LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF SyCAUFORNIA J EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY SECOND SERIES: PULMONATA. MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY STRUCTURAL AND SYSTEMATIC WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SPECIES FOUNDED BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. CONTINUED BY HENRY A. PILSBRY, Sc.D., SPECIAL CURATOR DEPARTMENT OF MOLLUSCA, ACADEMY OF .NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Part PHILADELPHIA : PUBLISHED BY THE CONCHOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. SECOND SERIES: PULMONATA. MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY STRUCTURE AND SYSTEMATIC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SPECIES. FOUNDED BY GEORGE W. TRYON, JR. CONTINUED BY HENRY A. PILSBRY, Sc.D., SPECIAL CURATOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MOLLUSCA OF THE ACADEMY OP NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. VOL. XX. 0/ECILIOIDES, GLESSULA AND PARTULID^. INDEX TO VOLS. XVI-XX. PHILADELPHIA: Published by the Conehologieal Department, ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OP PHILADELPHIA. 1909-1910. X* . EARTH SCIENCE! The description of Orthurethrous snails is continued in this- volume, the remaining groups of Ferussacidce and the Partu- lidcs being described. In treating of the latter family, the author has had the advantage of studying the types and other specimens of the late Dr. W. D. Hartman, now forming part of the collection of the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburgh. The conclusions reached in the monograph now published have thus been based upon the material of two large collections. The liberality and courtesy of the Trustees of the Museum and of the Director, Dr. William J. Holland, are here grate- fully acknowledged. H. A. P. (iii) 196906 DATES OP ISSUE OP THE PARTS OF VOL. XX. Part 77, pp. 1-64, plates 1-10, November 19, 1908. Part 78, pp. 65-154, plates 11-21, May 18, 1909. Part 79, pp. 155-314, plates 22-36, September 29, 1909. Part 80, pp. 315-336, plates 37-43, February, 1910. Title-page, Contents and Introduction, February, 1910. (iv) CONTENTS. PAGB Introduction : The Orthurethra . - vii Family FERUSSACID^E Bourguignat (continued) 1 Genus CJECILIOIDES Herrmannsen lj GLESSULA von Martens 50, 320 Appendices to Oleacinida, Achatinida, Ferussacida, Bulimulidce : Genus SPIBAXIS Ad Ill, VARICELLA Ill STREPTOSTYLA Ill EUGLANDINA Crosse & Fischer Ill POIRETIA 112 ACHATINA Lamarck 113 ARCHACHATINA Albers 113 LEPTINARIA 114 BOCAGEIA 114 RUMINA Risso , 114 FERUSSACIA Risso 114 HOHENWARTIANA Bourg. . . 114 HEMIBULIMUS von Martens 114 Index to Achatinida, Oleacinidce and Ferussacida 119 Family PARTULID^B Pilsbry 155 Genus PARTULA Ferussac 155 Index to Partulida 322 Explanation of plates (v) INTRODUCTION. About ten years ago the writer pointed out the existence of three great groups in the monotremate land snails, based upon the structure of the pallial organs: SIGMURETHRA, HETERURETHRA and ORTHURETHRA. The first group includes a very large majority of the land snails now existing, which have been described in volumes I to XVIII of this work. The Heterurethra are chiefly represented by the genus Sue- cinea. Finally the group Orthurethra is made up of a series of families which retain primitive pallial structures like the Basommatophora. They are the scattered descendants of snails of long ago — of the first land-snail fauna. With the rise of the Sigmurethra, these primitive snails declined. On the continents they take a minor role, and seem to exist by grace of their insignificance (Pupillidcz, Valloniida, Ferus- sacida), though one family, the Enidce, contains snails of moderate size. On the Pacific islands, where the Sigmurethra are represented by only a few low forms, Orthurethra are still dominant. In this island world the Partulidce, Amastrida, Ackatmellida and Tornatellinidce comprise the most con- spicuous elements of the snail-fauna. The following families are now comprised in the group Orthurethra : Valloniidae (See Vol. VIII, p. 247, and IX, p. 282). Holarctic. Enidae (Buliminidce of authors). Pala&arctic, Oriental, African. Pupillidse (Pupida of authors). World- wide. Partulidae (this volume, p. 155). Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia. (vii) Vlll INTRODUCTION. Ferussacidae (Vol. XVIII, p. 211; this volume, p. 1). Hoi- arctic, Oriental, African, Neotropical. Amastridoa (Vol. XXI). Hawaiian Is.; Juan Fernandez. Achatinellidse (Vol. XXI). Hawaiian Islands. Tornatellinidse (Vol. XXII) . Pacific Islands. MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY. Family FERUSSACID^E Bgt. (Continued). Genus OECILIOIDES Herrmannsen. Acicula Risso, Hist. Nat. Eur. M6rid. iv, p. 81, for A. eburnea Risso. Not Acicula Hartmann, 1821. — Ce'cilioide, BLAINVILLE, Diet. Sci. Nat. vii, 1817, p. 332, and "ceclionides de M. de Ferussac," /. c. v, Suppl., p. 129, under Bulimus acicula. 1817 (no Latin name given). — Caecilioide^ F6r. HERRMANNSEN, Indicis Generem Malac., i, p. 150, 1846, as equivalent to Acicula Risso. — E. A. SMITH, Journ. of Conch, vi, April, 1891, p. 342.— Cecilioides F6r. pater., BECK, Verzeichniss einer Sammlung von Landconchylien aus den Danischen Staaten in Europa, in Amtlicher Bericht ueber die 24ste. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Kiel, 1847, p. 122, for C. acicula Mull. — Csecilianella BOURGUIGNAT, Revue et Mag. de Zoologie, viii, 1856, p. 378, type C. acicula Mull. — P. FAGOT, Historique du genre Csecilianella, in Bull, de la Soc. Malac. de France, iv, 1887, p, 49. — BERTHIER, a quel auteur attribuer la paternite du genre Csecilianella? t. c. p. 59. — Aciculina WESTERLUND, Fauna der in der Palaiirktischen Region Lebenden Binnenconchylien, iii, 1887, p. 175, first species C. acicula. — ? Belonis HARTMANN, Erd- und Siisswasser Gastropoden der Schweitz. 1841, p. 48 (for ' ' Belonis acicula^ " mentioned without synonymy, descrip- tior, or other means of identification.) The shell is imperforate, very small and slender, very narrowly lanceolate, with obtuse, rounded, smooth apex; smooth, fragile, transparent (weathering to opaque white); aperture usually less than half the total length, piriform; outer lip arching forward in the middle, acute; columella concave, more or less distinctly truncate at base, usually somewhat 2 C/ECILIOIDES. calloused. Animal blind, or at least without pigmented eyes. Jaw composed of many narrow plaits. Radula with 11, 1, 11 teeth in C. acicula, 18, 1, 18 in 0. gundlachi, the central tooth much smaller than the laterals, with a tricuspid reflection. Laterals symmetrical, tricuspid. Marginal teeth low, wide, with two low, denticulate cusps. The genitalia, as figured by Lehmann for C. acicula (pi. 15, fig. 1) have the duct of the spermatheca very short. An appendix, enlarged at the end, is terminal on the penis. There is also a short accessory organ anteriorly on the penis. Type C. acicula Mull. Distribution, Europe and most tropi- cal and subtropical countries. An excellent account of Cascilioides acicula has been given by Mr. L. E. Adams, as follows: " Methods of Progression. — Usually the shell is dragged along the ground after the animal, though more rarely it is lifted to a horizontal position (pi. 1, fig. 6). On two occasions I observed the animal protrude its head under the shell towards the spire and progress in that direction, forc- ing the shell along the ground in front of it, apex first, and then lift the shell over its head at an angle of about 45 degrees, and continue its march in that position (fig. 5). The progression is always by slow jerks, and not a continuous glide. I have not observed the shell carried in the position of Jeffrey's figure (British Conchology, Vol. I, pi. 7, fig. 18), though Nilsson says * the animal sometimes carries its shell erect, but generally drags it along depressed.' " Texture and Form of the Animal. — I was much struck with the extremely flexible and elastic nature of the animal. I have observed one emerge from the shell as it lay flat, on a hori- zontal surface, and make a complete circle with its head and tail, without moving the shell. It is also remarkable how far the animal will protrude from the shell, and how slender an attachment connects the head and foot with the part within the shell. The end of the tail is often curled up. Along the neck ;ind down the front of the head are two mucus sulcations on either side of the dorsal line (pi. 1, fig. 8). The tail is pointed and sharply carinated; from the dorsal ridge mucus sulcations descend to the lower edge (fig. 7). " Eyes and Tentacles. — Jeffreys' enlarged figure (Brit. Conch., Vol. I, pi. 7, fig. 19) is not quite accurate. He seems to have taken his description from Nilsson, and it may be doubted whether Jeffreys himself examined the animal with sufficient care. Nilsson had evidently studied the animal, but he was not correct in describing the upper tentacles as ' not thickened. ' In all the specimens that I have observed the upper tentacles are certainly slightly bulbous when fully or nearly fully ex- tended, though this does not appear when they are only slightly protruded. Nilsson, however, correctly remarks that the apices of the upper tentacles are not ( marked with a black spot.' Now Lamarck (to whom Nilsson refers) seems to have been the only one to observe the colorless eyeball, and he did not recog- nize them as such. Nilsson says (quoting Lamarck) "In this species no eyes indeed are exposed, unless they are white, like the tentacles themselves. These, indeed, are terminated by a convex surface, very smooth, very shiny, surrounded by a slightly impressed ring; which surface doubtless answers to the eye of other terrestrial mollusks. But this animal, probably because it lives underground, where it cannot use eyes, appears to us plainly to lack eyes.' Now I have noticed that these peculiar convex endings with a constricting ring are in fact eye- balls, and also that they are retractile, but whether they have retained the power of sight in spite of their loss of pigment, I am not prepared to say (see fig. 8). As far as my observation goes, the animal is insensible to light, though it will crawl straight away to a heap of moss; the direction, however, may be determined by scent alone. If it is deficient in sight it cer- tainly uses its tentacles to all appearance in the same manner as its more favored brethren. I may mention in this connection that an albino specimen of Limax maximus, whose eyeballs were also destitute of pigment, seems to act in a perfectly normal manner. Though my observations on this point (Journal of Conch., Vol. 9, p. 24) tend to show that this species is lacking in sight, I am not aware to what degree of perfection the vision of terrestrial mollusks attains, but I have noticed that Oydostoma elegans and Helix pomatia seem sensitive to the approach of a large' object." (Lionel E. Adams in The Journal of Conchol- ogy, Vol. 9, p. 297. ) 4 (LECILIOIDES. Cdecilwidea is well known to inhabit graves. Gaudry found them in lacrymatories unearthed from Grecian tumuli. Rev. H. Housman records that near Chichester in "an early British burying-ground many skeletons were found. The bones, which lay about three feet below the surface were infested with A. adada" (Journ. of Conch, iii, 1882, p. 317). In North- amptonshire Messrs. Wright and Adams found Ctedlioides abundant to a depth of 4-J ft. , in a place where skeletons of men and horses have occasionally been discovered (J. of C. viii, 1897, p. 395). J. W. Horsley reports them similarly from a Saxon cemetery near Witney (J. of C. ix, 164); and in Germany Professor von Martens has recorded the presence of a great num- ber of large fresh specimens in a human skull dug up at Bern- burg (Nachrbl. d. Mai. Ges. 1883, p. 60). Definite information upon the food of Csecilioides is wanting, but they probably feed upon vegetable matter, such as subter- ranean fungi or possibly fine rootlets. The European species of Csecilioides have no doubt been multi- plied beyond reason, yet without a critical study of the types it is impossible to say how many recognizable races exist. M. Bourguignat and his friends had an agreeable custom of describ- ing "species" from single selected specimens, ignoring connect- ing forms. Published figures of shells they had never seen occasionally served as a basis for supposed new species; so that in the identification of real shells there is some excuse for pass- ing over much work of these authors with a light heart and careless eye. I have neither the time nor type-material to at- tempt a critical revision of these forms. It is a work which properly belongs to some European student who will make a study of the local races, of the significance of variations, whether individual or racial, and finally he must study Bourguignat's types. This work demands great application and large series of the shells, unprejudiced by selection or determination. I have been able to do little more than give an account as full as the original sources admit. The American forms are treated more fully, my material being ample, and the literature less overloaded. The generic name has been variously spelled, but the earliest C^ECTLIOIDES. 5 valid form is undoubtedly Csecilioides, in reference to the blind- ness of these tiny subterranean snails. Aciculina of Wester- lund is an absolute synonym of Cxcilioides, having for type the same species, 0. acicula. Gsecilioides occurs in typical species in the Miocene and Plio- cene, the following species being known. All were described under the name Cxcilianella. Cdecilianella grateloupi Bgt. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 431, based upon Bulimus acicula Grateloup, Actes Soc. Linn. Bord. x, 1838, p. 31, pi. 4, f. 23, 24. St. Paul near Dax. Cdecilianella aciculella Sandberger, Land und Susswasser Conch, der Vorwelt, p. 595, pi. 29, f. 15. Upper Miocene, Morsingen. Csecilianella polonica Lomnicki, Verb. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1885, p. 422. Wycolki. C. acicula and C. a. irregularis Sacco have been found in the Pliocene, Villafranchian stage, at Fossano (see Sacco, I Mol- luschi dei terreni Terziarii del Piemonte e della Liguria, pt. 22, 1897, p. 76). C. a. irregularis Sacco 1885 (t. c., pi. 6, f. 26) is a form with very rapidly descending last whorl, requiring comparison with recent forms. Sections of Csecilioides. a. Columella distinctly truncate at the base; spire slender. Chiefly Pala3arctic species. b. Columella and parietal wall without conspicuous cal- lus, a low parietal nodule sometimes developed. Section Cascilioides, species 1 to 5, 9 to 36. bl. Columella with one or two nodules below the middle. Section Terebrella, species 7, 8. a1. Columella varying from truncate to indistinctly subtruncate at base; spire thick, short; shell very small. Tropical America. Section Caecilianopsis, species 37 to 39. a*. Columella not truncate or very indistinctly so. b. Columella simple, not conspicuously calloused. Trop- ical in both hemispheres. Section Geostilbia, species 40 to 47. 6l. Columella strongly sigmoid, not truncate at base; a 6 (VKCILIOIDKS, ATLANTIC ISLANDS. dentiform callus in the middle of the parietal margin. Portugal, Madeira? Section Rhaphidietta, species 2, 6. For convenience the species are grouped geographically, under the following heads: Atlantic Islands, species 1 to 3. Central Europe, species 4 to 5. Spain and Portugal, species 4, 6 to 8. Northern Africa, species 9 to 12. Italy, Sicily and Malta, species 13 to 21. Greece, Western Asia, species 22 to 31. Africa and Arabia, species 32 to 36, 46. Tropical Asia, East and West Indies, etc., species 37 to 49. Section Catcilioide-s s. str. Species of the Atlantic Islands. 1. C. SPICULUM (Benson). Shell imperf orate, subulate-cylindric, very slender, hyaline, polished; spire lengthened, the apex obtuse; suture impressed, margined. Whorls less than 6, slightly convex, the last one- third the length of the shell. Aperture vertical, tapering-piri- form, rounded basally; lip slightly obtuse and a little arcuate. Columella deeply, obliquely truncate at base, and calloused at the parietal margin. Length 4, diam. 1, aperture 1.33 mm« (Bens.). Cape Verde Is.: S. Antao (Dohrn), and S. Vicente, near the Duke's Head Mountains (E. L. Layard). Achatina spiculum BENS., Ann. Nat. Hist, xviii, 1856, p. 435. — PFR. , Monogr. viii, p. 289. — WOLLASTON, Testacea Atlantica, p. 517. — Caecilianella amoenitatum DOHRN, Malak. Bl. xvi, 1869, p. 10.— MORELET, Journ. de Conchyl. 1873, p. 242. According to Wollaston, this species differs from C. acicula by being smaller, narrower, thinner, paler, more highly polished and more transparent; its spire, which has a volution less, is shorter and a little more obtuse at the apex, its suture is less oblique, its columella is relatively somewhat longer and etraighter, and more flexuous, and its entire outline is both narrower and more fusiform. CvECILIOIDES, ATLANTIC ISLANDS. 7 2. C. EULIMA (Lowe). Shell linear, very narrowly cylindric, very slender, generally very indistinctly curved; spire long subconic-cylindric, the apex obtuse; suture very oblique, distinctly margined. Whorls 6£, flat, the middle ones long. Aperture short-obovate, acuminate above, entire and arcuately rounded below, much shorter than the spire; parietal wall uniplicate in the middle, the fold trans- verse, entering; peristome simple, acute, the margins joined by a somewhat thick callus, the right margin rounded, continued in a regular curve into the basal and columellar margins. Col- umella curved and slightly twisted, not abruptly truncate, but gradually and easily passing into the basal margin. Length 2.5 to 3, diam. 0.75 lines (WolL). Madeira: probably in the Funchal district, recent; Porto Santo, very rare, fossil (Wollaston). Achatina eulima LOWE, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 201. — WOLLASTON, Testacea Atlantica 1878, p. 244. "The most important feature which separates the A. eulima from the acicula consists in the presence of a conspicuous medial plait on its ventral paries ; but it has other characteristics also which combine to separate it from that species. Thus it is not only longer, more cylindric, and proportionately still slenderer, with a tendency to be obsoletely bent (as in the marine genus Eulima^ but its whorls (particularly the intermediate ones) are altogether more lengthened-out and flattened, and its aper- ture is relatively a little shorter, as well as broader (and more rounded) posteriorly, the basal margin being more obtusely arcuate, and merging almost without an intervening angle into the columella, which is narrower gradually (and is not abruptly truncate) behind. The suture is exceedingly oblique, and its surface is of a hyaline white." (Wottaston). This species apparently belongs to the section Rhaphidiella of Maltzan. See species No. 6. 3. C. NYCTELIA Bourguignat. PI. 2, figs. 32, 33. This shell has the usual acicular shape, clear corneous texture and smooth surface. Whorls 5J, very slightly convex, the penultimate and preceding whorls widening more rapidly than 8 (LECILIOIDES, ATLANTIC ISLANDS. those above on account of the more rapid descent of the last two turns of the suture. The suture is distinctly marginate. The outer lip is strongly convex in profile view, the greatest con- vexity being below the middle. Columella strongly concave, not heavily calloused, narrowly, subvertically truncate at base. Parietal callus hardly perceptible. Length 4.1, diam. 1.3 mm. Madeira: Under stones in dry places (Albers); Punta Sao Lourenco. (M. Grabham). Glandina acicula Mull. , ALBERS, Malac. Maderensis, 1854, p. 59, pi. 15, f. 17, 18; renamed Caecilianella nyctelia BOURGUIGNAT, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 430, pi. 12, f. 21, 22 (copy from Albers). — Achatinan., PFR., Monogr. iv, 626. This species is distinguished from G. acicula by the irregular increase of its whorls, the antepenultimate or penultimate sud- denly widening more rapidly than those before, and by the narrow, subvertical truncation of the columella, that of acicula being wider and more approaching horizontal. The species of Bourguignat was based solely upon Albers' account; and the latter, in my opinion, applies to this form rather than to the real C. acicula. Bourguignat had not actually seen the Madeiran shell. The Sicilian C. actoniana, rizzeana and petitiana are apparently identical specifically with nyctelia, — or at all events, there seems to be no difference in the shells. How many other of the 11 species" are really the same I do not know. Fig. 32 repre- sents an adult shell from Punta Sao Lourengo; fig. 33 a young shell from another locality, length 3.6, diam. 1.1 mm. Var. maderensis n. v. PI. 2, figs. 34, 35. The shell is com- posed of 5 nearly flat whorls, the last turn of the suture de- scending more rapidly. Aperture more than half the total length, lanceolate; columella slightly concave, rather lightly calloused, and somewhat widely truncate at the base. Length 4, diam. 1.25 mm. Madeira: Suburbs of Funchal, 400 ft. elevation (M. Grab- ham). Type in coll. A. N. S. P. C^ECILIOIDES OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 9 Central European Species. 4. C. ACICULA (Miiller). PI. 1, figs. 1, 2, 5-8. "Shell turreted and slender, transparent, very thin, highly polished and iridescent, ivory-white, with a yellowish tinge on the upper part in fresh specimens (owing to the color of the liver), perfectly smooth and polished when examined with a lens of ordinary power, except a few faint and irregular wrinkles in the lines of growth, but under a microscope exhibiting deli- cate and close-set spiral striae. Periphery rounded. Epidermis exceedingly thin and forming a mere film. Whorls 5J, not convex, but compressed and drawn out, rapidly increasing in size; the last occupying about one-half of the shell. Spire very obtuse and rounded at the point. Suture moderately deep and oblique, apparently margined on the under side by reason of the upper part of the succeeding whorl being seen through the pellucid shell; mouth oblong, contracted by the penultimate whorl, narrowing above into an acute angle, slightly widened and rounded below, but interrupted by a deep notch at the base of the pillar lip." Outer lip thin and flexuous. Pillar lip thick and curved. Inner lip consisting of a slight deposit of shelly matter, which is spread on the pillar. Length 0.175, breadth 0.04 inch (Jeffreys'). Europe, chiefly in Germany, France and England; Ireland, Spain, Italy. America: introduced in Florida (W. G. Bin- ney); Bermuda, near Frascati Hotel (A. Gulick); Barbados (Brown). S. Africa: Cradock, "introduced, apparently not indigenous" (Melvill & Ponsonby.) Buccinum acicula MILLER, Hist. Verm, ii, 1774, p. 150.— Cionella acicula JEFFREYS, Trans. Linn. Soc. xvi, 1830, p. 347. — Westerlund, Fauna iii, p. 176. — Achatina acicula Ross- MAESSLER Iconogr. pt. x, p. 35, f. 658. — PFR., Monogr. ii, 274; iii, 506; iv, 623; vi, 240; viii, 294.— JEFFREYS, British Conchol- ogy i, p. 297, pi. 7, fig. 18-21. — WOLLASTON, Testae. Atlantica 1878, p. 243,—Styloides acicula FITZ., 1833.—Cecilioides acicula BECK, Amtl. Ber. Deutscher Nat. etc., 1847, p. 122. — Oxdlianella acicula BOURG., Revue et mag. de zool. 1856, p. 382, pi. 18, f. 1-3 (Amen. Mai. i, p. 215). — LEHMANN, Lebenden Schnecken, 10 CyECILIOIDES OF CENTRAL EUROPE. etc., p. 128, pi. 13, f. 43 (teeth and genitalia).— MELVILL and PONSONBY, Proc. Malac. Soc. Land, iii, 184 (in S. Africa). — BINNEY, Manual of American Land Shells, p. 429. — SORDELLI, Atti Soc. Ital. de. Sci. nat. xiii, Milan, 1870, p. 48, pi. 1, f. 22-26 (otocysts, jaw, radula). — Buccinum terrestre MONTAGU, Test. Brit. p. 248, pi. 8. f. 3.— Helix octona GMELIN, Syst. Nat. 13, p. 3653. — Achatina alba BROWN, Illustr. Land and Fresh- water Conchology of G. B. and I., 1845, p. 32 (erroneously quoted as of Turton). — Achatina pusilla SCACCHI, Catal. Conch. Reg. Neapolitan!, 1836, p. 16. — Columna miliaris de CHRISTOFORI et JAN, "Shell fusiform -ovate, imperforate, smooth, glossy, slender, whitish, the last whorl ventricose (1J- lines long, \ wide), aperture oval, 1 line long, J wide)." Catalogus etc., Mantissa, p. 2, 1832. — Acicula hyalina Bielz, PAULUCCI, Bull. Soc. Malac. Ital. xii, 1886, p. 45 (Italy). — Stenogyra octona var. danica SCHLESCH Ann. Soc. Roy. Zool. et Malac. Belgique xli, 1906, p. 184. Gwyn Jeffreys' description of this common species is given. It seems to be a rather variable form, but the limits of variation in this group are little understood. A large proportion of the specimens in collections are from drift debris of rivers, hence forms from various colonies and diverse stations are mingled in unwonted company. Such lots are misleading in the study of variation. Var. elongata Locard. Of a slimmer, more lengthened form. Var. ventricosa Locard. Of the same size (not over 4.5 mm. long), but the shape is a little more ventricose, more swollen at the base (Locard, Conchyliologie Portugaise, in Archives du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. de Lyon, vii, 1899, p. 141). Var. festuca Porro. Whorls only 4; size smaller, alt. 2, diam. 0.5 mm. Como and Varese, Italy. (Achatina acicula var. fes- tuca Porro, Malacologia terr. e fluv. della Prov. Comasca, Milan, 1838, p. 52.) Var. eburnea (Risso). PI. 1, fig. 9. Shell very long fusi- form, very fragile, glossy, pellucid, ivory-white; spire long, the apex obtuse; whorls 7, regularly increasing, flattened or slightly convex, separated by a deeply impressed suture, the last one- third the total length. Aperture piriform, dilated below; colu- (LECILIOIDES OF CENTRAL EUROPE. 11 mella twisted, strongly truncate, not reaching the base; right margin arching forward; margins joined by a callus. Length 6, diam. 1.25 mm. (£n Espagne et en Portugal, 1880, p. 129. Section KhaphidieUa Maltzan. Differs from the genus CatcilianeMa Bgt. [Ca-cU-iwdes] by the club-shaped shell, whorls slowly increasing, columella strongly sigmoid, excised, twisted, the upper margin of the excision with C^ECILIOIDES OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 19 a dentiform process in the middle of the parietal margin; colu- mella not truncate at the base, passing gradually into the right m argin . ( Maltzan ) . The Madeiran C. eulima Lowe probably belongs to this group, which seems to be closely related to C. Uewttlei and its allies. 6. C. BARBOZ.E Maltzan. Shell very minute, long-club-shaped, the spire cylindric- turrite, apex rather acute. Whorls 6, slowly increasing, separated by a subimpressed, submarginate suture, the last scarcely one-third the total length. Aperture long-piriform, almost biangular at the base; columella concave, with one tooth above, at the base passing into the right margin almost in a right angle. Length 3, diam. 0.75 mm.; aperture 1 x 0.5 mm. (Maltzan}. Portugal: Portimao, Algarve. Ca?e. barboza MALTZAN, Nachrichtsblatt d. D. Malak. Ges. xviii, Feb., 1886, p. 26. Section Terebrella Maltzan. Differs from the genus C&cilianella Bgt. by having the colu- mella nodulose-calloused or one- or two-nodulose below the middle, the upper nodule dentiform, the lower obliquely elon- gate, distinctly separated from the truncation of the columella by a sinus, disappearing within. Type C. clessim. (Maltzan). 7 '. C. CLESSINI Maltzan. Shell elongate-turrite. the spire turrite, apex rather acute, whorls 8, slowly increasing, separated by a margined suture, the last one-third the total length of the shell. Aperture com- pressed, lanceolate. Columella with one cultriform callus below the middle; at base obliquely and acutely truncate. Length 7, diam. 2.125, aperture 2.5 x 1 mm. (Maltzan). Portugal: Portimao and Tavira, Algarve. C&c. clessini MALTZ., Nachrichtsblatt d. Deutschen Malak. Gee. xviii, Feb. 1886, p. 27. 8. C. BINODOSA Maltzan. Shell oblong-fusiform, widest in the middle, almost biconic; spire long-conic, the apex obtuse, whorls 5, slowly increasing, separated by a margined suture, the last lonirw than the spire. 20 CJSCILIOIDES OF NORTH AFRICA. Aperture long-lanceolate, the margins nearly parallel. Colu- rnella binodose, the upper nodule dentiform, nearly horizontal, the lower nodule large, obtuse. Truncation of the columella distinct, horizontal. Length 2.62 to 2.75, diam. 1 mm.; aperture 1.62 x 0.5 mm. (Maltzan). Portugal: Portimao, Algarve. CCEC. binodosa MALTZAN, Nachrbl. Feb. 1886, p. 27. A single larger specimen was taken, of the same shape and formation of the columella, but having only one callus, the lower one. Length 3.5 mm. (Maltzan). Section Cceciliodes s. str. North African Species, Tunis to Morocco. 9. C. BRONDELI (Bourguignat). PI. 3, figs. 37, 38. Shell fusiform-cylindric, acicular, hyaline, very fragile, whit- ish-corneous, very smooth, apex tapering, obtuse. Whorls 6, flattened, separated by an impressed suture, the last two-fifths the total length. Aperture narrow, lanceolate, rounded at the base; columella arcuate, calloused, narrowly and abruptly trun- cate at the base, and in the upper part one-lamellate; peristome simple, margins joined by a callus. Length 4, diam. scarcely 1 mm. (Bgt. ). Algeria: Mostaganem, under stones. Glandina brondeli BGT., Rev. et Mag. Zool., viii, 1856, p. 17, pi. 1, f. 12-14; Amen. Malac., i, p. 144, pi. 10, f. 12-14.- Achatina brondeli PFR., Monogr. , iv, 625. — Ccecilianella 6. , BGT., Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1856, p. 426. The columella is very thick, arcuate, and has a quite consid- erable swelling at the upper part, referred to in the description, somewhat inexactly, as " unilamellate." It is smaller than C. acicula, and distinguished from it by the stronger columellar callus, and the small tooth at its upper part, referred to above. 10. C. RAPHIDIA Bourguignat. PI. 3, figs. 39, 40. Shell pyramidal-oblong, slender, diaphanous, polished, whit- ish, the apex a little obtuse; whorls 6, slightly convex, separated by a duplicated suture, the last less than one- third the total length. Aperture oblong-rounded, peristome acute, simple, unexpended; right margin arching forward; columella a little C^ECILIOIDES OF NORTH AFRICA. 21 arcuate, truncate, scarcely reaching to the base, the margins joined by a thin callus, bearing a small projecting tubercle on the convexity of the penult, whorl. Length 4.5, diam. 1.5 mm. (Bgt.). Algeria: Mostaganem, type loc. ; also Bone, Philippeville, Algiers, Orleansville, etc. , etc. ; Tunis in the debris of the Oued Sidi-Aich and of the Medjerda near Ghardimaou. Caecilianella raphidia BGT., Rev. et Mag. Zool., viii, 1856, p. 386, pi. 12, f. 9-11; Amen. Mai., i, p. 218, pi. 18, f. 9-11; Malac. del'Algerie, ii, p. 115, pi. 8, f. 7-9; Prodr. Mai. Tunisie, p. 127.— PFR., Monogr., iv, 624. 11. C. NANODEA Bourguignat. PL 3, fig. 36. Shell dwarfed, obese-fusiform, very slender, polished, whitish; apex obtuse; whorls 5, subplanulate, separated by a distinct suture, the last whorl half the total length. Aperture narrow, oblong-elongate; peristome unexpanded, acute, simple; right margin slightly arched forward; columella rather straight, trun- cate, not reaching to the base of the aperture; margins joined by a thin callus. Length 2.5, diam. 0.33 mm. Algeria: Around Bone, type loc. ; Tunis in debris of the Med- jerda at the bridge of Fondouck. Ctzcilianellan. , BGT., Rev. et Mag. Zool., viii, 1856, p. 427, pi. 12, f. 12-14; Amen. Malac., i, p. 221, pi. 18, f. 12-14; Malac. Algerie, ii, p. Ill, pi. 8, f. 4-6; Prodr. Malac. Tunisie, p. 128.— SERVAIN, Conch. Portugaise, 1899, p. 142. Distinguished from C. subsaxana by the less truncate colu- mella without a callosity, the non-marginate suture, and less forwardly arched outer lip. It has been reported from Faro Algarve, Portugal, by Servain. 12. C. LETOURNEUXI Bourguignat. PI. 3, figs. 43, 44. Shell minute, elongate-subfusiform, very slender, smooth, hyaline-whitish; spire long lanceolate, obtuse above, the apex very obtuse. Whorls 7, subplanulate, regularly and rapidly increasing, separated by an impressed suture, the last whorl one-third the total length. Aperture minute, oblong, acutely angular above; peristome unexpanded, acute. Columella short, 22 CvECILIOIDES OF ITALY, SICILY, MALTA. arcuate, strongly truncate, reaching nearly to the base; outer margin slightly arching forward; margins joined by a thin callus. Length 4.5, diam. 1.25mm. (Bgt). Algeria: Vicinity of Algiers in the debris of the Frais-Vallon at the Bab-el-Oued gate, and along the Harrach. Tunis, debris of the Medjerda near Ghardimaou. Catilianella L, BGT., Malacologie de 1'Algerie ii, 1864, p. 112, pi. 8, f. 10-12; Prodr. Malac. Tunisie, p. 128. Species of Italy, Sicily and Malta. 13. C. JANI (deBetta). Shell conic-ovate with the upper half acutely conic; apex very minute, with rounded summit, whorls 6, scarcely convex, regularly increasing, the last long, convex, very rapidly con- tracting below, more than double the length of the penultimate, half the total length of the shell. Suture strongly margined. Aperture narrow, long piriform, very narrow above, narrowed at the base, with strongly shortly arcuate basal margin. Outer lip strongly arching forward in the middle. Coluniella curved, somewhat oblique, strongly excised above, not reaching the base. Length 6 to 6.5, diam. 2 to 2£ mm., aperture 2.5 mm. long. ( Westerlund ) . Northern Italy; southern Tirol; Dalmatia; Greece at Hy- mettos; Malta; Corfu; Sarus river at Adana, in southeastern Asia Minor. Achatina jani de BETTA et MARTINATI, Catal. Moll. Prov. Venete, 1855, p. 59 — DE BETTA, Esame Critico a tre molluschi del genere Glandina, p. 23, pi. 1, f. 4-6. (Venezia, 1864).- Ferussacia jani PFEIFFER, Monogr. iv, 622; vi, 252; viii, 307.— Oionella ( Gacil. ) jani WESTERLUND, Fauna iii, p. 178. — Glandina veneta Charpentier in coll.; Achatina veneta Charp., KUESTER, Neunter Bericht. naturforsch. Ges. Bam berg, 1870, p. 93.— Oionella jani HESSE, Jahrb. D. M. Ges. ix, 1882, p. 331 (Hy- mettos, Greece). — Cacilianella ( Aciculina ) jani BOETTGER, Nachrbl. D. Mai. Ges. vol. 37, 1905, p. Ill (distribution). The identity of this species, and its synonymy, have been the subjects of considerable variance. Unfortunately I have not access to de Betta's " Esame Critico" in which he figures the CJECILIOIDES OF ITALY. 23 species. Westerlund's account, which I have used above, seems to have been taken mainly from Kuester s article of 1870, which was the first critical discussion of the species. Var. gredleri Kuester. Shell ovate-fusiform, slender, thin, polished, whitish, the spire rather acute, whorls a little convex, joined by a margined suture, the last more than half the total length. Aperture narrow, lanceolate ; peristome unexpanded acute, arching forward. Columella short, slightly arcuate, obliquely truncate, margins joined by a callus. Length 5.5, diam. scarcely 2 mm. (Acicula gredleri Kuester, Neunter Ber. Nat. Ges. Bamberg, 1870, p. 94). "One might say that this species represents a shortened, widened aciculoides, just as veneta seems to be a derivative of acicula. The slender shell is fusiform, but the greatest width is below the middle." The types were found at Trient with A. veneta by Professor Gredler. One example was found by Dr. Kuester at Triest. 14. C. ACICULOIDES ('Jan' de Betta). PI. 2, fig. 25. Shell minute, fusiforrn-cylindric, acicular, the apex attenuate, obtuse, hyaline, glossy, white or gray. Whorls nearly flat; suture very narrowly margined; columella arcuate, the base narrowly truncate. Aperture ovate-oblong, lanceolate, very narrow; peristome simple, unexpanded, acute. Length 8.5 to 4, diam. 1 to 1.25 mm.; whorls 6 (de Betta, 1852). Northern Italy: valley of the Non; near Fondo and in the valley of S. Romedio, in crevices of the earth and limestone (de Betta); Triest (Kuester). Columna aciculoides CRISTOFORI et JAN, Catalogus, Mantissa p. 2 (1832). — Achatina aciculoides Jan, DE BETTA, Malacologia terr. e fluv. della Valle di Non, nel Tirolo Italiano (Verona, 1852), p. 75, fig. Ill a, b; Catalogo del Moll. terr. e fluv. viventi nelle prov. Venete (Verona 1855), p. 57. — KUESTER, Neunter Bericht der naturforschenden Ges. zu Bamberg, 1869- 70, p. 91. — Cionella (Cadi) a., WESTERLUND, Fauna, p. 177. From the notably higher, almost awl-shaped acicula this species differs by the entirely different, rather fusiform, cylin- dric shape, the much higher last whorl, half the total alt,, and 24 C^ECILIOIDES OF ITALY. the longer aperture, not so much receding below and less widened. The moderately increasing whorls are somewhat convex, the upper margin noticeably thickened, narrowly bor- dered. The base of the last whorl is very lightly arcuately tapering. The bend of the columella is indistinct, the trunca- tion at its base oblique. The ends of the peristome are joined by a distinct deposit. Length 5, diam. 1.33 to 1.5 mm. (Kuester, 1870). This species was quite unrecognizably described by Jan, but it was redescribed in 1852 by Edoardo de Betta, from specimens received from Jan. I have translated de Betta' s description and reproduced his very poor figure. Kuester ably discussed the form in 1870, having specimens received from de Betta, and others collected by himself at Triest. 15. C. PEDEMONTANA Pollonera. Differs from aciculoides by the less swollen shell, slightly smaller size, spire a little more acute and higher, aperture narrower and the columellar margin less arcuate. Length 6, diam. 1.75mm. (Poll). Italy: drift debris of the Po at Turin; of the Scrivia at Carbonara. Cfpcilianella p. POLL., Atti R. Accad. Sci. di Torino, xx, 1885, p. 693. 16. C. LAUTA (Paulucci). PL 3, fig. 41, 42. Shell slender, elongate-lanceolate, glassy- hyaline, whitish, polished, glossy. Spire produced, the apex obtuse. Whorls 6, irregularly and rapidly increasing, the first 4 only a trifle convex, the rest a little convex, separated by a duplicated, impressed suture; last whorl larger, slightly more than one-third the total length, not descending. Aperture oblong, angular above; columella curved, truncate, not reaching the base of the aper- ture. Peristome unexpanded, the outer margin arching for- ward, margins joined by a thin callus. Length 4.5, diam. 1.5 mm. (Paul). Italy: peak of Ronconali. Acicula lauta PAULUCCI, Bull. Soc. Malac. Italiana, xii, 1886, p. 46, pi. 2, f. 4. CvEOILIOIDES OF SICILY. 25 17. C. ACTONIANA (Benoit). PI. 2, figs. 20, 21, 22. Shell oblong- fusiform, slightly swollen, very thin, very glossy, hyaline, corneous-yellowish. Spire turrite-conic, the apex obtuse, suture deep, indistinctly margined. Whorls 5, convex, very rapidly increasing, the last nearly longer than the spire. Columella a little arcuate, very narrowly truncate at the base. Aperture ovate-oblong; peristome simple, unexpanded, acute; margins joined by a thin callus. Length 4, diam. 1.5, aperture 1.5 x 1 mm. (Ben.}. Sicily: Around Palermo (Benoit). Achatina actoniana BEN., Illustr. Test, estramar. Sicilia, 1862, p. 244 ("pi. 10, f. 8," unpublished). PFR., Monogr., vi, p. 242. — Cacilianella a., BENOIT, Catalogo, p. 87. — Cionella a., WESTERLUND, Fauna, iii, p. 172. Figured from specimens received from Benoit, fig. 20 repre- senting the adult, 4.3 x 1.3 mm., figs. 21, 22 the immature form, 3.7 x 1.2 mm. It is very similar to C. petitiana, from which it differs in little but the smaller size, in specimens of apparently equal age. It is practically identical with C. rizzeana, though the mouth may be a thought narrower, in the specimens compared. The Madeiran C. nyctelia is conchologically not distinguishable. Var. rizzeana (Benoit). PI. 2, figs. 26, 27. Shell long-fusi- form, thin, polished, glossy, hyaline, whitish-buff. Spire tapering-turrite, the apex mamillate; suture impressed, very narrowly margined. Whorls 6, a trifle convex, the first 4 regularly increasing, the last 2 very rapidly descending, the last two shorter than the spire, two-fifths the total length. Colum- ella subarcuate, abruptly and broadly truncate, not reaching to the base. Aperture oblong- acuminate, rather narrow; peristome simple, unexpanded, acute, the margins joined by a rather thick white callus. Length 4.5, diam. 1.75, aperture 2x0.75 mm. (Ben.). Sicily : vicinity of Palermo, type loc. ; banks of the Simeto, Plain of Catania (Benoit); Province of Syracuse, in debris of of the Anapo (Cafici). Achatina rizzeana BEN., Illustr. Test, estramar. Sicilia, 1862, p. 245, pi. 8, f. 10. — Ferussacia r., BGT., Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 26 CyECILIOIDES OF SICILY. xvi, 1864, p. 211, no. 48.— PFR., Monogr. vi, p. 258. — Ci ella r. BENOIT, Catalogo, p. 87. — Cochlicopa ;*., CAFICT, II. Nat. Sicil. i, p. 204. From specimens before me from Benoit. this does not seem to differ materially from C. petitiana except in being smaller. I have figured a Benoit shell measuring 4.4 x 1.3 mm. There is no noticeable parietal callus nodule or ridge; the outer lip is very strongly, evenly arched forward; and the last whorl descends very obliquely in the middle of its length. Far. petitiana (Benoit). PI. 2, figs. 23, 24. Shell elongate- fusiform, thin, polished, glossy, hyaline, whitish. Spire conic- turrite, the apex a little obtuse; suture impressed, narrowly margined. Whorls 6, slightly convex, rapidly increasing, the last nearly flat, longer than the spire. Columella subarcuate, abruptly truncate at the base. Aperture lanceolate, narrow. Peristome simple, unexpanded, acute, the margins joined by a very thin callus. Length 5, diam. 1.66, aperture 2x0.75 mm. (Ben.). Sicily: Mt. Bellocampo and Billiemi near Palermo. Achatina petitiana BEN., Illustr. Test. Estramar. Sicilia 1802, p. 247, pi. 8, f. 8.— PFR., Monogr. vi, 242. — CacilianeUap., BGT., Rev. et Mag. Zool. xvi, 1864, p. 212.— Benoit, Catalogo, p. 88. Several lots, all from Benoit, are before me. The extremely thin hyaline shell has a conspicuously margined suture. The upper part of the spire is slightly contracted. The first whorl increases in width very rapidly, the next \\ increase but little; then the width increases rapidly again, the suture descending more obliquely. Its descent is most oblique in the middle of the last whorl, somewhat less so towards its end. The outer lip arches very strongly forward, the greatest convexity being below the middle. The parietal wall has only a thin callous film. The colurnella is concave, has a callous edge, and is obliquely but quite distinctly truncate at the base. Length 4.3, diam. 1.3 mm.; whorls 5. 17. C. STEPHANIANA (Benoit). PI. 2, figs. 29, 30. Shell elongate-fusiform, rather solid, polished, milk-white. C/ECILIOIDES OF ITALY, SICILY, MALTA. 27 Spire conic-turrite, the apex rather obtuse. Suture somewhat impressed, margined. Whorls 6, convex, the last subovate, tapering at the base, longer than the spire. Columella sub- vertical, calloused, obliquely truncate, not reaching to the base. Aperture ovate-lanceolate; peristome simple, unexpanded, the margins joined by a rather thick callus, right margin arching forward. Length 6, diam. 2, aperture 2.6x1 mm. (Ben.} Sicily: Palermo, type loc. Malta, in Mr. H. Vassallo's gar- den at C. Attard (Caruana-Gatto). Also in Italy, Monte Ar- gentaro (Paulucci). Achatina «., BENOIT, Illustr. Test, estramar. Sicilia, 1862, p. 246, pi. 8, f. 11.— PFR., Monogr. vi, 241.—Cacttiandla s., BEN., Catalogo, p. 88. — GATTO, The Mediterranean Naturalist, ii, p. 227, 1892 (Malta). — Acicula stephaniana PAULUCCI, Bull. Soc. Malac. Italiana xii, 1886, p. 45. I have not seen this form, which may differ from petitiana by its "calloused" columella. 18. C. INNOVATA Gregorio. Shell very small, thin, translucent, fusiform-submitriform, narrow. Spire short, composed of 3 whorls; last whorl rela- tively very large, the aperture equal to the spire in length, in this respect differing from C. tiberiana Ben. (Gregorio). Sicily: Scorcia Denaro, at the Pagliarelli, near Palermo. OaciManetta innovata de GREGORIO, II Naturalista Siciliano, xiv, July-Sept., 1895, p. 206. Numerous Sicilian forms have also been "described," as follows. C. spadaforensis (Benoit). Shell somewhat solid, fusiform, lucid, smooth, whitish; spire of 6 slightly convex whorls, sep- arated by a superficial suture, which with strong magnification is seen to be encircled with a band; apex very obtuse. Last two whorls more than two-thirds the total length. Columella twisted, but hardly truncate. Aperture narrow, long, acutely angular above; peristome simple, acute, the margins joined by a weak callus. Length 7.5, diam. 3 mm. Spadafora, near Messina, Sicily (Cadi, «., BENOIT, Catalogo, 1881, p. 91). C. maretima (Benoit). Shell somewhat cylindric, lucid, 28 C^ECILIOIDES OF ITALY, SICILY, MALTA. whitish. Spire of 5 nearly flat whorls separated by a moderate suture, the apex obtuse; last whorl nearly half the total length; columella strongly twisted but scarcely truncate; aperture nar- row, acuminate above: peristome simple, acute, the margins joined by a scarcely visible callus. Length 6, diam. 3 mm. Island of Maretimo, near Sicily. (Ben}. Cacilianella maretima BEN., Catalogo etc., 1881, p. 91. C. splendens (Benoit). A fragile little snail, vitreous, smooth and transparent. Spire composed of 5 slightly swollen whorls separated by a superficial suture, the last a little less than half the total length; apex very obtuse; truncation clear-cut and precise, a little above the base. Aperture piriform, lip acute, the margins joined by a callus. Length 5, diam. 2 mm. Sicily: Mt. S. Martino. (Catil. s., BENOIT, Catalogo etc., 1881, p. 91). O. montana (Benoit). Shell elongate-cylindric, very fragile, glassy, transparent, clear, rather obtuse at the apex. Spire of 5 rather flat whorls, the last forming about half the length of the shell. Suture superficial, encircled by a narrow whitish band. Columella truncate at about the level of the base. Aperture narrow, long, most acutely angular above; peristome simple, acute; margins joined by an inconspicuous callus. Length 5, diam. 1.5 mm. (Ben.}. Sicily : Mt. Petroso, not far from Palermo. Ciecil. montana BEN., Catalogo, 1881, p. 92. C. elegans (Benoit). Shell minute, slenderly fusiform, bright, transparent, whitish. 5 whorls at the spire regularly increasing, little convex, and separated by a moderately impressed suture, the last half the total length. Right margin very straight, the left very arcuate and truncate above the base. Peristome acute, the margins joined by a scarcely visible callus. Length 5, diam. 2.5 mm. (Ben.). Sicily: country around Palermo. C. elegans BEN., Catalogo etc., 1881, p. 92. 19. C. GATTOI (Westerlund). Shell cylindric-turrite, glossy, diaphanous, white, rather dis- tantly costulate-striate. Spire slowly tapering from the middle of the shell, turrite-conic, rather obtuse. Whorls 6£, a little C^ECILIOIDES OF MALTA. 29 convex, the upper three rather narrow, last three rather wide, the penultimate slightly larger than the preceding, half as long as the last at aperture; last whorl long, tapering below. Suture slightly impressed, broadly margined, slightly oblique, sub- horizontal at the aperture. Aperture long, narrow, slowly tapering upward, rounded at base, parietal wall and columella short, at the base truncate, lying nearly in a straight line, outer margin vertical, produced in the middle. Length, 6.5, diam. 2, aperture 3 mm. (Westerl. ). Malta: Cape Attard, under stones in Uied Encita. Cacilianella gattoi WESTERL. in GATTO, The Mediterranean Naturalist, ii, p. 227, Aug. 1, 1892.— Cionella ((7.) gattoi WESTERL., Nachrichtsblatt d. Deutchen Malak. Ges. , Dec., 1892, p. 195. 20. C. MELITENSIS Gatto. Shell sub-subulate, slowly tapering almost to the base, rather obtuse, hyaline, striatulate. Whorls 6, scarcely convex, rather slowly increasing, the penultimate slightly longer than the pre- ceding whorl, and about equal to the last. Suture oblique, margined. Aperture about a third the total length, narrowly ovate, rounded at base, shortly acuminate upward; parietal wall almost straightly descending; columella rather more strongly arcuate, truncate below, not reaching to the base. Outer lip strongly arched forward. Length 3.66 to 4, diam. 1.25 mm. (Westerl.}. Malta: in flower-pots, gardens, house yards, etc. Cacilianetta melitensis GATTO, The Mediterranean Naturalist, ii, p. 227, Aug., 1892. — Cionella (Ccecilianella) melitensis Gatto, insc., WESTERL., Nachrbl., Dec., 1892, p. 196. 21. C. POLLONER^E Gatto. Shell subulate, slowly oblong- tapering to the base, slightly obtuse, hyaline, densely striate. Whorls 7, a trifle convex, the upper two minute, the rest elongate, the penultimate and last equal, a little larger than the antepenultimate whorl. Suture very oblique, margined. Aperture one-fourth the total length, outwardly subvertical, strongly sinuate between the slightly convex parietal wall and the thin, short columella 30 (LECILIOIDES OF GREECE AND WESTERN ASIA. which is slightly truncate at base; the whole outer lip strongly arched forward. Length 4.25, diam. 1 mm. (Westerl.) Malta: in flower-pots on Dr. Ed. Calleja's terrace; also a house yard in Valletta. Cacilianella pollonerte GATTO, The Medit. Naturalist, ii, p. 227, Aug. 1892. — Cionella (Cacilianella) pollonera Gatto in Sc., WESTERL., Nachrbl. Dec. 1892, p. 196. "These three Caecilianellas of the group Aciculina, sent for determination by the Count Caruana-Gatto, stand nearest to C. petitiana" ( Westerlund). Species of Greece and Western Asia. Besides the following, C. /. boettgeri and G. jam have been recorded. 22. C. TUMULORUM Bourguignat. PI. 3, fig. 45. Shell minute, conic-fusiform, slender, diaphanous, polished, whitish, the apex tapering, obtuse; whorls 6, flattened, parted by a duplicated superficial suture, the last over one-third the total length. Aperture piriform-dilated-oblong; peristome acute, simple, unexpanded, the right margin arching forward; columella a little twisted and arcuate, abruptly truncate and not reaching the base of the aperture; margins joined by a strong callus which bears an almost obsolete tooth-like callosity on the convexity of the penult, whorl. Length 6 to 6.5, diam. 2 mm. (Bgt.). Greece: Megara, in lacrymatories from ancient tombs (type loc. ); Piraeus, Athens, Syra, etc. (Hesse)] Crete, Nauplia, Corfu (Boettger). Asia Minor: Samsun; Adalia, in Lycia; Adana, in debris of the Sarus river (Boettger). Cadlianella £., BGT., Rev. et Mag. de Zool., viii, 1856, p. 424, pi. 12, f. 15-17; Amen. Malac., i, p. 219, pi. 18, f. 15-17.— PFR., Monogr., iv, 625.— HESSE, Jahrb. D. M. Ges., ix, 1882, 331.— NAEGELE, Nachrbl. D. Mai. Ges., 1902, p. 8; 1903, p. 176 (Adana, CiliciaB, in debris of the Sarus river). — BOETTGER, Nachrbl., vol. 37, 1905, p. 111. " Distinguished easily from liesvillei by its more pyramidal shell, larger size, more truncate suture and flatter whorls" (Rgt.). C^ECILIOIDES OF GREECE AND WESTERN ASIA. 31 23. C. SUBSAXANA (Bourguignat). PL 3, fig. 50. Shell very minute, obese- fusiform, very slender, hyaline, polished, whitish; apex very obtuse, whorls 4-J to 5, subplanu- late, parted by a double suture, the last more than half the total length. Aperture narrow, long; peristome acute, simple, unexpanded; right margin somewhat dilated in the middle; columella arcuate, with a callous deposit, and strongly abruptly truncate, not reaching to the base; margins joined by a callus. Length 2.5, diam. 1 mm. (Bgt.). Greece: Megara, in lacrymatories from ancient tombs (A. Gaudry). C. mbsaxona BGT., Rev. et Mag. Zool. viii, 1856, p. 426, pi. 12, f. 18-20; Amen. Malac. i, 220, pi. 18, f. 18-20.— Achatina s. , Pfr. , Monogr. iv, 625. 24. C. OBTUSATA (Westerlund). Shell with the lower half fusiform, the upper cylindric. Whorls 5, the first small, depressed, the second large, strongly convex, globose, wider and slightly shorter than the weakly convex third whorl, which is scarcely shorter than the fourth; the last whorl lengthened, narrowed below, half the total length; suture slightly oblique, simple; aperture narrow; outer margin scarcely produced forward; columella somewhat curved, truncate. Length 3.66, diam. 1 mm. (Westerl.*). Caucasus: Poti. Cionella (Csecilianella*) obtusata WESTERL., Fauna iii, p. 181 (1887). Two specimens were found with C. liesvillei,. Even if they are not full-grown, the form is distinguishable from all others by its apex. 25. C. RADDEI (Boettger). PI. 3, figs. 46, 47. Shell suboblong-fusiform, whitish glassy; spire turrited, the apex obtuse. Whorls 5-J, here and there substriate, very little convex, the penultimate nearly equal to the height of those above; last whorl not distinctly more swollen than the rest, more convex towards the base, three-sevenths the total length. Aperture drop-shaped; columella arcuate, very obliquely, 32 C^ECILIOIDES OF GREECE AND WESTERN ASIA. abruptly truncate at the base; peristome a little arching forward below the middle. Length 4| to 5, diam. 1.5, aperture 2.12 to 2.25 mm. long. (Bttg.) Caucasus: Mamutli, type loc. ; Borshom, in flotsam of the Kura. Asia Minor: Sarus river drift at Adana; Samsun (Bttg.) Cochlicopa (Hohenwartiana) radd&i BTTG., Jahrbiicher. d. D. Malak. Ges. vi, 1879, p. 25, pi. 1, f. 8; p. 397.— Cacilianella acicula Mull.? MOUSSON, Coq. Schlaefli, Vierteljahrsschr. Nat. Ges. Zurich viii, 1863, p. 404. — Cacilianella (Aciculina) raddd BTTG., Nachrbl. D. M. Ges. vol. 37, 1905, p. 112. This species is comparable to C. jani de B., having the sharply truncate columella of that, but it does not reach nearly the size — 5.5 to 6.75 mm. long, 2.25 to 2.5 wide. C. jani has also a much more ventricose last whorl and distinctly more acute apex. (Bttg.) 26. C. TORTA (Mousson). Aperture at the base a little compressed; columella incurved, terminating in a twisted thread. This species resembles that of Lombardy in general appearance, so that for the time being it may be regarded as a variety of it, characterized by having the aperture slightly contracted towards the base, and the columella abruptly truncate. The single example, taken at Sayda, is not sufficient to establish well these differences. (Mousson). Syria: Sayda (Prof. Bellardi). Glandina (?) aciculoides Jan., var. torta Mouss. Mittheilungen der Naturforsch. Ges. in Zurich, iii, No. 103, 1854, p. 395, No. 15. — Ccecilianella syriaca BOURGUIGNAT, Rev. et Mag, de Zool., 1856, p. 429, based solely upon Mousson' s description. A form of doubtful status. It was quite unnecessarily re- named by Bourguignat. 27. C. MICHONIANA Bourguignat. PL 3, figs. 48, 49. Shell minute, oblong, fragile, glossy, transparent, glassy, smooth. Spire short, tapering-acuminate, the apex a little obtuse. Whorls 6, a little convex, irregularly increasing, the first minute, last large, separated by a somewhat impressed, duplicated suture; last whorl slightly convex, more than half CLECILIOIDES OF GREECE AND WESTERN ASIA. 33 the total length. Aperture oblong, acutely angular above, somewhat dilated below; columella straight, truncate at the base, the outer lip strongly arched forward, margins joined by a callus. Length 5.5, diam. 2 mm. (BgL). Around Jerusalem, under stones, type loc. ; Adana Cilicia, in S.-E. Asia Minor. Ferussada michoniana BGT., Rev. et Mag. Zool. xvi, 1864, p. 197, pi. 18, f. 17-20; Moll, nouv., litig., etc., p. 115, pi. 19, f. 17-20. — Pfr., Monogr. vi. 197.— Cacilianella (Adculina) michoniana Bgt., BTTG. Nachrbl. d. D. Malak. Ges. vol. 37, 1905, p. 113. Boettger remarks that this species is an Aciculina (= Cadli- oides), not a Hohenworthia, and is distinguished by its especially regular fusiform shape. Two specimens from Adana measure, alt. 6, diam. 2 mm. and alt. 4. diam. 1.37 mm. 28. C. JUDAICA Mousson. A little larger [than tumulorum] ; whorls slightly convex; the the parietal wall not calloused, but the columella slightly thread-margined at the end. Length 7 mm. (Mousson, 1861). Glandina tumulorum Bourg. var. judaica Mouss. , Coq. terr. et fluv. rec. par Mr. le Prof. J. R. Roth dans son dernier voyage en Palestine, 1861, p. 53. — Ferussacia judaica BGT., Malac. de 1'Algerie ii, p. 33; Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1864, p. 211.—Acicula ( Cadlianella) judaica Bgt. , MOUSSON, Journ. de Conchyl. xxii, 1874, p. 15. Differs from tumulorum Roth by the feebly convex whorls separated by a margined suture, the last whorl comprising two- fifths of the total length; by the parietal wall being without any callus, the outer margin not divergent, finally by the columella which is obliquely truncate a little way above the base, and bordered with a thread. The largest individuals are 7 mm. long (Mousson, 1874). 29. C. MINUTA (Mousson). PL 3, figs. 54, 55, 56. Shell small, cylindric-subfusiform, fragile, smooth, glossy, subhy aline. Spire accelerate, a little convexly conic, the apex stout, obtuse; suture slightly impressed, simple; whorls 4£, more 34 OA5CILIO1DES OF GREECE AND WESTERN ASIA. and more descending, convexly flattened, the last half the total length, elongate, cylindric in the middle, shortly tapering below. Aperture vertical, very narrow; outer margin straightly descend- ing, slightly arching forward, curving into the columella below. Columella long, slightly excavated, abruptly, obliquely trun- cate below, slightly margined with a delicate thread. Length 4, diam. 1.2 mm. Mesopotamia: drift debris of the Euphrates (type loc. ), and of the Sarus river near Adana, S. -E. Asia Minor. Acimla (Cacilianella) minuta Mouss., Journ. de Conchyl. 1874, p. 39. — Cadlianella (Aciculina) minuta BOETTGER, Nach- richtsblatt D. Malak. Ges. 1905, p. 112, pi. 2 A, f. 4 a-d. According to Mousson, there are fewer whorls than in C. adcula; the apex is larger and more obtuse, the last whorl is more cylindric, and the remarkably narrow aperture has the free margin descending in a straight line curving towards the end of the columella and without surpassing it. The columella is but slightly concave and is obliquely truncate at the base. The figures are copied from Boettger, and represent specimens from the drift of the Sarus river, where this species is common. He remarks that the examples vary quite noticeably in size but normally it is 4 to 4.5 mm. long, 1.12 to 1.25 mm. wide. A relative is C. subsaxana Bgt. , which perhaps may be a young form of the same species. 30. C. PR^ECLARA Westerlund. Shell long-cylindric, very slender, very glossy, very smooth, hyaline, glassy, the spire much produced, a little obtuse. Whorls 6£ to 7, a little convex, the antepenultimate scarcely twice the length of the preceding, the penultimate one-third the total length, flattened dorsally, slowly tapering downwards; suture a little impressed, conspicuously and narrowly margined, deeply descending in the middle and below. Aperture long piriform, acutely angular above, retuse below, parietal margin long, straightish; columella short, a little arcuate, abruptly truncate at the base. Peristome unexpanded, acute, simple, the outer margin strongly arching forward in the middle, receding at base. Length 5 to 5.5, diam. 1 mm. (Westerl. ) C^CILIOIDES OF AFRICA AND ARABIA. 35 Turkestan: Totkaul (Kasnakow, in Zool. Mus. St. Peters-, burg). Cacilianella (Aciculina) praclara WESTERL., Annuaire Mue. Zool. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersburg, iii, 1898, p. 176. 31. C. RETTERI Rosen. Shell fusiform, slender, whitish-glassy, pellucid, the apex obtuse; whorls 5, very slightly convex, the penultimate nearly as long as those above it; aperture drop-shaped; columella arcuate; peristome a little protracted below the middle. Length 4.5 to 4.75, diam. 1.25, alt. aperture 1.75 mm. (Rosen). Central Asia: Aman-Kutan. Cacilianella retteri ROSEN, Nachrbl. d. D. Malak. Ges. vol. 35, Dec. 1903, p. 181. — ROSEN Moskva Izv. Obsc. Hub. jest. Dnevn. Zool. iii, 3, 1901. Species of South and N. -E. Africa and Arabia. 32. C. AD VENA Ancey. Shell slender, imperf orate, tapering-subfusiform, diaphanous, polished, whitish-hyaline. Spire long-subconic, the apex ob- tuse. Whorls a little more than 5, subconvex, separated by a well impressed and delicately margined suture, flattened in the middle, the first two regularly, lower whorls more rapidly in- creasing, the suture there being more oblique; last whorl more than one-third the total length of the shell; the sides convex beyond the middle, tapering at the base. Aperture long, piri- form, subvertical, in the middle of the parietal wall distinctly angularly thickened within. Columella below the angle broadly arcuate, obliquely truncate at base. Peristome simple, unex- panded, acute, the outer margin arcuately produced forward, basal margin receding; margins remote, joined by a distinct callus. Length 4! 33, diam. 1.25, aperture 1.5 x 0.66 mm. (Anc.) S.-W. Africa: Disappointment Key, Ovampoland ("Luder- itzland," or Damara). Ccecilianella advena ANCEY, Le Naturaliste x, 1888, p. 215. "This Cecilianelle resembles some of those known as inhabitants of temperate Europe and North Africa, without being assign- able to any of them." 36 CLECILIOIDES OK AFRICA AND ARABIA. 33. C. OVAMPOENSIS (Melvill & Ponsonby). PI. 3, fig. 52. Shell small, acicular, white, very thin, the apex obtuse. Whorls 4, the last produced; columella truncate at the base. Aperture oblong, the lip simple. Length 3, width 1 mm. (M. &R). South Africa: Ovampoland (E. L. Layard). Ciondla ovampoensis M. & P., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 6th Ser., ix, p. 91, pi. 6, f. 1 (January, 1892). A very elegant, pure white, four-whorled shell, with very obtuse apex, a little recalling the Cacilianella acicula (Mull.) of Europe and the British Isles. — (Mel. & Pons.). 34. C. MUNZINGERI (Jickeli). PI. 3, fig. 53. Shell imperforate, subulate, thin, glossy, hyaline, whitish, longitudinally striated under the lens. Whorls 8, subinflated, separated by a rather deep oblique suture, the last whorl descending, one-fourth the total length. Aperture oblique, vertically piriform; columella arcuate, very obliquely truncate; lip acute, thin. Length 9.5, diam. 1.75, aperture 2 x 1.33 mm. (Jfafc). Abyssinia: Beniamer, banks of the Falkat and in Habab, descending from Nakfa; in the earth at roots of plants. (Jickeli). Mt. Abouna Yousef, at 4000 meters elevation (Raff ray). StenogyramunzingeriJiCK., Malak. Blatter xx, 1872, p. 103.— Acicula munzingeri JICK., Fauna der Land und Siisswasser- Mollusken N.-O.-Afrika's, in Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.- Carol. Germ. Nat. Cur. xxxvii, Dresden 1875, p. 133, pi. 2, f. 3 (teeth and jaw), pi. 5, f. 21 a, 6, (shell). — Subulina m., BGT. Malacologie de PAbyssinie p. 82, pi. 9, f. 65-67. Bourguignat has referred this species to Subulina, whether correctly or not I do not know. His figures of the form taken by Raffray show the sutures much less oblique than in Jickeli' s figures. 35. C. SOLEILLETI Bourguignat. PI. 3, fig. 51. Shell lanceolate-elongate, needle-like, diaphanous, very fragile, whitish, polished; spire very long, a little obtuse at the summit, whorls 6, regularly and rather rapidly increasing, the CjECILIOIDES OF AFRICA AND ARABIA. 37 first two are scarcely convex, not increasing in diameter, but cylindric like a pillar; the rest are convex; separated by an im- pressed suture, last whorl ovate-convex, less than one-third the total length. Aperture very oblique, ovate, angular above, peris- tome unexpanded, acute; columella short, truncate. Length, 7, diam. 2, aperture 2x1 mm. (Bgt. ) East Africa: wooded valley of Bidaro, Choa, southern Ethiopia (Soleillet). Ccedlianella «., BGT., Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles recueillis par M. Paul Soleillet dans son Voyage au Choa (Ethiopie mfridionale), Sept. 1885, p. 22, pi. (1), f. 10. Remarkable for its cylindric two upper whorls. 