''! iiii II Hll tiill'iltiii !!;ii ;i!!i I ill LIBRARY OF THE fl, ^^^^ MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SOURCE IfT^y.^i _ _W?^x * - - \^}-'T\ ^s^\ys ^^: 67/ 'ri.s^ ^^ ^'/^'^^/^ /^i/^^^'^'' ., ,9 THE MAGAZINE OF HORTICULTURE, BOT Asrir, AND ALL USEFaL DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN RURAL AFFAIRS. " Je \'oudrais echauffer tout I'uiiivers de mon gout pour les janiins. II me semble qu'il e>t iuipossible qu'uu luechant puisse I'avoir. II n'est point de vertus que je iie suppose a celui que aime a parlei et h. faire des jardins. Peres de famille, inspirez la jiirdiiiomauie a voseiifaos." — Prince De Ligne. VOL. XIII., 1847. (vol. III., NEW SERIES.) Edited by C . M . HOVE Y BOSTON: PIJBLISHF.D BY HOVEY AND CO, MERCHANTS KOVV. 184 7. M27 V. PREFACE. The Thirteenth Vohime of the Magazine has been enlarg- ed by the addition of one hundred pages more than any previous vohime ; and the following Table of Contents will show the very great variety of information which it contains in every department of Horticulture, especially on the culti- vation of fruits, and descriptions of new and fine varieties. C. M. H. Boston, December 25, 1847. CONTENTS. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. GENERAL SUBJECT. A Retrospective View of the Progress of Horticulture in the United States, dur- ing the year 1846. By the Editor, . 1 Taste ill Horticulture and in Designs. By Observer, 14 Observations upon the Potato Rot. By J. S. B., West Scituale, Mass., . . 22 Zinc Labels for Trees. By J. Owen, Cambridge, 26 A Comparative Notice of the Hog and Jerusalem Artichokes, with a descrip- tive account ol' the growth, habit and use of the former varietv. By Dr. M. A. Ward, Athens, Ga., .' . . .30 A Leaf from the History of Pomology in the Past. By T. S'. llnmricklio'use, Coshocton. Ohio, 97 Instance of EfTect of Boiling Water on Seeds. By X.. 100 Horticulture of the Past, as compared with the I'jeseiit. By T. S. Humrick- house, Coshocton, Ohio, . . . 14.5 On the Cultivation of the Arrow Root in the United States, as an article of com- merce. Uy Ur. A. Mitchell, of Port- land. .Me. In a letter to Hon. H. .\. S. Dearborn. Communicated by Gen. Dearborn, 193 Guano, and its application to Fruit Trees. By the Editor, 241 List of Tropical Plants which may be ac- climated in the Southern States. By Dr. A. Mitchell. In a letter to Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Communicated by Gen. Dearborn, 289 On the Transplantation of the Coniferous Forest Trees, (Pines, &;c.,) of New Eng- land to the Southern States. By Dr. A. .Mitchell, Portland, Me. In a letter to the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Commu- nicated by Gen. Dearborn, . . . 349 On the Importance of the Cultivation of the Oak, and other valuable Timber Trees; with Observations on the Pre- servation of Ship Timber, and the Pro- cess of Decay in Wood. By .\. Mitchell, M. D., Portland. In a letter to the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Comiiiunicuted by Gen. Dearborn, 385 On the Study and Pursuits of Botany. By A. Mitchell, .M. D. In a letter to the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Commu- nicated by Gen. Dearborn, . . . 433 HORTICULTURE. Descriptive .Account of Thirty-two Va- rieties of the Grape, fruited in 1846. By J. F. Allen, Esq., Salem, .Mass. With Remarks upon their general qual- ities, &c., Root Grafting the Peach Tree and Rose ; Grafting the Pear upon the Apple ; the Apricot on the Peach; New Mode of Raising Cucumbers, A.c. By M. W. Phillips, Esq., Log Hall, Edwards, Miss. Results of the Cultivation of the Pear and other Fruit in the Southern States. By R. Cliish(dm, Esq., Corresponding Secretary of the Beaufoft Agricultural Society IV CONTENTS. Observations on Root Pruning. By A. H. Ernst, Cincinnati, . . . .57 Descriptions and Engravings of Select Varieties of Pears. By tlie Editor, — 1. Van Assene, Henkel, Elizabeth (Van Mons,) Coter, Doyenn6 d'Ete, Doy- enne Boussock, 59 2. Swan's Orange, Dallas, Calhoun, Mc Laughlin, Ropes, Pennsylvania, . 24.3 3. Figue de Naples, Forelle, Ananas, Bezi de la Motte, Belle et Bonne, Thompson's, 337 4. Knight's (R. I.) Seedling, Johonnot, Winship's Seedling, Henrietta, Lee's Seedling, Manners, .... 481 Descriptions and Engravings of Select Varieties of Apples. By the Editor, — 1. Twenty Ounce, Northern Spy, Red Canada, 70 2. Early Joe, Fall Jennetting, Mars- ton's Red Winter, .... 1.59 3. Hawley, Melon, St. Lawrence, . 535 Descriptive Account of Prince's Paragon Peach. By W. R. Prince, Flushing, L. I., 76 Additional Remarks on the Northern Spy Apple. By J. H. Watts, Esq., Roch- ester, N. Y., 104 Some Account of the Cooper Apple and its History. By T. S. Humrickhouse, . 105 Notice of some new Seedling Fruits of the West, with a Description and En- graving of the American White Winter Calville Apple. By A. Fahnestock, Lancaster, Ohio, 108 Pomological Notices ; or Notices respect- ing New and Superior Fruits, worthy of general cultivation. Notices of sev- eral new Apples, Peaches and Grapes. By the Editor, . . . . 112. 448 Remarks and General Hints on some few varieties of the Pear. By S. Walker, Rotbury, Mass., 118 George the IVth Peach. By W. R. Prince, Flushing, L. 1., 120 Mr. Knight's seedling Pears. By the Edi- tor, 150 A Way to keep a Record of the Place of every Tree in an Orchard, by which La- bels are dispensed with. By T. S. Hum- rickhouse, Coshocton, Ohio, . . 156 A Brief Account of three varieties of Ap- ples. By Asahel Foote, Esq., Williams- town, Mass., 163 Explanations in reference to two or three Western Apples ; with a Note upon a new variety called the Butter Sweet. By T. S. Humrickhouse, Coshocton, Ohio, 195 Some Account of the Oswego Buerr^, or Reid's Seedling Pear. By the Editor, . 198 Some Remarks upon the Cooper Apple, and its Identity with other sorts. By A. II. Ernst, Cincinuari, Ohio, . . 200 The Currant, its Cultivation, &c. By J. IT. Watts, Rochester, N. Y., . .202 On the Cultivation and Tieatment of the Peach Tree in Cold Houses. By Tho- mas B.<'owau, Gardener to Dr. Dur- fee, Fall River, Mass., .... 204 Notice of a new Seedling ,\pple. By A. Fahnestock, Lancaster, Ohio, . . 256 A Way to keep a Record of the Place of every Tree in an Orchard, — with or without Labels. By M. W. Phillips, Edwards, Miss., 291 On the Cultivation and Treatment of the Grape Vine in the Green-house or Con- servatory i with a Diary of the Progrcbs of the Vines, Temperature, Ac. By the Editor, 293 Root Grafting Apple Trees. By a Flush- ing Propagator, 3]2 The Strawberry Question. By the Editor, 347 May's Victoria Currant, with an Engrav- ing of the Fruit. By the Editor. . . 392 Descriptions and Engravings of select va- rieties of Cherries. By the Editor, . 394 Notice of Three New Varieties of Fruit. By Herman Wendell, M. D., Albany, N. Y. With Descriptions and Engravings. By the Editor, 443 Notice of two Seedling Peaches. By S. T. .Jones, Esq., Staten Island, N. Y. With Descriptions of the Fruit. By the Editor, 447 Wendell's Mottled Bigarreau Cherry; with an Engraving of the Fruit. By Dr. Herman Wendell, Academy Park, Albany, N. Y., 494 Descriptions and Engravings of select va- rieties of Plums. By the Editor, . 529 The VIrgoulonse, or White Doyenne Pear. By S. D. P., New Haven, Conn., . . 533 FLORICULTURE. On the Cultivation of the Pelargonium, with a Description of several new and fine Seedlings. By Edward Beck; Esq., Worton Cottage, Isleworth, near Lon- don, 34 Floricultural and Botanical Notices of New and Beautiful Plants, figured In Foreign Periodicals ; with Descriptions of those recently introduced to, or orig- inated in, American Gardens, 77. 215. 315, 358. 4(ii. 495. 5,0 Hydrdiigea japAnica, its Cultivation, with an Engraving of the Plant. By the Editor, 122 On the Cultivation and Treatment of Cape Heaths, (Ericas.) By John Cad- ness, Gardener to Mr. J. L. L. F. War- ren, Brighton, 167 Notice of some of the Mosses of New England. By William Oakes, Ipswich, Mass., 171 On the Propagation of Stove and Green- house Exotics ; in a series of letters. By James Kennedy, Gardener to S. T. Jones, Staten Island, N. Y. Letter I. Propagation by Seeds, . . 210 II. Propagation by Cnttinss, . 259 ni. Propagation by Offsetts, . 313 IV. Propagation by leavers, . . 3.")6 V. Propagation by Inarching, . 357 VI. Propagation by Root Division 400 VII. Propagation by Leaves, . . 401 VIII. Propagation by Suckers, . 4.52 IX. Propagation by Plant Division 452 Descriptions of ei^ht new seedling Ver- benas. By the Editor, . . . .213 Notice of some of the Plants of New England. By William Oakes, . . 217 Some Account of the beautiful new shrub, Spirip'a prunifolia, vnr. fiore pleno, with a Drawing of the same. Communicat- ed by M. Louis Van Hontte, Belgium, . 257 The Green-house and Conservatory in Summer, 263 Descrl[)tiou8 of eight new varieties of Prairie Roses. By the Editor, . . 353 Garden Notes. By Dr. M. A. Ward, Athens, G.I., 492 Notes on Gardens and Nurseries, . . 436 CONTENTS. REVIEWS. European Agi-iciilture and Rural Econo- my, from personal observation, . . 125 The Young Gardener's Assistant, in three parts. The Florist's Guide. Tlie Fruit Cultivator's Manual. The Kitchen Gar- dener's Instructor, .... 126 Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals, 127 Chemical Essays relating to Agriculture, 127 The Hasty Pudding ; a poem in three cantos, 128 The Rural Register and Almanac for 1847, 128 Proceedings of the National Convention of Farmers, Gardeners, and Silk Cul- turists, 129 The Chemical Principles of the Rotation of Crops, 129 A Report on the Trees and Shrubs grow- ing naturally in the Forests of Massa- chusetts : published agreeably to an or- der of the Legislature, . . . 175. 221 The New England Book of Fruit, . . 225 The Fruits of America; containing a se- lection of all the choicest varieties cul- tivated in tlie United States, . . 268 A Dictionary of Modern Gardening, . 270 The Journal of the Horticultural Society of London, 276 A Brief Coinpend of American Agricul- ture, 279 The Culture of the Grape. By J. Fisk Allen. Embracing directions for the treatment of the Vine in the Northern States of America, in the open air, and under glass structures, with or without artificial heat, 406 An Address delivered before the Chester County Horticultural Society, at West Chester, Pa., Sept. 10, 18-17,'. . .542 MISCELLANEOUS LNTELLIGENCE. General Notices. Cultivation of Annual Flowers, 185; Pruning the Pear Tree, 186 ; Destruction ol Insects by Hot Water, 226; The cultivation of the Calceolaria as an Annual, 228 ; The culti- vation of the Dahlia, 229; Scarlet Pelargo- niums for winter blooming plants, 279; Root Pruning Trees, 280; Culture of the Chinese Primrose, 281; Thinning Annual Plants, 283; Pot Culture of the Vine, 283; Root Pruning and Management of the Pear Tree, 318; I'ro- pagation of Gloxinias, 323; ( hrysanthe- niums, 323; Carnations, Picotees and Pinks — their Propagation, 325 ; Treatment of A/.aleas, 326; Exposing Green-house Plants in Summer, 326; Cultivation of Aloysia citrioddra, 327; The Heartsease or Pansy, 327 ; Scarlet Pelargoniums for winter flow- ering, 327; Culture of Asparagus in Ger- many, 361 ; Cultivating the Pine Apple in the open air in England, 363 ; VVindow Flowers, 366; Propagation of Plants for next season, 411 ; Pruning the Banksian Rose, 413; Replacement of I'ranches in Fruit Trees, 413; Autumn Pruning Fruit Trees, 413 ; Culture of Vines in Pots, 414 ; Cultivation of Tea China Roses, 416 ; Vine Borders, 418; The Cultivation of the Cur- rant and production of new varieties, 453 ; Scarlet Pelargoniums, 456; Pruning Fruit Trees, 457; Bottom Heat, 4.'i8; Preparation of large shrubs for removal, 459 ; Preparing for Winter, 460 ; Spring Bulbs, 502 ; Bulbs in Pots, 503; Glazing, 505 ; .Management of Hawthorn Hedges, 505; Flower Forcing, 506 ; Cultivation of Raspberries, 506 ; Cul- ture of'Tomatoesin the open air, 507; Burnt Earth for Roses, and the mode of prepara- tion, 510; Proper Manure for Roses, 511 ; Moss Rosea suitable for Pillar Roses, 512; Bones as Manure, and their use in the cul- ture of Pelargoniums, 512; Root Pruning Fruit Trees, 513; Exjierinient on Root Pruning Pear Trees, 514; Pruning, 546; Pruning the Vine, 547; Tag^tes pinnata, 547. Foreign Notices. Em/and. — Exhibition of the London Horti- cultural Society, 419 ; Dahlias and Dahlia Exhibitions for 1847, 547. France. — Exhibition of the Royal Horticul- tural Society of Paris, 508. Belgium. — Exhibition of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of Brussels, 550. Domestic Notices. Splendid Plantation of Pear Trees, J30; Re- marks on the Hog Artichoke, 130; Wm. S. Sullivant, Esq., 130; Pleasant Experiment with Andromeda calyculAta, 131; The Win- ter in Georgia, 132; Horticulture in Ohio, 132; Maine Pomological Society, 1C2; Gen- esee Valley Horticultural Society, 133; Steu- benvillc Horticultural Society, Ohio, 133; HeliAnlhus divaricdtus and giginteus, 133; New Grape in Ohio, 133; Muskeet Grass, 133; Decan's Superb Grape, 133; Scharges Henling Grajte, 133 ; Pittsburg Horticultu- ral Society, Pa., 187; Pinielea spectabilis, lb7; Philips Sweeting Apple, 187; Supposed Influence of the Scion upon the Stock, 187; Colniar d'Aremberg Pear, 188; Grosse Cal- ebasse Pear, 188; Beurr^ Langelier Pear, 188; Downing's Mammoth Rhubarb. 188; New Horticultural Societies, 188 ; Horti- cultural Society in Montreal, C. W., 188; Tom Thumb Geranium, IbS; The Ameri- can Agricultural Association, 234; Liberal Donation to the Mass. Horticultural Soci- ety, 235 ; Osage Orange, 235 ; Exhibition of the Mass. Iloriicullural Society, 235; Cultivation of the Fig and new varieties of the Pear, 236; Growth of Trees in the Southern States, 237 ; VV'eather in Peniisvl- vania, o28; Cultivating the Peach Tree, 328; •VI CONTENTS. New Horticultural Societies, 329 ; The American "White Winter Calville Apple, 329; Reiil's Seedling Pear, 329; Hovey's Seedling Strawberry. 366 ; Premiums for ne%v varieties of Strawberries and Rasp- berries, 367 ; Burr's Seedling Strawberries, 367 ; Pistillate Strawberry Plants not pro- ductive, 369 ; Two new Seedling ("berries, 369; Albany and Rensellaer Horticultural Society, 369; Seeds of Grapes, 374; Cin- cinnati Horticultural Society, 374; Horti- cultural Exhibitions of the American In- stitute, 375 ; The Ninetcenih Annual Exhi- bition of the Mass. Horticultural Society, 375; Springfield Horticultural Society, 420; Wendell's Mottled Bigarreau Cherry, 422; Seedling Peaches, 422; New Seedling Cher- ries, 422; The Colmar d'Aremberg Pear, 422 ; Houghton's Seedling Gooseberry, 422 ; Exhibitions of Horticultural Societies, 423; Liberal Prizes for Pelargoniums, 423; Coe's Transparent Cherry, 423 ; Richards's Reur- r^ Pear,4Bl; Fruit Convention in the West, 462; Rockingham Horticultural Society, Portsmouth, N. H., 462; Horticultural Ex- hibitions, 462; Colmar d'Aremberg Pear, 515; Rhode Island Horticultural Society, 515; The Boston Pine Strawberry, 515; First Annual Exhibition of the Albany and Rensellaer Horticultural Society, 516 ; Ses- bdnia vesicaria, 554; New Grasses, 554; Weather in Georgia, — New Dahlias, 554 ; Roses and Seedling Chrysanthemums, 555; Rhode Island Horticultural .Society, 555; Cleaveland Horticultural Society ,559; Pears in the Southern States, 561. M.^SS.^CHU SETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Appropriation for 1847, 81; Exhibitions, 81; Report of the Committee on Flowers, awarding premiums for 1846,82; Report of the Committee on Fruits, awarding pre- miums for 1846, 85 ; Report of the Com- mittee on Vegetables, awarding premiums for 1846, 88 ; Report of the Finance Com- mittee, 90; Prospective Premiums, 91 ; List of Premiums for 1847, 134; Exhibitions, 142; Premiums on Camellias and Chinese Primroses, 142; Exhibitions, 189; Pre- miums on Azaleas and Plants, 189; E.xhi- bilions. 238; Exhibitions, 265; Premiums for Pelargoniums and other plants, 285. 287; Exhibitions, 331; Premiums for Plants, &c., 331, 332; Premiums for Roses, &c., 334; Lyman Fund, 377; Exhibitions, 378; Pre- miums for Prairie Roses, &c., 378 ; Exhibi- tions, 424; Mr. Beck's Prizes for Pelargon- iums, 424; Premiums for Plants, &c., 425; Exhibitions, 462; Premiums for Plants, &c., 463; Nineteenth Annual Exhibition, 466; Premiums awarded at,47fi; Exhibitions, 520; Officers elected for 1848, 521 ; Dahlia Exhi- bition, and Premiums for, 523 ; Exhibitions, 561. Retrospective Criticism. Modesty, 80: Van Zandt's Superb Peach, 81 ; Richards's' Beurr6 Pear, 526 ; The Fruits of America, 526. Answers to Correspondents. Polmaise Healing, 92 ; Achimenes picta, 92; Scarlet Pelargoniums, 92; Japan Lilies, 92; The best varieties of Apples, Pears, Cher- ries and Plums, 93; Mildew on Grapes, 93; Plants, 93; Raising Grape Vines from Seeds, 94; Root Pruning, 142; Strawberries, 142 ; Dahlias, 143; Cinerarias, 143; Pelargoniums, 143. Obituary Notices. Death of M. Soulange Bodin, 190; Mr. S. Gir- ling, 190; Death of R. Arthur, Esq., 190; Death of the Hon. and Rev. W. Herbert, 330 ; Death of Capt. Jona. Winship, 430 ; Death of Henry Waggaman Edwards, 478 ; Mr. James Weniworth, 527. Horticultural Memoranda. January, 47; February, 95; March, 143; April, 191; May, 239; Jiuie, 2S7 ; July, 335; Au- gust, 38.3 ; September, 431 ; October, 479 ; November, 527; December, 563. LIST OF ENGRAVINGS. j,Y,r. Diagrams. Pase •'^'- l.'zinc Label for Trees, . . . . "29 j 23. Plants. I 26. 27. 14. Hydrangea japonica, .... 123 i gg' 25. Spirae'a prunil6lia 11. pi. alba, . . 2.i8 .^gl 1 3b; Fruit. I gj Pears. 36. 4. Van Assene, 60 39. 5. Henkcl 62 | ^0. 6. Elizal)eth, (Van Mons,) . . . 63 | "JJ- 7. Coter 64 , ;^2. 8. Doyenne d'Et6, ^'' ' IJ' 9. Doyenne Boussock, . . . . 08 i **• 19. Swan's Orange, 247 20. Dallas, 249 , 21. Calhoun 251 i 10. 22. McLaughlin, 252 11. r. Pflwe Ropes, 254 Pennsylvania, 2.55 Figue de Naples, .... 338 Forelle, 340 Ananas, 341 Bezi de la Motte, . . . .343 Heile et Bonne, 345 Thompson, 346 Sterling Pear, 444 Knight's Rhode Island Seedling, . 482 Johonnot, 484 Winship's Seedling, .... 486 Henrietta, 487 Lee's Seedling, 489 Hanners, 490 Apples. Twenty Ounce, . • .71 Northern Spy, 72 CONTENTS. vu Fig. Pase 12. Red Canuda, 75 13. American White Winter Calville, . 109 15. Early Joe, 16o 16. Fall Jenr.etting, 161 17. i\'arston's Red Winter, . . . 162 IS. Red Streak, 164 50. Hawlev, 536 51. Melon," 537 52. yt. Lawrence, 539 Plum. 37. Schenectady Catharine, . . . 446 38. Judson, 447 46. Mulberry, 530 47. Albany Beauty, 531 , Fis:. Page 48. Denniston's Superb, .... 531 49. Uenniston's Red, . . . . 532 Cherries. 33. Late Duke, 897 34. Arch Duke, 398 35. Leniercier, 399 45. WendclTs Mottled Bigarreau, - . 494 Currant. 32. Victoria, 393 Vegetables. 2. Jerusalem Artichoke, . 3. Hog Artichoke, . LIST OF CORRESPONDENTS. A Flushing Propagator, Allen, J. F., . . . An Admirer of all Seasons, Beck, E., London, Buist, R., . Cadness, John, . Cowau, T. B., . Chisholm, Robert, Coit, D. W., . D 55. 237. 369, Dearborn, Hon. H. A. S., . 193. 290. 386, Editor, 1. 59. 70. 77. 112. 122. 132. 159. 187. 188. 198. 213. 241. 263. 293. 3.37. 347. 353. 367. 394. 436. 448. 481. 529 Ernst, A. H., 57 Fahnestock, A., ... 108. 133 Foote, Asahel, Frothingham, John, Jlopkins, L. P., Huidekoper, A., Humrickhouse, T. S., 97. 105. 145. 156, I. W. J., 312 43 132 34 133 167 204 , 561 516 477 349. , 433 150. 243. 393. . 535 . 200 , 256 163 329 93 J. B.R., J. S. B., Johnson, B. P., 374 Johnson, M. C, 93 Jones, S. T., 447 Kennedy, James, 210. 259. 313. 356. 400. 452 M. A. W., . . . 132. 133. 374 554. 555 Mitchell, A., . . 193. 290. 349. 381. 433 Oakes, William, .... 171. 217 Observer, 14 Owen, J., 26 P., 130 Pope, A. R., 142 Philips, M. W., . . .49. 291. 526 Prince, Wm. R., . . 76. 81. 120. 526 R., 131. 224 S. D. P., 533 S. L. G., 187 Springer, Rev. C, 132 Van Houtte, L., 257 Veto, 81 \V., 330 Ward, Dr. M. A., . . . . 30. 492 Watts, J. H., 104. 202 Walker, S., 118 Wendell, Dr. Herman, . . . 443. 494 X., 100 LIST OF FRUITS. Apples. Golden Noble, 4.^8 American White Winter Hawlcy, 5.35 Calville, 109. 111. 195. Hollow Crown, 521 257. 329 Hunt's Orange Sweeting, 110. Baldwin, 43d 195 Congress, 103 Melon, 537 Cooper, 105 200 Marston's Red W nter. 162 Drap d' Or, 107 108 200 Northern Spy, 72 104 Dyer, 107 200 Philips Sweeting, 187 Early Joe, 159 238 Pound Roval, 165 Earlv Pennock, 109 Putnam Russet, 107 Fall Harvey, 107 Red Canada, 75 Fall Jeunetting, 161 Red Streak, 164 Fall Pippin, 201 Red Pcarmain, no 195 Fameuse, .S39 St. Lawrence, 5S9 Garden Ro> al, 438 Twent) Otir.ce, 70 Vanderspeigle, 165 White Winter Calville, 111 Zoar Beauty, 110 Zoar Large Green, 110 New .Seedlings, 256 Select Varieties, 70. 93 New Varieties, 108 List of kinds sent to Ohio, 106 Premiums awarded for, 66 Many varieties exhibited, 471 Cherries. Arch Duke, 399 Coe's Tranapsrent, 423 Dtrwuer'B Late Red. 39S I.«lfl D-uke, 337 VUl CONTENTS. Cherries, continued. Lemercier, Rocky Hill Honey Heart, Waterloo, Wendell's Mottled Bigar- reau, New Seedlings, 369. 371. Best Varieties, CURK.^NTS. May's Victoria, 393. Four uew varieties, Figs. Alicante, 56. Celestial, 56. Premiums awarded for. Gooseberries. Houghton's Seedling, Grapes. Calabrian Kaisin, Cannon Hall Muscat, Cliaptal, Decan's Superb, Josling's St. Albans, Macready's Early White, Muscat Blanc Hatif, Muscat, August, New Hlack Hamburg, (No. 16.) New in Ohio, Prince Albert, Raisin de Calabre, Scharges Healing, White Frontignac, New and fine sorts, Thirty-two varieties. Premiums awarded lor, Fine sorts for graperies, Nectarine. Best sorts. .399 395 49-i 422 93 117 468 427 133 116 115 114 465 115 133 115 117 133 117 6 43 86 309. 411 210 Peaches. Beltzar, Beltzar Early Rareripe, Beauty of Zoar, Early Crawford, Fahnestock's Seedling, No. 1, Fahnestock's Mammoth, George IV., Graven's Red Cheek Cling, 110 Hovey's Cambridge Belle, 114 Jones' Early, Jones' Large Early, Manning, Prince's Paragon, Red Rareripe, Silvan's Seedling, Smoothstone, Stetson's Seedling, 448 44S 441 76 121 110 110 114. 443 Pears. | Andrews, 120 j Ananas, 441 i Belle et Bonne, 344 j Beurr^ Aurore, 237 i Adam, 437 des Cliarneuses, 237 Coloma, 437 Goubault, 451 Langelier, 188 Spence, 439 Superfin, 451 de la Motte, 342 Bringevvood, 153 Broom Park, 153 Brougham, 152 Calhoun, 250. 479 Chapman, 521 Cholwell, 451 Colmar d'Aremberg, 188. 422. 515 Coter, 64 Croft Castle, 154 Dallas, 249. 479 Dearborn's Seedling, 120 Dix, 120 Doyenne d'Et^, 66.425 Boussock, 66. 562 de la Motte, 56 Goubault, 451 gris d' hiver Nouveau, 452 Dun more, 154 Duchess d' Orleans, 436 Elizabeth, (V. M.,) 63. 429 Epargne, 55 Eyewood, 119. 154. 437 Excelenlissima, 525 Fondante d' Automne, M9 Forelle, 339 Figue de Naples, 337 Flemish Beauty, 439 Golden Beurre of Bilboa, 437 Grosse Calebasse, 188. 437 Haddington, 274. 450 Hanners 119. 489 Heathcot, 120 Henkel, 61. 437 Henrietta, 479. 467 Hall, 521 Johonnot, 484 Knight's (R. I.) Seedling, 449. 481 Kingsessing, 450 Lee's Seedling, 488 Leon le Clerc Van Mons, 6. Van Zandt's Superb, 81. 526 White Ball, 114 Winesburg Large Yellow, 110 Yellow Cling, HI Best kinds for forcing, 210 Seedlings, 422 Premiums awnrdetl for, 86 Las Canas, Louise d' Orleans, Mabille, March Bergamot, Moccas, Monarch, McLaughlin, Moyamensing, Nouveau Poiteau, Oakley Park Burganiot, Oliver's Russet, Onondaga, Osband's Summer, Oswego Beurr6, Pailleau, 119. 270 437. 467 Paradise d' Automne, 437. 467 Pennsjlvania, 255 Pengethly, 151 Pratt, 449 Prince Esterhazy, 437 Rapelje's Seedling, 449 Reid's Seedling, 198. 329. 450 Richards'a Beurri, 401. 526 Ropes, 254 Ross , 152 Rostiezer, 429 Smith's Bordenave, 450 .^ummer Bon Chretien, 461 Swan's Orange, 243. 449 St. Ghislain, 237 sterling, 445 St. Dorothee, 471 Thompson's, 345 Tyson, 120. 141. 437 Van Aasene, 60 Van Mons, numbered var. 437 Vicompte de Spoelberch, 560 Virgoulouse, 56 Virgoulouse, (old,) 533 Westcolt, 515 Wilbur, 119. 521 Winship's Seedling, 429. 4«5 Winter Bartlett, 422 White Doyenn6 533 135, Van Mons, 437. 467 1482, Van Mons, 4.37. 467 New and valuable var., 6. 5.52 Various sorts, 55. 190. 535 Best varieties, 93 Varieties for quince stock, 320 Exhibited at Paris, 510 Exhibited at Brussels, 552 Large specimens, 514 New sorts exhibited, 469 Premiums awarded for, 86 Plums. Albany Beauty, Bimeless Seedling, Dennislon's Red, Superb, Inhoofgage, Judson, Mulberry, Reine Claude de Bavay, Schenectady Catherine, Silvan's Yellow Gage, Washington, Premiums awarded for, 450 425 151 153 155 251 274. 450 451 152 562 243 449 198 4.39 531 110 532 531 111 447 530 530 446. 530 110 55 86 Strawberries. Black Prince, Boston Pine, 275. 347 Gushing, Excelsior, Hovey's Seedling, 275 Lizzie Randolph, North's Victory, Ross's Phwnix, Stoddard's Seedling, Swanstone Seedling, Mr. Burr's Seedlings, New varieties. Premiums awarded for, 142 515 275 329 347 378 367 275 335 275 367 7 86 CONTENTS. IX LIST OF VEGETABLES. A rrowroot, 193 Cucumbers, A rtichoke, 31 Roman Emperor, Hog, 31 130 133 Snake, Jerusalem, 31 Egg Plant, 51. 96. 192. Asparagus, 277 361 Beans, 553 Lettuce, 96 Dwarf Russian, 466 Palestine, 335 Lima, 466 Royal Cape, BeetE. 553 Onions, B rocoli. 553 Pumpkin, Farmington, Cabbages, 192 426 Peas, New var., 476 Potatoes, 22 Oxheart, 374 Ash-leaved Kidney, Carrots, 476. 553 Blue St. Helena, Cauliflower, 371 525 553 Early June, Celery, 96. 192. 371 Mountain June, Couv6 Tronchud a, 466 Ross's Early, .'51 383 466 430. 476 .333 .524 335 553 476 :<71 .333 371 553 478 374 371 Potatoes, 30 varieties, 476 15(1 varieties, 553 Seedlings, 475. 478. 553. 559 List of new seedlings, 553 Rhubarb, 558 Dowiiing's Mammoth, 188 Giant, 333 Victoria, 333. 335 Squash, Wisconsin, 476 Canada, 466 Tomatoes, 96. 558 Many varieties, 553 Giant , 476 Water Cress, 382 Premiums awarded for 1846,88 Premiums offered for 1847, 134 LIST OF PLANTS ENUMERATED IN THE PRESENT VOLU.ME. In the body of the Magazine, a few errors occur in the spelling of the botanical names, the capitalizing of generic and specific names, their derivation and accentuation •. these are all corrected in the following list of plants. The synonymes, in several instances, have also been given, where plants have been incorrectly indicated. Lists of Beck's new Pelargoniums, 41. 495 List of fine varieties of CHmellias, 142 Lists of new and fine Pelargoniums, 143. 420 Lists of fine Dahlias, 143. 52.3. 518. 5.S1 List of fine Heatlis, 171 List of the Mosses of New England, . 171 List of fine new Verbenas, . . . 213 List of the Plants of New England, . 217 List o( American .sp. and var. of Oaks, . 224 New and fine Fuchsias, . . . 266. 331 New Petunias, 331 New Lilacs, 331 Fine varieties of Roses, . . . 334. 509 New varieties of Prairie Roses, . . 354 Fine new Gladioli, ..... 378 New varieties of Scarlet Geraniums, . 378 >4'bies canadensis 181 Abutilon striatum 103 vendsum 522 551 psoniflornm 360 Acacia decipiens 400 >4canthus vulgdre 434 Achlmenes atrosangi inea 5U9 coccinea 265 541 cupreita 501 grandifldra 316 541 hirsLita 265 498 ign^scens 498 I.ehnjinu' 522 InngiUora 265 jnultiflira 509 obl6ng;i 265 pdtens 26.5 315 picta 8. 92 265 .379 ))cduncul4ta 265 pyrop.-e'a 540 rd^ea 265. 541 Skinneri 540 VOL. XIII.- — B ^schyn4nthus Boschm- nus 79 Lobb(d7i»s 216 miniitiis 216 PaxtOnj 509 ^'srhmea longifldra lul- gens 510 yigeratum Wrights 131 Alliiisi maurdruni 434 Andromeda calycnlata 131 Anigozinthos cocilneus 379 .4nenidne japonica 465. 496. 509 Aneiira sessilis 131 Aqtiil^gia seciinda 287 yfrundo saccliarifera 290 Ardlsia crenulAla 435 A'rbor infelix 434 Azalea iiulica CApeii l.?9 I)aniels(d?ia 70 etquisUa 405 Gledstan^sn 287. 405 .\zalea Indica Herbirt/a purpurea 169 Large ( licrry 189 Remingiiiiia 189 speci6sa 189 striata formosis- sima 405 seedling while 189 nndifldra orndta 285 obtusAta 78. 316 Barritm rdlva 131 Begdnja 41bo coccinea 78 coccinea 361 fnchsioides 361 /?^tula iiopulilblia 434 nouv4rd(V( splendens 509 Briek^ll/rt cylindrAcca 131 Brugnidns/a Knighti'r .332 Wavniini'/ 510 Duddl6«"Lindley«no 8. 379 Burcliella specidsa 286 Calvcanthus fiurida 502 CONTEXTS. Calceolarias 405 Callistfimoa spl^ntlens 286 Calyst6gia puWscens 78. 359. 496 Camfelha jap6nica Comte de Paris .316 Ducliess d'Orleans316 La Reine 360 Campiuula gr4ndis 267 iiobilis 498 Cdrica Papaya 290 C4ttleya Harrisdiij* 85 C^drus Deoddra 10 C^ltis crassiWlia 183 Cireus erucigera 468 exteiisis 286 gladi4tus 610 graiiiUfl6rus 493 grand illdro-speciosis- sitnus Maynirdu 404 C6.strum aurautiacum 496 rdseuin 426 Chimondnthus frdgrans 502 Chirita sinensis 509 Clerodindron Devonian- sis 509 in('ortiin4tuin 509 speciosissimum 509 CllviVi nobilis 381 Clit6ria 493 Cqff'ia aribica 290 Crdcus sitivus 290 Crow^a canaliculdta 425 Ciiphea miniftta 509 platyc^utra 509 strigill6sa 509 Cycas revohUa 290 Cyperus papyrus 434 Ddphne Fortiuu 315 Delplilnium BarI6wu' 379 Dic^utra spectdbilis 500 Dichorizdiidra ovita 510 Dipladdnia r6sa camp6s- tris 500 Echinocictus Eyridsu' 332 mammul6sus 468 niammillaroides 3.32 multiplex 379 Otx6nis 3.32. 492 sc6pa 468 Echin6psis vAlida 510 Echltes spl^ndens 551 £rica densifWra 465 hyemilis 522 muliifldra 465 vegans 426 ventricisa 378 versicolor 426 5sp. 509 Flssidens exiguus 130 niinutulus 130 Forsyth?a viridlssima 501 Fuclisio corymbifldra 77. 94 fulgens 77 micrintha 77. 359 var. acdntha 468 Cleopatra 424 exoni^nsis 424 Lady of the Lake 424 Nymph 468 Mrs. F. Milbank 424 Sir H. Pottinger 424 Smith's Vesta 425 FumAria fornidsa 500 Finik/a grandifl6ra 317 Gardenia Devonidna 216. 499 fl6rida var. Fortunidraa 79 mallelfera 499 r4dicans 79. 378 Stanleyana 8. 216. 499 G6snera Coop^ri 266 Gerardfdjia 266 rUbra 266 splendena 266 tubill6ra 266 zebrina 266. 421 Gladiolus belviddrus 8. 85 gandav^nsis 381 Leibnitzii 381 Lisette 333 Wilhehninus 333 Glottidium floriddimm 554 Gloxinia 41ba maxima 2G5 bicolor 265 Cartdnj 8. 265 cauliscens 403 celestial 265 Comtesse Caroline Thun 502 Comtesse Inza Thun 502 Comtesse Leopoldine Thun 502 grandifldra 425 iusignis 265 macrophylla variegd- ta 265 Prince Camille de Rohan 502 rabra 265. 403 speciisa 265 supirba 425 seedlings 425 TeichlSri 403. 502 varieties 502 Habrothimnus ilegans 551 Hoeminthus tenuifdlius 378 /fedychium GardnerKinum 468 Heliinthus divaricdtus 133 giginteus 133 tuber6sus 133 HAya carndsa 401 HydrAngea hort^nsis 123 involucrAta tl. pi. 361 jap6nica 123. 267. 315. 361 /mpitiens platypitala 402 Ipomae'a Bona Nox 493 QuamdclU 100 Lto consideration, it must rank as one of the finest early winter apples we possess. Where it originated we ha^ve no information. The trees ap- pear to be mostly confined to Cayuga county, New York. Size, large, about three and a half inches deep and four broad: Form, round, regular, shghtly ribbed at the base: 72 Descriptions of Three New Apples. Skin, fair, smooth, dull yellowish green in the shade, but nearly covered with bright orange red, in numerous short stripes, mottlings and splashes, and dotted with rather large prominent grayish specks : Stem, short, about half an inch, rather slender, and moderately inserted in a somewhat con- tracted deep cavity : Eye, medium size, closed, and sunk in a medium sized open basin: Flesh, yellowish white, rather coarse, crisp and tender : Juice, plentiful, pleasantly acid, and high flavored : Core, large and rather open. Ripe in Novem- ber and keeps till January. II. Northern Spy. Mag. oiHort Vol. X. p. 275. In the latter part of May 1844, specimens of the Northern Spy were exhibited at the rooms of the Massachusetts Horti- Fig. 11. Northern Spy Apple. cultural Society, from Messrs. EUwanger and Barry, of Ro- chester, New York. This was its first introduction to the notice of Eastern cultivators ; it proved to be a fine apple, and trees were much sought after by amateurs and nurserymen. From Rochester, many trees were sent to this vicinity, and the variety is now pretty generally distributed. We are therefore happy to have the opportunity to give an account of it, and an engraving from some superior specimens Descriptions of Three New Apples. Td recently sent us by J. H. Watts, Esq. of Rochester. A variety possessing such superior quahties is deserving of the most extensive cultivation. It has been stated by some wri- ters in Western New York, that when the trees become old they produce only small and inferior fruit, and that it is only for a few years, when they are in their greatest vigor, that they bear good-sized and sound apples : this has also been contradicted, and we should think that the statement might be rather premature ; for the variety is so new that few large orchards can yet exist, and the difference of soil or location may make much difference in regard to the fairness of the pro- duct. At any rate, it is a variety well worth cultivation, for in our estimation it is fully equal to any apple we possess, not excepting the Baldwin, the favorite of NewEngland. The fol- lowing information in regard to its origin, &:c. has been com- municated by Mr. Watts : — " I take great pleasure in sending you a box of Fruit, known with us as the Northern Spy apple. " My object (this season) has been to introduce it, believing it to be equal to any grown. One of its peculiar properties is that it keeps so well in ordinary seasons : it is in its perfection in April and May, and is then as fresh as a June apple. This year now the past one, all fruit has ripened earlier with us than usual, and consequently many of the Spys are ripe. For a description, and somewhat of its history, I am indebted to the Genesee Farmer, of the year 184.5. It originated in the town of East Bloomfield, state of New York, in the orchard of the late Oliver Chapin, and has been known but for some five or six years. The first of the fruit seen in our city, a friend tells me, he discovered in the month of May, 1841, and he was de- lighted with its appearance and soon discovered its fine flavor, and on inquiry he found that it was a supposed seedling or natural fruit, and it has proved so, and one which has not its superior in our country. "Young trees, or those that have carefully been pruned, produce abundant crops, and the fruit is of large size and ex- tremely beautiful. " The tree is a rapid, upright and handsome grower, wood dark brown, covered with gray-colored specks or dots. Very easily distinguished from any other. Fruit somewhat coni- VOL. XIII. — NO. II. 9 74 Descriptions of Three New Apples. cal, sometimes slightly ribbed and frequently will mea- sure twelve inches in circumference; stalk about three fourths of an inch, set in a broad deep cavity. Eye deeply set in a broad deep basin. Color pale green in the shade — dark red on the sunny side. Those fully exposed to the sun are entirely covered with a fine deep red. Flesh yellowish white, tender, juicy and high flavored, with a peculiar musky perfume. The Farmer says — " This, like all popular fruits, is counterfeited by the men and boys who sell fruit around the streets and corners, and every apple they can find that in any way resembles the Northern Spy is so called." To show you how much prized amongst us, I need only say that while other apples — such as " Swaars," " Spitzembergs," " Bell- Flowers," " Seek-no-Further," and other choice fruit, sell for one dollar per barrel, the "Spys" bring from two dollars and fifty cents to three dollars per barrel. Our Farmers and Hor- ticulturists have been grafting of this fruit to a great extent, and in two years more it will be quite plenty and will still command a high price. " The samples sent are taken from a barrel of a lot of sixty- eight barrels, which I purchased this season, and I have been particularly gratified that I have had it in my power to send them abroad. '■ They have been admired in New York, Albany, Connecti- cut, Michigan, and I presume in Europe, as some have been sent there, and those I now send you I hope ^zSS. find favor in the eyes of the Bostonians." We add our description from specimens before us : — S'lze^ large, about two and a half inches deep, and three and a half broad : Form^ roundish conical, flat and broad at the base, tapering much towards the crown, which is small : Skin, fair, smooth, yellow on the shady side, but nearly covered with bright glossy red and distinct stripes of rich purplish crimson extending nearly to the eye : often having a blotch of russet around the stem, and covered with yellow scattered specks : Stem, short, about half an inch, rather slender, and very deeply inserted in a large wide open cavity : Eye, small, and rather deeply sunk in a medium-sized, somewhat ribbed, and abruptly depressed hollow : Flesh, yellowish white, fine, crisp and tender : Juice, plentiful, and brisk, of a rich subacid, Descriptions of Three New Apples. 75 possessing a peculiarly delicious aromatic flavor : Core, medi- um size, rather open. Ripe in January, and keeps till June. III. Red Canada. The Red Canada (fig. 11), is a new fruit, recently intro- duced from the vicinity of Toronto. Our specimens, which Fiff. 12. Bed Canada Apple. are very handsome, were sent us by the kindness of our cor- respondent, J. W. Bissell of Rochester, to whom we have before acknowledged our indebtedness for similar favors. His letter accompanying the apples gives the following information in relation to this variety : — '• It gives me great pleasure to send you some specimens of the Red Canada apple. Though not as much puffed, they are more of a favorite than the Northern Spy, and such as I now send you sell readily at two cents each. The branches of the tree are bright colored and the shoots very slender. Sea- son, January to April. The first scions were brought here many years since by Hall Colby, from near, Toronto, C. W. where the apple is supposed to have originated." The apples are large, fair and handsome, and of superior excellence ; but upon a careful comparison with the Northern Spy, Baldwin, and other first-rate sorts, we are inclined to give the preference to the Spy. The Red Canada is a firmer 76 Descriptive account of Princess Paragon Peach. fleshed and less acid apple, but it is wanting in that peculiarly rich and delicious aroma which places the Spy, in our estima- tion, among the very best apples which have yet been brought to notice. Size, large, about two and a half inches deep and three broad : Form, roundish, flat and slightly rubbed at the base, narrowing a little towards the crown : Skin, fair, smooth, dull yellowish green in the shade, covered with dull red on the sunny side, with some indistinct stripes of a brighter tint, and rather thickly covered with large, prominent, yellow specks : Stem, short, about half an inch, rather slender, and inserted in a moderately deep, somewhat open cavity : Eye, quite small, closed, and slightly sunk in a very small, shallow, furrowed basin'; segments of the calyx long : Flesh, greenish white, fine, firm, and breaking : Juice, very abundant, brisk, pleasantly acid and high flavored. Core, medium size, rather close. Ripe from January to April. Art. VI. Descriptive Account of Princes Paragon Peach. By W. R. Prince, Flushing, L. I. I PROMISED you, some time since, a description of Princess Paragon peach, and now transmit the same. I am positive as to the fact that the variety which has been disseminated by some under this name, is erroneous, and I doubt whether the true kind is in any nursery collection, unless received from this establishment. Prince's Paragon Peach. — A freestone; large size, perfect oval ; skin yellowish green, red next the sun ; groove slightly depressed, deepening at the extremity with a distinct mame- lon ; a rounded cavity at the stem of moderate depth ; flesh white, red at the stone, very juicy, sweet, rich, and luscious, surpassed by very few ; stone large, rough, of a dull reddish brown hue ; ripens September 15th to 22d ; flowers large ; glands globose. The tree is very vigorous, attains a large size, and bears moderately, thus allowing each fruit a full expansion. Linncean Bot. Gard. and Nurs., Flushing, L. I., Dec. 1846. Floricultural and Botanical Notices. 77 Art. VII. Floricultural and Botanical Notices of New and beautiful Plants^ figured in foreign periodicals ; with Des- criptions of those recently introduced to, or originated in, American gardens. In our notices of new plants in our past volumes, we have endeavoured to make our pages a record of nearly every- thing which has been introduced into foreign collections ; fully describing those worthy of general cultivation, and briefly' those of mere botanical interest. To enable us to do this, we have incurred much expense in procuring the various periodi- cal works devoted to the subject, and! it has been our object to make this article interesting to all : such, we believe, it has been. But the researches of collectors have been carried so far, that of the many plants which have been recently intro- duced, only a few of those figured, in comparison with the whole, possess that beauty which commends them to the atten- tion of the amateur, and as our room is somewhat restricted by an increasing number of contributors, we shall hereafter, in order to enable us to keep up with their publication, only describe those plants which appear really worthy of introduc- tion into gardens. I. Fu'cHSTA macra'ntha Hooker Large flowered Fuchsia, (Onagracese.) A green-house plant: gtowin^ four feet high \ with rosy crimson flowers ; appearing all summer a native of Peru ; increased by cuttings ; grown in loam and leaf mould; Pax Mag. Bot. xiii. p. 97. This is one of the most splendid fuchsias that has yet been introduced. Though quite distinct from others, " it most re- sembles F. fulgens, being dwarf, and similar in habit j but it differs from that species in its very dark green foliage, and the gay color, and uneven length of its flower tubes. In this latter respect, it comes near to F. corymbiflora, but the form of inflorescence in the two species is quite different, and com- pletely so the color of the flowers ;" F. macrintha being of a rich glowmg rosy crimson. The flowers when well grown are full six inches long, and the whole contour of the plant is one of great beauty. It will probably prove a valuable species for hybridization. It is as easily cultivated as the common 9* 78 Floricultural and Botanical Notices varieties, and blossoms abundantly. It was introduced from Peru, and is well worthy a place in every collection of plants. {Pax. Mag. June.) 2. AzaYea obtu^sa Lindl. Blunt-leaved Azalea, (^ricacese.) A green-house shrub ; growing three feet high ; with red flowers ; appearing in spring -. a native of China : increased by cuttings ; grown in rough sandy peat. Bot. Reg. 1846 t. 35. This is one of the azaleas introduced by Mr. Fortune from China, and in addition to its other merits, it has that of being "sweet scented like a Sweet briar." It is described, " as the gayest of all the Chinese azaleas in cultivation. It is a little bush, with very blunt leaves, both smaller and narrower in proportion than we find upon the species already in our gar- dens, and also smaller flowers of the most glowing red." It is a free flowerer, and of dwarf habit. The species requires the same treatment as A. Daniels^d?^a, viz. to be potted in rough sandy peat, and the wood well ripened. It is increased by cuttings in the usual way. {Bot. Reg. July.) 3. Bego nia a'lbo coccrNiA Hooker White and Scarlet Begonia^ (Begonidceos.) A stove plant ; growing two feet high ; with white and scarlet flowers : appearing in summer : B native of India, increased by cuttings ; grown in peat and leaf mould. Bot. Reg. 1846 t. 39. The tribe of begonias is but little cultivated in American collections ; yet there are some species of great beauty, and as they flourish well in our climate under green-house treatment, it is to be regretted that they are not oftener seen. The pre- sent subject is one of great splendor ; having the outside of the calyx vivid scarlet, and the inside of that organ and the petals of a snowy whiteness, thus presenting a great contrast. For bouquets, it would be invaluable. The treatment of this family is simple : merely keeping them in a warm and dry place in winter, starting them into growth in little heat in February, and keeping them in the green-house in summer, where they will form the finest objects among achimenes, gloxinias, S'ida striatum {Abutilon striatum) of the Catalogues. What *S'ida polyandra will prove in open culture, we can scarcely form any opinion from our present knowledge ; if no better than the old and rejected S. abutilon, thus much will it have proved, that, in its case at least, it will add its weight of tes- timony to the value and importance of a more experimental and scientific process of seed sowing, based on philosophical principles ; and that the record of the most seemingly trivial facts in horticultural experience, may lead to results which will bear on the greater interests of the general subject. And so, Mr. Editor, should you deem this rambling and discursive essay of any value in the record of facts relating to a pursuit in which, with yourself, you are aware, we are interested, you are at liberty to insert it in some corner of your Maga- zine, that, perhaps, it may remind others of similar experi- ments, from which they may receive even greater reward in more successful results. January 27, 1847. We are most happy to present an article so full of interest to every lover of rare plants : and we hope the minuteness 104 Remarks on the Northern Spy Apple. with which these experiments have been detailed will in- duce all who may have rare seeds placed in their hands to test their vegetative powers. Has our correspondent tried the boiling process on rose seeds, which often require a long period to vegetate, especially if not sown as soon as gathered? We might name other kinds which are found difficult to make grow : but the hints here given are sufficient to induce all lov- ers of plants to institute experiments. — Ed. Art. III. Additional Remarks on the Northern Spy Apple. By J. H. Watts, Esq., Rochester, N. Y. Amongst the strange things of the day, I find a very strong prejudice existing against the endeavors to introduce tlie North- ern Spy apple ; — not that it is not a superior fruit, but that the tree is not a fruitful bearer. Now in a country where fruit is so abundant of other kinds, suppose our Spy trees are not as prolific, does that militate against them entirely '? Surely not • and, as I have interested myself much in favor of the fruit, and not so much in the tree, I think it my duty to give you the particulars. You will find them in the copy of a letter which has been furnished me, and which I transcribe for your use : — "Mr. Oliver C. Chapin, of East Bloomfield, N. Y., says, under date of the 20th January, 1847, — that the first North- ern Spy apple trees were raised from seeds brought from the Northwest part of Connecticut, about the year 1800, by Eli- jah Taylor. The original tree was set in an orchard by He- man Chapin, and some sprouts from it were taken up by Roswell Humphrey, and by him the fruit was first raised — (an honor, by the way, equal and more so than that he had commanded — large armies) — as the original tree died before bearing." "I believe there are nine of the trees first set out by Humphrey now living, and they are rather larger than the other trees in the orchard will average, of the same age, and treated in all respects the same." "The trees have a hand- some, upright top, are tolerably thrifty, and no indications of Some Account of the Cooper Apple. 105 being short-lived." " They hear well every year, and a por- tion of the apples are as good as any that we have, and, un- der favorable circumstances, will keep till June.''' " I have no means of ascertaining the quantities raised, but should guess that four or five hundred bushels were raised annually in the north part of this town, and a few in other places." " The ojily objection that I knoAv of to them is, that a large proportion of the fruit is small and scrubby, and of little val- ue, being more unequal, in size and flavor, than most others." Mr. Chapin does not say that the apple was called the Northern Spy, in Connecticut. As you have correspond- ence, no doubt, with growers of fruit in that region, you will do well to learn more about it there, if you can. You will see that the culture of the fruit has been mostly con- fined to the region it was first produced in, although it is fast wending its way west, and, generally, more or less all over the United States, as scions have been sent in every direction* Those I have had were raised fourteen miles east of Roch- ester, and, the season past, a gentleman within two miles of Rochester has raised some ten bushels, said to be very fine. As I am not a grower of fruit to sell, nor of trees, I cannot be said to be prejudiced for that purpose, but I agree Avith al- most every one, that it is the best fruit of the apple kind I have ever seen, and hope to live to see it as plenty as other fruits which are now grown here in such abundance. I trust your patience will not be exhausted. The facts about the Northern Spy are what I have been seeking to find, and they are at your service. I may have some other suggestions to make to you hereafter. Rochester, N. Y., January 22, 1847. Art. IV. Some Account of the Cooper Apple and its History. By T. S. HUMRICKHOUSE. You request me, Mr. Editor, to send you a drawing, to- gether with the history, &c., of the " Cooper apple." I can furnish you with the history but not the drawing. When I had the opportunity, last fall, from a specimen sent me by Rev. C. Springer, to have made a drawing, I neglected to do 106 Some Account of the Cooper Apple. so, for reasons which will appear in what follows, and be- cause I supposed it would undoubtedly be recognized by Mr. Downing, to whom specimens were likewise sent by Mr. Springer, as an old acquaintance. I now regret it, since, had I done so, I could have complied with your request. The Cooper is, indeed, a most superior apple. If you transcribe in full Mr. Manning's description of the "Drap d'Or," (as I hope you will do in a note to this,) and add to it, as Mr. Kenrick has done, that its season extends through No- vember, you will have a complete description of the Coop- er. Indeed, I believe them to be identical, though the one specimen sent me by Mr. Springer was not enough to enable me to come to that as a settled conclusion. Nor would I has- tily, in any case, pronounce upon the identity of fruits. The Cooper apple, like the Putnam, — should I not rath- er say Roxbury Russet, — was brought from New England by the emigrants who settled the " Ohio Company's Purchase," and founded Marietta, in company with the Rhode Island Greening and other sorts. It is contained in the original list of the varieties so brought out, now in the possession of Wil- liam Rufus Putnam, as appears by the statement of Mr. Bate- ham, Editor of the Ohio Cultivator, in an article published in the number of his paper of the date of 1st. August, 1846, and which, on Mr. Bateham's authority, I take to be undoubt- edly genuine. As that list is valuable for reference, and will be better preserved for that purpose in your Magazine, I have thought proper to subjoin it. " List of Apple Grafts received from Connecticut in 1796 : — 1. Putnam Russet, 2. Seek-no-Further, 3. Early Chandler, 4. Late Chandler, 5. Gilliflower (red), 6. Pound Royal, 7. Natural (Seedling.) 8. Rhode Island Greening, 9. Yellow Greening, 10. Golden Pippin, 11. Long Island Pippin, 12. Tallman's Sweeting, | 23. Spitzenberg. 13. Striped Sweeting, 14. Honey Greening, 15. Kent Pippin, 16. Cooper Apple, 17. Striped Gilliflower, 18. Black Gilliflower, 19. Prolific Beauty, 20. Queening, 21. English Pearmain, 22. Green Pippin, Some Account of the Cooper Apple. 107 Having received, some time since, a letter from Mr. Spring- er, informing me of his communication to Mr. Downing, touching the Cooper, and some others of our varieties I immediately wrote to him, referring him to the foregoing list m proof that it is not an Ohio fruit. I also, about the same time, mentioned the same fact to the Hon. James Matthews, another of Mr. Downing's correspondents. And I requested both of them, that, in writing again to Mr. Downing, they should call his attention to it, and obtain from him his' opin- ion, as he had seen the fruit, if it is not the '•' Fall Harvey " the "Dyer," or the '-'Drap d'Or." This they will doubt- less do. I have already stated my opinion that the Cooper apple is the -Drap d'Or" of Coxe, but by no means affirming such to be the case. Coshocton, January 27, 1847. We trust our friends and correspondents in the West will not suppose we wish to detract in the least from the merit which attaches to their fertile soil, in the production of new seedhng fruits, in endeavoring to show that many of those which are supposed natives, are only well known eastern kmds which were carried into their region by the early set- tlers of the country from New England. There are undoubt- edly hundreds of seedling apples of great excellence now in existence in their nurseries and orchards, and we soon expect to see great additions to our catalogues, especially from Ohio • but as several supposed native fruits have prov^^d not to be so. It may be well to proceed cautiously in identifying many of the kinds which are yearly brought into notice, that confu- sion may not grow out of hasty conclusions. Our excellent correspondent, Mr. Ernst, whose exertions have been so sig- nally important in detecting native seedlings, and bringing them to the notice of cultivators, thought we were hasty in our remarks when we stated that the " Detroit, Putnam russet and other apples had proved to be Eastern varieties;" but we believe now, that even some of those whose dictum was sup- posed to be authority, admit what we showed to be the fact (Vol. XH., p. 141,) that the Putnam Russet and Roxburv rvusset are identical. ^ 108 New Seedling Fruits of the West. After seeing the notice of the Cooper apple in the Ohio Cultivator^ we requested Mr, Humrickhouse, on whose good judgment we could rely, to inquire into the history of that variety, and, if possible, to send us an engraving, and, as the result of his inquiry, we are enabled to offer the above excel- lent paper, which every cultivator, we are sure, will join with us in saying, has an important bearing on the question of the seedling origin of the Cooper apple. Mr. Humrickhouse has shown that it was originally carried from Connecticut ; but as we believe there is no apple known under the name of Cooper in Eastern collections, it is very reasonable to conjecture that it may be known under some other name. For the present, we shall only add Mr. Manning's description of the Drap d'Or, alluded to by our correspondent, and leave the subject to be taken up again when we have an opportunity to ex- amine the fruit. Drap d'Or. — A large, flat apple, of a bright, but pale yel- low color, covered all over with small black pips (never with a red check) ; the flesh is tender, very light and pleasant ; the growth of the tree is large and spreading ; it bears well, and should be found in every good collection. Ripe in September and October. This is the true Drap d'Or of Coxe and Ronald^ but not of Duhamel. — Manning^ s Book of Fruits, p. 48. Art. V. Notice of some Neio Seedlirig Fruits of the West, with a Description and Engraving of the American White Winter Calville Apple. By A. Fahnestock, Lancaster, Ohio. • I HAVE some choice native apples of great merit, amongst which are the Early Pennock, A?nericati White Winter Cal- ville, Crimson Nonpareil, Belle de Witt, Hart's Orange Sweet- ing, Red Pearmain, Baldhill, Early Summer Red Streak, Hocking Seedling, Hooker, Large Late, Large Vandevere and Zoar Large Green, «fcc. These apples are not in any nursery that I know of, except one, in Ohio, besides my own. I have also a new Nectarine raised by Mr. Baker, supposed to have come from the seed of a peach ; it has fruited but once, and is very fine, also some new plums and pears, peaches, &c. New Seedling Fndts of the West. 109 It would fill up too much of a letter to describe and name them all, requiring some three or four sheets at least. I think them all an acquisition to any nursery, and will send you grafts this spring, or young trees in the fall, if you desire, of every kind that is new and valuable, I will give you the outline of two of the apples, with descriptions taken from the fruit, which is correct and warranted. Early Pennock. — It is the largest and handsomest apple of its season I have ever seen, ripening from the 1st to the 10th of August; a good eating fruit, and first-rate for cooking. [Having already, by the kindness of Mr. Humrickhouse, given an engraving of this fine variety, (XII., p. 472,) we omit it here. — Ed.] American White Winter Calville. — This apple {fig. 13,) was propagated by taking sprouts from a seedling tree in the Fig. 13. American WhUe Winter Calville. orchard of Mr. Dan'l Miller, of La Fayette township, Coshoc- ton County, Ohio. The size is large, sometimes equalling that of the largest yellow Belleflower, to which it bears some resemblance, as it also does to the " Belmont or^Waxen or Gate," sometimes flat, mostly round or oblong, tapering some- what to the eye, with broad ribs ; skin thin, delicate, of a VOL. xm.— NO. in. 12 110 New Seedling Fruits of the West waxen and glossy appearance, pale straw color, without a blush ; seeds plump and oval ; stem from half to three quar- ters of an inch long, small, and set in a deep pointed and ribbed cavity. Calyx small and closed; in a moderate sized basin, shallower at one end than the other : flesh white, ten- der, juicy and fine grained, possessing a delicate aroma ; and although it comes into eating early in November, it will keep till March or even April, retaining its flavor well. The tree is a fine, strong and upright grower in the nursery, foliage peculiar, of a bright rich green, and very glossy. Harfs Orange Sweeting is also very fine. Red Pearmain is a very large, oblong fruit, handsomely striped with red, and exceedingly fine for eating at this sea- son— a very superior fruit. The Zoar Large Green is a seedling from Zoar, and is a very fine winter fruit, keeping till April. I have seen them weighing one pound. They are brighter than the Rhode Isl- and Greening, and a much larger fruit. The Zoar Beauty and Flat Pear are also seedlings of Zoar, and well worthy of a place in every orchard. Bimeless Seedling Plum (the superintendent at Zoar) is in size between the Green Gage and Imperial Gage, an uncom- mon bearer and superior fruit in flavor. The original tree, noAv about eighteen years old, stands in front of his mansion house, and bears plentiftdly every year, and has never been in- jured in the least by the curculio. Silvan'' s Yellow Gage, a seedling of the same place, named after their nurseryman, (Mr. Silvan,) is a plum of superior merit. Beauty of Zoar Peach, Silvan' s Seedling, and Zoar Late Yellow, are seedling Peaches from Zoar, also Smoothstone. The first and last named I have seen in bearing. They are handsome and good. Wineshurgh Large Yellow is a very large and fine peach, a seedling from Winesburgh in Holmes County, and very ex- cellent. Graven! s Red Cheek Cling is a seedling of the same county, bore this season. It is a large and handsome fruit, very de- sirable. Beltzar and Beltzar^s Early Rareripe originated in Coshoc- New Seedling Fruits of the West. Ill ton County, are fine early varieties, ripening from 1st to 10th of August. Fa/mesfock^s Seedling- No. 1, and Fahnestock' s Mammoth Yelloio Cling., two seedlings of my own. — I consider them su- perior, and they shall speak for themselves. The seedling is much larger than the cling : one I had from the tree would not go into a teacup, and measured larger in circumference than any peach I have ever heard of We have some other fine seedling peaches. Also a plum called the Imhoof Gage, raised from a seed of the Green gage : it is rather oblong, and nearly as large again as the Green gage, possessing all its qualities. I would describe more to you, but space will not allow. There is a decided improvement in the taste of the people here, and particularly in Columbus and Chilicothe. Our ag- ricultural paper has done much, and will do more, for the ad- vancement of the interest of all nurserymen and horticultu- rists. Lancaster, Ohio, January, 1847. We are happy to give so good an account of the progress of Horticulture in the West, and particularly of the production of such a number of fine varieties of fruit. The Early Pen- nock seems to be a most valuable early apple, and, from its size and beauty, as well as excellence, worthy a place in ev- ery collection. But, in regard to the other variety, described by Mr. Fahnestock as the American White Winter Calville, it may seem somewhat presumptive in us to ask why it is called the American. If we compare the description of the White Winter Calville, of Manning or Lindley, we shall find that it answers almost precisely to that given above by our correspondent. It is an old French variety of much merit, and may have found its way into Ohio, from some of the ear- ly French settlements in the West. Though we would, by no means, pronounce upon a variety, merely upon a descrip- tion, still we should wish to have good evidence that it is a seedling before calling it the American White Winter Cal- ville : for it is possible that one description may answer to two apples, though it is not very probable. At any rate, we trust Mr. Fahnestock will send us a tree or some scions, that we may compare the leaf and wood as well as the fruit. 112 Pomological Notices ; We shall be glad to receive any descriptions or notices of new fruits which our correspondent may find the opportunity to send U3. — Ed. Art. VI. Pomological Notices : or Notices respecting new and superior fruits, worthy of general cultivation. Notices of several new apples, peaches and grapes. By the Editor. Apples. In our last volume (XII. p. 474,) we briefly des- cribed several new apples, which have been lately introduced to cultivation; since that period, however, a few other new sorts have been recommended to us by our correspondents, a few of which we now name : — Hooker. — This is a very fine apple, of which the following account has been sent us by our friend J. W. Bissell, of Roch- ester, N. Y. " The original tree is growing on the farm of the grandfather of my partner, in Windsor, Conn., and was brought to this country by E. B. Strong. The tree grows strongly and bears a great crop, each alternate year : season, December to April. You will notice that the flavor is much like the Seek-no-further, which makes it a very great favorite with women and children ; yet, unlike the Seek-no-further, it is first-rate for cooking ; the skin is very thick and preserves the fruit well. It is of medium size, with a red skin, and high flavored." Hawley. — This is another new apple, not known in the nurseries, but, according to our correspondent, E. W. Leaven- worth, Esq., of Syracuse, N. Y., of undoubted merit. He writes us that " it is superior to any apple of the month of October for the table. It has been cultivated by two uncles of mine, in Columbia and Cayuga, for 20 or 30 years past, — one calling it the Hawley, the other, Dows, apple. It is large — as large as the Baldwin — fair, green, becoming partly yellow, tender, juicy and delicious. Hawley and Dows are the names of the men from whom the scions were originally obtained. Melvin Sweet. — This is the name of a variety considerably New Apples, Peaches and Grapes. 113 cultivated in Concord, Mass. Our friend Mr. Moore, who sent us some excellent specimens, informs us that it originated in that town, that it is a great bearer, and readily brings 75 cents to ^1 a barrel more than the Baldwin. It is an apple of good size, roundish form, with a yellowish green skin, dis- tinctly striped with pale red, and possessing a rich and sugary juice. In eating from November to February. Granny Earle. — First introduced to notice by E. Phinney, Esq., of Lexington. It is a small apple, of roundish oval form, green skin, striped and splashed with red, with a white, crisp and tender flesh, abundant juice, and high flavored. Ripening from November to January. Winter Harvey. — A very large conical apple, slightly rib- bed, a native of Maine ; skin clear pale yellow : stem very short : flesh, yellowish, firm and tender, juicy and excellent. Ripe in December and keeps till April. Several barrels have been sent to Boston market annually for the last three or four years, and they retail as rapidly as any other kind. Some specimens exhibited March 29, 1845, before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, were in fine preservation. The President is the name of a new variety highly recom- mended by some of our friends in western New York, where the variety is cultivated. We are promised a full account of it ere long. Leland Pippin. — This is the name of a variety cultivated in the vicinity of Sherburne, Mass., and takes its name, we believe, from our old friend Deacon Leland, of the Sherburne nursery, who first introduced it to notice. It comes in after the Porter, and is said to be fully equal to that fine variety. Peaches. The rapidity with which seedling peaches are produced, would lead us to suppose that a greater number of fine varieties might have been raised. But, with few ex- ceptions, the list of fine new ones is exceedingly limited, and but a small number of them equal such foreign kinds as the Noblesse, Grosse Mignonne, Malta, &c. Recently, there has been a greater interest manifested in the production of seed- lings, and we may hope soon to see some additions of greater value than many which now fill up the catalogues. The fol- lowing are new and promise well : — 12* 114 Pomological Notices ; Sfetso7i's Seedling. — A variety of great beauty and excel ■ lence, with a white skin, beautifully sujffused with pale blush : of rather oval form, terminating in a distinct mamelon at the apex: flesh very juicy, melting and delicious. Ripens early in September. Raised by N. Stetson, Esq., of Bridgewater. Uovei/s Cambridge Belle. — One of the most beautiful peach- es we have ever seen, with a clear waxen skin, tinted with a glowing blush on the exposed side, and of a rich, brisk and delicious flavor. Ripens early in September. Specimens were exhibited before the Massachusetts Horticultural Society in September last, and the Committee stated it to be " of good flavor, and worthy of cultivation." White Ball. — This is an early variety, very beautiful and excellent, a constant bearer, of good size and high flavored. An accidental seedling in our collection. It is superior to Morris's White, though not quite so large. Ripens early in September. Grapes. Some very superior varieties have lately been add- ed to our rather limited list of good grapes : a few of which have been fruited here, and others recommended by Mr. Thompson, of the London Horticultural Society. The cultivation of the grape is rapidly extending, and, as amateurs are anxious to make a trial of all that have obtained a good reputation, we embrace an early opportunity to briefly note the characters of some of the recently introduced varieties which promise well. Another season Ave shall be enabled to describe more particu- larly such as have not yet fruited, in this country, from vines in our own collection which will bear the present year. Muscat Blanc Hatif. — A new and superior Muscat grape, very early, ripening just after the Chasselas ; with good sized, handsomely shouldered, bunches, and round berries of a clear amber color, fall of a rich muscat juice. The berries set well, and appear perfectly free from shanking, a defect of the White Frontignan, which we noticed in vines planted nearly side by side and in the same border. It is a most valuable grape. Mr. Buist informs us he received the variety from the south of France, about five years ago. The Pennsylvanian Horticul- tural Society awarded him a handsome prize for fine specimens. A few clusters exhibited by us last autumn were highly esteemed. New Apples, Peaches and Grapes. 115 New Black Hamburgh, {No. 16.) — When in London in the autumn of 1844, we made several visits to the extensive estabHshment of Mr. Wilmot, of Isleworth, well known for his superior cultivation of the grape, for Covent Garden market. Among the grapes which he recommended to us, as the very- best in his collection, was one which he designated as the New Black Hamburgh, (No. 16,) to prevent confusion with Wilmot's New Black Hamburgh. The variety, we believe, did not originate with him, but, from its superior excellence, was adopted, as one among a select list which he had found the most profitable for cultivation. Mr. Allen has briefly no- ticed it at p. 44, after having fruited it in his collection, and has spoken in just terms of its value. It is very similar in appearance to the Black Hamburgh, but the foliage is quite distinct, and the flavor is even more brisk and vinous than that variety. It should be in every collection. Macreadif s Early White. — This is the name under which we have cultivated a very early and fine variety, received from Mr. Rivers, near London. We have never seen the name, in the catalogue, of any other nurseryman, and of its origin we have no knowledge. It is a white grape, with oval transparent berries, medium-sized bunches, and a remarkably sweet and delicious juice. It ripened the earliest in our collection last season, and hangs for some time. Prince Albert. — This is the name of a new and fine grape, which we saw in great perfection at the Royal Gardens, at Frogmore, under the charge of Mr. Ingram, the Queen's Gar- dener ; and a brief notice of it will be found in our account of that place (XII. p. 81). There were only two vines in the house, but each of these had three or four bunches of superb grapes, although the vines had been only eighteen months planted. Previous to this, Mr. Wilmot had also recommended the variety, but he had no young plants to dispose of: a varie- ty of such fine appearance, with bunches weighing about 31bs., we were anxious to possess ; and Mr. Ingram kindly promised us some of the cuttings ; last season, Ave had the plea- sure of receiving them safely, and in good condition, and now have a few vines which we hope are sufficiently strong to ripen a few clusters of the fruit. The variety originated, we believe, in Jersey. Its general appearance is similar to the Black Hamburgh. 116 Pomological Notices ; Josling's St. Allan's. — This is a new seedling grape, des- cribed by Mr. Thompson, in the last number of the Journal of the London Horticultural Society. It was raised by Mr. Josling, seedsman, &c., St. Albans, about six years ago. The last season, fruit of it was exhibited before the London Horti- cultural Society, September 1, and a certificate of merit was awarded. The bunch, supported by a strong footstalk, is very long and tapering, with strong diverging shoulders. The ber- ries are about the size of the White Frontignan, round, green- ish white, acquiring a tinge of yellow, when well ripened. Flesh rather firmer than that of the Frontignan grapes, but not so firm as that of the Muscat of Alexandria, very rich and sugary, with a Frontignan flavor. The leaves in their general outline are tolerably round, their lobes not deep, but the serratures are tolerably sharp ; both the upper and under surfaces are remarkably glabrous, and slightly tinged with red. On the whole, the leaves bear considerable resemblance to that of the White Muscat of Alexandria ; the berries, how- ever, differ in being decidedly round, like those of the Fron- tignans ; but the leaves of the latter are not glabrous, being furnished with bristly hair, at and near the axils of the veins beneath. It is perfectly distinct from any other variety known. Mr. Josling states, that about six years ago he sowed seeds of several kinds of grapes, which had been disfigured by wasps, among which were the White Muscat, White Nice, White Muscad ine, and White Sweetwater. The seeds were gathered promiscuously, but he thinks it is between the White Muscat and White Nice, as they grew side by side. It differs most distinctly from the White Frontignan, from the time of show- ing the fruit, until, and when, ripe. In showing its fruit, the branches are very long on amazingly stout footstalks, which start diagonally from the vine, in a manner very different from any I grow. At this stage, they are very conspicuous through- out the house. After this the berries assume a dark green color, the Frontignan is of a pale green ; it shoulders, the Frontignan does not : the bunch tapers to a point, the Fron- tignan is more cylindrical ; the footstalk throughout the bunch is very stiff", the Frontignan hangs loosely. In flavor, it ap- proaches the Frontignan more than any other grape ; but even in this respect it differs materially, the berry in the mouth New Apples, Peaches and Grapes. 117 having more substance, and being more sugary and sweetmeat like ; when ripe, it assumes a dark gold color. It does not re- quire much thinning. It is late in ripening, and does not shank or shrivel, like the Frontignan. Its habit of growth is strong and robust. Mr. Thompson concurs in the opinion that it is a valuable variety. [This description answers exceedingly well for the Muscat blanc hatif,] Calabrian Raisin. — In the 2d No. of the Journal of the Horticultural Society, Mr. Thompson describes a variety un- der this name, which had fruited in the Society's garden. He states that it was obtained from the nursery of the Messrs. Baumann of Bohviller, who have a fine collection of grapes. In their catalogue, it is called the Raisin de Calabre. The bunch is large, slightly shouldered, long and tapering. The berries are large, quite round, white, transparent, so that the seeds can be perceived. The flesh is moderately firm, with a rich sug- ary juice. It is a late grape, possessing likewise the property of hanging long after it is ripe ; and it will keep for a considera- ble time after it is cut. With good management, it may be preserved for months, in a fresh state, fit for the dessert. The vine grows vigorously, and is likely to be a good bearer. From what has already been observed of its disposition to form large bunches, those who make the production of them a principal object, will doubtless grow bunches of this variety half a yard or more in length, as has been done in the case of the Black St. Peters, comparatively with which, grown under similar circumstances, the Calabrian Raisin appears the larger of the two. On account of its long keeping, it is exceedingly suitable for being planted with the Black St. Peters, which is the best, often hanging till February. But a variety that would keep equally long, and afford a contrast as regards color, was wanted. This desideratum is admirably supplied by the introduction of the Calabrian Raisin. Mr. Thompson states that it seems per- fectly distinct from any hitherto cultivated or described. The berries of the White Nice are smaller, and of a greenish color : those of the Syrian are a little oval, and less transparent. Its greatest resemblance is to the White Malvasia, but this is a rather early grape, and of smaller size. It will prove a valu- able acquisition. 118 Remarks on some Varieties of the Pear. Arr. VII. Remarks and General Hints, on Some Few Varie- ties of the Pear. By S. Walker, Roxbury, Mass. Much has been -written, and much more said, on the merits and cultivation of the pear, and still, Mr. Editor, we want that light and information which experience alone can give us on this subject. We do not expect to add much, if any thing, to the stock of information already acquired ; but, if any remarks which may fall from our pen, or our lips, on this subject, shall elicit remarks from others, either to establish our own views, or to present to the fruit-growing community the best mode, or a better mode, of cultivating this delicious fruit, and the varieties that deserved the most extensive cultivation, we shall then consider that something further has been done ; but, until we find others, and many there are, more competent than ourself to take up this interesting subject, we shall probably, at times, presume to trespass on your kind indulgence, and solicit a place for such remarks as opportunity may present, or our poor ability may enable us to furnish. Although specimens of some of the new varieties were pre- sented, during the past season, (1846,) at the Hall of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, yet nothing of surpass- ing excellence was brought forward in the new class ; that is to say, the new pears which were shown, for the Jirst time, did not fully sustain their foreign reputation, while others which have been shown for several years, and among these we found several native varieties, rather exceeded their repre- sentation and our expectations. We shall mention those new varieties only that we consider as worthy, in every respect, of extensive cultivation. But, before we proceed to do so, we wish to state briefly that the first, second, or indeed the third, and sometimes the fourth trial of new foreign or native pears is oftentimes insufficient to enable us to give an unequivocal and decided opinion as to their true character and merits. We ground our remarks, and form our opinion, from specimens presented at the Hall of the Massachusetts Horticultural So- Remarks on some Varieties of the Pear. 119 ciety, or fruit produced in our own grounds, or sent to us by- kind friends during the past season. Again, we wish it to be fully understood that no estimate can be made of the true character of any fruit, more particu- larly of the pear, unless the specimens are fair, well grown, of full size and quite ripe : or, in other words, in the highest state of perfection the variety will attain to under the most skilful management and favorable season. Some varieties, under the care of a lover of fruits, well cultivated in a conge- nial soil, may be compared to " refined gold," while the same variety in unskilful hands, the trees neglected, in grass land, or in wet and impoverished soil, may prove as " dross." I would further, and in conclusion on this part of my subject, remark, that first-rate specimens, of the best flavor, cannot be expected to be obtained from trees that are overloaded with fruit. An overcrop is not only injurious to the fruit, but also to the growth and future well-being of the tree. Nature makes great efforts to accomplish her purposes ; but if all her energy and resources are called upon to mature fruit, the trees cannot increase in size, and nature thus taxed becomes ex- hausted— tires — faints and dies under the load. With the foregoing remarks, which we thought might not be altogether unacceptable to your readers, we proceed to give a list of such new varieties of pears as have, in our opinion, been found worthy to be classed among those deserving of ex- tensive cultivation. Yan Mons Leon Le Clerc. — One of the best pears we ever ate, and the best pear we tasted the past season. Eye WOOD. — With this variety, after a trial of three years we were agreeably disappointed. The first year we marked it second-rate. The past season, it proved to be very ten- der, very melting and juicy, subacid, too much so for persons who like sweet pears, but to the lovers of the Brown Beurre, and Beurre d' Aremberg, this variety will be highly prized. Fondante d'Automne. — This pear, when well grown and fully ripe, has no superior, and very few equals. Hannas and Wilbur. — (The latter native). These varie- ties may be classed among the best of the season ; they were both ripe on the 20th of September. 120 George the IVth Peach. Dix. (Native.) This variety may be placed among the very best pears in the country. At some future period the Dix will be as well known, and as much esteemed, as the Williams's Bon Chretien {Bartlett). Dearborn's Seedling. (Native.) Fruit small, but very fine flavor. Heathcote. (Native.) This variety may be placed among the best. The present season, we found it little, if at all, in- ferior to the Saint Michael, {Doyefme blajic.) Andrews. (Native.) A pear of great merit; it will be extensively cultivated as it becomes better known. Tyson. (Native.) Though last on m}'' memorandum, not least in my estimation. This fine variety originated at Jen- kinstown, near Philadelphia, some fifty years ago, and al- though it may be classed among the best, it did not find its way into the State of Massachusetts until the year 1S35, or 1836 ; when scions were sent by Dr. James Mease, of Phila- delphia, to the Hon. B. V. French, ofBraintree, with an assur- ance that the Tyson would prove equal to the Seckel. Mr. French gave a part of the scions to various cultivators, and, among the recipients, was William Oliver, Esq., of Dorches- ter, who grafted the scions received into the leading branch of a fine healthy tree. In the year 1841 or 1842, and, for some two or three succeeding years, Mr. Oliver presented specimens of the Tyson pear at the rooms of the Massachusetts Horticul- tural Society. We were present and partook of the first specimen that Mr. Oliver presented ; and have continued to notice the pear, from year to year, until the past season. We now rank it, as we have ever done, among the best summer pears. Roxbury, February llth, 1847. Art. YIII. George the IVth Peach. By W. R. Prince, Flushing, L. I. I HAVE been anxious, for several years past, to solve the mystery which has hnng over this fruit, and at the same time George the IVth Peach. 121 to present such facts and proofs as would satisfy others. In this research, I have received the most important aid from a gentleman of great intelligence, but who is, at the same time, one of the least assuming votaries of Pomona, John W. Kne- vels, Esq., of Fishkill. I received intimation long since that the tree in the garden of the late Robert Gill, Esq., in Broad Street, New York, whence the scions of the so-called George the IVth were obtained, was an itioculated tree ; but it is only within about three years, that I have ascertained satisfactorily that the tree was obtained from my father, under another title. I am now enabled to state these facts positively, and to refer to unquestionable authority for proof on these two important points. Dr. James S. Rumsey, a great connoisseur of fruits, who resides at Fishkill Landing, is a step-son of the late Robert Gill, Esq., already referred to, and who, at the latter part of his life, removed from Broad Street, New York, to Fishkill Landing. The lady of the late Mr. Gill, who is the mother of Dr. Rumsey, now resides with him, and is in perfect possession of all her faculties. Mr. Knevels, in his letter to me, states thus : " From them I have often heard it asserted that the peach named and noticed by Mr Floy, as the George the lYth, was obtained, as is in fact well known." (This Mr. Floy himself states.) " The tree grew in their court yard, in Broad Street, and was one of several trees received by Mr. Robert Gill, at one time, under an order sent to your nursery, for so many trees of the Red Rareripe ; of this there can be no question." — In reply to an application made by me (Mr. Knevels) at your instance to Dr. Rumsey, he says : " The fact of the original George the IVth peach tree having been procured from Mr. Prince, as the Red Rare- ripe, I have often mentioned to you and others interested in such matters." Such is the information obtained from other sources ; I will now speak for myself In the spring of 1843, 1 planted a tree of our ordinary Red Rareripe, (which is called " Morris Red Rareripe," by Mr. Downing,) and a tree of the George IVth side by side, and they have both borne fruit for three sea- sons ; and, on a critical comparison of growth, foliage, glands, flowers, and fruit, I cannot perceive the least particle of dis- tinction. / therefore pronounce them to be ide?itically the same, VOL. xni. — NO. III. 13 122 Hydrangea Japonica. and to be the original and ancient Red Rareripe, brought to Flushing by the Huguenot emigrants at the Revocation of the edict of Nantes, together with the Pomme d'Api apple, St. Michael, and Summer Bon Chretien pears, and some other fine fruits, all of which were extensively cultivated in the nursery and orchards of my grandfather, and have continued to be so in numerous orchards and gardens up to the present period. The Red Rareripe peach has been propagated to a greater extent in our nurseries than any other variety, and disseminated to every part of the Union. It acquired its cog- nomen of " Morris," from being extensively cultivated in the orchards of Gouverneur Morris, and his relatives, at Morrissa- nia, a few miles from the city of New York. The genuine original Red Rareripe, or George IVth, has globose glands. The Red Rareripe of Mr. Downing, No. 41 of his work on fruits, is a distinct variety, and has serrated leaves, without glands. I shall send you the results of other investigations connected with the history, nomenclature, and synonomy of the varie- ties of the peach from time to time ; and in order to be perfect- ly au fait on the subject, I have concentrated in my spe- cimen grounds every variety of note, obtainable from France, Italy, England, and our own country, and have even obtained specimen trees of all the principal nursery and orchard col- lections throughout the Union, for the purpose of perfecting the synonomy of this estimable class of fruits. On investiga- tion, I reject every inferior variety, and the collection now oiTered, with the additional highly estimable varieties, which I shall announce in our catalogue for the ensuing autumn, comprise fruits of most admirable qualities, whose introduc- tion will form a new era in the peach culture. Linnoean Bot. Gard. afid Nurseries, Flushing, L. I. Feb. 1847. Art. IX. Hydrangea Japonica, its Cultivation, with an En- graving of the Plant. By the Editor. Since the earliest expeditions which have been sent out from Europe, in search of the Botanical or Floricultural Hydrangea Japonica. 12' treasures of other countries, few, if any, have achieved greater results than that of Dr. Siebold, to Japan. For several years the choicest new plants which have, from time to time, been introduced to notice, have formed part of the gems which enriched his magnificent collection. The Japan Lilies are perhaps the best known, as they arc certainly the most gorgeous of his acquisitions. Hydrangea japonica, {jig. 14) the subject of our notice, though of less pre- tensions, is another fine plant ; and we have just seen an- nounced a most beautiful hardy spiraea, with flowers as white as snow and as double as the ranunculus, clothing the stems their entire length, which was brought home by this indefat- igable traveller. Hydrangea japonica, when it first flowered, was thought to possess less beauty than the old and familiar H. hortensis : Fig. 14. Hydrangea Japonica. but the plants were young, and Quly produced inferior flowers ; since the specimens have become older, and been grown with a view to show its elegance, it is acknowledged to far surpass the hortensis. A specimen from the garden of the London Horticultural Society was exhibited in IS-IS, from which our drav.'-ing is copied, and greatly admired ; but, the last season. 124 Hydrangea Japonica. it was still more brilliant, having, at one time, upwards of twenty heads of its showy flowers expanded at once. In habit of growth, it much resembles the hortensis ; but it makes longer and rather more slender branches, longer jointed, with larger leaves, deeply serrated, and adhering longer to the branches. The flowers are produced at the ends of the shoots ; but, instead of being in globular heads, they appear in flat clus- ters or cymes, the sterile flowers occupying an outer row, while the fertile ones fill up the centre, contrasting prettily, by their bluish tint, with the white flowers of the circumference. Its broad and deep green foliage, and its numerous corymbs of blossoms, render it one of the most conspicuous and beau- tiful objects of the conservatory. In a previous volume, (III. p. 63,) we have given the mode of treatment of the Hydrdngea hortensis : H japonica requires similar management. It should b,e potted in a compost of peat and leaf mould, with very little loam, and, when in a flowering state, placed in a half shady situation, and be lib- erally supplied with water. Our plants, which are yet rather small, in consequence of cutting them for propagation, have received the same care as the common species, and both have been placed in a frame or under the stage of the green-house, until they commenced growing towards spring. It is readily propagated from cuttings or layers, which, if put in about April or May, in a slight heat, under good treat- ment, form fine blooming plants the second year : when about six inches high, they should be repotted; and if the plants are very vigorous, they may be shifted into pots 6 or 8 inches in diameter. The second spring, when they commence growing, they should be top-dressed, and in May, if growing rapidly, they may be potted into the next size ; stake up the shoots carefully, and in June it will commence flowering, and con- tinue in great beauty for several weeks. Every amateur col- lection should possess a plant of the H. japonica. It is of recent introduction to English collections, and first flowered, we believe, in the Horticultural Society's garden. In Belgium, it is common in most collections of plants. European Agriculture and Rural Economy. 125 REVIEWS. Art. I. European Agriculture and Rural Ecojiomy., from Personal Observation. By Henry Colman. Vol. 11. Part VIII. pp. 223 to 370. Mr. Colman has now thoroughly taken hold of the subject, and the present number possesses a value which could not attach to any of the preceding ones. The subjects discussed are few, but they are important and valuable to all. They are as fol- lows : — CVI. Crops (continued,) CVII. Flax ; CVIII. Live Stock ; CIX. Dairy Husbandry ; CX. Manures ; CXI. General Re- flections. These subjects are treated upon with that minuteness of detail, which alone can make them useful to any farmer. Actual experiments are recorded, and results givdn. Under the head of crops, are enumerated all the improved varieties of wheat, &c., and, in the chapter on live stock, the best breeds are described, and a comparison of their value added. The number is illustrated with a fine drawing of a Leicester ram. In the chapter on manures, which we wish we had room to copy, Mr. Colman adds the following to what he has previous- ly stated on Guano : — Guano still maintains its reputation. No new facts have transpired respecting it, but old ones have been confirmed. It continues to be applied, at the rate of two hundred pounds, and even four hundred pounds weight per acre, to various crops, with signal success, unless its efficacy is sus- pended or defeated by drought, or unless it comes in immediate contact with the plant, when it proves fatal. It is never safely applied alone, and the preferred mixture is a very liberal proportion of mould. Its mixture with ashes, strongly recommended by some farmers, is, as I have before observed, of questionable expediency. In Devonshire, I witnessed the most extraor- dinary effects from it, this year, applied at the rate of about three hundred ponnds per acre upon grass land. The extreme luxuriance and richness of the grass, where it was applied, were most remarkable, especially when seen in contrast with parts of the field not guanoed. Nor is its effecacy lim- ited to one year, but continues for a length of time as yet not determined. 13* 126 Young Gardener' s Assistant. But were its obvious effects limited to one year only, yet the increase of crops, growing out of its use, furnishes in itself the means of greatly enrich- ing the farm. (pp. 358, 359.) This is just what we predicted of thevalue of guano as test- ed by our own experience : the general cry was, and even now is, that its effects are only immediate, " leaving the land poorer than before," as some farmers have affirmed ; but Mr. Colman now confirms all that has been said of it; and we trust that we shall no longer have so groundless an argument brought up against its use. Two more numbers, we believe, complete the work. Art. II. 1. The Young Gardener^ s Assistant^ in three parts ^ containing catalogues of Garden and Flower Seed, with practical directio7is, under each head, for the cidtivation of Oulhiary Vegetables and Floivers ; also, directions for ctd- tivating Fruit Trees, the Grape Vine, S^c. 12th Edition, By Thomas Bridgman, 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1847. 2. The Florisfs Guide, containing practical directions for the cidtivation of annual, biejinial and perennial Flowering Plants, S^c. 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 174. 3. The Fruit Cultivator's Manual, containiiig ample direc- tions for the cidtivation of the most important Fruits, ^c. 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 189. 4. The Kitchen Gardener's Instructor,' containing a cata^ logiie of Garden a?id Herb Seed, with practical directions, under each head, for the cultivation of cidiiiary Vegetables, Herbs, i^c. 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 181. New and improved Edi- tions. 1847. These are the titles of four books which the author has placed in our hands, the first containing the same information as the other three, but which are sold separately to those who only wish to acquire knowledge in one department. It is scarcely necessary for us to add any thing to what we have said in their favor in our reviews of former editions : the best evi- dence of their value is the fact, that the public have called Chemical Essays relating to Agriculture. 127 for the 12th edition. This we are glad to add, however, has been greatly improved, and new lists of flowers, fruits, and vegetables added, to bring them down to the latest date. Mr. Bridgman is indefatigable in his exertions in the cause of Horticulture ; and it is gratifying to us to have an opportunity to commend the plain common sense, and practical work of the author, to all cultivators, and especially to those who wish for elementary information in the several departments of the gardening art. Art. III. Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals, and the Fattening of Cattle, with Remarks on the Food of Man, based upon expei'imeiits undertaken by order of the British Government. By Robert Dundas Thompson, M. D., Lecturer in Practical Chemistry, University of Glasgow. From the last London edition. 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 172. New York. 1846. This is the title of a very useful work, which should be in the hands of every individual interested in the breeding of stock, and, indeed, we might say, in the hands of every one desirous of obtaining a physiological and chemical knowledge of animal diet. It is the result of an extensive series of experi- ments undertaken at the instance of the British Government, the original object of inquiry having been to determine the relative value of barley and malt in feeding cattle. The volume is neatly republished, and we commend it to the notice of all who are interested in the health and comfort of mankind. Art. IV. Chemical Essays relating to Agriculture. By E. N. HoRSFORD, A. M. Pamphlet, 12mo. pp. 68. Boston. 1846. Since the publication of Liebig's valuable works, there have been several contributions to the chemistry of agriculture, 128 Rural Register and Almanac. and, of the more recent ones, the essays which are now under notice. The pamphlet is an analysis of the grains and vege- tables, distinguishing the nitrogenous from the non-nitrogenous substances, for the purpose of estimating their separate value for nutrition. It concludes with a letter to Prof. Webster, on the action and ingredients of manures. Mr. Horsford has lately completed his studies in Geissen with Dr. Liebig, and has quite recently been elected Rumford Professor in Harvard University ; and we are gratified to learn that the services of one whose studies are so intimately con- nected with the progress of our agriculture have been selected. The work should be in the hands of every intelligent agri- culturist. Art. V. The Hasty Pudding ; a Poem i?i three Cantos, written at Chancery, in Savoy, January, 1793. By Joel Barlow, Minister Plenipotentiary to France. With a Me- moir on Maize, or Indian Corn. Compiled by D. J. Browne, under the direction of the American Institute. Pamphlet. 12mo. pp. 56. New York. 1846. An amusing poem in flowing rhyme, depicting the delicious qualities of hasty pudding, — a favorite dish with the author, but not to be procured either in London or Paris, at the time it was written. To this poem, Mr. Browne has added a com- plete history of the Indian corn, in which he asserts and proves its American origin. Brief descriptions of all the principal varieties are given, and the pamphlet concludes with a great number of recipes for cooking it, in various ways, either green or dry. Art. VI. The Rural Register and Almanac for 1847. Pamphlet. 12mo. pp. 143. Philadelphia, 1847. A gardening almanac upon a new plan, in which, besides the usual calendarial information of the weather, upwards of Rotation of Crops. 129 a hundred pages are added, upon the cultivation of fruits, ac- companied with engravings of several of the most approved kinds of apples, pears, cherries, plums, strawberries, &c. The plan is an exceedingly good one, and an almanac of this kind must prove an exceedingly good remembrancer to every amateur cultivator. Art. VII. Proceedings of the National Convention of Far- mers, Gardeners, and Silk Culturists, held i?i Mechanics' Hall, in the City of Neiv York, on the 12th, 13th, andlAth days of October, 1846, in connexion with the Nineteenth Annual Fair of the American Institute. Pamphlet. 8vo. pp. 50. New York. 1846. We are deprived of room, to notice this interesting pamph- let as we could wish. It is filled with the reports of commit- tees upon the great subject of diffusing Agricultural informa- tion, the culture of silk, &c., and we can only advise its peru- sal by all who have their interests and the good of the country at heart. Art. VIII. The Chemical Principles of the Rotatiofi of Crops. Pronounced before the American Agricultural Association, March 4, 1846. By D. P. Gardner, M D. Quarto Pamphlet, pp. 18. New York. 1846. Dr. Gardner is well known to the agricultural communi- ty, for his exertions in bringing before them information upon all subjects connected with the art of cultivation. But a short time since, we reviewed the Farmers' Dictionai-y, a very ex- cellent work, published under his supervision. We have now before us a most excellent essay of the rotation of crops upon chemical principles ; being an address pronounced before the American Agricultural Association, of New York. We need only add, that it is well worthy the attention of every intelli- gent farmer. 130 Domestic Notices. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. 1. Domestic Notices. Splendid Plantation of Pear Trees. — Edward King, Esq., of Newport, Rhode Island, planted, the last spring, an orchard comprising about four hundred pear trees, all of the choicest Belgian and other modern improved varieties. The trees were of extra large size, eight to ten feet in height, and suitable, therefore, to come into bearing the ensuing season, and many of them produced flowers the first season. Notwithstanding the drought, there were but six that failed in growing. These trees were obtained from the Messrs. Prince of Long Island, and this orchard is probably the most valu- able that has been formed in New England of this class of fruit. — Yours, P., January, 1847. Remarks on the Hog Artichoke. — I was very glad, Mr. Editor, to find, in the pages of your last number, the article of your correspondent. Dr. Ward, on the differences of variety, as he esteems it, of the two plants of Helian- thus, growing in his garden. Nor am I, for one, sorry, that his manifest " slip of the pen," or use of the corrective spirit of your several correspond- ents, in showing the artichoke to be no solanum, which every one knew before, called forth from Professor Ward the article with which he has filled a few of your pages. For my own part, I am bold to declare, that, could any thing induce him to give you an article occasionally, we should be no losers. Among the many curious native and introduced plants of his adopt- ed home, he might find much to tell us, in our boreal clime, on the varied subjects of horticultural lore, or floricultural experience. And as the Dr. is now infer it, especially in defence of the Hog Artichoke, I trust that he will favor us with some seeds, roots, or the like, by which we can judge for ourselves also, whether Torrey's and Gray's " determination" should be " quietly" received or no. I have always taken a fancy to the Jerusalem artichoke, on account of its fine head of flowers: I should like to cultivate an acquaintance with this variety for the better reason, too, that it is more showy in that respect. Agriculturally, its merits as a root would be bet- ter tested at the south than with us : but, as another sort of sunflower, why maj' not we hail it as an accession to our gardens, that it may show its hon- est disk among the several sorts of Helianthus, which are now cultivated with care. Will not the Dr. think of you, Mr. Editor, in a few seeds? — Turnsole. William S. Sullivanl, Esq., communicated to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Boston,) through the Corresponding Secretary, a paper entitled " Contributions to the Bryology and Hepaticology of North Amer- ica," with drawings of some species: as Phyllogonium Norwegicum, {Brt- del,) a curious and rare moss, recently detected in Ohio : Fissidens minutu- lus {Sullivant) : Fissidens exiguus, {Sullivant) : singularly minute and del- icate species of mosses : Schistidiira serratum, {Hooker and Wilson,) not un- Domestic Notices. 131 common in Massachusetts also, and a moss of interesting character: Aneura sessilis, (Sullivant,) Marchantia disjuncta, {Sulliv.) of the order Hepaticese; also, Notothylas valvata and N. orbicularis, (Sulliv.) the two latter singular hepatic plants of much interest. See Proceedings of Academy, p. 35, &c. Professor Gray (of Harvard University) communicated the characters of some new genera and species of Compositae from Texas, viz., Vernonia Lindheimeri (Gr. and Engelman, PI. Lindh. med.): Ageratum Wrightn, {Torrey and Gray^fi. ined.): Brickellia cylindracea {Gr, and Engel., PI. Lindh. ined.): Lindheimera texana, (Gray,): Keerlia bellidifolia ( Gr. and Engel., I. c.,) : Tetragonothica texana, (Gr, and Engel., I. c.,) : Barra- tia calva (Gray.) See Proceedings Amer. Acad., pp. 46, 48. — R, Pleasant Experiment with Andromeda calyculata. — It is well known, that the flower buds of many of our native shrubs, as well as of trees, are formed towards the end of the summer, and are in perfect readiness to expand early in the following spring. Especially is this the case with the Amentacese, a natural order, embracing plants furnished with aments or catkins: such as the alder, poplar, willow, and the like. These hardy and daring efforts of Flora seem to link, with an almost continuous chain, the autumn with the spring. The curious, crisped, threadlike blossoms of the witch hazel, in bunches of yellow flowers, appearing when nature is stripping the foliatre from the deciduous trees, and when the cold winds of November are remind- ing us of the snows and storms of winter, scarcaly wither on their parent branches, before we find these amentaceous plants pushing off their envel- opes, and making ready for the auspicious gales of April and May. Any one who may go into our swamps in midwinter will notice the white and silken flower buds of the swamp willow, with its black and loosened scale- like covering failing to protect what it seemed intended to cover ; and by every brook side, the already pendent aments of the black alder will attract attention not less than the similar aments of the hazel nut by every wall, or on the borders of ill cultivated fields. It seems to require but a moderate continuance of vernal heat to set free the constraint laid on these flower buds ; to loosen and elongate the spikes, and to shed in profusion , all around the golden farina with which they are charged. The beauty of the wil- low, when in blossom, is well known to every lover of wild nature ; and its agreeable sweetness is recognized by the bees and many wintred insects which, with a rare sagacity and instinct, know the times appointed for their renewed labors. Having frequently expanded these aments in winter, by cutting branches of the shrubs, and placing them in water in a warm room, I was induced to try what effect the same treatment would produce on the already formed flower buds of the andromeda. This plant or low shrub grows in every sphagnous swamp, and in overflowed meadows, and gives peculiar beauty to every spring by its unique and regularly set rows of white bells on its slender and leafy branches. Its leaves are sempervirent, and thus remain all winter, turning rather brown on approach of cold. Each flower sprino-s out from the axil of one of the smaller leaves, .which invest the terminal racemes, and is of an ovate, cylindrical form, and of delicate whiteness. 