COLUMBIA UBRARIES OFFSITE HEM TH SClENCt S STANOAnO HX64098818 QP44 .H24 1 888 Manual tor the physi RECAP V .■7 A // \:. \<^'Vi , in tfjE Citp of iSetD gork COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Reference Library Given by y^m-e'fk-^''^ ^ /^ Li2^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Columbia University Libraries MANUAL FOR THE PHYSIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. BY VINCENT DORMER HARRIS, M.D. Lond., F.R.C.P., Examiner in Ehiiientary Phyxiologij on the Conjoint Board in England of the Royal ColUiH' of Physicians and Surgeons; Physician to the City of Lomlon Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, and to the Metropolitan Dispensary ; Demonstrator of Physiology at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, etc., AND D'ARCY POWER, M.A., M.B. Oxon., F.RC.S. Eng., Surgeon to the Metropolitan Dispensary ami to the Victoria Hospital for Children: Curator of the Museum and late Assistant Demonstrator of Physiology at St. Bartholomeio's Hospital, etc. FOURTH EDITION, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. LONDON : BAILLIERE, TINDALL, AND COX, 20, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. [PARIS AND MADRID.] 1888. [All Rights Resened] PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. The present edition is considerably altered. The Introduction has been enlarged, the Histology revised, and the Chemical Physiology considerably added to and improved. The Physiology Proper has also undergone some modification. In each division of the book much new matter has been intro- duced. The object of the authors in this edition, as in the former ones, has been to make the book of real practical value to the student, and not to burden him with descriptions of methods which are not within his scope. The alterations have been suggested by the experience of many years' teaching, and we think that they will be found to add to the usefulness of the book. To our colleagues, Dr. Lewis Jones, Dr. Tooth, and Dr. Shore, we would tender our most hearty thanks for the help which they have at all times so readily afforded to us ; and more especially for the assistance which they have rendered in re-casting IV PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. Parts II. and III. Dr. Jones has further increased our obliga- tion to him by the care and time which he has expended in reading the proof-sheets of the present edition, thereby correct- ing many errors and inaccuracies into which we should otherwise have fallen. To Mr. John Murray and to Messrs. Churchill, as well as to several scientific instrument-makers who have allowed us the use of their illustrations and plates, we also beg to tender our best thanks. CORRIGENDA. Page 24, line 1, read 'Paraffin.' „ 163, „ 31, for ' sulphindigotate of carmine ' read ' sulphindigotate of soda or indigo carmine. ' PART I. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. CHAPTER I. THE MICROSCOPE AND MICROSCOPICAL METHODS. The subject of practical histology may be conveniently intro- duced by an account, firstly, of the microscope and its accessory apparatus, and, secondly, of the methods of preparing tissues in order that their structure may be adequately studied with the aid of that instrument. The present chapter, therefore, will be devoted to a descrip- tion, as brief as possible, of these two parts of the subject in turn. THE MICROSCOPE AND ITS ACCESSORY APPARATUS. The form of microscope which we select for description is the one generally known as the Continental Model (Fig. 1). We choose it because of its simplicity. Although originally it was manufactured by foreign makers only, and differed in plan from most of the English microscopes, at the present time instruments very similar in construction, although differing somewhat in detail, are made by nearly all the best English makers. The model is often called the Hartnack Model, as it was chiefly by means of the instruments of that make that the small continental microscope became popular in this country. 1 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. In this model the stand or body uf the instrument consists of two parts. Of a base of solid brass, into which is fixed vertically a substantial brass pillar about two inches high, and to which is attached by a hinge the second portion of the stand. This latter is made up of a hollow cylinder of brass, carrying below at right angles the stage of the microscope, and above, by a projecting arm, a long brass collar, in which the tube of the Tube with Ocula: Draw-tul> Collar in whic'' tube work Fine adjustmen Hincje connectiii,' stand with bocV L'oudeuser )bjective jtage Mirror Fig. 1. — Contiueiital Model Microscope. microscope slides. At the top of the hollow cylinder is a screw with a milled head which works the fine adjustment ; when the screw is turned the tube of the microscope is moved very slightly to or from the stage. In the simpler forms the coarse adjustment, or the freer movement of the microscope tube up and down, is effected by the hand, whilst in the more expensive models it is performed by a rack and pinion. The stage of the microscope, upon which the object-glass is placed, is a flat plate PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 3 of brass blackened upon its upper surface, or of glass cemented on to a (lark background, and perforated by a central aperture. Through the aj)crturc light is reflected from a mirror ; the amount of light admitted to the lens is regulated by a small cylinder which fits into the central aperture; this, when withdrawn from below, will receive the diaphragms ; these are perforated by apertures of different sizes ; the smallest is a mere pinhole, and is for use with the strongest magnifying ])0wer. One of the diaphragms should be inserted into the cylinder, and re- placed in the centre of the stage. When in position it is exactly flush with the upper surface. In some microscopes this form of diaphragm is replaced by a blackened disc of metal perforated near its circumference by holes of various sizes, and revolving round its centre. At the back of the stage is a pair of brass clips for holding the slides in position when the microscope is tilted. In some instruments the movements of the stage in different directions are effected by screws; but in this the stage is fixed, and the finger and thumb suffice to move the slide upon it. Beneath the stage is a movable mirror with two faces, one concave, the other plane ; the concave mirror is the more com- monly used, as it condenses the light upon the object and thus affords a better illumination. The tube of the microscope consists of a hollow brass cylinder from five to eight and a half inches in length. It contains a second or draw-tube, which can, if necessary, be drawn out, in order to increase the magni- fying power. The ujjper extremity of the tube receives the ocular or eye-piece : the oculars vary in magnifying power. It is better not to change the oculars, but always to w'ork with one of moderate power. Into the lower end of the tube the objectives, powers, oi lenses should be screwed. These also vary in magnifying power. In using the microscope, i)ut on a low power first ; then adjust the mirror in such a way as to get a full illumination of the field, so that the eye applied to the ocular sees a circle of light of equal intensity in all its parts. Never use the direct rays of the sun. Next put the object to be examined 1—2 4 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. upon the stage in such a Avay as to be over the centre of the aperture : the diaphragm with largest aperture is to be used. Bring the lens to within half an inch of the slide, and carefully employ the fine adjustment until the object is distinctly seen ; then alter the focus so as to observe it at various depths. After examining "svith the lower power, remove this and replace- it by higher powers, at the same time changing the diaphragm. Fig. 2. — English Model of Stutleuts' Microscope : the nose-piece carries two objectives. for a smaller one : bring the lens down until it almost touches: the object, and then focus upward by means of the fine adjust- ment. Students are apt to leave a portion of the lens attached to. the tube when they change the powers ; or perhaps the field' may be obscured by drops of glycerine, Canada balsam, etc.,. adhering to the surface of the lens. Attention may be directedl PRACTICAL IIISTOLOCY. 5 to these points when it is found tliat the object cannot be focussed clearly. A drop of methylated spirit upon a soft handkerchief is sufiicient to remove Canada l^alsam from lenses. A condenser, or convex lens fitted into a jointed lever which slides up and down the tube of the microscope, is provided ; it- is employed for condensing light upon opaque specimens ; it may, however, be removed, since it is scarcely ever needed inj modern histology, as the majority of specimens are prepared for examination by reflected light. j It will be seen by an examination of Fig. i^, which represents u student's microscope of English make, that it differs but little from that which we have described. The body or stand is, however, a tripod arrangement, which is the form at present in vogue in this country. Before giving a brief description of the optical plan of a compound microscope, into the construction of which many lenses enter, we may mention, in passing, the simple or dis- secting microscope, which consists essentially in a stage illuminated from below by a movable mirror. Above the stage is an arm which can be raised or lowered by a rack and pinion. The arm carries a lens similar to that employed by watch- makers. The dissecting microscope is serviceable in certain cases Avhere it is necessary to tease or otherwise manipulate very delicate tissues. It is chiefly, however, of use to biologists. The Mode in which the Compound Microscope Magnifies. — The rays of light (Fig. o) which proceed from the object under examination are focussed behind the objective at a point in the lumen of the tube of the microscope the position of which is dependent upon the strength of the magnifying power employed. Thus the higher the objective, the nearer is the object focussed to the lower end of the tube ; and the less the magnifying power of the objective, the higher in the tube is the focus. After the various rays have been brought to a focus they cross each other and become divergent, until they are a second time gathered up by the front lens of the ocular, which focusses them within the eye-piece at the level of the diaphragm. An enlarged but inverted image of the object in front of the objective is thus formed, which is a second time magnified by the lens of the 6 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. ocular nearest to the eye. The magnifying power of the microscope is increased within certain limits by increasing the distance between the objective and the eye-piece, and it is for this reason that most of the modern instruments are provided with a 'draw-tube.' In using the draw-tube, how- ever, as well as in viewing objects with highly magnifying eye-pieces, it must be borne in mind that it is only the image formed by the objective which is enlarged, and not the object itself, and with such increased magnification any defect or distortion on the part of the objective will be further amplified, and it is therefore best only to employ eye-pieces of moderate strength. Lenses or Objectives— In Fig. 3, the objective, although one of low magnifying power, is seen to be made up of combinations of lenses instead of single plano-convex glasses. This is the plan always adopted nowadays with the compound microscope. Objectives of high magnifying power are indeed always made up of more than two such combinations. The explanation is not far to seek. Single plano-convex lenses are subject to two great defects, of which the first is spherical aberration. This results from the fact that rays of light which pass through the circumference of the lens are brought to a focus at a point nearer to the lens than the rays which pass through the centre. The second defect is that of chromatic aberration^ ^. consequent upon the complex nature of white i^ ig. y. —Diagram , . , „, . . , , i . i i of the Method iii light. The rays m passing through the lens which a Compound ^re split up into their component parts, and fies. ° thus the colours of the spectrum are obtained in the same way as when light passes through a prism. Each colour of the spectrum is focussed at a different point, and the PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 7 image is therefore surrounded by a coloured fringe. It has been found, however, that by a skilful combination of different kinds of glass, objectives can be manufactured in which the spherical and chromatic aberrations are practically done away with. Objectives, therefore, are usually composed of com- binations of lenses, varying in number from two to eight, such as we have above-mentioned, and they are composed of flint and crown glass ; the flint-glass lenses being concave, and ground so as to fit the opposed convex surfaces of each crown- glass lens. In the better class of objectives the lenses farthest away from the object are ground in such a manner as not only Fig. 1. — Old Form of Combination of Lenses. Fig. 5. — New Form of Combination of Lenses. to correct their own spherical aberration, but also that of the front lens. By this means an objective is obtained in which the front lens consists of a single glass, and not. as in the older forms, of an achromatic combination of convex and concave glasses, which only allowed of a small angular aperture. By the angular aperture of a lens is meant the number of rays of light which it is capable of transmitting. Such aper- ture is measured by observing, with a special instrument, the angle subtended from the centre of the objective by the most oblique ray of light transmitted on either side. For ordinary purposes an objective whose focal length is ^ inch should not 8 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. possess a greater angular aperture than 100" ; whilst ^-inch should not exceed 130', for beyond this point the larger amount of light entering the objective is more than counterbalanced by the increased proximity of the lens to the object, and the diminished amount of penetrating power which such a glass possesses. This statement does not hold true for immersion lenses, in which the angular aperture can be increased to a very great extent without detriment to the utility of the objective. Immersion Lenses.— The development of modern histology, especially in the direction of the recognition and cultivation of the exceedingly minute forms of vegetable life known as micro- organisms, has led to a corresponding demand for higher micro- scopic magnifying powers. This demand was at first met by the manufacture of the more powerful objectives which have already been described, in which an interval of air intervenes between, the front of the lens and the surface of the glass covering the preparation. It was soon found, however, that such higher objectives focussed inconveniently near the cover-glass, whilst at the same time they had a very limited field, and did not admit of the passage of sufficient rays of light to yield a good illumination, A new form of objective has therefore been con- structed of such a character that it focusses an object when the interval between the front lens and the cover-glass is occupied by some fluidiwhich reduces to a minimum differences in the index of refraction. Such objectives are known as ' immersion ' lenses, to distinguish them from the old;form of ' dry ' lens. Water, ghcerine, and oils have been successively employed in connection w^ith these lenses ; but cedar-oil condensed until it has a somewhat higher specific gravity than usual, is now most commonly used for the purpose, because its index of refraction is found to be very nearly equivalent to that of crown glass, and therefore nearly all the rays of light which are focussed upon the object pass through the objective into the body of the microscope. To use an immersion lens the mounted specimen must be .sealed with marine glue, gold-size, or other cement which is not soluble in cedar-oil. A small drop of the clear oil is then lightly placed, by means of a clean glass rod, upon that portion PRACTICAL msTOLOCY. ^ of the cover-plass which is immediately over Ihe part of the preparation to be examined. The lens is afterwards brought down carefully until its surface is in actual contact with the oil, and it is then focussed by means of the fine adjustment. The immersion lenses employed in histological research are usually without correction for the thickness of the cover-glass, as they are more readily employed than when a different correction of the lens has to be made for each thickness of cover-glass employed. Before using the immersion lens it will usually be found expedient to find the particular spot in the preparation with an ordinary high power, and if the specimen is permanent the part required should be marked out for future reference by drawing round it upon the cover-glass a small ring of cement or ink. In the majority of cases a special form of microscope will be required, as it will be necessary, in order to obtain a sufficiently powerful illumination, to attach an achromatic condenser beneath the stage. After using the immersion lens it should be at once unscrewed, its front surface should be gently wiped with a soft handkerchief or piece of chamois leather kept for the purpose, and it should then be replaced in its box. Oculars or eye-pieces are of two great types. The Huy- ghenian is in common use, and consists of two plano-convex lenses, separated by a distance equal to half the sum of their combined focal length, with a diaphragm placed between them. The Kellner, or orthoscopic ej^e-piece, is chiefly employed in micro-photograjihy, and is composed of an upper achromatic lens, and of a lower bi-convex lens placed in the focus of the upper or eye lens. It has no intervening diaphragm, and there- fore has nearly double the field of view possessed by the Huy- ghenian eye-pieces. Apockromatic Objectives. — Zeiss has recently introduced a new series of lenses, which he has termed Apochromatic. The particular advantages claimed for them are that in consequence of an improved method of correctiou, and the use of new kinds of glass, the spherical aberration is entirely abolished. The lenses can be employed with much higher eye-pieces than has hitherto been the case ; and the natural colour of objects, even 10 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. in the more delicate tints, are reproduced unaltered. To obtain the best results with these objectives, they should be employed with the compensating eye-pieces manufactured by the same firm ; when this is done an image is obtained which is uni- formly free from colour throughout the whole field of view. Drysdale, after carefully testing this combination of ocular and objective, has come to the conclusion that results may be obtained with them which are equal but not superior to those yielded by the immersion lenses of the best English makers. Light. — The best light for microscopic work is that afforded by the sun, when its rays are not too powerful. A fine sunny spring day affords what may be called a tj^pically favourable light. The light should be considered best when reflected from white clouds in a blue sky. In England, however, only too frequently artificial light has to be made use of. Various forms of gas and oil lamps have been suggested. A drawing of a con- venient form is given. As a rule we employ gas argand burners, with blue glass funnels. The light is generally transmitted to the object by a slightly concave mirror through a diaphragm. The illumination of objects when opaque is done by means of condensers of various kinds, which focus the light upon the object from above, or condense it laterally by parabolic side - reflectors. Opaque objects, however, as before mentioned, seldom need to be examined in histological work. In using immersion objectives, the ordinary mirror is supple- mented by some form of achromatic condenser, of which perhaps the illuminating apparatus designed by Abbs may be considered as the best. It consists essentially of two or more lenses, so combined as to transmit a large pencil of achromatic light, which is reflected either from a concave or plane mirror. The amount of light entering the instrument may be regulated by Fig. ti. — Microscope Lamp. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 11 introducing diaphragms ; whilst the direction of the rays can be varied at will by turning a milled head. The top lens, when the apparatus is in position, fits accurately into the central aperture in the stage of the microscope, and is flush with itn upper surface. Of Drawing Microscopical Objects. — If the student is a good draughtsman, practice is the only thing required before he can make good drawings of microscopic tissues. In others prac- tice will very possibly bring out latent talents. Some, however, whatever their perseverance, will need aid ; and this is given them Fig. 7, — Diagram of the Positiou of the Microscope, etc., when using the Camera Lucida . by an instrument called the camera lucida. This consists of a prism arranged in such a manner that, when attached to the microscope tube by a holder, and placed exactly over the eye- piece, the image of the object is thrown upon some part of the table where a sheet of white paper may be laid, and the outline of the object can then be traced upon it. An instrument con- structed for a similar purpose is Beale's neutral tint reflector, 12 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. "which is thus used : The cap of the eye-piece is removed, and the reflector is applied in place of it. The microscope should then be inclined to a horizontal position, and at ten inches from the table, and the paper is placed exactly underneath the reflector. After the object is focussed and properly illuminated, the eye should be brought close to and exactly ovn- the reflector, and the image will then appear to be thrown upon the paper, and may readily be traced. Directions for Choosing a Microscope.— Great care is necessary in the choice of a microsope, and the student is recommended not to buy one without asking the advice of some one who is well acquainted with modern instruments. The supply of different kinds is now so extensive, that a description of what should be chosen is difficult and might be invidious. We may, however, tell him roughly irhat not to (jet. Let him not buy one of those large constructions of brass which are so often strongly recommended by dealers, or one which has a complicated arrangement of screws and buttons to move the object-glass. This would be simi)ly paying money for useless material. Binocular microscopes cannot be recommended, nor those in which the fine adjustment tilts the draw tube forward. Second-hand instruments, except modern instruments of well- known makers, are to be avoided, as are also old instruments, of whatever kind. The following points of advice may be of some use : The stand must be small, and at the same time firm ; the fine adjustment delicate and steadfast. The oculars ought to be clear and achromatic, free from flaws, scratches, and spherical aberration. The lenses should also be free from any such faults, and should exhibit a flat field, the whole of the field being in focus at once ; should have a fair power of penetration — i.e.^ should be capable of showing the parts beyond the exact focus ; and should also possess what is technically known as resolving ])ower — /.e., should be able to focus clearly a number of fine lines, close together, in an object. Every part should be carefully tested, and if found defective should be returned to the maker after a fair trial, even if paid practic;al histolo(jy. 13 for ; and, indeed, the best makers are anxious that no imperfect lenses bearing their names should be in current u^e. Of course the question of jn-ire is a very important one — how much money is to be expended upon the purchase of an instrument ? It is seldom necessary to spend more, to begin with, and not expedient as a rule to spend les^^, than //tr riit'mean. For this money the student obtains a good stand, two eye-pieces,, and two objectives, ^-inch and 1 or ^, in a stout case ; in fact, all that he will be likely to require for a considerable time. The accompanying figure of a Student's Microscope shows such an instrument. It may be obtained from one of the following makers : Beck, G8, Cornhill ; Crouch, 66, Barbican ; Swift, 81, Tottenham Court Road ; Pakkes, 5, St. Mary's Row, Birmingham ; or Stanley, London Bridge. Several makers have in- troduced microscopes even cheaper than the ones above- mentioned. Beck's Star Microscope, at three to four guineas, is a marvel of cheap- ness. Crouch and Parkes also make microscoi)es at £3 10s. to £4. It is requisite also to mention here, that Leitz, of Wetzlar, supplies a microscope at £5 5s. (stand No. IV., with lenses 3, 5, 7, oculars I. and III.), and one at £3 lOs. (stand No. V., lenses 3 and 7, and oculars I. and III.), quite suitable for students' use. Not a few prefer to purchase an English stand, with certain favourite German lenses. Those who propose to follow this course will find Baker's stand, and Zeiss's A and D lenses, a good Fig. 8. — Student's Microscope. u PRACTICAL H1ST0L0(JY. combination. Messrs. Baker (High Holborn) are also agents for Zeiss, Reich ert, and other German firms. It may appear unfair to mention the names of certain makers, and to omit the names of others. In a pi-actical book, however, it is evident that definite advice should be tendered. "We recommend the microscopes the perform- ances of which we have had opportunities of judging. Other microscopes, of which we have had less experience, may possibly be as good as those recommended. Of more expensive microscopes, in addi- tion to several made by the before-men- tioned firms, the following are recommended as suitable for advanced students : Zeiss (Jena). — Stand No. V. a, with objectives A and D, and No. 3 ocular, costs £8 8s. Stand No. YIII., with similar ob j ecti ves and ocular, costs £ 6 5s. Stand No. II., with objectives 3 and 7, and two oculars, costs £7 10s. ; and with No. 8 objective as well, £9 5s. Reichert (Wien). — Stand No. XI. f, with objectives Sand G, and one ocular, costs £7 19s. Nachet (17, Rue Saint Severin, Paris). — No. IX., with objectives 3 and 6, and two oculars, is an excellent instrument, and costs £G 10s. We are very ])leased with his No. XYIII., microscope portatif de cojage^ the cost of which is £8. Terick (2, Rue de la Parchemenaire, Paris) microscopes are good, but expensive. Hartnack's microscopes do not seem to be so popular as they formerly were in this country, since the business of the old firm has passed into other hands. We have not had much experience, of late years, of this model, which was formerly so excellent. As regards the higher class microscopes of many of the Fig. 9.— Star Micro- scope. Leitz (Wetzlar).- PRACTH AI, HISTOLOGY. 15 English makers, the prices appear to be too high, and there is a tendency to make the instrument eninbersorae. The more expensive Stands and Lenses. — A few words about Zeiss's stands may be useful. Nos. I., II., III., and IV., price £15, £12 10s., £10 10s., and £10 5s., respectively, are provided with an Abbe's condenser, rack and pinion coarse adjustment, and all requisites for fine work. The eye-{)ieces are numbered 1 — 5, from two inches to seven-tenths of an inch focus, and cost seven shillings each : the most useful numbers are 2 and 4. The objectives, A — F (twelve in number), vary in price from six shillings to £4 4s.; and oil immersions, i^-inch, £12 ; ^Ij inch, £10 ; and i^s-inch, £20. Leitz's large stands are good and less exjjensive, about a third less in price than those described above. His oculars cost five shillings each ; and his oil immersions, ^^^-iuch, £5 ; j\j-inch, £7 10s.; and .^-inch, £10. Reichert's stands and oculars are much the same in price as Zeiss's. His oil immersions, j^^-inch, £8 ; 7,\^-inch, £13 ; and ...\,-inch, £18. Powell and Leland's lenses are said to be the best in the trade, but are expensive. Their apochromatic homogeneous immersion object-glasses, ^-inch, ^^-inch, jV-inch, 1"40 numerical aperture, cost £25 each ; and a set of three compensating eye- pieces costs £5. A nose-piece is a convenient appliance screwed to the microscope tube for carrying two or more objectives, so that one may be exchanged for another without the trouble of unscrewing it from the tube. The nose-piece, represented as attached to the microscope in Fig. 2, is for two powers. It is fixed to the tube of the microscope by a screw. The arm carrying the objectives revolves on a centre, which also attaches it to the upper portion or framework of the nose-piece, which is screwed into the micro- scope tube at one end, and is bent away from the stage on the other. By carefully pushing one objective away from the microscope tube, the second one is brought into its place. 16 PRACTICAL IIISTOLOGV. MICROSCOPICAL METHODS. The second portion of our subject treats of the methods by "which tissues should be prepared for microscopical examination. These methods will be described under two heads : 1. The Examination of Fresh Tissues. 2. The Examination of Hardened and Prepared Tissues. I. The Examination of Fresh Tissues. The simplest example of examining a fresh tissue would be afforded by the examination of a drop of blood. The drop is placed upon a thin piece of glass, about {' inch in diameter, or cover-glass, which is then inverted upon a glass slide or object-glass. The specimen of blood is at once fit for examina- tion, and continues to be so until it dries up. Similarly, one may examine fluid drops of any kind which are supposed to contain solid particles, the nature of which it is necessarj" to make out with the microscope ; r-.^., sediments of urine, scrapings of fresh tissues or organs, or micro-organisms when suspended in water. The only requisite to the successful examination being, that the particles should be thin enough to be transparent. In some cases, again, it is requisite to examine some peculiarity of the structure of a tissue unaltered by reagents, or to observe some action, such as the movement of cilia, which speedily ceases after removal of the tissue from the body. Under such circumstances a small piece may be snipped off with scissors, teased (p. 40) with needles, and mounted in one of the following solutions, when sufficient of its structure can generally be made out — drying of the specimen being prevented by edging the cover-glass with oil or paraffin-wax : iSTormal saline solution — a 0"G per cent, solution of sodium chloride. Blood serum. Aqueous humour. Iodised serum, — i.e., serum or liquor amnii to which a little iodine has been added as a preservative. Muscle may be examined without the addition of any rRA< TI< AL HISTOLOGY. 17 reagent ; but its evaporation must be prevented by the employ- ment of appropriate means. Other exami)les of a like nature will be treated of under their proper headings. 2. The Examination of Hardened and Prepared Tissues. Speaking generally, it is impossible to make out the structure of a solid tissue thorouglily until a thin section of it has been obtained. The consistence of the tissues in the recent state, as a rule, will not allow of such sections being cut, and it is therefore necessary to harden them before attempting that process. The hardening of tissues may be accomplished either by freezing them or by various chemical reagents. The latter act by coagulating the albumen, by withdrawing the water, or in some instances, perhaps, by combining with the albumen to form a harder compound — in a manner comparable to the process of tanning. Hardening reagents. -It is of the utmost consequence that the process of hardening be attended to with the greatest attention. The choice of a suitable reagent in each case will be found, in spite of anything said to the contrary, a matter of con- siderable moment, and its mode of use equally important. We mention the hardening reagents we have found most service- able. Chromic Acid and Spirit. — A mixture of chromic acid and si)irit is the fluid recommended for general use, and can be employed almost universally. It is thus prepared : Chromic acid }. per cent, solution {i.e., containing 1 grm. in GUO cc. distilled w^ater), 2 parts ; methylated spirit, 1 part. Another way of making a solution is by taking equal parts of 0*5 per cent, solution of chromic acid and of methylated spirit. The mixture produces its effects in about seven to ten days. Chromic acid, without the addition of spirit, in "lb to 'o per cent, solutions, is a rapid hardening fluid. The tissue is suSi- ciently hard in a week for sections to be made ; if, however, it remains in the mixture for a longer time, it tends to become brittle. 18 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Potassium bichromate in solutions, the strengths of which vary from 1 per cent, to '> per cent. : the best is the 2 per cent., and this, if changed every four days, hardens tissues in a fortnight. Ammonium chromate in sohitions 2 per cent, to 5 per cent, is superior in some ways to the similar potassium salt. Tissues should not remain in it for more than a day or two. Ammonium bichromate is specially recommended for hard- ening the brain and spinal cord, in solutions of 5 per cent. strength. It must be prepared fresh when wanted. Muller's fluid is made by taking potassium bichromate. 2 grms., and sodium sulphate 1 grm., and dissolving them in 100 cc. of distilled water. When this reagent is emploj-ed, the process of hardening is slow, but efficient. The fluid has the advantage of being exceedingly penetrating, and so will harden satisfactory V larger pieces of tissue than other similar agents. Half the quantity of copper sulphate may be substituted for the sodium sulphate. Picric acid, in saturated solutions, or in mixture with an equal quantity of methylated spirit, or with an equal quan- tity of o to 10 per cent, hydrochloric or nitric acid, is a useful and quick-hardening fluid. Mercuric chloride, in saturated or weaker solutions, or mixed with acetic acid, is becoming a popular hardening reagent. Its action is rapid. Nitric acid, 3 per cent, to 10 per cent., is recommended for hardening the brain. It requires for its action two or three weeks. Methylated spirit is a hardening reagent in very common use, and may be employed with advantage in the preparation of salivary glands, stomach and intestine, etc. Absolute alcohol of specific gravity 0"795 is the most rapid hardening fluid. It is not often used, on account of its expense, and because it is said to have a greater tendency to produce shrinking of the tissue hardened, than preparations of chromium. The pancreas is an organ, at any rate, which must be immersed in this fluid, in preference to any other, for the purpose of hardening. rilACTK AI, HISTOLOCV. 1 !♦ Osmic acid. 01 to 1 per cent. \ All of these solutions Gold chloride. •-'•'' to •.'> per cent. | harden, and at the Palladium chloride, '25 to '5 1 same time stain tis- per cent. J sues. Directions for Hardening. — Never use anything but fresh tissue. Nearly all the material used, therefore, must be taken from the lower animals just killed, as it is seldom possible to obtain specimens from the j)ost-mor(eiu room sufficiently fresh to give satisfactory results. Cut ihe tissue into ]»ieccs with a sharp knife or razor. The size of the pieces "vvill vary with the reagent used. "When chromic acid is the hardening fluid, the pieces should not be larger than a hazel-nut. "When alcohol, potassium bichromate, or Mailer's fluid is employe J. they should not exceed twice that size. Do not wash with water : but if it be necessary to get rid of any foreign body, allow a small stream of saline solution, or of dilute spirit, or of a weak solution of potassium bichromate, to run upon the tissue from a wash-bottle. Place the cut pieces in a large excess of the hardening reageit in a stoppered bottle. Change the hardening reagent frequently — ■?.//., the chroncic acid and si)irit solution on the second, fourth, and seven :h days. In all cases, in a week to ten days remove the specimens to spirit, or, if that fluid be contra-indicated, to a "5 per cent. potassium bichromate to complete the hardening, SECTION CUTTING. Having hardened the material, the next thing is to cut thin sections from it ; for unless the sections be thin, no amount of after preparation will make them fit objects for microscopical investigation. The methods which have been proposed from time to time to effect this object are numerous, but they may be divided into two classes — viz. : (1) Methods of cutting by hand. (2) Methods of cutting with machines called microtomes. 2—2 20 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. I. Section-cutting by Hand. In cutting a small piece of tissue it is customary to embed it in some other tissue, or in a wax mass of some kind. For the former purpose, the tissue which is to be cut is placed between two pieces of hard liver,* or material of similar consistence, and held tightly in place between the finger and thumb, and cut with a razor in the manner to be described below. Instead of the liver, pieces of turnij), carrot, or potato may occasionally be substituted. The usual method, however, is to embed the specimen in a wax mass. Embedding materials are wax masses of some kind, modified \ E A / / C i)| B B' A N C j: A D^ Fig. 10. — Diagram to show Fonnatioii of Embeclcliiig Box. according to the state of the weather and the material to be cut. The following are those most commonly employed : "White wax and olive oil, equal parts ; melted and well mixed. This mass may be varied in consistency by varying the amount of the olive oil used. Japanese wax (8d. per lb.) is about one- fourth the price of English, and answers well. Paraf&n and Lard.- -Take five parts by weight of solid paraffin (a paraffin candle will do very well), and one part by weight of hog's lard and of paraffin oil ; melt at a gentle heat, and mix thoroughh*. Paraffin wax (Is. 4d. per lb.) of two kinds, melting at about \o and 55' C, may PRACTICAL 1IIST0L0C;Y. 21 be obtained ; and, by niixint,' in v:ui(/ns propoiti< iis, will supply wax of required melting-points for the different seasons of the year, witliout further admixture of lard. Spermaceti and Castor Oil. -Take four ])arts of sper- maceti and one ])art of castor oil. Cacao butter may be used alone or combined with paraffin, wax, and oil, or with spermaceti and parathii. To melt the Wax Mass.— Tiie wax mass is melted in a small porcelain capsule provided Avith a handle, over the flame of a Bunseu's burner or spirit-lamp. Care must be taken that the material is not burnt. It is usual in laboratories to place the capsule on a piece of fine iron gauze on a tripod, and to place a gas flame from a Bunsen's burner of the smallest size beneath it : a glass rod may be used as a stirrer. To embed the Specimen in Wax Mass for Cutting.— A piece of stout pa})er is taken, six inches long and three broad. This Fig'. 11. — Paper Box for Embedding. is doubled into three longitudinal folds ; after this from each end folds of two inches long are marked off. The paper is then opened out, and of the three longitudinal folds the middle one forms the bottom and the lateral ones the sides of the paper box. The ends are made from the middle part of the end folds. The ends of each flap are marked off into two equal squares, ]•: c, c D, E^ c\ ('^ 1)1. The squares e b a c and e' ij^ a^ c^ are doubled into two parts across the diameters A B, A^ h\ and these triangular folds thus made are pinched up and pressed against the end of the box to support it ; they are retained in position by the remainder of the end fold represented by a a^ d d^ being turned back over them. Having made a paper box in the manner above described, and having melted the wax mass, take the specimen to be embedded 22 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. upon a needle mounted in a holder, and having removed the superfluous absolute alcohcl i i which the tissue ought to have been immersed for at least ten or fifteen minutes before the operation is commenced) with blotting-paper, half fill the paper box with the melted wax mass, and dip the specimen into it several times, until it is thoroughly enveloped in wax. Allow the wax to ccol, and place the tissue on it in the box at one end ; then fill the box with melted wax, and after it has hardened, mark on the outside the i)osition of the tissue. AVhen quite hard, turn out the wax and the embedded tissue by opening the ends of the box, and place for a few minutes in methylated sjjirit. Instead of the simple paper box, tin boxes with removable bottoms may be substituted, or hollow brass cylinders of various diameters, placed upon a glass plate. The tissue is now ready for cutting. It is as well to shave off the corners of the wax. and also to cut off several thin slices from the end near which the specimen is with a sharp knife, in order that when the cutting of the specimen is to be done, the razor may not be blunted by having to cut much wax. Razors. — As a good deal of the success of hand-cutting depends upon the sharpness of the razor, one cannot be too par- ticular in choosing the instrument. It should be of good steel, capable of easy sharpening on a strop. It must also be broad bladed and hollow-ground. The original ' Army Razor ' answers all these requirements. It should always be stropped in one direction. Section-cutters of various forms have been introduced, but do not f ossass any advantage over razors. Directions for Hand Section-cutting.— Be sure the razor is very sharp. Hold the razor firmly in the right hand. M'iih the fingers closed above the handle : take the wax mass between the index- finger and thumb of the left hand, support the back of the razor on the former, and cut from left to right and from heel to tip of the razor. Let the handle be kept in line with the blade. Keep the blade well wetted with spirit, into a glass capsule half full of which also the cut specimens must le floated off with riiAcTiCAL ]1istolo(;y. 23 a carael's-hair brush .if ter each sweep of the razor ; unless the specimen has been aheady stained and dehydrated, in which case ,, fianrf of which tome to table. The cutting is done by a -'-'^•' ^ ^^^^^ ^^ wuicn plane which rests on the supports on either we annex. ''"^^°^-^- We now adapt the principle of the knife-carrying triangle in section-catting to nearly [0\ our histological work. It was found in practice that the small brass caps for use with specimens embedded in wax, to be screwed on to the central brass pillar in Williams's microtome, did not work well. Instead of this, we use a sheet of plate-glass, upon which we place the specimen to be cut thoroughly infiltrated with paraffin- wax. When the wax is cold the specimen is fixed upon the plate. The triangle in use in this case is of much heavier make, and the screws are larger, and of finer worm, than usual. With a simple appa- ratus such as this, sections of every kind of tissue which Avill bear staining in mass and soaking in melted wax may be luade with ease. We have had much success with embryo- logical specimens treated after this manner. Mr. Stanley has made these heavier triangles for us. Their cost is about £1 5s. I»RACTICAL lUSTOLOiiY. *J7 As regards the preparation of tissues for this method of cutting, see p. 41. Having cut thin sections of the tissue to be examined with the microscope, and having washed them in water to get rid of the gum, or in spirit in which the adhering wax drops off if the sjjecimens have been embedded in that material, it is necessary to proceed to the next operation, viz., that of Staining. STAINING REAGENTS. Almost all tissues require to be stained with some dye, in order that certain elements of their structure, which would otherwise be indistinct, may be more clearly shown. The follow- ing dyes are those which are usually employed : Aqueous Haematoxylin or Logwood is the simplest and best. It is a highly selective and clear dye. It is made by taking dried extract of haematoxylin ('»0 grms., alum in powder ISO grms., and rubbing thoroughly together in a mortar, and adding slowly 300 cc. distilled water ; mixing carefully and filtering ; to the filtrate adding :!() cc. of absolute alcohol, or 50 cc. of a 1 per cent, solution of thymol, and preserving in a stoppered bottle. The solution should be kept in a cool place for at least a fortnight before using. The older it is the more excellent it becomes. A second but weaker solution may be made by add- ing a second ij'Ml cc. of distilled water to the same logwood alum, and proceeding in a similar manner. Alcoholic Haematoxylin is prepared by making saturated solutions of crystallized calcium chloride and of alum in proof spirit, mixing the solutions in the proportion of one to eight, and adding to this mixture a saturated solution of haematoxylin in absolute alcohol, drop by drop, until the whole becomes a dark purple. This solution may be used at once, but is greatly improved by keeping. Carmine was formerly used much more than it is at present ; it has the disadvantage of staining specimens a colour trying to the eye, whilst it has not the great selective power of haema- toxylin. There are many ways of making carmine solutions. 28 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. ('/; Take 2 grms. of carmine, and rub thoronnjhly in a mortar with a few drops of water ; then add 4 cc. liq. ammoniac and 48 cc. distilled water : filter into a bottle, which s^hould be left unstoppered for a day or two for the excess of ammonia to evaporate. This forms a strong solution, w^hich must be diluted before using (Klein). ('^) Beale's solution is thus prepared : Dissolve carmine grm. j. in liq. ammon're fort, o cc. warm, add aq. des- tillat. 120 cc, and filter. Then add glycerine liO C3., and ppir. vini rectif. 120 cc, and keep in a well-stoppered bottle. ((•) Borax carmine is made by thoroughly mixing carmine (grms. ij.) and borax (grms. viij.) in a mortar, and dissolving in warm water for twenty-four hours. The supernatant fluid, which should be decanted, is then ready for use. (r7) Alum carmine. Boil an aqueous solution of ammonium alum with excess of carmine for ten to twenty minutes ; filter, and dilute the filtrate until it contains 1 to 5 per cent, of alum. Add a few drops of carbolic acid to pre- vent the growth of fungus. {e) Alcohol carmine. A teaspoonful of carmine dissolved by heating for about ten minutes in oO cc. of 00 to 80 per cent, alcohol, to which three or four drops of hydrochloric acid have been added, and then filtered, Picrocarmin, oi- solution of picvocarminate of ammun'ia, is now much used, in combination with another dye when it is expedient to ' double stain ' tissues in order to bring out certain special features in their structure. It is prepared by adding a saturated ammoniacal solution of carmine to a saturated solution of picric acid until a precipitate begins to form, evaporating in a water- bath to one-third its bulk — filtering and evaporating the filtrate to dryness : a crystallized mass, easily soluble in water, is obtained, which is picrocarmin. The strength of the solution should be about 1 per cent, to ?