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G. B. SOWERBV, F. L. S.,

&c. &c.

Part I.

HonDon :



G B- Sotoerby, Great Russeli Street, Sloomsbury





In order to render this Work as complete as possible, Mr. G. B. SowERBY has primed a Table of Contents for the First and Second Parts of the Supplementary Plates, which may be had gratis, by the Subscribers to the Work and possessors of the copies of the Supplementary Plates, upon application at Mr. Sowerby's, 50, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury : at the same place may be had

1. The ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL, No. 1 to 20, and Supple- mentary Plates to ditto, Parts 1 to 5, coloured JG14 3s.

N.B. Only fi^e complete copies of this work can now be had ; but the latter numbers, and the Supplementary Plates may be had separately to complete copies or make up deficiencies.

2. The GENERA OF RECENT FOSSIL SHELLS. Nos. 1 to 42, £\2 12s.

N.B. Only one copy of this Work can now be had until some of the Plates are re-engraved.

3. SPECIES CONCHYLIORUM. Parti, £2 2s. N.B.— The second and third parts are nearly reacSy.

4. CONCHOLOGICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, consisting of co- loured figures of hitherto unfigured Recent Shells. Parts 1 to 132, Is. 6d. each. For a recapitulation of the contents of this Work, see a separate advertisement.

5. The TANKERVILLE CATALOGUE of SHELLS, with Appendix, containing Descriptions of 100 new species, and Nine Coloured Plates. Small 4to. 10s., or Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d.

6. The MINERAL CONCHOLOGY of GREAT BRITAIN, plain. No. 1, Is. .3d ; Nos. 2 to 104, at 2s. 6d. each, and No. 105 at 5s. The first fifty numbers can now be had. Nos. 97 to 104 must be paid for in advance, or upon payment of ^12 9s. 9d. the numbers now out will be delivered, and the continuation as it appears.

7. The MINERAL CONCHOLOGY OF GREAT BRITAIN, coloured. No. 1, 2s. Gd. No. 2 to 105, at 5s. each. No. 106, price 4s. will be published in January, 1838.

8. THOMPSON'S ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCHES. Parts 1 to 5, at 3s. 6d. each.

9. ENGLISH BOTANY. Small Edition. No. 1 to 200 at Is. each.

10. A Supplement to the English Botany, 44 Nos. at 3s. each.

11. GLEANINGS of BRITISH ALGM, by Rev. M. J. Berkeley. 5 Parts, 15s.

12. A new edition of ENGLISH FUNGI, conducted by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley, of the same size as the English Botany, is about to be published in numbers, containing 8 Plates each, at 4s. Orders for which will be received by G. B. Sowerby," 50, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury.

13. DE EUPHORBIACEARUM GENERIBUS, medicisque earum demque viribus Tentamen, auctore Ad. de Jussieu ; 18 Plates, 6s.

14. DISCOURS SUR LES REVOLUTIONS DE LA SURFACE DU GLOBE, by Cuvier, with his Portrait and Plates, 12s.


16. ICONES FOSSILIUM SECTILES, by C. E. Konig, Esq. Centuria prima 10s

17. HISTORY and DESCRIPTION of the ROYAL MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY of PARIS, 2 Vols. 8vo. with Plates, 7s. 6d.

18. An extensive COLLECTION of RECENT SHELLS, com- prising about 5000 Species, to be selected at fixed prices.

19. A series of British Shells, comprising more than 500 species, all correctly named.



22. A COLLECTION of MINERALS, consisting of about 1150 carefully selected characteristic small specimens, comprising nearly all the substances; many of them very rare and valuable ; arranged in a Cabinet of twelve drawers, and all correctly named, with localities. Price One hundred guineas.

23. A small COLLECTION of MINERALS, consisting of more than 1600 Specimens, all named, and comprising nearly all the known substances, many extremely rare.

N.B. This Collection is well suited for the study of Mine- ralogy, most of the substances showing distinctly the crystalline and other forms, as well as variations of colour, &c.

24. Specimens of METEORIC IRON, from Lenarto, in Hun- gary. This Meteoric Iron contains more than 8 per cent, of Nickel.

25. LABELS for COLLECTIONS of MINERALS. 2s. per copy.

26. Various CABINETS, suited for Minerals, Shells, or Fossils.


For Sale, by Private Contract, an extremely perfect ICHTHYOSAURUS,

in very fine condition, the dimensions of which are as follows:

Ft. In.

Length of the beak 1 6

head 1 10

Width across the head 1 4

From the head to the paddle 1 3

Thickness across the shoulder. .. . 0 9 From the end of one paddle to the

end of the other 6 2

Length from head to tail 6 0

of the tail 6 0

Total length about 16 0


A Very Fine Fossil lower jaw of an Elephant, dredged from off the Dogger Bank, having all its teeth, in most perfect condition.

Mr. G. B. SowERBY begs to announce, that he is actively engaged in completing the second and third parts of the Species CoNCHYLiORUM, of which all the plates are engraved, some are printed off and coloured ; and all the manuscript is ready, a part of that also being printed off; and that both will be completed as quickly as the great outlay will permit. He is also preparing the compleiion of his Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, which will not be delayed longer than is absolutely necessarj'. At the same time he is collecting materials for an Illustrated Natural History of British Testaceous Mollusca, to be published as soon as possible afier his work on the Genera is c<impleted. A Prospectus will shortly be laid before the Public, and in the interval, he respectfully invites the communication of unpub- lished information relating to the subject, and of new or rare species. It is intended to give descriptions and figures of every species of Shell, and of every Genus of Testaceous Mollusc.

THE CHATHAM MUSEUM. Mr. G. B. SowERBY has in his possession certain articles, prin- cipally Crustacea, which were left with him for the Chatham Museum, by J. V. Thompson, Esq., and which he will be happy to deliver to the proper authorities. No application will be replied to, if atten'led with any expense to G. B. S.

George Odell, Printer, 18, Princes-street, Oxford-street.






&c. &c.

Part I.

ILontion :



G. jB. Sowerby, Great Russell Street, Blootnshury 1838.


Part I.





Conducted by G. B. SOWERBY, F L. S., &c.

This work is intended as the Conductors gratuitous contribution for the advancement of one of his fa- vourite branches of Natural Science. The particular object which he proposes to himself in commencing it is the establishment of a Malacological and Concho- logical Society in London; it will be carried on at the sole expense of the Conductor for a twelvemonth, by which time it is to be hoped such a Society will be established ; when it will be naturally replaced by their transactions. The Conductor will admit useful original articles relative to Malacological and Concholojrical Science in all their branches, and he invites articles relating to those Sciences in their connection with Geology.

The Conductor of this Magazine has for some years

been convinced that two new Societies ought to be established for the furtherance of the interests of Geological Science, namely, a Mineralogical and a Malacological and Conchological. Hewould willingly render any aid in his power to the estabhshment of the former or Mineralogical Society, but he feels that the formation of such a Society would require much greater influence than he is pos- sessed of, seeing that the study of Minerals is scarcely attended to at the present time.

He will attempt the formation of the latter or Ma- lacological and Conchological Society, and with this view he proposes as follows :

1 . That a Society be formed, to be called The Mala-

cological and Conchological Society of London.

2. That the objects of this Society be

1 . The formation of a Library to consist of all works connected with the Malacological and Conchological Sciences in all their bearings;

2. The formation of Collections of speci- mens, drawings and descriptions of MoUusca and of Collections of Shells, both recent and fossil, with a view to an improved classification and nomenclature, and to the comparison and identi- fication of recent and fossil species.

3. The publication from time to time of such new and important facts as may come under the notice of the Society, and also the publication

of descriptive Catalogues of species made as complete as possible with correct synonyms.

3. The Society shall consist in the first instance of those persons who shall forward to the Con- ductor of this Magazine a letter expressing their intention to aid in its formation. As soon as twenty-five persons shall have expressed such intention a meeting shall be held, at which every such person shall be invited to assist ; and all further proceedings shall be under the immediate control of a majority of such persons as shall thus meet together after a week's notice.

4. The Conductor of this Magazine engages to keep a list of such persons as may express their inten- tion of assisting in the formation of this Society. He will also pay all expences which may be in- curred, and keep a regular account of receipts and expenditures until the formation of the Society by the act of so many of the first twenty- five persons as may meet together for that purpose. When the Society is actually formed, it will of course repay such reasonable sums as may have been expended.

