceptibility of wheat to the fungous disease known as rust is transmitted as a factor dominant to immunity. Similarly it has been observed that immunity to attacks of the aphis shown by the roots of the Northern Spy apple is a recessive trait and hence that the seedlings from the Northern Spy may be susceptible. These illustrations, among others, show that susceptibility and immunity to disease may con- stitute a Mendelian pair of factors that are trans- mitted in a definite way. There is a growing body of evidence to show that the same thing is true with the human subject in case of susceptibility to certain microbic diseases. But it fortunately happens that in some cases, [243] IMPROVING THE HUMAN PLANT at any rate, immunity to disease appears to be dominant and susceptibility recessive, so that the offspring of an immune and a susceptible indi- vidual are all immune. This appears to be the case, for example, with susceptibility to tuberculosis. The children of an immune and a susceptible person appear to be immune, or relatively im- mune, to the disease. And this is obviously a fact of the very highest practical importance. But we must recall that the children who are thus individually immune contain in their germ plasm the factors for susceptibility. So such indi- viduals should exercise the utmost precaution not to marry into families where there is a corre- sponding taint of susceptibility to tuberculosis, even though the individuals they select as mar- riage partners are themselves healthy. Here as in the other case just cited, the union of two individuals who carry the hereditary fac- tors of susceptibility submerged in their germ plasm will result in the reappearance of suscep- tibility as a tangible trait in about one in four of the offspring. Stated otherwise, in more general terms, it ap- pears that there are a good many human traits that are blended in such wise in the offspring of a given pair of parents who present the trait, as to [245] LUTHER BURBANK cause the undesirable trait to be latent and thus seemingly to disappear from the fraternity; but that a segregation and recombination of the hered- itary factors may occur in the next generation in such wise that the undesirable trait reappears. We have just seen that the matings of persons who carry an hereditary taint, yet who themselves are normal, will determine whether that taint will reappear in their offspring or whether the off- spring will be normal. In selecting a marriage partner, then, you are selecting hereditary potentialities for your future offspring. And in selecting environing influences — in the broadest sense — for the offspring from the hour of their birth, you are largely determining whether the best or the worst of those hereditary potentialities shall become realities. In a word, then, we might advantageously ap- ply to the human plant the same general principle which we saw to be the most fundamental one guiding us in our plant experiments, saying that here, no less than in case of the actual plant, selec- tion is the first and last word. What was said in concluding an earlier chapter with reference to plant breeding, may now ad- vantageously be repeated with reference to the breeding of human beings: "The beginning is selection, and the end is selection." [246] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY —WHAT IT HAS DONE AND WHAT IT PROPOSES ASIDE from the unquestioned value of his own personal researches, the world owes much to Prof. Hugo de Vries of the Uni- versity of Amsterdam in Holland. It was Prof, de Vries who discovered the writings of the monk Mendel and interpreted them to the world. And it was Prof, de Vries, who through a char- acteristic description of Luther Burbank's work set in motion the train of thought which later crystallized into The Luther Burbank Society, an organization brought together for the express purpose of making Mr. Burbank's life work avail- able to the masses; an organization without which, it is quite likely, the world for many generations to come would never have profited by the labors of the modest plant experimenter of Santa Rosa. The particular thing which Prof, de Vries said came in connection with an appreciative account [VOLUME XII— CHAPTER VI] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY of Luther Burbank's work and was a vivid esti- mate of the tangible value to the world which even minor improvements in industrial plants are capable of producing. "In the light of what has been accomplished", said Prof, de Vries after a visit to Luther Bur- bank's Experiment Farm, "it seems quite possible to breed a new wheat, a new barley, new oats and new corn, which will produce one grain more to each head; or to bring out a new variety of potato which will surpass the original kind, by the addi- tion of a single tuber to each plant; or to improve a tree to the extent of making it bear one more apple, one more pear or one more nut, upon its branches. "Such transformations are insignificant, almost, in comparison with the long list of spectacular transformations which have been wrought — insig- nificant, that is to say, from the standpoint of the plant improver. "It is only when we contemplate the astound- ing monetary results that such apparently slight changes produce, that we realize their importance. "The addition of a single kernel to the ear of corn, would, for example, in the United States alone, produce an extra crop equal to 5,100,000 bushels — an annual addition of millions of dollars to the farmers' pockets. [248] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY "The addition of a single extra kernel to the head means a fifteen million bushel annual wheat increase; or a twenty million bushel oats increase; or a two million bushel barley increase. "A single extra tuber added to each potato plant in America would mean a twenty-one mil- lion bushel crop increase, with no more cost for planting, cultivation or care, and the barest frac- tion of a per cent., only, to be added to the cost of harvesting. "By such slight transformations as these, year after year, the benefits, small as to the individual plant, but astounding as to the aggregate, would fall into the lap of the agriculturist, not only in America, but everywhere on earth where plants can be made to grow from the soil. "And if their direct monetary benefits run thus into the millions and hundreds of millions an- nually, who can estimate the broad upward influ- ence which such plant improvements will have on society at large? "Truly, they will be felt by all classes of people everywhere — they will be shared even by those who were not aware of their immediate causes." Hand in hand with Luther Burbank's ambition even in the darkest days of discouragement, and almost from boyhood, was an earnest determina- tion to give to the world the formulae and experi- [250] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY ences for which he was paying so dearly. Through- out all those years of patient experiment, he looked always to the day when the art of plant improving would cease to be an oddity and anomaly, and would take its just place as the recognized leader of the useful arts, since every- thing we eat and wear and have, in some measure, depends upon the things we raise from the soil. He looked forward, always, toward the day when every locality would have its plant experi- menter, every state its men famous for their plant transformations; and to that eventual day when every farm must have its plot, large or small, de- voted to the improvement of the things which give it income. It is not at all to Luther Burbank's discredit that only now, in 1914, instead of in the 90's or 80's his formulae and experiences are being given to the world. Nor is it to the discredit of the world itself, for attempts to accomplish this result have been many. It is rather to the credit of Luther Burbank, and to the advantage of the world, that the promulga- tion has been delayed, for, linked with Luther Burbank's determination to give to the world his methods and discoveries, was the equally firm de- termination to make the presentation popular, easily understandable, readily applicable, so that [251] ^ c 58 1 > 3 2 2 THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY his message might be sure of producing the great- est measure of good for the greatest number. It is not a simple task to put experience on paper; to seek and find in a thousand experiments, dismissed as failures, the three or the five import- ant truths they concealed; to glean from the ex- periments which proved successful the vital dis- coveries which they have yielded, and to appraise them in order of their real importance; to arrange the facts in orderly piles and to squeeze from the mass of theory, which has gone hand in hand with the practice, those globules of probability neces- sary to cement together a useful structure. If we are to benefit by the experience of any man, we must have before us not only the things which he knows, but the things which he believes, arrayed with an eye to relative importance, with facts, figures, formulae, beliefs, theories, purposes and hopes brought together into a state of unified reconciliation. It would be no small task to put on paper even the simple experience of a shoemaker, a typeset- ter, or a blacksmith in such a way that his children might benefit by his successes, discoveries and ob- servations. How much less easy, then, to put on paper the experiences of a man who, for forty years, has worked fourteen hours a day in a field, which is all new, unmapped, unknown, almost— [253] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY the experiences of a man who has tried more than one hundred thousand separate experiments and produced widely divergent successes by the hun- dred— to simmer down such experiments and put the results on paper for the man, who, as yet, is hardly aware that such a line of experimentation exists. It was the difficulty of the task of presentation which held back Luther Burbank's lifework from the world these past twenty years; not any lack of interest on the part of the world to know, nor any lack of willingness on the part of Luther Burbank to tell. The best evidence of Luther Burbank's early determination to make the results of his labors available to the world lies in the fact that from the very outset he kept careful, painstaking rec- ords of everything that he did. No matter if poverty pinched him, if neighbors criticised him; no matter if series after series of experiments failed him, as experiments often do; and no matter how tired he was at the end of his long workday, he stopped, before retiring, long enough to jot down the record of his doings from sunrise to sunset. Unique in their simplicity, and characteristic in many ways of their author, these records were filed away as book after book was filled, against the [254] s^s^^ag «• re « G» e» * > « 8 ? gage.