132 Domestic Notices. Some twigs gathered this winter on December twenty-ninth, 1846, expand- ed their blossoms on January twelfth, 1847, and other fresh twigs, put into water on January twenty-third, are now in full beauty of expansion, (Feb- ruary 8lh). Thus those who are fond of winter bouquets need be in no lack of at least one sort of beautiful flowers, not inferior, in any degree, to many of the Cape heaths, which are so deservedly prized for their elegance and rarity. I have tried a similar experiment on the buds of i?hododendron maximum, but without success. Perhaps Rhod6ra canadensis may be made to expand in the same manner : a trial would do no harm. Some fresh tufts or plants of Lycopodium dendroideum, a few twigs of Prinos glaber, a bit of Kalmia latifolia, and, if possible, a piece of Lycop6- dium clavatum, and its more beautiful cospecies Lye. lucidulum, with straight handsome pieces of Andromeda calyculiita, (the little plant under our present notice,) and, if you like, a few of the silken amenls of S^\ix eriocephala, let us add also the scarlet berries of Prinos verticiHatus, will make up for you, reader, no mean mantel-ornament to remind you, as a bouquet to be kept in water for a few weeks, of those pleasanter days which are coming, when, from the lingering beauties of Flora in midwinter, you need no longer cull with so much effort or care. — An Admirer of all Seasons^ February 8, 1847. The Winter in Georgia. — The winter with us has been, thus far, mild. No very killing frosts till January 8th, when we had the thermometer down to 10°. On January 1, I noticed these in flower in the open garden ; — Irish whin in full beauty ; a few monthly roses and little chrysanthemums, the upper flowers and stems killed by previous frosts at 24° ; two or three varieties of narcissus polyanthus ; Fiola odorata and tricolor; purple and pink verbena ; sweet alyssum, dandelion, white and single hyacinths, Chi- nese pinks. — Yours, M. A. W., Athens, Ga., Jan. 12, 1837. Horticulture in Ohio. — There has, within the last few years, been awa- kened, within this region of country, the most intense interest on the sub- ject of Horticulture, and Ohio is yet destined to be a great fruit country. She has such a variety of soils, that there are situations congenial to almost every variety of fruit. The blight of the Pear tree is one of the most fatal diseases that aflHict her fruit. I wish you all possible success in improving the taste of the public. — Yours, very respectfully, C. Springer, Meadow Farm, Ohio, Feb. 1847. [We shall be glad to hear from our correspondent as often as leisure will permit. — Ed.] Maine Pomological Society. — We are glad to learn that our Pomological friends in Maine have recently organized a society under the above name, with the object in view of bringing into notice the new seedling fruits which abound in the orchards of that State. The first meeting was held on Wed- nesday, January 6lh, and quite a number of apples were exhibited by indi- viduals from different parts of the State. At the second meeting, a code of by-laws was adopted, and our friend, Dr. Holmes of the Farmer, chosen Corresponding Secretary. At this meeting, a variety of apples were exhib- ited. We hope, through our correspondents, to keep our readers informed of the doings of the association. — Ed. Domestic Notices. 133 Genesee Valley Horticultural Society. — "We are happy to witness the in- crease of Horticultural associations in various parts of the country. In Rochester, one has been organized, which, we doubt not, will have a most beneficial effect in aiding in the dissemination of a better taste for Horticul- ture. Having been notified of our election as an honorary member, we have ordered our magazine to be forwarded for the Library ; and we trust we may, in other ways, serve the interests of the society. — Ed. Steubenville Horticultural Society, Ohio. — The Buckeye State is treading closely on the heels of New York and the Eastern States, Societies have been organized in Cincinnati, Cleaveland, and Columbus, and now we have to add to the list that of Steubenville. Our name having been enrolled among the honorary members, we trust that the offer of our Magazine will not be an unacceptable addition to the Library. — Ed. Helidnthus divarichtus and giganleus are both old and familiar acquaint- ances of mine. The Hog artichoke is far enough from either. The whole herbage approaches nearer to tuhtrbsus than to any of the commonly de- scribed species — but is not : the phrase should have been inversely, or ob "fusiform": I have never known it to fail of being decidedly tuberous, never "mere strings." — Yours, M. A. W., Athens, Ga., Jan. 1847. New Grape in Ohio. — We have a new grape in Ohio, of merit. — I say new, because only brought particularly into notice within a few years. It is growing on a Bog Island, which is in the Ohio River, below Wheeling, and on this Island can be found this kind of grape only, and nowhere else in the state or in the west, that we know of, is the same variety. Hon. Thomas Ewing told me this day, that he ate the grapes from these vines 20 years ago, and thought them the best grapes he ever had tasted. They bear a comparison with the Catawba, but they are a red grape. The suppo- sition is, that they grevsr from seeds left on the Island by the French, proba- bly in 1800, or thereabouts, either from European grapes or raisins eaten there by them, (if the seed of a raisin will grow,) as the vines are tolerably thick set, or rather in what we may term a clump. We are getting a number of zealous Pomologists in our state. Ohio bids fair to stand No. 1, in all respects, with her sister states. — Yours, respectful- ly, A. Fahnestock, Lancaster, Ohio, Feb. 1847. Muskeet grass. — Enclosed I send you a few seeds of the Muskeet grass ; they look rather chaff-like, but they will come up. Sow them round the edge of a pot in your green-house, and prick them out in the spring. — Yours, M. A. Ward, Athens, Ga., Jan. 1847. Deean^s Superb Grape. — I have seen a report that the Deean's superb grape, exhibited by me before the Pennsylvanian Horticultural Society, was a black variety. It is a white large round fruit, very handsome tapering bunch, well shouldered and first rate flavor. Schargcs Henling is a black variety, round berries, medium size, long tapering bunches, very sweet spicy flavor. These two grapes are quite dis- tinct from any others I have cultivated. — Yours, R. Buist, Phila. January 21, 1847. VOL. XIII. — NO. in. 14 134 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Art. II. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Saturday, January 23, I8i7. — [At this meeting, a portion of the doings of which we ga,ve in our last number, the Report of the Committee for establishing Premiums for 1847 was adopted, and ordered to be placed in the hands of the Committee of Publication. We now have the opportunity to present the list of Premiums to be awarded the present year.] LIST OF PREMIUMS FOR 1847. SpEci.'i.L Prize List of Fruits, To be awarded in the year 1847, viz : Twenty Prizes of Five Dollars each. 2 prizes for the two best varieties and specimens of Summer Apples. 2 prizes for the two best varieties and specimens of Autumn Apples. 2 prizes for the two best varieties and specimens of Winter Apples. 2 prizes for the two best varieties and specimens of Summer Pears. 2 prizes for the two best varieties and specimens of Autumn Pears. 2 prizes for the two best varieties and specimens of Winter Pears. 2 prizes for the best varieties of Cherries. 2 prizes for the Lest varieties of Plums. 4 prizes for the best varieties of Peaches. 20 prizes, at $ 5 each=flOO. The specimens presented for the above prizes, shall consist of not less than three specimens of each variety of Apples, Pears and Peaches ; not less than one dozen Plums, and two dozen Cherries ; all of which shall be at the disposal of the Committee on Fruits. PREMIUMS FOR FRUITS. For the best and most interesting exhibition of Fruits, during the season, the Lowell Gold Medal, valued at . , $40 00 TO BE AWARDED AT THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION IN SEPTEMBER. Apples. — For the best exhibition, the Society's plate, valued at $25 00 For the 2d best, the Appleton Silver Gilt Medal, . 10 00 For the 3d best, a premium of . . . . 5 00 Pears. — For the best exhibition, the Lyman Plate, valued at 25 00 For the 2d best, the Lowell Silver Gilt Medal, . 10 00 For 3d best, a premium of . . . . 5 00 Gkapes. — For the best exhibited, three varieties, two bunches each, the Lyman Plate, valued at . . . . 25 00 For the next best exhibited, . . . . 10 00 For the next best exhibited, . . . . 5 00 Assorted Fruit. — For tlie best basket of Fruit, of various kinds, 10 00 For the next best, a premium of . . . 7 00 For the next best, a premium of . . . 5 00 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 135 For the best dish of Apples, not less than 12 specimens of one variety, a premium of . . . . §5 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . 3 00 For the best dish of Pears, not less than 12 specimens of one variety, a premium of .... 5 00 For the next best, a premium of . . . 3 00 Assorted fruits in baskets shall not be entitled to any other than the premium for such. lOTAs above premiums to be awarded on the first day of the Exhibition. PREMIUMS DURING THE SEASON. Apples. — For the best summer Apples, on or before the 1st Sept. For the next best, a premium of . For the best fall Apples, on or before the 1st Dec, For the next best, a premium of . For the best winter Apples, on or before the 1st March, . For the next best, a premium of , Pears. — For the best collection of new Pears, not exhibited before this year, the Society's Silver Gilt Medal, For the next best ..... For the best summer Pears, on or before the 1st September, For the next best, a premium of . For the best fall Pears, on or before the 1st December, For the next best, a premium of ... For the best winter Pears, on or before the 1st March, 1848, For the next best, a premium of . Cherries. — For the best specimen, not less than two quarts, . For the 2d best a premium of . Peaches. — For the best specimens grown under glass. For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . ' For the best specimens grown in open culture. For the 2d best, a premium of .... Apricots. — For the best specimen of Apricots, For the 2d best, a premium of . Nectarines. — For the best specimen of Nectarines, . For the 2d best, a premium of . Quinces. — For the best specimens of the best kind of Quinces, For the 2d best, a premium of .... Plums. — For the best Plums of the best flavor, not less than two quarts, 6 00 For the next best, . . . . . -3 00 Gooseberries. — For the best flavored and finest specimens, two boxes, 5 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . 3 00 Currants. — For the best flavored and finest specimens, two boxes, 5 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . 3 00 Raspberries. — For the best specimens of Raspberries, not less than two boxes, . . . . . . 5 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . 3 09 56 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 15 00 10 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 10 00 6 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 6 00 3 00 6 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 h 5 00 3 00 136 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Strawberries. — For the best specimens of Strawberries, not less than two boxes, . . . . . $6 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . For the 3d best, a premium of . Water Melon. — For the best specimen of Water Melon, For the 2d best, a premium of . Musk Melon. — For the best Musk Melon, a premium of For the 2d best, a premium of . Figs. — For the best specimen of Figs, a premium of For the 2d best, a premium of . Grapes. — For the best specimens and best varieties of Grapes, grown under glass previous to July 1st, For the 2d best, a premium of . For the best specimens and varieties of Grapes, grown under glass subsequently to July 1st, For the 2d best, a premium of . Grapes, (Native.) — For the best spec'n and variety of Native Grapes, For the 2d best, a premium of . $450 00 in? The Committee on Fruit will hold a session to award the premiums on Summer Apples and Pears, on the 1st Saturday in Sepetember. On Fall Apples and Pears, on the first Saturday in December. On Winter Apples and Pears, on the first Saturday in March. All gratuities for seedlings will be equal to the highest prize awarded to ■that variety of fruit. PREMIUMS FOR PLANTS, FLOWERS AND DESIGNS. DISPLAY OF GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS IN POTS THROUGH THE SEASON. For the best display of Green-House Plants in pots through the season, the AppletonGold Medal, valued at . . $40 00 For the 2d best display of do., the Society's Silver Gilt Medal, valued at . . . . . . 15 00 Provided, however, that whatever amount may be awarded during the season for the exhibition of Pot Plants, to the person who shall be entitled to said medals, shall be deemed as constituting a part of their value. DISPLAY OF GREEN-HOUSE PLANTS IN POTS. To be exhibited at the opening of the Hall, on the 1st Saturday in May : Pelargoniums. — Class I. — For the best six new and rare varieties, grown in six-inch pots, a premium of . . . $6 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . 4 00 Class II. — For the best six varieties of any sort, grown in large pots, . . . . . . 6 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . 4 00 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 137 Roses. — For the best sis varieties of Tea, Bourbon, Noisette, or Bengal, a premium of . . . . . $6 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . 4 00 For the 3d best, . . . . . 2 GO Cut Flowers. — For the best display, a premium of . 3 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . 3 00 Fuchsias. — For the best six varieties, a premium of . 6 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . . 4 00 Cactus. — For the best six varieties, a premium of . . 3 00 For the 2d best, . , . . . . 2 00 Calceolarias. — For the best six varieties, a premium of . 3 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . . 2 00 Cinerarias. — For the best six varieties, a premium of . 3 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . . 2 00 Heaths. — For the best varieties, a premium of . . 3 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . . 2 00 Various Sorts. — For tha best display of various sorts of Green House Plants, not less than twelve pots, a premium of 8 00 For the 2d best display, . . . . . 5 00 Hyacinths. — Premiums to be awarded second Saturday in May. For the best display not less than twenty varieties, . 5 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . . 3 00 Tulips. — Premiums to be awarded the third Saturday in May. For the bast thirty distinct varieties, a premium of . 8 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . . 6 00 For the 3d best, . . . . . . 3 00 Pansies. — Premiums to be awarded the fourth Saturday in May. For the best twelve distinct varieties, a premium of . 4 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . . 3 00 For the 3d best, . . . . . . 2 00 Hawthorns. — Premiums to be awarded the fourth Saturday in May. For the best display, a premium of . . . 3 00 For the 2d best, . . . . . , 2 00 Hardy Azaleas. — Premiums to be awarded 4th Saturday in May. Fv">r the best display, a premium of . . . . 3 00 lor the 2d best, . . . . . . 2 00 Shrubby P.bonies. — Premiums to be awarded 4th Saturday in May. For the best six varieties, a premium of . . 5 For the 2d best, ...... 4 For the best display, ..... 3 Herbaceous Peonies. — Premiums to be awarded 2d Sat'dy in June. For the best 12 flowers, having regard to the number of varieties, 5 For the 2d best, ...... 4 For the best display, ..... 3 Pinks. — Premiums to be awarded 3d Saturday in June. For the best six distinct varieties, a premium of . . 4 00 14* 00 00 00 00 00 00 138 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. I For the 2d best, . . . For the best display, Ranunculus. — Premiums to be awarded in June. For the best display a premium of For the 2d best, .... Anemones. — Premiums to be awarded in June. For the best display, a premium of For the 2d best, .... Roses, in Classes. — Premiums to be awarded 3d Saturday in June. Hardy Roses. Class I. — For the best thirty distinct varieties, a premium of For the 2d best, .... For the 3d best, .... For the third best display. Class II. — For ihe best twelve distinct varieties, a premium of For the 2d best, .... For the 3d best. Perpetual Roses. Class III. — For the best ten varieties, a premium of For the 2d best, .... For the best display, Prairie Roses. Class III. — For the best display, a premium of For the 2d best, .... Carnation and Picotee Pinks. — Premiums to be awarded 3d Sat- turday in July, For the best ten varieties, a premium of For the 2d best, ...... For the best display, ..... Magnolias. — For the best display through the season, a premium of For the 2d best, ...... Hardy Rhododendrons. — For the best display of the season, a premium of ..... . For the 2d best, ...... Double Hollyhocks. — Premiums to be awarded third Saturday in July. For the best display, a premium of . . . For the 2d best, ...... For the 3d best, ...... Double Balsams. — Premiums to be awarded 2d Saturday in Aug. For the best display, a premium of . . . For the 2d best, ...... For the 3d best, ...... Phloxes. — Premiums to be awarded 3d Saturday in August. For the best ten distinct varieties, a premium of . For the 2d best, ...... For the 3d best, ...... 00 00 00 00 00 00 8 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 6 00 4 00 3 00 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 139 German Asters. — Premiums to be awarded 2d Saturday in Sept For the best display, a premium of . . . For the 2d best, ...... For the 3d best, ...... Bouquets, Wreaths, Designs, &c. Premiums to be awarded at the Annual Exhibition. Vase Bouquets. — For the best pair suitable for the Bradlee Vases For the 2d best, .... For the best pair for the Society's Marble Vases, For the 2d best, .... Parlor Bouquets. — For the best pair suitable for the parlor, For the 2d best, .... For the 3d best, . . , . Hand Bouqdets. — For the best pair, a premium of . Foi the 2d best, .... For the 3d best, .... Grass Bouquets. — For the best composed of grass. For the 2d best, .... Bouquets cf Indigenous Flowers. — For the best, a premium of . For the 2d, . Moss Vases, Baskets of Flowers, or any other neat, appropriate designs, suitable for the occasion. — For the best, a premium of For the 2d best, ...... For the 3d, ...... . For the 4th, ....... Wreaths. — For the best, not less than thirty feet in length, For the 2d best, ...... For the 3d best, ...... Dahlias. — Premiums to be awarded fourth Saturday in September. Division A. Premier Prize. — Forthe best twelve dissimilar blooms, the So- ciety's Silver Medal, . . . . . Specimen Bloom. — For the best flower. Various Colors. — For the best yellow, buff or orange ; purple or maroon ; crimson or claret ; very dark ; white ; edged or tipped ; scarlet ; pink or rose ; a premium of $ 1 each, Division B. Class T. — For the best twenty-four dissimilar blooms, For the 2d best, .... Class II. — For the best eighteen dissimilar blooms. For the 2d best, .... Class III. — For the best twelve dissimilar blooms, For the 2d best, .... Chrysanthemums. — Premiums to be awarded Nov. 13th For the best twelve distinct varieties, in trusses, For the 2d best, . , . . U 00 3 00 2 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 12 00 8 00 6 00 5 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 8 00 . 8 00 . 5 00 . 6 00 . 4 00 . 5 00 . 3 00 . 3 00 . 2 00 140 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Herbaceous Perennials. — For the best display through the sea- son, the Society's Silver Medal, For the 2d best, a premium of . For the 3d best, .... Annuals. — For the best display through the season, the Society's Silver Medal, .... For the 2d best display, a premium of . For the 3d best, .... Indigenous Plants. — For the best display of the season. For the 2d best, .... Camellias. — Premiums to be awarded second Saturday in Feb. For the best twelve varieties of cut flowers, with foliage. For the 2d best, ...... Chinese Primrose. — Premiums to be awarded 2d Saturday in Feb. For the best six varieties in pots, a premium of For the 2d best, ...... trREENHousE AzALEAS. — Premiums to be awarded second Saturday in March. For the best six varieties in pots, .... For the 2d best, ...... Premiums to be awarded at the Weekly Exhibitions. For the best six Pot Plants, of different varieties, a premium of . . . . $2 00 For the 2d best do., . . . . 1 00 For the best large Bouquet for vases or parlor, com- posed of flowers gracefully arranged ,'_apremium of 2 00 5'or the2dbestdo., . . . . 1 00 For the best six hand Bouquets, . . . 2 00 For the 2d best do., . . . . 1 00 ^5 00 4 00 3 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 8 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 6 00 4 00 5 00 ^650 00 For this purpose, one hundred dollars have been appropriated. PREMIUMS FOR VEGETABLES. Asparagus. — For the earliest and best, not less than three bunches. Beets. — For the best, (pure blood beet,) during the season, not less than twelve roots, ...... Bkoccoli. — For the best three heads, a premium of Beans. — For the best and earliest peck of string beans, For the best and earliest Lima beans, not less than two quarts. For the best and earliest variety of shell beans, Cdcdmbers. — For the best pair under glass, previous to the first Saturday of June, ...... For the 2d best, a premium of . For the best and earliest, of open culture, a premium of Cauliflowers. — For the best and largest, during the season, not less than three heads, ..... For the 2d best a premium of . 5 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 3 00 Massachusetts Hoj^ticultural Society. 141 Corn. — For the best and earliest sweet corn, not less than 12 ears, $3 00 Cabbage. — For the best drumhead cabbage, during the season, not less than three heads, . . . . . 5 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . . 3 00 For the best Savoy cabbage, during the season, not less than three heads, . . . . . . . 3 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . • . . . 2 00 Egg Plants. — The best display, during the season, . . 5 00 Lettuce. — For the best six heads, before the 1st Saturday in July, 3 00 Potatoes. — For the best, new seedling, of superior quality for the table, 10 00 For the best and earliest peck, previous to Aug. 1, . . 3 00 Peas. — For the best and earliest peck in June, . . . 3 00 Rhubarb. — For the largest and best, previous to the first Saturday in July, not less than twelve stalks, . . . , 5 00 Squashes. — For the best pure Canada squashes, not less than six in number, ....... For the greatest variety exhibited during the season. Tomatoes. — For the best and earliest, not less than one dozen. Vegetables. — For the best display and greatest variety at the week- ly exhibitions, during the season, .... For the 2d best, a premium of . For the best display and greatest variety at the ann'l exhibition, 10 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . • . . 7 00 For any new variety of vegetables suitable for the table, and worthy of cultivation, other than seedling potatoes, . .6 00 Celery. — For the best and largest blanched, not less than six roots, 5 00 For the 2d best, a premium of . . . . . 3 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 [0 00 5 00 #150 00 For the Committee to establish premiums, S. WALKER, Chairman. The Rules and Regulations are the same as last season. Feb. 6th. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day — the President in the chair. A report on a package of seeds, received from Prof. Fischer of the St. Petersburg Botanic Garden, was read by Prof. J. L. Russell, and the seeds were placed in the hands of Prof. Gray of Harvard University, with a re- quest to report upon such as prove worthy of cultivation. A letter was read from Dr. W. D. Brinkle, of Philadelphia, in regard to the origin and history of the Tyson pear. Dr. Brinkle states that he was first led to this inquiry, after reading our description of this fine variety, which we figured in our last volume (XH. p. 434), and he confirms the ac- count we gave of it. A letter was read from the lion. Theodore Lyman, enclosing an order for a copy of Prof. Gray's new work, to be placed in the Library. The thanks of the Society were voted to Mr. Lyman. 142 Answers to Correspondents. The Finance Committee reported that they had purchased twenty-two shares of the stock of the Worcester Rail-road, amounting to $2458 50. George C. Crowninshield, Boston, and Francis George Theiler, Dor- chester, were admitted members. Adjourned four weeks to March 6th. Feb. 13/A, Eihibiled. — Flowers : From the President of the Society Twenty varieties of Camellias, viz., Alb6rtus, Donckelaern, tricolor, ochro- leuca, Palmer's, Perfection, fimbriata, imbricata, F16y«, Gilesn, conspicua, exiraia, Fordu, Wilder^', William IV., Eclipse, Slogans, alba plena, Prattzi, Colvilh'i, Chandleri and Duchesse d'Orleans ; also, a fine cut specimen of Acacia spectabile, one of the finest of this showy family, and flowers of Chorizema v^rium. Messrs. Hovey & Co. exhibited fourteen varieties of Camellias, as fol- lows:— Floyu, alba plena, Henri Favre, elegans, Yauxn, Carswelh'cma, Landrdthit, corallina, tricolor, myrtifolia, conspicua, Goussoma, Doncke- laern and Chandleru ; also six pots of Chinese primroses, two of which were the rare and beautiful double white, with several trusses of flowers on each. From W. Quant, 12 varieties of Camellias, and six pots of Chinese Prim- roses, among which was a seedling of a peculiar tint of blush, very pretty. The Premiums for Camellias and Chinese Primroses were awarded to- day, as follows : — CAMELLIAS. — For the best twelve varieties of cut flowers with foliage, premium to Messrs. Hovey and Co., x)f $8. For the second best twelve varieties, to W. Quant, a premium of $5. A gratuity of $8 was also awarded to the President for a variety of Ca- mellias. Chi.^ese Primroses. — For the best six plants, a premium to Wm. Quant, of $3. For the next best, a premium to Messrs Hovey & Co., of $2. Art. ni. Answers to Correspondents. Root Pruning. — A. R. Pope. The best season for performing root pruning is in April. A trench should then be dug about three feet from the trunk of the tree, extending in a circle completely around it : All the vay large roots should then be cut clean off, either with a sharp spade or knife, being careful not to injure the small roots. The trench should then be -filled up, and the ground properly manured and cultivated ; the following year, the results of the operation will be perceived, or, if not so decidedly then, the second year ; some trees are so very vigorous, that even cutting oflFthe large roots does not check them at once. We should judge that the peach tree you speak of, however, was not the true kind ; perhaps it is a seedling, and that is the cause of its non-productiveness. Strawberries.— W. We stated, some time since, that the Black Prince was considered as worthless by the London Horticultural Society ; those who cultivate it will find it so, in comparison with better kinds. The Swain- Horticultural Memoranda. 143 stone seedling is also quite unworthy of cultivation ; it is a very high fla- vored fruit, but only of medium size, and a poor bearer ; the vines quite ten- der in winter, and burnt by the sun in summer : in some situations, it may produce half a crop ; but all who cultivate it, will be greatly disappointed if they trust to the statements which have been made in regard to it. It has been caltivated around Boston six years, but we have never yet known a single box offered for sale, or but one box exhibited before the Massachu- setts Horticultural Society. Dahlias, /. P. — Dahlias have been so much improved, that the cata- logues do not now contain any really poor varieties : but there is quite a variety of excellence in the many kinds which make up the great number. The following are twelve fine kinds for show flowers : — Admiral Stopford, Antagonist, Duke of York, Cleopatra, Marchioness of Ormonde, Harlequin, Arethusa, Orlando, Punch, Sir E. Antrobus, Beeswing and Standard of Perfection. Cinerarias. A Prize Exhibitor. — This beautiful tribe, which has recent- ly been so much improved, is of easy cultivation, either by seeds, cuttings, or offsetts, and excellent articles will be found in our two last volumes on their growth?. Raising from seeds, is the way to get new varieties, and if choice seeds are procured fins kincis may he expcete;!. The seeds should be sown immediately, in a pot, placed in a hot-bed, or the green-house, and in spring the plants can be pricked out into the open ground. Taken up and properly potted in the autumn, they will make beautiful plants for exhi- bition in the spring of 1848. Pelargoniums. C — Twelve fine pelargoniums, of such kinds as can be obtained of our nurserymen, are as follows : — Sjlph, Queen Phillippi, Celestial, Bridegroom, Priory Queen, Jenny Lind, Conservative, Sophia Matilda, Foster's Matilda, King John, Erectum and Medora. Beck's new seedlings are far superior to most of these, but they are yet rare, and none of them for sale in American collections till the next autumn. HORTICULTURAL MEMORANDA FOR MARCH. FaUIT DEPARTMENT. Grape Vines in the green-house will now have just broken their eyes, and will be pushing forward with vigor ; by the latter part of this month, if they have been properly treated, the shoots will be about ten inches in length, and will show their flower-buds ; syringings should be freely given in all good weather, until the eyes are all broken, and the usual attention given to bending down the shoots, should the upper eyes get the advance of the lower ones : the main object witli a good grape-grower, is, to break every eye. Vines in pots, which are now showing fruit, should be moderate- ly supplied with water. A temperature of 45 to 50 dcg. at night is ample for this month. 144 Horticultural Memoranda. Apple Trees may now be root-grafted, and placed in boxes, where they may remain in a cool place till the season for planting out in April. Raspberry Plants and Strawberry beds may be uncovered the last part of the month, should the weather prove mild. Scions may now be cut, and placed away in a cool place till wanted. Pruning Trees may now be attended to where there are large quantities, in order to prevent the accumulation of too much work in April. Pear, Apple and Quince Seeds should be planted as soon as the frost is out of the ground. FLOWER DEPARTMENT. Camellias will now begin to make their new growth ; keep them well watered, syringing the foliage twice a week ; pick off all decayed flowers ; and prune off dead wood, or crooked branches; the Camellia bears the knife well, and its freer use would prevent the quantity of unsightly plants, which abound in every collection. Water once a fortnight with weak guano. Inarching may now be performed. Pelargoniums will now be coming forward in fine condition, if our remarks have been followed. If there are any plants which have not been potted, now is the time to do it ; and if any have not been properly trained, they should not be neglected any longer : keep down the green fly, and occasion- ally syringe the foliage. Japan Lilies will now have grown 6 or 8 inches, and will require moder- ate quantities of water, and a good airy situation on the stage. Gloxinias should now be potted and placed in a hot-bed, or warm situa- tion, to start them into growth. Calceolarias will require another shift into larger pots. Verbenas and Petunias will require repotting now. Fuchsias. The old plants may now be turned out of the pots, the earth partially rubbed off, and repotted again into a suitable compost. Roses will now be coming into bloom, and will now require occasional syringing over the foliage. Cinerarias should now be shifted into larger pots. Gesnera zebrina should now be placed in a hot-bed, to give the little corms a rapid start. Dahlias for early blooming may still be potted. Heaths which appear stunted for want of room should now be repotted. Hyacinths and Tulip beds will require attention the latter part of the month ; if the weather is very mild, part of the covering may be removed. Annual jlower seeds, such as 10-week Stock, Brachycome, Phlox Drum- mondii, A''eTbena, Petunia, Lotus jacolaeus, and other choice varieties, may now be planted, for early blooming in the open border. Plants in frames will now need airing every fair day. Veronica specibsa may now be propagated from cuttings. Cactuses hould be more liberally watered after they show their flower buds. Heliotropes, salvias, scarlet geraniums, and other showy plants, should now be propagated for a stock, for bedding out in spring. THE MAGAZINE OF HORTICULTURE. APRIL, 1847. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Art. I. Horticulture of the Past, as compared with the Pres- ent. By T. S. Htjmrickhouse, Coshocton, Ohio. At this remote distance of time, it is very difficult for us to estimate justly what proficiency the Antients may have had in Horticulture. Evelyn did not rate it very high. In a let- ter to Mr. Wotton, he says : — " Concerning the gardening and husbandry of the Antients, which is your inquirie (especially of the first), that it had certainly nothing approaching the elegancy of the present age, Rapinus (whom I send you) will abundantly satisfy you. The discourse you will find at the end of Hortorum, lib. 4. capp. 6, 7. What they called their gardens were only spacious plots of ground planted with pla- tans and other shady trees in walkes, and built about with porticos, xisti, and noble ranges of pillars, adorned with stat- ues, fountaines, piscariae, aviaries, &c. But for the flowery parterre, beds of tulips, carnations, auricula, tuberose, jon- quills, ranunculus, and other of our rare coronaries, we hear nothing of, nor that they had such store and variety of rare exoticks, orangeries, myrtils, and other curious greens ; nor do I believe they had their orchards in such perfection, nor by far our furniture for the kitchen. Pliny, indeed, enume- rates a world of vulgar plants and olitories, but they fall in- finitely short of our physic gardens, books, and herbals, eve- ry day augmented by our sedulous botanists, and brought to us from all quarters of the world. And as for their husband- ry and moie rural skill, of which the same author has written VOL. XIII. — NO, IV. 15 146 Horticulture of the Past so many books in his Natural History, especially lib. 17, 18, &c., you'll soon be judge what it was. They took great care, indeed, of their vines and olives, stercorations, ingraftings, and were diligent in observing seasons, the course of the stars, &c.; and doubtless were very industrious ; but when you shall have read over Cato, Varro, Columella, Paladio, with the Greek Geoponicks, I do not think you will have cause to prefer them before the modern agriculture, so exceedingly of late improved, for w^hich you may consult and compare our old Tusser, Markham, the Maison Rustic, Hartlib, Walter Blith, the Philosophical Transactions, and other books, which you know better than myself." If all this might well be said by Evelyn in his day, with how much more propriety now, by us in ours ; and with how much greater justice might we not also include his cat- alogue of the then Moderns. If we examine, however, more critically his remarks, so as to take in the whole scope of the premises he lays down, may we not doubt if his be not too severe a judgment ? In what consists the mighty difference? Evelyn goes into particulars ; and it cannot be doubted that, of many things, now the rarest and most admired ornaments of our gardens, and the most exquisite delicacies upon our ta- bles, they were entirely destitute ; of others, they possessed not the same nor the abundance of excellent varieties that we do : but our author is careful further to note, that " they took great care indeed of their vines and olives, stercorations, in- graftings, and were diligent," &c. : and Solomon, had he con- sulted him, would have refuted much that he advances about gardens ; and Virgil, had he borne him in mind, would have put to flight much more in reference to horticultural skill. Having mentioned Solomon, however familiar he may be to most readers, I must be indulged in one quotation from him — but one, out of many beautiful passages that occur in his Song. " A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse ; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed. Thy plants are an orchard of pome- granates, with pleasant fruits ; camphire with spikenard, spike- nard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frank- incense, myrrh and aloes, Avith all the chief spices. A foun- tain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from Lebanon. Solomon had a vineyard at Baalhamon ; he let as compared with the Present. 147 out the vineyard unto keepers ; every one, for the fruit there- of, was to bring a thousand pieces of silver. Let us get up early to the vineyards ; let us see if the vine flourish, wheth- er the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud forth. The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved." If it were desired to magnify this subject, the object would be sufiiciently attained by referring to the Mosaic account of the creation of the world. " And the Lord God planted a gar- den eastward in Eden ; and there he put the man whom he had formed." That much of the skill, and many of the most approved appliances of the gardener's art have come down to him from a very remote antiquity is true beyond dispute. St. Paul seizes upon a figure, derived from this source, to enforce a sublime doctrine. '•' And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffedin among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree, boast not against the branches : but, if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. Well : because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith," &c. To the Antients, then, are we indebted for the knowledge we possess of the art of grafting. This great fact must not be forgotten. And we have also derived from them our knowl- edge of the operation of budding, sister to the former. This demands from us redoubled acknowledgments. The precise period of the invention of these arts, like many of the most common and useful of our tools and implements of labor, is lost in remote antiquity. To go no further back than Virgil, we find him describing, in graceful hexameters, and not with- out hyperbole, the modes and the effects both of grafting and budding. Of grafting, he says : — " Et saepe alterius ramos impune videmus Vertere in alterius, mutatamque insita mala Ferre pyrum, et prunis lapidosa rubescere coma. Quare agite, 6 proprios generatim discite cultus, Agricolae, fructusque feros molite colendo. 148 Horticulture of the Past Neu segnes jaceant terrae : juvat Ismaro Bacho Conserere, atque olea magnum vestire Taburnum. Tuque ades, inceptumque una decurre laborem, O decus, 6 famae merito pars maxima nostrse, Macenas, pelagoque volans da vela patenti. Non ego cuncta meis amplecti versibus opto : Non mihi si linguae centum sint, oraque centum, Ferrea vox : ades, et primi lege littoris oram. In manibus terrae : non hie te carmine ficto, Atque per ambages et longa exorsa tenebo. Sponte sua quae se tollunt in luminis auras, Infoecunda quidem, sed laeta et fortia surgunt. Quippe solo natura subest. Tamen haec quoque siquis Inserat, aut scrobibus mandet mutata subactis, Exuerint sylvestrem animum : cultuque frequenti, In quascunque voces artes, baud tarda sequentur, Nee non et sterilis quae stirpibus exit ab imis, Hoc faciet, vacuos si sit digesta per agros : Nunc altae frondes et rami matris opacant, Crescentique adimunt foetus, uruntqueferentem. Jam, quas seminibus jactis se sustulit arbos. Tarda venit, seris factura nepotibus umbram : Pomaque degenerant succos oblita priores ; Et tnrpes avibus praedam fert uva racemos. Scilicet omnibus est labor impendendus, et omnes Cogendae in suleum, ac multa mercede domandae." Of budding, he says : — " Nee modus inserere atq ; oculos imponere simplex. Nam qu^se medio trudunt de cortice gemmas, Et tenues rumpunt tunicas, angustus, in ipso Fit nodo sinus : hue aliena ex arbore germen Includunt, udoque docent inolescere libro. Aut rursum enodes trunci resecantur, in alt6 Finditur in solidum cuneis via : deinde feraces Planae immituntur. Nee longum tempus, et ingens Exiit ad coelum ramis felicibus arbos, Miraturque novas frondes, et non suapoma." Who can doubt, that, had the discovery of the arts of graft- ing and budding been reserved for the present age, the lucky individual who should be the first to find them out and make them known, would receive such applause as to place him in the same rank of geniuses with Franklin, Whitney, Fulton, and the host of worthies — names ever to be revered by sci- as cmrvpared with the Present. 149 ence. In such case, would it not be considered one of the wonderful events of our time ? When should we get done talking about it ? But this subject is so fruitful, care must be taken that your pages be not overburdened with it ; if, indeed, too much has not been already said. Allow me, in addition, to tranfer to your pages the following extract from a letter of Evelyn to Dr. Wilkins, Feb. 17, 1660, which I do without remark : — " It is certain, as Dr. Goddard has shewed, that a section of any tree- made parallel to the horizon, will, by the close- ness of the circles, point to the North, and so, consequently, if a perpendicular be drawn through them for the meridian, the rest of the cardinalls &c., found out ; but this is not so uni- versall, but that, where strong reflections are made, as from walls, the warme fumes of dunghills, and especially if the southern side be shaded, &c., those ellipticall and hyperbol- icall circles are sometimes very irregular ; and I doubt not but, by some art, might be made to have their circles as order- ly as those which we find in Brazille, Ebene, &c., which, within a very little, concentre by reason of the uniforme course of the sun about them ; which is doubtless the cause of their greater dilatation on the South part only with us, where the pores are more open and lesse constipated. The considera- tion whereof (though nowhere mentioned that I know) made the poet, giving advice concerning transplantations, to cau- tion thus : — ' Quin etiara Coeli regionem in cortice signant, Ut quo quoaque modo steterit, qua parte calores Austrinos tulerit, qua) terga obverterit axi, Restituant : ades in teneris consuescere mullum est.' And though Pliny neglect it as an unnecessary curiosity, I can, by much experience confirme it, that not one tree in 100 would miscarry were it duly observed ; for, in some, I have made tryall of it even at Midsummer." Coshocton, February 13, 1847. Probably a portion of our readers will not be able to give a free translation to the above quotations ; and will think they might have been omitted : but we preferred to give our corre- spondent's communication entire. — Ed. 15* 150 Mr. Knighfs Seedling Pears. Art. II. Mr. Knight's Seedling Pears. By the Editor. It is well known that the late Thomas Andrew Knight, President of the London Horticultural Society, to whose la- bors the science of Horticulture is so deeply indebted, origi- nated several new fruits, of great excellence, more particular- ly cherries and pears. Of the former, all the varieties, we believe, are well known in our extensive nursery collec- tions, as well as in most amateur gardens, and specimens of the fruit have, from time to time, been presented for exhibition, fully sustaining their high reputation. But, of the pears, very little information has yet been obtained. It is true they have been described in the catalogues of the London Horticul- tural Society, but, to American gardens, they are not familiar acquaintances. Recently, nearly or quite all of the varieties have been introduced, but, owing to the errors which occurred in the dessemination of the scions from Mr. Knight's own garden, it is yet somewhat uncertain whether all the kinds are true to name, more particularly that finest of all his seed- lings, the Monarch. In the autumn of 1844, when we visited the garden of the society, at Chiswick, and looked over the collection of pears with Mr. Thompson, we were anxious to obtain all the infor- mation in relation to these seedlings, as the high character which Mr. Thompson had given to some of them, rendered them particularly desirable, more especially on account of the hardy character which was ascribed to the varieties, and, conse- quently, their peculiar adaptation to our climate. The Monarch we were most eager to possess, and when we left, Mr. Thompson placed in our hands one specimen out of only three or four, in his possession ; this we put into our trunk, and, after journeying to Scotland, and from thence home, occupying about twenty- five days, — we found the pear in good condition, and, upon tast- ing it, about the middle of November, fully coming up to Mr. Knight's and Mr. Thompson's estimate of the variety. The Dunmore, we have not yet seen in good perfection. In the autumn of 1845, we had one single pear, which ripened prematurely and dropped off — it promised well : the present year we hope to have many specimens, and fully settle the Mr. KnigMs Seedling Pears. 151 question in regard to its qualities. In the mean time, before this and the other sorts come into fruit again, we have thought that the following article, from the Transactions of the London Horticultural Society, an expensive work, which does not, probably, find its way into the hands of many, would prove highly interesting to our amateur cultivators, and prepare them somewhat for what they may expect when they shall have specimens from their own trees : — The following account of some of the new fruits, raised at Downton, has been prepared from descriptions made in the society's garden, by Mr. Robert Thompson, to which notes have been added by Mr. Knight. As- these varieties appear of considerable importance, it was considered desirable that an early opportunity should be taken, of making the public acquainted with them. ,^ 1. March Bergamot Pear. Fruit middle-size, in form and appearance resembling the Autumn Bergamot. Flesh buttery, a little gritty near the core, rich and excellent. Season, March, or later. Note. — Owing to its resemblance in form to the Autumn Bergamot, and its ripening chiefly in March (it may be pre- served later,) I have named this sort the March Bergamot. The sample sent was not favorable in any respect, the most perfect having been previously eaten, owing to my having erroneously supposed that I had sent a sample of the fruit in autumn. No pains were taken to preserve those that remained and which, it appears, were found to be excellent, after endur- ing the carriage to London in the beginning of March. It will be found a much larger and a much better pear when grown in the garden of the society. The fruit is, I think, quite as large as that of an old Autumn Bergamot tree was, which formerly grew in the same soil and chmate, and at the distance of a few feet only. Both this variety and the Pengethley Pear, would probably be greatly improved if grown upon a wall, and, so cultivated, I believe both would be found very valuable in cold and unfavorable situations, in Avhich the French and Belgic varieties could not be made to succeed. 2. Pengethley Pear. Fruit middle-sized, obovate, a little curved at the stalk. Eye small and a little open ; stalk about 152 Mr. Knighfs Seedling Pears. half an inch in length. Skin yellowish-brown and consider- ably russeted. Flesh yellowish, juicy and rich : a very good pear. Season, February and March. Note. — The Pengethley Pear remains in perfection quite as late in the spring as the March Bergamot ; and it is larger and more juicy, and its appearance more inviting. Some persons who tasted both in the present spring, thought it the best pear of the two. The very high price of pears in the spring, in the London and other markets, induces me to think that both these varieties might be cultivated with much ad- vantage. This first appeared in the autumn of 1831, and was then very fine. The tree is large, and its growth exces- sively luxuriant. 3. Ross Pear. Fruit large, obovate. Eye open and slight- ly sunken. Stalk short, moderately thick. Skin yellowish green interspersed with russet. Flesh inclining to yellow, gritty near the core, but rich, juicy, and sugary throughout. Season, January. Note. — This first appeared in 1832. The fruit was all of large size ; and I suspect that, in a more favorable season and better climate, it will become very large. The growth of the original tree is extremely luxuriant. 4. Oakley-Park Bergamot. Fruit middle-sized, roundish obovate, resembling a large swan's egg. Eye, partly open, in a regular formed cavity. Stalk an inch and a half in length, rather slender, and a little sunk at its insertion. Skin greenish-yellow, sprinkled with russet. Flesh buttery and melting, rich and excellent. Season, October. Note. — The tree is of free growth, and has borne in the three last years. 5. Brougham Pear. Nearly of the middle-size, obovate. Eye open in a regular formed depression. Stalk short. Skin yellowish-russet. Flesh yellowish- white, buttery, a little gritty near the core, sugary and rich. Season, November. This sort is highly deserving of cultivation where flavor rather than size is the principal object. Note. — This is not a small pear, though the sample sent was small. It is at least as big as the Autumn Bergamot ; but I "had sent away to several friends the largest and best samples ; and I never saw ray pears so small as in this year, Mr. Knighfs Seedling Pears. 153 (1833,) owing to what cause 1 do not know ; but probably to the drought in the early part of the summer : I have named it the Brougham pear, a sample sent by me to Lord Brougham having been approved by his lordship. 6. Bringewood Pear. Fruit middle-sized, pyriform. Eye open, with the segments of the calyx prominent. Stalk long and rather slender. Skin yellowish-brown, almost covered with russet. Flesh yellowish-white, a little gritty near the core, the rest buttery, rich, and very excellent, with some- thing of the peculiar flavor of the Monarch Pear. Well de- serving of cultivation. Season, end of October till beginning of December. Note. — This variety did not prove nearly as good in the fol- lowing year, as in that in which the sample was sent to the society ; it was nevertheless a good pear, though inferior to others of the same season of maturity. 7. MoccAS Pear. Fruit middle-sized, obovate, with a short stalk. Eye somewhat open and very slightly sunk. Skin brown. Flesh inclining to yellow, melting, juicy, rich, and high flavored, resembling, in this respect, the Monarch Pear, and almost equal to that very excellent variety. Season, December. Note. — This is, I think, a very fine pear, but the sample sent was not equal in quality to the former produce. It is somewhat singular that all my pears ripened much later, and less perfectly in the last (1831,) than in the three preceding cold and wet seasons : probably owing to the paralyzing effects of the very severe frost of the 7th of May, which destroyed almost sill the blossoms of the pears and apples in the surrounding orch- ards. Tree of excessively rapid growth, and very productive of blossom, which I have reason to believe capable of bearing, without injury, very unfavorable weather. 8. Broom-Park Pear. Fruit nearly middle-sized, roundish. Eye in a moderate-sized hollow. Stalk about an inch in length, moderately thick. Skin entirely covered with cinna- mon-colored russet. Flesh yellowish, melting, juicy, with something of a melon flavor, sugary and rich Its very pecu- liar flavor may be said to partake of the melon and pine-apple. Season, January. A sort highly deserving of cultivation. Note. — The singular mixture of flavor in this pear was 154 Mr. Knight's Seedling Pears. noticed here as well as in London. The tree is fine, and has borne well in two seasons in which alone its fruit has existed. 9. Croft-Castle Pear. Fruit middle-sized, oval. Eye open in a shallow depression, with the segments of the calyx reclining. Stalk about an inch and a half in length, rather slender, and somewhat obliquely inserted. Skin pale yellow, not glossy, but rough with elevated dots, and partially rus- seted. Flesh whitish, a little gritty, but melting and very juicy, rich and sugary. An excellent pear. Season, October. Note. — A variety of dwarfish growth, but very productive of fruit. 10. Eyewood Pear. In shape and size very similar to an Autumn Bergamot, but of a deeper cinnamon russet color. Flesh yellowish- white, melting, buttery, juicy, and very high- flavored. It is doubtful whether it would be exceeded by Gansel^ Bergamot in a better season for standards than that of 1831, when the above description was made. Season, October or November. Note. — In 1833, when other varieties of pears did not attain their usual excellence in Herefordshire, this was found to be very good. The tree is of a very free growth, and has borne well during the last four years, the period commencing with its existence, as regards a bearing state. The sample sent was below the average size. 11. DuNMORE Pear. Fruit about the size of a Brown Beurre, obovate. Eye open, slightly depressed. Stalk about an inch in length, of medium thickness, rather fleshy at its junction. Skin brownish-red next the sun ; yellowish with a scattering of brown where shaded. Flesh yellowish-white, melting and extremely juicy, sugary and rich ; a little gritty near the core, but on the whole a most excellent pear. Season, end of September or beginning of October. Note. — This variety is as large, I think, as the Brown Beurre, and I have never tasted the last mentioned sort better than the Dunmore. When it has remained to ripen and grow yellow upon the tree, I have thought it the most melting and best pear of its early season. The birds are apt to destroy most of the crop prematurely. The tree is fine and perfectly healthy. Grafts of it, which were insterted into stocks two years only ago, afforded an abundant blossom in the last Mr. Knighfs Seedling Pears. 155 spring, and are now bearing fruit ; though the weather in part of the spring was extremely unfavorable, and destroyed every blossom of the more delicate varieties. The trees are of a very rapid growth, and the varieties appear to be ex- tremely well adapted to cold and late situations. 12. Monarch Pear. Fruit of large size, obovate. The stalk is, in all cases, remarkably short and thick. The eye is open, in a shallow depression. The general color is yellowish- brown, tinged with red next the sun, and everywhere inter- spersed with roundish pale gray flecks. Flesh yellowish, melting, buttery, and rich ; slightly musky, but not disagree- ably so, and this is the less perceptible in a dryer season than the last. The tree grows vigorously, and is a most abundant bearer as a standard, the fruit from which is much higher flavored than from a wall. January is its season for becom- ing fit for use. Note. — I had this year (1834,) a sufiicient quantity of the Monarch Pear to enable me to ascertain the specific gravity of its juice, which is 1096 ; that is, fifteen above the Stire Apple, and about that which a dissolution of 2 lbs. 6 oz. of sugar would give to 8 lbs. of water. I doubt whether the specific gravity of the juice of the grapes, which afford the best French wines, be much greater, and the taste and flavor of the expressed juice of the Monarch Pear appear to me to be very delightful. I am planting it very largely for Perry, in perfect confidence that sixpence per imperial quart of its ex- pressed juice will afford a very high remunerating price. I imagined, till the present season, that the excessively vigorous growth of the variety, would render it unproductive as a wall- tree, but grafts inserted three years ago are now bearing fruit, and have formed a most abundant blossom for the next year. From these descriptions, and the notes thereto, the Pomo- logist may form a good estimate of Mr. Knight's seedlings. Of the twelve, only five or six have yet fruited in American collections ; one of these was the Dunmore, which Mr. Knight thinks fully equal to the Brown Beurre. But the Monarch, which Mr. Knight so named, (in honor of William the IVth,) because he was " under conviction that, for the climate of England, it stands without an equal," has 156 A Way to keep a Record of the Place of Trees not yet fruited — that is the true Monarch. Some two or three spurious varieties sold under this name, have borne a few pears, sufficient to decide their utter worthlessness, and it yet re- mains a matter of doubt, whether the true variety has been introduced. We have reason to beheve, that it has not, only in one or two instances, and that nearly all the trees which have been disseminated are incorrect. Our principal reasons are, that the trees sold for the Monarch, are of weak and slen- der growth, straggling habit, and with dark-colored wood. Now it will be noted that Mr. Knight says it is of " excessively vigorous growth," so much so, that he feared it would "ren- der it unproductive ; but grafts inserted three years are now bearing fruit, and have formed abundant blossoms for next year." Mr. Thompson states that the true Monarch may be known from the spurious one, by its " yellowish wood." These characteristics at once settle the question, that those trees with small wood and slender growth and dark-colored shoots, are not true. We saw the tree in bearing in the society's garden ; and from a nursery within three miles of Chiswick, we pur- chased trees, grown from scions received from Mr. Thompson : and they correspond in every particular with Messrs. Knight's and Thompson's descriptions. The trees are exceedingly vig- orous, of upright habit, and with yellow or pale yellowish olive- colored wood : They will, we hope, produce a few speci- mens this year, when we trust we may have the opportunity to show a pear, whose reputation ranks so high, but which, from a series of errors originating with Mr. Knight's gardener, has for so long time remained unknown to cultivators. Art. III. A Way to keep a Record of the Place of every Tree in an Orchard, by which Labels are dispensed with. By T. S. HuMRicKHOusE, Coshoctou, Ohio. Having observed that much has been lately said about la- bels for fruit trees, 1 send you herewith a map or plot of a section of my experimental orchard on Whiteyes Creek in Co- shocton County, Ohio, comprising about the one fourth of it, in ail Orchard^ by which Labels are dispensed with. 157 to show the manner in which I keep the record of the place of each tree. The plat and list subjoined will sufficiently explain each other, and the whole plan — a plan which may be carried out to any extent. You will perceive that, to find a tree of any given variety in the orchard, you look at the number placed before its name in the list, and find the corresponding number on the plat. The number set after the name in the list denotes the number of trees of that variety : — OOOO 0000 000 56 55 55 55 55 54 54 53 52 52 52 OO 000000 ooo 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 51 000 o ooooooo 45 44 44 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 40 000 OOOOOO OO 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 ooo 000000 00 33 33 32 32 32 31 31 31 31 30 29 ooooooo 0000 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 0000000 o ooo 1 23 21 20 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 00 oooooooo o 1 15 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 10 No. Trees. No. 19. 1. Hubbardston Nonsuch, 2 10. Zoar Phoenix, ... 1 20. 11. Red Everlasting, . .2 21. 12. Cathead, 2 22. 13. C. Down's large fall red, 1 23. 14. Blickensderfier, . . .2 24. 15. Pickman Pippin, . .2 25. 16. Poland Red Winter, . 1 26. 17. Seckel Pear, .... 1 27. 18. Summer Golden Pippin, 1 28. VOL. XIII. NO. IV. 16 Trees. Catharine Pear, ... 1 Pound Pear, .... 2 Jas. Taylor's Pear, . 2 Borsdorfier, .... 1 Black Apple, .... 1 Sops of Wine, ... 2 Knight's Grange, . . 2 Romankirgger, ... 2 Newtown Spitzenberg, 2 Summer Queen, ... 3 158 A Way to keep a Record of the Place of Trees, (^c. No. Trees 29. Pound Royal, ... 1 30. Juneatiug, .... 1 31. Flushing Spitzenberg, 4 32. Grey French Reinette, 3 33. Yan Mons Reinette, . 2 34. Cooper's Russett, . . 1 35. Sweet Vandervere, . 2 36. Blenheim Orange, . 2 37. Zoar White Spitzenb'g, 2 38. Kirk's Lord Nelson, . 2 39. Zoar large Winter sweet, 2 40. Court of Wyke, . . 2 41. Foster's large strip'd fall. 2 42. Zoar Striped Fall, . 2 No. 50. Dumpling Myers, . 51. Laners Sweet, . . 52. Summer Rose, . . 53. Zoar Pippin, . . 54. English Codlin, 55. Zimmetartiger, 56. W, Robinson's fall pip'n, 1 Trees. 2 2 1 1 2 2 43. Zoar Winter Sweet, 44. Transparent, . . . 45. Hugh's Golden Pippin, 46. Sugar Loaf Pippin 47. Crimson Nonpareil 48. Zoar Gilliflower, . 49. Green Newtown Pippin, 4 1 1 3 1 2 4 Any man, who plants an orchard, can easily make a plat of it, with a list of the varieties, and their places and the cor- responding numbers attached, in the same manner as in the foregoing. Or, if he likes it better, he can make his plat upon a scale large enough to be enabled to write the name of each kind in full opposite its place, as the names of towns are upon maps. The following will illustrate this mode : — o Baldwin 0 Wine 0 Winesap 0 Murphy 0 Minister 0 Jonathan 0 Domine 0 Rambo 0 Detroit 0 Chandler 0 Gravenstein 0 Dyer o Oslin o Benoni 0 Swaar After all, perhaps this will be nothing new to your read- ers. It is not original with me ; nor can I tell whence I derived it. Of course, it will be understood that the top of the map should be north, as mine is, or that the points of the compass should be in some other way ascertained. Should any of your Boston friends take a fancy to the or- chard, of which the section before described is a part, I will sell the farm upon which it is situated, containing one hun- dred and eighty-five acres of good land without a stone upon Descriptions of Three New Apples. 159 it as big as your fist, at the exceedingly low price, as they would consider it, of four thousand dollars. But, as they can buy, in this neighborhood, any quantity of land equally good and well improved, but without the orchard, at much lower rates, I do not think any of them will be found to take me up, so that I may rest easy. These last two sentences, you will say, are not very germane to the subject. Coshocton^ Ohio, February 6th, 1847. Art. IV. Descriptions and Engravings of Three New Ap- ples. By the Editor. At page 70, we commenced a series of articles in which it is our object to describe and figure all the fine varieties of apples which appear deserving of cultivation, in the same manner in which we have figured upwards of seventy-five varieties of pears. The apple is the great staple fruit of our country, and it is to be regretted that so little has been done to make known the best kinds, or to set aright the numerous errors in nomen- clature which abound in our Catalogues and Treatises on ' Fruit. To attempt this object will be our endeavor in this article : all the new and choice kinds which are. from time to time, brought into notice, will be accurately described and figured, while, at the same time, we shall not neglect a full account of the older and proved sorts, giving the synonyms under which many of them are cultivated, and other particulars relative to their growth, the soils to which they are best adapted, &c. We shall continue the numeral order of the varieties, com- mencing with the article referred to. IV. Early Joe. In our last volume, (XII, p. 474,) under our Pomological Notices, we briefly described this new apple, {fig. 15,) and we have but little to add now to the account we then gave of it, except a more full description. Mr. Bissell of Rochester, who sent us some fine specimens, gives us the following par- 160 Descriptions of Three Neio Apples. ticulars: — " Some of the delicious seedling apples of the Yal- ley of the Genesee have been extensively noticed and dissem- Fig. 15. Early Joe. inated : a few yet remain to enrich the Pomology of less fa- vored regions among iis, at the head of which should stand the Early Joe. We send you herewith some specimens of fruit of the ordinary size for your opinion and notice, should you think it worthy. When neglected, the tree bears every other year enormous crops, of the size and quality of these, but, with proper care in trimming out, they will attain to nearly double the size. The tree grows slowly ; the wood is slim ; the bark dark-colored, and the green of the foliage is deep and rich. It was called the Early Joe, because a fellow named Joe for some time stole the apples early in the morn- ing, before the family that owned the orchard were up, and only desisted after the hired man had cut ' Early Joe' in the bark of every tree. The parent tree grew in the orchard of Mr. Oliver Chapin of Bloomfield, Ontario County, in the same orchard with the Northern Spy, and is, we believe, still alive.'" To this we have only to add, that the variety is really a very good fruit ; its only objection, if it may be called one, to its ranking among the best fruits, is its rather small size. It is a handsome apple, with a deep red skin and a very tender flesh. Size, medium, about two inches and a half broad, and two deep : Form, oblate, slightly rounding towards the crown : Skin, smooth, dull yellow, nearly covered with distinct stripes of dark purplish red, interspersed with numerous whitish Descriptions of Three Neiv Apples. 161 specks : iSfe7n, medium length, about half an inch, rather slen- der, and deeply inserted in a round, narrowed cavity : Eye, medium size, closed, and considerably sunk in an open, rather broad hollow ; calyx, short : Flesh, white, slightly tinged with pink, fine, and very tender: Juice, plentiful, pleasantly acid and good : Core, rather large. Ripe in August, and keeps two or three weeks. V. Fall Jennetting. Another variety received from the same source as the above. It was brought into the vicinity of Rochester about twenty years ago, from Athens, on the Hudson, but it does not ap- pear to be described by any of our writers on Fruits. Mr. Bissell states that the trees grow very rapidly, and bear every alternate year enormously. The general appearance of the Fall Jennetting, {Jig. 16,) is much like the Rhode Island Greening ; Fig. 16. Fall Jennetting. but it is more regular in its outline, broader at the base, and nar- rows more to the crown. It appears to be a new and very de- sirable autumn apple. 16* 162 Desa'iptlons of Three New Apples. Size, large, about three and a half inches broad, and three deep : Form, roundish, flattened, somewhat ribbed at the base, and narrowing to the eye : Skin, fair, smooth, pale greenish yellow, broadly tinged with deep blush on the sunny side, and thinly and irregularly sprinkled with dark russety specks : Stem, short, about half an inch, slender, and deeply inserted in a rather contracted, funnel-shaped cavity : Eye, small, closed, and moderately sunk in a small, round basin : seg- ments of the calyx, long, twisted : Flesh, yellowish white, fine, very tender : Juice, abundant, pleasant and sprightly, with a fine perfume : Core, small, hollow : Seeds, small, an- gular, full. Ripe in November. VI. Marston's Red Winter. Kenrick's Amer. Orchardist. Mr. Kenrick, in his American Orchardist, briefly describes this new apple i^Jig. 17). It originated in Greenland, N. H., Fig. 17. Marston's Red Winter. and fine specimens were sent us in the winter of 1845 and '46, by Mr. Norton of that place ; those of the last year were not equal in size to those of the year previous, owing to the very dry summer, but they were equally high-colored and beautiful. At first sight, they somewhat resemble the Baldwin, but upon Brief Account of Three Varieties of Aj^ples. 163 more particular notice, the difference, both in form and color, is quite apparent : there is less yellow than in the Baldwin, and the skin has a smooth and more glossy surface. In form, it is more oval than the Baldwin, narrowing little towards each end. The flesh is more tender, and not so crisp as the Baldwin. It deserves to rank among our best winter vari- eties. Tree vigorous and productive. Size, large, about three inches broad, and two and three quarters deep : Form, roundish oval, regular, slightly narrow- ing towards each end : Skin, fair, smooth, shining, yellow in the shade, bright red in the sun, and nearly covered with stripes of brilliant crimson, with a patch of russet around the stem : Stem, short, about half an inch in length, slender, ob- liquely and rather deeply inserted in a narrow, contracted cav- ity : Eye, medium size, partially open, and moderately sunk in a round, open, smooth, and* abruptly depressed basin : Flesh, yellowish, fine, soft, and very tender : Juice, plentiful, rich, and high flavored: Core, medium size, rather close: Seeds, medium size, dark brown. Ripe in January, and keeps till April. Art. V. A Brief Account of Three Varieties of Apples. By AsAHEL FooTE, Esq., Williamstown, Mass. I HEREWITH send you specimens of three varieties of the Apple, — known here as the Congress, the Redstreak, and the Vanderspeigle. I name them in the order of their size, begin- ning with the largest. The two former have been in cultivation here for fifty years : the latter is understood to have originated, within that period, on the grounds of John Yanderspeigle, Esq., in Lansingburgh, New York. The Congress Apple (of this neighborhood,) is a common and well known variety in Cayuga County, New York, and is probably the apple described by Downing, as the Twenty Ounce, or Cayuga Redstreak. It is in high estimation here, both as a cooking and eating apple, and, in our markets, 164 Brief Account of Three Varieties of Apples. takes precedence even of the R. I. Greening, and ^^sopus Spitzenberg. The tree is of medium vigor, but a great and constant bearer. The size of the fruit may be judged of from the fact, that seventy-two apples^ taken seriatim^ last autumn, measured a bushel. Season November to March. The speci- mens now presented are scarcely medium. The Redstreak^ {fig- 1^0 is also a winter fruit, of large size, and high reputation, but very different in its character- istics from the former. Considering its excellence, I can hard- Fig. 18. Redslreak. ly suppose it to be wholly unknown to our cultivators ; yet my search has been in vain to find its accurate portrait in any of our pomological authors. The trees of this variety attain a large size, and produce abundantly in alternate years. On old subjects, and under poor cultivation, a rather large per centage of the fruit will be imperfect ; but, as a compensation for this, the refuse yields a finer quality of cider and vinegar than any other variety grown in this section. Season, Dec. to March. The specimens are above an average, but not of the largest size. Brief Account of Three Varieties of Apples. 165 The Vanderspeigle, (not heretofore introduced to the pub- lic, I think,) has been in cuhivation here some years, and is highly esteemed by such as prefer a fruit of rather unusual tartness. The trees are strong growers, and constant and abundant bearers, and the fruit is uncommonly fair and perfect, and keeps as well as either of the preced- ing. From the figure, color, size, and flavor of this ap- ple, I have little doubt that it originated from a seed of the old " Red and Green Seek-no-further J^ It is, however, supe- rior to that variety in several respects, — being more prolific — more juicy — better for cooking — and a longer keeper. I think it well worthy of cultivation. I have purposely omitted saying any thing of the form, color, consistence and flavor of these apples, in order that these particulars (with drawings) might be supplied by yourself, in case you deem them worthy of notice in your Magazine. I am now engaged in investigating the history of the Con- gress and Redstreak, and, if my inquiries lead to any sat- isfactory results, you shall be apprised of them at an early day. P. S. Having a convenient opportunity, I send you three more Redstreaks, — a Pound Royal, — a Swaar, — and a Green Newtown Pippin. The Pippin is the smallest, the Swaar, yellow — the Pound Royal, conical and irregular. I send these as fair specimens of those varieties here, under ordinary cultivation which, I might add with too much truth, is no cultivation at all. The Pound Royal varies much in shape, and this specimen is among the most irregular. This and the Pippin have much more color than is usual. The Redstreaks now sent are fair specimens for color, and of rather unusual size. To what I said before respecting this apple, I can now add, that it is highly esteemed for cooking, and that the trees are among our very largest growers. Further investigation has pretty fully convinced me that this is the true Wine Apple, best described by Floy, in Lind- ley's Guide to the Orchard. The Pippin and Swaar are with us but moderate growers, and the crops of fruit not heavy. The Pound Royal trees are large, and fine bearers, and the fruit is much esteemed. Williamstown, Feb. 27, 1847. 166 Brief Account of Three Varieties of Apples. We are greatly indebted to our correspondent, Mr. Foote, for the above communication, and also for the specimens of fruit which accompanied his letter. But, unfortunately for us, those which were forwarded with the first letter, by some mistake, fell into the hands of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and, although we had the pleasure of tasting them, we had no opportunity to make drawings or accurate descrip- tions ; consequently, we are unable to say much respecting them, other than that the Congress, so called, is undoubtedly the same as the Twenty Ounce, which Mr. Downing has described under the latter name, from our account of it in the Magazine (Vol. X. p. 210). The specimens, though overripe, confirmed our good opinion of this large and superior fruit. The Yanderspeigle seemed to somewhat resemble the old Pearmam. The Redstreak is an apple of large size and much beauty, — indeed rather too large to become a popular fruit — and pos- sesses a rich, sprightly and aromatic flavor ; and to us it is quite new : after carefully examining the specimens, Ave com- pared them with several varieties described hy Coxe^ and though the engraving of the Wine Apple of the latter does not appear quite flat enough, the description of this author answers ex- ceedingly well for the specimens of the Red Streak ; and we agree with our correspondent that the Redstreak is the Wine Apple, first described by Coxe, and his description adopted by Messrs. Floy and Downing. We add our own description from the specimens received : — Fruity large, about three and a half inches broad, and two and three quarters, deep : Form, roundish oblate, flattened at both ends, and ribbed at the base : Skiii, fair, smooth, with a yellow ground, marked with bright red on the sunny side, and splashed with broken stripes of deep crimson, interspersed with a few rather large russet specks : Stem, very short, about quar- ter of an inch, slender and deeply inserted in a large, wide, open cavity : Eye, small, open and moderately sunk in a medium sized and ribbed basin ; segments of the calyx short : Flesh, yellowish-white, rather fine, breaking and tender : Juice, abundant, sprightly, and vinous, with a high aromatic fla- vor : Core, medium size, very broad, open : Seeds, medium size, plump. Ripe in December and keeps till March. Cultivation and Treatment of Cape Heaths. 167 The nomenclature of our apples is in great confusion, and we think it will be almost impossible to do much towards clearing it up, until the numerous varieties can be collected together, the trees brought into bearing, their characteristics studied, and a careful examination made of the fruit. This we hope to do, having upwards of two hundred sorts, which will soon enable us to commence our labors. — Ed. Art. VI. On the Cultivation and Treatment of Cape Heaths {Ericas). By John Cadness, Gardener to Mr. J. L. L. F. Warren, Brighton. I SEND you an article upon the cultivation of that splendid, but, I am sorry to say, much neglected tribe of plants. Cape Heaths, a genus, all the species of which are eminently beau- tiful and worthy the most assiduous cultivation, if you should think my remarks worth a place in your magazine. Heaths are all of them especial favorites of mine, and wherever I have had opportunity, I have paid considerable attention to their cultivation, and I am greatly surprised that, when such good specimens of other green-house plants are grown in the neighborhood and exhibited in Boston, no attempt has been made to grow a collection of the finer vari- eties of this plant : there is, I know, some difficulty in manag- ing some of the best kinds, but I have not the least doubt, that, if proper provision were made for them, and proper care bestowed upon them, they could be sufficiently well grown to make them one of the greatest ornaments of the green-house. The great difficulty in cultivating these plants with success, is the extreme cold of winter and the extreme heat of summer; the consequence of which is, in the former case, the plants are exposed to a great degree of fire heat, and a too warm and variable atmosphere at a season when they should be kept cool and perfectly at rest ; for they, like all other plants, must have their dormant season or winter ; for they can never be expected to flower finely and as they should do, when they are growing more or less the year round. But in order to give 168 Cultivation and Treatment of Cape Heaths. them proper treatment, a house should be devoted entirely to them, for they cannot be grown to perfection in a mixed green- house ; and I am convinced, they would amply repay for all the extra expense and trouble they require. All that is necessa- ry in winter, is merely to keep the frost from them, and most of them, if they have not been subjected to too much fire heat, will bear several degrees of frost. One cause of heaths not flowering well, in fact, the main cause, is because they are kept too warm in winter, for if they do not experience a sea- son of rest, they cannot have time to form and perfect their flower buds, which they should do at this time : but, instead, they are excited into an early, weak, and unprofitable growth, and such a course of treatment soon renders the plant worth- less. The next thing to be observed is to give them, at every opportunity, a free circulation of air, both in the winter, and in their growing season ; for heaths will not thrive well in a close confined atmosphere ; and, if they are drawn up, and weak, they will but poorly bear the heat of summer which is the most trying time for them. In summer, I believe it is generally thought necessary to shade heaths a great deal. I have seen them hid away under trees and stowed in frames, and shaded until they could not bear a ray of light to fall upon them. They soon become weak and sickly, and sufier far more than by being housed in winter, if they do not perish altogether, which is generally the case. My experience has taught me, that they will, if placed in proper circumstances, bear the sun a great deal bet- ter than is generally supposed ; in fact, naturally, the heath is never found growing in shaded places, but the contrary : they are always found growing on hill sides and open plains, and, allowing that they have been made more tender by arti- ficial treatment generation after generation, still in this, as in every other similar case, the nearer we follow nature the better shall we succeed. For the last two years, I have never made a practice of shading heaths at all in smnmer, only in extreme hot days. My summer management is this : as soon as the plants can be trusted in a cold frame, I remove the plants from the green-house. I choose, for the frame, an opensituation, giving it a northern aspect, I then plunge the pots to the rim in coal ashes at such a distance from each other as to allow a Cultioatloii. and Treatment of Cape Heaths. 169 little for growth, but still so as to shade each other some. My object is to keep the roots moist and cool, and, whenever by their growth, which always happens, they begin to crowd each other, I take them up and replmige them at suitable distances again ; using the lights until all danger of frost is over. By that time, by giving a plentiful supply of air daily, and gradually inuring the plants to the open air, I dispense with the use of them altogether, except to protect them from heavy rains and stormy weather. In this manner, I keep them until it is quite necessary to remove them to the green- house in the fall, I am always particularly anxious to keep them in the frames as long as possible, so that they feel the effects of cold, (but not frost,) and their growth is entirely stopped, even if it be necessary to protect the frames by cover- ing. By this treatment, I find that the plants acquire a hardy, robust habit, and are more easily kept over winter ; last sum- mer, I kept over 300 one year old plants in this manner, and they were never shaded the hottest day, and I never lost a single plant, and by plunging the pots, the young roots are protected and kept moist and cool ; whereas, when the pot is exposed to the action of the sun, the yOung roots are scorched, then the plant begins to suffer and is unable to bear the sun : they also require less water, which is a great thing, as too frequent waterings are hurtful to them. Great care is neces- sary that they shall not suffer for want of water, or that they be over watered ; in either case, they will suffer more or less, although they may not show it just at the time. It will be seen, then,'that, in order to grow these plants suc- cessfully, they must be placed in those circumstances, where they can acquire a bushy and healthy, robust habit ; this can be effected only by a free exposure to sun-light and air at all seasons, and due regard being paid to their period of rest or winter. A great deal also will depend upon the system of potting which is followed, for this is a very important part of their management, and requires both care and judgment. In order to have the plants flower finely, they must have well filled their pots with roots before their season of rest commen- ces ; it is a bad practice to over-pot them at any time, par- ticularly when young ; I like, rather, to shift them the oftener, VOL. XIII. — NO. IV. 17 170 Cultivation and Treatment of Cape Heaths. never by any means giving them more than a size larger pot at a shift. Give them plenty of drainage, always placing a portion of coarse fibrous peat or moss over the crocks, to pre- vent the soil washing through them, and taking care to place the neck of the plant high up in the pot, so as to give a fall from the stem to the rim; this precaution, with good drainage, will prevent them from damping off at the neck, which they are very liable to do when kept too damp or over- watered, if potted too low. In repotting large specimens, it is a good plan, where they require a large pot, to place a pot re- versed in the bottom of the large one, and fill nearly to the top Avith crocks and coarse material ; for heaths do not require a deep soil, and it will give a better drainage. The soil most suitable for heaths, is a fibrous sandy peat, which is rather difficult to procure in this neighborhood ; at least I have found it so. The compost I have generally used has been well decomposed leaf-mould, with a portion of the most peaty soil I could procure, using more or less of the peat, according to its quality ; sometimes I have used nothing but leaf-mould, mixing equal parts of white sand, and rather coarse river or brook sand ; all the coarse fibrous lumps should be chopped small and retained in the compost, in order to make the soil porous. The soil by no means should ever be sifted for heaths, not even for young plants, as it becomes too compact and heavy ; the best sand for heaths is freestone sand, and a good portion of it used in small lumps, about the size, and some larger, than peas ; it is also the best for propa- gating when it can be procured. As to propagating, I need say but little upon this -head, as most of the varieties are increased with little difficulty ; most of them strike well from cuttings, made of half-ripened young wood ; and they can be propagated at any season that the wood is in that state. They should be covered with a bell glass, and be carefully watered, keeping them in a cool and shaded situation. Some of the varieties are more difficult to strike than others, and I find some will root better if the wood is perfectly ripe ; but it requires a greater length of time and they are not so liable to damp oft'; then again, there are some kinds that I have been unsuccessful with. I have tried cut- tings taken from the plant just at the lime that it is beginning Notice of Some of the Mosses of New England. 171 to grow, and this way I have always succeeded with the most difhcult kinds : but tliey require to be kept very close for a great length of time. 1 send you a list of some of the best varieties : — Beaumont/awa, Willmored/ia; bdccans, hyemalis, tricolor, Hartnelh'i, ventricosa superba, Bowiedwa, Niven/d;za, Bedfordidwa, pannosa, vestita coccinea, Nonantum, Yale Gardens, March, 1847 Coventry an a, nigricans, Lambertidna, grandinosa, a'rdens superbus, persoluta, Aiioniana, prsegnans, Rollissonw", vestita alba, Archeridwa, bicolor. Art. VIL Notice of Some of the Mosses of New England. By Wm. Oakes, Ipswich, Mass. Mosses of the White Mountains. The alpine region of the White Mountains, though a per- fect garden of Lichens, is exceedingly unfavorable to Mosses, from the great and sudden changes of temperature, but prin- cipally from the great dryness which often prevails for sev- eral weeks. In the forests at the sides and base of the moun- tains are found many of the common mosses of New England, with others which belong to its nortliern regions. Their number, however, does not appear to be very great, though man)'- of the species grow in great luxuriance and profusion. The following list contains most of the interesting species, both of the alpine region and the base. Specimens of many of these have already been published in the magnificent vol- umes of the Musci Allefj^hanicnses of Mr. Sullivant, our ex- cellent American Muscologist. /fy'pnum denticulalum, L. Alpine. Case. stramineum, Dicks. Sullivant, Muse. Allegh. 38. Alpine. Base. moUe, Dicks. Alpine. var. alp^stre. H. alp^-stre, Swartz. Base. 172 Notice of Some of the Mosses nf Nciv England. //y'pnum umbratum, Ehr. Muse. Allegh. 2. Base. Alpine. reflexum, Weber df Mohr. Base. subtile, Bruch. 4" Sch. Leskea subt. Hediv. Base. lagbsum, Hedw. Muse. Allegh. 13. Alpine. scorpioldes, L. Muse. Allegh. 27. Alpine. uncinatum, Hedio. Muse. Allegh. 24. Base. Alpine. adiincum, L. Alpine. Base. fluitans, L. Alpine. Climacium dendroides, Mohr. The European variety. Base. Anacamptodon splachnoides, Brid. Muse. Allegh. 82. Base. i?ry'um eapillare, L. var. coehlearifolium. Base. turbinatum, Swariz. Alpine. Duvahe'1 Voit. Alpine. Wahlenbergn", Schwaegr. Alpine. Bartranw'a ithyphy'lla, Brid. Alpine. eonostoma, Br. cj- Sch. Muse. Alleg. 120. Conostomumboreale, Swariz, -Splachnum mnioides, L. Alpine. Rare. Mr Greene found it many years ago on the summit of Mount Washington ; I have only found it in a single spot on Mount Franklin. angusiatum, Linn. fil. Base. I found only a single tuft with abun- dant fruit on the bones of some small animal. Poly'triehum juniperinum, Willd. var. alpestre. Muse. All. 113. Alpine. alpinum, L. Alpine. Base. urnigerum, Menzies. Muse. All. 114. Base. var. eapillare. Pogonatum eap. Brid. Muse. All. 115. Al- pine. Orlhotriehum Ludwign, Brid. Base. speeiosum, Necs. Base. Zy^godon Lapponicus, Br. 4" "Scj^- Gymnostomum Lapp. Hedw. Alpine. Raeomitrium Sudetieum, Dry''ptodon Sud. Muse. A. 134. Alpine. Base. raicroearpon, Brid. Muse. All. 133. Alpine. Base. lanuginosum, Brid. Muse. All. 131. Alpine. faseieulare, Brid. Muse. All. 132. Base. Alpine. acieuliire, Brid. Base. Grimmfa obtusa, Schwaegr. Alpine. apocarpa, Hedw. var. livularis. Alpine.* eonferta, Fund. Muse. All. 139. On the sides below the alpine region. Auictangium eiliatum, Hedw. The common European variety. In bare gravelly soil. Base. Triehostomum vaginans, Sullivant. Muse. All. 176. Alpine. Dicranum Schradto', Web. <^ Mohr. Muse. All. 163. Alpine. elongatum, Schleich. Alpine. fulv New Horticultural Societies. — We perceive, by the legislative reports, that two new societies have just been incorporated, viz : the New Bedford Horticultural Society, and the Hampden County Horticultural Society. This speaks well for the growing taste in rural pursuits. — Ed. Horticultural Society in Montreal, C. W. — A new association has recent- ly been organized in Montreal, and a paper which has been sent us con- tains an account of the first meeting, with the names of the officers. We notice the names of several of our readers on the various committees, especial- ly those of our friends, Henry Case and John Frothingham, Esqrs. We do not doubt great good will be accomplished through the exertions of the members. — Ed. Tom Thumb Geranium. — This miniature and truly splendid variety of the scarlet family of geraniums of which almost as much has been said in the gardening papers, as of the veritable Tom Thumb in the Journals of the day, is now beautifully in flower in our collection ; its entire habit is ex- tremely dwarf, and an old plant, only about 6 inches high, has several fine clusters of flowers which stand erect above the tiny foliage. When bedded out in summer, the groups form one mass of glittering scarlet. Compared with Smith's Scarlet, would be like comparing Tom Thumb with the Kentucky Giant. — Ed. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 189 Art. III. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Saturday, March 6, 1847. — An adjourned meeting was held — President in the chair. The Committee, to whom was entrusted the publishing of the Transac- tions of the Society, reported verbally, that their duty had been accom- plished. Voted, — That the report of the Committee of Publication be accepted, and copies placed upon the table for distribution among the members of the Society. Voted, — That the President be requested to petition the Legislature now in session, to extend the same patronage to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society that it does to the various Agricultural Societies of the State. A Committee was appointed to set the days of the next annual Exhibition of the Society, and Messrs. Sam'l. Walker, E. M. Richards, C. M. Hovey, were appointed. John Washburn, Jr., Plymouth, was elected a subscription member, and George B. Emerson, Esq., a corresponding member. Adjourned one week, to March 13. Exhibited. — Flowers : From Messrs. Hovey & Co., six fine varieties of Azaleas in fine bloom, as follows : Speciosa, Remingtonw, Copew, Herb6r- tii purpurea, Large Cherry, and a new seedhng white ; also, 8 varieties of seedling verbenas, and the following roses, — Noisette Similor,Lamarque, and Solfitaire ; Bourbon Souchet, Madame Angelina, Gloire de Paris, and Moss Celinse : and a superb plant of the rarePimelea spectabilis, and one of P. hispidae. Premiums for Azaleas were accorded as follows : — Azaleas. To Messrs. Hovey & Co. the Society's premium of six dol- lars for 6 plants of azaleas in pots. Plants in Pots. A gratuity of three dollars, to Messrs. Hovey & Co., for Pimelea Spectabilis. March 13. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day, the President in the chair. C. M. Hovey, Chairman of the Library Committee, made a report, and it was Voted, that the report be accepted to the full amount of the appro- priation, viz., $300. Voted, — That the Recording Secretary be requested to send acopy of the Transactions of the Society to every member, and to such Agricul- tural, Horticultural and Literary Societies as may be deemed advisable. Adjourned for one week to March 20. Exhibited. — Flowers : From Messrs. Hovey & Co., — a fine plant of the new and superb Hybrid Moss Rose Princesse Adelaide, about 5 feet high, with from 25 to 30 buds and blossoms : also cut flowers, of Tea, Rose, Nisi- da, Car(^ine and Bourgere ; Hybrid Perpetual Indigo, Dutchess of Mont- morency, Mrs. Elliott, Lilacee, and various others. From P. Barnes, a 190 Obituary. fine plant of Cytisus racemosus ; also seedling Cineraria and Verbena, and rose Caroline Mignonne. Fruits : From S. W. Cole, Marston's Red Winter, Jewett's Red and ^sopus Spitzenberg Apples, — the former, a fine new kind, which we have described in a previous page. From S. Downer, Pomme de Neige apples. March 20, 1847. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to- day,— the President in the chair. The Committee of Publication submitted a report in reference to the pub- lishing a new series of the " Transactions of the Society," and it was ac- cepted. Meeting dissolved. Exhibited. — Flowers : From M. P. Wilder, Tea, Princess Adelaide, roses, and other sorts. Art. IV. Obituary. Death of M. Soulange Bodin. — It is with feelings of pain that we announce the death of this distinguished horticulturist, which took place last July, at his residence at Fromont, near Paris, at the age of 72 years. In our notes on the Gardens and Gardening of Europe, as gathered in our recent tour (Vol. XI. p. 283,) we have given a very full account of M. Bo- din's beautiful residence at Fromont, on the Seine, and, at the same time, recorded our admiration of the taste in which the grounds were laid out, — the extreme neatness prevailing in every part, — and the skilful arrangement of the nursery department. The day we passed at Fromont was one which will live long in our memory — and we shall ever feel grateful that we had the pleasure, not only of a long and interesting correspondence with the intel- ligent and accomplished proprietor, but the still greater gratification of par- taking of the hospitalities of his home, where, after a life spent in the ser- vice of his country, he had sought retirement, and devoted his fortune to the planting and picturesque embellishment of his grounds. Some years since, we had the pleasure of sending M. Bodin several vols, of our Magazine, and recently received in exchange, a complete set of the Annals of Fromont, in 6 vols., a work of great value, issued under his su- perintendence when Fromont was the Royal Institution for the promotion of Horticulture. We need add but little to what we have said at the page referred to. M. Bodin died, as he had lived, universally beloved and esteemed. Mr. S. Girling, the celebrated dahlia-grower and nurseryman of Stow- market, near London, died during the past winter. For some years, he has been one of the leading cultivators of the dahlia, petunia, and other florist flowers. Death of R. Arthur, Esq. — Our readers will probably recollect our an- nouncement, in the early part of our last volume (XII,) of a new correspon- Horticultural Memoranda. 191 dentin Scotland, in the person of Mr. Arthur, travelling agent of the extensive nurseries of Messrs. Dickson, of Edinburgh; we have just learned, by a friend ■who recently returned from a visit to his native city, that his death took place in the early part of last autumn. Mr. Arthur was a man of great business activity, and also a ready writer, and in his death our readers have not only lost a valuable correspondent, but an upright and honorable man, and a zealous lover and promoter of gardening pursuits. HORTICULTURAL MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. Grape Vines, in the green-house or grapery, will now be coming rapidly forward, and will need constant, or at least careful, attention. The shoots which spring from the spurs should be looked after and regularly tied down ; for, if neglected, there is danger of breaking them off : this work should generally be done in the middle of the day, when the sun has ren- dered them more pliable ; if done too early in the morning, there is greater danger of injury. The growth may also be pinched off two eyes beyond the fruit buds, and rub off superfluous buds at the base. Syringe carefully €very morning and evening in good weather. Give air early, and keep the temperature rather low, in order that the branches may not be drawn out ■weak ; 50° to 55° is ample during the night. Cuttings may now be put in hot beds. Vines in pots should be liberally watered, and, if the fruit is set, occasionally with guano. Raspberry beds should be uncovered as soon as the frost will admit ; new plantations may be made this month. Strawberry beds should also be uncovered, the coarse litter raked off care- fully. Currant and Gooseberry bushes may be set out, and old plants carefully trimmed, manured, and the ground dug around them. Apple, Pear, Plum and Cherry stocks may be set out this month. Scions of trees may still be cut. Grafting may be commenced this month, beginning with the cherries. Fruit Trees of all kinds should now be transplanted. FLO^WER DEPARTMENT. Pelargoniums will now begin to open their blossoms, and, to preserve them in beauty, they should be shaded in the middle of the day — or the glass whitened to prevent the powerful rays of the sun from injuring their deli- cate tints : if the shoots grow too upright, let them be tied down again, as far as their pliability will allow : but do not let the sticks project above the base of the flower-stems : keep them near the glass where they can have 192 Horticultural Memoranda. an abundance of air and light, and water freely ; discontinue syringing after the buds open. Fumigate, if the green fly appears. Japan Lilies, managed as we have directed, will now be 2 feet high, and will require a shift into the next size. Achimenes of the several kinds should now be potted off carefully. Camellias will now be making their new growth, and will require very liberal supplies of water, and repeated syringings over the I'oliage ; old stunted plants should be headed in, and they will soon push out vigorous shoots. Inarching may still be performed. Hyacinth and Tulip beds, owing to the late cold weather, could not be un- covered ; they should now be looked after without delay. Calceolarias should be repotted again. Dahlias will now be coming forward when they have been potted, and if a stock is wanted, the cuttings may be put in. Verbenas may now be propagated from cuttings, for a stock for planting out in summer. Gloxinias which have started well, should now be shifted into larger pots. Pansies, raised from seeds last month, should now be potted off into boxes or pots. Salvia splendens and fulgens should now be propagated for a young stock for summer. Fuchsias will now need shifting into larger pots if fine specimen plants are wanted. Chrysanthemums should be propagated from cuttings, or the roots divided to make a good stock. Hydrangeas may now be propagated from cuttings. Dwarf Rocket Larkspur seed should be sown as soon as the ground can be made ready. Gladioluses, tuberoses, and other summer bulbs, may now be potted for early blooming. Oxalises done flowering should be sparingly watered. Pceonies should be removed this month. Carnations and picotees, in frames, should be aired every fine day. Choice annuals, such as we recommended last month, with other new and choice kinds, should now be planted in pots and placed in the hot-bed or green-house. Such as are already up may be potted off" into small pots. Herbaceous plants, of all kinds, may be successfully transplanted this month. VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT. Tomatoes, Egg plants, dfc. raised from seeds sown either in February or March, should now be potted off into small pots, preparatory to their remov- al to the open ground in May. Lettuce, Radishes, Cabbages, Celery, &c. may be sown for a succession. Cucumbers [already hilled out will need attention and liberal supplies of water. THE MAGAZINE OF HORTICULTURE. MAY, 1847. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Art. I. On the Cultivation of the Arrow Root in the United States as an Article of Commerce. By Dr. A. J\Jitchell, of Portland, Me. In a Letter to Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Communicated by Gen. Dearborn. Dear Sir. — I enclose you a letter from Doct. Mitchell of Portland, one of our most distinguished naturalists, with a small package of seeds of the Arrow Root. I hope you will make an experiment in cultivating that valuable plant, although it is of a southern clime. If it is brought forward in a hotbed, it is possible you may mature the plant. You can publish the letter in your Magazine, if you think proper. With sincere esteem, your most obedient servant, H. A. S. Dearborn. Hawthorn Cottage^ Roxhury, April 5, 1847. My dear Sir, — I here enclose you a small specimen of the Indian Arrow Root, sent to me by Dr. Henry Bacon, of St. Mary's, (South Georgia). The article was cultivated by him on his plantation in Florida. I will here call your attention to the cultivation of this plant, and briefly state that the suc- cess has met the most sanguine wishes of the cultivator, and bids fair to form one of the articles, as an American product of commerce, both for export and import. The specimen which I send was derived from the root of the (Maranta arundinacea :) there are three species of this genus, viz., the arundinacea, Galdnga^ com6sa ; they are natives of the Indies, a herbaceous and perennial exotic, which VOL. XIII. — NO. V. 19 194 Cultivation of the Arrow Root in the United States. have been, a long time, cultivated in the West India Islands. The specimen which I send you appears to be the most supe- rior article that I have ever seen of the kind, abounding in an excess of nutritive qualities, and purity of appearance, sur- passing that of the West Indies. An intelligent gentleman, Col. Halloes, and a favorite offi- cer of Bolivar, has the honor, I believe, of being the first cul- tivator of this plant, on a large scale, in our Union. He was driven from his location in Florida by the Indians, after re- ceiving a severe wound in the head by a rifle-shot ; he then removed to Camden County, South Georgia, and entered at once into the cultivation of this plant on a large scale : thus you perceive this plant is gradually becoming acclimated in our country, and I have no doubt but a few years will elapse when we shall find it cultivated with success in latitude 36° north. It grows well in a siliceous soil, on a light sandy loam, resists the drought well, with more certainty of a crop than either cotton or corn. I will take the pains to enter into a more minute detail of the facts connected with the cultivation of this article, as proven, amount per acre, &c., and have them reported through you in the agricultural department. The Arrow Root obtains its name from the fact of the In- dians using it to extract the virus communicated by their poi- soned arrows. With great esteem, I am, dear sir, your obedient servant, Portland^ April 2, 1847. Augustus Mitchell. We acknowledge our indebtedness to General Dearborn for the communication of Dr. Mitchell's Letter, and also for the package of seed accompanying the same, which we shall make a trial of, and report upon its growth at a future time. It will give us great pleasure to publish the intended communication of Dr. Mitchell in relation to the mode of cultivating the Ar- row Root, the produce per acre, the process of manufacture, and the probable profit as compared with cotton, corn, or tobacco. Gen. Dearborn deserves the thanks of every friend of agriculture for bringing this subject before the public, and we trust his eflforts to introduce a new and important article of commerce will be seconded by every intelligent cultiva- tor.