Urn BBAtf MMMM_MM KELEY RARY ERSfTY OF •IFOKNIA FRONTISPIECE SECOND SERIES: PULMONATA. MAN UAL OP ONCHOLOGY: STRUCTURAL AND SYSTEMATIC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SPECIES. BY GEORGE W, TRYON, JR. CONTINUATION BY HENRY A. PILSBRY, CONSERVATOR OF THE CJNCHOLOGICAL SECTION AND PROFESSOR OF MALACOLOGY IN THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Vol. IX. (HELICID^E, VOL. 7.) GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF HELICES. PHILADELPHIA : 3?iablislied by Concliologioal Section ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, OF PHILADELPHIA. 1894. tJNIVERSITT *. Of EARTH SCIENdt LIBRARY PREFACE The group of Pulmonate genera familiarly known as Helices, forms an important factor in the land mollusk fauna of every coun- try, in point of numbers exceeding any other group of snails. This numerical and faunal pre-eminence has caused the authors of the MANUAL to devote eight volumes to Helicoid genera, the earlier three (Vol. II to IV) being prepared by Mr. Tryon, the later vol- umes by the writer. During the progress of the work it became obvious that the established system of grouping required revision, not alone in the details of many minor divisions, but in those broader principles underlying our conceptions of the entire classification and genealogy of the group. The object of this volume is to formulate in compact form the new classification of Helices, and incidentally to indicate some general principles upon which a new grouping of all land pul- monates must be based. In the systematic portion of the work (pp. 1-344) I have attempted to show the main characters of the genera, both in hard and soft anatomy, giving illustrations as copious as the limits of the work would permit ; for while fully pursuaded that, as Darwin has said, naturalists " never read each other's works," I am sure that they look at the pictures illustrating them. In the Introduction the larger groups are defined (p. xxxii) and their probable genealogy suggested (p. xxxi). Finally, the geographic distribution of Helices is discussed with reference to the genesis and migrations of the principal groups, and the origin of modern faunas (p. xxxviii). Few will dispute the general proposition that until the systematic classification of a group is placed upon a secure basis, all discussion of the larger questions of geographic and geologic distribution is futile. A sound systematic zoology is at once the key and the test of zoogeographic speculations ; and without this check, zoologist and geologist are alike at the mercy of mere opinion and specula- tion, too often based upon false notions of affinity, or upon a decep- IV PREFACE. tive external likeness which may mask fundamental differences. These considerations justify, I believe, the stress placed upon mere system in this volume. The treatment of minor groups may be ob- jected to as unduly minute ; and it is true that most groups seem over-divided. As my predecessors are responsible for most of this, I have been satisfied to reflect their labors faithfully. Those groups having important structural characters I have considered generic; grouping under these as subgenera and sections the various smaller assemblages, which specialists find useful, but which are usually of little systematic value, and not much utility to the general malacol- ogist. These remarks imply no disrespect to the founders of this multitude of groups. Their labors were necessary in pointing out the differential features of Helices. They sought differences, for the establishment of new groups ; the modern systematist seeks more profound likenesses, in order to establish lines of descent. The splitting of faunas into minute groups has taught us the compara- tive value of characters, paving the way for more philosophical study of the genealogy of faunas. The torch of analysis lights the path for synthesis. It will, of course, be obvious that a general idea of the contents of the principal divisions of Helicidse as here distinguished, must be obtained before the geographic hypotheses can be rightly under- stood. Acknowledgements and Thanks. That a large number of Helicoid groups are made known anatomically in this work is primarily due to the kindness and generosity of many conchologists who have sup- plied living or alcoholic material for dissection ; and while it would be impossible to name here all those who have thus assisted me with specimens, notes on distribution, synonymy, etc., I must express my obligations for material for investigation to W. G. Binney, John Brazier, Alfred Caruana Gatto, Dr. J. C. Cox, Wm. H. Ball, Henry Hemphill, J. B. Henderson, C. W. Johnson, O. von Mollendorff, Morris Schick, Dr. Benj. Sharp, Dr. H. Simroth, Frederick Stearns, Henry Suter and Rev. R. Boog Watson. A series of mounted rad- ulse which I owe to Rev. Prof. H. M. Gwatkin, has enabled me to illustrate the teeth of many interesting genera, among them Oxy- chona, Macrocyclis, Albersia, Planispira, Entodina, Acavus and others. My friend, Charles Hedley, of Sydney, has contributed not a little to views both systematic and theoretical expressed herein, but my main debt to him is for help more subtle than this. PREFACE. V To Mr. John Ponsonby, of London, thanks are due for numerous rare or new species of Helices, many of which have been figured in the Manual, and more especially for the correction of errors in synonymy, localities, etc., occurring in previous volumes of this work. Mr. G. K. Gude has rendered me a similar service ; and from a very large number of conchologists both in America and abroad, I have received information upon particular species and genera, for all of which I would here express my gratitude. Summary. In this volume the author has essayed to indicate the primary groups of the Helicidae, arranging the genera accord- ing to a few main types of internal structure, in place of the chaotic or arbitrary sequence of groups hitherto prevailing. The multitude of groups recognized are shown to be reducible to about fifty genera distinguished by structural features of importance, which are de- scribed and illustrated, lists of the living species of each genus being given. An outline of the distribution of the main groups is offered, with hypotheses of the probable migrations and phylogeny of these groups. Incidentally, the comparative value of the genitalia, shell, jaw and radula in classification, and the laws of their modification are worked out in some detail. Finally, the nomenclature of Helices has been thoroughly revised, and, it is hoped, placed upon a sound basis. It rests with the critical and discriminating conchological public to decide whether the author of this volume shall undertake a com- panion work on the genera of Zonitidse and Agnatha. H. A. P. MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY, IX. GUIDE TO THE STUDY OF HELICES. INTRODUCTION. I. NOTES ON THE GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF HELICES. SHELL. In Helices the shell is always a well developed spiral, capable ol containing the entire animal when retracted, It is generally wider than high, and coiled loosely so that the central column is hollow or umbilicate, but in some forms it is much higher than wide, and the umbilicus is closed in the adult by an expansion of the lip, or the whorls are coiled in close contact, forming a solid columella, The general contour of the shell is excessively variable in all gen- era containing many species ; and as the number of main types of form is limited, parallel groups or species occur in the various gen- era as shown in the following table : Genera. -Shell globose, Shell depressed, Shell keeled. Helix Pomatia, vermiculata, gualtierana. Helicigona Arianta, 11 Campylcea" lapicida. Epiphragmop hora calif or niensis, mormonum, circumcarinata. Eulota Acusta, Euhadra, Pleetotropis. Helicostyla Calocochlea, Corasia, Axina. Polygyra " Mesodon" tridentata, obstricta. Tliei sites Xantlwmelon, Badistes, Glyptorhagada. Camcena Phcenicobius. xanthoderma, saturnia. Obba papilla. planulala, marginata. Pleurodonte nuxdenticulata, Isomeria, Caracolus. The list is capable of indefinite extension ; and even those minor groups called " sections " often show the same series of changes in form, thus: (vii) Vlll MORPHOLOGY OF SHELL. Sections. Shell globose, Shell depressed, " Dentellari't " nuxdenticulata, deniiem, lychnuchus. Thelidomus emarginata, petltiana, lima. Pleurodonte bronni, anomala, ' pvracutissima. Stenotrema stenotrema, monodon, spinosa. Axina montfortiana, magister, siquijorensis, That characters of contour are valueless for distinguishing gen- era in Helices is now conceded by students of the living groups, but palaeontologists still use them ; and for this reason the above tables are given. The sculpture of Helices, like the contour, affords valuable spe- cific characters, being subject to a wide range of mutation. Shells may be either smooth, obliquely striate, ribbed, decussated, granu- lated, malleated or hairy ; and frequently several varieties of sculp- ture characterize different species of one genus, thus : Genus. granulate, spirally striate, Helicigona lapicida, arbustorum, Polygyra palliata, albolabris, Epiphragmophora tudiculata, inter cisa, Pleurodonte lima, petitiana, ribbed, hairy, smooth. gobanzi, setosa, cingulata. obstricta, hirsuta, jejuna, eircumcarinata, remondi, mormonum. scabrosa, auridens, marginella. Sometimes upon a smooth or granulate surface there are papillae or hairs arranged in regular obliquely decussating series, or in quincunx. This occurs in some species of Chloritis, Helicigona, Thysanophora, Lysinoe, Hygromia, etc. Some genera exhibit a wide range of variation in texture and color, but in most cases this is correllated with the habits of the species. Tree living snails are, as a rule, bright colored and tend to become elevated or conical, while ground snails are duller or brown, and usually depressed* Some genera, like Helieostyla in the Philippines and Cepolis in the West Indies, contain both arboreal and terrestrial forms, and con- sequently appear, on superficial observation, to be composed of very incongruous elements. The embryonic shell (the portion formed within Ihe egg), is found to vary greatly in size, and its extent compared to that of the adult MORPHOLOGY OF SHELL. IX shell is a character of considerable value in classification. In Helicophanta, Acavus&nd their allies it is very large, sometimes one- third the diameter of the adult shell, and its junction with the post- embryonic growth is distinctly marked. In Polygyra it is very small and indistinct. In Camcena and allied groups it is of medium size. Some genera have the embryonic shell sculptured, as Ano- glypta, Chloritis, certain species of Helicigona and Pleurodonte, but it is usually smooth and polished. The apertuie is usually crescentic, half-round or round, but in keeled species becomes angular, and in those having teeth it is often ear-shaped. The outer lip is expanded, reflexed or thickened within in nearly all the genera, but in some (Sagda, Glyptostoma, etc.) it is simple and sharp as in Zonitidce. Tooth-like processes are fre- quently developed upon the lip and parietal wall, and sometimes these become excessively complex. Usually there are two teeth upon the lip and one upon the body wall ; totally diverse genera having independently evolved this arrangement. In a few groups there are internal plates or septa, far within the mouth. The banding of Helices, although variable as a specific character, often shows considerable constancy in a genus or subgenus. Thus, in Helix the five-banded plan of coloring is usual. In Helicigona one- or three-banded ; Epiphragmophora is one-banded. The band just above the periphery is the most constant, and may be found in most genera of Belogona. The Epiphallogona have their own band-arrangement, noticed on p. 103. Snails inhabiting dry situa- tions or arid regions, deposit more lime in the shell than those liv- ing in moister places, and there is a strong tendency to split the bands into many narrow lines, as in Euparypha, Helicella, Rhagada, Micrarionta. A convenient formula was invented by Georg von Martens many years ago, for the designation of band variations in Helices, espe- cially the five-banded forms. The bands are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, beginning above. The absence of any band is indicated by a cypher ; the coalescence of bands by parenthesis ; and the splitting of a band by repetition of its number. Thus, the specimen shown in fig. 5, of plate 44, is Helix nemoralis, 12345. Fig. 4 is H. nemo- ralis 00000. Fig. 12 is H. desertorum 123(45). PI. 43, fig. 44, is H. saulcyi 1(23) 40. A specimen with the bands united to conceal all the ground color would be (12345) ; and one with the third iband split would stand 123345. Vlll MORPHOLOGY OF SHELL. Sections. Shell globose, Shell depressed, " Dentellarix " nuxdenticulata, dentiens, lychnuchus. Thelidomus emarginata, petitiana, lima. Pleurodonte bronni, anomala, peracutissima. Stenotrema stenotrema, monodon, spinosa. Axina montfortiana, magister, siquijorensis, That characters of contour are valueless for distinguishing gen- era in Helices is now conceded by students of the living groups, but palaeontologists still use them ; and for this reason the above tables are given. The sculpture of Helices, like the contour, affords valuable spe- cific characters, being subject to a wide range of mutation. Shells may be either smooth, obliquely striate, ribbed, decussated, granu- lated, malleated or hairy; and frequently several varieties of sculp- ture characterize different species of one genus, thus : Genus. granulate, spirally striate, Helicigona lapicida, arbustorum, Poly gym palliata, albolabris, Epiphragmophora tudiculata, inter cisa, Pleurodonte lima, petitiana, ribbed, hairy, smooth. gobanzi, setosa, cingulata. obstricta, hirsuta, jejuna, circumcarinata, remondi, mormonum. scabrosa, auridens, marginella. Sometimes upon a smooth or granulate surface there are papillae or hairs arranged in regular obliquely decussating series, or in quincunx. This occurs in some species of Chloritis, Helidgona, Thysanophora, Lysinoe, Hygromia, etc. Some genera exhibit a wide range of variation in texture and color, but in most cases this is correllated with the habits of the species. Tree living snails are, as a rule, bright colored and tend to become elevated or conical, while ground snails are duller or brown, and usually depressed* Some genera, like Helicostyla in the Philippines and Cepolis in the West Indies, contain both arboreal and terrestrial forms, and con- sequently appear, on superficial observation, to be composed of very incongruous elements. The embryonic shell (the portion formed within Ihe egg), is found to vary greatly in size, and its extent compared to that of the adult MORPHOLOGY OF SHELL. IX shell is a character of considerable value in classification. In Helicophanta, Acavus and their allies it is very large, sometimes one- third the diameter of the adult shell, and its junction with the post- embryonic growth is distinctly marked. In Polygyra it is very small and indistinct. In Camcena and allied groups it is of medium size. Some genera have the embryonic shell sculptured, as Ano- glypta, Chloritis, certain species of Helicigona and Pleurodonte, but it is usually smooth and polished. The aperture is usually crescentic, half-round or round, but in keeled species becomes angular, and in those having teeth it is often ear-shaped. The outer lip is expanded, reflexed or thickened within in nearly all the genera, but in some (Sag da t Glyptostoma, etc.) it is simple and sharp as in Zonitidce. Tooth-like processes are fre- quently developed upon the lip and parietal wall, and sometimes these become excessively complex. Usually there are two teeth upon the lip and one upon the body wall ; totally diverse genera having independently evolved this arrangement. In a few groups there are internal plates or septa, far within the mouth. The banding of Helices, althongh variable as a specific character, often shows considerable constancy in a genus or subgenus. Thus, in Helix the five-banded plan of coloring is usual. In Helicigona one- or three-banded ; Epiphragmophora is one-banded. The band just above the periphery is the most constant, and may be found in most genera of Belogona. The Epiphallogona have their own band-arrangement, noticed on p. 103. Snails inhabiting dry situa- tions or arid regions, deposit more lime in the shell than those liv- ing in moister places, and there is a strong tendency to split the bands into many narrow lines, as in Euparypha, Helicella, Rhagada, Micrarionta. A convenient formula was invented by Georg von Martens many years ago, for the designation of baud variations in Helices, espe- cially the five-banded forms. The bands are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, beginning above. The absence of any band is indicated by a cypher ; the coalescence of bands by parenthesis ; and the splitting of a band by repetition of its number. Thus, the specimen shown in fig. 5, of plate 44, is Helix nemoralis, 12345. Fig. 4 is H. vemo- ralis 00000. Fig. 12 is H. desertorum 123(45). PL 43, fig. 44, is H. saulcyi 1(23) 40. A specimen with the bands united to conceal rail the ground color would be (12345) ; and one with the third *band split would stand 123345. X EXTERNAL ANATOMY. EXTERNAL FEATURES OF ANIMAL. The general form of the animal in Helicidce is similar to that of Zonitidce, etc. The shell is carried on the middle or somewhat behind the middle, its axis being held oblique or vertical to the plane of the sole. The head has the usual eye-peduncles and ten- tacles, and more or less distinct labial lobes (see frontispiece, fig. 7). The mantle rarely projects beyond the lip-edge of the shell, and is generally provided with right and left body lobes (frontispiece, fig. 7, r.l. right lobe, II. left lobe). Sometimes the latter emits one or two small tongue-like processes on the left side (pi. 33, fig. 7). The back, from mantle to head, generally shows one or several dorsal grooves. The sides are granulated in various patterns, and often a groove extends from the lips obliquely upward to mantle on each side, the facial grooves (see pi. 33, figs. 7, 8 ; frontispiece, fig. 7). The tail in some genera has a median longitudinal groove (espe- cially in Epiphallogona) or sometimes a serrate keel (Lysinoe, Oxy- chona). Usually, however, it is rounded above and shows no special features, being granulated like the sides, but more finely. In the Endodontidce and Zonitidce a deep longitudinal furrow runs parallel to the foot-edge on each side a short distance above it. These are the parapodial or pedal grooves (see pi. 14, fig. 46). They are absent in Helicidce. In Zonitidce and Endodontidce these furrows are often associated with a mucus-secreting pore at the tail. The sole or creeping disc is divided longitudinally into three bands or areas in some genera, but in most Helices such division is absent, or indica- ted by coloring only. DIGESTIVE TRACT. The jaw is well developed and usually strong and orange-colored in Helices. The types of jaw occurring in Helicidce, Endodontidcef and Zonitidce are Polyplacognath (or unsoldered type of jaw, see pi. 1, figs. 4, 5, 6r. 9) consisting of numerous separate plates, overlapping at their edgesy and united by a common membrane only (Punctum'). Stegognath (or plaited, pi. 15, fig. 6, 7) composed of similar or narrower vertical plates soldered together, but with free, overlapping outer edges (Flammulina, Sagdd). Goniognath (or converging-plaited, pi. 42, fig. 36) same as stego- gnathous type, but outer imbricating edges of each plate converg- MORPHOLOGY OF JAW. XI ing toward the middle below, the median plate or plates triangular,, not reaching the cutting margin (Plectopylis). Aulacognath (or striated, pi. 15, figs. 1, 2) primary elements or plates completely soldered together, vertically striated (Pyramidulay Oxygnath (or smooth, pi. 21, fig. 8) completely soldered, smooth^ (Leucochroa). Odontogrtath (or ribbed, pi. 21, fig. 11) completely soldered, hav- ing convex vertical ribs, projecting at one or both edges {Helix}. The most primitive type of jaw occurring in recent terrestrial Pulmonata is found in the Polyplacognatha, Punctum and Laoma.. By the partial union of the loose plates of this sort of jaw, the Stegognathous type is formed. The goniognath form as seen in Liguus, Orthalicus, etc., is a mere variant of this low stegognath type, and can hardly be considered a primary type. In the Aulaco- gnatha the plates have become completely soldered, although their edges still show as strise ; and finally in the Oxygnatha these striae disappear, leaving a completely smooth jaw. In the Odontognatha, vertical ribs are developed upon its anterior face. The data supplied by anatomy and embryology indicate the above as the general phy- logenetic sequence of the various types of jaw ; but the Oxygnatha consist of two sections of different genesis. In some forms (such as the typical Sagdas) the jaw has apparently been evolved directly from the stegognathous type ; and this is probably true likewise of the HelicopTianta group. In others (such as some species of Pleu- rodonte, and Helicostyla,t\\e genera Obba, Cepolis, Leucochroa, Allo- gnathus, etc.) a smooth jaw has resulted from the degeneration of the ribs on an odontognathoustype. The ribbed orodontognathous type has in some cases been formed upon a plaited jaw. In other cases it may have been formed upon a smooth jaw, but evidence is lacking to establish this. In certain cases (such as Hygromia) the degeneration of a ribbed jaw has resulted in one approaching the plaited type. It must also be understood that the distinction between the goniognathous, stegognathous, aulacognathous and oxygnathous types is in some cases not well defined, and often it is not possible to distinguish between & primarily or secondarily oxy- gnathous or smooth jaw, although it is practically demonstrated that the Oxygnatha are diphyletic. It therefore appears that at the time the main phyla of monotre- mate, jaw bearing land snails diverged, they were provided partly with a jaw of unsoldered plates, partly with one of the incompletely Xll MORPHOLOGY OF JAW. united type (stegognathous or plaited). In the Helicoids the major- ity of forms acquired the firmer and completely united smooth or ribbed type, although some still retain the primitive, incompletely united forms, as seen in Punetum, Flammulina, Thysanophora, etc. In the Zonitidce the oxygnathous type has been very generally acquired, although a few forms retain a modified plaited jaw. In JBulimulidce (which includes the " Orthalicidae ") the plaited type of jaw has been retained with various modifications, and the same is found in Cylindrellidte. The Papidce have a completely united, striated jaw. The Achatinidce have a striated or ribbed jaw. It appears that the various families, starting with an incompletely united jaw, have been very unlike in the degree of development attained ; some preserving the ancestral form until to-day, but in most a stronger, solid jaw has been acquired through various well understood successive stages, occasionally parallel in several phyla. These considerations show that the various classifications of land mollusks by jaw characters are artificial ; the various " types " of jaw on which it is founded representing merely successive stages of progress from an incoherent or incompletely united, to a solid jaw, and these stages have been independently reached or passed through •by several totally diverse branches of the pulmonate trunk. The ihistory of the various jaw types is shown in the following diagram- ribbed smooth striated plaited goniognath Jaw of distinct plates The two lower stages were probably passed through by the majority P- 6. \ Laoma, p. 8. f Flammulina, p. 10. I Phasis, p. 36. Endodontida3<{ Haplogona •{ Amphidoxa, p. 39. j Endodonta,p. 20. (^ Pyramidula, p. 42. | Pararhytida, p. 52. Synopsis of genera of Helicidce. Protogona <( f Penis retractor trifid, Praticolella, p. 67- Jaw ribbed | ( lip well reflexed, Pofy- N. American j p retr gi , ! ^ra, p. 68 | lip unexpanded, Po/t/- t gyrella, p. 78. Anat. unknown, f whorls rounded, S. American, Poly- S. Amer. Papua. -< gyratia, p. 81. Shell many-( whorls keeled, Papuan, Coxia, p. 83. whorled. Jaw smooth, S. African, Dorcasia, p. 172. f No blind sack I on vagina \ Macro- ogona A blind sack-} on vag. or | sp. duct. Keeled, emb. whorls decussate, columella short, with convex lobe or tooth, Stylodonta, p. 149. f Eggs or young Not keeled, columella concave, lip narrow, Heli- very large cophanta, p. 151. Not keeled, lip very wide, colored, Acavus, p. 153. Keeled; lip and columella wide, colored, Pyrochi- Eggs of mod- lus, p. 154. rate size Columella narrow, lip not bright, Atnpelita, p. 166. Quoit-shaped, yellow, finely striate, Macrocyclis, p. 165. ! Quoii-shaped, dark and solid, Pedinogyra.. p. 158. Helicoid "j Subtrochiform, rough above, smooth below, Ano- 1 glypta, p. 159. f Apex spirally lirate, suture crenulate, Caryodes, Shell Bulimoid I p. 161. j Apex beaded or smoothish, suture even, Panda. ( p 163. Shell f Thysanophora, p. 54. Teleophallogona -< Sagda, p. 58. {Zaphysema, p. 65. XXX11 CLASSIFICATION OF HELICES. aaa. No mucus gland at tail. b. Holarctic forms Pyramidula, p. 42^ bb. E. Indian, Australian and Oceanic forms En- dodonta, p. 20. 3. Jaw solid and smooth ; penis with flagellum (?) and appendix ; shell moderately large, solid and strong. Pararhytida p. 52. The genera of this group rest upon much slighter characters than those of Helicidw. Flammulina, Phasis and Amphidoxa are sepa- rated mainly upon their geographic distribution, and many prove to constitute but one genus. Endodonta and Pyramidula are re- tained distinct for the same reason. The genitalia of very few of the southern hemisphere forms are known, and the jaws and teeth are not especially characteristic. Key to genera of Helicidce. The author has purposely abstained from assigning subfamily rank to the natural tribes of Helices defined below. If they be considered subfamilies, they may bear the names 1 Polygyrinse ; 2 Acavinas ; 3 Sagdinse ; 4 Camseninse ; 5 Helicinse. I. Genitalia simple; vas deferens inserted directly on the well- developed, long penis, which has no epiphallus or flagellum ; no dart sack or mucus glands; no diverticulum on spermatheca duct ; eggs small and numerous. Jaw solid, ribbed or smooth; marginal teeth with more than one cusp. Shell with lip thick- ened within, expanded or reflexed, the embryonic whorls not distinctly differentiated PROTOGONA. II. Genitalia simple, the vas deferens inserted directly on penis or enlarged into an epiphallus ; no flagellum. No dart sack or mucus glands, but sometimes having a blind sack or appendic- ula high on vagina; eggs or young at birth very large, hard- shelled. Jaw solid, smooth or vertically striate ; teeth all uni- cuspid ; embryonic shell large, generally distinctly differentia- ted from later growth by diverse sculpture or a terminal wrin- kle. Shell large and solid MACROOGONA. III. Genital system having an epiphallus and flagellum developed on penis, and a complicated, flagellum-like appendix, or penis gland; female side without dart sack or other accessory appen- dages; eggs calcareous-shelled, or young born alive. Jaw smooth or plaited ; rhachidian teeth tricuspid, laterals bicuspid. CLASSIFICATION OF HELICES. XXX111 Tail with a longitudinal groove above. Shell somewhat Zoni- toid, unicolored, with sharp simple lip, neither thickened or reflexed TELEOPHALLOGONA; IV. Genital system having an epiphallus and flagellum on penis (but these structures obsolete in some Pleurodontes and Plain- " spiras) ; appendix or penis gland small if present ; female side with no accessory appendages. Eggs small or moderate in size. Jaw smooth or ribbed ; radula with two or more cusps on part of the side teeth. Shell usually solid, the lip expanded or reflexed EPIPHALLOGONA. V. Genital system having epiphallus and flagellum (rarely want- ing) on penis ; a dart sack and mucus glands (rarely wanting) on vagina, and frequently a diverticulum on the long sperma- theca duct. Eggs of small size. Jaw ribbed, smooth or plaited ; teeth with several cusps on marginals (except in Allognathus). Shell solid or thin, often conspicuously banded BELOGONA. Some few exceptions to the above scheme are due to degenerative groups of the higher tribes, which simulate lower tribes, and are only to be correctly placed by attention to the totality of their characters. Of this sort are Cristigibba, which by degeneration of penis and its appendages is like the Haplogona ; and Oiliella, Meta- frutiticola and Cochlicella, unquestionably Belogona, by the loss of their dart apparatus resemble Epiphallogona. Tribe I, PROTOGONA. a. Jaw ribbed. North American forms. b. Penis retractor with trifid insertion ; a large ac, cessory sack on penis; shell globose, unkeeled, white- with translucent or brown bands, lip narrowly re- flexed Praticolella, p. 67. bb. Penis retractor not split ; no large sack on penis ; shell yellowish or brown. c. Lip well reflexed, often toothed, but no inter- nal teeth ; striate above ; spermatheca duct short Poly gym, p. 68. cc. Lip not in the least reflexed, but thickened within ; texture glassy ; spermatheca duct long Polygyrella, p. 78. aa. Jaw and soft anatomy unknown ; shell discoidal, with many narrow whorls, iii XXXIV CLASSIFICATION OF HELICES. b. Whorls rounded at periphery; South American Polygyratia, p. 81. bb. Whorls carinated at periphery; Papuan region Coxia, p. 83. aaa. Jaw solid, smooth ; penis sack continued slightly beyond insertion of vas deferens ; duct of spermatheca long; shell globular or depressed-globose; S. African, Dorcasia, p. 172. Tribe II, MACROOGONA. a. No blind sack or appendicula on vagina or spermatheca duct. Eggs or young at birth very large, about one-third the diameter of adult shell. ; shell with more less reflexed lip, the embryonic whorls distinctly demarked from after growth. b. Shell keeled, at least when young, imperforate, finely wrinkled, the embryonic 3$ whorls spirally grooved or decussate ; columella short, vertical, its inner edge with a convex lobe or acute fold. Vivi- parous, Seychelles Is. Stylodonta, p. 149. bb. Shell capacious, not keeled ; embryonic whorls over one-third diameter of adult, post-embryonic growth 1£ whorls or less. Aperture large, lip nar- row, dilated at columellar insertion ; columella concave, toothless. Madagascar Helicophanta,p. 151. bbb. Shell imperforate, globose-depressed or trochoidal, not • carinated, solid, bright colored; embryonic shell about i diameter of adult. Lip broadly reflexed, vividly colored Acavus, p. 153. aa. No blind sack on vagina or spermatheca duct ; junction of nuclear shell with after growth not distinct ; lip expanded or reflexed. b. Shell acutely keeled, at least when young; lip usually bright colored, the columella widened into a flat plate. Moluccas Pyrochilus, p. 154. bb. Shell umbilicate (except in Poacilostylus), the lip not bright colored, not widened at columella. Madagascar Ampelita, p. 155. aaa. Vagina or spermatheca duct bearing a blind sack. Lip of shell narrow or simple. Eggs and embryonic shell smaller. b. Shell Helicoid, umbilicate, wider than high. CLASSIFICATION OF HELICES. XXXV c. Shell solid, dark colored, quoit-shaped with wide umbilicus, flattened spire and subhori- zontal, oblong mouth, the lip blunt, subex- panded, rounded ; vagina with appendicula ; jaw smooth. Australian, Pedinogyra, p. 158. cc. Shell subtrochiform, conoidal and tuberculate- lirate above, polished and one-banded below the peripheral keel ; outer lip with a deflexed angle ; spermatheca duct with a sack ; jaw striate. Tasmanian Anoglypta, p. 159. bb. Shell bulimoid, higher than wide ; outer lip neither expanded or reflexed. c. Upper whorls spirally lirate, with crenulated suture. Tasmanian Caryodes, p. 161. cc. Upper whorls finely beaded or smoothish, suture even. Australian Panda, p. 163. aaaa. Soft anatomy unknown ; teeth all unicuspid ; shell quoit- shaped, with wide umbilicus and low spire, uniform yellowish, densely striate ; lip narrowly expanded throughout. S. Amer- ica Macrocyclis, p. 165. Tribe III, TELEOPHALLOGONA. a. Shell smooth, depressed or trochoidal, light yellowish, having the texture of Hyalina, composed of 6-9 narrow, closely coiled whorls. Aperture small, narrowly lunate, often with internal laminae, the lip thin, sharp and simple Sagda, p. 58. aa. Shell globose, imperforate, of 5-6 convex whorls, the last large, inflated, brown ; aperture large, rounded-lunate, tooth- less, the lip thin and sharp, closely appressed at the white- calloused columella Zaphysema, p. 65. uaa. Shell conic or depressed, thin, not opaque, pale brownish or corneous, umbilicate ; surface rather dull, often bristly or with delicate riblets; whorls 4-6£, separated by deep sutures. Aperture round-lunate or oblong, toothless ; lip thin, often a trifle expanded Thysanophora, p. 54. Tribe IV, EPIPHALLOGONA. a. Epiphallus developed, flagellum usually present, but short. b. Penis retractor inserted at apex of penis ; Ameri- can Pleurodonte, p. 84. XXXVI CLASSIFICATION OF HELICES. bb. Penis retractor inserted on epiphallus ; Old World* c. Penis with a feather-shaped appendix ; jaw smooth Ob ba, p. 107. cc. No such appendix. d. Apex or whole shell with points in quincunx ; jaw ribbed Chloritis, p. 117. dd. Genitalia unknown ; jaw ribbed ; shell imperforate, with columella wide above Albersia, p. 124. ddd. Not so sculptured. 6. Solid, capacious, rough sculp- tured ; embryonic shell rather large Camcena, p. 101. ee. Rather solid, depressed, depress- ed-globose or keeled Thersites, p. 125 ; Planispira, p. 110. eee. Trochoidal, thinner and mostly light colored Papuina, p. 136; Ganesella, p. 168. aa. Epiphallus or flagellum more or less obsolete. b. Epiphallus more or less obsolete, flagellum present Polydontes, etc., p. 87- bb. Epiphallus and flagellum obsolete Cristigibba, p. 112. Tribe V, BELOGONA. a. Mucus glands sacculated, club-shaped, bulbous or flattened, glandular, inserted on dart sack or at its base, never on vagina above dart sack (except in Lysinoe, p. 191, in which there are 3 club-shaped glands on vag.) Belogona Euadenia, p. 175. aa. Mucus glands tubular or finger-like (except in Elona, p. 307), and always inserted on vagina, never on dart sack or accessory sacks ' Belogona Siphonadenia, p. 235. KEY TO GENERA BY SHELL CHARACTERS. A key to groups of Helices based upon shell features only, cannot be made without numerous double entries, and even then to be exhaustive it would be extremely complicated, probably too com- plex to be of use to beginners in the science, for whom alone it CLASSIFICATION OF HELICES. XXXV11 be intended. The following table simply shows the genera arranged according to some of the more obvious shell characters. I. Shell with lip thin and sharp, as in Zonites, not expanded, reflexed or with a rib-like thickening within. 1, American : a, no internal teeth or laminae : Pyramidula 42, Punctum 6, Amphidoxa 39, Hyalosagda 61, Thysanophora 54, Zaphysema 65, Glyptos- toma 192, Polymita 184. 6, with internal teeth or laminae : Helicodiscus 51, Sagda 58. 2, Old World : a, no internal laminae or teeth : Pyramidula, Punctum 6, Phrixgnathus 9, Flammulina 10, Phasis 36, Charopa 22, Pararhytida 52, Anoglypta 159, Caryodes 161, Panda 163, Pupisoma 52, Acanthinula, Chalepotaxis 167. b, with internal laminae or teeth : Atlantica 50, Laoma 8, Endodonta 20. II. Shell with lip blunt, hardly or not at all expanded, usually thickened within. 1, American : Polygyrella 78, Polymita 184. 2, Old World : Pedinogyra 158, Leucochroa 232, Helicella 245, Geomitra 238, Hygromia 269, Acanthinula 280. III. Shell with lip expanded, not flatly reflexed. 1, American: Praticolella 67, Polygyratia 81, Macrocyclis 165, Thysanophora 54, Pleurodonte 84, Cepolis 177, Lysinoe 191, Epiphragmophora 193, Oxy- chona 189, Vallonia 282, SoJaropsis 166. 2, Old World: Coxia 83, Dorcasia 172, Stylodonta 149, Heli- cophanta 151, Ampelita 155, Camaena 101, Obba 107, Chloritis 117, Albersia 124, Thersi- tes 125, Planispira 110, Papuina 136,Ganesella 168, and most genera of Belogona. IV. Shell with the lip decidedly reflexed, often toothed. 1, American : Polygyra 68, Vallonia 282, Pleurodonte 84, Lysinoe 191. 2, Old World : Acavus 153, Pyrochilus 154, Camama 101, Obba 107, Chloritis 117, Thersites 125, Planispira 110, Papuina 136, Helicostyla 216, Chloraea XXXV111 GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. 214, Eulota 200, Vallonia 282, Helicodonta 284, Helicigona 296, Helix 311, Plectopylis- 143, Gorilla 147. IV. DISTRIBUTION OF HELICES IN TIME AND SPACE. The bare facts of distribution of the several genera and species- are sufficiently stated in the systematic portion of this work ; it remains to draw the more obvious conclusions which they indicate. As to means of distribution, there is much reason to believe that upon continental areas, land snails, like mammals, Lave been mainly dependant upon their own powers of locomotion, although rivers with their flood-carried debris have doubtless been effective. Such island faunas as are not traceable to former land connections, are probably due to drift wood and " floating islands " swept from rivers ; for although in rare cases the agency of birds or cyclones may have been efficient, still the evidence of such means of transport of land snails is extremely slight, and the facts now known do not warrant or call for any extensive invocation of means so extraordinary and exceptional, and so completely hypothetical. It will readily be understood that the case with freshwater snails is quite a different subject. The key to the wide distribution of many genera or super-generic groups of terrestrials, is the known fact of their vast antiquity, which has enabled them to take advantage of the various land com- binations of several geological periods, and also of the rarely occur- ring means of transport mentioned above. The fact must constantly be borne in mind that the evolution of Pulmonates has been excessively slow ; and although the terrestrial forms have changed more rapidly than the freshwater mollusks, they cannot be compared with mammals or birds in this respect.. Many genera of Helices dominant to-day, are known to have existed in the early Miocene, and apparently as distinct then as now. In the Eocene, forms less close to the recent occur, but in many cases they cannot be generically different. In the mammalia we find the roots not only of families, but of orders in Eocene strata, while even the genera of Helices have scarcely changed since that time. The super-generic groups must, therefore, strike deep into Mesozoic time. As the means of transport of land snails are very limited and slow, they lag far behind such freely mobile creatures as mam- mals and birds ; and, therefore, we do not find, nor can we expect to- GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. XXXIX find that the life areas defined by mollusks and those based on the vertebrates named, correspond in all respects ; although the much greater time limit in the case of mollusks to some extent offsets their slower movements. The same factor of greater antiquity introduces another disturbing quantity into the equation ; for land mollusks _ have been able to take advantage of early continental and insular connections which no longer existed when the modern orders of pla- cental mammals came upon the stage. In the following pages, the distribution of the Helices will be dis- cussed in order of groups. It will readily be understood that the hypotheses offered, whether borrowed or original, are simply sugges- tions, subject to such changes as the study of other groups or of palaeontology demands, or to complete rejection. They are based, however, on a careful consideration of the facts now known, with regard to land snails generally; and are, I trust, fair inferences from these facts. Endodontidce. As will be seen in the systematic part of this work, this family is intermediate between Zonitidce and Helicidce in its characters, and it is decidedly less specialized than either. While it may not be in the direct line of descent of these two families, it is certainly nearer than either of the others to the common ancestor of the three, as is shown by its unspecialized jaw, teeth, genitalia and shell. Palaeontology has yet given but little to the history of the group, but that little is significant; the Carboniferous of Nova Sco- tia has afforded a small Helicoid described as Zonites prisons Cpr., which in form and ribbed-striate sculpture can only be compared to such Endodontidce, as Pyramidula or Charopa. In my opinion this species is to be regarded as the oldest form of Helicoid yet known, and as a probable member of the genus Pyramidula. Agreeing with this view of the antiquity of the group is the fact that the Endodontidce have a wider geographic range now than either Helicidce or Zonitidce, inhabiting the entire Holarctic realm, the southern extremities of S. America and Africa, Australo-Zea- landic land, and almost all oceanic islands of the entire globe. Upon the continents they are very scarce or absent in the tropics, probably from the competition of numerous newer groups ; and it is mainly in island faunas, where they do not compete with true Helicidce, that snails of this family abound. The presence of very similar forms in southern South America and Tasmania and New Zealand, has been accounted for by the hypothesis of a former more xl GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. extensive Austral continent or " Antarctica," which may have been supplied with these snails as well as with certain marsupials, fishes, etc., from Australia, and subsequently became united at Cape Horn, transferring the fauna. The connection could hardly have been in a reverse order, or why should not Edentates and Hystricomorph Rodents have invaded Australia ? The principal papers bearing on such continental connections in relation to mollusks are those of Hutton, von Ihering and Hedley. It is obvious that the Endodon- tidcB and ffelicidce alone are insufficient to base much speculation upon regarding former extensions of Austral land. A similar ques- tion occurs with regard to the fauna of South Africa, which in the presence of Endodontidce, JKhytididce, Cceliaxis, etc., shows affinity to that of New Caledonia, Australia and Tasmania. The flora, according to Hooker, also has affinities with the West Australian. Helicidce-Protogona. This group, as the name implies, is believed to be cearer the ancestral stock of the family than the other groups, mainly, because of the simplicity of the genitalia, which are as in Endodontidce, the less modified Zonitidce, the Rhytididce, etc. The palseontological history of the group is very scant, a few species entirely modern in aspect being found in Miocene strata of Florida. Some forms of equal or greater age are reported from the western United States, but none of them are really known to belong to this group. The references to Triodopsis and Mesodon by writers on the European Tertiary are groundless, the supposed Triodopsis belong- ing to Isognomostoma, the Mesodons to Mesodontopsis, a group near Tac heocampylcea. Of the living forms, Polygyra, Polygyrella and Praticolella are exclusively North American, the first named having a few species in the West Indies, and a few which have penetrated from the head valleys of the Missouri to those of the Columbia, and thus reached the northwest coast, the others being East American. There can- not be much doubt that the ancestors of this group of genera have occupied East American soil ever since it had a fauna of ffelicidce, and with the Pyramidulas, to the exclusion of other groups of Hel- ices. In South America the genus Polygyratia occurs ; and while it is likely that its affinities and past history are similar to the preced- ing North American forms, no safe conclusions can be drawn until the anatomy is known. The species from New Guinea and New Ireland, grouped under Coxia, are also beyond the limit of profitable speculation. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. xl The South African genus Dorcasia, although so widely separated geographically, seems to be a member of this group of genera. It is probably a remnant of a large number of Protogona which may have had a wide range in the Eastern Hemisphere in Mesozoic times. Macroogona. This group comprises all the large Helices, in fact all the Helicidce of Madagascar and the Seychelles, with genera in Ceylon and Moluccas, and another group of genera in eastern Australia and Tasmania (see page 148). No profitable speculations can now be based upon this peculiar range, which probably dates from Mesozoic time. The largest known Helices belong to this group, as well as some very handsome forms, such as Acavus hcema- stomus and Pyrochilus lampas, described in the last century. As a temporary expedient, we have placed the N. Chilian group Maerocy- clis here, but it may prove to belong elsewhere, possibly to Proto- gona, when the genitalia come to be examined. Teleophallogona. As stated on p. 56, this group, consisting of three genera only, is essentially West Indian. Zaphysema is re- stricted to Jamaica ; Sagda is nearly as local, although a few species from Hayti and Cuba are referred here ; while Thysanophora is universally diffused throughout the West Indies, and occurs on the mainland from Trinidad to Florida. Epiphallogona. The range of this group of genera includes Aus- tralia (but not Tasmania), the Solomon Islands (but neither New Caledonia or New Zealand), New Guinea north throughout the East Indies, and the mainland of Asia from India to Japan. In Amer- ica it covers the West Indies and northern South America. The majority of genera and species are insular. Arising from an Oriental Protogonous stock now extinct, prob- ably a remnant of the same which had much earlier given birth to the Macroogona, this tribe seems to have radiated in all directions. There is no evidence showing that it ever extended further west than at present; but in the north it evidently passed over a Bering bridge, and travelled southward in America, becoming established in the West Indies, probably in Secondary times. In this invasion of American soil, the ancestors of the West Indian and Mexican genera of Cyclostomatidce and Cyclophoridce probably shared, the nearest allies of these groups being Oriental forms. Whether the American Clausilias accompanied this early exodus, or a later one, remains uncertain ; and the same is true of the xlii GKOGHAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Gl'indinidce and StrcptaxidcB, which, indeed, may have originated in America. On the south and south-east, the Oriental area of Epi- phallogona overlaps somewhat that of the much older Austral fauna of Endodontidce, Rhytididce etc., which lies mainly south and east of the range of the other group. Similarly, the Epiphallogona extend southward far beyond the range of the Belogona. The succession of these faunas from south to north in this Asio-Australian belt of islands, is extremely significant, and clearly indicates the compara- tive ages of the groups in that region. The chronological order of ap- pearance of Endodontidse, Macroogona, Epiphallogona and Belo- gona, as determined by theoretical grounds from their comparative anatomy, coincides with the evidence given by their geographic dis- tribution. Belogona. By comparing the organs of such an Epiphallogonous form as Chloritis (pi. 28, figs. 1-4) with some Asiatic or American Belogona, such as Monadenia, pi. 59, figs. 81, 86, or Mastigeulota^. pi. 66, fig. 26, it will be noticed at once that the structure of the male genitalia is identical in the two groups; each having a short penis continued in an epiphallus which bears the retractor and ends- in a flagellum. The female side is alike in the two groups in hav- ing the spermatheca duct long and branchless, the other organs being identical except that in the Belogonous groups the dart ap- paratus is added. The jaw, teeth and shell show no features diagnos- tic of the groups Epiphallogona and Belogona. It is, therefore, highly probable that the latter group originated from the former, merely adding the dart apparatus to the characters already pos- sessed by the parent stock. There is no especial reason for believ- ing that this transformation took place in any other area than that now occupied by the most nearly allied modern forms of each of these groups, viz. southeastern Asia or the adjacent island groups. The evidence derived from comparative anatomy tends to show that the dart apparatus of the Helices was evolved de novo in this group, and while analogous to that of the Zonitidce, it is not homologous. As in Zonitidce, the glands associated with the dart sack were origin- ally proliferations from that sack ; and this structure is still retained in the Oriental and American genera constituting the BELOGONA EUADENIA. In the European group of genera the glands have moved from the dart sack to the vagina, and are generally found inserted above, never below, the insertion of the dart sack. This is a purely secondary change, and together with the modification of GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. xliii the glands into the tubular or finger-like form, is characteristic of the BELOGONA SIPHONADENIA. The Belogona Euadenia in the Old World extend from Japan and India southward throughout the East Indies, with a few Cor- asia-like forms in New Guinea and the Solomons. That they are chronologically a later element than the EpipJiallogona is shown by the fact that they are represented in the southern and southeastern portion of this range by only one genus (ffelicostyla*), and even this is much restricted, being absent in Australia, the Louisiades and New Hebrides, etc., where Epiphallogona are well represented. On the north, the mainland of Asia offered easy passage to Japan ; and during a period of mild climate in high latitudes, and of elevation of the Bering Sea region, the Euadenia penetrated westward to America and south east to California, Mexico and South America, crossing to the West Indies by way perhaps of a Yucatan-Cuba ridge of elevation. The date of this exodus of Asiatic life we are unable now to fix ; but it could hardly have been later than the beginning of the Eocene, and there are good reasons for believing it earlier. At the same time, while it may have been coincident with the ingress of Epiphallogona into America, it was probably later ; for no Belogona reached the Caribean chain (where a well differentiated group of the other tribe is uni- versally represented), and its distribution eastward in South Amer- ica is less great. In North America the barrier to eastward dis- tribution has apparently been due to extensive inland seas in the Rocky Mountain tract, and upon their disappearance to arid clima- tic conditions. At all events, we now have in America several sharply defined generic types : Cepolis, the peculiarities of which have been evolved on Antillean soil, and which gave rise to a side line of arboreal snails, Polymita, the early origin of which is shown by its retention of three cusps on all teeth ; a feature now lost .in the other genus, some divisions of which have also assumed arboreal life, with its consequent remodelling of the radula. On the main- land the Mexican genus Lysinoe offers characters clearly telling of ancient divergence; and this is supported by the discovery of a species apparently allied to L. ghiesbreghtiiin the Puerco Group or New Mexico, this Eocene horizon being below the Wasatch Group, immediately above the Laramie (H. naeimientensis White, Bull. TL S. Geol. Surv. no. 34, 1886, pi. 5, f. 3-7). Associated with this Lysinoe in the Puerco are Holospira and numerous fresh-water forms. xliv GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Several Eocene species from Utah and Wyoming are probably refer- able to Epiphragmophora ; and perhaps the Miocene Helix leidyi Hall & Meek belongs here also ; though the condition of preserva- tion of these fossils of the fresh -water strata of the West, is quite in- sufficient for positive generic identification, which must await the finding of more perfect material. Returning to the Palsearctic region, we observe that a few species of Eulota have penetrated into Central Asia, and one, E. frvticwn, as far as eastern Europe. This form is evidently a late-comer, being absent from the loess fauna, and belonging to a section of Eulota characterized by the degeneration and loss of the flagellum. Its late advent in Europe may be correllated with the presence in China of a few European types such as Helicodonta and Metodontia. The Belogona Siphonadenia are par excellence the Helices of Eu- rope. Judging purely by the present distribution of the group, its diagnostic peculiarities seem to have been assumed in the European or adjacent tracts, whither the ancestral stock of Belogona Euadenia had emigrated from the Orient. Probable companions of these Belogona were the terrestrial operculates (some of which have been erroneously referred to West Indian genera), and perhaps the Agn- atha, although the origin of these is problematic. In this European extension of the Palsearctic fauna the Siphonadenious phylum has split into numerous genera, and apparently has crowded out any earlier Helices of simpler structure, if such ever existed in that quarter of the world. The old families Endodontidce and Zonitidce retained their place owing probably to the notably different stations occupied by them. Very early branches of the European Belogona were Leucochroa, a probable remnant of the original stock which did not share the changes resulting in modern Siphonadenia; and Vallonia, a genus well differentiated in the early Eocene of Europe, now more widely dispersed than any other genus of Helicidce, and possibly antedating the European immigration. Further notes upon the Belogona Siphonadenia will be found on pages 235-237. The only Siphonadenia which have strayed far from the area now occupied by the majority of the genera, are certain Chinese forms referred to Helicodonta and Hygromia (q. v.), which from their close resemblance to European types are probably recent colonies moving eastward through Siberia. Thus, Metodontia seems closely allied to Dibothrion, a group of middle Europe and Siberia ; and H. bicon- cava of China is nearly allied to the European Miocene H. involuta GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. xlv as the Chinese H. binodata is to certain living and tertiary European species. * * * Summary by Continents. The Americas are poor in autochthonous types of Helices (and land snails generally), the genera Polygyratia, Solaropsis and Macrocyclis being the only South American forms of great antiquity, the genera Epiphragmophora, Pleurodonte and probably Oxychona having been derived from the north in compara- tively recent times, and the Amphidoxa forms are in all probability stragglers from the Australian tract. The West Indies claim one group of genera, Sagda, Thysanophora and Zaphysema of evidently great age and unknown ultimate affini- ties, but the other elements, Pleurodonte, Cepolis and Polymita are Mesozoic or early Eocene immigrants from the mainland, .and primarily from Asia. North America possessess in Polygyra, Polygyrella and Praticol- ella a primitive fauna, to which has been added from Asia, the be- logonous forms Vallonia, and the stock now differentiated into Epi- phragmophora, Lysinoe, Glyptostoma and the West Indian genera mentioned ; this addition can scarcely have been later than Creta- ceous or base of the Eocene. Africa is in the north practically a part of Europe ; but at the Cape a Helix-fauna of as primitive a type as that of eastern North America is found, consisting of the genus Phasis of Endodontidce and Dorcasia, a type allied to Polygyra, and probably a remnant of the early wider distribution of the Protogona. S. Africa has real affinities with Australia, but whether these are due to the preserva- tion of antique types in both tracts, or to some actual connection, re- mains to be solved. Madagascar is much more allied to Ceylon and Australia than to S. Africa. Europe and western Asia. The western portion of Asia together with Europe and North Africa, is peopled by a peculiar, highly organized type of Helices practically confined to these regions, but evidently derived ultimately from extreme south-east Asia or the East Indies, by a Cretaceous (?) migration. Eastern Asia, from Japan and China southward to Australia,consti- tutes another great division in Helix distribution, and the middle of this area has been in all probability the birth-place of the groups Epiphallogona, Belogona and Macroogona. These three divisions still occupy the region, various genera of the first, Camcena, Chloritis, GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Ther sites, Obba, Planispira, Papuina, Ganesella, being character- istic of all portions of the tract. The Belogona have a smaller range southward, but in the genera Helicoslyla, Eulota and their allies, ex- tending over the central and northern portions of the region. The several genera of Macroogona, such as Helicophanta and Ampelita in Madagascar, Acavus in Ceylon, Panda, Pedinogyra, Anoglypta, etc. in Australia and Tasmania, have a much broken, discontinuous range, indicating a high antiquity and much extinction ; but the origin of the group from Protogonous ancestors, within the general region now covered by the several genera, is probable. In conclusion : We find that the distribution of Helices in space and time is not hap-hazard or erratic, as has been supposed from the earlier classifications, and from the erroneous generic and subgenenc references contained in works on the fossil forms, but that it is orderly and comprehensible. We find that, whenever the data are sufficient for judgment, the genera and species of any given life- area exhibit such affinities to each other and to those of adjacent areas, that no orographic changes or continental extensions other than those recognized by geologists as either demonstrated or prob- able, are necessary to account for the various snail faunas of to-day. We find that not only is it unnecessary to throw land bridges across the depths of Atlantic and Pacific to account for the distribution of Helices, but that such hypotheses are contrary to many facts indicat- ing that such groups of snails as are common to America and Europe, have radiated from an Oriental center westward to Europe and east- ward via the Bering Sea route to America, while in the far south a hypothetical extension of the Antarctic continent fulfils the con- ditions asked by the zoogeographer. Another fact worthy of remem- brance is that in each faunal region, one or a few types of Helices have been modified to fill the several stations available, and that the most highly modified forms are generally found to be nearest akin to the normal Helices of the same region, not to similarly modified Helices of other regions. Thus, the groups Phengus, Papuina, Oxychona and Leptoloma are strikingly similar, yet they are not related to each other, but to less abnormal snails occupying their several areas. The same is true of Caracolus and T her sites ; Camcena, Euhadra and Hadra, Stylodonta and Columplica, Isognomo -stoma and Triodopttis, and scores of other groups. METHOD OF PREPARATION. xlvii V. PREPARATION OF LAND SNAILS FOR ANATOMICAL. STUDY. Land snails intended for anatomical examination should be placed -when collected in a vessel of water from which air is excluded^- Usually twenty-four hours is a sufficient time to drown the animal, when they may transferred to 50% alcohol and after a day to 60 and then 80%. It is often impossible on account of lack of facilities to observe this rule ; and in such cases the animal may be thrown into about 60% alcohol when drowned. If time or facilities cannot be had for drowning the snails in water, they should be killed by the usual method, by scalding with boiling water, and then placed in spirit not stronger than 60 % . The one process to be avoided is plung- ing the living animal into spirit ; as this causes so much contraction that subsequent work is very difficult. Of course even a badly con- tracted specimen is vastly better than none ; and no malacologist should neglect to preserve some sort of specimen of a species not known anatomically, in view of the present condition of malacology, and the advantage to be gained for science by the expenditure of the small amount of time involved in preserving the soft parts. The dissection of land snails is very easy, a shallow vessel with a floor of blackened wax, some small scissors, a scalpel and pins being all the material required. After removing the shell and observing external features, an incision may be made extending from the top of the head backward, laying open the visceral mass. The genitalia will then be seen on the left (the head being toward the observer), the digestive tract in the middle. Each of these systems may be readily removed and pinned out separately for examination. Jaw and radula may be mounted in glycerine jelly in the usual manner. NOTE ON NOMENCLATURE. The numerous changes from previous usage in generic and sub- generic names of Helices, which have been introduced in this volume, are mainly due to a rigid adherence to the rule of priority. The older generic and subgeneric names were nearly all proposed for miscellaneous and artificial assemblages of species ; and in these cases we are compelled to accept these names in the sense in which subsequent authors understood them and restricted them. For ex- ample : Ferussac's Helicigona comprised all keeled and edentulous Helices ; but as Risso retains under that name only the H. lapicida and H. cornea, we must accept this restriction ; and as cornea was NOMENCLATURE. not included by Ferussac in his group, while lapicida was, we are obliged to consider the latter species the type of Relicogona Fer. Some authors demand that a generic name to be accepted, must be not only appropriate in meaning, but also be correctly limited by its describer; but such a course would only result in utter confusion. Thus, if correct limitation be insisted upon, we might have given new names to about half the genera as recognized herein, for fully that many are composed of materials never before brought into the present associations and groupings. Instead of such a course, we have invariably tried to select for each group, the oldest name ap- plied to any of its members. Regarding specific nomenclature, we believe that the dictum, " once a synonym, always a synonym," is the only satisfactory course. Thus, Helix edwardsi Cox was changed to H. nigrilabris because there was a prior Helix edwardsi of Bland ; and this change holds, even though the shells of Cox and of Bland are now known to belong to different genera. On the other hand, Polygyra hemp- hilli W. G. B. is not held to be preoccupied by the earlier Helix hemphilli Newc., because Binney described his species as a Trio- dopsis, not a Helix; and as hemphilli W. G. B. is a Polygyra, and hemphilli, Newc. a Pyramidula, there has never been a duplication of the binomial term " Helix hemphilli" (UHIVERSITY TROCHOMORPHA. Genus TROCHOMORPHA Albers, 1850. Trochomorpha ALBERS, Die Heliceen, p. 116. — MARTENS, Die Hel. (edit. 2), p. 60, type trochiformis Fer.; Ostasiat. Zool., Land- schn. p. 245. — Discus ALBERS, /. c., p. 117. — MARTENS 1. c., p. 61- type metcalfei Pfr. Not Discus Fitz., q. v. — Nigritella MARTENS~ Die Hel. (edit. 2), p. 63, type nigritella Pfr. ; Ostas. Landschn., p. 246.— Videna H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 115.— MAR- TENS, Ostas. Landschn., p. 247. — Sivella BLANFORD, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) xi, p. 86 (1863), type castra Bens.— Geotrochusv. HASSELT, Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode voor bet Jaar 1823, p. 233 (= Trochomorpha sp. aud'Sitala sp.) Shell varying from high trochiform to depressed lens-shaped, umbil- icate or at least perforate ; solid and opaque, or thin and subtranslu- cent ; carinated, at least in the young. Having 5-6 whorls. Sur- face rather smooth. Embryonal whorl not marked off from the after growth. Aperture basal, the upper lip terminating at the keel or periphery ; peristome simple and sharp, or thickened and blunt, the basal margin arcuate ; columellar margin arcuate, short, not dilated or reflexed; ends of lip distant. Type T. trochiformis Fer., pi. 7, figs. 8, 9. (See also pi. 7, figs. 1-3, T. quadrasi Hid. ; pi. 7, figs. 4-6, T. merzianoides Grt. ; pi. 7, fig. 7, T. meleagris Pfr.) Animal : Foot long and rather narrow ; sole flat, with no trace of longitudinal division ; parapodial groove distinct, bounding a wide vertically grooved foot margin, and having a shallower groove above it. Tail depressed above, rounded behind, without a mucus gland. Back with several indistinct longitudinal rows of granules; sides irregularly granular. Shell lappets none ; but mantle having a wide body-lappet on the right and a small one on the left. Lung orifice to the left of the superior angle of aperture, (pi. 8, fig. 12, 21 assimilis Grt. ; fig. 13, T. beckiana Pfr. ; pi. 9, figs. 32, 33, T. timor- ensis Mts.). Genitalia simple, the penis moderately long, somewhat twisted, the retractor muscle and vas deferens entering at the apex. Sperma- theca on a short duct. (PI. 8, fig. 9, T. assimilis; fig. 14, T. beck- iana; fig. 17, T.troilus; fig. 19, T. subtrochiformis ; figs. 15, 16, T. metcalfei; pi. 7, figs. 14, 15, T. planorbis~). Orifice of genitalia near the pedal groove, below and slightly back of the right eye-peduncle. Right eye peduncle retracted between branches of genitalia. Kidney long and narrow. Xlviii NOMENCLATURE. not included by Ferussac in his group, while lapicida was, we are obliged to consider the latter species the type of Helicogona Fer. Some authors demand that a generic name to be accepted, must be not only appropriate in meaning, but also be correctly limited by its describer; but such a course would only result in utter confusion. Thus, if correct limitation be insisted upon, we might have given new names to about half the genera as recognized herein, for fully that many are composed of materials never before brought into the present associations and groupings. Instead of such a course, we have invariably tried to select for each group, the oldest name ap- plied to any of its members. Regarding specific nomenclature, we believe that the dictum, " once a synonym, always a synonym," is the only satisfactory course. Thus, Helix edwardsi Cox was changed to H. nigrilabris because there was a prior Helix edwardsi of Bland ; and this change holds, even though the shells of Cox and of Bland are now known to belong to different genera. On the other hand, Polygyra hemp- hilli W. G. B. is not held to be preoccupied by the earlier Helix hemphilli Newc., because Binney described his species as a Trio- dopsis, not a Helix; and as hemphilli W. G. B. is a Polygyra, and hemphilli, Newc. a Pyramidula, there has never been a duplication of the binomial term " Helix hemphilli" THf { UHIVEBSITY TROCHOMORPHA. Genus TROCHOMORPHA Albers, 1850. Trochomorpha ALBERS, Die Heliceen, p. 116. — MARTENS, Die Hel. (edit. 2), p. 60, type trochiformis Fer.; Ostasiat. Zoo]., Land- schn. p. 245. — Discus ALBERS, /. c., p. 117. — MARTENS I. c., p. 61- type metcalfei Pfr. Not Discus Fitz., q. v. — Nigritella MARTENS, Die Hel. (edit. 2), p. 63, type nigritella Pfr. ; Ostas. Landschn., p. 246.— Videna H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 115.— MAR- TENS, Ostas. Landschn., p. 247. — Sivella BLANFORD, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) xi, p. 86 (1863), type eastra Bens. — Geotrochus v. HASSELT, Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode voor het Jaar 1823, p. 233 (—Trochomorpha sp. audSitala sp.) Shell varying from high trochiform to depressed lens-shaped, umbil- icate or at least perforate ; solid and opaque, or thin and subtranslu- cent ; carinated, at least in the young. Having 5-6 whorls. Sur- face rather smooth. Embryonal whorl not marked off from the after growth. Aperture basal, the upper lip terminating at the keel or periphery ; peristome simple and sharp, or thickened and blunt, the basal margin arcuate ; columellar margin arcuate, short, not dilated or reflexed ; ends of lip distant. Type T. trochiformis Fer., pi. 7, figs. 8, 9. (See also pi. 7, figs. 1-3, T. quadrasi Hid. ; pi. 7, figs. 4-6, T. merzianoides Grt. ; pi. 7, fig. 7, T. meleagris Pfr.) Animal : Foot long and rather narrow ; sole flat, with no trace of longitudinal division ; parapodial groove distinct, bounding a wide vertically grooved foot margin, and having a shallower groove above it. Tail depressed above, rounded behind, without a mucus gland. Back with several indistinct longitudinal rows of granules; sides irregularly granular. Shell lappets none; but mantle having a wide body-lappet on the right and a small one on the left. Lung orifice to the left of the superior angle of aperture, (pi. 8, fig. 12, T. asvimilis Grt.; fig. 13, T. beckiana Pfr. ; pi. 9, figs. 32, 33, T. timor- ensis Mts.). Genitalia simple, the penis moderately long, somewhat twisted, the retractor muscle and vas deferens entering at the apex. Sperma- theca on a short duct. (PI. 8, fig. 9, T. assimilis ; fig. 14, T. beck- iana; fig. 17, T. troilus ; fig. 19, T. subtrochiformis ; figs. 15, 16, T. metcalfei; pi. 7, figs. 14, 15, T. planorbis). Orifice of genitalia near the pedal groove, below and slightly back of the right eye-peduncle. Right eye peduncle retracted between branches of genitalia. Kidney long and narrow. 2 TROCHOMORPHA. In T. castra and T. timorensis (pi. 9, fig. 31) the duct of the sper- matheca is very long. In all other features of genitalia, jaw and teeth, they resemble the typical Trochomorphas. The length of this duct may warrant the retention of the section Sivella Blanf. Jaw arcuate, smooth, with a small median projection, or none. (PL 8, fig. 10, T. assimilis; pi. 7, fig. 13, T. planorbis ; pi. 9, fig. 30, T. timorensis.) Radula : Central and lateral teeth having the strong mesocones pro- jecting well over the posterior borders of their basal-plates, and lacking ecto- and entocones. Outer lateral teeth at first siuuated outside, the sinuation increasing to a denticle on the transition teeth, and ascending on the mesocone to form the long bifid cusps of the marginal teeth, which become very oblique (pi. 8, fig. 11, T. assimilis, central, lateral and transition teeth, with several adjacent marginals and an outer marginal drawn). See also fig. 18, T. subtrochiformis, show- ing central and 1st, 12th, 13th and 24th teeth. Of the names quoted in the reference paragraph above, none ante- dates Trochomorpha except v. Hasselt's Geotrochus, dating from 1823 ; but as the species included by the Dutch author were not described nor figured, and in fact remained unrecognized until v. Martens identified them by the aid of v. Hasselt's unpublished drawings, his names cannot have precedence for either genus or species. The prominent features of this genus are its simply conical or lens-shaped, smooth shell, with toothless aperture and non-expanded lip ; the undivided sole of the foot, bordered above by parapodial grooves, without caudal mucus gland; the simple genitalia; smooth jaw ; and unicuspid central and lateral, and bifid, Nanina-like mar- ginal teeth. Our knowledge of the anatomy of this genus hitherto has been due to Semper's investigations. Gould has given figures of the liv- ing animal of tentoriolum, troilus and conijormis, and Quoy and Oaimard figure that of solarium. All of these figures agree with my own observations and figures of T. assimilis Grt., from which the above account is mainly drawn. Wiegmann has recently dissected a specimen of T. planorbis Less. (Webers' Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederliindisch Ost-Indien, iii, p. 152, 1893). This species shows the lower portion of the vas deferens to be dilated beyond the apex of the penis, where the retractor muscle is inserted (pi. 7, figs. 14, 15, showing penis, etc. from both sides). The vagina is much TROCBOMORPHA. 6 swollen between the lower end of the uterus and the opening of the spermatheca duct, and at the upper end of this swollen portion there is inside a whitish gland formed of one-celled club-shaped follicles (pi. 7, fig. 14a). This internal vaginal gland has not been noticed in other species. Stoliczka lias published the anatomy of T. castra and T. timorensis (Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xlii), finding these species to have the structure of typical Trochomorpha except for the very long duct of the spermatheca. The genus Trochomorpha inhabits a vast area, and is excessively prolific in specific and varietal forms. Its range extends from India, central China and the Liu Kiu Is. on the north, southward to New Guinea, the Louisiades and New Hebrides, and east to the Society Islands. It is not known to occur in Australia, New Caledonia, or any island having the Australo-Zealandic fauna, such as Norfolk and Lord Howe. The species are in many cases founded upon slight differences, and may become subject to some reduction as our knowledge of their variation increases. For the present, it is necessary to use great care in their description ; the width of umbilicus compared with that of the base should always be stated. The only genus with which species of Trochomorpha are likely to be confused is the East Asian group Plectotropis ; this however differs in the dilated columellar lip of the shell, etc. Subdivisions. Trochomorpha may be divided in to three sections: (1) TROCHO- MORPHA s. str. (of which Nigritella is a synonym), containing the solid, opaque, trochiform species, mainly Polynesian, (2) VIDENA Ads. for depressed, acutely keeled, thin shelled forms, with wide umbilicus, and (3) SIVELLA Blanf. for species having the shell like Videna, but with a very long duct to the spermatheca. The species of Videna occupy the entire area inhabited by the genus, but are especially characteristic of the Philippines and east Indies generally. Sivella is an Indo-Chinese group. Systematic position. The family relationships of Trochomorpha have been variously estimated ; v. Martens (Albers, edit. 2) placing it under Nanina as a subgenus, while Pfeiffer (Nomencl. Hel. Viv.) considers it a genus between Leucochroa and Patula. Semper also places it among the true Helices. The facts at present known incline me to view TROCHOMORPHA. Trochomorpha as a somewhat aberrant genus of Zonitidce ; and as such it can properly claim no place in this volume. It is a signifi- cant fact, that, so far as I know, all Zonitidce which possess a bifid cusp upon the marginal teeth, jorm it by the elevation of the ectocone upon the mesocone, while in those Helicidce having a long bifid inner cusp on the marginals it is formed by the union of the entocone with the mesocone. One of the earliest modifications of the Zonitid stock was the loss of entocones from the marginal teeth ; but in the Ilelicoids they persist in most genera. Species of India, China, Farther India and adjacent islands. T. benigna Pfr. iii, 84. T. borealis Mlldff. viii, 119, 133. T. cantoriana Bens, iii, 83. T. caryx Bens, iii, 75. T. castra Bens, iii, 84. v. galerus Bens, iii, 75. T. fritzei Bttg. viii, 194. T. haenseli Sch. & Bttg. viii, 119. T. paviei Mori, iii, 82. Species of Andaman and Nicobar Is. T. billeana Morch, iii, 84. T. sanis Bens., iii, 84. T. iopharynx Morch. T. subnigritella Bedd. viii, 127. T. kjellerupi Morch. iii, 74. T. sulcipes Morch. iii, 84. Philippine Island species. T. percompressa Bens, iii, 84. T. saigouensis Crse. iii, 84. T. sapeca Heude. T. shermani Pfr. iii, 84. T. subtricolor Mab. viii, 134. T. timorensis Mts. iii, 83. thieroti Morg. viii, 133. T. tonkinorum Mab. viii, 120. T. acutimargo Pfr. iii, 85. T. albocincta Pfr. iii, 86. T. bagoensis Hid. viii, 134. T. beckiana Pfr. iii, 86. v. kierulfii Morch. iii, 86. T. bintuanensis Hid. viii, 134. T. boettgeri Mlldff. viii, 134. T. conomphala Pfr. iii, 84. T. costellifera Moll, viii, 125, T. crossei Hid viii, 134. T. curvilabrum Rve. iii, 86. T. gouldi Pfr. iii, 77. T. granulosa viii, 125. T. luteobrunnea Moll, viii, 120. splendens Hid. non Semp. T. metcalfei Pfr. viii, 121. solaroides Rv. iii, 85. T. neglecta Pils. viii, 124. T. quadrasi Hid. viii, 122. stenogyra Mlldff. T. radiila Pfr. iii, 85. T. repanda Moll, viii, 123. T. rufa Mlldff. viii, 133. T. sibuyanica Hid. viii. T. splendens Semp. viii, 123. T. splendidula Moll, viii, 123. TROCHOMORPHA. £ T. infanda Semp. viii, 120. T. stenozona Mlldff. viii, 133. T. loocensis Hid. viii, 120. T. strigilis Pfr. iii, 85. Species of Java, Celebes and the Moluccas. T. bicolor Marts, iii, 82. T. planorbis Less. T. concolor Bttg. viii, 126. v. lardea Mts. iii, 83. T. ? costulata Marts. zollingeri Mouss. not Pfr. T. gorontalensis Mts. iii, 83. T. sculpticarina Marts, iii, 80. T. hartmanni Pfr. iii, 83. T. staudingeri Anc. viii, 134. T. planorbis Less, iii, 82. T. strubelli Bttg. viii, 126. syncecia Mlldff. viii, 133. zonatus v. Hasselt. v. appropinquata Marts, iii, 82. T. ternatana Guill. iii, 76. v. lessonii Marts, iii, 82. v. batchianensis Pfr. iii, 76. v. javanica Marts, iii, 82. T. tricolor Marts, iii, 83. v. nummus Issel. iii, 82. T. zollingeri Pfr. iii, 82. Species of New Guinea and dependencies. T. exclusa Fer. iii, 85. T. nigrans Sm. viii, 128. T. infrastriata Sin. iii, 80. v. cornea Hedl. viii, 296. T. lomonti Braz. iii, 82. T. papua Legs, iii, 89. T. morio Canefri, viii, 128. . T. solarium Q. & G. iii, 80. Species of the Solomon and New Hebrides groups. T. apia Jacq. iii, 88. T. meleagris Pfr. iii, 81. T. belmorei Cox. iii, 76. v. sebacea Pfr. T. catinus Pfr. iii, 74. cerealis Cox. T. convexa Hartm. viii, 131. thorpeiana Braz. T. crouanii Guill. iii, 90. T. membranicosta Pfr. iii, 76. T. crustulum Cox. iii, 90. T. merziana Pfr. iii, 89. T. deiopeia Ang. iii, 89. T. partunga Ang. iii, 81. T. eudora Ang. iii, 88. T. rhoda Ang. iii, 88. T. exaltata Pfr. iii, 76. T. rubens Hartm. viii, 129. T. fatigata Cox, iii, 76. T. sanctseannse Sm. iii, 89. T. gassiesi Pfr. iii, 8'9. T. scytodes Pfr. iii, 77. T. godeti Sowb. viii, 129. T. semiconvexa Pfr. iii, 88. T. henschei Pfr. viii, 130. T. serena Cox. iii, 77. T. juanita Aug. iii, 77. T. xiphias Pfr. iii, 89. T. matura Pfr. iii, 88. T. zenobia Pfr. viii, 131. PUNCTUM. Polynesian species, Pelew T. abrochroa Crse. iii, 90. v. pseudoplanorbis Mouss. iii, 91. T. accurata Mouss. iii, 80. T. alta Pse. iii, 73. T. approximata Guill. iii, 90. T. assimilis Garr. iii, 92. T. concentrica Guill. iii, 81. T. contigua Pse. iii, 78. congrua Pse. not Pfr. T. corallina Mouss. iii, 93. T. cressida Gld. iii, 91. vahine H. & J. T. electra Semp. iii, 86. T. entomostoma H. & J. iii, 79. T. eurydice Gld. iii, 90. T. fessonia Aug. iii, 79. T. fuscata Pse. T. goniomphala Pfr. iii, 78. T. kantavuensis Garr. viii, 127. T. kiisteri Pfr. iii, 80. T. latimarginata Sm. iii, 92. T. ludersi Pfr. iii, 92. T. luteocornea Pfr. iii, 90. T. marmorosa H. & J. iii, 90. T. merzianoides Garr. viii, 132. T. navagatorum Pfr. iii, 90. to Marquesas groups. T. nigritella Pfr. iii, 78. v. oppressa Pse. iii, 78. T. oleacina Semp. iii, 77. T. pagodula Semp. iii, 77. T. pallens Pse. iii, 91. T. planoconus Mouss. viii, 132. T. prostrata Pse. iii, 93. T. rectangula Pfr. iii, 73. hapa H. & J. T. samoa H. & J. iii, 81. T. sansitus Cox. iii, 81. T. subtrochiformis Mouss. iii,79. v. albostriata Mouss. T. swainsoni Pfr. iii, 91. v. lenta Pse. v. scuta Pse. T. taviuniensis Garr. viii, 133. T' tentoriolum Gld. iii, 79. T. therm's Garr. viii, 134. T. transarata Mouss. iii, 79. T. trochiformis Fer. iii, 79. circumdata Miihl. T. troilus Gld. iii, 92. T. tuber Mouss. iii, 81. T. tumulus Gld. iii, 91. Species of unknown habitats. T. conferta Pfr. iii, 81. T. securiformis Dh. iii, 78. T. hidalgoana Crse. iii, 93. T. valenciennesii Guill. iii, 93. T. pagodula Pfr. iii, 73. guilloui Pfr. T. planissima Pfr. iii, 93. T. virgulata Sowb. iii, 77. T. rudiuscula Pfr. iii, 93. Genus PUNCTUM Morse, 1864. Punctum MORSE, Obs. on the Terrest. Pulm. Maine, Journ. Portl. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864, p. 27. Type P. minutissimum Lea. — See also BINNEY, Second Suppl. Terr. Moll, v, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. xiii, no. 2, t. 3, f. 4, 6.— SCHAKO, Mai. Blatter xx, p. 178, f. A-D.— PUNCTUM. 7 JICKELI, Fauna der Land- und Siisswasser Moll. N.-O. Afrika's, in Verb. K. Leopoldinisch-Carolinisch Deutschen Akad. der Naturfor- scher, xxxvii, p. 54, t. 1, f. 4. Shell minute, thin, subdiscoidal but with convex spire, openly_ umbilicated ; unicolored ; whorls about 4, convex, the apical 1£ smooth, rather distinctly demarked from the following whorls, which have oblique striae or irregular riblets and excessively fine spiral stripe ; the last whorl cylindrical, not descending in front. Aperture lunate, rounded; lip simple, thin. Type P. pygmceum var. minutis- simum, pi. 1, figs. 11, 12, 13. Jaw arcuate or horse-shoe shaped, composed of numerous (13-19) separate rhomboidal plates, more or less overlapping, the outer imbricating over the inner plates ; the median two or three plates slightly separated, not overlapping. The individual plates are composed of vertical chitinous fibers forming a fringe at the edges (fig. 6, 7, P. pygmceum) ; the plates are bound together by a thin transparent membrane. The number of plates varies somewhat, P. pygmceum (fig. 6) having 19 (/Sc/m&o) ; P. pygmceum var. minutissimum having 16 (Morse); P. conspectum (fig. 9) having 14 to 16, P. cryophilum (fig. 5) having 13 plates. Radula rather long and narrow ; teeth rather separated, not in the least overlapping. Central tooth tricuspid, the mesocone longest, but not as long at the narrow basal-plate, side cusps small. Lateral teeth having wider rhombic basal-plates and bicuspid, the mesocone having a longer cusp. Marginal teeth not differentiated in any way from the laterals, but becoming lower with shorter cusps (pi. 1, fig. 8, conspectum.) The number of transverse rows of teeth is 75 in P. conspectum. the formula 17-1-17 (Pilsbry) ; in P. pygmceum there are 114 rows of 19-1-19 teeth (Schako) ; in P. pygmceum var. minutissimum, Morse counted 54 rows of 13-1-13 teeth ; in P. cryophila there are 75 rows of 16-1-17 teeth, according to Jickeli. Each transverse row bends forward in the middle, as shown in the line above fig. 8, represent- ing the curve of a half row. Distribution : North America, Europe, northern Asia and north- eastern Africa. This genus differs from the other Patuloid Helices in having the jaw composed of broad rhombic plates which are not in the least soldered together, and in the peculiar form of the bicuspid lateral teeth. It is evidently a type of vast antiquity, and probably has 8 LAOMA. actual affinity to the Neozealandic genus Laoma ; both may perhaps be regarded as remnants of a Palaeozoic fauna. The minute species of Discus-\ike shells must all be re-examined with especial reference to the characters of the jaw before a complete list of the species of Punctum can be made. It is not unlikely that micropleuros Paget, elachia, debeauxiana, poupillieri, aucapitaineana and massoti Bgt., etc., will be found to belong here. For the pre- sent it seems the wisest course to group in Punctum only such species as are known to have the characteristic anatomical features of that genus, leaving unexamined minute Patuloid forms in Patulastra. The species of Punctum live upon rotten or decaying logs in forests. P. pygmaBum Drap. iii, 29. P. conspectum Bid. ii, 203. schwerzenbachiana Calc. P. cryophilum Mts. iii, 32. v. minutissimum Lea. Genus LAOMA Gray, 1849. Laoma GRAY, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1849, p. 167 ; type Bulimus f (Laoma) leimonias. — Phrixgnathus HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xv, p. 136, 1882; types H. fatua=P. celia Hutt., and P. marginatus Hutt.— See also'HuTTON, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xvi, p. 168.— SUTER, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiii p. 92 and xxiv, p. 297. Shell more or less trochiform, thin, perforate or umbilicate, the periphery keeled, at least in the young ; horn-colored, striped radially with tawny. Aperture rhombic, provided with entering lamellae, or •without them; lip thin, simple. Type L. leimonias Gray, pi. 1, fig. 1. Animal heliciform, the mantle subcentral, its edge slightly reflected over the peristome ; no locomotive disc nor mucus pore. Jaw arcuate, composed of 20 to 24 rhombic or oblong plates which are hairy-papillose and fringed at the upper and lower mar- gins (pi. 1, fig. 4, L. glabriuscula Pfr.) Radula having the central tooth rather narrow, unicuspid (or tri- cuspid), the mesocone much shorter than the basal-plate. Lateral teeth wider, rectangular, with two cusps which are either subequal or the inner one larger. Marginal teeth low, wide, with two short cusps, becoming obsolete on the outermost teeth (pi. 1, fig. 3, L. glabriuscula', pi. 1, figf. 2, L. acanthinulopxis.') The number of teeth in a transverse row is 35.1.35 in L. marginata, 21.1.21 in acanthinulopsis, 26.1.26 in marina; the last named species has 110 straight transverse rows. LAOMA. 9 Distribution : All of the species known to belong to this genus inhabit New Zealand and Tasmania. Two sections may be distin- guished : Section Laoma Gray, 8. sir. Aperture provided with an entering lamella upon the columella only, or with lamellae upon columella, parietal wall and outer and basal lips (pi. 1, fig. 1, L. leimonias). The writer has examined specimens of all of the species ; L. pcecilo- sticta froms a transition to Phrixgnathus. Section Phrixgnathus Button. Shell and animal the same as in Laoma, except that the aperture has no teeth or folds within. (Type L. celia Hutt., pi. 1, fig. 10). This name cannot be used in a generic sense on account of the priority of Gray's Laoma. The mere absence of aperture-teeth is, of course, not sufficient for generic dis- tinction. The fibrous jaw, composed of rhombic plates bound together by a tbin membrane only, and the peculiar bicuspid side teeth, agree exactly with the genus Punetum ; and upon these grounds the two genera were associated by the writer, forming the group Polyplaco- gnatha (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1892, p. 403.) (Section Laoma Gray.) L. leimonias Gray, iii, 68. L. poecilosticta Pfr. iii, 68. pcecilocostata Pfr. olim. L. marina Hutt. viii, 57. nerissa Hutt. L. pirongiaensis Sut. Section Phrixgnathus Hutt. L. marine Gray, iii, 37. umbraculum Pfr. L. conella Pfr. viii, 58. L. ariel Hutt. viii, 59. L. marginata Hutt. viii, 60. L. celia Hutt. viii, 60. L. regularis Pfr. iii, 37. L. erigone Gray, iii, 37. heldiana Pfr. L. microreticulata Sut. viii, 63. L. pumila Hutt. viii, 63. L. raricostata Sut. viii, 100. L. allochroida Sut. viii, 63. v. sericata Sut. viii, 64. v. lateumbilicata Sut. viii, 64. L. campbellica Filh. L. phrynia Hutt. viii, 61. L. fatua Pfr. L. glabriuscula Pfr. iii, 37. L. sciadium Pfr. L. titania Hutt. viii, 62. L. haasti Hutt. viii, 62. L. acanthinulopsis Sut. viii, 61 L. transitans Sut. viii, 59. UNIVERSITY . y 10 FLAMMULINA. ( Tasmanian Species.} L. csesa Cox. iii, 261. L. henryana Pett. coesus Cox. L. pictilis Tate. v. occulta Cox. iii, 264. Genus FLAMMULINA Martens, 1873. Flammulina MTS., Crit. List Moll. N. Z., p. 12.— Gerontia HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xv, p. 135. — PILSBRY, Nautilus vi, p. 55 ; Manual viii, p. 64. — Family Phenacohelicidce SUTPJR, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxiv, p. 270, 1892. Shell thin, varying from discoidal to subtrochiform, umbilicated or perforated, the perforation sometimes closed ; generally somewhat translucent ; surface striate or ribbed, often decorated with reddish flamrnules. Embryonal 1-H whorls smoother, often spirally striated. Aperture rounded lunar, lacking folds, teeth or internal callus ; the lip thin and simple, somewhat dilated at the columella. Animal with a narrow foot bearing a mucous gland at the tail, sometimes surmounted by a papilla. Genitalia unknown ; mantle subcentral, its margin even, and slightly reflexed over the peristome of the shell. Jaw delicate, composed of thin vertical laminse firmly soldered together but showing more or less of the overlapping edge of each plate. The radula exhibits a considerable amount of variation in the different species, but the extremes are connected by all intermediate forms. That of F. (Thalassoheliji) ziczac, drawn by the author from an Auckland specimen, on pi. 3, fig. 28, may be taken as an example- The central tooth has a moderate or long mesocone, ectocones being entirely lacking in some forms, present and well developed in others. The laterals are not crowded, and generally have a long mesocone and short ectocone, but often the entocones also are developed, mak- ing the tooth tricuspid. The marginals are formed by the shorten- ing of the basal-plate and increase in size and obliquity of the cusps, the mesocone in most forms remaining distinctly larger, sometimes becoming bifid, probably by fusion with the entocone. The ectocone persists on the marginal teeth, either as a simple cusp, as in F. ziczac, or becoming split into several distinct points, as in the Allodiscus species, and in the latter the tooth becomes very wide. In one sub- genus, Phacussa, the ectocone is lost on the marginals, but they retain the characteristic rhomboidal basal-plate ; and Thalassohelix exhib- its a form of marginals connecting Phacussa with the more normal FLAMMULINA. 11 Flammulinas. In no case does the ectocone unite with and ascend the mesocone on the marginals as is the case in all genera of Zonitidce which retain ectocones upon the marginal teeth. Distribution, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Lord Howe Island* Australia and Tasmania. A group of rather small shells differing from Zonitidce in the forms of the marginal teeth of the radula and the plaited jaw, and from Endodonta and its subdivisions in the possession of a well developed caudal mucous gland. The numerous species have been distributed into many groups which are considered genera by some authors, but which intergrade so closely in all essential characters that I am com- pelled to class them as sections or at most subgenera. Their differ- ential characters seem no more generic than those distinguishing Tachea, Macularla and Pomatia among European Helices, or Meso- don, Triodopsis and Stenotrema among American. Genera should, it is believed, be founded upon really tangible structural differences, either in shell, animal or both ; and such differences these groups do not seem to possess. They are however of value as subgeneric divis- ions. The investigation of the genitalia may lead to more satisfactory results, but I expect to find but little differentiation within the genus. Our knowledge of these forms and their anatomy is mainly due to Professor F. W. HUTTON and Mr. H. SUTER, who have investigated the dentition of a majority of the New Zealand species. See Hutton, in Trans. N. Z. Inst. xiv, xv, and xvi, and Suter, in Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiii and xxiv. Messrs Hedley and Suter have revised the nomen- clature in Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (2) vii. The characteristics of Flammulina may warrant the surmise that they have been modified to occupy in New Zealand the place filled in the economy of nature by Zonitidce in other regions. If this be true, the anomalous dentition of Phacussa must be regarded as a recent adaptive modification. For the generic title of this group the writer, in 1892, selected Hutton's name GERONTIA, this being the oldest designation pro- posed for species then known to him to belong to the genus. There are, however, three prior names, Flammulina Martens, which being the earliest is now adopted, and Monomphalus and Rhytidopsis of Ancey, which are also believed to apply to members of this genus. The presence of a caudal mucous-secreting gland, however, has not been ascertained in the species of these New Caledonian groups, so that their relationship to Flammulina is uncertain. 12 FLAMMULINA. The following sectional or subgeneric divisions may be distin- guished : Phacussa Hutt., p. 12. Phenacohelix Sut., p. 16. Thalassohelix Pils., p. 12. Flammulina Mart., p. 17. Gerontia Hutt., p. 14. Suteria Pils., p. 17. Allodiscus Pils., p. 14. Hedleyoconcha Pils., p. 18. Pyrrha Hutt., p. 15. Monomphalus Anc., p. 19. Therasia Hutt., p. 15. Rhytidopsis Anc., p. 20. Subgenus PHACUSSA Hutton, 1883. Phacussa HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xv, p. 138 (proposed for Zonites (?) helmsi and/tt^nunota.) Shell depressed, umbilicated ; the spire convex, periphery rounded. Whorls striate or with fine ribs, the apical li whorls smooth. Aperture rounded-crescentic, peristome simple. Type F. helmsi Hutt. (pi. 3, figs. 10, 11, F. hypopolia Pfr.) Animal elongated ; *foot very narrow and long, compressed, not tapering, truncated posteriorly and with a caudal gland ; mantle slightly reflected ; eye peduncles long and thick, tentacles moderate (Hutton, Ph. helmsii.) Jaw arcuate, slightly tapering toward the ends, with numerous flat imbricating vertical plaits (20-25 in helmsi, about 45 in hypo- polia) which denticulate the margins (pi. 2, figs. 2, 3, F. hypopolia.) Dentition : About 110 nearly straight transverse rows of 15-11- 1-11-15 to 17-13-1-13-17 teeth. Central tooth with a wide meso- cone and minute ectocones. Lateral teeth tricuspid, the entocone minute, obsolete on the outer ones. Marginal teeth having the basal- plate subquadrate, mesocone very long and oblique, lacking side cusps (pi. 2, fig. 1, F. hypopolia.) Distribution, New Zealand. The shell in this group is very similar to that of Phenacohelix, but the marginal teeth lack side cusps, the mesocone being strongly developed, giving it a Zonitoid aspect. F. helmsi Hutt. F. hypopolia Pfr. ii, 181. v. maculata Hutt. F. fulminata Hutt. Subgenus THALASSOHELIX Pilsbry, 1892. Thalassohelix PILS., The Nautilus, Sept. 5, 1892, p. 56, type H. zelandice, (Gray) Hutton. — Thalassia of HUTTON and other New Zealand authors. — Not Thalassia ALBERS, Die Hel. 1860, p. 59- Not Thalassia Chevrolat, 1834, a genus of Coleoptera. Shell umbilicated, thin, depressed or trochiform, the periphery acutely keeled (zelandice), bluntly angled (obnubila), or rounded FLAMMULINA. 13 (ziczac). Apical whorls most minutely spirally striated or smooth. Aperture rather large, lip thin, simple, subreflexed at columella. Type F. zelandice, pi. 3, fig. 29. Animal with narrow foot bearing a caudal mucous gland with a papilla above it ; mantle slightly reflected over the peristome. Jaw arcuate, with flat plaits. Dentition : central tooth with a short mesocone, the ectocones obsolete ; laterals with a short ectocone, which disappears on the marginals, leaving a long, oblique mesocone only (pi. 3, fig. 27, F. zelandice.) Distribution New Zealand and Tasmania. The shells included by Messrs Hedley and Suter in this division are rather dissimilar in form. The dentition resembles Phacussa in the prominence of the mesocones and obsolescence of ectocones on the marginal teeth, and this peculiarity also serves to distinguish Thalasso helix from Therasia, the shell of which is of similar form. Certain Tasmanian forms have recently been referred by Suter to this group, — a relationship previously suspected by the writer. New Zealand species. F. ziczac Old. ii, 210. sigma Pfr. MS. portia Gray, ii, 213. F. propinqua Hutt. viii, 72. kappa Pfr. F. zelandise Gray, ii, 214. collyrula Rve. neozelanica Hutt. F. igniflua Rve. i, 129. v. antipoda H. & J. ii, 214. lambda Pfr. F. aucklandica (Le Guill.) Hutt. v. obnubila Rve. i, 120. auklandica Guill. Australian and Tasmanian species. [Compiled by Charles Hedley.] F. fordei Brazier. F. hamiltoni Cox. allporii Legrand, iii, 263. ccepta Cox. iii, 263. austriniis Cox. iii, 264. dvcani Cox. iii, 46. fernshawensis Petterd. floodi Brazier, iii, 46. helice Cox, iii, 261. irvince Cox. iii, 46. macoyi Petterd. kingi Brazier, iii, 46. medianus Cox, iii, 264. langleyana Brazier. petterdi Cox. milligani Brazier. positura Cox, iii, 262. pascoei Brazier, iii, 46. tabescens Cox. plexus Cox. iii, 262. tranquilla Cox. savesi Petterd. iii, 46. 14 FLAMMULINA. F. georgiana Quoy & Gaimard. F. hamiltoni Cox. F. trajectura Cox. iii, 264. scrupulus Cox. iii, 46. F. wynyardensis Petterd. spoliata Cox. iii, 46. stephensi Cox. iii, 46, 262. Subgenus GERONTIA Hutton. Gerontia HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xv, p. 135. — Gerentia (typog. err.) in N. Z. Journ. of Sci. i, p. 476. Shell depressed and openly umbilicated, having the contour of Patula ; thin, rather fragile, the surface delicately sculptured with fine cuticular riblets. Apical whorl minutely granular, or showing a few weak spirals, having a minute perforation at the tip. Type F. pantherina Hutton, pi. 3, figs. 1-3. Animal heliciform, mantle rather posterior, included ; tail acute with a mucous pore but no papilla. Jaw vertically striated (pi. 2, fig. 5, F. pantherina.) Dentition : central teeth tricuspid, cusps with moderate cutting points. Laterals similar, but the ectocones larger than the ento- cones ; transition teeth bicuspid by fusion of entocone with meso- cone. Marginals with a broad bifid cusp (pi. 2, fig. 4, F. panther- ma.) The shell is like a thin Selenites with delicate close riblets. It is more broadly umbilicated than in the other subgenera of this genus. The two species are from New Zealand. F. pantherina Hutt. viii, 65. F. Cordelia Hutt. viii, 66. Subgenus ALLODISCUS Pilsbry, 1892. Psyra HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xvi, p. 201, 1884. First species P. dimorpha. Not Psyra Stal, 1876. — Allodiscus PILSBRY, Nautilus vi, p. 56, Sept. 5, 1892 ; Man. Conch. (2), viii, p. 66. Shell thin, orbicular and depressed, with low or fiat spire, rounded periphery, and narrow or subimperforate umbilicus ; surface radially rib-striated, not hairy, the embryonic H whorls spirally striated (pi. 3, fig. 12, F. tullia). Aperture crescentic scarcely oblique ; per- istome thin, shortly reflexed at the columella; parietal wall nude. Type H. dimorpha Pfr. (See pi. 3, figs. 4, 5, 6, F. planulata Hutt.) Jaw slightly arcuate, not tapering toward the ends, flatly ribbed or plaited (pi. 2, fig. 11, F. tullia ; pi. 2. fig. 13, F. godeti.) Dentition : central tooth with tricuspid reflection, mesocone long. Lateral teeth bicuspid, the entocone being suppressed, or tricuspid. FLAMMULINA. 15 Marginal teeth broad, with 3 to 5 cutting points (pi. 2, fig. 14, F. godeti). In F. tullia the side cusps of the centrals are minute ; inner marginals tricuspid, outer bicuspid (pi. 2, fig. 12, F. tullia; pi. 2, fig. 14, F. godeti). In F. dimorpha the side cusps of the central tooth are minute ; the marginals have a long bifid inner cusp (mesocone, or fused mesocone and entocone), and by splitting, two ectocones. F. dimorpha Pfr. ii, 211. F. adriana Hutt. viii, 67. F. venulata Pfr. ii, 211. F. miranda Hutt. viii, 68. F. cassaudra Hutt. viii, 66. F. godeti Sut. viii, 68. F. tullia Gray, ii, 211. F. wairoaensis Sut. F. planulata Hutt. viii, 67. F. urquharti Sut. Subgenus PYRRHA Button, 1884. Pyrrha HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xvi, p. 200. Shell depressed-globose, thin, translucent, striated and minutely reticulated, imperforate; the periphery rounded, spire convex. Peristorne simple, reflexed over the minute perforation. Type P. cressida Hutt., pi. 3, figs. 17, 18, 19. Animal heliciform, mantle subcentral, reflected over the peristome with an even margin ; tail truncate, with a large papilla and mucous gland. Jaw arcuate, flatly ribbed (pi. 2, fig. 9, .P. cressida.) Dentition : central tooth with the mesocone only developed. Laterals bicuspid, the entocones suppressed. Marginal teeth with several cusps (pi. 2, fig. 10, F. cressida.) The single species inhabits New Zealand. G. cressida Hutton, viii, 72. Subgenus THERASIA Hutton, 1883. Therasia HUTT., N. Z. Journ. of Sci. i, p. 477 (proposed for tamora, Valeria and thaisa.) Shell depressed, perforate or umbilicate, thin, with conoidal spire; the periphery angular or subangular ; aperture round-lunar ; lip thin, slightly reflexed at the columella. Surface striated. Embryonic whorls spirally striated. Type T. thaisa Hutton, pi. 3, figs. 14, 15, 16. Resembles Allodiscus in the dentition, and the spirally striated apex of the shell, but differs in the form and sculpture of the latter, which is much as in section Thalassohelix. 16 FLAMMULINA. Animal elongated ; mantle subcentral, included ; foot long and narrow, reaching beyond the shell, rounded behind, slightly truncated, and with a mucous gland situated under a caudal papilla (Hutton, F. thaisa.) Jaw membranaceous, arcuate (F. thaisa) or horse-shoe shaped (F. decidua, pi. 2. fig. 19), with broad imbricating plates. Dentition : central teeth narrow, with small reflection, the meso- cone long; ectocones hardly visible. Lateral teeth with larger reflection, the inner ones without side cusps, the outer tricuspid. Marginal teeth in thaisa (pi. 2, fig. 21) multicuspid ; in decidua (fig. 20) first bicuspid, then tricuspid, rounded at the anterior margin ; the outer 2 or 3 marginals are bicuspid. Distribution : New Zealand. F. celinde Gray, ii, 211. F. thaisa Hutt. viii, 70. F. Valeria Hutt. viii, 69. F. decidua Pfr. viii, 71. F. ophelia Pfr. ii, 211. F. traversi Smith, ii, 214. F. tamora Hutt. viii, 70. Subgenus PHENACOHELIX Suter, 1892. Phenacohelix SUTER, Trans. N. Z. Tnst. xxiv, p. 270. — Fruticicola HUTTON, olim, not of Held. Shell depressed, umbilicated, subdiscoidal, the spire slightly convex orconoidal, periphery broadly rounded. Whorls finely ribbed, the apical one smooth except for microscopic spiral strise. Aperture lunate, the lip simple. Type F. pilula Rve., pi. 3, fig. 13. Animal elongated, the foot narrow, projecting behind the shell ; mantle subcentral, rather anterior, included ; eye peduncles long, rather clavate ; tentacles moderate. Hutton, from whose paper the above description of the animal of F. granum is quoted, does not mention a caudal mucous pore, but it is doubtless present. Jaw arcuate, with about 35 flat ribs which indent the concave but not the convex margin (pi. 2, fig. 6, F. pilula.) Dentition : central tooth with small side cusps (F. granum) or none (F. pilula) ; laterals similar, [lacking entocones. Marginal teeth multicuspid, the inner cusp larger (pi. 2, fig. 7, F. pilula.} Distribution, New Zealand. The shell is very like that of Pha- cussa but the marginal teeth differ widely. F. pilula Rve. ii, 212. F. granum Pfr. ii, 212. iota Pfr. F. chordata Pfr. FLAMMULINA. 17 Subgenus SUTERIA Pilsbry, 1892. Suteria PILS., The Nautilus, Sept. 5, 1892, p. 56, type H. ide Gray. — Ckaropa HUTTON, olim, Dot Albers. — Patulopsis SUTER, Trans. N. Z.lnst. xxiv, p. 270, 1891, type H. ida Gray ; not Patu- opsis Strebel, 1879, a Mexican group of Zonitidce. Shell thin and rather opaque, openly umbilicated ; discoidal, the spire flat; periphery broadly rounded. Surface having low spirals, and radial, undulating cuticular lamellce bearing hairs', 1* apical whorls smooth. Lip thin, simple. Type H. ide Gray, pi. 3, figs. 24-26. Animal rather short and narrow ; mantle subcentral, rather ante- rior, slightly reflexed over the peristome of the shell ; foot narrow, extending behind the shell, the tail truncated and furnished with a mucous gland ; no locomotive disc. Eye peduncles very long, cylindrical, approximate at their bases; tentacles long. (Hutton for H. ide.') Jaw with 30 flat plaits, each transversely striated. Dentition : centrals tricuspid, the mesocone long, ectocones short and constricted on the outer sides. Lateral teeth similar, but the entocone smaller than the ectocone. Inner marginals with one bifid cusp, the outer with several subequal cusps (pi. 2, fig. 8, (F. ide.} The principal feature of the umbilicated discoidal shell is its hairy, undulating ribs. The dentition is characterized by the pres- ence of entocones on the lateral teeth ; but Gerontia pantherina, Allodiscus planulata and other forms have this same feature. The single species is from New Zealand. F. ide Gray, ii, 210. ida auct. Subgenus FLAMMULINA v. Martens, 1873. Flammulina MART., Critical List of N. Z. Moll., p. 12. — HEDLEY & SUTER, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, (2) vii, p. 643, 1892.— Amphidoxa of N. Z. authors, not of Alb. — Calymna HUTTON, Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1884, p. 199, not of Hiibner, 1816. Shell narrowly umbilicated or imperforate, globose or depressed, thin, fragile, subpellucid, composed of few rapidly widening whorls, which are either smooth and glossy or striated. Aperture large, rounded-lunar ; lip thin, simple, slightly expanded at the columellar insertion. Type F. zebra Le Guill., pi. 3, fig. 23. 18 FLAMMULINA. Animal carrying the shell subcentrally, mantle edge slightly reflected over the peristome of the shell, with an even margin ; tail depressed, rounded, with a mucous gland (Hutt.') Jaw delicate, more or less arcuate, with numerous vertical plaits, which generally crenulate the lower margin (pi. 2, fig. 14, F. corneo- fulva. PI. 2, fig. 18, F. chiron.) Dentition : Rhachidian teeth with the mesocone well developed, ectocones small (absent in corneofulva). Lateral teeth similar to the central. Marginal teeth tricuspid (sometimes 4-cuspid), in some species the cusps coalescing on the outer teeth (pi. 2, fig. 16, F. corneofulva. PI. 2, fig. 17, F. chiron.) Distribution : New Zealand and Lord Howe Island. The contour of the shell is between Hyalina and Vitrina, and in texture it is nearly as fragile as the latter. Both striped and uni- colored species occur. In typical Flammulina the surface is smooth and polished. In the section Calymna Hutton (Tr. N. Z. Inst. xvi, p. 199, 1884), the surface is finely striated. PL 3, figs. 20-22 represent G. costulata Hutt, the type of Calymna. F. compressivoluta Rv. i, 128. F. jacquenetta Hutt. viii, 76. omega Pfr. F. perdita Hutt. viii, 76. F. cornea Hutt. viii, 75. F. crebriflammis Pfr. i, 130, F. zebra Le Guill. viii, 76. F. corneofulva Pfr. viii, 76. phlogophora Pfr. F. novarse Pfr. flammigera Pfr. F. chiron Gray, viii, 77. multilimbata H. & J. F. masters! Braz. viii, 294. F. costulata Hutt. viii, 73. F. feredayi Sut. viii, 74. F. lavinia Hutt. viii, 74. v. glacialis Sut. F. olivacea Sut. viii, 75. Subgenus HEDLEYOCONCHA Pilsbry, 1893. Shell perforated, trochiform, keeled, thin, with oblique riblets and minute spiral lines. Aperture angu late-lunate, peristome simple, thin, slightly expanded at the columella. Type H. delta Pfr. Animal 13 mill, in length, 'color white almost translucent ; pos- terior part of body sharply keeled, terminating in a mucous gland; a shallow furrow starts from the end of the tail and runs forward on each Me to the lips, the surface below this furrow being smooth, above it FLAMMULINA. 19 finely tuberculate. Tentacles moderately long, cylindrical. Habits very active ; emitting, when crawling, abundance of transparent mucous. PL 9, fig. 27. Jaw low, arcuate, the ends rounded, recurved ; with a blunt median projection below ; crossed by numerous fine folds (pi. 9~ fig. 28.) _ Dentition : all teeth having basal-plates of the usual quadrate form. Centrals tricuspid, the mesocone projecting beyond the lower margin of the basal-plate, side cusps not quite reaching half the length of the plate. Inner laterals similar but slightly oblique ; on he outer laterals the entocone increases and the ectocone diminishes. Marginals with the basal-plate low and wide, bearing the large, sub- equal ento and mesocones, and a bifid or trifid ectocone ; the extreme marginals having an irregularly serrated edge (pi. 9, fig. 29.) The trochoidal shell resembles that of the keeled Thalassohelix species, but the low, wide and multicuspid marginal teeth offer a contrast to those of that group. Our knowledge of the anatomy of this group is due to Charles Hedley's researches (Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. v, p. 152, and vi, p. 250) ; the figures were drawn from specimens collected on Little Nerang Creek, Queensland, where it was found abundantly, on the trunks of trees. F. delta Pfr.ii, 215. conoidea Cox. fenestrata Cox. Subgenus MONOMPHALUS Ancey, 1882. Monomphalus . . . . Le Naturaliste 1882, p. 86 (M. bavayi and heckelianus) ; ANCEY, Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. v, p. 370. — TRYON, Manual irp. 114. Shell thin, discoidal, the spire slightly concave, umbilicus reduced to a mere chink ; periphery broadly rounded. Sculptured with fine riblets, the embryonal whorl showing very fine spiral striae. Aper- ture vertical, lunate, lip thin, dilated over the perforation. Type F. rossiteriana Crosse, pi. 3, figs. 7, 8, 9. Soft parts unknown. Distribution, New Caledonia. This group is very similar in shell characters to Allodiscus, and the two may require to be united. They are here retained separate because the anatomy of the New Caledonian forms is unknown, and may prove sufficiently different. 20 . ENDODONTA. G. rossiteriana Crosse. i, 114. G. gentilsiana Crosse. i, 115. heekeliana Crse. G. cerealis Crosse. i, 114. G. bavayi Crosse. i, 114. G. lifuana Montr, i, 115. Subgenus RHYTIDOPSIS Ancey, 1882. Ehytidopsis Le Naturaliste 1882, p. 85; ANCEY, Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. V, p. 371, 1888. Shell globose-depressed, narrowly urabilicated, thin but rather strong. Whorls about 5£, slowly increasing, the last rounded at the periphery. Aperture subvertical, oblong-lunate ; lip sharp, gently sinuous below, dilated at the columella. Type H. chelonites Crosse, pi. 6, figs. 69, 70. Jaw widely arcuate grooved by 18 indistinct rather wide lamellae which denticulate its cutting edge. Lingual ribbon 1 mill, long, J mill, wide ; teeth according to the formula 12-8-1-8-12. The central teeth are as large as the lateral, tricuspid, the side cusps small, median cusp elongated. Lateral teeth having a rudimentary entocone, a large mesocone, and a sloping bicuspid ectocone. Marginal teeth forming an angle with those of the middle field, they are spaced, gradually increasing, and bear three cusps, the entocone and mesocone being united toward their bases, the ectocone smaller. Our knowlege of the dentition of H. chelonites rests upon a note by Saint-Simon, in Bull. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. de Toulouse 1880, pp. 171, 174. The jaw and teeth agree well with those of other sections of the genus Flammulina, but whether a caudal mucous gland is present or not remains to be ascertained. Ancey's name appeared anony- mously in 1882. It is not easy to decide what effect this should have on nomenclature. F. chelonites Cr. i, 117. F. corymbus Cr. i, 117. v. major Anc. F. (?) minutula Cr. F. prevostiana Cr. i, 123. Genus ENDODONTA Albers, 1850. Endodonta ALBERS, Die Hel., p. 89. — MARTENS, Die Hel. (edit. 2), p. 90. Not Endodonta Lansb., Notes Ley den Mus. viii, p. 108 (Coleoptera), 1886. ENDODONTA. 21 Shell small, varying from discoidal to trochiform, generally umbilicated ; the surface striate or ribbed. Aperture varying from multidentate to toothless; peristome simple. Type, E. lamellosa Fer. Animal having distinct grooves above the margins of the foot, but no caudal mucous gland. Eye peduncles club-shaped. Genital system simple, lacking all accessory appendages. Jaw delicate, vertically sparsely striated. Radula having the basal-plates of central and lateral teeth large and square ; central teeth tricuspid ; lateral teeth tricuspid or lacking the endocones; marginal teeth having a low, wide basal-plate, bearing 3 or 4 cusps, the endocone and mesocone generally united at base, ectocone simple or bifid. Distribution, Australasia and Polynesia. This genus differs from Flammulina (and its subgenera) in lacking caudal mucous pore, and in the striated rather than plaited jaw ; from Pyramidula in the clavate eye-peduncles. No one, I believe, who examines large series of the species from various regions, will claim that the groups included as sections under Endodonta, can be admitted as genera. They have no anatomical differential characters whatever, as far as is now known, and the shell features integrade by easy stages throughout. The distinction between Charopa and Endodonta is of little value, on account of the degeneration of the teeth in some forms of the latter, producing species which technically fall under the former group. In this genus, therefore, as in many others (such as Gas- trodonta, Polygyra, Lucerna, Sagda, etc.), the presence or absence of teeth or lamellae within the aperture is of scarcely more than specific value, or at most, serves to define groups of no more than sectional rank. The principal authorities upon the shells now assembled here are Pease, Garrett, Cox, Brazier, Hutton, Semper, Suter and Hedley. Mousson, Gassies, Crosse and Pfeiffer have also contributed to the literature. Notwithstanding the great amount of work which has been done, a vast field for future labor remains. The anatomy is but little known except in the New Zealand species, and very few acceptable figures of the shells have been published. In this genus, figures should be drawn of sufficient size to show clearly all features of the shell, and this cannot be done with figures much smaller than those illustrating the present work. 22 ENDODONTA. KEY TO SUBGENERA. a. Aperture provided with teeth, folds or spiral lirse. b. Parietal callus elevated at edge into a transverse lamella ; base glossy, Brazier ia. bb. Teeth or lamellae internal, spirally entering or tubercular, c. Form elevated conical ; columella calloused, Diglyptus. cc. Form not high conic, diam. greater than alt. ; no heavy columellar nodule. d. Umbilicus pouch-shaped, wide within, constricted at opening, Libera. dd. Umbilicus not pouch-shaped, open or imperforate, Endodonta. aa. Aperture lacking teeth, internal folds or lirse. b. Spire elevated, the alt. nearly equalling or exceeding the diam. c. Shell cylindrical, pupiform, Phenacharopa. cc. Shell convex-conoidal or thimble shaped, hairy, Aeschrodomus. ccc. Shell pyramidal-conic, spirally sculptured and pitted, not hairy, Paratrochus. bb. Spire depressed, convex, flat or concave ; diam. much exceeding the alt., Charopa. Subgenus DIGLYPTUS Pilsbry, 1893. Diaglyptus PILS., Manual viii, p. 86, not Diaglypta Foerst., Verh. Ver. Rheinl. xxv, p. 1 76 (Insecta.) ? Pitys BECK, Index Molluscorum, p. 9, 1837 (name only), type P. oparana B. (undescribed). — MCERCH, Catal. Yoldi, p. 6, 1852 (no description ; H. bilamellata Pfr. mentioned.) Not Pitys PEASE, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 450. Shell elevated-trochiform, rather narrowly but openly umbilicated, the two apical whorls spirally striated the remaining whorls strongly obliquely ribbed. Aperture armed with a strong entering parietal lamella, and two close columellar plicse terminating in a large callous nodule on the columellar lip ; peristome expanded below. Type Helix bilamellata Pfr.,=pagodiformis, pi. 5, fig. 54. Anatomy unknown. The single species inhabits the island of Opara, one of the Austral group. It was doubtless derived from the ENDODONTA. 23 Endodonta stock, but the elevated contour and the aperture arma- ture render it quite distinct in aspect. E. pagodiformis Smith, viii, 86. bilamellata Pfr. not Sowb. ? oparana Beck (undesc.) Subgenus LIBERA Garrett, 1881. Libera GRT., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (2), viii, p. 390; ix, p. 33. Not " Cephalopoda Libera " DEHAAN, Monographic Ammo- niteorum et Goniatiteorum, p. 18 (1825), which was not proposed as a generic name, and is in no sense such. Shell depressed, widely umbilicated in the young, the umbilicus strongly constricted in adults to form a pouch- like cavity, in which the eggs are carried. Whorls 7-9, closely-coiled, the last generally angular. Aperture subrhombic, provided with folds within ; lip thin, sharp ; the columellar margin dilated, emarginate. Type E. subcavernula, pi. 5, figs. 45, 46, 47. Animal small, ovoviviparous ; eye peduncles long and slender, tentacles small ; foot short, narrow, pointed behind. Genitalia entirely simple, lacking all accessory organs (L. bursa- tella, teste Semp. Phil. Reise, p. 135.) Jaw of L. bursatella distinctly striated, narrow, as if composed of fully 20. narrow lamellae; entirely similar to that of P. rotundata Mull. Radula consisting of 15-1-15 (recedens) to 10-7-1-7-10 (tumulo- ides) teeth. Centrals tricuspid. Laterals lacking the entocones or having it excessively small. Marginal teeth having a long bifid inner cusp (entocone plus mesocone) and a small ectocone (pi. 9, fig. 34, E. recedens Grt. ; pi. 9, fig. 26, E. tumuloides Grt.) The prominent feature of this radula is the lack of entocones on the lateral teeth. The jaw corresponds exactly with that of the typical Charopas. Semper has examined the animal of bursatella ; Binney the teeth of tumuloides, and I have examined the radula of recedens. This group is distinguished from Endodonta and other toothed Patuloids by the constriction of the umbilicus. The young (pi. 5, fig. 48, E.fratercula Pse.) contained in the umbilical pouch consist of about H rounded, ventricose whorls, which are regularly and finely rib-striate, showing no trace of spiral stride. The figure shows 24 ENDODONTA. the shell seen from above. The half grown shells are widely umbil- icated, and resemble the normal Endodontas in form and teeth. This group also has descended from the Endodonta stock, being differentiated only by the constriction of the mouth of the umbilicus. Garrett writes as follows . " Remarkable for their singular habit of ovipositing into the cavernous umbilicus. The eggs usually from four to six, or the same number of young shells, may frequently be seen closely packed in the cavity. The peculiar constriction of the umbilicus does not occur until the last two whorls are completed, previous to which it is very open or cup-shaped. Certain species more completely secure the safety of their eggs by the formation of a very thin shelly plate, which projects from the columellar and parietal region and nearly closes the umbilical opening. It is sub- sequently either broken away or absorbed by the animal to facilitate the escape of the young shells. All the species are gregarious, liv- ing under loose stones, rotten wood, and less frequently buried in decaying leaves. They range from the low lands near the sea-shore to upwards of two thousand feet above sea-level. So far as known, the genus, which comprises about a dozen species, is peculiar to the Society and Cook's Islands. In the former group they are con- fined to Tahiti and Moorea." E. cavernula H. & J. iii, 69. E. coarctata Pfr. iii, 71. E. sculptilis Pse. iii, 70. turricula H. & J. fratercula Pse. streptaxon Rv. E. subcavernula Tryon, iii, 70. E. bursatella Old. iii, 71. cavernula Garr. not H. & J. E. retunsa Pse. iii, 71. E. tumuloides Garr. iii, 70. E. heynemanniPfr. iii, 72. E. jacquinoti Pfr. iii, 71. E. gregaria Garr. iii, 72. excavata H. & J. E. recedens Garr. iii, 72. Subgenus ENDODONTA Albers. Shell more or less depressed, varying from rounded to acutely keeled at the periphery, umbilicus generally open, rarely minute or closed, and never contracted at its opening. Aperture armed within with teeth or entering plates (rarely absent by degeneration). This group comprises a great number of species, and is especially characteristic of the Polynesian fauna, although a few forms are found as far to the west as New Zealand, New Caledonia and the Philippine Islands. The species are unequally related, as is usually the case in large groups; and several minor divisions (Thaumato- ENDODONTA. 25 don, Piychodon, Helenoconchd] have received names. These divis- ions or "sections" are of doubtful value, as they are practically undiagnosable ; but still they are natural groups of species, and as such have their uses. Sections of Endodonta. a. St. Helena forms Helenoconcha. aa. Australo-Polynesian forms b. Shell acutely keeled ; teeth generally large, rarely wanting Endodonta s. s. bb. Shell rounded at periphery c. parietal wall with one or many lirse, outer lip toothless Nesophila. cc. outer lip toothed or lirate; parietal wall generally toothed Ptyehodon, Thaumatodon. Section Endodonta s. str. Shell openly or widely umbilicated, depressed, carinated, opaque; aperture obstructed by internal lamellae, of which there are one or two on the parietal wall and several on the basal wall (but in E. fabrefacta lamellae are absent). Type E. lamellosa Fer., pi. 4, figs. 40, 41. (see also E. obolus Old., pi. 4, fig. 39 ; and E. fabre/acta Pse., pi. 5, figs. 52, 53). Radula having 12-6-1-6-12 teeth. Centrals square, tricuspid ; laterals of the same size as the centrals, bicuspid, the entocone being absent. Marginal teeth having a long bifid inner cusp and a short bifid ectocone (PI. 9, fig. 22, E. huaheinensis Pfr.). Sandwich Island species. E. apiculata Anc. viii, 95. E. lamellosa Fer. iii, 67. E. binaria Pfr. iii, 61. E. laminata Pse. E. fricki Pfr. iii, 67. E. rugata Pse. iii, 67. Society Island species. E. cretacea Grt. iii, 66. E. obolus Old. iii, 61. E. fabrefacta Pse. iii, 45. acetabulum Pse. conicava Mouss., Schm. celsa Pse. v. picea Grt. barffi. Grt. E. ficta Pse. iii, 62. intermixta Mouss. E. garrettii Anc. viii, 95. 26 E. huaheinensis Pfr. iii, 61. aranea Behn. ENDODONTA. E. tanese Grt. iii, 62. janece Schra. & Pfr. boraborensis Pse. ms. Pelew Island species. E. constricta Semp. iii, 67. E. kororensis Bedd. viii, 84. E. fuscozonata Bedd. viii, 83. E. lacerata Semp. iii, 67. E. irregularis Semp. iii, 67. Section Thaumatodon Pilsbry, 1893. Pitys PEASE, P. Z. S., 1871, p. 450 (in part). — GARRETT, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, p. 388 (1881). Not Pitys Beck, Index Molluscorum p. 9 (1837). Shell discoidal, the spire low, convex ; umbilicus open or closed ; periphery generally broadly rounded ; surface rib-striate, unicol- ored or flammulate. Aperture having internal teeth or folds upon the outer wall, and the parietal wall, sometimes lacking upon the latter. (PI. 4, figs. 35, 36, 37, 38, E. multilamellata Grt. See also pi. 4, figs. 33, 34, E. derbesiana Or.). In E. multilamellata Grt. the lamellae within the outer lip exhibit a peculiar structure; at frequent intervals they bear long curved hook-like processes, directed toward the aperture as shown in pi. 4, fig. 38. This structure is well adapted to prevent the entrance of insect enemies of the snail. No similar formation has been described in other land snails, except in the genus Strobilops ; but in that group the processes are upon the parietal lamellae only, while in Thaumatodon the palatal lamellae alone are armed. Polynesian species. E. acuticosta Mouss. iii, 60. E. analogica Pse. iii, 63. E. anceyana Grt. viii, 96. E. baldwini Anc. v. albina Anc. E. boraborensis Grt. iii, 66. E. consimilis Pse. iii, 60. societatus Mouss., Schm. E. consobrina Grt. iii, 66. E. contorta Fer. iii, 63. intercarinata Migh. E. decemplicata Mouss. iii, 63. E. marquesana Grt. viii, 96. E. maupiensis Grt. iii, 65. maupitiensis Pfr. E. multilamellata Grt. iii, 63. E. octolamellata Grt. viii, 95. E. opanica Ant. iii, 67. oparica auct. iii, 67. E. parvidens Pse. iii, 64. incerta Mouss., Pfr. E. paucicostata Pse. iii, 60. E. punctiperforata Grt. iii, 66. E. radiella Pfr. iii, 38. ENDODONTA. 27 E. decussatula Pse. iii, 60. pardalina Dh. E. dsedalea Old. iii, 64. undulata Fer. E. degagei Grt. iii, 65. E. raratongensis Pse. iii, 64. E. distans Pse. iii, 60. E. rotellina Pse. iii, 60. E. elisse Anc. viii, 95. E. rubiginosa Gld. iii, 59. E. filocostata Pse. iii, 60. E. rurutuensis Grt. iii. 61. E. graffei Mouss. iii, 65. E. sexlamellata Pfr. iii, 63. E. harnyana Anc., viii, 95. E. stellula Gld. iii, 61. E. hystricelloides Mouss. iii, 65. E. subdsedalea Mouss. iii, 64. E. hystrix Migh. iii, 59. E. subtilis Grt. iii, 66. setigera Gld. ms. E. tiara Migh. iii, 38. E. imperforata Pse. iii, 68. E. unilamellata Grt. iii, 60. aitutakiana Mouss., Schmeltz. E. verecunda Pse. iii, 63. E. jugosa Migh. iii, 59. E. woapoensis Grt. viii, 95. E. lamellicosta Grt. E. zebrina Grt. iii, 64. Species of New Zealand, New Caledonia, Tasmania and Philippine Islands. E. berlieri Cr. iii, 59. E. philippinensis Semp. viii, 82. E. cryptobidens Sut. viii, 85. E. timandra Hutt. viii, 84. E. derbesiana Cr. iii, 63. E. varicosa Pfr. iii, 23. E. dispar Braz. iii, 59. E. vincentina Cr. iii, 59. E. Jessica Hutt. viii, 85. Section Nesophila Pilsbry, 1893. Shell discoidal with open umbilicus, rounded periphery and depressed spire ; surface generally ribbed, unicolored or flamrnu- late. Aperture round-lunar, the parietal wall sculptured with one or many spiral entering lirce; outer wall toothless. Type H. tiara Migh., pi. 6, fig. 66. The species are Polynesian in distribution. See list under Thau- matodon, in which they are included. Section Ptychodon Ancey, 1889. Ptychodon ANC., Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. v. p. 372. — HEDLEY & SUTER, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (2) vii, p. 652. — Maoriana SUTER, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxiii, p. 96. — PILSBRY, Manual, viii, p. 87. — Stro- bila HUTTON, olim, not of Morse. — Huttonella SUTER, Tr. N. Z. Inst. 1890, not of Pfr., 1855. 28 ENDODONTA. Shell urabilicated, discoidal, with low-convex spire, rounded periphery and rib-striated surface. Aperture crescentic, subverti- cal ; outer lip thin, simple, armed a short distance within with numerous low folds ; columellar lip bearing one or two larger enter- ing lamellae, and parietal wall bearing one or two stout entering plates, sometimes emarginate, or several smaller folds. Type E. leioda Button. (PI. 4, figs. 30, 31, 32, E. aorangi Sut.). Jaw membranaceous, slightly arcuate, with distant vertical stride (pi. 8, fig. 6, E. microundulata). Radula consisting of 90-100 slightly sinuous transverse rows of teeth, the formula varying from 6-4-1-4-6 (wairarapa) to 10-7-1- 7-10 {aorangi}. Central tooth tricuspid. Lateral teeth similar, tricuspid. Marginal teeth tricuspid or quadricuspid, the cusps showing a tendency to coalesce on the outer ones (PI. 8, fig. 5, E. microundulata). This group is closely allied to the Polynesian section Thaumato- don. The species live under bark and rotten wood, in the bush. Our knowledge of them is due to Professor F. W. Button and Mr. H. Suter. E. leioda Hutt. viii, 87. E. hectori Sut. viii, 89. E. pseudoleioda Sut. viii, 88. magdalence Anc. E. wairarapa Sut. viii, 88. E. aorangi Sut. viii, 90. E. microuudulata Sut. viii, 89. E. hunuaensis Sut. Section Helenoconcha Pilsbry, 1892. Manual of Conch. (2), viii, p. 91. Shell discoidal, umbilicated ; aperture armed within with small folds. Type H. polyodon Sowb., pi. 4, figs. 42, 43. Distribution, St. Helena. Soft parts unknown. This group is distinguished from Thauma- todon mainly on account of its different distribution. Its generic relationships cannot be affirmed with certainty until the soft parts are examined. It is not improbable that the species of Patula described from St. Helena are toothless forms of this group. E. polyodon Sowb. viii, 93. E. pseustes Sm. viii, 92. alexandri Fbs. E. biplicata Sowb. viii, 92. helenensis Pfr. E. vernoni Sm. viii, 91. E. minutissima Sm. viii, 94. E. bilamellata Sowb. viii, 91. E. leptalea Sm. viii, 95. v. unilamellata Sm. viii, 91. E. cutteri Pfr. viii, 93. ENDODONTA. 29 Subgenus BRAZIERIA Ancey, 1887. Brazieria ANC., Conch. Exch. ii, p. 22, August, 1887. Not Bra- zieria Petterd, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasrn. for 1888, p. 76 (Amnicolidce). Shell depressed, narrowly but openly umbilicated, ribbed aboye,_ smooth and shining beneath. Whorls 4J-5, the earlier H reticu- lated (fig. 51), the last strongly keeled. Aperture securiform, lack- ing internal lamellce. Peristome thickened within, obtuse, the pari- etal callus elevated into an erect tongue-like transverse process. Type H. velata Hombr. & Jacq., pi. 5, figs. 49, 50, 51. Soft parts unknown. The specimens before me were collected by Mr. John Brazier at Lugunar, one of the Caroline Islands. He found it also at Hagolu, Carolines, whence Hombron and Jacqui- uot procured it. We cannot regard the generic relationships of this snail as established until the soft parts are investigated ; it may prove to belong to Zonitidce. The elevated parietal tooth is formed on the plan of that of Polygyra cereolus, etc. E. velata H. & J. Hi, 61. Subgenus PHENACHAROPA Pilsbry, 1893. Tesseraria BTTG., in v. Martens' Conchol. Mittheil., i, p. 69 (1881). — HEDLEY & SUTER, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (2), vii, p. 660, 1892. Not Tesseraria Hseckel, Das System der Medusen, in Denkschr. Med.-Naturwissensch. Gesellsch. zu Jena i, p. 633 (1879 or 1880).— Pupa sp., PFR., et al. Shell pupiform, cylindrical, the altitude nearly double the diame- ter; apical end obtusely rounded; base slightly wider, convex, nar- rowly perforated. Surface ribbed and maculated as in Charopa s. str. Aperture subvertical, higher than wide, toothless ; peristome simple, thin, the columellar margin dilated. Type Pupa novosee- landica Pfr., pi. 6, fig. 60. Jaw arcuate, ends blunt with distant vertical strise ; upper mar- gin slightly denticulated ; a blunt median projection on the cutting edge (pi. 8, fig. 2). Radula consisting of about 90 straight transverse rows of 11-5- 1-5-11 teeth. Central tooth tricuspid. Lateral teeth larger, simi- lar to the centrals, but slightly asymmetrical and with longer ineso- cones. Marginals broad, the 6th to 12th tricuspid, the mesocone largest; 13th to 15th with four cusps, the ectocone being split, mes- ocone still longest ; last marginal with one broad low cutting point (pi. 8, fig. 1). 30 ENDODONTA. To Mr. H. Suter, is due our knowledge of the dentition and jaw of this peculiar shell, as well as the determination of its systematic position. Anatomically it presents no divergence from the typical Charopas, but the elevated pupiform shell resembles Pupa far more than Charopa. E. novoseelandica Pfr. ix, pi. 6, f. 60. New Zealand. Pupa neozelanica auct. Subgenus ^ESCHRODOMUS Pilsbry, 1892. JEschrodomus PILS., Nautilus, vi, p. 55, footnote (Sept. 5, 1892), -Them HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst., xvi, p. 193. Not Thera Stephens, 1831. Shell elevated, dome-shaped, the altitude about equal to the diame- ter. Whorls rather narrow, the apical !$• forming a light colored spirally striated distinct embryonal shell ; the lower whorls sculptured with oblique lamellar riblets which bear hairs where they cross the angular periphery ; base flattened ; umbilicus small but open. Aperture toothless, the peristome thin, simple. Type E. stipulata Rv., pi. 6, figs. 67, 68. Animal (of E. stipulated) like that of Charopa coma ; mantle sub- central, slightly reflected over the peristome ; eye peduncles long and cylindrical ; tail short, pointed, and with no mucous gland. Jaw thin and delicate, but little arched, broadly and faintly verti- cally striated, sometimes showing a line of reinforcement parallel to the cutting edge (pi. 8, fig. 4, E. barbatula}. Radula consisting of about 100 almost straight transverse rows of teeth, the formula varying from 9-3-1-3-9, 10-4-1-4-10 or 10-6- 1-6-10 (in stipulata) to 15-1-15 (in barbatula). Central teeth tri- cuspid, the mesocone attaining the anterior margin of the basal plate or shorter. Laterals similar but with longer mesocones. Inner marginals tricuspid, the outer quadricuspid by splitting of the ectocone; the outermost having one broad low cusp (pi. 8, fig. 3, E. barbatula Rv. This group differs from typical Charopa in its elevated, thimble- like contour, and the peripheral fringe of hairs borne by the riblets. Both of the species are from New Zealand. E. stipulata Rve. iii, 94. E. barbatula Rve. iii, 95. alpha Pfr. beta Pfr. ENDODONTA. 31 Subgenus PARATROCHUS Pilsbry, 1893. Paratrochus PILS., Manual viii, p. 295. Shell high-conic, having numerous (8i) whorls; narrowly umbil- icated and well sculptured. Aperture nearly round, the peristome continued in a thin callus across the parietal wall. Type H. dalber- tisi Braz., pi. 6, figs. 55, 56. Soft parts unknown. The single species is from Yule Island, British New Guinea. E. dalbertisi Brazier, viii, 295. Subgenus CHAROPA Albers, 1860. Shell depressed, umbilicated, discoidal or subdiscoidal. Aperture toothless ; lip thin and simple. This subgenus differs from Nesophila in entirely lacking spirally entering line upon the parietal wall. It is likely that some of the species included herein have descended from toothed forms ; although the toothless Charopas are doubtless nearer than the toothed types to the ancestral form of the genus Endodonta. Sections of Charopa. a. Shell ribbed or rib-striate, Patuloid ; whorls rounded, Cliaropa, s. s. act. Shell often hairy or shaggy ; whorls keeled, Acanthoptyx, Tropidotropis, Pterotropis. Section Charopa Albers, s. sir. Charopa ALB., Die Hel. (edit. 2), p. 87, type H. coma Gray. — ANCEY, Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. v, p. 364.— PILSBRY, Manual viii, p. 96. — HEDLEY, Proc Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (2) vii, p. 157. — Simplic- aria Mouss. MS., Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiii, p. 90. Shell depressed, subdiscoidal, the spire varying from convex to concave ; openly umbilicated ; whorls rather cylindrical, the last rounded or subangular (never keeled) at the periphery. Surface sculptured with oblique or sigmoid rib-strise ; unicolored or painted with radiating reddish flames. Aperture lunate, oblique, the lip thin and simple, more or less sinuous ; parietal wall covered by a varnish of callus, the riblets being removed by absorption. Type E. coma Gray, pi. 6, figs. 57, 58, 59 (pi. 6, figs. 63, 64, 65, E. tapir- 32 ENJDODONTA. Animal small, the mantle rather posterior, tail not produced behind the shell. Eye peduncles large, club-shaped, approximated at their bases; tentacles short. Foot margined by a .parapodial groove. Jaw delicate, thin, more or less arcuate, sculptured with fine spaced subvertical striae (pi. 9, fig. 24, E. coma; pi. 9, fig. 21, E. sylvia= buctinella.*) Radula having the teeth in somewhat sinuous transverse rows. Central tooth tricuspid, the mesocone reaching about to the anterior border of the basal-plate, side cusps small. Laterals similar but somewhat asymmetrical, the entocone becoming larger outwardly until it becomes joined at the base with the mesocone. The marginals are very low and wide, by shortening of the basal-plates ; tricuspid, the ento- and mesocone often joined at base ; ectocone smaller, simple or split into two. Cusps variously degenerate on the outermost mar- ginals (pi. 9, fig. 23, E. coma ; pi. 9, fig. 20, E. sylvia=buccinella.) In some species, such as E. dispersa Gassies, the entocone remains minute upon all of the lateral teeth ; and in some the ectocone splits on the marginals ; but otherwise the dentition of the species does not differ from that of E. coma. The shell is like Goniodiscas in being umbilicated, depressed, rib- striate ; whorls tubular, aperture round-lunar or crescentic. It differs from Goniodiscus in the tendency of the upper lip to recede toward its insertion, forming a Pleurotomoid sinus or notch between outer lip and body-whorl ; and in the more or less depressed (some- times concave) inner whorls. The species are very numerous, and they occupy a vast territory ; but New Zealand, New Caledonia, and Australia with Tasmania are their especial home. New Zealand species. E. anguiculus Rv. iii, 23. E. huttoni Sut. viii, 104. theta Pfr. E. infecta Rv. iii, 23. E. bianca Hutt. viii, 97. zeta Pfr. v. montana Sut. v. irregularis Sut. viii, 98. E. biconcava Pfr. i, 130 ; viii, 104. v. alpestris Sut. viii, 99. E. brouni Sut. viii, 102. E. lucetta Hutt. iii, 22. E. buccinella Rv. iii, 23. stokesi Sm. iii, 262. gamma Pfr. E. moussoni Sut. viii, 105. sylvia Hutt. viii, 98. E. mutabilis Sut. viii, 101. ENDODONTA. 33 E. caputspinulse Rv. iii, 102. epsilon Pfr. E. colensoi Sut. viii, 99. E. coma Gray, iii, 22. v. beta Pfr. 'v. globosa Sut. viii, 96. E. corniculum Rv. iii, 24. eta Pfr. v. maculata Sut. viii, 96. E. egesta Gray, iii, 23. E. eremita Sut. viii, 103. E. pseudocoma Sut. E. raricostata Sut. viii, 100. E. segregata Sut. E. serpentinula Sut. viii, 103. E. sterkiana Sut. viii, 101. v. major Sut. v. reeftonensis Sut. E. subantialba Sut. viii, 104. E. tapirina Hutt. iii, 23 ; viii, 97. E. tau Pfr. E. variecostata Sut. viii, 100. New Caledonian species. E. alveolus Gass. E. bazini Cr. i, 121. E. calliope Cr. iii, 36. E. confinis Gass. iii, 35. E. costulifera Pfr. i, 120. v. major Cr. E. decreta Gass. iii, 26. E. dispersa Gass. iii, 45. E. inculta Gass. iii, 26. E. kanakina Gass. i, 122. E. koutoumensis Gass. E. lamberti Cr. iii, 26. E. melaleucarum Gass. iii, 26. E. melitse Gass. iii, 45. E. rnorosula Gass. E. noumeensis Cr. E. ostiolum Cr. E. pinicola Pfr. i, 121. E. rhizophorarum Gass. iii, 36. E. rusticula Gass. iii, 26. E. saburra Gass. E. subcoacta Gass. iii, 26. E. subtersa Gass. iii, 35. E. taslei Cr. iii, 36. E. vetula Gass. iii, 36. Species of Lord Howe and Norfolk Is. E. depsta Cox, iii, 46. E. exagitans Cox, iii, 46. E. unwini Braz. viii, 106. E. wilkinsoni Braz. viii, 105. E. whiteleggei Braz. viii, 106. v. balli Braz. viii, 107. v. ledgbirdi Braz. viii, 107. Species of Australia and Tasmania. [The following synonymic list was furnished by my valued corre- spondent and friend, CHARLES HEDLEY, of Sydney, N. S. W.] E. agnewi Cox, iii, 263. E. microscopica Cox. petterdi Brazier. microcosmos Cox. var. peroni Brazier. E. millestriata Smith, i, 130. UNIVEBBITT OF 34 ENDODONTA. E. albanensis Cox, ii, 209 ; viii, [pi. 37, f. 43-46. eastbournensis Beddome & [Petterd. petterdiana Taylor, var. stanleyensis Petterd. var. albida Taylor. E. antialba Beddome viii, 107. E. barrenensis Petterd. E. belli Cox, iii, 25. E. biretracta Mousson, ii, 208. E. bischoffensis Beddome, viii, [109. E. brazieri Cox, iii, 24. E. cochlidium Cox, iii, 25. E. corticicola Cox. E. cupera Cox, iii, 24. napera Brazier. E. curacose Brazier. ramsgatensis Cox, iii, 265. E. cygnea Benson, ii, 213. E. diemenensis Cox, iii, 24. thomsoni Cox. daveyensis Cox, iii, 265. atkinsoni Cox, iii, 266. camillce Cox. wellingtonensis Cox. midsoni Brazier. E. funerea Cox, ii, 209. E. furneauxensis Petterd. E. gadensis Beddome viii, 109. E. halli Cox. E. hookeriana Johnston. E. iuloidea Forbes ii, 209. omicron Pfeiffer. ammonitoides Reeve. legrandi Cox, ii, 209. ricei Brazier. onslowi Brazier. E. kershawi Petterd. E. mimosa Petterd. E. mucoides Tenison-Woods. iii,44. E. murphyi Cox, iii, 46. E. murrayana Pfeiffer. E. nautiloides Cox. inusta Cox, ii, 209. E. neglecta Brazier. luckmani Brazier, var. siliens Cox. var. jungermamse Petterd. var. trucanini Petterd. E. officieri Cox, iii, 266. E. otwayensis Petterd. var. alpina Johnston. E. paradoxa Cox. morti Cox, iii, 34. hobarti Cox, iii, 34. arenicola Tate, iii, 52. E. pexa Cox, iii, 25. E. retepora Cox, iii, 34. E. reteporoides Tate, viii, 110. E. roblini Petterd. E. rotella Brazier. E. saturni Cox, iii, 24. E. sericatula Pfeiffer, ii, 208. melbournensis Cox, iii, 35. E. spaldingi Brazier, var. carinata Brazier. E. parvissima Cox. E. spiceri Petterd. E. spectra Cox, iii, 266. architectonica Brazier. gunni Brazier. assimilis Brazier. E. similis Cox. stellata Brazier, iii, 34. derelicta Cox. E. stroudensis Cox, iii, 25. E. subdepressa Brazier. dandenongensis Petterd. ENDODONTA. 35 E. limula Cox. E. sublesta Benson. E. lottah Petterd. E. subrugosa Brazier. E. raacdonaldi Cox. E. tamarensis Petterd. kingstonensis Cox, iii, 266. E. tasmanise Cox, iii, 34. gouldi Cox. E. vigens Cox, iii, 263. juliformis Cox, iii, 263. ammonitoides Brazier. E. marchianse Cox. bassi Brazier. fuscoradiata Cox, iii, 265. E. vinitincta Cox, i, 115. E. mathinse Petterd. E. lizardensis Pfr. iii, 86. New Guinea, Am and Tenimber Is. species. E. brunnescens Mlldff. viii, 82. E. texta Hedley. viii, 294. E. demani Tap.-Can. iii, 26. Polynesian species. E. adposita Mouss. iii, 41. vicaria Mouss. E. canalis Grt. iii, 39. v. vicinalis Mouss. iii, 39. E. complementaria Mouss. iii, 40. E. monstrosa Anc. viii, 82. E. decorticata Grt. iii, 40. irregularis Mouss. not Semp. v. otarese Grt. E. oualanensis Pse. iii, 41. E. filiola Fer. iii, 38. E. planospira Grt. iii, 41. E. glissoni Anc. viii, 82. E. princei Liard. iii, 27. E. harveyensis Grt. iii, 40. E. proxima Grt. iii, 39. E. helva Cox, iii, 262. E. radicalis Mouss. E. ignava Pfr. iii, 36. E. rotula Hombr. iii, 67. E. inermis Mouss. iii, 41. E. rudis Grt. iii, 39. E. lamellicostata Grt. iii, 39. ? sublaminata Mss, Schra. E. modicella Fer. iii, 38. E. tenuicostata Grt. iii, 39. v. atiensis Pse. E. youngi Grt. iii, 40. Section Acanthoptyx Ancey, 1888. Acanthoptyx ANCEY, Bull. Soc. Mai. France, v, p. 370. Shell discoidal, thin, openly umbilicated ; whorls few (3-4) and rapidly increasing, sculptured with fine close lamellar striae and unevenly spaced elevated ribs, rising into lamellae as they cross the 36 PHASIS. subangular periphery. Aperture large, oblique, toothless ; peristome fragile. Type H. acanthinula Crosse, pi. 6, figs. 71, 72, 73. Jaw and soft parts not examined. Dentition : centrals as wide as long, tricuspid, the mesocone attain- ing the anterior border of the basal-plate, side cusps small. Laterals similar. Marginal teeth low, wide, with the entocone and mesocone long, united at base, the ectocone split into three minute cusps (pi. 9, fig. 25, E. acanthinula. ,) E. acanthinula Crosse. iii, 124. New Caledonia. Section Tropidotropis Ancey. Tropidotropis ANC., Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. v, p. 370. Shell broadly umbilicated, discoidal, the spire nearly flat; whorls flat above, the last acutely carinated ; epidermis^laciuiate-lamellose. Aperture securiform, toothless, the peristome simple, acute. Type H. trichocoma Crosse, pi. 6, figs. 61, 62. E. trichocoma Cr. iii, 45. New Caledonia. Section Pterodiscus Pilsbry, 1893. Tropidoptera ANC., Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. vi, p. 191. Not Tropido- pterus Blanch. 1845 {Coleoptera.} Shell umbilicated, depressed, thin or fragile, horny brown. Whorls finely, densely striated, the last acutely keeled at the periph- ery, carinated around the umbilicus. Aperture oblique, toothless ; lip thin and simple. Type H. alata Pfr., pi. 4, fig. 44. Shells of this section have the appearance of the New Caledonian groups Acanthoptyx and Tropidotropis. The species are from the Sandwich Is. E. alata Pfr. E. depressiformis Pse. E. prostrata Pse. E. digonophora Anc. Genus PHASIS Albers, 1850. Phasis ALB., Die Hel., p. 92. Type and only species H. menke- ana Pfr. — PILSBRY, Manual viii, p. 135. Shell resembling Xerophila; depressed, umbilicated, solid, white and opaque, generally with brown bands or dots, the apex dark; last whorl not descending ; aperture rounded-lunate, but little oblique ; PHASIS. 37 lip thin, simple, its eolumellar margin dilated. Type H. menkeana Pfr., pi. 10, figs. 1, 2, 3. Distribution, South Africa. Under this genus as subgenera may be ranged two groups : Tra- chyeystis and Sculptaria, both belonging to the S. African fauna. The anatomy of typical Phasis is unknown. That of Trachycystis is described below. The diagnosis given above applies to the restricted subgenus Phasis only, to which the following species belong : P. capensis Pfr. iii, 103. P. namaquana Mts. viii, 297. irrorata Zieg. P. paludicola Bens, iii, 104. littoricola Bens. P. sturmiana Pfr. vi, 317. P. menkeana Pfr. iii, 108. P. uitenhagensis Kr. iii, 104. Subgenus TRACHYCYSTIS Pilsbry, 1892. Trachycystis PILS., Man. of Conch, viii, p. 136. — Pella Alb. (in part), Die Hel. (2), p. 84, 1860. Not Pella Steph. 1832. Shell small, thin, generally somewhat translucent, horny or earthy brown in color, usually sculptured with oblique riblets or rib-striae, the apical whorl spirally striated (fig. 7) ; aperture lunate ; lip simple, thin, dilated at the eolumellar insertion. Type P. biseulpta Bens., pi. 10, figs. 5, 6, 7 ; see also P. browningi Bens. pi. 10, figs. 8, 9. Animal (of P. rariplicata) having a rather long slender foot, the sole apparently undivided ; foot-margins wide, not crenulated nor more coarsely granulated than the rest of the surface, defined by a pair of shallow grooves; tail lacking a mucous pore. Jaw thin, having numerous flat plaits. Radula having the transverse rows of teeth crowded, so that the cusps of one row project over the bases of the next. Central teeth tricuspid, the mesocone longer than the basal plate, slender, side cusps small. Lateral teeth altogether similar, but slightly asymmetrical, the entocones increasing in length outwardly. Transition from lateral to marginal teeth very gradual, the latter tricuspid, the ento- and mesocones subequal, long, oblique and united at their bases, the ectocone smaller, simple (in P. biseulpta'} or bifid (P. rari- plicata'). PI. 15, figs. 3, 4, P. biseulpta. All of the teeth are tricuspid ; the|central and inner lateral teeth are so similar that it is difficult to distinguish which is the rhachi- dian row, and the mesocones are long and slender. The inner mar- ginal teeth are remarkable for their long ento- and mesocones. 38 PHASIS. Binney has figured the teeth of P. rariplicata, but judging by the radula before me he makes the median teeth too short for their length. He correctly figures the ectocone of the outer marginals as bifid. The radula of P. bisculpta has not before been examined. These shells are shaped like Phasis from which they differ in the thin texture and sculpture. Some species resemble the New Zea- land group Allodiscus and others are like Thysanophora or Patula. All of them belong to the South African fauna, with the exception of a few species from Mauritius and adjacent islands, which present the same shell characters, but have hitherto been grouped in Patula or Charopa. The affinities of the genus are with the Charopoid Endodontas as far as present knowledge enables us to judge; and they are separated from that type mainly by their distribution and certain features of the teeth described above. The differences in the radula are, however, of but little importance. P. actinotricha Melv. & Pons. P. microscopica Kr. iii, 106. [viii, 143. P. minythodes Melv. & Pons. P. amea Kr. iii, 105. [viii, 144. P. aprica Kr. iii, 107. P. newtoni Nev. iii, 27. P. arachne Morel. P. perplicata Bens, iii, 106. P. aulacophora Anc. viii, 138. P. petrobia Bens, iii, 107. P. bathycoele Melv. & Pons. viii, P. planti Pfr. viii, 142. 139. platti Pfr. olim. P. bisculpta Bens, iii, 105. v. africse Bra. viii, 142. P. browningii Bens, viii, 136. P. prionacis Bens, viii, 137. P. burnupi Melv. & Pons. viii, P. rariplicata Bens, iii, 107. [140. P. rhysodes Melv. & Pons. viii, P. caldwelli (Barcl.) Bens, iii, 27. [141. paulus Mor. P. rivularis Kr. iii, 107. P. conisalea Melv. & Pons. viii, P. rodriguezensis Cr. [145. P. sabuletorum Bens, iii, 107. P. crawfordi Melv. & Pons. viii, P. somersetensis Melv. & Pons. [146. [viii, 295. P. epetrima Melv. & Pons. viii, P. strobilodes Melv. & Pons. [146. [viii, 147. P. erateina Melv. & Pons. viii, P. tabulae Chap, viii, 139. [137. P. trichosteiroma Melv. & Pons. P. farquhari Melv. & Pons. viii, [viii, 143. [147. P. tuguriolum Melv. & Pons. P. glanvilliana Anc. viii, 147. [viii, 145. SCULPTARIA, AMPHIDOXA. 39 P. hottentota Melv. & Pons. P. turmalis Morel, viii, 144. [viii, 141. P. viridescens Melv. & Pons. P. inops Morel, viii, 144. [viii, 78. P. liricostata Melv. & Pons. P. vorticialis Bens, iii, 107. [viii, 140. P. vorticella H. Ad. iii, 35. P. loveni Kr. iii, 106. P. zanguebarica Craven. P. lygsea Melv. & Pons. viii, [138. Subgenus ? SCULPTARIA Pfr., 1856. Sculptaria PFR., Malak. Blatter ii, p. 135, type If. sciilpturata Gray. Shell small, discoidal, carinated, widely umbilicated ; last whorl becoming free at the aperture ; aperture very oblique, rounded, with continuous slightly expanded peristome, and having several teeth on the outer lip and an entering parietal lamina. Type H. SGidpturata Gray, pi. 10, fig. 4. Anatomy unknown. A group of problematic relationships, rep- resented by a few species in southwestern Africa (Damaraland). S. damarensis H. Ad. iii, 138. S. chapmanni Anc. viii, 152. S. sculpturata Gray, iii, 138. S. retisculpta Mts. viii, 152. v. collaris Pfr. iii, 138. Genus AMPHIDOXA Albers, 1850. Amphidoxa ALB., Die Hel. p. 110 (for H. marmorella and heli- cophantoides') ; Edit. Martens, p. 82. Shell thin, depressed-globose or discoidal, perforated or umbili- cated; aperture lunar-rounded or ovate; peristome simple, thin. Type H. marmorella Pfr., pi. 7, figs. 10, 11, 12. Distribution: southwestern shore of South America and adjacent islands, Juan Fernandez, Chiloe, etc., Cape Horn region and Ker- guelen Is. These shells resemble some forms of the genera Flammulina and Endodonta\ the typical Amphidoxas recalling Flammulina or Calymna, the Stephanodas being like Allodiscus, Suteria or Charopa. The anatomy of the South American forms is unknown, but that of A. hookeri of Kerguelen Island shows an affinity to Charopa in the possession of parapodial grooves. Two sections compose this group. 40 AMPHIDOXA. Section AMPHIDOXA Alb. Shell small, perforate, depressed-globose, thin and pellucid, costu- late-striate, Whorls 8-82, rapidly enlarging. Aperture ample. Anatomy unknown. Distribution, Juan Fernandez. A. marmorella Pfr. iii, 46. A. helicophantoides Pfr. iii, 46. Section STEPHANODA Albers, 1860. Stephanoda ALB., Die Hel. (2) p. 88. Type H. dissimilis Orb. Stepsanoda PFR., Nomencl., p. 93. Shell umbilicated, thin, costulate, sometimes spirally striated ; in shape like Discus or Charopa. Whorls 5-7, the last cylindrical, not descending. Aperture rounded lunar ; lip thin, simple. Type H. dissimilis Orb., pi. 7, figs. 19, 20, 21. See also pi. 7, figs. 16, 17, 18, A. hookeri Reeve.) Anatomy of the typical forms unknown ; of A. hookeri as follows, the living animal according to Eaton's observations (Philos. Trans., 1879, p. 183), the internal anatomy according to Schako and Pfeffer (Monatsber. K.-P. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 1877, p. 269.) Animal (in spirit) with a narrow foot, rather narrower posteriorly than in front. The sole of a pale livid olive, sides dark slate color. Mantle above the head pale livid, dotted with dark slate spots. During life the animal (viewed through a lens), is black, reticulated with gray; tentacles either black above and dark gray beneath longitudinally, or dark gray throughout. Foot bordered above by a ribbon-like stripe which is composed of long oblong tessellations whose interstices are gray, which is separated by a thin pale irreg- ular line from the more finely reticulated upper portion of the sides and back. The interspaces of the reticulation of these last are slightly raised and black, and cause the surface to be somewhat granulated. Some of the lines of growth of the shell are occasion- ally straw color (Eaton). Sole tripartite, divided into areas by two longitudinal and many transverse grooves, the outer areas darkly pigmented. No appendages upon the mantle margin. Genitalia simple, without accessory organs ; vas deferens inserted at the apex of penis, passing gradually into it ; spermatheca terminat- ing in a short straight or bent appendage, and situated upon a rather long duct (pi. 1, fig. 16, A. hookeri.} Jaw measuring *7 x '68 mill., rather narrow, low-arcuate, sculpt- ured with fine, somewhat wavy transverse striae and numerous nar- AMPHIDOXA. 41 row vertical grooves, which hardly crenulate the cutting edge. In young examples it seems as if composed of narrow plates held together by the underlying membrane (Schako). PI. 1, fig. 15, A. hooker i. Kadula measuring 2'41 x '68 mill., consisting of 205 closely placed — transverse rows, each with 35, 51, 57 or 65 teeth. Formula 25-11- 1-11-25. Rhachidian tooth with a broa'd, blunt, rounded meso- cone, no side cusps. Laterals similar, the cusp often extending beyond the thin basal-plate. Marginals tricuspid, the side cusps small but distinct, obsolete on the outer marginals (pi. 1, fig. 14, A. hookeri, showing teeth R, 1, 12, 17, 22, 25.) The principal peculiarity of the radula is that the central and lateral teeth possess mesocones only, in this respect differing from the genera Endodonta and Phasis ; but as the dentition of but one species is known, too much stress should not be laid upon this feature. The close alliance of the toothless Endodontas (Charopa), the S. African group Trachycyatis, the northern genus Pyramidula, and the S. American Amphidoxa-Stephanoda series, is evident. A. arctispira Pfr. iii, 47. A. lirata Couth, iii, 42. A. binneyana Pfr. iii, 48. A. magellanica Sm. iii, 42. A. bryophila Ph. iii, 42. A. musicola Ph. iii, 43. A. ceroides Pfr. iii, 47. A. ordinaria Sm. A. cliilensis Miihlf. iii, 42. A. pazii Ph. iii, 43. A. coiquecana Ph. iii, 43. minviellei Ph. A. coppingeri Sm. iii, 42. A. pleurophora Moric. iii, 53. A. corticaria Ph. iii, 43. A. pusio King, iii, 47. A. costellata Orb. iii, 41. A. quadrata Fer. iii, 47. A. dissimilis Orb. iii, 48. Idngi Pfr. histrio Miihlf. A. rigophila Mab. & Roch. viii, plagiata Beck. . [81. A. epidermia Ant. iii, 42. A. selkirki Sm. iii, 47. A. exigua Ph. iii, 43. A. spirillus Gld. A. germaini Ph. iii, 43. A. stelzneriana Ph. iii. 43. A. gratioleti Hupe, iii, 48. A. strobeliana Ph. iii, 43. A. holmbergi Dor. iii, 43. A. tenuistriata Ph. iii, 48. A. hookeri Rve. iii, 48. A. tessellata Miihlf. iii, 47. A. hypophloea Ph. -iii, 43. contortula Fer. A. jungermanniarum Ph. iii, 43. A. zebrinaPh. iii, 48. A. leptotera Mab. & Roch. viii, 81 . 42 PYRAMIDULA. Genus PYRAMIDULA Fitzinger, 1833. Pyramidula FITZ., System atisches Verzeichniss der im Erzher- zogthume Oesterreich vorkommenden Weichthiere, als Prodrom einer Fauna derselben, p. 95 (for H. rupestris Drap.) -f Gonyodiscas and Discus FITZ., 1833 ; Patula HELD., 1837 > Delomphalus Ag., 1837; Eyryomphala Beck, 1837 ; etc., etc. =Patula of most modern authors. Shell openly umbilicated, varying in contour from flattened and disk-like to conoidal. Generally opaque, often rib-striate. Uni- colored, spirally banded or flammulate. Whorls subcylindrical or keeled, the apex generally smooth. Aperture rounded-lunate ; lip simple and thin. Type P. rupestris Drap. Animal having the sole undivided; lateral margin of the foot with a distinct border bounded by a groove, the grooves meeting above the tail. No caudal mucous pore. Eye-peduncles long and slender (pi. 14, fig. 40, 46, P. alternata.') Genital system lacking all accessory organs ; vas deferens and retractor muscle inserted near or at the apex of the penis ; duct of the spermatheca very long; hermaphrodite duct very long, but shortened by its extreme convolution (pi. 11.) Jaw arcuate, its component laminae generally compactly soldered, and indicated only by fine stride which diverge slightly from the middle. Radula (1) having only the mesocones developed upon central and inner lateral teeth, or (2) having the centrals tricuspid, laterals bicuspid lacking the entocones, marginal teeth similar but with short basal-plates ; this being the usual form. In some species the mar- ginal teeth are multicuspid by the splitting of their ectocones. The dentition, as usual, shows considerable variation, even in species otherwise closely related. As a general rule, the lateral teeth completely lack entocones, differing in this respect from Trachycystis and the Endodonta- Charopa series ; but in the section flelicodiscus, entocones are well developed. The dentition is quite unlike Tra- chycystis in the forms of the marginal teeth. The genus Pyramidula consists of dull-colored ground-living snails, species of which occur over the whole northern temperate land area. Its nearest relatives are Charopa, Trachycystis and Stephanoda, genera occupying the southern temperate regions of Australasia, Africa and South America respectively. All may be regarded as the remnants of an early fauna, now replaced in the tropics, and to a large extent PYRAMIDULA. 43 in temperate regions also, by higher groups of Helices. The latter differ widely from these Pafculoid genera in lacking parapodial grooves, in the solid, ribbed jaw, complex genital system, and other features to be described later. In treating of the subgenus Patula it will be shown that that name is not available as a designation for the present genus as a whole. Pyramidula is the earliest name, and should be accepted. It may be objected that no diagnosis of Pyramidula was published by Fitzinger, but the same may be said of Beck's genera. Let those who repudi- ate Beck's names cast the first stone at Fitzinger ! Pyramidula is divisible into eight subordinate groups, which may be tabulated thus : a. Shell lacking internal teeth or folds, b. Spire conical ; size very small, shell thin,. Pyramidula s. s. bb. Spire depressed, c. Shell rather large and solid, Patuia. cc. Shell small or minute, d. Surface spirally lamellate, Lyrodiscus. dd. Body-whorl with 20-25 spaced oblique laminae, Planogyra. ddd. Surface striate or rib-striate, Gonyodiscus, Patulastra. aa. Body-whorl having one or several pairs of internal teeth, b. Internal teeth tubercular ; surface spirally sculptured, Helicodiscus. bb. Internal teeth lamellar ; surface obliquely sculptured, Atlantica. Besides these, another group, Pupisoma, has been referred provi- sionally to this genus. Subgenus PYRAMIDULA Fitz. Shell small, moderately or widely umbilicated, lacking internal folds or teeth. The following sections may be grouped under this subgeneric head : Pyramidula s. sir., Patulastra, Planogyra, Gonyodiscus and Lyrodiscus. Section Pyramidula Fitz., s. sir. Pyramidula FITZ., Syst. Verz., p. 95. Shell minute, openly umbilicated, with pyramidal spire and obtuse 44 PYRAMIDULA. smooth apex. Whorls tubular, obliquely striated. Aperture round or nearly so ; lip simple. Type H. rupestris Dr., pi. 10, figs. 15, 16. Jaw arcuate, finely striated vertically. Radula having the central teeth unicuspid, the side cusps being represented by a slight sinuation. Laterals bicuspid. Marginals with low wide basal-plate, the inner bearing two cusps, the outer becoming multicuspid by splitting of the cusps, (pi. 11, fig. 25, P. rupestris Dr.) Distribution, Europe and Central Asia. This section differs from Gonyodiscus and Patulastra in having the spire conically elevated, and from the former in lacking rib-strise. P. rupestris Dr. iii, 51. f. dalmatina Cl. umbilicata Mont. f. pinii Ad. iii, 51. aliena Zieg. P. chorismenostoma Bl. & West. spirula Villa. P. hierosolymitana Bgt. iii, 52. myrmecidis Scac. P. humilis Hutt. iii, 22. f. rupicola Stab. P. orphan a Hde. f. saxatilis Hm. P. euomphalus Blf. iii, 32. f. subglobosa Bgt. P. abbadiana Bgt. iii, 52. f. conoidea Bgt. P. brucei Jick. iii, 52. f. meridionalis Iss. P. amblygona Reinh. iii, 52. f. jsenensis Cl. iii, 51. P. lepta West, viii, 81. Section Patulastra Pfeiffer, 1878. Patulastra PFR., Nomencl. Hel. Viv., p. 87. Shell having the form of Patula, but minute, with fewer whorls, the surface unicolored, with or without riblets. This section may be retained to include the minute forms similar in general characters of the shell to Punctum, but with the anatom- ical features of the genus Pyramidula. The limits of the group are uncertain, as part of the species might be placed in the sections Gonyodiscus or Pyramidula, and others are likely to prove Punc- tums. Of course the melange included here by Pfeifier and by Tryon must be assorted into many diverse groups. P. abyssinica Jick. iii, 32. P. debeauxiana Bgt. iii, 28. rivularis Mts. P. carotae Bgt. Serv. iii, 31. P. aranea Parr, iii, 31. P. elachia Bgt. iii, 28. P. aucapitainiana Bgt. iii, 29. P. galla3ciana Silv. P. balatonica Serv. iii, 31. J P. henriquesi Silv. P. bussacona Silv. P. lederi Bttg, iii, 31. PYRAMIDULA. 