36. C. ISSELT (Paladilhe). PL 3, fig. 57. Shell imperf orate, subconic-cylindric, glossy, nearly smooth, subpellucid, ivory white (in dead shells); spire tapering up^ ward, the apex rather obtuse; whorls 6, slightly convex as though twisted, rapidly increasing, parted by a narrow, im- pressed suture, the penultimate whorl large in front, the last whorl a little larger, scarcely one-third the total length, some- what ascending at the aperture, the free margin a little arcuate. Aperture subpiriform, a little oblique, angular above at the insertion of the lip; peristome unexpanded, fragile, acute; columella short, slightly arcuate, broadly and distinctly trun- cate at the base; outer margin broad, nearly straight, basal slightly arcuate; margins subparallel, joined by a thin callus. Length 5, diam. 1.5 mm. (Palad.). Aden. Cacilianella isseli PALAD., Annali Mus. Civ. Genova iii, 1872, p. 22 (probably not the figures). 11 By its slim shape, approaching the cylindric, its more twisted whorls, deeper suture and the appearance of the aper- ture, C. isseli is distinguished from all of its congeners of the Alpic center." Paladilhe probably had two species mixed in his lot of C. isseli. The description is that of a Ctztilioides, possibly identical with Nevill's second species (Handlist Ind. Mus. p. 162), and with A. balanus of Hanley and Theobald (Conchologin, 38 CJKCILIOIDE8 OF TROPICAL AMERICA. Indica, p. 41, pi. 102, f. 10, copied in my fig. 61 of plate 4); while the figure given by Paladilhe, which I have copied, seems to belong to C. (Geostilbia) balanus. Further investigation of the C&cilioides of Aden and India is much needed. Whether the observed differences in the columella indicate several species, or are extreme aspects of variation in a single stock, are ques- tions I can throw no light upon. Species of tropical Asia, West Indies, etc. Tropical countries have a few species of (J&cilioides of two groups: (1) the group of C. iota, comprising very minute species 1.6 to 2.5 mm. long, markedly cylindric, with the whorls nearly flat. All are American. (2) the group of C. gundlachi, with the shell larger, usually 3 to 5 mm., composed of convex, very obliquely coiled whorls. The columella is only quite obsoletely truncate. These groups are known as Caecilianopsis and Oeostilbm. Section C^CILIANOPSIS Pilsbry. Cacilianopsis PILS., Nautilus xxi, July, 1907, p. 28, for (7. jod = C. consobrina veracruzensis. Minute (1.6 to 2.5 mm. long), cylindric-oblong, the spire short, wider than in Cacilioides. Columella varying from abruptly truncate to very obsoletely so. Tropical American. Type C. consobrina veracruzensis. 37. C. IOTA (C. B. Adams). PI. 4, figs. 67, 71, 72. Shell minute, slender, corneous; whorls 4, very wide, smooth; aperture long, very acute above; columella arcuate. Divergence 12 degrees; length of spire .08, total length .135, width .045 inch. (Ad.). Jamaica (C. B. Adams): Bellevue, (Gloyne, in Swift Coll.); Yallahs (Gloyne). Achatina iota C. B. AD., Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. 1845, p. 13.— PFR., Monogr. ii, 295; iii, 506; iv, 626; vi, 241; viii, 297; Conchyl. Cab. p. 355, pi. 29, f. 18, 19 (bad).— GLOYNE, Journ. de Conchyl. xx, 1872, p. 32. The type lot at Amherst consists of three specimens. It is a CvECILIOIDES OF TROPICAL AMERICA. 39 gubcylindric shell, obtuse at both ends, of scarcely four whorls in most examples, 4J in the longest. The shell is clear corneous when fresh, showing the internal walls through, but it weathers to milky white. The whorls are only slightly convex, and are separated by a moderately impressed suture, margined below. The suture is at first nearly horizontal, but at the last 1£ or 2 whorls it descends rapidly, the width of the whorl progres- sively increasing. The aperture is acuminate above. Outer lip arches very strongly forward. The columella is more or less concave below, and is rather abruptly truncate above the base. Columellar callus usually moderate, but variable in thickness. Under a high power, an extremely minute spiral striation may be seen near the base. Measurements are as follows: Cotype, Adams coll.: length 1.75, diam. .5 mm. Bellevue; fig. 72: length 2, length aperture 0.8 mm. Fig. 71: length 2, diam. 0.6, aperture 0.75 mm. Fig. 67: length 1.65, diam. 0.5, aperture 0.75 mm. C. iota has been found only in Jamaica. It is readily dis- tinguished from other tropical- American species by its much narrower contour. Exact measurements which I have made of a large number of specimens from several localities show the difference in shape to be constant. Pfeiffer's figure of this species in the Oonchylien Cabinet is very poor. It shows no columellar truncation, and hence 0. iota was classed by Crosse and others in Geostilbia. Adams's type specimens, as well as numerous examples before me, have a distinctly truncate columella. 38. C. CONSOBRINA (Orbigny). PI. 5, figs. 81, 82. Shell oblong-fusiform, subcylindric, pellucid, glossy, white; spire of nearly equal diameter to the end, very obtuse. Whorls 5, very slightly convex, the last oblong. Aperture ovate-oblong; columella twisted, truncate. Length 2, diam. f mm. (Orbigny). Cuba: in the interior (Sagra); coffee plantation Fundador near Matanzas among dead leaves (Gundlach, type loc. of A. pygmaa) . Achatina consobrina ORBIGNY, Historia fisica, politica y natural de la isla de Cuba, v, Moluscos, p. 89, pi. xi bis, f. 10, 11, 12, 40 C^CILIOIDES OF TROPICAL AMERICA. erroneously lettered A michaudiana on plate (1845); French edit, i, p. 170. — Achatina pygmaa PFR. , Zeitschr. f. Malak. 1847, p. 148; Monogr. ii, 275; iii, 506; iv, 627; vi, 241; Conchyl. Cab. p. 356, pi. 29, f. 22, 23.— Cacilianella pygmaa Pfr. ARANQO, Fauna Malac. Cubana, p. 99. This species is closely related to C. iota, from which it differs by the stouter, more robust figure, specimens of the same length being invariably wider than iota. The general shape is slightly tapering cylindric, very obtuse at the ends. The whorls in- crease a little more regularly than in iota, the last turn of the suture being less oblique, though descending faster than the preceding one. This acceleration of the rate of descent changes the appearance of the shell and the proportionate size of aperture to total length with age, so that the addition of a whorl or even less alters the contour remarkably. The surface is lightly marked with growth-wrinkles and minute engraved spiral lines, visible only under a compound microscope. The columellar truncation is distinct, but rather weak in some examples. Two specimens from a lot taken by Gundlach are figured. PI. 5, fig. 82: length 2.4, diam. 0.8 mm. PI. 5, fig. 81: length 1.9, diam. 0.7 mm. The former of these examples corresponds to the type of A. pygmaa Pfr. ; the latter, a younger shell, agrees with Orbigny's type of A. consobrina. In my opinion these two names apply to one and the same species, in slightly different stages of growth. Pfeiffer's description of A. pygmaa follows. " A. pygmaaPh. Shell cylindric, smooth, pellucid hyaline, the apex rather obtuse. Whorls 5, rather flattened, separated by an oblique, lightly impressed suture, the last f the total length. Columella nearly straight, forming an angle with the belly of the preceding whorl, subtruncate at the base of the oval-elliptical aperture; peristome acute, the right margin dilated forward. Length 2.25, diam. f mm.; aperture f mm. long." (Pfr.) Var. veracruzenm (Crosse & Fisher). PI. 5, figs. 76, 77, 78, 79. In this form the microscopic spiral striation is more dis- tinctly developed than in consobrina, visible from the suture to the base, the striae appearing crimped or waved (fig. 79). There is no other difference. Specimens measure: C^ECILIOIDES OF TROPICAL AMERICA. 41 PI. 5, fig. 76: length 2.1, diam. 0.75, aperture 0.95 mm. ( Vera Cruz. ) PL 5, fig. 77: length 1.9, diam. 0.75, aperture 0.9 mm. (Vera Cruz.) PI. 5, fig. 78: length 2.35 mm. (Tampico). Eastern Mexico: on the strand, among debris drifted out of the Antigua river after heavy rains (Strebel) ; drift debris along the Panuco river, Tampico (A. A. Hinkley). Achatina iota Adams, STREBEL, Beitrag Mex. Land u. Siiss- wasser Conch, ii, 1875, p. 53, pi. 13, f. 50. Not of C. B. Adams. — Cacilianella veracruzensis C. et F., Journ de Conchyl. xxv, 1877, p. 273; Moll. terr. et fluv. Mex., p. 591, pi. 26, f. 4. — MARTENS, Biologia, Moll., p. 324. — Cecilioides (Ctzdlia- nopsis) jod PILS. Nautilus xxi, p. 28, July, 1907 (Tampico). The figures represent an older (fig. 76) and a younger (fig. 77) shell, from Vera Cruz, the type locality. Also an old shell ,(figs. 78, 79) from Tampico, representing the absolutely synony- mous form I called C. jod. In recognizing the Mexican specimens as a race distinguish- able from the Cuban form, I am probably placing too much dependence upon a slight variation in microscopic sculpture. I merely give the facts observed for what they may be worth. Var. minutissima (Guppy). PI. 4, fig. 68; pi. 5, figs. 80, 84. "A very minute, glassy, hyaline, smooth, shining, fusiformly cylindric, shell with 5 whorls, of which the last forms more than half the length of the shell, spire short, with obtuse apex. Aperture elongate-oval, narrow above, wide below; outer lip simple; columella scarcely truncate, passing into a white callus which connects the ends of the peristome. Length 2, diam .75 mm.'' (Guppy). Trinidad: Amongst dead leaves at Maraccas (Guppy, type loc.). St. Vincent, in dry forest, leeward side, at 1000 ft. (H. H. Smith). Barbados (L. B. Brown). Glandina minutissima GUPPY, Proc. Scient. Asso. Trinidad, 1869, p. 239.— CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1890, p. 36, pi. 2, f. 1. — Oleacina (?) minutissima PFR., Monogr. viii, p. 326 (1877). — Geostilbia minutissima GUPPY, Journ. of Conch, vii, 1893, p. 211.— Cecilioides minutissima E. A. SMITH, Proc. 42 C^KCILIOIDES OF TROPICAL AMERICA. Malac. Soc. Lond. i, p. 308 (St. Vincent). — Ca>cilianella rn,, BROWN, J. of Conch, x, 1903, p. 269 (Barbados). Crosse has very inadequately figured minutissima, and I have copied his figure, pi. 5, fig. 80. Figure 84, pi. 5, and fig. 68 of pi. 4, represent what I take to be Guppy's species from Barbados. The general form is as described for pygmaa-, but the surface is smoother than in Cuban or Mexican shells, spiral lines being scarcely visible under the compound microscope except at the base. The columellar truncation is rather weak. Two specimens measure: Length 2.05, diam. .7 mm., whorls 5. Length 2.15, diam. .8, aperture 9 mm.; whorls 5. With these specimens were others resembling them except that the columella is very strongly truncate at the base (pi. 5, figs. 83, 85) at all stages of growth. These may represent another species, yet I am unable to satisfactorily separate the series. The two examples figured measure: length 2, diam. .7 mm. (fig. 83); length 2.3, diam. .75 mm., whorls 5J (fig. 85) , Geostilbia mazei seems to me to be identical with minutmima. The original description follows. Geostilbia mazei 'Crosse' Maze. PI. 5, fig. 75. " Shell im- perforate subcylindric, very thin, smooth, cr}*stalline, hyaline unicolored; spire rather long, the apex somewhat obtuse; suture impressed. Whorls 4£, slowly increasing, the last a little shorter than the spire, rounded at the base. Aperture piriform ; peristome simple, the margins thin. Length 2.5, diam. .£ mm. Animal of a yellow color" (Maze). Guadeloupe: Vieux-Fort, southeastern slope of the Morne Houelmont at about 270 meters (E. Marie). Geostilbia mazei Crosse Mas., MAZE, Journ. de Conchyl. xxxi, 1883, p. 7, pi. 1, f. 2. 39. C. BLANDIANA Crosse. PI. 4, fig. 64. Shell imperforate, long-fusiform, very thin, polished, very transparent, hyaline. Spire rather long, the apex obtuse, rounded; suture impressed. Whorls 4J, a little convex, the last shorter than the spire, rounded at base. Aperture sub- pirifonn; peristome simple, the margins joined by an incon- spicuous, very thin callus; columellar margin slightly thickened, C^ECILIOIDES, SECT. GEOSTILBIA. 43 having an appearance of truncation, which does not really exist; hardly reaching to the base; basal margin rounded; outer lip arching forward, subacute. Length 2, diam. 0.66mm. (Crosse). Brazil: Soure, on the island of Joannes or Juanes, in the mouth of the Amazon, Province of Para. Geostilbia blandiana CROSSE, Journ. de Conchy 1. 1880, p. 149 1886, p. 137, pi. 1, f. 4. The figure of this species, which I have copied, represents the spire as far more tapering than in C. iota or C. consobrina. Whether this figure is approximately correct or not I am unable to say. Section Geostilbia Crosse. Geostilbia CROSSE, Journal de Conchy 1. 1867, p. 184, type G. caledonica Crosse. The shell is similar to Catdlioides except in having the colum- ella continuous with the basal lip, being separated therefrom only by a slight sinuation, not an abrupt truncation. Type G. caledonica. The number of valid species of this group is uncertain, but several of them surely stand close to C. gundlachi. C. baldivinij C. balanus and C. mauritiana are doubtfully distinct. 40. C. GUNDLACHI (Pfeiffer). PL 4, figs. 73, 74. J^Shell subulate, acicular, glossy, clear-greenish; spire slender, the apex a little acute; suture deep, margined. Whorls 5, rather convex, the last slightly over one-third the total length. Golumella slightly arcuate, shortly truncate above the base of the narrow, angularly oval aperture; peristome simple, the mar- gins joined by a thin callus, the right margin arching forward. Length 5, diam. 1.33, aperture 1.75x.66 mm. (P/r.). Cuba: Havana, Guanajai and Guantanamo (Gundlach); near Cienfuegos. Jamaica. Haiti: Port-au-Prince and Les Caves. St. Thomas (Bland). St. Martin. Guadeloupe. Barbados. Demarara (Swift coll.). Princeton, New Jersey (A. D. Brown). St. Helena (Benson). Achatina gundlachi PFR., Zeitschr. f. Malak., 1850, p. 80; Conchyl. Cab., Bulimus, p. 358, pi. 29, f. 10, 11; Monogr., iii, 605; iv, 623; vi, 239; viii, 294. — Geostilbia gundlachi CROSSE, 44 OECILJOIDES, SECT. GEOSTILBIA. Journ. de Conchyl., xxi, 1873, p. 355 (Haiti); 1874, p. 88; 1890, p. 23, 250; 1891, p. 151.— BINNEY and BLAND, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., xi, 1875, 152, 185, pi. 13, f. D, G, H, I. -MAZE, Journ. de Conch., 1883, p. 7, pi. 1, f. 1 (Guadeloupe). — CROSSE et FISCHER, Miss. Sci. Mex., Mollusques, i, p. 587, pi. 28, f. 14, 15 (copied from Binney). — Cadlianella gundlachi BINNEY, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, p. 101, pi. 16, f. F, G (jaw), pi. 7, f. F (teeth). ARANGO, Fauna Mai. Cubana, p. 99. —BROWN, Journ. of Conch., x, 270 (Barbados). — Macrospira aperta Guild., Swainson, Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, Mala- cology, 1840, p. 335, figs. 97 e, /(p. 333).— Geostilbia aperta E. A. SMITH, Proc. Malac. Soc, Lond., i, 1895, p. 307 (St. Vincent); P. Z. S., 1892, p. 269 (St. Helena).— A chatina veru BENSON, Ann. Mag. N. H., xviii, 1856, p. 435.— WOLLASTON, Testacea Atlantica, p. 545. Pfeiffer's description of this shell is not very good. It tapers regularly to the very obtuse, rounded apex. There are 5 whorls, very obliquely coiled, quite convex, and parted by impressed sutures. The last whorl is evenly convex. The aperture is ovate, effuse at the base; the outer lip arches forward strongly in the middle. The columella is a little concave, and near the base is obsoletely truncate. It has a rather heavy callus in most fully adult shells, which passes up over part of the parietal wall. The color is pale corneous-brown, or sometimes almost clear corneous. There is no spiral striation. Two Cuban exam- ples figured measure: Length 4.2, diam. 1.25 mm. Length 3.85, diam. 1.1, apert 1.3 mm. The figures do not well show the heavy callus upon the colunella and lower part of the parietal wall. This is a somewhat common and widely distributed species, probably to be found throughout the Antilles. It was taken many years ago in Princeton, N. J., no doubt imported with West Indian plants. These specimens were reported as C. aricula in Binney' s "Manual." It occurred also in St. Helena, though whether it still survives there is unknown. The New Caledonian Geostilbia caledonica is in all probability the same species, a colony having been derived from Guadaloupe or some other Antillean source. At all events I am quite C^ECILIOIDES, SECT. GEOSTILBIA. 45 unable to see any difference in the shell. The original descrip- tion follows. G. caledonica: PI. 4, figs. 58, 59, 62.. " Shell imperf orate, fusiform-cylindric, thin, polished, diaphanous, clear-corneous. Apex abruptly rounded, very obtuse; suture hair-marginate; whorls 4, slightly convex, the last slowly descending, slightly more than half the total length. Aperture long-pirif orm ; peris- tome simple, unexpanded, thin, not acute, slightly thickened, the margins joined by a very thin callus; columellar margin having a longitudinal, small, diaphanous, glossy internal lamina giving the appearance of a basal truncation, not reaching the base. Basal margin broadly rounded; right margin arching forward. Length 3.5, diam. 1 mm." (Crosse). New Caledonia: Noumea, common in gardens, living in damp places under dead leaves, old wood and on the ground (E. Marie). Geostilbia caledonica CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. xv, 1867, p. 186, pi. 7, f. 4; 1894, p. 301 (p. 144 of separate copies, Faune Malac. N. Cal6d.) — GASSIES, Faune Conch. Nouvelle-Cale*donie ii, 1871, p. 96, pi. 4, f. 4.— PFR. Monogr. vi, p. 244. Two specimens from Noumea are drawn in figures 58, 59, 62, pi. 4. They measure 3. 7 x 1.2 mm., and 3.1 x 1 mm. Macrospira aperta Guilding has never been described. Too poor and dissimilar outline figures were given with this name by Swainson, without locality, dimensions, or any other par- ticulars. In 1892 Mr. E. A. Smith stated that A. gundlachi and veru were equivalent to aperta] and in 1895 he identified Geostilbia caledonica Crosse as a synonym of Megaspira (sic) aperta, from the comparison of specimens in the British Museum. In my opinion, M, aperta was not sufficiently defined by Swainson to be recognized. Its identity with C. gundlachi rests upon Mr. Smith's identification of specimens from Guilding, the locality of which is surmised to be the West Indies, but ie not positively known. No description of even these specimens has appeared, and Swainson' s figures are extremely crude. 41. C. BALDWINI Ancey. Shell imperforate, very thin, whitish-hyaline or slightly cor- neous, diaphanous, glossy, polished; apex large, obtuse; spire 46 C/ECILIOIDES, SECT. GEOSTILBIA. Blender, subcylindric but tapering. Whorls 4£, regularly in- creasing, separated by a very oblique, impressed suture mar- gined with a pellucid line; last whorl oblong, larger. Aperture piriform, the right margin arching forward; peristome simple, acute, scarcely thickened, the margins joined by a rather opaque callus. Columella somewhat callous, very slightly truncate above the base. Basal margin rounded. Length 3.75, diam. 1, aperture alt. 1 mm. (Ancey). Hawaiian Is.: Manoa, Oahu (Baldwin). Ccedlianella baldwini ANC., Memoires Socie'te' Zoologique de France, v, 1892, p. 718. Specimens of presumably this species are in the Bishop Museum at Honolulu from the following places: Rocky Hill, Honolulu; Kanaohe, Oahu; Mana, Hawaii. I have no exam- ples at hand, but so far as the description goes there seems to be no difference between this species and C. gundlachi. 42. C. BALANUS ('Benson' Reeve). PI. 4, figs. 60, (61?) Shell cylindrically oblong, somewhat fusiform; whorls 4, smooth, shining; apex obtuse; columella arched, truncated; aperture small. Dull white. (Reeve). Shell almost cylindric-aciculate, smooth, glassy-clear. Spire almost cylindric, slightly tapering above, with an obtuse apex; suture very little impressed. Whorls 4, rapidly increasing, the last forming two-fifths the total length, dilated basally. Colu- mella rather straightly receding, scarcely noticeably truncate at the base of the broadly angular-ovate aperture. Peristome simple, unexpanded, acute. Length 3, diam. hardly 1 mm. (Ffr.j from spec, from Benson's collection). India: Banks of the Jumna near Hameerpore, Bundelkund (type loc.); border of the desert south of Hawee; Agra, on the right bank of the Jumna (Benson); Kattiwar (Hanley). Dec- can and Sind (Ind. Mus. ). Aden (Paladilhe, C. isseli}. Achatina balanus Benson MSS., REEVE, Conch. Icon., v, pi. 20, f. 109 (March, 1850).— PFR., Monogr., iii, 506; iv, 627; vi, 241; Conchyl. Cab., p. 315, pi. 25, f. 18, 19.— HANLEY and THEOBALD, Conchologia Indica, p. 41, pi. 102. f. 10(7). — BLANFORD, Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, vol. 44, 1875, pp. 43, C^ECILIOIDES, SECT. GEOSTILBIA. 47 46. — Cacilianella (Geostilbia) balanus Bens., NEVILL, Handlist Ind. Mus., p. 162. — (?) Cacilianella isseli PALAD., Annali Mus. Civico Geneva, iii, 1872, pi. 1, f. 9, 10. — Acicula t., JICKELI, Moll. N.-O. Afr., p. 135.— PFR., Monogr., viii, p. 297. I have not seen this species, which seems to be rather common in the higher, dry parts of India, and to be known chiefly by river-drift specimens. Pfeiffer's description and the figures of Reeve and Pfeiffer indicate a shell with only weakly-truncate columella, so that one understands why Colonel Beddome should compare Geostilbia caledonica, (which he states is identical with Indian specimens from North Canara, see Blanford, I. c.). Nevill also refers the species to Geostilbia. In his description of C. isseli, Paladilhe mentions emphatically its truncate columella; yet his figure seems to represent a Geostilbia very close to balanus. Blanford has stated that isseli is identical with balanus', but so far as I can judge from the literature, there are two species involved. Fig. 60 is copied from Reeve's type figure. I have also copied the figure given in Oonchologia Indica, pi. 4, fig. 61. By its strongly truncate columella, this figure seems to cor- respond with the description of C. isseli. 43. C. MAURITIANA (H. Adams). PI. 4, fig. 69. Shell imperforate, subulate-cylindric, thin, hyaline, glossy, spire subcylindric, the apex very obtuse, suture impressed. Whorls 5, rather flattened, the last dilated at the base; columella arcuate, slightly truncate. Aperture acuminate-oval; peristome simple, unexpanded, acute. Length 4, diam 1, aperture 1.33 mm. (H. Ad.). Mauritius: Ponce Mt. Mah£ and Silhouette, Seychelles (G. Nevill). Acicula mauritiana H. AD., P. Z. S. 1868, p. 290, pi. 28, f. 7. — PFR., Monogr. viii, 295. — Cacilianella ?/i., MARTENS in Mobius, Reise nach Mauritius p. 199. — NEVILL, Handlist moll. Ind. Mus. p. 163. This does not seem to differ materially from gundlachi. 44. C. COMORENSIS (Morelet). PI. 4, fig. 63. Shell imperforate, turrite, thin, hyaline, smooth; spire long, the apex rounded, obtuse. Whorls 6, plano-convex, subscalar, 48 C^CILIOIDES, SECT. GEOSTILBIA. with a well -impressed suture, the last whorl one-third the total length. Aperture piriform, the outer margin simple, unex- panded; columellar margin dilated, reflexed, appressed, making an angle with the basal margin. Length 4, diam. 1.25 mm. (Crosse). Comoro Is.: Combani, Mayotte (Marie). Geostilbia comorensis MORELET, Journ. de Conch. 1883, xxxi, p. 196, pi. 8, f. 7. Differs from G. mariei by its more slender shape, with longer spire of two more whorls, and a shorter aperture. 45. C. MARIEI (Crosse). PI. 4, figs. 65, 66. Shell irnperforate, subcylindric, thin, polished, diaphanous, hyaline, whitish. Spire rather long, the apex abruptly rounded, very obtuse; suture impressed. Whorls scarcely 4, nearly flat, slightly convex, the last very little descending, shorter than the spire. Aperture regularly elongate-piriform, colored within like the outside. Peristome simple, whitish, the margins joined by a thin callus. Columellar margin somewhat thickened, having an appearance of truncation, hardly reaching to the base; basal margin rounded; outer arched forward, subacute. Length 3, diam. 1 mm. (Crosse). Nossi-be Island: Calempo (E. Marie, type loc.); Mayotte, Comoros (Marie). Geostilbia mariei CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1880, p. 149; 1881, p. ;200, pi. 8, f. 5; 1883, p. 195; in Grandidier's Hist. Madag., Mollusques, pi. 19, f. 8. This form has a shorter spire and longer aperture than 0. gundlachi. 46. C. STUHLMANNI (Martens). PI. 4, fig. 70. Imperforate, elongate, finely and regularly striate, translu- cent, yellowish -vitreous; 5 whorls, the first globular, smooth, the following rapidly increasing, rather flat, with deep, some- what step-like suture, which is more oblique between the penult, and last whorls. Aperture rather oblique; outer margin ap- proaching rectilinear, thin, simple; lower margin broadly rounded. Columellar margin thick, white, obliquely truncate C^ECILIOIDES, SECT. GEOST1LBIA. 49 at the base, continued above in a callous layer on the parietal wall. Length 9, diam. 3.66; aperture 4x2 mm. (Martens'). East Africa: Runssoro, in the bamboo forest at 2600 meters (Stuhlmann) . Geostilbia stuhlmanni MARTENS, Beschalte Weichthiere Deutsch Ost-Afrika, p. 131, pi. 5, f. 33 (1898). " Only with some doubt I place this species in the genus Geostilbia, for it is not so slender and acicular as the typical species, G. caledonica" (Martens). 47. C. PHILIPPINENSIS (Semper). Shell subulate, glossy, imperf orate; whorls 6, nearly flat, slowly increasing, the last rounded at base; columellar margin straight, subinflexed, thickened. Aperture ovate-oblong, sub- vertical. Length 6, diam. 1.75, aperture 1.5x1 mm. (Semper). Philippines: Guza, Zamboanga, under low plants (Semper). Cionella philippinensis SEMP., Reisen in Archipel Phil., Land- moll., p. 139, 1874. — Geostilbia p., MLLDFP. , Syst. Verzeichniss, p. 153. — Glessula philippinensis COOKE, P. Z. S., 1892, p. 469. This snail has been erroneously referred by Mr. Cooke to Glessula, a genus not known to occur in the Philippine archi- pelago. 48. C. PHILIPPINICA (Moellendorff.) PI. 15, figs. 6, 7. Shell small, not rimate, cylindric-turrite, rather solid, yel- lowish, polished ; spire long-turrited, the apex obtuse. Whorls 4, a little convex; suture impressed, broadly margined, sub- horizontal at first, then gradually becoming strongly oblique. Penultimate whorl very high, the last a little higher, % the length of the shell. Aperture vertical, receding at base, narrowly oval ; peristome simple, slightly obtuse, the margins joined by a light callus, right margin curving forward in the middle, lower margin rather straightened or hi angularly curved, columellar margin reflexed 'above the rimation; columella vertical, at the base slightly obliquely truncate. Length 3%, diam. 1% mm. ; aperture 1% long, scarcely % wide (Mlldff.) Philippines: Monte Licos, Zebu (Mlldff.). 50 C^ECILIOIDES, GLESSULA. Geostilbia philippinica Mlldff., Bericht Senck. Nat. (Jes. 1890, p. 248, pi. 8, f. 8. Described from one example. The figures, drawn by Dr. Boettger, show a distinctly truncate columella. This char- acter and the broad sutural margin seem to differ from the following species. 49. C. MOELLENDORFFI n. sp. PI. 15, figs. 4, 5. The shell is clear corneous, glossy, marked with faint growth-lines and under a high power some faint traces of spiral striation are visible in places. The spire tapers regu- larly to the obtuse summit. Slightly over 4 whorls, convex and rapidly enlarging. Suture narrowly margined. The aperture is ovate; columella straightened below, not in the least truncate and not calloused. The outer lip is strongly arched forward. Length 4, diam. 1.4, length aperture 1.55 mm. Philippines: Mananga, Zebu (Quadras coll.) The spire tapers much more than in C. gundlachi, the last whorl being wider, and the aperture is larger. The sutural margin is narrower than in C. gundlachi. In the type lot the columella is not calloused. C. philippinensis is a larger shell with proportionally smaller aperture. I have not been able to compare specimens of C. mariei and C. balanm. Genus GLESSULA von Martens. Glessula MARTS, in Albers, Die Hdiceen, edit. 2, 1860, p. 254, type Achatina gemma Bens. — BEDDOME, Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, vii, Sept, 1906, pp. 160-172.- Electra ALBERS, Die Hel., 1850, p. 194, for Achatina ceylanica Pfr. Not Electra Lamouroux, 1816, not Electra Steph., 1829. The shell is imperforate ovate-conic or turrite, brown or corneous-brown, glossy and usually without strong sculpture; apex obtuse. Aperture irregularly oval; outer lip unexpanded, acute or blunt; columella short, more or less deeply concave, abruptly truncate at the base. Sole without distinct median area; no pedal margin; an outer mantle lobe on the left side. Kidney very long, band-like. GLESSULA. 51 Genitalia peculiar (pi. 15, figs. 2); there is a feather-like gland (fig. 3) where the vas deferens enters the penis. The latter contains a short conic, perforated papilla and two of longitudinal folds. The prostate gland of the hermaphrodite duct consists of entirely separated narrow follicles, as in Achatina. The spermatheca has a short duct. Uterus contain- ing several large shells with fully 2 whorls. The jaw is very finely striate, almost smooth. Radula has ahout 110 teeth in a transverse row. The central tooth is very small, tricuspid; laterals with three cusps; outer marginal teeth very finely 3- or 4-cusped ( G. orophila from Madras, according to Semper). Type G. gemma Bens. Distribution, Oriental and Ethiopian regions. Glessula was associated with " Oionetta" (that is, the Ferus- sacida as herein understood) by Professor von Martens in 1860. Various other authors, both before and since, have thought the group Achatinoid, belonging to ' * Stenogyra " in the former wide limits of that term. We know too little of its anatomy to give a definite opinion, but the presence of a glandular append- age (appendix or flagellum) at the end of the penis is a feature unlike any Achatinida. The homology of this appendage is not certain, however. The position of the ureter is unknown. I have been unable to obtain alcoholic material necessary for an investigation of the relations of Glessula to Subulina, Homorus, Bacillum and Pseudoglessula. In most (but perhaps not all) species, the lip becomes slightly blunt and smooth in fully adult shells, thereby differing from Subulina, which has an acute lip at all stages or growth. In G. orophila, Semper found in the uterus 4 large embryos with shells having fully two whorls, and a small one with a half whorl and very large caudal vesicle. Various other species have been found to be viviparous, while others bring forth globular eggs like those of Subulina. Like that genus, also, the Glessulse reproduce before attaining full size. Glessula has been studied mainly by specialists on the Indian fauna. Benson, W. T. Blanford, Beddome and Godwin- Austen have chietiv contributed to thf literature. Blanford's 52 GLESSULA. "Contributions to Indian Malacology," continued through many years of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, contain a great mass of information on this genus, as on many others of the Indian fauna. Hanley and Theobald illustrated most of the types of Benson, among others, in their Conchologia Indim. Finally, Colonel R. H. Beddome has recently reviewed the genus in his "Notes on Indian and Ceylonese Species of Glessula." From the purely conchological standpoint we may be said to have an extensive knowledge of Glessula, yet various characters of the first importance have been neglected. The embryonic whorls of the types must all be re-examined and their sculpture de- scribed. Our ignorance of the embryonic sculpture of many forms prevents any natural classification of the species. The surface of the later whorls in all the species should be examined under high power, since some species have a minute sculpture not visible with an ordinary hand lens. No fossil species of Glessula are known to me. A few species of other genera have been referred to Glessula. Glessula obtusa and G. erosa Blanford are species of Bacillum (Vol. xvii, pp. 1, 4). Glessula orthoceras G.-A. is a Bacillum (I. c., p. 2). Glessula philippinensis Semper, of Cooke, is a Cezcilioides (this vol., p. 49). No natural classification of the species of Glessula can be attempted until the sculpture of the apices of the shells and the anatomy of a number of representative species are studied. I have separated a group of West African forms (species 89 to 92) as a new section, Neoglessula. The species are here grouped geographically, as follows: I. Ceylon, species 1 to 13, 34, 49, 52. II. Peninsular India, species 14 to 58. III. Extra-Peninsular India, Indo-China, Yunnan, etc., species 59 to 77. IV. Habitat unknown, species 78 to 80. V. Sumatra, Java and Borneo, species 81, 82. VI. Eastern Africa, species 83 to 86. VII. West Africa, species 87 to 92. GLESSULA, CEYLON. 53 I. SPECIES OF CEYLON. The Ceylonese Glessulse are closely related to those of southern India, and in a few cases seem to be of identical species. Such cases should receive very careful comparison. The following forms, described from Peninsular India, have been identified by reliable authorities from Ceylon. G. beddomeiElznl, No. 34. 6?. sattaraensis ' H. Ad.' Hanley & Theobald, No. 49. G. pusilla Beddome, No. 52. 1. G. INORNATA (Pfeiffer). PI. 6, figs. 10, 11, 14-17. Shell turrite-oblong, solid, closely striate; pale tawny, varie- gated with darker streaks; nearly lusterless, having a woody appearance. Spire turrite, the apex rather obtuse, suture lightly impressed, very closely crenulated. Whorls 7 J, rather flattened, the last nearly equal to two-fifths the total length, the base slightly compressed and smoother. Columella very deeply arcuate, white-calloused, obliquely, abruptly truncate. Aper- ture sinuous-semioval, white within. Peristome simple, obtuse, the right margin spreading. Length 28, diam. 11, aperture 11.5x5 mm. (P/r.). Ceylon (Pfr.): Kandy (Nevill, Simon); Matelle East and Ma Ellia (Layard). South Canara forests (Beddome). Achatina inornata PFR., P. Z. S. 1851, p. 259; Conchyl. Cab. p. 322, pi. 26, f. 8, 9; and var., pi. 37, f. 1, 2; Monogr. iii, 490.— Hanley & Theob., Conch. Indica, p. 9, pi. 17, f. 2, and var., f. 3. — S.\(G. ) inornata NEVILL., Handlist, p. 171. — Glessula inornata JOUSSEAUME, Mem. Soc. Zool. France vii, 1894, p. 292. — BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 164, with var. minor. The first 2-J whorls seem to be nearly smooth, but with a finely crenulate suture; then fine, distinct striae begin, strongest near the suture, weaker below. On the spire these striae are separated into groups by occasional deeper grooves or larger stria?; and more or less trace of such irregularity may often be traced on the last whorl. Under the compound microscope, the surface is seen to be very densely covered with minute granules arranged in spiral lines (pi. 6, fig. 16). These give it a charac- teristic silky sheen, unlike the smooth species. Specimens before me measure as follows, all being adults with the lip blunt. 54 GLESSULA, CEYLON. Length 29, diam. 13, aperture 12 mm. ; whorls 8. Length 28, diam. 11.5, aperture 11.7 inm. ; whorls 8. Length 24, diam. 11.7, aperture 10.5 mm.; whorls 7J. The color is yellow or olivaceous, with some reddish streaks. The interior is pale lilac or flesh-colored. This is one of the most distinct species of the genus. Col. Beddome has mentioned a " var. minor, length 18 to 20 mm." Pfeiffer has described and figured a variety which is u more distinctly striate, silky, brownish-tawny " (pi. 6, fig. 17). This form is thought by Col. Beddome to be G. beddomei Blanf. 2, G. LANKANA Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 7, figs. 1, 2, 3. Shell oblong-turrite, thin but rather solid, yellow or tawuy, with some narrow darker or chestnut streaks on the spire. Surface very glossy, finely and deeply striate, the strise unequal, in places being as narrow as the intervals, but occasionally much wider. Under the compound microscope a very faint spiral striation is visible, the spirals being very weakly beaded in places. The first 2£ whorls are smooth. Spire conic with straight sides and' obtuse apex. Suture irregularly crenulate. Aperture vertical, flesh-tinted inside. Outer lip obtuse, form- ing a regular arch. Columella moderately concave, obliquely truncate at base. Length 27.2, diam. 11, length apart. 10 mm.; whorls 8J. Length 27, diam. 11.2, length apart. 10.5 mm.; whorls 8J. Ceylon: Matella District (Layard). Closely related to G. inornata, but more glossy and having much less distinct microscopic granulation, as may be seen by comparing fig. 3 with pi. 6, fig. 16. The outlines of the spire are straighter; there are more whorls in the same length, and the aperture is smaller. G. beddomei has a more prominent and more deeply truncate columella. 3. G. PARABILIS (Benson). PI. 7, fig. 4. Shell oblong-ovate, rather solid, glossy, rugose-striate, decus- sated with most minute, obsolete spiral striae, whitish under a buff-corneous cuticle. Spire long-conic, the apex obtuse, suture lightly impressed, subcrenulate. Whorls 6, subplanulate, the last a little convex, scarcely three-sevenths the shell's length. GLESSULA, CEYLON. OO Aperture triangularly semiovate, whitish inside. slightly inflexed, the margins joined by a thin callus; right margin sinuous, slightly obtuse, columellar margin very deeply arcuate, strongly truncate obliquely. Length 20, diam. 10, aperture 9x5 mm. (Bens.). Ceylon (Layard): Kandy (Nevill); Maturata (Simon). Achatina parabilis BENS., Ann. Mag. N. H. (2), xviii, August, 1856, p. 96.— PFR., Monographia iv, 606.— H. & T., Conch. Indica pi. 35, f. 7.— S. ((?.) p., NEVILL, Handlist, p. 171.— O. parabilis JOUSSEAUME, Mem. Zool. Soc. France vii, 1894, p. 294. This species seems to differ from inornata by its glossy surface. 4. G. CAPILLACEA (Pfeiffer). PI. 7, fig. 5. Shell turrite, thin, hair-striate under the lens, glossy, pel- lucid, greenish-corneous. Spire elongate, the apex rather ob- tuse. Whorls 7£, convex, the last scarcely one-third the total length, obsoletely angular at the periphery. Aperture slightly oblique, sinuate-oval. Columella arcuate, obliquely truncate. Peristome simple. Length 9, diam. 4 mm., aperture 3x2 mm. Ceylon (Thwaites, in Cuming coll. ) ; Haycock Mt. (Beddome). Achatina capillacea PFR., P. Z. S. 1854, p. 294; Monogr. iv, 614.— H & T., Conch. Ind. 63, pi. 156, f. 3 (fig. of type). 5. G. NITENS (Gray). PL 6, fig. 1, 2. "Shell ovate-conic, turrite, hyaline, corneous, smooth, polished, the apex rather obtuse ; whorls 8, convex ; aperture ovate, peristome thin. Length 0.7, diam. 0.3 inch." (Gray, 1825.) "Shell turrited, shining, pellucid, horn-color; spire coni- cal; apex blunt; whorls 7 to 8, gradually enlarging, convex. Aperture one-fourth the length of the shell, ovate. Colu- mbia sharply curved. Axis !M$, diam. 54 °f an inch " (Gray, 1828). Achatina nitens GRAY, Annals of Philos., n. ser. ix, 1825, p. 415; Spicilegia Zoologica p. 5, pi. 6, f. 18 (1828).— FERUSSAC, Bull. Sci. Nat. 1829, xvi, p. 468.— PFR., 56 GLESSULA, CEYLON. ii, 260; Conchyl. Cab. p. 365, pi. 43, f. 10-12.— DESK, in Fer., Hist., p. 165, pi. 134, f. 25-27.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 17, f. 1. — Stenogyra (G.) nit ens NEVILL, Handlist p. 171 (Kandy). — A. panatha BENS., Ann. Mag. N. H. (3) v, May, 1860, p. 384 (Ellegamme Nalande and Matelle, Ceylon).— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 36, f. 2.— PPR., Monogr. vi, 226. A typical specimen is drawn in fig. 1, 2 of plate 6. The shell is corneous-yellow, very bright and glossy, nearly smooth. The sides of the spire are very slightly convex; but the whorls are strongly convex, parted by a very dis- tinctly crenulated suture. The aperture is small; columella very deeply excavated above. Length 17, diam. 7.8, aper- ture 6.8 mm. ; whorls 7%. Nalande, Ceylon. Var. PUNCTOGALLANA (Pfeiffer). PI. 6, figs. 3, 4, 5. Shell oblong-ovate, slightly striatulate, glabrous, glossy, pellucid, corneous-tawny. Spire pyramidal, the apex obtuse. Whorls 7%, convex, the last about two-fifths the total length, base rounded. Columella very deeply arcuate, reaching far forward, abruptly truncate. Aperture vertical, subtriangu- lar-semioval ; peristome simple, the right margin regularly arcuate. Length 16, diam. 8, aperture 7x4 mm. (Pfr.). Ceylon: Point de G-alle (Benson) ; Matelle district (A. N. S. Coll.); Balapiti (Nevill). Achatina ceylanica REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, pi. 15, f. 59 (not of Pfeiffer). — A. punctogallana PFR., Zeitschr. f. Mai. 1852, p. 150; Conchyl. Cab. p. 323, pi. 26, f. 14, 15; Monogr. Hi, p. 493. — Glessula p., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 165. "Differs from A. ceylanica by the smoother, more glossy shell, with longer spire, shorter last whorl, and the columella arched forward more " (Pfr.). The whorls are much more convex in punctogallana than Pfeiffer 's description and fig- ures indicate in ceylanica. The largest shell before me (fig. 5) measures, length 17.5, diam. 8.4, aperture 7 mm., whorla nearly 8. Others from the Matelle district, received from Layard, are typical in size. Both lots were received as ceylanica. This form differs from G. nitens by its stouter, more com- pact shape. GLESSULA, CEYLON. 57 6. G. CEYLANICA (Pfeiffer). PL 6, figs. 7, 8. Shell ovate-oblong, striatulate, silky, thin, tawny-corneous; spire pyramidal, the apex obtuse. Whorls 7, a little convex, the last three-sevenths the total length, inflated. Columella short, arcuate, abruptly truncate. Aperture rather wide, semioval; peristome thin, acute. Length 16, diam. 8, aper- ture 7.5x4 mm. (P/r.). Ceylon (Templeton) ; Maturate, (Simon) ; Balapiti and Colombo (Nevill). Achatina ceylanica PFR., Zeitsch. f. Mai. 1845, p. 157; Monog. ii, 258; iii, 493; iv, 607; vi, 223; viii, 279; and in Philippi, Abbild., ii, p. 215, pi. 1, f. 3; Conch. Cab. p. 313, pi. 25, f. 14, 15. — Glessula c., JOUSSEAUME, Mem. Soc. Zool. France vii, 1894, p. 292. — Stenogyra (G.) c., NEVILL, Hand- list p. 172. Closely related G. nitens, but the description and figure indicate that the whorls are much less convex in ceylanica. Colonel Beddome records specimens of ceylanica 30 x 14 mm. ; but their specific identity may possibly be doubtful. 7. G. DESHAYESI (Pfeiffer). PL 6, figs. 6, 12, 13. Shell turrite-ovate, rather thin, nearly smooth, glossy, corneous-brown; spire long, convex, the apex rather obtuse, suture simple, rather deep. Whorls 7, convex, the last two- fifths the length, rounded at base. Columella somewhat twisted, broadly and obliquely truncate. Aperture slightly oblique, rhombic-semioval ; peristome simple, obtuse, the right margin somewhat spreading. Length 11, diam. 5, aperture 4y2x2i/2 mm. (P/r.). Ceylon. Achatina deshayesi PFR., P. Z. S. 1852, p. 86; Conchyl. Cab. p. 366, pi. 43, f . 13-16 ; Monogr. iii, 495 ; iv, 608 ; vi, 266 ; viii, 281.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 102, f. 2. Smaller than G. nitens, and of a richer brown color, but otherwise it is closely related. The whorls are strongly con- vex and the surface very brilliant. Some of the upper post- embryonic whorls are rather distinctly striate. The suture is much less distinctly crenulated than in G. nitens,— nearly 58 GLESSULA, CEYLON. simple. The sides of the spire are slightly convex. Fig. 6 represents a typical example, length 11, diam. 5.2, aperture 4.5 mm., whorls 6%. The lip is "finished." Two specimens, the longest and shortest from another lot of 15, are drawn, pi. 6, figs. 12, 13. Neither has the lip "finished," though no doubt both are nearly mature. They measure as follows. Length 12.8, diam. 6 mm., whorls T1^. Length 10, diam. 5 mm., whorls 6%. 8. G. PACHYCHEILA (Benson). Shell ovate-oblong, striatulate, under a lens decussated with obsolete, close, spiral very fine striae; glossy, brownish- corneous, translucent; spire lengthened, subconic, apex ob- tuse, suture lightly impressed. Whorls 6, a trifle convex, the last scarcely two-fifths the total length. Aperture ver- tical, oblong-ovate; peristome whitish-bordered within; colu- mella exceedingly deeply arcuate, basal margin thickened. Length 11, diam. 5 mm. (Bens.). Ceylon: Heneratgodde (Layard). Achatina p., BENSON, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (2) xii, Au- gust, 1853, p. 94.— PFR., Monogr. iv, 608.— Glessula p., BED- DOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 166. "This little species of a group which has so many rep- resentatives in Ceylon, the Nilgherries, and the damp woody mountains of the North-eastern India, with a more slender form than A. oreas nobis, is well distinguished from the allied forms by its peculiar sculpture under the lens, and by the internal incrassation of the peristome, a feature which is also observable in the species A. crassilabris nobis. from north-eastern India." (Benson.) This species has not been figured. With the same dimen- sions as G. deshayesi, it seems to differ by having the whorls only very little convex, whilst in deshayesi they are strongly convex. 8fl. Var. taprobanica Pils., subsp. n. PI. 7, fig. 16. Shell smaller, very pale yellow. Sculpture of fine vertical GLESSULA, CEYLON. 59 grooves, close on the spire but rather widely, unevenly spaced on the last two whorls ; no perceptible spiral lines ; two whorls at the summit smooth. Aperture small, the outer lip rather thick ; columella moderately concave, sub vertically and not very deeply truncate at the base. Length 8.5 to 8.8, diam. 3.2, aperture 3 mm. ; whorls 6!/2- Ceylon: Kandookerre (E. L. Layard). This form was distributed by Layard as pachycheilus Bens. That species has not been figured, but according to the de- scription it differs from this in several respects. G. colletta is a more slender, darker species, with a. less thickened lip. 9. G. SERENA (Benson). PI. 6, fig. 9. Shell ovate-pyramidal, rather solid, very highly polished, slightly, obsoletely striate, tawny corneous, pellucid. Spire elongate, subturrite, the apex abruptly obtuse ; suture im- pressed, submarginate, crenulate. Whorls 6% to 7, subcon- vex, convex above near the suture, the last whorl slightly compressed at the base. Aperture vertical, three-sevenths the total length, subtriangular-ovate; peristome unexpanded, rather obtuse; columellar margin very deeply arcuate, whit- ish-calloused, at the base abruptly and obliquely truncate. Length 20 to 21, diam. 9 to 9.5, aperture 9 x 5.5 mm. (Bens.) Ceylon : Akurambodie, in southern Matelle. Achatina serena BENS., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (3), v, May, 1860, p. 384.— PFR,, Monogr. vi, 223.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 78, 1 8. This species is very close to G. nitens, but the whorls are less convex. It is doubtfully distinct from G. ceylanica, but from the figures, that seems to be more straightly conic and smaller. 10. G. LAYARDI Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 7, figs. 6, 7. The shell is oblong-turrite, yellow-corneous with profusely scattered whitish dots and spots (produced by disintegration of the surface), paler towards the summit. Surface very glossy, without noticeable microscopic sculpture, but marked with unevenly spaced grooves, which are rather weaker on 60 GLESSULA, CEYLON. the last whorl, and obsolete on the base. The summit is ob- tuse, rounded, first whorls smooth. Whorls 6%, moderately convex. Suture elegantly but somewhat irregularly denti- culate. Aperture vertical; outer lip obtuse; columella very short, moderately or deeply concave, subhorizontally and very deeply truncate. Length 14, diam. 6, length of aper- ture 5.9 mm. Length 13.5, diam. 6.1, length of aperture 5.9 mm. Ceylon (Layard). This species differs from G. ceylanica by its very much less deeply concave columella. It is a smaller and more slender shell than G. serena, which seems to be its nearest ally. The denticulation of the suture is a prominent feature. Though "live" shells, the surface is eroded in places. The whitish flecks probably will not be found on shells from stations where they are less liable to erosion. 11. G. VERUINA (Benson). Shell cylindric-turrite, very much lengthened, dirty whit- ish, unevenly striate; the spire gradually tapering above; suture impressed, crenulate ; apex obtuse. Whorls 12^ to 13, narrow, cylindric, the last scarcely two-elevenths the total length. Aperture vertical, truncate-oval; peristome unex- panded, acute; columella slightly arcuate. Length 25, diam. 5 mm. (Bens.) Ceylon: Narlande and Matelle (Layard). Achatina veruina BENS., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (2) xii, August, 1853, p. 94.— PPR., Monogr. vi, 235.—$. (G.) veruina NEVILL, Handlist, p. 171. This rare species has not been figured. 12. G. COLLETT.E Sykes. PL 7, fig. 13. Shell elongate, thin, smooth, obscurely longitudinally striated, brown or brown -corneous, the apex rather obtuse; suture impressed. Whorls 6 to 6%, a little convex, the last half the length of the shell. Aperture nearly vertical, lunate- oval, columellar margin callous, paler, obliquely truncate. Length 8, diam. 2.8 mm. (Sykes). GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 61 Ceylon: Ambagamuwa (Mrs. Collett). Glessula colletta SYKES, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. iii, July, 1898, p. 73, pi. 5, f. 1. Topotypes before me are rather dark yellowish chestnut colored, with sculpture of impressed vertical grooves. These are rather widely separated on the later whorls, but close above. Nearly two whorls at the summit are smooth. Length 8, diam. 2. 9, aperture 2.9 mm. long, whorls 6%. Compared with G. p. taprobanica, this is a more slender shell, hence the whorls appear longer, and they are more evenly convex, the suture being less narrowly impressed. 13. G. SIMONI Jousseaume. PI. 7, fig. 8. Shell small, ovate, thin, costulate, glossy, pellucid, fulvous- corneous. Spire conoid, the apex rather obtuse, suture im- pressed. Whorls 5 to 6, convex, the last half the total length, slightly tapering at the base, rounded. Aperture ver- tical, semioval; peristome unexpanded, thin, acute; the right margin less arcuate; columella callous, nearly straight, very deeply arcuate, obliquely truncate, at the umbilical region appressed and depressed. Diam. 3 mm., alt. 1.5 mm. (Jouss.) Ceylon: flank of Pedrotalagala at Nuwaraeliya (Simon). Glessula simoni Jouss., Memoir es de la Societe Zoologique de France pour Tannee 1894, vii, p. 293, pi. 4, f. 10. This minute form has about the size of a Tornatellina, but seems to be more strongly sculptured than is usual in that genus. The embryonic whorls are smooth, a little darker than the rest -of the shell. Four specimens were taken, two of them smaller than the type, which is thought by Jousseaume to be immature. II. SPECIES OF PENINSULAR INDIA. 14. G. SHIPLAYI (Pfeiffer). PI. 9, fig. 8. Shell turrite, smoothish, pellucid, glossy, corneous; spire regularly tapering, the apex obtuse ; suture substriate ; whorls 13, convex, the last slightly more than one-third the total length, rounded, more distinctly striate; columella somewhat straightly running forward, at the base rather widely trun- 62 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. cate. Aperture a little oblique, rounded-oval; peristome un- expanded, very thin. Length 25.5, diam. 6.3 mm., aperture 5.5x3.25 mm. (Pfr.). Length 36 mm., whorls 14 (Beddome). S. India: Nilgiri Mts (Conway Shiplay, type loc.) ; Ariamallays; Shevaroys. Achatina shiplayi PPB., Malak. Bl. 1855, p. 169; Novit. Conch, i, p. 82, pi. 22, f. 13, 14; Monogr. iv, 612.— HANL. and THEOB., Conch. Ind. pi. 36, f. 9 (juv.). — Glessula s., BED- DOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 161. — Stenogyra (G.) shiplayi NEVTLI,, Handlist p. 168, no. 60. ''Full grown specimens were very rarely found by me, though young half- and three-quarter grown ones are most abundant on the Nilgiris. This and some other species cer- tainly breed before the shell attains full size or a hardened peristome, as I have taken eggs from such shells. The peris- tome differs much in mature specimens, sometimes being very thick and solid, sometimes quite thin, but, even then, firm, and not breaking or becoming jagged at the touch, which is the sign that the shell has not finished its growth. Full-grown examples of shiplayi are very like tenuispira, but smaller. It also runs nilgirica very closely, but the latter has a stronger sculpture, and is broader at the base." (Bedd.) 15. G. HEBES ('Blanford' Pfr.). PI. 9, fig. 6. Shell subcylindrkj-turrite, thin, pale corneous, translucent, polished, striatulate; spire raised, subcylindric in the lower part, the sides convex towards the obtuse apex; suture im- pressed. Whorls 9 to 101/2, convex, regularly increasing, the last short, about one-fourth to one-fifth the total length. Aperture ovate-oblong, a little oblique; peristome thin; colu- mella very arcuate, obliquely truncate in front. Length 17 to 22, diam. 5 mm. ; aperture 4 to 4.5 mm. long, 2.3 to 3 mm. wide. (Blanf.). S. India: Deo Grhat, on the south side of Poona (Evizard, type loc.) ; Shevaroys; Pulney Hills, and halfway up the Koonoor Pass, Nilgiris (Nevill). Achatina hebes Blanford, PFR., Monogr. Hel. Viv. vi. 1868, GL.ESSULA. PENINSULAR INDIA. 63 p. 230. — Glessula hebes BLANFOBD, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. 39, 1870, p. 21, pi. 3, f. 21.— BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond. vii, 161.— NEVILL, Handlist, p. 167. ' ' The nearest ally to this species appears to be O. tamulica (W. & H. Blanf.) from near Trichinopoly, which is distin- guished by greater diameter in proportion to the length, and a more regularly tapering spire. Intermediate forms may hereafter be found however. "A specimen from the Shevroy hills near Salem in south- ern India, sent to me by Major Beddome, only differs from O. hebes in being longer and slightly more attenuate towards the apex. It has 13 whorls." (Blanf.) "Ten specimens received from Blanf ord and E vizard, col- lected near Poona, are all young, with quite unformed lip; and all the types of hebes in Blanf ord 's collection, and the specimens in the Natural History Museum and others that I have seen, are the same. If full-grown, or nearly so, it must be a much smaller species than shiplayi. It runs the young of that species rather closely, but the apex is gener- ally blunter. Specimens collected by me on the Shevaroys are referred here by Blanford ; they are, however, immature and appear rather to belong to fairbanki, if that species is distinct, which I doubt. When collected I took them to be young of shiplayi. Until hebes and fairbanki are found with mature lips, they must, I think, remain doubtful species. "Hanley's figure of hebes has the tapering apex of young shiplayi and is unlike my type of hebes." (Beddome.) 16. G. FAIRBANKI (Benson). PL 9, fig. 7. Shell subcylindric-turrite, striatulate, obsoletely and very minutely spirally decussate, polished, translucent, buff- corneous, the spire having subconvex sides towards the apex, summit obtuse; suture distinctly impressed; whorls 8, sub- convex, short, the last four slowly increasing in diameter; last whorl rounded below, one-fourth the total length; aper- ture suboblique, ovate, angular above and below, the margins joined by a callus; columella lightly arcuate, obliquely trun- cate; basal and outer margins thin. Length 12, diam. 4, aperture 3 x 2.5 mm. (Bens.). 64 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. S. India: Mahableshwar Mts. (Rev. S. B. Fairbank). Achatina fairbanki BENS., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xv, Jan. 1865, p. 14. — PFR., Monogr. vi, 232. — HANLEY & THEOB., Conch. Ind. pi. 18, f. 3. "The nearest Nilgiri form is A. corrosula Pfr. The more cylindrical form below, the sculpture, shorter whorls etc., safely distinguished it " (Bens.). Col. Beddome considers fairbanki doubtfully distinct from G. hebes. Both were based upon shells not fully mature. 17. G. VADALICA (Benson). PL 9, fig. 11. Shell turrite-elongate, striatulate, rather solid, polished, translucent, buff-corneous; spire a little convexly turrite to- wards the apex; apex rather obtuse; suture impressed. Whorls 11, convex, short, the upper ones rib-striate, last whorl rounded below, scarcely one-fourth the total length. Aperture slightly oblique, elliptical-ovate, margins joined by a callus, columellar margin slightly arcuate, whitish, ob- liquely truncate, basal and right margins thin. Length 34, diam. 9, aperture 8x5 mm. (Bens.). India: Wadale, near Ahmednugger (Fairbank). Achatina vadalica BENS., Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), xv, Jan. 1865, p. 15.— PFR., Monogr. vi, 229.— HANL. and THEOB., Conch. Ind. pi. 35, f. 5. ' ' The convex sides of the upper part of the spire, the shorter whorls, with the sculpture and polish of the shell, dis- tinguish it as well from the Nilgiri A. perrotteti as from the neighbouring A. notigena, which has an attenuate spire and costulate sculpture in all the whorls. The Liberian A. clavus Pfr., is a broader shell, with longer and wider whorls." (Benson.) 18. G. TAMULICA (Blanford). PI. 9, fig. 12. "Shell turrite, thin, glossy, corneous, striatulate; spire regularly tapering, the apex obtuse ; whorls 10, convex, the last slightly more than one-fourth the total length, rounded; columella strongly arcuate, obliquely truncate. Aperture a little oblique, suboval, peristome simple, thin, the margins joined by a very thin callus. Length 20, diam. 6, aperture 5.8x3 mm." (Blanf.). GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 65 S. India: Cullagoody, Trichinopoly. Achatina tamulica BLANP., Journ, Asiat. Soc. Beng. vol. 30, 1861, p. 362.— PFB., Monogr. vi, 232.— HANL. and THEOB., Conch. Ind. pi. 17, f. 9.—Glessula t., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 162. ''Near A. shiplayi, but distinguished by the smaller number of whorls, more obtuse apex, etc." (Blanf.). Known from immature specimens with quite fragile lip. Col. Beddome considers that "it is very near vadalica, and has all the ap- pearance of being the young of that species. ' ' 19. G. PERROTTETI (Pfeiffcr). PL 9, figs. 9, 10. Shell elongate-conic, the apex rather obtuse, glossy, cor- neous, diaphanous ; whorls 8, a little convex, the last half the total length, eolumella deeply incurved, abruptly truncate. Aperture oval, the peristome simple, acute. Length 22, diam. 9, aperture 8x4 mm. (Pfr.). S. India: Nilgiris (type loc.) at Neddoowutton (Blanford), and Pulney Hills, about the foot of the mountains (Bed- dome). Achatina perrotteti PFR., Revue Zoologique 1842, p. 305; Symbolae ii, 59; Monogr. ii, 260; iii, 494; iv, 607; vi, 224; Conchyl. Cab. p. 324, pi. 26, f. 16, 17.— Conch. Indica pi. 35, fig. 6 ( ?)•— REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, pi. 24, f. lQ2.—Glandina ? p., PHILIPPI, Abbild. i, p. 135, pi. 1, f. l2.—Stenogyra (G.) p., NEVILL, Handlist, p. 168. Pfeiffer's type seems to be a relatively wide, short form, with the mouth more than one-third the total length. The longer shell figured in Conchologia Indica is probably a dif- ferent species. 20. G. LEPTOSPIRA (Benson). PL 12, fig. 2. Shell oblong-turrite, striatulate, glossy, pale corneous- brown ; spire rather narrowly turrite, the apex obtuse, suture rather deep, crenulate. Whorls 9, a little convex, the upper short, more convex, the last less than one-third the total length. Aperture suboblique, elliptical, margins joined by a callus, columellar margin arcuate, obliquely truncate, the right margin thin. Length 16, diam. 6 mm. (Bens.) 66 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. Someysur Hills (Theobald). Achatina 1., BENS., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (3), xv, Jan. 1865, p. 14.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 35, f. 2.— PFB., Monogr. vi, 233.— 8. (G.) leptospira NEVILL, Handlist, p. 171 (Goo- meysur Hill) . This species was probably based on immature shells. It may prove to be a form of G. notigena. 21. G. NOTIGENA (Benson). PI. 12, figs. 3, 4, 9. Shell long^conic, attenuate above, thin, subcostulate striate, tawny corneous, glossy, pellucid. Spire turrited, attenuate above, the apex obtuse; suture impressed, irregularly crenu- late. Whorls 9 to 10, a little convex, the last less than one- third the total length of the shell. Aperture subvertical; narrowly semioval; columella slightly arcuate, subvertical, rather obliquely truncate at the base ; peristome unexpanded, thin, the margins joined by a thin callus. Length 20, diam. 7, aperture 6 mm. long, scarcely 4 wide. (Bens.) Mahableshwar Ghats (type loc., J. Chesson) ; Bombay Ghats (W. Theobald). [Cherra Poonjee, Sylhet, teste Beddome]. Achatina notigena BENS., Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), v, June, 1860, p. 462.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 35, f. 8, 9.— PFR., Monogr. vi, 229. — BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond. vii, 166. — Stenogyra (G.) notigera Blanf., NEVILL, Handlist Ind. Mus. p. 167, no. 40 (Poona and Khandala). Benson records a variety which is more inflated, ovate- turrite, 22 x 8 mm. No locality for it is mentioned. He writes : ' ' This shell has relations to A. chessoni in the attenu- ation of the spire towards the summit, a feature observable also in the northeastern A. tenuispira. It differs in form, size, proportions, etc. In one specimen from Bombay the attenuation of the spire is less conspicuous." Col. Beddome states that the specimens he has seen are in no way separable from tenuispira. The initial half whorl is smooth; then very fine, close, regular vertical striae appear, continuing to the end of the embryonic shell, which consists of two whorls (fig. 9). After this, the strise are irregular, coarse ones appearing in groups, GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 67 or at somewhat irregular intervals. On the last two or three whorls the striation is still coarser, and chiefly on the upper part of each whorl, the lower part being much smoother. Specimens from Poona before me are more slender than those from Bombay, measuring 21 x 7 mm., with 10^2 whorls. The sculptured embryonic whorls show that this species is not related to G. tenuispira. I am much inclined to doubt that the specimens recorded from the Sylhet region are really notigena. They are probably tenuispira. 22. G. CORROSULA (Pfeiffer). PL 12, figs. 5, 6. Shell turrite, rather solid, smoothish, corroded in dots, pale corneous. Spire a little convexly turrite, rather acute; su- ture shallow subcrenulate. Whorls 9, very slightly convex, the last scarcely two-sevenths the total length, rounded at the base. Columella very deeply arcuate, obliquely distinctly truncate. Aperture slightly oblique, sinuate-semioval ; peris- tome simple, thin. Length 15, diam. 4%, aperture 4x2 mm. Nilgiris (Ch. Shiplay, in Cuming coll.) ; Kurnool (Stol.) Achatina c., PPR., P. Z. S. 1856, p. 35; Novit. Conch, p. 104, pi. 29, f . 9, 10 ; Monogr. iv, 612. 