> per cent. During preparation the ammonia should be kept in excess. It may also be made by taking Beale's carmine without rRACTICAL IIlSTol.OCjy. '20 alcohol, and adding the picric acid in a similar niarincr. The glycerine prevents burning, which is not unlikely to occur. Many other formuhc have been given for mailing this useful dye, which we do not find superior to those above given. Cochineal. — (a) Take 7 gnus, cochineal and 7 grins, alum in powder, thoroughly rub together in a mortar, and add 700 cc. distilled water; evaporate to 4UU cc, filter /iricc^ and afterwards add 5J.or5ij. absolute alcohol, or of 1 per cent, thymol solution. (b) Powdered cochineal 10 grms., alcohol 70 per cent. loO cc. Macerate for a week, in a stoppered bottle, shake up frequently'. The filtered solution will be ready for staining. AVash stained sections in alcohol of above strength. Purpurin (Ranvier).- The formula of a solution of this dye first introduced by Ranvier, which is most stable, is Grenacker's : Glycerin 50 cc, powdered alum 2 grms. Add a knife-pointful of purpurin, and boil. Let the solution stand for several days, and filter. Staining in this solution takes 10 to 30 minutes. Ink-stain. — Excellent results may be obtained by staining nervous tissue, especially the spinal cord, in diluted solutions of Stephens's blue-black ink. Eosin, CjoHgBrjOrjKo, a rose-red i)henol dye, is used chiefly to stain nervous tissue and blood, and in combination as a double stain. It is very soluble in water, and requires to be fixed. In practice it is advisable to leave the tissue in a '01 per cent, solution for twenty-four hours, and then to pass it through acidulated water. It is unnecessary to keep it in solu- tion, as it can be made so easily. Some, however, recommend a 1 per cent, solution in alcohol, others in ammonia, and others 1 per cent, in alcohol with alum. As far as our experience goes w'e have obtained the best results from a simple aqueous solution. Aniline Dyes. — An immense number of aniline dyes are now manufactured, and most of them have been tried in histological work. Man}' of them stain quickly and penetrate well, but their use- fulness is diminished by their tendency to wash out. 30 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGV. O Si o > >»^.= .■:; .''>:-5 "r ^c cQC .a bjo- o 03 n .= -:- M -^ ^ pq fl = a> -^ -■• s 3 oJ tx: r - •- ^ i bo - 5-1 - C — o .= — ' - c O - ix ^ ^ .-Eh-= >-= 2-3 I ^ -^ ^ tc >, .J- .: ^ a :. O — ^ r: — — -iH — ' >-••:! i- J3 = - '- X -^ -'■'" M'' w~— ' r O .g-i^ = •rH i=i ^ 1'= >-. t = 'H. -= s >:» >-.7i-z^ —. .^ XD n -H Aniline Scar- let— iiisol. in Wiiter, freely sol. ill iiielliy- lated sjiiiit. X I.S.5 W >, .' , 0— • - J- Fuchsln — piirtly sol. in vviiter, sol. in dilute spirit. rr •-'^Zn-5^~r:-Z ', ^C:, iz; o ^H C — • — 1 rt ;; ti .J Z3 ^ •0 -►-> •p-( U M.H ^ > -^ 0 > en ^ ^.5 A ■ > I- SB PRACTICAL HISTOLOGV^ 31 In usini,' .iniline dyes, therefore, it is necessary t.» ^tain speci- mens deeply, and to pass them through the desiccating and clearing fluids quickly, otherwise the colour passes into the solutions ; for at jnesent no one fixing fluid has been made which produces certain results ; in son'e cases, however, a weak solution (about •'> per cent.) of hydrochloric acid is effectual. Solutions of mercuric chloride, of potassium acetate, of sodium xanthate,and of tannin. havealso been recommended as mordants. The table on p. 30 includes most of the aniline dj-es which have been employed in microscopical work. Speaking roughly, the dyes are most useful which will dis- solve without the aid of spirit. In nearly every case slow is to be preferred to (^uick staining ; this is especially true with regard to iodine green, aniline black, and Bismark brown. Some information will be given later on as to the use of these anilines in bacteria staining. Silver Nitrate is used when it is required to demonstrate the endothelial cells of serous^membranes. The'salt is taken up by the intercellular substance when fresh, and is reduced as a black precii»itate under the action of light, which maps out the cells. in black lines. The fresh tissue should be placed after removal from the body in a '5 or '25 per cent, solution for ten or fifteen minutes ; it should then be washed carefully in distilled water, and exposeJ to the light in glycerine diluted with three times its bulk of distilled water. Silver nitrate is also used to stain nerve- fibres. Preimratlon of the Solution of Silver Xitratc. — Powder 5 grms. of crystallized silver nitrate finely in a mortar, and add gradually lOOU cc. cold distilled water. After the salt has dis- solved, preserve in a stoppered bottle of dark glass, or in one around which some black paper has been pasted, and keep in a dark cupboard. The use of the solid silver nitrate in bringing inta view the cell spaces of the cornea will be alluded to farther on. Ammonium-molybdate produces a bluish-gray general stain, which acts well as a base for double staining. A 5 per cent, solution in water may be used, and the specimens should be exposed to the light for twenty-four hours. The salt is expen- sive, and the advantage of its use not very marked. 32 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Gold chloride selects and stains certain tis^sues, principally the nervous ; it also brings out the cells of fibrous connective tissue, cartilage and cornea. Meiliod of Gold Staining. — Of the many Avays we have tried of using this salt we recommend the following. The tissue is removed from the animal immediately after it has been killed, and is placed in "5 per cent, solution of gold chloride for half an h'our to an hour ; it should then be washed in distilled water, kept in a warm, dark place in a saturated solution of tartaric r.cid for three or four hours, and afterwards exposed to the light in equal parts of glycerine and water. Immersion in filtered lemon-juice, in citric acid, or in dilute formic acid for about five to ten minutes previous to the bath of gold chloride is advised by some. Various acids, too, are recommended in- stead cf tartaric, as citric (saturated solution), formic ("20 per cent.), acetic (4 per cent.), oxalic (^ per cent.). The double chloride of potassium and gold may be substituted for the gold chloride. Method of pveparinrj the Solution. — The gold salt is sold in sealed glass tubes, containing about 1 grm. ; the tube should be broken, and the salt should be dissolved and preserved in a manner similar to that described above under the heading of Silver-nitrate Staining. Palladium chloride, an irregular general stain, yellow to black, in solutions varying from "1 to •05 per cent., maybe used ; it has the same effect as gold chloride in hardening tissues and staining them at the same time. It is very expensive, and is not recommended. Osmic acid, as well as the two preceding salts, possesses the property of hardening as well as staining tissues placed in it. It is usually sold in 1 per cent, solutions, which may be diluted with distilled water at pleasure. The solution must be kept in a dark glass bottle. Osmic acid stains fat-globules black, and Irings out the medullary sheath of nerves. S])ecimcns to be stained with this reagent must remain in it for about an hour, and should then be removed to spirit. Method of using the Staining Reagent. — Unless another reagent is specially advised, the student should, as a matter of rHACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 33 course, employ haimatoxylin, as it is the easiest to use and the best of all stains. Such specimens as have been already selected as sufficiently thin should be thoroughly washed in distilled water or in methylated spirit, and placed in spirit in a watch-glass of suitable capacity. Sections of tissues, hardened in any chromium preparation, should then be transferred to a watch-glass containing a solution of sodium bicarbonate 1 per cent., and should be allowed to remain in it for five minutes, in order that the effect of the hardening reagent may be neutralized. They should then be well washed in warm distilled water (iiO^ to 40^ C). To prepare the staining solution, it is as well to take a large watch-glass, fill it three-quarters full of distilled water, and then add to it from five to ten drops of aqueous haimatoxylin. The hoematoxylin solution is kept in a bottle provided with a funnel iind filter-paper, as the reagent must be filtered before it is used. Having made the solution, and thoroughly mixed it, place the sections in it carefully one by one with a broad needle, and if they float, press them down and leave them in the fluid for some minutes. The time required varies, as some tissues stain much quicker than others, and it is therefore necessary to take out a section from time to time, and to place it in a watch-glasi; full of distilled water, so that the staining may be regulated. Great care is necessary, in order that the specimens be stained neither too much nor too little. The examination of the specimen in the watch-glass should be done with a white background, which maybe obtained by placing the gla-^s on a white filter-paper, or still better on a white glazed tile. This tile may easily be obtained, and will be foand a great con- venience. It may not be out of place to notice here that stained specimens should always be examined during manipulation in this manner, and that unstained specimens can be most conveniently examined if placed in a watch-glass upon a black plate. This black plate is generally a square piece of glass with the back blackened and protected with varnish. A dark-coloured glazed tile will answer the purpose. When the sections are sufficiently stained, they must be 3 34 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. washed in distilled water and placed in methylated spirit, ready for the next process (pp. 35-40). Instead of the washing in the warm distilled water previous to staining, washing in a very dilute solution of hasmatoxylin (three or four drops to a watch-glassful of water) may be sub- stituted. If the sections le accidentally overstaiued, place them in a '5 per cent, solution hydrochloric acid for a few seconds. Watch-g' asses and capsules of various sizes should be obtained. The ^mall thin shallow glasses are of no use; those recommenclel large, thick, and deep. The capsule which is used to contain spirit for hand-cutting must be large and capacious — 2^ to 3 inctes in diameter, and li inches deep. Staining ^vith Carmine, Eosin, and Aniline Dyes.— The method of staining with these reagents is very similar to hajma- toxylin staining, but specimens should remain in the solution for a much longer time (twenty-four hours or more), and the dye should be fixed by passing'^the sections through acidulated water. Sodce bicarbonate solution is not necessary. When a spirit solution of any dye is used, pass rapidly on to the next process after staining. "VVe cannot, however, give any other than general directions for staining with these dyes, and the operator will soon find out the best methods of using each. Double Staining. — To demonstrate the structure of some tissues satisfactorily, it is necessary to make use of two or more staining reagents. This process is called, double or multiple staining, according as two or more dyes are used. The simplest form of double staining is that adopted for tissues which are first stained with silver nitrate, gold chloride, or similar reagent, and then with hiematoxylin, carmine, or aniline. Other com- binations may be made, of which the following are useful : Picrocarnun and luematoxulhi. Eosin and hcematoxyl'm. Eosin and aniline green, etc. Picroearmin and anilines, etc. Euchsine and methylin blue, Lo.-yin and niethylin blue. A ndine rose and aniline green. Lismarh brown and aniline green. PRACTICAL IIISTOLOflV. 35 It is unnecessary to do more than mention Irehh staining. If this be ever required, the combination recommended is, {])p{rro- cannin ; (2) rosein : (3) imJine fjrrcv. As regards staining with four colours, one of the authors has found that it may be done with (1) picrocarniin or ens'in ; (2) f Of) (rood ; (3) aiiiliiif rose : (4) aniline green. If the tissue have been already stained in gold chloride, five stains will have been used. However, the processes are tedious, and not of any great practical value. Dehydration and Clearing. — AVhcn the sections of the tissue have been stained, or double stained, as the case may be, unless they are to be mounted in glycerine, or one of its substi- tutes, they require to be dehydrated and cleared. Dehydration. — This process is effected by passing them through methylated spirit and absolute alcohol. After staining they should remain in each of these fluids for five minutes. Clearing. — After immcr.-ion in alcohol, the sections have to be placed in a fluid which will render them transparent. The fluid most extensively employed is clove oil : it is a hydrocarbon isomeric with oil of turpentine, and possesses the advantage over the latter of being more agreeable to manipulate. Oil of turpentine may, however, be used, as also some of the other oils which are isomeric with it. A clearing fluid we have found a cheap substitute for clove oil is, turpentine 4 parts, crea.sote pure 1 part, mix and filter. These fluids penetrate the tissues, and render them fit to be mounted in Canada balsam. MOUNTING. For this process the operator must have — (1) Glass slides,* which are slips of glass three inches long and one inch broad, about the thickness of ordinary window - glass, with or without ground edges. They arc .sold by the makers of microscopic requisites, at from 2d. to Od. a dozen. It * Tliese, as well as cover glasses, may be obtained of Tate, Holl)oni ; Stanley. London Bridge ; Beck, Coruliill ; Mediand, Loudon Bridge ; Baker, Holborn ; Crouch, Barbican ; and of many othtrs. 3—2 36 FRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. is rs well to keep a good stock on hand ; and, as a lule, within reasonable limits the thinnest are the best. (2) Cover-gIasi<:es, which are made of extremely thin glass, circular or square, ^ to | inch in diameter. There are several kinds sold, usually known as ordinary, thin, and extra thin. The ordinary are quite thin enough for the student, but some- times it is ai well for him to provide himself with each kind. The ordinary cover glass measures from '004 to '008 inch in thickness. To measure Cover-glasses. — Thin glass may be placed edgewise in the stage forceps of the microscope and measured very accu- rately with the micrometer. The student maj^, however, neglect this operation. To cut Cover-r/Iasses. — Thin glass may be bought in sheets, and cut into squares or circles by the operator with a diamond, but this is not advised. To clean Sikhs and Cover-glasses. — For the former it isgeneral'y only necessary to wash them in soft water or weak soda-water, d ying with a clean cloth, and polishing with chamois leather. A mixture of ether and alcohol, caustic potash, infusion of nut- galls or alcohol, however, has to be used sometimes. Covei- glasses may be washed in strong potash, or in infusion of nut- galls, or in alcohol, and should be dried and polished with a fine cambric pocket-handkerchief. (3) A sect/'on-Iiftn', which may be easily made by beitin^ out flat one end of a thick copper wire, four or five inch( s in length. The flattened portion should afterwards be filed at the edges, and rubbed smooth with sand-paper. Fig. 15. — Section-lifter. Merj carefully finished section-lifters may be obtained of instruaaent-makers ; the annexed figure represents one form PRACTICAL lIISTOLOf;Y. .'^7 of lifter suggestetl by the authors for mounting large sec- tions. Mounting Fluids. — Fresh tissues may 1 e mounted in any of the reagents mentioned at p. 1(). The following fluids may also be used : Potassium acetate, in saturated solution, employed chiefly for mounting; vetjctable tissues. Glycerine, one of the most useful of mounting fluids. It may be em.ploycd for fresh tissues, as well as for tho.^e ■which have been hardened and cut into sections. The fluid should be of high specific gravity ; some micro- scopists advise dilution with a third of distilled water, but we cannot endorse this recommendation. It must be remembered that in this reagent some tissues swell up— i.e., fresh tendons — and so lose their characteristic structure, and for such the reagent is contra-indicated. Directions for Mounting in Glycerine.— Place the tissue for a quarter of an hour in distilled water, transfer to the slide, spread out, and remove the excess of water. Then place a drop of strong glycerine on a thin cover-glass, and invert it over the specimen, taking care to keep the drop in the centre of the cover until its lowest point touches the centre of the specimen, and then allow the cover to fall gently on it. If the glycerine entirely fills the space under the cover, and is not in excess, the edges may be painted round with some cementing varni>h. If too much have been taken, the excess may be removed with a capillary pipette, or with filter-paper. Farrant's solution is a useful substitute for glycerine, to be employed for the mounting and preserving of sections and teased specimens. It does not render the tissues so transparent as does glycerine ; whilst the cover-glass becomes fixed to the slide as the solution hardens. It is made by adding an equal weight of powdered gum arabic to a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and a satuiated aqueous solution of arsenious acid.* The mixture is then * The arsenious acid may be omitted, and a piece of camphor may be ii.troduced in its place. 38 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. allowed to stand for six weeks, being stirred at intervals. Any gum which remains undissolved is then filtered oft" ; and the re- Fulting clear filtrate is Farranfs solution. Glycerine jelly is made by taking pure gelatine 8 parts, soaking it in cold water for Feveral hours, pouring off the water and warming the gelatine until ]melted, adding 1 part of egg albumen, boiling until the albumen is coagulated and the gela- tine is clear, filtering through flannel, and finally adding <> parts of a mixture of 1 part of glycerine to 2 of cam]>hor water. [See aLo Appendix.] It is advisable to buy this reagent, as the making of it is difficult. Carbolic acid solution (one in forty) may sometimes be ufed, or a mixture of this with alcohol and arsenious acid. Castor oil is employed to mount crystals, etc., \\hich aie soluble in Canada balsam. Directions for Mounting in Canada Balsam, etc.— It may le as well here to recapitulate the processes to be gone through before the sections are fit for mounting in Canada balsam. If the section be cut in f-pirit or water, it is passed through — If hardened in any pref aia- \ tion of chromium to neu- Scdas licarhcn, 1 per cent. ' , ^■ .■> u a ■ ' '■ I tralize the hardenmg re- agent. sh away excess of the icarbonate. 5 To wa ( bica: Distilled -water. Staining fluid. Methylated spirit. ) ^^ ^^^ j,,^j^_ Absolute a-conol. 3 Clove oil, or ) rr^ 1 X i. „ , .' , „ X ^ I' To render transparent. Turpentine and Creasote^etc J Piejxn-ation of Canada Baham Sole. I ion. — The best method is to take the commercial balsam, expose it to a tem])erature of 70° C. for twelve hours, to dry it and render it quite hard, and then to dissolve in benzol and filter. It should be preserved in a stoppered bottle. Another metbod is to mix equal parts of Canada balsam and chloroform and warm. Thi balsam is entirely dissolved. Filter. rRACTK'AL HISTOLOGY. 39 Preparation of Dammar Solution. — Dissolve gum dammar in powder 50 grms. in 150 cc. turpentine, and filter : gum mastiche l>{) grms. in 'JOO cc. chloroform, and filter. Mix the solution, and again filter. This solution can be employed in place of Canada balsam. Benzol may be employed instead of turpentine and chloroform. Drop-hottlexfor Canada Baham, Dammar^ etc. — Mounting fluids such as Canada balsam are usually kept in bottles with narrow elongations of the stoj^per-, which dip into the fluid, and M'ill deposit it on the cover-glass in drops (Fig. IG). Having placed the sections in clove oil in a watch-glass or suit- able glass dish upon a white plate, as above directed, take a clean slide and place it upon a white filter-paper. Next, by means of a section lifter and a needle, withdraw the se3tion from the clove oil, and bring it down upon the centre of the slide, and remove the excess of clove oil with filter- paper. Then take a clean cover glass, and p'ace a drop of the Canada balsam solution on the centre of it, and proceed in the manner described under the head of Glycerine Mounting (p. 37), or take hoM of a corner with a pair of forceps, and gradually incline it over the speci- Fig. 16. — Drop-bottle for Cuuatl.i Balsam, etc. men, allowing the opposite edge to touch the slide first outside the specimen, and then allowing the other part held with the forceps to fall gently on the specimen. Either of these methods will prevent the formation of many air-bubbles under the cover-glass. It is almost impossible not to have some, but 40 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. these will disappear if the specimen be kept in a fairly -wann place for a few hours. Cementing Reagents.— Sections mounted in glycerine and in similar fluids must have, and those mounted in Canada balsam or Dammar varnish may have, their cover-glasses secured with cementing material which is painted on with a camel's-hair brush. It would be useless to mention more than a few of these cementing fluids. The most useful are : Dammar varnish, prepared according to the above formula. Canada balsam, made with benzol. Brunswick black, which is asphalte dissolved in turpen- tine or naphtha. Gold-size. Marine Glue (Hollis's).— The authors find this the most convenient cement, as it dries very quickly, and is very in- soluble. Before concluding this portion of the introduction, we must not omit to mention certain additional operations of use to the microscopist. TEASING Is done with needles mounted in some kind of handle. These may be made very easily by taking a fine-pointed needle, heating the eye red hot in a flame, and pushing it into a penholder or suitably cut piece of wood. More elaborate needle-holders may be bought of any maker of microscopic requisites. Directions for Teasing. — Cut off a small portion of the tissue to be teased with a sharp knife or pair of scissors, and place it on a clean glass slide, in a small drop of the fluid in which the object is to be mounted. Place the slide upon a firm support as close to the eye as convenient, and with a couple of mounted needles separate the tissue into, as nearly as possible, parallel fibres. Some tissues cannot be so separated, and in that case they must be broken up with needles into minute pieces. Sometimes the aid of a lens or of a dissecting microscrope has to be called in. A rougher method than teasing may occasionally be used when epithelium cells have to be examined. It consists of ritACTlCAI, HISTOLOGY. 41 taking a scraping of the epithelial surface on a slide, adding a drop of glycerine, and gently t:ip[)ing the cells with the smooth end of an ivory or hone ])enholder until they are seen under the microscope to he separate. This method i.«, however, almost sure to damage a certain proportion of the cells. SOFTENING, OR DISSOCIATING. This process is employed for two purposes — either to facili- tate the teasing of tissues into their elements, or in order that sections may be conveniently cut of tissues otherwise too hard for the knife. Under these circumstances small pieces of the given tissue should be allowed to soak in one of the following solutions : Potassium Bichromate, 2 per cent.— This is particularly useful for the purpose of dissolving up the cementing material between the fibres of tendon. Baryta solution, for a similar purpose. Iodized serum. Weak methylated spirit, for lymphatic glands, spleen, and testicle. Chromic acid, 5 per cent., to which a few drops of sul- phuric and nitric acid have been added, for bone and teeth. Hydrochloric acid, 2 per cent, to 3 per cent., or a mixture of this with nitric acid, 1 per cent., for bone, teeth, and cartilage. Picric acid, a satuiatcd solution, especially for teeth. Of Preparing S actions of Brittle or Specially Delicate Material. — AVhen tissues are too brittle and too delicate to be cut into sections, stained and subjected to the risk of damage by transference from one reagent to another in the ordinary way, it is advisable to stain them en masne, and so to prepare them that the sections when cut may be at once mounted. This method is specially to be adopted with embryological specimens, with the internal ear, and sometimes with diseased tissues. The process may be thus summarised. After hardening, the speci- men is placed in some staining reagent which possesses the quality of penetrating as well as that of being stable — carmine, cochineal, or picrocarmin being the most suitable for the purpose. In this 42 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. solution it is kept for t\vent3--four to forty-eight hours, at a temperature of about 32' to 35° C. It should then be washed in water, next in methylated spirit, and afterwards in absolute alcohol for an hour at least. From this reagent it must be removed to turpentine for a variable time, according to the size of the specimen, for at least an hour. From turpentine, the excess of that reagent having been removed with blotting- paper, it should be placed in melted paraffin. The paraffin should be kept just melted at a temperature, say, of 45° to 55° C. The tissue must remain in melted paraffin for at least two hours, but a longer time is necessary if the size be large, and twenty hours is recommended if the time can be spared. After this the tissue may be placed upon the glass plate described on p, 2G, and cut with the microtome there mentioned. After tome practice ribbons of sections may be cut, and they may be mounted according to the useful ' shellac plan.' This consists in painting the slide upon which the sections are to be mounted with white shellac dissolved in creasote with a camel's-hair b.'ush, and placing upon it the ribbon of sections. On slightly warming the slide the sections sink into the shellac, and by these means are firmly fixed to the fclide. The paraffin can then bs dissolved away by leaving the slide in turpentine for some time at the ordinary temperature. After the last operation has been completed the sections may be mounted in Canada balsam. INJECTION. In order to show the distribution of the blood-vessels in an organ, or of the l^^mph-vessels or channels, or to demon- strate the bile-ducts in the liver, methods of injecting these vessels, etc., are adopted. The material used is such that when the operation is over, it remains in s'tia within the vessels. In carrying out this process, the injection material should first be prepared. It consists of a mixture of carmine and gelatine, made as follows : Suspend 4 grams of carmine in a minimum of water, adding 8 cc. of liq. ammoniae, and afterwards 48 cc. of distilled water ; filter the solution. Dissolve 13 grams of the best gelatine in 100 cc. of water by the aid of beat derived fi^om a water-bath, and filter. Add the carmine solu- PRACTICAL IIIST0L0(;Y. 4 3 tlon to 7"2 cc. of the warmed gelatine filtrate. Then add, with constant stirring, 4 or .') cc. of glacial acetic acid to each IHcc. of the carmine and gelatine solution, kept at a temperature of 40' C. A solution of gelatine prepared as above, witii the substitution of Berlin blue for the carmine, forms an equally good injecting fluid. The Berlin blue is an aqueous solution of a strength of 2 per cent., made by dissolving 10 grams of Briicke's soluble blue in 500 cc. of distilled water. Methods.— The animal to be injected should be killed by chloroform, in order that the arteries may be dilated to their utmost extent, and an incision into one of the larger blood- vessels should then be made. Whilst it is still warm it should be immersed in a bath of water at a temperature of 40" C. Tie a nozzle provided with a stopcock into the vessel previously opened— carotid femoral, or crural, as the case may be— fill the nozzle with saline solution by means of a pipette. Then attach it to a strong brass syringe, ])reviously filk-d with the injection material, which has been rendered fluid by warming it, and push down the piston so as to drive the injection material into the vessel. This must be done very slowly indeed, and the progress of the injection should be ascertained from time to time by examining the more vascular organs of the body ; ejj.^ the tongue or ear. The injection of particular organs, such as the kidney, is effected by inserting the nozzle of the sjringe into the main artery leading to it ; great care and long experience are, however, necessary to obtain successful results. Instead of the pressure of a syringe worked by the hand the more easily regulated pressure of a column of mercury exerted upon the injection mass contained within a suitable bottle may be substituted, or of air compressed with an air-pump into a bottle communicating with that containing the injection. The lymphatics can readily be demonstrated in the intestine by injecting them with a watery solution of Berlin blue. This is done by inserting the point of an ordinary hypodermic syringe, filled with the staining solution, into the coats of the intestine in the neighbourhood of a Peyer's patch, and then gently pressing down the piston. 44 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. After injection in the case of the entire animal, the body should be transferred to a large vessel, containing ice-co^d methylated spirit, without removing the nozzle from the artery. When isolated organs have been injected, they should be sus- pended in ordinary alcohol in a beaker. ACCESSORY APPARATUS. Boxes and Cabinets. — Having prepared and mounted perma- nent specimens of any tissue, it is necessay to label them care- fully, noting the method of preparation, the mounting material and date, and to set them aside in a tray box, such as is seen ia Fig. 17.— Tray Box for Mcjiitecl Specimens, the figure ; these may be obtained of the instrument -maker?. The boxes are arranged to hold from one to six dozen slides; when Fig. 18. — Kuives for microscopic work. a larger collection has been made, the worker will find a cabinet very convenient. Knives.— For the various operations of dissecting tissues. l'KA( TH'AL IIISTOLOCJY. 45 cutting ill pieces and scraping, ordinary scalpels are very useful. For more delicate dissections, etc., other knives are used — e.g., those jirincipally employed by ophthalmic surgeons, and figured above (Fig. 1^). It is hardly neccs^ary to add that knives must always be kept very diurp. Scissors.— Must be fiu3 and sharp, and of several sizes when possible ; the diagram below will indicate a useful kiud. Fit;. 10.— Scissors for microscopic work. Fif. 20. — Cabinet for microscopic woi'k. Cabin 3ts for microsiopic mounting have been arrarged by fi-veral in^trament-mikeis containiug all the requidtss for the 4G PRACTICAL HTSTCLOOY. student in a compact compass. The prices vary from £1 Is. to £1 7s. Gd. They save the beginner some trouble. Forceps. — Should be fine-pointed and slender, if choice be allowed, but dissecting forceps are quite suitable for ordinary work. Fig. 21. — Forceps for microscopic work. Needles. — As before mentioned, a sewing needle inserted into a piece of wood, leaving about ^ or ^ inch of the pointed end uncovered, is quite sufficient for all purposes. Broad n'^edles are also very useful. It may be useful now to add an epitome of the apparatus and reagents which mav have to be used in microscopical work. Apparatus : Microscope. A pair of scissors. A pair of fine forceps. Two scalpel^;. Xeedles mounted in handles. Razor. Glass slides and thin cover glasses. Watch-glas«es fO). Glass capsules. Reagents. — Those in most Potassium bichromate, 1 per cent, and 2 per cent, s^o- lution. Ammonium bichromate, 5 per cent, solution. Ammonium chromate, 5 per cent, solution. MiUler's faiid. Chromic acid, ^ per cent, solution. Picric acid. Osmic acid, gold chloride, etc. Methylated spirit. Absolute alcohol. love oil, or creisote mi.x:tur3. Section-lifters ("2). Labels. Filter-papers. A box or cabinet for mounted specimens. Paraffin or White AVax and Olive Oil mixture. Gum solution. Shellac and creasote. common use are : Hcematoxylin solution. Picroc?rmin solution. Carmine. ' Aniline colours. Eosin. Sodse bicai b., 1 percent., solution. Acetic acid, ,, ,, Saline solution, OG per cent. Tannic and boracic acids. Glacial acetic acid. Sodium chloride. Glycerine. Dammar varnish. Canada balsam. Distilled water . CHAPTER IT. THE BLOOD. Human Blood. — Prick the finger with a needle, and apply a clean cover-glass to the drop of blood which issues, so that a little is deposited upon it ; then mount on a perfectly clean glass slide, and examine with a 1th or ,Uh objective. Notice that there are various kinds of corpuscles floating about in a f.ui.l medium. A. Coloured Corpuscles.— These are circulardiscs ^Jon^^ jr^oa of an inch indiameter,and io»jJ(7 of an inch in thicknes?, depressed a little on each side. When seen sideways, biconcave or dumb- bell shaped : cf a pale butf colour ; but when aggregated, of a reddish tint. They have a tendency to run together, collecting in rolls or rouleaux, Xotico a corpuscle as it rolls over, and observe the change in its form, that it is alternately circular and biconcave. The corpuscle has no nucleus; the false appearance of a nucleus is occasioned by the refraction of light in passing through a biconcave disc. Prove this by slowly altering the focus. The centre of the corpuscle is seen to become lighter than the periphery when out of focus. The corpuscles consist of two parts : a stroma, which is colourless, and the coloured part, a red crystallizable substance, hrcmorjlolAn. B. Colourless Corpuscles. — Their proi>ortion to the coloured varies from 2 to 1<> in l'A>". When perfectly fresh they are spherical and faintly granular ; they quickly alter, and become markedly granular. They are about ^^^C) inch in diameter nucleated, the nucleus not often apparent without the addition of weak acetic acid. They are nearly always isolated ; do not 48 TRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. collect together or mix with the coloured discs. They are en- dowed with the power of spontaneous motion, the so-called wiKuhoid uioveinent. C. Notice that here and there are small more or less rounded, or slightly oval, granules, about one-third the size of the ordinary coloured corpuscles. These are the Hood plates of Bizzozero, Action of Reagents. — Make another preparation of a drop of blood on a slide, and add to it a drop of saline solution. Cover it with a cover-glass. Any reagent may now be made to act upon the blood by placing a drop of it on one side of the slip, and applying a piece of filter-paper to the opposite side. A stream of the fluid passes under the cover-glass. This is called Irrigation. Irrigate specimens of blood with the reagents mentioned below. The structure of the corpuscles may be thus demonstrated. (1) ^yater: the coloured corpuscles become smooth and pale ^ and disappear : their colouring matter being discharged, leaving a colourless stroma. ("2) Dilute acetic acid : the same changes take place : the- colourless corjiuscles swell up. b-?come more distinct, and their nuclei more apparent. CS) Tannic acid : the colouring matter collects in small lumps at the sides of the coloured corpuscles, and is, after a time, dis- charged. (4) Saline solution, 1 per cent., causes the coloured corpuscles to become crenate and spinous, from shrivelling up of their proto- plasm! Syrup and other fluids of considerable density, and slow drying, also produce a similar appearance. The action of other reagents may also be studied : (5) Carbonic acid gas: a gas-chamber maybe made by taking a slide and placing upon it a circle of putty ; beneath the putty two small glass tubes are fixed, so that their ends extend into the cells thus formed. The blood is placed upon a cover-glass ^vhich is inverted upon the ring of putty. One of the glass tubes is then connected by means of an india-rubber tube with the bottle in which the gas is generated. The stream of gas is allowed to pass into the chamber, and its action upon the blood PRACTICAL HISTOLOaV. 49 corpuscles is observed. The gas passes out of the chamber through the second tube. The preparation is brouglit into focus, and rar/ionlc tirid gtis is allowed to pass through the chamber. The coloured blood cor- puscles, which had l)ecome crenatc from the action of the salt solution, again acquire a smooth outline, owing to the swelling up of the parts between the projections. On admitting air to the chamber the corpuscles again become crenate. The nuclei of the colourless corpuscles become more distinct. If frog's blood has been taken instead of human the nuclei of the coloured corpuscles appear more distinct, owing to the coagulation of the substance surrounding the nucleus. (T)) Cldorofurm. — Preparation as for gases. The coloured cor- puscles become globular, the haimoglobin being finally dissolved and discharged into the plasma ; the blood, when seen with the naked eye, being transparent (lake) and no longer opaque, (7) Elcelnrltij. — The blood is placed on a slide in such a posi- tion that when it is covered it spreads between two poles of tinfoil situated six millimeters apart, which are connected with the secondary coil of an induction apparatus. After a succession of induction shocks the coloured corpuscles lose their smooth out- line, become crenate, then like mulberries, and finally horse- chestnut-shaped. They swell up, and ultimately become de- colourized. The colourless corpuscles sw^ell up and disintegrate, their granules exhibiting molecular movements. With a constant current from a single Bunsen's cell the coloured corpuscles at the positive pole undergo changes which correspond to those exhi- bited under the action of an alkali, and at the negative pole of an acid. The colourless corpuscles assume a spheroidal form, the amoeboid movements being resumed as soon as the stimulus has passed. (8) Alhdies. — A mixture of 2 cc. of caustic potash in 1000 cc. of saline solution causes both coloured and colourless blood cor- puscles to sw^ell up, burst, and disappear. The coloured cor- puscles appear to be more rapidly affected than the colourless. (9) Alcohol. — A mixture of one-third spirit and two-thirds water, acting upon amphibian blood, causes the nucleus to swell and brings into view the nucleolus in the coloured corpuscles. 4 50 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. It also renders the nuclei of the colourless corpuscles more evi- dent, whilst one or more delicate and clear ' blebs ' grow from the periphery of the colourless corpuscle. These ' blebs " appear to consist of some colloid substance, into which endosmosis rapidly takes place, (10) Carbolic Acid. — With dilute solutions the coloured cor- puscles shrink, and lose their regular contours ; after a time they swell up, become pale, and disintegrate ; the colourless cor- puscles in a dilute solution of carbolic acid in saline solution (1-800 to 1-lGOO) do not continue their amoeboid movements for so long a time or so rapidly as they otherwise would, and the movements are generally of simple extension and retraction of processes, no locomotion taking place. "When the corpuscles cease to move, they do not disintegrate as rapidly as when the carbolic acid is absent. AVith stronger solutions the coloured corpuscles become granular, and the stroma breaks up to form a homogeneous brownish-red material of a high refractive index, which may appear either as an irregular network within the cell, or in the form of globules which tend to coalesce, and are insoluble in water, but are dissolved by carbolic acid. "With solutions of ^(j to -.}^J, the movements of the colourless corpuscles cease instantly, the cells shrink, and become coarsely granular. (11) Of Feeding the Colourless Corpuscles. — The preparation of blood on the warm stage is iiTigated with carmine, vermilion, or aniline blue, in a finely divided state, or with milk. The colour- less corpuscles will be found after a short time to have ingested some of the finer particles. The particles are taken into the substance of the corpuscle, by the union around it of two of the protoplasmic processes, and they thus lie at first close to the periphery of the cell, being carried at a later period nearer to its centre. Of Counting the Blood Corpuscles. — This operation may be accomplished by means of an instrument called the Iltvmcujto- meter (Gowers). It consists of (i.) a metal tray with a central aperture and a pair of cli} s ; the tray is larger than (ii ) a glass slip which it ho'.ds. The slip is of the ordinary size ; it is provided at its cent--e with a cell which is exactlv one-fifth of a millimeter in PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 51 depth, and whose floor is ruled in such a way as to form a series of s(iuaie<, each measuring one-tenth of a millimeter (c). (iii.) A tube (u) with a bore like that of a thermometer, graduated to contain five cubic millimeters, (iv ) A pipette (a) of 'Jltr> cubic millimeters capacity, with a fine aperture, (v.) Elastic tubes with mouth-pieces of glass, (vi.) A small glass jar (d). (vii.) A glass stirring rod in the form of a paddle (e). (viii.) A guarded needle (f). (ix.) Cover-glasses,wash-leatber, and brushes, (x.) A bottle of sulphate of soda in solution of sp. gr. 1025. Fig. 22. — Hicmacvtometer. A. Pipette for measuring tlie saline solution. B. Capillary tube for measuring the Itlood. c. Cell of glass surrounding the place where the divisions are marked on the slide, mounted on a perforated metal slide with side springs to keep down the cover-glass. D. Jar in which the blood is diluted. E. ^Mixcr. F. A guarded needle. Fix the elastic tubes to the pipette and to the thermometer tube, draw up bv suction 005 cmm. of the sulphate of soda solu- 4-2 52 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. tion, and expel it into the glass jar. With the guarded needle, which should be perfectly clean, draw a large drop of blood from the palmar surface of the last phalanx of the left middle finger. The blood will be more easily obtained, and with less pain, if a handkerchief has been wound tightly round the finger from below upwards ; the blood should be drawn by a single rapid prick of the needle. Suck up the blood into the capillary tube, until it extends slightly beyond the five cubic millimeters mark ; remove the excess by means of a piece of clean blotting paper applied to the end of the tube : and when exactly five cubic millimeters of blood are left, expel them into the solution of sodium sulphate which has already been measured out. Mix the blood and the sodium sulphate together by a light but rapid rotatory moyement of the paddle. Place one or more drops in the cell upon the slide ; coyer it with a thin cover-glass, and replace it upon the tray, where it should be allowed to remain for three minutes before the examination is commenced, in order to allow the blood corpuscles to settle. The solution of blood should exactlj^ fill the cell, neither more nor less. In cleaning- the cell, it is important that it should not be rubbed, or the micrometer lines will soon be effaced. A stream of distilled water from a wash-bottle, and the subsequent use of the Eoft camel's hair brush, will be found to be effectual. Examine the blocd with a high power ; the corpuscles will be found lying in the squares of the micrometer. Count the number of coloured corpuscles in ten squares, putting down each as they are counted upon a piece of paper ; add up the total and divide by ten : an average cf the corpuscles for each square will thus be obtained. In the case of corpuscles which are upon the boundary lines of th3 squares, add or omit them according as the centre is or is not on the line bounding the square under notice at the time. In the typically healthy blood of man, each square should contain on the average fifty coloured corpuscles ; in a woman the number is somewhat less. Examine the same ten squares, and count the number of colourless corpuscles ; one or two should alone be present. Of Prepaiing Permanent Specimens of Stained Human Blood.— It is found in practice to be anything but easy to pre- PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 53 pare specimens of liuni;iu blood, so that the corpuscles may retain their shape and may he at the same time well stained. After the trial of a large number of ditl'ereut methods, the fol- lowing is recommended as giving the most satisfactory resultF. The finger is jiricked and a large drop of blood allowed to exude ; a perfectly clean cover-glass is lightly drawn upon the top so that a very thin layer of blood adheres, so thin as hardly to be evident until it is dry. It is then dried in the air or put at once without drying into one of the following solutions, viz., chromic acid jl^ per cent. ; bichromate of potassium I per cent. ; methylated spirit or absolute alcohol for five or ten minutes, washed in water and again dried. The specimen is now ready for staining. The best dye for this purpose is a recenthi prepared 1 per cent, solution of Spillers purple in water to which a few drops of alcohol have been added, or a weak spirit solution of rosein. A few drops of one or other dye having been filtered into a watch-glass, the cover-glass is placed upon the surface of the solution blood downwards, and allowed to remain so for from five to ten minutes. It is then removed, washed for some time in a gentle stream of distilled water, dried thoroughly, and mounted in Canada balsam, with or withou previous treatment in clove oil for a minute or two. On exami nation of the specimen the coloured corpuscles should be founa of normal shape and coloured purple or red, according to the dye used, whilst the colourless corpuscles are correspondingly stained. The method with Spiller's purple will be found especially useful when blood is examined in diseased conditions in which the exis- tence of micro-organisms is suspected, and is superior to those obtained with many of the aniline dyes (such as methyl-violet). Amoeboid Movements of the Colourless Corpuscles. In order to demonstrate the amoeboid movements of the colour- less corpuscles, it is necessary to make use of the irann stay. Of this there are various kinds in use. The simplest is a glass slide, to which a perforated circular plate of copper is cemented ; this is joined to a projecting rod of the same metal. The rod communicates heat from a spirit-lamp to the plate, upon which 54 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. is placed the specimen of blood to be examined. The tempera- ture is regulated by placing a small piece of cacao butter, which melts at 35' C, upon a flattened portion of the rod near the copper disc ; when the butter begins to melt the spirit-lamp should be removed. The warm stage of Strieker consists of a metal box with central aperture. It is heated either by a copper rod, which can be fixed to it, and which is warmed in the flame of a spirit-lamp, as in the simpler apparatus, or by passing a current of hot-water through the stage itself, or by means of electricity. A thermo- meter, whose bulb encircles the central aperture, registers the emperature. If hot water be used, an india-rubber tube should be attached to the two brass tubes which project from the sides. One of these tubes should then be placed, in connection with a jug of hot water, on a higher level than the stage of the micro- scope, whilst the other tube acts as a waste pipe. A syphon action may thus be established, and the water will circulate through the stage. To use the warm stage, place it upon the stage of the microscope, in such a position that the central aperture corresponds with the centre of the largest diaphragm, while the copper rod projects beyond the stage. Place a spirit lamp beneath the rod so that Fig. 23.— Wana Stage, it is heated ; watch the effect of the heat upon the thermometer, and take care that the mercury does not rise above 39'C. When it gets near this point, move the spirit lamp further away. "Whilst the stage is being heated, prepare the specimen of blood to be examined. A drop of blood drawn from the finger, or from the tail of the newt, should be diluted with an equal bulk of normal saline solution, and should be received upon a large, square, and perfectly clean cover glass ; a second cover-glass of the same size and shape should also be ready. A little olive oil or melted paraffin should be evenly applied with a camel's hair brush along the edges of the cover- glass holding the blood ; the second cover-glass is carefully put PRArTir'AL iiiSTOi.oriY. 55 over it, and ti.e biroil sp?ea the appearance of a regular mosaic. C. Transitional. — This type of epithelium is best seen in the Uathler, from which it may be prepared in manner similar to the above. The shape of the cells should be noted : some are tailed, others concave on one side, spindle-shaped, or caudate. The nuclei are very large. D. Ciliated. — Scrape lightly the mucous surface of a prepared trachea, tease out in glycerine, and examine in a similar manner. The free border of each cell is provided with cilia, whilst the deeper portion is prolonged into a fine process or tail. Ciliary Motion. The movement of cilia may be studied by cutting off with a sharp pair of scissors a small fragment of one of the gills (branchiae) of a living oyster or mussel, teasing it with needles in a dro]) of saline solution, mounting and examining in the same fluid. The epithelium scraped from the roof of a frog's mouth, or that obtained from the mucous membrane of the nose, or that lining the alimentary canal of the earthworm, is also well adapted for the demonstration of ciliary motion. The highest available magnification should be used after a general survey has been taken under a low power. Ciliary movement is seen at first to be very rapid ; but it soon becomes slower, and finally ceases. Efectis of Reagents. — Dilute alkalies retard, and then stop the movements. If the ciUa are working slowly, or have stopped in a preparation which has just been put up. the cireful addition of a very dilute solution of caustic potash or dilute acetic acid, CO rRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. or the passage over it of carbonic aciJ, or an electric shock, will generally renew or accelerate the movements for a short time — the ultimate effect, however, being to destroy the cilia. Carbonic acid first accelerates, then retards, and finally stops the ciliary action, the movements recommencing if air is allowed to take the place of the carbonic acid. Chloroform retards and finally stops ciliary action ; the move- ments recommencing on the admission of air, if the vapour has not been applied for too long a period. War/ntJi accelerates the action of cilia which were previously moving slowly, the movements ceasing at a temperature which is sufRcient to destroy the vitality of the cells. E. Glandular. — It is advisable to postpone the study of this form of epithelium until sections of glands, such as the liver or kidney, have been cut and prepared. The calls may, however, be seen by taking a scraping from the freshly-cut surface of a kidney- or liver, and preparing it in salt solution. The cells vary in shape and size, are pale, and fairly well defined. F. Pigment can be studied in scrapings from the clwroid, iris, etc., teased and mounted in glycerine. The cells are either irregular and wide-branching with clear nuclei, or flattened and polygonal. Endothelium. Endothelium is a variety of epithelium which, as a single layer, lines serous membranes, blood and lymphatic vessels, etc. Preparcdion. — Open the abdomen of a cat, dog, or rabbit which has been killed, a few minutes previously, by bleeding, and carefully remove the omcntcm and portions of the meseii- tjri/, so that no hair or blood adheres. Place them at once in a solution of silver nitrate (| per cent.), gently shaking out the folds in the membrane so that no part escapes the action of the reagent. Allow them to remain in the silver solution for ten minutes and then remove to a vessel of distilled water and well wash them, changing the water after the washing has been com- pleted. Xext exjtose them to sunlight, in the water, until they assume a brownish tint. The tissue is now ready for mounting. PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 01 Small pieces should be cut off with a pair of sharp scissors, spread out upon a slide, and mounted in glycerine. Yer}' excellent specimens of endothelium may also be obtained from the pleura jw^vVorf?*/ of the same animals, after treatment in a similar way. In order that not only the outlines of the cells may be traced, but also that their nuclei may be evident, the tissue should be further stained in hrematoxylin, carmine, or one of the aniline dyes. A good preparation of endothelium, showing numerous ?to- MATA, may be obtained from the frog's anterior lymph-?ac {ciaterna lymphatica magna) by filling it with the above-men- tioned solution of silver nitrate by means of a capillary pipette, and, after ten minutes, removing the anterior wall, washing in distilled water, and mounting in glycerine. On examination, the surface of the membrane is found to consist of a single layer of flattened polyhedral cells, variously modified, and forming a mosaic. The nuclei are generally single, and, except in doubly stained specimens, appear as bright and almost colourless oval bodies within the cells. When seen in profile, they occasion projections from the surface. CHAPTER lY. THE CONNECTIVE TISSUES. These comprise (1) white fibrous tissue, (2) areolar tissue, (d) elastic tissue, (4) adenoid tissue, ('>) gelatinous or embryonal tissue, (()) adipose tissue, (7) cartilage, and (s) bone. 1. White Fibrous Tissue.— Typical examples of this tissue are found in tendons. Those of the tail of the mouse or rat are exceedingly fine, and may easily be obtained. The tail is cut oif close to its base. The skin is removed, and a small piece of the extremity is pinched off between the nails, and is drawn away from the rest of the tail. In separating this piece, a number of fine threads, the tendons, will be noticed. Some of these of moderate size are selected and teased out in saline solution. Teazing in this manner will show ihejihrous humUes of which the tendon is made up. Acetic acid may now be added, and the tendons will be seen to swell up and dissolve, leaving their elastic sheaths unaffected. To demonstrate the t/^ndon corpuscJes several methods may be adopted. («) The first method is to place the fresh tendons in a mixture of equal parts of aqueous hcematoxylin and glycerine for two days, tease in glycerine, and press the cover-glass slightly after mounting, (h) Another method is to stretch the tendons whilst still perfectly fresh upon a glass slide. The extremities of the tendons are allowed to dry, and by this means they are maintained in an extended condition. A few drops of picro- carmin are placed upon the centre, and are washed away with distilled water after the ex})iration of half an hour. A drop of glycerine acidified with acetic or formic acid is then added, a PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 03 hair is placed by the side of the tendon to obviate pressure, and a cover-glass is put on, the preparation being sealed up in the usual way. (r) Thirdly : (lood results can also be obtained by mounting the isolated tendons in a 1 per cent, solution of acetic acid, to which one-third its volume of logwood alum solu- tion has been added. The preparation must be examined as soon as })Ossible. (d) Fourthly : By treatment with a ^^ per cent, solution of osmic acid for an hour, washing in distilled M-ater three hours, and subsequent staining with picrocarmin for twenty-four hours. To demonstrate the lumpha'ic sjxtces, the tails of mice, after the removal of the skin, are placed in gold chloride in small pieces, left in the solution an hour, and treated in the usual manner (see p. 32) to reduce the gold. After this has been thoroughly effecied they should be placed in a solution of acid (HCl, 2 per cent.) to soften the bone. From this material very thin sections should be cut, stained in hasmatoxyliu, and mounted in Canada balsam. Stuuctuue. — From these various preparations the structure may be made out. The tissue is seen to consist of parallel bundles of fibres, w^hich vary in thickness and are held together by a homo- geneous and albuminous cement substance. The individual fibres forming the bundles are straight or w^avy, and are extremel}' deli- cate. The acetic acid added to the tendons causes tlie fibres to swell lip and to disappear, owing to the presence in the tissue of a substance which is readily convertible into gelatine. The bundles of fibrils are surrounded by a more or less complete sheath of elastic tissue, which is not acted upon by dilute acids ; hence the constricted appearance seen in the tenJons to which acetic acid has been added. On examination of the tendons treated to show the corpuscles, they will be found to consist of parallel bundles of fibres, whose substance is almost colourless, arranged in groups. Between each two groups is a lymph-channel, in which lie nearly parallel layers of delicate stained cells — the conneciicetissue ov tendon cdls — forming for each channel a single continuous row of irregular angular plates. Each plate is provided with a more deei)ly staining nucleus. The cells are separated from each other by a cementing substance, and they possess fine processes. Each cell 64 PRACTICAL HISTOLOOY. presents a straight ridge — the elastic stripe. This ridge is formed by the union of two or three concave portions of which the cell is composed, to enable it to adapt itself to the curved sur- faces of the tendon bundles. The hjmphatics are demonstrated in transverse sections of the tail, stained in chloride of gold ; dark masses are seen in the tendon, corresponding to the hpuphatic channels, filled with an albuminous fluid plasma. Radiating from these masses are fine septa — the cement substance — binding together the contiguous bundles, 2. Areolar Tissue. — This form of tissue is really a variety of fibrous tissue, and is best seen in specimens of intestine and skin. By the injection into the subcutaneous tissue of a rat which has just been killed of a 0"2 per cent, solution of nitrate of silver or osmic acid, a small artificial bulla is formed. This is allowed to remain for ten to thirty minutes, and is then opened with a pair of fine curved scissors, and the delicate subcutaneous tissue is rapidly removed and spread out on a glass slide. It is imme- diately covered with a thin glass, and the preparation is stained for twenty-four hours with picrocarmin. Glycerine is passed through until all the superfluous staining material is removed, after which the preparation is sealed up. Structure, — The tissue is composed of delicate bundles of ordinary white fibrous tissue, some of the fibres arefibrillated, and all interlace with each other ; the meshwork thus formed con- tains a few very fine fibrils of elastic tissue^ which become still more evident if dilute acetic acid have been allowed to act upon the preparation. The interspaces are filled with lymph, con- taining hjmph corpuscles. 'L?iVgQ plate-like cells, which appear to lie upon the surface of the bundles of fibres, are also seen. When viewed sideways, these cells have a branched appearance, and form the plasmatic cells. Fat cells are also present. 3. Elastic Tissue.— The coarse and larger fibres may be demonstrated by teasing out a small piece of the ligamentum nuchas of an ox in glycerine, and the finer fibres by mounting a piece of the omentum of a rabbit or cat on a slide, irrigating it freely with dilute acetic acid, and then staining with hsema- toxylin, or with an aniline dye, preferably a magenta or fuchsine, and preserving it in glycerine. PRACTK Af. HISTOLOGY. G5 Stkkti Ki.. — Oil examination elastic fibres are either tkhk, well-defined, and form bundles ; or they are /?//'% shining, and not in bundles. They hrmicJi dichotomou>*ionally a concentric arrangement. c. Elastic Cartilage. — This form of cartilage occurs in the lobe of the ear, in the epiglottis, in the cornicula laryngis, and iu the Eustachian tube. Sections should be cut of the pig's car, in wliich it is seen very well, stained in hoematoxylin and mounted in Canada balsam. Sthucture. — Elastic cartilage in the adult is hyaline cartilage permeated by elastic fibrils. Tlie fibriln are arranged so as to form the trabeculas of a reticular framework ; they branch and anastomose very frequently. The meshes contain fusiform groups of large nucleated celh^ surrounded by a larger or smaller amount of hyaline cartilage substance. Ossifying or Calcifying Cartilage.— In order to show ossi- fying cartilage, a foetal femur oi- other long bone is decalcified with the chromic acid and hydrochloric acid mixture, and sec- 68 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. tions both transverse of the shaft and longitudinal of the extremities should be cut. The sections may be doubly stained in picrocarmin (or eosin) and ha^matoxylin. This variety of cartilage is found at the junctions of cartilage with spongy bono in the epiphyses and ends of the shafts of long bones, arid repre- sents the method by which bone increases in length. It will be seen that the stages of the formation of bone in this vfay corre- spond almost exactly with the so-called development of bone in cartilage (p. 70). In a longitudinal section through the end of a groYv'ing long bone the following layers can be seen at the junctions of the cartilage and bone : (1) Ordinary hyaline cartilage covered with perichondrium iii the diaphysis of a long bone at the junction of the cartilage with the spongy bone, a characteristic arrangement of the cartilage cells in longitudinal columns. The cells are also seen to be conical in shape, pressed together and flattened transversely. (2) A transparent layer, in which the lacuna) of the cartilage cells are seen to be enlarged, the matrix diminished, the cells enlarged and transparent, and their nuclei swollen. (3) The lacunfE are becoming confluent, and the matrix: calcified, (4) The enlarged lacunae are seen to be filled with marrow, and the trabeculte of calcified cartilage are covered with layers of marrow-cells, amongst which are enlarged multi-nucleated mother-cells (giant-cells). (5) The marrow-cells (osteoblasts) are seen to have deposited layers of low ossific material upon the calcified trabeculfe. and at the same time the calcified centres have become less free from absorption. (G) The calcified centres of the trabeculas have disappeared,, leaving ossific trabeculas which form the spongy bone. 8. BONE. The fresh" bones of any small animal, well cleared of the- surrounding tissues, should be placed for tM'o or three weeks in a large quantit}^ of h per cent, solution of chromic acid, containing five drops of hydrochloric or nitric acid to each ounce of the solution. When the whole of the earthy matter is- I'KArTKJAL IIISTOLOOY. >cs, immerse in 1 per cent, acetic acid or 0"1 hydrochloric acid, and tease in glycerine. {b) Of Hardened Muscle. — Voluntary and heart muscles from various animals should be hardened in chromic acid and spirit ; pieces should be taken and teased in glycerine, with or without previous staining in hsematoxylin. To see the j^f^if^'-^'tive fibrilhe, macerate the muscles of the lower jaw of a frog, or the tail of a tadpole, in a saturated solution of picric acid for a week, or in 5 per cent, chromic acid for a few days, and tease in glycerine. To see the general relations of muscle fibres, the position of the nuclei and the appearance of sections of muscle cut in different directions, thin sections should be made (a) of the tonr/ue of a rabbit, and [b) of the heart of a rabbit, or guinea-pig, which should be siained in hajmatoxylin, prepared, and mounted in Canada balsam. (c) Of Unstriped Muscle. — Unstriped tissue may be demon- strated by distending a piece of rabbit's intestine with saline solution, leaving it in a 1 per cent, solution of anilin black for twenty-four hours, and stripping off the outer coat with forceps. Small pieces may be mounted in glycerine. The muscular-fibre cells may also be seen by stripping off piecas of the outer coat of the intestine, which has been macerated in a solution of chromic a^id or potassium bichromate ; they may be washed, stained, and teased in glycerine. The tissue is well seen in sections of the stomach of the newt or frog which have been hardened in chromic acid and stained in hEeaiatoxylin ; verj- large individual cells are well shov\'n in the mesentery of the newt, which has been put fiesh into ammonium bichromate 5 per cent, for twentj'-four hours, stained in h^ematoxylin and mounted in glycerine. With the aid of the preparations indicated above, the general structure of the muscular tissue can be made out. (1) It will be as well to consider, first of all, the striped muscle of the voluntary or skeletal type. It consists of \owg fibres, which are cylindrical, but appear in transverse section as rounded polygons. Each fibre is made up of a number of exceedingly fine and delicate PRACTICAr. niS'R>L(X;Y. iO filaments, the Jibrilhr^ enclosed within the sarcolemma. The fibres are agi^regated into hundUs ; several bundles forming ytf>tiV»//, and these the anatomical muscle. Periini/aiurn or fibrous connective-tissue surrounds the bundles ; from it pass off be- tween the muscle fibres small processes of connective-tissue, with cell plates and plasma cells — the endomysium. So far, with the exception of the fibres and of the endomy- sium, the appearances may be made out with the naked eje, or with a very low power of the microscope. But now the higher powers are required. Each fibre will be seen to consist of broad dim bands of highly refractive substance, representing the contractile portion of the muscle-fibre — the contractile discs — alternating with narrow bright bands of a less refractive substance — the interstitial discs. After hardening, each contractile disc becomes longitudinally striated, the thin oblong rods thus formed being the sarcous eUntents of Bowman. The sarcous elements are not the optical units, since each consists of minute doubly refracting elements — the disdiaclasts of Briicke. When seen in transverse section, a muscular fibre appears to be subdivided by clear lines into polygonal areas— Cohnheini's field.-, each corresponding to several sarcous-element prisms. The clear lines arc due to a transparent interstitial fluid substance pressed out of the sarcous elements when they coagulate. The sarcolemma is a transparent struc- tureless elastic sheath of great resistance, which surrounds each fibre. From the sarcolemma, transverse membranous septa — the membranes of Kravse — extend inwards across the muscle at regular intervals. By these septa the muscle-fibre is divided into equal-sized muscle compartments, each containing one con- tractile disc. The membranes of Krause are so placed that each passes across the middle of an interstitial disc, which is thus divided into two lateral discs. A thin transverse median disc — the disc of Hensen — is occa- sionally seen to divide the contractile disc. In some fibres, chiefly those from insects, each lateral disc contains a row of bright granules forming the granular layer of Flogel. The fibres contain nuclei, which are roundish, ovoid, or spindle-shaped in different animals. These nuclei arc situated close to the sarco- 76 rRArnCAL HISTOLOGY. lemim. their long axes being parallel to the fibres which contain them. Each nucleus is composed of a uniform network of fibrils, and is embedded in a thin more or less branched film of protoplasm. The nucleus and protoplasm together form the muscle-cell or uiusde corpuscle of Max Schultze. In injected-, specimens it will be seen that the arteries and veins are in the- perimysium : that the capillaries are in the endo- mysium, between the fibrillin ; and that the capillary plexus is elongated. The individual capillaries run parallel with the muscle-fibres, and anastomose with each other by short branches. Heart Muscle. — The fibres seem to be very small and finely striated. The striae are generally indistinct, often showing only as coarse granules. There is no sarc^lenima. Many of the fibres anastomose and branch. The nuclei are in the centre of the fibres. Unstriped Muscle. — Is made up of bundles of cells, bound together by an albuminous cementing substance — the endomysiam — in which lie connective-tissue cells and a few fibres. The periini/siam continuous with the endomysium is the fibrous connective-tissue surrounding and separating the bundles of muscle- cells. Fibres, fusiform, band-like, or spindle-shaped, containing elongated or staff- shaped nuclei, are placed midway in the fibres. The ends may be split into two or more parts, as may frequently be seen in the cells obtained from arteries and veins. Each muscle-cell consists of a fine sheath, probably elastic : of a central btmdle of fibrils representing the contractile sub- stance ; and of an oblong nucleus, which includes within a mem- brane a fine network anastomosing at the poles of the nucleus with the contractile fibrils. The ends of the fibres, which are usually single, may sometimes be divided. There is no sarco- lemma. CHAPTER YJ. NERVOUS TISSUE. Xkhvous tissue consists of nerve-Jihres and nerve-celh, together with support inq connrrfiveiissxe. Nerre-fibres should be studied first of all in the trunks of cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nerves, and in the olfactory, optic, and auditory nerves. Afterwards nerve- fibres, as well as nerve-cells, should be examined in the central nervous system— in the spinal cord and brain. NERVE FIBRES. Preparation.— A medium-sized nerve-trunk, c.r/., the sciatic nerve of a rabbit, guinea-pig, or frog, should be removed from the recently-killed animal, and cut into short lengths. One or more of these lengths should then be placed in the following solutions: (a) Oaniic acid. 1 percent., (h) Gold chlori'le, "5 per cent., (c) Silver nifrafe, *25 per cent., (d) Ilfcmatoxjjh'a or car- ni'nw, and teased with needles whilst in the reagent in order that it should penetrate properly. The osmic acid should be allowed to act for an hour or two, and the fibres, when teased, will be found to show the medul- lary sheath, the nodes of Ranvier and the sections of Lanter- mann — the first being stained black. The gold chloride method will demonstrate the external nerve sheath and the axis cylinders. The silver nitrate requires about a quarter of an hour for its action ; it will show the endothelium covering the nerve-bundles, and also, by more prolonged action, the nodes of Ranvier. The hsematoxylin and carmine will show, in a good prepara- 78 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. tion, the nucleated external nerve sheath and the axis cylinder , A considerable time is necessary, however, to accomplish this action — twenty-four hours or more— and very frequently the stain -will not penetrate to the axis cylinders even then, unless the fibres have been placed first of all in absolute alcohol, ether, or chloroform. The fibres should in all ca.^es be teased and mounted in glycerine. Xerve-trunks of a rather larger size should be pinned out straight on a piece of cork, and hardened in chromic acid and spirit solution. Of these transverse sections should be cut, f-tained in hematoxylin, prepared and mounted in Canada balsam. The auditory, sympathetic, and optic nerves niav also be examined by teasing, and in transverse section after hardening and staining. Structure. — Xerve-fibres are of two kinds, (a) MctlulJated^ or (Z/) Xon-meduUated. The former chiefly make up the cerebro- spinal, and the latter the sympathetic system. («) The cerebro-spinal nerve-trunks, with two or three excep- tions, are composed of a variable number of bundles of nerve- fibres {funiculi), each of which has a special sheath {pfrhinirium or neurilemma). These bundles are inclosed in a firm fibrous sheath (^jj/«ei/nw/n), which also sends in processes of connective- tissue supporting and connecting the bundles together, "Within the funiculi, between the fibres, is a delicate supporting tissue [the endoneunufii). Each medullated nerve-fibre is made up of the following parts : (1) Primitive nerve sheath, or nucleated sheath of Schwann ; (2) Medullary sheath, or white substance of Schwann ; (3) Axis cylinder, primitive band, axis band, or axial fibres. (1) The nucleated sJicafh of Scliwann is the external layer of the fibre. It appears to be a simple, transparent, colourless, homogeneous structure, containing a varied number of oval nuclei embedded in protoplasm. (2) The medullary sheath^ or the intermediate laj'er, forms the greater part of the nerve-tube. It surrounds the axis cylinder, nnd has a double contour : and at regular intervals aie constric- ri;.V(TRAL llI.sloLUCJY. 79 lions in tlic shciilh {l>\iiiri( r's njiishic/iuns-')^ caused liy the thimiini,' or interruption of the medullary substance. In it may be dcm) In the oi>tic and auditory nerves the nerve trunk is not made up of distinct bundles, and consequently there is no pe'i- nenrium, but the trunk may bo hoked upon as a single bundle of fibres, and if so, the epineurium must be said to be abs< nt. The nerve-fibres in the trunk h?ve no extrrnal nerve f-heath, but, instead, the endoneurium, which may also be called n^u- rogl'a, U more mnrked than in the other ccrebro-spinal nerves. (c) In the sympathetic system, as well as in the olfnctory nerve, the nerve fibres possess no medullary sheath, and so are called uon-medullatcd nerve-fibres. SPINAL CORD. Prpparaticn.— Short lengths (about ^ to ^ inch) of the spinal cord of the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar regions of a calf, shcfp, or pig, should be hardened in a 5 per cent, solution of bichromate of ammonium or the usual mixture of chromic acid and spiiit for a W( ek, and should then be transferred to spirit. A solution of eosin is recommended for staining the sections, and carmine or picrocarmin and ha^matoxylin act well. Stephens' blue-black ink diluted one half or two thirds, or anilin black, 1 per cent, solution, stains the ganglion cells excellently. Double staining with eosin and hoematoxylin produces good results. 80 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. In order to study the areas or tracts in the spinal cord it i? necessary to obtain pathological material from the human sub- ject in which tracts of degeneration may be demonstrated. The following method is recommended for the pnrpose. It is called the Weigert'- hfematoxylin method. Sol lit ions required arf : 1. Hoematoxyliu ext 1 grm. Absolute alcohol 1<> cc. Distilled water 'JO cc. 2. Ferricyanide of potass. ^\ grra. Borax 2 grm. Water 100 cc. Grind the hfematoxylin extract in a mortar with a little alcohol, then add the alcohol and water. The solution is better if kept a day or two before using. Melhod of Ui^iruj. — The sections of brain or cord are placed in solution 1, till they are stained a d^epand uniform black. Tbi> may take any time from one hour to twenty-four. The opeia- tion of the stain is much helped by keeping the preparation in an incubator at a temperature of 40' C. Overstaining is scarcely possible. The sections are then taken out, shghtly washed in clean water, and placed in solution 2. A slight brown cloud is then seen to come from them, and the colour gradually disappears from the grey matter, or from areas of deo'eneration if there be any. This operation is complete when no more brown colour appears in the yellow fluid. The medidlnjejl nerre-nhres will now be found to be deeply stained a rich purple, all the rest of the section being a brownish-yellow. Thus the brain or cord may be stained in toto by this method. but the operation, of course, takes much longer. An average time, for instance, for the penetration of the stain into a slice of cord or medulla -^V i'lch thick would be three or four days, and about the same time would be required for the developing pro- cess in solution 2. Precautions. — The material should be hardened in MiUler's fluid, or bichromate of potash. If bichromate of ammonium or chromic acid have been used it should be entire!)/ removed by * JVei'/ert, Fortscliritte cTer Mediciii, 1SS4, p. 190. TVe are indebted to Dr. Tooib for this accomit. He has used the method with much success. PKALTILAL lIISTOLOliY. 81 CDne with a hand magnifying-glass. Xotice the roughly oval shape of the section. The central and more deeply-stained portion is the grey matter. It is less granular than the white matter seen round the circumference. It offers for examination two crescentic masses with their concavities turned outwards, joined across the jniddle by a transverse portion (the grey commissure). In the G 82 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. centre is a small canal lined by a layer of coUininar cells, which in young animals are ciliated. Each crescent presents (a) the anterior horn, or cornu, which is short and thick and extends towards the anterior roots : (?>) the posterior horn is longer and more slender. In the concavity of each crescent the grey matter sends out processes which enclose portions of the white substance. Surrounding the giey matter on all sides is the granular white matter. It is traversed by delicate bands of medullated fibres, which extend from the extremities of the gre}' matter towards the outside of the cord. These fibres are the anterior and pos- terior roots respectively of the spinal nerves. A delicate coat of fibrous tissue — the ])ia-mater — encircles the cord and sends into it numerous processes. The white substance is cleft ver- tically by a space — the anterior inrdian fissure — which extends nearly down to the transverse portion of the grey matter. It divides that portion of the cord which is nearest to the bodies of the vertebra}. The white matter on the posterior aspect of the cord is divided by a somewhat similar space — the j^osterior media.') fissure. This fissure differs from the anterior in the fact that it is narrower, that it is deeper as it extends down to the grey commissure, and that it is usually occupied l)y the delicate connective-tissue forming the basis of the cord called thr neurof/Iia. Laterally the surrounding pia-mater penetrates the white matter at various points ; these ingrowths are somewhat more marked in the neighbourhood of the anterior and posterior roots. This portion of the cord ia therefore divided by antero- lateral and postero-lateral fissures into antero-median, antero- lateral, lateral, postero-lateral, and postero-median columns. At the bottom cf the anterior fissure is a transverse band of white substance called the anterior white commissure ; it separates the fissure from the anterior grey commissure, which in turn is separated from the posterior grey commissure b}' the central canal. The posterior grey commissure lies immediately above the posterior median fissure. Under a somewhat higher power, such as a half -inch objective, it will be seen that the grey matter is composed of a finely crranular matrix enclosing numercus polygonal bodies which,. im:a;irc'(l speoiineii, have many delicate b"aiiclies. These bodies are the ganglion cells. They are largest and most numerous in the anterior and posterior extremities of the horns as well as round the periphei-y. They are least numjroiis in the centre and in the comn\issnres. The granulai' appearance of the white matter is due to the section of a large number of medul- lated noi've-fibres whicli vary considerably in size and are em- bedded in a matrix of neuroglia. In transverse section these fibres consist of circular masses with a more deeply stained centre, representing the axis cylinder. In the anteiior region the white matter is traversed by several bundles of non-medul- lated fibres, which form the antei'ior motor roots, whilst in the posterior region, the posterior or sensory root passes through it as a single l)and. Under a still higher power, such as a ^l inch objective, the various constituents of the cord may be considered in greater detail. (1 ) The white matter consists of longitudinal fibres which in transverse section measure y.-^^io to j^luw ^^ '^''^ inch in diameter. They are finer in the posterior and po-itero-lateral columns than elsewhere. Each fibre can now bo seen to consist of an external coating derived from the neuroglia which stain*:, and whicli surrounds an unstained portion, which again encloses a small central and deeply staining portion. The unstained part is often arranged in concentric rings. Connective-tissue corpuscles belonging to the neuroglia are sometimes found between the nerve-fibres. (2) The grey matter is made up of small non-medul- lated fibres, which chiefly form a dense network, continuous with the roots of the nerves ; part of these fibres are derived from the branches of the nerve-cells embedded in the network. The cells are of two kinds : (i.) Largp^ hranched^ and nucleated, which are most numerous in the anterior cornua, especially at their upper and outer parts. They are also found at the inner part of the base (cervix cornu) of the i)Osterior horn, forming ih.Q posterior vesicular column, which is best marked in the lumbar enlarcre- ment of the cord. Lastly in the concavity of the crescent is a group of cells, occupying a projection of grey matter there and called the ^y«c/?rs- internte lio-lateralis ; it is best marked in the dorsal region, (ii.) Smaller cells scattered throughout the grey 6—2 84 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. matter, but chiefi}' at the tip (caput cornu) of the posterior horn, in a finelysfranular basis, and among the posterior root fibres (s ?//..§- tnnt'ia fjelafinosa cinerea of Rolando), (iii.) Tlr nfurofjlJa forms the delicate connective-tissue supporting the grey and white matter of nerve structures. Its general characters are excellently seen in some parts of the pineal body. It consists of a trans- parent semi-fluid matrix, interspersed with delicate fibrils resembling those found in elastic tissue. The fibrils form a network, in the meshes of which lie small branched neuroglia cells. A few larger branched cells of Deiters are also present. The neuroglia forms a perivascular lymph-space for the blood- ve?«^els. which are numerous but smnll. The Peculiarities of Different Regions of the Spinal Cord.— The outline of the grey matter and the relative propor- tion of the white matter varies in different regions of the spinal cord, and it is therefore possible to tell approximately from what region any given transverse section of the spinal cord has been taken. In the cfrvicaJ enJavgemrnf the grey matter occupies a large proportion of the section, the grey commissure is short and thick, the anterior horn is blunt, whilst the posterior is some- what tapering. The anterior and posterior roots run some dis- tance through the white matter before they reach the periphery. In the dorsal ref/ion the grey matter only bears a small relation to the white, and the posterior roots in particular run a long course through the white matter before they leave the cord ; the grey commissure is thinner and narrower than in the cervical region. In th" himhar enlargement the grey matter again bears a very large proportion to the whole size of the transverse section, but its posterior cornua are shorter and blunter than they are in the cervical region. The gre}' commissure is short and extremely narrow. ^1/ the 'I'pper part of the conns meduJlarh^ which is the portion of the cold immediately below the lumbar enlargement, the grey substance occupies nearly the whole of the transverse section, as it is onl}' invested by a thin layer of white substance. This ihin layer is wanting in the neighbourhood of the posterior nerve-roots. The grey ccmmissure is extreme! v thick. IMIACTICAT. IIISTOI.OCV. 85 At the heel of the fyUi sacral lerlebra the grey matter is again in excess, and the central canal is enlarged, appearing T shaped in section, whilst in the upper portion of the /Hum tcrminah' the grey matter is uniform in shape without any central canal. MEDULLA OBLONGATA OR BULB. Preparation, as for the spinal cord. Structure. — Under a low power a transverse section through the bulb (i.) a little helow the apex of the calamus scriplorio.s shows the great depth of the anterior median fissure, with the comparative shallowness of the posterior fissure. The latter fissure is bounded on cither side by the fascicules f/racilis, which is the continuation upwards of the posterior median columns of the spinal cord. The upward prolongation of the postero- lateral column which has here expanded into the wedge-shaped cuiteate fasciculus is situated more anteriorly than the 'fasciculus gracilis, and still more in front is a new band of fibres known as the tubercle of Rolamlo. The olicary ho(hj, which is dentate in section, is yet more anterior, and is separated from x\iq pyramid by a bundle of fibres, which represents tlte root of the lii/poglosf^al nerve. The higher power will show that the anterior and lateral regions of the grey matter are here arranged in a reticular for- mation caused by the intersection of nerve-fibres running in longitudinal and transverse directions. Numerous multipolar ganglion-celLs are scattered throughout the reticular formation. (ii.) A section through the bulb at the level of the fourth ven- tricle shows that the anterior median fissure still remains as a deep cleft, whilst the posterior median fissure has expanded into the space which represents the fourth ventricle. A layer of grey matter, containing numerous ganglion-cells, forms the floor of the ventricle. The group of ganglion-cells nearest to the middle line upon either side is the nucleus of the, fasciculus teres. A little external and anterior to it, i.e., deeper in the grey matter, is a collection of large ganglion-cells, forming th; nucleus of the liypoglossal nerve, from, which the nerve-roots may be seen passing through the reticular formation to the point where they leave the bulb, between the pyramid and tlie olivary SQ PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. nucleus. Still more externally are other groups of ganglion- cells, from which tJw vagus arises. This group of cells is partially subdivided by a bundle of fibres known as the fascicuhis sol'i- iarius. which appears circular in transverse section ; of the two groups, the more central and deeper is the larger. The root of the nerve passes outwards through the reticular formation. The nucleus gracilis and the nucleus cuncatuslie still more externally ; they are portions of grey matter which extend respectively into the fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus. The ascending root of thejifth ncrce is situated laterall}', as a well-defined bundle of white fibres. CEREBELLUM. The cerebellum is hardened in the usual bichromate mixture. To stain specimens of it, the following method is recom- mended. Thin sections should be left in a "01 per cent, solution of eosin for twelve hours, and then, after washing in distilled and slightly acidulated water, should be placed in a weak solution of aniline green for fifteen or twenty minutes, being afterwards passed rapidly through the ordinary reagents, and mounted as for cerebrum. Structure.— It is divisible into (a) Cortical grey; and (b) Internal white substance. (a) The Cortex is composed of (1) llie nwlecular lat/er, the most external, consisting of a nerve network containing small multipolar ganglion-cells. The fibres of tlie network in the more superficial portions are nearly vertical to the surface ; they are deiived })artly from the neuroglia, partly from the pro- cesses of the cells of Purkinje. (2) A single layer of large, spindle-shaped ganglion-cells ^Jj to j^W inch in diameter, Purlhije's cells. Each cell posseiises one branched process which extends into the molecular la} er, where it branches dichoto- mously, seme of the finest ramifications looping backwards to terminate in the granular layer, and an unbranched axis-cylinder process passing downwards. The cells lie in a pericellular space, and each consists of a minute network of fibrils extending into the branched processes. The nucleus is sj)herical and oval. (.3) The granular lager, containing a network of minute fibrils PRACTICAL HISTOLOCjy. 87 and dense groups of granule-like corpuscles. These corpuscles average n,\)o ^^ ^jjVo ^°^^^ ^^ diameter. (i?) The inter iKil ii'liite suhstance^ or Medullary Centre, con- .sists of nerve-iibres arranged in parallel or interhicing bundles. The neuvo) polyhedral cells, followed by (c) flattened epithelial cells in the centre, and again of {d) polyhedral, with ((?) columnar cells most internally — i.e , nearest to the tooth papilla. (9) The enamel cap is limited both externally and internally by a monbrana propria. (10) The enamel cap becomes divided into an inner and outer membrane by the transformation of the middle layer (8c) into a transparent tissue. 2'he inner membrane is composed of columnai cells, the enamel cells, in contact with the dentine ; each is a long hexagonal prism, and is nucleated at its lower part. Outside the layers of enamel cells are one or more rows of small polyhedral cells, forming the stratum intermedium. The outer membrane is composed of several layers of epithelial cells. (11) The enamel is formed by the enamel cells of the inner membrane elongating at their distal extremities ; the elongated portion is transformed directly into enamel, (12) The cells of the stratum intermedium are used for the regeneration of the enamel. (13) The cells of the outer epithelium produce the enamel cuticle. 7 98 PKACTICAL HISTOLOGY. (14) The cement is formed from the tissue of the tooth sac in exactly the same way as sub-periosteal bone is developed. (15) During the stage of the primary enamel organ (a) a lateral process grows out from the epithelial cells, which repre- sents the rudiment of the enamel organ of the permanent tooth {^suc of reserve^. (IG) The permanent teeth are developed on exactly the same plan as the deciduous set. SALIVARY GLANDS. Sections of the submaxillary gland of a cat or dog, and of the parotid of a rabbit or dog, should be made in various directions after hardening in spirit. Structure. — The salivarj- glands are compound tubular glands enveloped in an incomplete capsule. The capsule consists of fibrous tissue which sends septa into the substance of the gland. The septa support the blood-vessels, lymphatics, nerves, and ganglia, and they divide the glandular substance into lobes, lobules, alveoli, and acini. Each lobule is made up of the convolu- tions of the main division of a duct bound together with connec- tive-tissue. The convoluted parts are lined by and almost filled with a single layer of columnar cells {salivary cells) enclosing a nucleus. These cells, when isolated, are not unfrequently found to be branched. The basement membrane of the tubes consists of branched and flattened cells, and between it and the salivar}' cells are found, here and there, but not in the parotid granular semilunar bodies, the semilunes cf He'idenhain. The smallest divisions of the ducts have a relatively small lumen, and are lined near the convolutions with flattened epithelium, and then with nucleated columnar cells which present a longitudinal striation. The larger ducts acquire an external coating of con- nective-tissue, and are lined with a si^^gle layer of columnar epithelium. In the walls of the largest ducts are unstripcd muscular fibres. The salivary [/lands are divided into (a) Mucous glands, in which the alveoli are large, and the cells are (1) mucous cells, transparent and columnar, with their pointed extremities applied to the membrana propria ; the cells are imbricated ; the nucleus rUALllCAL lIlSTOLociY. 0!) is much compressed, and is near the mcnibrana propria. ("2) The semilunes of lleidenhain, or the crescents of Giannuzzi, semi- lunar groups of cells situated here and there between the mucous cells aud the raenibrana propria. The cells are small and pol> - hedral, with a spherical nucleus. The submaxillary and orbital glands of the dog and the sublingual gland of man are of the mucous type. {b) Serous (/lands, in which the lumen of each alveolus is small, and the epithelium consists of a single layer of short columnar cells, each with a spherical nucleus situated at the periphery of the cell. The parotid gland and the greater part of the isubmaxillary gland of man and the guinea-pig, as well as the submaxillary and orbital glands of the rabbit, are serous glands. (c) Muco-salivary glanih, such as the submaxillary gland of man and the guinea-pig, are formed by the mixture of the mucous and serous types of glands. TONSILS. Sections made from a tonsil which has remained for a week in J- per cent, solution of chromic acid, and subsequently in spirit, should be stained with haematoxylin and mounted in Canada balsam. An enlarged tonsil which has been removed from a child will answer the purpose. Structure. — A tonsil consists of an elevation of the mucous membrane presenting upon its surface fifteen orifices leading into crypts or recesses, in the walls of which are placed nodules of lymphoid tissue. These nodules are enveloped in a less dense lymphoid or adenoid tissue which reaches to the mucous surf ace. The mucous surface is usually covered with squamous epithe- lium, and may present rudimentary papillte which are then formed of adenoid tissue. The tonsil is bounded by a fibrous capsule. Into the crypts open a number of ducts of mucous glands, CESOPHAGUS. Soaall pieces of the oesophagus (both of the upper and lower parts) of a dog should be hardened in chromic acid and spirit. 7—2 100 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Structure. — Of three coats : (1) An external or muscular coat consists of two layers, longitudinal and circular, the former or external layer at the commencement being disposed in three fasciculi, one in front and one on each side. At the upper end of the cesophagus, the muscular coat is red, and consists of striated muscle ; lower down it becomes paler, and the fibres are mostly unstriated. (2) A submucous coat consists of areolar tissue, and contains mucous glands (which are best seen in sections from the lower part) and whose ducts pass inwards to open on the mucous mem- brane. (3) A mucous coat which is firm and wrinkled, provided with minute papillae, and covered with a thick layer of stratified epithelium. It is separated from the submucous coat by a layer of unstriated muscular fibres, longitudinally arranged, which is partially imperfect as a layer above, but complete below (jnuscu. laris mucosa;). The artcrifs situated in the submucous tissue give off branches which form a network of capillaries in the upper part of the mucous coat ; from this network loops are given off to supply the papillae. STOMACH. The stomach of a cat or dog maybe used. After removal from the recently killed animal, the organ should be turned inside out, and washed with a gentle stream of weak bichromate of potash or spirit. Pieces of the mucous membrane from different parts should be snipped off with a sharp pair of scissors, and placed in strong alcohol. Pieces of the whole thickness of the viscus should be cut oft" ; these may be haulened in weak chromic acid, or in chromic acid and spirit mixture. Seciions must be cut both vertical and parallel to the surface at different depths. To demonstrate the structure of the glands of the mucous membrane, some sections from each pait shcuJd be stained in Icgwocd, and olbeis in ar.iline Hue '5 per cent, solution, as the aniline will slain tie } eptic cells very cltti)]T, acd so differ- entiate them fiom the cubical central cells. Ihis is especially PKACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 101 evident in borizontul i^eciiuns of the peptic glands. The aniline tinted specimens must be passed through slightly acidu- lated water, as asual in aniline staining, before they are placed in sjiirit. Structure. — The stomach is made np of four coats : (1) The mucous OT internal coat is smooth, soft, pulpy, and pink in colour, becoming grey soon after death. Thickest at pylorus, thinnest at the great curve. Loosely connected with the mus- cular coat by means of the submucous tissue, and so presenting temporary ridges (rugae) when the organ is contracted. It con- sists almost entirely of small tubular glands, aiTanged close to and parallel with each other, varjin^ in diameter from -J,-, to .j^Q of an inch, and in length from Jj to .\j of an inch, lined to a variable extent by columnar epithelium, which also covers the whole of the mucous membrane. The tubular glands are for the most part simple, except near the pylorus, where they become larger, longer, and branched. The orlands consist of a basement membrane formed of branched stellate cells joined edge to edge, and sending processes on the one hand to join the retiform tissue of the mucous membrane, and on the other to support the gland-cells. The glands are of two kinds, differing chiefly in the character of the cells and of their secretion. The one, the so-called * /u ucous or pyloric glands' are often branched, are confined to the pylorus, and are lined throughout by columnar epithelium ; but towards the • fundus,' or closed extremity of the gland, the cells tend to become cubical. The other, the peptic glands, are distributed throughout the whole of the mucous membrane, except at the pylorus, butare most typical perhaps towards the cardiacend; they are less often branched, but two glands generally open into one duct, which occupies a third of the whole length of the gland. The lower end, or fundus, is somewhat dilated, and sometimes slightly curved. The duct is lined with columnar epithelium ; its middle third contains two distinct kinds of cells : outside, large granular cells with small nuclei, bulging out the basement membrane, and making irregular the outline of the tubes, called the pe^Jtic or parietal cells;- and inside, a layer of smaller finely * It may be as well to remind the student that the so called ' peptic cells ■ are no longer thought to secrete the pepsin. 102 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. granular cubical cellj;, central cells^ which bound a small lun:en. In the lower third, or fundus, the parietal cells do not form a continuous layer, but occur here and there irregularly ; the remainder of the tube is jBlled with cubical central cells, which leave a very small lumen unoccupied. The cubical cells closely resemble those lining the fundus of the pyloric glands. Between and beneath the glands is a quantity of delicate connective-tissue, forming the mucous membrane proper, which here and there is collected into small masses somewhat re- sembling the solitary follicles of the intestine. A double layer (circular and longitudinal) of unstriated muscles (jnuscularis mucosce) separates the mucous membrane from the submucous coat. (2) The submucous coat consists of areolar tissue with some fat, together with blood-vessels and lymphatics ; small nerve ganglia and fibres are also found in it. (3) The muscular coat consists of three layers of unstriated fibres, externally of longitudinal, then of circular, and internally of oblique fibres : the circular layer is the only complete one. Between the layers may be found j^I^^x uses of nerves. (4) The serous coat is the peritoneal covering of the organ. The arteries, after penetrating the muscularis mucosae, break up into capillaries in the mucous membrane, which form a more or less elongated meshwork around the glands. Near the surface the meshwork is very dense, and forms a well-marked superficial layer beneath the epithelium. SMALL INTESTINE. To study the epithelium in the fresh state, a scraping from the mucous membrane of the intestine of a recently killed animal may be teased and mounted in saline solution. For the purpose of studying the relations of the various structures in the mucous membrane — e.[/., villi, Brunner's and Liebeikiihn's glands, Beyer's patches, etc. — small pieces from each part of the intestine of the cat, dog, or rabbit should be hardened in weak chromic acid or chromic acid and spirit mix- ture, and cut into sections in various directions. To demonstrate the large lymphatic sinus surrounding the rilACTICAL HIST0L0(.V. IO.j follicles com])risin;^' a Poycr's patch, the ileum is used, and the sinus is injected wiih lierlia blue by the puncture metho«1, whilst •"> per cent, solution of silver nitrate will demonstrate the endothelial lining of the vessel. To demonstrate the absorption of fat by the villi, a part of the intestine of an animal recently fed on fatty food should Le ligatured and placed in Miiller's fluid ; in about a week's tirr.c pieces may be placed in osraic acid for twenty-four horn's, and should afterwards be replaced in the solution. For preparation of Mcissner's plexus and the ganglia of Auei- bach, see p. 88. Structure. — There are four coats: (1) The mucous coal posse sst's : (a) Vdlcuhc connivenfes, which are large, naked-eye permanent folds or crescentic projections running transversely to the axis of the inte.>tine, and containing the submucous coat. They first appear in the duodenum, not far from the pylorus ; are largest in the duodenum and upper half of the jejunum, and then gradually become smaller, until they disappear about the middle of the ileum. (b) Villi are small processes, closely set on every part of the small intestine, over the valvulae conniventes, as well as between them. They are conical and flattened in form, sometimes cylin- drical, or with the free end clubbed. Largest in the duodenum and jejunum, in length varying from one-fourth to one-third of a line ; smaller, shorter, and fewer in ileum. They consist of projections of the mucous membrane, being covered with columnar epithelium, enclosing blood-vessels, lymphatics, and muscularis mucosae, bound together by fine retiform tissue, which also forms the basement membrane and encloses numerous lymphial corpuscles. (c) Crypts of Lieherkuhn are very numerous small tubular glands, existing everywhere in the small intestine ; they are lined with columnar epithelium. {d) Branners glands are smaller compound tabular glands found in the first half of the duodenum ; Ij'ing in the submucoun coat, their ducts pass through the mucous coat. («) l\'!ipvs patches or glands, or lymphatic follicular glini? 104 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. occur either solitary or collected (' agminated') into oblong patches. When solitary, they are found everywhere in the small intestine, both between and upon the valvulae conni- ventes ; when agminated to form Peyer's patches they occur in the ileum, especially at its lower part, lying in the long axis of the intestine opposite the attachment of the mesentery. (2) The submucous coat resembles that of the stomach, as does also (3) The muscular coat, but this has no oblique fibres. (4) The serous coat of the duodenum is partially incomplete. The arteries passing through the musciilaris mucosae give off numerous capillaries which form a network around the crypts of Lieberkuhn ; the artery which passes into the villus generally ascends to the apex, and then breaks up into a dense plexus of capillaries, which spreads over the apex and base. The capil- laries are alw^ays situated in the periphery next the epithelium. There are generally one or two veins developed from the capil- laries of the villus. The JTjmpliatlc of each villus consists of a single central vessel, or of two such vessels anastomosing with each other. LARGE INTESTINE. The large intestine is similar in structure to the small intes- tine, but wdth the following differences : (1) Hie mucous coat has neither villi, Brunner's glands, nor valvulse conniventes, and its crypts of Lieberkuhn are longer, more numerous, and are placed more closely together. The lymphoid follicles are always solitary. (2) 2Iu.<:culur coat — in the colon and caecum the longitudinal layer is collected into three fiat bands, which causes the intestinal wall to be puckered into ' sacculi.' (3) The serous coat of the colon and upper part of rectum is developed into small projections containing fat (appendices epi- ploicce). It is incomplete in some parts. THE PANCREAS. The pancreas of a recently-fed dog should be taken, cut into pieces about the size of a small hazel-nut, and placed at PRACTICAL IIISTOLOCV. 105 once in abi-olute alcohol to harden. For the hake of con.- parison, another pancreas from a fastinj,' dog should he treated in a similar manner. Sections should be stained and prepared in the usual way. Unless hardened in alcohol, the inland is very likely to become useless (from self-digestion ?) for microscopic pui[)oses. Structure. — The capsule and septa, as well as the blood- vessels and lymphatics, are arranged as in the salivary glands ; the gland is, however, looser and softer, and the lubes and lobules are less compactly arranged. The larger ducU possess a very distinct lumen, and a mem- brana propria lined with columnar epithelium cells which are longitudinally striated, but are shorter than those found in the ducts of the salivary glands. In the smaller ducU the epithelium is short and the lumen is smaller. The intermediary duels opening into the alveoli possess a dis- tinct lumen, with a membrana propiia lined with a single layer of flattened elongated cells. The alveoli are branched and convoluted tubes, with a mem- brana propria and a single layer of columnar cells. The cells consist of an outer part nearest the membrana propria, which is homogeneous, and stains the more deeply ; and an inner, more granular, and less readily stained portion. The alveoli do not contain the semilunes of Heidenhain and have no distinct lumina, their places being occupied by fusiform or branched cells. THE LIVER. Small portions of the fresh liver of a pig, rabbit, or puppy should be steeped for four or five days in a 2 per cent, solution of potassium bichromate, and then for one or two days in methylated spirit. Sections should afterwards be cut and treated as usual. It is well, also, to mount sections of a liver which has been injected through the portal vein with 2 per cent, solution of Berlin blue, and then hardened in spirit, and also, if possible, of liver which has been injected through (a) the bile-duct, under very low pressure, and {b) ihe hei»atic artery. 106 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Structure. — It has a serous and fibrous coat. The former is absent from the posterior border, and from the portal fissure, where the latter, which elsewhere is thin, is most developed. A strong sheath of areolar tissue (' Glissons capsule ') surrounds the vessels of the organ as the}- ramify in it, and, at the trans- verse fissure, becomes continuous with its fibrous coat. The liver substance proper consists of lobules, which are closely packed polyhedral masses more or less distinct, arranged around the sides of the bianches {sullobular) of the hepatic veins, and connected to them by minute veins which begin in the centre of the lobules {intralobular ve'in^). Each lobule consists of a mass of compressed spheroidal or polyhedral nucleated and nucleolated cells, measuring from Yo^jj^th to siuth of an inch in diameter, often containing oil- globules. Surrounding the lobules is a variable amount of fine connective-tissue, in which is contained a minute branch {inter- lobular) of the portal vein, a branch of the hepatic artery and of the hepatic ducc, together with minute lymphatic vessels cover- ing them. The lobules are distinct when the interlobular tissue forms complete septa around them ; if the septa are incomplete, as is usually the case in man. the lobules become confluent. Fine fibrous tissue surrounds the interlobular vein, and a delicate supporting network of flattened, branched corpuscles exists within the lobule between the cells and the blood-capillaries. Between the columns of the cells run the radicles of the hepatic vein which open into the intralobular vein, and between the cells begin the radicles of the hepatic duct. "Whether these radicles of the bile capillaries have a definite membrana propria is undetermined. The interlobular bile-ducts are endothelial tubes with a large lumen, lined with columnar epithelium. The larger ducts are surrounded with circular unstriped muscle-cells, and have a distinct mucous membrane of loose connective- tissue lined with columnar epithelium, and containing mucous tubular glands. The lymphatics of the lobule originate in the spaces around the capillaries of the lobules. The branches of the hepatic artery run between the lobules with the interlobular veins ; in parts they surround the veins as a plexus ; the arterial branches frequently anastomose with each other, and give off PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 107 capillaries to supply tlie Funoiinding connectivc-tit:suu and vessels, the bile-ducts receiving numerous branches. The ulti- mate capillaries enter the lobules, where they form a plexus. The blood from the artery is carried away by a special set of veins which open into the interlobular veins ; none of it passes into the intralobular vtin«. The structure of the Gall Bladder is similar to that of the large hepatic ducts, but the mucous memhraiie is thicker, and is thrown into folds and villous projections. The muscular coat also is thicker, and is surrounded bv conneciive-ihsue and an outer layer of iieyifoneuiii. CHAPTER IX RESPIRATORY TRACT. E PIGLOTTIS. The hnman epiglottis, it moved as soon asfossible after death, should he u£ed. It should be cut into small pieces, and placed in the chrcmic acid and spirit mixture until it is sufiEciently haidened. Tiansverse and veitical sections should he Tvell stained in haimatoxylin, and mounted in the ordinary way. Structure. — The epiglottis consists of a sufforticg cartilage of the elastic variety, enclosed in a fibrous perichondrium, and covered on both sides with mucous membrane. The anterior surface, i.e., the one towards the tongue, is covered by mucous membiane which haidly differs from that of the pharynx. This membrane consists of £bious tissue, elevated towards the suiface, in the foim of ludimentaiy papillae, and covered with several la^ ers of squamous epithelium. In it ramify the capillary blood-vessels, and in its meshes are a large number cf l^mfhatic charnels. Under the mucous membiane in the kss dense fibrcus tissue, or submucosa, are a number of tubular mucous glands. The podfricr cr laiyrigcal tviface is covered by a muccus membiane which is similar in stiuctuie to the above, but the epithelial coat is thinner, the strata of cells beirg less numerous. The papillae are fewer and less distinct. The proper substance of the mucous membiane appears to be in great part adenoid tissue, which here and there is collected into distinct masses. The glands cf the pcsteiior outface are smaller but mcie numer- ous than those on the anterior surface. In many places the rR-\.CTICAL HISTOLOGY. 109 glands which are situated nearest to the psrichondriuin are directly continuous throu;|hap3rturos in the cartilage with those on the other side, and not unfrequently the ducts of the glands from one sida of the cartilage piss through and open upon the mucous surface of the other. Occasionally the epithelium of the posterior surface is columnar. LARYNX. The structure of the larynx closely resembles that of the epi- glottis on the one hand, ani that of the trachea on the other. The framework is hyaline cartilage enclosed in a fibrous sheath, and covered entirely by a mucous membrane. The epithelium covering this membrane is columnar ciliated, of which some of the cells are goblet-cclh, except over the upper part of the false vocal cords, the arytenoid cartilage =!, the true vocal cords and imn3diately below, where there are stratified squamous cells. There is a distinct basement membrane under the epithelium. The mucosa is a dense fibrous tissue containinor a laro-e quantity of adenoid tissue ; it is here and there separated f i'ooi the submucosa, in which lie the glands, by a thin layer of elastic fibres. The submucosa is scanty near the true vocal cords, and con- tains no glands ; elsewhere it is distinct, and in it, as is generally the case with mucous membranes, the large vessels and nerves split up for the supply of the superficial structures. Taste- goblets are found in the epithelium on the posterior surface of the epiglottis, in^that covering the ary-epiglottidean folds, and the inner surface of the arytenoid cartilage, and also on the true vocal cords. TRACHEA AND LUNG. Distend the lungs of a recently-killed rabbit or cat, through the trachea, with ^ per cent, solution of chromic acid, tie up the trachea, and immerse it in a large quantity of chromic acid of similar strength. Change the solution for one of a :| per cent, after two days ; in a week cut in pieces, and remove to methylated spirit. 110 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. Before catting sections it is necessai-y that the embedding mass shall have thoroughly penetrated into and filled up the interstices of the tissues, and so it is best to place the piece of lung to be embedded in the wax mass -when it is quite hot. In some cases it is as well to stain the lung, as a whole, with haematoxylin, and pass it through alcohol and oil of cloves before embedding. Unless the interstices are filled up, it is almost impossible to cut thin sections. To free the cut sections from wax, pass them through oil of turpentine before putting them into oil of cloves. A better method is to soak the lung in gum, and then to cut sections of it by means of the freezing microtome ; after- wards removing the gum b}' ]>lacing the sections in warm water. Thin sections of lung injected through the pulmonary artery with Berlin blue, and through the trachea with h per cent, solution of silver nitrate, should be made and treated in the usuil manner. Sections of trachea should also be prepared. Structure. — (1) Of the trachea, (a) An elastic frameicorh of incomplete rings or hoops of hyaline cartilages, 16 to 20 in number ; each presents a curve of rather more than ^ of a circle. These rings are held together by a strong fibrous membrane, more or less elastic, which not only occupies the interval between them, but is prolonged over their outer and inner surfaces ; behind, where the cartilage is incomplete, the fibrous membrane is strengthened by a continuous layer of unstriated muscle, chiefly arranged transversely. (^) ^ submucous coat of areolar tissue and fat is also present; it contains immediately beneath the mucous membrane longitudinal fibres of elastic tissue, which are for the most part collected into bnndles. Tubular mucous glands are found in this coat, and also upon and beneath it. (c) A mucous memhrane containing a large amount of lymphoid tissue ; under the epithelium is a basement membrane of flattened cells, which send up processes to the epithelium. In the deeper parts are many elastic fibres. On the surface are several laj'ers of epithe- lium, of which the more superficial are columnar and ciliated, often branched below to join the connective-tissue corpuscles. Be- tween the branched ends of these cells are smaller elongated ritACTlCAL ]Il.STOLO(^Y. I I I cells, prolonged upwards towards tlic .suifaco, and downwards to the basement membrane. Beneath thc^e are one or more layers of irregularly shaped cells. (2) Of the hronchi, as of the trachea. (3) 0/ liiug. The tissue is made up of lobules attached to the minute divisions of the air-tubes, by which they are held together, as wull as by blond-vessels and interlobular tissue. The lobules, although adherent, are quite distinct ; the structureof each repre- sents that of the entire lung, and consists of a minute air-tuhe Avitii terminating air-cella, lined with tcselated ejntheliiim, to- gether with the pulmonary and bronchial blood-vessels, lympha- tics, nerves, and areolar tissue. The principal divisions o£ the bronchi divide, generally dichotomously, into branches running in all directions, which never anastomose, but terminate sepa- rately in the lobules. Within the lobules each bronchial tube finally ends in small recesses (air-cells, alveoli, or vesicles), having previously lost its cylindrical form, from being beset with similar air-vesicles on all sides ; in this condition the tube becomes what is called an iufundihulum. The structure of the air-tubes gradu- ally changes as they become smaller. The cartilages become irregularly shaped plates of different sizes, scattered over the side.] of the tubes, gradually becoming fewer, and finally disappearing before the infundibulum is reached. The fibrous coat extends to the smallest tubes, by degrees becoming simply areolar. The mucous membrane becomes thinner, but retains its former epithelium, the cells becoming very short columnar in the smallest bronchi. The longitudinal elastic bundles are traceable into the smallest tubes. The muscular fibres ultimately form a continuous circular layer inside the cartilaginous plates. The walls of the infundibula consist of (a) unstriped muscle arranged circularly ; (Z/) a network of elastic fibres ; (c) fibrous tis'Sue and connective-tissue cells ; {d) a dense meshwork of capil- lary blood-vessels ; (^) small polyhedral cells and large flattened cell-plates. These plates vary in shape and size according to the amount of distension of the air-vesicles ; they are best seen in lungs stained with nitrate of silver. (/) Between the cell-plates psciulo-Hiomata may be found ; i.e., larger or smaller circular or angular openings similar to the stomata found in serous mem- 112 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. branes ; they lead into the lymph-canalicular system of the alveolar wall. Tlie blood-vessels constitute a dense capillary plexus upon the alveolar septa : in the contracted lung the capillaries are very sinuous and close together, whilst in the distended lung they are straighter and further apart. Near the pleura and bronchi the capillaries anastomose with the capillaries of the bronchial artery. The larger arterial and venous branches are situated in the inter- lobular connective-tissue, which is continuus with their outer coat. Th^ lymphatics are arranged in three systems, (a) The subpleural lymphatics, forming a dense plexus whose meshes mostly correspond with the outlines of the alveoli. (&) The perivascular lymphatics, whose vessels accompany the branches of the pulmonary artery and vein, (c) The peribronchial lym- phatics, remaining in the outer coat of the bronchi, and anasto- mosing freely with the perivascular lymphatics. CHAPTER X. SKIN AND APPENDAGES. Small pieces of skin from various parts— f.^., from palm of hand, fingers, or toes, seal]), scrotum, and general surface, should be hardened in equal parts of chromic acid, h per cent., and of methylated spirit, for a week, changing the liquid on the second, fourth, and seventh days, and then removing to spirit until required. Sections may be made in various directions (cutting towards the epidermis is the easiest way), stained, prepared, and mounted in the usual manner. Double staining, with picrocarmin as well as with logwood, is recommended. Injected specimens of skin may be prepared by injecting 2 per cent. Berlin blue solution into the main artery of a limb of a dog, or one of the upper extremities of a foetus. Structure. — The skin consists of two parts : 1. Epuhniiis^ or external sJ/in, which is made up of several more or less distinct layers, (a) The most superficial horny layer (stratum corneum) varies in thickness, and is composed of layers of flattened epithelium, w^hich show nuclei only after treatment with softening reagents, e.g., caustic potash. (6) The next layer (stratum lucidum) is generally homogeneous and thin ; it is composed of closely packed scales, (c) A layer of granular cells (stratum granulosum), flat, spindle-shaped, and nucleated, which stain deeply in logwood. (rJ) Finally, the Malpighian layer (rete Malpighii, or rete mucosum), consisting of stratified epithelium, the deepest layers of which are columnar, the next more or less cubical ' ridged ' cells, connected together 114 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. by filaments or })rickles, and most superficially are layers of flattened cells. 2. Internal, or true shin (corium or cutis vera), is made up of dense areolar tissue, in which is found, lying deeply, a good deal of fat ; muscular fibres occur in the neighbourhood of hairs ; they exist as a distinct layer in the subcutaneous tissue of certain parts, e.r/., scrotum, penis, areola of the nipple, etc. In the superficial part of the corium are numerous conical elevations or papillae, which are received into corresponding pits in the epider- mis ; they are most developed where sensation is most acute. The subjacent or reticular part of the corium contains hair follicles, with sebaceous glands, and sweat glands. Xerves and blood-vessels are numerous : the former, ending in the Malpighian layer in a delicate network, and supplying certain of the papilla, form special endings (end bulbs and tactile cor- puscles) ; the latter form near the surface a dense netwoik of capillaries with rounded polygonal mei-hes. GLANDS. A. Sweat glands are found distributed throughout the skin generally, and are exceedingly numerous. Each gland consists of a long duct which passes through the skin in a more or less wavy manner, to open on the surface, and a coiled gland proper con- tained in the subcutaneous tissue. The duct of the gland con- sists of a narrow tube made up of a basement membrane (homo- geneous), lined with several layers of small cubical epithelial cells limited internally Vjv an endothelial membrane, which en- closes a lumen, generally circular in form. The gland proper is made up of the coils of the duct, differing in number according to situation. The coils nearest the duct proper differ little in structure from the above, but the remainder of the gland (distal portion) is found to have a single layer of columnar cells lining it. instead of several lavers of small cells : the internal limitinij membrane is less distinct, and the merabrana propria, or base- ment membrane, is strengthened and made thicker by an internal layer of longitudinal unstriped muscular fibres. The glands in the neighbourhood of the anus are exceedingly large. rRACTfCAL HISTOLOGY. 1 1 J B. Cemminous glands are similar in structure to the sweat- glands elsewhere, but the glaiul proper is throughout like that of the distal part of the sweat-gland, as described above. C. Sebaceous glands, as a rule, open into the neck of hair follicles. Each gland is composed of a short duct, which branches into several dilated alveoli, which may each be further subdivided. The duct is lined with two or three layers of small nucleated cells, and each alveolus is lined with smaller cubical nucleated cells. The remainder of the alveolus is filled up with cells increasing in size towards the centre, and filled with fat. These central cells have been produced by the division of the lining cells, and, as they reach the centre of the alveolus, pass into the duct, lose their nuclei, and, discharging their fatty con- tents externally, shrivel up, and are discharged in the sebaceous secretion. HAIR. Hairs may be scan in sections of the skin or scalp, especially well in doubled-stained sections which have been placed in picrocarmin and hfematoxylin. Single hairs may be examined in any reagent, but best in caustic potash. Transverse sections are made in the ordinary operation of shaving, and may be examined in saline solution. Structure. — The free extremities of hairs above the skin are pointed, the attached extremities are received into follicles in the corium ; between ihe extremities is the shaft. The follicular €nd is bulbous, and cased in a compound sheath. .1 hair it.^elf is made up of (a) an external covering of thi i €ca'e3 (cuticle) ; {b) a cortical substance made of coloured horny matter ; and finally (r) the medulla or pith, which is absent in some hairs. The hull) of the hair rests upon and overlies an elevation of the follicle (papilla), which is composed of undeveloped nucleated connective-tissue corpuscles and a few fibres. The sheath of the hair is divided into («) internal, of two layers of large cells, the external layer consisting of transparent oval cells without nuclei, and the other ^ajer of polyhedral 8—2 116 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. nucleated cells ; (h) external, of a variable number of layers of cells, becoming more columnar externally. The hair follicle consists of an involution of the cutis vera, forming three layers : (u) external is very thin, made up of longitudinally arranged connective-tissue bundles, with fusiform nuclei and elastic fibres ; (b) middle is thicker, and made up of transverse undeveloped fibrous tissue, -with rod-shaped nuclei ; (c) internal, of a thin, striated, transparent membrane of endo- thelial cells. To the outside of the follicles thin bundles of un- striped muscular fibre are attached, and into the follicle open the ducts of sebaceous (simple tubular) glands, generally one on each side. NAIL. Sections of a finger-nail in situ and of the subjacent bed or matrix should be made and double-stained. Structure. — A nail is composed of flattened epithelial scales, and is equivalent to the superficial or horny layer of the epider- mis. The deeper layers of the nail are softer than the more superficial. Underneath the nail are highly vascular papillae which form the bed or matrix. Posteriorly it is received into a groove in the skin (root). The growth of the nail is effected by constant additions of cells to the root and under surface, so. that it grows in length and in thickness at the same time. CHAPTER XT. GENITOURINARY ORGANS. (A) KIDNEY. Tin: kidney should be hardened in the same way as the liver. Sections should be made in various directions. Sections of an injected kidney should also be prepared. The best injecting material is either carmine-gelatine or Berlin blue. Structure.— There is a distinct fibro-areolar coat, or capsule, thin, firm, smooth, and easily detached. The proper substance of the organ is divided into three regions, the cortical region^ the boundari/ Icujer, and tlie pap'dlaru region. On a vertical section the cortex is that lighter part nearest the capsule, whilst the redder portion is the medulla, which is seen to be made up of a number of pyramidal portions, each papilla converging to the interior and towards branches (calices) of the dilated portion of the main duct or 2Jelvis of the kidney. Each calyx incloses two or three papillae. The part of the base of the pyramid towards the cortex, between it and the papillary portion, is called, as above mentioned, the houndary layer. The pyramid itself is called the pyramid of Malpighi. The papillary ])ortion appears distinctly and vertically striated in consequence of the vertical direction of both tubules and blood-vessels, of which the kidney is principally made up. The boundary layer is also striated for a similar reason ; but the cortex, although containing vertical columns, from the arrangement of some of the tubules (medullary rays), no longer contains the blood-vessels arranged in vertical directions, nor are all the tubules straight. 118 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. l.'ut convoluted, forming the lahyrinfli. From the medullary rays diminishing in thickness from the boundary layer outwards towards the capsule, each presents a triangle, with its base at the boundary layer. These triangles are called the [lyraiuids of Ferrcrin. The cortical substance separates the pyramids from each other, and inclcses them everywhere except at the papillse ; one layer of it. situated immediately beneath the capsule, forms the most superficial part of the organ. The portion of the cortical substance intervening between two pyramids is known as the col u inns of Bertini. The papillae are studded with minute openings leading into tubes {tuhul'i ui'tnifen). through which the urine passes out into a primary division {irfundihuluin) of the pelvis, or dilated part of the duct ("refer) of the kidney. The tubes of the pyramids, as they pass up, divide again and again at very acute angles, until they arrive at the cortical layer, and then become convoluted. Each tube begins in a spherical dilatation [MaljyKjliian capnde)^ enclosing a tuft of minute vessels {MalplgJiian tuft). Arising thus in the cortex, a tube is at first convoluted, and consists of a basement membrane lined and almost filled with granular epithelium ; afterwards becoming smaller, it passes straight down the pyramid towards the papilla, and returns again, forming a looped tuhe of Ilenh lined with squamous epithelium, then again becomes convoluted, and finally joins a branch of a straight tube of the pyramid (collecting/ tuhe). The collecting tubes are lined with columnar epithelium, and, joining together, form the excretory tubes or ducts of Bellini, which open at the papilla. A renal tube is said to be made up of the following sections : (1) The JIalpighian capsule^ lined with squamous epithelium. (2) Tlie nccl:^ a constricted portion joining the capsule, and lined in the same way. (3) A portion enlarged and convoluted, called the pro:dmcd convoluted tuhe, lined with polyhedral or short columnar cells, with a lumen of about one-third of the diameter of the tube. The cells are vertically striated. (4) The spired tuhe, which passes downwards, the structure of which is similar to the last described section. PRACTICAL IIISTOLOUY. 110 (5) The constricted portion, called the dtscendinr/ limb of the loop of Heule, lined with squamous epithelium. (G) T/n" loop of Ileal €, lined with squamous epithelium, (7) The ascenling limb, which becomes rather suddenly en- larged, lined with striated epithelium. (>^) The s^nral portion of ascending loop is again somewhat constricted. (9) The ascending loop again becomes narrower, but is straight. (10) The irregxlar t abide has a very irregular and angular outline, sometimes beiiig three or four limes as thick as at others ; this is due to the irregularity in the size of the contained epi- thelium. The cells are striated, angular and imbricated. (11) The intercalated section (Schweigger-Seidel). or the distal convoluted tube, is similar in structure to the proximal convo- Inted tube. (12) and (13) Curved collecting tubes are thin tube?, lined with polyhedral cells, or spindle-shai)ed and flattened. (14) The straight collecting tube, which pa ses into the boundary layer, and enters — (15) The large collecting tube, or tube of Bellini. (16) The tube of Bellini, having anastomosed with similar tubes, forms the main tub.^ of the pyramid which opens into the calyx of the pelvis, with a ^ mouth' at the apex of the papilla. Blood-veiSels. — The blood-supply of the kidney is furnished by the renal artery, which divides into branches which lie between the cortex and the boundary region ; smaller vessels pass up and enter the cortex, and pass down to supply the medulla. The vessels of the cortex pass up in the labyrinth between the medullary rays (interlobular) and give off trans- verse branches, the afferent vessels of the Malpighian tufts ; these break up within the capsule into convoluted capillaries, re-uniting into the efferent veins; these again break up into capillaries around the convoluted tubes, to be afterwards collected into small branches of the renal vein. The vessels of the medulla break up in the boundary region, and send off straight vessels between the tubes of the papillary region {vam recta) ; 120 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. the vessels decrease in number towards the papilla, as most of them break up into capillaries around the tubules, which capillaries anastomose near the cortex with those of that region. The veins of the papillary region begin simply in the papilla, increasing in size and number as they pass upwards ; join with the veins of the cortex to form the main branches of the renal vein which accompany the main branches of the renal artery, and lie between the cortex and medulla, as above- mentioned. A certain amount of interstitial connective tissue is found supporting the tubes and blood-vessels. (B) URETER. To prepare the ureter for section-cutting tie one end of it, and distend it with chromic acid and spirit ; leave it for one day in the same mixture ; then cut it into short lengths, and remove to spirit for a week. The cells may be shown by hardening a piece of ureter in bichromate of potash 1 per cent. solution, staining deeply in logwood, and scraping the inside, teasing and mounting in glycerine. Structure. — Consists of three coats : (1) An sterna] Jihrous ; (2) a middle of two layers (circular and longitudinal) of un- striped muscular jibres; (3) an internal or 'mucous, lined by stratified epithelium, the upper cubical cells of which have their under surfaces hollowed out to receive the second layer of pear- shaped cells. (C) BLADDER. The bladder should be prepared in the same way as the ureter. Double staining with eosin and haematoxylin brings into view the differences in the foim of the lining cells. Structure. — Consists of four coats : (1) An external or serous — is incomplete, as it is only found at the u]iper and posterior parts. (2) .4 muscular, consisting of three layers more or less complete — viz., (a) external longitudinal, (6) circular, (c) internal longitudinal. (3) A submucous of connective-tissue. (4) .4 mucous, lined with stratified epithelium, the upper layer being PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 121 made up of polyhedral cells, with one, two, or three nuclei, presenting depressions with intervening ridges for the second layer of club-shaped cells ; the next layer is made up of more fusiform cells. (D) PROSTATE. The prostate should be immersed in a ^ per cent, chromic acid for two days, and should then be removed to spirit. Structure.— In structure the prostate consists of small glands imbedded in an abundance of muscular fibres and connective- tissue. The glands consist of numerous small saccules, opening into elongated ducts, which unite into a smaller number of excretory ducts. The acim\ in the upper part of the gland, are small and hemispherical : whilst in the middle and lower parts the tubes are longer and more convoluted. The acini are of two kinds, {a) lined with a single layer of thin and long columnar cells, each with an oval nucleus in outer part of wall ; (h) acini resemblincj the foregoing, but with a second layer of small cortical, polyhedral, or fusiform cells between the mem- brana propria and the columnar cells. The ducts are lined by a laver of columnar cells, beneath which is a layer of small poly- hedral cells. The tunica adventitia is formed of loose connective-tissue containing fat. Large hlood-ye$sd.< pass into the interior of the organ to form a broad, meshed, capillary system. Xerve-trxnls and numerous large ganglion cells surround the cortex. Paccinian bodies are also found in the substance of the prostate. (E) VAS DEFERENS. The vas deferens should be prepared by hardening in a 2 per cent, bichromate of potash solution for fourteen days, after which it should be placed in spirit. Structure. — Like the vesiculae seminales (see p. 123) it con- sists of three coats : (1) An external, of connective-tissue, outside which longitudinal fibres of unstriated muscles are often seen. (2) A muscular, two longitudinal layers with an intermediate circular one. 122 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. (3) A iiiucous, of connective-tissue and elastic fibres ; this layer is often thrown into three or four longitudinal ridges ; the epithelium consists of columnar epithelium, ciliated only near the epididymis. The nervps form a plexus in the tunica adventitia. (F) TESTICLE. Place the testicles, preferably of rat or cat, after making two or three cuts in them, in equal parts of chromic acid ^ per cent, and methylated spirit. Change three times in a week, and remove to spirit, or inject a 1 per cent, solution osmic acid into the tunica albuginea, then place in strong spirit for several days--, and afterwards for two days in absolute alcohol previous to making sections. Stain with hematoxylin or carmine ; prepare and mount as usual. Structure. — The outer coat consists of connective-tissue, the tunica alhufjinea., from which radiate incomjjlete septa uniting into a thick wedge-shaped body, the corpus Highmori. The testicle is divided by these septa into lobes, each consist- ing of small and convoluted tubes, the iuhul'i. seminiferi. These tubes are composed of a basement membrane of flattened endo- thelial cells, a single roAV in small animals, more than one in large animals, within which are a number of cells not arranged in any definite order — the seminal cells. The outer form a single row. The tubuli seminiferi have a uniform diameter of jIq to ^J^ inch ; they commence in free closed extremities or in anasto- mosing arches, and unite to form the vasa recta. In transverse section the seminal tubules are seen to have a narrow lumen surrounded by polygonal cells, of which the peripheral ones are arranged radially. In the interstitial connective-tissue between the tubuli seminiferi are a number of connective-tissue corpuscles. From the seminal cells the spermatozoa are developed. The ras(( recta^ about twenty in number, are r}^ to ^^j inch in diameter. They possess very thin walls, and pass upwards and backwards to terminate in the rete vasculosum testis. The retc testis is lined with pavement epithelium, and PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 123 opens into twelve to twenty vasa efferantiii, forming the coni vasculosi. The roni vaxcuhm arc J„ inch in diameter, and open into the canal at the epididymis. The epididymis luul vasa efferentia contain plain muscular fibres; the lining cells arc columnar and ciliated, elongated in the epididymis, shorter in the vasa efferentia. Remove and draw i^permatozoa from the fresh glands, and notice (a) the head, (/>) the middle portion, (e) the caudal ex- tremity. The hi ood -vessels %\xrvo\xnA the convoluted tubules with a long- meshed wide capillary plexus. The l^mph passages form an extensive canalicular system. (G) VESICULiE SEMINALES. The vesicula) seminales may be prepared either in ^ per cent, chromic acid for seven days, followed by spirit, or by hardening in methylated spirit. Structure. — (1) There is an external connective-tissue coat. (2) A middle muscular coat of three layers, the internal of longitudinal fibres, middle of circular fibres, external of longi- tudinal fibres. (3) A mucous coat thrown into rugae, the epi- thelium of cylindrical cells provided with striated borders, the deep layer being polyhedral. The mucous membrane contains a few muscular fibres. GcuujVion cells and nerve plexuses are numerous in the outer coat. According to Leydig, a number of racemose fjlands are present. (H) THE PENIS. The penis of a human foetus should be used, if it can be obtained, otherwise that of the cat or dog. Itshoidd be injected from the abdominal aorta, after ligature of the external iliac arteries, and should then be hardened in \ per cent, chromic acid for a fortnight. Sections should be made in various parts. Structure. — {a) Tlte urethra is lined by stratified pavement epithelium in the lower part of the prostatic and membranous 124 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. portions ; in the upper half the epithelium is of the stratified transitional variety ; in front of the bulb the epithelium becomes columnar, whilst the fossa navicularis is again lined with stratified pavement epithelium. The mucous membrane consists chiefly of fibrous connective-tissue, intermixed with which are many elastic fibres. It is surrounded by muscular tissue of the unstriped variety. In the membranous portion many large veins run amongst the bundles of muscular tissue. Many mucous glands are present. (h) The corpora cavernosa consists of a matrix, chiefly of un- striped muscle-fibres, intermixed with which is a little con- nective-tissue and a few elastic fibres. The matrix is arranged in bundles, and separates the very large voious sinuses which constitute the greater part of the substance of each cor- pus cavernosum. The sinuses anastomose with each other to form plexuses, and each is lined by a single layer of flattened endothelial plates. The arteries run in the muscular trabeculse. (f) The corpus spongiosum urethra; con.'sisi^ oi an inner portion or plexus of longitudinal veins, and of an outer or really cavernous portion identical in structure with that which has just been described. The hjmpliatlcs of the penis are very numerous. The nerves form a dense subepithelial plexus. Covpers glands resemble the sublingual gland ; they are large compound tubular mucous glands. (I) OVARY. The ovaries of a cat or rabbit are placed, with as little hand- ling as possible, in a mixture of equal parts of spirit, and i per cent, chromic acid solution for two or three days, and afterwards in spirit. The sections should be stained with hsematoxylin or carmine. Structure. — The ovary consists of an encapsuled stroma and embedded Graafian follicles. The outer coat or capsule consists of low columnar epithelium cells, beneath which is a firm layer of fibrous tissue. The stroma of fibrous tissue and elastic fibres containing blood- PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 125 vessels, and in the deci)er portion muscular fibres. The cor- tical portion contains a large number of closely-set vesicles, yJ^ inch in diameter. Each vesicle, or primordial ovum, is sur- rounded by a corona of small nucleated cells. Below this layer of vesicles are more advanced ova, the deepest being the most mature. The Graafian follicle, t?() to ^ inch in diameter, contains a ripe ovum, and is surrounded by fibrous tissue, and by the tunica vasculosa, more internally by the tunica granulosa, consisting of several layers of granular prismatic cells. In a thickened portion of the tunica granulosa (discus proligerus), the ovum is embedded on the inner surface and to one side of the Graafian follicle. The tunica granulosa is separated from the discus pro- ligerus, except at their point of union, by a space containing a clear albuminous fluid. The ovum, j^g inch in diameter, consists ((() of an external, firm, transparent membrane, which is finely striated radially (vitelline membrane, or zona pellucida) ; (h) of a mass of granular protoplasm (vitellus, or yolk) ; (c) of a small clear vesicle, -oty i^^^ i^ diameter (germinal vesicle), embedded in the vitellus, and which encloses (d) a dark granular spot (germinal spot, or macula germinativa). liooo inch. The corpus luteum is a Graafian follicle which has discharged its ovum ; it is filled with a reddish-yellow mass of elongated cells, the colour being due to the formation of pigment, which, however, is not derived from the slight hsemorrhage which takes place on the escape of the ovum. (J) UTERUS. The uterus of a cat or rabbit should be distended with a mix- ture of equal parts of \ per cent, chromic acid solution and strong spirit through the vagina. The openings into the organ should be tied, and the organ should be removed to a bottle containing same mixture. The solution should be changed at the end of twenty-four hours and the uterus laid open, Stmcture. — The external serous coat is derived from the peri- toneum. The muscular coat is intermixed with fibro-areolar tissue 126 PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. blood-vessels, lymphatics, and some veins. The muscle is arranged in three layers : (a) the external longitudinal, tha weakest coat ; (h) transverse fibres forming the strongest layers ; ((') oblique fibres which become annular to form the sphincter uteri. The cells constituting the muscular layers are fusiform, with long tapering extremities ; the nucleus is always single. The mucous memhrane is smooth in the fundus and body of the organ ; it is raised into transverse folds in the upper portion of the cervix ; and forms papillae in the terminal portion of the cervix. It is lined with columnar ciliated epithelium. The glands are tubular, often spiral, sometimes slightly branched. They are found in the fundus and body, and are lined with ciliated epithelium. Small closed sacs (ovula Nabothi) are also distributed regularly over the mucous membrane. The blood-vessels are large and numerous ; the lymphatics form large plexuses in the peripheral layers of the pregnant uterus ; the nerves are medullated and non-medullated, a few ganglion cells being also present. (K) FALLOPIAN TUBES. Are prepared in the same way as the uterus. Structure. — (1) A71 external serous coat, rich in vessels and in connective-tissue. (2) A longitudinal, and a thicker circular layer of unstriated muscle. (3) A mucous memhrane thrown into longitudinal rugce, and lined with columnar ciliated epi- thelium ; no glands are present, and, as yet, no nerves have been detected. The mucous membrane contains a layer of muscular mucosae. (L) MAMMARY GLANDS. The gland, cut into small pieces, is placed in a solution of equal parts of spirit and i per cent, chromic acid solution for two days, afterwards in weak and strong spirit. It should be stained in b£ematoxylin. Double staining may also be used. Structure. — The mammary gland consists of a number of individual racemose glands united by intervening areolar tissue. rilACTICAL IIISTOLOUY. 127 The lohes thus formed have a considerable quantity of adipose tissue between them, whilst the blood-vessels and the small medullated nerves run in the connective-tissue stroma. The racemose glands oi)en by means of ducts, tJic Itirti/erona durts, which unite together until fifteen to twenty excretory canals are formed, The galactophorous ducti^, which converge towards the nipple. Xear the nipple the galactophorous ducts become dilated to form sinuses, but they undergo constriction again before open- ing to the exterior. The gland vesicles consist of a membrana propria with flattened stellate cells, lined by low columnar ei)ithelium. The vesicles are filled with fat-globules ; and if the oil be extracted by immersion of the gland in ether, casein remains behind. The terminal vesicles are at firet simple, but as the gland develops they produce buds. The ducts consist of areolar tissue with a circular and longi- tudinal layer of elastic fibres ; they are lined with low cylindrical epithelium, which becomes flattened near the nijjple. Near the nipple also, and beneath the areola, unstriated muscular fibres are found. The blood-vessels form a dense capillary network around the alveoli, forming a continuous system for each lobule. CHAPTER XII. DUCTLESS GLANDS. THYROID GLAND. Should be prepared by immersion of the gland for twenty- four hours in a mixture of spirit and water, then in strong spirit, till the tissue is suflBciently hard. It may also be hardened by allowing it to remain for a month in Miiller's fluid, or in -} per cent, chromic acid for a fortnight. Should be stained in hsematoxylin. Structure. — A thin transparent layer of dense areolar tissue, free from fat, containing elastic fibres. This connective-tissue frameicorh traverses the interior of the organ in the form of strong trabeculee ; it incloses rounded or oblong irregular cavities, the vesicles. The vesicles consist of a thin hyaline membrane lined by a single row of low cylindrical cells. The cavities of the vesicles are filled with a coagulable fluid, or more frequently with a colloidal substance. The colloidal substance increases with age, and the cavities appear to coalesce. In the interstitial connective-tissue is a round meshed capil- Jary pJej:u><, and a large number of lymphatics. The nerves adhere closely to the vessels. THYMUS GLAND. Preparation. — As for the thyroid gland. Some sections of the fresh gland should be teased in saline solution in order that the concentric corpuscles may be minutely examined. rRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 129 Structure. — A cdjjxule of thin areolar tissue which sends down processes dividing the gland into lobules. The outer surface of the organ is covered with a layer of flattened cells. Each lobe is made up of a number of polyhedral lobules, con nected by delicate areolar tissue, which are in turn composed of small /o///rr, consists roughly of two kinds of cor- puscles embedded in a reticular matrix : (a) those connected with the rods are most numerous, and may be considered as dilata- tions situated in the centre of the fine rod fibres, they have an elliptical striated nucleus, but no nucleolus ; (h) those connected with the cones are fewer, pear-shaped, not striated, and situated nearer the outer part of the layer in the thicker cone-fibre. 7. -1 lai/er of rods and cones, is composed of elliptical elon- gated bodies, ihe rodx, and shorter, thicker, club-like bodies, the cones ; each consists of two parts, inner and outer, of which the outer is transversely striated and smaller, and in the cones tapers to a point, whilst the inner is fibrillated externally, but homo- geneous internally. 8. The 2^1 f/mentar>j layer, or uvea, consists oi a single stratum of hexagonal pigment-cells. The fibres of Midler consist of bands, which pass through all the layers of the retina, binding them together ; they commence by a broad base, forming by their union the memhrana limitans interna; and, at the outside of theretina, the inemhrana limitans externa. In the inner nuclear layer they give off processes which contain a clear, oval nucleus. In the outer nuclear layer they break up into fibrils, and partially enclose the rod and cone fibres. Blood-vessels. — The arterial and venous branches are situated internally under the layer of nerve-fibres. The capillaries are arranged in plexuses, with large meshes. They occur in the inner molecular layer, one plexus being situated near the inner nuclear layer, the other near the layer of nerve-cells. A plexus also exists in the inner nuclear layer, whilst another lies more superficially in the outer molecular layer. (5) Crystalline Lens.— («) Harden the eye of a frog, from which the cornea has been removed, in a solution consisting of one part of fuming nitric acid, three parts of water, and one part of glycerine. At the end of twenty-four hours remove it from this solution, and allow it to remain for a day in water. Tease a H^ PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. portion of the lens thus prepared in glycerine, and mount it in Farrant's solution or glycerine. (Z>) Sections of the lens should be made from eyes which have been hardened for a fortnight in Miiller's fluid, and afterwards in Aveak spirit. (r) The capsular epithelium is best demonstrated by stain- ing the uninjured lens of the frog in nitrate of silver, and afterwards mounting portions of the anterior capsule in glycerine. Structure. — (a) Of the capsule. The portion which covers the anterior surface of the lens consists of a thick elastic layer, immediately behind which is a single layer of granular hex- agonal epithelium cells, each of which is provided with an oval nucleus. The elastic lamina covering the back of the lens has no such lining epithelium, but is in close contact with the lens-fibres. (li) The lens itself is composed of (1) 'The I ens-jihre>^ ^vfhich. are elongated bands running from the posterior to the anterior sur- face ; they are broader behind than in front. Each fibre contains a nucleus, which is more distinct in the peripheral than in the central fibres. Every fibre is hexagonal when seen in transverse sections, and is serrated along its narrow^ edge, the teeth of one fibre fitting into the notches of its neighbour. (2) The Interstitial substance is like that of connective-tissue, it is permeated by lymph channels. (6) Iris. — The iris from an eye hardened in chromic acid and spirit mixture, together with the ciliary processes, can be cut by means of the freezing microtome ; the operation requires much care. The whole iris of a small animal may be mounted and examined in a recent state in saline solution. Structure. — The iris is principally made up of connective- tissue and blood-vessels. This forms the middle layer. In front it is covered by endothelium, which may contain pigment, a homogeneous basement membrane intervening. Behind there are similar layers, i.e., an endothelial pigmentary layer, the uvea, and an intervening basement membrane. Around the inner border is a circular muscle of unstriped fibres, the sphincter ^Jiipilhe. Under the uvea, i.e.^ between that and the iris proper, PRACTICAL HISTOLOGY. 146 is a tbin radiating membrane of muscle cells, which jtasses out- wards from the sphincter. This is the dildtor i^up'ilhe. The blood-vrs.sels are arranged in dense capillary plexuses in the tissue proper and on the sphincter. The ^^ervcs form a plexus near the outer edge, from which pass off medullated fibres, terminating in the dilator and in the anterior surface of the iris proper, and also uon-medullated nerves to the sphincter. 7. Ciliary Processes. — The ciliary processes resemble the iris in structure, having a similar connective-tissue basis, containing branched pigment cells, covered by a transparent membrane, the lamina vitrea, whilst external to this is the uvea, differing in no way from the uvea of the retina. The uvea is covered by a single layer of transparent columnar cells. The ciliarn muscle is connected -with the outer part of the ciliary processes, and is made up principally of fibres radiating outwards, but partly of circular bundles. 8. Choroid. — The choroid consists of the following coats : (rt) Lam'tnajuxca, a loose connective-tissue, with corpuscles, both with and without pigment, branched or unbranched ; the lamina suprachoroidea is a continuation of the lamina fusca. {h) Sfratcm vasculosum, in which are the large blood-vessels embedded in loose connective-tissue. (r) An elastic layer containing small arteries and veins, covered on each side by endothelium. {tts. — With a solution of glucose show the following tests : (i.) Tromniers. — Add an excess of caustic potash and then a solution of copj>er sulphate, drop by drop, to the solution, in a test-tube, as long as the blue precipitate which forms re-dissolves on shaking the tube. Heat the upper portion of the fluid, and a yellowish- brown precipitate of copper suboxide appears. (ii.) Moore's. — Heat the solution of sugar in a test-tube with caustic potash ; a brown colouration appears, (iii.) Fermentation. — If a solution of sugar be kept in a warm place for some time after the addition of yeast, the sugar is converted into alcohol and cai'bon dioxide. (CgH^oO^j = •2C..H5OH +2CO0). (iv.) Bismuth or Bottcher's test. — Add a little bismuth oxide or subnitrate and an excess of caustic potash to the solution in a test-tube, and heat ; the solution becomes at first grey and then black. (v.) Picric acid test. — To the solution add about a fourth of its bulk of picric acid (saturated solution) and an equal quantity of caustic potash, and boil : the liquid becomes of a very deep coffee-brown. (vi.) Indigo carmine test. — To the solution add a strong solu- tion of sodium bicarbonate, and then a little sulphindigotate of carmine. Warm : the blue colour disappears, but returns on shaking the test-tube. For the Quantitative estimation of sugar see p. 189. (e) Lactose is contained in milk (p. 180). Properties. — It is less soluble in water than glucose. It has a gritty and slightly sweet taste. 1 1 -1 164 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. It is insoluble in absolute alcohol. It undergoes alcoholic fermentation with extreme diflEiculty. It gives the tests similar to glucose, but less readily. (f) Inosite is a non-f ermentible variety of glucose occurring in the heart and voluntary muscles, as Tvell as in beans and other plants. It crystallizes in the form of large colourless monoclinic tables, which are soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol or ether. It may be detected by evaporating the solution con- taining it nearly to dryness, and by then adding a small drop of a solution of mercuric nitrate, and afterwards evaporating care- fully to dryness, a yellowish-white residue is obtained ; on further cautiously heating, the yellow changes to a deep rose-colour, which disappears on cooling, but reappears on heating. If the inosite be almost pure, its solution may be evaporated nearly to dryness. After the addition of nitric acid, the residue mixed with a little ammonia and calcium chloride, and again evaporated, yields a rose-red colouration. CHAPTER III. OILS AND FATS. Oils and fats are neutral substances, with the composition of a compound ether, glycerin, C3H5(OH).j being the alcohol : Are lighter than water, sp. gr. '91 to 94 ; Give a greasy stain on paper ; Are insoluble in water ; Are soluble in ether, chloroform, turpentine, or alcohol. Glycerine. — A sweet-tasted viscid liquid, soluble in water and in alcohol ; insoluble in ether. Test. — Heat a little glycerine in a test-tube with some solid acid potassium sulphate ; acrolein, a body of pungent smell, is produced {Q.^B.f>.,-2UJd=G^S>)- Olive Oil (glycerine oleate) | ^^^^^^-^ \ (i.) Shake up a few drops of olive oil in a test-tube with water and then allow it to stand ; note that no emulsion or mixture takes place. Add ether, and shake the test-tube ; note the solu- tion of the oil in that reagent. (ii.) Add to some oil and water a few drops of caustic potash and warm. Complete solution takes place, a potassium oleate or soap is formed, and glycerine liberated. Both the soap and glycerine are soluble in water. (iii.) Add some lead oxide to some olive oil and water in a porcelain basin, and apply heat, stirring the mixture. Lead oleate is formed and glycerine is liberated (lead oleate is lead soap). 166 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. Fat. — (i.) Heat some fat in a test-tube, with water, until melted ; add caustic soda. The fat is saponified, stearate of sodium and glycerine being formed. (ii.) Add sodium chloride to the solution ; sodium stearate separates out. (iii.) Add acid to another portion ; sodium stearate is decom- posed. Stearic acid separates out. (iv.) To another portion add a solution of calcium chloride ; calcium stearate is precipitated. CHAPTER IV. HEALTHY URINE AND ITS CONSTITUENTS. HEALTHY URINE. Is a perfectly transparent amber-coloured liquid, with a peculiar and characteristic, but not disagreeable odour, a bitterish taste, and a slightly acid reaction. The specific gravity varies from 1015 to 1020 ; under exceptional circumstances it may be as low as 1001, and as high as 1025. Alight cloud of mucus may often be seen in urine after standing. Test its reaction with litmus-paper. Take its sp. gr. with the urinometer. Constituents. — Its characteristic constituent is (a) Urea (C0iSr._,H4).— Evaporate urine to half its bulk, filter,, and add pure strong nitric acid ; impure urea nitrate separates out. To obtain pure urea from this, purify it by re-crystallisa- tion with animal charcoal and afterwards decompose it with barium carbonate into barium nitrate and urea. Evaporate the mixture to dryness and extract with hot alcohol. The pure urea will separate out from the alcoholic solution on cooling, [See also Appendix.] Properties of Urea. — It is soluble in water and in alcohol. Make a strong solution of urea in water, and use it for the following experiments : (i.) Allow a few drops to crystallise on a glass slide, and examine with the microscope. Note that the urea crystallises out in transparent four-sided prismatic needles, terminated by one or two oblique facets. 168 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. (ii.) Either in a test-tube, or on a glass slide, add a few drops of pure nitric acid to some of the urea solution. Urea nitrate separates out (COX.H4.2HXO0) in the form of six-sided tables. Examine the crystals with the microscope. (iii.) Proceed in a similar manner to ii., but use a concen- trated solution of oxahc acid. Urea oxalate separates out (C0X.,H4.C.,H..0J in the form of tabular plates, or prismatic bundles. Examine the crystals with the microscope. (iv.) To a concentrated solution of urea in a test-tube add mercuric nitrate solution : a white precipitate of a compound of mercuric oxide and urea is formed. (v.) Proceed as in iv., but previously add some common salt. The precipitate does not form until a large quantity of the re- agent has been added : as the sodium chloride causes the mercuric nitrate to split up into mercuric chloride and sodium nitrate and until the whole of the sodium chloride has been used up there is no unchanged mercuric nitrate to produce the precipitate. (b) Uric Acid (C5H4X4O3) is another characteristic consti- tuent of urine, from which it may be obtained thus : Add five or sis drops of pure nitric acid to two ounces of urine in a narrow urine glass, and allow it to stand for twenty- four hours. A red brick coloured sediment of uric acid will be observed. Examine some under the microscope. Brown crystals of various sizes will be seen, the most characteristic being plates, rosettes, and lozenge-shaped. Properties of Uric Acid— It is insoluble in cold water, very slightly soluble in hot, soluble in caustic alkaline solutions, forming urates, most easily soluble in solutions of lithium salts. With uric acid powder show the following tests : (i.) JIurexide test.— Xdd a drop of strong nitric acid, evaporate to dryness over water-bath, or at a temperature not exceeding 40' C. Alloxan (C4H0X0O4) is formed, as a reddish-coloured residue. Add a drop of ammonia solution, and the purple colour of murexide (CsHgXgOg) is produced. (ii. ) Schif's test. — Dissolve uric acid in a solution of sodium car- bonate, and place a drop upon a filter-paper moistened with solution of silver nitrate ; a black stain will result. (c) Phosphates (earthy). — Mix equal quantities of caustic PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISIi:V. 169 potash and urine in a test-tube. A transparent flaky precipitate will separate. (d) Chlorides. — Add solution of silver nitrate to urine, a curdy, yellowish precipitate will fall of chloride and phosphate of silver ; add nitric acid, the phosphate will dissolve, leaving behind the chloride, which is soluble in ammonia. The phos- phates may also be shown by adding molybdate of ammonium and boiling. A yellow colour or precipitate will occur. (e) Sulphates. — To urine acidulated with hydrochloric acid, add barium chloride solution. A precipitate of barium sulphate will occur, insoluble in nitric acid. (f) Colouring matter may be precipitated with the chlorides, sulphates, phosphates on addition of lead acetate. Quantitative estimation of Urea. — (i.) Hupohromite method. — One of the forms of apparatus* employed in this method (Russell and West's) consists of («) a water-bath sup- ported by three iron bands, arranged as a tripod. The bath is provided with a cylindrical depression, and with a hole, into which fits a perforated india-rubber cork ; (^) a bulb tube with a constricted neck ; (c) a glass rod provided with an india- rubber band at one extremity ; {d) a pipette of five cubic centi- metres capacity ; {p) a graduated glass collecting tube ; (/) a spirit lamp ; {(j) a wash-bottle with distilled water ; (Ji) hypo- bromous solution. The hypobromous solution is made in the following way : three and a half ounces (100 grm.) of solid caustic soda is dissolved in nine ounces (250 grm.) of distilled water. When the solution is cold, seven drachms (25 c.c.) of pure bromine are to be added carefully and gradually. The mixture is not to be filtered : it keeps badly, and for this reason it should be made shortly before it is required ; or the solution of caustic soda in water may be made in large quantities as it does not undergo any change, the bromine in the proper proportion beiug added at the time it is required for use. Method.— F'lW the pipette to the mark on the stem with the urine to be examined ; pour the 5 c.c. of urine thus measured out into the bulb ; fill up the bulb tube as far as the constricted neck * Made by Cetti, Brook Street, W.C. 170 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. with distilled water from the wash-bottle ; iusert the glass rod (c) in such a way that the india-rubber band at the extremity fills up the constricted neck ; the diluted urine should exactly occupy the bulb and neck of the tube, no bubble of air being below the elastic band on the one hand, whilst on the other the fluid should not rise above the band ; in the former case a little more water should be added, in the latter afresh portion of urine must be used, and the experiment repeated. After adjusting the glass rod, fill up the rest of the bulb tube with hypobromous solution ; it will not mix with the urine so long as the rod is in place. The water-bath having been previously erected, and the india- rubber cork fixed firmly into the aperture, the bulb tube Ls to be thrust from below through the perforation in the cork. The greater part of the tube is then beneath the water-bath, the upper extremity alone being grasped by the cork. Fill the water-bath half full of water, fill also the graduated glass tube (e) with water, and invert it in the bath ; in doing this no air must enter the tube, which when inverted should be completely filled with water. Now slide the graduated tube towards the orifice of the bulb tube, at the same time withdrawing the glass rod which projects into the bath through the cork. A.t the instant that the rod is withdrawn the hypobromous solution mixes with the diluted urine, and a decomposition takes place represented thus : CO]S'oH,+3XaBrO-f2NaHO=3NaBr+3HoO+Na2C03+N2. Urea-f-sodium hypobromite-j-caustic soda=:sodium bromide -|-water-|-sodium carbonate+uitrogen. The nitrogen produced is given off as gas, and displaces the water in the graduated tube, which is held over it. The gas is at first evolved briskly, but afterwards more slowly ; to facili- tate its evolution, the bulb of the tube may be slightly icarmed with a spirit lamp ; as a rule, however, this is unnecessary. After ten minutes, the amount of water displaced by the gas should be read off on the tube, which is divided into tenths. Each number on the tube represents one gram of urea in 100 c.c. of urine. Normal urine should yield roughly 1 •5-2*5 parts of nitro- gen by this test. If 5 c.c. of urine gives off more nitrogen than fills the tube to iii., dilute the urine with an equal volume of PHYSIOLOCUCAL CHEMISTRY. 171 water, and take 5 c.c. ; read oft' and multiply by two. If the urine contain albumen, heat it with two or three drops of acetic acid, filter, and take 5 c.c. of the filtrate. (ii.) Lieh'ujs MrtJwd—Thh method is of greater accuracy. The solutions required are (a) hcmjtd mixt tire = 2 yo\s. of saturated solution of barium nitrate and 1 vol. of saturated solution of barium hydrate; (h) standard solution oi inerciiric nitrate, such that 1 c.c. will precipitate "01 grm, of urea, and (r) a solution of carbonate of aoda. Met Jwd.— Take 40 c.c. of urine, add 20 c.c. of («), filter off the precipitate of sulphates and phosphates ; keep the filtrate. Fill a burette with {b), and take 15 c.c. of the filtrate in a dish. Let (b) fall drop by drop into the 15 c.c. in the dish, stirring con- stantly. Have ready a glass plate with several separate drops of (c), and from time to time add a drop of the urine mixture by means of a glass rod to one of the drops. When a yellow colour first appears in a drop of the NaCOg, the mercuric nitrate is just in excess. Read the burette. Calculate as follows : 1 c.c. of mercuric solution precipitates -Ql grm. of urea .*. the No. of c.c. usedx -01= amount of urea in 15 c.c. of filtrate, i.e. in 10 c.c. of urine. But 10 c.c. of urine usually contains enough NaCl to act on 2 c.c. of mercury solution. Hence, when reckon- ing the number of c.c, of standard mercury solution used, a deduc- tion of 2 c.c. must ahcays be made. Quantitative Estimation of Chlorides : Liebifs Method.— The solutions required are (a) baryta mix- ture as above ; and [b) standard solution of mercuric nitrate, such that 1 c.c. would be capable of decomposing -01 grm. of sodium chloride. Method.— Take 40 c.c. of urine free from albumen, and add 20 c.c. of («). Filter. Take 15 c.c. of filtrate and place in a flask or dish, adding a drop or two of nitric acid. Fill a burette with (6), and slowly run some of this solution into the filtrate in the dish, stirring constantly. As soon as a distinct cloud appears in the diluted urine, and does not disappear on stirring, then all the sodium chloride in urine has been decomposed. Read burette. Calculate as follows : 172 PHYSIuLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 1 c.c. of mercury solution decomposed -01 grm. of XaCl. /. the number of c.c. usedx "01 grm. =number of grms. of XaCl in 15 c.c. of filtrate, i.e., 10 c.c. of urine. Quantitative Estimation of Phosphates : The solution required are («) solution of sodium acetate. coniRin- ing 100 grm. of sodium acetate, lOO c.c. of acetic acid, and 0<)Uc.c. of distilled water ; (b) a solution of uranium acetate or nitrate^ such that 1 c.c. will precipitate -005 grm of phosphoric acid : and (c) a solution of ferrocyanide of potasdum. Method. —Take 50 c.c. of urine. Add some (a) solution, and heat on water-bath to nearly 100' C. Fill burette with (&), and allow this to fall into the urine slowly. Have ready a glass plate with several distinct drops of potassium ferro-cyanide solution. From time to time add a drop of urine mixture to one of the drops : and when there first appears a reddish- brown colour in a drop of potassium ferro-cyanide, all the phos- phates are precipitated. Eead burette. Calculate thus : 1 c.c. precipitates '005 grm. of phosphoric acid, .'. the number of c.c. usedx '005 grm. =nuaiber of grms. of phosphoric acid in 50 c.c. of urine. CHAPTER T. (A) THE BLOOD. Ci.) Test the alkaline reaction of the blood in the following way, as recommended by Schafer :— A drop of blood, obtained by pricking the finger, is placed upon the smooth-coloured surface of a piece of dry, faintly reddened, glazed litmus-paper, and after a few seconds is wiped off with the corner of a handker- chief or clean linen rag moistened with water. The place where the blood has stood is seen to be marked out as a well-defined blue patch upon the red or violet ground. (ii.) Show that the coagulation of blood is retarded by freezing and by the presence of neutral salts. Draw a few drops of blood from the finger into a watch-glass previously cooled in a freezing mixture ; no coagulation takes place at the freezing tempera- ture. Add a drop of blood to a little saturated solution of sulphate of soda in a watch-glass ; the blood does not coagulate. Two c.c. of blood are placed in a platinum capsule, which is surrounded by alternate layers of pounded ice and salt. The capsule is allowed to remain until the blood is frozen ; it is then removed, and the solid mass of frozen blood is gradually thawed. The blood on again becoming liquid will be found to be darker in colour and more transparent than it was previous to congela- tion. It is in the laJ:e condition, owing to the discharge of the haemoglobin from the corpuscles into the plasma. The tests for blood are (iii.) the examination by the spectro- scope when oxyhremoglobin and its derivatives give cbaracteristic absorption bands, to be presently mentioned (p. 174). (iv.) The formation of oxyhiemoglobin crystals (p. 55). 174 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. (v.) The formation of hsemin cr3-stals (p. 5G). (vi.) The guaiac test. — A drop or two of tincture of guaiacum is added, and mixed by shaking with the suspected fluid ; to the mixture is added some ozonic ether ; if blood be present a sapphire-blue colour appears at the junction of the fluids, and mounts upwards through the ozonic ether, bubbles of gas being at the same time evolved. Hsemoglobin and its Derivatives.— (i.) Dilute defibrinated blood with ten or twelve times its bulk of distilled water, place some of the solution in a test-tube (12 cm. x 2 cm.) or other suitable vessel, and examine with spectroscope. The whole of the spectrum will be seen to be cut off except the red. Dilute some of the above four times, and it will be found that an absorption band extends from D (sodium band) to a little beyond E (middle of green) ; but that the red, orange, yellow and part of the green will be seen. On further dilution (five times and beyond) the broad band will be found to be replaced by two narrower bands separated by a green interspace. Of the two bands, the one to the left next to D is the narrower and deeper. On extreme dilution with water both of the bands dis- appear, but of the two the band D persists the longer. Before the bands disappear they are seen as faint shadows. These appearances indicate the presence of oxyhcemoghhin. (ii.) To a solution of blood (1 in 20) add a few drops of ammonium sulphide* (NH^HS) and thoroughly mix ; the solu- tion becomes purplish and on spectroscopic examination the single band of reduced hcernoglohin will be seen. It is fainter and with less sharply defined edges than those of oxyhsemoglobin, extends from D to E, none of the green being visible in the midst. On dilution the band soon disappears, but as long as it remains, continues single. There is in addition more absorption to the left and less to the right end than in (i.). (iii.) Pass CO for some time through blood diluted as in (ii.) •On examination the two bands of rarhonic oxide IwimogJohhi may be observed. These bands are almost exactly similar to * This we find to be the most cojivenieut reducing agent, but Stokes' fluid, a sehitiou of ferrous sulphate, to -nbidi is added tai-taric acid, and then XH4HO until reaction is alkaline, or a solution of a stannous salt treated in the same way, may be used. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTIIY. 175 those of oxyhasmogloltin, but ;ire slightly nearer the violet end, and are l>esides more equal and deeper. The solution resists reducing agents. Nitric oxide gas has much the same effect. (iv.) To a further portion of diluted blood add some drops of acetic acid, and boil. The liquid becomes brown and the spec- trum shows a distinct band in the middle of the red (to the right of C), indicating the presence of cu'k] lidinatin. After cooling, add ether and shake up well. The ether on settHng at the top is seen to be of a brown colour, and on examination shows three bands, besides the C band, viz., a very fjunt narrow band to right of D, a broad band to left of E, also a faint and third about midway between E and F. (v.) As in (iv.), but add excess of ammonia : a band is seen in the red, but nearer D {idhaline luv.mat'iu). (vi.) To liquid (v.) add a reducing agent ; a spectrum showing two bands somewhat like those of oxyhtemoglobin, but more to the right, is seen : Stokes' reduced hnnnatln or ha-rno-chroinaqen. (vii.) Dissolve some dried blood in saline solution. It will $how a spectrum of methcemofjlobin, consisting of the two bands of oxyha3moglobin ; another band in the red near C, like that of (iv.). On the addition of ammonia the last band is replaced by one close to the left of D. On addition of ammonium sulphide the spectrum of (ii.) will appear, and on shaking with air that of (i.) (viii.) Dissolve a little fresh blood in strong sulphuric acid and, if necessary, filter through asbestos ; a beautiful deep red- coloured fluid is the result — Ticematoporphyrin. It gives two bands, one at D, and a dark well-defined band about midway between D and E, Estimation of the Colouring Matter of the "Eloo&.—Hcamo- {jlohinometerJ' A method of approximately estimating the amount of the hemoglobin in blood has been devised by Dr. Oowers, with an instrument called a hannoglohinometer. The theory of the apparatus consists in comparing a given sample of the blood to be examined, diluted with given quantities of water, with a standard colour solution representing the colour of a normal (1 per cent.) solution of blood. The apparatus con- * Made by Hawkeslev, Oxfor>l Street. 176 PHYSIULOGICAL CHEMIhTKY sists of two glass tubes of exactly the same size. One contains (d) a standard of the tint of a dilution of |20 c. mm. of blood, in 2 c.c. of water (1 in 100), composed of glycerine jelly tinted with carmine and picrocarmin. The second tube (c) is graduated, 100 degrees being equal to 2 c. (100 times 20 c. mm.). Fig. 25. — The KcTemoglobiuometer (Gowers). The 20 c. mm. of blood are measured by a capillary pipette (b) (similar to. but larger than, that used for the hsemacyto- meter). This quantity of the blood to be tested is ejected into the bottom of the tube, a few drops of distilled water being first placed in the latter. The mixture is rapidly agitated to prevent the coagulation of the blood. Distilled water is then added drop by drop (from the pipette stopper of a bottle (a) supplied for that purpose), until the tint of the dilution is the same as that of the standard, and the amount of water which has been added {I.e. the degrees of dilution) indicates the amount of haemoglobin. Since average normal blood yields the tint of the standard at 100 degrees of dilution, the number of degrees of dilution necessary to obtain the same tint with a given specimen of PHYSIOLOCJICAL CHEMISTRY. 177 blood is the percentage proportion of the hfemoglobin contained in it, compared with the normal. By ascertaining with the hajma- cytometer the corpuscular richness of the blood, wc are aljle to compare the two. A fraction, of which the numerator is the percentage of hemoglobin, and the denominator the percentage of corpuscles, gives at once the average value per corpuscle. In using the instrument, the tint may be estimated l)y placing a piece of white paper behind the tubes ; some light is, however, reflected from the suspended corpuscles from which the haemo- globin has Ijcen dissolved. It will be found that during six or eight degrees of dilution it is difficult to distinguish a difference between the tint of the tubes. It is therefore necessary to note the degree at which the colour of the dilution ceases to be deeper than the standard, and also that at which it is distinctly paler. The degree midway between these two will represent the haemoglobin percentage. Serum : (i ) Take some clear serum in a large test-tube, and add to it an excess of solid magnesium sulphate or sodium chloride. Shake violently. A flocculent precipitate of paraglohulin is obtained ; separate it by filtration. (ii.) Dissolve the precipitate by washing the filter containing it with a small amount of distilled water (it being soluble in dilute saline solution, which is thus made by the water dissolving the adhering salt), and with part of the solution ascertain the temperature at which the globulin coagulates. Retain the remainder ( through the solution ; a precipitate of paraglohulin will a})pear. Separate by filtration, and dissolve as in (ii.). To one portion of the solution apply the globulin tests ; retain the second portion (/S). 12 178 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. Hydrocele Fluid : (vi.) Take some hydrocele fluid and treat as in (i.) ; a pre- cipitate of p'bn'nogcn occurs. Separate it. (vii.) Dissolxe fihriiiogfii, as in (ii.), and proceed in exactly similar manner, and taking one portion of solution, find the temperature at which it coagulates, and retain the other portion (y). (viii.) As in (iii.), show the presence of serum-albumin, and after its precipitation and removal by heat and filtration, test the filtrate for any proteid residuum, and for chlorides. (ix.) Precipitate fibrinogen by the CO., method as in (v.) ; apply the globulin tests to one portion and retain the other (r). Coagulation : (x.) Take fresh serum and add it to an equal quantity of fresh, clear hydrocele fluid (faint yellowish to green in colour, S.G. lOlG-1022), and keep it at a temperature of about 37' C. After a variable time a clotting will occur. (xi.) Add together solutions (a) and (y) ; clotting will most likely occur (if the fluids from which they have been obtained were fresh). (xii.) Add together solutions (/3) and (r) ; clotting does not occur. (xiii.) Allow horse's blood to flow into the saturated solution of magnesium sulphate or sodium chloride and thoroughly mix ; set aside in ice for a day or two. Draw ofl: supernatant liquor of so-called salted plasma, dilute one portion with many times its bulk of water, or place in dialyser ; a clot will after a while form if kept at about 37 C. Saturate the other with solid mag- nesium sulphate or sodium chloride ; a precipitate of i>lasmine will form, (xiv.) Treat plasmine as in (ii,), and the solution should clot. (xv.) Treat plasma with an equal volume of 13 per cent, solution of sodium chloride ; fibrinogen will be separated ; remove by filtration and dissolve as above, and then add solid sodium chloride to saturation, and paraglobulin falls. Remove i'HVsi(>i,()(ii('Ai, (iii'Misritv. 170 by filtration ami dissolve. Tlic solutions when mixed should after a time clot/' Fibrin : See p. 1 ')'>. (B) MILK. An opaque white fluid : (i.) Examine a drop of milk under the microscope with a high power. See that it consists of fat globules of different sizes in II clear fluid. Add dilute acetic acid by irrigation, and observe the coalescence of the globules owing to the excess of acid dissolving their casein membrane. (ii.) Test the alkaline reaction oi fresh milk (London milk may be slightly acid) ; it becomes acid on standing, owing to the formation of lactic acid by fermentation, whilst in consequence the casein separates. (iii.) Take the specific gravity of fresh milk with the hydro- meter, 1025-30— skimmed milk is higher. To 50 cc. of skimmed milk add water gradually from a burette till the specific gravity is brought down to normal. Read off the amount of water required. The constitnenis whose presence is to be demonstrated are oU or fa f, casein, serum-albxmin, lactone or milk Hiif/ar, and sal(.^. (iv.) Fat. — To a portion of milk, add its own volume of caustic potash or soda, and warm the solution f/cntli/ ; the oil globules will be set free from their enveloping casein. Cool, add ether, shake the mixture, and allow it to stand. The fat will be dissolved in the ether, and will form with it a clear superstratum. Remove the transparent top layer with a pipette, evaporate off the ether ; the oil will be left, and will give the cluiracfcrhlic f/reasf/ spot vlien drojiped upon paper. (v.) Casein. — Dilute some of the milk with its own bulk of water ; add a few drops of dilute acetic acid until a slight granular precipitate is formed. Warm the solution genii// to 40° C, and a copious flocculent precipitate will appear. Filter off, and label the precipitate 'A.' (vi.) a. Serum albtindn. — Boil the clear filtrate (from A); a * Many other experiments ou coigulation may be done if time permit, e.g., use of tibrm femient. 12—2 180 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. coagaium of albumin will be formed. Filter this off, and label the precipitate ' B.' b. Ackl-alhumin. — Exactly neutralise the clear filtrate (from B), with caustic potash or soda ; a precipitate of albumin which is soluble in acids may appear.'-'" Filter off precipitate, and label ic'C (vii.) Lado^c. — Test the clear filtrate (from C) by Trommer's test for sugar. (viii.) To precipitate A in a test-tube add nitric acid, the pre- cipitate is dissolved ; boil, and when cold add strong ammonia ; the solution becomes orange coloured {xanthoproteic test). (ix.) To a second portion of precipitate A add sodium phos- phate ; the precipitate will be dissolved : add dilute acetic acid to the solution till a neutral reaction is just obtained ; no pre- cipitate occurs : add more acetic acid ; a precipitate is thrown down (since acid albumin is now present) — casein or aJlcil'i- alhnmin is present. (x.) To a third portion dissolved in caustic soda or potash add lead acetate ; a black precipitate of lead sulphide is formed. Therefore sulphur is present ; consequently casein, and not artificially produced alkali-albumin, is present. (xi.) Test the precipitate on filters B and C, by boiling with JliUon's reagent: a pink colouration will in each case be produced, sliowing that albumen is present. (xii.) Test a second portion of the clear filtrate from C for (i.) phosphates^ by the addition of ammcnio-sulphate of magnesia; a precipitate is formed : also by molybdate test ; and for (ii.) chlorides by the addition of silver nitrate to another portion which has been acidulated with nitric acid ; a curdy precipitate will fall, soluble in ammonia. (xiii.) Milk may be curdled in several ways : (a) By rennet. — Add some extract of rennet to some milk warmed to about 45^ C. Observe : the coaguhim of casein. (Z/) By acid, as above. — Take two poitions of curd precipitated by acid ; dissolve one in caustic soda * Tliis acifl albnmm lias been produced by the previous acidification of the milk iu the precipitation of casein. PHYSIOLOGirAL CHEMISTRY. 181 and the other in lirae-water, and filter each. Add some rennet to both filtrates, and observe the result. Lime solution coagulates. Soda „ does not coagulate, (f) By mlt. — Shake some milk in a test-tube with solid Fodium chloride or magnesium sulphate : filter and dissolve (Qy.) some of the curd in water and add rennet. Observe that it coagulates. (C) THE BILE. The bile is a more or less viscid fluid of a colour varying from deep yellow to green or brown. (i.) Test its reaction. Alkaline or neutral : and its S.G-. — 1018-20. (ii.) Xeutrali.s3 and boil. There is no precipitate, which indi- cates the absence of albumins. (iii.) Dilute with water and acidify with acetic acid. There will be a precipitate of mucin. Filter. (Dissolve the precipi- tate on the filter in lime-water, and test with Millon's reagent and with had acet'de). (iv.) To a portion of the filtrate from ,'iii.) apply Gmelin's test for bile pigments. Gmelins T^st for Bile Pigments. — Place a drop of bile on a white plate, and add a drop of strong yellow nitric acid to it. A play of colours is produced. Green, blue, violet, red. and yellow appear in succession. (v.) To another portion of the filtrate apply Pettenkofer's test for bUe salts. Pettenhofers Test for Bile Salts.— X.M a few grains of white sugar, or a drop or two of syrup, to a solution of bile in a test-tube, shake well, add strong sulphuric acid, and cool. A reddish-purple colour is pro- duced, (vi.) To another portion of the filtrate add chloroform and warm slightly. This extracts the colouring matter (hdiruhin). Remove the chloroform solution with a pipette and examine it with spectroscope. Observe : absence of absorption bands Apply Gmelin's test. 182 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. (vii.) Bile shaken up with oil divides it into very small globules (an emulsion being formed). This can under very slight pressure pass through animal membranes ; oil alone cannot. (viii.) Take two filters, wet the one with water, the other with bile, and pour a small and equal amount of oil on each. Oil passes slowly through the one wetted with bile, not at all through the other. (ix.) Bile precipitates pepsin and peptones. Add a considerable quantity of bile to a solution of fibrin digested in artificial gastric juice ; a precipitate of pepsin and peptone will fall, and the solution will be found to have lost its proteolytic properties. Bile Acids, Glycocholic (CfiH^aXOg), and Taurocholic (aeH,5XS0,). Preparation. — ^lix bile, which has been evaporated to one- fourth of its bulk, with animal charcoal, evaporate to perfect dry- ness on a water bath, and extract it, whilst still warm, with absolute alcohol. The alcoholic filtrate should be colourless; if this is not the case, more charcoal must be added. The alcohol is distilled off, and the dry residue is treated with absolute alcohol. The alcohol is then filtered off, and to the filtrate anhydrous ether is added as long as a precipitate is thrown down. The solution and precipitate are to 1j3 set aside in a closely-stoppered bottle for some daj-s, when crystals of h'liin will be produced. If the reagents were not perfectly anhydrous, a gelatinous mass will be formed, but no crystals. Bilin consists of glycocholic and taurocholic acids, which may be separated from one another by dissolving it in water, and adding first solution of neutral lead acetate, and then a little basic lead acetate. This combines with glycocholic acid to form an insoluble lead glycocholate. Filter, and add to the filtrate basic lead acetate and ammonia ; a precipitate of lead taurocholate will be formed, which may be filtered off. In either case the lead must be got rid of by suspending or dissolving in hot alcohol, adding hydro- gen sulphate, filtering, and adding water. Cholesterin. — It is contained in bile, gall-stones, nervous matter, etc. Preparation. — Usually by extracting powdered gaU-stcnes with ether or boilinsr alcohol. Cholesterin crvstallizes out on PHYSIOLOGICAL CHKMISTRY. 183 evaporation of the extract. The insoluble residue consists of bile, colouring matter, and mucin. Properties and Tenltt. — Crystallizes in rhombic plates. Examine under the microscope. It is insoluble in water and cold alcohol ; freely soluble in boiling alcohol and in ether. It gives a red colour with strong sulphuric acid and with nitric acid and ammonia. It gives a greenish blue to violet with sulphuric acid and iodine or zinc chloride, and with suliihuric acid and chloroform a play of colours, beginning with blood-red, and ending with green, afterwards disappearing. Analysis of Gall Stones : (i.) Make an ethereal extract. Allow a few drops to evapo- rate on a slide, and examine for cholesterin crsstals with a microscope. To a portion of the extract add strong sulphuric acid ; a bright red colour indicates choleMerin. (ii.) Boil the residue (coloured; in water with a few drops of acid ; pour oflE the water, and add some warm chloroform. Eximine the chloroform solution for bilirubin as above. CHAPTER YI. THE DIGESTIVE FLUIDS. (I.) SALIVA. Procure a copious flow of saliva by touching the tongue with a crystal of tartaric acid, avoiding, as much as possible, any mixture of the acid with the saliva. Salivary Digestion.— Take five test-tubes containing equal quantities of starch paste, and add to each equal quantities of saliva, (i.) Boil briskly and place in the incubator ; (ii.) Place in ice and salt ; (iii.) Keep at the temperature of the room ; (iv.) Place in the incubator ; (v.) Render distinctly acid and place in the incubator. At the end of ten minutes test all for sugar by Trommer's test, (i.), (ii.), and (v.) will contain no sugar ; (iii.) a little ; (iv.) abundance. Composition of Saliva : (a) Inorganic Constituents. — Test qualitatively, small portions, for the following : 1. Carhonates. — Shake with a small quantity of any strong acid. Bubbles of CO^ will be evolved. 2. Chlorides. — Acidulate with nitric acid, a precipitate with silver nitrate, soluble in ammonia. 3. Phosphates. — A yellow precipitate with ammonium molyb- date on boiling. 4. Sulphates. — A precipitate with barium chloride or nitrate, which does not disappear on boiling with nitric acid. 5. Potassium. — A violet colour in Bunsen flame, visible through blue glass. rHYSIOLCKJUAL CHEMISTUY. 185 (5. Sodium. — Yellow flame. 7. Ctilciuui. — Precipitate by amraonium oxalate. K. Muf/iifsiuiii. — Add ammonium chloride and ammonia first, then sodic phosphate ; a precipitate of ammonio-magnesium phosphate will result. 0. Potas.-osit dissolves on heating ; some- times reappears on cooling. Urates dissolve in canstic alkalies ; uric acid is separated on adding strong acids. Apply raurcxide test to the deposit. Phosphates present. — The phosphates may be in solution, or may form a deposit. If in solution the urine is feebly acid or neutral. On boiling urine, the phosphates are deposited, the deposit being soluble in weak acid. Deposits of phosphates are insoluble in caustic alkalies. The phosphates are either iu the fonn of aniorphons phosphate of lime (Ca3iP04'ji. crystalHzed pliospliate of lime i'JCaH.PC)4l, or ainmoiiio-maK- uesiuui pliospiiate or triple i)hosi>hate (Mg(NH4lP04 -i-GHjOj, sometimes precipitated all together, or the lirst aud third varieties. The reason why phosphates are deposited on boihng in urine which wjs before dear is uncertain, but possibly it may be due to the action of beat exi>elling cai'bon dioxide, or decomposing ui'ea into ammonimu carbonate, which renders the urine alkaline. Oxalates present. — The deposit is soluble in hj-drochloric acid, but insoluble in acetic acid. Examine their crj'stalline form with a microscope. Sugar present Diabetes). — Specific gravity generally high, 103<> to 1 <».')•». Apply Trommers test, or any of the others mentioned (p. 163). Quantitative estimation of grape sugar.* 1. Fc}dii\ii'.-< Mitlujd. — S'-Autiun r(i2u'u-id = co\^\ieT sulphate and caustic soda, with some sodic potassic tartrate of such a strength that 10 CO. of solution contain the amount of cupric oxide which •05 grm. of sugar can reduce to cuprous oxide. (This solution should be freshly prepared.) Method. — Remove any albumen which may be present in the urine by boiling and filtering. Take 10 cc. of the urine, free from albumen, and add Ou cc. of distilled water. Place this in a burette. Put into a flask or dish 10 cc. of the standard solution, and dilute with four times its bulk of water and boil. Run into it. from burette, some of the diluted urine, say 20 cc, and boil. Allow precipitate to settle, and if supernatant fluid is still blue, * FehUnr/'s sohifion is made as follows : Take of sulphate of copper, 40 grms. : neutral tartrate of potasb, 160 gnus. ; caustic sotla (sp. gr. I'l'l), 750 grms. ; add ihstilled water to 115 i-5 cc. Each 10 cc. contains 05 ^rm. of sugar. 190 rilYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. add, say, 5 cc. from burette, and boil again, and so on, till the fluid ceases to have a blue tinge, taking care, towards the end of the process, to add only a few drops each time. If, after add- ing 20 cc. of diluted urine and boiling, the fluid has been de- colourized, too much urine has been added, and another 10 cc. of standard solution must be measured out, running in less than 2'3 cc. (say 10 cc.) in first instance. When you have thus determined the number of cc. of diluted urine required to decolourize the solution, that volume contains the amount of sugar necessary to reduce 10 cc. of standard solu- tion, i.e., '05 grm. But one-tenth only of this is urine, .'. one- tenth of number of cc. used contains 'O.^ grm. of sugar. From this you can easily calculate the percentage. 2. Pacijs Jlodijication of Fehlinr/'.s Method. — By Fehling's method it is difficult and tedious to judge of the point of com- plete reduction of the cupric oxide. Dr. Pavy, accordingly, u^es a strongly ammoniacal solution of the above. A certain amount is introduced into a small flask, which is then heated till the vapour of ammonia escapes by a narrow tube. The sugar solu- tion is then allowed to flow from a burette into the flask until the blueness has disappeared, the solution being kept boiling all the time. The blueness is apt to disappear suddenly, and care should therefore be taken towards the end of the process. Calculate as in Fehling's method. 3. Esti/nation of sugar bij fermentation. — Take specific gravity of urine before and after fermentation. Each degree of specific gravity lost by the urine represents one grain of sugar per ounce of urine. 4. Sugar may also be estimated by adding yeast to urine, and collecting the carbon dioxide evolved. The carbon dioxide is a measure of the amount of sugar present. Blood present. — Examine the deposit formed on standing, with the microscope, for blood corpuscles ; add to another por- tion a drop of tincture of guaiacum, and about a drachni of ozonic ether : a blue colour will a]>pear at the junction of the fluids. Pus present. — Examine the deposit with the microscope. Add caustic potash ; the urine becomes stringy. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 101 Carbolic Acid in Urine. — The urine is dark olive-green or black when first passed : on standing a deposit resembling altered blood often takes place, and the urine becomes lighter in colour. On the addition of strong sulphuric acid, the odour of tar is exhaled from the urine. The addition of perchloride of iron develops a blue colouration. Salicylic acid in urine gives a purple colour ^vith the per- chloride ot" iioii. Chylous Urine.— The urine may be clear or milky -svhen passed ; on standing it coagulates, forming a tremulous mass which after a time liquefies. Examine for albumen, molecular fat, and the nematoid •worm, Jilart'a samjuinis Jtominis. URINARY CALCULI AND DEPOSITS. (i.) Ignite a small portion on platinum foil. If it burn away completely, it is probably uric acid. To confirm this apply mui*exide test (p. 1(38). (ii.) Boil the powdered calculus with distilled water, or, if a urinary deposit, with the supernatant urine. The powder or deposit may be dissolved wholly or partially — or undissolved. (a) Dissolved portion con- (u) Undissolved portion sists of may consist of Urates— ^h\ch. are mostly Phosphates, deposited on cooling. Calcium oxalate^ Test for urate of ammonium Uric acid, by boiling with potash to de- monstrate presence of am- monia ; and by murexide test for the uric acid. If it is not ammonium urate it is probably potassium or sodium urate ; I for either base, test in the ordinary manner. ; 192 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. (iii.) Take some of (r-), add a few drops of hydrochloric acid, and boil. (< ) Dissolved. Phosphates, Calcium o.ralate. (d) Undissolved. Uric acid. Confirm bv murexide test. (iv.) Take some of (c) solution and add excess of ammonia; a precipitate will fall in either case : add acetic acid in excess ; the precipitate is (e) Dissolved. (f) Undissolved. Phosphates. Oxalates. Confirm by molybdate test. If the precipitate in (c) solution is partially dissolved and panially undissolved, phosphates and oxalates are probably mixed. TABLE OF ABNORMAL URINES. Urines may be abnormal in : (i.) Colour : Blood (red, or smoky), "\ carholic acid (h\2,Qk). 'Too Albaminous urineA Tco Bile (brown), ci/.-hates (soluble in acetic acid). Oxalates (insoluble in acetic acid. Examine sediment ■with micro- scope, octahedral crjs- tals or dumb-bells). Cystiii (do. hexagonal plates). Albumen — increased. Pus. Mucus — not increased. Uric acid. Add caustic potash to fresh portion. Dissolved. Uric add. Pus (converted into a glairy mass). Mucus. Apply confirmatory tests. Undissolved. Albumen. CHAPTER YIII. EXAMINATION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. The following notes may be useful. They are not by any means exhaustive of the subject ; and the advanced student is advised to supplement them by careful manipulation. (I.) PROTEIDS. Plan of examination of a solution containing one or more proteids, with and without other substances. 1 . Notice whether clear : if not, filter, 2. To the filtrate or to the original solution apply the proteid reactions, with HXO3, with Millon's reagent and with copper sulphate and caustic potash. i). Try the reaction of the filtrate or original solution : May be (a) acid, (b) alkaline, (c) neutral. If (a) or (h) carefully neutralize : A precipitate indicates acid or alhaU-alhumin, as the case may be, if, when re-dissolved in dilute acid or alkali, after filtration, the solution gives the proteid reactions. 4. Boil some of the original solution. A precipitate indicates {(l) a ha'ii'e-alhuiii'in^ or {e) a, fjlobidin. To distinguish {(J) and (e) : r-. Saturate a portion of original solution with solid XaCl or MgSO . 13—2 19G PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEmSTRY Non-precipitated native-albumin (Apply special tests for serum and egg -albumin). Precipitated globulin (Pour some of original solution into distilled water ; a distinct precipitate shows [derived- albumins having been ex- cluded] that mijoHin is pre- sent). If the presence of native-albumin as well as globulin be suspected, filter, and boil filtrate — coagulation proves it, unless it be slight, when it may be due to imper- fect precipitation and separation of globulin. 6. To filtrate from 3, if peptone is suspected as well as acid- or alkali-albumin, or to filtrate from 4 if it is suspected as well as native-albumin or globulin, carefully apply the biuret reaction and other tests (}). 15G) for peptones ; but remember that gelatin gives almost exactly similar tests, and so put aside some of the solution to cool, and if gelatin be present in sufficient amount, it will solidify ; then proceed as in III. 2. A solution which has been proved to contain one or more proteids may yet contain other organic substances, and to detect these, it is necessary to remove the proteids as far as possible by the above methods and to apply special tests according to II. If in filtration of the original fluid in 1, a considerable amount remains on the filter, proceed as in IV. (II.) CARBOHYDRATES. A solution from which the whole of the proteids, except pep- tone, has been removed, by boiling with sodium sulphate and acetic acid and filtering, or which is known to contain no pro- teids, may be examined for cr.rbohydrates^as follows : 1. Add iodine aolution. Blue colouration, whish disappears on heating, and re- appears on cooling=6''arc/«. P<.rt'V:\ne co' o\iv:.tion.=[,ljcogen or dextrin. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 107 2. If peptones be present, remove them by the following method : Evaporate solution to dryness carefully, and add boil- ing absolute alcohol. Separate the solution from the residue by decantation and filtration. Evaporate off the spirit. Make a watery solution and test for sugar. 3. If no peptones be i)resent, apply Trommer's test for sugar. 4. If starch or sugar be present in the solution, and glycogen or dextrin is suspected as well, it becomes necessary to add, to a small portion in a test-tube, rather more than its bulk of absolute alcohol. A precipitate of glycogen, which may be redissolved in water and tested with iodine, will occur if it be present. Concentrate the filtrate and add an excess of absolute alcohol. If dextrin be present it will be precipitated. Other organic substances may still be present. Proceed as in succeeding papers. (III.) GELATIN, MUCIN, UREA, URIC ACID. 1. Proceed as in I. If the solution give the xanthoproteic and Millon's tests, but none of the other proteid tests, the solution may contain mucin or chondrin {tyrosin). Add some dilute acetic acid to a portion of solution : ' = mucin or chondrin. Confirm by obtaining a precipitate with alcohol, Xo precipitate with tannic acid, No precipitate with HgCL. JIucin and cJiondria cannot be distinguished from each other. 2. If the solution give the above proteid tests, and also the biuret (purple) reaction, but there be no reaction with ferro- cyanide of potassium and acetic acid, and also no precipitate with acetic acid alone, test for gelatin (p. 158), and allow the solution to cool ; it w411 gelatinize. (If tjTOsin be suspected, extract with a few drops of hot dilute ammonia and evaporate a portion to dryness ; allow it to crystallize, and examine with microscope.) 198 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 3. If no reaction has resulted from 1 and 2 and from, above, the solution may contain urea or uric acid (in the form of urates). To some of solution add NaCl and then Hg(N03)o, drop by drop. If no precipitate forms at first, but af ter- ^-ards appears, urea is probably present. Confirm by obtaining crystals of urea and of urea nitrate^ and examining with microscope. 4. Evaporate some of the solution and apply the mure.vkle test for uric acid. (If uric acid be suspected it is better to acidulate some of the solution "with HCl, and allow it to stand for twenty-four hours. Uric acid, if present, falls as a crystalline deposit, and may be examined micro- scopically, or by the murexide test.) ] (IV.) EXAMINATION OF A SOLID SUBSTANCE. 1. Preliminary Examination. — Observe whether it be amor- phous or crystalline (if the latter, examine the crystalline form under the microscope), and apply the xanthoproteic, biuret, and ferrocyanide of potassium and acetic acid reactions. Observe its odour, if any. Thus gain a clue as to the nature of the substance. Then proceed as follows : If a Proteid or Gelatin : 2. Test solubility in water. SOLUBLE. INSOLUBLE. Naiive-alhumins. Other proteids. Peptones. Gelatin. If soluble, apply special tests to the solution ; if not, try solubihty in acid, alkali and salt solutions, and apply special tests. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 1^^ If not a Proteid : :\. Test its solubility in water (cold). SOLUBLE. INSOLUHLE. Grape-suf/ar, Starch (soluble in HOT water). Milk-HiKjar. TyroBui (soluble in HOT water). Inos'it. Uric acid. Ghjcogen. Cholesferiu. Dextrin. {Fats.) Urea. Leucin. 4. If not a proteid, and soluble in water, add iodine solution to a portion of watery solution. Port-wine colouration --=5^/?/co5f{'n or dextrin. Distinguish glycogen and dextrin by the odour and by their respective solubility in alcohol. f). If no result with 4, apply Trommer's test to a portion of watery solution. If cupric oxide is reduced = ^rai^e-swi/«r. onilJc-sugar. Distinguish by adding absolute alcohol to a portion of the solu- tion (after concentration). Mill-sugar, white precipitate. Grape-sugar, no precipitate. »•) If no result with 4 or 5, apply special tests for urea. 7. If no result with 6, apply the special test for leucin as f0ll0W« : 11 i: Heat in a dry test-tube in Bunsen's flame ; a smell ot amylamine=." t'eacm (8. If no result, apply special test for inosit as follows : Add HNO3 to original substance, evaporate carefully, moisten with CaCl, solution ; evaporate again, a rosy- red spot=inosit.) 0. If not a proteid and not soluble in cold water, apply heat : SOLUBLE. INSOLUBLE. MELT. Starch. Uric acid. Fats (apply Tyrosin. Cholesterin. ether test). Urates. 200 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. If soluble. TO a portion of the "watery solution apply the test for starch. If no result, test for tjros'in (see 3), and for urates (p. 189). 10. If not a proteid and insoluble in water (cold or hot), apply murexide test for uric acid. n. If no result, test for cholesterin. PART III. PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. EXAMINATION OF THE CIRCULATION MICROSCOPICALLY. Tiip: circulation may be studied («) in the web of a frog's foot (this is the most easy method, as a frog can readily bs obtained at all seasons of the year) ; (b) in the tail of a tadpole : (c) in the caudal fin of a small fish, e.f/., goldfish or minnow ; (d) in the mesentery of any of the smaller mammals, such as the mouse or young rat. To demonstrate the circulation in the web of a frog's foot, prepare a small stand upon which to rest the body of the animal. Such a staud is readily made from a block, or by supporting a thin and flat piece of wood upon props by the side of the micro- scope stage. In the latter case a hole with a diameter of about three fifths of an inch should be made near one extremity. At the end of the board nearest the hole, slits are to be cut for the l)assage of threads. A light-coloured frog is then to be selected, and its head wrapped in a damp cloth, whilst its body is arranged in such a manner upon the stand, that one hind-foot extends over the hole in the board, the other being tucked up out of the way. Ligatures should then be passed over the ends of two adjoining toes and Dulled ticrht. In this way, by a little mani- 202 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. pulation, the threads may be fixed so as to allow of a flat surface of the web between the toes being satisfactorily examined. Care must be taken not to stretch the web to an excessive extent^ lest the circulation be impeded. In the majority of cases, the frog will remain perfectly quiet for a long period of time, and this is especially the case if the nose of the animal be brought into close contact with the board upon which it lies. Occasion- ally the frog resists all blandishments of this nature, and exhibits the greatest restlessness. It will then be necessary ta subject it to the influence of ether, or to inject beneath the skin of the back a very weak aqueous solution of urari. The efiPect of the drug is to render the animal motionless, by paralyzing the endings of the nerves in muscles, and thus preventing the trans- mission of motor impulses. Urari requires from fifteen to thirty minutes to produce its full effect. The web, after a suitable piece has been obtained for examination, should be brought into- focus, and should be examined first with a low power of the microscope, and afterwards with a high power. From time to time, during the examination, the web should be moistened with water. The examination should not be commenced until two or three minutes after the web has been fixed, in order to- allow the circulation, as far as possible, to return to its normal condition. Under the low power notice and draw (a) the black pigment cflls of iiTegular shape and of varying size lying more superficial than (/.') the arterioles, in which the blood current is more rapid than in (e) the venules, (r/) the capiUarles. Observe the altera- tions in their size. With the low power select a thin piece of the web, where the vessels can be distinctly seen, and continue the observation under the high power. Determine {a) the rela- tive positions of the coloured and colourless corpuscles, the coloured in the centre, the colourless at the sides of the vessels ; (6> the diapedesis, or passage of colourless blocd corpuscles through the walls of the capillaries. This phenomenon can, however, rarely be observed. The circulation in the tail of the tadpole is readily examined if the animal be first placed in a watch-glass full of water, to which a drop cr two of urari solution has been add3d. When PRACTICAL niYSIOLOGV. 203 the tadpole has beccme motionless, it should be transferred (o a slide, and examined at leisure. If it is considered necessary, the thinner portions of the tail may be covered with a cover-glass. The same features will be recognised as were described in the case of the frog's vreb. Fig. 26 — Glass for examiuiug the Circu atiou iii the Fish's Tail. For the examination of the circulation in a fish, all that is required is to place the fish, generally a goldfish, in a suitable vessel, through which a stream of water is kept running con- tinuously. This can be done by means of Caton's trough (Fig. "6), or in a simple glass box partially covered over. Into the covered part the tail is inserted, the fish lying comfortably in the trough, which is filled with water, and into which a con- stant stream flows. The box is placed upon the stage of the microscope, and the tail can be examined with a low power. The arterial schema is an apparatus designed to represent in a diagrammatic form the main phenomena of the arterial pulse. It consists of a series of elastic tubes of varying calibre which are arranged somewhat as they are in the vascular system, the larger tubes being equivalent to the main vessels, the smaller ones to the arterioles and venules. The ends of the tubes can be closed by means of ivory pegs, and in this way and by clamps the resistance within the .system can be raised to any required extent, and the varying conditions of the circulation can be imitated. In the centre of the system is a thick-walled elastic sac provided with valves, as in the case of an enema syringe, so that fluid can pass thiough it in one direction only. "When required for use, the tubes are moderately distended with water. Three levers similar to those employed with the 204 FRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. sphygmograpb are arranged at intervals of six to eight inches along the tubes, in such a way that their movements are re- corded in a vertical series of tracings upon the revolving drum. The central sac is then compressed rhythmically by the hand, and the resulting tracings made by the levers are afterwards carefully noted and compared. The sphygmograph is an instrument used for representing graphically the characters of the pulse. In it a small button rests upon the artery, usually the radial ; this button is attached Fig. 27— Dudgeon's Spliygmogi-apb. to the under surface of a steel spring. The movement of the button is communicated to an upright screw working in an arm of metal, which, with the spring, is fixed (although capable of up and down movement) by means of a screw to the frame of the apparatus. The movement of this adjustable screw is communicated to a lever of light wood, since the metal arm has in front a piece of metal projecting upwards, which comes in PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 205 contact with the lever near its fulcr(in\ The lever writes on a smoked glass or card, which is moved by clockwoik along a groove on the u])per surface of the brass box containing the clockwork, which is fixed on the flat piece of metal forming the frame of the instrument. The sphygmograph is bound en to the wrist with the button on the artery (but not pressing too hard), and the clockwork backwards. The smoked surface is arranged in place ; the lever adjusted by means of the screw, fo that its end writes on the smoked surface by means of a sharp point. The clockwork is wound up and set going, ?nd the character of the pulse is represented on the moving surface by means of a tra,cing on the paper. The clockwork is then stopped, the tracing removed, the circumstances under which it was taken noted down, and the paper or glass is varnished. Nearly all the best sphygmographs are provided with an apparatus for adjust- ing the amount of the pressure which the spring exercises upon the artery. The form of the instrument chiefly used in this country is a modification of the original sphygmograph of M. Marey. A small instrument invented by Dudgeon is in considerable use ; it is represented in Fig. 27. The advantages claimed for it are : It magnifies the movements of the artery in a uniform degree, viz., fifty times. The pressure of the spring can be regulated from one to five ounces. It requires no wrist- rest, and may be used with equal facility whether the patient is standing, fitting or lying. "With it a tracing of the pulse can be made almost as quickly as the pulse can be felt with the finger. Its sensitiveness is so great that it records the slightest deviation in the form or character of every beat. Its construction is so simple, that if accidentally broken any watchmaker can repair it. It is 80 small ('2h by 2 inches), and it is so light (4 ounces), that it can easily be carried in the pocket. It is only onc-thiid of the price of the ordinary instruments. Method for estimating the Blood Pressure in a Rabbit.^ — Make a saturated solution of chloral hydrate in "To per cent, saline solution : inject 15—20 minims of the chloral solution *A license uudcr the Vivisectiou Act is necessary before this experi- ment can be legally iierfomied. 206 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. beneath the skin of the abdomen of a live rabbit. Leave the rabbit for half an hour, ani in the interval prepare the rest of the apparatus. Fill a pressure-bottle with a saturated solution of sodium sulphate, and suspend it by means of a string and pulley attached to the ceiling, about four feet above the operat- ing-table. The bottle should have a hole near its lower part, to which a long india-rubber tnbe is attached ; the fluid is pre- vented from running out by means of a clamp attached to the lower part of the tube. Get ready Czermak's mbbit-holder, and arrange ligatures upon it for binding the fore and hind legs of the animal. Arrange the recording apparatus (p. 228) on one side of the rabbit-holder, and see that the clockwork is wonnd up, and that it is in working order. Gum a slip of glazed paper round the recording drum (p. 220). and blacken it by revolving the drum over the flame of a paraffin lamp. The coating of lamp- black should be as uniform as possible, and not too thick. If the kymograph writes with a pencil or with a pen, such blackening is not requisite ; in the latter case fill the can of the pen with a few drops of aniline ink. If a continuous tracing is to be taken, arrange the feeding- roller in a proper position. In the case of the mercurial, or Ludwig's kymograph, see that the u tube is jpartially filled with clean and bright mercury ; that the top of the float is not below the level of the mercury, and that the 'weighted thread presses upon one arm of the pen in such a way as to keep it in contact with the drum. Block up the shorter limb of the U tube with a piece of wood. Take a i-shaped glass tube, connect the vertical portion with the tube descending from the pressure-bottle : and one of the horizontal rami with the tube which projects from the shorter limb of the u tube, by means of a piece of india-rubber tubing (or better still, by means •of a piece of substantial leaden piping). To the other horizontal ramus attach a piece of india-rubber tubing, and clamp the end : open the clamp which has hitherto closed the tube leading from the pressure-bottle ; the sodium sulphate will pass through the 1-shaped tube, and will fill the tubes in connection with it. Remove the piece of wood from the top of the shorter limb of the U tube, and replace it as soon as all the air is expelled, and the limb is full of sodium sulphate solution. Loosen the clip rrtACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 207 upon the india-rubber tube for an instant, and allow a few drops of the solution to escape ; no .air should now be present in the system of tubes thus arranged : if leakage takes place in any part, and air enters, it must be remedied. Select or make a cannula large enough for the carotid or femoral artery of the animal to b3 experimented upon ; this requires consider- able experience, and reference had better be made to the demon- strator. Arrange the instruments near at hand which are requisite for the operation of exposing the vessel : they are a box of scalpels, scissors, and forceps, fine and coarse, a p:\ir of each ; a pair oi Krunecker's bull-dog forceps, aneurysm needle, ligatures of silk, a splinter of wood (a match answers the pur- pose very well), a 'seeker,' and sponges. Fix the rabbit upon the rabbit-holder ; it should be insensible at the time of the operation, and is fixed by laying it upon its back, unscrewing the bit at the end, and removing the central steel peg ; pass the peg through the side of the bit, in such a way that it passes within the mouth, between the lips and behind the incisors of the two jaws, passing out on the opposite side, where it fits into a hole in the bit. The animal is thus held by the teeth. Screw up the end of the bit ; the lower ja.v will thus be compressed, and the animal will thereby be prevented from opening its mouth and loosening the central pin ; if need be, the pressure may be increased from time to time by means of the screw. Extend the hind-legs, and pass the ligatures over the thigh on each side ; tighten and fix them. Pass ligatures over the fore-legs, and fix them in such a way that the first joints are flexed, the limb being held at the elbow. Before proceeding further, see that everything is in proper working order. The points to be chiefly attended to are : (1) The recording apparatus, that it is wound up, and that it works smoothly. (2) Tlie hymograph, that the pen or style writes dis- tinctly, and without too much pressure ; that no bubbles of air exist in the tube. (3) TJie xysteni of tabes ^ that they are full of the solution of the sulphate of soda, that they contain no air, and that they are not kinked. (4) That the pressure bottle is neither too high nor too low ; and that if need be it can readily be raised or lowered to equalize the pressure of blood. (5) That 208 PEACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. Ihe distal end of the cajunihi ^'s accurately, and can be easily tied into the proximal clamped end of the india-rubber tubing which is in connection "with the pressure-bottle and the kymo- gra])h. Expose the carotid in the rabbit. First clip away the fur over one side of the neck, and make an incision along the side of the trachea for about three inches. Separate the muscles carefully vith a seeker, taking care not to go too far outwards. The artery is readily discovered ; it may be distinguished from the large vein which accompanies it by its more opaque appearance, .•IS well as by its lighter colour, and by the pulsation which it exhi- bits. Dissect it out carefully for a short distance, and pass the aneurysm needle, armed with a ligature beneath it ; withdraw the needle, leaving a loop of thread round the artery ; cut the loop and two ligatures will be thus formed. With the bull-dog forceps, clamp the proximal portion— i.e., the part nearest the heart— of the artery. With one of .he ligatures tie the distal portion of the arterj^ as high up as the incision will allow. Eaise the portion of the artery between the clamp and the liga- ture by passing the splinter of wood beneath it, and with a pair of sharp and fine-pcinted scissors make a v-shaped incision into it. Fill the cannula, by means of a pipette, with the sodium sulphate solution, and insert it into the incision in the artery ; the smaller end being directed towards the heart. Pass the second ligature over the cannula, and tighten it round the artery in such a way as to tie the cannula firmly into the vessel (to facilitate this operation the cannula is provided with a shoulder, behind which the ligature should pass). Fit the india-rubber tube leading through the i piece to the manometer, on to the other end of the cannula, taking care that both the tube and the cannula are quite full of the soda solution, so that no air may be enclosed at the point of junction. Remove the clamp which has hitherto prevented the escape of fluid from the india-rubber tube nearest the cannula. Set the clockwork of the recording ■apparatus in motion ; with one hand open cautiously and gra- duulhj the clamp upon the tube of the pressure-bottle, whilst with the other hand remove the bull-dog forceps from the artery. If everything has been properly arranged, a few drops ri;A( I icAL riivsioi.cK.v. 200 of blood will pass into the canmila, but thu piessure in tbo artery will be counteracted by the column of sodium sulphate .•■olution, which transmits tlic variations in the Ijicod pressure to the mercury in the [} tube, whence it is tiansmitted to the lever M hich records it upon the drum. It is possible that the pressure bottle may be too high, and that the column of liquid is more than enough to counterbalance the blood pressure ; in which case the sul^ihate of s-oda will enter the blood, and will not only vitiate the experiment, but in many cases will actually kill the animal ; hence it is nccci-sary to be cautious in opening the clamp. The sulphate of soda arrests, to a certain extent, the co.igulation of the blood, and it is therefore employed ; but it often happens that the cannula becomes blocked by a clot, in which case it will be neccsrary to detach the tubing and clean out the cannula, or it may be necessary to clamp the artery, and insert a fresh cannula. To )nahe a CannuJn fw me during Blood-prc: stive Experiments. — Take a piece of hard glass tubing, with a bore of about the size of an ordinary quill pen. Soften the end of the tube in the flame of a blow^-pipe, and draw it out gently for about an inch : there will then be a narrower portion of tube between two pieces of the full size. When the tube has cooled, heat a portion of the narrower part in the f.ame, and draw it out very slightly ; by this means the narrower portion will be thicker in the centre than at one side. File through the middle of the narrower por- tion in an oblique direction. A cannula with an oblique open- ing at its smaller extremity will thus be formed. It must be finished by carefully rounding off its edges in an ordinary gas tlame, and by filing down the aperture with a three-cornered file, until it ])resents the necpssary obliquity. The narrowed portion will have a neck to prevent the ligature slipping off when it is tied into the artery. The cardiograph registers in a graphic manner the heart's impulse. It consists of two portions : (a) A hollow metal disc whose face is covered with a thin membrane of india-rubber. The disc is provided with three levelling screws ; from its pos- terior surface passes off a tube bent at right angles. In front of the elastic membrano is an ivory knob, which is in connection 14 210 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. with a delicate spring arising from the side of the disc. The extremity of the spring is also provided with a pointed steel ssrew, resting exactly on the centre of the membrane, (h) The registering portion (Marey's tambour) consists of a second disc, whose elastic membrane is in connection with a lever, and from whose under-surface a tube also proceeds. The tubes of the two discs are connected with each other by a portion of elastic tubing, and in this way an air-tight cavity is produced, so that any movements executed by the membrane of the first disc are reproduced in the second disc, and are transmitted to the lever by which they are recorded in the ordinary way upon the rotating drum. In using the instrument, the patient is made to lie down upon a couch of convenient height ; the chest is bared, and the apex beat of the heart is found in the fifth left costal interspace, somewhat below and internal to the nipple. The first disc is then applied in such a way that the ivory knob is exactly over the point at which the beat of the heart is felt. The impulse is thus transmitted to the lever, which executes certain movements. If these movements be registered upon the revolving drum, it will be found that they consist of a sudden ascent at the instant of the ventricular contraction, and of an equally marked but less sudden fall. The Stethoscope. — The sounds of the heart are heard by means of the stethoscope. The simplest form of this instrument is a cylinder of wood or metal expanded at one end into a conical portion, which is applied to the chest wall, whilst the opposite extremity is provided with a slightly concave disc, to adapt it to the observer's ear. The room should be perfectly quiet, the patient should bare his chest, and remain standing. The finger should then be placed upon the apex-beat of the heart. The observer, standing in front of the patient, should apply the conical end of the stethoscope over this point, and his ear to the opposite end : at the same time he should feel with the fingers of his left hand beneath the sterno-mastoid muscle of the left side for the carotid artery. Two sounds will then be heard, one accompanying the impulse, called the Jirst or systolic sound : the other following the impulse, and known as the second, or diastolic sound. The first sound is the longer and more deep- PUAITICAL PIIYSIOLOCJY. 211 toned ; it is best heard at the apex of the licart. The secoml sound is sharper and shorter ; it is best heard in the third inter- costal space, close to the sternum, though it is also audible at the apex. After the second sound is a pause, so that tlie normal cardiac cycle is roughly represented by the rhythm Inbh, iirtp— iuhb, (Jttp. Ill listening to the sounds of the heart, the respira- tory sounds may be neglected. Care must be taken that the stethoscope be applied evenly to the chest wall, that the tube is not touched by the clothes or lingers whilst the examination is being made, and that the observer does not press so heavily against the stethoscope as to cause pain to the patient. The ophthalmoscope, brought into use by Helmholtz, consists in its simplest form of («) a slightly concave mirror of metal or silvered glass, perforated in the centre, and fixed into a handle; nnd (/>) a biconvex lens of about 2.V— :} inches focal length. Two methods of examining the eye with this instrument are in common use— the direct and the indirect ; the student should endeavour to accustom himself to use both methods of investi- gation with equal facility. A normal eye should be examined ; a drop of a solution of atropine'^ (two grains to the ounce) should be instilled about twenty minutes before the examination is commenced ; the f ciliary muscle is thereby paralyzed, the power of accommoda- tion is abolished, and the pupil is dilated. This will materially facilitate the examination ; but it is quite possible to observe all the details to be presently described without the use of this drug. The room being now darkened, the observer seats him- self in front of the person whose eye he is about to examine, placing himself upon a somewhat higher level. A brilliant and steady light is placed close to the left ear of the patient. The atropia having been put into the right eye only of the patient, this eye is examined. Taking the mirror in his right hand, and looking through the central hole, the operator directs a beam of light into the eye of the patient. A red glare, known as the rejiex, is seen ; it is due to the illumination of the retina. The patient is then told to look at the little finger of the observer's ra*ia/ ^^'^^*^^*''^^'^ bomatropin lijilrobromate, as the effect passes oflf more 14-2 212 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. right hand as he holds the mirror ; to effect this the eye is rotated somewhat inwards, and at the same time the reflex changes from red to a lighter colour, owing to the reflection from the optic disc. The observer now approximates the mirror, and with it his eye to the eye of the patient, taking care to keep the light fixed upon the pupil, so as not to lose the reflex. At a certain point, which varies with different eyes, but is usually when there is an interval of about two or three inches between the observed and the observing eye. the vessels of the retina will become visible as lines running in different direc- tions. Distinguish the smaller and brighter red arteries from the larger and darker coloured veins. Examine carefully the fundus cf the eye, i.e., the red surface — until the optic dii-c is seen : trace its circular outline, and observe the small central white spot, the pit : near the centre is the central artery of the retina breaking up upon the disc into branches ; veins also are present, and correspond roughly to the course of the arteries. Trace the vessels over the disc on to the retina. The optic disc is bounded by two delicate rings, the more external being the choroidal, whilst the more internal is the sclerotic opening. Somewhat to the outer side, and only visible after some practice, is the yellov: spot^ with the small lighter-coloured /orca centralis,in its centre. This consti- tutes the direct method of examination ; by it the various details of the fundus are seen as they really exist, and it is this method which should be adopted for ordinary use. If the observer is ametropic, i.e., is myopic or hypermetropic, he will be unable to employ the direct method of examination until he has remedied his defective vision by the use of proper glasses. In the indirect method the patient is placed as before, and the observer holds the mirror in his right hand at a distance of twelve to eighteen inches from the patient's right eye. At the same time he rests his little finger lightly upon the temple, and holding the lens between his thumb and forefinger, two or three inches in front of the patient's eye, directs the light through the lens into the eye. The red reflex, and subsequently the white one. having been gained, the obseiver slowly moves his. I'KACTICAL J'llVSIOLOGY. 213 mirror, and with it bis eye, towards or away from the face of the patient, until the outline of one of the retinal vessels becomes visible, when very slight movements on the part of the observer will suffice to bring into view the details of the fundus above described, but the image will be an inverted one. The lens should be kept fixed at a distance of two to three inches, the mirror being alone moved until the disc becomes visible ; should the image of the mirror, however, obscure the disc, the lens may bo slightly tilted. The laryngoscope is an instrument employed in investigating during life the condition of the pharynx, larynx, and trachea. It consists of a large concave mirror with perforated centre, and of a smaller mirror fixed in a long handle. It is thus used : the patient is placed in a chair, a good light (argand burner, or lamp) is arranged on one side of, and a little above his head. The operator fixes the large mirror round his head in such a manner that he looks through the central aperture with one eye. He then seats himself opposite the patient, and so alters the position of the mirror, which is for this purpose pro- vided with a ball and socket joint, that a beam of light is reflected on to the lips of the patient. The patient is now directed to throw his head slightly back- wards, and to open his mouth ; the reflection from the mirror lights up the cavity of the mouth, and by a little alteration of the distance between the operator and the patient the point at which the greatest amount of light is reflected by the mirror — in other words its focal length — is readily discovered. The small mirror fixed in the handle is then warmed, either by holding it over the lamp or by putting it into a vessel of warm water ; this is necessary to prevent the condensation of breath upon its surface. The degree of heat is regulated by applying the back of the mirror to the hand or cheek, when it should feel warm without being painful. After these preliminaries the patient is directed to put out his tongue, which is held by the left hand gently but firmly against the lower teeth, by means of a handkerchief. The warm mirror is passed to the back of the mouth, until it rests upon and slightly raises the base of the uvula, and at the same time the 214 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. light is directed upon it : an inverted image of the larynx and trachea will be seen in the mirror. If the dorsum of the tongue be alone seen, the handle of the mirror must be slightly lowered until the larynx comes into view : care should be taken, however, not to move the mirror upon the uvula, as it excites retching. The observation should not be prolonged, but should rather be repeated at short intervals. The structures seen will vary somewhat according to the con- dition of the parts as to inspiration, expiration, phonation, etc. ; they are first, and apparently at the posterior part, the base cf ihe tongue, immediately below which is the arcuate outline of the epiglottis, with its cushion or tubercle. Then are seen in the central line the true vocal cords, white and shining in their normal condition. The cords approximate (in the inverted image) posteriorly ; between them is left a chink, narrow whilst a high note is being sung, wide during a deep inspiration. On each side of the true vocal cords, and on a higher level, are the pink false vocal corrls. Still more externally than the false vocal cords is the argteno-epiglotfidean fold, in which are situated upon each side three small elevations ; of these the most external is the cartilage of Wrisherg, the intermediate is the cartilage of Santoinni, whilst the summit of the arytenoid cartilage is in front and somewhat below the preceding, being only seen during deep inspiration. The rings of the trachea, and even the bifurcation of the trachea itself, if the patient be directed to draw a deep breath, may be seen in the interval between the true vocal cords. CHAPTER II. NERVE MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY. CONTRACTILITY OF MUSCLE. In order to show the excitability of living muscle it is usual to employ the muscles of a pithed frog, either remaiuing in situ or removed from the body. Any muscle will answer the purpose which may be conveniently dissected out, but it is usual to employ those to which nerves can be easily traced, and to apply the stimuli to the nerve supplying the muscle, instead of to the muscle itself directly. The first operation required is (o {nth a frog, i.e., to completely destroy its central nervous system. In order to accomplish this the animal must be held by its two fore-legs in such a way that its belly is pressed against the dorsal surface of the left index finger, the head projecting beyond the tip of the finger, and be- ing pressed downwards by the thumb of the left hand. The skin on the back is then put on the stretch, and the nail of the right index finger is drawn down the centre of the head towards the si)inal column. Immediately below the head, and at its junction with the vertebrae, a slight depression will be felt, marking the position of the occipito-atlantoid membrane. A small triangular snip is made over this spot with a pair of sharp-pointed scissors* the membrane is then divided, and a wooden match sharpened at one extremity is thrust upwards into the brain to destroy sensibility, and then a long blanket-pin is pushed downwards into the spinal canal to destroy the spinal cord. In performing this operation no bleeding should occur. Care must be taken that 216 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. the pin really enters the spinal canal, and that on the one hand it does not simply pass beneath the skin of the back, whilst on the other it does not pass into the abdominal cavity. The sndden extension of the hind limbs ma}- be taken as a proof that the destruction of the cord has been properly completed. A Nerve-Muscle Preparation may be made in this manner : (i.) Having pithed a vigorous frog, open the abdomen with a pair of sharp scissors, turn aside and remove the viscera, and expose the sacral plexus of each side : free the nerves from con- nective tissue, clamp the head of a frog in a holder, and attach to a retort stand, allowing the lower extremities to hang about eight or ten inches above the table. A pair of electrodes may now be inserted behind the nerves of the plexus. The elec- trodes are made by fixing with sealing-wax two pieces of copper wire in glass tubes about an inch and a half long, and allowing the ends to project, fastening the tubes together with sealing- wax, and soldering to one end of the projecting wires two thinner flexible wires, two feet long, covered with cotton. The ends projecting not quit€ so far at the opposite ends of the tubes are then scraped with a knife, and bent nearly at right angles, and the electrodes are complete. Convenient electrodes may also be made by inserting pins two inches long into a cork, soldering wires to the heads, and turning up the points as above. (ii. ) The directions for making the more usual form of nerve- muscle preparation, however, are as follows : Pith a frog and remove the skin from the Viack of one thigh ; this will expose the muscles enclosed in a fine sheath of fascia ; with two pairs of forceps tear the muscles apart by breaking open the sheath. Three muscles will be exposed — the triceps, on the outside, the semi-memhranosus on the inside, and lying between the two, and partially covered by them, a smaller muscle with tendinous ends, the biceps. Follow the biceps to its origin, and carefully cut it through with a pair of scissors : then catching hold of the divided end. pull it forcibly down towards its insertion, and en- tirely remove it. By this method of procedure the sciatic nerve will have l>een exposed. Carefully dissect it out, tracing it up- wards to spinal column, and downwards to the gastrocnemius — notice its first and chief division to supply the two heads ; do PRACTICAL rilVSIOLOGY. 217 not prick the bloodvessels in contact with the ncivc, but gently separate them : cut through the spinal column with spinal cord, and divide the part detached vertically into two, and by holding the ])iece of bone belonging to the side you are dissecting, lift u]) the nerve, and free it from surrounding tissues. The nerve will now be ready for succeeding experiments. During the operation it ought not to have been pinched, piicked, or other- wise injured. The nerve must be placed upon the electrodes, and the jire- paration is ready for the demonstrations of mus^cular con- tractions under appropriate stimuli. Care should be taken that the preparation, whichever it be, should not dry up. Stimuli are aiiher (]) elecirical, {2) mechanical, (?j) thermal, or (4) chemical. (1) Of electrical stimuli, the effects of {a) the induction shock and {h) the galvanic current must be demonstrated. (^0 Effects of the Induction Shock.— Apparatus required : (i.) A lattery, the one iu most common use being DanielVs^ which consists of an outer vessel of copper, which forms the negative plate, full of a saturated solution of copper sulphate in which is placed a porous earthenware vessel containing a stout rod of well-amalgamated zinc, which forms the positive plate, immersed in dilute sulphuric acid (1 in 8). The electrical current passes from the copper to the zinc outside the battery, and in the reverse direction inside. The electrode attached to the copper is the positive, and that to the zinc the negative— the copper being the positive pole and the zinc the negative. From the presence of the two fluids the current of electricity is pretty constant in strength, altering little during long periods of time, hence called constant or cont'nuous. A supply of solid copper sulphate is placed upon a ledge attached to the inner and upper part of the copper vessel, so that the solution of copper sulphate may be maintained at the point of saturation. (ii.) Tu:o heys, one of which should be of the form indicated in Fig. 28, by means of which the current may be made or interrupted, and the other a mercury key. (iii.) Wires, insulated by a gutta-percha covering. 218 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. (iv.) Electrodes. — Either the glass or cork form mentioned above. A pair with platinum points would be useful. (v.) Du Bois Reymond's induction apparatus (Fig. 29). Method of Experiment. — (i.) Prepare a Daniell's cell, connect it by wires with the top screws (rZ d) of an induction coil (Fig. 29)— these f crews are in connection with the ends of the coil of wire forming the primarij coil (c) — interposing a mercury key, attach electrode wires to screws of secondary coil (7), interposing a key (Fig. 28) for short circuiting, place electrodes behind nerve of a nerve- muscle preparation of the second form indicated above. Each time the battery circuit is completed by closing the key, and broken by opening the key, an induced current is momentarily produced in theeeccndary coilin opposite direction Fig. 2S. Du Bois Eey inond's Key. Fig. 29. Du Bois Eeyinond's Induction Coil, on making, and in the same direction on breaking; and each of these, if strong enough, Mill produce a single muscular contrac- tion. rilACTICAL rilYSlUUHJV. 210 (1) To ahoir tliat ilie hrpak'niij contrad'ion iippairs hejore f/i'^ makimj. — Slide the secondary coil a considerable distance from the primary coil, open and shut mercury key — no contraction. Move secondary coil nearer primary coil until a contraction ensues— note that contraction first appears when key is opened {hreahinrj coii(ractioii) — note the distance in millimetres — ])ro- ceed until a contraction appears also on closing key {mak'inff contraction). (2) To shoir tliot ill" sf'nmdus is incrraaed as it descends tlio^ neiTC. — In a preparation in which the sciatic nerve is dissected out, but not cut, proceeding in an exactly similar way to (1)» note results (in form of a table) with platinum electrodes placed behind nerve, (a) high up, {h) mid-way, (r) close to muscle, and also {d) with electrodes upon gastrocnemius itself. (3) To show that lohen the nerve is divided^ its irritahdily is at first increased, in the neighbourhood of the section. — Divide the nerve high up, and repeat experiments ; compare results. (4) To shore the effect of temperature upon irritahilitij. — In preparation which has been kept cold in ice, and (5) In another, which has been warmed moderately, repeat the above experiments. (6) y'o shoic that irintahiU'y r/radualhj diminishes some time after section of the nerve has been done.— Ji. time permit, repeat experiment (2) with the same preparation after an hour has elapsed, and again after a second hour, and compare results. N.B. — Always be careful that your battery is working, your wires un- broken, your contacts secure, and your metallic connections bright. The use of the key in the secondary circuit is to cut off the make or break contraction, or both ; thus if key 2 is open whilst key 1 is opened and shut, contractions will occur at make and break. If key 2 is open, and then key 1 is opened, a breaking contraction will occur, but the making contrac- tion may be cut off by closing key '2 before key 1. And similarly, if key 2 is closed and then key 1 is opened, and opened before key 1 is shut, a single making contraction will occur. If key "2 is dosed, whilst key 1 is opened and shut, no contraction will occur. Effects of a Series of Induction Shochs. — Connect the wires from the battery with the screws at the bases of the two pillars of an induction coil (r, a). Interpose a key in the secondary circuit. The current passes up the outer pillar, along the sjjring, until it arrives at the point where contact is made by means of a plati- num-pointed screw {c), adjustable, and in connection with the '220 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. end of the primary coil ; the current passes bj' this connection through the primary coil, and then through the coils of wire surrounding two pieces of soft iron, and thence to the battery through the middle pillar coil. As soon as the current passes through the electro-magnet, the soft iron is magnetized, and draws down the hammer. This breaks contact with the spring, and the current is by this means interrupted, to be again made as soon as the magnet ceases to act from the stoppage of the cuirent through the electric coil round its soft iron. In this way a series of rapid make and break shocks occurs, and these are represented in the induced current, and therefore in a series of make and break contractions of the muscle, when the electrodes Fig. 30. Diagram of the Course of the Current through the In- ductiou Coil wheu Hebulioltz's Conuectmg Wire is used. placed under the nerve are connected with the screws of the secondary coil, and the key is opened : the effect of this is to send the muscle into a state of tonic spasm, or t.'tanus. The frog's leg and foot are rigidly extended. The contraction wil^ continue for some time, but will finally give way under pro- longed stimulation. The apparatus is known as the magn''iic interrupter. With the magnetic interrupter thus employed, the break current is found to be much more powerful than the make, and sd the PRACTlcAf. PHYSIOLOGY. 221 stimuli are not uniform, as they should be to produce a true tetanus. A modification, therefore, is neces.sary, the object of which is to equalize, as far as possible, make and break shocks. This consists of a stout copper wire to connect the outside pillar with a binding screw, which is in connection with the screw at one end of the primary coil ; in this way part of the current always passes at once to the primary coil and only a por- tion of it is made and broken by the interrupter, whether or not the jdate is attracted to the magnet. The point of the middle pillar must l>e raised by means of the middle screw, and the screw attached to the end of the primary coil must also be screwed up away from contact with spring. The current on entering (sup])Osing the contact between the spring and the middle ])illar to be made) divides ; one portion passes through the primary ciicuit and magnet, the other passes through the contact down the middle pillar and back to the battery (Fig. 30) ; but as the part of the current which passes through the magnet is insufficient for the purpose of retaining the hammer in contact, the current is broken by the hammer spring- ing away from the magnet; then the whole of the battery current passes through the primary coil and magnet, and again the hammer is attracted to the latter, and so on. It will be seen that by this arrangement only a portion of the current is inter- rupted. If time permit, the following further experiments may be done before proceeding to {b) : The extra otrrent of Faraday may be clemonstrated by taking a Daniell's element, two keys, the priiuaiy coil, a nerve muscle preparation, and elec- trodes. The a]>paratus is aiTauged so that both keys, as well as the induc- tion coil, are placed in the primnry ciicuit. whilst to the second key the electrodes are connected. On testing the current \\"itli the tongue, suppos- ing the key No. 1 he open, on opening key No. 2, as well as on shutting it. there is an appreciable effect u]ion the tongue. When the coil is cut off by closing key 1, there is very little or no effect on opening key 2. The effect is produced by the extra induced current. It may also be shown by diminisliLug the battery current by a wire directly connecting the poles imtil no contraction occurs. If key 1 is closed, then, on breaking with the primary coil, a contraction will occur. i'iiipolar Excitation. — Arrange the battery and coil for single induction shocks, and connect one declrode with one of tlie screws at the end of the secondary coil. Place this under the exposed sciatic nerve of a nerve- muscle preparation, v.hich should be arranged on a ilate of glass upon a •0 o •■) traltical physiology. frog board; i.e., a flat piece of board covered witb cork. Open and sliut a key in tlie primary circuit, and there will be no response ; now touch the muscle with the finger or a pair of forceps held in the hand, and it will contract. GalcanVs Experiment. — Take a piece of zinc, thoroughly cleaned, and coil round one end a piece of copper wu-e, which projects in such a way that a fork with two equal prongs is made. Insert the zinc behind the lumbar nerves of a pithed frog, and allow the copper to fall upon the thigh muscles ; a contraction will occur. If the muscles he very excitable there will also baa contraction when the copper is removed fi-om the muscle. Galvani's Experiment. Intermption hjf means of a Sprim. — Bring one of the wires from a Daniell to the end of a steel spring which is fixed in a sujjport in such a way that when it is set into vibration the opposite end dips into a mercury cup in metallic connection with the primary coil, and which is also con- nected with the battery (the spring and cup takmg the pla2e of a key), ooiuiect the electrodes with the secondary coil, and place them under the sciatic nerve of a pithed frog. Make the spiing vibrate, and notice that if the spring is short, tetanus is at once set up, and if long, that one con- traction is distinctly piled on the top of another at first, and that a more gi-adual tetanus is produced. Iitten-v.pjtion hij means of a Metronorae. — Insert a vibrating metronome into the primary circuit of an induction coil, and allow the series of induc- tion shocks thus regulated to break into a nerve-muscle prepai*ation. The limb will gradually pass into tetanus. {h) Effects of the Galvanic Current. — Prepare a nerve- muscle preparation, and get ready a Daniell's cell. Bring the ■wires of the latter to the inner binding screws of a Du Bois PRACTICAL niYSIOLOriY. 223 lleymond's key (Fig. -8). Bring tho electrode wires to the outer binding screws ; arrange the electrodes behind the nerve of the preparation. Open the key by raising the handle, and after a few seconds close it again ; a contraction of the muscle will occur at the opening and at the closing, that is to say, at the make and at the break, and during the intercal there icill he no co)itradiun, although the current is passing through the nerve all the time. The use of the kej- is to shut off the current from the nerve, as whilst it is closed the brass plate affords much less resistance to the current than the nerve ; and as the current will pass in the direction of least resistance, the whole of it passes through the key to the battery again. On opening the key the current is bound to pass through the nerve, which it excites, and so produces contraction in the muscles supplied by it. The electrode connected with the copper, or the xmsitive electrode^ is called the anode, and that connected with the zinc, or the nega- tice electrode, is called the lathode. As the current passes fron? the positive to the negative, when the kathode is nearer the muscle than the anode, the current is said to be descending ; and when, on the other hand, the kathode is above the anode, the current is called ascending. If the key be opened for some time, and then the battery wire be removed, a contraction will occur several times on closing the key, without the battery current ; this is due to the jwlari'jaiion. of the electrodes by the current : as many as twenty contractions may be shown under favourable circumstances in this way. Regulation of the Strength of a Galvanic Current. The Rheochord. — This is done by interposing in the circuit a graduated wire, the resistance of which is regulated. This wire is arranged to form the rheochord (Fig. 32). The one in use is that of Du Bois Reymond. The instrument consists of a long box or board, on which the resistance wires are stretched. At one end are fixed several brass blocks, separated from one another, and disconnected except by fine German-silver wire. At each corner of this end are binding screws, a and r., each connected with the brass block nearest. Beginning at the block nearest a, a wire passes a con- siderable distance up the board, passes round a peg and returns 224 TRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. to the second block, from which a wire, in a similar manner, considerably shorter, connects it with the next block, and so on. From the two blocks at the end of the row two thin platinum wnres pass to the opposite end of the board (c), and are there insulated ; they are, how^ever, connected by means of a slide, formed of cups of mercury. This slide is capable of being moved up and down the wires. The brass blocks are, moreover, capable of direct connection (except the two at the corner (b) of the board, between which are the travelling mercury cups) by the insertion of plugs. Supposing the rhcochord is interposed in a continuous current in place of a key, and to the binding screws the wires of the battery are attached, as well as the elec- trode wires : if the slide be close to the brass blocks and all the plugs in, the rheochord, offering no resistance to the current, Fig. o2. Klieocliorcl of Du Bois Eeyii.oucl. allows it to return to the battery, and none of it passes into the nerve. If the slide be pushed a short distance down the wires, the current meets with a certain amount of resistance, and so a fraction of the whole battery current Avill pass into the nerve. In like manner a greater and greater current passes into the nerve, if the slide be pushed farther away from the blocks, and if the plugs be removed one by one, as in this way the resist- ance offered to the passage oE the battery current through the rheocord is more and more in3reas3d. Effect of varying the Strength and Direction of the Current.— Take one or two Daniell's elements, and connect the wires from them with the rhcochord binding screws, which should also be connected with a reverser or a commutator (Figs. 33, 34) ; if the latter, to the upper screws : if the former, to the middle S3iews. The electrodes are connected to the lower screws of the commutator, and to the end screws of the PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 225 reverser. The handle of the commutator can be raised or lowered, and thus the direction of the current is changed. Fig. 33. Commutator. When horizontal the current is cut olf. In the reverser the current is changed by rotating the arch of wire, a b in the fig., to the right or left alternately. A Fig. 34. Keverser. Brass wires (not shown in fig.) connect mercury cups corresponding to A' and B", and A" and B'. First of all put all the plugs in the rheochord, and push the mercury cups close to the blocks. No excitation occurs on rais- ing or depressing the handle of the commutator. Gradually increase the strength of the current, and note the point at which 15 226 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. a contraction takes place as well as the direction, and whether it occurs at the make or break, or both. Make a table of the results and it will be found that the make contraction of the descend- ing current is the first to occur, then the make of the ascending. Then, as the current becomes moderately strong with the make and break of both, and with a very strong current with the make of the descending and the break of the ascending. The Rheoscopic Frog. — Prepare two nerve-muscle prepara- tions, in the one case exposing the sciatic nerve throughout its length, and removing the skin from over the gastrocnemius only, but in the other case removing the leg with a long length of nerve. Insert the electrodes beneath the sciatic nerve of the first preparation ; place this on a glass plate, in order that ii may be insulated. Place the sciatic nerve of the second preparation over the thigh muscles of the first, and excite the muscles of the first with a single induced current ; the muscles of the second will contract. Repeat with a series of shocks ; the second preparation will be thrown into tetanus, as well as the first. Show that this is not due to escape of the current by ligaturing the nerve. It is caused by the contraction of the muscles of the first producing a variation in their natural current (p. 236). This acts as a single stimulus to the nerve of the second, and so causes a contraction. Instead of passing a current through the nerve-muscle preparation, the nerve of the second may be dropped upon the muscle of the first preparation in such a way that one part of it falls upon the equator, whilst another part falls upon the muscle near its insertion into the tendon, or upon a transverse section of the muscle. The instant that the nerve falls upon these two points, the muscle of the second prepara- tion will give a single contraction. The experiment may also be demonstrated by allowing the nerve of the limb to rest in a curve upon the exposed heart of the frog ; at each systole of the heart the muscles of the limb will contract. Effect of Urari. — Carefully destroy the brain of a frog, with- out allowing the escape of any blood, inject a drop of a standard solution of urari, 0"1 per cent., into the posterior lymph-sac, after having dissected out the sciatic nerve of one leg, and liga- ture the limb tightly, in order to arrest the circulation in it, PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 227 excluding the nerve. Place aside under a glass shade for an hour, and test the excitability of both limbs. It will be found that the muscles of the ligatured limb will respond to stimuli applied both directly and also through the nerve, whereas the other limb will not respond to nerve stimulation, although it does so when the stimuli are applied directly to the muscle. This experiment shows that the poison has acted U])on the nerve terminations, as it has affected neither nerve nor muscle. 2. Mechanical stimulation.— Prepare a nerve-muscle pre- paration : pinch or prick the nerve ; contraction will occur. 3. Thermal stimulation.— Touch the nerve or muscle of a nerve-muscle preparation with a hot needle ; a contraction will result. 4. Chemical stimulation. — Allow the nerve of the same or of a new nerve-muscle preparation to dip into a watch-glass full of strong saline solution ; flickering contractions which may pass into tetanus will result. A similar experiment may be per- formed with glycerine. Ammonia will stimulate muscle, but not nerve ; glycerine has the reverse effect. GRAPHIC METHOD. This consists in arranging the muscle-nerve preparation in such a way that, on contracting, the muscle raises or moves a lever, which lever is made to mark on a rapidly travelling surface. Yarious methods satisfy these requirements. In the first place, the muscle and nerve may be removed from the body, or may be retained in situ, and, again, the recording apparatus may be a revolving cylinder covered with blackened paper, or it may be a pendulum myograph or a spring myograph ; of all of which apparatus there are many varieties. The Recording Cylinder (Fig. 35).— This apparatus con- sists of a cylinder or drum, which is arranged to move upon axes, revolving at definite and different rates, by means of a ■clockwork mechanism contained in a brass box, firmly resting upon supports. The velocities of the movement are (1) slow ; (2) medium ; (3) fast. The axes of 1 and 3 move in the same direction, viz., from right to left ; 2, on the other hand, moves 15—2 228 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. in the reverse direction. By means of a screw in the axis of the drum itself the drum maybe raised or lowered at the will of the Fig. 35. AiTaugement of Apparatus for recordirig with a revolving cylinder the Contractions of Muscle. A. The cylinder or di'uni which is situated on the most anterior and most rapidly revolving axis. It is in connection with the brass box containing the clock-work. Two other axes ai'e seen behind, and on either side of that bearing the drum. B. Frog ou a support ; its muscle is connected by a thread with the Myograph : the whole being supported upon an upright springing from a triangular steel rod. C. Du Bois Pieymoud's induction coil. D. Du Bois Pieymond's key. E. Key in x>rimary circuit. F. Battery. {After Kirhes Physiology.) operator. The apparatus works as well when placed in a hoii- zontal as in a vertical position. In the front of the box is PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 229 arranged a fan in a metal frame, which regulates the clockwork movement. The movement may be stopi)ed by means of a metal clip and handle, which are fixed so that when the handle is jiressed down the clip catches a steel axis about which the fan revolves, and the clockwork is stopped. Underneath the case of the clockwjrk ia a handle by which it is wound up. For the sake of convenience, in the front of the brass box of the clock- work are two screws, by which is fixed a metal frame, carrying a long, stout, triangular steel bar, which can be adjusted at different positions and lengths, by means of screws in the frame. On this triangular bar various metal uprights for carrying apparatus can be arranged. Also at one point of the lower edge of the drum is attached a metal catch for the purpose of opening a key placed in its way, called a turn-over or trigger key (Fig. 36), the use of which is to have the muscular contraction recorded exactly at the same place on the cylinder. Having mastered the mechanism of the apparatus, the student will then arrange it for work. The drum must be evenly covered with glazed paper, which is generally kept ready cut in strips of the size of the drum. A strip is placed round the drum, care being taken that the join should not be near the metal catch mentioned above, as in that case the tracing of the lever will be over the join, and so be spoiled. Having firmly and evenly covered the drum, it must be blackened over the smoky flame of a small paraffin lamp or a spirit lamp, in the spirit of which camphor has been dissolved. For these operations the drum will have been removed from the clockwork ; it may now be replaced, the clock wound up, the metal bar firmly fixed, and everything arranged in readiness for the recording operation. Method. — As above mentioned the muscle and nerve may remain in situ, or be removed from the body. First of all use the apparatus already described. This consists of a triangular piece of wood, covered to a certain extent with cork, and with an upright cylinder of the same material fixed at the side. In front is a lever arrangement, by which the move- ment of the muscle in contraction is communicated to the recording apparatus. On one side is fastened a small collar, which can slide up or down an upright fixed to the triangular 230 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. rod above described, and by means of a screw can be secured at any height which may be required. In a nerve-muscle preparation, such as ii. (p. 216), remove the skin from the foreleg of the frog, and having cut through the tendon of the gastrocnemius at the os calcis, turn it up and cut off the remainder of the leg just below the knee-joint. Attach a strong ligature of silk or thread to the tendon, place the frog on the cork plate, firmly fix the limb by passing a long pin through the knee-joint, and then attach the ligature from the tendon to the metal at right angles to the marking lever, care- C 3 0 7 fulh' noticing that the ligature is taut, and that the muscle is reall}- pulling on the lever ; load the lever with a 10 or 20 grm. weight, and fix the myograph on the upright before spoken of, which slides along the triangular steel bar, so that the lever touches lightly the blackened surface of the recording cylindei'. with the point writing the proper way. The apparatus is now arranged. Moist Chamber. — This consists of a moveable platform, slid- ing up and down the upright of a stand not unlike a medium- sized retort stand, and capable of being fixed by means of a collar and screw. The platform is made of hard wood or of vulcanite, about 3i or 4 inches in diameter, and is furnished with two sets of binding screws for electrical purposes. These screws are continuous with wires which pass through the platform and project below, so that battery or other wires may be attached to them. In the front of the platform is an opening about one inch square ; upon the same upright slide, (1) an electrode holder, made very simply by fixing two copper wires in a small block of wood with the centre hollowed out, the wires being stretched across the hollow, and the end fixed in the wood ; they must be about one third of an inch apart, and are to be separated by a piece of cork. This wooden block is fixed upon a holder fitted with a collar and screw to move up and down the upright. (2) A brass rod, with the circular brass holder of a screw-clamp working easily in a collar at its end. The clamp holder can be fixed by a screw. A tall glass shade, large enough to cover the whole of the above, fits into a groove which runs round the platform a quarter of an inch from the edge. "When in use, pieces of blot- PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 231 ting paper, wetted with water or saline solution, are inserted beneath the shade, to keep the contained air moist ; hence the apparatus is called a moist chamber. Under the platform of the moist chamber is attached a metal screw collar apparatus, similarly capable of movement up ami down the upright of the stand, to which is attached a fine meti.l spring and lever of light wood, capable of movement up and down about a fulcrum near the collar. Having prepared a nerve- muscle pre])aration in a manner similar to that described above, but in addition having divided the sciatic, and turned it down over the muscle, clear the femur entirely of muscle, and divide at its lower third ; then fix the femur in the clamp of the moist chamber, attach a ligature to the tendon {teudo achillis), and carry it through the opening of the stage to the lever below, which may be weighted in the same way as in the other appara- tus, with ten to twenty grams ; place the nerve on the electrode?, and bring the point of the lever to write on a cylinder as before. In the following experiments one or other of the above arrange- ments may be used. a. Single Imluced Currents. — Arrange the induction coil, battery and electrodes as described (p. 217), interposing the turn-over or kick-over key in the primary cir- cuit. Cause the cylinder to revolve on the middle axis, with the key open. Before allowing the lever to touch the drum, find out the point at which the induction apparatus will give a sufficient stimulation ; allow the drum to reach its proper rate of velocity ; then, by means of a tangent screw, or some other delicate adjusting arrangement, make the lever touch the paper ; let the catch pass the key, and then close it. In the next revolution the Fig. 36. Trigger or kick-over key. catch will open the primary circuit, and a contraction will occur. Mark the exact period of excitation by allowing the 232 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. cylinder to make nearly another revolution ; close the key, and gradually advance the cylinder, until the catch touches it, then slightly raise the lever, and allow it to mark the paper. h. Faradization. — Arrange the key in the secondary circuit, and the apparatus as usual for this purpose (p. 219). When the hammer is properly working, allow the cylinder to revolve rapidly, and open the key. A curve of tetanus will be recorded. c. Records of tetanus curves with spring, and also with metro- nome, and with vibrating reed, may be taken in a manner similar to the above, but use the medium speed axis. d. Effects of Heat and Cold. — Arrange the cylinder on the second axis, allow the lever in connection with a nerve-muscle prepara- tion to mark on the smoked paper, and set the clockwork in motion ; a straight abscissa line will be drawn. Interpose the kick-over key in the primary circuit, and by allowing the catch to open the key, record upon this line a single muscular contrac- tion, and mark the latent period. Now cool down the muscle by fining a test-tube full of small pieces of ice, and bringing it for ten minutes into close proximity to the muscle. Then set the cylinder in motion ; and when everything is in readiness, remove the test-tube and close the key. On its^next revolution the cylinder will open the key, and a muscular contraction will occur at the same point as before ; the curve will be found to be less sudden and more prolonged. By filling the test-tube with water of gradually increasing temperature, a series of curves may be taken on the same line, which will show that up to a certain point the curve will be more sudden and of shorter duration. e. Effects of Poisons.— ln]Qci to Jg mgrm. of veratria into the posterior lymph-sac of a frog, and record the contraction of the gastrocnemius at various intervals after injection. It will be found that the full effect of this drug is to enormously lengthen the curve. Use medium speed. Other poisons may be tried in a similar manner. /. Eff^ect of Fatigue. — After using a muscle to demonstrate a single twitch, tetanus, and for other experiments, it will be found that the contraction will after a time alter, and that when PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 233 a single curve of a fatigued muscle is compared with that of a fresh one, it is found to be much more prolonged, and possibly less high, and that the latent period is longer. g. Relafion of the Cuntractiun to the Load. — By loading a muscle with different weights, it will be found that with the same stimulus the contraction first of all increases as the load is increased from zero upwards by small increments. As the load continues to be increased, the increment diminishes, and finally gives place to a decrease. The initial increase of contraction is most prominent when its stimulus lies within a certain range of intensity. h. Time Measurement. — This is done by the vibrating tuning fork, or by a reed made to vibrate a definite number of times in a second. The tuning fork of large size has on one prong a small style attached ; and after the prong has been smartly tapped by means of a mallet or similar instrument covered with felt, the style, if applied to the revolving cylinder, will mark the number of times the fork vibrates in a second. Another way is to place the tuning fork in a battery circuit, and allow its vibra- tions to be communicated to a small chronograph, which writes on the recording surface. This instrument consists of a small electro-magnet. Each time the iron is magnetised it draws down a piece of metal, arranged on a frame in such a way that it can move to or from the magnet ; at the other end of the frame is a small pedunculated hook, to which is fastened an elastic counterpoise. To the frame is fixed a style, capable of writing on a drum. Each time the rod vibrates, the current is made, the magnet draws down the piece of metal, and so the style makes a stroke on the smoked paper. At the break the elastic raises the style, and so on. The Pendulum Myograph. — In this instrument, the clock- work movement, which is frequently unreliable, is replaced by the force of gravity. The recording plate is attached to a pendulum. On this principle several instruments, differing somewhat in detail, have been constructed. The pendulum with the recording plate is fixed by a catch which is capable of being moved certain distances along the arc through which the pen- -34 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. dulum swings. "When the arc is lengthened, the velocity is altered. In its swing the pendulum knocks over, with a catch attached to the middle of its lower edge, a trigger key placed in the primary circuit, and by this means the muscle of a muscle- nerve preparation gives a contraction. The preparation is arranged in a manner similar to that described above (p. 229) for the other kind of recording apparatus ; but the frog apparatus is fixed in a collar to the upright of a firm stand, capable of being raised or lowered by means of a screw. The upright is fitted with a circular movement worked by a tangent screw at its base. The stand, with the frog apparatus, is placed upon a firm table close to the myograph : this table can not only be raised and lowered, but is also capable of a circular horizontal move- ment. Method. — Allow the pendulum to hang vertically. Arrange a nerve-muscle preparation on the table as above described. Cover the glass plate of the pendulum smoothly with glazed paper ; having smoked it, replace the j)late. Adjust the lever so that it barely touches the plate at its edge. Arrange a pair of electrodes under the nerve, interpose a key in the secondary current of an induction apparatus, and fix the trigger key (Fig. 36), at a convenient place in the battery circuit. Close the key in the secondary circuit (key 2), then raise the pendulum, and fix it in the catch to the right ; see to the adjust- ment of the writing lever. Close the trigger key, then open the second key, and set free the pendulum. As it passes the trigger key, a stimulus will be sent into the nerve by opening the battery circuit, and a contraction will be recorded on the plate as it passes the lever. Underneath this tracing, a tracing of a vibrating tuning fork must be taken, and the latent period may be marked by returning the pendulum to its place, closing the second key, and then by carefully approaching the pendulum catch to the trigger key, which can be kept closed by the finger ; by slightly raising the lever and allowing it to make a mark upon the paper, the exact 'point where the current entered the nerve is recorded. The effects of heat and cold, and of the action of poisons, can be demonstrated with this myograph, and also by taking two pairs of electrodes, and placing one a long PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 235 distance from, and the other near, the muscle, connecting them to the end screws of a reverser (Fig. 34), from which the cross wires have been removed, and alternately throwing the current into one or the other pair of electrodes ; the effect of having a long or a short piece of nerve stimulated may be shown by the difference in the length of the curve. By having two trigger keys arranged at small distances, two coils, batteries, and elec- trodes, the effect of two stimuli acting one after the other may be shown. The Spring Myograph. — In this instrument the clockwork is replaced by the momentum imparted by a strong coiled spring. The recording surface is, as in the case of the pendulum myo- graph, a glass plate ; and in this instrument, as in the other, the glass plate in its course opens a trigger key, and a contraction similarly ensues, as the apparatus, induction coil, key, and elec- trodes are arranged in an almost exactly similar way. Muscle Currents. — An-ange a Thomson's galvanometer in a dark chamber, and place the scale at about three feet east and west facing it. Light the paraffin lamp, and, after having set the mirror free by raising the screw adjustment at the top of the instrument, adjust the lamp so that the light falls well on it. By means of the magnet, adjust the mirror until it throws its light upon the zero of the scale. To the binding screws of the galvanometer attach the screws from the shunt, and for the sake of practice allow a weak current to pass from a Daniell : by attaching wires from the battery to the shunt, with the plug in the hole marked ^^, the needle will be deflected, as indicated by the movement of the spot of light on the scale : the light will probably move in the same direction as the current. Pre- pare two pairs of non-polarizable^ electrodes, and connect them with the shunt ; the plugs being in the shunt, place the electrodes so that their plugs touch : on opening the shunt there will be no deflection. Now take a pithed frog, and having dissected out the sciatic nerve, fix the femur in a cork ♦ A non-polarizable electrode is made by half-filling a piece of glass tube with china clav moistened with saline solution and projecting as a plug from one end. and then filling up the tube with a saturated solution of zinc sul- phate, into which dips an electrode of well-amalgamated zinc. 236 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. plate by means of a pin, and having attached a ligature to the tendo-achillis, tie it firmly to a hook, and stretch it slightly ; remove the remainder of the frog from the gastrocnemius thus prepared ; place the electrodes near, having inserted the plugs in the shunt so that one touches the middle, and the other one end ; now open the plug i, the light will quickly pass off the scale ; re-insert the plug, and remove another, so as to allow less of the muscle current to pass through the galvanometer, say lo^Qo ; then note the amount and direction of the current, from the direction of the deflection and the degrees of the scale the light has passed over. Similarly the position of the elect- rodes may be altered, and the currents noted, and the general laws demonstrated. For the purpose of showing the negative variation of the muscle current when the muscle enters into contraction, arrange under the nerve a pair of electrodes con- nected with an induction coil ; the rest of the apparatus being as before. Electrotonus. — Prepare a nerve-muscle preparation, and re- move it from the body, taking care that the sciatic nerve is uninjured, and very long. Place the preparation in a moist chamber, and arrange the nerve over two pairs of non-polariz- able electrodes ; connect one pair of electrodes with an induc- tion coil, and arrange for single shocks ; connect the other pair with a rheochord, the binding screws of which are also joined to the end screws of a reverser, to the middle screws of which the wires of one or more Daniell's elements are connected. Find out the exact minimal current which will cause a con- traction, and then move the secondary coil a little farther away from the primary. On making or on breaking the primary current there will be no contraction ; but if now a descending galvanic current, which is called the polarizing current, be sent into the nerve, an induction current weaker than the normal minimal will cause a contraction. This will also occur for some time after the galvanic current has been shut off. Similarly, it may be shown that if the current be ascending, an induced current, stronger than the minimal, will be required to produce a contraction ; in like manner, the effects of a series of shocks may be shown, plus an ascending or descending continuous cur- PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 237 rent. So we see that the irritability of the nerve is increased during the passage of a constant current in a descending direc- tion, and diminished if it be in a contrary direction. If the relative position of the electrodes of the induction and polaris- ing current be reversed, an exactly opposite effect occurs in all particulars. OTHER PROPERTIES OF MUSCLE. Elasticity. — Prepare the gastrocnemius attached to the femur, clamp the femur, attach the gastrocnemius tendon to the lever of the moist chamber, and load the lever with a ten gram weight. Allow the lever to mark on a recording cylinder, then load with twenty to thirty grams, and so on. It will be found that the extensibility gradually diminishes for equal increments of weight. On removing the weights, the lever will return to the same point on the paper from which it started. Reaction. — Remove from a pithed frog a gastrocnemius which has been i)erfectly freed from blood, cut it across wdth a sharp knife, and apply blue and red litmus paper to the ends. It will be found that there will be a bluish mark on the red litmus. Tramparency. — Take a flat muscle from a pithed frog {e.g. the mylohyoid ov sartoriiis), and as soon as possible place it on a slide in saline solution. Examine with a quarter inch, and focus, through the muscle some vessel underneath the fibres. It will be found quite clear, and so prove the transparency of livincr muscle. On entering into rigor mortis this property disappears.. CHAPTER III. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FROG'S HEART. Anatomical considerations. — Open the abdomiual cavity in a pithed frog by a longitudinal incision, avoiding the large veins in the middle line ; cut through the middle of the sternum and pin out the arms on either side ; pass a thick glass rod down the oesophagus, open the pericardium, and note the following points : the two auricles, the conus arteriosus on the right side, dividing into the two aortse. Lift up the apex and the fine ligament or frsenum connecting the dorsal aspect of the ventricle with the pericardium comes into view. Tie a fine ligature to the frsenum, which can then be severed from the pericardium. When turned up, notice the auricles again and, behind, all the sinus venosus ; at the junction of the sinus with the right auricle, just above the auricular ventricular groove, is seen the ivhite line. The sinus venosus is then formed by the confluence of the inferior vena cava, the two hepatic veins, and the two superior venae cavse. Note the sequence of the rhythmic con- tractions, of the sinus venosus, auricle, and ventricle. Position of the ganglionic centres. — The vagi run in company with the superior venae cavse, and, on reaching the sinus venosus split into a plexus, which is beset with ganglion cells (Remak's ganglia). Some of the fibres are gathered together and pass on into the septum auricularum, where there are again many gang- lion cells {Bidder's ganglia). These fibres pass down in the septum to the upper part of the ventricle, where there are secondary ganglionic masses, particularly on the dorsal aspect. The inhibitory centre. — Turn up the ventricle and apply elect- PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 239 rodes to the white line above mentioned, stimulate with the interrupted current for a second or two, and notice that the heart stops in diastole, but soon goes on beating again. Dissection to expose the vagus.— The easiest way to do this is to dissect away the integument over the scapula, cut through all the muscles attached to it, keeping close to the bone, divide the brachial nerves and vessels and so remove the scapula with the fore-limb attached. Close under the spot where the aorta of that side gives off the carotid and axillary vessels lies the cornu of the hyoid bone ; to this is inserted a thin strip of muscle which S.V.C. Ganglion of Remak r.v.c. a Ganglion of Bidden. Fig. 37. Gauglia of Frog's Heart. (Aj'ter Carpenter's Phijswlogy.) can be traced upwards and backwards to its origin on the petrous bone : this is the inferior petrohyoid. On this muscle lie three nerves ; the most anterior passes down for a short distance, and turns sharply forwards and upwards, towards the tongue (glosso- ])haryngeal); the middle, a slender nerve, passes down the middle of the muscle to be distributed to the larynx (the laryngeal branch of vagus) ; on the posterior border of the muscle lies the vagus, which passes down over the root of the lung to the sinus venosus. The nerve generally lies under some pigmented veins and fascia. 240 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. Stimulate the vagus. — (a) With a very weak interrupted cur- rent, and with the arrangement known as Helmholtz modifica- tion. Notice that the beat is slow by lengthening the diastole. (&) With a strong current, the heart stops, after one beat, in diastole. IiUrinsic nervous mechanism.— {\) Excise the heart with a sharp pair of scissors, leaving behind the sinus venosus, place the excised auricles and ventricle into h per cent, salt solution. Notice that the sinus goes on beating as before, but the excised Fig. 38. Dissection showing position of Yagus in the Frog, (a) Glosso- pharyngeal nerve ; (J) bvpoglossal nerve; ir) vagus; (f?) laryngeal nerve ; (e) larynx; (/j petrobyoid musde ; {g) aorta; {h)\\mg; (i) auricle; (k) bulbus arteriosus ; i7) ventricle. heart stops for a time and then goes on again, especially if stimulated ; the rhythm, however, is different from that of the sinus. (2) Separate the auricles from the ventricle ; iboth go on beating, but with independent rhythm. (3) Separate the upper third of the ventricle from the lower two-thirds. The latter will no longer contract rhythmically, but will respond to a single stimulus with a single beat, the latent period being very long. PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 241 SUinnius' ej-periment.— Fass a ligature between the auricle and sinus veuosus below, and between the aorta) and venae cavse superiores above. Tie it tightly, so that the sinus is separated by the ligature from the rest of the heart. The heart stops in diastole, but the sinus beats naturally. On stimulating the flaccid heart single, and sometimes a succession of, beats may be obtained. If now the heart be separated by a clean incision along the line of the ligature, it will resume an independent rhythm to that of the sinus. Action of certain jJoixons. — Muscarin or PUocavpbie. — Place the excised heart in neutral saline solution, with a trace of muscarin or pilocarpine solution. It will become quite motion- less in diastole, ^l/ro/»?/?.— Transfer the motionless heart to a •2 per cent, solution of atropin in neutral saline solution. Notice the gradual return of the beat. Atropin is the antagonist of muscarin and pilocarpine. Further action of J tropin.- Inject under the skin of the back a few drops of atropin solution, 1 per cent. After about ten minutes pith the frog and make a vagus preparation. Stimulate the vagus; no inhibition follows, even with the strongest cur- rents. Stimulate the inhibitory centre, and again no stoppincr of the beat results. The vagus nerve-endings are paralysed. Stannius' experiment, however, succeeds as with the normal heart. Frog-Ueart and Rheoscopic Limb. — Prepare the hind leg of a vigorous frog, together with a long length of uninjured sciatic nerve, and in the same pithed frog expose the heart and open the pericardium. Arrange the frog on a glass plate, and also the limb on another, then allow the nerve to fall upon the ventricle. Each time the ventricle contracts, a contraction occurs in the limb. Graphic Methods. — For this purpose a hollow cylindrical box, about three inches long and one inch in diameter, is fixed upon a metal support. The box is provided wiih two metal tubes, by means of which water at various temperatures may be passed through it by attaching to the metal tubes gutta-percha tubes, the one passing from a vessel fixed on a stand at some distance above the frog box, and the other similarly fixed somewhat 16 242 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. below. The lever is thus made : a glass rod, of the thickness usually employed as a stirrer, is taken, and with a blow- pipe flame it is softened sufficiently to allow of its being drawn out at the softened part to great fineness : the fine part is then broken at a point about five inches from the unaltered glass tube, which is now similarly drawn out the other side, leaving a knob of glass between the two thinner parts. On this side all the thinned part is removed, and the glass now remains with a thin arm about five inches long. A square piece of cork is now passed along the thin glass to the knob, and through this a fine needle is passed. The needle can be adjusted in bearings which are fixed to the edge of the box. A second piece of cork is passed along the lever arm, and is adjusted and cut so that its point, directed downwards, can rest upon the ventricle of the heart. After these corks have been put in place, the writing end of the lever may be made by allowing the extremity to be softened for a few seconds in the flame of a spirit lamp. The frog heart-box can be adjusted to the recording cylinder, and for the purpose of recording the contraction the cylinder should revolve slowly. (1) Having exposed the heart of a pithed frog, tie a ligature to its fraenum, and, cutting through the vessels, lift it by the ligature to the heart-box ; having first allowed water at about 10° C. to pass through it, moisten the heart by placing a little serum on the top of the box by means of a capillary- pipette. Adjust the lever so that the cork rests well upon the ventricle, and the writing lever marks on the recording drum record-tracings of the contractions at various temperatures, cooling the water down by means of ice to 1° C, and then raising it by increments to 20° C, and compare the tracings. (2) If, instead of a heart beating in the ordinary way, a Stannius preparation (p. 241) be substituted, the heart may be stimulated by weak induction shocks, the apparatus being arranged so that the electrodes just touch the ventricle ; and with a key in the secondary circuit, and the kick-over key in the primary circuit, definite regular contractions may be com- pared, and the effects of temperature in altering the rapidity and the strength of the contraction seen, 'as well as the latent period recorded. PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. 243 Endocardial Pressure. — A large frog (Rana esculenia) is taken, and the heart is exposed in the usual manner, the pericardium opened, the fnenum ligatured, and the heart turned over by the ligature. A cut is made into the bulb, and by this means a double cannula is passed into the ventricle, a ligature is passed round the heart, and the cannula is tied in tightly. The vessels are then divided beyond tho ligature, and the cannula, with the heart attached, is removed. To one stem of the cannula a tube is attached, communicating with a reservoir of a solution of dried blood in -70 saline solution, and filtered, which is capable of being raised or lowered in temperature by being surrounded by a metal box which contains hot, cold, or iced water. Attached to the other end is a similar tube, which communicates by a T piece with a small mercury manometer, provided with a writing style, and also with a vessel into which the serum is received. The apparatus being arranged so that the movements of the mercury can be recorded by the float and the writing style on the slowly revolving drum, and after some serum has been allowed to pass freely through the ventricle, both tubes are clipped, the second one beyond the J piece, and the alterations in the pressure are recorded. The effects of fluids at various temperatures should similarly be recorded in the manner indicated above. Roy's Tonometer. — By this apparatus the alterations in volume which a frog's heart undergoes during contraction are recorded by the following means : A small bell-jar, open above, but provided with a firmly fitting cork, in which is fixed a double cannula, is adjustable by a smoothly ground base upon a circular brass plate, about two to three inches in diameter. The junc- tion is made complete by greasing the base with lard. In the plate, which is fixed to a staud adjustable on an upright, are two holes, one in the centre, a large one about one-third of an inch in diameter, to which is fixed below a brass grooved collar, about half an inch deep ; the other hole is the opening into a pipe provided with a tap (stopcock). The opening provided with the collar is closed at the lower part with a membrane of animal tissue, which is loosely tied by means of a ligature around the groove at the lower edge of the collar. To this membrane a piece of cork is fastened by sealing-wax, from Ki— 2 244 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. which passes a wire, which can be attached to a lever, fixed on a stage below the apparatus. "When using the apparatus, fix the bell- jar by means of cord, drop a little glycerin into the collar closed by membrane, and fill the jar with olive oil. Now pre- pare, in the way above described, the heart of a large frog, tie in the cannula, which is, as before mentioned, fixed in the cork ; the tubes of the cannula communicating with the reser- voir of serum on the one hand, and with a vessel to contain the serum after it has run through on the other. Pass the cannula with heart attached into the oil, and firmly secure the cork. Now open the tap, raise the membrane a little, and allow a few drops of the oil to pass out ; shut the tap, and let go the mem- brane. By these means the lever will be found to be adju^^ted to a convenient elevation. Allow the lever to write on a moving drum, pass serum through at various temperatures, and compare the tracings. After a short time the heart will stop beating ; but two wires are arranged, the one in the cannula, the other projecting from the plate in such a way that the heart can be moved against them by shifting the position of the bell- jar a little. The wires act as electrodes, and can be made to- communicate with an induction apparatus, so that single induc- tion shocks can be sent into the heart to produce contractions,, and if need be, by means of the trigger key, at one definite point in the revolution of the recording cylinder. CHAPTER lY. NERVOUS SYSTEM. Functions of the Medulla Oblongata in the Frog. — Hold the frog as if about to pith it (see p. 215) : divide the skin, oc3ipito-atlantoid membrane and medulla by a transverse cut with a sharp scalpel ; destroy the brain by thrusting a pointed piece of wood into it. The operation should be almost blood- less. The frog should be allowed to rest on its belly for a short time, to enable it to recover from the shock. Before long it will be found to have assumed a nearly normal attitude. It does not, however, make any si)ontaneous movement, provided that it is kept moist and at an equable temperature. If the flank be gently stroked, the muscles will twitch ; and if the stimulus be more violent, bilateral movements will occur. This is best seen in a frog which is freely suspended. If the skin about the anus be pinched, both legs will be simultaneously drawn up. Functions of the Roots of the Spinal Xerves. — Divide the skin along the back of a frog, whose brain alone has been destroyed, as in the previous experiment. Separate the muscles of the back, so as to expose the arches of the vertebrae, which should be carefully cut away with a pair of blunt-pointed scissors. The roots of the nerves will then be seen within the spinal canal. Expose the roots of the eighth, ninth, and tenth nerves, taking the greatest care not to touch them, by completely removing the surrounding structures. The posterior roots will then be seen to be the larger and the more superficial ; they conceal the anterior roots. Select the largest of the roots now visible — it is thit of the ninth nerve— and pass a fine silk ligature round it 246 PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY. without touching it more than is necessary. Tighten the liga- ture. At tho nv^vAQ instant movements will be noticed in some part of the body of the frog. Cut the nerve between the ligature and the cord ; movement will again take place. Place the proximal portion of the divided nerve upon a pair of elect- rodes in connection with a Du Bois Reymond's induction apparatus ; decided movements will occur on the pass^age of a current, whilst no such movements are seen when the distal extremity of the nerve is stimulated in the same manner. Cut away the posterior root, and repeat the preceding experi- ments with the anterior root ; movements will occur as soon as the root is touched, as well as when the ligature is tightened, and when the nerve is divided. Tetanus ensues upon stimula- tion of the distal portion of the nerve ; but the passage of an electric current through the central end produces no result. Functions of the Spinal Cord. — In a preparation in which the brain has been destroyed, and the cord divided below the medulla, (a) the reflex function of the cord may be shown by irritating the surface of the skin by means of small pieces of filter paper dipped in acid, and placed in various situations ; contraction of certain muscles usually follows for the purpose of getting rid of the irritation. The groups of muscles are as a rule regularly brought into action Avhen particular parts are irritated, {h) If the irritation occur in one leg, and that leg be prevented from moving, the other leg will act ; but after a time general contraction may occur, [c) If the irritation be very great, or if the frog be under the influence of strychnia, general convulsions may occur. APPENDIX. ON THE PRESERVATION OF NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL MUSEUM PREPARATIONS. The only satisfactory method of making permanent preparations of entire organs or tissues is to obtain the specimen whilst it is quite fresh. When this can be done it is placed in a zinc or earthenware basin, and a small stream of fresh water is allowed to flow upon it for twenty-fonr hours. At the end of this time it is deprived of the blood which it con- tains by gently squeezing along the course of the main vessels. It is then dissected in such a manner as to show the especial features for which it is preserved. It will be found that the dissection is more readily and cleanly performed at this stage than after the preparation has been placed in spirit. It is then put back into the basin and the water is allowed to flow over it until the greater part of its colouring matter has been washed away. In cold weather this is readily effected, but in summer it must be carefully watched to prevent decomposition setting in. The amount of water which flows over the specimen is of less im- portance than its constant renewal. As soon as the washing is complete, which will usually be in forty- eight to seventy-two hours after its commencement, the preparation should be suspended by means of silken threads in the glass jar in which it will eventually be preserved. A mixture consisting of half methy- lated spirit and half water is then poured over it. The bottle should afterwards be conspicuously labelled and set aside, the spirit being changed as often as it becomes discoloured. In dealing with large numbers of specimens it will be found convenient to place in each jar an ungi'ound microscopic slide or other slip of glass, upon which a re- ference CO the specimen has been made by means of a w riting diamond, details being at the tame time entered in a book kept for the purpose. 248 APPENDIX. As soon as the spirit in which the specimen is immersed remains clear, the final dissection should be made under weak spirit, all loose pieces of connective tissue being removed with a pair of curved scissors, the muscles being carefully cleaned, and the various points of interest being demonstrated to their greatest advantage. The preparation is then sus- pended in a mixture of proof spirit and water in the proportion of one part of spirit to two of water. Proof spirit is employed as the perma- nant preservative agent because it does not become cloudy with sudden atmospheric changes, as is so frequently the case with methylated alcohol. The glass jar must be provided with a ground rim, upon which a glass cover of moderate thickness fits flush. The cover is luted to the bottle by a cement prepared according to the follo^\ing formula : Melt together, in an iron or earthenware vessel, one pound of gutta- percha and one pound of asphalt, and when they are thoroughly mingled p>our them on a slate or stone slab which has previously been moistened with water. Roll the mass into cylinders of convenient length and thickness, and use the sticks in the same way as sealing-wax. The glass cover shoiild be gently warmed before it is pressed upon the hot cement which has been spread along the rim of the glass jar. A weight, vary- ing from four to twelve pounds according to the size of the jar, is placed upon the freshly-cemented top for a period of forty-eight hours, after which the superfluous cement is scraped away and a neatly applied ring of Brunswick black is painted round the edge and top of the cover in such a way as to conceal the line of junction. The method here detailed is not applicable to every specimen. The hollow \iscera, such as the uterus, bladder, etc., after they have been washed for twenty-four hours, and after the removal of redundant tissue, should be stuffed with tow, cotton-wool, or horse-hair, the aper- ture being subsequently sewn up. They should then be suspended for seventy-two hours in 64 per cent, methylated spirit, after which the stuffing should be removed, the preparation being placed in the ordinary mixture of methylated spirit and water, until they are ready for mount- ing. These preparations are put into strong spirit to cause them to set in the form given to them by the stuffing. Structures which deteriorate in water, such as the brain and other nervous tissues, and those in which it is desired to preserve, as far as possible, the original colour, should be placed at once in strong spirit. Large anatomical and physiological preparations may be embedded in plaster of Paris, in white earthenware basins with ground rims, the basin being subsequently filled \\-ith diluted proof spirit, and the cover sealed down with a cement made by mixing together litharge and gold size to form a paste. As in the case of the glass jar, a weight must be placed APPENDIX. 249 upon the cover to keep it firmly adherent to the basin until the cement begins to dry, which will not usually take place much under a week. Specimens showini^ colloid degeneration, tuljercular synovitis, villous tumours, etc., may be preserved in a mixture of equal parts of glycerine and distilled water, to which has been added a trace of corrosive subli- mate (1 part in 1500) or of pure carbolic acid. In a few cases where it is necessary to preserve as far as possible the colour and translucency of the preparation, as in voluntary muscle infested with trichina, Wickersheimer's fluid may be employed. This fluid can be obtained from the importers, Messrs. W. Schacht and Co., 26, Finsbury Pavement, E.G., at a price of 2s, 6d. per quart bottle, or it may be manufactured according to the accompanying formula : Alum ... ... ... 100 grammes. Caustic potash .. .. 60 ,, Chloride of soda... ... 25 „ Nitrate of potash ... 12 „ Arsenious acid ... ... 10 „ Dissolve the ingredients in three litres of boiling water. Cool. Filter, and afterwards add to each litre of fluid iOO c.c. of glycerine and 100 c.c. of proof spirit. The fresh preparation should be entirely immersed in the fluid for ten days, and it should then be suspended in a glass jar with a small quantity of the fluid beneath it. The jar should be sealed in the usual manner. Neither the glycerine process nor Wickersheimer's fluid, how- ever, have been found to yield very satisfactory results, and for valuable specimens it is better to adopt the alcohol method. Small specimens, such as ovaries, sections of human eyes, etc., may be conveniently preserved and shown, by means of glycerine jelly, in the following manner : After clearing away all redundant tissue, the specimen should be placed in Miiller's fluid for a month. If its contents are suspected to be fluid, or semi-fluid, it should be frozen by placing it in a mixture of powdered ice and salt, and whilst it is hard it should be divided in the required direction with an ordinary sharp table-knife. The colouring matter of the Miiller's fluid must then be dissolved out by placing the specimen in a solution of chloral hydrate (40 grains to the ounce), the chloral being changed as often as it becomes discoloiired. The prepara- tion is then placed for two or three days in a mixture consisting of one part of glycerine and three parts of water, from which it is transferred, for forty-eight hours, to a stronger mixture of equal parts of glycerine and water. It is then ready to mount in glycerine jelly, which is made 2 50 APPENDIX. thus : One part of Coignet's (Paris) gold label gelatin* is soaked in six parts of distilled water until it is thoroughly swollen. It is then heated, and six parts of glycerine, to which a trace of pure carbolic acid has been previously added, is mixed with it, and the whole is filtered whilst it is hot through white filtering paper or cotton-wool — the heat being maintained during the filtration by means of a funnel vriih a hot- water jacket. The resulting jelly is preserved for usp in a st1 Bone, Development of, 70-72 General characters, 68, 69 Preparation, 68 Spongy, 70 Borax carmine, 28 Bcittchers te.-t for sugar, 163 Bowman's sarcous elements, 75 Boxes for embedding, 21 Brain, histology of, 87 Bronchus, structure of, 111 Briicke's disdiaclasts, 75 Brunner's glands, 103 Brunswick black, 40 Bulb, structiire of, 85 Butter, chemistry of, 179 C. Cabin'ets, 44 Cacao butter for embedding, 21 Calcifj'ing cartilage, 67 Calculi, analysis of, 191 examination of, 191 Camera lucida, 11 Canada balsam, 39, 40 Directions for mounting in, 38 Preparation of solution, 38 Cannula, method of making, 209 Capillaries, stnacture of, 92, 132 Capillifurm processes, 137 Carbo-hydrates, chemistry of, 160- 164 Carbolic acid, as a mounting solu- tion, 38 in urine, 191, 193 Carboluria, test for, 191. 193 Cardiac muscle, histology of, 76 Cardiograph, 209 Carmine, 27, 28 directions for staining with, 34 Cartilage, 66-68 Development of bone in, 70 Elastic, 67 Fibrous, 67 Hyaline, 66 Ossifying, 67 Casein, 152, 179 Castor oil, as an embedding mix- ture, 21 as a mounting fluid, 38 INDEX. 257 Cathcart's microtome, 26 CeUs, Cartilage, 67 Connective tissue, 6-3, 141 Central, 102 Ganglion, 83 Muscle, 76 Nerve, 83 Parietal, 101 Peptic, 101 Salivary, 98 Tendon, 62 Cementum, 96 Cementing reagents, 40 Cerebellum, histology of, 86 Cerebrum, histology of, 87 Ceruminous glands, 115 Chemical stimulation of muscle, 227 Chlorides in urine, quantitative test for, 171 in urine, qualitative test for, 180 Chloride of gold, 32 Cholesterin, properties of, 182 test for, 183 Chondrin, chemistry of, 159 test for, 197 Choroid, histology of, 145 Chromic acid, 17, 41 Chylous urine, test for, 191 Ciliary movement, 59 muscle of Riolani, 140 processes, 145 Ciliated epithelium, 59 Circulation, arterial schema to demonstrate, 203 Circulation, microscopical exami- nation of, 201-203 Classification of anilin dyes, 30 Cleaning slides and cover-glasses, 36 Clearing, 35 Clove oil, 35 Coagulated proteids, 156 Coagulation of blood, 178 milk, 180 Cochineal dye, 29 Cochlea, histology of, 135 Cohnheim's fields, 73, 75 Cohn's normal fluid, formula for, 254 Cold, effects of, on blood, 173 effects of, on excitability of nuiscle, 219 Columnar epithelium, 59 Commutator, 225 Compartments, muscle, 75 Compound microscope, 5 Condenser, 10 Coni vasculosi, 123 Conjunctiva, histology of, 140 Connective tissues, histology of, 62 Constriction, lianvier's, 77, 79 Continental model of microscope, 2 Contractile discs, 75 Cord, spinal, histology of, 79-85 Corium, structure of, 114 Cornea, histology of, 140 Corneal corpuscles, preparation of, 141 Cornicula laryngis, 67 Corpus cavernosum, 124 luteum, 125 spongiosum, 124 Corpuscles, blood, coloured, 47 colourless, 47, 53, 54 counting, 50 feeding of, 50 preparation of, 52 staining, 52 tendon, 62 of Hassall, 129 Corti, organ of, 136 Cover -glasses, 36 measurement of, 36 cutting of, 36 cleaning of, 36 Cowper's glands, 124 Crouch's microscopes, 13, Crusta petrosa, 96 Crypts of Lieberklihn, 103 Crystallin, chemistry of, 153 Crystalline lens, structure of 143 Crystals, blood, 56 Curare, effects of, 202, 226 Curdling milk, methods of, 180 Currents, ascending, 223 continuous, electrical ac- tion of on muscle, 217 17 258 INDEX. Currents, descending, 223 efifect of variations in strength of, 22-i extra, 221 interruption of, 222 regulation of strength of, 223 Ciitting sections, 19-27 Cylinder-axis, 79 Cystin, test for, 194 D. Dammar solution, 39, 40 Daniell's cell, arrangement of, 217 Degenerations of spinal cord, 81 Dehydration, 35 Delicate tissues, the preparation of, 41 Dentine, histology of, 95-97 Derived albumins, 151-153 Descemet, membrane of, 141 Description of microscope, 2-5 Development of Ixjne, 70-72 of teeth, 96-98 Dextrine, 162, 196 Diabetic urine, 189 Dialysis, 151 Diaphragms, 3 Directions for Choosing microscope, 12 Dissociating, 41 EmVjeddinfr, 21 Hand section -cutting, 20-23 Hardening, 17 Mounting, 35-40 in glycerin, 37 in Canada balsam, 38 Softening, 41 Staining, 27-35 Teasing, 40 Disc, contractile, 75 Hensen's, 75 interstitial, 75 lateral, 75 Discus proligerus, 125 Disdiaclasts, 75 Dissecting microscope, 5 Dissociation of tissues, 41 Double staining, 34 Drawing microscopical objects, 11 Drop bottles, 39 Drum for recording, 206, 227 Du Bois Reymond's key, 218, 223 induction coil, 218 rheochord,223 Ductless glands, histology of, 128- 131 Dyes, anilin, 30 E. Ear histology of, 135-138 Ampullae, 137 Cochlea, 135 Semicircular canals, 137 Egg albumin, 150 Ehrlich - "Weigert's method staining bacteria, 252 Elastic cartilage, 67 stripe, 64 tissue, 64 Elasticity of muscle, 237 Elastin, chemistry of, 159 Electrical stimulation of muscle by continuous current, 217 ; by in- duction shocks, 219 ; by unipolar stimidus, 221 Electricity, action of on blood, 49 Electrodes, negative, 223 preparation of, 216 ; of •23: note positive, 223 Electrotonus, 236 Embedding box. 21 materials, 20 Embryonal tissue, 65 Enamel, structure of, 95, 97 cap, 97 cuticle, 97 organ, 97 Endocardial pressure in heart of frog, 243 Endochondral bone, 70 Eudomysium, 75, 76 Endoneurium, 78 Endothelium, 60 preparation of, 60 English model of microscopes, 4 makers of microscopes, 13 Eosin, 29, 79 INDEX. 259 Eosin, directions for staining with, 34 Kpidennis, 11."^ Ei)idi(lyinis, structure of, 123 Epiglottis, lOS Epineuriuin, 78 Epithelium, 59 Ciliated, 59 Columnar, 59 Glandular, 60 Pigment, GO Squamous, 58 Transitioual, 59 Ether freezing, methods of, 25, 26 Eustachian tube, structure of, 67 Examination of fresh tissues, 16 ; of hardened tissues, 17 ; of cir- culation, 201 ; of organic sub- stances, 195-200 ; of a solid substance, 198 ; of urinary cal- culi and deposits, 191-194 Excitability of muscle, 219 Extra current of Faraday, 221 Eyelids, structure of, 139 Eye pieces, 3, 9 histology of, 139-146 Ciliary processes, 145 Conjunctiva, 140 Choroid, 145 Cornea, 140 Crystalline lens, 143 Eyelids, 139 Iris, 144 Lachrymal gland, 140 Lens, 143 Retina, 142 Sclerotic, 145 F. Fallopian tubes, structure of, 126 Faraday, extra current of, 221 Faradization of muscle, 232 Farrant's solution, 37 Fasciculi of muscle, 75 Fat, chemistry of, 166, 179 structure of, 66 Fatigue curve, 232 Fehling's test for sugar, 189 Fermentation test for sugar, 163, 190 Ferments, pancreatic, 186 pepsin, 185 ptyalin, 184 rennet, 180, 186 Ferrein, pyramids of, 118 Fibres, nerve, structure of, 78 Fibrin, 155, 178 Fibrinogen, 154, 178 Fibrinoplastic globulin, 154 Fibro-cartilage, 67 Fibrous tissues, 62 Fish, examination of circulation in, 203 Flogel's granular layer, 75 Forceps, 46 Fresh tissues, examination of, 16 Freezing mixtures, 25 Frog board, 201, 228 examination of circulation in, 201 experiments with heart of, 240-244 Frog-heart box of Roy, 243 Funiculi of nerve, 78 G. Galactophorous ducts, 127 Gall bladder, structure of, 107 stones, analysis of, 183 Galvani's experiment, 222 Galvanometer, method of using, 235 Ganglia of heart, 238 Ganglion cells, 83, 89 Gas chamber for experimenting with blood, 55 Gases, action of, on blood, 48 Gastric juice, chemistry of, 185 Gelatin, properties of, 157 test for, 197 Gelatinous tissue, 65 Genito-urinary organs, histology of, 117-127 Bladder, 120 Fallopian tubes, 126 Kidney, 117-120 Ovary, 124 Penis, 123 Prostate, 121 Testes. 122 Ureter, 120 17—2 260 INDEX. Genito-urinary organs, terms, 125 Va.= deferen?, 121 Vesiculse seminales, 12-3 Giannuzzi, crescents of, 98, 99 Giant cells, 68 Glands, Adrenal, 130 Agminated, 103 Bowman's, 138 Briinner's, 103 Ceruminous, 115 Cowper's, 124 Gastric, 101 Kidney, 117-120 Lachrymal, 110 Lieberkiihn's, 103 Liver, 105-107 Lymphatic, 132 Mammary, 126 Meilxjmian, 139 Mohl's, 139 Mucous salivary, 98 Nuhn's, 9-4 Pancreas, 104 ; action of, 186 Peptic, 101 Peyer's, 103 Pituitary bodv, 129 Pineal, 129 Prostate, 121 Pyloric, 101 Salivary, 98 Sebaceous, 115 Serous, 99 Spleen, 133 Supra -renal, 130 Sweat, 114 Th}-mus, 128 Tliyroid, 128 Glandular epithelium, 60 Glass covers, 36 slides, 35 Glisson, capsule of, 106 Globin, 155 Globulins, 153, 177, 185, 195 Crystallin, 153 Fibrinogen, 154, 178 Myosin, 153 Paraglobulin, 154, 177 Vitellin, 155 Glvcocholic acid, preparation of, 182 Glycerin, chemistry of, 165 as a mounting fluid, 37 jelly, 3S, 249 Glycogen, chemistry of, 162 preparation of, 161 test for, 196 Glucose, chemistry of, 163 tests for, 163, 189, 190, 197, 199 to distinguish from lac- tose, 199 GmeHn's test for bile pigments, ISl Gold chloride, 19, 32 size, 40 Graafian follicles, 125 Granular layer, Flogel, 75 Grape sugar, properties of, 163. See Gluco-^e Graphic method as applied to the circulation, 203 ; to muscle, 227 ; to the pulse, 204 ; to the blood pressure, 205 ; to the heart, 241 Grey matter, spuial cord, struc- ture of, 82-84 Guaiac test for blood, 174 Gum arable solution, preparation of, 26 H. Ha IK, structure of, 115 Hand- cutting, 20, 22 Hardened tissues, examination of, 17 Hardening reagents, 17-19 Absolute alcohol, 18 Ammonium bichromate, 18 chroraate, 18 Chromic acid, 17 Chromic acid and spirit, 17 Gold chloride, 19 Mercuric chloride, 18 Methylated spirit, 18 Midler's fluid, 18 Nitric acid, 18 Osmic acid, 19 Palladiiun chloride, 19 Picric acid, IS Potassium bichromate, 18 Hardening, directions for, 1 7, 19 INDEX. 261 Hasaall, concentric corpuscles of, 129 Hitmacytonieter, 51 Hsematin, 175 Hajmatoporphyrin, 175 Hiematoxylin, 27 directions for stain- ing with, 33 Weigert's, 80 Haemin crystals, 56 Hsemochromagen, 175 Haemoglobin, 55 chemistry of, 174 preparation of cry- stals of, 55 Hsemoglobinometer, 175 Hartnack's microscopes, 14 Haversian canals, 69 interspaces, 69 systems, 69 Heart, action of drugs on, 241 alteration in volume of during contraction, 243 endocardial pressure in, 243 experiments with, 239-244 histology of muscle of, 76 influence of vagus on, 240 nervous mechanism of, 239 of frog described, 230 Stannius' experiment, 242 Heat, effects of, on excitability of muscle, 219, 232 Heidenhain, semilunes of, 98, 99 Heller's test for albumin, 150 Helmholtz's modification of the magnetic interrupter, 221 Henle, looped tube of, 118 Hensen's disc, 75 Histology, practical, 1-146 Human blood, histology of, 47 Hyaline cartilage, 66, 67 Hydrochloric acid, 41 Hydrocele fluid, experiments with, 178 Hypobromite test for urea, 169 Immersion lenses, 8-10 Indol, test for, 187 Induction coil, 218 Induction shock, passage of through muscle, 218 Infundibulum of kidney, 118 of lung, 111 Injection of tissues, 42 Ink, staining with, 29, 79 Inosite, chemistry of, 164 test for, 199 Interlobular veins, 106 Interrupter, magnetic, 220 metronome, 222 spring, 222 Interstitial disc, 75 Intestine, histology of, large, 104 small, 102 Intralobular veins, 106 Involuntary muscle, histology of, 76 Iodized serum, 16, 41 Iris, structure of, 144 Irrigation, 48 Jacobson's organ, histology of, 250 Jelly, glycerin, mounting in, 250 preparation of, 38, 249 K. Kathode, 223 Key, Du Bois Reymond's, 217,223 Morse's, 217 trigger, 229 Kidney, 117-120 Knives, 44 Krause's membrane, 75 Kymograph, 2o6 Lachrymal gland, histology of, 140 Lactiferous ducts, 127 Lactose, 163, 180, 199 to distinguish from glu- cose, 199 Lacunae of bone, 69 Lake condition of blood, 173 Lamina fusca, 145 vitrea, 145 Lantermann, sections of, 79 262 INDEX. Lardacein, 157 Large intestine, structure of, 104 Laryngoscope, method of using, 213 Larynx, structure of, 109 Lateral discs, 75 Leitz's microscopes, 14 Lens, apochromatic, 9 crystalline, structure of, 143 dry, 8 immersion, 8-10 Lenses, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 Leucin, preparation of, 187 test for, 199 Leucocytes, 47 method of feeding, 50 movements of, 53 Lieberkiihn, crypts of, 103 Liebig's test for chlorides, 171 for urea, 171 Lifter, section, 36 Light, sources of, for microscope, 10 Liver, structure of, 105-107 Logwood, 27 directions for staining with, 33 Lung, structure of, 109-112 Lymphatic cells, 63 glands, 133 Lymphatics, structure of, 132 Lymphoid tissue, 94, 99, 133 M. Macula germinativa, 125 Magnetic interrupter, 220 Malpighi, corpuscles of, 134 pyramids of, 117, 118 rete of, 113 Mammary gland, structure of, 126 Marine glue, 40 Materials, embedding, 20 injecting, 42 Matrix of cartilage, 67 Mayer's solution, formula for, 254 Measuring of cover glasses, 36 Mechanical stimulation of muscle, 227 Medland, 35, note Medulla oblongata, functions of in frog, 245 Medulla oblongata, structure of, 85 Medulla of bone, 70 Medullary sheath, 78 Medullated nerve fibres, structure of, 78 Meissner's plexus, 89 Membranovis bone, 71 Mercuric chloride, 18 Methsemoglobin, 175 Methylated spirit, 18, 41 Metronome as a current inter- rupter, 222 Metacasein, 187 Microscope, description ( f , 1-5 di?secting, 2, 5 directions for choosing, 12 lamp, 10 m.akers of, 13-15 Microtomes Beck's, 24 Boecker's, 24 Cathcart's, 26 Caldwell's, 24 Ether, 25 Jung's, 24 Leitz's, 24 Ranvier's, 23 Reichert's, 24 Rutherford's, 23 Stirling's, 23 Williams', 25 Zeiss's, 24 Milk, chemistry of, 179 sugar, 163, 180 to distinguish from glucose, 199 Millon's reagent, 148, 158, 180 method of preparing, 147, note Minimal contraction, 236 Moist chamber, 230 Molybdate, ammonium, 31 Moore's test for sugar, 163 Morse's key, 217 Mounting, 35 fluids, 37 Mouth epithelium, 58 Mucin, chemistry of, 158 test for, 197 INDEX. 263 Muco-salivary glands, 99 Mucous glands, 94, 98, 101 tissue, 65 Miiller, fibres of, 142 Miiller's fluid, 18 Multiple staining, 34, 35 Murexide test, 168 Museum, preparation of specimens for, 247-250 Muscle, cells, 96 chemical excitability of, 227 currents, 235 effect of heat and cold on, 232 efifect of fatigue on, 232 effect of poisons on, 226, 232 elasticity of, 237 electrical excitability by continuous current, 217 electrical excitability by induction shock, 219, 231 electrical excitability by unipolar stimulation, 221 faradization of, 232 graphic representation of the contraction of, 227- 230 histology of, 73-76 mechanicalexcitabOityof, 227 properties of, 214-232 reaction of, 237 sugar, chemistry of, 164 thermal excitability of ,227 time measurement of curve, 233 transparency of, 237 Muscle-nerve preparation, 216, 230 Muscular tissue, structure of striped, 74 ; unstriped, 76 Myograph, 228 pendulum, 233 spring, 235 Myosin, 153 N. Nachet's microscopes, 14 Nail, stnicture of, 116 Xaphthalamine, test for, 187 Native albumins, nature of, 150 Natural currents in muscle and nerve, 236 Needles, 40, 46 Negative variation, 236 Nerve cells, 83,89 Nerve-muscle preparation, 216 Nerves, electrc^tonus in, 236 functions of roots in frog, 245 negative variation in, 236 Nerve plexuses, 88-90 Nerves, structure of, 77 Nervous system : Cerebellum, 86 Cerebrum, 87 Degeneration of, 81 Medulla, 85 Spinal cord, functions of, 246 structure of, 81- 85 Sympathetic, 88 Tissue, structure of, 77-90 Nervous mechanism of frog's heart, 238 Neurilemma, 78 Neuroglia, 79, 82, 88 Nitrate of silver, 31 Nitric acid, 18 Non-medullated nerves, 79, 88 Non-striped muscle, 76 Normal saline solution, 16, 48, 254 Nose, histology of, 138, 250 Nosepiece, 15 Nuhn, glands of, 94 O. Object glass, 16 Objectives, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 Oculars, 2, 9 Odontoblasts, 97 (Esophagus, 99 Oil, castor and spermaceti, 21 clove, 35 Oils and fats, chemistry of, 165 Olfactory cells, 138 organ, 138, 250 nerve, 139 264: INDEX- Olive oil and white wax, 20 chemistry of, 165 Ophthalmoscope, 211 Optic nerve, structure of, 79 Organic substances, examination of, 195-200 Osmic acid, 19, 32, 66 Osseous tissue, chemistry of, 158 histology of, 68-72 Ossifying cartilage, 67 Ost^blasts, 6S, 71 Ost-eoclasTs, 72 Osteodentine, 96 Ovary, 124 Ovula Xabothi, 126 Ovum, structure of, 125 Oxalates in urine, 189, 194 Oxyhsemoglobin, crystals of, 55 spectrum of, 174 P. Pacciniax bodies, 89 Palladium chloride, 19, 32 Pancreas, digestive action of, 1S6 structure of, 104 Papillae of tongue, structure of, 93 Paraffin and lard, for embedding, 20 Paraglobulin, 154, 177 Parietal cells, 101 Parotid gland, structure of, 99 Parkes' microscopes, 13 Pasteur's fluid, formula for, 254 Pa\Vs test for sugar, 190 Pendulum myograph, 233 Penis, structure of, 123 Pepsin, digestive action of, 185 Peptic cells, 101 glands, 101 Peptones, properties of, 155, 155, 186 Perforating fibres, 69 Perichondrium, 67 Perimysium, 75, 76 Perineurium, 78 Periosteal bone, 71 Periosteum, structure of, 70 Pettenkofer's test for bile salts, 181 Peyer's glands, 103 Phosphates, test for in milk, 180 in urine, 189 quantitative test for, 172 Physiological chemistry, 147-200 Picric acid, 18, 41 Picric acid test for sugar, 163 Picrocamiin, 28 Pigment, 60 Pineal gland, struchire of, 129 Pithing of frogs, 215 Pituitary body, structure of, 129 Plasma of blood, experiments with, 178 Plain muscles, histology of, 74, 76 Plexuses of sympathetic nerve, 90 Pneumogastric nerve, dissection of, 239 influence of upon heart in frog, 240 Poisons, influence of on heart, 241 on muscle, 226, 232 Potassium, acetate, 37 bichromate, 18, 41 sulphocyanate, 185 Powell and Leland's microscopes, 15 Practical histology, 1-146 physiology, 201-246 Primary marrow cavities, 71 Primitive fibrils, 79 nerve sheath, 78 Prostate, structure of, 121 Proteids, 148-159 acid, 151 alkali, 152 casein, 152 classification of, 149 egg, 150 examination of , 195, 196 nature of, 148 serum, 151 solubility of, 149 tests for, 148, 156, 158, 195 Pseudostomata, 111 Ptyalin, action of, 184 Pulp of teeth, structure of, 96 INDEX. 265 Pulse, clenKtnstration of bysphyg- nidgraph, 20 4 Purkinje's cells, 86 Purpiirin, 29 Pus iu urine, tests for, 190, 194 Pyloric j^lands, 101 Q. Quantitative estimation of sugar, 189 Quantitative estimation of chlo- rides in urine, 171 Quantitative estimation of phos- phates in urine, 172 Quantitative estimation of urea, 169-171 R. Rabbit, method of demonstrating the blood pressure in, 205, 209 Rauvier's microtome, 23 constriction, 79 Razor, 22 Reaction of blood, method of test- ing, 173 Reagents, action of, on blood, 48- 50 Reagents, for fresh tissues, 16 hardening, 17 list of, 46 mounting, 37 softening, 41 staining, 27-35 Recording cylinder, 227 Reichert's microscopes, 14, 15 Reissner, membrane of, 135 Remak, fibres of, 89 ganglion of, 238 Rennet, 180, 186 Respiratory tract, histology of, 108-112 Bronchi, 111 Epiglottis, 108 Larynx, 109 Lung, 111 Trachea, 109,110 Rate Malpighii, 113 testis, 1 22 Retina, histology of, 142 Reverser, 225 Revmond, Du Bols, key of, 223i 228 induction coil, 218. 221, 228 rhecjcliord of, 223 Rheochord, 223 Rheoscopic frog, 226, 241 Rigor mortis, 237 Roberts' test for sugar by fermen- tation, 190 Riolani's muscle, 140 Roy, frog- heart box of, 243 Tonometer of, 243 Russell and West's test for urea, 169 Rutherford's microtome, 23 S. Salicylic acid in urine, 191, 193 Saline solution, 16, 48 Saliva, chemistry of, 184 Salivary glands, histology of, 98 Sarcolemma, 75 Sarcous elements, 75 Schema, arterial, 203 Schiflf's test for uric acid, 168 Schreger, lines of, 96 Schultze's, Max, muscle corpus- cles of, 76 Schwann's nucleated nerve -sheath, 78 Schwann's primitive substance, 78 Scissors, 45 Sclerotic, structure of, 145 Sebaceous glands, 115 Section by hand, 20-23 by microtomes, 23-27 Cutters, 22-27 Cutting, 19 Directions for, 19, 20 Lifters, 36 Sections of Lantermann, 79 Semilunes of Heidenhain, 98, 99 Semicircular canals, structure of, 137 Serous glands, 94, 99 Serum albumin, 151, 177, 179, 195, 196 Serum albumin, method of ob- taining, 151 •266 INDEX. Serum of blood, experiments with, 177 Sharper's perforating fibres, 69 Simple microscope, 5 Silver nitrate, 31 Skin, structure of, 113 Slides. 36 Small intestine, structure of, 102 Softening reagent^;, 41 Solubilities of proteids, 149 Solution, gum, 26 Farrant's, 37 saline, 16, 48 Spectrum analysis of blood, 174 of bile, ISl Spermatozoa, 123 Spermaceti and castor oil for em- bedding, 21 Sphygmograph, 204 Spinal cord, degeneration of, SI functions of. 246 nerves, origin of, 85 peculiarities of dif- ferent regions of, 84 structure of, 79-85 Spleen, structure of, 133 Spongy bone, 70 Spring inteiTupter, 222, 232 myograph, 235 Squamous epithelium, 58 Staining, blood, 52, 57 directions for, 33-35 multiple and double, 34 reagents, 27-35 Stanley's microscopes, 13 microtomes, 26 Stannius' experiment, 241 Sta:*ch, chemistry of, 160 test for, 196 Stephens' ink, staining with, 29, 79 Stethoscope, 210 Stokes' fluid, 174 reduced haematin, 175 Stomach, structure of, 100 Stomata, 61 Strieker's warm stage, 55 Striped muscle, structure of, 73 Submaxillary gland, structure of, PS Sugar, grape, 163 in urine, tests for, 189 milk, 163, 180 quantitative estimation of glucose, 189 Sulphocyanate of potassium, 185 Suprarenal capsule, 130 Sweat glands, 114 Swift's microscopes, 13 Sympathetic nerve system, 88 Tadpole, examination of circula- tion in, 201 Taste buds, structure of, 94 Taurocholic acid, preparation of, 1S2 Teazing, directions for, 40 Teeth, structure of, 95 development of, 96 Tendon corpuscles, 62 termination of muscle in, 73 Testes, structure of, 122 Tests for Acid albumin. 151 Albumins, 148-153, 195 Alkali albumin, 152 Alloxan, 168 Amyloid substance, 157 Bile acids, ISl Bile pigment, 181 Blood, 55, 56, 174, 190 Casein, 152, 180 Calcium, 185 Carbonates, 184 Carbolic acid, 191 Chlorides, 169, 171, 180, 184 Cholesterin, 182 Chondrin, 159, 197 Ch^'luria, 191 Coagulated proteids, 156 Cystin, 194 Crvstallin, 153 De"'xtrin, 162, 196, 199 Diabetic urine, 163, 189 Egg albumin, 150, 196 Elastin, 159 Fat, 165, 166 Fibrin, 155 Fibrinogen, 154, 178 INDEX. 267 Tests for fibrinoplastin, 154. 178 (ielatin, 157, 197 Globin, 155 Globulins, 153, 185, 195 Glucose, 163, .see Grape sugar Cilycerin, 165 Glycogen, 162, 196, 199 Grape sugar. Bismuth, 163 Br.ttcher's, 163 Fehliug's, 189 Feruienlation, 163 Indigo carmine, 163 Moore's, 163 Pavy's, 190 Picric acid, 163's, 163, 197, 199 Quantitative test for, 163, 189 Indol, 1S7 Inosit, 164, 199, 163, 180, 199 Lardacein, 157 Leucin, 199 Magnesium, 185 Metacasein, 1S7 Milk sugar, 163, ISO, 199 Mucin, 158, 185, 197 Murexide, 168 Myosin, 153 Naphthalamine, 187 Oil, 165 Oxalates, 189, 194 Paraglobulin, 154 Pepsin, 185 Peptones, 155 Phosphates, 168, 172, 180, 184 Potassium, 184 Potassium sulphocyanate, 185 Proteids, 148, 156, 158, 195 Pus, 190, 194 Salicylic acid, 191 Saliva, 184 Schiff's, 168 Seralbumin, 151, 195, 196 Sodium, 185 Starch, 161, 196 Tests for sulphates, 169, 184 Tyrosin, 197 Urates, 189, 191, 198 Urea, 168, 169, 198 Uric acid, 168, 198 Urine, alltuminous, 188 bilious, 181, 188 blood in, 190 carbolic acid in, 191, 193 chloiides in, 169, 171 chylous, 191 cystin in, 192, 193 diabetic, 103, 189 mucus in, 167, 194 morbid, 188, 194 normal, 167-172 oxalates in, 189 phosphates in, 168, 172, 189 pus in, 190 rhubarb in, 192 salicylic acid in, 191, 193 sugar in, 163, 189 sulphates in, 169 Vitellin, 155 Tetanus, 220, 232 Thermal stimulation of muscle, 227, 232 Thymus gland, structure of, 128 Thyroid gland, structure of, 128 Time measurement of muscle curves, 233 Tongue, histology of, 93 Tonometer, Roy's, 243 Tonsils, structure of, 99 Tooth, structure of, 95 development of, 96 Trachea, structure of, 110 Transitional epithelium, 59 Trigger key, 229 Trommer's test for sugar, 163, 197» 199 Tubercle bacillus, method of stain- ing, 253 Tunica albuginea, 122 granulosa, 125 Turnover key, 229 Tyros in, preparation of, 187 test for, 197 268 INDEX U. UxiPOLAR excitation of muscle, 221 Unstriped muscle, histology of, 74, 76 Urari, effects of, 202, 226 Urates, tests for, 189, 191, 198 Urea, nitrate, 167, 198 oxalate, 168 properties of, 167 quantitative estimation of, 169 preparation of, 166, 251 Ureter, structure of, 120 Urethra, structure of, 123 Uric acid, 16S, 1S8, 198 Urinary calculi, analysis of, 191 Urine, albuminous, 188 bilious, 181, 188 blood in, 190 carboluria, 191, 193 chemistry of, 167-172 chlorides in, 169, 171 chylous, 191 cystin in, 192, 193 diabetic, 163, 189 examination of normal, 167-172 examination of unhealthy, lSS-194 morbid, 188, 192 mucus in, 167, 194 nonnal, 167-172 oxaluria, 189 phosphatic, 168, 172, 189 pus in, 190 rhubarb in, 192 salicylic acid in, 191, 193 sugar in, 163, 189 sulphates in, 169 urates in, 189, 191 Uterus, structure of, 125 Uvea, 144 Vagus in frog, dissection to ex- pose, 239 Vagus, influence of upon heart of frog, 240 Valvulae conniventes, 103 Variations in strength of continu- ous currents, 224 Vas deferens, 121 Vas efferens, structure of, 123 Veins, structtue of, 91 Verick's microscopes, 14 Vesiculae seminales, 123 Villi, 103 Vitellin, 155 Vitelline membrane, 125 Vitellus, 125 Vitreous humoiu-, 65 W. Warm stage, 54 Wax masses, for embedding, 20 Weigert's method of staining nerve-tissue, 80 Weigert's method of staining bacteria, 252 Wharton's tissue, 65 White blood corpuscles, move- ments of, 54 White fibrous tissue, 62 Wickersheimer's fluid, preparation of, 249 Williams' microtome, 25 X. XaxthbOx boteic test for albumin, 14S z. Zeiss's microscopes, 13, 14 microtome, 24 Zona fasciculata, 130 glomerulosa, 130 pellucida, 125 reticularis, 130 1.0ND0X : BAILUEBE, TIXDALL, AND COX. KI2«G WILLIAM a^KEET, STRASU. V M , I I i