45 P. luseana Paiv. iii, 31. P. pusilla Lwe. iii, 31. P. massoti Bgt. iii, 29. hypocrita Dohrn. P. micropleuros Pag. iii, 28. servilis Sh. P. microstigmsea Silv. P. servaini Bgt. iii, 31. P. uemesiana Bgt. iii, 31. P. simoniana Bgt iii, 3J. P. pornse Serv. iii, 31. P. sororcula Ben. iii, 29. P. poupillieri Bgt. iii, 29. P. tenuicostata Sh. iii, 28. Section Planogyra Morse, 1864. Planogyra MORSE, Obs. Terrest. Pulm. Maine, p. 24, type P. asteriscus Mse. Shell minute, discoidal, openly umbilicated, the spire flat. Whorls bearing thin, sharp, spaced lamince, parallel to growth -striae. Aper- ture rounded-lunar, lip simple. Type P. asteriscus Morse, pi. 10, figs. 10, 11. Jaw slightly arcuate, bluntly rounded at the ends, irregularly vertically wrinkled, the concave margin having a slight median projection. Radula consists of 77 transverse rows containing about 13.1.13 teeth. Centrals tricuspid. Laterals lacking the entocone. Mar- ginal teeth multicuspid, the mesocone largest, bifid (pi. 1J, fig. 21, P. asteriscus Morse). The radula differs from that of Pyramidula s. sir. only in the development of side cusps on the central tooth, and the shorter mesocone of the same. But one species is known ; it is widely dis- tributed in Canada and northern New England, living in very wet places. Morse represents the eye-peduncles of this species as short, thick, and club-shaped (pi. 10, fig. 10) ; his observation should be checked by an examination of the living animal, as that form of eye stalk is widely different from the other Pyramidula species. Section Gonyodiscus Fitzinger, 1833. Gonyodiscus FITZ. Syst. Verz. p. 98, proposed for G. perspectivus Fitz.— IT. solaria Mke. — Discus FITZ., Syst. Verz., p. 99 ; proposed for H. rotundata, ruderata, pygmcea, cristallina (not Discus Less. 1837, nor of Hald. 1840, nor of Alb. 1850, nor of Campb. 1879).— Patula HELD, in part. — Delomphalus AGASSIZ, in CHARP., Catal. des Moll. Terrest. et Fluv. de la Suisse, p. 12, in Nouv. Mem. de laSoc. Helvetique des Sci. Nat. i, Neuchatel, 1837 ; proposed for H. rotundata, ruderata pygmcea. — Eyryomphala (in part) BECK, Index, 46 PYRAMJDULA. p. 8. — Patularia CLESSIN, Die Molluskenfauna Oesterreich-Ungarns und der Schweiz, p. 104 (proposed for P. rotundata, hauffeni, ruderata, solar ia,pygmcea). — Spelceodiscus BRUSINA. Mittheil, naturwissensch. Ver. Steierruark, 1885, p. 37, type, H. hauffeni. Allerya BOUR- GUIGNAT, Atti Ac. Palermo, 1876 (^embryonic shells of H. rotund- ata, etc.). Shell rather small, depressed, with low but convex spire and open umbilicus. Apical H whorls smooth, the rest obliquely rib-striate, rather tubular, rounded or keeled at the periphery, unicolored or flamed with reddish. Aperture wide-lunate, the lip simple. Type P. solaria Mke., pi. 10, fig. 14. See also pi. 10, figs. 12, 13, P. rotundata Mull. Animal (of P. perspectives Say) long and narrow, the foot white, head and back dusky blue. Sole equal in length to the diam- eter of the shell, undivided (having a central longitudinal sulcus when entering the shell or in alcohol); margins of foot having a wide border, bounded by a distinct groove, the grooves meeting above the tail. Upper surface coarsely granulated. Eye pedun- cles long and slender, from one-third to one-half as long as the foot (pi. 14, fig. 45). Genital system lacking all accessory organs. The penis is short, having the retractor and the vas deferens inserted at its apex. Spermatheca small, situated upon a very long simple duct, which enters the vagina very low. At the base of the albumen gland there is a rather large talon. The albumen gland is small and adherent to the lower part of the hermaphrodite duct ; the latter being large and very much convoluted (pi. 11, fig. 22, P. persjiec- tiva). The genital system of P. rotundata as figured by Lehmann is sim- ilar. Leidy's figure of that of perspectiva is incorrect in showing an appendicula. Jaw arcuate, with a slight median projection, finely striated, the striae subvertical, diverging below toward the outer basal angles of the jaw (pi. 11, fig. 19, P. perspectiva). The jaw of rotundata, according to Lehmann and Moquin-Tandon, has fewer, more spaced striae than I have found in P. perspectiva. That of P. balmei (pi. 15, fig. 2) is very distinctly and closely striated, and dif- fers from the jaw of perspectiva is being incompletely soldered, the edges of the component vertical plates being slightly free, as in some charopoid snails. PYRAMIDULA. 47 Radula bearing crowded teeth (i n P. perspectives, arranged accord- ing to the formula Centrals having a long mesocone and small side cusps. Laterals having no entocone, the mesocone oblique, ectocone small. Marginals similar, but with short, broad basal plates (pi. 11, fig. 26, P.perspectiva). In P. balmei the marginal teeth are like those of Planogyra aster iscus. This section is distinguished from Pyramidula s. str. by its low spire, discoidal form, and the rib-striation, which is often obsolete below the periphery, but generally persists on the upper surface and within the umbilicus. The typical species of Gonyodiscus are carinated at the periphery, and those with rounded whorls have been separated under the name Discus, but such a separation does violence to the facts in the case, for all intermediate stages of contour between the most acutely carinated aud the rounded types occur. As well might one separate Papuina brumeriensis from diomedes as a distinct section, or Pyramidula (Patula) cumber landiana fromalter- nata. Such classification may be left for those who point the small end of the telescope at nature. Eurasian species. P. abietana Bgt. iii, 21. P. omalisma Bgt. P. aperta Mlldff. viii, 80. P. pallens Gred. viii, 82. P. assarinensis Calc. iii, 51. P. pauper Gld. iii, 20. P. balmei P. & M. iii, 30. P. putrescens Lwe. iii, 31. flavescens Parr. P. retexta Sh. iii, 44. flavida Zieg. P. rotundata Mull, iii, 19. striolata Ph. brocchiana Calc., Ben. P. bianconii Dh. iii, 32 cupaniana Calc., Ben. P. carpetana Hid. radiata DaC. P. concinna Lwe. iii, 21. v. pyramidalis Jeffr. P. costulata Mlldff. iii, 266. v. globosa Friedl. P. engonata Shuttl. iii, 43. v. turtoni Flem. iii, 19. v. pallidior Mouss. P. ruderata Stud, iii, 20. P. erdeli Roth, iii, 30. umbilicus Mark. P. flocculus Mor. perspectives Fer. P. frivaldskyana Rm. iii, 21. v. angulosa Mouss. iii, 26. convexa Fer. v. opulens West, iii, 20. P. gortschana Mouss. iii, 20. P. solaria Mke. iii, 43. P. hauffeni Schm. iii, 30. perspectiva Miihl. P. luseana Paiv. iii, 31. megerlei Jan. 48 PYRAMIDULA. P. sudensis Pfr. iii, 30. P. zapateri Hid. P. textilis Sh. iii 31. American species. P. perspectiva Say. iii, 20. P. striatella Anth. iii, 20. patula Dh. v. catskillensis Pils. P. bryanti Harp, iii, 43. v. cronkhitei Newc. iii, 21. P. horni Gabb. iii, 21. Section Lyrodiscus Pilsbry, 1893. Lyra MOUSSON, Rev. Fauue Malac. Canar., p. 26. Not Lyra Cumberl., 1816. Shell depressed, with large open umbilicus and low-convex spire, in form being like Patula; surface sculptured with slight growth-lines and numerous elevated cuticular spiral threads. Type H. circumsessa Shuttlew. Anatomy unknown. Distribution, Canary Islands. P. circumsessa Sh. P. torrefacta Lwe. Subgenus PATULA Held, 1837. Patula HELD, Isis, 1837, p. 918 (proposed for alternata, rotundata, solaria, perspectiva, ruderata, pygmcea, rupestris). — Eyryomphala BECK, Index Moll. p. 8 (proposed for solitaria, alternata, perspectiva, ruderata, solaria, rudis, rotundata, rupestris, pygmcea, pusilla, lineata and some undescribed Amphidoxa or Stephanoda species). — Euryom- phala HERM. et al.—Anguispira MORSE, Obs. Terr. Pulm. Maine, p. 11, type H. alternata Say. Shell ratherjlarge and solid, with convex spire and open umbilicus ; whorls rounded or carinated at the periphery. Surface striate, ribbed-striate or spirally ribbed, obliquely flamed, unicolored or spirally banded ; lip thin, simple. Type P. alternata Say, pi. 14, figs. 34, 35, 36. Animal having a large foot, its length greater than the diameter of the shell, the tail rounded ; sole without any traces of longitudinal divisions ; the foot-margins having a wide border above, bounded by a distinct groove, the grooves meeting over the tail (fig. 40). Eye- peduncles long and slender, tentacles minute. Mantle edge thick (pi. 14, figs. 40, 46, P. alternata). PYRAMIDULA. 49 Genital system simple, lacking accessory organs. Penis receiving the vas deferens and the retractor muscle at its summit. Spermatheca bulbous, its duct very long. Ovi-sperm duct very much convoluted, the ovo-testis consisting of small groups of large club-shaped follicles. Eye-peduncle retracted between the branches of the genitalia (pl.- 11, fig. 20, P. alternate Say. PL 11, fig. 27, P. strigosa Gld.) Jaw strong and opaque, arcuate, with a slight or obvious median projection; surface rather faintly subvertically striated (pi. 11, fig. 18, P. alternata. PI. 11, fig. 17, P. strigosa). Radula: Central teeth having the mesocone long, side cusps small. Laterals having a large mesocone and a well developed ectocone ; no entocone. Marginals similar, but with the basal plate short, as usual (pi. 11, fig. 23, P. alternata}. This type of dentition is common to P. alternata, solitaria and idahoensis. In P. cumber- landiana the side cusps are obsolete on central and inner lateral teeth. In P. strigosa and haydeniihe central and lateral teeth lack ecto- cones. The outer marginal teeth have an ectocone developed, and sometimes it is split into two minute cusps (pi. 11, fig. 28, P, strigosa). The Patulas of eastern America are oviparous, the eggs small. round, not hard-shelled. P. strigosa and its allies are viviparous, four to six young occupying the uterus at the same time, the most mature having a shell of 2! whorls, 3 to 4 mill, diameter, the earlier 2 whorls with fine oblique and spiral stride, marked off by a distinct line from the latter third of a whorl, which is spirally lirate and more or less hirsute. The viviparous mode of reproduction has probably been assumed on account of the aridity of the Rocky Mountain region. The rains are in this area uncertain, and for snails mainly unseasonable ; and probably insufficient to insure the development of eggs committed to the earth in the usual way. Snails of this section are distributed over the whole of the United States except the California!! slope. Individuals of the species are numerous, P. alternata in the East and strigosa in the West being among the commonest of land snails. They live by preference in rocky places, the talus of a limestone cliff being a favorite station. The species are polymorphic to a degree inconceivable to those who have not actually seen large series of the shells. P. alternata fergusoni and P. cumber landiana seem to be the extremes of one series of forms, and P. idahoensis and haydeni of another. XJNIVEBSIT1 50 PYRAMIDULA. The name Patula, as well as Eyryomphala, was intended to include all of the forms referred now to the genus Pyramidula ; and most recent authors have adopted Patula as the generic name. Such a course is inadmissible on account of the earlier names Pyramidula, Gonyodiscus and Discus of Fitzinger ; and there is, moreover, another difficulty, for Patula, Delomphalus and Eyryomphala were all proposed in the same year (1837), and it is now impossible to decide which should be given priority. In von Martens' edition of Albers, the type of Patula is said to be If. rotundata ; but as that species •was already the type of a prior group (Discus'), we cannot accept ^such a selection. We are, therefore, obliged to consider Held's first .species, If. alternata, the type. Species. P. alternata Say, iii, 57. P. strigosa Gld. (PL 14, f. 37-39.) scabra Lam. /. depressa Ckll. strongy lodes Pfr. f.fragilis Hemph. viii, 117. infecta Parr. /. carnea Heraph. viii, 117. v. fergusoni Bid. iii, 57. /. rugosa Hemph. viii, 117. v. mordax Shutt. iii, 57. /. albida Hemph. viii, 117. P. cumberlandiana Lea, iii, 58. /. buttoni Hemph. viii, 117. P. solitaria Say, iii, 58. /. globulosa Ckll. viii, 118. kochi Pfr. v. jugalis Hemph. viii, 117. subrudis Pfr. v. subcarinata Hemph. viii, 118. P. idahoensis Newc. iii, 55. bicolor Hemph. viii, 118. v. newcombi Hemph. viii, 115. lactea Hemph. viii, 118. /. wasatchensis Hemph. viii, picta Hemph. viii, 118. [116. v. cooperi W. G. B. viii, 118. v. binneyi Hemph. viii, 116. P. haydeni Gabb. iii, 57. /. multicostata Hemph. viii, 116. /. hemphilli Newc. viii. 119. /. castanea Hemph. viii, 116. /. gabbiana Hemph. viii, 119. /. albofasciata Hemph. viii, 116. j. bruneri Anc. viii, 119. /. gouldi Hemph. viii, 116. oquirrhensis Hemph. P. strigosa Gld. viii, 117. hybrida Hemph. parma Hemph. Subgenus ATLANTICA Ancey, 1887. Atlantica ANC., Conch. Exch. i, p. 54, April, 1887, type H. semi- plicata Pfr. Shell small, discoidal, with wide shallow umbilicus and low-convex spire ; whorls narrow, obliquely ribbed above, polished below, the PYRAMIDULA. 51 last obstructed far within by several pairs of elevated lamellce upon the basal-outer wall (fig. 32). Lip thin, simple. Type H. semi- plicata Pfr. pi. 14, fig. 32, 33. Anatomy unknown. Distribution, Madeira. This group is prob- ably a modification of Goniodiscus. P. semiplicata Pfr. iii, 44. P. calathoides Paiv. iii, 44. gueriniana Lwe. Subgenus HELICODISCUS Morse, 1864. Helicodiscus MSE., Obs. Terrest. Pulm. Maine, p. 25, type H. lineata Say. Shell small, disk or coin-shaped, with flat spire and broad, shallow umbilicus. Whorls numerous, convex and closely coiled, spirally striated or lirate, the last whorl having one or several pairs of tuber- cular teeth within, situated upon the basal-outer wall. Aperture lunate, lip thin, simple. Type P. lineata Say, pi. 14, figs. 29, 30, 31. The shell lies perfectly flat upon the posterior end of the foot, the eye-peduncles standing nearly vertically ; posterior end of the long and narrow foot conspicuously furrowed above, very short behind the mantle (pi. 14, figs. 47, 48, P lineata). Jaw arcuate, striate, the strise diverging somewhat from the median line; median projection inconspicuous (pi. 15, fig. 1, P. lineata). Morse's figure represents the jaw as less arcuate and pointed at the ends. -The jaw figured on my plate, however, seems to be per- fect, although the ends are blunt. Radula having about 77 rows of 12-M2 or IS'MS teeth. The central tooth is decidedly narrower than the laterals, its mesocone very short, side cusps minute. Laterals with large square basal- plates, the mesocone as long as the basal-plate, eutocone and ectocone equally developed, strong, with short cutting points. Marginals low, wide, the ectocone bifid or trifid (pi. 11, fig. 24, P. lineata). These minute snails live upon decaying wood. The most con- spicuous features of the dentition are the tricuspid lateral teeth, recalling those of Stephanoda or Charopa, and unlike the teeth of Pyramidula generally, in which the entocones are as a rule absent. The splitting of the ectocones of the marginal teeth is correllated with the small size of the creature, snails of many groups assuming the Pupa-like form of marginal teeth when the size of the animal becomes minute. 52 PYRAMIDULA-PARARHYTIDA. P. lineata Say, ii, 200. P. fimbriatus Weth. ii, 200. v. salmonensis Hem ph. salmonaceus Hemph., W. G. B. v. sonorensis Coop. Subgenus ? PUPISOMA Stoliczka, 1873. Pupisoma STOL., Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. xlii, p. 32. — PFR.-CLESS, Nomencl. Hel. Viv., p. 352. — v. MOLLENDORFF, Bericht Senck. naturforsch. Ges., 1890, p. 223. Shell minute, thin, brown, perforated ; varying from Pupiform, almost cylindrical, to globose-conoidal ; apex obtuse ; whorls rounded, with delicate, irregular, cuticular riblets. Aperture oblique, truncate-oval or rounded, the lip thin, simple, or a little expanded, broadly dilated at the columella, nearly closing the umbilical perforation ; the columellar edge sometimes slightly project- ing, but hardly dentate. Type Pupa lignicola Stol., pi. 14, figs. 41, 42. See also P. philippinicum Mlldff., pi. 14, figs. 43, 44. Animal having very short eye peduncles and barely a trace of tentacles. (Stol.}. Jaw, radula and genitalia unknown. Distribution, India, Borneo, Philippines. A group of uncertain position. Stoliczka referred it to Pupidce; v. Mollendorff to the Fruticicola series, near Acanthinula and Zoo- genites. For the present I prefer to consider it a modification of Pyramidula, comparable to the American group Ptychopatula ; but I am not sure that it is not a group of Pupidce. P. lignicola Stol. P. pulvisculum Iss. iii, 191. P. orcella Stol. P. philippinicum Mlldff. P. orcula Bens, ii, 177. P. miccyla Bens, ii, 176. Genus PARARHYTIDA Ancey, 1882. Pararhytida ANC., Le Naturaliste 1882, p. 85 ; Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. v, p. 360. — Platystoma ANC., 1882, Not Platystoma of Klein or Homes, nor Platyostoma Conr. — Saissetia (Bayle) ANC., Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. v, p. 368, 1888. Shell perforate or umbilicate, solid and strong, depressed, acutely keeled (but periphery rounded in section Saissetia). Baso-columellar lip thickened by a callus within, and dilated at the insertion. Type H. dictyodes Pfr. PARARHYTIDA. 53 Under this generic head may be comprised two groups, as follows : Section Pararhylida s. sir. Shell thick lens-shaped, in form like Trochomorpha. AVhorls about — 6, slowly increasing, acutely keeled, basal lip somewhat sinuous. Type H. dictyodes Pfr., pi. 7, figs. 25, 26, 27. External anatomy unknown. Jaw arcuate, quite strong, without median projection, and absolutely smooth (pi. 9, fig. 35, P. dictyodes'). Radula composed of 22-14-1-14-22 teeth in nearly horizontal series. Central tooth tricuspid, the mesocone attaining the anterior border of the basal-plate, side cusps small. Lateral teeth tricuspid, slightly asymmetrical. Marginal teeth also tricuspid, the entocone and mesocone united at their bases (pi. 9, fig. 36, P. dictyodes}. Genitalia : Penis stout, extending into a long flagellum (?), the vas deferens inserted high upon it ; the stout lower portion bearing a globose appendix, at the base of which the retractor is inserted. Vagina is short, muscular and swollen. Spermatheca very large and long, its duct short ; (in the figure is shown a spermatophore within it). Albumen gland small ; hermaphrodite duct long, not convoluted (pi. 9, fig. 37, P. dictyodes). The notable generic features of the anatomy are that all of the teeth are tricuspid (as in many Endodontas) ; the jaw is smooth, not vertically striated ; the penis bears a flagellum and apparently an appendix. The most important shell characters are the solidity, and the callous thickening of the baso-columellar lip. I have considered Pararhytida a genus separate from Endodonta, mainly on account of the smooth jaw. In Endodonta, Pyramidula, etc., the jaw is always laminate or striate. In Pararhytida its com- ponent laminae seem to be completely fused. The characters of the foot must be examined before we can intelligently discuss the system- atic position of Pararhytida. Our knowledge of its anatomy is due to Fischer (Journ. de Conchyl., 1875). P. dictyodes Pfr. iii, 95. P. mouensis Cr. iii, 95. v. dictyonina Euth. viii, 134. Section Saissetia (Bayle) Anc., 1889. Shell solid, depressed-globose or subdiscoidal, the spire slightly convex ; umbilicus rather narrow. Whorls rapidly increasing, the 54 PARARHYTIDA-THYSANOPHORA. last one ivide, rounded at the periphery. Lip generally somewhat retracted at the upper insertion, thickened on the baso-columellar margins, dilated at the basal insertion. Surface smooth or rib-striate above. Type H. saisseti Montr., pi. 7, figs. 22, 23, 24. The soft anatomy is unknown. Binney has figured the jaw and teeth of P. astur. The jaw is low, wide, slightly arcuate, ends hardly attenuated, blunt; anterior surface without ribs; having a wide, blunt median projection ; a line of reinforcement runs parallel to the cutting edge ; upper margin with a strong muscular attachment (pi. 8, fig. 7). The radula has 21-9-1-9-21 teeth. Centrals tri- cuspid ; laterals lacking the entocone, at least on the inner teeth ; marginals tricuspid, the entocone and mesocone united. It will be seen that this differs from typical Pararhytida in the median projection of the jaw and the loss of entocones on the lateral teeth (pi. 8, fig. 8). As no type was designated by Ancey, I have considered H. sais- seti Montr, as such, for I suppose this was Bayle's intention. Species. P. baladensis Souv. i, 116. P. occlusa Gass. i, 122. P. oriunda Gass. i, 121. P. astur Souv. i, 117. P. bruniana Gass. i, 119. P. saisseti Montr, i, 117. P. perroquiniana Cr. P. goulardiana Cr. i, 122. P. turneri Pfr. i, 119. Genus THYSANOPHORA Strebel & Pfeffer, 1880. Thysanophora S. & P., Beitr. Mex. Land- und Susswasser- Conchylien, iv, p. 30 (proposed for impura, paleosa, conspurcatetla). — PILSBRY, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1889, p. 192. Microphysa MARTENS in Albers, Die Hel., p. 82 ; type Helix boothiana Pfr. Not Microphysa Westw., 1834 (Hemiptera), nor of Guen. 1841 (Lepidoptera). Acanthinula STREBEL & PFEFFER, /. c., p. 31, and of v. MAR- TENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 130. Not Acanthinula Beck. —Ptycho- patula PILSBRY, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Sept. 17, 1889, p. 191 ; Nautilus iii, p. 62 (proposed for cceca, dioscoricola, punctum, plagio- ptycha, etc.). Euclasta v. MARTENS, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. 1877, p. 347 (for H. musicola Sh.). — CROSSE, Journ. de Conchy]. 1892, p. 14. Not THYSANOPHORA. 55 Euclasta Lederer, Verh. Zool.-bot. Vereinsin Wein, v, p. 252, 1855, and Weiner En torn. Monatschr. vii, p. 423, 1863 (Microlepido- ptera). Shell varying from flat and discoidal to depressed-globose and to conical or pyramidal ; thin; pale brown, yellow or corneous, some- what translucent or at least not opaque; narrowly umbilicated ; sur- face rather dull, smooth or with slender riblets (generally cuticular), or densely, minutely bristly. Embryonic whorl not distinctly demarked from the after-growth, smooth or granular. Whorls 4- 6 £, convex, separated by deep sutures, the last whorl rounded or car- inated. Aperture lunate or oblong; lip thin, simple or a trifle expanded, the columellar margin more or less dilated. Type T. conspurcatella Morel., pi. 16, fig. 3. (See also pi. 16, fig. 4, T. caca. PL 16, figs. 5, 6, 7, T. hypolepta. PI. 16, figs. 8, 9, 10, T. stig- matica. PI. 16, figs. 1, 2, T. turbiniformis). Foot (of T. peraffinis) narrow, the sole not tripartite ; upper sur- face granulated, the tail having a median sulcus above (pi. 15, fig. 8), sides granulated, with oblique grooves but no distinctly differ- entiated foot-margin (fig. 9). Tail without mucus pore. Genital system unknown, but oviduct (of T.peraffinis) containing several hard and brittle-shelled white eggs. T. vortex has been observed by Morse to be viviparous. In this genus, therefore, as in Sagda, both viviparous and oviparous species occur. Jaw thin and delicate, flexible, strongly arcuate, composed of many flat, narrow lamellae, the free edges of which appear as vertical sir ice ; lower margin of jaw denticulated by the lamella (pi. 15, fig. 7, T. peraffinis. PI. 15, fig. 6, T. turbiniformis). Dentition: Rhachidian tooth with square basal-plate and three stout cusps, the mesocone projecting beyond the basal-plate. Lateral teeth bicuspid, the entocone completely absent. Marginal teeth various in form ; having either (1) a long oblique mesocone, and a small simple or bifid ectocone (T.peraffinis pi. 15, fig. 10, and also T. incrustata, T. ingersolli) ; or (2) the mesocone is bifid by union with the entocone (T.turbiniformispl. 15, fig. 5, and also T.granum, T. vortex, T. pubescens). In T. granum, incrustata and vortex the ectocone is trifid ; in the others it is either simple or bifid. The jaws and teeth of turbiniformis and pubescens, and the teeth of T. cceca have been figured by W. G. Binney, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, pp. 105, 106, 113 ; those of T. incrustata, T. ingersolli and T. 56 THYSANOPHORA. vortex in Terr. Moll, v, p. 170-173, and Man. Amer. L. Sh., p. 356. The jaws and teeth of T. perdepressa and T. peraffinis have been examined by myself. All of these species have essentially the same type of jaw. The teeth vary only in the denticulation of the mar- ginals, as noted above. The jaw is distinctly stegognathous in type, being more like that of Flammulina than that of Pyramidula. The absence of a parapodial groove widely sunders this genus from Pyramidula, Cfiaropa, Phasis and Amphidoxa. The first of these groups differs also in the structure of the jaw. Thysanophora agrees with Hyalosagda in characters of the jaw, dentition, foot and the calcareous-shelled eggs. The shell of Thysanophora somewhat resembles that of Pyrami- dula ; but it is less opaque, never flame-painted nor strongly rib- striate. The columella moreover is generally dilated as in Trachy- cystis. The species inhabit the Greater Antilles, with a few in Bermuda, Florida and the Gulf States, and extending to the Middle American mainland from Vera Cruz and Yucatan south to Trinidad. The forms from the periphery of this area are small or minute, but in the large West Indian islands species of considerable size occur. These snails live upon the ground, under leaves or stones. More than any other group of Antillean Helices, the Sagda-Thy- sanophora-Zaphysema group impresses us as being an original West Indian element. The other main genera of the Antilles, Pleurodonte and Hemitrochus, with the allies of each, show far-reaching affinities with Old world Helices ; and Polygyra has been derived from the North American fauna ; but not only is the Sagda-Thysanophora- Zaphysema group characteristic of the Antillean region now, but no Helices known to approach them in morphology of genitalia and shell have been found in any other part of the world. Thus, as far as present knowledge enables us to judge, of the three main stocks into which the West Indian Helix fauna is sharply divided, the Thysanophora, etc., phylum is that which has longest occupied the region, and probably developed its peculiar features therein, arising from some very early, un differentiated Helix stock of the Poly- placognathous type. The other two great groups are much later (although still ancient) elements, which reached the Antillean tract after their essential anatomical features had become well estab- lished. THYSANOPHORA. 57 The forms of this genus are so little known anatomically that any attempt at sectional division would now be premature. By purely conchological standards, three sections are indicated : (a) Thysano- pJwra restricted, including small forms having cuticular riblets more oblique than, and crossing, the growth-lines. This may include- Ptychopatula (type c.ceea, pi. 16, fig. 4) which differs in being globosely elevated with only a minute umbilicus. Acanthinula of Strebeland v. Martens (in Biol. Centr. Amer.) is a synonym. (2) forms of the type of vortex, with smoother surface, the spire varying from flat to pyramidal ; mostly Antillean. . T. ptychodes, T. turbiniformis (pi. 16, figs. 1, 2), etc., belong here also. (3) Larger forms, with the spire mostly depressed, sometimes concave, the surface minutely roughened or bristly, such as T. stigmatica (pi. 16, figs. 8, 9, 10), T suavis, T. velutina, etc., from the Greater Antilles, and T. sigmoides from Guatemala. Species of the mainland, Trinidad to Texas and Florida, etc. T. conspurcatella Morel, iii. 50. T. venezuelensis Jouss. viii, 112. T. impura Pfr. iii, 50. T. rojasi Jouss. viii, 112. T. incrustata Poey. ii, 204. T. vortex Pir. iii, 93. T. ingersolli Bid. iii, 101. T. turbinella Morel, iii, 51. T. paleosa Streb. iii, 50. T. csecoides Gupp. iii, 55. T. granum Streb. iii, 55. T. guatemalensis C. & F. ii, 174. T. ierensis Gupp. iii. 55. T. coloba Pils. T. plagioptycha Sh. ii, 174. T. punctum Morel, iii, 53. T. dioscoricola C. B. Ad. ii, 174. T. intonsa Pils. viii, 111. T. cseca Guppy. iii, 55. T. sigmoides Morel, iii, 101. T. bactricola Guppy. iii, 55. vitrinoides Tristr. T. hornii Gabb. iii, 21. [Of the above species, T. granum and ierensis are probably mere varieties of plagioptycha, and T. cceca and punctum varieties of dios- coricola. Specimens of all the above, except turbinella, guatemalensis, venezuelensis, rojasi and punctum are in the collection of the Academy.] Species of the West Indies and Bermuda,. T. alveus C. B. Ad. iii, 98. T. musicola Shutt. iii, 97. T. angustispira C. B. Ad. iii, 97. v. major Crosse. T. anthoniana C. B. Ad. iii, 96. T. peraffinis C. B. Ad. iii, 98. 58 THYSANOPHORA-SAGDA. T. arecibensis Pfr. iii, 58. T. boothiana Pfr. iii, 97. v. vitrina C. B. Ad. iii, 97. T. brevior C. B. Ad. iii, 99. depressa Ad. T. cyclostomoides Pfr. iii, 100. T. debilis Pfr. iii, 101. fragilis Pfr. T. desiderata Pfr. iii, 96. T. diminuta C. B. Ad. iii, 99. T. dioscoricola C. B. Ad. ii, 174. T. elatior Weinl. & Mts. iii, 97. T. euclasta Shutt. iii, 97. wuifti Pfr. T. fuscula C. B. Ad. iii, 98. T. gracilis Poey. T. hilum Weinl. & Mts. T. hypolepta Shutt. viii, 111. T. iramunda C. B. Ad. iii, 99. T. inaguensis Weinl. iii, 41. T. inconspicua C. B. Ad. iii, 99. T. incrustata Poey, ii, 201. inerassata Rve. saxicola Gld. T. jeannereti Pfr. iii, 53. T. krugiana Mart. T. leucoraphe Pfr. iv, 77. T. montetaurica Pfr. iii, 97. T. perdepressa C. B. Ad. iii, 100. T. plagioptycha Shutt. ii, 174. T. portoricensis Pfr. iii, 96. T. prominula Pfr. T. pruinosa Pfr. iii, 186. T. ptychodes Pfr. iii, 100. T. pubescens Pfr. iii, 184. T. raripila Morel, iii, 101. T. rufula Pfr. iii, 99. T. sincera C. B. Ad. iii, 99. T. spreta C. B. Ad. iii, 98. v. errans Ad. iii, 98. T. stigmatica Pfr. iii, 100. T. suavis Gundl. iii, 100. T. subaquila Shutt. iii, 98. T. tichostoma Pfr. iii, 100. lamellina Newc. T. translucens Gundl. iii, 96. T. turbiniformis Pfr. iii, 96. subpyramidaJis C. B. Ad. macnabiana Chitty. pyramidatoides d'Orb. T. velutina Lam. iii, 100. T. virescens Pfr. iii, 96. T. vortex Pfr. iii, 98. selenina Gld. otellina Rose. v. bracteola Fer. Genus SAGDA Beck, 1837. Sagda BECK, Index Molluscorum p. 9 (for alveolata B. and aiistralis Ch. B.). — A LEERS-MARTENS, Die Hel. p. 76. — SHUTTLE- WORTH, Bern. Mittheil. 1853, p. 85. — See also BINNEY, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 88. — SEMPER, Reisen im Archip. Phil., Landmoll., p. 128, and PILSBRY, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1892, p. 213.— Epistilia SWAINS. Malacol., p. 165, type E. conica Swains., I. c., f. 18a \_—S.jayanaT\. — Epistyla SWAINS., /. c., p. 331, type E. conica Sw. [— $. cookiana /]. -\-Hyalosagda ALB. and Odontosagda MARTENS, Die Hel., p. 77, 78. SAGDA. 59 Shell having the texture of Zonites or Hyalinia, imperforate or umbilicate, varying in form from depressed and subdiscoidal to globose-conic or trochoidal ; whorls 6-9, narrow and slowly increas- ing, the last not deflexed in front. Aperture nearly vertical, lunate, either with or without internal laminse; lip thin, sharp and simple, slightly dilated or reflexed at the axis ; columella short, having a callous fold, or thin and simple. Type S. cookiana Gmel., pi. 16, figs. 11, 12, 13. (See also pi. 16, figs. 14-20). Animal viviparous, or oviparous with hard-shelled eggs. Foot extremely long and narrow (the sole in S. similis measuring length 20, width 3 mill.), strongly granulated above, the tail having an impressed median longitudinal line or groove, acute behind ; sides of foot without longitudinal grooves, but marked by a zigzag line (pi. 35, fig. 7) ; sole not divided longitudinally (pi. 35, fig. 8, S. similis). Genital system much elongated, the vestibule short. Penis long, the vas deferens and aflaaellum inserted at its apex (pi. 35, fig. 2), and an elongated appendix inserted at the lower third (appendix of S. similis seen convoluted in the normal manner in pi. 35, fig. 2, partially straightened out in pi. 35, fig. 3). Vagina long and nar- row ; uterus larger, containing eggs or young shells; dud of sper- matheca very long, expanded near the base (pi. 35, fig. 4, S. similis). See also pi. 21, fig. 9, penis of S. cookiana, p. penis, a. appendix, r. p. retractor muscle,^, flagellum. Fig. 10 shows the appendix parti- ally uncoiled. Jaw thin, arcuate, smooth, with a slight median projection or none in S. foremaniana, haldemaniana, jay ana and cookiana (pi. 21, fig. 8). In S. similis (pi. 35, fig. 6) it is thin, arched, and of the stegognath- ous type, being composed of 27 narrow flat vertical plates, soldered together, the outer imbricating edges of which are distinctly visible. Radula having the transverse rows of teeth nearly straight. Central teeth having a square basal-plate and three cusps, the meso- cone longer than the basal-plate. Lateral teeth bicuspid, the meso- cone long. Marginal teeth also bicuspid. (PI. 21, fig. 7, S. cook- iana ; pi. 35, fig. 5, S. similis; pi. 35, fig. 1, S. haldemaniana'). The jaw of foremaniana has been described by Semper, that of haldemaniana smdjayana by Binney, that of cookiana by myself; all agree in being smooth (oxygnathous) as described above. The jaw of S. similis, examined by the writer, is of the plaited type. The teeth of for email iana are described by Semper, those of connectens, 60 SAGDA. haldemaniana andjayana by Binney. All agree with the descrip- tion given above, and with those of S. similis and S. cookiana examined by the writer. The prominent features of the shell in this genus, are its Zonites- like texture, the subvertical aperture, and sharp simple lip. The genital system is peculiar for its appendix and flagelium on the penis, and the long spermatheca duct. The teeth of the species investigated agree in the long mesocones, constantly present ecto- cones, and bicuspid marginals. The jaw in the typical forms is smooth, by the complete union of its component laminae; in the section Hyalosagda, which is nearer the ancestral stock, the jaw shows vertical imbricating plates, as in Tkysanophora, Flammulina, etc. The genus Sagda is by no means so isolated in the family of Helices as has been supposed. Its relationship with Thysanophora and especially with Zaphysema, is moderately intimate. The analogy of the shell of Sagda with that of the Zonitid genus Gastrodonla is remarkable. Both contain forms with spiral internal laminae, and depressed forms without laminae ; the section Hyalo- sagda being quite comparable to the section Zonitoides. Gastrvdonta too, has elevated forms (G. ligera, etc.) recalling Sagda in contour. Sagda is confined to the island of Jamaica, with the exception of the subgenus Odontosagda inhabiting Haiti and Cuba. The species and forms are numerous, extremely variable, and correspond- ingly difficult to determine. This difficulty is enhanced by the fact that some of the best specific characters can be seen only by break- ing an opening in the last whorl a half volution behind the aperture ; the vicinity of the suture being the best place for the incision. By this means only may the form and length of the lamellse be observed, as is the case with Plectopylis and some other groups. The lamellae are present in young specimens, but are progressively absorbed as the animal grows, so that in adults they do not extend inward much beyond the last whorl. The basal lamina is sometimes totally absent in species normally possessing it, just as in Gastrodonta ; but as in that genus, it is a comparatively rare condition in most species. Subdivisions. Section Sagda (restricted). Shell imperforate, the axis solid ; aperture having a spiral lamina within the last whorl and generally a fold on the columella. Type S. cookiana, pi. 16, figs. 11-13. (See also pi. 16, figs. 16, 17, S. connectens, and pi. 16, figs. 14, 15, S. alligans.) SAGDA. 61 Animal viviparous, the young at birth being depressed-globose, flattened above, thin, translucent, perforated ; composed of 2£ whorls; measuring nearly one-fifth the diameter of the adult. We have observed young shells in specimens of cookiana, foremaniana and ambigua. Section Hyalosagda Martens. Shell perforate or umbilicate, glassy, thin and depressed. Aperture with no internal lamellaB or teeth. Type S. similis, pi. 16, figs. 18, 19, 20. Animal oviparous, the eggs short-oval, with a hard, white, smooth calcareous shell ; the length of its longest axis contained 5 to 6 times in the diameter of the shell. We have found eggs in S. haldemani- ana and S. similis. Subgenus ODONTOSAGDA Martens. Small, thin and umbilicated ; internal laminae interrupted ; columella thin. The extreme difficulty of the genus, and the inadequacy of the accounts of it in the works of PfeifFer, Reeve and Tryon, induce me to offer the following key to the species. Shuttle worth has published an excellent revision of the group. All known Jamaica species are represented in the collection of the Academy. Key to the species of Sag da. I. Aperture provided with internal teeth or laminae. a. Basal lamina either interrupted, or less than i whorl in length ; base very convex ; form subglobose or globose-conic. 6. Base deeply impressed at columella ; basal lamina interrupted. c. Globose-conic ; solid, strong, yellow ; col- umellar fold weak or obsolete; basal lamina interrupted forming several teeth ; whorls 9 ; alt. 21, diam. 22 mill. cookiana. bb. Base not deeply impressed ; basal lamina continuous ; columella with a nodule-like fold. c. Globose-pyramidal ; base globosely convex, not impressed at columella ; solid, strong, yellow ; columellar fold a strong nodule, not entering; basal lamina very strong, i 62 SAGDA. whorl long ; whorls 7 ; alt. 16-18, diam. 17 mill. foremaniana. cc. Globose ; thin, subtranslucent, corneous ; base globosely convex, hardly impressed ; columellar fold strong and heavy, spirally entering; basal lamina strong, short, one- fourth whorl long ; whorls 6; alt. 12, diam. 12-13 mill. pila. GGC. Globose-subconic ; thin but rather solid, translucent ; base very convex, only slightly impressed ; columellar fold a stout nodular callus, somewhat entering; basal lamina strong, about i whorl long ; an additional small fold developed between basal and col- umella folds; whorls 6-7 ; alt. 16, diam. 16 mill.; alt. 11, diam. 13 mill, triptycha. aa. Basal lamina 3 to £ whorl long, continuous ; base not not- ably convex. b. Large, solid and elevated. G. Trochoidal ; base not excavated in the middle; no columellar fold; basal lamina deep-seated, about * whorl long ; whorls 8 ; alt. 24-26, diam. 27-30 mill. alligans. cc. Elevated trochoidal ; base deeply excavated in the middle ; columellar fold and basal lamina strong within, spirally entering, but sometimes neither is visible from the aper- ture ; whorls 9 ; alt. 25, diam. 27-28 mill. ; alt. 18, diam. 24 mill. jayana. bb. Small, thin, depressed. c. Depressed-subglobose, thin, subtranslucent greenish-yellow, the surface minutely spic- ulose ; base slightly excavated ; columella calloused ; lamina peripheral in position, extending nearly to lip-edge ; whorls 6 ; alt. 9, diam. 13 mill. lamellifera. cc. Subdiscoidal, thin, translucent, polished ; base excavated ; columella calloused ; basal lamina not deep-seated, i— $ whorl long; whorls 6J ; alt. 6J, diam. 11 mill. osculans. SAGDA. 63 aaa. Basal lamina one whorl long or more. b. Lamina peripheral in position, lamellifera. bb. Lamina basal in position. c. Much depressed-trochoida}, solid, somewhat translucent, smooth ; base but little excav- ated; columellar fold small or obsolete; basal lamina more than a whorl long; whorls 7-1-9 ; alt. 16, diam. 23-25 mill. connectens. cc. Trochoidal, solid, strong, costulate-siriate above the periphery ; no columellar fold; basal lamina a full whorl long; whorls 7; alt. 17, diam. 20 mill.; alt. 13, diam. 16 mill. epistylioides. ccc. Globose-trochoidal, solid, strong ; base some- what excavated ; columellar fold strong and lamellar within ; basal lamina strong, about one whorl long; whorls 8; alt. 18, diam. 19 mill. Smaller and paler than jay ana, with less excavated base, but probably a variety ofjayana. alveare. cccc. Elevated trochoidal, solid, strong and opaque; base deeply excavated ; columellar fold and basal lamina strong within, but often not visible from the aperture ; whorls 9 ; alt. 25, diam. 27-28 mill. ; alt. 18, diam. 24 mill. jayana. ccccc. Globose-trochoidal, solid but thin, covered with a yellow cuticle bearing minute spicules or pitted; base depressed, excavated; col- umella with a strong lamellar fold ; basal lamina long; whorls 8; alt. 12, diam. 14J mill. spiculosa. cccccc. Elevated, pyramidal, solid, subtranslucent ; upper whorls finely costulate-striate; base narrowly and but little excavated ; columella having a blunt callous fold, spirally enter- ing', ^ basal lamina strong, about one whorl long; whorls 8-9 ; alt. 17, diam. 16 mill., torrefacta. 64 SAGDA. II. Aperture lacking internal teeth or laminae. a. Umbilicus moderate, its breadth contained 9-15 times in diameter of shell. b. Diam. 13-16, alt. 7-9 mill. similis. bb. Diam. 9-10, alt. 5-5 J mill. hollandi. bbb. Diam. 3-4, alt. 1£-H mill. brevis. aa. Umbilicus reduced to a perforation partly closed by the reflexed columelJa, or wholly closed and imperforate. b. Imperforate; base depressed; alt. lli-12, diam. 5 i-7 mill. osculans v. delaminata. bb. Perforated ; base convex, well impressed in the middle. c. Diam. 11-12 mill. haldemaniana. cc. Diam. 9-10 mill. ambigua. Species of Sagda. [See pi. 16, figs. 11-13, S. cookiana \ pi. 16, figs. 14, 15f 8. alligans; pi. 16, figs. 16, 17, S. connectens-, pi. 16, figs. 18-20, S. similis.] S. cookiana Gmel., iii, 6. austral is Chem., auct. conica Swains. epistylium Dillw., Sowb. foremaniana Rve. S. foremaniana C. B. Ad., iii, 7. S. pila C. B. Ad., iii, 8. S. triptycha Shuttl., iii, 7. S. alligans C. B. Ad., iii, 6. epistylium Pfr. & Rve., not / alveolata Beck. [Mull. S. connectens C. B. Ad., iii, 6. S. osculans C. B. Ad., iii, 8. v. delaminata Ad. S. ambigua C. B. Ad., iii, 9. S. lamellifera C.B. Ad., iii, 8. S. epistylioides Fer., iii, 6. S. jayana C. B. Ad., iii, 6. f alveolata Beck (undesc.). cookiana Pfr. alligans Rve. sayana Alb.-Martens. f conica Swains. S. alveare Pfr., iii, 7. S. spiculosa Shuttl., iii, 7. S. torrefacta C. B. Ad., iii, 7. (Section Hyalosagda*). S. similis C. B. Ad., iii, 9. S. haldemaniana Ad., iii, 8. arboreoides Ad. S. hollandi C. B. Ad., iii, 9. S. ? brevis C. B. Ad., iii, 9. SAGDA-ZAPHYSEMA. 65 Subgenus ODONTOPAGDA Martens, 1860. Odontosagda MARTENS, in Albers, Die Hel., p. 78. Shell small, depressed, thin, whitish, smooth, umbilicated, with 5-6 convex narrow whorls ; base convex. Aperture subvertical, lunate, - the lip thin and simple ; interior having upon the basal wall several spiral laminw interrupted into teeth, or with such a spiral lamina and a series of transverse blades ; eolumella thin, not calloused nor toothed. Type S.polyodon (see pi. 20, figs. 35, 36, S. hillei GundL). Anatomy unknown. Distribution, Haiti and eastern Cuba. This group differs from the toothed Sagdas of Jamaica in the perforated or umbilicate shell and the interrupted laminae. S. polyodon Weinl. & Mart, ii, S. blandi Weinl. iii, 8. [201. S. hillei Gundl. ii, 199. Species erroneously referred by authors to Sagda : H. epistyliulum C. B. Ad. is a Guppya. H. circumfirmata and discrepans belong to the Zonitidce, genus Pcecilozonites. Genus ZAPHYSEMA Pilsbry, 1894. Cysticopsis, in part, of authors. Shell globose, thin, unicolored brownish, smooth except for slight growth-wrinkles ; imperforate, the axis solid ; composed of 5 to (5 convex whorls the embryonic shell consisting of two whorls, its junc- tion with the after-growth marked by an indistinct oblique line ; the last whorl much wider, large and inflated, hardly deflexed in front. Aperture large, round-lunate, moderately oblique, and toothless ; the lip thin, sharp and simple, dilated and closely appressed at the white-calloused eolumella. Type Helix tenerrima C. B. Ad., pi. 16, fig. 21. Foot black, rather short, granulated and obliquely grooved above, as in Thysanophora and Sagda, the tail obtuse, having a median lon- gitudinal groove above ; anterior half of the foot traversed on each side by an obliquely descending groove arising about the middle of the mantle insertion. Sole indistinctly tripartite. The figures of the foot of Thysanophora peraffinis (pi. 15, figs. 8, 9, upper and lateral views) well represent that of Z. tenerrima also. Genital system having a short vertibule. Penis long, the vas def- erens inserted near the apex, where a long flagellum and a curved appendage are inserted ; at the lower third of the penis arises an , UNIVERSITY r^.-" / 66 ZAPHYSEMA. appendix, which seems to be glandular, and terminates in two long flagellum-like organs ; the retractor-muscle arises from a median dilation of the penis. Vagina short, narrow ; uterus enormously distended with young shells. Spermatheca globular, situated on a very long duct, which is apparently branched (pi. 35, fig. 12, Z. tener- rima). Jaw wide, arcuate, with a slight median projection ; composed of narrow vertical flat plates soldered together, their outer imbricating edges appearing as delicate spaced vertical strise ; above projects a narrow conical process, springing from the middle of its surface (pi. 35, fig. 10, Z. tumida). Radula composed of short teeth with square basal-plates. Centrals having the mesocone about as long as the basal-plate, and very broad, side cusps small but well developed. Lateral teeth similar, but lacking entocones. Marginal teeth low and wide, the mesocone large, sometimes bifid at the apex ; ectocone simple or bifid (pi. 35, fig. 11, Z. tenerrima', pi. 35, fig. 9, Z. tumida'). Distribution, Jamaica. The shell in this genus is globose, with large body-whorl, spire convex or low-conoidal, lip sharp and thin. The jaw is like that of Thysanophora and Sagda in structure, being of the stegognathous type. The dentition closely resembles that of the two genera named, but in Sagda the mesocones are longer. The foot in the three genera Thysanophora, Sagda and Zaphysema is practically the same in structure. The genital system is similar in general features to that of Sagda. The modes of reproduction are identical in the three groups. Binney has examined the jaw and teeth of Z. tumida; the writer has figured the teeth and genitalia of Z. tenerrima. The other species are still unknown anatomically. The group Cysticopsis, in which these forms have hitherto been placed, differs widely from them in anatomical features. It must be included in the genus Hemitrochus as a sectional division. In the single individual of Z. tenerrima examined, the thin- walled uterus contained 27 young shells, and an egg, which was globular, with thin brittle white shell. The young shells are •depressed-globular, translucent, often iridescent, and measure alt. 1'5, diam. 2 mill. ; whorls two. It would seem that in Thysanophora, Sagda and Zaphysema eggs are normally formed, having the shell .hard and calcareous. In some species of each group the eggs PRATICOLELLA. 67 develop and hatch within the uterus, the young snails consume their egg-shells, using the lime for shell-building; they attain a growth of about two whorls or more before birth. In other species this pro- longation of the antenatal period has not been established, and hard- shelled eggs are brought forth. Species of Zaphysema. Z. macmurrayi C. B. Ad., v, 7. Z. tumida Pfr., v, 8. Z. buddiaua C. B. Ad., v, 7. tmiicata C. B. Ad. Z. muuda C. B. Ad., v, 9. Z. tenerrima C. B. Ad., v, 8. Z. columellata C. B. Ad. v, 9. Genus PRATICOLELLA v. Martens, 1892. Praticola STREBEL & Pfeffer, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Su'ssw. Conch, iv, p. 38, 1880, type P. ocampi. Not Praticola Swains., 1837.—Praticolella v. MART., Biol. Centr. Arner., Moll., p. 138.— Dor- casia BINNEY, Terr. Moll, v, p. 346, not of Gray. — See for anatomy, W. G. BINNEY, I. c. ; SEMPER, Phil. Archip. p. 246 ; STREBEL & PFEFFER, I. c. Shell of the ordinary Helix shape; narrowly umbilicated, globose, shining, opaque white or yellowish with translucent corneous and brownish spiral bands, the most constant band supraperipheral in position. Aperture lunate-rounded, slightly oblique, lip narrowly reflexed, dilated at the columellar insertion, sometimes thickened within. Type P. ampla Pfr. (see pi. 20, figs. 26, 27, P. griseola ; pi. 20, fig. 28, P. berlandieriana ; pi. 20, figs. 29, 30, 31, P. flavescens). Mantle having both right and left body-lappets; sole indistinctly tripartite, the central area not sharply separated from the sides, but darker colored (in spirit). Genitalia (pi. 21, figs. 1-4, P. ocampi=ampla) Female organs as in Polygyra, without dart sack, mucus glands or other accessory organs ; spermatheca oval, its duct simple and very short. Penis large, the vas deferens inserted at its apex ; retractor trifid, one branch inserted at apex and one at middle of penis, with a small branch to vas defer- ens (fig. 2). Cavity of penis containing a tongue shaped papilla (pi. 21, fig. 3), inserted near apex of cavity ; a fleshy 'ridge arising at the insertion of the vas deferens runs nearly to the base of penis. At the lower third of the penis is inserted a large, club-shaped appendix, 68 PRATICOLELLA-POLYGYRA. opening into the penis by a narrow aperture, and containing two strong longitudinal fleshy ridges (pi. 21, fig. 3). Talon coronated (pi. 21, fig. 4). Jaw arcuate without median projection, sculptured with numerous (12-14) broad, crowded ribs, denticulating both margins, (pi. 21, fig. 5, P. ampla). Radula having the central teeth tricuspid, mesocones with a long reflection, the cutting points projecting beyond the basal-plates, ecto- cones shortly reflected with long cutting points. Laterals similar but lacking entocones. Marginal teeth low, wide, the mesocone and ectocone both bifid (pi. 21, fig. 6, P. griseola). Distribution : eastern Mexico and Texas. The species live in open fields and chaparral. The most important anatomical features of this group are the simplicity of the female generative system, which is like Polygyra in its' short spermatheca duct, lobed talon and other characters; the male system being also like Polygyra except that the retractor has a triple insertion, and the penis has a large appendix. Jaw as in Polygyra, section Stenotrema ; teeth of radula as in Polygyra. External features also like Polygyra. Our knowledge of the anat- omy is due to the investigations of Leidy,Binney, Semper and Pfeffer. Von Martens is in error in attributing a dart sack to this group, and in placing it as a subgenus under Helix s. str. ; it is intimately allied to Polygyra, the large appendix and split penis retractor being the only anatomical features separating Praticolella from Polygyra, the texture of the shell offering another differential feature. P. griseola Pfr., iv, 76. P. ampla Pfr. cicercula Fer., Dh. ocampi Streb. iv, 76. pisum Beck. P. flavescens (Wiegm.) Pfr., iv, albocincta Binn. [75. albozonata Biun. P. berlandieriana Moric. iv, 76. albolineata Old. pachyloma Mke. splendidula Ant. Genus POLYGYRA Say, 1818. Polygyra SAY, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila, i, p. 278 (proposed for auriculata, avara and seplemvolva). — PILSBRY, Proc. Acad. N. S. Phila. 1889, p. 193 ; 1892, p. 400. Plus Dcedalocheila BECK, Index, p. 21 (for auriculata, avara and implicata). — Triodopsis RAFINESQUE, Journ. de Phys., etc., Ixxxviii, POLYGYRA. 69 p. 425, 1819 ; Enum. and Acct. etc., p. 3, 1831 (type Tr. lunula,= H. tridentata Say). -\-Menomphis RAF., /. c. — Xolotrem,a RAF., I. c., (proposed for X. lunula, X. triodopsis and X. clausa, all undescribed and unidentified). — Odotropis, Chimotrema and Toxotrema RAF., Jotirn. de Phys., t. c., p. 425 (y=Stenotrema). — Stenotrema RAF., /. c.~ (type S. convexa=H. stenotrema Fer.). — Aplodon RAF., I. c. (type A. nodosum ; undescribed and unidentified). — Stenostoma RAF., Enum. and Account, 1831 (type S. convexa Raf.). Mesodon RAF., /. c. (type M. maculatum Raf., unidentified). — Trophodon and Odomph- ium RAF., 1. c. unidentified. — Ulostoma ALBERS, Die Hel. 1850, p. 95 (=Polygyra s. str., Stenotrema, Triodopsis, etc. Not Ulostoma TRYON!). — Patera ALBERS, I. c., p. 96 (=Mesodon auct.). — Cyclo- doma SWAINS, (part), Malacol., p. 193. — Tridopsis BECK, Index Moll., p. 22 ; GRAY, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 173, type If. plicata. Helicodonta (in part) FER., Prodrom., p. 33. — Anchutoma (in part) H. & A. AD., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 205, 1858. — Angystoma (in part) KLEIN, Tent. Meth. Ostr., p. 10, 1753 (pre-Linnsean). Neohelix v. IHERING, Zeitschr. f. Wissensch. Zool. liv, p. 482, 1892 (=Polygyra Pils.). Con/. W. G. BINNEY, Terr. Moll, v, and STREBEL & PfeflFer, Mex. Land- u. Siisswasser-Moll. (anatomy). Shell helicoid, varying from globose or depressed-globose to lens- shaped or planorboid, the periphery carinated or rounded ; umbilicus either open or closed. Surface striated or hirsute ; corneous, yellow or brown, generally unicolored, but sometimes with many bands, the most constant being supra-peripheral, the others when present being wholly indefinite in number and position. Lip well reflexed; aper- ture typically obstructed by three teeth, — one parietal, two upon the lip ; but any or all teeth often wanting. Animal externally as in Helix, the mantle subcentral, foot rather long and narrow, not distinctly tripartite below, and without longitu- dinal grooves above the lateral margins, although a sort of foot- margin is produced by the tessellated granulation of the edge. Sur- face rather coarsely irregularly granulated, the granulation finer posteriorly ; back with a pair of indistinct grooves extending from mantle to facial area; sides of foot, and sides and top of tail without any distinct oblique or longitudinal lines, irregularly granulated ; tail rounded above, obtuse behind. Mantel edge reflexed to correspond with the lip of the shell, its edge even ; shell lappets none ; body- 70 POLYGYRA. |appets small, the right one long, giving off a short ascending branch behind the lung-pore ; left lappet very small, short. Genitalia completely lacking accessory organs ; retractor and vas deferens inserted at the apex of the penis. Spermatheca oval or oblong, situated upon a short simple duct (pi. 30, fig. 6, P. troost- iana; pi. 30, fig. 12, P. inflecta; pi. 30, fig. 20, Rclausa-, pi. 31, fig. 27, P. spinosa ; pi. 21, figs. 12-16, P. albolabris^ The penis is divided internally into two parts: (1) a lower, .invertible portion, the inner surface of which shows few or many longitudinal folds, which are smooth and may be either weak or strong and acute ; and (2) an upper portion the cavity of which has finely corrugated walls and is partially filled by one or two fleshy pillars adherent along the sides. Jaw arcuate, solid and strong, sculptured with 7 to 20 strong con- vex ribs; cutting edge without median projection, but denticulated by the ribs (pi. 30, fig. 19, P. sayi Binn. ; pi. 30, fig. 21, P. kiawaen- sis Simp.; pi. 21, fig. 11, P. albolabris Say). Distribution : North America (exclusive of some parts of the south- western U. S.) ; Cuba, Bahamas and Bermuda. The white-lipped Helices of North America form a very distinct and homogeneous genus, well distinguished by characters of the shell and still more by those of the soft parts. The group, in practically its present limits, was first defined in 1889, by the writer; subse- quently the European forms supposed by former authors to be allied to Triodopsis were shown to differ generically (Journ. de Conchyl. 1891, p. 22). Dr. H. v. Ihering has more recently discussed the genus, under the new name, Neohelix (Zeitschr. f. wissenschaftl. Zool. 1892, p. 482). This name must be considered superfluous, on account of the priority of no less than twenty other more or less available generic or subgeneric names proposed by various authors. No snails referable to Polygyra have been found in any part of the Old World, or in South America, either living or fossil. It is there- fore highly probable that the genus arose and developed its peculiar- ities upon eastern North American soil. The West Indian species are to be regarded as stragglers from the continental fauna, just as Hemitrochus, Liguus and Thysanophora in Florida are emigrants from the Antillean fauna. A former connection between southern Florida and the Great Antilles is demonstrated by the Pliocene fauna of the former; but the connection was probably not direct, POLYGYRA. 71 but by way of the Bahama bank, which had previously been connected with Cuba and Haiti. The question of the relationships of Polygyra is beset with diffi- culties. I had formerly grouped the genus with Pyramidula, etc, but the characters of the foot peremptorily forbid such association. Dr. v. Ihering suggests the possibility that it may be either a modi- fied branch of Arionta in which thegenitalia have become simple by degeneration, or a further development of Patula. The latter hypoth- esis is untenable. The former has as yet no facts to support it. No fossils now known throw light upon the problem. From what we know of the living forms of Polygyra, it is likely that their common ancestor possessed a shell with tridentate aperture, reflected lip, and a color-band above the periphery. It is not unlikely that the group represents an early stage of the true Helix phylum, which did not share the evolution of the accessory organs of the genitalia now characteristic of the Pentatcenia, Campylcea, Cochloetyla, etc. Polygyra divides into three sections, typically very distinct in in appearance, but closely connected by more or less intermediate species. The anatomy is practically the same throughout. Section Polygyra Say, (restricted). Shell depressed ; umbilicated, or having a curved groove caused by the tangential deviation of the last whorl. Aperture somewhat kidney-shaped or ear-shaped, the lip continued in an elevated v-shaped callus across the parietal wall : outer lip having two teeth or none. Type P. septemvolva Say, pi. 30, figs. 1, 2, 3. (See also pi. 30, fig. 4, P. auriculata Say). Central teeth tricuspid, the side cusps well developed ; laterals bicuspid ; marginal teeth generally having the mesocone bifid at tip, at least on the extreme margin of the radula, ectocone simple (pi. 30, fig. 5, P. septemvolva ; pi. 30, fig. 7, postelliana*). Genital system as described above (pi. 30, fig. 6, P. troostiana). This section comprises some very aberrant species, but the extremes are so closely connected by intermediate forms that no use- ful subdivisions can be maintained. The synonymy of the restricted section Polygyra comprises the names Dcedalocheila, Ulostoma and Cyclodoma. The species inhabit the Southern States, a few ranging as far north as South Carolina, Kentucky and Missouri, extending southward throughout Mexico. In the West Indies species are found in the 72 POLYGYRA. Bermudas, Bahamas and Cuba. Most species, such as cereolus, aurifor- mis, mooreana, etc. are gregarious, and occur in great numbers. All are ground snails, living at the roots of grass, or under bits of wood or leaves ; and while some forms such as auriformis are found only in the immediate proximity of water, others occur in very dry situa- tions, the arid mesquite chaparral of southern Texas being inhabited by texasiana and mooreana. Species without teeth on the outer lip. Bland has published an excellent essay upon these forms in Annals N. Y. Lyceum vii, 132, 1860, but his material was not extensive enough to show the intermediate forms now known. The forms included under P. cereolus are absolutely connected by a series of transitions, in which the supposed specific characters found in the striation or ribbing, the degree of carination, number of whorls, form of umbilicus and presence or absence of an internal lamina, blend by imperceptible degrees. The typical cereolus is found on the Florida keys and adjacent mainland ; it passes into the smaller form carpenteriana, which con- tinues up the coast, mainly westward ; occurring also at Matanzas, Cuba! In central and eastern Florida septemvolva occurs, its small race volvoxis spreading north to St. Simon's I., Georgia, and to the west (under the name febigeri) it occurs at New Orleans, La., and Galveston, Texas. Var microdonta, which is typically quite distinct in its fine striation, occurs abundantly in Bermuda, and also on New Providence (at Nassau), Bahamas. At the latter locality transition forms occur; and it must also be noted that some specimens of volvoxis from Florida (Tampa) and carpenteriana (Key Biscayne) show striation equally fine. Species of this group inhabit the neigh- borhood of the sea, and generally occur in great numbers. Besides the species enumerated below there is another Polygyra with tooth- less outer lip, P. anilis ; but its relationships are with an entirely different group of forms. (Key to species and varieties). a. Parietal tooth minute, not connected with columellar lip by a raised callus ; no internal lamina. paludosa. aa. Parietal tooth connected with a raised parietal callus. b. Internal lamina present; upper surface strongly ribbed. c. Size large ; whorls 7-10. cereolus. POLYGYRA. 73 cc. Size small ; whorls 6, the last contracted in its first half, its last half notably swollen. carp enter iana. bb. No internal lamina. c. Upper surface coarsely ribbed. d. Size large, whorls 7 or more. septemvolva. dd. Size smaller, whorls 5£-7, volvoxis. cc. Upper surface very finely striated. microdonta. P. cereolus Miihlf.,iii, 128. laminifera W. G. B. /. carpenteriana Bid. microdonta W. G. B., olim. /. septemvolva Say. planorbula Lam. polygyrata " Binn." Pfr. /. volvoxis Pfr. febigeri Bid. /. floridana Hemph. Var. microdonta Desh. delitescens Shutt., undesc. cheilodon Say, Bid. f plana Dkr. P. paludosa Pfr. iii, 129. lingulata Fer., Dh. ramonis d'Orb. ramondi d'Orb., Atlas. insularum Beck, undesc. ; bardenflehtii B., Villa. Species with teeth on the outer lip. With the exception of P. johannis of Cuba, the species of this sec- tion are all continental. The auriculata series inhabits the southern tier of Gulf States, from Florida to Texas; the dorfeuilliana series is confined to the more or less mountainous region south of the Ohio River, from Tennessee to Oklahoma; the texasiana — acutedentata series is from Mexico, extending into Texas along the northern -continuation of the Sonoran fauna and flora. P. auriculata Say, iii, 137. v. microforis Dall, iii, 138. P. uvulifera Shutt, iii, 137. florulifera Rve. P. auriformis Bid., iii, 137. / sayii Wood, DeKay. P. hazardi Bid., iii, 131. plicataS&y. f finitima Dh. P. dorfeuilliana Lea, iii, 133. v. sampsoni Weth., viii, 152. P. postelliana Bid., iii, 137. P. espiloca (Rav.) Bid., iii, 136. P. avara Say, iii, 136. P. pustula Fer., iii, 131. P) pustuloides Bid., iii, 132. P. leporina Gld., iii, 131. # # P. fastigans Say, iii, 131. fatigiata Say. fastigiata DeK. P.jacksoniBld.,iii, 134. v. deltoidea Simp., viii, 152. P. troostiana Lea, iii, 131. < Of THg 74 POLYGYRA. P. implicata (Beck) Mart, iii, P. ventrosula Pfr., iii, 136. [133. v. hindsii Pfr., iii, 136. P. oppilata Morel, iii, 133. 'P. texasiana Moric., iii, 135. P. dysoni Shuttl., iii, 132. tamaulipasensis Lea, dorfeuilliana Pfr. not Lea. tridonia Beck. P. chiapensis Pfr., iii, 138. P. triodontoides Bid., iii, 135. P. mooreana W. G. B., iii, 135. P. behri Gabb., iii, 134. v. tholus W. G. B., iii, J35. P. ariadnie Pfr., iii, 132. P. yucatanea Morel., iii, 146. couchiana Lea. v. helictomphala Pfr., iii, 130. P. acutedentata W. G. B., iii, P. plagioglossa Pfr., iii, 133. loisa W. G. B., iii, 134. [134. P. dissecta v. Mart., viii, 151. q-uinquedentata F. & C. P. couloni Shuttl., iii, 134. v. unguifera Mouss., iii, 132. P. bicruris Pfr., iii, 136. P. anilis Gabb., iii, 130. P. richardsoni v. Mart., viii, 151. P. bippocrepis Pfr., iii, 134. * # * P. johannis Poey, iii, 130. notata Poey. Section Triodopsis Rafinesque. Triodopsis plus Mesodon of authors. Shell varying from depressed to globose-conoidal, timbilicate or imperforate ; surface generally striated ; whorls 5-6, the last wider, more or less deflexed in front. Aperture lunate, typically obstructed by three teeth, two on the lip, one on the parietal wall ; but any or all of the teeth often absent. Type P. tridentata Say, pi. 30, fig. 8 (see also pi. 30, figs. 9, 10, P. appressa; pi. 30, figs. 13, 14, P. albo- labris var. maritima; pi. 30, figs. 17, 18, P. sayi). Jaw sculptured with numerous moderately spaced ribs (pi. 30, fig. 19, P. sayi; pi. 30, fig. 21, P. kiawaensis-, pi. 21, fig. 11, P. albolabris). Radula having (1) ectocones with cutting-points developed on central lateral and marginal teeth, as in P. tridentata, pi. 30, fig. 11, and P. albolabris, pi. 30, fig. 16, or (2) no side cusps or cutting- points whatever on any of the teeth, as in P. clausa, pi. 30, fig. 15. Genital system as described for the genus (pi. 30, fig. 12, P. inflecta; pi. 30, fig. 20, P. clausa ; pi. 21, figs. 12-16, P. albolabris'). In P. albolabris Say (pi. 21, figs. 12-1 6) the lower third of the penis- POLYGYRA. 75 (the portion everted during copulation) is smooth inside (fig. 15) ; it extends upward in a sort of sheath over the base of the upper portion (figs. 12, 15). This sheath is what Leidy and Biuney call the " prepuce." The upper portion has fleshy walls which are densely corrugated or subgranulated within, and the cavity is almost filled by a thick longitudinal corrugated column,adnate throughout its length to one side (fig. 15, penis slit open longitudinally ; fig. 13, 14, transverse sections of penis with fleshy column). At the apex of the cavity there is a perforated papilla (pi. 21, fig. 13, transverse section), free at its lower end. The retractor muscle is inserted on the vas deferens a short distance above the apex of penis ; its distal end being attached to the floor of the lung cavity. The lower part of the spermatheca duct (pi. 21, fig. 15) is swollen, with fleshy walls which inside are strongly corrugated lengthwise (pi. 21, fig. 16, transverse section). Distribution : Eastern North America from Canada to Florida, west to central Texas and Dakota; in the northwest occurring in Idaho, and on the Pacific slope from Sitka to Santa Cruz, California. Most of the species live around decaying logs or under and upon decaying leaves in forests. Some, like multilineata occur in great numbers on the low, weedy, willow covered flood-plains of rivers; others, like profunda, prefer shady, leaf-carpeted and rocky hill- sides. P. dentifera and P. palliata are found under the loosened bark of hemlock boles, sharing these retreats with Philomycus. Most species come from their hiding-places in the warm days of early spring, and during rainy weather in summer. They may then be found crawling upon the dead leaves, or ascending nettles, etc., the leaves of which they eat. In sunny days after rain, they are found adhering to the lower surfaces of nettle leaves. They never ascend trees. The species enumerated below have been divided by authors into two sections, Triodopsis and Mesodon ; but such division seems to be artificial. Some species of Triodopsis. &YZ known to have varieties lacking lip-teeth, and these would technically fall into Mesodon. In other cases, such as the group of Ida.no and Washington species, all the transitions from tridentate to toothless apertures occur. The group of P. appressa is also a transition group. Tryon has resusi- tated the section-names Xolotrema and Ulostoma. The first of these is a Rafinesquian name totally unidentifiable ; the second was pro- posed by Albers for species of Polygyra s. s. and Triodopsis s. s., and 76 POLYQYRA. did not include either of the forms Tryon uses the name for ! Aplo- don, Raf., has also been used in this connection ; it is positively uni- dentifiable. Species. v. obsoleta Pils. HP. hopetonensis Shutt. iii, 144. ephabus Say, ms. P. vaunostrandi Bid., iii, 145. P. vultuosa Gld., iii, 144. 143. v. henriettse Maz., iii, 144. V^copei Weth., iii, 144. v. cragini Call, iii, 144. P. edentata Samp., viii, 154. edentula W. G. B. . tridentata Say, iii, 143. lunula Raf. v. juxtidens Pils. ^v. edentilabris Pils. P. fraudulenta Pils. fallax auct., not Say, iii, -'P. fallax Say. ^introferens Bid. iii, 145. "P. rugeli Shuttlw.,iii, 147. i/P. inflecta Say, iii, 146. P. mullani Bid., iii, 145. P. columbiana Lea, iii, 154. t- t^v. hemphilli W. G. B., iii, 146. v. labiosa Gld. binominata Tryon, iii, 146. v. armigera Anc., viii, 155. olneyce Pils. P. roperi Pils., viii, 154. v. blandi Hemph. ^P. loricata Gld., iii, 145. v. harfordiana .W. G. B., iii, lecontii Lea. commutanda Anc. [146. P. levettei Bid., iii, 143. salmonensis Tryon, iii, 146. thomsoniana Anc. v. oregonensis Hemph. orobcena Anc. P. devia Gld., iii, 154. baskervillei Pfr. P. profunda Say, iii, 155. richardi Fer. / bulbina Dh. P. sayii Binn., iii, 155. diodonta Say, not Miihlf. v. chilhoweensis Lewis, iii, [155. * P. albolabris Say, iii, 150. rufa DeK. v. maritima Pils. P. kiowaensis Simp., viii, 155. v. arkansaensis Pils., viii, 156. P. townsendiana Lea, iv, 72. pedestris and ruida, Gld. v. ptychophora A. D. Br., iii, [154. f. castanea Hemph. * * v. traversensis Leach. t^^T. major Binn., iii, 150. POLYGYRA. 77 P. andrewsi W. G. B., iii, 150. i P. exoleta Binn., iii. 151. ^zaleta Binn., olim. A-P; multilineata Say, iii, 150. A-F. appressa Say, iii, 148. linguifera Lam. v. peri^rapta Pils. P. sargentiana J. & P., viii, 153. sargenti J. & P., not Bid. P. subpalliata Pils. # t^P. elevata Say, iii, 148. tennesseensis Lea. knoxvilliana Fer. P. divesta Gld., iii, 152. dejecta and abjecta Gld. "P. wetherbyi Bid., iii, 152. ^P. roemeri Pfr., iii, 152. P. dentifera Binn., iii, 152. * * i-P; obstricta Say, iii, 148. helicoides Lea. v. carolinensis Lea, viii, 153. ,^FC palliata Say, iii, 147. denotata Fer. notata Dh. P. clarki Lea, iii, 149. **F~. pennsylvanica Green, iii, 151, / P. thyroides Say, iii, 152. thyroidus Say. L&-. bucculenta Gld., iii, 153. /•P. clausa Say, iii, 153. ingallsiana Shutt. jugallsiana Alb. *-?. wheatleyi Bid., iii, 151. ^P. christyi Bid., iii, 151. /-P. mitchelliana Lea, iii, 151. P. downieana Bid., iii, 153. P. lawi Lewis, iii, 153. P. mobiliana Lea. /* aperture toothless or with nodular teeth on the peristome ; lip thick. 11 Section 9, Parthena Alb. Shell capacious, unicolored or multi- lineate. Aperture large, toothless; lip expanded. Section 10, Luquillia Crosse. Shell similar, but dark colored, with conoidal spire. • Section 11, Eurycratera Beck. Shell large, globose, with few whorls. Aperture very large, toothless. Section 1, Pleurodonte Fischer de Waldheim. Pleuredonte F. de W., Tab. Synopt. Zoogn. p. 129 (Moscow, 1808) ; proposed for H. sinuata Gm., lyclinuchus Gm., lucerna Gm., 88 PLEURODONTE. incequalis Fiseh., lapicida L., isognomostomos Gin. — Pleurodonta BECK, Index Molluscorum p. 33, and of subsequent authors. — Den- tellaria SCHUMACHER, Essai d'un Nouv. Syst. des Hab. des Vers Test., p. 69, 230, proposed for D. globularis Sebum, (undescribed and unfigured) and D. sinuata Mull. (1817). — Lucerna "Humph." SWAINS., Malacology, p. 329 (in part). — Man. of Conch, v. p. 97. — Not Lucerna Humphrey, Museum Callonianum p. 61, 1797. Shell imperforate or umbilicated, solid, opaque, varying from sub- globose to lens-shaped ; surface densely granulated, at least above. Whorls 4£-6, the last deflexed in front. Aperture wider than high ; peristome broadly expanded, toothless or having from one to five teeth upon the basal lip; parietal wall calloused but without teeth. Type P. sinuata Mull. (See pi. 25, figs. 6, 7, P. sloaneana var. vendryesi; pi. 25, fig. 8. P. acuta var nobilis.) Animal having the sole undivided, foot edge with no trace of border ; tail rounded behind ; back with a few indistinct grooves from mantle to head, the sides irregularly granulated. Genital organs as in Caprinus. Penis stout, cylindrical, the re- tractor muscle and epiphallus inserted at its apex ; epiphallus long, flagellum short. Spermatheca oval, situated on a long duct (pi. 24, fig. 5, P. invalida ; pi. 24, fig. 6, P. acuta). Jaw arcuate, solid, having unequal, strong, rounded ribs denticu- lating both margins, the ends blunt and free from ribs (pi. 24, fig. 4, P. acuta'}. Dentition as in Caprinus. Central and lateral teeth having the mesocones large and long, expanded laterally. Marginal teeth having an oblique cusp, formed by the united ento-, meso- and ecto- cones, which are indicated by slight notches (pi. 24, fig. 7, P. acuta'). Distribution, Jamaica. Pleurodonte is allied to Caprinus in characters of dentition and genitalia, the anatomical features of the two groups being practi- cally alike. The shell differs from that of Caprinus somewhat in the arrangement of the teeth, which in Pleurodonte are restricted to the basal lip ; but chiefly by the general fades — something diffi- cult to define, but readily recognized in the shells themselves. The group is developed with a wonderful exuberance and variety of spe- cific and subspecific forms, perhaps unparalleled in any tract of like extent in the world. The anatomy has been investigated by Sem- per (Reisen), Binney (Ann. N. Y. Acad.), and myself. PLEURODONTE. 89 This group has hitherto been called Pleurodonta or Lucerna; but Fischer's Latin form of the word, as well as his French version, was " Plenrodonte." His name was accompanied by a sufficient diagnosis. He included several species of the Jamaica group, and also H. lych- nuchus, lapicida and isognomostomus (=personatoC) ; but as these three have been made the types of subsequent groups, we obtain by elimination a residue of several congruous species, of which the first one of his list has been selected as the type. Dentellaria Schu- macher was proposed for two species, the first one of which was unde- scribed and unfigured, but compared with an old illustration prob- ably representing a small form of H. acuta ; the second being H. sinuata Mull. Lucerna, proposed anonymously by Humphrey in the sale catalogue of M. de Callonne's collection, was not defined, and contains none of the Jamaica group, so far as one may judge by the fantastic list of species given under impromptu names of the auctioneer's manufacture. He seems to have included Labyrinthus, Anostoma and Phania among other shells ; but the work is not worthy of quotation in scientific literature, and its introduction therein by the Adams brothers has caused nothing but confusion. Species. P. carmelita Fer., v, 99. mora Gray. redfieldiana C. B. Ad. P. bainbridgei Pfr., v, 99. lamarckii v. unidentata Fer. v. pretiosa C. B. Ad., v, 100. v. splengleriana Pfr., v, 100. P. subacuta Pfr., v, 100. P. acuta Lam., v, 100. v. acuta Lam., v, 100. acutissima Lam. heteroclites Lam. v. lamarckii Fer., v, 102. v. sublucerna Pils., v, 102. v. patina C. B. Ad., v, 102. f. goniasmos VA. D. Br., v, 102 f. nannodonta A. D. Br., v, 103 v. oxytenes A. D. Brown, v, 103 v. ingens 0. B. Ad., v, 103. v. nobilis C. B. Ad., v, 103. P. abnormis Pfr., v, 104. P. chemnitziana Pfr., v, 104. fluduata C. B. Ad. P. lucerna Mull., v, 105. v. Julia Fer., v, 105. v. fuscolabris C. B. Ad., v, 106. P. rhynchaana A. D. Br., v, 106. P. peracutissima C. B. Ad., v, 106. straminea Alb. martiniana Pfr. P. cara C. B. Ad., v, 107. amabilis C. B. Ad. v. media Ad., v, 107. P. soror Fer., v, 107. quadridentata Mke. P. schroeteriana Pfr., v, 108. v. chittyana C. B. Ad., v, 108. 90 PLEURODONTE. P. tridentina Fer., v, 109. P. valida C. B. Ad., v, 113. sivainsoniana C. B. Ad., v, 109. P. picturata C. B. Ad., v, 113. v. browneana Pfr., v, 109. sinuata Deless., Chenu, etc. v. subsloaneana Pils., v, 110. P. pallescens Shuttl., v, 114. P. okeniana Pfr., v, 110. P. sinuata Mull., v, 114. fortis C. B. Ad., Rv. v. propenuda Ad., v, 115. P. atavus Shuttl., v, 110. P. sinuosa Fer., v, 115. P. sloaneana Shuttl., v, 111. consanguinea C. B. Ad. bronni v. ft Pfr. v. simson Pfr., v, 116. schrceteriana Rv. P. invalida C. B. Ad., v, 117. v. vendryesi Ckll., viii, 263. v. candescens C. B. Ad., v, 117. P. bronni Pfr., v, 112. P. anomala Pfr., v, 117. P. strangulata C. B. Ad., v, 112. Section Caprinus Montfort, 1810. Caprinus MONTF., Conch. Syst., ii, p. 142, type Caprinus recognitus Montf. (=H. lychnuchus Miill.). — Lucidula SWAINS., Treatise on Malacol., p. 329, type barbadensis (=isabella Fer.). — Lucernella- SWAINS., t. c., p. 330, type hippocastaneum (=nuxdenticulata). — Den- tellaria BECK, Index Molluscorum p. 34, (1837), and of subsequent authors. Not Dentellaria Schumacher, Essai, p. 230 ! Shell imperforate, solid, opaque, globose or depressed, the spire convex or conoidal, periphery rounded or keeled. Surface generally granulated. Aperture transverse, wider than high, oblique, iheper- istome thick, expanded, the basal lip widened and generally toothed ; parietal wall covered with a callus, sometimes toothed. Type see also (P. lychnuchus P. Isabella Fer., pi. 25, fig. 11 ; pi. 25, fig. 10, P. nuxdentieulata^. Animal (of P. orbiculata) having the sole undivided ; edges of foot with no trace of a foot-margin. Entire upper surface rather evenly granulated, the granules arranged in rather indistinct lon- gitudinal rows on the back, elsewhere irregularly placed. Mantle margin without shell-lappets, the right body-lappet well developed, the left minute, subobsolete. Jaw arcuate, solid, and either having few strong ribs (pachygastra, orbiculata, Isabella, dentiens, nucleola, badia, nuxdentieulata), or without ribs, but having a median projection (formosa, josephince). P. orbiculata, perplexa and lychnuchus have weak ribs or traces of ribs, thus connecting the two extremes of jaw structure (pi. 24, fig. 2, P. Josephines ; fig. 3, nuxdentieulata ; fig. 9, orbiculata; fig. 11, dentiens'). PLEURODONTE. 