The Conductor of this Magazine ventures to invite Noblemen and Gentlemen who are interested in the advancement of the particular branches of science which he proposes as the objects of pursuit by this Society, to come forward and unite in its foundation : particularly as the collections it is proposed to form

may under proper regulations be rendered perma- nently useful in aid of Geological studies by offering the means of obtaining a corrected nomenclature, an improved Classification, and, which is of great impor- tance to Geologists, the comparative examination and exact indentification both of recent and fossil species.

In furtherance of these useful objects the Conductor of this Magazine now puts aside a small cabinet, and proposes to arrange in it, from time to time, such illustrative objects as he may occasionally meet with, merely as a nucleus, around which it is to be hoped, a most valuable and useful Collection may in time be formed; a Collection which will enable any persons having access to it, to name at once and with precision any malacological or conchological sub- ject, recent or fossil they may possess, and in order to render it more extensively useful the Conductor of this Magazine would propose that it should be opened in the most liberal manner to those persons who may wish to consult it.

Ladies and Gentlemen who may be disposed to aid the object of the proposed Society are respectfully informed that they may immediately begin to do so by forwarding specimens or duplicates from their Collections of recent or fossil shells, or mollusca preserved in spirits and it is requested that the lo- calities as correctly as possible may be given. A Catalogue of all such donations, together with the name of the donor and the localities will be carefully prepared and kept.

The Conductor of the Malacological and Concho- logical Magazine, begs to be permitted in conclusion to state, that in making this proposal for the estab- lishment of a new Society he has no personal interest to serve and that he is only actuated by the desire, as much as in him lies, of furthering the interests of Science ; he feels that he is too obscure, and alto- gether too uninfluential an individual to aspire to the character of Founder of a Society he will however use his best endeavours to excite others who from their position in Society, their talents and their zeal in the cause of Science are far better fitted to sustain such a character than he is. But should such a Society as he proposes not eventually be formed, having done his duty, his conscience will not allow him to apply the ''pudet hcBC opprohria" to himself.

Societies or private individuals who wish to have this Magazine, which, it must be remembered, is only printed for private gratuitous distribution, will have the goodness to send their names and exact addresses, at their own expense to Mr. G. B. Sowerby, No. 50, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury.

Communications intended for publication in this Magazine must be sent free of expense to the Conductor.

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Art I. On Melania inquinata, Defr.,

and its supposed recent analogue.

Vide Deshaijes Coquilles Fossiles des Environs de Paris, T. II. pi. 12

f. 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, p. 105, (1825.) Id. Mag. de Conchyl.

pi. et p. 13, (June, 1830.)

Cerithium Melanoides, Sotverbi/ Min. Conch, of Great Britain,

Vol. II. p. 109, pi. 147, f. 6, 7.

DeFrance Diet, des Sciences naiuielles, Tom. XXIX, p. 469. When, some months since, I addressed to the Editor of the Natural History Magazine some observations on Mr. Samuel Stutchbury's pro- posed new genus CyprcBcassis, I ventured not to advance any opinion upon the subject ; my intention was, by bringing forward such facts as I had myself observed, independently of the favourable or unfavourable bearing they might have upon the establishment of the proposed genus, to enable others, as far as ray facts, combined with Mr. Stutchbury's, would go, to form a correct judgment upon the subject. I know not what expressions I may in those observations have made use of that may fairly be construed into expression of personal feeling, or an improper spirit, with both of which I have been charged. I have merely stated facts, the proofs of which are existing and to be seen every day ; that these facts have a direct tendency unfavourable to the establishment of Mr. Stutchbury's proposed genus is not to be charged as a fault against me. I have not pretended to assert that the proposed genus may not eventually be fully established upon well marked characters, but I must still say, that it cannot be considered as established upon the three characters which Mr. Stutchbury has propounded as distinguishing it from Cassis; these three characters it will be remembered are, 1st. the absence of epider- mis, and I have shown that Mr. Stutchbury's typical species has an epi- dermis ; 2d. the absence of operculum, and I have shown that at least one of the species associated by Mr. Stutchbury with Cypraecassis has an operculum ;* and 3d. the absence of varices except in the adult state,

There is no greater reason for supposing Mr. Cuming to have accidentally applied the operculum of some other animal to C. coarctata, than there might he for supposing the qperculum of C. Testiculus to have been accidentally detached from the foot of the animal before it was put into the spirit, or



and I have shown that three of Mr. Stutchbury's species form either in- ternal or external varices at various periods of growth. And though I thus say, I do not intend to assert that these facts are to be taken as conclusive against the establishment of the proposed genus, but only as strongly unfavourable to it.

I have thought it necessary to make these preliminary remarks, be- cause the treatment I have experienced in consequence of my observa- tions upon this subject, is such as would have prevented me from con- tinuing to bring forward the numerous facts with which I am acquainted, had I not been convinced of the necessity of fearlessly giving them publicity even at the risk of exposing myself to such misrepresentation : for these facts cannot always coincide with the opinions or preconceived notions of certain classes of writers, the profound ignorance of some of whom is only equalled by their arrogance.*

I shall therefore now proceed to the subject of the present communica- tion ; only premising that my aim and intention is alone the advancement of the purity and exactitude of such Natural Sciences as may be in a greater or less degree affected by my facts. The form in which I shall put my observations will be that of a critical analysis of the various published observations and assertions relating to the Melania inquinata o{ DeFrancCy and I shall add such facts as I have had the opportunity of observing whether corroborative or not of previously published opinions. In order to avoid frequent references I have placed at the head of this arti- cle the direction to all that has appeared upon this subject, down to this present time, as far as I know of. It will be needful in the first place to ascertain what are the precise characters of Melania inquinata accord- ing to DcFrance; then I must enquire how far the yb55z7 shells given under that name by Deshayes agree with the true Melania inquinata of DeFrance ; next I must institute a careful comparison of this fossil

that it might not actually have been detatclied by the sudden contractions. of the animal upon being plunged inlo the strong spirit in which it was preserved.

I do not intend to include among these writers either of the Mesjsrs, Stutchbury.


species with the recent one which Deshayes asserts to he identical with it, and lastly I shall bring forward such facts as I possess and as are calculated to explain or to enable Naturalists to form a correct judgment upon the subject.

I commence then with my endeavour to ascertam what are the precise characters of the true Melania inquinata of DcFrance, and in order that I may net lay myself open to a charge of misrepresenting DeFrance^ I copy verbatim, what he has said about it in the Dictionnaire des Sci- ences naturelles, " Melanie souillee : Melania inquinata, DeF. ; Ceri- thium melanoides. Sow., pi. 147, f. 6, 7. CoquiJle conique, turri- culee, chargee de tubercules et de cordons transverses, comrae certains ^speces de Cerites ; le dernier tour est charge de cinq a sept cordons et d'une rangee de tubercules a sa partie superieure ; sur les autres tours on ne voit qu'une ou^ deux cordons et les tubercules, qui onl cela de trfes singulier, que souvent ils sont brises et qu'a leur place on voit une petite cavite ; longueur deux pouces. On trouve cette espece a Wool- wich, a Charlton et a Southfleet en Angleterre, a Beaurein departement de la Somme, ou elle est accompagnee de Paludines, et a Epernay avec des Gyrenes. Celles de Woolwich el de Beaurein ont jusqu'a douze tubercules sur chaque tour, et quelques individus de ce dernier lieu en sont presque depourvus. Celles d'Epernay en ont environs huit trfes marquees. Je n'ai jamais pu rencontrer une seule de ces coquilles ayant I'ouverture en assez bon etat pour en saisir tous les caract^res ; mais Je pense qu'elles dependent du genre Melanie.