™ c5«.ft 4:*Cn> ^ftOS j*<*fstoj^joa Jk£ ss-g. £*2SS-^? §"f as S.5 «.* «•£&•,; vlvaiiils* fillKlI^ THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY day when they were to be brought forth and put into tangible shape for the benefit of the many. The reader will find throughout these pages a number of photographic reproductions which vividly show the painstaking care with which Luther Burbank, almost from boyhood, recorded his experiments. It was because of this long fixed determination that when the Carnegie Institution of Washington, nearly ten years ago, approached Mr. Burbank, he willingly entered into an arrangement whereby his work was to be given to the world through this agency. It is not to the discredit of the Carnegie Insti- tution, or to the discredit of Luther Burbank, that this effort, after a great expenditure of money and a number of years of conscientious work, pro- duced no fruit. Most great undertakings experi- ence a number of false starts before they are fin- ally launched on their way to accomplishment. And such was the case with the beginnings of this work. Laboring alone, and many years in advance of his time, it was not to be expected that Luther Burbank could be interpreted in the language of contemporary science. And in fact, with true Yankee keenness, he much preferred that his bene- fits be reaped directly by those who practice agri- [256] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY culture, rather than by those who merely study agriculture. If both classes could be equally benefited, well and good; but if one had to be slighted, then let it be the studier and not the practicer. With a willing heart, the able men appointed by the Carnegie Institution co-operated with Mr. Burbank, and the magnitude of the task, whatever the viewpoint, became apparent as page after page of manuscript was boiled together into what prom- ised to become an interminable record. After a number of years Mr. Burbank saw and keenly realized that the work which had been done fell far short of his ideals — whatever its sci- entific value, it failed utterly to be the crystal clear presentation for the benefit of the practical man, which had always been his guiding ideal. So the first step toward success ended in what, at the moment, appeared to be but an expensive failure. So, too, did succeeding steps — when publishers, more or less capable, sought to put together the Burbank records — resulting in nothing. The commercial publisher of books, figuring costs against profits, is no man to undertake a work of this magnitude in which hundreds of thousands of dollars must be expended before a single sale could be made. Thus, in the spring of 1912, a well informed [257] i ro *H Jif .55 /Tcie/4 c»)f/e «/. A Record of Foreign Seeds It will be seen that this is a record of seeds received December 11, 1902, from a collector in India. Mr. Burbank is constantly in receipt of seeds from all parts of the world, most of them coming from people quite unknown to him. Careful record is always kept of the name of the donor, and such contributions are highly appreciated. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY analyst of the situation might well have come to the conclusions that: (1) Luther Burbank's meth- ods and discoveries, whether valuable or not, are hardly likely to be given the world in any under- standable form, since for so many years so much money had been poured into the enterprise with- out visible result; (2) the world will continue to enjoy such of Luther Burbank's creations as have been already distributed, but it is not likely that other experimenters will be enabled to take up his work where he is leaving off, while, on the other hand it is extremely likely that the world must wait for many years, perhaps centuries, for a new crop of plant improvers to grow who will catch up with this man who has lived so far ahead of his times; (3) it is quite likely that Luther Burbank, like Mendel, will die unappreciated, not because the world would lack appreciation for such work as his, but because, rather, there seems to be no practical means of communicating to the world what he anxiously desires to tell. The analyst who would have come to these conclusions need not have been a pessimist; he might well have been an optimist who simply looked the facts in the face. It was at this stage that The Luther Burbank Society was organized. The underlying thought was that where one [259] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY may fail, many may succeed; that from the mis- takes of the past grow the achievements of the future. It would have been quite possible for those friends of Luther Burbank who organized The Luther Burbank Society to have enlisted the sup- port of any one of several of America's philan- thropic multi-millionaires; but in the light of his- tory, this seemed the least advisable thing to do. And so, after much consultation and many con- ferences, the present plan of organization of The Luther Burbank Society was devised — a plan which enlisted the philanthropic support of many members — some fifteen hundred of whom contrib- uted of their means, and some five thousand oth- ers of their abilities. In short, the plan of the organizers of The Luther Burbank Society was to interest a large body of philanthropic Americans in the work, feeling that in numbers there was not only strength but safety, and many other elements of success. With the organization of The Luther Burbank Society in the spring of 1912, it was found that no difficulty was to be experienced in enlisting repre- sentative men and women in the movement, so the undertaking was launched, and The Society came into full fledged existence, being chartered by the State of California for the purpose of "collating [260] Another Record of Foreign Seeds This time, as will be seen, the seeds are credited to a correspondent in Costa Rica. Observe the seeds are num- bered, and that some are named, whereas others are only described as "yellow flowered composite (shrub)," and the like. Note also that the date of planting is recorded. The results will be described in later pages of the record. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY and disseminating the methods and discoveries of Luther Burbank of Santa Rosa." As soon as The Society took definite form, and its financial condition permitted, the work of put- ting Mr. Burbank's methods and discoveries into manuscript form was actively begun. That it took just seventeen months to have the first manuscript ready for the printer is no evi- dence of laxity on the part of those active in The Society's management, but rather serves to illus- trate the magnitude of the undertaking, and to convey an idea of the number and obstinacy of the difficulties to be overcome. There was produced during these seventeen months of apparent idleness enough manuscript to have filled many volumes the size of this pres- ent set — not a single word of which appears herein. This failure, too, to produce definite, tangible results in seventeen months of earnest, strenuous, capable labor, illustrates, too, why the Carnegie Institution, working hand in hand with Mr. Bur- bank, with its vast resources, and his willing co- operation, failed — and why the publishing firms which afterwards undertook the work had never a chance of accomplishment. In fact, after seventeen months of what then appeared to be fruitless labor, the management of The Society discovered that a beginning must be [262] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY made anew, and that the mass of records must be reclassified, recompared with contemporary sci- ence, and rearranged to serve as the backbone of the work. This, together with the rearrangement of the work done by those who had already been in The Society's employ, was quickly effected, and the whole matter placed in the hands of capable edi- tors, whose scientific and literary qualifications seemed to fit them peculiarly for the task. As soon as the new editors took charge of The Society's editorial affairs, with Mr. Burbank, as always, loyally giving his time and support, the work in hand began to assume definite final shape, with the result that it was finished, complete, so far as the Editorial Board of The Society and Mr. Burbank were concerned, within six months, or exactly two years, almost to the day, after The Society had received its charter from the state. Yet with the work done to the satisfaction of Mr. Burbank and of the Editorial Board of The Society, what, from many standpoints, was to be the most important phase of the operation was still to be begun. This phase, absolutely unique in the making of books, will need a word of explanation here, in order that both its character and its importance may be comprehended. [263] Record of Orchard Fruits Here is a page of Mr. Burbank's notes that records data concerning some thirty-seven varieties of fruit that were found in the "Sebastopol orchard, third row," in the year 1895. It will re- pay careful scrutiny, as illustrating the way in which a busy plant developer saves time and space and yet produces records that are invaluable jogs to the memory. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY The trend of modern times, the evolution of things as they are, is to bring the maker of a thing closer and closer to the user of it — to let the eventual user himself decide the characteristics which the maker is to embody in it. We may take for example, as a parallel, the manufacturer of clothing. Twenty years ago the maker of clothing de- signed what he believed his public wanted, and without consulting that public, manufactured large quantities which he sold through wholesale and retail channels, with the result that the public was wearing not the clothes it wanted, but the clothes its makers, several steps removed, believed it wanted. To-day, in the clothing business, the situation is entirely changed. The maker of cloth- ing manufactures not a single garment in advance to carry in stock, but instead designs and executes a wide variety of models, embodying the ideas of the whole range from which the public might like to select. Then with trunks full of these models —models of clothing which can be ordered to be made, rather than samples of clothing already on hand to be sold — the manufacturer's traveling men take to the road, visit the retail stores, which in turn call in their leading customers; and based upon the judgment of the retailer, who is close to the customer, and of the customer himself, the [265] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY manufacturer takes his orders for the coming year. It is all, of course, as in plant life, a survival of the fittest. By the old process the manufacturer who made the closest guess survived, while the others perished. By the new process, all manufac- turers have an equal chance of survival, because the question of to be or not to be has been pro- pounded to the clothing itself and not to the maker. So, in almost all lines of trade — which, after all, being the most acute fight for existence, is the most ready exemplar of evolution — the tendency has been to let the ultimate consumer shape, as far as possible the qualities and characteristics of the thing which he is to consume. In almost all lines of trade this is true, but in the business of writing books this new evolution- ary tendency had not as yet made itself evident. The procedure in the making of books has, as always, been this: The author conceives an idea which he believes to be of interest to a great num- ber of readers; without consultation with those readers he conceives a form of presentation and writes his idea, or ideas into words which are turned over to the publisher; and the publisher, like the old manufacturer of clothing, without con- sultation with his public, makes such changes in the manuscript as he conceives his public would [266] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY like to have made, and the whole thing is set into hard, cold, unalterable type, and must stand or fall on the goodness of the guesses which the author and the publisher, having no expression from the ultimate consumer, made. At the outset, the management of The Luther Burbank Society felt that here was a work so vit- ally important that there was no man living who would be competent of his own knowledge to say whether or not its presentation was perfect; but that instead, irrespective of delay or expense, the public itself, which was to use and benefit from the work, must decide the manner, form and detail of its presentation. It was this feeling, in fact, which led the found- ers of The Society to choose its present form of organization instead of enlisting the aid of a single philanthropist. For the members of The Luther Burbank Soci- ety, as it was organized, performed a vastly greater service than the provision of funds for the work, great as that service was; the members themselves, some sixty-five hundred of them in all, representing every walk of life, farmers, bank- ers, scientists, college professors, business men, city dwellers, suburbanites, small town residents, and open-country farmers, all vitally interested in the work, to these men and women was submitted [268] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY the manuscript prepared by Mr. Burbank and the Editorial Board of The Society and it was their suggestions and their comments which determined the final form which appears in these volumes. Thus it can truly be said of these books that for the first time in the history of book making the manuscript has been submitted to its every pos- sible class of reader before it has gone into type, and that it reflects the composite desire of what its readers want, rather than the imagined desire in the brain of the author and the publisher. From the brief outline given here, it will be seen that the Editorial Board of The Society found much to do in the preparation of the bare manu- script, itself — yet this was but one phase of its duties. It was realized at the outset that hand in hand with the manuscript there must go illustra- tions as much better than the ordinary illustra- tions as the manuscript itself was to be better than the average manuscript. At the same time that Mr. Burbank turned over to the Editorial Board of The Society his volumi- nous records, he also turned over some three or four thousand black and white photographs which he had had taken of his productions from time to time throughout the years. At first thought it might have seemed that these photographs would have served admirably to illustrate the text; but a [269] THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY second consideration would have shown that, beautiful though they were, they fell far short of accomplishing this ideal. For these were but black and white photo- graphs, and black and white photography as gen- erally practiced, shows form only and little or no color gradation. That is to say, a bed of brilliant crimson pop- pies appears in the ordinary black and white pho- tograph as a mass of black flowers. A bed of beautiful blue balloon flowers appears in the ordinary photograph as though the flowers were white. In short, it will be seen that with yellow, orange, and red flowers and fruits showing black, and with blue flowers showing white, and with the greens and blue-greens in an intermediate tone, little can be portrayed of a subject which is full of reds and yellows and greens and blues — little justice can be done a subject which is all color. Add to this the fact, which the reader has already gleaned, that color plays a vital part in Mr. Burbank's work, and it will be readily seen that the black and white photographs on hand that April day in 1912, magnificent specimens of the art as they were, were far from suitable for the purposes in mind. [270] YELLOW BLUE VIOLET Color Photography Explained — 1 In order that a clear understanding may be gained of the process employed in making prints on paper, such as are used in these volumes, a series of nine prints will be shown here. The first of this series, appearing above, shows the primary colors, red, green and blue-violet, and opposite these are their complementary colors, often incorrectly called the primary colors, blue-green, pink, and yellow. Colors are said to be complementary to each other when their separate rays combine to make pure white light. A further explanation of the employment of these colors will be found in the captions of the suc- ceeding pictures of this series. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY So, at the same time that the Editorial Board began to assemble its editors, it provided a photo- chemical laboratory and purchased and brought together in Santa Rosa, at great expense, a com- plete photographic equipment. At that time the beautiful color photography process of Lumiere of Paris was just beginning to gain headway in the United States, though a na- tion-wide search failed to reveal an operator well enough versed in the system to produce a high percentage of satisfactory results. Experiments were taken up at first hand, however, with the result that in The Society's own laboratory it was soon possible to produce uniformly perfect repro- ductions on glass, in natural color, with great fidelity. It is doubtful if any other operator in this method in the world has attained such efficiency in working the color-photography process as was attained in the laboratories of The Society — yet this, as it developed, was but a beginning. The process rendered beautiful color reproductions, but in many ways these were inaccurate and the plates themselves were far from being sensitive enough to permit of the short exposures which fruits on the tree and flowers in the garden require. Thus, during the course of a number of months, The Society's experimenters worked out a much [272] BLUE BLUE Color Photography Explained — 2 The first step in reproducing a print on paper is to sep- arate the color positive made in the camera into its three re- spective elements, namely its orange-red element, its green element and its blue-violet element. This is done by photographing the color positive successively through glasses covered with colored gelatine corresponding to the three primary colors. For reasons which will be explained later, the printing is made not in the primary color but in its complementary color. This picture shows the negative made by the orange-red separation filter, printed in its complementary blue-green. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY more highly perfected method than that with which they began, enabling them to render every color with absolute fidelity, even the most delicate shades, and to obtain color records in the camera in one-thirtieth and one-fiftieth of a second, which, from all practical aspects may be called instan- taneous exposures. Once all the factors of this new method were perfected, the systematic recording of all of Mr. Burbank's products and methods was begun. It was found, however, that many of the subjects which had been illustrated by the black and white photographs had wholly disappeared; and in or- der that the color records might be complete, Mr. Burbank re-performed many of his old experi- ments, so that color photographs might be taken of them. Every experiment which Mr. Burbank had under way, and those which he undertook a sec- ond time were carefully photographed in color, and then The Society's staff of photographers was dispatched to different parts of the United States for the purpose of securing such illustrations as could not be obtained on the home grounds, but which were needed to make the work complete. In all, nearly twelve thousand color plates were made, about ten per cent, of which, or 1,260, are repro- duced in these volumes. As soon as the photographing of the subjects [274] RED Color Photography Explained — 3 This picture shows the second successive color separa- tion, namely the one made through the green gelatine coated glass, printed in the complementary pink. It will be seen that each separation cuts out its own color, making it appear white, and lets the other two colors in, graded according to their intensity. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY had been put under definite way, the next diffi- culty to be overcome was that of reproducing these on paper, for use in the books, monographs and other publications of The Society. At the time these experiments were under- taken, nothing whatever of practical value had been accomplished along this line, and the work which The Society's experimenters did may be judged by the color prints on paper in these volumes. With the text complete and in the hands of the members of The Society for corrections and sug- gestions, and with the color illustrations prepared and a means of reproducing them on paper de- vised, there were yet many minor, but none the less difficult, problems to be surmounted. The problem of binding alone, because of the tipping in of 1,260 separate color prints, was entirely new and required unique treatment. It seems hardly worthy of great explanation at this point, but if the reader were to see the hundreds of sample volumes submitted by various binderies and to compare them with the new method devised for the purpose and embodied in these books, he would at once realize that many months of con- centrated study were devoted to this subject. The text printing, the type made from The Society's own matrices, the paper made according [276] YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW Color Photography Explained — 4 This shows the third successive stage in separating the elements of a color positive — it is the picture made through the blue-violet dyed gelatine color filter, printed in its complementary yellow. The original color positive with which we started has now been separated into its elements and the next stage, beginning with the following picture, will be to recompose it on paper. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY to The Society's own specifications in a special mill run, all of these and many other details, small individually but large in the aggregate, proved time-consuming, energy-eating problems, which had to be solved. It will be seen, thus, that The Society's first work was to arrange and classify Mr. Burbank's voluminous records, covering the entire field of his experiments, to make the necessary comparisons with contemporary science, and to write the whole, first into a lucid, easily understood exposition at the same time illustrating all of his methods and discoveries in natural color, and to put the whole into book form so that each phase of every opera- tion might be made crystal clear to the reader, whether his interest be general or specific. With the completion of these twelve volumes the first cycle of The Society's operations thus is accomplished. But it is not meant by this that The Society's work is at an end — in fact the most important work is yet to come. With all of Mr. Burbank's work charted, mapped, analyzed, classified, with contemporary science and practice placed in parallel in accessible form, and with all of the records of State and Gov- ernment Experiment Stations and many records generously donated by individual experimenters, [278] Color Photography Explained — 5 In this picture the green and blue-violet separations, last shown, are here superimposed in their complementary pink and yellow. It is possible to gain the same effect by recomposing the orig- inal colors of the separation, but for several reasons this is not the most practical method of operation. One reason is that the separa- tions such as the last three shown are really negatives and by printing the negative in the complementary color the result is theoretically the same as would be gained by printing a positive in the original color. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY The Society has at its command a fund of usable information such as has never before been brought together in the interest of a single line of knowl- edge. All that has been hoped of the present volumes, of which this is the concluding one, is that they will serve to stir up a broader interest than has ever been known in this vital subject; that they will acquaint the general reader with the importance of the work and give the practical beginner a fair start toward his goal. All that has been expected of these volumes is that they will be the beginning of what must become a world-wide movement. If The Society's work is to reach its maximum result, this set of books must be but the forerunner of many millions of pieces of printed matter which shall give guidance to those who take up the study of improving living things, whether plant or hu- man. And for this work there is already in The Society's vaults ample material on hand. Already, coincident to the publication of these books, The Society has found the time and means to publish and prepare for distribution a series of monographs, each dealing with some specific phase of gardening, fruit growing, flower raising, farm management, and kindred subjects. Already there has been prepared a separate series dealing with the improvement of the human plant, consisting [280] \ Color Photography Explained — 6 This shows another phase of the recompositton, being the green and red separation plates printed in their comple- mentary pink and blue. It will be noted that in the last picture the pink and yellow combine to make the spectral red, which has no blue in it; while in this picture the pink and blue- green combine to make the spectral blue- violet, which has no yellow in it. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY of a number of monographs covering as broadly as possible within the space at hand, the whole sub- ject of heredity and environment as applied not only to the production of better races but to the production of better individuals. In all some two million pieces of educational printed matter of one kind and another have been distributed. That this is but the beginning, however, may be seen from the comprehensive plans already laid out which include the following : First. The preparation of a series of even more intensive monographs on the improvement of the human plant, with specific illustrations from many sources, and with the definite applications brought home as closely as possible to the individual reader. Second. The preparation of a series of popular monographs on the application of mental forces to the improvement of individual human life — phys- ical and moral — from facts which have come as a sidelight to Mr. Burbank's work. Third. The preparation of a series of popular monographs on specific farm methods, showing the most profitable plants and crops, differentiated by climates and localities, with a view to getting the average agriculturist out of his rut and forging forward on a better plane. [282] YELLOW Color Photography Explained — 7 In this picture the blue and red separation negatives are shown as printed in their respective complementary yellow and blue-green colors. Here it will be seen that the yellow and blue-green together make up the spectral green shown in the first print, and that this illustration, together with the last two hav? each combined to produce one of the three original colors. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY Fourth. The preparation of a series of large wall charts describing and illustrating, in natural color, flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees, grains and grasses — a graphic method of nature study for children, which educational authorities have pro- nounced more efficient and practical than the present botanies in book form. Fifth. The organization of a lecture bureau and the preparation of motion picture films for the illustration of improved methods, to be sent throughout the rural districts and throughout the cities and towns as well, for the purpose of vividly illustrating the necessity of the work and the means of accomplishing results. Sixth. The classification of all records and data not now classified, with a view to inaugurat- ing an individual information service for all those engaged in, or interested in soil culture. Seventh. The publication of a periodical pre- senting the actual experiences — successes and fail- ures— of those engaged in or interested in plant or human improvement, affording a forum for the profitable exchange of practices and ideas. Eighth. Additional laboratory work with color photography, with a view to making it more widely available, with the idea that the public should ben- efit by all of The Society's activities, of which this has by no means been an unimportant part. [284] Color Photography Explained — 8 In this illustration we see the red, green and blue-violet separation negatives reccmposed in their complementary colors of blue-green, pink and yellow, with the result that a print on paper is produced which corresponds exactly with the original copy shown in number one of this series. The recomposition may be made either by photographic or mechanical means, a combination of many well known processes, however, giving the best results. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY Ninth. The preparation and publication of text books for popular and schoolroom use, to be issued through some commercial publishing house, with the idea that the royalties derived from these and other publications will provide a permanent source of income to sustain The Society in its work. As to finances, The Society's expenses have been promptly met by the subscriptions of the Life Members, with the result that the progress already described has been achieved, and The Society finds itself clear and free of debt. The sale of a popular edition of this first expo- sition in twelve volumes has been placed in the hands of publishers on a basis which will insure The Society an annual income without recourse to the solicitation of contributions; and the sale of other later publications, including text books, will be placed in the hands of publishers on a royalty basis, so that not only has the success of the original idea been achieved, but, in addition, preparation has been made for the furtherance of The Society's work in the future. Inspired by the observation of Prof. Hugo de Vries, the organizers of The Society may well feel that the popular response to The Society's an- nouncements gives ample proof that interest is not lacking; and the promise of the Future, from the work already done, is not only that Luther Bur- [286] Color Photography Explained — 9 7n this illustration is shown some of the special equip- ment devised for this work. These lamps, of nearly nine thou- sand candle power, were used in making a number of the pictures which could be made indoors — such as those of flowers and fruits which could be brought to the laboratory. It will be noted that the reflecting surfaces of these lamps, instead of being white, are a yellow-green, which color was used for the purpose of correcting the color of the light itself, a device of one of The Society's experimenters which it is believed was for the first time employed in this work. THE LUTHER BURBANK SOCIETY bank's work will be continued, instead of being permitted to die with him, but that it will be con- tinued on a much vaster scale and that the world will soon profit from the efforts of a thousand new Luther Burbanks, scattered everywhere, who have the advantage of avoiding most of his discourage- ments and many of his failures — who, in a word, take up the work where he leaves off. [END OF VOLUME XII.] — The addition of a single kernel to the car* of corn, would, in the United States alone, produce an extra annual crop of 5,100,000 bushels. LIST OF DIRECT COLOR PHOTOGRAPH PRINTS IN VOLUME XII Abutilon The Abutilon or Flowering Maple. 