91 Dentition characterized by the absence of side cusps on central and lateral teeth, a lateral continuation of the reflexed cutting edge of the raesocones representing the absent side cutting points. Mar- ginal teeth having a large, bifid mesocone and a small simple or bifid ectocone (pi. 24, fig. 8, P. orbiculata} pi. 24, fig. 12. P. dentiens^. Genitalia without accessory organs on the female side, the duct of the spermatheca long. Penis having the retractor muscle inserted at its apex, and continued above in a long epiphallus terminating in a flagellum (pi. 24, fig. 10, P. orbiculata'). Distribution, Lesser Antilles. In this group the shell is solid and opaque, as in Caracolus s. str., but the basal lip is widened and more or less distinctly toothed. It is closely allied to the Pleurodonte series, of Jamaica ; and while it is easy to distinguish the two groups on sight, it is extremely difficult to point out the differences in words. Anatomically Caprinus and Pleurodonte are similar. It is much to be regretted that the well-known name for this sec- tion had to be rejected ; but it is better to correct the mistakes of early systematists than to perpetuate them. P. nuxdenticulata Chemn., v, 82. v. guadeloupensis Pils., v, 87. punctata Born not Mull. P. lychuuchus Mull., v, 87. hippocastaneum Lam. recognitits Montf. P. nucleola Rang, v782. P. josephinse Fer., v, 88. erassidens Pfr. scabrella Mke. P. parilis Fer., v, 83. v. nevisensis Pils., v, 89. pseudoparilis Grat. P. perplexa Fer., v, 89. P. obesa Beck, v, 83. granifera Gray. P. dentiens,Fer., v, 84. P. formosa Fer., v, 90. v. isabellina Pils., v, 85. lenocinia Fer. P. Isabella Fer., v, 85. P. pachygastra Gray, v, 90. barbadensis Lm. fuscoviridis Grat. guildingi Pfr. dolata Fer. P. orbiculata Fer., v, 86. P. nigrescens Wood, v, 91. P. badia Fer., v, 86. fuliginea Fer. Section Gonostomopsis Pilsbry, 1889. Gonostomopsis PILS., Man. Conch, v, p. 92. — Chrysodon ANC., Conchol. Exch. i, p. 54, 1887, not Chrysodon Oken, 1815. 92 PLEURODONTE. Shell narrowly umbilicated, rather thin, opaque, hirsute, the spire depressed, body- whorl depressed, rounded at periphery. Aperture as high as wide, trilobate-lunar] peristome narrowly expanded, the outer and basal margins each with one tooth. Type P. auridens Rang, pi. 25, figs. 12, 13. Anatomy unknown. The single species inhabits Martinique. It resembles in form H. obvoluta Mull, of Europe. Section Caracolus Montf. Caracolus MONTF., Conch. Syst. ii, p. 138. — PILSBRY, Man. of Conch, v, p. 113. — Caracolla SCHUM., Essai, p. 192, 1817. — Serpent- ulus (KLEIN, Tent. Meth. Ostr., p. 8, 1753 ; in part) H. & A. AD., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 201. — Lampadion BOLT, in part. — Discodoma SWAINS., Malacol., p. 329, 1840. Shell depressed, carinated, imperforate or umbilicate ; thick, solid and opaque ; spire conical, apex obtuse. Whorls 5-6, the last but little or not deflexed in front. Aperture oblique, wider than high ; peristome not toothed, its basal margin expanded or narrowly reflexed, terminations remote. Type P. caracolla L., pi. 25, fig. 1. Jaw arcuate, stout, and either smooth with a low median projec- tion (P. caracolla, P. marginella, P. semiaperta), or furnished with stout ribs (P. bornii). See pi. 26, fig. 3, P. marginella', pi. 26, fig. 6, P. marginella var. rostrata. Radula having the central and lateral teeth furnished with a single broad obtuse cusj? (coalescent meso- and ectocone). Marginal teeth having an oblique cusp, which is simple as in the lateral teeth, or split into mesocone and ectocone (pi. 26, fig. 8, P. caracolla; fig. 1, P. maginella ; fig. 2, P. marginella var. semiaperta}. Genital organs having the vagina more or less swollen, sperma- theca oval, on a rather long (P. caracolla) or a short duct (P. mar- ginella). Penis long, the retractor inserted at its summit; continued in a long epiphallus which terminates in a short flagellum (pi. 26, fig« 7, P. caracolla, penis everted ; pi. 26, figs. 4, 5, P. marginella var. rostrata viewed from both sides, the extremely short flagellum seen in fig. 4). Distribution : Eastern Cuba ( P. marginella and varieties), Hayti (P. caracolla, excellens, insititia, sarcocheila, angistoma, bizonalis and semiaperta), and Porto Rico and Vieque (P. bornii). PLEURODONTE. 93 The strong, opaque, carinated shell, with toothless aperture, uni- colored or with few, broad bands, is characteristic, as is also the very long epiphallus and short flagellum, and the blunt, broad cusps of the teeth. The jaw is either smooth or ribbed, as in Caprinm. A fuller knowledge of the genitalia is necessary for the final _settle- ment of specific limits; meantime the following arrangement is offered. P. caracolla Linn., v, 120. sagemon Beck. tornata Born. arangiana Poey. albilabris Lam. marginatoides d'Orb. ocnlatus Montf. f fasciata Blv. P. excellens Pfr., v, 120. f indiscreta Beck. P. insititia Shutt., v, 121. v. gutierrezi Poey, v, 125. P. sarcocheila Morch, v, 121. v. schwartziana Pfr., v, 125. P. angistoma Fer. v. mina Pfr., v, 12,5. angystoma Dh. , marginata Orb. anchistoma v. Mart. jactata Gundl. P. bornii Pfr., v, 127. v. rostrata Pfr., v, 126. marginella Pfr not Gmel. pazensis Poey. P. bizonalis Desh., v, 127. cupulata Pfr. v. gaskoini Pfr. v, 127. v. marginelloides d'Orb., v, 126. P. marginella Gmel., v, 124. transitoria Pfr. marginata Born. v. semiaperta v. Mart., v, 125. Section Isomeria Albers, 1850. Isomeria ALB., Die Hel., p. 126, type H. oreas Koch. — v. MART., Die Hel., p. 155. — PILSBRY, Manual of Conch, v, p. 135. Shell depressed, solid, opaque, chestnut or chocolate colored, rounded or obtusely carinated at the periphery, im perforate or umbilicated. Spire depressed, convex, with 6 or fewer whorls, the last deflexed or straight in front. Aperture wider than high, very oblique ; peristome expanded or reflexed, toothless or with small teeth, of which one is situated near the termination of the periphery; ends of peristome remote, joined by a parietal callus, the parietal wall often having an oblique tooth. Type P. oreas Koch. (pi. 25, figs. 2, 3, P. faunus var. ritchieana). Animal unknown. A group of large and beautiful dark colored helices confined to the valleys of the higher Andes of Ecuador and Columbia, where ^4 PLEURODONTE. they replace Labyrinthus of the lower regions of northern South America. The shells differ from Labyrinthus in the more or less transversely dilated contour, the swollen base of the latter portion of the body-whorl, and the less developed aperture-teeth. In a few species (cenigma, vexans) the teeth are strongly developed ; but these are to be regarded as an independent line of evolution from typical Isomeria, rather than as an intermediate or ancestral form between Isomeria and Labyrinthus. Species. P. oreas Koch, v, 136. procera Pfr. P. faunus Phil., v, 1 37. v. ritchieana Pils., v, 138. P. subelliptica Mouss., v, 139. P. continua Pfr., v, 137. P. aloagana Jouss., v, 139. P. peritropis Pils., v, 140. P. fordiana Pils., v, 141. P. calomorpha Jonas, v, 142. P. sequatoriana Hid., v, 142. P. scalena v. Mart., v. 143. P. meobambensis Pfr., v, 144. P. atrata Pfr., v, 144. P. mauritii Jouss., v, 145. atrata Rv. not Pfr. P. cymatodes Pfr., v, 146. P. parietidentata Mill., v, 147. P. kohlbergi Mill., v, 148. P. martinii Bern., v, 149. morula Hid. P. granulatissima Mill., v, 148. P. gealei E. A. Sm., v, 149. P. stoltzmanni Lub., v, 150. P. sequatoria Pfr., v, 150. P. equestrata Moric., v, 151. P. triodonta d'Orb., v, 152. P. juno Pfr., v, 152. P. neogranadensis Pfr., v, 153. P. hartwegi Pfr., v, 153. loxensis Mill. P. basidens Mouss., v, 154. P. bituberculata Pfr., v, 154. bourcieri Rv. not Pfr. v. tridentula Mill., v, 155. v. latideutata Mill., v, 156. P. bourcieri Pfr., v, 156. bituberculata Rv. not Pfr. P. subcastanea Pfr., v, 157. globosa Brod. not Sowb. P. senigma Dohrn, v, 158. P. vexans Dohrn, v, 158. Section Labyrinthus Beck, 1837. Labyrinthus BECK, Index Moll., p. 33, type L. otis=labyrinthus Dh. — PILSBRY, Manual of Conch. (2), v, p. 159. — MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Land Moll., p. 175. — Lyrostoma SWAINS., Malacol. p. 329, type L. labyrintha. — Lyriostoma SWAINS., I. c., footnote <1840). Shell umbilicate, depressed, carinated, microscopically granulated, not transversely dilated. Whorls less than 6, the last descending in PLEURODONTE. 95 front, constricted behind the peristome. Aperture transverse, sub- horizontal, obstructed by three primary folds or teeth, — one long parietal fold, one tooth on the outer, another on the inner portion of the basal lip ; peristome expanded or reflexed in every part, con- tinuous across the parietal wall. Type P. labyrinthus, pi. 25, figs. 4, 5. (See also pi. 22, figs. 7, 8, P. sieversi). Soft parts unknown. Jaw slightly striated (Morch, Journ. de Conch. 1865, p. 381), with a slight median projection. Teeth all uni-cuspid (Semper, Reisen, p. 105) as in the Cuban Caracolus. (PI. 26, fig. 9, P. plicata Born, after Semper). This group is characteristic of northern South America, extend- ing from the Amazon River and its western tributaries in eastern Peru, northward in Central America to Costa Rica. It inhabits less elevated regions than the allied group Isomeria. Its complicated aperture-armature has doubtless been evolved for protection against predaceous insects (c/. Man. of Conch, v, p. 159; Biol. Centr. Amer. Moll., p. 175 ; Pop. Sc. Monthly, 1892, p. 191). Labyrinthus agrees with the restricted section Caracolus in teeth and jaw, as well as in the general features of the shell. It stands in about the same relation to Caracolus that Triodopsis and the auri- culate Polygyras hold toward the toothless Mesodons. There seems no sufficient reason for considering Labyrinthus a distinct genus, as von Martens has done. Species. P. labyrinthus (Chem.) Dli. v, P. leucodon Pfr., v, 167. subplanata Petit. [161. P. sieversi v. Mart., viii, 263. . v. erecta Mouss., v, 162. P. quadridentata Brod., v, 168. v. sipunculata Forbes, v, 162. P. tamsiana Dkr., v, 169. annulifera Pfr. P. tarapotonensis Moric., v, 170. P. plicata Born, v, 163. P. bifurcata Desh., v, 170. hydiana Lea. P. furcillata Hupe, v, 171. hydeanus v. Mart. P. raimondii Phil., v, 172. P. uncigera Petit, v, 164. P. yatesi Pfr., v, 173. conoidea Anc., viii, 264. P. ellipsostoma Pfr., v, 173. anopla Anc., viii, 264. P. leprieurii Petit, v, 174. v. creveauxiana Anc., viii, 264. auriculina Petit. P. triplicata v. Mart., v, 165. P. dunkeri Pfr., v, 174. cesopus Ang. P. isodon Pfr., v, 175. 96 PLEURODONTE. P. manueli Higg., v, 166. P. bogotensis Pfr., v, 176. manoeliPfr. P. otostoma Pfr., v, 176. manseli Pfr.-Cless. stostoma Rv. Section Thelidomus Swain son, 1840. Thelidomus SWAINS., Malacology, p. 191, 192,330, type IT. incerta Fer. Not Thelidomus Swains., t. c., p. 228, 353,=larva-cases of Heli- copsyche, (Neuroptera). — Otala BECK and others, not of Schumacher. — Pachystoma ALBERS, Die Hel., 1850, p. 125. Not Pachystoma Guilding, Zool. Journ. 1828, p. 536.— .? Thelidonta SWAINS, t. c., p. 194. Shell imperforate, globose-depressed, with few whorls, the last deflexed in front, swollen beneath, carinated or rounded at the periphery. Surface granulated, costulate-striate or decussated. Aperture very oblique; peristome expanded, thickened within, the lower margin straightened, with a plate-like callus inside. Type P. incerta Fer. (See pi. 22, fig. 5, P. lima ; pi. 22, fig. 4, P. trinitaria'). Jaw arcuate, having 7-15 strong ribs, sometimes not denticulating the lower margin (pi. 23, fig. 23, P. auricoma var. havanensis^. Radula either with or without ectocones on central and inner lateral teeth. Marginal teeth obtusely and obscurely bicuspid. PI. 23, fig. 22, P. auricoma var. havanensis. Animal having the sole undivided ; lateral edges without trace of pedal grooves or margins. Sides of foot granulated, granules arranged in vertical series in the middle, obliquely descending series in front and behind ; back irregularly granular, without longitud- inal grooves. Genital system having the penis stout, with a flagellum at apex ; vas deferens and retractor muscle also inserted at apex, the latter slender, and attached distally to the integument of the vestibule ; a small appendix sometimes present; no internal papilla, the opening of the vas deferens being a simple orifice at the base of the flagellum (pi. 23, fig. 19, showing opened penis and vestibule). Spermatheca oval or oblong, enveloped in the folds of the uterus, its duct short, bearing at the base a broad muscle connecting with the integument of the body-wall near the genital orifice (pi. 23, fig. 21, v. m.) ; ovo- testis composed of one compact tuft of long creca, (pi. 23, figs. 19— 21, P. auricoma var. havanensis ; pi. 23, fig. 24, P. lima ; pi. 23, fig. 25, P. aspera). PLEUROBONTE. 97 The principal peculiarity of the shell of Thelidomus is the plate- like baso-columellar lip, somewhat like that of Acavus or Macularia. The anatomy exhibits considerable variation in some details, such as the presence (pi. 23, fig. 24, lima) or absence (pi. 23, figs. 20-21, auricoma v. havanensis*) of an appendix. The spermatheca duct is much shorter than in Parthend. Many more species must be invest- igated before a satisfactory account can be given of the peculiarities of the genitalia of Thelidomus and related groups. See Poey, Memorias ; W. G. Biimey, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, and Ann. N. Y. Acad. ; Semper, Reisen, pi. 15. The eggs are oval, white and calcareous-shelled ; the embryonic shell is densely gran- ula^kd in the typical forms, shining and radially grooved in the Cuban group which I have called Zachrysia. The latter are said to form a calcareous epiphragm. (Thelidomus s. sir., species of Jamaica, Porto Rico and Lesser Antilles}. P. incerta Fer., v, 57. punctifera Lm. notabilis Fer. asperula Beck. curvidens Pfr. v. castrensis Pfr., v, 59. striolata Guild. P. aspera Fer., v, 59. alutaceaZgl. granosa Wood. vehitinoides Anton. P. cognata Fer., v, 59. ravnii Beck. P. discolor Fer., v, 60. P. lima Fer., v, 58. P. ? sanctselucise Smith, v, 198. (Zachrysia ; species of Cuba and Bahamas). P. petitiana Orb., v, 60. P. emarginata Gundl., v, 64. P. guanensis Poey, v, 61. P. bayamensis Pfr., v, 64. P. scabrosa Poey, v, 61. P. guantanamensis Poey, v, 65. P. auricoma Fer., v, 62. v. proboscidea Pfr., v, 66. microstoma Lm. P. rangelina Pfr., v, 66. v. noscibilis Fer., v, 63. P. trinitaria Gundl., v, 67. v. havanensis Pils. P. baracoensis (Gut.) Poey, v,. " zeta Pfr." v, 63. lamellicosta Pfr. [67. v. provisoria Pfr., v, 63. Section Polydontes Montfort. Polydontes MONTF., Conch. Syst. ii, p. 154, type P. imperator. Shell large, depressed, imperforate or narrowly umbilicated, solid and heavy ; the surface microscopically decussated. Whorls 4^-5,, 98 PLEURODONTE. the last often carinated, slightly deflexed in front. Aperture oblique, the peristome thick, expanded, simple or bearing obtuse teeth, and having an obtuse fold near the eolumellar insertion. Type P. imperator, pi. 22, fig. 9. Anatomy unknown. Eggs large, oblong, with a hard calcareous shell, that of P. imperator (pi. 22, fig. 10) measuring 8i by 12 mill. Young having when hatched a granulated, umbilicated shell of about 2£ whorls, measuring about one-fifth the diameter of the adult shell. The shell in this section is generally marked with many spiral lines of brown, the widest and most conspicious being immediately below the periphery. P. apollo is sometimes unicolored. It will be seen that in coloration, the relationship of Polydontes to Parthena (P. dominicensis, etc.) is extremely close. All three species of Polydontes are known to voluntarily amputate their tails when captured (Journ. de Conchyl. 1860, p. 226). They live under dead leaves. Distribution, eastern Cuba. P. imperator Montf., v, 79. P. sobrina Fer., v. 80. magica Fer. crassilabris Pfr. P. apollo Pfr., v, 79. Section Parthena Alberp. Parthena ALB., Die Hel., p. 112 (first species If. angulata). Shell imperforate, globose or depressed, the periphery rounded or carinated; spire short, whorls 4-4£, the earlier 1| forming a gran- ulated or radially grooved embryonic shell, the last notably inflated and capacious, unicolored or begirt with many brown lines ; surface granulated. Aperture large ; peristome expanded ; columella arcuate. Type P. angulata, pi. 22, fig. 2. (See also pi. 22, fig. 3, P. dominicensis). Animal (of P. dilatata') having the sole undivided, with no indication of lateral borders or pedal grooves. Upper surface and sides coarsely granulated, the granules arranged in descending rows on the sides, finer and irregular on the back ; tail rounded above ; back from mantle to face irregularly granulated, lacking longitud- inal grooves. Mantle-edge lacking shell-lappets ; body-lappets well developed, the right one short, the left extending the entire length of the outer lip of the shell (pi. 23, fig. 15, showing posterior angle of aperture, respiratory opening and lappets). PLEURODONTE. 99 Jaw strong, arcuate, sculptured with high, rather narrow ribs crenulating the upper margin only, or both margins (pi. 23, fig. 16, P. dilatat(t). In P. angulata Binney found 7 ribs on the jaw ; in vrispata 10 ribs. In P. dilatata we find 9-11 ribs, which crenulate the upper but not the lower margin, the latter having a -slight median projection. Dentition : Central and lateral teeth having stout, longmesocones projecting beyond the basal-plates ; ectocones represented by a lateral bulging of the reflection of the cusp, or by distinctly developed cut- ting-points. Marginal teeth having the mesocones stout, oblique, blunt or sub-bifid, the ectocone simple, minute (pi. 23, fig. 18, P. angulata ; pi. 23, fig. 17, P. dilatata'). Genitalia : Female system presenting no accessory organs ; the spermatheca short, globular, situated upon a long duct. Penis stout, cylindrical, having a large globular appendix near its base. At its apex is situated a short, curved, obtuse flagellum, near the base of which is inserted the vas deferens, and a short teat-like organ which is solid and fleshy, not perforated or hollow. No retractor muscle seen. When opened lengthwise the walls of the cavity of the appendix and of the penis are seen to be longitudinally folded (fig. 14), the folds disappearing in the upper part of the penis-cavity. The upper part of the cavity is occupied by a large, free, pestle- shaped penis-papilla, perforated at the end, the perforation leading to the cavity of the vas deferens and flagellum the latter being corrugated inside (pi. 23, fig. 13, 14, P. dilatata). Distribution: Hayti. P. angulata Fer., v, 69. P. dissita Dh., v, 71. inflata Dh. P. undulata Fer., v, 72. acutangula Beck. lineolata Lam. P. obliterata Fer., v, 69. v. crispata Fer., v, 72. P. angustata Fer., v, 70. P. dilatata Pfr., v, 73. P. dominicensis Pfr., v, 70. extensa Pfr. not Mull. Section Luquillia Crosse, 1892. Luquillia CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1892, p. 19, typeiT. luquil- lensis. — Leiostoma SWAINS. Malacol., p. 328 (preoc.), 1840. Shell imperforate, solid, subglobose with rather conoidal spire, of about 5i whorls, the earliest 2i forming the large, coarsely gran- 100 PLEURODONTE. ulated embryonal shell, the following whorls microscopically decus- sated ; the last whorl rounded at periphery. Color yellowish-brown with dark oblique streaks and sometimes a subperipheral girdle. Aperture wider than high, the thick lip expanded ; columella short, arcuate, with an obscure callus fold. Type P. luquillensis Shutt. (See pi. 22, fig. 1, P. gigantea). Soft anatomy and jaw unknown. Radula (of P. luquillensis) as in Parthena angulata, q. v. Distribution, Haiti and Porto Rico. P. gigantea Scop., v, 73. P. audebardi Pfr., v, 74. cornumilitare auct. not L. P. luquillensis Shutt., v, 74. Section Eurycratera (Beck) Gray. Eurycratera BECK, Index Moll., p. 45, in part. — GRAY, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 171, type H. jamaicensis. — Lejocheila or Leiocheila ALBERS, Die Hel., p. 109, lS50.—Liochila v. MART., Die Hel., p. 146, 1860, type H. jamaicensis. Shell imperforate, globose, solid, the surface finely wrinkled, embryonal whorls H, large, shining, not granulated. Whorls 4, the last very large, rounded, having few color bands. Aperture very large, oval, the outer lip expanded, columella long, arcuate ; parietal and columellar callus spreading upon the base. Type P. jamaicensis Gmel., pi. 22, fig. 6. Jaw thick, arcuate, attenuated toward the ends, the anterior sur- face sculptured with 14 decided but unequal ribs, irregularly dis- posed, and denticulating either margin. Lingual membrane with 41.1.41 teeth. Side cusps and cutting points wanting on central and inner lateral teeth, but represented by an expansion of the reflexed sides of the mesocones. The single species is confined to Jamaica. Beck selected no type for Eurycratera, and his list of speciesincludes forms belonging to many diverse groups. Gray, in 1847 selected H. j amaicemis as type of the group, and I do not see how we can avoid following his selection ; especially in view of the fact that v. Martens, in 1860, selects as type H. dominicensis, a species not included by Beck in his list, and therefore certainly not the type of his group. CAM^NA. 101 Genus CAMJ5NA (Alb.) Pils. & v. Moll. Camcena ALBERS, Die Heliceen p. 85, 1850, in part. — Camena Alb., v. MARTENS, Die Hel. 2d. edit., p. 165, type cicatricosa Mull, (restricted to sinistral species of Cam sen a and Euhadra). — Camcena Alb., PILSBRY, Man. of Conch, vi, p. 197, and viii, 265. — v. MOLL- ENDORFF, Nachrichtsbl. d. D. M. Gesellsch. 1891, p. 195. — PILSBRY, /. c., 1892, p. 71 ; Proc. Aoad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, p. 398 (anat- omy).— Eucochlias THEOB. in NevilPs* Handlist Moll. Ind. Mus. pt. 1, p. 81, 1878 (type, ochthoplax; contains also bougainvillei, illustris sulcocincta smdpyrostoma). -\-Pseudobba v. Moell. and Phoenicobius Morch. Shell rather large, varying from depressed-globose or conoidal to elevated and short pupiform ; dextral or sinistral, solid, yellow or brown usually encircled by chestnut bands or lines. Surface closely malleated or wrinkled all over ; whorls about 5-5 z, the upper ones flattened, the last subglobose or carinated ; peristome expanded or reflexed, its ends not converging, columellar margin dilated over or partly over the rather narrow umbilicus. The columella is rounded. The nuclear shell is rather large, (about one-fifth the diameter of the shell), consisting of 2 to 2J whorls, its junction with the after-growth marked by a (generally) distinct line. The young shells are acutely carinated. Type cicatricosa Mull., pi. 1 9, fig. 8. Animal having the solemn/ indistinctly tripartite ; lateral edges of foot with no trace of a foot-margin, sides of foot granulated in irregular pattern, the tail rather long, rounded above, with an indistinct slightly impressed longitudinal median line ; anteriorly there are a few indis- tinct longitudinal grooves from mantle to head. Mantle-margin with a small triangular right body-lappet, and a longer left one. Jaw arcuate, strong, typically with numerous strong, separated ribs (pi. 18, fig. 5). Dentition : Central and lateral teeth having the mesocones only developed, the cusps large, cutting-points small (pi. 18, fig. 6). Mar- ginal teeth with a long, oblique, bifid mesocone united at base with the ectocone, which becomes bifid on the outer teeth (pi. 18, fig. 7). Genitalia: Vestibule short; penis stout, continued above in an epiphallus, in which the retractor and then the vas defer ens is inserted, and terminating in flagellum ; penis corrugated within, and having a large papilla at its apex (pi. 18, figs. 2, 4). Vagina stout, bound 102 CAMCENA. to the body-wall by a band of muscles ; duct of the spermatheca long (pi. 18, figs. 1 and 3). Distribution of the typical forms, southern China (provinces Kwang-Tung and Kui-chu) to Burmah and southward. The most important features of this genus are found in the genital system, which is of the type called by the writer epiphallophorous. The penis is continued upward in a flagellum-like extension (epiph- allus), in which the vas deferens enters, and which enters the penis itself through a penis-papilla (pi. 18, fig. 2). Thus far, the structure is exactly like Caracolus of the West Indies; but Camcena differs from Caracolus in having the retractor muscle inserted upon the epiphallus instead at the apex of the true penis. The penis-retractor is attached to the floor of the lung-sack. The female system lacks all accessory organs, and the duct of the spermatheca is longer than in Pleurodonte. The vagina has strong muscular walls, and is bound to the adjacent right body-wall by a band of muscles (shown in pi. 18, fig. 1) ; this structure occurs also in the West Indian Thelidomus (see p. 96). The teeth are of the Caracolus type, being character- ized by the total absence of side cusps on centrals and inner laterals. The specimens dissected were received from Dr. v. Mollendorff, with- out the shell. I take them to be C. xanthoderma. The shell is rather large, capacious, solid, and generally roughly sculptured. The Japanese sinistral helices (H. qucesita, etc.) have been associated with Camcena, but they belong to a totally different phylum of Helix. The columellar lip is rounded in Camcena, not expanded in a flat plate as in Phania or Acavus. Perhaps no group of Helices has been less understood by systema- tists than this. Albers included several very diverse types in his original list of species. Martens restricted the group to large, capacious sinistral helices of true Camcena and the very different group Euhadra. Pfeiffer united the whole Oriental and Australian series of Euhadra, Camcena and Hadra under the one name Camcena. The present writer, in 1890, defined the natural groups of Oriental Helices, and indicated the conchological char- acters upon which they rest, restricting Camcena to forms having a large nuclear shell. This work was criticised by v. Moellendorff (Nachrbl. D. M. G. 1891, p. 195), and several improvements in classification were suggested. These were in large part adopted in a later paper by the writer (Nachrbl. 1892, p. 71). CAM^NA. 103 Subdivisions. Subgenus CAM^NA (restricted). Shell capacious, narrowly um- bilicated, depressed-globose, often carinated. Surface malleated or wrinkled. Last whorl not descending in front. Distribution south- ern China and Farther India. Section Phcenicobius Morch. Shell differing from Camsena in the generally more elevated, conoidal or pupiform shape, and in having (typically) four dark spiral bands; the surface varying from smooth to rib-striate, sometimes slightly malleated beneath. Dis- tribution, Philippine Is. Subgenus PSEUDOBBA v. Moell. Shell rudely sculptured, with wrinkles or furrows oblique to the growth-lines ; solid ; umbilicus large; peristome thickened, the terminations joined by a cord of callus across the parietal wall. Distribution, Northern Celebes and Sangir Is. Subgenus CAM^NELLA Pils. Shell smoothish, depressed sub- globose, banded and maculated with brown on a white ground ; sur- face smoothish; whorls about 5J, the last deflexed in front; embry- onal shell less than one-sixth the diameter of the adult. Columella with an obtuse tooth. Distribution, Island of Hainan. Subgenus NEOCEPOLIS Pils. Shell smoothish, globose-conical, with 6-7 closely revolving whorls, the last deflexed in front. Aperture having an internal fold within, marked by a pit outside ; the col- umellar lip obtusely toothed. Distribution, Tonquin. Subgenus CAM^NA Alb. The shell is more wrinkled or malleated than in Phcenicobius ; the last whorl does not descend in front. Of the four principal color bands of this phylum of Helices, band ii (supraperipheral), or band iii (subperipheral) is retained, bands i and iv being absent. Some species show many fine spiral lines of color in addition. The anat- omy is described above. The jaw is ribbed. The subgenus is Indo- Chinese in distribution. Many more species will probably be dis- covered. Type C. cicatricosa, pi. 19, fig. 8. Species. C. cicatricosa Mull., vi, 198. v. inflata Mlldff., vi, 199. senegalensis Fer. v. ducalis Anc., vi, 199. chinensis Voigt. 104 CAMCENA. C. longsonensis Mori., viii, 265. C. jaculata Mab., vi, 120. C. seraphinica Heude, vi, 199. C. hahni Mab., vi, 200. broti d'Ham. & Dautz. C. subgibbera Mlldff., vi, 200. C. leonhardti Mlldff., vi, 201. C. vulpis Gredl., vi, 116. C. pachychila E. A. Sm., viii, 265. C. gabriellse Dautz. & d'Ham., bathmophora Mab. [vi, 205. v. subhainanensis Pils., vi, 205. C. hainanensis H. Ad., vi, 204. C. xanthoderma Mlldff., vi, 206. v. polyzona Mlldff., vi, 207. C. illustris Pfr., vi, 201. C. ochthoplax Bens., vi, 202. C. saturnia Gld., vi, 203. Section PHCENICOBIUS Morch, 1852. Phoenicobius MORCH, Cat. Yoldi, p. 32, type H. arata. — MLLDFF. 'Nachrbl. D. M. Ges. 1891, p. 202.— PILSBRY, Man. of Conch, viii, p. 266. The shell is like Camcena in the large embryonal portion, consist- ing of about 2? whorls. It differs from Camcena in being generally more elevated, sometimes pupiform ; and most species have all of the four bands (i subsutural, ii supraperipheral, iii subperipheral and iv umbilical) developed. Type C. arata Sowb., pi. 19, fig. 13 ; (See also pi. 19, fig. 12, C. monochroa'). The anatomy is unknown. The species are said to inhabit the Philippine islands Tablas, Mindoro, Luban, Busuanga and Palawan ; but the localities of some of the pupiform species are not certain. This group has generally been considered a section of Cochlostyla. Dr. v. Mollendorff first pointed out the true affinities of the forms. C. arata Sowb., viii, 267. v. lutea Pils., viii, 267. C. brachyodon Sowb., viii, 267. v. naujanica Hid., viii, 268. C. adusta Sowb., viii, 268. C. oblonga Sowb., viii, 269. lubanicus Pfr. C. oomorpha Sowb., viii, 269. C. bintuanensis Hid., vi, 237. C. campanula Pfr., vi, 236. C. auacardium Dohrn, vi, 238. C. ceres Pfr., vi, 239. C. trailli Pfr., vi, 207. C. monochroa Sowb., vi, 208. palawanica Pfr. saulice Pfr. lagunce Hid. dorice Dohrn. C. palumba Souv., vi, 209. C. egregia Dh., vi, 210. C. avus Pfr., vi, 210. CAMCENA. 105 Subgenus PSEUDOBBA MollendorfF, 1891. Pseudobba v. MOELL., Nachrbl. D. M. Ges. 1891, p. 202, type H. mamilla. — Obba (typical part) MARTENS, not Gray. The shell in this group is heavy, solid, rudely sculptured, with a rather large umbilicus. The subgenus is evidently more nearly allied to Phcenicobius than to the continental Cam&enas. Type C. mamilla, pi. 19, fig. 9. The living animal, as figured by Quoy and Gaimard (Voy. de 1'Astrol. pi. 7), agrees with that of Camcena in external features. Jaw of C. quoyi horse-shoe shaped, the ends attenuated; cutting edge with a distinct median projection (pi. 15, fig. 11). Viewed in profile, the anterior surface is concave (pi. 15, fig. 12). The color is dark chestnut. Anterior surface smooth ; showing by transmitted light fine wavy lines parallel with the margins. (Schako, from a half- grown specimen; Mai. Bl. xx, p. 169). Central and lateral teeth with the mesocones only developed, as in Camcena. Marginal teeth with a large, oblique, bifid rnesocone and an ectocone ; also closely resembling the teeth of Camcena (pi. 15, fig. 13, central, lateral and marginal teeth, and fig. 14 a lateral of C. quoyi, seen in profile). The species of this subgenus inhabit northern Celebes and the Sangir Is. It is a satellite group of the Philippine Island Camsenas, which has spread southward like a few Obbas and Cochlostylas. The dentition is the same as in Camcena, but the jaw (o/aw imma- ture specimen of quoyi) lacks ribs ; so it seems that in this genus, as in the West Indian Caracolus, the presence or absence of ribs is not a generic character. From Quoy's remark that the jaw of mamilla Is not different from that of French Helices, we presume that it is ribbed in that species. Species. C. mamilla Fer., vi, 212. C. linmeana Pfr., vi, 214. C. quoyi Desh., vi, 213. C. tirmaniana Anc., viii, 269. undulata Q. & G., not Fer. Subgenus CAM^ENELLA Pilsbry, 1893. Camcenella PILS., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1892, p. 398, type Helix platyodon Pfr. (Feb. 14, 1893). Shell depressed, subglobose, solid, imperforate, banded and macu- lated, with about 5J whorls, the last descending in front. Surface 106 CAMJENA. minutely granular. Peristome well reflexed, the baso-columellar margin toothed. Embryonal shell smooth, two-whorled, between one-sixth and one-seventh the diameter of the adult, its junction with the after growth indicated by a widening of the whorl. Type C. platyodon Pfr., pi. 19, fig. 10. Animal resembling Camsena. Sole very indistinctly tripartite, the edges of foot lacking all appearance of a foot-margin ; sides irregu- larly granulated ; tail rounded above, with a median, impressed lon- gitudinal line, which does not extend quite to the tail. Jaw strong, dark orange colored, having eight strong ribs (pi. 39^ fig. 3). Central and lateral teeth of the radula (pi. 39, fig. 1) having a single large cusp, which extends about to the posterior edge of the basal plate. Marginal teeth (pi. 39, fig. 2) becoming quadri-cuspid, by the splitting of both mesocone and ectocone. Genital system (pi. 39, fig. 4) having a very short vestibule. There is no dart-sack or other accessory gland upon the female side ; spermatheca duct very long, without diverticulum. Penis stout, exhibiting, when cut open (fig. 5), a very large penis-papilla ; from the apex of the penis arises the slenderer epiphallus, which receives the penis retractor at the middle, the vas deferens at the fourth of its length ; beyond the insertion of the vas deferens it is continued in a short flagellum. In anatomy, Camcenella platyodon resembles Camasna in all respects save that the penis-papilla is larger (a trifling difference) and the cusps of the marginal teeth are much shorter. The shell has a smaller nucleus than in Camcena — more as in Obba, but not so indistinctly defined ; and the maculated white and brown colora- tion and deflexed last whorl are also as in Obba. It differs from Obba in lacking an appendix on the penis, and in the ribbed jaw. C. platyodon Pfr., vi, 239. Island of Hainan. tournoueri Crosse. Subgenus NEOCEPOLIS Pilsbry, 1891. Neocepolis PILS., Man. of Conch, vi, p. 235, type H. merarcha. Shell globose, solid, narrowly umbilicated, with elevated spire and narrow, slowly widening whorls, the last deflexed in front. Aperture truncate-rounded, the entire lip reflexed, its ends joined by a callus. Columella dilated, thickened and obtusely toothed within. Typically CAM^ENA-OBBA. 107 having a strong fold within the outer lip, marked outside by a deep pit, as in Cepolis. Type C. merarcha, pi. 39, figs. 9, 10. Anatomy unknown. The two species are from Tonquin. The relations of the group are problematical, but judging from shell characters, it belongs near either Obba or Camcenella. C. merarcha Mab., vi, 235. C. morleti Dautz. & d'Ham., vi, 240. mercatorina Mab., vi, 121. Genus OBBA Beck, 1837. Obba BECK, Index Moll. p. 30 (proposed for H. planulata, papilla, mamilla) — GRAY, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 172 (H. planulata selected as the type). — See also PILSBRY, Manual of Conch, vi, p. 211, and viii, p. 270. — Gallina HARTM., Erd u. Susswasser Gast. Schweiz, 1840, p. 197 (H. rota Sowb.). — Philina (in part) ALBERS, Die Hel. 1850, p. 119 (preoc.). — Pusiodon SWAINS., in part. — Obbina SEM- PER, Reisen im Archip. Phil., Landmoll., ii, p. 123 (type H. planu- lata}, 1873. Shell varying from trochoidal to depressed lens-shaped ; carinated, at least in the young; umbilicated ; the surface striated or wrinkled in the direction of growth-lines. Nucleus composed of about two polished whorls, not distinctly marked off from the after-growth. Last whorl very deeply deflexed in front, aperture sub horizontal ; ends of the expanded peristome approaching, and connected by a cord or raised callus ; basal lip reflexed and often bearing a tooth. Whit- ish, buff or light brown, banded or speckled with brown. Type 0. planulata, pi. 19, figs. 14, 15, 16. (See also pi. 19, fig. 17, 0. basi- dentata). Animal having a very broad flat foot, the tail short and quite flat, sole undivided; tentacles short (pi. 39, fig. 7, 0. planulata). Jaw smooth, without median projection, or with it small and blunt. Dentition : Central and inner lateral teeth having wide mesocones, no side cusps. Marginals developing a bifid mesocone and an ecto- cone, the outer marginals having both mesocone and ectocone split showing four short cusps, as in Camcenella platyodon. (PI. 39, fig 8, central and marginal teeth of 0. planulata; pi. 39, fig. 6, an inner marginal of 0. basidentata}. Genitalia lacking accessory appendages on the female side, the duct of the spermatheca short. Penis short, continued in alongepiphallus bearing the retractor muscle, vas deferens and a flagellum. The 108 OBBA. cavity of the penis is strongly, irregularly plicate or papillose. It is encircled by a feather-like glandular appendix (pi. 39. fig. 12), the follicles of each side of which unite into two separate ducts sunken into the cavity of the penis (pi. 39, fig. 13, section of the gland). See pi. 39, fig. 11-13, 0. planulata. Distribution, Philippine Islands, with a few forms in northern Celebes, Halmaheira, and Ceram. This group, like Cochlostyla, seems to have originated in the Phil- ippine Island area. A few stragglers are found to the southward, as is also the case with Camoena and some other typically Philippine groups. Obba differs from Camcena chiefly in the less capacious shell, with subhorizontal aperture and continuous peristome ; in the possession of a glandular appendix on the penis, the short spermatheca duct, and the smooth jaw. It differs from Planispira in the raised parie- tal callus and the keel of the shell, which is characteristic of all the species when young, and most of them when adult. The teeth are like those of Camcenella and Planispira. The anatomy of 0. plan- ulata, listeri and basidentata has been examined by Semper (Reisen, Landmoll., ii, p. 120) ; the jaw of rota by Morch. In Vol. VI of this work the writer stated that Helix mamilla was the type of Obba, following v. Martens. But in 1847 Gray selected H. planulata for the type. The genus must, therefore, be restricted to species allied to planulata. (Group of O. planulata.') O. papilla Mull., vi, 216. O. planulata Lam., vi, 220. v. heroica Pfr., vi, 217. aurieulata Swains. O. listeri Gray, vi, 218. papilionacea Val. v. costata Semp., vi, 219. eollapsus Perry. O. gallinula Pfr., vi, 219. v. sarcochroa Pils., vi, t. 68, f. v. morongensis Mlldff. viii, p. [85. [270. O. calcar v. Mart., vi, 221. ( Group of 0. moricandi.) O. moricandi Sowb., vi, 222. O. scrobiculata Pfr., vi, 224. O. basidentata Pfr., vi, 223. O. rota Sowb., vi, 225. O. livesayi Pfr., vi, 223. O. platyzona Mlldff. OBBA. 109 (Group of 0. marginata.') O. bigonia Fer., vi, 226. O. kobeltiana Pfr., vi, 228. samarensis Pfr., olim. O. parmula Brod., vi, 229. bizonia H. & A. Ad. discus Dh., vi, 230. O. marginata Mull., vi, 227. f. obscura Mlldff., vi, 230. grayana Pfr. f. elevata Mlldff., vi, 230. grayi Hombr. & Jacq. f. trochoidea Mlldff., vi, 230. scabrosa Fer. O. bustoi Hid., vi, 230. v. griseola Mlldff., vi, 228. O. saranganica Hid., vi, 230. v. sororcula v. Mart., vi, 228. O. kochiana Mlldff, vi, 231. devincta Tap. Can. O. bulacanensis Hid., vi, 226. (Group of 0. horizontalis.*) O. horizontals Pfr., vi, 232. O. lasallii Eyd., vi, 233. O. reeveana Pfr., vi, 233. meretrix Sowb. O. columbaria Sowb., vi, 234. Subgenus? OREOBBA Pilsbry, 1 894. Janira ALBERS, Die Heliceen, 1850, p. 124, only species H. codo- nodes. Not Janira Leach, 1813 (Crustacea), of Oken, 1815 (acale- pha) or of Schumacher, 1817 (Pecteri). Shell globose-conoidal, bullet- shaped, composed of about 5 whorls which are carinated in immature shells ; the embryonal portion not differentiated ; last whorl defiexed in front. Surface shining, micro- scopically spirally striated. Aperture truncate-rounded ; entire lip well reflexed, at the columella expanded partly over the narrow umbilicus, and armed with a callous tooth on the inner edge. Type H. eodonodes Pfr., pi. 19, fig. 11. Animal unknown. 0. eodonodes inhabits the Nicobar Islands. It resembles the Philippine Island group Phcenicobius in contour, but not in texture or minute sculpture, nor in the apical whorls. The sculpture is like that of the Obba horizontalis group. Of the two species I have seen only eodonodes. A knowledge of the anatomy is necessary to the exact location of this group in the system. It cannot, in my opinion, be united to Phcenicobius. O. eodonodes Pfr., vi, 236. O. camel us Pfr., vi, 237. 110 PLANISPIRA. Genus PLANISPIRA Beck, 1837. = Planispira-\- Cristigibba-\-Angasella-\- Trachia-\- Eurystoma. Planispira BECK, Index Moll., subg. 25, p. 29. — MARTENS in Albers' Die Heliceen, p. 160, type H. zonaria L. — SEMPER, Reisen, ini Arch. Phil., Landmoll., p. 120. — TAPPARONE-CANEFRI, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xix, p. 162, 181, 1883. — PILSBRY, Manual, vi, p. "274. — Pusiodon (in part) SWAINS., Malacol., p. 330 (for H. zonaria and auriculata). — Philina (in part) ALBERS, Die Hel., p. 119. Shell depressed, generally umbilicated, having four to five rapidly widening whorls, the first not granulated nor marked by hair points, the last deeply deflexed in front. Aperture very oblique or subhori- zontal; outer and upper lips expanded, basal lip reflexed, often toothed. Type P. zonaria L., pi. 12, figs. 4, 5, 6. Animal having the sole undivided (pi. 12, fig. 2, P. zonaria). Genital system lacking all accessory organs on the female side, the large spermatheca situated on a very long duct. Penis thick and long, the retractor muscle apparently inserted at its apex ; epiphallus ending in a short flagellum (pi. 12, fig. 1, P. zonaria). Jaw smooth, arcuate (pi. 12, fig. 7 P. zonaria.) Middle tooth and inner laterals with a single obtuse cusp ; outer laterals and marginal teeth with the ectodont developed (pi. 12, fig. 3, P. zonaria). Distribution, southern Celebes, Moluccas, New Guinea ; aberrant groups extending over the Indo-Malayan and part of the Australian regions. This genus differs from Chloritis in the white or pale colored, banded shell, very oblique aperture, and lack of quincuncial sculpt- ure on the apex, and in the smooth jaw. It differs from Papuina in the depressed earlier whorls of the shell and the ribless jaw. It agrees with Obbain the jaw, but differs in lacking an appendix upon the penis, and in the typically thinner, smoother shell, depressed at the apex. The anatomy is imperfectly known from the work of Semper and Tapparone-Canefri. Investigation should be directed to the penis in order to ascertain whether a papilla is present (denied by Semper), the true limits of penis proper and epiphallus, and the point of inser- tion of the penis retractor, v. Martens describes the jaw of P. loxo- tropis as weakly ribbed. It is probable that 'the complete absence PLANISPIRA. Ill -of ribs will prove to be a character not without exceptions in this, as in some allied genera. The genus is divided into four well-defined subgenera : * Shell white or light colored, generally banded, smooth, the earlier whorls flat or concave. Subgenus PLANISPIRA (restricted). Shell with no crest-like ridge behind the lip ; aperture decidedly wider than high, the basal lip usually somewhat thickened or toothed. Penis having a flagellum. Subgenus CRISTIGIBBA Tap.-Can. Shell with a crest or swollen ridge behind the lip; aperture about as high as wide, the basal lip narrow, not thickened or toothed. Penis very short, the retrac- tor and vas deferens inserted at its apex ; no flagellum. * Shell often roughly sculptured, the earlier whorls not especially depressed. Subgenus ANGASELLA A. Ad. Shell depressed, the whorls tub- ular, costulate or granulated ; aperture rounded or angular, the lip well expanded, reflexed below. Australian species. Subgenus TRACHIA Alb. Shell varying from discoidal to de- pressed globose, generally banded on an opaque whitish ground. Last whorl deeply deflexed in front. Lip expanded, reflexed below. Anatomy as in Planispira except that the jaw is ribbed. Indo-Ma- layan species. Subgenus PLANISPIRA Beck. Anatomy described above. ( Group of P. zonaria). P. zebra Pfr., vi, 275. v. instricta Mart. [280. guttata LeGuill. edentata Mart. v. embrechtiana Mouss., vi, P. aurita Mart., vi, 281. P. iaddse Pils., vi, 276. [275. P. biconvexa Mart., vi, 281. P. halmaherica Strub., viii, 284. P. scheepraakeri Pfr., vi, 282. P. chariessa Pils., vi, 279. P. zonaria Linn., vi, 277. P. quadrifasciata LeGuill., vi, /. lineolata Mart. 112 PLANISP1RA. P. zonaria Linn. v. fasciata Mart. /. fulminata Mart. /. collis Mouss. /. obliquata Mart. /. nitidiuscula Bttg., viii, 284. /. inaculosa Mart. v. fasciolata Less. /. coluber Beck. v. martini Schepm. Leyd. Mus. lunulata Mart. [xv. ( Group of P. endoptycha). P. endoptycha Mart., vi, 282. P. porcellana Grat., vi, 283. f compta H. Ad. (Group of P. zonalis). P. zonalis Fer., vi, 284. P. loxotropis Pfr., vi, 285. leucostoma A. & R. /. bernsteinii Mart. P. atrofusca Pfr., vi, 285. /. laticlavia Mart. P. latizona Pfr., vi, 285. /. angusticlavia Mart. P. atacta Pfr., vi, 287. /. pluricincta Mart. v. lorquini Pfr., vi, 286. (Group of P. Icurri). P. kurri Pfr., vi, 287. P. surrecta Bttg. P. tietzeana Rolle, Nachrbl. '93, P. flavidula Mart, vi, 288. [p. 33. flaveola Mts. not Kryn. (Group of P. exceptiuncula}. P. exceptiuncula Fer., vi, 289. P. thetis Pfr., vi, 290. /. phryne Pfr. (see Nachrbl. 1892, p. 43). /. aspasia H. Ad. Subgenus CRISTIGIJBBA Tapparone-Canefri. Cristigibba T.-C., Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xix, 1883, p. 161. With the general appearance of Planispira, these shells differ in having a crest or swollen ridge behind the lip, or a strong swelling on the base immediately behind the constriction preceding the lip. The spire is flat, a little concave in the middle. Type P. corniculum. (See pi. 12, fig. 13-15, C.macgregori Hedley.). The group is characteristic of New Guinea, but a few species range as far north as Ceram, Batjan, and even Borneo and Sumatra. PLANISPIRA. 113 Jaw arcuate, smooth (pi. 12, fig. 9, C. dominula). In C. mac- gregori the lower margin shows traces of denticulation, and the median portion is transversely wrinkled (pi. 12, fig. 11). Central and inner lateral teeth with a single cusp, shorter than the basal-plates. Marginals having a long, oblique, bifid mesoeone and a small ectocone. Genital system like that of Planispira on the female side. Penis extremely short, stout, the retractor and vas deferens inserted at its apex (pi. 12, fig. 8, P. plagiochila ; pi. 12, fig. 12, P. dominula}. In this group the epiphallus and flagellum have evidently been lost by degeneration. The anatomy of several species is known through the researches of Tapparone-Canefri and Charles Hedley. The following list of species will probably suffer considerable reduction when sufficient material for comparative study is brought together. (Group of P. corniculwn). P. corniculum H. & J., vi, 291. P. deaniana Ford, vi, 292. / kiesneri LeGuill. P. dominula Tap.-Can., vi, 293* . P. purpurostoma LeGuill., vi, P. macgregori Hedl., viii, 285. [177. (Group of P. tortilabia). P. tortilabia Less., vi, 294. P. rhodomphala T.-C., vi, 297. torticollis (LeGuill.), T.-C. P. semirasa Mouss., vi, 295. gibbosula H. & J. moluccensis Pfr. P. plagiocheila T.-C., vi, 295. P. leptocheila T.-C., vi, 296. ( Group of P. margaritis). P. margaritis Pfr., vi, 297. P. expansa Pfr., vi, 298. v. zonulella Mouss. anozona Mart. P. mersispira Mart., vi, 298. P. quadrivolvis Mart., vi, 299. Subgenus ANGASELLA A. Ad. . Angasella A. AD., P. Z. S. 1863, p. 521, only species, cyrtopleura. Pleuroxia ANCEY, Conch ologists' Exchange, ii, p. 38 (Sept., 1887), same type. Not Angasiella Crosse, 1864 (Nudibranchiata). Shell depressed, umbilicated, plicate-striate ; whorls 4 to 5, the last wide, deflexed in front. Aperture oblique, oval-truncate, the 114 PLANISPIRA. peristome expanded, reflexed below, not toothed, margins approach- ing and joined by a parietal callus. Type P. cyrtoplcura, pi. 19, figs. 20, 21, 22. Distribution, South Australia. Anatomy unknown. This group contains snails allied to the P. tuckeri group of the Islands off the north coast of Australia, but modified by the condi- tions of life in an arid region. Still it is doubtful whether the separa- tion of the two groups serves any useful purpose. Species. P. cyrtopleura Pfr., iv, 65. P. eyrei Ad. & Ang., iv, 66. P. phillipsiana Ang., iv, 66. P. subsecta Tate, iv, 66. Section Trachiopsis Pilsbry. Trachiopsis PILS., Manual of Conch, viii, p. 284. Shell small, depressed, umbilicated, the whorls rather cylindrical, covered with a brown cuticle, the last deflexed in front and more or less constricted behind the lip. Aperture round or angular, oblique, the lip thin, well expanded or reflexed, sometimes toothed. Type P. tuckeri Pfr., pi. 19, fig. 18, 19. Anatomy unknown. These small Planispira-like shells have hitherto been classed in Trachia, an Indian group. They inhabit the northern coast of Australia and adjacent islands. It is doubtful whether this group should be separated from Angasella. It differs mainly in the lighter, thinner texture of the shell, and the tendency to form a tooth upon the basal lip. P. tuckeri Pfr. iv, 65. P. delessertiana LeGuill, iv, 66. strangulata H. & J. taranaki Gray. P. cyclostomata LeGuill., iv, 65. torresiana H. & J. P. dentoni Ford, viii, 285. P. endeavorensis Braz., P. Z. S. P. dryanderensis Cox, P. Z. S., [1871, 640. [1872, p. 19. P. baudinensis Smith, viii, 286. P. collingii Smith, viii, 287. Subgenus TRACHIA Albers, 1860. Trachia ALB., Die Hel., edit. 2, p. 160. — STOLICZKA, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. xl, (2), p. 223 (anatomy). — Eurystoma ALB., Die Hel. 1850, p. 126; edit. 2, 1860, p. 1 29, typeH.vittata.— Cf. SEMPER, PLANISPIRA. 115 Beisen im Archip. Phil., Landmoll., p. 163, anatomy of H. vittata. — Not Eurystoma Raf. 1818, nor Eurystomus Vieill., 1816. — Philidora £ the lung cavity. Right eye-peduncle retracted between primary branches of genitalia. PI. 33, figs. 2, 3, H. mitchellce; fig. 2, reverse view of vagina, showing lower course of uterus and vas deferens. (From a specimen received from Dr. Cox). T. mitchellce and broadbenti have the type of genitalia described above, but in the latter the spermatheca has a shorter stalk. A second type of genitalia is found in T. basalis (=rainbirdi'), T. fraseri, T. blomfieldi in which species the epiphallus is extremely short and the flagellum either extremely short or obsolete, evidently by degeneration. Only by opening the penis can the true condition of these organs be ascertained. (See pi. 32, fig. 51, T. rainbirdi, after Hedley). In anatomy, Sphcerospira agrees with Badistes and Thersites, except that in some species the appendages of the penis have under- gone degeneration resulting in secondary haplogonism. The group inhabits Queensland with a few forms in New Guinea, being replaced southward by Badistes, westward by Xanthomelon. Most of the species of Sphcerospira live under the loose bark of fallen trees and on the ground, and are gregarious. Some occur under stones in damp places. No Hadras are arboreal, according to Hedley; differing totally in this respect from Papuina, but agreeing with Chloritis. (Imperforate species'). T. fraseri Gray, vi, 150. T. croftoni Cox, vi, 153. v. flavescens Hedl., vi, 151. T. blomfieldi Cox, vi, 154. T. coarctata Fer., vi, 151. v. warroensis Hedl. & Mouss., T. zebina Braz., vi, 151. [viii, 281. T. mossmani Braz., vi, 152. T. mitchella3 Cox, vi, 154. T. coxi Crosse, vi, 152. T. gratiosa Cox., vi, 155. forbesi Cox, preoc. T. etheridgei Braz., vi, 156. cerea Cox, preoc. T. macleayi Cox, vi, 156. cerata Cox. T. audersoni Cox, vi, 157. (Umbilicated species). T. rainbirdi Cox, vi, 157. T. rawnesleyi Cox, viii, 282. basalis Mouss. T. barney i Cox, vi, 165. 134 THERSITES. T. oconnellensis Cox, vi, 158. T. albofilata Mouss. T. T. arthuriana Cox, vi, 159. T. T. rockhamptonensis Cox., vi, T. planibasis Cox, ms. [159. v. moresbyi Ang., vi, 160. T. v. pallida Hedl. & Mss. viii, 281. T. informis Mouss., viii, 282. T. T. palmensis Braz., vi, 160. T. v. meridionalis Braz., vi, 161. T. T. bellendenkerensis Braz., vi, T. [161. T. parsoni Cox, vi, 162. T. T. appendiculata Pfr., vi, 163. T. T. seminigra Morel., vi, 162. T. lessoni Pfr., olim., et auct. T. ? =incei var. T. T. incei Pfr., vi, 166. T. v. aureedensis Braz., viii, 282. T. v. bayensis Braz., vi, 166 ; viii, T. [282. T. T. thatcheri Cox, vi, 164. T. T. hilli Brazier, vi, 164. T. mazee Braz., vi, 165. hanni Braz., vi, 166. prsetermissi Cox, vi, 167. mulgravensis Braz., vi, 168. mulgravei Braz. curtisiana Pfr., vi, 168. WaBraz., vi, 169. johnstonei Braz., vi, 170. creedi Cox, vi, 170. wesselensis Cox, vi, 170. sardalabiata Cox, vi, 171. stephensoniana Braz. whartoni Cox, vi, 171. mourilyana Braz., vi, 172. yulei Forbes, vi, 172. challisi Cox, vi, 173. nicomede Braz., vi, 173. beddomse Braz., vi, 174. bebias Braz., vi, 175. cookensis Braz., vi, 175. torasoni Braz., vi, 175. broadbenti Braz., vi, 176. hixoni Braz., vi, 177. Subgenus XANTHOMELON v. Martens, 1860. Xanthomelon MTS., in Alb., Die Hel., p. 174, type H.pomum; Mai. Blatter xvi, p. 77, 1869.— PILS., Man. Conch., vi,p. 178.— For anatomy, see SEMPER, Reisen, p. 160, pi. 14, and HEDLEY, P. R. S. Q., vi, p. 250, pi. 14, and p. 121, pi. 8. Shell large, solid and globular, the spire small, body-whorl large, globose, descending to the aperture, which is semioval and some- what oblique. Peristome narrowly expanded, thickened within ; columellar lip broad, flattened, partly or wholly covering the axial perforation; surface somewhat roughened, covered with a yellow cuticle. Type T. pomum, pi. 27, fig. 6. Jaw stout, arched, with 8 (perinflata) to a dozen (pachystyla) stout ribs, obsolete toward the ends (pi. 32, fig. 47, pachystyla). Radula as in SpJuerovpira etc. (pi. 32, fig. 46, pachystyla). Genital system having the penis rather short and stout, twisted at its apex, where the retractor-muscle and vas deferens are apparently THERSITES. 135 inserted. Spermatheca duct short and arising high on the vagina (pi. 32, fig. 52, pachystyla). The shell is more globular than that of Hadra s. sir. or Sphcero- spira, with smaller spire and wider columellar lip. The jaw and teeth are not different from those of Sphcerospira, etc. The peculi^ arity of the genital system is the apparent obsolescence of the epiphallus and flagellum, and the shortness of the duct of the sper- matheca, which is, as a general rule, long in this genus and its allies. Semper has investigated the anatomy of pachystyla, and Hedley that of pachystyla and perinflata. The penis should be re- examined, with a view to finding traces of the missing epiphallus and flagellum, and the internal papilla. The species inhabit Queensland, Arnhem land and the adjacent parts of the northern territory of S. Australia. T. pachystyla is found on sandy ridges buried a few inches below the surface among the roots of bushes, in dry weather. T. pomum Pfr., vi, 178. T. banneri MacGill. vi, 179. urvillei H. & J. T. lyndi Angas, vi, 183. pseudomeadei Braz. T. pachystyla Pfr. vi, 184. ? sphceroidea Le Guill. v. daemeli v. Mts. vi, 184. T. nigrilabris v. Mts., vi, 179. T. jannellei Le Guill, vi, 182. edwardsi Cox not Bid. pachystyloides Cox. meadei Braz. Subgenus RHAGADA Albers, 1860. Rhagada ALB., Die Hel., 1860, p. 108, type H. reinga Gray. PILSBRY, Man. Conch., vi, p. 184. — WIEGMANN, Weber's Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederl. Ost-Ind. iii, p. 169 (anatomy). Shell small, compact, globose-depressed, narrowly or covered um- bilicated, rather solid and cretaceous, whitish, unicolored or rnulti- lineate with reddish, the supraperipheral band most prominent and constant ; periphery rounded ; outer lip more or less expanded and thickened, columella reflexed, partly or wholly closing the umbili- cus. Type T. reinga Gray, (see pi. 27, figs. 16, 17, 18, T. carcharias Pfr. PL 27, figs. 11, 12, 13, T. supracostulata Schepm. PL 27, figs. 14, 15, T. floresiana Martens). Jaw (pi. 51, figs. 7, 8, T, solorensis) arcuate, with 4 or 5 unequal and asymmetrically arranged strong ribs. Radula (pi. 51, figs. 11, 12, T. solorensis') with 126-163 transverse rows of 31. 1. 31 to 38. 1.38 teeth of the type usual in Chloritis and 136 THERSITES-PAPUINA. Hadra. Central and inner lateral teeth having the ecto- and ento- cones completely fused with the mesocones, which attain or project beyond the posterior edges of the basal-plates. Outer laterals hav- side side cusps developed, the raeso- and ento-cones forming a long compound cusp as in Chloritis, etc. Marginal teeth (fig. 11) tricus- pid, or having the ectocones bifid (figs. 11, 12 show central with two adjacent laterals, 10th to 13th lateral and transition teeth, 22d, 23d and 32d to 35th marginal teeth ; after Wiegmann. PL 51, fig. 9, shows a central and lateral tooth from another individual, in which the ectocones are developed). In T. convicta the jaw has 7 stout ribs, dentition as in solorensis (See Binney, Dent. Pulm. Moll. pi. x, f. G.) Genital ia (pi. 51, fig. 10, T. solorensis, after a drawing by Mr. A. Protz) with a short flagellum on the penis, the spermatheca-duct inserted high on the vagina. No penis retractor is shown in the sketch, but it is probably present; and it is likewise probable that the penis proper terminates with the swollen portion seen at about the middle of its length, and that it contains a papilla there; the narrower upper part, as far as the entrance of the vas deferens, be- ing an epiphallus. The snails of this section have a smaller, more compact and cre- taceous shell than Hadra, with a different scheme of color. The anatomy offers no deviation of any importance from that of Hadra and Chloritis. (Species of N. Australian coast and adjacent islands'). T. reinga Gray, vi, 185. T. convicta Cox, vi, 187. T. richardsoniiE. A.Sm., vi,185. T. plectilis Bens., vi, 188. T. leptogramma Pfr., vi, 186. paleata Rve. T. dringi Pfr., vi, 186. T. carcharias Pfr., vi, 189. T. tescorum Bens., vi, 187. T. (?) torulus Fer. vi, 189. T. elachystoma v. Mts., vi, 187. (Species of So lor, Flores, and other islands N. of Timor Sea). T. colona v. Mts., vi, 190. T. floresiana v. Mts., pi. 27, f. 14, 15. T. solorensis v. Mts., vi, 190. T. supracostulata Schep., viii, 283. Genus PAPUINA von Martens, 1860. Papuina MTS., Die Hel. (2d edit.), p. 166, type H. lituus Less. — PILSBRY, Man. Conch., (2), vii, p. 3. — Eugenia ALB. Mss. — Insu- PAPUINA. 137 laria TAP. CAN. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xix, p. 115, 138, type H- lituus, 1883. Pileolus LESSON, Voy. de la Coquille. Zool. ii, p. 313 (preoc.). — Cymotropis v. Mart, Die Hel., p. 169, type H. " vitrea" = antrorsa. — Merope ALB., Die Hel., 2d edit., p. 158, type H.fringilla (preoc.). — Geotrochus of BECK and authors, not of v. Hasselt. — Acavus SMITH and TAP. CAN., not of Montf. Shell turbinate, lens-shaped or trochiform, umbilicated or iraper- forate, rather thin ; periphery varying from round to acutely keeled. Surface smoothish, the coloring light or bright. Aperture oblique, toothless or with a columellar nodule, the peristome thin and gen- erally expanded, ends of the lip remote. Type P. lituus Less. pi. 29, fig. 12 (see also pi. 29, figs. 14, 15, P. trobriandensis. Fig. 11, P. splendescens. Fig. 13, P. nortoni. PL 46, figs. 17-19, P. ianthe). Animal with the foot rather short, sole undivided ; upper surface densely granulated, with a slight median longitudinal groove above, the tail densely granulose with no median groove. Mantle with a triangular right lappet and an elongated low left one, the latter emitting a lobe on the left side. Jaw thin and weak, arcuate, its median portion ribbed, ends blunt -and ribless. (PL 34, fig. 11, P. moseleyi. PI. 34, fig. 1 2, P. vexillaris. PL 37, fig. 2, P. conscendens. PL 13, fig. 17, P. grata. PL 13, fig. 18, P. taumantias. PL 13, fig. 25, P. louisiadensis. PL 13, fig. 24, P. boyeri. PL 13, fig. 26, P. brumeriensis. PL 13, fig. 28, P. macgillivrayi. Radula of two types. Typically, the transverse rows are nearly straight ; the central and lateral teeth with wide, blunt mesocones, shorter than the basal plates, the marginals with three short, wide cusps (pi. 13, fig. 23, boyeri. PL 13, fig. 29, fringilla. PL 37, fig. 11, conscenden*). In P. moseleyi (pi. 37, fig. 1) the cusps are very broad, and project beyond the basal plates. In some divergent species the transverse rows of teeth are v-shaped; central teeth (pi. 37, fig. 9), with an extremely broad, gouge-like cusp (united meso- and ectocones), the laterals having the cusp par- tially divided into entocone and mesocone, an ectocone appearing on the outer laterals and marginals. The teeth are all of the same general form, and in all the cusps project over the basal plates. This type of teeth occurs in P. boivini and in vexillaris (pi. 37, figs. 9, 10), and will probably prove characteristic of the groups those species belong to, and also of the P. meta group ; the other groups having the more normal type of teeth. This aberrant type is com- T7KITEB8ITT 138 PAPUINA. parable to that of Polymita and Oxychona, and seems to be corre- lated with arboreal habits. P. moseleyi bridges, to some extent, the gap between the two types of teeth. Genital system having no accessory organs on the female side, the spermatheca on a rather long duct. Penis containing a papilla at its apex, continued in a long epiphallus which bears the retractor, and which passes into the vas deferens, having no flagellum or merely the rudiment of one. (PI. 37, fig. 5, P. trobriandensis ; pi. 37, figs. 3, 4, P. vexillaris ; pi. 37, figs. 7, 8, P.fringilla; pi. 13, fig. 16, P. grata ; pi. 13, fig. 21, P. yulensis ; pi. 13, fig. 27, P. brumeriensis). In another series of species the penis is short, the epiphallus very short, hardly distinguishable, ending in a short flagellum (pi. 13, fig. 22, P. taumantias ; pi. 37, fig. 6, P. brazieri). Some of these have the spermatheca duct very short. The prominent features of the anatomy are the weakness of the thin jaw, the breadth of the cusps of the teeth, and the lack of a flagellum upon the epiphallus, or its shortness, the union of epiphal- lus and vas deferens being indicated only by a slight protuberance at the end of the former, in most species. In some species (trobriandensis, woodlarkiana, moseleyi) the penis is extremely small. In others (boyeri, louisiadensis, fringilla} it is large and muscular. In one group of forms, taumantias, braziene, tomasinelliaiia, gestroi, meditata, ridibunda, the epiphallus is reduced to a very short extent, or even obsolete, and a short flagellum is developed. There is, therefore, a wide range of variation in the soft parts, as in the shells, of this genus. In P.fringilla the papilla is extremely long, and the walls of the penis cavity are transversely corrugated (pi. 37, fig. 7). In P. vexillaris the papilla is large but short (pi. 37, fig. 4). The eye- stalk is retracted between the branches of the genitalia, as usual. In P.fringilla the left edge of the mantle bears a lobe, at the posi- tion where two lobes are shown in Thersites (Badistes) gulosa. The anatomy of many forms is now known : Binney has figured the teeth of P. fringilla (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Ill, p. 113). Tappar- one Ganefri has figured the genitalia of P. yulensis, kaiauensis, tau- mantias, ridibunda, meditata, grata, novoguinecnsis, brazierce, gestroi,. tomasinelliana (Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xix, pi. 6 and 7). Hedley has illustrated the anatomy of P. brumeriensis, louisiadentif, rollsi- ana, woodlarkiana, trobriandensis, and boyeri (Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (2), vi, pi. 38-42. Pfeffer has figured the anatomy of P. PAPUINA. 139 boivini (Monatsber. Berl. Akad. Wissensch. 1877, p. 277, pi. 2, f. 11 -13). The writer has examined the soft parts of P. fringilla, vexil- laris, moseleyi and conscendens. Papuina is an exclusively arboreal genus, being strongly con- trasted in this habit to its allies Thersites and Chloritis. The shell is of lighter structure and brighter color than in these terrestrial groups, somewhat approaching that of Cochlostyla — a case of con- vergence of external characters from similar habits. The teeth dif- fer from those of allied groups, Thersites, Chloritis, Planispira, in the great breadth and bluntness of the cusps, a structure correlated with arboreal habits. The jaw is more delicate than in the allied genera. The great variation observed in the genitalia and teeth of the species examined, shows that here lies a wide field for future cultiva- tion. These features are no doubt characteristic of minor groups in the genus, and their investigation will lead to valuable results in the classification of the group, and secondarily may be of use in the study of its geographical distribution and migrations. The arbo- real habit has evidently been long established, for otherwise we should not have so profound a remodeling of the dentition. The geographic limits of the genus are on the northwest Halma- heira, on the southeast, the New Hebrides group. There are two principal centers of specific radiation: New. Guinea and the Solo- mon archipelago. The former of these has peopled the Moluccas, Queensland and the Louisiades. The species of Java, Sumatra and India referred by authors to this genus belong to other groups* mainly Satsuma. Subdivisions. Section Papuina. Shell having the outer lip well expanded, baso-columellar lip reflexed. Section Dendrotroehus. Shell trochoid, the columellar lip not in the least expanded or reflexed. Section Papuina (restricted). (Group of P. boivini; Solomon and New Britain groups.) P. congrua Pfr., vii, 4. P. hargreavesi Ang. vii, 9. P. chancei Cox, vii, 5. hargravesi auct. amphizona Pils., vii, 5. P. gamelia Ang., vii, 10. 140 PAPUINA. P. boivini Petit, vii, 6. subrepta H. & J. color uta Mss. P. ambrosia Ang., vii, 7. ramsdeni Ang. P. malantensis Ang., vii, 7. P. philomela Ang., vii, 8. P. brodiei Braz., vii, 10. P. dampieri Ang., vii, 11. P. walleri Braz., vii, 12. brenchleyi Ang., not Braz. P. alfredi Cox, vii, 12. v. trichroa v. Mart., vii, 12. P. macfarlanei Cox, vii, 13. P. guadalcanarensis Cox, vii, 9. P. coxiana Ang., vii, 13. (Group of P. meta; Solomon Is.). P. xanthochila Pfr., vii, 15. P. miser Cox, vii, 20. beatrix Ang., vii, 15. P. choiseulensis Braz., vii, 16. P. spendescens Cox, vii, 16. brenchleyi Braz., vii, 16. mendana Ang., vii, 17. P. meta Pfr., vii, 17. deidamia Ang. v. acrnella Pfr., vii, 18. P. plagiostoma Pfr., vii, 19. P. guppyi Smith, vii, 19. P. adonis Angas, vii, 20. metula Crosse. P. blandaCox, vii, 21. P. mendoza Braz., vii, 21. P. hermione Ang., vii, 21. biocheana Crosse. P. migratoria Pfr. vii, 22. leucophcea Cox. (Group of P.flexilabris ; Solomons, Louisiades and New Ireland). P. vexillaris Pfr., vii, 46. phthisica Pfr. P. boyeri C. & F., vii, 47. P. phseostoma Mart., vii, 47. P. gaberti Less., vii, 48. trochus Q. & G. trochoides Desh. P. lambei Pfr., vii, 48. lombei Pfr., olim. P. flexilabris Pfr., vii, 49. P. coniformis Fer., vii, 50. turbinata Desh. v. tuffetii Less., vii, 51. P. sellersi Cox, vii, 51. (Group of P. conscendens ; Queensland). " A small group of Queensland snails seem to differ from the main body of the genus in their habits. Not the stem or branches, but the leaves of trees are chosen by these for their favorite abode. To suit the situation the shell has been modified until the contour would suggest Partula rather than Papuina. The more conical shape has probably been adopted for greater safety in the exposed tree tops ; to the same end every superfluous atom of weight has PAPUINA. 141 been abandoned, the shell reduced to the thinnest, and the reflected lip dispensed with." (Hedley, Nautilus, vii, p. 73). P. fucata Pfr., vii, 14. P. conscendens Cox, vii, 14. ( Group of P. pileus P. euchroes Pfr., vii, 23. P. pileus Mull., vii, 24. pileata, bifasciata, ambigua [Gmel. P. blainvillei Le Guill, vii, 25. gdrtneriana Pfr. zoae Pfr. P. folicola Hedley, Nautilus, I. c. B. bidwilli Cox not Pfr. Moluccas and New Guinea). P. lenta Pfr., vii, 23. P. canovarii Tap. Can., vii, 26. P. blanfordiana H. Ad., vii, 26. blanfordi H. Ad. turbinata Val., mss. v. poirieri Tap. Can., vii, 27. (Group of P. poiretiana ; Night I., N. E. Australia). P. poiretiana Pfr., vii, 27. ( Group of P. antiq^ P. antiqua Ad. & Kv., vii, 28. Borneo ?, New Guinea). P. leonardi Tap. Can., vii, 32. horderi Sowb., vii, 29. P. xanthosoma Pils., vii, 28. (Group of P. pileolus; Moluccas and western New Guinea). P. pileolus Fer., vii, 29. /. turrita v. Mart. /. pyramidata v. Mart. /. convexa v. Mart. /. depressa v. Mart. P. rhynchostoma Pfr., vii, 30. P. ferussaci Less., vii, 30. ( Group of P. vitrea : P. vitrea Fer., vii, 33. albula Le Guill. vitracea Beck. P. arrowensis Le Guill, vii, 34 P. chondrodes Strub., viii, 292 P. lanceolata Pfr., vii, 34. P. grata Mich., vii, 35. acuta Q. & G., not Lam. P. leucotropis Pfr., vii, 36. P. hero Smith, vii, 57. P. exsultans Tap. Can., vii, 31. ferussaci Pfr., Novit. Conch. P. hedleyi Smith, viii, 290. P. pythonissa Tap. Can., vii, 31. P. turris H. Ad., vii, 32. P. fergusoni H. Ad., vii, 32. P. steursiana Shutt, vii, 33. Moluccas and New Guinea). P. ianthe Smith, vii, 58. P. nodifera Pfr., vii, 37. P. pelechystoma Tap. Can., vii, 35 P. pennantiana Pfr., vii, 36. P. carinata Hombr. & Jacq.vii, 36. P. bevani Braz., viii, 292. P. ? elisus Hedl., viii, p. 292. P. ? goldiei Braz., vi, 217. oxystoma Smith (preoc.). P. ? tritonensis Le Guill., vii, 88. 142 PAPUINA. ( Group of P. labium : Papuan region). P. lituus Less., vii, 37. ardouini Dh. papuensis Q. &. G. P. labium Fer., vii, 38. P. pseudolabium Pfr., vii, 38. P. multizona Less., vii, 39. tenuiradiata Q. & G. multizonata Desh. spectrum Rve. P. taumantias Tap. Can., vii, 39. v. cingulata Hedl., viii, 288. P. ridibunda Tap. Can., vii, 40. P. sicula Braz., vii, 45. meditata Tap. Can., vii, 40. P. aurora Pfr., vii, 41. P. serope Smith., vii, 41. P. novoguineensis Pfr. vii, 42. v. triumphalis Rve, vii, 42. v. mysolensis Pfr., vii, 43. P. waighouensis H. Ad., vii, 43. P. brazierse Braz., vii, 43. v. lacteolota Smith, vii, 25. P. tomasinelliana T. C. vii, 44. v. anozonata Hedl., viii, 288. v. agnocheilus Smith, viii, 289. P. gestroi Tap. Can., vii, 44. P. maclayana Braz., vii, 45. (Group of P. louisiadensis : Louisiades, d'Entrecasteaux Is., and British New Guinea). P. tayloriaua Ad. & Rv., vii, 58. P. louisiadensis Forbes, vii, 61. yulensis Braz. P. strabo Braz., vii, 60. roseolabiaia Smith. katauensis T. C. P. gorenduensis Braz., vii, 63. P. rollsiana Smith, vii, 63. P. comriei Ang., vii, 64. v. millicentse Cox, vii, 62. v. thomsoni Smith, vii, 62. P. gurgustii Cox, vii, 61. P. rhombostoma Pfr., vii, 60. P. woodlarkiana Souv., vii, 62. P. trobriandensis Hedl., viii, 290. P. albocarinata Smith, vii, 59. (Group of P. brumeriensis: Eastern New Guinea). P. chapmani Cox, vii, 51. P. zeno Braz., vii, 53. coraliolabris Smith, P. brumeriensis Forbes, vii, 52. v. albolabris Hedl., viii, 289. P. rangii Less., vii, 53. extricanda Tap. Can. (Australian Species'). P. macgillivrayi Forbes, vii, 55. P. bidwilli, Pfr., vii, 55. P. cerea Hedl. bridwilli Pfr., olim. latiaxis Smith. P. diomedes Bras., vii, 54. P. naso v. Mart., vii, 56. tapparonei Smith. P. rhyuchonella Tap. Can., vii, 57. (Group of P. eddystonensis). P. eddystonensis Reeve, vii, 64. P. nortoni Braz. P. motacilla Pfr., vii, 66. P. cserulescens Ang., vii, 68. PAPUINA-PLECTOPYLIS. 143 P. gelata Cox, vii, 65. P. pudica Pfr., vii, 69. v. maddocksi Braz., vii, 66. P. lienardiana Crosse, vii, 69. P. antrorsa Pfr., vii, 67. P. eros Angas, vii, 70. vitrea v. Mart., olim. P. redempta Cox, vii, 70. P. sachalensis Pfr., vii, 67. P. nigrofasciata Pfr., vii, 71. P. leucothoe Pfr., vii, 68. P. donnaisabellse Ang., vii, 71. (Group of P. moseleyi). P. moseleyi Smith, vii, 72. P. novsegeorgiensis Cox, vii, 72. ( Group of P. fringilla). P. fringilla Pfr., vii, 73. P. barnaclei Smith, vii, 73. Section DENDROTROCHUS Pilsbry, 1894. Papuina with the shell imperforate, trochiform, with rhombic aper- ture, the lip thickened within ; columellar lip not expanded or re- flexed. Type P. helicinoides Hombr. & Jacq. Soft anatomy unknown. Distribution Solomon Is., New Hebrides, Admiralty Is. and New Ireland. They are arboreal in habit. Bra- zier found P. cyrene in hundreds on the under sides of leaves of small bushes, in Ugi, Solomon Is. This is quite a well characterized section of Papuina. According to Hedley the Solomon Islands forms (cleryi, quirosi, zelina, cyrene) will prove to be varieties of one species (see Man. Conch., viii, p. 290). P. labillardierei Smith, vii, 75. P. cineracea H. & J., vii, 77. P. helicinoides H. & J., vii, 76. cinerarea Rouss. v. cleryi Reel., vii, 76. P. cyrene Crosse, vii, 78. septentrionalis Sm. P. eva Pfr., vii, 78. v. ineridionalis Sm., vii, 77. P. layardi Hartm., vii, 79. v. quirosi Cox, vii, 80. P. pyxis Hinds, vii, 80. P. zelina Cox, vii, 78. P. crucibulum Pfr., vii, 81. Genus PLECTOPYLIS Benson, 1860. Plectopylis BENS., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (3), v, p. 243. — STOLICZKA, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Beng. xl, (2), p. 217, pi. 15 (anatomy). — GODWIN- AUSTEN, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 608. Shell depressed, with flat or low-eonimi spire and large umbilicus, •dextral or sinistral ; solid or thin, the upper surface generally sculpt- 144 PLECTOPYLIS. ured with spiral lines, hirsute in the young. Aperture half-round or lunate, oblique, the lip reflexed, its ends generally joined by an elevated parietal callus, which usually bears an entering lamella. Interior of the last whorl obstructed by a barrier composed of a trans- verse plate or plates on the parietal wall, and several transverse or longitudinal denticles or plates on the outer wall. Type P. achatina Gray, pi. 40, figs. 5, 6, 7, 8. (See also pi. 40, figs. 1-4, P. jovia. PL 40, figs. 9-12, P. ponsonbyi. PI. 40, figs. 13-15, P. fultoni). Foot short, rarely equalling in length the diameter of the shell ;. tentacles very short ; eye pedicles of moderate length. Mantle edge thin, with small right and left body-lappets. Pulmonary cavity small. Kidney large, triangular. Jaw very thin, horny, arched, with a small anterior median pro- jection ; it is marked transversely with a great number of more or less distant grooves which divaricate in the center (pi. 42, fig. 36. P. cyclaspis). Radula of moderate width, long, composed of about 100 transverse more or less V-shaped rows of 60-70 teeth. Central tooth smaller, sometimes much smaller, than the laterals, very narrow, the reflection small, with three slender cusps. Lateral teeth with a large inner cusp and simple or bifid outer cusp, and a minute inner cusp (pi. 42. fig. 35, P. cyclaspis central, 1st, 2d and 12th laterals, and 20th and 25th marginal teeth. In P. pinacis the central tooth is larger and more similar to the laterals. Genital system (pi. 42. fig. 34, P. cyclaspis) having the duct of the spermatheca long. An organ of unknown homology (either a dart sack, a diverticulum of the spermatheca, or an appendicula) enters the vagina just above the opening of the spermatheca duct. Uterus containing few large eggs. Penis simple, receiving the vas deferens and the penis retractor at its apex, the latter attached distally to the floor of the lung cavity. This group differs from Gorilla in having perpendicular internal lamellae upon the parietal wall of the shell. It is different from Gor- illa and all other Helices in the converging V like elements of the thin jaw, which is quite of the goniognathous type found in Gylin- drella, Orthalicus and Otostomus. The small size of the central teeth is also au anomalous feature, recalling the Achatinidce. Per- haps the accessory organ of the vagina (seen between the uterus and the spermatheca in pi. 42, fig. 34) is really a diverticulum of the spermatheca duct ; and if this is the case the genital organs will not differ very much from those of Gorilla, although in that genus the PLECTOPYLIS. 145 retractor of the penis is attached to the uterus wall (as in Hyalo- sagda) instead of to the lung floor. The apex of the shell is rather large, as in Corilla, and usually somewhat rugose. The grouping of the species is based upon the form of the internal barrier, which is sometimes simple (pi. 40, fig._ 4), sometimes excessively complex by the duplication of the parietal and palatal barrier (pi. 40, figs. 7, 8, 12). Godwin-Austen found shells with insects fixed between the teeth, so that there can be little doubt that this barrier has been evolved for the protection of the snail from predatory insects which swarm in the regions these forms inhabit. P. achatina and cyclaspis are found on limestone hills, the animal being shy, usually living in crevices and holes, and closely adhering to the rock, even when moving about. This genus inhabits India and Farther India, extending north to central China and south to Ceylon and the Philippine Islands. Subdivisions. Pledopylis is herein expanded to contain two Chinese groups of uncertain affinities, besides the typical group. Subgenus PLECTOPYLIS. Whorls regular, the last not distorted nor grooved outside ; having internal transverse barriers within the last whorl. Subgenus TRAUMATOPHORA. Latter part of last whorl contracted outside; throat obstructed by entering palatal lamellae, but having no internal processes on the parietal wall. Subgenus STEGODERA. Shell sinistral, the last whorl distorted straightened, embracing the preceding ; aperture crescentic, tooth- less ; throat very narrow, but without internal teeth or lamellae. Subgenus PLECTOPYLIS Bens. (Parietal vertical lamina double or compound). P. achatina Gray, iii, 165. P. refuga Old., iii, 164. trepercussa Gld. P. dextrorsa G.-Aust., iii, 164. P. anguina Gld., iii, 165. P. leiophis Bens., iii, 163. P. brahma G.-Aust. iii, 164. P. shiroensis G.-Aust., iii, 163. P. cyclaspis Bens., iii, 164. P. feddeni Blanf., iii, 163. catinus Bens. olim. P. brachyplecta Bens., iii, 163. P. karenorum Blanf., iii, 164. P. biforis Hde., iii, 166. P. revoluta Pfr., Mon., v, 416. P. ponsonbyi G. A. 10 IJNIVEB8IT1 V 146 PLECTOPYLIS. (Parietal vertical lamina single). P. shanensis Stol., iii, 162. P. brachydiscus G.-Aust., iii, 162. trilamellaris G.-A. P. pseudophis W. Blanf.,iii, 162. P. perarcta Blanf., iii, 162. P. nagsensis G.-Aust., iii, 161. P. retifera Pfr., iii, 161. P. clathratula Pfr., iii, 161. puteolus Bens. P. fultoni G.-A., viii, 296. P. andersoni W. Blf., iii, 161. P. plectostoma Bens., iii, 160. prodigium Bens. mss. P. macromphalus W. Blf., iii, 160. P. laomontana Pfr., iii, 160. P. munipurensis G.-A., iii, 160. P. schistoptychia MlldfF., iii, 165. P. pinacis Bens., iii, 159. P. diptychia Mlldff., iii, 158. P. polyptychia Mlldff., J. B. [xiv, 272. P. trochospira Mlldff. J. B., xiv, [273. P. schlumbergeri Mori., iii, 166. P. joviaMab., viii, 156. P. villedaryi Anc., viii, 157. P. phlyaria Mab., viii, 158. P. fimbriosa v. Mart., iii, 158. v. emoriens Gred., iii, 158. v. nana Mlldff, iii, 158. P. murata Hde., iii, 159. P. stenochila Mlldff., iii, 159. P. pettos v. Mart., iii, 156. P. oglei G.-Aust., iii, 159. P. serica G.-Aust., iii, 159. P. coarctata Mlldff. Nachrbl. '94, [104. P. pulvinaris Gld., iii, 157. P. jugatoria Anc., iii, 166. P. reserata Hde., iii, 166. P. raultispira Mlldff, iii, 158. P. cutisculpta Mlldff, iii, 158. P. invia Hde., iii, 165. P. secura Hde., Fl. Bleu, 141. P. laminifera Mlldff, iii, 165. Subgenus TRAUMATOPHORA Ancey, 1887. Traumatophora ANC., Conch. Excb., April, 1887, p. 54. Shell disk-shaped, with low spire and open umbilicus ; granulate. Whorls 5, regularly increasing, the last constricted behind the -aper- ture. Aperture lunar, oblique, with reflexed lip, having within three entering lamellae upon the outer lip, marked outside by grooves, no parietal processes. Type P. triscalpta, pi. 41, figs. 26, 27. Anatomy unknown. This group and the next differ from Plecto- pylism lacking transverse internal barriers, but until their soft parts are known they had better be grouped in this place. P. triscalpta v. Mart., vi, 8. Central-southern China. v. fraterminor Gredl. J. B. xi, 137. GORILLA. 