—£rf. Mr. liumrickhouse^ s Explanations, 4*c. 195 Art. II. Explanations i?i reference to Two or Three West- ern Apples; with a Note upon a New Variety called the Butter Sweet. By T. S Humrickhouse, Coshocton, Ohio. I AM induced to offer a few additional observations, includ- ing a correction or two, upon some items contained in Mr. Fahnestock's article, March number of your Magazine, and in your remarks thereunder, in order to guard against mis- conceptions, which, if left unnoticed, might grow out of them. First : — Hart's Orange Sweeting, or, as it may be better to call it simply. Hart's Sweeting. Scions of this apple were first obtained by me from Mr. Isaac B. Hart, of Tiverton township in this county, in the spring of 1841. On referring to ray note-book, I find that, on the 6th day of April, lb41, I grafted, by the method of root-grafting, and placed in the nursery, six trees of it ; and that I did not extend its cultiva- tion further till 1845, when having, in the preceding winter, examined and eaten of the fruit from the original tree, I, on the 24th of March of that year, grafted seven more trees of it, by the same method, and planted them in the nursery. One of the last-mentioned trees I sent to you last fall, numbered, if I mistake not, LI. ; and from another of them the scions were taken which I gave to Mr. Mathews, who sent them to Mr. Fahnestock. The fruit is of a clear yellow ; of the size of the Green New- town Pippin ; nearly round ; sweet, juicy, tender, and good ; keeping till April. It is a seedling raised by Mr. Hart, as he informed me. Second : — Red Pearmain, often called Long Pearmain. This is, in my estimation, a first-rate apple, in this climate, for November and December. It is not, iiowever, a seedling of Ohio, but is one of the varieties originally brought to Mari- etta from Connecticut ; and the name of Red or Long Pear- main has obtained for it here from its color and shape. It is the English Pearmain of Mr. Bateham's list. Third: — American White Winter Calville. This fruit was first oftered to the notice of pomologists by myself I obtained the scions from trees in the orchard of Mrs. Foster, which she had raised from sprouts taken from the tree (since dead) 196 Mr. Humrickhouse' s Explanations at Mr Daniel Miller's. Respecting its origin, Mr. Miller in- formed me that his tree was brought from Virginia about forty years ago, and was a sprout taken from a tree in an old or- chard on the south branch of the Potomac ; that it was not a grafted tree, and that they had no grafted fruit in the or- chard, with which he was well acquainted, where the sprout was obtained. I first saw and ate of the fruit in the winter of 1838-9, and grafted nineteen trees of it in 1841. In Jan- uary, 1843, I sent a description of it to Wm. Kenrick, accom- panied with scions. Last spring, I sent scions to yourself, which you have since informed me were growing. Mr. Miller and Mrs. Foster called this apple the " White Pippin" and knew it hij no other name. The name of Amer- ican White Winter Calville was first given to it by myself. So you see it cannot be the White Winter Calville of the French, after which I named it, on account of its resemblance to that old variety ; else, in naming, as I thought, a new vari- ety, I unconsciously hit upon its old name with the errone- ous prefix of "American," a thing little likely to take place. It cannot be the same with the French variety, because this apple has been propagated by means of sprouts time out of mind, as I may say ; a thing impossible unless root-grafting had been employed upon the first tree in the series, and that tree had established itself upon its own roots, and threw up sprouts from them to be taken and reared into trees. At the time at which this must have happened, had it happened at all, I believe that root-grafting the apple was not practised; and there was, moreover, little or no grafted fruit of any kind in the part of Virginia from which the family of Mr. Miller removed. Nor would the slightest suspicion now exist of its being the French variety, if I had not unfortunately re- named it. My reasons for giving it the new name I believed to be suf- ficient at the time ; they were briefly as follows : — There are so many apples called " Pippin," with various prefixes and adden- da, as to have already brought in great confusion in relation to some of them. The prefix " White" might come at some time to be omitted, since the difference between white, green and straw color, as descriptive of the color of an apple, is often very slight indeed; and we have already "Green Pippins" and "Golden in reference to Two or Three Western Apples. 197 Pippins" and " Yellow Pippins" without number. It bore a very striking resemblance to the French variety, and evidently belonged to the same class. And lastly, inasmuch as the fruit would be first introduced to the notice of pomologists by the new name, I conceived that no inconvenience could result from it. Upon the whole, this case is a good one to exemplify the propriety of the principle of the Fifth Rule as set forth in my article upon the subject of the Uniform Nomenclature of Fruits, (Vol. XII. p. 47), which is, — " That the names given to new seedlings be sufficiently distinctive to guard against and prevent their being confound- ed with previously named sorts." Had I adhered to it in this case, no doubt would ever have arisen, as I believe there is no foundation for any, of this be- ing a new and distinct variety. Fourth : — The varieties before referred to, as well as the Early Pennock, Crimson Nonpareil, Belle de Witt, and Zoar Large Green, have been already widely disseminated among nurserymen by myself and others, chiefly by Mr. Mathews. Coshocton, March 16, 1847. Note. Allow me to call your attention to a very fine red apple of medium size, called Butter Apple or Butter Sweet, the origin of which is unknown to me further than that it was first cultivated, as I am informed, in the neighbor- hood of Wooster, Ohio, whence I obtained two trees in 1839, which are now bearing. It is hardly a sweet apple, very juicy and sprightly, with an exceedingly high musky flavor such as I never found in any other apple. It keeps well into winter. T. S. H. If, as we may infer from the remarks of our correspondent, in whose opinion we place the greatest confidence, the Amer- ican White Winter Calville is a native variety, his explana- tion in regard to the name is especially valuable to prevent mistakes hereafter. After our remarks, appended to Mr. Fahnestock's article, had gone to press, it occurred to us that we had received some account of the variety in ques- tion before, and, in turning to a former volume, (XL p. 448,) we found we had done, what is not usual with us, overlooked his communication, and also the fact that, through the kind- 19* 198 Oswego Beun^e, or ReicTs Seedling Pear. ness of Mr. Humrickhouse, we have a tree of the Calville raised from scions received from him last spring. It ap- pears, however, that the origin of this variety is yet rather obscure, and though, from the facts he adduces, we can scarcely doubt that it is an American seedling, still it may be an error. We are well aware that the best proof of a seedling variety is its propagation from suckers. So much did the late Mr. Manning rely upon this, that he highly offend- ed a gentleman who had produced a fine seedling cherry, when he expressed his doubts about its native origin, and, to test its not being some European variety, asked the posses- sor of the original tree to give him a sucker, Avhich would at once settle the question. We shall, therefore, rely upon the information of our corre- spondent in regard to the native origin of the American White Winter Calville, and deem it an entirely new variety. When our own trees come into bearing, we shall make a careful comparison of the fruit as well as of the wood and leaves, and give our readers the results of our inquiries. — Ed. Art. III. So77ie Account of the Oswego Beurre, or Raid's Seedling Pear. By the Editor. The past year has brought to the immediate notice of cul- tivators several new and excellent pears, and among them some native varieties which promise to excel the best Belgian or French kinds. Among the latter, may be named the Swan's Orange, or Onondaga, and the Reid's Seedling, or the Oswego Beurre. The first we have a very full and complete account of, as well as a drawing and description of the fruit, and shall soon give them to our readers as we promised last December (Vol. XII. p. 492). The last we are now gratified in bringing to the attention of cultivators, by the kindness of our correspondents, in Western New York, who have sent us the particulars which follow in regard to the history and ori- gin of this pear. We have not time now to enter into a defence of the correct Osivego Beurre, or Reicfs Seedling Pear. 199 name of the variety, but if the brief account which has been given of it is correct, its proper title should be " Reid's Seed- ling," for Mr. Downing has stated that it was raised from seed by Mr. W. Reed, of Oswego, New York, and as that has been its name for some time previous to its introduction to notice by Mr. Allen, we do not see how his becoming proprie- tor or possessor of the stock, should give him any authority to re-name it. This is the practice of some French nursery- men, in order to increase their catalogues of new varieties, but we hope it is not about to be adopted by our cultivators. If the facts are as we suppose, and we see the Genesee Farmer states they are, the legitimate name is Reid's Seedling ; though, until we are more fully informed on this point, we shall prefix both titles. Of the great impropriety of calling Swan's Orange, the Onondaga, we shall speak when we describe that fine pear. If every author or cultivator is at liberty to lay aside old and established names, all efforts to arrive at a cor- rect nomenclature may be abandoned at once. The Oswego Beurre was raised by Mr. Walter Reid, of Oswego, New York, and the original tree is now growing on the farm, now, or late, in his possession. The tree is now of large size, and cannot be removed with safety : last year, it bore fifteen barrels of fruit, and, what is remarkable, it has continued to bear annually ever since it first fruited, which was when the tree was only eight or nine years of age. The tree has, we believe, passed into the possession of Mr. Allen, nurseryman of Oswego, from whom these facts have been gathered, and who intends to keep it for propagation, and raise a fine stock of young trees to supply the trade. The fruit is of large size, not quite as large as the Brown Beurre, but larger than the White Doyenne, of regular, oval- obovate form, with a greenish-yellow and smooth skin, traced more or less with russet, and with a short stout stem. The flesh is very melting and juicy, and the flavor sprightly, saccharine, rich and high-flavored. It ripens, Mr. Allen states, early in No- vember, and is fit for the dessert from that time until January. The tree is remarkably thrifty, hardy, and an early bearer. This variety is probably a cross between the Brown Beurre and the White Doyenne, as it partakes to some extent of the merits and characteristics of both, and as these two varieties 200 Mr. Ernsts Remarks on the Cooper Apple. were the only kinds known in the vicinity, at the time the seed of this tree was sown, or accidentally dropped where the tree now is. The tree is now growing in grass land, and is, of course, not as vigorous as if standing in a highly cultivated garden. Our correspondent, who has communicated these facts, in- forms us that it is a variety which, he does not doubt, will be sought after with great avidity, as soon as its merits become better known ; we hope, therefore, Mr. Allen will be success- ful in rapidly bringing forward his young trees. Art IV. Some Remarks upon the Cooper Apple, and its Iden- tity with Other Sorts. By A. H. Ernst, Cincinnati, Ohio. I HAVE read with instruction many of the articles from the pen of your enthusiastic correspondent, Mr. Humrickhouse, and always look them over with an expectation of meeting something new and interesting. In his last, in your March number, on the Cooper Apple, he says : — " The Cooper is indeed, a most superior apple." This is true ; but he is in an error in supposing it identical with the Drap d'Or, or the Fall Harvey. After reading his supposition, I immediately resorted to my trees, and compared the wood and their growth. This I found to be decidedly different. I obtained my Fall Harvey from the late R. Manning, and my Drap d'Or from Capt. Lovett of Beverly. I therefore feel confident of their genuineness. The Cooper, I obtained from Mr. George Dana, Jr., a nurseryman of Belpre, Ohio, where it has been culti- vated most, and is known best. The growth of the tree I find to be upright, stiff, throwing out from its body thorny spurs, much like a native or uncultivated tree. The wood is yellowish red, and very much disposed to canker, showing decay and tenderness. This is not the case with either of the others. For specimens of the fruit, I am also indebted to the same source. These were very fine, of a lightish yellow color, slightly, but indistinctly streaked with red on the sunny side ; globular form, but depressed at the base. It is not de- Mr. Ernsfs Remarks 07i the Cooper Apple. 201 cidedly sweet, yet very pleasantly so and rich ; flesh white and tender. The Dyer, I have not, to compare the growth with. Mr. Downing's description of that fruit is very applicable to the Cooper, Had he given us the description of the growth of the tree, its habit, and color of the wood, we could then have judged of their identity. I thought, Mr. Editor, this explanation, in the moment and sudden excitement which has sprung up in regard to this fruit, might allay some of the anxiety about its identity with this or that apple. One Western editor gravely sur- mises that it would be found identical with the Fall Pippin. He might, with greater propriety, have supposed it the Maiden's Blush. The growth and appearance of the wood of the Coop- er is so decidedly marked and distinct from most others, that any common observer who has seen it once will know it again among a hundred sorts. Hoping, sir, I shall not be viewed as impertinently intermeddling with this matter, but that this description of the tree, with its habit, which I have not seen alluded to by any of the writers on its fruit, may lead you, or some of your readers, to identify it, is my apology for thus troubling you. Spring Garden, near Cincinnati, March 20, 1847. Mr. Ernst has our thanks for the above remarks, and we are sure we may speak for our correspondent, to whom he alludes, that he will have his also. Such is the information we need, and such is the information we must have, if we would ever arrive at a correct nomenclature of our fruits. Mr. Ernst, as well as other of our correspondents, knows how much importance we attach, not only to the habit of growth of a tree, in identifying fruits, but even to the color of the wood, the shape of the buds, the form of the leaves, &c. This we have set forth in the prospectus to our proposed new work, the first number of which will probably be in the hands of both Mr. Ernst and Mr. Humrickhouse before they see these remarks. Without regard to these particulars, and without the most careful observation, we never can arrive at any cer- tain and satisfactory results. With a hope to do something to aid in the good work, we have, at great expense and labor, 202 Cultivation of the Currant, Sfc. commenced The Fruits of America, and shall leave its read- ers to judge how much we have contributed to attain the end in view. We trust Mr. Ernst's remarks will call out the opin- ions of those who have the Dyer apple under cultivation ; our own trees being yet too young to show their true habit ; and one great object will be attained if the identity of the Cooper can be settled before it is spread throughout the country, as it is likely to be from its excellence. — Ed. Art. V. The Currant, its Cultivation, 6^c. By J. H. Watts, Rochester, New York. An excellent article upon the Grape, and its culture in America, appeared in the Albany Horticulturist, page 397, from the pen of W. R. Prince, Esq., in which he showed the importance attached to that fine fruit, not only as a des- sert, but its use when manufactured into wine. As a pro- moter of temperance, there can be no doubt but the grape and currant can be made powerful auxiliaries in that impor- tant cause. Some substitute for strong drinks is needed, and a harmless and pleasant beverage can be made from both, which our temperance friends would not forbid. Of the currant, I now wish to speak. It is so common a fruit, that almost all who have a garden cultivate it. The large red Dutch bushes are preferable, being such abundant bearers, and I know of no more useful ornament on the borders of a garden than well shaped currant bushes. — Trimmed as the English do them, they become an upright tree, which keeps the fruit from the ground, and gives the sun and air a good chance upon them. Their early blossoming gives food to swarms of bees, and their hum amongst the bushes is their rejoicing that spring has again come. 1 have grown large quantities of the red currant, and, after a bountiful use of them on the table, my family tried the ex- periment of making wine, in the year 1844, at which time we made 18 gallons. Having had such good success, in 1846 we Cultivation of the Currant^ 6fc. 203 made 40 gallons. I send you a bottle, a sample of that made in 1844. The wine remained in the half-barrel one year on the "/ee5," and was then bottled and sealed. Its color is as high as any grape wine. I never please my friends more than when it is produced, and the strongest advocate of temper- ance need not fear abusing his or her pledge in its use. One pint of alcohol was all that was put in the 18 gallons. I shall leave you to speak of its quality : — It is as pleasant as a cordial, and, for summer drink, mixed with water, it is as choice as claret. I subjoin a recipe for any one who may wish to make it. " Pick the currants when fully ripe, and, after obtaining the juice, either by use of a wine-press, or by squeezing through a cloth with the hands, — to each gallon of juice add six quarts of water, three and half pounds of common brown sugar, (to cost 6 to 8 cents per pound,) and put it in your keg or barrel (according to quantity made,) minding that the keg be full, and let it thus stand, until it has gone through the necessary fermentation, then add the alcohol, one pint to 18 gallons, and close the barrel for one year at least, letting it stand in the cellar. After this time, it is fit for use, and may be bottled, and should be sealed. Age tempers it, and makes it as it does other wines. Rochester, March 30th, 1847. The currant, of all the small fruits, is the most valuable. To them, it holds the same relation as the apple to the large fruits. Like the apple, it may be used for every culinary purpose, or take its place among the dessert fruits. We are, therefore, glad to present any article which shall extend its cultivation ; for no garden should be without at least a dozen bushes, which may be purchased for a small sum, and afford an abundance of wholesome and delicious fruit. The manufacture of currant wine was, some years ago, carried on very extensively by the father of our friend W. Kenrick, and the grounds which he and his brother now occu- py, were covered with thousands of bushes, from which many barrels of wine were annually made. Those Avere the days, however, when King Alcohol stalked abroad, and the pleasant beverage of currant wine had to give way to stronger drinks : 204 Cultivation and Treatment of the Peach Tree. In these times of temperance reform, to recommend the use of any other beverage than cold water might subject us to the charge of opposition to this philanthropic cause ; but, as a drink to take Ihe place of alcohol, such a specimen of wine as Mr. Watts has sent us would do no one harm, and if it could be made to take the place of alcoholic liquors, it would be the most efficient aid in the promotion of temperance. A light and pleasant drink of some kind is necessary in our warm climate, and an article like this could be easily and cheaply made by every one who has a spare rod of ground. We re- commend the recipe of Mr. Watts for manufacturing the wine to those who would like to make a trial of it. — Ed. Art. VI. On the Cultivation and Treatment of the Peach Tree, in Cold Houses. By Thomas B. Cowan, Gardener to Dr. Durfee, Fall River, Mass. The peach has, for a long time, occupied a conspicuous place among other fruits, and ranks as one of the most deli- cious, for summer use. It was first introduced into Europe from Persia, which is said to be its native country. The following account of its introduction into Europe is given by Loudon, in his Eiicyclopedia. The peach tree, in its natural state, is under the middle size of trees ; of quick growth, and not long duration. Sickler considers Persia as the original country of the peach, which, in Media, is deemed unwholesome ; but, when planted in the alluvial soils of Egypt, becomes pulpy and delicious. The peach also, according to Columella, when first brought from Persia, into the Roman Empire, possessed deleterious quahties; which Knight con- cludes to have arisen from those peaches being only swollen almonds, or imperfect peaches ; which are known to contain Prussic acid which operates unfavorably on many constitu- tions. The tree has been cultivated from time immemorial in most parts of Asia ; when it was introduced into Greece is uncertain ; the Romans seem to have brought it direct from Persia duruig the reign of the emperor Claudius. The peach 171 Cold Houses, 4*c. 205 was introduced into England about the middle of the six- teenth century, and, owing to the unfavorableness of the cli- mate, it is always there cultivated against walls or under glass. Practical men have, at all times, found it difficult to culti- vate the peach to perfection ; that is, having its peculiar rich and delicious flavor ; for, in a great many instances, where the trees are grown in houses, the flavor of the fruit is poor and insipid, and little better, if the expression may be used, than a turnip. It is my intention to give as correct an idea as possible, in regard to the making of the borders, planting, training, pruning, general management, &c. The formation of the border, I consider the most difficult part ; for, if it is not made properly, it is quite useless to expect to raise good fruit ; and it matters not how much care, time or expense may be spent afterwards, it will never make up for this defect ; and it is always best to do the work thoroughly at first, sparing no pains or expense, as the trees will amply repay for all the extra trouble. The border should commence at the back wall inside of the house, and extend outside under the arches, to the dis- tance of twelve feet from the front of the house. The soil should all be taken out to the depth of two feet six inches, sloping the bottom gradually, so that the front will be one foot lower than the back : a drain should run along the front of the border one foot deep, with small cross-drains leading into it, so as to have a perfect command of draining off" all superfluous water, particularly where the bottom is spongy and wet. There should then be laid, on the bottom thus formed, about six inches of stones and rubbish, leaving the depth for the soil two feet. TIic soils and manures which I consider best suited to the peach, are three parts of the top sod of good old pasture land. dug up about six or eight inches deep, and laid up in a pile, with the grass side down, for about a year, and never turned ; one eighth part street manure, and the other eighth part decomposed horse or cow dung. I do not approve of turning over and mixing the materials promiscuously together, as I think such repeated intermixture is very injurious to the soil, and, by often turning the compost, it becomes too heavy. VOL. XIII. — NO. v. 20 206 Cultivation and Treatment of the Peach Tree When the soil is in readiness, commence filhng up the bor- der, mixing the materials in proportion, and turning them in as rough as possible. After allowing a sufficient time for the compost to be well settled, nothing remains to be done, but to begin to plant the trees, in their respective places. As regards season. I consider the fall the best time, if the trees can be pro- cured, but, if not convenient at that season, they should be plant- ed as early in the spring as possible. A good selection of trees is important, for many individuals think large are prefer- able to small ones. For training, no tree should be more than one year from the bud, and should have a straight clean stem. Proceed now to open the holes about twelve feet apart, along the inside front of the house, allowing them to extend outside under the arches. Then proceed to plant the trees, keeping the roots as near the surface as possible, spreading them out with great care under the arches, in the fan shape, so that the roots, when the tree begins to grow, will run into the outside border. The planter must also bear in mind, that he is planting trees which will last for years, and, if some extra pains are taken, even if it occupies a little more time to perform the work, he will be amply repaid in the end for his trouble. As soon as the operation of planting is com- pleted, each tree should receive a moderate watering, to settle the earth about the roots. This done, commence setting out the trees along the back wall, in the same manner, only that those at the back of the house, should have all their roots spread out towards the front, and if the house is very wide, there can easily be a neat half-circular trellis put down, to train another row of trees to, having the front posts of it about two feet from the front row of trees. Though the fruit will never be so fine, on such trillises, as that from the trees trained on the rafters of the house, being rather too far from the glass, and shaded partially by the other trees, yet I have often known them to produce very fine fruit. The planting all completed, which I shall suppose to be done early in spring, the next and principal work will be the pruning. The trees should now be headed down to three eyes, above the lower part of the trellis, from where it is wished to in Cold Houses, ^'c. 207 commence training the trees, rubbing off all eyes below these three, if it is deemed desirable to have handsome shaped spec- imens. Fan-training, I think, is the best adapted to the peach, and though most gardeners adopt this plan, few of them seem to carry it out in a proper manner ; for, in a great many instances which have come under my observation, a great portion of the trees are unsightly objects, having lost their centre stem before they have grown three or four feet from the bottom of the trellis, and all shoots are laid in, whether they happen to be front or lower, spoiling the regular and beautiful appear- ance which a well trained tree always presents. Commence training the top eye as it starts to grow, per- pendicular, and the side ones in rather an oblique direction, and, when the centre shoot has grown about two feet, it should be stopped again to cause it to start out lateral shoots. The first year I think it is as well to tie in nearly all the wood the tree makes, as it encourages the roots to lay in a good sup- ply of food, to support the tree another year, while, on the other hand, if there was not much foliage to elaborate the sap, the roots would remain partially inactive, not exercising half the functions they would otherwise have to perform where the tree was covered with foliage, and growing vigorously. I think it is of vast importance to try to establish the trees the first year. The trees will have to be examined once a month through the growing season, to tie in all shoots to the trellis that require it, and be particular to give plenty of air through the day, shutting up close at night, unless the weather is warm ; in that case, air may be left on night and day. Syringe freely twice a week with pure water, and water the house inside so that the earth will not look dry or parched. About the first of January will be the time to commence pruning the trees for the next or second season, cutting down the centre shoot to within eight eyes from where it started from the last season. The side shoots should also be cut in to two or four eyes, according to their strength : during the summer, all laterals which spring from these, on either the front or loicer side, should be cut close in as soon as they appear, laying in only those which spring from the upper side, and these at regular dis- 208 Cultivation and Treatment of the Peach Tree tances, say about a foot apart; being careful to err on the right side, and lay in too little rather than too much: select- ing such shoots as will give the tree a systematical and hand- some appearance. The pruning all done, and the shoots tied in their proper places, give air every warm day, in order to keep the buds from starting too early. The trees should be syringed with the following preparation, before they begin to grow, in order to destroy any insects, especially the red spider, which, in our dry climate, is always a great pest, and, if the trees are not examined very minutely, and attended to early, it will be dif- ficult to exterminate them without considerable trouble, and, perhaps, injury to the crop. This preparation, if applied as di- rected, will stop their ravages, and, if continued once a week, will effectually destroy them : — To ten pounds of flour of sulphur, add four pounds of quick lime; put them into a tight cask, and then pour boiling water over them just sufficient to slake the lime, adding altogether about twelve gallons, then stir the whole well together, and, as soon as they appear well mixed, cover the top of the cask over with a tight mat, to keep the steam in; then let it stand for a day or moie, when it will be well settled and ready for use. Then proceed carefully to turn off" the water as clear as possible, and put it away into some other vessel for use, as occasion may require. A pint of this mixture will be suf- ficient for four gallons of water. It is also probable, that when the trees are in a growing state, they may be troubled with the aphis, or green fly, which ;may be easily detected by the curling up of the leaves; they I may be easily destroyed by a strong fumigation of tobacco, or by syringing with whale oil, soap and water, but the former imode is greatly preferable. The treatment for the third year will not differ much from ■ that of the last season. The trees will have to be looked over regularly throughout the summer, divesting them of all superfluous wood, and tying in all shoots that require it. As soon as the wood begins to ripen, let down all the sashes, so that there shall be a free circulation of air all through the house night and day, until the frost begins to be .rather severe. This will cause the trees to ripen their wood m Cold Houses, <^c. 209 thoroughly, and form strong prominent buds. The winter pruning should be done in November or December, and this finishes the labor for this year. Presuming that all has gone on favorably thus far, a small crop of fruit may be expected the coming season. But I cau- tion the amateur not to try to produce too much fruit, as he will injure his young trees by so doing, unless they are very thrifty ; a few specimens only should be suffered to remain, looking rather to the furnishing of the trellis, for a crop the next year, when he may reasonably expect some fine fruit. As soon as the trees begin to show flowers, the temperature will have to be kept very even through the day, allowing the thermometer to range from 75° to 85°, and at night from 50° to 60°, or even ten degrees lower, without injury, if the night is cold, but it is always best, if there is danger of a sharp and frosty night, to shut the house up early, as a preventive. All syringing should be discontinued till the fruit sets, keeping a rather dry atmosphere, or the blossoms will not set well. As soon as the flowers begin to drop, commence syringing regu- larly, until the fruit begins to ripen, and then discontinue it till after the fruit is gathered. When the fruit is done stoning, and the weather begins to be warm, the sashes back and front should be opened, as much as possible, through the day, and as soon as the weather averages a good temperate heat, the sashes should be left open, both day and night, till the fruit is gathered ; unless this is attended to, the fruit will . have but little flavor. Closing up the house in case of heavy rains, or cold east winds, is of course an exception ; but, as soon as the fruit is gathered, the sashes should be removed from the house altogether, and not put on again till frosts set in, when the trees will require some protection from their severity. After the fruit appears to be well stoned, considerable attention should be given to thinning the crop : only a single fruit should be left, at distan- ces averaging six or eight inches apart, all over the surface of the tree : as soon as the fruit has taken its last swelling, such leaves as shade it too much should be partly removed, so that part of the fruit may be exposed to the free action of the sun, which, L think, adds greatly to its flavor. 20* 210 Propagation of Greenhouse Exotics. The fruit being gathered, the routine of culture already de- tailed should be continued. The varieties which I think best suited for house cultiva- tion, are the following : — Peaches :— Royal George, Royal Kensington, Gross Gal- lande, Grosse Mignonne, Malta, Noblesse, Old Mixon Free, Early York, and Crawford's Late Melaca. Nectarines :— Elruge, Broomfield, Murray, and Red Ro- man. Fall River, Mass. March 17, 1847. Art. VII. On the Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics ; in a Series of Letters. By James Kennedy, Gar- dener to S. T. Jones, Staten Island, New York. Letter I. Propagation ly Seeds, I PRESUME that the design of your valuable Magazine is the improvement of Flora and Horticulture ; and, therefore, I consider it the duty of every practical gardener to contribute occasionally the results of his experience, for the benefit of his younger brethren. With this view, however, I take up my pen, to give the results of my experience, on the various modes of propagating greenhouse and stove exotics, and shall embody such observations as are calculated to render comprehensive the whole subject to even the most inexperi- enced. I shall arrange the various modes under the follow- ing respective heads, and treat of each separately : — 1, Seeds ; 2, Cuttings; 3, Offsets ; 4, Layers ; 5, Inarching; 6, Root Divisions ; 7, Leaves ; 8, Suckers; and 9, Plant divisions. 1. Seeds. — When an exotic is in flower that will yield seed, it ought to be placed in a situation where it can com- mand the full benefit of the sun's rays, and, if the weather is favorable, it should be abundantly supplied with air and water, in order that the seeds may &well off" to their proper size, and get thoroughly ripened ; for, on these two points, depends their .future germination when placed in the soil to produce new Propagatio7i of Greenhouse Exotics. 211 individuals. Should the plant, at any time, be exposed to the open air, as is not an infrequent occurrence with inhabitants of the greenhouses in summer time, it should be placed in a situation where showers cannot reach to injure the impregna- ting and fertihzing part of the frutification. When the seed is ripe, it will rattle in the seed-vessel or pod, and should be gathered in a perfectly dry state, after which let it be exposed to the air, in a shady place, for a few days, that it may still get further hardened, when it may be put up in separate par- cels, labelled, and put up in a dry place till required for sow- ing, (which time varies according to the object in view.) Spring sowing, however, is the most favorable for all seeds, (except in case of imported ones, a quantity of which should be sown as soon as received,) for sometimes seeds will grow when first received, that will not, if kept a few months longer, and the remainder can be sown with those saved at home ; but spring sowing is preferable to any other season ; the plants get a long season for growth, and consequently must be bet- ter prepared to stand the severity of the coming winter. The sized pots I have always been in the habit of using as seed pots, are those of five inches diameter, and three and a half deep, a quantity of which I always get ready previous to the time of sowing. 1 first have them thoroughly washed, out- side and inside, and, when dry, I prepare them in the follow- ing manner : — Over the hole in the bottom of the pot, I place a large piece of broken pot or oyster shell, and over this about an inch of finely broken potsherds, about the size of garden peas ; and then fill my pot to within an inch or so of the top, according to the size of the seeds to be sown, with compost pre- viously prepared, composed of two thirds heath soil, and one third fine friable loam, rather light than otherwise. The sur- face on which the seeds are sown as well as the covering soil, should be sifted very fine. The seeds sown and covered, the whole should be settled with a slight sprinkling of water, from a fine rose watering-pot, when they should be removed to the propagating house, or to a previously prepared hot-bed, when the burning heat is over. Keep the frame-lights pretty close at night, but allow a little air in the middle of fine days, that any rank steam may escape ; the pots should be plunged up to the rims in sawdust, or some such material, and shaded, 212 Propagation of Greenhouse Exotics. during bright sunshine, by means of mats. Due care mnst be taken to supply them with water when required, but not till it is really needful. When the rudiments of the second leaf are formed, the pots should be removed to a shaded part of the stove, there to remain till the second leaf is perfectly formed, and the rudi- ment of the third leaf is visible, when they must be carefully potted oif into thumb pots, in compost according to their na- ture, and again put in a shaded place till- they have taken root; when they should be finally but gradually exposed to their respective departments, — the greenhouse sorts to the greenhouse, and the stove kinds to the stove ; — and, in con- clusion, I beg to say, that the sooner seedlings are potted oif the better, as they do not miss their moving so much when potted young. The young gardener must bear in mind, that the grand feature to be attended to, in propagation by seed, is, that it must fully reach maturity previous to gathering, for on this depends its vigorous and healthy germination. The second condition necessary to successful germination, is heat, and this must be supplied by artificial means. The third condi- tion necessary to insure success, is moisture ; therefore water or some equivalent is indispensable ; but the quantity given is a matter of importance, as there may be too much or too little. In the first case, the seeds will burst and rot, and, in the second, they will remain inactive in the soil. The fourth condition necessary is air, and this must be regulated by the state of the weather, still bearing in mind, that shading is necessary in bright sunshine. I think I have extended these remarks to the full legitimate length of one article, and, if considered worthy of a place in your valuable Magazine, they are much at your service, and I shall continue the subject in a future number. Staten Island^ N. Y., April 7, 1847. Mr. Kennedy may be assured his article is most opportune and valuable. Indeed, we view such articles as this, and that upon the heath, in our last number, by Mr. Cadness, as the very essence of practical knowledge. Could all gardeners, who are able to impart information, but have the same liberal Descriptions of Eight New Seedling Vei'benas. 213 and expansive views, how much more rapid would be the progress of science among us ! We shall look forward to the letters which Mr. Kennedy proposes to write, illustrative of the title of the article, with great pleasure, and do not doubt but that every amateur, or young practitioner, will be impa- tient to treasure up the practical experience with which his articles will be replete. — Ed. Art. VIII. DescriptioJis of Eight Neiv Seedling Verbenas. By the Editor. Few flowers, in the same space of time, have attained that popularity which attaches to the Verbena. Scarcely ten years have elapsed since the introduction of the few original species, and now our gardens abound with varieties of every tint and shade, from the purest white to the deepest purple. During this period, we have described, in our several volumes, every really fine seedling originating in various collections, num- bering in all upwards oi fifty ^ and we now have the gratifica- tion of describing eight entirely new seedlings, selected last year from a bed of some hundred plants, some of which are remarkably brilliant and showy, and quite distinct from any of the older ones. Now that the verbena is brought to such perfection, in regard to the color, as well as size, of the flowers, new and distinct varieties are not produced with the facility of former years; but, like the dahlia, pelargonium, fuchsia, pansy and other flowers, the selection must be made from hundreds or thousands of plants, so small is the chance of success in a less number. That many new, very distinct and splendid varieties will yet be added to our collections, there is no doubt, and, to those who wish to make the trial, there is a fair field for that object. Unquestionably, edged, tipped, mottled and striped varieties will yet be produced as two-col- ored ones have already been, and, as less patience is required, in raising seedlings of the verbena than in most other plants, the zealous florist should continue his eflbrts yearly, until some new and unique tints are obtained. 214 Descriptions of Eight New Seedling Verbenas. Gejn. — Flowers, fine deep rose, with a distinct cherry cen- tre, and a yellow eye : petals slightly undulated, and little starry : umbels, medium size, compact, and of a good form : habit moderately vigorous : foliage good. This is a most marked and brilliant variety. The numerous heads of flow- ers which cover a large plant sparkle with all the brilliancy o^ gems. If the flowers Avere as large, and the petals as smooth, as some varieties, it would be difficult to produce its equal. Suzette. — Flowers, large, and of the snowiest white, with a pure white eye : petals large, broad, finely formed, and slightly cupped : umbels, large and rather loose, but of hand- some form : habit vigorous : foilage thick and good. Until the production of this variety, Feast's white stood at the head of this class : but this excels it, not only in the purity of the white and its clear eye, but in the form of the umbel and flowers. Q,ueen of the Lilacs. — Flowers, medium size, clear lilac, with lilac eye : petals smooth and flat : umbels, good size, compact, and of a handsome globular form : habit moderately vigorous : foliage good. A good lilac verbena has been a desid- eratum, and although not so showy a color as some others, it makes a most desirable variety. This is the best we have seen. Rosy Cluster. — Flowers, very large, clear fulgent rose, with a yellow eye : petals undulated : umbels very large, rather long and compact : habit very vigorous : foilage thick and good. This variety is remarkable for its very large and showy heads of blossoms, which are so compact from the undulation of the petals as to appear as of one large flower. For bouquets, it is a valuable variety. Variabilis. — FloAvers, large, pale blush, tinted at the edges with rose, with a blush eye : petals somewhat undulated : umbels large, compact and of fine form : habit good. This is an exceedingly delicate, and exquisite variety, its blush flowers often assuming a pearly shade, beautifully tinted with rose. Caroline. — Flowers, very large, bright glossy pink, with a yellow eye : petals broad, well formed and perfectly smooth : umbels very large, rather loose, and of handsome form : habit good : foliage good. None of the rearlly pink verbenas that FloricuUural and Botanical Notices. 215 we have seen possess the dehcacy of this : its large and satiny flowers nearly hide the small and neat foliage, and give the plant the appearance of one mass of blossoms. Dove-Eyed. — Flowers, large, of a peculiar rosy lilac, with a deep and very distinct violet eye: petals large, Avell formed, and cupped : umbels good size, rather compact, and of handsome shape : habit, moderately vigorous : foli- age thick and good. This is a variety quite as distinct in its way as Gem : the peculiar dove-colored tinge of the flow- er, and its fine dark eye, are entirely new, and have suggest- ed a name which is strikingly applicable to this really beau- tiful variety. Othello. — Flowers, medium size, deep maroon purple, with pale purple eye : petals slightly starry but nearly flat : umbels very large, full and compact : habit good : foliage small and good. Feast's purple and Gazelle have hitherto been among the best deep purples. This variety has much larger umbels than Gazelle, and thicker petals which resist the hot sun bet- ter. The habit is also stronger and the foliage better. Several other seedlings have been selected, but these are the most distinct, though several are quite new in their way. If further trial should show their merits to be worthy of a name, we shall hereafter describe them. Art. IX. FloricuUural and Botanical Notices of New and beautiful Plants figured in Foreign Periodicals ; with De- scriptions of those recently introduced to, or origiiiated in. American Gardens. Beck's Neio Pelargoniums. — It is with much pleasure that we announce to amateurs of this most beautiful plant the flowering, in our collection, during May and June, of nearly all Mr. Beck's seedling pelargoniums, a descriptive catalogue of which we have given, with his excellent article on their cultivation, in our January nimiber, (p. 34.) Some of the kinds are now opening their blossoms, and the improvement over even what have been considered as new and fine kinds is, indeed, most remarkable. All are so splendid that one 216 FloricuUural and Botanical Notices. scarcely knows which most to admire ; but the most striking are Aurora, Hebe's Lip, Competitor and Isabella : no descrip- tion can do justice to these ; they must be seen to be fully ap- preciated. They will be in the highest state of perfection the latter part of May. 8. Gaede^nia Devonia^a Lindl. The Duke of Devonshire's Gardenia, (Cinchonaceae.) A stove plant ; growing two feet high ; with white flowers ; appearing in summer ; a native of Sierra Leone ; increased by cuttings ; grown in leaf mould and peat. Bot. Reg. 1846, p. 63. In our last volume, (XII p. 28), we described the new and splendid G. Stanleyd^za, and the present plant is one intro- duced at the same time, and by the same indefatigable col- lector of African plants, Mr. Whitfield. "This glorious plant is a native of Sierra Leone, and is, perhaps, the finest of its noble race, and is, we trust, worthy of the name which we have ventured to confer upon it. Handsome as Lord Derby's gardenia certainly is, it is as far removed from this as an earl- dom from a dukedom." The flowers are described as eleven inches long, "pure white at first, but, after a time, changing to a light straw color, and look much like then a huge white lily." The plate certainly represents a most magnificent plant, and the two species which are here mentioned must be to the hothouse what the beautiful Japan lilies are to the conserva- tory, the greatest ornaments throughout the summer and au- tumn. The foliage is large, broad and handsome. Mr. Glendenning, who furnished the plant from which the drawing was made, states, that these species can be made to bloom at a variety of seasons, as freely as the Cape Jasmine. To do this, it is only necessary to place them, after flowering, m a high temperature of at least 80°, with moisture, plunge in bottom heat, and syringe freely. Afterwards expose them to a lower temperature, and plenty of light, and the bud.s will be set. They may then be removed to the greenhouse, where their blossoms will freely expand. {Bot. Reg. Nov.) 9. iEscHYNA'NTHUs MiNiA^TUS Lindl. Vermilion Eschynanth. Gesnerdce«. A stove plant ; growing two feet high ; with vermilion flowers ; appearing in summer; a native of South America ; increased by cuttings ; grown in peat and leaf mould. Bot. Reg. It>46. p. CI. This is another of the brilliant -^Eschynanthuses, introduced, through the exertions of Messrs. Veitch's collector in Java. Notice of Some of the Plants of New England. 217 It is a fine companion to JE. Ijohbidnus, and " much finer " than Vanden Bosch's iEschynanth, noticed at p. 79. The flowers are vermihon colored with a yellow star in the throat, and they are produced at the axils of the leaves in short clus- ters. It is of the easiest cultivation in a damp stove, where it produces flowers abundantly. {Bot. Reg. Nov.) Art. X. Notice of Some of the Plants of New England. By William Oakes. Parony'chia argyrocoma Nutt. Gen. 1. 160. Torrey & Gray, 1. 171. This beautiful plant was probably first collected in the Notch of the White Mountains, by Drs. Chapman and Alexander, in the summer of 1843. In the same year, I found it in the gravel of many of the recent slides of the Notch, and Mr. Tuckerman has since found it in unmoved soil on a flat rocky knoll, near the summit of Mount Crawford, several miles distant from the Notch. It has not been found elsewhere north of Virginia. Sibbaldia procumbens Linn. Torrey & Gray, 1. 433. var. quinquedentata. In the alpine region of the White Mountains, 1846. Of my abun- dant and luxuriant specimens, almost all the leaves have five teeth, the two outer ones nouch smaller. The petals are generally obovate and obtuse, sometimes oblong-elliptic and acute. The flower is sometimes six-parted, with six stamens and nine or ten ovaries in two irregular circles. 6reuni macrophy'Uum Willd. Torrey & Gray, 1. 421. Borders of woods at the base of the White Mountains, not in the alpine region. Gnaphalium supinum Linn. Torrey & Gray, 2. 429. On the sides of Mount Washington, and other places in the alpine region of the White Mountains. 1843. Solidago humilis Herb. Banks. Torrey & Gray, 2. 206. The dwarf alpine state of this species, (alpina,) common in the alpine region of the White Mountains, is S. Virga-aiirea, var. alpina of Bigelow, and Torrey & Gray, 2. 207. Veronica alpina Linn. var. Wormskioldii Hook. Bor. 2. 201. Alpine region of the While Mountains. Pickering & Oakes, 1825. Euphrasia ofiicinalis Linn. D C. Prod. 10. 552. Stem dwarf, simple ; leaves roundish, with obtuse teeth; flowers "very pale, and extremely minute. It is probably E. micrantha Rcichenbach, Fl. VOL. XIII. — NO. V. 21 218 Notice of Some of the Plants of New Englajid. exc. p. 358. See Koch Fl. Germ. 2d. ed. 2. 628. In the alpine region of Ih3 While Mountains. 1844. Festuca ovina, var. vivipara Linn. F. vivipara Smith. In the alpine region of the White Mountains, 1843. Luzula arciiata Hook. Fl. Lond. t. 153. Jhncus arcuatus, Wahl. In the alpine region of the White Mountains. 1843. Senebiera Coronopus Poiret. Torrey & Gray, Flora, 1. 115. Abundantly naturalized about Newport, Rhode Island. Robbins, Sept. 1829. Z>r^ba caroliniana Walter. Torrey & Gray, 1. 109. Salem, Massachusetts. Pickering. 1824. Stellaria iiliginosa Murray, Gott. 55. S. aquatica, Pollich. Torrey & Gray, 1. 186. In Chester, New Hampshire. Dr. Robbins, June, 1829. Arenaria squarrosa Michx. Torrey & Gray, 1. 179. In Block Island. Dr. Robbins. Sept. 1829. O'xalis corniculata Linn. Fries, Novit. 2d. ed. 136. Block Island, Dr. Robbins. Sept. 1829. Stem strongly pubescent, dif- fuse, with many procumbent branches at base. Stipules well developed. Root not stoloniferous, apparently annual. There is some confusion among authors with respect to 0. corniculata and slricta. According to De Can- dolle and Torrey, corniculata is perennial, and stricta is annual. Accord- ing to Linneeus and Fries, the reverse is exactly true of both. Our com- mon American slricta is sometimes troublesome in gardens with its abun- dant stoloniferous perennial roots. Melilotiis leiic^iitha Koch. Torrey & Gray, 1. 321. Partially naturalized in Rowley and in Shirley, Mass., and in other places in New England. Ammaniii« humilis Michx, Torrey & Gray, 1. 480. Danvers, Massachusetts. Dr Nichols. 1818. /S'axifraga Virginiensis Michx. Torrey & Gray, 1. 571. Var. chlorantha. Petals pale green, instead of snow white, as in the common variety. The margins and backs of the petals are also sprinkled with short hairs like those of the rest of the plant, but paler, and not so uniformly glandular. Topsfield, Mass. 1842. Archangelica peregrina Mitt. Torrey & Gray, 1. 622. This species was first found in Salem, by Dr. Pickering, in 1824. I have since found it in many places on the coast of Massachusetts and New Hamp- shire, and also in the alpine region of the White Mountains. C'ariim Cariii Lin?i. D C. Prod. 4. 115. Naturalized by road sides in many places in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Notice of Some of the Plants of New England. 219 Lonicera flava Sims. Torrey & Gray, 2. 6. Monroe, Connecticut. Dr. H. C. Beardslee. 1829. Cy'nthia virgi'nica Don. Torrey & Gray, 2. 469. In Monroe, Connecticut. Dr. H. C. Beardslee. 1830. Erythroe^a spicata Persoo7i. D C. Prod. 9. 60. Erythrae'a Pickeringu Oahcs, Hovey's Mag. Vol. 7. p. 179. Soon after this species was published, I obtained specimens of the European E. spica- ta, and ascertained by comparison that it was identical with my own. Per- soon erroneously states that E. spicata growsjn moist meadows in Europe, which induced me to consider it different from our salt marsh plant. Halen«a deflexa Griscbach, in Hook. Fl, Bor. 2. 67. Svi^rtia deflexa Smith. S. corniculata Michx. In Orono, (Indian Old Town,) Maine. 1828. Convolvulus panduratus Linn. Torrey, Fl. 1. 225. New Milford, Connecticut. Dr. Rohbins. 1829. Cuscuta epilinum Wei/ie. D C. Prod. 9. 452. On flax in fields in Rowley, Massachusetts. 1826. i^inaria elatine Miller. D C. Prod. 10. 268. Naturalized in Ipswich, Massachusetts. 1825. J/imulus alatiis Solander in Ait. Hort. Kew. D C. Pr, 10, 369, New Haven, Connecticut. Dr. Robbins. 1828. Pedicularis Janceoiata Michx. Hook. Bor. 2. 107. P. pallida Pursh. New Haven, Connecticut. 1828. iS^achys palustris Linn. Curtis. Fl. Lend. Naturalized in Ipswich and other parts of Essex County, Mass. Exactly the European plant. S'cirpus Robbinsu'. Eleocharis Robbinsri Oakes in Hovey's Mag. Vol. 7. 178. In Uxbridge, Mass. Robbins. This species is, as I supposed, found in almost every part of New England. Ipswich, Mass., April, 1847. Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. 221 REVIEWS. Art. I. A Report on the Trees and Shrubs growing nat- ural/}/ in the Forests of Massachusetts. Published, agree- ably to an Order of the Legislature, by the Commissioners on the Zoological and Botanical Survey of the State. 1 Vol. 8vo. pp. 547. Boston, Dutton and Wentworth, State Print- ers. 1S46. [ Concluded from -page 185. ] The many fme native woody shrubs, and some of the more delicate forest plants, or the useful medicinal ones, are duly noticed in portions of the Report, with suggestive remarks. In the opinion of Drs. Torrey and Gray, there is no essential difference between our High Cranberry (Yiburnumopulus^ L.), and the European Guelder Rose, a variety of which latter is propagated by gardeners as the well known snow ball tree. Some other fine species of Viburnum are thus closely related : and, doubtless, experimental sowing of the seed might produce as remarkable results as in the snow ball tree. And while on the improvement of varieties by successive sowing of seed, we are reminded of some very just and valuable remarks of this Report on the subject of the Currant family : — " This family includes only one genus, which comprehends the Currants and the Gooseberries. They are either spiny or unarmed shrubs, natives of the mountains, hills, woods and thickets of the temperate regions of Amer- ica, Europe and Asia, but unknown within the tropics, or in any part of Africa. They are fouftd particularly about mountains. Most of the spe- cies produce agreeable, refreshing, subacid fruits. The Black Currant, Rihes nigrum, a native of Siberia and northern Europe, is cultivated for the pleasant tonic and stimulant properties possessed by a jelly made of its ripe fruit. The Red Currant, Riles rubrum, found wild in the mountainous woods of Britain and other northern countries of Europe, and in the north- ern part of America, and the White, which is a variety produced from this by cultivation, are, in most places, justly valued for their uses in cookery, as a dessert, and as affording a cooling and wholesome drink. The com- mon Gooseberry, R. uva crispa or grossularia, a native of the same regions, but hardly known in gardens on the continent of Europe, while the size and richness of its fruit are the pride of English, especially Lancashire horti- culture, is generally but rather unsuccessfully cultivated here for its use in 21* 222 Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. tarts and pies, and sometimes as a dessert. The Missouri Currant, B. aureum, has been introduced on account of the luxuriance of its growth, and the beauty and fragrance of the flowers ; and another from California, i?. specibsum, which has been erected into the genus Robsonia, deserves to be introduced." — p. 419. The Round-leaved Gooseberry, (Rlbes rotundifoliimi, L.) " No native gooseberry promises so much as this. The introduced spe- cies often refuses to flourish in our gardens, even with careful cultivation. It is not perfectly adapted to our soil and climate. But this native one is ; and, if the art of cultivation can make as great a difference in it as has been made in the wild European gooseberry, the fruit will be the finest of the kind in the world. The cultivated species, on its cold, northern, native mountains, is small, hard, hairy and acerb. Cultivation points at its large, beautiful, firm, sweet, delicious fruit, as the triumph of art. This change has been produced by long and careful culture. What may not be made, by similar efforts, of a fruit perfectly suited to our climate, which, in its natural state, is pronounced delicious ! " Found in mountainous and rocky places from Massachusetts to the moun- tains of North Carolina, and west to beyond the Rocky Mountains." — p. 421. Of fine, wild, native species and varieties of the Raspber- ries, we are informed that — "The wild Red Raspberry, 1? slrigbsus, not inferior to the cultivated, and very nearly like it, and the High Blackberry,!?, villosus and R. frbndosus, and some varieties of the Low Blackberry, R. Canadensis, of Torrey and Gray, are delicious and wholesome fruits. They difl^er much in different localities. This circumstance is worthy of consideration with those who mean to attempt to improve these fruits by cultivation. The variety of High Backberry found u,t Fall River and around Buzzard's Bay, is superior to any that I have tasted, in the vicinity of Boston." — p. 429. We have already alluded to the practical value of the Com- mon Locust tree ; beside this, it is an universal, and deservedly so, favorite of all, whether we take into consideration the del- icacy of its foliage, or the snowy grace of its pendent blos- soms. Of late years, its cultivation has been much checked in consequence of the extensive ravages of the locust borer, an insect of insidious habits, and of destructive tendency. Premiums, we believe, have been repeatedly offered for cer- tain and sure preventives of its fatal evil : — Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. 223 " An unexpected remedy has, however, been suggested by the success of Joseph Cogswell, Esq., in the cultivation, some years ago, of a large plantation of the locust. He found that, when it forms a wood, those trees only are attacked by the worm which form the outskirts, exposed to the sun and free air. Whether it is that the insect parent of the worm de- lights, as many do, in the sun light, and avoids the shade of the woods, or from whatever cause, it was found that all the interior of the plantation was free from its attacks. If this conclusion should be confirmed by further ex- perience, it will be best, whenever the tree is cultivated for its limber, to plant it in masses of several acres in extent, and to substitute, in the sunny and exposed situations which it has usually held, some of those numerous trees which flourish best in them." — p. 4(33. Some promise of future valuable results may be anticipated by experiments on our native grapes by seed-sowing, to a greater extent than has already accrued. Of the Common oli Fox grape, (Fitis Z/abrusca, Z«.,) we are told of a remarkable variety, the Summer White Grape : — " One of the most remarkable varieties is the Summer White Grape or Early White. In appearance, it presents some peculiarities. • The leaves are on rather long, bristly and downy footstalks, with a rusty down closely covering the under surface. The fruit is two thirds or three quarters of an inch in diameter, round, pale green, or of the translucent color of the Mal- aga grape, when just ripe, afterwards turning red. It is, in some varieties, very agreeable to the taste. It ripens in the last of July, and in August and September. I have gathered some of this variety in the woods, de- cidedly superior to the Isabella grape." — p. 468. We confess ourselves wholly unacquainted with such a superior wild variety, or, indeed, of any such kind, which even approaches to a well ripened Isabella : and doubtless here the old adage applies, de gustlbus non, 6lc. ; yet how far hardier or better varieties may not be artificially produced, no one can affirm without previous experiment. The peculiar charm of some happy blending of species of flowering shrubs by the accident of Nature is pleasantly set off in the following description of what every admirer of the rural must have noticed in this vicinity : — " On some lanes in Brookline and other places in the vicinity of Boston a natural hedge of barberry, sweet briar, wild rose and privet has formed a most graceful border for the road-side. This, which gives an airofwild- ness and retirement perfectly suited to the purpose for which much of this 224 Trees and Shruhs of Massachusetts. suburb is used, has, in several places, been made to give place to the stiff, puddingstone wall ; and the change is called improvement. " If the suckers and lower branches are removed, and only the upper branches allowed to grow, the barberry forms a very beautiful little tree, and sometimes shoots to the height of ten feet. At limes we find such a tree by the road-sides, surprising us by its gracefulness and the beauty of of its bright yellow flowers in June, and of its rich scarlet berries and its fading orange-scarlet leaves in autumn." — pp. 523, 524. We have thus presented to our readers a more than usually long notice of this remarkable document, of which every page seems replete with interest, both of things old and new, rare and well known. Accompanying the text of five hundred and thirty-four pages, are seventeen copperplate prints of specimens of the following trees in outline, done with a beauty and accuracy as creditable to the artist as is the subject mat- ter to the author. These plates consist of figures of the White Oak, QiuercAis alba, leaf and acorns, &c. ; the Overcup Oak, d. macrocarpa, leaves and fruit ; the Rough or Post Oak, Q,. stelldta, leaves and fruit ; the Swamp White Oak, Q,. bicolor, &c. ; the Chestnut Oak, Q. castdnea ; the Rock Chestnut Oak, Q,. montdna ; the Black Oak, Q,. tinctoria; the Scarlet Oak, Q,. cocc'mea ; the Red Oak, Q,. rubra ; the Bear Oak, Q. ilici- fblia ; the Shellbark Hickory, Cdrya alba ; the Mockernut Hickory. C. tomentbsa ; the Pignut Hickory, C. poixhia ; the Bitternut Hickory, C. amdra; the Nettle Tree, Celiis occiden- idlis ;• the Tupelo Tree, Nyssa multijibra. We cheerfully recommend such a treatise as this to the friends of Horticulture, feeling that the style and manner in which the subject is treated will be peculiarly interesting — especially to the floriculturist, who engages in a love for beau- tiful native shrubs and forest flowers ; and to the arboricul- turist will it prove a useful companion and guide, to furnish him with important hints, or to serve as a pleasant source of instruction. R. March 10, 1847. The New Engla?id Book of Fruit 225 Art. II. The New England Book of Fruit ; co7itaining mi Abridgment of Manning'' s Descriptive Catalogue of the most valuable Varieties of the Pear, Apple, Peach, Plum and Cherry, for New England Culture: to which are added the Grape, Quince, Gooseberry, Currant and Strawberry ; with outlines of many of the finest sorts of Pears drawn from Nature ; with Directions for Pruning, Grafting, and General Modes of Culture. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. By John M. Ives. 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 144. Sa- lem. W. & S. B. Ives. The increasing interest in the subject of Pomology, and the eagerness to procure information, may be, in some measure, perceived by the recent publication of works treating upon the subject. Almost every individual who possesses a spot of ground is desirous of planting a few trees, but a want of some information upon the subject often deters them from their ob- ject. The larger and more complete works are too expensive for those who have but little space for gardening purposes, and a manual like the New England Book of Fruits comes very opportune to the many who wish for something more than a mere catalogue of names. In the preface to this edition, the author informs us he has brought together "the experience of practical cultiva- tors in a condensed form and at low price." The original descriptions of Mr. Manning, as they appeared in his Book of Fniits, (Vol. IV. p. 18.5,) are retained, and many additions have been made to his list. The present edition contains a descriptive catalogue of 69 varieties of pears, 55 of apples, 24 of peaches, 29 of plums, and 19 of cherries; also currants, gooseberries, strawberries, quinces and grapes. The outline engravings which appeared in the second edition also accom- pany this volume. Some few fruits have been added by Mr. Ives and addenda to those originally described ; and some of the original descriptions struck out, in order, we presume, to have the book contain about the same number of pages. It is unnecessary for us to again recommend a work con- taining a great portion of the experience of Mr. Manning for twenty-five years ; for, although many new and fine fruits 226 General Notices. have been brought to notice since the volume first appeared, the descriptions which were made by him are exceedingly valuable, as they were the result of many years' careful ob- servation. We therefore commend the work to the attention of all who need a manual to aid them in the selection of a few choice fruits for their gardens. We have only to regret that the size and form of the Avork have been reduced : if the present edition had been uniform with the last, it would have, we think, been preferable to its present form, in which the pages are so reduced as scarcely to admit of the largest engravings. The title-page is accompa- nied with a colored vignette. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. I. General Notices. Destruction of Insects ly Hot Water. — Foremost among universally trou- blesome insects, stands the Scale, of various species. This gentleman shelters himself beneath his flat shield so securely, that there is no getting him to move, or if he is dislodged it is only to leave behind a brood yet worse than himself. Hitherto he has baffled everybody. It has been pro- posed to glue him down by a wash of paste or gum water, to grind him to pieces by incessant rubbing, to kill him with poisons more subtile than those provided for her friends by Sir Edward Lytton's " Lucretia;" but somehow he always reappeared, and not unfrequently seemed to be invigor- ated by the applications in question. At last it has been ascertained by Mr. Gordon, the Superintendent of the Ornamental Department, in the Garden of the Horticultural Society, that the Scale may be dealt with effectually by means of — hot water, which seems to dissolve him. Water of the temperature of 140° will annihilate the Scale, and all his young ones, eggs included, and will not injure the bark of trees on which he feeds. It may be applied by a syringe or a sponge ; all that is indispensable is, that it shall come in contact with him. It may be urged, that if water at the temperature of 140° will not injure bark, it will leaves. But, in the first place, it is possible to attack the Scale when plants have no leaves ; in the second place such water will not hurt hard leaves ; and thirdly, if the leaves are killed, they will grow again, so that the worst consequence of this appli- cation to plants is a temporary loss of beauty instead of a permanent and increasing loss of health. It is not irapiobable that this method will be found applicable to other in- General Notices. 227 sects besides the Scale. "We learn, indeed, from a correspondent that " a pharmacien of Macon has made use of hot water against some of the insects that attack the Vine in France, particularly a species of Pyralis, known under the name of Ver de la Vigne, the ravages of which, in certain depart- ments, almost exceed belief. After various attempts to destroy it by fumi- gations with sulphur, corrosive washes, &c., the plan was adopted of at- tacking the insect in the state of chrysalid in the fissures of the bark where it lodges, by pouring boiling water over the stocks. This mode of proceed- ing does not appear to injure the wood, or to impair the vegetative powers of the plant, for Vines that were so treated gave a much larger produce than those in the neighborhood where the insect was allowed to remain undis- turbed." We hope to be able to lay before our readers some details con- cerning this gentleman's process. With the Gooseberry Caterpillar, another and very different, but equally effectual method has been employed for some years by our correspondent " F. H. S." " In dry weather, about the end of March or beginning of April, two men go round the garden with two wheelbarrows, the one full of maiden soil, the other empty ; the surface soil for 2 inches deep, in a circle of two feet diameter, is removed from under each bush, and replaced with the maiden soil, and as soon as the leaves begin to appear, a light covering of quick- lime and soot is spread on the new soil, lest a few of the eggs might hap- pen to have been left behind." The explanation of this is obvious. The young Gooseberry Caiterpillars (see vol. i. p. 516) or the chrysalids of the Gooseberry Saw-fly {vol. i. p. 548), lie all winter in ground about the roots of the bushes ; in the beginning of April, they revive or hatch, and immediately climb up to the leaves. It is therefore obvious, that if the top soil is removed as above recom- mended, the enemies are carried away from their prey, and having no food when they are revived or born, perish. We should, however, mix lime with the old soil when it is removed, for the purpose of killing the chrysa- lids ; the caterpillars will die of themselves. Here we have a remedy which cannot fail, because it is dependent upon the habits of-life of the insects themselves ; and we doubt not that an inge- nious man of leisure, well acquainted with the facts of insect existence, vpould devise similar methods of dealing rffcctually with other species which as yet have baffled human skill. In some measure this has been done in the case of the Curculios, which ravage our apple trees ; and in France, a Mr. Blaud has completely overcome the enemies of his Olives, by a pro- ceeding very like that which " F. H. S." finds so certain with his Goose- berries and Currants. The Olive suffers greatly from the ravages of certain moths, whose cater- pillars attack not only the leaves, but the flower-buds and fruit, and thus produce incredible mischief. These moths, called Tinea olaella by Fabri- cius, have been made, it seems, into two genera, by M. Duponchel, who calls them Elachista and (Ecophora, although they appear to be not even different species ! There are three broods of them in the year, of wiiich 228 General Notices. the first is the only one that is unattackable. The others drop to the ground, creep into some dead leaf or cavity, and there undergo their trans- formations. It therefore occurred to Mr. Blaud that if, shortly before these caterpillars drop to the ground, he were to dig a ditch round his Olive trees the caterpillars would fall into it ; and that then, by throwing back the earth, he would bury them alive. He tried the method, and found it an- swer perfectly. Another Olive-scourge is the Oscinis or Dacus Oka, a little fly, which deposits its eggs in the Olive fruit, where they hatch and become a grub, which feeds upon it. These grubs in the autumn crawl forth, descend the branches, and bury themselves an inch or two below the surface, where they undergo their transformations and pass the winter. Mr. Blaud buries them, too, by throwing 18 inches of mould over the soil at the foot of the Olive trees, and beating it down. Out of this tomb the flies never emerge. These facts, and twenty others, prove that if we still suffer from the attacks of our insect enemies, it is the fault of our negligence, or ignorance, or both, and that a study of the habits of these minute creatures, if its re- sults are applied by men of skill and judgment, will reduce them, as it has reduced other living things, entirely under the dominion of Man. — Gard. Chron., 1847, p. 203. The Cultivation of the Calceolaria as an Annual. — As the Calceolaria may be grown as an annual, I shall begin treating of it as one of those plants that can be sown and flowered the same season. Those who have not got any seed should get some immediately ; it can now be obtained from any seedsman, and, as they are plentiful in most parts of the country, and bear seed freely, the seed can be got cheap. The seedlings, if treated in the following way, will flower in July, August, and September. The seed should be sown in a slight heat, not below 55 degrees, nor above 65 de- grees, because, if higher, the seedlings will draw up long and slender, too much so to bear handling well ; for they must be transplanted as soon as they have three or four leaves, and the sooner it can be done the better. The soil should be loam, leaf-mould, and sand, very fine. As the seed is very small, it should scarcely be covered with the soil; a little moss put over the pot until the plants begin to spring, will be quite sufficient, but it must be removed before the plants can be drawn off with it, as there is some danger of that sometimes. The soil for the transplanting should be a little stronger and coarser than what they were sown in. They may be put in at about one inch apart, each way, for the first planting, and tiien the largest ones removed as they show themselves, to give both the weaker ones and themselves more room. They may be potted at once, or they may be again transplanted into pans or boxes, to save room and pots ; for, by that time, pots will be in great demand for the many things that are easier plant- ed out, if previously well established in pots. Meanwhile, the calceola- rias will be growing on in the boxes, and, if lifted carefully and potted, just when the first pots are emptied into the flower garden, they will not be much later in flowering than if they had been potted after the first trans- planting. The soil should be richer and coarser every time they are shifl- General Notices. 229 ed, until they are put into six or eight inch pots, where they will flower as well, and often better, than those obtained at a high price fiom the dealers. Where the grower does not intend competing at exhibitions, but simply requires his plants for the decoration of his garden, I would advise him to adopt this plan, whereby he will be supplied with little more cost than his trouble ; and this would be comparatively nothing if we take into account the number of plants he could have for tlie price of the very cheapest plants he could buy. Besides, he would be likely to obtain far better flowers. Any person who has been in the hhbit of raising seedlings, knows what an amount of pleasure he has experienced on seeing a beautiful child of his own, if I'may use the expression, showing its face for the first time. I am sure that any person trying this plan will have a hundred flowers out of one packet of seed, as good as the one flower he could have bought at the same price. And, whenever the flowers show themselves to be unworthy of room in the inside, there will always be a place outside, in which any thing in flower will look better than a blank, or a plant out of flower. Where there is not much room for w-intering them, none but the very best need be kept ; the rest, having ripened their seed, may be turned out ; and the pots may be used for some of the plants in the flower-garden before the frosts set in. There is no plant I know that is so easily crossed as the calceola- ria, for the herbaceous and the shrubby kinds cross as readily together as any of the shrubby or herbaceous ones taken by themselves. The way I generally do, when I have decided on what two flowers I wish to cross, is thus : — With a knife I scrape the pollen froin the anther of the one, and apply it to the stigma of the other with the same instrument, taking care to have the anthers removed before they burst. Where there is to be more than one cross effected upon one plant, there will be something needed to show which flowers are crossed with this or that variety. The best and most simple method is to use diflJerent colors of thread, tying a distinct color to each flower, and keeping a'note of the cross in a book ; by this means, ■when the seed is ripe, it is easy to know from what flowers it was obtained. I recollect, some years ago, just at the beginning of the calceolaria mania, to have been in the house of a great grower, and his flowers were marked with thread of different colors ; and I believe he reaped the benefit of his colors, for he raised some of the best flowers that appeared for some time after that, and got great prices for them. But every thing of that kind has its day, and I believe he has now no better flowers than his neighbors. — {United Gardeners'' Journal, 1817, pp. 97, 98.) The Cuhivalion of the Dahlia. — The following remarks on the manage- ment of this fine autumnal flower, are from a Descriptive Catalogue recent- ly sent us by the author, Mr. Charles Turner, of Chalvey, near Windsor, one of the most successful cultivators around London. Mr. Turner was formerly with Mr. Brown, of Slough, well known not only for the superior specimens of blooms which he has repeatedly exhibited, and taken the highest prizes, but for the production of many of the finest varieties which have been raised. We therefore make no apology for the length of his observa- VOL. XIII. — NO, V. 22 230 Genei'al Notices. lions, confident that every amateur will find them of the greatest assistance in the growth of superior flowers : — " Culture of the Dahlia. — Having been frequently solicited to give the particulars of my system of cultivating the Dahlia for exhibition, 1 beg to offer the following directions, as the result of considerable experience, at- tended with uniform success, from 1834 to the present time. During this period I have grown the ' King of Autumn ' in four different localities, and in as many different soils. The ground I occupy at present, differs materially in its nature, and consists of old black vegetable garden mould, stiff loam, and sandy or peaty loam. The finest flowers are produced with less labor and attenticm on the latter, to which, of course, I give the preference ; and I would recommend to those beginning the culture of the Dahlia, or others selecting a new piece of ground, to choose a moist, light part of the soil, for flowers that produce green, hard centres, and likewise a convenient situation for giving them plenty of water, as their rapid growth causes them to produce flowers with perfect centres ; when those floweis that generally come thin after their first blossoms, should have an open situation and heavy soil, in order to pro- duce slow growth. The Marquis of Aylesbury, Hudson's Princess Royal, &c., are suitable to the former; Lady St. Maur, Beauty of Sussex, and such flowers, to the latter situation. Planting. — The ground having been well turned, or thrown up in ridges, during the winter, levelled when in a dry state late in March, or early in April, and well dug previous to planting, I proceed to mark the distance ; which should be six feet from row to row, and five feet six in the rows. This will not be found too much ; as large flowers can never be produced, if the plants once become drawn. A few spits of light rich soil, well-mixed in the spot where the plants are about to be placed, will cause them to take hold, and be established, in much less time ; and, if the ground is poor, the same quantity of rotten manure mixed in underneath, will also be of great benefit. The last week in May, or the first week in June, is the proper time to commence planting. Select those plants that are short, stout, and fast swelling ; and avoid thbse that have stood too long in the pots, and have become stunted in the points, and hard in the leg. If such cannot be avoid- ed, it would be a saving of time to re-pot, and place them in a brisk heat. I would recommend, also, that the young plants should be repotted, as soon as received from the nursery, into four-inch pots, and placed in a cold frame, free from slugs, and to be kept growing, though slowly, giving all the air possible in fine weather, so that the stems of the plants may be of a dark green color, short-jointed, and of a healthy appearance. Green fly should not be allowed to exist amongst them. By attending to these simple means, it is easy to lay the foundation of future success, which cannot be obtained with bad plants. Stake them at once with one large stake, to be permanent, and secure the plant with a strong piece of bass, suflBciently loose to allow the stem to swell. Add two small stakes at right-angles, to which the plant must General Notices. 231 also be secured ; this will keep it in a firm position during the worst wea- ther. Add large stakes as the plant advances, and keep the side-branches secured. In this particular, there is generally some neglect ; by deferring the tying until it can be done all at once, an unexpected high wind may strip the plant of half its branches. I must strongly impress on those who wish to obtain fine large flowers, the importance of tying the branches " out," not up in a bunch like a wheat- sheaf, which is too often the case ; as it is essential that the sun and air should circulate freely through the plant, as well as around it. Thinning. — Under this head, no definite rule can be laid down. Never allow the plant to become full of small branches, and then removed at once ; all superfluous shoots should be cut away as the plant progresses. It is also injudicious to subject each variety to the same amount of thinning ; for, by such treatment, as much injury will be done to some kinds as good to others. Those that are generally too large and coarse must be spared ; when such varieties as require size only should be thinned considerably. As I before observed, no precise rule can be laid down ; and nothing but close observa- tion in this important part will make the operator perfect. Nearly the same rules apply to disbudding. Those that it is necessary to reduce in size must be deferred until a later period, which will bring the flowers more compact, with smaller petals, and better general form. Infor- mation will be obtained on this part of the subject, by referring to the an- nexed catalogue, which cannot be given in detail here. Shading of Blooms. — Here the enthusiast often makes a sad mistake, by being too anxious, giving himself extra trouble, and, at the same time, spoil- ing the blooms he so much wishes to preserve, by shading them too long before they are wanted ; shading out of character many of the light flowers, and making all tender, and less able to bear a journey, or exposure when put up for competition. It is requisite to shade some light flowers, and some of the yellows, earlier than others, in order to produce them clear and dis- tinct : when, on the other hand, those with slight tips, or marking, must be deferred ; otherwise, the face of the bloom would be without its character- istic feature — indistinct blush, instead of the attractive tip or edge. The time required for shading before a given day when the blooms are wanted, must, in a great measure, depend on the weather. Four or five days will be sufficient for an early show, but, as the season advances, ex- tend the time ; and secure the buds or young blooms likely to be good, from friction against the neighboring blooms and foliage, by tying them to stakes or parts of the plant. There are many kinds of shades in use for protecting the blooms, of vari- ous degrees of merit. Those I prefer are made of tin, painted white. A spring in the ferule attached to the side of the shade fixes it at any height it may be required ; the stalk of the bloom is then crossed, and firmly secured to the stake, leaving the bloom fixed under the centre of the shade. Pots, inverted on what are termed tables, are desirable for some varieties. I do not prefer them for general use ; one great disadvantage being the time occupied, in fixing the bloom, being double that of the shades above 232 General Notices. described. Flowers ■with weak foot-stalks are best secured under pots. Avoid any contrivance that will not admit the air freely. Those who have grown the Dahlia for exhibition will be fully alive to the importance of keeping down insects, more particularly the common enemy, the earwig. Many plans are adopted for this purpose : the most common, and, perhaps, most effectual, being with small pots half-filled with dry moss, placed on the stakes that support the plants, and bean-stalks placed about them, to which they retire. The most active vigilance is necessary, as they fly from plant to plant ; but, commence early to examine the plant, and keep them down as much as possible. The surface of the ground should frequently be moved ; it will require to be forked up between the plants about five or six weeks after they have been planted. Cleanliness should be observed in every department, and at every stage of their growth, or success will be any thing but certain. Watering. — From constant watering, the soil near the plant will become baked and hard. It will, therefore, be best to mulch them with partly- decomposed manure ; this should be done immediately after they have been forked over, as it will keep the roots nearest the surface moist. Use soft water, if possible. If not naturally so, pump it, in the morning, into tubs or tanks, leaving it to the action of the sun and air ; to be used in the evening. AA'hen the plants have become large, it will be necessary to give them considerable quantities at a time, instead of frequent waterings; but this, of course, will depend upon the state of the weather, soil, &c. On no account neglect giving them a slight sprinkling overhead, through a fine rose or syringe, in dry weather, after the sun has left them ; as the dew following this operation, will keep the plants in a wet state until the follow- ing morning, which will prove a preventive of the thrip, and keep the earwigs from eating the points of the young shoots, which they often do before any blooms appear. The color and size of the foliage will also soon show the beneficial effects of this practice. Selecting Blooms for Exhibition often puzzles the most experienced grow- ers,— the dark selfs being so much more numerous and superior in shape to the light flowers, that, in selecting twenty-four, one or two points often have to be sacrificed — either shape, or contrast in colors. I recommend that as much diversity of color should be introduced as possible, with due regard to shape and perfect centres. Much can be done by arrangement ; yet we often see stands contain a whole row of flowers of great similarity. At all times, place deep circular flowers at the four corners ; and select quality before size. If a bloom is observed to be shaky behind, or inclined to open in the centre, when packing up your box, it may safely be concluded that it will not make one of the number required, by the time it is wanted. Dis- card it at once, and look for the next best of the same sort. If the blooms are intended to travel a long distance, provide plenty of young ones in addition. Never, unnecessarily, handle the blooms. It should be remembered that all this pains-taking has been to produce them in the highest state of General Notices. . 233 perfection, to be looked at only. The dead appearance, caused by rough usage, can never be removed. Fancy Dahlias are becoming very popular, and deservedly so. The pre- judice is fast wearing away, that these party-colored flowers could never be produced of good shape. Every succeeding season has tended to remove this impression ; and many, in the accompanying list of fancy Dahlias, would grace a stand of the ordinary varieties. I should recommend the sam.e treatment for these as the other varieties. Perhaps they should not be grown quite so strong ; and those known to be too long in the petal (the prevailing fault at present), should not be disbud- ded so early as the others ; this will improve the outline of the flower but reduce it in size, a point, however, of much less importance. Fancy Dahlias, in a ievf years, will, no doubt, be as extensively culti- vated as the ordinary varieties, being more showy in the borders, and, with, improved shape, will be more attractive in stands. Raising Seedlings is, perhaps, attended with more interest and pleasure than any other part of the culture of this beautiful flower. Daily watching the expansion and development of each promising bud is attended with no little excitement. Much has been said and written respecting which sorts are best to save seed from. I will not attempt to instruct, further than give the system practised by me ; which is, to remove all thin, or otherwise inferior blos- soms, as they appear ; for the fewer petals there are, the greater the quan- tity of seed, with little or no chance of its producing a good double flower. By this, it will be seen, much ultimate trouble will be saved. In small select collections, there will not be so much to do on this point ; but, in large collections, there will be many varieties from which it is not desirable to save seed. This accounts for the number of fine seedlings that have been produced by amateurs, from small collections ; when many, who annually, raise thousands, do not produce a good one. It is worthy of remark, that those seedlings that take the lead and bloom first, seldom, if ever, produce a flower worth preserving ; these are from the finest seeds and thinnest blooms ; they vegetate first, and keep ahead all through the season, and can easily be distinguished by their tall habit, without side-branches ; whereas the late, small plants, that require nursing to make them bloom before the frost arrives, generally produce the best flowers; as it is well known that very few of our best seedlings are ever shown the first season of their blooming. These are from the smallest seeds, and very double flowers. Concluding Remarks. — I am an advocate for changing tlie stock of good old varieties. Growing them year after year, in the same garden, without even partly changing the soil, produces the result which may be anticipated : the flowers degenerate ; and a change becomes necessary. Keeping the roots and propagating from them being so simple, and now so generally understood, it would be a waste of time and space to enlarge on this part here ; but I recommend that pot plants should be preserved of those varieties as are known to rise badly from the ground, such as the 22* 234 Domestic Notices. ' Duchess of Richmond,' ' Mrs. Shell}',' and several others, which often decay during the winter. In taking a retrospective view of the Dahlia fancy, it is pleasing to re- mark the gradual improvement of this autumnal favorite, up to the present time. This improvement is annually progressing towards greater perfec- tion ; for of late years many of the finest varieties have been introduced, and it is notorious that an established fine seedling at the present time will command a higher price than at any previous period. To mark the progress of the Dahlia, the stand that obtained the £20 prize for the best twenty- four blooms at the Cambridge Dahlia Show, 1840, contained only one variety that was shown in the first stand, of the same number of blooms, at the Metropolitan Exhibition, 1846 — a brief period of six years. That vari- ety was Springfield Rival, a flower of thirteen or fourteen years' standing. I need not mention that both stands were grown by myself. The former was considered to be the best that had been produced up to that time, and the latter was certainly the best twenty-four I had shown during 1846. I very well remember that, at Cambridge, Unique was what is termed the " bloom of the exhibition ;" Penelope, Amato, Hope, Conservative, Maid of Bath; and many other flowers now out of date, were stars in that superior stand." — (C Turner^s Catalogue, 1847.) Art. II. Domestic Notices. The American Agricultural Association of New York city, recently organ- ized, has issued a circular, giving a programme of the first contemplated exhibition to be holden in the large room of the Association, No. 501 Broad- way, on the 19th of the present month, when a liberal number of premiums will be awarded. We make the following extract from the Circular, in regard to the objects of the Association : — " Influenced by such considerations, and conscious that no part of the world offers greater advantages for the development of horticultural produc- tions, where the wealth of the community, the facility of access, and the nature of the climate all combine, if seconded by the zeal of those desirous of advancing a favorite pursuit, to lead the Association to the most sanguine hopes of immediate success. Our sister cities of Boston and Philadelphia have entered upon this field of amicable competition with remarkable advan- tage, and while, in most respects, their opportunities are inferior, let it not he said that we cannot even equal them, when we have once appreciated the benefits of the scheme. Around New York city, the establishments of nur- serymen and gardeners are more extensive and complete than in any other part of the country, and their proprietors yield to none in the energy with which they manage their business, the enterprise with which they obtain the best productions of foreign soils, or the skill with which they develop them. If we remember the great number of conservatories, greeDhouses Domestic Notices. 235 and plant-rooms, which are attached to private dwellings, we cannot fail to be convinced that united action only is wanting to bring into prominent view the existing floral wealth amongst us. And the vicinity of the city, with its sisters of Brooklyn and Williamsburgh, and, hardly more removed, Jersey City and Newark, with the rivers running to the North and East studded ■with the seats of those devoted to rural pursuits, emulating, in their zeal, the inhabitants of Stalen and Long Islands, presents a field of horticultural prosperity certainly unequalled in any part of the United States. Con- scious, therefore, of sufficient strength, determined to go on, confident of the support of a people always ready to aid a public enterprise, and trust- ing that the plan may meet with approbation, the Association submits, through the Executive Committee, the following scheme of its contemplated operations." We are glad to learn that another attempt has been made to organize a society in New York, for, as the Committee state, ihere is no want of en- ergy or enterprise, either among the professional cultivators or amateurs around the city, and united action is only necessary to carry out all they propose. With such gentlemen as Messrs. Bradish, Frelinghuysen, Len- ox, Bell and others, as the Executive Committee, and such active mem- bers as Messrs- Thorburn, Reid, Hogg, Dunlap, Smith, &c., w-e cannot doubt of success. We shall endeavor to give a brief report of the exhibi- tion. Individuals sending plants from a distance are notified that Mr. James Hogg, 562 Broadway, will take charge of them. — Ed. Liberal Donation to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. — We are happy to announce another liberal donation to this institution of $500 by Josiah Bradlee, Esq., the amount to be added to the permanent fund for premiums on flowers and fruits. Mr. Bradlee has already presented the Society with two beautiful China roses, and we are glad to record this addi- tional act of munificence for the promotion of a science which contributes so much to the public good. — Ed. Osage Orange {Macliir^ Aurantiaca). — Messrs. J. F. Dair & Co., of Cincinnati, have been successful in introducing for sale, from the native forests of the Far West, a great quantity of the seed of this beautiful tree, •which we, years ago (Vol. IL p. 9), recommended as a valuable hedge plant, especially south of New York. Around Boston, it has not been found hardy, only in some very dry and cool northern exposures. As a general hedge plant in the latitude of 42° north, it will, we fear, never answer the expectations of cultivators. But where it stands the winter freely, it makes one of the most beautiful screens or hedges, its glossy and deep-green foli- age having all the elegance of the orange tree. Messrs. Hovey & Co. sup- plied J. P. Cushing, F,sq., of Waiertown, with plants for a hedge in 1839 or '40, but, notwithstanding every care has been taken with it, it is yet small and gaps have been made in it from the destructive effects of severe frosts. To our friends around New York and Philadelphia, we would highly rec- ommend the osage orange. — Ed. Exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. — The first public 236 Domestic Notices. exhibition of the season will take place on Saturday, May 15th, when pre- miums will be awarded for greenhouse plants, pelargoniums, roses, cac- tuses, &c. &c. The season has been rather backward, and the day has been put forward from the 1st to the 15th on this account ; yet we antici- pate a good display of plants, especially of pelargoniums. — Ed. Cultivation of the Fig, and new Varieties of the Pear. — By accident. I did not see the number of your Magazine containing my last communication and your request for the fig trees, until a very few nights since, when it was quite late to send the trees, as they are out in small leaf. I will try, how- ever, to send you some of them later in the season, or, if I cannot, 1 will send you small trees of all the good kinds we have in cultivation that I can get. The fig grows readily from cuttings, put out in August, and frequent- ly bears a few fruit the next spring. Of all the varieties we have, and they are not very few, the Alicante and Celestial are decidedly the best. The coming summer, I hope to be able to send you outlines of the most re- markable. My wife took the outline of one of the first Alicante figs we had last summer, which I send you herein. It is much longer than usual, but proportionably narrower in consequence, and probably not of the .largest. This is the most productive variety I have ever seen, bearing constantly, from about the middle of July until about the middle of November, when we usually have our first killing frost. This one was plucked ripe on the 4th June, in the open garden, being one of what is usually called first crop ; usually, we get only the second and third crops. The true shape of this fig is more nearly such as my dotted outline, but may be not quite so large, but little if any smaller. Since my first communication to you I have considerably increased my number of varieties of the pear, now numbering 126 varieties, many of which may fruit this summer for the first time. I received, a few days ago from Paris, the following varieties, Orpheline d'Enghien, Tavernier de Boulogne, Colmar d'Aremberg, Belle — , Epine Dumas, Bezi des Veterans, Bonne d'Ezee (quere Bonne des Zees ■? of you), Beurr6 gris d'hiver, Nouveau or deLugon, and St. Nicholas. Do you know these varie- ties and what is their character and reputation, as also of the Bon Chretien Napoleon, Bonne Ente, (or Anthe) ou Sublime Gamotte, Delices Charles Van Mons, Beurre des Charneuses, do. de Richelieu, do. de Beaulieu, do. Moir6, Excellentissima, Louis Philippe, Bezi de Caissoy or Quessoy, do. Sans pareil, Poire de Passy, Angora ou Belle Angevine, Bon Chretien d'Au- che, do. de Vernois and Noisette, which 1 received last year 1 Some of this last list will blossom and probably bear fruit the coming summer, though the trees (dwarfs) are very small, even for that shape. I have twice received from Europe the Beurr6 gris and Beurr6 dor6 as different pears, and think that they are, as both times I have lost them ; the first time, one tree lived a few years and died of the fire-blight, when 1 was travelling for the sum- mer, and the last year it came dead, while the true Beurr6 gris is a very vigorous and flourishing tree. They are considered as different in every •work on gardening that I have in French. I received, both last year and this, the Bartlett from Paris, as the Bon Chretien Williams, and not as Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 237 Poire Guillaume, as Mr. Downing says in his first edition of Fruits, dSfc. I have never before now had the St. Ghislain ; at any rate, no tree sent me by that name ; therefore, the pear of mine that you allude to cannot well be that pear. Be it what it may, it certainly was the most delicious pear that I have ever eaten, but this is not saying a great deal, as I have not tasted many of the finest. In looking over the catalogue of the nurseryman who sent me the tree, I see Bezi de Lamotte along with the Chaumontel, de Vaat and others, and no Doyenne de la Motte. — Yours, R. Chisholm, March 25, 1847. Growth of Trees in the Southern States. — From your remark upon the growth of the trees of your correspondent. Dr. Philips, I see that you have no idea of our climate, where peach trees are in full bloom now, and blossoms were seen since 14th February. Pear trees, Crassane, and Messire Jean, are in bloom, and some are putting out leaves, which may live until next Christmas. I put in two buds of the Beurr6 des Charneuses last year about this date into one sucker, at the root of the supposed St. Ghislain, which are, at this time, 4 feet 8, and 6 feet 4 high above their insertions. The Fire-blight is very rare with me, and I hope will hereafter be still more so, but I believe is much more common on sandy soils here, where the pear is grafted upon pear roots. I have set out one plant of what was given me by a gentleman who imported, direct from you, I believe, one dozen plants when they sold at $ 5 per dozen, as your Seed- ling, a pistillate plant, about two miles from here in a straight line, and equally far from any other plants, except one plant of what was given me as Keene's seedUng, also pistillate, about half a mile farther off still, to try whether they will bear fruit. Both are in excellent soils for them. I have found the Crassane and Bon Chretien d'hiver pears, very sweet cooked when gathered half-grown, in thinning out the fruit ; and Bailly, in his Manuel du Jardinier, mentions also the Salviati, Chaumontel, Colmar, Messire Jean and Echasserie as good either for the table or to cook. My only little musk apricot tree being about to die last spring, I grafted below ground, three scions upon roots of peach, and two out of the three lived, and grew well, say about three feet high, the roots being quite small. I have just received from Paris the Beun-6 Aurore or Capiaumunt ; Are they synonymous? I find quinces grow very freely from cuttings put down at any time during the winter. — Yours respectfully, Robert Chisholm, Beau- fort, S. C, March 25, 1847. Art. III. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Saturday, April 3d, 1847. — The quarterly stated meeting of the Society was held to day — the President in the chair. The President announced to the Society, that he had received, from Josiah Bradlee, Esq., a check for $500, for the purpose of being added to the per- manent fund for premiums on flowers and fruits. 238 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. The thanks of the Society were voted to Mr. Bradlee for his very liberal donation. The thanks of the Society were voted to Geo. B. Emerson, Esq., for a copy of his Report on the Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. A package of seeds from the Rocky Mountains was received from J. B. Russell, of Cincinnati, and the thanks of the Society were voted for the same. The seeds were placed in the hands of the Committee on Flowers for distribution. The thanks of the Society were voted to R. Buist, of Philadelphia, for a copy of his Manual on the Culture of the Rose. A letter was read from Wm. R. Smith, of Macedon, N. Y., accom- panied with scions of the Early Joe, and Red Canada Apples, and Swan's Orange, and Osband's Summer pears. The thanks of the Society were voted to Mr. Smith, and the scions distributed to a few members. The XXth Section of the By-Laws was amended by striking out all after the word " them" in the twenty-second line. Adjourned one week, to April 10th. Exhibited. — Flowers : From John Thomas, gardener to J. L. Gardener, flowers of five varieties of Pelargoniums. From W. B. Richards, two varie- ties of Crown Imperials and Polyanthus narcissus. Afril lOth. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day, — the President in the chair. A letter was received from Mr. A. H. Ernst, accompanied with fourteen varieties of apples, and one variety of the pear, which were laid on the table for distribution — and the thanks of the Society voted for the same. Adjourned one week to April 17th. April mh. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to day, — the President in the chair. A box of seed was received from Mrs. Percival, and the thanks of the Society voted. Voted, — That the Recording Secretary be requested to give notice through the public press, of the opening of the Society's Hall for Public Exhibition. William D. Ticknor was elected a Subscription Member. Adjourned for one week to April 24. April 24e, melting, and juicy : Flavor, rich, su- gary, slightly perfumed, and excellent : Core, rather large : Seeds, large, plump, pointed, light brown. Ripe in Novem- ber, and keeps till January. 71. Ropes. Last autumn, our correspondent, Mr. J. F. Allen, of Sa- lem, presented us with a very handsome pear, much resem- Fig.n. Hopes. bling the Seckel, which he proposed to call the Ropes, {fg. 23,) from its having originated in the garden of Mr. Ropes, of that city, about the year 1833 or 1834. It first produced a few pears in 1844, but none were eaten until last summer, (1846,) when it was found to possess very good qualities, which will undoubtedly improve as the tree attains age and finer specimens are produced. It resembles the Seckel so much, that one not well acquainted with the latter would scarcely detect the difference. The following is our description ; Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. 255 Size^ medium, about two and a half inches long, and two and a half in diameter: Form, obovate, regular, tapering toward each end, and very obtuse at the stem : Skin^ fair, of a uniform pale cinnamon russet, slightly tinged with red on the sunny side : Stem, rather short, about half an inch in length, stout, dull brown, curved, and rather deeply and obliquely inserted in a small cavity, swollen on one side : Eije, small, open, and slightly sunk in a smooth, shallow basin ; segments of the calyx, round, short, projecting: Flesh, yellowish, coarse, melting, and juicy : Flavor, sugary and good, with a rich perfume : Core, small : Seeds, medium size, black. Ripe in October and November, 72. Pennsylvania. Mag. of Hort. YoLX. i^.2\Z. Our first knowledge of this pear was from Mr. Manning, in Fig. 23. Pennsylvania. the fall of 1843, when he gave us some fine specimens pro- 256 Notice of a New Seedling Apple. duced in his collection, from which we made a drawing at that time. Wishing to have another trial of it before giving a figure and description, we last year had some very fine specimens from the collection of Mr. Cabot, and we were grat- ified to find it prove a very excellent pear, — not first-rate. — but a good-sized, handsome variety, worthy a place in a large collection, — its productiveness and hardy character giving it a claim over some of the better, but more delicate foreign sorts. The Pennsylvania pear is a seedling found on the ground of Mr. J. B. Smith of Philadelphia, the original tree of which is stated to be nearly forty feet high, of a pyramidal form, and remarkably robust habit. Its origin and age are not known. It received its name from the Pennsylvania Horti- cultural Society. As an American fruit, it may be ranked with the Buflum, Gushing. Fulton, — other not strictly first- rate varieties. Size^ large, about three inches in length, and three inches in diameter : Form^ obovate, largest in the middle, lit- tle swollen on one side, and tapering to the stem, where it ends obtusely : Sk'w., fair, and slightly rough, dull yellow, very rnuch russeted, particularly around the crown, with a ruddy tinge on the surmy side : Stem^ long, about one and a half inches, stout, straight, wrinkled, brown, slightly fleshy at the base, and inserted with scarcely any cavity, but with a swollen projection on one side: Eye, small, closed, and rather deeply sunk in an uneven, ridged, contracted basin ; segments of the calyx, short, pointed, stiff": Flesh, yellowish white, coarse, melting, and juicy : Flavor, rich, sugary, slightly per- fumed, and good : Core, small : Se^ds, very small, plump, light brown. Ripe in October, and keeps some lime. Art. III. Notice of a neiv Seedling Apple. By A. Fahnes- TOCK, Lancaster, Ohio. A NEW Seedling Apple has been raised by the Rev. C. Springer, Meadow Farm, near Zanesville, Ohio, which, on account of its great productiveness and late keeping, I consid- Some Account of the Neio Shrub SpircB'a prunifblia. 257 er quite an acquisition, or, at least, very desirable. Mr. Springer informs me, under date of May 3d, that its season of maturity is ^out the 10th of March, and tliat it is still im- proving, and rots the least of any apple he has in his orchard, (and he has a fine collection.) He also stated to me that it produced enormously — far beyond any other tree he has. I will endeavor to forward you scions in the fall, with others you requested of me. In relation to your remarks on the American White Winter Calville, I wrote to the Mr. Mathews, of Coshocton, and he says it is certainly different from the old White Winter Cal- ville. I hope to be able to bring to yournotice some other fruits of merit, from time to time. Have you Feast's new Seedling Grape 7 I think it desirable. Lancaster, Ohio, May 17, 1847. Our correspondent will find a brief note in a future page from a friend in Montreal, in which he states that Mr. Fah- nestock's description of the American White Winter Calville answers perfectly to the old White Calville, a variety well known in Canada. — Ed. Art. IV. Some Account of the Beautiful New Shrub Spiraea prunifblia, var. fiore plena, with a Drawing of the Same. Communicated by M. Louis Van Houtte, Belgium. Some time since, in our article on the Hydrangea japonica, (p. 122,) we announced the introduction of a new and ele- gant shrub, called the >S'piroD^a prunifolia, with double flowers, which was another of the great acquisitions of Dr. Siebold, in his Japan Expedition. We now have the gratification, through the kindness of our correspondent, M. Van Houtte, the cele- brated nurseryman of Ghent, in Belgium, to furnish a draw- ing of the same, which has been forwarded for this purpose, together with some account of this charming plant : — It is difficult to convey an impression of the beauty of this 24* 258 Some Account of the New Shrub Spirm^a prunifblia. shrub from the specimen represented in the engraving, {jig. 25). Imagine a neat, deep-green, upright bush, covered with thousands of snow-white flowers, of the size represented, and as perfect as roses, and some idea may be formed of this new Fig. ^5. SpircB^a prunifolia. spiraea. Braving with impunity the severity of our hyperbo- rean latitude [Belgium], it must be considered one of the great- est acquisitions for decorating the lawn or parterre. We do not know the native country of this shrub. M. Siebold, to whom we are indebted for its introduction, we Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics. 259 learn, found it cultivated in the Japan gardens, where it at- tained the height of six to eight feet. Its native habitat is supposed to be Corea, or the north of China, and it is some- times found growing in a wild state in the environs of cities, but evidently not indigenous. According to M. M. Zuccarini and Siebold, (^Fl. Japan^) it forms an upright and bushy shrub, with slender branches, which are covered with a smooth, ash-colored bark, which, when old, detaches itself in thin scales. The leaves are oval, rounded at their base, a little acute at the apex, downy be- neath, and denticulated at the edge. The flowers, which ap- pear in clusters of four to six, the entire length of the shoots, are perfectly snow-white, and perfectly double. In shape, they resemble the double i^anunculus aconitifolius, and their number and arrangement, as well as the light green of the foliage, and neat habit, render it the most charming of hardy shrubs. Its cultivation is the same as that of the ^S'pirse^a trilobata, and other well known kinds ; and it is increased either by division of the root or by layers. L. V. H. Mr. Van Houtte has now the whole stock in his possession, and proposes to sell the plants by subscription the coming fall, as will be seen by reference to his advertisement. We trust it will soon find its way into our gardens. — Ed. Art. V. On the Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Ex- otics : in a Series of Letters. By James Kennedy, Gardener to S. T. Jones, Staten Island, New York. Letter IT. Propagation by Cuttings. As my former remarks on the Propagation of Exotics seem to have met with your approbation, I will continue the arti- cle in your next number. I believe my last letter treated of the propagation by seeds, as far as necessary to insure suc- cess, and therefore I will devote this article to propagation by cuttings. 260 Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics. 2. Cuttings. — Most exotics may be increased by this mode ; many of them by yomig cuttings a little hardened at the base, some by ripened ones, and a few by means of very yomig ones. However, when it is desired to propagate any partic- ular kind, a healthy plant should be chosen for the purpose. This is not generally borne in mind. Many cultivators select the shabbiest plant in their collection, without ever consid- ering that it is to become the parent of many, and nine out of every ten will be diseased. Indeed few, if any, will ever make good specimen plants, be they ever so well treated. At any rate, if the cutting be not healthy, reason will teach us that it cannot perform the functions necessary to produce' roots. If the kind to be propagated from is an inmate of the green- house, let it be removed to a moist stove about the first of February, where it will produce its young shoots early, and, when the shoots are of a sufficient length, say from 1^ to 3 inches, according to the sort, take it back to its own depart- ment to harden off a little, and get ripened more or less, as may be required : this, however, must be regulated according to the sort in question. From the first of February to the end of May is the best time to increase by cuttings, as then the plants have ample time to root and be potted off in season to stand the following winter with success. But the time of taking off cuttings depends chiefly on the nature of the plant to be propagated. Heaths, epacrises, phylicas, diosmas, burto- nias, &c. &c., should be taken off when the plants are in a growing state, or when they have nearly completed their growth ; and this is generally in spring, or beginning of sum- mer. If not naturally in a growing state at this time, it is easy rendering them so by a slight degree of artificial heat. Some take their cuttings off in the fall ; but this practice I do not approve of, as it incurs the expense of artificial heat to protect them during winter; besides, the absence of light, and the presence of damp, will more than likely occasion many deaths ; but, when taken off in spring, the bright days are coming, solar influence increasing, and, consequently, very little fuel is consumed ; and, what is of the most consequence, the plants are full as well established by winter as those put in in the fall. Propagation by Cuttings. 261 In some kinds of plants, it is necessary to take lateral shoots, and these should be slipped off, so as to have with them the axillary formation of the bud and vessels of the leaf. Of these, the gnaphalums, helichrysums, burchellias, loganias, da- viesias, and some banksias, are instances, some of which will not strike otherwise. The cause of this is, I expect, that the heel consists of wood, more or less ripened, and is not so likely to damp off after planting. However, let this not lead the young propagator to believe that he must have wood of these sorts thoroughly ripened (such is not the case) : A medium state is the best and surest. The cuttings of succulent plants, and, in fact, all fleshy plants, should lie exposed in an airy place for some time after being severed from their parent, that their juices may become dried ; for, if put in in a fresh state, the ends of the cuttings soon turn black and rot, where- by the expectations of the propagator are frustrated. Of these, the cactus tribe are instances, as well as the milky tribe, such as the succulent euphorbias, all of which are full of milky juices. The sized pots I have been in the habit of using as prop- agating pots, are those of five inches diameter, and three and a half deep. Over the hole in the bottom, I put a large piece of broken pot or oyster shell, over which I place some finely broken crocks about the size of peas, and on this I put a little rough soil or moss, then my compost, composed of two thirds peat and one third mellow loam, with a little sand to keep the soil porous, that all superabundant moisture may freely drain off. With these materials, I fill my pots to with- in an inch or so of the top, and this inch I fill up with fine silver sand ; give all a gentle watering with a fine rose wa- tering pot, when they are ready for my cuttings. If the pot is well drained, this preparation will answer for most sorts of cuttings ; the sand on top retains just sufficient moisture for the well-being of the cuttings, and no more ; and the soil be- low the sand furnishes nourishment to the roots as soon as they penetrate through the sand. The shallower cuttings are planted, if they are well fastened, the sooner and better will they root, and there is less danger of their rotting or damp- ing off. From half an inch to an inch and a quarter may be considered a medium length to be inserted ; for ericas, epa- 262 Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics. crises, and all such fine-leaved, delicate kinds should not be planted any deeper than absolutely necessary ; but there are other sorts which will require to be planted deeper. After the cuttings are planted, and well fastened in the pots of sand, give a slight watering; place the bell-glasses over them ; and let each be taken to their respective departments, — the stove kinds to a bark bed with a moist heat, and the greenhouse kinds to the front shelves in the greenhouse, — taking care to shade them when the sun is powerful, and to wipe the bell-glasses dry every morning ; if this is not attend- ed to, the moisture accumulating on the sides of the glass will cause the cuttings to turn mouldy, and eventually die off, even after they have struck root. When the sand appears dry on top, give sufficient water in the morning to reach the bot- tom of the sand. From June to October, the greenhouse kinds may be plunged out of doors in a dry, shaded border, when any that remain without rooting must be taken to their former quarters. While plunged out of doors, they should be de- fended from heavy rains. The sooner cuttings are potted off, after they are rooted, the better ; let thumb-pots be used for this purpose, and, when potted and watered, let them be kept close for a time, till they get somewhat established, being careful that they are shaded regularly when necessary : if any of them are drawn up weakly, let their tops be pinched off, which will encourage them to push strong and bushy. Those of the stove kinds not struck must remain in the bark bed, and not be removed till rooted. Geraniums, verbenas, &c., may be struck in a warm border any time during the summer ; but when a large stock is required, the best time is September. There is an erroneous opinion entertained by many gardeners that a plant can only be preserved for a few years by cuttings, and that it is only by such that a plant can be raised so as to be propa- gated successively for ages. For my part, if I get a plant to strike root and thrive, I would not have any dread of losing it afterwards. Staten Island, N. Y., May 20, 1847. Mr. Kennedy's article will be continued in our next num- ber. It is unnecessary for us to say that his letters show him to be a perfect master of his professsion. — Ed. TJie Greenhouse and Conservatory in Summer. 263 Art. VI. The Greenhouse and Conservatory in Summer. By the Editor. A GREENHOUSE OT Conservatory in our northern clime — where, for about eight months of the year, nearly all tender plants require protection from frosts — is a necessary appendage to every garden of any extent — or, we might say, to almost every dwelling ; — for it is near to, or immediately adjoining, the house, that the conservatory should always be constructed. Separate from the interest which winter flowering plants alone create, it is necessary to the beauty and brilliancy of every summer garden to have a place where great quantities of showy plants can be brought forward for decorating the bor- der and parterre throughout the summer. Every one admires the beauty of a well-kept collection of greenhouse plants. Whether we view it in autumn, when stud- ded with that showy flower, the chrysanthemum, — in winter, when gay with the beautiful camellia, — or, in spring, when the many-hued roses breathe their delicious odor, and the exquisite tints of the pelargonium dazzle the eye, — it is always the same delightful place. Secure from the heavy storms and wintry blasts, the floral treasures of all climes are ever before us, in- teresting us in their growth, and delighting in their variety and aspect. But of all places the most dreary, — the greenhouse, as usually managed in summer. — is the most so. No sooner does June — "rosy June" — arrive, than the plants are all tumbled out of the house as if they had no right to be there; all their former brilliancy and beauty is forgotten ; and, with, perhaps, the exception of the camellias, are huddled into some out-of-the-way place, — or under the shade of some old tree, where they remain all summer, — sometimes wet and sometimes dry, — as if they were so many cumberers of the ground. Mr. Repton, in his Landscape Gardening, speaks of the greenhouse as "generally a deserted and unsightly ob- ject," and alludes to one which he constructed in such a style that it might be turned into a pavilion, in summer, in order to avoid this dreary aspect ! It is true, at the time he wrote, that our gardens were not enriched with the variety of plants 264 The Greenhouse and Conservatory in Sn7nmer. which the researches of botanists have brought to notice, and inany of which are so pecuharly adapted for summer orna- ments of the greenhouse. The gorgeous Japan UHes, the bril- liant achimenes, the superb fuchsias, and the elegant tribe of gloxinias and gesneras, then mostly unknown, will alone enrich and render the greenhouse as attractive in summer as at any other season of the year. Desirous that our amateur friends should enjoy the treat which has been of so much gratification to us, we have ven- tured to devote a page or two to a recapitulation of some of the plants, which will enable them to attain the desired object. We do not intend to enter into a full account of the growth and management of the plants, leaving that to another oppor- tunity, but merely to give a full list of such as we have, for two or three years, cultivated in the greenhouse throughout the summer months, or the interval from June to September, when it usually presents only a "beggarly account of empty benches." JAPAN LILIES. The Japan lilies are, par excellence, the gems of the sum- mer ornaments of the greenhouse. Perfectly hardy though they may prove to be, the entire success which attends their cultivation in pots, — aside from the delicate tints of some, as well as the gorgeousnes3 of others, which would scarcely withstand exposure to the winds and storms, — will always render them the most prominent objects of attraction. No de- scription of them would be adequate to their merits, and, to be fully appreciated, they must be seen in flower. There are several species and varieties ; but those which are especially splendid are the following : — lancifolium dlbum, 1. punctatum, 1. roseum, and 1. rubrum ; testaceum and Brownu. They commence blooming the latter part of June, and continue in flower till September. ACHIMENES. Next to the lilies should, perhaps, be ranked this beautiful family, though some might dispute its claim over the Gloxin- ias. There are about a dozen species and varieties, though we have only cultivated nine, as follows : — A. longiflora, The Greenhouse and Conservatory in Summer. 265 grandiflora, rosea, hirsuta, coccinea, pedunculata, oblonga, (Niphoe^a oblonga,) picta, and patens, the last one yet very- rare : picta is, perhaps, the most attractive of the whole, as its flowers are not only very splendid, but the leaves are of a very velvety texture, and richly marked with dark-colored bands, presenting a fine contrast with the yellow and scarlet spotted flowers. They commence flowering in April, and con- tinue till October ; of the easiest cultivation in very light soil, composed of leaf mould and heath soil. Three or more plants, placed in a small pan ten or twelve inches wide, make a fine show when in full bloom. GLOXINIAS. "One of the principal ornaments of our greenhouses," says a Belgian writer, in describing a new variety of this tribe, '•during the summer season, is the gloxinia in all its delight- ful species and hybrid varieties, whose brilliant flowers are admired for a long space of time, and among which are blue, violet, white, and rose, with their rich and velvety tints, and shining with a lustre inimitable. What would be our greenhouses without this plant? Grouped together in quantities, and in company with their allies, the achi- menes, gesneras, &c., what a variety of form and colors ! What flowers ! What a splendid sight !" To any one who has seen a good collection, well grown, this apparently imag- inative statement does not convey the reality. We may in- deed exclaim. What colors ! — What brilliancy and beauty ! We write after just having seen some magnificent specimens which are already covered with flowers. Since the process of hybridization has been applied to this tribe, some remarkably elegant varieties have been produced, the handsomest of which in our collection is the Cartoni, a per- fect gem. In Belgium, some still more striking varieties have been produced, one of which is a deep red with distinct stripes of blue, — a combination of colors rarely seen in flowers. Of the many kinds already introduced, the following are the best: — Rubra, speciosa, alba maxima, macrophy'lla varieg^ta, insignis, bicolor, Cartoni, and Celestial. Their cultivation is very simple. The bulbs should be VOL. XIII. — NO. VL 25 266 The Greenhouse and Conservatory in Summer. potted in April or May, and placed in a hotbed or very warm part of the greenhouse to give them a start, and, when root- ed, they may l)e shifted into large pots, and placed upon the stage for the season. From October to March, they may be kept in any dry place, the pots turned down on their sides. Peat, leaf-mouldj and sand is the proper compost. GESNERAS. The Gesneras are all very beautiful plants, and some of the re- cent additions to the tribe possess remarkably brilliant flow- ers as well as the richest foliage. Of this character are ze- brinaand Gerardid;ra. One, the tubiflora, is highly fragrant, and a single raceme of its showy flowers will perfume the green- house. The best are G. rubra, zebrina, splendens, Cooperii, Gerardidwa, and tubiflora : culture and treatment the same as for Gloxinias. FUCHSIAS. The Fuchsia, in its numerous hybrid varieties, is one of the most valuable ornaments of the greenhouse, the balcony, the verandah, or the parterre. In either situation, it always shows to good advantage, and, when the specimens are well grown, their profusion of flowers renders them the most at- tractive objects. We have already said so much in favor of the fuchsia, and given such an account of the fine speci- mens we saw in English collections, that it is unnecessary to again repeat it. We may, however, say a word in favor of some varieties which we have found to bear the heat better than others, and which are, therefore, more desirable. These are. Defiance, Salter's 40 and Salter's 41, Chauvieru, Ex- pansa, New Globe, E'ppsii, and Queen Victoria (Smith's). HIBISCUSES. The Chinese hibiscuses are the most gaudy objects in sum- mer, and, when the plants are large, and bloom freely, they add much to the effect of a well-arranged house. The plants should not be too numerous, but scattered here and there ; their large and showy flowers are always admired. There Hre four varieties, the scarlet, yellow, salmon, and rose. The Greenhouse and Conservatory in Sionjner. 267 They require good-sized pots, and, in winter, they may be stored under the stage, or in a dry cellar. MISCELLANEOUS PLANTS. Veronica specisba. — A brilliant and beautiful object, flow- ering from June to August, and singularly elegant from its heads of rich, violet flowers, and smooth, shining, fleshy foli- age. Hydrangea japonica. — This new and fine species, which we have already given a fall account of, v/ith an engraving (p. 123), is a rich addition in the early part of the summer. Its heads of blue and white flowers attract universal admiration. Thimberg'm chrysops. — A climbing plant of peculiar beauty. Rather shy in blooming, but v/ell repaying for all the care to bring it into a flowering state. This is done by encouraging the plants to grow freely early in the season, and then to com- mence stopping the shoots as soon as they attain the length of three or four inches. In this way, we have succeeded in pro- ducing a fine display of flowers. Its cserulean petals, with a golden eye, are charmingly beautiful. Passiflbra. frctgrans. — A highly fragrant species, v^nth very beautiful flowers, and blooming freely, if trained up to a neat trellis. It should be in every good collection. Campaaula grandis. — A very showy plant, attaining the height of five or six feet when well grown; and clothed with flowers from the pot up. We have already fully described this, and given an article on its treatment, (XII. p. 346). Lis'ianlhiis Russeliiknus is also a very fine plant, though rather difficult to manage well : when grown in perfection, its numerous deep-blue flowers contribute much to the beauty of the greenhouse. Our list could be easily extended with other plants, many of which are already familiar to cultivators. We have no space to enumerate more at this time ; but, at another oppor- tunity, we shall name several new kinds which have just been introduced, and which are stated to be fine objects as snmmer and fall flowering plants. 268 Hovey^s Fniils of America. REVIEWS. Art. I. The F?mits of America, containing a Selection of all the choicest varieties cultivated in the United Stales. By C. M. HovEY, Editor of the Magazine of Horticulture. In Octavo and Quarto Ps'os. every alternate month ; with four splendid colored plates, and eight pages of letter-press. Boston. 1847. After the appearance of the prospectus to this work, which all our readers, who are interested in fruits, have probably no- ticed, it is not necessary that we should recapitulate the ob- jects for which it was published. Suffice it to say, that sucFi a work has been long needed, and is, in truth, necessary to extricate us from the confusion which exists in all collections of fruits. We have for some years contemplated a work of this kind, and have been collecting, from all the sources in Europe, as well as at home, every variety of fruit, with a view to form a collection which would enable us to study the habits and char- acteristics of the trees; to detect errors and identify kinds ; and draw up a truthful description of every desirable fruit. As a cultivator, Ave have long felt the want of this ; convinced, as we have been, that a greater part of the errors, and the con- fusion and disappointment attendant thereon, might have been, in a great measure, prevented, could we have had re- course to such a publication. In a country covering such a vast extent of surface and passing through as many hands as fruits usually do before they reach every state and territo- ry, it could not otherwise than be expected that some mis- takes would be made, even with all the care of the most care- ful cultivator : but when we recollect that a great many deal- ers in trees are not nurserymen, and have but little acquaint- ance with trees, these errors are constantly increasing; and, without resorting to original descriptions, and actual represen- tations of the wood, foliage, and fruit, there is no way to rec- tify, with certainty, these errors. Preparatory to the issuing of such a work, we neglected no opportunity to gather all the materials to render it valuabl e Hovci/s Fruits of America. 269 and permanent — a standard for onr nomenclature. Our tour to Europe was undertaken with this in view ; and our visits to all the most extensive nurseries, and to the garden of the London Horticultural Society, the Jardin des Plantes and the Luxembourg garden, of Paris, were for the main object of making ourselves acquainted with certain fruits which, for years, have been cultivated under erroneous names, and erro- neously described in our treatises on Pomology. Premature descriptions of fruits only tend to perplexity and confusion : such has been the effect of too many of our works on fruit. The late Mr. Manning, after the experience of a quarter of a cerdury^ only began to describe the fruits which he had proved and identified during that time ; and the Lon- don Horticultural Society, with all the means at their com- mand, described bat a few additional fruits in their Catalogue for 1842, pubhshed ten years after their previous edi- tion of 1832, — and this is what gives it its chief value. Fruits so change, with soil, locality, and treatment, that neither one nor two years will enable any individual to judge with accu- racy of their true character. Long impressed with these ideas, we have been in no haste to give the results of our investigations ; but, trusting to a due appreciation of our efforts, undertaken with a view to accu- racy, we have issued the first number of a Avork which, we hope, will supply the desideratum so long wanted. Of its merits, we shall leave cultivators to decide. Of some of the peculiar features of the work, we may be permitted to speok. The first of these are portraits of trees of such kinds as are at all peculiar in their habit of growth, — for instance, the pear and apple. No pomological work has ever attempted this. Mr. Loudon, in his great work, the Arboretum Britanni- cum, has shown how important such portraits are, in identi- fying ornamental trees and shrubs : but how much more val- uable must they be, when brought to the aid of pomologists, to enable them to detect synonyms and identify varieties ! A second feature is, the outline engravings, with the text. These will enable the cultivator, after comparing specimens of fruit with the colored plate, to test them further by an outline ; on some thin paper the form may be traced off, and t.ien the 25* 270 Johnso7i's Dictionary of Modern Gardening. pear cut in halves, laid down upon the drawing, and exam- ined. We need not say, how important are the representations of the wood and foliage. Professor Agassiz, a friend informs us, has made a collection of many kinds of our forest trees, hy the wood alone ; and, if we are correctly informed, he sta- ted that botanists should rely more upon the wood than the sexual formation of the flower. Our artist is too well known to need our praise ; but the specimens show that the art of chromo-lithography produces a far more beautifnl and correct representation than that of the ordinary lithograph, washed in color, in the usual way. Indeed, the plates have the richness of actual paintings, which could not be executed for ten times the value of a sin- gle copy. It will be the object of the work to figure and describe all the rare and choice varieties of fruits, both new and old^ which may deserve a place in any select collection. The first num- ber contains the Beurre d'Aremberg, Glout Morceau, and Van Mons Leon le Clerc pears, and the Baldwin apple. No. 2 will contain the Vicompte de Spoelberch, Winter Nelis, and Sieulle pears, and the Northern Spy apple. Art. II, A Dictionary of Modern Gardening. By George William Johnson, Esq., Fellow of the Horticultural Soci- ety of India, &c : with One Hundred and Eighty Wood Ciils. Edited, with numerous Additions, by David Lan- dreth, of Philadelphia. 1 Vol. 12mo. pp. 635. Philadel- phia, 1847. The eagerness of our cultivators for Horticultural informa- tion has induced the republication of several English works, with annotations and additions, and they are about as numer- ous as those of American authors. This, however, is to be expected in a country yet in its infancy in Horticultural and Pomological science. With due allowance for variation of climate, English works may be made applicable and useful to every cultivator, and, until our own practice and experi- Johnsofi^s Dictionary of Modern Gardening. 271 ence shall have become more extensive, they must be the source from whence we must draw largely for information in every department of gardening. Of the best of recent publi- cations of a general nature, that of Mr. Johnson holds a conspic- uous place, containing, as it does, a great amount of informa- tion in a small volume, and placed within the means of every cultivator who cannot afford the expensive Encyclopaedias of Loudon. The American edition now before us has been under the editorial supervision of Mr. D. Landreth, of Philadelphia, and, in its arrangement, the usual style has been laid aside. The preface of the American publishers informs us that '•' the ordi- nary form in cases of a reprint, with additions and explan- atory notes, has been departed from in the present instance, with a desire to preserve the book from the awkward aspect which it would necessarily present if every addition by the American editor had been included within brackets, or print- ed in varied type." They also inform us that "this edition has been greatly altered from the original. Many articles of little interest to Americans have been curtailed, or wholly omitted, and much new matter, with numerous illustrations, added : yet the pres- ent editor freely admits, and has desired the publishers freely to state, that he has only followed in the path so admirably marked out by Mr. Johnson, to whom the chief merit of the work belongs." We must' willingly admit that a book whose every page is marred with a profusion of brackets, or a varied type, to des- ignate the editor's notes, has our especial dislike ; and, if we can know just what the original writer slates, and avoid this it is a great improvement in the republication of foreign works. Without having time to compare this with the Enghsh copy we notice that, on all important subjects, the editor informs us how far he has followed the original. The arrangement is alphabetical, and one of the most im- portant as well as earliest subjects is the apple. Here we have apparently nothing of the English edition, as the editor copies a list of apples from the catalogue of Messrs. Landreth & Fulton, with the remark that they are believed to be emi- nently worthy of culture. The descriptions of several vari- 272 Johnson^ s Dictionary of Modern Gardening. eties follow, accompanied with outline engravings of seven- teen kinds. The Baldwin is among these, and the editor states, "though nearly confined to New England, it ought to be an apple of the world. It has few superiors, and is above average qual- ity in all respects : few taste it without admiration." The descriptive list of cherries is illustrated with engrav- ings of eight of the best varieties. The following biographical sketch, probably by the Amer- ican editor, will interest many of our readers, and afford a spechnen of the writer's style :— " LANDRETH, David, was a native of England, the son of a farmer of Berwick upon Tweed. Early in life, his aUeniion was attracted by plants and flowers, and, yielding to his fondness for them, and impulses which they only who love nature can fully appreciate, he determmed to adopt gar- denino- as a profession. At that day, the art was less widely and ardently pursued than at the present, and the sources of information, and consequent means of improvement, were limited. Then publications on the subject were not, as now, of almost daily issue. Periodicals on gardening and rural affairs were unknown ; and, save the works of Miller, there was scarcely one for reference. Since then. Horticulture has assumed its right- ful place as a delightful, if not a fine art, cherished and pursued by the in- tellectual and refined. The subject of this sketch, after having availed himself of the usual rou- tine of practice in the neighb irhood of his birth-place, as a mean most likely to promote his views, and extend his knowledge of the more approved rules of the profession which he had espoused, removed to the vicinity of London. Here he profited by an observance of the operations in the exten- sive nursery establishments and pleasure grounds around the metropolis; and having prepared himself for the efficient practice of his art, embarked for America. The hostilities between the mother country and her colo- nies, then existing, prevented his sailing for a middle port, and he accord- ingly took passage for Quebec, where he resided for three years. On the conclusion of the war, his longing desire to remove to a southern point, and climate more genial to his pursuit, could now be gratified ; and, in the au- tumn of 1784, he arrived in Philadelphia, the spot towards which his eye had been unwaveringly directed — but why, he has been heard to say, he could not tell. There, all were strangers, \^'ithin its wide extent, there did not live a solitary being with whom he could claim acquaintance, much less friendship. How many have since followed from their father-land, and found peaceful and happy homes ! With a pocket but scantily supplied, and winter approaching, when but little employment in his line could be expected, he availed himself of a Johnson^ s Dictionary of Modern Gardening. 273 temporary engagement. It was not long, however, ere his qualifications and correct deportment secured the favoiable notice of Robert Morris, the distinguished revolutionary patriot, in whose employment he entered, and continued for several years, and with whose regard he was honored until the close of Mr. Morris' eventful life. Mr. L., on relinquishing the employment of Mr. Morris, was enabled to car- ry out his long-cherished and original design of establishing himself as a Nurs- eryman ; and shortly thereafter laid the foundation of what has been known throughout the I'nion, for more than half a century, as the " Landreth Nurseries." He ultimately associated with himself a younger brother, Cuthbert, who had followed him to America, and their united efforts ena- bled them successfully to conduct what was then considered an extensive business. A scrupulous regard to what was due to others secured respect and moderate competency. To the brothers Landreth, Philadelphia is, in a degree, indebted for the early development of horticultural taste, and in the facilities which they afforded for its gratification, the whole Union has participated. Their pro- ductiwns, ornamental and useful, have been distributed far and wide. Spec- imens of fruits a[id flowers from their grounds exist in almost every town and hamlet in the country. The earliest collection of Camellias in Amer- ica was made by them, and their importations of valuable plants and fruits were e.xtensive. Their collection of indigenous plants, obtained through the agency and friendship of traveling collectors, and local correspondents, was, perhaps, the largest of its day, if wc except the magnificent one of the Bartram Botanic Garden. How vast have been the enlargement of horticultural taste, and the means of gratifying it since Mr. Landreth first embarked in his floral enterprise ! Then a green-house, or, as it was popularly termed, a " glass-house," was an object of amazement, and a simple rose, exhibited in a window budding and blooming " out of season," attracted a wondering crowd. Now a res- idence in town or country is scarcely considered perfect which does not em- brace at least a room prepared for the preservation of plants ; and the thou- sands who throng the exhibitions of our Horticultural Society evince the extent of interest on the subject. The temperate and regular habits of Mr. Landreth promoted health, and protracted life beyond the ordinary term. In manners, he was plain and unobtrusive ; his temperament ardent, actively sympathizing with the afflict- ed, or warming with indignation at oppression. His fondness for plants in- creased with age, and, though their culture was the source of his support, he loved them for themselves alone. ' Trade' was, with him, an adjunct to the gratification of a refined enjoyment. Never did painter look upon his canvas, in glorious enthusiasm for his art, with an eye more abstracted from the lucre which his pencil brought, than did David Landreth in the contemplation of his floral family. A beautiful plant, a noble tree, or a landscape decorated by the hands of nature or of man, were to him objects of the purest pleasure. After an active and well-spent life, and with an enviable reputation, he died on the 22d August, 1836, aged 84." — pp. 337, 338. 274 Johnsoji's Dictionaiy of Modem Gaidenin^. The interest which is now extending in the cultivation of the pear has probably induced the American editor to add as much information as possible : and fifteen engravings of the best kinds accompany the descriptions, some of which are quite new. The latter are called the Haddington and Moy- amensing, both of which originated on the farm of J. B. Smith, near Haddington, Philadelphia. Both of these have been described, in a letter to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, by Dr. Brinkle, of Philadelphia ; but, as we have not found time to insert them before, we copy them here : — " Haddington, {Smithes.) We have, by the merest chance, this excel- lent addition to our stock of winter pears. Mr. J. B. Smith, when on his farm, near Haddington, Philadelphia County, in 1828, reared, from the seed of the pound pear, a number of young plants for slocks. This one acci- dentally remained unworked, and, on Mr. Sniiiirs removal to the city, was brought by him and planted in his garden, where it now stands, singularly erect, and with iew horizontal branches. It comes into use in December, and keeps through winter. The skin is green ; when ripe, slightly yellow on the sunny side, and marked by minute russet dots or specks. The tex- ture of the fruit varies — some are quite melting, others incline to break; it never cracks, bears abundantly, and we conceive it quite an acquisition to our winter pears." " MovAMiiNsiNG, (Smith's Early Buller.) This is supposed to be a na- tive. It stands in the garden of Mr. J. B. Smith, I'hiladelphia ; is thirty feet high, open in growth, and uniformly sheds its leaves early in August. The fruit vary in shape : some are roundish, others obovate ; color, a uni- form light yellow. Stem, an inch long — in some specimens set in ashallow basin ; in others rising from the crown, with a fleshy and enlarged base. Calyx rather prominent, in a shallow plaited cup. Ripe from middle July to close of August. The texture is buttery — so much like a Beurr6 as to have received the above synonym. It is a desirable variety." — pp. 432, 433. The Strawberry is treated of at length ; and, after quoting from the English copy, the American editor makes the follow- ing remarks: — " The American reader, though he will find much which will instruct in the culture of this delicious fruit, will perceive there is loo much detail and tedious labor." " Many of the varieties named in the preceding article are comparatively unknown in this country, and others have been tested, and found wanting. Our American seedlings have, on the whole, given most satisfaction, and are most reliable ; whilst the efforts now being made to produce varieties prom- ise, from the success already attained, to give all that could be desired." — p. 571. Johnson^ s Dictionary of Modern Gardening. 27 o The editor has shown his good judgment in describing only- four or five varieties, as there are, in fact, less than that num- ber of superior kinds. Two only are figured ; namely, Hovey's seedling and the Gushing, a variety raised by Dr. Brinkle, of Philadelphia. It is gratifying to us to know that our seedling has proved so excellent everywhere. The editor states that " too much cannot be said in its praise." The editor has also the correct opinion of its character ; and adopts our conclu. sion, that it will not bear withoui being in the neighborhood of staminate kinds. Ross's Phoenix^ which has been so highly praised by some individuals, has, so far, proved imworthy of cultivation in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. Such has been the experience around Boston ; and its growth is now nearly given up. We never yet saw so small a quantity as one quart of the Ross's Phoenix, although it has been grown about Boston these six years. Like the Swanstone seedling, the vines nearly all burn up in summer, and what few remain are quite killed by the winter. Experience thus shows the fallacy of cultivating every new variety of strawberry because it is a seedling, and also the importance of giving a new variety a trial of more than one year before it is propagated and sold as superior to all others. The Cashing is stated to be V'"!ry large, high-flavored, and productive : we shall speak of it after we have given it a tri- al. A plant was exhibited before the Pennsylvania Horticul- tural Society, in 1846, with ticenty-six fine berries on it. Mr. Breck, who, in company with Mr. Haggerston and other cul- tivators, visited our garden last summer, to inspect a large bed of the Seedling and the Boston Pine, counted one hundred and forty -three berries on a single plant of the latter. W'e are ea- ger to possess a variety which will excel this in productiveness. In conclusion, we can commend the American edition for considerable originality, and for its adaptation to the wants of a large class of cultivators. The volume treats upon every subject which comes within the province of the garden. A full monthly calendar is given ; and, with the various classes of plants which are treated upon, a list of all the most select and choice varieties. It is printed in a small, neat type, and is embellished with a number of engravings. 276 Journal of the Horticultural Society of London. Art. III. The Journal of the Horticnllnral Society of Lon- don. In Quarterly Numbers 8vo. Eighty pages each. We some time since announced the publication of this Jour- nal, which commences a new series, in a cheap octavo form; the old and expensive quarto having been discontinued, after running the society deeply into debt. This series commenced on the 1st of January 1847, and one volume complete, and parts 1 and 2 of the second, have been issued. We have al- ready given several extracts from the first A^olume, but very little has yet appeared which could be considered of much in- terest to a majority of our readers. The papers have been long, and some of them rather dry, — more theoretical than practical, — as a majority of the communications have been, and ever will be. The magazines of the day, appearing as they do weekly or monthly, are the sources to which the cul- tivator looks for information, and the source through which the practical man prefers to communicate with his professional brethren. The chief value of the Journal of the Society is the publi- cation of its own transactions, which interest a very large number of fellows who look to it for an account of what is doing in the Society's Garden, — for descriptions of all the new plants, trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, &c., which are intro- duced through the Society's Botanical collectors and corre- spondents— for the details of Experiments carried on in the garden — and for scientific discussions in the various branches of Horticulture. Among the scientific papers, one of the most valuable is an essay on " Hybridization amongst Vegetables," by the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Herbert, which fills a larger part of two numbers of the work. The Rev. author arrives at the following con- clusions relative to the specific diflerence of plants : — "When the generic characters, as ultimately stated by Enlicher, of Pisum, the pea and Vicia, to which the bean beU)ngs, are carefully com- pared, it will appear that, except a little prolongation and straighter posi- tion of the flower, which, in some other races, would be immaterial, the only fixed feature of difference is the asserted roundness of the seed in pea, audits lateral compression in the vetch and bean, a feature which, if the fact were undeniable, is insignificant in many other genera. If the pea, Journal of the Horticultural Society of London. 277 vetch, and erect bean have sprung from one type, and are convertible, to what result does that fact lead us ? Can we maintain a multiplicity of cre- ated roses, cistuses, potentillas, cornflags, and irises, in the face of that fact? Are we not forced thereby to the points, which I urged above thirty years ago, that the genera are the substantial divisions in botany ; that the asserted difference between the species and local varieties of botanists has no firm basis ; and that it is a matter deserving grave consideration, whether even a multitude of established genera are not variations from fewer origi- nal kinds, of which the real limitation maybe found in a higher position amongst tribes, classes, or orders? And, if that point be established; as I humbly think it must be in the vegetable kingdom, upon what footing will the species and vaiieties of zoologists stand, when the analogies between plants and animals are fully considered, which it is not my province, and which I do not pretend to have sufficient depth of knowledge, to investigate?" —p. 103. In our early vohimes, (T. 11. and III), we gave two cap- ital articles on the cultivation of asparagus, which is rarely seen in good perfection. As many of our present readers may not possess those volumes, we extract the substance of a paper on its culture, as detailed in the first part of Vol. II. : — "In selecting the ground for permanent beds, choose a piece free from trees, and sloping to the south, if possible. I should prefer a strong sandy loam of the depth of three feet; if not naturally so deep, make it that depth artificially. Take out a trench two feet six inches wide and three feet deep, laying one third of the soil on the vacant ground where you commence, and carrying the other to the place where you intend to finish. Suppose the trench to be now taken out, and the ground ready for trenching, lay over the whole surface six inches in depth of dung from old hotbeds, shaking it well with a fork. Turn in the first spit and crumb with a full-length spade into the bottom of the trench, mixing the dung and soil thoroughly together with a fork ; then throw on the other soil, until the second trench is the same depth as the first ; and so proceed until you come to the last trench, into which throw half the earth taken back, and add dung equal to that for the first spit, mixing it and the soil well together with a fork, as before. Now that the ground has been once trenched over, and the bottom spit thorough- ly mixed, tread the whole surface, and again lay on it about six inches in depth of dung, shaking it well as before. Then proceed to trench the ground back, leaving the bottom spit that has been mixed with manure un- molested. Proceed as before : after the first spit and crumb have been turned in, mix the dung and soil well together with a fork, which will be two thirds of the trench mixed, throwing on the top the remainder of the earth unmixed with dung, until you come to the first spit that has been mixed, and so continue until the ground has been all trenched a second time ; then throw in the earth laid out at the commencement of the trench- ing, adding dung equal to that for the spit just thrown in, and well mixing VOL. Xni. — NO. VI. ^ 278 Journal of the Horticultnral Society of London. it with the soil. There will now be an opening at the top, and one third of the earth left at the bottom. Tread the whole surface over, and again lay on six inches in depth of dung, forking it up the hill, and keeping the same opening. The whole mass of ear;h and dung will then be tlioroughly mixed from bottom to top, and the opening will take the remainder of the earth thrown out of the first trench. The work should be done in dry (not frosty) weather — say, in October. The ground being thus prepared, throw it up in rough spits, one spade deep, to be pulverized by the frost against planting time. My time of planting is, when I observe the plants to have grown about an inch above the ground in the seed-bed, choosing a dry day when the soil will work freely. After having marked out my beds four feet in width, and having allowed two feet for the alleys, I strain a garden line or each side, and, as before mentioned, with a rake draw the soil equally off the bed into the alleys about two inches and a half deep. I then strain the line ex- actly through the middle of the bed, and, with the point of a dibble, make light marks one foot six inches apart. That being done, I then strain the lines nine inciies from the margins of the bed, being a distance of one foot three inches from the middle row to the outside ones. These I mark in the same way as I did the middle one ; but so that the plants will not be oppo- site each other. Every thing being now ready, plants are obtained from the seed-bed, selecting the finest, and exposing them as little as possible to sun and air. I place one plant over each mark made in the bed, spreading the roots out as regularly as possible on the surface, and laying, as I pro- ceed, a little soil with the hand from the alleys on the plants, in order to fix them in their places. The bed being planted, I strain the lines on the outside, and, with a spade, throw the soil from the alleys over the crowns, covering thein about an inch and a half, but not deeper. If any burned veg- etable matter can be obtained from the rubbish heap, I shotild recommend coating the beds over about half an inch in depth with it, after they have been planted. In autumn, when the stalks are ripe, cut them down close, and clean off the beds, taking care not to disturb the soil, the crowns being so near the surface. Make a mixture of equal parts rotten dung and burned garden rubbish, and coat the beds with it three inches in thickness, just covering it with soil from the alleys. In this state, allow them to remain during winter, and, early in March, run it through with a fork down to the level of the bed when covered. 1 have cut a few heads the second year afler planting ; but in the third year one half the fine asparagus that comes up may be cut without injuring the plants. The fourth year, the beds are in fine bearing condition ; and when in this state, my method is, to keep every thing cut, both large and small, up to the first or second week in June, with the exception of the heads selected for producing seed. After this time, I allow the whole to take its natural growth, and I find my beds to continue for years in a good bearing slate. Some of them were made ten years ago, and I have cut finer asparagus from them this season than I did three years back. And I General Notices. 279 must mention, further, that I have not put a barrow-load of dung on them for four years. In the summer months, I keep the rubbish of the garden burning, preserving the ashes dry until autumn ; and as soon as the aspara- gus is fit to cut down, I take off half the soil above the crowns with a fork, laying it on the alleys. I then put on three inches in thickness of burned rubbish, running it through with a fork as near the crowns as possible with- out injuring them. I then take a portion of the soil that has been removed, and cover the beds with it, allowing it to remain on them tlirough the win- ter. Early in March, I mix the whole well together with a fork, and rake the beds otF regularly, watering with manure-water once a week through the growing season, if required. 1 have grown a crop of turnips or lettuces on my beds every year since they were planted ; but I do not recommend the plan, if sufficient ground can be had for these crops in other parts of the garden." — pp. 39, 40, 41. Mr. Meek, the champion of Polraaise heating, has a long arti- cle on the subject ; but the success of the system has been con- fined to so few, that we shall not enter into a discussion of it till we have more evidence of its general application. Under our head of Floricultural Notices, we shall mention all the new plants of interest which are described in the Jour- nal. Art. IV. A Brief Compend of American Agriculture. By R. L. Allen. 12mo. pp. 437. 2d Edition. New York. 1847. At page 487, (Vol. XII.) we noticed this work, and we are happy to learn that a second edition has already been called for, — the best evidence of its value. We again recommend it to the attention of every friend of Agricultural Improvement. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. I. General Notices. Scarlet Pelarfronium'! for Winter Blooming Plants. — The Huntsman and General Tom Thumb scarlet geraniums, deserve more attention than is generally paid them, as winter blooming plants. There are few persons .280 General Notices. who will not admit, that they form objects of great beauty for the green- house or conservatory, during the dark and dreary months of winter ; and they are plants of such easy cultivation, that 1 am surprised we so seldom see them in bloom in the winter time. I have seen them in bloom from September till the return of Spring, by ihe plan of taking off cuttings about this time, or selecting some of the best dwarf plants, from the store pots, and potting or striking them in sixties, in good rich soil ; as soon as ihey are rooted, they can be finally shifted into twenty-fours ; then plunged over the rims of the pots in the open borders, or in beds of ashes. They will require little or no attention till taken up, except to top the shoots occa- sionally, and to pinch off the blooms till the plants attain a moderate size, "which will be about the end of August or beginning of September. In October, before the frost comes, they must be taken up, the pots washed and cleaned, and then they must be at once removed to the greenhouse or conservatory. They wi'.l be in full bloom, and a supply will come on in rotation. The little trouble that is occasioned will be amply compensated by a brilliant display of rich scarlet blooming throughout the winter. ( United Gardeners'' Journal, 1847, p. 241.) Root Pruning Trees. — Some three or four years ago, when the sub- ject of root-pruning was first discussed, we felt much interested in the subject, and republished an article by our correspondent, Mr. Rivers, of the Sawbridgevvorth Nurseries, England, showing the benefiis and advantages of the system. We also practically satisfied ourselves that the plan was an important one to every cultivator, enabling him to bring trees into bear- ing, when all other means had failed. But some of our amateurs and pro- fessional men have not been convinced of its utility, and even our friend, Mr. Ernst, in a recent article, (p. 57,) views the system " as a sort of horticultural heresy, calculated to do much mischief," which " will have its day, and then be permitted to slumber among the errors of the times." To all who entertain such impressions, we invite their attention to the fol- lowing remarks ; and when they have proved them by experiment, as we have, to be correct, we doubt not it .will be generally adojited where it is desired to grow a variety of trees in a small space, and speedily bring them into fruit. — Ed. As I was one of the first who called your attention to the root-pruning of pear trees, for the purpose of making them bear early, I was glad to find, on a visit to Sawbridgeworth Nursery the other day, that Mr. Rivers has carried out, with the most complete success, his management of the pear, so as to produce early fcuitfulness, and yet the most vigorous and healthy growth. I should say that you will scarcely find one tree in a hundred of his vast nursery of pears, (covering, I cannot recollect how many acres,) which is not covered with bloom. The trees are three to four feet high, trained conically, and, with few exceptions, all grafted on quince stocks. In addition to the dwarfing effect of this slock, he finds many of the best kinds of pears, which are worthless on pear stocks, produce excellently flavored fruit on the quince. There are, however, some kinds which he finds it impossible to cultivate on this stock, and therefore, in order to avail General Notices. 281 himself of the advantages of the stock, he first grafts on it a common pear, and then grafts or buds the reluctant or refractory variety on the pear ; and by this mode of double working, he procures a good bearing tree, with all the advantage of the quince root. Five years ago, I had small pear trees, with bloom buds in November, which bore a good crop in the following year ; and any one who had laid in a stock of these little conical trees last autumn, might have this season had an orchard of pears in full bearing, always presuming that we do not have such a May to destroy our fruit as we had last season. It is astonishing what a collection of these trees may be contained in a small space ; from five to six feet apart, in rows running north and south, is quite space sufficient. I feel satisfied that not half suffi- cient attention is paid to this fruit for our desserts ; a very little care, and a judicious selection of sorts, would ensure them daily from the end of July till May. 1 found two sorts in Mr. Rivers' fruit house, both in excellent Older — the Fortune, an admirable pear, and the Ne plus Meuris, and I dare say these will be equally good a month hence. I think he told me he had nearly 900 kinds, of course very many of which are worthless, but there are many which he has not yet proved; and again, although his grounds affijrd a great variety of soil and aspect, yet as it is known that climate, aspect, and soil have a strong influence on the excellence of the fruit, we are still in want of information from your various correspondents on this subject. There are many kinds which produce finer looking fruit on walls, which, however, are much surpassed in flavor by the smaller fruits, as on espaliers or on conical shaped standards. I have adopted a suggestion of Mr. Rivers, in planting a conical trained standard near the wall between my peach trees, and find the fruit of the tender varieties better flavored than what is grown against the wall ; and these trees take up little or no wall. Mr. Rivers finds the trees grafted on quince stocks flourish better when the whole of the stock is covered with earth (he grafting at about six inches from the ground) as the stock is apt to get hard and hidebound, especially when the graft is of a kind of vigorous growth. He has planted several on mounds of earth, tonguing the stock to encourage the throwing out of small roots, and he proposes in the autumn to replant them, cutting away the bottom strong roots, and then obtaining little else than a mass of fine fibrous roots for the support of his tree, which will make fruitfulness cer- tain. When this matter was first discussed, that is, a systematic course of root-pruning, for we all admitted that it was occasionally done before, the objectors cried out that no good fruit would be produced ; that the fruit like the trees would be stunted and vviihout flavor and gritty. I can report that the fruit on my root-pruned trees has been finer than that produced on old trees which were left in their natural stale ; but these pruned trees must be duly attended to, manured, and must be mulched in a dry summer. — (Gard. Chron. p. 253.) Culture of the Chinese Primrose. — In pot culture, two difl^erent methods may be pursued. When the object is to obtain a number and succession of plants, three or four sowings should be made from the beginning of July to the end of September. As soon as the seedlmgs have formed two proper 26* 282 General Notices. leaves, they may be potted in small thumbs, and afterwards progressively shifted till they are in pots of the required size : four and six-inch ] ots will generally be found large enough. The soil proper for them consists of one- half sandy loam, the other half leaf-soil, or leaf-soil and peat. The seeds may be raised in a slight hotbed, where the plants may remain until they are establisiied in their first shift ; they must then be removed to a cold frame, open day and night, and covered with glass only during violent rain. On the approach of frost, they may be removed to a cool, airy part of the greenhouse, as near as possible to the glass, as, without abundance of light and air, the flower-stems will be drawn, and the colors will be dim. They require, at all times, an abundant supply of water, and, therefore, the pots should be well drained to ensure a due circulation ; for few plants are more impatient of stagnant water about their roots. Some recommend the plants being placed a little deeper in the pot at each shifting, but that is a bad practice, being calculated to cause them to damp ofl^ at the neck. In this way, a succession of flowering plants may be maintained from November to May ; those with the largest flowers and finest colors only should be re- served for seed ; the others may be destroyed as soon as their beauty is past. I anticipate that we shall, by and by, have spotted and variegated varieties: perhaps, by impregnating the white and pink with each other, something of the kind may be produced. Those intended for seed should be placed in a drier atmosphere and higher temperature than ihe green- house affords. In the cultivation of large specimens, either of the single or double vari- eties, healthy young plants may be selected in the beginning of August, in four-inch pots, with their roots just appearing at the outside of tlieball: they may at once be transferred to pots a foot in diameter, prepared in the most careful manner ; they should have not less than two inches of large crocks in the bottom, then a thin layer of fine pieces, which should be cov- ered with the fibres of turf or ])eat ; the soil may be the same as before rec- ommended, but the loam should be in large turfy pieces, and mixed with a third part of crocks and pieces of charcoal ; the whole should be carefully placed in the pots, and mixed with pure but sharp sand in such a manner that veins of it may run right through the mass; the soil ought not to be pressed into the pots, but merely slightly shaken, and the pot beat on the potting-bench. The plants should have been well watered a short time previous to potting, and will not require a further supply for two or three days. They may be placed on a gentle hotbed until they begin to grow, but must not be allowed to remain longer than a week, when they must be removed to a cold frame, and elevated upon inverted pots until their leaves are on a level with the edges of the frame. Air must be increased grad- ually for a few days ; afterwards, the lights may be taken off for two or three hours, morning and evening, and during the middle of the day, and at night, tilted upon the side opposite the quarter from whence the wind blows. A slight shower in the morning or evening will be of benefit to them, but not more than will sufliice to wet the leaves ; nor must heavy rain be allowed to fall upon them ; for a thunder shower of very short duration General Notices. 283 would counteract the effect of all previous care. During bripht weather, slight syringings morning and evening may be given immediately before putting on the lights. They should not be too frequently watered, but, when water is given, it should be in such quantity as will thoroughly pen- etrate the soil, and run out at the bottoms of the pots. The soil in the pots should be maintained in a condition to admit a free circulation both of air and water, so that, when water is given, it may quickly disappear from the surface, and make its way through the mass. They may remain in the frames until the weather becomes too cold for them, when they must be removed to the greenhouse or conservatory. — {Gard. and Land Steward^ s Journal, 1847, p. 241 ) Thin^dng Annual Plants. — At this season, those who cultivate annual flowering plants must be on the alert to afford a timely thinning, for, if left in the crowded state in which they are sure to spring up, they will pre- vent each other from attaining any ihing like an average degree of perfec- tion. Much of the necessity of this operation may be obviated by sowing the seeds moderately thin in the fir?t instance ; but, as in all cases it is nec- essary to deposit more seeds than can be permitted to remain, if they vege- tate, there will be many plants to remove. If they are of rare or valuable species, they may be carefully taken up and transplanted into another part of the garden : if they happen to be of those kinds which are not required for such purpose, they should be pulled up, with reference only to the safety of those which are intended to be left. The number of plants which should be permitted to remain in a patch will vary according to the habits of the species ; thus a large vigorous growing plant, of good habit, should stand as a single plant, whilst any of a more straggling growth, two or three should be retained, and those sufficiently near each other to form an outline of perfect unity, but not so as to appear crowded. In the case of less vig- orous growing plants, about three plants should be retained ; prostrate plants must be regulated by a similar rule, according to the multiplicity or pau- city of their branches. In taking up the plants which are removed, care must be used that those remaining are not injured by the operation ; and, that this may be the result, it should be do"e at as early a period as possi- ble, that is, as soon as a few leaves are perfected. After thinning, more than ordinary diligence must be used to prevent injury from the depreda- tions of snails, slugs, &c. ; lime, from its caustic properties, is, perhaps, the best preventive, as it is not at all injurious to the plants when applied in moderation. The staking of the kinds of upright habit should also be attended to at an early period, and those of suitable habits should be pegged down to the soil, and will thus form very pleasing masses. — (/rf. p. 255.) Pol Culture of the Vine. — From long experience, I have proved the fol- lowing method of cultivating Vines in pots to answer most admirably. The Black Hamburfjh is, perhaps, the best kind f .r pot-culture ; but 1 have also found the While Frontignan and Musque Fronlignan (H) to succeed well ; the latter sets its fruit best in the coolest part of the house. 1 prefer buds from old spurs to any other. About the middle of January , the prunings are 284 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. introduced into heat, to forward the buds previous to potting, and in the first week in February the buds are prepared in the usual way. I insert one only in a four-inch pot, just covering the wood ; I use leaf-mould finely sifted, mixed with a small portion of silver sand. The pots are then plunged half their depth into a bottom heat of about 70° ; if the young vines receive due attention, they will require a shift in the middle of April into eight-inch pots, using a mixture of well rotted cow-dung, leaf-mould, and strong 1 lam, in equal proportions. 1 then again subject them to bottom heat, until the roots fairly show that another shift is wanted, which is the final one. I employ at this shift fifteen-inch pots, and use a soil composed of three parts strong loam, and the other part cow-dung. I train near the glass, with a view to ripen the wood effectually, and pay strict attention to stopping the laterals, preserving the main branch to the length of eight feet. I always allow one foot in addition to the bearing wood, in case of a bud starting at the top, which it often does when the vines are luxuriant. During the growing stage of the vines in the fruiting-pots, I apply liquid manure once a week, made from cow-dung, and when the shoots exhibit a tinge of brown, I pick out the laterals with my finger and thumb, retaining the leaves, and two or three laterals at the extremity. When the wood is fully matured, water is gradually withheld, and the vines pruned to the required length and stored away in a dry shed exposed to the north winds ; there they remain until they are required for forcing. A week previously to introducing them into heat, the plants receive a thorough watering with clear liquid manure in a tepid state. Treated as above described, they fruit most abundantly ; the number of good-sized bunches I manage gener- ally to bring to perfection, is from ten to fifteen on each vine. I may men- tion that I moss the stems for about a foot and a half in height from the surface of the pots ; the stems root freely into the moss by keeping it con- tinually moist. When the fruit is swelling, I supply the plants liberally with the liquid manure above mentioned, and, in addition, I apply guano- water once in eight days, in the proportion of about a pound of guano to a gallon of water; by this application I have proved that three or four pounds of fruit may be brought to perfection on a vine. The pots are placed in pans on a flue, and trained near the glass. — ( Gard. Chron. p. 253.) Art. II. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Saturday, May 1, 1847. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day, — the President in the chair. The committee appointed for fixing the days of the annual exhibition, reported that they had decided upon Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, the 22d, 23d, and 24th days of September next ; anj the report was ac- cepted. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 285 The following members were elected : — Jonathan Chapman, C. H.Mills, A. W. Thaxter, Thomas Lamb, J. E. Thayer, J. W. Blodgett, Isaac Babbitt, T. P. Gushing, and 0. Everett, Jr., Boston; Joseph Murray, Med ford. Adjourned two weeks, to May 15th. Exhibited. — Fruit : Mr. J. F. Allen, of Salem, made a very rich display of grapes fortheearliness of the season — his collection containing just twelve kinds, of which the following are the names: — Early Black July, Miller's Bergundy, Early White of the French, and Pitmaston white cluster, (these four are the earliest grapes, and the Pitmaston the earliest and the best of these,) Zinfindal, Ferral, Black Hamburg, White Chasselas, C'hasselas de Bar Sur Aube, Aleppo, White and Grizzly Frontignan ; also. Black Figs, of St. Michael. From S. Needham, cucumbers, well grown. From O. N. Towne, a brace of cucumbers. From J. F. Allen, tomatoes. Maij I5th. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day, — the President in the chair. A letter was read from Prof. Gray, accompanied with a copy of his Flora Boreala Americana, and a copy of Mr. Ward's Treatise on the Groiulh of Plants in closely glazed cases. The thanks of the Society were voted. A copy of the Transactions of the Worcester County Horticultural So- ciety was received from George Jacques, of Worcester, and the thanks of the Society were voted. Exhibited. — Floweks : From the President of the Society, a fine display of greenhouse plants of various kinds, among which were Azalea variegiita, A. nudiflora ornata, (a hardy variety,) and twenty seedling azaleas, some of them fine striped varieties ; thirty seedling calceolarias ; seedling cinerarias and petunias, and a variety of roses, including the Persian yellow, Madame Angehna, Paul Joseph, «Sic. ; also, cut flowers of camellias, including two new seedlings. From T. Willott, gardener to J. A. Lowell, a variety of plants, among which were the iVep6nthes distillatoria or pitcher plant, and a splendid specimen of Russ611ia ^'lincea. From N. Stetson, South Bridge- water, a fine plant of Cylisus racemosus and Madam Desprez rose. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., six plants of new and splendid pelargoniums, as follows : — Beck's Aurora, Rosy Circle, Isabella, Zanzummin, and Desde- mona and Chandler's Celestial ; nothing could excel the beauty of Mr. Beck's seedlings. From W. Quant, 12 pelargoniums of various kinds, seedling cinerarias, six fuchsias, a superb specimen of Stephanotus flori- bundus, and a variety of pot plants and cut flowers. From J, Thomas, gardener to J. L. Gardener, seedling verbenas, and a variety of cut flowers. Front J. L. L. F. Warren, 26 species and varieties of cactuses and bou- quets. Bouquets and flowers were also contributed by T. Needham, James Nugent, J. Hovey, J. W. Mandell, W. B. Richards, A. C. Fernald, A. Bowditch, and J. Breck & Co. Premiums were awarded as follows : — Pelargoniums, Class II. — For the best 6 plants, to W. Quant, ^. For the second best 6 plants, to W. Mellar, $i. 286 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Fuchsias. — For the best six varieties, to William Quant, $6. Cinerarias. — For the best six varieties, to W. Quant, $3. Various sorts of Greenhouse Plants. — For the best twelve plants, to W. Quant, #8. For the second best twelve plants, to A. Bowditch, S5. Cut Flowers. — For the best display, to W. Quant, 03. For the second best, to J. Nugent, $2. Gratuities. — To M. P. Wilder, for a display of greenhouse plants, $8. For the same, to Thos. Willott, $5. To Henry Reed, for Cytisus racemosus, $3. May 22. Exhibiled. — Flowers : From the President of the Society, twelve seedling calceolarias, some of them very beautiful ; cut flowers of seedling camellias, one of which appears to possess good properties, and other varieties ; Tea, Princesse Adelaide, and Solfitaire roses, the former quite rare ; also, Bourbon and Perpetual roses, and hardy azaleas, (forced.) From R. M. Copeland, fine hyacinths. From W. Quant, a splendid plant of Stephanotus floribiindus, cinerarias, geraniums, &c. From J. Thomas, six handsome verbenas, also a fine show of sweet peas, pelargoniums, cal- ceolarias, &c. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., beautiful seedling pansies. From T. Need- ham, cut flowers of verbenas, cinerarias, abutilons, &c. From Joseph Breck & Co., hyacinths in great variety ; fine varieties of Phlox subulata ; white swan and other double varieties of the Polyanthus, with a great va- riety of other perennial flowers of the season. From Mrs. L. Spalding, a fine pant of C^reus ext6nsis, in full bloom. From J. L. L. F. Warren, Burch^lla specidsa, a new and rare species ; also, Callistemon spl6ndens, bouquets, &c. Bouquets and cut flowers, from A. Bowditch, J. VV. Man- dell, and S. R. Johnson. The award of premiums was as follows : — Plants. — For the best six pot plants, to W. Quant, a premium of $2. To A. Bowditch, for the second best, a premium of #1. Bouquets. — For the best mantel bouquet, to A. Bowditch, $2. For the second best, to W. Quant, $1. For the best hand bouquets, to A. Bowditch, $2. For the second best, to J. L. L. F. Warren, $1. Gratuities — To Wm. Quant, for a splendid plant of Stephan6tus flori- biindus, S5. To R. M. Copeland, for a very fine display of hyacinths, $3. Fruits. — Mr. Allen again made another fine display of his grapes, viz: Ferral, Black Hamburg, Zmandal, early Black July, Grizzly Frontignan, Pitmasion white cluster, and white Chasselas ; also, black and white figs of St. Michael, Azores. The Pitmaston white cluster is a small round berry, and, when fully ripe, of a fine amber color; it will ripen in from tea to twenty days less time than the Chasselas or Sweetwater. It is a very desirable variety. Vegetables. — From W. Quant, fine asparagus. Horticultural Memoranda. 287 May 29. Exhibited . — Flowers : From Messrs. Winship a fine display of flowering shrubs, such as spiraeas, azaleas, Pyrus japonica, Wistaria, &c. &c. From J. Thomas, plants of verbenas, Tropaeolum minor, seedling calceolaria and Pelargonium Matilda. From Joseph Breck & Co., 200 fine tulips, a beautiful new aquilegia, (A. secunda,) Jberis Tenoreana, va- riegated mountain ash, and other shrubs and flowers. From Messrs. Hovey &. Co., very fine seedling pansies. From E. Wins- low, beautiful tulips. From A. Aspinwall, a fine display of roses. From P. Barnes, a fine plant of Azalea Gledslan^su, seedling verbenas, &c. From J. L. L. F. Warren, £uph6rbm splt^ndens, Justicfa carnea and caly- tricha, double white and purple Chinese primroses ; a variety of rhododen- drons and other flowers. Bouquets and cut flowers, from W. B. Richards, E. Wight, James Nugent, A. Bowditch, P. Ivory, W. Mellar, E. M. Richards, Miss Russell, S. Walker, and others. Premiums were awarded as follows : — Plants. — For the best six plants, to J. Thomas, f2. For the second best, to J. L. L. F. Warren, SI. Tulips. — For the best 30 distinct varieties, to Joseph Breck & Co. $8. For the second best 30 varieties, to S. Walker, f6. Pansies. — For the best 12 distinct varieties, to Messrs. Hovey & Co., $4. For the second best, to Joseph Breck & Co., $3. To P. Barnes, for a pan of fine blooms, a gratuity of #2. Bouquets, &c. — For the best 6 hand bouquets, to A. Bowditch, $2. For the second best, to J. L, L. F. Warren, f 1. A gratuity of ;^2 to J. Thomas, for a moss vase. Fruits. — From J. F. Allen, very fine grapes, as follows: — Chasselas bar sur Aube, Black Hamburg, White Frontignan, Sweetwater, Zinfindal, Aleppo, and Grizzly Frontignan ; also, white figs. From T. Needham, handsome black spine cucumbers. From W. Quant, fine black spine cu- cumbers. HORTICULTURAL MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. FRUIT DEPARTMENT. Grape Vines will soon be swelling rapidly, and will require a liberal quantity of air — always given early in the morning — and a good supply of moisture, which should be created by watering the walks about four o'clock in the afternoon just after the sashes are closed for the night. If dry weather should set in, the border should be mulched with some coarse strawy manure. Continue to stop the laterals, and tie in all leading shoots. If the bunches have not been properly shouldered, they should be imme- diately attended to. Young vines raised from eyes should now be shifted into larger pots. 288 Horticultural Memoranda. Pruning and staking all kinds of trees should now be attended to. A little attention to this will add greatly to their form and appearance. Grafted trees should be looked after, and the clay and matting removed, if the ties are girdling the stems. Thinnin'^ the fruit is an important object, when young trees have set too large a quantity. FLOWER DEPARTMENT, Catnellias should now be removed from the greenhouse or conservatory, into a half shady situation, and be properly arranged and placed upon boards, so that the worms cannot enter the pots. See that they are regu- larly syringed. Pelargoniums will be past their beauty the latter part of the month, when they should be removed to the open air, and their branches headed in and cuttings put in, if a young stock is wanted. Ericas should be removed to frames facing the north, or plunged out into the open ground in a half shady situation. Diosmas, epacrises, <^c. may receive the same treatment as the ericas. Oxahscs, Sparaais, locias, ical Plants. certain extent in our country; but anew mode of chemical process, and knowledge of facts connected with scientific in- quiries may revive them with more purity, and render them a lucrative article of commercial exports. Such observations would more properly include the indigo plant ; likewise the madder plant (i^ubia tinctorium) ; the Turkish poppy, (Papa- ver somniferum) ; saffron plant, (Crocus s^tivus) ; olive tree, (O^lea europae^a) ; tea plant, {T/iea viridis) ; coffee plant, {Coffea arabica) ; sago plant. (Cycas revoluta) ; black pepper, (Piper nigrum) ; nutmeg, (Myristica officinalis) ; Mahogany tree, (Swietenm Mahagojii) ; the banana and plantain, (Musa paradisiaca, and M. sapientum) ; papaAV tree (Carica papaya) ; Mammee tree, (JMammea americana) ; date palm, cocoa-nut tree; likewise the Teak-tree {Tecthna grandis) which could be introduced and rendered valuable. The sugar cane (ilrundo saccharifera) is gradually improving in the amount of saccha- rine matter contained in its annual cuttings, and, since its in- troduction and cultivation in the southern portion of our coun- try, its joints have become more extensively filled with the saccharine juice, and it will not be long before it will yield equal to that cultivated in the West India islands, constitu- tionally adapting itself to regions farther north. I am, dear sir, respectfully yours, Augustus Mitchell. Portland^ Maine, June, 1847. Our thanks are again due to General Dearborn for the com- munication of Dr. Mitchell's paper. The subject is one of deep interest to our agriculturists, and the suggestions of Dr. Mitch- ell, that the plants of the opposite zones can be cultivated with success in the southern portion of the country, are undoubt- edly correct. It only wants some zealous cultivators to feel an interest in the matter to make a full trial of the kinds he names. The lamented Dr. Perrine, who labored so long in this great object, had just begun to see some of the fruits of his many years devotion to it, when the Florida war com- menced : its long continuation delayed and frustrated his plans, and he finally fell a victim to the ferocity of the sav- ages, who then spread over that part of the territory. Now that there is every opportunity open to prosecute the work, we hope Dr. Mitchell may find friends who will assist him in carrying out his suggestions. — Ed. A Way to keep a Record of Trees. 291 Art. II. A Way to keep a Record of the Place of every Tree in an Orchard, — with or ivithont Labels. By M. W. Philips, Edwards, Miss. I QUOTE the first part of the above sentence from page 156. as used m the heading of an article on this subject, and 1 might state an advertisement, offering a farm for sale. I herewith give you m}^ plan, and, thinking it so simple, I would not have thought of telling any one how, but for the article alluded to. My peach orchards I designate as "Griffiths " or " S. W. or- chard,"— " Downing's," or " East orchard," and "The or- chard." The first contains 25 rows, of 16 trees each ; the sec- ond, 28 rows, of 16 trees each ; the third not complete. I begin at a farm road leading south, and number the first orchard as roAvNo. 1 West, No. 2 E., No. 1 W., &c : trees in each row, Nos. 1, 2, 3, &c., going north to south — all of which rows are laid off" with a compass. I have a book in which I keep registered the names of trees, with all the necessary information ; an example I give from my East orchard. East. Row No. 1. No. Variety. Bloom. Leaf. Color. Ripens. Qualify. I. Snow. Small, White. Reniform g. {Fruit not ripened here yet.) I am examining every tree I get, as to bloom and leaf, without regarding any description from books : I note it : af- ter I have thus a history of all my fruit trees, I will erase ev- ery name that does not come up to description ; and if a fruit is worthy of a name, that comes to me under a wrong one, and I find it differs, I will name it, for future examination. My apple orchard contains 575 trees, and rather too large for plotting. My pear orchard now numbers 165 ; and I have some 1200 peach trees. I could not strike out any simpler plan than mine. My peach book is more extended than any other, because the peach is our own fruit, and I am desirous of paying the closest attention to it. My pear book will note color of wood; any peculiarities in leaf; growth, shape, size, color, ripening, and quality, of fruit, if for table or dessert. But it will be years before my pears will tell. 292 -^1 Wai/ to keep a Record of Trees. If the SO or 90 trees add so much to the vahie of Mr. H.'s farm, how shall I cipher up the worth of mine ? I have not told you any thing of my plums, cherries, figs, quinces, walnuts, peccans, &c., &c. I can only say, in the way of slipping in an advertisement, that, if any one Avill give me his price per acre, I will throw in some 5000 buds and grafts of all sorts of fruit, together with a few Berkshires, grade Durhams and Devons, Saxons and Southdowns, Bantams, Bremen, Polands, with horses and mules, to help along, and my corn fodder and tools thrown in. As to labels, I think I mentioned, some time since, that I had tried cedar and zinc. I have now a little more experi- ence with them. I split the cedar about one eighth of an inch thick, three to four inches long, and about two wide. I put them into my pocket ; and, whilst at leisure in the field attend- ing to my hands, or in the shade, I smooth them with my pocket knife, and cut them into some fanciful form. I then write, with a lead pencil, the name, No. of row, and No. of tree in the row : with a sharp-pointed implement I scratch this in, then follow with my pencil. I have some of these over one year old, and the wood has blackened so much, by stain of trees, &c., that the name is not intelligible ; others, that I gave a coating to of linseed oil, and then one of copal varnish, are as clean, bright, and neat, as the day they were placed on the tree. My zinc labels, with the preparation your correspondent gave me, are rusty already, except where I gave a coating of varnish : these are bright and plain ; and so are the labels that were written on with a lead pencil ; and to this period of time, [ would as lief have the lead pencil, as both do best with the varnish, and the lead better than the preparation — if no var- nish be used. I have now 1000 zinc plates, and a lot of copper wire, cut for the purpose of labelling my trees, and only wait for the idle time of summer. I wish to learn the name of every tree I have, and can only do so by having the name and the tree in my mind at the same time : and, the labor being my own, it is my loss. May 10, 1847. Cultivation of the Grape Vhie, Sfc. 293 Art. til On the Cultivation and Treatment of the Grape Vine in the Greenlwuse or Conservatory^ with a Diary of the Progress of the Vincs^ Temperature, t^*c. By the Editor. From the first pubhcation of our Magazine, we have devot- ed many pages to the cnhivation of the grape vine under glass, and a great number of articles will be found in our sev- eral volumes by various correspondents, both amateur and professional cultivators. The management of the vine in pots was fully detailed by ourselves in our first volume, (p. 37), in the Greenhouse and Grapery, in some able papers in the same volume, by Mr. Russell, (pp. 48, 94, &€.), in the Grapery, by Mr. O. Johnson, (VIII. p. 201), and in the Cold-house, in a very valuable article, (XII. p. 384), by Mr. Russell. We now have to add our own experience on its treatment in the Greenhouse exclusively, where a valuable collection of plants is cultivated ; and, at a future time, we hope also to give an ar- ticle on its management in the early vinery, which will make our Magazine a complete treatise on the growth of this deli- cious fruit. Our information on the cultivation of the vine has been, in a great degree, gathered from the experience of English Cul- tivators, and, without making any allowance for variation of latitude, clmate, &c., we have followed them so strictly that an impression has been formed that the grape could not be grown in the greenhouse without great injury to the plants ; or, in other words, that either the vines or the plants must sufljer, whichever the cultivator may deem of the least im- portance. Now in the cool, cloudy, and rainy climate of England, where every gleam of sunshine, especially in win- ter, is necessary to the health and vigor of both plants and fruits when grown under glass, it is important that there should be no obstruction to its free penetration to every part of the house ; but, under our burning sun, where, often for weeks in succession, there is scarcely a cloud to obstruct its rays, it is absolutely necessary to the well being of most kinds of plants that there should be some shade. If this is not to be obtained by vines on the rafters, it must be had by whi- tening the under surface of the glass, or by fitting up curtains, 27* 294 Cultivation of the Grape Vine which may be rolled up and unrolled as occasion may re- quire. It is thus apparent to all, that, however so much En- glish practice may disclaim against the growth of the grape in the greenhouse in that climate, in this country it may be successfully cultivated without injury to the plants. Our collection consists of a great quantity of plants, and particularly of choice assortments of the camellia, azalea, rose, heath, pimelea, cactus, &c. &c., and, for the camellia, we have, in addition to the shade of the vines, had to whiten a portion of the glass. These plants have all been cultivated in the highest condition, and are vigorous, healthy, and not the least injured by the grape vines. By the time the vines require a high temperature to swell the fruit, the plants should all be removed from the house, but their places may be im- mediately filled with those which are suited to a greater heat, and the greenhouse still keep up its cheerful and brilliant ap- pearance, as we have already shown in our last number (p. 263). At the time we now write, (June), the berries of the grapes are as large as bullets, and the conservatory one blaze of flowers, and the temperature 9G° at noon. Our conservatory is upwards of eighty-four feet long, twenty- two wide, ten feet high at the sides, with a sjtan roof, and sashes on all sides from the sill to the plate. The inside ar- rangements are two central walks, one the whole length, and the other from the street front to the lawn front ; another walk leads all round the house next the glass, thus leaving two spaces which are constructed with stages, and two which are level with the walks, on which the large specimen camellias and other plants are placed. With this description, we shall return to the growth of the vines : — THE BORDER. When the conservatory was erected in 1841, the growth of vines was not contemplated for the reasons we have just alluded to. But, in 1842, as we were desirous of proving some new kinds, and the correctness of others, of whose names we were in some doubt, we commenced the formation of the border, intending to plant the vines another year, not with the expectation that we should raise any grapes worth the in the Greenhouse or Conservatory. 295 trouble — we were more solicitous about the welfare of the plants — but merely for the above object. Consequently, the border was made only fourteen feet wide, and two and a half deep, and as the conservatory was set well up with a view to have a fine gravelled terrace, the border was eighteen inches above the level of the lawn. The border was formed by carting in sods and good loam from an old pasture, and mixing wiih them about one quarter of well decomposed manure from the stable yard, and from old hotbeds. This was done in July and August at leisure time. In the fall, the whole was trenched over in a rough manner, and about thirty bushels of ground bones added. In this way the soil lay till the next spring, when it was again trenched over and ready for plant- ing. We are not thus particular in order to show how a bor- der should be made, but merely that it may be seen that a Jine crop of grapes can be obtained without all the quackery so often recommended in their formation, such as a bed of oyster shells or boiled bones, dead horses, cattle, and dogs, slaughter-house manure, blood, soot, &c. All that is neces- sary, in our opinion, to produce the very best grapes, is a good, rich, loamy soil, well top-dressed, every year, with old stable manure and guano, in order to bring the roots to the surface, rather than that they should go to the bottom after the dead carcases. PLANTING THE VINES. Owing to the delay in trenching the border, it had not be- come sufficiently settled to plant the vines before July. They were young plants one year old, and had been prepared by heading them down early in the spring, and training up one shoot which had now attained the height of six or eight feet. Holes were opened about four inches deep, and two feet broad, and the roots, after the tops had been drawn very care- fully through the holes in the sill, so as not to injure the leaves, well spread out, shaking the ball completely free from soil. A good watering was then given to settle the earth, and the shoots tied up. If the work is well done, though as late as July, the vines will not receive the l.^ast injury. We do not advise late planting when it can be done earlier in the season, but even August is much belter than to lose a 296 Cultivation of the Grape Fme year, as the vines will then make a shoot from ten to twenty feet long. GENERAL MANAGEMENT. After the vines are planted, it is only necessary to see that the roots are well watered, should the weather prove dry, and the surface mulched with a little coarse stable manure. The leaves should also be well syringed every evening after the house is closed for the night, which should be rather earlier than usual. No other care is required but to keep the shoots tied up, looking after them every few days, and nipping off all laterals at the base of the first leaf. If duly attended to, they will reach the top of an ordinary grapery by the end of the season. It will have been noticed that our conservatory was so con- structed that the sides are ten feet high ; in consequence of this, it required a longer time to get a good shoot up to the rafters ; and, as no good grapes could be expected until they reached them, the vines in December were headed down to within two feet of the floor. Second Season. — About the 1st of March, the vines began to break their eyes : as soon as fully out, all were nipped off but two ; these were allowed to grow until they attained the length of two or three feet, for fear one might, by accident or carelessness, be broken off: at the end of that time, the weak- est one was cut quite out, and the remaining one grew rap- idly, reaching the top of the house early in the season, and making a thick and vigorous cane. The same treatment was followed as the last year : all the laterals were nipped off at the first leaf, and this repeated every time the remaining one pushed, until the wood was fully ripe, when they were cut clean off to the main eye : if done too early, it will cause the eye to push, but if at the proper season, which can only be told by the vigor of the shoots, and the ripeness of the wood, it greatly strengthens the eye at the base. Syringing should be well attended to before the plants are brought into the house, and, in September, it should be thoroughly aired to ripen the wood, on which much depends. In December, the in the Gi-eenhoiise or Conservatory. 