535 Apples Gathering Apples at Sebastopol 54 Blue Flag The Blue Flag 211 Luther Burbank Burbank Day at Santa Rosa Frontispiece Mr. Eurbank's Mother Luther Burbank's Birthplace Where Luther Burbank Was Schooled 12 Luther Burbank at the Age of Nine 15 Luther Burbank at the Age of Fourteen 17 Luther Burbank at the Age of Seventeen 19 Luther Burbank at the Age of Twenty-five 21 Luther Burbank at the Age of Fifty 106 Mr. Burbank's New Home in Santa Rosa 141 Mr. Burbank's Porch 143 Another View of Mr. Burbank's Porch 145 Mr. Burbank's House as Viewed from Across the Street... 147 Mr. Burbank and Dr. Hugo de Vries 149 Mr. Burbank Gathering Poppies 152 Mr. Burbank with a Gigantic Crinum Bulb 157 Mr. Burbank in an Oriental Setting 160 Mr. Burbank's Home Yard Filled with Red Poppies 233 Side View of Mr. Burbank's Home 236 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Luther Burbank Homestead p&ge The Old Homestead in Autumn 224 Rear of the Old Homestead 227 Front Entrance to the Old Homestead 230 Another View of the Old Homestead 240 Old Homestead as it is To-day 244 Luther Burbank Society The Society's Information Bureau 249 Home of the Luther Burbank Press 252 Book for the Blind A Burbank Book for the Blind 163 Calceolaria The Calceolaria 218 Cherry Orchard A Burbank Cherry Orchard 190 Color Photography 271, 273, 275, 277, 279, 281, 283, 285, 287 Dandelion A Selected Dandelion 221 Grape Vineyard A Paying Burbank Grape Vineyard 196 Medals A Burbank Product Highly Honored 166 A Burbank Medal 169 Another Burbank Medal 172 A Medal from the California Academy of Sciences 175 A Gold Medal from the Pan-American Exposition 178 A Medal from the California State Agricultural Society 181 A Medal from the California State Floral Society 184 Parrot Bill Flower The Parrot Bill Flower or Clianthus 215 Pears An Improved Bartlett Pear Orchard 199 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Planting Page Marking Rows for Planting 39 Potatoes The Purchaser of the Burbank Potato 25 Luther Burbank's First Advertisement 57 A Paying Burbank Potato Patch 193 Primroses A Bed of English Primroses or "Cowslips" 202 Prunes A Burbank Prune Orchard 187 Records Burbank Records 255 A Record of Foreign Seeds 258 Another Record of Foreign Seeds 261 Record of Orchard Fruits 264 A Diagrammatic Record 267 Santa Rosa Views A View at Santa Rosa 60 Another View in Mr. Burbank's Gardens 63 Strange Bedfellows 66 A Santa Rosa Tangle 69 Vegetation of Many Types 71 Quantity Production 73 Mr. Burbank's Back Yard 75 A Bird's-Eye View 77 Midsummer at Santa Rosa 79 Another Midsummer's View 81 Cactus, Canna and Grasses 83 Another View of the Famous Elm 85 Early Autumn at Santa Rosa 87 Over the Strawberry Bed 89 At the Height of the Season 91 Across the Cactus Field 94 Cactus Plants of the Newest Generation 97 At the End of the Conservatory 100 Tropical Luxuriance 103 Sebastopol Views Bird's-Eye View at Sebastopol 109 Watsonias at Sebastopol 112 Another View at Sebastopol 115 A Near View of the Sebastopol Farm House 118 Days of Preparation at Sebastopol 121 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Page Flowering Time in the Sebastopol Orchard 124 Crinum Beds — and Others 127 A Briar Patch at Sebastopol 129 Gladiolus Beds at Sebastopol 132 Cherries, Plumcots and Other Orchard Fruits 135 A Sebastopol Pot Pourri 138 Scilla The South American Scilla. . 205 Seeds Washing Seeds 43 Covering Seeds with Sand 45 Seeds in the Greenhouse 47 Rare Seeds in Common Receptacles 49 Seeds Drying in the Open 52 Sieves An Assortment of Sieves 33 A Collection of Sieves 35 Tools A Simple but Important Equipment 28 A Crude but Effective Implement 31 Soil-Stirring Implements 37 Trench Setting Out Small Seedlings 41 LUTHER BURBANK HIS METHODS AND DISCOVERIES AND THEIR PRACTICAL APPLICATION PREPARED FROM HIS ORIGINAL FIELD NOTES COVERING MORE THAN 100,000 EXPERIMENTS MADE DURING FORTY YEARS DEVOTED TO PLANT IMPROVEMENT WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF The Luther Burbank Society AND ITS ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP UNDER THE EDITORIAL DIRECTION OF John Whitson and Robert John AND Henry Smith Williams, M. D., LL. D, SUBJECT INDEX VOLUMES I- XII INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. ABIES Balsainae... XI Abies nordmau- niana XI Abundance Plum V Acacia I Achievements XII Acquired Traits II Acrostis fontanesi VIII Actinidia VI Actinidia polygima... VI Aerial Potatoes VII African Marigold X Agassiz XII Agrostemma X Air VII Alaska Shasta Daisy. II Aletia argillacea VIII Alexander Apple IV Alexandria Grape VI Alfalfa VIII Algae I Aliens X Allelomorph II Allen's Antwerp Ras- bsrry VI Allen's Red Prolific Raspberry VI Alliums VII Almond IV XI XII Alovsia citriodora X Alsika Clover VIII Alstroemeria VII Alstroemeria Brasili- ense VII Alstroemeria Chilensis VII Alstroemeria pulchella VII Alstroemeria pardalium IX Amaranthus X Amarillo Cactus VIII Amaryllis IX Amaryllis belladonna. IX Amber Grape VI Amber Sugar-Cane .... VIII America, The Melting Pot of Nations XII American Cowslip X American Plum V American Walnut XI Ampelopsis X Ampelopsis arborea... X Ampelopsis h e t e r o- phyla X Ampelopsis vitchi X Anacantha Cactus VIII Ancon Ram Story.... II Page. Vol. Page. 257 Anemophilous Plants. Ill 70 Angus Quince IV 212 288 Animal Cells VII 22 38, 70, 251 Anona cherimolia IV 302 43-46 Anthers Ill 88 107-154 Anthonomus grandis. .VIII 122 29-38 Anthox anthuin VIII 289 293 Ants Ill 211 251 Apex Plumcot V 296, 298 252, 254 Aphides Ill 141 136 Apostates Ill 66, 67 174 Apple Ill 120 11 IV 12, 23. 25, 263 177-210 17-22 V 178 34 Apple Plum IV 26 122 V 36 192 Apricot Ill 120 202 IV 241-271 Aquilegia X 49 Aquilegia coerulea X 50 Arbutus VI 264, 265 Arderne, H. W IX 273 X 23 Aristocratic American Race XII 216-219 Arizona Everbearing Strawberry VI 96 Aronson VIII 72 Artichoke VII 182-190 Asclepsis cornuta Ill 205 XI 252 Ash VI 266 Asparagus I 252 VII 222 Aster X 72 Atavism II 54-72 Atropa belladonna VI 112 Aughinbaugh D e w- berry VI 54 Austria Canna IX 239 Australian Macadamia IV 302 Australian Star-flower X 136 BACILLUS, amolov- orus IV 126 Bailey, Prof. L. H. Ill 252 VII 54 Bake-Apple Berry VI 150 Baldwin Apple Ill 154 IV 192 Balloon-Flower X 7-38 Balsam Fir XI 257 Banana IV 32 Banana Melon VII 44 Banksias . IX 63 28, 29 135-166 67 43 43 152-155 160 20, 63-94 90 117 95 260 260 260, 262 260 265 267 189 71-101 97 206 150 232-239 62, 64 203 35 215 216 216 215 189, 192 [295] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. Page. Barbary Fig Cactus.. VIII 190 Barberry 88 Ill 78 VI 239 "Bark" Grafting Ill 178 Barley VIII 45, 46 Barr, Peter X 188 Bartlett Pear IV 123, 138 Bartlett Plum IV 26 Bassford, H. A IV 223 Basswood XI 178 Bateson, Prof II 100 Beach Plum V 203 Bean Ill 72 VII 96-108 Bean Tree, Jumping. . I 98 Bear Story 36-38 158 Beauty Plum V 36, 74, 82, 254 242 VII 111 Bee I 177 II 201 III 208-219 Beech XI 176 Beecher, Henry Ward. IV 211 Bell-Flower X 36, 230 Berberis acrifolia VI 244 Berberis buxifolia VI 243 Berberis fremonti VI 246 Berberis repens VI 244 Berberis vulgaris Ill 78 VI 242 Berckmans, J. P V 34 Berckmans Plum V 38 Berger Co., H. H VI 246 Bermuda Grass VIII 293 Beurre Clairgeau Pear IV Bldens atrosanguinea . IX 26 226 178 Biffin, Prof. E. P.... Ill 26, 28, 112 VIII 54-76, 129 IX 148 227 Birch Tree XI 292 Bird Cherry IV 97 Birkeland, Prof. Chris- tian VIII 105 Birthplace of Burbank XII 18 Blackberry, Thornless VI 7-S8 Blackberry, White II III 39-72, »7 24 Blackcaps VI 138 Black-cap Raspberry . . VI Black Dahlia IX 42 226 X 178 Black-Eyed-Susans ... X 20 Black Tartarian Cherry II 211 Bloed Plum of Satsuina V 14, 29 258 Bloomeria aurea VII 258 Blossoms of Fruit Trees T 180 Bluebell IX 168 Bluebells of Scotland X 57-59 Blue Grass X 243, 244 Blue Poppy IX Bodega Red Potatoes. VII BodinghauB, M IX 104-133 296 172 Vol. Body Plasm X Page. 99, 101 Bolivian Peach IV 170, 172 Boll- Worm VIII 122 Bonfire I 202-206 Bon Sllene Rose IX 45 Bordeaux Mixture.... II 130 IV 50 Boston Ivy X 215 Bourbon Hose IX 45 Boxes for Seedlings.. Ill 122 Boyhood of Burbank.. XII 7-59 Brandywlne Strawberry VI 96 Brazilian Morn- ing-Glory X 183 Breeding Giants IX 72-77 Brevoortia VII 258 Bridal-Rose VI 262, 264 Broccoli VII 61 Brodiaea VII 252-258 Brodiaea capitata... VII 252, 255, 257 Brodiaea lactea VII 254, 255 Brodiaea laxa VII 255 Brodiaea terrestrig. . VII 255, 257 Brodiaea volubilis... VII 252 Bromus gigantius... VIII 283 Bromus inermis VIII 283 Bromus mollis VIII 286 Broom-corn VIII 146-150 Brown, Hon. J. T VII 282 Brucine VIII 80 Brunsvigia IX 81 Brussels Sprouts VII 63 Bryant, Walter VII 226 VIII 189 Buckeye XI 263 Buckwheat VIII 300 Budding Ill 186-195 Bulb Division X 90-105 14, 15 Burbank Canna IX 239 Burbank, Prof. Lev! Sumner XII 11 Burbank, Luther XII 7-246 Burbank (Luther) So- ciety XII 247-288 Burbank, Samuel Wal- ton XII 13 Burbank Cherry II 226 Burbank Giant Rhu- barb VII 210 Burbank's Hybrid Larkspur X 173 Burbank Plum V 26, 38, 70, 270 Burbank Potato VII 267-294 223 Burbank Rose IX 41-62 Burbank's Sunset Shades of Shirley Poppies IX 121 Burdock VII 205 Burpee IX 211 Burr Clover VIII 92 98 Burrows, Dr. Mont- rose W V 20 Bush Bean VII 106 Butterfly Experiment. Ill 210 64-57 [296] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. Page. Vol. Page. CABBAGE VII 60-66 Catalpa XI 298 ^j Cactus I 7-26, 107, 108 Cathay Pear IV 226 VI 213-236 Cattle Fodder VIII 209-240 VIII 169-269 Cauliflower VII 61 XII 51 Ceanothus VI 59 Cactus Pear VI 213-236 Cecil Bruner Rose.... IX 55. 