Celles qu'on rencontrent d Epernai et a Beaurein se trouve dans des couches qui touchent a la partie superieule de I'argile plastique et du lignite, audessous du calcaire coquillier et il y a lieu de croire que celles des autres localites se trouve dans les memes circonstances." Thus far Defrance : but, it will be seen, that as far as the general de- scription thus given goes, it will apply with equal correctness to several things which may nevertheless be perfectly distinct from each other ; he refers, however, to the shell figured in Mineral Conchology under the name Cerithium melanioides, as a representation of his Melania inquinata ; the fact of its being a true Melania is therefore indubitable,


and the author of MiiK-ral Conchology has incorrrctly placed it among' the Cerithia, and he has been unfortunate in selecting a specimen for representation, which on account of the state of the anterior part of the columella, has the appearance of justifying this view of it. This is, therefore, the shell that is most perfectly identified by Defrance as his Melania inquinata, though it is also extremely probable that he has not distinguished from it other shells which are found in France. In re- lation, however, to the above-mentioned circumstance, which Defrance considers very singular, namely, that the tubercles are often broken and replaced by small cavities, I must not omit to state, that it can only be regarded as a proof that the shells were inhabitants of the fresh or brackish waters of rivers, lakes, or estuaries ; that the tubercles are not actually broken, but eroded in the same manner as the points and other prominent parts of MeJaniae, NcriliniE, and other fresh water and estuary shells commonly are, such erosion being continued, until in place of tubercles a small cavity has been formed. These little cavities then that replace the tubercles are not to be regarded as a character of the species ; and the first result of the examination, as far as I have hitherto gone, is that the shell named by Sowerby in Mineral Con- chology Cerithium melanioides is the Melania inquinata of Defrance. I find, that in the Index to Mineral Conchology it is referred to under the name " Potamides politus (melanioides)" by which I understand J. D. C. Sowerby to express his opinion, that this is one of those shells that may with propriety be separated from the Cerithia under Brong- niart's generic term " Potamides" (in French), or " Potamis" (in Latin) : the opinion thus expressed isjikhowever, not compatible with fiict, for the shell is a true Melania.

I must next enquire how far the fossil shells given by Desliayes under that name, agree with the true Melania inquinata of Defrance. And to put my readers in possession of the whole subject with the least pos- sible trouble to them, I sliall copy, vk^ord for word, what Deshayes has said upon it, in his Description des Coquilles fossiles des environs de Paris.


" Melanie souillee. Melanin iiiqninala, Dcf. " M. testa elongato-turritd, basi striata ; avfractUms suhconvexis, in

medio angulatis ; luherculis depressis serratis, vcl stria procminen-

tiore ; apcrlura ooafa, basi dilatatd.

Def. Diet, des Sc. nat. tom. 29, p. 469.

Cerithiim. melanioides, Sow., MineralConchol.pl. 147, f, 6, 7.

Var. a. Testa anfractihus bistriatis ; tuberculis numerosioribvs.

Var. b. Testa iubercnlis bifariain separalis.

Var. c. Testa majorc anfractihus tristriatis ; stria inferiore aliquan- tisper subtuberculatd.

Localiles : Epernay, A. P. les environs de Soissons pour la var. c.

M. Ferussac possfede I'analogue vivant de cette espece, et surtoiit de notre varifete c. Elle vient, a ce qu'il nous semble, de la partie meridio- nale de I'Asie. On trouve en Angleterre, a Headen hill, I'analogue fos- sile, que Mr. Sowerby, a cause du mauvais etat des individus qu'il a eus a sa disposition, avoit range dans le genre Cerite. Cette espece est assez grande, turriculee, attenuee au sommet ou un peu tronqufee ; elle offre dix a onze tours de spire legerement convexes, et separes par une suture superficielle. Chaque tour de spire presente, un peu audessous du milieu, une rangeede tubercules saillans un peu aplatis et assez aigues; le resteest lisse dans le plus grand nombre des individus. A la base, on remarque cinq ou six stries saillantes ; I'ouverture est ovale-oblongue, la levre droite entiere et simple. La var. a. fig. 13, 14, sereconnoita des tubercules plusnombreux et plus serres, aplatis plutot longitudinale- ment, que transversalement : audessus il y a deux stries saillantes et distantes. La var. b. est singuliere par les tubercules qui se trouvent divises transversalement dans leur milieu par une strie profonde. La var. c. n'est pas raoins remarquable que la precedente ; les tubercules sont presque eflfaces ; a leur place, il y a une strie saillante qui ofFre des tubercules tr^s petits, a peine saillans ; audessus de cette strie il y a ordinairement trois autries simples. Cette variete, qui paraitdependre de la localite ou on la trouve, est plus grand que les autres, et est generale- ment plus large a la base. Longueur quarante-cinq millimetres : lon- gueur de la variete c, cinqiiante millimetres."


Now, tliat this may be correctly understood, I must state, that irt the above description Deshayes speaks of the apex of the shell as the summit, and of the anterior, wider part as the base, though he places his figure exactly in the reverse position, putting the anterior wider part upwards, and the apex downwards ; and, moreover, that the ex- pressions " audessous'' and " audessus" in the above description are to be taken in reference to the position in which the figures are placed in his plate, and not with reference to what he has called summit and base in his description.

Taking the above description alone, and without further reference to the figures than is necessary to understand it correctly, there is nothing in it to lead any one to suppose that Deshayes is describing a different thing from Defrance, and the conclusion must be drawn, that his Melania inquinata is identical with Defrance's and Sowerby's : but any one would be led greatly to doubt the identity of the species who placed any dependence upon the figures in Deshayes, which are very little like the shell represented in Mineral Conchology, and not much more like five authentic specimens at present in my possession, which represent two of the varieties from different localities in France ; indeed, these figures of Deshayes are such, that I think it would scarcely be possible to identify the fossil by them alone, and without the aid of other figures and descriptions. The second result of this examination is, nevertheless, that Deshayes' fossil Melania inquinata is identical with Defrance's, and that they are represented in this country by the shell named Cerithium melanioides in Mineral Conchology ; afterwards altered in the Index to the sanie work, to Potamides politus (melanioides) but which, con- sequently ought to bear the name of Melania inquinata of Defrance.

I must now institute a comparison of this fossil species with the recent one, which Deshayes asserts to be identical with it. For this pur- pose I refer to the Mag. de Conchyliologie, page and plate 1 3, and I transcribe word for word his statement relative to it.

" M. souiLLEE. M. inquinata, Defrance. Deshayes. Testa transverse multistriata, apice costata ; costis longitudinalibus ; stria unica. superiore nodulosa.


Long. 40 mill. ; larg. 16 mill.

Nous avous annonce dans notre ouvrage sur les fossiles des environs de Paris (tome II. page 105) que la Melanie souillee, si abondarament repandue a I'etat fossile dans le bassin de Paris et en Angleterre, se trouvait aussi vivante ; nous avions cite ce fait de m^moire, ayant vu la coquille vivante, quelques annees auparavant dans la collection de M. De Ferussac ; aujourd'hui que nous possedons aussi cette espece a I'etat recent, nous en donnons une figure que Ton pourra facilement comparer avec celles qui sout dans notre ouvrage ; on s'assurera par ce moyen de I'identite des individus vivants et fossiles, et Ton s'apercevra que I'individu figure ici est une vari^te a ajouter a celles qui sont connues. II a quelques stries de plus vers la suture, et n'a sur chaque tour qu'une seule strie transverse qui soit tuberculeuse. Nous renvoyons pour le reste de la description, soit a notre ouvrage, dans I'endroit precite, soit a I'article Melanie du Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, par M. Defrance. Patrie : les Phillippines.

Juin, 1830. Dkshayes.