297 vines were primed, and cut back to three good eyes from the bottom of the rafter ; these were left to produce fruit. Third Season. — From this period our diary commences; but, as it was not kept with the accuracy of the following year, and as there was but a few grapes, it would only occu- py time and space to give it entire ; we shall therefore only quote some of the remarks which were casually noted down, showing the progress of the vines, that the amateur, who wishes to follow our practice, may know how far he is suc- cessful. March Ath. — Vines in the middle of the house have burst their eyes : those at each end much swollen. 12th. — Some of the earliest vines are so far advanced as to show their fruit buds. 22c?. — Yinesmost advanced have shoots about twelve inches long; those which started latest about two inches. (It may be proper to remark, that a flue run across the centre of the house and returned again). April 5th. — Vines most advanced have made shoots two feet long, and the largest bunches of buds are one inch long : the latest now show fruit buds. 19th. — The most forward vines have shoots now about five feet long. The two side shoots, (there being one main and two side ones), have had the ends nipped off two eyes above the fruit buds. May 3d. — The most forward vines now begin to open their flower buds : longest shoots about eight feet. The conserva- tory up to this time, since the vines began to push, has been syringed every night in favorable weather, — both plants and vines. 16th. — During the last week, the temperature has been kept higher, and rather closer than usual, The most forward vines have now their fruit well set: the latest just coming into flower. 'I'he most rapid growing vines have already reached the top of the house, twelve feet. 2(!>th. — Vines very vigorous, so much so, that the leading shoots have to be turned and trained along the ridge, and the laterals left at full length to prevent the main eyes from break- ing. 298 Diary of the Cultivation of the Grape Vine Z\st. — The most forward vines have swelled their berries so fast that thinning has already been commenced. They are the size of large peas. All the vines now having their fruit well set, syringing has been commenced again. Dur- ing the whole of May, the conservatory has been well aired, and the plants are in the best condition. June 7lh. — Nearly all the plants have been removed from the house. XAih. — The grapes have swelled up rapidly, and a few of the clusters, not having been sufficiently thinned, have been looked over again : house opened early, and closed in good sea- son, and well damped and syringed. 2Sth. — During the past fortnight, the vines have grown well, and the fruit continues to swell freely. The house kept well damped. July 12th. — Vines continue to grow linely, and copious sup- plies of water are thrown over the walks at noon and night. The wood now beginning to ripen, some of the lowest lat- erals, which were left to prevent the breaking of the eyes, were now cut oif to within two buds of the main shoot. August ist. — The berries of the Black Hamburgh begin to color, and the Muscadine appears to be approachhig maturity. The house closed early, and the walks damped, — wood ripen- ing well. 16th. — The Hamburghs have now all attained an even dark color. The house is closed early, but damping the walks to any extent is now discontinued. The Muscadine grape nearly ripe. 31st. — Some of the Hamburghs have swelled to a fine size. The wood has ripened exceedingly well, and the vines ap- pear in fine condition. This ends our Diary for this season. The grapes were cut in September, and, though only from two to five bunches were allowed on each vhie, they were of superior quality. DIARY OF THE FOURTH SEASON. Before commencing our Diary, we should remark, that the vines were very strong, and were pruned back to half their in the Greenhouse or Conservatory 299 length, about six feet. This was done in December. The shoots were then bent down, and nailed horizontally along the front in order to keep them back as much as possible. This is always necessary, as the heat is so much greater on the roof that they would start too early. By the 25th of February, the eyes began to swell, and, on the 28th, they were so much pushed that they were imme- diately loosened from their places, and tied loosely to the trel- lis. From this period our Diary commences : 14 15 16 17 TEMPERATURE. E . o 3 G 2 1 42 72 60 2 39 60 47 3 40 72 50 4 41 72 60 5 43 75 55 6 43 60 52 7 49 62 48 8 43 60 50 9 49 70 57 10 47 72 53 11 49 75 55 12 41 75 56 13 54 58 54 52 44 18 44 19 46 70 56 Some of the vines have burst a few of their eyes. Weather warm during the week, and the eyes have swelled rapidlJ^ Weather warm for the season. Vines breaking well : since they were tied to the trellis, they have been freely syringed, both morning and evening, in good weather. Some of the eyes about one inch long, and show their fruit buds. Very cool morning, with considerable frost. Nearly all the eyes are so far pushed as to show fruit. A few vines which do not appear to 300 Diary of the Cultivation of the Grape Vine 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 49 53 45 48 48 53 54 55 49 50 52 54 41 79 55 70 75 55 54 56 68 62 70 70 69 60 48 70 58 58 59 break even, have had the top of the shoots tied down towards the main stem. Some of the eyes have now pushed to the length of eight inches, and show two or three fine clusters of fruit buds. Syringing continued every night. Weather mild and fine for the season. Many of the spurs on the old wood, which were pruned to two eyes, having thrown out a number of shoots, all were rubbed off, (dis- budded), except one of the strongest, which is to form the bearing spur for next year : each of these were carefully tied up to the trellis. The month has been very favorable for grapes, there having been but little cloudy or stormy weather. The vines have consequently done well, and some of the shoots, which were upwards of fifteen inches long, have been topped two eyes beyond the fruit buds. Both plants and vines have been well syr- inged every evening in good weather. All the vines were now tied up to the trellis with strong matting, to prevent the weight of the grapes from breaking them down. The vines which were bent down, have broken evenly. Disbudded the shoots again on the spurs, and topped the bearing branch- es two eyes beyond the fruit. Weather fine, with cool, frosty nights. in the Greenhouse or Coiiservatory . 301 50 46 48 48 45 56 58 50 58 56 58 60 48 Weather warm and pleasant. The weather has continued so pleasant and fine, that very light fires have been required the past week. Every vine has been tied in its proper place on the trellis, and all have broken very well. Wilmot's Black Ham- burgh is a little later than the old variety. The leading shoots are now about four feet long, and have had the laterals pinched ofi* at the first bud. The clusters of fruit buds now swell out. Syringing continued both night and morning. Cool, frosty, and very windy. Very cool. Syringing discontinued on account of cool weather. Weather fine again, and warm. Weather continues fine : camellias and other plants syringed freely every night. Exceedingly warm for the season. Cooler with rain. Good fires required to keep up temperature. Vines have grown rapidly, and some of the laterals have pushed so much as to require stopping again. Some of the main shoots have reached the top of the house, about six feet. VOL. XIII. — NO. vn. 28 302 Diary of the Cultivation of the Grape Vine 26 27 28 29 30 May 1 2 48185 8 9 10 57 59 58 58 57 80 76 75 60 56 I 82 59J71 65 180 Cool, with white frost. The month has been a favorable one for the growth of the vines, on account of the few cloudy days. Fires have been lighted to keep up a good temperature ; but allowed to cool down except during a few cold days. Some of the most forward vines now begin to open a few flowers. The border not yet having been dug, it was manured with ten or fifteen pounds of guano, and spaded about six inches deep. Vines now growing rapidly, and flowers are open on several of them. Syringed the house, and all the plants for the last time until the fruit is set. Temperature slightly raised, and house closed earlier than usual. A light fire kindled every night. Cool frosty morning. Vines looked over care- fully, and all shoots tied in regularly, cut- ting ofl" any superfluous ones, and thinning out the bunches of fruit where more than two small ones, or one large one, appear on a spur. All the vines are now in full bloom, except Wilmot's Black Hamburgh. The main shoots, having all reached the top of the house, have been stopped, but the laterals allowed to continue their growth for the present. Cloudy, wind E. in the Greenhouse or Conservatory. 303 11 12 13 14 15 16 56 55 54 58 60 61 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 75 80 82 84 84 82 62 68 68 70 70 70 Very cool and windy, set. Many of the berries well 62 64 53 58 54 50 52 60 58 60 60 62 84 81 78 79 29 62 30 60 31 60 80 70 80 70 72 75 72 68 70 71 75 60 Since the 11th, the weather has been warm and pleasant. Berries swell up lapidly, and some of them being as large as peas, com- menced thinning. The old spurs and lat- erals, which pushed their eyes, have all been topped again, and the leading shoots tied up. Wilmot's Black Hamburgh now in bloom. Weather cooler, with white frost. Rather strong fires required to dispel damp. Re- sumed syringing the plants twice a week. Continue thinning the fruit. Weather cool, and good fires required. Finished thinning to-day. Cool and cloudy. Weather since the 24th cool, with mist and rain. Fires required to prevent damp. Com- menced shouldering the clusters of fruit. Weather continues cool and cloudy. Continues rainy and cool, without sunshine since, the 23d. The month has been fa- vorable except the last week, but rather more fire has been required than usual to keep up a good temperature, but not suffi- cient to injure the plants in the conservato- ry : both vines and plants are in good health. 304 Diary of the Cultivation of the Grape Vine 61 90 78 Weather warm again, and grapes now swell up rapidly. Grapes have swelled very fast within a few days, and are now the size of Miller's Bur- gundy when fully grown. The vines having been allowed to make an abundance of lateral wood at the top of the house, where they were stopped on the 7th of May, in order to prevent the breaking of the eyes intended for the next year's crop, they have now been cut quite out to two eyes, as the grapes are now so far advanced as to take the supply of sap, and prevent any danger of breaking. The large clus- ters have all been shouldered, and such as seemed too much crowded with berries have had a portion of those in the middle of the bunch cut out. House thoroughly damped over all the walks, every warm day, as soon as the house is closed in the afternoon. The greater portion of the camellias and other plants have been removed to the open air. The weather having been quite dry, the bor- der has been mulched with coarse manure, and about a barrel of water given to each vme. Weather cooler ; dry east wind ; house closed early and well damped. Weather warm and dry. House well damped. m the Greenhouse or Conservatory. 305 17 62 18 65 19 62 20 61 21 63 22 61 23 60 24 59 25 62 26 62 27 61 28 64 29 66 30 65 July 1 2 3 4 68 70 04 66 87 83 84 80 78 78 92 92 90 70 89 70 63 64 75 78 73 Gave the border about ten barrels of water. House well damped morning and evening. Weather rainy and cool. Light fire kindled at night, and, to prevent any danger of mil- dew as well as red spider, the hot water pipes and flues, were dusted with sulphur. Fire kindled in the morning in consequence of the cool, damp weather, with heavy show- ers. Since the 21st, the weather has been cool, cloudy and rainy, and light fires have been required twice to keep up a good tempera- ture. The vines having been allowed to ramble freely, all the laterals were now cut in to one eye beyond where they pushed, and all the spurs neatly tied in. Cool, cloudy, and rainy. Fine again. House well aired after being kept rather close during the dull weather. During the month, the vines have continued to advance rapidly, and, since the refresh- ing rains of the 20th to 28th, the berries have swelled very fast. The house has been kept at a good temperature by light- ing fires five or six times only during the cold and cloudy days. Weather warm and dry. House well damped both morning and evening. 28* 306 Diary of the Cultivation of the Grape Vine 5 67 89 75 6 61 92 70 7 66 90 75 8 68 92 76 9 69 97 78 0 69 93 80 1 70 98 81 2 68 94 81 3 70 90 81 4 68 91 80 5 67 90 78 6 68 88 76 7 65 86 72 8 63 85 74 9 64 86 73 0 63 88 76 1 68 92 75 2 70 85 75 3 70 87 75 4 74 90 70 5 64 91 69 6 62 89 70 7 62 91 70 Fine weather since the 1st of the month. Grapes continue to SAvell up fast. House well watered. Very warm during the last three days. Warm with refreshing showers. The vines have pushed out a strong growth on the lat- erals since the 25th of June, and the whole were looked over and cut back to one eye beyond the last pruning. A few berries on one of the Black Hamburgh vines show signs of coloring. Wilmot's Black Hamburgh begins to color, and the berries of the White Muscadine have a transparent appearance. The weather since the 12th has been cool for the season, with east winds, and the house has been kept rather close, in order to keep up a good temperature. Warm again. Cool and rainy. Light fire kindled, and flue dusted with sulphur. Cool and rainy weather continues, and fires are required to keep up a good tempera- ture. Vines looked over again ; the laterals having grown considerably since the 12th, they were again cut back to one eye beyond the i?i the Greenhouse or Conservatory. 307 28 29 30 31 60 62 62 64 Ano. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 64 90 70 92 71 93 81 96 80 92 70 93 80 94 70 93 79 97 85 96 80 95 80 93 75 92 78 94 80 93 79 94 80 93 81 last stopping. Wood now begins to ripen, and the main shoots are well colored to the top of the house. The weather, since the 29th, has been warm and fine, and the berries have changed color very rapidly. The Black Prince and Griz- zly Frontignan begin to color well. The walks are still watered three times a day, and the house closed rather early, as the grapes always double their size, after they begin to color, if properly treated. During the day, an abundance of air is given from both top and side lights. Warm, with light showers. Cooler with showers. Weather fair and warm. Watering the walka still continued, night and morning, and the grapes swell up rapidly, and color well. Muscat Blanc Hatif, a new grape, and Macready's Early White, both exceedingly fine sorts, are now ripe, and might have been cut, in good condition, the latter part of July. Pitmaston White Cluster and White Muscadine are also fully ripe. All the Hamburghs have now assumed a fine dark color. 308 Diary of the Cultivation of the Grape Vine 14 63 95 74 15 62 93 80 16 60 91 78 17 63 94 79 18 62 90 70 19 60 91 71 20 61 90 70 21 60 91 70 22 60 89 78 23 61 90 68 24 60 91 69 2o 60 90 67 26 58 65 62 27 60 80 60 28 62 90 64 29 61 91 67 30 59 93 64 31 60 91 60 The weather having been dry since the 10th, gave about a barrel of water to each vine. Cloudy and cool, with east wind and rain. Cut specimens of the Muscat Blanc Hatif, White Muscadine, Pitmaston White Clus- ter, White Frontignan, Macready's Early White, and Wilmot's Black Hamburgh for exhibition, — the latter colored well, but not ripe. Cold easterly storm ; but the grapes being ripe, no fire required. Warm again. House well aired now, both sides and top, leaving the sashes open late in the afternoon, in order to color the fruit well and ripen the wood, previous to bring- ing in the plants for the winter. All the fruit in the house is now ripe, with the exception of the Esperione and Black Prince. The last is late, and has the valuable prop- erty of hanging very late. From this date, the diary was discontinued, as the tem- perature was of no importance merely to ripen the wood. Abundance of air is all that is now required till the vines are pruned in December. From the 23d of August, the grapes were gradually cut until the 1st of November, when the last of Wilmot's Black in the Greenhouse or Conservatory. 309 Hamburgh were taken off. Besides the noble appearance of this new grape, it is remarkable for hanging late on the vine. The number of vines in the conservatory is nineteen, embra- cing ten kinds, which we have arranged about in the order of their ripening : — 1. Macready's Early White, Aug. 1, 2. White Muscadine, " 5, 3. Pitmaston White Cluster, " 8, 4. Muscat Blanc Hatif, " 10, 5. White Frontignan, . " 15, 6. Grizzly Frontignan, . " 20, 7. Black Hamburgh, . " 20, 8. Black Prince, . " 25, 9. Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, " 25, 0. Esperione, " 30. To this list, many others may be added, when a variety of kinds is wanted. Our selection was principally made for the purpose of proving the kinds we have enumerated. The Muscat of Alexandria should be one of the number in a choice collection, giving it the warmest situation in the house. We have already inarched one of the duplicate vines in order to have so splendid a variety. Other new sorts have also been recently introduced at each end of the conservatory, and as soon as we prove them, we shall give an account of their merits. Trusting that our diary will be the best guide to the ama- teur in the treatment of the grape vine in the greenhouse or conservatory, we shall conclude our article with a few obser- vations on thinning the grapes, and pruning the vines. THINNING THE BERRIES. This is an operation which is generally altogether too care- lessly done. Our attention was first drawn to this subject after reading a small treatise upon the vine by Mr. Roberts, one of the best modern cultivators of the grape in England. The ordinary mode of thinning grapes is to cut them out here and there in sufficient quantities to allow the swelHng up of the remaining berries, regardless of the true form of the bunch. 310 Diary of the Cultivation of tJie Grape Vine We cannot do better than to quote Mr. Roberts's own words detailing his practice : — '' The time of thinning I recommend, is when the berries arc well set, or attain the size of No. 2, or 3, shot, beginning at the bottom of the bunch, leaving the leading berry if pos- sible, and according to the kind of grape, having care to thin judiciously, as there is great difference between the Cannon Hall Muscat and Frontignacs as to size. As you proceed thinning upwards on the bunch, say, for an inch or two, more or less, from the bottom, you find the peduncles, or footstalks, or what more technical term you may apply to them, to con- sist of three berries (the leading one, and one on each side), my practice is to leave the lead or centre berry, taking off the other two. As you approach higher up the bunch, or ap- proaching the middle part, such sorts as the Hamburghs form a sort of secondary shoulders, and upon the sides of these you will find them set on in threes ; proceed to thin, as for the bottom, leaving the leading berries, taking off the side ones as before, proceeding upwards to the top of the bunch to the main shoulders, suspending or raising the shoulders with strands of soft matting, and thinning the same as before men- tioned, taking care to remove all inside berries, as they scarce ever color well, and if the grapes have to hang long on the vine, they contribute to mouldiness in damp weather. The above system of thinning leaves a bunch equally balanced, each berry acting its own part, and not robbing another, will be found to assunae a strong bold footstalk, and be regular as to size in every part of the bunch." If a bunch of grapes is carefully examined, it will be seen that Mr. Roberts has adopted the only proper mode of thin- ning,— a mode which keeps the peculiar form as well as the size of the cluster, while, at the same time, they are more thoroughly thinned than in the ordinary way, as the central berries, which often do not color, and frequently rot before the clusters are ripe, are all removed, and room allowed for the others to swell up. In performing the operation, care should be taken not to injure the berries. They should be handled as little as possible, and if the hands of the operator are moist, from great perspiration, he should wear a glove, or. in the Greenhouse or Conservatory. 311 in the large shouldered kinds, a small stick may be made use of to lift the shoulder up so as to cut out the inner berries. THINNING THE BUNCHES. This is a matter of much importance to the future health and well doing of the vines. On no account overbear young vines. There is no rule by which to be governed, as some vines are stronger than others, and something depends on the border. It may be safe to say that the spurs should not be nearer than one foot apart, and that each spur should not be allowed to mature but one bunch : they often show three, and amateurs are too apt to leave two or more on. Experience is the only sure guide ; but it is better to have too small a crop than too large £tone. The bunches should be cut out as soon as the berries are sufficiently swelled to see which are the best shape. Our vines matured and colored well, about twenty clusters each, averaging one pound to the bunch. PRUNING. At the end of the fourth season, the vines will have reached the top of the house, and the future pruning will be merely to secure a good spur every year ; for we premise that the spur system will be adopted, as it has been with us. Some cultivators cut the old spur clean out : this is Mr. Russell's plan. Our mode is to cut back to the first or second eye, — generally the second, as it is larger and fuller than the first, but always select a prominent one, even if the third. This eye will produce the fruit ; but, as the spur which it forms must be cut out after it has borne, provision should be made for one to take its place : this is done by selecting one of the shoots which spring from the numerous buds at the base, at the time of disbudding, and tieing it in to the trellis, stopping it, and otherwise managing it during the year in the same way as the fruit-bearing ones. At the autumn pruning, the old spur is cut off close to the main stem, thus leaving it straight and clean. If this plan is not adopted, the old spurs would become crooked and unsightly, and, in a short time, extend far beyond the trellis. The same practice is to be followed every year, always bringing up a new spur to take 312 Root-Grafting Apple Trees. the place of the old one, and always pruning off to a good roimd plump eye. No system can be more simple, and we are sure none more successful in securing a good crop of grapes. Art. IV. Root-Grafting Apiple Trees. By a Flushing Prop- agator. Allow me to give to the public, through your valuable jour- nal, some account of the quickest and the easiest mode of raising apple trees by root-grafting, as I am desirous of en- couraging young nurserymen and propagators in the raising of apple trees. 1st. In the fall, all the seedling apple stocE:s intended for grafting should be carefully taken up, and placed in a heap in a cellar, and then the roots taken off and carefully pre- served by mixing them by sand : all the scions intended for use should be cut before the frosty weather sets in, and care- fully placed in sand or earth. Grafting may be commenced as early as convenient ; it will not matter if you begin as early as November, and work at it through the winter till March, provided the roots, after being grafted, are heeled into boxes, and placed in the cellar till spring. 2d. All the roots, as you want them, should be washed, and then cut into pieces about four inches long or less, accord- ing to their length, and placed regularly on a table or bench, and the scions cut about three inches long, and placed in a heap near at hand ; and then begin to graft. The system which I have always tried, and which succeeded best, is tongue-grafting, making a nice fit with the barks, and then bind slightly with muslin strings. These strings are made by mixing six ounces of Burgundy pitch, six do. of tallow, three do. of beeswax. These should be melted, and then put on to the muslin with a brush. It may then be cut into strips nine inches long, and half an inch in breadth. This is bet- ter than matting, as it does not require to be cut otf. The boxes should be made twelve inches deep, two feet in width, and three feet in length, and filled with fine sifted mould or sand. Trees grafted by tliis system are the best, grow very thrifty, Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics. 313 and are generally fit for sale in two years, if placed in good soil. A man accustomed to grafting can do from nine to twelve hundred a day very easily, and tie his own strings. Weak growing kinds generally grow stout and remarkably straight by this plan, and as it can be done in the winter, when nothing else of consequence can be done, there is a great saving of time. In the spring, the boxes should be taken out of the cellar, and placed in some frames, pits, or the greenhouse, to start them into growth : or, if none of these are at hand, place them out of doors in a warm situation, as it is necessary to start them two or three inches before planting out ; they will not be injured if you do not plant them out till the middle of May. Such has been my practice of root-grafting, and, if properly done, it will never fail to succeed. Flushing J L. /., Jime, 1847. Art. V. On the Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Ex- otics : in a Series of Letters. By James Kennedy, Gardener to S. T. Jones, Staten Island, New York. Letter III. Propagation ly Offsets. This is the mode by which bulbous and tuberous rooted plants are propagated. They are, however, sometimes in- creased by seed, but being so much longer than offsets in reaching a flowering state occasions this mode to be but sel- dom resorted to. There are some kinds, however, from which I would prefer propagation by seed. Of these, the amaryllis, of which there are many varieties. I have found hybrids to be much pref- erable, as they often surpass the originals in beauty, and in- variably flower more freely under good management. In a situation I had the honor of filling as head gardener, in England, about eight miles from London, I succeeded in obtaining some beautiful hybrids by transferring the pollen from Amaryllis Johnsomi to A. reticulata, from reticulata to vittata, from fulgida to vittata, from fulgida to Johnsonii, and VOL. xni. — NO. VII. 29 314 Propagation of Stove and Greetihouse Exotics. from Johnsonti to equestris, — the seed, as soon as ripe, should be collected, sown m pots, thoroughly dramed, and placed in a hotbed, where they should be regularly shaded, when nec- essary, and watered sparingly. Under this treatment, they will vegetate quickly, and, when two leaves are produced, they should be potted off separately into thumb-pots, well drained, as above remarked. Care must be taken not to pot them deep, but to have the young bulbs level with the surface of the mould, and, when potted, give as much water as will reach the bottom of the soil. They should then be placed in the hotbed for a few days, and regularly shaded from the sun. When the bulbs recede from the surface, they should have a shift into pots a size larger, and so on during the summer, until, they are thor- oughly rooted. By this treatment, many of them will flower abundantly the following spring. I should have mentioned that they require regular supplies of water, but not too much. The following compost I have found exactly to suit: — Three parts light turfy loam, two parts white sharp sand, and one part turfy peat ; along with which treatment, an occasional watering with clear liquid manure would not, by any means, do injury. The bulbous genera generally, such as the Gladiolus, Mo- rse^a, Ixia, Antholyza, &c. &c. should, when done flowering, be allowed to dry till the following October. This is the time for increasing by offsets, as then they are in a dormant state, and will not receive any injury in separating them from the parent. Nor will the parent's flowering principle receive any check for the coming season. Small pots thoroughly drained, and a compost composed of equal parts rich mellow loam, peat earth, leaf mould, and sand, with the addition of a little cow manure, will be found exactly suitable. After pot- ting, let them be placed in a cool frame, when the only atten- tion required is protection from heavy rain and frosts. No moisture should be given further than the soil in which they are potted furnishes, until the pots are full of roots, when they should be shifted into pots a size larger, using the compost above directed. They should then be taken into the green- house, where many of the largest of them will flower if kept regularly watered. Staten Island, N. Y., June, 1847. Floricultural and Botanical Notices. 315 Art. VI. Floricultural and Botanical Notices of New and Beautifid Plants figured in Foreign Periodicals ; with De- scriptions of those recently introduced tOy or originated i?i, American Gardens. Achimencs patens. — This new and beautiful species, which has been figured in the Journal of the London Horticultural Society, and pronounced one of the most beautiful of all that have yet been introduced, is now finely in flower in our col- lection. It is a fine species, having a compact and neat habit, with small, deep-green, shining foliage, and flowers of the richest violet hue, about the size of A. grandiflora, and fringed at the edge of the corolla. Platycbdon grandifihrum — a most beautiful campanula- ceous plant — is no\v coming into flower. It is represented as the most showy of all the campanulas, to which genus it has been stated to belong, under the name of C. grandiflo- rum. Hydrangea japonica has been one of the most popular and generally admired plants in our collection. Our engraving, at p. 123, gives a fine representation of its habit of growth and bloom. Its great attraction consists in the contrast be- tween the outer flowers and the inner ones, the former being large and white, while the latter are small and of a deep blue. It is of the simplest cultivation, and must become an indis- pensable addition to every collection of plants. 10. Da'phne FoRTU^Ni Lindl. Mr. Fortune's Daphne, (Encacecs). A half hnrdy shrub ; growing two to three feet high ; with lilac hlossonvs ; appearing in spring ; a native of China; increased by cuttings and grafting; cultivated in peat and loam. Journal of HQrt.Soc.Vol. II. p. ^4. This "charming shrub" is one of Mr. Fortune's discoveries in China, where it was found growing in a nursery garden near Shanghae, in the winter of 1843. Being deciduous, it was then leafless, but, as it was taken to the south of China, to be shipped with the other plants, the warmth forced it into bloom, and it proved to be a fine shrub. The next spring, Mr. Fortune found it growing wild on the hills in the province of Chekiang, where it forms a dwarf shrub two to three feet high. In March and April, the flower-buds expand, and then 316 Floricnltiiral and Botanical Notices. the whole of the hill sides are tinged with its beautiful lilac colored blossoms, and have a very gay appearance. It flow- ered in England for the first time, in the spring of 1846, and, as yet, it is extremely rare. Mr. Fortune states that it grows freely in a loamy, well-drained soil, and that it is readily in- creased by cuttings. The Chinese name is Nu-lan-ee, and the bark, like the mezereon, is acrid and poisonous. In Eng- land, it has been treated as a half-hardy shrub, but as it is found growing where the thermometer falls to within a few degrees of zero, it may prove hardy in our dry and cool win- ters. Mr, Fortune remarks that, whether hardy or not, " it Avill always be a favorite amongst spring flowers in the green- house, where it richly merits a place in every collection. {Hort. Soc. Journal, 1847). 11. AzaYea obtu^sa Litidl. Obtuse-leaved azalea. (En'mce«). A half-hardy shrob ; growing two to three feet high ; with blush-colored flowers ; appearing in spring ; a native of China ; increased by cuttings ; cultivated iu peat and loam. Journal of Horl. Soc. Vol. n. p. 127. "A distinct species" of the azalea, which Mr. Fortune found growing on the sides of the green tea hills in the prov- ince of Chekiang, and also on some of the islands of the Chusan Archipelago, where it is called the "silver silk flow- er," by the northern Chinese. There are two varieties, both of which have been introduced, one with flowers of a rich white color ; the other pink, and both are beautifully dotted with dark spots on the under petals. The corolla in form is nearly round, and not unlike i?hododendrum chamaecistus, or a finely-shaped pelargonium, in appearance. Its flowers are produced in great profusion in the months of April and May. The habit of the plant is compact and neat, and it is alto- gether a fine addition to this beautiful family. It is increased like other azaleas, and grown in similar soil. {Hart. Soc. Journal, 1847). 12, Came'llia japo'nica var, Comte de Paris. The Compte de Paris's Camellia, (Ternstromiaccfs). A new and beautiful variety of the camellia, which was obtained from a plant of the Duchesse d'Orlcans in the collec- tion of M. Van Ghiersdale of Ghent. A single branch having sported in color, it was inarched or grafted on a good stock, Floricultural and Botanical Notices. 317 and the sport thus retained. It differs from the Duchesse d'Orleans, in having the ground color rose striped with red, while the parent is white striped with rose. The flower is finely imbricated and perfect, and the variety must rank as one of the finest which has been produced. {Flore des Serres et des Jardins de U Europe, 1846). 13. ToRE>^iA asia'tica L. Asiatic Torenia, {SchrophuIaridcecB). An annual plant ; growing two feet high ; with blue and purple flowers ; a native of India ; in- creased by seeds ; cultivated in m\y good soil. Flore des Serres, &c., Vol. II. pi. 151. 18W- A new and most beautiful annual, cultivated in a similar manner to the petunia, growing about two feet high, and pro- ducing beautiful sky blue flowers, finely marked with a large spot of deep purple on each petal. The plant is of a diff'use habit, with ovate leaves, and terminated with numerous flow- ers. It is easily raised from seed, and is a great acquisition to our gardens. {Flore des Serres, ^c.) 14. Fd'nkia GKANDiFLO^A Sieb. 4* Zucc. Large-flowered Funkia. (hilidcece). A greenhouse plant ; growing two feet high ; with white flowers ; appearing in summer ; a na- tive of Japan -, increased by division of the root ; cultivated in any good soil. Flore des Serres, &.C., vol. II. pi. 158.1846. This is stated to be one of the most splendid plants intro- duced by Siebold from Japan. It flowered for the first time in Belgium, in the garden of the Horticultural Society des Pays Bas, in July, 1846. Its general appearance is the same as the other species, but it throws up a fine stem, which is clothed with flowers of the purest white. Its cultivation is the same as the other species. It will probably stand in the open groimd as well as the F. japonica, but the situation should be well drained. It is readily increased by division of the roots. {Flore des Serres, ^c, 1846). 15. RiBEs GoRDONiA^uM, (Garden hybrid.) Mr. Gordon's Currant, {Ribes'mcew.). A hardy shrub ; growing two feet high ; with salmon-colored flowers ; appearing in June ; a gar- den hybrid ; increased by layers. Flore des Serres, ic. Vol. II pi. 165. 1847. A new and beautiful flowering currant produced in Bel- gium, between the M. sanguineum and aureum; the flow- ers are produced in the same form as the first named, but the calyx is red, and the corolla yeUow ; it is probably as hardy as the aureum, and will be a splendid shrub for our gardens. {Flore des Serres, (^'C, Nov. 1846). 29* 318 General Notices. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. I. General Notices. Root-pruning, and the management of the Pear Tree. — In our last number we copied an article from the Gardeners'' Chronicle, (p. 280) on Root-prun- ing pear trees, and particularly called the attention of all fruit cultivators to the subject. The article was prepared for our May number, but was crowded out for want of room. In a subsequent number of the Chronicle, some writer, who signed himself a " Constant Reader," proposed a number of questions to the writer of the article, and doubted the possibility of rais- ing the pear to perfection on any other stock than the pear. He states that he has been for years interested in the proper stocks for trees, and then shows his ignorance by asking, " how much the fruit partakes of the flaA'or of the quince" ! Mr. Rivers himself took up his pen in reply, and his re- marks must be satisfactory to all, that the quince stock and root-pruning are the materiel to produce pears in abundance and fine perfection. — Ed. I feel that it is a duty I owe to your correspondents and the gardening world generally, to notice the letter of a " Constant Reader," in No. 21. It will, perhaps, be the better mode to take his questions and remarks seri- atim. He says, " I have been for years much interested in the proper stock for fruit trees ; my impression is, that the pear cannot be produced in its highest state of perfection (whatever the mode of treatment or the stock used) on any other stock save the pear stock." To this I can answer most positively that the very finest pears I have ever seen or tasted have been produced on pear trees grafted on the quince. I use no stocks but the pear and the quince ; the former for orchard trees, or for those who prefer the pear stock ; the latter solely for garden trees, principally to form prolific pyramidal trees, for which they are unrivalled both in beauty and fertility. I fear "Constant Reader" has also been constant to his home: has he never seen or tasted the magnificent pears in some of the fruit gardens near Paris ? has he never seen the pear trees in the Potagerie at Versailles 1 or tasted the fruit from themi (Mind, trees there are nearly all grafted on the quince.) If he has not done this, he has yet something to see and taste. I repeat, that I use only the pear and the quince as stocks, and I find the pear stock submit as kindly to root-pruning (or even more so) as the quince. I can illustrate the good effects of root-pruning very forcibly in my speci- men orchard, and at any time your correspondent may see and believe ; however, 1 must tell my tale, and then proceed About thirty years ago, my father planted some rows of pear trees in a portion of the nursery, then a recent purchase ; these were all common sorts of pears, standards, grafted as usual on the pear stock. They grew most luxuriantly for some eight or ten years, when their leaves began to 'Change from their usually vivid green to a light yellow ; in a year or two, this yellow tint increased till their foliage was really of a bright straw color ; General Notices. 319 the trees soon after all died, so that, at the end of fifteen years, not a tree was left on this portion of the nursery, the subsoil of which, I must add, is hard white clay, full of chalk stones ; this peculiar soil occupies a very small space, not more than a quarter of an acre, as the neighboring soil is a tender, sandy loam. When I came to years of thinking, the untimely fate of these pear trees was often present to my mind, fori remembered so vividly with what pleas- ure I had filled my pockets from them. I at that time also found that, to be able to know any thing about pears, I must have a specimen tree of ev- ery kind that I cultivated. No other but this " pestilent spot" of earth happened to be just the place most eligible as a site for my specimen ground. What could I dol I did not then think of root-pruning, but I thought that I should find some way or other to avert the untimely fate of my trees ; I therefore planted them in the usual way, digging the holes about two feet in depth, and mixing some manure and compost with the earth taken from the holes, but leaving the hard clayey subsoil below, to the depth of two feet, untouched. I watched my trees narrowly after four or five years, as I then expected to see traces of the effects of the clay soil upon them. I think some eight years must have passed and gone before their foliage turned yellow. My first thought said, remove them to a different site and soil ; second thought, take them up and give them some fresh compost, they will last a few years, and you can then find a good place for them ; third thought, if you can renovate them for a few years by taking them up and replanting, why not do this periodically, so as to keep your trees healthy ; the site is good, — make the soil equally so ; fourth thought, what •occasion is there to remove the tree ? cut its principal roots, leaving those that are fibrous ; and so I became a pruner of roots. Now for effects, and ^' A Constant Reader" must recollect that any day the Eastern Counties rail will carry him either to Harlow or Sawbridgeworth, each equally con- venient, for a few shillings, to see with his own eyes all that I state. In my specimen ground are several standard pear trees from eight to ten years old ; these terminate long rows of standards, left to grow as nature dictates, both root and branch, except occasional thinning of their heads. These, it must be recollected, are among my root-pruned specimen trees, a great number of which are from twelve to fifteen years old. They have had their roots pruned three times within these eight years, the last time in December, 1844. They are now full of health, and foliage, and fruit, in fact, all that I can wish them to be. The standard trees, with roots un- pruned, have their leaves yellow, and are, I fear, hastening to death. I now proceed to give a list of such sorts of pears that on my soil are de- cidedly higher in flavor when grafted on the quince, and not, (as your cor- respondent almost ludicrously says) " partaking of the flavor of the quince." Pray, have you or Mr. Thompson ever ate a quince-flavored pear? that is, a pear having such a flavor from being grafted on the quince, (as I well know there are many pears with a very odd flavor.) Does the Ribstone Pippin taste of the Crab because it is grafted upon it ? Does the peach ac- quire the flavor of the Mussel plum because it is budded upon it? Does the Green Gage ever taste sour and austere? and yet it is almost invariably 320 General Notices. grafted upon the common wild plum, which is uneatable, from its peculia r astringent acidity. I do hope, for the credit of your paper, that your cor- respondent is not your " Constant Reader." To* return to my list, I must first premise that every sort of pear is, as far as my experience at present goes, improved by being worked on the quince; but the following, in list 1, are remarkable for growing freely on the quince in most soils, without being double worked, bearing large fruit of the highest flavor : — List I. 1. Beurr6 d'Amanlis,* 2. Beurr6 Ananas, 2. Beurr6 d'Aremberg, 4. Beurre de Capiaumont, 5. Beurr6 Diel, 6. Beurre Easter, 7. Bon Chretien, Williams's, 8. Chaumontelle, 9. Citron des Carmes, 10. Colmar, 11. Colmar d'Aremberg, 12. Comptede Lamy, 13. Crassane, 14. Doyenn6 Gris, 15. Doyenn6, white, 16. Duchesse d'Angouleme, 17. Duchesse d'Orleans, 18. Forelle, or Trout pear, 19. Fortunee, (Parmentier) 20. Franc Real, Summer, 21. Glout Morceau, 22. Gratioli of Jersey, 23. Jargonelle, 24. King Edward's, 25. Louise Bonne of Jersey, 26. Napoleon, 27. Passe Colmar, 28. Poire Chenille, 29. Princess Royal, (Groom) 30. Saint Denis, 31. St. Germain, 32. Van Mons Leon le Clerc, 33. Vicar of Winkfield, 34. Wiihelmina. There are many other sorts that I feel almost assured will do equally ■well on the quince stock as the above. I forbear to add them till I am fully convinced by proving them. No. 3 : Of this I ate my best specimens about the middle of last April ; they were vinous, juicy, and delicious, from plants on the quince. Specimens from plants on the pear stock kept only till the end of February. No. 5. This pear seldom ripens well from trees on the pear stock ; on the quince, the fruit are larger, more handsome, of perfect flavor, and they invariably ripen well. No. 6. On the pear stock here ; (it must be borne in mind that I am al- ways referring to trees in the open quarters — not wall trees ;) this is a most crab-like pear, bearing but very seldom, and never ripening ; on the quince it bears well, is of high flavor, and always ripens in April and May ; it is, however, inclined to be gritty at the core, and this at present is the only pear I have found to be so from the quince stock. No. 19. This is a perfect crab from trees on the pear stock ; from the quince it is very melting and juicy, and really a good, small, late pear. I ate my last and only specimen this day. May 26. * D'Amanlis, according to most French authors} d'Amalis, according lo Horticulturftl Catalogue of Fruits. General Notices. 321 No. 21. Grows freely here on the pear stock, and blooms freely, yet sel- dom bears any clear fruit ; they are generally full of spots, and often do not ripen. at all kindly. On the quince stock it bears clear handsome fruit, which invariably ripen, and are very highly flavored. No. 23. On my finest soil here, a tender loam six feet in depth, subsoil sand, this sort always cankers, and very seldom produces any good fruit ; in short, it is a very shy bearer when on the pear stock ; on the quince it grows freely, and bears most abundantly ; fruit, fine and clear, and of high flavor. No. 25. This, of all the pears I know, is most benefited by working on the quince. My specimen tree, on a pear stock now twelve years old, has scarcely borne a dozen good clear fruit, and some standards of nearly twenty years' growth canker at the lips of their shoots, and their fruit is, in most seasons, spotted and misshapen. On the quince, how diflferent ! I have trees, from three to five years old, full of fruit, and these have hitherto, every season, been large, remarkably high-colored, beautiful, and of the highest flavor. " Constant Reader" will, I think, see that I have some confidence in the quince stock, when I state that I have a young plantation of this variety, on the quince, of 1500 trees, which I hope to make up in the autumn to 3000 ; these are to bear to supply the London market. At the expense of being thought a little egotistical, I must tell him that I am not only a pear tree grower, but also a pear grower ; Providence has kindly blessed me with fifty acres of good land, on vvhich roses and pears, and I know not what, seem to be "very happy:" this is a favorite phrase with one of our best gardeners, who, when he sees a tree in fine order, or one the contrary, designates them " happy and unhappy trees." No. 27 bears here, on the pear stock, a tremendous quantity of fruit ; these are often inclined to speck, and they seldom ripen well in the fruit- room. On the quince stock the fruit are clear, always ripen well, and are of the highest flavor. I have, as above, given my remarks on a few well known and preferable sorts ; they may be applied, with slight modifications, to all the varieties in List L List IL Pears that require double working before they will succeed on the quince; this is merely grafting or budding some free-growing sort of pear on the quince, and then re-grafting the graft, the following season, with the " re- fractory sort," to use the expression of your friend "Dodman." 1. Bergamot, Autumn, 2. Bergamot, Gansell's, 3. Beurre Bosc, 4. Beurr6 Ranee, 5. Broom Park, 6. Brougham, 7. Crassane, Althorp, 8. Crassane, Winter, 9. Dunmore, 10. Hacon's Incomparable, 11. Inconnue, Van Mons, 175, 12. Jean de Witte, 13. Marie Louise, 14. Monarch, Knight's, 15. Nelis, Winter, 16. Ne Plus Meuris, 17. Saint Marc, 18. Seckel, 19. Suflblk Thorn, 20. Thompson's, 21. Urbaniste. 322 General Notices. No. 3 is exceedingly "refractory," and I am not quite sure that it will live and flourish for any lengthened period, although double worked on very thrifty stocks. In some soils, this fine pear does not ripen well on stand- ards ; it is therefore very desirable to get it to do well on the quince, as it will, I have no doubt, bear when the tree is young; at present, it is, while young, a shy bearer. No. 4. My standards of this sort, on the pear stock, too often bear mis- shapen fruit, inclined to speck and crack, and, in some seasons, not ripening well on the quince. Its fruit is clear, fine, and remarkably high-flavored No. 11. I notice this pear, as I remarked, a short time since, one of your correspondents inquired of you its origin, which you could not give. I re- ceived it, with several other sorts, from M. Van Mons, I think about eight- een years ago ; I understood him at the time that they were seedlings, not then named ; this is a very hardy and excellent late pear, about the size of Beurre d'Aremberg, but larger, first rate in quality as a melting pear, and fit for the table from February to April ; the sorts then received were placed in the nursery catalogue as " Inconnue Van Mons," and numbered. They all still stand under the same name, with different numbers attached. The sorts I use to form a stock on the quince for re-grafting are Beurr6 d'Amanlis, Jargonelle d'Automne, Fondante de Brest. These all form the most luxuriant stocks. Grafting on the quince often fails. I have known eighteen out of twenty to succeed in some seasons, and the same number to fail in others. It is an uncertain mode ; budding is preferable. For double working you may always graft, that is, if you prefer it, or if your buds fail. Grafts succeed perfectly on the shoot of the pear produced from the quince stock the preceding season. I earth up my trees, to encourage them to root close up to the junction of the graft with the stock, but not with the view of making the graft root. I wish to avoid this, as the effect of the quince stock is then lost. If you wish for cultivated pears on their own roots, there is much time and labor lost by this mode ; for any variety of pear may be layered, and good plants obtained, ia about two seasons. And now for the last paragraph of your " constant" friend. Can we al- ways find " soil and locality in every respect suitable" to the growth of foreign varieties of pears 1 Is not our method of placing them against walls and espalier rails, &c. " unnatural ?" The peach tree, which, in the United States, in a natural state, bears such enormous crops, bears here at least equally fine fruit, but in most " unnatural" places. My root-pruned pear trees, many of them, I have purposely made to contend against nature ; in a soil that is naturally death to them I make them flourish. To use the oft-quoted sentence, " a man that can make a blade of grass to grow," &c. is a benefactor to his race, and if I can, by precept and example, enable the numerous occupiers of small gardens to grow pears and apples for their des- sert nine months in the year, and plums and cherries during the summer, shall I not also be a benefactor in a humble way ? I hope so. Allow me to advise your correspondent to visit the Horticultural Gardens at Chiswick ; he may there see pear trees of some twenty-five years' growth on the quince stock, with roots protruding from the stock close to its junc- General Notices. 323 tion -R-ith the graft. Pictures of health and fertility, they have borne many bushels of fruit, and yet I have never heard the Fellows of the Horticultu- ral Society complain that they tasted like quinces. Some fine trees of about the same age, on the quince, are also in the border. These were all removed about two years since, and, of course, their roots were pruned ; on them may therefore be seen the effects of root-pruning. I will conclude with the words of " Dodman :" "A very little care and judicious selection of sorts would insure them (pears) daily, from the end of July till May." I may add, that any garden ten yards square, or even less, will, with the quince stock for pears, the Paradise stock for apples, the Cerasus Mahaleb as a stock for cherries, judicious root-pruning and surface culture, supply a very ample dessert of delicious fruits. — (T. Riv- ers, in Gard. Chron. p. 372.) Propagation of Gloannias. — These may be raised either from seeds, or by cuttings of the young shoots, or by leaves. The seeds should be sown in shallow pans of sandy soil, on a thin bed of silver sand, a little of which should afterwards be dusted over them. Place the pan in a brisk hotbed, and cover it with a bell glass until the seeds vegetate. The cuttings should be taken off when the young shoots are about three inches long ; plani them in silver sand, and set them in a hotbed. Leaf propagation may be done in two ways : — 1. Insert a leaf in sand, like a cutting, the base soon forms a knob, from which a bud is subsequently developed. 2. Cut the principal rib at the back of the leaf through with a knife, in several places, an inch or more apart ; then press the leaf flat upon the sand, and place a few small stones on the top, near the incisions, to keep it down flat ; the ribs are to be placed downwards ; then cover with a bell glass, and place in a brisk heat ; little knobs will be formed at the incisions, which, in due time, will put forth buds. Keep them all, while growing, in a warm, moist atmos- phere, and, when their leaves are mature, allow them to become comparatively dry, in which state they may be set away in a cool frame for a month or two ; after which they should be potted in fresh soil, of equal parts sandy peat and leaf-mould, set in a warm pit, and gradually watered until they are fairly started, when they must have plenty of heat, light, and water, and a little weak liquid manure once or twice a week. — ( United Gardeners^ and Land-Stewards'' Journal, 1847, p. 321). Chrijsanlhemums. — When the stormy and withering blasts of November have laid desolate the gems which adorn the flower-garden, the comforts of a well-managed greenhouse or conservatory begin to be valued ; and, in order to render them as pleasing and delightful as the means placed within our power will allow, preparations, some time previous, are absolutely necessary, we having but few plants which bloom naturally at that period ; and these, in many instances, do not receive that care and attention to which they are entitled. In no instance is that more generally observed, than in the culture of the chrysanthemum ; arising, no doubt, from the vague idea, that it is diflicult to grow handsome plants, on account of their straggling habits. If the following remarks are fully carried out, I have no doubt but those who hold that opinion will be induced to think other- 324 General Notices. wise. There are various methods resorted to in propagating the chrysan- themum— viz., by offsets, layers, and cuttings ; but, as I consider the latter the best method, I shall confine my remarks solely to it. From the middle to the end of May is the best season for putting in cuttings : select the points of the shoots of the current year's growth, not more than two inches long ; cut them close to a joint; remove one or two of the bottom leaves ; plant very thinly under hand glasses ; and, if a gentle bottom heat can be conveniently applied, it will accelerate their rooting : bottom heat is not, however, absolutely necessary, as they will strike readily without it in a mixture of leaf-mould and sand ; shade the glasses for a few days; and, when the cuttings have taken root and begin to grow, remove the glasses and pinch out their tops, which will cause them to push three or four shoots each ; when they have grown about an inch, lift them with as good a ball as possible, and pot in large sixties, in a mixture of loam and rotten dung in equal portions ; place them in a close frame, and shade a few days till they have taken with the pots, when they may be set out of doors, allowing them plenty of room to prevent their being drawn ; supply them liberally with manure water. When they have grown about three inches, pinch out their tops again ; this will cause them to throw out from ten to twelve shoots, and will be the means of keeping them dwarf. When they have grown about an inch, repot them in thirty-two's, or six-inch pots, in a mix- ture the same as previously mentioned ; set them in some place out of doors, where they will be shaded for a few hours during the heat of the day, but by no means place them under the drip of trees. After that time, which will be about the middle of August, they •will want nothing more than keep- ing the pots clear of weeds and suckers, and watering — alternately using manure or guano-water. About the beginning of October, a few of the most forward may be placed under the protection of glass at night, being fully exposed during the day, as the chrysanthemum will not suffer forcing : the others may be taken in as the weather may render necessary. I may mention that they will stand two or three degrees of frost, without sustain- ing any injury. By following the above directions, 1 have grown upwards of 200 plants in one season, varying from a foot to eighteen inches high, with from eight to twelve stems each, and from 30 to CO full blown flowers on each plant, without a yellow leaf, and without the assistance of wooden legs. When the plants have done flowering, they may be cut down and stored away in some convenient place, where they will be sheltered from the frost. Allow them but little water till the end of April, when they may be exposed to the open air till the cuttings are wanted ; and when these are taken off, the plants may be either thrown to the rubbish heap, or a few of the early flowering sorts may be planted in the shrubberies ; shorten all the stems to within six inches of the pot ; this will cause them to throw out more shoots, which may be again stopped ; you will thus keep this nat- urally untidy, straggling plant, within due bounds; and, instead of being (as is often the case) tied up in a bunch, or left at random, they will be fine dwarf flowering plants without the least assistance of stakes, blooming at a period when but few flowering plants adorn the shrubberies. — [lb. p. 324). General Notices. 325 Carnations, Picofees and Pinks — their propagation. — The propagation of these plants by pipings, may now be commenced ; the following method we have found the most successful : — Make up a bed two feet in height in a shady situation — let it be composed of rotten manure, which possesses a gentle warmth ; place a one, two, or three-light box over it, according to the number of pipings you intend to plant. The compo^ for this purpose should consist of one part rotten turf, one part horse manure two years old, and one part loam and road sand, in equal quantities ; this should be sifted through a very fine sieve, and turned frequently in the open air to incorpo- rate and sweeten ; after which, place a layer of it, four inches in thickness, over the bed that is prepared ; level it on the surface, and water it freely with a fine rose watering pot the night previous to planting. The glasses we use for striking are octagon shaped, and measure ten inches in diam- eter, five inches deep at the sides, and raised at the top two inches ; we occasionally use larger glasses, but seldom find them answer so well. In taking the pipings from the parent plants, be careful not to strip the main stem — the better way is to cut them off with a knife. We prefer the top- most shoots for piping, for two reasons ; first, they are generally of a slen- der growth, and will more readily strike ; secondly, if left on the plants, they are difiicult to layer without breaking. It is necessary to leave five or six of the young shoots on each of the mother plants for layering ; if they are over-pruned, it is detrimental to the plants, and injurious to their future blooms. The pipings should be prepared by taking the two side leaves off at the third joint from the top, and cutting the stem through horizontally, just below it ; shorten the two leaves above it, and the piping is complete. Having prepared and carefully labelled the number of sorts you intend to plant, proceed in the following manner : — First, sprinkle a small portion of silver sand over the bed, then make an impression with the glass that you may know the distance to plant them ; fill a garden-pan with water, and place it inside the frame, that each variety may be immersed during the time of planting ; take each piping between the finger and thumb, and gently run it into the soil three quarters of an inch in depth ; the distance between each piping should be half an inch, and the same between the rows. After planting, they must be watered sufficiently to moisten the soil through ; let them be well dried before covering them over with the small glasses, or they are likely to mildew. The advantage of double glassing will be found of great benefit in cold and wet seasons. Pinks. — These flowers will require great attention during the next three weeks: the pods must be carefully examined from day to day, and tied with bass to prevent them from bursting. We advocate the use of bass for this purpose, in preference to the India-rubber rings, or any other material. The rings are strongly recommended by some parties, but, in our opinion, they are a decided failure ; we lost from twenty to thirty blooms in one sea- son by trying the experiment. The short round pods that are difficult to* open, require the bass to be placed twice round them, and secured firmly by a double knot ; those of a better shape will do very well with a single VOL. XIII. — NO. VII. 30 326 General Notices. tie. The bass should be placed evenly round the pod just below the shoul- der.—(7^<. p. 375). Treatment of Azaleas. — The main stock of these will now be out of bloom ; and, after the gorgeous display which we have seen this season, T think I was not far wron^ in saying a few weeks back they were likely to become very general favorites. The jfirst thing to be done with them now will be to remove the flowers and seed-pods as quickly as possible, and get them into a house or pit where they can be properly shaded, and where a moist atmosphere can be maintained at all times. Pot such plants as require it, using plenty of sand and a little three-years' old cowdung with the peat ; but as they will do for a long time in small pots, do not overdo them. The best of my plants, which have done blooming, are now standing in a pit, under sheet glass, where they are shaded, but kept at a brisk growing tem- perature during the day, and syringed copiously, and shut up closely every afternoon just before the sun leaves the pit, but air is admitted again about nine o'clock. The second plants are under the shade of a late vinery, anil receive just the same treatment as Vines, the fruit of which is just set : here they will remain until they have made their growth, and then they will be placed under sheet-glass to set the bloom. Prune in any straggling shoots, and endeavor to get nice, round, compact plants. — {lb. p. 358). Exposing Greenhouse Plants in Summer. — It is a common practice all over the country, to set greenhouse plants, heaths, &c., out of doors dur- ing the summer months, without any protection whatever, either to the tops or bottoms of the plants, under the vain impression that the plants will be benefited by such treatment. Plants, when fully exposed to the sun and air, after a time become so dry as to nearly make it impossible to render them moist again; hence, the scorched and stinted looking plants which may be seen in summer. The pots of plants should always be moist : per- sons with common observation will have noticed that all the youngest and most tender roots of plants always extend next to the pot ; consequently, they are the most liable to injury from any sudden check, occasioned by the sun drawing all the moisture out of the pot, and, therefore, out of the soil also. It is no uncommon thing to see the soil quite dried away from the pot, and when the water is supplied, it sinks down the outside of the soil as fast as it can be poured in, and the soil inside is not wetted in the least. How can any person expect plants to grow by such unnatural treatment? Be- sides, it is a great waste of time to be so frequently watering, as is very often the case ; the whole morning and evening are often spent in this way. If plants must be turned out of doors, they ought always to be plunged in some porous substance ; although, at the same time, it ought to be some- thing that will hold moisture ; for instance, very rough peat, moss, or saw- dust. I have seen sand used by some, but I consider it holds the wet too much, which is an evil almost as bad as the former. The pots should al- ways be placed on slates, or some other material that will prevent the worms from entering, as they are great pests if once allowed to enter. They should also be shaded from the sun with some light material, and protected from heavy rains. By following the above plan, a great deal of time will General Notices. 327 be saved in watering ; and the plants, having a more natural treatment, will present a more natural appearance. — {lb. p. 307). CuUivalion of Ahijsia Citriodora. — Do you possess a neglected plant of the too much neglected lemon-scented Verbena, or, as it is now called, Aloysia citriodoral If so, lose no time in propagating a stock of healthy plants from young shoots produced in a forcing-plant pit. When propa- gated, encourage luxuriance by liberally potting in coarse loamy soil and leaf-mould; inducing compactness of growth by frequently pinching off the tops of the young shoots until the last week in May, when, having pre- viously inured them to the external atmosphere, turn them out of their pots into spare beds in the reserve garden, the compost being open, and mod- erately rich, with a substratum of old mortar or rubble. If large bushy plants are desired, plant them sufficiently distant from each other, and con- tinue stopping the growing shoots whenever they attain the length of two or three inches. In September following, re-pot them into large pots, and place them in a close cold-pit, giving scarcely any water, when they will soon become deciduous. Here they may remain until required in succession for forcing through the winter in a plant-forcing structure. Their utility, when their delightful fragrance is taken into account, need not be descanted on, inasmuch as the perfume of this odoriferous shrub is too universally appreciated to require eulogium. — [lb. p. 307). Tlie Heartsease or Pansy. — These plants are easily propagated by cut- tings or side shoots, which may be taken off them at almost any time of the year. To ensure success in striking, I should recommend the cuttings to be planted early in the spring, or late in the autumn, they will do equally well at either season. The side shoots which appear from under the ground, when sufficiently long, are the best for increase ; they strike root much earlier, and generally make the best and soundest plants. The com- post for this purpose may be composed of one part turfy loam, one part light vegetable earth, and one part horse manure, two years old. It is necessary that a small portion of road-sand should be added to this com- post to prevent the water from hanging too much about the necks of the plants. After planting them, water freely, whether in pots or in the open ground, and protect with hand-glasses, if requisite, but be sure to dry the cuttings before covering them over, as confined damp is very injurious to their future growth ; they must be placed in a shady situation. — {lb. p. 311). Scarlet Pelargoniums for icinler floicering . — The employment of scarlet pelargoniums for decorating the greenhouse or conservatory during winter is limited, considering their fitness and appropriate beauty, when judiciously cultivated for this purpose. Having experienced considerable success in their cultivation, I am induced to state the method I have adopted, the rela- tion of which will doubtless interest those of your i-eaders who are engaged in the winter cultivation of this general favorite : — In August or Septem- ber, strong cuttings of Giant, Scarlet, Sol, Smith's Superb, Huntsman, General Tom Thumb, &c., were propagated and potted inrimediately into five-inch pots to winter, their efforts of growth being repeatedly retarded by pinching off the growing shoots until March, when they received a liberal 328 Domestic Notices. potting in poor soil, which induced the formation of numerous " eyes," or embryo shoots. By the last week of May, these became strong shrubby plants, and were turned out into strong wicker baskets, sunk out into a bed or border, of rough turfy loam and fibrous peat soil, with a limited quantity of silver sand and leaf mould. The baskets were filled with similar com- post, and distributed six feet asunder, to allow the plants to grow into large bushy specimens, which, as ihey advanced in size and symmetry, were fre- quently stopped, to render them dwarf, and as compact as possible. They were not permitted to bloom in this situation, and, in the second week of September, tiie baskets (which were constructed in halves, to enable me to remove them from the enclosed ball) were divided, and the entire balls potted into very large pots, admitting the addition of fresh compost and good drainage. This accomplished, they were removed to a cold pit for a fortnight, and, in the first week of October, the best specimens were placed in the greenhouse conservatory, and soon commenced blooming, continuing in great beauty until Christmas, when they were succeeded by the remain- der in the dry cold pit. At that time, the specimens first introduced into the warm conservatory were pruned back moderately, and plunged in the pit of a plant forcing structure, where they grew rapidly, receiving, as be- fore, frequent stoppings, and waterings of w-eak manure-watei. In the first week in March, these were restored to the conservatory again, in readiness to bloom immediately, and were succeeded in the forcing structure by the secondary lot, treated similarly on being introduced there. These latter afforded plenty of cut flowers in April and May, and finally the whole were shortened back considerably, and turned out for decorative purposes in June, making a very respectable display in the flower-garden in August and Sep- tember. So much for the winter treatment of this useful and very orna- mental plant, which, in my estimation, may be brought to much greater perfection as a specimen pot-plant than at present it appears to have attained ; and, in expectation of more valuable communications on the subject, I am inainly induced to forward the foregoing observations. — [lb. p. 324.) Art. II. Domestic Notices. Weather in Pennsylvania. — We have had a good deal of rain during the past two weeks, and crops of every kind bid fair to give more than an average yield. We have had no frost this spring to injure any thing, and the foli- age of the forest is exceedingly rich, and fruit of every kind very abundant; apples, perhaps, will not be so abundant as they were last season, owing to the trees having been somewhat exhausted. — A. Huidckoper, Mcadville, Pa. June, 1847. CuUivating the Peach Tree. — Have you ever experimented any in grow- ing peach trees from cuttings ? I have been in the habit of growing tomato plants sepaiately, in boxes about six inches square, until they were in Domestic Notices. 329 bloom. The boxes are very loosely put together with small nails, and, when taken carefully apart, the very numerous roots of the tomato keep the earth together, and the whole can be put in the ground without the tomato being in the least retarded by transplanting. This spring, to support the plants which I had started in this way in my grapery, I used some trim- mings of a peach tree, and, on setting out the tomatoes a few days since, I found that not only each peach twig was in leaf, but that most of them had thrown out small roots an inch or two in length. The earth I used was well decayed chip manure and garden mould. As this is apparently an easy way of multiplying select peach trees without the trouble of budding,! make the suggestion (perhaps not a new one) that, if you think it worth while, you may make the experiment yourselves. — Yours, jjort. Soc. Cat., 3d. Ed. Ue Vigne Pelone, > Fig Pear of Naples, Book of Fruits, (first series,) p. 91. ' S- of some English and American collections, r ourcroy , ) The Figue de Naples is tolerably well known around Boston under the name of the Beurre Bronze, it having frequently been exhibited under that name, though incor- rectly. Mr. Manning fruited it for several years, and, in his Book of Fruits, he described it as a "very productive vari- ety, bearing young, juicy and good." Last year, a tree in our collection, received under the name of Beurre Bronze, pro- duced several fine pears, and we were somewhat surprised to find it so fine a variety. Whether from the season, the locality, or the soil, we considered it as one of the best pears of the season. It possesses a rather thick skin, but the flavor is peculiarly rich, musky and delicious. Since our description was made, we have observed that Mr. Thompson has described it in the Gardener's VOL. xin. — NO. VIII. 31 338 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. Chronicle^ and he remarks that " it requires particular man- agement after gathering. It has a thick, tough, softly rus- seted skin, which appears to permit occasionally a too rapid evaporation of the juices, in consequence of which the flesh does not become melting, but actually the reverse, until it finally decays. To prevent this, it is necessary to pack the fruit away from the free action of the air." The tree grows very vigorously, with upright brown shoots, sprinkled with brown russet specks, and is very productive : the fruit all have a remarkably clean skin, free from specks. It grows freely, and bears well on the quince. Our descrip- tion of the Figue de Naples {fig. 26), is as follows : — Fig. 26. Fiffue de Naples. Size, large, about two and a half inches in diameter, and three long : Form, oblong, slightly contracted in the middle, Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. 339 and very obtuse at the stem : >S'A*m, fair, smooth, pale green, becoming lemon yellow when mature, marbled with dull red on the sunny side, and very regularly and thickly covered with small green dots and russety specks : Stem^ medium length, about one inch, moderately stout, rough, dark brown, fleshy and swollen at the base, and inserted without any cav- ity : Eye, rather large, open, and slightly sunk in a broad, shallow, smooth basin ; segments of the calyx broad, long, pointed, and quite reflexed : Flesh, yellowish, fine, melting, and very juicy : Flavor, rich, sugary, vinous and excellent, with a fine musky perfume : Core, medium size : Seeds, me- dium size, plump, brown. Ripe in November, and is in eat- ing three or four weeks. 74. FoRELLE. Hort. Trans., Vol. V. pi. 17. Poire Truite, ) ^^^^ g^ ^^^^ 3^ ^^ ^g^^ Forellenbirne, ) Trout Pear, of some gardens. The Forelle is, without doubt, the most beautiful pear which has ever been produced, and would deserve cultivation for its appearance only, if it were even a second rate pear. But it stands almost as high for its excellence as for its beauty. Dr. Diel, in his Pomology, speaks of the Forelle as compet- ing with the best French varieties, and Mr. Thompson states that it " merits his eulogium in all respects." The Forelle {fig. 27), takes its name from the resemblance of its beautifully speckled skin to the Trout, and, in the French collections, it is generally called the Truite pear. When the fruit is produced in perfection, it is deeply colored with ver- milion, and profusely covered with grayish russet dots, which are margined or rayed with crimson. The tree grows very rapidly, more resembling, in the color of the wood, which is of a rich violet red speckled with grayish white, an apple than a pear: young shoots woolly : leaves, roundish ovate. It is very productive, and grows either upon the quince or pear stock. Mr. Manning, who described it among the many kinds which he proved in his collection, (Vol. III. p. 49), stated that with him it had not come up to the character given it in the 340 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. Pom. Mag., but we suspect he had not produced it under favorable circumstances. Our drawing is from a specimen produced in the collection of Mrs. Heard, of Watertown, in 1846, and, in beauty as well as quality, it was a first-rate fruit. Where the locality is unfavorable as a dwarf or stand- ard, we would recommend it as deserving a wall or an espa- lier. Fig. 27. Forelle. Size, large, about two inches in diameter, and three long : Form, oblong obovate, regular, rather the largest in the mid- dle, and tapering to an obtuse point at the stem : Skin, fair, smooth, dull yellow in the shade, broadly shaded with ver- milion on the sunny side, and beautifully speckled with gray- ish dots, which are deeply margined with crimson : Stem, rather short, about three quarters of an inch, slender, nearly straight, and obliquely inserted in a small, shallow, contract- ed cavity, with a swollen lip or projection on one side : Bye, medium size, partially open, moderately sunk in a small and rather abruptly depressed basin ; segments of the calyx broad Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. 341 and closed np, little reflexed : Flesh, white, very fine grained, buttery, melting and juicy : Flavor, rich, sprightly, vinous, shghtly perfumed and excellent : Core, medium size : Seeds, medium size, nearly black. Ripe in November, and fre- quently keeps till January. 75. Ananas. Bon Jardinier. Poire Ananas, of French collections. The Ananas {fig. 28), is a new pear, recently introduced into our collections from the French gardens, and it proves to Fig. 28. Ananas. be a very delicious variety. Of its origm, we have no infor- mation. It is not mentioned in the last edition of the Cata- logue oi Xhftlion. Hort. Soc, and is probably not known in 31* 342 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. English collections. It first fruited in 1844 or '45, and our drawing is from a specimen produced in the collection of Col. Wilder last autumn. The tree is a very vigorous grower, making stout and strong annual shoots, of a rather light olive shade, with very- large grayish specks. It thrives well upon the quince, pro- ducing abundant crops. This is not the Ananas d'Ete of the Hort. Soc. Catalogue, but an entirely distinct variety, ripening later, and a much richer pear. It is well worthy a place in every select collec- tion. Size^ large, two and a half inches broad, and three inches long : Form, pyramidal, slightly angular, large at the crown, and regularly tapering to the stem : Skin, fair, smooth, thin, orange yellow when mature, little russeted on the shaded side, slightly tinged with red next the sun, little clouded with green, and covered with russet specks: Stem, rather short, about half an inch, stout, rough, brown, wrinkled, and fleshy where it adjoins the fruit, which is slightly on one side : Eye, small, closed, and rather deeply sunk in a narrow, angular basin ; segments of the calyx narrow, long and pointed : Flesh, yellowish, rather coarse, melting, and very juicy : Flavor, rich, sprightly, vinous, and delicious, with a pleasant aroma : Core, small : Seeds, large, plump, pale browQ. Ripe in Oc- tober, and will keep some time. 76. Bezi de la Motte. Hort. Trans., Yol. Y. p. 132. Bien Armudi, > jj^^^ g^^ ^^^^ 3^^ ^d. Beurre Blanc de Jersey, ) This old pear, which was first described by Quintinye, in 1685, upwards of a century and a half ago, and pronounced by him of such excellence as to be likely to take the place of the White Doyenne, is yet very little known. As late as 1830, when it was figured in the Pomological Magazine, it was quite new to English collections, and to the present day, with us, it has been confined principally to the gardens of am- ateur cultivators. It is, however, one of those pears which belong rather more to the orchardist than the amateur, as it is a hardy and vigorous tree, a regular and abundant bearer, Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. 343 ripening freely and keeping well, and admirably suited for a profitable market fruit. The Pom. Mag. (1830), states that it possesses " all the good qualities of the White Doyenne," while Mr. Thompson places it in the Catalogue of the Hort. Soc. for 1842 as of 2d quality. This is our estimate of it, strictly as to its eating qualities. In some seasons, we have tasted specimens which were first-rate, while, in the average of years, it will not come quite up to that character. Its other qualities, however, claim for it a place in every good collec- tion. The Bezi de la Motte {^fig- 29), is supposed to have origi- nated in the East, as the Bien Armudi, a Turkish variety, Fig. 29. Bezi de la Motte. has proved to be the same in the Garden of \he Horticultural Society. A warm and dry season like that of 1846 probably suits this variety better than a cool and wet one, as the fruit last year was excellent. The tree is of vigorous and rapid growth, forming a regular and compact head, and it succeeds well upon the pear or quince : on the former stock, it does 344 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. not, however, come into bearing until the fifth or sixth year. Wood ohve gray, with brownish specks. Size, large, about three inches in diameter, and two and a half long : Form, roundish, somewhat angular, broad and flattened at the crown, and tapering slightly to the stem : Skin, rather rough, dull greenish yellow, thickly russeted around the crown, the russet extending over the surface in very large, distinct, and conspicuous dots : Stetn, short, about half an inch, moderately stout, nearly straight, greenish brown, and rather obliquely inserted in an angular, moderately deep cavity : Eye, medium size, open, and deeply sunk in a large, open, sliglitly angular basin ; segments of the calyx broad, pointed, reflexed : Flesh, yellowish white, rather coarse, melt- ing and juicy : Flavor, sugary, pleasant, and excellent, with a slight perfume : Core, large : Seeds, very large, dark brown. Ripe in October, and in eating two or three weeks, 77. Belle et Bonne. Pomological Magazine, pi. 118. Sohone and Gute, Hort. Soc. Cat., 3d. Ed. Belle de Bruxelles, of some collections, (incorrectly.) Lindley, Thompson, and Manning describe the Belle et Bonne {fig. 30), as a valuable pear; and Mr. Kenrick, fol- lowing the Pomological Magazine, quotes its language, viz., that it is "a delicious Bergamot of the best kind." It is one of those pears which are more variable than others, according to the season, abundance of the crop, &c., as in some years it is quite first-rate, and in others not coming up to this character. It is a large and fine fruit, and the tree \z vigorous and heal- thy, not coming into bearing early, but producing great crops when the tree has attained age. It was introduced into the collection of the London Horti- cultural Society about the year 1826, from the nurseries of the Messrs. Baumann, of Bol wilier, and Mr. Manning first fruited it in our gardens, and received it from various sources as the Belle de Bruxelles. Wood, dark brownish ohve, sprinkled with dark brown spots, short-jointed, with deep green, oval, lance- olate leaves. Size, large, about three inches broad and two and three quarters deep : Form, roundish, narrowing a little towards the Descripiloiis of Select Varieties of Pears. 345 stem, slightly angular, and often depressed : Skin, fair, yel- lowish green, having a faint ruddy tinge on the sunny side, and regularly covered with dull green and dark russet specks, thickest on the shaded side : Stem, medium length, about one Belle et Bonne. inch, stout, smooth, curved, light brown, and deeply inserted in a large narrowed cavity : Eye, large, closed, and consider- ably depressed in a very broad, somewhat furrowed basin ; segments of the calyx very large, broad and pointed : Fleshy white, coarse, slightly gritty at the core, buttery and juicy: Flavor, rich and sweet, with a pleasant musky perfume : Core, medium size : Seeds, small, dark brown. Ripe in Sep- tember, 73. Thompson's. Hort. Soc. Catalogue, 3d. Ed. 1842. Of the newer and more recently introduced pears, the Thompson's (^fig. 31), holds a conspicuous place. It is a 346 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pea?'s. Flemish variety, first received by the London Horticultural Society, and has been named in compliment to the able super- Fig. 31. Thompson's. intendent of the fruit department, Mr. R. Thompson, by the Society. It is, as its name should indicate, a most excellent pear, possessing a peculiarly delicious perfume, a very melt- ing flesh, and has the sugary character of the Passe Colmar, but relieved with a sprightliness which that variety does not possess. Mr. Manning received the scions of the Thompson's from the London Horticultural Society, and first fruited it in 1841, at which time he gave some account of it in our Magazine, (Vol. VHI. p. 64). Since then we have repeatedly tried it, and the last season we had some very fine specimens from the collection of the Hon. J. S, Cabot, from one of which our drawing is made. We have never eaten it of secondary quality. The tree is rather late in coming into bearing, of vigorous growth, with yellowish olive-colored wood sprinkled with The Strawberry Question. 347 grayish specks, and the leaves are of medmm size, dark shining green, with very wavy margins. Size, medium, about two inches in diameter, and two and a half long : Form, obovate, regular, tapering towards the stem, below which it is slightly contracted : Skin, fair, smooth, lemon yellow when mature, considerably russeted around the stem, and on one side : Stem, short, about half an inch long, rather slender, slightly knobby, and inserted with scarcely any cavity by the side of a slight projection : Eye, medium size, open, and slightly depressed in a small basin ; segments of the calyx short, broad, and apparently united : Flesh, yellowish, fine, melting and juicy : Flavor, rich, sugary and delicious, with a peculiar delicate aroma : Core, medium size : Seeds, large, long, and nearly black. Ripe in October, and keeps some time. Art. II. The Strawberry Question. By the Editor. Start not, dear reader ! We do not intend to open anew the whole subject of the strawberry question which has been agitated for several years, and now so satisfactorily settled. Oui object is merely to notice the opinions of some writers in regard to our Seedling, and to show how little they know of its true character. In our last volume, (XII. p. 359), we fully discussed the subject of the fertile and sterile character of strawberries, and stated that a series of carefully conducted experiments had convinced us that the blossoms never change their form. If pistillate or staminate, they forever remain so. We also stat- ed, in reply to Mr. Saul, of the Highland Gardens, (p. 455), that every cultivator who found staminate plants in his beds of Hovey's Seedling might rest assured that he did not possess the True variety. Mr. Downing, who ought to know our strawberry without looking at the blossoms, — for we have scarcely a gardener in our grounds who cannot pick out Hovey's Seedhng by the leaf alone, among a dozen other sorts, — has stated that his 348 The ^traivherry Qiiestio?i. beds of plants change from staminate to pistillate, and from pistillate to staminate, according to the age and vigor of the plants. So convinced had he become of this being a " fixed fact," that, with becoming modesty, he offered to prove his doctrine by sending to the Massachusetts Horticultural Soci- ety, in 1847, twelve plants, in pots, of the staminate Hovey's Seedling. Now mark the result. Agreeably to his statement, Mr. Downing did send twelve plants to the Massachusetts Horti- cultural Society in June last, for the Committee to examine and substantiate his views. But judge of the disappoint- ment which followed this liberal offer to prove his theory. The plants duly came to hand, and the committee were to- tally surprised at the result. Was it possible so great an error could be committed by a nurseryman and an author 1 In the place of Hovey's Seedling, which every cu] tivator could detect at once, some spurious variety was received, having no resemblance to the original whatever, the foliage being small and narrow, and the trusses of flowers of an entirely different form. So apparent was this, that the plants did not need examination, and those who saw them could not con- jecture how a pomological writer could venture to send such plants until he had taken some pains to ascertain their genu- ineness by some other mode than the staminate blossoms : for it argued that the true variety, though now spread all over the United States, was quite unknown to Mr. Downing. Such is the basis of his modified theory that '-some perfect blossomed sorts have a tendency to vary mto barren forms" ; and these twelve plants are evidence, introduced by himself, to show that a little observation, and the least prac^/ra/ knowl- edge of the subject would have long ago convinced him of its utter absurdity. We might notice some of the statements which are occa- sionally made, that mdividuals who procured their plants of Messrs. Hovey & Co. have found some staminate sorts among them : those who are conversant with the habits, character and cultivation of the strawberry are aware that seedlings are constantly springing up from the berries which partially decay on the vines : if there are any who do not know this, they are referred to English writers, and we may here allude Transplantation of Coniferous Forest Trees. 349 to an article in the Transactions of the London Horticultu- ral Society by Sir George Stuart Mackenzie, (Vol. VII. p. 342). He states " that many berries decay and are passed over, and inferior ones are not gathered. The seeds from these drop, and new sorts come up, and if runners from these are taken, of course they are not the true kind." This ac- counts for the staminate plants, which, after a year or two, spring up, and if, in making new beds, the plants are not selected by those who know them by some other way than the " staminate flowers," the error will be perpetuated, and inferior sorts be the result. Not long since, we noticed that some western cultivators had purchased staminate Hovey's Seedlings of some of the Eastern nurserymen, who had found such in their beds, and supposed they were the original form of the variety : and notwithstanding we have repeatedly asserted that the origi- nal plants were the same as they are now — imperfect.^ hav- ing the stamens, but few or no anthers — still they imagine that their short acquaintance with the variety is better than the testimony of the originator, before whose eye they have constantly been for thirteen years. It would be quite useless to argue the question with those who hold such absurd no- tions. We may, therefore, repeat that Hovey's Seedling, when true, must have some staminate variety to impregnate it, and, for this purpose, Ave use exclusively the Boston Pine, "which is fully equal to it in every quality but size; being a week earlier, the most productive of all strawberries, of delicious flavor, and only about one quarter less in size than Hovey's Seedling, averaging four inches in circumference. 4 Art. hi. On the Transplantation of the Coniferous Forest Trees {Pines, ^'c), of New England to the Southern States. By Dr. A. Mitchell, Portland, Me. In a Letter to the Hon. H. a. S, Dearborn. Communicated by Gen. Dear- born. Since my last communication to you, I have received a let- ter from Dr. Bacon, informing me that he has been suflering VOL. XIII. — no. VIII. 32 350 Transplantation of Coniferous Forest Trees. from a sev^ere attack of rheumatism, which has prevented him from making a full report on the culture of the Arrow Root ; and promises to do so as soon as he recovers. In my previous communications to you, I hinted at making a few cursory observations on the difference of success in the cultivation of plants, and transplantation of trees, from altitude of moun- tains and elevated lands in the same line of latitude, and those taken from a similarity of soils, more on a level Avith the ocean in adverse latitudes, whether high or low. It appears you have communicated my previous letters, which were pub- lished in the Boston Magazine of Horticulture., edited by C. M. Hovey, Esq., of which t acknowledge the receipt of May and July numbers. I was truly pleased with the perusal of a paper so admirably adapted to the wants of this country, eliciting so much valuable and practical information, which should meet the most sanguine wishes of every lover of Hor- ticultural pursuits and Botanical science : liberal favors should be extended to such a work as the present, and also the one to be published on the Fruits of America, which, we hope, will meet with a large share of public patronage. In the autumn of 1840, I suggested to several gentlemen of Charleston, S. C, the probability of success in the transplan- tation of some of our coniferous forest-trees, to their region. They replied to me that the experiment had been tried for several years, and had invariably failed ; although every thing had been tried to crown their efforts with success. Notwith- standing this discouraging answer, I was determined to try the experiment, and impose on them the enterprise ; knowing that many of their specimens were taken from the elevated table-lands of that State, or the swamps of our country — with the roots denuded of earth, often shipped in the spring — arriv- ing there withered by exposure. With these hints of the sup- posed cause of failure, I accordingly selected a soil in this country, as our sandy plains in exposed situations, to take up my trees, having in view the similarity of soils in Carolina, in which I was to transplant them ; they were principally the Balsam-fir, intermixed with varieties of the Spruce, amount- ing to some hundreds, varying from one to six feet in height, taken up the latter part of October, with a large ball of earth on their roots, and packed in crates. They arrived there safe Transplantation of Coniferous Forest Trees. 351 with the exception of some of them being heated and spoiled by remaining too long under the hatches, and wonld have been liberally purchased, had there not been a popular clam- our against them, that they would not live ; yet I suggested the propriety on the plan proposed of a gradual acchmation, by not placing them at first in too exposed situations. I, how- ever, succeeded in distributing them for a small remuneration ; and, as a lone solitaire of the Balsam-fir was said to exist in the precincts of the city, I busied myself in hunting it up. On finding the tree alluded to, it proved to be a species of the white pine, (Pinus *S'tr6bus), growing in the garden at the neck, belonging to the Hon. Joel R. Poinsett, a gentleman well known in the science of Horticulture, as well as his able com- peer, the Hon. Thomas Bennett. Some weeks elapsed, and I made an excursion into the country, and, when visiting a plantation belonging to Mrs. Lynah, 1 accidentally discov- ered a tree of the Balsam-fir growing in this lady's garden on the banks of Stone River. This tree was thriving luxuriantly in the most exposed situation, under the direct rays of the sun, on an elevated sandy ridge ; this native of my hills had undergone, by acclimation, a remarkable change, its acerose leaves nearly twice as large, presenting a brilliantly varnished appearance, with its foliage of a rich deep-green, and a healthy structure throughout. The lady informed me that a gentle- man from Massachusetts presented this tree to her some time in the fall — six years previous. This encouraged me as to the future success of those I had transplanted; and I had the satisfaction of seeing many of them without much care pass through the first and second summer in a thriving condition, as, out of the city in some places, five out of seven succeeded ; since that, 1 can give no farther information concerning them, but have not the least doubt that success would have been certain had the trees been younger, or seeds had been obtained from trees growing in exposed situations in soils similar to those of the south. The surest way for the collection and arranging of facts, in the acclimation of plants, is to devote our attention to Botan- ical Geography. Thus, plants or trees of the same family do not thrive nor succeed so well when transplanted from elevat- ed and mountainous regions to the plain, however contiguous 352 Transplantation of Coniferous Forest Trees. the localities or habitations of such plants may be, as those from opposite latitudes or zones of a great distance, with a similarity of soils. This is applicable also to seeds derived from the parent stock of stunted growths, otherwise physi- cally deteriorated constitutions of such plants growing on mountains, in sheltered positions, shady ravines, or in soils or positions presenting no similarity. It is well known to every accurate observer, that powerful summer heats are capable of causing trees and shrubs to endure the most rigorous winters; which would militate decidedly against the opinion of some as to the acclimation of plants from Southern to Northern lat- itudes. Seeds contained in pericarps germinate sooner if planted immediately after being separated from their natural covering. I do not think that the mean annual temperature of various countries in the temperate zones and tropical regions affect the growth and nutrition of plants so much as has been supposed. The habits and life of a plant may be changed. and brought to exist on food not naturally suited to its consti- tution by the care and cultivation of the same by man, who is the most active agent in the dispersion of plants. Many plants, as those the most useful to mankind, by slow and gradual acclimation, become distributed over a vast region ; as a proof of this position, we have only to point to the Indian corn, rice, cotton, and sweet potato, growing in our own coun- try. Again, — plants, whether herbaceous or perennial, as in medical botany, may, by removal from opposite zones, become stunted in their growth, with less luxuriance of appearance, yet there will be a greater concentration of active properties, than what is possessed in its original habitation. The designs of our Creator are obvious in all of his works. Without care or much protection by man, we see the delicate plant, Nas- turtium peruvianum, or Indian cress, braving the different climes, and lingering on the verge of our Northern winter. This plant is a native of Peru ; its systematic name is Tropoe^o- lum majus, from TQixmaiov, or Tropaion, a warlike shield or tro- phy. " This fanciful but elegant name was chosen by Linnaeus for this singular and striking genus, because he conceived the shield-like leaves and the brilliant flowers, shaped like golden helmets, pierced through and through, and stained with blood, would justify such an allusion." It was first brought to Descriptions of Eight New Varieties of Prairie Roses. 353 France from Peru, S. A., in 1684: in its original state, it is said to be found growing to a considerable height, forming quite a tree. I cannot refrain from expressing the most earnest wishes for the success of our enterprise in establishing an Experi- mental Garden in Florida, for the cultivation and acclima- tion of tropica] plants. The feasibility of the plan is so clear that the national advantages derived therefrom cannot but strongly impress the public with the ulterior benefits which will grow out of its foimdation when brought to maturity. As it will be the means of introducing many of the most val- uable plants of the tropics from distant regions, promoting agricultural science, increasing the original material of our manufactures, adding largely to our staple commodities and commercial exports, and, above all, diffusing a love for the cultivation of plants in the rising generation, that will perma- nently base and characterize us as an agricultural nation. With great esteem, I am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, Augustus Mitchell, M.D. Hon. H. a, S. Dearborn. We have already expressed our opinion of Dr. Mitchell's papers, which possess great value, and we are gratified in be- ing the medium of communication, through General Dearborn, of his letters. For his complimentary notice of our labors in the science of Horticulture, we feel highly honored. Another excellent letter is postponed, for want of room, to our next. —Ed. Art. IV. Descriptions of Eight New Varieties of Prairie Roses. By the Editor. No productions of the flower garden have attracted more attention within a few years than the new and beautiful vari- eties of Prairie roses, which now form the principal ornaments of -every good collection during the month of July, after other roses have gone. Mr. Feast, who was the first to give a new feature to our native Prairie, deserves the thanks of 32* 354 Desci'iptions of Eight New Varieties of Prairie Roses. every lover of this beautiful tribe for the origination of his superb seedlings. For years, we have been cultivating for- eign roses, very few of which, in comparison with the Prairies, deserve a place in the garden. Some of the Bour- saults are exceedingly showy and brilliant, but, with few ex- ceptions, they, like all other varieties of climbing roses, must give way to the Prairies. Two years ago, we gave a full descriptive account of all Mr. Feast's seedlings, (Vol. X. p. 246,) with a view to correct any errors which might have arisen in the dissemination of the kinds; and we believe our article was the means of en- abling cultivators to detect mistakes, and the different varie- ties are now readily obtained under the correct names. It is well known that, since Mr. Feast produced his fine seedlings, our correspondent, Mr. J. Pierce, of Linnsean Hall, near Washington, D. C, whose place we have twice noticed, has raised several new and extremely beautiful varieties, some of them vieing with Mr. Feast's, while others much ex- cel them. Mr. Pierce raised twelve kinds, brief descriptions of which he sent us last season ; but, as they only referred to the color of the flowers, we thought it preferable to delay their publication until we could render them complete. Most of our plants have flowered finely this year, and we have been enabled to do so, and we now annex the following descriptions of each : — Anne Maria. — Flowers, medium size, pale pink, with rose centre, cupped and very double : clusters, large, numbering twenty to thirty flowers, and rather compact : foliage, medium size, very pale green, undulated, slightly serrated, and rather smooth : spines, strong, pale green : habit, robust, vigorous and good. It is quite distinct from any of the others. Eva Corinne. — Flowers, large, very delicate blush, with beautiful carmine centre, globular, and very double : clusters, medium size, containing from ten to twenty flowers, rather compact : foliage, medium size, rugose : spines, purplish : habit, vigorous, and very erect. This is the most delicate of all the Prairies, and its clusters of blush flowers, with their deep centre, which are perfectly globular and quite fragrant, entitle it to a prominent place in every garden. It blooms quite late. Descrijitions of Eight New Varieties of Prairie Roses. 