60 VIII 243, 245 Cereals Ill 223 California Black Wal- Cereus VIII 172 nut II 137, 138, 143, Chabot Plum V 38 146, 158 Chalco Plum V 223 XI 41, 162 Chamaerops Excelsa.. X 211 California Cactus VIII 209 Chamaerops excelsior. X 209 California Holly-Leaf Champion Quince IV 212 Cherrv IV 99 "Cheat" X 263 California Lily VII California Shasta 262 Chemical Irritability. Ill Chemical-Y 1 e 1 d i n g 212, 218 Daisy II 36 Plants VIII 133-167 California Thistle VII 200 Cherimoya IV 302 California Wild Plum V 203, 216 Cherry I 105, 198-210, Calla IX 248-257 264 Calla, Scented II 73-101 II 201-233 IX 248 III 13, 20 Calyx Ill 85 IV 14, 22, 69-104 Camassia VII 239-251 V 178 Camassia Cusickii.. VII 243, 246 Cherry Plum V 220 Camassia esculenta. VII 243, 246 Chestnut XI 7, 14, 95-129, Camassia Fraeerl... VII 243 178, 263 Camassia Howellii. VII 243 Chestnut Fungus XI 110-116 Camassia Lelchtlinii VII 242 Chestnut Oak XI 124 Campanula X 57-59 Chestnut Orchard.... XI 115-122 Canada Balsam XI 257 Chewing Gum XI 258 Canada Crookneck Chickasaw Plum V 203, 204 Squash VII 62 Chlco Cactus VIII 209, 242 209 Chicory, Wild I 97 Candle Berry XI 266 Chllds, John Lewis... VI 262 Oanna IX 235-244 Chilean Bell-Flower. . X 230 Canna Saccida IX 236 Chilean Clovers VIII 92 Canna iridiflora IX Cannabis sativa VIII Capillarity VII Capri Fig IV Caprlola VIII Carawav VII 238 108 139 18 297 293 156 Chilean Cress VII Chilean Hemp VIII Ghiloe Squash VII Chinese Balloon- Flower X Chinese Bellflower X 169 301, 803 58 7-38 36 Carbohydrates VIII Chinese Cucumber Cardoon VII 186 Quince IV 226 Cnrduus •marianus. . . . VII 202 63 Careless Weed X 267 Chinquapin XI 100 Carissa grandiflora.... IV 302 Chive VII 148-161 Carnation. X Carnation Flower 119-125 Chlorophyll Granules. VII Choke Cherry IV 29-36 96 Poppy X Carrel, Dr. Alexis III 153 145, 146, 147. 148 Chromosomes V Cion Ill 231 160 v 20 21 Chrysanthemum la- 74 custre II 10 Carrion Lily I 80-83 Chrysanthemum maxi- Carrot VII 69 mum II 10, 12 Carum VII 262 Chrysanthemum n 1 p- Carum gairdnerl VII 264 14 Casaba XI Casaba Melon VII (,'asimirva edulis IV Castanopsls c h r y- sophylls XI Castilleia X 264 47 302 122 196 Citranges IV Citrus Fruits IV Citrus Japonica IV Citrus trifoliata IV Cleft Graft Ill 276 273-304 275 276 172 Castle, Prof. Wm. E. II 65, 72, 123, 218 IV Clematis X 270, 218-226 III 242, 256 Clematis coccinea X 219 Catallna Cherry IV 99 Climax Plum V 223 [297] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. .. V Pajre. 126-132 VI 150 I 46-48 VIII 78-89, 92-103 Tol. Clues To Be Followed III 13 Coast Tree Lupine.... IX 1 Coates, Leonard Cocoanut Cousin Marriages XII §9*242 Cover-Crop IV 48 Cowslip X 62 64 Cranberry VI 100 Crawford Peach IV I XI 107 94-96 13, 14 Crimson nla Poples Cl Calif or- IX Codling Motn IV 50 Coe Chestnut XI 108 126 120 Collectors *« 120-123 Colorado Yew Cypress XI 288 Colors Coffee Colby, G. E.. Cold Frames. Crimson Olarkia.. Crimson Rambler. Crinum Crlnum amabale Crlnum Amerlcanum. VII 169 IX 121 IX 158 IX 53, 55, C8, 60 IX 81, 97 X 141-148 145 97 145 X IX X 29-84 271-275 155-165,287 Crlnum Anabilis IX Crinum Asiatica.. Crinum longiflora. 97 IX 97 X I 145 Color of Foliage a 13 236 V 199, 211 o Columbine ........... _f. 49-57 Colvllle, Mr ..... ..... IX 172 Combination of Qual- ities .............. Combination Plum ---- Commercial Value of Nuts .............. Compositae .......... Composite Flowers.... Compound Flowers ---- . Cross-Pollenizing Crozy Canna ......... IX Cruclfers ............ Crude Oil ........ •• %; "Crystal White" blackberry ........ VII 60-69 XI 257 VI XI III VII 17-24 40, 45, 48, 59,68 68 42 285 Conchlflor X r^r^/t.ra , m Conifers Conquest less Prune. . 179 135, 167-197 III 96 V" ffi. 167-197 96 135, 167-197 120 172-175, 282- 292 X III VII X Cucumber VH Cultivation _* Cup Fungi VIII 48 Currant _X* 7°*' Airo Currant Tomato VII 114 Cut Worm VIII 122 Cuthbert Raspberry... VI 62,148 Cuvier I" §82 , 283 Cydonlan Apple IT 213 Cydonia japonica IV 224,232 Cydonia maulei.. XI Stone- Cydonia sinensis . . Cydonla vulgaris Cynoglossum Cypress IV 224, 232, 234, 236 IV 206. 224 IV 206, 213 IX 160 V 132-137. 157 VIII 72, 73, VIII 124, 126 IX TpvAFFODIL ^ Dahl, Dr. Andreas IX Coreopsis ••••• Coreopsis llnceolita. Corinth Currants vi S~*svwn . . • • • A X 60 VI Corn Corn Cockle X III 292, 293, 295 vni TJ« 107 Dahlia Juarezil IX Dahlia variabilis IX Daisy * II 130-132 190 204 203-233 146-162, 182- 189 7-38, 69, 97 "Damping Off" ....... HI Dandelion ........... III 228-233 IX 135-165 Correns ™I g. Corsican Pine XI 257 Cortaderia argentea. .Vni 294 Corylus rostrata J i4» Cos Lettuce Til Darnel • • • • Darwin, Charles. Cosmos X 178-180 Cotton ' '.'.VIII 108-182 SttoJ Boil-Worm.... VIII 122 Coulter. Professor II 33, 55, 62, 70, 72, 84, 88, 90, 94 202, 206 40, 44, 46 168 XI 155, 161, 202. 205, 207 XII 23, 32, 53, 167 III V IX [298] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Tol. Page. VoL Page. Darwin, Charles XII 174, 176, 206 Edible Bulbs X 88 Darwin. Erasmus IX 168 Euison I 66 Darwin Potato II 283 VII 110 VII 297-302 Educating the Seed- Date Palm X 200-205 ling XII 223 Davenport, Prof Ill 256 Eel Grass Ill 205 Day, H., & Son II 174 Eggplant VII 223 292-301 Elaeagnus VI 246 Delaware Plum V 36, 70 Elaeagnus argentea... VI 248 Delphinium California X Delphinium cardinale. X 170 168 Elaeagnus augustifolia VI Elaeagnus canadensis. VI 248 248 Delphinium decorum.. X 168 Elaeagnus longipes... VI 246, 248 Delphinium hespirium X Delphinium hybrldum. X 170 168 Elaeagnus pungens VI Elaeagnus umbellata.. VI 248 248 Delphinium nudicaule. X 168 Elder VI 175 "Determiner" II Devil's Claw I 67, 68 100-105 Elderberry VI Elegance Verbena.... X 172-180 108 Devil's Shoe String. . . X 263-267 Elm XI 301-304 de Vries, Prof. Hugo. II 55, 88, 90. 91. Emerson V 39 94-98 VI 285 IV 284 Emperor of Japan.... II 170 V 139 Empress of India Rose IX 55, 58 VIII 56 Empson, J. H VII 74 IX 90 Empson Peas VII 73-83 X 68, 70 Endothia parasitica. . . XI 112 XI 198 Engelmanni X 216 XII 153, 194, 200, English Pond Seedling 247, 286 Prune 248 Dewberry II 286-289 11-38, 52 Entomophilous Ill Epau Potato VII 60 262-265 VI 54, 60-62 Epiphyllum VIII 172 119-125 XII 51 Dianthus Chinensis... X 120 Epistatic IX 129 Dictator Raspberry... VI 48 Epoch. Plum V 214 Digitalis Ill 216 Erdody IX 13 Dixie Lippia X 240 Ericaceae VI 264 Dodecatheon X 62, 64 Eriobotyra IV 264 "Dog Corn" VIII 11 Eschscholtzia Ill 290 Dog and Monkeys 170-172 IX X 121 151 Dooryard Flowers X 107-134 Essential Oils IX 245 Dorchester Blackberry VI 25 Eucalyptus XI 168 Doris Plum V 222 Euchleana Mexlcana. .VIII 10 Doubling Petals IX 34-39 Eureka Raspberry.... VI 47, 48 Douelas Spruce XI 288 Euridineial Fungi VIII 48 Drainage X 245-252 Evening Primrose. ... II 90, 91, 95 t Drake's Seedling Al- 96, 98 91 VII 127 Drooping Nightshade. IX Duarte Plum V 267 36 X Evergreen Blackberry. VI 68-72 153 Dutton, Warren XII 88 Evergreen Golden Chestnut XI 122 EARLY Amber Grape VI "Early Black" 206 Everlasting Flower. . . X Extra-early Sweet 135-141 Grape VI 206 Corn VIII 27, 29 Early Goodrich Potato VII 290 Extreme Variation X 7-38 Early Harvest Black- Eyde, S Till 105 berry VI 27 Early Minnesota Sweet Corn VIII 30 FAILURES II Fairchild, David G. VI 271-304 11 Early Purple Guigne Cherry II 211 VIII Fameuse Apple IV 187, 192 191, 192, 194 Early Rose Potato. . . VII 278, 290, 292 Famine Preventer. .. .VIII 246, 248 Early Years in Santa Feijoa IV 302 Rosa XII 61-105 Feijoa Sellowiana IV 302 East, Prof. E. M IV 276 Fennel Flower of East Plum V 211 France I 88 Easter Beurre Pear. . . IV 118 III 72, 78 Ectatomma tubercu- Fernn Ill 61, 64. 66 latum VIII 124 98 [299] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. Page. Vol. Page. Ferraria X 77 Geranium I 67-80 Fertilizers IV 49 III 214 X 280, 288, 289 X 128-134 Field Gardens X 279-304 Germ Plasm and Body Fig IV 297 Plasm X 99, 101 Fig Guava IV 302 Giant Amaryllis IX 94 Filberts XI 146-150 Giant Calla IX 250, 254, 256 Final Selection III 275-304 Giant Maritima Plum. V 206, 210 Finsen, Dr II 52 Giant Prune II 249 Fire Blight TV 128 V 100, 102, 11? First Plum V 204 Giants, Breeding IX 72-77 Five-Leafed Ivy X 215 Gilia IX 160 Fixing Good Traits... TTT 221-247 X 191 Fixing a Type III 233-247 Gladiolus IX 167-202 Flame Tokay Grape. . VI 195 Gladiolus blandus... IX 172-174 Flat-fish IT 92 Gladiolus cardinalis. IX 172 "Flats" TTI 122 Gladiolus cristis IX 172 Flax VIII 107 Gladiolus oppositiflorus IX 174 Floral Envelope IX 289 Gladiolus psittacinus IX 172 Floral Firecracker. . . . VII 258 Gladiolus ramosus. . . IX 174 Flower Gardens X 279-304 Gladstone Raspberry. VI 43 Flower Possibilities.. IX 7-40 Glucose VIII 153 Flowering Peach IV 162 Glumes VIII 60-65 Flowering Raspberry.. Food Value of Nuts.. VI XI 258 10-13 Goethe VII IX 139 168 Foreign Collectors .... XII 120-123 Gold Ridge Farm XII 107 V 74, 223, 252 Golden Plum V 70 Four-O'clocks X 46-49 Golden Rod I 26 Foxglove III 216 72-76 Fragaria ananassa.... VI 86 Golden Russet Apple. IV 191, 192, 194 Fragaria Californica. . VI 92 139 Fragaria Chiloensis. . . VI 84 Goodrich Potato VII 290 Fragaria grandiflora . . VT 86 Gooseberry VI 160 Fragaria Indica VI 90 Gophers IX 183-186 Fragrance IX 23-29 Gould, Mrs X 126 Fragrance Calla II 80 Gouml Berry VI 246, 247, 248 IX 248 Grafting I 198-203 Fragrant Verbena X 107-116 II 148-152, 208 Francheschi, Dr X 236 III 145-195 Kranquette Walnut... XT 37, 58 IV 270 Fraud Plum V 190 Grafting Wax Ill 180 Freestone V 126-132 Grains VIII 45-76 Freezing V 20, 21 Grapes Ill 286 French Globe Arti- VI 181-211 choke VII 182 Grasses VIII 278-299 French Legend about Gravenstein Apple .... IV 138, 191, 194, Apples I 194 202, 203 French Marigold X 174 62 French Prune TT 112 Gregg Raspberry VI 48, 50 French Robe de Ser- Gregory, J. J. H VII 53, 281, 2 82, geant Prune V 118 284 Fresno Cactus Fruiting VIII V 209 180 Greyhound Story IV Groff, H. H IX 90 184 Fungus 7III 48 Ground Cherry VII 225-228 XT 110-115 Guatemala Ant VIII 124 G ALTON, Sir Fran- cis TTT 17, 18 Guinea Pig Experiment 1 Gumbo VIII 65, 123 242 110 Gandavensis Glad- Gummosis IV 100 iolus IX 174 Gum Trees XI 239-269 Garber Pear IV 118 Gymnocarpa Cactus. .VIII 189 Garden Huckleberry.. VT 114, 115 Gardening Garden Plants VII VII 7-38 39 HAAS Queen Apple IV Habit II 192 182 Gardens, Flower and Hairy Plum VI 251 Field X 279-304 Hale Chestnut XI 108 Garden Royal IV 191, 192, 194 Hale Plum V 70 Garlic VTT 152, 154 Hales, Stephen IV 282, 287 General Jacqueminot Halsted, Prof. Byron Rose IX 63 D VII 223 [300] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Tol. Hand Pollenizlng Ill 91-9? Vol. Hypostatlc IX Page. 129 Hanse, Timothy VIII 78 Hansell Raspberry VI 148 ICE-PLANT I 48 Hansen, Prof. N. E... IV 100 124 V 215 Idaho Brome-Grass VIII 283 Hanson, Timothy Till 78 Ideal Plum, An V 170-196 Hatch, A. T XI 90 Ideal Prune Qualifica- Hawthorn VI 266 tions II 245 Hay VIII 77-80 Improved Dwarf Rocky Hazelnut XI 30, 146-150 Mountain Cherry IV 101 Heath VI 264 Improved French Hedges X 278 Prune V 107, 109 Helianthus VII 187 Improved S t r a 1 n of Heliothis armiger VIII 122 Shirley Poppy IX 114 Helipterum X 138 178 Hemp VIII 108, 301-304 Inbreeding Ill 224 Henbane VI 112 Indian Fig Cactus.. VIII 190 Herbert, Rev. Dr. Wm. IX 167, 172 "Indian-Shot Plant" IX 241 X 147 Indian's Paint-Brush X 196 XII 174 Inedible Fruits VI 237-268 Herbertia platensis... X 80 Inoculation of Soil.. VIII 102 Herd, John VIII 78 Interesting Aliens . . X 135-166 Herd's Grass VIII 78 Ipomoea X 181 Hermosa Rose IX 45 Ipomoea setosa X 183 Hermosillo Plum V 36 Iris Ill 217 67 X 40-46, 77 III 241, 245 Iris foetssissima X 42 IV 76 Iris laevigata X 40 Heuchera cristata.... IX 7-23 Irrigation X 252-256 Heuchera micrantha.. IX 7 Isabella Regia Grape.. VI 202, 204, 208 Hevea XI 251 Ixia X 148-150 Hickory-Nut XI 131-140, 156-161 JACKMANNI lanugl- Hlcoria glabra XI 134 nosa X 219 Himalaya Blackberry. VI 27-38 Jacobean Lily IX 95 Hind, Robert VIII 221 Japanese Apricot IV 260 Hippeastrum IX 80, 94 Japanese Golden May- Hippeastrum aulicum. IX 84, 86 berrv TI 144 Hippeastrum Johnson! IX 81, 84, 86 Japanese Ivy X 215 Hippeastrum reglnae. IX 81, 86 Japanese Plum XI 63-72 Hippeastrum vittatum IX 81. 