147 Subgenus STEGODERA v. Martens, 1876. Stegodera MTS., Novit. Conch., iv, p. 150. — PILSBRY, Man. vi, p. 7. — Steganodera KOBELT, Illust. Conchylienbuch, p. 236. Shell sinistral, disk-shaped, with low spire and open, deep umbil- icus ; solid, opaque, brown. Inner whorls slowly increasing, regular ; latter half of the last whorl distorted, straightened, covering the preceding whorl above. Aperture very oblique, crescentic, tooth- less ; peristome reflexed ; throat very much contracted. Type P. an- gusticollis, pi. 41, figs. 28, 29. Anatomy unknown. A single species is known. P. angusticollis v. Mart., vi, 7. Central China. Genus CORILLA H. & A. Adams, 1858. Gorilla ADS., Gen. Kec. Moll., ii, p. 208. — SEMPER, Reisen (2), iii, p. 100 (Anatomy). — Atopa ALBERS, Die Hel., p. 90 (in part). Shell planorboid, with nearly plane spire and broadly open umbil- icus, the contour subcircular or oblong; rather solid, striated above, brown or yellow. Whorls 5-5i, the last deflexed in front. Aper- ture oblique, the lip broadly reflexed or recurved, its ends distant ; parietal wall smooth or armed with a strong entering lamina. Inte- rior of the last whorl either without laminse, or obstructed by a series of blades nearly parallel to the direction oj the whorl, but hav- ing no transverse barriers. Type C. erronea Alb., pi. 41, fig. 19. See also pi. 41, figs. 20, 21, 22, C. rivolii Desh. PI. 41, figs. 23, 24, 25, C. charpentieri var. hinidunensis). Foot (of C. erronea) with undivided sole and without pedal grooves. No mantle lappets. Kidney very short. Jaw entirely smooth. Radula with about 79-85 teeth in a trans- verse row. Central tooth not smaller than the laterals, having a single cusp, shorter than the basal-plate. Laterals similar but asymmetrical. Marginals having a large, simple, oblique cusp longer than the square basal-plate (pi. 42, fig. 37, central, 1st and 24th teeth of C. erronea]. Genital system elongated, with no accessory organs on the female side. Spermatheca having a long duct, which branches into a very long flagellum-like diverticulum, containing a cylindrical spermato- phore, which extended from the end of the diverticulum to the vagina. Penis short, swollen distally, continued in the vas deferens upon which the penis retractor is situated, the distal end of the 148 CORILLA. retractor being inserted on the uterus (pi. 42, fig. 38, C. erronea). This species is ovoviviparous, the uterus in the individual figured containing two young, having a membranous shell of about 5 mill, diam., and more than 3 whorls. The shell differs from that of Pleetopylis in lacking internal barriers transversely obstructing the passage. When internal lamellae are present in Gorilla they run parallel to the sutures or nearly so, as in Polygyratia. The central teeth are not smaller than the laterals as in Pleetopylis, and there are further differences in the genitalia. All of the species are from Ceylon. ( Group of C. erronea : Parietal fold and internal plicae present). C. erronea Alb., iii, 157. C. anax Bens., iii, 157. C. rivolii Desh., iii, 156. C. odontophora Bens., iii, 157. carabinata Fer. (Group of C. charpentieri : no parietal fold or internal plicae). C. charpentieri Pfr., iii, 156. C. humberti Brot, iii, 156. v. hinidunensis Nev. The nine genera following possess certain features in common, binding them into a great group which the writer, in 1890, named MACROON. The literature throwing light upon the anatomy and affinities of the members of this super-generic group is very re- stricted, three authors only having discussed them from the broad standpoint of modern Helicology. SEMPER, in 1873, recognized the alliance between Aeavus and Panda (with which he also groups Gorilla and Caryodes) shown in the short kidney, simple genitalia, smooth jaw and unicuspid teeth. PiLSBRY,in 1890, announced that Aeavus, Panda, Helicophanta and Stylodonta agreed in having eggs of extraordinary size, in which the young undergo prolonged ante- natal development, and the shell actually attains a moiety of its whorls before the independent existence of the creature begins. HEDLEY, in 1892, studied the Australian forms, directing attention to features of their eggs, embryonic shells and anatomy not before appreciated, and gathering into one assemblage Panda, Pedinogyra, Caryodes, Anoglypta (and Liparus). The group, as it is herein understood, contains snails with helicoid or bulimoid shells, viviparous or with large, hard-shelled eggs ; the STYLODONTA. 149 jaw strong and ribless ; all of the teeth of the radula unicuspid ; the genital system without flagellum on penis and with no dart sac or mucous glands on vagina. To these characters we may add that the transverse rows on the radula are moderately straight (not V-- shaped), the basal-plates of all the teeth are of the usual quadrate form, and the large embryonic shell is usually sculptured differently from the after-growth. The shell never has teeth or folds in the aperture, although the columella shows often a long spiral, produc- ing a visible sinuosity or truncation below, which, incidentally, in some depressed forms, is shortened into a tooth-like columellar pro- cess. The affinities of the genera Plectopylis and Gorilla may be with this phylum, but if so, the connection is so remote or so much ob- scured by special modifications, that they may better be left isolated until more fully understood. The Adams brothers, Try on, Fischer and others, guided by certain analogies in the shells, have classified these Indian genera with the American Polygyras and the Eur-Asian Gonostomas, but the group so constructed is shown by a study of the soft parts to be a house built upon the sand. Genus STYLODONTA Crist, and Jan, 1832. Stylodonta DE CRISTOF. et JAN., Catal. p. 2, type H. unidentata. — PILSBRY, Man. Conch., vi, p. 85. — Stylodon BECK, Index Moll., p. 46. — ALB.-MART., Die Hel., p. 149 (in part). — Columplica HARTM. (part) Gast. Schweiz, p. 187. — Pachya ALB., Die Hel., p. 107 (in part). For anatomy see W. G. BINNEY, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 110 (teeth and jaw of Studeriana). VIGUIER, Arch. Zool. Exper. et Generale, viii, p. 529, pi. 40 (genitalia of Studeriana). SCHACKO, in Mobius' Beitr. zur Meeresfauna Maurit. u. Seychellen, p. 342 (anatomy of unidentata}. — MARTENS in v. d. Decken's Reisen in Ost-Afrika, iii, i, p. 56, pi. 1 (varieties of unidentata).— NEVILL, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 61 (conditions of snail life on Seychelles). Shell depressed- turbinate, solid, with imperforate axis at all stages of growth ; obtuse apex ; and keeled periphery, at least in the young. Surface yellowish or dark brown ; whorls 5£, the earlier 3£ spirally grooved or decussated, forming an embryonic shell about one-third the diameter of the adult ; outer whorls finely wrinkled, the last descend- ing in front. Aperture wide-lunate, quite oblique, the peristome expanded or reflexed. Columella short, subvertical, its inner edge with a convex lobe or a sharp tooth-like fold. Type, S. unidentata, pi. 38, fig. 9. 150 STYLODONTA. Jaw stout, arched, with no ribs, but having a few coarse, broad vertical wrinkles (Studeriana), or weak, fine and close striae (uni- dentata}. Radula large, composed of nearly straight transverse rows of teeth. Central teeth with one broadly rounded cusp shorter than the basal plates ; laterals similar, but the cusp longer and inclined ; marginals having an inclined broad mesocone and developing a small ectocone (pi. 48, fig. 9, S. studeriana). In studeriana the radula measures 12J x 5 mill., and the formula of teeth is In unidentata the radula measures 10 x 4 mill., and the formula is Genitalia imperfectly known by Viguier's figures and description (see pi. 50, figs. 6, 7, 9, S. studeriana'). The figures show the male system below, female system above. The penis is large. Vagina long, bearing a long duct ending in an oval spermatheca. Uterus large, containing two yoang shells, which are enclosed in membran- ous pouches, and attached to them by a sort of umbilical cord formed of the pouch wall (pi. 50, fig. 9). The uterus and pouches are filled with a glairy substance, probably nutritive, and secreted by the albumen gland. The organs above the uterus are un- known. Large, solid Helices, inhabiting the Seychelles Islands. They are viviparous, bringing forth one or two young at a time. They live on bushesor climbing vines,feedupon green leaves,and aBstivate under the soil or in rock crevices. Dufo supposed that only the lighter colored individuals were females, but his observations lack anatomi- cal confirmation. The shells are very dull colored for arboreal forms. Besides the viviparous reproduction, and the large size of the young at birth, these species are peculiar in having a small ectocone de- veloped on the outer marginal teeth, the dentition being otherwise like that of Aeavas. The large size of embryonal shell, the ribless jaw, and the peculiar teeth, all forbid the association of these shells with the genus Camcena. S. studeriana is found upon the island of Praslin only. It lives upon the leaves and trunk of the Coco-de-mer tree. S. unidentata occurs on Mahe, Felicite, Silhouette and Curi- euse Islands. The young shells are acutely keeled, as in Pyrochilust not rounded as in Helicophanta, Acavus, Panda, etc. S. uuidentata Chemn., vi, 86. S. unidentata Chemn. microdonta Dh. v. exanthematica v. Mts. uniplieata Hartm. v. militaris Pfr. normalis Martens. v. globata v. Mts. HELICOPHANTA. 151 S. studeriana Fer. vi, 87.' Genus HELICOPHANTA Ferussac, 1821. Helicophanta FER. (in part), Tab. Syst. des Anim. Moll., p. xxxii ; Tab. Syst. de la Fam. des Lin^ons, p. 23, 25 (contains, premier groupe Yitrinoides, H. brevipes, H. rufa and deuxeme groupe Vesiculse, H. cafra, H. cornu-giganteum, H. magnified). — BECK, Index, p. 46 (except first species). — ALBERS, Die He!., p. 110 (in part). — ALB. -MART., Die Hel., p. 148, type H. magnified. — Leiostoma SWAINS (in part) Malacol., p. 328. — Eurycratera H. & A. Ad., Gen. Rec. Moll., ii, p. 190. Shell large, capacious, Helicoid or bulimiform, imperforate or umbilicate, consisting of 4-5 rapidly enlarging whorls, the several earlier forming the embryonic shell, the diameter of which exceeds one-third that of the adult ; the post-embryonic growth consisting of 1J whorls or less, the last very large, deflexed in front. Aperture large ; lip narrowly expanded or reflexed, the columellar margin dilated at its insertion. Type H. magnified Fer. (see pi. 38, fig. 4, H. goudotiana. PI. 38, fig. 5, H. cornugigantewii) . Animal completely retractile into the shell, having the foot large and fleshy, sole not divided longitudinally, transversely wrinkled : sides of foot granular and obliquely deeply grooved down to the sole edge ; tail rounded behind, smooth above. Mantle margin enor- mously thickened, having small right and left body-lobes (pi. 49, fig. 23, showing animal of H. magnified completely retracted within the aperture, the end of tail visible in the mantle cavity). Jaw strong, slightly arched, smooth ; having no trace of vertical strise (PI. 49, fig. 19, H. magnified). Radula resembling that of Acavus, Ampelita, and especially Panda. Central and lateral teeth with single cusps, shorter than the basal-plates ; marginals with long, oblique cusps (pi. 48, figs. 12, .13, H. magnified, central with adjacent lateral, a lateral, and group of marginals, with outermost marginal tooth). Genitalia opening near the right eye-tentacle. Penis very large and flattened, the retractor attached midway its length and inserted distally on the lung floor ; vas deferens entering beyond the insertion of the retractor, and continued inside in a vesicular enlargement of the penis-wall to the apex of penis, where it opens into the large, smooth-walled penis-cavity. Vagina large, short; uterus large. 152 HELICOPHANTA. Spermatheca with a long duct, closely bound to the vagina (PI 49, fig. 21, H. magnified showing penis and lower portion of uterus and spermatheca duct. Fig. 20, reverse side of female side, show- ing vas deferens, etc. Fig. 22, penis split along line a-b in fig. 21, showing cavity. Fig. 23, section of enlarged wall of penis along Mne c-d of fig. 22, showing vesicular structure beyond the entrance of the vas deferens. PI. 49, fig. 18, genitalia of H. goudo- tiana, after Brancsik. The peculiar features of this genus are the very large size of the shell and its extremely large embryonal or nuclear portion ; the great thickness of the fleshy mantle-edge, and the peculiar structure of the penis. The unicuspid teeth of the entire radula, and the smooth jaw, are characters common to Acavus, Panda, and other allied genera. The species are restricted to Madagascar, but the affinities of the genus are entirely with groups of the Seychelles Islands and Ceylon. It is not yet known whether the young are brought forth alive as in Stylodonta, or in eggs as in Acavus, Panda and Borus. That Ferussac intended his group Helicophanta especially for the glassy, vitrinoid shells subsequently called Daudebardia, is evident from his definition, grouping, and the etymology given ; and some authors have used the name for these forms. But as Beck, Albers and v. Martens have chosen another course, it seems advisable to follow the precedent of such high authorities, especially since, by the " law of elimination," the same result is obtained. The only other course open to us would be to replace Daudebardia by Heli- cophanta, and use the term Macroon in a restricted generic sense for this Madagascar group. The anatomy of Helicophanta is known by Seinper's description of H. magnifica (Nachrbl., 1880, p. 60), and by a figure of the geni- talia of H. goudotiana by Brancsik (Jahresheft des Naturwissen- schaftlichen Vereines des Trencsener Comitates, 1892-3, p. 209, pi. 6, f. 5. The writer has examined H. magnifica in the flesh, and the figures on plates 48 and 49 are drawn from this specimen. Group oj cornugiganteum H.cornugiganteum Chemn.vi, 60. H. guestieriana Cr., vi, 62. H. betsileoensis Ang., vi, 61. H. vesicalis Lam. H. ibaraoensis Ang., vi, 61. bicingulata Smith, vi, 63. ACAVUS. 153 Group of magnified. H. magnifica Fer., vi, 65. H. souverbiana Fisch., vi, 66. polyzonalis Beck. /. audeberti Mouss., vi, 67. Group of goudotiana. H. oviformis Grat., vi, 68. H. grandidieri C. & F., vi, 72. v. phenax Pils., vi, 69. H. partuliformis Bttg., vi, 72. H. goudotiana Fer., vi, 70. H. oomorpha Mab., vi, 49. H. echinophora Fer., vi, 71. Group offarafanga, etc. H. farafanga Ang., vi, 73. H. gloriosa Pfr., vi, 68. farafanganensis C. & F. H. (?) follis Fer., vi, 74. Genus ACAVUS Montfort, 1810. Acavus MONTF., Conch. Syst., ii, p. 234, type H. hcemastoma. — SEMPER, Reisen, p. £9 (anatomy). — SARASIN, Ergeb. Naturwissen- sch. Forsch. auf Ceylon, i, 1888 (embryology). — BINNEY, Ann.N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 92 (dentition). — Otala (in part) SCHUMACHER. — Oligospira ANCEY, Conch. Exch.,ii, p. 22, 1887, types H.waltoni and H. skinner i. Shell imperforate, globose depressed or globose-trochoidal, solid, bright colored. Whorls less than 5, rapidly increasing, the several earlier forming the nuclear or embryonic shell, which is about one- third the diameter of the adult. Last whorl deflexed in front. Aper- ture very oblique, the lip vividly colored and broadly expanded; columellar margin long, obliquely descending, broadly flattened, the columellar lip adnate. Type A. hcemastoma, pi. 38, fig. 1. Animal with undivided sole, and no pedal grooves ; lung and kid- ney very short, the latter opening at the base of the kidney. Body- lobes of the mantle present, of moderate or small size. Jaw strong, low-arcuate, entirely smooth, without median projec- tion. Radula having the teeth all unicuspid (pi. 50, fig. 8, 26, .4. slcinneri. PI. 50, fig. 5, A. phoenix. PI. 48, fig. 14, A. hcemastoma. Genital system having no accessory organs. Penis having termir nal retractor, the interior with two longitudinal pilasters below, with a very short, imperforate papilla at their base, at the base of which the vas deferens enters. Spermatheca on a very short duct (PI. 50, 154 PYROCHILUS. fig. 1, A. skinneri. Fig. 3, A. hcemastoma). Eggs very large, oval, hard shelled (pi. 50, fig. 4, A. phcejiix, natural size). The section Acavus comprises Ceylonese Helices of large size and superb coloring. The shell is capacious, with a broad, polished lip of vivid red, lilac, or intense black hue. The young shells at the time of their extrusion from the egg are bright colored, with round periphery, and are about one-third the size of the adult. The teeth are all unicuspid, but the marginals have shorter cusps than in Heli- cophanta or Panda ; and the shell differs from these groups in its broad columeliar lip and brilliant coloring. They are arboreal in habit. Group of A. hcemastomus. A. hsemastomus L., vi, 78. A. prosperus Alb., vi, 80. v. melanotragus Born., vi, 79. A. phoenix Pfr., vi, 80. v. conus Pils., vi, 79. A. superbus Pfr., vi, 81. v. concolor, Pils., vi, 303. v. roseolabiata Nev., vi, 82. A. fastosus Alb., vi, 79. v. grevillei Pfr., vi, 82. Group of A. valtoni (Oligospira). A. valtoni Rve., vi, 83. A skinneri Reeve, vi, 84. waltoni auct. Genus PYROCHILUS Pilsbry, 1892. Phania ALB., Die Hel., edit. Martens, p. 157, type H. lampas. — MARTENS Landschn. der Ostasiat. Exped., p. 325. — PILSBRY, Man. Conch., vi, p. 193. — Not Phania Meigen, Syst. Beschreib. Eur. zweifliigel. Insekten, iv. p. 218, 1824. — Pyrochilus PILSBRY, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1892, p. 391. Shell large, solid, imperforate, depressed ; keeled at the periphery, at least in the young', convex above and below, unicolored. Junc- tion of nuclear shell with the after-growth not distinct. Lip expanded, bright colored ; columella widened into a flat plate, adnate over the umbilicus, its inner edge blade-like. Whorls about 4i. Type P. pyrostoma (see pi. 38, figs. 2, 3, P. lampas). Jaw of H. pyrostoma smooth, weakly arched, without median pro- jection. Animal without caudal gland or mantle lobes. Internal anatomy unknown. A group of handsome, large helices, all of which are still rare in collections. The brilliant coloring of the peristome and the widened AMPELITA. 155 columella, as well as the smooth jaw, are characters which Pyrochi- lus shares with Aeavus ; but in the present group the embryonic shell is not differentiated or demarked from the post-natal portion, as is the oblong, globose nuclear shell of Aeavus ; and the young are acutely keeled, as in Camcena. The few species are from Halmahera and Bat j an, Moluccas. P. lampas Mull., vi, 194. P. pyrostoma Fer., vi, 194. carina Wood. v. bucculenta Tap.-Can., vi, 195 magna Schum. v. extincta Tap.-Can., vi, 195. gigas Swains. P. xanthostoma Herk., vi, 197. P. sulcocinctus Mart, vi, 196. Genus AMPELITA Beck, 1837. Ampelita BECK, Index Moll. p. 30 (proposed for zodiaca, xystera, labrella, lancula, madagascariensis, clotho, aledo*). — ALBERS, Die Hel., 2d edit, p. 163. — PILSBRY, Man. Conch., vi, p. 16. Shell depressed, solid and opaque, varying from broadly openly .umbilicated to perforate ; spire low, convex ; the periphery rounded or keeled. Surface smoothish, sometimes malleated. Aperture very oblique, oblong-truncate ; lip expanded above, reflexed below, toothless. Type A. xystera Val. (see pi. 41, figs. 31, 32, 33, A. hemi- oxia). Foot indistinctly tripartite beneath, the upper surface evenly tuber- culate, without longitudinal grooves on back or tail. Mantle-edge unusually thick, the right body-lappet very small, left lappet situ- ated far to the left, and very low. Jaw (pi. 51, fig. 5, A. xystera) rather widely arcuate, smooth, its anterior surface totally lacking ribs or stria?, very minutely denticu- late in the middle of the cutting edge. The jaw figured measures 1.5 mill. wide. Radula (pi. 51, fig. 4, A. xystera. PI. 49, fig. 25, A. sepulchralis) composed of very broadly V-shaped, transverse rows ; all of the teeth unicuspid. Cusps of all teeth wide and rounded, the centrals and laterals having the basal plates longer than the cusps, marginals with shorter basal plates, as usual. Genitalia without accessory organs. Penis stout and short, the retractor and vas deferens inserted at its apex ; walls of penis cavity corrugated, the vas deferens entering through a small papilla (pi. 51, fig. 6). Externally, the lower course of the vas deferens is closely 156 AMPKLITA. bound to the penis from its base to its apex ; its free portion short. Duct of spermatheca long. Albumen gland large, the ovisperm duct imbedded in it nearly its whole length (pi. 51, figs. 1-3, 6, A. xystera. See also pi. 42, fig. 40, A. loucoubeensis). Embryonal whorls about 2, indistinctly marked off from the after- growth ; eggs unknown, but apparently one-fifth to one-seventh the diameter of the adult shell. Distribution, Madagascar. The general aspect of the shells is that of ground snails, but the dentition is more like that of arboreal forms. The prominent features of this genus, apart from its discoi- dal and peculiar shell, are (1) that all of the teeth of the radula have single, simple rounded cusps, even the outermost marginals ; (2) the ribless jaw; (3) the vas deferens is bound to the penis from apex to base of the latter, and the lower course of the ovi-sperm duct is bound to the albumen gland nearly the entire length of that gland. The genitalia of A. loucoubeensis have been figured rudely by Brancsik (Jahresheft der naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines des Trencsener Comitates, xiv-xv Jahrgang, p. 209, pi. 6, f. 3, 1893). The anatomy of A. xystera and dentition of A. sepulchralis has been examined by myself. The species are numerous, and some of them at least are excessively variable, giving rise to an extensive syn- onymy. Most of those described without figures by Mabille may prove synonyms or varietal forms of the well-known species. Group of A. sepulchralis. A. sepulchralis Fer., vi, 18, 301. A. subsepulchralis Crse., vi, 22. labrella Lam. /. obscura C. & F., vi, 302. f. sganziniana C. & F., vi, 301. /. minor C. & F., vi, 302. /. prceclara C. & F., vi, 300. sepulchralis Rv., f. 147 b. f. olivacea Pils., vi, 300. /. nigropurpureaC. &F.,vi,302 f. lethifera C. & F., vi, 300. A. hova Angas, vi, 24. /. funebris v. Mart., vi, 19. madera Mab., vi, 50. v. funebris Morel., vi, 301. polydora Mab., vi, 50. v. eurychila C. & F., vi, 301. A. stragulum C. & F., vi, 23, 302. cadaverosus Pils., vi, 19. A. lamarei Mke., vi, 25. /. pallidior C. & F., vi, 301. v. sakalava Ang., vi, 26. /. excoriata Mart., vi, 22. v. catarella Mab., vi, 49. A. watersi Angas, vi, 26. AMPELITA. 157 Group of A. omp ha lodes. A. omphalodes Pfr., vi, 26. A. basizona Mouss., vi, 29. v. loucoubeensis Cr., vi, 27. A. guillaini Pet., vi, 30. lucubeensis Auct. A. consanguinea Fer., vi, 30. A. calypso Pfr., vi, 28. v. subconsanguinea Pils., vi, 30 v. intensior Pils., vi, 28. A. atropos Fer., vi, 20. A. chlorozona Grat., vi, 31. A. madagascariensis Lm., vi, 32. A. vesconis Morel., vi, 31. madecassina Fer. (y=chlorozona?) A. robillardi Ang., vi, 32. Group of A. xyster a. A. novacula Mart., vi, 33. A. cazenavetti F. & B., vi, 35, 302 A. hemioxia Pils., Naut., viii. A. lancula Fer., vi, 36. A. xystera Val., vi, 33. v. terveriana Grat., vi, 37. A. shavi Smith, vi, 34. A. fulgurata Sowb., vi, 36. A. stumpffii Kob., vi, 35. A. (?) testudo Pfr., vii, 89. /. albina Brancsik. A. unicolor Pfr., vi, 37. Group of A. lanx. A. lanx Fer., vi, 38. A. lanciformis Bttg., vi, 39. v. radama Less., vi, 38. v. nossibeeusis Bttg., vi, 40. A. suarezensis C. & F., vi, 302. v. carapbelliana Pils., vi, 39. Group of A. duvallii. A. duvallii Pet., vi, 41. A. clotho F6r. vi, 42. A. percyana Smith, vi, 42. A. granulosa Fer. vi, 43. A. lachesis Fer., vi, 41. A. galactostoma Pfr., vi, 44. Group of A. covani. A. covani E. A. Smith, vi, 44. Unfigured species of uncertain affinities. A. campelica Mab., vi, 54. A. monacha Mab., vi, 47. A. cyanostoma Mab., vi, 48. A. omoia Mab., vi, 46. A. erythromorpha Mab., vi, 51. A. paropta Mab., vi, 55. A. galactostomella Mab., vi, 53. A. porcaria Mab., vi, 45. A. gaudens Mab., vi, 54. A. scotina Mab., vi, 46. A. gaudiella Mab., vi, 55. A. stilpna Mab., vi, 53. 158 PEDINOGYRA. A. gonostyla Anc., vi, 45. A. subfunebris Mab., vi, 55. A. lithida Mab., vi, 53. A. thelica Mab., vi, 47. A. lychna Mab., vi, 52. Subgenus PCECILOSTYLUS Pilsbry, 1890. Poscilostylus PILS., Man. Conch., vi, p. 56. — Eurystyla ANCEY, not fital. Shell compact and globose or globosely-elevated, imperforate or nearly so, smooth and shining, vividly colored. Peristome blunt, narrowly expanded, the columellar margin reflexed. Type A. viridis Dh., pi. 38, figs. 10, 11. Anatomy unknown. These handsome shells have the appearance of the Philippine Island Cochlostylas. They are probably arboreal forms. A. viridis Desh., vi, 56. A. cerina Morel., vi, 57. Genus PEDINOGYKA Albers, 1860. Pedinogyra ALB., Die Hel., p. 162, type H. cunninghami. — PILS- BRY, Man. Conch, vi, p. 13. — HEDLEY, Records of the Australian Mus., ii, 29, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl. vi, p. 63, pi. 3, (anatomy). Shell large and discoidal, with flattened spire and broadly open umbilicus, solid, opaque and colored. Whorls 5-6, the last large, deeply deflexed in front. Aperture oblong-truncate, nearly horizon- tal, the lip slightly expanded, blunt. Type P. cunninghami, pi. 17, figs. 5, 6. Jaw arcuate, ribless, faintly striated transversely and longitudin- ally, the ends rounded (pi. 17, fig. 2, P. cunninghami). Radula having the middle cusp only developed, on all the teeth. Centrals and laterals with the cusp shorter than the basal-plate. Mar- ginals with a single ovate inclined cusp, projecting beyond the square basal plate (pi. 17, fig. 4, a central with 1st, 12th and 17th laterals, and 27th marginal tooth of P. cunninghami). Genitalia having the penis long, retractor and vas deferens inserted at its apex, lower course of the latter large. Upper part of the vagina bearing the long stalked spermatheca, and a long appen- dicula, and bound firmly to the body-wall at this point. Ovo-testis imbedded in the digestive gland, as usual (pi. 17, fig. 1, P. cunning- hami). Eggs globose, white, 9 mill, in diameter, hard, calcareous, ANOGLYPTA. 159 brittle, coarsely granular outside, smooth within (pi. 17, fig. 3, P. cunning hami). Distribution, Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. P. cunninghami has been found living " under heaps of stones and drifts of dead leaves, or buried in clusters of from 3 to 6 in the soil^ The sharp edges of broken shells are used by the aborigines of Port Curtis to polish their spears, boomerangs and waddies." The more conspicuous characters of this type are its broadly um- bilicated, quoit-like shell, the presence of an appendicula on the vagina, and the unicuspid marginal teeth. Both shell and dentition resemble the South American genus Macrocyclis. Two specific forms have generally been recognized: a large solid Queensland form, cunninghami, and a smaller, thinner, keeled form of New South Wales, muhlfeldtiana ; but Hedley finds that they intergrade. This difference from north to south is exactly paralleled in other Australian Helices. Compare Thersites richmondiana of Queensland with T. novcehollandice of New South Wales ; the solid, highly colored Sphserospiras, with the thinner, keeled Badistes, etc. It is a well established rule that as we pass southward from subtropical Queens- land to the temperate southern regions of Australia, the shells become thinner, smaller, less richly dyed, and often develop a more or less obvious peripheral keel. While the systematic position of this genus in the series cannot be regarded as unquestionable, I agree with Hedley that it is prob- ably to be regarded as a depressed manifestation of Panda. It does not agree with that genus in that Pedinogyra has the ovo testis im- bedded in the digestive gland. In Pandait is not so imbedded, but is free as in the Bulimi. P. cunninghami Gray, vi, 14. v. compressa Mouss. v. miihlfeldtiana Pfr., vi, 15. v. minor Mouss. Genus ANOGLYPTA Martens, 1860. Anoglypta v. MART., Die Hel., p. 312, type H. launcestonensis.— PILSBRY, Man. Conch., vi, p. 92. — HEDLEY, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales (2), vi, p. 22 (anatomy) ; and Kec. Austr. Mus., ii, p. 29. Shell umbilicated, subtrochiform, conoidal above, convex below the peripheral carina ; lusterless and spirally lirate-tuberculate above, polished below. Whorls 5 J. the apical ones spirally lirulate, the last suddenly and deeply deflexed in front. Aperture small, subhor- 160 ANOGLYPTA. izontal ; outer lip thin, not expanded, having a projecting angle just above the periphery ; columellar lip slightly thickened and expanded toward the insertion. Type A. launcestonensis, pi. 29, fig. 16. Animal having the sole undivided ; upper surface granulated, the granules arranged in indistinct rows on the back ; facial or lateral grooves distinct ; tail pointed and flattened. Mantel edge thick, developing a large left body-lobe in front of the respiratory pore, and a triangular right one below and behind it. Genital foramen upon the right lateral groove, below and behind the eye stalk. Jaw arcuate, with a slight median projection ; very finely, irregu- larly striated vertically (pi. 47, fig. 6). Radula having all of the teeth unicuspid. Central and lateral teeth (pi. 48, fig. 10) having the basal-plates contracted on the outer margin, forming a sort of socket for a projection on the inner mar- gin of each succeeding plate. Marginals with long, broad, oblique cusps, becoming shorter on the outer ones (pi. 48, fig. 11, three groups of marginal teeth, the right hand group from the outer edge of r ad ul a). Genitalia having a very short vestibule ; lower part of vagina swollen, enlarging again above as it passes into the spermatheca duct. This duct is very long, slender and closely bound to the uterus above, ending in a globular receptacle. Below, the lower portion of the duct is very large, with muscular walls, and bears a short blind sack, directed downwards. This sack, and the enlarged duct and vagina together, have strongly ridged internal walls. Uterus hav- ing a very narrow neck (pi. 47, fig. 5, showing neck of uterus and its union with vas deferens, below the blind sack of spermatheca duct). Ovo-testis composed of a very long, straggling series of irreg- ular clusters of fine follicles, imbedded in the liver along its inner surface. The penis has the vas deferens inserted below the apex, above and opposite to the insertion of the retractor muscle, which is very long, and attached distally far back on the lung floor. Penis cavity closely and strongly ribbed longitudinally, with no papilla. Vas deferens firmly bound to the penis its entire length, and also firmly bound to the vagina PI. 47, fig. 8, showing course of v. d. on penis. (See pi. 47, figs. 5, 7, 8, A. launcestonensis'). Anoglypta is a monotypic genus created for one of the most peculiar of all Helices. In its coarse spirally lirate-tuberculate sculpture A. launcestonensis stands unique; and our knowledge of CARYODES. 161 the soft parts of the animal throws but a feeble light on the ques- tions of its origin and affinities. The eggs are like those of Caryodts. The sculpture of the earlier whorls is almost exactly as in that gemi*. The perfectly simple, unexpanded edge of the lip, and the basal color zone are also other points of likeness between Anoglypta ancl " the Caryodes, Panda, Pedinogyra series. The genital system is peculiar in having the vas deferens closely bound in the integument of the penis, as in Ampelita, and in the backward-projecting sack on the sperrnatheca duct. This may perhaps be interpreted as an appen- dicula, or it may be an independent development for the reception of spermatophores, like the diverticulum in the true Helices. The jaw is not smooth, as in all other genera of the Macroon group, but finely striated as in Pyramidula. The radu la is altogether similar to> that of Helicophanta, Panda, Caryodes, etc. On the whole, it seems that Charles Hedley's estimate of the affinities of Anoglypta is by far the most probable yet advanced. The position assigned by von Mar- tens, and those formerly suggested by the writer, are clearly unten- able. The only species of this genus, Mr. Hedley writes, is confined to a mountainous district in north-eastern Tasmania. He found it plentiful among the fern-tree gullies. " Habits very shy and timid, crawling very slowly. It frequents damp places under logs- and decaying stems of tree-ferns. The fire and ax of civilization- threaten to diminish the already narrow range of this splendid and interesting species, but its haunts are so rugged and remote that I do not fear its extinction." A. launcestonensis Reeve, vi, 93. N.-E. Tasmania. Genus CARYODES Albers, 1850. Caryodes ALB., Die Hel., p. 141, type Bulimus dufresnii. — MAR- TENS in Die Hel., p. 228. — SEMPER, Reiseu im Arch. Phil., Land Moll., p. 102 (anatomy). — TENISON- WOODS, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii p. 81 (variation, etc.). — HEDLEY, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2), vi, p. 19 and Rec. Austr. Mus., ii. p. 29 (external anatomy, systematic position, etc.). Shell Bulimoid t imperforate, varying from oblong to globose- ovate ; thin but solid, composed of about 5 whorls, the earlier ones spirally lirulate, separated by a crenulated suture, apex obtuse, last whorl punctulate above, encircled just below the periphery by a dark girdle bordered with light. Aperture higher than wide, subvertical,, 11 102 CARYODES. the outer lip thin and not expanded, columella somewhat sinuous, xiibtruncate below, with a closely adherent reflexed urnbilico-parietal callus. Type C. dufresnii, pi. 46, figs. 15, 16. Foot undivided and without pedal grooves. Back ornamented with long, narrow tubercles, arranged in about a dozen longitudinal rows ; sides and tail divided into irregular polygonal spaces, which are partially subdivided and finely granulated ; tail tapers slightly, is rounded behind, and never keeled. Genital orifice behind the right eye-stalk, just beneath the facial groove. Mantel with a left body-lobe. Kidney opening at its base. Jaw arcuate, smooth, with no median projection (pi. 42, fig. 44). Radula with 81-87 teeth in a transverse row, all of them uni- cuspid (pi. 49, fig. 24). Genitalia (pi. 42, figs. 41, 42, 43) partially everted in the example figured, a short papilla bearing a long thread projecting from the foramen. Penis sac long and stout, the retractor and vas deferens inserted at its apex ; within the penis lies an adnate fleshy pillar '(pilaster), free at its distal end ; its outer walls closely grooved, covered with thick epithelium, and in the folds lay irregular plates of lime. In a section the pilaster shows outside the external papilla, separated by grooves ; then follows a sphincter muscle, then an ir- regular, apparently spiral muscle (pi. 42, fig. 43, pilaster, papilla .and thread, Fig. 41. section of same, showing star-shaped cavity, • etc.). Spermatheca having a long duct, near the mouth of which is ^attached a long appendicula. Eggs hard-shelled, regularly oval, white, shining, minutely gran- ular, measuring 11 by 8 mill. (pi. 42, fig. 46). The external appearance of the animal and the form of the jaw, teeth and genitalia, are very similar to Panda, fully supporting the classification proposed by Hedley in 1892. The shell resembles that of Panda in its bulimoid contour, simple lip, and the sinuous sub- truncate columella. It differs from that Australian genus in the lobed or crenulated sutures, and the sculpture of the embryonic whorls, which recall Anoglypta. The embryonic shell of Liparus differs very much in sculpture from that of Panda, Caryodes or any other Helix known to me. The genus contains but one species, the Bulimus dufresnii of authors, Helix dufresnii Leach. The shell varies from oval to almost globose. The ground-color varies from light yellow to deep .maroon or dull olive, but the color-band is permanent. The eggs PANDA. 163 are disproportionately large for the animal, and deposited under logs during October and November. The size of the egg probably varies with that of the mature shell, as is the case with Glandina. The young, upon emerging, are obliquely orbicular in shape (pi. 42, fig- 45)« C. Dufresnii Leach. Tasmania. Genus PANDA Albers, 1860. Panda ALBERS, Die Heliceen, edit. Martens, p. 149, type H.fal- coneri Reeve. — SEMPER, Reisen, p. 103 (anatomy). — HEDLEY, Rec. Australian Museum, ii, p. 26 (anatomy and systematic position). — PILSBRY, Nautilus, vi, p. 9, May, 1892 (systematic position). — Not Panda Heyden, Isis, 1826, p. 612 (Aearina). Shell Bulimoid rather than Helicoid, globose-oblong, higher than wide, umbilicate or imperforate, thin but strong. Surface smoothish. Whorls 4J, the earlier two finely beaded, indistinctly marked off from the smoother or spirally striated after-growth (pi. 46, fig. 12, P. atomatd] ; apex obtuse. Last whorl very large, hardly descend- ing in front. Aperture large, subvertical, higher than wide ; outer lip thin, not expanded', columellar lip reflexed toward its insertion. Type P.falconeri, pi. 46, fig. 11 (P. larryi, pi. 46, figs. 13, 14). Animal externally like Caryodes. Sole indistinctly tripartite ; back with some ill-defined longitudinal granulation ; sides and tail with flat, irregularly polygonal granulation ; tail rather flat and sharply pointed. Lung cavity and kidney short. Mantle edge thick, \\ithout lobes (pi. 46, fig. 13, P. larryi). Jaw arcuate, smooth, with a slight median projection or none (pi. 47, fig. 2, P. atomata. Radula having all of the teeth unicuspid. Marginal teeth with long, oblique cusps (pi. 48, figs. 15, 16, P. atomata. PI. 48, fig. 17, P.falconeri}. Genital system having the penis stout, the retractor attached to its summit, and distally arising from the columellar retractor muscle. At the base of the retractor is inserted an epiphallus about as long as the penis, then narrowing into the vas deferens. The epiphallus is partly filled by a " pilaster," or fleshy cord adnate along one side, which passes into the penis, and there expands into a peculiar penis papilla (fig. 3) ; internal walls of penis having having several weak longitudinal fleshy folds. High on the vagina opens the duct of the spermatheca, and opposite it enters a long appendicula (pi. 47, figs. 3, 4, P. atomata. PI. 47, fig. 1, P.falconeri). 164 PANDA. Eggs large, white, hard-shelled. The special sculpture of the apex is generally worn off in adult shells. The latter whorls are peculiarly variegated with chocolate streaks and vermiculate lines on a yellow ground, and usually show spiral bands of blotches. This genus is more nearly allied to Caryodes than to any other group. These two Australian genera resemble Acavus, Helico- phanta and Ampelita in their smooth jaws, unicuspid side teeth and comparatively large eggs, but differ from them in the simple lip of the shell, the presence of an appendicula, the insertion of the penis retractor muscle on the main columellar retractor instead of on the floor of the lung, and in the freedom of the ovotestis from the diges- tive gland. The relationship between the Australian and the Indo- Madecassine genera is therefore by no means intimate. Hedley, in the important paper on these snails cited above, brought the Austra- lian Liparus into the group he composes of Panda, Caryodes, Pedi- nogyra and Anoglypta, but I am unable to follow his classification to this extent. Liparus seems to me to belong to a distinct stock I look to Otostomus, Placostylus, etc., for its kindred. The generic term Panda Hey den, 1826, has not been used by re- cent araneologists, and the definition given by Heyden in his analytical table is not sufficient to rescue it from the status of a nomen nudum. This antiquated use which can never be revived should not prevent us from retaining Albers' name for the present group. P. falconeri Rve., vi, 75. P. atomata Gray. v. maconelli Rve., vi, 76. v. kershawi Braz., viii, 293. v. azonata Hedl., viii, 293. v. elongata Hedl., viii, 294. v. tigris Hedl., viii, 293. v. azonata Hedl., viii, 294. P. ponsonbyi Ang., P. Z. S. 1877, P. larryi Braz., P. Z. 8., 1871, p. p. 170, pi. 26, f. 1. 321*. * ** The following genera, Macrocyclis, Solaropsis and Chalepotaxis are intercalated here in the Helix series provisionally, pending the discovery of their true affinities by the examination of the internal anatomy. The dentition of Macrocyclis, now for the first time made known, is excessively peculiar, and comparable only to that ofHeli- copkanta and its allies. Of Solaropsis there is nothing known suffi- cient to justify a guess at its affinities. Chalepotaxis has the MACROCYCLIS. 1 65 highly modified radula of a tree-snail, but so abnormal that it affords, little ground for conjecture. The Indo-Chinese group Ganesella is placed here because it was omitted in its proper place in the Epiphallogonous series, with Chloritis, Planispira, Papuiua, etc. Genus MACRO'CYCLIS Beck, 1837. Macrocyclis BECK, Index Molluscorum p. 24, for H. peruviana {laxata) and H. cunninghami. — ALBERS, Die Hel. p. 128 (restricted to H. laxata). — MARTENS, Die Hel. p. 75 (in part). — Not Macro- cyclis of American authors, =Selenites. Shell disk or quoit shaped with low, convex spire and widely open funnel-shaped umbilicus. Whorls 4?-5, the last large, deeply descend- ing in front ; finely and densely striated; yellowish, not banded. Aperture very oblique, oval, wider than high, the peristome nar- rowly expanded throughout, reflexed below, the ends approaching. Type M. laxata Fer., pi. 22, figs. 11, 12. Genitalia, jaw, etc., unknown. Radula strap-shaped as usual, bearing many rows of 33.1.33 teeth, all unicuspid ; centrals with the single conical cusp projecting beyond the basal-plate ; laterals similar but asymmetrical ; marginals like the laterals, but the basal- plates are shorter and the cusps longer, oblique and simple (pi. 51, figs. 1, 2, central with adjacent 3 laterals, 6th and 9th laterals, 12th and 13th transition teeth, 16-18 and 25-33 marginal teeth, of M. laxata}. The shell in this group, except in being uniformly light colored, is strikingly like that of the Australian Pedinogyra ; and the denti- tion is altogether similar to Pedinogyra, Panda, Anoglypta and Helicophanta in the total absence of side cusps ; the marginal teeth having long, oblique mesocones as in those Old World genera. In view of the fact that, although unicuspid marginal teeth are pecu- liarly characteristic of the Macroon group, they reappear in a few other Helices, I do not feel justified in associating Macrocyclis with Pedinogyra and its allies. We may better suspend judgment until the genitali.a and jaw give their more definite testimony. The radula is very different from that of Selenites. The single species inhabits Chili. M. laxata Fer., iii, 109. Var. banksii Cuming, iii, 109. peruviana Lam. maxima Beck. deshayesii Anton. umbilicata Anton. cincinnus Rve. ? gayi Hupe. laxata Rve. 166 SOLAROPSIS. Genus SOLAROPSIS Beck, 1837. Solaropsis BECK, Index Moll. p. 27 (for heliaca, moricandi, brazi- liensis, pellisserpentis). — Martens, Die Hel., p. 164 (type H. pellis- serpentis Ch.) ; Ostas. Landsch. p. 7 (jaw). — PILSBRY, Man. Conch, v, p. 177. — Solarium SFIX, Test. Brazil, p 23. — Helicella SWAINS. Malacol., p. 333 (1840).— Psadara MILLER, Malak. Bl.xxv,p. 162, 1878, (for boetzkesi, selenostoma, iris). — Ophiospila ANCEY, Con- chol. Exch., i, p. 64, 1887 (kuhni, andicola, etc.) Shell urabilicate, rather depressed, with convex or flat spire, con- vex below, the periphery rounded or angular. Decorated with a peculiar pattern of lunate brown spots and streaks in bands on a light ground. Surface granulate, hirsute or plicate-striate. Last whorl not deflexed in front. Aperture oblique, lunate; lip expanded or reflexed, its ends distant. Type S. pellisserpentis. (See pi. 46, fig. 20, S. serpens; fig. 21, S. braziliana). Animal long and slender ; jaw smooth, without ribs ; anatomy otherwise unknown. Distribution, southern Brazil and Peru to Columbia and Guyana ; one species S. tiloriensis, in Costa Rica. They are forest snails, liv- ing under stones and bark, etc. The name Ophidermis Agassiz (Ophiodermis Herrm.),- said to have been proposed in Charpentier's Catalogue of Swiss Mollusks, 1837, but not mentioned therein, has found its way into the synon- ymy of this genus, through a guess of Herrmannsen's based on its suggestive etymology. It was never published except as a nude name, for the snake skin can hardly be said to cover its nakedness. It is not now worth the expense of clothing ; especially since it really pertains to something of the nature of Cyclostoma (see Agassiz, Nomencl. Zool., Moll., p. 62). S. pellisserpentis Chemn., v, 178. S. napensis Crosse, v, 188. constrictor Hupe. S. rosarium Pfr., v, 188. S. serpens Martyn., v, 178. S. kuhni Pfr., v, 189. pellisserpentis Hupe et al. S. andicola Pfr., v, 189. colubrina Perry. S. quadrivittata Hid., v, 190. S. pellisbose Hupe, v, 180. S. diplogoniaDohrn., v, 190. boa Hupe. S. nubeculata Desh., v, 191. S. anguicula Hupe, v, 180. S. catenifera Pfr., v, 191. S. vipera Pfr., v, 181. S. catenulata Anc., viii, 261. S. monolacca Pfr., v, 182. S. marmatensis Pfr., v, 191. CHALEPOTAX IS. 1 67 S. gibboni Pfr., v, 182. S. incarum Phil., v, 192. magnified Lea not Fer. S. monile Brod., v, 192. v. amori Hid., v, 183. planorbis Jay. v. cousini Jouss., v, 183. boetzlcesi Mill. S. pnestans Pfr., v, 184. S. castelneaudii D. & H. v, 193.___ S. braziliana Fer., v, 184. castelnaudii Hupe". ? moricandi Beck. castelnaui Pfr. S. heliaca Orb., v, 135. S. selenostoma Pfr., v, 193. S. pascalia Caill., v, 186. sclerostoma Rv. amazonica Hupe. S. hians Pfr., v, 194. S. amazonica Pfr., v, 186. S. tiloriensis Ang., v, 194. S. feisthameli Hupe, v, 187. S. iris Mill., v, 195. pundata Wagn. not Mull. S. rugifera Dohrn.,v, 195. v. planior Pils., v, 188. S. elaps Dohrn v, 196. Genus CHALEPOTAXIS Ancey, 1889. Chalepotaxis Ancey, Conch. Exch. Aug. 1887, p. 22, type Nanina f infantilis Gredl.— Cf. SCHACKO, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. XI, p. 157, pi. 3, f. 7-10 (dentition). Shell small, thin, shining, orbiculate-depressed, with narrow um- bilicus and low-conic spire ; last whorl scarcely descending in front ;. aperture lunate, slightly oblique, the peristome simple and unex- panded except at the columella, where it is slightly dilated. Type C. infantilis Gredler, pi. 57, fig. 34. Jaw very delicate. Radula (pi. 57, figs. 35-39, 0. infantilis') with the formula 25.1.25. Teeth all similar in form and in v-shaped rows. Middle teeth having the median cusp enormously dilated into an elliptical gouge projecting far beyond the basal-plate ; neck of the cusp narrow, bottle-shaped ; side cusps basal, rudimentary and verti- cal ; basal-plate narrow in front, widening and squared behind. Lateral teeth similar, but the large cusp bends outward and the entocone is suppressed. Marginals differ only in becoming smaller, with the ectocone decidedly longer (pi. 57, figs. 35, 37, group of middle and lateral teeth; fig. 36 group of marginals; fig. 38, a lateral in profile, turned 90° ; fig. 39, a lateral turned 45°). This genus is founded upon one species having a shell resembling an immature If. similar is Fer., or pyrrhozona Phil, and a type of dentition considerably like Oxyclwna. The jaw is very imperfectly known, and the genital system is unobserved. I am disposed to 168 GANESELLA. believe, with Schacko, that it is a modified branch of the Hel stock. It is probably arboreal in habit. Only species, C. infan- tili* Gredl., ii, 216. Prov. Kwang-si and Hunan, China; Tonquin. Genus GANESELLA Blauford, 1863. Ganesella BLANF. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xi, p. 86, type H. capitium Bens. (Feb., 1863). — Satsuma A. ADAMS, Ann. Mag. (4), i, p. 463, type H.japonica,patruelis,pecu liaris, (June, 1868). — Fru- ticotrochus KOBELT, Fauna Molluscorum extramarinorum Japonise, 1879, p. 48, same types. — Trochomorphoides NEVILL, Hand List Moll. Ind. Mus. pt. 1, p. 80, type H. acris Bens. (1878). Shell more or less trochiform, umbilicated (or rarely imperfor- ate), rather thin ; light-colored, plain or with a peripheral line ; surface with growth-lines only or densely spirally striate ; whorls 4^-6, the last a little descending in front. Aperture oval or angular-lunate, oblique, toothless or with a blunt columellar fold ; lip expanded, broadly dilated at columellar insertion. Type G. capitium, pi. 55, fig. 18. See also pi. 64, fig. 7, O.japonica. Animal (of O.japonica) with the foot very long and narrow, sole not distinctly tripartite ; upper surface finely and feebly granular, back with a pair of dorsal grooves, no facial grooves ; tail narrow, long, with a median longitudinal groove above. Jaw arcuate, with about 9 ribs denticulating the lower margin (pi. 60, fig. 1, G.japonica). Radula of the type usual in ground snails. Middle tooth with mesocone only developed, shorter than basal-plate, side-cusps repre- sented by slight lateral extensions. Laterals similar but with the cusp longer. Marginals with oblique, bifid inner cusp and an ecto- cone (pi. 60, fig. 2, G.japonica). Genital system (Frontispiece, figs. 1, 2, G. japonicd) having the penis long and twisted, ending in a curved blind sack with corru- gated inner walls (fig. 2, apex of penis and sack opened) ; epi- phallus long, bearing the retractor, terminating in a flagellum and the vas deferens. Vagina extremely long, the spermatheca duct inserted high. Sperrnatheca oblong, on a stout duct, neither duct nor bulb being bound to uterus. No dart sack or mucus glands. Distribution, Japan and China to India, southeast to Sumatra Borneo and Philippine Is. This genus has the genital system, jaw and radula, as well as the tail-groove of Chloritis (see PI. 28, figs. 1 to 9), but.the penis-papilla GANESELLA. 169 is absent, and the spermatheca duct is inserted higher on vagina. The shell has somewhat the contour of Papuina. The anatomy of the group has been a complete surprise to me, for I had relegated it to the Eulota group before dissecting specimens. It is now per- fectly clear that it belongs in the vicinity of Chloritis and Papuina, and is the most northern in distribution of that group of genera. Probably some of the species now referred to Ganesella will prove to belong to other groups, such as the East Asian Fruticicoloid sec- tion. There is much variation in contour, number of whorls, size and umbilicus among the members of this genus ; and a subdivision of it into sections will no doubt be made eventually. It is to be hoped that such division will not be attempted until it can be placed on a firm footing by the examination of the anatomy of many species; and anatomical data are also required before the boundary line be- tween Ganesella, Eulota, Pledotropis and the East Asian Fruticico- las can be definitely drawn. In some cases the shell alone is not sufficiently characteristic to base the classification of these groups upon, even when the relationships of the main types have been elucidated. Japanese, Liukiu Is. and Formosa species. G. papilliformis Kob., iii, 217. G. conella Ad., iv, 56. G. japonica Pfr., iii, 218. G. lischkeana Kob., iii, 220. ? vitracea Fer., vii, 106. G. peculiaris A. Ad. G. conospira Pfr., iii, 218. G. gibbosa A. Ad. G. tabuensis Anc., iii, 218. G. ? serotina A. Ad. patruelis Ad. not Ang. G. sphserulata Reinh. G. sphinctostoma Ad., iii, 218. G. largillierti Ph., iii, 218. G. cardiostoma Kob., iii, 219. immaculata A. & R. G. hilgendorffi Kob., iii, 219. G. albida Ad., iii, 218. G. verrucosa Reinh., iii, 219. G. fulvicans H. Ad., iii, 220. G. macrocycloides Kob., iii, 219. G. sphseroconus Pfr., viii, 200. G. eumenes West., viii, 199. v. campochilns Pils., viii, 201. G. goodwini Sm., iii, 219. G. scsevola Mts., vi, 306. G. conulina Mart., iii, 219. Chinese species. G. gradata Mlldff. G. alveolus Hde. G. brevibarbis Pfr., iii, 221. G. ternaria Hde. 170 GANE8ELLA. G. pquamosella Hde., iii, 221. G. micacea Hde., iii, 221. G. phyllophaga Hde., iii, 221. . G. dormitans Hde., iii, 222. G. ? arbusticola Dh., iii, 222. G. bizona Gredl. G. squamulina Gredl. G. trochacea Gredl., viii, 200. G. microtrochus Moll., viii, 201. G. lepidostola Hde., iv, 55. v. trochospira Mlldff. G. schomburgiana Mlldff. trochulus Mlldff. not Ad. G. vitreola Hde. G. ingloria Hde. G. subsquamulata Hde. G. subparasitica Hde. G. subgriseola Hde. G. ? galera Hde. G. ? peneruginosa Hde, G. radulina Hde. G. virilis Gredl., iv, 259. v. subfusca Gredl. G. laurentii Gredl., iv, 259. G. editha A. Ad., viii, 204. Species of India, Toiiquin, etc. G. capitium Bens., iii, 74. G. phonica Mab., vii, 83 v. hariola Bens., iii, 74. G. acris Bens., iii, 74. puellula Bens. G. perakensis Cr., vii, 82. v. subperakensis Pils., vii, 82. G. galea Bens., iii, 75. G. bouryi Morg., iii, 172. G. rostrella Pfr., vii, 83. G. scenoma Bens., vii, 83. G. hyperteleia Mori., viii, 203. G. mera Rve., iii, 94. Species of Sumatra, Java and Borneo. G. gysseriana Pfr., iii, 75. ? conulm Mart, not Pse. G. bantamensis Sm., vii, 84. G. rufofilosa Bock, vii, 84. G. niahensis G.-A., vii, 85. G. tigreensisG.-A., vii, 85. G. subflava G.-A., vii, 85. G. angulata Iss , iii, 75. Philippine Island species. G. trochomorpha Mlldff., viii, 202.G. fernandezi Hid., viii, 202. microtrochus Mlldff. olim. G. planasi Hid., viii, 202. v. mimula Mlldff. G. poecilotrochus Mlldff. Nachr. v. dimidiata Mlldff. ['95, 114. G. trochus Mlldff, viii, 201. A section of Oanesella is probably indicated by the lack of flagellum and the columellar fold of H. ptychostyla (see Semper, Reisen, p.. 247, footnote, pi. 16, f. 27). The appendage of penis, figured for G. japonica, is developed, and somewhat sacculated or feathered. These- GANESELLA. 171 species were formerly grouped in Pleetotropis, but the lack of dart sack and mucus glands widely sunders them from that group. G. ptychostyla Mart., iv, 58. G.'styloptycha Pfr., iv, 58. goniochila Pfr., iv, 58. ptychostyla Pfr. not Mart. /. depressior Pfr. Subgenus (?) BULIMINOPSIS Heude. Buliminopsis HDE., Notes sur les Moll. Terrestr. de la Vallee du Fleuve Bleu, p. 146, type H. buliminus. — Conf. v. Molldff., Nachr. d. m. Ges. 1886, p. 195. — Rudens HDE., t. c., p. 148. type Funiculus rudens. — Pseudo buliminus Gredl., SCHMACKER & BOETTGER, Nachr. D. M. Ges. 1891, p, 164. Shell elevated conic, perforated, the spire acute, 7-8 whorls; aper- ture small, oblique, peristome expanded. Soft parts unknown. A middle Chinese group of uncertain position. Mollendorff refers it to Satsuma, Ancey to Buliminus, while Heude and Gredler cut the Gordian knot by removing the species from both genera. G. pseudobuliminus Hde., iv, 31. G. incerta Pfr. B. macrogonus Anc. taivanica Mlldff., iv, 33. G. buliminoides Hde., iv, 31. G. quaternarius Hde. B. tropidophorus Anc. borealis Hde. on pi. G. buliminus Hde., iv, 32. G. conoidea Hde. B. helicopsis Anc. G. doliolum Gredl. v. pinguis Anc. F. rudens Hde. G. macroceramiformis Dh. Subgenus (?) COLIO'LUS Tapparone-Canefri, 1887. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (2), iv, p. 131. — Manual of Conchology (2) vii, p. SI. Not Coleolus Hall, Paleont. N. Y. v, p. 184, 1879. Shell elevated- conic, many (eleven) whorled, upper whorls spirally striate, the rest obliquely costulate and setigerous ; apex obtuse, mamillar ; base depressed ; peristome reflexed below, mar- gins distant, connected by a callus. Type C. arfakiensis Tap.-Can. vol. vii, p. 87. Soft parts unknown. Inhabits New Guinea. This peculiar snail is considered an ally of Trochomorphoides by Tapparone-Canefri. Perhaps it may prove to belong to the Charopoid series. 172 DORCASIA. Genus DORCASIA Gray, 1845. Dorcasia GRAY, Zeitschr. f. Mai. 1845, p. 87, type H. alexandri ; P. Z. S. 1847, p. 171.— BINNEY, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 106, pi. 6, f. M (Dentition). — Galaxias (part) BECK, Index Moll., p. 42 (preoc.). — Of. PFEFFER, Verb. Vereins f. naturwissench. Unterhal- tung zu Hamburg, vi, p. 118, 1887. Also SIMROTH & BOETTGER, Berichte d. Senckenb. Gesellsch. 1885, p. 16, pi. 1, f. 2 (as " Bulim- inus sp."). Shell rather large and solid, glossy and unicolored ; umbilicated, globose or depressed with rounded periphery, rather conoid low spire and deflexed last whorl. Aperture oblique or subhorizontal, rounded-truncate, toothless ; the lip thickened, and reflexed at least below. Type D. alexandri. See pi. 38, figs. 6, 7, D. alexandri var. rotundata. Also D. ylobulus, pi. 38, fig. 8. Jaw low, wide, slightly arcuate, entirely smooth (pi. 60, fig. 3, D. alexandri). Foot (of alexandri') short and broad, the sole very indistinctly tripartite; upper surface coarsely granular, the gran- ules polygonal, subdivided ; with no trace of pedal grooves ; back with several longitudinal lines, obsolete toward head ; facial grooves well marked and continuous from mantle to head, on both sides ; tail more finely granose, obtuse behind, rounded above, without median groove. Mantle with small right and left body-lobes. Right eye-stalk retracted between branches of genitalia. Blind sack of the foot very long, lying free in body cavity. Radula (pi. 60, fig. 6, D. alexandri} having mesocones only devel- oped on middle and inner lateral teeth, the side cusps being repre- sented by lateral extensions of the mesocones. On the outer laterals and marginals the ectocone becomes distinct and well developed. In D. globulus (pi. 51, fig. 3,) both median and lateral teeth are distinctly tricuspid. Marginals a simple modification of the laterals, the broad cutting-point trifid. Genital system (frontispiece, fig. 3, D. alexandri) without accessory organs of any kind. Atrium very short. Penis long, larger, and abruptly bent toward the apex where the terminal, short retractor is inserted, its distal attachment being on the lung floor. The vas deferens is not terminal, but enters about one and one-half millim. below apex of penis. Vagina long ; spermathecaon a long branch- less duct, entering high on vagina. The specimen of D. alexandri examined by me was kindly com- munciated by Dr. Simroth, and is the same one which supplied the data given in Ber. Senck. Ges. 1894. It is a badly preserved spirit example, and shows signs of immaturity. DORCASIA. 17$ ^ The dentition of D. globulus differs from that of alexandrl in the development of side cusps, which are represented in the latter by wide extensions of the mesocones. This is not an unusual variation. The smooth low jaw recalls Helicophanta, but the egg is apparently minute in Dorcasia, and we have from the mouth of the animaLik self an emphatic contradiction of such a relationship, for the teeth are totally unlike the unicuspid type of the Helicophanta and Am- pelita group. The entire simplicity of the genital system shows Doreasia to be- long to the Euhaplogona, most living members of which are restricted to America, Polygyra being a leading genus. In this group of genera the penis bears neither epiphallus nor flagellum, the vagina or atrium have no dart sack or mucus glands, the duct of the sper- matheca does not branch into a diverticulum. Dorcasia is, there- fore, isolated among the Helices of Africa, Asia and Europe. It is interesting to note that many of its associates in the Cape fauna are equally so, and mainly belong to a much older fauna than that occupying these continents : Aerope has its allies only in Aus- tralia, Tasmania and New Zealand ; Trachycystis (Pella) has the same geographic alliances ; Peripatus has a similar, though wider, range ; and many other Cape animals could be named which belong to an archaic fauna. With Oriental snails of the type of H. similaris Fer. (Eulotella), these South Africans have no especial relations. All of the species are from the South African zoological province, with the exception of the doubtful D. votiva Cr., from Madagascar, which differs from all the other species in being banded. D. rosacea Miill., iii, 213. D. lucana MiilJ., iii, 213. D. porphyrostoma M. & P., viii, D. inhluzana M. & P. [262. D. usambarica Crav., iii, 155. D. globulus Miill., iii, 213. D. kraussi Pfr., iv, 50. lucana Lam., Fer., Rossm. D. cernua Mts., viii, 263, D. namaquensis M. & P., viii, D. alexandri Gray, iii, 213. [262. v. minor Bttg., viii, 261. D. gypsina Melv. & Pons., viii, v. rotundata Mss., viii, 261. [262. D. ? bulbus Mke., iii, 213. D. coagulum Mts., viii, 263. D. ? votiva Crosse, iii, 214. * * * Belogona. The series of genera following are characterized by the possession of organs wanting in all other Helices, viz. a muscular sack (or sacks) on atrium or vagina containing a calcareous needle or dag- 174 BELOGONA. ger like " dart," and a gland or glands inserted upon or above this sack, the so-called "digitate glands" or mucus gland. The presence of these organs was early noticed by European mal- acologists, but their significance has been only recently recognized. Semper in 1874 made two divisions of rib-jawed Helices, those genera with no accessory organs on genitalia, and those with such accessories; and in 1888 the writer used these features of the genitulia as diagnostic of various groups of Helices, elaborating the idea in a later paper (1892). Meantime Dr. H. von Ihering issued a paper of great merit, " Morphologic und Systematik des Genital- apparates von Helix," in which he proposes to restrict the family Helicidce to snails with grooved or ribbed jaws and possessing the dart apparatus, including therein as genera — Xerophila, Fruticicola, Helix (=Pentateenia), Campylcea, Gonostoma, Dorcasia (— Eulota), and Cochlostyla. In the following pages I have adopted all of these groups as genera (although altering the names of most of them), and with the exception of Campyfaa and Dorcasia, they are retained with the limits defined by von Ihering. I need give no other expression of the high esteem in which I hold v. Ihering's work, than this use of it. It should be added, however, than many genera not noticed in von Ihering's paper, are now included in this group, some of which have ribbed, some smooth jaws. His family diagnosis of " Helicidse ", therefore, does not cover nearly all the forms here grouped under Belogona. The relationship of the Belogona to the Epiphallogona is dis- cussed in the introductory portion of this volume. It remains to study the internal affinities of its numerous genera. It has been seen that the Belogona differ from Epiphallogona only by the addi- tion of the dart apparatus, the penis having exactly the same mor- phology in the two groups. Now the simplest type of dart appar- atus is that found in the genus Helicostyla, consisting of a sack con- taining a needle-like dart, without crown or blades, and a simple, mucus gland upon the dart sack, consisting of one layer of secreting cells arranged radially around a central space or duct (see pi. 54, fig. 7). This is, there can be no doubt, the primitive type of the dart apparatus, from which the various elaborate forms of darts and glands arose. No really primitive Belogona are now known to exist. Helicostyla is practically so in its dart arrangement, but it is diver- gent in the loss of the flagellum (present in its Epiphallogonous ancestors) and in the highly modified shell. The anatomy of the European types of dart-bearing helices has been studied by Schmidt, Lehmann, Moquin-Tandon, and many BKLOGONA. 175 later authors. The American forms have been studied by W. G. Binney, but as many of his figures are of doubtful accuracy my con- clusions have been based wholly upon fresh dissections. The West Indian genera are herein for the first time made known anatomic- ally ; and the forms of East Asia are partially known by the work of Semper, but largely by my own dissections. The great mass of data before me from these sources, has compelled me to reject von Ihering's phylogenetic scheme, and to offer the following arrange- ment : BELOGONA EUADENIA. Mucus gland one, inserted on dart sack or at its base ; simple or divided, glandular, sacculated, globular or bulbous. BELOGONA SIPHONADENIA. Mucus glands usually two or many, inserted on vagina ; tubular or composed of tubular branches. Apparent exceptions to this arrangement are seen in Helicigona quimperiana, where the tubes are shortened into hollow, thin-walled sacks, and some Fruticicoloid forms with demonstrably degenerate genitalia. The first of these divisions will now be discussed : BELOGONA EUADENIA. This division of the Belogona, characterized by having mucus glands of typically glandular structure, in contradistinction to the tube-like glands of the Siphonadenia, is now distributed throughout Eastern Asia, outlying groups extending to New Guinea and the Solomon Is., and northward to Japan and Siberia. In America it occupies the Pacific slope from British Columbia to Argentina, with genera in the Greater Antilles. It is a significant fact that its area while in large part coincident with that of the Epiphallogona (Hadra, Camcena, Obba, etc.) is over stepped on nearly all sides by the latter. Thus Planispira extends further west in India ; Thers- ites (+ Hadra) and Chloritis extend beyond it southward to Aus- tralia ; Papuina has a far greater range throughout the " Melanes- ian Plateau " ; and Ganesella follows the Euadenia to the confines imposed by rigorous climate in the north. And in the New World, again, while both Euadenia and Epiphallogona have a wide range in South America, the latter are universally dispersed throughout the Caribbees as well as the Greater Antilles, whilst the former came too late to follow them to the Caribean chain. The inference is, of course, that the Kpiphallogona are an older faunal element, and have had more time to take advantage of the various means of dis- persal by which islands (especially continental islands) and conti- nents have been peopled. 176 BELOUONA. A single European genus, Leucochroa, is herein referred to the Euadenia ; but it is a degenerate group in genitalia and jaw and may prove to belong to theSiphonadenia, in the vicinity of Helicella (Xerophila), which it resembles in the simple-lipped, chalky shell and the peculiar musculature. The American genus Lysinoe is also aberrant, differing from all other Euadenia in having three club- shaped mucus glands inserted on vagina, and in the doubling of the dart sack ; but it differs from all Siphonadenia as well in having the mucus glands inserted one behind the others, instead of at the same level on the vagina. I have considered it a tangent from the Epiphragmophora circle. Oxychona is still imperfectly known. The genera of this division may be tabulated as follows : a. New World genera. 1. Dart sack 1, with subapical constriction, apex attached by a thread to vagina; mucus gland 2-lobed; jaw smooth; tail not serrate. b. Middle and inner lateral teeth 1-cuspid, marginals 3-cuspid, [CEPOLIS. bb. All teeth with three subequal cusps, POLYMITA. 2. Dart sacks 2 ; mucus glands 3, on vagina ; tail with serrate keel ; jaw ribbed. b. Teeth of normal type; shell subglobose, large, deep colored , [LYSINOE. bb. Teeth with wide middle and minute side cusps ; shell troch- oidal, OXYCHONA. 3. Dart sack 1 ; mucus glands absent, jaw ribbed ; shell discoidal with thin, simple and acute lip, GLYPTOSTOMA. 4. Dart sack 1 ; mucus gland single, club-shaped, bifid and bulbi- ferous, or 2 with flat glandular extremities adnate on vagina or d. s., EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. aa. Old World genera. 1. Dart sack 1, well-developed. b. Mucus gland single, globose, inserted on dart sack, [HELICOSTYLA. bb. Mucus gland acinose ; shell bright colored, CHLOR/EA. bbb. Mucus gland divided, lobes sacculated, elongated, EULOTA. 2. Dart sack wanting; jaw smooth ; shell strong, chalky and white, LEUCOCHROA. CEPOLIS. 177 Genus CEPOLIS Montfort, 1810. = Cepolis Montf.-f- Eurycampta Mart.-f Jeanneretia Pfr.-j-jHemi- trochus Swains. -|- Coryda, Dialeuca and Leptoloma Alb. -\-Histrio and Plagioptyeha Pfr.-f Cysticopsis Morch not Martens. Shell globose-depressed or globose-conoid, umbilicate or imper- forate, smoothish, rib-striate or spirally malleated ; lip expanded (or simple and sharp), reflexed at columella, which is generally thickened with an oblique callus, sometimes a tooth ; lip otherwise toothless but occasionally there is a callous fold within the mouth ; varying from unicolored to conspicuously streaked or banded, the bands irregularly disposed. Type C. cepa, pi. 25, fig. 9. (See also pi. 56, figs. 1 to 9, and pi. 58, figs. 54 to 56). Animal granulated above, without distinct dorsal grooves, facial furrows or tail-groove, the sole not tripartite except in color ; man- tle with small right and rudimentary left body-lappets. Right eye retracted between branches of genitalia. Jaw high arched, with an obvious or slight median projection and sometimes a wide, vertical rib-like median convexity ; its surface smooth or showing slight strise (pi. 57, figs. 41 to 46). Radula long, with comparatively few longitudinal rows of teeth (30. 1. 30 to 45. 1. 45). Middle and lateral teeth having long, nar- row basal plates, and short, broad middle cusps, shorter than the basal plates, and with no trace of side cusps. Transition teeth developing the ectocone ; marginal teeth tricuspid, the ento- and meso-cones short, coalescent at base, ectocone simple or bifid. (PI. 57, figs. 40, 47 to 51). Genitalia (pi. 52, figs. 12-16, 19, 21) characterized by a long, slender penis provided with a weak retractor or none, inserted low on penis and distally on the lung floor ; the apex of penis splitting into a long flag ellum and the v. d. Low on vagina or on atrium is borne a long club-shaped dart sack, with constricted head, which is bound by a string of connective tissue to base of vagina ; at the base of dart sack the glandular, flat, two-lobed, elongated mucus gland is inserted. Sperm atheca long, closely bound to upper end of uterus ; its duct very long, closely adherent to uterus, convoluted on lower end of same, but free from vagina, near the base of which it is inserted. Notwithstanding the well developed dart sack, I found no dart in any of the numerous individuals of this genus exam- ined. 12 178 CEPOLIS. Distribution, greater Antilles, Bahamas, Florida Keys. See under Plagioptycha for notes on the fossil forms. The prominent features of this group are (1) the smooth, high arched jaw with median projection, (2) the long radula with few longitudinal rows, middle and lateral teeth with long, narrow basal plates and short, broadly rounded mesocones, no side cusps, margi- nals with short ento-f mesocones, (3) the weak or even lacking retractor of the long penis, the club-shaped dart sack and two-lobed mucus gland ; long, unbranched spermatheca duct, etc. The only near ally of Cepolis is the genus Polymita, which inhabits the same tract. The latter has the same type of jaw and geuitalia, but differs in the radula with over twice as many longitu- dinal rows of peculiarly modified teeth, all of them bearing three nearly equal cusps. From the Californian and Mexican Epiphrag- mophora species Cepolis differs in the very characteristic form of the dart sack, the short inner cusps of the marginal teeth, the ribless jaw, etc. Part of the species of this genus are ground snails with dull brownish shells, but little variegated, as in the sections Cepolis, Jeanneretia, Euryeampta, Plagioptycha; part are arboreal, and in these the shell is generally bright in color, often with a rich and beautiful banded or streaked pattern, Coryda, Hemitrochus and Dialeuca being of this sort. A parallel series of variations is seen in the Philippine Island Cochlostylas, where we have also arboreal and terrestrial forms. This genus is remarkably homogeneous in characters of the soft anatomy, which offers no divergence of more than specific value throughout the entire group. I have given on plates 52 and 57 drawings representing the anatomy of a sufficient number of the sectional groups to allow any malacologist to judge for himself of the literal truth of this statement. The shells afford characters for several sectional divisions, of which it must be said that although the typical species are quite different, intermediate forms reduce the diagnostic sectional characters to a minimum. This intergradation has caused me to disregard the fact that former authors have dis- tributed the elements of my genus Cepolis far and wide throughout the Helix series ; and I venture to predict that any one having a fairly complete collection of the species will endorse the views here advanced if he will bring the species together and observe the transition forms uniting the various sections. Cepolis is bound to CEPOLIS. 179 Jeanneretia by G. squamosa, subtussulcata, etc.; C. exdeflexa is a transition between Jeanneretia and Eurycampta, and is not far from some of the Plagioptychas, while nemoralina, filicosta and maynardi bridge the gap between Plagioptyeha and Hemitrochus. I am unable to find in Hemitrochus and Polymita any general- system or plan in the distribution of bands, such as occurs in the five-banded Helices of Europe or in the epiphallogonous groups of Asia and Australia. I believe that the color schemes of the arbo- real West Indian forms have been independently evolved, with the exception of the supra-peripheral band, which may possibly be homologous with that of Campylaea, Tachea, etc. A prominent feature in some species of this genus is the tooth within the mouth of the shell, marked by an external pit. A simi- lar structure occurs in Solaropsis, Planispira, Neocepolis, etc., but it does not seem to be of generic or even subgeneric value in any group. The sectional divisions are as follows : (Cepolia. fPtagioptycha. T ,. Cysticopsis. -I Jeanneretia. J ^ . J -^ Hemitrochus. Eurycampta. ^Coryda-fDialeuca. Section Cepolis Montf., 1810. Cepolis MONTF., Conch. Syst. ii, p. 150 (type nicolsinianum Montf. =cepa Mull.) ; Cepolum MONTF., 1. c. p. 151. Shell rather solid and of moderate or large size, imperforate or umbilicate, compact, globose- depressed, opaque, striate or malleated, 2 or 3 banded, the spire low, conic or convex ; whorls less than 5, the last abruptly deflexed in front, having a pit below the periphery a short distance behind the lip, which inside the shell appears as a callous fold a short distance within the outer lip. Aperture quite ob- lique, truncate-oval, the lip expanded ; columellar lip reflexed, armed inside with a compressed or entering tooth. Type C. cepa, pi. 25, fig. 9. Soft anatomy unknown. Distribution, Hayti. Differs from Jeanneretia mainly in the stronger columellar tooth and the constant deep pit behind the lip forming a callous fold within the mouth. 180 CEPOLIS. C. cepa Mull., v, 93. C. trizonalis Grat., v, 93. impressa Blv. v. trizonella Pils., v, 94. nicolsinianum C. trizonaloides Brown, v. 95. pimesoma Pils., v, 95. Section Jeanneretia Pfr., 1877. Jeanneretia PFR., Mai. Bl. xxiv, p. 7 ; Nomencl. Hel. Viv., p. 116, — PILSBRY, Man. Conch, v, p. 48. Cf. POEY, Memorias, pi. 6, f. 6. genitalia of parraiana. Shell imperforate or urubilicate, globose-turbinate, light brown, generally with darker chestnut bands, two or three in number. Whorls 5 to 6J, slowly widening, the last deflexed in front and con- stricted behind the lip ; aperture oblique, rounded-truncate; lip reflexed and thickened, the columellar margin straightened. Type (7. multistriata Dh. (See pi. 58, figs. 54, 55, C. parraiana). Jaw and radula unknown. Genitalia as in Eurycampta (pi. 52, fig. 21, C. parraiana, after Poey). Distribution, Cuba ; one species, C. squamosa, is from Porto Rico ; they live under dead leaves and stones. The group is allied to Cepolis and Eurycampta, its main distinct- ive features being the spirally lirate surface and the groove or con- striction behind the reflexed lip. C. multistriata Dh., v, 49. C. angulifera Mart. circumtexta Fer. C. parraiana Orb., v, 50. vesica Lea. v. parallela Poey, v, 51. bicincta Mke. C. sagraiana Orb., v, 50. adjuncta Zgl. C. subtussulcata Wright, v, 51. v. pityonesica Pfr., v, 49. C. squamosa Fer., v, 95. C. wrighti Gundl., v, 49. macularia Lm. C. dermatina Sh., v, 50. Section Eurycampta Martens, 1860. Eurycampta MART, in Alb., Die Hel., p. 127, type H. bonplandi. Shell narrowly umbilicated, orbiculate convex, obliquely rugose- striate, with a satin like lustre ; brown, uniform or with 1 to 3 bands above, one or none below the rounded periphery. Whorls 5 or less, the last unusually wide, deflexed in front. Aperture large, transverse, oval; peristome expanded and lipped, reflexed below, CEPOLIS. 181 the columellar margin often callously thickened within ; ends of lip somewhat approaching. Type C. bonplandi, pi. 58, fig. 56. Animal as described for C. alauda, but lighter colored. Jaw solid, high arched, smooth except for slight striae in places, (pi. 52, fig. 18, C. bonplandi). Radula (pi. 52, figs. 20, 22, C. bonplandi) long, the middle and lateral teeth with long basal plates and short, rounded mesocones, no side cusps. Transition teeth developing an ectocone (fig. 22, central with two adjacent laterals and two transition teeth). Mar- ginals of the usual tricuspid type (fig. 20). Genital system as in Coryda, etc., but the retractor muscle is stouter, flagellum and mucus glands longer (pi. 52, fig. 19, G. bon- plandi}. C. bonplandi Lam., iv, 82. C. poeyi Petit, iv, 83. C. supertexta Pfr., iv, 82. staminea Mke. C. arctistria Pfr., iv, 82. velutinata Bk. C. exdeflexa Pils., v, 198. C. bryanti Pfr., iv, 83. deflexa Pfr. not Brauu. C. desidens Rang, iv, 83. Section Cory da Albers, 1850. Cory da ALB., Die Hel., p. 100, for alauda and varieties. — Histrio PFR., Mai, Bl., 1855, p. 185 ; 1877, p. 8, for H. dennisoni.—Helico- styla BECK, Index, p. 36, in part. Shell depressed-globose, imperforate, solid and strong, smooth, with deeply and abruptly deflexed last whorl, very oblique, trans- versely oblong aperture, the lip expanded, thickened within, and having a conspicuous banded, obliquely streaked or dotted color pattern. Type H. alauda pi. 56, figs. 3, 4. Animal of H. alauda blue-black, the sole light slate colored in the middle, not tripartite except in color. Foot long, granulated, without distinct longitudinal grooves on back and lacking facial grooves. Tail evenly and more finely granulated, acute behind. Mantle-edge thin, with a low right body-lappet and a minute left one. Right eye retracted between branches of genitalia. Jaw (of H. alauda pi. 57, fig. 45) solid, highly arched, with a wide median projection, its surface entirely smooth. Radula (of H. alauda pi. 57, fig. 49) long and narrow, with V- shaped rows according to the formula 24. 9. 1. 9. 24. Median teeth with long basal plates and short, broad mesocones, no side cusps. 182 CEPOLIS. Laterals similar but asymmetrical. Marginals developing a stout ectocone, and on the outer ones an entocone. The figure represents a middle tooth with 3 laterals and an inner and outer marginal. Genital system with vestibule short ; penis (pi. 52, fig. 13) very long and slender, without retractor, terminating in v. d. and a long flagellum. Vagina branching low into a very long and much twist- ed spermatheca duct which ends in a long spermatheca bound closely to top of uterus. Dart sack very large, dark colored, with a long fleshy white head, the apical portion separated by a con- striction and united to base of uterus by a connective thread. Mucus glands two, long, leaf-like and glandular, uniting at their bases and inserted on the dart sack near its base. No dart found on the papilla in several specimens examined, which were of the "strobilus" variety (pi. 52, figs. 12, 13, C. alauda). The species are few, and all from eastern Cuba except H. circu- mornata with its two slight color varieties from western Hayti. H. dennisoni is hardly more than a variety of alauda. The last named species is arboreal, and is frequently found living in the cargoes of bananas brought to Philadelphia and other eastern cities. Through the kindness of Mr. John Ponsonby I am able to fix at last the identity of the long lost H. drcumornata, and the status of vigiensis and stenostoma. C. alauda Fe*r., v, 42. C. ovumreguli Lea, v, 44. strobilus Fer. C. circumornata Fer., iv, 222. avellana Fer. v. vigiensis Weinl., v, 46 ! purpuragula Lea. v. stenostoma Pfr., v, 48 ! mamilla Lea. C. lindoni Pfr., v, 45. bizonalis Grat. Undent Pfr. pudibunda Beck. immersa Gundl. hebe Dh. C. bartlettiana Pfr., v, 45. C. dennisoni Pfr., v, 44. C. melanocephala Gundl., v, 46. Juliana Poey. f. perelevata Pils. C. nigropicta Arango, v, 47. Section Dialeuca Albers, 1850. Dialeuca ALB., Die Hel. 1850, p. 114 (for H. nemoraloides) . — Leptoloma ALB.-MART., Die Hel. 1860, p. 136 (type H.fuseocincta). — W. G. BINN., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 96, jaw and dentition of fuscocincta; p. 107, dentition of gossel. CEPOLIS. 183 Shell imperforate, rather thin, more or less trochoidal, varying from high and pyramidal to low trochiform ; lip thin, slightly ex- panded, a little widened and reflexed at the columella. Type C. nemoraloides, pi. 56, fig. 5. (See also C. fuscocincta, pi. 56, fig. 6). Animal light colored or dark as in H. alauda. Jaw, dentition, etc., also as in Coryda (pi. 57, figs. 43, 48, jaw arid dentition of C. platystyla). This section might well be united to Coryda, from which it differs only in distribution and the somewhat thinner shell. The typical Dialeucas are from Jamaica, but a few species are from Navassa (H. gaussoini), and the Cayman Is. (streatori, caymanensis) ; and the closely allied H. phceogramma, of which I have seen a specimen in Ponsonby's collection, is not yet located. C. conspersula Pfr., v, 38. C. nemoraloides Ad., v, 40. v. fuscocincta Ad., v, 39. v. pulchrior Ad., v, 41. v. platystyla Pfr., v, 39. gossei (C. B. Ad.), Pfr., Rv. v. virginea Ad., v. 39. C. gaussoini Tryon, v, 197. C. subconica Ad., v, 40. C. streatori Pils., viii, 240. gossei Pfr. ! C. caymanensis Mayn., viii, 241. C. jacobensis Ad., v, 41. C. phseogramma Pfr., v, 42. C. blandiana Ad., v, 41. Section Hemitrochus Swainson, 1840. Hemitroehus Sw., Malacol., p. 331, type H. hcemastomus=H. var- ians.— BINNEY, Terr. Moll., v, p. 174, and Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 90 (jaws and teeth of varians, troscheli, gallopavonis, rufoapi- eata, graminieola, milleri). — Polytcenia MARTENS, Die Hel., p. 129, type H. multifasciata. — Phcedra ALB., Die Hel., p. 100. Shell globose-conoid or globose-depressed, solid, smooth or rib- striate, opaque, variegated with bands or dots, the umbilicus narrow or closed ; last whorl slightly descending. Lip blunt, simple or ex- panded, thickened within, reflexed at columellar insertion. Type C. varians, pi. 56, figs. 1, 2. Jaw highly arched, with a median projection and sometimes a median rib-like convexity (pi. 57, fig. 41, C. varians. PI. 57, fig. 46, C. milleri). Radula having long, narrow basal plates and broad, short central cusps without side cusps on median and lateral teeth. Marginals 184 CEPOLIS. with a large split inner cusp and a simple or bifid ectocone (pi. 57, figs. 50, 51, C. varians). Genital system having a long, slender penis branching into v. d. and a long flagellum, and with a thread-like retractor attached low, and inserted distally on the lung floor. Spermatheca duct free below, but firmly bound to uterus above, with a long spermatheca and a spiral twist in the duct near base of uterus. Dart sack long ; mucus glands two, flat and glandular, inserted at base of dart sack- Eye stalk retracted between branches of genitalia (pi. 52, fig. 14, C. varians Mke.). The shell in this section differs but little from that of Coryda and Dialeuca ; and while quite distinct from the typical forms of Pla- gioptycha, there are a number of species so intermediate in character that they may be placed as well in one as in the other group. Ana- tomically there are no differences of more than specific worth between these groups, unless the larger (though still very weak) penis retractor of Remitrochus be considered such. Many of the species are excessively closely allied. There are two groups of species: the Cuban, consisting of com- pact forms of the type of H. cesticulus ; the Bahama group varying from globose-conical like H. varians to depressed and rib-striate, H. maynardi. Species of Florida and Bahamas. C. varians Mke., v, 24. C. gallopavonis Val., v, 27. carnicolor Pfr. v. calacaloides Pi Is., v, 28. submeris Migh. C. troscheli Pfr., v, 28. rhodocheila Binn. tenuicostata Dkr. polychroa Binn. v. calacala Weinl., v, 29. hwmnstomus Sw. C. multifasciata W. & M., v, 30. C. xanthophaes Pils., viii, 242. f. polytseniata Pils., v, 30. C. milleri Pfr., v, 25. C. filicosta Pfr., v, 30. C. constantior Weinl., v, 26. C. brownii Pils., v, 29. C. caribsea Weinl., v, 26. C. maynardi Pils., viii, 241. Cuban Species. C. gilva Fer., v, 31. C. fuscolabiata Poey, v, 34. corrvgata Pfr. subfusca Poey not Bk. v. tephrites Morel., v, 31. v. morbida Morel., v, 35. CEPOLIS. 185 O. lucipeta Poey, v, 32. C. maculifera Gut., v, 35. picturata Poey not Ad. C. sauvallei Arango, v, 37. lepida Poey. C. comta Gundl., v, 34. bellula Poey. C. araplecta Gundl., v, 35. penicillata Poey not Gld. C. rufoapicataPoey, v, 36. newcombiana Poey. C. graminicola C. B. Ad., v, 36. v. velasqueziana Poey, v, 32. v. cesticulus Gundl., v, 33. Section Plagioptycha Pfr., 1 856. Plagioptycha PFR., Mai. BL, 1856, p. 135 (for indistincta, albers- iana, duclosiana, bahamensis, strumosa, loxodon, monodonta). — MART, in Alb. Die Hel., p. 145 (type H. loxodon}. — W. G. BINNEY, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 95, jaws and dentition of loxodon, albersiana, monodonta, duclosiana, diaphana, macroglossa. Shell umbilicate or imperforate, thin, depressed-globose or de- pressed, the last whorl deflexed in front. Aperture transversely oblong or lunate ; outer lip expanded or simple ; and either on the Jloor of the whorl within the mouth, or on the columellar lip, there is an oblique nodule or fold of callus, sometimes reduced to a slight trace only. Type C. loxodon Pfr. (See pi. 56, figs. 8, 9, C. duclos- iana). Animal light colored, externally similar to Hemitrochus. Jaw high arched, with a median projection (pi. 57, fig. 42, C. sal- vatoris). Kadula (pi. 57, fig. 47, C. sahatoris) similar to that of Hemitro- chus, but with the cusps rather more acute. Genital system as described for Hemitrochus (pi. 52, fig. 15, C. salvatoris). Plagioptycha is probably nearest to the ancestral forms whence the modern sections of this genus arose. Its habits are terrestrial and the dentition is somewhat less abnormal than in Coryda and typical Hemitrochus. Moreover, characteristic forms of Plagiopty- cha are found in the Miocene Silex Beds of Tampa, Florida, (jET. latebrosa Dall, instrumosa Dall), with other species (JET. crusta and H. diespiter of Dall) which would probably be classed in the mod- ern section Eurycampta, although it is obvious that these latter Miocene forms are more intermediate between Eurycampta, Jean- neretia and Plagioptycha than any living species. In the Miocene UNIVERSITY 186 CEPOLIS. we are evidently near the horizon where the paths of the various sections of the genus Cepolis diverged, although the better defined forms of the genus no doubt have older roots. The species of Plagioptycha are numerous and especially charac- teristic of the Bahamas, extending south to Hayti and the Virgin Islands. In Miocene times they extended to the (then) island of Florida, but later became extinct there, for the present Floridian land shell fauna is not directly descended from that of the Miocene island. Some forms of Plagioptycha approach Hemitrochus, and others are near Cysticopsis, so that the grouping, as in many of these sectional divisions, is somewhat arbitrary. Umbilicate species, the columellar lip expanded, not adnate to base (Bahamas). C. indistincta Fer., v, 14. C. bahamensis Pfr., v, 18. v. disculus Dh., v, 15. v. holostoma Pils., v, 18. v. chromochila Pils., v, 15. C. sargenti Bid., v, 18. C. strumosa Pfr., v, 15. C. duclosiana Fer., v, 19. C. riisii Pfr., v, 16. v. salvatoris Pfr., v, 19. C. platonis Pfr., v, 16. v. abacoensis Mts., v, 20. C. albersiana Pfr., v, 17. C. macroglossa Pfr., v, 20. C. loxodon Pfr., v, 17. Imperforate species, with adnate columellar lip (Hayti to Virgin Is.). C. monodonta Lea, v, 21. C. diaphana Lam., v, 22. v. acuminata Pfr., v, 21. G. santacruzensis Pfr., v, 23. haitensis W. & M., v, 21. C. phsedra Pfr., v, 23. C. nemoralina Pet., v, 22. justi Pfr. f. intensa Pils., v, 22. Section Cysticopsis Morch, 1852. Cysticopsis MORCH, Catal. Yoldi, p. 2 (proposed for cubensis Pfr. only). — Pilsbry, Man. Conch, v, p. 10, Cuban species. — Not Cysti- copsis MARTENS, Die Hel. 1860, p. 144! Shell globose-depressed, thin, semitranslucent, unicolored or spir- ally banded and dotted, the last whorl not descending in front; aperture large, broadly lunate, the lip thin, not in the least expanded or reflexed, dilated and appressed at the umbilical insertion. Type C. cubensis Pfr. pi. 56, fig. 7. i CEPOLIS-POLYMITA. 187 Animal light colored, otherwise as in Coryda. Jaw high arched, smooth, with a large median projection (pi. 57, fig. 44, C. cubensis*). Radula long. Teeth with long, narrow basal plates, the median and lateral teeth without side cusps, transition and marginal teeth with an ectocone, the meso- and ento-cones united into a large bitid cusp (pi. 57, fig. 40, C. cubensis). The teeth of pemphigodes figured by Binney are of the same type, but with shorter cusps. Genitalia (of C. cubensis, pi. 52, fig. 16), as in ffemitrochus, ex- cept that I see but one lobe to the mucus gland ; the very long penis is apparently without retractor. Possibly the second lobe of the mucus gland was inadvertently removed in my dissection. Morch, in his original publication of this group, mentioned only one species, H. cubensis Pfr. The authors of the second edition of Die Heliceen were therefore not justified in naming H. tenerrima as type of Cysticopsis, and excluding cubensis from the roll of its mem- bers. On an earlier page of this work (p. 65), the writer has sepa- rated the Jamaica species formerly referred to this genus, and has shown them to belong to a separate genus, Zaphysema, near the Sagda group. The external features of the animal, its jaw, teeth and genitalia, all support this division. Cysticopsis is allied on one side to the Cuban band-dotted forms of Hemitrochus, and on the other to the group of Plagioptychas like diaphana. C. cubensis Pfr., v, 10. C. auberi Orb., v, 11. lanieriana Orb. C. pemphigodes Pfr., v, 12. trifasciella Beck. pelliculata Poey. pictella Beck. C. lescaillei Gundl., v, 13. N.pulchella Beck. C. luzi Arango, v, 13. penicillata Old., v, 33. C. lassevillei Gundl., v. 14. ncevula Morel., v, 34. C. pellicula Fer., v, 14. C. comes Poey, v, 11. 0. jaudenesi Cisn., v, 14. C. letranensis Pfr., v. 11. C. hjalmarsoni Pfr.,v, 12. Genus POLYMITA Beck, 1837. Polymita BECK, Index Moll., p. 44 (picta, globulosa, versicolor, carnicolor').— GRAY, P. Z. S., 1847, p. 171, type H.picta.— MARTENS, Die Hel., 1860, p. 145, type H. muscarum. — W. G. BINNEY, Ann. 188 POLYMITA. N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 89 (Jaw and dentition). — POEY, Meraorias sobre la Hist. Nat. Cuba, ii, pi. 7, f. 5. — PILSBRY, Man. Conch., v, p. 52. Shell subglobular, brilliantly colored, rather thin but solid, imper- forate ; whorls few (about 4), the last but little deflexed ; aperture rounded, slightly lunate, the peristome simple, not expanded or re- Jlexed except at axis, where it is reflexed and adnate over the umbil- ical region ; axis solid. Type P. picta, pi. 56, fig. 10. Animal (of P. picta) black above, slaty below; evenly granulated throughout, without dorsal grooves, facial groove or foot margin, the tail rounded above, not grooved ; sole not in the least divided, mantle edge thickened but without lobes. Jaw arcuate, moderately solid, smooth (PI. 51, fig. 8, P. picta). Radula short and wide, the teeth all of the same form, and in v-shaped rows, formula about 85.1.85. Basal plates long and narrow; cusps situated far backward, and projecting well over the posterior margin; all teeth tricuspid, the three cusps united into a broad, tri- dentate gouge-shaped cutting edge. (PI. 51, fig. 5, central with four lateral teeth; fig. 6, group of outer laterals; fig. 7, two extreme marginal teeth of P. picta). Genital system (pi. 51, fig. 4, P. picta) altogether like that of Cepolis. The vagina is long, with a long stalked spermatheca; dart sack large, its head marked off by a constriction and united by connective tissue with the vagina ; at root of d. s. there is a mucus gland composed of two oval, flat glandular lobes. Penis slender, with a long flagellum, and apparently no retractor muscle; eye- stalk retracted between branches of genitalia. Distribution, Cuba. Habits arboreal. The shell in this group resembles that of Hemitrochus, except that the lip is neither expanded nor thickened within. The genital system is entirely that of Hemitrochus. The radula is excessively peculiar in having the side cusps as long as the middle cusp and united with it to form a broad, tridentate gouge, all three cusps be- ing subequally developed on all the teeth. This type of radula may be compared with that of Orthalicust Oxychona, Papuina, and especially with Amphidromus; all being arboreal genera, which have independently evolved the same gen- eral type of teeth. OXYCHONA. P. picta Born, v, 53. P. muscarum Lea., v, 54. venusta Gmel. globulosa Fer. sulpliurosa Morel., v, 54. carnicolor Orb. L. tiara Martyn. v. subbrocheri Pils., v, 55. P. versicolor Born., v, 54. P. brocheri (Gut.) Pfr., v, 55. - Ipictoria Perry. brocheroi Arango. ? cincta Perry. Genus OXYCHONA Morch, 1852. Oxychona MORCH, Cat. Yoldi, p. 14, type H. bifasciata. — PILSBRY, Man. of Conch., v, p. 128. — MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer., Moll., p. 152. — Oeotrochus, Leptoloma, Corasia, Axina and Eurycratera of authors. — Leptarionta CROSSE & FISCHER, Moll. Mex. i, p. 253. Shell rather shining, thin and light colored, with spiral brown bands, umbilicate or closed, the spire conic or depressed and merely convex,the last whorl varying from acutely keeled to subangular. Surface smoothish, often microscopically striate or granular. Aper- ture oblique, the lip expanded or reflexed, rather thin, not toothed. Type 0. bifasciata, pi. 45, fig. 8. (See also pi. 45, figs. 1,2, 0. costa- ricensis. PI. 45, figs. 3., 4, 5, 0. altispira. PI. 45, figs. 9, 10, 0. trigonostoma v. stolliana.*) Animal (of 0. trigonostoma, pi. 45, figs. 9, 10) quite elongated, the tail surmounted by a conspicuous serrate keel. Jaw (of 0. bifasciata, pi. 51, fig. 11), rather thin, arcuate, with no median projection, having about 17 unequal ribs distributed over its entire extent and denticulating the margin. Radula (of 0. bifasciata, pi. 51, fig. 10, central with 6 adjacent laterals, fig. 9, 7th to 13th laterals, with one marginal, and fig. be- low the latter, a lateral seen in profile) pavement-like, with v-shaped rows of nearly similar teeth. Centrals with an oblong squarish basal plate bearing one cusp springing from its middle, spreading into a spatulate form, and projecting far over the posterior end of of the basal plate on all sides. Laterals similar, but having the entocone indicated by a notch in the basal plate near its posterior angle, and bearing a minute basal ectocone. Outwardly, this ecto- cone increases in size, and becomes split on the marginal teeth, which are otherwise like the laterals. Distribution, Brazil to Mexico. Habits arboreal, as far as known. 190 OXYCHONA. The prominent features of this group are the smooth, thin, light- colored and banded shell which is usually of a markedly trochiform contour, but sometimes depressed, the periphery angular; the ribbed jaw ; the extremely peculiar radula, with enormously widened and enlarged middle cusps, and minute, basal side cusps. When the radula is torn, the teeth part readily along their lateral faces, but adhere in chain-like longitudinal rows. The radula, as well as the jaw and shell, is comparable to that of Papuina (cf. p. 137, pi. 37, fig. 10), but although the superficial re- semblance is great, the two are really totally distinct, the broad cusps of Papuina being formed by the united ento-, meso- and ecto- cones, whilst in Oxycliona the mesocone only is modified, the side Ncusps becoming obsolete. Polymita also has a slightly similar but morphologically different dentition. The peculiar type of teeth in these three genera has evidently been independently evolved in each, from the usual tricuspid type. It seems to be correlated with arboreal habits. Compare also the radula of Otostomus. The affinities of Oxychona are uncertain ; but it will probably prove to be a member of the Belogona, distinguished from Helix by its Papuina or Corasia like shell, and the peculiar teeth. Prob- ably in this group, as in Papuina, some species will be found to have a more normal type of dentition. The Mexican forms which have been placed in this group are still unknown anatomically, but the animal of 0. trigonostoma has been figured with a toothed keel on the tail, such as occurs in the genus Lysinoe. Messrs. Crosse & Fischer proposed the section Leptarionta for two species, bicincta and flavescens ; but as they state that they had not seen flavescens, their group was evidently founded on bicincta, the first species described by them. The first four species are from Brazil ; the others are from Guatemala and Costa Rica to the province of Vera Cruz, E. Mexico. O. bifasciata Burrow, v, 129. O. zhorquinensis Ang., v, 132. pyramidella Spix, Wagner. O. trigonostoma Pfr., v, 132. bosciana Fer. /. elevatoconica C. & F. blanchetiana Moric. lalliana Tristr. O. lonchostoma Mke., v, 130. /. salleana Pfr. O. gyrina Val.,v, 131. obscura C. & F. O. pileiformis Moric., v, 131. /. intermedia C. & F. LYSINOE. 191 O. trigonostoma Pfr., v, 132. O. guillarmodi Shutt., v, 133. /. subunicolor C. & F. O. costaricensis Roth, v, 134. stoliiana Mts. /. virginea Anc. /. freytagiana Dohrn. /. steiniana Anc. O. altispira (Dohrn) Mts. /. boucardi Ang. O. bicincta Pfr., iv, 75. O. adela Ang., v, 135. Genus LYSINOE H. & A. Adams, 1855. Aglaja ALB., Die Hel., 1850, p. 107, sole species H. ghiesbreghti. — Aglaia Alb., v. MART., Die Hel., 1860, p. 122, in part, exclusive of "type" and all but first species. Not Aglaia Renier, 1804, Eschscholtz, 1825, or Swainson, 1827.— Lysinoe, H.& A. AD., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 203, for ghiesbreghtii and hogoleuensis (June, 1855). — v. MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Araer., Moll., p. 145. — Odontura FIS- CHER & CROSSE, Miss. Scient. Mex., Moll., pp. 211, 242, 1870, for ghiesbreghti and eximia. — Humboldtiana v. IHERING, Morphol. u. Syst. des Genitalapparates von Helix, in Zeitschr. f. wissenschaftl. Zoologie, liv, p. 172, 1892, type H. humboldtiana. See for anatomy, FISCHER & CROSSE, 1. c. ; W. G. BINNEY, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., v, p. 336, pi. 2, f. i. K. ; v. MARTENS, I. c., pi. 8, f. 4. Shell large, globose or depressed globose, beset with granules and sometimes hairs, brownish or yellowish with dark spiral bands ; um- bilicus open or partly covered ; aperture lunate, lip margins more or less reflexed, at least the columellar margin. TypeL. ghiesbreghti, pi. 45, fig. 7. See also pi. 58, fig. 75, L. humboldtiana var. badio- cincta. Animal large, coarsely granulose, the tail surmounted by a knobbed or serrate keel (pi. 45, fig. 7, H. ghiesbreghti). Jaw arcuate, soAid? with 6-11 spaced ribs (pi. 60, fig. 9, L. eximia\ Radula havingtfifiicuspid median teeth, the stout cusp shorter than the basal plates. Lateral teeth with a small ectocone. Mar- ginals haxing a long oblique bifid inner cusp and a small ectocone, (pi. 60, fig. 5, L. humboldtiana}. Genital system having the retractor and epiphallus inserted at apex of the short penis ; epiphallus continued in a long flagellum. Spermatheca duct varying from moderate to very long, without di- verticulum. Vagina bearing two equal, symmetrically placed dart sacks, above the insertion of which three club-shaped mucous glands 192 GLYPTOSTOMA. are independently inserted on the vagina. Darts unknown. (PI. 60,, fig. 8, L. ghiesbreghti). The three species present the same type of genitalia. The shell is similar to Campylcea or Epiphragmophora, but the doubling of the dart sack, and the number of the mucus glands, independently inserted on vagina, are features which can only be compared to the Xerophiloid and Fruticicoloid groups. The serrate keel of the tail is a curious feature of this group, but something like it occurs also in Oxyehona trigonostoma, the internal anatomy of which is un- known. The jaw and teeth of Lysinoe are of the normal Helix form. Distribution, Southern Texas (humboldtiana) to Guatemala and Honduras (ghiesbreghti). The name Aglaja Alb. is thrice preoccupied in zoology. Lysinoe was proposed for two species, the second of which, Helix hogoleu- ensis Le Guill., belongs to the prior genus Rhyssota Alb. We there- fore follow von Martens' excellent precedent in considering H. ghies- breghti the type of Lysinoe. Helix humboldtiana agrees entirely with ghiesbreghti in anatomy, so the sectional name, Humboldtiana v. Iher., becomes a synonym. Odontura is preoccupied. L. ghiesbreghti Nyst., iv, 75. L. humboldtiana Fer., iv, 260. /. subaurantia, v. Mart. v. hegewischi v. Mart. /. strubelli Bttg. v. hogeana v. Mart. /. fulvostraminea, v. Mart. v. buffoniana Pfr. /. bizona, v. Mart. matronuta Uhde. /. rufozonata v. Mart. v. badiocincta Wiegm. L. eximia Pfr., iv, 75. v. stolli, v. Mart. Genus GLYPTOSTOMA Bland & Binney, 1873. Glyptostoma BLIX & W. G.BMProc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1873, p. 244 (June 3, 1873). See for anatomy, BINNEY, t.c.pl 1, f. 1,3 ; Am. Journ. Conch., vii, p. 190, pi. 17, f. 3, 4; Proc. Acad., Phila., 1875, p. 219, pi. 16, f. 4, pi. 13, f. 6, and 1876, p. 190, pi. 6, f. H. ; Terr. Moll., v, p. 373, pi. 14, f. D. Shall discoidal with slightly convex spire of about 6 whorls and broadly open umbilicus showing all the whorls; smoothish, dark and opaque ; last whorl rather tubular, hardly descending in front. Aperture round-lunar, oblique, the lip simple and acute, neither EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. 193 thickened nor expanded, margins approaching ; parietal wall densely spirally striated. Type G. newberryanum, pi. 31, figs. 36, 37. Jaw low, wide, slightly arcuate, without median projection, with about 15 ribs extending nearly to the ends. (PL 31, fig. 38.) Rad- ula long and narrow, formula ; basal plates of medran- and lateral teeth long, the mesocones about the same length, side cutting points developed. Marginal teeth with shortened basal plates, the inner cusp rather short and stout, ectocone small (pi. 31, fig. 40, middle with 1st lateral, 23d, 24th, 25th, 37th and 47th mar- ginal teeth). Genitalia (pi. 31, fig. 39) characterized by a stumpy penis with short, obtuse flagellum ; dart sack obsolete or absent, but one club- shaped mucus gland, like that of Epiphragmophora fidelis present ; spennatheca duct long, bound to oviduct, but free above and below. A monotypic genus, allied to Epiphragmophora, but differing im the shell, which has much the form of the typical Zonites or Patula,. in the wide many-ribbed jaw, and in the genital system, which appar- ently lacks a dart sack, although the mucus gland is retained. Fur- ther examination is needed, to ascertain whether any trace of the dart sack is present, for I suspect this will prove to be the case. The single species is common around San Diego, on southerly ex- posed hill-sides under rocks. G. newberryanum W. G. B., iii, 110. Los Angeles, Cal., to Todos Santos Bay, L. Cal. Genus EPIPHRAGMOPHORA Boring, 1875. Epiphragmophora DC-RING, Bol. Acad. Nacional de Ciencias Cor- dova i, p. 446, for jEf. hieronymi and H. cuyana. -f Angrandiella ANCEY, Conchologists' Exchange, i, p. 20, Nov. 1886, type H. angrandi. -\-Pcecilostola ANC., L c., type H. farrisi (not Pceeilostola Stal, 1870, Hemiptera, Poecilostola Chaud., 1871, Coleoptera, or Pce- cilostolus Giinth., 1863, Reptilia) = Pilsbrya ANC., t. c., p. 54, Apr.,. 1887, same type. -\-Helminthoglypta ANC., Conch. Exch., i, p. 76, June, 1887, type H. tudiculata. + Micrarionta ANC., Le Naturaliste, Dec., 1880, p. 334, type H.facta. -{-Aglaia of American authors, not Albers. -\-Arionta of authors, not Leach -\-Lysinoe PILS., check list, not H. & A. Adams-)- Campylcea (American species) v. IHERING, Morphol. u. Syst., not of Beck, -f Euparyphaof American authors not Hartmann. 13 194 EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. ?-|- Ccelospira ANC., Conch. Exch., i, p. 20, type H. maeneili (not Ccelospira Hall, 1858, HreichioipodeC)=Averellia ANC., 1. e., p. 54, Apr., 1887, same type, -f- Trichodiscus STREBEL, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Siissw.-Conch., iv, p. 32, 1880 (not of Ehrenberg, Infusoria)= Trichodisdna v. MARTENS, Biol. Centr. Amer. Moll., p. 133, March, 1892 ; type H. coactiliata. See for anatomy W. G. Binney, Terr. Moll., vol. v (figures not always reliable !). — Semper, Reisen, etc., p. 242. — Doring, Bol. Acad. Nac. Sci., Cordova, i, and Estudos Sist. y Anat. sobre los Mol. pulm. de los poises del Plata, Periodico Zool.,i, 1875, p. 129-204.— Strebel & Pfeffer, Beitr. Mex. Moll., pt. iv. — HEYNEMANN, Mai. Bl., xv, pi. iv, fig. 4. Shell varying from globose to subdiscoidal, rarely keeled, umbili- cate or imperforate, with 4 to 7 whorls. Surface generally decus- sated, malleated or hirsute ; the texture varying from corneous to chalky; generally variegated, having a supraperipheral band, some- times 3-banded. Aperture lunar, the lip expanded or reflexed, dilated at columellar insertion, toothless ; but a few species have a columellar nodule or internal plicae. Type E. hieronymi Doring, pi. 59, fig. 77. (See also pi. 58, figs. 57 to 74). Animal granulated as usual, with a pair of dorsal grooves and no distinct facial grooves, the tail rounded above, not keeled nor grooved. Sole undivided (pi. 45, fig. 6, E. fidelis; pi. 59, fig. 76, E. nickliniana, showing atrium extruded, and the characteristic granulation of foot, not well shown in the fig. of E. fidelis). Eight eye retractor passes between branches of genitalia. Jaw arched, with 3 to 8 stout ribs denticulating the margins (pi. 59, fig. 78, E. semiclausa; fig. 80, areolata ; fig. 83 nickliniana; fig. 84, fidelis; fig. 85, arrosa; pi. 52, fig. 17, E. eordovana). Radula characterized by median and lateral teeth without side cusps ; marginals with the entocone+mesocone forming a long com- pound cusp, ectocone simple, never bifid. (PI 60, fig. 10, E.fidelis. Fig. 7, E. nickliniana. Fig. 4, E. areolata}. Genitalia characterized by a slender penis continued in an epi- phallus which bears the retractor; flagellum present. Dart sack short, its apex neither constricted nor attached, containing a two- edged dart, pi. 59, fig. 82, E. mormonum. Mucus gland either (1) single and club-shaped, seated on dart sack, pi. 59, fig. 81, or (2) single but dividing above into two bulb-bearing branches, pi. 59, EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. 195 figs. 79, 87, or (3) double and glandular with threadlike ducts in- serted at root of dart sack, one gland bound to dart sack, one to vestibule or base of penis, pi. 59, fig. 89, glands torn from their attachments. The spermatheca is globose, its duct often bearing a diverticulum. Distribution, British Columbia southward to Argentina, mainly confined to the Pacific drainage, but spreading to the Gulf slope in Central America. The genus Epiphragmophora, while allied to the Helices of Japan, is distinguished from them by the non-sacculated mucus glands and some shell characters. It is also allied to Cepolis, a West Indian genus which is characterized by its flat, two-parted mucus gland, peculiarly formed dart sack attached at apex to vagina, and ribless jaw. The middle American genus Lysinoe is similar to Epiphrag- mophora in features of the shell, but differs widely in the duplica- tion of the dart sack (elsewhere developed only in Hygromia and Helicella'), in the three club-shaped mucus glands independently in- serted on the vagina, and in the serrate keel of the tail. A still nearer ally of Epiphragmophora is Glyptostoma, characterized by the simple acute lip of the peculiar shell, and the decadence of the dart sack. The diverticulum of the spermatheca duct is present or absent in closely allied species, just as we find it in other genera. The shell varies so much that no generic diagnosis can be framed from it alone, which would cover all forms of Epiphragmophora and still exclude species of other groups. This difficulty is not encountered when we diagnose from the soft anatomy, which presents extremely characteristic and readily recognized features. Dr. von Ihering, in his essay on Helix, refers this New World series to Campylcea ; but as the other groups studied by him belong to the Belogona siphonadenia of my arrangement, he was not aware of the value of the characters upon which the Belogona are split into two great groups, and his knowledge of the American forms was wholly second-hand — from figures, not dissections. I feel confi- dent that if v. Ihering had actually dissected American and East Asiatic types, he would have taken a different view, and one more in accordance with the opinions of Semper and the writer. The members of this genus have hitherto been placed in Arionta, Euparypha and Aglaia by American authors. Semper, as long ago as 1880 (Reisen im Archip. Phil. (2) iii, Landmoll., p. 245), emphat 196 EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. ically stated his belief that the American should be separated from the European " Arioutas ;" and my own studies have converted me to the same opinion, although before my dissections were begun, I had thought otherwise. It is sufficient to say here that in the American, as in the East Asiatic types of belogonous Helices, the mucus glands are globular or flat bodies of glandular texture, in- serted upon the dart sack or at its base; in the European forms these glands are always tubes of equal diameter throughout their length, and inserted upon the vagina above the dart sack. If my division of the belogonous Helices upon this character be correct, Helix, Helicigona (- Campy lcea-\- Arionta vera), Fruticicola, Xerophila etc., are all more nearly allied to each other than any European Helices are to the American Ariontas, so-called. The American types are closely allied to the large Helices of Japan and China in anatomical features. The resemblance in shell characters of the Californian and European species is astonishing, but I do not doubt that it is due to purely secondary modification, which has moulded the shells to a deceptive likeness, but left un- changed the genitalia to tell more faithfully the story of their lineage. Synopsis of Sections of jEpiphragmophora. Although not nearly so homogeneous a group as Cepolis, Helix or Helicigona in anatomy, this genus exhibits but little modification in shell characters. The sections here admitted, although natural groups, have but little systematic rank. Averellia and Trichodiscina are not sufficiently known anatomically for us to be certain that they belong here, but the probabilities are strong that they do. * South American forms. Section EPIPHRAGMOPHORA Doring. Shell umbilicate, brown, calcareous, with one supraperipheral band, peristome expanded, nearly circular. Epiphragm solid, calcareous; jaw four ribbed; dart sack lengthened, with two globose, stalked mucus glands ; sper- matheca short-stalked. Type H. hieronymi, pi. 59, fig. 77 ; (see also E. cuyana, pi. 58, figs. 68, 69.) Section PILSBRYA Ancey. Shell imperforate or umbilicate, malleated, similar to that of Helminthoglypta. Epiphragm mem- braneous, jaw 4-5 ribbed (pi. 59, fig. 78, E. semiclausa') ; median EPIPHKAGMOPHORA. 197 and lateral teeth without side cusps; marginals tricuspid ; dart bi- angulate; mucus glands as in Epiphragmophora. Type E. farrisit pi. 58, figs. 58, 59. See also E. petasemis, pi. 58, figs. 60, 61. We regret to say that this group is not well distinguished from the preceding. Section ANGRANDIELLA Anc. Shell depressed, umbilicated, with a toothlike prominence within the basal lip, marked by an external pit. Type E. angrandi, pi. 58, fig. 57. ** Central American and Mexican forms. Section AVERELLIA Ancey. Shell discoidal with concave spire and wide umbilicus, hirsute, the last whorl deeply descending in front ; scrobiculate behind the aperture above and below ; aperture subhorizontal, biplicate within, peristome narrowly expanded. Type E. macneili Crosse. Section TRICHODISCINA Martens. Shell depressed, with open umbilicus and deflexed last whorl, granulate and hairy ; aperture small, oblique or subhorizontal, toothless, the lip expanded. Jaw ribbed (pi. 52, fig. 17, E. cordovana). Type E. coactiliata, pi. 58, figs. 70, 71. *** North American forms. Section MICRARIONTA Ancey. Shell globose or globose depressed, one or many banded, the bands sometimes interrupted ; substance rather calcareous. Mucus glands two, with threadlike ducts, one lengthened, adherent to and spread upon the vagina or base of penis, its duct entering vagina at root of dart sack ; the other shorter, usually adherent to dart sack, on base of which its duct enters. Radula with rather short basal plate and wide mesocones, no ectocones on middle and lateral teeth. Marginals with a sub- bifid inner and simple outer cusp (pi. 60, fig. 4, areolata). See pi. 59, figs. 89, E. areolata. Type E. facia gabbi, pi. 58, figs. 73, 74. (See also E. areolata, pi. 58, figs. 66, 67.) Section HELMINTHOGLYPTA Ancey. Shell globose or depressed, its surface either simply striated, decussated or malleated. Mucus gland one, split into two bulb-hearing branches, and inserted on the dart sack. (PI. 59, fig. 47, E. arrosa; fig. 87, E. traskii v. cayama- censis ; fig. 88, E. nickliniana*). Radula with basal plates longer than cusps of median teeth, middle and lateral teeth without side 198 EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. cusps, marginals with a bifid inner and simple outer cusp (pi. 60, fig. 7, E. nickliniana). Type E. tudiculata, pi. 58, figs. 62, 63. Section MONADENIA Pilsbry. Shell with depressed body whorl, often more or less keeled or angular, the spire either low or conical. Surface with growth striae. Mucus gland one, undivided, club- shaped, its terminal portion glandular, and inserted on the dart sack. (PI. 59, fig. 81, E.fidelis ; pi. 59, figs. 82, 86, E. mormonum). Radula with no side cusps on middle, lateral or transition teeth ; marginals with bifid inner and simple outer cusp (pi. 60, fig. 10> E.fidelis.') Type E.fidelis, pi. 58, fig. 72. See also pi. 58, figs. 64, 65, E. mormonum. SOUTH AMERICAN SPECIES. Igp^hragmophora-j-Pilsbrya. E. alsophila Phil., iv, 78. E. higginsi Pfr., iv, 79. E. audouini Orb., iv, 81. farrisi Hig., not Pfr. v. oresigena Orb. E. huancensis Ph., iv, 79. E. claromphalos Dev. & Hpe., E. jaspidea Pfr., iv, 79. iv, 80. plaiysoma Pils., vi, 104. v. mesomphalos Mor. E. macasi Higg., iv, 81. E. clausomphalos Dev. & Hpe., E. monographa Dor. iv, 78. E. patasensis Pfr., iv, 81. E. cuyana Strob., iv, 78. /. minor Pfr. E. diluta Pfr., iv, 80. E. pelliscolubri Ph., iv, 80. E. estella Orb., iv, 78. E. semiclausa Mts., iv, 80. v. tucumanensis Dor., iv, 78. E. trenquelleonis Grat., iv, 82. E. farrisi Pfr., iv, 77. E. trigrammephora Orb., iv, 80. E. gueinzii Pfr. E. tschudiana Ph., iv, 77. E. hidalgonis Dor. E. yocotulana Dor., iv, 81. E. hieronymi Dor., iv, 78. (Shell depressed, umbilicate, with a tooth within the basal lip. Angrandiella.) E. angrandi Morel., v, 96. Peru. MIDDLE AMERICAN SPECIES. (Shell hirsute, depressed, with large umbilicus, 2,-grooved behind lip and 2-plicate within. Averellia.) E. macneili Crosse, v, 96. Costa Rica. (Shell depressed, subdiscoidal, with wide umbilicus ; hirsute. S.-E. Mexico, Cent. Amer. Trichodiscina.) EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. 199 \\ E. coactiliata Fer., iii, 49. tceniata Nyst. nystiana Pfr. bridgesi Try., not Newc. parkeri Tryon. E. cordovana Pfr., iii, 49. fobsita Pfr. E. suturalis Pfr., iii, 49. v. pressula Morel., iii, 50. almonte Tristr. almonteana F. & C. E. oajacensis Koch, iii, 50. E. sumichrasti C. &. F., iii, E. sargi C. & F., iv, 80. [184. NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES. (Shell with conic or low spire, often keeled or angular. Monadenia.) E. mormonum Pfr., iv, 70. v. hillebrandi Newc., iv, 70.- E. circumcarinata Stearns, iv, 70. £. fidelis Gray, iv, 69. nuttalliana Lea. /. minor W. G. B. /. flava Hemph. /. subcarinata Hemph. v. infumata Gld., iv, 70. (Shell globose or depressed, smooth, malleated or granose, not keeled. Helminthoglvpta.^ dupetithoursi Dh,, iv, 71. oregonensis Lea. sequoicola Coop., iv, 71. traskii Newc., iv, 71. franki Coop., err. typ. v. proles Hemph. v. cuyamacensis Hemph. v. tularensis Hemph. exarata Pfr., iv, 73. E. arrosa Gld., iv, 72. ceruginosa Gld. J. obscura Pils. /. holderiana Coop. /. stiversiana Coop. E. californiensis Lea, iv, 119. vincta Val. v. nickliniana Lea., iv, 73. arboretorum Val. /. anachoreta W. G.., iii, 196. obstrusa Fer. /. dilatata West. /. adpressula Friv. H. olivieri Fe>., iii, 191. v. parumcincta Parr, v. bicincta Ben. rizzce Arad. v. cribrata West, v. gregaria Zgl., iii, 196. occulta Biv. H. orsinii (Porro) Villa, iii, 203. ochracea Zieg. v. majellse Kob. v. picena (Tib.) Kob. H. pachnodes Bttg. H. pantanellii Stef. H. parreyssi Pfr., iii, 203. modesta Parr. H. phseozona Mts., iii, 205. H. pisiformis Pfr., iii, 197. v. atypa Bttg., viii, 187. H. rothi Pfr., iii, 197. /. inversa West. /. draxleri Zel. H. rubens Mts., iii, 205. HELICELLA. 26T /. concolor Mts. /. finschiana Mts. /. zeiliana Mts. /. regeliana Mts. H. rufispira Mts., iii, 204. v. albidorsalis Mouss. H. samsunensis Zel. H. schotti (Zel.) Pfr. H. schrenki Midd., iii, 200. siberica Friv. H. semenowi Mts. /. depressa Mouss. H. septemgyrata Mss., iii, 201. H. strigella Drap., iii, 202. sylvestris Alt. altenana Gartn. fruticosa Parr. cornea Hartm. piligera Andr. vitrinosa Zgl. hexagyra Miihl. peregra Parr, v. colliniana, lepidophora, rus- inica, separica, vellavorum, ceyssoni, buxetorum, neme- tuna, cussetiensis, mehadise,. agapeta Bgt., briandi, du- breili Serv. H. subobstructa Bgt., iii, 196. v. distypa West. H. suborbicularis Mts., iii, 203. H. syriaca Ehr., iii, 197. ony china Rm., f. 568. H. talyschaDa Mts., iii, 195. H. theobaldi West. H. transcaspia Bttg., viii, 187. Section Lejeania Ancey, 1887. Lejeania ANC., Conchol. Exch. i, p. 75, June, 1887, types H. dar- naudi Pfr., isseliana Morel., jickeliana Nev. — Pella, in part, of authors. Shell narrowly umbilicated, depressed-globose, thin, with the tex- ture of Fruticicola ; broivn with opaque whitish bands, or opaque- white with dark bands. Lip thin, simple, expanded toward the um- bilical insertion. Type H. darnaudi Pfr. Jaw high-arched, with numerous flattened, wide ribs, hardly den- ticulating the margin (pi. 71, fig. 43, H. scioana). Radula having the middle teeth tricuspid, median cusp shorter than basal-plate. Laterals bicuspid ; marginals with the ectocone split (pi. 71, fig. 42, JET. scioana). Genital system (pi. 71, fig. 44, H. lejeaniana) with no retractor on penis, flagellum long. Spermatheca on a short duct. Dart sack short, swollen, inserted on atrium ; mucus glands in two groups of 3 or 4 each (lejeaniana\ or wanting apparently (scioana). Distribution, Abyssinia, southern Arabia. My knowledge of the anatomy of this group is from Pollonera's work Boll. Soc. Mai. Ital. xiii, p. 75, pi. 3. The position of the right eye-retractor is unknown. 268 HELICELLA. No penis retractor is shown in Polloneras's figures or mentioned by him, so I suppose it is absent ; and it is mainly on this ground that I place the group next to Theba. The hairy species may belong elsewhere, but judging from the anatomy of scioana, they are better placed here. The shell diagnosis given above applies to the typical forms. H. isseli Morel., iii, 105. H. jickelii Nev., iii, 230. darnaudi Jick. part. H. pilifera Mart., iii, 190. H. lejeaniana Bgt., iii, 104. H. combesiana Bgt, iii, 190. darnaudi Jick. part. pilifera Jick. H. achilli Bgt, iii, 105. H. ferretiana Bgt., iii, 190. H. darnaudi Pfr., iii, 104. H. herbini Bgt., iii, 190. v. heuglini Mts., iii, 104. H. galinieriana Bgt., iii, 190. H. hamacenica Raff., iii, 250. H. beccarii Jick., iii, 189. H. subnivellina Bgt., iii, 250. ciliata Morel. H. nivellina Bgt. H. scioana Poll., viii, 190. alexandrina Parr., undescr. H. d'hericourtiana B., iii, 104. nivea Zgl. not Gmel. H. strigelloides Poll., viii, 190. H. leucosticta Mts., viii, 190. Section Platytheba Pilsbry, 1894. Nummulina KOB., Catalog Eur. Binnenconch., p. 12, 1871. Not Nummulina d'Orbigny, 1826 (Polyzoa). Shell narrowly umbilicated, depressed and lens-shaped, acutely keeled ; thin but rather solid, costulate striate, whitish. Aperture quite oblique, transverse, and angular outside; peristome simple above, the basal lip slightly thickened within and dilated at inser- tion. Type H. nummus Ehr., pi. 68, fig. 30. Genital system (pi. 69, fig. 17, H. nummus) as in Theba, the penis lacking retractor, flagellum very short, etc. These are simply keeled Carthusianas, as von Iheringhas already maintained, but the shell features demand recognition by name. The group is characteristic of Syria and the Caucasus region. It has no alliance with Plectotropis, although the shells are somewhat similar. H. nummus Ehr., iii, 199. H. promethus Bttg., iii, 199. hedenborgi Pfr. H. genezarethana Mouss., iii, 199. oxygyra Boiss. tiberana Mouss. H. spiroxia Bgt., iii, 199. H. jasonis Dub., iii, 199. HYGROMIA. 269 Genus HYGKOMIA Risso, 1826. =Hygromia Risso, 1826, -\-Bradybcena Beck, 1837 (part),-f Fru~ ticicola Held, 1837,-f MmacAaFitz., 1833,4-THc/waHartm., 1841? +Petasia Beck, 1837,+Metodonta Mlldff., 1886, etc., etc. Shell rather thin and subtranslucent, with little calcareous sub- stance, brown or whitish, unicolored or with a peripheral white zone, frequently hairy. Umbilicus open or minute ; form globose- depressed, with convex or conoid spire, and rounded or angular peri- phery. Aperture lunate, the lip acute, expanded below, usually thickened within, the basal margin rarely 1 or 2 toothed. Tvpe H. dnetella (See pi. 55, figs. 20 to 30). Jaw arched, thin, with delicate low riblets which denticulate the margins but feebly (pi. 70, figs. 31, 39). Radula as usual in ground- snails. Median cusps long and acute, the side cusps usually devel- oped though small on middle teeth. Ectocones well developed on lateral teeth. Marginals with long simple or bifid inner and small: simple or split outer cusp. Genital system (pi. 70, figs. 30-41) ; penis continued in an epiph- allus which bears the retractor and ends in a short flagellum and the vas deferens. Dart sack single or repeated, with or without accessory sacks, the contained dart or darts cylindrical below with short blades at apex. Mucus glands inserted on vagina above the dart sack, consisting of several independently inserted or grouped tubes. Right eye-retractor passing between branches of genitalia- Dart apparatus sometimes entirely lacking by degeneration. Distribution, Europe, North Africa and Western Asia. The genus is not very fully represented in the fossil series as now known, although a moderate number of forms are found extending as far down as the Oligocene of middle Europe. I do not know that any Eocene or earlier species can be referred with certainty ta the group, but it is not unlikely. The prominent features of this genus are (1) the thin dull-colored shell, in which calcareous matter is never predominent, a hairy coat is often developed, and the lip is not reflexed ; (2) the thin jaw with many slight riblets ; (3) the normal disposition of the right eye-retractor, the short flagellum, frequent doubling of the dart sack and the separation of mucus glands from the latter. These features separate the genus from Helicella, which is allied in form of the 270 HYGROMIA. shell and of the genital organs, and from Eulota which has a shell of much the same form and texture. In certain forms (H. revelata, H. tiliata, and the section Meta- Jruticicola) the dart sack and mucus glands are absent ; but as there are other species showing the gradual steps of this loss, — first in the empty condition of the dart sacks, then their disappearance, and finally the gradual disappearance of the mucus glands also, — we are compelled to consider these simplified species as degenerate and secondarily simple lines of descent It is noteworthy that in shell, jaw and teeth they retain the normal structure of the genus, as well as in the structure of the penis. The presence of these forms lacking the cardinal features of the Belogona might be construed by some as invalidating the premises upon which the primary groups of Helices are founded ; but this would be a very short-sighted view. The facts simply show that in some members of highly organized groups, retrogressive evolution has taken place, resulting in structures similar to those character- istic of lower groups. This is a very common phenomenon in many orders of animals. In the case under discussion, the organs of mas- tication and the shell have undergone no changes, and the penis and its appendages retain their normal characters. Compare v. Ihering, Morphol. u. Syst., p. 450, who supports this view. In regard to the nomenclature adopted for the group, I have simply made the changes from current usage demanded by the law of priority. It is absurd to continue to use " Fruticicola " in a generic sense when it is everywhere acknowledged that Hygromia is a dozen years earlier, and is properly diagnosed, etc., in a work known to and used by all systematic conchologists. Fruticicola is later than Monacha (type incarnata) and on a par with Bradybcena. The names Zenobia, Petasia, Trochiscus, Latonia and Triehia are clearly preoccupied, and can, therefore, have no place in the no- menclature of Helices. They have hitherto been used in ignorance of this fact, or in defiance of it. The sectional scheme proposed below is remodelled from current European usage, except that Theba and allied groups have been re- moved to Helicella, as advocated by von Ihering, and the preoccupied names are dropped. The species herein referred to sections Mon- acha and Fruticicola require much investigation, and doubtless con- siderable re-arrangement, and some students may consider it best to split them into more sections. The other sectional divisions agree HYGROMIA. 271 in essential points with recent European authorities, and seem to be well-founded. Section Hygromia Risso, s. sir. Shell subconic, narrowly perforated, with convex-conic spire,- keeled periphery and convex base ; horn-colored or brown, somewhat translucent, with an opaque white peripheral girdle. Surface smoothish, not hairy. Aperture oblique, lip expanded below, re- flexed at columellar insertion, thickened within. Type H. einetella, pi. 55, figs. 20, 21. Jaw arcuate, with many wide, flat riblets (pi. 70, fig. 39, H. cine- tella). Genitalia (pi. 70, fig. 32 H. limbata), having the epiphallus long, flagellum very small. Four mucus tubes on each side, and be- low them one small dart sack containing a dart. Duct of sperma- theca long. Species few, confined to southern-central Europe. H. einetella Dr., iii, 18j£ H. limbata Dr., iii, 189. ? ranzani Orsini. /. sublimbata Bgt. /. fasciata Paul. /. odeca Bgt. /. chelydea West. /. hylonomia Bgt. H. tassyi Bgt. v. delomphala Anc. Section Monacha Fitzinger, 1833. Monacha FITZ., I. c., for incarnata only. — Not Monachus Kaup, 1829 (Aves). — Latonia WESTERLUND (in part), Fauna Palaarct. Binnenconch., Helix, pp. 30, 68. Not Latonia Mey., 1843 (Repti- lia), nor Latona Schum. 1817 (Moll.) nor of Strauss, 1817 (Crust.). Shell covered-perforate or narrowly umbilicated, depressed sub- globose with 6-7 whorls, the last rounded or subangular ; surface minutely scaly or hairy. Aperture oblique, widely sublunate, lip expanded, well thickened within. Type H. incarnata Mull., pi. 55, figs. 29, 30. Genitalia (pi. 70, fig. 34 H. incarnata) as in Hygromia s. str ; penis as usual in the genus ; 4 or 5 mucus tubes on each side ; dart sack single. This group is purely conventional, and is retained to contain a series of species distributed by some authors in Eulota, Carthusiana and Latonia. Part of the Fruticicolas have the same anatomical features. See v. Ihering, Morphol. u. Syst. Helix, p. 449, and the authorities there cited, for characters the soft parts. 272 HYGROMIA. H. acorta L. & B. H. andria Mts., viii, 186. H. aristata Kryn., iii, 201. H. bidinensis Caf., iii, 189. v. daphnica Platania. /. flavida Plat. H. bifaria West. H. brigantina Meng.,'iii, 204. H. caidis Anc. H. capusi Villes. H. carascaloides Bgt., iii, 193. H. catoleia Bgt. H. cheffiana Bgt. H. circassica Mss., iii, 195. colchica Bayer. H. consona Zgl., iii, 188. /. panda West. H. cruzyi Bgt,, iii, 198. H. dasilepida Bgt. H. densecostulata Ket. H. euages Bttg., iii, 201. /. depressa Bttg. H. euboeica Kob. H. faidherbiana Bgt., iii, 189. H. frequens Mouss., iii, 193. v. obscura Mouss. H. freytagi Malz. H. fruticola Kryn., iii, 200. v. bourguignati Pfr. H. grelloisi Bgt. H. hausknechti Bttg., iii, 193. H. hiberna Ben., iii, 188. H. incarnata MiilL, iii, 187. sylvestris Hartm. rubra Chier. /. pallid u la Moq., veprium [Bgt., silanica Bgt.. v. tecta Zgl., iii, 187. obtecta West. v. monodon Villa, iii, 188. armata Stab. v. welebitana St. v. byssina Gredl. v. juriniana Bgt., iii, 188. H. inchoata Morel., iii, 200. H. lenabarica Let. H. lepidolena Bgt. H. lurida Zgl. H. messenica Bl. & W. v. acaica West. H. musicola Bgt. H. nicaisiana Let. H. nicosiana Mss., iii, 189. /. pallida Mouss. H. ovularis Bgt. H. pirajnea Ben., iii, 192. H. prserupta West. H. proclivis Mts., viii, 187. H. pseudosericea Ben., iii, 196. H. redtenbacheri Zel., iii, 189. H. rissoana Pfr., iii, 195. v. dirphica Blanc., iii, 192. v. langei Bgt. H. rusicadensis Let., viii, 188. H. schuberti Koth, iii, 195. v. frutis Parr. H. semirugosa Kob., viii, 188. H. vicina Rm., iii, 188. carpatica Friv. H. villse Desh., iii, 198. H. zonitomsea Let., viii, 189. Section Fruticicola Held., 1837 (restricted). Fruticicola HELD, Isis, 1837, p. 914 (in part). — v. MART., Die Hel., 1860, p. 103, type H. hispida. Not Fruticicola MacGill., HYGROMIA. 273 1839 (Aves). — " Fruticola" of some writers. — Bradybcena BECK, Index Moll. 1837, p. 18. Not Bradybcenus Dej., 1829 (Coleoptera). — Trichia HARTMANN Erd- und Suss wasser- Moll. Schweiz, p. 41 (for H. hispida, etc.). Not Trichia de HAAN, Fauna Japonica, Crus- tacea, p. 109(1840!). Shell depressed, with convex spire, rounded periphery, and open or narrow umbilicus ; brown or greenish, the surface generally hairy. Aperture lunate, slightly oblique, the ends of the thin lip ap- proaching ; peristome simple, expanded only at the columellar inser- tion, and with only a weak internal thickening or none. Type If. hispida L., pi. 55, figs. 27, 28. Jaw delicate, with 10-18 low[riblets. Genital system (pi. 70, fig. 33, H. hispida) ; penis as usual in the genus ; mucus glands several ; two dart sacks, each with an accessory sack. Hartmann's name Trichia has been used for this group, but its date is uncertain (his book having appeared in parts, from 1840 to 1844), while Trichia de Haan is known to bear date 1840. More- over it seems best to use H eld's earlier term Fruticicola, which is well known to all malacologists. The species are very numerous throughout the European area, and several have been imported by commerce into America, etc. A few Chinese species of unknown anatomy are best referred here until their true position can be ascertained. H. aclerochroa Bgt., iii. 181. H. clessini Ulic. H. alsia Bgt, iii, 177. H. Corsica Sh., iii, 180. H. becasis Ramb., iii, 176. H. crispulata Mouss. H. bourniana Bgt. H. cynetarum Malz. H. cselata Stud., iii, 175. H. dieckmanni Mss., iii, 179. v. coelomphala Loc. H. dussertiana Bgt., iii, 177. v. vagienna Poll. H. erjaveci Brus. v. cselatina Loc. /. mortella, tanora, avarica, H. cedretorum Deb., iii, 179. savinella Serv. H. chnoodia Bgt., iii, 179. H. filicina Schm., iii, 176. H. chonomphala Bgt. v. nudata West. ripularum Lessona. H. fusca Mont., iii, 186. H. chrysotricha Bttg., viii, 190. corrugata Gray. H. clandestina Hartm., iii, 175. subrufescens Mill. gratianopolitana Ramb., iii, H. granulata Alder, iii, 178. v. isarica Loc. [175. globularis JefFr. 18 274 HYGROMIA. H. hispida L., iii, 172. prevostiana Risso. v. gyrata West, iii, 173. v. concinna Jeffr., iii, 173. v. nebulata Mke. v. septentrionalis Cl. v. depilata Aid. v. conica Jeffr. v. hemisphserica Less. v. beaudouini Loc. v. laticensis Loc. v. morcbii West. v. hispidosa Mouss., iii, 172. v. nana Jeffr., iii, 173. H. kusmici Cless. H. langsdorffi Mill. H. lanuginosa Boiss., iii, 180. flava Terver. H. lasia Bgt, iii; 179. H. latiniacensis Loc. H. martorelli Bgt., iii, 179. H. matronica Mab. H. melaspinse Bgt., iii, 180. H. mendicaria Pfr. H. inesoleuca Mts. H. mongrandiana Bgt. H. montana Stud., iii, 175. circinnata Stud. erecta Hartm. v. dubisiana Gout. v. danubialis Cless. H. rnontivaga West. salmurina Serv., iii, 181. H. moquiniana Raym., iii, 181. /. fradiniana Bgt. H. multigranosa Mouss., iv, 36. H. nordenskioldi W., iii, 201. rufeseens Schrenk. H. parlatoris Biv., iii, 179. H. perlevis Sh., iii, 181. H. plebeia Drap., iii, 174. /. plebicola Loc. H. ponsonbyana Pils,, viii, 190. ponsonbyi West, not Kob. H. psaturochseta Bgt, iii, 182. H. ptylota Bgt, iii, 181. H. reinaB Ben., iii, 187. H. revelata Fer., iii, 180. ponentina Dup. martigena Fer. /. conimbricensis Silv., veneto- rum Bgt., nevesiana Silv., villula Bgt, platylasia Bgt. v. occidentalis Reel., iii, 180. lisbonensis Pfr. H. roseotincta Fbs. H. rubiginosa Schm., iii, 178. v. epirotica Mouss. H. rufeseens Penn., iii, 175. /. depressa Tayl., minor Jeffr., rubens Moq., albocincta Ckll., alba Moq., manches- teriensis Bgt, brittanica West. v. striolata C. Pfr. /. subcarinata Cless. f. abludens Loc. v. submontana Mab. pascali Mab. v. putoni Cless. H. saxivaga Malz. H. sericea Drap., iii, 178. /. gerstfeldiaua Cless., plana Mil., caucasica Mouss., fon- tainei Colb. v. expansa Cless. v. corneola Cless. v. dubia Cless. v. libertina West, v. badiella Zgl, Bgt. v. subbadiella Bgt. v. subglobosa Jeffr. •' HYGROMIA. 275 H. sordulenta Morel., iii, 177. H. stuxbergi West. sericea Schrenk. H. subcselata Less., iii, 173. v. hiaticula West. H. subplebeia Less., iii, 173. H. telonensis Mitt., iii, 186. /. lavandulse Bgt., drueutina Bgt., disega Bgt., gelida Bgt., concreta Bgt., crimoda Bgt., pedemontana Pini, salassia Poll., pegorarii Poll., segusina Less., iii, 179. v. crassilabris Nev. v. moutoni Mitt., iii, 186. H. teneitensis Bgt., iii, 180. H. transsylvanica Biz. H. umbrosa Partsch, iii, 176. v. aporata Bgt. v. urabrosella Jouss. v. sciraia Bgt. v. oecoscia Bgt. v. amella Bgt. H. urbana Cout. H. vespertina Morel., iv, 41. H. villersii Malz., iii, 173. H. villosa Stud., iii, 177. hispidula Jan. pilosa Alten. /. detrita Hartm. v. phorochsetia Bgt. H. villosula ZgL, iii, 176. pietruskyana Parr., iii, 176. Oriental species. H. submissa Dh., iii, 182. H. puberula Hde., iii, 183. H. subechinata Dh., iii, 182. H. horripilosella Hde., iii, 183. H. szechenyii Anc. H. nautarum Hde., iii, 183. H. tchefouensis C. & D., iii, 182. H. rebellis Hde., iii, 183. munieriana C. & D. H. barbosella Hde. Unfigured and insufficiently known species : — H. hypsellina Loc., steneligma Bgt., microgyra Bgt., hispidella Bgt., deobrigana Bgt., ataxiaca Fag., vendeana Let., bellovacina Mab., gosseni Mab., ela- verana Bgt., cavarella Serv., duesmensis Loc., saporosa Mab., astenia Mab., ferdinandi Serv., bofilliana Fag., alphsea Let., anasina Serv., rosai Silv., cularensis Bgt., sarinica Bgt., tumescens West., vendo- peranensis Bgt., vocontiana Bgt., axonana Mab., sericella Serv., ba- variana West., aporiua Silva, ischnia Mab., euclastolena Mab., ber- bruggeriana Loc., baccueti Bgt., challameliana Bgt., bastidiana Bgt., cotinophila Bgt., tseniata West., inversa West., hierocontina West., lentiaca Sayn (seeviii, 190). Section Ciliella Mousson, 1872. Ciliella Mouss., Rev. Faun. Mai. Canaries, p. 60 (for If. ciliata, leprosa, lanosa}. — Lepinota WESTERLUND, Fauna Palaarct. Reg. Binnenconch., Helix, 1889, p. 2, 16, type H. ciliata. Not Lepino- tus Heyd., 1850, (Neuroptera). 276 HYGROMIA. Shell narrowly umbilicate, subdepressed, keeled or angular at periphery, thin and brownish ; surface sculptured with short, scale- like cuticular processes ; aperture oblique, oval ; outer and basal lips well expanded, somewhat thickened within. Type H. ciliata Yen., pi. 55, figs. 22, 23, 24. Animal having the mantle blotched with black as usual in the genus. Jaw arched, transparent and yellowish, with numerous, fine, close, regular but not well defined riblets, hardly crenulating the margins (H. ciliata). Genital system (pi. 70, fig. 30, H. ciliata) with short, stout penis, its retractor terminal and with bifid inser- tion; epiphallus ending in a short, stumpy flagellum. Duct of spermatheca moderately short, swollen at base. Dart sack and mucus glands wanting. Distribution, south-central Europe, Canary Islands. H. ciliata Ven., iii, 187. H. guevarriana Bgt. folliculata Risso. H. stussineri Bttg. hirsuta Jan. H. leprosa Shutt., iii, 223. v. biformis Beck. H. lanosa Mouss., iii, 223. Section Metafruticicola v. Ihering. Pseudocampylcea HESSE, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. 1884, p. 237, (q. v. for anatomy) ; TRYON, Manual of Conch. (2), iv, p. 114 (part), and of other authors. Not Pseudocampylcea Pfeiffer, Mai. Bl., xxiv, p. 8, 1877. — Cressa WESTERLUND, Fauna Palaarct. Reg. Binnen-Conch., Helix, p. 4, 101, 1889. Not Cressa Bock, 1871 (Amphipoda).— Metafruticicola IHER., Zeitschr. f. Wissensch. Zool. liv, p. 452 (Oct. 4, 1892). Shell moderately solid, opaque, rather small, depressed-globose, umbilicated, with convex spire of nearly 5 whorls, the first one smooth or costulate, the remainder granulate, grano-costulate or spirally decussated, often with hairs standing in oblique series. Last whorl rounded at periphery, descending in front. Aperture subcircular or oval; peristome sharp-edged, slightly expanded below, strengthened by a scrong submarginal internal rib. Type H.pellitaFer. Mantle flecked with dark. Right eye retractor passing between branches of genitalia. Jaw with many (15 to 20) fine vertical rib- lets (pi. 70, fig. 31, H. pellita). HYGROMIA. 277 Genitalia (pi. 70, fig. 37, H. noverca) ; penis short and stout, con- tinued in a long epiphallus bearing the retractor, and ending in a long flagellum. Spermatheca oval on a moderately long, unbranched duct, which is decidedly swollen or enlarged toward its insertion low on vagina. Dart sack and mucous glands wanting. The shell has much the aspect of a Helicigona of the cyclolabris group, but the lip is less expanded and more thickened within, as in Theba. The group is doubtless correctly placed by Hesse and v. Ihering, who consider it a Fruticicoloid with the dart apparatus lost by degeneration. The jaw and other anatomy as far as known, as well as the structure of the shell, all point to this solution of the simple genitalia. It will be noticed that in Metafruticicola the loss of the dart apparatus has left exactly the type of genitalia found in the group Epiphallogona (Camcena, Chloritis, Planispira, etc.). No jaw of the delicate Fruticicola type has been found in the Epi- phallogona. Distribution, Grecian Archipelago, most species from Crete. H. pellita Fer., iv, 115. H. lecta Fer., viii, 191. v. kreglingeri Zel. H. sublecta Malz., iv, 116. v. graphicotera Bgt. H. zonella Pfr., iv, 110. H. testacea Mart., viii, 191. notthefigs. cited. H. dictsea Mart., viii, 191. H. medea West., viii, 192. H. naxiana Fer., iv, 115. H. giurica Bttg., yiii, 192. H. westerlundi Bl., iv, 115. H. cerigottana Bttg., Nachr. '94, H. noverca Friv., iv, 115. 6. Section Perforatella Schliiter, 1838. Perforatella SCHLUTER, Syst. Verz., 1838. — Petasina MORCH, Catal. Yoldi, 1852, p. 6 (for edentula Drap.). Shell low-trochoidal, with rounded-conic raised spire, subangular periphery and small or minute umbilicus. Whorls numerous and narrowly coiled. Brownish, often with a light peripheral band. Aperture basal, narrow ; basal lip expanded, thickened within by a very strong callus, which is usually more or less truncate or 1-toothed. Type H. unidentata Drap. Jaw thin, horn-colored, with 18-25 riblets (leucozona]. Genitalia (pi. 70, fig. 36, H. leucozona} as in typical Fruticicola. The mucus 278 HYGROMIA. glands are inserted very high, four on each side ; some distance below them are two dart sacks, with two accessory sacks, the latter containing no darts. Penis, etc., as usual in the genus. The geni- tal system of H. unidentata is the same as in leucozona. A group of Middle Europe, in which the shell has much similar- ity to Dibothrion, but the genitalia are as in Frutidcola hispida, etc. H. unidentata Drap., iii, 171. H. leucozona Zgl., iii, 171. cobresiana Alt., iii, 171. coadvnata Z. monodon Fer. /. delopida Jan. villce Mu'hlf. /. crassilabris Miihlf. ventricosa Jan. /. rutilans Z. /. anodonta Tschap. modesta Parr. /. alpestris Cl. v. ovirensis Rin., iii, 172. /. subleucozona Fag. v. heteromorpha W., iii, 172, H. edentula Drap., iii, 171. v. erjaveci Cless., iii, 172. depilata Drap. H. bielzi Schm. liminifera Held. v. bosnensis Mlldff. Section Dibothrion Pfr., 1855. Petasia BECK, Index, 1837, p. 21. MARTENS, Die Hel., I860, p. 102, type H. bidens. Not Petasia Serv., 1821 (Orthoptera) of Steph., 1829, (Lepidoptera) or of Morr. 1829, (Polyzoa).— Trocliiscus HELD, Isis, 1837, p. 915. Not Troehiscus Heyden 1826, (Arach- nida). — Dibothrion PFR., Mai. Bl. 1855, p. 128 (for bidens and bicallosa}. Shell subtrochoidal, with convex-subconic spire of numerous nar- row whorls, and closed or nearly closed umbilicus ; arcuate-striate, translucent brown with light peripheral band. Aperture basal,, narrow ; lip well expanded, reflexed, with two strong internal teeth or nodules on the basal margin, marked by pits behind the lip ; parietal wall toothless. Type If. bidens, pi. 55, figs. 25, 26. Genitalia (pi. 70, fig. 41, H. bidens) : Dart sack single, cylindrical and rather large ; two mucus glands on each side. Other organs as in Hygromia generally, except that the spermatheca duct is unusu- ally short. Dart needle-like, with four short blades at the point. Distribution, eastern Europe and Siberia. HYGROMIA, AULACOSPIRA. 279 H. bidens Chemn., iii, 170. H. bicallosa Friv., iii, 171. bidentata Gin. v. diodon Parr., iii, 171. dibothrion Friv. Section Metodontia Mollendorff, 1886. Metodontia MLLDFF., Jahrb. D. M. Ges., 1886, p. 191, type H. hemipleuris. — Tetrodontina ANCEY, Conch. Exch. i, p. 64, May, 1887. — gee HILBER, Sitzungsber. k. Akad. Wissensch., Ixxxvi, pi. 1, f. 1-3, development of aperture armature. Shell perforate, globose-turbinate or subdepressed, brown or whitish ; whorls numerous and narrow, the last not descending in front. Aperture lunate, nearly closed by two large lip teeth usually situated on -a ridge of callus, opposed to two smaller teeth on the parietal wall. Lip thin-edged, expanded below, reflexed at colu- mellar insertion. Type H. hemipleuris Mlldff. Anatomy unknown. The group seems most nearly allied to Dibothrion of the Eur.-Asian fauna. It has nothing to do with the American group Triodopsis. The group is confined to the dry northern half of China, being about coextensive with the Loss formation. H. hemipleuris Moll., iii, 149. H. houaiensis Cr., iii, 149. moltneri Gredl. obstructa Hde. not Fer. H. yantaiensis C. & D., iii, 149. v. tetrodon Moll., iii, 149. Genus AULACOSPIRA Mollendorff, 1890. Aulacospira MLLDFF., Bericht u'ber die Senckenbergische natur- forschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M., 1890, p. 224.— Micro- petasus MLLDFF., I. c. Shell small, umbilicate, of thin corneous structure; unicolored, pale brown. Spire more or less raised, from the beginning sub- scalar and keeled ; whorls 4 to 5, striatulate, flattened or with spiral concavity, the last whorl keeled or rounded. Aperture oblique, generally subcircular, with 0 to 5 teeth a short distance within ; peristome thin, reflexed. Type A. scalatella Mlldff, pi. 64, figs. 10, 11,12. 280 AULACOSPIRA, ACANTHI.NULA. Anatomy unknown. The species live in clefts and crevices of limestone rocks, in which the flatness of their shells allows them ready access, and like Vallonia they seem to be gregarious. The species now known are fromCebu, Busuanga, Luzon and the Island Ilin, near Mindoro ; but it probably will prove to have many more species in other islands of the Philippine group. In deference to the opinion of Mollendorff I give the group place herein the vicinity of Fruticicola; but my own course would be to place it next to Eulota or even as a subgenus within that genus. Compare the similar group Platypetasus (p. 207). I am now disposed to consider Pupisoma (see p. 52), as well as Aulacospira, as branches of the Eulota stock, parallel to, rather than allied to Acanthinula and Vallonia which seem to be early branches of the Hygromia phylum. They will probably be found to have the genitalia con- siderably simplified by suppression of accessory organs, and the marginal teeth multicuspid ; these changes usually accompanying such great reduction in the size of snails. Mollendorff establishes two sections: Aulacospira s. str. (of which Micropetasus is an absolute synonym). Keel extending to aperture ; perietome continuous and free. Pseudostreptaxis Mlldff. (1. c. p. 225). Penultimate whorl dis- tinctly deviating ; the last whorl not keeled, cylindrical ; aperture 5-toothed, the peristome not continuous. One species A. azpeitice. A. hololoma Mlldff., viii, 198. A. porrecta Quadr. & Mlldff., A. mucronata Mlldff, viii, 198. Nachrbl. 1894, p. 95. A. scalatella Mlldff, viii, 199. A. azpeithse Hid., viii, 199. Genus ACANTHINULA Beck, 1846. Acanthinula BECK, Amtl. Ber. Vers. Kiel, 1846, p. 122. — v. MART. in Die Hel., 1860, p. WO.—Euacanthinula WEST., Fauna, p. 16. Shell minute, pyramidal or globosely-turbinate, thin, brown, minutely umbilicated. Epidermis raised into lamellae crossing the whorls. Aperture subvertical, semilunar or subcircular, the lip acute, expanded toward columellar insertion, the margins remote. Type A. aculeata Mull., pi. 70, figs. 26, 27, 28. Animal apparently with even, not crenulated foot-margins ; ovi- parous? Jaw arched, with numerous flat ribs. Genitalia (pi. 63, ACANTHINULA. 281 fig. 11, A. lamellata, after Lehmann) apparently lacking mucus glands, but dart sack present. Distribution, Palsearctic and Nearctic regions, mainly northward. The genitalia are very imperfectly known, the figure in Lehmann's posthumous work representing A. aculeata being very much like a Buliminus or Pupa, and possibly, as v. Ihering suspects, inserted through some confusion of drawings. A new investigation is urgently required. Possibly the group does not belong to the Heli- cidse. A. lamellata and aculeata have been found in Pliocene deposits ; and in the lower Miocene of middle Europe the genus is represented by several species, A. nana A. Braun, paludiniformis Br., tuchoricensis Klika, plicatella Reuss. A. aculeata Mull., iii, 53. A. lamellata JefFr., iii, 54. spinulosa Lightf. scar bur gensis Alder. granatelli Biv. seminulum Rossm. delectabilis Sol. A. peracanthoda Bgt., iii, 54. /. albida JefFr., iii, 53. raffrayi Bgt. not Canef. albina West. r affray ana Ckll. v. sublsevis West., iii, 54. A. spinifera Mouss., iii, 54. A. spermatia Silva. A. monas Morel., iii, 54. A. harpula Reinh. Section Zoogenites Morse, 1864. Zoogenites MORSE, Terr. Pulm. Maine, p. 32, pi. 1. Shell globose-turbinate, perforate, ornamented with oblique cuti- cular lamellae. Type Z. harpa Say, pi. 70, figs. 23, 24, 25. Animal with the foot-edges prominently crenulated ; labial lobes large ; lower tentacles nearly obsolete ; viviparous, the young at birth as large as the aperture of the shell. Jaw (pi. 70, fig. 35) having numerous wide subobsolete ribs. Radula with formula Middle teeth tricuspid, the mesocone not reaching edge of the square basal plate. Laterals bicuspid. Marginals wide, with many irregular cusps. Genitalia unknown. A. harpa Say, iii, 54. New England, British America, Sweden, Xamtchatka, etc. Syn. : P. costulata Mich., H. amurensis Gerstt. VALLONIA. Genus VALLONIA Risso, 1826. Vallonia Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Merid. iv, p. 101, sole species F^ rosalia. — Zurama LEACH in Turton's Man. L. and Frw. Sh. Brit. Is., p. 64, ISBl.—Amplexus BROWN, 111. Conch. G. B. 1827 ; Edit. 1844, p. 45. — Chilostoma FITZ., in part, 1833. — Circinaria BECK, Index (in part), p. 23.— Glaphyra ALB., Die Hel., 1850, p. 87 (in part). — Lucena MOQ.-TAND., Moll. Fr. ii, p. 140, not Oken. — See STERKI, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1893, p. 234 (monograph of genus, jaws and dentition). — ASHFORD, Journ. of Conch, iv, p. 198 (dart). — LEHMANN, Die lebenden Schneeken u. Muscheln Stettins u. Pommern, p. 90, pi. 11, f. 30 (genitalia, etc.). Shell minute, openly and widely umbilicate, depressed, the spire low-convex, consisting of 3-4? whorls, color light and uniform ; surface smooth or ribbed ; periphery rounded ; last whorl usually descending in front. Aperture oblique, circular or short-oval ; peristome continuous or nearly so, expanded or reflexed, often thick' ened within. Type V. pulchella Mull., pi. 55, figs. 31, 32. Foot small, short, with no pedal grooves ; edges of sole somewhat crenulated; sole undivided ; eye-peduncles cylindrical, not enlarged distally ; tentacles short ; labial lobes well developed. Jaw arcuate, with a slight median projection or none, sculptured with numerous (18 to 25) crowded, low riblets, denticulating the margins (pi. 70, fig. 29, V. pulchella). Radula having 23 to 33 teeth in a transverse row. Median teeth decidedly narrower than laterals, tricuspid, the mesocone not half as long as basal-plate, side cusps smaller. Laterals with large square basal plates, the mesocone extending to its edge, ectocone small. Marginal teeth wide and low, multicuspid (pi. 70, fig 38 V- pulchella}. Genitalia (pi. 63, figs. 9, 10, V. pulchella, after Lehmann) having the penis short, with terminal retractor; epiphallus short, bearing a flagellum. Dart sack present, single, containing a straight, bladeless dart (fig. 10, x 100). No mucus glands. Duct of spermatheca long, branchless. Distribution, North America South to Texas; Japan and middle China to Europe and Atlantic Islands. Fossil the group is known from the lower Eocene ( V. sparnacensis Dh.) ; and in the Miocene several species, lepida Reuss., subpulchella Sandb., occur. VALLONIA. 285 This very distinct genus of minute snails occupies the entire Nearctic and Palsearctic regions, and some species have been intro- duced (probably with plants) into Australia, Mauritius, etc. They are gregarious in habit, and live under fragments of wood, stones, on mossy cliffs and in damp meadows, always avoiding light. The number of species is very uncertain ; but whether species or varie- ties, there can be no doubt that a considerable number of recognizable forms must be distinguished. The arrangement given below is that of Dr. Sterki, who has made special studies on a far greater mass of material than any other observer. An alternative to this classifica- tion would be to make excentrica a variety of pulchella, and unite adela, declivis and pollinensis under the former of the three names ; all the forms of the costata group might then fall under eostata as varieties. Having seen neither mionecton, ladacensis nor asiatica I do not care to suggest any mode of uniting the forms included in Sterki's " Group of F cyclophorella." Group of V. pulchella. V. pulchella Mull., viii, 248. v. enniensis Gredl. rosalia Risso (part). v. hispanica Sterki. paludosa Da Costa. v. persica Rosen. erystallina Dillw. V. excentrica Sterki, viii, 249. Icevigata Moq. V. adela West., viii, 251. nitidula Stud. V. declivis Sterki, viii, 251. potua Chier. v. altilis Sterki. minuta Say. V. pollinensis Paul., viii, 252. Group of F costata. V. costata Mull., viii, 252. V. albula Sterki. alexandrce Cox. V. parvula Sterki, viii, 254. rosalia Risso (pt.). V. tenera Reinh., viii, 255. crenella Mont. pukhellula Hde. helicinus Lightf. v. patens Reinh., viii, 257. v. helvetica Sterki. V. gracilicosta Reinh., viii, 256. v. amurensis Sterki. v. pyrenaica Sterki. v. montana Sterki. 284 HELICODONTA. Group of V. cydophorella. V. cyclophorella Anc., viii, 259. V. mionecton Bttg., viii, 260. V. perspectiva Sterki, viii, 257. v. schamhalensis Rosen. V. tenuilabris Br., viii, 258. V. ladacensis Nev., viii, 260. v. saxoniana Sterki, viii, 259. v. asiatica Nev., viii, 260. Genus HELICODONTA Ferussac, 1819. Helicodonta FEE. Tabl. Syst. de la Fam. des Limacons, p. 33 (in part).— Risso Hist. Nat. de 1'Eur. M6rid., iv, p. 65, 1826 (re- stricted to H.obvoluta). — Trigonostoma FITZINGER, Syst. Verzeich., 1833, p. 97, species H. holosericeum, H. obvolutum. Not Trigonostoma Blainv., 1825, Cancellariidce.— Vortex BECK, Index Moll., 1837, p. 29. — Gonostoma HELD, Isis, 1837, p. 915 (preoccupied by Rafines- que in Pisces, 1810.) — Anchistoma ("Klein," preLinnsean) H. & A. ADAMS, Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 205, 1855 (subg. Polygyra and Dre- panostoma only, the former in part). — Euphemia LEACH, teste BECK, Amtl. Ber. v. Kiel, 1846, p. 122. — ? Plieostoma SCHLUTER, Verz. p. 4, 1838, s.-g. Helix, for H. intestinalis Schlu't. (publication not seen by H. P.^.— Chilodon and Helicodon EHRENB. Symb. Phys., 1831. Drepanostoma PORRO, Mag. de Zool., 1836, classe v, pi. 71, type D. nautiliformis. — Contorta MEG. de MUHLF., test. VILLA, Disp. Syst. Conch. Coll. Villa, p. 19, 1841. Caracollina BECK, Index Moll., p. 28, 1837.— LOWE, P. Z. S., 1854, p. 196, type If. barbula Charp. — And probably Caracollina EHRENBERG, Symb. Phys. Evert., Moll., no diagnosis ; no species mentioned. — Caracolina auct. Aspasita WESTERLUND, Fauna der in der Palaarctischen Region Lebenden Binnenconchyl., Helix, pp. 18, 26, type H. triaria. See for anatomy, A. Schmidt, Stylommatophoren p. 34, pi. 8. Moq.-Tand, Hist. Nat. Moll. France, p. 109-114, pi. 10.— Hesse, Jahrb. d. d. Malak. Ges. xi, 1884, p. 233, pi. 4, f. 5.— St. Simon, Journ. de Conch., 1867, p. 98. — Schuberth, Archiv f. Naturg., 1892, p. 5, pi. 1. — v. Ihering, Morphol. u. Syst., p. 475. Shell depressed, usually umbilicated, rather thin, never cretaceous ; unicolored brown; striate, granulate, ribbed or hairy. Spire low, consisting of numerous closely coiled whorls. Aperture triangular, rhombic or lunate, the lip-ends remote ; peristome expanded and reflexed, lipped, often toothed. Type H. obvoluta, pi. 56, 'figs. 25, HELICODONTA. 285 26, 27 (see also pi. 56, figs. 16, 17, R. constricta; figs. 18, 19, H. lens; figs. 23, 24, H. triaria ; figs. 28, 29, 30, H. biconcava; figs. 31, 32, 33, H. nautiliformis'). Animal rather elongated, with long, narrow foot, the sole undi- vided ; back with a pair of longitudinal grooves; facial grooves wanting. Mantle with a small right body-lappet; no left one. Right eye-retractor passing between branches of genital system. Epiphragm papery, flat, formed rather deep in the mouth. Jaw thin and flexible, with numerous (6 to 16) broad, flat ribs, separated by narrow interstices (pi. 36, fig. 6, H. lenticula ; pi. 36, fig. 8, H. maroccana). Radula having the mesocones slightly longer than the basal plates, ectocones small. Marginal teeth having the ento- and meso- cones united at base, ectocone developed (pi. 36, fig. 5, jET. lenticula. PI. 36, fig. 7, H. maroccana). Genital system: penis long, the retractor median or terminal, inserted didally on eolumellar muscle; no flagellum. Vagina long, bearing from one to three cylindrical elongated mucus glands, with one dart sack at or below their base, sometimes lacking ; the dart, when present, short and conical (pi. 36, fig. 9, H. lusitanica}. Spermatheca oval, its duct short, bound to the uterus and without diverticulum. See pi. 36, fig. 4, H. obvoluta; pi. 36, fig. 10, IT. lusitanica. The number of mucus glands varies from one to three, ff. obvo- luta has one long and one very short gland. The dart sack is en- tirely absent in some species. The dentition is of the type usually developed in ground snails. The jaw is uncommonly delicate for the ribbed type. The union of the penis retractor muscle with the great eolumellar retractor is a peculiar feature, and it will be inter- esting to find whether it holds throughout the genus. I have ob- served it in H. obvoluta only. The brownish, unicolored shell, with depressed spire, slowly widening narrow whorls and reflexed, lipped peristome, is very characteristic ; and no shells of the Palsearctic fauna, except Isog- nomostoma and Dibothrion can be compared with this genus — these two groups also having toothed apertures, but sufficiently different in form from those jf Helicodonia. Von Ihering maintains, I believe with right, that this genus is more nearly allied to Fruticicola than to Helix or Campy laza, differ- 286 HELICODONTA. ing mainly in the reflexed, lipped peristome, and more or less degen- erate dart apparatus. Helicodonta is not in the least allied to the American or Indian toothed Helices, or to the so-called Gonostoma of California. The circum-Mediterranean region is the headquarters of this genus, although a few forms occupy central Europe, and one, obvo- luta, has obtained a foothold in southern England. In south-east Asia it reappears in a number of specific forms comparable to the European species obvoluta and diodonta, but not readily falling into the sectional groups established for European forms. The Canary Islands are nearly the westward outpost of the genus, one species only occurring in Madeira. The name Helicodonta was originally proposed for all toothed Helices ; but was restricted by Risso, in 1826, to H. obvoluta. As no other name for the group appeared before 1833, there is no ques- tion as to the propriety of reverting to this one, especially since the names in common use, Gonostoma and Trigonostoma are preoccu- pied, and must, in any case, be rejected. Besides two species still retained in this group, Ferussac included in Helicodonta members of the prior genera Polygyra, Pleurodonte, Cepolis, and Anostoma, as well as of the later groups Strobila, Corilla and Petasia. The term Anchistoma of the Adam's brothers (1855) has been used for Helicodonta by Kobelt and others. It has been attributed to Klein {1753), but his "Angystoma" contains none of the European toothed Helices and, in any case, the genera and species of the Tentamen methodi Ostracologicoe are not of Linnsean form, and antedate the Linnsean era. Ehrenberg's contribution to the taxonomy of this group is of little value. He divides the land snails into two series, based on the absence or presence of aperture-teeth : Chilogymnus containing Helix, Caracolla, Bulimus, Pupa, and Chilodon contain- ing Helicodon, Caracollina, Bulimina, Pupina. The genera of Chilodon are all new, although he does not so state ; but, as they are nude names, without a word of diagnosis except what may be tacitly gathered from the above arrangement, and as no species of any of them are mentioned, their bearing on nomenclature is nil, and none of them can be dated from 1831, or adopted at all except when defined by later authors. The group Vortex of Oken (1815) contained depressed Helices and Zonitids of many groups, and, as it is a composite group, and the name was not used in especial connec- tion with Helicodonta until after the publications of Ferussac and HELTCODONTA. 287 Risso, it has no claim for adoption, and had better be dropped en- tirely. Key to Sections of Helicodonta. a. Spire deeply sunken, narrower than umbilicus ; aperture narrow- crescentic, lip simple and retracted above, expanded and lipped outwardly and below. Nautilus-shaped, Drepanostoma. aa. Spire wide, nearly level or convex. 6. Aperture triangular or square, lip teeth 2 or obsolete, pe- riphery rounded. c. Not ribbed; last whorl wider than preceding; spire nearly level, Helicodonta s. s. cc. Small, ribbed above, last whorl narrow as preceding ; spire convex, Aspasita. bb. Aperture lunate or rhombic; shell much depressed. c. Outer edge of parietal callus raised into an erect bar- rier, Trissexodon. cc. Parietal callus thin, wholly adnate, Caracollina. bbb. Aperture lunate, toothless ; shell sub-globose, Klikia. Species. DREPANOSTOMA Porro. Nautiloid, biconcave, with crescentic mouth. H. nautiliformis Porro., iii, 114. Lombardy. drepanostoma Bk. HELICODONTA (Fer.) Risso. Species of middle Europe. H. angigyra Zgl. Rm., iii, 115. H. obvoluta. "' //J^ stentzii Partsch /. pallida M.-T. H. obvoluta Mull., iii, 115. v. bosniaca Bttg., iii, 115. trigonophora Lam. v. blanci Poll., viii, 150. bilabiata Oliv. H. holoserica Stud., iii, 116. holosericea Gmel. diodontostoma Bgt. /. dentata Held. v. pluridentata Poll., iii, 116. /. edentata West. H. diodonta Miihlf., iii, 116. Chinese species of Helicodonta. H. subobvolutaAnc. J. B.,xi,308. H. diplomphala Moll., iii, 124. H. molina Hde. H. uninodata Gred.,viii, 150. H. biconcava Hde., iii, 117. H. binodata Mlldff., iii, 124. outangensis Crosse. ? bicallosula Hde. 288 HELICODONTA. ASPASITA Westerlund. Transylvania, Hungaria. H. triaria (Friv.) Rm., iii, 116. H. trinodis Kim., iii, 116. ocskayi Stentz. transsylvanica Haz. v. tatrica Haz. H. triadis Kim., iii, 116. TRISSEXODON Pi Is. Depressed, umbilicate; outer edge of parietal callus raised into a transverse lamellar barrier, constricting the mouth. Pyrennes ; southern Spain. H. constricta Boub., iii, 121. H. quadrasi Hid., iii, 116. pittorrii Dup. CARACOLLINA Beck. Around the Mediterranean. H. corcyrensis Partsch., iii, 117. barbata Desh. contorta, tersa Zgl. v. lentiformis Zgl.,iii, 119. ambliostoma Parr. v. piligera Bl. & W. v. cephalonica Mouss., iii, 118. abantisorum Serv. /.minor. v. callojuncta West. v. octogyrata Mouss., iii, 118. v. aliostoma West., iii, 120. v. canalifera Ant., iii, 118. v. elia Bttg. v. girva Friv., Rm.,iii, 118. H. lentina Mart. H. gyria Roth., iii, 117, H. turriplana Mor., iii, 120. H. barbata Fer., iii, 118. H. rangiana Fer., iii, 121. H. lusitanica Pfr.,iii, 117. rangii auct. H. tarnieri Morel., iii, 118. H. barbula Charp., iii, 120. H. walkeri Pons., Kob., viii, 149. bituberculata Fer. H. boscje Hid., iii, 118. guerini Ant. H. annai Pal., viii, 148. bidentifera\P]iil\ips. H. lenticularis Mor.. iii, 120. H. barbella Serv. H. columnse Pons., Kob., viii, 148.H. camerani Less. H. lenticula Fer., iii, 119. H. gougeti Serv., iii, 121. H. maroccana Mor., iii, 120. H. tlemcenensis Bgt., iii, 120. H. calpeana Mor., iii, 120. v. pechaudi B., Anc. finitima Fer., undesc. H. supracostata Kob., viii, 149. H. vallisnieri Stef., iii, 117. H. buvignieri Mich., iii, 121. H. lens Fer., iii, 1 1 9. asturica Pfr. Canary Island Species. H. lenticula v. virilis Mouss., iii, H. hispidula Lam., iii, 122. 119. v. subhispidula Mouss. subtilis Lwe. v. bertheloti Fer. HELICODONTA. 289 H. parryi Pons. & Sykes. H. everia Mab., iii, 123. H. afficta Fef., iii, 122. H. marcida Sh., iii, 123. H. planaria Mouss., iii, 122. H. crispolanata Woll, iii, 123. H. discobolus Sh., iii, 123. H. beata Woll., iii, 123. H. fortunata Sh., iii, 123, H. gomerse Woll., 123. H. pthonera Mab., iii, 123. H. eutropis Shutt. iv., 36. Section Klikia Pilsbry, 1894. Shell depressed-globose, narrowly umbilicated, with convex, ob- tuse spire and round periphery. Surface costulate-striate and minutely papillose in regular diamond pattern. Last whorl con- stricted behind the lip, which is well reflexed and thickened. Type H. osculum Thomae, pi. 71, fig. 49. This apparently extinct type of Helicodonta is characteristic of middle European Miocene, where it coexisted -with species of Cara- collina, such as phacodes Thomae, and with species of typical Heli- codonta ; H. involuta Thomae being allied to the recent angigyra and biconcava. The strong differentiation of these sectional groups at as early a period as the lower Miocene (when they were, in fact, as strongly differentiated as in the recent fauna), argues a vastly greater antiquity for the genus as a whole. This group is named in honor of Gottlieb Klika, author of an excellent memoir upon tertiary land and fresh-water shells of Bohemia. Subgenus MOELLENDORFFIA Ancey, 1887. Mollendorfia ANC., Conch. Exch., May, 1887, p. 64. — PILSBRY, Man. Conch., vi, p. 10. — Proctostoma MABILLE, Bull. Soc. Mai. de France, iv, p. 102, 103,104,1887 (for H. loxotatum^.—Polygyra and Cepolis of some authors. — Trihelix ANC., t. c., p. 64 (for H. horrida). Shell depressed, with low-convex, flat or concave spire of 4%-5? whorls, rounded or keeled periphery, and convex, umbilicated base. Surface more or less granular, tubercular or hairy, uniform brown, dull and opaque. Apical whorl rather large ; last whorl deeply de- flexed in front, with deep pits or grooves behind the lip. Aperture very oblique or subhorizontal, trigonal or squarish, the lip expanded and reflexed, continuous across the parietal margin, sometimes solute ; basal lip armed with a stout tooth, outer lip with one or two large en- tering folds. Type H. trisinuata Martens (see pi. 40, figs. 16, 17, 18, H. hensaniensis Gredl.; pi. 56, figs. 20, 21, 22, H. erdmanniSchmaclu.? & Boettger). 19 290 ALLOGNATHUS. Anatomy unknown. Distribution, southeastern China, Tonquin and Cambodia. Among Old World Helices this peculiar group can only be com- pared with the typical Helicodontas (obvoluta, holoserica, diodonta, etc.) of Europe and China. From these, Mollendorffia differs in the fewer whorls, continuous peristome, etc. Still, I find no differences of generic value in the shells; and, unless the anatomical features prove peculiar, we can hardly accord the group higher rank than subgeneric. In America, we find analogical shell structures in Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus} leucodon and its allies, which somewhat resemble H. trisinuata; and H. horrida may be compared with Epiphragmophora (Averellia) macneilliCrosse', but these are merely adventitious resemblances, due to the action of mechanical causes, which have produced tridentism in many diverse groups of Helices, H. loxotatum Mab., vi, 13. H. erdmanii Schm. & Bttg. H. trisinuata Mart., vi, 11. Proc. Mai. Soc. Lond., i, pi. 9. v. sculptilis Moll., vi, 12. H. faberiana Moll., vi, 10. H. eastlakeana Moll, vi, 12. H. biscalpta Hde., vi. 9. H. hensaniensis Gredl., vi, 299. H. horrida Pfr., vi, 9. Genus ALLOGNATHUS Pilsbry, 1888. Allognathus PILS., Man. Conch. (2), iv, pp. 121, 149, type H. grat- eloupi.— KOBELT Nachrbl. D. M. Ges., 1891, p. 140.— Cf. SCHU- BERTH, Archiv f. Naturg., Iviii, 1892, pp. 38, 61, pi. 4, f. 10, 11 (an- atomy). Shell globose, thin, smooth, imperforate, with low spire of about 4i whorls and obtuse apex ; last whorl descending in front, pale, with five spotted bands. Aperture round-lunate, oblique ; lip ex- panded, in the middle of the base closely appressed, the columellar margin arcuate and rather wide. Type H. graellsiana Pfr., pi. 43, figs. 39, 40. Jaw arcuate with a median projection, its surface entirely smooth. Radula very large (length 7, breadth 4 mill.). Teeth all of the same form, strap-shaped, bent in a half circle, the cusp single, simple and blunt (pi. 36, fig. 2, teeth from above, fig. 3, profile of cusps). Outer teeth similar but somewhat smaller. Genital system resembling that of Helix but the sacculated uterus extends far downward; the spermatheca duct is swollen LEPTAXIS. 291 below, and bears in the middle a diverticulum 27 mill, long, not bound to the uterus. Dart-sack large (6 mill, long), containing a a four-bladed dart with expanded funnel-shaped crown ; above the sack are inserted two mucus-glands, each split into two large, club- shaped fingers. Penis 16 mill, long, cylindrical, the retractor mus- cle terminal; flagellum 37 mill, long (pi. 36, fig. 1, A. graellsiana Pfr.). This genus is founded upon a single species inhabiting the Bale- aric Islands. The shell furnishes no characters of more than specific value, separating it from such species of Otala as beaumieri, etc. ; and it is by no means impossible that this and some other species, such as H. quedevfeldti Mts., may prove to belong to Allog- nathus. Notwithstanding this similarity of shell, we find in the anatomy profound differences from all other Pentatseniate Helices. The jaw is smooth, as in Leucochroa; the teeth are very aberrant in the narrow basal-plates which curve over into a blunt, strap-like cusp, entirely lacking side cusps, and they are alike over the whole radula. The genital system presents a resemblance to Cawpylcea in the two-fingered mucous glands, but is otherwise more like the Pentatseniate groups. We are disposed to consider Allognathus a special modification of the Helix stock, comparable to the Poly- mita off-shoot from Hemitrochus. A. graellsiana Pfr., iv, 150. grateloupi Graells not Pfr. tessellata Fer., not Miihlf. Genus LEPTAXIS Lowe, 1852. Leptaxis LOWE, Ann. Mag. N. H. (2), ix, p. 164, Feb., 1852 ; P. Z. S. 1854, p. 164, type H. erabescens Lwe. — Katostoma LWE., P. S. S. 1854, p. 166, type H. phlebophora Lwe. — MacAilaria sp. LWE., i. c.j p. 166. — Cryptaxis LWE., t. c, p. 168, type H. undata Lwe. — Campylcea sp. LOWE. — Pseudocampylcea PFR., Mai. Bl. 1877, p. 8- Nomencl. Hel. Viv. 1878, p. 162, types lowei and portosandana. — Lampadia Alb. MSS., LWE., P. Z. S. 1854, p. 197, type H. webbiana Lwe. (Not " Lampadie/' Montf., French vernacular name for Lam- pas Montf.). — Mitra ALB., Die Hel. 1850, p. 115, type H. webbi- ana ; (not Mitra Lamarck.) Shell of moderate or large size, globose, globose-depressed or lens- shaped and keeled, imperforate (rarely umbilicate), the surface striate, plicate, granulated or malleated ; rather thin ; uniform 292 LEPTAXIS. brown, banded or maculated. Whorls 5 to 6, the last wide, deflexed in front. Aperture transverse-oval, oblique, the outer lip simple or expanded, columella usually widened. Type H. erubescens Lowe. (See pi. 43, fig. 41, L. undata; fig. 36, L. lowei; fig. 45, L. web- biana). Jaw (pi. 67, fig. 20 L. undata) well arched, strong, bearing very widely unequally separated linear riblets, converging below, forming median triangle. Radula (pi. 67, fig. 19, L. undata) having the cusps of median teeth about as long as basal plate, side-cusps obsolete; basal plate with a backward-projecting tongue-like process. Lateral teeth with a stout ectocone. Marginals having the inner cusp shorter than usual and obtusely bifid, outer cusp simple. Genital system (Frontispiece, figs. 8, 9, L. undata) having the penis continued in an epiphallus which bears the retractor and ends in a short flagellum and the vas deferens. Dart sack large, seated on atrium. Mucus glands in two clusters, one composed of 5, the other of about 10 tubes, which adhere laterally by twos or form larger palmate groups (fig. 8, d. s. turned downward and groups of mucus glands spread). Spermatheca very large, rather boot-shaped, with a basal ccecum embedded in uterus; duct long and without diverticulum. The penis-retractor is inserted distally on the lung floor, and the right eye-retractor passes between branches of genita- lia. Dart of large size, a little curved, with a lateral expansion on each side. Spermatheca contained a rod-like chitinous spermato- phore, star-like in section. The jaw of L. undata is peculiar and unlike that of any allied form, resembling most the jaw of Plectopylis. The teeth are char- acterized by the strong development of ectocones on the inner laterals. The genital system is remarkable for the unusual size and shape of the Spermatheca which lacks diverticulum unless it be re- presented by the basal sack figured. The mucus glands are in two groups, and inserted on the vagina as usual in Helix, but the in- dividual tubes adhere laterally in a way I have not observed in other forms. They are not bound together like those of Eulota* however. The dart had unfortunately been expelled from the in- dividuals examined, but has been described by Morch (Journ. de Conch. 1865, p. 390). I had expected to find in Leptaxis some archaic characters pre- served ; for its geographic position and the shell-peculiarities argue LEPTAXIS. 293 for the group an ancient origin ; but the evidence shows that how- ever remote in the past the type was derived from the continental fauna, the main anatomical features of modern European Helices were then well established. If the genetic relationship of Leptaxis with Oligocene forms of middle Europe claimed by Sandberger and others be admitted (and this we have no good reason for doubting), then by implication those fossil forms were anatomically very like the modern European Helices. It is a noteworthy fact that in no anatomical feature, whatever, does Leptaxis approach the West Indian groups of Helices. They have diverged from different stocks, and since Mesozoic time along widely separated paths both geographically and structurally. Distribution, Madeira, Azores and Cape Verde groups. (Shell depressed, with open umbilicus and expanded peristome. PSEUDOCAMPYL^A. Porto Santo.) L. portosanctanaSowb., iv, 199. L. lowei Fer., iv, 200. (Shell imperforate. LEPTAXIS. Madeira species). L. undata Lwe., iv, 189. L. psammophora Lwe., iv, 191. corrugata Sol. ms. L. wollastoni Lwe., iv, 199. groviana Fer. v. forensis Woll., iv, 199. scabra Wood. L. chrysomela Pfr., iv, 198. L. vulcanica Lwe., iv, 190. cenostoma Lwe. not Fer. L. leonina Lwe., iv, 190. v. fluctuosa Lwe., iv, 198. L. nivosa Sowb., iv, 190. L. erubescens Lwe., iv, 191. exalbida Wood. simia Fer. decolor ata Lwe. v. portosancti Woll. v. phlebophora Lwe. v. advenoides Lwe. chlorata Lwe. v. hysena Lwe., iv, 192. v. planata Lwe., iv, 191. L. furva Lwe., iv, 192. v. craticulata Lwe., iv, 191. L. (?) exornata Dh., iv, 198. scrobiculata Lwe. (Species of the Azores Is.) L. azorica Alb., iv, 196. L. terceirana Morel., iv, 197. L. caldeirarum M. & D., iv, 196. L. drouetiana Morel., iv, 197. L. niphas Pfr., iv, 196. L. vetusta M. & D., iv. 198. 294 FRIDOLINIA, DENTELLOCARACOLUS. (Species of the Cape Verde Is.) L. advena W. & B., iv, 192. L. leptostyla Dohrn, iv, 194. L. serta Alb., iv, 193. milleri Dohrn. L. fogoensis Dohrn, iv, 193. L. primreva Morel., iv, 195. L. visgeriana Dohrn, iv, 193. L. atlantidea Morel., iv, 195. L. myristica Sh., iv, 194. L. subroseotincta Woll., iv, 195. L.bolleiAlb.,iv,194. (Imperforate, thin, aeutely keeled, with 3 to 4 rapidly widening whorls. LAMPADIA. Madeira, Canaries.} L. webbiana Lwe., iv, 200. L. mernbranacea Lwe., iv, 201. Vit. bocagei Paiva. L. cuticula Sh., iv, 201. Genus FRIDOLINIA Pilsbry, 1894. Shell large, heavy, depressed-turbinate, umbilicate when young, closed in the adult; surface obliquely coarsely malleated. Last whorl large, descending in front and strongly constricted behind the lip, swollen in the middle of the base. Aperture very oblique, toothless; peristome narrowly reflexed, its remote terminations joined by a callus, the basal and columellar margins thickened by a heavy callus within. Type H. lucani Tourn., pi. 71, figs. 55, 56. This group, the type of which is a Miocene fossil of Dijon, is dis- tinguished mainly by the tumid base, strong constriction behind the lip, and coarse sculpture. Its affinities are problematic. Section Pseudoleptaxis Pilsbry, 1894. Shell solid, imperforate, globose, sculptured with oblique wrinkles ; last whorl large, rounded, constricted behind the thickened, expanded lip. Aperture lunate, oblique; columellar lip dilated. Type H. corduensis (Noul.) Sandb., pi. 71, figs. 57, 58. Perhaps to the Oligocene type of this group is to be added the lower Miocene H. ramondi A. Braun, but that form may really be- long to Plebecula. Genus DENTELLOCARACOLUS Oppenheim, 1890. Dentellocaracolus OPPENH., Denkschr. K. Akad. Wissensch. Ivii, p. 117. Shell imperforate or covered perforate, globose-conic, more or less keeled, the base rather flattened; whorls 4£ to 6i, the last DENTELLOCARACOLUS. 295 suddenly descending in front a third or more the total alt. of shell. Aperture oval or horse-shoe-shaped, horizontal ; margins thickened and reflexed, joined by a callus. Type D. damnata A. Brong., pi. 71, figs. 53, 54. This genus is established for certain heavy, rough sculptured Helices from the N. Italian Eocene, characterized by the extreme obliquity of the aperture, the heavy parietal callus, and the aspect of the West Indian Pleurodonte formosa, or the Canary Island Hemi- cyclas. Some Obba species are also similar. I am totally unable to recognize any affinity between these shells and the Antillean Helices, and regard the superficial resemblance as merely a case of converg- ence of shell characters, meaningless from a phylogenetic stand- point. Whether the group is to be referred to the Epiphallogona or the Belogona is doubtful, and dogmatic assertions are clearly un- called for. The species damnata Brong., eoriacea Sandb., amblytropis Sdb., hyperbolica Sdb., antigone Oppenh. and mazzinicola Greg, belong here. Section Prothelidomus Oppenheim, 1890. Prothelidomus OPPENH., t. c., p. 120. Shell imperforate, solid, globose-depressed ; whorls 4J, the last protracted and sometimes carinated toward the aperture. Aperture horizontal, oval or horse-shoe-shaped ; peristome thickened, edent- ulous, the margins joined by a strong parietal callus. Type P. acrochordon Oppenh., pi. 71, figs. 51, 52. This group is only feebly distinguished from the preceding, and as with that, I am obliged to discredit entirely the relationships implied by its name. It contains //. acrochordon Oppenh. (radula Sandb. not Pfr.), and H. oppenheimi de Greg. (—H. vicentina Op- penh. not Shaur). The sculpture of the former is like that of Pleur- odonte lima, but the second species is smooth. This shows how much dependence is to be placed on a sculpture resemblance, a subject discussed at more length in the introduction to this volume. H. declivis Sandb., which Oppenheim places in Eurycratera, may belong near or in this group or in Dentellocaracolus. The peculiar minute form described by Stache as Obbinula an- thracophila (Abh. K. K. Geol. Reichsanst. xiii, p. 119) from the Stomatopsis Horizon, " Cretaceo-eoceiie " of Carniola, may prove to 296 HELICIGONA. belong to the Helicidce, but even this is doubtful. It occurs in com- pany with Stomatopsis, a peculiar genus of Melanopsidce, in beds considered to lie at the base of the Eocene. The claim of Obbinula to kinship with Obba is, there can be little doubt, an illusion. Genus HELICIGONA Ferussac, 1819. =Helicigona (FER.) Risso,-[- Chilotrema and Arianta Leach, 1831,4- Chilostoma, Latomusand Isognomostoma FITZ., 1833,-f-Oin- guiifera, Corneola and Lenticula HELD, 1837,+ Campy Icea BECK, 1837,+Sterna ALB., 1850,+ Elona ADS., 1855, etc., etc. Shell usually depressed-globose, varying to globose-turbinate or lens-shaped, usually umbilicated, of moderate or large size; surface smooth, costulate, granulate or hairy, corneous or brown ; unicolored mottled or streaked, and either with a single supra-peripheral band or with one above and one below this, or bandless. Aperture oblique, lunate or oval, the lip expanded, reflexed below and dilated at columellar insertion. Type H. lapicida L. (see pi. 43, figs. 19— 25, 27, 28, 31-35, 42, 46). Animal externally as in Helix. Jaw strong, with 2 to 16 stout convex ribs, dentating the cutting edge. Radula as in Helix, the ectocones sometimes developed on middle and lateral teeth, some- times represented by lateral continuations of the mesocone. Genitalia (pi. 62, all figs.) having the penis short, continued in an epiphallus upon which the retractor is inserted, and ending in a well developed, spirally twisted flagellum. Dart sack single, inserted rather high on vagina, containing a curved dart with round shaft and flat, 2-bladed head ; the base not coronated. Mucus glands 2, long and tubular, often bifid ; inserted on vagina near base of dart sack (but in H. quimperiana there are 3 triangular lobes on each side). Spermatheca small and globose, on a long duct ; diverticulum long, larger than spermatheca-duct, connected with the uterus throughout by a broad thin membrane (shown in figs. 16, 18, re- moved in the other figures on pi. 62). See pi. 62, fig. 16, H. rhce- tiea; fig. 17, H. cingulata ; fig. 18, H. planospira; fig. 19, H. per- sonata; figs. 20, 21, H. lapicida; figs. 22, 23, H. arbustorum ; figs. 24, 25, 26, 27, H. quimperiana). Distribution ; Europe, from the Pyrenees and Greece to Sweden and England. For geological distribution see under Chilostoma and the extinct subgenera. HELICIGONA. 297 The true limits of this genus were first indicated by Schmidt, and have been confirmed by the researches of numerous later authors. The two-bladed type of dart, the broad diverticulum bound to uterus by a wide membrane traversed by blood-vessels, and the two mucus glands, which are either simple and vermiform or once split, are all characters unlike Helix or other genera of Belogona. The shell is never five-banded as it is in Helix, but has either two bands above, one below the periphery, or only the middle band is retained, or it is bandless. The form of the dart is not alone diagnostic, for Eremina and some Iberus approach the two-bladed type. Helicigona is the only genus known to me in which the diverticulum is a constant generic character ; and here it seems to be much more highly developed than in any other group. The shell shows a considerable range of mutation in form and sculpture, sometimes being acutely keeled as in H. banatica, canth- ensis and lapieida, and again globose or subglobose as in arbustorum, ehingensis and the Tacheocampylseas. In some forms, such as H. lepidotricha and ehingensis, the margin of the umbilicus is obtusely angular, as in some Chloritis ; and high authorities have indeed re- ferred the former species to this genus. In my opinion such reference is wholly uncalled for. I would as soon consider Lysinoe ghiesbre- ghti or Epiphragmopliora remondi species of Chloritis on account of the similar angled umbilicus and quincuncial sculpture. We must have better evidence than these unstable and frequently repeated characters, before admitting Chloritis to the European fauna. The claim of Metafruticicola (p. 276) to a place in the genus Chloritis is far better than that of H. lepidotricha and its allies. The variety of sculpture found in Helicigona is equally remarkable ; some species being quite smooth, others, as gobanziaud hemonica, heavily ribbed ; and still other forms, such as lepidotricha, rahtii, setosa, benedicta have bristles or their papillae arranged in regular quincunx or oblique sweeps, besides a still more minute granulation of the whole surface. In some species this regular sculpture extends to the very apex, being exactly like that of Chloritis, Moellendorffia and a ew other Helices of very diverse groups. Synopsis of subgenera and sections. RECENT GROUPS. 1. Aperture oval or lunate ; lip 1-toothed or toothless. a. Spire convex or conoidal ; mucus glands tubular. 298 HELICIGONA. b. Acutely keeled ; lip continuous across parietal wall. HELICIGONA. bb. Depressed, not keeled ; or if keeled the lip-ends remote, Chilostoma, Fruticocampylcea. bbb. Subglobose, with narrow or closed umbilicus. c. Baso-columellar lip broadly reflexed, Tacheo campy Icea.. cc. Lip narrow, dilated only at insertion, Arianta. aa. Spire flat, sunken in middle ; mucus glands short, triangular, ELONA. 2. Aperture ear-shaped, 3-toothed, ISOGNOMOSTOMA. TERTIARY GROUPS. 1. Shell with pappillse arranged in oblique series as in H. setosa, a. An obtuse angle around umbilicus ; periphery rounded, TROPIDOMPHALUS. aa. Umbilicus narrow or closed ; periphery acutely keeled, Metacampylcea. 2. Shell without regularly placed pappillse. a. Large, depressed, with broad peristome, MESODONTOPSIS. aa. Subglobose, spire conoidal, peristome narrow, GALACTOCHILUS. Section Helicigona (Fer.) Risso. Helicigona FER. 1. c. (in part). — Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Me>id. iv, p. 66, first species H. lapicida. — Caracolla TTJRTON, Man. L. and Fr.-W. Sh. Brit. Is., 1831, p. 66, and of some other authors. — Chilo- trema LEACH in Turton, 1. c., p. 66, and of Beck, et al. — Latomus FITZ., Syst. Verz., 1833, p. 97.— Lenticula HELD, Isis, 1837, p. 913. Shell umbilicate, depressed, lens-shaped and acutely keeled ; surface minutely granulous, horn-colored or dusky, obliquely streaked with brown ; last whorl deeply deflexed below the keel ; aperture very oblique, oval, angled at keel, the peristome reflexed below, thick- ened within, continuous and raised across the parietal wall, toothless. Type H. lapicida, pi. 43, figs. 22, 23. Jaw with four strong ribs ; radula having no side cusps on middle and lateral teeth ; marginals developing an ectocone, and the large cusp become bifid. Geuitalia (pi. 62, figs. 20, 21, H. lapicida) with penis, epiphallus and flagellum as usual. Two long mucus glands ; dart-sack containing a curved dart with cylindrical shaft and short,. HELICIGONA. 299 flat, two-edged head (fig. 21) ; spermatheca duct branching into a diverticuluin about as iorig as itself. This section contains a single species commonly distributed throughout middle and northern Europe. H. lapicida L. iv, 117. v. medalpedensis Cl. iv, 261. v. andorrica Bgt. Section Chilostoma Fitziuger, 1833. Chilostoma FITZ., Syst. Verz., 1833, for C. corneum (=H. cornea Drap.), C. zonatum (=foetens Stud.) C. pulchellum (=pulchella Miill., type of the prior genus Vallonia). — CHARP., Cat. Moll. Terr, et Fluv. Suisse, 1837, p. 8, for cingulata, zonata, fastens, pulchella. — GRAY, A List of the Genera of Recent Mollusca, their Synonyma and Types, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 172 (type H.fcetens).—M.oqv IN-TAN- DON, Hist. Nat. Moll. Terr, et Fluv. France, ii, p. 131, for fcetens and cornea. — Campylcea BECK, Index Moll. 1837, p. 24.— LOWE, P. Z. S. 1854.— ALBERS, Die Hel. 1850, p. 81.— MARTENS, Die Hel. 1860, p. 122 (type H. cingulata Stud.).— Cingulifera Held, Isis, 1837, p. 911, for ziegleri Schm., intermedia Fer., cingulata Stud., ar- bustorum L., etc. — Corneola HELD, ibid., p. 912, for hirta, feburianar setipila, planotspira. fattens, pulchella, etc., etc. — Zoniies HARTM., Gastr. Schw., p. 161, not of Montf. — Eucampylcea PFR., Noinencl. Hel. Viv. 1878, p. 144.— WESTERLUND, Fauna, p. 103. Shell depressed, openly umbilicated, with convex spire and rounded (rarely keeled) periphery. Surface unicoloied or 1-3 banded, smooth, costulate or hirsute. Whorls about 5?, the last deflexed in front ; aperture wide lunate or suboval, toothless or with a basal tooth; peristome narrowly expanded, reflexed below, dilated at columellar insertion, rarely continuous across the parietal wall. Type H. foetens Studer. (See pi. 43, figs. 27, 28, H. planospira Lam. ; pi. 43, fig. 42, H. setosa Ziegler.) Jaw strong, with 2 to 10 stout ribs grouped near the middle. Radula with mesocones only developed on median and lateral teeth ; marginals with an inclined bifid inner and small outer cusp. Geni- talia as described for the genus. In the recent fauna this group is characteristic of the Alpine Mountain system, extending down the Italian peninsula to Sicily, and the Balkan peninsula to southern Greece.' A few species occur 300 HELICIGONA. in south-western France. It is therefore more southern in distribu- tion than Arianta, Elona or Helicogona s. sir. In the lower mio- cene deposits of north central Europe, a number of species typical in form occur, such as H. inflexa Klein, H. exstincta Ramb., H. stand- festi Penecke. Specimens of infllexa and standfesti before me retain a distinct trace of the shoulder-band. The disappearance of the name Campylcea from Helix nomen- clature is to be regretted, and will probably fail to find many advo- cates for some years to come. That the course here taken is inevi- table, will be obvious if the history of the name is considered. Chilo- stoma Fitz., 1833, and Campylcea Beck, 1837, were both proposed without diagnosis, and both contained some incongruous elements. If undefined names are to be rejected, then both of these must give way to Oingulifera Held, proposed vith an excellent diagnosis in 1837. If, however, the list of species cited be accepted in lieu of a diagnosis, then Chilostoma must\be accepted on the ground of four years' priority, as Moquin-Tatidon has recognized. In either case, Campylsea becomes a synonym! Those who continue to use a generic or subgeneric name, which is so clearly inadmissable as this one, must do so in defiance of rules of nomenclature recog- nized as binding by zoologists generally, for Campylcea is neither the earliest name for the group, nor the earliest properly defined name. Neither is it the earliest properly limited group, for Beck's list con- tains a number of species not belonging to this genus. H. pouzolzi Desh., iv, 87. v. bosnensis Kob., iv, 88. savignyana Ehrenb. ? ragusana Fer., undesc. varronis Cantr. trizona Rve. brenoensis & macarana Mhl. v. silvestris West. dinarica Bgt. ! H. soccaliana Let. ? dalmatina Parr., dalmatica H. serbica Mlldff.,iv, 88. Dh.,gravosaensis Muhl. /. roschiti (Kim.) W. /.elevatior, depressior, bifasci- J. unitseniata Bttg., iv, 88. ata Brus. ; unifasciata, uni- H. paucici Mlldff., iv, 88. color Pfr., obscura Biz., H. banatica Partch, iv, 97. kuzmici, pellanica, adriat- H. stenomphala Mke., iv, 88. ica, tschernagorica, diocleti- H. setigera Zgl., iv, 100. ana, sabljari, horatii, biagioi, /. globulosa Kucik. brenoica, daniloi, cantrainei H. hoffmanni, Partch, iv, 99. Bgt., viii, 231. monozona Z. v. montenegrina Zgl., iv, 88. H. walteri Bttg., iv, 98. HELICIGONA. 301 H. kleciachi Parr.,iv, 99. klecaki Pfr. H. insolita Zgl., iv, 98, insolida auct. subcostalis Parr. H. prsetexta Parr., iv, 99. prcetextata Kob. H. narentina Klec., iv, 99. v. reiseri Branc. H. denudata Kossm., iv, 98. H. imberbis Brus., iv, 97. H. nicolai Klec., iv, 98. recordera Parr. H. trizona Zgl., iv, 108. v. inflata Biz. v. rumelica Z. v. dobruschse Cless. v. balcanica Friv. v. frauenfeldi Zel. H. hseterea West. H. coerulens Mhl., iv, iii. lacticini Z. /. hyllica, depressa rugata, bukowicanica,zrmanja3Brus. H. cornea Drap.,iv, 110. v. castanea Rm., iv, 111. v. squamrnatina Serres. H. desmoulinsi Far. iv, 111. moulinsii P. & M. aerosticha Fisch. mollerati Morel, v. crombezi Mill. H. pterolakse Kob. langi Pfr., Bttg. H. phoca3a Roth., iv, 103. /. ornata Parr. /. inornata Kob. v. langi Parr., iv, 102. H. cingulata Stud., iv, 104. luganensis Schintz. v. inornata Rossm. unicolor West. rossmassleri Cl. v. anauniensis de Bett., iv, 105. v. athesina Paul., iv, 105. /. pinii Adami, iv, 106. v. baldensis Villa, iv, 105. v. bizona Rossm., iv, 106. v. lucensis Paul., iv, 106. H. carrarensis Porro., iv, 105. v. montana Paul., iv, 107. v. kobeltiana Paul., iv, 107. H. planospira Lam., iv, 89. vittata Jan. v. etrusca Kob. v. stabilei Paul. f. illasyaca Adami. v. ullepitschi West.,iv, 90. v. kobeltiana Cless., iv, 90. v. illyrica Stab.,iv, 90. v. padana Stab., iv, 90. /. euganea Stab., iv, 91. v. erjaveci Cless. v. istriana Stoss. v. pubescens Tib., iv, 91. v. casertana Paul., iv, 91. v. alifaensis Paul., iv, 92. v. calva Kob.,iv, 91. depilata Orsini. v. setulosa Brig. setipila Zgl. setosa Costa. setulosa Auct. v. cantabrica Paul., iv, 91. /. depressa Paul. /. globosa Paul, v. neapolitana Paul., iv, 91. /. depressa Paul. /. luteola Paul, v. cassinensis Paul., iv, 91. 302 HELICIGONA. v. occultata Paul, v. pavelii Haz. H. tiesenhauseni Gredl., viii, 227. H. macrostoma Mhl.,iv, 92. siculina Zgl. pervia & didyma Mhl. v. ereta Paul., iv, 92. v. cryptozona Zgl. v. confusa Ben., iv, 92. H. benedicta Kob., iv, 92. lefeburiana Phil. setipila Benoit. v. trichothroa Bgt. v. choelotricha Bgt. H. schlserotricha Bgt., iv, 96. sclerotricha Auct. H. hirtaMke.,iv,89. deplana Zgl. H. lefeburiana Fer., iv, 89. feburiana Auct. hirsuta Brumati. H. sadleriana Zieg., iv,89. H. mollendorffii Kob., iv,95. H. hazayana Cless., iv, 89. H. setosa Zgl., iv, 97. /. convexior W. /. litoralis Brus., iv, 97. H. brusinse Stoss., iv, 98. v. velebitana Klec. H. crinita Sandri, iv, 100. H. preslii Schm., iv, 104. cingulata Held, v. nisoria Rm., iv, 104. intermedia Paul, v. nicatis Costa iv, 101. v. affinis Paul., iv, 106. v. appelii Kob., iv, 105. v. anconse Gent.,iv, 106. v. agnata Paul., iv, 107. v. amathia Bgt. H. colubrina Jan., iv, 105. v. nubila Zgl., iv, 106. v. fascelina Z., Gred. H. gobanzi Ffld.,iv,107. v. sigela Bgt. v. compsopleura B^t. v. perfecta Bgt. H. tigrina Ch. & Jan., iv, 107. v. subtigrina Bgt. H. frigida Jan., iv, 101. /. insubrica Jan., iv, 101. H. cingulellaZgl.,iv, 104. zinguletta H. & A. Ad. /. gyrata West. /. scutellata West. H. pyrenaica Dr., iv, 94. v. complanata Bgt., iv, 95. xanthelcea (B.) Fag. v. semiclathrata West. H. faustina Zgl., iv, 95. v. sativa Z. v. associata Z. favirensis Parr. v. citrinula Z. v. charpentieri Schol. v. fortunata Parr. v. subflava Kim. H. rossmassleri Pfr., iv, 96. advena Rm., preoc. v. bridayi Branc. H. phalerata Zgl., iv, 100. v. chamseleon Parr., iv, 101. H. glacialis Thorn., iv, 109. v. vesulana Less. v. chiophila Bgt. H. alpina F.-B., iv, 100. v. alpicola West. v. fontenilli Mich., iv, 100. tigrina v. michaudiana Rm. H. schmidti Zgl., iv, 103. HELICIGONA. 303 H. hessei Kim., iv, 103. H. hermesiana Pini, iv, 100. H. v. frigidescens DelPrete, iv,105H. v. apuana Iss., iv, 105. H. v. ligurica Kob., iv, 101. H. v. frigidissima Adami. H. H. nicolisiana Ad., viii, 227. H. intermedia Fer., iv, 1 09. H. catenulata Muhl. cornea Brum. H. ziegleri Schm., iv,109. H. semula Rossm., iv, 109. ambrosia Strobel. H. martinatiana de Betta. H. H. ichthyomma Held, iv, 93. v. achates Z., iv, 93. H. cingulina Dh. H. achatina P. & M. foetens C. Pfr., iv. 93. H. zonata Stud., iv, 92. H. v. flavovirens D. & M. H. v. monozonata Poll, v. modesta Moq., iv, 92. H. foetens Stud. H. v. millieri Bgt., viii, 228. H. H. strobeli Less. H. cisalpina Stab., iv. 94. gallica Bgt. sebinensis Kob. adelozona Parr, v. debettai Ad. iv, 94. v. adamii Kob., iv, 94. v. rhsetica Mouss., iv, 94. H. argentellei Kob., iv, 94. H. peritricha Bttg., viii, 230. v. erymanthia Kob. kollari Zel.,iv,94. hemonica Thiesse. pindicaBttg.,iv, 96. choristochila Bttg., iv, 102.- gasparinse Charp., iv, 102. v. subdeflexa Bttg., iv, 102. olympica Roth, iv, 101. thessalonica Mouss. v. ossica Bttg.,iv, 102. v. magnesise Bttg., iv, 102. v. sciara West. broemmei Kob., viii, 229. conemenosi Bttg., viii, 229. v. acarnanica Kob., viii, 220. oetsea Mart. subzonata Mouss., iv, 93. v. distansBl. & W.,iv, 93. v. depressa Bttg., viii, 228. brenskei Bttg., iv, 113. comephora Bgt., iv, 96. comythophora Bttg. /. kru'peri Bttg. eliaca Kob. cyclolabris Desh.,iv, 114. v. euboea Parr, v. arcadica Parr, v. hymetti Mouss. v. sphseriostoma Bgt. lysistoma Shutt. v. heldreichi Shutt. v. amorgia West, v. grelloisi Bgt., iv, 114. v. bacchica Mart. Section Fruticocampylcea Kobelt, 1871. Fruiicocampylcea KOBELT, Catal. Eur. Binnenconch., p. 13. Shell with moderate or small umbilicus, rather depressed, the sur- face granulated or spirally striated, generally with a peripheral 304 HELICIGONA. white band bordered above and below by dark bands ; aperture oval, basal lip expanded. Type H. ravergiensis Fer. (pi. 43, figs. 24, 25 ; H. narzanemis Kryn.). Anatomy unknown. This group of Campylsea-like shells is con- fined to the Caucasus region and adjacent lands to the south. It may prove to belong to the Hygromia series, but is better left here until examined anatomically. The distribution of Frtiticoeampy- Icea is not continuous with that of other Helicigonas. H. appeliana Mouss., iv, 85. appelinsi Auct. v. mediata West. H. narzanensis Kryn., iv, 84. hortensis Menetr. ossetinensis Bayer. /. bicingulata Bttg. /. castanea Bttg. /. subunicolor Bttg. /. perlineata Mouss. v. suanetica Bttg. v. macromphala Bttg. v. cyclothyra Bttg. v. olivacea Bttg. v. kobensis Bttg. v. depressa Bttg. H. pratensis Pfr., iv, 85. bayerii Parr. /. unicolor Bttg. /. alutacea West. v. perforata West, v. depressa Kob. v. solidior Kob. H. joannis Mort., iv, 86. dumonti Mort. H. dichrozoua Mart. H. delabris Mouss., iv, 86. /. alia West. H. pontica Bttg., iv, 86. H. nymphsea Dub. H. ravergiensis Fer., iv, 85. raver gii Kryn. ravergieri Bttg. limbata Kryu. caucasica Pfr. v. persica Bttg., iv, 85. H. transcaucasica Bay., iv, 85. /. pygmsea Bttg. H. phseolema Bttg., iv. 87. H. eichwaldi Pfr., iv, 86. v. daghestana Parr., iv, 86. H. armeniaca Pfr. iv, 86. airumia Siem. ? nivalis Menetr. ? menetriesii Kalen. Section Tacheocampylcea PfeifFer, 1877. Tacheocampylcea PFR., Malak. Bl., xxiv, 1877, p. 8, type H. ras~ paili Payr. See for anatomy, MOQ.-TAND., pi. 12, f. 11-14. Shell depressed with low spire, the body whorl not keeled ; imper- forate or partly covered umbilicate ; smoothish, sometimes hairy ; brownish, yellowish or olive, with two bands above, one below the periphery. Aperture truncate-oblong, very oblique ; outer lip HELICIGONA. 305 reflexed, baso-columellar lip straightened or arcuate, its edge broadly dilated and reflexed. Type H. raspailii, pi. 43, figs. 33, 34, 35. Jaw (of H. raspaili) arched, with three separated ribs. Epi- phragm flat, thin and membranous, with some calcareous particles. Genital system furnished with a curved dart (pi. 6S, fig. 7 H. ras- pailii) 10-12 mill, long, swollen and channelled at base, then con- stricted, widening again in the middle, four bladed (?). Mucus glands four-fingered. This group has the characteristic shell of Campylcea, but the four- fingered mucus glands and the apparently quadrangular dart are characters like Tachea and Otala. It may prove to be a transition group. A further investigation is needed to demonstrate its affini- ties, and especially should the dart and the diverticulum of the spermatheca duct be examined, as these structures afford the only criterion for the separation of the true Helices from the Campylcea or tielicigona group. The species are all from Sardinia and Cor- sica. H. raspailii Payr., iv, 112. H. cyrniaca Dut., iv, 112. v. acropachia Mab. revelierii Deb., iv, 112. v. lenelaia Mab. planospira Payr. v. pilosa Kob., iv, 112. tachigyra West. v. garciai Hagenm. v. montigena Hagen. H. insularis Cr. & Deb., iv, 112. v. faucicola Hagen. H. brocardiana Dut., iv, 112. H. gennarii Paul., iv, 113. v. omphalophora Dut. H. carotii Paul., iv, 112. v. sciaphila Hagenm. /. major, unifasciata, viperina, v. donata Hagenm. lamarmorse, spectrum, Mal- zan, iv, 113. H. melonii Malz., iv, 113. Unfigured forms : H. vittalacciana Mab., romagnolii Dut., melli- niana with var. deschampsiana, and arusalensis Hagenmiiller. Section Arianta Leach, 1831. Arianta LEACH in Turton's L. and Fw. Shells Brit. Is., p. 35- (for H. arbustorum). — BECK, Index, p. 41 (in part). — HARTMANN,. Gast. Schw., p. 55. — Arionta v. MARTENS, Die Hel., 1860, p. 127, (exclusive of all but type, H. arbustoruvi). Not Arionta of Ameri- can authors ! 20 tJNIVlBSITY V e-, "_ 306 HELICIGONA. Shell globose or globose-depressed, with convex or conoidal spire, and narrow or closed umbilicus ; surface shining, spirally striated, usually with a supraperipheral band, and mottled or dark coloring. Aperture round-lunate, oblique, toothless ; lip expanded and white- lipped, reflexed at columellar insertion. Type H. arbustorum L., pi. 43, fig. 46. Jaw with 6-10 strong ribs. Radula having outer side cusps developed on middle and lateral teeth. Marginals with bifid inner and simple outer cusps. Genital system (pi. 62, figs. 22, 23, H. arbustorum} showing the features usual in Helicigona throughout. The two simple mucus glands are very long; dart sack containing a curved dart (fig. 22) like that of H. lapicida. Diverticulum bound to uterus by a wide membrane traversed by blood vessels. Distribution, middle and north Europe, upper Pliocene and Loess deposits. In the modern fauna this species or group of species, is •distributed from the northern boundary of the Olive zone (Pyre- nees and Alps) to Sweden, enjoying a far greater range than any -other member of the genus Helicigona, especially in its ability to withstand the cold. The number of local races is remarkable, and ptheir study is much complicated by the fact that forms with a simi- lar aspect occur in widely separated localities, probably due to par- allel development. Typically many of these varieties are very •different, but intermediate forms seem to abolish most boundary Klines ; so that Kobelt, in his latest contribution on the subject, is not willing to endorse even the main forms as species (Iconogr. n; F., vi, p. 60). The spelling of this name given above is that of Leach, Beck and other early authors. Von Martens has changed the name to " Arionta" on etymological grounds. The single well defined spe- cies H. arbustorum, is a typical Helicigona in anatomy, having the diverticulum bound to the uterus by a broad membrane, the two long, cylindrical mucus glands inserted on vagina, and other feat- ures diagnostic o£ that genus. The American species referred to Arionta by authors present nothing of the sort ; the diverticulum has #0 membrane ; the mucus glands are bulbiferous and inserted on xiart sack, etc., etc. H. arbustorum L., iv, 117. v. picea Zgl., iv, 117. v. conoidea West., iv, 118. wittmanni Zow. vv. calcarea Hogb., iv, 118. v. jetschini Ulic., iv, 117. HELICIGONA. 307 H. arbustorum Linne. subalpina Scholtz. v. canigonensis Boub. /. costulata Kob. canigoniea Fag. v. dorise Paul., iv, 117. v. fagoti Bgt. v. rudis Miihlf., iv, 118. v. xatarti Far., iv, 118. v. corneoliformisLess. v. repellini Charp., iv, 118. v. styriaca Ffld., iv, 119. v. alpicolaFer. H. sethiops Biz., iv, 118. tris Z., iv, 118. H. camprodunica Kob., iv, 118. Other named forms of H. arbustorum, some of which have doubt- less good claims to racial distinction, are: Var, thamnivaga, hypni- cola, themita Mabille ; var. dravica, vibraiana, musdorfensis, illusana Servain ; var. sendtneri, excelsa, septentrionalis Clessin ; var. albu- lana, feroeli, knitteli, nazarina, trachia (Bgt.) Serv. ; var. creticola Morch. ; var. trochoidalis Roffisen ; var. depressa Held. ; var. baylei (Lecoq) Moq. ; var. gotlandica; oelandica West. Also forma flavescens, albina, rufescens, draparnaudia, poiretia, boissieria, thomasia Moquin-Tandon ; /. ef'asciata Westerlund ; /. lutescens, luteofasciata, fuscesens D. & M. (=marmorata Taylor) ; /. mor- bosoalbina Rossm. ; /. nigrescens Locard, /. fusca Fer. ; /. cincta (=pallida Tayl.), sinistrorsum Taylor; /. minima and major Pfr. Subgenus ELONA H. & A. Adams, 1855. Elona H. & A. AD., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 211, type H. quimperi- ana (June, 1855). Not Elona Moq.-Tand., 1855. — Sterna ALBERS, Die Hel., p. 93, 1850, same type (preoccupied). — See HESSE, Jahrb. D. M. Ges., xii, 1885, p. 45, pi. 3, f. 1 (anatomy). Shell um\)i\icsite, planorboid, the spire slightly concave, periphery broadly rounded ; corneous with a few varicoid white stripes ; aperture lunar, slightly oblique ; lip white, expanded above, reflexed below, the ends distant. Type H. quimperiana Fer., pi. 43, figs. 19, 20, 21. Jaw with 11-16 narrow ribs. Genitalia (pi. 62, figs. 24, 25, 26, 27, H. quimperiana) differing from the typical Helicigonas in hav- ing the mucus glands shortened into triangular sacks (fig. 26) and the dart sack is inserted in a sort of calyx at base (fig. 27). Dart curved at the end, with lens-like section (fig. 24). This group contains a single French species remarkable for its {Jhloritis-like shell and the peculiar mucus glands. The latter con- 308 HELICIGONA. sist of short lobes, somewhat as in Eulota ; but unlike that genus,, they are inserted on vagina well above the dart sack, so there can be no doubt that they are merely a shortened form of the finger-like glands characteristic of Belogona Siphonadenia. H. quimperiana Fer., iv, 116. Brittany; Spain. kermorvcmi Coll. corisopitensis Dh. Subgenus ISOGNOMOSTOMA Fitzinger, 1833. Isognomostoma FITZ., Syst. Verzeichniss der in Erzherzogthume Oesterreich vorkommenden Weichthiere, p. 97, sole species, /. per- sonatum Eitz., =H. personata Drap. — Isognomonostoma TRYON— Triodopsis of modern European authors, not of Rafinesque!— Plicostoma SCHLUTER, Syst. Verz., 4, 1838. See for anatomy Schu- berth, Archiv f. Naturg., 1892, p. 11, pi. 1, f. 15-18 (Good!) Shell depressed-globose, with low convex spire, narrow or closed umbilicus and rounded or faintly angular periphery ; surface smooth, hirsute in quincuncial pattern. Aperture oblique, ear shaped ; peristome flatly reflexed, thickened within, toothed on outer and basal margins; terminations connected by a raised, tongue- like parietal process. Type H. personata, pi. 43, figs. 31, 32. Jaw with about 5 strong ribs, dentating the cutting margin ; radula with large triangular mesocones on middle and inner lateral teeth ; marginals with a bifid inner and simple outer cusp. Genital system (pi. 62, fig. 19, H. personata) with penis as usual in the genus; 2 long mucus glands ; an elongated dart sack containing a dart of typical Helicigone form, base dilated, shaft slender and round,, spreading into a two-bladed, laurel-leaf shaped head. Diverticulum bound to uterus by a broad membrane, as usual in Helicigona. Distribution, middle Europe and Siberia. The anatomy of this group is typical of Helicigona (Campylcea), having the diverticulum membrane found in that genus only, (re- moved in the figure), as well as the characteristic form of mucus glands and dart. These features of the genital system, as well as the strongly ribbed jaw, show that the association of H. personata with " Gonostoma " is entirely illusory. In fact Schuberth, in his anatomical characterization of "Anchistoma" (" Gonostoma " + "Triodopsis") was obliged to make an exception of H. personata,. HELICIGONA. 309 and to compare it with Campylcea; but strangely enough he does not alter the current classification of the species. The resemblance of H. personata to the American Triodopsis is merely a case of incomplete parallelism. The two groups are readily separated by observing the form of the parietal barrier. Dr. H. von Ihering has ably discussed the relationships of H. personata, ranking it, of course, in Campylcea. H. personata Drap., iii, 147. H. subpersonata Midd., iii, 147. isognomostomos Gm. pt. v. debilis West. Subgenus TROPIDOMPHALUS Pilsbry, 1894. Shell with the general characters of Chilostoma, but subangular ^around the umbilicus, and quincuncially punctate or papillate (as in some members of the H. planospira group). Type H. lepidotri- cha A. Braun, pi. 71, figs. 59, 60. The lower Miocene forms for which this section is proposed have the verge of the umbilicus subangular as in most (but not all) Chloritis (con/, p. 118) and many species of Eulota; and in fact the group may belong to Eulota rather than to Helicigona. At all events, the closest resemblance is traceable between H. lepidotricha and certain southeast Asian Eulotas. On theoretical grounds, how- ever, I am disposed to believe that Eulota has no extensive past history in Europe, being a recent straggler from East Asia ; and this is supported in the main by palseontological evidence. A thorough study of the Miocene Helices is necesssary to deter- mine whether the peculiar sculpture which occurs in so many forms, is a character assumed simultaneously by many subgenera and genera, or an indication of actual genetic relationship. Not much evidence can be adduced in favor of the latter view from the recent fauna, for species of widely different genera exhibit the hairs or papillae arranged in obliquely decussating series : In HYGROMIA, H. consona, lanuginosa, etc.; in HELICIGONA, hairy members of the planospira group; in THYSANOPHORA, T. stigmatica and its allies ; in EULOTA, numerous oriental species. The list could be indefi- nitely increased. It will be perceived from this that those authors who insist upon the presence of Chloritis in the European Miocene fauna, stand upon narrow and insecure footing. H. robusta and trichophora Reuss., from the lower Miocene of Tuchoric, evidently belong to this group. 310 HELICIGONA. Section Metacampylcea Pilsbry, 1894. Shell solid, sublenticular, acutely keeled, the spire obtuse-conic. Aperture oblique, subrhombic ; outer and basal lips reflexed, thick- ened within, the columellar insertion dilated, partly or wholly clos- ing the narrow umbilicus. Surface minutely granulate, and with larger papillae disposed in quincuncial order. Type H. rahtii A. Braun, pi. 71, figs. 45, 46. In its acute carination, the lower Miocene H. rahtii is comparable to H. lapicida or banatica of the recent fauna, but its sculpture is that of H. setosa Zgl. The lip differs somewhat from that of any living " Campylsea," but not more than various species of that group differs from one another. Metacampylcea probably stands in much the same relation to Tropidomphalus as Helicigona (lapicida} does to Chilostoma (planospira, etc.). H. papillifera Klika and possibly H. obtusecarinata Sandb., are to be referred here, but the latter may belong to the ancestral Tachea stock. Subgenus GALACTOCHILUS Sandberger. Galactochilus SANDB., Land und Siisswasser Conchyl. der Vor- welt, p. 387 (for H. pomiformis, mattiaca, ehingensis and cornumili- tare). Shell subglobose, with low, conoid spire of about 4J whorls, the last large with rounded periphery, subangular around the narrow, partly or nearly closed umbilicus, slowly descending in front. Aperture truncate-oblong, oblique ; lip obtuse, expanded on outer and basal margins, dilated at columellar insertion, partly closing the umbilicus. Surface smooth except for growth-strise. Type H. ehingensis Klein, pi. 71, figs. 47, 48. This group contains several species from the lower Miocene, H* pomiformis A. Braun, Ehingensis Kl., mattiaca Stein. I am dis- posed to believe it an off-shoot from the " Campylsea " phylum. Some specimens of H. arbustorum exhibit much the same subangu- lation around the umbilical region. Subgenus MESODONTOPSIS Pilsbry, 1894. Shell large, depressed, with convex and very obtuse spire and covered umbilicus. Whorls 5, convex, the last ornamented with two CYRTOCHJLUS-HELIX. 311 broad bands above and one below the periphery, deflexed in front. Aperture half round, oblique ; lip broadly reflexed throughout, dilated and adherent at the columellar insertion. Surface smooth- ish. Type H. chaixii Mich., pi. 71, figs. 61, 62. This group differs from the pentateeniate Helices in having the lip more reflexed, and not forming a columellar plate. I think it allied more to the " Campylseas," with which it agrees in the color pattern (distinctly visible in specimens before me) and the general features of the aperture. I consider Tacheocampylcea the most nearly allied group of the recent fauna (conf.pl. 43, figs. £3-35). The resemblance to Meaodon is merely superficial. It is likely that H. brocchii Mayer from the upper Pliocene belongs here rather than to Galactochilus. It is umbilicate and one-banded above ; but I have not seen that species, nor H. ludovici Noul. and ornezanensis Noul. from the Miocene freshwater chalk of southwestern France, which may also find a place in this group. The type, H. chaixii, is from the middle Pliocene of Hauterive. Genus (?) CYRTOCHILUS Sandberger. Cyrtochilus SANDB., Land u. Siisswasser Conchyl. der Vorwelt, p. 386 (for H. expansilabrisSandb.'). Not Cyrtochilus Jak., 1875, or Meek, 1876, nor Cyrtochila Feld, 1874. Shell globose-conoid, with 5 convex whorls separated by linear sutures, the last whorl large, ventricose, broadly constricted behind the lip; surface of all but first whorl obliquely costulate and deco- rated with minute papillae arranged in quincuucial order. Aperture oblique; outer and basal lips expanded, columella narrow, vertical, closing the umbilicus. Type H. expansilabris Sandb., pi. 71, fig. 50. The shell has the figure of H. platychela of Sicily, but it is sculptured like a hairy Chilostoma. The single species is from the lower Miocene of Hochheim. Genus HELIX Linne, 1758. Helix LINNE (in part), Syst. Nat., x, p. 768. — LAM., Syst. Anim. s. Vert., 1801, p. 94, H. pomatia on\y. -\-Pomatia, Tachea, Otala, Macularia, Iberus, JEremina, Eaparypha, Hemicycla, etc., etc. See for anatomy A. SCHMIDT, Der Geschlechtsapparat der Sty- lommatophoren in taxonomischer Hinsicht, in Abhandl. naturwis- 312 HELIX. genschaftl. Vereins fiir Sachsen u. Thiiringen in Halle, i, pp. 1-52, pi. 1-5, 1856, and Zeitschr. f. Malak., 1850, vii, p. 1-13, pi. 1 (darts); Ibid, 1849, p. 49. — C. BRANCSIK, Sexualapparate einiger Moll, des Trencsiner Comitates in Jahresheft des naturw. Vereins der Trenc. Com., Trencsin, 1890, p. 19-22, pi. 1-3.— R. LEHMANN, Die lebenden Schn. u. Musch. der Umgebung Stettins u. in Pom- meru,1873.— MoQ.-TAND.,Hist. Nat. Moll. Terr, et Fluv. Fr., 1855. — O. SCHUBERTH. Beitr. zur Vergleich. Anat. des Genitalapparates von Helix, in Arch. f. Naturg. Iviii, i, 1892, p. 1-65, pi. 1-6.— POL- LONERA, Bull, della Soc. Mai. Ital. xii, 1885, p. Ill (best figs, of dentition). — ERDL, in Moritz Wagner's Reisenin der Regentschaft Algier, 1836.— PAASCH, Archiv f. Naturg., 1843 and 1845.— F, WiEGMANN,Jahrb. d. m.Ges.iv, 1877, p. 195, pi. 6-8. — BAUDELOT. Ann. Sc. Nat. (4), Zool. xix, 1863. — ASHFORD, Journ of Conch., Leeds, Vol. iv, 1883-'85. — v. IHERING, Morph. u. Syst. des Genital- apparates von Helix, Zeitschr. f. Wissenschaftl. Zool. liv, 1892, p. 386-520. — C. F. JICKELT, Fauna der Land u. Susswasser Moll. Nord-Ost-Afrika's, in Nova Acta Acad. Cses. Leop.-Carol. Germ. Nat. Cur. xxxvii, 1875, et al. See for palaeontology of Helix: SANDBERGER, Land- u. Siisswasser-Conchyl. der Vorvvelt, with the authorities cited therein ; KLIKA, Tert. Land- und Siisswasser-Conch. N. W. Bohmen, (cf. BTTG., Verb. K.-K. Geol. Reichsanst., 1891, p. 228) ; PENECKE, Zeitschr. D. geol. Ges. xliii, p. 346 ; OPPENHEIM, Denkschr. k. Akad. Wissensch. Ivii, p. 113 (cf. TAUSCH, Verb. K.- K. Geol- Reichsanst., 1891, p. 198, and de GREGORIO, Ann. deGeol. et de Paleont. 10e Livr., 1892), etc., etc. Shell varying from globular to depressed and from rounded to acutely keeled, imperforate or narrowly umbilicated, rather solid, with about 5 whorls ; surface striate, ribbed, malleated or granu' lose. Five-banded, or having fewer or no bands by the absence or coalesence of some or all ; rarely having more bands by splitting of bands or interpolation of lines. Lip either expanded, reflexed or thickened within. Type H. pomatia, frontispiece, fig. 7, (See pi- 44). Animal with a tough, granulose or reticulate integument, marked by two or few grooves along back, the tail depressed, with a slight median line or none', facial grooves well developed on both sides. Labial processes large; sole undivided. Mantle with a small right body lappet, and a long left one, usually interrupted across the HELIX. 313 back. Right eye retractor passing between primary branches of genitalia. (Frontispiece, fig. 7). Jaw well arched, stout, with 3-9 strong ribs denticulating both margins (pi. 67, figs. 1, 4, 7, 8, 9). Radula normal, having the cusps of median and lateral teeth about as long as the squarish basal plates, side cusps small or wanting. Marginals with a long, oblique bifid inner cusp and a small simple or bifid ectocone (pi. 67, figs. 2, 3, 5, 6, 11). Genital system characterized by a short penis passing into the epi- phallus, which bears the retractor (distally inserted on lung floor) and branches into vas deferens and a flagellum, the latter rarely wanting. One dart sack present and well developed, containing a four-bladed dart, with short neck and crenulated base. Mucus glands two, varying from simple to multifid, but always composed of smooth, tubular coeca ; inserted on each side of vagina immediately above entrance of dart sack; both the dart sack and mucus glands lying free in cavity, not bound together by a stout membrane. Sper- matheca globose, on a long duct, which usually bears a diverticulum. Ovotestis compact, imbedded in the side of the liver (frontispiece figs. 5, 6, H. pomatia). Uistribution, Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor. Helix is distinguished from Helicigona mainly by the form of the dart and the free diverticulum; this being invariably bound to oviduct by a wide membrane in Helicigona. The genus Helix contains the most highly organized and complex snails of the family Helicidce. Like the European type of Homo, but unlike most highly specialized forms, their specialization has evidently fitted them for meeting widely diverse conditions of exist- ence. Their powers of reproduction as well as the ease with which they adapt themselves to circumstances of climate and envi- ronment new to them, are remarkable. They love the light, and for the most part are not exterminated by the destruction of their native forests, but accepting kindly the new conditions, live and multiply in vineyards, gardens and around tilled fields. As colo- nists they rank with man, the dog and the horse. Various species live and thrive in the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, S. Africa, New Caledonia, Australia, etc., etc. None, even of the most widely distributed Helicoids of other genera such as Eulota similar is, have so wide a range of climate ; and the species of Helix which 314 HELIX. have founded colonies in climates foreign to them, outnumber the* colonized members of all other Helicoid genera together. The causes of this adaptability are obscure. Perhaps the rather unusual toughness of the external integument and the unrivalled complication of the genitalia are factors of importance, the first allowing them a wider range of station with greater variety and opportunity of feeding, the second producing more perfect eggs. It is noteworthy that the dentition is of a very generalized type, show- ing no tendency toward the specialization seen in the radulre of" Polymita, Oxychona, Papuina, or the entire series of genera group- ing around Acavus, Helicophanta and Panda. Such high modifica- tion of dentition as these genera show, must restrict them to the special conditions and food which produced it, and would constitute a bar to their wide dispersal, which is not present in the genus Helix. The jaw is of high type, but the same efficient odontogna- thous form has been developed in many genera. With the exception of Euparypha and Eremina, no divisions of Helix can be based upon anatomical characters, for the features intergrade throughout, offering merely specific differences. The various " sections " of the genus rest wholly upon conchological char- acters, which though quite appreciable to the eye, are often extremely difficult to define in words so that they may be distinguished. The genus Helix is abundantly represented in the Tertiary depos- its of middle Europe, by species belonging without doubt to the modern groups, although in many cases they are practically inter- mediate between some of the latter. The HELICOGENA or Pomatia group is not known with certainty below Pleistocene deposits, although it is barely possible that the Oligocene H. globosa Sowb. belongs here. I do not think this likely ; and the evidence at hand indicates that the group arose upon non-European soil, and spread northward or northwest in a few specific forms which have split in comparatively recent times into numerous species. TACHEA, how- ever, has an extensive range in time, a considerable number of forms appearing in lower Miocene deposits, some showing certain features or Iberus, others with more conoidal spire than usual in normal recent Tacheas, but still having the characteristic columella and band pat- tern. H. bohemica, H. moguntina and H. hortulana are examples* being the " Coryda " of some European authors, so-called on account of the trifling incident of a raised spire. Such forms as H. crepidos- toma Sandb., with keeled earlier whorls, are also to be regarded as. HELIX. 315- a manifestation of this group. In the upper Miocene, H. sylvana>. sylvestrina, etc., represent this group. In late Pliocene and Post- Pliocene times, Tachea was represented by numerous forms, such as sepulta Mich., tonnensis Sandb., and those described by Nevill from Mentone. The section OTALA (Macularia Auct.) has a similar his- tory, appearing at about the same time, in moderately characteristic forms, many with the malleation of the recent species, as seen in H. nayliesi, etc. HEMICYCLA, now confined to the Canary Islands,, seerns to have had a wide range in the Miocene, some species, such as asperula Dh. being excessively similar to recent forms. The iso- lation of the Canaries has evidently preserved there this ancient race. There are a number of Tertiary forms of Europe known to me by figures or poorly preserved specimens only, which will event- ually no doubt form new groups. jET. doderleiniana All. of the Sicilian Pliocene seems to represent a section distinct from Otala, although allied to that group, which may be called Allolcemus. It is distinguished by the extraordinary expansion of the last whorl toward the aperture, after a wide shal- low constriction, causing the throat to be quite narrow, although the mouth is expanded and the outer lip flaring. General form globose- depressed. The specimen before me is from Palermo, collected by Benoit. It has not been considered necessary to give varietal names to the band variations of these five-banded Helices. They may better be expressed by the well known formula originated by Martens pere (Ueber die Ordnung der Bander an den Schalen mehrerer Land- schnecken, 1832), and explained in the Introduction to this vol- ume. Synopsis of sections and subgenera. I. Penis provided with a flagellum. a. Baso-columellarlip straightened and widened by a callous plate within. b. Im perforate, globose-conic, periphery round, smoothish ; usually yellow or white, banded Tachea.. bb. Imperforate, globose-depressed, periphery round, smooth or malleated, solid ; uniform, or speckled and banded Otala. bbb. Globose-depressed, malleated, ribbed or granulate, dark, usually banded Hemicycla.. 316 HELIX. bbbb. Globose or depressed, smooth or striate, with spotted bands Iberus (in part). aa. Baso-columellar lip concave, not wide or flat. b. Large, globular ; lip simple or expanded Helicogena. bb. Depressed, often keeled, ribbed or striate, 0-4 banded Iberus (part) ; Levantina. II. Penis without flagellum ; shell chalky. a. Globose-depressed, heavy, the lip expanded or thickened ; bands few or none Eremina. •aa. Globose or depressed, decussated above, the outer lip not in the least expanded, thickened within ; bands many, rarely none Euparypha. Section Helicogena Ferussac, 1819. Helicogena (part) FERUSSAC, Tab. Syst. Fam. Limagons, p. 27. — Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Merid., p. 60, first species H. pomatia. — CHARPENTIER, Cat. Moll. Suisse, 1837, p. 5, for H. pomatia only. — HARTMANN, Gastr. Schw., p. 98 (for H. pomatia). — Moq.-Tand., Hist. Nat. Moll. Fr. ii, p. 179. — Pomatia Leach, in TURTON'S Man- ual of the Land and Freshwater Shells of the Brit. Is., 1831, p. 45. — BECK, Index Moll., p. 43, and of authors generally. — f Lucena, HARTMANN in Syst. Erd- u. Siisswasser Gastr. Eur., p. 40, 1821. — Pomacea PERRY, Conchology, pi. 38, 1811 (in part; but diagnosis agrees better with Ampullaria species also included). Cantareus Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. Merid., p. 64, (Helix naticoides sole species). — MOQ.-TAND., I c., p. 186. — Canthareus AGASSIZ, Nomencl. Zool., 1847. — Tapada GRAY, in Turton's Manual L. and Frw. Sh. Brit. Is. edit. 1840, p. 127, H. aperta sole species. Cryptomphalus Agassiz in CHARPENTIER, Catal. Moll. Terrest. et Fluv. de la Suisse, in Neue Denkschriften der allg. Schweizerischen Gesellsch. fiir die gesammten Naturwissensch. (— Nouveaux Mem- oires de la Societe Helvetique des Sci. Nat.) i, 1837, p. 5, for arbus- torum, aspersa, rylvatica, nemoralis. — MOQ.-TAND., 1. c. p. 174, restricted to H. aspersa. — Ccenatoria HELD, Isis, 1837, p. 910, for aspersa, lucana, lutescens, pomatia, etc. — Erctella MONTS., Naturalista Siciliano xiii, No. 9, June, 1894, for H. mazzullii. Shell globose or globose-conoid, capacious, with about 4* rapidly widening whorls ; umbilicus narrow or closed ; aperture large, not HELIX. 317 very oblique, lunate ; outer lip simple or expanded, columella long,, concave, not thickened within, its edge reflexed. Type H. pomatia L., Frontispiece, fig. 7; (see also pi. 44, figs. 6, 7, H. asemnisvar. vetusta). Animal large with wide fleshy foot, the sole undivided ; above coarsely gran ose- reticulate ; right and left facial grooves strongly marked ; labial tentacles well developed ; mantle edge bearing a bluntly rounded right body lappet and a similar left one, the latter either continuous or interrupted over the back, but reappearing in a broad rounded lobe on the left side. Top of tail rounded, with a subobsolete median line or none ; back from mantle to head with a pair of longitudinal grooves. (Frontispiece, fig. 7, If. pomatia). H. aperta, H. aspersa and other species examined show the same exter- nal characters. Jaw strong, arcuate, with several stout ribs denticulating both margins. Radula (pi. 67, fig. 11, H. pomatia) with well developed ectocones on central and lateral teeth ; marginals with bifid inner and small simple outer cusps. Genitalia: Penis short, passing into a short epiphallus upon which the retractor is inserted, the epiphallus ending in a long flagel- lum and vas deferens. Dart sack unusually large, containing a four-bladed dart, the blades long, separated from the coronated base by a neck or constriction (pi. 61, fig. 11, aspersa; fig. 15, pomatia). Mucus glands usually divided into several branches subdividing into very numerous fingers, but sometimes (H. aperta, asemnis) the number is as low as four or five. Seminal receptacle globular, on a long, nearly straight duct, which usually bears a diverticulum. Hermaphrodite duct much knotted ; hermaphrodite gland compact. (Frontispiece, figs. 5, 6, H. pomatia, Oberau, Bavarian Tyrol. PI. 61, figs. 12, 15, H. pomatia. PI. 61, fig. 9, H. asemnis. PI. 61, figs. 13, 14, 11, H. aspersa). The typical Helicogenas agree with the types of Otala and with Tachea vindobonensis in having the mucus glands divided and sub- divided into many "fingers"; but as in Otala and Tachea, this is an inconstant feature, the number being 4 or 5 in some species. The main character of the group is its globose shell, and this offers a perfectly tangible sectional feature. The dart sack is larger than in the related sections except Tachea. There is usually a diverticu- . lum developed on spermatheca duct, but in H. pomatia and some other species it is generally absent. 318 HELIX. It has been considered best to revert to Ferussac's name Helico- gena for this group, as the well known name Pomatia must in any each subdivided into several long, slender cylindrical finger-like caeca (pi. 63, fig. 12, H. nemoralis). Distribution, entire Europe. Tachea is one of the most conspicuous and characteristic forms of European snail life. They live on bushes and walls, in gardens, vineyards, etc., and, while avoiding the direct rays of the sun, are light-loving creatures. They colonize freely, H. nemoralis increases rapidly where introduced in America. H. hortensis inhabits many of the islands off the New England coast, and being found in pre- Columbian kitchen-midding deposits, cannot be regarded as a recent immigrant. Possibly it may be the sole survivor of that Viking incursion in the eleventh century. The variations of the Tacheas are mostly in coloring, and it has- not been considered worth while to give below the multitude of names founded on band-variations, etc. There is considerable vari- ation in the size of dart sack, and in the darts of various species, as well as in the number of fingers of the mucous glands, which are generally quite long (15-16 mill, in nemoralis, splendida, coquandi^ 29 in vindobonensis), and vary from four in each group in nemoralis, to from 16 to 30 in vindobonensis. 21 322 HELIX. H. atrolabiata Kr., iv, 124. calligera Dub. v. stauropolitana Schmidt, v. leucoranea Mousson. v. pallasii Dubois. v. decussata Boettger. v. intercedens Retowski. v. nemoraloides Martens. H. vindobonensis Fer., iv, 124. austriaca Miihl. mutabilis Hartm. arvensis Kryn. H. subaustriaca Bgt. H. nemoralis Miill.,iv, 122. /. pura West, Verb. k. k. z.-b. Ges., '92. v. erjaveci Kobelt. v. lucifuga Hartm. appenina Stabile. genuensis Porro. H. hortensis Mull., iv, 123. subglobosa Binn. H. sylvatica Dr., iv, 125. v. montana Stud. v. rhenana Kob. ?v. litturataPfr.,iv,126. H. coquandi Mor., iv, 125. /. nemoraloides Kob. /. nahoni Kob. /. ellioti Kob. /. depressa Kob. H. spleudida Drap., iv, 147. /. roseolabiata Rm. v. cossoni Let., iv, 148. v. calseca Fag. H. aimophila Bgt., iv, 126. v. tchihatcheffi Kob.,iv, 126. v. aimophilopsis Villes, iv, 126. H. vicaria West.,Nachr.,1894,168 (Quaternary fossil species from Mentone.) H. paretiana Issel, iv, 130. monaecensis Ramb. H. oedesima Nev. v. colorata Nev. v. crassior Nev. H. mentonica Nevill. H. bennetiana Nev. H. williamsiana Nev. v. subuemoraiis Nev, v. spanias Nev. Two species described by Deshayes are referred to this group by Pfeiffer. H. gibbosula Desh., iv, 126, and H. filosa Desh., iv, 126. Their localities are unknown, and subsequent authors have not identified them. Section Otala Schumacher, 1817. Archelix ALB., Die Hel.,^1850, p. 14, 21, 98 (exclusive of section £). Maeularia MARTENS Die HeL, 1860, p. 132, and of authors .generally, not Maeularia Albers, 1850. — Helicogena in part of Ferussac, Risso, Beck, et al. — Otala SCHUM., Essai d'un nouv. Syst., p. 191 (for hcemastoma, atomaria = lactea, sulcata = Plieadomus). — MOQ.-TAND. (in part), Hist. Nat. Moll. Fr., ii, p. 142.— Not Otala Beck, 1837, Index, p. 35. HELIX. 323 Shell depressed-globose, imperforate, solid, somewhat cretaceous ; white, wnicolored or banded, a five-banded pattern usually trace- able. Surface usually finely malleated. Last whorl rounded at periphery, deeply deflexed in front. Aperture very oblique, trun- cate-oval, the outer lip expanded and thickened within, baso- columellar lip straightened, reflexed and adnate, widened by an internal callus. Type H. lactea Mull., pi. 44, fig. 11 (see also pi. 44, figs. 9, 10, H. vermiculata). Animal externally like Tachea. Jaw arcuate with blunt ends and 4 to 7 strong, convex ribs den- tating both margins (pi. 67, fig. 4, H. vermiculata). Radula similar to that of Tachea, side cusps being developed in some species, absent in others (pi. 67, fig. 5, H. vermiculata). Geuitalia (pi. 63, fig. 8, H. vermiculata') similar to Tachea, but in the typical species the mucus glands are split into a great number •of caeca, as in Pomatia. Dart coronated at base, with four blades, which may be either simple (H. alonensis, pi. 63, fig. 13) or divided (H. vermiculata, pi. 63, fig. 5). In the group of H. alonensis, balear- ica, minoricensis, etc., the mucus glands have few fingers, as in H. ( Tachea) nemoralis. Distribution, southern Europe, Northern Africa, Canary Islands. This section differs from Tachea in the more compact, solid shell with generally a more deflexed last whorl and irregular color- pattern. It presents no constant anatomical difference from Tachea, but in most species the fingers of the mucus glands are more numer- ous. The name Otala was proposed for three species, placed in two sections. Section a contained hcemastoma (which, being the type of a prior genus, must be eliminated, see ant. p. 153), and atomaria, a new name for lactea Mull. Section b contained the Helix sulcata of Miiller, a form which Swainson, in 1840, made the type of his group Plicadomus. These eliminations leave H. lactea the valid. nucleus of Schumacher's group, and this name should have been adopted by Albers in 1850 ; but, instead, he coined a new one — Archelix. This name was dropped in Marten's edition of Die Heliceen, 1860, and the species placed in Macularia, a group originally proposed by Albers for the spotted and unkeeled Iberus, and which did not originally contain the species vermiculata, which Martens names as its type! As the the type of Macularia had been expressly said to 324 HELIX. be nieiensis by Lowe iu 1854, Martens action clearly cannot be sustained ; and, unless we use the name Otala for this group, it must be called Archelix. Beck's use of Otala has no bearing upon the case, as he included none of Schumacher's species in his group.. H. vermiculata Mull., iv, 128. muraloides Chier. v. thalassina Porro. v. grimaldiensis Nev. v. uticensis Kob. v. gaidurina Bl. & W. v. saharica Kob.,iv, 128. v. linusina Ben. linusce Calc. v. subangulata Iss.,iv, 129. v. pelogosana (Stoss.) West. H. punica Morel., iv, 129. H. constantinse Fbs.,iv, 129. cirtw Terv. v. fleuratiBgt,iv,129. H. boghariensis Deb., iv, 129. H. lactea Miill., iv, 130. irrorata Say. atomaria Schm. /. bertheri Bgt. (albino). v. ezquerriana Bgt. v. turturina (Guirao) Rm. v. maura (Guirao) Rm. simocheila (Bgt.) Serv. v. sevillensis Serv. v. sevilliana (Grat.) Mss. v. murcica Rm. v. axia Bgt. v. malacensis Anc. v. bleicheri Palad. iv, 132. stomatodcea Bgt. v. ibrahimi Bgt. v. sphseromorpha Bgt. v. plesiasteia Bgt. v. bathylsema Bgt.,iv, 130. v. alybensis Kob., iv, 130. v, tagina Serv., iv, 130. H. gibbosobasalis Woll.,iv, 131. H. atavorum Mab., iv, 131. H. ahmarina (B.) Mab., iv, 131. H. punctata Mull., iv, 131. myristiqmcea (Bgt.) Pech. f. galena (Bgt.) Pech. v. punctatissima Jen. v. bredeana Deb. v. apalolena Bgt., iv, 132. H. tingitanaPal.,iv, 132. H. lucasiDh., iv,132. H. ghazouana Deb., iv, 133. H. hieroglyphicula Mich., iv,|133. oranica Bgt. /. integrivittis Anc. H. alabastrites Mich. ,iv, 134. soluta Mich. v. pycnochilia Bgt. H. atlasica Mouss., iv. 134. H. alcyoneKob.,iv,134. H.juilleti Terv., iv, 134. chottica Anc. saidana Deb. v. marguerittei (B.) Pch. v. heliophila (B.) Pch. H. bailioni Deb., iv, 135. H. denansi Kob., iv, 135. H. beguirensis Deb., iv, 135. beguirana\A.uct. H. wagneri Rossm., iv, 136. H. charieia Pech.,iv, 136. H. jourdaniana Bgt.,iv, 136. H. arichensis Deb., iv, 137. v. crassidens Deb.,iv, 137^ v. catodonta (B.) Pech. HELIX. 325 v. lobethana Deb.,iv, 137. H.zaffarina Terv., iv, 137. v. zelleri Kob., iv, 138. /. doubletti Bgt. H. anoterodon Pech., iv, 138. H. dupotetiana Terv., iv, 138. H. brevieri Pech., iv, 139. dupot. v. aspera Gass. v. rugosa Kob. euglyptolena Bgt. v. subbrevieri Bgt. H. xanthodon Ant., iv, 139. v. ema Bgt. v. pseudoernbia Bgt., iv, 141. H. arabica Terv., iv, 139 v. abrolena Bgt. H. odopachya Bgt.,iv, 140. H. bonduelliana Bgt.,iv, 140. v. asteia Bgt. H. leucochilops Pils., iv, 240. leucocheila W., not Cox. H. senilis Morel., iv, 140. H. subsenilis Cr. H. embia Bgt, iv, 140. H. burini Bgt., iv, 141. H. tigri Gerv.. iv, 141. tigriana Bgt. maresi Cr. v. stereodonta Bgt. v. dicallistodon Bgt. H. surrodonta Bgt., iv, 142. H. dastugui Bgt., iv, 142. H. subjobseana Kob., iv, 142. H. jobaeana Cr., iv, 142. H. beaumieri Mouss., iv, 149. H. raymondi Moq., iv, 149. desfontanea Morel. H. efferata Mousss., iv, 145. H. moussoniana Woll., iv, 145. adonis Mouss., not Ang. H. alonensis Fer.,iv, 146. /. lorcana Rossm. v. carthageniensis Rossm. v. campesina Ezq. v. bajoi (Bgt.) Serv. v. loxana Rossm. H. alcarazana Guir., iv, 147. H. guiraoana Rossm., iv, 147. v. augustata Rossm., iv, 147. H. ebusitana Hid. H. marmorata Fer., iv, 147. exornata Parr, v. menobana (Bgt.) Pech. v. violacea Rossm. pulchella Rm. paftschii Bgt. H. balearica Ziegl., iv, 148. hispanica Partsch. speciosa Ziegl. /. valdemusana Bgt. /. eustrapa Bgt. v. companyonii Aler. iv, 148. companyoi West. pyrenaica Rossm. v. palmana (Berth.) Bgt. H. minoricensis Mitt., iv, 148. minorica (Berth.) B. /. sampoli (Bgt.) Pech. H. massylsea Morel., iv, 144. v. zenatia Kob., iv, 144. H. prsedisposita Mss.,iv, 145. H. rereyana Mss.,iv, 145. H. codringtoni Gray, iv, 143. ferussaci C. & J. eucincta Bgt. euchromia Bgt. eupcecilia Bgt. v. pseudoparnassia Mss. v. lycica Mart, v. callirhoe Rolle. 326 HELIX. subsp. parnassia Roth., iv, 1 43. bland Bgt., mss. subsp. oetse Kob., iv, 143. v. pantocratis Broem. /. alba Kob. v. coracis Kob. v. setolica Bttg., iv, 143. subsp. intusplicata Pfr. viii, subsp. crassa Pfr. iv, 144. v. subangulata Kob. [240. Unfigured and imperfectly known species or forms of Otala. H. miloni, parisotiana, hermieri, chydopsis, of (Bgt.) Pechaud. H. ramisi, catharolena, toukriana, galiffetiana, eugastoria, bandotiana, agenna. lucentumensis, acanonica, nitefacta, sticta, azorella, lampri- mathia, takredica, romalea, brocha, seignetti, Bgt. H. cantse chorista, tiranoi (Bgt.) Serv. H. secouria, mattarica Let & Bgt. H. seguyana, acatergastra, speiratopa, bouthyana, alabalstra Pechaud. H. duriezi Deb. H. flattersiana Anc. Section Hemicycla Swainson, 1840. Hemicycla SWAINSON, Malacology, p. 331, type H.plicaria Lam. —Mycena Alb., Die Hel., 1850, p. 123. — Cochlea (part) ADANSON etal Shell imperforate or umbilicate, globose-depressed, solid and opaque ; 5-banded, but the number frequently reduced by the ab- sence of band v or the coalesence of bands ii and iii, sometimes all bands obsolete. Surface strongly striate, decussated or malleated* Whorls 4£ to 6, the last deflexed in front. Aperture very oblique ; lip reflected throughout, thickened within, the baso-columeller mar- gin wider, usually flattened and appressed, often obliquely toothed. Young shells angular or keeled. Type H plicaria Lam., pi. 43, fig. 43 (see also pi. 43, fig. 44, H. saulcyi Orb.). Anatomy unknown. Distribution, Canary Islands. Although the anatomy of this group is still unknown, the close correspondence of its shell to Otala renders its systematic position moderately certain. The soft parts will probably prove the same as in other pentatseniate snails, unless an earlier stage of development be retained in fewer- branched mucus glands. The Canary Island fauna is much less individualized than that of the Madeira, Azores and Cape Verde groups, and in its Helices it seems much more nearly allied to that of the Mediterranean tract. The number of species will probably be somewhat reduced by more critical study of their variations. HELIX. 327 H. plicaria Lam.,iv, 151. H. plicatula Lara. H. orbieulata Wood. H. planorbula Gray. H. H. chersa Mab., iv, 153. H. benthencourtiana Sh., iv, 151. H. H. sarcostoma W. & B., iv, 152. H. v. thaumalea Mab., iv, 152. H. paeteliana Sh., iv, 152. H. H. bathycoraa Mab., iv, 153. H. H. eucalypta Mab., iv, 154. H. sabiniana Mab.. iv, 154. H. zelotaMab.,iv,154. H. H. ephedrophila Mab., iv, 155. H. themera Mab.,iv, 155. H. H. riproclri Mab., iv, 155. H. H. janthiuaMab., iv, 156. H. H. gravida Mouss.,iv, 156. H. H. bathycampa Mab., iv, 157.- H. subgravida Mab., iv, 157. H. H. barckeriana Mab., iv, 157. H. H. cacopista Mab.,iv, 158. H. H. cateucta Mab., iv, 158. H. H. justini Mab.,iv,159. H. H. helygaia Mab., iv, 159. H. H. cacoplasta Mab.,iv, 159. H. H. callipoua Mab., iv, 160. H. perrieri Mab., iv, 160. H. verneaui Mab., iv, 1 61. H. H. idrytaMab.,iv,161. H, H. hedonica Mab.,iv, 161. H. galdarica Mab., iv, 162. H. H. ledrui Mab., iv, 162. H. H. ethelema Mab., iv, 163. H. H. agaetana Mab.,iv, 163. H H. saulcyi Orb., iv, 164. v. temperata Mss., iv, 164. H H. baiaMab.,iv, 164. H H. embritha Mab., iv, 165. H. crypsidoma Mab., iv, 165. stulta Mab., iv, 165. carta Mab.,iv, 166. retrodens Mouss., iv, 166. pouchet Fer., iv, 167. adansoni W. & B. desculpta Mouss., iv, 167. modesta Fer., iv, 167. paivana Lwe. idiotrypa Mab.,iv, 168. malleata Fer., iv, 168. bidentalis Lam. v. nivarise Woll., iv, 169. , glasiana Sh,,iv, 169. pellislacerti Rv. , glyceia Mab., iv, 170. empeda Mab.,iv, 170. fritschi Mouss., iv, 170. , consobrina Fer., iv, 171. v. vetusta Mouss. , evergasta Mab., iv, 17L . cacopera Mab., iv, 172. , bathyclera Mab., iv, 172, . thanasima Mab.,iv,173. , ephora Mab., iv, 173. . cardiobola Mab., iv, 173. . guamartemes Grass., iv, 174. manriquiana Lwe. guartemes Martens. , invernicata Mouss., iv, 174. . maugeana Sh., iv, 175. gaudryi Rv. . distensa Mouss., iv, 175. . hedybia Mab., iv, 176. . perraudierei Grass., iv, 176. . hierroensis Grass., iv, 176. valverdemis Lwe. . indifferens Mouss., iv, 177. . gaudryi Orb., iv, 177. v. evergeta Mab. v. gaudryopsis Mab. 328 HELIX. H. granomalleata Woll., iv, 178. H. quadricincta Morel., iv, 182. H. vermiplicata Woll., iv, 178. H- berkeleii Lwe., iv, 186. H. amblasmodon Mab.,iv, 179. H. saponacea Lwe.. iv, 183. H. zorgia Mab., iv, 179. H. psathyra Lwe., iv, 183. H. planorbella Lam., iv, 180. H. thespesia Mab., iv, 183. villiersii Orb. H. bituminosa Mab., iv, 184 v. incisogranulata Woll. H. merita Mouss., iv, 185. H. inutilis Mouss., iv, 181 H. harmonica Mouss., iv, 185. H. plutonia Lwe., iv, 181. H. gomerensis Morel., iv, 185. H. semitecta Mouss., iv, 181. H. thoryna Mab., iv., 185. H. paivanopds Mab.,iv, 182. H. hedeia Mab., iv, 186. paivana Morel., not Lwe. H. digna Mouss., iv. 186. Section Iberus Montfort, 1810. Iberus MONTF., Conch. Syst. ii, p. 146, type /. gualterianus. — Euiberus WESTERL. Fauna Paliiaract. Binnenconch., Helix, p. 367, 1889, same type. — Macularia ALBERS, Die Hel. 1850, p. 80. — LOWE, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 166, type H. nwiensis Fer.— H. & A. AD., Gen. Rec. Moll, ii, p. 210. Not Macularia of v. Martens and sub- sequent authors. — Murella PFR., Mai. Bl. xxiv, p. 8, proposed for H. serpentina, surrentina, therescv, strigata, carseolana, melitensis, provincialis, muralis. — MONTS., Moll. Terrest. della Isole adiacenti alle Sicilia, p. 32, 33, restricted to group of H. serpentina. — Trans- iberus MONTS., Moll. Terrestri, etc., (in Atti della R. Accad. di Sci- enze, Lettere e Belle Arti (3) ii), p. 33, 1892 ; proposed for Sicilian Iberus. Shell rather cretaceons, imperforate or partly covered perforate, varying from depressed or lens-shaped to globular; solid, smooth or wrinkled, with 0 to 5 spiral bands. Last whorl rounded or keeled, deflexed in front. Aperture very oblique, subovate. Lip expanded on outer and basal margins and thickened within ; columellar lip reflexed, dilated toward insertion. Type H. gualtierana L., pi. 44, fig. 8. See also pi. 44, fig. 15, H. scabriuscula ; figs. 16, 17, H. mur- alis; fig. 18 H. sicana. Jaw (pi. 67, fig. 7 H. serpentina) with 3-6 ribs, denticulating the margins. Sometimes the ribs are almost obsolete. Radula char- acterized by the lack of side cusps on central and lateral teeth, the middle cusps being about as long as the basal plates. Marginals with a long bifid inner cusp and small simple or bifid ectocone (pi. HELIX. 329 -67, fig. 6 H. serpentina). Genital system (pi. 61, fig. 8 H. gualtier- ana; pi. 61, figs. 6, 7, H. muralis; pi. 63, fig. 1, 2, 3, H. serpentina). Penis rather short, the retractor and epiphallus inserted at its apex, epiphallus ending in a moderately long flagellum. Spermatheca globular, on a long duct which bears a diverticulum. Dart sack as in Otala. Mucus glands two, simple, or each dividing into two or three branches. Dart four-bladed, with expanded, feebly cren- ulated base (pi. 63, figs. 1, 2, H. serpentina). The anatomy of Iberus is like that of Otala except in the fewer fingers of the mucus glands. In this respect, both Tachea, Helico- qena and Otala exhibit great variation ; and the same is true of Iberus. It is perfectly clear that no characters whatever, for the separation of these groups, can be obtained from the soft anatomy. They rest wholly upon conchological characters. The dart is not of the typically four-bladed type in some species, although it is in H. gualtierana. In serpentina it seems more like a modified two- bladed form. The group Iberus was originallyp roposed for H. gualtierana only, so that Westerlund's name Eaiberus seems to me wholly superfluous. The next published name for the group was Macularia of Albers, proposed for the species with rounded periphery and shotted bands. Albers selected no type from his list, but in 1854 Lowe named H. niciensis as the type. The name Macularia was used for the species of Albers original list by Morch (Catal. Yoldi, 1852), by H. & A. Adams (Gen. Kec. Moll. 1855) and others, so that both by the formal selection of a type from the original list of species, and by usage in well-known publications, the name became fixed. It was, therefore, directly contrary to the fundamental principles of nomen- clature for Albers-Martens in the second edition of Die Heliceen (1860) to shift the name to the group of H. vermiculata ; and although this unlawful usage has been followed by all later authors to this day, it is too obviously unjustified to stand longer uncor- rected. As to the synonymy of the other sectional names, it would seem that in the absence of characters thei* discussion is not worth the ink it would cost. Bourguignat believes that the north African group of globose Iberus, such as If. sicanoides, is a modification of the H. raymondi stock (Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr. i, p. 7). I. Iberus s. str. Keeled and depressed, coarsely latticed. Mucous glands several-branched. 330 HELIX. H. gualtierana L., iv, 202. obversa Born. v. laurentii Bgt. Spain* II. Murella Pfr. Mucus glands simple. Keeled species : Group of H. sultana ; Algeria, Tripoli,. Morocco. H. sultana Morel., iv, 202. H. leachii Fer., iv, 203. subscabriuseula Bgt. tripolitana Wood. H. culminicola Pons., viii, 234. H. quedenfeldti Mart., viii, 235. H. viola (Pons.) Kob., viii, 234. Keeled species : Group of H. H. scabriuscula Dh., iv, 203. erycina Jan. v. verrucosa Monts., viii, 233. v. selinuntina Ph., iv, 203. v. segestana Ph., iv, 203. v. explanata Ben., iv, 204. v. demissa Ben., iv, 204. v. drepanensis Huet., iv, 204. scalariformis Ben. scabriuscula ; Sicily, Sardinia. H. nadorrica West., viii, 233. tumidosa Monts. H. paciniana Ph., iv, 204. vieta Rm. /. eulasia Westerl. H. grohmanni Phil., iv, 205. H. sardonia v. Mts., viii, 236. v. dorgaliensis Mts., viii, pi. [26, f. 38. H. buelowi Malz., viii, 236. Globose species: Group of H. sicanoides ; Morocco, Algeria. H. weberi Kob., viii, 236. H. tetuanensis Kob., iv, 213. platyclieloides Kob., iv, 211. H. sicanoides Kob., iv, 213. H. boettgeri Kob., iv, 211. H. sollieri Bgt. H. gyrostoma Fer., iv, 212. Globose or globose-depresssed : H. sicana Fer., iv, 213. soluta Zgl. H. platychela Mke., iv, 209. prcetexta Jan. v. rosalise Ben., iv, 209. v. iparia Ben., iv, 209. v. connexa West. Rm. f. 593. H. aschera? Kob., iv, 210. H. ragusse Kob., iv, 208. H. provincialis Ben., iv, 208. Group of H. muralis. Sicily, etc. H. melitensis Fer., iv, 207. /. caruanse Pils., iv, 208. H. ridens v. Mts., viii, 236. /. splendens Malz., iv, 211. f. minor Malz., iv, 211. H. globularis Ziegl., iv, 206. frivaldskyi Calc. /. conspicua Ben., iv, 207. /. cossurensis Ben., iv, 207. /. undulata Kob., iv, 207. HELIX. 331 /. achatina Ben., 207. /. saracena Ben. v. tarentina Kob., iv, 207. v. latilabris Westerl. H. rollei Malz., viii, 236. H. arista Wester!. H. caltabellotensis Kob., viii, H. talamonica Kob., viii, 231 H. tiberiana Ben., iv, 206. H. muralis Mull., iv, 205. abromia Bgt. v. rugosa Ziegl., iv, 205. v. costulata Ben., iv, 205. v. crispata Ben., iv, 206. v. alutacea Paul., iv, 206. v. insularis Ben., iv, 206. v. undulata Mich., iv, 206. communis Ben. orgonensis Philb. v. abrsea (Bgt.) Mab. 232. v. ciofaloi Cafic. v. messanensis Suliotti. v. substrigata (Bgt.) Mab. H. eugenia Pfr., iv, 221. mgenia Parr. calypso Ben. v. huetiana Ben., iv, 221. hueti Pfr. III. Macularia Alb. Mucus glands two or three-branched at ends ; dart peculiar. Depressed species: mainly Italy, Sardinia and Corsica. H. niciensis Fer., iv, 214. nicceensis Rissor., v. faudensis Sulliotti. v. clairi Bgt. H. oberndoerferi Kob., iv, 217. ? halmyris Mab. ? v. tylota Westerl. H. serpentina Fer., iv, 214. v. isilensis (V.) Paul., iv, 215. v. jaspidea Mab., iv, 215. marmorellata Mab. v. trica Paul. v. velanicia Mab. H. isane Paul., viii, 236. H. magnetti Cantr., viii, 236. hospitans Bon., Paul., iv, 215 v. alabastrina Paul., iv, 216. H. carse Cantr., iv, 216. v. orites Westerl. v. adjaciensis Paul., iv, 216. H. cenestinensis Cr. & Deb., iv, [216. H. suburbana Paul., viii, 236. H. pudiosa Paul., iv, 217. v. austera W. forsythi Kob. Icon., n. f., 508. H. villica Paul., iv, 218. H. tetrazona Jan., iv, 218. picvena Tib., iv, 109. /. ascoliensis Bgt. H. strigata Mull., iv, 218. /. posidoniensis Tib., iv, 219. /. corrugata Z., Rm. Icon., 229. f polita Paul., iv, 219. v. sicula Ben., 219. v. umbrica Charp., iv, 218, 224 /. moltenii Ad., West. . v. fuscolabiata Rm., iv, 219. H. theresse (Ben.) Mts., iv, 224. H. surrentina Schm., iv, 218. /. lucana Bl., West. H. saxetana Paul., iv, 224. H. mariaunse Kob., iv, 222. circumornata Kob., olim. 332 HELIX. v. peucetana Kob., iv, 122. carseolana Auct. v. apula BL, iv. 219. marrucina Tib. H. forsythi Paul., iv, 223. v. recondita West., iv, 220. /. orta Paul., iv, 224. v. contaminata Paul.,iv, 220. H. argentarolse Paul., iv, 223. v. uzielliana Paul., iv, 220. H. signata Fer., iv, 223. v. persianii Tib., iv, 220. circumornata Mts. not Fer. v. uniarmata Paul., iv, 220. fauum Miihlf. v. milettiana Paul., iv, 220. /. virginea Blanc. H. nebrodensis Prj., iv, 220. H. scherzeri (Zel.) Pfr. v. silvestrii Cafici, iv, 226. H. carsoliana Fer., iv, 219. Section Levantina Kobelt, 1871. Levantina KOB., Catal. Eur. Binnenconch., p. 19. See for anat- omy SCHMIDT, Stylom., pi. 4, f. 21, and SCHUBERTH, Arch. Naturg., 1892, pi. 5, f. 9, 10. Shell solid, rather cretaceous, large and depressed, the earlier whorls acutely keeled, rendering the sutures rather superficial, last whorl wide, rounded, umbilicate or imperforate, ornamented with 4 or 5 bands of arrow-like spots, or unicolored whitish, deflexed in front. Aperture ovate-rounded, very oblique; lip expanded, the baso-columellar margin reflexed and dilated. Type H. guttata. (See pi. 44, figs. 1, 2, 3, H. guttata var. sesteri.) Jaw with 4-6 ribs denticulating the margins. Radula with the middle cusp of the median and lateral teeth wide, about as long as basal plates, no side cusps. Marginals with a long bifid inner cusp and a small ectocone. Genital system (pi. 61, fig. 10, H. hierosolyma) with penis and flagellum as usual in Otala. Dart sack rather small ; mucus glands 3-branched. Spermatheca duct long, with a long diverticulum. Dart four-bladed. Distribution, Island of Rhodes and Palestine to the Mesopota- miau Desert and Persia. The anatomy offers nothing separating this group from Otala or Iberus, but the characteristic shell and the distribution render it convenient to retain the group. HELIX. 333 H. spiriplana Oliv., iv, 226. H. guttata Oliv., iv, 228. v. malziana (Parr.) Pfr., iv, v. ergilensis Galland. [227. v. sesteri Gall. v. gallandi Bgt. v. michoniana Bgt., iv, 229. H. hierosolyma Boise. baschkira Pfr. /. masadse Tristr., iv, 227. H. mazenderaneusis Nev., iv, 229. /. lithophaga Conr., iv, 228. H. kurdistana Parr., iv, 230. H. cresareana Parr., iv, 227. H. ceratomma Pfr., iv, 231. /. maxima Bgt. H. escheriana Mss., iv, 230. /. carinata Bgt. /. diarbekirana Gall. /. albidula Bgt. /. euthyomphala Gall. /. nana Mouss. H. bellardii Mouss., iv, 231. v. globulosa Bgt. /. occlusa Mouss. H. werneri Rolle, viii, 236. H. ghilanica Mss., iv, 231. H. dschulfensis (Dub.) Bgt., iv, H. urmiensis Naeg., viii, 237. 228. H. ninivita Gall., viii, 238. dschulfensii Dubois. H. lapithcensis Rolle. djulfensis Mouss. H. gertrudis Rolle. H. chrysostomi Rolle. Subgenus (?) PARACHLOR^EA Sandberger. Parachlorcea SANDB., Conch. Vorwelt., p. 292, type H. coquandiana Matheron. Shell iraperforate, lens-shaped, acutely keeled. Last whorl de- flexed in front. Aperture very oblique, angulate-oval, the margins remote; upper margin of lip slightly expanded, basal margin reflexed and appressed. Type H. coquandiana Math. The type of this group is from the French " Palseotherium chalk " of Oligocene age, but similar forms are found in Eocene and in lower Miocene deposits. The group, whether rightly limited or not, is probably a side branch of the Helix phylum. For any one to connect it with Chlorcea, on account of the keel, seems unjustified in view of the vast variability of this character. The development of a keel in Helix, with the consequent modification of shell contour, is a character of the most trivial import. A few of these forms which I have seen, seemed to be keeled manifestations of the Tachea group. 334 HELIX. Subgenus EREMINA Pfeiffer, 1855. Eremina PFR., Mai. BL, 1855, p. 139, sole species H. desertorum. — Eremophila KOBELT, Katalog Eur. Binnenconch., p. 19, 1871 ; Iconographie iv, p. 13. — Erinna MORCH., Journ. de Conch., 1865, p. 387 (desertorum). — Eremia Auct. — Conf. JICKELI Moll. N.-O.- Afrika's, pi. 1, f. 7-9 (dentition, jaws and darts) ; SCHUBERTH, Archiv f. Naturg., 1892, pi. 5, f. 11, 12 (teeth and dart).— SEMPER, Reisen im Arch. Phil. Landmoll., pi. 14, fig. 14 (genitalia). Shell iraperforate or narrowly umbilicate, solid, chalky, with rudely striate surface; white with reddish bands or suffused and streaked with tawny. Whorls about 5, the last somewhat or not descending. Aperture slightly oblique, wide lunate ; lip a little expanded and blunt or greatly thickened, the columellar margin reflexed, arcuate, not thickened by an internal plate of callus. Type H. desertorum Forsk., pi. 44, figs. 12, 13 ; also fig. 14, var. ehrenbergi Roth, (chilembia Bgt.) Jaw stout, arcuate, with blunt ends; having grouped near the middle two to four strong ribs dentating both margins (pi. 67, fig. 9, H. desertorum ; fig. 8, H. desertella). Radula having basal plates rather short; cusp attaining edge of basal plate, the side cusps ob- solete; laterals bicuspid, with a small outer cusp. Marginals having the larger cusp bifid, the ectocone also splitting on the outer ones (pi. 67, fig. 10, H. desertorum). Genitalia: Spermatheca duct long (45 mill.) ivith no diverticulum. Dart sack small, containing a two-bladed dart with serrate crown, and a longitudinal rib or sometimes a blade on one or each side (pi. 63, fig. 6, H. desertorum). Mucus glands 2, long pediceled, branching into 5 to 6 fine tufted fingers. No flagellum on penis, the retractor and vas deferens terminal (pi. 63, fig. 4, H. desertorum). The solid, cretaceous shell and lack of flagellum on the penis ally this group to Euparypha; the long-stalked pair of digitate mucus glands and the tendency to be five-banded are points of like- ness to Tachea. The dart is slightly coronated at base, the head long and two-bladed, but with side ribs which sometimes develop into blades, and it, therefore, is mainly of the type common in Pen- tata3nia. A diverticulum on spermatheca duct is wanting, but this feature varies greatly even among closely allied species. The species are desert forms, inhabiting northeastern Africa. HELIX. 335 H. desertorum Forsk., iv, 127, H. desertorum. [261. v. hasselquisti Ehr. maculosa Born. /. ehrenbergi Roth. irregularis Fer. chilembia Bgt. forskalii Ehr. v. hemprichi Ehr. arabica Roth. v. aschersoni Reinh. psamitus Bgt. H. desertella Jick., iv, 127. gemellarii Ben. H. duroi Hid., iv, 128. rhodia Chemn. /. minor Kob., iv, 261. depressa Mts. haploa West. pachytoichea West. kobelti West. dillwyniana Pfr. Subgenus EUPARYPHA Hartraaun, 1842. Euparypka HARTM., Erd.- u. Siisswasser Gasterop. Schw., p. 204, for H. rhodostoma =pisana. — Conf. for anatomy, SCHMIDT, Sty- lommat., p. 22. pi. 5, f. 23 ; MOQ.-TAND., Moll. Fr,, p. 259, pi. 19, f. 9-19, SCHUBERTH, Arch. f. Naturg., 1892, p. 55, pi. 6,f. 1-3. Shell narrowly umbilicate or subimperforate, compact, solid, creta- ceous, subglobose or depressed and keeled, white or light, usually decorated with many dark irregularly placed bands and lines. Sur- face striated, the striae decussated by spiral mcised lines, at least on the spire. Suture superficial ; last whorl descending or straight ; aperture little oblique, lunate, the lip sharp, not expanded, thickened by an internal callus rib, columellar end triangularly reflexed. Type H. pisana, pi. 43, figs. 37, 38. Jaw well arched, with two or three strong ribs denticulating both margins. Radula as in Pentatsenia, Helicigona, etc. ; the middle cusp of middle tooth is longer than the short, square basnl plate, side cusps small ; laterals similar but without inner cusp, outer cusp larger; marginals with a long bifid inner cusp and smaller outer cusp, the latter split on the outer teeth. Genital system (pi. 61, figs. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, H. pisana) characterized by the lack of flagellum on penis, the retractor and vas deferens ter- minal; spermatheca duct long, without a diverticulum (or accord- ing to Schmidt with a short one) ; mucus glands two, long, simple and tubular. Dart sack small, containing a straight, four-edged, coronated dart (fig. 2, 4, 5) like that of Tachea splendida. 336 HELIX. Distribution, Mediterranean region, Canary Is., Madeira, etc.; JET_ pisana extending to southern England and throughout the whole range of the genus. H. macandreiviana is confined to the tiny Atlantic Islands known as the Salvages; H. impugnata and the beautiful varieties geminata, grasseti, hierophanta of H. pisana, are Canarian. The cretaceous, many-banded shell, with non expanded, inwardly thickened lip, is more like that of Helicella than the Pentatseniates ; and the lack of a flagellum is also a strong differential feature, allying Euparypha to Eremina. The single dart sack with its four-sided dart is a structure char- acteristic of the five-banded group; and the right eye retractor passes between the branches of the genitalia, as in normal Helices ; these features at once removing Euparypha trom the Xerophiloid stock. The simplicity of the two mucus glands is a character in common with Helicigona and Iberns ; and evidently represents an, earlier stage of development than the digitate type, which has been retained in these groups. I suppose the lack of flagellum to be a degenerative change. Euparypha is, therefore, a curious mixture, the mucous glands being of antique character, the male organs degenerate, and the dart modernized. Teeth and jaw offer nothing characteristic. H. pisana, the typical species, is an abundant snail from northern Africa to southern England and the Atlantic islands. It has been split by "new school" authors into a multitude of alleged species, some of which may prove worth retention as local varieties. The principal names are as follows : thusuroi, subpisana Bgt., brysce, radesiana (Mares) Bgt., chambardi, salemensis, gergisensis, carpiensis, hamadanica, djerbanica, zitanensis Let. & Bgt., maculata Mke., anonyma W., donatii, levesquei (Berth.) Bgt., pisanella, pisanopsis, dermoi Serv. Other synonyms are zonaria Penn., petholata Oliv. rhodostoma Dr., eigenda Mont., slrigata Dillw., leucostoma Risso, and doubtful varieties are perruginea, Mke., pundella M.-T., subzonata Bgt., sigarellina Charp., alboranensis (Webb. & Berth.) Mab. (not Pfr. et Auct.), catocyphia Bgt., iii, 256, hyperplatceaServ., etc.; etc. H. macandrewianaPfr., iii, 224. v. pisanopsis Serv., iii, 225. ustulata Lwe. v. aegusse Kob., iii, 225. H. pisana Miill., iii, 224. v. sardoa Ziegl., iii, 224. / decorata Pfr., iii, 225. v. graphica Morel. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 337 cestivalis Bgt. callio4oma A. & R. v. geminata Mouss., iii, 224. H. dehnei Rm., iii, 225. alboranensis Pfr., iii, 224. epigtottidea Bk. v. hierophanta Mab., iii, 225. f. erythronixia Bgt. v. grasseti Tarn., iii, 225. f. thlipsa West. pisanoides Orb. H. subdentata Fer. iii, 226. H. impugnata Mouss., iii, 226. subcarinata Mke. /estiva Lwe., Mss. cince Kl. v. subgeminata Mouss. H. pisaniformis Bgt., iii, 227. H. planata Chemn., iii, 226. H. comaliana Bgt., iii, 227. helieella Wood. v. tiani Bgt., iii, 227. v. arietina Rossm. v. tohenica Bgt., iii, 227. v. erythrostoma Ph. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Genus TROCHOMORPHA (p. 1). To species of first group on page 4, add : T. horiomphala Pfr., iv, 51. T. cathcart% Reeve, iv, 51. From list of Philippine I. species omit T. conomphala Pfr., which is a young Obba parmula, teste Ponsonby in litt., and T. radula Pfr. a species of Bensonia ; and add : T. crassula Mlldff. T. gracilis Mlldff. T. pseudosericina Mlldff. T. suturalis Mlldff. T. morongensis Mlldff. T. heptagyra Mlldff. T. alticola Mlldff. T. sericina Mlldff. T. schmackeri Mlldff. T. splendidula v. carinaria Mlldff T. intermedia Mlldff. T. boholensis Semper. Mollendorff (Ber. Senck. Nat. Ges. 1893, p. 74) considers the well-distinguished local races sibuyanica Hid., boettgeri Mlldff., with qvadrasi Hid. as referable to metcalfei Pfr. if it be advisable to under- stand the species in such wide limits. Is Tr.stenozona Mlldff., men- tioned as a new species from Luzon, but still undescribed, in Ber. Senck. Ges. 1890, p. 213, another form of this species? T. natunensis Smith, Ann. Mag. N. H. '94, 455. Natuna Is. T. partunda (not " partunga," p. 5) Angas. T. hidalgoana Crosse (p. 6) is reported by Brazier from N. Georgia, Solomon Is. 22 338 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Genus PUNCTUM Morse (p. 6). Add : P. massoti Bgt., iii, 29, shown by Pollonera to belong here. Genus LAOMA Gray (p. 8). Add the following species described in Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxvi. L. ciliata Suter. And to section Phrixgnathus, these from New Zealand : L. murdochi Suter. L. cheesemani Suter. And the following from Tasmania: (see Ann, Mag. N. H., Jan., 1894, p. 64). L. weldii Tenison-Woods. L. pipaensis Petterd. L. furneauxensis Petterd. L. halli Cox. L. hobarti Cox. Genus FLAMMULINA Mart. (p. 10). Suter in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Jan., 1894, p. 64, gives a classifica- tion of Tasmanian Flammulinas from the examination of the denti- tion, as follows: Sect.: Flammulina: F. jungermannise Pett., sitiens Cox, luck- manni Braz. Sect.: Gerontia: F. albanensis Cox, stanleyensis Pett., legrandi Cox, marchiannse Cox, diemenensis Cox, gadensis Cox, tasmanise Cox, subrugosa Braz., mathinuae Pett., macdonaldi Cox, bassi Braz., tamarensis Pett. Sect. : Phacussa : F. savesi Pett., stephensi Cox, hamiltoni Cox. Sect.: Allodiscus: F. limula Cox. Sect.: T/talassohelix : F. fordei Braz. Some of these may prove to be Charopas, however. P. 13, add after tranquilla Cox, iii, 26. After hamiltoni Cox, iii, 87. ccepta Cox should stand coepta. Section Allodiscus Pils. (p. 14). F. smith! Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxvi. F, rustica Suter, t. c. p. 135. Section Pyrrha Hutt. (p. 15). F. subincarnata Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst., xxvi, p. 133. Section Phenacolielix Sut. (p. 16). F. pilula v. unicolor Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxvi, p. 134. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS.. 339 Section Flammulina Mart. (p. 18). The species novarce proves to belong to Zonitidce, and should be removed from list on p. 18. F. pilsbryi Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst., xxvi, p. 133. Section Carthcea Hutton, 1884. Carthcea HUTTON, Trans. N. Z. Inst., xvi, p. 189, type H. kivi. These smooth, subtrochiform shells, with conspicuously streaked color-pattern, prove to belong to Flammulina, the typical species having been investigated by Mr. Suter. F. kivi is from New Zea- land, floscu lus from Norfolk Island. F. kivi Gray, iii, 37. F. flosculus Cox, viii, 77. irradiata Gld. radiaria Pfr. Genus ENDODONTA Alb. (p. 20). P. 24. E. sculptilis Pease should be a synonym under E.frater- cula Pse. the former name being preoccupied in Helix. On p. 27 add iii, 39, after E. lamellicosta Garrett. Add to list : E. mariannarum Quadr. & Mild if., Nachr. D. M. Ges. 1894, p. 14. E. heptaptycha Quadr. & Mlldffi, Nachr. D. M. Ges. 1894, p. 15. Mr. Suter in Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, viii, p. 494, adopts the etymology "hunnaensis" for E. (Ptyehodon) hunuaensis of his several previous publications. As I do not find the Hunua or Hunna Range on the maps accessible to me, I do not know which spelling is correct. Add on p. 28 these from St. Helena (Conchologist ii, pp. 164, 165): E. sexdentata Smith. E. perarmata Smith. Section Charopa Alb. On p. 31, " Pterotropis" was a pen-error for Pterodiscus. Omit " E. raricostata " from list on p. 33 ; place E. coma var. beta as a synonym under v. globosa Suter ; add after E. ostiolum Cr., ii, 180. E. serpentinula Suter is a variety of bitccinella Rve. E. muta- bilis Suter is a synonym of tau Pfr. E. anguiculus Reeve (p. 32). E. pseudocoma Suter. v. raontivasra and v. fuscosa Sut. 340 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Add the following Marianne and Natuna Island species of Charopar Nachr. D. M. Ges. 1894, p. 13, 14 : E. fusca Quadr. & Mlldff. E. quadrasi Mlldff. E.rottila Quadr. & Mlldff. E. persculpta Sm., Ann. Mag. '94, The Helix (Helicella) australis of Menke, from Mt. Eliza, Swan River, may possibly belong to Charopa if it is really Australian • but it certainly does not look like one. See vol. iii, p. 103. On p. 33, E. microscopica Cox (not Krauss) must be dropped iiv favor of E. microcosmos Cox. On p. 34, E. " cupera " Cox=cuprea. For " retepora " and " re- teporoides," read reiipora and retiporoides. Genus PHASIS Alb., and Trachycystis Pils. (p. 37). Suter (Ann. Mag. N. H. 1894, p. 60) believes a caudal pore to be present in Pella burnupi, the dentition of which he figures. None was visible in the badly preserved specimens of P. rariplicata ex- amined by me. On p. 39 the following corrections should be made i P. inclara Morel. P. zanguebarica Crav., iii, 105. H. inops Morel, not Mouss. Genus SCULPTARIA (p. 39). Possibly this may prove to be a genus of Protogona. Ponsonby writes that Ancey's S. chapmanni (subsequently changed to S. mel- villiana, Brit. Nat. 1892, p. 126) has been compared with the type of damarensis H. Ad., and found to be absolutely the same. Genus AMPHIDOXA (p. 41). A. chiliensis Muhl. (not chilensis*). A. tenuistria Phil, (not tenuistriata). Genus PYRAMIDULA (p. 42). Section Microconus Strebel & Pfeffer, 1880. Microconus STREBEL & PFEFFER, Beitr. Mex. Land- und Suss- wasser-Conchyl. iv, p. 29, type M. ivilhelmi Pfr. This name is proposed for a small species of eastern Mexico resem- bling Pyramidula rupestris in contour, but ribbed as in P. rotundata or perspective It can hardly be regarded as more than a " section " of Pyramidula. The position of hermanni and mazatlanica is doubt- ful. ' ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 341 P. wilhelmi Pfr., iii, 53. P. Hermann! Pfr., iii, 22. P. mazatlanica Pfr., ii, 204. Section Patulastra Pfr. (44). P. massoti Bgt. has been shown to be a Punctum. P. luseana Paiva becomes a synonym of P. placida Shuttl., an earlier name. The name luseana is repeated by error at foot of p. 47. P. tenuicos- tata Shuttl. being preoccupied in Helix, Servain calls the species shuttleworthi. Section Gonyodiscus (p. 45). Add to list of species, p. 47, the following Palsearctic forms : P. machadoiMilne-Edw. P. kompsa Mabille. rotundata Morel. concinna Lwe. not Jeffr. v. azorica Mouss. P. rotundata Mull. P. scutula Shuttlw. v. infracostata Westerl. P. omalisiana Bgt. abietina Paul., non Bgt. omalisma, err. typ., p. 47. P. chaperi West. Verh. k.-k. zool.- P. putrescens Lowe. bot. Gesell. Wien. 1892, p. 27. P. ganoda Mabille. Section Lyrodiscus (p. 48). The type of this group is believed by Wollaston to be a Zonitid. This is not unlikely, but the shells before me are dull, and the animal is unknown. Section Lynda Wollaston, 1878. Lyrula WOLLASTON, Testacea Atlantica p. 382, type H. loweana. Wollaston is disposed to class this elegant, spirally laciniate Pat- uloid snail with the Madeiran H. lentiginosa. The single species is from Lanzerote, Canary Is. P. loweana Wollaston: (Not lowei Fer.) torrefacta Lowe not C. B. Ad. usurpans Furtado, iv. 40. Section lulus Woll., 1878, This (preoccupied) name is proposed by Wollaston (Test. Atlant. p. 326) for thePatulagarachicoensis Woll. (H. agrestis Lwe. in litt.\ a minute form found in Tenerife, Canary Is. It is said to have rela- tions with P. putrescens Lwe. of Palma, and P. bertholdiana Pfr., of the Cape Verdes. P. garachicoensis has not been figured, and I have seen no specimens. A variety submarmorata is described by Woll- aston. 342 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Genus PARARHYTIDA Anc. (p. 52). Mr. T. D. A. Cofkerell has called my attention to the fact that the name Saissetia (p. 53) is preoccupied in entomology (Coccidce), see Zool. Rec. 1865, and Proc. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1893, p. 54. He proposes to call the m oil u scan group PLATYRHYTIDA, the species- saisseti being its type. Genus THYSANOPHORA. P. 58, add to synonyms of T. boothiana, H. mauriniana Orb., (" lavalleana " on plate). The reference after T. incrustata should stand : ii, 204. Genus POLYGYRA (p. 68). Add to list on pp. 76, 77, P. thyroides v. pulchella Ckll., (Journ. of Conch. 1892, p. 39), and P. sanburni W. G. Binn., iii, 145. Kingston, Idaho. Genus POLYGRATIA (p. 81). Cancel the sectional name Entodina, (p. 83) and the species rey- rei Souv., as a radula received from Prof. Gwatkin proves it to belong to Streptaxidce. The other species are quite different, and may as well be placed in Sysirophia, from which they differ only in the parietal lamina. Genus PLEURODONTA, Section Isomeria (p. 93 ). P. meyeri Strubell, Conchyl. Cab., p. 693. Genus CA1VLENA (p. 101). C. stolidota Quadr. & Mlldff. Paragua, Philippines. The radula of C. cicatricosa is figured on pi. 34, fig. 10, from a mount kindly lent me by Prof. Gwatkin. Section Pse,udobba Mlldff. (p. 105). C. brunonis Kobelt, Conch. Cab., p. 681. Halmaheira, Genus OBBA (p. 107). Add H. conomphala Pfr. to synonymy of 0. parmnla (p. 109). O. viridiflava Mlldff. O. marginata v. nan a Mlldff. G. subhorizontalis Mlldff. v. pullescens Mlldff. O. flavopicta Mlldff. O. moricandi v. radiata Mlldff. O. basidentata v. grandis Mlldff. O. scrobiculata v. conoulalis Mlldff. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. 343 Genus PLANISPIRA Beck (p. 110). Add to species of Cristigibba, (p. 113). P. parthenia Kobelt. Conch. Cab., pi. 200, f. 9,10. And to list on p. 114, the following from W. Australia, Proc. Mai. Soc. i, p. 93. P. bathurstensis Smith. P. gascoynensis Smith. Genus CHLORITiS (p. 117). Add these Australian species, which may belong in the preceding group : C. millepunctata Smith. C. rectilabrum Smith. v. cassiniensis Smith. C. subsulcata MlldfF. Cuban, Calamianes Is. €. latecostata Kobelt. C. (Sulcobasis ?) djamnensis Kob. C. buxina Heude. China. Genus THERSITES (p. 125). Section Badistes Gld. (p. 129). Add below T. OSCARENSIS Cox (p. 131) the synonym H. (Rhagada) inconvicta Smith, Proc. Mai. Soc. i, p. 90. Add to T. DERBYI Cox (p. 131) the synonym H. (Trachia*) derbyana Smith, t. c., p. 92. And the following species, described in the same place, all from N. W. Australia : T. obliquerugosa Smith. T. sykesi Smith. T. prudhoensis Smith. T. imitata Smith. T. burnerensis Smith. v. cassinieusis Smith. T. montalivetensis Smith. Subgenus RHAGADA (p. 135). Smith in Proc. Malac. Soc. i, p. 89, suggests that H. torulus Fer. is the same as j reinga Gray, and places H. elachystoma Mart, as a synonym under richardsoni Sm. He queries the subgeneric refer- ence of plectilis and carcharias, but it seems to me unnecessarily, for the specimens of both examined by me are very close to typical Rhagada. 344 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Genus PAPQINA (p. 136). Col. Beddome writes me that Helix plurizonata Adams & Reeve, described evidently in error from Borneo, is really the same as torn- asinelliana Tap. -Can. (p. 142) and agnocheilus Smith, which, there- fore, become synonyms. Also that the "Group of P. antiqua" (p. 141) consists of one species, antiqua, of which the other names are synonyms. Add the following: P. divaricata Kobelt. P. lintschuana Kobelt. The latter much like P. goldiei Braz. (p. 141), and like that, of doubtful generic position. Genus PLECTOPYLIS (p. 143). P. quadrasi Mlldff. Nachr. 1893, p. 172. P. azona Gredl., viii, 158. P. vallata Hde., viii, 158. Genus PYROCHILUS (p. 154). P. pyrostoma vars. lucernalis and nigrescens Kobelt. Genus EPIPHRAGMOPHORA. P. 197, for petasensis read patasensis. Genus EULOTA (p. 200). Add to Plectotropis, p. 209 : E. luzonica Mlldff., Nachr. '94, p. 105. Genus HELICOSTYLA (p. 216). Col. Beddome (in Hit.) informs me that Cochlostyla belcheri is a bleached velata ; C. andromache is a color-variety ofpolillensis. Another name for Orthostylus is BULINA Lesson, Illustr. de Zool. 1831, pi. 22, for Helix (Bulina) rufogaster. Perhaps it is meant for a spelling of Bulimus. Genus LEUCOCHROA (p. 234). Add : L. debeauxi v.hypophysa West., Verh. k.-k zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, '92, p. 26. The list on pp. 249, 250, was intended to be alphabetical, but through wrong paging of the mss. this end was defeated. REFERENCE TO PLATES FRONTISPIECE. FIGURE. PAGE. 1. Ganesella japonica Pfr. Genitalia. Pilsbry, del. . . . 168 2. Ganesella japonica, end of penis laid open. Pilsbry, del. . 168 3. Dorcasia alexandri Gray. Genitalia. Pilsbry, del. . . 172 4. Helicostyla (Crystallopsis) conformis Fer After Tap.-Can. 220 5. Helix pomatia, penis, dart sack and vagina opened. Pilsbry, del. ^6. Helix pomatia L. Pilsbry, del. ..... 317 a.gl. albumen gland; air. atrium; d.s. dart sack; epi. epi- phallus; fl. flagellum; h.gl. hermaphrodite gland; m.gl. mucus gland ; p. penis ; r. penis retractor ; sp. spermatheca ; sp.d. spermatheca duct; ut. uterus; vag. vagina; v.d. vas deferens. 7. Helix pomatia, showing mantle lobes, etc. Pilsbry, del. 317 8. Leptaxis undata Lowe, dart sack and mucus glands. Pilsbry, del. 292 9. Leptaxis undata Lowe. Pilsbry, del. 292 PLATE 1. 1. Laoma leimonias Gray. Pilsbry, delin. ... 8 2. Laoma acanthinulopsis Sut., teeth. After Suter, . . 8 3,4. Laoma glabriuscula Pfr., teeth and jaw. After Suter, . 8 5. Punctum cryophilum Mart., jaw. After Jickeli, . 6. Punctum pygmseum Dr. After Schako, Mai. Bl., xx, . 7 7. Punctum pygmseum, one plate of jaw x 1000. Ibid. . 7 8. Punctum conspectum Bid. Teeth. Pilsbry, del. . . 7 9. 'Punctum conspectum Bid., jaw. After Bin ney, . . 7 10. Laoma (Phryxgnathus) celia Hutt. Pilsbry, del. . . 8 11-13. Punctum pygmseum Drap. Pilsbry, del. ... 7 14, 15, 16. Amphidoxa (?) hookeri Rve. Anat. Monatsber. Berl. Akad., 1877, .... .40 PLATE 2. 1, 2, 3. Flammulina (Phacussa) hypopolia Pfr. Suter, Tr. N.Z. Inst. xxiv, ... ... 12 4, 5. Flammulina (Gerontia) pantherina Hutt. Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xvi, 14 (345) 346 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE, 6, 7. Flamnmlina (Phenacohelix) pilula Reeve. Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xvi 16 8. Flammuliua (Suteria) ide Gray. Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xvi, 17 9, 10. Flammulina (Pyrrha) cressida Hutt. Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xiv, ........ 15 11. 12. Flammulina (Allodiscus) tullia Hutt. Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv, . . . . . . .14 13, 14. Flammulina(Allodiscus)godeti Sot. Suter, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv, 14 15, 16. Flammulina corneofulva Pfr. Suter, Trans. N. Z. Inst., xxiv, ........ 18 17, 18. Flammulina chiron Gray. Suter, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxiv, .18 19, 20. Flammulina (Therasia) decidua Gray. Suter, Trans. N. Z. Inst., xxiv, 16 21. Flammulina (Therasia) thaisa Hutt. Hutton, Trans. N. Z. Inst, xvi, ........ 16 PLATE 3. 1-3. Flammulina (Gerontia) pantherina Hutt. Shepperd, del. 14 4-6. Flammulina (Allodiscus) planulata. Hutt. Pilsbry, del. 14 7-9. Flammulina (Monomphalus) rossiteriana Cr. J. de Conch., 1873, 19 10, 11, Flammulina (Phacussa) hypo polia Pfr. Shepperd, del. 12 12. Flammulina (Allodiscus) tullia Gray, apexx 24. Pilsbry, del ' . 14 13. Flammulina (Phenacohelix) pilula Reeve. Pilsbry, del. . 16 14-16. Flammulina (Therasia) thaisa Hutt. Type. * Suter, del 15 17-19. Flammulina (Pyrrha) cressida Hutt. Type. Suter, del '. . . 15 20-22. Flammulina (Calymna) costulata Hutt. Type. Suter, del 18 23. Flammulina zebra Le Guill. Conch. Icon. . * 17 24-26. Flammulina (Suteria) ide Gray. Shepperd, del. . . 17 27. Flammulina (Thalassohelix) zelandise Gray. Hutton, Tr. N. Z. Inst . .13 28. Flammulina (Thalassohelix) ziczac Gld. Pilsbry, del. . 13 29. Flammulina (Thalassohelix) zelandise Gray. Shepperd, del 13 PLATE 4. 30-32. Endodonta (Ptychodon) aorangi Suter. Pilsbry, del. . 28 33, 34. Endodonta (Thaumatodon) derbesiana Cr. Pilsbry, del. 2fr REFERENCE TO PLATES. 34T FIGURE. PAGE. 35-37. Endodonta (Thaumatodon) multilamellata Grt. Pils- bry, del 26 38. Internal palatal lamellae of same, x 100. Pilsbry, del. . 26 39. Endodonta obolus Gld. Pilsbry, del 25 40. 41. Endodonta lamellosa Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . 25 42, 43. Endodonta (Helenoconcha) polyodon Sowb. P. Z. S., 1892, 28 44. Endodonta (Pterodiscus) alata Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . . 36 PLATE 5. 45-48. Endodonta (Libera) subcavernula Tryon. Pilsbry del 49, 50, 51. Endodonta ? (Brazieria) velata H. & J. Pilsbry del 52, 53. Endodonta fabrefacta Pse. Pilsbry, del. . 54. Endodonta (Diglyptus) pagodiformis Sm. Pilsbry, del. PLATE 6. 23 29 25 22 55, 56. Endodonta (Paratrochus) dalbertisi Braz. Hedley, P. L. S. N. S. W 31 57-59. Endodonta (Charopa) coma Gray. Pilsbry, del. . 31 60. Endodonta (Phenacharopa) novoseelandica Pfr. Pilsbry, del 29 61, 62. Endodonta (Tropidotropis) trichocoma Cr. J. de Conch., 1868, 36 63-65. Endodonta (Charopa) tapirina Hutt. Pilsbry, del. . 31 66. Endodonta (Nesophila) tiara High. Aperture. Pilsbry, del. . 27 67, 68. Endodonta (Aeschrodomus) stipulata Rve. Pilsbry, del . 30 69, 70. Flammulina (Rhytidopsis) chelonites Crosse. J. de Conch., 1868, 20 71-73. Endodonta (Acanthoptyx) acanthinula Cr. Pilsbry, del 36 PLATE 7. 1-3. Trochomorpha quadrasi Hid. Shepperd, del. . . 1 4-6. Trochomorpha merzianoides Grt. Shepperd, del. . 1 7. Trochomorpha meleagris Pfr. Shepperd, del. . . 1 8, 9. Trochomorpha trochiformis Fer. Shepperd, del. . 1 10-12. Amphidoxa marmorella Pfr. Conchyl. Cab. . . 40 13-15. Trochomorpha planorbis Less. Wiegrn., Webers' Zool. Erg 1, 2 16-18. Amphidoxa (?) hookeri Rve. Monatsber Berl. Akad., 40 348 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 1877, . 40 19-21. Amphidoxa (Stephanoda) dissimilis Orb. Voy. Am. MSrid ... 40 22-24. Pararhytida (Platyrhytida) saisseti Mont. Shepperd, del 54 25-27. Pararhytida dictyodes Pfr. Shepperd, del. . . 53 PLATE 8. 1, 2. Endodonta (Phenacharopa) novoseelandica Pfr. Suter Tr. N. Z. Inst., xxiv, . . 3, 4. Endodonta (Aeschrodomus) barbatula Rve. Suter, Tr N. Z. Inst., xxiv, 5, 6. Endodonta (Ptychodon) microundulata Suter. Suter Tr. N. Z. Inst., xxiv, ..... 7, 8. Pararhytida (Platyrhytida) astur Sow. W. G. Binn Dent. Pulm. Moll. . . . . 9-12. Trochomorpha assimilis Grt. Pilsbry, del. 13, 14. Trochoraorpha beckianaPfr. After Semper, . 15, 16. Trochomorpha metcalfi Pfr. After Semper, 16. Base of uterus of same, showing high insertion of v. d. 17. Trochomorpha troilus Gid. After Semper, 18, 19. Trochomorpha subtrochiformis. After Semper, PLATE 9. 29 30 28 54 1 1 1 1 1 1 20, 21. Endodonta (Charopa) sylvia Hutt. After Suter, . 32 22. Endodonta huaheinensis Grt. After Binney, . . .25 23, 24. Endodonta (Charopa) coma Gray. Pilsbry, del. . 32 25. Endodonta (Acanthoptyx) acanthinula Cr. Pilsbry, del. 36 26. Endodonta (Libera) tumuloides Grt. After Binney, . 23 27-29. Flammulina delta Pfr. After Hedley, . . .19 30-33. Trochomorpha timorensis Mart. After Stoliczka, . 2 34. Endodonta recedens Grt. Pilsbry, del 23 35-37. Pararhytida dictyodes Pfr. After Fischer, . . 53 PLATE 10. 1-3. Phasis menkeana Pfr. Shepperd, del., . . .37 4. Sculptaria sculpturata Gray. Conch, Icon., . . .39 5, 6. Phasis (Trachycystis) bisculpta Bens. Pilsbry, del. . 37 7. Phasis (Trachycystis) bisculpta, apex. Pilsbry, del. . 37 8, 9. Phasis (Trachycystis) browningii Bens. Pilsbry, del. 37 10, 11. Pyramidula (Planogyra) asleriscus Morse. After Morse, 45 12, 13. Pyramidula (Gonyodiscus) rotundata Mull. Pilsbry, del. 46 REFERENCE TO PLATES. 349 FIGURE. PAGE. 14. Pyramidula (Gonyodiscus) solaria Mke. Pilsbry, del. . 46 15, 16. Pyramidula rupestris Drap. Pilsbry, del. . 44 PLATE 11. 17, Pyramid ula strigosa Gld. Pilsbry, del 49 18, 20, 23. Pyramidula alternata Say. Pilsbry, del. . . 49 19, 22, 26. Pyramidula perspectiva Say. Pilsbry, del. . 46 21. Pyramidula asteriscus Morse. After Binney, . . .45 24. Pyramidula (Helicodiscus) lineata Say. After Binney, . 51 25. Pyramidula rupestris Drap. Pilsbry, del. . . .44 27. Pyramidula strigosa Gld. After Binney, . . .49 28. Pyramidula strigosa Gld. Pilsbry, del. . .49 PLATE 12. 1,3,7. PlanispirazonariaL. After Taparone-Canefri, , 110 2. PlanispirazonariaL. After v. Martens, . . . 110 4-6. Planispira zonaria L. Shepperd, del. . . . 110 8. Planispira (Cristigibba) plagiocheila T.-C. After Tap.-Can. 113 9, 10, 12. Planispira (Cristigibba) dominula T.-C. After Tapperone-Canefri, . . . . . .113 11, 13, 15. Planispira (Cristigibba) macgregori Hedl. After Hedley, . .... 112 PLATE 13. 16, 17. Papuina grata Mich. Tapparone Canefri, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xix, . 137 18, 19, 22. Papuina taumantias T.-C. Tapparone- Canefri, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xix, ..... 137 20, 21. Papuina yulensis Braz. Tapparone-Canefri, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. xix, 137 23, 24. Papuina boyeri F. & B. Hedley, P. L. S. N. S. W. . 137 25. Papuina louisiadensis Forbes. Hedley, P. L. S. N. S. W. 137 26, 27. Papuina brumeriensis Forbes. Hedley, P. L. S. N. S. W. 137 28. Papuina macgillivrayi Forbes. From orig. sketch by Hedley, . 137 29. Papuina fringilla Pfr. After W. G. Binney, . . .138 PLATE 14. 29-31. Pyramidula (Helicodiscus) lineata Say. Pilsbry, del 32, 33. Pyramidula (Atlantica) semiplicata Pfr. Pilsbry, del 34-36 Pyramidula alternata Say. Terr. Moll, iii, 37-39. Pyramidula strigosa Gld. Terr. Moll, iii, . 40, 46. Pyramidula alternata Say. Pilsbry, del. . 51 51 48 48 48 350 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 47, 48. Pyramidula (Helicodiscus) lineata Say. After Morse, 51 41, 42. Pupisoma lignicola Stol. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., 1870, 52 43, 44. Pupisoma philippinica Mlldff. Landschn. Cebu, . 52 45. Pyraraidula perspectiva Say. Pilsbry, del. . . .46 PLATE 15. 1. Pyramidula lineata Say. Pilsbry, del 51 2. Pyramidula balmei Pot. & Mich. Pilsbry, del. . . 46 3. 4. Trachycystis bisculpta Bens. Pilsbry, del. . . 37 5, 6. Thysanophora turbiniformis Pfr. After Binney, . . 55 7-10. Thysanophora peraffinis Ad. Pilsbry, del. . . 55 11, 12. Camsena (Pseudobba) quoyi Pfr., jaw. Mai. Bl. xx, 105 13, 14. Cama3na (Pseudobba) quoyi Pfr., teeth. Mai. Bl. xx, 105 PLATE 16. 1, 2. Thysanophora turbiniformis Pfr. Shepperd, del. . 55 3. Thysanophora conspurcatella Morel. Pilsbry, del. . 55 4. Thysanophora caeca Guppy. Pilsbry, del. . . .55 5-7. Thysanophora hypolepta Shuttlew. Pilsbry, del. . 55 8-10. Thysanophora stigmatica Pfr. Shepperd, del. . . 55 11-13. Sagda cookiana Gmel. Shepperd, del. . . .59 14, 15. Sagda alligans C. B. Ad. Shepperd, del. . . .60 16, 17. Sagda connectens C. B. Ad. Shepperd, del. . . 60 18-20. Sagda (Hyalosagda) similis C. B. Ad. Shepperd, del. 64 21. Zaphysema tenerrima C. B. Ad. Shepperd, del. . . 65 PLATE 17. 1-4, Pedinogyra Cunningham i Gray. After Hedley, . . 158 5. 6. Pedinogyra Cunningham! Gray. Shepperd, del. . 158 PLATE 18. 1-7. Camsena xanthoderma (?) Mlldff. Pilsbry, del. . .101 PLATE 19. 8. Camsena cicatricosa Mull. After Heude. . . .101 9. Camsena (Pseudobba) mamilla Quoy. Shepperd, del. . 105 10. Camsena (Camamella) platydon Pfr. Jahrb. D. M. Ges. 106 11. Obba (Oreobba) codonodes Pfr. Shepperd, del. . .109 12. Camsena monochroa Sowb. After Hidalgo, . . .104 13. Camoena (PlKenicobius) arata Sowb. Shepperd, del. . 104 14. 16. Obba planulata Lam. After Hidalgo, . . .107 15. Obba planulata Lam. Shepperd, del 107 i- 1 1 1 1- 1 < i PO I-I,\TKH. :;.M VMM, 17. oi.i.:. i.;i ideatatfl I'd Aft. , Hidalgo . , . 107 I8,i!». Planiipira (Tracblella) tuckeri Prr Pil-Uy, d«-i. . 104 20-22. PhiniHpira (Angasella) c;yrt«,pkuMi I'd Sl.<-ppc«l, d-l ...... . .114 2:;, 21. Planfopira (TnwW») vittati Mflll Bhepp«rd,Sl !.'.:. 25. plum j.ini (Tnujhia) atperelli i'iv Coocb, i-'.n. . . 116 I'l.ATI, 20. 20, 27. Pniticoklla griseola Pfr. Uiol. Onlr. A KM T. . .07 28. PraticoleUa bermndicriaoa Morie* sii»-j.|»».rrl, del. . . (\l 29-">l. l'r;itKv,l<-lla fluvescens I'll. I'.iol. C.M.t. A m»T. . . 67 '{2 .">4. Poly^yrella ( AmmoniUlla) rateti Coop- Pilsbry, del. 81 la (Odontoiagda) l.iii'-i ^undl. Pilwbry, del. . o.;, .",7, ."18. I ynila Born. Sli«-|>|i»-rd, del. . . 81 !'>. Entodina reyrd Bow, 8hepperd,deL . 342 n.-i'!. Polygyratia ftenogyra Pfr- sii »-|,p crd, del. . . 8.'} 44- Pi ' ( - f '-.iM-liyl. Cat. . . .83 PLATI; 21. 1-5. I'ruti(!"l»-ll;i '.'-;ur i|. i !irn|>l;i 1'fV. After Htrebel and 87 :;, pcni.s ;i.nd :i|i|,«-ndix '.(,< •n«-d : Hg. 4, talon). 0. Praticotolla ffrUeola Pfr Uter W, G, Binoey, . 87 7, 8. Sagda cookiaoa OoieL rilwiiry, d^l. . i;i cookini • linin above, appendix on left side, HpiplmlliiH l»rfiri^hin^ in riglit, where retractor JH in-' ( ('--I , ^a§ deferent deicending i>ni.wn by Pilibnr from fpfcimeo collected l»y.J. !'• n« -nfUirKon 50 i') Appendix of ame partly uncoiled, 11-14. Polygyra albolabrii &ay- I'H-l.ry, d«-l. . . .70 !.'». A i.rium ;ind p< ni <,\' ;in.< • '.[.«-ried, showing pilaster, . 70 16. Section of iwollen bate of spermatbeca duct of iao . 70 l'i A-II, 22. '»p. 2. I'l'Mirodont,*-. f I';. i t -,pc -td, '!<•). i'i«-.urf,d'.rit»- rPafthena) dominicenfii Pfr. sii»'j>p<-rd d«-i. 4. Pif.iirodonu: cZacbrrfia) trinitarU GuodL sii«-pp«Td, d«-i. 'H; IM'-.iir'idont" ''I 'li»-.lid'»rriii-'.; linci ' •!« I . 96 <',. PleurodoDte (Eurycratera) jam« n Shepperdi del. . . .100 7,8. Pl»-iir')d'int<: M/ihy rinl hug) »iev r i \T;ut Concll Mit.thfril ..... . 96 !>, io. PletirodoDte(Polydontei)iniperatorMoDtf Sbepperdi 352 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE_ 11, 12. Macrocyclis laxata Fer. Shepperd, del. . . .165 PLATE 23. 13-17. Pleurodonte (Parthena) dilatata Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . 99 18. Pleurodonte (Parthena) angulata Fer. After Binney, . 99 19-23. Pleurodonte (Zachrysia) auricoma havanensis. Pils- bry, del 96 24. Pleurodonte (Thelidomus) lima Fer. After Semper, . U6 25. Pleurodonte (Thelidomus) aspera Fer. After Binney, . 96 PLATE 24. 1. Pleurodonte schroeteriana Pfr. After Binney, . . 88 2. Pleurodonte (Caprinus) Josephine Fer. After Binney, . 90 3. Pleurodoute (Caprinus) nuxdenticulata Fer. After Binney, .90 4. Pleurodonte acute Lam. Pilsbry, del 88 5. Pleurodonte invalida C. B. Ad. After Semper, . . 88 6. 7. Pleurodonte. acuta Lam. Pilsbry, del. . . . 8& 8-10. Pleurodonte (Caprinus) orbiculata Fer. Pilsbry, del. 91 11, 12. Pleurodonte dentiens Fer. After Binney, . . 91 PLATE 25. 1. Pleurodonte (Caracolus) caracolla. \V. Shepperd, del. . 92 2, 3, Pleurodonte (Isomeria) faunus v. ritchieana. W. Shep- perd, del . . 93 4, 5. Pleurodonte (Labyrinthus) labyrinthus Chem. W. Shepperd, del 95 6, 7. Pleurodonte sloaneana v. vendryesi Ckll. W. Shep- perd, del. ... .... 88 8. Pleurodonte acuta v. nobilus Ad. W. Shepperd, del. . 88 9. Cepolis cepa Mull. W. Shepperd, del 179 10. Pleurodonte (Caprinus) nuxdenticulata Chem. W. Shep- perd, del 90 11. Pleurodonte (Caprinus) Isabella Fe"r. W. Shepperd, del. 90^ 12. 13. Pleurodonte (Gonostomopsis) auridens Rang. W. Shepperd, del. ... .92 PLATE 26. / 1. Pleurodonte (Caracolus) marginellaGmel. After Bin ney, 92 2. Pleurodonte (Caracolus) marginella v. semiaperta. After Binney, 92 3. Pleurodonte (Caracolus) marginella Gmel. After Binney, 92 4. 5, 6. Pleurodonte (Caracolus) rostrata Pfr. Pilsbry, del. 92 REFERENCE TO PLATES. 353 FIGURE. PAGE. 7,8. Pleurodonte (Caracolus) caracolla Linn. After Semper, 92 9. Pleurodonte (Labryinthus) labyrinthus Chemn. After Semper, 95 PLATE 27. 1, 2. Thersites (Sphserospira) rawnesleyi Cox. W. Shep- perd, del . . . 132 3. Thersites (Badistes) bitseniata Cox. W. Shepperd, del. . 129 4. Thersites (Sphserospira) blomfieldi v. warroeutis. After Tap.-Can 132 5. Thersites (Badistes) gulosa Old. W. Shepperd, del. .129 6. Thersites (Sphserospira) pomurn Pfr. W. Shepperd, del. 134 7. 8. Thersites (Glyptorhagada) kooringensis Ang. \V. Shepperd, del 129 9, 10. Thersites (Glyptorhagada) kooringensis Ang. After Cox, 129 11-13. Thersites (Rhagada) supracostulata Schep. After Schepman. . . . . . . . .135 14, 15. Thersites (Rhagada) floresiana Mart. Weber's Zool. Ergeb. 135 16-18. Thersites (Rhagada) carcharias Pfr. VV. Shepperd, del 135 19. Thersites (Glyptorhagada) silveri Ang. W. Shepperd, del 129 PLATE 28. 1-4. Chloritis porteri Cox. Pilsbry, del., . . .121 5-9. Chloritis argillacea Fer. After Wiegmann, . . 121 10. Chloritis dinodeomorpha Tap.-Can. After Tapp.-Can. . 119 PLATE 29. 1-3. Chloritis ungulina L. E. Shepperd, del. . . . 117 4, 5. Chloritis porteri Cox. E. Shepperd, del. . . .121 6, 7. Plecteulota goniostoma Mlldff. Nachr. 1892, . .122 8. Thersites richmondiana Pfr. E. Shepperd, del. . . 125 9. 10. Chloritis (Sulcobasis) sulcosa Alb. Novit. Conch. . 120 11. Papuina splendescens Cox. Shepperd, del. . . .137 12. Papuina lituus Less. Conchyl. Cab 137 13. Papuina nortoni Braz. E. Shepperd, del. . . . 137 14. 15. Papuina trobriandensis Hedl. E. Shepperd, del. . 137 16. Anoglypta launcestonensis Reeve. E. Shepperd, del. . 160 PLATE 30. 1-3. Polygyra cereolus septemvolva Say. Shepperd, del. . 71 4. Polygyra auriculata Say. Shepperd, del. . . .71 5. Polygyra septemvolva Say. After Binney, . . .71 23 354 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 6. Polygyra troostiana Lea. After Binney, . . 71 71 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 7. Polygyra postelliana Lea. After Binney, 8. Polygyra tridentata Say. After Binney, 9. 10. Polygyra appressa perigrapta Pils. Shepperd, del. 11, 12. Polygyra tridentata Say. After Binney, . 12, Polygyra inflect a Say. After Binney, 13, 14. Polygyra albolabris maritima Pils. Shepperd, del. 15. Polygyra clausa Say. Bfter Binney, 16. Polygyra albolabris Say. After Binney, 17. 18, 19. Polygyra sayi Binney. After Binney, 20. Polygyra clausa Say. After Binney, 21. Polygyra kiawaensis Simpson. Pilsbry, del. . PLATE 31. 22-24. Polygyra (Stenotrema) monodon v. alicise. E. Shep- perd, del. ........ 77 25. Polygyra (Stenotrema) monodon, jaw. After Binney, . 78 26. Polygyra (Stenotrema) hirsuta Say. After Binney, . 78 27. Polygyra (Stenotrema) spinosa Lea. After Binney, . 77 28-30. Polgyrella polygrella Bid. & Coop. Shepperd, del. . 80 31, 32. Polygyrella polygyrellla Bid. & Coop. After Binney, 79 33-35. Polygyrella harfordiana Coop. Pilsbry, del. . . 80 36-40. Glyptostoma newberryanum W. G. B. After Binney, 193 41. Polygyrella polygyrella Bid. & Coop. After Binney, . 80 PLATE 32. 42, 43. Chloritis leei Cox. After Hedley, .... 119 44, 45. Planispira delibrata Bens. After Stoliczka, . . 115 46, 47, 52. Thersites (Xanthomelon) pachystyla Pfr. After Semper, 134 48. Thersites (Sphserospira) blomfieldi Cox. After Hedley, . 132 49. Thersites (Hadra) bipartita Fer. After Semper, . . 131 50. 51. Thersites (Sphserospira) rainbirdi Cox. After Hedley, 132 PLATE 33. 1. Thersites richmondiana Pfr. Hedley, Proc. K. Soc. Q'ld. 128 2. 3. Thersites (Sphserospira) mitchellse Cox. Pilsbry, del. 133 4-7. Thersites (Badistes) gulosa Gld. Hedley, Rec. Austr. Mus. . . 130 PLATE 34. 1, 2. Thersites (Sphserospira) mitchellse Cox. Pilsbry, del. 132 3. Planispira zonaria L. Pilsbry, del. . . . .110 4. Planispira (Trachia) asperella Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . .115 REFERENCE TO PLATES. 355 FIGURE. PAGE. 5, 6. Planispira (Trachia) trochalia Bens. Pilsbry, del. .115 7, Thersites richraondiana Pfr. After Hedley, . . .128 8, 9. Albersia zonulata Fer. Pilsbry, del ..... 125 10. Camaena cicatricosa Mull. Pilsbry, del ..... 342 11. Papuina raoseleyi Smith. Pilsbry, del ..... 137 12. Papuina vexillaVis Pfr. Pilsbry, del ..... 137 PLATE 35. 1. Sagda (Hyalosagda) haldemaniana Ad. After Binney, . 59 2-8. Sagda (Hyalosagda) sirnilis Ad. Pilsbry, del. . . 59 9, 10. Zaphysema tumida Pfr. After Biuney, . . 66 11,12. Zaphysema tenerrima Ad. Pilsbry, del. . . 66 PLATE 36. 1-3. Allognathus graellsiana Pfr. After Schuberth. . . 290 4. Helicodonta obvoluta Mull ....... 285 5, 6. Helicodonta lenticula Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . 285 7, 8. Helicodonta maroccana Mor. After Schuberth. . 285 9, 10. Helicodonta lusitanica Pfr. After Schuberth. . . 285 11, 12. Polygyrella(Ammonitella) yatesi Coop. After Binney, 81 13. 14. Leucochroa candidissima Drap. Pilsbry, del. . . 232 15. Leucochroa boetica Rossm. After Schmidt. . . . 232 16. Leucochroa boissieri Char p. After Binney, . 4 . . 232 PLATE 37. 1. Papuina rnoseleyi Smith. Pilsbry, del. . . . 138 2. Papuina conscendens Cox. Pilsbry, del. . . . 138 3. 4. Papuina vexillaris Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . . .138 5. Papuina trobriandensis Hedley. Hedley, Proc. Linn. Soc. K S. W ......... 138 6. Papuina brazierse Braz. Tapparone-Cauefri, Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov ......... 138 7. 8. Papuina fringilla Pfr. Pilsbry, del ..... 138 9, 10. Papuina vexillaris Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . . 138 11. Papuina conscendens Cox. Pilsbry, del. . . .138 PLATE 38. 1. Acavus hsemastomus L. Pilsbry, del. .... 153 2, 3. Pyrochilus lampas Mull. Kobelt, Conch. Cab. . . 154 4. Helicophanta goudotiana Fer. Shepperd, del. . . 151 5. Helicophanta cornugiganteum Chemn. Pilsbry, del. . 151 6. 7. Dorcasia alexandri var. rotundata. Journ. de Conch. 1887, ......... 172 tJNIVlBSJTY 356 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE> 8. Dorcasia globulus Mull. Shepperd, del. . . .172 9. Stylodonta unidentata Chemn. Shepperd, del. . . 149 10, 12. Ampelita (Poecilostylus) viridis Desh. Moll. Madag. 158 PLATE 39. 1-5. Camsenella platyodon Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . . .106- 6. Obba basidentata Pfr. After Semper, .... 107 7, 8, 11, 12, 13. Obba planulata Lam. After Semper, . 10& 9, 10. Neocepolis merarcha Mab. Shepperd, del. . . 107 PLATE 40. 1-4. Plectopylis jovia Mabille. Pilsbry, del. . . . 144 5, 6. Plectopylis achatina Gray. Conchy!. Cab., pi. 6f>, . 144 7. Plectopylis achatina Gray. P. Z. S. 1874, . . .144 8. Plectopylis achatina Gray. Pilsbry, del. . . . 144 9-11. Plectopylis ponsonbyi Godw.-Aust. Shepperd, del. . 144 12. Plectopylis ponsonbyi Godw.-Aust. Pilsbry, del. . 144 13-15. Plectopylis fultoni Godw.-Aust. Shepperd, del. . 144 16-18. Mollendorffia hensaniensis Gredl. Ann K. K. Mus. 1887, 289 PLATE 41. 19-22. Gorilla rivolii Desh. Shepperd, del 147 23-25. Gorilla charpentieri v. hinidunensis Nev. Shepperd, del 147 26,27. Traumatophora triscalpta Mart. Novit. Conch. . 146 28, 29. Stegodera angusticollis Mart. Novit. Conch. . . 147 30. Albersia granulata Quoy. Voy. Astrol. . . .124 31-33. Ampelita hemioxia Pils. Shepperd, del. . . . 155 PLATE 42. 34-36. Plectopylis cyclaspis Bens. J. A. S. Beng. xl. . .144 37, 38. Corilla erronea Alb. Keisen Phil 147 39. Trachia penangensis Stol. J. A. S. Beng. xlii, . .115 40. Ampelita loucoubeeusis Crse. After Brancsik. . . 156 41-46. Caryodes dufresnii Leach. After Semper, Hedley and Ten .-Woods, 162 PLATE 43. 19-21. Helicigona (Elona) quimperiana Fer. After Hidalgo, . 307 22, 23. Helicigona lapicida Linn. After Hidalgo, . .298 24, 25. Helicigona (Fruticocampylsea) narzanensis Kryn., after Kobelt, .... .304 REFERENCE TO PLATES. 357 FIGURE. PAGE. 26. Geomitra (Plebecula) punctulata Sowb. Shepperd, del. 239 27, 28. Helicigona (Chilostoma) planospira Lam. After Kobelt 299 29,30. Helicella (Xerocampylsea) zelebori Pfr. After Kobelt, 253 31. 32. Helicigona (Isognomostoma) personata Drap. Shep- perd del. . . 308 33, 35. Helicigona (Tacheocampylsea) raspailii Payr. Moll. Nouv.,Litig. . . ' . . ! . . 305 36. Leptaxis (Pseudocampylsea) lowei Fer. Shepperd, del. 292 37, 38. Helix (Euparypha) pisana Miill. After Hidalgo, . 335 39, 40. Allognathus grsellsiana Pfr. After Hidalgo, . . 290 41. Leptaxis undata Wood. Shepperd, del 292 42. Helicigona (Chilostoma) setosa Ziegl. After Rossm. . 299 43. Helix (Hemicycla) plicaria Lam. Shepperd, del. . . 326 44. Helix (Hemicycla) saulcyi Orb. Shepperd del. . . 326 45. Leptaxis webbiana Lowe. Shepperd del. . . . 292 46. Helicigona (Arianta) arbustorum L. After Kobelt, . 306 PLATE 44. 1-3. Helix (Levantina) guttata v. sesteri Gall. Bull. Soc. Mai. Fr 332 4, 5. Helix (Tachea) nemoralis L. After Hidalgo, . . 321 6, 7. Helix (Helicogena) asemnis v. vetusta Mts. Archiv Naturg., 1889, 317 8. Helix (Iberus) gualtierana L. After Hidalgo, . . 328 9, 10. Helix (Otala) vermiculata Miill. After Hidalgo, . 323 11. Helix (Otala) lactea Mull. After Hidalgo, . . .323 12,13. Helix (Erernina) desertorumForsk. After Rossm. . 334 14. Helix (Eremina) desertorum v. chilembia. After Bgt. 334 15. Helix (Iberus) scabriuscula Desh. After Rossm. . . 328 16. 17. Helix (Iberus) muralis Miill. Shepperd, del. . . 228 18. Helix (Iberus) sicana Fer. After Rossm. . . .328 PLATE 45. 1, 2. Oxychona costaricensis Roth. Shepperd, del. . .189 3-5. Oxychona altispira Mart. Biol. Centr. Amer. . . 1 89 6. Epiphragmophora fidelis Gray. Shepperd, del. . .194 7. Lysinoe ghiesbreghti Nyst. Biol. Centr. Amer. . .191 8. Oxychona bifasciata Burrow. Viag. al Pacif. . .189 9, 10. Oxychona trigonostoma v. stolliana Mts. Biol. Centr. Amer 189 PLATE 46. 11. Panda falconeri Reeve. Conch. Icon 163 12. Panda atomata Gray, apex. After Hedley, . . .163 13. 14. Panda larryi Braz. After Cox, . . . .163 15. Caryodes dufresnii Leach. After Hedley, . . .162 358 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 16. Caryodes dufresuii Leach. Shepperd, del. . . . 162 17-19. Papuina ianthe Smith. Shepperd, del. . . . 137 20. Solaropsis serpens Martyn. Shepperd, del. . . . 166 21. Solaropsis braziliana Fer. Ostas. Conch. . . .166 PLATE 47. 1. Panda falconer! Reeve. After Semper, . . . .163 2. 4. Panda atomata Gray. After Hedley, . . . .163 3. Panda atomata Gray, opened penis. Pilsbry, del., . . 163 5. Anoglypta launcestonensis Rve., baseofsp. d. Pilsbry, del. 160 6, 7. Anoglypta launcestonensis Rve. Pilsbry, del. . . 160 8. Anoglypta launcestonensis Rve., penis. Pilsbry, del. . 160 PLATE 48. 9. Stylodonta studeriana Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . .150 10, 11. Anoglypta launcestonensis Rve. Pilsbry, del. . . 160 12, 13. Helicophanta magnifica Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . 152 14. Acavus hsemastomus L. Pilsbry, del. .... 153 15, 16. Panda atomata Gray. Pilsbry, del. .... 163 17. Panda falconeri Reeve. After Semper, . . . .163 PLATE 49. 18. Helicophanta goudotiana Fer. After Brancsik, . .151 19-23. Helicophanta magnifica Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . 151 24. Caryodes dufresnii Leach. After Semper, . . .162 25. Ampelita sepulehralis Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . . 155 PLATE 50. 1,8,26. Acavus skinneri Rve. After Semper, . . . 153 3. Acavus hsemastomus L. After Semper, . . .153 4. Acavus phoenix Pfr., egg. Shepperd, del. . . .153 5. Acavus phoenix Pfr., teeth. After Binney, . . .153 6. 7, 9. Stylodouta studeriana Fer.. (penis below). Arch. Zool.Gen.etExper 150 1, 22, 57, 62, 69. Stylodonta studeriana Fer. After Binney, 150 PLATE 51. 1,2. Macrocyclis laxata Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . . 165 3. Dorcasia globulus Miill. After Binney, . . .172 4-8. Polymita picta Born. Pilsbry, del. * . 9-11. Oxychona bifasciata Burrow. Pilsbry, del. . .189 REFERENCE TO PLATES. 359 PLATE 51a. FIGURE. PAGE. [By error this number was duplicating in preparing the plates. As the figures are entirely different, there need be no confusion in actual reference from the text]. 1-6. Ampelita xystera Val. (from no. 63,879 Acad. coll. Pilsbry, del 155 7-12. Thersites (Khagada) solorensis Mart. After Wiegm. 135 PLATE 52. 12. Cepolis (Coryda) alauda Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . .182 13. Cepolis alauda, penis with flagellum. The thread-like retractor should pass over v.d. and insert on penis, 182 14. Cepolis (Hemitrochus) varians Mke. Pilsbry, del., . 184 15. Cepolis (Plagioptycha) salvatoris Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . 185 16. Cepolis (Cysticopsis) cubensis Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . .187 17. Epiphragmophora cordovana Pfr. After Strebel, . . 197 18. 19, 20, 22. Cepolis (Eurycampta) bonplandi Lam. Pils- bry, del. . .... 181 21. Cepolis (Jeanneretia) parraiana Orb. After Poey, . 180 PLATE 53. 1. Helicosyla (Orustia) versicolor Mlldff. Shepperd, del. . 225 2. Helicostyla (Helicobulinus) turbinoides Brod. Shepperd, del 227 3. Helicostyla (Orthostylus)pithogaster Fer. After Hidalgo, 227 4. Helicosyla (Canistrum) ovoidea Brug. Shepperd, del. . 230 5. Helicostyla (Phengus) opalina Sowb. After Pfeiffer, . 230 6. Helicostyla(Hypselostyla)connectens Mlldff. After Mlldff. 228 7. Helicostyla mirabilis Per. After Hidalgo, . . . 224 8. Helicostyla (Chrysallis) chrysalidiformis Sowb. After Eve. 231 9. Helicostyla (Prochilus) virgata Jay. Shepperd, del. . 231 10. Helicostyla (Cochlodoyas) viridostriata Lea. Shepperd, del. . 225 11. Helicostyla (Eudoxus) effusa Pfr. After Keeve, . . 229 PLATE 54. 1. Helicosyla (Canistrum) stabilis Jonas. After Semper, . 230 2-4. Chloneabenguetensis Semp. After Semper, . . 215 5. Helicostyla (Orustia) monticula Sby. After Semper, . 216 6-8. Helicostyla butleri Pfr. After Semper, . .' .216 9. Helicostyla (Orthostylus) pithogaster Fer. After Semper, 217 10. Helicostyla (Calocochlea) festiva Don. After Semper, 216 11. Helicostyla (Eudoxus) segle Brod. After Semper, . 216 12. Helicostyla (Calocochlea) pulcherrima Sowb. After Semper, 216 360 REFERENCE TO PLATES. PLATE 55. FIGURE. PAGE. 1, 2. Eulota fruticum Miill. After Hartmann, . . .202 3, 4, Eulota fruticum Miill. After Dupuy, ... . 202 5. Eulota duplocincta Martens. After Martens, . . . 202 6, 7. Eulota (Cathaica) fasciola Drap. After Philippi, . 206 8, 9. Eulota (Pseudiberus) tectumsinense Mts. Shepperd, del. 207 10, 11. Helicostyla (Crystallopsis) ten imb erica Mild tf. Nach. 1892," 220 12. Helicostyla (Corasia) virgo Brod. After Hidalgo, . 219 13. Helicostyla (Calocochlea) pulcherrima Sowb. Shepperd, del 222 14. Helicostyla (Anixa) moreletiana Pfr. Shepperd, del. . 223 15-17. Chloraea sirena Beck. Shepperd, del. . . .215 18. Ganesella capitium Bens. Shepperd, del. . . .168 19. Eulota similaris Fer. Shepperd, del 203 20. 21. Hygromia cinctella Drap. After Dupuy, . .271 22-24. Hygromia (Ciliella) ciliata Ven. After Dupuy, . 276 25,26. Hygromia (Dibothrion) bidens Chem. Shepperd, del. 278 27,28. Hygromia (Fruticicola) hispidaL. After Dupuy, . 273 29, 30. Hygromia (Monacha) incarnata Miill. Shepperd, del. 271 31, 32. Vallonia pulchella Miill. Pilsbry, del. . . 282 PLATE 56. 1, 2. Cepolis (Hemitrochus) varians Mke. After Binney . 183 3, 4. Cepolis (Coryda) alaudaFer. Shepperd, del. . . 181 5. Cepolis (Dialeuca) nemoraloides Ad. Shepperd, del. . 183 6. Cepolis (Dialeuca) fuscocincta Ad. Shepperd, del. . 183 7. Cepolis (Cysticopsis) cubensis Pfr. Shepperd, del. . 1 86 8. 9. Cepolis (Plagioptycha) duclosiana Fer. Shepperd, del. 185 10. Polymita picta Born. Shepperd, del. .... 188 11, 12. Leucochroa (Sphincterochila) boissieri Charp. After Kobelt, . . . 234 13, Leucochroa candidissima Drap., large var. After Kobelt, 232 14,15. Leucochroa cariosa Oliv. After Bgt. . . . 232 16, 17. Helicodonta (Trissexodon) constricta Boub. After Kobelt, 285 18,19. Helicodonta (Caracolina) lens Fer. After Kobelt, . 285 20-22. Moellendorffia erdmanni S. & B. After Boettger, . 289 23,24. Helicodouta (Aspasita) triaria Friv. After Kobelt, 285 25-27. Helicodonta obvoluta Drap. After Dupuy, . .285 28-30. Helicodonta biconcava Hde. After Heude, . . 285 31-33. Helicodonta (Drepanostoma) nautiliformis Porro. After Rossm. . . . 285 PLATE 57. 34-39. Chalepotaxis infantilis Gred. Jahrb. D. M. Ges. xi, 167 40, 44. Cepolis (Cysticopsis) cubensis Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . 187 REFERENCE TO PLATES. 361 FIGURE. PAGE. 41, 50, 51. Cepolis (Hemitrochus) varians Mke. Pilsbry, del. 188 42, 47. Cepolis (Plagioptycha) salvatoris Pfr. Pilsbrv, del. 185 43, 48. Cepolis (Dialeuca) platystyla Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . 183 45,49. Cepolis (Cpryda) alaudaFer. Pilsbry, del. . . 182 46. Cepolis (Hemitrochus) milleri Pfr. After Binney, . 188 52. Leucochroa candidissima Drap. Pilsbry, del. . . 232 53. Spermatheca of same with duct and diverticulum, . 232 PLATE 58. 54. 55. Cepolis (Jeanneretia) parraiana Orb. Shepperd, del. 180 56. Cepolis (Eurycarapta) bonplandi Lam. Shepperd, del. 181 57. Epiphragmophora (Angrandiella) angrandi Morel. Ser. Conch 197 58,59. Fpiphragmophora (Pilsbry a) farrisii Pfr. Novit.Conch. 197 60, 61. Epiphragmophora (Pilsbrya) patasensis Pfr. Shep- perd, del., 197 62, 63. Epiphragmophora (Helminthoglpta) tudiculata Binn. Terr. Moll. Ill, 198 64, 65. Epiphragmophora (Monadenia) mormonum Pfr. Shepperd, del. .... .198 66, 67. Epiphragmophora (Micrarionta) areolata Sowb. Shepperd, del. 197 68,69. Epiphragmophora cuyana Strob. Novit.Conch. . 196 70, 71. Epiphragmophora (Trichodiscma) coactiliata F£r. Shepperd, del 197 72. Epiphragmophora (Monadeuia) fidelis Gray. Shepperd, del . .198 73, 74. Epiphragmorphora (Micrarionta) gabbi Newc. Shep- perd, del 197 75. Lysinoe humboldtiana var. Biol. Cent. Amer. . . 191 PLATE 59. 76. Epiphragmophora nickliniana Lea, atrium everted. Pils- bry, del 194 77. Epiphragmophora hieronymi Doring. After Kobelt, .196 78. Epiphragmophora semiclausa Mart. Mai. Bl. xv, ., . 196 79. Epiphragmophora (Helminthoglypta) arrosa Old. After Semper,. . . . ' . . . . . 194 80. Epiphragmophora areolata Sowb. Pilsbry, del. . . 197 81. Epiphragmophora (Monadenia) fidelis Gray. Pilsbry, del. 198 82. 86. Epiphragmophora (Monadenia) mormouum Pfr. Pils- bry, del 194 83. Epiphragmophora nickliniana Lea. Pilsbry, del. . . 197 84. Epiphragmophora fidelis Gray. Pilsbry, del. . . 198 85. Epiphragmophora arrosa Gld. Pilsbry, del. . . 197 362 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 87. Epiphragmophora (Helminthoglypta) traskii v. cayama- censis Hemph. Pilsbry, del. .... 197 88. Epiphragmophora (Helminthoglypta) nickliniana Lea. Pilsbry, del. . . , . . . . .197 89. Epiphragmophora (Micrarionta) areolata Sowb. Pilsbry, del 197 PLATE 60. 1, 2. Ganesella japonica Pfr. Pilsbry, del. . . . 168 3,6. Dorcasiaalexandri Gray. Pilsbry, del. . . . 172 4. Epiphragmophora areolata Sowb. Pilsbry, del. . . 197 5. Lysinoe humboldtiana Fer. After Binney, . . . 191 7. Epiphragmophora nickliniana Lea. Pilsbry, del. . . 198 8. Lysinoe ghiesbreghti Nyst. After Fischer, . . . 191 9. Lysinoe eximia Pfr. After Fischer, . . . .191 10. Epiphragmophora fidelis Gray. Pilsbry, del. . . 198 PLATE 61. 1-5. Helix (Euparypha) pisana Mull. After Schuberth and Ashford, . 335 6. 7. Helix (Iberus) muralis Mull. After Schuberth, . 329 8. Helix (Iberus) gualtierana L. After Schmidt, . . 329 9. Helix (Helicogena) asemnis Bgt. After Schuberth, . 317 10. Helix (Levantina) spiriplana v. hierosolyma. After Schmidt, . . , 332 11. 13, 14. Helix (Helicogena) aspersa Mull. After Ashford, 317 12. Helix (Helicogena) pomatia L. After Schmidt, . 15. Helix (Helicogena) pomatia L. After Ashford, . . 317 PLATE 62. 16. Helicigona rhsetica Mouss. After Schuberth, . . 296 17. Helicigona cingulata Stud. After Schmidt, . . . 296 18. Helicigona planospira Lam. After Schuberth, . . 296 19. Helicigona (Isognomostoma) personata. After Schmidt, 308 20. Helicigona lapicida L. After Schmidt, . . . 298 21. Helicigona lapicida L., dart. After Ashford, . . 298 22. Helicigona (Arianta) arbustorum L., dart, after Ashford, 306 23. Helicigona (Arianta) arbustorum L. After Schmidt, . 306 24-27. Helicigona (Elona) quimperiana Fer. After Hesse, 307 PLATE 63. 1-3. Helix (Iberus) serpentina Fer. After Wiegmann, .329 4. Helix (Eremina) desertorumForsk. After Semper, .334 5, 8. Helix (Otala) vermiculata Mull. After Wiegmann, . 323- REFERENCE TO PLATES. 363 FIGURE. PAGE. 6. Helix (Eremina) desertorum Forsk. After Jickeli, . 334 7. Helicigona (Tacheocampylsea) raspaili Payr. After Moq.-Tand 305 9. Vallonia pulchella Miiller. After Lehmann, . . 282 10. Vallonia pulchella Miiller, dart. After Ashford, . . 282 11. Acanthinula lamellata Jeffr. After Lehmann, . .280 12. Helix (Tachea) nemoralis Mull. Pilsbry, del. . . 321 13. Helix (Otala) alonensis Fer. After PfefFer, . . 323 PLATE 64. 1, 2. Eulota (Euhadra) peliomphala Pfr. After Kobelt, . 212 3. Eulota (Euhadra) amaliseKob. After Kobelt, . .212 4-0. Eulota (Armandia) calymma S. & B. After Boettger, 205 7. Ganesella japonica Pfr. After Kobelt, .... 168 8. Eulota (Acusta) ravida Bens. After Heude, . . . 203 9. Eulota (Euhadra) qusesita v. perry i Jay. Shepperd, del. 212 10-12. Aulacospira scalatella Mlldff. Pilsbry, del. . . 279 13-15. Eulota (Aegista) oculus Pfr. Shepperd, del. . . 210 16,17. Eulota (Plectotropis)mackensii A. &R. Shepperd, del. 208 18, 19. Eulota (Plectotropis) elegantissima Pfr. Shepperd, del. 208 20-23. Eulota(Coccoglypta)pinchonianaHde. After Heude, 211 PLATE 65. 1, 2. Eulota (Acusta) ravida Bens. Pilsbry, del. . . 203 3, 4. Eulota (Eulotella) similaris Fer. Pilsbry, del. . . 203 5, 6. Eulota (Eulotella) duplocincta Mart. After Schacko. 203 7, 8. Eulota (Cathaica) fasciola Dr. (pyrrhozona). Pilsbry, del 206 9, 10. Eulota (Aegista) platyomphala Mlldff. Pilsbry, del. 210 11, 12. Eulota (Eubadra) qusesita perryi Jay. Pilsbry, del. 213 13, 14. Eulota (Piectotropis) vulvivaga S. & B. Pilsbry, del. 208 15-17. Eulota (Cathaica) przewalskii Mart. After Schacko. 206 PLATE 66. 18, 19. Eulota fruticum Drap. After Schuberth, . . 203 20. Eulota similaris Fer. Pilsbry, del 203 21-23. Eulota (Acusta) ravida Bens. Pilsbry, del., . . 203 24. Eulota fodiens Pfr. After Semper, . . . .203 25. Eulota (Cathaica) przewalskii Mart. After Schacko. . 206 26. Eulota (Mastigeulota) kiangsinensis Mart. Pilsbry, del. . 211 (vas deferens omitted by lithographer). 27. 29. Eulota (Euhadra) qusesita v. perryi Jay. Pilsbry, del. . 213 364 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 30,31. Eulota duplocincta Mart. After Schacko. . .203 32. Eulota (Cathaica) fasciola Drap. (pyrrhozona). Pilsbry, del . . . .206 33, 34. Eulota (Plectotropsis) vulvivaga S. & B. Pilsbry, del. 208 PLATE 67. 1-3. Helix (Tacbea) nemoralis L. Pilsbry, del. . 321 4, 5. Helix (Otala) vermiculata Miill. Pilsbry, del. 323 6, 7. Helix (Iberus) serpentina Fer. After Wiegmann, 329 8. Helix (Erernina) desertella Jickeli. After Jickeli, 334 9, 10. Helix (Eremina) desertorum Forsk. After Jickeli, 334 11, Helix pomatia L. Pilsbry, del. .... 317 12, 16. Helicella (Trochula) terrestris Penn. After Binney 262 13, 14. Helicella galloi Kobelt. Pilsbry, del. . . 245 15. Helicella (Theba) cantiana Mont. After Binney, . 265 17. Helicella ericetorum Miill. After Scbuberth, . 252 18. Geomitra abjecta Lowe. Pilsbry, del. . . . 238 19. 20. Leptaxis undata Lowe. Pilsbry, del. . . 292 PLATE 68. 1-3. Geomitra delpbinula Lowe. Shepperd, del. . . 244 4, 5. Geomitra (Actinella) lentiginosa Lwe. Pilsbry, del. . 241 6. Geomitra tiarel la Webb & Berth. Pilsbry, del. . . 244 7. Geomitra (Callina) fausta Lowe. Pilsbry, del. . , 241 8. Geomitra (Discula) polymorpha v. barbosse Pva. After Paiva, 242 9. Geomitra (Discula) polymorpha Lwe. Pilsbry, del. . 242 10, 11. Geomitra (Disculella) maderensis Wood. Pilsbry, del. 243 12. Geomitra (Hystricella) bicarinata Sowb. Pilsbry, del. . 242 13. Geomitra (Spirorbula) obtecta Lowe. Pilsbry, del. . 241 14. 15. Geomitra (Lemniscia) michaudi Desh. Pilsbry, del. 240 16-18. Geomitra (Heterostoma) paupercula Lowe. Pilsbry, del. . . 244 19. Geomitra (Caseolus) compacta Lowe. Pilsbry, del. . 242 20. Helicella variabilis Drap. After Moq.-Tand. . . 248 2b, 22. Helicella ericetorum Miill. After Rossmaessler, . 252 23, 24. Helicella (Jacosta) explanata Mull. After Hidalgo, 258 25,26. Helicella (Theba) carthusiana Miill. After Moq.-Tand. 265 27. Helicella (Trochula) terrestris Penn. After Hidalgo, . 262 28. Helicella (Candidula) candidula Stud. After Moq.-Tand. 253 29. Helicella (Cochlicella) acuta (barbara L.). After Moq.- Tand 263 30. Helicella (Platytheba) nummus Ehrenb. After Bgt. . 268 REFERENCE TO PLATES. 365 PLATE 69. EIGURE. PAGE. 1, 2. Helicella variabilis Drap. After Schuberth, . .248 3-5. Helicella virgata Da Costa. After Ashford, . . 248 6, 7. Helicella ericetorura Mull. After Ashford, . ._252 8. Helicella ericetorum Mull. After Schuberth, . . 252 9. Helicella caperata Mont. After Ashford, . . . 254 10. Helicella candidula Studer. After Schmidt, . . 254 11. Helicella mograbiria Mor. After SchepmaD, . . . 260 12. Helicella tuberculosa Conr. After Schmidt, . . .261 13. Helicella striata Mull. After Schmidt, . . . 254 14. Helicella cantiana Mont. After Ashford, . . . 265 15. Helicella explanata Mull. After Moq.-Tand., . . 258 16. Helicella syriaca Ehrenb. After Schuberth, . . . 265 17. Helicella nummus Ehrenb. After Schmidt, . . .268 18. Helicella elegans=terrestris Penn. After Schmidt, . 262 19-21. Helicella acuta (barbara). After Moss & Paulden, Trans. Manch. Mic.Soc., 1892, . . . .263 22. Helicella Carthusian a Miill. After Schuberth, . .265 PLATE 70. 23-25. Zoogenites harpa Say. After Morse, . . .281 26-28. Acanthinula aculeata Miill. After Dupuy & Drouet. 280 29. Vallonia pulchella Miill. After Sterki, . . 282 30. Hygromia ciliata Ven. After Moq.-Tand. 31. Hygromia pellita Fer. After Hesse, 32. Hygromia limbata Drap. After Moq.-Tand 33. Hygromia hispida Linn. After Schmidt, 34. Hygromia incarnata Mull. After Schmidt, 35. Zoogenites harpa Say. After Morse, 36. Hygromia leucozona Ziegl. After Schuberth 37. Hygromia noverca Friv. After Hesse, . 38. Vallonia pulchella Miill. After Sterki, . 39. Hygromia cinctella Drap. After Moq.-Tand 40. Plebecula lurida Lowe. After Binney, . 41. Hygromia bidens Chemn. After Schmidt, PLATE 71. 276 276 271 273 271 281 277 277 282 271 239 278 42, 43. Helicella (Lejeania) scioana Poll. After Pollonera, 267 44. Helicella (Lejeania) lejeaniana Bgt. After Pollonera, . 267 45, 46. Helicigona rahtii A. Brn. After Sandberger, . . 310 47,48. Helicigona ehingensis Klein. Ross del. . . .310 49. Helicodonta osculum Thorn. After Klika, . . . 289 50. Cyrtochilus expansilabris Sdb. After Sandberger, . 311 51. 52. Prothelidomus acrochordon Oppenh. After Oppenh. 295 53, 54. Dentellocaracolus damnatus Sandb. After Oppenh. 295 55,56. Fridolinia lucani Tourn. J. de C., 1869, . . 294 366 REFERENCE TO PLATES. FIGURE. PAGE. 57, 58. Pseudoleptaxis corduensis. After Sandberger, . . 294 59, 60. Helicigona lepidotricha Braun. After Sandberger, 309 61, 62. Helicigona chaixii Mich. After Sandberger, . . 311 SUMMARY. This volume contains 561 figures, illustrating over 300 species of shells, and 571 figures illustrating the anatomy of Helices; a total of 1132 figures. Of these, 330 figures were drawn by the author; 203 other original figures were drawn by Messrs. Win. and Edw. Shepperd, and about a dozen are from unpublished drawings supplied by friends. The figures of Flammulina cressida, thaisa and costulata Hutton, were drawn by Mr. H. Suter from the type specimens, these species being here for the first time illustrated. The figures of Plectopylis ponsonbyi (pi. 40, fig. 9-12), and Papuina ianthe (pi. 46, fig. 17-19) are from examples kindly loaned by Mr. John Ponsonby from his collection. The other original figures are from specimens in the collection of the Academy, where also most of the author's dissections — over 500 in number— are preserved. PLATE 1 HELICID>e. 80 PLATK 2 y? 0 ^ 10. 00? 20. 21.' 17. j&p. trnt ~\ UNIVERSITY HELICID>e. PLATE 3 S-frg/V 27 28 rf 29 XJNIV1BSIT* HELICID^E. PLATE 4 * 44 UNIVEB8ITI HELICID^E PLATE 5 HELICID>G. PLATE 6 HELICID^E. PLATE 7 •'•' 21 PLATE 8 HELJCID^G. tJHIVEBSIIl HELJCID^E PLATE 1O 13 14 — HELICID^E. PLATE 11 HELJC1D.4S. PLATE 12 HELICID^C PLATE 13 C HELJCID./E: PLATK 14 44 45 46 47 48 UBRj/^v Of THf ^ \ EBSril J PLATE 15 PLATE 16 10 : 18 ; 19 20 UKITBBBIffTl HELICID^. PLATE 17 HELICID^E. PLATE 18 XJSIVBB8I" 5 • HELICID^E. PLATE 49 HELJCID^E. PLATE 2O 26 27 30 31 HELICIDvC. PLATE 21 J 14 HELICID^E PL-ATE 22 tJSIVBBSIIl PLATE 23 HELICID>E. PLATE 24 PL- ATE tJNIVEBSITT HELICID^E. PLATE 26 PLATE 27 PLATE 28 PLATE 29 TJNIVEB8IT1 ] HELICID^E. PLATE 3 O HELICID^E. * PLATE 32 IDHIVBBBUt HELICID^E. PLATE 33 HELICID^E. PLATE 34 HELICID^E PLATE 35 HELICID^E PLATE 36 PLATE 37 10 II CXLIFOW**: PLATE -38 HELICID>E PLATE 39 tJNIVEBSMl PLATE 4O PLATE 41 HELICID^E 43 PLATE 43 46 HELICID>E. PLATE. 44 13 HELICID>£. RLATE 45 XJNIVEBSITl HELICIDvE. PLATE 46 iff § i Of TH£ UNIVEBBITT HELJCID^G HELICID^E PLATE 48 IS 17 UNIVEBBIlt .C4Ufbw% HELJCID^E. PLATE 49 HELJCID^E PLATE 5O HELICID>e PLATE 51 PLATE 51 HELICTFJ^E PLATE 52 2\ HELICID^E. PLATE 53 PLATE 54 HELICID^E. PLATE 55 \ 30 OSIVEBSITl 1 HELICID>£ PLATE 56 31 30 HELICiD^E. PLATE 57 PI-ATE 58 HELJCID>e PLATE 59 87 TH€ UNIVEB8IM HELICID^E PLATE 6O HELICID^. PLATE 61 PLATE 62 HELICID^E. PLATE 63 13 PLATE 64 ^ UNIVBBSItl] X HELICiD>E. PLATE 65 HELJCID^E. PLATE 66 33 HELICID/E. PLATE 67 HELICID>e. PLATE 68 30 PLATE 69 19 Of THE TJNIVBBSIT1 HELICID^E. PLATE 7O HELICID^E. PLATE 71 62 ••• .v. .?••'*. U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES