€oQese ot ^tpsftcianä anb ^urgeonä Ititirarp MANUAL OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. ,1 . VX/L^ > MANUAL OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, r i TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN y OF / / J. R BLUMENBACH, WITH ADDITIONAL NOTES, By WILLIAM LAWRENCE, Esq. F.R.S. SURGEON TO ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S HOSPITAL, TO BRIDEWELL, AND BETHLEM HOSPITALS, &C. &C. x' n SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND AUGMENTED, By WILLIAM COULSON, DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY AT THE MEDICAL SCHOOL, ALDERSGATE STREET, AND MEMBER OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. LONDON: PRINTED FOR W. SIMPKIN AND R. MARSHALL, STATIONERS'-HALL COURT, LUDGATE STREET. 1827. } J. M'Creery, Tooks Court, Chancery*lane, London» '^m /^/y /FX^ ADVERTISEMENT. In submitting this work to the public, the Editor deems it right to state briefly in what respects the present edition of Mr. Lawrence's translation of Blumenbach differs from the original edition of 1807. The difference consists partly in the addition of new matter, and partly in a new, and, he trusts, improved arrangement both of the text of the author, and of the additional notes of the Translator. With respect to the new disposition of the matter, the notes of Blumenbach have been incorporated, whereverithasbeenpracticabletoeffect such an union, with the text ; an arrangement which is sanctioned, in many instances, by the authority of the author him- self in the later editions of his work; and which will be found, it is hoped, to contribute not less to the pro- fit, than to the convenience of the student. Frequent annotations necessarily divert the attention of the rea- der from the chain of reasoning, or the detail of facts which the text may present to him ; and there is the less reason for isolating the information contained in the notes of Blumenbach, as it is for the most part b 11 ADVERTISEMENT. strictly relevant to the subject matter of the text. The additional notes of Mr. Lawrence, which, in the edition of 1807, were annexed en masse to the end of each chapter, have, in this edition, been printed in a distinct type at the end of each para- graph of the text which they are designed to illus- trate. Of the new matter, part has been introduced by the author in editions of this Manual, subsequent to that translated in 1807, and part has been annexed to, or incorporated with the notes of Mr. Lawrence by the present editor. The works of the more recent physiologists and comparative anatomists, especially those of Cuvier, Blainville, Rudolphi, Carus, Meckel, Tiede- mann, and the Lectures of Sir E. Home, have been diligently examined, with a view of supplying such in- formation as the lapse of twenty years had rendered necessary, in order to complete the plan of illustra- tion adopted by the Translator. Many scarce and valuable monographs have also been consulted for that purpose. The information derived from these sources is in some instances sufficiently distinguish- ed, by the dates of the works cited, from former addi- tions to this Manual, and, where there is no such dis- tinction apparent on the face of the additional matter, the Editor has not thought it necessary to point out what has been added to the commentaries of Mr. ADVERTISEMENT. 11! Lawrence, preferring rather to place his own hum- ble endeavours to increase the utility of the work under the shelter afforded to them by the name of the distinguished Translator. To that eminent individual the Editor has now to make his public acknowledgments for the mark of friendship and confidence with which he has been honoured, in being intrusted with the superintend- ence of this publication. For the sake of the sci- ence, indeed, he regrets that the numerous profes- sional avocations of Mr. Lawrence have prevented him from presenting the public with an improved edition of this, one of his earliest literary produc- tions; but he trusts, that as far as diligence and zeal can supply the want of the Translator's superintend- ing care, the confidence which has been reposed in him has not been entirely misplaced. Mr. Law- rence's translation of this work was produced at the outset of his professional life, at a time when a knowledge of the German language might be consi- dered a rare acquisition in this country; and his il- lustrations of the text, even at this early period of his career, aflforded an earnest of that reputation which he has since acquired by the splendour of his physiological researches. Blumen bach has him- self borne ample testimony to the merits of his com- mentator ; indeed it is as gratifying to remark the spi- rit of candour and cordial approbation with which b 2 IV ADVERTISEMENT. the labours of our distinguished countryman are uniformly noticed by the continental writers, as it is humiliating to reflect on the spirit of envy and ma- lignity by which they have been assailed at home. Envy and malignity, however, have done their w^orst ; it may be said rather that they have had the eifect of establishing the fame of Mr. Lawrence, and of placing, beyond all competition, his claims to the highest rank in his profession. The Editor cannot conclude these observations without expressing his acknowledgments to Mr. Clift, the conservator of the Hunterian Museum, for the great facilities he has afforded him in the prose- cution of inquiries connected with this publication. The value of the Hunterian Museum, with a view to any practical advantage that can be derived from it in physiological or pathological investigations, is indeed greatly diminished by the want of a digested catalogue of its contents. This want will, it is to be hoped, be speedily supplied ; in the mean time nothing is better calculated to diminish the incon- veniences resulting from it, than the urbanity, and the readiness to afford information, which are dis- played on all occasions by the present conservator. William Goulson. 59, Aldersgate Street, Oct. 1, 1827. THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. I WAS first led, both by inclination and by the nature of my professional pursuits, to devote the greater portion of my time to the study of physiology, or the foundation of medical science, as it has been termed by Zimmermann, and to natural history, or the ma- teria prima philosophice, as it has been called by Ba- con. I soon became convinced, and experience has confirmed my conviction, that Haller was right when he said of comparative anatomy, that it had thrown more light upon physiology than even the dissection of the human subject; an opinion which has been further sanctioned by the authority of Leib- NiTz, who has declared comparative anatomy to be the soul of that branch of knowledge which is de- dicated to the history of the animal kingdom. If I VI AUTHOR S PREFACE. may venture to believe that I have not laboured in vain in these two departments of science, the suc- cess of my efforts is to be attributed to the collateral assistance which 1 have derived from comparative anatomy. As I may at least claim the merit of having been the first to deliver lectures annually on this subject, in Germany, and of having by these means excited a taste for the science, and a zeal to contribute to its advancement ; so I trust that this edition of my Manual, the first work of the kind which has ever appeared on comparative anatomy, as applied to the whole animal kingdom, will fur- ther facilitate the study, and render it more univer- sally useful. I have the more reason to think that my readers will approve the plan of this work, as it is, in fact, the same vv^hich 1 have pursued in my elementary treatises on physiology and natural his- tory ; and which, from the various advantages it com- bines, has been found best calculated to afford faci- lities to students. To give effect to such a plan it was necessary to make a judicious selection from the vast mass of materials which have been accumulated by the la- bours of comparative anatomists. This I have en- deavoured to accomplish, while at the same time I have kept in view the application of the science to physiology and natural history, and have occasion- ally interspersed a few remarks illustrative of these AUTHOR S PREFACE. Vll branches of knowledge. It is evident that a minute description of the muscles, vessels, nerves, &c., of the various classes of animals, could not be comprised within the limits which I have prescribed to myself. Comparative Osteology, however, de- serves a more detailed examination, for the skele- tons of red-blooded animals are not only intimately connected with the rest of their anatomical struc- ture, but also with their form, economy, and peculiar habits. To domestic animals, and to such as the sports of the field bring most frequently under our notice, I have paid particular attention ; partly, because such animals are most easily procured for dissection, and partly on account of the great interest which is likely to be taken in a correct knowledge of their structure. With regard to foreign animals, I have uniformly adverted to their most striking peculiari- ties. I have carefully cited my authorities for such facts as I have not myself had an opportunity of verifying; availing myself, in such cases, partly of the best engravings which have been published, and partly of the best monographs, and papers which have appeared on the subject of comparative anato- my in periodical collections ; so that I have scarce- ly omitted to notice a single author who has contri- buted any thing of importance, and the notes to this vm AUTHOR S PREFACE. Manual furnish a complete synopsis of the literature of the science. I have devoted a large portion of the work to the classes of vt^arm-blooded animals, as those in which readers, whose time will not admit of extended in- vestigation, will take the greatest interest. I have not, however, neglected the classes of cold-blooded animals, and the two last classes of the Linusean system, having generally explained the comparative anatomy of the invertebrated animals, by an exam- ple or two taken from each class. To such authorities as the large systematic works of Blainville, Carus, Cuvier, Geoffroy, Meck- el, RuDOLPHi, TiEDEMANN, and Treviranus, I now, to avoid frequent repetition, refer once for all. The same observation applies to the engravings given by some of these writers, and especially by CuviER and Carus, as well as to the masterly mo- nographs of BOJANUS, CUVIER, HoME, SPIX, TiEDEMANN, &c., and to the copious additional notes with which the celebrated Lawrence has enriched his translation of this Manual.* I shall scarcely be expected to offer any apology * Notwithstanding this observation, the author has very fre- quently quoted Mr. Lawrence's notes ; but in this edition, where the notes so cited immediately follow the text, references of this kind are of course omitted. — Ed. AUTHOR S PREFACE. IX for not having translated many well known technical Latin terms, the translation of which would, in fact, have rendered the things signified less intelligible; nor is it, I trust, necessary for me to enlarge on the numerous additions and improvements by which the utility of the work has been increased in this edition. J. F. Blumenbach. Gottingen, March 31, 1824. INTRODUCTION.* Anatomical structure is the natural foundation on which a systematic arrangement of the different classes and species which compose the animal king- dom may be established. Aristotle has adopted to a certain extent this basis of classification ; but it is evident that no great advances could be made by the ancients in a branch of knowledge, which pre- supposes an intimate acquaintance with the struc- ture and organization of animals. No attempt at classification before the time of Linnaeus has any pretensions to the name of a system affording accu- rate criteria for distinguishing the different classes of animals. The classification of Linnaeus, which is adopted with some modifications by Blumenbach in the following work, is founded on the observation * This introduction is substantially the same as that given by Mr. Lawrence in the original editio« of this work. XU INTRODUCTION. of differences of structure in the organs of circula- tion in such animals as possess a cardiac system. Mammalia, viviparous . ^Heart furnished with two J ventricles, two auricles; Birds, oviparous • • • ( blood warm and red. Amphibia, respiring by y^ Heart furnished with one lungs 1 ventricle and one au- Fishes, breathing by j ricle; blood cold and gills ...... v red. Insects, furnished with "x antennae .... f Sanies cold and colour- Vermes, furnished with C less, tentacula .... J Animals may be divided into two great families; the first family possessing vertebrae and red blood ; the second without vertebrae, and most of them with white blood. The former have always an internal articulated skeleton, of which the chief connecting part is the vertebral column. The anterior part of this column supports the head ; the canal which passes from one end of it to the other incloses the common fasciculus of the nerves ; its posterior extre- mity is most frequently prolonged, in order to form the tail, and its sides are articulated with the ribs, which are seldom wanting. None of this family of animals has more than four limbs, some of them have two only, and others have none. INTRODUCTION. Xlll The brain is inclosed in a particular osseous ca- vity of the head, called the cranium. All the nerves of the spine contribute filaments to form a nervous cord, which has its origin in the nerves of the cra- nium, and is distributed to the greater part of the viscera. The senses are always five in number. There are always two ej^es, moveable at pleasure. The ear has always at least three semicircular canals. The sense of smell is always confined to particular cavi- ties in the fore part of the head. The circulation is always performed by one fleshy ventricle at least; and where the ventricles are two in number, they are always close together, forming a single mass. The absorbent vessels are distinct from the sanguiferous veins. The two jaws are always placed horizontally, and open from above downwards. The intestinal canal is continued without interruption from the mouth to the anus, which is always placed behind the pelvis, that is, behind the circle of bones which affords a fixed point for the posterior extremities. The in- testines are enveloped within a membranous sac, termed peritoneeum. There is always a liver and a pancreas, which pour their secretions into the cavity of the intestines; and there is always a spleen, within which part of the blood undergoes some pre- paratory change before it is sent to the liver. XIV INTRODUCTION. There are always two kidneys for the secretion of urine, placed on the two sides of the spine, and without the peritonaeum. The testicles also are always two in number. There are always two bo- dies called atrabiliary capsules, placed over the kid- neys ; the use of them is unknown. Animals with vertebrae are subdivided into two classes, one of which is warm-blooded, and the other cold-blooded. Warm-blooded vertebrated animals have always two ventricles and a double circulation. They re-^ spire by means of lungs, and cannot exist without respiration. The brain almost always fills the cavity of the cranium. The eyes are covered with eye- lids. The tympanum of the ear is sunk within the cranium; the different parts of the labyrinth are completely inclosed within bone; and besides the semicircular canals, the labyrinth contains the coch- lea, with two scalie^ resembling the shell of the snail. The nostrils always communicate with the throat, and afford a passage for the air in respiration. The trunk is furnished with ribs, and aUnost all the species of this branch of animals have four limbs. Cold-blooded vertebrated animals resemble one another more by their negative than their positive characters. Many of them are destitute of ribs; some of them are totally destitute of limbs. The brain never fills the whole cavity of the cranium. INTRODUCTION. XV The eyes seldom have moveable eyelids. The tym- panum of the ear, when present, is always close to the surface of the head ; it is often absent, as are likewise the ossiculaauditus; the cochlea is always wanting. The different parts of the ear are not firmly attached to the cranium; they are often loosely connected to it in the same cavity as the brain. Each of these two branches is subdivided into two classes. The two classes of warm-blooded animals are the Mammalia and Birds. The Mammalia are viviparous, and suckle their young with milk secreted by the mammae. The fe- males have consequently always the cavity termed uterus with two cornua, and the males have always a penis. The head is supported on the first vertebra by two eminences. The vertebrae of the neck are ne- ver less than six, nor more than nine. The brain has a more complicated structure than in other animals, and contains many parts which are not to be found in the other classes, such as the corpus callosum, fornix, pons, &c. The eyes have two eyelids only. The ear con- tains four small bones, articulated together, and has a spiral cochlea. The tongue is quite soft and fleshy. The skin is covered entirely with hairs, iu XVI INTRODUCTION. the greatest number, and in all it is covered par- tially. The lungs fill the cavity of the chest, which is separated from the abdomen by a fleshy diaphragm. There is one larynx only, situated at the basis of the tongue, and completely covered by the epiglottis, when the animal swallows. The lower jaw only is moveable; both jaws are covered with lips. The biliary and pancreatic ducts are inserted into the intestinal canal at the same place. The lacteal vessels convey a white milky chyle, and pass through a number of conglobate glands, situated at the mesentery. A membrane, called omentum, sus- pended from the stomach and adjacent viscera, co- vers the fore part of the intestines. The spleen is always upon the left side, between the stomach, ribs, and diaphragm. Blumenbach establishes the following orders in this class :* Ordo I. BiMANUs. Two handed. Genus. Homo. JI. QuADRUMANA, four-haudcd animals : having a separate thumb capable of being opposed to * Vid. Gore's translation of Blumenbach's Natural History^ p. 32. INTRODUCTION. XVll the other fingers, both in their upper and lower extremities, teeth like those of man, except that the ciispidali are generally longer. 1. Simice, apes, monkeys, baboons. 2. Lemur, macauco. III. Chiroptera. The fingers of the fore ieei, the thumb excepted, are, in these animals, longer than the whole body ; and between them is stretched a thin membrane for flying. Hence they are as little capable of walking on the ground as apes, with their hands, or sloths, with their hooked claws, which are calculated for climbing. 1. Vespertilio, bat, calugo, &c. IV. DiGITATA. Mammifera, with separate toes on all four feet. This order contains the greatest number of genera and species, and is therefore conveniently divided, according to the diflferences of the teeth, into three families, glires,fera, and hruta. (A) Glires. With two chisel-shaped incisor teeth in each jaw, for the purpose of gnawing without canine teeth. 1. Sciurus, squirrel, c XVlll INTRODUCTION. 2. Glis, dormouse [Myoxus, Lirm.) 3. Mus, mouse and rat. 4. Mat^mota, marmot. 5. Savia, guinea-pig. 6. Lepus, hare and rabbit. 7. Jaculus, jerboa. 8. Hystrix, porcupine. (B) Fer^. With pointed or angular front teeth, and mostly with only a single canine tooth on each side, which is generally, however, of remarkable size and strength. The carnivorous animals, properly so called, and some other genera with teeth of the same kind, compose this family. 1. Erinaceus, hedgehog. 2. Sorex, shrew. 3. Talpa^ mole. 4. Didelphis marsupialis, opossum. 5. Viverrce, weasels, ferret, polecat, civet. 6. Mustela, stunk, stoat, &c. 7. Ursus, bear. 8. Canis, dog, wolf, jackall, fox, hyaena. 9. Felis, cat, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, panther, &c. The three first genera belong to the insectivora of CuviER ; their feet are short, and their power of mo- INTRODUCTION. XIX tion weak. They have no coecum, and walking they rest the whole of the foot on the ground. They live principally on insects, whence their name is derived. The fourth genus belongs to the marsupialia of Cu- viER ; the animals of this class have a pouch in the abdomen which contains the mamm^, as well as the young in their early state. The remaining ge- nera, with the exception of the bear, belong to the digitigrada of Cuvier. (C) Bruta. Without teeth, or at least without front teeth. 1. Sradypus, sloth. 2. Myrmecophaga, ant-eater. 3. Manis, scaly ant-eater. 4. Dasypus or Tatu, armadillo. This order forms the edentata of Cuvier, the tongue is long, slender, and projectile, for seizing the insects on which the animals live. The armadillo, manis, ant-eater, and ornithorhynchus, or duck-billed animal, belong to this order. V. SoLiDUNGULA (Solipeda, Cuv.). A single toe on each foot, with an undivided hoof. Large intestines, and particularly an enor- mous coecum. Incisors in both jaws. 1. Equus, horse or ass. c 2 XX INTRODUCTION. VI. BisuLCA (Pecora). These are the ruminantia ofCuviER, their hoof is divided. INo incisors in the upper jaw. Stomach consisting of four cavities. Rumination of the food. Long intestines. 1. CameZw^, camel, dromedary, lama. 2. Capra, sheep, goat. 3. Antilope, antelope, chamois. 4. Bos, ox, buffalo. 5. Girqffci, giraffe, or camelopard. 6. Cervus, elk, deer kind. 7. Moschus, musk. Vir. MuLTUNGULA (Belluae). Animals of an unshapely form, and a tough and thick hide ; whence they have been called by Cu- viER pac/ii/dermata [from Trax^e thick, and ^tpjua skin). They have more than two toes; incisors in both jaws, and in some cases enormous tusks. 1. Sus, pig kind, pecari, babiroussa. 2. Tapir. S. Elephas. 4. Rhinoceros. 5. Hippopotamus. VIII. Palm ATA. Mammifera with webbed feet, the genera being INTRODUCTION. XXI divided (as in the order Digitata) according to the forms of the teeth into three families: (A) Glires. (B) FercB. (C) Bruta. (A) Glires. With chisel-shaped gnawing teeth. Castor, beaver. (B) Fer^. With the teeth of carnivorous animals. Phoca, seal. (C) Bruta. Without teeth, or at least without front teeth. Ornitiiorhynchus, duck-billed animal. Trichechus, walrus. The last genus of the order, together with the ])hoca, (seal) constitutes the amphibia of Cuvier. These animals have short members adapted for swimming. IX. Cetacea. ' Whales living entirely in the sea, and formed like fishes ; breathe by an opening at the top of the head, called the hlowing-hole, through which they throw out the water, which enters tlieir mouth with the food. XXll INTRODUCTION. Smooth skin covering a thick layer of oily fat. No external ear. A complicated stomach. Multilobu- lar kidneys; larynx of a pyramidal shape, opening towards the blowing hole. Testes within the abdo- men. Mammae at the sides of the vulva. Bones of the anterior extremity concealed and united by the skin, so as to form a kind of fin. 1. Monodon, narwhale, sea-unicorn. 2. Balana, proper whales. 3. Physeter, macrocephalus, white whale. 4. Delphinus, dolphin, porpoise. Cuvier distributes the class mammalia into three grand divisions : 1. Those which have claws or nails, (inammiftres ä ongles) including the following orders : bimana, quadrumana, chiroptera, plantigrada, Carnivora, pe- dimana, rodentia, edentata, tardigrada. 2. Those which have hoofs {mammif. ä ongles) in- cluding the pachydermata, ruminantia, and soli- peda. 3. Those which have extremities adapted for swimming {mammif. ä pieds en nageoire). Amphibia and cetacea. BIRDS. Birds are oviparous. They have only one ova- rium and one oviduct, in which they differ from other INTRODUCTION. XXIU oviparous animals. The head is supported on the first vertebrae of the neck by a single eminence. The vertebrae of the neck are very numerous^ and the sternum very large. The anterior extremities are used for flying, and the posterior for walking. The eyes have three eyelids. There is no exter- nal ear ; the tympanum contains only one bone, and the cochlea is a cone slightly curved. The tongue has a bone internally. The body is covered with feathers. The lungs are attached to the ribs. The air passes through the lungs in its way to the air- bags, which are dispersed throughout the body. There is no diaphragm. The trachea has a larynx at each end, and the upper one has no epiglottis. The upper mouth consists of a horny bill without lips, teeth, or gums, and both mandibles are move- able. The pancreas and liver send out several excretory ducts, which enter the intestines at different places. The chyle is transparent, and there are no mesenteric glands nor omentum. The spleen is in the centre of the mesentery. The ureters terminate in a cavity called the cloaca, which also affords an exit to the solid excrement and to the eggs. There is no uri- nary bladder. This class cannot be distributed into orders so clearly distinguished by anatomical characters as the preceding one. Blumenbach divides them into two leading divisions. XXIV INTRODUCTION. (A) Land Birds. Order I. Accipitres. Birds of prey, almost all with short strong feet, large sharp claws, and a strong hooked beak, which for the most part termi- nates above in two short cutting points, and is commonly covered at the root with a fleshy membrane. A membranous stomach, and short coeca. 1. Vultw\ vultures. 2. Falco, falcon, eagle, hawk, kite. 3. StriXi owl. 4. JLanins^ shrike or butcher-bird. II. Levirostres. Light-billed birds, having a large hollow bill. 1. Psittacus, parrot kind. 2. Hamphastos, toucan. 3. JBuceroSy rhinoceros bird. Iir. Fici. The birds of this order have short feet, and commonly a straight bill. 1. Picus, woodpecker. 2. Jynx, wryneck. 3. Sitta^ nuthatch. 4. Alcedo, kingsfisher. 5. Merops, bee-eater. 6. Upupttj hoopoe. INTRODUCTION. XXV 7. Certhio, creeper. 8. Trochilus, himiming birds, &c. &c. IV. CoRACES. The birds of this order have short feet with a strong bill, convex on the upper part, and of moderate size. 1. JBuphagar, ox-pecker. 2. Crotophaga, razor-billed blackbird. 3. Corvus, crow, raven, jackdaw, magpie, jay, &c. 4. Coracias, roller. 5. Gracula, minor grakle. 6. Pai^adisea, birds of paradise. 7. Cuculus, cuckoo. 8. Oriolus, oriole. V. Passeres. Small singing birds, with short and slender feet, and conical sharp-pointed bills of various size and form. 1. Alauda, lark. 2. Sturnus, starling. 3. Turdus, thrush, blackbird. 4. Ampelis, chatterer. 5. Loxia, cross-billed tribe. 6. Emherizo, bunting. 7. Fringilla, finches, canary-bird, linnet, sparrow. 8. Musicapa, fly-catcher. XXVI INTRODUCTION. 9. Motacilla, nightingale, redbreast, wren. 10. Pipra, man akin. 11. Parus, titmouse. 12. Hirundo, swallow, martins, &c. 13. Caprimulgiis, goatsucker, &c. VI. GallinjE. Gallinaceous birds, mostly domesti- cated, have short legs with a convex bill, which is covered with a fleshy membrane at its base, and of which the upper half overlaps the lower on each side. They possess a large crop. 1. Colmnha, pigeons. 2. Tetrao, grouse, quail, partridge. 3. Numida, guinea-fowl. 4. Phasianus, cock pheasant. 5. Crax, curesso. 6. Meleagris, turkey. 7. Pavo, peacock. 8. Otis, bustard. VII. Struthiones. Struthious birds. The largest of the class ; possess extremely small wings, and are therefore incapable of flight ; but run very swiftly. 1. Strut/no, ostrich, cassowary. 2. Didus, dodo. INTRODUCTION. XXVÜ (B) Aquatic Birds. Order I. Grall^e. These birds have cylindrical bills of various lengths ; long stilt-like legs ; long neck, and short tail. They mostly live in marshes, and feed on amphibia. 1. Phcenicopterus, flamingo. 2. Platalcea, spoonbill, 3. Palamedea, horned screamer. 4. Ardea, crane, stork, heron, bittern. 5. Tantalus, ibis, &c. 6. Scolopax, woodcock, snipe, curlew. 7. Tringa, lapwing, ruffs and reeves. 8. Charadrius, plover. 9. Hamatopus, sea-pie. 10 Fulica, water-hen, coot. 11. Parva, spur-winged water-hen. 12. Rallus, rail. 13. Psophia, trumpeter. II. Anseres. Swimming birds; web-footed; the upper mandible mostly ends in a little hook, and, together with the lower, is in most instances plentifully supplied with nerves. 1. Rhmcops, sea-crow. 2. Sterna, noddy, silver bird. 3. Colymbus, diver. XXVIU INTRODUCTION. 4. Larus, gull. . 5. Plolus, darter. 6. Phceton, tropic bird. 7. Procellaria, petrel. 8. Diomedea, albatross. 9. Pelecanus, pelican, cormorant. 10. Anas, swan, duck, goose. 11. Mergus, goosander. 12. Alca, auk, puffin. 13. Aptenodytes, penguin. The two classes of cold-blooded vertebral animals are the AMPHIBIA AND FISHES. The animals of the former class differ from one another in many very essential particulars, and have not so many characters in common as the other classes. Some of the reptiles walk, some fly, some swim, many can only creep. The organs of the senses, and particularly the ear, differ almost as much as the organs of motion ; none of the reptiles, however, have a cochlea. The skin is either naked or covered with scales. The brain is always very small. The lungs are in the same cavity with the other viscera; there are no air-bags beyond the lungs, but the cells of these organs are very large. There is but one larynx, and no epiglottis. Both the jaws are moveable. There are neither mesente- INTRODUCTION. XXIX ric glands, nor omentum. The spleen is in the centre of the mesentery. The female has always two Ova- ria and two oviducts. There is a bladder. The class of reptiles, in the arrangement of Cuvier, corresponds to the orders of reptiles pedati, and ser- pen tes apodes, belonging to the class of amphibia in the Sy sterna Natur ce of Linnaeus. Order I. Reptilia, having four feet, {quadrupeda ovipard) the toes of which are, according to their mode of life, either separate, (pedes digita- ti) connected by membranes, [palmati] or con- founded with one another in the form of a fin (jpinnati). 1. Testudo, tortoise, turtle. 2. Rana, frog, toad. 3. Draco, dragon. 4. Lacerta, lizards, crocodiles, chameleon, newt, salamander, iguana, &c. II. Serpentia. No external organs of motion; body of an elongated form, covered with scales, plates, or rings. Their slender, and for the most part cloven tongue serves them for tast- ing. Many are provided with an active ve- nom, contained in little bags on the front of the upper jaw, secreted by particular glands, and conveyed into the wound made in biting by XXX INTRODUCTION. means of isolated teeth, which are tubular, with a longitudinal opening at the top. They are oviparous, but the egg is sometimes hatched in the oviduct. Both jaws moveable. 1. Crotalus^ rattle-snake. 2. Boa. Immense serpents of India and Africa. 3. Coluber, viper. 4. Anguis, blind-worm. 5. Amphisbcena. 6. CcBcilia. Fishes respire by means of organs in the shape of combs, placed at the two sides of the neck, between which they force water to pass. They have, conse- quently, neither trachea, larynx, nor voice. The body is formed for swimming. Besides the four fiös, which correspond to the limbs, they have ver- tical ones upon the back, under the tail, and at its extremity ; but they are sometimes wanting. The nostrils are not employed in respiration. The ear is quite hid within the cranium. The skin is naked, or covered with scales. The tongue is osseous. Both jaws are moveable. There are often coeca in place of the pancreas. There is a bladder and two ovaria.* * The class of Fishes include the Fishes and the Amphibia Nantes of LmNä;us. INTRODUCTION. XXXI The animals destitute of vertebrae have less in common, and form a less regular series than the ver- tebrated animals. But, when they have hard parts, these are generally placed on the outside of the body, at least when articulated ; and the nervous system has not its middle part inclosed within a ca- nal of bone, but loosely situated in the same cavity with the other viscera. The brain is the only part of the nervous system which is placed above the alimentary canal. It sends out two branches, which encircle the oesopha- gus like a necklace, and which afterwards unite and form the common fasciculus of the nerves. None of the animals without vertebrae respire by cellular lungs, and none of them have a voice. Their jaws are placed in all kinds of directions, and many of them have only organs of suction. None of them have kidneys, or secrete urine. Those among them which have articulated members have always six at least. (A) Cartilaginous Fishes. Order I. Chondropterygii ; have no branchial operculum, and, in most, the mouth is placed on the under side of the head. 1. Petromyzon, lamprey. 2. Gaslrohranchus^ hag-fish. 3. Raitty ray, skate, torpedo, stingray. XXXll INTRODUCTION. 4. Squalus, shark, saw-fish. 5. Lophius, sea-devil, frog-fish. 6. SalisteSy file-fish. 7. ChimcEra, sea-ape. If. Branchiostegi, with opercula to the gills. 1. Accipenser, sturgeon, beluga. 2. Ostracio7i, truuk-fish. 3. Tetrodon, globe-fish. 4. Diodon, porcupine-fish. 5. Cyclopterus^ liimpsucker. 6. Centriscus, snipe-fish. 7. Syngnathus, pipe-fish. 8. Pegasus, sea-dragon. (B) Bony Fishes, divided according to the situa- tion of their fins. Order I. Apodes, without ventral fins. 1. MurcBna, eel-kind. 2. Gymnotus, electrical eel. 3. Trichiurus. 4. Anarrhichus^ sea-wolf. 5. Ammodites, launce. 6. Ophidium. 7. Stromateus. 8. Xiphias, sword-fish. 9. Leptocephalus. INTRODUCTION. XXXÜJ II. JuGULARES. Ventral fins in front of the thoracic. 1. Callionymus, dragonet. 2. IJranoscopus, star-gazer. S. Trachinus, sting-fish. 4. Gadtis, haddock, cod^ whiting, ling. 5. Ulennius, eel-pout. III. Thoraoici. Ventral fins directly under the thoracic. 1. Cepola, ribbon-fish. 2. Echeneis, sucking fish. 3. Coryphcena, dorado. 4. Gobius, gudgeon. 5. Cottus, P<^og^' 6. Scorpcena, 7. Zeus, dory. 8. Pleuronectes, flounder, plaice, dab, hali- but, sole, turbot. 9. Chcetodon. 10. Sparus, gilthead, sea-bream. 11. Zjübrus, ramhow-üsh. 12. Sci6en€B. 13. Perca, perch. J 4. Gasterosteus, stickleback. 15. Scomber, mackerel, bonito, tunny. 16. MuUus, mullet. 17. Trigla, flying-fish. d XXXIV INTRODUCTION. IV. Abdominales. Ventral fins behind the tho- racic ; chiefly inhabit fresh water. J. Cohitis, loach. 2. Silurus. 3. LiOncaria, harness-fish. 4. Salmo, salmon, trout, smelt. 5. Fistularia. 6. Esox, pike. 7. Polypterus. 8. Elops. 9. Argentina. 10. Atherina. 11. Mugil 12. Exoccetus. 13. Polynemus. 14. Clupea, herring, sprat, shad. 15. Cyprinus, carp, tench, gold-fish, minnow, &c. &c. The inveitebral animals were distributed by LiN- N^us into two classes, insects and worms (vermes). The anatomical structure of these animals was very imperfectly known when the Swedish naturalist first promulgated his arrangement. But the labours of subsequent zoologists, and particularly those of Cu- viER, have succeeded in establishing such striking and important diflferences in their formation, that a subdivision of the Linnaean classes becomes indispen- INTRODUCTION. XXXV sably necessary. The insects of Linn^us are di- vided into Crustacea and insecta; and the vermes of the same author form three classes, viz. mollusca, vermes, and zoophyta. The Insects form the third class. In their perfect state they have, like the Crus- tacea, articulated limbs and antennae. Most of them have also membranous wings, which enable them to fly. All these last pass through several metamor- phoses, in one of which they are quite destitute of the power of motion. All of them have a nervous system similar to that of the Crustacea ; but insects have neither heart nor blood-vessels, and respire by tracheas. Not only the liver, but all the secreting organs are wanting, and their place is supplied by long vessels, which float loosely in the abdomen. The form of the intestinal canal is often very differ- ent in the same individual, in its three different states.* The animals which resemble the larvce of insects, and have, like them, the medullary cord knotted, may be placed in the same class with insects, though they undergo no metamorphosis ; but there are some of that number which have distinct sanguiferous * The class of Insects corresponds to the same class in the Systema Naturae, with the exception of the two genera separated from it, in order to form the class of Crustacea. d 2 XXXvi INTRODUCTION. vessels, and which must be arranged in a separate class, intermediate between the mollusca, Crustacea, and insects. To this class belong earth-worms and leeches. Order I. Coleoptera. Having a hollow horny case, under which the wings are folded. 1. ScarahcBus, beetles. 2. Lucanus, stag-beetle. 3. Dermestes. 4. Ptinus. 5. Histur. 6. Gyrinus. 7. l^yrrhus, 8. Silpha, carrion beetle. 9. Cassida, tortoise beetle. 10. Coccinella, ladybird. 11. Chrysomela. 12. Hispa. 13. ßruchus, seed-beetle. 14. Curculio, weevil. 15. Attelahus, nut-beetle. 16. Ceramhyx, 17. Leptura. 18. Necydalis. 19. Lampyris, glow-worm. 20. Cantharis. 21. Elater, skipper. INTRODUCTION. XXXVÜ 22. Cicindela. 23. l^uprestis. 24. Dyticus, water-beetle. 25. Carabus. 26. Tenebrio, meal-worm beetle. 27. Meloe, Spanish fly. 28. Mordella. 29. Staphylinus. 30. Forficula, earwig. II. Hemiptera. Four wings, either stretched straight out, or resting across each other. Some are provided with jaws, others with a proboscis, bent towards the abdomen. i. Blatta, cockroach. 2. Mantis. 3. Gryllus, locust, grasshopper* 4. Fulgora, lantern-fly. 5. Cicada. 6. Notonecta. 7. JSepa, water scorpion. 8. Cimex, bug. 9. Aphis, plant louse. 10. Chermes. 11. Coccus. 12. Thrips. XXXVm INTRODUCTION. III. Lepidoptera. Soft hairy body, and four ex- panded wings, covered with coloured scales. 1. Papilio, butterfly. 2. Sphinx, hawk moth. 3. PhalcBna, moth. IV. Neuroptera. Four reticulated wings, glitter- ing with colours of every kind. 1. Lihellula, dragon-fly. 2. Ephemera, day-fly. 3. Phryganea, water-moth. 4. Hemerobius. 5. Myrmeleon, ant-lion. V. Hymenoptera. Generally possessing a sting, and having four membranous wings. 1. Cynips. 2. Tenthredo. 3. Sir ex. 4. Ichneumon. 6. Sphex. 6. Chrysis, golden fly. 7. Vespa, wasp, hornet. 8. Apis, bee. 9. Formica, ant. 10. Termes, white ant. INTRODUCTION. XXXIX VI. DiPTERA. Two-winged insects, having two small balances placed on the thorax behind the wings, and generally covered with a little scale. 1. CEstrus, gad-fly. 2. Tipula, crane fly. 3. JKuscUy common fly. 4. Tabanus, gnat, 5. Culex, gnat, mosquito. 6. Empis. 7. Conops. 8. AsiluSy hornet fly. 9. Hippohosca, horse-leech. VII. Aptera. No wings. 1. Lepisma, sugar-mite. 2. Produra, springtail. 3. Pediculus, louse. 4. Pulex, flea. 5. Acarus, tick, mite. 6. Hydrachna. 7. Phalarigium, shepherd. 8. Aranea, spider. 9. Scorpio, scorpion. 10. Cancer, crab. 11. Monoculus, horse-shoe fisch. 12. Oniscus, 13. Scolopendra. 14. Julus, centipede. Xl INTRODUCTION. The Vermes may be divided into two orders ; the intestmal, which inhabit the bodies of other animals ; and the external . The former are not of such a complicated organi- zation as the latter; so that they are sometimes ar- ranged auiong the zoo)3hytes. The external worms have a nervous chord possessing ganglia, an elon- gated body composed of rings ; and having no dis- tinct head. There are no members. Circulating ves- sels, but no heart. No nerves have been discovered in the intestinal worms. The class oi worms comprehends some of the ge- nera arranged by LinnjEUs among the vermes intes- tina, such as the lumhricus, gordius, thrudo ; some of the genera placed by the same naturahst among \\\e vermes moUusca, sucli as the ap/irodita, nereis, te- rebella, and lastly some genera included in his order oi vermes testacea, such as the serpula dentalium. Order I. Intestina. 1. Gordius, hair-worm. 2. Ascaris, thread- worm, round- worm. 3. Tricliocephalus. 4. Echinorhynchus. 5. JLumbricus, earth-worm. 6. Fasciola, fluke. 7. Tcenia, tape-worm. 8. Hydalis, hydatid. INTRODUCTION. xH .0. Sipunculus. 10. Jlirucio, lc'(.(:}j. Tli(i class of vnollusca comprehends the greater ])art oflln; animals which I.inn.i:u,s has arranged in the two orders of molluscu and leslacea, in tlie class of vermes ; such as the sepia, Umax, ascidia, helix, os- irea, patella, pholas, lereilo, &;c. The body of the mollusca is fleshy, soft, and with- out articulated memh. 9. Ascidia. 10. Actinia. 11. Te%5. 12. Holothuria. 13. Thalia. 14. Terehella. 15. Lerncea. 16. Scyllcea. 17. (7/20. 18. Sepia, cuttle-fish. 19. Medusa, sea- blubber. III. Testacea. These animals very much resemble the worms of the preceding order. 1. Chiton. 2. Lepas, acorn-shell. 3. Pholas, pierce-stone. 4. iH/^«, muscle. 5. Solen, razor-shell. INTRODUCTION. 6. Teilina. 7. Cardium, cockle. 8. Mactra. 9. Donax. 10. Ve7ius. 11. Spondylus. 12. Chama. 13. Area, ark. 14. Ostrea, oyster. 15. Anomia. 16. Mytilus, muscle. 17. Pinna, sea-wing. 18. Argonauta, paper-sailor. 19. Nautilus. 20. Conus. 21. CyprcBa. 22. Bulla, flipper. 23. Voluta, rhomb-shell. 24. Muccinum, whelk. 25. Strombus, screw. 26. Murex, rock-shell. 27. Trochus, top-shell. 28. Turbo, whirl-wreath. 29. Helix, snail. 30. Merita. 31. Haliotis, seB.-eair. 32. Patella, limpet. 33. Dentalium, tooth-shell. xliii xliv INTRODUCTION. 34. Serpula, worm-shell. 35. Teredo. IV. Crustacea. The body is covered with a hard crust in separate pieces. There are articulated limbs, which are often very nunierous. The nervous system consists of a long, knotted cord, from the ganglia of which pro- ceed all the nerves. The eyes are compound, hard, moveable. The ears are very imperfect. For the sense of touch, the Crustacea have antennse and palpi, like insects. They have a heart, arterial and venous vessels, and bran- chiae for respiration. The jaws are transverse, strong, and numerous. The stomach has teeth within. The numerous ccEca afford a brown liquor, which seems to be in the place of bile. The penis is double, and there are two ovaria.* J. Echinus, sea-hedgehog. 2. Asterias, sea-stars. 3. Encrinus. V. CORALLIA. They inhabit certain immovable dwellings which, in most cases, are of a stony consistence, and are called corals. * The Crustacea include the genus cancer and the genus monoculus of LlNN^US. INTRODUCTION. xlv 1 . Tubipora. 2. Madrepora. 3. Millepora, 4. Cellepora. 5. Isis. 6. Gorgonia. 7. Alcyonium, animal hydra. 8. Spongia. 9. Flustra. 10. Tuhularia. 1 1 . Corallina. 12. Sertularia. 13. Cellulai'ia. VI. ZOOPHYTA. The class of Zoophytes correspond to the Zoo- phyta and lythopyta of Linnaeus, but also include some of the vermes mollusca, such as the echinus^ asterias^ holothuria, actinia^ medusa^ together with the genus sipunculus from the vermes intestina. 1. JPennatula. 2. Hydra. 3. Brachionus, blossom- polype. 4. Vorticella. 5. Furcularia, wheel-animal. 6. Vibrio. 7. Volvox. 8. Chaos. Xlvi INTRODUCTION. Outline of Cuvier's Classißcatio7i of Animals; with Examples of Species helonging to each Division. I. VERTEBRATA. 1. MAMMALIA. Bimana, man. Quadrumana, monkey, ape, lemur. Cheiroptera, bat, colugo. Insectivora, hedgehog, shrew, mole. Plantigrada, bear, badger, glutton. Digitigrada, dog, lion, cat, martin, weasel, otter. Amphibia^ seal, walrus. Marsupialia, opossum, kangaroo. Rodentia, beaver, rat, squirrel, porcupine, horse. Edentata, sloth, armadillo, ant-eater, pangolin. Pachydermata, elephant, hog, rhinoceros, tapir, horse. Ruminantia, camel, musk, deer, giraffe, antelope, goat, sheep, ox. Cetacea, dolphin, whale. 2. AVES. Accipitres, vulture, eagle, owl. Passeres, thrush, swallow, lark, crow, sparrow, wren. Scansores, woodpecker, cuckoo, toucan, parrot. Gallince, peacock, pheasant, grouse, pigeon. Grallce, plover, stork, snipe, ibis, flamingo. Palmipedes, auk, grebe, gull, pelican, swan, duck. INTRODUCTION. xlvÜ 3. REPTILIA. Chelonia, tortoise, turtle. Sauria, crocodile, lizard, chamelion. Opiiidia, serpents, boa, viper. Satrackia, frog, salamander, proteus, siren. 4. PISCES. Chondropterygiiy lamprey, shark, ray, sturgeon. Plectognathiy sun-fish, trunk-fish. Lophohranchif pipe-fish, pegasus. Malacopterygii, salmon, herring, pike, carp, silurus, cod, sole, remora, eel. Acanthopterygii, perch, mackerel, sword-fish. II. MOLLUSCA. Cephalopoda, sepia, nautilus. Pteropoda, clio, hyalaea. Gasteropoda, slug, snail, limpet. Acephala, oyster, muscle, ascidia, pyrosoma. Brachiopoda, lingula, terebratula. Cirrhopoda, barnacle. III. ARTICULATA. 1. ANNELIDES, Or VERMES. TuhicolcB, serpula, sabella. Dorsihranchi(B f nereis, aphrodite. AbranchicE, earth-worm, leech. xlviii INTRODUCTION. 2. CRUSTACEA. Decapoda, crab, lobster, prawn. Stomapoda, squill. Amphipoda, gamniarus. Isopoda, aselius. Sranchiopoda, monoculus. 3. ARACHNIDA. Pulmonalia, spider, scorpion. Trachealia^ phalangium, mite. 4. IN SECT A. Aptera, centipede, podura. Coleoptera^ beetle, glow-worm. Orthoptera, grasshopper, locust. Hemiptera, fire-fly, aphis. Neuroptera, dragon-fly, ephemera. Hymenoptera, bee, wasp, ant. Lepidoptera, butterfly, moth. Hhipiptera, xenos, stylops. Diptera, gnat, house-fly. IV. ZOOPHYTA. Echinodermata, starfish, echinus. Entozoa, fluke, taenia, hydatid. AcalephcB, actinia, medusa. Polypi, hydra, coralline, pennatula, sponge. Infusoria, brachionus, vibrio, proteus, monas. TABLE OF CONTENTS. COMPARATIVE OSTEOLOGY. CHAP. I. On the Bones of Animals in General ..... 1 CHAP. II. On the Skeleton of Mammalia 7 CHAP. III. On the Skeleton of Birds 56 CHAP. IV. On the Skeleton of Amphibia 67 CHAP. V. On the Skeleton of Fishes . 75 CHAP. VI. On the CEsophagus and Stomach 79 In Mammalia 80 Birds 97 Amphibia 106 Fishes 107 Insects ib. Vermes 110 e CONTENTS. CHAP. VII. Page On the Intestinal Canal 112 In Mammalia ..;..... ib. Birds 117 Amphibia 118 Fishes 119 Insects 121 Vermes ib. CHAP. VIII. On the Liver, Spleen, and Omentum ..... 124 In MammaHa ib. Birds 126 Amphibia 127 Fishes ib. Insects 128 Vermes .............. 129 CHAP. IX. On the Urinary Organs ......... 131 In Mammalia ib. Birds 132 Amphibia ,,,... 133 Fishes ib. CHAP. X. On the External Integuments 134 In MammaUa 135 Birds . 139 Amphibia 140 Fishes 141 CHAP. XI. On several peculiar Secretions ....... 144 In Mammalia -, ib. CONTENTS. li Page In Birds 147 Amphibia 148 Fishes 150 Insects ib. Vermes . 151 ON THE VITAL FUNCTIONS. CHAP. XII. On THE Heart and Blood-Vessels 155 In Mammalia . . ib. Birds 158 Amphibia . . ib. Fishes . ^ t • • 161 Insects . 162 Vermes ....,,.-' 163 CHAP. XIII. On the Absorbing Vessels . . 171 In Mammalia . . ... . ...... . . . 172 Birds .173 Amphibia 174 Fishes . ... .... ib. CHAP. XIV. On the Organs of Respiration 175 In Mammalia ib. Birds 176 Amphibia 180 Fishes 184 Insects 186 Vermes 188 Ei CONTENTS. CHAP. XV. Page On the Organs of Voice ......... 190 In Mammalia ib. Birds .............. 194 Amphibia 196 THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS. CHAP. XVI. On the Brain and Nervous System in general . . 203 In Mammalia 210 Birds 2^7 Amphibia 236 Fishes • • • 242 Insects .... . . ... , . . . . 249 Vermes ib. CHAP, XVII. On the Organs of the Senses in general, and on THAT OF the SeNSE OF ToUCH IN PARTICULAR . , . 258 In Mammalia 259 Birds 261 Amphibia 262 Fishes 263 Insects ... . . . . ib. Vermes ib, CHAP. XVIII. On the Tongue ; 264 In Mammalia * . . . 265 Birds 267 Amphibia 268 Fishes 269 Insects 270 Vermes ib. CONTENTS. liii CHAP. XIX. Page On the Organ of Smelling 271 In Mammalia ib. Birds 275 Amphibia 276 Fishes ib. Insects ib. Vermes . 277 CHAP, XX. On the Organ of Hearing ......... 278 In Mammalia , ib. Birds 283 Amphibia 284 Fishes 285 Insects 286 Vermes ib. CHAP. XXI. On the Eye • 287 In Mammalia 288 Birds 296 Amphibia 299 Fishes ib. Insects 303 Vermes 305 CHAP. XXII. On the Muscles 306 In Mammalia ib. Birds , . i , 311 Amphibia , 312 Fishes 313 Insects ib. Vermes 314 i^ CONTENTS. THE GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS. CHAP. XXIII. Page On THja Male Oi^gans of Generation 317 In IMamr-ialia . . . . , S22 Birds 328 Amphibia 329 Fishes 330 Insects 331 Vermes S32 CHAP. XXIV. On the Female Organs of Generation .... 334! In Mammalia 335 Birds . 349 Amphibia , . . . 353 Fishes ib. Insects . 355 Vermes . ..... . • . • ib. CHAP. XXV. On the Fcetus of Mammalia, and the Organs with WHICH it is connected 357 CHAP. XXVI. On the Breasts and Teats of Mammalia . . . 365 CHAP. XXVII. On the Incubated Egg 369 Explanation of the Plates ........ 375 COMPARATIVE OSTEOLOGY. COMPARATIVE OSTEOLOGY. CHAPTER I. ON THE BONES OF ANIMALS IN GENERALi § 1. Red-blooded animals only possess a true skeleton ;* to which their bones are connected, and on which the general formjt as well as the greater or less flexibility of the body de- pends. There are a few exceptions to the general rule, that all the bones of an atiimal enter into the formation of its sJteletont viz. the bone of the tongue, commonly called os hyoides ; the bone of the penis in several mammalia ; the bony ring in the sclerotica of birds ; the clavicular bones of some mammalia ; to which instances may be added the whole anterior extre- mity in such mammalia as possess no clavicles ; and the abdo- minal fins of fishes, which correspond to the posterior extremi- ties of other animals. § 2. The ordinary white:|: colour of the bones has several gradations, which are sometimes observable in the different parts of the same bone ; as in the grinding teeth of the ele- * Parts of a really bony structure are found in a few insects and worms, viz. in the stomach of the lobster, and other species of the g^enus cancer ; in the mouth of the sea-hedgehog (echinus), &c These parts at least resemble true bones more than that body, which is commonly called cuttlefish hone. t See Galen's remarks on the resemblance between the ape and the human sub- ject, in the 1st book of his Chef-d'oeuvre de Anatomicis Administrationibvs, tom. iv. p. 26, Chartier's edition. X The red tint, which the bones of animals receive in Consequence of madder being mixed with the food, is observed by Ant. Misaud, in his Centurice Memora- Iriliwn seu Arcantrrum omnia generis, p. 161. Cologne, 1572, 12mo, It is remark- able that this well known experiment meets with very imperfect «uceess in cold- blooded animals. g ON THE BONES OF ANIMALS IN GENERAL. phant ; a section of which, or of the tooth of any other herbivorous animal, as the horse, ox, &c. shews that its sub- stance contains parts differing considerably in appearance. Besides the processes of enamel, which are intermingled throughout with the bone, there are two kinds of osseous structure of different colours. In some few genera the whole bony structure is of a different colour ;* thus, in the garpike, {esox belone) the bones are green ; and in some varieties of the common fowl they approach to a black colour.t § 3. The structure of the bones is subject to still greater variations ; which occur in the different bones of the same skeleton, as well as in the whole skeleton of particular classes and orders. Instances may be observed in the dry and brit- tle texture of the air bones of birds ; in the long fibres which appear on splitting the bones of the larger amphibia and fishes ; in the peculiar tenacity and solidity of individual parts in some cartilaginous fishes. Ossification does not go on with equal rapidity in all animals, nor in all the bones of the same animal. Thus, the ossification of the internal ear of man, and other mammalia, is completed before any other parts ; and the bone formed at this early period surpasses all others in density, and in the proportional quantity of phosphate of lime which it contains. In the cetacea, particularly the balcena and physeier, (the black and white whales) this part acquires a density and hardness equal to those of marble. Its section presents a homogene- ous appearance, without the least vestige of fibres, cellular texture, or vessels. Bones are slow in their formation in proportion to the remoteness of the period at which the growth of the animal is finished. The skeleton remains constantly in a cartilaginous state in some animals ; such as the shark, skate, sturgeon, and all those fishes which, from * This has, however, been asserted without foundation of some animals : thus, Nicholls, in his Compend. Anat, p. 7, says, that the amedabad finch (^fringilla amandava) has yellow bones; and others have stated the same circumstance re- specting the golden pheasant (phasianus pictus). I have dissected both these ani- mals, and found the assertions to be incorrect. t Abulfazel, the vizier of Akber the Great, has remarked this of the fowls at Indore, and Neermul in Berar, in his classical work, Ayeen Ahbery, vol. ii. p. 72 ; and Niebuhr has stated it of those at Persepolis. Travels, vol. ii, p. 12. ON THE BONES OF ANIMALS IN GENERAL. S this circumstance, have been denominated cartilaginous, or chon- dropterygii. Although the bones of other fishes, of reptiles, and serpents, acquire a greater hardness, they constantly remain more flexible, and retain a larger proportion of gelatine in their structure, than those of warm-blooded animals. The bony texture of quadrupeds is not so fine and delicate as that of man : it is particularly loose and coarse in the cetacea, where the distinction of the fibres is very manifest, even on the external sur- face. In the jaw and the ribs particularly, the fibres may be loosened by maceration, and become very obvious. The bones of birds consist of a thin, firm, elastic substance, formed of layers apparently fastened on each other. They are almost uni- versally hollow ; but their cavities, which never contain marrow, are filled with air. This organization unites the advantages of lightness and strength. The bones of reptiles and fishes have a very homogeneous appear- ance, the earthy matter and the gelatine appearing to be uniformly mingled : this is more strikingly marked, as we approach to the car- tilaginous fishes, where the gelatine predominates, and conceals the earth. Several animals have no medullary cavities even in their long bones. This is the case with the celncea, the seal, and turtle. The horn of the stag is a real bone, as appears both from its tex- ture, and its component elements. Its outer part is hard, compact, and fibrous ; the internal substance is reticulated, but very firm ; and possesses neither cavities nor marrow. It is liable to precisely the same diseases as other bones ; thus, we sometimes find exostoses formed upon its surface by the extravasation of its calcareous mat- ter, while in other instances, from a deficiency of this component part, it is rendered light and porous. The shells of the testaceous animals are formed of a calcareous substance, which is sometimes laminated ; sometimes as hard and dense as marble. This substance is mingled, as in other bones, with a gelatinous matter, from which it may be separated by means of acids. The earth is not disposed in fibres, or laminae, as in other bones ; but is uniformly expanded through the animal substance. The layers of the shell are formed successively, as the animal in- creases in size. The exterior or smallest are formed first : others are successively deposited on the inner surface of these ; each new layer extending beyond the margin of the former one, so that the shell, by every addition, increases in thickness and circumference. Are these new layers formed by vessels existing in the shell itself, or are they produced by exudation from the surface of the animal? Reaumur broke the shell of snails, and found that no reproduction took place, when he covered the exposed part of the animal's body ; while the injury was quickly repaired, when no artificial obstacle im- peded the effusion of fluids from the surface. This experiment seem» to prove that the shell is formed by deposition from the body B 2 4 ON THE BONES OF ANIMALS IN GENERAL. of the animal ; but there is an argument equally strong in favour of the existence of vessels in the shell itself. Between the two last formed layers of the convex shell of the oyster, a considerable cavity is found, filled with a fetid and bitter fluid, and communicating by a particular opening with the internal parts of the body. — This must be destroyed and reproduced whenever a new lamina is added ; and we cannot understand how such processes can be effected without ar- terial and absorbing vessels. Crustaceous animals (crab, lobster, &c.) have a skeleton which sur- rounds and contains their soft parts, and which serves at the same time the purposes of a skin. When it has attained its perfect con- sistence, it grows no more ; but as the soft parts still increase, the shell separates, and is detached, being succeeded by a larger one. This new covering is partly formed before the other separates ; it is at first soft, sensible, and vascular ; but it speedily acquires a hard consistence by the increased deposition of calcareous matter. Some of the mollusca have hard parts in the interior of their body. The common cuttlefish {sepia officinalis) has a white, firm, and calca- reous mass, of an oval form, and slightly convex on its two surfaces, commonly known by the name of the cuttlefish -bone, contained in the substance of its body. It has no connexion with any soft part, whence it appears completely as a foreign body : no vessel or nerve can be perceived to enter it ; nor does it receive the attachment of any tendon. In the calmar [sepia loligo) this body resembles horn in its appearance ; it is transparent, hard, and brittle. Its form re- sembles that of a leaf, except that it is larger ; and sometimes that of a sword-blade. This structure must grow like shells, by the simple addition of successive layers. § 4. Excepting the crown of the teeth, bones are univer- sally covered with periosteum ; and for the most part they contain marrow* internally ; which varies much in consistence, being fluid in whales. § 5. Bones are formed by the ossification of original carti- lages ; the teeth being again for the most part excepted. Ossification commences earlier, and proceeds more rapidly in viviparous, than in oviparous animals. This fact appears at least from comparing the incubated bird with the foetus of mammalia. It is well known, that the incubation of the chick occupies twenty-one days. The commencement of ossifica- * The erroneous opinion which Aristotle held, of the want of marrow in the bones of the lion, does not require an express refutation. On that subject, as well as on some other mistaken assertions, see R. Hener, Ajwlog, pro Vesalio adversm Sylvium. Venet. 1555, 8vo. p. 27. ON THE BONES OF ANIMALS IN GENERAL. 5 tion is not perceptible before the beginning of the ninth day ; which corresponds with the seventeenth week of human preg- nancy. In the human embryo the first points of ossification may be discerned in the seventh or eighth week after concep- tion, certainly not in the third or fourth week, as some anato- mists have supposed. These facts shew how little confidence can be placed in that remark of Haller's, which concludes his otherwise masterly observations on the formation of the bones in the incubated chick : Quce de pullorum ossibus demon- stravimus, ea et'iam de aliis animantmm classibus vera erunt, et de ipso demum homine : " What I have proved as to the bones of the chick, will hold good with respect to those of other classes of animals, and of man." Of the mammalia, it is to be observed, that many points in the formation of the bones are completed sooner in quadrupeds than in man. An example occurs in the closure of the fontanelies. I have found these openings of considerable size in young foetuses of the J'erce and pecora, but could hardly discern any trace of them at the time of birth ; nothing at least which could be com- pared to their magnituc.e in a human foetus of nine months. When we compare the pelvis, and the whole mechanism of parturition in the woman, with those of the female quadruped, the cause of this difference appears. We then discover why the yielding and overlapping of the large bones of the cranium, which is chiefly effected by the fontanelies, is only required to facilitate the birth of the human foetvis. Professor Florman, of Sund, however, denies altogether the appearance of the fontanelies in the skulls of young ani- mals, according to Weber s and Mohrs Natur-histor. Reise durch einen Theil Schwedens, p. 35. But I have found them in many of the digitata, as for instance in the new born lepus, of very considerable size. As chemical analysis has discovered some interesting differences in the constituent ingredients of the hard parts of various animals, it seems right to give a short account of them in the present place. The bones and teeth of red-blooded animals consist chiefiy of phosphate of lime, depo.sited in the interstices of an animal sub- stance ; which, when freed from the earthy matter by the immersion 6 ON THE BONES OF ANIMALS IN GENERAL. •of the bone in an acid, approaches in its consistence to cartilage. This is completely dissolved by boiling in a close vessel, and is thereby proved to consist of gelatine. A small quantity of carbonate of lime is mixed with the phosphate ; and hence effervescence arises when a bone or tooth is subjected to the action of acids. The horn of the stag is bone, containing a large proportion of ge- latine. The bones of fishes contain phosphate of lime ; but the animal substance exists in very large proportion, particularly in those which are called cartilaginous, where it completely obscures the earthy matter. Carbonate and phosphate of lime, deposited on a cartilaginous basis, which retains the form of the part, after the earthy matter has been separated, constitute the external covering of the crustaceous animals, (crab, lobster, &c.). The carbonate is in greatest quantity. Carbonate of lime, with a small quantity of phosphate, forms the earthy principle of the shell of the echinus. The shells of the testacea are entirely composed of carbonate of lime, united to a gelatinous substance. When immersed in acid, a rapid effervescence ensues. Some of them, which are very hard in their texture, and have an enamelled surface, contain so little animal matter, that they are completely dissolved by acids, like the enamel of the teeth. But others, which consist of what is called mother of pearl, and are formed by successive strata, (e. g. the oyster, muscle, &:c.) contain a much larger proportion. When these have been ma- cerated in acid, a gelatinous substance remains, consisting of several layers of membrane, arranged stratum super stratum. It appears therefore, that phosphate of lime is the peculiar earth of hone, and carbonate that of shell ; although no bone has been hitherto discovered without a small admixture of the latter ingredient. Hence, that singular production from the body of the cuttle-fish is improperly called bone ; as it consists, like shells, of various mem- branes, hardened by carbonate of lime, without any phosphate. See *' Experiments and Observations on Shell and Bone," by C. Hatchett, Esq. Philos. Trans. 1799. The same excellent chemist has also found, that the zoophytes consist of carbonate of lime joined in different instances to various proportions of animal substance. Philos. Trans. 1800, Patt II. CHAPTER IL ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. § 6. The form of the different mammalia, particularly the four-footed ones,* varies considerably ; and their skeletons must be marked by corresponding differences. Yet these va- rieties may be included, at least for the greatest part, under the following peculiarities ; which serve to distinguish their skeletons from those of birds. The skeletons of mammaha Those of birds are distin- possess ; guished by ; 1 . A skull with genuine su- 1 . A skull which has not tures (at least with very few real sutures.;]; exceptions ; as perhaps the elephant, and the duck-billed animalj-f- ornithorhynchus). 2. Jaws furnished with 2. A bill without teeth, teeth ; except the ant-eaters, the manis, the duck-billed ani- mal,§ the halcena (whale). * Compare this chapter with Goethe's ingenious osteological view of the four- footed animals, in the 1st vol. of his Morphologie, p. 165 ; and the instructive plates of the skeletons of quadrupeds, of which I have given a sketch in my work on the bones, to which may be also added what has most recently appeared on this subject in Cuvier's Ossemens Fossiles, and the Treatise of Dr. Pander and Professor D'Alton. t This is the case, at least, with my specimen : the cranium, destitute of sutures, strikingly resembles that of a bird in this respect, i This is meant to apply to adult birds ; for young individuals have at least sepa- rate cranial bones, if they are not connected by real denticulated sutures. The bones of the head in birds are joined either by the squamous kind of suture ; or by the mere apposition of their margins, which species of union is termed harmonia ; but they arc soon consolidated into a single piece. § The duck-billed animal has, however, according to Cuvier, two teeth situated at the bottom of the moutli, without roots, with flat crowns, and composed like those of the oricteropus, of small vertical tubes. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 3. An immoveable upper jaw. 4. An OS intermaxillare. (For the probable excep- tionSj see § 15.) 5. Two occipital condyles. 6. Seven cervical vertebrae ; except the three-toed sloth, and some cetacea, 7. Moveable dorsal verte- bras. 8. A pelvis closed in front ; except the ant-eaters; which have it open ; and the cetacea, which have none. 9. True clavicles in a few genera only. 3. A moveable upper jaw : There are some exceptions, viz. the rhinoceros bird. 4. No OS intermaxillare. 5. A single occipital con- dyle. 6. More than seven cervi- cal vertebrae. 7. Dorsal vertebras little moveable, and for the most part motionless. 8. A pelvis open anteriorly. Except the ostrich. 9. Clavicles constantly, and almost as universally the fork- like bone.* § 7. We shall first describe the cranium*f' of mammalia ; since its structure most materially influences the whole animal economy, from serving as a receptacle for the brain, most of the organs of sense, and those of mastication J * The rudiments of this bone are to be found in the cassowary and ostrich, see § 57. t Compare the numerous plates of the skulls of many animals, of both warm- blooded classes in the Atlas to Gall's and Spurzheira's Anat. du Syst. Nerveux, and in Spix's CepJialogenesis, and the useful observations on the skull and other parts of the skeleton in many quadrupeds in Dr. Neegaard's Beytr'dgen zur vergleichenden Ana- tomie, &c. Gottingen, 1807-8, p. 91. X J. P. Frank was perhaps the first to notice the analogy between the vertebrae and skull, in the 11th volume of his Delectus Opusculorum Medicor. 1792, p. 8. In ea semper opinione versatus sum quamcunque spinalis columncB vertebram pro parvo, eo- demque iransverso, crmiio esse considerandum : " I have always been of opinion that every vertebra of the spinal column is to be regarded as a small transverse cranium ;" p,nd again, extrema et ex omnibus maxime conspicua, nohilissimaque vertebra, quam calva- ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 9 § 8. The well known division of the bones of the head into those of the cranium and of the face, is convenient for point- ing out the remarkable proportions of relative magnitude in the two divisions.* Compare, for instance, the skull of the kangaroo (t/idelphis gigantea) with that of the opossum, (did. marsupialis) or the skull of the dolphin {delphinus delphis) with that of the white whale {physeter macrocephalus). § 9. The number of proper bones of the cranium is, on the whole, the same as in the human subject. The os frontis, however, in most of the horned animals, is composed of two equal portions ; in many of these the two parietal bones are consolidated into one, and in others they are united to the oc- ciput. Some of the digitata have a peculiar flat bone situated transvei'sely between the parietal and occipital bones. f § 10. As the forehead of man is peculiarly distinguished by the beauty of its convex superficies, so is that of many of the quadrumana, as the larger animals of the monkey tribe, papio mormoji, &c. by the large flat triangular surface into which it is compressed, and the sides of which converge from the processus malares at the external angles of the orbits, ob- liquely backwards, towards the crista occipitalis.^ riam appellamus; " the last and most conspicuous and moveable of all the vertebras, isthat called the calvaria, or skull-cap." These views are further developed by Oleen in his treatise Über die Bedeutung der Sch'ddelknocken, Jena, 1807 ; and Ulrich De Sensu ac Signißcatione Ossium Capitis, speciatim de Capite Testudinis. Berlin, 1816. * A profile view answers as well for this purpose as a view taken vertically. I have explained the use of the latter, (which I call norma verticalis) in comparing the national forms of human crania, in the 3rd edition of my work. De Generis humani Varietate Kutivu, p. 203, and in -the 4th, Decas. Crani. divers. Gent. p. 12. See also Wolt, H. Crull, de Cranio, ejusque ad Faciem ratione, Gronig. 1810, Spix ; and Mr. Lawrence's excellent Lectures un Physiology, Lond. 1819. t See IMerrem's anatomy of the domestic mouse, in his Miscellaneous Observations oil Natural Histin-y, and Meyer's Prodromus Anat. Wlurium, who calls it os transver- sum: particularly Gotthelf Fischer's treatise De Osse Epactali, sen Gothiano Palmi- gradorum, W squa , 1811. Some excellent observations on the developement of this bone, and on that of the os occipitis in many of the mammalia are to be found in Meckel's Handbuch der Pathologische Anatomie, vol. i. p. 326. t In the horrid-looking skull, which 1 possess in my collection, of a person thirty years of age, and idiotic from birth, and which I have described in the Ccrtmenlutifl de Aiw,iiat.is et vitiosis quibusdam Nisus Formaiivi Ab^rrationibus, Gott. IX) Otf THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. The sphenoid bone is often divided into two parts in the qimd- rumana ; one of these forms the lesser alse, and anterior clinoid processes ; the greater alse, the posterior clinoid processes, and ba- silar fossa, are formed by the other portion. The two parietal bones form a single piece in the bat- kind. The same circmnstance occurs in the Carnivora, in the pig, tapir, hippopo- tamus, and horse. The frontal and parietal bones of the elephant become consoli- dated, at an early period, with all the other parts of the cranium ; so as to form a bony cavity, in which no trace of sutures can be dis- cerned. The parietal, occipital, and temporal bones are likewise joined at an early period into one piece in the cetacea. The pig, hippopotamus, tapir, horse, seal, walrus, and the rodentia, have the os frontis divided by a middle suture into two portions. That portion of the os temporis, which contains the tympanum, is separated from the rest of the bone by a suture, which is seldom completely united in the dog, cat, and civet. The cavity of the tympanum is also sepai'ated in the rodentia, and the os frontis re- mains divided into two portions. In the cetacea the parietal bones are joined at a very early period to the occipital and temporal, so that the five bones form only one. The bone of the ear is always separated, and is merely attached to the cranium by soft parts. In the elephant this bone is also distinct and separated from the tempo- ral. The cranium of the mammalia possesses the same fossae at its basis, as are found in the human subject : they are however much shal- lower ; and the eminences which define them are much less strongly marked than in man. This difference is very perceptible even in the simicE, where the cavities which hold the cerebellum are nearly on a level with the middle fossae of the basis cranii ; and the sella turcica is more superficial. The same fact is more strongly marked as we arrive at those animals, whose general structure de- viates more considerably from that of man. Those mammalia, which have the occipital foramen situated at the back of the head, must have the fossce cerebelli moved upwards ; hence, that margin of the fossEe, which is posterior in man, passes across the upper part of the back of the head in these animals. The optic foramina of the elephant commence from one canal, which receives the two optic nerves. The foramen rotundum is sometimes absent, its place being sup- plied by the spheno-orbitar fissure, (foramen lacerum) e, g. in the elephant and horse. The foramen ovale is also frequently wanting ; being included perhaps in the space left between the petrous por- 1813, p. 4, the animal expression is particularly given to it by the shape of the forehead. This is of a triangular shape, and so compressed, that the upper edges of the plana semicircularia for the attachment of the temporal muscles are scarcely a thumb's breadth from each other. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMItfALIA. 11 tion of the temporal bone, and the body of the sphenoid. This latter opening does not exist in the genus simia, nor in the carni- vorons mavnnalin, nor in the ruminavtia. It is on the contrary very large in the elephant, and in some -^dentia. The carotid canal does not exist in the rodentla ; but the artery enters at the opening between the sphenoid and temporal bones. The structure of the cranium presents a very remarkable singula- rity in the elephant. Its two tables are separated from each other to a considerable extent by numerous bony processes ; between which are formed a vast number of cells, communicating with the throat by means of the eustachian tubes, and filled with air, instead of the bloody or medullary substance which occupies the diplöe of ani- mals. The use of this structure in increasing the surface for attach- ment of those large muscles which belong to the lower jaw, pro- boscis, and neck ; and in augmenting the mechanical power of these muscles by removing their attachments to a greater distance from the centre of motion, has been very ingeniously explained by Camper, {CEitvres, tom. ii.). These advantages are attained by the cellular structure which we have just described, without augmenting the weight of the head, and this precaution is particularly necessary in the present instance, as the head is on other accounts more heavy and massy in this than in any other animal. The air cells of birds in ge- neral, and particularly those which pervade the cranium in the ostrich, eagle, and owl, present examples of a similar formation, at- tended with the same uses, viz. those of increasing the bulk and strength of the bone, and diminishing its weight. § 11 . A principal variation in the form of the cranium arises from the size and direction of the crista occipitalis, which bears a determinate proportion to the strength of the jaws. It is wanting in most monkeys, but is very large in the baboon of Borneo.* The longitudinal crista is very strongly express- ed in the badger ; and the transverse ridge is remarkable in the beaver, and both in the opossvm. Between the arched sides of the upper part of the cranium in the elephant lies a broad and deep impression, with a small longitudinal crista*)' at its bottom. There is a considerable difference in this respect between the various races of dogs : as between the pug-dog and that of Newfoundland. The crista occipitalis is a sharp, bony ridge, projecting from the • See G. Fischer's Naturhistorische Fragmente, vol. i. tab. 3, 4. t See Camj)er Descript, Anatomique d'un Elephant male, tab. 13, fig. 6, 1^ ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. upper and back part of the cranium in mammalia, chiefly for the attachment of the temporal muscle. The size of the temporal fossa depends upon the magnitude of the muscle which it contains. Hence it is larger in the Carnivora than in any other order ; not only occupying the whole sides and upper part of the cranium, but being still further increased by prominent bony cristce, growing from the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones. The two temporal muscles are indeed separated in many of these animals merely by the parietal ridge, which would completely cover the cranium. These ridges are not so strongly marked in any animals as in the Carnivora; yet they are discernible in most of the simioe. They occur also in animals of the pitr kind, and in the other pac/n/derinata ; the occipital crista is found where the others do not exist ; as it serves for the attachment of the muscles of the neck. % 12. The situation and direction of the great occipital fo- ramen are attended with remarkable variations in some in- stances. Instead of being situated far more anteriorly, and for the most part horizontally, as in the human subject,* (in which indeed the anterior margin is sometimes higher than the poste- rior) it is placed, in most quadrupeds, at the base of the cra- nium, and obliquely, with the posterior border more or less turned upwards. In some, indeed, its direction is completely vertical ; and in the marmot of the Alps its upper margin is turned more forwards than the lower.*!* * In the skull to which I have before alluded, this opening for the spinal marrow lies much further back than in any of the numerous apes and baboons with which I have compared it. t See Daubenton, on the different Situation of the great Occipital Foramen in Man and Animals, in the M^m. de rAcad. des Sc. de Paris, 1764, p. 568, On the dif- ference, which we are now considering, this excellent zootomist founded his occipi- tal line, which has been employed in the comparison of different crania with each other. He draws two lines, which intersect each other in the profile of the skull : one passes from the posterior margin of the great foramen, (which, in almost all mammalia, is also the superior one,) through the lower edge of the orbit ; the other takes the direction of the opening itself, beginning at its posterior edge, and touch- ing the articular suiface of the condyles. He determines according to the angle formed by the junction of these two lines, the similarity or diversity of the form of crania. This angle is, however, but an imperfect criterion ; for its variations are included between 80° and 90° in almost all quadrupeds, which differ very essentially in other points; and small variations occur in the individuals of one and the same genus. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 13 The variations in the situation of the occipital foramen are impor- tant, when viewed in connexion with the ordinary position of the animal's body. In man, who is designed to hold his body erect, this opening is nearly equi-distant from the anterior and posterior extremities of the skull. The head, therefore, is supported in a state of equilibrium on the vertebral column. The angle, formed by the two lines mentioned by Daubenton, is only of three degrees. Quadrupeds have the occipital foramen and condyles situated farther back, in proportion as the face is elongated. That opening, instead of being nearly parallel to the horizon, forms a considerable angle with it ; which, measured accoi'ding to Daubenton, is of 90 degrees in the horse. The weight of the head in these anim.als is not therefore sustained by the spine ; but by a ligament of immense strength, which is either entirely deficient, or so weak, as to have its existence disputed in the human subject. This ligumentum nuckce, or cervical ligament, arises from the spines of the dorsal and cervical vertebrae, (which are remarkably long for that purpose,) and is fixed to the naiddle and posterior part of the occipital bone. It is of great size and strength in all quadrupeds, but most particularly in the elephant ; where the vast weight of the head, so much increased by the enormous size of the tusks, sufficiently accounts for its in- creased magnitude. It is bony in the mole, probably on account of the use which the animal makes of its head, in disengaging and throwing up the earth. Animals of the genus simia and leimir hold a middle rank between man, who is constantly erect, and quadrupeds, whose body is sup- ported by four extremities. Their structure is by no means calcu- lated, like that of man, for the constant maintenance of the erect posture ; but they can support it with greater facility and for a longer time than other animals. Hence, in the orang-outang, the occipital foramen is only twice as far from the jaws as from the back of the head, so that Daubenton's angle is only 37°. It is somewhat larger in the other species of simice ; and measures 47° in the lemur. § 1.3. The true sutures, which connect the individual bones of the cranium, are generally less intricate, at least to outward appearance, in quadrupeds than in man. Their indentations are very strong and sharp in the hotted pecora, for obvious reasons ; and the frontal bones are thick in the same animals. In sheep, affected with the staggers, where the hydatid is large, and situated at the surface of the brain, I have found this part of the bone almost completely absorbed ; so that it yielded to pressure, and appeared like a thin cartilaginous membrane. The ossicula wormiana are seldom seen in the crania of ani- mals, yet I have specimens of these in the harCi and a young 14 ON THE SKELETON OP MAMMALIA. orang-outang ; the sutures of the latter are remarkably ele- gant. The observation, therefore, which Eustachius makes {Ossium Examen, p. 173), concerning the sutures of apes, namely, that " they are always so obscure, as scarcely ever to deserve the name of sutures," must be understood with some limitations. § 14. The general form of the cranium is most materially influenced by the direction, and the various degrees of promi- nence of the facial bones. The projection is generally formed by a prolongation of the upper jaw ; partly also, and in many instances chiefly, by the os intermaxillare, which is inclosed between the two upper jaw-bones. To determine this with greater precision. Camper instituted ihe facial line, the appli- cation of which is most minutely explained in his posthumous work, " On the Natural Differences of the Features," &c. Like Daubenton, he draws on the profile of the cranium two straight lines, which intersect each other ; but in different di- rections from those of the French anatomist. A horizontal line passes through the external auditory passage, and the bottom of the cavity of the nose ; this is intersected by a more perpendicular one, proceeding from the convexity of the fore- head, to the most prominent point of the upper jaw, or of the intermaxillary bone. The latter is the ^xo^ev facial line ; and the angle, which it forms with the horizontal line, determines, according to Camper, the differences of the crania of animals, as well as the national physiognomy of the various races of mankind. I have mentioned my objections to its application, in the latter point of view, in my work. De Generis Humani Variet. Nativ. 3d edit. p. 200. Concerning its use, as applied to the crania of animals, the same observations which were made on the hne of Daubenton will hold good, mutatis mutandis. About three-fourths of all the species of quadrupeds, which we are hitherto acquainted with, whose crania differ extremely in other respects, have one and the same facial line. The two organs which occupy most of the face, are those of smell- ing and tasting, (including those of mastication, &c.). In proportion, ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 15 as these parts are more developed, the size of the face, compared to that of the cranium, is augmented. On the contrary, when the brain is large, the volume of the cranium is increased in proportion to that of the face. A large cranium and small face indicate therefore a large brain, with inconsiderable organs of smelling, tasting, masti- cating, &c. ; while a small cranium, with a large face, shew that these proportions are reversed. The nature and character of each animal must depend considerably on the relative energy of its different functions. The brain is the common centre of the nervous system. All our perceptions are conveyed to this part, as a sensoriu??i commune : and this is the organ by which the mind combines and compares these perceptions, and draws inferences from them ; by which, in short, it reflects and thinks. We shall find that animals partake in a greater degree of this latter faculty, in proportion as the mass of medullary substance, forming their brain, exceeds that which constitutes the rest of the nervous system; or, in other words, in proportion as the organ of the mind exceeds those of the senses. Since then, the relative pro- portions of the cranium and face indicate also those of the brain, and the two principal external organs, we shall not be surprised to find that they point out to us, in great measure, the general charac- ter of animals, the degree of instinct and docility which they possess. Man combines by far the largest cranium with the smallest face; and animals deviate from these relations in proportion as they in- crease in stupidity and ferocity. One of the most simple methods (though sometimes indeed insuffi- cient,) of expressing the relative proportions of these parts, is by means of the facial line, which has been already described. This angle is most open, or approaches most nearly to a right angle in the human subject ; it becomes constantly more acute, as we descend in the scale, from man ; and in several birds, reptiles, and fishes, it is lost altogether, as the cranium and face are completely on a level. The idea of stupidity is associated, even by the vulgar, with the elongation of the snout : hence the stupidity of the crane and snipe has become proverbial. On the contrary, when the facial line is elevated by any cause which does not increase the capacity of the cranium, as in the elephant and owl, by the cells which separate the two tables, the animal acquires a particular air of intelligence, and gains the credit of qualities which he does not in reality possess. Hence the latter animal has been selected as the emblem of the goddess of wisdom. The invaluable remains of Grecian art shew that the ancients were well acquainted with these circumstances ; they were aware that an elevated facial line formed one of the grand characters of beauty, and indicated a noble and generous nature. Hence they have extended the facial angle to 90° in the representa- tion of men on whom they wished to bestow an august character, and in the representations of their gods and heroes they have even carried it beyond a right angle, and made it 100°. It must, however, be allowed, that the facial angle is of chief 16 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. importance in its application to the cranium of the human subject, and of the quadrumuna ; as various circumstances affect the conclu- sions which would result from employing it in other classes of mam- malia. Thus in the carnivorous, and some of the ru7ninating animals, in the pig, and particularly in the elephant, the great size of the fron- tal sinuses produces an undue elevation of the facial line. In many of the rodent ia, as the hare, &c., the nose occupies so large a space, that the cranium is thrown quite back, and presents no point on a front view, from which this line can be drawn. The following are the angles formed by drawing a line along the floor of the nostrils, and intersecting it by another, which touches the anterior margin of the upper alveoli, and the convexity of the cranium (whether the latter point be concealed by the face or not). European infant 90° adult 85 70 67 65 Adult negro . , . * Orang-outang . . i . . Long-tailed monkeys . . . , Baboons 40 to 30 Pole-cat 31 Pug dog 35 Mastiff; the line passing along the outer surface of the skull .... 41 Ditto, inner ditto . . . . 30 Leopard ; inner surface ... 28 " Hare 30 Ram 30 Horse .23 Porpoise . . . . . . 25 In the 3d and 4th tables of Cuvier's Tableau Elementaire de VHis- toire Naturelle, the crania of several mammalia are represented in profile ; so as to afford a sufficient general notion of the varieties in the facial angle. A similar comparative view, in one plate, is given by White, in his account of the Regular Gradation, Sic, from the work of Camper. The mode of comparison instituted by Cuvier shews the relative proportions of the cranium and face much more satisfactorily than that of Camper, This learned naturalist makes a vertical section of the skulls of different races of men, and the various classes of animals, and then compares the relative proportion of the cavity of the cranium to that of the section of the face. In the European the area of the section of the cranium is four times as large as that of the face ; the lower jaw not being included. The proportion of the face is somewhat larger in the negro ; and it increases again in the orang-outang. The area of the cranium is about double that of the face in the monkeys ; in the baboons, and in most of the carnivorous mammalia, the two parts are nearly equal. The face exceeds the cra- nium in most of the other classes. Among the rodentia, the hare and ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 17 marmoi have it one-third larger ; in the porcupine, and the ruminanlia, the area of the face is about double that of the cranium ; nearly tri- ple in the hippopotamus, and almost four times as large in the horse. In reptiles and fishes, the cranium forms a very inconsiderable por- tion of the section of the head ; although it is considerably larger than the brain which it contains. The outline of the face, when viewed in such a section as we have just mentioned, forms in the human subject a triangle, the longest side of which is the line of junction between the cranium and face. This extends obliquely backwards and downwards, from the root of the nose towards the foramen occipitale. The front of the face, or the anterior line of the triangle, is the shortest of the three. The face is so much elongated, even in the siinice, that the line of junction of the cranium and face is the shortest side of the triangle ; and the ante- rior one the longest. These proportions become still more consi- derable in other mammalia. § 15. The upper jaw-bones of other mammalia do not, as in man, touch each other under the nose, and contain all the upper teeth ; but they are separated by a peculiar single or double intermaxillary bone,^ which is in a manner locked be- tween the former, and holds the incisor teeth ■!• of such animals as are provided with these teeth. It exists also in the pecora^ which have no incisor teeth in the upper jaw ; as well as in such genera as have no incisor teeth at all, viz. the duck- billed animal, the Cape ant-eater, and the armadillo. It is even found in those mammalia which are wholly destitute of teeth, as the ant-eater and the proper whates.% It is joined to the neighbouring bones by sutures, which run externally by the side of the nose and snout, and which pass, towards the palate, close to the foramina incisiva.§ Its form and magni- * Gotth. Fischer on the different forms of the intermaxillary bone in different ani- mals, with plates. Leipzig, 1800, 8VO.3 and Kool's Annotationes Anatomicce. Gronig. 1800, p. 5. t Vesalius De c. h. fahrica, p. 46, fig. 1. J On this account I prefer the term intermaxillary bone to that of os incisivum, which is employed by Haller, Blair, in his excellent account of the anatomy of the elephant, calls it os patati ; and Vitet os maiilluire Interieur. § In human crania, at least those of the foetus and young children, there is at the same part a small transverse slit near the foramen incisivum, of which Fallopius gave the following accurate account in the year 1561 : Reperio hanc divisionem vel rimurn jiotiui esse, quam uUuram ; cum as ah osse non separet, neque in exierurribus ap- jjuriul, vel cum oj cum osae non conjungat, quod suturarum murius est. " I find this tg C 18 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. tude vary surprisingly in several orders and genera of mam- malia. It is small in many ferae, as also in the walrus {tri- chechus). In many of the glires* it is remarkably large, viz. in the beaver and marmot. It is also large in the hippopo- tamus, porpoise, and cachalot, {physeter macrocephalus) and particularly projecting in the wombat. Its form is very re- markable in the ornithorhynchus, where it consists of two hook-like pieces, joined by a broad synchondrosis."}* The want of the os intermaxillare has been regarded as a chief characteristic of the human subject; as one of the leading circum- stances which distinguish man from other mammalia. That this bone is really wanting in man must be allowed, notwithstanding the doubts of Vicq d'Azyr. The well-known transverse slit, behind the alveoli of the incisors in the human foetus, would form a very slight and remote analogy between the human structure and that of animals ; and when we consider, that the superior or facial surface of the maxillary bones, so far from being marked by any suture, be rather a division or fissure than a suture, since it does not separate one bone from the other, nor does it appear exteriorly, nor join two bones, which is the office of sutures." Obs, Anat, How far the alveolar portion of the superior maxillary bones marked by the fissure between them may be regarded as a rudiment of an inter- maxillary bone, has been ably shewn by Göthe, in the 1st vol. of his Morphologie. Compare Vicq d'Azyr. Mtm, de I'Acad. des Sc. 1780, and Const. Nicati de Labii leporini congeniti Natura et Origine. Ultraj. p. 25. In the celebrated dispute of the 16th century, whether Galen's osteology was de~ rived from the skeleton of man or the ape, Ingrassias argued for the latter side of the question, from Galen's having ascribed an intermaxillary bone to the human subject : and the same author, in his classical Commentarii in Galeni Librum de Ossibus, Panorra, 1603, fol. particularly points out the parts " where Galen, led astray by the dissection of apes, deviates from the true construction of the human body.'' * Its great size in these animals is accounted fot by the magnitude of the incisor teeth which it contains. t I cannot repeat here what I have observed in my book De Generis Huma. Var. Nat. on the subject of the intermaxillary bone ; of which, as is there stated, not the least trace could be discovered in the crania of some apes and baboons, although the individuals were young. It must be inferred, that in these instances, it was conso- lidated to the neighbouring bones in their foetal state, when all the other sutures were nevertheless in a state of perfection. Fischer could discover no trace of this bone in several mammalia of other orders, viz. the three-toed sloth, (bradypiis tridactylus) and the horse-shoe bat, (yespertilio fer- rurn equinum). See his work above quoted, and Geoff. Hilaire, in his Description de I'Egypte, who found no trace of the intermaxillary bone in the vespertilio per- J'oratus. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 19 does not even bear a slit like that of the inferior part, it must be put entirely out of the question. That all other mammalia possess this bone, is not quite so clear as that it is wanting in man. The exceptions occur in the quadru- mana. In addition to those which the author has stated, it may be observed, that the head of an crang-oulang, in the Hunterian Museum, which possesses all the other sutures, wants those which separate the intermaxillary bone. Tyson did not find this bone in his spe- cimen of the animal, which was very young, (see his Anatomy of the Pigmy) and it did not exist in a cranium which was delineated by Daubenton. I have also seen the crania of other monkeys, in whicli the sutures were all perfect and distinct, although this bone was wanting. ^16. The above-mentioned anterior palatine holes, or fora- mina incisiva are double in most mammalia, as in man. They are much larger in quadrupeds than in the human subject : in the pecora and the hare they are remarkably long and broad.* § 17. There are remarkable impressions on the outer side of the upper jaw o^ most pecora, near to the nasal bones, arising from the situation of the sinus sebacei. This part has a reticular structure in the hare, which approximates in that, as well as in many other points, to the formation of the rumi- nant animals. § 18. In the zygoma we observe several important diffe- rences, immediately derived from the organs of mastication.i* In many quadrupeds (especially the digitata and palmata,) the processus malaris of the superior maxillary bone runs in a long narrow process towards one similar in shape coming from the temporal, so that it occupies the situation of the malar bone in man. This bone is wedged in as a middle piece between these two processes, has nothing to do with the frontal, and consequently does not contribute to the for- mation of the orbits. The zygoma is straight, and almost of • In many instances, as in the lion, the openings of these large foramina are very visible in the palate during life. See J. Ridinger's Delineaiion of the tame Lion, which was exhibited in Germany in 1760, fol. t See Pinel, Redierchcssur une Nouvelle Methode de Classification des Quadrupedes, in the 1st vol. of the Actes de la f'ocitHi d'llisloire Naturelle de Paris, c 2 20 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. a thread-like slenderness in the mole. It is of immense strength, and includes a large space towards the cranium, for lodging the powerful muscles which move the lower jaw, in several carnivorous miimals, as the tiger, and in some glires, as the beaver. In the rat, and some others, it is convex below ; in the weasel, above. It is remarkable in the sloth for a large descending process, which comes from the os malae.* The zygoma is wanting in the ant-eater, in which the temporal and malar bones have only a slight projection instead of the visual zygo- matic process. This circumstance is sufficiently explained by the want of teeth, and the consequent want of mastication. The zygo- matic suture is so oblique in the Carnivora, that the temporal bone forms the whole superior margin, and the os malce the inferior edge of the zygoma. The zygoma may be arched both in the vertical and horizontal directions. A curvature of the latter kind indicates the existence of a strong temporal muscle ; while one of the former description shews that the masseter is large. Both these curvatures are considerable in the Carnivora. § 19. The elephant possesses only a rudiment of the nasal bones. In most apes, and even in the orang-outang, there is a single, triangular, and very small nasal bone; in the rib- faced baboon {papio mormon) it is exceedingly long and nar- row, and sinks between the long nasal processes of the superior maxillary bones. In the greater number of true quadrupeds, there are two ossa nasi, frequently of very considerable mag- nitude. This is the case in the pecora and hare ; also in the horse, pig, Sec. In the rhinoceros, the ossa nasi, which sup- port the horn, are very soon consolidated together. ^ 20. Of the lacrymal bones also, {ossa unguis) there is merely a rudiment in the elephant. These bones are stri- kingly developed in the bisulca, especially in the antelope, and still more remarkably in the opossum [didelphis marsu' pialis).-f * The two hedge-hogs (erinaceus setosus and ecaudatus) have indeed no malar bone, see Meckel's Beyträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie, I. B. I. Heft, p. 40. t A peculiarity in the makis (the lemur tribe) is that in them the superior open- ing of the lacrymal duct lies external to the orbit j see Fischer's Anatmnie der iHuki, I. B. Frankf. 1804, iv. p. Ö. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 21 % 21. The orbits differ very much in their direction, capa- city, and depth. They have for the most part a lateral direc- tion. In the simice they are directed forwards, as in man ; but they lie much more closely together than in the human subject. In the beaver they point upwards. They are completely closed in the quadrumanous mammalia. In the pecora and solidungula they have a circular margin in front ; but the external wall is deficient behind. In most of ihefef^es, and in several glires, the outer part of their margin is also deficient. The depth of these cavities is equally various. In many cases they are so superficial as scarcely to deserve the name of orbit ; viz. in the mole and ant-eater. Haller's asser- tion, that man possesses a larger bony orbit than any animal, is erroneous. The orbit of the cat is comparatively larger, as also that of several maJcis (lemures). See the delineation of their crania in Fischer's valuable work above quoted, Anatomy a/the Maki. Frankfort, 1804, 4to. The interval between the orbits is always smaller in the simise than in the human subject. In several of these, as in the monkeys, pro- perly so called, the two orbits are separated at their posterior part by a simple bony septum. In other mammalia these cavities are thrown towards the side of the head, and to a great distance from each other, by the ascending or nasal processes of the upper jaw-bones, which are very large. In those mammalia, which have the orbit open at its outer and back part, so as to communicate with the temporal fossa (such as the Carnivora, rodentia, edentata, and pachydermata) the os malae merely contributes to the formation of the zygoma, without being connected to the frontal or sphenoid bones. The superior maxilla merely forms the anterior border of the cavity, without constituting the floor of the orbit, which is indeed open below. The ossa palati, which are large, form a considerable share of the inner part of the cavity ; the ethmoid bone not contributing to it. The ru?mnating animals, as well as the horse and ass, have the mar- gin of the orbit completed at its outer part by a bony circle, although tlie cavity is open behind to the temporal fossa. The mole has not, properly speaking, an orbit. Its diminutive eyes, tlie very existence of which was for a long time questioned, lie under the integuments. Blumenbach 's Beschreibung der Knocken, p. 225, note. Tlie same observation holds good of the myrmecophaga didac- tyla. Ibid. The organ of vision is present without exception, only in one class of animals, namely, in birds. In the mammalia we have two instances 22 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. of complete blindness, namely, in the blind rat (spalax typhlus, Pall. Mus tj/pklus, L.) and in a variety of the mole (chrysochlorus, sorex aureus). In both these animals a hairy curtain, in which there is no fissure, is continued over the shrivelled eyes. Rudolphi, Physiologie, vol. ii. p. 154. § 22. In mammalia which have horns, these parts grow- on particular processes of certain bones of the cranium. In the one-horned rhinoceros they adhere to a rough, and slightly elevated surface of the vast nasal bone. The front horn of the two-horned species has a similar attachment ; the posterior rests on the os frontis ;* as those of the horned pecora do. Two kinds of structure are observed in the latter : there are either proper horns, as in the genera of the ox, goat, and an- telope, or bony productions, as in the genus cervus, which in- cludes animals of the deer kind. In the former, the external table of the frontal bones is elongated into one process, and in the oms polycerata, into several. In the greater number of these the frontal sinusses extend into the horny processes. The antelopes have been in general excepted. But that this exception does not hold good of all the species of this tribe, appears from the horn of an antelope bubalis in my collection, the bony process of which is hollow and connected with the frontal sinusses. The external vascular surface of the pro- cess secretes the horn, which covers it like a sheath. In the stag kind (in the male only in most genera), the frontal bone forms a short flattened prominence, from which the pro- j)er antler immediately shoots forth. It is renewed every year, and is covered, during the time of its growth, with a hairy and very vascular skin. The little horns of the giraffe hold a middle place between these two divisions. In their form, structure, and permanent duration, they resemble the frontal processes of the proper horns: in their hairy covering they approach to the branches of the stag kind.*f- * GeofFroy, in M6moires de la Sociitt d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, an 7. cahier 1. t Anomalous instances, in which the females have possessed horns, may be seen in Stahl De Cornu Cervi deciduo, Hal. 1699. Leopold, Diss, de Alee, Bas. 1700. Hoy in the Linnean Trans, vol. ii. p. 356. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 23 I have collected about twenty instances, from the mid- dle of the sixteenth century downwards, in which horned hares are said to have been found, with small branches like those of the roebuck, both in different parts of Europe, and in the East Indies. Were this fact ascertained, it would furnish another striking point in which these animals resem- ble the pecora. The fact is suspicious, because I have not yet been sufficiently satisfied of a single instance in which the horns were on the hare's head, although every trouble has been taken to procure information ; and they appear in the drawings, which I possess, by far too large for a hare. The annual reproduction of horns constitutes, in many points of view, one of the most remarkable phenomena of animal phy- siology. It affords a most striking proof, 1 st, of the power of the nutritive process, and of the rapid growth which results from this process in warm-blooded animals ; for the horn of a stag, which may weigh a quarter of a cwt. is completely form- ed in ten weeks : Sndly, of the remarkable power of absorption, by which, towards the time of shedding the old horn, a com- plete separation is effected of the substance, which was before so firmly united with the frontal bone : Srdly, of a limited du- ration of life in a part of an animal, entirely independent on the life of the whole animal, which in the stag extends to about thirty years : 4thly, of change of calibre in particular vessels ; for the branches of the external carotid, which supply the horn, are surprisingly dilated during its growth ; and recover their former dimensions when that process has ceased : 5thly, of a peculiar sympathy, which is manifested between the growth of the horns and the generative functions ; for castration, or any essential injury of the organs of generation, impedes the growth, alters the form, or interrupts the renewal of the horns.* It has also been asserted, but without a sufficient • See Russell's experiments in his Economy of Nature in Acute and Chronical Diseases of the Glands : Berlin Soc. of Inquirers into Nature, vol. iv. p. 360, and Dr. Paris, in the Transac, of the Linnean Society, vol. x, part II. p. 211. S4 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. proof hitherto, that injuries of the newly formed horn render the stag impotent for some time. The word horn, which is frequently applied in English to the ant- lers oi the deer kind, as well as to the real horns of other genera, would lead to very erroneous notions on this subject. The antler is a real bone ; it is formed in the same manner, and consists of the same elements as other bones ; its structure is also the same. It adheres to the frontal bone by its basis ; and the substance of the two parts being consolidated together, no distinction can be traced, when the antler is completely organized. But the skin of the forehead terminates at its basis, which is marked by an irregular projecting bony circle ; and there is neither skin nor periosteum on the rest of it. The time of its remaining on the head is one year : as the period of its fall approaches, a reddish mark of separation is observed be- tween the process of the frontal bone and the antler. This becomes more and more distinctly marked, until the connexion is entirely de- stroyed. The skin of the forehead extends over the process of the frontal bone, when the antler has fallen : at the period of its regeneration, a tubercle arises froin this process, and takes the form of the future antler, being still covered by a prolongation of the skin. The struc- ture of the part at this time is soft and cartilaginous ; it is immedi- ately invested by a true periosteum, containing large and numerous vessels, which penetrate the cartilage in every direction, and by the gradual deposition of ossific matter, convert it into a perfect bone. The vessels pass through openings in the projecting bony circle at the base of the antler ; the formation of this part, proceeding in the same ratio with that of the rest, these openings are contracted, and the vessels are thereby pressed, until a complete obstruction ensues. The skin and periosteum then perish, become dry and fall off; the surface of the antler remaining uncovered. At the stated period it falls off, to be again produced, always increasing in size. The horn is shed in the spring, and re-produced in the summer ; during the interval the male and female abstain from copulation. When the rutting season, which lasts three weeks, commences, large troops of the males and females re -assemble, and continue together during the winter. § 23. The skeleton of quadrupeds deviates more from that of man in the form of the lower jaw-bone, than in any other part. This difference consists chiefly in the want of a prominent chin ; that peculiar characteristic of the human countenance, which exists in every race of mankind, and is found in no other instance whatever. Man has also the shortest lower jaw in comparison with the cranium ; the elephant perhaps approach- ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 25 ing the nearest to him in this respect.* The same bone is fur- ther distinguished by the peculiar form and direction of its condyle. The articulation of these processes varies according to the structure of the masticating organs. They are both si- tuated in the same straight horizontal line in the ferm ; their form is cylindrical ; and they are completely locked in an elon- gated glenoid cavity, whose margins are so extended before and behind the condyle, that all rotatory motions ai'e rendered impossible, and hinge-like movements only allowed. This structure is most strikingly exemplified in the badger, where the cylindrical condyles are so closely embraced by the mar- gins of the articular cavity, that the lower jaw (at least in the adult animal), is still retained in its situation, after the soft parts have been entirely removed by maceration. In many herbivorous animals (in the most extensive sense of the term) these condyles are really rounded eminences ; viz. in the ele- phant and beaver. Their surface is flattened in the pecora, which have also the lower jaw narrower than the upper, so that the two sets of teeth do not meet together, when the mouth is shut, but are brought into contact by the free lateral motion, which takes place in rumination. The two con- dyles lie parallel to each other in a longitudinal direction in maxxy gUres ; viz. in the hare, where (as in the ant-eater) the coronoid process is almost entirely wanting. This process is on the contrary very conspicuous in the giraffe. The cetacea have the articular surface of the lower jaw turned almost di- rectly backwards.i* There are, on the whole, few other bones in the skeleton of mammaha, of such various forms as the lower jaw. The most anomalous formation of this bone is the shovel-like surface of its anterior part in the ducJc-billed animal : to which may be * See Pinel Sur les Os de la Tete de VElephaiU in the Journal de Physique, torn, xliii. p. 54. t The singular, but very common error, of considering the halves of the lower jaw of the whale as ribs has been already refuted by Rondelet, De Piscibvs, p. 53. 26 ON THE SKELETON OP MAMMALIA. added the very strong hoviaontal processes on the under side of the lower jaw in the wombat, and the strikingly large late- ral portions of this bone in the Brazilian monlceys (cercopithe- cus seniculus and Behebub) between which the bony cavity of the larynx is situated, which enables them to emit a peculiar deafening sound. We have lastly to observe that the two halves of the lower jaw are connected throughout life, in many mammalia, by a mere synchondrosis ; which is easily separated by boiling or maceration. This is the case in vuBxiyfercB, glires, and cetacea. They are consolidated into one piece, as in the human subject, at an early period, in the quadrumana, as also in the horsey horned cattle^ pig, elephant, &c. As the motions of the lower jaw must be materially influenced by the form of its condyle, and by the manner in which that process is connected to the articular cavity of the temporal bone ; we shall find, as might have been expected, a close relation between these circum- stances and the kind of food by which an animal is nourished. Thus the lower jaw of the Carnivora can only move upwards and down- wards, and is completely incapable of that horizontal motion which constitutes genuine mastication. Hence these animals cut and tear their food in a rude and coarse manner, and swallow it in large por- tions, which are afterwards reduced by the solvent properties of the gastric juice. Such mammalia, on the contrary, as live on vegeta- bles, have, in addition to this motion, a power of moving the lower jaw backwards and forwards, and to either side ; so as to produce a grind- ing effect, which is necessary for bruising and triturating grass, and for pulverising and comminuting grains. In all these, therefore, the form of the condyle, and of its articular cavity, allows of free motion in almost every direction. The teeth may be compared, in the former case, to scissars ; in the latter, to the stones of a mill. § 24. The jaws of mammalia contain teeth* with a very few * See J. G. Duverney, Lettre contenant plusieurs nouvelles Observations sur VOsteOf logie, Paris, 1689, 4to. J. J. Kober De Dentihus, eorumque Diversitate, Argent. 1774, 4to. P. M. G. Broussonet, Comparaison entre les Dents de V Homme et Celles des Quad- rupedes, in Mäm. de I' Acad, des Sc, de Paris, 1787. Rob. Blake's Essay on the Structure and Formation of the Teeth in Man and va- rious Animals, Dublin, 1801-8, and particularly Fr. Cuvier des Dents des Mammiferes, Par. 1821-8. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 27 exceptions: the proper whales, {balcence) the manis, (scaly lizard) and the American ani-eaiers, are the only genera en- thely destitute of these organs. The substance and texture of the teeth are different from those of all other bones. The enamel which covers the crown of the tooth is characterized by its peculiar hardness (sparks of fire may be produced by striking it against steel), as well as by the want of animal matter, with which the bony part of the crown as well as the fang of the tooth are copiously provided. It seems to be wanting in the tusks of the elephant, as also in those of the walrus, the narwhale, {mo7iodon, sea-unicorn) and in the incisors of the African hog {sus Äthiopiens). Yet these are all surrounded by an external thin coat of a different sub- stance from the body of the tooth. These teeth have indeed some peculiarity in their texture ; the ivory of the elephant's tusks in particular is unlike any other substance. Not to mention other peculiarities of ivory, which have induced some modern naturalists to consider it as a species of horn, the difference between its structure and that of the bone of teeth is evinced in the remarkable pathological phenomenon, resulting from balls, with which the animal has been shot when young, being found on sawing through the tooth, imbedded in its substance in a peculiar manner. Haller employed this fact, both to re- fute Duhamel's opinion of the formation of bones by the pe- riosteum, like that of wood by the bark of a tree ; as well as to prove the constant renovation of the hard parts of the animal machine. It is still more important, in explanation of that " nutritio ultra vasa," which is particularly known through the Petersburg prize dissertation. Instances of the fact above- mentioned, in all which the balls were of iron, may be seen in several writers.* I possess a similar specimen : but there is a still more curious example in my collection, of a leaden bullet contained in the tusk of an East Indian elephant, which * Buffon, 4to. ed. torn, ii. p. 161, in Gallandat over de Olyphants Tanden in the Verhandelingen der Genootfch, le Vlissingen, p. 352, torn. ix. ; and in Bonn's Descr. ihetauri Hoiiani, p. 146. Goethe's Morphologie, vol. ii. p. 7 ; and Cuvier's Ossemens Fossiles, torn. i. p. 48. 28 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. tusk must have been equal in size to a man's thigh, without having been flattened. It lies close to the cavity of the tooth ; its entrance from without is closed as it were by means of a cicatrix ; and the ball itself is surrounded apparently by a pe- culiar covering. The bony matter has been poured out on the side of the cavity in a stalactitic form. The organization of the molar teeth of the Cape ant-eaters is perfectly anomalous ; they consist of vertical tubes. In some animals the crowns of particular teeth are distinguished by peculiar colours. The incisors of some glires, as the beaver^ marmot, and squirrel, are of a nut-brown colour on their ante- rior surface, and the molar teeth of several bisulca, as well as of the elephant, are covered by a very hard black substance of a vitreous appearance. This black vitreous matter is some- times covered with a crust of a metallic shining bronze colour; particularly in the domesticated horned cattle, and sheep.* The teeth of the human subject seem to be designed for the single purpose of mastication ; and hence an erroneous conclusion might be drawn, that they serve the same office in other animals. Many ex- ceptions, however, must be made to this general rule. Some mam- malia, which have teeth for the office of mastication, have others, which can be only considered as weapons of offence and defence, as the tusks in the elephant, liippopotamiis, toalrus, and manati. The large and long canine teeth of the Carnivora, as the lion, tiger, dog, cat, &c. not only serve as natural weapons to the animal, but enable it to seize and hold its prey, and assist in the rude laceration which the food un- dergoes previous to deglutition. The seal, the porpoise, and other cetacea, as the cachalot [physeter 7}iacrocephalus) have all the teeth of one and the same form ; and that obviously not calculated for masti- cation. They can only assist in securing the prey, which forms the animal's food. Animals of the gen^is balcena (the proper whales') have, instead of teeth, the peculiar substance called nhalebone, covering the palatine surface of the upper jaw : this resembles in its composition, hair, horn, and such substances. The lower surface of the upper jaw forms two inclined planes, which may be compared to the roof of a house reversed ; but the two surfaces are concave. Both these are covered with plates of the whalebone, placed across the jaws, and descending vertically into the mouth. They are parallel to each other, and exist to the number of * See Stobaeus De Inauratione spontanea, dentium quorundam animalium, in Act, Liter. Suecic. vol, iii. p. 83, 1733. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 29 two or three hundred on each of the surfaces. Tliey are connected to the bone by the intervention of a white ligamentous substance, from which they grow ; but their opposite edge, which is turned towards the cavity of the mouth, has its texture loosened into a kind of fringe, composed of long and slender fibres of the horny substance ; which therefore covers the whole surface of the jaw. This structure proba- bly serves the animal in retaining and confining the mollusca which constitute its food. The teeth of the ornithorhynchus paradoxus and hystrix deviate very considerably from those of other mammalia. In the former animal there is one on each side of the two jaws : it is oblong, flattened on its surface, and consists of a horny substance adhering to the gum. There are likewise two horny processes on the back of the tongue : these point forwards, and are supposed by Sir Everard Home to pre- vent the food from passing into the fauces, before it has been suffi- ciently masticated. In the hystrix, there are six transverse rows of pointed horny processes at the back of the palate ; and about twenty similar horny teeth on the corresponding part of the tongue. See Sir Everard Home in the Philos. Trans. 1800, part 2 ; 1802 parts 1 and 2. The substance composing the tusks of the elephant, commonly called ivory, is certainly different from the bone of other teeth. It is, generally speaking, more hard and compact in its texture ; it is dis- tinguished from all others by the curved lines which pass in different directions from the centre of the tooth, and form, by their decussation, a very regular arrangement of curvilinear lozenges. It soon turns yellow from exposure to the air. The tusk of the hippopotamus is harder and whiter ; and consequently preferred for the formation of artificial teeth. In the walrus, the interior of the tooth is composed of small round portions, placed irregularly in a substance of different appearance, like the pebbles in the pudding stone ; and the molar teeth have a similar structure. The curious facts which Blumenbach has mentioned in this section have been sometimes brought forward to prove the vascularity of the teeth ; a doctrine which is refuted by every circumstance in the for- mation, structui-e, and diseases of these organs. It may be first ob- served, that the appearances exhibited by the teeth in question are by no means what we should reasonably expect in such a case. When a bullet has entered the substance of the body, the surrounding lace- rated and contused parts do not grow to the metal, and become firmly attached to its surface, but they inflame and suppurate in order to get rid of the offending matter. If the ivory be vascular and sensi- ble, why do not the same processes take place in it? We can explain very satisfactorily how a bullet may enter the tusk of an elephant, and become imbedded in the ivory without any open- ing for its admission being perceptible. It will be hereafter shewn that these tusks are constantly growing during the animal's life, by a deposition of successive laminse within the cavity, while the outer surface and the point arc gradually worn away ; and that the cavity 30 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. is filled for this purpose with a vascular pulp, similar to that on which teeth are originally formed. If a ball penetrate the side of a tuskj cross the cavity, and lodge in the slightest way on the opposite side, it will become covered towards the cavity by the newly depo- sited layers of ivory, while no opening will exist between it and the surface, to account for its entrance. If it have only sufficient force to enter, it will probably sink, by its own weight, between the pulp and tooth, until it rests at the bottom of the cavity. It there becomes sur- rounded by new layers of ivory ; and as the tusk is gradually worn away, and supplied by new depositions, it will soon be found in the centre of the solid part of the tooth, Lastly, a foreign body may enter the tusk from above, as the plate of bone which forms its socket is thin ; and if this descends to the lower part of the cavity, it may become imbedded by the subsequent formations of ivory. This must have happened in a case where a spear-head was found in an ele- phant's tooth. The long axis of the foreign body corresponded to that of the cavity. No opening for its admission could be discovered, and it is very clear that no human strength could drive such a body through the side of a tusk. Philos. Trans. 1801, part i. § 25. It is difficult to frame a classification of the teeth which shall be generally applicable, and at the same time intelligible. Their situation affords perhaps a more eligible basis of arrangement than their form, since that is the same throughout, in some instances, as in the cachalot and porpoise. They may therefore be distributed into the three classes of front teeth, corner teeth, and back teeth. The front teeth are the incisores of Linnseus. The corner teeth are the canini, laniarii, of Linnaeus; cuspidati of Hunter. The back teeth are the molares. The term of tusks is applied to such teeth as extend out of the cavity of the mouth. § 26. The front teeth in the upper jaw of quadrupeds and dolphins are those which are implanted in the intermaxillary bone; the front teeth in the lower jaw are such as correspond to these, or to the anterior margin of the intermaxillary bone in animals which have no upper incisors. Their number and form vary considerably. In the glires their cutting edge is formed like a chisel, particularly in the lower jaw, whence Grew called them denies scalprarii. In some animals, as in the leaver and the porcupine, the lower ones have remark- ably long roots : in many, as in the marmot, the upper ones also have long roots. In the hare there are two very small ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 31 teeth placed just behind the large ones. The crowns of the front, as well as of the back teeth, form flat prominences in the walrus. The front extremity of the lower jaw, with its teeth, extends in the dolphin {delphiiius delpMs) much beyond the corresponding part of the upper jaw, contrary to what happens in other animals. The lower fore teeth of most mam- malia have a more or less oblique position ; while in man they are perpendicular. The orang-outang of Borneo is the only animal which in this respect at all approaches to the human subject. The structure of the incisor teeth, in the rodentia, deserves atten- tion on several accounts. They are covered by enamel only on their anterior or convex surface, and the same circumstance holds good with respect to the tusks of the hippopotamus. Hence, as the bone wears down much faster than this harder covering, the end of the tooth always constitutes a sharp cutting edge, which renders it very deserving of the name of an incisor tooth. This partial covering of enamel refutes, as Blake has observed {Essay on the Structure, Sfc. of the Teeth, p. 212,) the opinion that the enamel is formed by the process of crystallization. The incisor teeth of these animals are used in cutting and gnawing the harder vegetable substances ; for which their above-mentioned sharp edge renders them particularly well adapted. Hence Cuvier has arranged these animals in a particular order by the name of rodentia, or the gnawers. As this employment subjects the teeth to immense friction and mechanical attrition, they wear away very rapidly, and would soori be consumed, if they did not possess a power of growth, by which this loss is recompensed. These teeth, which are very deeply imbedded in the jaw, are hol- low internally, like a human tooth, which is not yet completely formed. Their cavity is filled with a vascular pulp, similar to that on which the bone of a tooth is formed ; this makes a constant addition of new substance on the interior of the tooth, which ad- vances to supply the part worn down. The covering of enamel extends over that part of the tooth which is contained in the jaw, as we might naturally expect : for this must be protruded at some future period to supply the loss of the anterior portion. Although these teeth are very deeply implanted in the maxillary bones, they can hardly be said to possess a fang or root; for the form of the part is the same throughout ; the covering of enamel is likewise continued ; and that part, which at one period is contained in the jaw, and would form the fang, is afterwards protruded to constitute thr body of the tooth. 32 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. The constant growth of these teeth, therefore, proceeds in the same manner, and is effected on the same principles as the original forma- tion of any tooth, and can by no means furnish an argument for the existence of vessels in the substance of the part. We cannot help being struck with the great size of these teeth, compared with the others of the saine animal, or even with the bulk of the animal. Their length in the lower jaw nearly equals that of the jaw itself, although a small proportion only of this length appears through the gum. They represent the segment of a circle ; and are contained in a canal of the bone, which descends under the sockets of the grinders, and then mounts up, in some instances, to the root of the eoronoid process : hence, although their anterior cutting edge is in the front of the mouth, the posterior extremity is behind all the grinding teeth. No animal exhibits this structure better than the rat. The beaver also affords a good specimen of it on a larger scale. It has been drawn in this animal by Blake, {Essay on the Structure, Sfc. of the Teeth, tab. 9, fig. 3). The tooth does not extend so far in the upper jaw ; it is there implanted in the intermaxillary bone, and terminates over the first grinder. The observations which have been made respecting the constant growth of the incisor teeth of the gtires will apply also to the tusks of the elephant. These are hollow internally, through the greater part of their length, and the cavity contains a vascular pulp, which makes constant additions of successive layers, as the tusk is worn down. One of the elephants at Exeter Change is said to have nearly bled to death from a fracture of the tusk, and consequent laceration of the vessels of the pulp. The tusks of the hippopotamus, and pro- bably all otlier teeth of this description, grow in the same manner. Further and more accurate observation may hereafter shew, that the same mode of growth obtains also in other classes of teeth when they are exposed to great friction. Something similar may certainly be observed in the grinders of the horse. The tooth is not finished when it cuts the gum : the lower part of its body is completed while the upper part is worn away by mastication, and the proper fang is not added till long after. Hence we can never get one of these teeth in a perfect state ; for if the part out of the gum is complete, the rest of the body is imperfect, and there are no fangs : on the contrary, when the fangs are formed, much of the body has been worn away in mastication. Blake further asserts that this structure is found in the grinders of the heaver, p. 99, tab. 9, fig. 4. In the delphinus Gangeticus, of whicii there is a specimen in the Hunterian collection, presented by bir J. Banks, the change that takes place in the form of the tooth, as it wears away from long use, is more remarkable than in most other teeth ; for the perfect tooth has a tolerably sharp enamelled point, while the half-worn one has a curved, blunted, cutting edge. See Sir Ev. Home's description of the teeth of the delphinus Gangeticus, Phil. Trans. 1818, part 1, p. 417. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. öö § 27. The corner teeth {canini) of the upper jaw lie close to the intermaxillary bone ; hence the remarkable spiral tusk of the narwliale^* and the tusks of the walrus belong to this division. In many baboons, and most particularly in the larger predacious mammalia, these teeth are of a terrific size : in the latter animals, the whole profile of the anterior part of the cranium forms a continuous line with these teeth, which is^ very visible in the tiger. The canine tusks of the babiroussa, which are very long, and curved so as nearly to describe a complete circle, present the most curious structure. Their utility to the animal appears quite obscure, when their length, direction, and smallness are considered. The small canine teeth, which are situated just behind the larger ones, in all the species of the deer and bear kind, are also remarkable. This is the case in the brown bear of the Alps, of which I have three crania ; in a black American ; in one whose country is unknown, belonging to the national Museum at Paris ; and in the Polar bear; of all which I possess excellent drawings, through the kindness of Professor Cuvier. These small teeth are wanting in the fossil remains of an ante-diluvian bear, {ursus spelcsus) tov/ards the illustration of whose osteology I have a large collection, from the four most celebrated caverns in Germany, viz. that of Scharzfelder in the Harz, of Gailen- reuter in the Fichtelberg, of Altensteiner in Thuringerwald, and of Sunwicher in Iserlohn. The narwhale is found so constantly with only one tusk, that it has been called the sea-unicorn, and Linnaeus has even given it a similar appellation, that of monodon. Yet there can be no doubt that it possesses originally two of these ; one in either jaw-bone ; and that which is wanting must have been lost by some accidental circum- stance, as we can easily suppose, (Shaw's Zoology, vol. ii. p. 473). These tusks often equal in length that of the animal's body ; which may be eighteen feet or more ; yet they are always slender. The result of Sir E. Home's examination of two specimens of the male narwhale in the Hunterian collection, and of a female sent to him by Mr. Scoresby, was, that the left tusk of this animal appears • I must refer to tlie 5th part of my Delineations of Sulyects relating to Natvral Hiftfry, for wliat is there said on the question, whetlier the iiurwhale has really one or two of thes« teeth. D 34 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. commonly long before the right one, and that the tusks in the tevriale come much later than in the male, which facts explain the error of Linnaeus, and that of the captains of the Greenland ships, who sup- posed that the females had no tusks. ^ 28, The back teeth are the most universal ; since, when mammalia have any teeth at all, they are of this description, although the front and canine teeth may be wanting, as in the armadillo and the ard-eater. The narwhale makes the only exception, as it is perfectly toothless, if we except the long tusk. The form, structure, and relative situation of the back teeth vary very considerably. In many quadrumana and in man the two front ones * are smaller in the crown, and more simple in the fang than the posterior : whence J. Hunter calls them bicuspides, and restricts the name of molares to the latter.^ The molar teeth offeree and of man have the crown entirely covered with enamel : this is the case also in the monstrous fossile animal incognitum of the Ohio, (mammut Ohiotieum) which has been called the carnivorous elephant.J In several glires, (in some, as the marmot, the whole crown is covered with enamel) in the solidungula, pecora,^ and most balcence, bony substance may be seen at the extremity of the tooth, * In some apes and baboons, the front bicuspis of the lower jaw has a peculiar for- mation, being elevated into a sharp point, like those of the ferce. See the excellent representation of the cranium of the mandril (simia maimon) in Cheselden's Osteo- graphy, t I find that the difference between the bicuspides and molares is noticed in the first anatomical compendium, which was compiled from human bodies, viz, the celebrated Anatomia partium Corp. Human., written by Mondini, in the first half of the fourteenth century. For he enumerates in each jaw four maxillares, and six mo- lares, besides the incisor and canine teeth, p. 370, of the classical edition, which is accompanied with Berengar's Commentaries. I have also found, that this distinc- tion of the two kinds of grinders is noticed in that famous volume of admirable anatomical drawings, by the incomparable Leonardo da Vinci, which is preserved in his majesty's library, i See the 2nd part of Delineatio7is of Subjects relating to Natural History, tab, 19. § For the internal structure of the molar teeth of pecora, see Hollmann De Ossi- bus Fossilibus, in the Commentar. Reg. Sac. Scient. Gotting. tom. ii. p. 263, and Schteger, in Isenflamm's and Rosenmuller's Contributions towards Anatomy, vol. i, part i. p. 5, ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 35 intermixed in a tortuous line with vertical productions of ena- meL* In many animals which feed on grass, and do not ruminate, as the solidungula and the elephant, the broad crowns of the grinding teeth lie chiefly in a horizontal direction towards each other. In most pecora, on the contrary, their surface, which forms a zig-zag line, is oblique ; the outer mar- gin of the upper teeth and the inner margin of the lower teeth being the most prominent* In most predacious animals, par- ticularly of the lion and dog kind, the crownS of the molar teeth are compressed, and terminate in pointed processes, the lower ones shutting within the upper ; so that in biting they intersect each other, like the blades of a pair of scissars, in consequence of the firm hinge-like articulation of the cylin- drical condyle. The distribution of the enamel and bony svxhstance varies in the teeth of different animals, and even in the different orders of teeth in the same animal. All the teeth of the Carnivora, and the incisors of the ruminating animals, have the crown only covered with enamel, as in the human subject. The immense fossil grinders of the animal incognitum, or mammoth, have a similar distribution of this substance. The grinders of graminivorous quadrupeds, and the incisors also of the horse, have processes of enamel descending into the substance of the tooth. These organs have also in the last^-mentioned animals a third component part, differing in appearance from both the others, but resembling the bone more than the enamel. Blake has distin- guished this by the name of crusta petrosn ; and Cuvier calls it cement. The physiological explanation of this difference in structure is a very easy and clear one. The food of the Carnivora requii'es very little comminution before it enters the stomach : hence, the form of their molar teeth is by no means calculated for grinding ; and, as the articulation of the jaw admits no lateral motion, these teeth, of which the lower are overlapped by the upper, can only act like the incisors of other animals. The food of graminivorous quadrupeds is subject to a long process of mastication, before it is exposed to the action of the stomach. The teeth of the animals suffer great attri- tion during this time, and would be worn down very rapidly but for the enamel which is intermixed with their substance. As this part is harder dian the other constituents of the teeth, it resists the attri- tion longer, and presents the appearance of prominent ridges on the • 'J'he specifically different forms of the layers of enamel, in the African and Aiialic elfphant$, may be »eeji in the Delineation», &c. part ii. tab. 19. D 2 36 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. worn surface, by which the grinding of the food is much facilitatecf. The distinction of the three substances is seen better in the tooth of the elephant than in any animal. The best method of displaying it is by making a longitudinal vertical section, and polishing the cut surface. The crusta petrosa will then be distinguished by a greater yellowness and opacity in its colour ; and by an uniformity in its ap- pearance, as no laminae or fibres can be distinguished. The pulp of a grinding tooth of a graminivorous quadruped is di- vided into certain conical processes, which are united at their bases. These vary from two to six in the horse and cow. On these the bone of the tooth is formed, as on the single pulp of the human sub- ject, but it is here divided into as many separate shells as there are processes of the pulp ; all of them, however, enclosed in a common capsule. The ossification commences, as in all teeth, on the points of the pulp, and extends towards the basis : when it has arrived there, the shells unite together ; and they also join at their outer margins. Between the processes of the pulp other productions de- scend from the capsule in a contrary direction ; and deposit, on the surface of the shells», enamel distinguishable by its crystalline ap- pearance, and hence denominated by Blake cortex striatus. When these membranous productions have formed their portions of enamel, they secrete the crusta petrosa within the cavities left between them. The outer surface of the bone of the tooth is covered by enamel, which may be compared to that which invests the crown of a human tooth, except that it is deposited in an irregular waving line, in order to render the surface better calculated for grinding ; and the inequa- lities of this surface of enamel are filled up by crusta petrosa. The exterior enamel, and crusta petrosa, (which may be so named, by way of distinguishing them from the processes within the tooth) are formed by the surface of the capsule. If, then, we make a transverse section of a grinding tooth of the horse or coxv, the exterior surface will be found to consist of an irre- gular layer of crusta petrosa : this is succeeded by a waving line of enamel, within which is the proper bone of the tooth. But the sub- stance of the latter is penetrated by two productions of enamel ; in the interior of each of which is crusta petrosa. The crusta petrosa, which fills these internal productions of enamel, is sometimes not completely deposited before the tooth cuts the gum : hence, cavities are left in the centre of the tooth, which become filled with a dark substance composed of the animal's food, and other foreign matters. This seldom happens to any considerable extent in the grinders of the horse. In the cow and sheep these cavi- ties are constantly filled with the dark adventitious matter; the crusta petrosa being confined to the exterior surface of the tooth, and not existing even there so plentifully as in the horse. The lower grinders of the horse differ very much in their forma- tion from those of the upper-jaw. Ossification commences in these by four or five points, which increase into as many small shells ; yet they unite without any processes of the capsule passing down between ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 37 to form internal productions of the enamel. This substance is l)OW- ever deposited in a very convoluted manner on the bone of the tooth, so that the same end is attained, as if productions of the cortex striatus had existed in the centre of the part. The crusta pe- trosa fills up the irregularities of this waving line of enamel. A ho- rizontal section of such a tooth presents the three substances ar- ranged within each other : the crusta petrosa is external ; then comes the enamel, which includes nothing but the proper bone of the tooth. The incisors of the horse have a production of enamel in their centre ; but the cavity which this forms containing no crusta petrosa, is merely filled by the particles of food, &c. As these processes of enamel descend only to a certain extent in the tooth, they disap- pear at last from the constant wear of the part in mastication ; and this is improperly called the filling up of the teeth. Hence a crite- rion arises of the horse's age. The grinding teeth of the elephant contain the most complete in- termixture of the three substances, and have a greater proportion of crusta petrosa than those of any other animal. The pulp forms a number of broad flat processes, lying parallel to each other, and placed transversely between the inner and outer laminae of the alveoli. The bone of the tooth is formed on these in separate shells commencing at their loose extremities, and extending towards the basis where they are connected together. The capsule sends an equal number of membranous productions, which first cover the bony shells with enamel, and then invest them with crusta petrosa ; which latter substance unites and consolidates the different portions. The bony shells vary in number from four to twenty-three, accord- ing to the size of the tooth, and the age of the animal : they have been described under the term of denticuli, and have been repre- sented as separate teeth in the first instance. It must, however, be remembered, that they are formed on processes of one single pulp. When the crusta petrosa is completely deposited, the different den- ticuli are consolidated together. The l)ony shells are united at their base to the neighbouring ones ; the investments of enamel are joined in like manner ; and the intervals are filled with the tliird substance, which really deserves the name bestowed on it by Cuvier, of cement. The pulp is then elongated for the purpose of forming the roots or fangs of the tooth. From the peculiar mode of dentition of the ele- phant, the front portion of the tooth has cut the gum, and is em- ployed in mastication, before the back part is completely formed, even before some of the posterior denticuli have been consolidated. The back of the tooth does not appear in the mouth until the ante- rior part has been worn down even to the fang. A horizontal section of tlie elephant's tooth presents a series of narrow bands of bone of the tooth, surrounded by corresponding portions of enamel. Between these are portions of crusta petrosa ; and the whole circumference of the section is composed of a thick layer of the same substance. A vertical section in the longitudinal direction exhibits the pro- 38 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. cesses of bone, upon the different denticuH, running up from the fangs ; a vertical layer of enamel is placed before, and another be- hind each of these. If the tooth is not yet worn by mastication the two layers of enamel are continuous at the part where the bone ter-- minates in a point ; and the front layer of one denticulus is continu- ous with the back layer of the succeeding one, at the root of the tooth ; so that the enamel, ascending on the anterior, and descend- ing on the posterior surface of each denticulus, forms a continued line through the whole tooth. Critsia petrosa intervenes between the ascending and descending portions of the enamel. As the surface of the tooth is worn down in mastication, the pro-» cesses of enamel, which are capable of making a resistance by their superior hardness, form prominent ridges on the grinding surface, which must adapt it excellently for bruising and comminuting any hard substance. The grinding bases, when worn sufficiently to expose the enamel, present a very different appearance in the Asiatic and African ele- phants. The processes of enamel in the former species represent flattened ovals, placed across the tooth. In the latter they form a series of lozenges, which touch each other in the middle of the tooth. It does not appear that crusta petrosa is an essential part in the grinders of graminivorous animals. For those of the rhinoceros do not possess it, although the enamel descends into their substance, and forms a cavity, which is filled with the food, &c. Home and Blake likewise state, that it does not exist in the hippo-!- potannis, where there are internal productions of enamel : but Mr. Macartney has found it in small quantity on the exterior surface of the tooth near its root.* § 29. Certain classes of the teeth are entirely wanting in some orders, classes, and genera of quadrupeds ; as the upper front teeth in the pecora, the lower in the elephant, both in the African rhinoceros, and the canine in the glires. In other instances, the different descriptions of teeth, particularly the * Mr. Corse's Observations on the different Species of Asiatic Elephants. Philos. Trans. 1799, part ii. Some Observations on the Teeth of graminivorous Quadrupeds, by E. Home, Esq. Ibid. With Delineations of the Teeth of the Elephant, Horse, Cow, Sheep, Hippopota- mus, and Rhinoceros, Blake's Essay on the Structure and Formation of the Teeth in Man and various Ani- mals, wit'a plates. Tenon Sur une Methode particuliere d'etudier l' Anatomie, in the M6moires de Vln- stitut National, torn. i. an 6. Cuvier, L6gom d' Anatomie comparie, torn. iii. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. ssi canine and molar, are separated by considerable intervals ; this happens in the horse and bear. There is no animal in which these parts are of such equal height and such uniform arrangement as in man. All the three kinds of teeth are found in the quadnimana, the Carnivora, the pachydermata, (excepting the izvo-horned rhinoceros and elephant) the horse, and those ruminating animals which have no horns. Cuvier states, that the teeth of an animal whose bones are found in a fossile state resemble those of man, in being arranged in a con- tinued and unbroken series. In the sitnicB, Carnivora, and all such as liave canine longer than the other teeth, there is at least one vacancy in each jaw, for lodging the cuspidutus of the opposite jaw. There is a vacancy behind each canine in the bear. The horned ruminating animals not only want entirely the upper incisors, but they are also destitute of cuspidati, except the stag, which has rudiments of these teeth ; and the 7nusk, (nioschus mosohifer') in which they are very long, and curved in the upper jaw. Between the incisors and grinders of the horse a very large vacancy is left, in the middle of which a small canine tooth, termed the tush^ is found in the male animal, but very rarely in the female. The elephant has grinders and two tusks in the upper jaw, but the former only in the lower. The immense tusks belong properly to the male animal ; as they are so small in the female, generally speak- ing, as not to pass the margin of the lip. (Corse, in Phil. Trans. 1799, part 2, p. 208.) The sloths have grinding and canine teeth, without incisors. The dolphin and porpoise have small conical teeth, all of one size and shape, arranged in a continued line throughout the alveolar margin of both jaws. The cachalot [physeter macrocephalus) has these in the lower jaw only. The teeth of the seal are all of one form, viz. that of the canine kind, conical and pointed. The narivhale has no other teeth than the two long tusks implanted in its OS intermaxillare, of which one is so frequently wanting. A head, in which there are two of these tusks, is delineated by Dr. Shaw, in his Zoology, from a specimen in the Leverian Museum. These tusks are remarkable for the spirally convoluted appearance of their external surface. They are hollow internally, and probably have a constant growth like the elephant's tusks. See § 27. ^ 30. The want of satisfactory observations* prevents us from saying much on the change of the teeth, particularly in * See the detailed description of the change of the teeth in tiie horse by Tenon, Stir une Methode particulicre d'eludier L' Anatomie, in the M^in. de Clnstilut National, torn. ii. p. 558 ; and J. W. Neergaard's Naturbeschreibung der Zahne den Pferdes mit Rücksicht auf andre Thi^e, Kopenh. 1816. 40 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. wild animals. Among the digitata many of the glires, as the marmot and rabbit, do not appear to change their teeth.* Some erroneous opinions of former times, as, for instance, that the domesticated pig changes its teeth, and that the wild ani- mal does not, hardly require an express contradiction in the present day.*!* During the time of change in the ferts, parti- cularly in the dog and otter, the number of their canine teeth often seems doubled, since the permanent ones cut the gum before the deciduous have fallen out. Apes, like the human subject, have no bicuspides among the deciduous teeth ; but there are, instead of these, two proper molares on either side of the jaw. J The change of the teeth takes place in the elephant in a very remarkable manner.§ The new permanent tooth comes out behind the milk tooth, the vertical layers of which are gradually removed,|l as the formation of the latter advances.? There is, however, perhaps no animal of this class, in which the first appearance and subsequent removal of the deciduous teeth takes place at so late a period of life as in man. The permanent teeth are generally formed in cavities near the roots of the temporary ones, and they succeed to the vacancies left by the discharge of the latter. A different mode of succession obtains, however, in some instances. The adult molares of the human subject are not formed near any of the temporary teeth, but in the back of the two jaws ; from which situation they advance successively towards the front, in proportion as the maxillary bones are lengthened in that direction. A similar, but much more remarkable species of succession is observed in the grinders of the elephant, where it was ascertained by the labours of Mr. Corse, who has explained and illustrated the subject in a series * Le Galloi's Experiences sur le Principe de la Vie. t See Home, Phil. Trans. 1801. I In the skull of a young orang-outang of Borneo, which I possess through the kindness of Mr. Van Marum, there are no bicuspides. $ The progression of dentition in the molar teeth of the elephant has been most accurately described by Cuvier, in vol. i. Recherches svr les Ossemens Fossiles, p. 38. II See Prof. Brugman's remarks on this subject, in Van Maanen Diss, de Absorp- tione Solldorum. Lugd. Bat. 1794. ^ I have given a drawing in the Petersburgh Prise Dissertation on Nutrition, 1789, 4to. of the peculiar formation of these vertical layers in the molar teeth of the ele- phant, before they appear through the gum ; and particularly of the manner ip which the enamel exudes from the bony substance in small processes. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 41 of beautiful engravings. See Observations on the different Species of Asiatic Elephants, and their Mode of Dentition. Phil. Trans. 1799, part 2. We never see more than one grinder and part of another through the gum in this animal. The anterior one is gradually worn away by mastication ; its fangs and alveolus are then absorbed : the pos- terior tooth coming forwards to supply its place. As this goes through the same stages as the preceding grinder, a third tooth, which was contained in the back of the jaw, appears through the gum, and advances in proportion as the destruction and absorption of the other proceed. The same process is repeated at least eight times, and each new grinder is larger than that which came before it. The 1st, or milk grinder, is composed of four transverse plates or denticuli, and cuts the gum soon after birth. The 2d, which has eight or nine plates, has completely appeared at the age of two years. The 3d, formed of twelve or thirteen, at six years. From the 4th to the 8th grinder, the number of plates varies from fifteen to twenty-three, which is the largest hitherto ascertained. The exact age at which each of these is completed has not yet been made out : but it appears that every new one takes at least a year more for its formation than its predecessor. From the gradual manner in which the tooth advances, it is mani- fest that a small portion of it only can penetrate the gum at once. A grinder, consisting of twelve or fourteen plates, has two or three of these througli the gum, whilst the others are embedded in the jaw. The formation of the tooth is complete therefore, first, at its anterior part, which is employed in mastication, while the back part is very incomplete ; as the succeeding laminae advance through the gum, their formation is successively perfected. But the posterior layers of the tooth are not employed in mastication, until the anterior ones have been worn down to the very fang, which begins to be absorbed. One of these grinders can never therefore be procured in a perfect state ; for if its anterior part has not been at all worn, the back is not completely formed, and the fangs in particular are wanting, while the structure of the back of the tooth is not completed until the anterior portion has disappeared. A similar kind of succession, but to a less extent, has been ascer- tained by Sir Everard Home, in the teeth of the sus Mthiopicus. Observations on the Structure of the Teeth of Graminivorous Quadru- peds; particularly those of the Elephant and sus Äthiopiens, Phil. Trans. 1799, part 2. The researches of the same gentleman have also proved it to exist in the wild boar to a certain degree, and have rendered it probable that it occurred likewise in the animal incogniiuin {mammoth). Observations on the Structure and Mode of Groivth of the Wild Boar and Animal Incogniturn. Phil. Trans. 1801, part 2. § 31. The crown of the tooth is gradually worn clown b) the act of mastication, and receives from this cause a kind of 42 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. polished surface, which is especially observable in the canine teeth of the pig and hippopotamus. The age of the horse is determined by the appearance of the front teeth. It has been observed in the glires, that when the upper or lower pair of incisors is lost, the opposite teeth grow out to a monstrous length. A similar growth takes place when these animals are confined to soft food.* § 32. From the head of mammalia we proceed to consider the trunk, according to its division into the three principal parts of spine, pelvis, and chest. The former of these is the most constant part of the skeleton, as it belongs to all red- blooded animals without exception, and is not found in a single white-blooded one. § 33. It is remarkable, that the animals of this class, at least the four-footed ones, constantly agree in the number of their cervical vertebrae. The giraffe or the horse have nei- ther more nor fewer than the mole or ant-eater. In all there are always seven, as in the human subject. An unexpected irregularity has been discovered by Cuvier in the three-toed sloth ,•']- it has nine vertebree of the neck. In some cetacea, on the contrary, there are only six ; and, in these animals, four or five are generally consolidated together. The atlas is distin- guished in the ferce by its immense strength, and by the vast size of its transverse processes.:|: The number of cervical vertebrse is the same in the cetacea as in other mammalia, according to Cuvier, but some of them are anchylosed. Thus the two first are united in the dolphin and porpoise; and the six last in the genus physeter. Legons d'Anat. comp. torn. i. p. 154. It must be accounted a singular circumstance, that the number of cervical vertebrse should be so constantly the same in animals, whose neck differs so much in length, when the number of pieces in the other regions of the spine varies greatly in the different genera. No instance has been recorded, in which more than seven cervical ver- tebrae have been found in the human subject, although the number * See Morton's Natural History of Northamptonshire, p. 445 ; and Achard's Chymico-Physical Writings, p. 161. t Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, vol. v. p. 202. t The connexion which this structure has with the teeth and jaws of these rapa- cious animals is pointed out by Eustachius De Dentibus, p. 86 ; see also Vesling in Severini Vipera Pythia, Patav, 1651, p. 232. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 43 of those in the back and loins sometimes deviates from the natural standard. The transverse processes of the vertebrae, which are particularly conspicuous in such carnivorous animals as have great strength in their neck, afford attachment to the large and powerful muscles by which the animal executes those strong and rapid motions of the head, which are necessary in attacking its prey, or defending itself. The badger, in this country, affords an excellent specimen of the structure alluded to. The mole and shrew have no spinous processes in the neck. The vertebrie form simple rings, with considerable motion on each other. These processes are either very short, or altogether deficient in the long-necked animals, as the horse, camel, giraffe, &c. They woiüd otherwise afford an obstacle to the bending of the neck backwards. The six last vertebrae of the neck are anchylosed in the ant-eater and manis. S 34. The number of dorsal vertebrae is determined by that of the ribs, which will be spoken of presently. In the long- necked quadrupeds, as the horse, giraffe, camel, and other pecora, as well as in those animals whose head is very heavy, as the elephant, the spinous processes of the anterior dorsal vertebrae are exceedingly long, for the attachment of the great suspensory ligament of the neck (ligamentum nuchae). § ^b. The lumbar vertebrae vary much in number. The elephant has only three ; the camel seven. Some quadrumana, as the mandrill, have the latter number. The horse has six ; the ass five. Mules have generally six, but sometimes only five. Most quadrupeds have the processes of these vertebrae turned forwards ; in the ape, they are in their ordinary posi- tion, turned upwards.* The transverse processes are remark- ably large in many ruminantia, as also in the hare. § 2ß. The form and proportions of the sacrum are still more various. The number of its vertebrae, as they are called, varies in the different species of the same genus. Thus, in the common bat it consists of four pieces ; in mostt of the * Galen, in his Osteology, describes the transverse processes as having this di- rection ; from which circumstance, as well as from his description of the sacrum and 01 coccygis, and several other passages, Vesalius shewed that the work was drawn up from the examination of apes, not of the human subject. See his Epistola nttionein modwnque propinandi Radicis Chyiiai decucti pertractans, 1546, p. 49. t Vesalius De Corp, Jlvm, Fahrica, p. 99. 44 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. sitnice it consists of three pieces ; in the orang-outang of four ;* in the chhnpanse\ of five. This bone is distinguished in the horse by large lateral processes at its anterior extremity ; and in the mole by a thin sharp-edged plate, formed by the union of its spinous processes.:]: A somewhat similar structure is found in the armadillo, in which animal the whole pelvis has a very anomalous formation. As the cetacea have no pelvis, they cannot be said to possess a sacrum. Most of the simice, and even some which very rauch resemble the human subject, as the orang-outang, which Camper dissected, (simia pygmoEus) have the sacrum formed of three pieces, which consequently leave only two pairs of openings for tlie passage of the nerves. Now, as Galen mentions these circumstances of the human sacrum in his work on the bones, it must appear very clearly that the description could not have been taken from the human subject, but was probably derived, as Vesalius supposed, from the ape; although Silvius and Eustachius have endeavoured to invalidate this conclusion. See Vesal. Epist. de Rad. Chynce ; also his great work. De Corp. Hum. Fabrica, p. 99. The true orang-outang (simia satyrus) has a sacrum composed of five pieces. The elephant has also five. See Blair, Osteogr. Ele- phanfina, p. 29. § 37. The OS coccygis is prolonged, so as to form the tail of quadrupeds ; and consists, therefore, in many cases, of a great number of vertebrse. In the cercopilhecus morta there are 22 ; in the cercopilhecus paniscus, 32 ; in the two-toed ant-eater, 41. When an opossum or monkey loses a portion of the tail, (an accident which has often led to confusion in determining the species) a peculiar knotty excrescence, some- times of a carious appearance, takes place at the truncated extremity. In monkeys, and even in such simice as have no tails, where the os coccygis consists at most of three pieces only, this bone is perforated by a continuation of the vertebral canal, and by openings for the transmission of nerves. This structure is ascribed by Galen to the * Camper states, that the sacrum of this animal has three pieces : in my speci- men, however, there are manifestly four. t Tyson's Anatomy of a Pigmy, edition of 1751, p. 89. X Its skeleton, which is altogether very curious, is accurately described by Wiedemann, in his Archives of Zoology and Zootomy, vol. i. p. 106. There is also a delineation of the skeleton of an armadillo, prefixed to the 8th chapter of Chesel- den's Osteography. ON THE SKELETON OP MAMMALIA. ^fS human coccyx ; and hence Vesalius has derived another argument, to shew that Galen's Osteology was not drawn from the human skeleton. The orang-outang, like man, has a coccyx composed of five pieces, not perforated. Tyson's Anot. of a Pigmy, p. 69. Those vertebrae of the tail of mammalia, which are nearest to the sacrum, are perforated by a continuation of the canal for the medulla spinalis. The lower ones are solid. The want of a pelvis renders it impossible for us to decide the number of sacral and coccygeal verte- brae in the cetacea ; but the whole number of pieces in the spine of the dolphin and porpoise is 66. § 38. The ossa innominata, together with the sacrum, con- stitute the pelvis.* There is ground for affirming, although the assertion may appear paradoxical, that no animal but man has a pelvis ; for in no instance have the bones of this part that bason-hke appearance, when united, which belongs to the hu- man subject. Those apes, which most nearly resemble man, have the ossa innominata much elongated ; and in the ele- phant, horse, &c. the length of the symphysis pubis detracts from the resemblance to a bason. In some instances, as in the beaver and kangaroo, the ossa pubis are not united by syn- chondrosis, but consolidated into one piece by a bony union. They are, on the contrary, separate in the ant-eaters, in the same manner as they are found in birds. The cavity of the pelvis is so narrow in the mole, that it cannot hold the organs of generation and neighbouring viscera, which lie therefore externally to the ossa pubis. In the kangaroo,-^ and other mar- supialt a7iimals, the superior, or rather the anterior margin of the ossa pubis, is furnished with a peculiar pair of small bones (ossa marsupialia, or cornua pelvis abdominalia) some- what diverging from each other, and running towards the ab- domen. They have an elongated and flattened form, and be- • B. G. Schreger, Pelvis Anim. Brutorum cum Humana Comparatio. Lips. 1787, 4to. Autenrieth and Fischer Observatinnes de Pelui Mammalium. Tubing. 1798, 9. Plates of the pelvis of the cow, accurately measured in G. Eberhard Over hel Verlassen de-r Koe.ijen. Amst. 1798. t E. Home On the Mode of Generation of the Kangaroo. Philos. Transact. 1795. t Daubenton, vol. x. tab. 51. I refer here, and in other places, where a similar quotation occurs, to the original 4to. edition of BufFon's work. It cannot, with pro- priety, be quoted under the name of Buffon, since it is well known that the zooto • mical part wa.1 furnished by Daubenton, and has been omitted in most of the subse- quent edition«. 46 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA» long exclusively to these animals. But in the Philos. TranS* of 1802, it is stated by sir E. Home, that the ornithorhynchttS has something of this kind. They support the abdominal pouch in the female, but are also found in the male ; at least in some species. Cetaceous animals have no hind feet, nor ossa innominata, consequently no pelvis ; they have, however, a pair of small bones at the lower part of the belly, which may be compared to the ossa pubis.* § 39. The thorax in most, if not all animals, the marmot perhaps excepted, of the class mammalia, is narrower, and deeper from the spine to the sternum, than in man. The less marked flexure of the ribs of animals, and the elongation of their sternum give rise to this peculiarity. The long legged animals, as the giraffe, and those of the stag kind, possess this keel-like form of the chest {thorax carinatus) in the most strik- ing degree. I 40. In a very few mammalia, as some bats and armadil- las, there is a pair of ribs less than in man ; but in the greater number of this class there are more. Several quadrumanct have 14 pairs; the horse, 18; the ornithorhynchus, 17; the ele- ^hant, 20;*^ the two-toed sloth, {bradypus didactylus) 23. The two-toed ant-eater {myrmecophaga didactyla) has 16 pairs> which are remarkably broad, so that the back and sides of the skeleton, as low as the ossa innominata, appear like a coat of mail. The ornithorhynchus paradoxus and Mstrix have ribs of a very sin- gular structure. Their true ribs, which are six in number, consist of two pieces of bone ; a longer one joined to the spine, and a shorter connected to the sternum. These are united by means of a piece of cartilage ; so as to constitute a structure approaching to that of birds. The false ribs, ten in number, terminate anteriorly in broad, flattened, oval bony plates, connected together by elastic ligaments. Phil. Trans. 1602, part 1, plate 3. Meckel de ornithorhyncho paradoxe, 1826. § 41. The sternum in most of the mammalia is cylindrical, * Rondelet De Piscibus, p. 461. Tyson's Anatmiy qfa Porpoise. London, 1680, p. 28. t There axe only nineteen in the skeleton of the Asiatic elephant at Cassel. Blair found the same number in the individuals of which he has given so excellent an ac- count ; and a manuscript Italian description of the elephant, which died at Florence in 1657, confirms this statement. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 47 and jointed. This structure occurs even in the quadrumana and the bears, whose skeletons, in other respects, resemble the human. The form of this hone is the most singular in the mole ;* where its anterior extremity is prolonged into a pro- cess, almost resembling a ploughshare, lying under the cervi- cal vertebrae, and parallel with them. This process may be compared to the keel-like projection of the sternmTd of birds. "It serves for the origin of those strong muscles of the anterior extremity, which assist the animal in digging its way un- der ground. § 42. We proceed to speak of the extremities, as they are called, which, although they vary considerably in the class of mammalia, may, on the whole, be compared to those of man in their chief component parts, and in the mode in which these are connected together. Some passages of Aristotlef have givein rise to the singular mistake of supposing that the elbow and knee of quadrupeds are bent in a direction exactly opposite to that of the human subject. The error must have arisen from the shortness of the thigh and arm bones, which lie close to the trunk, particu- larly in long-legged quadrupeds, and do not project freely as in man, the quadrumana, the bear, the elephant, &c. Hence the different bones of the extremities in these animals have been compared to such parts in the human body as do not in reality correspond with them.:}: We may assert, as a general observation, that the four component parts of the upper extremity, viz. the shoulder, arm, fore-arm, and hand, can be clearly shown to exist in the anterior extremities of all mammalia ; however dissimilar they may appear to each other on a superficial inspection, and however widely they may seem to deviate from the human structure. * It is hardly necessary to remind the readers, that the terms anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior, are always applied to quadrupeds with reference to the hori- zontal position of their body. Consequently the term anterior designates those parts, which, in the erect position of the human body, are superior ; and so of the others, t Aristot. Hist. Anim, 2. 1 ; and De hicessii Anitn. c. 11, Plin. ii. 102. X See on this subject Fab. ab Aquapend. De motu lucaü Animaiium securidum totum, in his Oper. Anat, p. 343, Albinus's ed. ; and Barthez Des Mouvemens Pro- gressifs de I'Homme, in the Journal det S^avans, January, 1783, p. 34, of the Paris 4to. edit. 48 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. Whenever an animal of one class resembles those of a different order in the form and use of any part, we iTiay be assured that this resemblance is only in externals ; and that it does not affect the num- ber and arrangement of the bones. Thus the bat has a kind of wings, but an attentive examination will prove, that these are really hands, with the phalanges of the fingers elongated. The dolphin, porpoise^ and other cetacea, seem to possess fins, consisting of a single piece. But we find, under the integuments of the fin-like members, all the bones of an anterior extremity, flattened in their form, and hardly susceptible of any motion on each other. We can recognize very clearly the scapula, humerus, bones of the fore-arm, and a hand con- sisting of five fingers ; the same parts, in short, which form the ante- rior extremity of other mammalia. See Tyson's Anatoiny of a Por- poise, fig. 10 and 11 : also Blasii Anafumia Animalitim, tab. 51, fig. 3,4. The fore-feet of the sea-otter, seal, walrus, and manati, form the con- necting link between the anterior extremities of other mammalia, and the pectoral fins of the whale kind. The bones are so covered and connected by integuments, as to constitute a part, adapted for the purposes of swimming ; but they are much more developed than in the latter animals, and have free motion on each other. The cold-blooded quadrupeds bear great analogy in the four com- ponent parts, and in the general structure of their anterior extremi- ties, to the warm-blooded ones. See Caldesi's Observations on the Turtle, tab. 3, fig. 1, 4, 5. The bones of the wing of birds have a considerable and Ainexpect- ed resemblance to those of the fore-feet of the mammalia ; and the fin-like anterior member of the penguin contains, within the integu- ments, the same bones as the wings of other birds. ^ 43. The clavicle has been said, even by some excellent modern zoologists, to be confined to Linnaeus's order primates (in which he includes man, the quadrumanous animals, and bats) ; but it exists in a great number of mammalia* besides these ; particularly in such quadrupeds as make much use of their fore-feet, either for holding objects, as the squirrel and beaver ; or for digging, as the mole ; or for raking the ground, as the ant-eater and hedgehog ,•+ or for climbing, as the sloth. Many other animals have, in its place, an analogous small bone, * J. G. Haase, Comparatio clavic. Anim. Brut, cum Humanis, Lips. 1 766, 4to, Vicq d'Azyr Sur les Clavicules and Les Os Clavic. in Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1785. t The use of the clavicles in some of the animals here enumerated is well pointed out by Fab. Hildanus, in his Short Description of the Excellence of Anatomy, Benw J 624-8, p. 219. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 49 merely connected to the muscles,* and called by Vicq d' Azyr OS claviculare to distinguish it from the more perfect clavicles. This is the case with most of the fer(E,\ and some glires. Lastly, the form and relative magnitude of the true articulated clavicles are subject to great variety. They are excessively long in the bat. Those of the orcmg-otitang have the great- est resemblance to the human subject. In the two-toed ant- eater their form is that of a rib : their figure is most anomalous in the mole,% where they are nearly cubical. They are entirely wanting in the long-legged quadrupeds with keel-shaped chest; viz. the pecora and solidungula ; as well as in the cetacea. The clavicle supports the anterior extremity, and maintains the shoulder at its proper distance from the front of the trunk. It exists, therefore, in all such animals as make much use of these members, whe« ther for the purpose of climbing, digging, swimming, or flying. It does not exist, on the contrary, in such as use their fore-feet merely for the purpose of progression ; since these limbs must be brought more forward on the chest, that they may support that part, by being placed perpendicularly under it. In the genera, which hold an inter- mediate rank between these, which do not possess so much power in the fore-feet as the first division of animals, and are not so limited in their employment as the second, the clavicular bones, or imperfect cla- vicles, exist. § 44. The scapula exists in all red-blooded animals, which have anterior extremities, or similar organs of motion : conse* quently in both classes of warm-blooded animals without ex- ception. The form of this bone varies much even in mamma- lia ; and particularly the relation which its three sides bear to each other. This depends on the position of the bone, which is determined by the general form of the chest. The margin, which is turned towards the spine, is the shortest in most of the proper quadrupeds, particularly the long-legged ones with narrow chest ; in which the scapulae lie on the sides of the chest. In some, as the elephant, the chiroptera, most of the • Hence, Serae compares it to the sesamoid bones. See his Opusc de Phijüca Argumento. Naples, 1766, 4to. p. 84. t Pallas Spicilegia Zoolo/rica, fascic. 14, p. 41. } On this point, and the whole subject of the osteology of the mole, see Jacob's Annlome taljia: Eurnpca. .Ten, 1816. - E 50 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA.' quadrumana, and especially in man, this margin is the longest,' The scapula of the mole* has a completely anomalous figure^ almost resembling a cylindrical bone. The coracoid process and acromion, the two chief projections of this bone, are strong- est in such animals as have two long clavicles ; which might have been inferred ä priori. V 45. The remarkable varieties of the anterior extremities, properly so called, may be most conveniently considered accord- ing to the orders and genera of animals of this class. The bat and the mole present the widest deviations from the ordinary formation of these parts. The radius is deficient in the fore- arm of the former; or at most there is only a slender sharp- pointed rudimentt of this bone ; their thumb is short, and fur^ nished with a hook-like nail : the phalanges of the four fingers, between which the membrane of the wing is expanded, are on the contrary extremely long and thin, almost like the spines of a fish, and have no nails.^ The flying squirrel has a peculiar sharp-pointed bone at the outer edge of its carpus, connected to that part by means of two small round bones, which ena- bles it to spring from great heights. The form of the os hu- meri in the mole is altogether unparalleled ; it is thin in the middle, and surprisingly expanded at either extremity. The shovel-like paw of this animal is provided with a peculiary*«/-» ciform bone, lying at the end of the radius. The phalanges of the fingers are furnished with numerous processes, and have moreover sesamoid bones ; all which, by increasing the angle of insertion of the tendons, contributes to facihtate muscidar motion. The animals with divided claws and hoofs have some peculiarities in the metacarpus and metatarsus. In the pig. * On the wonderful structure of the scapula, and its connexion with the anoma-»- lous clavicle and sternum of the ornithorhynchus, see Home, Phil. Trans. De Blainville, Diss, sur la Place que la Familie des Ornithorynques et des Echidnas doit occuper dans les Siries Naturelles. Paris, 1812 ; and JafF6 De Ornithorhyncho Paradoxa. Berol.' 1823. t Weygand, Suppl. IV. to the Breslau Collection, p. 55. X Lion. Da Vinci endeavours to prove from the structure and mechanism of the bat, and not of birds, in what manner men might also be able to fly. y'lA. Amoretti Vita a L. D. V. p. 145. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 51 these parts consist of four cylindrical bones. In the seal the large bones of the anterior extremities are not cylindrical, but flattened ; by which structure they serve better the purpose of rudders. In the ^ecora, before birth, there are two lying close together ; but they are afterwards formed into one by the absorption of the septum.* The horse has a single bone {gamba, Vegetius ; in French, le canon ; in English, the can- non bone, or shank bone), with a pair of much shorter and im- moveable ones, attached to its posterior and lateral parts, and firmly united to it, {les poinfons or os epineux, styloid ov splint bones). The main bone only is articulated to the pastern, which may be compared to the first phalanx of the human finger; as the coffin bone resembles in some degree the third phalanx, which supports the nail.t This last phalanx is very various in its form, according to corresponding variations in its horny coverings, which may consist of a flat nail or claw, or hoof, &c. The humerus becomes shorter, in proportion as the metacarpus is elongated ; so that in animals which have what is called a cannon bone, the os humeri hardly extends beyond the trunk. Hence the mistakes, which are made in common language, by calling the carpus of the horse his fore-knee, &c. The radius forms the chief bone of the fore-arm in the mammalia, generally speaking ; the ulna is a small slender bone, terminating short of the wrist in a point, and often consolidated with the radius, as in the horse and runwialing onimuls. A few genera, which have great and free use of their anterior extremity, have the power of pro- nation and supination. But this power diminishes, as the fore-feet are used more for the purpose of supporting the body in standing, and in progression. In this case, indeed, the extremity may be said to be constantly in the prone position, as the back of the carpus and, toes is turned forwards. The lower end of the ulna is larger than that of the radius in the elephant ; but this circumstance occurs in no other instance. The radius and ulna exist in the seal, manati, and xvhales, but in a flattened form. • J. B. Covolo De Metumurphosi duorum Ossium Pedis in Qtiadniperlilnis aliquot. Bonon. 1765, 4to. ; and Fougeroux in the M6m. de I'Acad. des Sc. 1772, p. 520. t The effect of bad shoeing in disfiguring the natural texture of the hoof of the horse, and the structure of the hoof itself, are well explained by Bracy Clarke in; hit Seriei of original EiperitneTitf on the Foot of the living Home. Lond. 1S09. E 2' 62 ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. Several genera of mammalia possess a hand ; but it is much less complete, and consequently less useful than that of the human sub- ject, which well deserves the name bestowed on it by Aristotle, of the organ of all organs. The great superiority of that most perfect in- strument, the human hand, arises from the size and strength of the thumb, which can be brought into a state of opposition to the fingers, and is hence of the greatest use in grasping spherical bodies, in tak- ing up any object in the hand, in giving us a firm hold on whatever we seize ; in short, in a thousand offices, which occur every moment of our lives, and which either could not be accomplished at all, if the thumb were absent, or would require the concurrence of both hands, instead of being done by one only. Hence it has been justly de- scribed by Albinus as a second hand " ?na>ms parva majori acljulrix," De Sceltto, p. 465. All the simics possess hands : but even in those, which may be most justly styled anthropomorphous, the thumb is small, short, and weak ; and the other fingers elongated and slender. In others, as some of the cercopitheci, there is no thumb, or at least it is concealed under the integuments ; but these animals have a kind of fore-paw, which is of some use in seizing and carrying their food to the mouth, in climbing, &c. like that of the s(juirrel. The genus lemur has also a separate thumb. Other animals, which have fingers sufficiently long and moveable for seizing and grasping objects, are obliged, by the Want of a separate thumb, to hold them by means of the two fore- paws ; as the squirrel, rat, opossum, &c. Those, which are moreover obliged to rest their body on the fore-feet, as the dog and cat, can only hold objects by fixing them between the paw and the ground. Lastly, such as have the fingers united by the integuments, or en- closed in hoofs, lose all power of prehension. The simicE in general have nine bones in the carpus. Riolani An- ihropographia and Osteolog. p. 908. Paris, 1626 ; but there are only eight in the orang-outang, according to Tyson. There are five car- pal bones in the fin of the whale, of a flattened form, and hexagonal. The metacarpus is elongated in those animals, where the toe only touches the ground in standing or walking ; and constitutes the part, which is commonly called the fore-leg ; as the carpus is termed the knee. The number of metacarpal bones is the same with that of the fin- gers or fore-toes : except in the ruminating animals. Even in thescj as the author observes, there are two distinct metacarpal bones, lying close together before birth : the opposed surfaces first become thin- ner, then are perforated by several openings, and at last disappear ; so that the adult animal has a single cannon bone, possessing a com- mon medullary cavity internally, and marked on the outside with a slight groove at the place of the original separation. There is there- fore but one metacarpal bone in the adult for the two toes. The structure of the metatarsus is the same. In the horse on the contrary, if we allow the spliyit bones to belong ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 53 to the metacarpus, there will be three to a single toe. Daubenton con- siders the common bone of this animal as supplying the place of the three metacarpal bones of man ; he compares the outer splint bone to the metacarpal bone of the little finger, and the inner to that of the thumb. Stubbs views the cannon as the metacarpal of the middle and ring fingers ; and the inner-splint as that of the fore-finger. BufFon, Hist. Naturelle, 4to. ed. p. 362, vol. iv. Stubbs's Analomy of the Horse. The single finger or fore-toe of the horse is composed of the usual three phalanges ; the first, which is articulated to the cannon, is call- ed t\\e pastern; the 2nd is the coronet; and the 3rd, the os basis or coffin bone ; on which the hoof rests. There are also two sesamoid bones at the back of the pastern joint ; and an additional part, called the shuttle-hone, connected to the coffin. In those animals which have five toes, as the Carnivora, &c , that which lies on the radial side of the extremity, and is therefore analo- gous to the thumb, is parallel with the others ; and the animal conse- quently has not the power of grasping any object. The last phalanx in these supports the nail of the animal ; and sends a process into its cavity. These parts are so connected that the nail is naturally turn- ed upwards, and not towards the ground ; so that its point is not in- jured in the motions of the animal. The phalanx must be bent in order to point the nail forwards or downwards. The order oi rodenlia have generally five toes ; that which corres- ponds to the thumb being the shortest. The elephant has five complete toes ; but they are almost concealed by the thick skin. The pig has four toes ; two larger ones, which touch the ground *, and two smaller behind these, which do not reach so far. There is also a bone, which seems to be the rudiment of a thumb. The phalanges of the cetacea are flattened, not moveable, and join- ed together in the fin. § 46. I have something to say respecting the posterior ex- tremities. The femur of most quadrupeds is much shorter than the tibia, and hence it hardly projects from the abdomen. In some few, as the bear, the femur is longer ; this is also the case in some apes, viz. the orang-outang, in which, as in se- veral other apes and baboons, the bones of the arm and fore- arm are surprisingly longer than those of the thigh and leg. Some, as the elephant, have no ligamentum teres ; conse- quently there is no impression made on the head of the thigh- bone, while it is found in others, as the rhinoceros. The pe- cora want the fibula almost universally. The peculiar form of the astragalus, (talus) in the same order is generally known o4! ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. from the use which the ancients* made of the bone in their celebrated game. In some quadrumana, as the orang-outang, the two posterior phalanges of their toes are remarkably curved in their shape ; a structure which enables them to hold the branches of trees more firmly, and is in the same degree unfavourable to the action of progression in an erect position. Cetaceous animals have no bones in their tail fins, but they have a bony compages in their thoracic fins, which completely resembles the front extremities of the seal. This is also the case with the manati, whose front extremities were formerly taken for Sirens' hands.t The length of the femur depends on that of the metatarsus ; and it bears an inverse ratio to the length of that part. Hence it is very short in the hurse, cow, &c. where the same mis- takes are commonly committed in naming the parts, as in the anterior extremity. The proportions of the thigh and leg vary in different animals. The latter part exceeds the former in the human subject ; and the same remark may be made respecting the arm and fore-arm. These parts are nearly of the same length in the orang-outang. Some persons have affirmed that the negro forms a connecting link between the European and the orang-outang in these respects. (White on the re- gular Gradation in Man and Animals, &c.) In some other simiae the leg and fore-arm exceed the thigh and arm. In other animals, although there are some varieties, the leg is generally longer than the thigh. The femur of the mammalia is not arched as in the human subject : it possesses scarcely any neck ; and the great trochanter ascends be- yond the head of the bone. The fibula is behind the tibia in many animals, as the dog and the rodentia. It is consolidated to that bone at its lower end in the mole and 7'at. It only exists as a small styloid bone in the horse, and be* comes anchylosed to the tibia in an old animal. The structure of the metatarsus in the ruminating animals, and the horse, is the same with that of the metacarpus. The tarsus of the Iiorse is composed of six bones ; and is the part known in common language by the name of the hock. Animals of the genus simia and lemur, instead of having a great toe placed parallel with the others, are furnished with a real thumb, i. e. * Aristotle, Hist. Anim. 1. 2, c. 1 ; and Be partibus Animal. 1. 10, c. 4. For the vaiious appellations of this well known bone in most of the European and Oriental languages, and for its form in different animals, see Th. Hyde, Historia Talorum, in the 2ad vol. of his Syntagma Dissertationum. Oxoa. 1767, 4to. p. 310. t Bartholin. Hist. Anat. cent. 2, p. 188. ON THE SKELETON OF MAMMALIA. 55 a part capable of being opposed to the other toes. Hence these ani- mals can neither be called biped, nor quadruped, but are really quad- rumanous or four-handed. They are not destined to go on either two or four extremities, but to live in trees, since their four prehensile members enable them to climb with the greatest facility ; so that Cu- vier has denominated them " les grimpeurs par excellence." (Lefons d'Anat. comp. vol. i. p. 493.) The prehensile tail of several species is a further assistance in this way of life. The opossum, and others of the genus didelphis, have a similar structure with the quadrumuna ; and it answers the same purpose. Here however there is a separate thumb on the posterior extremity only, whence Cuvier calls them pe- dimanes. Man is the only animal, in which the whole surface of the foot rests on the ground ; and this circumstance arises from the erect sta- ture which belongs exclusively to him. In the quadrumuna, in the hear, hedgehog, and shreiv, (which are called by Cuvier plantigrades) the OS calcis does not touch the ground. The heel of a species of bear belonging to this country, viz. the badger, {ursns meles) is covered with a long fur, which proves that this part cannot rest on the ground ; although the structure both of the bones and muscles of the lower extremity of this animal, approaches considerably to that of man. The same fact is stated of the bear it- self, properly so called, in the Description anatomique d'un Cameleon, d'un Castor, d'un Ours, &c. Paris, 1669, 4to. ; the plate is contained in Blasius's Collection, tab. 32. In other animals the body is supported upon the phalanges of the toes, as in the dog and cat ; in the horse and ruminating animals no part touches the ground but the l?st phalanx. Here the elongation of the metatarsus removes the os calcis to such a distance from the toe, that it is placed midway between the trunk and hoof. CHAPTER III. ON THE SKELETON OF BIRDS. § 47. The skeleton* of birds has considerable uniformity in the whole class ; and it exhibits, when compared with the va- riously formed skeletons of mammalia, a very great and unex- pected similarity to that of the human subject.t § 48. The skull of birds is distinguished by this peculiarity, that the proper bones of the cranium,| at least in the adult animal, are not joined by sutures, but are consolidated as it were into a single piece. A peculiarity, which seems to be confined to the cormorants^ must be here mentioned. There is a small sabre- shaped bone at the back of its vertex, which is supposed to serve as a lever in throwing back the head, when the animal tosses the fishes, which it has taken, into the air, and catches them in its open mouth. But the same motion is performed by some other piscivorous birds, who are unprovided with this particular bone.§ Birds have, without exception, only a single condyle, placed at the anterior margin of the great occipital foramen. There is also, in the whole class, a bone of a somewhat * See Nitzch, Osteograßsche Beyt. zur N. G. der Vögel. Leips. 1811 ; and Tiede- mann's Zoologie, torn. ii. and iii. f As that excellent naturalist Belon has already shewn in his Histoire de la Na- ture des Oiseaux avec leurs Naifs Portraits retirez du Naturel. Paris, 1555, fol. p. 40. t Consult on this subject Vine. Malacarne, Of the Parts relating to the Brain of Birds^ in the Memoirs of the Italian Society, torn. i. and ii. ; and Geoff. St. Hilaire, in the Annal. du Museum, torn. iii. cah. 58. § The whole skeleton of the cormorant is represented by Goiter in the 4th of his ex- cellent plates, which are attached to his edition of the Lectiones Fallopii de partibus similarihus, &c, Norib. 1575, folio. ON THE SKELETON OF BIRDS. 57 square figure, (called by the French os carrt)* by which the lower jaw is articulated with the Cranium on both sides, in the neighbourhood of the ear. The ossa unguis are common to birds with mammalia, but appear to be more general in the former than in the latter : they are of considerable size, and must be distinguished from the superciliaryt bones which probably belong to the acci- . pitres, or predacious birds, only. The cranial bones of birds form, as might be expected, a link between those of the amphibia and the mammalia. The number of the separate bones on the sides and the base of the cranium is greater in birds than in the mammalia. The principal difference be- tween the head of birds and that of man and other mammalia is, that the cranial bones of the former are less developed, whereas, on the contrary, they are more completely separated and fully developed in the latter. Hence all the bones of the skull in birds unite in one piece, and lose their individuality. The large bones of the face and of the beak project forward under the small skull. This enlargement of the face is effected by several bones, which in man and mamma- lia only exist on parts of the cranial bones ; for instance, the lesser alae of the sphenoid bones in birds are separated from the skull, and become facial or beak bones. The single condyle placed at the anterior margin of the great oc- cipital foramen, gives the head a great freedom of motion, particu- larly in the horizontal direction. It enables the bird to place its bill between the wings, when asleep ; a situation, in which none of the mammalia can bring the snout. The OS quadratum has a true articulation both with the lower man- dible and with the cranium. Another small bone is connected to it, and rests by its opposite end against the palate. Hence, when the square bone is brought forwards, which it is by the depression of the lower mandible, and in a greater degree by some particular muscles, the second bone presses against the palate, so as to elevate the upper jaw. § 49. The jaws are wholly destitute of teeth.J The supe- rior maxilla, which is completely immoveable in mammalia, • Herissant has given it this name in the Mem. de I'Acad. des Sc. 1748. But Goiter has pointed it out in the work before quoted. f See Merrem's Obiervnlions relating to Zoology, p. 120. i In the upper jaw of some birds, modern zootomists have detected a rudiment of the maxillary bone. See Fischer's Monograph, p. 115 j and Geoff. St. liilaire, in the Annates du Museum, \xim, X, p. 3^7. 58 GN THE SKELETON OF BIRDS. has, with a few exceptions, more or less motion in birds.* It either constitutes a particular bone, distinct from the rest of the cranium, to which it is articulated, as in the psittaci\ (birds of the parrot kind) ; or it is connected into one piece with the cranium, by means of yielding and elastic bony plates ; as is the case with birds in general. It is quite immoveable in very few instances ; as in the rhinoceros bird (at least in that which I possess in my collection). Respecting the question which has been recently agitated, whether in the flamingo the upper jaw only is moveable, and on the contrary the lower one perfectly immoveable ; I can state that in the skull of this bird which I have now be- fore me, this is in no way the case4 The bill of birds may be considered, in some degree, as supplying the place of teeth. It consists of a horny fibrous matter, similar to that of the nail, or of proper horns ; and is moulded to the shape of the bones, which constitute the two mandibles, being formed by a soft vascular substance, covering these bones. Its form and structure are as intimately connected with the habits and general character of the animal, as those of the teeth are in the mammalia. The bill is of extraordinary hardness in birds which tear their prey, as in eagles, or in those which have to bruise hard fruits, as parrots^ or in those which penetrate the bark of trees, as the woodpecker, nut- hatch, &c. This hardness is gradually diminished in those which take less so- lid nourishment, or which swallow their food whole ; and the bill be- comes a portion of nearly soft skin in those which require a sense of feeling in the part to enable them to obtain their food in mud, or water, as in ducks, woodcocks, snipes, &c. Many birds, especially birds of prey and the gallinaceous tribe, have the base of the bill covered with a soft skin called cire, the use of -which is not known. As the bill of birds is at the same time the organ of prehension and manducation, it has an important influence on their character and habits. Cceteris paribus, there is greater strength in a short than in a long bill, in a thick and solid, than in a thin or flexible one ; * Herissant Sur Us Mouvemens du Bee des Oiseaux, in the Mem, de I' Acad, des Sciences, 1748, p. 345, with excellent plates. f Labillardiere says also of the upper mandible of the pelicanus varius, " Cette mandibule est mobile, comme celle des perroquets." Relation du Voyage, &c. i. p. 210. t BufFon, Hist. Nat. des Oiseaui, vol. xvi. p.'300, ed. in 12mo. •ON THE SKELETON OF BTUDS. 59 but the general form produces infinite variety in the application of force. A bill hooked at the end with sharp edges characterises birds of prey, whether those which prey on the smaller birds and quadrupeds, or those which prey on fishes, as the albatross, the petrel, &c. The former have a shorter beak, and proportionally greater strength. A tooth-like process on each side adds greatly to the strength of such a bill ; hence the birds which are provided with these processes are considered more noble and courageous than the birds of prey which want them. The shrike, which possesses them, scarcely yields in cou- rage to the common birds of prey, notwithstanding its small size, and the weakness of its wings and feet. When the hooked bill tapers to- wards the end, it approximates to the knife-shaped bill, which is pe- culiar to semi-predacious birds, birds of carrion, crows, pies, &c. The knife-shaped bill indicates a character similar to that of aquatic birds, such as the grebe, gull, &c. Another species of strong sharp-edged bill, of an elongated shape, but without a hook, serves to cut and break, but not to tear. This is the form of the bill in birds which live upon animals which make resistance in the water, as reptiles, fishes, &c. Some of these bills are quite straight, as in the heron, the stork ; some are curved towards the bottom, as in the tantalus, or towards the top, as in thejabiru. Some sharp- edged bills have their sides approximatino-, like the blade of a knife to its handle, and can only serve to seize small sub- stances ; of this description is the bill of the penguin, the puffin (where it has the further peculiarity of being as deep as it is long) and the cut-water, in which another singular circumstance is observed, namely, that the upper mandible is shorter than the lower, so that the bird can only seize substances by pushing them before it, as it skims along the water. Lastly, there are some sharp-edged bills, which are flattened horizontally ; they serve to seize fishes, reptiles, and other large ob- jects. The boat-bill has a bill of this description, which is also fur- nished with tooth-like processes, ^ome fly -catchers and green todies have a similar structure on a minute scale. Of the bills, of which the edges ai'e not cutting, some are flattened horizontally. When they are long and strong, they serve for swal- lowing prey of large dimensions, but which makes little resistance. When they are long and weak, as in the spoon-bill, in which the flat- tened extremity of this part gives the name to the bird, they serve only to imbibe small objects in the mud or water. The bills of clucks, which are in some degree flattened, the more conical ones of geese and swans, and that of the flamingo, of which the upper mandible crosses the lower, have all transverse laminae ranged along their edges, which, when the bird has seized any thing in the water, give passage to the superfluous fluid. Thus aU these birds are aquatic. In the goosanders, which in other respects partake very much of the nature of ducks, these laminae become small, conical, tooth-like processes, which are well adapted for hold- ing fish, of which the goosanders destroy great numbers. Wholly 60 ON THE SKELETON OF BIRDS. different from these are the long, thin, soft bills, peculiar to birds •which derive their food from animals in mud or stagnant waters. They are straight in the snipe, hooked towards the end in the curlew, and towards the top in the avocette. The bills of the toucan and the calao are remarkable for their extraordinary size, which is sometimes equal to that of the whole bird. The osseous substance of these bills is of an extremely light cellular texture, without which they would be incapable of maintain- ing an equilibrium in their flight. The horn which covers them is so fine as to become irregularly indented on its edges, by the use which the bird makes of it. In addition to their enormous bills, the calaos have prominences upon them of the same substance, and of various forms, the use of which is not known. The calao rhinoceros is the most remarkable in this respect, as it appears to have two enormous bills, one over the other. The wood-peckers have a long, strong, prismatic bill, compressed at the end, which enables them to penetrate the bark of trees. That of the king-fisher is nearly similar ; but being much longer in pro- portion to the size of the bird, it cannot serve the same purposes ; besides, the tongue, which is of great importance in determining the use of the bill, is altogether different. The short, conical, arched bill of the gallince sei'ves only to take up grain and similar substances, which they swallow so quickly that small pebbles are frequently united with their food. These birds, in an unconfined state, feed on insects as well as grain; indeed the young ones, in many species, live for some time exclusively on insects. The bills of the smaller birds (passeres) present all the varieties of the conical form, from the broad-based cone of the hawfinch to the -thread-like cone of the humming-bird. Such of them as have a short strong bill live on grain ; those with a long, thin bill, on insects. Where this weak bill is short, flat, opening very ante- riorly, as in martins and swallows, the bird seizes flies and butterflies in the air ; if it be long and curved, possessing some strength, as in the hoopoe, it grubs up worms for its food. The tubulated tongue of the humming-bird is capable of being elongated so as to enable it to suck up honey from the calices of flowers. Of all bills the most extraordinary is certainly that of the cross-bill, in which the two mandibles cross each other at a considerable angle, for this formation seems to be directly opposed to the natural pur- poses of a bill. The bird, however, contrives to pick out the seeds from the cones of the fir, and it is limited to that species of nourish- ment. ^ 50. The proportionate magnitude of the bones of the cranium and jaws varies much in this class. The former are large in the owl; the latter are of vast magnitude in the rhi' noceros bird. A most remarkable sexual difference appears ON THE SKELETON OF BIRDS. 61 in the skull of the crested hens : in these the frontal portion of the cranium is dilated into an immense cavity, on which the crest of feathers is placed. This degeneracy of the formative impulse, which is propagated to the offspring, is quite unpa- ralleled in the whole animal kingdom.* I have lately examined several heads of such hens in a fresh state, and have found that this peculiar dilatation of the cranium is filled by the hemispheres of the cerebrum ; and it is separated from the posterior pai't which holds the cerebellum, as in the common hen, by an intermediate contracted portion. § 51. One of the peculiar characteristic differences of the cranium of birds when compared to each other,+ consists in the mode of separation of the orbits, which are of great size n the whole class. In some they are separated by a mem branous partition only ; in others by a more or less complete bony septum. The relation which the nasal and palatine openings bear to the upper jaw varies much, even in the diffe- rent species of the same genus. They are small in the stork, and on the contrary, so large in the crane, that the longest portion of the jaw appears to consist merely of three thin por- tions of bone, placed far apart from each other, and converging towards the point of the bill. § 52. The want of motion in the back of birds, (their dorsal vertebrae have the spinous, and even the transverse processes, often anchylosed) is compensated by a larger number, and greater mobility of the cervical vertebrae ; of which, to quote a few instances, the raven has 12, the cock 13, the ostrich 18, the stork 1 9, and the swan 23. § 53. The trunk of birds has fewer cartilaginous parts than the corresponding division of the skeleton in mammaha. That part of the spine which belongs to the trunk is short and rigid, and has no true lumbar vertebrae. Neither has any bird an os coccygis prolonged into a true jointed tail. In the frallus ecaudalus, in which the rump has been lost by de- generation, there is nothing more to be seen of the coccyx than an unshapely knotty process. • See Pallas, fasc. 4, Act. Acad. I>etr(ypolil, 1780, part 2, p. f)7. t See J. T. Klein, .Stemmata Amum, Lips. 1759, 4to. 62 ON THE SKELETON OF BIRDS. The number of cervical vertebras in birds varies from ten to twenty-three ; those of the back from seven to eleven. From hence to the tail they are consolidated into one piece with the os innomi- natum. The tail has from seven to nine pieces. The length of the neck increases generally in proportion to that of the legs ; but in aquatic birds in a much greater proportion, since they have to seek their food below the surface of the water on which they swim. The cervical vertebrae are not articulated by plane surfaces, but by cylindrical eminences, *vhich admit a more extensive motion, as they constitute real joints, instead of synchondroses. Four or five of the upper pieces only bend forwards, while the lower ones are confined to flexion backwards. Hence the neck of a bird acquires that dou- ble bend, which makes it resemble the letter S. It is by rendering the two curvatures more convex, or more straight, that the neck is shortened or elongated. The great mobility of the neck enables birds to toucli every point of their own body with the bill, and thus to supply the want of the prehensile faculty of the superior extremity. The atlas has the form of a small ring, which articulates with the head by only one surface. In proportion to the mobility of the neck of birds is the fixed state of the dorsal vertebrae, which are connected together by strong ligaments. The greater part of their spinous processes are consolidated into a single piece, which runs like a ridge along the whole back. The transverse processes terminate in two points, one directed anteriorly, the other posteriorly ; they meet those of the two other classes of vertebrae, sometimes anchylosing with them, as the spinous processes do with each other. This struc- ture is necessary to give steadiness to the trunk in the violent motions required by the action of flying. Accordingly birds which do not fly, as the ostrich and the cassowary, have a moveable spinal column. The vertebrae of the tail are most numerous in those birds which move it with the greatest force, as the magfie and the swalloxv. They have inferior as well as superior spinous processes, aiad the transverse processes are long. The last is the largest, and has the shape of a ploughshare, or flattened disk. The cassoixary, which has no visible tail, has this last bone ; in the peacock, it has the shape of an oval plate, situated horizontally. § 54. The pelvis of birds is chiefly formed by a broad and simple OS innominatum ; the lateral portions of which are of different figures in the several genera ; but, instead of uniting below to constitute a symphisis pubis, they are quite distant from each other. The ostrich alone forms a remarkable ex- ception to this rule, inasmuch as its pelvis, like that of most quadrupeds, is closed below by a complete junction of the ossa pubis. The pelvis of birds consists of the same bones as that of man. Tiie ON THE SKELETON OF BIRDS, 63 length and breadth of the pelvis vary in different classes of birds ; it is broadest and most developed posteriorly in the gallinaceous birds, which seldom fly and generally go erect. The pelvis is small and short in birds of prey ; that of the passeres, pici, and levirostres holds a middle place between the pelves of the gallinaceous hirds and the birds of prey. In the unseres, (hwimming birds) the pelvis is very much elongated. It is particularly small and laterally compressed in some of the gralloe, so that the ossa innominata and sacrum form a kind of keel. In the ostrich and cassowary the pelvis is closed ante- riorly, and resembles that of mammalia. § 55. Birds have fewer ribs than mammalia ; the number, I believe, never exceeds ten pairs. The false ribs, i. e. those which do not reach to the sternum, are directed forward ; the true ones are joined to the margin of the sternum by means of small intermediate boiies. The middle pairs are distin- guished by a peculiar flat process, which is directed upwards and backwards. § 56. The sternum of these animals is prolonged below into a vertical process, {crista) for the attachment of the strong pectoral muscles. In the male wild swan {anas cygnus) and in some species of the genus ardea, as the crane, this part forms a peculiar cavity for the reception of a considerable por- tion of the trachea. The crista is entirely wanting in the ostrich and cassowary ; where the sternum presents a plane and uniformly arched surface. This peculiarity of structure is accounted for by observing, that these birds have not the power of flying. The wings, which are very small, assist in balancing the body as they run. § 57. The wings are connected to the trunk by means of three remarkable bones.* The clavicles, which are always strong, constitute straight cylindrical bones. Their anterior extremities are connected to the sternum by means of a bone peculiar to birds ; viz. the fork-like bone, or, as it is more commonly termed, the merry thought. {Furcula, or osjugale, in Latin, la lunette, or fourchette, in French.) The ostrich * FoT an account of several differences in their structure, see Vicq d'Azyr in his Mimoiref pmr seri'ir a V Anatomie dff Oimnir, in thr. M^m. S. The same bones are found in the pelvis of these ani- mals, as in the mammalia ; but the proportion of their relative size is inverted. For instance, the ossa pubis are so deep and broad, that they form the largest flat bones in the whole ske- leton, while the ilia are the smallest. § 64. The form and position of the scapula and clavicle are the most extraordinary. The former has a most anomalous situation towards the under part of the animal, just behind the abdominal shell ; the latter consists of two pieces, joined at an acute angle, to which the humerus is articulated. § Q5. Frogs and toads* have no real teeth, though the mar- gin of the jaws is denticulated. Their spine is short, and terminates behind in a straight and single bone, which is re- ceived into the piiddle of the somewhat fork-like os innomi- natum. § 0)6, They have no ribs ; but the dorsal vertebrae are fur- nished with broad transverse processes. The scapula, which is thin and flat, and a pair of bones, corresponding to the clavicle, are joined to the sternum. * Skeletons of the frogs cuid toads of this country (Germany) may be seen in the well known chef d'ceuvre of Roesel, De Ranis nostratibus. The singular skeleton of the rana pipa, (Surinam toad) is accurately described and delineated in the first fascic. of Professor Schneider's Histor. Amphibior. It is particularly distinguished by the large lateral processes of the sacrum, and by a bony cavity (cista Schneid.^ of unknown use, placed behind the sternum, and belonging exclusively, as it should seem, to this animal. See Rudolphi, in F. G.Breyer's Obs.AnaU circa fabricam Rante Pipo", Berol. 1812 ; also the Ranu Paradoxa, by Lorenz j ajid C. H. Merten's Obs. in Ostenlogiam Batrachorum nostratium. Hal. 1820, ON THE SKELETON OF AMPHlBlAi 69 § 67. The bones of the fore-arm and of the leg have a peculiarity of structure, in these animals, which deserves no- tice. These bones consist of a single piece, which is solid in the middle, without any medullary cavity, but divided at either extremity into two conical portions, having manifest medullary cavities.* § 68. Among the amphibia of the class of lizards, the cro- codilef may be taken as an example,:^ on account of many remarkable peculiarities in its structure. In no other animal are the jaws of such immense size, in comparison with the ex- tremely small cavity of the cranium. The anterior part of the upper jaw consists of a large intermaxillary bone, and the lateral portions of the lower maxilla are formed of several pieces joined together. The lower jaw is articulated in a pe- culiar manner in these animals, although the commencement of this kind of articulation is seen in the jaw of the testudines : it has an articular cavity, in which a condyle of the upper jaw is received. The condyle resembles in some measure, the pulley at the inferior extremity of the humerus, the trochlea, or rotula of Albinus ; this, at least, is the case in the skull of an alligator, which I have before me. The old error of supposing that the upper jaw of the cro- codile is moveable, and the lower, on the contrary, incapable of motion, which has been adopted even by such anatomists as VesaUus and Columbus, has perhaps arisen from this pecu- liar mode of articulation. An examination of the cranium shews, that if the lower jaw remains unmoved, the whole remainder of the skull may be carried backwards and forwards by means of this joint ; and such a motion is proportionally * See Troja's Memoir concerning the singular Structure of the Tibia and Ulna in Frogs and Toads, in his Experiments on the Regeneration of Bones, Naples, 1779, p. 250. t The skeleton of the crocodile is represented in N. Grew's Museum Regalis Socic' tatit. Lond. 1681 ; also in Faujas St. Fond, Histoire Naturelle de la Montague de St. Pierre de Maestricht. t The skeleton of the common green lizard may be seen in Coiter, pi. 4 ; Meyer, torn. i. pi. 56 ; that of the salamander and water-newt are also given in Meyer ; that of the chameleon is prefixed to Cheselden's 6th ch. 70 ON THE SKELETON OF AMPHIBIA. easier in the present instance than in any other animal, both on account of the very great relative size of the lower jaw, as well as from its anomalous mode of articulation. There is, however, no motion of the upper jaw-bone only, similar to that which occurs in most birds, serpents, and fishes. I 69. The numerous teeth of crocodiles have this peculiarity of structure, that in order to facilitate their change, there are always two, of which one is contained within the other.* § 70. But the most surprising singularity in the skeleton of the crocodile consists in an abdominal sternum, which is quite different from the thoracic sternum, and extends from the en- siform cartilage to the pubis, apparently for the purpose of supporting the abdominal viscera. In the skeletons of three East Indian crocodiles which I have examined, there were ten pairs of true, and two of false ribs. The former had bony appendages ; and there was a third intermediate portion between the chief piece of the rib and each appendix. The abdominal sternum consisted of seven pairs of cartilaginous arches connected together. The six front pairs were inter- rupted by open intervals ; and the space between the last pair and the pubis was filled by a broad piece of cartilage.+ § 71. The serpents:]; have an upper jaw, unconnected with the rest of the skull, and more or less moveable of itself. § 72. We find in their teeth the important and clearly de- fined difference, which distinguishes the poisonous species of serpents from the much more numerous innoxious tribes. The latter have, in the upper jaw, four maxillary bones, be- set with small teeth, which form two rows, separated by a considerable interval from each other. One of these is placed along the front edge of the jaw ; the other is found more in- ternally, and is situated longitudinally on either side of the palate. * Sometimea three, according to Retzius, Animadvers. circa Crocod. 1797, 4to. t A somewhat similar structure in the crocodile of the Nile is described by S. Ves- lingius, in his Observ. Anat. p. 43; and in the alligator, by Plumier, in the Me- n%oires de Trevoux, of' January, 1705, p. 127. 4: Skeletons of several snakes are contained in the work of Meyer^above quoted» ON THE SKELETON OF AMPHIBIA. jfj The external row is wanting in the poisonous species ; which have, in their stead, much larger tubular fangs con- nected with the poison bladder, and constituting, in reaKty, bony excretory ducts, which convey the venom into the wound, inflicted by the bite of the animal.* § 73. It appears, in general, that the number of vertebras in red-blooded animals, is in an inverse proportion to the size and strength of their external organs of motion. Serpents, therefore, which entirely want these organs, have the most numerous vertebrae ; sometimes more than 300. The last vertebras of the tail, in the rattlesnake, are broad, and covered by the first hollow pieces of the horny rattle : the succeeding portions of this singular and mysteri- ous organt are connected to each other in a most curious way. It raay be observed, in confirmation of the remark, with respect to the relation between the vertebrae and the external organs of mo- tion, that the number of vertebrae is very great in fishes of an elon- gated form, viz. in the eel, which has above one hundred. The por- poise, which has no organs of motion which deserve mentioning, has between sixty and seventy. Birds which have such vast power of locomotion by means of their wings, have very few vertebrae, if we consider the anchylosed ones as forming a single piece ; and the frog, with its immense hinder ex- tremities, has a very short spine, consisting of still fewer pieces. With regard to the peculiar organ of the rattle-snake above al- luded to. Dr. Mead's supposition is by no means improbable, that it may serve to bring birds, &c. within their reach, from the effects of fear its sound produces, in the same manner that the horns of the ce- rastes were formerly imagined, and probably not without justice, to be employed. Major Gardner, a correct and faithful observer, who had long Hved in East Florida, affirms, that the young Indians of that country were accustomed to imitate the noise of this serpent, for * Specimens are delineated, for the sake of comparison, in the 4th part of my De- lineatioits, &c. tab. 37, where the heads of a rattlesnake {crotalus) and a boa, are re- presented with their mouths open. t For the probable use of this organ, which belongs so exclusively to the rattle- tnake ; and for the assistance which it may aflTord to this inactive animal, by draw- ing towards it the frightened birds, v^which, indeed, may have given rise to the Btories concerning its supposed power of fascination) see Voigt's Magazine, vol. i. p. 37, On the fa$cinutmg Power of the Rattlesiiake, particularly with respect to a umk of Dr. Barton's. 72 ON THE SKELETON OF AMPHIBIA. the purpose of taking squirrels, &c. Vide Blumenbach's Manual of Natural History, by Gore, p. 142. § 74. Of all animals, serpents possess by far the greatest number of ribs ; which amount, in some, to 250 pairs. It is necessary to mention here the costce scapulares of the cobra di cabelo, [coluber naice) which enable the animal to inflate its neck. This is also the case with other species of the coluber; namely, the Egyptian coluber haje, which can dilate its neck yery considerably when enraged.* Serpents, with the exception of the unguis fragilis, {blind- worm) are the only red-blooded animals which have no ster- num.t The occiput is connected to the atlas by a single condyle in the crocodile and turtle ; in the lizard and tortoise there is a slight appear- ance of division into two surfaces ; in the frog and toad there are two condyles ; and in the serpents there are three articular surfaces on a single tubercle. The condyle of the turtle being deeply imbedded in the atlas, the motions of the articulation must be limited : the protraction and re- traction of the head in this animal are effected by the flexion and ex- tension of the vertebrae of the neck. The lower jaw is articulated with an eminence of the cranium in the lizards, turtles, frogs, salamanders, blindworms, (unguis fragilis) and amphishcEna ; besides the crocodile in which the author mentions it. This bony eminence is compared by Cuvier to the os quadratum of birds. The lower jaw only is moveable in these animals. Its ar- ticulation in the turtle is by means of a ginglymus. In all the ve- nomous serpents the upper jaw is moveable on the head, as in birds : these animals require as extensive an opening of the mouth as possi- ble, since they swallow others whole, which are actually larger than their own body. Sir Everard Home was led to the discovery of the aid afforded by the ribs of the whole tribe of snakes in the progressive motion of those animals by the following circumstances, A coluber of unusual size, brought to London to be exhibited, was shewn to sir Joseph Bankes ; the animal was lively, and moved along the carpet briskly ; while it was doing so, sir Joseph thought he saw the ribs move forward in succession, like the ribs of a caterpillar. The fact was readily established, and Sir Everard felt the ribs with his fingers as they were brought forward ; when a hand was laid flat * See Home, Philos. Tram. 1804. t On the part which the ribs perform in the progressive motion of snakes, see Sir Everard Home, in the Philosophical Tramactions for 1812. ON THE SKELETON OF AMPHIBIA. 73 under the snake, the ends of the ribs were distinctly felt upon the palm, as the animal passed over it. This was an interesting disco- very, as it tended to demonstrate a new species of progressive motion, and one widely different from those already known. In the draco volans the ribs form the skeleton of the wings, by means of which the animal flies, the five posterior ribs being bent backwards and elongated for that purpose, so that in that instance the progressive motion is performed by the ribs, but those particular ribs are superadded for this purpose, and make no part of the organs of respiration, whereas, in the snake, the ribs are so constructed as to perform their office with respect to the lungs, as well as progressive motion. That ribs are not essential to the breathing of all animals, whose lungs are situated in the same manner as in snakes, is proved by the syren having no ribs ; but as this animal has also gills, and can breathe in water as well as in air, the lungs are not so constantly em- ployed, and probably a less perfect supply of air to them may suffice. In animals in general, the ribs are articulated to the back-bone by means of a convex surface, which moves upon a slightly concave one formed upon two of the vertebrae, partly on the one and partly on the other, so that there is a rib situated between every two vertebrae of the back ; but in the snake tribe, the head of the rib has two slightly concave surfaces, which move upon a convex protuberance belong- ing to each vertebrae, so that there is a rib to each of the vertebrae. One advantage of this peculiarity is, that it prevents the ribs from interfering with the motion of the vertebrae on one another. The ver- tebrae are articulated together by ball and socket joints (the ball being found upon the lower end and the socket on the upper one) and have therefore much more extensive motion than in other animals. The muscles, which bring the ribs forward, consist of five sets, one from the transverse process of each vertebra, to the rib immediately be- hind it, which rib is attached to the next vertebra. The next set goes from the rib a little way from the spine, just beyond where the former terminates ; it passes over two ribs, sending a slip to each, and is inserted into the third ; there is a slip also connecting it with the next muscle in succession. Under this is the third set, which arises from the posterior side of each rib, passes over two ribs, sending a lateral slip to the next muscle, and is inserted into the third rib be- hind it. The fourth set passes from one rib over the next, and is inserted into the second rib. The fifth set goes from rib to rib. On the in- side of the chest there is a strong set of muscles attached to the an- terior surface of the vertebrae, and passing obliquely forwards over four ribs to be inserted into the fifth rib, nearly at the middle part between the two extremities. From this part of each rib a strong flat muscle comes forward on each side over the viscera, forming the abdominal muscles, and uniting in a beautiful middle tendon, so that the lower half of each rib, which is beyond the origin of this muscle, and which is only laterally connected to it by loose cellular mem- 74 ON THE SKELETON OF AMFHIBIA. brane, is external to the belly of the animal for the purpose of pro- gressive motion, and that half of each rib next the spine, as far as the lungs extend, is employed in respiration. At the termination of each rib is a small cartilage, in shape cor- responding to the rib, only tapering to the point. Those of the op- posite ribs have no connexion, and when the ribs are drawn outwards by the muscles, are separated to some distance, and rest through their whole length on the inner surface of the abdominal scuta, to which they are connected by a set of short muscles ; they have also a con- nexion with those of the neighbouring ribs by a set of short straight muscles. These observations apply to snakes in general ; but they have been particularly examined in a boa constrictor, three feet nine inches long, preserved in the Hunterian museum. In all snakes, the ribs are continued to the anus, while the lungs seldom occupy more than one- half of the extent of the cavity covered by the ribs. These lower ribs can only be employed for the purpose of progressive motion, and therefore correspond in that respect with the ribs in the draco volmis superadded to form the wings. 75 CHAPTER V. ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. § 75. We should naturally conclude, from observing the great diversity in the general form of fishes, that the structure of their skeleton must be equally various.* They agree together, however, on the whole, in having a spine, which extends from the cranium to the tail-fin ; and in having the other fins, par- ticularly those of the thorax and abdomen, articulated with peculiar bones destined to that purpose. They have in gene- ral many more bones unconnected with the rest of the skele- ton, than the animals of the preceding classes.-f' § 76. The cranium in several cartilaginous fishes (in the sJcate for instance) has a very simple structure, consisting chiefly of one large piece. In the bony fishes, on the contrary, its component parts are very numerous ; amounting to 80 in the head of the perch. Most of the latter have a more or less moveable under-jaw. § 77. Great variety in the structure of the teeth is observed in this class. Some genera, as the sturgeon, are toothless. * Delineations of the skeleton of most marine fishes are still wanting. A beauti- ful view of the skate is given by Cheseldeu, in the beginning of his work ; those of the hream and herring are well delineated and described in Rosenthal's Icthyotomis- chen Tafeln, pi. 1. Berl. 1812. See Fischer's Zoognosia, vol. i. Mos. 1813. On the uranoscopus scaber (star-gazer). Meyer has represented the skeletons of twenty- five fresh- water fishes in the two first volumes of his book, which has been fre- quently quoted. That of the carp may be seen in Duhamel, Tratte des Peches, (a part of the great work, entitled Description des Arts and Metiers,) pi. 2, sect. 1, tab. 3. t There are some excellent remarks on the skeleton of fishes in general, by Prof. Autenrieth, in Wiedemann's Archives, vol. i. p. 2 ; and by Rosenthal, in Reil's and Autenrieth's Archiv. Jur die Physiol, vol. x. On the skeletons of particular orders of fishes, see Vicq d'Azyr, in tlie 7th vol. of the Memoires jrresentes ä I' Acad, des Sciences. It is translated into German, with re- marks and additions by Professor Schneider, in his Sammlung von Anatomisch^en Aufsätzen, und Bemerkungen sur Außdärung der Fisrhhunde. Leiptig, 1795, 8vo. 76 ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. Their jaws, which are distinct from the cranium, form a move- able part, capable of being thrust forwards from the mouth, and again retracted. § 78. Those fishes which possess teeth, differ very much in the form, number, and position of these organs. Some species of bream (as the spartfs probato-cephalus) have front teeth almost like those of man :* they are provided with fangs, which are contained in alveoli. In many genera of fishes the teeth are formed by processes of the jaw-bones covered with a crust of enamel. In most of the sharks, the mouth is furnished with very numerous teeth for the supply of such as may be lost. The white shark has more than two hundred, lying on each other in rows, almost like the leaves of an artichoke. Those only, which form the front row, have a perpendicular direction, and are completely uncovered. Those of the sub- sequent rows are, on the contrary, smaller, have their points turned backwards, and are covered with a kind of gum. These come through the covering substance, and pass forward when any teeth of the front row are lost."!* It will be understood from this description that the teeth in question cannot have any fangs. The saw-fish only {squalus pristis) has teeth implanted in the bone on both sides of the sword-shaped organ with which its head is armed. In some fishes the palate, in others the bone of the tongue (as in the frog-ßsh), in others (as in several of the rayrkind) the aperture of the mouth forms a continuous surface of tooth. One of the most surprising formations about the mouth occurs in a West Indian species of skate {raia ßagellum) : it is de- scribed and delineated by Sloane,:]: as the tongue of the ani- mal. The specimen, which I possess, consists of a flat bone, about five inches long, two broad, and of the thickness of the * Augustin Scilla De Corporibus Marinis lapidescentibus. Rome, 1759, 4to. tab. 2. t See Herissant in the Mem. de I' Acad, des Sc. de Paris, 1749, p. 155. And W. Andre, in the Philos. Trans, vol. Ixxiv. p. 274. I Philos. Trans, vol. xix. p. 674. ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. 77 thumb. It is composed of 15 curved portions, connected to- gether hkewise ; and each of these arches is covered above with 60 small teeth, which lie close together. Many fishes have simple teeth of a bony substance, covered by ena- mel, and probably formed as in the mammalia. These are the most common, and may be seen in the pike. When the crown has com- pletely appeared, the root becomes anchylosed to the jaw. In other cases they adhere to the gum only, or at least to a firm cartilaginous substance which covers the jaw. This is exemplified in the shark. These teeth seem not to be formed, as those of the mammalia are, by the deposition of successive layers one within the other ; but in a manner more nearly resembling the formation of bone. They are at first soft and cartilaginous, and pass by succes- sive gradations into a state of hardness and density not inferior to that of ivory. A third kind of teeth consists of an assemblage of tubes, covered externally by enamel, and connected to the jaw by a softer substance, which probably sends processes or vessels into those bony tubes. This is the case with the pavement, as we may call it, of teeth, that covers the jaws of the skate. A similar structure is observed in the anarrichas lupus; where the teeth, composed of bony tubes, are connected to spongy eminences of the jaws, which may be compared to epiphyses; and on their se- paration leave a surface like that from w'hich the antler of the deer falls off. Besides the two jaws, fishes have teeth implanted in the bones of the palate ; in that which corresponds to the vomer ; in the os hy- oides ; in the bones which support the branchiae ; and in those which are placed at the top of the pharynx. The salmon and pike have them in all these situations. § 79. In the long-shaped fishes with short fins, the spine consists of a proportionally greater number of vertebrae ; of which the eel, for instance, has more than 100, and some sharks even more than 200. The main piece, or body, as it is called, of these vertebrae, is of a cylindrical figure, with a fun- nel-shaped depression on both surfaces, and concentric rings, . which are said to vary in number according to the age of the animal. The spinal marrow passes above these, in a canal formed at the roots of the spinous processes. The ribs are articulated with what are called the dorsal ver- tebrae in most of the spinous fishes; but in some they are without this connexion, and in the cartilaginous fishes proper ribs c.nnnot be said to exist. 78 ON THE SKELETON OF FISHES. § 80. Of the peculiar bones which serve as a basis for the fins, that of the pectoral fin may be compared to the scapula, and that of the abdominal in some measure to the os inno- minatum. I possess a specimen of the singular bone,* relating to this subject, which for a long time has been considered a very obscure one. It is thick, of a roundish flat form, and nearly re- sembling a smooth chestnut in shape and size. It forms on one side a bony point ; and on the other is articulated, by means of a very remarkable ginglymus, with two small bones of different magnitude, and resembhng the point of an arrow. It belongs most probably to an East Indian cJicetodon (probably to the chcetodon arthriticus of Schneider); the larger piece being the basis of the back fin, and the smaller constituting the first ra- dii of that fin.f I 81. Lastly, many fishes are furnished with merely muscu- lar bones {pssicula musculorum of Artedi) which are sometimes bifurcated, are always situated among the muscles, and facili- tate their motion. * It has been represented in the Museum Wormianum, in the Museum, Regium of Jacobaeus, and in Olearius, Gottolf. Kunsikammer. + See W. Bell's Description of a Chatodon, called by the Malays, Ecan Banna, in the Philos. Trans. 1793. 79 CHAPTER VI. ON THE (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. § 82. After the comparative view which we have now taken of the skeleton, as influencing the general form of the red- blooded animals, we proceed to consider the other parts of the animal structure, and their functions, according to the natural order and series of those functions. The particular classes of animals will be considered in the subdivision of each chapter, according to the arrangement most usually followed in teach- ing zoology. § 83. The natural functions, as they are called, which in- clude, in their most extensive sense, the whole process of nu- trition, very properly take the lead on this occasion. In the first place, they exist in all classes of animals without excep- tion, though under various modifications ; they are indeed common to plants and animals : secondly, the peculiar mode in which they are performed constitutes the most distinguish- ing character of animals. For they seek their food by volun- tary motion, and convey it into the stomach through a mouth. Partial exceptions to this general rule may be drawn, 1st, from those animals in which no mouth has hitherto been dis- covered ; for instance, some animalcula infusoria, and in a certain sense some medusce, which, instead of possessing a sim- ple opening, take in their nourishment through many apertures ; secondly, from those, in which no manifest voluntary motion^ has been hitherto observed, as in several real hydatids. Phy- siologists have gone further, and have declared certain organ- ized bodies, in which neither of the above-mentioned charac- ters, neither a mouth nor voluntary motion, could be discover- ed, to be animals. Such, for example, are the dropsical blad- ders occasionally found in the abdomen of persons who have laboured under ascites, (rarely in any animal except man,) in vast numbers, and of various sizes, from that of a goose's 80 ON THE CESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. egg, to the head of the smallest needle. I have examined a great number of these, which were found in a dropsical old man, whose disease and dissolution are related by Richter, in Loder's Surgical Journal, vol. iii. p. 415. These differ in their whole structure, and particularly in the formation of their membranes, much more from the true hydatids than from some simple morbid watery cysts, which are met with not unfrequently in warm-blooded animals, and consist so indisputably of a mere unnatural formation of vessels and membranes, that no person could think of ascribing to them an independent animal exist- ence. I have now before me similar cysts from a hen, the lar- gest of which (about the size of a small hen's egg), like those of the above-mentioned patient, were quite unattached ; the rest appeared, on the first examination, from their connexion with the ovarium, to be nothing else but calices, containing from a morbid cause, lymph instead of yolk. I have, however, lately dissected a simia cynomolgus, whose lungs, liver, and omentum were beset with an abundance of watery cysts of various sizes. The fluid of these cysts con- tained an innumerable quantity of microscopical bodies, which were found, by the employment of strong magnifying powers, to be hydatids, with a well-formed circle of hooks and mouth» and consequently must be considered as true independent ani- mals. MAMMALIA. § 84. We have already shewn, in the second chapter, the most important circumstances relating to the mouth. Many species of the genus simia, as well as the hamster, {marmota cricetus) and some similar species of the marmot, are provided with cheeJc-pouches, in which the former, who live on trees, place small quantities of food as a reiServe : the latter employ these bags to convey their winter provision to their bur- rows.* * An accurate description and delineation of these bags may be found in Sulzer's Versuch der Naturgeschichte des Hamsters, pp. 41, 58, tab. 3, fig. 1: one of the most masterly zoological and zootomical monographs that has ever been published. ON THE OESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 81 A clieek -pouch exists also in the omilhorhynchus paradoxus. Phil. Trans. 1800, part 1, tab. 2, fig. 2. The salivary glands of the mammalia exhibit very few variations in structure. They are small in the Carnivora, as mastication, properly so called, can hardly be said to take place in them. On the contrary, the ruminantia and solipeda have them very large. The size of the sub-maxillary gland, in particular, is remarkable in the cow and sheep : it extends along the side of the larynx, quite to the back of the pharynx. The parotid and sublingual glands do not exist in the amphibiovs mammalia, as the seal : the teeth of that animal are only adapted for seizing their prey, and must be utterly incapable of mastication. The same remark may be made on the cetacea, where the salivary system seems to be altogether deficient. The mucous glands, which constitute the labiales and bvccales of man, are larger and more distinct in some animals. There is a row of these opposite to the molar teeth of the dog and cat, penetrating the membrane of the mouth by several small openings. There is also a considerable gland in the dog, under the zygoma, and covered by the masseter. Its duct, equal in size to that of the parotid, or sub max- illary glands, opens at the posterior extremity of the alveolar margin of the upper jaw. The molar glands and their openings are very conspicuous in the pig. The cow and sheep have an assemblage of similar glands in the zygomatic fossa : their excretory ducts open be- hind the last superior molar tooth. § 85. The peculiar glandular and moveable bag, (bursa fan- ciumj which is placed behind the palate, has hitherto been only observed in the camels of the old world : and it pro- bably serves to lubricate the throat of these animals in their abode in the dry sandy desarts which they inhabit.* No mammalia possess an uvula, except ?nan and the simice. As the cetacea possess no nostrils, they have not of course any velum pa- lati. The parts about the pharynx in the cetacea exhibit a very singular structure. The larynx is elongated, so as to form a pyramidal pro- jection, on the apex of which its opening is found. The pro- jection of this part will divide the pharynx ; and the food must pass on either side of the pyramid. A muscular canal extends from the pharynx to the blowing holes, and is attached to the margin of those apertures. The circular fibres of this tube form a sphincter muscle ; which, by contracting round the pyramid, cuts off the com- munication between the blowing holes and the mouth and pharynx. * See Home's Life of J. Hunter, prefixed to the posthiimous work of the latter, on the blood, iiiflammntion, &c, p. 41. 8^ ON THE (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. I 86. The oesophagus of quadrupeds is distinguished from that of the human subject by possessing two I'ows of mus- cular fibres, which pursue a spiral course and decussate each other. In those carnivorous animals which swallow voraci- ously, as the wolf, it is very large ; on the contrary, in many of the larger herhivora, and particularly in such as ruminate, its coats are proportionally stronger.* The opening of the oesophagus into the stomach is marked by some differences, both with regard to its size, and to the mode of termination. We understand, from observing these points, why some animals, as the dog, vomit very easily, while others, as the horse, are scarcely susceptible of this process,-!* except in extremely rare instances. It seems extraordinary, on the first consideration, that the ruminating animals, in whom the passage of the food from the first stomach into the oesophagus is very easy, should not be excited to vomit without such difficulty. I possess a hair-ball which was discharged by vomiting from the stomach of a cow, which laboured under an aiFection of • the digestive powers. The substance in question was dis- <;harged with violence, after the employment of some white hellebore placed under the integuments of the breast. J § 87. The form, structure, and functions of the stomach, are subject to great variety in this class of animals.§ In most carnivorous quadrupeds, || particularly those of a rapacious na- ture, it bears a considerable resemblance, on the whole, to that of the human subject ; its form, however, differs in some cases, as in the seal, (phoca vitulina) where the oesophagus enters - * Grew may be consulted respecting the oesophagus, as well as the whole ali- mentary canal of several animals of the different classes. See his Museum Regalis Societatis. f See Professor Nebel De Nosologia Brutorum cum Hominum Morbis comparata. ■Giess. 1798. • X -A. niore detailed account will be found in Voigt's Magazin fur den Neuesten Zustand der Naturkunde, vol. ii. p. 637, - § See Neergard's Vergleichende Anatomie der Verdauungswerkzeuge der SoMgetkiere mud Vögel. Berl. 1806; and SirE. Mome's Lectures on comparative Anatomy. II H. C. Schroeder De Digestione Animalium Camivororum. Goett. 1755, 4to, 6KN THE CESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 83 directly at the left extremity, so that there is no blind sac formed in the stomach. In some animals, as in the lion, hear, 8cc., it is divided by a slight contraction in its middle, into two portions. Its coats, particularly the muscvdar one, are very strong in the Carnivora. We must not, however, trust implicitly to Roederer, when he says that " the bear has two stomachs, the first and largest of which is formed like that of a carnivorous animal, the second and smaller like that of birds which feed on hard seeds." The truly carnivorous stomach, as well as the human, which in its structure is closely allied to it, is according to Sir E. Home, capable of dividing its cavity into two distinct portions by a transverse con- traction of its coats, in which state the cardiac portion is, in length, two thirds of the whole, but, in capacity, much greater, and in se- veral instances, where the opportunity was afforded of examining the part immediately after death, the stomach has been found in this form both in the human body and other animals. This appearance corres- ponds with the permanent form of the stomach of many other animals. It is not frequently met with, the fibres of the stomach being readily relaxed very soon after death by the motion of the liquid commonly retained in its cavity, and the air which is let loose ; so that such contraction is only to be expected where opportunities occur of a very early inspection of the stomach after death. But this appear- ance in the stomachs of women has been attributed by Soemmering to the eflPect of the pressure occasioned by the central bone of their stays. § 88. In some herbivora the stomach has an uniform ap- pearance externally ; but it is divided into two portions inter- nally, either by a remarkable difference in the two halves of its internal coat,* as in the horse, or by a valvular elongation of this membrane, as in several animals of the mouse kind. This is also the case in the hare and rabbit, where also the food in the two halves of the stomach differs very much in ap- • On the whole internal surface of the horse's stomach there are found, in vast abundance', particularly in spring, the larvaj of two species of oestrus, viz, the D^ilrm equi (which finnajus called ccsti-us bovis), and the cestnis hermorrlwidaiis, the true history of which has been elucidated, for the first time in modern days, by that excellent veterinary surgeon, Mr, Bracy Clark, in the Transactions of the Linnaan So- ciety, vol. iii. Figures of the oestrus e ON THE CESOPIIAGÜS AND STOMACH. been discovered by which the common offices of a second cavity could be performed. On these grounds Mr. Hunter did not give credit to the assertion, but considered the second cavity of the cnmel to correspond in its use with that of other ruminants, as appears from his observations on the subject, stated by Dr. Rüssel in his history of Aleppo. The difference of opinion on this subject led Sir Everard to exa- inine accurately the structure of the stomach of the camel, and of those ruminants which have horns ; so as to determine, if possible, the peculiar offices belonging to their different cavities. The cameVs stomach anteriorly forms one large bag, but when laid open, this is found to be divided into two compartments, on its poste- rior part by a strong ridge, which passes down from the right side of the orifice of the oesophagus, in a longitudinal direction. This ridge forms one side of a groove that leads to the orifice of the second ca- vity, and is continued on beyond that part, becoming one boundary to the cellular structure met within that situation. From this ridge, eight strong muscular bands go off at right angles, and afterwards form cvirved lines, till they are insensibly lost in the coats of the sto- mach. These are at equal distances from each other, and, being in- tersected in a regular way by transverse muscular septa, form the cells. This cellular structure is in the left conapartraent of the first ca- vity, and there is another of a more superficial kind on the right, placed in exactly the opposite direction, made up of twenty-one rows of smaller cells, but entirely unconnected with the great ridge. On the left side of the termination of the oesophagus, a broad mus- cular band has its origin from the coats of the first cavity, and passes down in the form of a fold parallel to the great ridge, till it enters thie orifice of the second, where it takes another direction. It is continued along the upper edge of that cavity, and terminates within the orifice of a small bag, which may be termed the third cavity. This band on one side, and a great ridge on the other, form a canal which leads from the oesophagus down to the cellular structure in the lower part of the first cavity. The orifice of the second cavity, when this muscle is not in action, is nearly shut ; it is at right angles to the side of the first. The second cavity forms a pendulous bag, in which there are twelve rows of cells, formed by as many strong muscular bands, passing in a transverse direction, and intersected by weaker muscular bands, so as to form the orifices of the cells. Above these cells, between them and the muscle which passes along the upper part of this cavity, is a smooth surface extending from the orifice of this cavity to the termination in the third. From this account it is evident, that the second cavity neither re- ceives the solid food in the first instance, as in the ruminantia, nor does the food afterwards pass into the cavity or cellular struc- ture. The food first passes into the first compartment of the first cavity, GN THE OSSOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 95 and that portion of it which h'es in the recess, immediately below the entrance of the oesophagus, under which the cells are situated, is kept moist, and is readily returned into the mouth along the groove form- ed for that purpose, by the action of the strong muscle, which sur- rounds this part of the stomach, so that the cellular portion of the first cavity in the cawe/ performs the same office as the second in the ruminants with horns. While the camel is drinking, the action of the muscular band opens the orifice of the second cavity at the same time that it directs the water into it; and when the cells ofthat cavity are full, the rest runs off into the cellular structure of the first cavity immediately below, and afterwards into the general cavity. It would appear that camels, when accustomed to go journeys, in which they are kept for an un- usual number of days without water, acquire the power of dilating the cells, so as to make them contain a more than ordinary quantity as a supply for their journey ; at least such is the account given by those who have been in Egypt. When the cud has been chewed, it has to pass along the upper part of the second cavity, before it can reach the third. How this is ef- fected without its falling into the cellular portion, could not, from any inspection of dried specimens, be ascertained ; but when the recent stomach is accurately examined, the mode in which this is managed becomes very obvious. At the time that the cud is to pass from the mouth, the muscular band contracts with so much force, that it not only opens the orifice of the second cavity, but acting on the mouth of the third, brings it forward into the second, by which means the muscular ridges that separate the rows of cells are brought close together, so as to exclude these cavities from the canal through which the cud passes. It is this beautiful and very curious mechanism which forms the peculiar character of the stomach of the camel, dromedary, and lama, fitting them to live in the sandy desarts, where the supplies of water are very precarious. The first and second cavities of the camel, as well as those of the ruminantia, are lined with a cuticle. The third cavity in the camel is so small, that were it not for the distinctness of its orifices, it might be overlooked. It is nearly sphe- rical, four inches in diameter, is not like the third of the ruminantia, lined with a cuticle, nor has it any septa projecting into it. The cu- ticle, continued from the second cavity, terminates immediately within the orifice of the third, the surface of which has a faint appearance af honey-combed structure ; but this is so slight as to require a close in- spection to ascertain it. This cavity can answer no other purpose in the occonomy of the animal, than that of retarding the progress of the food, and making it pass by small portions into the fourth cavity ; so that the process, whatever it is, which the food undergoes in the third cavity of other ruminants, would appear to be wanting in the caniel, and consequently not required. 86 ON THE CESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. The fourth cavity lies to the right of the first, and has for a great part of its length the appearance of an intestine ; it then contracts partially, and the lower portion has a near resemblance in its shape to the human stomach. Its whole length is four feet four inches ; when laid open, the internal membrane of the upper portion is thrown into longitudinal narrow folds, which are continued for about three feet of its length ; these terminate in a welted appearance ; the ridges are as large as in the bullock, but not so prominent nor so serpentine in their course, and for the last nine inches the membrane has a villous appearance, as in the human stomach. Close to the pylorus there is a glandular substance of a conical form, which projects into the cavity, the blunt end of it resting upon the orifice of the pylorus. This is similar to what is met with in the bullock, but still more conspi- cuous. The fourth cavity of the camel corresponds with that of the bul- lock in all the general characters, and resembles it in most particu- lars. It exceeds it in length ; but the plicae are so much smaller, that the extent of the intei^nal surface must be very nearly the same in both. It differs from it in having a contraction in a transverse di- rection, immediately below the termination of the plicated part, which has led both Daubenton and Cuvier to consider these two portions as separate cavities. On a comparative view of the stomach of the bullock and camel, \t appears that in the bullock there are three cavities formed for the pre- paration of the food, and one for digestion. In the camel, there is one cavity fitted to answer the purposes of two in the bullock; a. second employed as a reservoir for water, having nothing to do with tlie preparation of the food ; a third so small and simple in its structure, that it is not easy to ascertain its particular office. It cannot be compared to any of the preparatory cavities of the ruminantia, as all of them have a cuticular lining, which this has not ; we must there- fore consider it as a cavity peculiar to ruminants without horns, and that the fourth is the cavity in which the process of digestion is car- ried on. In the stomachs of ruminating animals, the processes which the food undergoes before it is converted into chyle, are more complex than in any others. It is cropped from the ground by the fore-teeth, then passes into the paunch, where it is mixed with the food in that caxnty ; and it is deserving of remark, that a certain portion is always retained there ; for although a bullock is frequently kept without food several days before it is killed, the paunch is always found more than half full ; and as the motion in that cavity is known to be rotatory, by the hair bdls found there being all spherical or oval, with the hairs laid in the same direction, the contents must be intimately mixed to- gether. The food is also acted upon by the secretions belonging to the first and second cavities ; for although they are lined with a cu- ticle, they have secretions peculiar to them. In the second cavity these appear to be conveyed through the papillae, which in the deer are conical ; and v^hen examined in a lens, whose focus is half an ON THE (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 97 inch, they are found to have three distinct orifices, and that part of each papilla next the point is semi-transparent. These secretions are ascertained by Dr. Stevens's experiments to have a solvent power in a slight degree, since vegetable substances contained in tubes were dis- solved in the paunch of a sheep.* The food thus mixed is returned into the mouth, where it is masti- cated by the grinding teeth ; it is then conveyed into the third ca- vity, in which a gas is emitted. This was examined by Sir Humphrey Davy and Mr. William Brande, and was found to be inflammable, and not to contain carbonic acid, which establishes a difference between this process and fermentation ; the food is then received into the up- per portion of the fourth cavity. The changes which are produced on the food in the three first ca- vities, are only such as are preparatory to digestion ; and it is in the fourth ak)ne that that process is carried on. In the plicated portion the food is acted on by the secretion of the gastric glands ; in that portion of the fourth cavity of the deers stomach, small orifices are seen in the internal membrane leading to the cavities, which appear to be the openings of these glands. In the lower portion the formation of chyle is completed. BIRDS. § 94. As we have spoken above of the clieelc-pouches of some mammaha, we must here take notice of the throat sac, which is found in the male bustard, under the integuments of the front of the neck, and opens by a wide aperture under the tongue : its use has not been hitherto discovered.i* A very remarkable dilatation of the fauces occurs in the pelican. An immense pouch, capable of holding several quarts of water, lies between the branches of the lower mandible, and constitutes a reser- voir for the food, which consists of fishes. By means also of this bag, the animal feeds its young until they are of sufficient strength to provide for themselves. § 95. The oesophagus, which generally descends on the right of the trachea, as well as its opening into the stomach, is of immense size in many carnivorous birds ; considerably larger indeed than the intestinal canal. The capaciousness of • Dissertatio Physiologica inauguralis de Alimentonim concoctione, Auctore Edwardo Stevens. Edinb. 1777. t Edwards'» Natural History of Birda, torn. ii. tal}. 73 ; and Schneider, Comment. ad reliqun LUrrnrum, Freder. 2ridi, torn. ii. p. 0. H 98 ON THE CESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. this tube (enables it to hold for a time the entire fish, and large bones which these birds swallow, and which öannot be contained in the stomach ; and facilitates the discharge, by vomiting, of the indigestible remains of the food, which form balls of hair, feathers, and bony matter. A sea-gull, which I kept alive for some years, could swallow bones of three or four inches in length, so that the lower end only reached the sto- mach, and was digested, whilst the rest projected into the cesophagus, and descended gradually, in proportion as the former was dissolved.* Proper salivary glands, such as secrete that clear and limpid fluid constituting the saliva, do not exist in birds. For mastication, or the comminution of the food, and its reduction into a soft paste, to which function these glands are entirely subservient, is not performed in the mouth of these animals, but in their gizzard. Birds, how- ever, have a very copious apparatus of those mucous follicles, which form the glandules labiales, buccales, linguales, &c. of the human sub- ject. The sides of the tongue, the under surface of that organ, and the entrance of the oesophagus, are beset with numerous openings of these glands, which furnish an abundant supply of viscid mucus to defend the tender lining of these parts from the hard bodies which constitute the food of several birds. These apertures are very con-r spicuous in the gallinse. The ostrich, in particular, has two flattened bodies at the upper and back part of the palate, which may be com- pared in some respects to tonsils. The surface of these is covered with innumerable foramina, from which a tenacious mucus may be expressed. The soft palate is entirely deficient in birds : the nostrils open on the bony palate by longitudinal slits, the sides of which are guarded by soft pointed papillse. § 96. The oesophagus expands just before the sternum into the crop, {ingluvies, prolobus ; Fr. le jabot) which is furnished with numerous mucous, or salivary glands, disposed in many cases in regular rows. In such birds as nourish their young from the crop, the glands swell t remarkably at that time, and secrete a greater quantity of fluid.J This takes place in an inverse ratio to the age of the young pigeon, as long as the * See Morton's Natural History of Northamptonshire, p. 353 ; and Dr. Persfion, in Yoigt's Neuen Magasin, vol. i. p. 56. t Hunter on the Animal Economy, p. 193 ; and Neergaard, tab. S, %..2 and 3. I See Viridet du bon Chyle, pour la Proditction du Sang, torn. i. p. 78. ON THE CESOPÖAGUS AND STOMACH. 99 old birds keep their food in the crop. This part is found in land birds only, but not in all of these ; it exists in all the gallince, and in some birds of prey.* The crop of the cotnmon fowl, and of the other galUnce, is of a globular form, and placed just in front of the chest. The oesophagus, which opens at its upper part, commences again about the middle of the bag, so that the crop itself forms a md de sac, or bag, out of the regular course of communication between the two openings of the oesophagus. In the pigeon there is a spherical bag formed on both sides of the oesophagus, which tube itself is very large in the pouting pigeon, and admits of being distended with air, so as to cause the appearance from which the name of the bird is derived. In the birds which we have now mentioned, the crop must be considered as an organ for macerating the dry and hard vegetable substances which constitute the food of these animals. The accipitres also have this dilatation ; but it must be regarded in them merely as a reservoir for the food which does not require any previous softening. It is wanting in the piscivorous birds ; but its place is supplied by the great size of the oesophagus, in which entire fishes are held until they can pass into the stomach. The heron, cormorant, &c. are examples of this peculiarity. § 97. There is another glandular and secretory organ, much more common than the crop, belonging indeed very generally, though it is wanting in some birds, as the kings-ßsher, to the whole class ; this is the bulbus glandulosus, {echinus, infundi- bulum, proventriculus, corpus tubulosum) which is situated before the entrance of the oesophagus into the proper sto- mach, and whose form and structure vary considerably in the different genera and species. In the ostrich, for example, its magnitude and form give it the appearance of a second sto- mach.-)- In some other birds, as the psittaci, ardece, {crane^ stork, &c.) its appearance is different in form from that of the proper stomach, and its size is larger ; while, on the contrary, in gallinaceous birds, it is much smaller.^ * See Wolf, in Voigt's Magazine, vol. i. p. 72. t Hence, Valisnieri calls it in this animal, the first stomach ; see his Notomia dello Strutzo, 1713, p. 159 ; and Cuvier's Anat. comparee, tab. 40, fig. 3. i For an account of several other variations in the structure of this part, in dif- ferent birds, see the Parisian M^moires pour sermr a VHislnire Naturelle den Ani- 100 ON THE CESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. The term bulbus glandulqsus {ventricule succenttirie, Cuvier) is ap- plied to a small portion of the oesophagus, just before its termination in the stomach. This part is obviously rather larger and thicker in its coats than the rest of the tube. Its structure may be most clearly discerned in the gallinaceous genera. The oesophagus consists, as in other parts, of its two coats, the muscular and villous ; but a vast number of glandular bodies, cylindrical in form, and arranged in close apposition to each other, are interposed between these tunics, and entirely surround the tube, constituting the " zone of gastric- glands" of Mr. Macartney, (Rees's Cyclopedia, Art. Birds). These bodies are hollow internally, and open into the cavity of the bul- bus. The fluid secreted by them, which, from their number and size, must be furnished in great abundance, passes into the gizzard, and mixes with the food in proportion as it is triturated by that organ. These glands are much less distinct in those birds which live on animal food, as the accipitres and the piscivorous genera ; but they exist universally, and their openings can always be discerned. The ostrich affords an opportunity of examining them to great advan- tage. In the African species the oesophagus is dilated into an im- mense bag, capable of holding several pints of water, and is five or six times larger than the gizzard itself, which is placed on the right and anterior part of this dilatation. The glands do not surround the tube, so that the term zone would be here inapplicable. They form a long but narrow band, commencing at the termination of the oesophagus, and running along the front of the bag towards the giz- zard. This band measures about twelve inches in length, and not more than three at its greatest breadth. The size of the individual glands varies: they are largest in the middle, and decrease towards either margin of the band. Some of them equal a large pea, and their openings are of a proportional size. They are arranged in close apposition to each other, and the inner surface of the pouch is covered by a continuation of the insensible lining of the gizzard, which sepa- rates very easily from the surface. The solvent glands in birds are larger, and more distinct from the other parts of the digestive organs than in the mammalia. The solvent glands in the whole of the extensive genus/a/co of Linnaeus are cy- lindrical bodies, with very small canals, a villous internal surface, and thick coats, open at one end, closed and rounded off at the other ; they are placed on the outside of the membrane which lines the cardiac cavity, they lie parallel to one another, and nearly at right angles to the membrane through which they open, the closed end being slightly turned upwards, so as to make the orifice the most de- pending part. In the golden eagle (the falco chrysaetos, L.) and the sea eagle, (falco ossifragus) they form altogether a broad compact belt ; but in the haivk (fatco nisus) this belt is slightly divided into four distinct portions ; immediately below these glands the cavity becomes wider, and is inclosed in a digastric muscle of weak power, with a flat tendon on each side The infernal surface of this cavity^ which is the gizzard, is soft and vascular. ON THE OESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 101 In all animals that live on animal food the solvent glands appear to have a similar structure to that which has been just described, only differing in size and situation. In the solan goose (pelecanus hassanus) these glands are rather larger than in the eagle, but are placed in the dilated part of the cavity of the gizzard, forming a complete belt of great breadth, consequently are extremely nu- merous. In the heron [ardea cinerea) they are in the same situation as in the solan goose; they are thinly scattered, and do not form a complete belt, being more numerous on the anterior and posterior surfaces. A ball offish-bones, held together by mucus, was found in the cavity of the gizzard. In the cormorant (^pelecanus carbo) the situation of the solvent glands is the same as in the solan goose ; but they only form two circular spots, one anterior, the other posterior. In all these birds the inner membrane of the gizzard is soft and smooth, but that portion which covers the solvent glands has a more spongy or villous appearance ; and this part secretes a mucus which the other parts do not. This fact appears to be ascertained by the following circumstances : on examining the gizzard of a cormorant that died in consequence of an inflammation in the oesophagus, which had been communicated to the internal membrane of the gizzard, a viscid mucus was found upon the surface covering the solvent glands, and this was not met with in any other part ; so that the mucus had been evidently secreted there, and was afterwards coagulated by the liquor of the solvent glands poured upon it, coagulation being the first process wliich takes place in the act of digestion. This ex-i plains the circumstance of ascarides being frequently found enve- loped in mucus in this part of the cormorant's gizzard, the mucus on which they feed being secreted in consequence of the irritation they produce on the membrane. In the same manner the flakes in the bi- liary ducts of the sheep increase the secretion of the bile by ir- ritating these canals, and then feed on it. In birds that live upon fish and sea insects with crustaneous coverings, as the sea-gull, (larus canus) the gizzard has a horny cu- ticular lining, and the solvent glands are in the same situation as in the genus falco. In those birds that live on land insects, some of whose coverings are soft, others hard, there is a diflerence in the structure of the di- gestive organs from what has been described. The solvent glands are placed in a triangular form in the cardiac cavity, and immediately under it is a small gizzard with a horny lining. Of this kind is the ivood-pecker (picus minor). There is still another variety in the structure of these organs. In the little auk (the ulea alle) the solvent glands are spread over a greater extent of surface than in any other bird that lives on animal food, and the form of the digestive organs is peculiar to itself The cardiac cavity appears to be a direct continuation of the oesophagus, distinguished from it by the termination of the cuticular lining, and 102 ON THE CESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. the appearance of the solvent glands. The cavity is continued down with very gradual enlargement below the liver, and is then bent up to the right side, and terminates in a gizzard ; when the cavity ia laid open, the solvent glands are seen at its upper part, every where surrounding it, but lower down they lie principally upon the poste- rior surface, and where it is bent upwards, towards the right side, they are entirely wanting. The gizzard has a portion of its anterior and posterior surfaces opposite each other, covered with a horny cu- ticle. In birds that live principally on vegetable food, the solvent ■ glands have a different structure, according to the substances the birds are intended to feed upon, and vary in situation according to the habits of life. In the pigeon (columba domestica) their situation is the same as in the genus falco, but their size is small, the external orifices large, and the coats thin, so that they resemble the glands in the English heron, having however larger cavities. In the sivan (anas cygnus) the solvent glands appear to be cylinders, as in the genus falco, but are not straight, bending upon one another in a direction obhquely upwards ; their internal surface is not villous, but rather broken and irregular. In the goose [anas anser) they have the same situation, but when laid open, the sides are found to be cellular. In the common fotvl (phasianus gallus) these glands are made up of four small short processes uniting in a middle tube, which opens externally by one orifice. In the turkey {pieleagris gallopavo) they consist of four small pror cesses, which diverge from each other in opposite directions. In many large birds that only walk and run, their wings being too small to enable them to fly, the digestive organs are formed in many respects differently from those of other birds. In the cassowary (cassuarius emu) the solvent glands are situated between the crop and gizzard, as in many other birds, but this part is dilated into a large cavity, and separated from the gizzard by an oblique muscular valve ; in this cavity the food may be retained for some time, but cannot be triturated there, since the stones and other hard bodies swallowed will readily force a passage into the gizzard. In the American ostrich {rhea Americana) the solvent glands are fewer in number than in other birds. They only occupy a small portion of a circular form on the posterior side of the cardiac cavity ; this however is compensated by the complex structure of which they are composed. To each gland there is one common orifice ; when the cavity to which it leads is laid open, three smaller orifices are ex- posed, each of which communicates with five or six processes like the fingers of a glove. The structure is similar to that of the solvent glands of the heaver among quadrupeds. The cardiac cavity in which the glands are situated is dilated to a large size, as in the cas- sowary, and there is a similar muscular valve, separating it from the gizzard. The digastric muscle is weak, but the fibres of which it is ON THE (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH, 103 composed, and tendons between the two bellies of the muscle, are beautifully distinct. . In the African ostrich (struthio camelus) the isolvent glands are un- usually numerous ; the space in which they are situated is not only dilated into a cavity, but is continued down below the liver, and then bent up upon itself towards the right side, where it terminates in a strong gizzard nearly at the same height as the beginning of the cardiac cavity. The gizzard is unusually small, the grinding sur- faces do not admit of being separated to a great distance from one another ; and on one side there are two grooves, and two corres- ponding ridges on the other. Beyond the cavity of the gizzard is an oval aperture, with six ridges, covered with cuticle, to prevent any thing passing out of the gizzard till it is reduced to a small form. The cardiac cavity of one of these birds was found to contain stones of various sizes, pieces of iron, and halfpence ; but, between the grinding surfaces of the gizzard, there were only broken glass-beads, of different colours, and hard gravel mixed with the food. The cassowary and American ostrich differ from birds that fly, in having the solvent glands placed in a cavity of unusual size, and the muscu- lar structure of the gizzard uncommonly weak ; their mode of pro- gression, which is a kind of run, producing so much agitation be- tween the stones and the food, as to render a strong muscular action unnecessary. In the ardea argala, a native of Bengal, which feeds upon carrion, and is exceedingly voracious, the solvent glands are differently formed from those of any other bird ; each gland is made up of five or six cells, and these open into one common excretory duct. The glands are disposed in two circular masses, one on the anterior, the other on the posterior surface of the cardiac cavity, putting on a si- milar appearance to those of the cormorant, but differing both in structure and situation. The gizzard is lined with a horny cuticle, nearly of the same general appearance as that of the crow, and the digastric muscle is of similar strength. In the parrot tribes, which feed principally on seeds and fruits, there is a different formation of the digestive organs. There is a crop on the right side, as in the fowl, but the cardiac portion is unusually large, and the gastric glands are spread over a consider- able portion of its surface, but are wanting at the lower part, and immediately below there is a regularly formed gizzard of a very di- minutive size. In this respect the parrot accords very nearly in its digestive organs to the wood-peckers among those birds that live upon animal food, having a cavity in which the soft substances may be acted upon by the gastric liquor, and also a gizzard, in which any harder substances may be broken down, and by that means rendered fit to be acted upon by the secretion of the gastric glands. In examining the gastric glands of the Java swallow Sir E. Home thought that he saw an obvious difference between the appearance of the orifices, by which the secretion is forced into the gizzard of this bird, and that of the common swallow. But Mr. Clift, who saw 104 ON THE (ESOPHAGUS ATSfD STOMACH. the preparation to which Sir Everard alludes, has assuied the editor that he could not perceive the difference which Sir Everard mentions, Sir E. Home concludes, from a comparison of the peculiarities in the structure of the digestive organs in birds generally, and particu- larly of the solvent glands, gizzards, and intestines in the cassuarius emu, a native of Japan, the ihea A>/iericana, a native of South Ame- rica, and the struthio cumelus of Africa, that the gizzard becomes more and more fitted to economize the food as the country to which the bird belongs becomes less fertile, and that the extension of the lower intestines and cceca warrants us in believing that the processes carried on in them render the undigested food subservient to the ani- mal's support. See Phil. Trans. 1813. § 98. In most birds, the stomach lies at the upper* part of the abdomen, that is, close to the spine, and rests in a manner on a stratum of intestines ; in the cuckoo, however, it lies be- low. This peculiarity does not belong exclusively to that cu- rious bird,"!- for I have found it in the ramphastos, and the corvus caryocatactes {the nut-cracker). % 99. The structure of the stomach differs most widely in the different orders and genera of this class. It appears merely as a thin membranous bag in several of those which feed on flesh and insects, when compared with the thick, mus- cular globes of the granivorous genera. But there are both many intermediate links J between these extremes, and at the same time considerable analogies in the structures, which are apparently the most opposite. This is particularly observable in the course of the muscular fibres, § and in the callous struc- ture and appearance of the internal coat,|| in which points many membranous stomachs have a great resemblance to those of the gallince. § 100. Both parts, but particularly the muscular, are very * See § 41, note. t Herissant thought this circumstance peculiar to the cuckoo ; and supposed that it furnished an explanation why that bird does not incubate. Mem. de I'Acad. des Sc. 1755. :j: Haller has collected a number of these in his Element. Physiohg. torn. vii. p. 115. § Duverney, CEuvres Anatomiques, tom. ii. p. 447. II Wepfer, Cicutie AquaticcE Historia et Noxce, p. 174. This is, on the whole, a jjiost instructive work. ON THE (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 105 strong in the gizzard (ventriculus bulbosus) of granivorous birds.* We find here, instead of a muscular coat, four im- mensely thick and powerful muscles ; viz., a large hemisphe- rical pair at the sides, {laterales) and two smaller ones {inter- medii) at the two ends of the cavity ; all the four are distin- guished, both by the unparalleled firmness of their texturej-f- and by their peculiar colour, from all the other muscles of the body. The internal callous coat must be considered as a true epi- dermis, since, like that part, it becomes gradually thicker from pressure and rubbing.:{: It forms folds and depressions to- wards the cavity of the stomach, and these irregularities are adapted to each other on the opposed surfaces. The cavity of this curious stomach is comparatively small and narrow ; its lower orifice is placed very near the upper. Every part of the organ is, indeed, calculated for producing very powerful trituration. The numerous experiments which Reaumur per- formed, in order to determine the extent of this triturative power, are universally known. There are two curious ob- servations on this subject less generally known. Felix Plater found an onyx, which had been swallowed by a hen, to be diminished by one-fourth in four days ; and a louis d'or lost in this way sixteen grains of its weight. § The end and use of swallowing stones with the food, the well-known in- stinctive practice of granivorous birds, have been very dif- ferently explained. Caesalpinus considered it rather as a medicine than as a common assistance to digestion ; Boer- haave, as an absorbent for the acid of the stomach ; Redi, as a substitute for teeth. According to Whytt, it is a me- chanical irritation, adapted to the callous and insensible na- ture of the coats of the stomach. Spallanzani rejected all • J. C. Peyer, Anatome Ventriculi Gallinacei, in his Exercit. de Glandulis Intesti- nor. Scafhaus. 1677, 8. t W. G.Muys De Carnis Musculosm Structura. Ltid. 1741, 4to. tab. 1. I Monro's Essay mi Comparative Anatomy. $ See Swammerdam, Biblia Natura:, p. 168. 106 ON THE OESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. supposition of design or object, and thought that the stones were swallowed from mere stupidity. I think there is not much sagacity to be discovered in this opinion, when we con- sider that these stones are so essential to the due digestion of the corn, that birds grow lean without them, although they may be most copiously supplied with food. This paradoxical opinion has, however, been already refuted by Hunter and Fordyce.* The use of swallowing these stones seems to me to consist in this, that they kill the grain, and deprive it of its vi- tality, which otherwise resists the action of the digestive pow- ers. Thus it has been found, that if the oats and barley given to horses, are previously killed by heating, the animal only re- quires half the quantity, and yet thrives equally. AMPHIBIA. § 101. The capacious oesophagus of the turtle has a very striking peculiarity in its structure ; its internal coat is beset with innumerable large, firm, and pointed processes + of a white colour. Their points are all directed towards the sto- mach, and they probably serve to prevent the return of the food, which can only enter the stomach gradually. § 102. The oesophagus of the crocodile is of the funnel shape ; the stomach of the animal resembles, although not very closely, that of the granivorous birds, in the nearness of its two apertures and the thickness of its coats. § 103. The stomach of serpents can hardly be distinguished from the oesophagus, except that it is somewhat larger. It is very short when compared with the great length of that tube. Reptiles resemble birds in having their nostrils terminated by two longitudinal slits on the palate, and in the want of the velum palati and epiglottis. The oesophagus of the serpent kind is of immense magnitude ; for these reptiles swallow animals larger than themselves, which are re- tained for a considerable time in the tube and descend into the sto- * See J. Hunter's Animal Economy, p. 155 ; and G. Fordyce an Digestion, p. 23. t Ruysch, Thesaurus Anatomicus, 8vo. tab. 2. ON THE OESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 107 mach by degrees, where they are slowly subjected to the action of the gastric juice. The whole process sometimes occupies many days, or even weeks. FISHES. § 104. The oesophagus is short in most fishes; but this character is not universal, as Aristotle supposed ; * nor is a long oesophagus peculiar to fishes of an elongated form. The large stomach of the tetrodon hispidus is particularly worthy of notice, for the animal can fill it in case of necessity with air, and change its naturally long form into a spherical one.'f From the peculiar formation of the nose of fishes, and from their respiring by means of gills, their fauces have no connexion with any nasal cavity, or glottis. The oesophagus is pf great width in fishes, and is distinguished with difficulty in many cases from the stomach. These animals swallow their food whole, without subjecting it to any mastication ; and, if the stomach will not hold the whole, a part remains in the oesophagus, until that which has descended lower is digested. The alimentary canal is generally very short ; sometimes extending straight from the mouth to the anus with very little dilatation, as in the lamprey {fetromyzon marinus). § 105. The size and form of the stomach vary J very consi- derably in this class. Its coats are thin in most fishes, but in some they are very thick and muscular,§ and have a callous internal covering ; still, however, the resemblance between these and the stomachs of granivorous birds is very remote. INSECTS. § 106. I have already observed, on another occasion, [[ that the business of nutrition in insects does not seem to have for its object the mere preservation of the individual, as in most * See Fabricius ab Aquapendente, p. 101 of the edition quoted above. ♦ S. Geoffrey St. Hilalre, in his Descr. de I'Egypte Hist. Naturelle. X Representations of the stomach of several fishes may be seen in the 2d vol. of Collins's System of Anatomy. Lend. 1685 ; and in the M6 moires present^ ä I' Acad, des Se. by Vicq d'Azyr. $ Rondelet, p. 70. In the Handbuch der Natxirgesohichte, (Manual of Natural History) p. 298 ; or p. 1 72 of Mr. Gore's excellent translation of this work. 108 ON THE CESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. red-blooded animals ; but chiefly the consumption of organ- ized matter ; which will appear clearly, from considering the structure of their alimentary canal.* In most of those which are subject to a metamorphosis, the stomach, in the larva state, is of a great size, in comparison with the short intestinal canal : while those, on the contrary, which take little or no nourish- ment in their perfect state, have this organ remarkably dimi- nished, and as it were contracted.*!^ § 107. Our limits will allow us to take but little notice here of the endless varieties and peculiarities of internal structure, which occur in the different genera and species of this multi- form class of animals. We shall therefore only bestow two words on those of the oesophagus and stomach. In several cases the commencement and termination of the alimentary canal, the oesophagus, and rectum, are surrounded by an annu- lar portion of the spinal marrow. J In the earwig (forficula auricularia) the upper orifice of the stomach is furnished with two rows of teeth .§ In some of the grylli (grasshoppers) the stomach itself is small, but the oesophagus much larger. In some species of that genus, particularly in the gryllus gryUotalpa, the stomach consists of three or four vesicular * "RzviiAohT Über die Verdauungswerkzeuge der Insecten. Halle, 181 1. t Compare, for instance, the stomach of the larva of the papilio urticce with that of the perfect butterfly, in Swammerdam, BibUa Naturee, tab. 34, fig. 4, and tab. 36, fig. 1 ; and particularly the whole series of changes which takes place in the pass, hrasdcce, in Herold's Entwickelungsgechichte Geschichte der Schmetterlinge. Marb. 1815, 4, tab. 3, fig. 1-12. ^ There are several delineations of the stomach in the different orders of this class, viz. that of the scarabcsus nasicornis, in Swammerdam, tab. 27. Of the earth-beetle, in Rösel, vol. ii. tab. 8. Of the stag-beetle, (lucanus cervus) ibid. tab. 9. Of the earwig, in C. F. Posselt, Tentamina circa Anatomiam forficulcB auricularicE. Jen. 1800, 4to. fig. 26. Of the gryllus veirucivorus, in Rösel, vol. ii. tab. 9. Of the silkworm, in Malpighi, De Bombyce, 1669, 4to. ; in Rösel, vol. iii. tab. 9 ; and Bibiena, in the Comment. Instit. Bonon. tom. v. part 1, tab. 2 and 3. Of the cossus, in Lyonet's chef d'oeuvre, Anatomie de la Chenille, &c. Of the ephemera horaria, in Swammerdam, tab. 15. Of the larva of the musca chamceleon, ibid. tab. 41> Of the musca putris, ibid. tab. 43. Of the louse, ibid. tab. 2. § Fosselt, in the work above quoted, p. 27, fig. 27. ON THE OESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. 109 portions,* which have been compared with the stomachs of the ruminating mammaUa.t We have already (§ 1) mentioned the stomach of the lobster , and some other species of the genus cancer :% which is pro- vided with several portions of bone. It contains also three teeth, which, together with the stomach itself, are annually re- produced, at least in the craw-fish {cancer astacus). The Crustacea, and some insects, are furnished with organs of mas- tication of similar structure. Their mouth is formed of two or more pairs of jaws placed laterally. These move from without inwards, and vice versa, whereas those of red-blooded animals move from above downwards, and back again. The parts, which are termed the lips of insects, are two bodies ; of which one is placed above or in front of the jaws, and the other below or behind them. The palpi or feelers are articulated to the jaws. All insects, which have jaws, pos- sess the power of masticating hard animal and vegetable substances ; for these parts are of a firm horny texture, and in many cases are very large, when compared with the size of the animal. The locusts, {grylli) the dragon-fly, {Jibellula) the beetles, and parti- cularly the lucanus cervus, or stag beetle, and the staphylinus inaxillo- sus, are examples in which the jaws are very large and manifest, and often possess denticulated edges. All the genera of the following or- ders have jaws; viz. the coleoptera, orthoptera, neuroptera, and hyine- noptera. The insects of the remaining orders derive their nourish- ment chiefly from liquids ; which they get either from animal or ve- getable substances by means of a spiral and tubular tongue, or a soft proboscis, (as in the lepidoptera) with a broad opening, admitting of extension and retraction, (the hemiptera) or a horny pointed tube, containing sharp bristly bodies internally (the diptera and aptera). The stomacli of the bee is a transparent membranous bag, in which the nectar of the flowers is elaborated and converted into honey. The animal vomits it up from this reservoir, and deposits it in the hive. The stomach of the crab and lobster is a very singular organ. It is formed on a bony apparatus, in short a species of skeleton ; and does not therefore collapse when empty. To certain parts of this bony structure, round the pylorus, the teeth are affixed. Their sub- stance is extremely hard, and their margin is serrated or denticulated : as they surround the tube, near the pylorus, nothing can pass that • Cuvier, in the Mömoires de la Societe d'Hist, Nat. de Paris, an 7, tab. 4. t Swammcrdam, Algem, Verltandel. van de Bloedeloose Dierkcns. Utrecht,, 1769, 4to. ; and G. H. Velschii, Hecatostea Ohs. Aug. Vind. 1675, 410. p. 71. X See Rösel, vol. iii. tab. .58 ; anrl Fr. Succon. Myolofrice insectonim Specimen, ir.idelb. 1813. IIÖ ON THE CESOPHAGÜS AND STOMACH* opening, without being perfectly comminuted. These bones and teeth are moved by peculiar muscles. VERMES. § 108. We can only select a few instances,* as examples of this class, which includes a great number of creatures, differ- ing widely from each other. The aphrodite aculeata, (sea-mouse) which is well-known on account of its beautiful colours, possesses a very remarka- ble stomach. The form and size of the viscus resemble those of a date, while in strength and compactness of texture it ap- proaches to that of granivorous birds. t The oesophagus is expanded into a crop in many testacea, particularly among the bivalves ; and it is covered internally with numerous small teeth. J The powerful stomach of the bulla lignaria contains three hard calcareous shells, by which the animal is enabled to bruise and masticate the other testacea, on which it feeds.^ This stomach was lately taken by some naturalists for a peculiar genus, of an entirely new order of three-shelled testacea. * The following zootomists have given us representations of the stomach, in the different orders of vermes, viz. Tyson, of the round worm, (lumbricus teres, ascaris lumbricoides) in the Phitos, Trans, vol. xiii. No. 147 ; which may be compared with Werner, Vermium Iiitestin. Expositio. Lips. 1782, tab. 7. Willis, of the earth- worm, tab. 4; also Vandelli, Diss, de Aponi Thermis, &c. Patav. 1758, 8vo. Morand, of the leech, in the M^m. de I' Acad, des Sc. an 1739. As well as Bibiena,. in the Comm. Tnstit, Bonon, torn. vii. p. 102. Johnson on the medicinal leech. Lond, 1816, p. 124; and Home's Lectures on comparative Anatomy, tab. 70. Of the slug, Swammerdam, tab. 9. Of the cuttle-fish, ibid. tab. 51. Also Monro, On tlie Physiology of Fishes, tab. 31. Of the different species of mollusca. Cuvier, MSnwires sur les Mollusques. Paris, 1817. Leue Dc Pleurobranchaa nono Molluscorum genere, Hal. 1813. Poli, of several testacea, in his Testacea ut^'iusque Sicilite, viz. the pholas dactylus, torn. i. tab. 7 ; the tellina planata, tom. i. p. 14. Mactra Nea- politana, tom. ii. tab. 19 ; the venus chione, tab. 20. Of the snails. Wohnlich De Heiice pomatia. Wirceb. 1813. Stiebal, Limnei Stagnalis Anatome, Götting. 1815. Feider De Halyotidum structura. Hal. 1814. t See Pallas, Miscellanea Zoologica, tab. 7. I For instance, in the chiton cinereus, see Poli, tom. i. tab. 3. Compare also the oesophagus of the cuttle-fish, which is furnished with teeth in the same manner. See Turberville Needhara's Nouvelles Observations Microscopiques, tab. iii. § Humphrey in the Trans, of the Linncean Society, vol. ii. p. 15. Draparnaud in the Journal de Physique, tom. vii. p. 146. ON THE OESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH. Ill In most of the proper mollusca, the stomach is of a simple membranous structure, and of very different comparative mag- nitudes. I have found it very large in the scyllaa pelagicum. It occupies the greatest part of the body in the leech, and is divided internally by means of ten imperfect fleshy partitions, into somewhat sepai*ate portions. Lastly the armed polypes Qtydrce) and other similar ssoo- phytes, can hardly be considered as any thing more than a mere stomach, having its openings furnished with tentacula. In those mollusca, which possess jaws, these parts are fixed in the flesh of the animal, as there is no head to which they can be articu- lated. They are two in number in the cuttle-fish, are composed of a horny substance, and resemble exactly the bill of a parrot. They are. placed in the centre of the lower part of the body, and are surround- ed by the tentacula, which enable the animal to attach itself to any objects. By means of these parts, the shell-fish, which are taken for food are completely triturated. The common snail and slug have a single jaw, semilunar in its form, and denticulated. The tritonia has two jaws, which act like the blades of a pair of scissars. The other mollusca posse^ss no organs of this kind ; but have, in some instances, a sort of proboscis ; as the huccimtm, murex, voiuta, doris, scyllaa, &c. In the worms, properly so called, there are sometimes hard parts forming a kind of jaws or teeth. Thus in the nereis, the mouth pos- sesses several calcareous pieces. The aphrodite {sea-mouse) has a proboscis, furnished with four teeth, which it can extend and retract at pleasure. Within the mouth of the leech are three semi-circular projecting bodies, with a sharp denticulated edge ; by this apparatus the animal inflicts its wound of the well-known peculiar form in the skin. The teeth of the echinus (sea-hedgehog) are of a very singular ar- rangement ; a round opening is left in the shell for the entrance of the food ; a bony structure, on which five teeth are placed, fills up this aperture ; and as these parts are moved by numerous muscles, they form a very complete organ of mastication. The stomach of the vermes is, in general, a membranous bag ; but in some cases its structure is more complicated. In addition to the instances mentioned by the author, we may observe that the helix stag- nalis, and the onchidia have gizzards. The aplysia has three strong muscular stomachs, provided with pyramidal bony processes. This structure, together with that of the bulla lignuria, and of the lobster and crah, presents a new analogy, as Cuvier has observed, between the membranes of the intestines, and the integuments of the body. This is particularly strengthened by the annual shedding of the lob- ster's teeth, when its crustaceous covering falls off". lis CHAPTER VII. ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. MAMMALIA. § 109. 1 HE intestinal canal (which is the most common part in the whole animal kingdom after the stomach), is distin- guished in this class by two peculiarities, which depend on the mode of nutrition. It is comparatively shorter in carnivo- rous animals f and there is also in these less difference to external appearance between the small and the large intestine, than in the herbivora. Yet these rules are not without their exceptions. For the seal has very long, and the sloth very short intestines ; the badger, which is not a proper carnivo- rous animal, and several true herbivora, as, for instance, the rell-mouse, (glis esculentus) have no distinction between the large and small intestine- It is worthy of notice how the calibre of the intestines and the strength or thickness of their tunic bear no definite pro- portions to each other. Hence the small intestines of a full grown seal, which are very long, and of the size of the little finger in thickness, have much stronger tunics than those of the opossum, the calibre of which is equal to the size of the thumb.* In considering the proportionate lengths of the intestinal canal, and the relation which these bear to the kind of food on which the animal subsists, many circumstances must be taken into the account, besides the mere measure of the intestine. Valvular projections of the internal mennbrane, dilatations of particular parts of the canal, and a large general diameter, compensate for shortness of the intes- tine, and vice versa. The structure of the stomach must also be considered ; as, whether it is formed of more than one cavity ; whe- ther the oesophagus and intestine communicate with it in such a manner as to favour a speedy transmission of the food ; or, whether * Vide Pallas, Novcc Species quadrupedum e GUrium ordiite. Erlang, 1778-4. ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. 113 there are cub de sac, which retain the aliment for a long time in the cavity. The formation of the jaws and teeth, and the more or less perfect trituration and comminution which the food experiences in the mouth, must likewise be viewed in connexion with the length and structure of the alimentary canal. The whole length of the canal is greater in the mammalia than in the other classes. It diminishes successively, as we trace it in birds, reptiles, and ßshes, being shorter than the body in some of the latter animals, which is never the case in the three first classes. In omnivorous animals, the length of the canal holds a middle rank between those which feed on flesh, and such as take vegetable food. Thus, in the ral, its proportion to the body is as eight to one ; in ihepig thirteen to one ; in ?nan six or seven to one. The diminution in length, in the latter case, is compensated by other circumstances, viz. the numerous valvulae conniventes, and the preparation which the food midergoes by the art of cookery. In carnivorous animals every circumstance concurs to accelerate the passage of the alimentary matter. It receives no mastication ; it is retained for a very short time in the stomach ; the intestine has no folds or valves ; it is small in diameter ; and the whole canal, when compared to the body, is extremely short, being three or five to one. The ruminating animals present the opposite structure. The food undergoes a double mastication, and passes through the various ca- vities of a complicated stomach. The intestines are very long ; twenty- seven times the length of the body in the ram. Hence the large intes- tines are not dilated, or cellular ; nor is there a ccecum. The soHpeda have not such a length of canal, nor is their stomach complicated ; but the large intestines are enormous, and dilated into sacculi : and the ccecum is of a vast size; equal, indeed, to the stomach. The Todentia, which live on vegetables, have a very large ccecum, and a canal twelve or sixteen times as long as the body. In the rat, which can take animal as well as vegetable food, the canal is shorter than in the other rodentia. There are some exceptions to the rule which we have just men- tioned respecting the length of the canal in carnivorous and herbi- vorous animals. The seal, which takes animal food, has very long intestines : the sea-otter resembles it in this respect, and differs therein most remarkably from the common otter, which resembles other carnivorous animals in the shortness of its intestinal tube. The length of canal in the former is twelve times that of the animal ; and only three times and a quarter in the latter. (Home, in the Fhilos. Truns. 17Ü9, part 2.) Whales have likewise a longer canal than other carnivorous mammalia; their stomach is complicated, and the intestine has longitudinal folds. It seems, therefore, that a considerable length of intestinal canal is found in all mammalia which live much in the water, although they are carnivorous. The plantigrade animals, which have carnivorous teeth, but feed equally well on vegetables, have a long canal ; but it is very narrow, and possesses no cnccum, nor distinction of large intestine. 1 114 ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. A species of bat {vespertilio noctula), seems to have the shortest intestinal canal of any mammalia : it is only twice the length of the animal's body. On the contrary, the roussette (vesp. vmnpyrus, Linn. v. caninusi Blmiai.) which lives entirely on vegetables, has it seven times as long. A remarkable difference is observed in the length of the canal be- tween the wild and domesticated breeds of the same species. In the tvild boar the intestines are to the body as nine to one ; in the tame animal these proportions are as thirteen to one. In the domestic cat, five to one ; in the ivild cat, three to one. In the bull, twenty- two to one ; in the buffalo, twelve to one. They are, on the con- trary, longer in the wild than in the tame rabbit ; the proportions in the former being eleven, and in the latter nine to one. The proportion of the intestinal canal to the length of the body in birds, is as two, three, four, or five to one. It is not always longest and largest in the graminivorous species, as many piscivorous birds have it equally long. It is hardly twice the length of the body in many reptiles ; and not 60 much in the frog, although it is nine times as long as the space between the mouth and the anus in the tadpole. The alimentary canal of some fishes is continued straight from the mouth to the anus, and does not therefore equal the length of the body. The lamprey, skate, and shark, are thus circumstanced. § 110. The valvulse conniventes of the small intestine are more faintly marked in most mammalia than in man ; in some, indeed, they do not exist at all, and this happens both in car- nivorous and herbivorous animals. In the cetacea, on the contrary, the internal surface of the intestines has longitudinal folds of a zig-zag appearance. The possession of a villous coat for the absorption of the chyle constantly distinguishes the small from the large intes- tine, which seems to be merely destined for the reception of the faeces. The villi are remarkably long and numerous in the bear.* The Fallopian valve (^alvula coli) is wanting in a few ani- mals only of this class, as, for instance, in the hedgeliogfy ornithorhynchus, and racoon. * On the structure of this coat in several species of the four classes of red- blooded animals, see Roun. Ad. Hedwig, Disquisitio ampullulanium Lieberkiihii. Lips. 1797-4; Rudolphi's Anatomische physiologische Abhandlungen ; and Meckel's- Archiv V. B. 1819. t Roederer gives an accurate description of this valve in our domestic animals, De Valvula coli. Argent. 1768, 4to. p. 46. ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. 115 §111. There is great variety with respect to the coecum in this order, even in the different species of the same genus. Many, particularly of the Carnivora, have none; it is also wanting in some herbivora, as the rell-mouse. In others of the latter description it is often of enormous size. Thus in the hare and rabbit it is longer than the whole animal, and fur- nished internally with a peculiar spiral valve. The marmot of the cape, (Jiyrax capensls) has first a large ccecum, and then, further on, two other conical blind appendices.* The appendicula vermiformis is wanting in many mammalia; even in some of the simice, as the silvanus, &c. Most of the animals which have a vertebral column, have the intestine divided into two parts ; viz. the large and small. The lat- ter is commonly the longest, smallest in its diameter, and villous on its internal surface. The former is often thicker in its coats, and very rarely villous. In those mammalia which have this distinction, the separation is marked by one or more appendages, which have the name of cceami when large, of vermiform appendix when slender. Man, the orang-outang, and the phascolome, (a species of rat having an abdominal pouch, from New Holland) are the only animals which have both coecum and appendix. The ornitJiorhynchus hystrix has an appendix only; and most other mammalia have only a coecum. All the siviüs, except the orang-outang, have a ccecum, like that of man, but want the appendix vermiformis. Several possess neither ccecum nor appendix, as the edentata, (except the proper ant-eaters) ; the tardigrada, the bats, the planti- gradfi, except the ichneumon, the mustelw, and the myoxi (^dormice) ; and the cttacea. A taliula coli shews the distinction between the large and small intestine, where the ccecum is wanting ; as in the sloth and armadillo. When this distinction does not exist, the large intestine is charac- terized by the want of villi, by a greater thickness of its coats, and particularly by a strong layer of longitudinal muscular fibres. In animals, which have a ccecum, this part appears to be merely a prolongation of the large intestine below the termination of the small. Yet in some cases, the large intestine retains only for a short space the same structure which the ccecum possessed, as in the flying" lemur, {ijaleo]>itliecus) the oposauni, most of the rodentiu and ruminantiu. In the herbivorous mammalia the ccecum is generally large and cel- lular; and it is even so in omnivorous animals, as in jnan, in the genus sivii/i, and lemur. In the rundnanlia, where the stomach is very complicated, the ccecum is of a moderate size, and uniform. It * Pallas, Spicilegia Zoobgica, torn. ii. tab. 3, fig. 7, 8. I 2 116 ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. is large and cellular in the flying lemur and opossum, which are sup- posed to live much on animal substances. The ccecum of the true carnivorous mammalia is constantly small, and uniform in its cavity ; and the rest of the large intestine has the same characters. The large intestine of the herbivora is cellular, excepting the ruminantia and some of the rodentia. It may therefore be stated as a general rule, that the existence of a large coecum shews that the animal feeds on vegetables ; and that carnivorous mammalia have either none, or a very small one The ornithorhynclms paradoxus and hystrix have the end of the rectum forming a cloaca, as in birds. The urinary bladder opens into this part. The penis of the male is contained within it ; and the horns of the uterus open into it in the female. Home in the Philos. Trans. 1802, pt. 1, of the omithorhynchus paradoxus, pt. 2, of the omithorhynchus hystrix. § \12. In most herbivorous animals of this class, the colon is large, long, and divided into cellular compartments. This is remarkably the case in the elephant and horse. The large intestine of the latter is twenty-four feet long ; while, on the contrary, in a moderate sized dog it is about six or eight inches. The rectum of the latter has strong transverse folds which con- tract it, and render the evacuation of the faeces difficult. In a few instances, as in the beaver and sloth, but most re- markably in the omithorhynchus ^ the rectum and urethra have a common termination, which may be compared to the cloaca of birds. As we have spoken above of the be^oars and other concre- tions formed in the stomach, we must here take notice of the Intestinal stones which occasionally occur in horses, and of the valuable faecal concretions of the pike-headed whale "or cachalot {physeter macrocephalus). The former are commonly of a yellowish grey colour ; of a globular form, shining externally, but of a dead and earthy ap- pearance; when broken, not very hard; and in their ave- rage size about equal to a billiard ball, although they have been found as large as a man's head : all these external characters vary indeed considerably. The most remarkable circumstance relating to them is their composition ; according to Fourcroy's and Klaproth's Analysis, they consist in the proportion of one half of phosphate of magnesia. They are often found in ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. 117 millers' horses, which have been fed for a long time with bran and mill-dust ; there is usually only one, but sometimes more ; they are most frequent in the colon, and have very seldom been found in the stomach. They are not discovered in ge- neral until the death of the animal; but I find an instance, in the Epistolcs de Re Numismatica ad Z. Goezium, of a horse, which voided a stone of the above-mentioned kind, as large as a hen's egg, every month with his faeces. A species of globular concretions, very different from these intestinal stones, is occasionally found in the colon and coecum of the horse. It is composed of fine vegetable fibres, and resembles, on the first view, the balls of the chamois. Hence Lafosse, who has described and delineated them, calls them cegagropilce, by way of distinction from the true intes- tinal stones, which he terms hezoar equinum.^ Like the balls of the chamois, they are much lighter than intestinal stones ; and two of them are not unfrequently found together, one being inclosed within the other. The faecal indurations of the cachalot form the valuable substance known by the name of ambergris, which was for- merly considered as an animal excrement, but has been sup- posed latterly by some to be a fossile substance, by others to be a vegetable resin : its animal origin is now placed beyond all doubt. Sir Joseph Banks informed me, that according to what he could learn from the English South-Sea whalers, the faeces of the cachalot, which are nearly fluid in a healthy state, are hardened into this ambergris by a kind of constipa- tion ; hence it is only found in weak and exhausted animals, and the firmest and most valuable comes from such as seem to have died of the complaint which it has occasioned. BIRDS. ^113. The alimentary canal in birds is much shorter than in the mammaha ; it is also generally shorter in carnivorous • See his Coun d'Hippiatrique, p. 158, tab. 51. lis ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. birds than in such as derive their food from the vegetable kingdom. There is hardly any perceptible external difference between the large and small intestine ; indeed, the commence- ment of the canal is often larger than the termination. § 114, Most birds have two coeca, which are of considerable length in some species of the gallinaceous and aquatic tribes. They are characterized in the ostrich,*^ by a remarkable spi- ral valve. Some few aquatic birds have only a single ccecum ; and some, particularly among the birds of prey, want it en- tirely. § 115. The rectum ends in a part called the cloaca, which is an expanded portion, containing the termination of the ureters, the genital organs, and the bursa Fabricii. This latter part varies in form in the different species, being oval or elongated, &c. ; it is largest in young birds, and is so contracted in older ones, that it will hardly hold a millet-seed in an old cock.f In the ostrich the cloaca forms a large spherical bladder ; a si- milar structure is observed in the goshawk and in the grey heron. The bursa Fabricii is an oval membranows bag, situated at the up- per or back part of the cloaca, into which it opens by a slit-shaped aperture. Its size is proportionate to that of the animal ; being one inch and a quarter long in the goose, and half an inch broad ; and about a quarter of an inch long in the sparrow. According to the accurate observations of Mr. Macartney, its coats contain numerous glandular bodies which furnish a mucous secretion. (Article Birds in Rees's Cyclopedia.) AMPHIBIA. I 116. We shall take only one species of each of the two chief divisions of this class by way of examples. The intestinal canal of the hawks-bill turile (testudo caretta) is five times as long as the whole animal ; the small intestine is larger than the short portion of large intestine. Both por- tions have longitudinal folds internally, and are covered with an abundance of mucus, which is the case in the whole dass^. * See Valisnieri Notomia dello Struzzo, tab. 2, fig. 1, 2. t S, Collins's System of Anatomy, vol. ii. tab. 73. ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. 119 I found these folds so large and numerous in the rectum, that a transverse section of the gut presented the appearance of a broad radiated ring. That portion of the small intestine which corresponds to the jejunum was beset, in the animal which I dissected, with innumerable small processes, like the appendiculce einploicce^ which are occasionally found in some mammalia. I 117. In the ringed-snake, {coluber natrix) the whole length of the intestinal canal does not equal that of the ani- mal. The small intestine forms a very considerable ya^/opm^z valve, by a prolongation at its entrance into the large. The termination of the small, as well as the large intestine, the sto- mach, and the oesophagus (which is one third of the length of ihe whole animal) have longitudinal folds * internally. FISHES. ^118. The intestinal canal of this class, with a very few ex- ceptions, is extremely short. In some, as the torpedo,-\ it is only half as long as the stomach. However, the passage of the chyle, and afterwards of the faeces, through the intestine, is lengthened in this, and some other cartilaginous fishes, by a spiral valve. J In the structure and formation of the coats of the intestinal canal there are not many differences in the inammalia. True valvidce conni» ventes seem peculiar to ?}ian and the monkeys. But the internal sur- face of the intestine is always villous, and generally deserves that appellation more than in the human subject. Some of the Carnivora, as the dog, have very long villi, and this class has, in general, more muscular intestines. A considerable number of mucous glands is found near their coecum, when they have one. But the seal has these glands in greatest number, and most distinct. They form, in that animal, a regular and unbroken series through the whole length of • See Charas, Nouvelles Ei-periences mr la Viptre. Par. 1672, 8vo.; and Tj'son's Anatomy of a Rattlesnake. Philos. Trans, vol. xiii. No. 144. t Lorenzini, Ouervazioni inlarno alia Torpedhte. Fior. 1678, 4to. tab. 2. t It is delineated from another species of ray by Swammerdam, in the 4th edi- tion of Bartholin's Anatomy. Lugd. Bat. 1673, p. 297 ; whicii contains much va- luable information in zootomy. Perrault has represented it in a shark, Essais de I'hyiiqne, vol. iii. 120 ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL/ the lower portion of the small intestine, and are very visible on ac- count of their colour. The villous coat of the intestine forms numerous oblong processes in the rhinoceros. (Philos. Trans. 1801, pt. 1.) The viUi in the small intestine of birds are remarkably long, nu- merous, and elegant. They are most distinct and clearly developed in the graminivorous birds. In the ostrich they are rather flat thin laminae than villi, but at the same time long and numerous, so as to present a very elegant structure. The large intestine of birds is uni- form on its surface, but the ostrich presents a very remarkable devia- tion, for its large intestines, which are very long, have numerous transverse folds like the valvulse conniventes of man. The intestine of the turtle is covered with innumerable thin longi- tudinal processes, lying close together, and increasing the surface of the gut to a vast extent. These are most numerous in the upper part of the intestine, and gradually diminish in number below, until they cease altogether. In this respect they resemble the valvulse conniventes of man, and the villi of all animals. For these structures are always most distinct at the commencement of the canal, where absorption of the chyle goes on to the greatest extent. As the ali- mentary matter becomes deprived more and more of its nutritious parts, as it descends in the intestine, a less complicated apparatus for absorption exists in the lower part of the canal, and is sufficient for taking up the small remains of really nutritious parts. This circum- stance is illustrated in the longitudinal folds of the cetaceous animals. At the commencement of the intestine there are four or five of these ; at different distances we meet with four, three, two, one, and lastly the surface is completely uniform. § 119. The appendices pyloricce (which are found in all fishes, with a very few exceptions, as the pike) sometimes open at the lower orifice of the stomach, but generally at the com- mencement of the intestinal canal, and secrete a fluid, which seems to have considerable influence on the business of diges- tion and chylification, * which is performed in these animals in a very short time. They have generally the appearance of small blind appendices,i- and their number varies in the differ- ent species, from one to several hundred. In some cartilagi- nous fishes they are as it were consolidated into a glandular * The leading work on this subject is very rare, Fan altera Observ. Anat. Colle- gii privati. Amstelod. ; which was produced almost entirely by Swammerdam. t In some, as the burbot, they appear almost like a finger. Hence, the part has been called the burbot's hand or foot. See Chr. Encelius De Re Metallica^ Francof. 1551, p. 241 ; which contains, I believe, the first delineation of the part. ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. 121 body, * which has been compared to the pancreas of warm- blooded animals. INSECTS. § 120. Similar blind appendices {vasa varicosa of Swam- merdam) are found on the short alimentary canal of several insects, which is particularly distinguished from that of red- blooded animals by the want of mesentery, f Some zootomists have considered these appendices as small intestines, others as biUary ducts, and others as lacteal vessels. VERMES. § 121. Several mollusca have these appendices on both sides of their short intestinal tube, as the aphrodite aculeata. Those testacea which remain fixed in one situation, have a shorter and more simple intestinal canal than those which have the power of locomotion. The rectum, according to Poli, passes directly through the heart in most of the bivalves. In the slug, {Umax) as well as in the similar animal, which inha- bits a shell, {helix) the rectum opens on the front of the lim~ bus, close to the air-hole. The leech can hardly be said to possess an intestine ; yet it has an anus at the end of the tail, from which some little faecal matter is discharged, most of this being evacuated by the mouth. The armed polypes have no opening of this kind. As the part of his work which the author has devoted to the ali- mentary canal of the lower orders of animals is very short, and as the subject is interesting in many points of view, it seems right to sub- join a somewhat more ample account. The simple globular hydatid, which is frequently found in the dif- ferent viscera both of man and quadrupeds, has been supposed by some to be an animal consisting entirely of a stomach. Doubts, how- * The consequences which may be drawn from this circumstance towards the elu- cidation of the business of secretion, have been already pointed out in my Instit. Physiol, p. 401, edit. 4. t On this subject, as well as on several of the following chapters, the references contained in the notes to the 107th and 108th paragraphs may be consulted. See also Ramdohr, über die Vardauungiwerkzeuge der Insecten. 122 ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. ever, have lately been raised, whether this be really an anim^. The reader, who wishes to see the arguments on both sides of the question, may consult the " Observations on the Manner in ivhich Hy- datids grow and multiply in the Human Body," by John Hunter, M. D. in the 1st vol. of the Transactions of a Society for tlie improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knotoledge ; and the note to the 83d para- graph of this work. Even if it were allowed that these bags are ani- mals, it does not follow that their cavity is a stomach ; and the at- tachment of the young to the sides would rather justify us in consi- dering it as the organ of generation. The hydatid, which is more frequently found in animals, which possesses a head and mouth like the taenia, enabling it to attach itself to parts, and which can be seen to move when placed in warm water, is generally allowed to possess an independent vitality. But whether the bags of water, which form its body, be a stomach, is certainly doubtful. The most simple form of an alimentary cavity exists in the com- mon fresh- water polype (hydra). It appears to be excavated in the substance of the body, and has a single opening, situated in the cen- tre of the space surrounded by the tentacula. The nutritive matter soaks immediately into the body, and imparts its colour to the animal. The large masses of gelatine, called medusce, which resemble in form mushrooms, and are found floating in the sea, have a somewhat similar structure. A stomach is hollowed out in the pedicle, and vessels, commencing from its cavity, convey the nutritious fluid over the body. Sometimes the stomach has a simple opening ; in other cases there are branching tentacula, on which canals commence by open orifices : these unite together to form larger tubes, and the suc- cessive union of these vessels forms at last four trunks, which open into the stomach, and convey the food into that cavity. This very singular structure constitutes a remarkable analogy to the roots of trees ; and Cuvier has formed a new genus under an appellation de- rived from this comparison ; viz., the rhizostoma, from |t^a, a root, and errofji.cc a mouth. The star-fish (asterias) has a membranous cavity in the centre of its body, communicating externally by a single opening. Two ea^ nals extend from this into each of the branches, or as they are some- times called the fingers of the animal, where they suihdivide, and form numerous blind processes. The tape-worm [tcenia] has a small canal running on each side of its body ; the two tubes are joined together by transverse productions at each joint. The ascaris lumbricoides (round- worm) has a simple canal running from one extremity of the body to the other. The leech (Jiirudo sanguisuga, or medicina lis) has a short oesophagus and a very large stomach, divided by numerous membranous septa, which are perforated in the centre. Jt has been generally supposed that this animal has no anus ; but Cuvier says that it possesses a ON THE INTESTINAL CANAL. 123 very small one. (Legons d' Anat. comp. torn. iv. p. 141 ; Dumeril, on the contrary, denies its existence. Zoologie Anatomique, p. 298.) The common earth -luonn {lumbricus terreslris) has a long canal di- vided by several partitions. The aphrodile aculeata has an intestine running according to the length of the body, and sending off on each side several blind pro- cesses which enlarge at their termination. In the proper inollvsca, besides the stomach, which has been al- ready noticed, there is an intestine, seldom of considerable length, making some turns in its course ; it passes, in all the acephalous mol- hisca, through the heart. The intestinal canal of insects varies very much in the different genera and species. It may be stated on the whole, that a long and complicated intestinal tube denotes that the insect feeds on vegetables ; while the contrary characters indicate animal food. Great difference is found, in some instances, between the kirva and the perfect insect. The voracious larva of beetles {scarabcei) and butterflies have intestines ten times as large as the winged insects, which are produced from them. In the dragon-fly, {libcllula) which is very carnivorous, the intes- tine is not longer than the body. There is a small but muscular sto- mach. The orthopiera (which class contains the locusts, &c., well known for their destructive powers) have a long and complicated alimentary apparatus. I'hey have first a membranous stomach. This is sjic- ceeded by another cavity covered internally with scales or teeth, and possessing a very thick muscular coat ; in short, a true gizzard. Round the end of this the coecal processes are attached. There is, lastly, an intestinal canal differing in length and diameter. The alimentary canal runs straight along the body in the cntsiacea, and is uniform in its dimensions, excepting tlie stomach. 124 CHAPTER VIII. ON THE LIVER, SPLEEN, AND OMENTUM. § 122. We may conveniently collect together, in this chap- ter, whatever is to be said concerning the liver, spleen, and omentum ; since these parts are connected with each other in their functions. The spleen and omentum seem to be less constantly found in the animal kingdom than the liver, and to be in a manner subservient to the latter viscus ; which, on the contrary, exists in every class and order of animals that is provided with a heart and circulating system.* MAMMALIA. § 123. Besides the less important variations in size, colour, division into lobes. Sec., the liver of these animals is distin- guished by two chief differences ; first, in some genera and species it transmits all the bile immediately into the duodenum. Secondly, in several others a part of this fluid is previously collected in the gall bladder. Animals of the horse -f and goat kind, and some of the cetacea, afford instances of the want of this receptacle. On the contrary, in some of those which have it, there are Jtepatico-cystic ducts, which convey the bile immediately from * On the liver, in the different classes of animals, see N. Mulder De functione hepatis, in disquisitione illius visceris nixa. Leyd. 1818 ; also F. Ebeling De pulmo- num cum hepate Antagonismo. Getting. 1806. On the spleen, see Wilbrand, in Oken's Ms, 1821, vol. vi, p. 543. + An enumeration of the mammalia, which have no gall-bladder, will be found in P. Trott De vesiculcB fellece defectu. Erlang. 1822, 4to. Some have considered the large hepatic duct of the horse as a gall-bladder. See Sir Thomas Brown's Pseudodoxia Epidemica, p. 119, ed. of 1672. This might with more truth be said of the elephant, where the hepatic duct has a considerable expansion just at its entrance into the intestine. (Euvres de Pierre Camper, torn, ii» ch. 4, § 3. ON THE LIVER, SPLEEN, AMD OMENTUM. 125 the liver into this bladder, as in the horned cattle. It deserves to be remarked here, as a peculiarity of the liver of some four- footed mammalia, which live in or about the sea, namely, the polar bear and some seals, that it seems to possess some poi- sonous or noxious qualities v^^hen employed for food. Heems- kerk's companions experienced this in the former instance at Nova Zembla ; and Lord Anson's squadron in the latter, on the coast of Patagonia. In the ox and sheep the spleen is distinguished by a pecu- liar cellular* structure from the merely vascular texture which it possesses in other animals of this class. Perhaps this differ- ence in texture may lead to the discovery of the true functions of this viscus, the use of which is at present unknown. + Mammalia\ alone possess a true and proper omentum ; and the part which has been called a spleen in other animals is very different in its structure, connexions, &c. from the same viscus as it exists in this class. I quote only a single instance of the peculiar appearances of the omentum in particular spe- cies ; viz. that of the racoon, (ursus lotor) which has a very remarkable structure. It is comparatively large, and consists of innumerable stripes of fat, disposed in a reticular form, and connected by an extremely delicate membrane, resembling a spider's web, I have also found it particularly large in an old lioness. The liver of mammalia is in general divided into more numerous * Stukeley on the Spleen, tab. 3 and 4. The hepatico-cystic ducts, and the cellular stracture of the spleen, are the mope worthy of mention, as they have given rise to errors in physiology. t On the singular pustular eruption, which sometimes appears on the spleen of hydrophobic animals, as the dog, fox, and cat, see Locher, Magnum lienis in hy- drophobia Momentum. Gott. 1822. A similar conformation has been discovered by Neergaard in the Racoon. See his Vergleichende Anat. der Verdauungsiverkzeuge, § 6. fig. 4. } See A. G. Stosch De omentis Mammalium, partibusque Ulis similibua aliorum Animalium. Berol. 1807. A description of the spleen in many birds, amphibia, and fishes, will be found in Moreschi della Milza in tutti gli Animali vertebrali. Milan, I8f)3 ; also C. F. Heusingpf, über den Ban ttnd die Verrichtung der Milz. Thionv, iai7. i^ ON THE LIVER, SPLEEN, AND OMENTUM. iobes, and the divisions are cai'ried deeper into its substance, than in the human subject. This is particularly the case in the Carnivora, where the divisions of the lobes extend through the whole mass. But the utility which Monro has assigned to this structure ; viz. that of its allowing the parts to yield and glide on each other in the rapid motions of the animal, carries very little plausibility with it. {Essay on comparative Anatomy, p. 11.) In many animals of this class, as the horse, the ruminantia, the pa- chyJermata, and whales, the liver is not more divided than in man. The ductus choledochus forms a pouch between the coats of the in- testine, for receiving the pancreatic duct, in the cat and elephant. All the quadrumana, Carnivora, and edentata have a gall-bladder. Many rodentia, particularly among the rats, want it. The tardi- grada ; the elephant and rhinoceros, among the pachydermata ; the genus cervus arid camelus among the ruminating animals ; the so- lipeda ; the trichecus and porpoise also want this part. It does not exist in the ostrich and parrot, but is found in all the reptiles. Cu- vier thinks that it belongs particularly to carnivorous animals ; that it is connected with their habit of long fasting, and serves as a reser- voir for the bile. All the mammalia which want it, except the porpoise, are vegetable eaters ; and most reptiles, which universally possess it, live on animal food. {Legons d'Anat. comp. torn. iv. p. 37.) The valvular transverse folds of the cystic duct belong only to the simicE, besides the human subject. The spleen of the oi-nithurynckus hystrix is composed of two lobes ; the anterior somewhat long and thick, the posterior broader and thin- ner. Both run obliquely towards the right side to meet at an acute angle in the left hypochondrium. The texture is loose and spongy. See.Meckel De Omithorhyncho parudoxo, p. 46, Lips. 1826. BIRDS, § 124. The liver is much larger in domesticated than in wild birds. * It is well-known that the gall-bladder is want- ing in many species of this class, (for instance in the pigeon^ parrot, &c.) and sometimes in particular individuals of a spe- cies, which commonly has it, as in the common fowl. A roundish lump of fat, which covers the intestines of some aquatic birds, has been considered as an omentum. The liver of birds is divided into two equal lobes. The hepatic duct opens separately from the cystic, and its termination is generally, * B. Robinson On the Food and Discharges of Human Bodies. London, 1748-8, p. 97. ON THE LIVER, SPLEEN, AND OMENTUM. 137 but not always, preceded by one or more pancreatic ducts, and fol- lowed by that of the cystic duct. The fundus of the gall-bladder receives branches from the hepatic duct, but that tube sometimes unites with the cystic, as in the duck. AMPHIBIA. § 125. The liver, in these animals, is universally of consi- derable size ; and in some instances, as the salamander, of im- mense magnitude. I know no species in which the gall-bladder is wanting. The yellow appendices {ductus adiposi, appendices lutece) which are found in theyro^, on either side of the spine, above the kidneys, and sometimes form one mass, sometimes are di- vided into several smaller portions, were considered by Mal- pighi as a kind of omentum.* That this resemblance ijS very remote, appears from several circumstances ; and particularly from the constant and remarkable variations of size which oc- cur in these parts at the pairing season. In the tortoise the liver has a peculiar conformation. It is divided into two round ii-regular masses, of which one occupies the right hy- pochondrium, and the other rests on the small curvature of the sto- mach. Both are connected by two narrow branches of the same structure, into which the principal vessels run. In the green lizard, in the geckos, dragons, iguanas, it forms only a single mass, flat or convex below, and concave above. Its free edge in the dragons has two fossae, which divide into three lobes, of which the right is pro- longed into a sort of tail. In the geckos it has only one fossa, and the right side is also longer than the left. In the common iguana it extends into a long appendix. In the crocodiles and chameleons the liver has two distinct lobes. In the latter it has also a long appendix. It has but one lobe in the serpent tribe, in which it is long and cylin- drical. There is but one also in the salamanders, but there are two in the frog genus. FISHES. § 120. In many animals of this class, the short intestinal canal is surrounded, and as it were consolidated with a long liver. Some fishes, which are almost destitute of fat in the • De Omenta el Adiposis Ductibtis, Opcr. torn, ii. p. 35, &c. 128 ON THE LIVER, SPLEEN, AND OMENTUM. rest of their body, have an abundance of oil in the liver ; as, for instance, the sJcate and cod. It is wanting in some few species. The spleen gradually diminishes in size from the mammalia to fishes. In the porpoise there are several small spleens ; supplied from the arleries of the first stomach. It is always attached to the first, when there are several stomachs. In birds it is always near the bulbus glandulosus ; but does not lie constantly very close to the stomach in reptiles ; as it is found in the mesentery of the frog. Neither is it very uniformly situated in fishes. The size of the liver is generally very considerable ; its colour is frequently yellower than in reptiles, and its divisions are as uncertain as in the three preceding classes, so that they frequently vary, even in the different species of the same genus. Its consistence is also less compact than in the three classes ; hence its parenchymatous texture readily dissolves in spirits of wine, and leaves the vessels of the liver exposed. In general its divisions are few ; very frequently it only forms one mass, sometimes however it has two lobes, occa- sionally three, but very seldom more. It rarely happens that the different branches of the hepatic ca- nals unite in one duct, they open successively into the gall-bladder or its canal, whence the whole of the bile is conveyed into the intes- tine. The diameter of the cystic duct is always much larger than that of the hepatic, but its size does not increase after its junction with the other ducts. In the rays the gall-bladder receives several very fine hepatic canals; afterwards the hepatic canal furnishes a principal branch, which comes from the middle lobe of the liver, and joins the cystic duct at a short distance from its origin. The different branches of the hepatic canal unite in the syngnathus pelagi- cus into one trunk, which joins the cystic duct. In the ietrodons, the hepatic canals have three principal branches, the first of which joins the gall-bladder, a little on one side of its neck, and the second and third open into the cystic duct, a little beyond its origin. INSECTS. § 127. An organ secreting bile, and which may therefore be regarded as a liver, is found in such animals only of this class as have a heart and system of vessels, viz. in the genus cancer.* We have already observed, that the blind appen- dices found in several others, have been considered as biliarv organs. * Willis De Anima Brutorum, tab. 3. Rösel, vol. iii. tab. 58 and 59. ON THE LIVER, SPLEEN, AND OMENTUM, 129 The large adipose substance which occupies the greatest part of the body of larvae, and of several insects, has appeared to some zootomists to resemble the omentum.* VERMES. § 128. The organs which secrete and contain the fluid of the cuttle-fish have been regarded as of a biliary nature. Thus, the mytis has been called the liver, and the ink-bag the gall-bladder.i- Several testacea, particularly among the bivalves, have a liver surrounding their stomach, and pouring its bile into the cavityif: of that organ. In many snails it occupies the upper turns of the shell. § A liver exists in all the molliisca, and is very large ; but this class has no gall- bladder. The liver is supplied with blood from the aorta, and there is consequently no vena portarum. It is a completely mistaken notion, that the black fluid of the cuttle-fish is its bile. The ink-bag is indeed found between the two lobes of the liver in the sepia octopus ; and in front of them in the calmar ; but in the common cuttle-fish, (sepia officinalis) it is at a considerable distance from this organ. The real bile is poured, as usual, into the alimentary canal. In the gasteropodous mollusca, as the snail, the liver is very large, and consists of several lobes, having each an excretory duct. They surround the stomach and intestine, and open by several mouths into its cavity. The aplysia, onchidium, doris, &c. have a similar struc- ture. In the acephalous division of this class, it surrounds the stomach, and pours its secreted liquor into that cavity by many openings ; the oyster and muscle exemplify this. The proper worms, {vermes of Cuvier) the echinodermata and zoophytes have nothing analogous to this gland. The author has entirely omitted speaking of the pancreas in this part of his work ; probably because there are no remarks of much * Lyonet, Anatomie de la Chenille, &c. tab. 5 and 13 ; and Treviranus, über den inaern Bau der Arachniden, tab. 1, fig. 8. t Compare the representations which have been given by Swammerdam, Turber- ville, Needham, and Monro; and Tilesius De i-espiratione Sepice nfficinulis, tab. 1, fig. 1. X See Poli, vol. i. where he represents this fact in several of the testacea. § Swammerdam, tab. 5 of the helix pomalia; and Sal. Stiebel, Limnei amnalis Uagiuilis Anatome, Gotting. 1815. K 130 ON THE LIVER, SPLEEN, AND OMENTUM* importance or interest to be made on the subject. The structure of this gland in the mammalia, in birds, and in reptiles, is the same, on the whole, as in the human subject : its form and size, its colour and consistence, and its division into lobules, exhibit some slight and unimportant variations. The termination of its duct or ducts is distinct in birds from that of the ductus choledockus. In the mammalia they generally open to- gether, or there is a branch terminating in the ductus cHoledochus, and another opening into the intestine, as in the dog and elephant, or they may be quite distinct, as in the hare, porcupine, and marmot. They may be separate or distinct in different individuals of the same species, as in the monkeys. The skate and shark have a pancreas similar to that of the three |irst classes of red-blooded animals. In other fishes the situation of this organ is occupied by the c<£cal appendices or pyloric caeca ; which afford a copious secretion, analogous, no doubt, to the pancreatic liquor. (These are mentioned in § 119.) The internal surface of these tubes becomes very red on injection, and possesses a glandular ^.nd secreting appearance. The appendices, which form separate tubes in most fishes, are collected in the sturgeon into one mass, which is surrounded by mus- cular fibres. In this body, which has a very manifest glandular structure, the tubes join together, and open into the intestines by three large orifices. 131 CHAPTER IX. ON THE URINARY ORGANS. § 129. These emunctory organs do not exist in several ani- mals which have a biliary apparatus. They are confined to the red-blooded classes; all of which have kidneys, while some orders and genera have not an urinary bladder. MAMMALIA. I 130. In some animals of this class, as the bears,* the kid- ney resembles a bunch of grapes, being composed of several + small and distinct portions, which are connected by means of their blood-vessels and ureters with the common trunks of those vessels. In many of the palmata, as the seal and the otter, the renal veins form a kind of network, the reticulations of which intersect the furrows between the mammary pro- cesses on the outer surface of the kidneys. The suprarenal glands, {glandulcB suprarenales) as their name implies, are intimately connected with the kidneys ; but their functions, as well as those of the thyroid and thoracic glands, still remain unknown. They appear, from the latest anatomical re- searches, to have a great sympathy with the sexual organs.:^ The urinary bladder is more loose § in the abdomen of most quadrupeds than in the human subject. It is comparatively much smaller in carnivorous than in herbivorous animals ; and is particularly large in the ruminating bisulca and the hare. ■ Eustachi! Tab. Anat. tab. 4. t la the bear tliere are fifty or more, see H. F. Fleming, Deutscher Jäger, J^ipzig. 1719, p. 126. t See J. F. Meckel's Abdandluiigen aus der menschlichen luid vergleichenden Ana- tomie. Halle, 1806. ^ \' e.%3.\ü. Analomicarum Fallnjni Obscrvulionum Examen, p. 126. Kiolani Anthro- pngraphia, p. 241. K 2 132 ON THE URINARY ORGANS. Urinary stones, often of very considerable size, are found not unfrequently in horses, whose intestinal concretions have been already noticed. Their composition differs considerably, according to the investigations of Fourcroy and Vauquelin, from the urinary stones of man ; since they contain neither phosphoric nor lithic, but carbonic acid. The structure of the kidney in mammalia displays two very oppo- site varieties, which may be called the siinple and the conglomerate kidneys. In the former there is a single papilla, which is surrounded by an exterior crust of the cortical substance. This is the case in all the fera ; and in some other animals, as many rodentia. The other kind of kidney consists of an aggregation of small kidneys, connected by cellular substance. It appears that this form of the gland is found in all those mammalia which either live in, or frequent the water. I have observed it in the seal and porpoise, where the small kidneys are extremely numerous, and send branches to the ureter without forming a pelvis, Mr. Hunter states that it belongs to all the whales. (Phi/os. Trans. 1807, pt. 2.) The otter has the same struc- ture ; but its small kidneys are not so numerous as in the animals above-mentioned. (Home, of the sea-oiter, {lutra marina). Philos. Trans. 1796, pt. 2.) It is remarkable that the brown bear, {ursus arctos) which lives on land, should have this structure as well as the white polar bear, {ursus maritimus) which inhabiting the coasts and floating ice of the northern regions, spends much of its time in the water. Mr. Hunter {loco citato) concludes, that it is because Nature wishes to preserve an vmiformity in the structure of similar animals. But the badger, (ursus meles) which is a very similar animal, has the uni-lobular kidney. The number of small kidneys in the bear is 50 or 60 ; and it appears that each consists of two papillae. (See the account of the dissection of a bear, by the French Academicians; which is also given in Blasius's Collection. Axiatom. Animal, tab. 32, fig. 2, 3,4.) BIRDS. § 131. The kidneys* of this class (with a few exceptions, as the cormorant, &c.) form a double row of distinct but con- nected glandular bodies, placed on both sides of the lumbar vertebrae, in cavities of the ossa innominata; one of the most instructive examples of the remarkable analogy between the structure of the secreting viscera, properly so called, and the Aloys. Galvani in the Comment. Instit. Bonmiem, torn. v. p. 9, pL508. ON THE URINARY ORGANS. 133 conglomerate glands.* The urinary bladder is wanting in the whole class, and the ureters open into the cloaca.i' AMPHIBIA, § 13^. Animals of the genus testudo and rana have an uri- nary bladder, which is double in many of the frogs, properly so called. The crocodile, on the contrary, and several true lizards have none. The same remark applies to the serpents, in whom the ureters open into the cloaca.:]: The two large bags, which the author, and also Cuvier {Leqons (TAnat. comp. tom. v. p. 237) represent as urinary bladders of the frog and toad, are stated by Townson to have no connexion with the ureter. Indeed it is very clear that the ureters open at the posterior part of the rectum, while these two receptacles terminate on the front of that intestine. (See his Tracts and Observations, p. 66, tab. 3.) He states that the fluid contained in these reservoirs is a pure water^ The size of these bags, which exceeds all ordinary proportion to the bulk of the kidney, renders it likewise probable that they are not receptacles of urine. Either of the bags is at least twenty or thirty times as large as the kidney. FISHED. I 133. The glandulas suprarenales are wanting in this class; and they seem therefore to be confined to such animals as breathe with lungs. Although we cannot perceive of what use an urinary bladder can be to fishes, and animals which live in water, several genera and species have one. * See Blumenbach's Elements of Physiology, by Dr. EUiotson, § 470 and 471. t See Fink De amphibiorum systemate Uropoetico. Hal. 1817. J. Davy, in the Phil. Trans. 1818, pt. 2, p. 303. i See Schreiber in Gilbert's Annalen, 1813 ; and J. Davy, in the Phil. Trans, 1821. 134 CHAPTER X. ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. ^ 134. Among the various objects and functions of the com- mon integuments, as they are called, one of the most import- ant, and most general, in red-blooded animals, is the office which they perform as emunctory organs. Hence we may in- troduce here with propriety what we have to say on the sub- ject. ^ 135. The basis of all the other coverings consists in the proper skin, {cutis vera) which is common to the four classes of red-blooded animals, and may be regarded as the condensed external surface of the cellular substance, with nerves, blood- vessels, and absorbents interwoven in its texture. This is covered externally by the cuticle, which is very uniform in its structure, at least in such animals as breathe by means of lungs. The rete mucosum lies between these; but it can only be shewn, as a distinct layer of the skin, in warm blooded animals. Lastly, the cuticle is furnished in the different classes with peculiar organs for the formation and excre- tion of particular matters, viz. hairs in mammalm, feathers in birds.* The epidermis of the cetacea is quite smooth ; and marked with none of those lines which are so often seen in the other mammalia. It is detached from the surface, in the form of small scales, in all the mammalia, except the whales ; and in some this happens chiefly at the season when their hair is shed. It gives the skin a branny ap- pearance. It is in the rete mucosum that the colour of the skin resides ; but * See De Blainville Be V Organisation, dei Animaux, ou Prinoipes d' Anatomie com- par6e, torn. i. Paris, 1822. ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. 135 this part possesses, in very few instances, any brilliancy of colour in the mammalia. It is of a beautiful red and violet on the nose and buttocks of some baboons ; and silvery white on the abdomen of the celacea. It is remarkably thick on these animals ; being about the sixteenth of an inch on the back, and such parts as are of a black co- lour. The vascular net-work, says De Blainville, in the work referred to by Blumenbach, which is situated immediately over the cutis, occu- pying its whole surface, is in general of an exceedingly thin texture ; it is formed entirely of arterial, venous, and lymphatic vessels, which undergo many complex ramifications and anastomoses ; this net- work is spread over the projections situated on the surface of the cutis. The pigmenium does not perhaps exist in all animals ; it forms at the sur- face of the vascular net-work a layer more or less defined, of slight consistence, semi-fluid, and in effect composed entirely of very mi- nute grains, agglutinated to each other, without any organic conti- nuity between their own particles or with the other portions of the skin ; it is a sort of artificial membrane or depository, which is va- riously coloured, and which seems to be exhaled by the parietes of the veins. This pigmenium and the vascular net- work are both crossed by the nervous extremities which meet at the surface of the skin, some- times under the form of papillae. These two parts of the skin are those, which, since the time of Malpighi, have been known by the name of Malpighi's net-work, corpus reticulare, reticulum mucosum, on account of the sort of net-work which they form for the passage, not only of the nervous papillae, but also of the accessory parts. They are both in my opinion, says De Blainville, the source of the colour- ing matter, and the pigmentum is the depository of that matter. The colour of the skin is different in the inhabitants of different countries; in some it is white, in others brown, yellow, red, and black. This variety depends on something peculiar in the constitu^ tion, and in no way on climate ; it arises just from the same cause as the difference in the colour of plants and animals. This is proved by the fact of the Negro and American children being born with the colour peculiar to the respective races, as well as by the peculiar organization of the skin. Humboldt says, that the children in Peru, Quito, on the coast of the Caraccas, on the banks of the Orinoco, and in Mexico, are never white at the time of birth ; and the Indian caciques, who are well provided for, and live in houses, are of a reddish brown, or copper colour, all over the body, with the excep^- tion of the palm of the hand and sole of the foot. Vid. Rudolphi s Physiology, by Dunbar Howe, § 43. MAMMALIA. § 136. The cutis of this class varies infinitely in thickness. It is extremely thin and delicate in the wing of the bat, and on the contrary exceedingly thick in the rhinoceros, elephant, &c. 136 ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. also in the web-footed animals, particularly the walrus.* The form of the papillae on its external sm-face is very various in the different animals of this class, as, indeed, in different parts of the same animal. They are sometimes threadlike, as on the paws of the hear, and are very elegant on the teats of the true whale [balcBna mysticetus). I have also observed this in se- veral macacos (simia cynomolgus) and mandrils (papio mai- mon). The colour of the rete mucosum varies, even in individuals of the same species, as in the different races of mankind. It is thickest in some cetacea. I have had an opportunity of examining the skin of the ce- tacea in a halcena boops, and in a dolphin {delpMnus del/phis). In both the rete mucosum was very thick ; but by no means equal to the breadth of a finger,^ as is represented in a whale of uncertain species in the Museum Gaubianum.t In some spotted domestic animals, particularly the sheep, rabbit, and dog, there is a remarkable connexion between the colour of the palate, and even sometimes of the iris, and that of the skin ; for spots of similar descriptions are found in both parts4 The cuticle is often of very unequal thickness in particular parts, from the different purposes to which it is destined. Thus it is very thin on the points of the fingers in apes and baboons, when compared with its great thickness where it co- vers the callosities on which they sit. In various multungida, particularly the elephant, it forms a kind of horny processes,! lying close together in several parts of the body. But diffe- * Hence, the old Normans used to make their almost imperishable cables from the skin of this animal. See J. Spelman, Vita Mlfridi magni Anglorum Regis, p. 205. Oxon. + See Mus. Gaubian. 1783, p. 14. t See among other works, Schneider's additions to his German translation of Monro's Physiology of Fishes, § These processes, as I observed them on the proboscis of the elephant, appeared very similar to the warty cuticle of the two English porcupine-men, whom I saw se- veral years ago, and which has been well described by W. G. Tilesius, in his Mono- graph über die beiden sogenanten Stachelsehweinmenschen aus der Familie Lambert. Altenb.1802. ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTSS. 137 reiices of this kind are too numerous to admit of their being all noticed in this work. Villi, or papillas of the skin are found on those parts which corres- pond to the toes and fingers of man. They exist also on the trunk of the elephant, and on the snout of the mole and pig. The cutis of mammalia is much thicker on the back than on the belly. § 137. Hairs, at least single ones, are found in all adult mammalia, even without excepting the cetacea. In various states of thickness and strength they constitute every inter- mediate substance, from the finest vv^ool to the strongest quills of the porcupine. Thick bristles, and hairs, as they are found for instance in the tail of the elephant and other animals, re- semble horn, or fish-bones in texture ; while, on the other hand, both these substances may be easily split into a kind of bristles. Hairs are commonly cylindrical ; some, however, are broad with two sharp edges ; as in the toes of the ornithorhyn- chus and the common porcupine. Others, as the whiskers of the seal,* are also flat, but have rounded and denticulated margins, so that they have a kind of knotty, or jointed appear- ance. Something similar may be observed in the hair of some cloven-hoofedf animals, and most remarkably in that which covers the scent-bag of the musk {moschus moschiferus). These are at the same time filled with a very loose medullary tex- ture, and consequently very brittle. Some are thick and firm, but perforated by a narrow tube, which runs through their axis, as the long stiff whiskers of the phoca ursina. The hairs on the tau of some species of porcupine are entirely hollow, like the quill of a feather. The hair is the most incorruptible part of the body, and * Albini Annotat. Academ. lib. 3, p. 66. t In consequence of a degeneration of the formative impulse, which seems to re- side chiefly in an unnatural formation of the skin, the hair of the human subject may assume an unusual appearance, similar to that of some quadrupeds, particu- larly of the goat and deer kind. This was the case with a woman from Triers, who ■wai shewn here, as well as in many parts of Europe, in her seventeenth year. See Lavater's Physiognom. Fragmente, part 4, p. 68. And the supplement to Buffon, vol. iv. p. 571. 138 ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. possesses in great perfection both kinds of reproductive power; viz. the natural, which takes place in a healthy state, and the extraordinary, which is exerted after an accidental loss.* It is electrical in some species, and serves in those ani- mals which possess much of it, as a mode of excreting super- fluous phosphoric acid.+ There are secretions from the integuments in some species of mammalia, manifesting themselves by peculiar smells, which constitute specific characters in some of the horse and dog- kind, as completely as the national smell of certain varieties of the human XB.ce.% The skin secretes a matter of peculiar odour in some races. " The Peruvian Indians," says Humboldt, {Political Essay, i. 245) " who in the middle of the night distinguish the different races by their quick sense of smell, have found three words to express the odour of the European, the Indian American, and the Negro ; they call the first pezuna, the second posco, and the third graco." He adds, " that the casts of Indian or African blood preserve the odour peculiar to the cutaneous transpiration of these primitive races." The following quotation from the 2d chapter of the author's Ma- nual of Natural History {Handbuch der Naturgeschichte) explains the terms made use of in the foregoing paragraph, represents the sub- ject in an interesting point of view, and contains the result of some curious experiments. In speaking of the growth of organized bodies, we must notice their power of reproduction — that wonderful property of restoring or renewing parts that have been mutilated or entirely lost. This is one of the wisest provisions of nature for guarding animals and plants against the numerous dangers by which they are surrounded. HencCj when viewed in connexion with the system of growth altogether, it constitutes one of those grand characters which distinguish the ma- chines that proceed from the hand of the Creator, from all the pro-- ductions of human skill. The springs and wheels of mechanical in- struments have no power of repairing themselves when injured or worn ; but such a power, in different degrees, is imparted to every animal and plant. At different periods of the year several organized beings lose by a spontaneous and natural process certain parts of their body, which * Blumenbach's-MamiaZ of Natural History, by Gore, p» 27. t FovLVCToy, Systeme. des Connoissances Chirurgiques, vol. ix. p. 270. X I hava. said more on this subject in the third edition of, my work De Generis Humani Varietate Nativa, p. 163. ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. 139 are subsequently renewed. Examples of this occur in the fall of the stag's horns ; in the moulting of birds ; in the renewal of the cuticle of serpents, and of the larvae of insects, and that of the shell of the Crustacea ; the fall of the leaves of trees, &c. This may be called ordinary or natural reproduction. The second, or extraordinary kind of reproductive power is that by which wounds, fractures, or any accidental mutilation or loss of parts of an organized body are remedied or restored. Man indeed, and such animals as are nearly allied to him, possess this property in a very limited degree, while its strength and perfection are truly asto- nishing in several cold-blooded animals, as the water-newt, the crab and lobster, snails, earth-worms, (lumhricus terrestris) sea-anemones, {actinia) the starfish, (asterias) fresh-water polypes, [hydra) &c. Some experiments on this reproductive power require a hand ex- ercised in such employments, together with various precautions, and a favourable combination of circumstances, for their success. Hence persons must be cautious in concluding against the truth of any state- ment, because their own experiments do not succeed. After several fruitless attempts on this subject, I have lately succeeded in observing the reproduction of the whole head of the snail, (helix pomatia) with its four horns ; which occupied about six months. I preserve in spirits a large water- newt, (lacerta palustris) from ■which I extirpated nearly the whole eye several years ago. All the humours were discharged, and then four-fifths of the emptied coats were cut away. In the course of ten months an entirely new eye-ball was formed ; with cornea, iris, crystalline lens, &c. ; and this is only distinguished from the same organ on the opposite side by being smaller. See the Gottingen Literary Notices for 1787, pp. 28, 30. BIRDS. % 138. The integuments of birds have the same three parts with those of mammalia. Some are furnished with hair in particular situations ; as the mdtur barhatus, the raven, and the turJiey. Others, as the cassowary, have long spines like fish-bones in their wings, which approach in the tubular struc- ture of their roots, to the formation of feathers ; the universal and peculiar covering of this class of animals. The particular differences in the formation of the feathers are innumerable.* Among the most remarkable are the small scale-like feathers {squamulce ciliatce) of the penguin's wing ; and the horny, flat, and pointed processes on the tip of the neck, and wing-feathers of the common fowl in its wild state ; and on those of the Bo- * See Nitzsch's Pterographische Fragmente, in Voigt's Neu. Magazin, ü, p. 393, 140 ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. hemian chatterer {ampelis garrulus). Several birds in differ- ent orders have two or more feathers arising from a common quill. In a young ostrich, which had just quitted the egg, and which now lies before me, there are as many as twenty feathers on the back, proceeding from a single barrel. In the encysted tumours of the ovaries, large collections of hair are not unfrequently found, and in the thoracic and abdo- minal viscera of tame geese and ducks preternatural formations of feathers, covered over with a kind of fat, are also met with.* The periodical renewing of the feathery covering, at what is called the moulting season, takes place in a short space of time, and comes therefore more under our observation than the change of the hair in mammalia. This process has afford- ed a very interesting physiological remark, which has been often made in several species of those birds in which the male and female have different plumage; viz. that as the latter ceases in her old age to lay eggs, she obtains the male plu- mage. Lastly, the integuments of birds serve the office of emunc- tory organs, which is proved even by the process of moulting, as well as by the separation of peculiar matters from the skin. Thus the cockatoo, {psittacus cristatus) as well as some other species of psiitaci, and several birds of different orders, have a large quantity of white mealy dust discharged from their skin; particularly at the pairing time. AMPHIBIA. § 139. The very various integuments which are found in the different orders and genera of this class, consisting of shields, rings, scales, or simple skin, are covered externally with cuticle, which is frequently separated in many of these animals, as in the snake, forming what is called snakes-shirt {leberis, senecta) and water-newt. * Similar cases are mentioned in Harrow's Seltenheiten, b. i. s. 255. Penada Osservaz. e memorie Anatomi Pad, 1800 ; and Otto Seltenen Beobachtungen zur Ana- tomie. Bresl. 1816. ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. 14t The process of separation is repeated every week for some time in the latter animal, particularly in spring and autumn. Some, which have small fine scales, as the chameleon, or a sim- ple skin, as some /"rog-*, change their colour occasionally, either from difference in the light or warmth, or from the effect of their passions. The skin of the frog and toad does not adhere to the subjacent parts, as in other animals, but is attached to them only at a few points, and is tinconnected elsewhere ; so that it may be compared to ' a bag containing the animal. The reflection of coloured objects on the glittering scales of the chameleon, probably gave origin to the fable that its colour is regu- lated by that of the bodies near which it is placed. FISHES. § 140. AH fishes, without exception, are covered with scales, which are bare in those which inhabit the open sea, but on the contrary are covered with a mucous membrane in those which live on coasts, or in fresh water. It is remark- able that the colour of the skin in some fishes, as for instance, the mullet, {mullus barbatus) depends on that of the liver.* The scales are not changed like hair and feathers, but are pe- rennial ; and are said to receive yearly an additional layer to their laminated texture, from the number of which the age of the animal may consequently be determined. The lower orders possess in general an epidermis. In the testacea it usually covers the surface of the shell, and obscures the brilliancy of that part until it is removed. It may be seen by plunging a snail- shell into boiling water. It is very thick and villous in some species, as in the urea pilosa. Crustacea have it ; also insects, both in their perfect and larva states. It is shed in the lattei several times before the change to the state of chrysalis ; seven times in most of the butteifiies and bom- hyces. It is very distinct in the vermes, as in the common earthworm and leech, which often shed it. In the sipunculus saccatus it is loose and not adherent to the surface. Hairs are formed in small bulbous bodies implanted in the true skin, and grow from their base. • Santorini Ob(. Anatom. Venet. 1724, vol. iv. p. 4. 142 ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS, If one of the large hairs, which grow on particular parts of some animals be examined with glasses, its surface appears grooved, as if it were composed of several filaments ; and one or two canals are discovered in the substance of the hair, containing a kind of fluid, which has been called the medulla. In the hedgehog, porcupine, &c. these filaments are covered with a layer of horny substance ; and the cavity is filled with a white spongy matter. The colour of the hair is influenced in great measure by that of the rete mucosum, and this circumstance is particularly observable in the human subject. Its texture is much modified by climate and mode of life. The dog in Siberia, and the sheep in Iceland, are covered with a kind of long and stiff" hairs, while the same animals, in very hot countries, as in Guinea, lose this covering altogether. A species of goat furnishes the long and silky hair which is manufactured into the valuable shawls of Cashmere. The cat, rabbit, and goat, are co- vered with a very long and peculiar kind of hair in Angora, a small district of Asia Minor, and the superior qualities of the Spanish wool are well known. This seems to be the proper place for considering, in a cursory manner, the other insensible parts, which are found on the surface of the body. The horns of the mammalia are generally formed on processes of the frontal bone, which they cover in the manner of a sheath, as a glove does the finger. They consist of a solid, insensible, and elastic substance, which in many cases has a fibrous appearance, as if it were composed of an aggregation of hairs. This structure is most parti- cularly remarkable in the rhinoceros, where the horn is solid, and situated over the nasal bone. The fibres analogous to hairs are very distinct, and are observable at the base of the horn, detached from its substance in the form of bristles. The mass of the horn is entirely pervaded by innumerable pores. In those animals which have a long process within the horn, the os frontis begins to form a tubercle, about the seventh month of concep- tion. This being gradually elongated, elevates the integuments, which become callous, and harden as the horn is lengthened. Between the bone and the latter part a soft vascular substance is interposed, from which the horn is produced by means of successive additions to its base and internal surface. The nails and claivs of animals are formed just like horns, they co- ver a process of the last phalanx, which is analogous to the frontal process of the horn, and grow from the root or base, to which the in- teguments are attached, while they wear away at the loose edge. The hoof of the horse, ass, &c. is a horny covering of the last pha- lanx ; similar, in its structure and formation, to the parts just men- tioned, but including the whole of the bone. Its internal surface, in the horse, is formed into avast number of thin plates, which are placed alternately with corresponding laminae of the vascular sub- stance, and constitute a most close connexion between the two parts. ON THE EXTERNAL INTEGUMENTS. 143 This union is so firm, that, when the inferior portion of the hoof has been removed, a horse may be trotted roughly without the foot being separated from the upper part of the hoof. The body of a bird which has just quitted the egg is covered with hair instead of feathers. Fasciculi of hairs are produced from one common bulb, which is the rudiment of the future feather. In a few days a black cylinder appears, which opens at its extremity, and gives passage to the feather. The opposite end receives those blood- vessels, which supply the vascular substance in the barrel of the fea- ther ; when the stalk of the feather has received its complete growth this vascular body is dried up, and presents the well-known appear- ance in the barrel of quills. The parts which have just been described, as well as the epidermis, and the scales, or rather hard coverings of reptiles and fishes, possess neither vessels nor nerves ; and therefore the whole superficies of an animal's body is really insensible, and constitutes a dead medium, through which impressions are conveyed to the subjacent living parts. ^ 144 CHAPTER XL ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. § 141. It is necessary that we should take notice of some organs destined for the secretion of peculiar fluids, the use of which is not hitherto sufficiently determined. These occur in particular classes, or in certain genera and species of ani- mals, and may be most conveniently considered here, at the end of that division which treats of the natural functions.* MAMMALIA. § 142. Besides the well-known salivary glands, there is an- other, which has been described by Nuck in the orbit, par- ticularly of the dog, and some other predacious animals, which has an excretory duct opening near the last tooth of the up- per jaw.-j- Professor Jacobson J has described a remarkable secreting gland, which is situated in man and in many other mammalia, and probably in all birds, on the external side of the nostrils, the excretory duct of which opens at the anterior extremity of the lower concha. He names this organ after its illustrious discoverer, la glande nasale de Stenonis. § § 143. Both sexes of both species of the elephant, viz. the African and Indian, have a considerable gland j| at the temple, between the eye and meatus auditorius, secreting in the rutting season a brownish juice, which is discharged through an opening in the skin.? * See Tiedemann, in Meckel's Archives, vol. ii. p. 112. t Nuck, Sialogi-aphia, tab. 3 and 6. X Bulletiti des Sciences de la Socitte philomatique, for April, 1813. § Stenonis Observat. Anatomie, 1662, vol. xii. p. 105. Analyse des travaiuc de la Sociitä Veterinaire de Copenhague, 2 Report, 1815, 4; and Nitzsch, in Meckel's Archives, vol. vi. p. 234-269. 11 See the Histoire des Animaux of the Parisian academicians, part 3, p. 138 ; and Camper's plates on the anatomy of the elephant, tab. 10, 11. % This circumstance has been remarked of old, and has been noticed in the ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. 145 As far as regards the structure of the organ, this secretion resembles most that of the gland placed at the back of the Mexican musk-hog, or pecari (sus tajafu). This remarkable gland is found on the back of the animal, over the sacrum. It is of a considerable size, (between two and three inches long, and above an inch broad) and is composed of several lobules, whose ducts join into one canal, which penetrates the skin. It furnishes a secretion of a very pleasant musk-like odour, from which Tyson denominated the animal aper moschiferus. The opening of this part on the back has been described by many authors as the navel. (Bartholin. Cent. 2, Hist. Med. 96.) Tyson in the Philos. Trans. No. 153, or in his works, London, 4to. 1751, with a good delineation of the gland. § 144. Several ruminating bisulca, and the hare, have on the outer side of the upper jaw, near the ossa nasi, sebaceous sinuses, which have received that name from the adipose and viscous substance which is separated there in great abun- dance in some animals, and which is well known in the stagj where it is supposed to be of a lacrymal nature.* § 145. In most of the ruminating animals, and in the haret there are cavities in the groins, near the genitals, called by Pallas antra inguinalia, and containing a strong-scented seba- ceous substance secreted from glands which lie under the in- teguments.t § 146. Some other mammalia have pouches on the abdo- men, covered internally with a fine hair, and containing fatty secretions of peculiar odours. Of this kind are the bags near the anus of the badger,% and that which contains the teats of the female marsupial animals.§ Indian Mythology. See Wilford, in the Asiatic Researches, vol. iii. p. 443 ; it is noticed also in Strabo. Compare Beaulieu, Voyage mix Indes OrientaleS) p. 105, (in the collection of Thevenot the elder, vol. ii.), Jv W. Heydt's Ostind. Schauplati ; and particularly A. W. Schlegel's Indische Bibliothek, p. 165. * Vide Ph. Seifert Spicilegia Adenologica. Berol. 1823, 4, p. 13, tab. 3. Y. Y. Wepfer, in E. N. C. Dec. 11, a. b. Obs. 118. Chabert and Heron, in the Journal de l'Agricultui-e, &c. May, 1778, p. 87. f Wepfer in the same collection, Dec. I. A. 3, Ohs. 167. I J. Gottl. Walter, in the M^moires de I' Ac, des Sc. de Berlin, 1792. ^ The yellow matter contained in this pouch was compared by Tyson with that which in secreted in the axilla of the human subject. Phil. Trans, vol. xx. p. 120. L 146 ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. § 147. There are also, in the badger and the opossum, as well as in several other carnivorous animals, (both among the digitata and palmata,) pecuUar glands and bags at the end of the rectum, secreting a yellow substance of a strong and disa- greeable smell in its recent state, and which frequently gives to their excrement a kind of musk-like odour.* These anal bags are of a spherical form, and have a small round opening just at the margin of the anus. They seem to belong parti- cularly to the carnivorous animals. They may be seen very well in the cat. Their secretion possesses that strong disagreeable odour which characterizes so remarkably many animals of this order, as the fox and all the weasel tribe, and which has even made the polecat proverbial in common language, and has bestowed on it its scientific name, mustela putorius. Some American species exceed the fetor even of the polecat. This is the case with the viverra mephitica and coasse (the skunk and squash). They pour out the fetid matter when pursued ; and are thereby effectually defended, as neither man nor animal can approach them. These parts are not, however, confined to the Carnivora, as several rodentia possess them, § 148. These anal glands must be distinguished from ano- ther kind of similar glands and bags, which also secrete strong-scented matters, but seem to be rather connected with the genitals.-f- These are found in some of the same carnivo- rous animals which possess the anal glands, as the lion, the civette, &c. ; also in many herbivora, which want the latter or- gans ; in some of whom they exist in both sexes, as in the beaver,% the ondatra,^ {mus ssibethicus) &c. ; in others they are peculiar to the male, as in the musk animal, |j whose pouch is found in the prepuce near the navel. * See Grew, Museum Regalis Societ. tab. 23, where he represents these bags in the polecat, weasel, fox, and cat, Daubenton, torn, ix, tab. 4, in the lion, tab. 16, in the panther, tab. 33, in the civette, torn. yii. tab. 13, in the otter. Mitchell, in the American Museum, vol. v. p. 487. t t Tyson, who first carefully examined the different kinds of what he calls scent bags, has not distinguished them from each other. See Plot's Natural History of Oxfordshire, p. 305; and the Phil. Trans, vol. xiii. and xx. ; also Haller, Elem. Physiol, torn. vii. p. 147, &c. t Daubenton, tom. viii. tab. 41, 42. $ Sarrazin, in the Me'm. de VAcad. des Sei. 1725, tab. 12, 13. \\ Vsil&SiSpicileg.. Zoolog. \d, tab. 6. ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. 147 It is from these glands, and not from the testicles, as naturalists have absm'dly supposed, that the substance called castoreum is pro- duced. A delineation of the parts, from the dissection of the Pari- sian academicians, may be seen in the collection of Blasius. Anatom. Animalium. tab. 13. That valuable article of the materia medica, musk, is produced from similar glands in the moschus ?noschifer, (the musk) an animal found in the mountains of Thibet, and the southern parts of Si- -beria. § 149. We must also mention here the glandular cavities, covered internally with hair, which ai"e found in the feet of several ruminating bisidca, and particularly in the sheep. They have an excretory duct opening at the junction of the toes ;*" and the obstruction of this, pai'ticularly from a long continuation of wet weather, occasions troublesome symptoms. BIRDS. § 150. Although birds do not masticate their food, several of them, particularly among the pici, have considerable sali- vary glands f at the sides of the lower mandible. The secre- tion of these glands serves to facilitate the numerous and strong motions performed by the tongue in deglutition. The pancreas is of considerable size, particularly in those birds of prey which do not drink; its form and structure vary considerably. It has been already stated that salivary glands, in the proper sense of the term, do not exist in birds, and that the parts which the author mentions here must be regarded in a different point of view. § 151. The glands which secrete the oil, on the upper part of the tail, are largest in aquatic birds ; in some of which, as the anas moschata, the secreted substance has a musk-like odour. In that race of the common-fowl, which has no tail, {the gallus ecaudatus) this organ no longer exists.;]! * R. Livingstone, in the 2d vol. of the Society nf New York, p. 140. J. F. Neimann, in his Taschenbuch für Hauslhierürzte, vol. ii. s. 87. t V. A. Huber T)e Lingua J'ici viridis, t Reaumur, Art de faire (.dorre les Oiseaux Domesti^nes, torn, ii. p. 332. 148 ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. AMPHIBIA. § 152. I do not think it probable that the part which has often been considered as a pancreas in this and the following classes of animals, really deserves that name. Zootomists have not been able to agree on this point ; Charas took that to be the pancras of serpents, which Tyson with the ancients called the spleen. Anal glands, which disseminate a strong specific odour at certain times are found in some animals of this class; for instance in the cayman, (lacerta alligator) and the rattle- shake.* § 153. An acrid fluid exudes through numerous pores of the skin in some reptiles, when they are irritated ; as in the salamander and in toads. It is said that the gecko secretes a really venomous fluid between its toes. But there is a much more dangerous kind of poison formed in some serpents, which are distinguished from the innocent ones by the organs pointed out in a former part of this work.t There is found in the crocodile, on each side of the lower jaw, and just under the skin, a gland, whose duct opens externally. It secretes a substance smelling like musk. There are situated on the heads of most serpents five pairs of glands ; the first is a small, long, round, and very hard gland, si- tuated at a very little distance from the skin, close behind the ante- rior extremity of the lower surface of the mouth. These may un- doubtedly be compared to the sub-lingual glands of other animals. Cuvier has found them in the amphisbcence, where they are in propor- tion the largest ; but neither he nor any other author mentions their existence in the other species, although with the exception of the typhlops, I found them in all the species which I examined. The second is situated more behind, and to the inner side of the eye : in general it is of a considerable size, and of a white soft colour. Meckel found them in the aniphisbasna alba and fuliginosa ; also in the eryxjaculus, tortrix ocytale, elaps, they are very considerable. They are generally situated without and behind the orbit, particularly in * Tyson, in the Philos, Trans, vol. xiii. p. 38. + On the peculiar poison-glands in the coluber (trigonocephalus) mutus and berus, see Seifert, p. 3, tab. 1, fig. 1, 4; on the salivary glands of serpents, see Tiede- mann, in the Denkschriften den' Akad. der W. zu München für, 1813 j and on some other secreting organ in the orbitar region of many poisonous serpents, see P. Rüssel and Home in the Phil. Trans, for 1804. ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. 149 the coluber, tortrix, and eryx, but in the boa, python, and poisonous serpents, part of the gland Hes within the orbit. The third, which is not so common as the two preceding, is a gland of some length, and situated close to the rami of the lower jaw ; there are numerous excretory ducts, which open externally through the teeth of the lower jaw, in a simple longitudinal row. Cuvier has described them in the coluber and boa ; afterwards Tiede- mann and Cloquet gave delineations of them as they are found in the coluber natrix, and Rudolphi as they are found in the vipera vera ; they have since been found in several other species of serpents. They correspond in their form, structure, and situation, 'to the buccal and labial glands of mammalia. The fourth is situated externally, close to each side of the upper jaw. In the vipera dubia Meckel found a small gland at the corner of the mouth ; Tiedemann found them in the unguis, although Meckel who examined three fine specimens was not able to detect them. In the coluber, a?nphisbcEna, tortrix, and eryx, this gland is very consider- able ; in the pytlion, crotalus, vipera vera, they are of moderate size ; in the elaps they are extraordinarily small, and intimately connected with the excretory ducts of the poisonous glands situated beneath them. The fifth are the poison-glands : these are the most remarkable, and it is difficult to conceive how they could have been overlooked by the earlier anatomists. They are situated above the upper jaw, behind and below the eyes ; they are surrounded by a very strong muscle, and in fact embedded in it, so that they cannot be seen until the muscle has been divided. They are of some length, and have a laminated texture ; internally they have a considerable cavity, and are distinguished from all the other glands by a very long excretory duct which takes its course along the outer surface of the upper jaw, and opens above and before the poison teeth in such a manner into the sheath, that the poison flows into the upper opening of the tooth. Meckel has come to the following conclusions on the number and proportional size of the glands of serpents. 1. Several poisonous serpents, viz, the crotalus, naja, vipera vera, elaps lemniscatvs, possess the greatest number of glands ; for, in ad- dition to the poison and salivary ones, they also have five pairs. 2. Four pairs only exist : 1, in the vipera dubia, for besides the poison glands, they have merely the lachrymal and lingual, and a slight rudiment of the labial at the angle of the mouth ; and 2, in the coluber python, amphisbana, there are also only four pairs. 3. The anguis fragilis has four pairs, the upper labial glands only being wanting ; but in the trigonocephalus both pairs of the labial glands are wanting. 4. Lastly, in the typhlops crocotalus, all or nearly all are wanting. 5. Those serpents which have no poison glands possess all the others in a greater state of development. Both the poison and other glands have excretory ducts. Vid. Meckel's Archiv, fur Physiologie, Lip. 182G. 150 ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIOKS. FISHES. . . § 154. The most universal secretion in this class, which comes under the present chapter, is that of the mucus, which besmears their skin and scales, and which is formed in canals* lying near the lateral lines, and in the same direction with them ; one or more of these canals running on each side from the head to the tail-fin. In some fishes the mucus is poured out in the intervals of the scales ; but in others those parts are perforated by regular openings for its discharge.-f- Cuvier represents the tubes which open in the course of the linea, lateralis of fishes, as the excretory ducts of two glands placed above the orbits. {Legons (VAnat. comparee, torn. v. p. 260.) In the skate the openings are not confined to any particular part, but are scattered over the surface. The tubes radiate from one point, just above the angle of the jaw ; and the third branch of the fifth pair of nerves is distributed at that part ; its filaments accom- panying the tubes. For an account of the electrical organs of fishes, which must be considered as parts secreting the electrical matter, see § 218 ; and for their swimming bladder, in which a secretion of air is effected, §187. INSECTS. § 155. There are no true conglomerate glands, nor analo- gous parts in insects ; but their different secretions are per- formed by loose vessels.:]: Besides the different secretions of peculiar matters, which belong exclusively to single species, as the vapour, which some carabi (carabus crepitans, margi- natus, &c.) discharge, and the strong odours with which seve- ral of the bug-kind defend themselves in case of necessity, * Professor Jacobson, after a careful examination, is of opinion, that these ducts in the cartilaginous fishes may be regarded as organs of a peculiar sense, Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences pour la Soc. Philomatique, 1813. On the curious structure of the numerous canals on the head of several species of the ray and shark, see Stenon, who has the merit of having discovered them, in his classical M'ork, De Musculis et Glandulis, p. 42 ; and Elementor. Myolog. Specimen, p. 72 ; also the recent work of Lorenzini, sulle Torpedini, pp. 7 and 21. t A. Q. Rivinus, in the Leipsic Acta Eruditorum, 1687, p. 161 ; and Perrault Essais de Physique, tom. iii. tab. 20. t Cuvier, in the MSmoires de la Soci^te d'Hist, Nat. de Paris, an 7, p. 40. ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. 151 two kinds of secreted fluid deserve to be particularly remarked in this class : the silk which is formed by the larvae of pha- lenae* (moths) and by spiders ;*t' and the poison with which several hymenopterous | and apterous § insects are armed. The wax, which is prepared by the honey-bees, and by the Indian coccus mellißcus, deserves to be enumerated among the secretions which are peculiar to animals of this class. Almost all the larvae or caterpillars spin for themselves some kind of covering before their metamorphosis ; but it is the silkworm only (bombyx mori) that furnishes the materials of our various silk manu- factures, as the thread which it forms is very pliant and abundant, and can be easily unrolled. The secretory organs, which furnish this matter of silk, are the same in all larvae. They consist of two long tubes, at first small and tortuous, but growing gradually larger to form a kind of reser- voir, and terminating in a single very small tube, which opens under tlae lower lip. It is by moving its head from side to side that the animal draws out the silk. In those insects which possess stings, the irritating or poisonous fluid is formed in a peculiar bag, which sends a duct to the sting. The latter part is hollow, and its tube opens externally. It is con- tained in a sheath, and barbed at the sides of its point, so that it usually remains in the wound which it inflicts. A delineation of these parts in a magnified view may be seen in Swammerdam, tab. 27 of the English translation. VERMES. § 156. The most remarkable secretions in this class take place in the testacea. There is one of these common to the whole class ; viz. the formation of the calcareous matter of their shells, 1| which takes place in a peculiar viscus lying near the heart (sacculus calcarius, Swammerd. glandula testaceay Poli). The celebrated purple 5[ colour is formed in some ma- * See Lyoaet, tab 5 and 14. t Rösel, torn. iv. tab. 29. X See Swammerdam's plates of the organ in the bee, tab. 18 and 19. $ Rich. Mead Oj)era. Medica, torn. ii. tab. 3. II Swammerdam, tab. 5, of the Helix Pomatia. Poli, torn. ii. tab. 20, of the Venus Chione ; tab. 26, of the Area Pilosa. Dr. Wohnlich De lielice Pomatia. Wirceb. 1813, p. 23 ; and Prof. Jacobson, in Meckel's Archives, vol. vi. s. 370. f See Ström, of the Buccinum Lajnllus, in the Ilth vol. of Kiobenh. Selsk, Shrifter, p. 30, 152 ON SEVERAL PECULIAR SECRETIONS. rine genera; as the buccinum lapillus and echinophorunii murex brandaris and trunculus, helix ianthina, area nucletis, &c. Lastly, some bivalves, under extraordinary circumstances, form pearls * on the inner surface of their shell. Several acephalous mollusca produce a kind of silk, similar to that of the larvae of insects. It is sometimes called the beard ; and is employed by the animal in order to attach itself to rocks, &c. It is formed by a conglomerate gland, placed near the foot, which latter part draws out the silk from the excretory duct, and moulds it in a groove on its surface. The sea muscle, {?nyt/lus) the pinna, and perna, exemplify this structure. The pinna produces it in such quantity, and of such quality, as to admit of its being manufactured into gloves, which is done at Messina and Palermo. (Blumenb. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, ed. 6, p. 438.) The black inky fluid of the cuttle-fish, which has often been sup- posed to be the bile, is a very singular secretion, that must be noticed in this place. The bag in which it is contained has a fine callous internal surface, and its excretory duct opens near the anus. The fluid itself is thick, but miscible with water to such a degree, that a very small quantity will colour a vast bulk of water ; and the animal employs it in this way to elude the pursuit of its enemies. Accord- ing to Cuvier, the Indian ink, which comes from China, is made of this fluid. (Legons d'Anat. comp. tom. v. p. 262.) * Poli, tom, i. IntroductioD, p. 19. THE VITAL FUNCTIONS. THE VITAL FUNCTIONS. CHAPTER XII. ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. § 157. A PERFECT circulating system, to which on the one hand fluids are brought by the absorbents, to be converted into blood ; and from which, on the other hand, various juices are separated in glands, and viscera of a glandular strueturCj appears to belong universally and exclusively to red-blooded animals. A pericardium exists in all these animals. Parts of such a system, particularly a heart, and certain vessels con- nected with it, are found in some genera of the two white- blooded classes. It is surprising that so many good anato- mists, among whom are Blasius, Peyer, Harder, and Tozzetti, should have denied the existence of a pericardium in the hedgehog. The membrane is indeed very delicate in this animal, and it requires some care to avoid tearing it in opening the chest. MAMMALIA. § 158. The internal structure of the heart is the same as in man ; but its situation in quadrupeds and cetacea differs from that which it has in the human subject. It is in the former situated more longitudinally with respect to the body, resting rather on the sternum than on the diaphragm. Hence the pericardium of these animals, with a few exceptions, is not connected with the diaphragm* as in the human subject; the * See Morgagni, in his E^U Anat. p. 302, edit. 1764. 156 ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. portion of the inferior vena cava within the chest is propor- tionably longer. t The heart of the orang-outang is placed obliquely, like that of the human subject ; but in other simicß the apex only is a little inclined to the left, and just touches the diaphragm. § 159. The larger adult hisulca and the pig have two small flat bones, (which have been called, particularly in the stag, bones of the heart) where the aorta arises from the left ven- tricle. The common notion, that they serve as a support to the valves,* does not much elucidate the subject. The right auricle receives in the porcupine and elephant two ante- rior venae cavae ; the left of which opens near the communication with the ventricle. § 160. It has been supposed that the amphibious animals of this class and the cetacea have an open foramen ovale, like that of the foetus, in their septum auricularum. And the ne- cessity of such an opening has been inferred from their way of life ; since they often pass a considerable time under water without breathing. This supposition has been fully refuted by the repeated dissection of adult animals of this kind, which has shewn that an exception from the general rule very rarely occurs. I possess a very singular heart of an adult seal, the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus of which are completely open. Both the arterial trunks, and particularly the aorta, form large, and as it were aneurismatic expansions.-f" In several genera and species of web-footed mammalia, and cetacea (that is, in the common and sea otters, in the dolphin, &c.) particular vessels have been observed to be considerably and constantly enlarged, and tortuous. This structure has been principally remarked in the inferior vena cava ; where * C. I. Kench&n, De Ossiculia e Cordibus Animalium. Groning. 1772, 4. Luthii Observ. Zootomiee, Tubing. 1814. Jaeger, in Meckel's Archives, s. 113 ; and Leuckart, vol. vi. s. 136. t The same fact was observed by Seger, in the latter vessel in the seal, of which he has given an account in the Epftem. Nat. Curios, Dec. 1, an 9, p. 252, ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 157 there can be no doubt that it serves, while the animal is under water, to receive a part of the returning blood, and to retain it until respiration can be again performed, and the lesser* circulation be thereby again put in action. The question, whether or no the foramen ovale be open in such animals as have the power of diving, and remaining for some time under vi^ater, seems to be as yet not completely decided. In addition to the affirmation of the author the evidence of Cuvier may be quoted ; he states that in several porpoises, in a dolphin and a seal, he found this opening closed. {Leqons d'Anat. camp. torn. iv. p. 201.) The Parisian dissectors also found it closed in a beaver. {Description Anatom, d'tin castor, &c. p. 68.) It has been found perfectly shut in a porpo/ss and young seal; and according to Sir Everard Home, (Phil. Trans. 1802) it is closed in the omithorhynchus. On the other side of the question, besides the fact mentioned by Blumenbach, which is very striking, we may adduce Sir Everard Home's authority for the existence of the foramen ovale in an open state in the sea otter. He found it so in two instances, one of which was in an adult animal; but the ductus arteriosus was closed. {Philos. Trans. 1786, pt. 2.) This may perhaps be nothing more than a casual occur- rence ; as a small opening is not unfrequently found in the human subject, where no symptom of disease, or defect in the circulating system has existed, § 161. There are some remarkable circumstances in the dis- tribution of particular arteries in certain animals of this class. We may notice, as the most singular of these, the rete mirabile, formed by the internal carotid at its entrance into the cranium, in several ruminating bisulca f and carnivorous animals ; and that division of the arterial trunks of the extremities, which has been observed by Sir A. Carlisle J in the slow-moving ani- mals, viz. the sloths and lemur tardigradus. The arteries of the arm and thigh in these cases divide, as they leave the trunk, into numerous parallel branches, which are united again towards the elbow and knee. The most curious and elegant distribution of veins occurs in the foot of the horse ; where these vessels run in innumerable parallel branches on the an- * Kalmus, in the Acta Acad. Natur. Curios, torn. i. p. 25. t It is represented by Monro in the slink mlf. Ohs. nn the Xervon$ S}jstem, tab. I. I In the Fhitof. Trans, for 1800, p. 98. 158 ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. tenor surface of the coffin bone, and form a reticular plexus of anastomoses on the under part which completely covers the surface of the bone. Plexuses or convolutions of the arteries are found in some parts of the cetacea ; as in the intercostal arteries, in the branches which go from the subclavian to the chest, and in those which supply the me- dulla spinalis and the eye. Hunter in the Philos. Trans. 1789, pt. 2. BIRDS. § 162. The whole of this class, without exception, possess a very remarkable peculiarity in the structure of the heart. The right ventricle, instead of having a membranous valve, (such as is found in both ventricles of mammalia, and also in the left of birds) is provided with a strong, tense, and nearly triangular muscle. This singular structure assists in driving the blood with greater force from the right side of the heart into the lungs : since the expansion of the latter organs by respiration, which facilitates the transmission of the carbo- nated blood in mammalia, does not take place in birds, on account of the connexion which their lungs have with the nu- merous air-cells, which will be afterwards described.* § 168. To this class, and also to those of amphibia and fishes. Professor Jacobson ascribes a peculiar venous system, by which the blood is carried from the posterior extremities and from the sexual organs, not, as in mammalia, to the pos- terior vena cava, but to the kidneys, or to the kidneys and liver, for the purpose, as it should seem, of secreting the urine in these three classes.'|- AMPHIBIA. § 164. The frogs, lizards, and serpents, of this country at least, (Germany) have a simple heart, consisting of a single * I have entered more largely into this subject, in the Comment. Reg, Soc. Scient. Getting, vol. ix. where there is also a representation of the muscle in the heron, p. 128. t See the Bulletin de la Soc. Philom. 1813. Meckel's Archives, vol. iii. s. 147 ; and De Systemate venoso pecuUari. Hafn. 1821. ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 159 ventricle and auricle.* In others, as for instance crocodiles and lizards, properly so called, and serpents, the heart con- sists of one ventricle with two auricles. The account which Cuvier gives of the anatomy of the heart in the amphibia, does not exactly accord with that of the author. Cuvier describes and deHneates the heart of the crocodile as being formed nearly like that of the turtle (tom. 5, pi. 45) ; he says that the iguana has a similar structure, and that it obtains likewise in the serpents (tom. V. p. 221-225). He does not mention the more simple form as existing in any lizard or serpent. § 165. The structure of this part is very different in the turtle ; and has given rise to more controversy than that of any order of animals. The heart of this animal possesses two auricles, which are separated by a complete septum, like those of warm-blooded animals, and receive their blood in the same manner as in those animals ; viz, the two vense cavas terminate in the right auricle, the pulmonary veins in the left. Each pours its blood into the corresponding ventricle, of which ca- vities there are two ; thus the structure of the heart hitherto resembles that of mammalia. A remarkable difference exists in the structure of the auri- cles between the testudo caretta and mydas, both of whose hearts now lie before me. The auricles of the former are thin, like those of warm-blooded animals ; in the latter they are very firm, and have almost as thick and strong parietes as the ventricles. The characteristic peculiarities which distinguish the heart of these animals consist in three circumstances. First, the two ventricles (and in some species of turtles^ the cavities of the auricles) are extremely small and narrow, but the fleshy walls of this viscus are of a thick and spongy texture, so that the heart has the appearance not so much of a double visceral sac, as of a sponge soaked with blood. Secondly, both the ventricles communicate with each other ; there is a muscular, and as it were tubular valve, going from the left to the right * RwamiDcrdam gives the clearest representatic n of the heart of the frog, ;ind of tlic vpftsels wliich are most immodiately connected with it, tab. 49. 160 ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. cavity, by means of which the former opens into the latter. Thirdly, the large arterial trunks arise all together from the right ventricle only ; no vessel coming from the left. The aorta, with its three principal branches,* is situated towards the right side and the upper part; the pulmonary artery comes as it were from a particular dilatation of the right ven- tricle,t which is not situated nearly in the middle of the basis of the heart ; (it must be understood, as we have already ob- served, that we apply these terms according to the horizontal position of the animal). We can now comprehend how this wonderful and anoma- lous structure, by which all the blood is propelled from the right ventricle only, is accommodated to the peculiar way of life of the animal, which subjects it frequently to remaining for a long time under water. For the greater circulation is so far independent of that which goes through the lungs, that it can proceed while the animal is under water, and thereby prevented from respiring, although the latter is impeded. In warm-blooded animals, on the contrary, no blood can enter the aorta, which has not previously passed through the lungs into the left ventricle; and hence an obstruction of respiration most immediately influences the greater circulation. The best and most intelligible delineations of the turtle's heart are those given by Mery ;J although he made an errone- * Two of these go to the abdomen ; the right is the proper aorta abdominalis ; the left is the ductus communicativus of Mery, who compared it to the ductus arteriosus of the foetus. f Mery and Morgagni considered this dilatation as a third ventricle, ventriculus intermedins ; hence it has happened, that some zootomists have ascribed to the turtle a single ventricle, (on account of the communication) ; some two, and others three. i Mtm. de I' Acad, des Sc. 1703. See also Morgagni's excellent account of the heart of the tortoise, in his Advei-s. Anat. V. A7nmalium, from which he draws the following correct inferences. Qu(b cum ita sijit. agnovi facile, sanguinem turn ab universo corpore, tum a pulmonibus redeuntem, ilium quidem per auriculam dexteram immediate, hunc vero per sinistrum, subjectumque sinistrum ventriculum, omnem deni- que in dextrum compelli, ut ab hoc, et communicante intermedio turn in cmyus Univer- sum, tum in pulmones propellatur. ' From these circumstances I ascertained that the blood which returns from the whole body, as well as that which returns from tiie lungs (the former immediately by the right auricle, and the latter by the left auri- ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 161 GUS application of them to the course which he supposed the blood to take in the heart of the human foetus. I conclude from a comparison with my own preparations, that his draw- ings were taken from the testudo caretta. The natural structure of the hearts of these animals has a striking analogy with the unnatural condition of this organ in persons born with the morbus cceruleus. This phenomenon with many others tends to shew that certain organs of the human embryo, as well as the whole of its earliest formation, are sub- jected to a kind of metamorphosis, the embryo first resembling the structure of the lower classes of animals, before it reaches the perfection of the human type. If during this change the completion of any organ should be interrupted by any acci- dental disturbance of the formative impulse, it remains in a state which has a greater or less resemblance to that of an in- ferior organization. Hence in many persons affected with the blue complaint, the ventricles communicate with each other by an opening in the septum, and both arteries arise from the right, and none from the left.* FISHES. I 166. The heart in this class of animals is extremely small in proportion to the body. Its structure is very simple, as it consists of a single auricle and ventricle, which correspond with the right side of the heart in warm-blooded animals.t The ventricle gives rise to a single arterial trunk (which is expand- ed in most fishes into a kind of bulb as it leaves the heart), going straight forwards to the hranchtce, or organs of respiration. The blood passes from these into a large artery, analogous to cle, and the left ventricle beneath it) was driven to the right ventricle, to be pro- pelled from it, and the intermediate one communicating with it to the whole body, as well as to the lungs. * At>ernethy's Surgical and Physiological Essays, part ii. p. 158. Jo. Conr. Tobler De Morho Cceruleo. Gotting, 1812, 4. J. C. Hein De istis Cordis Deformationibus qua sanguinem venosum cum arterioso misceri permittunt. Gott. 1816, 4. i See Tiidemian' 6 Armtomie des Fischherzens. Landshut, 1809. M 162 ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. the aorta, which goes along the spine and suppUes the body of the animal ; it is then returned by the venae cavae into the auricle;* a proof, among many others, of the power which the arteries possess of returning the blood, independently of the action of the heart. § 167. Most cold-blooded animals, as fishes, and the am- phibia of this country, (Germany) have a much smaller pro- portion of blood, and fewer blood-vessels than those with warm blood. On the contrary, they have a much greater number of colourless vessels arising from the arterial system. INSECTS. § 168. A true heart, and system of vessels connected with it, are found in a very few of what are called white-blooded ani- mals. In this class they seem to belong only to some genera of insects, which have no wings ; as the genus cancer, *f' and monoculus. It has been proved by the excellent investigations of Herold, J that the long dorsal vessel of the larvae, &c. com- municating an undulating pulsation, and carrying a kind of ichor, is protected on each side by a flat triangular muscle, and that it is an organ analogous to the heart. In the genera which we have mentioned, there seems to be no passage of the arterial extremities into the origins of veins, and conse- quently no true circulation. It appears that insects possess neither blood-vessels nor absorbents. Cuvier has examined, by means of the microscope, all those organs in this class, which in red-blooded animals are most vascular, without discovering the least appearance of a blood-vessel ; although ex- * Representations of the heart of a fish are given by Perraul t, in the Essais de Physique, torn. iv. tab. 19 ; by Duverney, in his posthumous CEuvres Anatomiques, torn. ii. tab. 9; by Gouan, Historia Piscium, tab. 4, (all these however call the trunk of the branchial artery, the aorta) ; and by Monro, in his Structure and Phy- siology of Fishes ; and above all Tiedemann, in the work above cited. t Willis De Anima Brutoi'um, tab. 3, fig. 1. Hösel's Insectenbelastigungen, vol. iii. tab. 58 ; and Treviranus über den Innern Bau der Arachniden, s. 16. t Über das Ruckeiigefass der Insecten, in the Abhandl. d. Naturforsch, Ges. iu Marburg, b. i. ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 163 tremely minute ramifications of the tracheae are obvious in every part. And Lyonet has traced and delineated in the caterpillar parts infi- nitely smaller than the chief blood-vessels must be, if any such ex- isted. Anatomie de la Chenille, &c. Yet insects, both in their perfect and in their larva state, have a memhrancus tube running along the back, in which alternate dilatations and contractions may be discerned. From this circumstance it has been supposed to be the heart ; but it is closed at both ends, and no vessels can be perceived to originate from it. It is obvious from these data, that the functions of nutrition and secretion must be performed in the animals which we are now consi- dering, in a very different manner from that which obtains in the more perfect classes. Cuvier expresses the mode, in which he sup- poses growth and nutrition to be effected, by the term " imbibition." And he explains from this circumstance, the peculiar kind of respi- ration which insects enjoy. Since the nutritive fluids have not been exposed to the atmosphere, before they arrive at the parts for whose nourishment they are destined ; this exposure is effected in the parts themselves by means of the air-vessels, which ramify most minutely over the whole body. " En un mot, le sang ne pouvant aller cher- cher I'air, c'est Fair qui va chercher le sang." (Legons d'Anat. comp. 1. xxiii. sect. 2, art. 5.) The heart of the crustacea, according to Cuvier, has no auricle, and it is what he calls an aortic heart. For it expels the blood into the arteries of the body, and this fluid passes through the gills previ- ously to its reaching the heart again. The different parts of the sys- tem are here found under a mode of connexion exactly the reverse of what we observe in fishes, where the blood is sent into the gills, and passes subsequently into the aorta. The circulating organ in that class is therefore a pulmonary heart. VERMES. ^ 169. In many genera of this class, particularly among the mollusca* and testacea,f there is a very manifest heart,;|: • See Swammerdam, of the Limax Maximus, tab, 9, of the Sepia Officinalis, tab. 52. Monro, On Fishes, tab. .'51. Cuvier, Tableau El^mentaire de I'Histoirc Natu- relle des Animaux, tab. 8, fig. 1. Home, Phil. Trans. 1817 ; and of the Aplysi« Fasciata. Cuvier, Mollusques, tab. ii, fig, 3. f See Poll, Tesiacea tUriusqw SicilicB, vol. i. and ii. for a representation of this in eeveral testacea. Willis, in the work above quoted, tab. 2, of the Oyster^ Swam- Btterdam, tab. .5, of the Helix Pomatia. Stlebel, of the Helix Stagnulis. t Cuvier divides the wiiole class of vermes, according as they are furnished with a heart and vascular Bystem, or are destitute of these organs, into two families ; the former l»e calls ■m«Uu$ca, the latter zoophyta, M 2 164 ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. which is sometimes of a singular structure. It consists, for in- stance, in the cuttle-ßsh, of one ventricle, and two auricles, which lie at some distance from the ventricle, near the gills. Some bivalves are said by Poli to have two auricles, and some even four. But in all these crustaceous animals, there has been no connexion hitherto discovered between the arteries and veins ;* while on the other hand some genera in other orders of this class have a connected system of vessels without a heart ;'f' and the proper zoophytes cannot be said to possess either; as their nutrition seems to be effected by an imme- diate derivation of the nutritive fluid from their abdominal ca- vity into the gelatinous parenchyma of their body. Baker, Fontana, Muller, and several other excellent natu- ralists, have considered the dark portion in the body of the wheel animal (vorticella rotatoria) to be a heart ; although it has voluntary motion, which is influenced by that of the radii, and they have employed this circumstance by a curious petitio principii, to prove that there are animals which have a volun- tary power of setting their heart in motion, or leaving it at rest. I have shewn twenty-three years ago:]: that this remarkable or- gan can by no means be looked upon as a heart, but is really an alimentary canal. According to Cuvier, the cuttle-fish has three hearts, neither of which possesses an auricle. Two of these organs are placed at the root of the two branchice ; they receive the blood from the body (the vena cava dividing into two branches, one for each lateral heart) and propel it into the branchiae. The returning veins open into the mid- dle heart ; from which the aorta proceeds. The other mollusca have a simple heart, consisting of one auricle and ventricle. The vena cava assumes the office of an artery, and carries the returning blood to the gills ; whence it passes to the auri- * See Poli, torn. ii. tab. 25, of the Area Norn, and tab. 27, of the Ostrea Jacobtsa, also torn. i. introduction, p. 39. f B. F. Bening De Hirudinibus, Hal-derov. 1776, 4to. a very excellent mono- graph; The medusa also have no heart, but a manifest circulating system of arte- ries and veins. See Mitchell, in Albers's Americanischen Annalen, p. 121. I The author completed his seventy-third year in the month of Sept. 1826 ; when many of the most distinguished physiologists and men of letters in Germany came to Göttingen for the purpose of celebrating a sort of philosophical jubilee in honour of their distinguished countryman. ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 165 cle, and is subsequently expelled into the aorta. Here therefore, as in the Crustacea, the heart is a 'pulmonary one. The vermes of Cuvier have circulating vessels, in which contraction and dilatation are perceptible ; without any heart. They can be seen very plainly in the lumbricus marinus. The leech, naias, nereis, aphro- dite, &c. are further examples of the same structure. This anatomist is of opinion that the mollusca, Crustacea, and vermes, possess no ab- sorbing vessels ; and he thinks that the veins absorb, as he finds them to have communication with the general cavity of the body, particularly in the cuttle-fish. Hence the above-mentioned classes will hold an intermediate rank between the vertebral animals which possess both blood-vessels and absorbents, and the insects which have neither. (Legons, &c. 1. 23, sect. 2, art. 4.) I The comparison of the circulating system in different classes of ani- mals constitutes one of the most interesting and important branches of investigation in the study of comparative anatomy ; and the stu- dent should bear in mind that it was in the course of his inquiries into the structure of the lower animals, that the immortal Harvey was led to the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Much valuable in- formation on this subject will be found in the lectures of Sir E. Home, from which work we extract the following observations. In animals that have no vascular system, consisting solely of a membranous bag, there is much reason to believe no waste of mate- rials takes place while in a quiescent state ; indeed the facts which Mr. Bauer has published in the Philos. Trans., respecting the worms that form the disease in wheat called by farmers the purples, of which Sir E. Home has taken notice in the first volume of his Comparative Anatomy upon the Digestive Organs of Worms and Insects, completely establishes this fact. Mr. Bauer has preserved some of these worms in a dried state, and has found, that although they have been kept so for six years, and even longer, when moisture is applied to them, and they are placed in the field of the microscope, they revive in five or six hours, and move with great agility. The animals next in order to these worms, are other genera of vermes, in which there is a circulation, but no heart : of this kind are all caterpillars and insects. In them the blood does not circu- late, and probably remains at rest at those times in which the animal is in a quiescent state ; but during the period of locomotion, or when feeding, or using other muscular exertion, the blood undulates from one end to the other of a large tube situated upon the back, at such times supplying the different organs, and becomes aerated by the air-vessels which pervade every part of the body. Were animals classed according to the different modes of aerating the blood, one great class might be formed of those animals, in which the air circulates through the body, and the blood is confined to a re- servoir ; another, when the blood circulates through the body, and the air is only applied to a particular portion of it. 166 ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. The heart will therefore be found to be of less importance than it has been generally considered, and only to be an organ met with in some of the higher orders of animals. When we consider the aeration of the blood in insects, it must be greater than in other animals ; and there is this curious circumstance, arising out of the bodies being so abundantly supplied with air, as soon as the cold is too great for their exerting muscular power, the spiracula become closed, and the animal remains in a torpid state ; by any increase of the warmth of the atmosphere, the air retained in the tubes is rarefied, the external orifices of the spiracula are forced open, and the functions of life are again carried on. This fact is not to be doubted, since we see the same thing take place in the vermes, when they shut up for the winter. The garden^ snail, as soon as the cold weather sets in, fixes itself upon any hard substances, by throwing out a slime which cements the open edge of the shell to the surface, and the snail remains there during the win- ter-months ; ail the organs of the body being in a state of rest. When warmth and moisture are applied, the membranous film falls off; a globule of air that remained in the cavity of the lungs be- comes rarefied, and forces its way out, and admits of fresh air being applied to these organs. In animals in which the circulation of the blood is carried on by means of a heart, the blood is aerated in very different propor- tions. The aphrodite aculeata has, properly speaking, no blood-vessels ; the water is received by thirty-two lateral openings between the feet, into the cavity under the muscles of the back, and there applied to the surfaces of the projecting cells, of which th^re are two rows, fif- teen in each ; through these the air in the water is communicated to the coeca contained in them, which Sir E. Home considered to be the respiratory organs. In the leech there is no heart, but a large vessel upon each side of the animal ; and the water is received through openings into the belly, into the cells or respiratory organs, and passes out through the same. In the earth-worm there is an artery that passes up the back, and a corresponding vein passing down from the head upon the middle of the belly ; near the head, there are five pair of lateral canals that swell out beyond the size of the large vein, so that they become re- servoirs of blood to supply the vessels of the head, when wanted to bore through the earth, and the action of the muscles so employed will, by their situation, accelerate the circulation. The oesophagus, lying in the center of these reservoirs, will, by the action of its coats while the animal is eating, have an influence on the circulation. The blood is aerated by lateral cells in the same manner as in the leech. In the muscle, the gut passes through the heart, which is an oval bag, having no auricle, unless the two large veins are called such j the ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 167 coats of the ventricle are very thin, but the action of the intestine makes up for this deficiency. In the earth-ivorm, the circulation is properly in a circle without beginning or ending. One vessel runs upwards to the head, along the back, communicating with the lateral reservoirs, but still a conti- nued tube goes on. It is the same with the vein or opposite vessel that runs down the tail, and the branches that go from the artery to the lateral cells, have corresponding branches returning the blood to the great vein. This may be considered as one mode of circulation peculiar to this tribe ; and it is admirably contrived that the blood may be accelerated in its motion by the muscular action of the body of the animal, without any increase of action in the arterial sys- tem. The aeration of the blood in this mode of circulation is imperfect, only one portion being aerated and mixed with the rest, in which no such changes have been produced. In the lumbricus marinus, although the principle of the circulation is the same, there are many strongly marked differences in the mode of carrying it into effect. There is, as in the ierrestris, one trunk behind, going from the tail to the head, and one from the head to the tail on the belly, completing the circle ; but in this animal there are external gills, which remain pro- truded while the animal is in the water, and the blood has such a ve- locity in these vessels, that they may be considered as so many small ventricles ; this is an approach to the construction of the gills of the sepia. In this circulation there are two regularly formed auricles, supplied by lateral veins from the viscera attached to the sides of the great artery, so as to increase the supply of the blood, and afford quantity as well as velocity ; while it gives off branches to the gills, the main trunk pursues its course, supplying the body. In this ani- mal, it is only a portion of the blood which is aerated, and from the structure of the gills that must be in a much greater degree than in the lumbricus ierrestris. The animal whose heart is nearest in structure to those described is the oyster, in which the whole blood is aerated in passing through the gills, before it is received into the auricle. In this animal, the auricle and ventricle are very thin in their coats, so much so as to make them unequal to apply force to the blood ; but the ventricle is laterally connected to the great muscle, whose action will accelerate the circulation. In the toredo navalis the heart is situated upon the back of the ani- mal near the head, consisting of two auricles of a thin, dark coloured membrane ; the auricles open by contracted valvular orifices into two white stony tubes ; those united form the ventricle which termi- nates in an artery that goes to the bony shell. I'he heart is loosely attached ; its action is distinctly seen through tlie external covering and in some instances continues to act after it is laid bare. 'I'hc first contraction is in the two auricles, whicli are shortened in 168 ON THE PIEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. that action, this enlarges the ventricle before it contracts. The great artery from the ventricle goes directly to the head, and the vessels that supply the auricles are seen to come from the gills. The auri- cles are lined with a black pigment, so that their contents cannot be seen through their coats ; and the ventricle from its thickness is not transparent, but the muscles of the boring shells are of a bright red, and all the parts between the heart and head are supplied with red blood. The structure of the heart is different from that of the lumbricus marinus, and consequently the circulation is by no means peculiar. This animal's heart may be said to be the first in this series that is complete, and this first regular circvdation of the blood, every part of which passes through the vessels of the gills, and even through the ca- vities of the heart. As this animal is to work a machine capable of boring a very hard substance, and to go on working during the whole of that period of life in which its growth is continued, to make room for the increased bulk, so it requires that the blood be more highly aerated and supplied with greater velocity to these active organs. The heart also, to give it greater advantage in these respects, is placed near to the boring shells, so that the blood which goes to them, is of the brightest colours. In this circulation the first action of the heart is to supply the dif- ferent parts of the body with aerated blood ; upon this the activity of the heart is wholly exerted ; the blood is returned more slowly through the gills, and remains there a longer time, so as to receive a greater degree of the influence from the air contained in the water. . This is the principle on which the circulation of many of the vermes is established, and is exactly the reverse of what takes place in fishes, reptiles, and the higher orders of animals. The mode in which the breathing organs of the torediues are sup- plied with water, makes it evident that all sea-worms which have no cavity for the reception of sea-water, must have the breathing organs placed externally, as is the case with all those species of actinia met with in the West Indies, called aniinal flowers, and the beautiful mem- branous expansions they display, resembling the petals of flowers, are in fact the breathing organs acting at the same time as tenta- cula. In the sepia this mode of circulation is rendered more complex, but the same principle is adhered to. In the torediues the water is in- timately applied to the gills from the simplicity of their structure ; but in the sepia they are more complex, and require force to apply the water to every part of them, and for this purpose there is a bulb and double valve placed at the roof of each gill. In the sepia the blood is brought to the gills from all parts of the body by three sets of veins, all branching off from the trunk of the vena cava. The common trunk that goes to each gill, is of so large a size and so thin in its coats, that to prevent the regurgitation of the blood, the valve is interposed ; the blood having got into the gills, ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. 169 and having pervaded every part of the branchiae, it is conveyed by a smaller trunk to the auricle, so that the gills vpill never be completely emptied ; it is then received into the ventricle, and carried into every part of the body. The circulation is also similar in the lamprey, lam- pores, the myxene, and an animal nearly allied to it from the South Seas, which has never received a specific name, although there are peculiarities in the gills from which these animals must be considered in their aeration inferior to fishes at large. In the lamprey and lampern, the water is received by the seven la- teral openings on each side of the animal into the bags that perform the office of gills, and passes out by the same orifices, the form of the cavities being such as to allow the water to go in at one side and out at the other, after having passed over all the projecting parts. Some of the water escapes into the middle tube, and from thence passes out either into the other bags or at the upper end into the oesopha- gus. The muscular structure of the branchial artery of the dog-fish, and the direction in which that artery leaves the ventricle, are exactly the same as in the squalus maxhnus, only they are seen on so small a scale, that they do not arrest our attention ; but when magnified to the same size which they acquire in this fish, they make a stronger impression upon the mind, and force us irresistibly to inquire after their use. The direction of the artery appears to be common to fishes in general, but the muscular structure that is met with in the bran- chial artery, is confined to particular tribes. Sir. E. Home met with it in the srurgeon, and says it is common to sharks. In tlie ivolf-ßsh, the anarhichus lupus, the muscular structure of the branchial artery is nearly the same, but the valves are placed close to the opening of the ventricle, and only two in number. In the turbot there is no muscular structure in this part, but the coats are extremely elastic, and admit of being very considerably dilated, particularly at its origin, where three valves are placed, and so contrived, that the dilatation of the artery makes them shut more closely. In the lophius piscatorius there is no appearance of muscularity in the coats of the branchial artery, and no lateral valves, as in other fishes ; but there is a muscular tube half an inch long, rising from the edge of the opening of the ventricle, which projects into the ar- tery. These different structures, so unlike one another, and bearing no resemblance to the mechanism in the same parts in quadrupeds, make it probable that the circulation through the gills is impeded by the external pressure of the water in different degrees according to the depth of the fish from the surface ; therefore in tliose fishes which frequent the great depths, as the squalus, in all its tribes, there is a muscular structure in the coats of the branchial artery, which, when the fish is deep in the water, by its contraction diminishes the area of the vessel, and makes the valves perform their office ; but wlicn the fish is near the surface, this muscular structure, by its re- 170 ON THE HEART AND BLOOD-VESSELS. laxation, renders the area of the artery so wide, that regurgitation of the blood takes place into the ventricles, and prevents the small ves- sels of the gills from being too much loaded. That such regurgitation can take place when the muscle is relaxed, is ascertained by the ventricle being readily injected after death with coarse injection from the artery, the valves allowing it to pass. In fishes that swim deep and do not come to the surface, as the wolf-fish, the regurgitation does not take place into the ventricle; but the relaxation of this muscular portion of the artery allows it to dilate and form a reservoir, and the valves remain closed so as to prevent more blood leaving the ventricle. In fishes residing at moderate depths, as the turbot, elasticity is employed as a substitute for muscular powers, there being less varia- tion. In the lophius piscatorius, which probably never descends into water of great depth, the ventricle is so weak that the supply of blood to the gills is regulated by the contraction and relaxation of a muscular valve. The heart of the inanatee, or dugong of the West Indies, has its ventricles completely detached from each other : when we compare this with the heart of the vjhale tribe, we find that the right ventricle in the whale is a nearer approach to the left than in the quadruped. The ventricles in the dugong, although similar in structure, are not exactly of the same size. The left is thickest, and half an inch longer. The auricles resemble those of the whale, having the same trans- verse ligamentous bands. The valves had nothing particular in their appearance. The foramen ovale was entirely closed, but its situation was dis- tinctly seen. The relative size of the aorta and pulmonary artery was the same as in the elephant. 171 CHAPTER XIII. OF THE ABSORBING VESSELS. § 170. It was regarded as an axiom even by Valsalva, that those animals, which have true blood-vessels, have also an absorbing or lymphatic system. It appears also that the con- verse of this proposition is true : viz. that those classes only have true lymphatic vessels, which possess at the same time a perfect circulating system of blood-vessels ; that is, only the four classes of red-blooded animals. In many of what are called white-blooded animals, there is a kind of absorption very evident ; as in the armed polypes, whose parenchyma becomes tinged in a short time with the colour of those insects which have been swallowed. The ex- istence of absorption is inferred by analogy from other pheno- mena, as the metamorphosis of larvce, Sec. But no true system of real absorbing vessels has been hitherto demon- strated in these animals.* § 171. This system (which comes most properly under con- sideration in the present chapter, on account of its relation to the circulation of the blood) consists of the lacteal vessels, which arise from the small intestines, and of the proper It/m- phatic vessels, which belong to the rest of the body. It in- cludes also the conglobate glands, which are found in most of the animals which have this system, and seem to consist merely of a congeries of vessels ; and lastly, the thoracic duct, * Sheldon has ascribed absorbing vessels to the silk-worm, and other larva. See his history of the absorbent system, part i. p. 28 ; and Monro to the echinus eiculen- tiu, (sea hedgehog) in his Phytiol. of Fishes, p. 88. 172 OF THE ABSORBING VESSELS. which is the chief canal for conveying the fluids from the lymphatic system into the blood. The structure and offices of the absorbent glands have been illus- trated by the observations of Mr. Abernethy on the formation of these parts in the whale. He found the mesenteric glands of that animal to consist of large spherical bags, into which several of the lacteals opened. Numerous vessels ramified on these cysts ; and the injection passed from their secerning extremities into the cavity. In the groin and axilla of the horse he also found them to consist of one or more cells. Hence there can be no doubt that the absorbed fluid must receive an addition in its passage through these bodies. Philos. Trans. 1796, pt. 1. It has been much questioned whether the lymphatics have any communication with the venous system prior to the termination of the thoracic duct. The observations of that ingenious veterinary surgeon, Mr. Bracy Clark, have determined this question in the affirmative ; as he has found the trunk of the lymphatic system to have several openings into the lumbar veins in the horse. Rees's Cyclopcedia, article Anatomy Veterinary. The communication of the lymphatics with the veins in the four classes of vertebrated animals has of late years been demonstrated by Lippi, Fohmann, and Lauth, and in the anatomical museum of Heidel- berg there are numerous beautiful specimens shewing this fact. MAMMALIA. § 172. All the parts of the absorbing system, which have been just enumerated, are most perfect and manifest in this class of animals : it is well known indeed that all the chief parts of this important system of vessels have been first disco- vered in mammalia. When their lacteals contain chyle, they are distinguished by their white colour from the other absorb- ing vessels, the contents of which are either limpid, or of a slight yellow tinge. The former vessels run together in con- siderable trunks, particularly in the sheep and goat : the lat- ter, or true lymphatics, may be seen to advantage on the hind- leg of the horse, where they follow a tortuous course. The thoracic duct is double in some quadrupeds,* as in the dog, and forms at its commencement, more constantly than in the human subject, a vesicular enlargement, called the cisterna, * Pecquet, Exjyerimenta Nova Anatomica, p. 21, ed. of 1654. OF THE ABSORBING VESSELS. 173 or receptaculum chyli. The course and distribution of the thoracic duct vary in quadrupeds, at least in our domestic animals, as much as in the human subject. It forms, not un- frequently, in the dog a kind of annular portion at its upper, or more properly anterior end ; which trivial variety Van Bils transformed into a constant and important circumstance, and called " receptaculum tortuosum" * In many mammalia, particularly of the order ferce, the me- senteric glands are collected into one mass, which is known by the inappropriate name of 'pancreas Asellu.-\ Sir Everard Home has found that in the sea-otter the receptaculum chyli sends two trunks to form the thoracic duct. These have fre- quent communications ; so that there are sometimes three, frequently four, and never fewer than two trunks running parallel to each other. PUlos. Trans. 1796, pt. 2. BIRDS. § 173. The chyle is transparent in this class ; therefore the lacteals are only distinguished from the lymphatics by their situation and office. There are no glands in the mesentery, although conglobate glands are found in other parts in several of the larger birds. Their thoracic duct is double.:j: In a communication made to the Academy of Medicine at Paris in 1819, M. Magendie denied the existence of lymphatics, with few ex- ceptions, in the class of birds. He dissected more than fifty birds of different kinds, and was not enabled to discover the lymphatics in any part of the body except in the neck of the swan and goose ; in this part he found the lymphatics and glands as in mammalia, filled with a diaphanous and colourless lymph. The opinion of Magendie has been satisfactorily refuted by several anatomists, particularly by Dr. Lauth of Strasburg, who, in an excellent treatise, entitled Memoire sur les vaisseaux Lymphntiques des Oiseaux et sur la maniere de les preparer, has proved the existence of lymphatics in birds. § * He has represented it in a very beautiful plate, as far as the engraving goes, in his Responsio ad Admonitiones, Jo. Ab. Home. Roterod. 1661, 4, p. 7. t Asellius De Ladibus, tab. 1 and 2. X Hewson, in the Phil. Trans, vol. Ivii. tab. 10, of the cock. See also Magendie, in his Journal de Physiologie ExipirimeiUale, torn. i. 1821. $ See the wrork recently published by Fohmann, Teacher of Anatomy at Liege, en- 174 OP THE ABSORBING VESSELS. AMPHIBIA. § 174. Lacteals are found in great number in the delicate mesentery of the turtle. The thoracic duct is double. There seem to be no lymphatic glands at all.* The distribution of the lymphatics on the intestine of the turtle forms one of the most elegant preparations in comparative anatomy. By fixing the injecting tube in a vessel near the intestine, and wait- ing with a little patience, the quicksilver will gradually find its way into the minute ramifications of the lacteals. The peritoneal surface of the gut is covered with very minute straight parallel branches, running according to the length of the intestine. Its inner surface is no less thickly covered with lacteals of a different appearance. When dried it seems as if the quicksilver were contained in small cells, co- vering the whole internal surface of the intestine so completely that the point of a pin could scarcely be placed between them. FISHES. I 175. The lymphatics of these animals seem to be desti- tute of glands and valves: they want also the lymphatic glands, and their thoracic duct divides, at least towards its anterior part, into two chief branches. + titled Das Saugader System der Wirbelthiere Von. Vin, Fohmann, Das Saugader System der Fische. Heidelb. and Leips. 1827, representing the lymphatics of the stomach, liver, spleen, intestines, genital organs, and fins, as well as the thoracic duct of the gymnotus electricus, eel, pike, &c. Professor Fohmann has announced his intention of delineating and describing the lymphatics in the other classes of verte- brated animals in a future publication. * Monro's Physiol, of Fishes, tab. 30. t Hewson and Monro, in the works quoted above. See also Bartholin, Jhiat, Benov. p. 609, of the cyclopterus lumpiis (lumpsucker). 175 CHAPTER XIV. ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. § 176.* The incessant continuation of the great chemical pro- cess by which oxygen, the true pabulum vitae, is exchanged for hydrogen and carbon, is essentially necessary to the well- being of the greater part of animals. Yet the organs and mechanism by which this wonderful function is carried on vary very considerably ."f In the mammalia after birth ; in birds, when they have left the egg; and in amphibia when completely formed, the chief organ of this function is the lungs ; in fish it is performed in the gills ; in most insects in their trachece ; in the vermes, in analogous, but at the same time very different parts. MAMMALIA. ^ 177. The lungs of quadrupeds agree on the whole in structure, form, and connexion, with those of the human sub- ject. In the cetacea, on the contrary, and in the web-footed * Much instructive information on the respiratory system in different animals may be found in Geoff. St. Hilaire, Philosophie Anatomique. Par. 1818. t Aug. Broussonet VaricB Positiones circa Respirationem. Monspel. 1778, 4; also Ludwig's Delectus Opusculor. ad Scient, Naturalem spectant. Lipsiae, 1790, 8, p. 118. Chr. L. Nitzsch De Respiratione Animalium, Viteb. 1808, 4. G. J. Van Der Boon Mesch De Circulatione et Respiratione Animalium Pulmonibus instructorum, Leid. 1812, 4. Fouquet De Organi Respiratorii in Animalium serie cvolutiom, Jen. 1818, 8. A. F. Schweigger's Classification der Thiere nach den Respirations-Organen, im Königiberger Archiv, fwr Naturmss. etc. i. th. p. 90. 17G OF THE ORGANS OF RESPIFvATION. mammalia, (as the manati) which approach most nearly to them, they are distinguished by a firmer texture, particularly of the investing membrane, and by their peculiar form ; since they are not divided into lobes, but have an elongated and flattened appearance. They are adherent to the pleura, as well as to the very strong and muscular diaphragm.* BIRDS. § 178. The respiratory organs of this class constitute one of the most singular structures in the animal economy, on ac- count of several peculiarities which they possess ; but more particularly in consequence of their connexion with the nu- merous air-cells which are expanded over the whole body. + The lungs themselves are comparatively small, flattened, and adherent above to the chest, where they seem to be placed in the intervals of the ribs ; they are only covered by the pleura on their under surface, so that they are in fact on the outside of the cavity of the chest, if we consider that cavity as being defined by the pleura; a great part of the thorax, as well as the ab- domen, is occupied by the membranous air-cells,J into which the lungs open by considerable apertures. Those of the tho- rax are divided, at least in the larger birds, by membranous transverse septa into smaller portions,§ each of which, as well as the abdominal cells, has a particular opening of communica- tion with the air-cells of the lungs, and consequently with the trachea. The membranes of these cells in the larger birds are provided here and there with considerable fasciculi of muscu- lar fibres, which have been regarded as a substitute for the diaphragm, which is wanting in this class of animals. || They * Tyson's Anatomy of a Phocana, p. 30. t Ladisl. Cliernak De Respiratione Volucrum, 1773, 4to. Fuld De Organis qiiibus Aves spiritum ducunt. Wirceb. 1816. Harvey De Generat. Animal. 1651. i Discovered by Harvey, De Generatione Animalium, p. 4. § Perrault, Essais de Physique, torn, iii, tab. 18, of the ostrich. II Casp. Bartholin Diaphragmatis Structura Nova. Paris, 1676, 8, p. 31. Modern zootomists have been divided on the question, which of the membranes, in or about ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 177 also serve very principally, as we may ascertain by examining large birds in a living state,* to drive back again into the lungs the air which they received in inspiration, whence the repletion and depletion of the thoracic cells must alternate with those of the abdominal cavities. t The cartilaginous annuli of the trachea, which are in general more complete in the other mammalia than in man, are perfect circles in birds, and overlap each other at their upper and lower margins. Hence the diameter of this part is not affected by any twisting motion of the neck. The air-vessels are considerably larger than in the mammalia, and the substance of the lungs is not divided into lobuli. The cartilages of the trachea are lost before that tube enters the lung, and some of its large branches open on the surface of the viscus. In the ostrich this aperture is surrounded by circular muscular fibres, a peculiarity which does not seem to have been hitherto noticed §179. Besides these cells, a considerable portion of the skeleton is formed into receptacles for air in most birds ; for there are indeed exceptions and considerable variations in the different genera and species. This structure is particularly marked in the larger cylindrical bones, as the scapula, clavicle, and femur. It is also found in most of the broad and multan- gular bones of the trunk, as the sternum, ossa innominata, dorsal vertebras, &c. All these are destitute of marrow:|: in the adult bird, at least in their middle ; so that the cylindrical bones form large tubes, which are only interrupted towards the extremities by a sort of transverse bony fibres ; the broad bones are filled with a reticulated bony texture, the cells of which are empty. They have considerable apertures § (most easily shown in those extremities of the cylindrical bones the chest of the bird, can be properly compared to the diaphragm. See J. Hunter, in the Philos. Trans, vol. Ixiv. part i. p. 207 ; and Mich. Girardi, in the Memorie della Societu Italiana, torn, ii, part ii. p. 739. * Wepfer, CicutcB Aquaticce Ilhtoria, p. 171. t J. B. Du Hamel, Histenia Academ. Reg. Scient. p. 141. } This fact was known to the Emperor Frederic II. See his treatise De Art» tenandi cum Avibus, p. 39 of Schneider's edition. J Camper's Kleine Schriften, vol. i. part i. tab. 1 and 4. N 178 ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. which are turned towards the sternum) communicating with the kings by small air-cells ; which facts may be shewn by va- rious experiments on living and dead birds.* These receptacles of air probably serve the purpose of lightening the body of the bird in order to facilitate its mo- tions. This effect is produced in most birds to assist their flight \f in some aquatic species, for the purpose of swimming ; in the ostrich and some others for running. Hence we find -the largest and most numerous bony cells in birds which have the highest and most rapid flight, as the eagle, &c. And hence also the bones of the bird which has just left the egg, are filled with a bloody marrow, which is absorbed soon after birth, entirely in some, in others, particularly among the aquatic species, for the greater part. We may however conclude on the other hand, that all these bony receptacles of air are not, like those of the thorax and abdomen, immediately connected with the respiration of the animals. For in many birds the interval between the two tables of the cranium contains air, while the apertures for its admission are not connected with the lungs, but merely with the Eustachian tube. § 180. The immense bill of some birds, which are for that reason called levirostres, is provided with air from the same quarter. This structure is not therefore connected, as some anatomists J have supposed, with the organ of smelling, but forms a part of the air-cells. ^181. Besides the uses which have been already pointed out, these receptacles of air diminish the necessity of breath- ing frequently in the rapid and long continued motions of se- * Some curious experiments have been made on this subject by Dr. Albers. He made living birds respire the different gases through the air-cells of their bones by means of an apparatus invented for the purpose. See his Beyträge »ur Anatomie und Physiologie der Thiere, parti. Bremen, 1802, 4, p. 110. t Willis De Anima Brutorum, p. 30. Reimarus, in Reil's and Autenrieth's Archiv, vol. xi. p. 229. ■If Cajet. Monti, in the Comment. Instit. Bowon. torn, iii. p. 298; and recently Si Traill, in the Trans, of the Linnßan Society, vol. xi. p. 11. ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 179 veral birds, and in the great vocal exertions of the singing birds.^ They are also obviously serviceable in the evacuation of the fasces, and probably assist in the expulsion of the egg. The bones of birds, in so far as their air-cells are concerned, form two distinct systems, the one being filled with air through the trachea and lungs, the other immediately from the mouth or nose. To the latter the bones of the head, to the former those of the trunk, of the neck and extremities belong. With very little practice one may tell, in a bone fully developed, whether it contains air-cells or not, from the mere external appearance, without at all seeing the opening through which the air enters. Such bones, in addition to their being devoid of marrow, are generally of a clearer white colour than those filled with marrow. Frequently the external walls of the air-bones are so thin that their internal cells can be very well seen. Neverthe* less, mere external appearances may deceive, and in order to pre- vent this the openings leading to the air-cells should be sought for- These openings are in general, as their connexion with the lungs or air-tubes renders necessary, situated in concealed parts, and the ex- tremities of bones. This circumstance, coupled with their smallness, makes their discovery so difficult, that in many cases not only the cleaning of the skeleton and the separation of the bones from all their connexions, but also the minutest examination of their surface, are necessary to discover their existence. In long bones the openings tq the air-cells is generally situated close to either extremity. In bones which exist in pairs there is commonly only one, or where several exist they are so close together as to be nearly united. The direction in which the openings penetrate the bony parietes is not uniform. Sometimes it is oblique, so that a short oblique canal is formed ; at others there is an oblique groove with a sieve-like base for the entrance of the air. The edges of the openings are even, smooth, and rounded, which gives them a peculiarly regular appearance. Their shape is either circular, oval, or elliptical. Their breadth bears some kind of proportion to the size of the bone, or at least to the extent of the internal cells, so that large birds, and large bones, have much larger openings than the small ones. There are, however, very re- markable exceptions. With respect to the internal air-cells great differences exist. There has been found in the internal periosteum which lines the air-cells, in the bones of the upper and lower extre- mities, a fine net-work of blood-vessels. It is known that the air- bones in young birds are filled with marrow, which becomes gradu- ally absorbed to make room for the admission of air. This gradual expansion of the air-cells, and absorption of the marrow, can no where be observed so well as in young tame geese when killed at dif- • Willis De Anima Brutorum, p. 30. N 2 180 ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATIOF. ferent periods of the autumn and winter. The limits to the air-cells may be clearly seen from without by the transparency of the bony parietes. From week to week the air-cells increase in size, till to- wards the close of the season the air-bones become transparent. In all these bones the marrow first disappears from the vicinity of the opening which admits the air, and continues longest at the points further removed from this opening. Towards the close of the sum- mer and beginning of autumn, although in external appearance the young goose resembles the parent, no trace of air-cells can be disco- vered in Its bones, the interior of the bones being then filled with marrow. About the fifth or sixth month the marrow begins to dis- appear. This circumstance, which applies also to other birds, shows with what caution one should form an opinion, from young birds only, on the size of the air-cells. In many kinds of birds the air-cells of some bones are never fully developed, although they have the open- ings in the bones which lead to the air-cells. The obvious use of this construction in the bones of birds,^ appears to be that of lessening the weight of the bone as compared with its size, without at the same time diminishing their necessary peripherical extent. Whether birds possess the power of voluntarily letting out the air so as to render them specifically lighter, or whether they contain lighter gases in them, has not been ascertained. Fid. Nitzsch-s Osteograf. Beitrage, " In the eagle, Tiawk, stork, lark, and other high flying birds, these cells are very large ; and in many of those birds there are stilljarger cells, ascending under the integuments of the neck, and passing be- neath the skin of the inside of the arm and back of the shoulder; In the stork we find these cells large enough to admit the finger to pass a considerable way down upon the inside and back of the wing. They are also large in the owl and other birds of prey." Macartney in Rees's Cyclopedia^ art. Birds. AMPHIBIA. § 182. The lungs of amphibia* are distinguished from those of warm-blooded animals, both by a great superiority in point of size, as well as by a greater looseness of texture ; which circumstances are serviceable in swimming in many of these animals. It is well known that the lungs of turtles and frogs do not collapse on opening the animals, like those of mammalia, but often remain expanded, at least partially, for some time. Mal- * On the respiratory system of this class, see Meckel, in his Archiv, vol. iv. p. 60. ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 181 pighi, and lately Townson,* have explained this phenomenon by the action of the constrictor muscles of the glottis. Bre- mond thought this insufficient according to his experiments, and ascribed much effect to the peculiar vitality of the lungs.f The amphibia are distinguished in all instances by the great size of their air-vesicles. In the/ro^s, lizards, and serpents, the lung consists of a cavity, the sides of which are cellular. The lower, or posterior part of the organ, either forms a mere membranous bag (the parietes of which are not cellular), or else the vesicles are larger at that part than elsewhere. In the serpents the lung has that elongated form, which characterizes all the viscera of these animals. A considerable portion of it is a simple membranous cavity ; and this is supplied •with arteries from the surrounding trunks. The turtles have a more complicated structure, or one which approaches more nearly to that of the warm-blooded classes. The lungs are uniform in their texture throiighout, but the vesicles are very large. The cartilaginous an- nuli of the bronchi terminate before these vessels enter the lungs. § 183. There are numerous projecting processes in the lungs of the cliameleon% and newt; in the latter animal they terminate behind in an elongated bladder. The serpents, at least for the most part, have only a single lung, which forms an elongated vesicular bag. In a coluber of four feet and a half long, the lung measured one foot one inch ; its anterior half resembled a muscular intestine in appearance, and had an elegantly reticulated internal surface, which resembled on a small scale the inner surface of the second stomach of the ruminating animals. The posterior part formed merely a simple and long cavity with thin sides. § 184. In the tadpole, and the young of such lizards as bring forth in water, there are two organs, which somewhat resemble the gills of a fish {appendices ßmbriatce, Swammer- dam).§ It has been doubted whether the young of the true * De Amphihiis. Goett. 1794, 4. f See on the same subject Rudolphi's experiments, in his Anatomisch-Physiologis- che Abhandlungen, p. 119. G. R. Treviranus, Biologie, vol. iv. p. 141 ; and espc' tially Const, de Weltzien De pulmonum autenergia in organico respiralionis mechu' nimo. Dorp. 1819, 102. i Vallisnieri's htoria del Cameleonte, p. 68, tab. 3. § Biblia Natura, p. 822. Rösel, tab. 2, fig, 18 ; and especially Conr. de 18^ ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. salamander are provided with these appendices ; and Latreille, in his Histoire Naturelle des Salamandres de France, p. 19, and seq. has the following question, " Lesjeunes salamandres terreslres out elles des branches? voila une question que je mets encore au rang des problemes." I answered this question in the affirmative forty-one years ago ; having observed that the young of some pregnant salamanders, whom I kept in my room in glasses, and who brought forth under my inspection, had considerable branchial appendices.* These appendices are connected to the sides of the neck, and hang loose from the animal ; they are not permanent, but are gradually with- drawn into the chest, (within a few days, in the reptiles of this country (Germany), where their remains may still be per^ ceived for some time + near to the true lungs. That doubtful animal, the siren lacertina from Carolina, has, according to Hunter's dissection, two bladder-like lungs, besides the exter- nal branchise.^ The same circumstance holds good respecting that no less mysterious creature, \)s\q proteus anguinus, from the Cirknitz or Sitticher lake of Carniola ; whose remarkable internal struc- ture has been described and delineated by Dr. Schreibers in the Philos. Trans, for 1801 ;§ and more recently by Signors Configliachi and Rusconi in their elaborate monograph on the proteus anguinus. - Instead of the branchial opening by which fishes again dis- charge the water, which they have taken in at the mouth, Hasselt Observationes de Metamorphosi quurundam partium RancB temporarieE. Groning'. 1820 ; and ÄI. Rusconi Degli organi della circolazione delle lane delle Salamandre aquatiche. Paris, 1817. * See the Specimen Physiologicc comparatce, in the 8th vol. of the G'ottiitgen Com- mentaries. t Swammerdam, loo. citat. Kosel, p. 82, tab. 19, fig. 2. I Philos. Trans, vol. Ixv. p. 307. § On these two mysterious animals, as well as the larvae of several frogs and sa- lamanders, consult Cuvier's Recherches Anatomiipies sur les Reptiles regardis encore comme douteux par les Naturalises. Par. 1807; Humboldt's Travels, and Bon- pland's 2nd part of his Observations d' Anatomie cornparee, ler vol. 181 L Configli- achi et Rusconi Monografia del Proteo ängüino. Pa.v. 1819. ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 183 some tadpoles have for this purpose a canal on the left side of the head near the eye,* which must be distinguished from the small tube on the lower lip, by which they attach themselves to aquatic plants.*!- After an elaborate anatomical description of the proteus anguinus, Signors Configliachi and Rusconi proceed to inquire whether it be true, as many naturalists have believed, that this reptile breathes with its branchiae and lungs at the same time, and, secondly, whether the sirena lacertina is to be considered by zoologists as a larva, or as a perfect animal. In respect to the bony apparatus of the branchifs, they found a remarkable difference between the proteus, the sirena, and the larvae of salamanders and frogs, botli as to form and hardness. In the sire}i and lai'vcE there are four branchial arches on each side, which are furnished with several projections on the surface ; in the proteus there are but three arches, which are perfectly smooth ; those of the proteus are osseous, while those of the siren and larz<£ are cartila- ginous. These differences did not escape M. Cuvier, who in speaking of the proteus, observes, that the bony apparatus of the branchias is much harder than it is in the sirena and the axolotl. Signors Con- figliachi and Rusconi observed in the larvce of frogs, that when tlieir spine is nearly hardened into bone, and their metamorphosis is beginning to be accomplished, the branchial arches become softened, and ready to be absorbed. They observed the same thing in the larvae of salamanders, with this difference, that the ossification of the spine takes place in the latter much sooner than the period of their metamorphosis ; and when that period arrives, the portion of their branchial apparatus, which remains to be converted into the os hyoides, instead of softening, becomes hardened into bone. Thus their observations fully confirm the conjecture of M. Cuvier, who, in his description of the axolotl, has observed, that the apparatus sup- porting the branchiae has a great resemblance to that of the sirena, and that probably, at the period of its metamorphosis, a portion remains to form the os hyoides of the salamander. Now, if the branchial arches of the sirena, dissected by M. Cuvier, were entirely cartilaginous, although the cranium, the lower jaw, and the vertebrce, were already perfectly ossified, and if these are similar, in form and number to those of the axolotl, which, in the opinion of M. Cuvier himself, is a larva, and if, moreover, the branchial arches of the proteus, which is a perfect animal, are osseous, and different in all respects from those of the larvae hitherto known, do not all these facts furnish us with a strong argument to prove that the sirena * llösel, tab. 8, fig. 7, 8. Tliis organ is very conspicuous in the lurge larva; of the rana paradoia, t Rösel, tab. 14, fig. 17. Rosenthal, in tiie Verliandl. der Berlin naturfur&ch, CeuUicli, vol. i. part 1, 1819. 184 ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. lacertina is a perfect animal, and therefore essentially different from the proteus ? Signors Configliachi and Rusconi, after a minute exa- mination of the organs of circulation and respiration in the proteus, sirena, and above mentioned larvce, conclude, that the proteus anguinus is not an amphibious animal, with a double circulation, as many have asserted, but a perfect reptile, entirely differing from all others, inasmuch as it is a reptile in respect of its simple circulation, and a fish in respect of its modeof breathing ; in other words, it is a reptile which in breathing inhales air mixed with water, whereas other rep- tiles breathe atmospheric air ; so that if we adopt the notion of a chain of beings, the proteus anguinus would be the link uniting rep- tiles with fishes. As the proteus is an animal which breathes only in the water, and as its branchial circulation can be regarded only as a minute part of its general circulation, it follows that it consumes less oxygen than fishes. Hence the quantity of blood which is de- carbonized in its branchiae, within a given space of time, must be much less than that which, under similar circumstances, is decarbo- nized by fishes. This accounts for its inertness, its slow growth, its power of fasting longer than any other animal of its class, the fluidity of its blood, and its capability of living in stagnant water, where a fish of its size would die. FISHES. § 185. Instead of lungs, this class of animals is furnished ■with gills or branchice ; which are placed behind the head, on both sides, and have a moveable gill-cover, {operculum bran- cliiale) which is wanting in the order oi jpisces chondropterygii only. By means of these organs, which are connected with the throat, the animal receives its oxygen from the air contain- ed in the water ;* as those animals which breathe, derive it immediately from the atmosphere. They afterwards discharge the water through the branchial openings {aperturce bran- duales) ; and therefore they are distinguished from animals of the three preceding classes by this circumstance ; viz. that they do not respire by the same way that they inspire. § 186. We have already shewn how the gills receive the venous blood by means of the branchial artery, and how this blood is sent into the aorta after its conversion into the arte- rial state. The distribution of these vessels on the folds and * Vide Dumeril, on the mechanism of respiration in fishes, in the Magazin, Ency- clopedique, by Millin, 1807, vol. vi. p. 35. ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 185 divisions of the gills constitutes one of the most delicate and minute pieces of structure in the animal economy.* Each of the gills consists, in most fisheSj-f- of four divisions, resting on the same number of arched portions of bone or car- tilagCj connected to the os hyoides. Generally there is only a single opening for the discharge of the water ; but in many cases, particularly among the cartilaginous fishes, there are se- veral openings. § 187. Many animals of this order possess a single or dou- ble swimming bladder, J which in the fresh-water fishes of this country, (Germany) contains azotic gas ; and in salt-water fishes, chiefly carbonic acid gas. It has not been hitherto de- termined, whether it be subservient to any other functions,^ besides that well known one, from which its name is derived. In the mean time, like the air-receptacles of birds it may be considered without impropriety in the present division of the work. It is placed in the abdomen, and closely attached to the spine. It communicates generally with the oesophagus, and sometimes with the stomach, by a canal {ductus pneumaticus) containing, in some instances, as the carp, valves which seem to allow the passage of air from the bladder, but not to admit its entrance from without. The air-bladder does not exist in many fishes ; whence Cuvier ar- gues with justice against the opinion which assigns this part an im- portant office in respiration. Indeed it seems much more probable * Fischer's Xaiurhütor, Fragmente, vol. i. p. 213. f It is represented by Monro, in the haddock and salmon, tab. 25 and 26. J See Gott. Fischer über die Schwimmblase der Fische. Leipzig, 1795, 8vo. ; and additions to it in his Naturhistor. Fragmente, vol. i. p. 229, &c. In both these works he delineates the bladders of several fishes. Representations of several others may be seen in Needham De Formato Fcetu, tab. 7. Redi, De Viventibus intra Viventia, tab. 3, 6 j and the Obs. Anat. Collegii privati Amstelod. pt. 2, tab. 10. § Consult Aug. W. Zachariii's Elemente der Luftschwimmkunst. Wittenb. 1807, p. 90. On the remarkable connexion with the organ of hearing, vide E. H. Weber De aure Animalium cujuatilium. Lips. 1820, 4. 186 ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. that it is subservient to the motions of the animal. For it is lar- gest in such fishes as swim with considerable velocity. It is want- ing in the flat fishes ; where the large lateral fins supply its place, and in the shark, where its absence is compensated by the size and strength of the tail. It does not exist in the Inmprey, which possesses none of these compensations for its absence ; that fish therefore creeps slowly at the bottom of the water. It is found in some species of scomber : while others want it, viz. the mackarel [scomber scombrus). Its form is infinitely varied in the different genera and species. Its cavity is generally uniform ; but sometimes divided by septa, as in the silurus ; and being even very cellular in the diodon. Its sides vary considerably in thickness, and are sometimes bony, as in the cobitisfossilis. There is generally a vascular and glandular body situated in the cavity, which probably secretes the contained air. In the perca (abrax are two bodies on the outside of the bag, giving rise to several ves- sels, which contain air. These vmite together, and open into the ca- vity. INSECTS. § 188. That white-blooded animals indispensably require a species of respiration, would have been inferred by analogy from the wonderful apparatus of gills or tracheae, which have been discovered in most orders of both classes of these beings. But in many cases direct proof has been obtained on this point : experiment has actually proved the exchange of carbon for oxygen.* White-blooded animals are moreover distinguished from those which have red blood, by this circumstange, that none of the former, as far as we hitherto know, take in air through, the mouth. § 189. Many aquatic insects, -f* as the genus cancer, have a species of gills;|: near the attachment of their legs. The others, ■ • See the two following very valuable works, F. L, A. Sorg, Disquisitio Physiolo- gica circa Respirationein Inscctorutn et Vermium ; and Fr. Hausmann, Tentamen solu- tionis a Societat. Reg. Sciential', Getting, circa Respirationem Insectorum propositee Questioriis, t I. F.' Martinet De Respiratione Insectorum, Lugd. Batav. 1753-4. X They are represented in the crawfish by Willis, De Anima Brutorum, tab, 3, fig. 2 and 3 ; and in Rosel'S Insectenbelustigungen, part iii. tab. 58, fig. 9, 11, tab. 59, fig. 17 ; and in G. Succow, Specimen MyologioB Insectorum, tab. 1, fig. 1. ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 187 and particularly the land-insects, which constitute, as is well known, by far the greatest number of this class of animals, are furnished with air-vessels or tracheae, which ramify over most of their body.* These tracheae are much larger and more numer- ous in the larva state of such insects as undergo a metamor- phosis (in which state also the process of nutrition is carried On to the greatest extent) than after the last, or, as it is called, the perfect change has taken place. In this class of animals the scorpions, being also provided with fins, present an extraordinary instance of an animal, which, though living nearly in the air, breathes like fishes.+ § 190. A large air-tube (trachea) lies under the skin on each side of the body of larvae, and opens externally by nine aper- tures {stigmata): it produces on the inside the same number of trunks of air-vessels, {branchicE) which are distributed over the body in innumerable ramifications.^ Both the tracheae and branchiae are of a shining silvery co- lour ; and their principal membrane consists of spiral fibres. The most numerous and minute ramifications are distributed on the alimentary canal ; particularly on the above-mentioned corpus adiposum. § 191. There is a great variety in the number and situa- tion of the external openings by which insects receive their air.§ * Cart. Spreyel De partibus quibus insecta spiriium ducunt. Leips. 1815. f Treviranus über den innern Bau der Araclmiden. Numb. 1812, X Lyonet Anatomie de la Chenille, &c. tab. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 11. The same organs have been represented by Swammerdam, in the scarabceus nasicümis, tab. 29, fig. 9, 10, tab. 30, fig. 1, 10. In the lucanus cervtis (stag-beetle) by Malpighi, De Bomhyce, tab. 3, fig. 2 ; in a cicada, ibid. fig. 3. In a gryllus, (grasshopper) ibid. tab. 4, fig. 1 ; also by Cuvier, in the Mem. de la Soc. d'Hist. Naturelle de Paris, an 7, p. 39. In the silk-worm by Malpighi, tab. 3, fig. 1. In a libellula by Cuvier, in the work just quoted, fig. 2, 5, 6, In the E-phemera by Swammerdam, tab. 14, fig. 1, tab. 15, fig. 1, 4, 7. In the bee, ibid, tab. 17, fig. 9, 10, tab. 25. fig. 10, tab. 24, fig. 1, 2, 3. In the otstrus bovis, by Mr. B. Clark, in the Transact, of the Linno'an Society, vol. iii. tab. 23, fig. 25. In the maggot of the fly by Swammerdam^ tab. 40, 41, 42, 43. In the louse, ibid, tab. 1, fig. 8, 4, 7. $ See the work above quoted, by Hau9»mann. ISS ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. In most instances the stigmata are placed on both sides of the body. The atmospheric air enters by an opening at the end of the abdomen in several aquatic larvae, and even perfect insects. A very remarkable change in this respect takes place in several animals of this class during their metamorphosis. Thus in the larva of the common gnat, {culex pipiens) the air enters by an opening on the abdomen ; while in the nympha of the same animal, it gains admission by two apertures on the head.* VERMES. § 192. In this class, which comprehends such very different animals, the structure of the respiratory organs is proportion- ally various.t Some orders, as those which inhabit corals, the proper zoophytes, and perhaps the intestinal worms, ap- pear to be entirely destitute of these organs ; so that if any vital function, analogous to respiration, is carried on in these animals, it must be effected by methods which yet remain to be discovered. § 193. Those vermes, however, which are furnished with proper organs of respiration, have the same variety in their structure which was remarked in insects. Some, as the cuttle- ßsJi,X oyster,% &c. have a species of gills, varying in structure in different instances. But the greatest number have air-ves- sels or tracheae.!! Several of the testaceous vermes have both * Swammerdam, Algem, verhandel. Van de Bloedeloose Bierkens, tab. 2. f The reader may consult on this subject Cuvier, in the Journal d'Histoire Na- turelle, 1792, torn, ii, p. 85 ; and in his Tableau d'Histoire Naturelle des Animaux, p. 384 ; also Sorg and Haussmann, in their works quoted above. And Spallanzani Memdres sur la Respiration. Geneve, 8vo. 1803. i Swammerdam, Biblia Natures, tab. 51, fig. 1. Monro, tab. 41, fig. 1. And particularly Dr. C. F. G. Tilesius De Respiratione Sepia Officinalis. Lips. 1801-4, tab. 1, 2. § Willis, tab. 2. II Examples of this structure in testaceous vermes may be seen in the lepas balanus, (acorn-shell) Poll, tab. 4, fig. 20, 22. In the pholas dactylus, (pierce-stone) ibid, tab. 8, fig. 61. In the solen strigilatus, (razor-shell) tab. 13, fig. 5. In the helix po- matia, (snail) Swammerdam, tab. 4, fig. 1, The ON THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 189 kinds of respiratory organs. In some of the inhabitants of bi- valve shells, as the genus Venus* the air-vessels lie between the membranes of a simple or double tubular canal, found at the anterior part of the animal, and capable of voluntary ex- tension and retraction. It serves also for other purposes, as laying the eggs. The margins of its mouth are beset with the openings of the tracheae. In the terrestrial gasteropodous mollusca, of which we may in- stance the snail and slug, there is a cavity in the neck receiving air by a small aperture, which can be opened or shut at the will of the animal. The pulmonary vessels ramify on the sides of the cavity. The common slug affords an instance in the mollusca, see Swammerdam, tab. 8 fig. 7, tab. 9, fig. 1, and the leech in the intestinal worms, Bening De Hirudinihus, p. 20 ; and P. Thomas, Histoire Naturelle des Saiigsues. Par. 1306. * In the Venus lata, Poli, tab. 2, fig. 17. 190 CHAPTER XV. ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. ^ 194. Aristotle has correctly observed, that those animals only, which possess lungs, consequently the three first classes of the animal kingdom, possess a true voice. Several genera and species even of these are either entirely dumb, as the ant- eater, the manis, the cetacea, the genus testudo, several lizards and serpents ; or they lose their voice in certain parts of the earth ; as the dog in some countries of America, and quails* BXidLfrogs-^" in several parts of Siberia. In a preparation — a dried one indeed — of the larynx and lungs of the two-toed ant-eater, I find the larynx entirely bony, that is, of the same substance with the os hyoides. The tra- chea, which is extremely short, is a merely membranous canal, without any perceptible trace of cartilaginous rings. J. Hunter found no thyroid gland in the whales, which he dissected. This coincides with the hypothesis upon which this gland is supposed to be connected with the formation of the voice. MAMMALIA. § 195. Most animals of this classj have the following cir- * Pennant's Arctic Zoology, torn, ii. p. 320. t MuUer's Sammlung Russischer Geschichte, vol. vü. p. 123. J. C. Beckmann's Historische Beschreibung der Chur und Mark-Brandenburg, vol. i. p. 590. :{: Besides the two old and highly valuable works on the organ of the voice, by Casserius and Fab. Ab Aquapendente, and the writings which we shall have occa- sion to quote in the sequel, I refer the reader to M. J. Busch, Dissei't. de Mechanismo Organi Vocis. Groning. 1770, 4to. which contains several excellent observations by ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. 1^1 cumstances in common ; their rima glottidis is provided with an epiglottis, which in most instances has a peculiar muscle, arising from the os hyoides, and not found in the human sub- ject : the margins of this rima are formed by the double liga- menta glottidis {ligamenta thyreo-arytcenoidea); between which on each side the ventriculi laryngis are situated. The epiglot- tis does not exist in most of the bat kind ; and in some mouse- like animals, as the rell-mouse, (glis esculentus) it is hardly discernible. The superior ligamenta glottidis, as well as the ventriculi laryngis are wanting in some bisulca, as the ox and sheep. § 196. Some species of mammalia have a peculiar and cha- racteristic voice ; or at least certain tones, which are formed by additional organs. Thus there are certain tense mem- branes in some animals ; and in others peculiar cavities, open- ing into the larynx, and sometimes appearing as continuations of the ventriculi laryngis, which are destined to this purpose. The neighing of the horse, for example, is effected by a de- licate, and nearly falciform membrane, which is attached by its middle to the thyroid cartilage, and has its extremities run- ning along the external margins of the rima glottidis.* The peculiar sound uttered by the ass is produced by means of a similar membrane ; under which there is an exca- vation in the thyroid cartilage. There are moreover two large membranous sacs opening into the larynx.t The mule does not neigh like the mare, by which it was conceived ; but brays like the ass which begot it. It possesses exactly the same larynx as the latter, without any of the pecu- liar vocal organs of the mother : a fact which, like many others, Camper. See also L. Wolf, Diss. Anatotnica de Organo Vocis Mammalium. Berol. 1812. On the peculiar structure of this organ in eetacea, see Camper Sur la Structure Interieure de plusieun enlaces. Albers's Icones, fasc. 2 ; and Rudolphi, in the Abhandlung der Berlin, Akad physik. 1820. * Herissant in the M^m. de I' Acad, des Sc. 1753, tab. 9. t Ibid. tab. 10. 192 ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. cannot be at all reconciled with the supposed pre-existence of previously formed germs in the ovarium of the mother. I have adduced this essential, and really specific difference in the structure of the larynx of the horse and ass: as one of the many arguments which overthrow the rule adopted by Ray, BufFon, and others, of ascribing to one and the same spe- cies all such animals as produce by copulation an offspring capable of subsequent generation.* The cat has two delicate membranes lying under the liga- menta glottidis ; which probably cause the purring noise pe- culiar to these animals. + The jiig has two considerable membranous bags above and in front of the ligamenta glottidis.J Several apes\ and baboon'i, || as also the reindeer, have on the front of the neck large single or double laryngeal sacs, of various forms and divisions, communicating with the larynx by one or two openings between the os hyoides and thyroid cartilage. In a common ape {simia sylvanus) I found the right laryn- geal sac three inches long, and two inches in circumference; while the left was not larger than a nutmeg. The larynx of the simia cynomolgus may be seen in Camper's account of that animal.^ Some of the cercopitheci, as the cercopithecus seniculus, and Beehebub, have the middle and anterior part of the os hy- oides formed into a spherical bony cavity,** by which the ani- * See Gore's Translation of BlumenhacKs Manual History, p. 8. t Vicq d'AzjT, in the Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1779, tab. 11, fig, 17. t Casserius De Vocis Auditusque Organis, tab. 11, fig. 9, 10, p. 55, ad grunni- tum in porcis efficiendum. Herissant, loco citato, tab. 11. § As the oraug-outang. See Camper's Natural History of that animal — the simia inuus, see Ludwig's Grundriss der Naturgeschichte der Menschenspecies. II It is represented in the mandrill, (papio maimon') by Vicq d'x\zyr, loco citato., tab. 7. 51 Camper, loco citato, tab. 8, fig. 7. ** Vicq d'Azyr, loc. cit. tab. 9, 10. Camper, tab. 4, ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. 193 mals are enabled to produce those terrific and penetrating tones, which can be heard at vast distances, and have gained them the name of the howhng apes. The larynx of mammalia is generally of the same conformation as in man. None of the large cartilages of the larynx are deficient, and the opinion that some animals of this class want the epiglottis is quite erroneous. In several, as the bat for instance, it is extremely small. The size of the larynx is proportionate to the strength of the sounds which the animals utter. The absolute size of the larynx of the wliale and the elephant is the largest, but relatively the la- rynx of the lion has a still greater circumference. The cartilages vary in their form ; in the cercopitheci seniculi the os hyoides is di- lated to a large bony pouch, and the thyroid cartilage at the same time bent forwards, which explains the deafening noise which they emit. In some animals, as the antelope gutturosa, there is a dilatation of the thyroid cartilage, and in some there are fleshy appendices, or air- sacs, which have their exit from the ventricles of Morgagni, or below the epiglottis, and therefore are sometimes single and at other times double. The apes of the old world have these sacs, and the orang- outang has them doubled ; in others, as the green ape, they are sin- gle ; this is also the case in the reindeer. In reality the depressions of the ventricles in the pig, or above the thyroid cartilage, as in the horse and kangaroo, may be regarded as the incipient state of this structure. In most mammalia the number and situation of the vocal ligaments are the same as in man. The trachea in long-necked animals, is natural- ly much lengthened, and the number of rings increased ; in men there are from seventeen to twenty in number, whereas in the camel there are seventy-four ; in the stag, fifty- three ; in the bullock, fifty-two ; in the domestic mouse, there are from fourteen to fifteen ; in the hedgehog, eighteen ; in the rat, twenty-one ; in the beaver, twenty-two ; in the cercopithecus seniculus, twenty-four ; in the bear, twenty-eight ; in the hyOEnu, thirty-six ; in the lion, cat, dog, and rabbit, thirty-eight ; in the hog, from thirty-eight to forty ; in the lynx and guinea-pig, forty ; in the hare, forty-four ; in the wolf, otter, and sheep, fifty ; in the roe^ sixty- three ; in the ferret, sixty-seven ; in the seal, seventy-eight. In many animals, as in the cercopithecus seniculus, lion, and bear, the space between the end of the rings is very great, so that the trachea can be very considerably narrowed, which structure contributes to the inten- sity of the sounds they are capable of emitting. In the hywna the ex- tremities of the rings of the trachea lap over each other, and are also capable of being much compressed ; a structure which probably oc- casions the peculiar cry of that animal. In a few mammalia the tra- cheal rings are closed : entirely so in the beaver, and in the upper part of the trachea in the seal. The muscles and nerves of the larynx pre- sent in mammalia little variation from those of the human subject, ex- o 194 ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. cept that in many animals those of the epiglottis are fully developed, whereas in man they are very indistinct. See Rudolphi's Grund' riss der Physiologie, vol. ii. part 1 , p. 380 ; to which excellent work we are indebted for much of the additional matter inserted in this edition. BIRDS. I 197. The most striking peculiarity in the vocal organs of this class, a peculiarity which belongs to all birds with a very few exceptions, consists in their possessing, what is commonly called, a double larynx, but which might be more properly de- scribed as a larynx divided into two parts, placed at the up^^ per and lower ends of the trachea. They have also two rimae glottidis. § 198. The superior or proper rima glottidis is placed at the upper end of the trachea, but is not furnished with an epi- glottis.* The apparent want of this organ is compensated in several cases by the conical papillae placed at both sides of the rima. I 199. The apparatus, which is chiefly concerned in form- ing the voice of birds, is found in the inferior or bronchial la- rynx. Hence the division of the trachea below the upper rima glottidis scarcely produces any change in the voice of several birds, as they can still utter sounds by means of the bronchial larynx.*!* This larynx contains a second rima glottidis, formed by tense membranes ; which may be compared in several cases, particularly among the aquatic birds, to the reed pipes of an organ. It is furnished externally with certain pairs of muscles, varying in number in the different orders and genera ; and with a kind of thyroid gland. The course and proportionate length of the trachea, and particularly the structure of the in- * The part which Warreu has described in the 34th vol. of the Philos. Trans, p. 1 13, as the epiglottis of the ostrich, is merely a slight elevation at the root of the tongue. See Cuvier, in the Menagerie du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, No. 1, tab. 3. t See Duverney, in the Hist, de I'Acad. des Sciences, torn. ii. p. 7. Girardi, in the Memorie delta Societa Italiana, torn. ii. pt, ii, p. 737 ; and Cuvier, in the Mst^a- zin Encyclopidique. Arm. i. torn. ii. p. 357. ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. 195 ferior larynx, vary very considerably* in the different species, and even in the two sexes, especially among the aquatic birds. Thus, for example, the tame or dumb swan (anas olor) has a straight trachea, whilst in the male of the wild or whistling swan, (cygnus) this tube makes a large convolution, which is contained in the hollow of the sternum (see § 56). In the spoonbill (platalea leucorodia) as also in the phasianus motmot^ and others, similar windings of the trachea are found, not in- closed in the sternum. In many swimming birds the males have at their inferior or bronchial larynx a bony cavity, the form of which varies in different species,+ and which contri- butes to strengthen their voice.J " A very little comparison of the mechanism of wind musical in- struments with the organs of the voice in birds will shew how nearly they are allied to each other ; and it may be observed, that the sound produced by some of the larger birds is exactly similar to the notes that proceed from a clarionet or hautboy in the hands of an untu- tored musician. The inferior glottis exactly corresponds to the reed, and produces the tone, or simple sound. The superior larynx gives it utterance, as the holes of the instrument ; but the strength and body of the note depend upon the extent and capacity of the tra- chea, and the hardness and elasticity of its parts. The convolution and bony cells of the windpipe, therefore, may be compared with the turns of a French horn and the divisions of a bassoon ; and they pro- duce the proper effects of these parts in the voices of those birds in which they are found." Rees's Cydopadia, art. Birds. * On the subject of the bronchial larynx, the reader may consult Herissant, "Vicq d'Azyr, and Cuvier, in their works already quoted : also another dissertation by the latter author in the 2nd vol. of the fourth year of the Magazin Encyclopedique. Schneider, in the Leipsig Magazine for 1786 and 1787, and in his valuable Commen» tary on the Works of Frederic II. pp. 32, 211. Aldrovandi has described that of the wild swan. Ornitholog, torn. iii. p. 13. That of the goose has been most excellently described by Haller De partium corp, humani fahrica et functionibus, torn. vii. p. 321, which may be compared with the beautiful delineations of Herissant, lac. citat. tab. 12, t Besides Herissant and C!uvier, loc. citat. the reader may consult Aldrovandi, OrnitfwL torn. iii. p. 190. Wilioughby, Ornithol. tab. 73. Bloch, in the Beschüße der Berliner Naturf. Gesellsch. Berlin, torn. iv. p. 579, tab. 16 ; and in his works, torn. iii. p. 372, tab. 7. Latham, in the Transactions of the Linna-an Society, vol. iv. p. 90, tab. 9, 16. } See Fabricius Hildanus, Beschreibung der Fürtrejßichkeit der Anatomie, p. 323. o 2 196 ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. The larynx of birds is divided into an upper and lower, and the lower forms tlie proper organ of voice. At the point where the. lowest bony ring of the trachea branches off to form the bronchia, the skin folds on itself, and constitutes at the opening of each bron- chus an elastic membrane, which projects into it, somewhat analogous to the vocal ligaments in mammalia. In the parrot tribe this division does not exist, and consequently there is not a double rima glottidis, as in other birds provided with vocal organs. Cuvier could not find this membrane in the vuUur papa ; and Rudolphi, who had an op- portunity of examining this vulture, as well as the vultur aura, was unable to discover it. Singing birds have five pairs of muscles, and the parrots three, which are attached to the semi- circular rings of the divisions of the trachea, and relax or tighten the rimae glottidis. Birds which utter a single cry, as the accipitres and many aquatic birds, have only one such pair of muscles ; other aquatic birds and the galliiiw have none. Cuvier has admirably proved in living birds that this lower larynx is the proper organ of voice ; he divided the tra- chea above the lower larynx, and closed the upper part of it. The irri- tated animal emitted by the lower larynx its accustomed sounds in a weaker tone; the same sounds were emitted when he removed the whole neck. The parts analogous to the cartilages of the larynx in man are very small in birds, and in structure bear a greater resem- blance to bone. In most birds they lie close behind the tongue and the OS hyoides, and form the commencement of the trachea. The fissure which they form, and which is not protected by an epiglottis, is opened by one pair of muscles, and closed by another. It merely serves for the passage of the air, being the commencement of the organ of respiration. The trachea presents in many birds very remarkable diflPerences. In some gallinaceous birds it makes a great curve before the sternum, as in the crax and penelope. In the urogallus (cock of the wood) this curve takes place in the neck ; in the crane and anas cygnus in the keel of the sternum. In many aquatic birds as the anas clangula, fusca, &c. the trachea is considerably dilated in one or more places. In general the great development of the vocal organs is peculiar to the male; as, for instance, the curve external to the sternum, the osseous bladders of the trachea, and of the lower larynx ; the greater curvatures in the keel of the sternum occur in both sexes ; in males, however, they are stronger. AMPHIBIA. § 200. The structure of the vocal organs in this last class of animals, which possess a voice, is on the whole very simple ; although it varies in several genera and species, and sometimes in the two sexes. § 201. The tortoises^ (at least the testudo grceca) may be I ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. 197 said to have two tracheae : for the short common trunk divides at the third cervical vertebra into two long branches, which descend far into the chest before they enter the lung. Each of them makes a large lateral cvirvature, over which the two 'aort(JB abdominales bend their course.* It is very short in the frog ; but longer in the male than in the female : the rima glottidis is also larger in the former. Ligamenta glottidis exist in all the animals of this class.-f- § 202. The males of some frogs are distinguished by pecu- liar air-bags. The tree-frog {rana arborea) has a large sac in its throat; and the green frog {rana esculenta) has two considerable pouches in the cheeks, which it inflates at the time of copulation by two openings close to the rima glot- tidis.l All amphibia have the opening of the larynx without an epiglottis, and the cartilages which form the larynx are very analogous to those of the upper larynx of birds. Frogs, and some of the lizards, possess a structure similar to the vocal ligaments. In the ixma pipa Rudol- phi found a very curious structure : in the male the larynx was com- posed of two laminae of bone, compressed from above downwards, of about ten lines in length, seven and a half lines broad at the base, and six and a half in the centre. In the female it was smaller, and merely cartilaginous. The bronchi proceed from the larynx directly backwards, being very short in the male, and long in the female. In the gecko fimbriatus Tiedemann (Meckel's Archiv, iv. s. 549) discovered in the trachea immediately below the larynx a dila- tation half an inch long, and three lines broad, which he supposes to be of service to the animal when under water ; for it has been asserted that this gecko lives several months in the year in fresh water at Madagascar, though Rudolph! thinks this very improbable, since its structure has not the remotest resemblance to that of an aquatic animal. This learned naturalist considers it, from analogy to birds, of use in strengthening the organs of voice, as in the -pipa ; and this opinion is confirmed by the circumstance of another gecko (the toc-kai of Siam) being distinguished for its discordant cry. * Blazii, Zootomia. Amst. 1677, 8vo, tab. 17, fig. 5. t Vicq d'Azyr, loc. citat. tab. 13, fig. 45, 46, represents these fragments in the testudines, fig. 41, 42, 44, in frogs, fig. 47, 52, in serpents. The larynx of the rattlesnake is represented in Tyson's Anatomy of a Rattlesnake, Philoi. Trans, vol. xiii. No. 144, fig. 5. X See Camper's Kleine Schriften, vol. i. part i. p. 144, tab. I?, fig. 1, 4. 198 ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. A very shrill sound is uttered by frogs, especially the hull-frog (rana ocellafa). Whether the singing-bladders, as they are termed, of the green frogs of Germany, assist them in uttering this sound, as P. Camper thinks, {Kleine Schriften, vol. i. s. 141, 150) is stilt a matter of great doubt ; since these structures do not commu- nicate with the larynx, but only with the mouth. According to Humboldt, {Obs. zur Zoologie, vol. i. p. 11) young crocodiles utter a sound similar to that of cats ; but he never heard any cry proceed from the old ones. Most lizards, all the testudines, and tailed tad- poles are dumb. This is also the case with serpents, since their hissing cannot be called a true voice. (Rudolphi Grunäriss der Phy- siologie, vol. ii, p. 387.) One exception to the last observation of Rudolphi will suggest itself to the reader ; but it may be doubted whether, even before the Fall, serpents were endowed with the gift of speech. Dr. Bur- net, in his ArehaologicE Philosophicee, rejects the Mosaic account of the dialogue between Eve and the serpent, not indeed as fabulous, but as fictitious or parabolical ; and the silence of the physio- logist is excused, therefore, by the scepticism of the divine. Be- stiavi Mam loqui posse, says Dr. Burnet, aut quacumque voce prater $ibila nondum scimus. At quid de ea re scivisse Evam credemus ? Si pro muto animali hahiiisset, ipsa loquela terruisset fceminam, et ab omni sermonis commercio pepulisset. 2iiod si loquax fiiit, et ser~ viocinator ab initio serpens, perdiditque loquelam ob hoc facinus quod pietatem fidemque Evce suis blanditiis corruperat, hoc genus pcence neuti- quam tacuisset Moses; neque levius damnum de lambendo pulvere ipsius loco substituisset. Prmterea vis unicum serpentum genus, vel omnes hestias a'^ri vocales fuisse in Paradiso \ ut olim arbores in nemore DodoncEo ? Si omnes, quid commisere ceeteree ul mum lingua per- derent ? Si unicum serpentum genus hoc gaudebat privilegio ; fcedum (inimal et ab humana specie alienissimum qui potuit 7nereri pra aliis omnibus, sermonis gratiam et beneficium ? " We know not whether the serpent had naturally the faculty of talking, or of producing any sound, beyond the hissing noise which is all it can achieve in these days. What shall we suppose Eve to have known about this matter ? If she considered it a dumb animal, the very circumstance of its entering into conversation with her must have alarmed a timid female, and deterred her from continuing so monstrous an inter- course. But if the serpent talked at its creation, and lost the gift of speech for its wickedness in corrupting Eve, Moses would not have failed to mention this punishment, nor would he have substituted in its place the lighter inconvenience of being condemned to lick the dust. Again, will it be contended that the race of serpents alone, or that all beasts had the gift of speech in Paradise, like the talking trees in the grove of Dodona 1 If they all talked, what have the rest done that they too should lose the gift of speech ? If serpents alone enjoyed this privilege, how shall we account for this distinc- tion having been specially conferred upon an animal of such a nasty description, and so utterly unlike the human species?" ON THE ORGAN OF THE VOICE. 199 Dr. Burnet, while he admits with philosophical candour that the whole of the Mosaic account of the creation might be regarded as fa- bulous, if found in a profane writer, and while he exposes the ab- surdities involved in a literal interpretation of the Jewish cosmogony with an air of pleasantry which might be mistaken for ridicule in a less pious inquirer, acknowledges at the same time the divine inspi- ration of Moses, and expresses a laudable indignation at the impiety of those who have treated the sacred narrative with disrespect. Succensere non possum, says the divine, ex Pairibus et auctoriOus an- tiquis Ulis, qui in symbola aut parabolas aut sermones populäres hcEc converiere stiiduerunt. Succenseo autem Celso, qui aniletn fabulam, f*t;6ov 'r^va, u<; y^^^vav Siviyovjji.evov, hanc narrationem appellat. Ubi recte monetfper moduin responsi Origines, St* /xera T^owoXoyias ravTa n^-nrxi. " I cannot be displeased with those Fathers of the church, and other ancient writers who have treated the Mosaic account of the creation as a popular story or parable, but I am undoubtedly displeased with Celsus, who has called it an old woman's story, which imputation Origen has satisfactorily answered by observing that these things are to be understood tropically" Dr. Burnet's Archceologice Philosophicce, lib. ii. cap. 7. THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS. THE ANIMAL FUNCTIONS. CHAPTER XVI. ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM IN GENERAL. § 203. 1 HIS class of functions which constitutes the leading character of animals, and has derived its name from that cir- cumstance, affords to our observation a more clear and mani- fest gradation, from the most simple to the most compound structure, than any others in the animal economy.* § 204. In some of the most simple animals of the class vermes, particularly among the zoophytes, little or no distinc- tion of similar parts f or structures can be discerned ; and we are unable to recognize any thing as a particular nervous system, or even as a part of such a system. The power of sensation and voluntary motion, which these possess, as well • An ingenious attempt to establish a new classification of animals, according to the general organization of the nervous system, has been made by Rudolphi, in his Beytriige zur Anthropologie und allgemeine Naturgeschichte. Berl. 1812, p. 79. Much instructive information on this subject, particularly with reference to the brain of warm-blooded animals, will be found in Gall and Spurzheim's Anatomie et Physiologie d'j, Systeme Nerveux. Par. 1810, 4to. See J. and C. Wenzel De structura cerebri humani et hrulorum. Tubing. 1812, fol. ; and several other works on this subject, which I have enumerated in the fourth edition of my Inslitutiones Physiologic^ , 1821, p. 176. t By the term partes similares, the ancients denoted those homogeneous organic structures which form nerves, muscles, tendons, bones, cartilages, &c. ; the combi- nation of which constitutes the partes dissimilares of the animal body, i. e. the limbs, viscera, &c. 204 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. as any other order or class of the animal kingdom, prove that the nervous matter must be uniformly spread throughout their homogeneous substance. The almost transparent polypes, {Jiydroe) which are often found in this country, (Germany) with a body of an inch in length, and arms, or tentacula, of a proportionate size, appear to consist, when surveyed in the best light by the strongest magnifying power, of nothing but a granular structure, (something similar to boiled sago) con- nected into a definite form by a gelatinous substance. § 205. In many other vermes, and in insects, a ganglionic system of nerves can be distinguished, arising in general from what is called the spinal marrow, the superior extremity of which part, slightly enlarged, constitutes the brain. The lat- ter organ, however, in both classes of cold and red blooded animals, and still more in those which have warm blood, has ä much more complicated structure, and a far greater relative magnitude : all animals are hoAvever exceeded in both these points by the human subject, which, according to the inge- nious observation of the learned Sömmering,* possesses by far the largest brain in proportion to the size of the nerves which arise from it. The small size of the brain in proportion to the rest of the nervous system has a very considerable influence on the whole animal economy of cold-blooded, when viewed in comparison with warm-blooded animals. It explains the diminished sym- pathy between the two parts; and the consequently weak powers of motion in their whole machine. It enables us also to under- stand the remarkable independence of the vitality of their parts upon that of the brain, and their possession of consider- able individual powers of life, as also the extraordinary extent of their reproductive powers.*!' * See his Bhtertatio de hau Encephali. Goetting. 1778, p. 17; and his Tabula baseos Encephali. Francof. 1799, p. 5; also J. G. Ebel, Observ. Neurol, ex Anatome comparat. Francof. ad Vadrum, 1788. t I have treated at greater length on all these points in my Specimen Physiologi^,r^ Ounce ^^ Pine-martin ^^ Ferret ^ Rodentia. Beaver ^ Hare ^«^ Rabbit -rb. TTT Ondatra tJtt Rat ^ Mouse I 4T Field-rat ^i^. Pachydermata. Elephant -^ l-'Svji^.-. 208 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Wild-boar ^^ of the body. Chinese hog .... ^-^ Ruminantia. Stag . ^^^ Roebuck -^-^ Sheep ^^T. tI-j Ox . ^ Calf ^^^ Solipeda. Horse 4:!^ Ass ^1^ Cetacea. Dolphin . . ^, ,-V, -^, T^ Porpoise ^ BIRDS. Eagle ^^ Sparrow -^ Chaffinch -^y Redbreast /^ Blackbird -^ Canary-bird .... -^-^ Cock ^V Duck ...... -jly Goose -j-g-g- REPTILES. Tortoise ^^^^ Turtle ...... ^^V? Coluber natrix . . . y^^ Frog TT^ FISHES. Shark ...... ^-/^^ "'ke ttW ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 209 Carp ^^^ Dog-fish t^Vt Tunny ...... ^^^^ Silurus glanis .... ^ttt The following table shews the proportion of the cerebrum to the cerebellum in man and other mammalia. The rodentia have the largest cerebellum in proportion to the cerebrum ; and man has the least cerebellum in proportion to the cerebrum of all the mammalia. In man, the cerebellum is to the cerebrum . 1:9 Saimiri 1 : 14 Sai 1:6 Magot . . . 1:7 Papio 1:7 Monk Ape 1:8 Dog 1:8 Cat .1:6 Mole . 1 : 4.5 Beaver 1:3 Rat . 1 : 3.25 Mouse 1:2 Hare 1:6 Wild Boar 1:7 Ox ...1:9 Sheep ...1:5 Horse ..1:7 The proportion of the cerebrum to the medulla oblongata is ascer- tained by measuring their diameters. Sömmering and Ebel have shewn that it is greater in man than in other animals, and that it fur- nishes a good criterion of the degree of intelligence in the individual, as it shews the relation which the organ of intelligence bears to the organs of the external senses. There are, however, some exceptions to this rule, as in the remarkable instance of the dolphin. The fol- lowing table exhibits the proportions between the breadth of the me- dulla oblongata at its base, and the greatest breadth of the cerebrum in some of the mammalia, and in a few birds. In man, the breadth of the cerebrum is to that of the medulla oblongata, as 1:7 In the Ape ....1:4 Macako 1:5 Dog 6 : 11 or 3 : 8 Cat 4 : 11 Rabbit 3 : 8 or 1 : 3 Pig 3:8 Ram 1:3 Stag 2:5 P 2\0 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. Roebuck 1:3 Ox 5 : 13 Calf 2:6 Horse 8 : 21 Dolphin . . . . 1 : 13 BIRDS. Falcon 13 : 34 Owl 14 : 35 Duck 10 : 27 Turkey . . . . . ' . 12 : 33 Sparrow 7 : 18 The following is the passage to which the author refers in his •* Manual of Natural History." " The e!straordinary strength of the reproductive power in several amphibia, and the astonishing facility with which the process is carried on, depend, if I mistake not, on the great magnitude of their nerves, and the diminutive proportion of their brain. The former parts are in consequence less dependent on the latter ; hence the whole machine has less powers of motion, and displays less sympathy: the mode of existence is more simple, and approaches more nearly to that of the vegetable world than in the warm-blooded classes ; but, oh the contrary, the parts possess a greater individual independent vitality. Since, in consequence of this latter endowment, stimuli, which operate on one part, or one system, do not innmediately affect the whole frame by sympathy, as in warm-blooded animals, we are enabled to explain the peculiar tenacity of life, which is displayed under various circumstances in this class; viz. frogs still continue to jump about after their heart has been torn out ; and turtles have lived for months after the removal of the whole brain from the cranium. The long continued power of motion in parts which have been cut off from the body, as in the tail of the water-newt and blind-worm, may be explained upon the same principles." § 98. MAMMALIA. § 206. The two large processes of the dura mater, which form the falx and tentorium, possess a very peculiar structure in some animals of this class. A strong plate of bone, which is a process of the neighbouring bones of the cranium, is con- tained between their two laminae. We have hitherto ascertained only one example of such a formation of the falx, in the quadrupeds of this class ; and this I discovered in the ornithorhynchus, (Plate I. c^) an animal ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 211 M-hich abounds in instances of anomalous structure. Some- thing similar is found in the cetacea, at least in the porpoise, A similar structure, constituting an unique specimen of anato- mical variety, is exhibited in the skull of a female, belonging to my collection. The vitreous table of the frontal bone has a long falciform bony crista, at the attachment of the falx. The falx itself descends to various depths between the hemispheres in the different species.* A bony tentorium cerebelli is found in a great number of mammalia ; but its size and extent vary in the different spe- cies. It is formed by peculiar osseous plates, extending from the vitreous table of the parietal bones, and the petrous por- tions of the ossa temporum. Its formation exhibits two kinds of variety. In some animals, for instance, it constitutes an uniform bony partition, which leaves a quadrangular opening into the lower part of the cranium. This is the case in most species of the; cat and bear kind ; in the martin, {mustela martes) in the coaita, {cercopithecus paniscus)\ and others. It consists of three separate portions in other animals ; one of these pieces projects from the upper and back part of the cranium, like a tile; the two lateral portions arise from the petrous part of the temporal bone. This structure is exem- plified in the seal, dog, horse, the orycteropus capensis, and didelphis wombat. In the cranium of a young seal which I possess, the ante- rior or upper surface of the tile-shaped piece is connected by means of a strong perpendicular bony plate, extending to the middle of the lambdoid suture, with the inner surface of the occipital bone, where the falx terminates. In some cases, as in the pig, the rabbit, some mice, &c., a rudiment of the last mentioned lateral portions may be ob- served ; or at least the ridge of the petrous portion of the temporal bone is much larger than usual. I have, in another * See on this subject Sommering-, Vom Hirn und Buclienmark, Mentz, 1788, t Josephi's Anatomie der Saügethiere Beytr. zvm 1 iten b. s, 34,^tab. 4. p 2 21^ ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. place, described the chief varieties of the bony tentorium, and have mentioned the uses possibly assigned to this struc- ture.* *' It is difficult (says the author, in his Manual of Osteology) to give a physiological explanation of the use of this bony tentorium. The opinion which has been generally adopted by anatomists, that the structure in question belongs to such animals only as jump far, or run with great velocity, and that it serves the purpose of protect- ing the cerebellum from the pressure of the cerebrum in these quick motions, is obviously unsatisfactory. It exists in the bear, which is not distinguished for its activity, while several animals, which excel in jumping or springing, do not possess it ; viz. the wild goat, {capra ibex) in which I could not discover the least trace of such a structure. Cheselden ascribes it to predacious animals only, {Anat. of the Bones, cap. 8) but I have already enumerated several others. It may perhaps obviate the concussion which would arise from strong exertions in biting ; for such exertions are made' in all the animals which possess this structure, even by the horse in his wild state." p. 118. I have quoted these remarks on the generally assigned use of the bony tentorium, because a similar mechanical explanation has been given of the falx and tentorium of the human subject ; viz. that the former protects the hemispheres from mutual pressure when the per- son lies with his head resting on one side ; and that the latter pro- vides against the compression of the cerebellum by the superincum- bent cerebrum. These explanations are assigned in the present day by anatomists of such distinguished reputation as Summering and Cuvier (De Corporis Humani Fabrica, vol. iv. p. 27. Legons d'Anat. compar. tom. ii. p. 178). If the futility of this piece of physiology were not sufficiently proved by considering that the cranium is accu- rately filled, and that there is consequently no room for its contents to fall from one side to the other, it must immediately be rendered manifest by Mr. Carlisle's case ; in which the falx was entirely ab- sent, and the two hemispheres united throughout in one mass, with- out any perceptible inconvenience during the patient's life. (Transac- tions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge, vol. ii. p. 212.) In four instances the anterior half of the falx has been found deficient. This production of the dura mater commenced in a narrow form about the middle of the sagittal suture ; and, gradually expanding, had acquired the usual breadth at its termination in the tentorium. The two hemispheres adhered by the pia mater covering their opposed plane surfaces ; but were form- ed naturally in other respects. A want of the falx has also been re-' corded by Garengeot {Splanchnologie, tom. ii. p. 24). * See the Osteologische Handbuch, s. 117, aad the ImtitiUiones Physiologice, p. 174. ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 213 § 207. The peculiarities which distinguish the brain of the human subject from that of the mammalia,* consist chiefly in the circumstance, which has been already noticed, of its pos- sessing a much greater bulk in proportion to the nerves which arise from it ; and in its being much larger when compared with the cerebellum and medulla spinalis. t The anatomy of the brain of cetaceous animals has not been so minutely described as that of other classes of animals. In general, the brain of the cetaceous tribe is small compared with the size of the body. The brain of a common whale, nineteen feet in length, which was examined by Scoresby, weighed about three pounds and three quarters, although the weight of the animal was near 11,200 pounds. Here the weight of the brain was about ^-öW V^^^ ^^ ^^^^ °f ^^^^ body, whilst that of the brain of an adult man is about four pounds, and that of the body 140, the brain being the -j^ part of the weight of the whole body. Professor Tiedemann, of Heidelberg, has recently published an account of the dissection of the brain of the dolphin, (Treviranus's and Tiedemann's Zeitschrift fur Physiologie, vol. ii. p. 255.) The following are the results of this learned anatomist's investi- gations. 1. The cerebrum of the dolphin resembles that of the simiae, by its size, and next to the cerebrum of the orang-outang, most resembles that of man. Still in proportion to the size of the nerves, spinal marrow, and cerebellum, it is of much smaller size than the human cerebrum. 2. Each hemisphere of the cerebrum, as in man and siniicE, consists of three lobes, an anterior, middle, and posterior. The hemispheres * The reader may consult the following delineations of the brain of mammalia, besides those which will be referred to in subsequent notes. Of the chimpanse (slmia troglodytes) by Tyson, in his excellent Anatomy of a Pigmy, fig. 13, 14. Of other quadrumana, and of numerous quadrupeds of the different species of mammalia, Tiedemann, Icones cerebri Simiarum et quorundam Animalium variorum. Heidelb. 1821. Of the dog, by Collins, System of Anatomy, vol. ii. tab. 53, fig. 1 ; and Ebel, loc, cit. tab. 1, fig. 7. Of the cat, by Collins, tab. 53,. fig. 2; and Ebel, tab. 1, fig. 3. Of the horse, by Vicq d'Azyr, Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1783, tab. 7 ; Ebel, tab. 1, fig. 1. Of the sheep, by Vicq d'Azyr, tab. 8, fig. 1 ; and Ebel, tab. 1, fig. 8. Of the ox, Vicq d'Azyr, tab. 8, fig. 2; Ebel, tab. 1, fig. 6 and 9. Of the pig. Collins, tab. 54; Ebel, tab. 1, fig. 10. Of the elephant. Camper, tab. 14. Of the seal, Vrolek, De phocis, specialim de phoca vitulina, Ultraj. 1822, tab. 1. t The delineation which I have given of the brain of the mandrill, (papio maimon) in the two first editions of my work, De Generis Humani Varielate Naiiva, tab. 1, fig. 1, shews how striking this difference is, even in the quadrumana, which from their great general resemblance to the human subject have been called Anthropo- morpha. 214 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. are undoubtedly much smaller than those in man, since they do not completely cover the cerebellum. 3. The breadth of the cerebrum of the dolphin exceeds its length* which is scarcely the case with any other mammalia. 4. The convolutions of the cerebrum of the dolphin are more nu- merous than in any other animal, even than in man. 5. The lateral ventricles consist in the dolphin, as in 7nan and simice, of three horns, whilst in other mammalia the anterior and middle cornua only exist. 6. The corpora albicantia, in the cerebrum of the dolphin, as of most mammalia, are united into one mass. In man and the orange outang they are perfectly distinct. 7. The fornix, septum lucidum, cornua ammonis, and corpora striata, are in proportion to the size of the cerebrum of the dolphin^ and smaller than the same parts in man. 8. The corpora quadrigemina in the dolphin, as in other mammalia, are much larger than these bodies in man. 9. The cerebellum of the dolphin is distinguished by its being larger than in man ; and its middle portion, as in seals and several other animals, is not symmetrical. 10. The medulla oblongata of the dolphin possesses no trapezium. 11. The brain of the dolphin is particularly distinguished from that of man and all other mammalia, by the absence of the olfactory nerves. But on the whole the brain of the dolphin is developed in a greater de- gree than in any other animal, if we except that of the orang-outang. § 208. Moreover, that remarkable and enigmatical collec- tion of sandy matter, which is found in the pineal gland* of the human brain, almost invariably after the first few years of existence, has been hitherto observed in very few other mam- malia, and those among the bisulca.f § 209. In the proper quadrupeds (the quadrumana there- fore being excepted) the anterior lobes of the brain form two large processes, {processus mamtllares)X from which the olfac- tory nerves of the first pair proceed. These are of very con- * Sömmerring De lapillis, vel prope, vet intra Glandulam pinealem sitis, Mentz, 1785, 8vo. t Sömmerring has found it in the fallow-deer, (cervus dama) see his TJhs. p. 10; and Malacarne in the goat, Encephabtomia di alcuni Quadrupedi. Mant. 1795, 4, p. 31. t See Metzger Specimen Anatomia: comparatce primi parts Nervorum, in his Opiisc, Anat. and Physiol. Göthing. 1790, Svo. p. 100. ON THE BEAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 215 siderable magnitude, particularly in the herbivorous animals.* They contain a continuation of the lateral ventricle; which circumstance has formerly given rise to great physiological errors.f § 210, The structure of the corpora quadrigemina and catidicantia distinguishes the brain of herbivorous from that of carnivorous quadrupeds. The nates very considerably ex- ceed the testes in size, in the former class, while these propor- tions are reversed in the latter instance. The herbivora have a single large eminentia candicans ; there are two small ones in the Carnivora. :|: With the exception of man and the simise, the mammalia cannot be said to have posterior lobes of the brain. The cerebellum is seen behind the cerebrum. The consequence of this is, that the digital cavity, or prolongation of the lateral ventricle into the posterior lobe, is wanting. The convolutions of the cerebrum do not exist in the rodentia. The simicE only have an olfactory nerve, arising, like that of man, in a distinct chord from the brain. Other mammalia have a large cor- tical eminence {^processus mamillaris) filling the ethmoidal fossa. As the cetacea have no organ of smelling, their brain has neither olfactory nerve, nor mamillary process. The annexed tables representing the dimensions of the cerebrum, cerebellum, corpora quadrigemina, medulla oblongata, and medulla spinalis, calculated to five decimal parts of the French metre, in the four classes of vertebrated animals, are taken from the celebrated work of M. Serres sur V Anatomie comparee du Cerieau dans les quatre Classes des Animaux vertebres. * This part is represented in the bisulca, and in the hare-kind, in Collins's System of Anatomy, vol. ii. tab. 51. Ebel,. loc, cit. Willis, Anatome Cerebri, fig. 2. Monro On the Ne)'vous 'System, tab. 9 and 24. t These were first refuted by that excellent anatomist, C. V. Schneider, of Witten- berg. See his classical work De Osse crihriformi, 1635, 12mo. J Sommerring, Vom Hirn, &c. p. 91. 216 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. DIMENSIONS THE LOBES OF THE CEREBRUM IN MAMMALIA. Man NAMES OF ANIMALS. Simla rubra (red ape of Senegal) . S. sylvanus (Barbary ape) .... S. cynocephalus (dog-faced baboon) S. sphj/nx (long-tailed baboon) . . S. maimon (mandrill) . . . . . S. apella (sajou) Lemur macaco (maki vari) . Ursus arc tos (brown bear) . . . U. yimencawMs (American black bear) U. lotor (racoon) U. meles (badger) Viverra narica (brown civet) Mustelafoina (martin) . . . . M. lutra (otter) Canis familiaris (domestic dog) . . C. lupus (young wolf) C. vulpes (fox) C. hj/cena (hyaena) Felis leo (lion) ....... F. tigris (tiger) ....... F. onga (jaguar) F. pardus (panther) F. discolor (couguar, or American 7 lion) I F. lynx (lynx) Phoca vitulina (common seal) . Didelphis Virginiana (opossum) . MEASUHES Of the Lobes of the Cerebrum. Antero- Transverse Vertical posterior diameter. diameter. diameter. Metre.* Metre. Metre. 0,17000 0,07500 0,09000 0,07700 0,03300 0,05600 0,07200 0,02950 0,04300 0,07000 0,02825 0,04500 0,08200 0,03400 0,05700 0,08100 0,03200 0,04900 0,05900 0,04300 0,04500 0,02125 0,02900 0,09300 0,04300 0,06100 0,08300 0,03650 0,04800 0,05000 0,02150 0,02900 0,05400 0,02400 0,03200 0,04900 0,01850 0,03150 0,03900 0,01700 0,02400 0,05200 0,02400 0,03400 0,06000 0,02950 0,04400 0,05600 0,02550 0,03200 0,03600 0,01750 0,02800 0,06600 0,02950 0,04100 0,09100 0,04050 0,04800 0,09400 0,04250 0,06400 0,08100 0,03250 0,04800 0,07800 0,03400 0,05000 0,07100 0,02950 0,04200 0,06100 0,02750 0,04200 0,10100 0,04900 0,04400 0,02200 0,01050 0,01450 * The French metre is equal to 3 feet li nails, English. ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 217 Dimensions of the Lohes of the Cerebrum in Mammalia. [Continued.] NAMES OF ANIMALS. Antero-post, diameter. Macropus major (kangaroo) PZ/asco/oOTj/s (wombat) . . . Castor ßber (heavet) 31. alpinus (marmot of the Alps) . Sciurus vulgaris (squirrel) . . . Cavia ucuti (agouti) Dasypus sexcinctus (armadillo) . . Sus tajassu (pecari) Hyrax capensis (marmot of the") Cape). j Camdus dromedarius (dromedary) . C llacma (lama) C. capreolus (roebuck) .... Common sheep Delphinus delphis (dolphin) . . . D. plioccPMa (porpoise) MEASURES Of the Lobes of the Cerebrum. Metre. 0,05300 0,04400 0,04200 0,02975 0,02025 0,03500 0,02650 0,06600 0,03300 0,10500 0,08000 0,06200 0,05800 0,09500 0,08600 Transverse diameter. Metre. 0,02350 0,02100 0,02400 0,01466 0,01150 0,01550 0,01300 0,02450 0,01250 0,05050 0,03450 0,02600 0,02650 0,05850 0,06650 Vertical diameter. Metre. 0,03800 0,02750 0,02700 0,01950 0,01400 0,02200 0,01700 0,03700 0,02100 0,05800 0,04500 0,04300 0,04300 0,08200 0,05000 ^18 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. DIMENSIONS OF THE CEREBELLUM IN MAMMALIA. Man NAMES OF ANIMALS. Simia rubra (red ape of Senegal) . , S. sabcea (callitriche) S. sylvanus (Barbary ape) S. cynocephalus (dog-faced baboon) S. sphynx (long-tailed baboon) . . . S. niaimon (mandrill) S. apella (sajou) Lemur macaco (maki) Rhinolophiis unihastatus (horse-shoe bat) Vespertilio murinus (rear mouse) . . . Talpa Europcea (mole) Ursus arctos (brown bear) U. Americanus (American black bear) . U. lotor (racoon) ....... U. mdes (badger) Mustelafoina (martin) M. martes (pine-martin) M. lutra (otter) Canis familiar is (domestic dog) . . . C. lupus (young wolf) C. hyana (hyaena) Felis leo (lion) F. tigris (tiger) F. onga (jaguar) . .- F. pardus (panther) F, discolor (couguar, or American lion) F, lynx (lynx) MEASURES Of the Cerebellum. Transverse diameter. Metre. 0,12000 0,04500 0,03100 0,03900 0,03800 0,04200 0,05166 0,03600 0,03050 0,00900 0,00800 0,01400 0,06200 0,05900 0,03100 0,03800 0,02800 0,02400 0,02300 0,04200 0,03400 0,04000 0,05500 0,05300 0,05400 0,04850 0,04900 0,03900 Antero-post. diameter. Metre. 0,06000 0,02433 0,01800 0,02400 0,02000 0,02650 0,02900 0,02400 0,02200 0,00500 0,00400 0,00925 0,03400 0,03500 0,01900 0,02100 0,01450 0,01400 0,01800 0,02525 0,01700 0,02100 0,03200 0,03900 0,03550 0,03200 0,02500 0,02650 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. ^19 Dimensions of the Cerebellum in Mammalia, [Continued.] NAMES OF ANIMALS. Phoca vitulina (common seal) . . . Didelphis Virginiana (opossum) . . Macropus major (kangaroo) . . . Phascolo7}7.ys (wombat) Castor fiber (beaver) Mus typhlus (blind rat) . . . . M. alpinus (marmot of the Alps) Hystrix cristata (crested porcupine) Lepus cuniculus (rabbit) Cavia acuti (agoviti) . . . . . . Dasj/pus sexcinctus (armadillo) Sus tajassu (pecari) Hyrax capensis (marmot of the Cape) Camelus dromedarius (dromedary) . C. llacma (lama) . C. capreolus (roebuck) .... Capra hircus (goat) ...... Common sheep Delphinus delphis (dolphin) D. phoccena (porpoise) MEASUEES Of the Cerebellum. Transverse diameter. Metre. 0,07250 0,02000 0,03800 0,02200 0,03500 0,01300 0,02450 0,03000 0,01600 0,02300 0,02500 0,03500 0,01400 0,07100 0,04900 0,03900 0,04400 0,03000 0,08500 0,07800 Antero-post, diameter. Metre. 0,01200 0,02600 0,01800 0,02000 0,00700 0,01200 0,01800 0,00900 0,01700 0,01300 0,02200 0,01400 0,04600 0,03400 0,03200 0,ÜS900 0,02700 0,04500 0,03300 220 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. DIMENSIONS THE CORPORA QUADRIGEMINA IN MAMMALIA. Man, NAMES OF ANIMALS. Simia ruhra (red ape of Senegal) . . . S. sä62 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. FISHES. § 215. In this class of animals the brain does not fill the cranium. Between the pia and dura mater (which in most of the large fishes approaches to a cartilaginous firmness) there is collected a salt and greasy fluid, contained in a loose cellu- lar texture, which seems to supply the place of the tunica arachnoidea.* § 216. The structure of the brain varies in the different genera and species ; sometimes even in the individuals of the same species. It consists of several tubercles or lobuli disposed in pairs ; and of these, the five, which were described in the brain of the amphibia, are the most constant.-f § 217. In most fishes the optic nerves decussate (just like two fingers laid crosswise), a remarkable peculiarity, which has given rise to several physiological investigations and infer- ences.J Tn the skate, the right nerve goes through a fissure in the left ; in bony fishes the decussation is more manifest, as one nerve merely lies on the other without any intermixture of substance. The fact has been noticed by Collins, Willis, and several others ; it is represented by Ebel in the pike, carp, and silurus glanis (Obs. Neurol, ex Anat. * Casserius has given an excellent view of the cranium of a pike laid open, Be Auditu, tab. 12. t Haller, De Cerabro Piscium, in the Opera Minora, torn. iii. p. 198. Collins has given representations of the brain in almost all the orders of fishes ; but his views are chiefly of the upper external surface, tab. 60 to 70. That of the skate is delineated in the 2nd vol. of Camper's smaller- writings, tab. 3 ; by Monro, in his Physiology of Fishes, tab. 1, 34, and 37 ; and by Scarpa, De Auditu et Ölfactu, tab-. 1, fig. 1. That of the shark, by Stenonis, Elementa Myolog. tab. 5 and 7, and by Scarpa, loc. citat. tab. 2. That of the frog-fish, (lophius piscatorius) by Camper, loc, citat. tab. I. That of the congor-eel, turbot, and pike, by Vicq d'Azyr, loc. citat. tab. 10. That of the cod, by Camper, loc^ citat. and Monro. That of the haddock, by Monro, On the Nervous System, tab. 32. That of the silurus, by Ebel, loc. cit. tab. 2, fig. 4. That of the pike by Casserius, Ebel, and Scarpa, locis citatis. That of the carp by Ebel and Scarpa. if See Sömmering, in the Hessischen Bey träge zur Gelehrsamkeit, vol. i. pt. 2, p. 205 ; also his Dissert, de Decussatione Nervor. Opticw. Mogunt. 1786, p. 24. Coopman's Neurolog. p. 38. Professor Rudolphi, in Wiedemann's Archives, vol. i. part ii. p. 156, and several of the delineations quoted in the preceding note. ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 243 comp. tab. 2, fig. 2, 3, and 4 ; this dissertation is contained in the 3rd Vol. of Ludvvig's Scriptores Neurol. Minores). It does not seem to have been much investigated in birds and the amphibia. In eight instances, where the eye of an animal had been destroyed or injured, the optic nerve was found to be altered in structure and appearance as far as the union ; and beyond that point the alteration extended along the opposite nerve to the opposite thalamus. (See Ebel, lac. cit. tab. 1, fig. 1 and 2.) A similar appearance has been found in a man. Sommering De Decussat. Nerv. Optic, in Lud wig's Collection, torn. i. These nerves have in some fishes the uncommon structure of an investment of pia mater, containing very elegant longitu- dinal folds.* The olfactory nerve sometimes forms a ganglion just before it is distributed to the nose. The gadus merluccius and the carpi afford examples of this structure, which is remarkable, inasmuch as no ganglia have been hitherto observed in the nervous system of fishes. . § 218. We must lastly mention those nerves which are dis- tributed in the electrical fishes, to that wonderful apparatus of membranous cells, filled with a gelatinous substance like white of egg, and performing the office of a Leyden jar, or electrical battery. These curious organs occupy the lateral fins of the torpedo,:|: and receive their nervous supply from the fifth pair. In the electrical eel, {gymnotus) the electrical organ is found towards the posterior part of the abdomen,§ and its nerves come from the medulla spinalis. In the silitrus electricus it is placed between the skin and muscles over the whole body, and its nerves are derived from the eighth pair.|| • See Eustachii, Ossium Examen, p. 227, and a representation from the saw-fish, {squalus prislis) in Malpighi, De Cerebro. In order to compare this with the ordi- nary structure of other nerves, see the representation of the physiological prepara- tion of the commencement of the fifth pair in the elephant, in A. K. Boerhaave His- toria anatomica infaniis, cvjus pars Corporis inferior monstrosa. Petersburg, 1754, 4to. tab. 1. t Scarpa, loco ciialo. X Hunter, in the Philoi. Trans, vol. Ixiii. p. 481, tab. 20; and Girardi, in the Memorie delta Societa Italiana, tbm. iii. p. 553. $ Hunter, in the Philus. Tram. vol. Ixv, p. 395, tab. 9. II Geoffroy, in the Bulletin de la Soci^te Philtrmatiqne, 6 ann^e, tom. iii. p. 169. II 2 £44 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM« DIMENSIONS OF THE CEREBRUM IN FISHES. NAMES OF FISHES. Petromyzonfluvialis (lesser lamprey) Squalus carcharias (white shark) S. acanthius (aguilat) S. griseus (grey shark) S. glaucus (blue shark) . . . . Raya clavata (ray) R. rubua (red ray) Acipenser sturio (sturgeon) Esox lucius (pike) Cyprinus carpio (carp) C. tinea (tench) Gadns inorrhua (cod) G. eglefinus (haddock) G. merlangus (whiting) . . . , Pleuroncctes maximus (turbot) Murcena anguilla (eel) .... M. conger (congor eel) Trigla lyra (flying-fish) . . . Lophius piscatorius (frog-fish) MEASURES Of the Cerebrum. Antero-post, diameter. Metre. 0,00400 0,02300 0,01100 0,03000 0,01700 0,01500 0,01650 0,00600 0,00700 0,00600 0,00400 0,00725 0,00100 0,00500 0,00600 0,00400 0,00750 0,00600 0,00400 Transverse diameter. Metre. 0,00300 0,01100 0,01000 0,01600 0,00700 0,01300 0,01300 0,00550 0,00550 0,00500 0,00300 0,00800 0,00100 0,00400 0,00450 0,00300 0,00600 0,00500 0,00300 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 24.' DIMENSIONS THE CEREBELLUM IN FISHES. NAMES OF FISHES. MEASURES Of the Cerebellum. Transverse diameter. Antero-post. diameter. Petromyzon ßuvialis (lesser lamprey) Squalus carcharias (white shark) S. acanthias (aguilat) S. griseus (grey shark) S. glaucus (blue shark) .... Raya cluvata (ray) R. rubus (red ray) Acipenser sturio (sturgeon) . . Esox lucius (pike) ...... Cyprinus carpio (carp) C tinea (tench) Gadus morrhua (cod) G. eglefinus (haddock) G. merlangus (whiting) .... Pleuronectes maximus (turbot) j Murcznu anguilla (eel) I M. conger (congor eel) .... Trigla lyra (flying-fish) .... Lnphius piscatorius (frog-fish) . . Metre. 0,00225 0,01700 0,01500 0,02700 0,01075 0,03400 0,02000 0,01300 0,00600 0,00675 0,00500 0,01350 0,00800 0,00600 0,00750 0,00600 0,01075 0,00900 0,00700 Metre. 0,00100 0,03100 0,01700 0,02200 0,02100 0,02500 0,03500 0,01600 0,00633 0,00800 0.00550 0,01700 0,01000 0,00625 0,00900 0,00450 0,00900 0,00633 0,00400 246 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. DIMENSIONS ow THE CORPORA QUADRIGEMINA IN FISHES. NAMES OF FISHES. Fetromi/zonßuvialis (lesser lamprey) Squalus carcharias (white shark) . S. acanthias (aguilat) 5. griseus (grey shark) S. glaucus (blue shark) . . . . üflj/a clavata (ray) ...... R. rubus (red ray) Acipenser sturio (sturgeon) Esox lucius (pike) Cj/prinus carpio (carp) . . . . , C tinea (tench) Gadus morrhua (cod) . . . . , G. egleßnus (haddock) . . . . . G, merlangus (whiting) . . . . , Pleuronectes maxwms (turbot) . Murcena anguilla (eel) . . . . , M. conger (congor eel) . . . . Trigla lyra (flying-fish) ... , Lophius piscatorius (frog-fish) MEASURES Of the Lobes of the Cerebellum. Transverse diameter. Metre. 0,00200 0,00700 0,00600 0,01100 0,00633 0,00900 0,00800 0,00350 0,00575 0,00700 0,00400 3,00800 0,00600 0,00433 0,00433 0,00350 0,00600 0,00800 0,00500 Antero-post, diameter. Metre. 0,00233 0,01800 0,01075 0,01700 0,01250 0,01500 0,01900 0,00650 0,00800 0,00900 0,00600 0,00800 0,00900 0,00575 0,00675 0,00300 0,00650 0,00850 0,00600 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 247 DIMENSIONS OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA IN FISHES. NAMES OF FISHES. MEASUBES Of the Medulla Oblongata, Petromyzonßuvialis (lesser lamprey) Squalus carcharias (white shark) . S. acanthias (aguilat) . . , . Raj/a clavata (ray) R. rubns (red ray) Acipenser sturio (sturgeon) Esox luetics (pike) . . Cyprinus carpio (carp) C. tinea (tench) Gadus morrhua (cod) .... Cr. eglefinvs (haddock) . . . . , G. merlangus (whiting) Pleuronectes maximus (turbot) . P. solea (sole) Mur Ciena anguilla (eel) .... M, conger (congor eel) . . . . , Perea fluviutilis (perch) . . . , Trigla lyra (flying -fish) .... Lophius piscatorius (frog- fish) Metre. 0,00400 0,01400 0,00900 0,01600 0,01600 0,00850 0,00900 0,00600 0,00550 0,01000 0,00650 0,00600 0,00800 0,00500 0,00600 0,01100 0,00550 0,00700 0,00800 248 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. DIMENSIONS or THE MEDULLA SPINALIS IN FISHES. NAMES OF FISHES. Felromyzonfluvial'is (lesser lamprey) Sguahts carcharias (white shark) . 5. acanthins (aguilat) .... RuT/^ clavata (ray) R. rubus (red ray) Acipenser sturio (sturgeon) . . . Esox lucius (pike) Cyprinus carpio (carp) .... C. tinea (tench) Gadus morrhua (cod) .... G. eglefiniia (haddock) .... G. meriangus (whiting) .... Pleuronectes maximus (turbot) P. solea (sole) , . MurcEna anguilla (eel) .... M. conger (congor eel) .... Percafluviatilis (perch) Trigla lyra (flying-fish) . . . Lophhis piscatorim (frog-fish) . MEASURES Of the Medulla Spinalis. Metre. 0,00275 0,00700 0,00600 0,00900 0,00600 0,00400 0,00600 0,00200 0,00300 0,00575 0,00500 0,00300 0,00500 0,00233 0,00250 0,00700 0,00200 0,00400 0,00400 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. ^49 INSECTS. ^ SI 9. The general structure of the nervous system in this class has been already mentioned (§ 204). The larvae, in which the subject has been most completely investigated,* have a brain, consisting of two ganglia, contain- ed in a horny cavity larger than itself. The nervous cord, which in red-blooded animals constitutes the medulla spinalis, proceeds from this point along the abdomen, forming in its passage twelve simple ganglia, from which, and from the two ganglia forming the brain, the nerves derive their origin.'j- VERMES. § 220. Excepting those animals which inhabit corals, and the proper zoophytes, most genera of the other orders of this class are found to possess a distinct nervous system ;^ although * See Lyonet's excellent account of the larva of the Phalana Cossus, tab. 9, 10, and 18. That of the silkworm by Swammerdam, tab. 28, fig. 3, (which is better than Malpighi's representation) and by Bibiena, in the Comment. Instit. Bonon. torn. V. pt. 1, tab. 4. That of the butterfly, by Bibiena, ibid. t The nervous system of the larva of the stag-beetle, may be seen in Swammer- dam, tab. 28, fig. 1 ; and in Röesel, torn, ii. tab. 8. That of the ephemera, in Swammerdam, tab. 14, fig. 1, tab. 15, fig. 6. That of the male bee, ibid. tab. 22, fig. 6. That of the musca chamaleon, in the diflPerent stages of its metamorphosis, ibid. tab. 40, fig. 5, tab. 41, fig. 7. That of the larva of the musca putris, ibid. tab. 43, fig. 7. That of the louse, tab. 2, fig. 7. That of the lobster, Willis De Anima Brutorum, tab. 3, fig. 1. Humboldt's Verzuche über die gereizte Muskel und Nervenfase, vol. i. contain seve- ral excellent anatomical and physiological remarks on the nervous system of some in- sects, pp. 273, 286. X See Jos. Mangili .De Systemate Nerveo Hirudinis, Lumbrici Terrestris, aliorumque Vermium. Ticini, 1795. The nervous system of the leech has been shewn by Redi, De Viventibus intra Viventia, tab. 14, fig. 9 ; and Bibiena, Comment. Instit. Bonon. tom. vii. tab. 2, fig. 6, tab. 3, fig. 6. Bening's excellent work on the leech ; and Mangili's book may also be consulted. The nerves of the .slug are represented by Swammerdam, tab. 9, fig. 2 ; and those of the helix pomatia, ibid. lab. 4, fig. 6 ; tab. 6, fig. 1 ; which may be compared with the drawing by Spallanzani, in the Memorie delta Societa Ituliana, tom. ii, pt. 2, p 545. ^50 ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. former anatomists have expressly declared, in several in- stances, that no such parts existed.* The structure and dis- tribution of the nerves possess in many cases a surprising ana- logy to those of insects. The nervous system of the sea-mouse, {aphrodite aculeata) for example, is very similar to that of the larvae.-f In others it is more anomalous : thus, in the cuttle- fish, two large nervous chords arise from the brain, and form in the breast two club-shaped ganglia ; from which numerous nerves proceed.^ In the class of insects, and of vermes, the upper ganglion of the nervous chord, which represents the brain, is usually placed near the mouth or oesophagus ; which tube is surrounded by a nervous chord proceeding from that ganglion. In the first volume of the work of M. Serres, V Anut07me comparee du Cerveaii, which obtained the prize adjudged at the Royal Institute of France, in 1821, the Report of Baron Cuvier, on that production, is inserted. That report contains, in the form of aphorisms, the substance of M. Serres's work, which, proceeding from so distin- guished an anatomist, cannot fail to form a valuable appendix to this section on the brain and nervous system. The spinal marrow is developed before the brain in all classes. It consists first, in young embryos, of two cords, which are not united posteriorly ; between these two portions a sulcus is left. These two cords soon approximate and join at their posterior part ; the in- terior, therefore, of the spinal marrow is hollow. This canal, which may be designated by the name of ventricle, or canal of the spinal marrow, is sometimes filled with a liquid, constituting dropsy of the spinal marrow ; this disease is of freqvient occurrence in the embryos of mammalia. The canal becomes obliterated at the fifth month of the human embryo, and the sixth of those of the cotv and horse, the twenty-fifth day in the embryo of the rabbit, and the thirtieth in those of the cat and dog. It is found in the lai^vos of frogs, until the anterior and posterior limbs appear. This obliteration takes place in all these embryos by the deposition * See the remarks of Humboldt, in his work above quoted, p. 259 ; and Cuvier's classical work, which I here quote once for all, torn. ii. p. 298. t Pallas, Miscellanea Zoologica, tab. 7, fig. 13. t Swammerdam, tab. 52, fig. 2. Monro, On the Physiology of Fishes, tab. 41, fig. 3. Scarpa, loc. eitat. tab. 4, fig. 7. Tilesius, in Isenflamm and Rosenmuller's Beyträge zur die Zergliederungskunst, vol. i. pt. 2, tab. 2. ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 251 of successive layers of grey matter, secreted by the pia mater which passes into this canal. The spinal marrow in young embryos of all classes, is of the same size throughout its whole extent ; there is no enlargement either ante- riorly or posteriorly, as is the case with reptiles deprived of limbs (vi- pers, adders, blind-wornns,) and most fishes. Embryos, which want the enlargements of the spinal marrow, are deprived of their anterior and posterior extremities. The embryos of all mammalia, of birds, and of man, resemble, in this respect, the lar- vae of the frog genus in general. With the appearance of limbs coincides, in all embryos, the ap- pearance of anterior and posterior enlargements of the spinal marrow. This effect is especially remarkable in the larvae of frogs at the pe- riod of its metamorphosis ; the embryos of man, mammalia, birds, and reptiles, experience a metamorphosis, entirely analogous to that of the larvae. The animals which have only a pair of limbs, have only one en- largement of the spinal marrow ; the cetacea particularly are examples of this kind. The enlargement varies in situation according to the place which the pair of limbs occupy on the trunk ; the enlargement of the spinal marrow in the genus bipes is situated on the posterior parts, in the genus bimanvs, on the contrary, on the anterior part. In the cases of monstrosity, which the embryos of mammalia, birds, and man, so often present, there are frequently found bipeds and bi- mana, which, like the cetacea and reptiles we have just mentioned, have only one enlargement, situated very near the pair of limbs which remains. The spinal marrow of fishes is slightly enlarged very near the place which corresponds to their fins. Hence the jugular have this enlargement behind the head, at the cervical region of the spinal marrow, the pectoral, near the middle part, or dorsal, and the abdo- minal, near the abdominal region of the spinal marrow. The ßj/ in g-Jish is remarkable on account of the detached rays of its pectoral, as also by a series of enlargements proportioned, both in number and in size, to the size and number of these same rays to which they correspond. The electrical fish has a considerable enlargement, corresponding to the nerve which is distributed to the electrical apparatus, (rai/ silu- rus electiicus). The class of birds presents very remarkable differences in the pro- portion of these two enlargements. The birds which live on the earth, as our domestic birds, and those which climb trees, have the posterior enlargement much greater than the anterior. The ostrich is a remarkable instance of this kind. The birds which fly in the air, and which often make long journeys, present an inverse arrangement ; viz., the anterior enlargement ex- ceeds the posterior. M. Gall said that the gpinal marrow was enlarged at the origin ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. of each nerve ; M. Series does not think that this opinion is con- firmed by the examination of the spinal marrow of vertebrated animals, at whatever period of life, whether intra or extra uterine, they are considered. M. Gall thought these enlargements were analogous to the double series of ganglia, which are substituted for the spinal marrow in ar- ticulated animals. This analogy is found, as some authors have already observed, not in the spinal marrow, but in the intervertebrated ganglia. These ganglia, which have not much engaged the attention of ana- tomists, are proportioned in every class to the size of the nerves which traverse them. They are much larger near the nerves which go to the limbs, than in any other part. The spinal marrow is extended to the extremity of the coccyx, in the human foetus, till the third month. At this period it is on a level with the body of the second lumbar vertebra, where it is inserted at birth. The human foetus has a cauda equina, which remains till the third month of uterine life; at this period this prolongation disappears, and its disappearance coincides with the ascent of the spinal marrow in the vertebral canal, and the absorption of a part of the vertebrse of the coccyx. If the ascent of the spinal marrow be arrested, the human foetus is born with a tail, which is exemplified by a great number of cases ; the coccyx is then composed of seven vertebrse. There is then a relation between the ascent of the spinal marrow in its canal, and the cauda equina of the human foetus and of mam- malia. The more the spinal marrow rises in the vertebral canal, the more the cauda equina diminishes, as in the pig, the wild-boar, the rabbit ; on the contrary, the more the spinal marrow is prolonged, and descends in its sheath, the more the tail increases in size, as in the horse, ox, and squirrel. The embryo of bats without a tail resembles, in this respect, that of man ; it has at first a tail, which it quickly loses, because, in these mammalia, the ascent of the spinal marrow is very rapid, and pro- ceeds to a considerable height. This change is very remarkable in the larvae of frogs, the larvae preserves its tail so long as the spinal marrow exists in the canal of the coccyx. At the time when the larvse is about to undergo a meta- morphosis, the spinal marrow ascends in its canal, the tail disappears, and the limbs are more and more developed. If the spinal marrow be arrested in its ascent, the frog preserves its tail as the human foetus. The human foetus, that of bats and other mammaha, undergo a metamorphosis resembling the larvse of frogs. In those reptiles which have no limbs, (vipers, adders) the spinal marrow resembles that of the larvae before its metamorphosis. ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 253 In all fishes the spinal marrow presents the same characters ; it often presents at its termination a slight enlargement. Among mammalia, the cetacea resemble fishes in this respect. The human foetal monsters, which have no lower extremities, ap- proach, in this respect, cetacea and fishes. The decussation of the corpora pyramidalia is visible in the human embryo about the eighth week. In mammalia the decussation becomes less and less apparent on de- scending from the quadrunimia to the rodentia. In birds there are only observed one or two corpora pyramidalia at farthest, the decussation of which is distinct. In reptiles there is no decussation. In fishes the decussation does not exist. The size of the spinal marrow and that of the brain are, in general, in inverse ratio one to the other of vertebrated animals. The human foetus resembles, in this respect, the inferior classes ; the younger the foetus is, the larger the spinal marrow is and the smaller the brain. In some circumstances the spinal marrow and brain preserve a di- rect relation in size ; thus, when the spinal marrow is straight, the brain is also straight, which is particularly remarkable in serpents. When the spinal marrow diminishes in length, and increases in size, the brain increases in equal proportions, which is very remarkable in lizards and tortoises. In birds, the more the neck is lengthened the narrower is the spi- nal marrow, and the more reduced in tissue is the brain. This direct relation of size between the spinal marrow and the brain, does not apply wholly to the encephalon ; it only takes place with respect to the corpora quadrigemina. The spinal marrow and corpora quadrigemina are exactly develop- ed in direct ratio one to the other, so that the size or power of the spinal marrow being given in one class, or in families of the same class, we can exactly determine the size and power of the corpora quadrigemina. The same observation applies to the human foetus ; the younger it is the stronger is the spinal marrow, and the more the corpora qua- drigemina are developed. The corpora quadrigemina are the first portions of the brain which are formed ; their formation always precedes that of the cerebellum, in the embryo of birds, reptiles, mammalia, and man. In birds the corpora quadrigemina are only two in number ; and they occupy, as is well known, tlie base of the brain. On the commencement of incubation, they are, as in other classes, situated on the superior surface of the brain, forming at first two lobes, one on each side ; on the tenth day of incubation, a transverse sulcus divides this lobe, and at this time there are truly four tubercles situated between the cerebrum and cerebellum. On the twelfth day a very singular motion begins, by which they pass from the superior towards the inferior surface of the brain. g,54 on THE BRAIN AlSTD NERVOUS SYSTEM» During this motion the cerebrum and cerebellum, separated at first by these tubercles, approach and terminate by acting against each other, as is observed in all adult birds, In reptiles, the tubercula quadrigemina are only two in number in the adult state ; but on the fifteenth day of the larvae of frogs, they are divided, as those of the bird, on the tenth day. In this class the tubercles do not change their place ; they always remain situated on the superior surface of the brain, between the cerebrum and cerebellum, and their form is always oval. \n fishes, the considerable space which the tubercula quadrigemina occupy, has caused them to be considered, up to the present time, as the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. That which has contributed to make this error believed is, that they are intercepted by a large ventricle, presenting a considerable enlargement, analogous in its form and structure to the corpora striata of the brain in mammalia. These tubercles are always double in fishes, and their form ap- proaches that of a sphere, slightly flattened internally. In mammalia and man, the corpora quadrigemina are only two in number during two thirds of the uterine life ; they are then oval and hollow internally, as in birds, reptiles, and fishes. At the last third period of gestation, a transverse fissure divides each tubercle, and then they are only four in number. The difference which these tubercles present in the different classes of mammalia depends on the position which this transverse sulcus occupies. In man it generally occupies the middle part ; the anterior tuber- cles are almost equal to the posterior. In the carnivorous animals the sulcus passes more anteriorly, which gives a predominance to the posterior. In the rmninantia and rodentia the sulcus passes more posteriorly, which gives a predominance to the posterior. In some brains of the human foetus and of mammalia the tuber- cles remain as they were in their uterine life, namely in two, in which respect they resemble the brain of fishes and reptiles. The tubercula quadrigemina in man and mammalia are, in the first instance hollow, as in birds, reptiles, and fishes. Their cavity is ob- literated in the same manner as the spinal marrow; that is to say, by the deposition of layers of grey matter secreted by the pia mater, which passes into its interior. The corpora quadrigemina are developed in every class, and in families of the same class, in the direct ratio of the size of the optic nerves and eyes. Fishes have the largest corpora quadrigemina ; the optic nerves and eyes are also most developed in this class. After fishes come, in general, reptiles, for the size of the eyes, optic nerves, and corpora quadrigemina. Birds are equally remarkable for the development of their eyes, ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 255 as also for the size of their optic nerves and corpora quadrige- mina. In mammalia the eyes, optic nerves, and corpora quadrigemina decrease from the rodentia to the ruminantia, from the ruminantia to the carnivorous animals, the quadrumana, and man, who occu- pies, in this respect, the lowest grade of the animal scale. As the corpora quadrigemina serve as a base for the determina- tion of the other parts of the brain, we have accumulated all the facts respecting them. Fishes having the largest corpora quadrigemina, have also the inter- parietal portions the most marked. After fishes come the reptiles, then the birds ; lastly, among mam- malia, the rodentia have the greatest inter-parietal portions ; then come the ruminantia, the carnivorous animals, the quadrumana, and man, in whom these are only occasionally met with. It will appear singular that the cerebellum is not formed till after the corpora quadrigemina ; but there is no exception to this fact in any class. In fishes the cerebellum is formed of two very distinct portions : Of a middle lobe, arising from the ventricle of the corpora qua- drigemina. Of lateral layers proceeding from the corpus rectiforme. These two portions are isolated, disjointed in every class of fishes. The great difference which the cerebellum of the higher classes presents depends on the union of these two elements, one of which preserves the name of processus vermiformis superior cerebelli, and comes, as in fishes, from the corpora quadrigemina ; whilst the other, coming from the corpora rectiformia, constitutes the hemispheres of the same organ. Although united, these two elements are entirely independent of each other. The processus vermiformis superior cerebelli (middle lobe) and the hemispheres of the same organ are developed in every class in the inverse ratio of each other. In the families composing the class of mammalia, the same relation is exactly observed ; hence the rodentia, the ruminantia, the carnivo- rous animals, the quadrumana, and man, have this process, and the hemispheres of the cerebellum developed in the inverse ratio of each other. The spinal marrow is developed in all the classes in direct propor- tion to the volume of the middle lobes of the cerebrum, and in the inverse ratio of the hemispheres. These general facts are especially important in estimating the relations of the tuber annulare. The tuber annulare is developed in the direct ratio of the hemis- phere of the cerebrum, and the inverse ratio of the middle lobe. The tuber annulare is developed in the inverse ratio of the corpora quadrigemina and spinal marrow. 256 ON THE BRAtN AND NEllVOUS SYSTEM. The iJialami nervorum opticorum do not exist in fishes ; that which has been mistaken for them being only an enlargement peculiar to the corpora quadrigemina. In reptiles, birds, mammalia, and man, the size of the thalami is in direct ratio to the size of the cerebral lobes, and the inverse ratio of the corpora quadrigemina. In the human foetus the proportion is the same, the corpora qua- drigemina decreasing as the thalami increase. In the fcetuses of other mammalia, as well as those of birds and frogs, this inverse pro- portion also takes place. The pineal gland exists in the four classes of vertebrated animals ; it has two sets of poedicimale, one coming from the thalami, the other from the corpora quadrigemina. The corpora striata do not exist in fishes, reptiles, and birds. In mammalia their development is proportioned to the cerebral hemispheres. The hemispheres are developed in the direct ratio of the size of the thalami and corpora striata. In fishes they form a simple rounded bulb, situated in front of the corpora quadrigemina, where the dura cerebri are lost. In fishes, reptiles, and birds, the cerebral lobes constitute a solid mass without ventricles. The ventricular cavities are peculiar to mammalia and man. A curious inverse proportion is observed in this respect between the three inferior classes and mammalia, with respect to the corpora quadrigemina and the cerebral lobes. In the three inferior classes the corpora quadrigemina have ven- tricles ; the vertebral lobes are solid, and have none. In the mammalia and man, on the contrary, the corpora quadri- gemina are solid, and the cerebral lobes have large ventricles. In the three inferior classes the cerebral lobes have no convolutions ; in the mammalia, on the contrary, the convolutions appear with the cavity of the lobes. There is no cornu ammonis in reptiles, fishes, or birds. It exists in all the mammalia ; it is more developed in the roden- tia than in the ruminantia, and in the latter than in Carnivora, qua- drumana, and man. M. Serres has not met with the hippocampus minor in any class of the mammalia. It is also sometimes wanting in man. The fornix is wanting in fishes and reptiles. It is also wanting in most birds ; but a rudiment of it is found in some, as the parrots and eagles. In the mammalia it is developed in the same proportion as the cornu ammonis. It is larger in the rodentia than ruminantia, and in the latter than the Carnivora, quadrumana, and man. There is no appearance of the corpus callosum in the three inferior classes. ON THE BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM. 257 The corpus callosum, as well as the pons varolii, are peculiar to mammalia. The corpus callosum is developed in direct proportion to the size of the corpora striata and hemispheres. It increases pro- gressively from rodentia and man. The corpus callosum is developed in direct proportion to the de- velopment of the tuber annulare. The hemispheres, taken as a whole, are developed in the direct ratio of the hemispheres of the cerebellum, and in the inverse ratio of its superior vermiform process. The cerebral hemispheres are developed inversely, as the spinal marrow and corpora quadrigemina. The nerves do not arise froiTi the brain, to be distributed to the different organs of the body, as has been generally supposed ; but they proceed from these organs to the brain and the spinal marrow, for the purpose of communicating with these nervous centres. M. Gall has stated, that the grey is formed before the white mat«: ter ; this opinion is not correct, as far as the spinal marrow is con- cerned. M. Cuvier first proved, that in the genus asterias the nervouS ■system is composed of white, without any grey inatter. During the incubation of the chick, the first rudiments of the spinal marrow are observed, composed of white matter ; the grey does not appear till a later period. - In the human foetus, and that of mammalia, the white matter ip »constantly observed to appear before the grey in the spinal marrow ; but in the cerebrum, properly so called, this order, as to the appear- ance of the two substances, is reversed. Hence the optic thalami and corpora striata are only enlargements in the young foetus composed of grey matter ; the white not appear- ing till a later period. The corpora striata cannot be said to exist in the human foetus, because the striae of white matter are not then formed. The striae of white matter, which are found in the fourth ventricle of the human subject, do not appear till the twelfth or fifteenth month after birth. g5§ CHAPTER XVII. ON THE ORGANS OF THE SENSES IN GENERAL, AND ON THAT OF THE SENSE OF TOUCH IN PARTICULAR. I 221. Few subjects in comparative anatomy and physiology have given rise to more various and contradictory opinions than the organs of sense in some classes of animals.* Much misunderstanding on this point has clearly arisen from the inconsiderate and unconditional application of inferences drawn from the human subject to animals. Thus it has been sup- posed that those which possess a tongue, must have it for the purpose of tasting ; and that the sense of smell must be want- ing, where we are unable to ascertain the existence of a nose. Observation and reflection will soon convince us, that the tongue, in many cases (in the ant-eaters among the mammalia and almost universally in birds), cannot from its substance and mechanism be considered as an organ of taste, but must be merely subservient to the ingestion and deglutition of the food. Again, in several animals, particularly among insects, an acute sense of smell seems to exist, although no part can be pointed out in the head which analogy would justify us in describing as a nose. § 222. However universally animals may possess that feel- ing, which makes them sensible to the impressions of warmth * Much useful information on the organs of sense, and indeed on comparative physiology in general, may be found in F. Boddaert's Natuurkundigen Beschouwing der Dieren. Utrecht, 1778, 8vo. ; and on the relation of the senses in the different classes of animals, the reader may consult Dr. Troxler's Versuche in der Orga- nischen Physik. Jena, 1804, 8vo. ON THE ORGANS OF THE SENSES. ' ^H^f and cold, very few possess, like the human subject, organs exclusively appropriated to the sense of touch, and expressly constructed for the purpose of feeling, examining, and ex- ploring the qualities of external objects. This sense appears, according to our present state of know- ledge, to exist only in four classes of the animal kingdom j viz. in most of the mammalia, in a few birds, in serpents, and probably in insects. MAMMALIA. § 223. The structure of the organ of touch is the most per- fect, and similar to that of the human subject, in the quadru- mana. The ends of their fingers, particularly of the posterior extremities, are covered with as soft and delicately organized a skin, as that which belongs to the corresponding parts in man. Several of the digitata are probably provided with this sense. The organization of the under surface of the front toes of the racoon, (ursus lotor) and the use which the animal makes of those parts, prove this assertion. It is not so clear that we are authorized in considering the snout of the mole^ and pig,^ not to mention the tongue of the solidungula and bisiilca,% or the snout of these and other animals,! as true organs of touch, according to the explana- tion above laid down. Much less can we suppose the long bristly hairs, which constitute the whiskers of the cat kind, and other mammalia, to be the organs of touch in the sense we are now considering, although they may be serviceable when they come in contact with any object, in warning, and making the animal attentive. The seal, for instance, has a very long infra-orbital nerve, consisting of about forty branches, which are distributed to the projecting lip. I have traced many of * Derham's Pkysico Theology, p. 206, not. 60. t Darwin's Zoonomia, torn. i. p. 162. t Buffon, Hiitoire des Oiseaux, torn. i. p. 47. ' $ Buflbn, Hiitoire Nuturelle, torn. iii. p. 360. " s 2 S60, ON THE OUGANS OF THE SENSES. their terminations to that part of the integuments in which the bulbous roots of their strong whiskers are inserted.* § 224. There would be more reason for ascribing this sense to the proboscis of the elephant, and to the soft, unci- form, and always moist point of the upper lip of the rhino- ceros. • I think, however, that the ornithorhynchus clearly possesses an organ of touch. In this curious animal, as in the duck, &c., the sense in question resides in the integuments which cover the expanded portion of its jaws, particularly the upper one; this part is most copiously supplied with nerves from the fifth pair, and chiefly from its second branch, distributed just in the same manner as they are on the corresponding parts of the swimming birds.t - BatB have been supposed to possess a peculiar power of perceiving external objects, without coming actually into contact with them. In their rapid and irregular flight amidst various surrounding bodies, they never fly against them ; yet it does not seem that the senses of bearing, seeing, or smelling, serve tliem on these occasions, for they avoid any obstacles with equal certainty when the ear, eye, and nose, are closed. Hence naturalists have ascribed a sixth sense to these animals. It is probably analogous to that of touch. The nerves of the wing are large and numerous, and distributed in a minute plexus between the integuments. The impulse of the air against this part ■may possibly be so modified by the objects near which the animal passes, as to indicate their situation and nature. Certain species of apes {tlte sapajous) are furnished with the greatest number of organs of touch ; not only are their hands and /eet adapted to this sense, but also the lower part of their tails. It must be observed, however, that the fingers of their hands are op- posed with difficulty to the thumb, which is sometimes altogether Wanting ; besides both the, toes and fingers are with difficulty sepa^ ):ated from each other. With respect to the tail, the number of ver- tebrae which compose it is greater in a given space than in the same space of the tails of apes which are not prehensile. Man, who has only a rudiment of the sub -cutaneous tail, and whose feet are formed in a 'manner peculiarly adapted to the station * See Darwin, he. cit. Wiedemann, in the Gotting. gel, Anzeigen, 1798, p. 210. Albers, ibid. 1803, p. 603 ; and Vrolik, Ovar het nut der Knevels by viervoetige Dieren. Amst. 1800, 8vo. Andral, in Majendie's Journal de Physiol, torn. ii. p. 74. f See Plate I. k, 1, m, t. ON THE ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 2GI and progression of a biped, is, with respect to the number of parts formed for the sense of touch, less advantageously furnished than some species of apes ; but the deficiency in point of number is recompensed by the perfection of the form of his hand, which ena- bles him to touch a globular surface, in almost all its points, on account of the length of the thumb in proportion to that of the- fingers, and the possibility of separating the thumb from the fingers, and the fingers from each other. The structure of the skin is also more perfect, the thickness of the sub-cutaneous adipose substance, the breadth of the extremities of the fingers, the fine texture of the cutis, the size of the nervous papillae, the thinness of the epidermis, and the size of the nerves at the extremities of the fingers, are all, circumstances which give peculiar delicacy and perfection to this organ. Some species of apes, with prehensile tails, possess a similar modification of the organ of touch, but it is confined to the hind feet and tail. Many mammalia have the organ of touch situated in the hips, as the horse, in which these parts are much developed, move- able, and furnished with many nerves ; or, what is more singular, in the nose, as the tapir and elephant, the prolonged nose of which latter animal terminates in a flexible, fleshy, papillary edge, without cuticle, divided into two parts, one at the extremity of the nostrils, and the other prolonged to the dorsal or superior line into an ap- pendix shaped like a finger ; this is called its trunk. The mole and pig have the nose formed for feeling, but not for distinguishing the shape of external objects. BIRDS. ' § 225. The structure of the organ of touch in the orni- thorhynchuSf which has been just described, is exactly similar to that oi geese and ducJcs. The bill of these birds is covered with a very sensible skin, supplied with an abundance of nerves, from all the three branches of the fifth pair.* This apparatus enables them to feel about for their food in mud, where they can neither see nor smell it. Birds are much less favoured in respect to organs of touch than mammalia ; one extremity of their bodies being occupied with the bill, and the other with a sort of oar or rudder. The anterior appendices are organs of mere locomotion, and the remaining portion of the body, or the extremities of the posterior appendices, serve to give them a firm position on their two legs. We find, however, that in these animals the toes are more articulated than in mammalia, that they are in a great degree capable of being separated from each. • See Plate LV. c and f, to o. - ON THE ORGANS OF THE SENSES. Other, that the papillae of the cutis are well defined, and the nerves" with which they are furnished considerable. It may be inferred, therefore, that the feet of birds would be tolerably perfect organs of touch, if they were not used as organs of locomotion, and that the less they are used for the latter purpose, the more perfect would be the sense of touch. Accordingly we find that parrots take up their food with their feet, and convey it to their mouths. In birds of prey the sense of touch is probably more acute, as their feet are Jittle used for progression. In the gallinaceous birds, whose feet are constantly on the ground, and in the ostrich and cassowary, which do not fly, the epidermis is thickened, and its sensibility consequently diminished. AMPHIBIA. § 226. It has been said with more of point than of physi- ological accuracy with respect to serpents,* that their whole body is a hand, by which they gain just notions of the tan- gible properties of bodies. According to Hellman, who has investigated this subject, their slender bifurcated tongue serves the purposes of touch.*!' There, are some differences in respect to the degree in which dif- ferent classes of reptiles may be supposed to possess some approxi- mation to the organ of touch. The land and sea tortoises may be supposed to possess the least sensibility in this respect, on account of the shortness and close junction of their toes. The crocodiles, though the structure of their toes is somewhat more adapted to the sense of touch, resembling in this respect the river tortoises, whose toes are well separated, cannot however be supposed capable of feeling the form of external objects. This is the case also with the greater part of the lizards, and especially those species which, by the diminution of their members, become almost true serpents. Even in those, whose toes are long and separated, the structure of the skin leads us to con- clude that they are merely organs of locomotion. In the geckos, however, and still more in the chameleons, we may suppose the sense of touch to exist, since they clasp the branches of trees with their toes, and even with their tails, which are prehensile. The number of vertebrae which compose the tail of the chameleon, are proportionally greater than in a lizard of the same size, and the skin which covers both the tail and the toes of that animal seems to be softer than the integuments in other parts of the body. The great number of vertebrae which form the vertebral column of * Girtanner, in his exposition of the Darwinian system, pt. 1, p. 124. t A. Hellman, über den Tastdnnder Schlangen. Götting. 1817. ON THE ORGANS OF THE SENSES, 26S serpents seems a favourable structure for an organ of touch *, but the scaly integuments of these animals renders it improbable that they can judge of the form of external objects. Those species, however, which can climb trees, and coil themselves round the branches of trees, have a structure better adapted to this sense, since they have a greater number of vertebrae in a given space than the other species, espe- cially towards the posterior part of the body. FISHES. § 227. Concerning this class it may be remarked, that most of them possess an acute feehng on the ahdomen, and in the hps,*" analogous, perhaps, to the sense of touch- INSECTS. § 228. All the observations and investigations respecting the structure of the antennae, those peculiar organs which exist universally in the more perfect insects, and the use which these animals generally apply them to, lead us inevitably to the conclusion, that they really are proper organs of touch ; by which the animal examines and explores surrounding ob- jects.f Such organs are particularly necessary to insects, on account of the insensibility of their external coat, which is ge- nerally of a horny consistence ; and also from their eyes being destitute, in most instances, of the power of motion. VERMES. § 229. It seems more doubtful whether the tentacula of se- veral vermes, and particularly the arms of the cuttle-fish,'^ can be considered as organs of touch, in the more limited sense to which we have confined that word.§ • Lacepede, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, torn. i. Discourse, p. 65. t See Lehmann De Antennis Insectorum, Diss, 1, 2. Lond. 1799, 8vo. ; and Knock's Neue Beyträge zur Insectenkunde, pt. 1. Leipzig, 1801, 8vo. p. 33. Kandohr on the organs of touch in the bee in the Mag. der Berliner Naturf. Freunde, 1810, p. 287. X Buffon, Histoire Naturelle, torn. iii. p. 360. $ See Lehmann JJe Hensihus externis Animalium exsanguium. Goetting. 1798, 4to. p. 43. F. I. Schelver Versuch einer Naturgeschicte der Sinneswerkzeage hey den Intecten und Wurmen. Goett. 1798, 8vo. p. 28; and Draparnaud, Tableau des Mollusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles de la France, Montpellier, 1801, Bvo. p. 8, 264. CHAPTER XVIII. ON THE TONGUE. § 230. We are not justified in considering the tongue as an organ of taste in all animals, because it is subservient to that function in the human subject, and in many other instances. We have already observed, that this organ, in many cases, merely serves for taking in the food ;* and it is at least very doubtful whether it possesses the sense of taste in several others. Yet, on the contrary, we should not be warranted in denying the existence of the sense in these animals, nor even in such as are entirely destitute of a tongue: for this function may be exercised by other parts. I have seen an adult, and in other respects well-formed man, who was born without a tongue. He could distinguish nevertheless very easily the tastes of solutions of salt, sugar, and aloes, rubbed on his palate, and w^ould express the taste of each in writing. Why then may not those animals, which either have no tongue, or one not calculated for an organ of taste, possess this sense in some of the neighbouring parts ? I cannot however agree with that ingenious anatomist Grew,+ when he considers the internal surface of the three first stomachs of the bisulca to be an organ of taste ; particularly since Wepfer and others have remarked the enjoyment which is connected with the se- * The lingual bone (os hyoides) of the three first classes of animals, varies accord- ing to the different methods in which they take their food. Many excellent remarks on this subject may be seen in Fab. ab Aquapendente De Larynge, p. 276 ; and irj Casserius De Vocis Organis, with excellent delineations. t See his Qom'parative Anatomy^of Stomachs and Guts, p. 26,. ON THE TONGUE. 235 cond mastication of the food in ruminating animals. Less, however, can be concluded with any certainty ä priori on this, than on any of the five senses. MAMMALIA. § 2ol.* No animal possesses a tongue exactly like that of the human subject. The form of the organ differs consider- ably in the simice, being longer and thinner ; and the papillae^ which cover its upper surface, are very different. Thus, the length of the tongue of the commonest kind of tailless ape, (simia sylvanus) which now lies before me, is three times greater than its breadth. It has three papillce pe-^ iiolatcB, or fungiformes, at its posterior part, arranged in the form of a triangle. Before these, and along the two sides of the tongue, are about two hundred papillce obtnsce, appearing like white grains. These are not all of the same size ; but they may be distinguished from the papillcz conicce, which cover the rest of the tongue's superior surface, much more easily than in the human tongue. § 232. Most of the herbivorous mammalia, particularly among the bisulca, have their tongue covered with a firm and thick cuticular coat, called epithelium ; which forms number^ less pointed papillae directed backwards. These must assist, according to their consistence and direction, at least in the animals of this country, (Germany) in tearing up the grass.^ Animals of the catf kind have their tongue covered with sharp and strong prickles, which must enable the animal to take a firm hold. Similar pointed processes are found in some other animals ; as in the bat-JcindX and the opossum. In the tongue of the opossum I have found the centre of • See Reuter De lingua Mammalium et Avium. Regiom. 1820. 1 Daubenton, vol. ix. tab. 15, of the panlher ; fig. 3 of the cat ; tab. 22, fig. 2, 3, of the lyrix. t Ibid. vol. X. fig. 15 of the vampire. Pallas, Spicileg, vol. iii. tab. 2, fig. 5, 6, of the vespertilio cephalotes. 266 ON THE TONGUE. the anterior extremity beset with strong papillae, rougher than those which are found in the cat. There seems to be no doubt, that in all the mammalia which we have now considered, the tongue is an organ of taste, at least towards its anterior part. The toothless animals, on the contrary, as the ant-eater and manis, which swallow their aliment whole, have a long worm- like tongue, which is obviously capable of no other use than that of taking their food. The tongue of a two-toed ant-eater, which I dissected, was three inches and a half long, and no larger than a crow-quill at its root. It was, generally speaking, cylindrical, but mark- ed with a scarcely perceptible groove on its superior surface. Two very small foramina coeca were found near the root. The lingual bone was strong, but not remarkably large, and in shape like a horse-shoe. Its muscles, on the contrary, as the geniohyoidei, mylohyoidei, and particularly the genioglossi, were remarkably large and strong. As we are now considering the tongue in its office of assist- ing in taking in the food, this seems to be the proper place for noticing the worm, as it is called, (lytta) of the dog's tongue. It is a tendinous fasciculus of fibres running length- wise under the tongue, as far as its apex, and lying rather loose, in a kind of membranous sheath, without being connect- ed, like a true tendon, to any of the neighbouring muscles. By an old prejudice, which has subsisted at least since the time of Pliny, its extirpation is considered as a preservative against hydrophobia.* Casserius thought that it assisted dogs in lapping up fluids in the peculiar way which they do ; and his opinion is supported by this circumstance, that an opossum, which I kept alive for some time, and which took fluids in the same manner as dogs do, had a similar part under the tongue. * Concerning the structure of this curious, and in some respects enigmatical part, see Morgagni De Sedibus et Causis Morborum, torn. i. p. 67. Venet. 1761. ON THE TONGUE. 267 BIRDS. § 23S. All birds possess a tongue, for even the pelican, {pnoerotalus) in which its existence has been denied, possesses a manifest rudiment of the organ. Probably, however, it serves the purpose of an organ of taste in very few genera. Yet this is the case with some predacious and swimming birds, as also with most of the psittaci; which possess a soft thick tongue covered with papillae, and moistened with a sali- vary fluid ; they really taste diiferent fluids, and soft kinds of food, and select that which is the most agreeable. § 234<. In several other birds, on the contrary, the tongue is horny, stiff", not supplied with nerves, and consequently unfit for an organ of taste. One striking example will supply the place of many. The tongue of the toucan (ramphastos) is some- times several inches in length, yet scarcely two lines broad at its root. It has the appearance, throughout, of a piece of whalebone ; and its margins are fibrous. ^ 235. The form * and mechanism of the tongue vary much in the different genera and species of this class. Two instances deserve particular notice ; that of the wood-peckerf and the cock of the woods. The tongue of the former bird is gene- rally said to be very long, but it is not so. That part which corresponds to the tongue of other birds, is remarkably short, it is merely a sharp-pointed horny portion, with its sides barbed. Behind this is a very singular os hyoides, of a slen- der appearance, but having very long crura. It consists of five cartilaginous portions ; viz. one single piece and two pairs. In the quiescent state of the organ the former lies in a fleshy and very extensile sheath of the bill. The first pair of cartilages is articulated with this, and they are placed at the sides of the neck. The second pair, commencing from • See the plates in J. C. Schoeflfer's Elementa Ornitholflgica. Ratisbon, 1774, 4to. t Huber De lingua Pici viridis, Stuttg, 1821. ^68 ON THE TONGUl:. these, run completely over the cranium, under the integu- ments, and advancing from behind, forwards, their converging extremities are placed together in a kind of groove, and com- monly terminate anteriorly, by an attachment to the right side of the upper jaw. This posterior pair of cartilages may therefore be compared to steel springs, which actuate the whole organ. This is an elegant example of the great share which mere elasticity possesses in the performance of some functions of the animal economy. When the tongue is to be darted out, the anterior pieces are drawn together and enter the sheath of the single portion, extended for their reception. The tongue is thus elongated, and admits of being thrust out some inches.* The tongue of the cock of the woods is still more singular ; that organ, together with the larynx, lies deep in the oesopha- gus, but admits of being quickly elevated and thrust forth by means of considerable muscles.*|- AMPHIBIA. I 236. We shall select a few examples of the chief varieties in this class of animals. The crocodiles tongue (the very existence of which has been denied from the time of Herodotus down to Hasselquist) is small, possesses very little motion, and is in a manner adhe- rent between the two sides of the lower jaw.:]: The salaman- der resembles this. A very different structure is presented in the curious tongue of the chameleon, the mechanism of which may be compared, in some respects, with that of the wood- * See Mery, in the M£moiresde I'Acad, des Sciences, 1709, p. 85. Waller, in the ■Philos. Trans, vol. xxix. p. 509 ; and Wolf, in Voigt's Magazin, pt. 2, of the new series, p. 468. t Frisch, Vögel in Deutschland, tab. 108. Schneider's Commentary on the Works 6f Frederic 11. tab. 2 3 and Gilibert, Medecin Naturaliste. Lyons, 1800, 8vo. p. 294. i C. G. De Rhoer De Fide Herodoti rite astimanda, in the Verhandelingen van Teylers tweede Genootschap, pt. 7, p. 104. L. Y. Hämtnen De Herniis, p. 105. Nouvelles de la Republique des Lettres, Oct. 1688, p. 1125. ON THE TONGUE. 269 pecker. Yet its form is vei'y different ; for the anterior extre- mity of the organ is club-shaped ; and is hollowed out on its upper surface.* The tongue of some testudines is thickly covered on its an- terior margin with long fibrous papillas-i- The soft, flat, and fleshy tongue of the frog, lies, in a quies- cent state, in a direction from before backwards. It is firmly attached behind the arch of the lower jaw, and its loose end is turned backwards, so that the semilunar notch of its anterior margin corresponds to the rima glottidis. They seize their prey by turning the tongue forwards, and thrusting it out of the mouth. The tongue of the chameleon displays a very curious mechanism. It is contained in a sheath at the lower part of the mouth, and has its extremity covered with a glutinous secretion. It admits of being projected to the length of six inches, and is used in this manner by the animal in catching its food, which consists of flies, &c. It is darted from the mouth with wonderful celerity and precision, and the viscous secretion on its extremity entangles the small animals which constitute the food of tlie chameleon, § 237. The tongue of the serpent is attached and situated in the same manner as in \}i\Qfrog,\ but it is round and slender, its apex is bifid, and the root rests in a kind of fleshy sheath, being capable of protrusion and retraction at pleasure.^ FISHES. ^ 238. There is little to be said concerning the tongue of * Besides the works which have been already quoted on the anatomy of this ani- mal, see Hussem, in the Verhandelingen van de Maatschappye te Haarlem, vol. viii. pt. 2, p. 228. Duvernoy, in the Bulletin de la Soc. Philom. torn. iii. ; and Miller, Iconei Animal, et Platitar. tab. 2. t I have observe'd this in the testudn graca from Mogadore. The form of the os hyoides in the testudines may be seen in Caldesi, tab. 8. X Seetzen, in Meyer's Zoologisch Archiv, pt. 2, p. 65. 5 Abbild. Naturhiitoriich. Gegenstände, pt. 4, tab. 37, in the boa and rattle-snake. ITie curious os hyoides of serpents, with two cartilaginous portions running along the trachea, is represented by Tyson, Philvs. Trans, vol. xiii. p. 68, fig. 5. S70 ON THE TONGUE. this and the two following classes. It is doubtful whether it be an organ of taste, and in what degree it may serve that purpose.* It appears at least in fishes to possess no manifest papillae,+ and in many of this class is covered with teeth. That which is commonly called the tongue, in some fishes, as the carp, is a glandular body attached to the palate, and extremely irritable in the Uving animal.J INSECTS. § 239. The organ which is commonly considered as the tongue of insects § merely serves for taking in the food.|| But the accurate observations of professor KnochjH render it very probable that the posterior pair of palpi, or feelers, possesses the power of taste in several of this class. VERMES. § 240. In the mouth of some moUusca,** and snails, an organ is found, which has generally, from its situation, been taken for the tongue. But none of the observations which have been hitherto adduced respecting its functions, are suffi- ciently decisive to justify us in setting it down as an organ of taste. * See Dumeril, Memoires de Zoologie et de V Anatomie compar^e. Par, 1807. t JjiveBzim' s Osservazioni sulle Torpedini, p. 41, J Observat. Colleg. privat, Amstelod. vol. i. p, 40. - § Schelver, loco citato, p. 39. A. W. Knock, Neue Beyträge zur Insectenhimde, pt. 1, 1801, 8vo. p. 40, tab. 1, fig. 30, in which the tongue of the May-beetle {scara- bcEus melolontha) is represented. II Loc. cit, p. 32, tab. 1, fig. 9, of the scarabaus Frischii; tab. 8, fig. 4, of the scarabceus tmicolor. % Swammerdam, of the cuttle-fish, p. 882, tab. 50, fig. 4, 5. ** Of the helix pomatia, ibid. p. 109, tab. 5, fig. 3. 271 CHAPTER XIX. ON THE ORGAN OF SMELLING. § 241. Ihe sense of smelling prevails much more extensively in the animal kingdom than that of taste, since it not only as- sists several genera in selecting their food, which they have not afterwards the power of tasting, but is also of service in finding out proper objects for the satisfaction of their sexual appetite. Yet there is much doubt I'especting the organs of this sense in the two classes of white-blooded animals. § 242.* We can determine the degree of acuteness of this sense by the inspection of the cranium in the four-footed mammalia, (taking the term in its most extensive sense, in which it will include the quadrumana and hats). Three cir- cumstances principally determine our judgment on this point. 1st, The structure of the ethmoid bone, and particularly the number and arrangement of those openings in its superior or horizontal lamina, which transmit the filaments of the olfac- tory nerve. 2ndly, The formation of the inferior conchae na- rium, or turbinated bones. Srdly, The existence and relative magnitude of those cavities of the internal nose, particularly the frontal sinuses, which contribute to the organ of smelling. § 243. The hedgehog and mole, the animals of the weasel, hear, dog, and cat-kinds, most of the hisulca, and the elephant, afford examples of a very complicated formation of the ethmoid bone, both in regard to the elegant structure of its cribriform • F. C. Rosenthal, Diss, de Organo Olfaclus (juorundam Animaiium. Jena, 1802, 4to ; and CryplncB, 1807. 272 ON THE ORGAN OF SMELLING. lamella, and to the wonderful convolutions of its turbinated portions, which procure as large a surface as possible within the confined space of the nasal cavity, for the application of the Schneiderian membrane. All these animals are well known for the remarkable acuteness of their sense of smelling. The ethmoid bone is remarkably narrow, and imperfectly developed in most of the quadrumäna. As there is not suffi- cient space left for it between the orbits, which lie close toge- gether, (§ 21)* it is placed deeper in the nose, so that the ol- factory nerves descend between the orbital portions of the frontal bone, as in a canal, the bottom of which is formed by the cribriform lamella, small and inconsiderable, and perfo- rated by few apertures.-f The cetacea have no ethmoid bone ; and it is a matter of doubt what pair of nerves contribute to the function of smelling. At the time when the author first published this work, he, as well as other zootomists, believed that the cetaceous animals had no olfactory nerves. Blainville and Jacobson, however, believe that they have found them in the dolphin {delphinus delphis) situated in the same part of the brain as in the human subject. See the Bulletin de la Societe Philom. 1815, p. 195. Treviranus has also delineated and described them in bis Biologie, vol. v. p. 342 ; but Otto and Ru- dolphi, who have had frequent opportunities of examining the brain of dolphins and Greenland tvhales, have not been able to detect the _first pair, and doubt their existence in those animals. . § 244. The conchce narium inferiores are more or less con- voluted, in proportion to the greater or less complication in the structure of the upper ones. They are remarkably large in the bisulca ; % and much convoluted in most of the preda- * In tVie skull of a cercopithecus capucinus in my possession, the partition between the two orbits, which space in the human cranium is filled by the ethmoid cells, and superior turbinated bones, contains a large opening, which in the recent state was probably closed by a portion of periosteum. t Josephi, Anatomie der Säugethiere, vol. i. p. 179, &c. ^ See Caspar Bartholin, Analecta Observationum, in his Specimen Historice Anata- mic-p, tab. 3, fig. 3, 4, of the sheep ; and Morand, in the M6m. de I'Aead. des Sciences, an 1724, tab. 24, of the ox. Sir B. Harwood's System of comparative Anatomy. Camb. 1796. ON THE ORGAN OF SMELLING. 273 cious animals.* They are both large and wonderfully com- plicated in the seal. §245. The frontal sinuses of the elephant \ are larger than those of any other animal ; the pig, which has an acute sense of smelling, comes next in order in this respect. I have considered, in a more detailed manner, the structure of these cavities in several genera and species of the different orders of mammalia in my Prolusio de Sinubus Frontalibus, Goetting. 1779, 4to., where I have endeavoured to show, from compara- tive anatomy, that their use is to strengthen the sense of smelling, and that they are not subservient to the formation of the voice. Most of the mammalia, which possess proper horns, have these cavities extending more or less into those processes of the frontal bone, on which the horns are formed : this structure is particularly observable in the wild goat {capra ibex). They are generally large in the bisulca, the solidun- gida, and in most of the carnivorous mammalia. They are absent on the contrary in the seal, in most of the rodentia^ and the cetacea. They receive in the sheep, as is well known, the larvae of the oestrus ovis ; and cases are not very uncom- mon in which other insects, particularly the scolopendra elec- trica, have accidentally gained admission into them in the hu- man subject, and have caused distressing and tedious symp- toms. § 246. The anomalous structure of the elephant's proboscis, or trunk, and the blowing-holes of the cetacea, must be no- ticed here, as these parts constitute prolongations and external openings of the nose. The former organ consists of two canals, separated from each other by an intervening partition. Innumerable muscu- lar fasciculi, running in two directions, occupy the space be- tween these and the integuments. There are fibres of a transverse course, passing like radii from the canals to the in- * Casp. Bartholin, hen citato, fig. 5, 6, of the Iwund (cants venaticus). t Stukfly, in his ffintm-i/ nf the Spleen, p. 101, tab. 5, fig. 2, 274) ON THE ORGAN OF SMELLING. teguments ; * and others, which run in a more longitudinal di- rection, but have their extremities turned inwards.f The former extend the trunk without causing any contraction of the canals, the latter bend or contract it, and both tend to bestow on it that wonderful mobility which it possesses in every direction. The blowing hole of the cetacea is not a peculiar organ, distinct from the nasal openings, as several naturalists have imagined, but one and the same with these.J It does not, however, seem to be designed for an organ of smelling, but merely to be subservient to respiration, and to the expulsion of the water which enters the mouth with the food.§ Cuvier has given a more detailed description of the elephant's trunk in the last vol. of his Legons d'Anat. comp. p. 283 — 289 ; and has also represented the part in the 29th plate of the same volume. The more longitudinal fibres are divided at short intervals by ten- dinous intersections, which enable the animal to bend any part of the organ, and to give it any requisite degree of curvature. The same structure will confer a power of bending different parts of the trunk in opposite directions ; indeed there is no kind of curvature which may not be produced by these longitudinal fibres. These fasciculi occupy the external surface of the organ. The transverse fibres are not all arranged like radii round the canals ; but some pass across from right to left, and must therefore affect the diameter of those tubes by their action. The whole of these muscular fasciculi are surrounded and connected together by a white, uniform, adipose substance. The transverse ones are not more than a line in thick- ness. If the number of these, which appear on a transverse section, be ascertained ; and if those portions of the longitudinal fasciculi, which pass from one tendon to another, be reckoned as separate muscles, (for they must have a separate power of action) the whole trunk will contain about thirty or forty thousand muscles, which will account satisfactorily for the wonderful variety of motions which this admirable organ can execute, and for the great power which it is ca- pable of exerting. The blowing-hole of the whale serves as well for respiration as * Hist, des Animaux, torn. iii. tab. 22, fig. 9 ; Stukely, loc. cit. tab. 1, fig. 2. t Hist, des Animaux, Zoc. cit. Stukely, tab. 5, fig. 1. t This has been correctly stated by Tyson, in his Anatomy of a Porpoise, tab. 2^ fig. 8, 9. $ Cuvier, in the Magazin Encyclopedique, an 3. torn. ii. p. 299. ON THE ORGAN OF SMELLING. 275 for the rejection of the water which enters with their food. In con- sequence of its situation at the top of the head, it is easily elevated beyond the surface of the sea, while the mouth is usually entirely un- der water. The opening in the bones of the head is divided into two by a par- tition of bone, and is furnished with a valve opening outwards. On the outside of this opening are two membranous bags, lined with a continuation of the integuments, and opening externally. The wa- ter which the animal wishes to discharge is thrown into the fauces, äs if it were to be swallowed, but its descent into the stomach is pre- vented by the contraction of the circular fibres of the oesophagus. It therefore elevates the valve placed at the entrance of the blowing- holes, and distends the membranous bag, from which it is forcibly expelled by surrounding muscular fibres. " This apparatus occupies the situation which, in other mammalia, is filled by the nose, which organ, together with the sinuses of the head, the olfactory nerve, &c. is entirely wanting in these animals. BIRDS. § 247. The nostrils open in the several genera of this class in very different parts of the upper mandible ; in some, as the 'puffin, {alca arctica) the openings are placed at the margins of the bill, and are so small, that they might be easily over- looked. This may serve as an excuse for the erroneous re- presentation of Buffon, that several birds are entirely unpro- Tided with nostrils, and that they smell by means of the pala- tine openings of the nasal cavity.* § 248. Birds have no proper ethmoid bone ; their olfactory nerves pass through the orbits to the nose, and are distributed on the pituitary membrane, which covers two or three pairs of bony,t or cartilaginous J conchae nariuni (hullce turbinatce or tubulatcB vesic(z)% of various forms and sizes.|| The olfactory nerve of birds comes off from the anterior extremity * Histoire des Oiseaux, torn. i. p. 13. t The crane has very large turbinated bones. ^ This is the case in the toucan (ramphaStvs). § They are excellently described under this name by Schneider De Osse Cribri fcrmi, p. 180. H See Strarpa's representation of the nerves of the nose in the froose, turheii, and hrrim. De Andihi, et Olfartit, tab. 3. T 2 276 ON THE ORGAN OF SMELLING. of the frontal lobe of the brain, and has, therefore, some analogy with the processus mamillaris of quadrupeds. It passes along a ca- nal to the nose, and is distributed in a very beautiful and distinct manner on the pituitary membrane in many instances, as in the crane. AMPHIBIA. § 249. The organ of smelling is less clearly developed in this class of animals. Yet we discover two cartilaginous emi- nences, which may be compared to the conchae of warm- blooded animals.* The origin and course of this nerve are much the same in reptiles as in birds. In the turtle it is a large, strong, and fibrous nerve, and its ramifications in the nose are easily traced. FISHES. § 250. Most of these seem to have double nostrils on each side, for the openings are furnished with a valve-like moveable membrane, which appears like a partition. It was formerly supposed, that this part served also for the organ of hearing' in fishes ; and this erroneous opinion has been revived even in modern times, but it cannot be necessary to refute such an absurdity now. § 251. Behind these openings is generally found, instead of conchae narium, a very elegantly plaited membrane, disposed in semicircular folds, and having the olfactory nerves distri- buted on it.t INSECTS. § 252. Numerous facts have long ago proved that several * Scarpa, tab. 5, in a Uirtle and viper. f See representations of this part in the raia clavata, by Scarpa, tab. 1 , fig. 2 ; in the skate, (raia batis) by Harwood, tab. 7 ; in the shark, by Stenonis, in his Speci- alen Myologvz, tab. 7, fig. 1 ; in the squalus catulus, by Scarpa, tab. 2, fig. 6, 7 ; iu the frog'ßsh, (lophius piscatorius) ibid. tab. 1, fig. 3 ; in the pike, by Casserius, De Auditus Organis, tab. 12 ; by Camper, in his Kleine Schriften, pt. 2, tab. 2, fig. 1 ; Scarpa, tab. 2, fig. 1, 2; and Harwood, tab. 5, fig. 4; in the carp, ibid. tab. 2, fig. 4, 5. Some ON THE ORGAN OF SMELLING. 277 insects can distinguish the odorous properties of bodies even at considerable distances. But the organ in which this sense resides has not hitherto been clearly pointed out.* Since all red-blooded terrestrial animals smell only through the medium of the air, which they take in in inspiration, seve- ral naturalists have supposed, that the stigmata of insects are to be considered as organs of smelling.+ Others ascribe this office, and with some probability, to the anterior pair of palpi. J VERMES. § 253. Several animals of this class appear to have the sense of smelling, as many land-snails {helix pomatia,^ Sec). IßvLt the organ of this sense is hitherto unknown ; perhaps it may be the stigma thoracicum. Some detached remarks on the organ of smelling, in particular fishes, are gived by Morgagni in his Epist. Anat. p, 350. Padua, 1764, fol. . * Rosenthal, über den Geriichsinn der Insecten im Archiv, für Physiologie, p. 427. Ramdohr, übei' die Organe des Geruchs der gemeinen Biene, in the Mag. der Berlin. In. Gesell, vol. v. p. 386. t ITiis was the opinion of S. Reimarus, uher die Tribe der Thiere, p. 308, ed. 3rd. See also Dumeril^ in the Magazin Encyclopedique, an 3, tom. ii. p. 435. t Knoch, in his Beyträge zur Insectenhunde, p. 32, tab, 1, fig. 8 ; and tab. 8, fig. 3, of the scaraba'us frischii, and carahus unicolor. i Swammerdam, p. 110. zn CHAPTER XX. ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. § 254. We should naturally expect to find an organ of hear- ing in most classes of animals,* when we consider the various services which this sense performs ; as, that of indicating the approach of danger, of conducting predacious animals to their prey, and of bringing the two sexes together for the purpose of copulation, &c. Red-blooded animals, without any excep- tion, possess this organ. Analogous parts are found in some of the white-blooded ; and several others certainly can hear, although the organ of that sense has not been hitherto ascer- tained. MAMMALIA. § 255. The four-footed mammalia are the only animals which possess true external ears ; and, even in that class, se* veral instances occur in which these parts are wanting; parti- cularly among such as live in the water, or under ground. * The following works may be consulted for an account of the organ of hearing in the different classes of animals. Casserius De Vocis Auditusque Organis, Ferrara, 1600, fol, (The part relating to the ear is also contained in his Pentcestheseian.') Perrault, Essais de Physique, torn. ii. Geoffroy sur I'Organe de I'Ouie, &c. Amsterd. 1788. Scarpa De Audita et Olfactu. Comparetti, Observationes AnatomiccB de Aure interna comparata. Patav. 1789-4. Monro's three Treatises on the Brain, Eye, and Ear, Edin. 1797-4. Home, in the Philos, Trans. 1800, pt. 1. Pohl, Expositio Anatomica Organi auditusper classes Animalium. Vindebon. 1818. Weber De aure et auditu Hominis et Animalium. Leips. 1820. ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. 279 They are not met with, for instance, in most of the seals, in the walrus, manati, duck-billed animal, {prnitliorliynchus) and mole. On the contrary, some have been said to want exter- nal ears, who really possess them, as the mavmota or mus citil- lus. Another error has been committed, in representing the ears of a species of hat belonging to this country, (Germany) ipespertilio auritus) as double : whereas they are only of an immense size. Still more erroneous is an observation of Haller ; that these ears are to be considered as an accidental monstrosity. The essential parts of the external ear agree on the whole with those of the human subject ;* but their general form is subject to great variety. In very few, except the quadrumana, do they resemble those of man ; but this is the case in the porcupine. The cartilage is stronger, and more elastic in its structure in the human ear than in that of any other animal, in proportion to its size. In some instances, as in the opossum, {didelphis marsupialis) the ears are merely membranous. § 256. The external auditory passage is furnished with a valve in such animals as go frequently into the water, by which they can close it when they dive. The water-shrew (jsorex fodiens) affords an example of this structure. The length, breadth, and direction of the meatus vary considerably in the different genera. It is very long and singularly tortu- ous in the duck-hilled animal.f The cetacea are the only mammalia which have not a bony exter- nal meatus. The tube is cartilaginous in these animals, and so small that its external orifice will about admit a pin in the dolphin. It ar- rives at the tympanum after a winding course through the fat, which lies under the skin. It is probable that the sound gains admission to the ear in these animals, rather through the Eustachian tube than through this very narrow meatus externus. That tube opens at the blowing hole, and is furnished with a valve that prevents the admis- sion of the water, which the animal expels through this opening. ^ 257. It is hardly necessary to state, that all mammalia * The lobulm of the external ear however is found in no animal but man. t Home, in the Phibs. Trans, 1802, pt. 1, p. 70. 280 • ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. have a membrana tympanic a tympanum situated within this, and an Eustachian tube passing from that cavity to the fauces ; except in the cetacea, where it opens in the blowing hole. The membrane is rather concave on its outer surface, being slightly depressed in the middle. All the animals of this class are furnished with the two fenestrts ; the fenestra ovalis, which is filled by the base of the stapes ; the fenestra rotunda, at which the scala tympani of the cochlea com- mences. ^ 258. In the 7iorse and ass the Eustachian tube does not open immediately into the larynx ; but into a sac peculiar to this class of animals, which is situated on the lateral parts of the lower jaw. These cavities then open by a long fissure, provided with a cartilaginous valve, into the pharynx. Have- mann found, in a horse fourteen years old, the cavity of the left side twice its natural size, forming a considerable tumour externally, and containing, besides a good deal of white mucus, 136 cartilaginous concretions, of about the size of a hazel-nut.* § 259. In most of the four-footed mammalia, there is con- nected with the tympanum another cavity ; which, according to the situation of the bony organ that contains it, must be compared to the mastoid cell^ in the temporal bone of man.*!* In several animals this organ forms a mere bony cavity, {bulla ossea) viz. in the dog, cat, martin, squirrel, hare, and some of the bisulca. Partial development of this structure is to be seen in the cercopitheci. In the horned cattle, on the contrary, and in the pig, the cavity is divided into cells by nu- merous bony plates, which somewhat resemble the divisions in a ripe poppy head4 * Bourgelat, Eiemensde I' Art. retulaaire. Par. 1769, p. 498. Eudolpbi, Tlehclemcvkungen, vol. i. p. 77, vol. ii. p. 220. "\'iborg, Sammlung von Abhandl. für Thiei-'drzte und Ockonomen, p. 240. t Sommerberg, however, denies that the cavity can be so compared, and considers the bulla ossea a part of the external meatus. See his QucBstio Physiologica quce et q^laUs sit musculorum vis formmn osseam mutandi. Lond. 1801. J Vesalii Anatomicarmn FallopiiObservatiotium examen. Venet. 1764, 4to. p. 20. ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. 281 § 260. Warm-blooded quadrupeds have, like the human subject, three* ossicida auditus ; which on the whole resemble in form those of man. But the ducJced-billed animal, whose structure in every respect is so anomalous, has only two ;i- and on the contrary, one or two additional small bones are occa- sionally found, particularly in some bisulca.X The following is the passage to which the author refers as express- ing his opinion on this subject. «' Anatomists generally describe a fourth bone (the lenticulus, or os orhicidare) as intervening between the long leg of the incus and the head of the stapes. Repeated and accu- rate examinations have convinced me that this part is only an epiphy- sis of the incus. It is often wanting, even in such ossicula auditus as appear in other respects to be of the most perfect formation ; for in- stance, in those of negroes and North American savages, which I have now before me. When it exists in the adult subject, it can only be separated by the employment of some force ; and a microscopi- cal examination of the surfaces shews that the lenticulus has been broken from the iftcus. Sometimes, indeed, I have found a really separate ossiculum between the incus and stapes ; but this cannot, in my opinion, be considered as belonging to the ordinary natural structure, any more than those other supernumerary ossicula, which are found not unfrequently both in man and animals." Beschreibung der Knochen, p. 144, Cuvier describes a portion of bone as passing between the crura of the stapes, from one side of the fenestra ovalis to the other, in the mole and marmot, (in which last animal it is of considerable size). Lemons d'Anat. comp. p. 489, torn. ii. Mr. Carlisle has represented this part in the marmot, and he states its existence likewise in the guinea pig. {Philos. Trans. 1805, pt. 2.) Cuvier has also found that the stapes is nearly solid in the ceta- cen ; and that there is no perforation in the walrus. This peculiarity of structure seems to belong to such mammalia as live in water ; for the seal has it in a smaller degree. Legons d'Anat. comp. torn. ii. p. * That the lenticulus, or fourth bone, is only a process of the incus, I have already shewn in my Geschicte und Besch. der Knochen des Mensch. Kmpers, p. 155. See Sir A. Carlisle's excellent paper on the physiology of the stapes, in the Phil. Trans. 1805. t Home, loco citato, t Adair, in Cowper's Myotomia refoi-mata. Lond. 1694, 8vo. p. 70, fig. 9. Teichmeyer, Vindicice quorundam Inventorum /tnatomicorttm, Jenae, 1727-4, fig. 5. 282 ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. o05. Carlisle, loc. citat. gives drawings of the stapes in these ani- mals. The second ossiculum of the omithorhynchus approaches very much in its form to the single bone of birds. (Carlisle, loc. cit.) § 261. The part which is termed the labyrinth of the ear, as far as it has been hitherto investigated in the four-footed mammalia, seems to agree on the whole, in its essential points, with that of the human subject. But the cochlea (which be- longs indeed exclusively to this class) has in some cases a turn more than in man; not to mention other differences of less itiaportance.* ,§ 262. In addition to what has been observed respecting the Eustachian tube of the cetacea, some other parts of the organ of hearing exhibit such peculiarity in these animals, and deviate so widely from those of warm-blooded quadrupeds, that they require particular notice-i' Their want of external ear is well known. The opening of the meatus is remarkably small. The bony part of the organ is loosely connected to the skull in the dolphin and porpoise ; and it is completely separate in the proper whales {balcence) and cachalot {physeter). The hard bony substance, which was formerly very errone- ously called lapis manati or tiburonis, is merely the tympanum and bulla ossea of the whale. The ossicula auditus, and the labyrinth, particularly the bony canals, {canales semicirculares) which for this very rea- son were long overlooked, are remarkably small in the ce- tacea. * The reader may consult on this subject the following works, besides those which have been already referred to. Scarpa De Structura Fenestra rotunda) Auris, Mutin. 1777. 8vo. p. 94. P. F. Meckel De Labyrinthi Auris Contentis. Argent. 1774. t On the organ of hearing in the true whale, (balcena) see Camper's Kleine Schriften, vol. ii. pt. 1. In the spermaceti whale, (physeter) ibid. vol. i. pt. 2. In the dolphin, (delphinus delphis) Klein, Hist. Nat. Piscium, pt. 1, p. 29, tab. 5, fig. 1-4, and 7-9. In the porpoise, (delphinus phoceena) and dolphin, Monro's Three Treatises, &c. tab. 5, 6, and his Physiology of Fishes, tab. 35. ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. BIRDS. § 263. This whole class,* as well as the following ones, has no cartilaginous external ear, which belongs, therefore, exclu- sively to the mammalia. This apparent deficiency is com- pensated in birds, particularly in those of ttie rapacious kind, by the regular arrangement of the feathers round the open- ing of the meatus. Several also, chiefly of the last men- tioned class, and particularly among the owls, have a peculiar valve placed at the opening, partly of a membranous, partly of a muscular structure.i- § 264. The membrana tympani of birds is convex on its outer surface ; and the tympana of the two ears are con- nected together by the air-cells of the cranium. J They have a single ossiculum auditus, connecting the mem- brana tympani with the fenestra ovaHs, and consequently sup- plying the place of the malleus and stapes of the mammaha. The part corresponding to the malleus, is generally cartila- ginous, and not provided with any tensor tympani. The Eustachian tubes have a kind of common opening on the arch of the palate. § 265. The labyrinth is distinguished by large canals, pro- jecting from the cranium, and not hollowed out of a hard bony substance, as in most mammalia, and by the want of cochlea. Instead of the last-mentioned part, birds have a short, obtuse, and hollow bony process, passing obliquely backwards from the vestibulum ; and divided by a partition, like the cochlea of mammalia, into two scales, one of which terminates at the fe- • On the organ of hearing in this class, see Allen Moulins, in the Philos. Trans. vol. xvii. p. 712. Vicq d'Azyr, in the M^m. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1778, p. 381. Scarpa De Slructura Fenestra rotundm Auris, p. 101, and De Auditu. Galvani, in the Commen. Inslit. Bonon. torn. vi. p. 420. Comparetti, tab. 2. Of the preda- cious birds, the domestic fowl, and the sparrow. t Klein, Stemmata Avium, tab. 10, fig. 2. Comparetti, tab. 2, fig. 2, he com- pares this part to the concha of the human ear. t Sir E. Home has observed the same kind of communication, by the means of the cells of the cranium, in the elephant. 284 ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. nestra rotunda. This part receives a portion of the auditory nerve as the cochlea does. AMPHIBIA. § 266. The different orders and genera of this class* exhi- bit greater variety in the structure of the organ of hearing than the two former, or the following class. Hence the prin- cipal variations must be separately considered. § 267. Turtles, frogs, and most species of the lizard kind, possess, besides semicircular canals, a tympanum and Eusta- chian tube, like warm-blooded animals. Both the latter parts, however, as well as the ossicula auditus, are wanting in the salamander. The membrana tympani of the turtle resembles a mass of cartilage, and is covered externally by the common integu- ments. Their single ossiculum resembles that of birds. Frogs have a large membrana tympani exposed to view on the surface of the body ; a wide opening of their short Eusta- chian tube at the fauces ; two cartilaginous ossicula ; and a rudiment in the vestibulum of those soft stony substances, which are found in a more conspicuous form in the lizards and serpents, and in the three following classes. The crocodile is the only instance in which there is a sort of external meatus in the class amphibia. This animal, as well as the lizards, possesses ossicula, and the above-men-- tioned stony concretions in the vestibulum. The want of tympanum in the salamander has been al- ready mentioned. The foramen ovale in this animal is merely closed by a portion of cartilage, and the vestibulum contains a soft stone. I 268. The serpents, with a very few exceptions, as the * In the 7th vol. of the Comment. Instit. Bonon. Brunelli has described and de- lineated the organ of hearing in the turtle, tortoise, frog, lizards, and serpents. Com- paretti has also exhibited figures of these genera and orders, tab. 2, fig. 13-35 ; and Scarpa has given most beautiful engravings of the ear in the turtle, crocodile, green lizard, salamander, viper, and Uind-worm, De Auditv, tab, 5. See also Monro, on the turtle, in the Fhijsiology of Fishes. ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. 285 blind-tvorm,* {a)ignis fragilis) have neither tympanum nor Eustachian tube. They have a kind of rudiment of ossiculum. FISHES. § 269. It is only in some genera of cartilaginous fishes, viz. the sJcate and sharh, and lampreys, that a tubular appendix of the vestibulum is continued backwards and outwards, so as to represent a rudiment of a tympanum. § 270. Much light has lately been thrown on the organ of hearing in the bony fishes by Professor Weber. f They pos- sess near the anterior cervical vertebrae considerable ossicvila, which may be compared to the malleus, incus, and stapes ; and in those which are provided with a swimming bladder, these bones are so connected with that organ as to render it probable that it is auxiliary to the sense of hearing. § 271. Their internal ear consists of three large canals, which are generally seen to project into the cavity of the cranium.:!: Opposite to the termination of the auditory nerves on the vestibulum, one, two, or three neatly formed stones are found. These are as white as porcelain, particularly in several of the bony fishes, and very dry and brittle in their texture. § § 272. The internal ear of fishes is distinguished from that of the other three classes of red-blooded animals, by this remarkable peculiarity, that it grows as the fish increases in size, and consequently that its magnitude is in the direct ratio of the bulk and age of the animal. * Scarpa, loco citato, p. 26. t Weber, in the work above cited, p. 28. t See Klein, Mantissa Ichthyologica. Lips. 1746, 4to. Kölreuter, in the Nov. Comment. Acad. Pelrop. torn. xvii. p. 521. Of the sturgeon and beluga (acipenser sturin and huso). Camper's Kleine Schriften, vol. i. pt. 2, tab. 2, of the cod ; vol. ii. pt. 2, tab. \-'i of the frog-fish, (lophius piscatarius) pike, and skate. The organ is delineated in several fishes, in the work of Comparelti, tab. 3 ; in Scarpa, tab. 1, 2, 4; and in Monro's two works. See also J. Hunter's Observaliotn OH tlte Animal Economy, p. 69. $ Klein, Hul, Pitcium, pt. 1, tab. 2. 286 ON THE ORGAN OF HEARING. The membranous canals and vestibulum of the amphibia and fishes are much smaller than the bony or cartilaginous cavities in which they reside. Hence these parts can be discerned and demon- strated much more easily in these animals than in mammalia and birds, where they are closely surrounded by the bone. INSECTS. § 273. There is no doubt that several insects possess the sense of hearing ;* but the organ of this sense is very uncer- tain. In some of the larger animals of the genus cancer, a part can be distinguished, which seems to be analogous to the vestibulum of the former classes.'}' A small bony tube is found on each side at the root of the palpi : its external opening is closed by a firm membrane ; and it contains a membranous lining, on which a nerve, arising from a common branch with that of antennae, is expanded. The latter cir- cumstance might favour an opinion that the antennae them- selves are organs of hearing; but this is refuted by considering the exquisite sense of hearing which some insects possess which have no true antennae, as the spiders ; and by experiments on others, which shew that the sense of hearing is not weakened by removing the antennae.J VERMES. § 274. In the sepice only has any thing been hitherto disco- vered at all like an organ of hearing. In the cartilaginous ring, to which the large tentacula of the animal are affixed, two oval cavities appear. In each of these is a small bag, containing a bony substance, and receiving the termination of nerves, like those of the vestibulum in fishes. § * See the works of Lehmann and Schelver, which I have already often quoted. t P. A. Minasi, Dissertazione sopra varii fatti meno ovvii della Storia Naturale. Nap. 1775, 8vo. fig. 4, of the cancer paguriis. Scarpa, De Auditu, tab. 4, fig. 4, 5, 6, of the crawfish. Comparetti, tab, 3, fig. 26, 28, of the several other species. But whether the parts represented in the other figures of this table, on the heads of several insects, as beetles, butterflies, common flies, &c. are really organs of hearing, is extremely doubtful. J Lehmann De Antennis Insectorum, Dissert, poster, p. 45. $ Scarpa, loc. cit, tab. 4, fig. 7, 11. Comparetti, tab. 3, fig. 10 and 16. 28\ CHAPTER XXI. ON THE EYE. § 275. A SENSIBILITY* to the impressions of light is common to all those animals which, in a natural state, are exposed to this element: it appears at least very evidently to exist in some of the most simple zoophytes, as the armed polypes {hydrcs) : but the power of perceiving the images of external objects is confined to those who are. provided with eyes for the reception of those images. Nature has bestowed on some species, even of red-blooded animals, a kind of rudiment of eyes which have not the power of perceiving light : as if in compliance with some general model for the bodily structure of such animals. This is exemplified in the proteus ;-\ in the blind rat, {marmota typhlus) among mammalia; and in the myxine glutinosa, among fishes. § 276. Since the eye :]: is a very complicated organ, parti- cularly in the red-blooded animals, we shall first speak of * Much infonnation on the subject of this chapter is to be found in Rudolphi's Crundriss der Physiologie, vol. ii. pt. 1. Berlin, 1823. t G. E,. Treviranus, in the work above cited, s. 319. t See Bidloo, De Oculis et Visu variorum Animalium. Lugd. Bat, 1715-4. Zinn De Differentia Fabricce Ocuti Humani et Brutorum, in the Comment. Societ. lieg. Scient. Catling, torn. iv. 1754, p. 191 ; and in the Comment. Antiqitior. 1778, p. 47. W. Porterfield On the Eye. Edinb. 1759, 2 vols. 8vo. Haller, in the Opera Mi7ioi-a, torn. iii. p. 218. L. H. T. Schreger's Versuch einer vergleichenden Anatomie des Auges und der Thriivenorgane. Leipz. 1810. Schreger's Armcht der Augen durch alle Thierclasten, in the Abhandlung der Fhy- ■, fig. 12. u 2 ON THE EYE. In demonstrating this opening in the eye of a simia cyno- molgus, I advanced the following conjecture as to its use. Man, and such animals as have the two eyes placed with their axes parallel, thereby gain the advantage of seeing objects with both eyes at once, and therefore more acutely. But at the same time they are exposed to this inconvenience, that in a strong light both eyes become dazzled at once ; and this hap- pens so much the sooner, because the light falls on the corre- sponding principal focuses of both eyes at once ; the organ not possessing a membrana nictitans. This inconvenience seems to be obviated by i\\e foramen centrale : since that part which forms the principal focus of the eye opens in a dazzling light, so as to form a kind of small pupil, through which the concentrated rays pass, and fall on the choroid, where they are absorbed by the black pigment. § 281. The iris, an organ of very peculiar structure, exhi- bits in the different genera and species of mammalia more nu- merous and interesting varieties than any other part of the eye. The colours of its anterior surface, which are peculiar to the different genera, vary in the races and varieties of domestic animals, although less strikingly than in the human subject. These variations are connected, as in the latter instance, with the colour of the hair ; so that in spotted dogs, rabbits, &c. a mixture of colours will be seen in the iris. The substance of the part varies in thickness in the differ- ent genera. In no instance have I hitherto been able to dis- cover true muscular fibres ; the examination of the part in the elephant and whale having afforded in this respect the same result, as the tender and almost transparent iris of the white rabbit. In the eye of the seal the ciliary vessels are npt distributed in the substance of the iris ; but lie on its anterior surface, and form a considerable plexus, which is visible without any injec- tion.* * Comment. Soc, Reg. Scient, Göetting. loco citato, fig. 2, 3. ON THE EYE. 293 The pupil in the bisulca, solidungula, ceiacea, &c. is trans- verse ; in animals of the cat kind, particularly in a clear light, it is oblong : not to mention other trivial peculiarities, as the small villous appendix, covered with pigmentum nigrum, which is sometimes seen on the middle of the superior margin of the pupil, particularly in the Jiorse. The pigmentum nigrum has a brown colour, in the eye of a white horse which is in my collection ; while the other parts of the same eye, which in horses in general are black, have only a slight greyish brown tinge. Swammerdam, in speaking of the remarkable curtain of the pupil, which is found in the skate, says he has discover- ed a similar part in the Jiorse. If he does not allude to any unusual formation, but merely to such appendices as I have mentioned, tlie comparison is certainly too far fetched.* The figure of the pupil is transversely oblong in the ruminating animals and the horse ; it is heart-shaped in the dolphin. § 282. The corpus cihare, and particularly the folds of its internal surface, with their numerous and elegantly arranged blood-vessels, constitutes one of the most wonderful parts of the eye, although its functions, which must undoubtedly be of, the highest importance, are hitherto involved in mystery. Its more minute differences in the genera, which have been hi- therto examined, are too numerous to be recounted ; and they could not be understood without delineations.t Among other instances, those of the elefhant and liorse may be mentioned, on account of the remarkable beauty and delicacy of their structure. § 9,^^. The size of the crystalline lens varies in proportion to that of the vitreous humour ; and sometimes very consider- ably. I have found the largest lens in this point of view in the comparatively small eye of the opossum (ßideliJhis marsu- * Biblia NaiurcE, p. 881. t Much information may be gained on this subject from Jac. Hovius De Circulari Humorum Molu in OcuUs, ed. 2. Lugd. Bat. 1716, 8vo. 'lliis work, however, is in some parts unintelligible, and not to be depended on ; and must, therefore, be consulted with caution. ^94 ON THE EYE. pialis) ; the whale has the smallest. No mammalia have it so slightly convex on the surface as the adult man. In the cat, hare, the bisulca, the horse, opossum, and seal, it becomes more and more convex according to the series in which I have named these animals. Lastly, in the cetacea it is nearly sphe- rical.* The crystalline is smaller in the eye of man than in any animal, and it is largest in the fishes. The following numbers give the proportions of the three humours, measured on the axis of the eye, after it had been frozen. Aqueous Humour, Crystalline. Vitreous Humour Man . . ^V • . A . u Dog . . Ä . . A • A Cow . . -h • . i^ . ¥r Sheep . . tV < 1 1 TT * n Horse . . Ä • I6 -47 ' u ■ Owl , . ^r ' I I ^v Herring . I r • f • T The greater convexity, which the author ascribes to the seal and whales, arises from their inhabiting the water ; so that they require an organ of vision like that of fishes- It is curious to observe the regularity with which, in some species, the lens divides into certain segments commencing from its centre, in consequence of being dried or immersed in acids-i* § 284. A lacrymal gland% exists in all animals of this class. Several quadrupeds have, indeed, an additional one, besides that which is found in the human subject. Some have no * F. P. Du Petit, in the M£m. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1730. The memoir is translated in Froriep's Bibliothek ßk- die vergleichende Anatomie, vol. i, p. 200. t Leuwenhoeck, Arcana Natura detecta, p. 73. Perrault, Histoire des Animaux, pt. 1, tab. 30. Young, in the Fhilos. Trans. 1793, tab. 20. Hosack, Fhilos. Trans. 1794, tab. 17. J. C. Rail, De Lentis CrystallwiKe Structura Fibrosa. Halle, 1794, 8vo. J Bertin, in the M£m., de I' Acad, des Sciences, 1766, p. 281. ON THE EYE. 295 puncta lacrymalia ; and the elephant has neither lacrymal bag nor os unguis.* In addition to the lacrymal gland, several mammalia have another body, called the glandula Harderi. This is situated nearer to the nose, and pours out a thick whitish fluid near the third eyelid. It joins the proper lacrymal gland in the hare and rabbit ; but is distinguished by its whiter colour. The ruminantia, Carnivora, and pachydermata, have it likewise. The ducts of the lacrymal gland admit of very easy demonstration in the larger quadrupeds, where they open to the number of sixteen or more, by orifices that will admit a large bristle. The hare and rabbit have, instead of puncta lacrymalia, a slit open- ing into the lacrymal canal. The cetacea want the lacrymal apparatus entirely, as their eyes are preserved in a moist state by the element in which they live. The muscles of the eye-ball are the same in number in the simice as in man : but other mammalia possess an additional one, termed the suspensorius oculi. This muscle is of a conical form. Its origin, which takes place from the margin of the optic foramen, represents the apex of the cone ; and its insertion into the posterior half of the sclerotica, con- stitutes the basis. It fills up therefore the interval left between the four recti, and surrounds completely the optic nerve. In several of the Carnivora and the celacea it is divided into four portions ; so that these animals may be said to have eight straight muscles. It must enable the animals which possess it to draw the globe back into the orbit ; and hence it has sometimes been called the retractor of the eye. A remarkable peculiarity occurs in the conjunctiva of the zemni, [tntis typlilus). It is covered with hair as in other parts of the body, so that the eye, which is indeed exceedingly small, seems to be com- pletely useless. A similar structure is also found in two fishes, the murena Cecilia and myxine glutinosa {gastrobranchus c£ecits, Cuvier). Legons d'Anat. comp. torn. ii. p. 394. §285. The nictitating membrane, {memhr ana nictitans, pal- pebral tertia, seu interna, periopJdhalmiutn) of which only a rudiment exists in the quadrumana and the human subject, is very large and moveable in some quadrupeds. -f- This is the case in animals of the cat kind, in the opossum, the seal, and particularly in the elephant. * Camper, CEuvres, torn. ii. p. 138, where he also states that this animal has no lacrymal gland, nor passage for the tears into the nose, f Tabarrani, in the Auidi Siena, torn. iii. p. 115. ^96 ON THE EYE. § 286. The relative magnitude of the true eyelids varies considerably in animals of this class. The lower, which is very large in the elephant, is very small in the horse. In the latter animal, as well as in most quadrupeds, it has no cilia ; while in the quadrumana, the elephant, the giraffe, and others, both eyelids possess eyelashes. BIRDS.' § 287. The eyes are very large in this class of animals,* and consequently the bony orbits are of great magnitude in pro- portion to the skull. In the birds of prey they have a peculiar form, which is simi- lar to that of the chalice, or cup used in the communion service : the cornea, which is very convex, forms the bottom of the cup ; and the posterior segment of the sclerotica resembles its cover .i- § 288. This peculiar form arises from the curvature and length of the bony plates, which, as in all other birds,:]: occupy the front of the sclerotica ; lying close together, and overlap- ping each other. These bony plates form in general a flat, or slightly convex ring ; being long and curved in the accipitres, they form a concave ring, which gives the whole eyeball the above-mentioned form. Dr. Albers observes that the orbit is very imperfect in birds ; and that this bony ring may supply the deficiency. § 289. The distinction between certain parts of the eye, where the membranes have been supposed to be continuous, appears more plainly in some birds, than in any other animals. * Besides the works which have been referred to above, see the memoirs of Petit on this subject in the Mem. de I' Acad, des Sciences, an 1726, 1735, and 1736, Home in the Philos. Trans. 1796. Albers, Beytriige, vol. i. p. 69. Sömmering, in the Denkschriften der Akad. zu München, 1811, p. 177. f Severini, Zootomia Democritea, p, 336. Em. König, in the Ephem, Natur. Curios. Dec. II. an 4, Obs. 34. :|: Goiter, Miscell. Observ. Anat. Chirurg, p. 130. Pierce Smith, in the Fhilos. Trans. 1795, pt. 2, p. 263, ON THE EYE. ^97 Thus I have found the boundaries of the choroid coat and iris very clearly defined in the horned owl (strix bubo) ; and those of the margin of the retina, and the posterior border of the ciliary body very distinct in the toucan {ramphastos tuca- nus). The ciliary processes of birds are not very prominent ; they con- sist rather of striae than of loose folds. They are always closely connected to the crystalline capsule. There is no tapetum in this class. The colour of the iris varies in the different species of birds ; and in many instances possesses great brilliancy. It has a power of vo- luntary motion in the parrot. The retina passes obliquely through the sclerotica, in a sheath of the" latter membrane. § 290. A great peculiarity in the eye of birds consists in the marsupium* {pecten plicatum ; in French, la bourse, le peigne) the use of which has not hitherto been very clearly ascertained. It arises in the back of the eye, proceeding apparently through a slit in the retina ; it passes obliquely into the vitreous humour, and terminates in that part, reaching in some species to the capsule of the lens. The figure of its circumference is a trun- cated quadrangle. Numerous blood-vessels run in the folds of membrane which compose it ; and the black pigment by which it is covered, suggests an idea that it is chiefly destined for the absorption of the rays of light, when they are too strong or dazzling. Others believe that it serves in this class for the in- ternal changes of the eye ; but Crampton has contested this opinion, and described a peculiar circular muscle in the eye- ball of the ostrich, and several large birds, by which these changes are efiected.f % 291. Birds have large lacrymal passages which terminate on the surface of the palate.J * See a neat delineation of the internal parts of the eye in the osprey, {falco ossi- fragus) by L), G. Kieser, De Aiiamorphoü Oculi. Goetting. 1804, 4to. tab. 2, fig, 1. The whole dissertation contains much instructive matter on this subject. See also J. A. Hcgar De oculi ■partlbus quibusdam. Gotting. 1818. f In Dr. Thomson's Annals of Pldlosophy for March, 1813. X Monro, Observations Anatomical and Physioln^ical. Edinb. 1758, 8vo, Albcrs, loco citato, fig. 1, 2. 398 ON THE EYE. Their nictitating membrane"* is furnished with two very ma- nifest muscles.f In some species, as the common fowl, the turkey, goose, and duck, the lower eyeUd, which contains a peculiar small lamina of cartilage, is the most moveable ; in others on the contrary, as in the parrot and ostrich, the upper has the most extensive motion. Very few birds have cilia in both eyelids ; they are found in the ostrich, the falco serpentarius, the razor-billed blackbird, {crotophaga am) and in some parrots. Birds possess both a lacrymal gland and glandula Harderi. The latter is considerably the largest ; and is usually placed between the elevator and adductor muscles of the globe. It furnishes a thick yel- low fluid, which is poured from a single duct, opening on the inner surface of the third eyelid. The eyelids are closed in most birds by the elevation of the infe- rior palpebra, which is the largest. This eyelid has a peculiar de- pressor muscle arising from the bottom of the orbit. The owl, and the goatsucker are among the few in which the upper eyelid de- scends. The third eyelid, or memhrana nictitans, is a thin, semi-transpa- rent fold of the conjunctiva ; which, in the state of rest, lies in the in- ner corner of the eye, with its loose edge nearly vertical, but can be drawn out so as to cover the whole front of the globe. By this, ac- cording to Cuvier, the eagle is enabled to look at the sun. It is capable of being expanded over the globe of the eye by the combined action of two very singular muscles, which are attached towards the back of the sclerotica. One of these, which is called from its shape the quadratus, arises from the upper and back part of the sclerotica ; its fibres descend in a parallel course towards the optic nerve, and terminate in a semicircular margin, formed by a tendon of a very singular construction ; for it has no insertion, but constitutes a cylindrical canal. The second muscle, which is called the pyramidalis, crises from the lower and back part of the sclerotica towards the nose. It gives rise to a long tendinous chord, which runs through the canal of the quadratus, as in a pulley. Having thus arrived at the exterior part of the eyeball, it runs in a cellular sheath of the sclerotica along the under part of the eye, to the lower portion of the loose edge of the memhrana nictitans, in which it is inserted. By the united action of these two muscles, the third eyelid will be drawn towards the outer angle of the eye, so as to cover the front of * It is called by the Emperor Frederic II. pellicula palpebrarum, t Petit, in the M^m. de I' Acad, des Sciences, 1735 and 1736. ON THE EYE. 299 the globe ; and its own elasticity will restore it to its former situa- tion. AMPHIBIA. § 29S. Little is hitherto known concerning the peculiarities in the structure of the eye of this class.* In some reptiles and serpents of this country, (Germany) the common integuments form, instead of eyelids, a kind of firm window, behind which the eyeball has a free motion. In the green turtle-f- {testudo mydai) the sclerotica has a bony ring at its anterior part, composed like that of birds, of thin osseous plates. These animals possess very large lacrymal glands, and a very moveable membrana nictitans ; in which circumstance the frog resembles them.J The ciliary processes are hardly perceptible in the turtle ; but they leave an elegant impression on the surface of the vitreous humour. They are distinct and long in the crocodile. The blood-vessels are visible on the surface of the iris ; where they form a distinct plexus in the crocodile. The optic nerve forms a tubercle within the sclerotica ; from which the retina commences. The number, &c. of the eyelids varies considerably in this class. Serpents have none. The turtle and crocodile have three like those of birds. The frog and toad have three ; of which the third is much the largest and most moveable. The turtle has a very large lobulated lacrymal gland. Serpents have nothing of this kind. FISHES. § 293. The peculiarities in the eye of fishes,§ which belong * Petit, in the Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1737, p. 142. t Albers, in the Denkschriften der Akad. zu München, 1 808- j: Caldesi Osservazioni suUe Testtidini, tab, 8, fig. 11. § Good delineations of the internal structure of the eye of fishes are still wanting. The best which I know of are by Guenellon, of the corf's eye; but they are con- tained in a book where one should not much expect to find them, viz. in Bayle's Nouvelles de la Itepuhlique des Lettres, March, 1686, p. 326. See also Albers, in the work above cited ; and Rosenthal, in the 10th vol. of the Archives für Physioln- gie. 300 ON THE EYE/ either to the whole class, or to most of the genera and species, consist in the division of their choroid coat and retina into se- veral manifestly distinct laminae ; and in the existence of two small organs within the eye, which belong exclusively to this class. § 294. The choroid coat, which in man is a simple mem- brane, and in some other warm-blooded animals, particularly in the cetacea, a double one, consists in fishes of three distinct laminaB. The inner layer forms a tunica Ruyschiana ; the middle one {membrana vasculosa of Haller) is perfectly dis- tinct both from the former and from the exterior coat ; which latter must be compared with the proper choroid of all red- blooded animals. Even this last is continued anteriorly into the iris, and possesses in many species the well known brilliant gold and silver colours. The retina is easily separable into two laminae; of which the external is medullary, and the internal consists of a fibrous texture. § 295. The two other peculiarities belong exclusively to the eye of fishes ; and are common at least to the whole bony di- vision of these animals. A body, generally resembling in shape a horse-shoe, lies between the internal and middle lay- ers of the choroid ; some have thought it muscular, and others glandular. The tunica Ruyschiana gives origin to a vascular membrane, resembling in its form a bell {campanula of Haller). This goes towards the lens, and has, therefore, some resem- blance to the marsupium of birds. No true ciliary body is found, at least in the bony fishes. § 296. The crystalline lens of most fishes is very large in comparison with the size of the eyeball, and nearly or entirely spherical. The vitreous humour on the contrary is small, and the aqueous in many cases is hardly discernible. § 297. The following may be enumerated as instances of remarkable peculiarities in the eyes of particular genera and species of fishes. The firm transparent laminse of common in- teguments, behind which the eyeballs move, as in some am- ON THE EYE. 301 phibia ;* the articulation of the globe on a stalk of ca^^tilage in the skate and shark :f the curtain {operculum pupiUare)\n the eye of the skate, J which can be let down so as to cover the pu- pil : and the unique structure of the lobitis anableps, where the cornea is divided into two portions, and there is a double pupil with a single lens.§ The continuation of the conjunctiva 'over the cornea admits of being demonstrated in the eel. For it comes off sometimes with the rest of the skin of the head in stripping off the integuments of this ani- mal. The organ of vision exists only in one class of animals, without exception, viz. in birds. In mammalia there are two instances of complete blindness, one in the blind mouse (spalax typlilus, Pall. Mus typhlus, L.) and the other in the golden mole (chrysochlonis, sorex au- reus). Among amphibia the proteus anguimis has small eyes covered over with a transparent membrane, through which it has merely the powers of perceiving light, without being able accurately to distin- guish objects. Among fishes the hag-fish {gastrohranchus ccecus myx- ine glutinosa, Linn.) is said to have no trace of the organ of vision, and in the Mind murena no traces of the eye can be seen externally, but beneath the skin rudiments of this organ may be detected. Among insects there are several species of beetles which live in the nests of ants, and are nourished by them, that have no eyes ; further there is a species braula, very nearly allied to the dipterous insect, and which live parasitically on bees, in which no eyes have been de- tected. There are also some species oi ants, as ihe formica contracta and formica cceca, in which the organ of vision is wanting. In Lin- naeus's class vermes, the cephalopoda are provided with eyes ; the ex- istence of the organ of vision is also ascribed to the gasteropoda, which Rudolph], however, is disposed to doubt. In snails the eyes are placed at the extremities of the tentacula. In the remaining mollusca the eyes are certainly wanting. * Abbildungen natur-historisch. Gegenstände, pt, 6, where the part is represented in the ostracion bicuspis. t Stenonis Specimen Elementar. Myologia', tab. 5, fig. 1. Goyeau, in the Mercure de France, Dec. 1757, p. 130. Perrault, Essais de Physique, torn. iii. tab. 1, fig. 4. Radkin, in Abel's Journey in the Interior of China, p. 338. X Stenonis De Musculis et GlanduUs, p. 68. Camper, in the Mämoires präsente» ä I'Acad. des Sciences de Paris, torn. vi. tab. 3, fig. 1. $ Seba Thesaur. Rer. Natural, torn. iii. tab. 34. Camper, in the German translation of Monro's Physiol, of Fishes, p. 165. Lacepede, in the Mt^m. de /'Institut. National, tom. ii. p. 372. .Sdineider, in the 4th vol. of the Keue Schriften der Natnrf, Gesclls. tu Berlin. 302 ON THE EYE. The muscles of the membrana nictitans were supposed to exist only in the elephant among mammalia, but Rudolphi has discovered them in the hycena, and Albers has seen them in the seal. These parts have been described in several mammalia by Rosenthal in his Diss, de externis Oculorwn tegumeniis. Berol. 1812. In animals which have a third eye-lid, there is a peculiar gland, which has been incorrectly stated to exist in the human subject. The matter which it secretes is of a yellowish white colour, and thick con- sistence. All mammalia, and even fishes, possess the four straight and two oblique muscles of the eye. In the tortoise and crocodile there are, in addition to these six muscles, small posterior straight ones. In frogs and toads there are three additional recti. Birds have only the six usual muscles. Man and the apes have only six, but the rest of the mam- malia have, in addition to the anterior, four posterior straight muscles, or the retractor muscle, as it is called, which in the predacious and cetaceous animals, divides into four portions. Where these posterior muscles exist, the eye can be drawn back with great force. In birds and amphibia the muscles of the eye, and consequently its motions, are very weak. In the ray and shark the motions of the eye are much increased by this organ resting on a thin cartilaginous pulley which is attached to the bottom of the orbit. In the other fishes the mobility of the eye is slight, and the motions confined. The form of the eye frequently varies in different animals. If the axis of the eyes of animals of different sizes were compared with their diameter, they will be sometimes found equal. This is the case according to Sömmering, in the lijnx, the racoon, ostrich, falco chrysäetos, strix bubo, and the coluber cesculapii ; and, according to Treviranus, in the fox, badger, hedgehog, and the falco huleo. In man the axis is somewhat longer than the diameter, according to Sömmer- ing, as 1 : 0,95. In the simia inuus, as 1 : 0,99 ; in the bat this pro- portion is the most striking, viz. as 1 : 0,91. In all the other animals of which Sömmering and Treviranus took the measurements, the dia- meter has been found larger than the axis. In the ivhale it is by far the largest. The proportion of the axis to the diameter in the eye of the balcena jnysticetus is, according to Sömmering, as 1 : 1,43 ; according to Treviranus, as 1 : 1,54. In order to obtain any thing like an aver- age, a great number of measurements must be taken of eyes as fresh as they can be obtained. Attention should be paid to the proportion of the cornea to the sclerotica, as on this the form of the eye very much depends. In ce- taceous animals and fishes the cornea is quite flat, on the contrary it is very convex in night birds of prey. In mammalia the cornea is connected, with very few exceptions, in the same way as in the human subject. There are, however, some modifications. The sclerotic is of different degrees of thickness in different parts ; its anterior and posterior portions are thick in the ox and horse, and particularly the seal, whilst the central one ON THE EYE. 303 is thin. In the cetaceous animals the sclerotic increases in thickness from before to behind ; in the whale it is sometimes more than an inch in thickness. Also in birds the sclerotic becomes thicker at its posterior portion. The iris, which presents great varieties of colour in the mammalia, and which is for the most part dark coloured in wild animals, is re- markable in birds for the diversity and beauty of its hues. In theßw- phibia, and still more in fishes, it has a shining metallic hue, resembling silver or gold. Rudolphi has not besn able to detect muscular fibres in the irides of any animals. The pupil is round in the quadrumana, and in some carnivorous animals ; in the hycena and the cat genus, it is perpendicular ; in the rurninantia, solidungula, muUungula, and cetacea, it is horizontally si- tuated. In the horse genus, and several of the rurninantia, the iris is furnished on both edges, or at least on the inferior one, with small round processes strongly tinged with pigment. In birds the pupil, without exception, appears to be round ; and also in tortoises and li- zards, as the lacerta viridis, agilis, &c. In crocodiles and serpents, it is vertical. The pupil of fishes is round; and in the raj/ it is provided with a peculiar process coming from its upper edge, by which it is capable of being closed. The ciliary processes are developed in mamfnalia, birds, and some of the amphibia. Cuvier has not been able to detect them in the com- mon lizards, or in serpents. They exist also in the shark, and though Cuvier denies their existence in all bony fishes, they are very visible in the tnnny, and Treviranus has observed them in the sturgeon and the salmon. In the cephalopoda they are deeply imbedded in a kind of sulcus in the lens. The three humours of the eye exist, without exception, in all the vertebrated animals ; the aqueous humour exists in a very minute quantity in fishes, while it is most abundant in birds. The crystalline lens is spherical in fishes, and approximates more or less to this form in all aquatic animals, as the crocodile, the cetacea, the seal, water-rat, and in aquatic birds. The few serpents which go into the water, as the coluber natrix, have also a spherical lens. In the chameleon the lens approximates to a spherical form ; in land birds, on the contrary, it is flat. The vitreous humour is, according to Tiedemann, of very slight consistence in birds ; but to this remark there are many exceptions. It exists in small quantity in all ani- mals ; fishes, however, possess most of it. INSECTS. § 298. Two kinds of eyes, very dissimilar in their structure, are found in this class.* One sort is small and simple {stemmatd) ; M. deSerres Sur les Yem comjxms et lea y'eu.t lisses des Insectes. Montpell. 18)3 304 ON THE EYE. the others, which are large, seem to consist of an aggregation of smaller eyes ;* for their general convexity is divided into an immense number of small hexagonal convex surfaces, which may be considered as so many distinct corneae. The first kind is formed in diiFerent numbers in most of the aptera, as also in the larvae of many winged insects. When these vindergo the last or complete metamorphosis, and receive their wings, they gain at the same time the large compound eyes. Several ge- nera of winged insects, and apteia (as the largest species of monoculii) have stemmata besides their compound eyes. § 299. The internal structure has hitherto been investigated only in the large polyedrous eyes.:!: The back of the cornea (which is the part, divided in front into the hexagonal surfaces, called in F.rench, faceites) is covered with a dark pigment. Be- hind this are numerous white bodies, of a hexagonal prismatic shape, and equal in number to that of the facettes of the cor- nea. A second coloured membrane covers these, and appears to receive the expansion of the optic nerve. § 300. Further investigation is, however, required in order to shew how these eyes enable the insect to see ; and to de- termine the distinctions between two such very different or- gans. I have given, on a former occasion, the reasons which led me to think it probable, in opposition to the general opinion formerly maintained ; that the polyedrous eyes are adapted for^distant objects, and the simple ones for such as are more near. This is confirmed by observing, that butterflies, which in their perfect or winged state, have the large compound eyes, have only the myopic organs while larvse. * Hooke's Micrographia Restaurata, tab. 20, 21. t Andre, in the Philos. Trans, vol. Ixxii. part 2, of the Monoculus Polyphemus. M. de Serres, in the Journal de Physique, 1809. X Swammerdam, tab. 20, has represented the structure of the eye in the drone or male bee. C!uvier, in the Mem. de ia Soci^te d'Hkt. Nat. de Paris, an 7, p. 41, fig. 3, that of the dragon-ßy, (libellula grandis). ON THE EYE. 305 Yet there are still some doubts respecting the uses of these two kind of eyes ; for some complete animalia subterranea, as the grylhis gryllotalpa, have both kinds. VERMES. § 301. The cultle-fisli only, of this whole class,* has been hitherto shewn to possess true eyes ; the nature of which can- not be disputed. They resemble on the whole those of red- blooded animals, particularly fishes ; they are at least incom- parably more like them than the eyes of any known insects ; yet they are distinguished by several extraordinary peculiari- ties.f The front of the eye-ball is covered with loose mem- branes instead of a cornea ; the iris is composed of a firm sub- stance, which seems like a continuation of the sclerotica ; and a process projects from the upper margin of the pupil, which gives that membrane a semilunar form. The corpus ciliare is very completely formed. In all other vermes the eyes are entirely wanting, or their existence is very doubtful. Whether the black points, at the extremities of what are called the horns of the common snail, J are organs which really possess the power of vision, is still problematical. § * Carus Lehrbuch der Zootomie, p. 67, tab. 4, fig. 2, 9. t Swammerdam, tab. 52, fig. 2. t Ibid. tab. 4, fig. 7, 8. j Äleckel's Archiv, vol. v. p. 206. J. Lauchs, in his Naturgeschicte der Ackerschneche, Neuemb. 1820, p. 20. 306 CHAPTER XXII. ON THE MUSCLES. I 302. The heart and other muscular viscera have been al- ready treated of. We have only to speak here of the proper musclesj which are destined to the performance of the volun- tary motions. As the details of myology do not come within the plan of this work, the present chapter will include only a few remarks on the peculiarities in the muscular structure of the different classes, and of some particularly remarkable spe- cies.* MAMMALIA. § 303* The degree of resemblance between the muscles of the mammaliaf and those of the human subject^ may be infer- * It can be hardly necessary for me to state, that the first vol. of Cuvier's excellent ■work contains by far the most complete account that we hitherto possess of compa- rative myology in general : numerous remarks on the subject may be found also in Borelli De Motu Animalium; and in Barthez, Nouvelle Mechanique des Mouvemens de V Homme et des Animauxi Carcassone, 1798, 4to. Many striking points in the myology of man, and some of the higher animals, are admirably explained and illustrated in a treatise, entitled ' Animal Mechanics,' which has been recently published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge, and which is understood to be the production of Mr. Charles Bell. t We have excellent accounts of the myology of particular species of this class : as for instance, of the chimpansS, (simia troglodytes) by Tyson ; of the dog, by Douglas, in his Specimen Myographies comparatce ; and by Garengeot, in the Myoto- mie Humaine et Canine. Paris, 1724, 8vo. ; of the horse, by Stubbs, in his excel- lent Anatomy of the Horse. Lond. 1766 ; and Alton's Naturgeschicte des Pferdes. Weim. 1816 ; of the cow, by Vitet, M6decine V6t6rinaire, vol. i. % On the muscles of the face in man, as they serve to express the different pas- sions, see C. Bell, On the Anaiomy of Expression in Painting, p. 94. See ON THE MUSCLES. 307 red, in any particular instance, by comparing the skeleton of the animal with that of man. The similarity is greatest/on the whole, in the quadrumana.* Yet these are distinguished by the smallness of their buttock and calf of the leg ; the strength and convexity of which parts constitute peculiar beauties in the human form.+ The differences which we discern in the muscles of the lower ex- tremity between man and the other mammalia, arise out ofthat charac- teristic feature, which so strikingly distinguishes man from all othier animals, viz. his erect stature. An accurate examination of this sub- ject will shew us that the erect position belongs to man only ; and that the well known passage of the Roman poet is not merely distin- guished by the elegance of its diction, but confirmed by the results of physiological investigation. Pronaque cum spectent aniraalia cetera terram, Os homini sublime dedit ; cceluraque tueri Jussit ; et erectos ad sidera tollere vultus. In order to enable any animal to preserve the erect position, the following conditions are required: 1st, that the parts of the body should be so disposed as to admit of being maintained with ease in a state of equilibrium ; 2ndly, that the muscles should have sufficient power to correct the deviations from this state ; 3rdly, that the centre of gravity of the whole body should fall within the space occupied by the feet ; and lastly, that the feet themselves should have a broad surface, resting firmly on the ground, and should admit of being in a manner fixed to the earth. All these circumstances are united in the necessary degree in man only. The broader the* surface included by the feet, the more securely will the line of gravity rest within that surface. The feet of man are much broader than those of any animal, and admit of being separat- ed more widely from each other. The sources of the latter preroga- tive reside in the superior breadth of the human pelvis, and in the length and obliquity of the neck of the femur, which by throwing the body of the bone outwards, disengage it from the hip-joint. The whole tarsus, metatarsus, and toes, rest on the ground in the human subject, but not in other animals. The simiae, and the bear, See also Landseer's Engravings of Lions, Tigers, Panthers, and Leopards. Lond. 1823 ; a work distinguished by the beauty of its execution, and exhibiting most striking illustrations of character and expression in the nobler carnivorous animals. * Lordat Svr I' Anatomie du Singe Vert. p. 42. f Aristotle De Partibus Aiämalium, 4, 10. X 2 308 ON THE MUSCLES. have the end of the os calcis raised from the surface ; while on. the contrary it projects in man, and its prominent portion has a most im- portant share in supporting the back of the foot. The exterior margin of the foot rests chiefly on the ground in the simise ; which circum- stance leaves them a freer use of their thumb and long toes in seizing the branches of trees, &c. ; and renders the organ so much the less adapted to support the body on level ground. The plantaris muscle, instead of terminating in the os calcis, ex- pands into the plantar fascia in the simiae : and in other quadrupeds it holds the place of the ßexor brexns, or perforatus digitorum pedis, passing over the os calcis in such a direction that its tendon would be compressed, and its action impeded, if the heel rested on the ground. The extensors of the ankle joint, and chiefly those which form the calf of the leg, are very small in the mammalia, even in the genus simia. The peculiar mode of progression of the human subject suflfi- ciently accounts for their vastly superior magnitude in man. By ele- vating the OS calcis they raise the whole body in the act of progres- sion ; and by extending the leg on the foot, they counteract that tendency which the weight of the body has to bend the leg in stand- ing- The thigh is placed in the same line with the trunk in man ; it al- ways forms an angle with the spine in animals ; and this is often even an acute one. The extensors of the knee are much stronger in the human subject than in other mammalia, as their double effect of ex- tending the leg on the thigh, and of bringing the thigh forwards on the leg forms a very essential part in the human mode of progres- sion. The flexors of the knee are, on the contrary, stronger in animals ; and are inserted so much lower down in the tibia (even in the simise), than in the human subject, that the support of the body on the hind legs must be very insecure ; as the thigh and leg form an angle, in- stead of continuing in a straight line. The gluteus juaximus, which is the largest muscle of the human body, is so small and insignificant in animals, that it may almost be said not to exist. This muscle, which forms the great bulk of the human buttock, extends the pelvis on the thighs in standing ; and, assisted by the other two glutei, maintains that part in a state of equi- librium on the lower extremity, which rests on the ground, while the other is carried forwards, in progression. The true office of these important muscles does not therefore consist, as it is usually represent- ed, in the common anatomical works, in moving the thigh on the pel- vis, but in that of fixing the pelvis on the thighs, and of maintaining it in the erect position. Such then are the supports by which the trunk of the human body is firmly maintained in the erect position. The properties of the trunk, which contribute to the same end, do not so immediately be- long to the present part of the work ; but may be slightly mentioned, ON THE MUSCLES. 309 to complete the view of the subject. The breadth of the human pel- vis affords a firm basis on which all the superior parts rest securely ; the same part is so narrow in other animals, that the trunk represents an inverted pyramid ; qnd there must consequently be great difficulty in maintaining it in a state of equilibrium, if it were possible for the animal to assume the erect position. In those instances, where the pelvis is broader, the other conditions of the upright stature are ab- sent ; the bear, however, forms an exception to this observation, and consequently admits of being taught to stand and walk erect, although the posture is manifestly inconvenient and irksome to the animal. The perpendicular position of the vertebral column under the cen- tre of the basis cranii, and the direction of the eyes and mouth for- wards, would be as inconvenient to man, if he went on all-fours, as they are well adapted to his erect stature. In the former case he would not be able to look before him ; and the great weight of the head, with the comparative weakness of the extensor muscles, and the want of ligamentum nuchae, would render the elevation of that or- gan almost impossible. When quadrupeds endeavour to support themselves on the hind extremities, as, for instance, for the purpose of seizing any objects with the fore feet, they rather sit down than assume the erect posi- tion. For they rest on the thighs as well as on the feet, and this can only be done where the fore part of the body is small, as in iheshnicef the squirrel, &c. ; in other cases, the animal is obliged also to support itself by the fore feet, as in the dog, cat, &c. The large and strong tail, in some instances, forms as it were a third foot, and thereby in- creases the surface for supporting the body ; as in the kangaroo and ihejerboa. Various gradations may be observed in the mammalia, connecting man to those animals which are strictly quadrupeds. The simite, which are by no means calculated for the erect position, are not, on the other hand, destined like the proper quadrupeds to go on all fours. They live in trees, where their front and hinder extremities are both employed in climbing, &c, The true quadrupeds have the front of the trunk supported by the anterior extremities, which are consequently much larger and stronger than in man ; as the hind feet of the same animals yield in these re- spects to those of the human subject. The chest is in a manner sus- pended between the scapulae ; and the serrati magni muscles, which support it in this position, are consequently of great bulk and strength. When viewed together they represent a kind of girth sur» rounding the chest. § 304. Of the muscles which do not exist in man, nor as far as we hitherto know, in the rjuadrumana, but which on the contrary are found at least in the greatest number of quadru- peds ; the cutaneous expansion of the trunk (panniculus car- 310 ON THE MUSCLES. nosus, expansio cornea, musculus suhcutaneus), and the sus- pensorius oculi,^ deserve particular mention. The panniculus carnosus does not exist in the pig ; but is of extraordinary strength in such animals as have the power of rolling themselves up ; as the tatu, {armadillo) manis, porcu- pine, hedgehog, &c."|' The tendinous fibres of this cutaneous expansion may be split into threads of a hundred feet or more in length in the ceiacea ; and the inhabitants of the Aleutian islands prepare in this way a very delicate kind of thread. § 305. Among such, on the contrary, as are found only in particular genera and species, the most remarkable are the ex^ tremely numerous muscles of the prehensile tails of some cer' copitheci {sapajous, belonging to the simice of Linnaeus), and other South American and Australasian mammalia ;!f: those which we have already described in the trunk of the elephant ;§ and that which belongs to the epiglottis of several mammalia {cerato-epiglottid£Bm).\\ % 306. Other muscles, which are common to most orders of the class, are distinguished in some species by remarkable strength, which adapts them for peculiar kinds of motion. This is the case with the gluteus medius^ of the horse ; which in connexion with some others, particularly the gemellus,** ^ Zinn, in Comment. Soc. Reg. Scient. Getting, torn. i. p, 48, + See the excellent monograph of Himly, iiher die Zusammenkugeln des Igels, Brunswick, 1801, 4to. t Mery reckoned no less than 280 muscles in the prehensile tail of a eercopithe- cits. Du Hamel, Hist. Acad. Reg. Sclent, p. 276. § See the interesting observations of Cuvier on the organization of the elephant's trunk, in the seventh part of the Menagerie du Museum National. He intends to ex- plain the wonderful structure of this completely unique organ in a separate work, with twelve plates. Some remarks on the subject may be found in the valuable De- scription anatomique d'un Elephant male, par P. Camper, publi'e par son fils, A. G. Camper. Paris, 1802, folio. II J. G. Hunge De Voce ejusque Organis. Lugd. Bat. 1753, 4to. ^ Stubbs's Muscles, tab. 2, q, r, s, t; and tab. 3, a, b, c, d. ** Ibid, tab. 3, 60-64. ON THE MUSCLES. 311 enables the animal to kick out backwards with such astonish- ing force ; with the immensely long flexors of the beaver's tail, or the extensors of tlie kangaroo, &c. The pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and teres major, are of vast size in the mole ; and enable the animal to dig its way under ground, and to throw up the earth. BIRDS. I 307. The muscles in this class are distinguished by pos- sessing a comparatively weak, irritable power, which is soon lost after death ; and by their tendons becoming ossified, as the animal grows old, particularly in the extremities, but some- times also in the trunk. I have observed this to a very remark- able degree in the crane. This appearance led several physiologists of the seven- teenth century to the erroneous conclusion, that the bones in general, at least for the most part, are formed from tendons.* § 308. The most remarkable circumstances in the myology of this classf have been incidentally mentioned in previous parts of this work. For instance, muscles which are not ex- clusively peculiar to birds, but are more commonly found in them than in the mammalia, as those of the membrana nicti- tans ;J or such as are deficient, as the diaphragm ; or distin- guished by their remarkable size and peculiar form, as the pec- toral muscles. Birds possess three pectoral muscles, arising chiefly from their enormous sternum, and acting on the head of the humerus. The first, or great pectoral, weighs, of itself, more than all the other muscles of the bird together. The keel of the sternum, the fork, and the last ribs, give origin to it ; and it is inserted in a rough projecting line of the humerus. By depressing that bone, it produces the strong and * See Stenonis De Museulis et Glandulis, p. 26. Casp. Bartholin Specimen His- toric AnatomiccB Partium Coiyoris Humani, p. 185. f On the myology of birds the reader may consult Stenonis, in the Act. Hafniens. 1673, p. 6 ; and Valentini, Amphitheat. Zootom. pt. 2, p. 8. Also Vicq d'Azyr, in the M^m. de I' Acad, des Sciences de Paris, 1772. Merrem's Vermischte Abh. aus der Tkiergesch. p. 144. And Wiedemann's Archives, vol. ii. p. 68. i These muscles are described in the chapter which treats on the eye. 312 ON THE "MUSCLES. violent motions of the wing, which carry the body forwards in flying. The middle pectoral lies under this ; and sends its tendon over the junction of the fork, with the clavicle and scapula, as in a pulley, to be inserted in the upper part of the humerus ; which bone it elevates. By this contrivance of the pulley, the elevator of the wing is placed at the under surface of the body. The third, or lesser pectoral muscle, has the same effect with the great pectoral, in depressing the wing. One of the flexor tendons of the toes of birds (produced from a muscle which comes from the pubis) runs in front of the knee ; and all these tendons go behind the heel ; hence the flexion of the knee and heel produces mechanically a bent state of the toes, which may be seen in the dead bird ; and it is by means of this structure that the bird is supported, when roosting, without any muscular action. This circumstance of the flexion of the toes accompanying that of the other joints of the lower extremity of birds, was long ago observed by Borelii, and attributed by him to the connexion which the flexors of the toes have with the upper parts of the limb, by which they are mechani- cally stretched when the knee is bent. This explanation has been con- troverted by Vicq d'Azyr and others, who have referred the effect to the irritability of the muscles. The opinion of Borelii appears, not- withstanding, to be well founded ; for not only the tendon of the ac- cessory flexor passing round the knee, but the course of the flexor tendons over the heel, and along the metatarsus, must necessarily cause the contraction of the toes, when either of these joints is bent ; and if the phenomenon was not produced on mechanical principles, it would be impossible for birds to exhibit it during sleep, which they do, or to prove the effect on the limb of a dead bird, than which no- thing is more easy. The utility of this contrivance is great in all birds, but particularly so in the rapacious tribe, which by this means grasp their prey in the very act of pouncing on it ; and it is stili more necessary to those birds which perch or roost during their sleep, as they could not otherwise preserve their position, when all their voluntary powers are suspended. Rees's Cyclofedia, art. Birds. AMPHIBIA, § 309. The two chief divisions of this class are distinguished from each other by a remarkable difference in their muscular structure, which arises from a corresponding diversity in the skeleton. In the reptiles, for instance, and particularly in the turtles^ dixxdi frogs, where the trunk of the skeleton possesses but little mobility, the muscles are very few in number. Not * For the myology of the testudo tabulata see Wiedemann's Archives, vol. iii. pt. 2, 78. ON THE MUSCLES. 31S only the diaphragm, but also the muscles of the abdomen and chest are wanting in the genus iesfudo. The other muscles are, however, of vast strength in this genus. In the serpents, on the contrary, they are more uiniform and thin, and more numerous, beyond all comparison, in consequence of the vast number of vertebrae and ribs, and the want of all external organs of motion. FISHES. § 310. The muscles of this class* are distinguished from those of animals which breathe by means of lungs, not only by receiving a smaller supply of blood, and consequently being of a paler colour, but also by their disposition in layers, and by the uniformity "f of their substance, which in general is destitute of tendinous fibres. This structure, together with the number and bulk of their muscles, is well calculated to support that great expenditure of strength and exertion, which is a necessary consequence of the peculiar abode, and whole economy of these animals.:]: INSECTS. §311. The observations which have just been made con- cerning the uniformity, number, and strength of the muscles of fishes will hold equally good, on the whole, of insects; but under other modifications, and generally in a more striking degree.^ In the few which have been hitherto investigated with a view to this subject, some differences have been ob- served. The immensely strong muscles of the claw in the crab and lobster,\\ bear considerable analogy to those in some * Lacepede, Hist. Naturelle des Poüsons, torn. i. Discours, p. 47. Sir A. Carlisle, On the Arrangement and Mechanical Action of the Muscles of Fishes in the Phil. Trans. 180G. f Kielmeyer, über die Verhältnisse der Organischen Kräfte untereinander, p. 22, Bvo. 1793, Stutgard. X Dr. Blane's Lecture on Muscular Molion, p. 54. $ Kielmeyer, loco citato, H Stenonis Specimen EUmentorum Myologia, p. 55. Pcnault, 314 ON THE MUSCLES. organs of red-blooded animals; while the muscles of other insects, as may be seen in the larvae, are distinguished by a peculiar bluish white colour, and flattened form. Their great number concurs also with these characters in distinguishing them from those of the former classes. Lyonet* reckoned 4,061 in the larva of the cossus,-\- and 2,186 of these belong to the alimentary canal. VERMES. § 312. The arrangement of the muscular system of the mollusca % has considerable analogy, on the whole, to that of the larvae of insects. Those which inhabit shells have, more- over, peculiar muscles connecting them to their testaceous covering, and enabling them to move it. Thus the snail has large muscular fasciculi running along the abdomen, attaching it to the upper turn of the shell, and enabling the animal to withdraw itself into the cavity. The bivalves have powerful adductor muscles to close their shells. § In several of the mollusca nuda there is a considerable apparatus of cutaneous fibres, by which a very remarkable shortening of the body can be produced. A similar and very astonishing contractile power resides in the gelatinous parenchyma of the zoophytes^ and animals which inhabit corals, in whose structure nothing like muscular fibres can be distinguished. Perraillt, 'Es&avs de Physique, torn. iii. tab. 4, fig. 3. And especially F. Succow, Specimen Myologies Insectorum de astaco FluvieUiM. Heidelb. 1813. * Tab. 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17 ; and tab. 5, fig, 7, 8. t This number includes about ten times as many as belong to the human body. } See an account of the muscles of the aphrodite aculeata, in Pallas's Miscellanea Zoologica, tab. 7, fig. 13. Of tlie tritonia aplyda, &c. by Cuvier, in the Annales du MusSum National d'Hist^ Nat. torn. i. and ii. Of the snail, (Mix pomatia) by Swammerdam, tab. 6, fig. 2 ; of numerous bi- valves and multi valves in several figures of Poli's work. § Hunter, 0« i/ie B/ood, p. 111. Poli, vol. i. Introduction, p. 59. THE GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS. 317 THE GENERATIVE FUNCTIONS, CHAPTER XXIII. ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. § 313. In considering the comparative anatomy of the sexual functions, we must confine ourselves to those animals which possess male organs, destined for the purpose of impregnation, and female parts for that of conception. To the former belong chiefly the testes, vesiculae seminales, prostate and penis. Yet the three last mentioned parts, and particularly the vesiculae and prostate, are by no means con- stantly found even in red-blooded animals. The following general view of the subject of generation, in the 5th volume of Legons d' Anatomie comparee, affords a comparative statement of the manner in which that function is executed in the different classes. The nature of generation, which is the greatest mystery in the economy of living bodies, is still involved in impenetrable obscurity. The creation of a living body, that is, its formation by the union of particles suddenly brought together, has not hitherto been proved by any direct observation. The comparison of this process to that of crystallization is founded in a false analogy : crystals are formed of similar particles attracting each other indifferently, and agglutinated by their surfaces, which determine the order of their arrangement : living bodies, on the contrary, consist of numerous fibres or laminae of heterogeneous composition, and various figures, each of which has its peculiar situation in relation to the other fibres and lamina?. Moreover, from the instant in which a living body can be said to ^18 ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. «exist, however small it may be, it possesses all its parts ; it does not grow by the addition of any new laminae, but by the uniform or irregular development of parts which existed before any sensible growth. The only circumstance common to all generation, and consequently the only essential part of the process, is, that every living body is attached at first to a larger body of the same species with itself It constitutes a part of this larger body, and derives nourishment for a certain time from its juices. The subsequent separation constitutes birth ; and may be the simple result of the life of the larger body, and of the consequent development of the smaller, without the addi- tion of any occasional action. Thus the essence of generation consists in the appearance of a small organized body in or upon some part of a larger one, from which it is separated at a certain period, in order to assume an inde- pendent existence. All the processes and organs which co-operate in the business of generation in certain classes, are only accessory to this primary function. When the function is thus reduced to its most simple state, it con- stitutes the gemmiparous, or generation by shoots. In this way the buds of trees are developed into branches, from which other trees may be formed. The polypes {hydra') and the sea anemones (actinia) multiply in this manner ; some worms are propagated by a division of their body, and must therefore be arranged in the same division. This mode of generation requires no distinction of sex, no copula- tion, nor any particular organ. Other modes of generation are accomplished in appropriate or- gans ; the germs appear in a definite situation in the body, and the assistance of certain operations is required for their further develop- ment. These operations constitute fecundation, and suppose the existence of sexual parts ; which may either be separate or united in the same individual. The office of the male sex is that of furnishing the fecundating or seminal fluid ; but the manner in which that contributes to the deve- lopment of the germ is not yet settled by physiologists. Some, forming their opinions from the human subject and the mammalia, where the germs are imperceptible before fecundation, suppose that these are created by the mixture of the male fluid with that which they suppose to exist in the female ; or that they pre-exist in the male semen, and that the female only furnishes them with an abode. Otliers consult the analogy of the other classes of animals and of plants. In several instances, particularly in the frog, the gerrn may be clearly recognized in the ovum before fecundation; its pre- existence may be concluded in other cases, from the manner in which it is connected to ihe ovum when it first becomes visible ; for it is agreed on all sides that the ovum exists in the female before fecun- dation, since virgin^ hens lay eggs, &c. From such considerations ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 319 these physiologists conclude that the germ pre-exists in all females-; and that the fecundating liquor is a stimulus which bestows on it an independent life, by awakening it, in a manner, from the species of lethargy in which it would otherwise have constantly renaained. The origin of the germs, and the mode of their existence in the female ; whether they are formed anew by the action of life, or are pre-existent, and inclosed within each other ; or whether they are disseminated, and require a concourse of circumstances to bring them into a situation favourable for their development, are questions which, in the present state of our knowledge, it is utterly impossible for us to decide. These points have for a long time been agitated by physiologists, but the discussion seems now to be abandoned by universal consent. The combination of the sexes and the mode of fecundation are subject to great variety. In some instances they are united in the same individual, and the animal impregnates itself. The acephalous mollusca and the echinus exemplify this structure. In others, al- though the sexes are united in each individual, an act of copulation is required, in which they both fecundate and are fecundated. This is the case with the gasteropodous mollusca and several tvorms. In the remainder of the animal kingdom the sexes belong to different individuals. The fecundating liquor is always applied upon, or about the germs. In many cases the ova are laid before they are touched by the semen; as in some fishes of the bony division, and the cephalopodous mol- lusca. Here, therefore, impregnation is effected out of the body ; as it is also in the frog and toad. But in the latter instances the male embraces the female, and discharges his semen in proportion as she voids the eggs. In most animals the seminal liquor is introduced into the body of the female, and the ova are fecundated before they are discharged. This is the case in the mammalia, birds, most rep' tiles, and some ßshes ; in the hermaphrodite gasteropodous mollusca, in the Crustacea, and insects. The act by which this is accomplished is termed copulation. In all the last mentioned orders ova may be discharged without previous copulation, as in the preceding ones. But they receive no further development, nor can they be fecundated when thus voided. The effect of a single copulation varies in its degree ; it usually fecundates one generation only ; but sometimes, as in poultry, seve- ral eggs are fecundated ; still, however, they only form one gene- ration. In a very few instances one act of copulation fecundates several generations, which can propagate their species without the aid of the male. In the plant-louse {aphis) this has been repeated eight times ; and in some monocuH twelve or fifteen times. When the germ is detached from the ovary, its mode of existence may be more or less complete. In most animals it is connected, by S2Ö ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION means of vessels, to an organized mass, the absorption of which nourishes and developes it until the period of its birth. It derives nothing, therefore, from the body of the mother, from which it is se- parated by coverings varying in number and solidity. The germ, together with its mass of nourishment, and the surrounding mem- branes, constitutes an egg, or ov7i?n ; and the animals which produce their young in this state are denominated oviparous. In most of these the germ contained in the egg is not developed until that part has quitted the body of the mother, or has been laid; whether it be necessary that it should be afterwards fecundated, as in many fishes ; or require only the application of artificial heat for its incubation, as in birds ; or that the natural heat of the climate is sufficient, as in reptiles, insects, &c. These are strictly oviparous animals. The ovum, after being fecundated, and detached from the ovarium, remains in some animals within the body of the mother, until the contained germ be developed and hatched. These are false vivipa' reus animals, or ovo-viviparous. The viper, and some fishes afford instances of this process. Mammalia alone are truly viviparous animals. Their germ pos- sesses no provision of nourishment, but grows by what it derives from the juices of the mother. For this purpose it is attached to the internal surface of the uterus, and sometimes, by accident, to other parts, by a kind of root, or infinite ramification of vessels, called a placenta. It is not, therefore, completely separated from the mother by its coverings. It does not come into the world until it can enjoy an independent organic existence. The mammalia cannot, therefore, be said to possess an ovum in the sense which we have assigned to that term. From the above view of the subject, generation may be said to consist of four functions, differing in their importance, and in the number of animals to which they belong. 1st, The production of the germ, which is a constant circumstance ; 2ndly, fecundation, which belongs only to the sexual generation ; 3dly, copulation, which is confined to those sexual generations, in which fecundation is accomplished within the body. Lastly, uterogestation, which belongs exclusively to viviparous ge- neration. Cuvier, Legons d'Anat. comparee, tom. v. § 314. The testes, and sometimes the vesiculae seminales and prostate, vary most remarkably in their magnitude in such animals as have a regular rutting season.* They are very diminutive at other periods of the year, but swell at that particular time to a comparatively vast magnitude. This * See Dr. Jenner On the Migration of Birds, in the Phil. Trans. 1823. ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION, 321 change is particularly observable in the testes of the mole, sparrow, and frog.* § 315. It is necessary to mention here, in a cursory and ge- neral manner, the peculiar organs possessed by the males of some specievS, for the purpose of holding the female during the act of copulation. Of this kind are the spur on the hind feet of the male ornitJiorhynchus /-f* the rough black tubercle, formed in the spring season on the thumb of the common frog ; the two members, formed of bones articulated to each other, near the genitals of the male torpedo and other cartila- ginous fishes,' the forceps on the abdomen of the male dragon-fly, &c, Ray, Klein, Battara, and others, considered these parts as real organs of generation ; and the same mistake was committed by Menz and Krüger concerning the tubercles on the thumb of the frog. Equally erroneous is the opinion of Tyson, that the sternum of the cyclopterus lumpus (Jumpr, sucJier) serves the male to retain the female ir) its embrace in the act of impregnation ; an opinion which that physiologist entertained, from an idea that such an organ would be pecu- liarly useful to the animal, on account of the shortness of its^ penis. To say nothing of the situation of the sternum on the neck, together with the convexity of the abdomen being cal- culated rather to impede than to assist the act of copulation, and also of the existence of this organ in both the male and female, it has escaped the notice of that otherwise excellent physiologist that these fishes do not copulate. The female deposits the ova alone at the spawning season, as is the case * In animals, wliicl) have lost the testes by the operation of castration, a similar circumstance may be observed in some of the remaining organs ; as in the vesiciilae seminales of the gelding. Bourgelat, El^mens de I' Art V^thinaire. Par. 1769, 8vo. p. 359. t The spur of the ornithorhynchus not only enables the animal to retain the female in a firm position, but probably acts as a specific stimulant during the act of copu- lation. On the subject of this peculiar organ see Rudolphi, in the Abhandl. der Berlinei: Wispersch, 1820. Seifert, Spicitegüi Admologica, p, 8, tab. 1 , fig. .0. Meckel's Archiv, vol, viii. 32^ ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION! with many other species of fishes, and the deposited ova are afterwards fructified by the male. MAMMALIA. § 316. A scrotum, or bag, in which the testes hang on the outside of the abdominal cavity exists only in the mammalia ; but is not by any means common to all the genera. It is not found, and that for very obvious reasons, in the aquatic ani-' inals of this class ; nor in the perfect subterranea (those which , live under ground,) as the mole ; nor in such as roll themselves lip on the approach of danger, as the hedgehog. These, which may be called true testiconda, (i. e. animals having their testes concealed) must be distinguished from such as have the power of withdrawing these glands from the abdo- men, and retracting them into the cavity according to circum- stances ; as the guinea-pig, * the squirrel, the rat, the hamster, t {marmota cricetus) and Canadian musk-rat J (mtis -ssibethicus). In those testiconda which have the penis much concealed by the integuments in its unerected state, as the hare, cat, &c. it is difficult sometimes to distinguish the sexes on the first view, particularly at an early age. A scrotum exists in all the quadrumana and in most of the Carni- vora ; in animals of the opossum kind, which have it in front of the pelvis ; in the hare and gerboa ; in most of the ruminating genera, and in the solidungula. The testes are placed under the skin of the perineum in the pachi/- dermata and the civet ^ or under that of the groin, as in the camel and otter. They pass from the abdomen into one or the other of these situations, particularly at the rutting season, in the bats, the mole, shrew, and hedgehog ; and in several rodentia, as the rat, guinea- pig, porcupine, beaver, squirrel, &c. They remain constantly in the abdomen in the ornithorhynchus paradoxus and hystrix, in the elephant, hyrax, the amphibious mammalia, and the ceiacea. * Frealev, Monographia caviaporcelli Zoologica. Getting. 1820, p. 54. t Sulzer, pp. 38, 67. i Sarrazin, in the Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences de Paris, 1725. Seiler De testiculorum ex abdomine in scrotum descensu. Lips. 1817, p. 33, tab. 2, ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATiON." 323' The tunica vaginalis exists constantly in the mammalia. As the- horizontal position of the body obviates the danger of hernise, the^ cavity of this covering always communicates by means of a narrow^ canal with the abdomen, in such animals as have the testes remaining constantly in the scrotum. Where these glands occasionally pass out of the abdomen and return again, the communication is very broad and free. § 317. In several quadrupeds, as the dog, horse, ram, and others, there is a body composed of condensed cellular sub- stance, lying according to the axis of the testicle near the epididymis, and knovv^n by the name of corpus Highmori^ This is not a canal, nor does it possess that artificial structure which has been described and delineated by several anatomists of the seventeenth century.* The seminal tubes are collected in some animals into large fasci- culi ; as in the baboons, most of the large Carnivora, the wild boar, and the rhinoceros. It is the union of the septa which divide these fasciculi, that constitutes the corpus Highmori. In most of the rodentia, and particularly in the rat, these tubes are large and pa- rallel, and very easily separable. The vasa deferentia are usually enlarged in size, and assume a cellular structure for some short distance previous to their termina- tion. The structure of this part is the most remarkable in the horse ; where " the vas deferens, in passing over the bladder, enlarges to the size of the human thumb ; this amplification extends from ite entrance into the urethra to the distance of five or six inches from that point, where it again becomes of its ordinary diameter. " The inside of this enlargement is composed of cells, and some- what resembles in construction the cells of the corpus cavernosum penis, passing in a transverse direction across the tube. In the centre of this enlargement passes the small canal of the vas deferens; each cell communicates by one, two, or more small pores with the canal of the vas deferens, and the cells diminish as they approach the neck of the bladder, till they are lost in a smooth passage enter- ing the urethra. " What the purpose of this structure is, does not appear ; it must retard the passage of the semen, and probably adds some fluid to it. • De Graaf De Vinrr. Organis General, inserinent. tab. 3, fig. 4, in the dog. See also the excellent delineations by A. Monro, junior, De Testibus. Edinb. 1755, 8vo. tab. 4, fig. 5, in the dog; fig. 8, in the horse; tab. 3, fig. 5, in the pig, Y 2 324 ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. secreted from the cells themselves." Mr. Clark in Rees's Ci/clopedia, art. Anatomy of the Horse. The cells of this part contain a thick white fluid, which flows out in abundance on compression. An analogous structure is met with in the ram. § 318. Most species of mammalia, and, with the exception of the cetacea, some out of every other order in the class possess vesiculcB seminales. Mr. Hunter, at least, expressly asserts that these parts are not found in the cetacea.^ I am indeed aware of the common opinion, which supposes the first discovery of these important parts to have been made in the dolphin, by that excellent zootomist Rondelet, to whose la- bours the science is so much indebted'. But the passage quoted for this purpose from his classical worki* seems to me to be quite as inadequate to prove that point, as the observa- tion of Ray on the male organs of the porpoise^ which has also been applied by Haller to the vesiculae seminales. The vesiculas seminales swell to a vast size in the rutting season in many animals, as in some of the simice, and most particularly in the hedgehog.^ Among the species in w^hich these parts do not exist, are the dog and cat kind, the bears, the opossums, sea-otters, seals, and the ornithorh^nchus. The following animals have no vesiculae seminales, according to Cuvier : the plantigrada, except the racoon and hedgehog ; all the Carnivora and marsupial animals ; the ruminantia, the seals, the ce- tacea, and the two species of ornithorhynchus. Their existence or absence does not seem to follow any general law. Their form and structure vary almost infinitely in the different mammalia, where they often terminate in the urethra by a separate opening from that of the vas deferens. This circumstance, together with the fact of their containing generally a fluid of different appear- ance and properties from those of the semen, and the glandular struc- ture which their coats possess in many instances, militates strongly * Philos. Trans, vol. Ixxvii, p. 442. t Piscibus Marinis, p. 461. 4; Philos, Trans, vol. vi. $ Wetter, Anatome erinacei Europai. Gotting. 1818, p. 61, tab. 3, fig. 1, 2. ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 325 against the opinion which considers these vesicles as reservoirs of the semen, and incHnes us to suppose with Mr. Hunter, that they add a pecuhar secretion of their own to the fluid which comes from the testes. See Mr. Hunter's remarks on the vesiculse seminales, in his Ob- servations on certain Parts of the Animal Economy, p. 27 et seq. In the hedgehog these parts are of a vast size, much exceeding the volume of the testes. They form four or five bodies on each side, consisting of a small and infinitely convoluted tube, and open separately into the urethra. The rodentia are generally distinguished by the great size of their vesicles. These parts in the guinea-pig are long, uniform, cylindrical cavities, containing generally a firm cheesy matter. In the boar they are very large, and of a lobulated structure ; a common excretory duct receives the branches from the lobes. In the horse they form two large and simple membranous bags, opening near the vasa deferentia, but separately. § 319. The possession of a prostate (in some instances sim- ple,, but generally divided into two parts) is peculiar to the mammalia, and seems to take place in every species of the whole class. In many animals at least, where its existence has been denied, as in the goat and ram, considerable glan- dular bodies are found, which bear a greater resemblance to the prostate than to Cowper's glands.*' § 320. In many species the penis consists of a single corpus cavernosum, without any septum. The pig and the cetacea furnish examples of this structure ; and in the latter animals there are numerous tendinous layers crossing it.-j* In some species, where the act of copulation requires a longer portion of time, as in the dog, badger, &c. the corpus spongiosum of the glans, and of the posterior part of the penis, swells during the act much more considerably than the rest of the organ, and thus the male and female are held to- gether during a sufficient space of time for the discharge of the seminal fluid.:|: It has been doubted whether the swelling of the corpus spongiosum • HjJler, in Comment. Soc. Reg. Scient, Getting, torn. i. tab. 1. t Ruysch, Epist. Problemat. 15, tab. 19, fig. 5. X Daubenton, torn. v. tab. 47 ; and Walter, M6moire sur U Blaireau, in the M^m. d« CAcud. de Berlin, 1792, p. 20. S^6 ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. iVi dogs does not frequently occasion a protracted and painful adhe- sion long after the purposes of coition are completed, but Blumen- bach's explanation coincides with that of the Roman poet and physiologist. " In tri viis non s^pe canes discedere aventes, Divorsi cupide summis ex viribu' tendunt. Cum interea validis Veneris compagibus hasrent "? Quod facerent nunquam nisi mutua gaudia nossent.'* Lucret. lib. iv. In the quadrumana and bats the penis hangs loose from the pubis as in man. In most of the other mammalia it is contained in a ^heath of the integuments, which extends nearly to the navel. This sheath has an adductor and a retractor muscle. The penis is gene- rally folded when drawn within the sheath, on account of its length. In some animals it turns back when it has reached the front of the pubis, and passes out near the anus ; this is the case with the guinea- pig, marmot, and squirrel. It goes directly backwards from the beginning in the hare, rat, dormouse, and opossum, where the pre- puce is found close to the anus. The corpora cavernosa form a cylindrical ring in the kangaroo, and the urethra passes in the centre. Mr, B. Clark has given us the following interesting observations on the penis of the horse, in his description of the anatomy of that animal in the 2nd vol. of Rees's Cydopcedia, art. Anatomy of the Horse. " We have remarked that the penis of the horse possesses a volun- tary power of erection, not known to the human, nor perhaps to most other animals. This power is exerted on making water, and though the erection is not very considerable, it is yet sufficient to bring the penis from its sheath, which is effected apparently by its increased gravity, from blood accumulating in the cavernous cells of this part. After staling this semi-erection of the penis subsides, and it is again retracted within the sheath. This operation, though occurring daily to the sight of every one, has not, it is apprehended, been noticed by any veterinary writer. '* The urethra of the horse is muscular from one extremity to the other, being formed on the outside of strong transverse fleshy fibres, ,and supported by a strong ligament. " In the glans of the penis, immediately over the opening of the urethra, externally, there is a large cell or cavity, smooth on the in- side, and lined with a membrane which secretes a brown unctuous substance for the lubrication of the penis, and defending it from the corrosive effects of the urine ; another cell of a similar description with the former is observable on the side of the urethra, and nearly surrounding it ; it is separated from the former by a jnembranous partition. " The apparently unctuous secretion above described is miscible with water ; it burns, however, in the fire like an oily substance, and ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 327 is not soluble in spirits of wine or nitrous acid, nor does it dry on exposure to the air during several weeks. " There is nothing resembling a frenum to the penis of the horse. " The cavernous body has no longitudinal septum. " Another singularity in the genital parts of this animal is, that there is an immense congeries of veins, lying on the back of the penis, which are filled during copulation, forming an elevation nearly as large as the penis itself; these veins communicate with both the ca- vernous and spongious bodies," § 321. Several species of mammalia, both among those which possess no vesiculse seminales, and thereby require a longer time for completing the act of copulation, and those which are not distinguished by this peculiarity, possess a pecu- liar bone in the penis, generally of a cylindrical form, but some- times grooved. This is the case with some of the simics, most of the hat-Jchid, the hamster, and several others of the mouse- hind, the dog, hear, badger, weasel, seal, walrus, &c. A simia cynomolgus, which I lately dissected, had a small os penis, with large vesiculse seminales. Delineations of this bone in several species of animals may be seen in Redi,* and in the works of Meyer and Daubenton. It is somewhat remarkable that this bone should not be found in all the species of the same genus. Thus it is wanting in several simice, in some bats, and in the hyena of the dog-kind.f § 322. In most of the male animals of this class the urethra runs on to the end of the glans, and forms a common passage for the urine, prostatic liquor, and semen. In some few spe- cies, the passage which conducts the two former fluids, is dis- tinct from that of the seminal liquor. The bifid fork-like glans of the o2}ossum% has three openings, one at the point of bifurcation for transmitting the urine ; and two for the semi- nal fluid at the two extremities of the glans. The short ure- thra of the ornithorhynchus paradoxus opens directly into the • De Viventibus intra Viventia, tab. 26. t See J. F. Hermann, Observat.ex Osteol.comparat, Argent. 1792, p. 13. t Cowper, in the Phitos. Trans, vol. xxiv. p. 1583, fig. 2-5. Among other pecu- liarities of this singular animal it may be mentioned, that the penis lies behind" the scrotum. ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. cloaca, and the large penis of the animal serves merely to con- duct the seminal fluid. It divides into two parts at its extre- mity, and each of these is furnished with sharp papillae, which are perforated for the passage of the semen.* A similar structure obtains in the ornithorhynchus hystrix, where the penis divides into four glandes.f § 323. In some species of the cat^kind the glans is covered with retroverted papillae, which, as these animals have no ve- siculae seminales, may enable the male to hold the female longer in his embraces. In a collection at Hanover there is a penis which must have belonged to a tiger, or some similar species ; where the lower part of the glans is furnished with two strong horny processes divided each into three points, which are turned backwards. Similar horny processes are found in the penis of the savia paca* ^ 324^. Lastly, it deserves to be mentioned, that in some species of this class, the male penis, while unerected, is turned backwards, so that the urine is voided in the male in the same direction as in the female. The hare, lion, and camel, afford instances of this structure. But the statement which has been so often repeated since the time of AristotlcjJ that these re- tromingentia copulate backwards, is erroneous. BIRDS. § 325. The testes, which lie near the kidneys, and the duc- tus deferentes, are the only male organs which are constantly found in the whole class.§ In a very few instances, as in the cock, the last mentioned canals terminate in a dilated part, which has been considered analogous to the vesiculas seminales. Instead of a penis, most birds have in the cloaca two small papillae, on which the semi- • Home, in the Philos. Trans. 1802, tab. 4, fig. I. t Ibid. tab. 12, fig. 1. % Historia Animalium, II. 1, V. 2 ; and De Partibus Animal. IV. 10. $ G. G. Tannenberg, Spicilegium Observationum circa Partes Genitales J^asculas Avium. Goetting. 1789-4. ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 329 nal ducts terminate. This is the case in the cock, turkey, and pigeon. Some few species have a simple penis of considerable length, which is ordinarily concealed and retracted within the cloaca ; but remains visible externally for some time after copulation. It forms a long worm-shaped tube in the drake,^ and consti- tutes a groove in the ostrich, which is visible when the animal discharges its urine.t The testes of birds consist of a congeries of seminal tubes analo- gous to those of the mammalia. AMPHIBIA. § S26. The kidney, testes, and epididymis, lie close together in the testudines, but each of the three organs may be distin- guished, by its peculiar colour and structure, on the first view. They appear to have no vesiculae seminales ; J I could at least discover none in a testudo grceca which I lately dissected. The penis, on the contrary, is very large, and retracted within the cloaca in its ordinary state. Instead of an urethra, this part contains a groove, whose margins approach to each other, when the part is erected, so as to form a closed canal. This may be compared with the groove-like continuation of the cesophagv;s, which goes into the third stomach of ruminating animals. The glans terminates in an obtuse hook-like point, somewhat resembling the end of the elephant's trunk. § 327. Frogs ^ have large vesiculae seminales, and a small * De Graaf De Mulierum Organis, tab. 17. Tannenberg, tab. 1 and 2. Ibid. tab. 2 and 3 ; also Home, loc. citat. tab. 12, fig. 2. t Cuvier, in the first part of the MSnagerie du Museum National. f I should not express myself with uncertainty on this subject, if Lieberkuhn had not ascribed vesiculae seminales to the turtle, (he does not mention the species) G. E. Hamberger, Physiot. Med. p. 712. There is much obscurity in the different descriptions of the male organs of gene» ration of the turtle and tortoise. The various observations on this subject are col- lected by Schneider, in his Natural History of the Genus Testudo, p. 129. See also Gilibert, M^decin Naturaliste, 1st series. Lyons, 1800-8, p. 290; and Bojanus, in the work above cited, « Rösel, tab. 5, fig. 1, 2, and 3, tab. 6, fig. 1. 330 ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION, papilla in the cloaca instead of a penis. Both these parts are wanting in the toad.* § 328. Crocodiles have a simple penis, while the lizards of this country (Germany) have two ; and the water-newt, which does not copulate, has no organ of the kind. § 329. Serpents have long slender testicles, no vesiculae se- minales, but a double penis, each of which has a bifid point covered with sharp papillae.t FISHES. 330. The male organs of generation possess very different structures J in the different orders of this class. We shall take two species as examples, the torpedo for the cartilaginous, and the carp for the bony fishes. • In the former instance there are manifest testicles, consist- ing partly of innumerable glandular and granular bodies, and partly of a substance like the soft roe of bony fishes. We find also vasa deferentia, and a vesicula seminalis, which opens into the rectum by means of a small papilla.§ The soft roe supplies the place of testes in the carp,|| and most other bony fishes. It forms two elongated flat viscera of a white colour, and irregular tuberculated surface : placed at the sides of the intestines and swimming-bladder, so that the left encloses the rectum in a kind of groove. Through the middle of each soft roe passes a ductus deferens, which opens behind into a kind of vesicula seminalis, and this terminates in the cloaca. It is a curious circumstance that hermaphrodites, * Ibid. tab. 21, fig. 25 and 26. t Tyson, in the Philos. Trans, vol. xiii, tab. 1, fig. 2, in the rattlesnake, and fig. 3, in the viper. Franque De Serpentium quorundam Genitalibu^. Tubing. 1817. ' J Ph. Cavolini über die Erzeugung der Fische und der Krebse mit Anmerhmgm von A. W. Zimmermann. Berlin, 1792, 8vo. in German. De Graaf, Partium Genitalium Defensio, p. 253. § Lorenzini, tab. 4, fig. 4. See also Monro's Physiology of Fishes, tab. 11, 12. II Petit, in the M4m. de I' Acad, des Sc. 1733, tab. 17. ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 331 possessing the complete organs of both sexes, are found very frequently in this species ; much oftener than among other fishes.* I possess the whole viscera of two such individuals, which were found some years ago within a short time of each other. INSECTS. § 331. The animals t of this class exhibit such numerous varieties of structure in the different orders, genera, and spe- ciesjj that we shall be contented with choosing two of the lat- ter as examples. These are, the moth of the silk-worm, {bom" hyx mori) which is chosen because its genital organs resem-^ ble those of some of the more perfect red-blooded animals ; and a species of locust {gryllus) on account of the external re- semblance between the male and female organs. In the latter {gryllus verrucivorus) the large testicles, with their convoluted fasciculi of vessels, bear a very close resem- blance to the ovaries, in which the ova are collected into simi* lar bundles. § In the moth of the silk-worm we distinguish, besides the testes, long vasa deferentia, even a kind of vesiculae seminales, and a very considerable penis, with a hook-shaped glans.[| * See Alischer, in the Breslau Collections, 14 vers. p. 645. Schawlbe, in the Commerc. Lit. Noric. 1734, p. 305; and Morand, in the Hist, de I' Acad, des Sc. 1737, p. 51. t See Henrich SchaefFer De gene^-atione Insectorum, partibusque ei inservientibus, Ratisb. 1821. i See a representation of these parts in the scardbmus nasicornis, by Swammer'^ dam, tab. 30 3 in a large water-beetle, tab. 22 ; in the nepa cinerea, tab. 3 ; in the papilio urticce, tab. 36; in the ephemera hwaria, tab. 14; in the drone, tab. 21 and 22 ; in the musca cameleon, tab. 42 ; in the musca putris, 43. In a cicada, Malpighi De Bombyce, tab. 11, fig. 2. In a crab, Cavolini, tab. 2, fig. 10, 11. In the cancer Benhardus, Swammerdam, tab. 11. In the crawfish, Rösel, vol. iii. tab. 60. $ Rösel, vol. ii. tab. 9, of the locusts. II Malpighi, tab. 10, fig. 1. Swammerdam, tab. 28, fig. 3: 332 ON THE MALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. VERMES. § 332. From this class we shall select two instances.* The one is an intestinal worm, (ascaris lumbricoides) and derives therefore some interest from its connexion with nosology. The cuttle-ßsh, of the class moUusca, forms the other, and is selected on account of the remarkable peculiarities in its male organs. The ascaris has one testis, occupying nearly the middle of the animal's body, and consisting of a single vessel convoluted into a long bundle, but admitting of being unravelled with fa- cility, when it appears to be about three feet in length. To- wards the posterior part of the worm it forms a larger tube, which nearly equals a crow's quill in size, and becomes con- nected to the penis, which lies concealed near the tail, and is probably projected at the time of copulation.-f* Dr. Hooper states that he has never found any distinction of sex in these worms, but that they all possess the parts described as be- longing to the female. See the account compiled by him in the Mem. of the Lond. Med. Soc. vol. V. p. 237. Yet Dr. Baillie has given a figure of the male worm, similar to that of Tyson, but it is copied from Werner. Fascic. 4, pi. 9, fig. 2 and 4. The representation of Cuvier agrees with that of Dr. Hooper. Legons d'Anai. comp. torn. v. p. 187. The male organs of the cuttle-fish {sepia loligo) have ex- cited particular attention, from the remarkable, and indeed somewhat heightened description which TurbervilleNeedham J gave of them, and which formed the basis of Buffon's theory of generation. § * For the male organs of such vermes as have the generative parts of both sexes combined in each individual, see Swammerdam, tab. 8, fig. 9, v?here they are repre- sented in the slug. For those of the aplysia, clio borealis, and tritonia. See Cuvier, loco citato. Of the lepas balanus, Poli, vol. i. tab. 4, fig, 13. Of the helix pomaiia, Swammerdam, tab. 5, fig. 10. t Tyson, in the Philos. Trans, vol. xiii. p. 161, fig. 1. X Nouvelles Observations Microscopiques, tab. 3 and 4. § Histoire Naturelle, torn. ii. p. 230, ON THE MALE ORGANS OP GENERATION. 333 The part which corresponds to the soft roe of bony fishes, contains at the spawning season several hundred small tubular seminal receptacles (about four lines in length); these are placed in bundles towards the vas deferens, and are contained in a thick fluid. These tubes are expelled from the body in an entire state, when a spiral vessel, which they contain, toge- ther with the semen, as in a sheath, bursts their thin anterior extremity, from which the semen escapes and impregnates the spawn of the female. 334 CHAPTER XXIV. ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. § 333. An ovarium is the most essential and universal of all the female parts of generation. In addition to this, those animals vi^hich breathe by means of lungs, as well as some fishes, and several white-blooded animals, have also oviducts (Fallopian tubes, &;c.) or canals leading from the ovarium to the uterus ; and lastly, those at least which are impregnated by a real copulation, possess a vagina, or canal, connecting the uterus to the external organs of generation. In birds, all the parts which we have just mentioned are single, excepting the ovaries, which in many birds are double. Some cartilaginous fishes have two oviducts, beginning, how- ever, by a common opening, and terminating in a simple ute- rus. The human female, as well as that of many other mam- malia, has two Ovaria, with an oviduct belonging to each, a simple uterus, and vagina. The females of this class, in seve- ral other instances, possess an uterus bicornis; and, in some cases, the generative organs are double throughout ; that is, there are two uteri, and, at least for some extent, a double va- gina, as in the opossum. (Vid. Plate VII.) Ovaria are found in the females of all animals where the male pos- sesses testicles ; but their structure is in general more simple than that of the latter glands, particularly in the first class. These bodies were formerly called the female testicles, but the term ovary is much preferable, as it denotes the function which the parts perform in the animal economy. For, if the office of these bodies be at all dubious, when their structure is considered in man and most of the mammalia, their organization is so evident in the other classes, that no doubt can be entertained respecting their physiology. It is manifest in all these, that the ovaria serve for the growth and preservation of the ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 335 germs, or ova, which exist in these bodies completely formed bfeforfe the act of copulation. Analogy leads us to conclude that these bodies have the same office in the mammalia, and thus our explanation and illus- tration of this most interesting part of physiology are entirely derived from researches in comparative anatomy. MAMMALIA. § 334. Of the external female sexual organs in this class, tlie clitoris is most generally found,* for it exists even in the whales, + and probably is wanting in no other instance than the ornithorhynchus.J As this organ, in its general structure, bears considerable resemblance to the male penis, it contains a small bone in se- veral species of mammalia, as the marmota citillus, the racoon, {ursus lotor) the lioness, the sea-otter, Sec. In the opossum it possesses a bifid glans, like that of the penis. (Vid. Plate VII.) The analogy between the two organs is carried so far in the lori, {lemur iardigradus) that the urethra runs through the organ and terminates on its anterior extremity. § In the rat, the domestic mouse, the hamster, Sec. the clitoris and the orifice of the urethra are placed at some distance from the vagina, and in front of that part. This structure has some- times been mistaken for a preternatural hermaphrodite for- ma tion.|| In consequence of the horizontal position of the body of quadru- peds, the clitoris is at the under-margin of the orifice of the vagina> instead of the upper one, as in women. * Linnaeus considered this organ to be a peculiar mark of distinction between the human female and that of the simias ; whereas, in the latter animals, it is generally remarkably large. I found it of very considerable magnitude in a mandrill, (jpapio maimon) which I dissected. t Tyson's Anat. of a Poi-poise, tab. 2, fig. 3. In a balana hoops of fifty-two feet in length, this part was very large, even in pro- portion to the monstrous size of the animal. t Home, in the Vhil. Tram. 1802, p. 81, § Aubert, Hist. Nat. des Singes, tab. 2, fig. 8, of the anatomical figures, II J. J. Döbel, in Nmj. Literar. Maris Balthici, 1698, p. 238. Jo. Faber, in his remarks on F. Hernandez, Plantar. &c. Mejiravar, Histor. p. 547. 3S6 ON THE J-EMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. It is much larger iii the simiae than in women. The lemur, (macau- co) the Carnivora, and most of the rodentia, have it also very large. None of the mammalia possess nymphae ; and there is generally merely a thin border of the integuments instead of labia pudendi. § SS5. A true hymen, or one at least, w^hich in form and situation resembles that of the human subject, has been ob- served in no other animal. The well-known membranous valve, covering the orifice of the meatus urinarius in the va- gina of the mare, can by no means be considered as a hymen.* Cuvier considers the opening of the urethra as forming the dis- tinction in quadrupeds between the vulva and the vagina ; now this aperture is situated in many animals at a considerable distance with- in the external opening of the genitals. There is a contracted circle in this situation in the otter, dog, caty and ruminating animals, which he considers as analogous to the hymen. He mentions also the existence of a considerable fold in the bear and hyena, in this situation ; and that he has found a manifest hymen in the hyrax. According to the same author, the mare and ass, and some of the simiae, have an analogous structure. Hence he concludes, that the hymen is not a part exclusively peculiar to the human species. Legons d'Anat. comp. torn. v. pp. 128, 133. It appears, however, clearly from his own descriptions that the parts in the above-mentioned animals only bear a remote resemblance to the human hymen. § 336. The vagina of quadrupeds is distinguished from that of the human subject by two chief characters : its direc- tion, and the structure of its internal surface. In consequence of the form and position of the pelvis, this canal lies in the same axis with the uterus, or at least with the neck of that organ. The glandular membrane, which constitutes its inter- nal coat, forms none of those extremely elegant transverse plaits, which distinguish it in the human female, but is merely folded longitudinally. If transverse folds exist in any instance, ■* Ruini, p. 164. D?.ul)enton, tom. iv. tab. 4, fig. 2 j and tab. 8. Bourgelat, loco citato, p. 383. Brugnone, M6m. de I' Acad, des Sc. de Turin, tom. iv, p. 406. The description of a similar part in the manati of Kamtschatka (fricAec/iMsmanafMs) may be seen in the Npv, Comment. Acad. Petropolitan. tom. ii. p. 308 ; and on the- hymen in animals consult Duvernoy, in the MSmoires presentes ä I' Institut, de France, iScs, Physiques, tom. ii. p. 89. ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 337 they are either confined to the immediate neighbourhood of the external opening, as in the cow; or, if they extend farther, as in the simice, they do not possess that regular arrangement or beautiful formation which are displayed in the human female.* Dr. Gärtner of Copenhagen has recently called the attention of anatomists to the existence of two canals in the vagina and uterus of the covj, and some other mammalia. These canals commence in the neighbourhood of the Fallopian tubes, and open into the vagina near the meatus urinarius. They exist also in the soiv ; neither age nor gestation makes any difference, they are always present. In the soio these canals commence by two openings situated on the sides of the orifice of the urethra, run obliquely from within outwards, in the substance of the parietes of the vagina, and also a little upwards, thus describing a curve. In this course they receive lateral branches coming from the neighbouring glands, the union of which forms a mass rather analogous in its external appearance to the pancreas ; they diminish necessarily in size as they receive fewer of these small lateral ducts, and especially in the part of the parietes of the vagina which is continuous with the cornua of the uterus. They are always present, but are found more developed a short time after conception. In a sow, whose uterus contained some foetuses from two to three, inches in length, the diameter of these canals was very consider- able ; they extended even in the substance of the broad ligaments to within a few inches from the ovaries, where they apparently ter- minated in several small glandular bodies. The prolongation of these canals into the broad ligaments was very evident ; their appear- ance was white and opaque, but it was easy to inject them with quicksilver ; in some points they were considerably, and appeared in some others completely obliterated. In the cow, the vaginal orifice of these canals is larger, situated more in front, and on the side of the meatus urinarius ; these canals • A representation of the vagina of tlie mare laid open, may be seen in Dauben- ton, torn. iv. tab. 4, fig. 2. That of the cow, in Nie. Hoboken, Anat. Secundiruz Vitulina. Ultraject. 1675, 8vo. fig. 3 ; and in J. G. Eberhard, Over het verlassen der Koeijen, Amsterdam, 1793, 8vo. tab. 1. Of the ewe, Fab. ab Aquapendente, De formato Fatu, tab. 17, fig. 35 and 36 ; and De Graaf, De MuUerum Organh, tab. 20. Of the hind, Daubenton, torn. vi. tab. 17. Of the rat, ibid, torn, vii. tab. 38, fig. 3. Of the giinel, (^viverra genetta) ibid. torn. ix. tab. 37, fig. 2. Of the panllier, ibid. tab. 16. Z 338 ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. are continued the whole length of the lateral parietes of the vagina, nearly to a level with the orifice of the uterus, where they appeared all of a sudden to terminate. But an attentive examination shewed that they penetrate into the cellular substance on the neck of the womb, and re-appear on the body of the uterus, along which they are continued to the cornua, and thence to within a short distance from the ovaries. These canals are invariably to be found in the course which we have just mentioned. In some young cows the ute- rine portion of these canals is extremely fine ; in others, on the contrary, it is somewhat dilated. The part of the canals correspond- ing to the neck of the uterus is subject to several varieties, resulting principally from the age and the gestation of the animal. See The. Lancet, vol. ix. p. 273. § 337. The structure and form of the uterus vary very con- siderably in this class. In no instance does it possess that thickness, nor has its parenchyma that density and toughness which are observed in the human female.* Of those which I have dissected, the simia sylvanus had comparatively the firmest uterus. The two-toed ant-eater came the next in order in this respect. But in the greater number of mammalia this organ is thin in its coats, resembling an intestine in appearance, and provided with a true muscular covering. § 338. The variations in form of the impregnated uterus may be reduced to the following heads : 1 . The simple uterus without horns {uterus simplex) which, is generally of a pyramidal or oval figure. This is exemplified in those animals where we have stated that it possesses thick coats. Its circumference in some simice presents a more trian- gular form than in the woman : and towards the upper part, in the neighbourhood of the Fallopian tubes, there is an ob- scure division into two blind sacst (as in the gibbon, or long- armed ape) ; this distinction is more strongly expressed in the * " Uterus humanus," (says Haller,) " ah omnium animalium uteris differt, quee ego inciderim, Quadrupedum uterus vents est musculus, pene ut oesophagus. Crassior etiam est in homine quam in ullo animale." Element. Physiol, torn. vii. pt, 2, p. 50. " The human uterus is different from that of all animals which I have met with. In quadrupeds this organ is a true muscle, something like the oesophagus. It is thicker in man than in any animal." t Daubenton, torn, xiv. tab. 6, fig. 2. ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 339 lori, {lemur tardigradus) so as to form a manifest approach to the uterus hicorms.* 2. A simple uterus with straight or convoluted horns {uterus bicornis'). They are straight in the bitch,f in the racoon, in the bats of this country, (Germany) in the sea-otter, seal, Scc.^ somewhat convoluted in the cetacea,% mare,\\ and hedgehog, and still more tortuous in the bisulcaS 3. A double uterus, having the appearance of two horns, which open separately into the vagina; this is seen in the hare,** mole, and rabbilff (uterus duplex). 4. A double uterus, with extraordinary lateral convolutionSj is met with in the opossum and kangaroo%'!\i {uterus anfractuo- sus). Vid. Plate VII. After I had dissected this curious part in a fresh opossum, I began to understand the obscure and in part contradictory descriptions given by others, and I trust that the plate (vii) at the end of this volume will be found not only intelligible, as compared with those by Tyson, Daubenton, and several others, but sufficiently clear to give an idea of these parts to those who may not have had the opportunity of dissecting them. As the process of generation in these singular animals deviates very considerably, in some of its parts, from the same function, as ob- served in the other mammalia, a considerable difference is found in the generative organs ; of which, as the subject is a very interesting one, we shall present the reader with a more detailed description, as • Ibid. tab. 31, fig. 4. t Vesalius, p. 685, ed. of 1555. % Daubenton, torn. ix. tab. 16, of the panther ; tab. 33, of the civet ; tab, 37, fig. 2, and tab. 38, 39, of the genet ; torn. xiii. tab. 51, of the seaZ. $ Tyson, tab. 2, fig. 3. 11 La Fosse, tab. 45, 46. 5J It is represented in the sheep, by De Graaf, tab. 20. In the cow, by Iloboken, fig. 29, 30 j by Eberhard, tab. I, •• Daubenton, torn, vi. tab. 45. tt De Graaf, tab. 25 ; Daubenton, loc. cit. tab. 56. %t Home, in the Philos. Trans, for 1795, tab. l8, fig. 1 ; tab. 19, fig. 3 ; for 1808, p. 310; and 1810, pt. 2. z 2 S4Ö ON THE i?EMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. well with reference to the male as to the female, from the 3rd vol. of Sir. E. Home's Lectures on Comparative Anatomy. With respect to the male organs of generation, Sir E. Home found at the orifice of the prepuce, two delicately formed processes of a very bright red colour ; the orifice of the urethra lay between them, with a groove extending to the point of each ; they were half an inch long, and bore an exact resemblance to the double tongue of the snake. From this mechanism it will be found, that in the act of copulation, the double glans is not denuded till the penis has arrived at the end of the vagina, being too delicate to bear the resistance of the more ex- ternal parts. The testicles are pendulous, hanging in a scrotum, with a narrow neck, a little before the common opening of the anus and the passage for the penis. In the female, the organs of generation do not appear externally, there being one common opening surrounded by cuticle covered with hair ; for both the vagina and rectum, and the two canals, are separated from one another, by means of a septum of no considerable thickness. The common orifice is projected beyond the bones of the pelvis above two inches, and this prominent portion admits of considerable ^ piotion. At the external orifice of the vagina is situated the clitoris, which, when compared with the other parts, may be said to be large ; it is inclosed in a preputium ; a little way further on in the vagina, are two orifices, the openings of the ducts of Cowper's glands. The va- gina itself is about an inch and a half in length, beyond which it leads into two lateral canals ; and on the edge formed between them, openS the meatus urinarius, leading to the urinary bladder. These canals are extremely narrow for about a quarter of an inch in length, and at this part their coats are very thick ; they afterwards become more dilated and membranous ; they diverge in their course, and pass upwards for nearly four inches in length ; they then bend towards each other, so as to terminate laterally in the two angles of the fundus of the uterus. The uterus is extremely tliin and membranous in its coats, slightly infundibular in its shape, and situated in the middle line between the two canals. In the virgin state it is impervious, so that at that time there is no communication with the vagina, except by the lateral canals. The same internal membrane that lines the lateral canals, appears to line the uterus ; it is thrown into folds equally so in the uterus and canals, and a broader fold than the rest marks a division of the uterus into two equal parts. The Ovaria and fimbriae resemble those of quadrupeds : the Fallo- pian tubes follow nearly the same course to the uterus as in the quadrupeds ; but a little way before they reach it they dilate consi- ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 341 derably, forming an oval enlargement, the coats of which are much thicker than those of the other parts, and the supply of blood« vessels much greater, so that there is no doubt of its performing some pecu- liar office ; beyond this part the tubes contract and pass perpendicularly through the coats of the uterus at its fundus, and terminate in two projecting orifices, one on each side of the middle ridge just men- tioned. The Ovaria in the kangaroo are similar to those of quadrupeds in general, have corpora lutea produced in them, and in these the ova are formed. When magnified four diameters, the appearance of the structure of the corpus luteum is beautifully distinct. From these examinations it would appear that commonly the kan- garoo has only one young at a time \ for although in one ovarium there are the rudiments of two corpora lutea, they are in different de- grees of advancement. It is evident that l)oth ovaria are forming corpora lutea at the same time, but they are in very different stages. As the ovum in this animal is not afterwards to be attached to the uterus, there can be no doubt that the thickened oval portion of the Fallopian tube, near its termination in the uterus, which extends to the depending orifice, is to supply something analogous to yolk, which is to attach itself to the ovum before it drops into the cavity ; it is afterwards supplied by albumen from the internal surface of the two lateral tubes ; in the same manner as albumen is formed in the oviducts of birds. The structure of the coats of the oval enlargement of the Fallopian tube is of a very uncommon kind ; it does not resemble any known gland in the body employed for secretion ; the yolk is oil or fat in a most exceedingly concentrated state, which, according to Sir E. Home, is formed in the intestine generally, but in some animals in the liver ; and after being received into the circulation, is deposited by the terminations of arteries whenever wanted. Nothing can better accord with this idea, says Sir E. Home, than the apparatus set up in the Fallopian tube ; there is an arterial trunk at some distance, of considerable size, which sends off an infinite number of branches, nearly of the same length, and all terminating in this oval portion of the tube. This is perhaps the only structure to be met with of the kind, probably also the only occasion in which concentrated oil is re- quired to be suddenly collected. When the ovum arrives at the uterus, it is enveloped in an abund- ant quantity of albumen. There was nothing like shell, and the soft ovum had been too long preserved in spirit to retain its natural ap- pearance, it was reduced to a pulp. The uterus and the lateral tubes were filled with this jelly, and the os tincae plugged up with it; the lateral tubes were open into the vagina. In the cavity of the uterus, in the midst of this coagulated jelly, was a small portion of the rudi- ments of a foetus. The mode in which impregnation takes place has not been satis.- S4<2 ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. factorily explained ; but Sir E. Home has now no doubt that the semen is conveyed into the uterus through the two lateral canals, and is there applied to the albumen in which the molecule corresponding to the human ovum is enveloped, and the embryo is afterwards aerated by means of the atmosphere through the openings into the lateral canals from the vagina. How long it requires for the ovum to be hatched in utero, is not even at this day ascertained ; whenever that happens, the young is propelled into the marsupium through the os tincse which opens for that purpose. There it becomes attached to the point of the nipple. The mammae are two in number ; each of them has two nipples ; they are not placed upon the abdominal muscles, as in other quadru- peds, but are situated between two moveable bones connected to the OS pubis, and the mammse are supported upon a pair of muscles which arise from these bones, and unite in the middle between them. These mammse are covered anteriorly by the lining of the false belly, and the nipples project into that cavity ; this covering is simi- lar to the external skin, having a cuticle, and short hair thinly scat- tered over its surface, except at the root of the nipples, where there are tufts of some length, one at the basis of each. The mammse are supplied with blood from the epigastric arteries. The mammary branches run superficially under the false belly till they reach the mammse. There is a strong muscle which connes down from the upper part of the abdominal muscles, and adheres firmly to each of the mammse ; this prevents the gland from being dragged from its natural situation while the young is suckling. The two bones that lie behind the mammse deserve a particular description, as they are met with in the whole tribe that have false bellies, and are not even peculiar to them, in some degree belonging to other animals, as the crocodile ; they go to the mammse, and have no other use but what is connected with the motion of these parts. Tliey are about two inches and a half long, are flattened, and at their broadest part measure nearly half an inch ; they are attached to the projecting part of the os pubis, which is fitted for that purpose, just before the insertion of the recti muscles ; this attachment to the pubis is by a very small surface, and admits of considerable motion. They have likewise a connexion by a ligament half an inch in breadth, to the ramus of the pubis which joins the ileum. From their base, which is united to the pubis, they become narrower till they termi- nate in a blunted point. These bones have a pair of muscles inserted into their base, to bring them downwards and outwards ; another pair is connected to their blunted extremities to bring them forwards ; a pair of broad flat muscles fills up the whole space between them, arising from their inner edge through its whole length ; these last serve as a sling to support the maramee, and also to bring the bones towards each other. ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 343 Besides these additional bones, and the projection to which they are attached, there is another pecuUarity in the structure of the pelvis of the female ; the two rami of theos ischium which join the pubis, have no notch between them, as in other quadrupeds, but form a round convex surface of some bi-eadth, projecting considerably forwards. The surface itself is smooth, like those over which tendons pass ; but the lateral parts are rough, and have a pair of muscles arising from them, inserted into the skin of the false belly, to bring its mouth to- wards the pudendum. The mode in which the young passes from the uterus into the false belly, has been matter of much speculation ; and it has even beert supposed that there was an internal communication between these ca- vities. This idea took its rise from there being no visible opening, between the uterus and vagina during impregnation ; but such an opening remaining of some size after parturition, explains the mode in which the young passes out ; and the false belly or bag having muscles, which must, when they are in action, bring both the orifice and the mammae themselves close to the vulva, removes all theoreti- cal objections against the young getting to the nipple ; particularly as the vulva has naturally an unusual projection, and the margin of the pelvis immediately before it is rounded and smooth, so to admit of its moving easily in that direction. The very action of opening the mouth of the false belly, by bringing down the skin, will allow the external orifice of the vagina to be thrown still further out, so as to project more directly over the mouth of the false belly in which the foetus is to be deposited. It is to be observed, that as all these circumstances belong to the parts in a natural state, they will be much increased at the period at which parturition takes place, since in all animals at that particular time, there are changes going on to facilitate the expulsion of the young in the way most favourable for its preservation. The size of the young at this period is not exactly known. When the yovmg is first attached to the nipple, the face appears to be wanting, except a round hole at the muzzle to which the nipple is applied and adheres ; soon after, the lips and jaws grow upon the nipple, till at last nearly half an inch of its length is enclosed in the mouth. The kangaroo has only one young at a time, which may be seen attached by the mouth to the nipple inside the mother's pouch, from the period it is the size of your thumb-top, and as unshapely as a new-born mouse, until it attains the size of a poodle-dog, with a fine glossy coat of hair, ready to leap out and hop along after the mother. The young are attached by the mouth to the nipple in somewhat the same way as the placenta of other animals is at- taclied to the uterus, the mouth bein^^ contracted round the nipple, which swells out like a cherry inside it, nourishing the foetus by way of absorption through this indirect channel, the mouth and nipple ad- hering so strongly, that it requires considerable force to separate 344' ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. them. When the foetus arrives at sufficient age to suck, it drops off the nipple, and may then be said to be born, yet still continuing in^^ side of the pouch, and sucking milk now through the ducts ofthat same nipple, from the external surface of which it formerly derived a very different species of nourishment. The manner in which the young reach this pouch from the ovary, and attach themselves to the nipple, is still a mystery, as no communicating duct has yet been found ; but the natives assert they are born in the usual way, and that the mother places them there. It is amusing to see the young kangaroo pop its head out of the pouch, when the mother is grazing, and nib- ble, too, at the tender herbage which she is passing over. When hard hunted, the mother will stop suddenly, thrust her fore-paws into her pouch, drag out the young one, and throw it away, that she may hop lighter along. Tliey are always very hard pressed, however, before they thus sacrifice the life of their offspring to save their own ; and it is pitiful to see the tender sympathetic looks they will sometimes cast back at the poor little helpless creature they have been forced to desert. From this singular mode of gestation, you may handle the foetus in utero, and pull it about by the tail like a kitten, from the first moment of its appearance there, up to the very day of its birth, without causing either pain or annoyance to it or its mother. Such is the very singular manner in which nearly all our Australian quad- rupeds are generated and brought forth. When the young kangaroo has attained a considerable size, it will crawl out, feed about, and creep in again to warm itself, or in case any danger approaches. The kangaroos feed early in the morning when the dew is on the grass, which is the best time to hunt them. See Cunningham's Two Years' Residence in New South Wales. London, 1827. Externally there is no appearance of organs either in the male or female ornithorhynchus, the orifice of the anus being common to the rectum and penis in the male, and to the rectum and vagina in the female. After the most careful search, says Sir E. Home, there was, not the slightest appearance of nipple. The male is distinguished from the female by no other external appearance than the spur, which is attached to the heels of both the hind feet ; it is half an inch in length, with a sharp point. There is a joint between the spur and the heel, admitting of motion in two directions, one that brings it in to- wards the body, in which state it lies concealed ; the other throws it onwards, and renders it very conspicuous. These spurs, Sir John Jameson, resident in New South Wales, who has the opportunity of examining the parts in a recent state, declared to be tubular, and gave to the Linnsean Society a paper on that subject sonie years ago ; he also mentioned that some of the natives, who had been wounded by them, asserted that they emitted a liquor of a poisonous nature. In examining the parts, after being long kept in spirits, no such structure was met with ; and when the spurs were boiled, the cavity appeared to be similar to that of tlie cock, only filled with a pulp instead of a core ; this, however, Sir E. Home has ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. S45 since discovered to be an artificial appearance, the effect of coagula- tion. Upon examining the spur in a better state of preservation. Sir E. Home not only found a membranous tube passing through the spur, which has an orifice on one side, near the point ; but Mr. Clift succeeded in injecting a duct leading to a gland which lies across the back part of the thigh, over the muscles, one inch and more in length, and half an inch broad ; the excretory duct passes like the ureter of the kidney out of one side, near the middle. The quicksilver inject- ed immediately pervaded every part of the gland ; and when the point of the pipe was turned downwards, ran readily to the root of the spur, where the duct made a turn, and formed a small reservoir. After a little time, however, the mucus being gently squeezed and pressed forward, we saw the mercury in the spur, and at last it came out of the orifice. A secretion is emitted through the spur of the male into this socket, and the parts are so minute as to require glasses of consider- able power. Mr. Bauer examined the socket in the female, and after overcoming considerable difficulties, the parts being very much cor- rugated, and yet retaining their elasticity, he made out the form of this socket, which corresponds exactly in shape with the spur itself, so that when completely introduced, it must be so grasped that the male would be unable to withdraw it when the coitus was over, iri this respect resembling the effect of suction. The testicles are situated in the cavity in the abdomen, immedi- ately below the kidneys ; they are large for the size of the animal. The epididymis is connected to the body of the testicle by a broad membrane, which admits of its lying very loose. The penis of the male has a structure of a very extraordinary nature. The urine does not pass along the urethra of the penis ; it is conducted by a distinct canal, which opens into the rectum, an inch above the external orifice of that gut. On each side at this part is a large solid body, the size of a testicle, which proves to be a gland ; each of these has a small excretory duct, which passes to the root of the penis, where they unite, and then open by one common orifice into the seminal urethra, one tenth of an inch after it has entered the penis. These glands must be considered to correspond with Cowper's glands in the human body, and not as either a substitute for pros- tate gland or vesiculse seminales, since they are met with in the fe- male. In the female they are smaller than in the male. Their ducts open by one common aperture on the posterior surface of the vagina, one- fourth of an inch within the orifice ofthat canal. The penis, which is solely appropriated for the passage of the semen is very short, when in a relaxed state, nor is it capable of being much elongated, when erection takes place. The prepuce is a fold of the internal membrane of the verge of the anus, as in the birds, and the penis when retracted is entirely concealed. The urethra leads directly from the bladder to the rectum ; near 346 ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. the double glands it divides into two, one going to each ; and instead of there being a single external orifice, as is usual in other animals, one terminates in five small prominent papillae, the other in four ; they take different directions, corresponding to the tw® openings of the uterus of the female ; the urethra swells out into a cavity in the centre of each glans, and thence communicates with all the papillae, whose orifices are the size of hairs. When water is injected through the urethra, the mode in which it is scattered by the nine orifices of the papillae, exactly resembles the pouring water out of a watering pot. The vasa deferentia open into the membranous part of the urethra before it reaches the penis. The female organs open into the rectum as in birds ; just within the anus there is a valvular projection between the rectum and va- gina ; it is slender, half an inch long, bifid at the point, and enclosed in a prepuce, the end of the glans only projecting into the vestibu- lum. The vagina is about one inch and a half long, its internal mem- brane rugous, the rugae being in a longitudinal direction ; at the end of the vagina is the meatus urinarius, and on its two sides are the openings leading to the utera. This corresponds as nearly as can be to the kangaroo and the opossu?n, only in this animal the uterus in the middle of the vagina is wanting, and on each side, in place of the la- teral canals, there are two uteri in form approaching to the oviducts of birds. At the end of each uterus there is a small ovarium covered by a capsule. When the ovarium was examined by Mr. Bauer, it was found to be filled with yolk bags, less deeply imbedded in its substance than those of the American opossum, bearing a greater resemblance to the yolk bags of the fowl ; and to make this resemblance more intel- ligible they were compared together ; the great difference between them is, the covering of the ovarium in this animal being strong and opaque, while there is no such outer coat in the fowl, and the clutch of yolk-bags is double in the ornithorhynclii, and single in the birds. There is an approach to this in the bird, in which there is only one ovarium and one oviduct ; but in the chick of the common fowl, be- fore it is hatched, there is a small portion of an incipient oviduct on the right side ; but this disappears before the chick is completely formed. As the ornithorhynchus paradoxus resembles the opossum tribe in hav- ing a vagina and a penis, these animals copulate exactly like the quadruped, which made it difficult to understand where the ovum was brought to perfection. The uteri appeared not to be convenient si- tuations ; and yet, if not there, the position of the meatus urinarius seemed to preclude an ovum from having a shell formed in the va- gina or cloacus, at the rectum, a necessary protection before it could be laid externally. The second series oi ornithorhynchus we have called hystrix; how- ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 347 ever much it differs from the other in its external appearances and habits, it resembles it nearly in the organs of generation ; it is an inhabitant of New South Wales. One of this species was shot in Endeavour Bay, by Van Dieraen's land ; it was seventeen inches long, and when it walked, the body was two inches from the ground. The animal which Sir E. Home examined was a male ; externally there was no appearance of organs of generation, in this respect being exactly similar to the paradoxus. Just at the setting on of the heel the hind legs had the same spur already described in the other species ; there was also a gland on the posterior part on the thigh, and a duct leading from it to the spur, but smaller than in the para- doxus. The male organs resemble those of the paradoxus in the form and situation of the testicles, the opening of the vasa deferentia, and the opening of the urinary uretln-a into the rectum, as well as that of the seminal urethra, which runs in the middle line of the penis. The penis is very elastic in its substance : when drawn out is about three inches long ; in a natural state, before it was hardened in spi- rit, it of course could be farther extended. The glans is divided into four portions of equal length, two facing to the right, and two to the left, so that there are evidently two adapted to each uterus. All these have an orifice in their centre, surrounded by concentric circles of in- finitely small prominent papillae. The female organs Sir E. Home has not seen, but the correspond- ence there is between those of the male in the two diflferent kinds, im- plies a similarity in those of the female. The hystrix in many parts of its form is a nearer approach to the more perfect quadrupeds than the paradoxus ; and as its tongue is in some respects like those of the manis and myrmecophaga, it was natural to look among the different species of these genera for other points of resemblance. § 339. These various forms undergo different changes in the pregnant state. The alteration in the simple uterus is, on the whole, analo- gous to that which occurs in the human female. The pregnant uterus bicornis suffers a different change in those animals, which bear only one at a time, from that which it undergoes in the tnuliipara. The foetus of the mare is con- fined in its situation to the proper uterus.* In the cow it ex- tends at the same time into one of the horns, which is enlarg- Ruini, p. 181 et seq. Fab. ab Aquapendente, tab. 20, 21. 348 ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION* ed for its reception.* In those, on the contrary, which brings forth many young at once, as also in the double uterus of the hare and rabbit, both cornua are divided by contracted por- tions into a number of pouches corresponding to that of the young ; and where those horns are straight in the unimpregnat* ed state, as in the bitch, they become convoluted. t The uterus anfractuosus of the marsupial animals under- goes the least change from its usual appearance in the impreg- nated state. For these strange animals bring their young into the world so disproportionately small, that they appear like early abortions. § 340. The Fallopian tubes are convoluted upon each other in a kind of knob in some instances, as the simia sylvanus, and still more remarkably in the opossum. Theßmbrice are some- times shaped like a funnel, as in the rabbit. § 341. The ot^ana are generally of an oval form, and have the ovula Graafiana buried in their parenchyma. These vesi- cles, however, project externally in some cases, as in the pig ; where the ovaries appear tuberculated on the surface. J In the hedgehog they are quite loose and separate, so that the ovary resembles a bunch of grapes, and thereby approaches to the structure of the bird. The number of vesicles appears to accord on the whole with that of the young which a mother is capable of producing during her life.§ The wild and domesticated races of the same species of ani- mals differ very remarkably in their fertility : which difference furnishes a new and strong argument against the supposed pre-existence of previously formed germs in the female ovary. The domestic sow brings forth commonly two litters in the * Hoboken, fig. 1, 6, 31. Eberhard, tab. 9, 10. t Fab. ab Aquapendente, tab. 28, of the hitch. Id. tab. 24, of the pig ; also Daubenton, torn. v. tab. 20. Id. tab. 29, of the tnouse. Id, tab. 30, of the guinea-pig. t Wrisberg, in the Comment. Soc. Reg. Sclent, G'detting, torn. iv. p. 69. § Hunter, in the Philos. Trans, vol. Ixxvii. p. 233. ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 349 year, each of which consists, perhaps, of twenty young ones. The wild animal, on the contrary, becomes pregnant only once in the year, and the number of its young never exceeds ten. Both reach about the same age, viz. twenty years. A similar difference is found to obtain between the tame and wild cats ; as also between the domestic dove and the wood- pigeon. How should those domestic animals, which descend from the original wild stock, produce such a remarkably greater number of young ones, if these are merely to be evolved from germs, which have existed since the first crea- tion of things ? And the corpora luteal which have received this name from their colour in the ovaries of the cow, are probably never found in the quadruped, except after impregnation. I have shewn in the Comment, Soc, Goetting, tom.ix. p. 109, that corpora lutea may be formed in the ovaria of virgins, as empty calices axe sometimes met with in those of birds which have not copulated ; and have also pointed out under what circumstances this takes place.i* BIRDS. § 342. The female organs of generation in this class may be most conveniently arranged under three divisions : the ex- ternal parts including the cloaca ; the tubus genitalis (oviduct) resembling an intestine ; and lastly the ovarium, which is al- most entirely separate from the latter part. As the general structure of these parts is very uniform in all birds, we may take as an example the most familiarly known species, the hen.% § 343. The external opening of the genitals consists of a • Vide Sir E. Home, in the PhU, Tram, for 1819, p. 59, with excellent plates of these parts in the cow and sow, t G. Spangenberg, Disquisitio circa partes genitales famineas Avium. Goett. 1813. t For the sake of brevity, I refer once for all in tiiis description of the generative organs of birds, to the excellent delineations by Ulmus, in Aldrovandi's OrniOiolog, torn. ii. p. 209, ed. of 1G37 ; and by De Graaf, tab. 18 ; and to Spangenberg's work. S50 ON THE i?EMALE ORGANS OP GENERATION. transverse slit behind the ossa pubis, which do not form a symphysis ; this is larger in the hen than in the cock ; and its smaller anterior labium is covered by the larger posterior one {velahrum). This slit leads to the cloaca, in which several organs open, {% 114). These are the rectum; the two ureters on the pro- minent margin of that part ; the vagina on the left ; behind which, and on the upper part of the cloaca, there is the bursa Fabricii. The opinion of the celebrated anatomist, whose name this mysterious organ bears ; that it receives and retains the semen of the cocJc, is refuted by this circumstance among many others, viz. that the part in question is found also in the cocJc^ where it is actually much larger than in the hen ; nay, it is often so small in the latter, that its very existence has lately been denied. This however is going too far« For 1 have never failed in finding it, at least in young Jiens, although it is sometimes no longer than a barley-corn, and instead of being loose, as in the cocJc, is closely invested by cellular substance, so that its demonstration requires some care and attention. The opening, by which it may be inflated, is found on the su- perior surface of the cloaca, behind the termination of the rec- tum, and on the front edge of a small eminence {scutellum) the size and development of which seem to be in an inverse ratio to those of the bursa. From all the observations which I have been able to make on this part (which Perrault very inappropriately termed le troisieme ccecum) I am led to conclude, that the function, which forms its final use, must belong to the male, and that it is only to be considered as a mechanical rudiment in the hen, thereby affording another example of the union of the two principles in the formative impulse. In the present instance the teleogical principle is manifest- ed in the bursa of the cock, and the mechanical in that of the hen. In the breasts, on the contrary, the-case is reversed ; the teleogical principle prevails in the female sex, where the final use or purpose of the glands is discerned ; and these parts are ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION, 351 formed in the male, merely as rudiments, in compliance with the mechanical principle. § 344. In the tubus genitalis, which considerably resembles an intestine, and is really on the whole very uniform in its ap- pearance, we may however distinguish three parts. The va- gina, the proper uterus, and the oviductus ; the latter part terminates in the infundibulum, which is very different in its structure and appearance. The vagina is about one inch and a half long, and very extensile : it follows a tortuous course. The uterus is about the same length, but larger and thicker in its parietes, and folded internally. The oviductus (in French la portiere) appears like a conti- nuation of the last mentioned part ; it is about one foot and a half long, convoluted like an intestine, and though slightly contracted at intervals, on the whole conical, so that it de-r creases in diameter to the infundibulum. Its internal coat is covered with innumerable papillae, which secrete the white of the egg ; and the whole tube is connected above to the spine by a kind of mesentery (mesometrium or meserccon uteri). It opens by its small end into the infundibulum, which is an expanded part, analogous to the fimbriated extremity of the Fallopian tube, for receiving the yolk from the ovarium. This infundibulum is formed of a delicate membrane, with a very elegantly folded margin, which is connected behind to the uterus by means of a round tendinous cord.* In speaking of the uterus and vagina of birds, the author does not sufficiently keep up the distinction which ought to be observed be- tween an uterus and an oviduct. The germ, or ovum, passes from the ovarium through a canal, which either conveys it out of the body, (as in the case of the egg) or transmits it into another organ. The latter is a cavity, admitting of enlargement, and having the germ attached to its parietes by means of vessels, which nourish and preserve it until it has acquired a certain development. The first mentioned organs are found in all the four classes of * Two oviducts have been sometimes discovered in hens. Vide Stenonis, in 2nd vol. of the AU. liavn.^, 226; and Morgagai's Eyist. Anat. XX, note 31. 35^ ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. vertebral animals : they are called Fallopian tubes in the mammalia, and oviducts in the three other classes. The latter belongs to the mammalia only, and is their uterus. We find, however, that the author speaks of the uterus of other classes : the difference in the office of the parts is so striking that they should on no account be confounded together. § 345. The ovarium, resembling in its appearance a bunch of grapes, lies under the liver, and contains in a young laying hen about five hundred yolks, varying in size from a pin's head to their perfect magnitude ; the largest alveays occupy the external circumference of the part. Each yolk is inclosed in a membrane {calyx) which is joined to the ovarium by means of a short stalk or pedicle (petiolus). A white shining line forms on the calyx when the yolk has attained its com- plete magnitude. The membrane bursting in this part, the contained yolk escapes, and is taken up by the infundibulum in a manner which we cannot easily conceive.* It then passes along the oviduct, and acquires in its passage the white and shell.'f The calyx, on the contrary, remains connected to the ovarium ; but it contracts and diminishes in size, so that in old hens which have done laying, the whole internal organs of generation nearly disappear. This forms one of the many instances in the animal economy of remarkable and peculiar motions, which cannot be referred to any of the general vital and motive powers, as contractility, irritability, &c. accord- ing to the physiological notions which have been hitherto affixed to those terms. Hence I have arranged them as spe- cimens of a peculiar principle, or vita propria, without pre- suming to give any explanation of the subject. This term will serve to denote and distinguish them until the received opinions on the above-mentioned general vital powers shall have been so far altered or modified as to include these pecu- liar cases.J * Wepfer, Cicutee Aquaticce Historia et Noxa, p. 173. t Vide Dutrochet, in the Journal de Physique, torn. Ixxxviii. X I have entered more fully into this subject in my Cura iterates de vi vitali canguini deneganda, vita autem propria solidis quibusdam Corporis Humani partibus adserenda. Goettingen, 1795, 4to. ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 353 AMPHIBIA. § 346. The tortoise has a manifest ditoris, lying in the clo- aca. The uterus, oviduct, and ovarium, have on the whole much analogy with those of birds ; but all these parts are double, and have two openings into the cloaca.* The two uteri are thick and fleshy, while the oviducts are thin and delicate. § 347. The frogs of this country (Germany) have a large uterus, divided by an internal partition into two cavities, from which two long convoluted oviducts arise and terminate by open orifices at the sides of the heart. The Ovaria lie under the liver, so that it is difficult to conceive how the ova get into the above-mentioned openings. The uterus opens into the cloaca.t The toads have not the large uterus ; but their oviducts terminate by a common tube in the cloaca. J § 348. The lizards of this country (Germany) have on the whole a similar structure to that of the last-mentioned animals. Their oviducts are larger, but shorter, and the ovaria contain fewer ova. ^ 349. Female serpents have double external openings of the genitals for the reception of the double organs of the male. The oviducts are long and much convoluted. The ovaria resemble rows of beads, composed of yellow vesicles. PISHES. ^ 350. We shall take the torpedo and the carp as exam- ples of the two chief divisions of the class, as we did in speaking of the male organs. § ' * Caldesi, tab. 6, fig. 9, 10. t Rose], tab. 4, fig. 2, tab. 7, 8. t Ibid. tab. 21, fig. 24. The structure is the same in the rarm pipa (Surinam toad). See Camper's Kleinere Schriften, vol. i. pt. 1, tab. 3, fig. 1. § Cavolini, loco citato. 2 A 354 ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. In the former fish* there are two uteri, communicating with the cloaca by means of a common vagina. The oviducts form one infundibulum, which receives the ova as they successively arrive at maturity. These are very large in comparison with those of the bony fishes. The yolk, in its passage through the oviduct, acquires its albumen and shell. The latter is of a horny consistence, and is known by the name of the sea- mouse.t It has an elongated quadrangular figure, and its four corners are curved and pointed in the skate, while they form horny plaited eminences in the sharJcs.X The secretion of the albumen, and the formation of the shell are performed by the papillous internal surface of the duct ; and chiefly by two glandular swelHngs which appear towards its anterior ex- tremity in the summer months while the eggs are being laid).§ The structure is much more simple in the carp, and pro- bably also in the other oviparous bony fishes. The two roes occupy the same position as the soft roe of the male does. They are placed at the side of the intestines, liver, and swim- ming bladder, as far as the anus. They consist of a delicate membrane inclosing the ova, which are all of one size, and extremely numerous (more than 200,000 in the carp) ; and terminate by a common opening behind the anus.|l The Ovaria of fishes generally contain a very large number of ova, so as to account to us satisfactorily for the astonishing multitudes in which some species are formed. In a perch, weighing one pound, two ounces, there were 69,216 ova in the ovarium ; in a mackarel of one pound, three ounces, 129,200; in a carp of eighteen inches, Petit found 342,144 ; and in a sturgeon of one hundred and sixty pounds, there was the enormous number of 1,467,500. * Lorenzini, tab. 3, fig. 1, 2 ; also Monro's Physiology of Fishes, tab. 2 and 13 of the skate. t W. G. Tilesius über die so genannten Seemäuse oder hornartigen Fischeger. Leipzig. 1802, 4to. tab. 4, 5. i J. Hermann, Tabula Affinitatum Animalium, p. 279. § These temporary organs were known to Aristotle, who called them breasts. See also Rondelet De Piscibus Marinis, p. 380, Collins, vol. ii. tab. 43. Monro and Tilesius, loc. citat. 11 Petit, loc. citat. ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. 355 INSECTS. § 351. We shall here notice the two species only which were mentioned in the former chapter.* Each of the large ovaria of the gryllus verrucivorus contains about fifty ova disposed in bundles. The two organs are connected together at their posterior extremities, and open between the two sheaths of a part by which they are dis- charged from the body.t In the silkworm moth,"^ on the contrary, the ovarium re- sembles four rows of pearls ; each row contains about sixty ova, which are laid from the end of the abdomen, after passing through a short duct, which has, however, connected with it several vesicular processes of uncertain use. VERMES. § 352. We shall describe here the female genitals of those two animals only, whose male organs were noticed in the pre- ceding chapter. § The opening of the genitals of the female round-worm {as- caris lumbricoides) is situated near the middle of the body, and leads to a short canal, which divides into two tubes. These gradually contract into two slender, thread-like ovi- ducts, which are very long and variously convoluted. || It happens occasionally that the integuments of the worm burst, and some turns of the duct protrude : these have been mis- taken for young worms, and have given rise to the erroneous notion that the animal is viviparous. * In the works quoted at page 33 1 , delineations of the female organs of generat tion of the insects tliere mentioned will be found. t Rösel, loc. citat. tab. 9, fig. 3. t Malpighi, tab. 12, fig. 1, 2, $ For an account of these parts in some other genera, see the works quoted in note 15, § 329. II Tyson, in the Pkilos. Trans, vol. xiii, fig. 2, or in his works. London, 4to. 1751. (The same parts have also been represented by Dr. Hooper, in tlie Memoirs of the London Medical Society, vol. v. ; and by Dr. Baillie, in his elegant Fasciculi of Morbid Anatomy, fascic. 4, pi. 9, fig. 3 and 5, T.) 2 A 2 356 ON THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. The structure of the parts is very simple in the cuttle-ßsh. There are two ovaria, containing ova of various sizes, and a common tube leading to the anus.* The genital tubes of the ascaris contain a milky fluid, which, when examined by the microscope, is found to contain numerous ova. The ascaris vernicularis possesses a genital apparatus of the same appearance with that of the lumbricoides. Dr. Hooper in Trans, of the Lond. Med. Soc. The ova of the cuttle-fish, when discharged from the body, are connected into bunches, exactly resembling grapes, by a tenacious and ductile substance. The similarity is so striking as to have given rise to the term of sea-grapes, which is applied to them in common language. In the sepia octopus and loligo (calmar) they form small masses. Most of the gasteropodous mollusca are true hermaphrodites, and have the male and female organs of generation united in the same individual ; but they copulate, so that each fecundates and is fecun- dated. The common slug {Untax) and snail (helix) afford the most familiar examples of this structure. They possess an ovarium, ovi- duct, testis, vas deferens, and penis. The oviduct and vas deferens open into a cavity situated under the right superior horn ; and the penis is contained in the same cavity. The latter part enters the oviduct of the other animal at the time of copulation. The snail has, in addition to these organs, a very singular one, the VLse of which is quite obscure. It consists of a cavity with an emi- nence at bottom, from which a sharp pointed, thin, calcareous body proceeds. This can be thrust forth from the cavity, and is employed by the snails to prick each other before the act of copulation. In the acephalous mollusca, such as the oyster, muscle, &c. there is no discernible organ of generation, except an ovarium, which varies in size and colour at different periods of gestation. The same observation holds good also of the asterias (star-fish) and echinus (sea-urchin). In both these genera the ovaria consist of several distinct masses of ova. The process of generation in the zoophytes resembles the growth of buds and branches in trees, and therefore these animals contain no generative organs, nor have any distinction of sex. This is the case in the polype (hydra) and the sea anemone, (actinia) where the young shoot out from any part of the surface of the parent. If these animals are cut in two, the divided portions will form perfect animals. * Turb. Needham, Nouvelles Obs. Microsc. tab. 2. Compare with this the delineations by Lister, which indeed are somewhat diffe- rent. Conchylior. bivalv. exercit. Anat: Tertia. Lend. 1696, 4to. tab. 1, fig. 10 j and by Swainmerdam, tab. 52, fig. 10. 357 CHAPTER XXV. ON THE FCETUS OF THE MAMMALIA, AND THE ORGANS WITH WHICH IT IS CONNECTED.* § 353. The first parts which can be discerned in the uterus after impregnation, are the membranes (involucra) of the ovum ; in which (the marsupial animals excepted) the embryo itself becomes visible after a certain period. By means of the navel-string the foetus is connected to these membranes, and consequently to the uterus of the mother ; from which its nourishment is derived until the time of birth. It will, therefore, be the natural method to pass from the description of the uterus to that of the membranes, and other parts of the after-birth ; and to consider in the last place whatever may be worthy of remark concerning the embryo itself. § 354. The mode of connexion of the pregnant uterus with the membranes of the ovum, and thereby with the embryo itself, displays three chief differences in the various mam- malia. Either the whole external surface of the ovum adheres to the cavity of the uterus ; or the connexion is effected by means of a simple placenta ; or by numerous small placentae (cott/ledons). § 355. The first kind of structure is observed in the soiv ;f * Much information on the subject of this and of the last chapter is contained in Dr. J. F. Lobstein's Essais $ur la Nutrition du Foztus. Strasb. 1802, 4to. See also some excellent observations on the cavities of the foetus in the three first classes of red-blooded animals by Dutrochet, Cuvier, Breschet, Mondini, and Alessandrini, ia Meckel's Archiv, vol. v. p. 535, and vol. vi. p. 385. t Fab. Ab Aquapend. tab. 25 and 26. Daubenton, torn. v. tab. 21, 22. 358 ON THE FOETUS OF MAMMALIA. and is still more manifest in the mare. In the latter case, the external membrane of the ovum, the chorion, may be said to form a bag-like placenta. Numerous and large branches of the umbilical vessels ramify through it, particularly in the latter half of the period of pregnancy ; and its external sur- face is covered with innumerable flocculent papillae, which connect it to the inside of the uterus.* § S5ß. In those animals of this class, where the embryo is nourished by means of a placenta, remarkable varieties occur in the several species ; sometimes in the form and successive changes of the part, sometimes in the structure of the organ, as being more simple or complicated. In most of the digitated mammalia, as well as in the quad- rumana, the placenta has a roundish form;+ yet it consists sometimes of two halves lying near together ; and in the dog^ cat, martin, &c. it resembles a belt (clngulum ox zona). % Its form in the pole-cat is intermediate between these two struc- tures ; as there are two round masses joined by an intervening narrower portion. § I have discovered a most remarkable instance of change in the form of this organ in the hedgehog. For some weeks after impregnation the placenta includes nearly the whole cir- cumference of the chorion, and may be compared, in size and form, to a hazel-nut. It is spongy and vascular internally; but on the outer surface firm and tough, and approaching to cartilaginous hardness. It is not, however, of uniform strength throughout ; but thinner and more flexible towards the con- cave side of the cornua uteri, than on the opposite part. (See * Fab. Ab Aquapend, tab. 21, 22 ; tab. 23, fig. 46. t Daubenton, torn. vii. tab. 38, fig. 3, 4, of the rat. Ibid. tab. 40, fig. 7, 8, of the domestic mouse; torn. viii. tab. 13, fig. 6, of the mole. X It is represented in the dog, by Eustachius, tab. anatom. tab. 14, fig. 7, 8, by Fab. Ab Aquapend. tab. 27, 28 ; and by Daubenton, torn. v. tab. 50. In the cat, by Needham, De Formato Fcetu, tab. 4. fig. 1 ; and Daubenton, torn, vi. tab. 6. In the martin, ibid. torn. vii. tab. 20. § Ibid.' torn. vii. tab. 27, • ON THE FCETUS OF MAMMALIA. 359 Plate VIII. fig. 1.) As pregnancy advances, this thinner portion increases, and gradually assumes a nearly membranous structure, while the opposite thick part forms a firm and dense placenta of a saddle-like shape with extenuated mar- gins, (Plate VIII. fig. 2). This lies in the more mature foetus nearly across the ilia; so that the neighbouring parts are protected from any injury which might have arisen from accidental pressure. For the final purpose of this singular, and, as far as I know, unique construction, is the preservation of the tender embryo in the abdomen of an animal, which rolls itself up with such force, that, without this provision, the pregnant uterus and its contents would be exposed to a most dangerous pressure. In several species of digitated mammalia the external sur- face of the placenta is provided with a white and apparently glandular body {corpus glandulosum Everardi,* or subpla- centa,) smaller than the proper placenta by which it is in- closed.f In proportion as the embryo becomes more mature, this part admits of more easy separation from the placenta. § 357. The placenta of the bisulca is divided into numerous cotyledons ; the structure of which is very interesting, as it elucidates the whole physiology of this organ. The parts de- signated by this appellation are certain fleshy excrescences, [glandules uterince) produced from the surface of the impreg- nated uterus, and having a corresponding number of floccu- lent fasciculi of blood-vessels, {carunculcB) which grow from the external surface of the chorion implanted in them. Thus the uterine SLnAfczial portions of the placenta are manifestly distinct from each other, and are easily separable as the foetus advances to maturity. The latter only are discharged with the after-birth, while the former, or the cotyledons, gradually dis- * Cosmopulit(Z Ilistoria Naturalis, 1686, 12, p. 60. t In the hare it is represented by Daubenton, torn. vi. tab. 46. In the rahhit by Needham, tab. 3 ; and De Graaf, tab. 26, 27. In the guinea-pig Vjy Fab. Ab Aquap. tab. 30 ; and Daubenton, torn. viii. tab. 4, fig. 6. In the water-rat, ibid. torn. vii. tab. 46, fig. 4, 5. 360 ON THE FCETUS OF MAMMALIA. appear from the surface of the uterus after it has parted with its contents. The number and form of these excrescences vary in the different genera and species. In the sheep and cow they sometimes amount to a hundred. In the former animal and the goat, they are, as the name imphes, concave eminences ;* while on the contrary, in the cow, deer, &c. their surface is rounded or convex.t § 358. The trunks of the veins which pass from the pla- centa or carunculse, and of the arteries which proceed towards these parts, are united in the umbilical chord, which is longer in the human embryoj than in any other animal. The navel, which continues visible during life in man, is not so apparent in other mammiferous animals. In theyba^ as in the child, the chord possesses a single um- bilical vein ;§ whilst most other quadrupeds have two, which unite however into a common trunk near the body of the foetus, or just within it.|| § 359. The amnion, or innermost of the two membranes of the ovum, which belongs to the pregnant woman, as well as to the mammalia, is distinguished in some of the latter, as for in- stance in the cow and mare, by its numerous blood-vessels ; while on the contrary, in the human subject it possesses no discernible vascular ramification. § 360. Between the chorion and amnion there is a part found in most pregnant quadrupeds, and even in the cetaceat which does not belong to the human ovum, viz. the allantoisy or urinary membrane. The latter name is derived from the connexion which this part has, by means of the urachus, with the urinary bladder of the foetus ; whence the watery fluid, * For a view of these parts in the sheep, see Fab. Ab Aquap. tab. 12, 14, 15. t In the cow, Hoboken, particularly fig. 14 to 17. In the goaf, Daubenton, torn. vi. tab. 17. X The pole-cat probably has the shortest chord. Daubenton, torn. vii. tab, 27, fig. 3. § Ruini, p. 189. II Hoboken, fig. 23, 27, in the calf. ON THE FCETUS OF MAMMALIA. 361 which it contains, has been regarded as the urine of the ani- mal. The term allantois has arisen from the sausage-Uke form which the part possesses in the bisulca and the pig;* although this shape is not found in several other genera and species. Thus, in the hare, rabbit, guinea-pig, &c. " it resembles a small flask ; and it is oval in the pole-cat. It covers the whole internal surface of the chorion in the solidungula, and there- fore incloses the foal with its amnion. It Contains most fre- quently in these animals, (although not rarely in the cow) larger or smaller masses of an apparently coagulated sediment m various forms and number, which has been long known by the singular name of the horse-venom or hippomanes.\ Some orders and genera of mammalia resemble the human subject in having no allantois ; as the quadrumana and the hedgehog : nay, in the latter animal, the urinary bladder has no trace whatever of urachus ; which even exists in a certain degree in the human subject ; but its fundus is perfectly spherical in the foetus. (See Plate VIII. fig. 2, f.) § 361. There is in the hedgehog, as well as in the dog, cat, and others, a peculiar part called the tunica erythroides, (see Plate VIII. fig. 1, c ; fig 2, c) situated between the chorion and amnion like the allantois, for which it might easily be mistaken on the first view. It contains a watery fluid at the commencement of pregnancy, but is easily distinguished from an allantois, as it is not joined to the fundus of the bladder by the urachus, but is connected by means of the omphalomesen- teric veins, (Plate VIII. fig. 2, k) with the mesenteric blood- vessels of the foetus.^ This connexion constitutes a resem- * Fab. ab Aquap. tab. 13, fig. 29 ; and tab. 17, fig. 37, in the sheej,. J. C. Kuhlemann has represented this part in an embryo of the nineteenth day after con- ception. Observ. circa Negotium Generalionis in Ovibus. Götting. 1753, 4to. tab. 2, fig. 1, 2. Hoboken, fig. 10 to 13 and 15, in the cow. Fabric, tab. 25, in the pig, t Daubenton, torn. iv. tab. 9, fig. 1, 2, of the horse. Hoboken, fig. 19, 21, and fig. 37, of the cow. ^ Fab. Ab Aquap. tab. 1 , of the dog. Needham, tab. 4, fig. 1, of the cat. Wetter, S62 ON THE FCETUS OF MAMMALIA. blance on one hand to the yolk-bag of the incubated bird, and on the other hand to that remarkable vesicula umbilicalis, which is observable in the early months of pregnancy.* The tunica erythroides, as well as that vesicula, are most complete in young embryos, and are, on the contrary, so diminished in subsequent periods, that their functions must be connected with the earlier stages of existence. i It is nearly forty years since I first showed the analogy be- tween the tunica erythroides and the vesicula umbilicalis of the human foetus, in the first months after impregnation, as well as the natural state of the vesiculum umbilicale.;{: The tunica erythroides was first noticed by Everard as existing in animals, in his work entitled, Novus et genuinus hominis brutique ani- malis exortus. Melib. 1661 ; and there is an engraving of it in Need- ham's Observationes Anatomies, Leyd. 1743, under the name of corpus glandulosum, Everardi quod fcetum utero connectit. Dr. Pochels of Brunswick has lately endeavoured to prove its existence in the human fcetus. See the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. xxv. No. 87 ; and The Lancet, vol. x. p. 456. The first trace of the formation of an embryo cannot be discovei-ed in the different species of this class until a con- siderable time after conception. The original formation, as in the human subject, is widely distant from the subsequent per- fection of the mature foetus : § and the growth and formation Wetter, tab. 4, oi the hedgehog. See also Drondi, Supplementa ad Anatomiam et Fhysiologiam potissimum co7nparatam, Leip. 1806, p. 15. * Comment. Soc. Reg. Scient. Getting, vol. ix. p. 128, fig. 1. t See Oken's and Kieser's Beytr'dge zur vergleichenden Zoologie — Anatomie und Physiologie, pt. 1 and 2, 1806 and 1807. Meckel's Bey träge zur vergleichenden Anatomie, "p^. 1, 1808 ; and Archiv, für die Physiologie, vol. ix. pt. 3, 1809. Oken's Isis, 1818, p. 59. X See Dr. EUiotson's excellent translation of the Institutiones PhysiologiecB, et Specim. Physiolog. comparatx inter Animantia calidi sanguinis Vivipara et Ovipara, 1788, in the ninth vol, of the Commentat. Regalis Scient. Gotting. § See delineations of the embryo of different animals in the early .periods, viz. of the ra&Wt in De Graaf, tab. 26, fig. 8, 10; and in Haller, Oper. Minor, torn. iii. tab, 21, fig. 1-4. Of the sheep in Kuhlemann, tab. 2. ON THE FCETUS OF MAMMALIA. B6S of the members, instead of proceeding alike in the whole class, are so ordered in particular species, that those external or- gans, which are most necessary to the young animal, accord- ing to its peculiar mode of life, are formed and completed the soonest. Hence arises the great size of the posterior hands of the foetal quadrumana, of the feet of the squirrel, of such ani- mals in short as are destined to live in trees ; likewise of those of theyb«/ and kid, which are obliged to use their legs imme- diately after birth, when compared with the corresponding parts of the mature human foetus. In the foetal kangaroo, in that state at least in which it is first found in the false belly, the fore feet are much larger and stronger than the posterior ones, on account of the use to which the animal puts them in holding by the nipple. When the animal in a more mature state is in a manner born a second time, and must soon be left to itself, the posterior limbs in- crease to their well known enormous magnitude. The erroneous observation concerning the supposed un- shapeliness of the foetus of the bear, which has been so often made since the time of Aristotle, would not require an express refutation in the present day, had it not been repeated by some modern zoologists, whose accuracy in general is much to be relied on. I have completely shewn how unfounded this sup- position is, by the representation of a young bear's foetus in another place,* and it appears to be very completely formed. § 363. The most important points, in which the foetus of the mammalia differs from that of the human subject, have been already noticed. In other respects their structure seems to correspond ;*t' at least, for instance, in the membrana pupil- larisjj in the thymus, thyroid, and suprarenal glands. Some * Abbildungen Naturhistor. Gegenstände, pt. 4, tab. 32. t There is a view of the viscera of a foetal horse in Ruini, p. 189, and in Daubenton, torn, iv. tab. 7. Of the sheep in Kuhlemann, tab. 2, fig. 8. Of the calf by Hoboken, fig. 24, 25. i Wrisberg, in the Nov. Comment. Sac. Reg, Scient. Goetting, torn. ii. p. 207. Vide 364) ON THE FCETUS OF MAMMALIA. trivial points of distinction are not noticed ; such as the meco- nium resembling hard scybala in the bisulca, and animals of the mouse kind,* &c. Vide S. C. Lucae Anatomische Untersuchungen der Thymus in Menschen und Thieren. Frankf. 1811. J. F. Meckel's Abhandlungen aus der menschlichen und vergleichenden Anatomie. Halle, 1806. * Fleming's Deutsche Jäger, p. 130; and Harvey De Generat. Animal, p. 197. 3Gt CHAPTER XXVI. ON THE BREASTS AND TEATS OF THE MAMMALIA. § 364. J HE nourishment of the young animal immediately after birth, is derived in this class from the milk of the mother, which is secreted in the breasts. This secretion, which is pe- culiar to the class in question, has given rise to the name mam- malia, by which Linnaeus has distinguished them. Teats have been even discovered in the ornithorhynchus ;* but they seem also to be wanting in the males of some other species, as the hamster, and lemur mongoz ; although this sex possesses them in general as well as the female. They are sometimes however found in smaller number in the former sex, as in the dog, or in a different situation, as in the horse.f Numerous instances have occurred, in which milk has been secreted in the breasts of male animals, as in the goat, ox, dog, cat, and hare, as well as in men. I have treated more particu- larly of this physiological phenomenon in describing a he-goat,% which it was necessary to milk every other day for the space of a year.§ Milk is commonly found in the breasts of newly-born chil- * Home, in the Philos. Trans. 1802, p. 69. t Daubenton, in Fourcroy's Medecine Eclairee, torn. ii. p. 274. " Naturalists were long at a loss to discover the mammae and teats of this animal ; in the male they were at length detected by BufFon, on the sheath of the penis. Mr. J. Hunter also made the same remark, without knowing that Buffon had previously noticed it ; these teats are largest in the foetus and young foal." Rees's Cyclop, art. Anatomy of the Horse. t The milking of he-goats, therefore, is not so extravagant a supposition as it ap- peared to the shepherd in Virgil, Qui Bavium non odit, amet tua carmina, Maevi ; Atque idemjungat vulpes, et mulgeat hircos. § Hannoverschen Magazin. 1787, p. 753. 866 ON THE BREASTS AND TEATS OF MAMMALIA. dren of both sexes ; and the same observation holds good in the foal and calf. Meckel gives the following account of his discovery of the mammae in the ornithorhynchus, in his Ornithorhynclii paradoxi descriptio ana- tomica, published at Leipsic in the year 1826. This elaborate mono- graph contains the results of a minute dissection of a male and fe- male ornithorhynchus, for which the author was indebted to the kind- ness of Mr. Green, the distinguished Professor of Anatomy to the Royal Academy. It is well known to have been a common opinion, that the ornitho- rhynchus and ornithorhynchus hystrix were destitute of mammse, and that upon this opinion was founded the argument for rejecting those animals from the class of mammalia. Cuvier, one of the latest writ- ers on this subject, expressly states that they have no mammae ; and after a careful examination of the male ornithorhynchus, I was myself unable to detect any trace, either of papillae or glands. With respect to the female, after having opened the abdomen, and removed the greater part of the viscera, I was prevented by various occupations from continuing my investigation of this subject, till the close of the year 1823, when on the 25th day of December, a day of good omen, I detected on the right side of the abdominal muscles, a small round mass, which at first bore the appearance of a portion of intestine ac- cidentally pushed into this situation, but upon carefully examining the left side, I discovered a corresponding substance. The evening was^ too far advanced to permit me to pursue my investigation, but on the next morning, after anight rendered sleepless by anxious expectation, I returned to my work, and found that this substance was beyond all question a glandular structure. I was equally satisfied that this gland was a true mamma, an opinion which was more forcibly impressed upon my mind from its structure and situation, from its marked de- velopment in the female, and the want of it in the male, or at least its existence in so minute a degree as to have hitherto eluded the closest examination. The following is an account of the situation, size, and structure of this gland. It is placed on the side of the abdomen, between the fleshy portion to which it adheres very loosely, the obliquus descen- dens abdominis and the anterior muscles of the femur, reaching at its upper extremity the external margin of the pectoralis major, and the lower extremity of the sternum. The marked development of this part renders it as surprising that it should hitherto have escaped no- tice, especially as so many ornithorhynchi, and among these so many females, have been dissected. The length of this gland was four inches, three lines ; its breadth, about one inch, three or four lines ; its greatest thickness four lines : its external shape is very oblong, as indeed is evident firom these dimensions'; its breadth is nearly uni- form, but is a little narrower towards the lower extremity. There are ON THE BREASTS AND TEATS OF MAMMALIA. 367 exceedingly minute excretory ducts in the middle of the gland, which open externally. Although I could pass neither silk nor mercury through the ducts, which were of themselves, as I have observed, ex- ceedingly narrow, and further contracted by the spirit of wine, and filled with a thick fluid, the area was nevertheless indicated in the skin. Although this part was covered with hair, there appeared ne- vertheless, upon removing them, an opening of about five lines in length, and three in breadth, surrounded with about eighty minute foramina, from which the hairs proceeded, and which were probably the orifices of the excretory ducts. There was, moreover, in the cen- tre of this opening, a small depression of about two lines in diameter, destitute of hair, but having several unequal rugae, among which one not equalling the size of a millet-seed, was more conspicuous than the rest. These were undoubtedly papillae, and orifices of the ducts. This discovery confirms the opinions of Oken and de Blainville, who although they had never examined a female oi'nithorhynchus, ne- vertheless asserted that there could be no doubt of the existence of mammae, on account of the numerous analogies presented by that animal with the other mammalia. This discovery also refutes the ar- guments of those who inferred a want of mammae from the absence of nipples, from the shape of the bill, which is by no means adapted for sucking, and from ova said to have been found in the ovaries, and in nests, though there could be no foundation for this last assertion. § S65. The position and number of the teats varies consi- derably in the different species. Several irregularities occur in the latter point, particularly among the domestic animals.* Numerous exceptions must be made in some species, as the domestic sow, the guinea-pig, and others, to the general rule, which assigns to animals twice as many teats as the number of young which they ordinarily produce. Their situation is the most singular in the female marsupial animals, where there existence can scarcely be recognized, ex- cept at the time when the young are actually contained in the abdominal pouch, or false belly. Tyson, who on all other occasions displays the greatest acuteness, could discover no trace of teats in his female opos- sum. D'Aboville expressly asserts, that they are formed by the suction of the young, that their number, therefore, in ani- mals which are giving suck, exactly corresponds to the num- * Buffon, torn. x. p. 295. 368 ON THE BREASTS AND TEATS OF MAMMALIA. ber of young at that period ; and that they are placed without any symmetry, being formed wherever the young animals may happen to attach themselves on their arrival in the abdominal pouch.* In an opossum which I possessed for several years, and whose Ovaria discovered no trace of any previous impregna- tion, there were three pairs of teats in the false belly, very small indeed, and flat, but regularly arranged in a half-moon. A species of toad (the rana pipa, or Surinam toad) has a structure somewhat analogous to the false belly of the marsupial mammalia. There are several cells, amounting in number to seventy or eighty, formed by the integuments of the back of the female. The ova are placed in these, and go through their different changes to the forma- tion of the young fro^. The integuments which form these cells, appear to have no peculiarity in their organization ; nor are the cells formed until the time at which they are to receive the ova. § 366. In the singular animals which have been just alluded to, as well as in those which live in the water, or under ground, the mammary glands, for reasons which must be very obvious, lie flat under the skin, and do not project so as to form breasts or udders ; neither do the lactiferous ducts pos- sess such dilatations and cavities as are observed in the bisulca, the mare, and others.'!' In those animals which have their breasts placed on the chest, (mammce pectorales) these organs never possess that form which so peculiarly distinguishes the , human female in the bloom of life. The mammae of animals are not surrounded with that quantity of fat which is observed in the human female, hence they are not very apparent except at the period of suckling, when they become dis- tended with milk. Another remarkable difference occurs in the structure of the nip- ple. This part in women has about fifteen openings, which are the terminations of as many lactiferous tubes. In the other mammalia it is hollow, and has only one or two orifices. Its cavity communicates with two large reservoirs, in which the lactiferous tubes terminate. * See Voyages du Marq. De Chastellux dans I'Amerique Septentrionale, torn. ii. p. 332. t Daubenton, torn. v. tab. 12, of a goat which had double teats on each udder. See also Steinmiiller's Beschreibung der schweizerischen Alpenwirthschaft, vol. ii. p. 150. 369 CHAPTER XXVII. ON THE INCUBATED EGG. § 867. 1 HE various vital processes of nutrition and formation, which are carried on in the foetus of the mammaha, while in its mother's body, and by means of the most intimate connex- ion with the parent, are effected in the incubated chick by its own powers, quite independently of the mother, and without any extraneous assistance, except that of the atmospheric air, and a certain degree of warmth. § 368. The egg is covered, within the shell, by a white and firm membrane, {memhrana albuminis) which contains no blood-vessels. The two layers of this membrane, which in other parts adhere closely to each other, leave at the large end a space which is filled with atmospheric air.* This membrane includes the two whites of the egg, each of which is surrounded by a delicate membrane. The external of these is the most fluid and transparent, the inner one thicker and more opaque; they may be separated in eggs which are boiled hard. The internal white surrounds the yolk, which is contained in a peculiar membrane called the yolk-bag. From each end of this proceeds a white knotty body, which terminates in a flocculent extremity in the albumen. These are called the • J, C. Hehl, Observata Physiolugica de Natura et Usu Aeris, Ovis Avium inclusi. Tubing. 1796, 4to. See Dr. Parls's admirable paper on this subject, in the Transactions of the Linn(Ban Society, vol. x. p. 2, 304. 2 B 370 ON THE INCUBATED EGG. chalazcBt or grandines. Leveille distinguishes a third white, and considers the chalazae as absorbing vessels floating in it, and destined to absorb it as well as the inner albumen, and mix them with the yolk during incubation.* A small, round, milk-white spot, called the tread of the cock, (cicatricula or macula) is formed on the surface of the yolk-bag. It is surrounded by one, or more, whitish concen- tric circles, {halones or circuU) the use of which, as well as that of the cicatricula itself, and of the chalazae, is not yet as- certained. § 369. We now proceed to notice the wonderful successive changes which go on during the incubation of the egg ; and the metamorphoses which are observed both in the general form of the chick, and in particular viscera. The periods of these changes will be set down from the hen, as affording the most familiar examplcf* It will be best to give, first, a cur- sory chronological J view of the whole process, and then to make a few remarks on some of the most important parts of the subject. § 370. A small shining spot of an elongated form, with * Sur la Nutrition des Fcetus. Par. 1799, 8vo. t The following works may be referred to for representations of the formation of the chicken in the egg. Malpighi, De Formatione Pulli. Lond. 1673, 4to. ; also De Ovo Incubato, 1686, fol. W. Langly, in Schrader, Observ, et Histor. de Generatione. Amst. 1674, 12nio, Ant, Maitre-Jan, Observat. sur la Formation du Foulet, Par. 1722, 12mo. C. F. Wolff. Theoria Generationis. Hal. 1759, 4to. tab. 2 ; also in the Nov. Com- ment. Acad. Petropolitan. torn. xii. xiii. and xiv. Meckel, Beytr'dge zur vergleichenden Anatomie, vol. i. pt. 1, p. 83. And Sir E. Home's Lectures on comparative Anatomy. As the plates of Langly and Wolff represent only the earlier periods, and the others are not executed with that elegance and clearness which they ought to possess ; I have given in the fourth and seventh parts of my Abbildungen der Naturhistorich-Ge- genstände, some neat and accurate representations, taken from two periods, in which the most important phenomena of incubation are most clearly discernible. I The periods of the different changes are set down as I have ascertained them in my own repeated observations. ON THE INCUBATED EGG. 371 rounded extremities, but narrowest in the middle, is per- ceived at the end of the first day, not in nor upon the cica- tricula, but very near that part on the yolk-bag, {nidus pulli, coUiquamentmn, areola pelhwida). This may be said to ap- pear before-hand, as the abode of the chick which is to follow. No trace of the latter can be discerned before the beginning of the second day, and then it has an incurvated form, resem- bling a gelatinous filament, with large extremities, very closely surrounded by the amnion, which, at first, can scarcely be dis- tinguished from it. About this time the halones enlarge their circles, but they soon after disappear entirely, as well as the cicatricula. § 371. The first appearance of red blood is discerned on the surface of the yolk-bag, towards the end of the second day. A series of points is observed, which form grooves, and these, closing, constitute vessels, the trunks of which become connected to the chick. The vascular surface itself is called ßgiira venosa, or area vasculosa: and the vessel by which its margin is defined, vena terminalis. The trunk of all the veins joins the vena portag, while the arteries, which ramify on the yolk-bag, arise from the mesenteric artery of the chick. § 372. On the commencement of the third day, the newly- formed heart (the primary organ of the circulating process, which now commences) is discerned by means of its triple pulsation, and constitutes a threefold jo?/wc/?/m saliens. Some parts of the incubated chicken are destined to undergo suc- cessive alterations in their form ; and this holds good of the heart in particular. In its first formation it resembles a tor- tuous canal, and consists of three dilatations lying close toge- ther, and arranged in a triangle. One of these, which is properly the right, is then the common auricle ; the other is the only ventricle, but afterwards the left ; and the third is the dilated part of the aorta (hulbus aortce). About the same time, the spine, which was originally ex- tended in a straight line, becomes incurvated ; and the dis- tinction of the vertebrae is very plain. The eyes may be distinguished by their black pigment, and comparatively im- 2 D ^ ,372 ON THE INCUBATED EGG. mense size ; and they are afterwards remarkable in conse- quence of a peculiar slit in the lower part of the iris.* I have found an exactly similar slit in the iris of the common lizard, {lacerta agilis) before it had attained maturity. Thus this structure belongs to such animals as have no memhrana pupillaris. § 37o. From the fourth day, when the chicken has attained the length of four lines, and its most important abdominal viscera, as the stomach, intestines, and liver, are visible, (the gall bladder, however, does not appear till the sixth day,) a vascular membrane {chorioti, or memhrana umbilicalis) begins to form about the navel ; and increases in the following days with such rapidity, that it covers nearly the whole inner sur- face of the shell within the memhrana albuminis during the latter half of incubation. This seems to supply the place of the lungs, and to carry on the respiratory process instead of those organs. The lungs themselves begin indeed to be formed on the fifth day ; but, as in the foetus of the mammalia, they must be quite incapable of performing their functions while the chick is contained in the amnion. § 374. Voluntary motion is first observed on the sixth day, when the chick is about seven lines in length. Ossification commences on the ninth day, when the ossific juice is first secreted, and hardened into bony points {puncta ossificationis). These form the rudiments of the bony ring of the sclerotica, which resembles at that time a circular row of the most delicate pearls. I have found this part much more elegantly formed than in the hen, in the incubated pea-fowl of the fourteenth and following days. At the same period, the marks of the elegant yellow vessels {vasa vitelli lutea) on the yolk-bag, begin to be visible. • Malpighi, Be Format. Pulli, tab. 2, fig. 18, 21 ; and De Ovo, tab. 3, üg, 18, 20 ; tab. 4, fig. 21. Abbildungen, n. G. pt. 7, tab. 64. See also Haller Sur la Formation du Cceur dans le Poulet, torn, i, pp. 193, 194 j torn. ii. p. 160. ON THE INCUBATED EGG. 373 On the fourteenth day the feathers appear ; and the animal is now able to open its mouth for air, if taken out of the egg. On the nineteenth day it is able to utter sounds ; and on the twenty-first to break through its prison, and commence a second life. § 375. We shall conclude with one or two remarks on those very singular membranes, the yolk-bag and chorion, which are so essential to the life and preservation of the animal. The chorion, that most simple yet most perfect temporary substitute for the lungs, if examined in the latter half of incu- bation in an egg very cautiously opened, presents, without any artificial injection, one of the most splendid spectacles that occurs in the whole organic creation. It exhibits a sur- face covered with numberless ramifications of arterial and venous vessels. The latter are of the bright scarlet colour, as they carry oxygenated blood to the chick ; the arteries, on the contrary, are of the deep or livid red, and bring the car- bonated blood from the body of the animal. Hence, as is well known, the incubated bird perishes if the shell be var- nished over, as the respiratory process is thereby suspended. The trunks of the arteries are connected with the iliac ves- sels ; and on account of the thinness of their coats, they afford the best microscopical object for demonstrating the circula- lation in a warm-blooded animal. §376. The other membrane, the membr ana vitelli, is also connected to the body of the chick ; but by a two-fold union, and in a very different manner from the former. It is joined to the small intestine, by means of the ductus mtello-miestina- lis, (pedunculus, apopJiysis) and also by the blood-vessels, which have been already mentioned, (§ 368) with the mesen- teric artery and vena portae. This is regarded by Leveille merely as a ligament. It is well known that no true yolk is discoverable in the intestine of the incubated chick. Yet sometimes (not indeed always, but under certain circum- stances not yet sufficiently understood) air will pass from the intestine through this part into the yolk-bag. This fact, which was noticed by Haller, and after him by Maitrejan, has 374 ON THE INCUBATED EGG. occurred also to myself in the case of a duck of the twenty-se- cond day. The analogous umbilical bag of the fcetal-shark, (which is found also in several other fishes, and some reptiles) is con- nected to the small intestine'; at least to the bursa entiana, which is a peculiar dilatation of the posterior end of the intes- tine.* In the course of the incubation the yolk becomes constantly thinner and paler by the admixture of the inner white. At the same time innumerable fringe-like vessels with flocculent extremities, of a most singular and unexampled structure, form on the inner surface of the yolk-bag, opposite to the yellow ramified marks above-mentioned, and hang into the yolk.* There can be no doubt that they have the office of ab- sorbing the yolk, and conveying it into the veins of the yolk- bag ;'f' where it is assimilated to the blood, and applied to the nutrition of the chick. Thus, in the chicken, which has just quitted the egg, there is only a remainder of the yolk and its bag to be discovered in the abdomen. These are completely removed in the following weeks, so that the only remaining trace is a kind of cicatrix on the surface of the intestine. * Collins, vol. ii. tab. 33, fig. 2 ; and Charleton De Differentiis Animalium, p. 84. Augs. 1677. \ In numerous and varied microscopical examinations of the yolk-bag in the lat- ter weeks of incubation, I think I have observed the actual passage of the yolk from the yellow flocculent vessels of the inner surface of the bag into the blood-vessels, vrhich go to the chicken : that is, I have seen manifest yellow streaks in the red blood contained in those veins. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES * Excepting in Plate II. and fig. 2 of Plate VIII. the objects are repre- sented of the natural size. PLATE I. The Skull of the duck-billed animal {prnithorhynchus para- doxus). A piece of the right side of the cranium has been broken off* to shew the interior. The skull is devoid of sutures. a, b. The two occipital condyles. c. The pecuhar bony falx. d. The OS malare. e. The right orbit. f. The broad processus mandibularis of the upper jaw. g. A similar process on the lower jaw. h. The condyloid process of the jaw. i. The serrated edge of the fore and lateral part of the jaw, as in the duck. k. The second branch of the fifth pair of nerves. 1, m, p. Twigs of this branch distributed to the integuments covering the bill, n, o. The intermaxillary bone of this side. • These Plates were not pveu in the original edition. 376 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE II. The Pelvis and Ossa Femorum of the ostrich {struthio ca- nielus). a, b. The os sacrum, (twenty inches long). c, d, e. The ossa innominata, united anteriorly. f, g. The ossa femorum, entirely devoid of medullary sub- stance. PLATE III. The right articulated Wing of the Cape lienguin {aplenodytes demersa). The wing-bones are particularly distinguished by their very flat and compressed form, by two additional bones on the elbow, as well as by the want of the bone of the thumb. 1, The lower ends of the bone of the upper arm. 2i S. The two additional bones. 4. The ulna. 5. The radius. 6. 7. The two bones in the carpus. 8. The divided os metacarpi. 9, 10. The two phalanges of the forefinger. n. The adjoining finger consisting only of one phalanx. PLATE IV. The Skull of a duck^ more particularly for the purposes of comparison with the same part in the ornithorkynchus, (PL. I.). a. The single occipital condyle. T). The OS quadratum. c. The ossa lachrymalia. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 377 d. The elastic laminas of bone for the moveable connexion of the upper jaw with the cranium. e. The membranous conchae of the nares. f. i. The first branch of the fifth pair. g. Tv?igs of this nerve to the integuments covering the upper mandible, h, i. The second branch of the fifth pair, k, 1, m. Distribution of this branch to the upper mandible, h, n. The third branch of the fifth pair, o. A twig to the integuments of the lower mandible. PLATE V. A vertical Section of the Skull and Upper Mandible of a young toucan {tucanus ramphastos). a. The cavity of the cranium. b. The membranous conchse of the nares. c. A large fossa in the bill before these conchas. d. A membranous vertical septum by which this fossa is di- vided. e. f. The horny upper mandible, the internal structure of which is cellular. PLATE VL The Eye of a Greenland seal (phoca gro'inlandica). a. The very thin cornea. b. The thick anterior zone of the sclerotica. c. The thin, yielding middle zone and its diameter. d. The posterior part of the sclerotica, very thick, and al- most of a cartilaginous structure. e. The broad ciliaris orbicularis, f. The iris. 378 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. g. The pupil. h. The anterior surface of the crystalline lens. i. The optic nerve. PLATE VII. The Female Organs of Generation in the opossum (didelphis marsupialis) with the neighbouring viscera. The vagina is laid open from the side. a, b. The part common to both vaginae. c. The double clitoris, with the glans projecting from the foreskin. d. The opening of the urethra. e. The vagina of the left side, unopened. f. The vagina leading to the right side, with the part com- mon to botli longitudinally divided and kept apart from each other. g. The large lateral convolution on the right side of the uterus. h. This, together with the one of the opposite side, o, open- ing into a common cavity. i, k. The cornua uteri. 1. The fine and tortuous convolutions of the right Fallopian tube. m. The ovarium. n, o, p, q, r, s. The same parts on the left side. t. The empty bladder. u, u. The end of the large intestines. V. The anus. w, X. The scent bags. y, z. The openings of their excretory ducts. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 379 PLATE VIII. Embryos of hedgehogs at different periods, to show the changes which occur in the placenta. Fig. 1. A very young Embryo. a, b, b. The oval chorion opened ; the anterior half having been removed. a. Its thick, and nearly cartilaginous portion. b. b. The thinner lubricated parts. c. The tunica erythroides. d. The embryo, with its amnion, which had hitherto been inclosed in the chorion. Fig. 2. An Embryo in a more mature state. a, b. The saddle-shaped placenta. c. The tunica erythroides. d. The abdomen of the embryo opened ; its intestines and vessels are represented in fig. 1. e. The liver. f. The bladder without urachus. g. h. The two umbilical arteries. i. The umbilical vein. k. The omphalomeseraic vessels. THE END. J. WCreery, Took» Court, Cbancery-laoe, LooiloD. M f^i K?M. J'i.imfi-.Sc.FHltM-in)i.teTfio riihU.shM hv Suni'Un ,<■ M.irs/iiiU (W-t'l'i/l-.-r. M?] K.MinwSi-,rul.-rn..M,-i-H„w. hihlLfhal /;)' Simpkii, .(■ Manlmll ii,ir.i'f'^i8Q7. ^ ^t# sr?T« Frauicr Sc. P;UemoiiVefRo f'uhh.rhiJ hy SimpkinX- Mnivluill O.iUf-Jl'J?- I^?1ÖDI, Fennor.S.-.IV,l.-n rli., njhlLheJ In- Si/npkiri Ji- M.irsh.ill Id FoontT S.-.I'aI.-ni.>iil.T H,, fnhlij'lu.l /;> Siiiiflxin (• .\hi:vluill .I'.-iri'l' h1.f. 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