23. G. BENSONIANA (Pfeiffer). PI. 12, fig. 13, 14. Shell oblong-turrite, thin, slightly striatulate, glossy, sub- pellucid, tawny-corneous. Spire somewhat turrite, the apex rather obtuse; suture subimpressed, closely denticulate. Whorls 8~y2, rather flat, the last slightly more than one-third the total length, tapering at the base; columella slightly arcuate, shortly truncate a little above the base of the semi- oval aperture; peristome simple, acute, the right margin slightly arcuate. Length 18, diam. 6%, aperture 6% x 3, mm. (Pfr.) Nilgiris (Perrottet, type loc.) ; Kotagherry and Ootaca- nmnd (Stoliczka). Achatina bensoniana PFR., Zeitschr. f. Malak. 1851, p. 27;: Conchyl. Cab. p. 325, pi. 26, f. 12, 13; Monogr. iii, 494.— HANLEY & THEOBALD, Conch. Indica, pi. 102, f . 3. — Stenogyra 68 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. (Glessula) &., G. NEVILL, J. A. S. B., vol. 50, 1881, p. 137, pi. 5, f. 16, 16a. 24. G. PR^LUSTRIS (Benson). PI. 9, figs. 15, 16. Shell ovate-oblong, very thin, fragile, irregularly plicate- striate, glossy, pale buff-corneous ; spire pyramidal, the apex obtuse, suture rather deep, subcrenulate ; whorls 8%, a little convex, slightly swollen above near the sutures, the last whorl more than one-third the total length, subinflated; aperture vertical, semioval, rather wide; columella somewhat straight, slightly curved, base obliquely truncate; peristome unex- panded, acute. Length 33, diam. 17, aperture 15 x 9 mm. (Bens.). S. India: Midnapore, Balasore and Cuttack, Orissa pro- vince, in mango topes (W. Theobald) ; common in the Orissa and Gaii jam districts, east side of the Madras Presidency (Beddome). Achatina pralustris BENS., Ann. Mag. N. H., June, 1860, v, p. 462. — PFR. Monogr. vi, 221. — HANLEY & THEOB., Conch. Ind. pi. 17, f. 6, and var., f. 7. — Glessula p., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, p. 162. — Stenogyra (Glessula) praclustris NEVILL, Handlist, p. 170. Col. Beddome gives 40 mm. as length of his largest speci- men. There is a smaller race (pi. 9, fig. 15) measuring, length 24, diam. 11, aperture 10.5 mm. long; whorls 7%- The lip has a smooth, thickened edge. 25. G. CHESSONI (Benson). PL 11, fig. 5. Shell ovate-turrite, attenuate above, roughly plicate-striate, the striae very minutely, closely, obsoletely spirally decussate ; tawny-corneous or purplish-brown, translucent, a little glossy ; spire turrite, attenuate towards the slightly obtuse apex; suture impressed, crenulate. Whorls ll1/^ a little convex, the last over one-third the length of the shell, a little in- flated. Aperture subvertical, semioval, rather wide; colu- mella rather straight, whitish-calloused, at base slightly ob- liquely truncate; peristome unexpanded, thin. Length 37, .diam. 15, aperture 14x8 mm. (Bens.). GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 69 S. India: Mahableshwar Mts. (J. Chesson, type loc.); North Canara forests; near Sircee (Beddome) ; Igapuri (Stoliczka) ; Torna and Purandhar (Blanf.). Achatina chessoni BENS., Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), v, June, 1860, p. 462.— PFB., Monogr. vi, 222.— HAND. & THEOB., Conch. Ind. pi. 17, f. 8. — Glessula c., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 163. — 8. (G.) chessoni NEVILL, Handlist, p. 167. There is also a more slender variety 33 x 12 mm. noted by Benson. 26. G. TOENENSIS Blanford. PI. 11, figs. 3, 4. Shell ovate-oblong, rather thin, smooth, glossy, polished,, subobsoletely striatulate, tawny-corneous; spire long-conoid, the sides convex; apex very obtuse; suture impressed, some- what corrugated above. Whorls 7 to 7%, convex, the last over two-fifths the total length, rounded beneath. Aperture' subvertical, oblong-semioval ; peristome unexpanded, thin, the margins joined by a thin callus ; columella deeply arcuater whitish, almost vertically truncate in front. Length 25, diam. 14, oblique alt. of aperture 12, width 7 mm. (Blanf.). S. and W. India : Torna Hills, near the town of Poona on the west, (type loc.) ; Anamullays; Tinnevelly; Travancore Ghats (Beddome). Glessula tornensis BLANF., Journ. A. S. B. vol. 39, 1870, p. 22, pi. 3, f. 22.— BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 163.— Achatina t., Conch. Indica, pi. 78, f. 3. " In form it is remarkably similar to G. textilis W. Blanf., from the Anamallay Hills, but it entirely wants the colored markings of that species " (Blanf.). Col. Beddome remarks, " My Travancore specimens were labelled subtornensis by Nevill, but I cannot see how they differ. I took a very beau- tiful, dark chocolate-colored variety on the Calcad Hills in Tinnevelly." Fig. 4 is the typical form from Torna Hills. A specimen measures, length 26.5, diam. 13.5, aperture 12 mm., with 714 whorls. Hanley figures a much more obese form from the same place (fig. 3). 27. G. TEXTILIS Blanford. PI. 11, figs. 6, 7. " Shell ovate-oblong, rather solid, translucent, striated near 70 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. the suture, smooth, polished, dark chestnut with close vertical and horizontal lines of a greyish-yellow color, varying in breadth and resembling the threads of an irregularly woven cloth. Spire elongated, conoidal with convex sides, apex ob- tuse, sutures impressed. Whorls 7, -convex, the last about two-fifths of the entire length, rounded beneath. Aperture vertical, truncately semi-oval, milky within; peristome slightly thickened, white, right margin slightly sinuate towards the base, columella deeply curved, obliquely truncated beneath, margins united by a thin callus. Length 26, diam. 13 mm. Aperture 10% mm. long, 7 broad " (Blanf.). S. India: Anamullay Hills, 6000 ft, type loc. (Blanf.); Pulney Hills (Fairbank) ; Tinnevelly and Travancore Ghats (Beddome). Achatina textilis BLANF., J. A. S. B. xxxv, 1866, p. 41. — Conch. Ind., pi. 17, f . 10.— PFR., Monogr. vi, 220.— Glessula t.f BEDDOME, I. c., p. 163. — 8. (G.) textilis NEVILL, Handlist p. 168. " This is the only indigenous Indian Achatina with which I am acquainted possessing colored markings. In form it approaches some of the Ceylon Achatina, and also an unde- scribed Deccan species'* (Blanf.). 11 Varies in diameter from 10 to 14 mm. I have specimens from the Tinnevelly Ghats in which the textile coloring is reduced to a single narrow band on each of the three lower whorls, or is entirely obsolete " (Beddome}. Besides the numerous reddish lines and bands on a pale- yellow ground, it is sometimes sprinkled with buff dots. A small specimen from the Pulney Hills figured measures, length 21, diam. 9.9, length of aperture 9.8 mm. (fig. 7). 28. G. SENATOR (Hanley). PL 11, fig. 8. Shell subovate-conoid, sometimes narrower, thin, glossy, smooth; chocolate, conspicuously ornamented with a yellow- ish or pale stripe. Whorls convex, much wider than high (6% in an imperfect example), rapidly increasing, marked below the deeply-impressed suture with a very narrow band and above it with a wide one, which continues on the last GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 71 whorl a little above the middle. Spire about half the total length, apex paler, obtuse. Columella short, paler, arcuate, broadly truncate. Length 1 inch (Hani.). Southern India, Cottyam Hills, collections of Beddome and Me Andrew (Hanley) ; Peermede Hills, Travancore (Bed- dome). Achatina (Glessula) senator HANL., P. Z. S., 1875, p. 606; Conch. Indica, pi. 155, f . 4. — G. s., BEDDOME, 1. c., p. 163. Only four specimens are known to me, all from the Cottyam Hills ; two are young and rather narrow in proportion to the fine but broken-lipped example I have described, which once belonged to the celebrated Indian eonchologist W. Benson " (Hanley) . ' ' Only differs from the last two species in its beautiful col- oration ' ' (Beddome ) . 29. G. isis (Hanley). PL 11, fig. 9. Shell subcylindric, smooth, thin, very glossy, whitish or pale, sometimes with a narrow tawny band, and encircled by close, very narrow 'tawny lines; the band generally placed towards the base of the upper whorls and above the middle of the last one. Whorls about 10, convex, gradually increasing, obsoletely subcrenulated below the deep suture, and all but the last whorl are much wider than high; apex obtuse. Aperture narrow, slightly more than one-fourth the total length. Columella short, arcuate, obliquely twisted-truncate. Length 1%, width two-seventh inch [ca. 33 x 7.14 mm.] (Han- ley). S. India: Foot of the Pulney Hills (Fairbank, Beddome). Achatina (Glessula) isis HANL. P. Z. S., 1875, p. 606; Conch. Indica, p. 62, pi. 155, f. 5. — PFR., Monogr., viii, 616. — Glessula i, BEDDOME, 1. c., p. 163. " Much the coloring of textilis, but the shell is very dif- ferent in form, being elongated and narrow " (Beddome). 30. G. SUBPERROTTETI Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 1, 2. Shell ovate-turrite, tapering above, very glossy, lightly plicate-striate, fulvous-corneous; spire turrite, attenuate 72 QLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. towards the rather obtuse apex ; suture impressed, crenulate. Whorls 9, slightly convex, the last about two-fifths the length of the shell. Aperture semi-oval; columella rather straight, whitish-calloused; peristome unexpanded, thin, the margins joined by a whitish callus. Length 28, diam. 9, aperture 10x5 mm. (Beddome). S. India: Travancore Hills above Calcad. G. subperrotteti BEDD, Proc. Malac. Soc, vii, p. 163, pi. 15, f. 1, la (Sept., 1906). lt Intermediate between chessoni Bens, and perrotteti Pfr. The sculpture is much less prominent than in the former. ' ' 31. G. CANABICA Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 7, 8. Shell turrite-oblong, rather thin; spire oblong, apex ob- tuse ; very glossy, purple-brown, distinctly and closely sub- costulate-striate, under the lens closely decussate; suture im- pressed; whorls 9, nearly flat, the last two-fifths the total length. Aperture vertical, oblong semi-oval. Peristome thin. Columella deeply arcuate, almost vertically truncate in front. Length 25, diam. 9, aperture 8x4 mm. (Beddome) . S. India: South Canara Ghats (Kudra Mukh), rare. Glessula c., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, 164, pi. 15, f. 4 (Sept, 1906). " In its blunt oblong spire it resembles the large form of amentum as figured by Hanley. It is a beautifully sculp- tured shell." 32. G. ANAMULLICA (Blanford). " Shell turrite-ovate, thin, finely striated, horny with high vitreous lustre. Spire turrited, sides convex, apex obtuse, suture impressed. Whorls 8, scarcely convex, the last rounded beneath. Aperture oblique, peristome thin, colu- mella moderately arcuate, obliquely truncated below. " Length 27, diam. 12, aperture 10x6.5 mm. (Blanf.). S. India: Anamullay Hills ( Blanf.) ; Travancore Hills (Beddome). Achatina anamullica BLANF, J. A. S. B, vol. 35, 1866, p. GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 73 37. — PFR., Monogr., vi, 223. — Glessula a., BEDDOME, I. c.,_p. 164. 1 Though a good many of this fine, dark chocolate-colored species were taken, none of them had a firm lip, and though eggs were taken from some of them they are probably not full grown. It is not very like any one species, the nearest to it being perrotteti " (Beddome). 33. G. SUBINORNATA Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 5, 6. Shell oblong-turrite, solid, closely striate, decussated with very minute obsolete, spiral striae; tawny, glossy, the apex a little obtuse ; suture lightly impressed, very closely crenulate. Whorls 8, rather flattened, the last two-fifths the total length, a little convex ; spire long-turrite. Columella arcuate, white- calloused, obliquely abruptly truncate. Aperture triangular- semi-ovate, whitish inside; peristome simple, obtuse, Length 28, diam. 8, aperture 10x5 mm. (Bedd.). S. India : Sispara Ghat, on the Nilgiris. G. subinornatd BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, Sept., 1906, p. 164, pi. 15, f. 3, with var. minor. " Allied to the Ceylonese inornata and parabilis; smaller and narrower than the former; larger and with a more elongated spire than the latter. " ' * Var. minor. Length 21, diam. 7 mm. ; aperture 8 mm. long, 4 wide. Brunagherry Hills, Wynad. " Of a pale-steel color, otherwise only differing in size from the type. Very near parabilis, but with rather longer spire and smaller aperture " (Beddome). 34. G. BEDDOMEI (Blanford). PL 11, figs. 10, 11. " Shell turrite-ovate, solid, finely and closely sub-costu- lately striated, dark-purplish brown, epidermis in parts hav- ing a tendency to assume a dirty cream color, especially in dead specimens. Spire convex below, slightly acuminate above, apex obtuse, rather inclined to the right, suture im- pressed. Whorls 71^-8, convex, the last two-fifths of the entire length, rounded at the base. Aperture nearly vertical, sub-pyrif orm, milky within ; peristome thickened, white, outer 74 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. margin rather straight, not arcuate, columella deeply curved, lined with callus, subobliquely and rather broadly truncated at the base." Length 30, diam. 11.5, aperture 10x6 mm. (Blanf.). S. India: Anamullay Hills, 5000-7000 ft. (type loc., Bed- dome). Ceylon. Achatina beddomei BLANF., J. A. S. B., vol. 35, 1866, p. 41.— H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 102, f. 8; 156, f. ±.—Glessula &., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc., vii, 165, with var. pollens. I * This is a more solid form than any of the Nilgiri species, and it differs from all of them, and also from the solid Cey- lonese forms, in its sub-acuminate- apex. It is a well-marked species " (Blanf.). II The Ceylon specimens are slightly narrower, but do not otherwise differ " (Beddome). Var. pallens Beddome. Only differing from the type in being of a pale-straw color. There are numerous specimens of this in the Nevill collection, purchased by Messrs. Sowerby and Pulton, and a single specimen in the late Dr. Blanford's collection, labeled G. skinneri. This is, I believe, inornata var. I Pfr., Monogr. HeL, iii, p. 490 (Beddome) . The figures are copied from Conchologia Indica. Fig. 10 is from a native painting, fig. 11 from the type specimen. Hanley remarks that it " differs little from G. inornata ex- cept in its peaked apex." Whether it has the microscopic sculpture of that species is not known. 35. G. BOTTAMPOTANA ('Beddome ' Hanley). PI. 11, fig. 12, 11 Length 25.5, diam. 10 mm., whorls 7, of unusually solid substance " (Nevill, 1881, specimen from Col. Beddome). " The decussation in the sculpture is much more prominent than in any other species. Hanley 's figure is good, but does not show the sculpture " (Beddome). S.-W. India: Bollampatty Hills, 5-6000 ft., above Palghat. Achatina bottampotana Beddome MSS., HANLEY and THEO- BALD, Conch. Indica, p. 63, pi. 156, f. 1 (1874) ; no descrip- tion.— Stenogyra (Glessula) bottampotana NEVILL, Handlist Ind. Mus., p. 169 (Anamullays). — S. (G.) bollampattiana GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 75 Beddome, G. NEVILL, J. A. S. B., vol. 50, 1881, p. 139.— Gles- sula bolumpattiana BEDDOME, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., vii, Sept., 1906, p. 165. Since Indian authors do not agree in the orthography of the name, I have followed the original spelling. 36. G. SUBSERENA Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 13, 14. Shell ovate-turrite, rather solid, very highly polished, ob- soletely striatulate, fulvous-corneous, pellucid. Spire sub- turrite, the apex obtuse; suture impressed, margined, crenu- lat-e. Whorls 7, rather flattened, the last scarcely half the total length. Aperture semi-oval; columella deeply arcuate, whitish-calloused, margins joined by a callus, at the base ab- ruptly and obliquely truncate. Length 22, diam. 11, aperture 10x5 mm. (Beddome). S. India: Peermede, Travancore; Anamullays. Glessula s., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, Sept., 1906, p. 166, pi. 15, f. 7. " The last whorl is longer and the spire less elevated than in the Ceylonese serena, and the whorls, especially the upper ones, are less convex. ' ' 37. G. JEYPORENSIS Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 11, 12. Shell oblong-turrite, thin, striatulate, glossy, buff-corneous. Spire sub-turrite, obtuse at the apex. Suture impressed, crenulate. Whorls 8, rather flat, the last nearly two-fifths the total length. Columella very deeply arcuate, truncate at the base. Aperture semi-oval ; peristome simple. Length 18, diam. 6, aperture 5x3 mm. (Beddome). Jeypore Hills, East coast of the Madras Presidency. G. jeyporensis BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, Sept., 1906, p. 167, pi. 15, f. 6, 6a. " Allied to bensoniana, but with a shorter, blunter spire. " 38. G. JERDONI (' Benson ' Reeve). PI. 12, figs. 16, 17, 18. Shell oblong-subulate, thin, smoothish, glossy, tawny-cor- neous ; spire turrited, the apex rather obtuse, suture margined ; whorls 8, a little convex, the last slightly exceeding one-third 76 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. the total length, somewhat tapering towards the base. Colu- mella slightly arcuate, shortly truncate near the base of the subrhombic-semioval aperture; peristome unexpanded, acute, the right margin slightly arcuate. Length 14, diam. 5, aperture 4% x 2% mm. (Pfr.). Nilgiris (Jerdon, type loc.) ; Anamullays; Pulney Hills (Fairbank) ; Cherra Poonjee (Beddome). Achatina jerdoni Benson MS., REEVE, Conch. Icon., v, March, 1850, pi. 21, fig. 80.— PFR., Monogr., iii, 494; Oonchyl. Cab., p. 312, pi. 25, f. 10, 11.— H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 78, f. 10. Pfeiffer's figures and description of a specimen from Ben- son are reproduced. The specimens recorded from Cherra Poonjee should be very closely compared with those from Southern India ; they may prove separable. 39. G. SINGHURENSIS W. Blanford. PL 10, fig. 5. Shell pyramidal, turrited, thin, corneous, polished, glossy, smooth, slightly striatulate. Spire long-conic, the apex sub- acute; suture impressed, minutely corrugated. Whorls 8, convex, the last scarcely one-third the total length, rounded beneath. Aperture nearly vertical, ovate-oblong; peristome obtuse, whitish ; columella very deeply arcuate, obliquely trun- cate in front. Length 12.5, diam. 4.4, aperture 4x2.5 mm. (Blanf.). Singhur, near Poona. G. singhurensis BLANF., J. A. S. B., vol. 39, 1870, p. 19, pL 3, f . 17.— Achatina s., H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 78, f . 7. " This is allied to the Nilgiri G. jerdoni Bens., but the sides of the spire are less convex, the shell being more regularly pyramidal, with a less obtuse apex. In some of the specimens of this species collected alive, but in which the animal had subsequently dried up, I found young shells. It would thus appear to be viviparous. I have observed the same circum- stance (the occurrence of young shells inside the old one) in G. cassiaca Bs. In other species of this genus I have found small round eggs with a calcareous shell, but these may be hatched, before they are deposited by the parent " (Blanf.). GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 77 40. G. AMENTUM ('Benson' Reeve). PI. 10, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. Shell turrite-oblong, rather thin, distinctly and closely striate, silky, pellucid, chestnut- corneous. Spire turrite, the &pex rathor obtuse, suture impressed, whitish, subcrenulate. 'Whorls 9, a little convex, the last one not one-third the length, rounded at base. Columella a little arcuate, white-calloused, somewhat twisted, obliquely truncate at the base of the sub- rhombic-semioval aperture; peristome simple, unexpanded, ihe right margin regularly arcuate. Length 22, diam. 7 mm. ; oblique length of aperture 7.5, width 4 mm. (Pfr., from spec, in Benson coll.). Near Calcutta, under a fallen palm, on the Howrah bank of the river, between Bishop's College and the Botanic Gar- dens (Benson, 1835, type loc.) ; Valley of the upper Nerbudda (W. Theobald) ; Orissa and Ganjam (Beddome). Achatina amentum Benson MS., REEVE, Conch. Icon, v., June, 1849, pi. 17, fig. 82.— PFR., Monogr., iii, 499 ; Conchyl. Cab., p. 311, pi. 25, f. 4, 5.— H. & T., Conch. Indica, pi. 35, f. 3. — BENSON, Ann. Mag., v, 1860, p. 464. — Glessula a,., BED- DOME, P. Mai. Soc., vii, 168. The initial half whorl is smooth, the next two whorls closely, very regularly striate vertically. Then the coarser, post- embryonic sculpture begins (pi. 10, fig. 4). The striation is rather sharp but uneven, and the striae are strongest at and near the suture, decreasing downwards. It resembles G. noti- gena somewhat, but the early whorls are not attenuated, and there are 2y2 embryonic whorls. Col. Beddome remarks : ' ' I found the smaller variety very abundant on the top of the Myhendra Hill ( Ganjam) . The larger variety, found near Calcutta and in central India, and well figured by Hanley, is a rare shell. It has a shorter and blunter apex and fewer whorls than G. vandalica, but speci- mens of that species sometimes do duty for it in collections. ' ' 41. G. FACULA (Benson). PI. 10, figs. 8, 9. Shell turrite-ovate, thin, smooth, irregularly striatulate, translucent, glossy, pale tawny-corneous. Spire turrite-conic, the apex obtuse, suture rather deep, irregularly, slightly 78 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. crenulate. Whorls 7%, somewhat convex, the last scarcely two-fifths the total length, lightly and remotely plicate-striate anteriorly. Aperture subvertical, semi-oval; >colume]la shortly and deeply arcuate, callous, obliquely truncate at base. Peristome unexpanded, thin, margins joined by a thin callus. Length 18, diam. 8, aperture 7x4.5 mm. (Bens.). Nilgiris (T. Jerdon, type loc.) ; Pulney Hills; Nullay- mallays; Kurnool; Jeypore Hills, east side of Madras (Bed- dome). Achatina facula Bs., Ann. and Mag. N. H.(3), v, June, 1860, p. 466.— PFR., Monogr., vi, 224.— H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 35. f. 1 (not good). — Glessula /., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, 168. — Achatina perotteti REEVE, Conch. Icon., v, pi. 21, f. 102. — Stenogyra (Glessula) facula NEVILL, J. A. S. B., vol. 50, 1881, p. 137, pi. 18, ISa (copy from Eeeve). Cf. G. illustris, no. 69. 1 * Intermediate in form between A. oreas and A. hiigeli Pf r., this shell was, in the Conchologia Iconica, confounded with A. perrotteti Pfr., which proved to be a more elongated form, of which A. nilagirica B., fig. 87 of the same plate, is a length- ened variety. Pfeiffer cites fig. 102, with a mark of doubt, under A. perrotteti, in the third volume of his Manual " (Benson). 42. G. BOTELLUS (Benson). PI. 10, fig. 6. Shell oblong, rather solid, smooth, lightly striatulate, under a lens distinctly, closely, spirally, very minutely scratched, polished, tawny-chestnut. Spire ovate-oblong, the apex very obtuse, suture impressed, slightly crenulate. Whorls 7, a little convex, the last slightly wider. Aperture suboblique, semi-oval, whitish within; columella deeply arcuate, whitish- calloused, subvertically truncate at the base. Peristome un- expanded, the margins joined by a thin callus, right margin slightly widened, flat, not thickened. Length 18, diam. 7.5, aperture 7 x 3.66 mm. (Bens.). Nilgiris (T. Jerdon, type loc.) ; Pykara (Blanford). Achatina botellus BENS., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (3), v, June, 1860, p. 465.— PFR., Monogr., vi, 226.— H. & T., Conch. Ind., GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 79 pi. 35, f. 4. — Glessula botellus BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, 168. Col. Beddome writes: " Nevill labelled my specimens from the foot of the Nilgiris botellus var. convexior, but I do not see how they differ from the type." 43. G. OROPHILA (' Benson ' Reeve). PI. 10, fig. 10. Shell conically ovate ; spire acuminated ; sutures impressed ; whorls 7, rounded, peculiarly obscurely indented; columella short, deeply arched and truncated; aperture rather small, olive-horn colored. Distinguished by the deeply-arched cur- vature of the columella, and by the whorls being rather more numerous than is usual in species of this form (Reeve). Nilgiri Hills (type loc., Jerdon) ; Anamullay Hills ; S. Can- ara; Golcondah Hills, east side of Madras Presidency (Bed- dome). Achatina orophila Benson MS., REEVE, Conch. Icon., v, June, 1849, pi. 19, f. 105. — Stenogyra (Glessula) orophila NEVILL, J. A. S. B., 1881, p. 137 .—Glessula o., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, 168. — Achatina arthurii BENSON, Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), xiii, March, 1864, p. 209.— H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 36, f. 3. — Cionella (Glessula) orophila SEMPER, Reisen im Archipel Phil., Landmoll., p. 133, pi. 12, f. 14-16 (genitalia), pi. 16, f. 18 (central tooth). Reeve's second locality, Colombo, Ceylon, was probably due to an erroneous identification. Col. Beddome omits the Nil- giris from his list of localities. He writes: " My Golcondah specimens were labelled by H. Nevill G. subbrevis, but I can- not see how they differ. Nevill, I think, saw only young ex- amples. ' ' Achatina arthurii Benson, from Neher, Mahableshwar Hills, is considered a synonym of orophila by Col. Beddome. The original figure is copied, pi. 10, fig. 7. " Shell ovate-conic, irregularly plicate-striate, buff- tawny, polished, translucent. Spire ovate-conic, apex obtuse, suture impressed. Whorls 7%, a little convex, subcrenulate at the suture. Aperture subvertical, elliptic-ovate, peristome rather thick, parietal cal- 80 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. lus whitish; columellar margin obliquely truncate. Length 19, diam. 10, aperture 8 mm." (Benson). 44. G. OBEAS (' Benson ' Reeve). PI. 10, fig. 11. Shell oblong-conical; whorls 7, convex, finely margined at the sutures, longitudinally obscurely impressed striate, col- umella arched, aperture small, brown-horny (Reeve). Length 14.5, diam. 7.25 mm., whorls 7 (Nevill). Nilgiris (Jerdon, type loc.), foot of the Koonoor Pass (Nevill); Tinnevelly and Travancore Hills; South Canara Ghats; Nallaymallays, Kurnool (Beddome). Achatina oreas Benson MS., REEVE, Conch. Icon., v, pi. 21, fig. 113, March 1850. — Stenogyra (Glessula) oreas NEVILL, J. A. S. B., vol. 50, 1881, p. 135.— Glessula o., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. Lond., vii, 169. (Not A. oreas Pfr.) 45.* G. PSEUDOREAS (Nevill), pi. 10, figs. 12, 13. Shell subturrite-ovate, thin, smooth, slightly shining, brown-corneous; spire turrite-conic, the apex obtuse; suture submarginate, impressed. Whorls 7, a trifle convex, the last about two-fifths the total length, rounded at the base; colu- mella very deeply arcuate, white-calloused, obliquely truncate above the base of the elliptic-semioval aperture; peristome unexpanded, acute, the right margin lightly arcuate. Length 12.5, diam. 5, aperture 5x2.5 mm. (Pfr.). Length 11, diam. scarcely 5 mm., whorls 6 (Nevill). Nilgiris (type loc., Jerdon, Blanford) ; S. Canara Ghats; Anamullays; Pulney Hills; Tinnevelly Hills (Beddome). Achatina oreas Benson, PFR., Monographia Heliceorum Vi- ventium, iii, 1853, p. 495 (exclusive of reference to Reeve) ; Conchyl. Cab., p. 312, pi. 25, f. 8, 9. Not A. oreas Reeve, 1850. — Stenogyra (Glessula) pseudoreas NEVILL, J. A. S. B., vol. 50, 1881. p. 136. — G. pseudoreas BEDDOME, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond., vii, p. 169. Var. subdeshayesiana Nevill. Whorls 6, length 11, diam. 4.25 mm. Type var. from the Anamullays, coll. Col. Bed- dome; also from the Pulney Hills, coll. Rev. Fairbank (G. Nevill) . GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 81 46. G. SCRUTILLUS (Benson). PL 10, fig. 17. Shell oblong, -rather solid, smooth, rather remotely striatu- late, glossy, tawny-corneous; spire ovate-oblong, apex obtuse, suture impressed; whorls 5%, a little convex, the last over one-third the length of the shell. Aperture vertical, ovate- elliptical. Columella deeply arcuate, abruptly and deeply truncate at the base ; peristome unexpanded, obtuse, the mar- gins joined by a rather thick callus. Length 6, diam. 2.66, aperture 2.5 mm. (Bens.) . Cuttack, Orissa, type loc. ; upper valley of the Nerbudda (W. Theobald). Achatina scrutillus BENS., Ann. Mag. N. H. (3), v, June, 1860, p. 463. This little species may be known at once on comparison with the Bengal A. gemma, which is ordinarily of the same size, by its less rapidly-decreasing spire, solidity and color; and from the paler A. frumentum Reeve, which is probably only a local variety of A. gemma, by the two first-mentioned characters " (Bens.). 47. G. PULLA Blanford. PI. 13, figs. 5, 6. Shell small, turrite, thin, brownish-corneous, a little shin- ing, smooth, striatulate. Spire lengthened subconic, the sides somewhat convex; apex obtuse; suture impressed. Whorls 7 to 8, convex, short, the last about two-sevenths the total length, rounded below. Aperture oblique, subovate; per- istome thin; columella arcuate, obliquely truncate below. Length 7, diam. 2.75, aperture 2x1.5 mm. (Blanf.). Torna, Bombay Presidency (Evezard). Glessula pulla BLANF., J. A. S. B., 1870, xxxix, p. 21, pi. 3, f. 20. — Achatina pulla HANL. and THEOB., Conch. Ind., pi. 78, f. 1.— PFR., Monogr., viii, 288. " This is allied to G. fairbanki Bs., but distinguished by its more conical spire, smaller size and darker color " (Blanf.). 48. G. PAUPERCULA (Blanford). PL 13, fig. 9. Shell turrite-oblong, rather solid, a little shining, tawny- 82 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. corneous, impressed-striate. Spire turrite, the sides slightlv convex ; apex obtuse ; suture submarginate. Whorls 7, a little convex, the last about one- third the total length. Columella deeply arcuate, truncate at the base. Aperture oval-piri- form ; peristome unexpanded, slightly labiate within, the mar- gins joined by a callus. Length 9, diam. 3.5, aperture 3x2 mm. (Blanf.). Kolamullies, Patehamullies and Shevroys (W. King and B. B. Foote, original lot) ; Hills in the Salem district; Anamul- lays; Tinnevelly; Travancore Hills; Kurnool Hills (Bed- dome) . Achatina paupercula BLANF., J. A. S. B., vol. 30, 1861, p. 362, pi. 1, f. 16.— H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 102, f. 1.— Glessula p., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc., vii, 170, with var. nana. — [G.] in- conspicua Nevill MS., BEDDOME, I. c. 1 The nearest ally to this small species appears to be the Darjiling A. crassula B. Prom this it is mainly distinguished 'by the shape of the spire which is more convex at the side, by its smaller breadth compared with its length, and by its more marked and slightly marginate sutures. " A. paupercula is probably common upon the Shevroys. All the specimens, however, found by Mr. King at that local- ity are bleached, two specimens from the Kolamullies alone retaining their original texture " (W. T. & H. F. Blanf ord). Var. nana Beddome. A shorter, more obtuse form, occur- ring occasionally with the type form, and very like sattara- ensis, but shorter (Beddome). 49. G. SATTARAENSIS (' H. Ad.' H. & T.). PI. 13, 'figs. 7, 8. Shell oblong-turrite, rather solid, smooth, obscurely striate, glossy, brown-corneous. Spire turrite, the apex slightly ob- tuse; suture impressed, crenulate. Whorls 7, a little convex, the last slightly over three-eighths the total length. Aperture slightly oblique, oval. Columella callous, deeply arcuate, ob- liquely truncate; peristome unexpanded, obtuse, margined with whitish; margins joined by a thin callus. Length 8.5, diam. 4 mm. (H. Ad.). Western India: Satara, Bombay Presidency (E. L. Layard, GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 83 type loc.) ; Ceylon central provinces; Rambaddy Ghats (Bed- dome) ; Nuwara-Eliya (Simon). Glessula fusca H. AD., P. Z. S., 1868, p. 15, pi. 4, f . 10, 10a (not Achatina fusca Pfr.) . — Achatina sattaraensis H. Adams MS., HANLEY & THEOBALD, Conch. Indica, p. 33, pi. 78, f . 4.— PFR., Monogr., viii, p. 281. I do not know whether Ceylonese examples have been care- fully compared with the types from Satara. A specimen from Saharumpore has been figured by Hanley. 50. G. SUBJERDONI Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 3, 4. Shell oblong-turrite, thin, lightly striatulate, glossy, sub- pellucid, tawny-corneous. Spire sub-turrite, a little obtuse at the apex; suture impressed; whorls 7 to 8, a little flattened, the last scarcely four-sevenths the total length, tapering at the base. Columella lightly arcuate, truncate a little way above the base of the aperture. Aperture vertical, semi-oval; peristome simple, a little obtuse. Length 11, diam. 3.5, aperture 2.5 x 2 mm. (Beddome) . Jeypore and Golconda Hills, east side of Madras Presi- dency. G. subjerdoni BEDD., Proc. Malac. Soc. London, vii, Sept., 1906, p. 170, pi. 15, f. 2, 2a. " A smaller and more slender shell than jerdoni, and much larger than paupercula, of which it may be a large form." A specimen evidently near subjerdoni, but purchased as G. jerdoni, and said to be from the Nilgiris, is figured, pi. 12, fig. 16. Below the suture there are vertical grooves, strong and regular on the shoulder, but rapidly weakening down- ward. The lip is rather thick and whitish-edged. It is a wider shell than G. p. taprobanica, which seems to be closely related. Length 9.2, diam. 3.9, aperture 3.25 mm. ; whorls 7. 51. G. GRACILIS Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 17, 18. Shell small, cylindric-turrite, rather solid, slightly shining,. evidently striatulate. Spire long, obtuse at the apex; suture impressed, crenulate. Whorls 8, a little flattened, the last scarcely one-third the total length, the base slightly tapering. 84 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. Columella a little oblique, truncate a little way above the base of the aperture. Aperture vertical, semi-oval; peristome whitish within, obtuse. Length 11, diam. 2, aperture 2.5 x 1.5 mm. (Beddome). Nilgiri Hills, type loc. ; Jeypore Hills, east coast of Madras. G. gracilis BEDD., Proc. Malac. See. Lond., vii, Sept., 1906, p. 170, pi. 15, f . 9, 90. " The Jeypore specimens are slightly larger, the whorls rather more convex and slightly angular close to the sutures." 52. G. PUSILLA Beddome. PI. 8, figs. 9, 10. Shell turrite-oblong, thin, a little glossy, buff-corneous, lightly striatulate. Spire turrite, obtuse at the apex; suture crenulate. Whorls 6 to 6%, a little convex, the last two- fifths the total length. Columella deeply arcuate, at the base almost vertically truncate. Aperture semi^oval; peristome unexpanded, whitish. Length 5 to 5.5, diam. 1.75 to 2 mm. ; aperture 1.5x1 mm. (Bedd.). Ceylon, Rambaddy Ghat. South India, Anamullay Hills; Shevaroys; Nilgiris. G. pusilla BEDD., P. Malac. Soc. Lond., vii, Sept., 1906, p. 171, p. 15, f. 5, 5a. " Much smaller than colletta, its nearest ally, with weaker sculpture and paler color/' 53. G. MULLORUM (Blanford). PI. 13, fig. 10. Shell turrite-oblong, rather solid, pale corneous, diaph- anous, rather remotely, lightly striate. Spire turrite, the apex obtuse, suture impressed. Whorls 6, convex, the last about one-third the total length, rounded basally. Columella short, arcuate, slightly callous, obliquely truncate. Aperture nearly semi-circular, vertical; peristome unexpanded, obtuse; margins joined by a thin callus. Length 7.5, diam. scarcely 4, aperture 2.5x1.75 mm. (Blanf.). City of Madras (Blanford, Nevill). Achatina mullorum BLANF., J. A. S. B., vol. 30, 1861, p. 362, pi. 1, f. 17.— H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 102, f. 5.— PFR., Monogr., vi, 228. GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 85 * This is one of the group of small Indian Achatinas com- prising A. gemma Bens., and A. scrutillus B. From these two shells the present species is distinguished by its conical spire with straight and not convex sides, its paler color and sculp- ture. Both varieties are found abundantly crawling on banks, in a garden at Nungumbankum, a suburb of Madras * ' (W. T. &H. F.Blanford). 54. G. BREVIS (Pfeiffer). PL 13, fig. 13. Shell conic-ovate, thin, pellucid, tawny-corneous. Spire conic, the apex somewhat obtuse. Whorls 6, moderately con- vex; distinctly sculptured with striae descending from the suture and vanishing downward; last whorl a little shorter than the spire, rounded. Columella twisted forward, almost horizontally truncate. Aperture nearly vertical, sinuate-oval ; peristome thin. Length 8 to 9, diam. 5 to 5.3, aperture 4.66 x 2.33mm. (P/r.). Ahmednuggur (type loc.) and Poona; Jeypore Hills, east side of Madras Presidency (Beddome). Achatina Irevis PFR., P. Z. S., 1861, p. 387; Monogr., vi, 227.— H. & T., Conch. Indica, pi. 18, f. 10.— Glessula Irevis BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc., vii, p. 171 (microsculpta Nevill MS. mentioned) . According to Col. Beddome, "Hanley's figure is too broad towards the base, and does not show sculpture, which is pecu- liar." His Jeypore specimens were named microsculpta by Nevill, but they seem not to differ from brevis. 55. G. FILOSA Blanford. PL 13, fig. 14. Shell subrimate, turrite, thin, corneous, vertically plieate- striate, little shining. Spire elevated; apex obtuse, very shortly conic, somewhat mucronate; suture impressed. Whorls 8, convex, the last about one-third the total length, rounded basally. Aperture vertical, lunate-suboval. Peri- stome unexpanded, thin. Columella arcuate, whitish, lamelli- f orm, thin, obliquely truncate. Length 21, diam. 9 ; aperture 5 mm. long. Travancore (type loc.) and Tinnevelly Ghats (Beddome). 86 GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. Glessula filosa BLANF., J. A. S. B., vol. 39, 1870, p. 19, pi. 3, f. 16. — BEDDOME, 1. c., p. 171. — Achatina filosa PFR., Monogr., viii, p. 279. — H. & T., Conch. Ind., pi. 36, f. 10. " A peculiar form, easily distinguished by its strong sculp- ture, abrupt, subconical apex, and by the columella standing out from the last whorl, so as to have a groove running along its side " (Blanf.). 56. G. SUBFILOSA Beddome, PL 8, figs. 15, 16. Shell elongate-turrite, thin, tawny-corneous, distinctly plicate-striate. Spire long, subobtuse at the apex, long-conic. Suture impressed. Whorls 10, rather flat, the last sub- carinate, scarcely one-third the total length. Aperture lun- ate-suboval; peristome thin; columella deeply arcuate, ab- ruptly obliquely truncate. Length 16, diam. 5, aperture 5x3 mm. (Beddome). South India: Sirumallay Hills, Dindigul. Glessula subfilosa BEDD., Proc. Malax;. Soc. Lond. vii, Sept. 1906, p. 171, pi. 15, f . 8, Sa. ' ' The prominent sculpture is like that of filosa, but it is a very much smaller shell, with a much more elongated apex." 57. G. LYBATA Blanf ord. PL 13, fig. 15. Shell ovate-turrite, rather solid, corneous, a little shining, vertically costulate-plicate, under the lens decussated with very minute, close spiral lines, often obsolete. Spire pyra- midal, the sides slightly convex; apex rather obtuse; suture deep. Whorls 7%, convex, obsoletely subangular below the suture, the last a little ascending in front. Aperture vertical, truncate, semioval; peristome obtuse; columella moderately arcuate, obliquely truncate in front. Length 12, diam. 5.5, aperture 4x2% mm. (Blanf.) Mahableshwar (type loc.) ; Khandala, western Ghats (Blanford). Glessula lyrata BLANF., J. A. S. B. vol. 39, 1870, p. 20, with var matheranica, p. 21, pi. 3, f. 19. — Achatina lyrata H. & T., Conch. Indica pi. 18, f. 9.—$. (G.) lyrata NEVILL, Handlist, p. 167. GLESSULA, PENINSULAR INDIA. 87 "This shell resembles in form A. oreas Bens., but is dis- tinguished from that and all other allied species by its- stronger sculpture. Possibly the two varieties should be ranked apart, .as there is considerable difference between them. A third form, shorter and more tumid, occurs near Poona. As other intermediate varieties probably exist, I prefer for the present classing all in one species, but it may hereafter be desirable to distinguish them." (Blanf.) The figure in Conchologia Indica, which I have copied, does not agree very well with the description, but it is said to represent the type specimen. Var. matheranica Blanford. PI. 13, fig. 16. Smaller, more polished, wanting spiral lines, the sculp- ture obsolescent on the last whorl. Length 10, diam. 4.5 mm. (Blanf.) M'atheran, near Bombay. 58. G. RUGATA Blanford. PL 7, figs. 11, 12. Shell turrite, corneous, thin, little shining, vertically a little convex, angulated at the shoulder, crenulate, the last over one-third the total length. Aperture vertical, semioval; GLESSULA, NON-PENINSULAR INDIA TO INDO-CHINA. 97 columella deeply arcuate, calloused, the base obliquely trun- cate; peristome unexpanded, rather thick, obtuse. Length 11, diam. 5, aperture 4x3 mm. (Bens.). Sinchul and Darjiling (type loc.) at 8500 and 7000 ft. (W. S. Blanford) ; Naga Hills (Beddome). Achatina orobia BENS., Ann. and Mag. N. H. (3) v, June, 1860, p. 461.— PPR., Monogr. vi, 224.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 18, f. 7. "Distinguished from the larger Khasia species, A. crassi- labris, by its peculiar sculpture, and by the formation of the whorls below the suture " (Bens.). 72. G. GEMMA (' Benson ' Reeve). PL 13, figs. 1, 3. Shell oblong-conical, rather solid, whorls 6, rounded, smooth, columella arched, abbreviated, aperture nearly round ; purple-black, shining (Reeve). Shell ovate-oblong, rather solid, smooth, glossy, pellucid, purplish-corneous. Spire high-conic, the apex rather acute; suture rather deep. Whorls 6, a little convex, the last two- fifths the total length, rounded at the base. Columella arcu- ate, somewhat calloused, abruptly truncate nearly at the base of the subrhombic-oval aperture; peristome simple, unex- panded, the right and basal margins slightly arcuate. Length 8 to 8.5, diam. 4, aperture 3x2 mm. (Pfr.). Lower Bengal, Barrakpore (Benson, type loc.) ; Rajma- hal; Chittagong; plains of Malabar and Beypur (Beddome). Jessore District, Chardbally and Moisraka (Nevill) ; Chander- nagore (Main waring) ; Arakan; Garo Hills (Austen). Achatina gemma Bens. MS., REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, pi. 22, f. 123 (March, 1850).— PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 496; Conchyl. Cab. p. 314, pi. 25, f. 24, 25.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 36, f. 7.— BENSON, Ann. Mag. v, 1860, p. 464 (large var., 8x3.5 mm.) — Glessula g., BEDDOME, P. Mai. Soc. vii, 169. — 8. (G.) gemma NEVILL, Handlist, p. 170. Reeve's description and figure (fig. 1) are given above; also Pfeiffer's description of a larger form of the species. It is dark reddish-brown, and when containing the remains of the soft parts might be termed purplish-brown ; very glossy, 98 GLESSULA, NON-PENINSULAR INDIA TO ESTDO-CHINA. very irregularly grooved. The spire tapers regularly (or a little convexly) to the obtuse summit. The outer lip is slightly obtuse, in adults, but scarcely thickened. The fig- ured specimen measures, length 6.5, diam. 3.7, aperture 2.8 mm., with 5% whorls, (fig. 3). Var. frumentum (Reeve). PI. 13, fig. 2. This approaches very closely to the preceding species [gemma]. The whorls are less rounded, less polished, and of a uniform lighter color (Reeve). Chandpore, Bengal (Bacon). Achatina /., REEVE, C. Icon, v, pi. 22, f. 124 (March, 1850). — DESH. in Ferussac, Histoire, ii, p. 169, pi. 134, f. 22-24. ' Considered to be a variety of G. gemma by Benson and Pfeiffer. 73. G. CRASSULA ('Benson' Reeve). PI. 13, fig. 4. Shell pyramidally conical, whorls 7, flatly convex, longi- tudinally impressly striated; sutures excavated, columella arched, 'conspicuously truncated; aperture small. Whitish, covered with an olive horny epidermis (Reeve). Darjiling; Jantia and Naga Hills (Beddome), Khasi and Dafla Hills (G.- Austin). Achatina crassula Bens. MS., REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, pi. 22, f. 120.— PFR., Monogr. iii, 496; Conchyl. Cab. p. 314, pi. 25, f. 16, 17.— H. & T., Conch. Ind. pi. 36, f. 4.— #. (G.) crassula NEVILL Handlist, p. 169. 74. G. BLANFORDIANA (Nevill). PI. 13, fig. 11. 11 Shell ovately turreted, solid, of a dark brown color, two apical whorls smooth, the others sculptured with raised, coarse, longitudinal, nearly perpendicular striae, much crowded together and slightly flexuous on the last whorl; spire turreted, with very obtuse apex and excavated suture; whorls six, scarcely convex, the last one rounded at base; aperture vertical, subquadrilateral, with a much thickened white peristome ; columella broadly reflected, thickened, white, curved, forming an acute tooth, with a well developed incised notch at its base. Long 7, diam. 3 mm. (Nevill). GLESSULA, NON-PENINSULAR INDIA TO INDO-CHINA. 99 Ponsee, Yunnan, type loc., and near Bhamo. Stenogyra (Glessula) blanfordiana G. NEVILL, J. A. S. B. 1877, p. 26; 1881, vol. 50, p. 138, pi. 5, f. 12. This species closely resembles Glessula peguensis Blanford, but is less convex, that is, more slender, and a thicker texture; it can also be easily distinguished by the characteristic, crowded, well-developed, nearly perpendicular, longitudinal striation, varying slightly in direction on each whorl, much as in many species of Pomatias. The columella also is peculiar. Type in Indian Museum, Calcutta." (Nevill.) 75. G. PEGUENSIS (Blanford). PL 13, figs. 12. "Shell oblong-ovate, rather solid, dark reddish brown, horny, marked with distinct and regular impressed lines. Spire convexly conical; apex obtuse; suture impressed, sub- crenulate. Whorls 6%, slightly convex; the last ascending a little towards the mouth, and exceeding y3 of the shell in length. Aperture vertical, truncately semicircular; peris- tome obtuse, slightly thickened; margins joined by a callus; columella very much curved, projecting forward at the base, subvertically truncated within the peristome. Length 7, diam. 3.5, length of aperture 2.75 mm." (W. T. Blanf.) Irawady Valley, Pegu (Blanford) ; Kumah Hill and near Mai-i, in the Sandoway district of Arakan (Theobald, type loc.); Thyetmyo (Blanford); near Chittagong (H. Raban). Ackatina peguensis BLANF., J. A. S. B. vol. 34, 1865, p. 78. — H. & T., Conch. Indica, pi. 102, f. 6. — Glessula peguensis THEOBALD & STOLICZKA, J. A. S. B. vol. 41, 1872, p. 334.-- S. (G.) peguensis NEVILL, Handlist, p. 171. The specimen figured exceeds Blanf ord's measurements slightly ; length 8.9, diam. 3.9, longest axis of aperture 3 mm., whorls 6%. The apex is smooth; the rest of the shell is closely and rather deeply but irregularly striate, and very- glossy. "A pretty little species, darker in color than any of its allies, except perhaps A. gemma Bens., and easily distin- guished from all, by the columella being more arcuate, also by its more acuminate spire and blunter apex, and its much stronger sculpture." (Blanf.) 100 GLESSULA, NON-PENINSULAR INDIA AND INDO-CHINA. 76. G. LATESTRIATA Moellendorff. Shell rather ventricosely oblong, rather thin, subpellucid, peculiarly sculptured with rather distant impressed striae, corneous-yellow. Spire moderately long, the sides a little convex, apex somewhat acute. Whorls 7, moderately convex, separated by a well-impressed, subcrenulate suture. Aper- ture nearly vertical, roundly-rhomboidal ; peristome unex- panded, obtuse; >columella rather twisted, abruptly truncate. Length 10, diam. 4.5, aperture 3.5 x 2.25 mm. (Mlldff.) Kalow, southern Shan States (Strubell). Glessula latestriata MLLDPP., Nachrichtsblatt d. Deutschen Malak. Gtes. vol. 31, p. 166, December, 1899. 77. G. PAVIEI L. Morlet. PL 12, figs. 7, 8. Shell imperforate, elongate, subturrite, thin, glossy, trans- lucent, pale corneous, ornamented with radiating striae. Spire subconic ; whorls 8, a little convex, the first obtuse, following separated by a simple suture, a little inflated at the suture, the last -whorl moderately inflated, over one-third the total length. Aperture suboval, columella short, very deeply arcu- ate, twisted and truncate; columellar callus thin; lip regu- larly arcuate. Length 14, diam. 6, aperture 5 mm. long. (Morlet). Indo-China: Muong-Lai, Laos (Pavie) ; Lai-Chau, banks of the Black river, Tonkin (Dugast). Glessula paviei L. MORLET, Journ. de Conch. 1892, p. 321, pi. 7, f. 4; Mission Pavie, Indo-Chine iii, p. 359, pi. 19, f. 13 (1904). Two embryonic whorls are smooth, the last becoming crenulate below the suture. The following whorls are grooved at unequal intervals, the grooves strongest near the upper suture, weakening near the lower. The last whorl has rather close grooves and wrinkles. This sculpture is visible only under a lens. The columella is only moderately con- cave in specimens I have seen, and is very obliquely trun- cate. The outer lip is whitish, a little thickened and obtuse, as usual in adult Glessulas. A specimen from Muong-Lai GLESSULA, HABITAT UNKNOWN. 101 measures, length 12.7, diam. 6, length of aperture 5 mm.; whorls 6% (fig. 7). Col. Beddome believes G. paviei to be a synonym of G. areas. I have been unable to compare specimens of the latter, but I think they will prove distinct. IV. Species of unknown habitat. 78. G. FUSCA (Pfeiffer). PI. 7, figs. 14, 15. Shell oblong- turrite, thin, very closely hair-striate (and with a few stronger, somewhat varix-like striae), silky, brown. Spire with slightly curved outlines, the apex obtuse, suture marginate, very delicately denticulate. Whorls 7, convex, the last three-sevenths the total length, rounded at base. Columella white-calloused, lightly arcuate, abruptly shortly truncate; aperture vertical, sinuate-semioval ; peristome sim- ple, unexpanded. Length 22, diam. 9, aperture 10x4.6 mm. (Pfr.). Habitat unknown (Cuming coll.). Achatina fusca PFR., P. Z. S. 1852, p. 67 ; Conchyl. Cab. p. 337, pi. 43, f . 8, 9 ; Monogr. iii, p. 491. This species should be recognizable by its somewhat un- usual sculpture. Known by the original account only. Hanley thinks it near parabilis Bens., or perhaps identical. 79. G. FULGENS (Pfeiffer.) Shell oblong-ovate, rather solid, smooth, pellucid, glossy, corneous-tawny. Spire ovate-conic, the apex somewhat ob- tuse. Whorls 6, slightly convex, striatulate at the narrowly marginate suture, the last whorl about three-sevenths the total length, rounded at base. Columella very much arched, white- calloused, obliquely and rather widely truncate. Aperture vertical, sinuate-elliptical; peristome unexpanded, obtuse. Length 12.5, diam. 5.66, aperture 5.5x3 mm. (Pfr.) Habitat unknown (Cuming coll.) Achatina fulgens PFR., Malak. Bl. 1858, v, p. 238 ; P. Z. S. 1859, p. 27; Monogr. vi, p. 225. — Glessula fulgens PFR. No- mencl. Hel. Viv., 1878, p. 330. An unfigured form, not noticed by other authors. 102 GLESSULA, SUMATRA AND JAVA. 80. G. VIRENS (Pfeiffer). Shell cylindric-turrite, very thin, lightly striatulate, the striae more distinct at the suture; very glossy, pellucid, greenish-corneous. Spire long, gradually tapering above, the apex rather obtuse; suture subcrenulate. Whorls 8, a little convex, the last scarcely one-third the total length, more convex. Columella very much arched, abruptly truncate. Aperture vertical, irregularly oval; peristome simple, unex- panded, the right margin lightly arcuate. Length 18, diam. 8, aperture 6 x 3.5 mm. (Pfr.) Habitat unknown (Cuming coll.). Achatina virens PFR., P. Z. S. 1854, p. 125 ; Monogr. iv, 609. No other information has been published. V. Species of Sumatra, Java and Borneo. An undetermined species has been reported from Enganao Island by Henderson, Nautilus xii, 1898, p. 16. 81. G. SUMATRANA (Martens). PI. 14, figs. 4, 5. Shell subconic-turrite ; minutely, subirregularly striatulate, glossy, bright chestnut, the apex paler. Whorls 7 to 8, con- vex, separated by a rather impressed simple suture, the last whorl gradually tapering at base. Aperture subvertical, emarginate-piriform, three-eighths the total length; columel- lar margin moderately excavated, spirally twisted, obliquely and distinctly truncate below. Length 13.5, diam. 5, aper- ture 4.66x2.5 mm. (Marts.) Sumatra: in the mountainous interior at Kepahiang (Marts.); Padang Pandjang (Rolle). Cionella sumatrana MARTS., Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien Landschnecken, p. 372, pi. 22, f. 5 (1867).- Achatina s., PFR., Monogr. vi, 225. — Glessula s., ROLLE, Nachrbl., 1908, p. 68. 11 The height of the visible part of the penultimate whorl somewhat exceeds its breadth (diameter), and has the pro- portion to the last whorl of 1 :!%. "This species is quite like some described by Benson from GLESSULA, SUMATRA AND JAVA. 103 the mountainous region of India, and especially stands about midway between oreas and jerdoni, both from the Nilgiris. A similar species from Java is Hasselt rs Acicula cornea, fig- ured on his unpublished plate 14, fig. 5, from the mountain Salak." (Marts.) Prof. Boettger states that by the study of Mr. Rolle 's speci- mens of G. sumatrana, he sees that G. javanica is identical, and the latter name should be withdrawn. Apparently "javanica" is 'an error for cornea. The original account follows. G. cornea Boettger. (PI. 14, fig. 3.) Shell not rirnate, sub fusiform- turrit e, rather solid, very glossy, bright chestnut- brown, the apex not paler. Spire has very slightly convex sides, apex exactly turrited, rather obtuse. Whorls 8, con- vex, separated by a simple, impressed suture; minutely but very distinctly, somewhat irregularly striate, the striae gath- ered into groups at the suture and almost rib-like; last whorl slightly tapering basally. Aperture subvertical, emar- ginate-piriform subeffuse at the base, somewhat lipped with violaceous inside, less than one- third the total length; mar- gins joined by a curved callus, the right margin compressed, nearly straight, columellar margin excavated, oblique, spir- ally twisted, at the base oblique and distinctly truncate. Length 13, diam. 5, aperture 5.5 x 3 mm. (Bttg.) Java: Gunung Salak, moderately abundant (type loc.) ; Gunung Gedeh. Glessula cornea BTTG., Bericht Senckenbergische natur- forschende Gesellschaft in Frankfurt-am-Main, 1890, p. 148, pi. 5, f. 9, 90; 1891, p. 244.— Acicula cornea Hasselt MS., MARTENS Preuss. Exped. Ostas., Landschn, p. 372, no de- scription, — Glessula javanica BOETTGER, Nachrbl. d. D. Malak. Ges. 1908, p. 68, (name only, but said to be identical with G. sumatrana). "This species has already been recorded under the manu- script name Acicula cornea Hasselt, from the same locality. It is the sole representative of the genus in Java, 'and stands nearest to G. sumatrana v. Marts., as von Martens has al- 104 GLESSULA, BORNEO, EAST AFRICA. ready noted. G. sumatrana is however more tapering at the apex and base, and it has not the strong striation at the suture. Moreover the alt. of the visible part of the penult, whorl in the Javan species is nearly a half less than its breadth (diameter)/' (Bttg.) 82. G. WALLACEI (Pfeiffer). PI. 14, figs. 1, 2. Shell ovate-turrite, solid, closely and subregularly striate, silky, blackish-brown. Spire long, nearly straight-sided, the apex obtuse; suture minutely crenulate. Whorls 8, a little convex, the last slightly more than one-third the total length, pale in front, rounded at base. Columella arcuate, callus, obliquely deeply truncate. Aperture vertical, sinuate-oval; peristome unexpanded, obtuse. Length 21 to 22, diam. 9, aperture 8x4 mm. (Pfr.) Borneo: Sarawak (Wallace). Achatina wallacei PFR., Malak. Bl. 1855, p. 168; Novit. Conch, p. 82, pi. 22, f . 9, 10 ; Monogr. iv, 606. VI. East African Glessula. 83. G. MONTANA (Martens). PI. 14, figs. 7, 8. Shell ovate-oblong, striatulate, glossy; green-buff, marked with isolated brown streaks. Spire turrite, the apex obtuse. Whorls 6%, a little convex, separated by a deep crenulated suture. Aperture two-thirds the total length, a little oblique, oblong-piriform, bluish inside. Peristome simple, thin, the columellar margin flexuous, thickened, white, abruptly trun- cate. Length 14, diam. 6.33, aperture 6x4 mm. (Marts.) Eastern Abyssinia: Guno in Begemder, 1200 ft. elevation (Heuglin & Steudner). Achatina montana MARTS., Malak. Bl. xiii, 1866, p. 95. — PFR., Monogr. vi, 228. — Glessula montana JICKELI, Nova Acta Vol. 37, 1875, p. 132, pi. 5, f. 19—Homorus montanus Marts., KOBELT, Conchyl. Cab., p. 93. 84. G. RUNSSORINA Martens. PL 14, figs. 6, 10. The shell is lengthened ovate, weakly striate, glossy, yellow- GLESSULA, EAST AFRICA. 105 brown ; 5% to 6 whorls, the first nearly globular, smooth, the second distinctly striate, the rest regularly widening, some- what convex, with rather impressed and weakly crenate su- ture; the penult, whorl relatively high, the last whorl lower, elliptical, strongly descending to the aperture, with a few darker growth-arrest streaks, rounded below. Aperture moderately oblique, lanceolate, the outer lip weakly bordered outside, moderately arcuate above and below, in the middle straighter ; basal margin rounded ; columellar margin strongly arcuate, appressed, white, obliquely truncate below, passing with a distinct callus deposit upon the parietal wall. (Martens) . Length 23.5, diam. 9, aperture 10x5 mm. Length 14, diam. 6, aperture 7x3 mm. East Africa: Runssoro at 3100 meters (Stuhlmann, camp III, June 12, '91). Glessula runssorina MARTS., Nachrbl. D. M. Ges. vol. 27, December, 1895, p. 184, Deutsch-Ost-Afrika, Beschalte Weichthiere, p. 114, pi. 5, f. 11, 12, 1898. "External soft parts black; foot long and narrow behind, flattened above, paler, with two longitudinal furrows, oblique furrows passing outward and backward from them. Sole whitish in the middle, blackish at the edge, but without sharply defined limits. " (Martens). 85. G. FERUSSACIOIDES Pollonera. Shell subcylindric-oblong-ovate, clear, pale corneous yellow- ish, delicately striate. Spire attenuate, the apex obtuse; whorls 7 a little convex, separated by a slightly impressed and narrowly margined suture. Aperture oblong-lunate, acute above; lip simple, thin; columellar margin rather straight, obliquely truncate. Length 18.5, diam. 6.5, aperture 7x3.5 mm. (Poll). East Africa: Eastern slope of Ruwenzori, Valle Mobutu at 2000 meters elevation (Duke of Abruzzi). Glessula /., POLLONERA, Bolletino Mus. Zool. etc., Torino, ii, no. 361, p. 3, July, 1907. 106 WEST AFRICAN GLESSULA. 86. G. DEALBEBTISI Pollonera. Shell oblong-subsubulate, very clear and translucent, am- ber-greenish, very finely striatulate longitudinally. Spire turrite, the apex obtuse ; whorls 7, a little convex, parted by an impressed suture. Aperture oblong-piriform, acutely angular above, not differently colored within; peristome sim- ple, thin; columellar margin arcuate, obliquely truncate. Length 18, diam. 5.5, aperture 6.5 mm. long. (Poll.). East Africa : Bihunga, Ruwenzori ; Valle Mobuku, at about 2500 meters elevation, one example (Luigi, Duke of Abruzzi). Glessula De-Albertisi POLL., Bolletino dei Mus. di Zool. ed Anat. eomp. della R. Univ. di Torino, No. 338, vol. xxi, p. 2, October, 1906. VII. West African species. Two quite distinct groups of Glessula are represented in West Africa. The group of G. lavigata, has substantially the shell-structure of Indian Glessulae. The shell is smooth throughout (species 87, 88) . In the group of G. paritura the post-embryonic whorls are finely rib-striate (species 89 to 92). Group of G. lavigata. The central teeth of G. lavigata are narrow, not half as wide as the adjacent laterals. There is a well developed but not overhanging cusp. The laterals are quadrate, tricus- pid, with overhanging cutting-points on all the cusps. Middle cusp longer than the basal plates. There are about 8 laterals, then one or two transitional teeth, followed by the marginals, also of the tricuspid type (pi. 15, fig. 9). The jaw (pi. 15, fig. 10) is very minutely plaited, serrate on the cutting edge, at least in places. 87. G. LJEVIGATA (Pfeiffer). PL 14, figs. 9, 11, 12. Shell turrite-oblong, rather solid, smooth, buff- waxen ; spire elongated, the apex obtuse. Whorls 6, but slightly convex, the last about one-third the total length, rounded beneath, striolate anteriorly. Columella callous, somewhat twisted, WEST AFRICAN GLESSULA. 107 obliquely truncate. Aperture oblique, acuminate-oval, pearly within; peristome simple, acute. Length 17, diam. 6 mm. (Pfr.). Habitat unknown (Cuming coll.). High on the serra de Pedras de Guinga, under stones, at an elevation of 3000 ft., district of Pungo-Andongo, Angola (Welwitsch). "For- careach, Senegambia" (A. N. S. Coll.). Achatina lavigata PFR., P. Z. S., 1854, p. 294; Monogr. iv, 607 ; Novit. Conch, i, p. 32, no. 54, pi. 8, f . 6, 7.— MORELET, Voy. Welwitsch, p. 77. — Glessula lavigata, PFR., Nomencl. p. 330.— Homorus I, KOBELT, C. Cab. p. 110. Morelet, who was the first to record a locality for this species, thinks that it must originally have been found nearer the coast, as it is unlikely that any earlier traveler had visited the remote solitudes where Dr. Welwitsch found it. The whorls are smooth except for weak growth-striae, and are parted by a linear suture which is transparent-margined below. The fifth whorl appears disproportionately wide. The spire tapers rapidly near the obtuse apex, but much more slowly throughout the greater part of its length. The ex- cision at the base of the columella is not very deep. Ex- amples measure: Length 17.5, diam. 6, aperture 6.2 mm.; whorls Length 17, diam. 6.3, aperture 6 mm.; whorls Length 16.5, diam. 5.7, aperture 6 mm.; whorls 88. G. HYALINA (Rang). PL 14, fig. 16. Shell long-oval, smooth, glossy, very thin, transparent and of a pale yellow tint, like horn. The spire is quite elevated and obtuse, composed of 6 slightly rounded whorls, the last one larger than all the others. Aperture oval, rather long, its plane parallel to the axis. The columella has a projecting lobe ; its edge is a little reflexed. Right margin unexpanded and thin, simple and 'Continuous with the columella. Length 7 to 9, diam. 3 to 4 mm. (Rang) . Liberia: Mesurade, in crevices of rocks at the foot of the cape not far from the sea (Rang). Helix hyalina RANG, Ann. Sci. Nat., Zool., xxiv, 1831, p. 108 WEST AFRICAN GLESSULA. 40, pi. 3, f. 5. — Achatina h., DESH., in Lam., An. s. Vert. p. 308.— PPR., Monogr. ii, p. 258. Known to me by the above account only. Group of G. paritura (Section Neoglessula, nov.) Embryonic whorls very minutely and not closely engraved spirally, successively lengthening vertical grooves appearing on the later ones; whorls of the neanic and adult stages closely, regularly rib-striate, base smoother. Viviparous. Type G. paritura. Several species from the northern shores of the Gulf of Guinea form a group having adult sculpture somewhat as in Pseudoglessula, but embryonic sculpture of their own. Only one of these is known to me by specimens; the others are still known by the original lots only. 89. G. PARITURA (Gould). PL 14, figs. 17, 18, 19. Shell elongate, thin, glossy, pale corneous, longitudinally closely lirate; spire turrite, obtuse at the apex. Whorls 7, convex, the last about half the total length of the shell. Suture deep. Aperture narrow, somewhat ear-shaped. Columella deeply arcuate, involute, forming a basal channel. Length 1, width .35 inch. (Old.). West Africa r near the sea, Fish-town, Liberia, buried un- der leaves or in the earth during the dry season; also Cape Palmas. Achatina paritura GLD., Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1850, p. 196; Otia Conch, p. 208.— PFR., Monogr. iii, 491.— PETIT, Journ. de Conchyl. ii, 1851, p. 269, pi. 8, f. l.