84, 86 Japanese Rose IX 63 Holmes, Robert II 170 Japanese Variegated Homozygote II 67, 160 Corn VIII 20 III 241, 242, 244, Japanese Walnut XI 41 245 Jerusalem Artichoke.. VII 187 IV 76 Jewel Weed Ill 72 Honey Prune V 107 Johannsen, Prof. W. L. II 266-268 Hops VIII 154-163 Johnson's Amaryllis.. IX 81 Horse Chestnut XI 263 Juarez, President IX 209 Horseradish VII 170 Juglans cordrlformis. XI 43 Hovey's Seedling Juglans Manschurlca.. XI 65 Strawberry VI 86 Juglans Sieboldii XI 41 Howard, Dr. L. 0.. VIII 121 Jumping Bean Tree... I 98 Hubbard, Squash.. . VII 53 Hubbardston Apple IV Huckleberry VI 192 114, 115, 166 KAFFIR Corn Till Kapok X 14 194 "Huckleberry Plum' V 208 Keen's Seedling Hulot Gladiolus... IX 198 Strawberry VI 86 Human Maladies... XII 242-246 Keeping Seeds Over Human Plant XII 203-246 Winter . Ill 116 Hungarian Prune.. . II 248 Kelep VIII 124 Hunt, Prof. Thos. F..VIII 100, 112 113 Kelsey Plum Ill 158 Husbands, Seuor Jose D XII Husk Tomato VII 123 225 Kelvin, Lord V Kieffer, Peter IV 240 116 Hybiscus VIII Hybridizing, Limits of III Hyoscyanius niger VI 110 36 112 242 Kimkan IV King of Italy II Kinkit IV Kittatiny Blackberry. VI 275 170 275 25 [301] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. Page. Vol. Page. Knight, Andrew , TY 114 Lupine . IX 15$ XTT 174 Lupulin .VIII 156-163 Kohl-rabi .. VTT 63 Lye . V 92 Kolreuter II 44 . IT 192 XTT 176 Kumquat , , IV 275 MACADAMIA te nifolia r- . IV 302 LABELS , TTT 261-272 XI 152 Label Stakes TTT 261-272 MacDougal, Dr. D. T . VII 127 Lamarck IX 168 Madder , . XI 249-251 Lancaster XTT 20 Madia elegans . Ill 32 Languedoc Almond . . . XI 76 Madia sativa . Ill 32 Lapageria X 230 XI 249 Larkspur X 167-173 Madrona . VI 265 Latex XT 252-255 Magnolia , . XI 298 Lawn Beautiflcatlon.. X 235-278 Mahonia . VI 244 Lawton Blackberry . . . II 42-48, 69, 62 Mala Cydonia IV 213 III 25 Malta Cactus .Till 189 VT 25, 65, 66, 154 Malthus , , XI 205 Leader Peach IV 167 Mao-li-dzl . VT 251 Leaf VTT 29 Maple XI 178, 239-24<1 Le Conte Pear IV 118, 123 , XI 240 Leeks VII 152 Marchioness of Bute.. IX 206 Leguminous Plants. . . VIII 98 Marigold . X 174-178 Le Long, M. B II 252 Maritima Plum . V 208 Lemon, Prof X 174 Marketable Nuts XI 13-17 Lemonball Marigold . . X 176 Marrow . VII 53 Lemon Giant Calla... IX 250 Martin Story . TT 86, 87, 186 Leopard Lily IX 259 Martynia I 100-105 Leotsakos, Prof VI 224, 226 Mayberry . VI 144 Lettuce I 48 Mayflower Verbena.. . X 107-116 VTT 190-196 Maynard Plum , . V 223, 248 Lichens Ligusticum Canadense III VII 61, 64 157 Mavpop McParland Chestnut.. VII XI 231-237 108 Lilies IX 235-268 Melissa VII 163 IX 71 "Melocotoon" . IV 152 TX 263 Melon VII 42-60 X 88 Mendel , II 55, 58, 59,61, Lilium Humboldtil . . . IX 260 62, 65, 67, 69, Lilium pardalinum. , . VII 262 70, 72, 122, IX 259, 262, 285 159, 218, 222, Lilium parry! IX 260, 262 226, 233 Lilium parvum TX 260 III 25, 241 Lilium Washingto- V 298 nlanum IX 262 VI 46, 130, 132, Lily, Chinese Carrion. T 80-83 133 Lily of Incas TX 265 VTT 86-96, 99-100. Lima Bean VII 102 106, 108, 117 Limnanthus douglasii. IX 158 VIII 36. 56-72, 87, Limits of Hybridizing TTT 36 129, 182, 260 Linden XT 178 IX 127, 130, 299 Line Breeding III 242, 247 X 52, 54, 166 Linnaeus VI 150 XI 80, 195-203, IX 204 218-237 Llppia canescens X 235 XII 192-201. 223, Liriodendron X XT 117, 235 294-298 Mosnmbryanthemum . . X 242-246, 259 237 Live Stock Food VIII 77-106 Methyl Alcohol VIII 248 Lock. R. H VTTT 36 Methyl Aldehyde VTTT 154 Loeb, Prof. Jacqnos., TTT 210, 212 Mexican Cotton Boll Logan, Judge J. H. .. VT 64 Weevil VIII 122 Loganberry Lollum VI X 64 263 Meyer, Frank N Mice XI IX 112 127-130 Longrrorth. Nicholas.. VT 42 Microcosm V 239 Longworth's Prolific Micromeria douglassi. VII 161 Strawberry VT 96 Mikado, The VIII 271, 272 Loqnat TV 2R4-271 Mildew IX 63 Lovasre VTT 157 Milkweed I 86 Lovt --. T. J TT 39. 40 III 205 Lombt..- XI 155-192 X 193, IS* [302] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII ToL Milkweed XI Page. 252 Tol. New Plums V Page. 197-246 Miller Prune V 107, 109 197-246 Mint . HI 34, 39 Newton. Prof Ill 10 VII 158 Newtown Pippin Apple IV 192, 194 X 64 Nicotlana Wlgandio- Miracle Plum T 156 ides rubra II 275-280 Mixed Ancestry Ill 224 Nicotunia I 240 Mixture of Races.... XII 226-229 Nightshade Family... VI 110 Mojave Llppla X 241 Nitrogen VIII 96-106 Moliere XI 167 X 289, 291 Momentum of Varia- Nixie Plum V 216 tion Ill 108 Nobel VII 111 Monarch Strawberry.. VI Monkey Puzzle Tree. I Monteclto Grape VI 96 29, 31 206 Nonpareil Almond.... XI Non-Union Plants III Nopalia Cactus VIII 90 61 193, 198 Moon-Flower X 181, 183 Northern Spy Apple... IV 194, 198, 200 Morada Cactus VIII 189 Norway Pine XI 257 Morgan, Prof. T. H.. VII 127 Nut Growing XI 7-33 Morganhlll Prune V 107. 109 Nuttall, Dr. G. H. F. Ill 48, 60, 147 Morning-Glory X 181-185, 263- Morris. Dr. Robert T. XI Morton Orange IT Mosaic of Characters. Ill Mosses Ill Moth III 267 113 276 22 61, 64 198 OAK XI Oats VIII Oenothera X Oenothera acaulis X Old World Thistle VII 175 45, 46 68-72 70 202 IV 50 Onions VII 162-155 Mountain Ash VI Mucilage VIII Muir Peach IV 266 251 154, 158, 164. 167 Opium Poppy X Opulent Peach IV Opuntia VIII Opuntia vulgaris VIII 151-166 156, 158 172-269 178, 179 XI 76 Orange IV 275-292 Mulberry IV 297 172-180 V Orange Quince IV 162 212, 213. 214. Munson Mr VI 202 216, 223 Muscat 'Grape VI Muskmelon VII 202 44 Orange Sugar-Cane. . .VIII Orange Sweet Corn... VIII 150 40 Mustang Grape VI 200 Orchard Fruits IV 7-35 Mustard VII 164 Orchard Grass VIII 291 Mutation II 80. 84, 88, 90- Orchard Plans and „ 98, 120 Methods IV 87-67 Myrica cerifera XI 266 V 168 Myrlca nagl XI 268 Orchard Surgery IV 128 Myrlca rubra XI 268 160 Myrobolan Plum V 116, 174, 220 V 168 Myrtles VI 254-258 XI 115-122 Myrtus communls VI 255 Orchid 83 Myrtus ugni VI 256 Ill 206 Orchid-Flowered Canna IX 239 NARCISSUS I Nasturtium X Nasturtium Chi- lensi VII Natal Plum IV National Peach IV Navel Orange IV Ne Plus Ultra Almond XI 130-132 185-188 169 302 167 279 90 Orchis mascula Ill Orchis pyramidalis... Ill Oriental Poppies X Ornamentals X Ornamental Trees XI Orthogenesis Ill 208 207 244 151-168 199-233 271-304 108 Nectarine Ill 120 Oryza VIII 275 IV 141-175 Osmosis IV 284, 287 XI 72-88 VII 17. 18 Need for Improving Ostrich Plume Clematis X 222 Small Fruits VI 269-304 Otbello Plum V 222 Nemophila IX 157 Out of Door Planting. Ill 118 Nettle I 88 Oval Brittany III 72 Artichoke VII 182 New Creations In Ovary Ill 87 Fruits and Flowers XII 136, 137, 153, Ovster Plant VII 71 155 Ox-Eye Daisy II 8, 10, 12, 17, New Giant Crimson 20, 26 Ebubarb VII 210 [303] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol, Page. Vol. Page. PAEONIA Poppy... Painted Cup X X 153 194 Pierce Grape VI Pig-Nuts XI 202. 204 134 Palm III 221 Pineapple Quince IV 211, 221, 222, X 199-214, 277 223. 224 Palmer Apple IV 192 Pine Strawberry VI 86 Pampas-Grass ' VIII 145, 294-299 Pine Trees I 98-103 Pansy 1 114-116 III 120 Papaver Calif ornica .. IX 123 XI 175 Papaver orientalis X 151 Pink X 119-125 Papaver Rhoeas TX 107 Pipewort I 32 Papaver somnifera. . . . X HTT 151 252, 303, 304 Pipette Rose IX Pistachio XI 63 152 Paper-Shell Walnut... XT 35-41 Pistil Ill 85, 87 Paradox Raspberry... VT 68, 70, 72 Pitcher Plants I 50 Paradox Walnut TT 137, 140, 143, Planning a New Plant III 7-29 146, 154, 156, Plans of The Society XII 247-288 159, 299 Plant Affinities Ill 31-55 XT 41-44, 46-51, Plant Antagonisms... Ill 43 164, 167, 193 Plant Cells VII 22 Paris Artichoke VTT 184 Plant's Food Factory VII 25-31 Paris Daisy IX 152 Plant Intelligence III 204 Parsley VII 155 Plants That Tend to VTT 69 Vary X 17 Passiflora VTT 231 Plateau Ill 213 Passiflora ceurules. . . . VIT 232 Platycodon X 7 Passiflora. edulus VTT 232 Pliny I 198 Passion Flower VII 228-237 Plum I 275-278 Pattyan Squash VII 53 III 158 Pea 1 263 IV 256 TT 100 V 7-304 III 72 XI 63 VTT 73-97 Plum Orchard V 168 Peach TIT 120 Plum, Stoneless II 103-136 TV 15, 16, 18, III 110 141-175 Plumcot I 247-252 XT 72-88 IV 18, 256 Peach Blow Rose IX 63 V 275-304 T 119-125 "Plums of New York, ITI 120 The" V 30, 106 IV 14, 23, 25, 26, Pocket-Gophers IX 183-186 105-140 Pole-Bean VII 07 Pear Blight IV 126 67-80 V 102, 103, 106 II 202 Pecan XI 24-30, 138-146 III 67-98 III 214 Till 22, 24, 184, X 128-134 296 Pelller, Louis TT 242 IX 80, 200, 230, Pentstemon barbatus. TX 158 239, 256, 257 Pepper, W. H XTT 67 X 131 VTT 169 XI 52 Peppers VTT 174-177 Pomato II 283 Perfection Plum V 70 Pond's Seedling Prune V 100 Perkins VIT 111 Poppy I 289-298 Perpetual Artichoke. . VTT 184 HI 290 Persian Rose TX 65 IX 103-133 TT 137, 138, 150 X 151-166 XT 35-54, 162 Portugal Quince IV 212-216, 220, Persimmon IV 294 221 Petunia TT 275-280 Potato I 56-65 X 125-128 II 280-284 Phenomenal Berry.... IT 97 VII 114, 129-144, VT 60 267-304 Philadelphia Raspberry VT 43 XII 76 Phllesia buxifolia X 232 Power of Environment XII 219-223 Philegeria Veltchll . . . X 232 Prickly Pear VI 213-236 Phoenix X 206 Pride of Congo Calla IX 250 Phoenix canariensis. . . X 209 Pride Plum V 212 Physalis VII 225 Primrose II 90,91, 95,86, Physalie alkekengl. . . Pierce. J. P VII TI 225 204 VII 98 127 [304] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Tol. Page. 68-72 II 97 VI y 60-59 36 Prize-Taker Spanish Onion VII 154 Profusion Amaryllis.. Pronuba yuccasella. . . IX III VII 92 198 34 II 112 V XII II 79-273 86-93 242 V 98, 100, 103, 107. 112, 115, 126 Pruning IV Prunus Americana V Prunus angustifolia. . V Prunus Besseyi IV Prunus cerasifera IV Prunus dasycarpa IV Prunus domestica. .. . V Prunus hortulans V Prunus Maritima V Prunus mume IV Prunus Pennsylvania. IV Prunus pissardi V Prunus serotlna IV Prunua simonii V Prunus subcordata V Prunus tomentosa .... V Prunus triflora V Prunus Vlrginlana.... IT Puccinia graminis VIII Pumpkin VII Punnett, Prof II Purple-Cane Raspberry VI Pyms cathayensis. . . . IV QUADRI-COLORED Corn VIII Quantity Produc- tion Ill Quercus densiflorus . . . XI Quick-Growing Walnut XI Quince Ill IV RADISH ., .. Til Radium VII Rae's Mammoth Quince IV Rainbow Corn VIII Ramblers IX Rambo Apple IV Ram Story II Ranunculus VII Raspberry II VI Reana luxurians VIII Recording Experiments III Red Snow Plant I Redwood XI Reliance Raspberry... TI Religious Environment of Burbank XII Resin XI 203 203 100, 101 203, 212 261 220 261 58, 98, 218 203 203 260 97 222, 300 97 54, 220, 223 203 220 54, 220. 223 96 48 52 100 43 226 19 99-143 124 193-237 120 206, 211-240 127 212, 220, 221 19-27 55-60 192 88 264 290-295 39-72 10 249-273 28 173, 274-280 42 29 268 Tol. Page. Rex Begonia IX 18 Rhode Island Greening Apple IV 192 Rhodes, Cecil Till 278 Rhubarb II 169-199 VII 209-222 Ribes dlvaricatum VI 162 Ribes menzieszi VI 162 Ribes rubrum VI 156 Ribes sanguineum VI 157. 158 Rice VIII 271-278 Richardia albo-macul- ata IX 248 Richardia Elliottiana. IX 251 Richardia hastata IX 25O Richardia melanoleuca IX 251 Richardia Nelsonll.... IX 251 Richardia Pentlandl.. IX 251 Richardia Rehmannl.. IX 251 Robinson Plum V 70 Rodanthes X 138 Roeding, Geo. C IV 294 V 292 ROntgen VII 111 Roots, Care of IT 48 Rosa Chlnensis IX 63 Rosa gymnocarpa IX 63 Rosa rugosa IX 63 Rose IX 41-69 Ross, Olive XII 14 Rotation of Crops X 291-304 Rotundiflora X 69 Roxbury Russet Apple IV 192 Royal Apricot IV 262 Royal Walnut II 137-168 XI 46-51, 167. 193 Rubber XI 251-266 Rubio Plum V 36 Rubus Ill 35 VI 237 Rubus bitifolius VI 52 Rubus Canadensls . . . . VI 11 Rubus capensis VI 139 Rubus chamemorus . . . VI 150 Rubus crataegifolius.. VI 52 Rubus deliciosis VI 258, 262 Rubus Idaeus VI 39 Rubus lacinietus VI 153 Rubus leucodermis VI 42, 58, 136, 138 Rubus nigrobaccus. ... VI 26 Rubus neglectus VI 40 Rubus nutkanus VI 258, 260 Rubus occidentalis ... VI 42 Rubus odoratus VI 258 Rubus palmatus VI 146 Rubus rosaeflorus. ... VI 262 Rubus saplvus VI 26 Rubus spectabilis. ... VI 142 Rubus strigosus VI 42, 43, 68 Rubus thoenicolasius. . VI 262 Rue Ill 72, 78 Ruffled Giant Petunia. X 126 Rusk Orange IV 276 Rust VIII 47-76 Rutherford, Prof V 235, 239 Rutland. John M V 292 VI 206 VIII 209 [305] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. Page. Vol. Page. Rutland Plumcot V 292, 294 Shasta Daisy Ill 228-133 Rye VIII 45, 46 IX 135-152 Shellbark Hickory. .. XI 131-140, 167- SAGE Ill 205 161 Salinas Burbank Shell Flower X 80 Potato VII 286 Shepherdia argentea.. VI 248 Salmon Berry VI 142 Shepherdia canadensis VI 248 Salpiglosis X 125 Sheppard, Mrs X 126 Salsify VII 71 Sherwood Poppy (Miss) X 158, 166 Salvla X 64, 66 Shirley Poppy IX 107-133 Salvia ramona X 64 Shiro Plum V 222 Salvla sonomensis X 64 Shooting Star X 62, 64 Sambucus Canadensis. VI 175 Shrubs X 277 Sambucus glauca VI 175, 179 Siberian Raspberry... VI 52, 54 Sambucus nigra VI 176 Side-Grafting Ill 170 Sambucus racemosa... VI 175 Silver Lining Poppy.. IX 123 Sand Cherry IV 100 223 Sandwich Island Mam- Single- Husked Corn . . . VIII 13 moth Ovster Plant. VII 72 253 San Jose Scale IV 60 Slugs Ill 120, 141 Sans Noyau Plum.... II 108, 110, 113, Smith Cactus VIII 187 118, 120 Smith, Emery E VIII 187 Santa Claus Melon.. . VII 45 Smith Pear IV 118 Santa Rosa XII 61-105 Snow Drift Clematis.. X 222 Santa Rosa Cactus. . .VIII 209, 242 Snake Cucumber VII 44 Santa Rosa Plum T 36, 74, 82, Snap-Dragon Flower. . Ill 214 223, 254 Snowball I 111 Santa Rosa Rose IX 45 Snyder Blackberry.... VI 25 Santa Rosa Soft Shell Soft-Shell Walnuts... XI 36 Walnut XI 37-41 Soil X 280-291 Santa Rosa Strain of Soil for Raising Seed- Shirley Poppy IX 116 lings Ill 124 Sap-Hybridism Ill 158 Bolauaceae VI 110 VII 139 Kolanuins VI 110-133 Sap Tapping XI 242 VII 174, 223 266 Solanum Commersoni. II 281 Satsuma Plum V 14, 29, 32, 36, VII 302 38, 294 Solanum guinense VI 112, 116, 118, Scab IV 50 119 Scented Calla II 73-101 Solanum Jamesil II 280 IX 245-248 Solanum maglia II 283 Scllla VII 251 VII 297 Scotch Fir XI 257 Polamim nigrum VI 115, 116, 118 Scuppernong Grapes.. VI 200 Solanum villosum VI 114, 116, 119, Sea Island Cotton. . . .VIII 112, 116 122 Sea Pine XI 257 Bonoches VII 202 Sebastopol XII 107 209 Seckel Pear Ill 235 Sorghum VIII 145-154 IT 116, 136 Souhegan Raspberry.. VI 50 Seedlings and Their Sow Thistle VII 202 Care Ill 99-143 Spanish Broom Ill 217 Seed Preservation. ... II 128 Spartium junceum III 217 Seeds Ill 116 Specific Needs IV 7-35 IV 194 Spencer, Herbert II 32 IX 242, 283 Spineless Cactus I 7-26 Selection, Principle of XII 207-212, 246 VIII 169-208 Self-Fertilized Plants. Ill 72-78 Splendor Plum II 249 Senses of Insects Ill 207 Splendor Prune V 112, 136 Sensitive Plant I 43-46 "Sports" II 88-94, 120 Sequoia XI 173, 271-280 IV 146, 152 Sequoia sempervlrens. XI 277 VIII 17. 86 Sequoia glgantia XI 277 60 Seralian. M. K VI 195 Sprekelia IX 81, 94, 95 Shaffer's Colossal Spruce XI 288-292 Shaffer Raspberry.... VI Shagbark Hickory XI 47, 48, 60, 68 42 131-140, 156- Squash VII Squills VII 260 52-60 280 249 161 7-38, 59, 87 Squirting Cucumber. . I Stamens Ill 97 83, 88 [306] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Tol. Page. Vol. Page. Standards of Civiliza- tion XII 212-216 Thompson's Seedless Grapes VI 195 Standard Prune T 116, 121-126, 136 Thompson, Sir J. J... V Thornless Blackberry. VI 240 7-38 Stanley Starch VI II VIII 139 256 32-40 Thrip Ill Thyme VII Tiger Flowers X 120, 141 164 77-105 Starflower Stark Bros X V 136 112 Tigridias X Tigridia buccifera X 77-105 80 Stigma Stock III III 87 150 Tigridia pavonia X Timber Trees XI 80 155-192 Stone Stoneless Peach Stoneless Plums Stooeless Prunes v IT V II V 145 168 139-165 112 132-165 Timothy VIII Tobacco II Tokay Grape VI VII 77, 78 275-280 195 229-235 109-144 Stowell's Evergreen Corn Strawberry VIII II VI 40 290-295 73-104, 271 Tongue Graft Ill Top Grafting Ill Tradegy Prune V Trailing Myrtle X 176 176 122, 268 237 Strawberry Tomato. . . Strawberry Tree Stubble Berry Suckering VII VI VI VIII , II 225 264-266 115 22. 24 255 Transplanting Ill Trees X Tii-Colored Carnation X Trillium I 134-138 275, 277 7-304 119-123 31 v 86, 88, 92. 93 IX 267 VIII 32 - 40, 142, 267 145-154, 163- Triumph Plumcot.... T 299 167 185 XI 239-246 Tropaeolum minus.... X 186 Sugar-Beet Sugar Bush Sugar-Cane Sugar Grape Sugar Maple , Sugar Prune VIII XI VIII . VI XI . II v 142, 163-167 239-246 133-154 200 240 235-269 115-121, 136 Tropaeolum puberosum X Tschermak VIII Tulip Tree XI Tunas VIII Tunicate Corn VIII Turkestan Alfalfa VIII Turner, Dr. Charles A. Ill 185 56 178, 294-298 178, 190 16, 17 90 212 Sugar Raspberry Sugar Trees Sultan Plum VI XI v 50 239-269 36 Turnip VII Turpentine XI Typical Flower Ill 66 255-258 85 Sultana Grape Sultanina Grape Sunberry VI VI . II III 196 196 97 10 T TL T R A - VIOLET U rays II "Dnit Characters" II 50-52 54-72, 123 VI 105-133 III 25, 26 Sunflower . VII 179 IV 74 Swaar Apple Sweet Botan Plum . . . . IV v 192 70 V VII 232, 234 88, 117 .VIII 80 Till 57, 87 Sweet Pea I 40-43, VI XI 227-231 Sweetwater Grape... Sweet Vernal Grass. . IX . VI .VIII 27 195, 206 289 VACCINIDM VI Vallesneria spiralis III 166 205 "Symbiosis" . Ill 197 Value to Science Syrian Grapes VI 195, 196. 198 and Agriculture. XII Van Deman, Prof. 155 TANBARK ... Tapuna Cactus.. Taraxacifolia . XI .VIII . X 124 190, 192 70 H. E IV V Van Deman Quince... IV 214 26 214, 216, 218 Tarrytown Canna. . . . . IX . Ill 235-238 31, 32, 39 Van Mons, Jean Bap- tiste IT 114, 122 XI 249 Vant Hoff IV 284, 287 . X 227 Variety IT 186 Teosinte I 126-130 Vaughan, J. C IX 211, 224 VIII 10-14 X 222 Texas Prolific Almon a xi 90 Vegetable Kingdom Textile Plants .Till 107-132 Classifications I 217-229 Theoprastus Thimble Berry Thistle X VI . VII 123 258 198, 202 Teitch X Venus Fly Trap I Verbena X 232 60 107-119 [307] INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO XII Vol. Verbena erimoides... X Vicar of Winkfleld Pear .............. IV Villarsia nymphoides. Ill Vilmorin Brothers. . ..VIII Vinca minor .......... X Tines ............... X Violet .............. I Virginia Creeper ..... X Tltls antarctlca ...... VI Vitis California ...... VI Vitis candicans ....... VI Vltlg Colgnetiae ...... VI Vitis cordifolia ....... VI Vitis Foexeana ....... VI Vitis hypoglossa ...... VI Vitis monticola ....... VI Vitis rupestris ........ VI Tltis Texana ......... VI Vitis vinifera ........ VI Vitis vulpina ......... VI Von Gaertner, Carl Frledrlch ......... II XII Vries, de, Prof. Hugo II IV V VIII IX X XI XII WACHUSBTTS Thornless Black- berry .......... VI Wagener Apple ....... IV Wallace ............. XII Walnut ............. II XI Washington N a r e 1 Orange ........... V Water .............. VII Watsonla ........... IX Watsonia Ardernel... IX Watsonla coccinea ____ IX Watsonla O'Brien! ____ IX Waverley Clematis... X Wax Berry ........... XI Webber. H. H ........ VIII Weeds .............. X Weissman ........... XII Western Sand Cherry V Westralla Shasta Daisy ............. II Page. 117 118 2O5 163 237 215-233 113-116 216 198 194 200 198 202 200 200 200 200 200 190, 194, 195 202 44 174 55, 88, 90. 01, 94-98 284 139 56 90 68, 70 198 151, 153, 394, 200, 247, 286 10 192-194 23 137-168, 298 8, 19-24, 35- 61, 162, 193- 238 162 10-22 269-304 273 278 273 222 266 121 256-271 201 203, 212 36 Vol. Page. West's Mammoth Quince IV 212 Wheat I 88, 89 III 26,72,74,223, 224 VIII 45-60, 68-76 Whip Graft Ill 176 White Blackberry II 39-72, 97 III 24 Whitelaria IX 158 White Animals II 49, 60 White Fruit Cactus.. VIII 189 White Sspote IV 302 Wichuriana Rose IX 63 Wlckson. Prof. E. J.. V 71 Wickson Plum V 71,74,82,248 251, 252, 254 Wild Artichoke VII 187 Wild Black Raspberry VI 42 Wild Geranium IX 7 Wild-Goose Plum V 203,204 Wild Lettuce I 48 Wild Oat V 141 VIII 299 Wild Teazel VIII 301 Wilder Medal IV 214 Wllks, Rev. W IX 107 William's Favorite Apple IV 192 Willits Orange IV 276 Wilson Junior Black- berry VI 27 Wine-Berry VI 262, 284 Winter Rhubarb II 169-199 VII 209-222 Wistaria X 229 Wistaria multiguga. . . X 230 Wonderberry VI 105-185 Wonder Ixla X 150 Woodward. Dr II 52 Wooly Aphis IV 198 Wormwood I 26 Wright, Alfred XI 40 Wright, Sir Almroth IV 132 \7ELLOW Bellflower I Apple IV 192 Yellow Calla IX 253 Yerba bueua VII 161, 163 Yucca HI 197 ZANTA currants VI 196 Zea tunicata VIII 13 ZgTtama^7.a"?:VIII 20 Zizania aquatica VIII 277 Zygote II 67