355 Miss Gunnell. — Flowers, medium size, of a delicate blush or buff, precisely of the shade of Lady Hume Camellia, cupped, very regular, and double : clusters, large and spread- ing, numbering twenty-five to thirty flowers : foliage, large, undulated, and partially rugose : habit, vigorous and good. This is quite unique for the delicate tint of its flowers, which are produced in large clusters. It is one of the very best. Jane. — Flowers, medium size, of a beautiful light, or lilac, rose, imbricated, and very double : clusters, large and rather compact, numbering twenty-five or thirty flowers : foliage, large, coarselj'', and sharply serrated : habit, very strong and vigorous. Ranunculiflora. — Flowers, small, pale blush, very much resembling Baltimore Belle: clusters, large, usually twenty or thirty flowers : foliage, very rugose : spines, purplish : habit, vigorous and good. This variety is slightly fragrant, and flowers rather late. Pride of Washington. — Flowers, medium size, pale rose, cupped and double, somewhat resembling Jane : clusters, medium size, numbering ten to twenty flowers: foliage, me- dium size, slightly serrated, and nearly smooth : habit, vigor- ous and good. Triumphant. — Flowers, medium size, deep brilliant rose, imbricated, very double, and finely formed : clusters, large, and rather compact, numbering from twenty to thirty flowers : foliage, very large and handsome, undulated and bright green, deeply and sharply serrated : habit, very strong and robust. This variety is remarkable for its ample and beautiful foliage, as well as its deep and brilliant rosy flowers. President. — Flowers, small, deep pink, compact, and very double : clusters, medium size, and rather loose, numbering fifteen to twenty flowers : foliage, medium size, rugose,* and rather deeply serrated : prickles, purplish red : habit, vigor- ous and good. This is one of the latest flowering varieties. These are aU Mr. Pierce's seedlings, eight in number. We have four others, which have not yet flowered sufficiently strong to give a correct description : their names are, Mrs. Hovey, a superb white; Virginia l.ass; Linnsean Hall Beau- ty, and one unnamed. Another season they will probably bloom in fine condition. Mr. Pierce speaks very highly of 356 Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics. Mrs. Hovey, as being a fine white, the "largest, doublest and best" of all his seedlings; it is of superb habit, with splendid deep green foliage, and, if it proves a pure white, it will be the greatest acquisition which has yet been made. In our volume for 1844, (X. p. 98,) will be found an article by Mr. Pierce, upon the Prairie rose, with some remarks on its employment for hedges or live fences. In that article he states, that, having sown a lot of seeds for the purpose of stocks, "he was not a little surprised to find that he had among them twelve fine varieties of double roses." It would be gratifying to amateurs to know how he procured the seed by which he should be so very successful in producing these double varieties; whether they were from the single Prairie, or from the double varieties — or whether they had been im- pregnated with other sorts. We trust Mr. Pierce will find the opportunity to communicate this information, that those who wish to follow up his experiments may have some guide as to the best method to adopt to attam the end in view. To Messrs. Feast and Pierce, the Covers of the rose are deeply indebted Mr Feast, we are gratified to know, has received some reward for his beautiful productions. We trust that Mr. Pierce, whose seedlings are fully equal to any which have been raised, will, in due time, also receive that token of merit which is justly his due. Art. V. On the Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Ex- otics : in a Series of Letters. By James Kennedy, Gardener to S. T. Jones, Staten Island, New York. Letter TV. Propagation by Layers. There are many kinds of Exotics, such as the ilfyrtus, Tas- minum, A'erium, Punica, «fcc., which succeed best by this mode of propagation, and, indeed, it may be considered the most certain mode of propagation by division. The great ad- vantage it has over any of the other modes is, that the part layered receives nourishment from its parent wliile roots are being formed, whereas cuttings get no further supply than Proj)agation of Stove and, Greenhouse Exotics. 357 that laid np in the leaves. The state of the wood most favor- able for layers is that of a medium state for ripeness ; both wood and bark should be softish and not too ripe ; and. above all, in a perfectly healthy state. The month of May is a favorable time for performing this work. Shoots or branches properly situated for layering, should be brought down gently, slit, and inserted into the pot of the parent plant ; but when this is not convenient, let pots be filled with the soil in which the plants love to ramble, and placed conveniently near for the purpose : let them be secured firmly with wooden pegs, and cover them about two inches or so with suitable soil, over which let a little moss, or mowings of short grass, be placed to keep the earth moist. This done, give all a good soaking of water, which must be repeated regularly when necessary. As soon as roots are found to protrude, an occa- sional watering with clear liquid manure would be of great benefit to the young layer. At any rate, we are certain it would not do injury, and, therefore, might be applied without risk. By attending to the above hints, the shoots will be eflectually rooted, and ready for potting off by the end of the summer, but, should there be any not sufiiciently rooted, they must be allowed to remain till the following spring. Lettek v. Propagation hy Inarching. When it is desired to inarch any particular kind of Exotic, the stock to be grafted on, as well as the plant from which the graft is to be taken, must stand sufficiently near each other to allow the branch, as it grows on the parent plant, to approach and join readily to that part of the stock where it is desired to be worked on, forming a kind of arch, for the graft is not intended to be cut off till sonif time after performing the ope- ration ; nor is the head of the stock intended to be cut off till there is a perfect union between the two. The Citrus, Punica, and similar exotic genera, are often propagated by this mode, on stocks raised from pips ; and some genera, such as the Magnolia, Camell/'a, &c. &c., are generally worked on the commoner sorts, and sometimes three or four sorts on one stock ; in fact, 1 have seen as many as twelve varieties of the camellia on one stock, which was, indeed, a varied and im- posing object when in flower. 358 Floricultural and Botanical Notices. The single red camellia is the best for stocks to work upon ; it is easily propagated by '^•uttings; and it produces a much greater quantity of fibrous roots than any of the other sorts, and, consequently, must be able to coii\^ey a greater quantity of nutriment up into the system. The time to take off the cuttings is about the middle of May, or when the wood has become somewhat firm. They should be cut off in a hori- zontal direction, close at the place where they pushed from last, and smoothed off a little at the base with a sharp knife. Well-drained pots, the same size recommended for seeds and cuttings, will exactly suit. Let the pots be filled with equal parts of loam and silver sand. After inserting them tightly into the pots, give a little water to settle the soil, when they should be put in a cool frame for a week or so, and kept shaded when the sun is strong, after which they should be plunged to the rims in bottom heat, and regularly watered when necessary, and kept shaded, as above remarked. When they have struck root, which is generally indicated by their pushing young shoots, they should be potted off singly into small pots, well drained. A compost composed of the following materials will be found suitable : — To a barrowful of turfy loam, — not sifted, but chopped with the spade, — add half a barrowful of well rotted cow manure ; half a barrowful of peat and leaf mould ; and one fourth of a barrow- ful of silver sand : by following this mode, the young propagator will soon have an ample supply of stocks to practise upon. Staten Island^ July 28^/«, 1847. Art. VI. Floricultural and Botanical Notices of Neir and Beautiful Plants figured in Foreign Periodicals ; uith De- scriptions of those recently introduced to^ or originated in, American Gardens. Calystegia pubescens. — This new and beautiful climber, which we lately noticed, (p. 78), as one of Mr. Fortune's acquisitions in China, is now beautifully in bloom in our col- lection. Mr. Fortune sent it home as a double convolvulus. Floricultural and Botanical Notices. 359 It has much of the habit of the common bindweed of the fields, with shghtly pubescent fohage, and the flowers are about the size of an anemone, irregularly double, and of a pale, delicate pink. It will probably prove a fine plant for turning out into the border in the same way as the Ipomaea Learii. At pres- ent, it is extremely rare. It is a valuable acquisition to our summer flowering greenhouse plants. 16. Fuchsia micra'ntha Hook. Great-flowered Fuchsia. {Ona- grdccce.) A greenhouse shrub ; growing two feet high ; with rosy crimson flowers ; appearing in summer; a native ofPeru ; increased by cuttings -, cultivated in good rich light soil. Flore des Serres, Vol. n pi. 15i. 1S46. Among all the fuchsias which have been mtroduced. this species stands conspicuous, not only in the color of the flow- ers, which are of the most brilliant deep rose, but in their very large size, and the abundance in which they are pro- duced on plants not more than two feet high. It was found in Peru by Mr. Lobb, collector for Messrs. Yeitch of Exeter, and first flowered in their collection in 1845. It is one of the most desirable which has yet been introduced, having all the splendor of the F. corymbiflora, but, unlike that variety, bloom- ing with the ordinary care given to the common varieties. {Flo?-e des Serres, Sept. 1846). 17. Metho'nica LeopoYdh Van Houtte. King Leopold's Me- thonica, (hiliacece). A bulbous plant ; growing four feet high ; with yellow flowers; appearing in summer; a native of Africa ; increased by offsets; cultivated in sandy peat and loam. Flore des Serres, Vol. H. pi. 163. 1846. Another fine plant belonging to the liliaceous tribe, and having somewhat of the noble appearance of the Japan lilies, and like them flowering in summer. It is described as hav- ing a majestic bearing, ample and deep green foliage, and large flowers of a soft yellow, marbled and striped with rose, and the colored figure fully justifies the description. It was sent home from the western coast of Africa in 1845, by the collector of Van Houtte, and first flowered at his establish- ment in August 1846. It is named in honor of Leopold, King of Belgium. It is of robust habit, but the stems are rather slender, and the leaves, which are recurved, have a terminal tendril which is generally curled up. The flowers are very 360 Floricultural and Botanical Notices. large, with undulated segments. It requires the same soil and treatment as the Japan lilies. Increased by offsets in the usual way. {Flore des Sen-cs, Nov. 1846). 18. Came'llia japo'nica var. La Reine. The Queen's Ca- mellia. ( Ternstromiaceix). This is stated to be one of the most beautiful camellias which ha^ yet been produced ; of exquisite form, and of a pure white, delicately tinted with rose : petals round, and finely imbricated. It history is not known ; but it was pro- cured by Van Houtte of an amateur cultivator, whose taste for the camellia was so nice that but few varieties were esteemed of sufficient excellence to deserve cultivation: it has also been pronounced, by the principal amateur cultivators of Gaud, " one of the three best camellias known." {Flore des Serres, Nov. 1846). 19. Abu^tilon PiEONiFLo^RUM Nob. Pseon^^-flowered Abutilon. {Malvdce(s). a greenhouse plant ; growing four feet high ; with deep crimson fiowers ; appearing in summer ; a native of Brazil ; increased by cuttings ; cultivated in peat, loam, and sand. Flore des Serres, Vol. II. pi. no. 1816. A pretty species of the abutilon, with bright rose-colored flowers, and pubescent foliage, attaining the height of three or four feet, and flowering in clusters at the ends of the branches. For out-door cultivation in summer, it will probably become a very ornamental object. Cultivated in any good soil, and increased by cuttings. {Flore des Sen-es, Nov.) 20. Leschenau'ltia sple'ndens Hook. Splendid flowered Les- chenaultia. {GoodenidcecB.) a greenhouse plant ; growing a foot high ; with scarlet flowers ; appearing in spring ; a native of New Holland ; increased by cuttings ; cullivaied in peat, leaf mould, and sand. Flore des Serres, Vol.II.pl. 176. 1816. The beauty of the well known Leschenaultta formosa, is familiar to all cultivators. L. splendens is of the same habit, but more robust, and the flowers have all the brilliancy of the old Ferbena Melliidres, being deeper and brighter than for- mosa. It was introduced into England by MesTs. Lucombe & Pince, and a plant exhibited by them in 1846 had upwards of three hundred flowers expanded. It should be introduced into every fine collection of plants. Its cultivation is the same as for the other species. {Flore des Serres, Dec). General Notices. 361 21. Hydra'ngea involucra^ta, var. fl. ple^no, Sieh. Double- flowered Hydrangea, (^S'axifragacege). This is another beautiful Hydrangea, introduced by Dr. Siebold from Japan, and somewhat of the character of H. japonica. The sterile flowers compose the outer circle of the corymb, and are double, of fine rose color, and resemble little pompone roses. The fertile flowers are numerous, and fill up the centre. Siebold found it growing in mountainous dis- tricts, flowering in the months of July and August. This in- defatigable collector, it is also stated, distinguished four vari- eties, viz., one with lilac flowers — one second with blush flowers — a third with yellow flowers — and the last with rose- colored flowers, which is the one now under notice. In habit, the plant is erect and handsome. It will prove a beautiful companion to the H. japonica, and should receive the same treatment as that species. {Flore des Seires, ^c, Jan). 22. BEGo>^iAFucHsiofDEsiiZooA-. Fuchsia-likc Begouia. {Begon- iaceae). A greenhouse plant ; growing two or three feet high ; with scarlet flowers ; appearing in winter ; a native of New Grenada ; increased by cuttings ; cultivated in peat, loam, and sand. Flore des Serres, kc, Vol. H. pi. 212. ll>47. This is without doubt the finest Begonia which has yet been introduced. The flowers are very large, of a brilliant scarlet, and, being produced in long, pendent racemes, they have the appearance of a fuchsia, from whence its name. It is of easy cultivation, commences flowering in winter, and remains in bloom for a long time. Its cultivation is the same as that for the other species, of which some are well known in our gardens. This and the B. coccinea should be in every good collection. Their brilliancy would add greatly to the appearance of the warm greenhouse or stove during the win- ter and spring months. {Flore des Ser?'es, ^c, Mar). MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. I. General Notices, Culture of Asparagus in Germany. — Numbers 20, 21, and 22, of the Chronicle, the last I have received, contain sundry articles on the culture of asparagus, by which it appears that, in your country, the preference is- VOL. XIII. NO. VIII. 33 362 General Notices. given to asparagus which is suffered to grow some inches above the ground, and which, consequently, acquires a green color by atmospherical influence. You consider this mode of culture preferable for two reasons : first, because the eatable part of such asparagus is larger ; secondly, because it has a finer flavor. Living in a part of Germany where the culture of asparagus is very com- mon, I hope the following remarks, though from a foreigner, will not be unwelcome. Asparagus which has obtained a green color by its being ex- posed to the air, will neither be grown nor eaten here, and, strange enough, exactly for the same reasons which have been alleged by you for growing it above ground. However, we do not avail ourselves of artificial means, as supposed by you, such as tubes of earthenware or metal, and still our as- paragus, if well managed, is white and eatable almost the whole length. The manner of growing it is as follows : It is never planted otherwise than in a deep, light, and sandy soil, which has been trenched to a depth of three feet, well drained and well manured. A thick layer of horsedung is put on the bottom of the trench and mixed with the soil. Strong loamy or clayey soil is decidedly disadvantageous to the growth of this vegetable. It 'will not thrive in it, does not become tender, and will very often become brown spotted, which the common people here call ironmould (Cipumala), especially if drainage has been neglected. We take plants of two or three years' growth, according to their vigor, and usually plant them in furrows, which are made at two feet distance, and from one and a quarter to one and a half feet deep. The distance between the plants is likewise two feet. In these furrows the plants are permitted to grow uncovered from the month of March or April, the usual and best time for planting, till the beginning or middle of November ; at all events, before severe frost is coming on. The soil, which has been taken out of the farrows and heaped up at the sides, is then put in, and the beds are completely levelled. The plants have had time during summer to establish themselves sufficiently. Next spring, the young shoots will make their appearance above ground, and if every thing has been duly attended to ; if strong and healthy plants have been selected, and if, besides, water has been given during a dry sea- son, not a single one ought to fail. Some people begin to cut the strongest shoots in the third year, but a better result will be obtained by leaving them undisturbed till the fourth summer, only giving them, every spring, in Feb- ruary or March, a good dressing of cowdung. Manure is the most essen- tial requisite for growing fine and tender asparagus. The shoots are cut at sunrise and late in the evening, at a length of not more than nine inches, cutting them with a long knife under ground as soon as the top of the shoot is lifting the soil. Asparagus will always have the finest taste if eaten im- mediately after having been gathered, but ought never be kept longer than one day, and should be covered meanwhile with light earth, sand, or some other material of this description. It is a very bad practice, lately in use with our market gardeners, to immerge the asparagus, immediately after cutting, in a tub with water, leaving it in the water till they bring it to mar- General Notices. 363 ket. By this practice, the finer flavor is altogether lost, and the cooks should be warned against doing the same. Wherever manure is not a very expensive article, the culture of asparagus pays well, since the lightest and the most sandy land, where nothing else can be grown with advantage, can easily be adapte 1 to its culture, and will yield a rent for a long series of years. Besides, the same land can be made use of for carrots and other vegetables, when the time of cutting is over. Living myself some hundred steps from the Baltic, and having read differ- ent accounts of the famous asparagus culture at the sea coast near Saa Sebastian, in Spain, I have last year made the experiment to grow it in pure sea sand containing no humus or vegetable matter whatever. It only received a moderate supply of manure, and has even not been watered dur- ing the last hot summer ; nevertheless, it is growing this year so well, that I might have cut a tolerable quantity of shoots as big as a lady's finger, if I would be foolish enough to do so. The price of asparagus with us varies from four to seven or eight schillings, or English pence, per pound, the former being the general price from the moment the weather begins to become warm. Many thousand poutids are sent by the steamers to Sweden and other foreign countries, since the Lubeck asparagus is well renowned. Though I never liad the advantage of seeing your fine country, and, therefore, cannot be a judge of your green asparagus, I have several times eaten green asparagus in Italy and France, but I dare confess merely for want of better. However, there is no quarrelling as to matters of taste. As far as regards tenderness, I am at a loss to understand how asparagus can improve by being exposed to the drying influence of air, wind, and sunshine. It may become more aromatic, though I doubt it, but it will certainly require a greater exertion in being Biasticated. Some persons assert that another kind of asparagus is cultivated in some parts of the south of (Jermany, which always appears green on the table, though white shoots are equally eaten. I have hitherto not been able to procure any authentic information about its existence, and am inclined to think, that only the manner of culture will produce the difl^erence. An English giant asparagus has lately been offered by some nurserymen, like- wise hitherto not cultivated by myself. Different sorts may require a differ- ent treatment. The season for asparagus is at present on the decline. However, I have requested a friend at Lubeck to send you with this letter a sample of our market asparagus, grown and sold in the common way, and I beg you to give it a fair trial, not overlooking that it will have been cut almost a week when arriving with you. — Gard. Chron., 1847, pp. 403, 404. CuUicating the Pine Apple in the open air in England. — The last mail brings to hand our foreign papers, and we fifid in one of them an important article on ttie growth of the pine apple, — heretofore supposed to require the very highest temperature, — in the open air. The communication of this fact has been made by Lady Rolle, of Bicton, in Devonshire, to Dr. Lind- ley, and we quote the whole from the Chronicle, and would particularly ask our 364 General Notices. readers to notice his remarks on what he considers the " practical" interest of the experiment, viz : the necessity of a low night temperature in forcing- houses of all kinds. To our cultivators, however, the communication is of greater importance ; as, under our burning sun, during summer, there is no doubt of the perfect ripening of the pine apple, and other fruits, if the plants could only be stowed away from danger of frost in winter, and then set out in properly prepared beds, or pits, in summer, exposed to the sun and air. The subject is one which we shall refer to again ; for the present, we have not room to say more. — Ed. The name of Bicton will long be associated with important experiments in the cultivation of the pine apple. The latest which has come to our knowledge has had for its object a demonstration of the possibiitiy of ripen- ing this fruit in the open air during our summer. We learn from a statement, which Lady Rolle has been so obliging as to put into our hands, that in May last Mr. Barnes, having some plants ready, although the weather was unfavorable, opened a trench, casting the earth right and left, so as to form a bank on each side, which he imagined would afford some shelter from cold winds ; in the bottom of the trench he placed bricks in threes, in the form of a triangle, so as to make a dry bottom for the plants to stand on, and, at the same time, to secure a ready passage for air and water. The plants, having been placed on the bricks, were packed to the rims of the pots in tree leaves, which had been used dunng the win- ter in and about hot-beds. This being done, the whole surface, banks and all, was covered with charred hay or grass, which Mr. Barnes considered the best material for absorbing heat, retaining it, and giving it off gradually ; in which expectation he has not been deceived, for although the weather proved cold at intervals, stormy and windy, with frosty mornings, and many dark sunless days, yet no injury was sustained, and when the sun did ap- pear the fruit made great progress ; at the same time the suckers which sprung up grew vigorously and were most healthy. The varieties of pine apple employed in this experiment consisted chiefly of Queens, together with Black Jamaica, Montserrat, Enville, Moscow Queen, Anson's Queen or Otaheite, and Black Antigua, &c. The plants employed had never been subjected to fire heat at any time. They were turned out after they had blossomed. A pine apple thus produced has been placed before us by Lady Rolle, and we can state that it was a Queen, of excellent quality, weighing three pounds fourteen ounces, although from having been cut several days it had lost some ounces. It was perfectly well swelled, with the exception of a small portion below the crown, which was " blind ;" this did not, however, prevent its being a handsome table fruit. It thus appears that so tender a fruit as the pine apple may be enabled to bear full exposure to the air of May, June, and July in this climate, by a little judicious management. The cold winds were kept off by banks thrown up across (we presume) the prevailing currents. The want of a sufficient amount of earth heat was compensated for by a " lining" of leaves still capable of fermentation. And then, by covering the scene of the ex- General Notices. 365 periineut with a black substance, the heat absorbing power of the ground was so much increased as to enable it to maintain a night atmosphere round the plants high enougii to repel the late frosts of Devonshire, and to main- tain a healthy growth during the day. These are, we imagine, the three points which have chiefly led to su -cess. It must, however, be remarked that the fruit was set before the p/anis were exposed to the air. Had this been neglected, we believe the experiment would have failed ; and we even attribute the " blindness" of the upper part ol the fruit to the setting pro- cess not having been completed there, at the time when the plants were removed from shelter. It may be alleged that this experiment is more curious than useful ; that the only practical result is that it merely enables a fruiting house to be cleared in May, and immediately converted into a succession house, instead of remaining full of fruiting plants till August. We, however, do not re- gard it in that light. It will be highly interesting to know what sort of young plants will be formed by the suckers thus obtained ; Mr. Barnes says they are extremely vigorous ; we should expect them to be so ; and if they continue to thrive thus during the remainder of the summer, they will prob- ably become the parents of very fine fruit. This is, however, in the future. What in our eyes is of most practical interest is the establishment of the fact, upon which we have so long and often insisted, that a high night tem- perature in forcing-houses is a fatal mistake. Good gardeners are begin- ning to admit the correctness of this view in vineries ; but they have doubted whether the principle could be applied to the pine apple, because it naturally grows in countries so much hotter than those occupied by the vine. But they forget the effect of radiatittn at night ; they have not considered how low the temperature of even the tropics must ofien become near the surface of the ground, under the bright and cloudless skies of such regions ; they have not recollected that ice is formed during the night in Bengal. The new experiment of Mr. Barnes has shown that what is true of the vine is equally true of the pine apple ; for, notwithstanding the efficacy of a black surface, it is impossible that the temporature of the air round his pines should not have been much below 40° in the "frosty mornings" of which he speaks. Another point is the excellent flavor of the fruit thus produced. To what was that owing? not to high temperature, nor to bright and long-con- tinued sunshine, for we are told that the weather was stormy, with many dark sunless days. It was caused by the free access of air constantly pass- ing over the leaves, incessantly feeding them on the one hand, and helping them on the other to elaborate their juices by the as incessant removal of their superfluous water. What a lesson is this to us all ! What a condem- nation of our vicious system of building glass-houses to be filled with stag- nant air and vapor ; of our miseiable ventilation ; of our barbarous flues ; of our water-pipes and tanks, and the sluggish atmosphere which they warm. Let us even add what a triumph it is for the friends of Polmaise, de luinstrating as it does the soundness of their views of the paramount im- portance of rapid currents of everchanging air. For ourselves, we are per- 33* 366 Domestic Notices. fectly convinced that the day is at hand when the first question aslfed of an architect will be not how he proposes to heat a hothouse, but how he will manage to ventilate it. The costly and complicated machinery of hot-water apparatus will be only remembered as a folly, and the simple processes which combine a rapid distribution of heat with a rapid motion of air, will be universally employed. We may depend upon it, that, in nine cases out of ten, cold is much less dangerous than heat, and that half our bad culti- vation is caused by a mistaken eagerness to keep plants in an artificial in- stead of natural condition. — {Ih. p. 467.) Window flowers. — This is the season when those who do not possess green- houses will see the reward of their care and labor in the blooming plants which have been tended by them in-doors. The dry air of sitting-rooms must be counteracted as much as possible by syringing, by exposure to gentle rains, and by admitting as much of the atmospheric air as can conveniently be done. Green fly may easily be kept down in small collections by picking and rub- bing them off by the hand ; or all the pots may be put into a frame closely covered up, and subjected to tobacco smoke. Do this in the evening and leave the plants till the morning, when they should receive a good watering by a fine rose or a syringe. Keep plants in pots moderately moist, without allowing water to remain in the saucers. By these means, and bringing in a succession as the former plants get shabby, a window may be made very interesting to the amateur, and an air of elegance and refinement be given to the dwelling. Plants may now be cultivated in balconies, and on the stone in front of the window, so as to give a beautiful and attractive appearance to the exterior of the house. Fuchsias do admirably well for this purpose, as they will continue to bloom until the frosts of autumn disturb them, and require less care than most plants equally showy. Let strong healthy plants be potted in six inch pots, in a light rich soil, and let these pots be dropped into others just large enough to admit the space of about half an inch all round ; the inserted pot standing on moss or leaf-mould until its brim is on a level with that of the pot containing it. By this little contrivance, the hottest suns will be unable to scorch the roots of the plants, they will retain moisture longer, and will flourish more luxuriantly. If a drooping variety of fuchsia is made to alternate with those of erect habit, a mass of bloom will be pre- sented of great depth and richness. Other showy plants can, of course, be treated in the same way. Take time by the forelock, and prepare for your collections next year, by purchasing or striking young plants. It requires some forethought to keep up a succession of window flowers without a greenhouse, but it may be ■done. Former papers have treated more fully on this subject, and to them ithe readers of the Chronicle are referred. — {lb. p. 404,) Art. II. Domestic Notices. Hovey's Seedling Straiuberry. — It has been gratifying to us to hear that our seedling has taken the prizes at nearly every horticultural exhibition in the Domestic Notices. 367 country ; at the Genesee Valley Horticultural Society, the best quart of strawberries the first premium for Hovey's Seedling. At the Long Island Horticultural Society, Messrs. Winter received the prize for three quarts, which were " unexceptionably fine" ; these were in competition with upwards of THIRTY other varieties, including Buist's Prize, North's Victory, Tay- lor's Seedling, Black Prince, and others, which have been advertised as equal or superior to the seedling ; and this, too, in Flushing, where our friends pride themselves upon their great collections, and the successful cultivation of this fruit. At the Utica Horticultural Society, " Mr. Wm. Walcott's Hovey's Seedlings were acknowledged, by common consent, to be the larg- est strawberries ever seen in this country, some of them measuring four and three quarters inches in circumference." At the Montreal Horticultural Society, " the competitors for the prize were numerous : a large basket of Hovey's Seedling, from J. Archbald, gardener to Jas. Savage, Esq., ex- cited unusual admiration, and very deservedly received the first prize." At the American Agricultural Association, New York, D. W. Coit, Esq., of Norwich, Conn., received the first prize, in competition with a large num- ber of varieties from Messrs. Prince & Co., of Flushing. We merely note these awards to show that a strawberry must be a very good one to compete with it, although it was raised thirteen years ago. — Ed. Premiums for New Varieties of Strawberries and Raspberries. — The Cin- cinnati Horticultural Society have offered the sum of $ 100 for a seedling strawberry, which shall " exceed the most our Seedling in average size," and, we presume, equal it in other respects. This we learn from the Ohio Cultivator, although we have seen no official report on the subject. When the report of the committee offering the premium comes to hand, we shall notice the particulars on which the award is to be made. The pre- mium is to be given in 1850. The same sum (;J;100) is also offered for the best seedling Raspberry. — Ed. Burr's Seedling Strawberries. — Three years ago. Dr. Brinkle raised a great number of new seedling strawberries, and named and described some thirty or forty of them, many of which were stated to be much superior to Hovey's Seedling ; but we believe not one of them has proved to be val- uable. Mr. Burr, of Ohio, has, within a few years, raised a great number of varieties, several of which, the present year, he has named and offered for sale ; he has also exhibited them before the Columbus and Cincinnati Horticultural Societies, and they have reported upon them as " remarkably fine." It is now nearly fourteen years since our two seedlings were pro- duced, and although Col. Wilder, and Capt. Lovett, of Beverly, and other cultivators around Boston have raised thousands of seedlings within the last six years, they have not found one, which they consider wonhy of a name, knowing that unless they excel the older kinds, there would be no real merit in their production. They are well aware that it is as easy to raise seedling strawberries of the size and quality of all the older kinds, as to raise any other seedling plants; but, in the present improved state of this delicious fruit, it would be useless to encumber our catalogues with such sorts. Such may not, however, be the case with Mr. Burr's strawberries i we 368 Domestic Notices. hope he has succeeded in raising something finer than any we have yet had ; but our doubts are at once raised when he states, in his descriptions, that one kind " averages larger than any other known," and" yet that it is only "■four and a half inches in circumference," when it is well known that Hovey's Seedling, under ordinary treatment, measures five and a half. Another kind is stated to be so prolific as to have produced " thirty-five quarts on a bed six feet by twenty." Our seedling has produced twelve quarts on a bed two and a half feet by twelve, which is forty -eight quarts on a bed six feet by twenty. We notice these things because Ross's Phoe- nix, Buist's Prize, Brinkle's Gushing, and various others have all been advertised as the finest sorts known. That our amateur cultivators may know something of the merits of Mr. Burr's seedlings, we quote the names and descriptions, as drawn up by the Columbus Horticultural Society. — Ed. 1. Ohio Mammoth. — Fruit very large, averaging larger size than any other strawberries known ; shape rather long, conical, and somewhat angu- lar; color light red, flavor sweet and excellent ; foliage large, and plants vigorous, hardy, and productive ; flowers perfect, or staminate. — Produced from Burr's old Seedling and Hovey's. 2. New Pine. — Fruit large, color pale red, flavor very high aromatic, sweet and delicious ; very early and uncommonly productive ; plants vigor- ous and perfectly hardy ; flowers pistillate ; believed to be the best straw- berry cultivated. — From Burr's and Hovey's. 3. Rival Hudson. — Fruit of a dark and shining red color, resembling the Hudson of Cincinnati, except that the fruit and stem are longer ; flavor very rich and excellent ; plants hardy and very productive ; a very hand- some and excellent variety for market, or domestic use ; flowers pistillate. — Produced by the old Hudson and Burr's. 4. Columbus. — Fruit large, nearly round, of a beautiful dark color, and rich sweet flavor ; plants uncommonly prolific, and quite hardy ; flowers pistillate. — From Hovey's and Burr's. 5. Scioto. — Fruit of large size ; color light scarlet ; flavor rich, sweet, and delicious ; plants very productive, vigorous, and hardy ; pistillate. 6. Scarlet Melting. — Fruit rather long, with a neck ; color bright red or scarlet; flavor excellent; flesh very tender, (melting readily in a dish with sugar,) consequently not suitable for transporting to market, though delicious for the table ; plants very productive, of rapid and vigorous growth, and hardy ; pistillate. • 7. Profusion. — Fruit medium size or small; flavor rich and sweet; plants hardy, and a prodigious bearer, — two hundred perfect berries having been counted on a single plant ; pistillate. 8. Late Prolific. — Fruit of good size, largest berries measuring over three inches; flavor rich and excellent. A very valuable variety owing to its lateness of ripening — being full ten days later than most other varieties — and its great productiveness — thirty-five quarts of the berries were picked from a bed si.x feet by twenty, which is equal to two and a quarter bushels to the rod ; plants uncommonly vigorous and hardy ; pistillate. Domestic Notices. 369 9. Burr's old Seedling. — (Staminate,) maintains its liigh reputation, in this region, for productiveness and excellent flavor, and is found to be the best variety for planting contiguous to the pistillate varieties to ensure their productiveness. — {Ohio Cultivator.) Pistillate Straiuherry Plants not froduclivc. — The two strawberry plants mentioned in my last, (p. 237), both flowered, but there never was any sign of a fruit while in my garden. I do not remember a season when they bore so well. I am doubtful whether what I got as your seedling and Keen's are not the same, as the leaves and fruit are exactly alike, while a few plants given me to try by Mr. Lewis R. Sams, as your seedling, im- ported direct from you by himself, are very different in both fruit and leaf. T have in cultivation two other kinds, the one a pistillate plant, with rather ovate leaves, fruit firm fleshed, sometimes with a whitish neck, conical shaped, and comparatively free from acid, and very productive. The other, a perfect flowering plant, bearing a small crop of small fruit, early, and afterwards a fair crop of large cockscomb-shaped fruit, soft fleshed, rather acid, but very high flavored, bearing for about one month after Keen's seedling. Both these varieties, but especially the latter, are very vigorous growers, and the latter variety bears its fruit upon a stalk that shoots above the leaves when in flower, but drops under them when the fruit grows. Can you tell me the names of these varieties'? They are common here, I believe. We have the promise of little fruit hereabouts this summer. We had very severe cold on the 8th January last, a black frost or ice in April, (about one month later than common,) then a drought, followed, for about a month past, by frequent and heavy rains. — Yours, R. Chisholm, Beaufort, S. C, June 25, 1847. [It would be rather difficult to name the kinds of Strawberries which our correspondent alludes to merely from his description. The experiment with the pistillate, or imperfect flowering strawberries, is only one among the many which, when fairly tried, settle the question about the change from the normal form. — Ed.] Two new Seedlincr Cherries. — Our correspondent, Dr. Wendell, of Albany, has raised two new seedling cherries, as will be seen by a report of the Albany Horticultural Society in another page. We are happy to see atten- tion given to the cherry, for we believe there is room for great improvement in this fine fruit. Undoubtedly Dr. Wendell will send us some account of his two seedlings. — Ed. Albany and Rensselaer Horticultural Society.— nBy the kindness of the Secretary of this new and flourishing society, we have been favored with detailed reports of the two exhibitions held on the 3d and 24th of July. We regret that we have not room to give them entire ; but, as they would occupy eight or ten pages, we are obliged to condense them so as to give only the most interesting portions of the reports. The first exhibition of the society was held at the Geological Rooms, in the city of Albany, on Saturday, the 3d of July. Grkenhouse Plants and Flowers. — The committee on greenhouse plants and flowers report, that the first premium on the six best greenhouse plants is due to L. Menand, of Watervliet, $2. The second to James 370 , Domestic Notices. Wilson, of Albany, $1. James Wilson exhibited the largest variety of greenhouse plants. For the best twenty-five varieties of hardy roses, the committee award the first premium to James Wilson, $2; and for the second best variety of roses, to Herman Wendell, $ 1. For the greatest and best variety of hardy roses, a premium of $2, to James Wilson. A premium of $2 is awarded to J. Dingwall for a beautiful variety of flowers, consisting of verbenas, picotees, and carnations. The committee would specially commend Mr. William Cooper for the beautiful bouquet of wild flowers, of fifteen varieties ; and they trust that a very large increase in this department will be made, from the wild flowers of our hills and valleys. The chairman of the committee, W. Newcomb, having retired, the res- idue of the committee would report that their chairman presented a large and good assortment of annual, biennial, and perennial flowers, together with dahlias and roses, and that your committee would report that Mr. Newcomb has exhibited the best and largest variety of annual and herba- ceous, biennial and perennial flowers. The committee regret that they were not enabled to make a more full and complete report, owing to the want of time and the late hour of exhibition ; but, upon the whole, your committee would say, that the great number and variety of roses and beautiful flowers exhibited does great credit to the taste and enterprise of the exhibitors, and that they are specially deserving of the thanks of the society. — Wm. Newcomb, Chairman. Floral Ornaments. — The committee on floral designs and bouquets respectfully report, that, after a close examination, they have concluded to award to Nathan B. Warren, of Troy, for the best round bouquet for vase, the first premium of $2. To E. P. Prentice, of Mount Hope, the second premium of $1. For the best pair of hand bouquets, one flat and one round, to James Wilson, of Albany, the first premium of $2 ; and to Dr. Herman Wendell, the second premium of % 1. — S. E. Warren, Chairman. Cut Flowers, &c. — The principal exhibitors of flowers were Wm. Newcomb, Dr. Wendell, William Cooper, Joel Rathbone, E. P. Prentice, John Dingwall, James Wilson, and others. Dr. Wendell exhibited twenty va- rieties of verbenas, including Dove-eye, Suzette, Rosy Cluster, and Caroline. Fruits. — The committee on fruits report, that there were exhibited by Dr. Herman Wendell, of Albany, ten varieties of cherries, viz : May Duke, Florence, Black Heart, Napoleon Bigarreau, Arch Duke, Black Tartarian, Yellow Spanish or Bigarreau, Bigarreau Colouer de Chair,Wendeirs Mot- tled Bigarreau (a seedling), and Carnation Bigarreau (a seedling) ; and three varieties of strawberries : Hovey's Seedling, Hovey's Boston Pine, Ross's Phoenix. By D. T. Vail, of Hill Top, Mount Ida, Troy, six varieties of cherries, viz: Black Heart, Black Tartarian, White Heart, Ox Heart, May Duke, Morello. By A. Walsh, Lansinburgh, three varieties of cherries: White Tartarian, May Duke, and Morello ; one variety of gooseberries. By James Hall, Albany, two varieties of cherries : Ox Heart, and May Duke. Domestic Notices. 371 By Isaac Dennison, Albany, four varieties of cherries : Black Heart, Ox Heart Bigarreau, China Heart, Black Tartarian ; one variety of gooseber- ries. By Frederick Keisel, two varieties of cherries : Red Heart, White Heart. By John Meads, a seedling cherry, raised from dried fruit. By Dr. Alden March, very superior Black Tartarian. By James Wilson, Albany, one variety of gooseberries, and four of strawberries : Bishop's Range, Myatt's Eliza, Victoria, Swainstone's Seedling. By John W. Haydock, Greenbush, Hovey's Seedling strawberries. By E. P. Prentice, Mount Hope, Hovey's Seedling strawberry. By J. A. Kanouse, Albany, Ross's Phcenix, and one name unknown. By D. D. T. Moon, Watervliet, Hovey's Seedlings. By Joel Rathbone, Kenwood, five varieties of gooseberries. The committee award the first premium on cherries to Dr. Herman Wen- dell, Albany, for the largest number of varieties of best character ; the second to D. T. Vail, of Troy. The first premium on strawberries to James Wilson, for Swainstone's Seedling. The second to J. W. Haydock, Greenbush, for Hovey's Seedling. In awarding the premium on strawberries, the committee decided on the flavor, not the size of the berry. The Hovey Seedlings were the largest berries, but, in the opinion of the committee, not of the finest flavor. — J. M. Ward, Chairman. Vegetables. — The committee on vegetables report, that Alex. Walsh, of Lansir.gburgh, is entitled to the premium of $2 for the earliest and best potatoes,— Ash-leafed Kidneys. Mr. Walsh also exhibited a fine specimen of Sea Kale, and Windsor beans. Henry Vail, of Troy, is entitled to premium for best Marrow Fat peas, $2; and for twelve best beets, $2. To Peter Chapman, of Greenbush, is awarded a premium of $2 for best six heads of celery ; and to Frederick Keisil, six heads nearly, if not equal to Mr. Chapman's, a premium of $2. V. P. Down, of Greenbush, pre- sented some very fine large cucumbers, which are entitled to special com- mendation. James Wilson exhibited some fine Ross's early potatoes, scarcely if at all inferior to Mr. Walsh's, quite equal in size but not in ma- turity. Dr. Herman Wendell exhibited two fine heads of lettuce, and some fine cucumbers. The chairman, Mr. Prentice, having retired, the residue of the committee examined a variety of articles presented by Mr. Prentice, all of superior excellence, and they award him a premium for best cauliflowers, $2; do. cabbages, $ 2 ; do. rhubarb, $ 2 ; all of which were very superior and en- titled to special notice. The rhubarb of the Giant species was of a size seldom equalled. Mr. Prentice also exhibited some of Hall's early potatoes, equal in size to those of Mr. Walsh, but not quite as perfectly matured ; and very fine specimens of onions, peas, and beets. The committee are gratified at the spirit manifested at this opening exhi- bition, and trust that the number of contributors will increase, and a new impulse be given to the cultivation of choice vegetables. — E. P. Prentice, Chairman. 372 Domestic Notices. Dr. Herman Wendell presented to the society, a Treatise on Gardening and Fruits, published London, 1718 ; also, Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees, and Johnson's Dictionary of Modern Gardening. Thanks of society tendered to donor. — B. W. Johnson, Secretary. Exhibition of the 24th July. — The second exhibition of the society was held at the Court House, in Troy, on the 24th July. The committee on fruit report, that there were exhibited by Henry Vail, of Hill Top, Mount Ida, Troy, seven varieties of gooseberries, viz : Wood- ward's White, Smith Hepburn's Green Prolific, Winman's Green, Ocean, Massy's Heart of Oak, White Hardy, and Red Spine ; four varieties of raspberries, viz : Franconia, New Red Antwerp, Old Red Antwerp, White Antwerp ; four varieties of currants, viz : Champagne, Red Dutch, New White Dutch, and Black English ; Madeleine or Citron des Carmes pears ; Sweet Bough apples. Dr. Herman Wendell, Albany, (not entered for competition,) three vari- eties of cherries, viz : Wendell's Mottled Bigarieau, Transparent Guigne, and Black Morello ; four varieties of currants : Red Dutch, White Dutch, Champagne Pink, and English Black ; two varieties of gooseberries, viz : Roaring Lion, and White Smith ; ripe tart Bough apples. Wm. New- comb, Pittstown, three varieties of gooseberries, and two of currants. S. E. Warren, Troy, twelve varieties of gooseberries, viz : Lord Crewe, Fox Hunter, Queen Caroline, Eagle, White Smith, Sulphur, Husbandman, Sir' Sidney, Eliza, Ashton Seedling, Overall, Roaring Lion ; four varieties of currants : English Black, Red Dutch, Champagne, White Dutch ; Red Antwerp raspberries A. Walsh, Lansingburgh, Crimson, Yellow, and White gooseberries ; Black and Red currants. Nathan G. Warren, Troy, four varieties of cur- rants : Black English, Red Dutch, Champagne, and White Dutch ; two varieties of raspberries ; Red and White Antwerp. V. P. Down, Green- bush, White Smith gooseberries ; Improved Red Antwerp, and White Antwerp raspberries. James Wilson, Albany, four varieties of currants, viz : May's Victoria, Knight's Sweet, White Grape, and Red Dutch ; May's Giant raspberries, and two plates of different varieties of gooseberries, not named. Joel Rathbone, Kenwood, Albany county, five varieties of gooseberries, not named ; one variety Red Antwerp raspberries. E. P. Prentice, Mount Hope, Albany county, ripe Early Harvest apples. John V. Fassett, Troy, White Smith gooseberries. John VV. Haydock, Greenbush, near Troy, White Grape currants. Amos Briggs, Schaghticoke, Rens. county. White and Red Dutch currants. Premiums awarded as follows : Currants. — 1st, to J. W. Haydock, White Grape, $2; 2d, James Wilson, Knight's Sweet, fl. Gooseber- ries.— 1st, S. E. Warren, Lord Crewe, $2 ; 2d, Henry Vail, Green Walnut, $1. Raspberries. — 1st, Henry Vail, Franconia, $2; 2d, V. P. Down, Im- proved Red Antwerp, $1. — Herman Wendell, Chairman. Greenhouse Plants and Flowers. — The committee on greenhouse plants and flowers report, that Louis Menand, Watervliet, is entitled to first Domestic Notices. 373 premium .$2, on greenhouse plants, and that he exhibited the greatest va- riety of greenhouse plants. Mrs. Day O. Kellogg, Troy, exhibited a beau- tiful Ardisia Philadelphia. Dr. Herman Wendell exhibited sixteen varieties of phloxes, viz: Auguste, Madam Renard, Fleur de Marie, Noi Polkii, Gralo, Anais Chauviere, Picta, Lavvrencia, Van Houttei, Tendre Emelie, Princesse Marianne, Alcarda, Suaveolens, Lilach, Superbissima, Grandissima Nova; also, roses and dahlias, and the following twelve varieties of new and beautiful verbenas, viz: Dove Eye, Rosy Cluster, Suzette, Roseum, Monk's Purple, Buist's New Blue, Feast's White, Bicolor graadiflora, Majestica, Polk, Eclipse, and Caroline. Wm. Newcomb exhibited thirty named varieties of Dahlias, and thirty- six unnamed do. in bouquets, and a large variety unnamed ; one round bou quet, with a large variety of choice flowers ; one flat do ; a large collection of annual flowers, and biennial and perennial. James Wilson, Albany, thirty six choice varieties of Dahlias not named. Wm Buswell, Troy, three varieties of Dahlias. The Chairman of the Committee retired, and the residue of the Committee report that they recommend a premium of $2 to Wm. Newcomb for a very large and best variety of Dahlias named and unnamed ; also a premium of $1 for beautiful flat bouquet of cut flowers. He also exhibited the greatest variety of annual, biennial, and perennial flowers. Stephen E. Warren, of Troy, exhibited a beautiful floral ornament, taste- fully arranged. — Wm. Newcomb, Chairman. Floral Ornaments. — The Committee have been much gratified with the fine display of Floral Ornaments at this, the second exhibition of the So- ciety. Fifteen vase bouquets were oftered for competition. The first pre- mium was awarded to Mrs. D. Thomas Vail, of Hill Top, Troy. The Chair- man retired, being interested, when Amos Briggs of Schaghticoke was ap- pointed Chairman. To Joel Rathbone, of Albany, the second premium was awarded. To Dr. Herman Wendell, of Albany, the first premium for best pair of hand bouquets, one of which contained twelve varieties of Verbenas. Wm Newcomb, of Pittstown, offered for exhibition three designs, mostly composed of Dahlias, of which there were seventy-six varieties. Mr. New- comb is entitled to much credit for the interest he has taken in the culture of flowers. The Committee think Mrs. Charles H. Merritt deserves at least the thanks, of the Society for five vase bouquets, containing many fine balsams most tastefully arranged. James Wilson, of Albany, exhibited a bouquet of mixed rockets, very showy. E. P. Prentice, of Mount Hope, many beautiful flowers. Allen Clarke, of Lansingburgh, a large collection of flowers, among which the Abutilon meekly raised its head, one of Nature's gems, raised on Flora's fairy ground. — S. E. Warren, Chairman. Vegetables. — Premiums awarded : — Beets. — Twelve earliest and best blood, E. P. Prentice, $2. String Beans. — Dr. Herman Wendell, $1. Cucumbers. — V. P. Down, best VOL. XIII. — NO. VIII. 34 374 Domestic Notices. brace, $2. Six fine Roman Cucumbers, do., special premium, Si. Squashes. — Joel Ralhbone, $2. Tomatoes. — Best six, Y. P. Down, $2. Second do., E. P. Prentice, $ 1. Discretionary. — The Committee recommend, as worthy of special no- tice and commendation : — Some very fine onions by Wm. Newcomb. Superior mountain June potatoes, John H. Willard. Winter squash, James Montgomery, Troy. Choice celery, by the President, Joel Rathbone. Very fine onions, E. P. Prentice. Oxheart Cabbage, V. P. Down. Seedling cherries, very fine flavored, Dr. Herman Wendell. Very large mountain June potatoes, rhubarb, beets, onions, by Isaac Lovejoy. Alexander Walsh, a variety of vegetables, fruits, flowers, garden loots, &c., tastefully arranged, at- tracted much notice. A premium for collection awarded of $2. — Henry Vail, Chairman. — Yours, B. P. Johnson, Secretary. Seeds of Grasses. — I send a few more seeds of the grass which I once sentyou as the Muskeet, but Mr. Camak was misinformed about it. It is not the Muskeet of the South-western prairies, but has been cultivated for some years in southern gardens under the name of South A merican Velvet Grass. It proves hardy here, and a tuft or two of it tastefully placed in a flower bed, highly ornamental, especiall}' when contrasting its whitish spikes with its dark green leaves. These leaves are exceedingly soft to the touch. — Yours, M. A. TV., Athens, Ga., July, 1847. Cincinnati Horticultural Society. — Among the many Reports of Exhi- bitions which have been kindly sent us by our correspondents, but which we are not able to publish from their length, is one of the Cincinnati Horti- cultural Society. Our correspondent writes as follows: — " Our spring exhibition went off very well, as you will see by the en- closed report. Your old Seedling Strawberry continues to maintain its high character and popularity. I noticed they were selling in n.arket yes- terday, [June 4], at 15 cents per quart, while the Hudson and other kinds sold at 7 to 10 cents. The sale of all kinds now averages 200 bushels per day in our different markets ! It would amuse you to hear the German hucksters recommending " Ho-vey's Shtrawberries ; firscht-rate." — YourSf J. B. R., Cnicinnati, June 5, 1847. As Cincinnati is considered the great market of the Union for the Straw- berry, certainly in quantity, if not in quality, we make room for th& follow- ing account of the exhibition of strawberries, as it will tend to show what varieties are principally cultivated, where some writers still insist that the old Hudson, so called, is the best: Mr. Carter has shown what the fertile soil of Kentucky will do when accompanied with proper treatment. We shall send him the first number of our Fruits of America, to show that we highly appreciate his skill in the cultivation of the Strawberry : — " A. H. Ernst exhibited 12 different kinds of Strawberries, 25 elegant Bouquets, with a liberal supply of Evergreens, &c. From Mrs. W. P. Resor, Hovey's Seedhng Strawberry, with a profu- sion of elegant cut flowers and Bouquets. From S. S. Jackson, several baskets of cut flowers, superb bouquets^ Domestic Notices. 375 Hovey's Strawberries, &c. ; besides 14 neat bouquets from his sons, Mas- ters John and Isaac. Dr. Mosher exhibited a dish of Hovey's Strawberries, several Bouquets, and a pot of the famous Muskeet grass, the seed of which was brought by him from the prairies of Western Texas, considered there one of the most nutritious grasses. S. M Carter, of Kentucky, sent over handsome specimens of Hovey's Strawberries, and a plant of the same (potted,) which contairned 50 berries, 30 of them being ripe." — Cin. Gaz. Hiirtkultural ExhihUions of the A'ncrican Agricultural Association. — At the meetin-gs held on the 19th of May and the 23d of June last, premiums were awarded to the following persons : — Exhibition on May 19th. To Mr. James Hogg, for the best set of bridal bouquets. To Mr. John Quinn, gardener to N. J. Becar, Esq., for the best six pelar- goniums, best six calceolarias, and the best seedling greenhouse plant (a camellia). To Mr. Isaac Buchanan, florist, for the best six roses in pots, the best six fuchsias, and the best.three cactuses. To Messrs. Ball and Hawser, florists, for the second best seedling green- house plants (azaleas). To ■ Cummings, Esq., Williamsburgh, for the best twelve pansies. To Mr. Richard Brewster, gardener to J. F. Penniman, Esq., a discretion- ary premium for pelargoniums. To Mr. Wm. Russell, florist, discretionary premiums for seedling pelargo- niums, cinerarias, and hardy azaleas. To Mr. J. Woods, gardener to P. Perit, Esq., a discretionary premium for well grown greenhouse plants. To Mr. Dummett, gardener to Halsey, Esq., Astoria, for the best strawberries, and the best peas. To Mrs. Henry Parish, a discretionary premium for very fine lemons. To Mr. Routh, gardener to J. C. Beekman, Esq., for the best potatoes, the best two heads of cauliflowers, the best brace of cucum.bers, and a dis- cretionary premium for rhubarb. To Mr. John Briell, for the best six stalks of rhubarb, and the best three heads of lettuce. To Mr. F. Hay ward, gardener to Archibald Russell, Esq., Esopus, for the best blanched Sea Kale. To John White, gardener to R. K. Delafield, Esq., for the best mush- rooms. To Mr James Dooriss, gardener to J. J. Jones, Esq., a discretionary pre- mium for cucumbers. Exhibition on June 23d. To Mr. G. C. Thorborn, for the best pair of parlor bouquets, and the best pair of hand bouquets. To Mr. Charles More, for the second best pair of parlor bouquets. 376 Domestic Notices. To Mr. Joseph Monk, for the second best pair of hand bouquets, and for the best display of climbing roses. To Mr. George Saul, gardener to Shepherd Knapp, Esq., for the best bas- ket of flowers, and for the best bush beans. To Mr. Kennedy, gardener to S. T. Jones, Esq., for the second best bas- ket of flowers. To D. W. Colt, Esq., Norwich, Conn., for the best strawberries. To Mr. Wm. R. Prince, for the second best strawberries, the largest col- lection of strawberries, and for the best twenty hardy roses. To Mr. H. Van Horn, for the best Morello cherries. To Wm. Armstrong, gardener to H. Delafield, Esq., for the best goose- berries. To Mr Dummett, gardener to Halsey, Esq., for the best apricots, for the best turnips, and a discretionary premium for melons, (one weighing 9 lbs. 13 oz.) To Mrs. W. C. J I. Waddell, a discretionary premium for lemons. To Mr. Charles Doran, gardener to E. Holbrook, Esq., for the best six fuchsias, for the best display of greenhouse plants, and a discretionary premium for a fine display of roses. To Mr. John Quinn, gardener to N. J. Becar, Esq., for the best ten per- petual roses. To Messrs. Parsons & Co., for the second best perpetual roses. To Mr. Wm. Russell, florist, a disci-etionary premium for a beautiful dis- play of seedling climbing roses. To Messrs. Phelan & Sons, florists, a discretionary premium for a fine dis- play of roses. To Mr. J. B. Mantel, a discretionary premium for a fine display of roses-. To Messrs. Ball & Hawser, for a fine display of seedling roses. To Mr. Clovis Le Roy, gardener to Dr. Stevens, for the best cauliflowers. To Mr. McNamara, gardener to Pillot, Esq., for the second best cau- liflowers, and for the best artichokes. To Mr. John Buill, for the best early cabbage and for the best lettuce. To Mr. Joseph Cudlipp, for the best beets. To Mr. Routh, gardener to J. C. Beekman, Esq., for the best peas and for the best potatoes. By order of the Executive Committee : James Hogg, ■ Sec. fro tern. [We regret that, in the above report, the names of the flowers and fruits^ which obtained the premiums, are not given. It is of very little interest to know who, but it is very important to know what, takes the premium. We trust, in future reports, the Society will see that the names of the success- ful flowers and fruits have the names given. — Ed.] The Nineteenth Annual Exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural So- ciety will be held at the Society's Hall, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri- day, September 22, 23, and 24.— £)OCiety. Maud strawberries. From F. W.Macondry, Cooledge's Favorite peaches. From Jos. Richardson, Black Tartarian cherries; also Hovey's Seedling, Deptford Pine, Prince Albert, and Richardson's Seedlings, Nos. 1 and 2. From J. F. Allen, seven varieties of Grapes, and Black Figs. Messrs. Hovey & Co. exhibited Myatt's new Hautbois Strawberry, one of the most delicious of this class which has been produced ; the plants hav- ing been obtained of Mr. Myatt, in 1844 ; alsoBuist's Prize. Deptford Pine, Alice Maud, and Hovey's Seedling. From Capt. Lovelt, Prolific Haut- bois and Hovey's Seedling strawberries. From P. Barnes, Bigarreau cherries. From Isaac Fay, Seedling strawberries, which the Committee consider " large and handsome, but they lack the essential quality of a good straw- berry, viz., delicious flavor"; White and Red Wood Strawberries from J. Owen and J. L. L. F. Warren. In deciding the qualities of new Seed- ling strawberries, the Committee used Hovey's Seedling as the Standard. We had the opportunity of tasting the various Seedlings presented, but none of them can be considered as having any remarkable qualities. July 17. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day, — the President in the Chair. A delegation of three members was appointed to attend the next annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, and extend the invi- tation to them to attend the coming Exhibition of the Massachusetts Hor- ticnltural Society. Messrs. M. P. Wilder, B. V. French, and S. Walker were chosen. William H. Parker was elected a member. Adjourned two weeks to August 7. Exhibited. — Flowers : From the President of the Society, four Seed- ling Japan Lilies, resembling the L. speciosum, but not so dark. From Messrs. Winship, a variety of shrubs and trees, such as ZJ'lmus variegata, crispa., and viaiinalis, ^etula lasciniata, pendula, &c. ; also bouquets and cut flowers. From J. Thomas, plants of Achimenes longiflora, Gardenta radicans, and a species of Dendrobium. From Dr. C. F. Chaplin, Cam- bridgeport, very fine double China Pinks. Messrs. Hovey & Co. exhibited several very large specimens of Japan lilies. One plant of L. lancifolium album had five main stems, and up- wards of thirty buds and flowers; one of L. rubrum (or speciosum) had fourteen buds and flowers, and a most magnificent object ; Achimenes picta, grandiflora and patens, (new) ; Nutlaha granditlora, Platycodon grandi- florum and Fuchsia Nymph ; also ten varieties of fine carnations and pic- otees, in all upwards of 80 blooms, six hand bouquets, two table bouquets, and one round bouquet, carnations, cut flowers, dahlias, &.C., from J. Breek & Co., N. Stetson, J. L. L. F. Warren, J. Nugent, W. Mellar, S. R. Johnson, A. Bowditch, P. Barnes, and W. Quant The award of premiums was as follows : — Bouquets. — For the best six hand bouquets, to Hovey & Co., $2. For the second best, to A. Bowditch, $ 1. A gratuity for six do., to J. Nugent, $ 1. For the best pair of mantel bouquets, to Messrs. Winship $2. For the second best do., to Hovey & Co., $ 1. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 381 For the best large oval bouquet, to William Quant, $2. For the second best do., to Hovey & Co., $ 1. Plants in Pots. — For the best six plants, to John Thomas, %2. A gratuity to Hovey & Co. of $ 5. Caknations and Picotees. — For the best ten varieties of flowers, to Hovey & Co., $5. For the second best, to S. R. Johnson, $4. A gratuity to Hovey & Co., for the best display. A gratuity to Parker Barnes, for fine seedlings, of 2. Double Hollyhocks. — For the best display, to Messrs. Winship, $2. Fruit. — From J. F. Allen, ten varieties of Grapes, including some good specimens of Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, and a fine cluster of the White Nice; also fine peaches. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., very fine speci- mens of Faslolff raspberries. From Messrs. Hyde, a seedling cherry, somewhat resembling the Black Eagle. From J. S. Sleeper, a seedling cherry, similar to the Downer. From O. Johnson, Black Tartarian, Flor- ence, Napoleon Bigarreau, and Black Heart cherries. From S. Walker, fine specimens of the Downer cherry. New large black Bigarreau from Mrs. Walsh. From S. A. Walker, handsome red and white Dutch cur- rants. N. Stetson, of Bridgewater, sent some very splendid Figs, large, but not quite ripe. From W. Quant, a fine Melon, and cherries called the Harback Cherry. From Messrs. Winship, handsome mulberries from the Canton or Alpine variety. From Capt. Macondry, very handsome peaches. From J. L. L. F. Warren, Franconia, FastolfF, and new Victo- ria raspberries and thimbleberries. From C. Newhall, Knevett's Giant raspberries. White and Red Dutch currants from Jos. Richardson, An- son Dexter, and W. & R. Williams. From B. V. French, fine Black Eagle cherries. July 2ilh. Exhibited. — Flowers : From the President of the Society, fifty pots of seedling Japan Lilies, having from one to three blooms on each ; also Veronica Lindleyana, new and pretty, and V. speciosa, both good spe- cimens, and Gladiolus gandavensis and Liebnitzu. From W. Mellar, a fine plant of Clivta nobilis, and cut flowers. From Jos. Brack & Co., a quantity of cut flowers, including iilium longiflorum and chalcedonica. W. Kenrick exhibited a pretty specimen of the double rose bramble, with small pink flowers ; also bouquets. From Hovey & Co., plants of Gloxinia Car- t6ni, and a seedling, fuchsias, Majestica, Enchantress, and Salter's 41, and yinca alba ; also bouquets of various kinds, and carnations. From J. Thomas, Achimenes longiflora, a seedling gloxinia, and other plants and bouquets. From W. Quant, Achimenes longiflora, Japan lilies, Finca alba, and rosea, and Agapanthus umbellatus. Cut flowers and bouquets from P. Barnes, S. R .lohnson, E. M. Richards, A. Bowdiich, C. F. Chaplin, J. L. L. F. Warren, John Hovey, and Messrs- Winship. Award of premiums : — Bouquets and Designs. — For the best six hand bouquets, to Messrs. Hovey & Co., $2. For the second best, to Azell Bowditch, $ 1. 382 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. For the best pyramidal bouquet, to Hovey & Co., $2. For the second best, to Mrs. Russell, $ 1. For the best pair of mantel bouquets, to Messrs. Winship, $2. For the second best, to Hovey & Co., $ 1. For the best design, a premium of S 2 to J. Thomas. Gratuities. — To M. P. Wilder, $5 for his fine display of Japan lilies, and $ 3 for a fine plant of Veronica Lindleya?!a To William Meller, a gratuity of $ 3 for a plant of Clivia nobilis. To Joseph Breck & Co., for a fine display of hollyhocks, $3. To P. Barnes, for fine hollyhocks, $2. Plants in Pots. — For the best six, to William Quant, $2. For the second best six, to Hovey & Co., $ 1. Fruit : From J. F. Allen, the following varieties of grapes : Black Por- tugal, Tottenham Park Muscat, White Frontignan, Black Hamburgh, White Nice, Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, and Zinfindal ; also, Violet Hative, Nectarines, Yellow Rareripe, Noblesse, and Crawford's late peaches, Sweet Montmorency cherries, two varieties of figs, and specimens of the Bergamot lime. Mr. Tudor exhibited from his gardens, at Nahant, a branch of the Amire Joannet pear, which contained two hundred and thirty-two pears, which were not, however, ripe ; the branch measured but twenty-seven inches in length, and was literally covered with fruit. From C. Newhall, Knevett's Giant raspberries. From O. Johnson, Franconia raspberries. From H. Bailey, Franconia raspberries. From Hovey & Co., the following grapes: Chasselas of Fontainebleau, Pitmaston White Cluster, Macready's Early White; also, FastolflJ" rasp- berries. From F. W. Macondty, fine specimens of peaches. From J. L. L. F. Warren, Franconia and FastolfF raspberries. From Anson Dexter, Franconia raspberries. From the Messrs. Winship, White Antwerp, and Franconia raspberries, and White thimbleberries. From Josiah Lovett, Knevett's Giant raspberries. S. R. Johnson, John Hovey, and J. G. Thurston, exhibited fine specimens of English gooseberries. From S. W. Cole, three varieties of apples, of last year's growth. Vegetables : From Samuel Walker, water cress, raised from seed from the banks of the Isis. From A. D. Williams, new potatoes. July 31. Exhibited. — Flowers : From J. Breck & Co., twelve varieties of fine double balsams, and twelve do. of fine double hollyhocks, and the following fine phloxes : Charles, white with blush eye; Kermesi7ifl', white with lilac eye ; Fleur de Marie, white with violet purple eye ; Annais Chauviere, pure white with a very distinct light purple eye, corolla large, round, and perfect, — a very beautiful variety ; (Eil de Lynx, white with a purplish red eye, fine ; Grato, rose white mottled with pink ; also, cut flowers in great variety. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., two large flat, one pyramidal, and six hand bouquets. Bouquets and cut flowers from J. Par- ker, J. Nugent, Wm. Kenrick, Messrs. Winships, E. Winslow, J. L. L. F. Warren, and A. Bowditch. Award of premiums : — Bouquets. — For the best six hand bouquets, to Hovey & Co., $2. Horticultural Memoranda. 383 For the second best, to A. Bowditch, $ 1. For the best pair of mantel bouquets, to Hovey & Co., $2. For the second best, to J. L. L. F. Warren, $ 1. For a large pyramidal bouquet, to Miss Russell, $ 2. A gratuity to Miss Russell for a basket of flowers, $ 1. Fruits: From Messrs. Hovey & Co., Muscat J31anc Hatif, Pitmaston White Cluster, and Chasselas de Fontainebleau grapes ; also, Lemercier, and Late Duke cherries. From J. F. Allen, Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, Victoria Hamburgh, Purple Muscat, and Black Hamburgh grapes ; also. Sweet Montmorency cherries. Noblesse, Grosse Mignonne peaches, and figs. From O. Johnson, Black Hamburgh, Zinfindal, White Muscat of Alexan- dria, White Frontignan grapes; also. White Dutch currants. From W. Quant, Regne de Nice, Black Frontignan, Purple Muscat, Muscat Muscadine (?), Black Hamburgh, extra large berries, Muscat of Alexandria, White Frontignan grapes, very handsome. From John Wash- burn, Red Astrachan apples, From John Owen, Early Harvest apples. From A. D. Weld, Red and White currants, fine. From A. D. Williams & Son, Red and White currants, fine. From John Hovey, seedling goose- berries. From Mrs. Spalding, figs, extra large. Vegetables : From John Galvin, Newport, R. I., by Eben Wight, Ro- man Emperor cucumber. From S. H. Hunneman, Roxbury, by J. C. Hunneman, two large winter squashes, of last year's growth, perfectly sound. From A. D. Williams, new potatoes. HORTICULTURAL MEMORANDA FOR AUGUST. FRUIT DEPARTMENT. Grape Vines in the greenhouse or grapery will now be nearly ripe ; some of the earlier kinds quite ripe, such as the White Chasselas, Macready's Early White, &c. Plenty of air should now be given, a little very early in the morning, and the floor should not be damped any longer. If any of the laterals push, they should becut back again to the first eye. Vines in the cold house will need particular care, as this is the season for mildew : see that the house is closed early in cool windy weather, and do not allow great drafts of air at any time until they begin to color ; keep the floor well damped in hot dry weather. Vines in the open air should be now looked after : see that all the laterals are cut off two eyes beyond the fruit, which will prevent the shoots from becoming entangled ; lay in the wood carefully for next year's bearing, and head in all that is not wanted for that purpose ; this will throw the sap into the grapes, and mature a few leaves, which are better than a mass of young foliage for elaborating the sap. Strawberry beds may be made this month, after the first good rain, pro- vided the ground has been duly prepared. Let the rows be two feet apaity 384 Horticultural Memoranda. and the plants a foot apart in the rows ; alleys may be allowed at any dis- tance, as the cultivator may fancy. Our plan is to set ten rows of Hovey's Seedling, leaving an alley four feet, and then ten rows of the Boston Pine ; both are equally productive, and one fertilizes the other. Old beds should now be duly weeded, and if the old plants have not been dug in, it should be done without delay. New beds set out last spring should have the run- ners laid in, or if large fruit is the object, all cut off. Summer-pruning trees should yet be continued as advised in our last. Plum, Cherry, Pear, and Apple trees should be budded this month. Insects : continue to attend to the destruction of these pests of the culti- vator. FLOWER DEPARTMENT. Camellias should be potted immediately, if not already done; grafting should also be completed early in the month. Plants wanted for very early flowering should novi' be taken into the house and placed in a warm situation. Oxalis Hirta and Boiviei should be potted. Mignonette should be sown early in the month, and if a succession is wanted, another sowing should be made about the 25th. Roses should be budded and layered this month. Chrysanthemums should be layered this month, and if plants have been raised from cuttings, they should now be repotted for the last time, and the tops pinched off. Water occasionally with guano. Dahlias should all be staked in season, or one severe wind will destroy the expectations of the year. Prune off all superfluous laterals. Pansies may now be increased by cuttings or layers. Chinese Primroses raised last month from seed should now be potted off in small pots. Verbenas for keeping over winter should now be layered into small pots. Fuchsias should be repotted, if very large specimens are wanted. Cactuses should be repotted this month. Euphorbia jacquinceflora should be repotted, and the tops of all the strong shoots pinched off to make them bushy. Orange and Lemon trees should be budded now. Victoria, Ten Week, and other stocks should be sown now, if plants are wanted for flowering in the spring. Pelargoniums will now require attention. If the plants were not headed down last month, they should be done so now, and the cuttings put in as directed last month. Perennial plants, of many kinds, may be separated and transplanted the last part of the month. Ncmophila insignis, schizanthuses , and other winter flowering annuals should be sown now. Petunias, of fine kinds, should now be propagated from cuttings or lay- ers for a spring slock. Tree pcconies should be propagated by grafting. Greenhouse plants, of all kinds, should be repotted now, and put in order for the winter. THE MAGAZINE OF HORTICULTURE SEPTEMBER, 1847. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Art. I. On the Importance of the Cultivation of the Oak and other valuable Timber Trees ; icith Observations on the Preservation of Ship Timber, and the Process of Decay in Wood. By A. Mitchell, M. D., Portland. In a Let- ter to the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Communicated by Gen. Dearborn. My dear Sir, — The following article was communicated by me to Gen. Joseph M. Hernandez, of St. Augustine, Fl., and published in the Florida Herald. You will probably recollect that this gentleman has been, for many years, ex- clusively devoted to the science of Agriculture, and is one of the best systematic planters in that State. An Essay written by him on the Culture of the Tobacco Plant has been consid- ered to be one of the most elaborate articles ever published on that subject. Reasoning from analogy on the soil and productions of the southern portion of our Union, we may attribute to Florida, as having within its domains as many natural advantages as any of the tropical regions in the cultivation of those plants that are indigenous to those countries, presenting an exten- sive surface, which as yet remains imperfectly explored — rich in the spontaneous growth of many esculent plants for the support of man, and the growth of domestic animals, and offer- ing a wide field for the cultivation and introduction of many more for exportation and home consumption. Such are the tea-plant, cojffee, tobacco, sugar cane, Turkish poppy, olive- tree, cotton, indigo, saffron, grape, fig, &c. As we shall VOL. XIII. — NO. IX. 35 386 Importance of the Cultivation of the Oak briefly descant, at present, on the vital importance of a com- munity being well versed in agricultural science, in order to improve with advantage those rich fields which a bounteous Creator has spread out before us, we shall principally ad- vert to the forest-growth of this peninsular portion of our United States, with some original observations on the preser- vation of ship timber, and the process of decay in these woods. As our navy may be considered the present and future bul- wark of our safety as a commercial nation, it is not thought in- appropriate to make a few remarks on those woods which are principally used in the construction of our ships of war and commerce. The process of decay termed dry rot has been a theme of scientific inquiries for man)?^ years among many of our most eminent chemists ; and the most elaborate investigations have been made, both at home and abroad, in order to ascertain the chemical effects of air, heat, light, and moisture, on the same, as our oaks and various timbers that have been pre- viously prepared and appropriated to use for ship-building. We do not, at present, have the presumption to offer any pre- servative means that would counteract the effects of this dreaded enemy to our national purse, but simply to throw out some hints that may, in the future, be useful as a rally- ing point to others that can claim a precedence over their more humble brothers in the profession of science. The mod- ern use of iron in the construction of marine vessels has been thought, at a subsequent period, would supersede that of wood ; we should then have oxides to contend with instead of fungi ; but we do not believe the former will ever super- sede that of the latter. As the grand engine of navigation is deteriorating every day from the causes of decay, it may be asked, what is the dry rot ? and how long has it been known to affect the timbers of vessels, and the cause of this effect? Well, in answer to the former, the dry rot is caused by the spontaneous decomposition of the vegetable albumen which acts as a ferment on the other constituent principles that may be present in the wood, as sugar and starch, which disinte- grates the fibres of the wood, and accelerates the growth of mushrooms by the formation of ammoniacal salts. Of these fungi, there are two species, — as the Xylostroma giganteum^ and other valuable Timber Trees. 387 which grows in the timher hke a thin hroad patch of 3'^ellow leather, and the Serpula distruens, which is not so large, of a reddish color, and white at the edge growing externally. As the canse of this dry rot proceeds from an excess of vege- table albumen in those woods that have been in modern use for ship-building, we may answer the latter question by say- ing that the primitive oaks of Great Britain, and those of our country, which were used in the early construction of their navies, were not so rich in albuminous matter as the oaks of secondary growths, and those of various locations, are now : therefore the dry rot and fungous growths in such timbers were not known, nor never would have been, had we the tim- ber now of those primitive forests of our country, Europe, and Great Britain. It will appear, by these observations, that we intend to maintain that the cause of dry rot proceeds from the inegligence and want of knowledge in the selection of those trees which resist the effects of time and exposure without the process of decay. Such is our position, and. without fur- ther comment, we proceed to illustrate many points connect- ed with the subject under consideration, as it is one of the most important to which the attention of a maritime people can be turned. The oaks of North America, as described by Andrew Mi- chaux, consist of twenty-nine species and varieties, most of which are useful in ship-building; the one considered the most useful, and stands at the head of the list, is the live oak, Quercus virens. It is a perennial tree, of slow growth, like the rest of its congeners, and is common to Florida, where the most extensive forests of this tree are seen. It is generally found growing from latitude 37° to Florida, '' and westward to the mouth of the Sabine River," but never more than 15" or 20 miles from the sea. This valuable tree can be said to con- tain less of the causes of decomposition, as albumen, sugar, and starch, than any of the species hitherto described ; there- fore, it is the most durable, and less liable to decay ; and, with all this natural immunity against spontaneous decompo- sition, we should not overlook the locality of its growth, age, and season of cutting for ship-timber. This is a necessary precaution, which is applicable to the whole tribe of oaks that are used in the mechanics. The best localities for the 388 Importance of the Cultivation of the Oak selection of durable timber from those trees, are elevated re- gions, high table lands, and an open comitry, where they are not overshadowed by other growths. They should stand where there is ample room for their branches, with a free access of air, heat, and light on all sides, as often seen on the boundary of some plantation, or as ornaments which ven- erate the mansion of the planter, or such like places. The woody fibres of such trees are more dense; they contain more carbon or astringent qualities, with less vegetable albumen : whereas, to the contrary of this, should such timber be cut in low wet grounds, ravines and shady places where they grow compact, it would be liable to decay from the causes men- tioned, as there would be an excess of those constituent prin- ciples, and a softer structure that would hasten the decay, and cause the dry rot, so deleterious to our navies. The age of the oaks is next to be considered. They generally attain their maximum height and full development at the age of fifty or sixty years, and, after that period, they progress but slowly, until they arrive at a very advanced age, as two or three hundred years or more. Those of the live oak that can be best recommended for durable timber, are such as have arrived to the period of a hundred years or more, if the con- stitutions of the trees are sound, and no visible decay is pres- ent. The gigantic growth of this tree at the age last men- tioned far surpasses any of its species. The measurement of one of its limbs by myself in a horizontal line exceeded sixty- five feet, while the diameter at the junction exceeded the size of the bodies of many red and black oak species of a full size, or secondary growths that have survived seventy winters. We repeat that the maturity of the species of oaks must be considered before used or appropriated for ship-building ; for it is at this period the strength and durability of the wood are fully developed, and the longitudinal fibres tough and re- sisting. As the albuminous matter of which we have spoken is a nitrogenized compound, it is of a putrescible nature, and therefore forms food for insects, which penetrate the wood in various directions, admitting air and water to the interior of the timber. It is evident that this chemical action, or fer- mentative process, must be greatly favored by external causes, • or the location in which the wood is placed. The close ap- and other valuable Timber Trees. 389 position and dense mass of timbers that are seen in the hull of a battle-ship of the line on the stocks is considered as favor- able to this action, although there are no doubts but what the germs of the disease are lurking in the timbers previous to their use, occasioned by the want of care and suitable selec- tion of appropriate trees, and preservation of the timber after cutting. The local sites of navy yards, where there must be a proper depth of water, unavoidably place the timber in a topographical situation that is unfavorable to the preserva- tion of the wood, as heat and moisture accelerate the chem- ical action, and promote the fungous growths, whose nu- trition depends on the chemical changes heretofore men- tioned. Could we always find a suitable hydrographical station for a navy ^^ard, where, combined with its facilities, there was a dryness and purity of atmosphere, many of the causes that decompose the materials tor ship-building would be pre- vented ; but, as such localities cannot always be found in the surveys for such stations, we must patiently submit to the in- jurious effects of heat and damp almosphere, however well giiarded the ships may be in their sheltered positions by ven- tilation and suitable protection ; although it is of the highest importance that the geographical situations of such places should be well understood and taken into consideration, as rivers, marshes, bogs, mean standard of the thermom- eter, barometer, and hygrometer, and mean quantity of rain. The proper season for cutting such timber will next be con- sidered. The months of July and August, when the trees arc in foliage, and the juices circulating freely, is decidedly the best period for cutting; as then the greater portion of the al- bumen is contained in the cambium or descending sap, while most of the nitrogen is set free by exhalation, and is princi- pally combined with the fluids that circulate exteriorly. T he trees, after they are fallen, should be immediately rough hewn, and deprived of their sap-wood and bark, placing the timber in the most favorable situation for seasoning and desiccation by elevating it from the earth. The ordinary process of sea- soning wood consists in merely exposing it to a current of air. It would be a desirable thing if we could find a location where 35* 390 Importance of the Cultivation of the Oak a dry air could be naturally maintained throughout the year ; but this desideratum could not be easily obtained. The time necessary to season the oaks differs according to the density of the structure, (and various dimensions of those woods that are exposed for desiccation;) a plank probably would not require twelve months, while a piece of larger dimensions could not be thoroughly seasoned in six or seven years ; and, if placed in a humid situation, would not season at all, and the result would be a decomposition from the formation ofam- moniacal salts and mushroom growths. To benefit property, and perpetuate the materials for ship- building, and increase our navies, we propose that the legis- latures of our States appropriate means for the cultivation of those oaks that are indigenous to their regions. In order to ensure success in such an undertaking, a tract of land should be set apart of some thousand acres in a favorable location for their growth. The soil for this purpose should not be too rich nor stimulating : the trees can be propagated from the acorn, or transplanted from their native forests. If the lat- ter plan is adopted, the trees selected for this purpose should be from four to five years of age, of a healthy appearance, and perfect symmetry. We recommend their being taken up in the latter part of October or the month of November, with a careful preservation of their roots, and immediately trans- ferred to the soil that is allotted for their permanent abode. This period for transplanting those trees is decidedly the best, as then the descension of the sap is completed, and the action of the leaves quiescent, while that of the absorbing rootlets ceases also, because the nutrition which is taken in by them is not convertible into woody substance without the coopera- tion of the leaves. They should be set apart, at proper dis- tances, in such a manner as to have ample room for growth, and the free action of heat and light on all sides. Such parks or nurseries in our States would be more commemorative of the genius of a nation than all the marble monuments and towering edifices that can be erected. This scheme is not only thought worthy of a government's consideration, but is applicable to every individual farmer and landed proprietor in this country. They should be transplanted on the out- skirts of every farm or plantation ; marking the boundary of and other valuable Timber Trees. 301 their different possessions, by the growth of those sylvan giants that have been the pride of nations for centuries. Augustus Mitchell, M. D. Portland, June 24, 1847. Hon. H. a. S. Dearborn. No subject is of more importance, in a national point of view, than the preservation of our Forests, and the formation of new plantations for the supply of timber for maritime pur- poses. The subject has been, from time to time, agitated, and Congress has been memorialized in reference to it, (Doc. 241, 25th Congress.) But amid the party strife v/hich at that time occupied public attention, the matter ended with a reference to the Committee on Naval Affairs. We hope, now, that the efforts of Dr. Mitchell may be in- strumental in again drawing attention to this important ques- tion, and should the establishment of an Experimental Gar- den in Florida for the cultivation and acclimation of tropical plants be successful, that not only will the attempt be made to acclimate the useful trees of other climes, but that the whole subject of Arboriculture will be its leading feature, — that a series of experiments may be carried out to ascertain the best period of felling trees, and the best plan of seasoning timber, — the prevention of dry rot, — and all other questions pertaining to the preparation of timber for naval purposes. Should Congress not move in the matter, we trust the in- terests of each and every State maybe appealed to in the way Dr. Mitchell proposes ; our own State has just concluded her Report upon the trees indigenous to her soil, and we doubt not that the interests of the Commonwealth will induce her to take some steps to accomplish this. Mr. Emerson lias set forth, in just terms, the importance of the preservation of our forests, and urged the formation of new plantations of trees on the thousands of acres which now lay waste and barren. A tract of land set apart for the growth of our native trees, as well as all those of other parts of the country, and of foreign growth, which will flourish in this latitude, and en- trusted to the care of some competent individual, would be an object, as Dr. Mitchell remarks, " more commemorative of the genius of a nation, than all the marble monuments and 392 May's Victoria Currant. towering edifices that can be erected." Such a garden would form a school for the study of the noble trees which enrich our forests, and make them as familiar as the commonest plants of our gardens, and furnish a fund of practical in- formation in regard, to their growth, habits, usefulness in the arts, and. adaptation to the purposes of ornamental land- scape. But we have not room to follow the train of ideas which Dr. Mitchell's article calls up : of the importance of the sub- ject, all will agree, and we hope that something may soon be done, especially in our own State, to induce our land-owners to preserve what remains of our primitive forests, and to com- mence, at least in a limited way, the plantation of new ones on what are now considered unimproveable lands. — Ed. Art. II. May^s Victorio Currant^ with an Engraving of the Fruit. By the Editor. In our article upon the cultivation of the currant, in a pre- vious volume, (Vlll. p. 325,) we offered some remarks upon the importance of raising currants from seed with a view to the production of new and improved varieties. Among the smaller fruits, none possess a greater value than the currant, and yet none have received less attention at the hands of cul- tivators. Mr. Knight, impressed witli the idea that very su- perior kinds would be the result of proper attention to the growth of seedlings, wrote an article upon the subject v.'hich was published in the Transadions of the Society. He also raised a great number of seedlings, and three of them were thought to possess ^uch merits as to be deserving of names. The gooseberry has been improved fr( rn a small and austere berry to a very large and delicious fruit : the strawberry has also been produced of such size and flavor as to be scarcely recognized as the offspring of the wild berry of the woods and pastures. And why may not the same success attend exper- iments to improve the currant ? There is no reason to do.ubt they will, and we may yet hope to see currants nearly as May's Yictor'ia Currant. 393 large as cherries, and possessing a flavor much sweeter and richer than any we now possess. The White and Red Dutch currants have been cuUivated for a great length of time, and have not, until now, been displaced by any new varieties. Mr. Knight's seedlings, though good, did not supersede these old sorts. We have, however, in the variety under notice, one which bids fair to take a place at the head of all. This is May's Victoria. Though recently raised from seed, and as yet confined to a hmited number of collections, its merits are so great that it will soon find its way into every garden. The berries are of very large size, of a rich deep color, often meas- uring five eighths of an inch in diameter, and the bunches are from five to six inches long. The flavor is also excellent, and, — what is of great importance, — the fruit will hang in perfection for a much longer time than the White or Red Dutch. This variety was raised by Mr. Wm. May, nurseryman, of Yorkshire, Eng., and the fruit was exhibited at one of the shows of the London Horticultural So- ciety, and was awarded the prize both for its size and excellence. It has been but little disseminated, owing to the high price of the plants ; bat, as they are easily multiplied, we may soon hope to see it introduced into every garden where the production of fine fruit is an object. Fisc- 32. Victoria Currant. 394 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Cherries. Our plants produced a few specimens last year, and, from the ordinary size of the clusters and berries, we thought it had been overrated ; but, the present season, when the bushes had acquired sufficient strength to bear a crop, we were happily dis- appointed in finding the fruit and bunches of such large size and beautiful appearance ; and our drawing {^fig- 32) is an accurate representation, by measurement, of the size of both berry and bunch. The plants are of exceedingly vigorous habit, with foliage differing from the White and Red Dutch in being thicker, deeper green, and not so finely cut at the edges : in good rich soil, the annual shoots are very stout and strong. The currant, as we have stated in the article before allud- ed to, requires to be severely pruned when the object is large and handsome bunches and berries. It would be useless to expect fine fruit unless this is attended to. At the spring pruning, every new shoot should be headed back to four or five eyes, and the old wood wholly cut out, or as much of it as possible, as it is only on the young and vigorous wood that the best fruit is produced. By attending to these sug- gestions, the cultivator may have the very finest fruit. We may therefore highly recommend the Victoria cur- rant ; and, as its production is one step towards a superior fruit, we hope our amateur cultivators may be induced to fol- low up ther experiment until something still better shall be the result. Art. III. Descriptions and Engravings of select varieties of Cherries. By the Editor. Having, in our several volumes, described and figured up- wards of EIGHTY varieties of pears, embracing all the choicest which have yet been proved, and having also commenced another series of articles in which we intend to describe and figure all the fine sorts of apples in the same manner, we now intend to devote the same attention to the cherry, and describe and figure all the fine ones which are worthy of cultivation. We have been gathering the materials for some time, and Descriptions of Select Varieties of Cherries. 395 should hav& commenced our article sooner ; but, as om* object is to enumerate them only so far as we can do so with perfect accuracy, we have deferred it until our own trees have come into bearing. "We have now nearly one hundred specimen trees, of about as many sorts, which we have received from all the best sources, both at home and abroad, and as they have commenced fruiting this year, we are enabled to give an account of them with the specimens before us. The late Mr. Manning, in an excellent paper in a previous volume, (VIII. p. 281,) and one of the last which he ever wrote, has given a brief synopsis of forty-four kmds, includ- ing several seedlings, which he had fruited in his collection. Our object will be to give the descriptions in detail, with the habi's and general character of the trees, together with out- line engravings of the varieties enumerated, and we hope they m^y be the means of aiding the amateur in clearing up the confusion hi the nomenclature of this fine fruit. Nothing, it seems to us, could more impress an individual with the importance of a careful selection of the best kinds of fruit when planting a garden, or an orchard, than an in- spection of our market during the cherry season. First, let him look at any of our pomological works, and then at the catalogues of our most extensive nurseries, and he will find there enumerated some sixty or eighty sorts all characterized from " fair to prime;" then let him, and, if he pleases, with catalogue in hand, walk through our market and examine the fruit. What does he find ? Why, with three or four excep- tions, if, from the limited quantity, they can so be called, he does not meet with one of the varieties. The May Duke, Sparliawk's Honey, Downer's Late Red, a few Tartarians, and a few Bigarreaus, to the amount of some bushels, may be seen ; but the named sorts do not amount to one tenth of the supply. The Downton, the Elton, the Black Eagle, the Waterloo, the Florence, and other equally delicious sorts, in- troduced twenty-five years ago, are not seen, and indeed scarcely known. The whole stock is mazzards, and even poor at that, for we have seen very fine mazzards better worthy of a name than some which have received a high-sounding title. And why all this neglect? Are not the fine sorts to be ob- tained 1 Or, are seedlings good enough. Undoubtedly, until 396 Descriptions of Select Vmieties of Cherries. within a few years, the former were not to be had in any quantity, and the trees of only moderate size. This, coupled with the prevailing mania for large trees, has induced many to purchase seedlings ; but another great cause has been, that few of the many who plant have any knowledge of the su- periority of the choice sorts over the wildings, and are con- tented to know that they have a cherry ; and this idea is, unfortunately, too prevalent : for we are assured by nursery- men, that the call for large mazzard trees is still very great. For ourselves, we should as soon think of planting seedling pear trees as seedling cherry trees, for there is almost as much difference between an Elton cherry and a mazzard. as between a Seckel and a wild pear. The cherry has received too little of the attention of amateur cultivators. From the period of the introduction of the Black Tartarian into England, as early as 1794, very little improve- ment was made until 1814 or 1815, when Mr. Knight, with that application of science to the art of gardening for which he was so eminent, produced several new kinds, remarkable for then- beauty and excellence; but, from that period till within a few years, there seems to have been as little done as previous to Mr, Knight's efforts. We have some accidental seedlings of native growth which possess superior qualities, but few attempts have been made to produce new varieties by cross fertilization. The plum, during this period, has been nearly doubled in size, and greatly improved in quality ; but there is scarcely a cherry whicn excels in size, and but few which equal in flavor, the Black Tartarian, the oldest variety we possess. Cultivators have turned their attention to the growth of seedling pears, and we hope that the cherry may also be made the subject of experiment for the production of larger and better varieties. Notwithstanding the apparent efforts of pomological writers to clear up the doubts in regard to the distinct character of many sorts of cherries, great confusion still exists; and it will be difficult to arrive at certain conclusions only through a care- ful examination of the trees, foliage, and fruit, of each. Though a work of no little labor, we hope to do our part towards accomplishing it ; and our series of articles is commenced with that end in view. Another year, when our Descriptions of Select Varieties of Cherries. 397 trees will be more fully in fruit, we shall be enabled to iden- tify many sorts ; for the present, we annex the descriptions and engravings of three late varieties, each of which are but very little known to cultivators. 