—Homorus p., KOBELT, Conchyl. Cab. p. 92. This species is viviparous. The summit is semi globular ; first 1% whorls smooth in adults, but in young shells they show sparse engraved spiral lines; then vertical grooves ap- pear below the suture, short and widely spaced at first, but gradually lengthening and becoming closer, so that at the end of 2y2 whorls they reach nearly to the suture below, and become so close that the sculpture may be described as rib- WEST AFRICAN GLESSULA. 109 etriate, the riblets smooth, rounded, and about equal to the intervals. On the face of the last whorl there are five or six riblets in one millimeter. The riblets weaken or disappear almost abruptly at the periphery of the last whorl, leaving the base and a very narrow band above the suture almost smooth. The columella is formed just as in the Indian Glessulae, being deeply concave, thickened with a white callus, and abruptly, deeply truncate at the base. The shell is translucent whitish under a very thin pale yellow cuticle. A specimen of the ordinary size measures, length 20.3, diam. 8.8, aperture 8.3 mm.; whorls 6l/2. An embryonic shell, shaken out of an adult, is oval, 4.7 mm. long, with 3 whorls. There is a distinct umbilical slit behind the columellar callus (pi. 14, fig. 19). 90. G. BRETIGNEREI Chaper. PL 14, fig. 20. Shell thin, transparent, of a light gray-olive tint; shining, though sculptured with very regular, crowded striae of growth, well-marked from the end of the second whorl. Spire of 6 or 7 whorls, very regularly conic after the second whorl. Aperture oblique; columella strongly inflexed towards the interior of the aperture. No umbilicus. Length 30, diam. 11 to 12 mm. (Chaper). West Africa: Coffee plantation of Elima, Assinie (type in coll. de 1'ficole des Mines). Glessula ~bretignerei CHAPER, Bulletin de la Societe Zoolo- gique de France, x, 1885, p. 46, pi. 1, f. 6. — Homorus assi- niensis Chaper, KOBELT, Conchyl. Cab. i, lOte Abth., p. 91, pi. 21, f. 6 (copy from Chaper). This species differs from G. paritura only by its larger size, so far as the published account goes. Kobelt confused the name with that of Corbula assiniensis, which occurs on the next page of Chaper 's paper. 91. G. MALAGUETTANA (Rang). PI. 14, fig. 15. Shell elongate, conic, thin, subdiaphanous, very minutely longitudinally striate, brown-buff. Apex obtuse. Aperture oval, the columella arcuate, truncate; lip simple, acute. 110 WEST AFRICAN GLESSULA. Length 15 to 20, diam. 8 to 9 mm. Animal dirty buff, 25 mm. long. (Rang). West Africa: Malaguetta (Liberian) coast, under bushes and in crevices of the rocks (Rang). Helix malaguettana BANG, Annales des Sciences Naturelles xxiv, 1831, p. 39, pi. 3, >f. 4. — Achatina m., DESK, in Lam., An. s. Vert, viii, p. 307. — PFR., Monogr. ii, 257. — Subulina malaguetana BECK, Index, p. 77. This shell, according to Rang, is long, conic, thin, almost diaphanous, very finely and regularly striate; the very thin cuticle covering it is of a dirty yellowish brown, resembling that of Subulina striatella. The summit is obtuse, and its whorls, 6 in number, are quite rounded. The aperture is oval, little oblique. The columella is very concave and trun- cate in front; the right margin is straight and thin, fragile and acute. Deshayes gives the dimensions 22 x 8 mm. The systematic position is unknown, and it may prove to be a Pseudoglessula. The spire is more slender above than in G. paritura. 92. G. SERICINA (Jonas). PI. 14, figs. 13, 14. Shell ovate-turrite, rather thin, longitudinally closely pli- cate, pellucid, glossy, straw-colored. Spire turrited, the apex very obtuse. Whorls 6 to 6%, convex, the last about three- sevenths the total length, obsoletely angulated in the middle, smooth below the angle. Columella very arcuate, highly and widely truncate, the aperture suboval. Length 17, diam. 7 mm., aperture 7y2 mm. long, 4 wide in the middle. (Pfr.) West Africa: Guinea (Jonas). Glandina sericina JONAS, in Phil., Abbild. I, p. 134, pi. 1, f. 11 (July, 1844). — Achatina s., PFR., Monogr. ii, 292; iii, 494; iv, 606; Conchyl. Cab. p. 308, pi. 24, f. 12, 13.— Homorus (Pseudoglessula) s., KOBELT, C. Cab. p. 104. This snail has a beautiful appearance from its very regular, pretty and strong striation, and its silky luster. (Jonas) . APPENDIX. A few corrections of nomenclature and descriptions of ob- scure forms are inserted here to complete the account of snails described as "Achatvna." OLEACINIDJE. SPIRAXIS BLANDIANUS Pils. New name for Spiraxis blandi Crosse & Fischer, ( Journ. de Conch. 1877, p. 271 ; Miss. Sci. Mex., Moll, i, p. 616 ; Manual I, p. 52, XIX, p. 27), not Spiraxis blandi ( Crosse) , described as Ravenia c., Manual XIX, 19, 20. VARICELLA DISSIMILIS Pilsbry. Vol. XIX, p. 105, pi. 17, f . 10, 11. New name for Achatina similis C. B. Ad. 1850, not A. similis Boissy, 1848. The specimen figured and described (XIX, 105) by me becomes the type of this species. VARICELLA DISSIMILIS LONGIOR Pils., new name. V. similis longa Pils. (Man. Conch. XIX, p. 106), being a homonym of V. costulata longa (t. c. p. 68), may be changed to Varicella dissimilis longior. VARICELLA SIMILARIS SLOANEANA Pils. New name for V. s. mandevillensis Pils., (XIX, p. 107), preoccupied on p. 70 of same volume. STREPTOSTYLA LIMNEIFORMIS CHIAPENSIS Pils. Vol. XIX, p. 159. New name for Spiraxis parvula Pfr. 1856, not of Chitty, 1853. EUGLANDINA PUSiPORMis Pfr. Achatina /., Pfr. P. Z. S. 1845, p. 75 ; Monogr. ii, 292 ; Man. Conch. XIX, 188, is a homonym of Achatina lubrica var. fusiformis Picard, 1840. See Vol. XIX, p. 320. The Mexican species should probably stand as E. binneyana. (Ill) 112 APPENDIX. ACHATINA NYSTIANA Pfr. Shell fusiform-oblong thin, smoothish, very delicately striatulate, pellucid, glossy, flesh- colored. Spire long, slender, the apex obtuse, suture thread- margined, whorls 6^, a little convex, the last about three- sevenths the total length, tapering at base. Columella very lightly arcuate, the base shortly and horizontally truncate. Aperture scarcely oblique, oval-elliptical, peristome simple, thin. Length 47, diam. 12, aperture 16% x 6 mm. Habitat unknown, Mus. Cuming (Pfr., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 100; and as Oleacina n., Monogr. iv, 632). Evidently an Euglandina. GLANDINA CRENULATA Sow. Ant., Pfeiffer. Shell fusiform ovate, rather solid, reddish-corneous, glossy; spire with the apex obtuse. Whorls 6%, a little convex, the last descending, shorter than the spire; suture margined and most minutely crenulate. Aperture dilated below, columella subarcuate, strongly truncate; peristome simple. Length 24, diam. 11, aperture 11 mm. long. Central America. (Pfr., Symbol® ad Hist. Hel. ii, p. 59, no. 273, 1842, from spec, in coll. An- ton, recorded without description in Anton's Verzeichniss as Achatina crenulata Sow.? p. 44, no. 1595. "Achatina crenu- lata (Sowerby?) Anton, " PFR., Monogr. ii, p. 285). Seems to be unknown to monographers of the Mexican fauna. It is not recognizably defined. POIRETIA. A list of species referable to this genus was given in Vol. XIX, pp. xxii-xxv. The preparation of an index of Achatina etc. has shown that several names are homonyms and require change, as follows. POIRETIA KLEINIANA Pilsbry, n. n. New name for Achatina elegans Klein, Jahreshefte dea Vereins fur vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg, ix, 1853, p. 214, pi. 5, f. 11, not A. elegans C. B. Ad. 1849. Cf. Vol. XIX, p. xxiv. POIRETIA INPLATA Reuss, (XIX, p. xxiv). Add the synonym: Glandina (Achatina) antiqua KLEIN, Jahresh. Wurttemb. VIII, p. 162, pi. 3, f. 9, 1852. APPENDIX. 113 POIRETIA ROUISIANA Pilsbry. New name for Oleacina teres Rouis, Sandberger, Land und Siisswasser Conchyl. der Vorwelt, p. 232, pi. 13, f. 26 (1872), not Oleacina teres Pfr., Malak. Bl. 1866, p. 140. Eocene, Buxweiler. POIRETIA WOODI Pilsbry. New name for Bulimus convexus 'Edwards* S. V. Wood, 1877 (Vol. XIX, p. xxiii), not of Pfeiffer, 1855 (cf. vol. XI, p. 216). The generic position of this Oligoeene form of the Isle of Wight is uncertain. Photographic figures are re- produced by Taylor, Mon. Brit. Land and Freshwater Moll. ii, p. 29, f. 46, 47. POIRETIA MILLERI Pils. New name for Glandina ovata Miller (Vol. XIX, p. xxiii), not Glandina truncata var ovata Ball. ACHATINDXE. ACHATINA NYIKAENSIS Pils. New name for A. fragilis Smith, 1899, Vol. XVII, p. 63. Not Achatina fragilis Deshayes, An. s. Vert. II. ARCHACHATINA MARGINATA EDUARDI Pils. New name for Achatina marginata var. gracilior Martens (Manual XVII, p. Ill), not Achatina gracilior C. B. Ad. 1850. ARCHACHATINA PURPUREA (Gmel.) Vol. XVII, p. 144. Add the following synonyms: Achatina purpurascens G» FISCHER, Museum Demidoff iii, p. 224 (1807). Achatina erythrostoma SWAINSON, Bligh Catal., Appendix p. 14 (1822), based on Martini and Chemnitz, IX, f. 1017, 1018. HELIX (COCHLITOMA) CANTHERIATA Fer., Prodr. p. 49, no. 340 is a nude name. Ferussac refers to the figure of a Phasianella as perhaps illustrating it. Habitat unknown. ACHATINA HYALINA Anton. ' ' Oval-conoidal, 5 convex whorls with deep suture, last whorl two-fifths the total length; transparent, glossy, yellowish-gray, finely striate, imperfor- ate. Aperture long-oval, peristome acute ; columella strongly 114 HEMIBULIMUS. truncate. Alt. 2^2> diam. 1% lines. Habitat South America" (Anton, Verzeiehniss der Conchy lien welche sich in dear Sammlung von Hermann Eduard Anton befinden, p. 44, no. 1589. Halle, 1839). Pfeiffer renamed the species Achatina antoniana, Mono- graphia Hel. Viv. ii, p. 285 (1848), the original name being preoccupied. It is probably a Leptinaria, but it has been recognized by no author since Anton. BOCAGEIA (PETRIOLA) ANJUANENSIS Pils., n. n. New name for Achatina cornea Morelet 1877, not of Bru- mati, 1838. Type is the shell described in Man. Conch. XVIII, 189, 190, and illustrated in fig. 23 of plate 57. Rumina decollata paiva Lowe. Vol. XVII, p. 213, 214. It should be observed that the names lanceolata, cornea, maxima, flammulata and decussata were already in use in Bulimus, hence must be dropped as homonyms in Rumina, even if the races denoted are valid, which seems doubtful. FERUSSACUXE. FERUSSACIA TERVERIANA Pils., new name for Achatina terveri Bgt. 1859 (Vol. XIX, p. 259, no. 48) ; not A. terveri Boissy, 1848, a species of Poiretia. FERUSSACIA HYPSELIA Pilsbry. New name for F. producta Lowe 1852, not of Reuss, 1849. See Man. Conch. XIX, p. 275. The type of F. hypselia is the specimen figured, Vol. XIX, plate 39, figs. 24, 25. ACHATINA BUCCINULA Grateloup, Actes Soc. Linn. Bor- deaux X, 1838, p. 122, pi. 4, f. 25, 26, from Dax, seems to be a Miocene species of Hohenwartiana. BULIMULID^. Grenus HEMIBULIMUS Marts., Vol. XII, p. 184. Mr. E. A. Smith (Proc. Malac. Soc. London VII, p. 313) has called attention to my failure through oversight to in- clude Achatina dennisoni Reeve in the Manual. He has also discussed the characters and synonyms of that and other HEMIBULIMU8. 115 I 'H species of the group Hemibulimus, correcting various errors which, by reason of the scarcity of material, had been per- petuated from author to author. The relation of Hemibulimus to Liguus is not very close and I now doubt the propriety of including them in one genus. Except in the structure of the columella, Hemi- bulimus is very similar to Porphyrobaphe. 1. HEMIBULIMUS EXCISUS (v. Marts.) Vol. XII, p. 185, pi. 36a, figs. 31-34. Popayan, Colombia, at 2400 meters. Type species of Hemi- bulimus. While evidently related to dennisoni, it is prob- ably distinct, at least varietally, as Mr. Smith believes. In Vol. XII I followed Professor von Martens in uniting excisus and magnificus. 2. HEMIBULIMUS DENNISONI (Reeve). PI. 40, fig. 1. "Shell fusiformly ovate, spire rather acuminated, whorls 6, somewhat rudely faintly plicately striated, decussated with fine impressed striae. Apex somewhat papillary. Columella arched and twisted, attenuately truncated. Pale brown, varie- gated towards the apex with darker brown, last whorl un- spotted, encircled with a pale obscure band, columella pink- ish." (Reeve). Bogota (J. Dennison, Esq.). Achatina dennisoni REEVE, Conch. Icon, v, pi. 9, f. 32 (March, 1849). — PFR., Monogr. iii, 486. — Liguus (Hemibuli- mus) dennisoni (Reeve) E. A. SMITH, Proc. Malac. Soc. London vii, 1907, p. 314, 313. — Achatina magnifica REEVE, op. cit. pi. 9, f. 33, not of Pfeiffer. — L. magnificus (Pfr.) PILSBRY, Man. Con. xii, pi. 36 a, fig. 30 (not the description). Reeve described and figured a shell from the Dennison col- lection. The present location of the type is unknown. The figure (copied on pi. 40, fig. 1) shows a pale red-brown shell with decidedly attenuate early whorls, a brown-spotted sub- sutural band, and two other pale bands on the last whorl. The parietal wall is purplish but not black. The aperture is markedly acuminate above. Judging from the description 116 HEMffiULIMUS. and figure, the sculpture is not so strong as in the following form; yet it must he remembered that the sculpture is usu- ally minimized in Reeve's figures of Achatina. H. D. CARUS Pils., n. var. PL 40, figs. 2, 3, 4, 6. The shell is elliptic-ovate with a rather slender spire and obtuse apex; solid and strong. Nearly 2% smooth, convex whorls form the semiglobose embryonic shell. The next whorl is lightly striate, near its termination the surface becomes minutely plicate and spiral grooves appear ; on the next whorl it is closely and finely plicate, the plicaB cut by several (usually 5 to 7) spiral furrows, which appear as if scratched in a plastic surface. On the last whorl the fine plica become weaker, irregular, often more or less obsolete towards the end of the whorl; there is more or less indistinct malleation, and some irregularity due to former growth-arrest periods, marked by dusky streaks, of which there may be one to four or more on the last whorl. The aperture is elliptic-pointed, outer lip obtuse, more or less thickened, expanded or effuse towards the base. Columella arched, usually very deeply, but sometimes only moderately, its lower portion colored like the outer lip; base truncate, parietal callus glossy Hack, overlaid with blu- ish inwardly. Color as follows : (1) Ground-tint yellow, fading towards the apex: (a) brown spots below the suture appearing on the first post- embryonic whorl, becoming broad, more or less fulgurate stripes on the penult, and next earlier whorls; last whorl showing three narrow equidistant bands and an irregular mottling of the yellow ground, elsewhere olive and brown of varying shades; outer lip and lower half of columella edged with vermilion. (6) intermediate whorls of the spire marked with narrow, close, wavy brown streaks; antepenult, whorl with some subsutural spots, last whorl without bands, irregu- larly streaked with dull green on a greenish yellow or light yellow green ground; outer lip and basal half of columella bright ochre. (2) Ground-tint reddish, (c) nearly uniform ochraceous reddish, the red predominating on the earlier whorls; outer HEMIBULIMUS. 117 lip dull red, fading to pink in the throat, (d) first post- embryonic whorl with subsutural spots, next whorl or two closely streaked with dull red-brown; last whorl of a muddy olivaceous shade, with some darker brown streaks; lip with a narrow red edge and dark submargin. Length 68, diam. 32 mm. ; aperture 37.5 mm. ; whorls 6%. Length 65, diam. 34.5 mm.; aperture 38 mm.; whorls 6. Length 65.5, diam. 31 mm.; aperture 37 mm.; whorls 6. Length 62, diam. 29.5 mm. ; aperture 33 mm. ; whorls 6%. Colombia: Quilichao, Cauca Valley, 5,500 ft. elevation. Achatina magnified REEVE, Conch. Icon. V, pi. 9, f. 33. — L. magnificus Pfr., PILSBRY, Man. Conch. XII, pi. 36a, f. 30. Not A. magnified Pfr. This form differs from Reeve's figure of A. dennisoni by its intensely black parietal callus, and the shape of the aper- ture, which is wider, less acuminate above, the outer lip be- ing arcuate and not straightened near the insertion. Reeve's figure 33, (copied in Manual XII, pi. 36a, fig. 30) represents a form differing from this race only in size, as Mr. E. A. Smith has pointed out. In the Manual I fol- lowed Reeve's error in referring to it as an illustration of Achatina magnifica, Pfr. 3. HEMIBULIMUS MAGNIFICUS (Pfr.). PI. 40, fig. 5. See Vol. XII, p. 185, where a translation of Pfeiffer's description is given. From the reference-paragraph there given the reference to Reeve's figure should be excluded, and the following added: Liguus (Hemibulimus) magnificus (Pfr.), E. A. SMITH, Proc. Malac. Soc. London VII, 1907; p. 314, fig. of type. This species seems to be known only by the original specimen, said to be from Quito. Mr. Smith's figure of this is copied on my plate. The specimens obtained by Lehmann in southern Colombia may have been H. dennisoni. ACHATINA MONILE Swainson. "Shell very finely reticu- lated, whitish with waved stripes, and transverse bands of chestnut spots; basal volution subventricose ; spire produced, 118 HEMIBULIMUS. the last two volutions close, and the tip papillary ; base nearly entire. Distinct from, though approximating to, Bulinus zebra and undatus." (Swainson, Catalogue of the rare and valuable shells which formed the celebrated collection of the late Mrs. Bligh, Ap- pendix, p. 14, 1822 ; Exotic Conchology, edit. 2, p. 38, 1841) . This seems to be some such shell as Oxystyla ferussaci, or some of the forms represented on plate 17 of vol. XII ; yet the "apex papillary " recalls Pseudotrochus (Perideris). ACHATINA VENTRICOSA Gr. Fischer, Mus. Demidoff iii, p. 224 (18Q7)=Bulimus v., Brug. See Vol. VIII, 10. ACHATINA ANTIQUA Desh., An. s. Vert. Bassin Paris ii, p. 839=Lacuna. ACHATINA DONELLII King. T. subalbida, trans versim sub- striata; anfractus basalis ventricosus. — Long. V16, lat. %". (King in Zool. Journ. V. p. 342; Pfr., Monogr. ii, 295.) Habitat prope Lima. -,M J&> PARTULID^E. 155 Family PARTULID JS Pilsbry. Partulidce PILS., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1900, p. 564. Orthurethra in which the kidney is triangular, equal to the pericardium in length. Genitalia of the haplogonous type, the penis without an appendix. Shell Bulimoid, with the outer lip expanded or reflexed in known forms ; the eolumellar lip reflexed, 'curving into the basal margin, simple or nodu- lous ; parietal wall often dentate, but the aperture never has entering lamellae Jaw very thin, formed of many narrow flat plaits, converg- ing downward towards the middle. Radula broad; the cen- tral tooth is not much smaller than the laterals, and has a long middle and small side cusps; lateral teeth with the mesocone long, ectocone well developed, but no entocone; marginal teeth oblique with three cusps directed outward, the inner one largest. Distribution entirely insular, confined to high islands of the southern and western Pacific. Nearly all the species are arboreal, living on trees and bushes, but some species of Raiatea, Tahaa, Tahiti and perhaps the Caroline Islands, are terrestrial. This family is 'Co-extensive with the following genus. Genus PARTULA Ferussac. Partula FER., Tableau Systematique de la Famille des LimagoBS p. 65, for P. pudica, australis, gibba, fragilis, ota- heitana and auricula. — HERRMANNSEN, Indicis Gen. Malac. ii, p. 204, P. faba (P. australis Fer.) selected as type. — HARTMAN, Catalogue of the genus Partula Fer., 1881; Ob- servations on the genus Partula, etc. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. ix, p. 171; Catalogue of the genus, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1885, p. 206-223.— H. H. SMITH, Annotated Catalogue of shells of the genus Partula in the Hartman collection, be- longing 'to the Carnegie Museum, Annals of the Carnegie Museum i, p. 422-485, March, 1903. Bibliography of Hart- man's writings on Partula on p. 424. Characters those of the family. Type P. faba Martyn. 156 PARTULA. Soft anatomy of Partula. The first anatomical observations on Partula were by Ferussac, who discovered that these snails are viviparous. He erroneously states that they have no tentacles, only the eye- pedicels. The next work was by Heynemann, who figured the teeth of P. Urata. The following species of Partula were dissected by Dr. C. Semper (Reisen im Archipel Philippinen, Landmollusken, pp. 158, 159) : P. canalis semilineata, recluzwna, Urata (pi. 17, f. 18, jaw), hyalina (pi. 16, f. 21, genitalia), lineata, otaheitana (pi. xii, fig. 21, genitalia), vanikorensis (pi. 17, f . 17, teeth) . P. lineata was probably not correctly identified. In 1875 (Proc. Acad. N. S. Phila., p. 244) Mr. W. G. Binney examined the anatomy of numerous Raiatean species : P. fusca (pi. 19, f. 9, genitalia), citrina, planilabrum ab- Ireviata, umbilicata (pi. 19, f. 7, genitalia), bilineata (pi. 19, f. 10, genitalia), amanda (pi. 19, f. 4, teeth), virginea (pi. 19, f. 8, genitalia, f. 11, jaw), and gracilis, besides several unidentified species. Some of the same information is re- peated in Annals of the N. Y. Acad. Sci. iii, p. 127. I have examined more or less fully P. rosea, P. varia, P. arguta and some unidentified Raiatean species received with- out the shell. We have therefore some knowledge of the soft parts in species of the sections Partula, Leptopartula, Samoana, and Thakombaua, inhabiting the Society, Samoa and Fiji groups. Animal externally like that of Bulimulidce or Helicida; blunt before, the tail long, gradually tapering. There are no pedal furrows, -and the sole is undivided. Dorsal grooves weak, but the genital furrow is well developed. Genital pore behind the right tentacle, as usual. The lafoial processes are rather large. The mantle has very small right and left lobes. The tentacles are as well developed as usual in land snails (pi. 32, fig. 10, P. canalis). Garrett writes: "The examination of the animals of the various species has convinced me that they possess no re- liable external features that will aid in their determination. PARTULA. 157 The coloration in all the species varies from pale cinereous, through all the intermediate shades, to black or dusky slate. The .arboreal species are generally lighter colored than the ground species, and have a more expanded creeping-disk. The animals of P. arguta} annectens, turgida and attenuates, have the ocular tentacles longer and more slender than the other species, and the exudation of mucus is much more copious and more viscid or tenacious than usual, resembling in that respect the same difference as exists between the typi- cal Helices and the arboreal Naninae." The pallial organs are characterized by the short, more or less triangular kidney, -with a direct ureter which does not extend to the 'Collar, and opens by a lateral pore. The peri- cardium is as long as the kidney. The surface of the lung shows no visible venation. It is densely peppered with light dote (probably calcareous) arranged in irregular lon- gitudinal lines. In P. arguta these light dots are present in spots and stripes (pi. 42, fig. 4), but in other species examined they are equally and densely spread over the whole surface. In P. rosea (pi. 42, fig. 5, x 3) the kidney is very short and strictly triangular. According to Semper, that of P. canalis seems to be of the same form. In P. arguta (pi. 42, fig. 4) the kidney is relatively larger, and the pericardium lies parallel to its longer axis. The ureter also is longer. In an undetermined Raiatean species (doubtless of the re- stricted section Partula) the kidney approaches the band- like type (pi. 42, fig. 6), yet it is somewhat triangular, and equal to the pericardium in length. This is probably the prevalent shape of kidney, since Semper mentions that all the species examined by him except canalis had the kidney, "bandformig. " In most of the subgenera the kidney is unknown. The alimentary canal is of the usual four-folded type. There is a fusiform crop (pi. 42, fig. 5). The jaw is very thin and transparent, varying from slightly arcuate to horseshoe-shaped, similar to that of Drymaus and Zaplagius, formed by the union of many narrow delicate 158 PARTULA. plates, which converge towards the middle, so that there are short plates where the two series meet (pi. 42, fig. 1 jaw of P. lirata, after Semper; fig. 2, central portion of jaw of P. gracilis Pse., after Binney). The number of plates on the two sides is unequal, there being in lineata 27.36, in recluziana 34.38, in otaheitana 40.50 according to Semper. The radula is broad. The teeth form thrice bent transverse rows, as shown in pi. 15, fig. 11, a half row of teeth of P. lirata. The central teeth have the usual quadrate basal plates. In P. amanda, P. rosea, P. varia etc. the length of the basal plate is about twice its width in the middle; the middle cusp is long, reaching to or over the posterior border of the basal plate. Side cusps represented by cutting-points only. The lateral teeth are larger, with the mesooone longer, outer cusp well developed with a strong cutting-point (pi. 43, fig. 1, P. varia huaheinensis Garrett; fig. 2, P. rosea Brod.). There are 11 lateral teeth on each side in P. rosea and planilabrum ; 10 in abbreviate, amanda, otaheitana ; 8 or 9 in varia, umbilicata, virginea, bilineata, hyalina, lineata, recluziana, canalis-, 5 in gracilis. The marginal teeth are peculiar in form, having a long, curved basal plate and 3 cusps, the inner largest, the other two directed outward (pi. 15, fig. 8, 13th to 15th teeth of P. rosea) . They are numer- ous, over 120 in P. virginea. The Fijian P. lirata differs from the Society Island species examined by Binney and myself by having the central and lateral teeth shorter and wider, the central scarcely longer than wide. There are 7 lateral and over 50 marginal teeth, the latter of typical shape (pi. 15, figs. 11, 12, P. lirata after Heynemann) . The radula has been examined in numerous species from the Society, Fiji and Samoan Islands, by Heynemann, Binney, and Semper. I have examined it in P. rosea and varia. Genitalia (pi. 43, fig. 5, P. rosea). — The penis is well de- veloped. It is more or less distinctly contracted near the distal end, which is swollen. Internally the lower portion is PARTULA. 159 coarsely wrinkled, the upper portion densely granulose and coarsely plicate. The retractor muscle is terminal. The vas deferens opens below a papilla situated at about the lower third of the granulose portion ; it is therefore not terminal on the penis. It is superficially bound to the penis, to the vagina and the basal part of the spermatheca, then free as far as the upper end of the oviduct, where it is again adnate for a short distance. The ovisperm duct is strongly knotted, as usual. The basal part of the spermatheca-duct is much swollen in P. rosea and P. fused, the distal end tapering; but in P. bilineata (pi. 43, fig. 3, after Binney) umbilicata, virginea, otaheitana and hyalina the spermetheca is oblong, obtuse distally, and seated upon a slender duct. In all the species which have been examined the duct is short. Reproduction seems to be ovo- viviparous. The upper part of the oviduct contains oblong egg-capsules having a cal- careous shell, which lower down in the oviduct becomes dis- solved or is consumed by the embryo. From one to five eggs or young are found in one individual. Free muscles: — In P. rosea (pi. 43, fig. 4). The pharyngeal retractor is free to its proximal insertion. At about the middle of its length the left ocular and tentacular retractor band joins it, and a little farther out the anterior pedal re- tractors branch off. The broad posterior pedal retractor (tail retractor or columellar muscle) remains united far forward with the right ocular and tentacular retractor, which gives off a group of small anterior pedal retractor muscles. The right ocular band passes between the male and female branches of the genitalia. This muscle system differs from that of Achatinella dolei chiefly by the union of the right ocular with the tail retractor. In Achatinella both ocular bands are free. Relationships of Partulidce. This family is one of the most sharply defined in the Orthurethra. By its short kidney, about equal to the pericardium, it differs conspicuously from the Enidce, 160 PARTULA. Ferussacida, Amastridce and Achatinellidx?, all of which have the kidney very long, far exceeding the pericar- dium. For comparison I figure the pallial region of Ena reiniana (Bulimimis reinianus Kob.), pi. 42, fig. 3, x 2. In the genitalia, the Partulida are remarkable for the absence of an appendix, the penis being simple. This organ is pres- ent and highly developed in all the other families. The vas deferens is practically free from the oviduct, its. adhesions being merely superficial. This is a somewhat unusual con- dition, 'and where found it seems to be associated with vivip- arous reproduction. The shell is rather characteristic; in form some Enidce are similar, yet the spirally striate em- bryonic whorls are unlike that family, and are an invariable feature of Partulidclose waved spiral striae. Spire is straightly conic, suture moder- ately impressed. Whorls 5%, convex, the last whorl swollen in the peripheral region except for the space of a third or fourth of a whorl behind the lip, where it is compressed ; this gives a humped appearance to the back of the shell. Aper- ture ovate; lip broad, white, flatly reflexed, thickened with- in; columella broad, with a deep-seated fold above, visible in oblique view. Length 23, diam. 17 mm. Length 21, diam. 16.7 mm. Marquesas Is.: Taiwata, (Tahuata), on trees at about 1500 ft. elevation; also Dominique or Hivaoa (Garrett). 170 PABTULA, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. Partula inflata RVE., P. Z. S. 1842, p. 197; Conch. Syst. ii, pi. 175, f. 11, 12; Conch. Icon. pi. 1, f. 3.— PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 452; Conchyl. Cab. p. 267, pi. 64, f. 5, 6.— HARTMAN, Catal. p. 12.— GARRETT, Bull. Soc. Malac. France iv, 1887, p. 25. — Bulimus thersites PFR., Symbolae ad Hist. Hel. ii, p. 52 (1842) ; Monogr. ii, p. 75. Remarkable for its gibbous last whorl and 'broad white lip. The very thin cuticle is more or less wholly lost in most adult shells. The examples described are from the island of Taiwata (= Tahuata) ; whether those reported from Dom- inique, the next island of the group, are identical with them in all respects I do not know. 2. P. GANYMEDES (Pfeiffer). PL 30, figs. 4, 5, 6, 7. Shell umbilieate, oblong-conic, thin, minutely, strongly, de- cussated with close growth-lines and extremely close, im- pressed, wavy, spiral lines; dead white under a very fuga- cious greenish-yellow epidermis. Spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 5%, a little convex, the last about as long as the spire, very obsoletely angular in the middle, ornamented with one rather wide chestnut band. Columella straightened. Aper- ture oblong, obliquely truncated above ; peristome simple, thin, broadly expanded throughout. Length 23, diam. 10%, aper- ture inside 10% x 5 mm. (Pfr.). Marquesas Is. : Dominique or Hivaoa, on trees ( Garrett) . Bulimus ganymedes PFR., P. Z. S. 1846, p. 39; Monogr. ii, p. 72. — Partula ganymedes PFR., Monogr. iii, 447; iv, 511; vi, 160. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, vi, pi. 3, f. 16. — HARTMAN Cat. Gen. Partula p. 11, with figure.— GARRETT Bull. Soc. Malac. France, iv, 1887, p. 26. — Partula fasciata PEASE, Amer. Journ. of Conch, ii, p. 202, 293. This species is variable in size, the degree to which the cuticle is lost, and the color of what remains. Specimens of one lot measure: Length 22, diam. 13, length aperture 12.8 mm. ; whorls 5%. Length 20, diam. 11.3, length aperture 11.1 mm. ; whorls 5%. In the typical form, the very thin pale green cuticle is. PARTULA, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. 171 either entirely lost, or only a 'belt remains at and below tire periphery, in adult shells. The upper edge of the subperi- pheral brown band often shows as a thin line above the sutures of the spire; but frequently a mere brown line replaces the band, and is concealed on the spire (fig. 5). In another form of the species, the cuticle is removed in a zone below the suture. This zone may be wide or narrow; the remaining portion of the last whorl — usually half to three- fourths — is covered with greenish or dull brown cuticle. These variations seem to be characteristic of different colonies. The beautifully developed spiral striation is 'Characteristic of all forms. The lip is flatly reflected, thickened at the inner rim, and rather abruptly narrowed near the upper angle. The umbilical crevice is widely open. 3. P. STRIGATA Pease. PI. 30, figs. 8, 12. The shell is openly umbilicate, acutely ovate, rather thin, dingy olive-brown, the latter part of the last whorl light cream-brownish with a few darker oblique streaks, and an orange streak in the angle behind the lip. Sculpture of fine, waved spiral lines. Embryonic shell of 2% whorls, coarsely pitted in spiral lines except the smoothish initial half whorl. Whorls 4%, convex, the last evenly rounded. The aperture is ovate, oblique, peristome flesh-tinted, flatly reflexed, rather narrow, thickened within except near the upper angle. Length 19, diam. 10.8, aperture 10.8 mm. Marquesas (Pease). Huapu (Garrett). Partula strigata PEASE, Amer. Journ. of Conch, iv, 1868? p. 155, pi. 12, f . 7 ; P. Z. S. 1871, p. 473.— PFR., Monogr. viii, p. 202.— GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 1884, p. 80. The types, one of which was figured in A. J. C. iv, are before me. The above description and figs. 8 and 12 were drawn from them. Pease gave simply Marquesas as the habitat, but Garrett >stated that ' * Pease 's shells were collected by a native missionary residing on Woapo." This island lies south of Nukahiva. In his Marquesan -catalogue of 1887 Garrett places strigata as a synonym of recta, without remark. 172 PARTULA, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. Whether the specimens were actually taken on Huapu ("Woapo") or not remains uncertain. Compared with the type lot of Pease 's P. recta, P. strigata is thinner, darker colored, dull brownish instead of pale green, with a narrower flesh-tinted peristome. The two lots seem to be specifically distinct, until studied in connection with a large series from Nukahiva, subsequently obtained, which seem to be partially intermediate. 3a. P. STRIGATA OBESIOR Pils. PI. 30, figs. 11, 14, 15, 16. A lot of 27 examples from Nukahiva consists of shells which are generally more globose than either recta or strigata, thin, variable in color as follows : a. White, denuded of cuticle (fig. 14). 6. White, 'Covered with a very thin straw, cream or brown tinted cuticle, the spire often corneous (fig. 15). c. Busty brown, having a whitish belt below the suture (fig. 16). d. Dark brown (fig. 11). In nearly all of this lot the lip is thin and narrow, as in strigata. Specimens measure: Length 21,. diam. 12.8, aperture 11.8 mm., whorls 5. Length 20.8 diam. 12, aperture 11 mm., whorls 5. Length 19, diam. 11.8, aperture 11 mm., whorls 5. Length 18.5, diam. 10.5, aperture 10 mm., whorls 4%. Length 17, diam. 10.5, aperture 10 mm., whorls 4%. A few examples among these shells are typical recta. Probably a collector who would keep his shells from different colonies separate would find that there are several races on Nukahiva. 3&. P. STRIGATA RECTA Pease. PI. 30, figs. 9, 10. The shell is openly umbilicate, acutely long-ovate, solid, the typical form white under a very thin, very pale green cuticle, which is often deciduous on the last half whorl. The spire is straightly conic, whorls S1/^ convex, the last one equably curved from suture to base. The initial half whorl is smooth, PAETULA, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. 173 next two whorls of the embryonic shell are rather 'Coarsely pitted in spiral lines, following whorls marked with fine growth-lines and very fine spiral striae, most distinct at the base. The aperture is oblique, ovate ; peristome ~broad, white flatly reflexed, thickened within except near the upper angle. Length 21.5, diam. 12.5, aperture 12 mm. Marquesas: Nukahiva, abundant on trees. P. recta PSE., Amer. Journ. of Conch, iv, 1868, p. 155, pi. 12, f. 8; P. Z. S. 1871, p. 473.— Hartman, Catal. Gen. Par- tula p. 12 ; Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 220.— GARRETT, Bull. Soc. Malac. France, iv, 1887, p. 25. 4. P. BELLULA Hartman. PL 30, figs. 17, 18, 19. The shell is rather narrowly umbilieate, ovate-conic, thin, covered with a very pale olive or greenish-yellow cuticle with inconspicuous darker streaks, the embryonic whorls pale flesh-tinted. Surface somewhat shining, with sculpture of fine spiral striae which are crowded and wavy on the base, but separated by spaces much wider than the impressed lines on the upper part of the last whorl. 2% embryonic whorls (fig. 19) have the coarse pitting of other Marquesan species. Spire short, straightly conic ; whorls 4%, moderately convex, the last inflated, almost equably convex, but the base is es- pecially so. Aperture oblique, ovate; peristome reflected, gray, in fully adult shells having a narrow white callous rim at the inner edge, not extending to the upper termination of the outer lip. Columellar lip dilated. Length 14.2, diam. 9.7, aperture 8.5 mm., (type) . Length 16, diam. 9.9, aperture 9 mm. Length 14.5, diam. 9.7, aperture 9 mm. Marquesas Is. : Huapu I., type loc. ; Dominique or Hivaoa Island (Garrett). Partula bellula HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 203, fig. in text (Sept. 1, 1885 ) .—GARRETT, Bull. Soc. Malac. France iv, 1887, p. 27. This species is more slender than P. decussatula, with a smaller aperture, and the spiral striation is much less crowded 174 PARTULA, MARQUESAS ISLANDS. on the upper half of the last whorl. The type specimen (no 4264 Carnegie Mus.) is not completely mature, wanting the narrow callous inner rim of the peristome, 'but there are several fully adult shells with younger ones in the collection of the Academy, taken 'by C. D. Voy. An egg shaken from one of them is very shortly oval, 3 x 2.5 mm., matt white, and smooth under an ordinary lens. 5. P. DECUSSATULA (Pfeiffer). PI. 31, figs. 1, 4. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, thin, very minutely decus- sated with growth-lines and spiral striae, slightly shining, fulvous-whitish, diaphanous. Spire short, conic, rather ob- tuse. Suture moderate. Whorls 4%, convex, the last five- ninths the total length, rounded. Golumella subplicate, reced- ing. Aperture angularly oval. Peristome simple, thin, the margins converging, right margin with a bell-like expansion, columellar margin reflexed over the perforation. Length 15, diam. 8%, aperture 9 x 6% mm. (Pfr.) Marquesas Is.: Dominique (Hivaoa), abundant on leaves (Barrett). Bulimus decussatulus PFR., P. Z. S. 1849, p. 131. Partula decussatula PFR., Monogr. in, 453 ; Conchyl. Cab. p. 274, pi. 65, f. 8, 9. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 4, f. 23. — HARTMAN, Catal. Gen. Partula p. 11, fig. ; Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 217.— GARRETT, Bull. Soc. Malac. France iv, 1887, p. 24. A thin, inflated species, yellowish-corneous slightly brown tinted towards the summit, with a pale border below the suture denuded of cuticle, and a narrow very faint brown band just below the periphery. This band is sometimes very inconspicuous. Old shells lose much of the cuticle, becom- ing whitish and opaque. The aperture is ample. The peris- tome is corneous, thin, well expanded but not thickened with- in except in quite old shells. Several examples measure: Length 16.5, diam 10.3, aperture 10 mm., whorls 4%. Length 15.3, diam. 10, aperture 9.9 mm., whorls 4%. Length 15, diam. 9.9, aperture 9.9 mm., whorls 4%. The sculpture of rippled spiral striae is particularly well developed in this species. PARTULA, SOCIETY ISLANDS. 175 6. P. MAGDALIN^E Hartman. PL 31, figs. 2, 3. The shell is rather narrowly umbilicate, globose, with a short, conic spire, thin, fragile; white with some 'corneous streaks under a very thin pale yellowish cuticle, which seems to be usually deciduous above the periphery on the last whorl. Sculpture of minute, close spiral striae much as in P. decus- satula, but weaker above the periphery. Embryonic whorls as in decussatula. Spire very short; whorls somewhat con- vex, the last very much inflated, prominent in the peripheral region, convex beneath Aperture oblique, ovate; peristome reflexed, gray, thin, just noticeably thickened within. Length 14.8, diam. 11, aperture 10 mm. Length 15, diam. 11, aperture 10 mm., whorls -4%. Length 14, diam. 10.3, aperture 9.3 mm., whorls 414. Marquesas Is. : Santa Magdalina or Fatuhiva Island (Garrett). P. magdalina HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 203, fig. in text. — GARRETT, Bull. Soc. Malac. France iv, 1887, p. 27. This very delicate snail is related to P. decussatula Pf r., but it is very much more inflated, shorter, with a narrower um- bilicus. Of the four examples' originally composing the type lot, one has been broken; the example figured by Hartman is also damaged by a hole in front (not shown in my figure of this specimen). Perhaps none of the specimens is quite fully mature, but it is evidently a very thin shell at any stage of growth. Figured from cotypes, no. 4263 Carnegie Museum. II. SPECIES OP THE SOCIETY ISLANDS. The Society Islands are wonderfully rich in Partulas. Both species and individuals are developed in profusion, and differentiation of form and color has been carried further than in any other island group, though there has been no great structural divergence. Probably all of the Society species are referable to two stocks, herein regarded as "sec- tions. ' ' These sections may be defined thus : I. Shell ovate, with short spire, composed of 4 to 4% whorls, very thin, fragile and subtranslucent ; color pale and 176 PARTULA, SOCIETY ISLANDS. simple; aperture ample, peristome expanded, not thick- ened. Section Leptopartula, species 7 and 8. II. Shell composed of more than 4% whorls, usually solid, with opaque coloring, but sometimes white ; lip thickened within. Section Partula, species 9 to 50. Up to this time we owe our knowledge of the distribution and variation of Society Island Partulse to Andrew Garrett, whose residence at Tahiti gave him unusual facilities for their study. In the following account I have quoted largely from his writings and except in a few cases, have accepted his esti- mate 01 the rank of the several species and races. In a case like this, where races in all degrees of differentiation abound, the rank to .be assigned to any given race is, in the last re- sort, a matter of opinion. The criterion of intergradation is often difficult of application, as where the racial divergence is expressed chiefly in slightly different tendencies of varia- tion. In Raiatea and Tahaa especially, there seems to be a good deal of intergradation between the races and so-called species. Section LEPTOPARTULA n. sect. Echo HARTMAN, Cat. Gen. Partula, 1881, p. 11; not of Selys: 1853. The shell is ovate with short spire, and composed of few (4 to 4%) whorls; very thin, fragile and somewhat trans- parent, pale; aperture large, ovate; lip expanded, not thick- ened. Type P. arguta. Two species, the most fragile of the genus, compose this sec- tion, which is confined to Huaheine and Raiatea. 7. P. ARGUTA (Pease). PL 24, figs. 14, 15. The shell is narrowly but deeply perforate, short, ovate, extremely thin, fragile, corneous usually with a faint buff tint, and imperfectly transparent. Surface rather glossy, marked with weak growth-lines and microscopic incised spiral striae which are weak on the last whorl but distinct and close on the spire. The spire is very short, conic; whorls 4, convex, the last evenly convex, globose. The aperture is somewhat PARTULA, SOCIETY ISLANDS. 177 oblique, more than half the total length, broadly ovate. The peristome is thin and expanded throughout, whitish- corneous. Outer lip equably arched, basal margin more strongly arcuate. Columellar margin reflexed and dilated above. Columella concave, bending towards the right above. Parietal film hardly perceptible. Length 13, diam. 8.1, length of aperture 7.7 mm. Length 12, diam. 8, length of aperture 7.5 mm. Huaheine: "The metropolis of this very fragile species is in the upper portion of a mountain ravine, on the west coast of Huaheine, where it is rather common on the leaves of low shrubs and ferns. It occurs much more rarely in a neighbor- ing valley south of its specific center. Mr. Pease's habitat 1 Tahiti, ' as given in his list of Polynesian land shells, is decidedly wrong." (Garrett). Bulimus argutus PEASE, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1864, p. 670 ; 1871, p. 473. — PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., vi, p. 46. — Partula arguta SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godef?., v, p. 92. — MARTENS and LANGK., Don. Bismarkianum, 1871, p. 55, pi. 3, fig. 7. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part, p. 11 (with woodcut) ; Obs, Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Com. Zool., ix, p. 179. — GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 1884, p. 62, pi. 3, f. 57. Though referred by Pease to the genus Bulimus, it is, never- theless, a true Partula. "The animal, which is viviparous, has very long, slender, ocular tentacles, long lance-pointed foot, and that portion of the animal occupying the whorls of the translucent shells is beautifully maculated with black and white spots on grayish yellow ground. The shell, which is very uniform in all its specific characters, may be readily distinguished by its very thin pellucid texture, ovate form, abbreviated spire, turgid body-whorl, uniform pale yellow- ish horn-color, thin, slightly expanded lip and large simple aperture." (Garrett). Pease gave the following description. Specimens received from him are before me. "B. testa ovata, tenuissima pel- lua\ chestnut-colored with darker streaks and a yellow band below the suture ; early whorls purplish-black or brown- tinted ; the peristome dark flesh colored, often with white spots. Varies commonly to chestnut with streaks but no light band, and to light yellow or olive-yellow with chestnut streaks and white 238 PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. spire. A variety with a narrow subsutural and subbasal band of a dark chestnut color on a pale greenish yellow ground is not uncommon. Tahaa, at the southern end in several valleys ( Garrett) . Partula faba var. subangulata PEASE, Jour, de Conch., 1870, p. 401 ; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, pp. 458, 473.— GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 1884, p. 58, pi. 3, f. 79.— Partula ventricosa PEASE MS., HARTMAN, Bull. M. C. Z. ix, p. 189, Tahaa. No description. — Partula amanda GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 1884, p. 58, pi. 3, f. 78.— Partula dubia GARRETT MS., HARTMAN, Bull. M. C. Zool. ix, 181, 191.— GARRETT, t. e., p. 58. — P. marginata GARRETT MS., HARTMAN, Bull. M. C. Zool. ix, p. 184; undes'cribed •; li ==P. faba var., Tahaa." — Partula propinqua PEASE MS., HARTMAN, t. >c. p. 185, "Tahaa" no description. The pale subsutural band gives the shoulder an appearance of angulation, which does not really exist. While the Tahaan forms of the faba type differ but little from Raiatean faba, yet their variation- forms are somewhat diverse, and the minor differences noted above seem fairly 'constant. I have therefore thought it best, in view of the minute specific subdivision of Raiatean Partulae, to give subangulata specific rank. 36a. P. s. AMANDA Garrett. PI. 17, figs. 1, 2, 3. The shell is like subangulata in shape, but it occasionally has a small tooth on the parietal wall. The usual color is pale yellow or greenish yellow, almost white towards the summit, or more or less suffused with fulvous, with a white or flesh-tinted lip. "A beautiful variety occurs which has a wide median reddish chestnut band (fig. 1). A more common variety is found with two narrow reddish chestnut bands" (fig. 2) ; the summit in these is purple-black. "'Chestnut- brown varieties are not uncommon. The rarest variety is fasciated the same as the typical faba." (Garrett}. Tahaa, occurring in greatest profusion in the northeastern part, but spread all over the island except in the area of subangulata (Garrett). PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. 239 A subvariety of amanda has been called var. dubia Garrett- (pi. 17, figs. 4, 8) but that name was already in use for a Tahitian form of the otaheitana group. It is yellow with a white spire, white lip, and invariably has a parietal tooth. Some specimens have a chestnut umbilical area, or are some- what suffused and streaked with fulvous, and the apex is pinkish brown. This form is found in some valleys on the north coast. 37. P. NAVIGATORIA (Pfeiffer). PI. 16, figs. 9 to 13. Shell perforate, dextral, oblong-ovate, solid, obsoletely granulose-striate, rather shining; fulvous, marked with close darker lines. Spire conic, rather acute, suture light, white- edged. Whorls 5, nearly flat, the last longer than the spire. Aperture oblong, narrow, whitish within, provided with a small callous [parietal] tooth deep on the ventral side of the penult whorl. Peristome somewhat thickened, strongly white-lipped within, the margins parallel, right margin nar- rowly expanded, somewhat toothed in the middle, columellar margin dilated, flat, reflexed. Length 23, diam. 11, aperture 13 x 8 mm. Type in Mus. Cuming. (Pfr.) . Lower portion of Vaioara valley, on the west coast of Raiatea and spread along the lowland forests south as far as Uparu valley; very abundant, associated with P. fusca; usu- ally lurking beneath decaying vegetation, but sometimes taken on the trunks of trees. (Garrett). Bulimus navigatorius PFR., P. Z. S., 1849, p. 131. — Par- tula navigatoria PFR., Monogr. iii, 449. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. vi, 1850, pi. 4, f . 21.— GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. P. ix, p. 76.— Partula variabilis PEASE, Amer. Journ. of Conch, ii, 1866, p. 203; iii, 1867, p. 8, pi. 1, f. 12-14; P. Z. S. 1871, p. 473.— PFR., Monogr. viii, 201. This form differs from P. faba chiefly by having the last two whorls less convex than usual in that species, and the aperture is narrower, more contracted. Moreover it lives. for the most part on the ground, and has its own patterns of coloring, which however do not differ much from the patterns 240 PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. of faba and fusca. G-arrett writes that "hybrids between this species and fusca and faba are very frequent." The typical coloration of navigatoria (fig. 9, copied from Reeve) and the synonymous variabilis is yellow, profusely streaked with chestnut, the spire often pinkish. This is the normal or usual form. Other patterns are: Uniform yellow. Not common. Uniform dark chestnut, or with pale apex. Not 'common. The last form, greenish yellow, the base and a subsutural band chestnut, is not uncommon; it resembles typical P. faba in pattern. ' * The parietal tooth mentioned by Pf eiffer, but not alluded to by Reeve or Pease, is not constant, but exists in about two- fifths of the adults. The former author's 'medio subden- tato,' likewise not mentioned by the latter two writers, is simply the lower angle of the small labial sinus. "In shape it varies from ovate to oblong-ovate, as the fol- lowing two measurements will show: Length 25, diam. 13 mm.; length 20, diam. 13 mm." (Garrett). 38. P. FUSCA Pease. PI. 17, figs. 5, 6, 7. ' * Shell umbilicated, solid, varying from an abbreviate-ovate to oblong-ovate, roughly striated by irregular lines of growth, and the usual fine spiral incised lines become evanescent on the body-whorl; spire convexly conical, less than half the length of the shell ; suture linearly impressed, frequently mar- gined by a thread-like white line; whorls 5-6, more or less flatly convex, last one large, convex, rounded or turgid, some- times slightly angled just above the aperture; base more openly umbilicated than usual in the ground species; aper- ture subvertical, oblong, sides nearly parallel ; parietal region more or less glazed with callus, and sometimes dentate ; peris- tome rather broadly expanded, moderately thick, slanting, flat or concave, strongly incrassated within and sinuous above ; columellar lip depressed, receding or transversely grooved above. Color very variable : whitish corneous, straw- yellow, fulvous, light or dark chestnut, sometimes brown- PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. 241 black, and frequently strigated. Yellowish horn-colored ex- amples with the base and the sutural band chestnut, are not uncommon. The lip, though usually white, is frequently mar- gined with purple-brown. Length 20, diam. 11 mm. "The above is about the average dimensions. My largest example is 24 by I3y2 and the smallest adult 17 by 10 mm. Sometimes, though rarely, the spire equals half the length of the shell. Very old examples have a more or less nodulous columella and a more or less distinct denticle on the outer lip." (Garrett). Partula fusca PEASE, Amer. Jour. Conch., 1866, p. 193; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 473.— BINNEY, Proc. Aead. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1875, pp. 245, 247, pi. 19, fig. 9 ( anatomy ) .— PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., viii, p. 205. — SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., vi, p. 81. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 6 ; Obs. Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, p. 182 (excl. ovalis and lugubris). — GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, p. 71, pi. 3, f. 50.— Partula protea PEASE, MS. coll. Pease, 1863.— SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., v, p. 92. — PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., viii, p. 209. Raiatea: The metropolis of this very variable ground species is in Vaioara valley, on the west coast of Raiatea, the headquarters of P. garrettii and navigatoria. It has not migrated any to the southward, but to the northward it oc- curs sparingly far up in Huaru valley. On the opposite side of the island it is found in Tepua valley, and I took a few in a small ravine more to the southward. The Tepua shell, which is the protea Pse., differs none from his fusca. (Garrett). ' ' Hybrids between protea and the arboreal P. faba are not uncommon, and are usually found adhering to the lower parts of the trunks of trees. "In Vaioara, hybrids between fusca and navigatoria, and between the two former and faba, are so frequent as to be very embarrassing in the separation of the three species col- lected in that valley. Like the Tepua hybrids, all those be- tween the two ground species and the arboreal faba live on the lower parts of the trunks of trees." (Garrett). 242 PAETUL.A, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. Illustrated from specimens received from Garrett. Others from Pease are before me. This snail lives under cover on the ground, and the shell is less glossy than navigatoria or faba which differ from fusca and vittata chiefly by their arboreal habits and brighter shells. The lip is usually expanded more than in vittata, which replaces fusca on the southwest. P. fusca occasionally has a small parietal tooth, but in vittata the tooth is almost invariable in fully adult shells. 38a. P. F. VITTATA Pease. PI. 17, fig. 16. The shape of the typical vittata is oblong-conic, more or less compressedly umbilicated, and the spire, which equals half the length of the shell, has straight outlines. The last whorl is not angular in front of the aperture. The ample, oblong aperture is 'considerably contracted by the intrusion of white callus on the inner margin of the peristome, and the sides are nearly parallel. The peristome is rather thin, widely expanded and usually stained with brownish purple. The white callus does not extend to the upper end of the lip, leaving a shallow sinus. The columella is flattened, not calloused or nodose, and reflected over the umbilicus. The color is whitish, yellowish corneous, fulvous or horn-color, fre- quently with the basal third of the body and a sutural band chestnut-color. Sometimes the apex is black or purple-black. The parietal tooth, though small, is constant, but so far within that it is hardly visible in a front view. Length 23, diam. 13 mm. (fig. 16). Length 24, diam. 12 mm. (Pease). Length 25, diam. 11 mm. (Garrett, maximum size). Society Islands : Restricted to the higher portions of Toloa valley, on the west coast of Raiatea, not uncommon under decaying vegetation. (Garrett). Partula vittata PEASE, Amer. Jour. Conch., 1866, p. 194; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 473. — PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., viii, p. 200.— HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 7 ; Obs. Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, p. 169 (excl. microstoma). — GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila., ix, 1884, p. 75, pi. 3, f. 56.— Partula approxi- PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. 243 mata PEASE, MS., SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., v, p. 207.— GLOYNE, Quar. Jour. Conch., i, p. 338. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 7; Obs. Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, pp. 179, 195 (no description). — GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila., ix, 1884, p. 75. Doubtfully distinguishable from P. fusca. The figure is drawn from the shell already figured by Garrett, who col- lected the type lot. He states that " no examples were dis- covered in Hapai or Vaiau, the headquarters of lugubris and ovalis, which two valleys are between Toloa and the small ones inhabited by approximate." 38&. P. F.APPROXIMATA' Pease 'Garrett. PI. 17, figs. 13, 14, 15. This is a race subsidiary to vittata characterized by its inferior size, smaller umbilicus, which is frequently imper- vious, smaller aperture, and less expanded lip. The parietal tooth is very seldom developed. The banding is similar in the two forms, but occurs rarely in approximata, which dif- fers also in being generally a lighter or darker chestnut-color, though both have similar horn-colored varieties, with brown streaks. The last whorl is usually angular in front, as in var. terrestris. Occurs in greater or less profusion in several small valleys on the southwest part of Raiatea. Cotypes from Garrett are figured. 38c. P. F. TERRESTRIS 'Pse.' Garrett. PI. 17, figs. 9, 10, 11. The shell is moderately umbilicate, thin, with only a trace of spiral striae on 'the last whorl. It is (1) corneous with .yellowish streaks, (2) chestnut 'Colored, or (3) chestnut with an equatorial yellow zone. The apex is usually pale, but sometimes purple. The last whorl is rather acutely angular immediately in front of the upper termination of the outer lip ; or if not, an angle may be traced above the suture, near the aperture; the immature stage being strongly angular. The aperture is rather narrow, with a distinct prominence at the upper end of the lip-callus. Lip moderately expanded, 244 PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. white or pale. Columella concave, with no callus or nodule, A very small parietal tooth is usually present. Partula terrestris Pease MS., GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. P., ix, 1884, p. 75. — P. castanea Pse. MS., GARRETT, t. c. p. 76. Differs from P. vittata chiefly by the distinct angulation of the body in front of the aperture. Gotypes in coll. A. N. S. P., no. 59450. Garrett writes: "In the valleys on the southern part of the island (Raiatea), we find a gradual change from the typical P. ap- proximata into the form known as P. terrestris Pease, which latter connects the former with vittata. The range of ter- restris terminates at Opoa valley, on the southeast coast. "At Faaloa, on the east coast, there exists a form, P. cas- tanea Pease, which is intermediate between terrestris and vittata. It is usually chestnut-colored, constantly toothed on the parietal wall, and the fasciation is the same as in the other varieties. It has not spread any to the northward of Faaloa, but occurs more sparingly in a small valley between Faaloa and Opoa." (Garrett). A specimen of castanea received from Pease is figured (pi. 17, fig. 12) . It is absolutely iden- tical with terrestris. 39. P. PLANILABRUM Pease. PI. 18, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. Shell long-ovate, solid, umbilicate; whorls 5, plano-convex- aperture oblong-oval, somewhat ear-shaped, toothed. Lip oblique and broadly flattened, thickened within, projecting outwardly, having a toothed callus. Columella straight, angular at the base. Chestnut-colored, pale at the suture, sometimes encircled with a broad yellowish-brown band. Length 22, diam. 12 mm. (Pse.). East coast of Tahaa. Partula planilabrum PEASE, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1864, p. 672 ; 1871, p. 473. — PFEIFPER, Mon. Hel., vi, p. 156. — BINNEY,. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., 1865, pp. 245, 247.— SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., vi, p. 81.— HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 7; Obs. Gen. Part. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, pp. 185, 188, 190. —GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila., ix, 1884, p. 63, pi. 3, f. 77. PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. 245 —Partula suturalis PEASE, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 675, nude name, (not of Pfeiffer). The callous rim and * * tooth ' ' within the outer lip are more strongly developed than in P. faba, fusca and their immedi- ate allies. There is an Oblong callous lump on the face of the columella, more or less visible in different examples. The white border below the suture is an important feature of the species, very rarely wanting. P. planilabrum is larger and more elongated than P. bilineata, and the surface is not so smooth and shining. The structure of the peristome is similar in the two shells, but the aperture is more elongate in planilabrum. The parietal tooth is constant in adults but varies in size. The following color-forms are found. PI. 18, figs. 2, 3. The type is deep chestnut-brown, gradu- ally fading into yellowish corneous towards the sutural line; the whitish lip is frequently tinged with violet. PL 18, fig. 4. Fulvous yellow, with the basal half of the body- whorl and a revolving band below the whitish subsutural border, deep chestnut-brown. Not infrequent. PL 18, fig. 1. Pale corneous or light fulvous with indis- tinct oblique streaks. Rare. Numerous specimens from Pease and Grarrett show it to be rather constant in form, but some shells show an angle on the last whorl, in front of the aperture. Grarrett writes: 44 The metropolis of this species is Haamene valley, on the east coast of Tahaa, where it is common, and, though usually lurking beneath decaying vegetation, is sometimes found ad- hering to the trunks of the wild banana. It is found, though less abundant, in a valley north of its specific centre, but does not occur in the intermediate valley Faa-apa, the home of bilineata. ' J 40. P. BILINEATA Pease. PL 19, figs. 8, 14. The shell is rather openly umbilicate, ovate-conic, solid, smooth and glossy, marked lightly with growth-lines. Spire almost straightly conic, the apex frequently dark. The suture is margined with a white line. Ground-color whitish-corneous, 246 PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. pale yellow or brownish yellow, typically with a narrow brown band revolving a short distance below the suture, and a wider one just below the perifery; but sometimes the whole base is dark chestnut, or the whole shell may be dark except for a light equatorial girdle or zone. The aperture is nearly white inside, lip broad, white, well expanded and strongly thickened within. The columellar lip bears on its inner face a low nodule, sometimes hardly noticeable. The parietal tooth is deeply placed and well developed. Length 20%, diam. 13 mm. (fig. 8). Length 18, diam. 12 mm. (Pease). Tahaa, confined to Faa-apa valley on the east coast, where it O'ccurs in abundance on the trunks of a species of wild banana and at the roots of ferns. (Garrett). Partula bilineata PEASE, Amer. Jour. Conch., ii, 1866, p. 201 ; 1867, p. 81, pi. 1, fig. 10 ; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 473. — BINNEY, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1875, pp. 245, 247, pi. 19, fig. 10 (anatomy). — PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., viii, p. 195. — SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., vi, p. 81. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 8; Obs. Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, pp. 180, 196.— GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 1884, p. 62. P. plamlabrum is more lengthened and less glossy than bilineata, and the two have not the same cycles of color-forms. P. umbilicata is a still more shortened and globose form. These three species of Tahaa are slight modifications of the ancestral Raiatean P. auriculata stock. Fig. 14 represents Pease's type specimen. Garrett writes of P. bilineata: "It is readily distinguished by its smooth, glossy surface, ovate- conic form, yellowish horn-color, and two revolving chestnut- brown bands, the upper one narrow and subsutural. The subacute apex is sometimes purple-brown and the suture is margined by a narrow, rugose, whitish line. The constant parietal tooth is prominent and the broad white peristome is slightly emarginate above, strongly labiate within, and widely expanded. Var. a. With a single broad median chestnut-brown band. Not common. PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. 247 Var. 6. Chestnut-brown with a yellowish horn-colored sutural 'band. Very rare. Var. c. Uniform yellowish horn-color. Very rare. They are all remarkably uniform in shape and size. ' ' 41. P. AURICULATA Broderip. PI. 18, figs. 8 to 12. "Shell perforate, ovate-pyramidal, chestnut colored; whorls 6, somewhat swollen, longitudinally striated. Aper- ture white, ear-shaped, the lip flat and thick; a white tooth on the internal lace of the last whorl. Length %, diam. % inch. A variety is yellowish with the outer margin of the aperture somewhat roseate. "The thick, flattened lips forming the aperture of this species are so disposed as to give the mouth, in many in- dividuals, the appearance of a key-hole, while in others it is ear-shaped. ' ' (Brod. ) Raiatea, in the lower half of Hamoa valley, on the east coast near the north end of the island; it has spread north- ward in two small valleys (Garrett, for P. oompacta) ; Utuloa, north end of Raiatea, in great profusion, with P. faba (Garrett, for P. auriculata) ; arboreal. Partula auriculata BRODERIP, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1832, p. 125. —REEVE, Conch. Syst., ii, pi. 175, figs. 7, 8. — PEASE, Amer. Jour. Conch., 1866, p. 201. — SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., iv, p. 71. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 7, with woodcut; Obs. Gen. Part,, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. ix, pp. 180, 186, 192. — GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. P. ix, 1884, p. 58.— f Partula tahulana ANTON, Verz. Conch., p. 40 (1839), nude name; (quoted tabulana by Garrett). — Partulus auriculatus BECK, Ind. Moll., p. 58. — Bulimus auriculatus PFEIFFER, Symb., i, p. 80; ii, p. 111. — Bulimus otaheitanus PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., ii. p. 71 (part). — Partula otaheitana REEVE (not of Bru- guiere), Conch. Icon., pi. 2, fig. \\a, b. — Partula robusta PEASE (MS. coll. Pease, 1863), SMITH, Annals Carnegie Mus. i, p. 436, no. 4140, 4141. — Partula tahitana SCHMELTZ (not of Gould), Cat. Mus. Godeff., v, p. 92.— PEASE, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 473.— f f Partula maura Muhl. ANTON, Ver- 248 PARTULA, RAIATEA AND TAHAA. zeichniss p. 40 (nude name). — Partula compacta PEASE, Amer. Jour. Conch., 1866, p. 200; 1867, p. 81, pi. 1, fig. 9; Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 473.— SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., v, p. 92. — PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., viii, p. 207. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 7; Obs. Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, pp. 181, 192.— GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. P. ix, 1884, p. 55.— Partula solidula Pse. MS., H. H. SMITH, Annals Carnegie Mus. i, p. 436, no. 4142. This arboreal species is obese, solid, not very glossy, with a moderate or quite narrow umbilicus. The lip is not very broadly expanded, but is strongly thickened within, white, flat, often more or less dentate, and is conspicuously excised above. The columella is oblique, broad, and bears a moder- ate or heavy callus which is notched at the insertion above. The parietal tooth is well developed. Length 20, diam. 13.5 mm. Length 21, diam. 13.3 mm. P. auriculata has been united by many authors with the totally different P. otakeitana of Tahiti. The erroneous locality "Huaheine" was given by Cuming, who collected the types. As Pease and Garrett have already remarked, P. auriculata was evidently based upon several forms of this group, but the emphasis laid by Broderip upon the flat lip indicates that the form described as P. compacta by Pease is practically typical auriculata. Reeve's Conchologia Iconica, Partula plate 2, figure 11& may be considered the type of P. auriculata. I have figured similar shells, pi. 18, figs. 10, 11. The color is usually light brownish yellow, but it varies to light chestnut in the lots before me. Fig. 9, copied from Reeve's figure of one of the original lot, is unlike the com- pacta I have seen in being banded. Pease's type of com- pacta, now before me, is a typical auriculata in develop- ment of the apertural callosities. In many individuals the "teeth" are less developed, as in fig. 8. 410. P. A. ROBUSTA Pease. PI. 18, figs. 13 to 16. The shell is somewhat smaller than the largest P. auriculata, PARTULA, HUAHEINE. 249 more compactly ovate, very solid, the lip very little ex- panded and very much thickened on the convex face, though less broad than in auriculata, and with less prominent in- ternal callosities, hence the aperture is more open. The parietal tooth is smaller than in auriculata, and often almost disappears. The lip is generally brown-edged, and often a raised callus connects the ends. The columellar lip is seen, in profile view, to be very thick, and the umbilical crevice is narrow. Color-patterns as follows: a. Last li/2 or 2 whorls corneous, copiously streaked ob- liquely with chestnut; the next earlier whorl rich chest- nut, deepening to purple-black towards and at the sum- mit. This is the typical coloration. 6. Yellowish, with some faint brownish streaks, apex pale. Approaches auriculata in form. c. Dark chestnut throughout, with more or less distinct paler oblique streaks on the last whorl. d. Chestnut colored with a broad corneous or yellowish zone above the middle of the last whorl. This pattern also occurs in auriculata. Length 19.5, diam. 11.5, aperture 11 mm. (fig. 14). Length 17.5, diam. 11, aperture 10 mm. P. robusta has not before been figured, but descriptive notes were published by Smith in his catalogue of the Hart- man collection. Types no. 59444 A. N. S. P. 4. Species of Huaheine. Huaheine possesses four species all endemic. Two (P. arguta and annectens) are restricted to two valleys, and the latter, like P. clara, appears to be gradually becoming extinct. Both species are remarkably uniform in all their specific characters, and are related to forms of Tahiti and Baiatea. On the contrary, the other two species (P. rosea and varia) have spread nearly all over the island, and are subject to considerable variation. Neither is closely related to other Society Island species, but a form scarcely distinguishable from varia occurs at Rarotonga. It is worthy of remark that 250 PARTULA, HUAHEINE. dentated species, which are so common in all the islands ex- cept Bora/bora, do not occur on Huaheine. The structure of the kidney raises a doubt as to the sys- tematic position of P. rosea and varia. They may belong in or near the section Samoana rather than to Partula s. str. 42. P. VARIA Broderip. PL 23, figs. 1 to 12. Shell openly perforate, ovate-pyramidal, thin, glossy, com- posed of nearly 5 convex whorls, the last rounded perif erally, or slightly subangular in front ; very convex or saccate at the base. Surface with sculpture of fine growth-striae and min- ute spiral lines, which are more or less obsolete on the last whorl. Aperture vertical, white or purplish-brown within, the lip reflexed, evenly thickened within, white or purple- brown. Length 17, diam. 11 mm. Huaheine: "The metropolis of the typical P. varia is in two valleys on the west coast of Huaheine, where they are very abundant on foliage, but it is generally distributed throughout all parts of the island." (Garrett) . Partula varia BRODERIP, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1832, p. 125. — REEVE, Conch. Syst., ii, pi. 75, figs. 5, 6; Conch. Icon., pi. 3, figs. 17 a. b. c. — PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., iii, p. 448. — PEASE, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 473, with var. glutinota, pulchra, simplex. — SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff, v, p. 92. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 14; Obs. Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., ix, pp. 189, 191 (excl. strigata). — Bulimus varius PFEIFFER, Symb., i, p. 86; ii, p. 124. — Bulimus roseus var. b. minor PFEIFFER, Mon. Hel., ii, p. 70. — Partula glutinosa PFEIFFER, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1852, p. 85 ; Mon. Hel., iii, p. 448 ; Conchyl. Cab. p. 265, pi. 44, f. 16, 17 (in insulis Salomonis). — Partula mucida PFEIFFER, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1855, p. 98; Mon. Hel., iv, p. 513 (in insulis Pacificis). — Partula pulchra PEASE, MS. SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., v, p. 92. — Partula huaheinensis GARRETT, as syn. of varia, t. c. 1884, p. 78, 79. — Partula bi- color GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. P. ix, 1884, p. 79 (not of Pease). — Partula adusta GARRETT, MS., undescribed. — Par- tula perplexa Pease, MS., H. H. SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, p. 463, no. 4277. PARTULA, HUAHEINE. 251 This common Huaheine species is smaller and more glossy than P. rosea, and differs in its range of color- variation. Ac- cording to Andrew Garrett, the type form "is very variable in coloration, and considerably so in size and shape. The smallest form, which = P. pulchra, Pse., gradually merges into the type, and is restricted to the larger of the two valleys called Hamene. The type which equals my huaheinensis and adusta, is usually corneous, luteous, more frequently fulvous, rarely white, and the most abundant variety is dark chestnut, sometimes nearly black with a pale apex and dark or pale lip (fig. 1). Deep chestnut- colored examples, with a wide or narrow central pale band, are not uncommon (fig. 2). The form with an obscure central fulvous band on a pale ground, is rather common (figs. 6, 7). "In the higher portion of Hamene may be found a large form (Mcolor Garr., not of Pease) which is either uniform straw-yellow, or greenish yellow, with or without a dark chest- nut spire. It differs from the typical varia in being larger, more robust, the whorls more inflated and the aperture wider. Specimens from Garrett are figured, pi. 23, figs. 4 and 8. "In a valley named Faahiti, on the northern part of the island, we find in the greatest profusion, associated with P. rosea cognata Pse., a form shaped like 'bicolor,' but smaller and more variable in color than the typical varia. The most common variety is light yellowish, sometimes stri- gated, the lip, and sometimes the base, stained with burnt- brown or violet-brown. Nearly half of the specimens are1 uniform fulvous brown, or chestnut-brown approaching black. The variety with central pale band is also very frequent, as well as the one of a uniform whitish or luteous with white lip. The pale variety with chestnut spire is somewhat rare, besides one with a dark spire and two narrow bands on the body- whorl. A lot of these shells sent to the 'Museum Godeffroy/ were by Prof. Mousson referred to Morelet's P. simplaria, and have been freely distributed under that name. Morelet cites 'Tahiti' as the habitat of his species. His 'apice obtuso rosaceo' and 'sutura albo marginata' do not occur in these 252 PARTULA, HUAHEINE. shells, nor any of the varieties of varia" hence the name simplaria should not be applied to them. Specimens of various color-patterns are figured, pi. 23, figs. 9, 10. The form called P. glutinosa Pf r. is straw colored or pale fulvous, the lip white with a purplish-brown border. It was originally described as from the Solomon Islands. Fig. 11 is a copy of the original figure. A specimen received from Cuming is drawn in fig. 15. "P. perplexa Pse. MS." of H. H. Smith is the same. P. mucida Pfr. was based on the uniform chestnut colored form of varia. A figure of the type specimen in the British Museum is given, pi. 41, fig. 13. 43. P. ROSEA Broderip. Plate 22. The shell is openly perforate, rather thin, ovate-pyramidal, moderately glossy ; Tinder a lens it is seen to be marked with fine growth-lines and close, waved, distinctly engraved spiral lines. Whorls 5, very slightly convex, the last generally angular at the periphery, in front of the aperture. The aper- ture is ovate, slightly oblique ; outer lip well expanded, thin- edged, strengthened with a narrow callous rim within, gradu- ally tapering to the upper end. Columella thin, dilated above. Parietal film transparent, toothless. Length 22, diam. 13 mm. Length 23, diam. 13 to 15 mm. The typical color (pi. 22, figs. 1, 2) is uniform rose, in- cluding the interior and lip ; but in many examples the em- bryonic whorls are paler or yellowish with a pink sutural line. Huaheine: "The headquarters of this beautiful and well- known arboreal species is in a large forest at the head of Hawai bay on the west side of Huaheine. From this region, where they are very numerous, they have spread over many parts of the island. They differ but little in shape in the different localities, except in Faahiti on the north coast, where they (the P. cognata Pease) are smaller, less angulated on the last whorl, and in the total absence of the uniform dark purple-brown and rose-colored varieties which are so com- PARTULA, HUAHEINE. 253 mon elsewhere. The most numerous variety of the cognata form is straw-yellow with the sutural line tinted with rose or purple rose. A rose or purple-'brown variety with a centra] yellow band is found in no other part of the island/' (Garrett). Partula rosea BRODERIP, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1832, p. 125. — REEVE, Conch. Syst., ii, pi. 175, figs. 9, 10; Conch. Icon., pi. 1, figs, 1&, 5, c. — PFEIFFER, Mon. HeL, iii, p. 448; iv, 509; vi, 157; Conchyl. Cab., p. 272, pi. 64, f. 23-28.— PEASE, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 473. — SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., v, p. 92. — HARTMAN, Cat. Part., p. 14 (with woodcut) ; Obs. Gen. Part., Bull. Mus. Com. Zool., ix, pp. 186, 191 (excl. simplaria) . —GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 1884, p. 67.— H. H. SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, p. 461, with cognata and estal- liana, p. 462. — Partulus roseus BECK, Ind. Moll., p. 57. — Bulimus roseus PFEIFFER, Mon. HeL, ii, p. 70, exclusive of var. &. — Partula purpurascens PFEIFFER, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1856, p. 333; Mon. HeL, iv, p. 511. — Partula cognata PEASE, MS., SCHMELTZ, Cat. Mus. Godeff., v, p. 92. — GLOYNE, Quar. Jour. Conch., i, p. 338. — GARRETT t. c. p. 68. Besides the common typical rose-colored form (figs. 1, 2), the following color-patterns occur. From Garrett 's remarks it appears that several of the patterns occur together, so that they seem ordinarily to have no racial status. The some- what smaller form cognata seems to have incipient racial features. 2, form purpurascens Pfr. Dull purple, the aperture and lip violet, (Ad.). Possibly a form of P. otaheitana. 51. P. OBESA Pease. PL 41, fig. 22. "Shell umbilicate, abbreviate, conic-ally ovate, rather thin,, light, transversely very finely, closely and undulately striated ; whorls 4%, the last very large, comprising nearly three- fourths the length of the shell, somewhat inflated and pro- duced obliquely, rounded at base, spire short, conical, rather acute; aperture oblique, ovate; lip widely flatly expanded, white on both its outer and inner sides; columella slightly expanded above ; greenish yellow, encircled with a broad white band beneath the suture. Length 20, diam. 14 mm. Habitat unknown. Partula obesa PSE., American Journal of Conchology iii,. p. 222, pi. 15, f. 12 (Jan. 2, 1868). The figure does not agree well with Pease's measurements. "We have no locality for the above species. It appears to approach the Marquesan type, and may be allied to lilacina Pfr. It is covered with a thin epidermis, which, when worn off, would probably leave the shell without color, as is the case with ganymedes, Pfr. We have but a single specimen. ' * (Pease.) III. PARTULA OP THE AUSTRAL AND HERVEY GROUPS. The few species of these groups are very closely related to those of the Society Islands, and no doubt are of common derivation. In the Austral Group, Partula hyalina (see p. 180) is found on Tubuai and Rurutu (Oheteroa). No other Partula is known from the group. One island, Rurutu, has been somewhat carefully explored for land shells (see Garrett, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1879, pp. 17-30). In the Hervey or Cook's Group, P. hyalina has been found on Mangaia and Rarotonga. P. assimilis Pse., a form very close to P. varia of Huaheine, occurs on Rarotonga. Pease- PARTULA, HERVEY IS. 261 has stated that the Raiatean P. ~kebe is found on Mangaia (Journ. de Conchyl. 1870, p. 401) 'but his records occasion- ally prove erroneous, and this one seems doubtful. 52. P. ASSIMILIS Pease. PI. 41, figs. 5, 9. The shell is narrowly umbilicate, ovate-conic, rather thin; corneous or faintly yellowish-corneous, nearly uniform, but under a lens it appears to be very indistinctly marked with pale brown streaks; the early whorls are sometimes pale brown. 2ys embryonic whorls with the usual subpunctate spiral lines, succeeding whorls finely weakly striate spirally, convex. The last whorl is quite convex, very indistinctly marked with more or less effaced spiral lines, or they may be almost wholly absent. Aperture slightly oblique, white or flesh-tinted within. Peristome white or flesh-colored, re- flexed and somewhat thickened within. Columellar lip di- lated above. Length 18.3, diam. 10.5, aperture 10 mm. ; whorls 5. Length 17.2, diam. 10, aperture 9.3 mm. ; whorls 4%. "Length 17, diam. 9 mm." (Pse.). Hervey Is. : Rarotonga (Pease). Partula assimilis Pse., Amer. Journ. of Conch, iii, p. 230, pi. 15, f. 28, 29.— Journ. de Gonchyl. 1870, p. 401, with var. virgulata Pse. — PFR., Monogr. viii, p. 197. — Cf. GARRETT, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 1884, p. 80. — Partula, cookiana 'Mouss.,' Schmeltz, Museum Godeffroy Catalog v, 1874, p. 92 (name only). This species closely resembles the pale, yellowish form of P. varia of Huaheine, but differs by the thinner, less conic shell, with the spire more swollen, apex more obtuse and the lip is less thickened within. Pease has described a "var. virgulata, shell generally shorter than the typical form, longitudinally streaked with light red; alt. 15, diam 9 mm. Rarotonga." Two specimens out of the Pease duplicates, from a series received from Dr. Hartman, have the summit purplish, like the form of P. varia figured on pi. 23, fig. 4, yet I do not feel certain that they are really from Rarotonga. 262 PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. IV. PARTITIVE OF THE SAMOAN ISLANDS. The Samoan Partulae are still very imperfectly known, species having been collected only on Upolu and Tutuila. Nothing is known of the species of the largest island, Savii, if any exist there, or of several smaller islands of the group. The known forms belong to four groups, quite diverse in texture and coloration, but two of them are alike in having the umbilicus unusually open. Key to Samoan species. a. Umbilicus or rimation very broadly open. b. Shell covered with a greenish-yellow or chestnut cuticle; whorls 5 to 5%. c. Last whorl spirally striate throughout. d. Dextral. e. Length 21, diam. 14 mm. P. abbreviata, no. 56. ee. Length 22 x 13 to 25 x 14 mm. P. stevensoniana, no. 55. dd. Sinistral; greenish-yellow with pale spire. P. conica, no. 54. cc. Later whorls without spiral striae except at the base of the last whorl ; spire dark-colored. d. Last whorl swollen at base; umbilicus ample. P. canalis, no. 53. dd. Last whorl tapering downward ; umbili- cus narrower. P. c. biconica, no. 53a. bb. Shell mottled or streaked with, opaque white or buff on a corneous gray or brown ground, or maculate with gray or brown on a pale ground; whorls 4 to 4y2. c. Last whorl very wide, not striate spirally; umbilicus deep. P. expansa, no. 58. cc. Last whorl spirally striate ; shell oblong-conic, rimate. d. Aperture smaller. P. zebrina, no. 57. dd. Aperture larger. P. z. recluziana, no. 57&. PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. 263 aa. Umbilical cavity small or moderate. b. Aperture about half the length; shell oblong- acu- minate, the last whorl very indistinctly streaked with greenish-yellow; 24x13 mm., aperture 12.9 mm. P. brazieri, no. 59. bb. Aperture more than half the length; shell ovate-- conic, the last whorl greenish-yellow, spire brownish ; 17 x 9 to 18 x 10.3 mm., aperture 10 mm. P. gonochila, no. 60. Section SAMOANA n. sect. Evadne HARTMAN, Gatal. Genus Partula, 1881, p. 12, type "E. bulimoides " = P. canalis Mouss. (preoc.) The shell is very openly rimate or umbilicate, dextral or sinistral, with flatly reflexed lip and no parietal tooth. Arboreal. Type P. canalis. The type species has -a short, triangular kidney, according to Semper. The group may be related to the Partulae of Huaheine, which have a similar kidney. Group of P. canalis. 53. P. CANALIS Mousson. PL 32, figs. 6, 7, 8, 10. Shell sinistral, umbilicate, elongate-conic, rather thin, striat- ulate, not decussate, slightly shining, brownish. Spire conic, regular; apex subacute, violaceous, suture bordered with a white line, simple. Whorls 5%, nearly flat, the last large, equal to five-fourths the spire, long, more convex at the umbilicus, a little ascending in front. Aperture subvertical, ovate-oblong, subeffuse below. Peristome white, flatly re- flexed, moderately expanded, margins subparallel, columellar margin long, somewhat folded and impressed in a canal above. Alt. 29, diam. 14 mm. (Mouss.). Samoan Is.: Upolu (Graeffe, Garrett) ; Apia (C. N. E. Eliot) . Partula canalis Mouss., Journ. de Conchyl. 1865, p. 172; 1869, p. 337 (with var semilineata, p. 338).— PFR. Monogr. vi, p. 155.— GARRETT, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1887, p. 134 — Partula conica brown variety, GOULD, U. S. Expl. Exped.,. 264 PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. Moll., p. 82, pi. 6, f. 88. — Evadne bulimoides Less., HARTMAN, Cat. Gen. Partula, 1881, p. 12, 13, fig. ; not of Lesson. This species differs from P. conica by its longer, more slen- der spire, absence of spiral striae except on the embryonic whorls and base, the darker tint, etc. It is said to be in- variably sinistral, and restricted to the island Upolu. The color is greenish-yellow with more or less chestnut suf- fusion, sometimes darker in narrow streaks. The spire is darker, reddish brown; suture margined with a white line, narrower than in P. conica. The peristome is flesh-tinted, not so broad as that of P. conica, and the columella is gut- tered at its junction with the body. The umbilicus is ample, as in P. conica. Figs. 6 and 7 were drawn from one of the original lot collected by Schmeltz. Specimens measure as follows. Length 28, diam. 17, aperture 16 mm. ; 5% whorls. Length 27, diam. 16.5, aperture 16.3 mm. ; 5y2 whorls. Length 28.3, diam. 16.8, aperture 15 mm. ; 5% whorls. Length 25.8, diam. 15.8, aperture 14.7 mm. ; 5% whorls. A single specimen before me (pi. 32, fig. 8) has a much shorter spire than canalis, not attenuated as that is. The color is dark chestnut, the spire dull dark purple. It is spirally striate below the periphery. Length 23, diam. 15, aperture 13.3 mm. ; whorls slightly over 5. Upolu. This may represent a distinct subspecies. 53a. Var. BICONICA Pils., n. v. PL 31, figs. 6, 7. Some specimens collected by the United States Exploring Expedition differ from canalis by having the last whorl more swollen above the periphery, tapering to the base, and there- fore distinctly conic; the umbilicus is much narrower, and the plane of the peristome is more oblique. Length 28.8, diam. 18, aperture 17.5 mm. ; 5% whorls. Length 28, diam. 18, aperture 16.9 mm. ; 5% whorls. 536. Var. SEMILINEATA Mousson. A little smaller, the last whorl wavy-lineolate at the base. Color varying from pale to dark corneous. Tutuila (Mousson) . PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. 265 54. P. CONICA Gould. PL 32, figs. 1, 2, 3, 5 ; pi. 31, fig. 8. The shell is sinistral, openly umbilicate, conic, with rather slender spire ; white under the thin yellow cuticle, the earlier whorls and a subsutural margin being white. The surface is glossy. Whorls 5%, the first half -whorl smooth, follow- ing 2% whorls spirally engraved (fig. 8) ; on the following whorls the spire striae are almost wanting, but they reappear on the last whorl, which is very closely sculptured through- out with fine wavy spirals, stronger towards the base. The whorls are moderately convex, the last whorl rather swollen peripherally and very convex at the base. The aperture is ovate, rather oblique; peristome white, flatly, rather widely reflexed, dilated at the columellar insertion and somewhat excavated or grooved at its junction: with the base. Parietal callus very thin, transparent. Length 25.5, diam. 16.5, aperture 15 mm. (figs. 1-3). Length 24.5, diam. 16.5, aperture 15 mm. (fig. 5). Sarnoan Is, : Tutuila; (Upolu?). Partula conica GOULD, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. ii, 1848, p. 196; Expedition Shells, in Otia Conchologica, p. 33; U. S. Expl. Exped. Mollusca, p. 81, Mm pi. 6, f. 88a.— PPR., Monogr. iii, 445; iv, 507; vi, 155; Novit. Conch, i, p. 120, pi. 34, f. 8, 9.— MOUSSON, Journ. de Conchyl. 1865, p. 171, no. 11. In his descriptions of this species, Gould considered the large, more or less chestnut colored and smoother form later described as P. canalis to be -a form of conica, and he also, by implication, included the dextral form, his words "in- terdum sinistrorsa" indicating that he 'had seen dextral ex- amples. It is obvious that Gould considered the sinistral form to be typical from his selection of sinistral examples for figuring, and from his comparison "resembling Bulimus l&vus in form"; yet his description is composite, the num- ber of whorls referring especially to the larger brown form (canalis) and the description of sculpture to the striate form here considered to be the true conica. Garrett's restriction of P. conica to the dextral form was not allowable under the existing conditions. 266 PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. One of Gould's figures is copied, fig. 1. Other figures drawn from the same type specimen are given (figs. 2, 3, no. 2687 A. N. S. P.). The whitish spiral lines on this shell are apparently pathologic. This species is distinguished from P. canalis by the white spire of fewer whorls (5% to 5%), the more developed stria- tion of the last whorl and the comparatively larger aperture. In some examples, such as that shown in fig. 5, the spiral striation of the last whorl is hardly visible above the middle. Gould's second locality for this species, "Raraka," is a low island (atoll) of the Paumotu group, where it is prac- tically certain that no Partula lives. li Partula cornea Gld. (upolensis Mss.) " SCHMELTZ Catalog II der zum Verkauf stehenden Doubletten aus den naturhis- torischen Expeditionen .der Herren Joh. Ces. Godeffroy & Sohn in Hamburg, p. 25, no. 1379 (March, 1865), is an un- described form, about which very little is known. Garrett placed upolensis in the synonymy of P. conica, but he seems to have had P. stevensoniana. A specimen purchased from the Godeffroys as P. upolensis (no. 59845 A. N. S. P.) as from Samoa, is nothing else than P. rosea cognata! This shell is figured, pi. 33, fig. 3. 55. P. STEVENSONIANA n. sp. PI. 32, figs. 4, 9, 11 ; pi. 31, fig. 12. The shell is openly umbilicate, ovate-conic, rather thin, whitish under a greenish-yellow cuticle, pale corneous or brown on the spire, suture edged with a white line. The embryonic whorls, except the first half-whorl, are deeply and very closely sculptured with engraved punctate spirals (pi. 31, fig. 12) ; following whorls and upper half of last whorl have rather widely spaced spiral lines, and the basal half of the last whorl is densely marked with wavy spirals. Spire short, conic, regular. Whorls 5*4, convex, the last equally convex except near the aperture where it is a little produced outwardly towards the base. Aperture ample, flesh colored within, but slightly oblique. Peristome reflexed, ivory whiter dilated and a little impressed at the columellar insertion. PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. 267 Length 25, diam. 14, aperture 14.1 mm. Length 23, diam. 13.5, aperture 14 mm. Length 22, diam. 13, aperture 13 mm. Samoan Is.: Apia, Upolu (Sir Charles Eliot), cotypes no. 77306 A. N. S. P. Partula conica GARRETT, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1887, p. 134. — ^Partula upolensis Mousson, Schmeltz, 'according to GAR- RETT, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1887, p. 134, in synonymy of P. conica Gld. — ? P. cepolensis Mouss., SCHAUFUSS, Paetel Catal. p. 83, nude name. This is a more lengthened shell than P. abbreviata. 56. P. ABBREVIATA Mousson. PL 32, figs. 15, 16. Shell rimate-umbilicate, ovate, thin, striate, closely sculp- tured throughout with minute wavy lines, pale corneous. Spire eonvexly-conic, obtuse and worn bare 'at the summit; suture little impressed, white, generally with a denuded line. Whorls 5 to 5!/2> rapidly increasing, 'a little convex, the last whorl inflated, rounded, a little ascending, rather swollen basally. Aperture su'b vertical, (15 degrees with the axis), large, two-thirds the total length. Peristome acute, widely and flatly reflexed, white, the margins remote, joined by a scarcely visible callus; right margin forming a long arch, columellar margin widely reflexed, slightly impressed at the insertion; columella somewhat folded deep within. Length 21, diam. 14 mm. (Mouss.). S'amoan Is. : Tutuila. Partula abbreviata Mouss., Journ. de Conchyl. 1869, p. 339, pi. 14, f. 7. This form seems to be known by the original lot only. It stands close to P. canalis and P. conica, having spiral sculp- ture like the latter, and coloration more like canalis. The cuticle is readily deciduous on the summit and in a band along the suture. The compact, subglobose shape distin- guishes it from allied species. It is shorter and wider than P. stevensoniana, 'and the aperture is larger. 268 PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. Group of P. zebrina. 57. P. ZEBRINA Gould. PI. 31, figs. 10, 11, 14, 15. The shell is openly rimate and perforate, rather thin, ob- long-conic, scarcely shining, closely and finely striate spirally throughout-, marked with spots, flecks or stripes of opaque buff on a corneous or brown ground, or with corneous or brown on a bun3 ground. Spire convexly conic, the summit obtuse, whorls 4%, convex, the second disproportionately large, last whorl convex, swollen 'basally. Aperture suibvertical. Peristome flatly reflexed, white, thickened within with a strong callous rib which 'ascends on the columellar margin, often forming a vertical ridge near the dilated upper end. Length 20, diam. 12.3, aperture 12 mm. ; 4% whorls. Length 19, diam. 12.5, aperture 12 mm. ; 4% whorls. Length 18.5, diam. 10.7, 'aperture 11 mm. ; 4% whorls. Length 21, diam. 12, aperture 12.25 mm., 4% whorls ( tryoni) . Samoan Is.: Tutuila (U. S. Expl. Exped.; Schmeltz). Partula zebrina GOULD, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. ii, 1848, p. 196; Expedition Shells, p. 33; U. S. Expl. Exped., Moll., p. 82, pi. 6, f. 89.— PFR., Monogr. iii, 450.— Partulus actor ALBERS, Die Heliceen, 1850, p. 187. — Partula actor Alb., PFR., Monogr. iii, 450; Gonchyl. Cab. p. 266, pi. 48, f. 13, 14.— GARRETT, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1887, p. 133.— Partula tryoni HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 204, fig. in text. This species is related to P. expansa, but differs 'by its narrower, less deeply penetrating umbilicus, longer spire, and especially by the spiral striation of the last whorl, which was described by Gould (see fig. 11, drawn from below the suture just back of the outer lip). The opaque buff markings appear mostly as oblique streaks along the lines of growth, but they often tend to become trans- formed into spirally descending stripes, especially on the last half whorl, approaching the condition of the further evolved P. expansa. Often the cream tint predominates over the corneous or brown markings, which remain as streaks or spots. PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. 269 Partula tryoni Hartman (pi. 31, fig. 5) is a zebrina in which the cream-white markings are reduced to mere flecks. While this color-pattern may possibly be characteristic of a local race, it is surely nothing but a form of P. zebrina. I have figured the type specimen (no. 4261 Carnegie Mus.). It was erroneously supposed to be from the Solomon Islands. Partula actor Albers differs in no respect from zebrina. The type figure is copied, pi. 31, fig. 10. 57a. Var. recluziana Petit. PI. 31, figs. 9, 13, 16. "Shell rimate-perf orate, ovate-conic, buff-brown orna- mented with irregular whitish, sometimes zigzag spots. Spire short, obtuse; whorls 4, a little convex, the last longer than the spire. Aperture oblong-oval; lip expanded, white. Length 20mm." Samoan Is.: Tutuila (Schmeltz). Partula recluziana PETIT de la SAUSSAYE, Journ. de €onchyl. i, 1850, p. 170, pi. 7, f. 5.— cf. MOUSSON, J. de C. 1869, p. 339. This form differs from P. zebrina by its larger last whorl and shorter spire. Whether it is a true race or merely a phase of individual variation I have not the means of deciding. Fig. 9 is copied from that of Petit. Figs. 13, 16 represent specimens before me, measuring Length 19.9, diam. 12.2, aperture 13, whorls 414. Length 18, diam. 12.5, 'aperture 11.8, whorls 4. In fig. 16 the white spots and stripes follow the direction of growth-lines, and stand on a corneous-brown ground. In fig. 13 the flecks and spots are mainly lengthened in a spiral di- rection, but arranged in oblique series ; the ground being very dark brown. The whole shell is marked with spiral lines, as in P. zebrina. 58. P. EXPANSA Pease. PL 32, figs. 12, 13, 14. The shell is broadly and deeply umbilicate, obliquely ovate, rather thin, lusterless ; gray, marked with opaque white bands or spots, which descend spirally and obliquely forward. Spire 270 PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. very short, conic ; whorls 4 or slightly more, convex, the first 2~y2 composing the embryonic shell are uniform gray, the first half whorl smooth, the rest very closely marked with en- graved spiral lines, which rapidly disappear on the next whorl. About the middle of the penultimate whorl some white spots appear in the gray surface, the first ones being arranged along growth-lines; they rapidly change to spirally lengthened spots and belts which may be either continuous or interrupted on the last whorl. The last whorl is lightly marked with growth-lines but has no spiral strice. It is in- flated and very convex at the base. Aperture lateral, dia- gonal. Peristome broadly and flatly reflexed, white, thick- ened within. Length 18, diam. 14, aperture 13 mm. Length 19, diam. 15, aperture 13.5 mm. Samoan Is.: Upolu, on foliage (Garrett). ? Tutuila (Brazier). Partula expansa PSE., Amer. Journ. of Conch, vii, 1872, p. 26, pi. 9, f. 3. — PFR., Monogr. viii, p. 203. — GARRETT, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1887, p. 133.— P. extensa PEASE, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 473 (name only; error for expansa). — P. zebrina Gld., MOUSSON, Journ. de Conchyl. 1865, p. 173 ; 1869, p. 339. Readily distinguished by its broad and deeply penetrating umbilicus, very short spire, the absence of spiral striation on the last whorl, etc. The locality Tutuila, originally given by Pease on Brazier's authority, is apparently erroneous. It has been taken by Garrett and Schmeltz on Upolu. Pease's type specimen (drawn in my figure 14) is not fully mature, the expansion and thickening of the lip being incomplete. The pattern of opaque white stripes is interrupted, leaving snowy dots and streaks over part of the surface. Group of P. brazieri. The following species seems to be very intimately related to the group of P. caledonica, and belongs to the section Melanesica — forms inhabiting the New Hebrides and neigh- boring groups. It has the same pyramidal shape, indistinct PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. 271 strigation and subperipheral band, etc. We have no sufficient ground for doubting the evidence of an experienced collector that P. brazieri inhabits the Samoan Islands; yet up to this time no other naturalist has encountered it there. 59. P. BRAZIERI Pease. PL 33, figs. 1, 2. The shell is dextral oblong-acuminate, openly and deeply rimate, rather thin, glossy, whitish, having a very thin cuticle which on the last whorl is indistinctly streaked with very pale greenish-yellow, this color strongest in an indistinct belt below the periphery, and on the base. After the first half whorl the embryonic shell (fig. 2) is sculptured with close, punctate spiral striae ; post-embryonic whorls sculptured with engraved spiral lines, which are rather widely spaced, and on the last half of the last whorl are obsolete above periphery. Spire conic, rather slender above. Embryonic shell of 2% flat whorls; following whorls convex, the last whorl convex above, very full basally. Aperture slightly oblique, white within. Peristome narrowly reflexed, thickened within, white, tapering towards the upper termination, where it is continued in a small triangular callus filling the angle of the aperture. Columellar lip dilated inwards, a trifle grooved along its junction with the body ; its outer edge continued a short distance upward on the parietal wall. Parietal callus transparent. Length 24, diam. 13.1, length of aperture 12.9 mm. ; whorls 5%. Samoan Islands: Tutuila (Brazier). Partula ~brazieri PSE., Amer. Journ. of Conch, vii, 1872, p. 27, pi. 9, f. 5. Cf. GARRETT, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1887, p. 135, and HARTMAN, Nautilus xi, 44. Described and figured from the unique type, no. 59846 A. N. S. P. Garrett and Hartman have expressed doubts as to the locality assigned by Pease on the authority of Brazier. The shell is so similar to species of the New Hebrides that it seems possible that it was obtained in that group. Trading schooners from Sydney usually touched at numerous islands, exchanging their cargoes of rum, cloth, guns and trinkets for 272 PARTULA, SAMOAN ISLANDS. copra, and the shells "brought from various places might easily become mixed. Group of P. gonochila. The relations of P. gonochila and P. subgonochila to- other Partulae are uncertain. 60. P. GONOCHILA (Pfeiffer). PL 41, figs. 6, 7, 8, 10. Shell subperforate, ovate-conic, thin, delicately and closely decussate, diaphanous, green. Spire conic, rather acute; \\horls 5, slightly convex, the last convex, longer than the spire. Columella obsoletely plicate above. Aperture oblong, obliquely truncate above; peristome broadly, angularly ex- panded, a little reflexed, thin, white inside, the margins re- mote. Length 17, diam. 9, aperture with peristome 10 x 7 mm. (Pfr.). Habitat unknown (coll. Dunker). Navigator (Samoa) Is. (Pfr.; coll. A'cad. Phila.). Bulimus gonochilus PFR., Zeitschr. f. Malak. 1847, p. 82; Monogr. ii, 69. — Partula gonochila PFR., Monogr. iii, 448; iv, 512; vi, 160; Conchyl. Cab. p. 274, pi. 64, f. 33, 34.— ? Partula gonocheila REEVE, Conch. Icon. 6, pi. 4, f. 19 (May, 1850). Pfeiffer 's description and figures (pi. 41, figs. 7, 8) are copied. The specimen drawn in figs. 6, 10, is slightly less swollen than Pfeiffer 's, measuring, length 18, diam. 10.3, aperture 10 x 7 mm., whorls 5. The last whorl is whitish under a very thin pale greenish yellow cuticle. The spire is red-brown, darkest at the apex; on the penul- timate whorl it becomes paler in the middle, a darker shade continuing as a border above and below the suture as far as the lip. The growth-striae are fine and distinct. Engraved spiral lines are fine and close, strongest on the last whorL The whorls including the last are evenly convex; base con- vex, shortly rimate and deeply perforate. The lip is re- flexed, opaque white behind the reflection. It is strengthened by a very strong, narrow white callous rib within. This rib diminishes gradually above, and extends upward on the coin- PARTULA, TONGA ISLANDS. 273 mellar margin two-thirds of the distance to the insertion, terminating rather abruptly near the lower end of the oblique, straight columellar fold. The habitat of this species is not known, even the group assigned (Sainoan) being uncertain. V. SPECIES OF THE FIJI Is., ROTUMA, AND THE TONGA Is. Tonga Is. species. 61. P. SUBGONOCHILA Mousson. PL 41, figs. 11, 12. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, finely, widely decussate, stria- tulate, greenish. Spire convexly-conic, regular, the summit rather obtuse ; suture not impressed, submarginate. Whorls 4%, slightly convex, the last moderately convex, not as long as the spire, not ascending in front. Aperture rather small, sub vertical (making an angle of 5 degrees with the axis), oblong, obliquely truncate above. Peristome expanded, 'angu- larly reflexed, whitish, somewhat labiate within, the margins not approaching ; right margin curved in a long arch above ; columellar margin vertical, wide, spreading, not folded with- in. Length 16, diam. 9.6 mm. (Mouss.) . Tonga Is. : Futuna or Fotuna, in the Home group, and Vavau (Dr. Ed. Graeffe). Partula subgonochila Mouss., Journ. de Conchyl. xix, 1871, p. 14, pi. 3, f. 4. This species resembles P. varia to some extent, but the spire is less produced. Two lots from the Bartman collection are before me: No. 4284 Carnegie Mus. is from "Fortuna, Friendly Is.," coll. by Brazier (apparently Futuna, the type locality). The shell is thin, pale greenish yellow on the last whorl or two, fading to whitish above near the suture, the spire whitish. The spiral strias are rather close and very dis- tinct, and on the last whorl the peripheral 'angle is so in- distinctly indicated, that the contour remains rounded. The summit is quite obtuse. The lip is white. The largest of four measures, length 17, diam. 10, aperture 9 mm., whorls 4%. The smallest is 16 mm. long. 274 PARTULA, ROTUMA, FIJI. No. 4285 Carnegie Mus., four specimens labelled "Tu- tuila." Smaller than the preceding, the spiral striation not so strong on the last whorl, lip flesh-tinted. Length 14%, diam. 9, aperture S1/^ mm., whorls 4% P. gonochila Pfr. is no doubt closely related to subgono- ckila. In both the spiral striation of the embryonic whorls is very fine 'and distinct, and the pitting is conspicuous. P. gonochila is a more solid shell, darker colored, with the lip more thickened within, and the upper part of the spire more narrowly conic. Rotuma species. 62. P. LEEFEI (E. A. Smith). ' 'Shell dextral, small, ovate, umbilicate, yellow-olivaeous, pale below the suture and towards the apex; spire moder- ately produced, rounded at the apex. Whorls 5, a little con- vex, closely sculptured with delicate growth lines and very fine spiral striae, more or less obsolete on the last whorl ; last whorl hardly descending in front. Aperture ovate, brown- ish inside, about half the total length; peristome white, ex- panded and reflexed, slightly thickened. Length 14, diam. 9 mm. ; aperture 6 x 3~y2 mm. inside" (Smith) . Rotuma Island (R. B. Leefe). Partula leefei SMITH, Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) xx, 520 (Dec., 1897). "A small species, distinguished by its style of coloration and general form." Rotuma lies between the Fiji and Ellice Is., about 300 miles N. N.-W. of the former. Its size is about 8x2 miles, with a height of 800 ft. Fiji species: Section THAKOMBAUA, n. sect. The single Fijian Partula, P. lirata, is very distinct by the coarse spiral sculpture of the post-embryonic whorls and the tubercular callus or tooth on the parietal wall near the columella. P. lirata has no near relatives among known forms, and for PARTULA, FIJI ISLANDS. 275 it the section Thakombaua is here instituted. It is somewhat remarkable that in Fiji no Partulas are known from the islands inhabited by Placostylus. The same is true of the New Caledonian group; but in the New Hebrides and Solomon Islands both genera exist. 63. P. LIBATA Mousson. PL 34, figs. 15, 16, 17, 18. The shell is long ovate-conic, rather thin, rimate; white, pale yellowish, pale brown or rather dark liver brown with narrow paler streaks. Surface lusterless. The embryonic shell consists of nearly 3 whorls, the initial half whorl smooth, following half whorl very subtly punctate-striate spirally, spirals on the next whorl fewer, rather separated, and mainly on the upper part ; third whorl with very weak spirals, which at the beginning of the post-embryonic shell become distinct but low cords. These increase in prominence to the last whorl, where there are 8-12 strong spiral cords above the periphery, with small, unequal cords in most of the intervals, and on the base are many smaller unequal cords and threads. These spiral cords extend to the lip-edge, which is crenulated in all but old specimens. The last whorl is somewhat com- pressed laterally -and convex at the base. Aperture ovate, oblique, colored within like the outside. Peristome narrowly expanded, thickened within ; columella dilated above. Parietal wall covered with a distinct but transparent callus, which bears a white callous tubercle far within near the root of the columella. Length 18.2, diam. 9.8, aperture 9.5 mm. ; whorls 5%. " Length 21, diam. 10 mm.; whorls 5% " (Mouss.) . Fiji (Viti) Islands, only in the Eastern group: Lomma- lomma, Vanua Balavo I.; Kanathia I.; Oneata I. (Dr. E. Graeffe). Lanthala I., Vanua Balavo and Taviuni, on foli- age near the sea-shore (Garrett), Maugo or Mago (Layard). Partula lirata MOUSSON, Journ. de Conchyl. xiii, 1865, p. 196 ; xviii, 1870, p. 126.— CBOSSE, J. de C. xiii, 1865, p. 432, pi. 14, f. 4.— HEYNEMANN, Malak. Blatter xiv, 1867, p. 148, pi. 1, f. 1 (teeth).— GABRETT, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 187.— H. H. SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, p. 451, no. 4236. 276 PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. The single Fijian Partula has 'been found only on the small islands of the "eastern group," the genus being unknown on the large islands, where Placostylus 'abounds. The rarity of Partula in this archipelago is at present inexplicable. The single species is one of the most distinct of the genus. Mr. Layard stated in a letter to Dr. Hartman that he did not find the species on Taviuni or Lomma-lomma, in six weeks collecting on the former and a day or two at the latter place. Section MELANESICA n. sect. Sterope HARTMAN, Catal. genus Partula, 1881, p. 14, type P. carteriensis Q. et G. ; not of Groodsir 1845, or Hagen, 1850. Partulae of simple form and coloring, corneous, yellow or brown, uniform or obliquely streaked, not banded; aperture not obstructed by teeth; the peristome either thin or thick- ened within. Suture often bordered above by a thread, which continues indistinctly on the last whorl as a low welt or group of closer striae. Type P. turneri. This group includes all of the species of the New Hebrides, Solomon Is., New Ireland, New Britain, New Guinea, and other adjacent islands, as well as one Samoan form, P. brazieri. VI. NEW HEBRIDES AND SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS. The Santa Cruz group, Banks and Torres Islands and New Hebrides form a group trending from N. W. to S. E. through about 10 degrees of latitude. The southern islands, Ero- manga, Aneiteum, are not remote from the Loyalty Islands which lie on a parallel fold, and have no Partulae. The northern or Santa Cruz end of the group approaches the Solomon Islands. The fauna is only imperfectly known, but seems to be somewhat related to that of the Solomon Islands, though much poorer and more primitive by lacking Papuina, Chloritis, etc. M'any of the islands are high and wooded. Group of P. turneri. Ovate-conic or pyramidal, openly 'and deeply rimate-umbili- PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. 277 cate shells, with, narrow-streaked cuticle and markedly swollen, saccate base. 64. P. TURNERI Pfeiffer. PI. 33, figs. 5, 6. , Shell deeply rimate-umbilicate, ovate-conic, rather solid, under the lens spirally wavy-striate, glossy, pale buff rayed with darker streaks. Spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 5, convex, the last slightly shorter than the spire, subcompressed at the base. Columella simple, slightly arcuate. Aperture a little oblique, oblong, peristome white, glossy, rather widely expanded throughout, the margins converging, columellar margin spreading. Length 22 to 23, diam. 11 to 12 aperture with perist. 12 x 8.5 mm. (Pfr.). New Hebrides: Eromanga (Turner). Partula turneri PFR., P. Z. S. 1860, p. 40 ; Malak. Bl. 1861, p. 16 ; Monogr. vi, 159. In the Monographia Pfeiffer mentions a var. &, "a little more ventricose, rayed with isabelline 'and whitish." Figs. 5, 6, represents a specimen received from Cuming. This typical form of P. turneri has very pale narrow yellow- ish-green streaks on a white, faintly lemon tinted ground. There is a very inconspicuous band below the periphery. The base is markedly full, sack-like. The spiral lines are rather widely spaced and become very faint on the last half of the last whorl, except at the base. The figured example meas- ures, length 23.5, diam. 13.3, length of aperture 12.5, width 8.9 mm. ; whorls 5%. Another of the same lot is smaller, length 23, aperture 12 x 8.5 mm. Var. perstrigata nov. PL 33, fig. 4. The shell is pale buff or whitish, copiously marked with narrow chestnut or pale chestnut streaks; form, size and sculpture as in turneri. One of the lots of this form, received from Dr. Hartman and said to have been collected by Geale, is marked "Tanna, New Hebrides." The type lot, no. 59848 A. N. S. P., was re- ceived from Cuming as "P. turneri var., New Caledonia", — an evident error. The variety closely resembles P. caledonica in color, but it is much more robust. Cf. P. macgillivrayi. 278 PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. 65. P. MACGILLIVRAYI Pfeiffer. PL 33, fig. 15, 16. Shell broadly and compressed umbilieate, conic, rather thin, striatulate and under a lens closely sculptured with spiral striae; whitish with yellowish streaks and marked with obsolete bands. Spire long-conic, rather acute. Whorls 5, slightly convex, the last about equal to the spire, somewhat ascending in front, sack-like at the base. Columella slightly arcuate, lightly folded deep within. Aperture slightly oblique, truncate-oblong; peristome white, thin, equally, sub- rectangularly expanded. Length 23, diam. 11, aperture with peristome 12.5x9.3 mm. (Pfr.). New Hebrides (Macgillivray). Partula macgillivrayi PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 97; Monogr. iv, 508 ; Novit. Conch, i, p. 61, pi. 17, f . 14, 15. This species is known to me only by Pfeiffer 's description and figures, which indicate a shell very similar to the brown- streaked variety of P. turnen. 66. P. CALEDONICA Pfeiffer. PL 33, figs. 12, 13, 14. Shell deeply and compressed-umbilicate, rather solid, ob- long-conic, irregularly striate, pale flesh colored irregularly radiated with close brownish streaks. Spire conic, acute. Whorls 5!/2, a little 'Convex, the middle ones distinctly striate spirally, last whorl shorter than the spire, ascending in front, impressed in the middle and sack-like at the base. Columella subplicate deep within. Aperture a little, oblique, oblong. Peristome white, rather widely expanded throughout, the mar- gins converging, right margin somewhat sinuous. Length 22 to 221/2, diam. 10 mm.; aperture with peristome 11 mm. long, 7 wide ; inside 4% wide above the middle (Pfr.) . New Hebrides: Havannah Harbor, Sandwich (Vate or Efate) Island, type loc. ; also reported from Vanua Lavu, Banks Islands (John Brazier). Partula caledonica PFR., P. Z. S. 1861, p. 389 ; Monogr. vi, 157. — BRAZIER, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 585. — Partula pfeifferi CROSSE, Journ. de Conchyl. 1871, p. 184; 1894, p. 172 (based on Pfeiffer's description). — Partula artensis Montrouzier, Cox, on label in coll. A. N. S. P. PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. 279 A slender shell resembling P. turneri in coloration. The spiral lines are distinct and rather widely spaced on the penultimate whorl and obsolete on the last whorl except in the base. There is a faint band below the periphery, as in the allied species. The apical whorls are shaped like those of P. Irazieri, figured on plate 33, fig. 2. Specimens measure : Length 21.8, diam. 12, aperture 11 mm. ; whorls 5%. Length 20, diam. 10.5, aperture 10.9 mm. 67. P. NEMATORAPHE Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 35, figs. 1, 2, 3. The shell is ovate-conic, rather thin, white under a thin, pale, yellowish green cuticle, which is darkest at the base, fad- ing upward to corneous- whitish on the upper whorls, the last whorl having narrow streaks of a darker shade at irregular intervals. Surface glossy. Embryonic shell -of fully 2y2 whorls is very minutely punctate-striate spirally; following whorls are more convex, with rather distinct oblique growth- strise but only very faint and fine traces of spiral lines, ex- cept on the last whorl, which is distinctly striate spirally on the base and somewhat malleate behind the outer lip. The last whorl is full, rather swollen above the periphery, then tapers to the narrow, very convex 'base. The umbilical chink is deep and ample. Whorls nearly 5%> separated by a well- impressed suture, which in the last two whorls is bordered above by a low cord defined by a groove. This margin is cov- ered by the ascent of the last whorl near the aperture, but may be traced faintly on the last whorl, though it is there very indistinct. The aperture is vertical, white within. Outer lip narrowly reflexed, white, thickened within. Colu- mellar margin broadly dilated above. The lip-callus extends somewhat more than half way up to the insertion, where it terminates in a small but distinct nodule. Parietal callus thin, transparent. Length 21.7, diam. 12.5, aperture 12 x 9 mm. Length 21, diam. 12, aperture 11 x 8.3 mm. Habitat unknown. The types were obtained from Geale 280 PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. as "P. alabastrina Pfr., Fiji Is./' 'but the shell has wholly the appearance of the New Hebrides Partulae. Two cotypes no. 4293 Carnegie Museum. Partula alabastrina Pfr., H. H. SMITH, Annals of the Car- negie Museum, i, p. 468, no. 4293. This species was thought by Dr. Hartman to be P. alabas- trina, but Pfeiffer's description of that shell does not apply well to these specimens in several respects. Fig. 3 represents the suture just behind the aperture, showing the end of the suprasutural >cord. 68. P. EXIMIA Hartman. PL 33, fig. 11. The shell is very deeply rimate-perforate, pyramidal. The unique type is a "dead" shell, denuded of cuticle, grayish white, but the color is preserved on the parietal wall, indicat- ing a very pale buff ground marked with narrow brownish- yellow streaks; the coloration perhaps intermediate between that of typical P. turneri and P. caledonica. The apical whorls resemble those of P. brazieri, though the second may be slightly more convex. Subsequent whorls are quite convex, and traces of fine, rather spaced spiral striation, just as in P. caledonica, may be seen on the penultimate and next earlier whorls, the last whorl being 'without spirals except around the umbilicus. Oblique growth-wrinkles are rather distinct. The last whorl is compressed laterally and very convex at the base. Aperture only half the total length, slightly oblique; perisitome white, expanded, well thickened within; having the usual deeply placed fold at the root of the colu- mella. Length 23, diam. 11.7, length of aperture 11.5 mm., width 7.8 mm. ; whorls 5%- New Hebrides: Aneiteum (Layard). Partula eximia HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 35, pi. 2, f. 14. (April 6, 1886). This species stands very close to P. caledonica, from which it differs by the slightly more lengthened spire, and perhaps the paler, less brown color. Hartman, in 1896, wrote me that he considered eximia a synonym of macgillvrayi, having PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. 281 compared it with a Cumingian specimen of macgillivrayi in the Newcomb collection (see Nautilus XI, 1897, p. 44). According to the measurements given by Pfeiffer, macgil- livrayi has a larger aperture. The unique type of P. eximia is figured and described. 69. P. EBURNEA Hartman. PL 33, fig. 8. "Shell dextral, ovate, very elongate, solid. Spire half the length ; whorls 5%, oblique striae coarse, spiral striae obsolete, aperture a wide oval, more or less oblique; umbilicus com- pressed. Columella wide above, lip reflected, white and flat, margins of the peritreme connected by callus. Color ivory- white. In fresh examples sometimes the whole shell is tinged with pale rose. Length 26, diameter 13, length of aperture 11, diameter 6 mm." (Hartman). Habitat unknown. Partula eburnea HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 33, pi. 2, f. 10.— H. H. SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, pp. 467, 475. "Captain Brazier sent me two examples of this shell, given him by a friend; it is larger and more solid than pfeifferi Crosse." (Hartm.) Dr. Hartman 's description is given above and a photograph of his type is copied. The type and another example were returned to Mr. John Brazier of Sydney, N. S. Wales. On the photograph of eburnea presented to the Academy Dr. Hartman marked ' ' = macgillivrayi Pf r. ' ' 70. P. PYRAMIS Hartman. PI. 33, fig. 7. The shell is deeply rimate-umbilicate, rather thin, ovate- pyramidal, -white under a very thin whitish cuticle which is indistinctly marked with narrow yellowish- green streaks on the last whorl. Spire slender, long. Embryonic whorls conic and but slightly convex, much as in P. brazieri. Subsequent whorls convex, the penultimate and last whorls very strongly convex. The later part of the last whorl is flattened laterally ; base very full, sack-like. Spiral lines well spaced on the penultimate whorl, wanting on the last except at the base. 282 PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. Aperture subvertical, white inside; peristome white, rather narrowly reflexed, thickened within, the columella dilated above as usual. Parietal callus thin and transparent except at the ends, where it bears short, callous pads joining the lip-ends. Length 23.3, diam. 13, aperture 12 mm. ; whorls 5l/3. Length 24.5, diam. 13, aperture 12.2 mm. ; whorls 5y2. New Hebrides: Efate (Vate) Island (type loc.) ; Renee River and Terebu, Espiritu Santo (J. J. Walker). Partula pyramis HARTMAN Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 34, pi. 2, f. 12.— SYKES, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. v, p. 198. In coloring, this species is like P. turneri except that it has. no band below the periphery ; but it is a much more slender shell with a deeper suture. It stands very close to P. eximia, but differs by the more swollen last whorl and consequently wider aperture, and by the greener color. Described and figured from two cotypes in Hartman collection, no. 4305 Carnegie Museum. 71. P. ALBESCENS Hartman. PL 33, figs. 9, 10. ' ' Shell dextral, ovate elongate, spire acute, regularly taper- ing, equal to one-half the length, whorls 5, rounded. Suture impressed, body whorl somewhat inflated, spiral striae nu- merous, regular and very fine, umbilicus open, aperture ovate, oblique, peritreme connected by a thin callus, columella wide at base, lip white, expanded, and concave, color a clear white and translucent. Length 25, diam. 13, length of aperture 8, diam. apt. 5 mm." (Hartm.) New Hebrides: Aura Island, Malo Pass, Espiritu Santo* group, and Sitova Island, (E. L. Layard). Partula albescens HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1888, p. 251, pi. 13, f. 4. — SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, p. 467, no. 4290. Dr. Hartman 's description and a copy of his figure (fig. 9) are given. The specimens before me from Sitova Island (fig. 10) are smaller, with a narrower lip than the Aura Island type. The apex is like that of P. brazieri-, later whorls are PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. 