Let me now, before instituting a comparative examination of the fossil and recent shells, first compare the figures and desciiptions of Deshayes, in compliance with his invitation. It will be seen upon making this comparison that there are several points in which the recent differs from the fossil shells ; the first of these is the form of the volutions, which in the figure of the recent shell are represented as being wider in propor- tion to their length, and more convex than in the figures of the fossil ; the next is the suture, which is represented as much more deeply placed in the recent than in the fossil, in which latter Deshayes says it is super- ficielle'^ ; then the form of the aperture is represented in the fossil as smaller and rounder than in the recent ; the appearance of a thickened margin is also given to the figures of the fossil, while in the recent figure the margin is made to appear thin and sharp-edged : next, in the description the recent shell is said to have longitudinal ribs at the apex fapice costatd ; costis longitudinalibusj and in the figure these longi- tudinal ribs are made to extend more or less distinctly nearly over the whole shell, but these ribs are neither mentioned in the description nor do tiiey at all appear in any of the figures of the fossil varieties; then


in the fossil, there are no striae either represented in the figures of the varieties, or mentioned in the descriptions above or nearer the apex than the row of tubercles, whereas in the figure of the recent shell several striae are represented in that position, and in the description he ex- presily mentions them ; ('■'■ II a quelques stries de plus vers la suture''' J. It is therefore evident that Deshayes' recent is really different in several respects from his fossil shell, whether it is merely another variety (which he asserts it to be) or a distinct species is a question upon the considera- tion of which I shall presently enter. But I must first observe, in rela- tion to his description of the recent shell, that he commences with a new character of the species, evidently for the alone purpose of bring- ing in this shell ; which he moreover asserts to be " une variete a ajouter a celles qui sent connues." In effect Deshayes proves by his own descriptions and figures that his recent is different from his fossil species and he is at variance with himself, for notwithstanding he has given us a figure which any oae may easily compare with the figures of the fossil which he has given in his other work, I would ask, how is it possible that any one who may take this trouble will be assured of the identity of the recent and fossil individuals since he tells us that the I'ecent one is a variety if it be a variety it is not identical. This is too much in accordance with Lamarck's absurd dictum, conveyed in the following words which are to be found in the 245th. page of the 7th. volume of his Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans vertfebres, " a Vegard des produits de la Mature, tons sont varietes les uns des autres, ce que constate partout I' observation des avoisinans'^; I have neither time nor talent for entering upon so large a field of enquiry, I would only ask one question ; If this be true ; if the Lion, the Eagle, the Crocodile, the Snake, the Flying Fish, the Beetle, the Polyp, the Molluscum, &c. &c. be merely varieties one of another, why do Naturalists labour upon systems and endeavour to ascertain the natural affinities, and to found upon them classes and orders and families and genera and species? Here is the ready answer to all their researches " Thev are all varieties,

ONE OF another."

But I think I shall be able to show by a compaialive examination of the recent and fossil shells thcmselces that they ought to be regarded as


distinct species. Of the recent one I have before me five specimens which represent three varieties ; and in all these the volutions are wider in proportion to their length, than the corresponding varieties of the fossil ; their apertures are consequently larger and wider in proportion ; their volutions are more rounded, their sutures more distinct ; in all of them there exist more or less distinctly marked longitudinal ribs (which are not to be seen at all in the fossil ;) and in all of them there are also longitudinal striae between the tubercular ridge and the suture ; so that here are no less than five characters in which the recent appears constantly to differ from the fossil shell. Besides the above characters I may also mention that the aperture of the recent is very different from that of the fossil which may be easily proved by a comparative examination of the lines of growth.

I am disposed to think, taking the above characters in which the recent are found thus constantly to differ from the fossil shells, in combi- nation with the fact of the existence of nearly parallel varieties in both, that the recent ought to be regarded as a distinct species from the fossi} and in this view of the subject I propose the following as the diagnostics of the two species.

I. Melania inquinata, Defr.

Tests, elongato-turrita tevi, anfractibus decern, gradatim crescentibus, subconvexis, postice prop^ suturam angulatis, ad angulum tubercu- latis, tuberculis depressis; antic^ plerumque lineis transversis non- nuUis pliis miniisve elevatis, nonnunquam interruptis; inter angulum et suturam planis ; sutura subinconspicua ; apertura ovata, posticfe emarginata, antic^ dilatata; long. 2' 4, lat. 0'72 poll.

2. Melania Philippinarum,

Testa elongato-turrita, laeviter subgranosa, anfractibus convexis, longi- tudinaliter subcostatis, postice prope suturam subangulatis, ad angu- lum tuberculatis, tuberculis subdepressis, anticfe posticeque lineis transversis nonnuUis plus minusve elevatis, nonnunquam interruptis;



sutura distincta : aperturS. ovala, posticfe subsinuata, antice

dilatata; long. 2'55, lat. 0-95, poll.

My specimens of the recent species were received lately from Ma- nilla. The fossil is found abundantly in a bed of marie, intermingled with Cyrense and fragments of shells, above a thick bed of white sand, between Charlton and Woolwich, in Kent ; also in several other parts of England ; and in several localities in France. The best representa- tions of the fossil are those given in Mineral Conchology. 1. c. I have never seen a single specimen of the fossil with the outer lip complete: but it is easy to trace the form of it by the lines of growth, which are sometimes very strongly marked. In order that this subject may be as fully illustrated as possible I have added a correct representation of each of the varieties of each species.

Naturalists will now be able to form their own opinions as to the identity or non-identiiy of these recent and fossil shells.

References to Plate I.

Fig. ], 2, 3. Tubercular varieties of Melania Philippinarum nobis. a. a. the space between the posterior tubercular ridge and the suture. 4. Variety of Melania Philippinarum nobis, without a tubercular ridge. a. a. The space between the posterior ridge that is usually

tuberculated and the suture. h. b. Distinct lines of growth showing the form of the outer hp.

5. Melania inquinata, Defr.

a, a. The space between the posterior tubercular ridge and the suture.

6. Melania inquinata, Defr., a specimen showing the manner

in which the tubercles of the posterior ridge are com- monly eroded. a. a. The space between the posterior tubercular ridge and the suture.


7. Melania inquinata, a specimen to show the form of the outei

lip, comparatively with fig. 4. a. a. The space between the posterior tubercular ridge and the

suture, i. I). Distinct lines of growth showing the form of the outer

lip, comparatively with b. b. of fig. 4.

Art. II. RiXTiFiCATioN of some mistakes relative to the Genera Crania Retzius and Orbicula of Lamarck, which have been committed by various Authors : by G. B. Sowerby, F.L.S., &c.

That men of science and naturalists are every day more and more fully convinced of the necessity of exactness or precision, is proved by the comparative care and attention to minutias with which their researches are conducted at the present time, in contradistinction to the apparent negligence and inattention to important circumstances, which formerly characterized their discriminations. Even geologists, who formerly paid so little attention to specific differences, and who considered every fossil without exception as a result of the Noachian deluge, appear now to think it necessary before drawing their conclusions, to make themselves acquainted with the generic and specific distinctions of the fossils which characterize different geological periods, inaismuch as they find that their conclusions may be in a greater or less degree confirmed or invalidated in proportion to the exactness with which they may have deduced them from facts. It is now well known that every thing in nature is governed by fixed laws, therefore those who wish to become acquainted with her works must be extremely precise and attentive in their pursuit of this knowledge.

For this reason, when I am convinced that any of my fellow students have, in consequence of carelessness or inattention in conducting their researches, arrived at incorrect conclusions, I consider it to be my duty to endeavour, if in my power, to set them right ; and for the same reason I am happy when any who are farther advanced in any particular branch-of thi.; study than I am, think so well of my labours as to take


the trouble to instruct and correct aie. I am so well aware of the rea! imperfections attending the labours of even the best informed that I never will be displeased at the exposure of my own imperfections, indeed it will always give me pleasure when convinced of them to acknowledge my errors. In my published works I am aware that some errors have obtained publicity some of them caused by misapprehen- sion, some also I fear by inadvertence, and I am determined, as oppor- tunity occurs to point them out and give the necessary corrections. I may consider it rather a fortunate circumstance for me, that most of these errors are of such a nature that there exist very few persons who are able to detect them. The present paper may be considered as the first fruits of such determination.

I would therefore engage the attention of malacological students to the subject of the Ibllowing references .

DisciNA, Lamarck Hist. Nat. des Anim . sans vert, tome vi. Ire partie, p. 236.

Crania, ibid. p. 237.

Orbicula, ibid. p. 242.

Remarks on the Genera Crania and Orbicula of Lamarck, Trans, of Linn. Soc. vol. XIIL p. 465, by G. B. Sowerby.

Crania, i Sowerby's Genera of Recent and Fossil Shells, Nos.

Orbicula, f 12 and 13.

'I Fleming's History of British Animals, p.p. 376, 377.

CRIOPUS,f * ^ '11'

Discina, Turton's Conchylia Insul, Brit. p. 237.

And I have referred to these five works, because there is in every one of them some error in connection with this subject.

I commence with Lamarck for two reasons, because he is the first in order of publication and because it appears that almost all the errors in the other works have been caused by too implicity relying on his correctness. The genus Crania was adopted by DeBlainvilleand Brugiiiere from Retzius and may be considered as a perfectly well established genus; Lamarck appears to have adopted it in reliance upon those authors with- out being in the slightest manner acquainted with it himself; afterwards


finding the Patella anomala'm Miiller's Zoologia Danica and not recog- nizing their identity, though he appears to have observed a degree of resemblance, he seems to have founded his genus Orbicula partly upon Miillers plate and partly upon some recent specimens of a very different thing which existed in the collections at Paris at the time. Miiller's Patella anomala is however absolutely identical with the Crania Personata, consequently Lamarck's genus Orbicula must be entirely abandoned unless it can be used as applied to that other very different thing which Lamarck had under his observation at the same time and which he did not distinguish fron) Miiller's Patella ; and this is what I think ought to be done. But this is not the end of the confusion caused by Lamarck's inattention ; for upon receiving from my Father some specimens of a small attached bivalve which I found among some Ballast, and not identifying them with the other similar things which he had before considered as identical with Miiller's Patella anomala, he has put these into another place in his Systeme, under the name of DisciNA ostreoides. Thus his genus Orbicula has been formed in a great measure upon a shell which is identical with his Crania, but separated from it by being placed among the Brachiopodes, while Crania stands in the Rudis- tes ; and his genus Discina has been made out of another thing which properly belongs to Orbicula, but separated from it by being placed among the Rudistcs, while Orbicula stands among the Brachiopodes. Lamarck should also have referred Poli's Anomia turbinata to Crania and not to Orbicula.

I mutt now acknowledge my own errors, which have, however, princi- pally, if not entirely been caused by my placing implicit confidence in the correctness of Lamarck. The first and leading error of which I have been guilty is that of having adopted Lamarck's incorrect notion by supposing the Patella anomala of Miiller to be distinct from Crania and regarding it as forming the typical species of Orbicula ; my next error has been that of identifying the shell I found among Ballast with Orbicula norvegica of Lamarck whereas it ought to have been placed as a new species of that genus. These errors of mine appeared first in the Linn. Trans, and they have been continued in my work on the Genera.


Now that [ am convinced of them I have much pleasure in giving the corrections.

Turton, whose work on the British Bivalves stands next in order of date, has inadvertently united the true Crania and Qrhicula together, giving them the name of Discina : his mistake is however of little importance because he never can be regarded as authority upon this subject.

I now come to Fleming, " who gives a place to Discina ostreoides of Lamarck, even without good proof of its British origin, for the purpose of rectifying some strange mistakes in nomenclature which have been oommilted in reference to this and the following genus" (which is Criopus, of Poli) but this author who thus makes his appearance, " ex Cathedra, " to set us all right, has neither hit upon the first and great cause of all the errors, nor has he corrected the real errors, and he has moreover made some addition to their number. He does not tell us what are the mistakes that he intends to rectify, we are left to find them out, if we can: but we are to take his version of the matter, without his having condescended to give us a reason for any part of it and we are to conclude, with implicit reliance upon his correctness, that he has rectified every mistake that had been committed by all authors who have written upon the subject down to the time of his advent. We shall now see how he has done this in the first place he lias adopted Lamarck's genus Discina which ought to have been expunged from the system al- together, and has added to it three fossil species of Orbicula which have been published in the Zoological Journal and in Mineral Conchology : then for the Crania he has used the name Criopus which Poli gave to the animal alone instead of using the name which had long before been given to the shell by Retzius and adopted by all authors, except those of the Linnean School : and then further, without giving any reason, asserts it to be probable that Crania of Lamarck is distinct from Criopus. He also says that I have asserted the Orbicula, of Lamarck to differ only in the greater thickness and irregularity of the lower valve from the type of the genus Criopus of Poli. Whereas, what I have said is this, '• The only difference observable between the specimens (of what I have called


Crania personata of Lamarck) from Shetland and those from the Mediter- ranean is in the thickness and irregularity of the lower valve". The Discina ostreoidcs of Turton is composed, as we have already stated, of two different things (one from the description being an Orbicida and the other from the synonyms a Crania) Fleming has therefore been incor- rect in quoting it only under his Criopus, Fleming has moreover com- mitted a mistake in coining a word, which he has used loithout explana- tion, in his description. Of the signification of this word "areulated'^ it is impossible to form any conjecture; I thought at first that it was only the accidental admission of a supernumerary letter, and that it ought to be read "arcuated;"'^ but when I looked for these two arched, or arcuated, subcentral muscular impressions in a number of upper valves of Crania which lie before me at the moment of writing this, my search was entirely unsuccessful, and I remained ignorant of the signification of his new word. I wish Fleming had condescended to favour us with the signification of several other words which we frequently meet with in the same work, and which, being quite new to us, we cannot perfectly understand. Such things as these are, however, of trifling importance when compared with the interminable mistakes and absurdities which disgrace the History of British Animals, by Dr. Fleming.

I must now conclude by correcting two other errors which I have committed, both depending upon the same cause as the first. Poli was quite right in identifying Miiller's Patella anomala with his own Criopus. And De Blainville has been mistaken in referring the shell which I found among ballast to Patella anomala of Miiller ; but he has rightly referred it to Orbicula.

Art, III. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of the species of Leach's Genus Margarita.

§ 1. Testa non umbilicata. 1. Margarita taeniata. Testa orbiculari-subconica, tenui, laevis^ima, albida, transversim rufo-vittata ; anfractibus quinque subro- tundatis, ultimo multo majore ; sutura indistincta ; apertura ferfe orbicular!, columella subincrassata, extus depressiuscula ; long. 0-85. lat. 1 poll. Conch, lUustr, Marg. f. 2.


Syn. Turbo taeniatus, Sowerby in Tank. Cat, App. p. xiii. Hab. ad oras Americse meridionalis.

2. Margarita violacea. Testa orbicuiari-subconica, tenui, Isevi, rufes-

cente ; anfractibus quatuor, tumidis ; sutura subobsoleta ; aper- tura fere orbiculari, infra subangulata ; columella subincrassata, subarcuata, sulco longitudinali instructa ; long. 0*4. lat. 0'45. poll. Conch. Illustr. Marg. f. 11, 12. Syn. Margarita violacea, King Zool. Journ. vol. t. p. 346. Hab. ad fretum Magellanicum (Port Famine.) Obs. Of this shell the Indians make their necklaces ; it is found ad- hering to the leaves of Fucus giganteus, and is the principal food of the racehorse duck (Capt. King). This shell is usually of a dull reddish colour (not violaceous), but sometimes it is of a pale dull yellov^rish brown.

3. Margarita expansa. Testa orbiculari, lata, tenui, Igevi, rufescente,

anfractibus quatuor subrotuudatis, levatiusculis, ultimo maximo ;

suturis subinconspicuis ; apertura orbiculari ; columella latius-

cula, arcuata, sulco longitudinali instructa ; long. 0'5. lat. 0*55,

poll. Conch. Illustr. Marg. f. 16.

Variat colore pallido. Conch. Illustr. Marg. f. 17.

Hab. ad fretum Magellanicum (Port Famine).

4. Margarita sigaretina. Testa orbiculari-subdepressa, tenui, laevi,

rufescente; anfractibus tribus, tumidis, posticfe depressiusculis, ultimo maximo; sutura subinconspicua; apertura maxima, sub- orbiculari, subobliqua; columella latiuscula, planulata, arcuata, sulco longitudinali, indistincto instructa; long. 0'35, lat. 0*5, poll. Conch. Illustr. Marg, f. 14. Variat colore pallido.

Hab. ad fretum Magellanicum (Port Famine) § 2. Testa umbilicata.

5. Margarita vulgaris. Leach. Testa orbiculari, subdepressa, tenui,

nitida, pallescente : anfractibus quatuor, subtumidis, depressi- usculis, ultimo majori ; sutura profunda, apertura magna.


suborbiculari, postice angulau ; umhilico magno, profundo :

long. 0-1, lat. 0-15. poll. Conch. lUustr. f. 13.

Hab: ad littora Britannica.

Syn. Turbo Margarita, Lowe in Zool. Journ. II., p. 107.

tab. v., f. 10. 11. 11. b.

Helix margarita, Laskey.

6. Margarita carnea, Lowe. Testa subconica, spira brevi, apice

elevato, acuto ; anfractibus- quatuor, striis elevatis, regularibus subdistantibus cinctis; apertura magna, suborbiculari, antice sub- angulata; umbilico magno, profundo : Conch. Illustr. Marg. f. 9. Hab : ad littora Scotica. (Oban)

Syn. Turbo carneus, Lowe in Zool. Journ. II. p. 107. tab. V. f. 12. 13. 13. b.

7. Margarita striata. Testa conoidea, anfractibus sex rotundatis, spira-

liter striatis, striis elevatis, posticis distantibus, anticis approxi- matis, umbilico parvo ; long. 0*85, lat. 0*9, poll. Conch. I*iustr. Marg. f. 3. 18.

Syn. Margarita striata, Bred. & Sowerby in Zool. Journ. IV. p. 371.

Hab, in Oceano boreali.

Obs. This shell has a dull surface ; its longitudinal striae are decussated by very fine and close-set lines of growth.

8. Margarita arctica Leach. Testa orbiculari, subdepressa, tenui, nitida,

olivacea : anfractibus quatuor, tumidis, ultimo majori ; sutura profunda ; apertura orbiculari, magna ; umbilico magno ; pro- fundo ; long. 0-15, lat. 0-2, poll. Conch. Illustr. Marg, f. 6.

Syn. Margarita arctica, Leach in Ross's Voyage of Discovery} 1819. 8vo.

helicoides. Beck, MS.

Hab, in mari artico (Baffin's Bay, Sabine ; Greenland, Beck.)

9. Margarita Graenlandica, Beck, Tesla orbiculari, tenui, nitida, pallida,

spira elevatiuscula ; anfractibus quinque rotundatis, lineis incre- menti tenuissimis solum sculptis ; sutura distinct^ ; apertur4 sub- "-*«>.

1.. /^ V\tf>\



orbiciilari; umbilico magno ; lons^. 0-5^ lat. OSa. poll. Conch, lllustr. Marg. f. 10.

Syn. Margarita Grcenlandica, Beck, M.S.

Hab. in mari Grsenlandico.

10. Margarita umbilicalis. Testa orbiculari, depressiuscula, lenuissimfi,

nitida, cornea; anfractibus sex subtumidis, posticis spiraliter cos- tellatis ; sutura distincta ; apertura orbiculari ; umbilico maximo ; long. 0-6, lat. 0-8, poll. Conch, lllustr. Marg. f. 5.

Syn. Margarita umbihcalis, Brod. & Sowerby, Zool. Jour.

Hab. ad Insulam Melville dictam, maris arctici.

11. Margarita sulcata. Testa, orbiculari, depressiusculu, tenuissiraa,

nitida, cornea ; anfractibus sex, subtumidis, spiraliter sulcatis, sulcis tenuibus, distantibus J sutura distincta ; apertura orbiculari ; umbilico maximo : long. 0*27, lat, 046, poll. Conch. lllustr. Marg. f. 1. Hab. ad Insulam Melville dictam.

12. Margarita undulata. Testa orbiculari, obtuse conica, tenuij rosacea,

anfractibus quatuor, subtumidis, spiraliter sulcatis, postic^ ad suturam undulatis ; apertura suborbiculari ; umbilico mediocri I margine angulato; long. 0'26, lat. 0' 33, poll. Conch. lllustr. Marg. f. 4. Hab. in mari arctico.

13. Margarita costellata. Testa orbiculari, obtuse^ conica, tenui, fusces-

cente ; anfractibus quatuor, turaidis, spiraliter costatis, basi sub- angulatis, inferioribus subinconspicuis ; apertura suborbiculari. antice subangulata ; umbilico parvo : long. 0'3, lat. 0'33, poll. Conch: lllustr. Marg. fig. 15. Hab. in mari arctico.

14. Margarita acuminata. Testa orbiculari, tenui, albicante, spira

acuminata, anfractibus quinque rotundatis, isevibus ; sutura dis- tincta ; apertura orbiculari ; umbilico parvo : long, 0*55, lat. 0-5, poll. Conch. lllustr. Marg. fig. 7. Hab, in mari arctico.

15. Margarita Solariiformis. Testa orbiculari, <;ublenticulari. tenuissima


anfractibus quinque, laevigatis, subplanulatis, spiraliter tenuissime striatis, pallescentibus, minutissimfe albido-fuscoque articulatim pictis ; apertura subquadrata ; unibilico magno, profundo : long. O-2.5, lat. 0-35. Conch. lUustr. f. 8. Hab: Obs. This appears to be an osculeni species, connecting Margarita with Solarium.


Some time since I was surprised at learning the fact that the toot of C^yclostoma elegans is longitudinally divided by a desp groove, which had lately been observed by my friend Lewis of KeriSin2:ton, though it had been overlooked by Berkeley, but having accidentally met with the work of Rossmaesler I find the circumstance is distinctly noticed, and several representations given. But there is another fact relative to a well known land shell (the Helix epistylium) first pointed out to me by the same Gentleman, which I believe has not yet been noticed in any publication. It is that this species is viviparous and its young are fully developed be- fore they quit the parent, in the same manner as the young of Paludina achatina. It has long been well known that many of the pneumono- branchous Mollusca lay eggs, which are covered with a calcareous crust in the same manner as the egg of Birds, but I have only met with two species to which the term viviparous may justly be applied. This Helix epistylium is one instance, and the other is a small turrited species of Achatina, which I have named Jlchatina vivipara from this circum- stance. Three or four fully developed young shells may generally be found, upon breaking up a full grown shell, occupying commonly a great portion of the second, third and fourth volutions from the base. The shell is commonly about an inch long, consisting of about nine volutions, the apex being blunt and rounded, the volutions longitudinally striated and the base smooth ; the whole nearly white, semitransparent and covered with a thin olivaceous horny epidermis : the young ones consist of three volutions bipfore they quit the parent.


Some of the Lamarckian j^mpullaricE are viviparous, but I have it not in my ponrer at present to ascertain vi^hich species ; the circumstances, however, which I am about to mention seem to prove that one of these viviparous species (if there be more than one) is sometimes reverse. I had once a parcel of Ampul larise in a small tray, which I had packed up in a box, and being subjected to rather violent shaking during a short Journey, when the package was opened there were found in the tray about twenty very young, but fully formed Ampullarise, two of which were reverse. Now as there was not a single reverse AmpuUaria among the old shells that were packed in the tray, these two reverse young ones must have been the produce of one that was not reverse and most probably belonged to the same brood as the other young ones. This must have been one of those species of Ampullarise (hitherto so called which have an horny operculum, for all the young ones are furnished with such an operculum ; I would however suggest the propriety of separating those with a shelly from those which have only an horny operculum, if this has not already been done.

A word on the subject of the British shell commonly called Nerita littoreus and which Lamarck heis named Turbo neritoides, may not be misplaced. The foot of its animal is divided by a longitudinal groove in the same manner as that of Cyclostoma elegans. This fact was pointed out to me by my friend Morris of Kensington, a few weeks ago at Carnarvon. This shell does not belong to the true Neritae, and it is improperly placed by Lamarck among the Turbines, it appears to be more nearly related to the Jjittorinae ; though it is probable that upon a more intimate acquaintance with it. Naturalists may think it necessary to regard it as the type of a new genus.

Helix Helmii, Gilb. This appears to me to be a very distinct species, the shell is of a very pale horn colour, almost white, and extremely thin ; its animal is of a dark blue grey colour, and it it remarkable that it is always found nj)on the ground and not upon the surrounding vegetation.

I have lately been requested by my friend Morris of Kensington to compare some fossil Valvatae which he has found at Grays in Essex, with




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the common recent species Valvata piscinalis of Lam. Upon examining my specimens of this latter shell, I find among them two distinct varieties or perhaps species. It is remarkable that Fleming in his specific character of this shell says *' pillar with a large central cavity " [or umbilicus) and a few lines after, in the description, he says, "central cavity distinct^ but not large:" but it is also remarkable that one principal difference between the two varieties or species (as the case may be) which I possess, consists in this very circumstance ; it is there- fore probable thar this apparent discrepancy may be reconciled by the supposition that when drawing out his specific character Fleming had in view a specimen with a large umbilicus, and afterwards when giving a more detailed description he accidentally observed one with a small umbilicus. 1 am much disposed to regard these two recent sorts as distinct species, but I should prefer leaving it undecided until an oppo- tunity occurs of examining more specimens from other localities. But I must compare the fossil with both the recent sorts. First, let me examine comparatively the dimensions of the three ; the fossil one (No. 1) is much larger than either of the recent ones, and of these latter, that with the large umbilicus, (No. 2.) is much larger than that virith the small umbilicus (No, 3.). Next, let me examine com - comparativel} the /)ro/)or<zons of the three sorts; No. 1, iu its greatest length measures 34 hundredths of an inch, and in its greatest breadth 26 hundredths ; the length and breadth of No. 2, are exactly equal ; and No. 3, is rather wider than it is long ; the proportions of the three sorts differ therefore very evidently. Further, as regards other characters ; the sutures in No. 1 , and No. 2, are equally distinct and deep, while that of No. 3, is not nearly so strongly marked : the volutions in No. 2, are regularly rounded, while those of No. 1, increase gradually from the upper toward the lower parts, though they are still very nearly regu- larly rounded, while in No. 3, they increase still more gradually. In No. 1, there are six volutions, in No. 2, there are five, and in No. 3, scarcely four and an half.



1. A Catalogue of Recent Shells, with descriptions of new or rare species in the Collection of John C. Jay, M. D. second edition JSfeiv For^ 1836, illustrated br/ four plates.

Here is a Catalogue of Shells consisting of nriore than 4000 species, we believe the most extensive that has yet appeared in print. As such vpe think it may be useful, though even in that respect it is evidently far short of what might be done with ease at the present time. But it is sent out with such unpretending modesty that criticism is disarmed, and our business is only to point out to Dr. Jay a few of the most important errors and to offer him our best thanks for his very acceptable little book. First then let us inform him that Aphrodite Columha of Lea, is nei- ther more nor less than the well-known Cardium Granlandicum of Lamarck, and that it decidedly belongs to the family of the Cardiacea, and not to the Conchce Jluviatiles ; secondly, we regret that Dr. Jay has not informed us whose genus Dythalmia is, and where the descrip- tion of it is to be found ; we ask this because we strongly suspect it to be the same thing as that which has been called Drcissena by some continental writer and no other than the Mytilas Polymorphus of Gmel. We mention this merely because we would take this opportunity of cautioning those who take upon themselves the responsibility of giving names, to endeavour first to ascertain what has been done by others, and not hastily to give a generic appellation to a subject which may already have one or even more. We do not intend to find fault with the establishment of this genus, but we believe this will prove to be the second generic name which has been applied to it. The word itself, moreover, appears to us to be of Greek derivation, and we fear it is not classically compounded. We are surprised to see Laplysia used, in this and some other very modern works, instead of the corrected term Aplysia. But we say no more at present on nomenclature, reserving some hints on that suhjcct for an oppoilunity of giving ihem more fully


and more generally. Let us now turn to Dr. Jay's plates, v/e shall here find that he has described and figured as new eleven species, most of which have been already described or figured long since. Fig, 1, which Dr. Jay names Pupa ringcns is Clausilia pantagruelina of Moricand* Fig. 2, {Megaspira Ruschenhergiana. Lea,) is Pupa elatior of Wagner. Fig. 3, Bulimiis melastomus% of Swainson, Fig. 4, [Pupa egregia of Dr. Jay) is the young shell of Bulinus bilabiatus of Sowerby, published in the Zoological Journal, vol. V. p, 49, and afterwards B. maximilianus by Moricand. Fig. 6, Ranella pulchella of Gray. In his Fig, 8. [Jlmpullaria ochracea of Jay ;) we see nothing but one of the numerous varieties in colour of Ampullaria fasciata, Lamarck. Fig, 10. [Natica imperforata. Jay,) was described under the name of JSfatica Jluctuata, in the Tankerville Catalogue in 1825. Fig. 11, [JVeritina papillosa, Jay,) was described under the name of JVeritina granosa, also in the Tankerville Catalogue.

This indeed is not a Clausilia, neither is it a Papa. ^ Wliich ought to be melanosloma.

itdacol . & Candiol . Akg- . TaL. J .


Mr. G. B. SOWERBY begs to state that, being commissioned by those blanches of his late Father's Family, whose property the famous Yorkshire Meteorite at present is; he has adopted a plan which was proposed two years ago, and a short address which was drawn up at that time by a Gentleman connected with the British Museum.

December 13M. 1835.

Whether we consider Meteorites as foreign to the confines of our atmos- phere, as ejections or fragments of Planets moving within the compass of the solar system, or as the chemical products of electrical phaenomena, certain it is, that even the most satisfactory solution of the Problem respecting their origin would neither weaken the general interest which must ever be excited by each successive appearance of these mysterious visitants to our Planet, nor create indifference toward such of an older date, as are distinguished by any peculiarity in their nature, or by any remarkable historical circumstance connected with them. In the latter class is most indisputably to be placed the far-famed subject of this short address which fell from the atmosphere in the Parish of Thwing, East Riding, Yorkshire, this Day Forty Years ago, during which period, it has maintained its superiority in size not only over those few which descended in Great Britain, but also over those of the Continent, (as far as we know of their) existence with the sole exception of that of Ensisheim, still preserved in the Capital of the Territory in which it descended in 1492. But setting aside the bulk of the Yorkshire Stone, the circumstance alone of its being intimately connected with a new era in the history of the extra- ordinary Atmospheric Phenonnenon in question, will ever make it rank as one of the most valuable specimens of Natural History preserved in England. In it we possess the principal one of the Three Stones, the chemical analysis of which, converted into certainty an opinion which was till then (and by the more sceptical even after that period,) discarded as a superstition unworthy of the advanced state of Natural Science at the end of the Eighteenth Century, Upwards of Thirty -eight Years ago, its exhibition in London furnished to many learned men of the day, a theme for censure on the blind credulity of the Public, till Sir Joseph Banks's keenly discriminating eye discovered an agreement in external characters between it and tvvo othei Stones transmitted to him about the same time, the one from Sienna, the other from Benares, in the East Indies, and to both of which, report has ascribed a similar origin with that under consideration. Having obtained a small fragment from the latter, a portion of each of the specimens (subsequently deposited in the British Museum,) was submitted to chemical analysis by Mr. Howard, whose excellent paper in the Philosophical Transactions for 1802, secured to the Yorkshire Meteorite the eminent rank it has ever since occupied in the record of facts relating to this interesting subject of research.

The Yorkshire Meteorite is well known to have become the property, and to be still in the possession of, the family of the late Mr. Sowkrby, who now intend to part with it. Proposals for purchasing it by Subscription, with a view to its being placed in the British Museum are accordingly submitted to the Public at the suggestion of several Members of Scientific Societies, who are of opinion that its interest as a most remarkable object of the Natural History of Great Britain will secure a sufficient number of Subscribers to obviate the possibility of its being eventually lost to this Country through offers which may be made by Continental Museums.

As soon as £300. shall be subscribed, the Meteorite will be delivered to the Trustees of the British Museum, together with a List of the Subscribers, which will then be printed, and each Subscriber will be furnished with a copy. The Subscription Book is open at Mr. SuWERBV's, 50, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury.


Part I.







N. B. This Magazine is printed for private gratuitous distribution only.

Societies and Private Individuals desirous of possessing it are to send their Names or Designations and their exact Addresses, at their own expense, to Mr. SoWERBY, 50, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London.

Advertisements cannot be inserted mitess sent before the 20/A of each month.



The Cypraeadae being completed in the 131st part of the Concho- logical Illustrations, G. B, Sowerby, Jun. gladly avails himself of the opportiiiiity to return thanks to his subscribing friends for tlie encouragement hitherto afforded to his laborious undertaking; and also to take a retrospective view of the progress of the work, from its commencement up to the present time.

The design of the work being to facilitate the knowledge of species hitherto unknown, or known only by description, we com- menced with the Cypraeadae ; our first 8 parts containing 70 pre- viously unfigured species of that interesting and highly appre- ciated family, with a complete catalogue, prepared by Mr. G. B. Sowerby, Sen., in which all the new species are described.

In reference to the genus Cypraea, however, we have departed from our prescribed course, by giving, in the later parts, repre- sentations of all the remaining species, whether previously figured or not. A complete illustrated monograph is thus formed in parts 1 to 8, and 101 to 131, consisting of about 182 species and varieties, and obviating the necessity of refering to a dozen or so of large and expensive publications, which do not come within the reach of all who desire to possess a knowledge of the subject. Parts 9 to 13 contain 42 Cancellariae, some of the most beautiful of which were among the late imports of the inde- fatigable Mr. Cuming, on whose return from a second collecting expedition, we anticipate a rich harvest of new discoveries. This genus is also published with a catalogue. Parts 14 and 16, con- tain 24 new species of Nucula. In parts 17 to 19, are repre- sented 10 species of Amphidesma, which are not in the Species Conchyliorum, although that important publication contains more than are to be found in any other. A catalogue is given with this genus; and another of Eburnaa, in part 20, with 4 new species. Parts 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 33, 36, 37, 54, 55, 56, 57, contain 73 species of the much valued genus, Conus ; and the intermediate

parts, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 3^4, 35, contain 60 si)ecies and varieties of Bulinus, many of which are quite new. Of the 51 Chitones, contained in parts 38 to 45, many are extremely beau- tiful, and some were brought to the country, for the first time, by Mr. Cuming. Parts 46 to 51, contain 32 species and varieties of Cardium. A complete monograph of the small, but interesting genus Eulima, consisting of 15 species, is given in parts 52 and 53. We feel particularly gratified in having been enabled, in parts 58 to 67, to make 57 additions to the known species and varieties of Murex, a genus which should be better studied than it is, including, as it does, many of what may be con- sidered, in form, sculpture and colouring, as the most elegant of shells. Parts 68 to 78, and 80, contain, with a catalogue, all the species and varieties of the genus Fissurella, about 64 in number. Parts 79 and 81 to 83, present illustrations of 15 species of Monoceros, a catalogue of which genus will be given in part 135. In parts 84, 85, 88, 89, 92, 93, are represented 22 species of Ranella. The 60 species of Neritina, figured in parts 86, 87, 90, 91, 94 to 100, will be formed into a complete monograph, by the addition of a catalogue, to be given with part 138.

On summing up the whole, it will be found that the 131 parts, already published, contain 1,062 figures of 714 species and varie- ties making important additions to 15 difterent genera, and 7 complete catalogues, 3 more of which will appear in the next seven parts.

We think it decidedly the better plan to keep works of (his nature unbound in Solanders^ or book-boxes, and arranged ac- cording to the genera ; but for the convenience of subscribers, who may be anxious to bind their copies, we think it best to state that parts 133 and 134, will contain the remainding species of Margarita, with a catalogue. Parts 135 and 136, Chilina, with a catalogue, and also a catalogue of Monoceros. Parts 137 and 138, with other subjects, ■■■ catalogue of the genus Neritina. All the subjects hitherto commenced, will then be as complete as we can make them at present.

G. B. S. Junr., begs leave to add, in conclusion, that no pains or expense will be spared to render the Conchological Illustra- tions increasingly worthy of the place ii must necessarily occupy in the scientific literature of the country.

Specimens of the Wood-Engraving in the Volume for 1837, of the New Series of the Magazine of Natural History.

o. ^o

1. Cut illustrating the paper of Mr. Yarrell and Dr. Clarke, on the capture of the genus Herairamphus, on the Suffolk coast.

2. Rev. W. T. Bree's observations on the Lunar Hornet Sphinx.

3. Communication of Viscountess Sidmouth, on a Fossil Crocodile.

4. Memoir of M. Leon Dufour on the Tarantula.

specimens of Wood-cuts.

1. Mr. Harvey, on the animals of some Corals.

2. Mr. Charleswortb, on a form of Fossil Cephalopodous Shells, connecting the genera Nautilus and Ammonites.

3. Mr. Sowerby, on the proposed genus Cyprsecassis.

4 Mr. Charleswortb, on the power which the animal of the Argonaut has of repairing breaches in its shell.

A 2

Specimens of Wood-cuts.

Mr. Charlesworth, on a gigantic Fossil Teirebratula from the Coralline Crag


On the First of January, 1838, ivill be published, Price Two Shillings,






1 HE following Communications will appear in the early Numbers: Description of a new Species of Ray, found on the British Coast. By Jonathan Couch, F.L.S. New Arrange- ment of the Sharks, including Descriptions of many new Forms. By Professor Muller of Berlin and Dr. Henle. Revision of Cuvier's Genus Scyllium, including the new Sub- genera of Professor Mliller, and Descriptions of many new Species from the Cape. By Dr. Andrew Smith, Superintend- ent of the late Exploring Expedition to Central Africa. On the Discovery of a Specimen of the Argentine (Scolepus Hum- boldtii Cnv.) in the Frith of Forth. By Dr. W. B. Clarke ; with a Drawing taken from the Specimen, and some additional Remarks by Mr. Yarrell. On the Botany in the Neigh- bourhood of Tring. By Richard Chambers, F.L.S., &c.

On some Peculiarities in the Skull of the Chetah, or Hunt- ing Leopard. By William Martin, F.L.S., &c. On the Discovery of some new Genera of Mammiferous Animals in the English Tertiary Deposits. By Edward Charles- worth, F.G.S., &c. On the Septa formed in the Apices of some Species of LTnivalve Shells. By John Edward <jrRAY, F.R.S., President of the Botanical Society of London.

Monograph on the Family of Mutillidse. By W. E. Shuckard, Vice-President of the Entomological Society. Observations on some of the wild Animals of Germany. By W. Weissenborn, Ph. D. Description of a new Genus of Trochidea. By G. B. Sowerby, F.L.S. Illustrations of the Geology of the South-East of Dorsetshire. By the Rev. W. B. Clarke. Observations on the Flints found in the Neighbourhood of Blackheath and other parts of Kent. By J. Mitchell, LL.D. Remarks upon the Formation of Valleys in the Secondary and Primary Rocks. By Dr. William Smith.

Catalogue of the Shells found in the Red and Coralline

Crag of Suffolk. By Searles V. Wood. On the Family of the Trogons. By John Gould, F.L.S., &;c. A Memoir on an anomalous Group of Exotic Hemipterous Insects. By By J. O. Westwood, F.L.S. On the Habits of the Long- tailed Trogon. By Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Musi- gnano. Notes upon the Natural History of a Portion of the North- West of Scotland. By William Thompson, F.Z.S., &c., Vice-President of the Belfast Natural History Society. On some of the Relations subsisting between the Chemistry and the Natural Distribution of Organised Beings. By E. W. Brayley, jun., F.G.S., &c., Librarian to the London Institution. Observations on the British A'lcadse. By Ed- ward Blyth. On the Discovery of the Fossil Remains of some of the larger Carnivora, in a Fresh-water Deposit at Grays, in Essex. By John Morris. On the Existence of an undescribed Muscle in the Eye of certain Fishes. By John Dalrymple, M.R.C.S., &c.

The First Volume of the New Series of Loudon^ s Magazine of Natural History is now complete, illustrated by nearly 100 highly finished Engravings on Wood, the whole of them executed by Branston ; and containing Communications on Comparative Anatomy, from Richard Owen, F.R.S., Hun- terian Professor to the Royal College of Surgeons: on Ichthyology, from William Yarrell, F.L.S., &c. ; Edward Moore, M.D., F.L.S. ; and Dr. Clarke: on Entomology, from J. O. Westwood, F.L.S.; W. E. Shuckard ; G. R. Waterhouse, Curator to the Zoological Society; and G. R. Gray: on Conchology, from John Edward Gray, F.R.S.; George B. Sowerby, F.L.S.; and Samuel Stutchbury, Curator to the Bristol Institution : on Ornithology, from John Gould, F.L.S.; and Edward Blyth: on Botany, from GoldingBird, F.L.S.; and Richard Chambers, F.L.S.: on Mammalogy, from E. Gray, G. R. Waterhouse, and William Ogilby, F.L.S., &c. : on Fossil Zoology, from Gideon Mantell, LL.D., F.R.S. ; and Edward Charles- worth, F.G.S.

London, Longman and Co. ; and may be had through all Booksellers.

London :

I'rintcc! by A. SpoTTiswoonic,

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