1. Late Duke. Pomological Magazine, pi. 45. Anglaise Tardive, Hort. Soc. Catalogue, 1842. The origin of this fine cherry is unknown ; it was first re- ceived from M. Vilmorin, of Paris, by the London Horti- cultural Society, and though, from one of its names, Anglaise Tardive, it would seem to be of English origin, no trace of it has been discovered in English collections. The Pom,. Mag. states that Switzer and Hill, old writers, mention a late May Duke, but it is doubtful whether it could be referred to this variety. Lindley, in his description of the Late Duke, observes that it has great affinity to the Arch Duke, and Thompson, in his Synopsis in the Transactions of the London Hort. Soc, (vol. vii. p. 276,) says that the " Arch Duke may not be found to be diflerent when obtained correct, but that hitherto the May Duke has been received for it." There is no doubt, however, that the Arch Duke is a different fruit, as we shall soon show, and that the true variety had not come under Mr. Thomp- son's observation at that time. The Late Duke {fig. 33.) is a val- uable cherry, ripening very late, of large size, an abundant bearer, and resembling the May Duke in quality, though rather more acid ; our tree, though small, was covered with fruit, and, but for the birds, we should have gathered a fine crop ; by netting over some of the branches, we succeeded in obtaining some fine specimens, from which our drawing is made. -^'^•23. Late Duke • Clierry. i^ rmt, large, one and an eighth of an inch in diameter, round- ish heart shape, with a slight suture on one side : Skin, rich deep VOL. XIII.— NO. IX. 36 398 Descriptions of Select Varieties of CJierjies, shining red when mature : Stem, long, about one and a half inches, slender, and rather deeply inserted in a shallow cavity: Flesh, pale amber color, tender, and slightly adhering to the stone : Jidce, abundant and rich, subacid, similar to the May Duke : Stone, medium size, roundish. Ripe the last of July and beginning of August. The frnit is borne in pairs, or threes, on a short peduncle, about a quarter of an inch in length. The tree is of vigorous, upright, and rather compact growth, little more spreading than the May Duke, and with rather larger leaves. It will prove a very valuable cherry. 2. Arch Duke. Guide to the Orchard. Griotte de Portugal, Duhamel. Portugal Duke, of some collections. Late Arch Duke, ? tj * c /^ , oj tj lo^r. _ ^ , ' S-Hort. Soc. Cat., 3d Ed. 1842. Late Duke, j There has been a variety of opinions among pomological writers in regard to this cherry, {fg- 34,) some asserting that it is synonymous with the Late Duke. Lindley is the only English author who seems to have been acquainted with it. Mr. Thomp- son, at the time he wrote the excellent paper in the Transaciiovs of the Hort. Society, above alluded to, had not proved it, and, as late as 1842, it had not been identified in the garden of the Society. The May Duke has generally been sold for this variety ; our tree was received from Mr. Rivers, and is quite unlike either the May Duke or Late Duke, though the habit of the tree is similar ; the fruit ripens intermediate between the two, and is more heart-shaped, of larger size, rather darker color, and fully equal Fig. M. Arch Duke Cherry. ^ !, r^, ■ V^ to either of them m quality. Fruit, large, one and an eighth of an inch in diameter, ob- tusely heart-shaped, slightly compressed, with a distinct Descriptions of Select Varieties of Cherries. 399 suture on oue side, and indented at the apex : Skin., dark shining red, when fully mature mottled with a deeper shade : Stem, long, about one and a half inches, slender, and deeply- sunk in a roundish cavity: Flesh, light red, tender, and slightly adhering to the stone : Juice, abundant, subacid, rich and high flavored : Stone, medium size, oval, compressed. Ripe from the middle to the end of July, about a fortnight before the Late Duke. The fruit is borne, like the Late Duke, in pairs and threes, on a common peduncle, which is about a quarter of an inch to the fork and rather slender. Tree, vigorous, rather more spreading than the May Duke, and with thicker and larger foliage. 3. Lemercier. Migazine of Horticulture, Vol. XIL The Lemercier (/o-. 35,) is a new French variety of very recent introduction; and a brief account of which will be found in our last volume, (p. 343.) It nearly resembles the Late Duke, ripening about the same time, and of about the same quality. The original tree is said to have been found in Bra- bant, by M Lemercier, after whom it was named, and was introduced to Paris by M. Noisette, in 1835. Our tree was received from France in 1842, and bore, for the first time, last season ; the present year, the trees were quite full of fruit, although only four years old, and standing in the nursery row. The fruit was ripe the latest of any cherry, and, but for the high wind and rain of the fifth of August, would have remained ^^v 35? Lanerder in parfection till the present time. Cherry. Fruit, large, one inch in diameter, roundish, and rather obtuse, with a shallow suture on one side, ending in a distinct prominent paint : S/cin, light shining red, of a somewhat trans- parent appsarance, and marbled with a deeper shade : Stem, rather long, about one and a half inches, moderately slender, and deeply inserted in a large, broad, deep hollow : Flesh, 400 Propagaiio7i of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics. pale amber, tender, and partially adhering to the stone : Juice^ very abundant, subacid, rich and good : Stone, rather small, roundish. Ripe the beginning of August. The tree is of vigorous growth, with the foliage of the Duke cherries, but with branches of a very spreading habit. The fruit is also generally borne in pairs, and not on forked stems, which will at once distinguish it from the Late Duke. Art. IV. On the Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Ex- otics : in a Series of Letters. By James Kennedy, Gardener to S. T. Jones, Staten Island, New York. Letter VI. Propagation hy Root Divisions. This is a mode often resorted to in increasing those kinds of exotics that will not produce seed, or propagate readily by any other means. But it could not be carried out extensively, unless the propagator possesses the acquisition of a conserva- tory to supply his wants. And even then, the greatest care should be taken, not to approach too near, or to injure the pa- rent plants. However, let as large pieces as possible be pro- cured, and potted off separately, using that compost in which the parent plant is found to flourish best. It is useless to re- mark that the pots ought to be proportioned to the size of the roots. In potting, let their points be a little above the sur- face, (say an inch) ; after potting, let them have a sprinkling of water to settle the soil round them, when they must be plunged up to the rims in a previously prepared hot-bed ; but not too hot, nor containing much rank steam. A little air should be given in the middle of the day, and regularly shaded by means of mats when the sun is powerful. As soon as they have taken fresh root, and the tops begin to produce leaves, let them be removed, and hardened off gradually to their respective departments. There are many species of that most interesting and orna- mental genus Acacia, which can only be increased by this means, as .4cacia decipiens, iSophora falcata, &c. &c. FloricuUural and Botanical Notices. 401 Letter VII. Propagation by Leaves. This is a mode of propagation which has become quite as common, and fidly as successful, as propagation by cuttings; and, indeed, I consider it the easiest and most successful mode of increasing such exotics as gesneras, gloxinias, Hoya car nosa, &c. &c. The state most favorable for rooting leaves, is when they have completed about three parts of their growth. Let the leaves of the desired kinds be taken off close to the stem, and inserted into pots, such as were recommended for cuttings, pre- pared in the same manner. The whole of the leaf-stalk and about half an inch of the leaf should be covered, and laid in a slanting direction, when they should have a sprinkling of water, the bell-glassns put on, and removed to the propagatmg- house, or a previously prepared hot-bed, where, if kept uni- formly moist, warm, and the bell-glasses regularly wiped inside every morning, they will soon strike root ; but care must be taken to shade them in bright sun-shine, in order to prevent excessive perspiration until they emit roots ; after which they may be fully exposed to the light. Should any happen to damp off, let them be immediately removed, otherwise, they might endanger the whole. As soon as the leaves begin to push young shoots, the glasses may be taken off and the pots re- moved to a dry shed, there to remain for a ^e\v days previous to their being potted off. Staten Island, N. Y., August, 1847. Art. V. Floricnltural and Botanical Notices of New a?id Beautiful Plants figured in Foreign Periodicals ; with De- scriptions of those recently introduced to, or originated iti, American Gardens. Schubertia. (^raveolens. — This new and handsome climber, already noticed, (Vol. XII. p. 480,) with flowers greatly re- sembling the beautiful Stephanotus, is now coming into bloom in our collection. The flowers appear in clusters, are pure 36* 402 FloricuUural and Botanical Notices. white, and very fragrant. It is a most desirable greenhouse cHniber. New Phloxes. — Some fine additions to this elegant family of hardy garden perennials have been recently introduced, prin- cipally from the Belgian and French collections. A few ^xars ago none but self-colored sorts were to be seen, but now we have them edged, pencilled, striped, marbled and shaded, of almost every tint and hue. Some of the new ones are re- markably beautiful and distinct, and among them may be named the following : — Standard of Perfection, with two colored flowers, each petal half white and half pale blue, of fine form, and disposed in magnificent pyramids : Goethe, white, flamed with pale lilac, beautiful : Eclipse, blush, shaded at the edges of the petals with deep purplish rose, flower large and handsome : Fleiir de Marie, white, with dis- tinct violet eye: Annais Chaiiviere, white, with a distinct pur- ple eye : Specidum, white, slightly mottled with pink, the flowers disposed in spikes. Many others have been introduced and will yet flower, but owing to the weakness of imported plants, not so strong as another year. Charles, Blanc de Neuilly, Nymphse^a alba, Kermesiutt, OEil de Lynx, Princess Marianne, and some oth- ers, have flowered superbly this year; and are all fine addi- tions to this most brilliant of our aiitumnal flowers. 23. Imp.Otiens plalype'tala Lindl. Flat-petaled Balsamine. (Balsaminaceae.) A greenhouse plant ; growing two feet hi; h ; willi vinirt-colored flowers ; appearingin winter; a native of Java ; increased by cuttings and seeds ; cultivated in rich soil. Flore des Jserres, pi. L'la. 1B47. A new and charming species of the Balsam, which, in our climate, will probably succeed as an annual, and become a great ornament to our gardens. Unlike the other species, the petals are quite flat, and the flowers appear in clusters at the axils of the leaves. It is of the easiest cultivation in any good rich soil. {Flore des Serres, April.) 24. Leschena'ultia arcua'^ta De Vriese. Drooping Lesche- naultia, (Gooden/dcecc.) A greenhouse plant; growing one foot hi^h; witli yellow and crimson flowers ; Rppraring in spring ; a i.ative of Swan River ; increased by cuttings ; cuUivaied in peat, leaf mould, and sand. Flore des Serres, pi. 21 U. IM'. Another most brilliant species of this fine tribe, with large Floricultural and Botanical Notices. 403 yellow flowers, with the centre petals tipped with deep crim- son, and very showy from the contrast of colors. The habit is more robust than the L. formosa, and the flowers are pro- duced in the same profusion as in that species. It is a native of Swan River, and requires the same treatment as formosa. {Flore des Scrres, (^'c, April.) 25. Ixo^RA sALiciFO LiA De Cand. Willow-leaved Ixora. {Cincho)iaceai.^ A stove plant ; growin? two feet hi;h ; with bright rose-colored (lowers ; appearing in spring \ a native of Java ; increased by cuttings ; cultivated in peat, loam, and sand. Flore des Serres, pi. 217. 1847. This is one of the prettiest of this family, which, we regret to say, is very little known in our collections, though the old I. coccinea has been introduced many years. I. salicifolia has very long and narrow leaves, and the flowers, which at first are of a bright nankeen, change, as they open, to a rose ver- milion. The corymbs are ample, and, by the variety of tints, form a showy object. Introduced into the collection of Van Houtte from Java, where it first flowered in March last. It requires the same treatment as the I. coccinea. {Flore des Ser?-es, April.) 26. Gloxi'nia teuchleri (hybrid) Hort. Teuchler's Gloxinia. {Gesner dcecs.) a greenhouse plant ; growing a foot lii^li ; wiili bUie and scarlet flowers ; appearing all sum- mer ; a hybrid ; increased by cuttings ; cultivated in peat, leaf mould, and loam. Flore des Ser- res, pi. 2iO. 1617. This is one of the most magnificent hybrids which has been produced, having the ground color of the old G. rubra, and distinctly marked with large bands or stripes of deep blue, of the color of G. caulescens. It is said to have been obtained from seed by M. Teuchler, of Bohemia, between the G. caulescens and rubra, the flowers being the size of the former. Recently, many amateurs have visited the garden of Van Houtte to see it in flower, doubting the remarkable coloring which has been given in the plate. We hope soon to ss^, it in our collections. {Flore des iSerres, April.) 27. L'lLiu:,! callo^sum Zucc. Hard-bracted Lily, {hili- dcecB.) A greenhouse bulb ; growing two feet high -, wilh scarlet flowirs : appearing in summer ; a na- tive of Japan ; increased by ortsets ; culiivateU in peat, leiif mould, and loam. Flore des Serres, pi. 23U. 1S47. A very delicate species of lily, with linear, grass-like leaves, 404 Floricultiiral and Botanical Notices. and small scarlet flowers, having two bracts, terminated in a small roiuidish hardened point. It is a native of Japan, and was found by Siebold at an elevation of one or two thousand feet above the sea, where it grew in abundance in a volcanic soil. It is a very pretty addition to the lily tribe, flowering as it does at the same time of the larger Japan kinds. It is cul- tivated in the same manner. {Flore cles Serres, Ma}^.) 28. He'nfreya sca'ndens Lindl. Chmbing Henfreya. (Aca;i- tliaC€(E.^ A greenhouse plant ; growing three or four feet high ; with white and rose-colored flowers ; ap- pearing in spring ; increased by cuttings ; cultivated iu peat, loam, and sand. Flore des Serres, pi. :331. 1847. A beautiful species of*a new genus, remarkable for its climbing habit, — unusual in this family, — its beautiful foliage, and terminal clusters of Urge white flowers, tinted with rose. Its native country is not given ; but it flowered in England last spring in the collection of Mr. Knight, and a medal was awarded by the London Horticultural Society for a fine speci- men. It is increased by cuttings, and grown in a rich light soil. {Flore des Serres, May.) 29. Ce^reus grandiflo^ro-speciosi'ssimus Maynardii Nob. May- nard's Cereus. [Cactdcece). a greenhouse plant ; growing four feet hi^h; with orange scarlet flowers ; appearing in spring ; an English hybrid ; increased by cuttings ; grown in ricll soil. Flore des Serres, pi. 23o. 1847. Many attempts have been made to produce new varieties of the cereus, between grandiflorus and speciosissinius ; but we are not aware of any successful accomplishment of the ob- ject, except the plant now under notice. It has been thought that some singularly fine kinds might be the result of the union of these two. The specimen before us is certainly very showy ; having a stem similar to the grandiflorus, and flow- ers somewhat like it in form, but of a deep orange scarlet shade : the pale tint of the former having neutralized the rich violet hue of the speciosissinius. The flower has two rows of numerous petals, the outer ones standhig erect, and the in- ner ones with the ends curved inward. Their diameter is 9 to 10 inches. This variety was produced from the seed of speciosissimus, impregnated with grandiflorus, by Mr. Keynes, gardener to Viscount Maynard. It is of vigorous habit, flowers freely FlorirAiUural and Botanical Notices. 405 and abundantly, and the flowers remain in beauty two or three days. It is a fine addition to this showy and brilliant family. {Flore des Serves, June.) 30. AzaYea indica exquisi^ta Ho7-t. Charming Azalea. (E?-i- cdce(S.) A greenhouse plant; growing three feet hi^h ; with variegated flowers; appearing in spring ; a garden hybrid. Flore des Serres, pi. 239. 1847. The production of seedling azaleas has greatly increased during the last few years, and the English, French, and Bel- gians, have raised many superior varieties ; our own ama- teurs have also given this fine tribe much attention, and some of their seedlings are among the best in our collections. The variety now under notice is one which well represents its name, being exquisitely beautiful : the flowers are of a deli- cate rose, mottled with a deeper shade, striped with crimson, and edged with white. It is of a robust habit, and an abun- dant bloomer, and must rank among the very choicest which have yet been produced. It was raised by Mr. Smith, of Norbiton, near London, who has been one of the most suc- cessful cultivator'^ of seedling azaleas and rhododendrons. {Flore des Serres, June.) 31. Azalea indica stria^ta formosi'ssima Hort. Beautiful striped Azalea. (E/*icdce«.) A peculiarly delicate and unique variety, raised by Mr. Van Geersdale, of Ghent. The flowers are white, elegantly and irregularly striped with pale rosy violet ; they are large and of handsome form, and abundantly produced. It is a tine companion to the exquisita. Gledstanesi/, and others of the same style of flowers, being distinct from either. The plant is of good habit. {Flore des Serres, June.) 32. Calceolarias. Van Houtte's Seedlings. Amateurs, who have seen the ordinary seedlings which have been shown at our exhibiiions, can form no conception of the beauty of the new ones, raised by M. Van Houtte, of Ghent. About twelve varieties are figured in the Flore des Serres, for June, and they are of the most remarkable char- acter, both foi the variety of their spots, blotches, bands, and pencillings, as well as for their brilliant colors. 406 Alleii on the Culture of the Graj)e. REVIEWS. Art. I. The Culture of the Grape. By J. Fisk Allen. Em- bracing Directions for the Treatment of the Vine in the Nor- thern States of America, in the Open Air, and under Glass Structm-es, with or without artificial heat. Pamplilet, 8vo. 56 pages. Boston, 1847. The culture of the grape, under glass, is rapidly extending every year. In our northern climate, where, except in cities, this delicious fruit cannot be produced in the open air, in any perfection, a grape-house, either with or without heat, will soon be a necessary appendage to every garden of any extent. A few years since, a bunch of handsome grapes, even as early as September, was quite a rare production, and commanded a very liberal price. Now our market is supplied with them from April to December, and at such reasonable rates, as to greatly increase the consumption of such a healthy fruit. The increased attention which has been given to its culti- vation, has demanded more information in regard to the treat- ment and management of the vines. With the exception of Prince's Treatise^ there has been no elementary work, adapted to our climate, to which amateurs could refer, and the princi- pal information has been given through the pages of our Magazine. A book, of the character of that before us, has been wanted, and Mr. Allen, whose experience as an exten- sive cultivator for the supply of large quantities of fruit, has been extensive, and his practice successful, has been so often applied to for information in regard to this subject, that he has been induced to give the results of his experience in the pamphlet now under notice. The cultivation of the grape in England has been exten- sively pursued] and many treatises have been written upon the subject: oneof the best of these isthatof Speechly, whohas been considered the best cultivator. But neither his, nor other treatises of foreign writers, are wholly adapted to our climate, and the young tyro who follows them, is often sadly disap- pointed in his crop. The difference of climate requires differ- ent modes of management, and althougli valuable hints and Allen on the Culture of the Grcqic. 407 suggestions may be learned from Speeehly, and other writers, yet there will be much judgment to be exercised in applying their practice to our own. Mr. Allen has thus alluded to this : — " There are several works published in England, written by practical men, giving ample directions for the cultivation of the grape in that coun- try ; but the climate of the Northern States of America is so different from that of England, that, however well calculated these directions may be for the latter, they can hardly be expected to suit the former. The tempera- ture of England is milder, and is not subject to the great extremes of heat and cold which we experience. The searching northwesterly winds, which prevail with us in New England in the winter and early spring months, with the mercury often at zero, and even below that point, and the sudden changes we are liable to, in this season of the yeai, often equal to forty de- grees in a few hours, render the care requisite, for the successful forced culture of fruit, very great, and the process a more difficult one, in (his coun- try, than in England." — p. 2. In regard to the "more difficult" process of producing the grape, in this country, the atUhor undoubtedly alludes to early forcing ; for we apprehend that in cold houses the process re- quires as little care, if not much less, than in England. The directions, Mr, Allen remarks, " are intended for those who may dgsire to cultivate this fruit, for their own pleasure or convenience, and do not wish to incur the expense of a regularly educated gardener, and who have felt the want of a concise and simple explanation of the process, and the rules by which the operations of forcing and of growing grapes, under glass structures, can be carried out." Mr. Allen thus alludes to some of the advantages of our climate over that of England : — " The disadvantages we labor under, in this country, in forcing fruit, from the extreme coldness of the weather in winter, are counterbalanced, in some degree, by the superior brilliancy of the sun, and consequent dryness of the atmosphere, at the time of ripening, which gives a flavor to tiie fruit, such as it can rarely be made to attain, in the moist, dull, and cloudy weather of England. The variations of the temperature are always in- dicated by a Fahrenheit thermometer." — p. 4. Having just written our article upon the treatment of the grape in the greenhouse, (p. 293,) and having given our 408 Allen on the Cnlture of the Grape. views in relation to the formation of the border and general management of the vine, we shall briefly notice some of the directions of Mr. Allen, which differ from our own ; particu- larly his views in relation to the preparation of grape borders. The work commences with the grapery, — its location, — the formation of the border, — planting the vines, — and their treat- ment for five years successively. The forcing of the grape, — the retarding-house. — list of varieties, — and, in conclusion, the pruning and training of out-door grapes. "First in order," the author remarks, "and of the utmost importance, is the situation of the house. It must be so lo- cated that stagnant water will not remain on the border, or within reach of the roots of the vine." These directions are all-important, and cannot be deviated from in the successful management of the grape. Not so, however, the direction, that " the house should front the south," or "a slight varia- tion, provided it is to the east." If forcing was only to be the object, this would hold true; but, for the ordinary culture of the grape, either with or without heat, it is, by no means, necessary. In our bright climate, any position but a northern one, will enable the cultivator to produce the most delicious grapes. We wish this to be understood, because there are many small gardens where it would be desirable to have a grape- house ; but where the location of the dwelling, or the form of the garden, would not allow of its being so placed, without set- ting at nought all appearance of harmony and good arrange- ment. It may be set down as a rule, that a grape-house may be so situated as to face any point from East to West, and without the least injury to the crop of fruit. The preparation of the border is next in importance. Mr. Allen's plan is as follows : — " If the soil is a good loam, begin at one end and trench it ; mark off ten feet the entire width ; throw out the soil two feet deep ; if bones, or the carcases of aninmals can be had, cover the bottom well with them ; if these are not readily procured, slaughter-house manure maybe substituted; mark off ten feet more of the border, and cover this manure with part of the soil from it ; upon this, put an inch or two of oyster shells, or old lime rubbish, mixed with broken bricks ; over this, put some soil from the border ; then a good covering of cow manure ; upon this, a slight covering of loam again, followed with a good portion of oyster shells, or the substitute ; and over this, a thick coveting of stable manure, well rotted ; finish with a covering Allen on the Culture of the Grape. 409 of the loam. The whole length is to be made hi this manner, in alternate spaces of ten feet each trenching. After it is finished, the border should be three feet six inches deep ; it will settle to less than three feet in a few months ; any soil left, after it is finished, can be carried off. The proportions recommended for this border, are one half loam, one fourth bones, or other strong manure, one eighth oyster shells, or lime and brick rubbish, and one eighth rotten stable manure." — p. 7. It will be noticed that Mr. Allen recommends the plan of many English cultivators, viz : the employment of the car- casses of animals, if they can be had, in the making of the border. They may undoubtedly be used ; but, as we have re- marked in the article alluded to, we believe they are, by no means, important, and, indeed, rather to be objected to, espec- ially in retentive soils ; and we are sure such borders never give better crops, or more delicious fruit than those which are made without them. We advised a thorough trenching of the border, but Mr. Allen directs that, although made up in layers, yet that the sm-face should only be spaded over be- fore planting. Trenching could not of course be done where there were dead carcasses ; but yet the compost above these should be, in onr opinion, well intermixed. The best English grape growers, with one or two exceptions, advise this. The planting of the vines and general management is near- ly the same as we have already laid down. In the forcing of the vine, Mr. Allen has had excellent suc- cess ; and his remarks under this head are of great value. For several years he has exhibited fine fruit in May and June, which has attested his successful management. It is this portion of the work which will be read with great interest, for although we do not expect the number of cultivators will be numerous, who will attempt forcing, in comparison with those who rear the grape in cold houses, yet the directions are so explicit, that, with good judgment, and proper attention, those who would make the attempt will be successful, if his directions are followed. To the work we must refer for these in detail. We only here notice some of the general rules which are laid down : — "If it is intended to winter-force, you must not commence the process,. the first year, before the first of March ; the second year, you may begiu. VOL. xni. — NO. IX, 37 410 Allen on the Cnlttire of the Grai~>e. the middle of February ; the third year, the first of FebniaTy, and so on, fifteen days earlier every year, until you reach the first of December ; be- yond this you can hardly go, as this allows only time to prune and clean the vine after it has gone into rest. In a house that is forced in December or January, every year, (en pounds of grapes is quite as much as each vine will perfect, on an average of years." — p. 23. From the Diary of the vines during the last winter, we learn that fires were first made, and forcing commenced De- cember 20th, 1S46! First flowers opened February 15th. Grapes began to color April 10th. Fully ripe May 20th. Being a period of five months. The retarding of vines has been tried by Mr. Allen. And he still continues the practice, producing grapes by the means very late in autumn. The treatment of the vines is the same as for the grapery, the only difference being the exclu- sion of the snn by shading with mats, to keep them back as much as possible. The vines are usually retarded about ten days : — " Early in March, the sun must be excluded from the house ; this can be done by spreading sails, or mats, over the glass ; the doors and lights must be open day and night when the temperature is above freezing. In May, when the vines push their buds, the covering must be removed from the glass: keep the temperature as low as possible, night and day, during the summer ; the end of May, or early in June, the vines should be put to the rods, or trellis. Early in July, the grapes will be in blossom ; apply the sulphur now to the floor of the house, and observe the vines carefully during this and the next month ; if the mildew appear on the wood, fruit, or foliage, shut the house at night, and apply more sulphur. Never allow it to remain on the fruit; if, by accident, any should get on, brush it off immediately,— open- ing the house by day, as in any grapery. Early in August, the grapes will require to be thinned. In October, when the nights become cool, close the doors and windows, {ivhcre it has not been done before on account of mildew,) giving as much air, and keeping as low a temperature, {rvhen the sun shines,) by day, as possible. In November, small fires must be made and kept up in the night-lime and in cloudy weather. The fruit will be ripe the last of November and in December ; after which, the house must be kept as dry as possible, having sufficient fires to keep out the frost. After the fruit and foliage are off, prune the vines, and protect them from the frost."— pp. 31. 32. General Notices. 411 We believe the process of retarding grapes, as practised by- Mr. Allen, will soon be generally adopted by gentlemen who are desirous of having grapes upon their tables half the year, without forcing, and at little expense. If the proper kinds are selected, the fruit will hang upon the vines in excellent order till January. The Black Hamburgh, Wihnot's New Black Hamburgh, West's St. Peters, St. Peters, (old,) Black Prince, and Syrian are the principal sorts. In our January number (p. 43,) we presented our readers with an excellent paper by Mr. Allen on the merits of thirty- two varieties of grapes which he had fruited in his collec- tion. Among them are included nearly all the sorts he rec- ommends for cultivation. He has, however, given a list of names of upwards of fifty kinds which are found in foreign collections, some^of which he has already proved. Two years hence the qualities of all of them will be ascertained from vines in Mr. Allen's, and other collections around Bos- ton; and we shall not fail to give our readers an early and full account of them, especially such as prove valuable ac- quisitions. The concluding chapter is devoted to an explanation of the different systems of pruning and training the vine. Mr. Hoai'splan is first noticed; next the ordinary method of long canes ; and last the spur system. In conclusion, we may recommend this little treatise to the attention of every grape-grower, convinced that he will rise from its perusal, with a better knowledge of the proper treat- ment of this most delicious fruit. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. I. General Notices. Propagation of Plants for the next Season. — The summer garden is now in its glory, and amply repays its possessor for all his expense, labor, and care. Verbenas, petunias, and other creeping plants nearly cover the beds ; pelargoniums, salvias, and fuchsias have assumed their deep and rich tints, and dahlias rule over the whole in profuse magnificence. The amateur be- gins to take breath for a while, and basks in the paradise himself has cre- ateii; Weeds are now less luxuriant, and lawns appear to repose in their rich green, sometimes, indeed, too much imbrowned by the summer suns. 412 General Notices. From the present time till the middle of September, this beauty will rather increase than diminish, and the labor demanded will be less than at earlier seasons of the year. But we must intrude upon this state of repose by the note of warning and remind the amateur that, if he wishes a repetition of the scene before him next year, he must propagate at once. Many plants should now be well rooted, such as wallflowers, pinks, and carnations ; biennials should be sown, and roses budded. But it is to the propagation of exotic plants, re- quiring the management of a frame, that I now call attention, and would advise the following mode of treatment : — First, let a gentle hot-bed be made. If you have a spent melon or cucumber bed, that will do, if the old dung is mixed, to the depth of a foot, with leaves and mowings of grass. You may either insert your cuttings in the mould in the frame or in pots. The latter plan is preferable on many accounts ; the cuttings strike easily against the sides of the pots, and they can be moved more readily. Indeed, many things will be best left together in the striking pots until the spring, and consequently they should be grown in a vehicle which can easily be re- moved. The soil should be fine, yet porous, having a good portion of sand mixed with it. As a general rule, the cuttings should be wood of this year's growth, having consistency and strength at the part to be inserted in the ground. Pelargoniums strike without any difficulty, and will scarcely fail under the most ordinary management ; other plants are more difficult, yielding more easily to damp, wind, &c. Let every cutting be taken off at a joint, and inserted firmly into the soil. If the soil is moist, water need not be applied, except in small portions. It often happens that an excess of water causes a cutting to perish. Skill is shown in keeping the leaves from drooping ; for, if they do so to any extent, they seldom recover their crispness ; and every gardener knows that a cutting with half-withered leaves has liltle chance. Place the pots in the frame as soon as they are filled, and keep them close for a few hours. Attentively watch them ; pick off dead leaves, and maintain a gentle heat. By treatment of this kind, and by remember- mg the different habits of the woody and the succulent varieties, you w-ill accomplish your purpose, and be independent of nurserymen and friends an- other year. Do not be afraid of having too many ; but cut w-herever you can without injuring the beauty of your beds. Some are sure to die, and by misfortune, many may. Provide an abundance, and then you will be able to do to others as you are often glad they should do to you — give some away. In looking over the propagating department of the garden at Putteridge, belonging to Colonel Sowerby, I was surprised to find that, under the hot suns of May, thousands of cuttings just put in did not flag in the least, al- though they had no shade but the glass. Mr. Fish informed me that this was accomplished by keeping the plants a sufficient distance from the "lass. By this simple arrangement, the light becomes difliised before it reaches the plants ; whereas, if the glass were too near, they would require shading, or be parched up. With these hints, added to his own experience and obser- General Notices. 413 vation, it is hoped the reader will secure for himself another season of as great beauty and abundance as I presume he is cnjoyuig at the present time. — {Gard. Chron., 1847, p. 541.) Pruning the Danksian Rose. — This ruse differs widely in appearance from other roses, and tlie difficulty experienced by many in inducing ii to grow and flower freely, points out the error of treating it as other roses. It is met with in the regular course of business, and the question that it is a rose being satisfactorily determined, it is pruned as a rose ; the how, when, and where being never once thought of. Hence the cause of the disappoint ment that so frequently ensues. JS'ow, how pleasant it would be, if, with a little management, the many barren plants could be induced to change their character, and thus convert barrenness into a source of admiration and delight. To accomplish this end, do not prune the Banksian at set sea- sons, as with other roses. It is disposed to form strong shoots in the sum- mer time. Watch for the appearance of these, and, so soon as they are about a foot long, pinch off their tops. In consequence of this check, they will form laterals, whicii become well ripened, and flower with certainty. It is necessary to cut their tops off early in spring, and from this period the plants should be watched throughout the growing season. Where too many shoots arise from one spot, let some be broken out entirely when young, and let the others be stopped when they attain the length belore mentioned. There was a plant which covered one side of a house in tliis neighborhood, but which was unfortunately destroyed by the severe frost during the winter of 1837-8. It was subjected to the treatment mentioned above, and produced annually thousands of its beautiful blossoms. — {lo. pp. 611, 542 ) Replacement of Branches in Fruit Trees. — I observed that Monsieur Jamin (Paris) whenever his pear trees, trained distaff fashion, required a branch, he made, in the autumn or winter, an incision above a dormant eye through the bark and down the sides, and that this process invariably produced a branch. I have followed this plan last year with success, except that, in some instances, a bloom shoot, instead of a leaf-shoot, has been produced. I observe that Mr. Rivers has not yet explained the rationale of doublu-w ork- ing refractory pears. I suppose he will if he can. I have a tree of the purple-leaved filbert, which, last year and this year, bore fruit, and a few of them, the husks being of a beautiful purple brown, mixed with the com- mon sort, is very ornamental in a dessert-plate. The tree itself is nearly as beauliful, as a shrub, as the purple beech. — {lb. p. 541.) Autumn Pruning Fruit Trees. — The present is one of the most impor- tant periods of the whole year as to giving due attention to fruit-trees. The autumn will soon appioach with rapid strides, the solar light become much diminished, and the soil perhaps starved by heavy rains. It will then be too late to talk of the benefits of light to trained fruit-trees. We are of opinion that all tender fruit-trees, trained, will now be benefited by a con_ slant stopping of the growing shoots. Any amount of control may be exer. cised over the roots by such means. Of what use is tlie excitement of so late a root action as we frequently see encouraged by means of enriched 37* 414 General Notices. soils and the neglect of stopping ? As much of the ascending current as will keep the leaves well fed and sustain their color, will, we believe, be quite sufficient after the middle of August. In looking over peaches and nectarines, it will be found that many of the shoots, which were deemed necessary and nailed in for succeeding crops, will begin to overlap each other. We stop many of these at this period without hesitation. Pears, too, whatever superfluous shoots may have been retained — with the idea of preventing the blossom-buds of next year from " breaking" — should now be well shortened back. In doing this, there is no occasion to strip them en- tirely away ; this would remove too many valuable organs. Our practice is, and we are very successful in pear culture, to merely shorten them suffi- ciently to admit the sun's rays with freedom. The sturnps cut thus back (each carrying three or four efficient leaves) will assist in producing elab- orated matter, both to feed the fruit and to invigorate the embryo blossom buds, now actively engaged in depositing food for a healthy development in the ensuing spring. — {lb. p. 544.) Culture of Vines in Pots. — At p. 292, " A Novice" requested informa- tion on this subject, and, as the call has not been responded to, I venture to send you the details of a practice which will affiard ample success, if fol- lowed out. Any variety may be fruited in pots, but there are some which ought to take the lead, either in a limited, or extensive, collection, amongst which are the Black Hamburgh ; the White Muscat of Alexandria, \^hich is a truly splendid grape, in pots, and much more certain in setting the fruit than when planted in the border ; the White Frontignan ; Chasselas Musque ; St. Peters ; and, for very early forcing, the White "Verdelho : these are es- tablished favorites, but others may be introduced when variety is desired. Propagation should be effectem Anson Dexter, Red currants. Fiom J. Lovett, Knevelt's Giant raspberries, Red Warrington gooseberries, (?) fine, and Houghton's Seedling; the latter variety very handsome. From Otis Johnson, Made- leine pears of fine flavor. The Committee on Fruit have awarded the following Prizes : — Strawberries. — For the best specimens, Hovey's Seedling, to S. Richardson, $6. For the second best, Hovey's seedling, to A. Aspinwall, $4. For the third best, Hovey's Seedling, to I. Fay, $3. Cherries. — For the best specimen. Black Tartarian, to O. Johnson, $6. For the second best, Downer's late Red, to S. Walker, $4. Raspberries. — For the best specimen , Knevett's Giant, to J. Lovett, $ 5. For the second best, FastolfF, to Hovey & Co., $ 3. Gratuity. — For a seedling cherry, to S. & G. Hyde, $6. Special Premiums for Cherries. — To. M. P. Wilder, for the Black Eagle, $5. To S. Walker, for Downer's late Red, $5. Vegetables. — From R. Williams, three splendid varieties of wheat, with a specimen of chess from St. Joseph County, Michigan. From A. D. Williams, some fine Drumhead cabbages. From John Munroe, fine Marrow squash. From James Nugent, tomatoes. August Hlh. Exhibited. — Flowers : From Messrs. Hovey & Co., six plants in pots, comprising the following, most of them entirely new : — Trachelium caeriileum. Gloxinia Cartont, Cestrum roseum, (new,) Maid of Orleans Jasmine, (double and beautiful,) and £iica versicolor and vagans ; also six hand and one pyramidal bouquet, and fine double balsams. From Cheever Newhall, a plant of Lagerstroe mta indica, ten feet high, and six feet in diameter, full of bloom. From Joseph Breck & Co., fine double balsams, and a great variety of other cut flowers. From James Nugent, six hand bouquets, and fine double balsams. From J. L. L. F. Warren, two mantel and six hand bouquets, fine double balsams, gladiolus, and other cut flowers. From F. R. Bigelow, three flowers of Ceieus triangu- laris on one stem. From T. H. Perkins by William Quant, splendid double balsams. From S. R. Johnson, fine double balsams and other cut flowers. From 0. H. Mathers by Thomas Needham, veiy fine double balsams. From G. C. Crowninshield by John Quant, very fine double balsams. Bou- quets, &c., from A. Bowditch, A. Dexter, John Parker, J. Thomas, Messrs. Winships, and W. Kenrick. Premiums were awarded as follows : — Double Balsams. — For the best display, to William Quant, $3. For the second best, to Thomas Needham, $2. For the third best, to John Quant, $ 1 . Massachusetts Ilorticidtiiral Society. 427 Bouquets, &-c. — For ihe best six hand bouquets, to Hovey & Co., $2. For the next best, to James Nugent, $ 1. For the best mantel, to J. L. L. F. \N arren, $2. For the best pyramidal, to Hovey & Co., $2. Plants in Pots. — For six plants, to J. Thomas, $2. For six plants, to Hovey & Co., $ 1 Gratuities. — The Committee recommend a gratuity of $ 3 to Cheever Nevvhall for a fine plant of Lagerslrce'mia indica. For a moss vase and bouquet, to J. Thomas, $ 2. For a pyramid of Flowers, to Miss Ru&sell, $ 1. The Committee give notice that no premiums will hereafter be given for designs, nor for any other than hand or mantel bouquets until the Anr.ual Exhibition. Fruit. — From J. F Allen, Black Hamburgh grapes; Grosse Mignonne and Cooiedge's Favorite peaches ; Franconia rasjiberries ; Black figs ; Mont- morency cherries ; the Montmorency cherries were picked two weeks pre- vious and laid aside, fully exposed to light and air, and were in a fine state of preservation. From C. F. Putnam, Jolimont pears. From T. H. Per- kins, by W. Quant, green Persian melons. From the Pomological Gar- den, Charlomonski and Tetofsky apples, and Rivers's Early No. 1 plums. From E. M. Richards, Summer, (of England,) Summer Rose, Early Bough, Early Harvest, and fine Ked Aslrachan apples ; also a fine Chris- tiana melon. From J. Owen, handsome Early Harvest apples, and Jargon- elle (of the French) pears. From H. Vandine, three kinds of plums, and Sopsavine apples. Messrs. Hovey & Co. exhibited eleven kinds of grapes, as follows: — Black HamDurgh, VVilmot's Black Hamburgh, Bourdales, White Fron- tignan, Muscat Blanc Hatif, Piimaston White Cluster, Red Chastielas, Chasselas of Fontainebleau, Macready's Early While, Grizzly Froiuignan, and Chapial, the last a new grape received from France, very handsome; also Doyenne d'F.te pears, and Lemercier cherries. From J. Hovey, fine Early Harvest, and Williams's apples. From J. Lovett, Red Astrachan apples, gooseberries, and beautiful blackberries. From S. Walker, Early Harvest apples. From J. L. L. F. Warren, Franconia raspberrie.«, and Sopsavine apples. From J. Washburn, Red Astrachan apples; plimis for a name. From B. V. French, large and fine blackberries. Fiom Uiis Johnson, White Dutch currants. August 21. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day — Vice President Richards in the chair. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Society : — Jesse Hall, James Ingersoll, \\ illiam H. Milton, Boston ; Hiram Brooks, Cam- bridge. Adjourned one week, to August 28iii. Exhibited. — Flovvkrs : From Messrs. J. Breck ^ Co., a great variety of fine phloxes, including Eclipse, picta, Charles, Nymphffi'a alba, paniculata alba, grandiflora nova, Richardson??, Wilder?, Frelinghuysen, rosea super- ba, CEil de Lynx, Fleur de Marie, &c. ; also double balsams, verbenas, Didibcus caerulea, and a variety of other annuals and perennials. From 428 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Thomas Needham, a variety of fine phloxes, viz : Princesse Marianne, Van HoultJt, Cromwell, Kleur de Marie, bicolor, &c. ; also dahlias, inarigi-lds, balsams, and other cut flowers. From Parker Barnes, phloxes and dahlias in variety, and cut flowers ; also two superb specimens of Ipomopsis picta. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., several new and fine phloxes, viz : PrinceSse Marianne, CE.l de Lynx, Kermesina, NymphiE^a alba, Goethe, a new and el- egant striped variety, Blanc de Neuilly, Apollo, &c., these came too late for competition ; also, plants of Achimenes picta, longiflora, grandiflora and patens, and Gesn^rci tubiflora ; six hand bouquets. From J. L. L. F. War- ren, six hand and two mantel bouquets; Gladiolus floribiindus, gandav^nsis, natalensis liybrida, balsams, phloxes, and cut flowers in variety. Bouquets and cut flowers from S. Walker, S. R. Johnson, Anson Dexter, Messrs. Winship, John Hovey, Jas. Nugent and W. Kenrick. Award of Premiums : — Phloxes. — For the best 10 varieties, to J. Breck & Co., $6. For the second best 10 varieties, to S. Walker, $;4. For the third best 10 varieties, to Parker Barnes, S3. Pl.^nts in Pots. — For the best six pot plants, to Hovey & Co., $2. BocQUETS. — For the best six hand bouquets, to Hovey & Co., $2. For the second best six, to J. L. L. F. Warren, $1. For the best pair of mantel bouquets, to J. L. L. F. Warren, $2. For the second best pair, to James Nugent, $\.. Gratuities. — To Hovey & Co., for two plants of G^snera tubiflora, $3. To Parker Barnes, for two fine specimens of Ipomopsis picta, ^2. To Miss Russell for a basket of flowers, fl. Fruit — From J. F. Allen, Crawford's Early, Noblesse, variety un- known, Grosse Mignonne, Lafayette, Cooledge's Favorite, and Belle Garde peaches; Hunt's Tawny Nectarine, Sugar Top, Summer Francreal, and Jargonelle pears ; Black Hamburgh, Gascoigne, Grizzly Frontignan, and Wortly Hall Seedling grapes, and Black Fig. From the Pomological Garden, Cheston or Matchless plums, and Sparhawk's apples. From Otis Johnson, Jargonelle, and Bloodgood pears ; and Early Bough apples, fine. From J. L. L. F. Warren, English Jargonelle, and French Jargonelle pears ; Sopsavine, and River apples. From A. D. Williams & Son, Williams' Fa- vorite, and other apples ; Jargonelle, and other pears. Fiom J. S. Sleeper, Apricot plums. From O. H. Mathers, by T. Needham, Black Hamburgh, Chassclas Musque, White Frontignan, Frankendale, and Chasselas de Fon- tainebleau grapes. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., eleven varieties of grapes, as follows: — Bourdales, Chaptal, Chasselas de Fontainebleau, Grizzly Frontignan, Black Prince, Pitmaston White Cluster, Esperione, Black Hamburgh, Muscat Blanc llatif, Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, White Frontignan. Fnmi A. Bowdilch, Black Hamburgh, and Royal Muscadine grapes. From H. Vandiue, Early Black, Royal de Tours, Wilmot's Early Orleans, and Early Yellow Gage plums ; also, a Seedling peach and Sopsavine ap. pies. From E. M. Richards, Summer apple. Red Astrachan, Early Bough, Banoni, Red Juneating, and River, (fine) apples ; also, Christiana Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 429 melon. From Josiah Lovett, 2d, Jargonelle pears; Early Cross plum ; ex- tra fine blackberries, and Red Astrachan apples, fine. From J. Hovey, Williams' Favorite apples, fine ; and plums. From James Nugent, Sweet- water grapes. From James W. Sever, pears. From Samuel Tufls, Moor- park apricot. From Anson Dexter, Summer Francreal pears. August 2Sth. — An adjourned meeting of the Society was held to-day — Vice President, E. M. Richards in the chair. A communication was read from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, extending an invitation for delegates to attend their Exhibition to be held in September next. Voted, That it be placed in the hands of the Corresponding Secretary, to reply lo. Voted, to adjourn for two weeks. Exhibited. — Flowers : From J. Breck & Co., cut flowers in great vari- ety. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., a great variety of Noisette, Tea and Bengal roses, and six hand bouquets. From W. Mellar, a variety of dah- lias, among which we noticed fine flowers of Punch, Marchioness of Corn- wallis Arethusa, La Polka, &c. Cut flowers, dahlias and bouquets from J. Thomas, W. B. Richards, S. R. Johnson, P. Barnes, S. Walker, A. Bowditch, J. L. L. F. Warren, T. Needham, Jas. Nugent, H. S. Waldo, E. M. Richards, Messrs Winships, W. Kenrick,and P.Barnes. From J. Quant, six plants of very fine cockscombs. Premiums were awarded as follows : — Bouquets. — For the best six hard bouquets, to Hovey & Co., $2. For the second best six hand bouquets, to A. Bowditch, $ 1. For the best pair of mantel bouquets, to J. L. L. F. Warren, $2. For the second best pair of mantel bouquets, to James Nugent, $ 1. Gratuities. — Tlie Committee recommend a gratuity of $ 3 to John Quant, for six fine dwarf cockscombs. To Miss Russell, for a basket of flowers, $ 1. Fruit : From the Pomological Garden of R Manning, No. 1454 Van Mons, and Rostiezer pears, — the latter of the very first quality. From C. F. Putnam, Elizabeth, (Van Mons,) has continued to prove excellent and handsome. From J. F. Allen, five varieties of grapes, Hardwick Seedling, and Newington (?) nectarines, Crawford's Early, very fine, variety unknown, and a Seedling peach of delicious quality. Sugar top, and Summer Franc real pears, and Washington figs. From E. Brown, Lady Haley apples, and Dearborn's Seedling pears. From Eben Wight, Red Astrachan, Benoni, and High top Sweeting ap- ples. From Josiah Lovett, Bloodgood pears. Early Bough apples, and very fine blackberries. From A. D. Williams, Williams's and other sorts of apples; also Beurre d'Amalis pears. From Messrs. Winship, Win- ship's Seedling pear, which pntves to be a fine variety. From L. ]\L Weld, Benoni apples, and St. Ghislain pears. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., ten varieties of grapes, as follows: — Black Hamburgh, Bouidales, Muscat Blanc Hatif, Esperione, Zinfindal, Chasse- las of Fonlainebleau, White Fronliguan, Black Prince, Grizzly Frontig- 430 Obituary. nan, and Wilmot's Black Hamburgh. From T. Needliam, six varieties of fine grapes. From E. M. Richards, Benoni, Early Spice, Summer Pear- main, fine. Summer Queen, and Spice Sweet apples ; also Christiana mel- ons. From Samuel Walker, Summer Franc Real, and Williams's Bon Chretien pears. From J. L. L. F. Warren, Dearborn's Seedling pears. From Otis Johnson, Dearborn's Seedling pears and Early Bough apples, very handsome. From A. Bovvditch-, Black Hamburgh, and Royal Musca- dine grapes. From S. R. Johnson, Washington and Green Gage plums, beautiful specimens. From John Nugent, apples, for a name. From L. P. Grosvenor, Williams', a Seedling, River, Garden Sweet (fine,) Sugar Sweet, Mexico, Quince, Benoni, Hill Top, and Red Astrachan apples. From Isaac Fay, Washington, Royal de Tours, Duane's Purj le, and Apri- cot plums. From J. Washburn, Lawrence's Favorite plums. Vegetables. — From Mr. Crowninshield, by John Quant, some fine egg plants. Art. V. Obituary. Death of Capt. Jonathan Winship. — Died at his residence in Brigh- ton, on Saturday, the 13th of August last, Jonathan Winship, at the age of 62 years. We are pained in announcing the death of Capt. Winship, who is well known as one of our oldest nurserymen. His health has been on the de- cline for some time, but, with the hope of invigorating it, he visited the springs. Receiving no benefit from his journey, he returned home, and soon sunk under the effects of his disease. Capt. Winship for a long period in early life was engaged in seafaring occupations. His first voyage was made in 1803, when he accompanied Capt. O'Cain, as clerk in the ship Ocean, and was absent three years. His second voyage was made, as Master, in 1805, when he was absent four years. In 1809, he sailed on his third voyage, and was absent seven years ; during this time, he visited the North West Coast, and was engaged in the Fur trade and sale of Sandal Wood. He returned in 1816, and retired to his late residence in Brighton. Always deeply interested in the cultivation of trees, which he had prac- tised in his youthful days, he soon conceived the idea of commencing a nursery. The only one which then existed around Boston, was that of the late John Kenrick, father of William and John Kenrick, who still occupy the same premises. In 1824, in connexion with his brother Francis, opera- tions were begun. The grounds which now comprise the nursery were then a barren pasture ; only a small portion of them were ploughed up at first and devoted to trees ; but year by year, as the taste for Horticulture has been disseminated and the demand for trees increased, the nursery has been en- larged, and it now covers about thirty acres of land, filled with a great as- sortment of trees, shrubs and plants. HorticuUural Memoranda. 431 Capt. Winship was one of the earliest members of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and has been one of the most prominent e.\li'bitors ever since its formation. He has been on various committees, whose duties he has always most faithfully discharged ; and, at the time of his death, and for several years previous, was one of its Vice Presidents. No member had a deeper interest in the welfare of the society; and though, within a few years deprived of the opportunity of frequenting the exhibitions, yet the reports show that he did not neglect to contribute liberally of the pro- ducts of his large collection. We need not eulogize his character as a man ; he was too well known to need this from our pen. He was gentlemanly and courteous to all who had intercourse with him ; honest and upright in every dealing. He has left be- hind him a large circle of acquaintances, who deeply sympathize with the bereaved family in the loss of a kind and generous parent. HORTICULTURAL MEMORANDA FOR SEPTEMBER. FRUIT DEPARTMENT. Grape Vines in the cold house will now be coloring rapidly, and will soon be matured. The house should be aired very early in the mornino- ; and except in cold, cloudy or rainy days, left open till late in the afternoon ; keep the laterals pruned off. Vines in the greenhouse, or where the grapes have matured and been cut, should now have all the laterals which have been made since \he first stopping, two eyes beyond the fruit in the sprino-, cut quite back ; this will admit air and light, and thoroughly ripen the wood, which is an important point in grape-growing. Let the house be aired day and night in good weather. Vines in the open air will need the same attention recommended for last month. Strawberry beds may yet be made with success ; old beds, or beds planted in the spring should be kept clear of weeds, and the young runners laid in if plants are wanted for new beds. See directions of last month in reference to planting. Cherry and other fruit trees budded last month will require some attention. See that the strings are not girdling the stocks, and if too tight let them be loosened and tied again with fresh matting. Currant and Goosebtrry Bushes may be safely transplanted this month. Peach Trees should be budded this month. FLOWER DEPARTMENT. Dahlias will be in full flower during this month, and will require occa- sional attention. The main shoot should be kept tied up, and all superflu- 432 Horticultural Memoranda. ous laterals cut out. The flower buds should also be thinned out when fine large flowers are wanted for exhibition. Repeated waterings over the foliage invigorate the plants more than the same quantity of water given at the root. Neapolitan violets should be planted out now in beds, where they are to remain during the winter. A little protection will keep them in fine growing condition, and they will afford an abundance of blooms all the spring. Nemophila, Schizanthus and Mignonette seeds may still be sown for a suc- cession. Chrysanthemums layered last month should be taken up and repotted, and placed in a half shady situation until they recover from their removal lO the pots. Pelargoniums should now be repotted. Let the plants be well shook out of the old earth and put into smaller pots, in a good compost, placing them in a half shady place till well rooted, when they should be exposed to the sun. Cuttings put in last month will be rooted, and should be now j>otted off. Chinese primroses will now require large pots. Heaths, Epacrises, d^c, if the roots have filled the pots, should be shifted into larger ones. Pceomes should be transplanted this month. Ixias, Sparaxis, and other cape bulbs, may be potted this month. White Lilies should be taken up and re-set this month. Japan Lilies will now require but little water. Callas should be now potted. Leschenaultia formosa should now be repotted, and the branches neatly trained to small stakes. B-oses planted out in the borders may be taken up this month and potted, preparatory to placing in the greenhouse or in pits during the winter. Cut- tings put in last month should now be potted off. Plants in pots should now be shifted into a good rich compost. Hyacinths and Tulips may be planted this month. Azaleas should now be raiher sparingly watered in order to ripen the wood, and induce the plants to form flower buds in profusion. Herbaceous perennial plants may be safely transplanted this month. Scarlet Geraniums bedded out may be taken up the latter part of the month and potted. Heliotropes should be re-potted. Verbenas for winter flowering should now be shifted into larger pots. Victoria and other stocks for winter blooming may now be shifted into three inch pots. Carnation layers should be taken up and re-potted this month. Greenhouse plants of all kinds should now have attention, such as prun- ing, top-dressing, washing, &c. before being placed in the house next month : much labor may be saved by attention to this early. THE MAGAZINE OF HORTICULTURE OCTOBER, 1847. ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Art. I. On the Study and Pursuits of Botany. By A. Mitch- ell, M. D. In a Letter to the Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn. Communicated by Gen. Dearborn. Dear Sir, — In the various branches of natural science, there are none of more ancient date than the study and pursuits of botany. The jfirst account of plants may be traced to the history of the creation, by Moses ; and from that period up to the birth of our Savior, when he noticed in his beautiful com- parison of the lily of the valley, with the wisdom of Solomon, it continued to be a theme of study among the ancients; although rude in its conceptions and erratic in its views, it may be said to constitute the basis of this science ; when the illus- trious Linnseus, or the great northern light, emerging from obscurity, gave order and regularity to the study, which ren- dered comparisons more easy ; and, from that date, the spe- cific arrangement and physiology of plants engaged the atten- tion of the most eminent men of the world, and laid the foun- dation of agricultural science. The great civilizer of man was agricultural pursuits, and those patriarchal tribes which adhered to the strict rules of husbandry and agriculture, grew into power and became great and powerful nations, while the precarious subsistence of nomadic tribes, that have depended on the hunt and chase, are rapidly becoming extinct, and the time is not far distant when historical records will be the only proof of their exist- en e. In order that the naturahst should practically benefit his country, his mind should be placed on those objects that may VOL. XIII. — NO. X. 39 434 On the Study and Pnrsuits of Botany. be analyzed and turned into the channel of real and beneficial use to mankind, adding to his comforts, and generating a sup- ply for his wants. The phenomenon of abstruse studies will not be hindered in its progress by such a course ; the real de- velopment of useful facts will gather a stronger body, and in- terest alone will support the practical results. The science of horticulture has greatly improved within the last few years in our New England Slates; there seems to be a general dis- semination of love for the culture of flowers ; among our ladies, this high order of taste, which embellishes the mind, and strengthens the reflective powers, shows that a pleasing rev- olution is going on, which, we trust, will pave the way for research and inquiries in botanical science that will show a well arranged herbarium in every young lady's boudoir. In the analysis and study of plants, something new and pleas- ing is revealed -at every step, and the different analogies gives a wide scope to the thoughts, historically pointing out many things of sacred interest. Thus, the ylcanthus vulgare, or bears-foot, is supposed by Michselis to be the herb which formed the crown for our Savior's head, in the mock derision of his tormentors ; others of eminence suppose it to be the tree called the naba, or nabka, of the Arabians ; the Shittim- wood of Scripture is the black acacia growing in the valley of Sinai; the Arbor infelix is the tree on which the Romans hung their criminals ; and the most ancient canoes are said to have been constructed from the bark of the Cyperus papyrus. The manna of Scripture is said to be produced by a species of Tamarisk ; and by the camel's-thorn {Alhdgi maurorum ;) a similar manna distils from a species of Celastrus, in India ; likewise the common larch affords an inferior manna. Al- though those trees last mentioned produced a manna some- what analogous to the manna of Scripture, yet its constit- uent principles in chemical analysis must have been different ; as we have reasons to suppose that the manna which fed the children of Israel contained nitrogen, as putrefaction would take place if it was kept over night ; this may be considered as an omnipotent design of their Great Preserver to combine all the sustenance possible in this species of food. The vari- ous trees which afford the manna could be introduced and cultivated with success in the tropical portion of our country. On the Study and Piir suits of Botany. 435 Amid all the wonders which unfold themselves in the great temple of nature, there are some in its arcanum which we can but imperfectly comprehend or analyze. The ascen- sion and circulation of sap, to perfect the growth and nutri- tion of plants, has employed some of the most able minds, without arriving at any satisfactory conclusions. I recollect, in the month of April, 1840, that a phenomenon occurred to me which attracted my attention, l^eingout one morning on a ramble in my favorite pursuits,* I discovered a specimen of a bird which I was desirous of obtaining perched upon the loftiest summit of a white birch tree. i?etula populifolia. A discharge of the gun brought down the bird, and, when stoop- ing to pick up my game, I was much surprised at a contin- ued shower of rain, in large drops, oozing from the bn rk of the branches of a large limb just above my head : this contin- uing unabated, I was forced to go from under the limb, to prevent my powder being wet when re-loading. As the leaves had not expanded, and the buds had just begun to germinate, I took particular pains to investigate the matter, as the sky was perfectly clear, and no more than ordinary dew on the grass. The location of the tree was near the base of a high hill, the ground very moist, and studded over with springs of water. The tree on examination proved to be of a healthy structure throughout, and no appearance of water dropping from the limbs of any other part of the tree except the branch alluded to; this, to all appearances, was sweating from every twig and ramification, from the junction of the limb with the main trunk to its termination. This continued for an hour, and 1 left. Returning that way late in the afternoon, the raining from the limb had but slightly diminished, presenting nearly the same appearance as when I loft in the morning. By what law this singular ascension of the aqueous fluid could have taken place in a separate limb of the tree, I am not able to answer, as atmospheric pressure, the epidermis of the bark, are all combining obstacles to the influence of cap- illary attraction, without we consider the principles of ii3'dro- * He is a distinguished ornitholop;i-it, and lins fiirnislied spvrrnl hundred drauliftiliy prepared .specimens ol birds (rom Florida lo Maine, for ihe niuseiun of the ^aUlral His- tory Society in Portland. — //. A. S. D. 436 Notes on Gardens and Nurseries. statics. Time and perseverance will effect a great deal : thus we see the barren hills of your native state changed into lux- uriant fields by the science of agriculture and ingenious labor, its orchards hanging with rich clusters of golden fruit, while its gardens are embellished with every hue of (he gaudy ex- otic and indigenous straggler, v hich shows that systematic regularity is the governing principle which superinduces so much comfort and wealth among an active and enterprising people. With great esteem, I am, dear sir, very respectfully yours, Augustus Mitchell. Hon. H. a. S. Dearborn. A RT. 11. Notes on Gardens and Nurseries. Pomological Garden of R. Mannings Salem, Sept. 18 17. — The collection of fruits, gathered together after a long series of years by the late Mr. Mannhig, — though, at his death, the most extensive in the country, — has been augmented, by his son, by the addition of all the choicest varieties of recent in- troduction to notice. V e recently availed ourselves of the opportunity to look over the collection, and passed a half day in noting down the characteristics of many of the varieties, — their vigor, productiveness, &c. Mr. Manning will fruit upwards of two hundred kinds of pears the present season, a larger number than he has ever had in bearing, and among them some of Van Mons's numbered sorts, which now promise well. The fruit generally is larger and finer than in previous years, and some of the varieties have never been surpassed in size and beauty. A tree of the Marie Louise was literally loaded with fruit, some of which were of the largest size which this delicious pear attains. Many vari- eties received under new names have been detected as syn- onymes, but, as we hope to give our readers an article from Mr. Manning himself, we shall only allude to a few of these. More will undoubtedly be added to the list, when the fruit is mature enough to be eaten. The Duchess of Orleans Mr. Manning thinks one of the best Pomological Garden of R. Manning, Salem. 437 pears in his collection : it is large and handsome, ripening in November, and fully equal to any pear of that season ; the tree is a very vigorous and upright grower, and, although so large a fruit, bears in clusters. Beurre Coloma proves to be the Capiaumont. The Tyson pear has again proved deli- cious, the tree a good bearer, and very vigorous. A Dix pear tree double grafted, on the quince, was loaded with a barrel of splendid fruit. Henkel is a great bearer, and a deli- cious pear, fully equal to the old St. Michael. Prince Ester- haz)'- proves to be the Josephine. The Dundas continues to prove fine, a good bearer, and very handsome. Beurre Ken- rick, named by Van Mons in honor of our friend Mr. Kenrick, is exceedingly large and handsome this year, and a good op- portunity offered to test its qualities; it has been very small in previous years. Eyewood is a great bearer, and Mr. Man- ning thinks it one of the best of Mr. Knight's seedlings. The Stynan is an immense bearer, and its good qualities entitle it to a place in all collections. Las Canas is producing very fine specimens this year ; though of only medium size, it is one of the most delicious pears ; it is productive, bearing in large clusters. Belle Lucrative (known also as Fondante d'Automne,) Fulton, Alpha, and other kinds, were loaded with fruit. The Fulton should be in every collection, and, for market, no sort can be mors profitable. The Golden Beurre of Bilboa grows and bears well on the quince, and Mr. Manning esteems it among our very best varieties. The Calebasse Monstreuse, received by Mr. Manning direct from M. Duval, is in bearing, and is a large, good-looking fruit: it is, however, quite distinct from the Grosse Calebasse of M. Langelier. The Bezi de la Motte was loaded with some of the largest and hand.somest specimens we have ever seen of this variety, which has always proved good here. Of the numerous varieties of Van Mons which promise well are 3G.5, 8.58, 1336, 11.5.5, and 104. One called Rameaux has fine large fruit, yullivan, so named by Mr. JManning, is an excellent pear. Beurre Adam looks well. Paradise d'Au- tomne is one of the most vigorous trees in the Garden, as well as a good bearer; in excellence unsurpassed. The I'etre, a native fruit, has never been properly appreciated ; it isaregular bearer, and a fine pear. Nos. 135 and I48ki Van Mons, which 39* 438 Notes on Gai'dens and Niirsei^ies. Mr. Manning has already noticed, (XII. p. 147,) are now pro- ducing large and fine specimens : as Mr. Manning received permission from Van Mons to name any of the numbered kinds which he received from him, we trust his son will avail himself of the opportunity to do so, not only with these two fine varieties, but with all the numbered ones which may prove worthy of cultivation. Nothing seems more objection- able to us than the dissemination of fruits under numbers in- stead of names. Passing a Baldwin apple tree in full bearing, Mr. Manning stated that it was one on which he tried the experiment of changing the bearing year. It is well known that the Bald- win only bears every other year. To obviate this was the object of Mr. Manning; and, in the spring of 1846, he spent nearly two days in cutting oif all the blossoms. It had the desired effect ; this year, the tree is completely loaded with fruit. This experiment is valuable, for it shows that, in a large orchard, when the trees, by chance, nearly all fruit the same year, any number of them can be made to fruit in the alternate year simply by the labor of destroying all the blos- soms. A tree of that delicious apple, the Minister, was full of fruit, and of very fine size ; Mr. Manning thinks that this, as well as the Porter and Williams, only need a good rich soil and high cultivation to make the fruit free from the de- fects which many cultivators complain of in regard to these sorts. A great number of apples were in bearing ; but we had not time to examine them. Mr. Manning pointed out an English variety which he thinks a decided acquisition, being about equal to the Porter, of large size, roundish form, and with a pale yellow skin ; it is the Golden Noble. The Garden Royal, a native variety, is also a superior early apple : the last speci- mens had just been gathered; it is deserving a place in the most select collection. The trees generally have greatly improved in vigor during tlie last two years ; but the constant cutting of scions has had the tendency to make many sorts unfruitful. Where the trees have had all the young wood taken off, the remaining buds, which ordinarily form fruit spurs, spring into growth, and make very long shoots. A Beurie d'Aremberg was one com- Garden of the Hon. J. S. Cabot. 439 plete and compact head of wood. Mr. Manning's grounds are in excellent order, and afford a rich treat to pomologists. Garden of the Hon. J. S. Cabot. — The most extensive collec- tion of fruits among our amateur cultivators is that of Mr. Cabot. Not only does it contain a very large number, but they are all of the very choicest kinds, and, — what is of more consequence, — grown so as to show what the real characters of the fruits are ; all experienced cultivators are aware, that a pear frequently does not attain its true size and excellence the first or even second year of its bearing; the tree maybe feeble, or it may be the peculiar habit of the variety ; and, in consequence, many pears have been discarded, even before they had produced a perfect specimen. Mr. Cabot's grounds in the city are about an acre in ex- tent, and are filled with large trees, some of which have several kinds on each, and probably nearly a hundred kinds are in fruit. A short distance from the city, he has another garden, stocked with young trees of all the new pears to be had, several of which are already in bearing. Among the new pears, he has one which he received from us as the Monarch, which we noticed some time since, (p. 1.55) ; it is a graft on the top of an old tree, and has upon it only three fruits ; they now look like the true sort ; but, in the course of a month, we shall be able to decide this ; after so many attempts, it will be gratifying to know that we pos- sess the genuine kind which Mr. Knight praised so highly. The Flemish Beauty, and Louise Bonne de Jersey are the handsomest objects among the pears : the latter, on a quince stock, was loaded with very large specimens, while, at Mr. Manning's, on the pear, they were not more than two thirds as large or as fair. The Flemish Beauty, we are induced to think, will prove to be the true Beurre Spence, which Dr. Van Mons thought was the best pear he ever raised; we have some speculations to offer on this head at another time. The Andrews here, as well as at Mr. Manning's, were large and splendid ; this pear has never been properly appreciated ; we place it at the head of our native varieties. Gendesheim is a great bearer, handsome and good ; the Cabot is very hand- some this year ; Pailleau, first noticed by Mr. Manning in our Magazine, Mr. Cabot thinks a very desirable variety. The 440 Notes on Gardeiis and Nurseries. Columbia, Winter Nelis, Beurre d'Avemberg, Van Assene, and oth.^rs, were full of noble specimens. Indeed, we might enumerate fifty kinds, all of which were producing beautiful fruit. Mr. Cabot has one of the choicest collections of herbaceous plants; but, with the exception of the phloxes, ie\Y were in bloom. Clematis Sieb61d<7, trained to a trellis, was covered with its beautiful flowers, and, widi a little protection, it stands our winters without injury. Mr. Cabot has entered zealously into the cultivation of seed- ling pears. Of seedlings of this year from selected seed, he has more than five thousand, and, of previous years, a large quantity, some of which are nearly old enough for bearing : all of them he intends to set out or graft vvith a view to the production of new varieties. With a few such cultivators, we might soon hope to have many additions to our collecyons of this fine fruit. . Mr. Cabot's garden is a model of neatness in every part. Grapery of J. F. Allen. — The culture of the grape is car- ried to a much greater degree of perfection than in former years, and especially m cold houses. Four years ago, (Vol. IX. p. 425,) we noticed Mr. Allen's place before the span- roofed grapery was completed. This house is upwards of eighty feet long, about twenty wide, eight feet high at the sides, and sixteen in the centre. It is planted with vines on each side, and the ends, about three and a half feet apart; and with two rows on each side of the central walk, about three feet apart, making in all upwards of one hundred vines in the grapery. Most of them are now in a bearing state, and embrace a variety of kinds. We noticed very handsome specimens of Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, Wilmot'snew Ham- burgh, (No. 16,) Tottenham Park Muscat, Aleppo, Syrian, Zinfindal, White Frontignan, Rose Chasselas, &:c. These were all nearly ripe. In the retarding house, which we have particularly noticed in our Review of Mr. Allen's work, (p. 410.) the early grapes were just beginning to color, while the latest ones ap- peared quite green : by the aid of the flue, these will be rip- ened oflf in November, and, with an occasional fire, will hang till January, thus continuing the supply for about ten months of the year. Residence of N. Stetson, Esq. 441 The peaches in the peachery had all been cut, and the trees were ripeiihig off a fine crop of wood for next year. Mr. Allen has raised a seedling peach of much merit, which he has called the Alantiing, in honor of the valuable labors of his townsman, the late Mr. Manning : its production was quite accidental ; a sucker from a budded tree had made a very large growth before it was noticed, and Mr. Allen concluded to let it bear fruit: the result was, as we have stated, a very handsome peach only of medium size, but very high flavored. Mr. Allen has succeeded in producing very handsome grapes, and amateur cultivators will be much interested by an in- spection of his hoijse when full of fruit. Bridgewater, Sept. 1847. Residence of N. Stetson, Esq. — We have more than once alluded to the influence which rail- roads have exerted in the dissemination of a taste for horti- cultural pursuits, bringing together, as they do, town and country, and affording an opportunity for the more frequent inspection of collections in and around large cities, by which a taste is fostered and cherished, and imparted to all whose leisure permits them to avail themselves of the facilities of travel. It is not often that we have been so highly gratified with a visit to our suburban friends, as in a recent trip to Bridgowa- ter, and an inspection of the garden of Mr. Stetson. We were aware that he did not undertake any thing but what he car- ried out, but we were not prepared for so complete an exhibi- tion of gardening zeal. It reminded us of our friend John- son's fine place at Lynn, where it would require a very good opera glass to detect that pest of every ambitious gardener, a weed. Perfect neatness prevailed every where. This is the true secret of an attractive garden ; for, no matter how rare or how extensive the collection, if slovenliness is shown at every step, the eye soon tires, and the mind becomes insen- sible to every thing which would otlicrwise astonish and de- light. Mr. Stetson's garden we might term a bijoii'm its way. The garden and houses cover about two acres of land sit- uated nearly half a mile from the station of the Fall River Rail-road at this place, just within a proper distance to catch a glance of the cars as they go and return, and commanding a tine view of a prettily wooded country to the east, with the 442 Notes on Gardens and Niirseries. Taunton River in the distance. The house is a substantial building, of some years' standing, but additions and ahera- tions have been made by Mr. Stetson, which afford all the convenience and comfort which a country residence can pos- sess. The ceilings and walls of the drawing-room have been elegantly done in fresco by an Italian artist. Descending the steps from the veranda of the drawing- room, we alight opposite to the greenhouse ; this, of course, at this season, was only a show of tasteful arrangement in the stage, consisting wholly of strips of cherry wood, run- ning lengthwise, about half an inch apart, which covered the risers as well as the steps, a very neat mode of completing a greenhouse for an amateur : it is about fifty feet long, and fif- teen wide, and the grapes which are intended to cover the rafters, have pushed about half-way up, having been planted last spring. From the greenhouse, a walk leads to the grapery, which is a neat building, with a span roof, constructed on the curvi- linear plan, precisely as described by us in our last volume, (XII. p. 377.) It is fifty feet long, and twenty wide, and built in the most thorough manner. The vines were planted out in the spring of 1846, and have made a very vigorous growth, with some of the strongest shoots nearly an inch in diameter. On each side of the centre walk, there is a row of vines, and some of them have been allowed to ripen a few bunches of fruit. Among the kinds, Mr. Stetson has the Prince Albert, Cannon Hall Muscat, Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, &c. &c. Mr. Stetson has quite a number of wall trees, particularly of pears, embracing the newest and best kinds, such as Col- mar d'Aremberg, which was producing two splendid speci- mens, one of them more than four inches long : this is stated to be a remarkable variety, and, if its quality corresponds with its size, it will be a great acquisition. Winter Nelis, Beurre d'Aremberg, and others of equal merit, had all made very vigorous growths, although only planted last year, and quite small trees. They are trained with much skill. In the open quarters, the trees are vigorous and in fine health, particularly the peaches, which are entirely free from gum. canker, or that great pest the borer; although the stems are at least four inches in diameter. Mr. Stetson is some- Notice of Three New Varieties of Fruit. 443 wliat lavish in the use of whale oil soap, and to this he attrib- utes the cleanliness of his trees : two washings are given dur- ing the season, one in the spring, and the other in the fall, and, with this simple reniedjr, the trees are kept in the most perfect health. We have frequently recommended the appU- cation of soap, and are convinced its general use in the man- ner here stated would soon banish every borer, and many of the diseases which usually affect trees of all kinds, especially the peach. Some of the Crawford's Early measured nine inches in circumference. Mr. Stetson has a fine seedling which sprang up ''^ome years ago, and is now growing against the house to which it is trained. It is one of the most deli- cious as well as most beautiful kinds we haA^e ever seen. The cultivation of the peach needs more encouragement in the way of premiums for superior specimens; for, while we have large amounts yearly distributed for the pear, the peach is nearly or quite forgotten. We might name many of the kinds of standard trees in the garden, which embraces all the best kinds, but our space will not permit ; in a year or two, they will produce an abundance of the choicest fruit. The wall trees will also soon begin to bear, forming a superior collection. The native grape vines on trellises, and on the house, were trained with the greatest precision, showing how much can be done by a little care and attention in the early progress of the vine. The borders were filled with fine flowers : and the prairie roses and other climbing plants trained up to iron pil- lars. Indeed, no part seemed to be forgotten, and, with the additions which will be annually made, Mr. Stetson will pos- sess one of the most interesting places in the county. Art. II. Notice of Three Neto Varieties of Fruit. By Her- man Wendell, Esq., Albany, N. Y. With Descriptions and Engravings. By the Editor. Dear Sir, — With pleasure I send you, for examination and notice, a few pears of a new variety raised from seed by a 444 Notice of Three New Varieties of Fruit. Mr. Sterling, who resides near Buffalo in this state : it is called the Sterling pear : its history, as given me by Messrs. Wilson, Thorbiu-n & Teller, nurserymen of this city, who own the tree, and from which I procured the fruit, is as fol- lows : — Mr. Sterling, being on a visit to Connecticut some eighteen or twenty years since, ate of the fruit of a pear tree Fig. 36. Sterling Pear. growing there, and saved the seeds. On his return home, he planted them, and succeeded in raising and fruiting several trees, all of which, with the exception of this one, proving worthless. Grafts were procured from him, brought to this city, and pre- sented to the above-named individuals, by a gentleman whose residence is in this vicinity, and who vouches for the truth of the above stateaient. The tree is of thrifty growth and up- Notice of Three New Varieties of Fruit. 445 right habit, and an early bearer. It is but two years since the grafts were inserted, and it lias this year borne about two dozen pears. I also send you a few plums of a very delicious character, taken from a tree growing in the garden of Mr. A. Van Voast of this city. It is called the Schenectady Catherine plum, and originated iii a garden of that city. Trees have been growing there for several years past. I cannot account for the remissness of pomologists in that vicinity for allowing so valuable a fruit to remain unknown, comparatively, so long a time. I rank it among the very best, fully equal, in all respects but color, to the Reine Claude. It is a thrifty grower and prolific bearer, having borne large crops of fruit for sev- eral years past : its growth is similar to that of the Imperial Gage. And, together with these, I send you a few specimens of the Judson plum, a valuable seedling, grown by a gentleman of that name residing at Lansingburg, some eight or nine miles north of this city. The tree is said to bear very heavy crops, and to be a thrifty grower. Academy Park, Albany, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1S47, We are gratified in having the pleasure of presenting our pomological friends with the above notice of three new fruits, which possess great merit, especially the plums, one of which we class at the head of all the varieties we now possess. We add the following descriptions and engravings of the several kinds : — 1. Sterling Pear. Size, large, about three inches long, and three inches in diameter : Form, roundish obovate, largest in the middle, tapering to each end : Skin, very fair, smooth, clear pale waxen yellow, beautifully marbled and shaded with red on the sunny side, with a small patch of russet at the base of the stem : Stem, long, about one and a half inches, rather stout, curved, knobby, swollen, and fleshy at the base, and inserted without depression : Eye, medium size, open, and slightly sunk in a small, smooth, shallow basin ; segments of the calyx medium length, narrow, projecting: Flesh, white, coarse, VOL. XIII. — NO. X. 40 446 Notice of Three New Varieties of Fruit. tender, half-melting, and juicy: Flavor, sweet, pleasantly perfumed and good : Core, rather large : Seeds, medium size. Ripe the last of August and beginning of September. The Sterling pear, {fig. 36), is one of the handsomest early pears which has come under our notice; the skin having a clear waxen appearance, beautifully tinged with bright red. Though only second rate, its beauty, size, and great produc- tiveness will commend it to cultivators, especially those who supply the market. 2, Schenectady Catherine Plum. Fruit, medium size, about one and a half inches, broad, and one and a half long : Form, roundish, narrowing rather more towards the apex, which is little depressed, than the base; suture rather shal- low, extending half round : Skin, rich deep purple, violet in the shade, slightly netted on the sun- ny side, and covered with a thin azure bloom : Stem, medium length, about three quarters of an inch, rather slender, and inserted in a very deep, contracted cav- Fig.-ii. Schenectady Cathei-ine Plum, ity ; FlesJl, greeuisll yejlow, fine, and very melting, separating freely from the stone : Juice, very abundant, of a honied richness, and deliciously flavored: Stone, small, thick, ovate. Ripe the beginning of Septem- ber. This variety, {Jig.ST), is fully equal to the Green Gage, be- ing quite as sweet, more melting, and exceedingly high-fla- vored. It must rank as the best purple plum yet produced, surpassing the Reine Claude Violet, both in size and excellence. 3. JuDsoN Plum. F?'uil, rather below medium size, about one and a quarter of an inch broad, and one and a quarter deep : Form, round- Notice of Two Seedling Peaches. 447 ish, little flattened at the base, one side slightly larger than the other; suture shallow and indis- tinct, extending to the apex : Skin, of a fine clear violet red, slightly mot- tled with a deeper shade, covered with small fawn-colored specks, and a thin lilac bloom : Stem, medium length, about one inch, slender, and inserted in a small, rather deep hol- low : Flesh, pale yellow, melting, and separating from the stone : Juice, abundant, rich, brisk, vinous, and high flavored : Stone, rather large, oval, compressed. Ripe the end of August and beginning of Septem- ber. The rich and beautiful color of the ^^s- ^s- J^dson Plum. Judson, {Jig. 38), will render it a great favorite, aside from its other fine qualities : though not quite equal to the Catherine, it ranks among the very best, and is deserving a place in every good collection. We learn that Messrs. Wilson Thorburn & Teller have a few trees of each of the above sorts for sale. — Ed. Art. IV. Notice of Tico Seedling Peaches. By S. T. Jones, Esq., Staten Island, N. Y. With Descriptions of the Fruit. By THE Editor. Dear Sir, — I have forwarded to you a small box, contain- ing specimens of two seedling peaches raised in my garden, and which have borne fruit the present year the first time. They are considered valuable, not only for their size and flavor, but from .ripening in advance of all the other peaches in my cold houses, and, I hope, may also meet with your favorable opinion. My gardener, Mr. Kennedy, who, I believe, is a correspond- ent of yours, has distinguished the two sorts by the names of Jones's Early and Jones's Large Early. 448 Pomological Notices. The large specimens are somewhat remarkable from their obtuse form. In contact with each fruit, I have sent some of the leaves, by which the glands may be seen, but, at this time, our recollection of the blossoms is not sufficiently clear to give a description of them. CedarSj Staten Island, August 3, 1847. The specimens came safely to hand, in very fine order, and we were much pleased with them, and consider both of them acquisitions, though the Large Early is superior to the other. We annex the following descriptions of each : — Jones's Early. — Fruit, medium size, about two inches broad, and two deep : of roundish form, oblique at the apex ; suture shallow, but distinct, extending around the fruit : Skin, yellowish white, beautifully tinged with pale red on the sun- ny side : Flesh, yellowish white, tender and juicy, slightly rayed with red at the stone, from which it separates freely : Juice, abundant, rich, and excellent : Stone, small. Ripe early in August. Leaves, crenated, with small, globose glands. Jones's Large Early. — Fruit, large, about two and a half inches broad, and only two deep, of roundish form, much flattened at each end ; suture deep, extending around the fruit, terminating in a small point, one half a little larger than the other : Skin, clear delicate white in the shade, green- ish at the apex, and broadly shaded with deep crimson in the sun : Flesh, white, fine, and perfectly melting, rayed with pink at the stone : Juice, very plentiful, rich, sprightly, and delicious : Stone, medium size. Ripe early in August. Leaves, crenated, with reniform glands. Art. V. Pomolorrical Notices: or Notices respecting New and Superior Fruits worthy of General Cidtivation. By the Editor. We have been awaiting an opportunity to present our notes on the new fruits of the last season, but the favors of our corre- spondents— thanks to their kindness — have occupied all our Pomological Notices. 449 space, and prevented ns from doing so. As the season is now at hand when amateurs will be making their selections of trees for fall planting, we shall now note down what we have on pears, and defer our remarks on other fruits until another time. During no year since the introduction to notice of our na- tive pears by Mr. Downer, in 1829, have we known so many American sorts of equal merit to have been made known. The Swan's Orange, Reid's Seedling, Osband's Summer, Pratt, Moyamensing, Haddington, Kingsessing, Ropes, Ra- pelje, all good, and some of them unsurpassed, have been, in this period, brought to the notice of pomologists. Add to these, several foreign kinds, whose merits have been fully established, and the acquisitions of the last year or two have been of great importance and value. Swanks Orange. — This has been so fully noticed in our account of it, (p. 67,) that we shall only remark that this splendid variety must hold the highest rank among pears. K/ili^'ht's Seedling. — A Rhode Island seedling, raised in Cranston, and first exhibited at the Massachusetts Horticul- tural Society in 1835, when it was pronounced fine. Since that time, however, it has been but little seen, and is compar- atively a very new fruit. In size and appearance, it some- what resembles the Belle Lucrative, and is nearly, if not quite equal to that delicious variety. We would suggest that it should be called Knight's R. I. Seedling, as many suppose it to be one of the late Mr. Knight's productions. Pratt. — This is also from Rhode Island , it is a good sized pear, rather above medium, of oblong obovate form, with a yel- lowish green skin, thickly dotted with russet, and of excel- lent quality, though not equal to Knight's Seedling. Osbaitd's Summer is an early variety, ripening about the period of the Bloodgood, and fully equal, if not superior, to that sort. The size is rather larger than the Bloodgood, in shape similar to the Muscadine, with a pale yellow skin, dot- ted with green, and tinged with red on the sunny side. The original tree is growing in Macedon, N. Y. Rapelje's Seedling. — Dr. Stevens of New York has just placed in our bands a specimen of this new pear, which is stated to have originated near Astoria, L. I. Itisofmedi- 40* 450 Pomological Notices. um size, pyriform shape, with a dull yellow skin dotted and traced all over with brownish russet. The flesh is very juicy and melting, but without much perfume. It is an abundant bearer. The Moyamensing and Haddington have been already fully noticed, (XII. p. 274;) an opportunity to taste them has enabled us to form some opinion of their merits : though very excellent pears, we do not place them among our best sorts. Kitigsessing. — This has just been brought to notice. It is, we believe, a native, found growing in the suburbs of Phil- adelphia. It is of medium size, oblong obovate form, with a pale green skin, and possesses a melting flesh, with a sweet and perfumed flavor, but little deficient in character. It is, however, worthy of trial. S7nith^s Bordenave. — This is the name given to a very fine early pear, which fruited in the garden of A. Smith, Esq.; Hartford, Conn. ; the tree was imported from Bourdeaux, and it appears to be not only a new, but a very superior fruit. Size rather above medium, with yellowish green skin, melt- ing flesh, and high perfume. We think it will form a decid- ed acquisition. It ripens in August. Reid's Seedling. — This variety we have given a full ac- count of by one of our western correspondents, (XII. p. 198.) We have since learned, from other friends, that it is a very superior variety, fully deservmg the commendations of our correspondent. We intend to figure it soon, with the others now noticed. Last year, (XII. p. 339,) we briefly noticed several new Bel- gian pears which have been recently brought to notice, and, since then, some further account has been given of them in the French periodicals : — Louise d' Orleayis. — This is one of the productions of Van Mons, and was raised from seed in 1827, and first came nUo bear- ing in 1843. Col. Van Mons and his brother, in consequence of the superior quality of the fruit, named it, by permission, in honor of the Queen of the Belgians. In general appear- ance, it resembles the Bonne des Zees, a variety little known here, but which we ate in Paris in 1844. It is of medium size and oblong form, measuring about three inches in length, with a stout stem an inch long, and inserted in a shallow Pomohgical Notices. 451 cavity : skin of a bronzed green : flesh white, fine, and very mehing: flavor rich, sngary and deUcions. It ripens in Oc- tober and .\ovember. It is staled that it must rank " the noblest of its kind." Nouvemc Puiteau. — Another variety from the nursery of Van Mons, raised in 1827, and fruited in 1843. M. Eouvier, who introduced it to notice, states that he desired to dedicate this pear to the intimate friend of Van Mons, M. Poiteau, Ed- itor of the Annals of the Royal Society of Horticulture, and his sons favored his proposal. Fruit nearly pyriform, about four inches long and three in diameter, tapering into the stem: stem medium length, about three quarters of an inch, green- ish, becoming paler when mature, marbled and speckled with red: flesh buttery and melting, with a rich and sugary flavor, perfumed like the Brown Beurre. Ripe in November. Beune Gouhault — A fine, large, new pear, raised by M. Goubault of Angers, with the B. Superfine and the Doyenne Goubault, each of which are stated to be desirable varieties. The size is quite large : skin of a greenish yellow, marked with dots : stem rather long and slender : flesh fine, buttery and melting, with a perfumed flavor. Ripe early in Septem- ber. Betirre Svperjine. — Fruit large, measuring four inches long, and about three in diameter; somewhat irregular and angu- lar: stem short, stout, and swollen at the base : skin yellow- ish green, becoming yellow when mature, more or less dotted and traced with reddish russet dots : flesh fine, buttery, and melting, with a higlily perfumed and excellent flavor. Ripe the last of September. Doyenne, GoubanU. — A large and fine late fruit, beginning to ripen in rsovember, and keeping till April. Skin yellow, dotted with gray: flesh melting, with a perfumed and exqui- site flavor. It ranks as a superior late keeping variety. Ckitiwell — An English variety, described by Mr. Thomp- son, in the Journal of the London Horticultural Society. The fruit is staled to be three inches long and about two in diam- eter : the form curved pyramidal : eye small, open : stem about half an inch in length : skin smooth, thin, yellowish green in the shade, and partly tinged and obscurely streaked with dull red next the sun, where it is also sprinkled with 452 Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Exotics. pale dots. The flesh is yellowish white, melting, buttery, very sugary and rich, with a musky flavor, resembling the Seckel, or Henri Quatre; on the whole, it mostly resembles the latter, but the skin is thinner and smoother, and the eye is not so much plaited. The end of September and beginning of October is the season of maturity. Doijenni Gris (Thiver nouveau. — Rather a long name, but it proved last season to be a very late-keeping pear, and of superior quality. The present season will afford a better op- portunity to test it. Art. VI. On the Propagation of Stove and Greenhouse Ex- otics: in a Series of Litters. By James Kennedy, Glardoner to S, T. Jones, Staten Island, New York. Letter VIII. Propagation hy Suckers. The exotics generally propagated by this mode are such as the Aloe, Pitcairnia, Yucca, 'J'illandsi«, &c. &c., which, after they have done flowering, generally produce, in the summer months, suckers either from the stem or roots. These may be carefully taken ofl" in the following spring, potted off" into separate pots, proportioned to their size, and phmged up to their rims in a mild hotbed, where, if regularly supplied with air on fine days, and shaded when the sun is powerful, they will soon strike root. Letter IX. Plant Divisions. This is the mode generally resorted to in increasing most deciduous herbaceous kinds of exotics, such as Lobel/'a luiea and campanuloides, ^o\vh.xhi(t, /uncea, «S:c. &c., as well as all shrubs which are prone to produce numerous suckers. Tne best time to divide the plants is when they receive their summer poning; then the divisions can be potted into sepa- rate pots, and allowed to mingle with their fellow-denizens in their proper departments, where exactly the same treatment will be suitable for all. In conclusion, I would beg to remark, that by these loose hints, (for such indeed they are,) 1 have endeavored to illiis- General Notices. 453 trate the principal modes of increasing exotics, as far as my humble abihties would allow, with the way each mode may be performed with certain success. At the same time, I doubt not but many of the directions and observations will, by some, be considered trifling, unimportant and tedious ; but to such objections I would answer, they are necessary to perfect suc- cess. We are all well aware that, to accomplish any particular object, a certain amount of pains must be called into action; and I say, that, to aim at the successful propagation and cul- tivation of beautiful, delicate and expensive plants, it is im- possible to bestow too much pains on their management. I would also beg to say, that, in preparing this for the Maga- zine, the writer lays little claim to originality. There is not, perhaps, a single process described which has not been long in practice in every nursery establishment where propagation appears in its real character: but if the amateur or young gardener gains any benefit from this, I am more than doubly paid for my trouble. State7i Island, N. Y., September, 1847. We need not again commend the letters of Mr. Kennedy : he has stated that, to many, the details may seem " trifling and unimportant." Perhaps they may to the experienced propagator; but to the amateur, or young professional man, these very "trifling" hints are the most valuable. We only hope Mr. Jones will continue to contribute of his fund of knowledge in our future numbers. — Ed. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. I. General Notices. The Cultivation of the Currant, and the Production of New Varieties. — We recently, in out notice of May's Victoria Currant, (p. 392,) offered some re- marks in relation to the great improvement which we believe would result from the production of new seedlings. The editor of the Gardener's Jour- nal, in an article which appeared about the same time, has taken the same view of the subject, and in words so similar, that we copy them to show we are not alone in our views of improvement in this neglected fruit. The rasp- 454 General Notices. berry and the gooseberry he also thinks, and justly too, may be greatly im- proved. We quote the whole of his remarks, and commend them to the attention of every amateur : — Last week, we took occasion to recommend to the attention of garden- ers, and garden amateurs loo, the subject of improving what are called the " small fruits." We then referred to the strawberry, the raspberry, the gooseberry, and the currant, as examples, and offered some suggestions for the improvement of the former. We now proceed with such further re- marks as suggest themselves, and, in following up our former plan, will in- quire, what can be done for the raspberry ? Perhaps less than in most other kinds of small fruit. It is not clear that the flavor of the raspberry could be at all improved. There is probably not much to be gained in the way of imparting to it variety of appearance. The best varieties at least possess the property of size, in a considerable degree ; and, though this might be enlarged upon, yet it does not seem to strike one as a very necessary change ; some of the present varieties, when well grown, may indeed be considered large. Tn what way, therefore, could our present race of raspberries be im- proved on ? There does seem to be one point at least on which an improvement might be wrought. Notwithstanding that the fruit is held in such universal esti- mation, the raspberry season is but of short duration. True, there is a double bearing variety, as it is called, which fruits later than the other kinds : this is valuable, so far, in itself: but we also take it as the earnest of some- thing further. It is, in fact, just the thing to work with ; and we have no doubt that a little well-directed energy would very shortly produce from it varieties which would materially prolong the raspberry season. What can be done for the gooseberry? That the gooseberry cannot re- sist the power of improvement to which we are referring, thete is ample evidence in the production of the prize varieties for which Lancashire is fa- mous. But the Lancashire growers breed only for size ; that quality they have indeed stamped upon the fruit in a very remarkable degree ; but this of itself is not enough for the dessert, nor yet for the culinary department ; quality, not less than quantity, is a necessary recommendation in the gar- den of the connoisseur. Gooseberry growers may, therefore, busy them- selves to impart the flavor of the choicer kinds to the large show varieties that are now chiefly raised ; and, in doing this, they will have eflTected an improvement worthy of the eflbrt. But why not also prolong the gooseberry season? It is fully short enough. Some of the early kinds might, in lime, be pushed a little nearer the vernal equinox than we now have them ; and this early race would not be injured by increased size, and more concen- trated flavor. Then, aga.n, with the late varieties. Might not new forms, later than any we now possess, be obtained ? And would not, in this case also, additional size constitute a further improvement? These results are only waiting the well-directed eflbrts of some zealous individual to meet a full realization. What can be done for the currant? We see no reason why bunches of currants should not, for size, bear a closer comparison than now, with General Notices. 455 bunches of grapes. The thing is by no means so ideal as it might at first seem to be. Were the berries double the size of those of the largest of our present varieties, and these, borne, as we now see them, occasionally, from a dozen to a dozen and a half in a bunch, we should have a very respecta- ble approach, if not to the clusters of Eschol, at least to the more ordinary range of our cultivated grapes. Some of the varieties bear fruit which is less acid, and less w^oody-tasted, than that of others : these qualities would, of course, be required in the new and improved series. Then, again, cur- rants are a fruit which it is often considered desirable to keep for some time — some months indeed — on the trees. It would be worth attempting to obtain varieties which would hang better than our present varieties do. On the subject of improving the present varieties of currants, we have recently met with some judicious remarks by Mr. Tomlinson, in the Midland Florist ; and, as they bear directly on the subject before us, we will introduce them here : — " I have for years been an extensive cultivator of currants, selling the produce in the large town in my immediate neighborhood, and I find that, though the red grape is a large and fleshy fruit, still it ripens unkindly, which is a great drawback to its more extended cultivation. The old long- bunched red is, with me, far preferable ; but I see no earthly reason why this fruit might not be improved in a very great degree. Would it not be possible to raise a ' currant show,' on the principle of the Lancashire goose- berry shows? and if this could be carried out, and an inducement given to raise fresh varieties from seed, I make no doubt that we should speedily have currants double the present size, and much longer in the bunch ; and I am sure that nothing would pay better than improved varieties of both black and white, as well as red ones. The plant comes early into bearing, and any improvement on the old sorts would speedily supersede them, as the black Naples is now displacing the black grape. " I heard of several new sorts, which I purchased last autumn, and am now growing them, to test their respective qualities. Of course, I cannot, the first season, decide, as I should wish to have my plants well established. The sorts purchased are : — "1. The Gondouin Bed. — A continental variety, with peculiarly red wood and large foliage, very distinct in habit. " 2. The Cherry Red. — Also from the continent. This has extremely large foliage, and stout shoots. " May^s Victoria. — This, I see, has been mentioned in several publica- tions as a large and very prolific variety, and would, doubtless, be a fine sort to save seed from. " Haughion Castle (Red). — This was raised in the far north of England. Its character to me was large and late. It appears to be an erect grower, and has abundance of fruit, which is of good flavor, though, from the cir- cumstance of the trees being planted only last autumn, not so large as when they become established. " 5. Goliath. — I have also received with this a first-rate character as a 456 Genei'al Notices. ^oorf red currant ; and, if any induction is to be made from its luxuriant mode of growth, I should fancy it would respond to its name. " I have selected some of the largest herries on both Goliath and May's Victoria, the seeds of which I intend to sow ; and should these prove large, I will again sow from the largest. By this means, in a series of years, I hope to arrive at the height of my ambition, namely, to produce currants as large as small marbles. Now I am confident there is nothing Utopian in all this ; and I am certain that, if a few persevering individuals were to devote their attention to the improvement of the currant, it would be attained in less than ten years." Once more we may state — and we repeat it, because it is a rock on which very many split — that experiments of this kind are the better for being con- ducted on a limited scale. One case of cross-breeding, carefully wrought out, on correct principles, is more pregnant with really useful and valuable results, than a thousand promiscuous ones, or a hundred carelessly prose- cuted ; while, of course, the labor and trouble attending the experiments becomes lessened a hundred or a thousand fold. Those, too, who have time and opportunity for more extensive operations, should take care to multiply carefully — instead of carelessly — conducted experiments. — {Gard. and Farm. Journ., 1847, p. 115.) Scarlet Pelargoniums. — I am inclined to predicate a longer rule for scarlet pelargoniums, because they are highly useful in our summer gardens, are easy of cultivation, and must always please by the splendor of their numer- ous flowers. As show flowers, they could scarcely be admitted, for they have too little variety, and besides, they produce less effect in pots on a small scale than in the open air. I have had an opportunity this season of comparing several good gardens, and in nothing has dissimilitude been more manifest than in the presence or absence of these beautiful flowers. A gar- den plentifully supplied with them has an unspeakable charm, which no other production 1 know of can confer; indeed, I never remember seeing too many of these, but on the contrary have generally observed that more might be introduced with advantage. The first advantage which may be mentioned is the foliage, which has such a fine exotic character, and looks so fresh at the autumnal season, when so many productions have a russet hue. Next comes the permanency of the flowers, the trusses of which are often so large that a supply, to fill up the places of those which have de- cayed, is furnished for a considerable time. Further, they will resist frosts much longer than other tender plants, surviving those early attacks which often destroy the dahlias. Lastly, they are as easy of propagation as any thing can be, both by seeds and cuttings; they may also be preserved through the winter with a very small portion of care. Large specimens produce a fine effect, and they may be secured by taking up the tallest plants in the autumn, potting them, and turning them out in the spring. 1 have some plants of Smith's Superb, which are four years old, with stems of an established woody character, and above a yard high. When these are surrounded by others of a dwarf character, as General Tom Thumb, or other dwarf varieties, so as to hide the stems of their older General Notices. 457 neighbors, the result is very pleasing. Whole beds may be filled with the dwarf kinds, and Mignonetto growing among them will add the grace of an exquisite perfume to their own beauty. If a stock is kept in pots, they do admirably to fill up gaps, or to insert in places where earlier flowers have gone o.T. In fact, they are invaluable ; and in addition to the remarks of last week, respecting propagation for next year, I would give a little advice as to the treatment of scarlet pelargoniums. Having procured as many cuttings as possible, pot them thickly in pans or pt)ts, and place them in a frame as directed before, care being taken to guard against damp, which is very fatal to their succulent stems. If the cuttings are allowed to dry over before the wounded part is inserted in the soil, the effect will be more sure. It has been found that these pelargoni- ums do well when potted as above, and kept in a room of a dwelling-house near the light. Indeed, as gardeners say, " they will grow like grass," and, in the winter, dryness is almost all they need to preserve them. In addition to the young plants made from cuttings, all the old roots may be taken up when the frosts come, and may be preserved by being cut down and potted ; or they may be dried and hung up by the roots in an out-build- ing, excluding frost and damp. Then again in the spring, the young shoots of those preserved in pots may be cut oflT and struck. There are numerous varieties of scarlet pelargoniums, some with variegated foliage, and as many as possible should be procured. — {Gard. Chron. 1847, p. 556.) Pruning Fruit Trees. — I suspect that even the pruning of Paris will not do for this climate, and that, as regards pears and apples, at least bloom buds will not be obtained with certainty by the same means. I was in Paris two years ago, and took a lesson in pruning from M. Jamin. Nothing could be more perfectly trained than his pears and apples, and they were loaded with fruit. But I have either mistaken the precepts of my master, or his prac- tice is not suitable for this damp climate. I find my memorandum of what he told me during a clinical lecture in his nursery. He is careful to thin out the branches (pears), and keeps thinning as the tree goes on, leaves the leader, and, in May or early in June, pinches off all wood shoots, and these so pinched he cuts back to one eighth of an inch in winter. These make bloom buds the next year, but those pinched off which are not strong make bloom buds the same year; some, of course, shoot after being pinched; these are again pinched, and, if no bloom buds are made, are cut off close, as before stated. The leader is shortened in winter. If this branch is well stored with bloom buds, he shortens to about six inches; if growing vigor- ously and no buds, he leaves it longer. He is against bending down the branches, and leaves no spurs ; the branches about nine inches apart. A fter the leader attains about eight feet, he lets it grow on. In the main, he fol- lows D'Albret's theory and practice of pruning fruit trees, 6th edit. I think you would do some service if you were to give us an abridgment of D'Albret's book as regards pruning. I attempted this, but find some diffi- culty in giving the proper equivalents for technical words, and so must leave it to some one more experienced in the art. — {Id. 1847, p. 637.) VOL. XHI. — NO. X. 41 458 General Notices. Bottom Heat. — The following article, by Dr. Lindley, appeared in a late number of the Gardeners' Chronirle, and, although not quite so applicable to our climate as that of Great Britain, still the hints which it contains are of sufficient interest to claim the attention of all cultivators. Every gardener is aware of the importance of bottom heat in the growth of many kinds of plants ; but the question is, how many other sorts are there to which it has not been applied, that may not be benefited by it? One of the most important points to which modern gardeners have had their attention turned is that of bottom heat. It is, to a great extent, the cause of their eminent success in some branches of horticulture ; and the tim§ is coming when it will be looked upon as the foundation of all practice whatsoever. As matters now stand, the subject is only considered specially in a few cases, such as pine apples, melons and cucumbers, and in the ope- rations of seed-sowing and cutting-striking. But it really concerns every plant that is known ; more, perhaps, than even top-heat. Those for which it is so carefully studied are only extreme cases, but they point the way to general rules. We may be sure that, if one plant is so constituted that its roots require to lie in a medium of a particular temperature, all other plants will also have some temperature which suits their roots better than any other. This is acknowledged to be so with their branches and leaves ; and it is certainly quite as true as respects their roots. We might be certain that this opinion is well founded, even in the ab- sence of direct proof, because we know that the aim of cultivation is to imi- tate, as exactly as possible in all respects, the conditions under which plants naturally grow. If in its natural state, where it arrives at the greatest per- fection of which it is susceptible, a plant is continually exposed to a certain temperature of the earth, to another of the air, to a particular amount of light, of humidity, of atmospheric pressure, it cannot be doubted that the first business of the gardener is to imitate those peculiarities by all the means at his command ; having done that, he may proceed to stall-feed his plants, till they resemble the bullocks at the Smithfield Club ; but to cram them till he has secured their perfect health, is like overfeeding a savage debarred from his natural exercise and occupations. A very interesting proof of the advantage of attending to this subject is to be found in our columns of last week, (p. 543.) It is there shown that, in Mr. Purdey's garden at Bayswater, a vinery has been filled with wood and fruit in little more than two years, by merely warming the border in which the vines grow. It is said that the latter made shoots thirty-seven feet long, strong, short-jointed, and well ripened in the first year. The grapes, which we have seen, are excellent, and were ripe in the beginning of August ; so that they must have been forced in good time. We fully anticipate bunches from this house which shall equal the largest of Syria. Mr. Purdey has obtained this result by applying artificial heat to his vine-border, so as to insure its having a suitable temperature at the season of growth. In gen- eral, vines are treated as a man would be, if exposed to a steam bath with his feet in ice. The manner of heating that has been adopted at Bayswa- ter has the fault of being too expensive. Let Polmaise be substituted for it, General Notices. 459 and the whole cost will consist in forming a cavity in which the warm moist air shall circulate when desired. The necessity of providing some means of warming the borders of vines to be forced (we will even say grown) in a climate like this, will be obvious when we compare the temperature of the earth in the south of France and Great Britain. The mean temperature of the earth near London, in the three first months of the year, may be taken as 38°; that of Marseilles or Bourdeaux will be at least 65°. The mean temperature of the earth, near London, in July and August, is 62°; that of Marseilles, about 78°, and of Bourdeaux, 77°. We will ask whether it is probable that such differences in the soil can be unimportant to the plants which grow in it. It would be a capital experiment to attempt to grow grapes in a house whose border should be in the inside the house, aud into which no other artificial source of heat should be admitted. We have little idea in this part of the world of the temperature of the soil in some countries. Captain Newbold f lund the heat of the granitic soil in the vicinity of Bellary, at 8 P. M. in May, as high as 121°; that of the black soil, 122°. 5 ; that of the air, in the shade, being 95°. 5. At midnight the temperature of the black soil was still as high as 86°, that of the air being 80°. That of a bare rock of granite, in the same locality, at 2 P. M., was 120'^. 5 ; of black basaltic rock, 122°; that of the granite at midnight was 86°. 5. Other examples are given in the " Theory of Horticulture." But, in attempting to apply these principles to practice, gardeners are stopped at the threshold of their inquiry by the absence of evidence as to the tem,>erature of soil in different countries. By a perseveiing search through, books, they find, indeed, plenty of statements as to the temperature of the air, but that of the earth observers have almost invariably neglected. It is, therefore, interesting to inquire whether the temperature of the earth in which plants grow may not be inferred from that of the air which rests upon the surface. It has been shown, in the " Theory of Horticulture," (p. 96) that in October, near London, tlie mean temperature of the earth has been found 3° or 4° above that of the air, although in general the difference is not more than a degree or a degree and a half in favor of the earth. The per- manent heat of the earth may therefore be regarded as being always higher than the mean of the air; but the amount of difference will be regulated by the temperature to which the earth is exposed, and by its own conducting qualities. It seems to us, however, that for gardening purposes the tem- perature of the earth may be taken as, on an average, 5° above the mean temperature of summer in warm countries; very often more, seldom less ; so that if the mean temperature of Rome, in the hottest month, is 77°, it is probable that that of the soil, at the same time, will not be less than 82°. As we advance to the northward the difference diminishes, so that in Lon- don it is not more than 2° in favor of the earth. — {Id. 1847, p. 555.) Prcparalion of large Shrubs far removal. — We hold the early part of au- tumn to be the best time in the whole year for the removal of evergreens, and the month of November to be the best on the whole for that of decidu- ous trees, provided the soil to receive them has been duly prepared. The 460 General Notices. reasons are obvious, and those who well understand the propagation of the cuttings of these two broad classes can easily appreciate them. Autumn possesses a less capricious atmosphere than spring, and there is a much greater amount of ground heat, which is a great essential ; the trees, more- over, will endure the necessary check much better at this period, and if the operation is performed under proper conditions, they will be, in a great de- gree, recovered by the period of germination. It may not be generally known that much may be done by way of anticipation in preparing large trees for removal ; and the course we have to recommend is, to perform the check by instalments. We advise, then, that a trench be immediately ex- cavated to the bottom of the ball, in the case of evergreens, at about six inches farther from the main stem than the ultimate size of the ball intended to be removed. Those who have leisure may perform the operation at twice, doing one half the circle now, and the other half a fortnight hence. This will be found to have checked all propensity to late and immature growths, and to have accelerated the rest period, thus giving the tree a longer period for recovery. It will, moreover, induce the formation of a new set of small fibres in the interior of the ball, which will act immediately the tree is removed. Deciduous trees or shrubs should not undergo the op- eration until the beginning of September, and they will be in a fit state for removal by the last week of October ; whereas the evergreens may be planted in the early part of that month. — {Id. 1847, p. 559 ) Preparing for Winter. — The time has arrived when every gardener who wishes to manifest an acquaintance with his profession will be looking round the sphere of his operations to see what is to be done in reference to the approaching cold season. His head must be employed, and his hands ac- tively engaged from the present time up to Christmas, when probably rain and frosts may keep him in-doors. Neglect now will be productive of fatal results, for gardens in the present day are as full of exotics as of indigenous productions, and various differences of treatment are demanded for the pres- ervation of the stock until another year. Begin your perambulations, then, at once, and let nothing escape you, in the kitchen garden, the flower gar- den, the shrubbery, and the greenhouse. Let your observation be extended to the future, and carefully mark what is to be done. In the kitchen garden you must decide at once what plots of ground you will leave fallow, to be thrown up in ridges during the winter, that the soil may be pulverized and ready for early crops ; and what portions you will plant and sow at once. Seed beds of cauliflowers, cabbages and lettuces should be finished immediately. According to your probable wants must be your supply of young cabbages, to be cut young, and others to remain till the spring and summer. Spinach may still be sown ; also some onions. Some cultivators recommend parsnip sowing at this season in preference to the spring ; and ii would be well to try the experiment, if you have not done so. Do not neglect to leave a piece of ground for autumn-planted potatoes, as the advantages of the plan are so well attested, provided proper precau- tions are taken as to soil, mode of planting, &c. All broccolis and winter- greens must be earthed up as a means of promoting growth, and guarding Domestic Notices. 461 against frost. The blanching of celery should proceed gradually, about two inches at a time, care being ta!;en to prevent the soil falling into tlie heart of the plant, and, at tlie same lime, not to crush and twist ihe tender tissues, as is often done by the rough grasp of the gardener. Finally, attend to cleanliness. Strawberry beds should be finished off now, and not left in a wild, rank state till the spring. Pea sticks, and all decayed haulm, and all weeds, should be removed not only that neatness may give its charm to the garden, but also to |>revent the rapid production of damp and mouldiness, which are quickly generated among masses of decaying vegetation. In the flower garden you should consider what departments you intend devoting to bulbs, and the beds must be prepared for that purpose as soon as possible. A difficulty is felt in this case, on account of the beds being often occupied till late m the season by autumnal flowers, which we are, of course, unwilling to sacrifice before the frost commits its ravages. Here there is no remedy but to pot hyacinths and other bulbs, which ought to be growing, and then to have them out as soon as the beds are ready. Atten- tion should now be given to taking up plants which it is desirable to pre- serve, a few at a time, so as not to leave gaps, or spoil the general appear- ance of the garden. Young fuchsias, ptlargoniums and verbenas, if taken up carefully and placed in a shaded frame after being potted, will flag scarcely at all. They will form pretty window plants till (Christmas, and, what is more important, will constitute a stock to propagate from in the spring. Tender greenhouse plants, which have been out (»f doors during the summer, must be watched, lest an unexpected frost should injure them. They need not be taken in, but the amateur should have his eye upon them, and, when the night is brilliant and frosty, the most sensitive should be put under shelter. The cuttings prepared for next year should now be looked over, and if they are rooted may be potted, either singly or three or four together, ac- cording to their habits. Every piping of pinks and carnations must be in the ground or pots at once, if you wish them to stand the winter. The se- cret of preserving these beautiful plants is, to secure plenty of roots. — {Id. 1847, p. (i05.) Art. II. Domestic Notices. 'Richards'' s Beurri Pear. — Last spring, a gentleman of Ilingham gave us a very favorable account of a new pear, which had originated in western New York, scions of which had been sent to him, as one of the very finest pears, fully equal to the Swan's Orange ; at the same time, he kindly offered to give us buds, should his few scions succeed. Subsequently to this, we saw a notice of it in the Horticulturist, where it was called the Hichards's Beurr6, and there stated to be better than Swan's Orange, and we were very desirous to secure a few buds ; but, just as we were sending after them, a couple of specimens of the fruit came under our notice, and, to our ast n- ishment, they proved to be the old Summer Bon Chretien, one of our oldest 41* 462 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. fruits. These specimens were exhibited by Wm. R. Prince, at the annual exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, on the 22d of Sep- tember. This only shows how cautious editors of horticultural journals should be, in inserting every notice of a new seedling fruit which may come to hand, before they have any evidence of its being so. — Ed. Fruit Convention in (he West. — By the Ohio Cultivator, we learn that a convention of fruit cultivators was to be held in Columbus, Ohio, on the 29th and 30lh of September, in the Hall of Representatives in the State House. The objects of the convention are stated to be the discussion of all subjects connected with fruit-growing, to bring to notice new seedlings of Western origin, to correct erroneous names, &c. A full report will be given of the convention, which we shall notice when it comes to hand. — Ed. Rockingham Horticultural Society, Portsmouth, N. H. — We have been gratified to hear of the formation of a society for the advancement of horti- culture in Portsmouth. There are many fine gardens in and around the town, and, from the taste which exists among the many amateurs, some of whom are our readers — and we trust all will be — we do not doubt that the association will do much towards disseitiinaiing a greater love for trees and plants. The first annual exhibition took place on the 15th of September. —Ed. Horticultural Exhibitions. — The Essex County Natural History Society, Salem, the New Bedford Horticultural Society, and the Rhode Island Hor- ticultural Society, held their annual exhibitions on the 29lh and 30th of September, and October 1. We only legret that our engagements would not allow us to be present at either of them. Our thanks are due to the officers of each of the societies for their attention in sending us tickets. — Ed. Art. hi. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Saturday, September 4, IS47 .—^Exhibited. — Flowers : From the Presi- dent of the Society, a variety of fine phloxes, viz. : PottsM, Blanc de Neu- illy, Princesse Marianne, Bourboniensis, speciosa, Nynipha;^a alba, vinca- flora, rosea alba, Cromwell, Standard of Perfection, Richardson's dark red, Auguste, Candidissima nova, rosea superba, speciosissima, &c. ; also Mar- chioness of Cornwallis, Princesse of Radzville, Captivaiion, La Folka, Are- thusa, Cheltenham Queen dahlias, and others ; Japan lilies grown in the open ground, roses and other cut flowers. From Joseph Breck & Co., dahlias, phloxes, verbenas, roses, delphinium, petunias, Argemone mexi- cana, antirrhinums in great variety, lavateras and other cut flowers. From P. Barnes, a very handsome seedling verbena, red, with a white eye, good shaped flower, and well formed cluster ; also dahlias in variety, and other flowers. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., several fine plants, viz. : Achimenesgrandi- fl6ra, Achimenes pedunculckta, Achimenes rosea, Achimenes longifldra, Maid of Orleans Jasmine, double and fragrant, Schubertja gr^v^olens, Verdnica specidsa ; also six hand bouquets, one round table bouquet, and a Massachusetts Horticultural Societij. 463 variety of dahlias. Bouquets, dahlias, and cut flowers were exhibited by T. Needhani, J. Robinson, J. L. L. F. Warren, A. Bowdiich, J. Nupent, John Parker, J. Hovey, L. Davenport, S. R. Johnson, Messrs. W inships, W. Kenriclt. John Richardson, and W. B. Richards. The award of premiums was as follows : — Plants in Pots. — For the best six plants, to Messrs. Hovey & Co., f2. Bouquets. — For the best six hand bouquets, to A. Bowditch, $2. For the second best, to J. Nugent, $ 1. For the best pair of mantel bouquets, to J. L. L. F. Warren, $2. For the second best, to J. Nugent, #1. Gratuity. — To Miss Russell, for. a basket of flowers, % 1. Fkuit : From the Pomological Garden, Hostiezer, and No. 1454 A'^an Mons pears ; English Wheat plums; Lyscom, Yellow Summer, Salinas, Longville's Kernel, Walpole, Garden Royal, Corse's Sweeting apples : The Ros- tiezer pear proves to be one of the most delicious early pears, equal to the Seckel ; the Garden Royal apple is also a fine variety. From Cheever Newhali, Julienne and Beurre d'Amalis pears, and Royal ivlu&cadine, St. Peter's, and White Frontignan grapes. From J. F. Allen, Aleppo, White and Grizzly Frontignan, Fsperione, Wilniot"s No. 16, Zinhiidal, Black Hamburgh, and White and Rose Chasselas grapes; figs; Crawford's Early, Bellegarde, Royal, (?) Snow, La Fayette, and Gros Mig- nonne peaches; (?) Peterborough, Roman, and Newington (?) nectarines; Valle6 Franche, Dearborn's Seedling, Passans du Portugal, Sum- mer Franc Real, and Tyson pears, — the latter beautiful specimens. Handsome specimens of the Tyson pear were also shown by J. H. Welch, Dorchester. From S. R. Johnson, superb specimens of the Washington and Imperial Gage plums. From John Hovey, Yellow Crab apples, and White Ga^e plums. From Otis Johnson, Washington, Beurre Komain, Julienne, Dearborn's Seedhng, and Williams's Bon Chretien pears. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., Black Hamburgh grapes. Julienne pears, and Washington, Cooper's Large Red, Green Gage, and Scarlet Gage (?) plums. From Samuel Walker, Belle de Bruxelles, Hampden's Bergamot, Chenille, Andrews, St. Ghislain, fine, Belle Lucrative, Williams's Bon Chretien, Summer Franc Real, and lJeurr6 d'Amalis pears; Washington, Diamond, very large, and Green Gage plums ; Seedling peaches, and Mo- rello cherries. From J. L L. F. Warren, Maidens Biu»h, Porter, and Grand Sachem apples ; Julienne, and Dearborn's Seedling pears; Yellow Siberian Crab apples; and Duane's Purple and Bingham piunis, both fine. From S. Downer Jr., Early Ann peaches. From Azell Bowditch, Black Hamburgh, and Royal Muscadine grapes. From Isaac Fay, Bingliam, Duane's Purple, Breevort's Purple Gage, and Washington plums. From E. Brown, Williams's Bon C/hretieu pears. From D. Locke, figs. From Josiah Lovett, Yellow Gage plums, and Benoni apples, fine. Irom James Pailen, Egg, and White Gage plums. From William Quant, Murray, and EIruge nectarines, beautilul. From Messrs. EUwanger & Barry, Rochester, N. Y., fine speeimeis of the Early Joe apple. From W. Clapp, Summer Queen apples, one of ihe best of the season. From Peter Fay, Souihboro', Greeuiiig Fay apples, 464 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. (a seedlinof,) large, handsome, and good. P\om Galen Merriam, Cool- edge's Favorite, and Crawford's Karly peaclies ; and Williams's Bon Chretien pears, from John S. Sleeper, Prince's Yellow Gage, Cooper's Large Red, and Dunne's Purple plums, fine. From K. E. Bradshaw, Washington and Bradshaw plums, large and beautiful. From Mrs. Geo. Jlalleit, two watermelons, weighing 30 and 32 pounds each. From Parker Barnes, Beurre d'Ama-Iis pears, and Green Gage plums. From Thomas Needham, ('hasseias de Fontainehleau, Black Hamburgh, fine, Frankindale, and VVMuie Frontignan grajies. From J. W. Sever, Green Gage and While (iage plums, and Dearborn's Seedling and Summer Rose pears. From Ans m Dexter, Williams's Bon Chretien and Summer Frmc Real pears. From Fi. M. Richards, Beiioni, fine. Spice Sweeiing, and Summer Pearmain apples, fine; Dearborn's Seedling pears. From F. W. Macon- dry, peaches I'or a name ; Summer Franc Real, (?) pears ; White Gage, and Duanes Purple (') plums From A. D. Williams, Harrison's Fail bak- ing, Orant>e, and Beurie d'Amalis pears; Superb Sweet, and VVilliams apples; Field .Marshal, Yellow Gage, and Orleans plums. From .'\. D. W. Williams, Black Hamburgh, and Royal Muscadine grapes. From Jo- siah ichardson. Native grapes. From Henry Vandine. Huling's Superb, Ponds Seedling, (?) Italian Damask, Karly i3lack. Sweet Seedling, Wil- mot's I'iaily Orleans, Imperial Gage, and Coopers Large Red plums, and Green Sugar of lloyersuerda pears. The (Jommillee awarded ihe following Peizfs. — Apples. — For the bnst Summer apple, to E. M. Richards, for the Be- noni, the first premium ol $6 For the next best, to Jolin Hovey, lor the Early Harvest, the second premium of $4. Special Pkemium for Applf.s. — To E. M. Richards, for the Benoni,$5. To John Hovey, for the Early Harvest, ;jf5. Being for the two best varieties and specimens of Summer apples exhib- ited previous to Septenitiei 1st. S'pieiu''f;r lllh. — An ailjourned meeting of the Socie'y was held to-day — the President in the chair. Letters were read from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Amer- ican Agricultural Absociation, New llaveii Horticultural Society, and Long Island lloriicullural Society, inviting ihe Massachuseiis Horticultural Soci- ty to send delegates t«i llieir respective exliibilions. Vtilcd, That a delegation consisting of two, to be chosen by the chair, be appointed to attend the Exhibiiion of the New Haven Horticultural Society, and Messrs. F. W'. Macondray and S. Downer, Jr , were appointed that Committee, with power to hll vacancies. Ihe Vice Presidents of the Society were appointed a Committee to wait upon Delegates from other Societies. A Coniiuiltee of three was chosen hy the chair, to nominate a list of offi- cers of the Society for the coming year, viz., Messrs. E. Wight, F. W. Macondray, anil Otis Jolinsoii. Adjourned tor one week. Massachusetts Horticultural Soeiety. 465 Exhibited. — Flowers: From the President of the Society, one hundred and fifty dahlias ; among them were Madame Dresser, Sir Edward Antro- bns. Dawn of Day, Marchioness of Cornwallis, Mimosa, Golden Rule, Are- thusa, Princesse Hadziville, Cleopatra, Beauty of England, Fulwood Scar- let, Captivation, &c. From P. Barnes, fifty dahlias ; among the new vari- eties Princesse Radziville, Essex Goldfinch, La Polka, Marquis of Ayles- bury, and other fine varieties ; Essex Primrose, Isis, Smith's Lady Sale, Great Western, King of the West, Cheltenham Queen, &c. From Joseph Breck & Co., fifty dahlias, German asters, Euphorbia variegata, and a great variety of other cut flowers. From Messrs. Hovey & Co., a great number of splendid German asters in ten or twelve varieties ; also six hand bouquets, and two mantel bou- quets. From John L. Gardiner, by J. Thomas, seven pot plants, viz. : one Justicm coccinea, two of J. carnea, Manettta glabra, jE^rica mulliflora, jETrica densiflora, Fuchsia; also a collection of German asters, and two mantel bouquets. From G. C. Crowninslueld, by John Quant, fine Ger- man asters. From T H. Perkins, by William Quant, two mantel bou- qtiets. From J. L. L. F. W arren, seven hand and two mantel bouquets ; a plant of Anemone japonica, a new hardy variety, not before exhibited at the Society's rooms ; German asters, dahlias, gladiolus, and other cut flow- ers. Bouquets, dahlias and cut flowers, from J. Robinson, S. R. Johnson, T. Needham, James Nugent, W. B. Richards, A. Bowditch, and A. Reed. Award of Pr-miums : — German Asters. — For the best display of flowers, to Hovey & Co., $4. For the second best, to John Quant, $3. For the third best, to J. Thomas, $2. Plants in Pots. — For the best six plants, to J. Thomas, $2. Bouquets. — For the best hand bouquets, to J. Nugent, $2. For the second best, to Hovey & Co., $ 1. For the best pair of mantel bouquets, to W. Quant, $2. For the second best to Hovey & Co., gl. Fruit : From R. Manning, Krzenetzen, Van Mons, No. 1434, and Hamp- den's Bergamot pears. From J. F. Alien, Green Gage plums ; Black Ham- burgh, Aleppo, Rose, and White Chasselas grapes; also a small cluster of the August Muscat, anew early Muscat grape, which will probably prove a valuable kind ; Klizabelh of Van Mons, Passans du Portugal, Cabot, Julienne, and Hannas pears ; Crawford and Bellegarde peaches; EIruge nectarines; Brunswick figs. From James Nugent, Williams's Bon Chretien pears ; Black Hamburgh and Chasselas grapes. From W. R. Austin, Summer Francreal, Williams's Bon Chretien pears ; Cooledge's Favorite, and lielle- garde jieaches. From S. R. Johns(m, fine Washington plums. From Messrs Hovey & Co , fine Wilmot's Black Hamburgh, Plack Hamburgh, and Chasselas grapes. From Oiis Johnson, Belle et Bonne, Aston Town, and Dearborns Seedling pears, the latter very fine ; also Summer Pear- main apples. From George Wilson, Green Gage, Goliah, Cooper's Large, and Kirke's plums, the latter a superior variety, and quite rare. From Col. T. H. Perkins, by William Quant, Persian Green-fleihtd mel- 466 Massachusetts Horticultural Society. ons, fine ; Elruge and Golden nectarines, very fine ; Vanguard, Noblesse, and late Heath peaches, beautiful specimens. From E. E. Bradsha^v, \Va>hiiifjtallas, aud Calhoun, and we now 488 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. add another which has proved to be of nearly equal merit. There are others of his seedlings which are said to be excel- lent, but these are all we have found worthy of cultivation among the kinds which v/e have had the opportunity of try- ing. The Henrietta, {fig. 42,) is a medium sized and pretty pear, and the tree is hardy, vigorous, and very productive. It also ripens the last of August and early in September, be- fore Williams's Bon Chretien and other larger varieties are in eating. Size^ medium, about two and a half inches long, and two and a quarter in diameter: Form, obovate, inclining to oval, tapering towards each end, and rather obtuse at the stem : Skin, fair, smooth, dull yellow, thickly covered with large crimson dots on the sunny side, and slightly russeted at the base of the stem : Stem, medium length, about one mch long, moderately stout, smooth, curved, and inserted little on one side in a shallow cavity : Eye, medium size, closed, and rather deeply inserted in an abruptly depressed and furrowed basin ; segments of the calyx slender, projecting : Flesh, white, rather coarse, melting, and juicy : Flavor, rich, saccharine, and pleasantly perfumed : Core, large : Seeds, medium size, ob- tuse, very dark. Ripe the last of August and beginning of September. 83. Lee's Seedling. This is the name we have given to a very good pear, {fig. 43,) sent to us by J. C. Lee, Esq., of Salem, in whose garden it originated a few years since. Three yeais asio, when it came into bearing, Mr. Lee informs us, it did not appear to possess much merit, but, last season, it was a great deal bet- ter, and, the present year, we found the specimens sent to us to be exceedingly good, sufTiciently so to merit a place in a large collection of pears. It possesses somewhat the appear- ance of the Seckel, having a russety skin, and a brownish red cheek, and it has much of the spicy aroma which gives the Seckel its high character. If the flesh was more melting, it would rank among our best pears. Size, medium, about two and a half inches long, and two Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. 489 and a half in diameter : Form^ roundish oval, largest in the middle, tapering to each end, and obtuse at the stem : Skin^ slightly rough, pale greenish russet, and little browned on the sunny side, and covered wiih minme russet specks : ^S'^em, short, about half i.n inch long, moderately stcut, fleshy at the Flg.XZ. Lee's Seedling: base, and obliquely inserted without any cavity : Eye, me- dium size, open, and slightly depressed in a very small shal- low basin ; segments of the calyx short, round : Flesh, white, little coarse, half melting and juicy : Flavor, rich, sugary, and brisk, with a !^picy -^roma : Core, large : Seeds, small. Ripe in September. 84. Banners. Hdiinas, of various collections. It has generally been supposed that the Manners pear, {fg. 4-1,) — incorrectly called Hannas — was a foreign variety, and that the original tree was imported from France. We had formerly entertained this opinion, but when, among all the 490 Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. numerous varieties which have been received from abroad during the last twenty years, this has not been found among those which have fruited, we conckided there must have been some error in the generally received opinion of its foreign ori- gin, and that it should be considered ^.native fruit. Impressed with this opinion, we recently called on Mr. Hanners, who resides in Boston, and who is now upwards of eighty years of age, and gathered the following facts, which show con- Fig. 44. Hanners, clusively that it is a native variety, which probably originated in this city. Before the Revolution, a large tract of land on Federal street was owned and occupied by Col. Webb, as a garden and pasture. Mr. Hanners's garden adjoined that of Col. Webb. At that time. Col. Webb had several fine pear trees, as well as other kinds of fruit, in his garden, many of which, especially the pears, were imported from England. Mr. Han- Descriptions of Select Varieties of Pears. 491 ncrs had two pear trees growing in his garden, and these he had grafted with scions procured from Col. Webb's trees. One of them was the \Yhite Doyenne, (or St. Mi:hael.) and the other the St. Germain. Some time subsequent to the planting of these trees, he had a small pear tree from Col. Webb's garden, which had not been grafted. This was the one now known as the Banners. The three trees were all that were planted in Mr. Hanners's garden, and they were all growmg and bearing fruit, up to 1844, when the place was sold, and the trees cut down. Mr. Hanners's daughter also stated to us, that she well recollects when t'.ie tree first came into bearing; she had been to school, and, when she came home, her parents showed her some of the pears, which had just been gathered, and she then remarked that they looked " more like squashes than pears" from the re- markably obtuse form of the stem end, wnich gives this vari- ety a resemblance to a bell squash. The fruit was very large the first year, when it bore only a small quantity. It con- tinued to produce an abundant crop of fine pears. The late Mr. Manning introduced this pear to notice. He first saw it in the market where it was sold as the St. Michael, and generally brought the handsome price of fifty to seventy- five cents per dozen. Tracing the pear to Mr. Hanners's gar- den, he procured a few of the scions, and subsequently ex- hibited the fruit ; since which period, it has been considerably disseminated, and, from its excellence, deserves a place in every good collection. It greatly resembles the Cushing in quality, having the same very melting flesh and yellow skin. Mr. Manning and some amateurs in Salem have doubted whether it should not be considered as a synonyme of the latter ; but its very obtuse form should at once set at rest all such doubts, how much so ever they may otherwise appear similar. If this is not sufficient, the growth of the tree, color of the wood, and form of the leaf, should at once do so. The shoots of the Hanners are upright, and of a dull yellow, while those of the Cushing are partially spreading and of a dull red ; and the leaves of the Cushing are considerably serrated, while those of the Hanners are nearly entire. Size, large, about three inches long, and two and a half in diameter: Form, oblong, full at the crown, little contracted in 492 Garden Notes. the middle, and very broad and obtuse at the stem : Skin^ fair, smooth, yellowish green, becoming pale yellow when mature, and regularly covered with large, conspicuous, pale russet specks : Stem, rather long, about one and a quarter inches, stout, curved, much swollen at the base, and obliquely in- serted in a rather shallow open cavity : Eye, small, open, and slightly sunk in a small shallow basin ; segments of the calyx short, round : Flesh, white, fine, melting, and very juicy : Flavor, rich, sprightly, vinous, and little perfumed : Core. large : Seeds, medium size, long and pointed. Ripe in Sep- tember. Art. II. Garden Notes. By Dr. M. A. Ward, Athens, Ga. May 1. — I have often heard it asserted that, although the common English ivy would grow in common soil, and flour- ish indifierently well on trees and wooden walls, yet it would only flower when supported on old stone work. Last autumn, a stem of it, running up the north side of my house on a wooden wall, and near the tin water spout, not only flowered profusely, but set and ripened all its fruit. It proved quite ornamental. Its dense clusters of large, curiously acorn-shaped berries of a jet black wherever the thick ash-colored bloom happened to be rubbed ofl*, remained all winter quite undis- turbed by birds or insects, though looking very temptingly. It was not till one morning in the first part of April that I saw a pair of mocking-birds exploring the vine, and, after some time, they began to peck at and taste the berries — very slowly and cautiously — as if aAvare that they were experi- menting upon unknown aliment. The rascals seemed per- fectly conscious that they were not Black Tartarian cherries. The next morning 1 looked, and not a berry was left. May 12. — Echinocactus Ononis has a very fine flower fully expanded. The plant is about six years old, and five inches in diameter. Last year, it showed two buds, but they fell off when half grown. They come out on the ridges at some dis- tance from the central crown, where I expected to see them, as 1 believe is the manner of most melo-cacti. The flower Garden Notes. 493 stood stiffly erect, about two thirds as large, and of the same form as that of Cereiis grandiflonis, the calyx and petals all of one color, which is a most delicate blush, like that of Lady Hume's camellia, shading off to a deeper tinge at the midribs ; stamens white, as numerous and disposed as in the grandi- florus ; the tube of the calyx showing also the same exquisite tinge of green, nearly scentless; opened about nine o'clock — closed forever at nine at night. Sept. 1. — I have never observed, in reports of floral exhibi- tions, or in notices of visits to northern gardens, one of my decidedly favorite climbing plants, the Clitoria, or, as I believe it is now called, Vexillaria ternatra. Its very large, upside down papilionaceous flowers, of the richest mazarine blue, are exceediugly grateful to the eye at this season of the year. I have not yet seen Ipomffi\i Lear/i, but, until I do, I certainly shall doubt if it can compete with my beauty when gracefully trained. Vexillaria virginica, and V. Mariana are also well deserving a place in every garden. I believe they are all perennials, but may be treated as annuals. Ipomoe^a Bona- nox is another magnificent climber, making a most exuberant growth, with singularly shaped leaves and flowers, haviug a tube six inches long, and the limb of the corolla curiously plaited, of the purest white. It would scarcely ripen its seeds at the north, but it would be well worth while to obtain them from the south every year. Sept. 16. — The Guernsey liily is now splendidly in flower with me. Some bulbs have been left neglected and forgotten in the ground for four or five years. Several of them now send up three naked scapes two and a half feet high, each with an umbel of six to eight flowers. Sept. 18. — Chromatella is a better rose than Solfitaire, — a little better in color and in form, and, with us, a much more free bloomer. Both are rampant growers. A cutting of Sol- fitaire, put down about a year ago, is now ten feet high, and has probably another month to grow before checked by frost. They will certainly form most magnificent bushes for another year : but I have seen half open buds of Rivers's Yellow Tea [Qy. Yellow Persian — Ed.] which to my taste must surpass what either of them can produce. La Reine produces huge buds, but I am jealous they will VOL. XIII. NO, XI. 44 494 Wendell's Mottled Bigaireau Cherry- prove to be what we call hard-headed^ that is, open badly, or not at all, like Smith's yellow JNoisette, and Bourbon Tea. Athens, Ga., Sejit. 2U, 1847. Art. III. WendelVs Mottled Bigarrcan Cherry ; tcith an Engraving of the Fruit. By Dr. Herman Wendell, Acad- emy Park, Albany, N. Y. Some time since, we noticed this new and fine cherry as having been exhibited before the Albany and Rensselaer Hor- ticultural Society in June last, where it attracted much attention; and, in our September number, we announced that a description of it would soon appear in our pages. Owing, however, to some delay, the draAving did not come to hand in season, and we now have the pleasure of presenting it with a correct description by Dr. Wendell. This new and beautiful variety is the produce of a seedling tree grown by Dr. Wendell, of Albany. The seed was of the large white Bigarreau, from a garden of that city which has in it a collection of the finer varieties of the cherry. The seed was sown in 184U, and the tree first bore a few cherries in 1845. Dr. Wendell's description is as follows : — The mottled Bigarreau, {Jig. 45,) is of large size, regular, obtuse-heart-shaped, dark purplish red, and beautifully mottled with dark points, those points becom- ing quite indistinct, however, when the fruit is fully ripe ; the suture is distinctly marked with a dark line extending about half way round the fruit. The stalk is about an inch and a half long, somewhat stout, and set in a round and regular de- pression. The flesh is firm and crisp, though not lough, but juicy, liigh-flavored and rich. The fruit is ripe from the tenth Fig. 45. Wendell's Mottled Bigarreau Cherry. Floricidtural and Botanical Notices. 495 to the fifteenth of July, about the time of Downer's Late Red. The tree is of upright growth, quite thrifty, and an early bearer, as the seed was sown only seven years since, and this is the third time it has borne. The first year, it bore three cherries ! — last year, about a dozen ! — and this year, (1847,) more than a quart ! H. W. Academy Park^ Albany^ September, 1847. Art. IV. Floricultural and Botanical Notices of New and Beautiful Plants figured in Foreign Periodicals ; with De- scriptions of those recently introduced to, or originated i?i, A/iuri'- n Gardens. Mr. BecWs new Pelargoniums of 1847. — Last winter, (p. 41,) we presented our readers with an article on the Culti- vation of the Pelargonium, and, at the same time, gave a full description of his seedlings, of 1845 and 1846, and which were the leading kinds exhibited the past season at the Lon- don exhibitions. We now present a full description of his newest seedlings, which have not yet been exhibited only by himself, and which attracted universal admiration at the May and June shows of the London Horticultural Society. They are oflered for sale, young plants to be delivered in October 1847, at £1 I \s. 6d. sterling each : — Centurion. — A flower of moderate size ; deep rosy purple under petals, with a blotch on each; centre white, with rich- colored top petals ; prolific bloomer, and excellent habit. Cruenta. — A high-colored flower, with broad under petals of a rich crimson salmon color ; top petals deeper in tone, with a large blotch terminating abruptly in the centre, which is white; particularly stout habit. Cavalier. — A remarkably bright flower; lower petals of a delicate salmon color; a scarkt hue pervades the top petals, which have a deep blotch, and are velvety in texture; a very constant and prolific bloomer, very distinct, and an excellent flower for exhibiting, though of feeble habit, and with parsley- s. aped foliage. 496 FloricuUural and Botaiiical Notices. Cassandra. — Dark maroon upper petals one mass of color, except a narrow clean bright margin : lower petals light pink ; free bloomer, and good habit. GuLiELMA. — A very smooth, constant, and well-shaped vari- ety ; a deep lilac purple spot shades off to the margin of the upper petals ; the lower ones are of a lighter color, with a clean white eye ; excellent habit and bloomer. GusTAvus. — Striking flower ; upper petals very dark maroon blotch, with deep rose edge; lower ones rose ground, with whitish eye deeply veined down to the centre ; good habii, free bloomer, and constant. HoNORA. — A round, moderate-sized flower, very clean pink- ish white lower petals, with steady purple maroon spot upon the upper ones, leaving a well-defined margin ; not a free bloomer or strong habit. Rosamund. — A novel variety, of a general rich rosy purple, with striking white eye, fine dark spot terminating well at the base of the petals, and shading gradually off to the margin ; good habit, free bloomer, and constant. Blanche.^ — Large pinkish white flower, with well-defined dark spot, broad petals, but not smooth on the edges ; abun- dant bloomer, and good habit. Grandiflora. — A thin, large, good-shaped, constant variety, rosy-scarlet lower petals, the upper ones of a deeper color, with dark crimson spot veining olT to the edge and throat. A?iemdne japouica. — This very beautiful plant is now in bloom incur collection, and it is a fine acquisition to our stock of late flowering perennials. A young plant imported last February, has grown so rapidly as to fill a pot ten inches in diameter, and, during the whole of October, it has been one of the finest objects of the conservatory. It grows about fif- teen inches high, with a neat anemone-like foliage, and the pale rosy flowers, Avhich are semi-double, and rise on tall stems, are exceedingly showy. Throughout the summer, it has been placed in the open air. Cist7'uin aurdiitiacum is also now flowering in the stove, where its panicles of deep yellow, tubular blossoms are highly ornamental, especially at this season of the year, when there are but few yellow flowers. The plants have been kept in the greenhouse all summer, and, now brought into a little FlorinuHural and Eotajiical Notices. 497 higher temperature, tl e flowers are developed in all their beauty. Calysterrja pubiscens. — This beautiful plant, which we have already described, (p. 358,) and which has recently flowered in our collection, will probably prove a most valu- able summer flowering plant. M. Van Houtte states that the mere figure of the plant does not give scarcely any idea of the " floral luxury which is developed under good culture. The little roots or rhizomes were left in ihe open ground, only protected with a good covering of leaves, and this year they flourished in a most remarkable manner. The branches were more than six feet long, and much ramified, gracefully i win- ing round the branches of trees which had bien placed in the form of a hedge, and entirely covering them with their leave's. They flowered splendidly all sunmier, and were, as late as Sept. 1.5th, covered with a multitude of blossoms, nnich larger in size, and more brilliant in coloring, than the English fig- ure. The flowers are quite full and double, of a beautiful rose, and, in their form, resemble large, irregular roses, which have been fixed upon the stem of a Convolvulus. Experi- ence proves that if will be a fine acquisition to summer flow- ering plants in the open air." From the success which has attended the culture of Ipomaeas in the open ground, we sus- pected that the Calystegia would thrive well ; but it nas hith- erto been rather too rare to spare the plants for this purpose. Another year, we shall try M. Van Houttes plan. — Ed. 33. Thibau'dia pulche^riuma Wnllich Beautiful Thibaudia. ( racciniaceai ) A ?reenhouse shrub -, ?ro\vin? four to sU feet hi4h ; with yellow and scarlet flowers ; appearing in ■winier ; a native iif India -, increased by cullii gs ; grown in htaih ^oil aid loam. Flore des Serres, pi 243. 1847. A very showy and beautiful shrub, attaining the height of four or five feet, with branches clothed with immense clus- ters of yel'ow and scarlet tubular flowers, somewhat resem- bling the larger heaths. The flowers appear only on the two year old wood, in pendent fascicles of from twelve to twenty each, in all the stages of development, and, from their peci.liar striated aspect, present a remarkably gay appearance. It was found in the north of India, by Dr. V\ allicli, and it has recently been introduced to Englannsp i Iniit ; iT' vins I wo feet h\i\\ ; vi-lh scarlet fldwi^rs ; arpeH.Mis all siiniiner : a rative iif i\ew Grenada; increased hy ofr^ets and ciuliiiss ; culiivaled in turfy peat, leaf mould, and sand. Flore des Series, 1647, pi. 26ii. A new and interesting species of this now qnite extensive fnniily, containing upwards of a dozen species. The leaves are of a dnll, coppery hue above, and a rosy purple hue be- neath, and the flowers, which are small, and of a rich scar- let, have a pretty effect upon the sombre-colored foliage. It was found in New (Irenada, and the seeds sent to the Kew Gar- den in 1840, and the plants flowered in April last. It requires the same treatment as the other species, and, from the pecu- liar rambling habit of the plant, rooting, as it does, at every joint, and its bright flowers, it will be a desirable species. {F/ore des Serres, Aug.) 42. FoRSYTHiA viRiDi'ssiMA L'lvdl. Dark-grceii leaved For- syth ia. (Oledcecs.) A liai-dy shrub ; growing six to ten feet hish ; with yellow flowers ; appearing in spring ; a native of China ; increa^ed by layers ; cultivaltd in any good soil. Flore des Serres, 1847, pi. 2til. This is a new and beauliful shrub, brought home by Mr. For- tune, on his return from China, who has given the following account of it in the Jovrnal of the London Horticultural So- ciety:— " It is a deciduous shrub, with very dark green leaves, which are prettily serrated at the margin. It grows eight to ten feet high, in the north of China, and sheds its leaves in autumn. It then remains dormant, like any deciduous shrubs f)f Furope. but is remarkable for the number of large prom- inent buds which are scattered along the young stems pro- duced the summer before. Early in spring, these buds, which are flower buds, gradually unfold themselves, and present a pro- fusion of bright yellow blossoms all over the shrub, which is highly ornamental " Mr. Fortune found it growing at Chusan, in the same gar- den with Weigel/ff rosea owned by a Chinese mandarin, and called the "Grotto Garden," by the English. It is a great favorite, and is grown in all the gardens of the rich in the north of China. He afterwards found it growing wild in the moun- tain of C^hekiang, when he thought it even more ornamental, iu its natural state among the hedges, than when cultivated i'l the fairy gardens of the mandarins. 502 General Notices. M. Van Houtte states that " this remarkable plant is des- tined to be one of the greatest ornaments of our gardens, de- veloping its flowers in the earliest days of spring, at the same period as Chimonanthus fragrans, Calycanthns floridus, Pyriis japonica, &c., among which its golden yellow flowers contrast very nrettily, or in the middle of a cluster of orna- mental trees and shrubs, either deciduous or evergreen." It is easily multiplied by cuttings or layers. {Flore des Sen-es, Aug.) 43. Gloxinias. Hybrid varieties. 1. Prince Cainille tie Rohan. 2 Teichleri. 3. Comtesse I.eopoliline Thun. 4. Comtesse Inza Thuii. 5. Comtesse Carnline Thun. Flore des serres, 1847, pi. 2(j8. These are all exquisite hybrids of the gloxinia, surpassing, with the exception of G. Cartoni, any that have yet been raised. G. Teichleri we have already described, (p. 403.) No. I, is similar to Cartoni; 3, white, with a claret centre; 4, white, with a blue centre, and 5, white, with crimson cen- tre. M. Van Houtte has become the proprietor of these, which were raised by Mr. Joscht, gardener to the Comte Thun, of Bohemia, and they will soon find their Avay into collections. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Art. I. General Notices. Spring Bulbs. — Having made a selection from the bulbs advertised in a good catalogue, according to nis tastes and pecuniary means, the amateur should immediately decide what to do with them. In their arrangement, reference should be constantly made to the season when they bloom, that the position in the garden may be chosen which is best adapted to their display. Many of them come in flower at a time when the whole garden is not readily accessible, especially if there is much grass, lo place flowers in situations seldom visited, or which cannot be reached without getting damp in the feet, or without treading over gravel walks which recent frosts may have disturbed, would be a useless expenditure of time and money. The eye, therefore, should glance round the premises, and the bulbs be apporiiiined to those parts nearest the dwelling-house, which frosts and rams are least likely to make unapproachable. By detailing his own practice, the writer conceives he may best promote tlie interests of his readers, and he will therefore tell what he means to do General Notices. 503 in relation to his own garden in the department of bulb-planting. A road parses up to his house, bounded on one side by a lawn, wiihin a foot of the edge of which are circular beds, about two feet across, and a yard distnnt from each other. These are now occupied v\ith dahlias and scarlet pelar- goniums alternately, and consequently may soon be expected to be vacant, and they are then destined to be occupied by bulbs. It is proposed to re- move the soil to the depth of eight inches, and then to dig into the lower stratum a good quantity of leaf-mould and road-grit, which has previously been mixed together, and, for the greater part of the past year, has been in a decomposed state. This being well incorporated with the soil of ihe beds, the surface of each must be smoothed, and the bulbs placed upon it, a little pressure being used with each, to settle the disturbed mould, which would otherwise be loo hollow. Round the bed put two rows of crocuses not more than one inch from each other ; then six hyacinths spread equally over the remaining portion, filling up the vacant spaces with early tulips. Each bed of this size will thus contain about seveniy-two crocuses, six hya- cinths, and a dozen early tulips. The taste of each gardener can regulate the colors of these various kinds of flowers, as there is room for great diver- sity. The hyacinths may be all different, or mixed, or all alike in each bed ; and the crocuses may be mixed, or of one kind. If a number of small beds are together, a good effect would be produced by having one color in a bed, the contrasts being furnished by the beds themselves. As there niay be innumerable combinations of colors, each amateur can consult his own pleasure in the matter. When the beds are thus filled, a little leaf mould and sand maybe placed over them, and the soil taken out should then be carefully replaced, if of good quality ; but, if it is gravelly and heavy, it had better be all removed at once, and a light friable loam be put instead of it. All is then complet- ed, and we must wait till spring does its work, and brings the flowers above the soil. The crocuses will appear first, then the tulips, then the hyacinths, keeping up a succession from February to May. By the beginning of June, all will be ready for removal, to make way for summer flowers. The in- terest attached to such beds will be very great indeed, fully repaying the cultivator for all his expense and toil, and giving a beauty of no common kind to the garden at a season generally deficient of flowers. Of course, the gardener can place his bulbs where he pleases ; and this illustration is only given as a general guide. The principles of manage- ment will apply in every case, an adaptation being adopted according to the size and position of the grounds. — [Gard. Chron. 1847, p. 637.) Bulbs in Pots. — A correspondent of the CAro?nc/e requests some information respecting the growth of bulbs in pots, in the practice of which he confesses he has himself failed. The subject was glanced at in an article on hya- cinths, in No. 36 of this paper, to which the reader is again referred. How- ever, as the subject is capable of being more minutely treated, and is ex- tremely interesting at this season, we shall endeavor to give thote explicit details which will satisfy the inquiries of the least instructed in these mat- ters In these papers we write for the tyro and not for the advanced gar- dener, and therefore repetitions must occasionally be excused. 504 General Notices. Whether bulbs will flower well or not depends more upon their previous culture than on that which can be given them in pots, or in the ground ; since it is not the process of formation which we furtiier by our care, but that of development. Before a pelargonium cutting can become a busliy plant, its branches must be made, for, although the rudimentary principles of a tree are certainly contained in a seed, yet the parts are not formed, and do not e.xist even in miniature at that early period. With bulbs it is difl'er- ent, for they do contain in embryo all the parts of the future plant and flower, so that their successful growth depends more on their healthiness and strength at the time of planting, than on any subsequent culture. Hence it follows that good bulbs must be planted, or fine flowers will never be the result of the greatest skill and attention. Firmness ai d weight are therefore to be considered in choosing bulls, even more than size ; for a large bulb, if spongy, will never be so flourishing as a smaller one which is compact and firm. Select fine, well-developed bulbs, in which a large quantity of healthy secretions has been treasured up during the previous season of growth, and then they will flower well in spite of poor soil and bad potting. This is proved by the fine flowers produced by hyacinths in water. Good soil is therefore to be regarded as more important for the future well-being of the plant than for its beauty at the present season ; and, as most amateurs regard more the production of fine flowers now, than the future increase of their stock, a well-grown, compact formation is indispen- sable. If these remarks are correct, it follows that the size of the pot is not of much importance in flowering bulbs ; and this suggestion of theory we have found correct in a rather extensive practice. We have flowered hyacinths and early tulips in the smallest pots, and they have been as fine as when grown in vehicles four times as large. We recommend 3-inch pots for hya- cinths— those which are deep rather than wide. This sized pot is elegant, and has the advantage of taking up little room. More water will be de- manded in proportion as less soil is allowed to the roots, but this is a mat- ter easily regulated. For tulips, when planted singly, the same size pot may be employed ; but a good effect is produced by three or four in a pot, and then it must be larger. Crocuses, we find, do best about ten together in 5-inch pots. But no rule can be laid down in these matters ; every gar- dener must consult his own convenience, and the facilities he possesses. Good drainage is absolutely necessary, for all bulbs are injured by wet lodging around and under them, although a percolating moisture does them good, as they bloom naturally in the wet season of the year. A few crocks should, therefore, be placed carefully at the bottom of the pot; and the soil should be light and sandy. The directions which have been given repeat- edly in the Chronicle, respecting gradually admitting moisture to bulbs, must be well attended to : and, for this reason, no water need be applied at the time of planting. If the soil is moderately moist, that will answer ev- ery purpose for some weeks to come. Place your pots against a wall, on a bed of coal-ashes, to prevent the ingress of worms, and then cover them six inches deep with leaf mould or loam. This heap may have all the rain, General Notices. 505 and in a few weeks the roots, protruding through the hole of the pot, will show that forcing may safely be carried on. — {lb. p. 652.) Glazing. — About three years ago, a correspondent recommended the glazing of lights, by placing the glass edge to edge ; and, having had some experience of the evils attending the lap and lead system, I immediately foresaw the value of the plan, provided the joints could be made water- tight. I had, therefore, a few sashes made for experiment ; they answered admirably, and I have not had any more made on the old plan, nor do I in- tend having any. They stood last winter (a fair one for a trial) without letting the least water through, or chipping at the edges, as was supposed ; and I strongly recommend the plan. The sashes are easier to glaze, admit more light, and their weight is lessened. I should be glad to find a substi- tute for putty ; and, if your correspondent, who some time ago recom- mended marine glue, has tried it, and would favor your readers with some account of his experience as to how it has stood the weather, and the best manner of using it, he will oblige — J. L. — {lb. p. 653 ) The Management of Hawthorn Hedges, in my opinion, has been, and is now much misunderstood ; but, be that as it may, I will give you some ac- count of my mode of managing them in the different stages of their growth. I will begin with an old hedge, which is thick at the top and thin at the bottom, and which is stopped with thorns. In the first place, I remove all the old stoppings or mendings, and, if I have no other use for them, commit them to the flames ; I then commence at the back side of the hedge, (that is, the side most out of sight, so as not to disfigure the front, if possible,) at one end, and take out one of the plants. I choose one as young as possi- ble, which I lay near the ground and close to th'i bottom of the hedge ; I then, according to the length of the first, lake another thorn, plant about the middle of that just laid down, and lay that on the top of the former, which of course reaches beyond it, then a third, and so on, going backwards to the end ; by this means, they generally keep each other down ; but some- times a tie is wanted, seldom a crook, to keep them down. With young hedges, I always like to have the ground well worked before 1 begin to plant ; I prefer a single row of plants four inches apart, but perhaps six would do as well. I prefer nursery plants, which 1 trim a little at the roots, but not at the top ; I p'ant as shallow as possible, just covering the roots ; I consider from one foot and a half to two feet the best size for the plants. If it should be very dry in March and April, I approve of giving a good watering, and, if the summer is very dry, perhaps a slight mulching, and this concludes my first year's operation, except weeding occasionally, which I generally do with the Dutch hoe. In the second spring after planting, I take the first plant at one end of the hedge, and lay it down in the direction of the other end, then the third plant, fifth, and so on to the end ; I then begin at the other side of the hedge, and lay as before in the contrary direction, so as to make the plants cross one another. About midsummer, I take a pair of shears, and clip the sides and top a little, leaving one shoot in about every two VOL. Xlll. NO. XI. 45 506 General Notices. feet ; this I let grow to the length of three feet ; then I lay these over the first laying. 1 then let the young hedge grow so as to fit itself for cutting into the desired shape, which should slope from the ground to the top like a wedge. — {lb. p. 654.) Flower Forcing. — Those who intend to provide a rich display very early in the spring, should now be in the market, and select things adapted for the purpose, of a superior character as to amount of flower-buds, and form of the plant. These things involve, of course, some little expense, but such is amply repaid where a proper forcing structure is provided. It can- not be expected that gardeners, as they are ordinarily situated, can provide all things necessary for this purpose so well as the nurserymen, whose sole business it is to look after things of the kind. As one important division of good forcers, we would recommend the ordinary American shrubs, many of which, although too large for the drawing-room stand, are admirably adapted for the vestibule or balcony, or for placing in conspicuous stations in the conservatory or mixed greenhouse. Of such are the various Rhodo- dendrons, Azaleas of the nudiflora class, with various hybrids; the Rho- dora canadense ; Ledum lalifolium and thymifolium ; Kalmia latifoiia, an- guslifolia, and glauca ; Andromeda pulverulenta ; the Daphnes, especially Cneorum, and even the old Polygala Chamsebuxus. These, with more of the same tribes, although not of very recent introduction, will be found to add greatly to the spring di play, as also 1o the diffusion of a most gratify- ing fragrance. Such should be obtained forthwith, potted in smallish pots, and plunged in the warmest corner of the garden, from whence they may be successively introduced to the forcing-house, from the middle of November until February. Such, if gradually cooled down when out of blossom, may be turned out into a reserve garden of bog earth in April, and will not unfrequenlly force very well the next season. When too large fur pots, they will come in for the decoration of the shrubbery, so that little loss will be incurred.— (/i. p. 639.) Cultivation of Raspberries. — A few words on the cultivation of this favor- ite fruit may be useful at this season, when the old beds require care, and new planla'ions should be made. The raspberry will bear fruit with al- most any treatment, and this is the reason its culture is so often neglecied. Odd corners of the garden, and shaded situations where nothing else will flourish, are often chosen, and a small crude fruit is the result. Like every other garden production, the raspberry knows how to turn free air and warm suns to excellent account, and every available advantage of this kind should be given them. In most gardens, we find this plant cultivated in comparimpnts, in rows just wide enough apart to allow of a passage for gathering the fruit ; but, too frequently, these alleys become a mass of entangled branches before the summer ends, thus preventing the comlortable taking of the crop, and keeping the young shoots from the sun and air. Now, in whatever way you plant your canes, let there be great distances between the clumps, wide enough in the rows to allow of other crops If the rule is observed, never to have two rows of raspberries together, but to put them at distances suffi- General Notices. 507 cient to allow of the growth of cabhages, turnips, celery, &c., every desir- able end will be answered. In this case, the canes need not be far apart individually, and a greater as well as a finer produce will be secured. In making new plantations, let the ground be trenched half a yard deep, and plenty of rotten manure be incorporated with the soil. This should be done a month or two before the time of planting, to allow of the settling of earth. As a general rule, raspberries planted this season should not be ex- pected to bear fruit the next, as the object is to secure a vigorous growth of canes for another year. If you get your plants from a nursery with but lit- tle root to them, and probably very dry before you plant them, it will be necessary to nurse them well, in order to get any new shoots from them; and, if this year's stems are allowed to bear, you will probably have the fruit and nothing more for your pains, and have to fill up vacancies next year. You had better, therefore, cut down the stems to within a foot of the ground at the time of planting, and wait patiently till strong shoots next year repay you for your trouble. But if you have a svpply on your own ground, or can go yourself and see the plants taken up at a nursery near your garden, you may secure a crop next season without the risk of injuring your plantation afterwards. The writer has just planted out a quantity of the Fastolff raspberry, with the two objects of having fruit next season, and a permanent stock, and will detail his manipulations for the guidance of any who may have confidence enough in him to follow his example In the first place, a hole was dug with a fork, about half a yard across, but not deep, the soil being only loosened by that instrument. With the same invaluable tool the plants were dug up frout three feet high, of a semicircular form, is then built round them. The branches are set on fire, and when about half burnt down, seed-weeds, and such rubbish as collects in every garden and will not readily decompose, are thrown on the top, and earth is gradually cast up as the fire breaks through. During the first two or three days, great care is requi-ite to keep the pile on fire. Here is the pomt wiiere many fail. They allow the flame to break through and expend itself before the heap is tl.oroughly kindled. Constant watching is necessary atthis juncture. As the fire breaks through, a layer of bushes and weeds should be added, and then a layer of earth. Follow up this plan, and the fire will spread through ihe whole heap , and any amount of earth may be burnt, by continually adding to those places where the fire appears strongest. The soil burnt here is the stiffest loam that can be found within our limits, and which is ratlier of a clayey nature; also turf from the sides of ditches and ponds, in itself naturally sour and full of rank weeds. Burnt earth has been found beneficial in every instance where applied. In black garden mould, rather wet, in which Peach-trees were disposed to sucker and canker, despite of the use of various manures, two or three an- nual dressings of it appear so to have altered the nature of the soil, that they now grow clean, vigorous, and liealihy, are free from suckers, and produce roots completely matted with fibre. The like success has attended its application to various other trees. — {Paul's Bose Garden, exiracl in Gar- deners' Chronicle, 1847, p. 639.) Proper Manure for Roses. — That stable manure, which is excellent in most cases, and the kind in general use for Roses, is not of the best de- scription/or /j^^i s^n/s- Its tendency is to render them still lighter; and if it can be dispensed with, we think it desirable to do so. Manures should be applied here in a more concentrated form, (yow-dung is exceljein, es- pecially for the tea-scented Roses; and pigeon-dung, rabbit-duno, and night-soil, are all great improvers of light soil. The unpleasantness at- tending the preparation and use of night soil may in a great me;isure be done away with by pursuing the following plan : — A basin, or reservoir should be formed on the ground, to hold a given quantity. In the bottom of this, loam may be thrown, heavy or light, turfy or not, as may be at our command, or whichever is thought best suited to the character of ihe soil we intend to manure. Upon this the night-soil is lowered from the cart and a sufficient quantity of loam thrown in to absorb the whole. The heap should then be covered over closely with a layer of earth, about a foot thick, and remain closed for about six months. It may then be broken up, more or less, according to its state, mixing dry soil, or ashes, or durnt laith with it in the operation, and casting it up in ndges. About a monili aiter- wards it may be turned over again, that the night-soil may be well mixed with the loam. In spring or autumn it may be carried to the places where required, and forked in as other manures ; or it may be scattered over ihe beds immediately after they are forked in spring, wiieii it will be v\ ashed down by the rains. We cannot conceive of any description of manure lo 512 Foreign Notices. surpass this, applied in the latter manner, to Roses on light soils. By its use. we administer at the same time a cool and rich fertilizer, and a sub- stance calculated to he of permanent benefit t(» the soil. — {lb) Muss Roses suitable for Pillar Roses. — On such soils as I have just rec- ommended, the varieties termed " vigorous" may be fashioned into " Pillar- Roses," and they are indeed unique when cultivated in this manner. Some of our readers may perhaps doubt whether Moss Roses are suited for this purpose ; and writers have too often spoken of them collectively as being of dwarf and delicate growth. What will such say to a pillar formed with the old red Moss reaching to the height of 15 feetl That such a one exists I can confidently assert; for I measured the plant last autumn in company with the owner, who assured me he could have trained it higher, but that he was unable to obtain |)oles to support it. It cannot be said that the pillar is well furnished with branches the whole height, but I feel confident that many varieties will form handsome, well-furnished pillars 6 or 8 feet hisrh. Surely much more is not required. Ten feet is perhaps the maxi- mum of height desirable even for a Pillar-Rose. Beyond this, not only are the best flowers out of sight, but there is infinite trouble in protecting the plants from the wind, in pruning, &c. If the reader should wish to see the plant alluded to above, it is in the garden of Mr. Anderson, of Bull's-cross, near Cheshunt, growing within a ft'W feet of the road. When I inspected his Moss Roses last winter, some of the shoots of the previous year's growth were above 6 feet long, and extremely robust, and the main stems had swelled to a considerable size. The mossy calyces were still hanging on the trees, showing there had been an abundance of fli.wers. There were several other plants of the Muss Rose formed as pillars, two or three of which were nearly equal in height to the one above-mentioned. Now to what circumstances is this uncommon case due? — for uncommon I admit it to be. Is it owing to situation, soil, the age of the trees, or the fostering care of the cultivator? Partly, 1 should say, to all. The garden lies open to the sun ; the situation is airy; the soil is a brown- i.sh loam, not exactly light, but friable, and containing a good share of vegetable matter; — a soil in which Wallflowers and Fuchsias vie with Roses in vigor. The ages of the largest Rose-trees are probably from 12 to 20 years.— (7/i.) Bones as Manure, and their Use in the Culture of Pelargoniums. — The researches of the chemist and the practical testimony of the farmer having more fully established the value of bones as a manure, not for Tur- nips only, but for various other crops, it behoves us to ascertain whether tliey have been employed in gardening as extensively as they deserve. If we find they have not, we ought to lose no time in making use of them. The greatest obstacle to the more general use of bones in gardening, as well as in farming, is their undergoing decomposition so very slowly. But this difficulty is got over by dissolving them in sulphuric or muriatic acid. This plan, however, though excellent as far as Turnip culture is concerned, must be defective, inasmuch as it confers no lasting or permanent benefit on Foreign Notices. 513 the land. Professor Way prefers using two parts of the bones undissolved, on the principle of their more continued and permanent benefit. I would, however, very particularly direct attention to a sort of bone manure not in general use (perhaps owing to its limited supply), which, being very fine, requires no digesting with sulphuric or muriatic acid, and which is both im- mediate and permanent in its effects. This bone manure is the sawdust of a button factory. When I lived, in 1839, at Leigh-court, in Somersetshire, the late P. J. Miles, Esq., had, from a button factory in Bristol, a large quantity of this dust fur his Turnips, and its effects were astonishing. The progress of the plant after the first shower of rain, was extraordinary ; so great, indeed, that it induced Mr. Hatch (who was then gardener there,) to try it on many things in the garden, and with favorable results. Among other things he tried it on Pine plants, and the effects produced were won- derful. In 1842, Mr. Spencer, gardener at Bowood, used this same bone- dust for Pelargoniums, and with good results. The roots that were emit- ted into the soil containing the bone-dust, were as large as moderate-sized goose-quills; and the plants, in consequence of their having such strong and vigorous roots — powerful absorbents of food — grew to a size almost incredible. And not only were they large, but they were strong and vigorous enough to support their trusses without the aid of sticks, although many of the trusses consisted of 12, 13, and 14 flower? each. The plants had only a few sticks at the commencement of their growth, merely to keep the branches at regular distances from each other. The flowers were half as large again as usual. I well remember Mr. Brown, late of Slough Nursery, who happened to call at Bowood while the Pelargoniums were in bloom, expressing his surprise at the number of flowers on each truss, the size of the flowers, and at the vigor of the plants : he added that he never in his life saw any thing like them. Some of these plants kept up a succession of flower from four to six months. A few that were *' spotted'' were put in soil containing the bone-dust, and in 10 days, they had put on so many young leaves as to completely hide the " spot- ted" ones. This dust was purchased cheap at the factory in Bristol in 1839, but its value being soon ascertained, in 1842 the price was more than doubled, and the dust inferior. I do not know what quantity of dust is to be had annually in this country, but this 1 do know, that if we could reduce our bone manure to the finely divided state of this dust, we should then have a most valuable fertilizer without additional labor or expense. — {lb. p. 637.) Root-Pruning Fruit Trees. — We have, from time to time, placed before our readers, the best information on the subject of Root-Pruning, believing the practice in many cases to be of great value. We therefore with pleas- ure copy the following additional evidence of the success attending root- pruned trees. — Ed. The question of root-pruning fruit trees is one of decided importance, not to gardeners alone, but to a vast number of amateurs and private persons, whose small plots of ground are too frequently encumbered with unfnulful trees — spared only from year to year under a hope that they will ultimately be- 514 Foreign Notices. come productive. More especially is this the case with pears and apples, when planted either upon walls or as espaliers: it is generally in these sit- uations where root-pruning is found peculiarly effective and valuable. We are not surprised that the subject should attract the attention of our read- ers. Two communications treating on this matter will be found in another part of the paper. By one of these we are supplied with what appears to us the most conclusive evidence in favor of root-pruning that the most scep- tical can require. We therefore refer such of our readers as may be in any way concerned in this matter, to Mr. Drewett's article, given else- where. We insert below a descriptive notice of a sample of fruit sent to us by Mr. Drewett, being pears, and the produce of root-pruned trees. They were clear, handsome fruit, and the subjoined dimensions correspond to the several sorts, measuied by us at the time they were received. The circumference of each fruit was taken round the thickest part, and the length, from the base of the stalk to the eye : — Beurr6 Diel, circum. 9^ in., length 5 in. Brown Beurr6, circum. 9,^ in., length 4^ in. Inconnue Cramoisine, circum. 8 in., length 4 in. Glout Morceau, circum. 7.^ in., length 4 in. Passe Colmar, circum. 7^ in., length 44 in. Swan Egg, circum. 8iJ in., length 4 in. Chaumontel, circum. 8 in., length 5^ in. Navarre Beurr^, circum. 74 in., length 35 in. Nothing could exceed the clear and healthy appearance of the fruit. The result, as detailed by Mr. Drewett, is most successful ; it is not, however, other than a most reasonable and natural one. It is merely what, we ven- ture to assert, ^^ill be the result with pears and apples in ninety-nine cases in every hundred, where similar experiments are fairly made ; such are the effects which our own experience, at least, would lead us to expect. As we cannot expect that our own opinions upon any question are to be im- plicitly received by all, however corroborated by the evidence of others, we therefore earnestly invite the consideration of our practical readers to tiiis practical question. A little discussion on so important a matter would nec- essarily lead persons to thought and experiment, and this would tend greatly to a better understanding of cause and effect in reference to the matter at issue. — {Gard. Journal, 1847, p. 24:J.) Experiment on Root-pruning Pear Trees. — I beg to furnish you with a statement relative to a successful experiment I have made on some pear trees at this place, growing on a wall fourteen feet high, and about sixty yards in length. The sorts are for dessert. Having been previously in- formed that the trees were never known to produce any thing like a crop, I was resolved to make some alteration in them ; and in Oct. 1813, I tried an experiment on them in loot-pruning. I had a trench dug out the whole length, about four feet from the wall, and three feel deep, when I under- mined them, until I could have foil scope for severing all those roots which had a tendency to go downwards; those I found rather numerous. I had them pruned vvith great care, and as the soil was removed, 1 continued to Domestic Notices. 515 raise them nearer the surface, from their cold abiding place. Having pro- vided myself wiih a good stock of loam, I supplied the roots with a lib- eral share of it, and by the time the trench was nearly filled up again, the points of any of the side roots were brought near the top. The first season following, the trees made very little progress. The second year after they were pruned and nailed, I made three incisions with a knife down the whole length of the stems, as they appeared to be what persons in the profession term hide-bound. As the season advanced, the trees began to make up for the rest of the previous season, sendmg forth fine healthy shoots, which I allowed to remain on the trees until the au- tumn, not even stopping them. The third season a great improvement appeared to be going on, both in forming healthy shoots, and forming fruit buds. The shoots I allowed to remam their full length, until the wood w^as ripe, the same as before. I have great pleasure in being able to state, that the trees this season have produced a splendid crop of fruit, and fine in quality. I gatheied, a few days ago, from one half-standard, which does not extend more than fifteen feet wide, 228 fine pears, fit for table, when ripe ; and from ano- ther tree (Beurre Diel) which only extends to nine feet wide, eighty six fruit was gathered : some of them weighed ten ounces each. — {lb. p. 245.) Art. hi. Domestic Notices. Colmar d^Aremberg Pear. — We have fruited this beautiful variety the past season in our collection, one of the pears being quite large ; but some of the most remarkable specimens were sent to us by N. Stetson, Esq., of Bridgewater, whose garden we lately noticed, (p. 441.) One of these weighed fourteen and a half ounces, and measured /ovr and a half inches long : and they were produced on a small espalier tree only planted two years. The great size, early bearing and productiveness, as well as great excellence of this pear, will render it indispensable in every choice collec- tion. It ripens at a good season, about the first of November, just after Swan's Orange, and keeps up the succession of fine large pears. — Ed. Rhode Is/and Horticultural Society. — This new association held its second annual exhibition at Providence on the 29th and 30th of September. The display of fruit, particularly of apples, was exceedingly fine ; among the pears, some new sorts were exhibited, and there were also fine specimens of the Pratt, Capsheaf, BufTum, Knight's Seedling, and other R. I. vari- eties. The Westcott, a variety recently brought to notice, is said to be excellent. The report has been received, and we shall notice it in our next number. — Ed. The Boston Pine Strawberry. — Your Boston Pine Strawberry, (of which you may recollect I obtained just a dozen plants of you two years ago this autumn,) has done well with me. I did not expect, as a s^ffmma^e kind, that it would equal your seedling, but it has come up fully to my expecta- 516 Domestic Notices. tions, and I know of no variety that I would prefer, to cultivate with that, for a very abundant crop ; although I have the Early Scarlet, Iowa, Bath, and others, which I have used for that purpose : the staminates, you know, are all noted for their strong growth and rapid increase, but your pine, I think, exceeds all others in this respect ; certainly all that I have cultivated. Of the twelve vines procured of you, as I have remarked, in the fall of 1845, I gave four to a friend going west early in the following spring. This left me but eighi to start with, and yet these eight gave me, as I believe, from fifieen hundred to two thousand plants at the close of the season, and from these \vere picked very little, if any, short of a bushel of fruit the past summer. — Your very oh'' t servant, D. W. Coit, Noriuich, Conn., Oct. 1847. First Annual Exhibition of the Albany and Rensselaer Horticultural Soci- ety.— The first annual exhibition of this Society was held at the State Geo- logical Rooms, in Albany, on Saturday, September 11th, 1847, and a full repori lias been sent, which, as heretofore, we must condense for want of room : — " It is not yet six months since the society was formed ; and, of course, no opportunity has been afforded for increasing the varieties, or extending the cultivation of the various articles exhibited, and yet the show of fruit, flowers, and vegetables astonished and delighted every beholder. A more beautiful, a more extensive horticultural exhibition has seldom or ever been witnessed in this State. The undersigned begs to congratulate the friends and supporters of the society up(m the entire success of this, their first annual exhibition ; and trusts that this satisfactory and encouraging result will induce them to fur- ther and continued exertions for the prosperity and welfare of the society. Frujts : The Committee on Fruits report that there were exhibited by R. H. Vail, of Ida farm, Troy, eleven varieties of apples, viz., Holland Pippin, Early Tart Bough, Heart's Pippin, Jersey Sweeting, Early Sweet Bough, Spitzemberg H. I. Greening, Domine, Vandervere, Swaar, and one variety not named ; three varieties of pears, viz., Bartlett, Beurr^ Ranee, and (^aliilac ; seven varieties of plums, viz., Coe's Golden Drop, Flushing Gage, Heine Claude, Yellow Egg, Imperial Gage, Yellow Gage, and a seedling of a fair character ; one variety of the peach, the Red Magdalen ; and three varieties of grapes, viz., Isabella, Winne, and a native Blue vari- ety. By D. Benson, of Albany, Beurr6 Diel pears, Washington, Royal Pur- ple and Nectarine plums, and a very fine variety of seedling peach. By Wm. Newcomb, three varieties of watermelons and three of muskmelons. By E. P. Prentice, of Mount Hope, Albany, very beautiful specimens of Bergen Yellow peaches, one variety of watermelon, and one variety of muskmelon. By John Gott, of Albany, a limb bearing thirty beautiful peaciies, not named, and two varieties of plums. Green Gage, and a seed- ling variety. By Stephen E. Warren, of Troy, seven varieties of peaches, viz., No- blesse, Royal George, Palroon, Sweetwater, Lemon Cling, Red Magda- len, and a seedling; three varieties of Mectarines, viz., Perkins seedling. Domestic Notices. 517 Red Roman, and one variety not labelled. By Bradford R. Wood, of Al- bany, five varieties of plums, viz.. Red Magnum Bonum, Sweet Gage, Green Gage, Washington, and beautiful Rareripe peaches. By Wm. Bus- well, of Troy, Coolidge's Favorite peach, \A'ashington plum, and a seed- ling plum. By. B. B. Kirtland, Havvthornden apples and Netted musk- melons. By J. I\lcD. M'Intyre, of Albany, Egg plums, and one variety of apple not named. By Dr. Jas. McNaughton of Albany, Rareripe and Mor- ris White peaches, very fine. By V. P. Douw of Greenbush, Beurr6 Diel pears. Royal Blue plum, a seedling Green plum, a seedling Yellow plum, Miller's Burgundy grapes, and four varieties of watermelons, viz.. Black Spanish, Joppa, Rio Janeiro, and Mountain Spanish, and Netted muskmelons. By Joel Rathbone, Kenwood, Albany County, Green Gage and Blue Gage plums, Royal George, Sweetwater, and Morris White peaches, Seckel pears, Catawba and Isabella grapes, Newington nectarines, Rock Nutmeg watermelons, and large Long Island watermelons. By Isaac Den- iston of Albany, twenty-seven varieties of plums, viz. : Bleeker Gage, Yel- low Gage, Deniston's Superb, Reine Claude, Columbia, Albany Beauty, Eleanor, Yellow Egg, Lawrence's Favorite, Chancellor Gage, Deniston's Red, Bleeker's Red, Blue Gage, Buel's Favorite, Green Gage, Washing- ton, Mirabelle, and ten seedlings not named. By Amjs Briggs, of Schaghticoke, Rensselaer county, sixteen varieties of plums, viz. : Nectarine Plum, Orange, Orleans, Prince's Yellow Gage, Reine Claude, Coe's Golden Drop, Blue Gage, French Red Gage, Imperial Gage, Washington, Yellow Gage, Purple Magnum Bonum, and four seedlings of fine appearance, but not of first quality ; Bartlett pears, Seckel peais, and one variety unnamed, and apples, not labelled, one variety. By James Wil- son, of Albany, six varieties of pears, viz. : Althorpe Crassane, Doyenn^ Gris, Doyenne White, Beurre Capiaumont, Henry the Fourth, and Lewis ; Reinette Van Mons apple; Bleeker's Red, St. Catherine, Wheat and Jud- son plums, and May's Victoria currants. By John Taylor, of Albany, two varieties of apples, not labelled ; Sweetwater and French Cluster grapes. By James Coates, Red Magnum Bonum plums, Quackenbush plums, Al- exander apples, and two varieties of watermelons. By L. Menand, White Alpine strawberries. By J. K. Paige, of Albany, six varieties of pears, viz. , Seckel, Bartlett, and four varieties not named ; five varieties of peaches, sixteen varieties of grapes, thirteen varieties of plums, and Valparaiso wa- termelons. By Dr. A. March, of Albany, very beautiful specimens of Red Magnum Bonum and Yellow Egg plums. By Dr. Herman Wendell, of Albany, nineteen varieties of pears, viz., Duchesse d'Angouleme, Seckel, Gansell's Bergamot, Napoleon, Beurre Knox, Muscadine, Easter Beurre, Beurre Diel, Bartlett, Doyenn^ White, Leon le Clerc of Van Mons, Comte de Lamy, Fulton, Summer St. Ger- main, Chaumontelle, Duchesse de Mars, and three varieties unnamed ; twenty varieties of apples, viz. : Newtown Pippin Green, Rambo, Baldwin, Esopus Spitzemburg, Yellow Newtown Pippin, Male Carle, Lady Apple, Gloria Mundi, or Ox Apple, Gravenstein, Lemon Pippin, Golden Sweet, Fall Pippin, Vandervere, R. I. Greening, Hawthornden, Ribstone Pippin, VOL. XIII. — NO. XI. 46 518 Domestic Notices. Seek-No-Further, Siberian Crab, and two varieties not named ; iwenty- five varieties of plums, viz. : Coe's Golden Drop, Coe's Late Red, Yellow Egg, Red Magnum Bonum, White Perdrigon, Virgin, Peters's Large Yel- low, Prune d'Agen, White Magnum Bonum, Lombard, or Bleeker's Red, Long Scarlet, Catherine plum, American Wheat plum, Bleeker's Gage, Schuyler's Gage, Washington Yellow Gage, Blue Gage, Nectarine, Reine Claude, Imperial Gage, Holland plum, two English varieties, labels lost, and one seedling from the Lombard, resembling that variety ; Golden Chas- selas, Bland's Virginia and Isabella grapes ; Red Roman nectarines; six varieties of peaches, viz. : Early Anne, Early Tillotson, Emperor of Rus- sia, and three seedlings ; Black Spanish and Valparaiso watermelons, and five varieties of muskmelons, viz. : Beechwood, Sweet Ispahan, Christiana, Green Citron, and Yellow Early canteloup. By John Townsend, of Al- bany, five varieties of apples not named. Premiums. — The Committee have awarded the premiums as follows : — Apples. — For the best exhibition, to Dr. Herman Wendell, of Albany, 83. For the second best exhibition, to Henry Vail, of Ida Farm, Troy, $2. Pears. — For the best exhibition, to Dr. Herman Wendell, $3. For the second best exhibition, to James Wilson, of Albtny, $2. Plums. — For the best exhibition, to Isaac Denniston, of Albany, $3 For the second best exhibition, to Dr. Herman Wendell, $2. Peaches. — For the best exhibition, to Stephen E. Warren, of Troy, $3. For the second best exhibition, to John Keys Paige, of Grapland, Albany, $2. Grapes. — For the best exhibition of native grapes, to Henry Vail, $3. For best specimen and greatest variety of foreign grapes, to John K. Paige, of Albany, $3. Nectarines. — For the best exhibition, to Stephen E. Warren, $3. Watermelons. — For the best specimens, to V. P. Douw, ol Greenbush, $ 2. For the second best specimens, to Joel Rathbone, of Kenwood, Al- bany, $ 1. Muskmelons. — For the best specimens, to Dr. Herman Wendell, $2. For the second best specimens, to V. P. Douw, $ I. The Committee beg leave to notice favorably, and as the best specimens of the particular varieties named, some Coe's Golden Drop and Nectarine plums exhibited by Mr. Amos Briggs, of Schaghticoke ; and some very large and beautiful Bergen Yellow peaches exhibited by E. P. Prentice, of Mount Hope, Albany County ; also a few beautiful specimens of a|)ples, peaches, plums, and a very beautiful new seedlmg pear called the ISterling pear, exhibited by Messrs. Wilson, Thorburn & Teller, from their nur- sery.— V. P. Douw, Chairman. Floral Designs, Vase Bouquets,