283 engraved with distinct spiral lines which are somewhat separ- ated on the penultimate whorl and front of the last one, but on the latter half of the last whorl the spiral striae are close, with deeper lines at short intervals. The later whorls are strongly convex, but the last becomes compressed laterally, towards the aperture, and is sack-like below. The umbilical chink is deep and wide. The color is a slightly bluish milky white, without markings. Length 21.8, diam. 12.2, length of aperture 11.2 mm.; whorls 5%. While it is closely related to P. caledonica, macgillivrayi, eximia etc., this species is distinct by the absence of color streaks and the persistence of spiral striae over the whole last whorl. I have been unable to find an Aura Island in the New Hebrides. Probably Arag is intended. Sitova is also un- known to me. 72. P. TURRICULA Pease. Shell elongate, 'turriculate, solid, sinistral, rimate-p erf orate, glossy, smooth, delicately marked with growth-lines; buff, indistinctly rayed with darker streaks. Spire turriculate, rather acute. Whorls 5%, plano-convex, the last shorter than the spire, obliquely produced. Columella vertical, heavily calloused, broadly dilated above, especially over the umbilicus, transversely subsuloate. Aperture oblique, oblong, obliquely truncate behind. Peristome white, calloused, expanded and reflexed, slightly sinuated posteriorly. Length 20, diam. 10 mm. (Pease). New Hebrides ( ?). Partula turricula PSE., Amer. Journ. of Conch, vii, 1871, p. 196. "The habitat of -the above species is doubtful. From its approaching P. macgillivrayi, Pfr., and caledonica, Pfr., in- habiting the New Hebrides, and having lately received speci- mens from Dr. Jas. C. Cox, with other species from that group of islands, there is little doubt but that locality is -the correct one. It differs from the species mentioned above in being 284 PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. smaller, more 'slender, * sinistral, ' smooth, without any trace of transverse striae, and last whorl produced." (Pease). Group of P. auraniana. 73. P. AURANIANA Hartman. PL 34, figs. 7, 8, 9, 10. The shell is deeply rimate, rather thin but solid, ovate- conic. The last two whorls are whitish (probably denuded of cuticle) below the suture, elsewhere covered with a thin greenish yellow cuticle with some inconspicuous darker streaks. The spire lacks cuticle and is very pale brownish, almost white. Apex obtuse; embryonic whorls slightly convex, punctate-striate, not so high as in P. fraterna. Subsequent whorls more convex, sculptured with distinct, regular en- graved spirals, which are somewhat weaker and more widely spaced on the upper part of the last whorl, closer and deeper on the base. Last whorl is strongly convex, its last half however being perceptibly compressed laterally; base very convex. The aperture is but slightly oblique, symmetrically ovate, faintly flesh-tinted within. Peristome white, moder- ately reflexed, thickened within. Columellar margin dilated above Length 18.8, diam. 11, aperture 10 mm. ; whorls 5. Length 18.25, diam. 11, aperture 10 mm. ; whorls 4%. Length 18, diam. 10.9, aperture 10 mm. ; whorls 4%. Length 17.5, diam. 11, aperture 10 mm. ; whorls 4%. New Hebrides : Aura ( ? Arag) Island, in the Malo Pass, Santo Espirito group (Layard, type loc.) ; Lo and Hiu islets of the Torres group (Walker). Partula auraniana HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1888, p. 250, pi. 13, f. 1.— SYKES, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. v, 198. This is said to be a common species. It differs from P. fraterna chiefly by the better developed spiral striation, lower embryonic whorls and shorter spire ; yet it is not improbable that intermediate forms occur. An embryo of 2y2 whorls, 4.9 mm. long, is figured, pi. 34, fig. 8. The first half whorl is pale brown and smooth, fol- lowing whorls are densely punctate-striate above. The peri- PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. 285 phery of the last whorl is angular, base with no spiral striae. The columella is long, vertical, rather heavily calloused, taper- ing and somewhat excised 'below, not unlike the columella in some forms of Obeliscus. The axis is perforated. Mr. Sykes states that 'the specimens from Do Island col- lected 'by Mr. J. J. Walker are a local race. 74. P. PRATERNA Hartman. PL 34, fig. 4. The shell is rather widely and deeply rimate, solid, ovate- conic. Last whorl whitish below the suture, elsewhere cov- ered with a faintly green tinted yellow cuticle which is in- distinctly streaked with brighter yellow ; the spire brown, be- coming darker towards the apex;* suture well impressed, marked with a whitish line. Apex obtuse, the top more rounded and the sides less straightened than in P. caledomca, brazieri etc. ; embryonic whorls punctate-striate, convex ; sub- sequent whorls convex, engraved with rather delicate spirals, almost obsolete on the upper part of the last whorl, but dis- tinct though delicate on the base. The last whorl is a little flattened laterally behind the aperture, convex and somewhat sack-like basally. Aperture fleshy within, ovate, hardly oblique. Peristome rather narrowly expanded and -re-flexed, thickened within, tapering at the upper end. Columellar margin broadly reflexed, dilated and biramose above. Parietal callus thin, transparent, thickened at its junctions with the lip ends. Length 20.2, diam. 11.8, aperture 10.9 mm. ; whorls 5~y3. New Hebrides: Aura ( ? Arag) Island (Layard, type loc.) ; Ravenga, Vamia Lavu; Lakona, Gaua (J. J. Walker). Partula fraterna HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1888, p. 250, pi. 13, f. 2 (Oct. 23, 1888).— SYKES, Proc. Malac. Soc. Lond. v, 198. This rather stout, opaque species has some resemblance to P. carnicolor, but differs by its shorter form, wider umbilical fissure and the much more convex base. The embryonic whorls are more convex than in the group of P. turneri, and the apex is more obtuse. It is closely related to P. auraniana 286 PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. but differs by the longer spire of decidedly over five whorls, while auraniana has barely five or fewer. The spiral striation is not nearly so well developed in fraterna, and the second whorl is higher. A second example in the type lot is 19 mm. long, but not quite fully mature. Description and figure are from the type, no. 4294 Carnegie Museum. 75. P. CARNICOLOR Hartman. PL 34, figs. 1, 2, 3. The shell is oblong-conic, moderately solid, rather narrowly umbilicate ; fleshy-brown under a very thin yellowish-corneous cuticle a specimen in the Hartman collection (no. 4244 Carnegie Mus.). It measures 13 mm. long, 8 wide, aperture 7.3 mm. long, and has 4^ whorls. It is bluish white, the spire pale brown. The columellar nodule, mentioned by- Pease, may be seen in fig. 9, under a lens. While smaller than Pease's type, I think the specimen is probably identified cor- rectly. I suspect 'that P. concinna was based on a stray example of P. tceniata nucleola. The description certainly favors that theory, and the Hartman example figured seems hardly separ- able from that Moorean shell. 79. P. REPANDA Pfeiffer. PL 34, fig. 11. Shell compressed-umbilicate, ovate-conic, rather solid, un- der the lens most minutely striate spirally, slightly shining, PARTULA, NEW HEBRIDES. 289 pale 'buff, sometimes roseate towards the apex. Spire conic, rather acute; whorls 5, moderately convex, the last a little longer than the spire, somewhat impressed in the middle in front, the base sack-like. Golumella subvertical, somewhat folded above. Aperture a little oblique, oblong; peristome whitish, expanded, calloused within ; the right margin spread- ing, subdentate within above the middle. Length 17, diam. 9, aperture with peristome 9.5x7 mm. (Pfr.). New Hebrides (Cuming coll.). Partula repanda, PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 98 ; Monogr. iv, 512. The figure is from 'a drawing by Mr. E. A. Smith of one of the type lot in the British Museum. It represents a pale fleshy example, an accompanying note stating that others are pale yellow. 80. P. VANICORENSIS (Quoy & Gaimard). PL 35, figs. 15, 16, 17. "Shell ovate- conic, perforate, solid, longitudinally and transversely striate, fulvous. Aperture oval ; peristome wide, reflexed and white ; whorls 5 or 6. "All the individuals of the division of Partulas are re- markable for the generally short aperture, the wide and strongly reflexed peristome and especially for the very deli- cate intersecting longitudinal and transverse striae. ' ' This new species is solid, long, regularly ovoid. The aper- ture is ovate, a little contracted, with the peristome much expanded but only a little thickened within, tending to be- come entire. The columellar margin is dilated, callous at the base, partly covering the umbilicus which is oval and not deep. The spire is pointed, whorls wide, oblique, rounded, the last whorl, a little swollen, is larger than the others taken together. The suture is linear. The color of the shell is fawn, becom- ing more or less brown. The individuals of a pale tint are marked, principally on the last whorl, with longitudinal bands of a darker shade of fawn. The peristome is white or viola- ceous. Length 10, diam. 4% lines. ' ' The young shell is globose, swollen, more strongly striate transversely, and has a strongly marked double keel. 290 PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS. ''The animal has no peculiarities of form and is colored like the shell, a uniform yellowish fawn." (Q. & G.) Santa Cruz group : Vanikoro, not very common ; found un- der the leaves of trees at the abandoned village of Ocili (Astrolabe). Helix vanicorensis Q. et G., Voyage de 1 'Astrolabe, Zoologie ii, p. 116, Atlas pi. 9, f. 12-17 (1832).— Bulimus v., DESHAYES, Anim. s. Vert, viii, p. 282. — P'FR., Monogr. ii, p. 71. — Partulus v., BECK, Index Moll. p. 57. — Partula vani- korensis PFR., Monogr. iii, 446. This species is probably related to P. auraniana and its allies. It has been erroneously placed in the synonymy of P. otaheitana by G-arrett (Journ. Acad. N. S. Phila. ix, p. 47). VII. SPECIES OF THE SOLOMON ISLANDS. The Solomon Island Partulae are corneous or pale yellowish or greenish corneous forms, plain and simple in shape and coloring. 81. P. FLEXUOSA Hartman. PI. 35, figs. 4, 5, 13. The shell is long ovate, moderately strong, white under a thin cuticle which is gray on the spire and base, yellowish- brown in the middle part of the last whorl, where there are very faint traces of spiral lighter and darker bands. The spire is rather long, whorls convex; suture well impressed. Just above the suture may be seen an inconspicuous ridge or angle — the periphery of the penultimate whorl. The embryonic sculpture is worn; subsequent whorls have very even and regular spiral striation, which may be slightly weaker on the upper part of the last whorl. Last whorl is convex at first, on the last half becoming flattened laterally; very convex, sack-like, at the base. The umbilical fissure is short but deep. Aperture slightly oblique, ovate, small, white inside. Peris- tome well expanded, thickened within, white, columellar mar- gin dilated above, and slightly grooved where it joins the preceding whorl. Parietal callus transparent. Length 19.7, diam. 10.2, aperture 10 x 7 mm. ; whorls 51/4. PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS. * 291 Length 19, diam. 10, aperture 9.7 x 6.8 mm. Solomon Islands: St. George's and Eddystone Islands. Partula flexuosa HARTMAN/ Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 204, fig. in text. Two of the three cotypes in coll. Hartman (Carnegie Mus- eum no. 4238) are figured. I fail to get Hartman 's meaning in calling the shell "flexuose." It is very closely related to the following species. Fig. 13 shows a portion of the last whorl a short distance behind the aperture. 82. P. HASTULA Hartman. PL 35, figs. 6, 7, 8. Shell similar to P. flexuosa, ovate-fusiform, thin, covered with a thin cuticle, pale yellow on the last whorl, grayish- corneous on the spire; rather openly but deeply umbilicate; sculptured 'throughout with impressed spiral lines. Whorls moderately convex, parted by impressed sutures which are usually margined above more or less distinctly. Last whorl is laterally flattened and saccate at the base. Aperture longer than in P. flexuosa • outer lip thin, reflexed, thickened with- in except near the posterior termination. Length 19.7, diam. 9.8, aperture 10.7 x 6.7 mm. ; whorls 5. Length 20, diam. 9.25, aperture 10 x 6.7 mm. ; whorls 5%. Length 18.7, diam. 9.5, aperture 10 x 6.5 mm. ; whorls 5y±. Solomon Is.: Simbo or Eddystone Island (Brazier). Partula hastula HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 33, pi. 2, f. 9.— SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, p. 453, no. 4239. This form stands extremely close to P. flexuosa, but it has a longer aperture and somewhat thinner shell. The umbilicus is also a little more open in hastula. I hardly think the two specifically distinct. Figures and description from the co- types, no. 4239 Carnegie Mus. Dr. Hartman at first gave the locality as "Erromango Island, Solomon Is.," 'an error for Eromanga, New Hebrides; but on the back of the label he has written ''Simbo, Eddy- stone Isl." 83. P. INCURVA Hartman. PI. 35, figs. 9, 10. The shell is long ovate-conic, openly and deeply umbili- 292 PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS. cate, thin, pale gray-buff, slightly shining. Embryonic whorls are very minutely sculptured with spiral puncture- lines, the junction with the after- growth not distinct; whorls somewhat convex, separated by a well-impressed suture, which is narrowly bordered above, the border denned by an im- pressed line; last whorl is strongly compressed laterally, sac- cate at base, and a little concave just below the suture. Post- embryonic sculpture of strongly developed spiral striae and irregular growth-lines (very similar to that of P. regularis, fig. 11) ; behind the outer lip the surface is opaque and often of a brighter yellow tint. Aperture ovate, hardly oblique, bluish white within. Peristome reflexed, thickened within except near the upper angle where it is thin. Oolumellar mar- gin oblique, dilated above. Parietal callus thin. Length 18, diam. 9.5, aperture 9 mm. ; whorls 5%. Length 17, diam. 8.6, aperture 8 mm. ; whorls 5%. Solomon Islands: Rubiana (Brazier). Partula incurvum HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 31, pi. 2, f. 3. By its strong spiral sculpture this species is close 'to P. regulans, but it is more lengthened than that, with less con- vex whorls, the last one more flattened laterally and more sack-like below. P. hastula resembles incurva, but it is far less strongly sculptured. Description and figures from the type, no. 4240 Carnegie Museum. 84. P. REGULARIS Hartman. PL 35, figs. 11, 14. The shell is ovate-conic, rather thin, nearly lusterless, of a pale gray-buff tint. Sculpture of close, strongly developed spiral striae as wide as their intervals, (pi. 35, fig. 11, last whorl behind aperture x 25) . Spire conic, the whorl rather convex; last half of the last whorl is a little compressed laterally, and the base is very convex ; umbilicus deep, rather open. Aperture oval, bluish- white within ; perist/ome thin, re- flexed, thickened within except near the upper end. Length 17, diam. 9.8, aperture 9 mm. ; whorls 5%. Length 16.9, diam. 9.5, aperture 9 mm. ; whorls 5. PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS. 293 Solomon Islands: "Savu, Galena Is. (Capt. Brazier)" [? Savo, near Guadalcanar I.]. Partula regularis HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 31, pi. 2, 1 4. This species resembles P. flexuosa in shape and convexity of the whorls, 'but differs in being more strongly sculptured spirally. In sculpture it recalls P. incurva, but that is more lengthened, 'the last whorl more compressed and more saccate. 85. P. PERLUCENS Hartman. PI. 35, fig. 12. "Shell dextral, oblong, ovate, very thin and pellucid; whorls 5, well rounded, body-whorl somewhat inflated, spire more than half the length. Suture well impressed, spiral striae numerous and fine, umbilicus compressed, aperture oblique, round oval, lip white, concave and moderately re- flected. Color a very pale green. Length 18 mm., diam. 9 mm.; length of aperture 9 mm., diameter 4 mm." (Hartm.) Solomon Islands: Ugi or Golfe I., arboreal. (Brazier). Partula perlucens HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 31, pi. 2, f. 2. — SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, p. 457. "Compared with P. similaris it is a larger, thinner and more inflated shell. Capt. Brazier sent me two examples; the smaller measured: length 14, diam. 8 mm." (Hartman). The types were probably returned to Brazier. I copy the original figure 'and description. 86. P. HOLLANDIANA n. sp. PI. 37, figs. 8, 9, 10. The shell is ovate-conic; moderately thin; deeply and rather narrowly rimate; isabelline with many unequal chest- nut lines and streaks in the direction of growth-striae, and a narrow, weakly-marked band of the same at the periphery. Surface rather dull, with sculpture of weak growth- wrinkles and close, slightly rippled, deeply engraved spiral lines; at the peripheral band there is a group of finer spiral lines. Whorls 4%, convex, parted by a simple suture, which on the last half of the last whorl has a rather wide margin be- low, defined by an impressed line. The last whorl is rather 294 PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS. convex, but tapers slightly toward the base. The aperture is slightly oblique, bluish- white inside. Peristome white; outer lip narrowly reflexed, thickened within, except at the strongly curved posterior part, Where it is thin. Columellar margin dilated, biramose above, having a low weak nodule just be- low the middle, at the termination of the internal callus. Length 17, diam. 9.5, aperture 9.3 x 6 mm. Habitat unknown (no. 4237 coll. Carnegie Mus.). "Partula laevigata Pfr.," H. IL SMITH, Ann. Oarnegie Mus. i, p. 452, no. 4237. In shape and •sculpture this species resembles Partula re- gularis, but it differs by the very distinctly marginated suture, the less approaching terminations of the lip, the better de- veloped callus within the lip, and the coloration, which seems to be quite characteristic. It will probably be found to be .a species of the Solomon Island or the New Hebrides. This species was in the Hartman collection under the name "P. laevigata Pfr.," but on the label Dr. Hartman expressed the opinion that it was not that species. It has*little in com- mon with l&vigata, which evidently belongs to a wholly dif- ferent group. Named in honor of Dr. J. W. Holland, Director of the Oarnegie Museum. 87. P. ALABASTRINA Pfeiffer. Shell compressed-umbilicate, oblong-conic, thin, very lightly striatulate, slightly shining, buff-alabastrine. Spire conic the apex rather obtuse. Whorls 5%, convex, the last slightly longer than the spire, tapering towards the base, sub- compressed. Aperture a little oblique, obliquely truncate- oblong. Columella somewhat straightly receding. Peristome white, the margins joined by a very thin callus, right margin broadlv expanded, columellar margin extremely broad, spread- ing, ftength 23, diam. 11 mm.; aperture with peristome 133/2 x 9 mm., inside 9 x 4% mm. (Pfr.) Solomon Is. (Mus. Cuming). Partula alabastrina PFR., P. Z. S. 1856, p. 390; Monogr. iv, 509. PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS. This species has not 'been figured. Hartman's statement that it occurs on the Fiji Islands was 'based upon an erroneous identification. Group of P. micans. Small, ovate, thin forms, with corneous, pellucid cuticle and usually very distinct spiral striae ; whorls 5 or less. 88. P. MICANS Pfeiffer. PL 36, figs. 10, 11, 13, 14. Shell deeply rimate, subperforate, ovate-conic, thin, dis- tinctly decussated with close growth-striae and spiral lines, diaphanous, slightly glossy, pale corneous ; spire 'conic, rather acute, the suture deep. Whorls nearly 5, convex, the last as long as the spire, rounded iat base. Columella lightly arcuate. Aperture slightly oblique, oblong-oval ; peri&tome whitish, ex- panded, acute, the margins converging, columellar margin di- lated, spreading. Length 15, diam. 8, aperture with peris- tome 81/2 x 6 mm. (Pfr.). Solomon Islands (Cuming coll.) : Shortland Island (Sowerby and Fulton). Partula micans PFR., P. Z. S. 1852, p. 138; Monographia iii, 451 ; Conchyl. Cab., p. 276, pi. 66, f . 12, 13. The shell is larger than P. pellucida, with a half whorl more. Pfeiffer 's figures of the type are copied, pi. 36, figs. 10, 11. Specimens from Shortland I. are figured, pi. 36, figs. 13, 14, for comparison with P. similaris and other related forms. The spire is shorter than that of P. similaris, with not quite 5 whorls, the last one convex, shaped about as in similaris, being much less compressed laterally than P. coxi. The lip is only very slightly thickened within, — much less than in coxi, similaris etc. The spiral striation is weaker on the last whorl than in the allied species. Color very pale honey yellow, slightly transparent. The suture is marked with a whitish line. Sometimes a margining thread may be seen above it on the last whorl, but in other shells this is con- cealed. The last half whorl is impressed just below suture, forming a sort of margination there. Length 15^, diam. 8%, aperture 8 x 5% mm. 296 PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS. 89. P. CINEREA Albers. Shell rimate-perforate, small, conic-pyramidal, striolate and very delicately decussated with spiral lines, ash-colored. Whorls 5, rather flat, the last somewhat swollen, compressed basally. Spire short, conic. Columella lightly arcuate. Aperture a little oblique, oblong-ovate. Peristome white, narrowly expanded, the margins joined by a thin callus, right margin arcuate, columellar margin dilated above, re- flexed, spreading. Length 15, diam. 8, aperture 7x4 mm. (Pfr.). Solomon Islands ('Coll. Albers). Partula cinerea ALBERS, Malak. Blatter iv, 1857, p. 98. — PFR., Monogr. iv, 510. This unfigured species is probably a form of, or very closely related to P. micans, which has a slightly larger aperture, but no other difference so far as the description shows. 90. P. coxi 'Angas' Hartman. PI. 36, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. The shell is oblong-conic, openly rimate and perforate, thin, pale yellowish-corneous throughout, imperfectly trans-parent, not glossy. Spire conic, the apex slightly obtuse ; whorls 4% to 4%, all convex; 2^/2 embryonic whorls sculptured with punctured engraved spirals, following whorls marked with growth-lines and fine engraved spirals, which continue strongly and evenly developed on the last whorl, which is especially convex above the periphery and at the base, and somewhat tapering between. The aperture varies from moderately to very slightly oblique, ovate ; outer and basal lip narrowly re- flexed, slightly thickened within except at the posterior curve of the outer lip where it is thin; on the columellar side the thickening extends about half way up to the insertion. The columellar lip is dilated and two-branched above. Length 14, diam. 8, aperture 7.8 x 5.2 mm. Length 13, diam. 7, aperture 7 mm. Solomon Islands: Ysabel (Brazier). Partula coxi Angas, Cox, Dr. James C. Cox's Exchange List UNIVERSITY V / ORN^O,. NDS. 297 PARTULA, SOLOMON ISLANDS of Land and Marine Shells from Australia and the adjacent islands, 1868, p. 46, no. 152, name only. — HARTMAN Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 217; 1886, p. 32, pi. 2, f. 7.— P. gracilior Pease in coll. according to Dr. Cox's label. This shell stands near P. pellucida Hartm. but differs by its longer, less obtuse spire. Utp to the beginning of the last whorl the shell is biconie, acutely angular or carinate at the periphery, the angle bear- ing a projecting cord wider than the other intervals of the spiral sculpture. The axis is perforate at all stages of growth. P. micans has the last whorl less compressed laterally, and the lip is much less thickened within. 91. P. PELLUCIDA Pease. PL 36, figs. 5, 6. Shell oblong-ovate, narrowly perforate, thin, pellucid, granulose by the intersection of longitudinal and transverse striae. Spire conic. Suture impressed, margined. Whorls 4%, plano-convex, the last hardly one-half tthe length of the s'hell. Aperture vertical, ovate. Peristome somewhat thickened, white, slightly expanded. Columella slightly di- lated above, nearly straight. Whitish-corneous. Length 12, diam. 6% nim. ; aperture 5 x 3% mm. (Pease) . Solomon Is.: Guadalcanar (John Brazier). Partula pellucida FSE., P. Z. S. 1871, p. 457.— PFR. Monogr. viii, 199.— HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. P. 1886, p. 35, pi. 2, f. 17. "It is. the nearest allied to P. minuta Pfr. It differs in being more slender, thinner, the spire elongate, the aperture smaller, the surface more distinctly granulose and the suture marginate" (Pease). One adult and two young examples in the Hartman collec- tion, no. 4246 Carnegie Museum, are stated on the label to 'have been compared with "Brazier's type example." They are labelled "Ysabel, Solomon Is. (coll. Cox)." The adult shell is figured (fig. 6). It is white under a very^thm, clear corneous cuticle which is partly worn off in ragged streaks. The surface is rather coarsely sculptured with close wavy 298 PARTULA, NEW IRELAND, ETC. spirals, the intervals as -wide as the striae; embryonic sculp- ture indistinct, -being worn. Whorls 4%, convex, the latter part of the last whorl somewhat flattened laterally and; slightly concave just below the suture, which is whitish. Aperture slightly oblique, oval; peristome continuous, the outer lip slightly expanded, thickened within except near the posterior 'angle ; parietal callus heavy for so small a shell, its edge distinctly raised. Umbilical chink short but deep. Length 11, diam. 6.9, aperture including peristome 6x4 mm. Another specimen (pi. 36, fig. 5) from Dr. Cox, (no. 59873 A. N. S. P.), measures, length 11, diam. 6.7, aperture 6.5 mm. long. It is similar but has the corneous cuticle entire and the parietal callus weak in 'the middle. There is a narrow slightly prominent though hardly raised girdle at the peri- phery, where the cuticle is more persistent, 'and this is visible above the suture for a short distance behind the aperture. This structure is so weak that it might readily be overlooked, but it is visible in both of the examples seen. The aperture is decidedly oblique in this shell. This species has a shorter spire than the preceding forms and is a little smaller, otherwise they seem to be closely related. VIII. BISMARK ARCHIPELAGO (New Ireland, New Britain etc.), and ADMIRALTY Is. The species of these islands are closely related to those of the Solomon group, and belong to the same section. 92. P. CARTERIENSIS (Quoy & Gaimard). PI. 36, figs. 15, 16, 17, 18. 1 1 Shell elongate, apex acute, perforate, transversely and longitudinally striate, fulvous. Aperture oval, inflected, peristome wide, reflexed. Whorls 5, the last ventricose, larger than the rest. "This species is more lengthened and especially more acute than the preceding [P. vanicorensis] ; the whorls of the spire are well spaced and separated by a quite deep suture; the last whorl, a little larger than the others together, is still but PARTULA, NEW IRELAND, ETC. 299 little inflated. The aperture is produced obliquely towards the right, and is ovate; peristome wide, but little thickened and white. The eolumellar margin is dilated at its base and the umbilicus forms an oblique chink. The shell, very finely striated in both directions, is of a uniform yellowish color. Length 9, diam. 3% lines " (Q. et G.) . New Ireland: Port Carteret (Astrolabe). New Hanover, Nordhafen, under stones (Gazelle exped.). Helix carteriensis Q. et G., Voyage de 1 'Astrolabe, Zoologie ii, p. 117, pi. 9, f. 10, 11 (1832).— Bulimus c., DESK., Anim. s. Vert, viii, p. 283. — Partula c., PFR., Monogr. iii, 460.-— v. MARTENS, Monatsberichte der K. Preuss. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, 1877, p. 279. — Not Partula carter etensis REEVE, Conch. Icon, vi, pi. 4, f. 13 (1850) = P. attenuata.— 1 Sterope car- ter ensis HARTMAN, Oatal. genus Partula Fer., 1881, p. 14, figure. A slender, acute pale species, of which I give the original description and figures (pi. 36, figs. 17, 18). These, if ac- curately drawn, indicate a shell with longer spire than any I have seen. Port Carteret examples before me received from Cuming (pi. 36, figs. 15, 16) are nearly white with the spire pale flesh-colored. The surface is glossy, with sculpture of growth- wrinkles and extremely fine and close engraved spirals. Above the periphery of the last whorl these spiral lines be- come faint, more or less obsolete. The apex is rather pointed. The last half of the last whorl is compressed laterally, the base saccate. The aperture is vertical, ovate ; the lip narrowly reflexed and thickened within, thin near the posterior angle, the outer margin slightly sinuous. The umbilical chink is rather small. Length 17%, diam. 8%, aperture 9x6 mm. ; whorls 5. Length 16, diam. 8%, aperture 8% x 6 mm. ; whorls 4y2. It differs from P. coxi, kubaryi etc. by the more delicate, more minute and crowded spiral lines of the penultimate whorl and base. t> 93. P. KUBARYI Hartman. PI. 36, figs. 7, 8. The shell is ovate-conic, rather thin, openly rimate and 300 PARTULA, NEW IRELAND, ETC. narrowly, deeply, umbilicate ; pale grayish yellow, but slightly shining. Whorls 5, all moderately convex; 2% embryonic whorls are sculptured with delicate punctate spiral lines as usual ; following whorls have fine incised spiral lines through- out, strongest on the last whorl. The suture is impressed, and at its last turn is bordered 'above ; this border is narrow, and continued as a slightly differentiated belt on the last whorl, in front of the aperture. The last whorl is somewhat compressed laterally and full at the base. The aperture is slightly oblique, ovate, flesh-tinted inside ; lip white, narrowly reflexed, thickened within except at the upper curve where it is thin. Golumella dilated above. Length 14.8, diam. 8, aperture 7.2 x 5 mm. Bismarck Archipelago: Karakaut, New Britain (Kubary). Partula kubaryi HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1890, p. 284, pi. 3, f. 3 (Oct. 21, 1890). This species stands close to P. coxi, 'but it is larger, slightly more solid, and more conic in shape, the last whorl being broader. 94. P. OBLITERATA PM)ry, n. sp. PI. 37, figs. 11, 12. The shell is ovate with conic spire ; shortly rimate and per- forate; moderately 'strong; pale yellowish with indistinct darker, slightly greenish yellow streaks, the apical whorls faintly brown; somewhat glossy. Whorls 5, the embryonic 2y2 puncture-striate, the rest marked with distinct, irregular growth-wrinkles and faint spiral lines, weak and rather in- distinct on the last whorl. Last whorl rather convex. Aper- ture ovate, whitish within ; outer lip narrowly reflexed, white, rather strongly thickened within except at the posterior curve of the lip, at its other termination, on the columella, the end of the callus is not noticeable. Length 16, diam. 9, aperture 8y2 mm. New Ireland? This species stands near P. kubaryi, having almost the same contour, but" it differs by the very weak spiral striation. P. micans has a thinner lip and much more distinct sculpture. This species is known to me by a set of three examples re- PARTULA, NEW IRELAND, ETC. 301 ceived from S. Hanley as P. grisea,, and one from Dr. Hart- man labeled "P. carterensis, Carteret I., New Ireland, F. Geale." 95. P. MINUTA Pfeiffer. PI. 41, fig. 16. Shell perforate, globose-conic, thin, striatulate and spirally striate, subgranulose, pale fulvous, diaphanous. Spire short, conic, rather obtuse. Whorls 4, convex, the last globose, form- ing three-fifths the total length. Oolumella nearly simple, slightly receding. Aperture a little oblique, oval; peristome thin, white, 'the margins approaching, right margin very strongly arched above, expanded; columellar margin wider, spreading. Length 10%, diam. 7 mm. ; aperture with peris- tome 7x51/3 mm. (P/r.). Admiralty Islands (Cuming coll.). Partula minuta PFR., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1856, p. 384; Malak. Bl. 1856, p. 244; Monogr. iv, 514. Figured from the type specimen in the British Museum. It is a very small and globose species. 96. P. HARTMANNI E. A. Smith. PI. 37, figs. 5, 6, 7. * ' Shell elongate, conical, thin, semipellucid, white, narrowly umbilicated. Whorls 5%, slightly convex, sculptured with minute microscopic spiral striae and fine oblique lines of growth, which give the upper edge of the whorls a slightly puckered appearance; last whorl long, a little contracted be- hind the aperture, and marginate beneath the suture near the lip. Aperture almost perpendicular, somewhat ear-shaped, dirty whitish within, together with the peristome equalling rather less than half the total length of the shell. Lip somewhat flattened and expanded. Columellar margin re- flexed, not twisted or tubercular; outer margin above well bent over towards the columella, with which it is united by a thin callus. Length 16% mm., diam. 7; aperture 8 long, 5i/2 broad. (E. A. Smith). Admiralty Is. : Wild Island and Pigeon Island (Challenger Exped.). Partula hartmanni E. A. SMITH, P. Z. S. 1884 p 265 pi. 22, f. 7. 302 PARTULA, LOUISIADE ISLANDS. "P. elongata Pease, and P. gracilis of the same author, from the Tahiti group, closely resemble this species. The former is rather larger and broader, not so strongly spirally striated, and more or less striped with pale brown. The latter has a longer aperture, rather more convex apical whorls, and a pecu- liar bulging at the lower part of the body- whorl. P. minuta, Pfr., also from the Admiralty Islands, is similarly sculptured, but of a totally distinct form." (E. A. Smith). Mr. Smith's description and figure (fig. 7) are copied. One of the specimens from Wild Island before me is smaller, length 14%, diam. 7, aperture 7.2 mm., with 5 whorls. The aperture of this example is quite oblique (pi. 37, fig. 6). In a larger specimen the aperture is almost vertical. The peri- pheral cord common to other species of the group is visible aJbove the suture, which is also very distinctly marginate be- low, on the last half whorl. Spiral striation is very dis- tinctly developed throughout. IX. LOUISIADE ARCHIPELAGO, including Trobriand and Wood- lark Is. ; NEW GUINEA and adjacent islets. 97. P. SIMILARIS Hartman. PL 37, figs. 13, 14, 15. "Shell dextral, oblong-ovate, thin and translucent; whorls 5, convex, spire half the length, oblique lines fine and de- cussated by coarse spiral striae, umbilicus compressed; aper- ture rounded ovate ; lip white. Color yellowish white, with the apex very pale rose. Length 17 mm., diameter 9 mm. ; length of aperture 6 mm., diameter 4 mm." (Hartman). Louisiade group : Woodlark Island ( Brazier ; Kowald and Belford). Partula similaris HARTM., Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 30, pi. 2, f. 1.— HEDLEY, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales vi, p. 97 (1892).— P. woodlarkiana, HARTM., t. c., p. 33, pi. 2, f. 8.— HEDLEY, t. c., p. 419, pi. 12, f. 6. This third species, according to Semper, is not quite so thin as the other two. The aperture is a little rounder, and the summit is mamillate, a feature totally wanting in the two other species. A specimen before me, figs. 5, 6, no. 4272 Carnegie Mus., is distinctly streaked with greenish-corneous and whitish on the last whorl, growing ruddy on the spire. The apical whorls are very high, much -as in P. brazieri (pi. 33, fig. 2) . The rest of the whorls are very distinctly and beautifully sculptured with close, deeply engraved spiral lines. The lip is thin throughout, not perceptibly thickened within, and tapers rapidly from the upper third to the insertion. The columella is straight and vertical. Length 30, diam. 15, aperture 16.2x10 mm., including peristome; 6 whorls. XII. CAROLINE ISLAND SPECIES. Section CAROLINELLA n. sect. Rather solid, opaque, ventricose shells, with the aperture large and simple, umbilical area small; general shape Buli- moid. Type P. guamensis Pf r. This Caroline Island group consists of rather large Partulas with a quite distinct aspect. They look like ground snails. P. gonochila and P. lutea have much the same form, but are smaller shells. P. lineata is a small, banded species of quite different type. 105. P. GUAMENSIS (Pfeiffer). PI. 38, figs. 7 to 14. Shell rimate-perforate, ovate-conic, rather solid, very deli- PARTULA, CAROLINE ISLANDS. 309 cately decussate, chestnut-colo'red. Spire rather short, ob- tuse. Whorls 5, convex, the last swollen, longer than the spire. Columella nearly straight. Aperture 'ample, semi- oval, bluish inside; peristome white within, the margins re- mote, right margin expanded, columellar margin broadly re- flexed, spreading. Length 26, diam. 15 mm. ; aperture 14 x 8 mm. inside. (Pfr.). Caroline Islands: Ponape, in the ruins of Nanmatal (Finsch) ; in the hills (Etscheid, Kubary). Bulimus guamensis PFR., in Philippi, Abbild. -a. Besehreib. neuer Conch, ii, p. 113, Bulimus, pi. 4, f. 9 (August, 1846) ; Monogr. ii, 73. — Partula guamensis PFR., Monogr. iii, 446. — REEVE, Conch. Icon, vi, pi. 1, f. 4 (1849). — DESK., in Fer., Histoire p. 124, pi. 158, f . 3-6. — Partula rufa Less., v. MARTENS, Conchologische Mittheilungen 1881, i, p. 95, pi. 17, f. 12-16. —[Partula] ponapensis HARTMAN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1885, p. 221, substitute for guamensis Pfr. — Partula rufa subsp. montana v. MOELLENDORFF, The Journal of Malacology vii, p. 112 (March 24, 1900), substitute for guamensis Pfr. — Partula brumalis REEVE, Conch. Icon, vi, pi. 1, f. 2 (May, 1849). A large, bulimoid species having much the appearance of a small Borus. Pfeiffer's type, figured in Philippi 's Abbil- dungen (copied in my fig. 9), is the rather obese form further illustrated -by figs. 7 and 8. The embryonic shell is very densely striate spirally but is usually worn in adult shells. The rest of the whorls have distinct spiral striae, which in the typical form are deeply engraved throughout, but on some examples they become rather weak on the last whorl. The ample aperture is dull purplish inside in some examples, white in others. The white lip is reflexed, and a little thickened within. The 'chestnut color of the shell is sometimes varied by a faintly darker line at the periphery. Examples measure : Length 27, diam. 18.3, aperture 16, x 11.8 mm.; whorls 5%. Length 27, diam. 17, aperture 15.5 x 11 mm. ; whorls S1/^. Length 28, diam. 17, aperture 15 x 12 mm. ; whorls 5%. The form called brumalis by Reeve (pi. 38, fig. 10, copied 310 PARTULA, CAROLINE ISLANDS. from Reeve) is somewhat more elongated, yet it intergrades fully with guamensis, judging from examples 'before me (see measurements above). The forms figured by von Martens from the ruins of Nanmatal belong to this more lengthened type. They further illustrate the variation in shape of aper- ture caused by the different degrees of inclination of the columella, and hence have been copied in my figs. 11, 12, 13, 14 of pi. 38. Dr. von Martens gives the size as length 26, diam. 16, aperture 15 x 11 mm. Both Hartman and von Moellendorff have renamed this species, objecting to the name guamensis "inasmuch as this mollusk certainly does not live on the island of Guam, where my friend Quadras collected for more than two months with- out finding it" (Mlldff.) ; but if the name be rejected on that ground, the species should be called brumalis Rve. P. GUAMENSIS GRANDIS Moellendorff is "much larger, diam. 19, alt. 30.5 mm., less solid, spiral sculpture somewhat less marked, peristome more expanded, less labiate ; 5% to nearly 6 whorls. Ponape, coast region (Etscheid, Kubary). "There are three color- variations, viz., dark purple-brown with violet lip (typical) ; castanea, pale -chestnut colored with white lip ; and flavescens, pale greenish yellow. The last named albino is rather rare " (Mlldff.} . 106. P. MARTENSIANA Pllsbry, n. sp. PI. 38, figs. 15, 16. The shell is ovate-conic, solid and strong, opaque, with a small, compressed umbilicus; beneath a yellow cuticle (which is partially lost from the type specimen, a "dead" shell), the substance of the shell is dull flesh color, becoming darker on the spire, the first three whorls being dull brownish purple. The spire is eonic, summit slightly obtuse; the early whorls are worn and show no sculpture ; last whorl has no spiral in- cised lines, but some traces of fine spiral wrinkling may be seen in places, though it is very fine and weak. Whorls 5, convex, the last convex throughout. Aperture is very slightly oblique, flesh-pink within; peristome white, very slightly ex- PARTULA, CAROLINE ISLANDS. 311 panded, strongly thickened within. Columellar margin di- lated above, deep within, as in P. guamensis. Length 22.3, diam. 14.1, aperture 12.1 x 9 mm. Caroline Is.: Ualan (John Brazier), type no 4298 Carnegie Museum. Partula rufa Lesson, HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1886, p. 35, pi. 2, f. 15.— H. H. SMITH, Ann. Carnegie Mus. i, 469, no. 4298. Related to P. guamensis, from which it differs by the ab- sence of distinct spiral lines on the last whorl, the less ex- panded but more thickened lip and more contracted aperture. It was identified by Dr. Hartman with P. rufa Lesson, but that is a smaller, especially narrower shell. The type specimen was collected by John Brazier "on the banks of the Leila river, Chabroul Harbor, Ouhalan or Strong's Island," according to a letter from Brazier to Dr. Hartman, written at Sydney, June 18, 1885. A second specimen in the Hartman collection measures, length 21.5, dram. 14, aperture 11.7 mm. It is an old shell, faded and broken. 107. P. RUFA Lesson. This species resembles especially the preceding [P. ota- heitana] , but the aperture is turned to the right. The spire is less lengthened, more swollen, more conic. The last whorl is proportionally larger.' The aperture is more oval and less contracted, and its peristome is not so thick. The color is dirty red. Length 8, diam. 4 lines (Lesson). Caroline Is.: wooded hills of Ualan (Voy. Coquille). Partula rufa LESS., Voy. de la Coquille, Zoologie ii, p. 324 (1831) . Not P. rufa Martens or Hartman. Lesson's brief description indicates >a shell resembling P. guamensis in general features, but much smaller than any other known species of the group, — about 16 or 17 mm. long, 8 or 9 wide. It is hardly possible that the identifications of P. rufa made by either Hartman or* von Martens are correct. This was also the opinion of Dr. O. von Moellendorff. P. rufa still awaits rediscovery. 312 PARTULA, CAROLINE ISLANDS. Group of P. lineata. 108. P. LINEATA Lesson. PL 39, figs. 19, 20. The shell of this species is oval, long, with conic spire, a half whorl swollen. The aperture opens on the right side. It is contracted by a thick rim recurved backward, and di- lated at its junction with the columellar axis, a little in ad- vance of the umbilical crevice. It is nearly of the same size and shape as the 0-Taite Partula [P. otaheitana] , but it is constantly -a little shorter and more inflated. The color is pale yellow with two ribbon-like stripes of fawn, one short, surrounding the opening of the umbilicus, the other running around the middle of the large (last) whorl, and covered by the suture on the spire. Length 8, diam. 5 lines (about 16x10 mm.). (Lesson). Caroline Islands: Ualan (Voy. Coquille). Partula lineata LESSON, Voy. autour du Monde de La Coquille, Zoologie, p. 324, pi. 7, f. 8, 9. — tPartulus torosus BECK, Index Molluscorum p. 57 no. 6 (undefined, but identi- fied with a ? with P. lineata Less.). This species was 'considered the same as P. suturalis Pfr., of Moorea, Society Islands, by Mr. Garrett in his paper of 1884, but later he doubted the identification, in a letter written to Dr. Hartman. Mr. Brazier, who visited Ualan, did not find Lesson's species (H. H. Smith, Ann. Carnegie Museum i, p. 446). The general appearance of the shell is that of a Society Island species; but the Coquille did not visit the island of Moorea where the forms (P. suturalis, P. taniata) best agreeing with Lesson's description occur, but only Tahiti and Borabora, ob- taining P. otaheitana at the former, P. lutea at the latter place. They were at Ualan in the Carolines on June 15th, 1824, anchoring in Coquille Harbor on the N.-W. side of the island. In view of the general reliability of the locality records in the Zoology of the Coquille, and the imperfection of our knowledge of the shells of Ualan, I think it not improbable that P. lineata may eventually be found there. PARTULA, MARIANNE ISLANDS. 313 The nodule on the parietal wall, shown in Lesson's figure •but not mentioned in the description, is a feature appearing also in species of the Society, Fiji and Marianne groups. The relationships of the species are obscure. I would not venture to assign it to any of the subgenera. XIII. MARIANNE (Ladrone) ISLAND GROUP. (Section MARIANNA n. sect.). Harmonia HARTMAN, Catal. Genus Partula, 1881, p. 13, type P. gMa, Fer. (proec.). The shell is ovate or inflated with a small umbilicus and a lip more or less thickened within; parietal wall plain or bearing a very deeply placed callous nodule. Type P. gibba. Guam, the chief island of the group, is the only one which has been collected on. 109. P. GIBBA Ferussac. PI. 39, figs. 1 to 11. Shell conic-ovate, perforate, rather solid, striatulate, pellu- cid, engraved longitudinally with equal lines, white or flesh- colored, the spire acute, rose-red, the suture milk-white ; epi- dermis thin, rufescent. Whorls 44/2 , 'the last swollen, gibbous, larger than the rest. Aperture long-ovate, subquadrangular ; peristome reflexed, broadly dilated, white. (Per.). Marianne Is.: Guam (Gaudicho, Quadras, Rush et al.) Partula gibba FER., Tableaux Systematiques des Animaux; Mollusques etc., suive d'un Prodrome general pour tout les Moll., etc. p. 66, (1821), and in Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde de FUranie et la Physicienne, Zoologie, p. 485, pi. 68, f. 15, 16, 17. — REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 3, f. 15. — PFR., Monogr. iii, 453 ; iv, 514 ; vi, 160 ; viii, 208 ; Conchyl. Cab. -p. 269, pi. 64, f. 9-14. — Bulimus gibbus PFR., Monogr. ii, 69. — DESK, in Fer., Hist. p. 122, pi. 158, f. 19, 20.— Helix gibba QUOY et GAIM., Zool. Astrolabe ii, p. 113, pi. 9, f. 18-20.— Partula mastersi PFR., P. Z. S. 1857, p. 110; Monogr. iv, 513 (Guam). Ferussac's type of P. gibba was a small, short example. His figure is copied (pi. 39, fig. 1). The last whorl is pale yellowish-corneous, spire of a rather peculiar dull scarlet 314 PARTULA, MARIANNE ISLANDS. color. The last three whorls have an opaque white 'border be- low the suture. The last whorl varies in the degree of swell- ing, and in small individuals is usually angular in front, at the periphery; base very full and convex. Umbilicus small and deep, more rounded than usual in Partula. The engraved spiral lines are distinct and not very close above the periphery, more crowded on the base. The aperture is oblique, white in- side in the pale, variously colored in the dark varieties. The peristome is white, or in some forms flesh-tinted. The outer lip is expanded, rather heavily thickened within, the callus somewhat abruptly terminating at the beginning of the curve to the upper insertion; columellar lip dilated. Pigs. 2, 3, 5 and 6 represent individuals of the typical P. gibba. Be- sides the typical coloration (a) described above, there are shells with (&) reddish spire and brown last whorl (fig. 2), and others (c) of the typical pale tint and a white spire (fig. 9). These forms occur together in some lots before me. Other forms are: (d) Corneous-white, somewhat transparent, very thin (pi. 39, fig. 11). (e) Drab with the spire dull dark purple, lip fleshy (fig. 7). (/) Lilac, the spire darker, aperture brown within (fig. 8). (g) Light reddish-brown (fig. 5). (h) First 2y2 whorls bicolored, brown and whitish, the rest corneous-yellow, becoming dull purple near the lip. Interior lilac, with a brown streak within the lip, which is flesh-colored (fig. 10). There is considerable variation in the solidity of the shell, and the thickness of the lip-callus. The latter is sometimes perceptibly nodulous, as in fig. 6. To what extent the variations in color and texture are local or racial is unknown. All have a white sutural border. Ex- amples measure as follows : (a) Length 17, diam. 11.3, aperture 9.8 mm. long. (d) Length 17, diam. 12, aperture 10 mm. long. (e) Length 15%, diam. 11, aperture 9 mm. long. (/) Length 18~y2, diam. 12%, aperture, 10 mm. long. PARTULA, MARIANNE ISLANDS. 315> (h) Length 18%, diam. 13, aperture 11 mm. long. Specimens of a lot consisting of rather solid shells of forms ~b and g show a thin callus or low tubercle on the parietal wall, approaching P. bicolor in this respect (figs. 5, 6). P. mastersi Pfr. seems to be identical with gibba, judging" from the description and specimens before me. It is de- scribed as rather solid, buff, fleshy or violaceous, sometimes banded with brown on the upper whorls. It is 17 mm. long, with the aperture 10% mm. 109a. P. GIBBA BICOLOR Pease. PI. 39, figs. 12 to 18. Shell solid, perforate, acutely ovate, glossy, transversely marked with close obsolete striae ; straw-colored, the whorls of the spire encircled with a brownish band next to the suture. Peristome brownish outside and within. Whorls 4, convex,, the last half the length of the shell. Peristome thickened, narrowly and equally expanded. Aperture slightly oblique, oval, with a small callus deep within on the belly of the penul- timate whorl. Length 15, diam. 9 mm. ; aperture 5 mm. long,. 4 mm. wide (Pease). Marianne Is.: Guam (Pease, Quadras). Partula bicolor PSE., Amer. Journ. of Conch, vii, p. 26, pL 9, f. 4 (August 1,1871). The above may be distinguished from P. gibbet,, which occurs at the same locality, in being of smaller size, last w^orl not inflated, and in its color (Pse.). This form inter grades with P. gibba, and should evidently be regarded as a subspecies of that, chiefly distinguished by having the last whorl less swollen than in typical gibba, and by having a callous nodule deep within, on the parietal wall near the columella. This nodule is seen very weakly de- veloped in some examples of gibba. Other supposed differ- ences are even less constant. Pease's original description reproduced above is not good; his figure is copied, pi. 39, fig. 17. The shell is rather solid, with sculpture of spiral lines as in P. gibba. On the last whorl these lines are very fine and close on the base, but a 316 PARTULA, MARIANNE ISLANDS. little more separated above the periphery. The surface is -glossy. The lip may be narrow and nearly uniform in width, .but usually it is rather strongly thickened inside, the callus .abruptly discontinued near the posterior curve. The color • of the lip is quite variable. There is a callous nodule deep within, near the columella, but it is very variable in size. The suture may be marked with a whitish line, but often this is absent. No specimen I have seen has a well developed white band along the suture, such as is usual in P. gibba 'The color-patterns known are as follows: (a) Straw colored or isabelline, with a reddish-brown band above the suture almost to its end, and covering the first 13/2 whorls; outer half of the lip brown, inner rim white. This is the typical coloration (figs. 12). (b) First 2 whorls purplish-brown, the third pale below the .suture with the dark color fading (or the subsutural •pale area may extend nearly to the apex) ; last 2 whorls straw yellow or pale isabelline with faint or distinct brownish streaks; back of lip reddish or yellow; lip narrow, very pale brown; surface rather dull (fig. 18). (c) Same as the last but without brown on the spire; sur- face lusterless (fig. 15, 16). {d) Pale uniform sulphur-yellow throughout, the lip brown- tinted or brown-edged (fig. 14). ^(e) Pale sulphur-yellow, the lip heavily thickened and pure white (fig. 13). The size varies as follows : (a) Length 17, diam. 11.5, aperture 10 mm.; whorls 4%. (b) Length 17, diam. 11, aperture 9.5 mm.; whorls (d) Length 16, diam. 11, aperture 9.4 mm.; whorls (c) Length 15.7, diam. 10, aperture 9.1 mm. ; whorls 110. P. RADIOLATA (Pfeiffer). PI. 41, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. Shell subperf orate, oblong-tapering, the apex obtuse, thin; sculptured with distant impressed spiral lines; pale straw- colored, rayed with darker streaks and brown lines. Whorls 5, slightly convex, the last about equal to the spire, base PAETULA, MARIANNE ISLANDS. 317 tumid in front. Columella short, shortly receding. Aper- ture obliquely oval, glossy inside, yellow; peristome simple, thin, white, expanded, the right margin somewhat straight- ened, columellar margin dilated above, spreading above the umbilicus. Length 19, diam. 10, aperture 9x5 mm. inside (Pfr.). Marianne Is.: Guam, on bushes (Cuming, Quadras, Rush). Bulimus radiolatus PFR., P. Z. S. 1846, p. 39; Monogr. ii, 69. — Partula radiolata PFR., Monogr. iii, p. 450; viii. 198; Conchyl. Cab. p. 270, pi. 64, f. 17, 18.— REEVE, Conch. Icon. vi, pi. 2, f. 6. This form was at first supposed to be from New Ireland, but was soon shown to come from Guam. It is a narrowly umbilicate, thin shell, copiously striped with corneous and opaque white, with more or less suffusion of pale lemon yel- low. In the more fully colored examples there are also many olive-yellow lines among the stripes, scarcely visible except under a lens. These lines dilate at the periphery, which therefore, appears to have a faint band. This pattern is shown in fig. 4. Other examples lack the dark lines and peripheral band. The embryonic shell is very densely and distinctly engraved spirally, the lines disappearing towards the apex ; the first whorl is weakly plicate radially. The last whorl is marked with rather widely spaced spiral lines, closer on the base. In the typical form these lines are rather weak. The last whorl is very full at the base. The lip is white, narrowly reflexed, very little thickened within. Specimens measure : Length 19, diam. 11.2, aperture 11 x 7.1 mm. ; whorls 4y2. Length 17.5, diam. 11, aperture 10 x 7 mm. ; whorls 4%. Length 17, diam. 10, aperture 9.5 x 7 mm. ; whorls 4%. Length 16, diam. 9.9, aperture 10 x 7 mm. ; whorls 4%. A form (pi. 41, fig. 2) collected by Quadras is smaller, with a brown band above the suture on the first 2y2 or 3 whorls of some specimens, the spire in others being pale lemon tinted. The last whorl has the typical coloration. The aperture is more or less brown inside in those with a dark summit. The first whorl does not seem to be plicate. 318 PARTULA, MARIANNE ISLANDS. Length 16.5, diam. 10, aperture 9 mm. ; whorls Length 14, diam. 8.3, aperture 8 mm. ; whorls 4%. P. radiolata rushi, n. var., pi. 41, fig. 1. Dr. W. H. Rush collected examples much darker in color at Port San Luis d'Apra, Guam (no. 84841 A. N. S.). The last iy2 whorls are striped with cream and dark brown, with a narrow but con- tinuous brown peripheral band. The spire is uniform dark brown, aperture brown within. Sculpture typical. Length 15, diam. 9, aperture 8.8 mm. (pi. 41, fig. 1) . 111. P. QUADRASI Moellendorff. Shell dextral, narrowly and half-covered perforate, rather ventricose ovate-conic, very thin, pellucid, delicately striatu- late transversely, decussated by closely crowded spiral lines; a little shining, pale buff variegated with narrow darker and whitish streaks, sometimes ornamented with two indistinct bands. Spire subregularly conic, the apex somewhat obtuse. Whorls 4, a little convex, separated by an appressed, mar- gined suture, the last whorl quite convex, nearly tumid. Aper- ture rather oblique, oval, a little excised; peristome simple, thin, well expanded, the columella dilated above, recurved, forming a distinct angle, almost channeled, with the parietal wall. Length 15, diam. 10.5, aperture 9x7 mm. (Mlldff.) Marianne Is. (Quadras). Partula quadrasi MLLDFF., Nachrichtsblatt d. Deutschen Malak. Ges. xxvi, Feb., 1894, p. 15. An unfigured species which seems to differ from the small form of P. radiolata in sculpture and by having fewer whorls. It is possibly identical with Ferussac's P. fragilis, a lost species which has not been figured. The description follows : P. fragilis Ferussac. Shell ovate-elongate, perforate, fragile, striatulate, pellucid, reddish; spire obtuse, sutures strongly marked. Whorls 4, the last ventricose, subcarinate, larger than the rest. Aperture ovate, peristome subreflexed. Marianne Is. (Gaudicho). P. fragilis FER., Tableaux Syst. des Anim. Moll. p. 66 (1821). SPURIUS PARTUL^S. 319 Bulimus rubens Miihl. is mentioned as a synonym of fragilis by Anton, Verzeichniss, p. 40. It is a nude name. No sub- sequent author has recognized P. fragilis. XIV. SNAILS OP OTHER GENERA DESCRIBED AS PARTULAE. Partula acuticosta, consimilis and lamellicosta, Journ. A. N. S. Phila. ix, 113, are errors for Patula a., c. and I. Partula auricula Fer., 1821 = Auriculella. Partula australis Bowdich lS22==Strophocheilus. Partula batavia Grateloup, 1840, = Amphidromus adamsi var. rubiginosus Fulton (Proc. Malac. Soc. London viii, 44). Partula delatouri Hartm. = Diplomorpha, Vol. xiii, 118. Partula dumartroyi Souleyet = Auriculella. Partula flavescens King, 1831 = Bulimulus chilensis Less. Man. Conch. XI, p. 8. Partula glaber Hartman, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1885, p. 205, is Drymceus strigatus Sowb., color-form purus. See MANUAL XI, p. 228. The type specimen of glaber, no. 4291 Carnegie Museum, agrees exactly with the Peruvian shell, but the internal lilac lip-border, though still noticeable, has faded. Partula layardi Bra/., Hartm. is a Diplomorpha,, Vol. xiii, p. 116. Bulimus macleayi Brazier from Yule Island, other islands in Torres Strait, and Queensland, was described as a Papuina in this Manual, Vol. XIII, p. 121. It has been referred by Hedley to Partula (Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales ix, 1894, p. 387, pi. 26, f. 22, 23) ; the radula figured by him has marginal teeth resembling those of Partula, yet differing by the larger size of the second cusp, whereas in Partula the inner cusp is the larger. The central tooth has no side-cusps. There are 160 rows of 40,6,1,6,40 teeth. If the pallial organs etc., confirm the relationship claimed by Hedley (but which I doubt) this species will form a new genus of Partulidce, char- acterized by the unexpanded, thin and simple lip of the shell, and the absence of the typical apical sculpture of Partula. Partula maximiliana Pot. et Mich, is Auris bilabiata B. et S., Man. Conch. X, 100. 320 SPURIOUS PARTUL^E, ETC. Partula peasei Cox = Diplomorpha, Vol. xiii, 117. Partula pudica Per. = Strophocheilus. Partula pusilla Gould — Tornatellina. Partula rohri Pfr., Journ. de Conchyl. 1892, p. 129, is an error for Achatinella rohri Pfr. Partula salomonis Pfr. 1852 = Placostylus salomonis. See Vol. XIII, p. 70. Partulus torosus Beck, Index Moll. 1837, p. 57. Nude name. Partula unidentata Sowerby = Strophocheilus. Vol X, p. 9. Partula virgulata Mighels 1845 = Achatinella. ERRATA. P. 45. The last word of line 16 from 'bottom should be two. P. 53. Add the following species : GLESSULA SINHILA Preston. PI. 43, fig. 7. Shell moderately thin, polished, dark yellowish-horn color, obtusely lanceolate. Whorls 7^, marked with very faint lines of growth only ; sutures impressed. Columella descend- ing in a very oblique curve; peristome simple, bent slightly inwards above. Aperture inversely, elongately auriform. Alt. 21.75, diam. 9? alt. of aperture 7.75, diam. 4 mm. (Preston). Ceylon. Glessula sinhila Preston, Records of the Indian Museum iii, pt. 2, no. 6, p. 135, pi. 22, f. 14 (June, 1909). "Allied to G. inornata Pfr., but easily distinguished from that species by its much more slender form. ' ' P. 173. Add fig. 13 to those cited after P. BELLULA. P. 287. The name Partula minor Hartman might by some be considered unavailable on account of the earlier B. roseus var. &. minor, of Pfeiffer; yet it appears that Pfeiffer here intended the word minor as a description, not as a name. P. 313. Under XIII etc., read Section MARIANELLA, in place of "MARIANNA." The former term was used on p. 166. INDEX TO PARTULIOE. abbreviata Mouss ...... actor Alb ......... 268, ' ^^ / aausta aj. -rrQTrfrY1 j±jOCb Hartm ........... -p Q -, QK amnis Jrse ......... loo, alabastrina Pf r ........ albeseens Hartm ....... alternata Pse .......... amabilis Pf r ....... 184, amanda Garrett ....... americana Heilp ....... anneetens Pse. . ....... approximate Pse ....... arguta Pse artensis Montr. . ....... assimilis Pse ........... Astrcea Hartm ......... attenuate Pse .......... auraniana Hartm ...... auriculata Brod ........ auricula Fer ........... auriculatus Bk ......... AURICULELLA, ......... australis Bowd ......... australis Brug ......... batavicz Grat ........... bella Pse .............. bellula Hartm ......... biangula Pse ........... liangulata Pse ......... bicolorata Pils ......... licolor Garrett, ____ 250, bicolor Pse ............ biconica Pils ........... bilineata Pse ........... 245 267 bipartite Pib .......... 253 269 Crazier: Pse ......... 271 brevicula Pse ...... 185,191 7 7 • ^» onr\ brumalis Rve .......... 309 , . .„ 00~ Irumica Pse ........... 236 __. -i 07 buhmoides Hartm ...... 264 lo/ , ,. . , T oriC: 294 ^ubmoides Less. ..... 305 282 Bithmus argutus Pse. .. . 177 202 ^hmm austrahs Brug. 236 189 Buhmus guamensn Pf r. 309 238 B««»M«««W?«^ntMPfr. 239 164 Buhmus radwlatus Pfr.. 317 254 Buhmus rubens Muhlf . . 319- 243 Buhmus tccmatus Meh.. . 20D. 176 Buhmus turgidus Pse. . . 178 278 C 261 178 198 319 319 236 ca lf a 284 *&***** Schm ........ 215 247 calso Mouss ......... 263 247 carnicolor Hartm. . . 286 319 CAROLINELLA Plls. . . 166, 308 <>"*"*** Hartm ...... carteretensisUve ..... 19 carteriensis Q. & G ..... 298 castanea Mlldff ........ 31Q castanea Pse ......... .. . 244 319 cinerea Alb ............ 296 225 citrina Pse ............ 218- 173 clara Pse .............. 197 237 Clytia Hartm .......... 178 236 cognata Pse. ...... 253, 254 253 compacta Pse .......... 248 251 compressa Cpr ......... 233 315 compressa 'Pfr.' Rve. . . 181 264 concinna Pse ...... 210, 28& (321) 322 INDEX TO PARTULID^E. cookiana Mss 261 confluens Pils 192 conica Gld 265 consimilis Grt 319 corneola Hartm 209 coxi Angas, 296 crassa Pse 185, 191 crassilabris Pse 225 D •dautzenbergi Cossm. ... 164 decorticata Pse 217 decussatula Pf r 174 delatouri Hartm 319 dentif era Pf r 216 diminuta Ad 259 dubia Garrett, 238, 239 dubia'Pse.' Grt.... 185, 188 dumartroyi Soul 319 B •eburnea Hartm 281 Echo Hartm 176 ^longata Pse 210 ENID^ 150, 164 erhelii Morel 212 estalliana Garr 254 Evadne Hartm 263 eximia Hartm 280 expansa Pse 269 extensa Pse 270 F faba Martyn 235 fasciata Dillw 236 fasciata Pse 170 filosaPfr 196 flavescens King . 319 flavescens Mlldff 310 flexuosa Hartm 290 formosa Pse. 218 f ragilis Fer 318 f raterna Hartm 285 fusca Pse. . . 240 G ganymedes Pf r 170 garretti Pse. 228 glaber Hartm 319 globosa Pse 224 glutinosa Pf r 250, 252 gibba Fer 313 gonochila Pf r 272 gracilior Pse 211, 297 gracilis Pse 199 grandis Mlldff 310 grisea Less 304 guamensis Pf r 308 H Harmonia Hartm 313 hartmanni Smith 301 hastula Hartm 291 hebe Pf r 223 Helena Hartm 178 hollandiana Pils 293 huaheinensis Garr 250 hyalina Brod 180 hyalina Brad 260 HYPERAULAX Pils. , 164 Ilia Hartm 178 imperforata Pse 219 inconstans Muhlf 236 incurva Hartm 291 inflata Rve 169 isabellinus Pfr. .... 184, 186 K kubaryi Hartm 299 labiata Pse 217 laeva Pils 195 lavigata Pfr 186 lamellicosta Grt 319 Latia Hartm. . , 168 INDEX TO PARTULIDJE. 323 layardi Bmg 319 leefei Smith 274 LEPTOPARTULA Pils. . 165, 176 leucothoe Semp 306 lignaria Pse 184, 186 lilacina Pfr 256, 257 Limax faba Mart 236 lineata auct 202 lineata Less 312 lineolata Pse 197 lirata Mouss 275 lugubris Pse 234 lutea Less 255 M macgillivrayi Pfr 278 macleayi Braz 319 magdalinae Hartm 175 marginata Garr 238 Marianna Pils 313 MARIANELLA Pils. 166,313,320 MARQUESANA Pils.. . 165, 168 martensiana Pils 310 mastersi Pfr 313 Matata Hartm 179 maura Muhlf 247 maximiliana P. & M 319 megastoma Pse 215 MELANESICA Pils. . . 166, 276 mieans Pfr 295 microstoma Pse 233 minor Hartm 287, 320 minor Pfr 250 minuta Pfr 301 montana Mlldff 309 mooreana Hartm 200 mucida Pfr 250, 252 N navigatoria Pfr 239 nematoraphe Pils 279 Nenia Hartm 178 newcombiana Hartm. . . . 305 neiveenitiarum Hartm. . . 306 nitens Pfr. . . 258 nodosa Pfr 193 nucleola Pse. , . 209 obesa Pse 260 obesior Pils 172 obliterate Pils 300 occidentalis Hedl 303 CEnone Hartm 178 otaheitana Brug 183 ovalis Pse 235 pacifica Pfr 258 PALAOPARTULA Pils. 166, 306 pallida Pse 236 PARTULA Fer 155, 178 PARTULID^: Pils 155 Pasithea Hartm 178 peasei Cox 320 peasiana Garrett 231 pellucida Pse 297 peraffinis Pse 206 perlucens Hartm 293 perplexa Pse 250, 252 perstrigata Pils 277 perversa (Helix) Ch. ... 184 perversa Pse 185 pfeifferi Crosse 278 pinguis Garr 227, 228 planilabrum Pse 244 ponapensis Hartm 309 producta Pse 192 propinqua Pse 236, 238 protea Pse 241 proxima Hartm 286 pudica Fer 320 pulchra Pse 250, 251 purpurascens Pfr 253 pusilla Gld 320 pyramis Hartm 281 Q quadrasi Mlldff 318 324 INDEX TO PARTULID^E. R radiata Pse 232 radiolata Pfr 316 raiatensis Grt 221 recluziana Petit 269 recta Pse 172 recta Pse 221 reeveana Pfr 184 regularis Hartm 292 repanda Pfr 288 robusta Pse 248 rohri Pfr 320 rosea Brod 252 rubescens Rve 184, 190 rufa Carp 184 ruf a Less 311 rustica Pse 227 S salomonis Pfr 320 SAMOANA Pils 165, 263 semilineata Mouss 264 similaris Hartm 302 simulans Pse. . . 205, 207, 208 simplaria Morel 258 sinistralis Mayer, . . . 194, 196 sinistralis Pse 185 sinistrorsa Pse 185, 190 solidula Pse 248 solidula Rve 215 spadicea Rve 207 stenostoma Pfr 192 Sterope Hartm. ........ 276 stevensoniana Pils 266 stolida Garr 182 stolida Pse 257 straminea Pils. 253 strigata Pse 171 strigosa Pfr 204 striolata Pse. . . 205, 207, 208 subangulata Pse. 237 subgonochila Mss 273 suturalis Pse 245 suturalis Pfr. . 201 tabulana Ant. Grt 247 taeniata Morch 205 taheitana Gld 184 tahulana Anton 247 terrestris Pse 243 THAKOMBAUA. Pils. 165, 274 thalia Garrett 231 thersites Pfr 170 thetis Semp 307 torosus Bk 312 tricolor Muhlff 236 trilineata Pse 195 tryoni Hartm 269 turgida Pse 178 turneri Pfr 277 turricula Pse 283 turricula Pse 190 U umbilicata Pse 229 unidentata Sowb 320 upolensis Mss 266, 267 vanicorensis Q. & G. ... 289 varia Brod 250 variabilis Pse 239, 240 ventricosa Grt 224, 225 ventricosa Pse 238 ventrosa Pse 225 vexillum Pse 204 vicentina Opp 164 virginea Pse 222 virgulata Migh 320 virgulata Pse 261 vittata Pse 242 Voluta fasciata Dillw.. . . 236 W woodlarkiana Hartm. . . 303 zebrina Gld 268 zonata Pils. . 254 REFERENCE TO PLATES, VOL. XX. PLATE 1. FIGURE PAGE 1, 2. Caecilioides acicula Mull. Specimens 9 3, 4. Caecilioides a. hyalina Bielz. Specimens 15 5-8. Caecilioides acicula, living. After Adams 2, 9 9. Caecilioides a. eburnea Risso. After Bourguignat. . 10 10. Caecilioides a. enhalia Bgt. After Bourguignat 11 11, 12. Caecilioides liesvillei Bgt. After Bourguignat. . . 13 13, 14. Caecilioides a. uniplicata Bgt. After Bourguignat 15 15. Caecilioides liesvillei Bgt. After Boettger 13 16. Caecilioides a. nodosaria Bgt. After Boettger 12 17. Caecilioides a. boettgeri Hesse. After Hesse 16 18. Caecilioides a. aglena Bgt. After Bourguignat 16 PLATE 2. 20-22. Caecilioides actoniana Ben. Specimen. 25 23, 24. Caecilioides petitiana Ben. Specimen 26 25. Caecilioides aciculoides Jan. Malac. Val di Non 23 26, 27. Caecilioides rizzeana Ben. Specimen 25 28. Caecilioides gemmellariana Ben. Specimen 14 29, 30. Caecilioides stephaniana Ben. After B.enoit 26 31. Caecilioides gemmellariana Ben. After Benoit 14 32, 33. Caecilioides nyctelia Bgt. Specimens. .. 7 34, 35. Caecilioides maderensis Pils. Specimens 8 PLATE 3. 36. Caecilioides nanodea Bgt. After Bourguignat 21 37-38. Caecilioides brondeli Bgt. After Bourguignat... 20 39, 40. Caecilioides raphidea Bgt. After Bourguignat. . 20 41, 42. Caecilioides lauta Paul. After Paulucci 24 43, 44. Caecilioides letourneuxi Bgt. After Bourguignat 21 45. Caecilioides tumulorum Bgt. After Bourguignat. . . 30 46, 47. Caacilioides raddei Bttg. After Boettger 31 48, 49. Caecilioides michoniana Bgt. After Bourguignat 32 50. Caecilioides subsaxana Bgt. After Bourguignat. ... 31 51. Caecilioides soleilleti Bgt. After Bourguignat 36 52. Ca&cilioides ovampoensis M. & P. Ann. Mag. N. H. 36 (325) 326 REFERENCE TO PLATES, VOL. XX. FIGURE PAGE 53. Caecilioides (?) munzingeri Jic. Ann. Jickeli 36 54-56. Caecilioides minuta Mouss. After Boettger 33 57. Csecilioides isseli Palad. ( 1). After Paladilhe 37 PLATE 4. 58, 59, 62. Caecilioides caledonica Crosse. (= gundlaehi). Specimens 45 60. Caecilioides balanus Bens. Conch. Icon 46 61. Caecilioides balanus Bens. (?). Conch. Indica 46 63. Caecilioides comorensis Morel. Journ de Conchyl. . . 47 64. Caecilioides blandiana Crosse. Journ de Conchyl. ... 42 65. 66. Caecilioides mariei Crosse. Journ. de Conchyl. . . 48 67. 71, 72. Caecilioides iota C. B. Ad. Jamaican specimens 38 68. Caecilioides c. minutissima Guppy. Barbados speci- mens 41 69. Caecilioides mauritiana H. Ad. P. Z. S 47 70. Caecilioides stuhlmanni Marts. After Martens 48 73, 74. Caecilioides gundlaehi Pfr. Specimens 43 PLATE 5. 75. Csecilioides mazei Crosse (= minutissima). Journ. de Conchyl 42 76-79. Caecilioides c. veracruzensis C. & F. Specimens. . 40 80. Caecilioides c. minutissima Guppy. J. de Conchyl. 40 81, 82. Caecilioides consobrina Orb. Cuban specimens. 39 83, 85. Caecilioides c. minutissima var. ( ?) . Barbados specimens 42 84. Cae-cilioides c. minutissima Guppy. Barbados speci- mens 41, 42 PLATE 6. 1, 2. Glessula nitens Gray. Specimens 55 3, 4. Glessula n. punctogallana Pfr. Conchyl. Cab. . . , 56 5. Glessula n. punctogallana Pfr. Specimen 56 6. Glessula deshayesi Pfr. Specimen 57 7. 8. Glessula ceylanica Pfr. Conchyl. Cab 57 9. Glessula serena Bens. Specimen 59 10, 11. Glessula inornata Pfr. Conchyl. Cab 53 12, 13. Glessula deshayesi Pfr. Specimens 57 14-16. Glessula inornata Pfr. Specimens 53 17. Glessula inornata var. Conchyl. Cab 53 REFERENCE TO PLATES, VOL. XX. 327 FIGURE PAGE PLATE 7. 1-3. Glessula lankana Pils. Specimens 54 4. Glessula parabilis Bens. Conch. Indica 54 5. Glessula capillacea Pfr. Conch Indica 55 6, 7. Glessula layardi Pils. Specimens 59 8. Glessula simoni Jouss. After Jousseaume 61 9, 10. Glessula burrailensis G.-A. After G.-Austen 92 11, 12. Glessula rugata Blanf . Specimens 87 13, Glessula collettge Sykes. Specimens 60 14, 15. Glessula f usca Pfr. Conch. Cab 101 16. Glessula taprobanica Pils. Specimen 58 PLATE 8. 1, 2. Glessula subperotteti Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc 71 3, 4. Glessula subjerdoni Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc 83 5, 6. Glessula subinornata Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc.... 73 7, 8. Glessula canarica Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc 72 9, 10. Glessula pusilla Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc 84 11, 12. Glessula jeyporensis Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc.. .. 75 13, 14. Glessula subserena Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc 75 15, 16. Glessula subfilosa Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc 86 17, 18. GLssula gracilis Bedd. Proc. Malac. Soc 83 PLATE 9. 1. Glessula tenuispira Bens. Conch. Indica 88 2. Glessula t. baculina Blanf. J. A. S. Bengal 88 3. Glessula t. pertenuis Blanf. Conch. Indica 89 4. Glessula tenuispira Bens. Specimen 88 5. Glessula nilagarica 'Bs.' Rve. Conch. Icon 90 6. Glessula hebes Blanf. J. A. S. Bengal 62 7. Glessula fairbanki Bens. Conch. Indica 63 8. Glessula shiplayi Pfr. Novit. Conch 61 9. 10. Glessula perrotteti Pfr. Conch. Cab 65 11. Glessula vadalica Bens. Conch. Indica 64 12. Glessula tamulica Blanf. Conch. Indica 64 13. 14. Glessula hugeli Pfr. Concn. Cabinet 91 15. Glessula praelustris Bens. Specimen 68 16. Glessula praelustris Bens. Conch. Indica 68 PLATE 10. 1, 2. Glessula amentum 'Bens.' Rve. Conch. Cab 77 3. Glessula amentum 'Bens.' Rve. Conch. Indica 77 4. Glessula amentum 'Bens/ Rve. Specimen 77 328 REFERENCE TO PLATES, VOL. XX. FIGURE % PAGE 5. Glessula singhurensis Blanf. Specimen 76 6. Glessula botellus Bens. Conch. Indica 78 7. Glessula arthurii (— orophila). Conch. Indica.... 79 8. 9. Glessula faculaBs.(perotteti Rve.). Conch. Iconica 77 10. Glessula orophila ' Bs. ' Rve. Conch. Icon 79 11. Glessula oreas. Conch. Indica 80 12. 13. Glessula pseudoreas Nevill. Conch. Cab 80 14. Glessula 'Crassilabris Bens. Conch. Indica 96 15. Glessula crassilabris Bens. Specimen 96 16. Glessula orobia. Conch. Indica 96 17. Glessula scrutillus Bens. Conch. Indica 81 PLATE 11. 1, 2. Glessula butleri G.-A. After Godwin- Austen 92 3. Glessula tornensis Blanf. Conch. Indica 69 4. Glessula tornensis Blanf. J. A. S. Bengal 69 5. Glessula chessoni Bens. Conch. Indica 68 6. Glessula textilis Blanf. Conch. Indica 69 7. Glessula textilis Blanf. Specimen 69 8. Glessula senator Hani. Conch. Indica 70 9. Glessula isis Hani. Conch. Indica 71 10, 11. Glessula beddomei Blanf. Conch. Indica 73 12. Glessula bottampotana Bedd. Conch. Indica 74 13, 14. Glessula illustris G.-A. Specimen 95 15, 16. Glessula illustris G.-A. J. A. S. Bengal 95 PLATE 12. 1. Glessula pyramis Bens. Conch. Indica 92 2. Glessula leptospira Bens. Conch. Indica 65 3. 4. Glessula notigena Bens. Conch. Indica 66 5, 6. Glessula corrosula Pf r. Novit. Conch 67 7. Glessula paviei Mori. Specimen 100 8. Glessula paviei Mori. Journ. de Conchyl 100 9. Glessula notigena Bens. Specimen 66 10. Glessula naja Blanf. Specimen 90 11. Glessula sarissa Bens. Conch. Indica 93 12. Glessula hastula Bens. Conch. Indica 93 13. 14. Glessula bensoniana Pfr. Conch. Cabinet 67 15. Glessula subf usif ormis Blanf. J. A. S. Bengal 94 16. Glessula jerdoni 'Bs.' Rve. Specimen 75 17. 18. Glessula jerdoni Partulidae PLATE 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Partulidae PLATE 17 •\ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Partulidae PLATE 18 \ JO 11 12 14 15 Partulidae PLATE 19 11 10 12 18 14 15 17 18 Partulidae PLATE 2O 1 : A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Partulidae PLATE 21 11 10 12 13 15 14 16 17 18 19 \le.' Partulidae PLATE 22 JO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Partulidae PLATE 23 6 8 10 4 4 17 18 Partulidae PLATE 24 i 10 • 6 13 15 Partulidse PLATE 25 9 12 10 13 8 11 15 16 • 17 • 18 19 Partulidae PLATE 26 8 I m 10 11 13 15 16 Partulidae PLATK 27 6 a " x 9 10 12! 11 15 16 13 Partulidse PLATE 28 6 8 • . 9 P.! 10 11 32 13 14 15 16 X^Bl OF Partulidae PLATE 29 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 Partulidae PLATE SO s^: JTC r*rrrr+ v vr*^i» A * * V^aV.**^:*** £t2<-" » •»* -*-^^;c,*^'^**'**;'t^^^ 19 17 18 Partulidee PLATE 31 8 10 - 13 14 15 16 Partulidee PLATE 32 a 11 12 13 15 16 Partulidse PLATE 33 12 11 ^ 13 Partulidse A PLATE 34 A. / 7 V 8 10 11 15 16 17 Partulidee PLATE 38 X20 \ X2.0 9; 8 11 10 13 17 Partulidee PLATE 36 m T r l 2 4« Partulidee PLATE 37 5 A ":^7 A 15 16 Partulidse PLATE 38 1 3 • .. i/ 8 J5 1G Partuiidse PLATE 39 i 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 Bulimulidse PLATE 4O Partulidse i 1 PLATE 41 6 10 11 . 5 8 I 4 13 19 1 16 IF ^1) 15 17 18 20 21 Partulidse PLATE 42 UT I •• v r Partulidee INDEX TO VOLUMES XVI, XVII. XVIII, XIX. XX. ACHATINHXE, FERUSSACID.E. The following index comprises the families containing snails formerly described as Achatina. All snails described under that generic name, whatever their present systematic place, are included herein, so far as known to me. abbreviata (Achatina) Lowe. .XIX, 221 abbreviata (Clavator) Kob. .XVII, 196 abbreviata (Columna) Coop.. . .XI, 153 ebbreviata (Glandina) Edw.XIX., xxiii abbreviata (Glandina)Mts. XIX, 192, 197 abbreviata (Leptinaria)Mts. XVIII, 307 abdita (Leptinaria) Poey. . .XVIII, 298 abdita ( Subulina) Poey XVIII, 298 aberrans (Bulimus) Pfr XIX, 36 abetiflana (Limicolaria) Kob. XVI, 267 abetifiana (Pseudoglessula) Rolle XVII, 162 abia (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 257 abnormis (Ferussacia) Nev. . .XIX, 227 abromia (Ferussacia) Bgt. . . .XIX, 231 accincta ( Achatina) Migh. . Achatinellidse achates (Bulimus) Mich XVIII, 27 achates (Prosopeas) Mich. . .XVIII, 27 achatina (Achatina) L XVII, 9 achatina (Bulla) Born XVII, 86 achatina (Bulla) L XVII, 9 Achatina Lam XVII, 1, xvii, xi achatinacea(Stenogyra)auct. XVIII, 22 achatinaceum (Prosopeas) Pfr. XVIII, 21, 139 achatinaceus (Bulimus) Pfr. XVIII, 22 Achatinella Schluter XIX, 309 ACHATINIDAB XVII, Vii achatinoides (Bulimus) Ziegl. XVI, 252 Achatinus Montfort XVII, 1 Achatium Link XVII, 1 acicula (Achatina) auct XX, 9 acicula (Buccinum) Mull XX, 9 acicula (Bulimus) Grat XX, 5 acicula (CsecilioideB) Mull. . . . XX, 9, 2 Acicula RIsso XX, 1 aciculaeforme (Opeas) Mill. .XVIII, 201 acicularis(Leptinaria) Shuttl. XVIII,299 acicularis( Stenogyra) Shuttl. XVIII, 299 aciculella (Caecillanella) Sandb. .XX, 5 Aciculina West .............. XX, 1, 5 aciculoides (Achatina) de Betta XX, 23 aclculoides (Caecilioides) Jan. ..XX, 23 aciculoides (Columna) Jan ..... XX, 23 acmella (Opeas) Morel ..... XVIII, 144 acmella ( Stenogyra) Morel. . XVIII, 144 actoniana (Achatina) Ben ..... XX, 25 actoniana (Caecilioides) Ben. .. .XX, 25 aculeus (Opeas) Tapp.-Can. .XVIII, 176 aculeus (Stenogyra) T.-C. . .XVIII, 177 acuminata (Achatina) Baudon, J. C., 1835 = Litiopa? acuminata (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 294 acus (Bulimus) Pfr ......... XIX, 344 acus (Coilostele) Pfr ........ XIX, 344 acus (Euonyma) Morel ...... XVIII, 40 acus (Spiraxis) Shuttl ........ XIX, 23 acus (Stenogyra) Morel ...... XVIII, 41 acuta (Achatina) Lam ....... XVII, 40 acuta (Helix) Fer ........... XVII, 40 acuticostatus (Bulimus) Orb. ..XIX, 53 acuticostata (Varicella) Orb. ..XIX, 52 acutissima (Stenogyra) Mss. XVIII, 22 acutissimum(Prosopeas)Mss. XVIII, 22 acutissimus (Bulimus) Mss. .XVIII, 22 acutius (Opeas) Mill ....... XVIII, 199 adamsiana (Achatina) Chitty .XIX, 63 adamsiana (Varicella) Chitty .XIX, 63 adamsii (Achatina) Pfr ....... XIX, 66 adamsi (Opeas) Pils ....... XVIII, 216 adansoni (Bulimus) Pfr ...... XVI, 252 adansoni (Limicolaria) Pfr. . .XVI, 252 adelina (Archachatina) Pils. XVII, 118 (119) 120 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. adenensts (Bulimus) Pfr. .. .XVIII, 111 adonensis (Riebeckia) G.-A. .XVII, 207 adonensis (Stenogyra) G.-A. XVII, 207 adusta (Achatina) Gld. = Carelia advena (Caecilioides) Anc XX, 35 aedigyra (Achatina) M. & P.. .XVII, 94 sedilis (Helix) Fer XVI. 252 aedilis (Limicolaria) Fer XVI, 252 aegyptiaca (Coelestele) Bgt. . .XIX, 342 aegyptiaca (Opeas) Bgt. . . .XVIII, 126 «quatoria (Achatina) Rve. .. .XVI, 227 sequatorius (Pseudotrochus) Rve. XVI, 227 aequatoria (Leptinaria) Mill. XVIII, 303 »quatoria(Rhodea)Da Costa XVIII,239 aequatoria (Spiraxis) Mill. .XVIII, 303 aequatorica (Rhodea) Sykes XVIII, 239 sethiops (Bulimus) Morel XVI, 269 sethiops (Limicolaria) Morel. .XVI, 269 affuvelensis (Limneus) Math. XIX, xxii affuvelensis (Poiretia) Math. XIX, xxii africana (Coelestele) Bgt XIX, 342 africana (Limicolaria) Rve. . .XVI, 254 afrlcanus (Bulimus) Rve XVI, 254 agassizi (Obeliscus) Pils. .. .XVIII, 249 agathina (Limicolaria) Gabb. XVI, 250 Ageca Gray XIX, 291 agilis (Cionella) West XIX, 232 agilis (Ferussacla) West XIX, 232 aglena (Caecilioides) Bgt XX, 16 AGNATHA XIX, vili AGNATHOMORPHA XIX, ix agraecia (Ferussacia) Bgt. . . .XIX, 253 Agraulina Bgt XIX, 269, 272 agrensis (Bulimus) Kurr. . .XVIII, 111 agrensis (Zootecus) Kurr. . .XVIII.lll alabaster (Helix) Rang XVI, 221 alabaster (Perlderls) Rang .. .XVI, 221 alabaster (Pseudotrochus) Rang XVI, 221 alabastrina (Curvella) DaC. XVIII, 336 alabastrlna (Glandina) Alb. . .XIX, 195 alabastrina (Stenogyra) Shuttl. XVIII, 205 alabastrinum( Opeas) Shuttl. XVIII, 204 alba (Achatina) Brown XX, 10 alba (Clavator) Dautz XVII, 196 albersi (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 201 albersi (Euglandina) Pfr XIX, 201 albersi (Glandina) Binney . . .XIX, 198 albleans (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 23 albida (Perideriopsis) D. & P. XVI, 243 albinos (Cochlicopa) Moq. . . . XIX, 317 albobalteatus( Bulimus) Dkr. XVIII, 234 •Ibobalteatus (Synapterpes) Dkr. XVIII, 233 albollneata (Achatina) Lam. . .XIX, 94 albopicta (Achatina) Sm XVII, 88 alglra (Glandina) auct XIX, 166 algira (Poiretia) Brug XIX, 165 algirus (Bulimus) Brug XIX, 166 alleryi (Cochlicopa) Caflci . . .XIX, 336 alleryi(Hohenwartiana)Cafici XIX, 336 allisa (Achatina) Rve XVII, 33 allixi (Zua) Cossm XIX, 311 alopecotis (Pachyotus) Beck. XVII, 175 Alsobia Bgt XIX, 272 alticola (Glandina) Pils XIX, 194! alzenensis (Azeca) S.-Sim. . . .XIX, 294 amabilis (Synapterpes) Pils. XVIII, 233 amauronia (Ferussacla) Bgt. .XIX, 221 amazonlcum (Opeas) Pils. ..XVIII, 208 ambigua (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 201 ambigua (Euglandina) Pfr. . .XIX, 201 ambigua (Leptinaria) Marts. XVIII, 318 amblya (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 224 amdoanum (Opeas) Mlldff. .XVIII, 163 amentum (Achatina) Rve XX, 7T amentum (Glessula) Rve XX, 77 amoena (Glandina) Marts. . . .XIX, 195 amoanitatum (Csecilianella) Dohrn. XX, 6 amphora (Helix) Fer XVII, 110 AMPHORELLA Lowe XIX, 269 Ampulla Bolt XVII, 1 anais (Achatina) Less XII, 168 anamulllca (Achatina) Blanf. . .XX, 72 anamullica (Glessula) Blanf. ..XX, 72 anceyi (Cionella) West XIX, 337 anceyi(Hohenwartiana)West. XIX, 337 anceyi (Prosopeas) Pils XVIII, 33 angiostoma (Achatina) Ad. ... XIX, 96 angiostoma (Varicella) Ad. . . .XIX, 96 anglica (Caecilianella) Bgt XX, 11 angustatus (Obeliscus) Gundl. XVIII, 278 angustatus (Polyphemus) Villa. XIX, 169 angustatus (Stenogyra) Gundl. XVIII, 279 angustatus (Stenogyra) Tick. XVII, 135 angustior( Stenogyra) Dohrn. XVIII, 79 angustior (Subulina) Dohrn. XVIII, 78 anjuanensis (Bocagela) Pils. ..XX, 114 annaensis (Obeliscus) Beck. XVIII, 184, 240 annae (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 39 anomala (Achatina) Pfr. .. .XVIII, 303 anomala (Glandina) Ang. I, 33 anomala (Leptinaria) Pfr. .XVIII, 303 anomalus (Bulimus) Ad XIX, 18 anomalus (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 18 I antillarum (Leptinaria) Shutt. XVIII, 288, 289 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 121 antinorii (Achatina) Morel. .XVII, 133 antinorii (Homorus) Morel. .XVII, 133 antinorii (Stenogyra) Jlck. XVII, 1/33 antiqua (Achatina) Desh. Lacuna. antiqua (Azeca) Fag XIX, 294 antiqua (Glandina) Iss XIX, xxv antiqua (Glandina) Klein XX, 112 antoniana (Achatina) Pfr XX, 114 antourtourensis( Achatina) Cr. XVII, 46 aperta (Geostilbia) Smith XX, 44 aperta (Macrospira) Gldg. XVIII, 220; XX, 44 aperta (Megaspira) Smith XX, 45 APERIDAE XIX, xi apex (Bulimus) Mouss XVIII, 127 aphelina (Ferussacia) Bgt. .. .XIX, 219 apiculum (Opeas) Morel. .. .XVIII, 151 apiculum( Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 152 appalachicola(Cochlicopa)Pils. XIX.317 aquensis (Bulimus) Math. . . .XIX, xxv arabica (Coelestele) Bgt XIX, 340 aradasiana (Achatina) Ben. ..XIX, 335 aradasiana (Hohenwartiana) Ben. XIX, 335 aratispira (Bocageia) Pils. . .XVII, 185 aratus (Synapterpes) Pils. .XVIII, 232 arayatense (Opeas) Semp. ..XVIII, 180 arayatensis (Stenogyra) Semp. XVIII, 180 ARCHACHATINA Albers. XVII, xiv, 1, 104 arctespirata (Achatina) Bgt. .XVII, 67 arctica (Ferussacia) West. .. .XIX, 240 arctispira (Opeas) Marts. . .XVIII, 175 arctispira (Stenogyra) Gredl. XVIII, 171 arctispira (Stenogyra) Marts. XVIII, 175 arctispirale (Opeas) Gredl. .XVIII, 170 arctispiralis (Opeas) Gredl. XVIII, 171 arcuata (Achatina) Pfr., Rve. XIX, 107 arcuata (Glandina) Pfr XIX, 103 arcuata (Varicella) Pfr XIX, 103 arguta (Stenogyra) Marts. . .XVII, 209 argenteum(Prosopeas)Hend. XVIII, 24 arguta (Riebeckia) Marts. .. .XVII, 209 argutum (Opeas) Pils XVIII, 211 arnoldi (Burtoa) Stur XVI, 307 arnoldi (Livinhacia) Stur. . . .XVI, 307 armandi (Limicolaria) Bgt. . .XVI, 247 artensis (Bulimus) Gass. .. .XVIII, 130 arthurii (Achatina) Bs XX, 79 ascendens(Stenogyra)Poey .XVIII, 201 assimilis (Achatina) Rve XIX, 184 assimilis (Euglandina) Rve. ..XIX, 184 assiniensis (Homorus) Kob. .. .XX, 109 associata (Curvella) Sm XVIII, 57 associatus (Bulimus) Sm. . . .XVIII, 57 aasurgena (Bulimus) Pfr. . .XVIII, 202 atava (Ferussacia) Crosse . . .XIX, 240 atlantica (Rumina) Pall XVII, 213 atlasica (Ferussacia) Bgt. . . .XIX, 266 ATOPOCOCHLIS C. & F. XVI, 218, XVII, x atramentaria (Achatina) Pfr. .XII, 210 Atropocochlis, error for Atopocochlis XVI, 218 attenuata (Achatina) Pfr. . . .XIX, 208 attenuata (Cionella) Mss XIX, 237 attenuata (Ferussacia) Mouss. XIX, 237 attenuata (Euglandina) Pfr. .XIX, 208 aubryana (Stenogyra) Hde. XVIII, 168 aubryanum (Opeas) Hde. . .XVIII, 168 audebardi (Glandina) auct. . .XIX, 195 aurantiaca (Glandina) Ang. . .XIX, 204 aurata (Glandina) Morel XIX, 188 auratus (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 232 auratus (Synapterpes) Pfr. XVIII, 232 aurelianensis (Achatina) Dh. An eocene Cochlicopa. auriculacea (Spiraxis) Pfr. . .XIX, 159 aurora (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 102 aurora (Bulimus) Jay XVI, 249 aurora (Limicolaria) Jay XVI, 248 auripigmentum (Bulimus) Rve. XVI, 231 auripigmentum (Pseudotrochus) Rve. XVI, 231 aurlsmuris (Bulimus) Shuttl. XVII, 176 aurismyoxi (Bulimus) Shuttl. XVII, 176 aurisvulpina (Voluta) Dillw. XVII, 175 austeni (Bacillum) Pils XVIII, 3 australis (Achatina) Mich., Villa, undesc. avenacea( Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 153 avenaceum (Opeas) Morel. .XVIII, 153 AZECA Lch XIX, 289, 290 Azecastrum Bgt XIX, 290 azorica (Achatina) Alb XIX, 320 azorica (Glandina) Alb XIX, 315 B babel (Limicolarius) Beck. .. .XVI, 282 bacillaris( Stenogyra) Mouss. XVIII.184 bacilliformls (Achatina) Jonas XVII, 153 bacilliformis(Homorus) Jonas XVII,152 Bacillum Theob XVIII, 1 bacillus (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 262 bacillus (Obeliscus) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 262 bacterlonides (Helix) Orb. ..XVIII, 250 bacterionides( Obeliscus) Orb. XVIII, 250 baculina (Glessula) Blanf XX, 88 badia (Stenogyra) Marts. . . .XVII, 149 balanus (Achatina) Bens XX, 46 balanus (Caecilioides) Bens. . . .XX, 46 baldwlnl (Caecilioides) Anc. . . .XX, 45 122 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. Balfourla Crosse XVII, 204 balstoni (Bulimus) Ang XVII, 203 balstoni (Clavator) Ang. . . .XVII, 203 balteata (Achatina) Gld XVI, 235 balteata (Achatina) Rve XVII, 30 bamboucha (Helix) F6r XVIII, 109 bandelrana (Achatina) Morel. XVII, 19 barattei (Ferussacia) L. & B. XIX, 254 barbigera (Achatina) Morel, XVII, 183 barbozse (Caecilioides) Maltz. . .XX, 19 barclayi (Ferussacia) Pfr. . . .XIX, 233 barclayi (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 233 barriana (Achatina) Sowb. ..XVII, 127 barrianum(Ganomidos)Ailly. XVII, 128 bassamensis (Limicolaria) Sh. XVI, 265 Bathyaxis Anc XVIII, 336 baudoni (Azeca) Mich XIX, 292 bawriense (Opeas) Pils. . . .XVIII, 146 bayanus (Bulimus) Pfr XIX, 45 bayaona (Achatina) Morel. . .XVII, 20 bayoli (Achatina) Morel XVII, 118 bayoniana (Achatina) Morel. .XVII, 21 Beccaria Bgt XVIII, 114 beccarii (Limicolaria) Morel. .XVI, 278 beckianum (Opeas) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 189 beckianus (Bulimus) Pfr. . .XVIII, 189 beddomei (Achatina) Blanf. . . .XX, 74 beddomei (Glessula) Blanf XX, 73 bellamyi (Limicolaria) Jouss. XVI, 253 belloiri (Ferussacia) Let XIX, 266 bellula (Glandina) C. & F I, 23 belonidaea (Caecilioides) Serv. ..XX, 18 Belonis Hartmann XX, 1 bensoniana (Achatina) Pfr XX, 67 bensoniana (Glessula) Pfr XX, 67 bentise (Obeliscella) M. & P. XVIII, 102 bentife (Stenogyra) M. & P. XVIII, 102 berendti (Achatina) Pfr I, 50 berendti (Physella) Pfr I, 22 berendti (Pseudosubulina) Pfr. .. .1, 50 berendti (Spiraxis) Pfr. XIX, 21 ; I, 51 berendti (Strebelia) Pfr I, 22 berthleri (Ferussacia) Bgt. .. .XIX, 260 berytensis (Ferussacia) Bgt. ..XIX, 327 BIANQULAXIS Pils XIX, 46 bicarinata (Achatina) Brug. XVII, 107 blcarinatus (Bulimus) Brug. XVII, 108 bickhardtl (Spiraxis) Bttg. . . .XIX, 13 bicolor (Achatina) Jay = Carelia. bicolor (Streptostyla) Marts. .XIX, 162 bicolumellarls (Subulina) Marts. XVIII, 9 biconica (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 157 biconica (Streptostyla) Pfr. ..XIX, 15 bif rona (Perideris) Sh XVI, 22 bifrons (Pseudotrochus) Sh. ..XVI, 225 )inneyana (Glandina) Pfr. XIX, 188 ; XX, 111 >lnneyana (Streptostyla) C. & F. XIX, 156 inneyi (Obeliscus) Pils. . . .XVIII, 279 jinodosa (Caecilioides) Maltz. .XX, 19 >iolleyi (Leptinaria) Marts. XVIII, 316 ilondiana (Achatina) Ben. . .XIX, 335 iondiana (Hohenwartiana) Ben. XIX, 334 biondina (Ferussacia) Pfr. . .XIX, 335 biplicata (Glandina) W. & M. XIX, 118 biplicata (Helix) Lowe XIX, 273 biplicata (Varicella) W. & M. XIX, 119 iplicatula (Varicella) Pils. ..XIX, 105 bisculpta (Achatina) Sm XVII, 94 bistorta (Spiraxis) Pfr XVIII, 233 blstortus(Synapterpes)Pfr. XVIII, 233 blalniana (Achatina) Poey XII, 75 lanchardianum (Opeas) Gass.XVIII,178 blanchardianus (Bulimus) Gass. XVIII, 178 blandiana (Achatina) Ad XIX, 75 blandiana (Caecilioides) Crosse .XX, 42 blandiana (Geostilbia) Crosse ..XX, 43 blandiana (Streptostyla) C. & F. XIX, 148 blandiana (Tornatellina) Pfr. XVIII, 289 blandiana (Varicella) Ad XIX, 74 blandianus (Obeliscus) Pils. XVIII, 278 blandianus (Spiraxis) Pils. . . .XX, 111 blandi (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 258 blandi (Obeliscus) Pfr XVIII, 257 blandi (Ravenia) Crosse I, 52 blandi (Spiraxis) Crosse XIX, 20 ; XX, 111 blanfordiana (Glessula) Nev. . .XX, 98 blanfordiana (Stenogyra) Nev. .XX, 99 bloyeti (Achatina) Bgt XVII, 36 BOCAGEIA Girard XVII, 191 bocagei (Opeas) Nobre XVIII, 145 bocourtiana (Stenogyra) C. & F. XVIII, 213 bocourtianum (Opeas) C. & F. XVIII, 213 bocourti(Streptostyla)C. & F. XIX, 150 boettgeri (Azeca) And XIX, 292 boettgeri (Caecilioides) Hesse ..XX, 16 boettgeri (Curvella) Gredl. . .XVIII, 67 boettgeri (Hapalus) Gredl. . .XVIII, 68 bogotensls(Euglandina)Da C. XIX, 179 bogotensis (Glandina) Da C. .XIX, 180 boissil (Azeca) Dup XIX, 307 bolssyi (Cionella) Westerl. .. .XIX, 307 bolvini (Glandina) Morel. See Enid®. bollampattiana( Stenogyra) Nev. XX, 74 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 123 Boltenla Pfr XIX, 131 bolumpattiana (Glessula) Bedd. XX, 75 bombarda (Ampulla) Bolt XVII, 9 bonensls (Glandina) Alb XIX, 166 bonnet! (Glandina) Cossm. . .XIX, xxil borbonica (Helix) F6r XVII, 56 borealis (Pseudosubullna) Plls. .XIX, 7 borealis (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 8 boreti (Achatina) Gray XIX, 166 borniana (Achatina) Beck XVII, 86 botellus (Achatina) Bs XX, 78 botellus (Glessula) Bs XX, 78 bottampotana( Achatina )H. & T. XX, 74 bottampotana( Glessula) H. & T. XX, 74 botteriana (Streptostyla) C. & P. I, 44 ; XIX, 161 bourguignatiana (Achatina) Ben. XIX, 331 bourguignatiana (Hohenwartiana) Ben. XIX, 330 bourguignati (Azeca) Fag. . . .XIX, 296 bourguignatl(Ccelestele)Jouss. XIX.341 bourguignati (Digonlaxis) Jouss. XIX, 288 bourguignati (Limicolaria) Grand. XVI, 304 bourguignati (Limicolaria) Pal. XVIII, 126 boucardi( Streptostyla )Angas XIX, 158 boucardi (Streptostyla) Pfr. .XIX, 158 bourlieri (Ferussacia) Anc. . .XIX, 266 boyeriana (Streptostyla) C. & F. .1,48 boyssii (Zua) Loc XIX, 307 braueri (Opeas) Marts XVIII, 156 braueri (Hapalus) Marts. . .XVIII, 156 brephos (Obeliscus) Beck. . .XVIII, 240 bretignerei (Glessula) Chap. . .XX, 109 brevicula (Melaniella) Ad XIX, 50 brevior (Subulina) Smith . .XVIII, 177 brevis (Achatina) Pfr XX, 85 brevis (Cochlicopa) Mich. . . .XIX, 311 brevis (Curvella) Q. & M. ...XVIII, 69 brevis (Glandina) Edw XIX, xxiii brevis (Glessula) Pfr XX, 85 brevis (Hapalus) Q. & M. . . .XVIII, 69 brevis (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 40 brevis (Zua) Mich XIX, 311 brevispira (Opeas) Pils XVIII, 173 brevius (Opeas) Smith XVIII, 177 bridouxiana (Burtoa) Bgt. . . .XVI, 304 brldouxi (Limicolaria) Grand. XVI, 293 brittanica (Pupa) Ken XIX, 295 brondeli (Caecilloides) Bgt XX, 20 buccinula (Achatina) Grat. . . .XX, 114 buchholzi (Pseudachatina) Kob. XVI, 217 buchneri (Achatina) Marts. . .XVII, 10 buchner i ( Pseudachatina ) Kob. XVI, 20ft buddii (Zua) Dup XIX, 313 bugesl (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 329 bugesi (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. .XIX, 329 bulimoides (Achatina) Pfr., Tornatel- linidae. Bulimulidse XX, 114 bulimea (Columna) Spix. . . .XVII, 125 bullacea (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 14« bullacea (Streptostyla) Pfr. . .XIX, 146 | bullata (Glandina) Gld XIX, 192 bulloides (Achatina) Dh. Pfr. Monogr. Ill, 520 burnupi (Achatina) Sm XVII, 97 burrailensis (Glessula) G.-Aust. XX, 92 | BURTOA Bourguignat XVI, 298 j burtoniana (Limicolaria) Grand. XVI, 293 j Burtopsis Bgt XVI, 298 butleri (Glessula) G.-Aust XX, 92 cacahuamilpensis ( Spiraxis ) Her. XIX.28 cacuminata (Euonyma) M. & P. XVIII, 42 cacuminata (Stenogyra) M. & P. XVIII, 42 Ccecilianella Bourg XX, 1 Cfficillanellidse Bgt XIX, 211 CABCILIANOPSIS Pils XX, 5, 38 CAECILIOIDES Herm XX, 1 caillaudi (Bulimus) Pfr XVI, 282 cailleanus (Bulimus) Morel. ..XVI, 228 cailleanus (Pseudotrochus) Morel. XVI, 227 calabarlca (Achatina) Pfr. XVII,157,158 CALAXIS Bgt XIX, 284 calcareus (Bulimus) Brug. . .XVII, 196 calcaria (Helix) Born. XVII, 196 ;XVIII, 283 ealoarius(Neobeliscus)Born. XVIII.283 caledonica (Geostilbia) Crosse ..XX, 45 callfornica (Achatina) Pfr. XVIII, 235 californica (Columna) Pfr. .XVIII, 235 californica (Rhodea) Pfr. . .XVIII, 235 caloglypta (Curvella) M. & P. XVIII, 59 calus (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 42 callista (Euglandina) P. & C. XIX, 181 calllsta (Glandina) P. & C. . .XIX, 181 callistopepla Anc XVII, 125 CALLISTOPLBPA Anc XVII, xv, 125 camba (Bulimus) Orb XVIII, 210 camba (Opeas) Orb XVIII, 209 124 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. camerunensfs (Achatina) Ailly. XVII, 119 canarlca (Glessula) Bedd XX, 72 cancellata (Glandina) Sandb. XIX, xxiv Candida (Glandina) Shuttl. . .XIX, 197 candidlssima (Limicolaria) Parr. XVI, 273 candidissimus(Bulimus)Parr. XVI, 274 canefriana (Perrieria) Sykes XVIII, 36 canonica(Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 100 canonica (Subulina) Morel. XVIII, 100 canteroiana (Cryptelasmus) Gundl. XVIII, 331 canteroiana (Balea) Gundl. XVIII, 332 cantheriata (Cochlitoma) Fe"r. XX, 113 cantheriata (Helix) Fer XX, 113 canthraini (Mastus) Beck. .. .XIX, 299 capellol (Achatina) Furt XVII, 28 capensis (Achatina) Alb XVII, 86 capillacea (Achatina) Pfr XX, 55 capillacea (Glessula) Pfr XX, 55 caraccasensis(Bulimus)Rve. XVIII, 189 carinata (Achatina) Pfr XVI, 223 cazioti (Ferussacia) Loc XIX, 332 cazioti (Hohenwartiana) Loc. XIX, 332 Cecilioides Beck XX, 1 celosia (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 261 centralis (Limicolaria) Germain XVII, 217 cerea (Achatina) Pfr XVIII, 78 cerea (Subulina) Pfr XVIII, 78 CERAS Dupuis XVII, 155 cereola (Achatina) Morel. . . .XVIII, 99 cereola (Subulina) Morel. . . .XVIII, 99 cereus (Bulimus) Rve. .XVIII, 127, 128 ceylanica (Achatina) Pfr XX, 57 ceylanica (Glessula) Pfr XX, 57 champion! (Streptostyla) Marts. XIX, 159 chaperi (Achatina) Anc XVII, 10 chapman! ( Stenogyra) M. & P. XVIII, 93 chapman! (Subulina) M. & P. XVIII, 93 charbonnieri ( Limicolaria ) Bgt. XVI.293 charmettensis( Varicella) Pils. XIX, 116 charopia (Ferussacia) Bgt. . .XIX, 255 chathamensis (Leptinaria) Dall. XVIII, 285 carinata (Perideris) Pfr. . . .XVI, 223 | chefneuxi (Limicoiaria) Bgt. .XVI, 271 carinata (Pseudotrochus) Pfr. XVI, 223 carinata (Stenogyra)Watteb. XVIII, 159 carinatum (Opeas) Watteb. XVIII, 159 carinulata (Subullna) Beck. XVIII, 221 carinulata(Synopeas) Jouss. XVIII, 192 carmenensis (Glandina) auct I, 40 carminensis (Euglandina) Morel. .1,40 chemnitziana (Achatina) Pfr. XVII, 86 Chersina Beck XVI, 219 Chersina Humph XVII, 1 CHERSOMITBA Marts XIX, 145 chessoni (Achatina) Bs XX, 69 chessoni (Glessula) Bs XX, 68 chiapensis (Achatina) Pfr I, 50 carminensis (Glandina) Morel. . . .1, 40 j chlapensls (pseudosubulina) Pfr. .1, 50 carnea (Achatina) P :r. j cniapensis (Streptostyla) Pils. XX, 111 XVII, 109 ; XIX, 1£ ) j chiarlnii (Subulina) Poll. . . .XVIII, 85 carnea (Ferussacia) Risso . . .XIX, 248 ' carnea (Pegea) Risso XIX, 248 carneola (Achatina) Grat. . . .XVI, 249 Carolina (Stenogyra) Marts. .XVIII, 19 carolinum(Prosopeas)Marts. XVIII, 19 carphodes (Bulimus) Pfr. ..XVIII, 247 oarphodes (Obellscus) Pfr. .XVIII, 246 carus (Hemibulimus) Pils XX, 116 casiaca (Electra) Bs XVIII, 4 cassiaca (Achatina) Bs XVIII, 3 cassiacum (Bacillum) Bs XVIII, 3 castanea (Achatina) Lam XVII, 54 castanea (Subulina) Marts. .XVII, 139 exulata (Achatina) Bens. . . .XVII, 181 exulatus (Chilonopsis) Bens. XVII, 180» facula (Achatina) Bs XX, 78 facula (Glessula) Bs XX, 77' fagoti (Opeas) Mabllle XVIII, 160 fairbanki (Achatina) Beng XX, 64 130 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. fairbanki (Glessula) Bens XX, 63 fairmaireanus (Bulimus) Petit. XVIII, 252 fallsensis (Perideriopsls) XVI, 244 fargesiana( Stenogyra) Hde. XVIII, 169 fargesianum (Opeas) Hde. ..XVIII, 169 fasciata (Achatina) auct XII, 167 fasciatum (Buccinum) Mull. . .XII, 166 fasciatus (Liguus) XII, 166 ; XVII, 71 iasciatus (Liguus) Mull XVII, 216 fatalis (Aohatina) Marts XVII, 37 fauvellana(Stenogyra)Hde. XVIII, 169 fauvelianum (Opeas) Hde. .XVIII, 169 felina (Limicolarla) Sh XVI, 266 ferriezi (Stenogyra) Marie . .XVIII, 96 ferriezi (Subulina) Marie . . .XVIII, 96 FERUSSACIA Risso XIX, 215 FEKUSSACIDAE Bgt XIX, 211 lerussacioides (Glessula) Poll. XX, 105 ferussaci(Tornatellina)Pfr. XVIII, 288 Ferussina Grat XIX, 215 festiva (Limicolarla) Marts. ..XVI, 257 festuca (Caecilioides) Porro . . .XX, 10 filare (Opeas) Heude XVIII, 166 filarls (Stenogyra) Heude ..XVIII, 166 filicostata (Lamellaxis) Streb. XVIII, 313 Alicostata (Leptinaria) Streb. XVIII, 313 filiforme (Opeas) Mlldff. . . .XVIII, 161 filipensis (Varicella) Pils XIX, 54 filosa (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 200 filosa (Glessula) Blanf XX, 85 filosa (Euglandina) Pfr XIX, 200 fimbriata (Varicella) Fbs XIX, 72 flmbriatus (Bulimus) Fbs XIX, 72 fimbriatula (Varicella) Pils. .. .XIX, 67 fischeri (Glandina) Marts. . . .XIX, 200 flammata (Helix) Caill XVI, 282 flammata (Limicolaria) Caill. XVI, 282 flammea (Ampulla) Bolt XVII, 9 flammea (Helix) Mttll XVI, 255 flammea (Limicolaria) Mttll. ..XVI, 255 flammea (Pythla) Oken XVI, 251 flammeus (Limax) Martyn . .XVII, 122 flammigera (Helix) Fe> XVI, 232 flammigerus (Pseudotrochus) Fer. XVI, 231 flammulata (Bulimus) Bgt. XVII, 214 ; XX, 114 flammulatus (Bulimus) Pfr. . .XVI, 260 flammulata (Limicolaria) Pfr. XVI, 259 flavescens ( Streptostylus) DaC. XIX,151 flavescens (Streptostyla) Sh I, 48 FLAVOLBACINA Pils XIX, xix flavus (Obeliscus) Pils XVIII, 266 flavus (Pseudotrochus) Pils. .XVI, 240 flexuosa (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 131 flexuosa (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 130 floccata (Euglandina) DaC. . .XIX, 176 floccata (Glandina) DaC XIX, 176 floccosa (Achatina) Spix X, 93 flogera (Achatina) P. & M. . . .XII, 144 florentiae(Hypolysia)M. & P. XVIII, 37 floridana (Melaniella) Pils. . . .XIX, 57 floridana (Varicella) Pils XIX, 57 flucki (Streptostyla) Bartsch XIX, 145 follicularis (Glandina) Morel I, 25 follicularis (Oleacina) Morel I, 25 Folliculiana Bgt XIX, 218 Folliculina Westerl XIX, 218 folllculum (Bulla or Helix) Gron. XIX, 220 Folliculus Ag XIX, 309 I folliculus(Ferussacia)Gron. . .XIX, 219 ! Folliculus Westerl XIX, 218 j forbesi (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 229 | fordiana (Leptinaria) Anc. .XVIII, 314 fordiana (Nothus) Anc XVIII, 314 formicina (Cionella) Rouis .. .XIX, 311 ! formosa(Perideriopsis)D. & P. XVI.243 | fortls (Pseudosubulina) Marts. .XIX, 5 fortune! (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 35 fortune! (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 128 fossilis (Oleacina) And XIX, xxiv I foxcrofti (Achatina) Pfr. . . .XVII, 146 1 foxcrofti (Homorus) Pfr. . . .XVII, 146 fragilis (Achatina) Dh. XIX, xxii ; XX, 113 fragilis (Achatina) Sm. XVII, 63 ; XX, 113 Francesia Palad XIX, 338 fraseri (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 150 fraseri (Tornatellina) Bs XIX, 249 fraterculus (Ganomidos) D. & P. XVII, 129 frechi (Azeca) And XIX, 292 fritschi (Cionella) Mss XIX, 235 fritschi (Ferussacia) Mss. . . .XIX, 235 frumentum (Achatina) Rve. . . .XX, 98 frumentum (Glessula) Rve XX, 98 fuchsiana (Stenogyra) Hde. . .XVIII, 9 fulgens (Achatina) Pfr XX, 101 fulgens (Glessula) Pfr XX, 101 fulgurata (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 85 fulica (Achatina) Fe> XVII, 55 ; fulica (Helix) Fe> XVII, 56 fuliginea (Achatina) Pfr. Carelia. fulminatrix (Achatina) Marts. XVII, 67 fulminea (Achatina) Lam. . . . .XIX, 87 fulminea (Varicella) Lam XIX, 87 fulva (Achatina) Brug XVII, 47 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 131 fulvescens (Achatina) Gray. ..XVII, 47 fulvida (Streptostyla) C. & F I, 46 fulvus (Bulimus) Brug XVII, 47 fumificatus( Stenogyra) G.-A. XVII, 205 funcki (Achatina) Pfr. XVIII, 288, 290 funiculare (Opeas) Hde. . . .XVIII, 166 funicaloris(Stenogyra)Hde. XVIII, 166 fusca (Achatina) Pfr XX, 101 fusca (Cochlicopa) Moq XIX, 317 fusca (Glessula) H. Ad XX, 83 fusca (Glessula) Pfr XX, 101 fusca (Rumina) Pall XVII, 214 fuscata (Agatina) Raflnesque fuscescens (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 286 fuscidula (Achatina) Morel. XVII, 160 fuscidula (Pseudoglessula) Morel. XVII, 160 fuscolabris (Achatina) Marts. XVI, 309 fuscolineata (Achatina) Lam I, 26 fusiformis (Achatina) Pfr. XIX, 188 ; XX, 111 fusiformis (Achatina) Pic. XIX, 307, 320 ; XX, 111 fusiformis (Euglandina) Pfr. XIX, 188 ; XX, 111 fusiformis(Aclcula)Hasselt XVIII, 175 FUSILLDS Lowe XIX, 272 G gabbiana (Stenogyra) Ang. .XVIII, 189 gabbianum (Opeas) Angas ..XVIII, 192 gabbi (Streptostyla) Pils XIX, 158 gabonensis (Pseudachatina) Shuttl. XVI, 214 Ganomidos Ailly XVII, 125 garamulatae (Homorus) Kobelt, 1905. gattoi (Caecilioides) West XX, 28 gayana (Achatina) Ad XIX, 97 gayana (Varicella) Ad XIX, 98 gemma (Achatina) Rve XX, 97 gemma (Glessula) Rve XX, 97 gemmellariana (Achatina) Ben. XX, 14 gemmellariana (Caecilioides) Ben. XX,14 GEOSTILBIA Crosse XX, 5, 43 gereti (Rhodea) Jouss XVIII, 236 ghiesbreghti (Achatina) Pfr. .XIX, 188 ghiesbreghti( Euglandina) Pfr. XIX.188 gibbosa (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 249 gigantea (Rhodea) Mouss. ..XVIII, 237 gigas (Ochroderma) Marts. .XVIII, 326 gigas (Stenogyra) Poey XVIII, 260, 261 glgas (Tornatellina) Mart. .XVIII, 327 gilbertae (Limicolaria) Bgt . .XVI, 247 ginirensis (Homorus) Kobelt, 1905. giraudi (Bulimus) Bgt XVI, 303 giraudi (Burtoa) Bgt XVI, 302 giraudi (Limicolaria) Bgt. . . .XVI, 290 glabella (Stenogygra) Morel. XVIITr97 glabella (Subulina) Morel. .. .XVIII, 97 glaber (Turbo) DaC XIX, 315 glabra (Achatina) Pfr. 1,23; XIX, 127 glabra (Varicella) Pfr XIX, 127 gladiolus (Opeas) C. & F. . .XVIII, 214 glandiformis (Streptostyla) C. & F. 1,46 Glandina of authors XIX, 175 Glandina Schum XIX, 127 GLANDINELLA Pfr XIX, 44 glandinopsis (Limicolaria) Bgt. XVI, 272 | glans (Bulimus) Brug XIX, 130 j glans (Polyheomus) Montf. . . .XIX, 131 I glans (Polyphemus) Say XIX, 191 j glaucina (Achatina) Anc XVII, 64 j glaucocyanea (Euonyma) M. & P. XVIII, 43 glaucocyanea (Subulina) M. & P. XVIII, 43 j GLESSULA Martens XX, 50 I globosa (Curvella) M. & P. . .XVIII, 61 I globosus (Hapalus) M. & P. .XVIII, 61 , glomeratum (Opeas) Rve. . .XVIII, 210 i glomeratus (Bulimus) Rve. XVIII, 211 I gloynii (Cionella) Gibb XVIII, 323 \ gloynii (Leptinaria) Gibb. ..XVIII, 322 ; glutinosa (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 61 ; gnomon (Obeliscus) Beck . .XVIII, 246 | gollonsirensis (Riebeckia) G.-A. XVII, 206 ! gollonsirensis (Stenogyra) G.-A. XVII, 206 ' gompharium (Opeas) Shuttl. XVIII, 205 gompharium (Stenogyra) Shuttl. XVIII, 205 GOMPHEOA Westerl XIX, 290, 306 gonostoma (Obeliscus) Gundl. XVIII, 276 gonostoma (Stenogyra) Gundl. XVIII, 276 goodaill (Pupa) Dup XIX, 296 goodalli (Achatina) Rossm. . .XIX, 293 goodalli (Azeca) Fe"r XIX, 295 goodalli (Helix) F6r XIX, 295 goodalli (Helix) Mill. XVIII, 141, 151, 157, 201 goodalli (Opeas) Mill. XVIII, 141, 157, 183, 200 gorontalense(Prosopeas)Sar. XVIII, 20 gorontalensis ( Stenogyra) Sar. XVIII,20 gossei (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 6ft 132 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. gossei (Varicella) Pfr XIX, 65 gouldii (Achatina) Rve XVI, 235 gouldii (Pseudotrochus) Rve. .XVI, 235 grabhami (Ferussacia) Pils. .XIX, 272 gracilenta(Ferussacia) Morel. XIX, 256 gracilenta (Glandina) Morel. .XIX, 256 gracilenta (Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 82 gracilenta (Subulina) Morel. XVIII, 82 gracile (Opeas) Hutt. i XVIII, 125, 172, 174, 183, 198 j gracillima (Achatina) Pfr. . . .XIX, 56 j gracillima (Varicella) Pfr XIX, 55 ; gracillimus (Obeliscus) Beck XVIII, 240 j gracilior (Achatina) Ad. XIX, 69 ; XX, 113 j gracilior (Achatina) Marts. XVII, 111 ; XX, 113 gracilior (Curvella) Marts. . .XVIII, 58 gracilior (Pseudoglessula) Sm. XVII, 167 gracilior (Stenogyra) Gredl. XVIII, 165 ; gracilior (Varicella) Ad XIX, 68 | gracilis (Bulimus) Hutt. . . .XVIII, 125 i gracilis (Bulimus) Pfr XVII, 215 j gracilis (Ferussacia) Lwe. . . .XIX, 278 i gracilis (Glessula) Bedd XX, 83 | gracilis (Helix) Lowe XIX, 278 gracilis (Leptinaria) Pils. ..XVIII, 299 gracilis (Limicolaria) Marts. .XVI, 283 gracilis (Rumina) Pfr XVII, 215 gracilis (Streptostyla) Pils. . .XIX, 148 gracilius (Opeas) Gredl. . . .XVIII, 164 grandidieriana( Achatina) Bgt. XVII, 75 grandidieriana ( Stenogyra ) Bgt. XVII.76 grandidieri( Bulimus )C. & F. XVII, 195 grandidieri(Clavator)C. & F. XVII, 194 grandidieri (Burtoa) Pils. . . .XVI, 303 grandinata (Pseudachatina) Pfr. XVI, 209 grandis (Achatina) Mke XIX, 324 granulata (Achatina) Krauss XVII, 79 grateloupi (Bulimus) Pfr. .. .XVIII, 68 grateloupi (Curvella) Pfr. .. .XVIII, 68 grateloupi (Csecilianella) Bgt. .. .XX, 5 gravenreuthi (Pseudachatina) Bttg. XVI, 212 gravida( Ferussacia) Florence, XIX, 224 grayi( Pseudoglessula) Ailly. XVII, 158 gredleri (Acicula) Kuest XX, 23 gredleri (Caecilloides) Kuester .XX, 23 greeffl (Opeas) Girard, XVIII, 143 grevillei (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 112 griffithsii (Achatina) Ad XIX, 81 grifflthii (Varicella) Ad XIX, 80 griaea (Cochlicopa) Loc XIX, 318 grisea (Columna) Perry XVII, 122 gronoviana( Ferussacia )Risso. XIX, 225 grossa (Ferussacia) Anc XIX, 260 guadeloupensis (Achatina) Pfr. XIX.126 guadeloupensis( Varicella) Pfr. XIX,125 guatemalense( Opeas) Streb. XVIII, 213 guatemalensis (Leptinaria) C. & F. XVIII, 312 guatemalensis (Spiraxis) C. & F. XVIII, 312 guatemalensis (Streptostyla) C. & F. XIX, 150 guayaquilensis (Subulina) Mill. XVIII, 224 guinaica (Limicolaria) Morel. XVI, 258 guinaicus (Bulimus) Bgt. . . .XVIII, 52 guineensis (Bulimus) Jonas .XVIII, 52 guineensis (Curvella) Jonas, XVIII, 52 gundlachi (Achatina) Pfr XX, 43 gundlachi (Caecilioides) Pfr. .. .XX, 43 gundlachi (Obeliscus) Ar. . .XVIII, 277 gundlachi (Stenogyra) Ar. ..XVIII, 277 gundlachi (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 115 gundlachi (Varicella) Pfr. . . .XIX, 115 gutierrezi (Stenogyra) Arango XVIII, 268 guttidentata (Varicella) Pils. XIX, 117 gyrata (Stenogyra) Mouss. .XVIII, 184 H habrawalensis (Limicolaria) Jouss. XVI, 280 hachijoensis (Cochlicopa) Pils. XIX, 324 hagenmulleri (Ferussacia) Bgt. XIX, 246 hagenmulleri (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. XIX, 334 hainesi (Columna) Pfr XVII, 124 haitensis (Leptinaria) Pils. XVIII, 301 hamillei (Achatina) Petit. . . .XVII, 53 hamonvillei {Opeas) Dautz. XVIII, 143 hamonvillei (Stenogyra) Dautz. XVIII, 143 hanleyi (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 229 hanleyi (Synapterpes) Pfr. .XVIII, 228 hannense (Opeas) Rang. . . .XVIII, 141 hannensis (Helix) Rang. . . .XVIII, 141 hapaloldes (Leptinaria) Marts. XVIII, 31T Hapalus Albers XVIII, 46 haplostylus (Bulimus) Pfr. XVIII, 256 haplostylus (Obeliscus) Pfr. XVIII, 255 hartertl (Leptinaria) Sm. . .XVIII, 323 har^erti (Neosubulina) Sm. XVIII, 32& hartmanni (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 284 hasta (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 273 hasta (Obeliscus) Pfr XVIII, 272 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 133 hasta (Stenogyra) Pfr XVIII, 273 hastatum (Prosopeas) Bttg. .XVIII, 23 hastula (Achatina) Bens XX, 94 hastula (Glessula) Bens XX, 93 haughtoni (Prosopeas) Bs. . .XVIII, 28 baughtoni (Spiraxis) Bs XVIII, 28 hawaiiense (Opeas) Sykes . .XVIII, 136 headonensis(Cochlicopa)Edw. XIX, 311 hebes (Achatina) Blanf XX, 62 hebes (Glessula) Blanf XX, 62 hebes (Prosopeas) Blanf XVIII, 32 hebes (Spiraxis) Blanf XVIII, 33 hedeium (Opeas) Mab XVIII, 160 hedeius (Opeas) Mab XVIII, 160 heimburgi (Clavator) Kob. . .XVII, 201 helense (Leptinaria) Pils. ..XVIII, 324 Hemibulimus Mts XX, 114 hendersoni (Obeliscus) Pils. XVIII, 267 henrici (Prosopeas) Anc XVIII, 33 henrici (Stenogyra) Anc XVIII, 33 henshawi (Opeas) Sykes. .. .XVIII, 139 heptagyrum (Opeas) Bttg. ..XVIII, 186 herculeus (Bulimus) Anc. . . .XVII, 203 herculeus (Clavator) Anc. .. .XVII, 202 hericourtlana (Limicolaria) Kob. XVI, 274 heteracra (Pseudoglessula) Bttg. XVII, 165 heudei (Opeas) Pils XVIII, 171 heuglini (Achatina) Marts. . .XVI, 276 heuglini (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 276 hexagyrum (Opeas) Bttg. . .XVIII, 180 hidalgoi (Limicolaria) Crosse. XVI, 297 hierosolymarum (Calaxis) Roth. XIX, 285 hierosolymarum (Tornatellina) Roth. XIX, 285 hirsutus (Stenogyra) G.-A. . .XVII, 210 hispanica (Ccelestele) Bgt. . . .XIX, 344 histrio (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 119 histrio (Varicella) Pfr XIX, 118 hochstetteri (Bulimus) Zel. ..XVIII, 23 hochstetteri (Prosopeas) Zel. XVIII, 23 Hohenwarthia Bgt XIX, 327 hohenwarthii (Achatina) Schm. XIX, 328 HOHBNWARTIANA Bgt XIX, 327 hohenwarti( Achatina) Rossm. XIX, 328 ho'henwarti (Hohenwartlana) Rossm. XIX, 328 hollandi (Ravenia) Hend XIX, 18 holosericum ( Prosopeas) Bttg. XVIII, 24 homalogyra (Obeliscus) Shuttl. XVIII, 263 homalogyrus (Bulimus) Shuttl. XVIII, 263 Homorus Albers XVII, 130 hopii (Achatina) Serres. — Dactylius. horrida (Varicella) Pils XIX, 54 hortensise (Achatina) Morel. .XVII, 22 hortensis (Bulimus) Ad. . . .XVIII, 200 hugeli (Achatina) Pfr XX, 91 hugeli (Glessula) Pfr XX, 91 huingensis (Glandina) Pils. . .XIX, 185 humbloti (Bulimus) Anc. . . .XVII, 199 humbloti (Clavator) Anc. . . .XVII, 199 humicola (Pseudoglessula) D. & P. XVII, 163 hunanense (Opeas) Gredl. . .XVIII, 170 hunanensis (Stenogyra) Gredl. XVIII, 170 hyadesi (Limicolaria) Jouss. .XVI, 265 hyalina (Achatina) Anton XX, 113 hyalina (Acicula) Bielz XX, 15 hyalina (Caecilioides) Bielz XX, 15 hyalina (Cochlicopa) Jeffr. .. .XIX, 317 hyalina (Cryptazeca) Folin . .XIX, 284 hyalina (Glessula) Rang XX, 107 .hyalina (Helix) Rang XX, 107 hyalina (Leptinaria) Tate ..XVIII, 309 hyalina (Tornatellina) Tate XVIII, 309 Hydastes Parr XIX, 309 hyemale (Opeas) Heude XVIII, 165 hyemalis( Stenogyra )Heude XVIII, 165 HYPNOPHILA Bgt XIX, 290, 298 HYFOLYSIA Melv. & Pons. . . .XVIII, 37 HYPSELIA Lowe XIX, 274 hypselia (Ferussacia) Pils. . . .XX, 114 iheringi (Glandina) Pils XIX, 210 iickelii (Limicolaria) Poll. . . .XVI, 277 illustris (Achatina) G.-Aust. . . .XX, 95 illustris (Glessula) G.-Aust. . . .XX, 95 immaculata (Achatina) Lam. .XVII, 50 immemorata (Euglandina) Pils. XIX, 192 imperforata (Leptinaria) Streb. XVIII, 317 imperforatus (Lamellaxls) Streb. XVIII, 317 ' imperialis (Chersina) Beck. XVII, 216 ! Impressa (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 119 : impressa (Varicella) Pfr XIX, 119 impressus (Bulimus) Rve XIX, 33 inaequalls (Achatina) Pfr. . . .XVII, 33 Incerta (Achatina) Rve I, 24 incerta (Azeca) Ben XIX, 304 ! incerta (Oleacina) Rve I, 24 incertus (Spiraxis) Mouss. .XVIII, 231 , incertus (Synapterpes) Mouss. XVIII, 231 134 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. inclsa (Oleacina) Pfr I, 25 incoloratus (Perideris) Shuttl. XVI, 230 incoloratus (Pseudotrochus) Shuttl. XVI, 229 incomparabilis (Orbitina) Risso. XVII, 213 inconspicua (Glessula) Nev XX, 82 indicus (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 127 indotata (Achatina) Rve XVII, 83 indusiaca (Oleacina) Try XIX, 185 induslata (Euglandina) Pfr. ..XIX, 185 induslata (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 185 Inflata (Achatina) Reuss. . . .XIX, xxiv Inflata (Glandina) Marts XIX, 201 inflata (Llmlcolaria) Bgt XVI, 247 Inflata (Leptlnarla) Marts. ..XVII, 308 Inflatula (Stenogyra) Hde. .XVIII, 168 inflatulum (Opeas) Hde. . . .XVIII, 167 Inflecta (Achatina) Gld. Ms., XVII, 185 Infrafusca (Achatina) Marts. XVII, 32 infrafusca(Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 287 ingallsiana (Achatina) Ad XIX, 96 ingallsiana (Varicella) Ad XIX, 97 innovata (Caecilioides) Greg. .. .XX, 27 inopinata (Varicella) Plls XIX, 61 inornata (Achatina) Pfr XX, 53 Inornata (Curvella) Chap. .. .XVIII, 51 inornata (Glessula) Pfr XX, 53 insculpta (Riebeckia) Sm. .. .XVII, 208 insculpta (Stenogyra) Sm. . .XVII, 209 Insignis (Achatina) Pfr I, 39 Insignls (Euglandina) Pfr. .. .XIX, 195 insignis (Ferussacia) Babor .XIX, 217 Insignis (Luntia) Smith . . .XVIII, 218 Insignis (Perideris) Pfr XVI, 240 insignis (Pseudotrochus) Pfr. XVI, 240 insularis (Pupa) Ehr XVIII, 107 insularis (Zootecus) Ehr. .. .XVIII, 106 Integra (Azeca) Mouss XIX, 301 interiors (Pseudopeas) Tate XVIII, 120 interioris (Stenogyra) Tate XVIII, 120 Intermedia (Achatina) Zgl. .. .XIX, 313 intermedia (Leptinaria) Pils. XVIII, 304 intermedia (Subulina) Taylor XVIII, 91 intermedius (Spiraxis) Streb. I, 51 ; XIX, 23 intermedius (Volutaxis) Streb. . . .1, 51 interrupta (Glandina) Shuttl. XIX, 126 interrupta (Varicella) Shuttl. XIX, 126 interstinctus (Bulimus) Pfr. XVIII, 50 interstinctus (Bulimus) Gld. .XVI, 239 interstinctus (Pseudotrochus) Gld. XVI, 239 interstriata(Leptinaria)Tate XVIII.310 interstriata (Tornatellina) Tate XVIII, 311 Intro versa (Pseudoglessula) Sm. XVII, 169 introversus (Bulimus) Smith XVII, 170 inusitata (Achatina) Ad XIX, 15 inusitatus (Spiraxis) Ad XIX.15 invalida (Stenogyra) Morel. .XVII, 153 involuta (Achatina) Gld. . . .XVII, 150 involutus (Homorus) Gld. .. .XVII, 150 iolarynx (Perideris) Sh XVI, 230 iolarynx (Pseudotrochus) Sh. XVI, 230 iostoma (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 32 iota (Achatina) Ad XX, 38 iota (Caecilioides) Ad XX, 38 iriana (Hohenwartiana) Poll. XIX, 329 iridescens (Ferussacia) Woll. XIX, 275 iridescens (Lovea) Woll XIX, 276 irregularis (Caecilianella) Sacco. XX, 5 irregularis(Pseudosubulina)Pils. XIX,7 irrigua (Streptostyla) Sh I, 46 Isabella (Euglandina) Pils. .. .XIX, 183 isabellina (Achatina) Pfr. . . .XIX, 203 isabellina (Euglandina) Pfr. .XIX, 203 isabellina (Glandina) Streb. ..XIX, 184 ischna (Varicella) Pils XIX, 82 ISCHNOCION Pils XVIII, 287, 324 isis (Achatina) Hani XX, 71 isis (Glessula) Hani XX, 71 isseli (Caecilioides) Palad XX, 37 isseli (Coelestele) Bgt XIX, 341 isseli (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 254 isseli (Pseudopeas) Jick. . . .XVIII, 118 isseli (Subulina) Jick XVIII, 119 ivensl (Achatina) Furt XVII, 25 jalapana (Glandina) Marts, jamaicensis (Achatina) Pfr. jamaicensis (Varicella) Pfr. jamaicensis (Bulimus) Rve. jani (Achatina) deBetta .. . jani (Caecilioides) deBetta jaspideus (Bulimus) Morel. javanica (Achatina) javanica (Glessula) Bttg. .. javanicum (Opeas) Rve. XVIII, 138 jerdoni (Achatina) Rve. ... jerdoni (Glessula) Rve Jessica (Stenogyra) G.-A. . . jeyporensis (Glessula) Bedd. jickelii (Subulina) Bgt joaquinse (Salasiella) Streb. jobae (Glandina) Bgt jod (Cecilioides) Pils johanninum (Opeas) Morel. ..XIX, 195 ...XIX, 85 ...XIX, 85 ...XIX, 33 XX, 22 XX, 22 ..XVI, 262 XVIII, 138 ...XX, 103 ; XIX, 350 XX, 75 XX, 75 .XVII, 209 ...XX, 75 .XVII, 135 ..XIX, 172 ..XIX, xxv ....XX, 41 XVIII, 153 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 135 Johanninus (Bulimus) Morel. XVIII, 154 Johnson! (Clavator) Sm XVII, 200 Joihnsoni (Stenogyra) Sm. .. .XVII, 201 Johnston! (Achatina) Sm XVII, 65 Jouberti (Burtoa) Bgt XVI, 305 Jouberti (Burtopsis) Bgt XVI, 305 Jouberti (Subulina) Bgt XVII, 144 joubini (Limicolarla) R. & G. XVII, 216 jousseaumei (Curvella) Morg. XVIII, 67 jousseaumei (Hapalus) Morg. XVIII, 67 Jousseaumei (Obeliscus) Cousin XVIII, 256 Judaica (Caecilioides) Mouss. . .XX, 33 Judaica (Glandina) Mouss XX, 33 Junceus (Bulimus) Old XVIII, 131 Junceus (Opeas) Gld XVIII, 184 K kambeul (Bulimus) Brug XVI, 251 kambeul (Limicolaria) Brug. .XVI, 251 kambul (Bulimulus) Gray XVI, 251 kassaiana (Subulina) Mab. & Germ. XVIII, 83 kemense (Opeas) Sarasin .. .XVIII, 175 kemensis ( Stenogyra) Sarasin XVIII, 176 keniana (Limicolaria) Sm. . . .XVI, 280 kercadonis (Achatina) Grat. .XVI, 226 kercadonis (Pseudotrochus) Grat. XVI, 226 khasiacus (Bulimus) Aust. . .XVIII, 66 khasiana (Curvella) Aust. .. .XVIII, 65 khasianus (Bulimus) Aust. . .XVIII, 66 kirkii (Achatina) Sm XVII, 66 kirkii (Achatina) Crav XVII, 166 kirkii (Pseudoglessula) Crav. XVII, 166 kleiniana (Poiretia) Pils XX, 112 knorrii (Achatina) Jonas . . .XVII, 118 kobeltiana (Pseudachatina) Pils. XVI, 210 kobelti (Limicolaria) Ailly . . .XVI, 262 kobelti (Perideris) Pils XVI, 238 kobelti (Pseudotrochus) Pils. XVI, 237 kordofana (Limicolaria) Parr. XVI, 273 kransii (Achatina) Rve XVII, 88 kraussi (Achatina) Rve XVII, 87 kraussi (Bulimus) Pfr XVI, 309 kraussi (Metachatina) Pfr. ...XVI, 308 kretschmeri (Curvella) Marts. XVIII, 55 kretschmeri( Hapalus) Marts. XVIII, 56 kuangsiense (Opeas) Gredl. XVIII, 170 kuangsiensis (Stenogyra) Gredl. XVIII, 170 kurnoolensis (Glessula) Nev. .. .XX, 91 kusaiense (Opeas) Pils XVIII, 182 kyotoense (Opeas) Pils XVIII, 136 labida (Glandina) Morel XIX, 150 labida ( Strep tosty la) Morel. ..XIX, 150 lacryma (Leptinaria) Beck .XVIII, 285 lactaea (Ampulla) Bolt XVII, 9 lactea (Achatina) Rve XVII, 35* lactea (Caecilioides) Moit XX, 12 lactifluus (Bulimus) Pfr XIX, 13 laeocochlis (Euonyma) M. & P. XVIII, 3J> laeocochlis ( Subulina )M. & P. XVIII, 37 LAEVARICELLA Pils XIX, 123 laevigata (Achatina) Pfr XX, 107 laevigata (Bulimus) Lowe . . .XVII, 212 laevigata (Coelestele) Bgt XIX, 344 laevigata (Glessula) Pfr XX, 106 LABVIGLANDINA Pils XIX, 201 laevissima (Cochlicopa) Mich. XIX, 311 laevissima (Zua) Mich XIX, 311 LAEVOLEACINA Pils XIX, 131 Iseviusculus (Bulimus) Ad XIX, 35 laeviusculus (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 35. lagariensis (Subulina) Smith XVII, 141 lallemanti (Ferussacia) Bgt. .XIX, 255- lamarckiana (Achatina) Pfr. .XVII, 42 lamellata( Achatina) P. & M. XVIII.288: lamellata (Ferussacia) Bgt. ..XIX, 242' lamellata (Leptinaria) P. & M. XVIII, 288 LAMELLAXIS Strebel XVIII, 287 lamellifera (Ferussacia) Morel. XIX, 252 lamellifera (Glandina) Morel. XIX, 253 lamellosa( Achatina) Moric. XVIII, 291 lamellosa (Limicolaria) Bgt. .XVI, 296 | lamyi (Euglandina) F. & C. . .XIX, 196 lamyi (Glandina) F. & C XIX, 196 lanceolata (Euonyma) Pfr. ..XVIII, 4O lanceolata (Ferussacia) Bgt. .XIX, 228- lanceolata (Glandina) Marts. XIX, 203 lanceolatus (Bulimus) Bgt. XVII, 214 ; XX, 114 lanceolatus (Bulimus) Pfr. . .XVIII, 40 lankana (Glessula) Pils XX, 54 lanzarotensis (Cionella) Mouss. XIX, 236 lanzarotensis (Ferussacia) Mouss. XIX, 235 lapillina (Stenogyra) Hde. .XVIII, 167 lapillinum (Opeas) Hde. . . .XVIII, 167 largillierti (Achatina) Pfr. .. .XIX, 199 lasti (Stenogygra) Smith XVIII, 88 last! (Subulina) Smith XVIII, 87 lata (Pseudobalea) Gundl. ..XVIII, 273 latebricola (Bulimus) Bens. XVIII, 162 latebricola (Opeas) Bens. . .XVIII, 162 latestriata (Glessula) Mlldff. ..XX, 100 136 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. lattrel (Streptostyla) Pfr. . . .XIX, 145 latus (Obeliscus) Gundl. . . .XVIII, 273 laurentiana(Ferussacla)Pils. XIX, 277 lauta (Acicula) Paul XX, 24 lauta (Caecilioides) Paul XX, 24 lavlgeriana (Burtoa) Bgt XVI, 304 laxispirum(Prosopeas) Marts. XVIII.26 laxispira (Stenogyra) Marts. XVIII, 26 layardi (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 51 layardi (Coeliaxis) A. & A. .XVIII, 337 layardi (Glessula) Pils XX, 59 layardi (Opeas) Bens XVIII, 158 layardi (Spiraxis) Bens. . . .XVIII, 158 layardi (Subulina) A. & A. .XVIII, 338 leacociana (Achatina) Lwe. . .XIX, 280 Leacociana (Ferussacia) Lwe. XIX, 279 leacockiana (Lovea) Woll. . . .XIX, 280 leaiana (Achatina) Grat XVI, 208 leai (Columna) Tryon XVII, 123 lechaptoisi (Achatina) Anc. . .XVII, 43 lechatelieri (Perideris) Dautz. XVI, 234 lechatelieri (Pseudotrochus) Dautz. XVI, 233 leia (Suhullna) Putz XVIII, 84 lenta (Subulina) Sm XVII, 143 lentum (Opeas) Smith XVIII, 147 leontinse (Limicolaria) Bgt. ..XVI, 247 LEPTINARIA Beck XVIII, 284 Leptocala Anc XVII, 72 LEPTOCALLISTA Pils XVII, 75 leptospira (Achatina) Bs XX, 66 leptospira (Glessula) Bens XX, 65 leroyi (Stenogyra) Bgt XVII, 168 letourneuxi (Achatina) Bgt. ..XVII, 49 letourneuxi (Caecilioides) Bgt. .XX, 21 letourneuxi (Ferussacia) Bgt. XIX, 259 letourneuxiana(Coelestele)Bgt. XIX,345 leucostyla( Achatina) Pils. XVII,45,216 leucozonlas (Voluta) Gmel. . . .XIX, 94 leucozonias (Varicella) Gmel. .XIX, 94 levis (Achatina) Ad XIX, 108 levis (Varicella) Ad XIX, 108 Ihotellerii (Achatina) Bgt. . . .XVII, 53 Ihotellerii (Subulina) Bgt. . .XVII, 135 llberiana (Curvella) Pils XVIII, 50 liebmanni (Achatina) Pfr. . . .XIX, 195 liebmanni (Euglandina) Pfr. .XIX, 195 Hesvillei (Caecilioides) Bgt XX, 13 ligulata (Streptostyla) Morel. I, 50 ; XIX, 161 llgata (Achatina) Ad XIX, 82 llgata (Varicella) Ad. XIX, 82 llgnaria (Achatina) Rve XIX, 188 ligulata (Glandina) Morel. .. .XIX, 161 Llguus fasclatus Mull XVII, 216 liljevali (Pseudachatina) Ailly. XVI, 216 LIMICOLABIA Schum. XVI, 246 ; XVlI.xi Limicularia Schum XVI, 246 limpidum (Opeas) Marts. . .XVIII, 148 limnseformis (Streptostyla) Marts. XIX, 159 limneiformis (Streptostyla) Shutt. XIX, 159 lindeni (Oleacina) Pfr I, 23 lindoni (Achatina) Pfr I, 23 lindoni (Oleacina) Pfr. I, 23 linearis (Bulimus) Kr XVIII, 45 linearis (Euonyma) Kr XVIII, 44 linearis (Spiraxis) Pfr. .1, 52 ; XIX, 27 lineata (Achatina) Valenc. . . .XII, 168 lineata (Glandina) Streb XIX, 176 lineatus (Bulimus) Perry XVII, 57 lineolata (Limicolaria) Putz. XVI, 271 linterae (Achatina) Sowb. . . .XVII, 102 lioderma (Varicella) Pils XIX, 71 lirifera (Achatina) Morel XIX, 2 lirifera (Pseudosubulina) Morel. XIX, 2 lister! (Helix) Bolt XVII, 122 litauica (Cochlicopa) West. . .XIX, 319 littoralis (Ferussacia) Bgt. . .XIX, 243 livingstonei (Achatina) M. & P. XVII, 104 Livinhacia Crosse XVI, 298, 307 locardi (Cochlicopa) Poll XIX, 318 locardi (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 330 locardi (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. XIX, 329 locardi (Zua) Poll XIX, 318 lombockensis( Stenogyra) Sm. XVIII, 21 longa (Limicolaria) Pils XVI, 284 longa (Varicella) Pils XIX, 68 longa (Varicella) Pils. XIX, 106 ; XX, 111 longior (Varicella) Pils XX, 111 longipontiensls (Glandina) Cossm. XIX, xxil longipontina (Glandina) Bay. XIX, xxil longispira (Achatina) Ad. . . .XIX, 107 longispira (Varicella) Ad XIX, 107 longula (Glandina) F. & C I, 39 longula (Stenogyra) Morel. .XVIII, 152 longulum (Opeas) Morel. .. .XVIII, 152 lorioll (Achatina) Bonnet. . . .XVII, 82 loryi (Azeca) Mich XIX, 292 lotophaga (Bocageia) Morel. XVII, 191 lotophagus (Bulimus) Morel. XVII, 192 Lovea Wats XIX, 269 lowaensis (Perlderiopsls) D. & P. XVI, 243 lowei (Achatina) Palva XIX, 276 j loxostoma (Achatina) Kl XIX, 292 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 137 loxostoma (Azeca) Kl XIX, 292 lubrica (Cochlicopa) Mull. . . .XIX, 312 lubrica (Helix) Mtill XIX, 313 lubricella (Achatina) Brn. . . .XIX, 311 lubricella (Cochlicopa) Brn. ..XIX, 311 lubricella (Cochlicopa) Zgl. . .XIX, 321 lubricella (Columna) Zgl XIX, 321 lubricoides (Achatina) Jan. . .XIX, 329 lubricoides (Achatina) P. & M. XIX, 328 lubricoides (Bulimus) Stimps. XIX, 313 lubricus (Bulimus) auct XIX, 313 lubricus (Tortaxis) Dautz. . .XVIII, 11 lucalana (Limicolaria) Pils. ..XVI, 262 lucida (Achatina) Poey XVIII.195, 196 lucida (Glandina) Streb XIX, 184 lucida (Stenogyra) Gibb. .. .XVIII, 146 lucidissima(Obeliscella)Pal. XVIII, 101 lucidissimus (Bulimus) Pal. XVIII, 101 lucidula (Stenogyra) Hde. .XVIII, 167 lucidulum (Opeas) Hde XVIII, 167 luctuosa (Limicolaria) Pfr. . .XVI, 268 luctuosus (Bulimus) Pfr XVI, 269 lugubris (Achatina) Gray, see Acha- tinellidse. lugubris (Stenogyra) Morel. .XVII, 154 lunensis (Achatina) Ancon. . .XIX, xxv LUNTIA E. A. Smith XVIII, 218 lurida (Streptostyla) Shutt. . .XIX, 150 lutea (Achatina) Anton XII, 168 luzonicum(Prosopeas)Mlldff. XVIII, 19 lymneseformis (Euonyma) M. & P. XVIII, 39 lymneseformis (Obeliscus) M. & P. XVIII, 39 LYOBASIS Pils XVIII, 243, 274 lyrata (Glessula) Blf xx, 86 M mabilleana (Azeca) Fag XIX, 294 mabilliana (Subulina) Bgt. ..XVIII, 85 mabilleana (Ferussacia) Pal. .XIX, 263 macei (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 332 macei (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. .XIX, 332 macer (Glandina) Dall XIX, 192 machachensis (Achatina) Sm. XVII, 84 macilentum (Prosopeas) Rve. XVIII, 19, 33 macilentus (Bulimus) Rve. . .XVIII, 19 macra (Opeas) Gredl XVIII, 164 Macrospira Swains XVIII, 220 macrospira (Bulimus) Ad XIX, 31 macrospira (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 31 macrostoma (Achatina) Beck. XVII, 56 maculata (Achatina) Dh XVII, 48 maculata (Achatina) Swains. Exotic Conch. = Halia priamus. maderensis (Bulimus) Lwe. . .XIX, 320 maderensis (Caecilioides) Pils. . .XX, 8 maderensis (Cochlicopa) Lwe. XIX, 820 - magilensis (Euonyma) Crav. XVIII, 45 magilensis (Bulimus) Crav. ..XVIII, 46 magniflca (Achatina) Pfr. XII, 185; XX, 117 magniflca (Achatina) Rve XX, 115 magnificus(Hemibulimus)Pfr. XX, 117 magniflcus (Liguus) Rve XX, 115 major (Cochlicopa) Beck and Bgt. XIX, 324 major (Glandina) Marts XIX, 209 major (Glessula) Blanf XX, 89 major (Glessula) Nevill XX, 93 major (Obeliscus) Mill XVIII, 254 major (Pseudoglessula) Smith XVII, 169 major (Streptostyla) C. & F. .XIX, 150 major (Spiraxis) Marts XIX, 24 major (Spiraxis) Newb XIX, 13 majuscula (Leptinaria) Marts. XVIII, 312 majus (Opeas) Marts XVIII, 214 malaguettana (Glessula) Rang. XX, 109 malaguettana (Helix) Rang. ..XX, 110 malzani (Cionella) Cless XIX, 337 malzani (Hohenwartiana) Cless. XIX, 337 mamboiensis (Stenogyra) Smith XVII, 140 mamlllata (Achatina) Crav. XVIII, 73 mandarina (Spiraxis) Pfr XVIII, 7 mandarinus (Tortaxis) Pfr. . .XVIII, 7 mandevillensis (Varicella) Pils. XIX, 70 mandevillensis (Varicella) Pils. XIX, 107 ; XX, 111 manyemaense (Ceras) D. & P. XVII, 155 manzanillensis (Bulimus) Gundl. XIX, 58 manzanillensis (Varicella) Gundl. XIX, 58 maresiana (Hohenwarthia) Bgt. XIX, 328 maresi (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 252 maretima (Caecilianella) Ben. . .XX, 27 margaritacea (Achatina) Pfr. XIX, 171 margaritacea (Salasiella) Pfr. XIX, 171 margaritacea (Stenogyra) Shuttl. XVIII, 196 margaritaceum (Opeas) Shuttl. XVIII, 196 marginata (Achatina) Swains. XVII, 109 marginata (Bulla) Don XVII, 111 138 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. marginata (Ferussacia) West. XIX, 242 marginata (Glandina) West. .XIX, 167 marginata (Poiretia) West. . .XIX, 167 marginata (Oncaea) Gistel. . .XVII, 71 mariei (Achatina) Anc XVII, 37 mariei (Caecilioides) Crosse . . .XX, 48 mariei (Geostilbia) Crosse XX, 48 mariae (Opeas) Jouss XVIII, 159 marioni (Achatina) Anc XVII, 39 maritima (Columna) Spix. .XVIII, 283 marminii (Achatina) Dh XIX, 195 marmorea (Achatina) Rve. ..XVII, 183 marmorea (Bocageia) Rve. . .XVII, 182 marmorea (Columna) Perry, ..XVII, 122 maroccana (Azeca) Mouss. .. .XIX, 306 maroccana (Cionella) Mss. .. .XIX, 306 marteli (Achatina) Dautz. . .XVII, 129 martensiana (Achatina) Sm. .XVI, 290 martensiana(Limicolaria)Sm. XVI, 289 martens! (Bulimus) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 308 martensi (Leptinaria) Pfr. .XVIII, 308 martensi(Obeliscella) Jouss. XVIII, 102 martensi (Ochroderma)Dall. XVIII.329 martensi (Leptinaria) Dall. XVIII, 329 martensi (Opeas) Strob. . . .XVIII, 205 martensi (Pseudachatina) Ailly, XVI, 215 martensi (Stenogyra) Strob. XVIII, 205 martensi (Subulina) D. & P. XVII, 148 massoniana (Homorus) Crosse XVII, 184 matheranica (Glessula) Blf. . . .XX, 87 matoni (Azeca) Lch XIX, 295 mauiensis (Achatina) Pfr. see Acha- tinellidae. maunoiriana (Limicolaria) Bgt. XVI, 247 maura (Rumina) Crosse XVII, 214 mauriana (Caecilioides) Bgt. . . .XX, 12 mauritanica (Hohenwarthia) Bgt. XIX, 328 mauritiana (Achatina) Lam. .XVII, 56 mauritiana (Acicula) H. Ad. . . .XX, 47 mauritiana (Caecilioides) H. Ad. XX, 47 mauritianum (Opeas) Pfr. XIX, 13, 133 mauritianus (Bulimus) Pfr. XVIII, 133 maxima (Achatina) Paiva . . .XIX, 270 maxima (Bulimus) Bgt. XVII, 214 ; XX, 114 maxima (Cochlicopa) Cless. . .XIX, 324 maxima (Limnaea) Sowb. . . .XIX, xxiii maxima (Stenogyra) Poey ..XVIII, 260 maximus (Obeliscus) Poey ..XVIII, 260 mayottense (Opeas) Pils. .. .XVIII, 155 mazatlanlca (Glandina) Marts. XIV, 196 mazei (Geostilbia) Crosse XX, 42 mcbeani (Opeas) M. & P. .. .XVIII, 151 mediomaculata (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 289 megalaea (Limicolaria) Bgt. . .XVI, 284 megalogyra( Subulina )Gundl. XIX, 115 megaspira (Subulina) Mab. . .XVIII, 83 megeanus (Tortaxis) Anc. .. .XVIII, 10 melampoides(Ferussacia)Lwe. XIX, 270 melampoides (Helix) Lowe. . .XIX, 270 Melaniella Pfr XIX, 50 melanielloides (Spiraxis) Gundl. XIX, 28 melanioides (Bulimus) Woll. XVII, 178 melanioides (Chilonopsis) Woll. XVII, 177 melanopsoides(Oleacina)Ads. XIX, 270 melanostoma (Achatina) Gray XII, 178 melastoma (Achatina) Swains. XII, 178 Melia Alb XIX, 46 melii (Glandina) Sacco XIX, xxv melitensis (Caecilioides) Gatto .XX, 29 menkeana (Azeca) Pfr XIX, 292 menkeanum (Carychium) Pfr. XIX, 293 meridana (Glandina) Morel. .XIX, 154 meridana(Streptostyla) Morel. XIX,154 merimeana (Caecilioides) Bgt. .XX, 12 METACHATINA Pils XVI, 307 mexicana (Leptinaria) Pfr. XVIII, 306 mexicana (Spiraxis) Pfr. .. .XVIII, 307 micans (Achatina) Ad XIX, 42 micans (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 40 micans (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 42 michaudiana (Achatina) Orb. .XIX, 10 michoacanensis (Glandina) Pils. XIX, 185 michoniana (Caecilioides) Bgt. .XX, 32 michoniana (Ferussacia) Bgt. . .XX, 33 micra (Helix) Orb XVIII, 193 micra (Opeas) Orb XVIII, 193 microlestes (Oleacina) Pils. . .XIX, 135 microsculpta (Glessula) Nev. .. .XX, 85 microstoma (Achatina) Beck. XVII, 86 microstoma (Glandina) Kob. .XIX, 167 microstoma (Obeliscus) Gundl. XVIII, 276 microstoma (Stenogyra) Gundl. XVIII, 277 microxia (Ferussacia) Bgt. .. .XIX, 261 miliaris (Columna) C. & J. XVII, 125 ; XX, 10 miliolum (Azeca) Pal XIX, 292 milleri (Poiretia) Pils XX, 113 milneedwardsiana (Achatina) Rev. XVII, 38 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 139 milneedwardsiana (Limlcolaria) Bgt. XVI, 247 miltochila (Glandina) Marts. XIX, 188 mimosarum (Helix) Orb. .. .XVIII, 210 mimosarum (Opeas) Orb. . .XVIII, 210 mingrelica (Glandina) Bttg. .XIX, 168 mingrelica (Poiretia) Bttg. . .XIX, 168 minima (Achatina) Siem XIX, 321 minima (Salasiella) Pils XIX, 172 minimus (Bulimus) Brug XIX, 11 minimus (Bulimus) C. B. Ad. .XIX, 11 minor (Bulimus) Bgt XVII, 215 minor (Glandina) Binn XIX, 192 minor (Glessula) Bedd XX, 73 minor (Obeliscus) Mill XVIII, 253 minor (Spiraxis) Marts XIX, 24 minuscula(Leptinaria)Pils. XVIII, 323 minuta (Achatina) Ant., Tornatel- linidae. minuta (Acicula) Mouss XX, 34 minuta (Caecilioides) Mouss. .. .XX, 33 minuta (Curvella) DaC XVIII, 340 minuta (Stenogyra) Semp. .XVIII, 180 minutissima (Achatina) Barcl., Torna- tellinidse. minutissima (Caecilioides) Guppy XX, 41 minutissima (Glandina) Guppy XX, 41 minutum (Opeas) Semp. . . .XVIII, 180 mirabilis (Bulimus) Ad XIX, 16 ! mirabilis (Plicaxis) Sykes . . .XVIII, 13 ; mirabilis (Rhodina) Sykes .. .XVIII, 13 i mirabilis (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 16 | miradorensis (Glandina) Streb. XIX, 195 j miradorensis (Spiraxis) Streb. XIX, 23 j miradorensis (Volutaxis) Streb. XIX, 23 mira (Stenogyra) Gredl XVIII, 9 | minis (Tortaxis) Gredl XVIII, 8 j mitescens (Pseudosubulina) Marts. XIX, 5 | mitrseformis (Streptostyla) Sh. . .1, 45 i mitriformis (Achatina) Lowe XIX, 272 mitriformis (Ferussacia) Lwe. XIX, 272 mitriformis (Glandina) Ang I, 35 modesta (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 172 modesta (Salasiella) Pfr XIX, 172 modestior (Achatina) Bttg.r=Metacha- tina adelinae XVII, 118 modestus(Lamellaxis) Streb. XVIII, 308 moellendorffl (Caecilioides) Pils. XX, 50 mohriana (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 160 mohriana (Streptostyla) Pfr. .XIX, 160 moitessieri (Perussacia) Bgt. XIX, 330 moitessieri (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. XIX, 330 mollicella (Achatina) Morel. XVII, 73, 29 monacha (Achatina) Morel. .XVII, 188 monacha (Bocageia) Morel. ..XVII, 188 monetaria (Achatina) Morel. .XVIIirl9- monile (Achatina) Swains. . . .XX, 117 monilifera (Glandina) Pfr. . .XIX, 210 monoceros (Subulina) Beck. XVIII, 221, 224 monochromatica (Achatina) Pils. XVII, 10 monocraspedon (Azeca) Slav. XIX, 292 monodon (Bulimus) Ad XVIII, 292 monodon (Leptinaria) Ad. ..XVIII, 291 monodonta(Cryptazeca)Folin XIX, 283 ...XX, 104 ...XX, 28 ..XIX, 247 ...XX, 104 XVIII, 180 XVIII, 179 XVII, 187 XVII, 186 ..XVI, 228 montana (Achatina) Marts, montana (Csecilianella) Ben. montana (Perussacia) Bgt. montana (Glessula) Marts, montana (Stenogyra) Semp. montanum (Opeas) Semp. . monticola (Achatina) Morel, monticola (Bocageia) Morel, moreletiana (Achatina) Dh. moreletianus (Pseudotrochus) Dh. XVI, 228 moreletianus (Spiraxis) Pfr. 1,49; XIX, 46 moreleti (Bulimus) Dh XVII, 198 moreleti (Clavator) Dh XVII, 198 moreleti (Ferussacia) Pall. . .XIX, 231 moreleti (Subulina) Girard. morseana (Cionella) Doh. .. . morseana (Cochlicopa) Doh. mossambica (Achatina) Branc. moulinsii (Achatina) Grat. .. moussoniana (Calaxis) Bgt. . moussoniana( Ferussacia) Bgt. mucidus (Bulimus) Gld mucidus (Pseudotrochus) Gld. XVI, 234 mucronata (Achatina) Ravenel. see Achatinellidae. mulleri (Oleacina) Malta. XIX, 132, xix mullorum (Achatina) Blanf. . . .XX, 84 mullorum (Glessula) Blanf XX, 84 multicosta (Bulimus) Gundl. ..XIX, 61 multlcosta (Varicella) Gundl. multiflda (Limicolaria) Marts, multilatus (Bulimus) Say. . .XVII, 213 multilineata (Varicella) Pils. XIX, 114 multiplicata (Spiraxis) Anc. XVIII, 10 multispira (Euglandina) Pfr. 1,30; XIX, 207 multispira (Oleacina). Pfr. . . .XIX, 207 multistriata (Varicella) Pils. munipurensis ( Bulimus) Aust. .XVIII, 74 .XIX, 316 .XIX, 316 XVII, 42 .XVI, 226 .XIX, 286 XIX, 286 .XVI, 234 .XIX, 61 XVI, 291 .XIX, 68 XVIII,65 mumipurensis (Curvella) Aust. XVIII, 65 munita (Helix) F£r XIX, 249 140 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. munzingeri (Caecilioides) Jick. = Subu- lina XX, 36 tnunzingeri (Stenogyra) Jick. XVIII, 86 munzingeri (Subulina) Jick. .XVIII, 86 murrea (Achatina) Rve XII, 168 musaecola (Achatina) Morel, see Strep- taxidse. muscorum (Achatina) Morel. XVII, 161 muscorum (Pseudoglessula) Morel. XVII, 161 mutilatus (Bulimus) Binney, XVII, 213 mvulaensis (Perideriopsis) D. & P. XVI, 245 myosotis (Buliminus) XIX, 234 myoxus (Bulimus) Shuttl. .. .XVII, 176 N nachtigali (Pseudachatina) Koh. XVI, 207 naja (Glessula) Blanf XX, 90 nana (Glandina) Shuttl I, 35 nana (Glessula) Bedd XX, 82 nankingense (Opeas) Hde. ..XVIII, 166 nankingensis (Stenogyra) Hde. XVIII, 166 nanodea (Caecilioides) Bgt XX, 21 nasimoyensis (Achatina) Bgt. XVII, 44 natalensis (Achatina) Pfr. . .XVII, 102 natalensis (Euonyma) Burn. XVIII, 41, 339 natalensis (Obeliscus) Burn. XVIII, 41 naudoti (Limnea) Mich XIX, xxii nautica (Cionella) West XIX, 337 nautica (Hohenwartiana) West. XIX, 336 nebrodensis (Achatina) Ben. .XIX, 232 nebrodensis(Ferussacia)Ben. XIX, 232 nebulosa (Stenogyra) Morel. XVII, 148 nebulosa (Streptostyla) Dall. XIX, 150 neglecta (Oleacina) Klika .. .XIX, xxiv nemorensis (Achatina) Ad. .. .XIX, 100 nemorensis (Varicella) Ad. XIX, 100 ; anatomy XIX, xvi NEOBELISCUS Pils XVIII, 280 neocaledonicum (Opeas) Pils. XVIII, 130 NEOOLESSULA Pils XX, 108 NEOSUBULINA Smith . .XVIII, 287, 322 neumanni (Achatina) Marts. .XVII, 45 neumanni(Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 296 nevilll (Stenogyra) G.-Ad. ..XVIII, 157 newcombi (Achatina) Pfr. Carelia. newtoni (Subulina) Girard ..XVIII, 75 newtoni (Thomea) Girard . .XVIII, 333 nicobarica (Opeas) Morch . .XVIII, 128 nicoleti (Streptostyla) Sh I, 43 nigella (Achatina) Morel. . . .XVII, 147 nigellus (Homorus) Morel. . .XVII, 147 nigricans (Streptostyla) Pfr I, 45 nilagarica (Achatina) Rve XX, 91 nilagarica (Glessula) Rve XX, 90 nilagirica (Glessula) Auct XX, 91 nilotica (Burtoa) Pfr XVI, 300 niloticus (Bulimus) Pfr XVI, 300 nilssoni (CochMcopa) Malm. ..XIX, 322 nitens (Achatina) Gray XX, 55 nitens (Achatina) Kok XIX, 323 nitens (Cochlicopa) Kok XIX, 323 nitens (Glessula) Gray XX, 55 nitida (Achatina) Ad XIX, 102 nitida (Achatina) Marts XVII, 76 nitida (Subulina) Marts XVII, 140 nitida (Varicella) Ad XIX, 102 nitidissima (Achatina) Pbs. ..XIX, 230 nitidissimus (Bulimus) Kryn. XIX, 228 nitidiusculus(Bulimus) Ad. XIX, 33, 34 nitidula (Subulina) Klika . . .XIX, xxiv nitidum (Opeas) Q. & M. . . .XVIII, 181 nitidus (Spiraxis) Streb. I, 52 ; XIX, 24 nitidus (Volutaxis) Streb I, 52 nodosaria (Caecilioides) Bttg. . .XX, 12 nonpareil (Chilonopsis) Perry XVII, 174 nonpareil (Melania) Perry . .XVII, 175 normalis(Pseudotrochus)Pils. XVI, 236 normalis (Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 82 normalis (Subulina) Morel. .XVIII, 82 NOTHAPALUS Martens XVIII, 221 Nothus Albers XVIII, 284 notigena (Achatina) Bs XX, 66 notigena (Glessula) Bs XX, 66 noueli (Glandina) Den XIX, xxiii nouletiana (Azeca) Dup XIX, 295 novemgyrata (Stenogyra) Mouss. XVIII, 183 novenaria (Achatina) Schum. XVIII, 224 novoleonis(Streptostyla)Pils. XIX, 147 nsendweensis (Perideriopsis) D. & P. XVI, 242 numidica (Perussacia) Bgt. . .XIX, 266 numidica (Limicolaria) Rve. ..XVI, 260 numidicus (Bulimus) Rve. . . .XVI, 260 nutans (Opeas) Gredl XVIII, 164 nutans (Stenogyra) Gredl. ..XVIII, 164 nyasana (Curvella) Sm XVIII, 56 nyctelia (Ccecilioides) Bgt XX, 7* nyikaensis (Achatina) Pils. . .XX, 113 nympha (Glandina) C. & P. nympharum (Perussacia) L. nystiana (Achatina) Pfr. 1,38 & B. XIX, 244 ..XX, 112 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 141 o oahuensls (Achatina) Green, see Acha- ; tinellidae. OBELISCELLA Jouss. XVIII.IOO ; XIX, x j OBELISCUS Beck. XVIII, 240 ; XIX, 346 ! Obeliscus Humphrey .. .XVIII, 240, 241 obeliscus (Achatina) Rve. Carelia. obeliscus (Bulimus) P. & M. XVIII, 283 obeliscus (Obeliscus) Moric. XVIII, 245 obesa (Achatina) Pfr XVIII, 87 ! obesa (Ferussacia) L. & B. .. .XIX, 241 i obesa (Streptostyla) Marts. . .XIX, 149 obesispira (Opeas) Pils XVIII, 134 obesus (Homorus) Kobelt, 1905. obliqua (Burtoa) Marts XVI, 303 obliqua (Limicolaria) Marts. .XVI, 303 obliquata ( Leptinaria ) Marts. XVIII, 309 obliteratus (Bulimus) Woll. .XVII, 177 oblitterata (Achatina) Dautz. XVII, 13 oblonga (Burtoa) Marts XVI, 302 oblonga (Euglandina) Pfr. . . .XIX, 205 oblonga (Limicolaria) Marts. .XVI, 302 oblonga (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 205 oblonga (Streptostyla) Pfr. . .XIX, 159 oblonga (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 159 obovata (Ferussacia) Pal. . . .XIX, 217 obsoleta (Limicolaria) Morel. XVI, 251 obsoleta (Spiraxis) Pfr. see Achatinel- lidae. obsoletus (Bulimus) Morel. ...XVI, 251 obtusa (Achatina) Blanf XVIII, 2 obtusa (Euglandina) Pfr XIX, 204 obtusa (Glandina) Pfr. ..... .XIX, 204 obtusa (Glandina) Dep XIX, xxv obtusa (Glessula) Blanf XX, 52 obtusata (Caecilioides) West. ...XX, 31 obtusata (Cionella) West XX, 31 obtusata (Helix) Gmel XVII, 196 obtusatus (Clavator) Gmel. ..XVII, 196 obtusum (Bacillum) Blanf. . . .XVIII, 1 occidentalis (Achatina) Pils. .XVII, 23 occidentalis (Pseudosubulina) Pils. XIX, 3 OCHRODERMA Anc XVIII, 325 OCHRODERMELLA PilS XVIII, 327 octogyrum (Opeas) Pfr XVIII, 206 octogyrus (Bulimus) Pfr. ...XVIII, 206 octona (Achatina) Morel. . . .XVIII, 73 octona (Helix) Gmel XX, 10 octona (Subulina) Brug. XVIII, 72, 222 octonoldes (Bulimus) Ad. . .XVIII, 193 octonoides(Stenogyra)auct. XVIII, 193 octonula (Stenogyra) Welnl. XVIII, 195 octonus (Bulimus) Brug. .. .XVIII, 223 odiosum (Opeas) Pils XIX, 25 odiosus ( Spiraxla) P!l« XIX, 25 Odontalus Parryss XIX, 290 oleacea (Achatina) Desh XIX, 137 oleacea (Oleacina) Desh XIX7136 OLEACINA Bolt XIX, xvii, 127 OLEACINIDAE Gray 1, 19 ; XIX, xtl oleata (Stenogyra) Marts. .. .XVII, 146 oligostropha( Achatina) Reuss. XIX.xxv olivacea (Bocageia) Pils XVII, 189 olivacea (Glandina) Schum. XIX, 128, 130 oliva (Glandina) Morel XIX, 145 olivea (Cochlicopa) Loc XIX, 318 Omphalostyla Schluet XVI, 246 onager (Perideris) Sh XVI, 231 onager (Pseudotrochus) Sh. . .XVI, 230 Oncaea Gistel XVII, 1 onychina (Glandina) Morel I, 23 opaca (Cochlicopa) Loc XIX, 318 opalescens (Leptinaria) Shuttl. XVIII, 293 oparanum (Opeas) Pfr XVIII, 183 oparanus (Bulimus) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 183 oparica (Opeas) Pfr., Sykes XVIII, 183 opeas (Homorus) Pils XVII, 151 OPEAS Albers XVIII, 122 opella (Opeas) P. & V XVIII, 186 oranensis (Ferussacia) Bgt. . .XIX, 247 Orbitina Risso XVII, 211 orci (Opeas) Eocene. oreas (Achatina) Bens., Rve. ..XX, 80 oreas (Glessula) Bs., Rve XX, 80 orizabse (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 199 orizabse (Euglandina) Pfr. . . .XIX, 199 orizabensis (Pseudosubulina) Pils. XIX, 7 Orizosoma Pils XIX, 163 ornata (Achatina) Pfr I, 32 ornata (Euglandina) Pfr XIX, 181 ornata (Stenogyra) Morel. .. .XVIII, 99 ornata (Subulina) Morel XVIII, 99 orobia (Achatina) Bens. ...... .XX, 97 orobia (Glessula) Bens XX, 96 orophila (Achatina) Rve XX, 79 orophila (Glessula) Rve XX, 79 orthoceras (Bacillum) G.-A. . .XVIII, 2 orthoceras (Glessula) XVIII, 2 orum (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 112 oryza (Achatina) Lowe XIX, 274 oryza (Bulimus) Brug. .XVIII, 189, 191 oryza (Ferussacia) Lwe XIX, 274 ORYZOSOMA Pilsbry XIX, 163 osculans (Achatina) Ad XIX, 70 osculans (Varicella) Ad XIX, 70 ottonis (Achatina) Pfr I, 25 ottonis (Oleacina) Pfr I, 25 ovampoensis (Caecilioides) M. & P. XX, 30 142 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. ovampoensls (Cionella) M. & P. XX, 36 ovata (Achatina) Pfr., Tornatellinidse. ovata (Cochlicopa) Jeffr XIX, 318 ovata (Curvella) Putz XVIII, 51 ovata (Glandina) Dall XIX, 192 ovata (Glandina) Mill. XIX, xxiii; XX, 113 ovatus (Hapalus) Putz XVIII, 51 oviformis (Limicolaria) Anc. .XVI, 279 ovuliformis (Ferussacia) Lwe. XIX, 280 ovuliformis (Helix) Lwe XIX, 281 ovulina (Oleacina) Mill XIX, xxii ovum (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 111 Oxycheilus Alters XVIII, 227 oxynter (Prosopeas) Bs XVIII, 28 Oxystrombus auct XVI, 219 Oxystyla XX, 118 pacensls (Glandina) Marts. . . .XIX, 45 pachycheila (Achatina) Bens. . .XX, 58 pachycheila (Glessula) Bens. .. .XX, 58 pachygastra( Cochlicopa) Stab. XIX,317 pachygyra (Stenogyra) Gredl. XVIII, 5 Pachyotus auct XVII, 171 pachyspira(Leptinaria)Pils. XVIII, 305 pagoda (Prosopeas) Semp. . .XVIII, 18 pagoda (Stenogyra) Semp. .. .XVIII, 18 pairensis (Obeliscus) Higg. .XVIII, 255 pairensis (Rumina) Higg. . .XVIII, 255 paivse (Bulimus) Lowe XVII, 213 ; XX, 114 palvana (Achatina) Morel. . . .XVII, 17 paivana (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 136 paioense (Prosopeas) Bock. ..XVIII, 25 paioensis (Bulimus) Bock. .. .XVIII, 25 paladilhiana (Coilostele) Nev. XIX, 340 paladilhi (Ferussacia) Bgt. ...XIX, 333 paladilhi (Glandina) Mich. ...XIX, xxv paladilhi (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. XIX, 332 pallens (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 190 pallens (Glessula) Bedd XX, 74 pallescens (Achatina) Dautz. XVII, 129 pallida (Achatina) Swains XII, 168 pallida (Cochlicopa) Loc. . . .XIX, 318 pallida (Leptinaria) Ad. . . .XVIII, 294 pallida (Perideriopsis) D. &P. XVI, 244 pallidior ( Pseudotrochus ) Pils. XVI, 229 pallidior(Streptostyla)C. & F. XIX, 159 pallidistriga (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 290 pallldula (Varicella) Pils XIX, 67 pallldus (Bulimus) Ad XVIII, 294 pallidus (Streptostylus) DaC. XIX, 151 palmeri (Streptostyla) Dall. ..XIX, 146 paludino.ides( Achatina) Orb. XVIII, 296 paludinoides (Leptinaria) Orb. XVIII, 295 paludinoides (Bulimus) Anton XVIII, 296 paludosa (Limicolaria) Putz. .XVI, 270 palus (Stenogyra) Hde XVIII, 6 palustris (Achatina) Parr. . . .XIX, 227 pansetha (Achatina) Bens XX, 56 panamensis (Achatina) Miihlf. XVIII, 224 panayense (Opeas) Pfr XVIII, 131 panayensis (Bulimus) Pfr. ..XVIII, 132 panthera (Achatina) Fe"r XVII, 41 pantherina (Achatina) Nevill. XVII, 42 papyracea (Achatina) Pfr. . .XVII, 117 parabilis (Achatina) Bens XX, 55 parabilis (Glessula) Bens XX, 54 PARACHATINA Bgt XVII, 1, 5, 17 paradoxa (Cylindrella) Ar. .XVIII, 275 paradoxa (Spiraxis) Pfr. Carelia. paradoxus (Obeliscus) Ar. . .XVIII, 275 parallela (Glandina) Binn. . . .XIX, 192 parallelus (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 41 parana (Subulina) Pils XVIII, 225 parisiensis(Cylindrella)Dh. XVIII, 335 parisdensis (Distoechia) Dh. XVIII, 335 paritura (Achatina) Gld XX, 108 paritura (Glessula) Gld XX, 108 paroliniana ( Achatina) W. & B. XIX, 273 parolinianus (Bulimus) Orb. ..XIX, 274 PAROPEAS Pils XVIII, 14 parthenia(Achatina)M. & P. XVII, 100 parvula (Achatina) Chitty XIX, 19 parvulus (Spiraxis) Chitty. . . .XIX, 19 parvula (Spiraxis) Pfr. XIX, 159 ; XX, 111 parvula (Streptostyla) Pfr. XIX, 159 ; XX, 111 passargel (Achatina) Marts. ..XVII, 70 pattalus (Homorus) Pils. . . .XVII, 147 pattalus (Obeliscus) Pils. ..XVIII, 249 patzcuarense (Opeas) Pils XIX, 26 patzcuarensis (Spiraxis) Pils. .XIX, 26 paucispira (Subulina) Marts. XVIII, 95 paulucciana (Ferussacia) Poll. XIX, 251 paupercula (Achatina) Blanf. . .XX, 82 paupercula (Glessula) Blanf. .. .XX, 81 pauperculus (Bulimus) Ad XIX, 37 pauperculus (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 37 pauper (Opeas) Dohrn XVIII, 142 pauper (Stenogyra) Dohrn. .XVIII, 142 paviei (Glessula) Morel XX, 100 pavonina (Achatina) Spix. . . .XII, 189 paxillus (Achatina) Rve XVII, 186 paxillus (Bocageia) Rve XVII, 186 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 143 pazensis (Achatlna) Perez XIX, 45 pealei (Opeas) Tryon XVIII, 29 pealei (Prosopeas) Tryon XVIII, 29 pechaudi (Ferussacia) Bgt. . .XIX, 256 pechaudi (Hohenwartiana) L. & B. XIX, 334 pedemon tana (Caecilioides) Poll. XX, 24 PEGEA Risso XIX, 239 peguensis (Achatina) Blf XX, 99 peguensis (Glessula) Blf XX, 99 PELATRINIA Pils XVIII, 287, 324 pellita (Stenogyra) Gredl. . .XVIII, 171 pellitum (Opeas) Gredl XVIII, 171 pellucens (Achatina) Ad XIX, 109 pellucens (Varicella) Ad XIX, 108 pellucida (Ganomidos) Ailly. XVII, 128 pellucidus (Bulimus) Pfr. . .XVIII, 206 pellucidum (Opeas) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 206 peneckei (Azeca) And XIX, 292 penestes (Achatina) M. & P. XVII, 100 pentherl (Achatina) Stur XVII, 81 perakensis (Rhodina) Morg. .XVIII, 13 perdix (Achatina) Lan XVII, 9 peregrinus (Bulimus) Pfr. . .XVIII, 258 peregrinus (Obeliscus) Pfr. .XVIII, 258 perelongata (Pseudachatina) Rolle XVI, 213 perfecta (Achatina) Morel. . . .XVII, 15 perforata (Curvella) Mlldff. .XVIII, 70 perforata (Leptinaria) Pfr. XVIII, 302 perforata (Tornatellina) Pfr. XVIII, 302 pertica (Bulimus) Bs XVIII, U3 peruviana (Achatina) Lam. . . .XIX, 86~ peruviana ( Strep tostyla) Pfr. 1,43; XIX, 86 peruviana (Varicella) Lam. . . .XIX, 85 perversa (Achatina) Swains. ..XII, 179 PETENIELLA Pils XIX, xxvi, 161 petersi (Achatina) Marts XVII, 62 pethericki (Burtoa) Bgt XVI, 301 pethionis (Glandina) Weinl. ..XIX, 134 pethionis (Oleacina) Weinl. . .XIX, 134 Petitia Jouss XVII, 72 petitia (Achatina) Jouss XVII, 73 petitia (Petitia) Jouss XVII, 73 petitiana (Achatina) Ben XX, 26 petiti (Achatina) Dh XIX, 195 petit! (Clavator) C. & P XVII, 200 petrensis (Achatina) Morel. ..XVIII, 78 PETRIOLA Dall XVII, 216 Pf affla Behn XIX, 175 pfeifferi (Achatina) Dkr XVII, 24 pfeifferi (Cionella) Weinl. . . .XIX, 323 pfeifferi (Homorus) Kob XVII, 24 pfeifferi (Rhodea) Crosse ...XVIII, 236 pfeifferi (Salasiella) Pils XIX, 173 pfeifferi (Spiraxis) Mke XVIII, 12 pfeifferi( Strep tosty la )C. & P. XIX, 148 pfeifferi (Tortaxis) Mke XVIII, 12 phaea (Pseudoglessula) Putz. XVII, 163 philippiana (Achatina) Ad XIX, 84 philippiana (Varicella) Ad XIX, 84 perforatus (Hapalus) Mlldff. XVIII, 70 j philippinensis (Caecilioides) Semp. pergracilis (Subulina) Marts. XVIII, 91 | XX, 49 PERIDERIOPSIS Putz XVI, 241 j philippinensis (Cionella) Semp. XX, 49, Perideris Shuttl XVI, 219 perlucens (Glandina) Guppy ..XIX, 125 perlucens (Varicella) Guppy .XIX, 125 permira (Spiraxis) Anc XVIII, 10 permirus (Tortaxis) Anc XVIII, 10 perotteti (Achatina) Rve XX, 78 perplexa (Achatina) Ad XIX, 39 perplexa (Oleacina) Tryon, I, 31 ; XIX, 39 perplexus (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 39 perpusilla (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 173 perpusilla (Salasiella) Pfr. .. .XIX, 173 perrieriana (Limlcolaria) Bgt. XVI, 247 perrierianus (Subulina) Bgt. XVII, 137 PERRIERIA Tapp. Can XVIII, 36 perrotteti (Achatina) Pfr XX, 65 perrotteti (Glessula) Pfr XX, 65 persianli (Cionella) Tib XIX, 328 perstriatus (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 40 perstriata (Subulina) Marts. XVIII, 89 pertenuis (Achatina) Blanf XX, 89 pertenuis (Glessula) Blanf. philippinensis (Glessula) Cooke XX, 52 philippinica (Caecilioides) Moell. XX, 49 philippinica (Curvella) Pils. .XVIII, 70 philippinica (Geostilbia) Moell. XX, 50 phillipsil (Achatina) Ad XIX, 99 philllpsii (Varicella) Ad XIX, 99 Phylacus West XIX, 239, 240 Physella Pfr 1, 19 physodes (Streptostyla) Shuttl. XIX, 159 plchardi (Bulimus) Arango .. . .XIX, 55 pichardi (Varicella) Arango .. .XIX, 55 PlCHARDIELLA FiSCh XIX, 50 picta (Achatina) Rve XII, 168 pileata (Stenogyra) Marts. .XVIII, 339 pileatus (Homorus) Marts. .XVIII, 338 pilosa (Stenogyra) Semp. . .XVIII, 179 pilosum (Opeas) Semp XVIII, 179 pilsbryi (Spiraxis) Anc XVIII, 11 pilsbryi (Tortaxis) Anc XVIII, 10 plnguis (Subulina) Marts. .. .XVIII, 88 . .XX, 89 ! pinicola (Glandina) F. & C I, 37 144 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. PINTOA Bgt XVII, 24 plntoi (Achatina) Bgt XVII, 63 PITTIERIA Martens XIX, 162 pittierl (Glandina) Marts. . . .XIX, 199 pittieri (Leptinaria) Marts. XVIII, 308 pittieri (Ochroderma) Marts. XVIII, 328 pittieri (Opeas) Martens . . .XVIII, 213 pittieri (Spiraxis) Marts XIX, 24 plttieri(Tornatellina)Marts. XVIII.328 placostyloides(Clavator)Kob. XVII, 195 planogyra(Prosopeas)Mlldff. XVIII, 16 planospirus (Bulimus) Pfr. XVIII, 247 planospirus (Obeliscus) Pfr. XVIII, 247 planti (Achatina) Pfr XVI, 310 plant! (Metachatina) Pfr XVI, 309 plebeia (Stenogyra) Morel. .XVIII, 116 plebeium(Pseudopeas) Morel. XVIII,116 plicatella (Stenogyra) Guppy XVIII, 207 plicatula (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 182 plicatula (Euglandina) Pfr. . .XIX, 182 plicatula ( Strep tostyla) Streb I, 47 plicatum (Opeas) Gldg XVIII, 204 plicatus (Bulimus) Guild. . .XVIII, 204 plicatus (Bulimulus) Pfr. ..XVIII, 204 PLICAXIS Sykes XVIII, 12 plicifera (Curvella) Blf XVIII, 63 plicifer (Bulimus) Blf XVIII, 63 podolica (Cionella) Lorn XIX, 311 poeyana (Achatina) Pfr XII, 166 poeyana (Oleacina) Pfr I, 25 poeyanus (Bulimus) Pfr XIX, 45 poeyanus (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 45 poireti (Achatina) Rossm. . . .XIX, 169 POIBETIA Fischer XIX, xx, 164 poireti (Helix) F£r XIX, 166 politum (Carychium) Jeffr. . .XIX, 295 polltus (Bulimus) Parr XIX, 300 pollonerae (Caecilioldes) Gatto .XX, 29 pollonerse (Ferussacia) Sacco XIX, 217 polonica (Csecilianella) Lomn. .. .XX, 5 polychroa (Achatina) Morel. ..XVII, 26 polygyratus (Bulimus) Rve. XVIII, 113 polygyratus (Zootecus) Rve. XVIII, 113 polyodon (Ferussacia) L. & B. XIX, 250 Polyphemus Montf XIX, 127 Porphyrobaphe XX, 115 porphyrostoma (Achatina) Shuttl. XVII, 115 porrecta (Achatina) Gob. . . .XIX, xxiv porrecta (Subulina) Marts. .XVIII, 226 portoricensis (Arhatina) Pfr. XIX, 122 portoricensis (Varicella) Pfr. XIX, 122 potosiana (Euglandina) Pils. .XIX, 206 potosiana (Streptostyla) Dall. XIX, 146 poupillieri (Caecilioides) Serv. XX, 18 praclustris (Stenogyra) Nev. . . .XX, 68 prseclara (Caecilioides) West. . .XX, 34 praelustris (Achatina) Bs XX, 68 prselustris (Glessula) Bs XX, 68 praetexta(Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 261 prestonl (Opeas) Sykes XVIII, 134 prestoni(Pseudoglessula)Sm. XVII, 167 preussi (Pseudachatina) Kob. XVI, 213 princeps (Obeliscus) Pils. . .XVIII, 261 problematica (Pseudosubulina) Pils. XIX, 10 procera (Achatina) Ad XIX, 80 procera (Varicella) Ad XIX, 80 procerula (Ferussacia) Mor. ..XIX, 243 procerula (Glandina) Mor. . . .XIX, 243 Proceruliana Bgt XIX, 239 procerus (Bulimus) C. B. Ad. .XIX, 33 procerus (Spiraxis) C. B. Ad. .XIX, 33 producta (Achatina) Lowe . . .XIX, 221 producta (Achatina) Lwe XIX, 275 ; XX, 114 producta (Achatina) Reuss. XIX, xxiv ; XX, 114 producta (Ferussacia) Lwe. . .XIX, 275 proechia (Ferussacia) Bgt. .. .XIX, 228 PROMODSSONIDS Pils. ..XVIII, 228, 230 pronyense (Opeas) Gass. . . .XVIII, 177 pronyensis (Bulimus) Gass. XVIII, 178 propinqua (Achatina) Ad XIX, 74 propinqua (Subulina) Beck. XVIII, 221 propinqua (Varicella) Ad XIX, 74 PROSOPEAS Morch XVIII, 14 Protobeliscus Pils XVIII, 243, 251 proxima (Achatina) Ad XIX, 76 proxlma (Varicella) Ad XIX, 70 pruinosum (Opeas) Mlldff. .XVIII, 181 prunum (Achatina) Rve XVII, 119 psathyrolena (Azeca) Bgt. . . .XIX, 305 PSEUDACHATINA Albers XVI, 205 Pseudazeca Pfr XIX, 239 pseudoalgira (Glandina) Sacco XIX, xxv pseudoalgira (Poiretia) Sacco XIX, xxv, 166 PSEUDOBALEA Shuttlw. XVIII, 243, 271 PSEDDOGLESSDLA Bttg XVII, 156 pseudopsis (Lovea) Woll XIX, 281 PSEDDOPEAS Putzeys .. .XVIII, 114, 216 Pseudostreptostyla, Nevlll ..XIX, 218 PSEUDOSUBULINA Streb XIX, 1 PSEUDOTROCHUS Ads. XVI, 219; XVII, x pseudoturris (Glandina) Streb. . . .1, 35 psilia (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 329 psilia (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. .XIX, 329 pseudoreas (Stenogyra) Nev. . . .XX, 80 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 145 pseudoreas (Glessula) Nev XX, 80 ptychoraphe (Glandina) W. & M. XIX, 117 ptychoraphe (Varicella) W. & M. XIX, 117 puella (Achatina) Ad XIX, 77 puella (Varicella) Ad XIX, 77 pulchella (Achatina) Marts. XVI, 73, 74 pulchella (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 173 pulchella (Achatina) Spix XII, 136 pulchella (Bulimus) Moq XIX, 221 pulchella (Cionella) Hartm. ..XIX, 322 pulchella (Ferussacia) Moq. ..XIX, 221 pulchella (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 173 pulchella (Salasiella) Pfr. . . .XIX, 173 pulchellum (Pseudopeas) Putz. XVIII, 118 pulcherrima( Glandina) Streb. XIX, 208 pulla (Glessula) Blanf XX, 81 pullus (Bulimus) Gray XVIII, 110 pullus (Zootecus) Gray XVIII, 110 pumila (Azeca) Slavic XIX, 292 pumilus (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 202 punctogallana (Achatina) Pfr. ..XX, 56 punctogallana (Glessula) Pfr. ..XX, 56 punica (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 250 pupaeformis (Azeca) Cantr. . .XIX, 298 pupaeformis (Bulimus) Cantr. XIX, 299 pupaeformis (Subulina) Beck. XVIII, 221 pupoides (Bulimus) Anton ..XVIII, 285 purcelli (Euonyma) M. & P. .XVIII, 42 purcelli (Subulina) M. & P. ..XVIII, 43 purpurascens( Achatina) Fisch. XX,113 purpurascens (Bulimus) Brug. XVII, 114 purpurea (Archachatina) Gmel. XVII, 114; XX, 113 purpurea ( Achatina) Rve. XVII, 113, 116 purpurea (Bulla) Gmel XVII, 114 purpurea (Helix) F£r XVII, 114 pusilla (Achatina) Pfr. Auriculldse? pusllla (Achatina) Scac XX, 10 pusilla (Curvella) Blf XVIII, 64 pusilla (Glessula) Bedd XX, 84 pusilla (Helix) Scacchi XIX, 328 pusilla (Rumina) H. Ad. . . .XVIII, 257 pusllla (Splraxis) Blf XVIII, 64 pusilla (Stenogyra) Morel. ..XVIII, 119 puslllum (Pseudopeas) Morel. XVIII, 119 pusillus (Obeliscus) H. Ad. .XVIII, 257 puta (Curvella) Bs XVIII, 63 putus (Bulimus) Bs XVIII, 64 pygmsea (Achatina) Pfr XX, 40 pyramldalis(Limicolaria)Bgt. XVI, 278 pyramldalis (Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 98 pyramidalis( Subulina) Morel. XVIII, 98 pyramidata (Glandina) Paul. XIX, 167 . pyramidata (Pseudachatina) Kob. XVI, 210 pyramldella (Achatina) Marts. XVII, 154 pyramidella (Homorus) Marts. XVII, 153 pyramis (Achatina) Bs ........ XX, 93 pyramis (Glessula) Bs ......... XX, 92 PYRGELLA Lowe ............ XIX, 279 PYRGINA Greef ........ XVIII, 330, 334 pyrglscus (Bulimus) Pfr. XVIII, 184, 185 pyrgula (Opeas) Schm. & Bttg. XVIII, 173 pyrrha (Limlcolaria) Alb ..... XVI, 298 pyrrhus (Bulimus) Alb ....... XVI, 298 pyrum (Helix) Gmel ........ XVII, 122 Pythla Oken ............... XVI, 246 Q .XVIII, 69 .XVIII, 69 .XVIII, 18 .XVIII, 18 XVII, 86 XIX, 146 quadras! (Curvella) Mlldff. . quadras! (Hapalus) Mlldff. . quadras! (Prosopeas) Hid. . quadras! (Stenogyra) Hid. .. quagga (Ampulla) Bolt qulrozi (Streptostyla) Streb. I, 44 R rabaudl (Limicolarla) Bgt. . .XVI, 247 raddei (Caecilioides) Bttg ...... XX, 31 raddei (Cochlicopa) Bttg ....... XX, 32 raff ray! (Achatina) Jouss ..... XVII, 75 ragazzii (Homorus) Poll ..... XVII, 132 ramentosa(Columna)Coop. XI, 153, 154 ramentosa (Rhodea) Coop ...... XI, 154 randabeli (Achatina) Bgt ..... XVII, 69 randalli (Spiraxis) Newb ...... XIX, 13 rangiana (Achatina) Pfr. .. .XVIII, 271 rangiauus (Obeliscus) Pfr. ..XVIII, 271 raphidea (Caecilioides) Bgt ..... XX, 20 raphidia (Crelestele) Bgt ..... XIX, 345 rarum (Opeas) Miller ...... XVIII, 208 RAVBNIA Crosse ............. XIX, 19 recisa (Stenogyra) Morel. . .XVIII, 144 recisum (Opeas) Morel ..... XVIII, 144 rectistrigata(Llmicolar!a)Sm. XVI, 293 RECTOLEACINA Pils .......... XIX, 142 rectus (Bulimus) Pfr ......... XIX, 29 rectus (Spiraxis) Pfr ......... XIX, 29 redfleldi (Curvella) Pils ..... XVIII, 49 rediviva (Achatina) Mab ..... XVII. 57 reeveana (Achatina) Pfr ..... XVI, 226 reeveanus(Pteudotrochui)Pfr. XVI.226 146 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. regina (Achatina) Pfr XII, 181 regulare (Opeas) Pfr XVIII, 192 regularis (Bulimus) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 189 regularis (Ferussacia) Bgt. .. .XIX, 222 reissi (Cionella) Mss XIX, 229 reissi (Ferussacia) Mss XIX, 229 retifera (Stenogyra) Marts. ..XVII, 164 reticulata (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 34 retteri (Caecilioides) Rosen XX, 35 retteri (Obeliscella) Rosen ..XVIII, 103 retteri (Stenogyra) Rosen . .XVIII, 104 revoili (Limicolaria) Bgt XVI, 247 reymondi (Bulimus) Bgt XVI, 301 reymondi (Burtoa) Bgt XVI, 301 rhabdota (Achatina) M. & P. .XVII, 91 rhabdus (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 27 RHAPHIDIELLA Maltz XX, 6, 18 rhoadsse (Opeas) Pils XIX, 26 rhoadsse (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 26 rhoadsi (Glandina) Pils XIX, 192 RHODEA Adams, XVIII, 234 Rhodina de Morgan XVIII, 12 rhodinaeforme (Prosopeas) Mlldff. XVIII, 17 rhodostoma (Achatina) Phil. XVII, 115 RHYTIDIDAE Pils XIX, xi rlbeiroi (Caecilioides) Serv XX, 17 richardi (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 86 richardi (Varicella) Pfr. I, 43 ; XIX, 86 rlchii (Bulimus) Lam XVI, 232 rothi (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 28« rubella (Glandina) Morel XIX, 210 rublcunda (Limicolaria) Sh. . .XVI, 267 rubicundulus (Bulimus) Old. .XVI, 239 rubicundulus (Pseudotrochus) Old. XVI, 239 rugata (Glessula) Blanf XX, 86 rugosa (Achatina) Putz XVII, 30 rugulosa (Glandina) Sandb. .XIX, xxiv RUMINA Risso XVII, 211 runssorina (Glessula) Marts. . .XX, 104 ruppelliana (Limicolaria) Pfr. XVI, 275 ruppellianus (Bulimus) Pfr. ..XVI, 275 ruricola (Achatina) Lowe XIX, 222 ruricola (Ferussacia) Lowe . .XIX, 222 sabatieri (Bulimus) Pfr. , XVI, 277 .XVI, 277 XIX, 180 sabatieri (Limicolaria) Pfr. saccata (Euglandina) Pfr. . saccata (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 180 saharica (Rumina) Deb XVII, 213 sallaji ( Strep tosty la) Marts. ..XIX, 145 SALASIELLA Strebel XIX, 170, xxv salleana (Achatina) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 300 salleana (Leptinaria) Pfr. ..XVIII, 300 salleanus (Bulimus) Rve. .. .XVIII, 270 salleanus (Obeliscus) Rve. ..XVIII, 269 sallei (Streptostyla) C. & F. I, 44 ; XIX, 145 RIEBECKIA Martens XVII, 204 I salvini (Pseudosubulina) Marts. XIX, 6 riisei (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 122 j sanctithomensis( Varicella) Pils. XIX,57 rillyensis (Achatina) Boissy, type of j sandbergeri( Achatina) Thorn. XIX, xxiv Scalaxis. sandwlcensis (Achatina) Pfr. Se« riparius (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 253 | Achatinellid®. riparius (Obeliscus) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 253 i sandwlchensis (Spiraxis) Pfr. .XIX, 13 risso (Achatina) Dh XIX, 220 j santanense (Opeas) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 204 ritchiei (Leptinaria) Pils. . .XVIII, 304 ! santanensis (Bulimus) Pfr. .XVIII, 204 rizzeana (Achatina) Ben XX, 25 : sargi (Pseudosubulina) C. & F. . . .1, 50 robertsi (Leptinaria) Pils. ..XVIII, 298 j sargi (Streptostyla) C. & F I, 49 robusta( Pseudosubulina) Marts. XIX, 4 J sargi (Subulina) C. & F I, 50 rochebruni (Limicolaria) Bgt. XVI, 247 I garissa (Achatina) Bens XX, 93 rodatzi (Achatina) Dkr XVII, 60 sarissa (Euonyma) Pils XVIII, 44 roepstorfl (Bulimus) Mch. .. .XVIII, 27 ! sarissa (Glessula) Bens XX, 93 roepstorfl (Prosopeas) Mch. ..XVIII, 27 i satsumense (Opeas) Pils. .. .XVIII, 172 rohlfsi (Limicolaria) Marts. ..XVI, 288 sattaraensis (Achatina) H. & T. XX, 83 romblonicum (Prosopeas) Mlldff. sattaraensis (Glessula) II. & T. XX, 82 XVIII, 18 | saturata (Glandina) Gundl I, 24 roperi (Varicella) Pils XIX, 78 i saturata (Limicolaria) Sm. .. .XVI, 286 rosea (Euglandina) F6r. . .XIX, 191, xii j saturata (Oleacina) Gundl. ...... .1, 24 rosea (Glandina) auct XIX, 195 | saulcydi (Achatina) Joan XVI, 236 rosea (Helix) F6r XIX, 191 ' saulcydi (Pseudotrochus) Joan. XVI, 235 Hutt. See Pyraml- : saulcyl (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 287 saulcyi (Calaxis) Bgt XIX, 287 saxatile(Pseudopeas) Morel. XVIII, 115 roseus (Obeliscus) dellidae. rouislana (Poiretia) Pils XX, 113 rothi (Calaxis) Bgt XIX, 286 ' saxatllls (Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 11« INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 147 sayea (Ferussacia) Risso XIX, 218 sayulana (Glandina) Marts. . .XIX, 200 scawola (Achatina) M. & P. . .XVII, 98 scalarioides (Achatina) Nev. ..XVII, 57 scalare (Opeas) Desh XIX, 349 scalarina (Varicella) Gundl. .. .XIX, 59 scalarinus (Bulimus) Gundl. . .XIX, 59 scalaris (Bulimus) Desh XIX, 350 scalaris (Coilostele) Bs XIX, 339 scalaris (Curvella) Q. & M. ..XVIII, 69 scalaris (Hapalus) Q. & M. . .XVIII, 70 scalariopsis (Bulimus) Morel. .XIX, 21 scalariopsis (Spiraxis) Morel. .XIX, 21 scalariforme (Pseudopeas) Putz. XVIII, 118 scalella (Spiraxis) Marts XIX, 22 scaptobia (Ferussacia) Bg>t. . .XIX, 267 scaturigium (Physa) Drap. .. .XIX, 220 sceptrum (Obeliscus) Beck. XVII, 193 ; XVIII, 240 schencki (Achatina) Marts. .. .XVII, 96 schensiense (Opeas) Stur. . .XVIII, 163 schinziana (Achatina) Mss. .. .XVII, 16 schneideri ( Streptosty la ) Streh. XIX.150 schweinfurthi (Achatina) Marts. XVII, 61 schweinfurthi(Burtoa) Marts. XVI, 300 schweinfurthi (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 301 sciaphila (Ferussacia) Bgt. . .XIX, 262 scrobiculata (Curvella) Blf. ..XVIII, 64 scrobiculatus (Bulimus) Blanf. XVIII, 65 scrutillus (Achatina) Bs XX, 81 scrutillus (Glessula) Bs XX, 81 sculpturata( Limicolaria) Anc. XVI, 297 seabrai (Subulina) Nobre XVIII, 84 sebasmia (Burtoa) Bgt XVI, 305 Selaniella Anc XIX, 170 Selasiella Streb., Tryon XIX, 170 sellovii (Achatina) King . . .XVIII, 244 semidecussata( Achatina) Mke. XVII, 80 semigranosa (Achatina) Pfr. ..XVII, 80 semlsculpta (Achatina) Pfr. . .XVII, 15 semistriata ( Glandina) Morel I, 25 semistriatum( Opeas) Morel. XVIII, 212 semistriatus (Bulimus) Morel. XVIII, 212 semisulcata (Achatina) Desh. XIX, 210 semisulcata (Euglandina) Pfr. 1,33; XIX, 210 semitarum (Helix) Rang XIX, 124 semitarum (Varicella) Rang. .XIX, 124 semper! (Opeas) Hidalgo . . .XVIII, 178 semper! (Stenogyra) Hid. . .XVIII, 179 senaarensis (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 282 senaarica (Limicolaria) Bgt. .XVI,-282- senator (Achatina) Hani XX, 71 senator (Glessula) Hani XX, 70 senensis (Glandina) Stef XIX, xxv sennaariensis( Achatina) Pfr. XVIII, 85 sennaariensis (Bulimus) Parr. XVI, 282 sennaariensis (Subulina) Pfr. XVIII, 85 septenarius (Bulimus) Brug. XVIII, 244 sepulchralis(Limicolaria)Bgt. XVI, 294 serena (Achatina) Bens XX, 59 serena (Glessula) Bens XX, 59 sericata ( ? Subulina) Beck. .XVIII, 221 sericina (Glandina) Jonas. . . .XX, 110 sericina (Glessula) Jonas XX, 110 SERF ABA Bgt XVII, 1, 21 serpentina (Achatina) Beck. XVII, 71, 216 servainl (Crelestele) Bgt XIX, 344 : servaini (Subulina) Mab XVIII, 12 servaini (Tortaxis) Mab XVIII, 12 | setchuanense (Opeas) Hde. .XVIII, 169 ; shiplayi (Achatina) Pfr XX, 62 ; shiplayi (Glessula) Pfr XX, 61 I shrencki (Achatina) Gude. . . .XVII, 97 | shuttleworthi ( Achatina) Pfr. XVII, 127 ! shuttleworthi (Limicolaria) Ailly. XVI, 268 j shuttleworthi (Streptostyla) Pfr. .1, 44 j sicilis (Glandina) Morel I, 26 sicula (Glandina) Bgt XIX, 166 siderata (Achatina) Rve XVII, 117 i SlGMATAXIS PIlS XIX, 31 I sikkimensis (Bulimus) Rve. ..XVIII, 67 sikkimensis (Curvella) Rve. .XVIII, 66 i sillimani (Bulimus) Pfr XVI, 224 ! silvicola (Cionella) West XIX, 304 | silvicola (Subulina) Marts. . .XVII, 141 silvicula (Azeca) Ben XIX, 304 '. similaris (Varicella) Pils. XIX, 106 ; XX, 111 similaris (Spiraxis) Streb. 1,51; XIX,23 similaris (Volutaxis) Streb I, 51 similis (Achatina) Ad. XIX, 105; XX, 111 ; similis (Achatina) Boissy. Scalaxis XX, 111 similis (Streptostyla) Streb. I, 45 ; XIX, 146 ; similis (Varicella) Ad XIX, 104 i simoni (Glessula) Jouss XX, 61 simon! (Synopeas) Jouss. .. .XVIII, 191 simplex (Achatina) Sm XVII, 98 simplex (Glandina) Streb XIX, 197 simplex (Leptinaria) Guppy XVIII, 301 simplex (Spiraxis) Guppy . .XVIII, 301 simplex (Stenogyra) Morel. ..XVIII, 97 l simplex (Subulina) Morel. .. .XVIII, 97 148 INDEX. VOLS. XVI-XX. slmpsoni (Leptinaria) Anc. .XVIII, 314 simpsoni (Nothus) Anc XVIII, 314 simpsoni (Oleacina) Pils XIX, 133 simpsoni (Obeliscus) Pils. . .XVIII, 267 simpularia( Achatina) Morel. XVII, 190 •impularla (Bocageia) Morel. XVII, 190 sinensis (Cochlicopa) Hde. .. .XIX, 326 Binensis (Zua) Hde XIX, 326 singhurensis (Glessula) Blf. . XX, 76 eingleyana (Glandina) Binn. .XIX, 189 »ingularis(Tornaxis) Marts. XVIII, 219 *Jni«tra (Leptinaria) Marts. XVIII, 3il sinistrorsa (Achatina) Grat. .XVII, 57 einistrorsa (Achatina) Pfr. ..XVII, 108 Binistrorsa( Cochlicopa )Goldf. XIX, 319 sinulabris (Curvella) Marts. .XVIII, 53 sinulabr is (Stenogyra) Marts. XVIII, 53 sinuosa (Curvella) M. &. P. .XVIII, 61 Sira Schmidt ..XVII, 211; XVIII, 223 Bjostedti (Pseudoglessula) Allly. XVII, 165 sloanenana (Varicella) Pils. ..XX, 111 smithiana (Oleacina) Pfr. . . .XIX, 133 smith!! (Achatina) Crav XVII, 91 smithi (Achatina) Sowb XVII, 73 smith! (Limicolaria) Pils XVI, 283 socotorana (Stenogyra) Marts. XVII, 207 sodeni (Pseudachatlna) Kob. .XVI, 209 sokotorana( Achatina) Marts. XVII, 205 sokotorana(Rlebeckia) Marts. XVII, 205 soleilleti (Bullmus) Bgt. . . .XVIII, 108 solellleti (Caecilioldes) Bgt XX, 36 soleilleti (Limicolaria) Bgt. . .XVI, 272 solida (Achatina) Say XII, 168 sollda (Leptinaria) Marts. ..XVIII, 318 solida (Limicolaria) Marts. . .XVI, 296 solldiuscula (Subullna) Sm. .XVII, 142 solidula (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 141 solidula (Oleacina) Pfr XIX, 140 solimanus (Bullmus) Morel. . .XVI, 223 Bolimanus (Pseudotrochus) Morel. XVI, 223 solitarla (Achatina) Ad XIX, 104 solitaria (Varicella) Ad XIX, 104 sololensls (Streptostyla) C. & P. ..1,46 solumna (Cochlicopa) Babor. .XIX, 314 soluta (Leptinaria) Beck. . .XVIII, 285 sordida (Achatina) King. .. .XVIII, 244 Borgum (Leptinaria) Beck. .XVIII, 285 soror (Opeas) Smith XVIII, 177 Boror (Subullna) Smith XVIII, 177 souverblanus (Bullmus) Gass. XVIII, 129 Bouverblei(Stenogyra)Ga88. XVIII, 129 sowerbyana (Achatina) Pfr. .XIX, 186 sowerbyana (Euglandina) Pfr. XIX, 186 sowerbyana (Stenogyra) Morel. XVII, 145 sowerbyi (Achatina) Smith .. .XVII, 78 spadaforensis (Caecillanella) Ben. XX, 27 Spartina H. & B XVIII, 335 speciosa (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 210 speciosa (Euglandina) Pfr. ...XIX, 210 speciosus (Bulimus) Parr XVI, 254 spectralis (Bulimus) Rve XVI, 249 spectralis (Limicolaria) Rve. .XVI, 249 specularis (Achatina) Morel. .XVII, 74 spekeana (Limicolaria) Mts. .XVI, 283 spekei (Achatina) Dohrn XVII, 68 spekiana( Limicolaria) Grand. XVI, 283 Sphalerostoma Girard XVIII, 336 spinula (Opeas) Morel XVIII, 155 spinula (Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 156 spiculum (Achatina) Bens XX, 6 spiculum (Caecilioides) Bens XX, 0 spina (Varicella) Pils XIX, 111 Spiraxis auct XVIII, 5 SPIRAXIS C. B. Ad XIX, 11, 14 Spiraxis Newberry XIX, 11 Spirobulla Anc 1, 10 splendens (Achatina) Brn. . . .XIX, 311 splendens (Caecllianella) Ben. . .XX, 28 splendens (Cochlicopa) Brn. ..XIX, 311 splendens (Ferussacia) Bgt. . .XIX, 240 splendida (Achatina) Ant., Tornatel- llnld®. splendida(Archachatlna)Pils. XVII,llfl splendldula (Pupa) Costa XIX, 220 spoliata (Stenogyra) Hde. . .XVIII, 167 spoliatum (Opeas) Hde XVIII, 167 STENOGYRA Shuttl. XVIII, 240, 243, 258 STKNOGYRINAE Pils. XVIII, vil; XVII, xvl stenophya (Cionella) Westerl. XIX, 230 stenophya (Ferussacia) Westerl. XIX, 230 stenostoma (Coelestele) Jouss. XIX, 341 stenostoma (Ferussacia) Bgt. XIX, 249 stenostoma (Stenogyra) Smith XVIII, 148 stenostomum (Opeas) Smith XVIII, 147 stephanlana (Achatina) Ben. .. .XX, 27 stephaniana (Caecilioides) Ben. XX, 26 stewartl (Achatina) Green. See Acha- tinellidce. stlgmatlca (Achatina) Shuttl. XIX, 210 stlgmatlca (Euglandina) Shuttl. XIX, 210 Stobllus Ads XIX, 239 stoll! (Leptinaria) MartB. . .XVIII, 320 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 149 etolli (Subulina) Marts XVIII, 226 straminea (Achatina) Dh XIX, 139 straminea (Curvella) Burn. .XVIII, 62 straminea (Englandina) Try. XIX, 188 gtraminea (Oleacina) Dh XIX, 138 straminea (Oleacina) Try. I, 36 ; XIX, 188 STREBELIA C. & F. . . .1, 22 ; XIX, xxvii strebeliana(Leptinaria)Pils. XVIII, 313 strebeli (Glandina) Ang XIX, 199 strebeli Marts XVIII, 223, 224 strebeli (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 27 STREPTAXIDAB Gray XIX, x strep tosteloides (Opeas) Marts. XVIII, 148 STREPTOSTYLA Shuttl. . .XIX, xxvi, 144 etreptostyla(Streptostyla)Pfr. XIX,148 STREPTOSTYLELLA Pils XIX, 161 striatapex (Varicella) Pils. . . .XIX, 67 striata (Achatina) Lea XVIII, 77 striata (Euglandina) Mull. .. .XIX, 176 striata (Glandina) Mull I, 32 etriata (Leptospira) Swains. XVII, 197 etriata (Subulina) Lea XVIII, 77 etriatella (Bulimus) Ad XIX, 30 striatella (Helix) Rang XVIII, 76 striatella (Subulina) Rang. . .XVIII, 75 etriatella (Varicella) Pils XIX, 95 striatissa(Stenogyra)Gredl. XVIII, 138 striatissima (Stenogyra) Gredl. XVIII, 36, 138 etriatissimum (Prosopeas) Gredl. XVIII, 35 striatocostatus (Bulimus) Orb. XIX, 56 striatula (Limicolaria) Mull. .XVI, 248 etriatulum (Buccinum) Mull. .XVI, 248 striatum (Buccinum) Mail. .. .XIX, 176 striatus (Polyphemus) " Montf " XIX, 166 strictus (Bulimus) Poey XVIII, 262 strictus (Obeliscus) Poey .. .XVIII, 262 strigata (Achatina) King ...XVIII, 244 strigata (Limicolaria) Mull. ..XVI, 258 strigatella (Achatina) Rve. ..XVII, 161 strigatum (Buccinum) Mull. ..XVI, 259 strigilis (Opeas) M. & P. . . .XVIII, 150 strigilis (Subulina) M. & P. XVIII, 150 fltrigosa (Achatina) Morel. . .XVII, 161 strigosa (Glandina) Marts. .. .XIX, 176 strigosa (Pseudoglessula) Morel. XVII, 161 etriolata (Opeas) Pse XVIII, 140 striolata (Stenogyra) Pse. ..XVIII, 184 atrlosa (Achatina) Ad XVIII, 297 etriosa (Leptinaria) Ad XVIII, 296 struthiolaris (Bulimus) Mke. X, 103 ; XVII, 175 stubeli (Glandina) Marts XIX, 179 studleyi (Achatina) M. & P. . .XVII,"l4 stuhlmanni (Achatina) Marts. XVII, 68 stuhlmanni(Caecilioides) Marts. XX, 48 stuhlmanni (Geostilbia) Marts. XX, 49 stuhlmanni (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 282 Stylifer XVI, 71 stylodon (Leptinaria) Shuttl. XVIII, 292 Styloides Pitz XIX, 309 ; XX, 9 stylus (Obeliscus) Beck. . . .XVIII, 240 suaveolans (Stenogyra) Jick. XVII, 136 subamblya (Ferussacia) Nev. XIX, 226 subangulata (Subulina) Putz. XVIII, 84 subbrevis (Glessula) Nev XX, 79 subcallosa (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 161 subcallosa (Streptostyla) Pfr. XIX, 160 subcarinif era ( Stenogyra )Sm. XVII, 169 subcarnea (Ferussacia) Poll. .XIX, 252 subconica (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 264 subcrenata (Achatina) Greet XVII, 187 subcrenatus(Homorus)Bttg. XVII, 152 subcrenata (Pseudoglessula) Bttg. XVII, 152 subcrenata (Subulina) Marts. XVIII, 90 subcrenulata (Achatina) Crosse XVII, 187 subcrenulatum (Opeas) Mlldff. XVIII, 181 subcylindrica (Cionella) auct. XIX, 313 subcylindrica (Cryptazeca) Folin XIX, 284 subcylindrica (Ferussacia) auct. XIX, 313 subcylindrica (Salasiella) Pils. XIX, 174 subcylindricoides (Cochlicopa) Pal. XIX, 311 subcylindricoides (Ferussacia) Pal. XIX, 311 subdeshayesiana (Glessula) Nev. XX, 80 subdiaphana (Pupa) King. ..XVIII, 109 subdiaphanus (Zootecus) King. XVIII, 109 subemarginata (Achatina) Dh. XVIII, 229 subfllosa (Glessula) Bedd XX, 8© subfolliculus( Ferussacia) Nev. XIX, 226 subforbesl (Ferussacia) Nev. .XIX, 226 subfusiformis (Achatina) Blf. ..XX, 94 subfusiformis (Glessula) Blf. ...XX, 94 subgracilenta (Ferussacia) Bgt. XIX, 257 subinornata (Glessula) Bedd. .. .XX, 73 subjerdoni (Glessula) Bedd XX, 83 submajor (Lovea) Well XIX, 239 150 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. subobtusatus (Bulimus) C. & F. XVII, 197 subobtusatus (Clavator) C. & F. XVII, 197 subovale (Opeas) Marts XVIII, 197 subperotteti (Glessula) Bedd. .. .XX, 71 subplicata(Cochlicopa)Sowb. XVII, 179 subplicatus (Chilonopsis) Sowb. XVII, 178 subrimata (Achatina) Reuss. .XIX, 311 subrimata(Cochlicopa)Reuss. XIX, 311 subsaccata (Ferussacia) Anc. XIX, 245 subsaxana (Caecllioides) Bgt. . .XX, 31 subserena (Glessula) Bedd XX, 75 substrigata(Limicolaria)Kob. XVI, 252 subspiralis (Bulimus) Woll. .XVII, 176 subsulcosa (Achatina) Thorn. XIX, xxv subsuturalis (Archachatina) Pils. XVII, 111 subtilis (Achatina) Shuttl. . .XIX, 120 subtruncatus(BulimuIus)Sm. XVII, 180 subtruncatus (Chilonopsis) Sm. XVII, 180 subula (Achatina) Pfr XVIII, 199 subula (Achatina) Lowe XIX, 277 subula (Bulimus) C. B. Ad. . . .XIX, 33 subula (Ferussacia) Lowe XIX, 277 subula (Opeas) Pfr XVIII, 127 subulata (Achatina) Pfr I, 24 subulata (Glandina) Weinl. . .XIX, 135 subulata (Oleacina) Pfr. I, 24 ; XIX, 141 subulata (Opeas) " Pfr." . . .XVIII, 127 subulatoides (Achatina) Orb. XIX, 113 subulatoides (Varicella) Orb. .XIX, 112 subulatus (Stenogyra) Jick. .XVII, 136 subullformis (Helix) Moric. XVIII, 251 subuliformis (Obeliscus) Moric. XVIII, 251 SOBDLINA Beck XVIII, 71, 220 SUBDLONA Marts XVII, 138 subvaricifera (Pseudoglessula) Marts. XVII, 169 subvaricosa (Glandina) Alb. ..XIX, 177 subvaricosa (Obeliscella) Marts. XVIII, 103 subvaricosum( Opeas) Marts. XVIII, 103 subviridescens(Bulimus)Sm. XVIII, 53 subviridescens (Curvella) Sm. XVIII, 53 subviridula (Cochlicopa) Bgt. XIX, 317 succinea (Curvella) Burn. .. .XVIII, 62 succlnea (Subulina) Gundl. .. .XIX, 115 succinea (Varicella) Gundl. . .XIX, 115 succinealis (Leptinaria) Beck. XVIII, 285 suffusus (Bulimus) Rve XVI, 249 sulcata (Achatina) Gray XVIII, 81 sulcata (Chilonopsis) F. de W., XVII, 175, 177 sulcata (Curvella) Chap XVIII, 48 sulcifera (Glandina) Marts. . .XIX, 201 sulciferus (Bulimus) Morel. I, 51 ; XIX, 21 sulciferus (Spiraxis) Morel. I, 51 ; XIX, 21 sulculosa (Glandina) Shuttl. .XIX, 122 sulculosa (Varicella) Shuttl. .XIX, 121 sultana (Achatina) Swains. . .XII, 189 sumatrana (Cionella) Marts. . .XX, 102 sumatrana (Glessula) Marts. ..XX, 102 sumichrasti (Streptostyla) Anc. XIX, 151, 211 sumichrasti (Streptostyla) C. & F. XIX, 211 snperba ( Stenogyra) Mlldff. . . XVIII, 6 superbus (Tortaxis) Mlldff. .. .XVIII, 6 suturale (Prosopeas) Mlldff. .XVIII, 15 suturalis (Achatina) Phil. .. .XVII, 111 suturalis (Bulimus) Pfr XVI, 224 suturalis (Curvella) Marts. . .XVIII, 54 suturalis (Hapalus) Marts. . .XVIII, 54 suturalis (Polyphemus) Pfr. .XIX, 143 suturalis (Rectoleacina) Pfr. .XIX, 143 suturalis (Varicella) Pils. . . .XIX, 211 swettenhami (Stenogyra) Morg. XVIII, 32 swifti (Euglandina) Pils XIX, 178 swiftiana (Varicella) Pils. . . .XIX, 114 swiftianum (Opeas) Pfr. . . .XVIII, 157 swiftianus (Bulimus) Pfr. ..XVIII, 268 swiftianus (Obeliscus) Pfr. XVIII, 268 sykesi (Opeas) Pils XVIII, 157 sylvatica (Columna) Spix. & Wagn. XVIII, 248 SYNAPTERPES Pils XVIII, 226 Synopeas Jousseaume XVIII, 188 syriaca (Ca&cilianella) Bgt XX, 32 sylvatica (Achatina) Putz. . . .XVII, 28 sylvatica (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 124 sylvaticus (Obeliscus) Spix. & Wagn. XVIII, 247 tabiense (Oryzosoma) Pils. .. .XIX, 163 tablensis (Streptostyla) Pils. .XIX, 163 taeniolata (Limicolaria) Bttg. 1905. tamaulipensis (Glandina) Pils. XIX, 207 tamaulipensis (Leptinaria) Pils. XVIII, 306 tampicoensis(Collostele)Pils. XIX, 346 tampicoensis (Spiraxis) Pils. XIX, 24, 3^3 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 151 tamulica (Achatina) Blanf XX, 65 tamulica (Glessula) Blanf XX, 64 tandoniana (Achatina) Shuttl. XIX, 274 taprobanlca (Glessula) Pils XX, 58 tassaroliana( Ferussacia )Sacco XIX,217 tastensis (Melaniella) Coop XIX, 9 tastensis (Pseudosubulina) Coop. XIX, 9 taurinensls (Glandina) Sacco XIX, xxv tavaresiana (Achatina) Morel. XVII, 21 taylori (Glandina) Vend XIX, 102 taylori (Varicella) Vend XIX, 101 tchehelense (Prosopeas) Morg. XVIII, 31 tchehelensis (Stenogyra) Morg. XVIII, 32 tenebrica (Limicolaria) Rve. ..XVI, 264 tenebricus (Bulimus) Rve. . . .XVI, 264 tenella (Ferussacia) Anc XIX, 265 tenella (Glandina) Streb XIX, 188 tenera (Achatina) Ad XIX, 77 tenera (Varicella) Ad XIX, 77 tenuecostatus (Spiraxis) Streb. 1,51; XIX, 23 tenuecostatus (Volutaxis) Streb. .1,51 tenuis (Lignus) Gray XVI, 224 tenuis (PseudO'trochus) Gray XVI, 224 tenuis (Spiraxis) Pfr XIX, 21 tenuispira (Achatina) Bens XX, 87 tenuispira (Glessula) Bens XX, 88 terebella (Achatina) Lowe . . .XIX, 276 terebella (Bulimus) Ad XIX, 30 terebella (Ferussacia) Lowe . .XIX, 276 terebella (Spiraxis) Ad XIX, 29 terebella (Stenogyra) Morel. .XVIII, 98 terebella (Subulina) Morel. . .XVIII, 98 terebellum(Cochlicopa)Sowb. XVII, 179 terebrseformis (Glandina) Shuttl. XIX, 120 terebrseformis (Varicella) Shuttl. XIX, 119 terebrale (Prosopeas) Theob. XVIII, 31 terebralis( Stenogyra )Theob. XVIII, 31 terebraster (Bulimus) Lam. XVIII, 264 terebraster ( Obeliscus) Lam. XVIII, 264 TERBBBBLLA Maltz XX, 5, 19 teres (Bulimus) Pfr. .. .XVIII, 105, 106 teres (Columna) M. & H XVII, 125 teres (Oleacina) Pfr. I, 25 ; .. .XX, 113 teres (Oleacina) Rouis XIX, xxii ; XX, 113 teres (Prosopeas) H. Ad XVIII, 34 teres (Rumina) H. Ad XVIII, 34 ternatanum (Opeas) Bttg. ..XVIII, 176 terrestre (Buccinum) Mont XX, 10 terrulenta (Curvella) Mor. . .XVIII, 52 terrulentus (Bulimus) Mor. ..XVIII, 52 terveri (Achatina) Bgt. XIX, 259; XX, 114 terveri (Achatina) Boissy XIX, xxii ; XX, 114 terveri (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 259 terveriana (Ferussacia) Pils. .XX, 114 TBSTACELLIDAE Gray XIX, viii texasiana (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 190 texasiana (Euglandina) Pfr. ..XIX, 190 texoloensis (Pseudosubulina) Pils. XIX, 4 texta (Glandina) Weinl XIX, 87 texta (Varicella) Weinl XIX, 87 textilis (Achatina) Blf XX, 70 textilis (Glessula) Blf XX, 69 thalassina(Cochlicopa) Jouss. XIX, 326 thalassina (Zua) Jouss XIX, 327 thamnophila( Ferussacia) Bgt. XIX, 331 thamnophila (Hohenwartiana) Bgt. XIX, 331 theobaldiana( Achatina) Hani. XVIII, 4 theobaldi (Achatina) Hani. ...XVIII, 4 theobaldi (Bacillum) Hani. . . .XVIII, 4 THOMEA Girard XVIII, 330, 333 thomsoni (Achatina) Sm XVII, 69 thomsoni (Streptostyla) Anc. .XIX, 156 tiberiana (Caecilioides) Ben. . . .XX, 14 tigrina (Achatina) Cum. .... .XVII, 86 tincta (Achatina) Rve XVII, 12 tisius (Turbo) Chier XIX, 220 togcensis (Limicolaria) Kob. .XVI, 257 TOMOPEAS Pils XVIII, 123 tornatellina (Ferussacia) Lwe. XIX, 270 tornatellina (Helix) Lowe. . . .XIX, 271 Torriatellinoides Pfr XIX, 285 Tornatelloides Pfr XIX, 284 TORNAXIS Martens XVIII, 219 tornensis (Achatina) Blf XX, 69 tornensis (Glessula) Blf XX, 69 torridus (Bulimus) Gld XVI, 238 torridus (Bulimus) Rve XVI, 238 torridus (Pseudotrochus) Gld. XVI, 238 torta (Caecilioides) Mouss XX, 32 torta (Glandina) Mouss XX, 32 TORTAXIS Pils XVIII, 5 tortillana (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 201 tortillana (Euglandina) Pfr. .XIX, 201 totistriata (Subulina) Pils. ..XVIII, 81 tournoueri (Glandina) Den. .XIX, xxiil toussaintianus (Obeliscus) Pils. XIX,349 translucida (Glandina) Gundl. . . .1, 24 translucida (Oleacina) Gundl I, 24 transvaalensis (Achatina) Sm. XVII,99 travankoricus (Hapalus) Theob. XVIII, 63 152 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. Trichodlna Anc XVII, 216 trldens (Azeca) auct XIX, 293, 295 tridens (Odontalus) Parr XIX, 293 tridens (Turbo) Pult XIX, 295 TRIGONOCHLAMYDIDAE XIX, viii trigonostoma (Azeca) Fag. .. .XIX, 296 trinitarla (Achatina) Gundl. .XIX, 113 trinitarla (Varicella) Gundl. .XIX, 113 trinitatis (Varicella) Pils XIX, 59 Trlpachatina Anc., type vignoniana XVI, 254 Tripachatina Bgt XVII, p. 5 TRISTANIA Bttg XVIII, 217 tristensls (Balea) Gray XVIII, 217 tristensis (Tristanla) Gray XVIII, 217 triticea (Ferussacia) Lwe. . . .XIX, 273 triticea (Helix) Lowe XIX, 273 trochlea( Achatina) Pfr. XVIII, 223, 224 trochlea (Pseudosubulina) Pfr. 1,51; XIX, 3 truncata (Bulla) Gmel XIX, 177 truncata (Euglandina) Gmel. XIX, 177 truncata (Glandina) auct XIX, 191 truncatella (Orbitina) Rlsso XVII, 213 truncatus (Bulimus) Ziegl. XVII, 213, 215 tryoniana (Euglandina) Pils. .XIX, 203 tryoniana (Limicolaria) Pils. XVI, 250 tryonianum (Opeas) Tate. . .XVIII, 196 tryonianus (Bulimus) Tate. XVIII, 196 trypanodes (Achatina) Pfr XIX, 3 trypanodes (Pseudosubulina) Pfr. XIX, 3 triptyx (Leptinaria) Pils. . .XVIII, 324 tuberculata (Achatina) Lwe. .XIX, 274 tuberculata(Melaniella) Gundl. XIX, 60 tuberculata (Varicella) Gundl. XIX, 60 tuckerl (Bulimus) Pfr XVIII, 121 tucker! (Pseudopeas) Pfr. . .XVIII, 120 tucker! (Stenogyra) Garr. . .XVIII, 183 tugelensis (Opeas) M. & P. .XVIII, 150 tugelensis (Subulina) M. & P. XVIII, 150 tulipa (Limicolaria) Jouss. ...XVI, 292 tumidula (Coelestele) Bgt. . . .XIX, 345 tumidula (Lovea) Woll XIX, 236 tumidus (Polyphemus) Pfr., Villa. XIX, 166 tumulorum (Caecllioides) Bgt. ..XX, 30 tunetana (Hohenwartiana) L. & B. XIX, 333 turbinata (Achatina) Lea XVI, 253 turbinata (Limicolaria) Lea ..XVI, 253 turblnatus (Bulimus) Rve. . . .XVI, 267 turglda (Euglandina) Pfr XIX, 199 turglda (Oleaclna) Pfr XIX, 199 turgida (Stenogyra) Gredl. .XVIII, 164 turgidum (Opeas) Gredl. . . .XVIII, 163 turgidula (Streptostyla) Pfr I, 46 turgidula (Stenogyra) Hde. XVIII, 168 turgidulum (Opeas) Hde. .. .XVIII, 168 turricula (Achatina) Migh. See Carelia. turricula (Prosopeas) Marts. XVIII, 30 turricula (Stenogyra) Marts. XVIII, 30 turriformis (Bulimus) Kr. .. .XVIII, 43 turriformis (Euonyma) Kr. ..XVIII, 43 turriformis (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 295 turris (Achatina) Pfr I, 33 turris( Euglandina) Pfr. 1,33; XIX, 196 turris (Limicolaria) Pfr XVI, 252 turrlta (Leptinaria) Marts. XVIII, 307 turritellata (Achatina) Dh. . .XIX, 348 turritellatus (Obeliscus) Dh. .XIX, 348 turtoni (Bulimulus) Sm XVII, 181 turtoni (Chilonopsis) Sm. . . .XVII, 181 U uhdeana (Glandina) Marts. . .XIX, 187 umbilicata (Achatina) Pfr. .. .XVII, 57 umbilicata (Curvella) Mlldff. XVIII, 71 umbilicata (Perideriopsis) Putz. XVI, 242 umbilicata (Pyrgina) Greef. XVIII, 334 umbillcatus(Hapalus) Mlldff. XVIII, 71 uncta (Subulina) Smith XVIII, 93 underwood! ( Euglandina )Fult. XIX, 201 underwoodi (Oleacina) Fult. .XIX, 202 undulata (Achatina) Gldg. . . .XII, 106 unicolor (Achatina) Ad XIX, 97 unicolor (Limicolaria) Kob. . .XVI, 256 unicolor (Spiraxls) Ad XIX, 36 unicolor (Varicella) Ad XIX, 98 unidentata (Calaxis) Jick. . . .XIX, 287 unidentata (Ferussacia) Jick. XIX, 288 unilamellata (Helix) Fe"r. . .XVIII, 288 unilamellatus (Bulimus) Orb. XVIII, 288, 290 unlplicata (Caecilioides) Bgt. . .XX, 15 unlzonata (Achatina) C. & J. XVII, 216 unus (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 44 upolensis (Bulimus) Mouss. XVIII, 131 upolensis( Stenogyra )Mouss. XVIII, 183 Urceus Klein, Jous XVII, 1 urichi (Leptinaria) Sm XVIII, bJl urichi (Subulina) Sm XVIII, 302 uruapamensis (Spiraxis) Pils. .XIX, 22 usagarica (Stenogyra) Sm. . .XVII, 142 usambarensis( Achatina) Rolle. XVII, 52 usambarlca (Achatina) Marts. XVII, 52 ustulata (Achatina) Rve XVII, 89 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. 153 titllensis (Leptinaria) Pils. .XVIII, bu7 utriculus (Opeas) Hde XVIII, 168 utrlculus (Stenogyra) Hde. .XVIII, 169 V radalica (Achatina) Bens XX, 64 vadalica (Glessula) Bens XX, 64 valenzuela (Leptinaria) Jouss. XVIII, 291 valida (Cionella) Mss XIX, 234 valida (Ferussacia) Mss XIX, 234 vanattai (Limicolaria) Pils. . .XVI, 275 vandalitise (Caecilioides) Serv. .XX, 16 vanuxemensis (Achatina) Lea XIX, 185 vanuxemensis (Euglandina) Lea XIX, 185 vanuxemii (Glandina) auct. . .XIX, 185 variabilis (Stenogyra) Jick. .XVII, 134 VARICELLA Pf r XIX, xvi, 46 VARICELLAEIA Pils XIX, 79 VAKICELLIDEA Pils XIX, 86 VARICELLINA Pils XIX, 88 VAHICELLOPSIS Pils XIX, 85 VABICELLULA Pils XIX, 73 VABICOGLANDINA Pils XIX, 204 varicosa (Achatina) Pfr. XVII, 92 VARICOTDRRIS Pils XIX, 161 variegata (Achatina) Lam XVII, 9 variegata (Agatina) Raf XII, 168 vasconica (Azeca) Kob XIX, 308 vasconica (Ferussacia) Kob. ..XIX, 308 vayssierei (Clavator) Anc. . .XVII, 195 Vediantius Risso XIX, 218 venezuelensis (Leptinaria) Pfr. XVIII, 305 venezuelensis (Spiraxis) Pfr. XVIII, 305 ventricosa (Achatina) Paiva .XIX, 277 ventricosa (Achatina) Fisch. VIII, 10 ; XX, 118 yentricosa (Achatina) Old. . .XVII, 113 ventricosa (Balea) Gray XVIII, 218 ventricosa (Bulimus) Bgt. .. .XVII, 214 ventricosa (Caecilioides) Loc. . .XX, 10 ventricosa (Ferussacia) Paiva XIX, 277 ventricosa (Limicolaria) Sm. .XVI, 295 ventricosa (Streptostyla) Marts. XIX, 146 ventricosa (Tristania) Gray XVIII, 217 ventricosula( Glandina) Morel. XIX, 153 vcntricosula (Streptostyla) Morel. XIX, 153 venusta (Achatina) Pfr. ..... .XIX, 96 venusta (Varicella) Pfr XIX, 96 venustum (Opeas) Smith. . .XVIII, 146 veracruzensls (Caecilioides) C. & F. XX, 40 verberatus (Spiraxis) Pils XIX, 43 vercoi (Ferussacia) Pal XIX, 227 verdieri (Perideris) Chap XVI, 24-1 verdieri (Pseudotrochus) Chap. XVI, 240 vermicula(Columna)M. & H. XVII, 125 vernicosa (Stenogyra) Jick. ..XVII, 132 vernicosus (Homorus) Jick. ..XVII, 132 veruina (Achatina) Bens XX, 60 veruina (Glessula) Bens XX, 60 vescoi (Ferussacia) Bgt XIX, 227 vescoi (Glandina) Bgt XIX, 227 vesiculata (Glandina) Semp. .XIX, 233 vesperus (Mesembrinus) Jouss. XVIII, 234 vesperus (Synapterpes) Jouss. XVIII, 234 vestita (Achatina) Pfr XVII, 81 vestitum (Opeas) Heude XVIII, 165 vestitus (Stenogyra) Hde. . .XVIII, 165 vexans (Streptostyla) Streb. I, 49 vexillum (Achatina) auct. XII, 164, 167 vexillum (Achatina) Dek XII, 164 vialai (Achatina) Serr XIX, xxiii vicina (Achatina) Ad XIX, 89 vicina (Varicella) Ad XIX, 89 victoriana (Glandina) Pils. .. .XIX, 193 vieirai (Opeas) Nobre XVIII, 145 vignoni (Achatina) Morel XVI, 233 vignoniana (Achatina) Morel. XVI, 255 vignoniana (Limicolaria) Morel. XVI, 254 villse (Caecilianella) Ben XIX, 336 villa (Hohenwartiana) Ben. ..XIX, 336 violacea (Achatina) Pfr XVI, 228 virens (Achatina) Pfr XX, 102 virens (Glessula) Pfr XX, 102 virescens (Obeliscus) DaCosta XVIII, 257 virescens (Stenogyra) DaCosta XVIII, 257 virgata (Columna) Gray XVII, 122 virginea (Achatina) auct XII, 163 virginea (Achatina) Lam XII, 163 virginea ( Ferussacia )Westerl. XIX, 225 Virginias (Achatina) Blainv. . .XII, 163 virginicum (Achatium) Link ...XVII, 2 viridescens (Achatina) Anc. .XVII, 115 viridula (Cochlicopa) Jeffr. . .XIX, 317 viridula (Streptostyla) Ang. .XIX, 156 vitrea (Achatina) Lwe XIX, 278 vitrea (Achatina) W. & B. . . .XIX, 238 vitrea (Azeca) Klika XIX, 292 vitrea (Ferussacia) W. & B. . .XIX, 238 vitrea (Pseudachatina) Greef. = A. exarata XVI, 219 154 INDEX, VOLS. XVI-XX. vltrea(Pseudachatina) Greet XVII, 216 vitrea (Stenogyra) Mouss. . .XVIII, 95 vitrea (Subulina) Mouss XVIII, 94 vitreus (Bullmus) Anton . . .XVIII, 189 vittata (Achatina) Swains. . .XII, 166 vivipara (Achatina) Sowb. ...XVIII, 80 vivipara (Subulina) Sowb. ...XVIII, 80 viviparum (Opeas) Mill XVIII, 216 viviparum(Pseudopeas)Mill. XVIII,216 volkensi (Limicolaria) Marts. XVI, 288 voluta (Bulla) Gm XIX, 130 voluta (Oleacina) Gm XIX, 129 volutata (Oleacina) Bolt XIX, 130 Volutaxis Strebel XIX, 20 vulgare (Opeas) Morel XVIII, 155 vulgaris (Stenogyra) Morel. XVIII, 155 W wagnerl (Glandina) Mill XIX, xxiii walked (Prosopeas) Bs XVIII, 29 walkeri (Spiraxis) Bs XVIII, 30 wallacei (Glessula) Pfr XX, 104 wallisiana (Rhodea) Dohrn. XVIII, 236 wallisi (Stenogyra) Mouss. .XVIII, 230 wallisi(Synapterpes) Mouss. XVIII, 230 watersi (Bulimus) Ang XVII, 198 waters! (Clavator) Ang XVII, 197 wathenensis (Limicolaria) Putz. XVI, 269 webbii (Cionella) Mouss XIX, 234 welwitschi (Achatina) Morel. .XVII, 17 welwitschi (Opeas) Nobre . .XVIII, 145 westerlundiana (Ferussacia) Anc. XIX, 265 weynsi (Achatina) Dautz XVII, 11 whytei (Curvella) Sm .XVIII, 57 wollastoni (Lovea) Wats XIX, 220 woodi (Poiretia) Pils XX, 113 wrighti (Bulinus) Sowb XVI, 206 wrighti (Pseudachatina) Sowb. XVI, 206 wrighti (Oleacina) Pfr I, 25 xantholinus (Bulimus) Ziegl. .XVI, 252 yatesi (Achatina) Pfr XVIII, 225 yatesi (Subulina) Pfr XVIII, 225 yeffrlana (Perussacia) Pall. ..XIX, 257 yucatanense (Opeas) Pils. ..XVIII, 212 yucatanensis (Achatina) Pfr. XIX, 199 yucatanensis (Leptinaria) Pils. XVIII, 315 yucatanensis (Streptostyla) Pils. XIX, 153 zacinthia (Azeca) Bgt XIX, 299 zacynthia (Azeca) Both XIX, 299 zakynthia (Cionella) Hesse. . .XIX, 299 zanzibarica (Achatina) Bgt. . .XVII, 51 zaza (Obeliscus) Pils XVIII, 264 zebra (Achatina) Brug XVII, 85 zebra (Ampulla) Bolt XVII, 86 zebra (Bulimus) Brug. . . . XVII, 44, 86 zebra (Limicolaria) Pils XVI, 266 zebrina (Helix) Fer XVII, 56 zebriolata (Achatina) Morel. ..XVII, 26 zebroides (Achatina) Sm XVII, 83 zebrula (Achatina) Marts XVII, 90 zegzeg (Bulimus) Morel XVI, 228 ZONIFBRELLA Pils XVIII, 228,233 ZOOTECDS Westerlund. .XVIII, 104, 336 Zootocus Marts XVIII, 336 Zua Leach XIX, 309 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES