O: li ru m -D .-q o o •-=1 a m a / 0 SECOND SEEIES: PULMONATA. MANUAL OF CONCHOLOGY STRUCTURAL AND SYSTEMATIC WITH ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE SPECIES VOL. XXII ACHATINELLID^E BY HENRY A. PILSBRY ASSISTED BY C. MONTAGUE COOKE j GENEALOGY AND MIGRATIONS OF THE ACHATINELLID^J BY ALPHEUS HYATT PHILADELPHIA : Published by the Conchological Department ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA 1912-1914 PUBLICATION COMMITTEE SAMUEL GIBSON DIXON, M. D. , LL.D. , President of the Academy. HENRY SKINNER, M. D., Sc. D., WITMER STONE, A. M., Sc.D.,. HENRY A. PILSBRY, Sc. D., WILLIAM J. Fox, EDWARD J. NOLAN, M.D. Treasurer : S. RAYMOND ROBERTS. A CONTENTS. PAGH PREFACE v INTRODUCTION— Achatinellidos defined and compared with other families. ix Structure and interpretation of the teeth x Classification xiii Color-patterns xix Shape and structure of the shell xxiv Conceptions of species and minor races xxv Habits, stations, conditions of collecting, etcetera .... xxxiv Supplementary observations on Hawaiian zoogeography. . xli Remarks on the synonymy of Achatiriettidce 1 Historical notes on the literature of Achatinellidos .... lii SYSTEMATIC PART— Genus NEWCOMBIA Pfeiffer 1 Genus PARTULINA Pfeiffer 14 Section Perdicella Pease 15 Section Partulina s. str 23 Section Eburnella Pease 67 Section Baldwinia Ancey 90 Observations on Hawaiian Achatinellidse, by H. W. Henshaw. 91 Genus ACHATINELLA Swainson 117 Section Bulimella Pfeiffer 118 Section Achatinellastrum Pfeiffer 180 Section Achatinella s. str 274 APPENDIX I. Additional notes, undefined species etcetera . . 355 APPENDIX II. Genealogy and migrations of the Achatinellidse in the Hawaiian Islands, by Alpheus Hyatt • 370 EXPLANATION OF PLATES . . , 400 INDEX 423 DATES OF ISSUE OF THE PARTS OF VOLUME XXII 428 (iii) PREFACE. This volume treats of the tree snails of the Hawaiian Islands belonging to the family Achatindlidae ; those of the family Amas- tridas (the genus Laminello) having been dealt with in Volume XXI, and arboreal forms of Tornatettinida (Auriculella) remain- ing to be considered in Volume XXIII of this series. The Achatinellidse hold an important place in general biological literature for the reason that a contribution of the first importance to the doctrine of evolution arose from a study of these snails. Gulick's theory of "divergent evolution through cumulative seg- regation ' is now generally recognized as setting forth one of the conditions invariable for the "origin of species,'1 having no necessary connection with natural selection, Lamarckian factors or mutation theory, but everywhere essential to speciation. For this reason, among others, the account of the group has been made somewhat more elaborate than usual in purely systematic treatises, in order that zoologists may be in a position to form intelligent ideas of the facts of distribution and variation of the group. It will readily be understood that having to cover the whole field, it was impossible to enter upon a detailed study of any single group of forms in a restricted area. The necessary limits of this work permit only brief discussion under each species. For an exposition of the facts bearing on evolution in general, a far more limited field should be chosen, two or three adjacent valleys, where the data could be made nearly complete. Even so, a certain amount of breeding under control would be essential to solid conclusions. As matters now stand, we infer where we should have exact knowledge. The name of Dr. C. Montague Cooke is placed upon the title- page of this volume in recognition of his collaboration in eluci- dating the involved synonymy of the genus Achatinella. To the systematist this is perhaps the more important work of the vol- v VI PREFACE. ume. Indeed, the main features of this synonymy (excepting so much as had been recognized by earlier naturalists) were original with my colleague, having been worked out before we went over the ground together in Honolulu. While for the accuracy of the synonymy the senior author assumes equal responsibility with Dr. Cooke, it would be unfair to hold the latter responsible for the manner of presentation, or for the treatment of questions left in abeyance for want of time or type material in Honolulu. It was not practicable for my collaborator to go over the work in its final form; and for this reason many statements of fact or opinion throughout the text are made in the first person, especially when based upon material we had not gone over together. The determi- nation of all forms of Achatinetta believed to be new to science was also the joint work of both authors, as indicated in the text. Indebtedness to Dr. Cooke for various helpful suggestions rela- tive to Partulina and other genera is acknowledged under the respective species. I may also be permitted to recall the com- radeship which made the months spent in the Islands among the happiest of my life. Information used in compiling the maps on pages 183, 277, and 341 was largely supplied by Dr. Cooke and Mr. Spalding. Professor Hyatt's MS. descriptive of tree snails was not utilized in the preparation of this volume for the reason that his treat- ment of species could not be reconciled with the views herein expressed. Moreover, it is believed that had Hyatt visited the Islands and seen the actual association of forms, his ideas must have been very materially changed. Professor Hyatt's general results in phylogeny and zoogeography, so far as worked out at the time of his death, are given in an appendix ( pp. 370-399), for comparison with the views developed in course of this study. In order to keep this volume within reasonable size, an ac- count of the soft anatomy of Achatinelloid snails and an appendix to volume XXI (Amastrida) will form the first part of Vol. XXIII. That volume will also treat of Auriculclla, Tomatellina and their allies, and contain a general inaex of all Achatinelloid snails. The color nomenclature follows Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature, except in the first two numbers, which were pre- pared before the publication of that work. PREFACE. Vll There remains the pleasant duty of thanking many friends who assisted in the preparation of this book. Acknowledg- ments are due the President and Trustees of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, who aided the author's work in the Islands by a generous grant. The Director and scientific staff of the Museum furthered the investigation at every point. Messrs. Irwin Spalding of Honolulu and D. Thaanum of Hilo, Hawaii, placed their knowledge of Hawaiian shells and their splendid collections at the disposal of the author with such generosity as one meets but rarely in a lifetime. To Professor Wm. Alanson Bryan, Messrs. R. A. Cooke, J. S. Emerson, Hon. L. A. Thurston, Mr. W. D. Wilder and others mentioned in the text, the author is deeply indebted for speci- mens used in this work, and for other favors which aided inves- tigations. The open-hearted hospitality of Hon. George C. Cooke of the Molokai Ranch enabled us to see far more of the Molokai fauna in a limited time than would have been possible under less ideal conditions. Mr. E. A. Smith assisted with various notes on types in the British Museum, many of them figured for the MANUAL, under his critical eye. Mr. H. W. Henshaw prepared an account of his observations on Hawaiian Partulinas (pp. 91-105) containing much impor- tant material. Mr. C. W. Johnson lent a series of Gulick's type-specimens from the Boston Society of Natural History. Like favors were granted by Mr. Samuel Henshaw of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology, where Pease's types are preserved, and by Pro- fessor G. D. Harris of Cornell University, custodian of the Newcomb collection. Finally it should be said that the production of this work would not have been possible without the encouragement and support of the President of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, and of the Publication Committee, with Mr. S. Raymond Roberts, having the work in charge. My warmest thanks to all of these friends and colleagues. H. A. P. PHILADELPHIA, April, 1914. INTRODUCTION. Family ACHATINELLIDJ3 Tryon. Achatinellida Tryon, 1884 (exclusive of Tornatellinida and Amastrida). Orthurethra with the kidney longer than the pericardium, oblong and narrow. Surface of the lung plain. Genitalia complicated by the presence of a long appendix provided with a branch from the penial retractor muscle. Spermatheca em- bedded in the prostrate gland, its duct long and simple ; albu- men gland minute; prostate gland enormously developed, composed of vermiform caeca. Jaw wanting or extremely thin, indistinctly plaited vertically. Radula broad and short. Teeth excessively numerous, arranged in V-shaped transverse rows ; rake-like, composed of a narrow basal plate and a broad recurved portion bearing numerous unequal cusps. The shell is more or less glossy, dextral or sinistral, oblong or ovate, minutely perforate or closed, composed of five to seven whorls, the last convex ; aperture ovate ; outer lip thick- ened or simple, sometimes expanding a little; columella usu- ally bearing a strong, obliquely entering lamella in the last whorl; internal axis sinuous. No entering lamella or tooth on the parietal wall. Animal externally as in Helicidce. Foot moderately broad, usually shorter than the shell. Viviparous.. Distribution, the Hawaiian Islands (except Kauai, Niihau and perhaps Kahoolawe). Living on trees and other plants. Studies of the soft anatomy with abundant material have demonstrated, in my opinion, that the Achatinellidcz and Amastrida are strongly distinct families. None of the many species of both, dissected by other naturalists or by myself, show the slightest approach in their differential characters. The Achatinellidce in essential structure stand nearest to the Amastridcr, Enidce and Ferussacida, and are somewhat (ix) X TEETH OF ACHATINELLID^E. more remotely related to Partulidce. The structure of the pallial organs and kidney is very similar in the first three of these families. The male reproductive organs also, while dif- fering in details, are much alike, having features widely pre- valent in the lowest land snails, also in Onchidium, etc. Partula, by lacking an appendix on the penis, and also by the simple prostate gland and the somewhat different form of kidney, stands a little apart. By the structure of the female reproductive system, the AchatinelUdce are most nearly akin to the Amastridce, but are more evolved by the reduction of the albumen gland to a minute rudiment, the prostate being at the same time enorm- ously enlarged. The difference between the two families in this character is one of degree rather than of kind. From all other families mentioned above, the Achatinellidcz differ strikingly in dentition. Those families have teeth of normal shape, with cusps resembling and homologous with these of the Helicidce, Lymnccidce, and most other Pulmonate snails. The teeth of Achatineltidce and fornatellinidce differ strikingly by having basal-plates of a different shape ; and their cusps are not recognizably homologous with those of other land snails. Moreover, there is no division into lateral and marginal areas of the radula with different forms of teeth. Morphology of Achatinellid teeth. It is well known that arboreal snails usually have the teeth specially modified, more or less unlike those of their nearest relatives among ground snails. Liguus and Polymita are not- able examples, but in many others, such as Drymaus, Papuina, etc., a process of change is evidently in progress. In all of these genera, the cusps, though variously changed, are still clearly homologous with those of normal teeth. Without com- mitting ourselves to any special hypothesis of how such changes come about, we cannot avoid the conclusion that in some way the nature of the food or the conditions of grazing lead to adaptive remodelling of the teeth in arboreal snails. So long as the modification does not affect the homologies of TEETH OP ACHATINELLID^. XI the cusps, it is not necessarily of much systematic importance. The amount of change in various groups is apparently some indication of the length of time since arboreal habits were assumed. In Achatinellidce and Tornatellinidce the modifica- tion of the teeth is wholly unlike that usual in arboreal snails of other families, in which the cusps are always broad- ened. The Achatinellid type is really a further development of the multicuspid teeth of small ground snails, and it would seem, not an adaptation induced by arboreal life, though it has obviously proved efficient in that station, in the absence of any competitors. The multicuspid cutting edges of the teeth, and the absence of differentiation into laterals and marginals, cause me to view the Achatinellid radula as one from which central and lateral teeth have been eliminated, leaving only marginals. The marginal teeth of Amastrida and Enidce, as of many other snails, stand in somewhat oblique transverse series. If the median field was eliminated, the transverse rows would be broadly V-shaped. Pachnodus in the Enidcz, as figured by F. Wiegmann, has somewhat such a radula as that we may suppose the ancestors of Achatinella had. The teeth of Pachnodus are very numerous, 375 to 393 in a row, the mar- ginal fields have the rows strongly oblique, and the marginal teeth are multicuspid. The teeth of Achatinella differ from the marginals of Pachnodus, or of Leptachatina, chiefly by the long and narrow basal-plate, whereas in most marginal teeth this plate is very short and broad. By a similar reduction, some species of Mesomphix have practically eliminated the lateral teeth, while others retain a few of them. The closely related Omphalina has the usual development of laterals. The Agnatha and Agnathomorph snails also have lost all laterals. I believe, therefore, that all the teeth of AchatinelUdce have been derived from the marginals of some unspecialized group of ground snails having multicuspid marginal teeth. This ancestral group was evidently also ancestral to the Amastrida, in which Leptachatina still retains multicuspid marginal teeth; but even the most primitive existing Amastrida have Xll FOSSIL ACHATINELLHXE. so far specialized the dentition that it seems to me quite im- possible that Achatinella could have been derived from any Amastrine genus now living. The teeth of Physidce may be a similar evolution from the marginal teeth of some Basommatophorous stock. They have a remarkable superficial resemblance to those of the Acha- tinellidce. The Athoracophoridce have also evolved teeth won- derfully similar to those of Achatinella. This is evidently a case of convergent evolution, as the relationship must be remote. Notwithstanding its strong differential characters, the family is a very compact one, with remarkably little struc- tural variety for a group so prolific in species. Most genera of Helices show much greater specific diversity in characters of the soft parts than I have been able to find in the whole family of Achatinellidcz. There has been no adaptive radia- tion, and with the possible exception of Newcombia, there are no aged or phylogerontic branches. This contrasts with the Amastridce, which have been adapted to a variety of stations, humid, semiarid and arboreal, and in which the shell varies from cylindric or turrited to discoidal, with wide diversity in sculpture, color and solidity. It appears that the AchatineUidcs are a still youthful group in the full flower of their evolution, probably derived from some plain terrestrial form which was rejuvenated by the dis- covery of a new station — the leaves and branches of trees. Fossil Achatinellidcz known up to this time are all of Holocene, or perhaps in part of Pleistocene age. They are far less numerous than fossil Amastridcz, probably because the deposits wherein land shells are preserved lie mainly close to the sea, while Achatinellidc? are shells of the mountain forests. The known fossil species follow. Achatinella phaeozona Gul. Kailua (p. 187). Achatinella cccsia littoralis P. & C. Kahuku (p. 266). Partulina montagui Pils. Manoa Valley (p. 66). Partulina divighti occidentalis P. & C. Molokai (p. 361). Newcombia philippiana Pfr. Molokai (p. 356). Partulina confusa Sykes. Hawaii (p. 105). CLASSIFICATION. Partulina montagui is a very distinct species, but not in the least primitive in character. Two other extinct . forms are distinguishable races of living species, while the other three found fossil do not seem to differ from modern shells. Further extinct species are to be expected in comparatively high beds, such as the Manoa and Palihoukapapa forest de- posits. Many such must exist, and they may afford a good deal of light on such obscure questions as the part taken by Partulina in the ancient Oahuan fauna. CLASSIFICATION OF ACHATINELLID^E. It has been stated above that the genera and subordinate groups of Achatinellidee are based entirely upon characters of the shell. The soft anatomy, so far as known, is practically alike in all. The genera are not groups of much systematic im- portance— not more I should say, than the "sections" estab- lished in my monograph on Partula; but they are obviously natural groups, which have been found useful in dealing with long series of species. The family divides primarily into two groups, Partulina and Achatinella. By their coloration and sculpture, New- combia, Perdicella and Baldwinia are obviously derivatives of Partulina. The Partulina group is more numerous in species and far more varied in structure than Achatinella, which consists of three very closely related sections. Ebur- nella is a group of uncertain affinities, but apparently linked to Partulina by certain species of Maui and Lanai. The ap- proximate relationships of the groups are represented in the following diagram. Newcombia Baldwinia Perdicella | Bulimella Partulinella Partulina s. sir. Eburnella Achatinellastrum (Partulina) (Achatinella} Achatinella 8. sir' Ancestral Achatinellid XIV CLASSIFICATION. Key to Genera and Sections of Achatinellida. a. Columella straight or only weakly folded. 6. Shell slender, turrite, usually sculptured; 3% em- bryonic whorls, having coarse spirals, the last obli- quely striped. NEWCOMBIA, p. 1. 61. Shell oblong or ovate. c. Shell striped or tessellated, sometimes banded, small, usually less than 17 mm. long. Perdicella, p. 15. c.1 Shell zigzag striped, banded or white, usually well over 17 mm. long, or if so small, the last whorl is unusually large. Baldivinia, p. 90. a1. Columella strongly folded. 6. Shell dull or polished, usually with distinct spiral striation ; the embryonic shell biconic, often striped ; usually two or several embryos in the uterus at one time. PARTULINA, p. 14. c. Shell small, tessellated or striped, columellar fold thin. Perdicella, p. 15. c1. Shell larger, spirally striate, columellar fold stout. Partulina, s. str., p. 23. c2. Shell polished, often banded, columellar fold stout. Eburnella, p. 67. 61. Shell polished; spiral striation weak or almost want- ing; embryonic shell short and broad, its last whorl never striped obliquely; only one well-developed embryo in the uterus at a time. Oahu : ACHATINELLA, p. 117.. c. Outer lip thickened by an internal callous ridge ; shape oblong-conic or ovate, summit obtuse. Bulimella, p. 118. c1. Outer lip but little or not thickened within, not expanded; summit conic, the embryonic whorls not conspicuously flattened. Achatinellastrum, p. 180. ca. Outer lip thickened within ; shape globose- conic ; embryonic whorls almost flat. Achatinella, s. sir., p. 274. CLASSIFICATION. XV Systematic List of species and subspecies of Achatinellidce. Numbers following the species refer to pages where they are described. In Partulina, where there are several col- lateral phyla, no linear arrangement can be made which will show the affinities with Newcombia and Achatinella, and at the same time preserve a logical sequence of groups and species within the genus. Genus NEWCOMBIA Pfeiffer. (Molokai) (Molokai) N. plicata High., Pfr. 2. N. pfeifferi Newc. 13, 355. N. p. gemma Pfr. 3. N. p. ualapuensis Pils. 12. N. sulcata Pfr. 5. N. p. cinnamomea Pfr. 10. N. canaliculata Bald. 6. N. p. decorata Pils. 12. N. c. wailauensis Pils. 7. N. p. honomuniensis Pils. 12. N. philippiana Pfr. 8, 356. (Maui) (+ perkinsi Sykes) N. cumingi Newc. 10. Genus PARTULINA Pfeiffer. Section Perdicella Pease. (Molokai) P. mauiensis Pfr. 20. P. helena Newc. 16, 356. P- zebrina Pfr. 20. P. fulgurans Sykes 21. (Maui) p. carinella Bald. 7, 358. P. ornata Newc. 18. P. thwingi P. & C. 357. P. zebra Newc. 19. P. kuhnsi Pils. 22. Section Baldwinia Ancey. (Hawaii) P. confusa Sykes 105. P. h. fuscozonata P. & C. 365.. P. horneri Bald. 107, 365. P. physa Newc. 109. P. h. Candida P. & C. 365. P. p. errans Pils. 111. P. h. fuscospira P. & C. 365. P. p. konana P. & C. 365. (Maui) P. grisea Newc. 111. P. thaanumiana Pils. 112. XVI CLASSIFICATION. (Oahu) P. dubia Newc. 113. Section Partulina Pfr., s. sir. (Molokai). P. virgulata High. 25, 358. P. v. kaluaahacola P. & C. 359. P. v. halawaensis Borch. 27, P. subpolita Hy. & Pils. 359. 359. Section Partulinella Hyatt (p. 392). (Molokai) P. tessellata Newc. 28, 360. P. theodorei Bald. 33, 360. P. t. meyeri Borch. 29. P. dwightii Newc. 35, 360. P. rufa Newc. 29, 360. tP. d. occidentalis P. & C. 361. P. proxima Pse. 32, 360. P. d. mucida Bald. 34, 361. P. p. schauinslandi Borch. 33. P. redfieldii Newc. 38, 362. P. p. multistrigata Pils. 34, P. r. kamaloensis P. & C. 362. 360. (Oahu) t P. montagui Pils. 66. (Lanai) P. crassa Newc. 40, 362. (Haul) P. kaaeana Bald. 41. P. tappaniana C. B. Ad. 54. P ustulata Gul. 47, 362. P. t. ampulla Gul. 57. P. marmorata Gld. 42. P. t. eburnea Gul. 57. P. plumbea Gul. 43. P. t. carnicolor Bald. 58. P. winniei Bald. 44. P. nivea Bald. 59, 363. P. perdix Rve. 45, 363. P. dolei Bald. 60, 364. P. induta Gul. 48. P. lemmoni Bald. 61. P. radiata Gld. 49, 363. P. terebra Newc. 61, 364. * * * P. t. attenuata Pfr. 63. P. splendida Newc. 51, 363. P. t. longior Pils. 63. P. s. baileyana Gul. 52. P. t. lignaria Gul. 63. P. gouldii Newc. 52. P. fusoidea Newc. 64. • * * P. crocea Gul. 65. CLASSIFICATION. XV11 Section Eburnella Pease. (Maui) P. mutabilis Bald. 68. P. porcellana Newc. 69. P. p. flemingi Bald. 71. P. p. wailuaensis Sykes 72. P. variabilis Newc. 83. P. v. lactea Gul. 86, 364. P. mighelsiana Pfr. 77. P. m. bella Eve. 79. P. p. fulvicans Bald. 73. P. nattii Bald. & Hartm. 73. P. anceyana Bald. 75. P. germana Newc. 76. (Lanai) P. semicarinata Newc. 86. P. s. hayseldeni Bald. (Molokai) P. m. polita Newe. 80. Genus ACHATINELLA Swainson. Section Bulimella Pfeiffer (Oahu). A. bulimoides spadicea P.&C. A. abbreviata Rve. 123. A. viridans Migh. 125. A. tasniolata Pfr. 130. A. byronii Wood 133. A. b. rugosa Newc. 135. A. b. waimanoensis P.&C. 137. A. b. nigricans P. & C. 138. A. lila Pils. 139. A. pulcherrima Sw. 140. A. p. nympha Gul. 144. A. decipiens Newc. 145. A. d. planospira Pfr. 147. A. d. kaliuwaaensis P.&C. 150. A. d. swainsoni Pfr. 150. * * * A. rosea Swains. 151. A. bulimoides Sw. 154. A. b. mistura P. & C. 156. 157. A. b. obliqua Gul. 158. A. b. ovata Newc. 160. A. b. rotunda Gul. 163. A. b. glabra Newc. 164. A. elegans Newc. 166. A. e. wheatleyana P. & C. 168. A. fuscobasis Sm. 170. A. f . lyonsiana Bald. 172. A. f . wilderi Pils. 173. A. pupukanioe P. & C. 174. A. sowerbyana Pfr. 175. A. s. thurstoni P. & C. 177. A. s. laiensis P. & C. 178. A. s. dextroversa P. & C. 179 A. s. roseoplica P. & C. 180. XV111 CLASSIFICATION. Section Achatinellastrum Pfr. (Main range of Oahu) A. phseozona Gul. 184. A. buddii Newc. 187. A. fulgens Newc. 190. A. f . versipellis Gul. 196. A. f . ampla Newc. 198. A. solitaria Newc. 204. A. stewartii Green 204. A. s. producta Rve. 207. A. vulpina Fer. 212. A. v. colorata Rve. 224. A. v. tricolor Smith 226. A. bellula Smith 230. A. b. multizonata Bald. 231. A. casta Newc. 235. A. casta margaretae P.&C. 240. A. juncea Gul. 241. A. papyracea Gul. 243. A. juddii Bald. 244. A. livida Swains. 246. A. 1. emersoni Nc. 247. A. 1. recta Nc. 248. A. 1. herbacea Gul. 251. A. curta Newc. 252. A. dimorpha Gul. 258. A. cassia Gul. 263. t A. c. littoralis P. & C. 266. A. c. cervina Gul. 267. A. c. cognata Gul. 267. (Waianae range) A. spaldingi P. & C. 271. A. 1. gulickiana P. & C. 273. A. lehuiensis Smith 271. A. thaanumi P. & C. 273. Section Achatinella Swains., s. sir. (Main range of Oahu) A. lorata Fer. 278. A. 1. nobilis Rve. 283. A. 1. pulchella Pfr. 284. A. cestus Newc. 286. A. vittata Rve. 289. A. v. cinerea Sykes 291. A. v. simulans Rve. 292. A. turgida Newc. 294. A. t. perplexa P. & C. 296. A. t. ovum Pfr. 297. A. t. simulacrum P. & C. 299. A. t. cookei Bald. 300. A. leucorraphe Gul. 301. A. 1. irwini P. & C. 302. A. swiftii Newc. 306. A. s. chromatacrne P.&C. 316. A. s. dolium Pfr. 316. A. apexfulva Dixon 317. A. a. vespertina Bald. 322. A. a. alba Sykes 324. A. a. apicata Newc. 324. A. a. beata P. & C. 329. A. a. aloha P. & C. 330. A. decora Fer. 331. A. valida Pfr. 334. A. v. leucophaea Gul. 336. A. v. cinerosa Pfr. 336. A. v. kahukuensis P. & C. 338. DISTRIBUTION, COLOR PATTERNS. XIX (Waianae range) A. mustelina Migh. 342. A. concavospira Pfr. 351. A. m. sordida Newc. 349. A. c. turbiniformis Gul. 353. A. m. lymaniana Bald. 350. Incertce sedis. A. aptycha Pfr. 54, 145, 363. DISTRIBUTION OF GENERA, SUBGENERA AND SPECIES. PARTULINA ACHATINELLA cc T3 C ISLANDS «! hH a c6 ^ 'M M g cs c^ .S ce c3 3 1 i

^ o 'cu fl .rH 3 •I-H 'o iD 4*3 ^H & O * o •rH rW 1— 1 C3 ~Ui £ T3 rt *H S a c8 »v ^ -M CJ J3 te 'ct -4-i W . Surface smooth to the eye, finely striate spirally under a lens. Molokai. N. perkinsi, no. 6. N. philippiana, no. 5. /A Surface spirally ribbed or coarsely striate, sinistral. Molokai. c. Pale, the later whorls cream-colored; length 15 to 25 mm. d. Spirals acute. N. plicata, no. 1. d *. Spirals rounded or subobsolete. N. p. gemma j no. la. c1. Dark colored; length 12 to 18 mm. d. Spirals acute. X. camilicu'lata, no. 2. d1. Spirals obtuse, base darker. N. sukata, no. 3. //'. Surface with fine beaded spirals, a small carina at peri- phery; zigzag-striped, dark-colored, dextral. Maui. N. carmeHa, no. 4. c/1. Parietal wall continuous with the columella, which is not in the least folded. Sinistral. b. Longitudinal folds coarse and strong, rude spirals run- ning over them. Molokai. .Y. ifciffrri. no. 9. /A Longitudinal folds weak or wanting. r. Very weak folds crossed by spiral threads, the inter- vals of which are minutely wave-striolate spirally. N. cinninyi, no. 7. c1. Smoother; spiral threads weak or effaced, the minute wavy striolation well developed. Molokai. N. cinnamomea, no. 8. c2. Wrinkled or puckered over spiral cords; no minute striolation. Molokai. JV. c. ualapuensis, no. Sn. Series of N. pi Ira (a. 1. N. PLICATA ('Mighels' Pfr.). PL 1, figs. 1, 2, 3, 6. Shell sinistral, turrited, rather thin; sculptured with acute, elevated, spiral liree and very fine longitudinal lines; brown- NEWCOMBIA. whitish, spire elongate, the apex rather obtuse. Whorls 6, a little convex, those of the summit marbled with brown. Colu- mellar fold obsolete. Aperture semioval ; peristome unex- panded, acute. Length 15, diam. 6 mm.; aperture 6x3 mm. Molokai (Mighels in Cuming coll.): Kalae (Meyer); Moanui (Thaanum). Achatinella plicata Mighels MS., PFR., Monographia Hel. Viv., ii, p. 235 (1848).— REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 6, f. 44a, b. (1850).— NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y., vi, 1858, p. 312.— THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat., 1907, pi. 3, f. 11. — Newcombia plicata Migh., BORCHERDING Zoologica, p. 94, pi. 9, f. 1, la.—Bulimus liratus PFR., P. Z. S., 1851, p. 261, under B. newcombianus Pfr. (1853), no description; new naiuo for plicata ' Migh.' Pfr. The shell is perforate. The apex is obtuse, rounded, smooth in the first half-whorl; then spirals begin above the suture at the end of 1 J whorls; then about 6 to 8 smooth, subequal spiral cords. On subsequent whorls the cords become more acute, and some interstitial threads appear. The growth-stride become strongly developed and irregular. The third whorl is longi- tudinally striped with brown or pale olive, the rest of the whorls being uniform cream color. The peristome in fully adult shells is narrowly expanded and thickened within. Colu- niella weakly sinuous, its edge dilated in a triangular white callus above. Length 18, diam, 8.2 mm.; whorls 6. Length 25, diam. 9 mm.; whorls 6J. Newcomb described the animal as "rather shorter than the shell; tentacles at their origin closely approximating, short and strongly clubbed; bottom of foot, mantle, and posterior part light grey, entirely mottled with fine bluish dots. Motions at first sluggish and timid but soon becoming bold, rapid and gliding.' la. N. PLICATA GEMMA (Pfeiffer). PI. 1, figs. 7, 8, 10, 11. Shell subimperforate, sinistral, oblong-turrite, rather solid, striatulate and spirally lirate (the lirse rather flattened, closely 4 NEWCOMBIA. sulcate), white; spire turrited, the apex rather acute; suture sub- marginate. Whorls 7, the upper ones flat, obsoletely varie- gated with brown; following whorls rather convex, the last about two-fifths the total length, somewhat carinated in the middle by a more acute cord. Columella lightly plicate. Aperture a little oblique, obauriform; peristome nearly simple; columellar margin subreflexed, a little expanded outwardly. Length 17, diam. 6.5, aperture 7x3 mm. Sandwich Is., Frick in Cuming coll. (Pfr.). Molokai: Pohakupili (Baldwin); Halawa (Borcherding, for N. costata). Achatinella gemma PFR. , Malak. Blatter iv, 1857, p. 230; Monogrp.phia iv, 560; P. Z. S., 1858, p. 22. — Newcombia gemma Pfr., SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 331. Achatinella (Newcombia) sulcata Pfr., BALDWIN, Catalogue, 1893, p. 8. — Newcombia sulcata Pfr., GWATKIN; Proc. A. N. S., Phila., 1895, p. 238 (dentition). — Newcombia costata BORCHER- DING, Nachrbl. d. d. Malak. Gesell, 1901, p. 57; Zoologica, p. 95, pi. 9, f. 2, 2a. The sculpture of the last whorl or two is more or less obsolete. This form occurs associated with more strongly lirate shells, in which the lirse are wider than in plicata, rounded, or more or less marked with spiral striae. The gemma form is, in fact, only an extreme phase, with obtuse lirse, of this race, which has been called " sulcata Pfr. ' by Baldwin, and costata by Borcherding. The description of the latter follows: Newcombia costata [pi. 1, figs. 4, 5, copied from Borcherding]. Shell subperforate, sinistral, turrited, rather solid; encircled with close, elevated line, more slender in the upper whorls, then more rounded, and sculptured with very fine longitudinal lines; last whorl with 7 rounded, flattened ribs above the mid- dle, the ribs suddenly wreaker below the middle, and becoming stronger again around the umbilicus. Color yellowish-white, glossy. Spire regularly tapering; apex rather obtuse; suture linear. Whorls 6, flatly convex, the upper flamed with yellow, the last forming half the total length, rounded. Aperture in- versely ear-shaped, white within. Columella slightly folded, iNE \VCOMBIA. £> white. Peristome expanded, with a white lip within; colu- mellar margin recurved. Length 18, diam. 8, aperture 8x6 mm. Halawa, eastern Molokai (Borcherding*) . In N. p. gemma, as in typical plicata, the Iira3 are variable in arrangement and number, no two specimens being quite alike. Figs. 8, 10, 11 represent typical gemma, while figs. 4, 5, 7 are the " costata' ' type, intermediate between plicata and gemma. 2. N. SULCATA (Pfeiffer). PL 2, figs. 9, 10; pi. 14, figs 9, 10, 11. Shell subperforate, sinistral, oblong-turrited, rather solid striatulate, and encircled with close Iira3, which are compressed in the upper whorls, then rounded; chestnut colored, somewhat shining. Spire regularly tapering, the apex rather acute; suture nearly simple. Whorls nearly 6, rather flat, the upper flamed with white, the last about two- fifths the length, the base saccate, of a deeper chestnut shade. Columella very lightly folded. Aperture oblique, acuminate-oval; peristome thin, the colu- mellar margin dilated above, reflexed, outer margin a little ex- panded. Length 12J, diam. 5f mm. Aperture 5f mm. long, 3J wide. Sandwich Is., Frick in Cuming coll. (Pfr. ). Molokai: Ahaina (D. Thaanum). Achatinella sulcata PFR., Malak. BL, iv, 1857, p. 231; Mono- graphia, iv, 560; P. Z. S., 1858, p. 22. — Newcombia sulcata Pfr., SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 332, — BORCHERDING, Zoologica, p. 97, pi. 9, f. 4, 4a. — Not of Baldwin, Catalogue p. 8, or of Gwatkin, Proc. A. N. S.. Phila., 1895, p. 238 (radula). " This species can be confused with no other. The whorls are regularly, obsoletely, transversely striate, increasing in strength to the last whorls and disappear on the lower half of the last whorl. The color is red-brown, becoming more intense with the increase of the wrhorls, and on the last whorl it is quite shining dark red-brown. The same analogy which exists be- tween plicata and costata is here found between canaliculata and sulcata.1 (Borcherding, from specimens in the Hartman collec- tion, probably received from Newcomb. ) Collectors of the present generation seem not to have found this species until it was taken by Mr. Thaanum at Ahaina. 6 NEWCOMBIA. The sculpture is most like that of N. plicata gemma, which differs by its much larger size and lighter color, N. sulcata hav- ing the last whorl rich chestnut colored, the next earlier whorl chestnut or reddish, and the preceding one flamed with white. The spiral cords of the last whorl vary in number and prom- inence. Specimens from Ahaina are drawn on pi. 14, figs. 9, 10, 11. Length 11. diam. 5 mm. The figures on plate 2 are copied from Borcherding. 3. N. CANALICULATA (Baldwin). PI. 2, figs. 5, 6. 7. "Shell sinistral, very minutely perforated, somewhat solid, acuminately turreted, apex subacute; surface sculptured throughout with numerous acute, spiral keels, which become blunter as they approach the apex, the interstices between the keels exhibiting under a lens very delicate growth striae. Color brown, upper whorls tessellated with brown and white. Whorls 6, slightly convex, lower one somewhat flattened at the base; suture lightly impressed. Aperture oblique, oval, livid white or light brown within; peristome acute, very lightly thickened within, expanded, columellar margin reflexed over the small perforation, margined with light brown on both face and the reverse; columella very slightly developed, plain and smooth. Length 14, diam. 6^ mm. "Animal wrhen extended in motion as long as the shell. Mantle slate color, margined with brown. Foot light slate, studded on the sides and head above with spots of deeper shade. Tentacles short and slender, dark slate.' (Baldwin.) Molokai: Halawa (Baldwin); Punkolekole (Meyer). Achatinellacanaliciilata'BALVWis, Proc. A. N. S., Phila., 1905, p. 226, pi. 10, f. 28, 29. — Newcombia c., Bald., BORCHERDING, Zoologica, p. 96, pi. 9, f. 3, 3a. Smaller and much darker than N. plicata, and with more strongly developed, more acute spiral ribs than N. sulcata. The spirals are at first equal and rounded, but become unequal and acute on the later whorls, with some smaller threads in most of the intervals, which are marked with growth-striaB. The color is red-brown, indistinctly streaked along growth-lines with whitish, the spirals also being whitish or pale at their summits. NEWCOMBIA. 7 The third whorl, or the second, third and fourth whorls are flamed with white. The figures represent cotypes. The largest shell in the type lot of 12 measures length 14, diarn. 7.2 mm. The smallest is 13.3 mm. long. 3«. N. c. wailauensis n. subsp. PI. 14, fig. 5. Larger, more robust than canaliculata, lighter in color, the intervals between the spirals flesh-pink; spirals narrower. Whorls 6. Length 17 to 17.5, diam. 8.7 mm. Length 16.5, diam. 8 mm. (smallest). Molokai: Wailau (D. Thaanum). Cotypes in coll. Bishop Museum and A. N. S. P. 4. N. CARINELLA Baldwin. PI. 2, figs. 1, 2, 3. The shell is dextral, minutely perforate, oblong-turrited, moderately solid; surface lusterless, sculptured with rather coarse and unequal folds and wrinkles along growth-lines, and numerous, minutely beaded spiral threads, 10 to 12 on the penult, whorl; on the last whorl the threads are smaller and closer below the acute peripheral keel; second and third whorls with many even, close, nearly smooth spiral threads. Marbled and zigzag-flamed with dark red-brown and white, the pattern becoming more confused on the later whorls; the smooth apex yellowish or fleshy. Aperture whitish or dark within. Peri- stome blunt, yellow at the slightly expanded edge, usually with a reddish submargin. Columella weakly folded, white, reflexed. Length 14, diam. 7 mm. ; 5J whorls. Length 14, diam. 6.3 mm.; 6 whorls. "Length 15, diam. 6.5 mm.; 6 whorls' (Baldwin). East Mani: Nahiku (Baldwin). Newcombia carinella BALDWIN, Nautilus, xix, April, 1906, p. 136. A beautiful species, somewhat variable in contour and mark- ing, but otherwise constant in a lot of 21 received from Mr. Baldwin. With the sculpture of N. cumingi it unites the shape of the plicata group, and is thus a connecting or synthetic form. 8 NEWCOMBIA. It differs from all other Newcombias by being dextral. Figured from cotypes. Series of N. philippiana. 5. N. PHILIPPIANA (Pfeiffer). Shell sinistral, subimperforate, fusiform-turrited, rather thin, longitudinally striate, decussated with somewhat wavy close spiral strise; brown; spire slender, the apex rather acute; suture margined. Whorls 6, the upper flat, streaked with corneous and white, the last whorl more convex, about two-fifths the total length. Columella nearly simple, not folded. Aperture oblique, angularly semi-oval; peristome simple, unexpanded, the margins joined by a very thin callus, the outer margin bordered with brownish, columellar margin dilated above, sub- adnate. Length 15 to 15J-, diam. 6 mm. ; aperture 7 mm. long, 3 wide (P/r.). Var. b. Smaller, paler, a little more distinctly striated spirally (Pfr. ). Sandwich Islands (Frick, Cuming coll.). Achatinella philippiana PFR., Malak. BL, iv, 1857, p. 89; Monographia, iv, 559. — Newcombia p. , BORCHERDING, Zoologica, p. 103. This species is known by the original examples only. Borcherding believes it to be an immature stage of N. perkinsi Sykes, basing this opinion on the smaller size and thin shell as described by Pfeiffer. This view, which seems quite probable, was held by Baldwin and Thwing; but until young perkinsi can be compared with the type of philippiana, and their identity demonstrated, both may be let stand. 6. N. PERKINSI Sykes. PI. 7, figs. 18, 19. " Shell sinistral, narrowly perforate, elongate-fusiform, solid, ashy-brown, or elegantly marked with zigzag streaks of brown. Spire slender, the apex obtuse, smooth. Whorls 6£, rather flat, the last about half the length of the shell; suture margined. Columella subplicate. Aperture a little oblique, semioval, sub- angular at the base; peristome simple, the columellar margin KEWCOiMBIA. y dilated above, adnate. Length 25, diam. 7.5 mm.; alt. aper- ture 7.5, width 4 mm ' (Sykes). Molokai (Perkins, Hutchison): Makakupaia (Baldwin). Newcombia perkinsi SYKES, Proc. Malac. Soc. , London, ii, October, 1896, p. 130; Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 332, pi. 11, f. 36, 1900. — BORCHERDING, Zoologica, p. 102, pi. 9, f. 6. — Achatinella (Newcombia) philippiana Pfr. , BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 8. — THWING, Reprint Grig. Descript. Achat., pi. 3, f. 10. "Specimens are to be found in some collections under the name N. philippiana Pfr. The present species however is larger, much more solid, the whorls are flatter, the coloring is lighter and different, the columellar lip is more reflexed and the per- foration more conspicuous ' (Sy Ices'). In unworn shells there is a faint longitudinal ribbing after the smooth initial half whorl. Spiral striation sets in about the middle of the second whorl, and color-flames appear on the third whorl. The whole embryo consists of 3J whorls, the last one usually profusely marked with zigzag brown streaks, and more finely striate spirally than the other species. The post- embryonic stages have no major spirals, but under a strong lens are seen to be covered with a minute, irregular striolation, such as has been described for N. cinnamomea, etc. This sculpture is more or less effaced on the last whorl, often not discernible there, especially in individuals having weak longitudinal folds. The later whorls are mottled, marbled or streaked with white and flesh-color, and the last whorl often has a peripheral angle in front. The aperture is white within, with a brown lip- border. The columella has a long, low fold or twist, and makes an angle with the parietal wall, as in N. plicata; columellar re- flection usually brown-tinted. Length 21, diam. 7.5 to 8 mm., 6J whorls. This species is apparently the most primitive existing New- combia, having no trace of coarse spirals on the whorls. The embryonic spirals also are finer than in other species, more as in Perdicella. The coloration too is rather that of Perdicella. Cf. N. philippiana Pfr. , which is probably an immature stage of perkinsi. 10 NEWCOMBIA. Series of N. cmningi. 7. N. CUMINGI (New comb). PL 3, figs. 1 to 6. Shell sinistral, acuminate, turrited, with strongly marked transversely oblique stria? and with longitudinal incremental striae more or less developed. Color brown with undulations of white at the upper whorls. Whorls 5, flatly convex; suture moderately impressed, margined. Aperture oblong-ovate; colu- mella slightly callous; outer lip thin, elliptical. Length .7, diam. .2 inch (Newcomb). East Maui: Haleakala (Newc. ). Makawao (Gulick, Bald- win). W. Maui: Wailuku (Gulick). Achatinella cmningi NEWC., Ann. Ly.c. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 25 (May, 1853); P. Z. S., 1853, p. 150, pi. 24, fig. 59 (1854).— PFR., Monographia iv. 559. — THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat., 1907, pi. 3, f. 12. N. cumingi is imperforate. The embryonic shell of 3^ whorls is spirally striate and flammulate as usual (pi. 2, fig. 13). The following whorls have nearly obsolete longitudinal folds crossed by crenulated spiral threads, usually coarsest in the peripheral region of the last whorl, finer on the base; the intervals minutely marked with spirally descending, wavy stria? (pi. 3, fig. 5, de- tail from back of last whorl, Wailuku specimen). Very often a peripheral thread is stronger, forming a low carina on the front of the last whorl. The surface is lusterless, dull brown. Aperture nearly wrhite with a brown border within the thin, acute lip. The columella is long, straight, heavily white- calloused, and continuous in direction with the parietal wall. Length 21, diam. 7.2 mm.; 6 whorls. From Newcomb. Length 20, diam. 7 mm. ; 6 whorls. Wailuku. Length 19, diam. 6 mm. ; 6 whorls. Wailuku. The types were from East Maui, but I see no difference be- tween those before me from Makawao (pi. 3, fig. 4) and the West-Mauian shells (Wailuku, pi. 3, figs. 1-3, 5). 8. N. CINNAMOMEA (Pfeiffer). PI. 3, figs. 7 to 11; pi. 14, figs. 1 to 4. Shell imperforate, sinistral, fusiform-turrited, rather solid, NEWCOMBIA. 11 opaque, longitudinally plicatulate, spirally sublirate and very lightly granulated, cinnamon colored. Spire long, somewhat rectilinear, the apex rather acute; suture nearly simple. Whorls 6, slightly convex, the upper marbled with brown and white, last whorl about two-fifths the total length, tapering and chest- nut-colored below the middle. Columella simple, receding. Aperture slightly oblique, semioval, subangular at base; peris- tome simple, unexpanded, acute. Length 19, diam. 5, aperture 7§ x 3 mm. Sandwich Is., Frick in Cuming coll. (Pfr.). Molokai : Mapulehu (Baldwin, Thaanum) ; Makakupaia (Perkins, Meyer); Honomuni, Moanui, Kupeke and Ahaino (Thaanum). Achatinella cinnamomea PFR., Malak. BL, iv, 1857, p. 230; Monographia, iv, 559; P. Z. S., 1858, p. 22. — Newcombia cinnamomea Pfr., BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 8. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 331. — Newcombia cumingii Newc. (in part), BORCHERDING, Zoologica, p. 99, pi. 9, f. 7 (Makakupaia). This form resembles N. cumingi closely in shape and micro- scopic sculpture, but it differs by the weakness of the spiral cords, which vary from weak to almost effaced. As this differ- ential feature seems to hold in considerable series of both forms, I think it best to retain the name cinnamomea for the Molokai race, although the relationship to the Mauaian N. cumingi is so close that perhaps cinnamomea might better be ranked as a sub- species. On account of the weakness of the coarse sculpture, the minute, wavy, crenulated or granular striation (pi. 3, fig. 7) is more distinct in this race than in Mauian cumingi. The axis is often perforate. Immature shells are more strongly lirate than the adults, and often could not be distinguished from N. cumingi. N. cinnamomea is therefore to be viewed as a derivative of cumingi. The fully formed embryo of 3J whorls, length 4.7 mm., has a very heavily calloused columellar fold, but no lamella (pi. 1, fig. 12). Younger embryos have the callus weaker, hardl}'1 noticeable in those of two whorls (pi. 1, fig. 9). All are per- forate. The types were supplied by Frick who gave no locality other than the " Sandwich Islands.' In specimens collected by New- 12 KEWLOMBIA. comb at about the same time — almost sixty years ago — the color of the last whorl is a ricn cinnamon, between raw sienna and ochraceous (of Ridgway's " Nomenclature of Colors''), fading upwards, and darker at the base (pi. 3, figs. 8, 9). This was evidently the coloration of Pfeiffer's type. Some of the Mapulehu shells are of this color, others being darker, as in those from Moanui. At Moanui (pi. 14, fig. 1) the base of the last whorl is burnt umber, the upper part drab or olive, the transition often abrupt at the periphery. Frequently there are numerous umber bands occupjdng half the space between periphery and suture. The size is greater than at other localities up to length 23J, diam. 8J, and length 24, diam. 8 mm. At Ahaino and Kupeke (pi. 14, figs. 2, 3, 4) the shells are small, the microscopic granulo-striatkm well developed, other sculpture obsolete. The last whorl is ochraceous with several umber bands and basal tract, or olive with an umber base. The largest shells are 18 mm. long, 6 wide, most being between 16 and 17 mm. long. This local race may be called var. decorata. Specimens from Honomuni (pi. 14, figs. 6, 7) are very much lengthened, ochraceous, base a little darker, spire worn, dull violet or purple. Columellar reflection very small, adnate; a "false umbilicus' visible in basal view. Length 19, diam. 6 mm., whorls 6. This form may be called var. honomuniensis. 8ft. N. c. UALAPUENSIS n. subsp. PL 2, figs. 11, 12. Similar to N. cumingi in having well-developed spiral cords, but the surface between and over them is minutely but strongly puckered or wrinkled longitudinally (fig. 12), and not spirally striolate as in cumingi and cinnamomea. Molokai: Ualapue (D. Thaanum), no. 94490 A. N. S. P.; Kahaanui (Thaanum). The upper whorls are considerably eroded in the type lot, but the younger individuals show the striped pattern of cumingi. It is a little smaller than N. cumingi, length of figured type 20, diam. 6J mm. This race seems about equally related to cumingi and ciniia- moraea, with incipient characters of pfeifferi. NEWCOMBIA. 13 9. N. PFEIFFERI (Newcomb). PL 2, figs. 4, 8, 14. "Shell sinistral, acuminate, turrited, with the surface irregu- larly cut up into furrows, ridges and tubercles by deep longi- tudinal sulcations crossed by strongly developed transverse striae. Color brown, with white longitudinal lines on the upper whorls. Whorls 6, flatly convex; suture deep. Aperture oblong-ovate. Columella plain and smooth; outer lip simple. Length .65, diam. .25 inch' (Newc.). Molokai (Newcomb): Puukolekole (Meyer); Kaluaaha (Baldwin). Achatinella pfeifferi NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of New York vi, p. 25 (May, 1853); P. Z. S., 1853, p. 150, pi. 24, f. 58 (1854). — Newcombia pfeifferi Newc., SYKES, Fauna Hawaii- ensis, p. 332. — Bulimus newcombianus PFR. , Monographia iii, p. 414 (1853); P. Z. S., 1851, p. 261 (December, 1853).— New- combia newcombiana PFR., Malak. Bl. i, 1854, p. 119. — PEASE, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 649. — A. newcombiana THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat. , 1907, pi. 3, f. 9. — N. neivcombia Pfr., HART- MAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1888, p. 41. — BORCHERDIXG, Zoologica, p. 98, pi. 9, f. 5, 56. Very distinct by the coarse longitudinal folds and rude spirals of the last two whorls. The initial half whorl is smooth; the next whorl has about 8 close, smooth spirals; on the following whorl these become more widely spaced, and a color pattern of broad brown and white longitudinal stripes appears, continuing to the end of the embryonic stage, which comprises 3J- whorls. Weak folds then begin on the neanic stage, gradually becoming stronger, the color being indistinctly marbled with white on a dark brown ground. The last two whorls are brown with the high points of the ribs yellowish; the sculpture increasing in strength. There is a minute sculpture of irregular, crenulated striae over the coarser ribs and cords. The whorls are strongly convex. Length 15, diam. 6 mm.; 5^ whorls. Length 17, diam. 6 mm.; 6J whorls. It varies in details of sculpture and in the degree of elongation. 14 PARTULINA. Genus PARTULINA Pfeiffer. Partulina PFR. , Malakozoologische Bliitter, i, p. 114, 1854 (for A. virgulata, tessellata, splendida, perdlx, goiddi, dubia). — VON MARTENS, Die Heliceen, 1860, p. 243, type A. virgulota Migh. — GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 90, same type. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 311, same type. Includes as sections, Perdicella, Eburnella and Bcddunnia. Shell ovate-conic, usually perforate, and having distinct minute sculpture of spirally descending rippled strife. Embryonic shell after the first whorl spirally striate. Color pattern of oblique stripes or spiral bands, the last embryonic whorl gen- erally striped. Lip expanded more or less; columella folded or almost simple. Type Partulina virgulata (Migh.). Distribution, Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Hawaii, one species on Oahu. The Achatinellina of the islands from Molokai southeastward form a group of common ancestry, characterized by their spiral and decurrent sculpture, perforate axis, oblique stripes and spiral striae on the early whorls, etc. Some or all of these characters may fail in particular species, but their general prev- alence leads us to believe them the heritage from a common ancestral stock. The Oahuan Achatinellina do not possess the sculpture and color-pattern noted above as characteristic of the other islands, and evidently are more related inter se than to any Molokai- Hawaii snails. Although the difference between Oahuan and Molokai forms are sometimes elusive and not to be laid down in formal diagnoses, yet it may be allowable to ex- press, by a generic separation, the idea that we have to do with two collateral stocks of arboreal snails, the one on Oahu, the other on the islands eastward. Newcombia has the color and sculpture pattern of typical Partulina, but with other special modifications which make it advisable to treat that group as a genus. Several subdivisions or sections of Partulina have been named. They are not of much systematic importance, and there are some intermediate species; yet as they seem to be natural groups we admit them here. PARTULINA, SECTION PKRDICELLA. 15 Sections of Partulma. a. Columellar fold prominent, heavily calloused. />. Spiral sculpture distinct, at least at the early whorls; shell not brilliantly glossy. Section Partulma s. str., species 8-35. 61. Spiral sculpture weak or obsolete; shell smooth and glossy, light colored, uniform or banded. Section Eburnella Pse. , species 36-47. a1. Columellar fold wanting or weak, not calloused. b. Spire slenderly conic; rather capacious forms; outer lip narrowly expanded. Section Baldwinia Ancey, species 48-53. 61. Shell small, oblong or oblong-conic; outer lip not ex- panded. Section Perdicella Pse., species 1-7. Section PERDICELLA Pease. Perdicella PEASE, P. Z. S., London, 1869, p. 648. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, Mollusca, p. 329, type A. helena Newc. Small Partulintz having protractive stripes on the last embry- onic whorl, later whorls striped or with a peripheral band; sculpture Partulinoid; col umella nearly straight, or if developed thecolumella fold is moderate, convex, scarcely or not truncate; outer lip thin, not expanded. Type P. helena Nc. Perdicella differs from Partulma by the unexpanded outer lip, the weakness of the columella fold and the small size of the shell. In coloration and sculpture it is altogether Partulinoid. This affinity was recognized by C4ulick, who in his classification of 1873 ranked Perdicella as a section of Pa-rial nia. Such species as fulgurans, theodorei and winniei are directly intermediate be- tween Perdicella and Partulina. Perdicella is not closely related to Baldwinia, although in both the columellar fold has degener- ated. It is a branch from the tessellata or marmorata series of Partulinse. Key to Species of Perdicella. a. Molokai. Shell sinistral, usually with a light or dark band. P. helena, no. 1. 16 PARTULINA, SECTION PERDICELLA. a1. Maui. b. Shell sinistral, with long, straight-sided spire, finely zigzag-streaked or speckled, with a dark peripheral band. P. ornata, no. 2. b l. Shell dextral, oblong or ovate-conic. c. Columellar fold distinct, convex. d. Pattern of longitudinal chestnut lines, base umber with a spiral umber band; col. fold prominent; length 14 mm. P. zebra, no. 3. d l. Boldly striped or zigzag-striped, without a spiral band; columella white or pink, with a rather strong fold. e. Length about 13 mm. ; form narrow. P. zebrina, no. 5. e\ Length about 15-16 mm. ; form wider. P. falgurans, no. 6. c1. Columellar fold very weak. d. Lip and columella brown; diam. not much over half the length. P. mauiensis, no. 4. d1. Columella white or tinged with purple-brown; diam. nearly two-thirds the length. P. kuhnsi, no. 7. 1. P. HELENA (Newcomb). PI. 4, figs. 1 to 7. Shell sinistral, ovate-conical, with finely decussating stria? ; rufous, alternating with broad longitudinal zigzag white lines covering the entire shell ; the last whorl often encircled by a white band. Whorls 5, rounded ; suture deep, simple. Aper- ture ovate, columella slightly callous. Length 0.5, breadth 0.22 inch (Newcomb). Molokai, on the Ti tree (Newcomb). Kamalo to Kalae (Baldwin); Kalae and Makakupaia (Perkins); Kealia (Meyer). Achatinella helena NEWC., Annals Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of N. Y. vi, p. 27, April, 1853; P. Z. S., 1853, p. 151, pi. 24, f. 63; 1854, p. 311. — PFR., Monogr., iv, 561. — A. (Partulina) h., BALDWIN, Catalogue p. 6. — Perdicella helena Nc. , PEASE, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 648. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 330. — BORCHERD- ING, Zoologica, p. 75, pi. 4, f. 17 (Kealia), and 18 (Maka- PARTULINA, SECTION PERDICELLA. 17 kupaia). — THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat. p. 134, pi. 3, fig. 5. Newcomb states that A. helena "is extremely limited in its locality, which has been twice carefully searched by myself without discovering larger specimens, dead or alive, that ap- proached it in form. Several of the specimens contained young in the oviducts.' It was taken " within the coil of the Ti tree leaf, as it starts from the trunk. ' The shell is sinistral, perforate; summit obtuse. There are fully 2J convex embryonic whorls, the initial half-whorl smooth, the next two evenly, rather strongly striate spirally; last em- bryonic whorl is variegated with broad, forwardly descending, brown and white flames. The neanic and last whorls have a much finer and very close spiral sculpture of minutely waved or crinkled striae, and a variable pattern of zigzag streaks, inter- rupted by a cream-white peripheral belt; the axis in a light area. The outer lip is thin, columella very short, with a rather strong callous fold, and broadly but shortly dilated. Length 11.3, diam. 6.7, aperture 5.3 mm.; 5J- whorls. Length 12.2, diam. 6.5, aperture 6 mm.; 5^ whorls. Fig. 3 represents a typical specimen. Five specimens from Newcomb, and others from Baldwin, the University of Wiscon- sin, Cooke collection, etcetera, examined. There is considerable variation in details of color-pattern, as in all related species. Sometimes the stripes on the later whorls are smeared or partly defaced, reduced to indistinct streaks. Occasionally the whitish subperipheral belt does not appear until near the end of the last whorl (fig. 4, Cooke coll.), or it may be entirely absent (fig. 2). The color of the peripheral band, like the ground-tint of the shell, varies from whitish to yellow. Color var. balteata n. v. has a single brown belt at the peri- phery, continuous or indistinctly interrupted, on a pale fleshy or brown-tinted ground, the flames of the last embryonic whorl faint (pi. 4, fig. 7). A pretty color-form in the Cooke collection has the periphery occupied by a series of dark spots, oblique in one example, chevron-shaped in another, the flammules elsewhere reduced to weak streaks or spots (fig. 6). 18 PARTULINA, SECTION PERDICELLA. Var. minuscula Pfeiffer. PL 5, fig. 6. Shell subim perforate, sinistral, ovate-turrite, rather thin, under a lens minutely decus- sate, scarcely shining, brown-whitish; spire turrite-conic, the apex slightly obtuse; suture simple. Whorls 5, very slightly convex, the intermediate ones variegated with brown, last whorl a little shorter than the spire, encircled with a brown band and with a brown area on the rotund base. Columella scarcelv V plicate, semioval; peristome simple, acute, the columellar mar- gin dilated above, reflexed. Length 10, diam. 5 mm. ; aper- ture 4-| mm. long, 2f wide (Pfr. ). Molokai Mountains at 4000 ft. (Perkins). Sandwich Islands (Frick in Cuming coll., type loc. ). Achatinella minuscula PFR., Malak. BL, iv, 1857, p. 231; P. Z. S., 1858, p. 22, pi. 40, f. 10; Monographia, iv, 562.— Per- dicella m., PEASE, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 648. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 330. — Cf. BORCHERDING, Zoologica, p. 76. Pfeiffer' s figure, which we copy, shows a color-pattern like that of some immature specimens of Helena. Borcherding con- siders it a synonym of that species, an opinion which I think well-founded. It seems to be a wider shell than the dextral P. zebrina Pfr., which it resembles closely in coloration. Mr. Baldwin reported minuscula from Lahaina, Maui, evidently con- fusing it with the quite different P. kufmsi. 2. P. ORNATA (Newcomb). PI. 4, figs. 8, 9, 10. " Shell sinistral, acutely pyramidal, shining; whorls 6, plano- convex, margined above; suture well-impressed; aperture sub- quadrate in adult, subovate in immature shells; lip slightly thickened at the edge; columella broad and flattened; surface of shell covered with alternating undulations or zigzag markings of white and black arranged longitudinally, with a subcentral transverse black band, sometimes margined with a white one below on the last whorl. Length 10, width 4 twentieths of an in ch ' ( Newcomb ) . East Maui: in a deep ravine back of Lahaina (Newcomb, type loc.). West Maui: Mt. Helu, 4000 ft. (W. F. Kaae). Achatinella ornata NEWC. , P. Z. S., 1853, p. 149, pi. 24, f. 55.— Pfr., Malak. Bl. 1854, p. 118; Monogr. iv, p. 561.— PARTULINA, SECTION PEUDICELLA. 19 THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat. , p. 136, pi. 3, f. 7.- Perdicella ornata Nc. , BALDWIN, Nautilus, xix, p. 113. A rare species, of which twenty specimens from the Newcomb and Gulick collections, taken 50 to 60 years ago, are before us, all "dead" shells, and a smaller series of "live" shells from Baldwin. The straightly pyramidal spire and subangular peri- phery give the shell an aspect of its own. The suture is very distinctly margined by a band defined by an impressed line in some shells, but in most of those seen there is no trace of such margination. First 1J or 2 whorls are flesh or whitish flesh-colored; next half whorl has broad flexuous or irregular flesh-brown and white stripes; after which the brown markings become narrow, zigzag, and on the last whorl they are often dislocated, spotted or mottled, though sometimes distinctly striped as in Newcomb's type figure. On the last whorl there is a subperipheral brown belt in all the specimens seen. It is bordered below by a pale or cream-colored belt, more or less distinct, The columella is dilated above in a small triangle, calloused, and convex, ob- liquely trancated far above the base. Length 14.8, diam. 6.5, aperture 6 mm.; 6 whorls. Length 14.8, diam. 6, aperture 5.8 mm.; 6J whorls. 3. P. ZEBRA (Newcomb). "Shell dextral, conically elongate, shining, with microscopic decussating striae; whorls 5J round, narrowly margined above, suture well marked; aperture ovate; lip thin; columella short, abruptly terminating in a large prominent plait; color of epi- dermis yellowish white, alternating with longitudinal chestnut lines; base of an umber color, with a revolving line of the same color above. Length 11, width 5 twentieths of an inch' [I3f X 6J mm. (Newc.) East Maui (Newcomb). Achatinella zebra NEWC. , Annals of the N. Y. Lyceum of Natural History, vi, p. 142, Oct., 1855. — PFR., Monogr. ix, 537. Described from a single specimen, and not figured. It seems to resemble P. ornata in color-pattern, differing from zebrina Pfr. by the basal band. 20 PARTULINA, SECTION PERDICELLA. 4. P. MAUIENSIS (Pfeiffer). PL 4, figs. 11, 12, 13, 14. Shell subperf orate, ovate-oblong, rather thin, longitudinally, irregularly striate, decussated with very close spiral striae visible under a lens, hardly shining; whitish, variegated with serrated brownish-corneous streaks. Spire regularly conic, apex obtuse, suture shallow, slightly margined. Whorls 5J, rather flat, the last nearly two-fifths the total length, somewhat tapering at the base. Aperture little oblique, oblong. Columellar fold obso- lete. Peristome simple, unexpanded, brown-bordered, the columellar margin reflexed, subadnate. Length 13. diam. 6, aperture 6x3 mm. (Pfr.). West Maui (Newcomb); Makawao to Huelo (Baldwin). Achatinella maniensis Newc. [typogr. err. for mauiensis] PFEIFFER, P. Z. S., 1855, p. 207 (1856). — A. mauiensis Newc., PFR. , Monographia, iv, p. 563. — NEWCOMB, Amer. Jonrn. of Conch., ii, 1866, p. 217, pi. 13, fig. 16.— THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat. , p. 134, pi. 3, f. 6. The shape and coloration are about the same as in P. zebrina Pfr. , but the aperture is dark brown within (sometimes over- laid with whitish), and the brown columella has only a low fold situated high, and not heavily calloused, much as in some Bulimuli. The whorls of the spire are sometimes distinctly margined below the suture. Figured from shells received from Baldwin. Length 12.2, diam. 6.2, aperture 6 mm.; 5 J whorls. 5. P. ZEBRINA (Pfeiffer). PI. 5, figs. 5, 8 to 12. Shell imperforate, dextral, rather thin, smooth, very minutely decussate under a lens; glossy; whitish, very elegantly marked with blackish-chestnut zigzag streaks. Spire somewhat turrited, apex obtuse, brown; suture with a thread-like margin. Whorls 5, moderately convex, the last nearly three-sevenths the length. Aperture slightly oblique, truncate-oblong, lilac within; colu- mellar fold above, twisted, callus, slightly prominent. Peri- stome simple, unexpanded, brown-bordered. Length 12J, diam. 6, aperture 6x3 mm. Sandwich Is., Frick in Cuming coll. (Pfr.). East Maui: Honomanu (Baldwin). PARTULINA, SECTION PERDICELLA. 21 Achatinella zebrina PFR., P. Z. S., 1855, p. 202 (1856); Mono- graphia, iv, 561. — A. zebra No., BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 7. ''Related to A. ornata Nevvc. , but dextral and quite distinct in the characters of the aperture ' (Pfr.). This species is known to us by specimens collected by Mr. Baldwin. About If whorls at first are uniform light reddish brown. The next half-whorl has wide alternating, more or less forwardly-descending stripes of white and dark brown. After that, the stripes become narrower, more sharply defined, and more or less irregular or dislocated, the light and dark stripes being about equal in width. The ground remains white nearly to the base in some shells, in others becoming coffee-tinted, darkest at the base. The spiral striation of the embryonic shell is extremely delicate. The interior is purplish in fully adult shells. The columella has a rather heavy callous fold, situated high, or sometimes heaviest at the lower end, but there is no lamella properly speaking. The axis is imperforate. Length 13.2, diam. 7, aperture 6 mm. 5J whorls. P. zebrina differs from P. mauiensis chiefly by the much more prominently folded and calloused white or flesh-tinted columella. 6. P. FULGURANS (Sykes). PL 5, figs. 1 to 4, 7. Shell subperforate, dextral, ovate-turrited, glossy, closely sculptured with spiral lines under a lens, whitish, very elegantly marked with zigzag chestnut stripes. Suture moderately im- pressed, the apex rather obtuse. Whorls 5^, plano-convex, the last two-thirds the length of the shell. Aperture ovate- piriform, lilac within; right margin of the peristome simple, columellar margin somewhat reflexed; columellar fold twisted, somewhat projecting, moderate, rapidly ascending. Length 16, diam. 8, length aperture 8.1 mm. (Sykes). East Maui: Makawao to Huelo (Baldwin). Achatinella zebrina Pfr. , BALDWIN, Catalogue p. 8, not of Pfeiffer. — Perdicella zebrina Pfr., BORCHERDING, Zoologica xix, p. 77, pi. 4, f. 19. — Perdicella fidgurans SYKES, Fauna Haw- aiiensis, Mollusca, p. 329, pi. 11, f. 5, 1900. "This very pretty shell is akin to P. zebrina Pfr., but may 22 PARTULIXA, SECTION PERDICELLA. be readily separated from it by its greater size, by being much broader in proportion to the length, and by the color-pattern being finer in design and more zigzag' (Sykes). The embryonic shell is like that of P. zebr'ma, and the sequence of patterns exactly similar. An almost fully formed embryo is 4.2 mm. long, imperforate, with a straight, very slightly calloused columella, 2^ whorls. The columella resembles that of P. zebrina, and is much more strongly twisted than in the East Mauian P. mauiensis. The color-design is variable, but a majority of the shells before us are similar to fig. 7. Mr. Sykes's original figure is copied, fig. 4. Length 15, diam. 8, aperture 7.6 mm.; 5i whorls. Length 13, diam. 7.8, aperture 6.7 mm.; (not quite mature). 7. P. KUHNSI Pilsbry, n. sp. PI. 14, figs. 8, 12-15. The shell is dextral, perforate, conic, thin; outlines of spire straight; whorls moderately convex. Embryonic whorls white or brownish, uniform or more frequently having festooned axial stripes or two bands of lunate spots on the last half-whorl. Subsequent whorls maculate with brown; the last whorl streaked and maculate with brown, and encircled with white bands, of which one on the upper surface, another below the periphery and an umbilical area are the most constant. Other specimens have the last embryonic whorl broadly striped with brown, last whorl copiously zigzag-striped with chestnut on a white ground; this pattern is sometimes interrupted by one or two white spiral bands. Surface glossy, densely and minutely striate spirally, the striation weak on the last whorl, Growth-striae weak. Aperture white within; peristome thin, unexpanded; columella white, or having a brown or purplish stain in the lower part, nearly straight, but in oblique view a low fold is visible within; sometimes the fold is obvious in a front view; outer edge tri- angularly reflected. Length 13.2, diam. 8 mm.; whorls 5-J. Length 12, diam. 7.2 mm. West Maui: Honokohua, type loc. ; Honokowai; Mt. Lihau: Mt. Helu; Mauna Hoomaha; ridges above Lahaina; Hailaau; PARTULINA. 23 Kapuna; Moomuku and Honolua (Thaanum). Cotypes in coll. Bishop Museum and A. N. S. P. Achatinella minuscula Pfr. , Thwing, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat., 1907, pi. 3, f. 8. — ? Achatinella minuscula Pfr., BALD- WIN, Catalogue p. 6, 1893. Not A. minuscula Pfr. "Not common anywhere, but a widely distributed species. It is undoubtedly the Part, minuscula Pfr. of Baldwin's Cata- logue' (Thaanum'). It differs from P. zebrina Pfr. and fulgurans Sykes by the much more slender conic spire, which resembles that of P. helena. This is a polymorphic species in which several mutations have been established in the same colony. The original pattern was probably zigzag-striped, the derivatives differing by the development of white zones and coalescence of the interrupted stripes in a spiral direction. Figs. 12 to 15 represent shells from the type locality, 12 and 14 being the prevalent color- forms. Shells from Honokowai (pi. 14, fig. 8) are snow-white above the periphery, yellow below it, the periphery marked by a band of chestnut spots. There is also a very narrow dark crescent behind the columella and some indistinct dark streaks and spiral lines on the base. Length 14.5, diam. 8.8 mm. I have not seen specimens from the other localities given by Mr. Thaanum. This species is named in honor of Mr. D. B. Kuhns, to whose ability in the field we owe many new and interesting Achatinel- Section PARTULINA (restricted). Larger, more capacious shells than the Perdicdlce, and having the columellar fold well calloused, and the outer lip usually well expanded, thickened within. Sculpture and color-patterns about the same. They live on Molokai (species no. 8 to 15), Lanai (species no. 16), and Maui (species 17 to 35). 24 PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. SPECIES OF MOLOKAI. Key to Achatinellinae of Molokai. NOTE. — Yellow forms plain or with zigzag black stripes should be looked for in Laminella, Vol. XXI, p. 345. A. Shell elongate, dull, with distinct or strong spiral sculpture, the columellar fold weak or wanting. Newcombia, p. 1. A1. Shell very glossy and smooth, porcelain-like, coloration light and in bands, never longitudinal stripes or flames; columellar fold strong. a. Shell dextral. b. Spire long; shell white, uniform or with gray or light brown streaks, generally having a subperi- pheral dark band or several bands; length 16-19 mm. mighelsiana, no. 45. ft1. Spire shorter, concavely conic, the last whorl bulg- ing; yellow, usually with a chocolate subsutural line or band; length 13-18 mm. polita, no. 44. 62. Spire straightly conic, last whorl not bulging, color various. bella, no. 42. a1. Shell sinistral, obesely ovate-conic, yellow, the embry- onic whorls wrhite with a dark band. subpolita, no. 43. A*. Shell ovate-conic or pyramidal, showing moderate sculpture under a lens; last embryonic whorl usually variegated; columellar fold well developed. 6. Embryonic whorls having a dark spiral band. virgulata, no. 8. 6'. Embryonic whorls having vertical or protractive stripes, or sometimes plain. c. Ovate-conic, rather large, length usually 23 to 26 mm. d. Surface dull, fine spiral sculpture being well developed; banded or streaked. rw/rt, no. 10; tessellata, no. 9. dl. Surface glossy; striped or plain. proxima, no. 11. PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 25 c . Narrower, pyramidal-conic, sinistral. d. Small, length 11 to 13 mm. Helena, no. 1. dl. Larger, length over 17 mm. e. Longitudinally boldly striped throughout; length 18 mm. theodorei, no. 12. el. Suture bordered below by a dark band, others at periphery and columella; lip narrow, white; length 20 to 22 mm. mucida, no. 13. e2. Suture bordered by a white band or line; lip and columella brown; length 21 to 25 mm. redfieldij no. 15. es. No conspicuous sutural border; variously streaked, often with a subperipheral white band, rarely others; lip wide, both lip and columella white; length 22 to 26 mm. divightii, no. 14. Series of P. virgulata. Embryonic whorls bicolored, having an upper white and lower dark spiral zone; later whorls varying from many-banded to plain. Shell either dextral or sinistral. While this group has the characteristic sculpture and form of the other Partulinse, it is remarkably aberrant in the color- pattern of the embryonic whorls. 8. P. VIRGULATA (Mighels). PL 6, figs. 1 to 6, 9, 10. ' ' Shell ovate-conic, light fawn color, beautifully adorned with dark brown bands, more or less numerous; iniperf orate; whorls 5, convex; incremental strise delicate. Aperture oblong; lip reflected, slightly inflected. Length 1 inch, diam. f inch ' (Mighels). Embryonic whorls nearly 3, the first purple-brown, the next bicolored, having a wide snow-white band below the suture. A narrow, more or less distinct cream-white subsutural band continues to the end. Spiral bands appear about the middle of the first neanic whorl, are often pale at first, becoming dark chestnut on the last whorl, which is variously marked with 26 PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. lines and bands. Under a glass the spiral striation is dense and deeply cut, the striae rippled and descending. The axis is either closed or slightly open. Lip slightly expanded and well thickened within. The colnmella is reflexed in a short, wide triangle, and the columellar fold varies from distinct to weak. Length 25 to 26, diam. 15.2, length aperture 14 mm. Length 22.5, diam. 15, length aperture 13 mm. Length 23, diam. 14, length aperture, 11.6 mm. Length 21, diam. 12.3, length aperture 10.5 mm. Molokai, in the eastern part, Ualapue, Kaluaaha, Mapulehn, Waialua, Halawa and Pelekunu (Meyer). Partula virgulata MIGHELS, Proc. Boston Soc. of Nat. History, II, 1845, p. 20. — PFR., Monogr., iii, p. 454. — Achatinella virgu- lata High., REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 1, figs. 3, 4, 5, 5b. — NEW- COMB, P. Z. S., London, 1854, p. 311; Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, 1858, p. 312 (description of animal). — THWING, Reprints Orig. Descript. Achat., pi. 2, f. 8. — Partulina virgulata Migh., BOR- CHERDING, Zoologica, xix, Heft. 48, p. 50, pi. 1, figs. 1-20. — Achatinella rohri PFR., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 38. — Bulimus rohri PFR., Zeitschrift fur Malak., 1846, p. 115; Monographia, ii, p. 74. — Bulimus insignis Mighels on labels, REEVE, Conch. Icon., Achatinella, species no. 3. — Achatinella virgulata var. halawaensis Baldwin in coll., BORCHERDING, Zoologica, xix, p. 52, pi. 1, f. 13-16, 1906. This species is well distinguished by the broad band above the suture on the embryonic whorls, usually purple-brown but sometimes yellowish and quite pale, and the total absence of flame markings. It is indifferently dextral or sinistral. The typical form (pi. 6, figs. 1, 3), such as occurs at Mapu- lehu, while varied a good deal, is rarely so dark as the forms from the neighboring valley Kaluaaha, in which the light ground is often reduced to narrow lines; or in Ualupue, the next valley westward, the light ground is altogether extinguished (figs. 5, 6). These dark shells are very glossy, with much fainter spiral striae than the typical form, which has little or no gloss. Fig. 9 rep- resents a form from Ualupue, fig. 10 from Pelekunu, after Bor- cherding. Uniform purplish-flesh tinted examples, without bands on the post-embryonic whorls, perhaps occur in all the PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 27 colonies. They are present in the lots of the typical form which I have seen. 8a. Var. halawaensis Baldwin (pi. 6, figs. 7, 8, 11), which occurs further east at Halawa, is white or pale straw-colored, becoming darker towards the outer lip, without post-embryonic bands, or with them narrow and few; lip brown-edged within. Dark band on the embryonic shell normal, or rarely much reduced. Contour long. Length 28, diam. 15.2, aperture 15 mm. A peculiar form (pi. 6, fig. 2) from the University of Wis- consin collection has the embryo white with a narrow chocolate band, the last 2£ or 3 whorls fawn writh many narrow longi- tudinal darker streaks and only faint traces of spiral bands. The shell is very glossy and small, length 19.7 to 20.5 mm. Exact locality of these specimens unknown, but Herr Borcher- ding, who has given a magnificent plate of 40 figures to the forms of virgulata, figures this race from Pelekunu, on the northern water-shed, together with small, slender, nearly white examples. It is evident that a good deal of local differentiation has taken place among the colonies of virgulata. A. rohri was acknowledged by Pfeiffer to be a synonym of virgulata. It was thus described: "Shell perforate, ovate- conic, rather solid, longitudinally striatulate, decussated by very close spiral striae; whitish fulvous, variously ornamented with narrow chestnut bands; spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 6, but slightly convex, the last about as long as the spire, com- pressed in the middle. Columella twisted, callous. Aperture subtetragonal, glossy white within; peristome slightly expanded, labiate within, the margins subparallel, the right margin shortly arcuate above, columellar margin reflexed, nearly closing the perforation. Length 24, diam. 13, aperture 13 mm. long, 6f mm. wide inside.' Group of P. tessellata. Embryonic whorls unicolored or having obliquely axial stripes. 28 PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 9. P. TESSELLATA (Newcomb). PL 6, figs. 12 to 21. "Shell sinistral, ovate-oblong, solid, with minute decussating striae, color white or fawrn-colored, variously striped or not with black and chesnut bands, upper whorls always tessellated with black and white; whorls convex, the last somewhat inflated; aperture white or roseate, ovate, effuse below; columella short and broadly callous; columellar lip broad and slightly reflected. Length 1 to 1.1 inch; breadth 0.6 inch. " Body light gray, mantle slate color ' ' (iVewc.). Molokai (Newc. ): Kalae, Kealia, Kalawao, Kahanui, Maka- kupaia, and Pelekunu valley (Meyer). Achatinella tessellata NEWC., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. , vi, p. 19, May, 1853; P. Z. 8., 1853, p. 139, pi. 23, fig. 26; 1854, p. 311. — PFR., Monogr. , iv, p. 516. — SYKES; Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 319. — THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat, pi. 2, f. 6. — Partulina tessellata Newc., BORCHERDING, Zoologica, p. 52, pi. 2, figs. 1 to 16, 1906. Out of 57 specimens before me, 53 are sinistral. The figure is stouter than in the following species, and it differs from virgulata constantly by the obliquely striped last whorl of the embryo. The first 1 to 1J whorls are some shade of brown; then broad, slightly retractive stripes of opaque white and dark brown alternate to the end of the embryonic shell. A clouded or zigzag-mottled pattern ensues on the first neanic whorl. The umbilicus is narrowly perforate, and the surface has little gloss or none, the dense, wavy, spiral lineolation being well developed. Length 26, diam. 17.3, aperture 14 mm. Length 23, diam. 15.5, aperture 12 mm. The typical form probably came from Makakupaia (pi. 6 figs. 16, 18, and fig. 12 received from Newcomb). The ground-color of the later whorls is whitish, more or less streaked with fleshy, with a varying arrangement of dark spiral bands and lines; lip light liver-brown. Rarely the bands are absent, the later whorls being profusely streaked (pi. 6, fig. 17). At Kahanui most specimens have the post-embryonic whorls uniform reddish-chocolate, by coalescence of the bands, or they are banded with that color (figs. 13, 14, 15, 20), but some PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 29 specimens resemble the typical form in pattern. They occur both sinistral and dextral, the latter rare. From Kealia Borcherding figures shells with very weak or light chestnut bands (fig. 19). In the C. M. Cooke collection there is a set of nearly white shells (fig. 21). 9a. P. T. MEYERI Borcherding. PL 7, figs. 1, 2. '"Shell narrowly umbilicate, dextral, rather solid ovate- conic, under a lens decussated regularly and very finely, glossy; pale gray or grayish-brown, ornamented with light and darker brown, or with gray and blackish streaks; spire conic, the apex rather obtuse; suture crenulated, more or less margined, whorls 6, convex, the last \ the total length; upper whorls tessellated with reddish-gray and yellowish-gray, the last w^horl rounded, uncolored, or under the middle having narrow horn-colored bands here and there. Aperture inversely ear-shaped, glossy bluish within; peristome narrowly expanding and thickened, with a reddish-brown internal lip. Columella twisted, calloused; columellar margin reflexed, nearly covering the umbilicus. Length 22 to 24, diam. 13, aperture 12 X 8 mm." (Borch- erding. ) Molokai: Pelekunu (Meyer). Partulina meyeri BORCHERDING, Nachbl. d. d. Malak. Ges. 1901, p. 55; Zoologica xix, p. 54, pi. 2, f. 17, 18. Found in Pelekunu valley, where a large, dextral form of tessellata reminding one of virgulata also occurs. 10. P. RUFA Newcomb. PL 7, figs. 3 to 11. "Shell sinistral, conically ovate, solid, with decussating strise; ground color externally and internally brownish red, covered with an epidemis of a mottled brown and white, the latter arranged on the central whorls in fine zigzag markings, which are lost on the last whorl in a uniform grayish umber; lower half of this whorl encircled by a broad white band, whorls 6, flatly convex; suture plain, moderately impressed. Columella strongly callous ; umbilicus open, small. Lip ex- panded, reflected below. Length 0.9, breadth 0.5 inch' (Newcomb). 30 PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. Molokai (Newcomb): Kalae, Kaweeku, Kalamaula, Kahanui and Makakupaia (Meyer), in the central part of the island. Achatinella rufa NEWC., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 21, May 1853; P. Z. S. 1853, p. 130, pi. 22, fig. 3; Ann. Lye. vi, p. 324 (description of animal). — PFR., Monographia iv, 537. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis p. 318. — Partulina rufa Nc., BORCHERDING, Zoologica xix, p. 54, pi. 3, f. 1-9. — Partulina ides BORCHERDING, Nachrbl. d. d. Malak. Ges. 1901, p. 52; Zoologica p. 56. (1) Typical P. rufa (pi. 7, fig. 3) is a dull shell with the growth-lines usually strongly marked, unequal, crossed by low, usually wide and more or less granulose spirals mingled with finer waved strife, the latter often predominating, especially be- low the periphery. The sculpture is extremely variable, the granulose spirals being very strong in some forms, such as that described as idae, and in others much reduced, the finer decur- rent striation then dominating. The summit is yellowish- brown; last 1^ or 1 embryonic whorls are marked with protractive yellowish-brown and white stripes; following neanic whorls have a dense, confused zigzag pattern, often indistinct or illegible. This may continue on the upper half of the last whorl, or it may be replaced by a uniform or clouded tawny color, inter- rupted by a white or yellowish belt just below the periphery. The columellar fold is strong, calloused, brown tinted, the lip of similar tint ; interior pink or dull brownish- violaceous. Length 24, diam. 13.5, aperture 11.7 mm. The original localit}^ on Molokai is uncertain. Borcherding figures various forms from localities in the mountains south of the northern peninsula, none of them just like the typical form, represented by specimens before me received from Newcomb. Borcherding tentatively suggests the view that P. rufa is "not a pure species, but a bastard-form between P. tessellata Newc. on the one side, and P. proximo, Pse. on the other.' While this seems rather doubtful, and probably could be proved only by breeding experiments, rvfa certainly unites characters of the two species. The embryo has protractive stripes as in P. proxima. Some very rare color-forms closely resemble proximo in the later stages; but it differs from that species by the dull PAETULINA, MOLOKAI. 31 surface, deeply sculptured spirally; proxima being glossy, with weak spirals and very slight trace of the minute, wavy, spiral lineolation of the dull Partulinas. PI. 7, figs. 6, 7 represent two forms of rufa from Kaweeku, copied from Borcherding. (2) There is a dull brown (reddish to olive brown) form, with a few scattered light spots, much as in a common form of /'. warmorata (pi. 7, fig. 4). Sometimes this form has a suit- peripheral white zone (fig. 5); the sculpture either as in viir. idie or without major spirals, clothed throughout with minute, crinkled, spirally descending striae. (3) Another form has zebra-stripes of white and brown, ex- actly as in one form of proximo,, the surface having fine deeply cut Partulina sculpture. Length 28.5, diam. 16.5, aperture 15 mm.; whorls 7 (fig. 8). (4) Similar to var. ida, except that the spiral engraving is close, nearly even, without granules. Last W7horl of the embryo having very obliquely protractive brown stripes; following whorls pale yellow, darker towards the base, or showing some faint tawny stripes on the spire. Aperture pinkish white, colu- mella and narrow lip pale flesh-pink. PI. 7, fig. 9, 10, 11. Length 23, diam. 14.2, aperture 12 mm. Length 17, diam. 10.2, aperture 8.2 mm. (5) Partulina rufa var. idee Borcherding (pi. 7, figs. 13, 14, 15), from Kalae and Kealia, may easily be recognized, accord- ing to Borcherding, by its compressed and ventricose shape and the regularly granulose spiral sculpture (fig. 13). The last whorl is more or less distinctly uniform yellowish-brown, or has a yellowish-white belt below the middle, the upper whorls being zigzag marked. In a series of 40 specimens before me I find the characters so variable that I cannot look upon P. idee as anything but a local race. The sculpture in particular inter- grades perfectly with typical P. rufa. In many specimens of idte the color above the periphery is pale or even whitish, and on the base it becomes yellow, rich brownish-yellow or olive, the change being gradual in some, abrupt in other examples. In many of the pale forms the stripes of the last embryonic whorl are faint or even not dis- cernible. 32 PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 11. P. PROXIMA (Pease). PL 9, figs. 1 to 9. Shell sinistral, im perforate, oblong-ovate, ventricose: rather solid; finely striated transversel}7, striae somewhat flexuous, granulose and interrupted, more regular and conspicuous be- neath the sutures. Whorls 6, convex, marginated, the last being somewhat produced obliquely and flattened on the middle, so as to give in some specimens a subangulated appearance at the base. Aperture somewhat oblique, of an oblong-ovate form; columellar fold strong. Color chestnut-brown, striped and mottled irregularly with darker brown and white; columella and inner edge of aperture purplish red (Pease}. Molokai (Pse. ): Maunahui, Kahanui, Waikolu, Makakupaia, Pelekunu, Makolelau and Kamalo (Meyer). Helicter proximus PSE. , P. Z. S , 1862, p. 6. — Achatinella prox- imo, Pse., PFR. , Monographia, vi, 1868, p. 168; viii, p. 217. — HARTMAN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1888, p. 27, pi. 1, f. 1, 2. — Partulina proxima Pse., BORCHERDING, Zoologica, xix, p. 63, pi. 4, f. 1-12. "The above species from the island of Molokai appears to represent the H. marmoratus and its varieties of the island of Maui. It is, however, larger and heavier; the last whorl has also a peculiar shape, in common with that of several of the larger species found on Molokai. All the specimens I have seen are sinistral, and the columella and edge of the aperture of a deep red ' (Pease). The first 1^ whorls are white; then very obliquely protract! ve brown stripes appear, continuing to the end of the embryonic stage, which comprises 3J whorls. The succeeding neanic stage has stripes in general parallel to the growth-lines, but more or less interrupted or irregular. This pattern may continue to and upon the last whorl (figs. 1, 5) ; or the stripes may become nebulous or reduced on the last two whorls. The ground-color varies from glossy white to strongly brown tinted, or the last whorl may be brown tinted towards the base, white above. In some shells the stripes are very obliquely retractive on the later whorls (fig. 2). In another variety the stripes are tawny yellow on a white or slightly coffee-tinted ground. The sutural margination is dis- PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 33 tinct (figs. 7, 8). According to Borcherding, this pattern comes from Pelekunu. Another form has close hair-like lines, of brown, cream, and pale lilac, in harmony with growth-lines, over the whole post- embryonic shell. It is glossy, with typical embryonic colora- tion (fig. 9). Borcherding figures a shell of this pattern from Makakupaia. In fully adult shells the outer and basal lips expand slightly. The lip and columella are brown in nearly all specimens, but in some light ones it is a vinous brown. The interior varies from nearly white to lilac or violaceous of various tints. The surface is glossy, and the spiral strife weak or subobsolete. Length 26.5, diam. 15.5, aperture 14 mm.; 6f whorls. Length 24, diam. 14, aperture 13 mm. ; 6^ whorls. Color- var. schauinslandi Borcherding. PL 9, figs. 10, 11. The shell is very glossy, white or yellowish white, uniform or with faint, pale buff lines along growth lines on the last one or two whorls. Interior white or pink, the narrow lip roseate- brownish or nearly white, collumellar fold fleshy brown. The suture has a distinct narrow margin defined by an impressed line. Length 24, diam. 13, aperture 12 mm. ; 6J whorls. Young shells are sometimes white above, yellow below the angular periphery. In some specimens there are faint stripes on the last embryonic whorl. These are transitions from schauinslandi to the paler forms of proximo, such as that from Pelekunu valley, clearly showing its genesis from the latter, the only difference being loss of color. This has been fully set forth by Herr Borcherding, and is well shown by the large series I have examined. Molokai: Kaluahauoni and Waileia (Meyer). 12. P. THEODOREI (Baldwin). PI. 9, figs. 14, 15. Shell sinistral, minutely perforate, rather thin, narrowly pyramidal, glossy, with sculpture of rather rude growth lines and minute, rather weakly incised, spiral stria?. Embryonic whorls whitish, the last one usually marked with broad, protrac- tive brown stripes. Following whorls have irregular purple- 34 PARTULINA, MOLCKAI. brown flames or streaks on a white ground, in general harmony with growth-lines, widening downwards, scarcely reaching to the suture above. On the last whorl the streaks are often some- what dislocated. Whorls nearly 7, but slightly convex, the suture rather indistinctly margined below. Aperture small, lilac within; lip narrow, not expanded or noticeably thickened, brown-bordered within, columellar fold very low, brown. Length 18.6, diam. 8.8, aperture 7.7 mm. Length 18, diam. 8, aperture 7.3 mm. Molokai: Kawela (Baldwin). AchatineUa theodorii BALDWIN, Catalogue etc., 1893, p. 7, (name only). — AchatineUa theodorei BALDWIN, Proc. A. N. S., Phila., 1895, p. 226, pi. 10, f. 27.— SYKES, Fauna Ha- waiiensis p. 330. — Partulina theodorei Bald., BORCHERDING, Zoologica xix, p. 65, pi. 4, f. 14, and f. 15, var. Figured and described from the types. While closely related to Partulina proximo, by the sculpture and coloration, this species is constantly much narrower, in a considerable series seen. The columellar fold is also less developed. P. proximo, does not occur in Kawela valley, the type-locality of theodorei. Mr. Sykes placed this species in Perdicella, a position ap- proved by Professor Hyatt. Herr Borcherding groups it with proxima Pse., in Partulina. It is one of several species connect- ing Perdicella with Partulina. Var. midtistrigata n.v. (pi. 9, figs. 12, 13, 16) differs by its broader shape and much more numerous, narrow stripes. The types are without exact locality but Borcherding figures a sim- ilar shell from Makakupaia. Length 20.5, diam. 11, aperture 9.8 mm. 13. P. MUCIDA (Baldwin). PL 9. fig. 17. Shell sinistral, minutely perforate, solid, ovate-pyramidal, the spire straight-sided, ra.ther acute at apex. First 2 to 4 whorls tawny brown, the last two or three whorls slightly con- vex, whitish, mottled and banded with flesh color, and having purple brown bands speckled or mottled with white above and below the suture, at the periphery and around the axial perfor- ation. The surface is glossy, with low, rude growth-lines and PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 35 faint spiral striation. Aperture small, bluish white within, lip slightly expanded, nearly white and well thickened within. Columellar lamella strong, white with a light brown patch at and above its insertion. Length 21 to 21.2, diam. 11.8, aper- ture 9.6 to 10 mm. ; 6f to 7 whorls. Molokai: Makakupaia (Baldwin). Achatinella mucida BALDWIN, Proc. A. N. S., Phila., 1895, p. 222, pi. 10, f. 23. — SYKES, Fauna, p. 315. — Partulina muc/d« BORCHERDING, Zoologica, xix, p. 73, pi. 6, f. 7, 8. This small species, described and figured from the types, has a peculiar mildewed or mouldy appearance from having the dark markings overlaid with white. It is very closely related to A. dwightiij but differs by its smaller size and details of col- oration. No form of dwightii has a dark band along the suture below. The figure represents the same shell figured by Bald- win. 13a. Color-var. macrodon Borcherding. PI. 9, figs. 18, 19, 20. Last embryonic whorl zigzag striped; following whorls white with a faint flesh tint, having distinct purple-brown bands, minutely flecked with white, at suture, periphery and umbili- cus. Columellar lamella strongly calloused, projecting hori- zontally. Length 20 to 22, diam. 11.5 to 12, aperture 9.5 to 10 mm. ; whorls 6f to 7. Makakupaia (Meyer and others). Partulina macrodon BORCHERDING, Nachrbl. d. d. Malak. Ges. , 1901, p. 56; Zoologica, xix, p. 74, pi. 6, f. 9, 10. 14. P. DWIGHTI (Newcomb). PL 8, fig. 1 to 5. "Shell oblong conical, sinistral, solid, surface covered with longitudinal strire, cut across by very numerous, fine, slightly undulating cross-stria?. Whorls 6, flatly convex, crenulated at the sutures; suture simple, well marked. Aperture ovate; colu- mella broad, short, and slightly twisted; outer lip expanded, subreflected below. Subumbilicated, color a grayish white, with numerous blotches and zigzag markings of brown, more obscure on the last whorl. Aperture and lip of a dingy white. Length 19, width 9^ twentieths of an inch [about 24 X 12 mm.] (Newc. ) 36 PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. Molokai (Newcomb): Makakupaia, Kawela, (fig. 2), Mako- lelau, Kamalo and Punkaeha, fig. 1, (Meyer); Kamalo (Baldwin). Achatinella dwightii NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 145, October, 1855; P. Z. S. 1855, p. 207; American Journal of Conchology ii, p. 213, pi. 19. f. 9. — PFR., Monogr., iv, p. 517. — SYKES, Fauna Haw. p. 313.- -TnwiNG, Reprint Orig. Descr. A chat. pi. 2. f. 7. — Partulina d. , BORCHERDISG, Zoologica xix, p. 68, pi. 5, f. 1-8. P. dwightii is characterized by the solidity, narrow form with a high, straight-sided, acute spire, and the streaked, mildewed appearance. Typically the last embryonic whorl has protractive stripes and the following whorls of the spire show fleshy-brown mottling or confused zigzag patterns on a pinkish or yellowish- white ground. Last whorl streaked, usually paler below the suture. The surface has rather rude, irregular but low growth - lines, and on the last whorl there are regular, distinct, waved spiral stria3 in shells from Newcomb (fig. 5). In most other lots seen the spirals are quite weak or faint. The aperture is small, and the rib is placed rather far within, so that there is an unusually wide whitish lip. The outer edge often expands noticeably. In fully adult shells the columellar lamella is strong and white or nearly so. Some specimens are white with only faint brown streaks and stains, the aperture delicately lilac-tinted, lip white. In others the brown streaks are dark, in part blackish, and nearly cover the last whorl. Length 26, diam. 15, aperture 13 mm. Length 25, diam. 13.5, aperture 12 mm. Length 22, diam. 13, aperture 10.8 mm. The shape is more straightly pyramidal than in A. redfieldi, which also differs by its brown columellar fold and the narrower and brown lip. Its range of patterns is also different. 14a. P. dwightii compta (Pease). PI. 8, figs. 6, 7, 8. Shell sinistral, narrowly perforate, rather solid, oblong-conic; spire obsoletely transversely delicately rugose-striate, the wrinkles disappearing on the last whorl, and longitudinally im- pressed with delicate, irregular striae. Spire turrited or oblong- PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 37 conic; suture impressed, whorls 6, convex, sometimes sub- angular above, the last equal to half the length of the shell. Aperture vertical, ovate; columellar fold superior, strong, white; lip slightly expanded, callous within; leaden-gray, encircled with lines or bands of reddish-brown, the last whorl ornamented with a white band at the base. Length 25, diam. 13 mm. (Pease). Molokai (Pease); Kawela and Makakupaia (Meyer). Partulina compta PEASE, Journ. de Conchyl. xvii, 1869, p. 175; P. Z. S. 1869, p. 647. — BORCHERDING, Zoologica xix, p. 57, pi. 3, f. 14-16, 18-20. "This species, which comes from the island of Molokai, is very closely related to P. splendida Newc., which lives on Maui. It is more contracted at the base and sometimes has a peculiar angulation of the upper part of the whorls. In coloration it is nearer P. grisea Newc." (Pse.). The ground-color is white or nearly so in the specimens fig- ured by Borcherding and before me in the Academy, Cooke and University of Wisconsin collections. Otherwise they agree well with Pease's description. It would probably be more correct to describe the shell as brown, pale or dark, cut by white bands and lines. It differs from A. redfieldi by its white coiumella and lip. The following race is almost fully connected with compta by intermediate specimens, and may perhaps be found to be superfluous. I retain it here because both Borcherding and Hyatt have recognized it, though under different names. 146. P. dwightii concomitans Hyatt, n. var. PI. 8, figs. 9 to 13. Similar to dwightii in the acutely pyramidal contour, solidity, wide white lip, etc. ; but it differs by the predominance of chest- nut-brown (rarely olive-brown) which forms nearly a solid color on the last two whorls except that there is a subperipheral white belt and sometimes a white line on the upper surface, continuing on the penultimate whorl; the suture has a narrow white edge. Molokai (A. N. S. P. and Cooke collections): Makakupaia (figs. 9, 10, 12), Kawela (fig. 11) and Makolelau (Meyer). Partulina grisea Nc., BORCHERDING, Zoologica xix, p. 69, pi. 38 PARTULLXA, MOLOKAI. 5, f. 9-16. Not Achatinella grisea Newcomb. — ? Achatinella redfieldi var. . pi. 7, f. 33, 1856. The apex (1 to 1^ whorls) is brownish white; the next one or 1 J wrhorls have broad protractive alternating stripes of snow- wrhite and dark brown. The neanic whorls following have narrow stripes of the same colors, running with the growth- lines. This pattern may continue upon the last whorl, or the stripes may become wider and bisinuate or angular there, with 46 PARTULINA, MAUL a streak of darker brown on the left side of each white stripe. In some shells the white is reduced to irregular spots on the last whorl. These patterns are figured. The surface is rather glossy, showing fine spirals under the lens; suture margined with a white cord. Axis imperforate. Length 22, diam. 12^, aperture 10 mm. ; 6f whorls. The shade of brown varies a good deal in different lots. Lahaina specimens are figured, pi. 10, figs. 14 to 16, and pi. 13, fig. 13. In pi. 13, figs. 10, 11, 12, we figure three sinistral specimens from Honokowai, collected by Mr. Thaanum. Var. undosa Gulick (pi. 10, figs. 17, 18, 19). Usually more slender than perdix, the spire longer, stripes generally narrow, sometimes pale and linear; distinctly perforate. Length 22, diam. 11.8, aperture 10.6 mm.; 6J whorls. Length 20, diam. 11.9, aperture 10.9 mm. Length 21, diam. 11, aperture 9.6 mm. Mountain ridges of Waihee, on the ilima (Sida.}, ki (Cordy- II lie terminalis) and other low bushes (E. Bailey). 21a. P. perdix pyramidalis (Gulick). PL 10, fig. 20. "Shell dextral, very rarely sinistral, imperforate, pyramidal, rather solid, shining; chestnut or ash brown, with a white or yellowish band encircling the base, with oblique white and brown markings on the second and third wrhorls, bluish-white within the aperture. Apex subacute; spire regularly conical, sometimes decollated. Whorls 6J-, convex, margined with white; finely striated transversely, and microscopically decussated with faintly impressed wrinkled spiral lines; the last regularly rounded, equal to 65 hundredths of the length. Columellar fold well developed, white, oblique. Aperture rather oblique, semi- oval; peristome thickened within, very slightly reflected; with columellar margin dilated, adnate or slightly detached; parietal margin wanting. "Length 21.6, breadth 11.4 mm., aperture 9.66 mm. The dimensions of a large specimen are as follows: Length 23, breadth 12, aperture 10 mm. Average weight 5.7 grains.' (Gulick). West Maui: Lahaina, on trees (S. T. Alexander); Huelo (Baldwin); Waihee (Perkins). PARTULINA, MAUL 4< Achatinelia pyramidata GUL., Ann. Lye. vi, p. 204, pi. 7. f. 32, 1856. --BALDWIN, Catalogue p. 7. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaii- ensis p. 317. Figured from a typical specimen from the Gulick collection, no. 92704 A. N. S. P. " This shell differs from the A. splendida Newc. in its smaller size and pyramidal form, with spire less convex, body-whorl less ventricose, aperture smaller and less oblique, lip less ex- panded and reflected. It also differs in being without perfora- tion, and is very rarely sinistral. " The A. perdix Reeve differs from this in its broader and more ventricose form, its more convex spire, with whorls more swollen, with aperture broader, and frequently subangulated, the arrangement of colors is also different. Looking only at the type of this species, it would be placed in the same group with A. splendida, yet it is so closely connected by intermediate varie- ties with A. perdix that it has hitherto been considered a variety of that species. " Var. b. With black basal band. A small speciman has the following dimensions: length .8, breadth .43, length of aper- ture .35 inch, weight 4 grains. "Var. c. Without band. I have a small specimen of the brown variety of A. splendida which closely resembles this. "Var. d. With apex chestnut-brown, not tessellated; very rare. "Var. e. With irregular white spots. This variety passes into A . perdix. ' ( Gulick). 22. P. USTULATA (Gulick). PI. 13, figs. 5, 6. "Shell sinistral, perforate, ovate-conic, obliquely produced at the base, solid, scarcely shining, striated and microscopically distinctly decussated, brown with a whitish band encircling the base. Apex subacute, tessellated with white and brown; spire conical, somewhat curvilinear; suture simple, lightly impressed, marked with a narrow white line; whorls 6^, moderately con- vex, the last large, equal to 72 hundredths of the length. Col- umellar fold strong, white, oblique. Aperture very oblique, sinuously oval; peristome thickened within, reflected anteriorly, 48 PARTULINA, MAUL * with columellar margin dilated, white, unattached; parietal margin wanting. Length 25.4, breadth 14.5, length of aperture 13.2 mm. Weight 10 grains" (Gulick). Maui: Beautiful Valley, on the mamaki (S. T. Alexander). Achatinella nstulata GUL., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. , vi, p. 211, pi. 7, f. 37, 1856. "This species is more ventricose than A. perdix Rve. and differs in having the whorls more convex, the suture simple, the aperture more oblique and the sculpturing more distinct. I have received but two examples for which I am indebted to the brothers James and Samuel Alexander ' (Gulick). Also reported from Lahaina (Baldwin). I have copied Gulick's figure (pi. 13, fig. 6), and add another (fig. 5) repre- senting a shell from the Gulick collection from Kahoma, W. Maui. It has two light bands on the last whorl, and the spiral sculpture is very weak. 23. P. INDUTA (Gulick). PL 13, fig. 7. Shell dextral, perforate, ovate-conic, solid, unpolished, micro- scopically very minutely and obsoletely decussated, brown. Apex subacute, tessellated with white and chestnut; spire con- vexly conical; suture lightly impressed, not margined. Whorls 6, slightly convex, the last equal to 66 to 72 hundredths of the whole length. Columellar fold strong, white, nearly transverse. Aperture slightly oblique, sinuously oval, bluish-white within; peristome thickened within, with anterior margin slightly re- flected. Columellar margin dilated, white, unattached; parietal margin very thin or wanting. Length 21, breadth 12|, length of aperture 10 mm. Average weight 6.7 grains' (Gulick). West Maui: mountain ridges of Wailuku, on the ilima (Sida) and other bushes (E. Bailey). Achatinella induta GULICK, Ann. Lye., vi, p. 207, pi. 7, f. 34a, 34e, 1856. --BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 6. "This species is characterized by its unpolished brown ex- terior' (Gulick). It has a close resemblance to the East Mauian marmorata Gld., and is very near ustulata Gul. A. perdix and undosa differ by their polish and more definite color- patterns. Figured from specimens of the Gulick collection, no. PARTULINA, MAUI. 49 92712 A. N. S. P. Another lot from Waihee is similar, but contains some individuals marked somewhat like marmorata. 1 ' Var. 6. Ash-brown with whitish streaks and spots. This variety passes into A. undosa. "Var. c. With a white band on the periphery of the last whorl; very rare. "Var. d. Small, ovate-conic. The dimensions of one of the smallest specimens are as follows: length 18, breadth 10, length of aperture 8f mm. Weight 4 grains. "Var. e. Lip considerably expanded and reflected, slightly thickened within; columella broadly reflected. This variety presents a remarkable feature; appearing as if the body-whorl had been enlarged and the lip expanded by a second growth after the shell has been perfected and the lip thickened. The second growth forms a broad lip sometimes an eighth of an inch or more in width from the interior callous ridge to the edge. This lip seem to be of the same material as the thickening within, the exterior being of an unpolished ivory color, not covered with the brown coat which clothes the rest of the shell. The interior of both the lip and columella is of polished ivory white; aperture within the lip bluish white. Specimens pre- senting more or less of the features of this variety are not rare ' ( Gulick) . 24. P. RADIATA (Gould). PL 13, figs. 8, 9. Shell solid, ovate-conic, longitudinally painted with chestnut, yellow and whitish lines, sometimes girdled with a median or basal white band; subumbilicate; whorls 6, convex, the suture margined, whitish; aperture ovate, peristome reflexed, yellow; fold broad. Length f , diam. 9-twentieths inch. In size and markings it resembles Bui. radiatus, but the lines are finer and more numerous (6Wc?.). Sandwich Islands (Old.). Achatinella radiata OLD., Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., 1845, p. 27; Otia Conch., p. 195. — PFR., Monogr., iii, 454; iv, 517; vi, 162. — Bulimus gouldi PFR., Zeitschr. f. Malak., 1846, p. 116; Monogr., ii, p. 74. — Partula densilineata REEVE, Conch. Icon., vi, pi. 2, fig. 9, April, 1850. 50 PARTULINA, MAUI. The locality of this species is not known; radiata and gouldi were stated to be from the Sandwich Islands, and for densilineata no habitat was known. It is not even certain that the three names pertain to one species, though I think that they do. Gould's white-banded specimens were probably different. The original descriptions are given below. I believe that Newcomb correctly identified radiatus but un- fortunately the specimens from him in our collection bear no locality. Two of them are illustrated in pi. 13, figs. 8, 9. The shell is distinctly perforate, ovate, with rather straight-sided spire. Spiral striation weak, very faint on the last whorl, whorls weakly convex, the last convex; the suture usually marked with a white line. Embryonic whorls uniform pale brown but darker at the tip; later whorls closely streaked with narrowr streaks or lines of brown, cream and whitish. Lip slightly expanded, more so below, whitish, calloused within. vColumellar fold rather sharp but not prominent. Length 18, diam. 11.3, aperture 9.8 mm.; 6£ whorls. Length 18, diam. 10.5 mm. One of the lot has the brown replaced by olivaceous, and an- other has faint traces of several spiral lines on the base. While the absence of flammules on the last embryonic whorl is anomalous, yet the species has the appearance of a Maui shell. Bulimus gouldi Pfr. Shell narrowly umbilicate, ovate-conic, rather solid, very delicately decussate-striatulate, glossy, ele- gantly radiated with ashen, brown and white. Spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 6, a little convex, the last about three- sevenths the total length. Columella twisted plicate, white. Aperture oblong, white within. Peristome narrowly expanded, the margins subparallel, columellar margin broadly reflexed, not covering the umbilicus. Length 19, diam. 10, aperture 9 mm. long, 5 wide within. Sandwich Islands, Mus. Cuming *• f Partula densilineata Reeve (pi. 13, fig. 4). 'Shell acumi- nately conical, rather thin, umbilicated, sutures of the spire impressed, whorls rather flattened and finely margined around the upper part, rounded and slightly angled at the lower, colu- PARTULINA, MAUI. 51 mella flatly reflected, obsoletely plicate, aperture ovate, lip but little reflected; whitish, very thickly painted with oblique rust and ash lines. Hab. ? The lip of this shell, the only ex- ample of the species known to me, is scarcely mature. The linear painting is discontinued before reaching the umbilicus ' (Rve.) Series of P. splendida. 25. P. SPLENDIDA (Newcomb). PL 11, figs. 1 to 10. "Shell sinistral, solid, ovate-acuminate, finely decussately striated; suture moderately impressed, margined. Whorls 6; body whorl somewhat inflated. Aperture ovate; lip expanded; columella short, broad and twisted. The upper two whorls tes- sellated writh chestnut and white, lower whorls with numerous chestnut-colored transverse lines and fillets traced on a polished white ground, markings correctly lined superiorly and irregu- larly serrated inferiorly. Length 1, diam. .55 inch' (Newc.). West Maui : Wailuku, on tutui trees (Newcomb); Mauna Hoomaha (Thaanum); Lahaina, Wailuku and Wailee (Gulick). Achatinella splendida NEWC., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 20, April, 1853; P. Z. S., London, 1853, p. 131, pi. 22, f. 4; Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 324. — PFR., Monogr. iv, 516. -TnwiNG, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat., pi. 2, f. 17. — Acha- tinella solida Gulick, MS. according to PFEIFFER, Monographia iv, 516. — Achatinella baileyana GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. vi, p. 202, pi. 7, f. 31a, b (Dec. 1856). The embryonic shell consists of 3 to 3^ whorls, the first 1 or 1^ flesh-tinted, wide, indistinct dark stripes then appearing. The last embryonic whorl has alternately snow-white and brown stripes, very obliquely descending forwardly. The banded pat- tern then begins. The lines and bands of brown are usually a little serrate. The surface is glossy, with dense, weakly devel- oped decurrent striae. Banding variable, as shown in the fig- ures, in all the localities mentioned above. In a lot of 42 from Wailuku, 24 are sinistral. A lot of 32 from Wailee has 7 sinistral, all with broad bands. From La- haina, in a lot of 60 shells, 34 are sinistral, patterns the same as in the dextral shells. Specimens from Wailuku are figured, 52 PARTULINA, MAUI. figs. 1 to 9. Fig. 10 is from Lahaina. Wailuku specimens measure: Length 25J, diam. 15 aperture 12^ mm. Length 25J, diam. 13.8 aperture 11.2 mm. Length 24, diam. 15 aperture 12 mm. Length 22, diam. 12.5 aperture 10 mm. Var. baileyana (Gulick) . PI. 11, figs. 11, 12, 13. The shell is sinistral. perforate, white with few or many narrow deep brown spiral lines, sometimes with a broad belt of pale brown under the lines; otherwise as in splendida. Length 21.6, diam. 12.4, aperture 10 mm. weight 7 grains, or larger, length 25.4, diam. 13.5, aperture 11.4 mm. Wailuku mountain, on trees, Ed. Bailey Jr. Gulick describes three varieties as follows: "Var. b. Regularly conical, rather broad at the base, with spire shortened. Whorls nearly 7, convex, not margined. Aperture very oblique, semiorbicular, pale blue within. Length 17, breadth 13, length of aperture 8f mm. Weight 6 grains. "Var. c. Ovate-conic, marble gray, bands usually wanting; within the aperture pale lilac; whorls somewhat swollen beneath the sutures; columella not so short. This variety passes into the wrhite variety of A. splendida Newc. ' ' Var. d. Lightly tinged with pink both within and without. ' 26. P. GOULDII (Newcomb). PI. 11, figs. 14, 15, 16. Shell dextral, conically ovate, longitudinally striate; suture moderate, not margined or but slightly so; whorls 6, flatly con- vex, color yellowish-white with zigzag lines of brown on the third whorl, and brown lineations more or less numerous en- circling the three lower whorls. Aperture rounded ovate, yellowish; columella lightly callous; lip expanded and below reflected. Length .85, breadth .45 inch (Newc.). West Maui: Wailuku valley, on tutui trees (Newcomb). Achatinella gouldii NEWC., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 21, April, 1853; P. Z. S., 1853, p. 129, pi. 22, f. 1, 1854.— PFR., Monogr., iv, 517. — A. myrrhea Gul., according to Pfeiffer, /. c., undescribed. — Achatinella talpina GULICK, Ann. Lye., vi, p. 212, pi. 7, f. 38, 1856. This species resembles P. splendida Nc. in color-pattern, but PARTULINA, MAUL 5-> it is smaller, with less convex whorls, the last one shorter. So far as we know it is always dextral. Perforation small, some- times closed. In the typical form the bands, of a light brown color, are more or less distinctly spotted with darker; and when the bands spread to cover most of the surface, they are marked with dark streaks. The last embryonic whorl has oblique stripes as in related species, and the first neanic whorl is irregu- larly clouded and streaked. The columellar fold is low and oblique, white. Lip distinctly but narrowly thickened within, white, outwardly a little expanded. Length 21, diam. 12, aperture 10 mm.; 6J whorls. Length 20, diam. 11 mm. A. talpina Gul. has always been considered synonymous with gouldii. It is here figured (pi. 11, fig. 17) from a specimen from Gulick. Although Gulick mentions only one band, his figure and specimens show numerous lines also. The colu- mellar fold is slightly stronger and less oblique than in typical gouldii. The original account follows: " Achatinetta talpina, shell dextral, slightly perforate, elongate ovate-conic, rather thin, subcorneous, not shining, finely striated, beneath the lens scarcely decussated; brown with a whitish band encircling the base, covered with a thin, brown ash, velvety epidermis. Apex somewhat obtuse, tessellated with white and chestnut; spire regularly conical; suture simple, moderately impressed, whorls nearly 7, convex, the last regu- larly rounded, equal to 62 to 76 hundredths of the length. Columella strongly plaited above. Aperture semi-orbicular, brownish-white within; peristome thickened within, scarcely reflected anteriorly, with columellar margin white and reflected over the deep perforation; parietal margin wanting. Length 21.6, breadth 12, length of aperture 9 mm.; weight 5.5 grains. "Var. b. With apex corneous, without tessellations; very rare. "Var. c. Ventricose; spire short, curvilinear. A small speci- men has the following dimensions: length 17, breadth lOf, length of aperture 7f mm., Weight 4.5 grains. r Maui: Wailuku, on the kukui, Aleuritis triloba, rare, E. Bailey Jr. 54 PARTULINA, MAUI. "This species passes into A. gouldiiRewc. Much handling gradually removes the epidermis from the shell, leaving the surface more or less polished' (Gulick'). 26a. P. gouldi perfecta n. var. PL 11, figs. 18 to 21. The bands are very dark chestnut on a cream-white ground. The lip has a stronger callous rib within and is slightly flesh- tinted, with faintly traced bands. The columellar fold is twisted, very strongly projecting, subhorizontal; axis perforate or closed. Color-pattern various, as figured. Length 20, diam. 12, aperture 9.8 mm.; 6f whorls. Length 19.5, diam. 11 mm. Wailuku (D. D. Baldwin). A small form or race from the same valley (pi. 11, figs. 20, 21) measures, length 17, diam. 10 mm. ; 6J whorls. 27. P. APTYCHA (Pfeiffer). PL 18, fig. 5. Shell imperf orate, dextral, oblong-conic, rather thin, striatu- late, a little shining; white, ornamented with dotted chestnut girdles. Spire long-conic, the apex rather obtuse, suture nearly simple. Whorls 6J, a little convex, the last nearly equal to two-fifths the total length, rotund at base. Aperture oblique, truncate-oval, milk-white within. Columellar fold obsolete, very slightly twisted. Peristome simple, very lightly thick- ened within, the right margin unexpanded, columellar margin narrow, adnate. Length 21-J, diam. 10 mm., aperture 9^ x 5iy mm. fA Sandwich Islands (Frick in Cuming coll.). AchatineUa aptycha PFR., P. Z. S., March, 1855, p. 1, pi. 30, f. 1; Monographia, iv, 562; Nomenclator Hel. Viv., 1881, p. 315 (Perdicella) . A "lost' species, unknown to Hawaiian collectors. It seems as near a young gouldii or baileyana as anything. Sykes remarks ' ' probably from Maui. ' Series of P. tappaniana. 28. P. TAPPANIANA (C. B. Adams). PL 12, figs. 1, 2, 3. "Shell reversed, elongate ovate-conic; pure white, with one PARTULINA, MAUI. 55 narrow brown spiral band on the periphery of the last whorl; with very unequal and irregular transverse stria3 and numerous excessively minute, wrinkled spiral impressed lines. Apex sub- acute; spire elongate, with the outlines a little curvilinear. Whorls nearly 7, moderately convex and more or less sub- angular, margined above, with a well-impressed suture. Aper- ture ovate; lip well thickened within the margin, expanded much anteriorly, but not above; columellar fold strong. Mean divergence 43 degrees. Length 1.06, breadth .55 inch; length of aperture .44 inch. Length 26 J, diam. 13f, aperture 11 mm. " Var. dubiosa differs in being a little more ventricose; its whorls are not margined above, and the brown stripe is replaced by two fine paler brown lines, below which one or two other yet finer lines may be seen. " Sandwich Islands. "This beautiful species is named in honor of Hon. Benjamin Tappan, of Ohio." (C. B. Ad.") W. Maui: Wailuku (Gulick); Lahaina (Gulick, Baldwin). Achatinella tappaniana C. B. Ad., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., v, p. 42, 1851; Contrib. to Conch., no. 8, p. 126.--PFR., Monogr., iii, p. 462. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 318.- BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 7, 1893. — THWING, Reprint Orig. De- script. Achat. , pi. 2, f. 19. This well-known shell has a long, noticeably concave-sided spire, margined suture, and one narrow brown band just below the periphery, so that it enters the aperture below the insertion of the outer lip. There are 3J embryonic whorls, of a whitish tint, the last half whorl in young or very fresh examples usually showing protractive yellowish stripes. Young shells are covered with a yellow cuticle which is deciduous, disappearing in the adult stage. The surface is rather dull, under the lens showing spiral impressed lines and weak decurrent striation. The young and half grown shells are rather acutely angular at the peri- phery in front of the aperture. Wailuku is here selected as the type locality (pi. 12, fig. 1). Length 24, diam. 12 mm.; 7 whorls. Kahoma specimens are somewhat stouter, length 25, diam. 14 mm. ; 6J whorls. They have one band or none, and one 56 PARTULINA, MAUI. specimen shows faint traces near the lip of numerous other bands, thus approaching var. fasciata. In a series from Lahaina the shell is pure white at all stages of growth, or there may be some faintly sketched yellowish spiral lines below the periphery, which is acutely angular in front in the young. The tine descending striae are more distinct in most specimens (pi. 12, figs. 2, 3). 28a. P. tappaniana fasciata (Gulick). PI. 12, figs. 5, 6, 7. Shell sinistral, sometimes perforate, ovate-conic, solid, shin- ing, finely striated, microscopically very minutely and faintly decussated, white, with brown bands; apex subacute, white, with a brown line above the suture; spire regularly conical; whorls 6 or 7, convex, not margined; the last rounded, equal to _6_^. Of the length; columellar fold white, superior, slightly developed, moderately twisted; aperture somewhat oblique, roundly oval, white within; the bands sometimes appear in pale brownish stripes in the inner surface; peristome white, slightly thickened, subreflected anteriorly; with columellar margin re- flected, scarcely adnate; parietal margin wanting. Average length 22; greatest length 25; broadest 11^; length of aperture 10mm. Average weight 6.8 grains; greatest weight 9 grains; least weight 6 grains. ( Gulick. ) Maui: Honukawai, on the wiliwili (Erythrina monosperma'), S. T. Alexander. Var. 6. Thicker and more elongate, with dark brown or black bands; lip well thickened within, and deeply colored on the edge opposite the bands; columella slightly toothed. Var. c. Ventricose, conical; one specimen has the following dimensions: Length 0.86; breadth 0.54; length of aperture 0.40 inch. Remarks. — Has been confounded with A. tappaniana and A. splendida Newc., but is smaller than the former, with fainter sculpturing and more regularly conical spire; it also differs in its dark bands, rounded body whorl, less reflected lip, and slight columellar fold. It resembles A. splendida Newc. in its brown bands, but is otherwise quite distinct. A nuclear char- acter which distinguishes it from either of the above is the spiral line on the first whorls. (Gulick.) PARTULINA, MAUI. 57 Achatinella fasciata GUL., Ann. Lye. vi, p. 201, pi. 7, f. 30, 1856. Figured from Honokawai shells of the Gulick collection. Hardly distinguishable from var. ampulla; I think them ex- tremes of one variety. The figures are from topotypes from Gulick. The same form is in the Gulick collection from Wailuku. 286. P. tappaniana ampulla (Gulick). PI. 12, fig. 4. "Shell sinistral, sometimes slightly perforate, elongate, sub- pyriform, rather thin, shining, finely striate, scarcely decussate beneath the lens, white, with a broad chestnut band encircling the base, and revolving within the shell beneath the suture, sometimes with fine spiral lines above; apex subacute; spire concavely conical, sometimes decollated; whorls 6-J-, convex, margined above; the last inflated, equal to -f/-^ of the length; columella white, plaited near the whorl, strongly twisted, not tuberculate; aperture rounded; peristome expanded, reflected, very slightly thickened; with columellar margin reflected, adnate or slightly detached; parietal margin wanting. Length 23; breadth 13; length of aperture 10 mm. Weight 6 grains" (Gulick). Maui: Honukawai, on trees, S. T. Alexander. Achatinella ampulla GULICK, Ann. Lye. vi, 200, pi. 7, f. 29. "This species differs from A. fasciata Nob., to which it is closely allied, in the concave outlines of the spire, in its inflated body whorl, and more expanded and reflected lip' (Gulick). 28c. P. tappaniana eburnea (Gulick). PI. 12, figs. 9, 10, 11, 12. "Shell sinistral, usually perforate, ovate-conic, somewhat solid, shining, striated, very minutely decussated, ivory-white; apex rather acute; spire conca^ely conical; suture slightly mar- gined, lightly impressed; whorls 6, slightly convex; the last large, obliquely produced, and angulated above the aperture; columellar fold central, white, strong, nearly transverse; aper- ture oblique, truncately auriform, white within; peristome thickened; with external margin reflected, anteriorly arcuate; columellar margin dilated, slightly detached; parietal margin wanting. Length 24; breadth 14; length of body whorl 17 mm. Average weight 9 grains; greatest weight 13 grains ' (Gulick). 58 PARTULINA, MAUI. East Maui: Honuaula, on the trunks of trees, quite exposed, E. Bailey. "Var. b. Brownish-yellow, with a white girdle on the peri- phery of the last whorl, waved with white and yellow on the third whorl. 1 1 Var. c. With body whorl rounded, not angulated. This spe- cies is the analogue of A. tappaniana C. B. Ad. found on W. Maui, but differs from it in its more ventricose form, its angu- lated body whorl, and more regularly curved lip, besides the difference in color" (Gulick). AchatineUa eburnea GULICK. Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 199, pi. 6, f. 28a, b. 1856.— BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 6 (Makawao). — THWLNG, Reprint, pi. 2, f. 14. I cannot distinguish the typical form of eburnea (pi. 12, figs. 9, 10) from the pure white West-Mauian form of tappaniana. The Var. b (pi. 12, figs. 11, 12) however is unlike any West- Mauian form I have seen, and approaches very close to carnicolor Baldwin. I doubt whether a specific line can be drawn between them. 29. P. CARNICOLOR Baldwin. PI. 12, figs. 13, 14. "Shell dextral, minutely perforated, solid, acuminately ovate conic, apex subacute; surface lusterless, marked with delicate incremental stride, and under a lens exhibiting a fine pattern of decussating spiral striae; nuclear whorls faintly decus- sated. Of a uniform brown color, with a narrow white line below the periphery which enters the aperture, and a very narrow white line traversing the suture. Whorls 6, slightly marginate above, a little convex; suture lightly impressed. Aperture oblique; oval, livid white, showing the exterior color- ing within. Peristome acute, expanded, columellar margin broadly reflexed. Columella white, terminating in a well developed, flexuous fold. Length 25, d.iam. 14 mm.': (Bfcld- win) . East Maui: Nahiku. Partulina carnicolor BALDWIN, Nautilus xix, February, 1906, p. 112. In sculpture this form agrees with eburnea Gulick. It is PARTULINA, MAUL 59 fleshy brown, darkest at the base, the aperture flesh-colored within. The band below the periphery is sometimes very narrow — less than 1 mm. wide. I think it doubtfully distinct from the var. b of eburnea. Figured from cotypes. 30. P. NIVEA (Baldwin). PI. 12, fig. 8. The shell is sinistral, subperforate, acutely conic, thin but moderately strong, glossy, snow-white with a brownish-yellow band below the periphery. Growth-striae distinct but fine and irregular; spiral striation almost effaced on the last whorl, more distinct above. The spire is a little attenuated near the acute apex; whorls but slightly convex, the suture not deep, margined below. Last whorl a little swollen just below the suture, then flattened, often having a peripheral angle weakly sketched in front of the aperture; periphery very convex; base not very con- vex. The aperture is oblique, white within, with a rather strong rib within the lip, which is a little expanded. Columellar lamella white, rather strong and oblique. Length 24, diam. 14 mm. ; 6-J whorls. Length 23, diam. 12 mm.; 6^ whorls. ''Animal when extended in motion longer than the shell. Mantle densely black, with minute brown flecks and a broad yellowish band encircling the outer edge. Tentacles and supe- rior portion of foot brown with a slight slate tinge. Under por- tion of foot light brown. Front above covered with light granu- lation ' ( Baldwin ) . East Maui: Makawao to Huelo (Baldwin). Achatinella nivea BALDWIN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1895, p. 222, pi. 10, f. 19. — THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript. Achat., pi. 2, f. 16. "I have before me over 500 examples of this species, which are without variety in color or shape' (Baldwin'). It differs from tappaniana by the more acute apex, less attenuated spire, flatter whorls, the last having its greatest convexity lower down, and by the more glossy surface. In A. dolei the upper part of the last whorl is much more convex, and the color differs. De- scribed from the type lot, no. 65691 A. N. S. P. Several other lots seen agree exactly with this one. 60 PARTULINA, MAUI. 30a. Var. kaupakaluana n. v., pi. 13, fig. 16, has the last 2J whorls closely streaked with ochraceous or olive-buff on a whitish ground, a white belt on the base. It is known to us by two examples, not quite mature, from Kaupakalua, no. 2101 coll. C. M. Cooke. 31. P. DOLEI (Baldwin). PL 12, figs. 15 to 18. Shell sinistral, perforate, acutely pyramidal, thin but strong, glossy, white with a dark chestnut band below the periphery, and usually several lines and obliquely-streaked bands of light brown in the peripheral region. Surface polished, delicately marked with growth-strise and almost effaced spiral lines. Spire straight! )T pyramidal, rather acute, the apex white. Post- embryonic whorls decidedly convex, the last swollen below the suture, then somewhat compressed; suture deep, narrowly mar- gined. The aperture is oblique, white within, with a rib within the lip, which expands somewhat. Columellar fold strong and oblique. Length 24J, diam. 14 mm. ; 6f whorls. Length 25, diam. 15 mm. Length 25J, diam. 14 mm. "Animal when extended in motion longer than the shell. Mantle intensely black with a broad outer margin of yellow and a conspicuous orange spot in the center of the margin. Foot tapering behind, above and below light yellow. Tentacles long and slender, light slate. Head above lightly granulated' (Baldwin). East Maui: Honomanu, very abundant in humid forests of the exterior slope of Haleakala crater, 7000 feet above sea level (Baldwin). AchatinelladoleiBA-Lvwix, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1895, p. 221, pi. 10, f. 17, 18. The dark band below the periphery is a constant feature, and rarely no other markings are present. When lighter bands are developed they may ascend the spire above the suture, or they may be confined to the last whorl. The embryonic shell (pi. 15, fig. 18) is acutely angular and has a subperipheral band. The columella is convex. It is closely related to P. nivea but PARTULINA, MAUI. 61 differs by the swollen upper part of the last whorl and the color- ation. P. splendida Newc. of West Maui has a differently shaped last whorl. Figures 15-18 are from cotypes. Named in honor of the President of the Republic of Hawaii, Hon. S. B. Dole. 32. P. LEMMONI Baldwin. PI. 12, figs. 19, 20. The shell is sinistral, imperforate, pyramidal, ivory-white variously marked with dark chestnut bands, which are darker, chocolate, at the base, broad band at and below the periphery, another around the columella constant; suture bordered with a white line, dark bands above and belowr it, the embryonic shell white. Surface glossy, finely striate with growth-lines and fine, weak spirals. Outlines of spire nearly straight, last two whorls convex. Aperture oblique, blue-banded within on a white ground. Lip a trifle expanded, thickened within, spotted by the bands. Columellar fold rather strong. Length 23, diam. 12.5, length aperture 10 mm. 6J- whorls. Length 20, diam. 11.7 mm., whorls 6J. "Animal in motion as long as the shell. Mantle brownish black, mottled with white streaks, with a broad yellowish brown border somewhat interrupted. Foot above and below very light brown. Tentacles slate color' (Baldwin}. East Maui: Nahiku (N. E. Lemmon). Partulina lemmoni BALDWIN, Nautilus xix, p. 112. This quite distinct species is related to eburnea, dolei and the smaller flemingi, in which however the bands extend upon the embryonic shell. Figures and description from cotypes. 33. P. TEREBRA (Newcomb). PL 15, figs. 1 to 9. "Shell turrited; whorls 6, rounded, last one inflated, mar- gined above; suture well impressed. Aperture elongate-ovate; lip slightly reflected, thickened within. Columella short, ter- minating in a prominent, twisted plait. Stria3 decussating. Color light yellow, with wave-like brown-colored markings, nearly obsolete on the upper whorls; lip, columella and aper- ture white. Length if, diam. -£$ inch ' (Newc.). West Maui (Newcomb); Honokowai (Baldwin). 62 PARTULINA, MAUI. Achatinella terebra NEWC.. P. Z. S., 1853, p. 144, pi. 23, f. 40. — PFR., Monographia iv, 525; vi, 168.--TnwiNG, Reprint, pi. 2, f. 18. — A. corusca Gulick and A. perforata Gulick, unde- scribed, PFR., Monogr. iv, 525 (names only). — Achatinella attenuata PFR., P. Z. S., 1855, p. 4, pi. 30, f. 12. — Achatinella lignaria GULICK, Ann. Lye., p. 209, pi. 7, f. 35, 1856. Newcomb's original figure is copied, pi. 15, fig. 2. A speci- men received from Dr. Newcomb, typical in markings though somewhat smaller, is drawn in pi. 15, fig. 1. The last embry- onic whorl has rather wide stripes, the following whorls narrow, more or less angulated in places, and of a tawny color on a white ground. The surface is glossy and the spiral and decur- rent striation weak. Length 18, diam. 9.5 mm., of fully 6 whorls. Besides this typical form, Newcomb sent out lignaria, corusca and longior as terebra. It will probably be possible for a natur- alist in the field to arrive at some trustworthy conclusion as to the rank or value of the several named forms of this group. Without such knowledge, I must be satisfied to give the data relative to the various forms. In a series from Waiehu (pi. 15, figs. 4 to 8) from Baldwin the shell is stouter than PfeifTer's figure of attenuata, and the stripes are less flexuous. Surface glossy. The}'' vary from pure white, through faintly striped to copiously striped forms, the latter usually having the ground of a pale brown tint. The shape also varies. Length 16 to 18 mm. The white examples are not distinguishable from the following variety. Var. corusca Gulick. PI. 15, fig. 9. Gulick referred speci- mens from Wailuku (which intergrade with lignaria) and from Waihee, to attenuata. His undescribed A. corusca, according to unlocalized specimens before me, agree well with the Waihee lot, and were probably from that place. The name was afterwards abandoned by Gulick, who adopted attenuata in its place. The shells are white, rather glossy, often with some faint bluish stripes on the last embryonic whorl. The sutural margination is conspicuous. Spiral sculpture visible throughout but rather weak. Length 16.3, diam. 8.5 mm. to length 18, diam. 9 mm. The Wailuku lot consists partly of shells like those from PARTULINA, MAUI. 63 Waihee, partly of more swollen shells, with more or less straw or brownish tint. One of the white shells has dark bands at periphery and columella. On another there are very faint tawny stripes. 33« P. t. attenuata (Pfeiffer). PI. 15, fig. 3. Shell subperforate, ovate-turrited, rather thin, striatulate and under a lens granulate, white, painted with corneous streaks which are often angular. Spire concavely turrited, the apex rather obtuse, suture distinctly thread-margined, whorls 5J-, the upper flat, those following convex, last whorl about three- sevenths the total length, rounded, base subcompressed. Aper- ture oblique, subtetragonal-auriform ; columellar fold strong, compressed, tongue-shaped; peristome acute, narrowly ex- panded, labiate within, basal margin forming an angle within with the dilated columellar margin. Length 16, diam. 7-J mm., aperture with peristome 7J- mm. long, 4 wide. Maui, Frick (flW- The type figure is copied, pi. 15, fig. 3. The smaller size and narrower form distinguish it from terebra and lignaria. Type locality unknown. 335. Var. longior n. v. (pi. 15, fig. 12). Straightly pyramidal, whitish with a pale yellow tint, the last embryonic whorl generally having faint stripes, and under a lens very faint yellow streaks may often be seen on the last whorl. Surface with but little gloss, and usually deeper spiral sculpture than in the smaller var. corusca. Length 22, diam. 10J mm. 6f whorls. Length 22, diam. 10 mm. 7J- whorls. Wailuku (Gulick); also Waiehu (Baldwin). 33c. P. t. lignaria (Gulick). PI. 15, figs. 13 to 17. "Shell dextral, perforate, ovate-conic, solid, more or less shining, microscopically minutely decussated, yellowish ivory- white, sometimes streaked; apex subacute, white, obliquely marked with brownish-yellow; spire regularly conical, suture moderately impressed, scarcely margined; whorls 6J, somewhat 64 PARTULINA, MAUI. convex; the last equal to -^g- of the length; columellar fold strong, white; aperture somewhat oblique, sinuously oval; peri- stome thickened, sometimes slightly expanded and reflected anteriorly; columellar margin dilated, white, unattached; pari- etal margin wanting. Length 20J; breadth 10-f ; length of aper- ture 9 mm. Average weight 5.5 grains ' (Gulick*). West Maui: Wailuku, on the alii and other low trees, in damp, elevated regions. E. Bailey. " This species differs from A. induta Nob. in its smaller size, more acuminate form, lighter color, and in the polished exterior of some of its varieties. " Var. b. More ventricose; aperture nearly semiorbicular. This variety passes into A. induta. "Var. c. More elongate. Length 19 J; breadth 9; length of aperture 8 mm. ; average weight 3.50 grains. This variety ap- proaches and passes into A. terebra Newc. The two species are, however, distinctly characterized; the latter being more strongly sculptured, having the aperture more elongately oval, and the suture more distinctly margined. ' ' Var. d. With black or brown spiral bands. This passes into A. splendida Newc., but is distinguished by its smaller size and stronger columellar fold. Rather rare. u Var. e. White. This passes into A. attenuataPL li Var. /. Pale ash-color. Passes into A. undosa Nob. " Var. g. Pale yellowish brown. Passes into A. crocea Nob.' (Gulick). Specimens of Gulick's series (no. 92717 A. N. S. P.) are figured. The un described A. perforata Gulick, according to specimens (no. 57783 A. N. S. P.) is identical with lignaria. 34. P. FUSOIDEA (Newcomb). PI. 15, figs. 10, 11. 11 Shell sinistral, rather solid, elongately produced; whorls 6 to 7, scarcely rounded (excepting the last), margined above; suture wrell impressed. Aperture roundly ovate, small; colu- mella very short, robust and twisted; lip simple above, slightly expanded below. Color straw yellow. Length 15, diam. 5J twentieths of an inch ' (Newc. ) . East Maui (Newcomb); Haleakala (Thwing). Aehatinellidse PLATE 1 . § ! •. . •' 6 - ~— - • " •/' ~ - - • , . - '- 7 ' 3 - } • 5 . VT 8 9 / . / - 10 -V * -. ^ ••'•, •..' Ki-i •i-i. ^- ., "*?*»•• ^5 ' - f. ,- -i •'' • Achatinellidse PLATE 2 .. :•••*--. -••* P. / » ' . :-W •- 8 '-. " ' . , ' % - *• -T- V v'f>ftir.f!t'i',*gi7iGii!ti. '' <£•' i""r*?^v:i .-.•• / H ,. . '•..'•AKr^fi, ' > 11 3 14 Achatinellidse PLATE 3 ! ; • . i -.: \ I \ & J ? . : -•^^ •"- t - 9 10 Achatinellidse PLATE /J- ~~' M\ -. Achatinellidae PLATE S 1 9 11 Achatinellidae PLATE 6 10 Achatinellidae PLATE 7 Achatinellidae PLATE 8 13 Achatinellidae PLATE 9 13 6 10 ,«» 8 17 18 19 20 Achatinellidae PLATE 1O 9 11 17 19 Achatinellidae PLATE 11 -.. . 2 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 . 17 19 Achatinellidae PLATE 12 1 -V ' '• 9 6 10 11 o 17 18 8 12 16 PARTULINA, MAUI. 65 Achatinella fusoidea NEWC., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, 1856, p. 144; Amer. Journ. of Conch., ii, 1866, p. 213, pi. 13, f. 8. — PFR., Monogr. iv, 539. — THWING, Orig. Descript, p. 112. " This is an exceedingly rare species, but two specimens having come under my observation, one of which serves for the illustration, the other in the cabinet of the late Hugh Cuming, in London ' (Newc.). This species seems close to A. terebra var. longior of "West Matii, a dextral shell. Shells from Ukumehame, West Maul (pi. 15, fig. 11), sent by Mr. D. Thaanuni, agree well with Newcomb's figure of the type of fusoidea. They are buff with faintly darker streaks, having wide light-brown stripes on the last embryonic whorl. Under the lens the surface is weakly plicate, as in P. terebra longior. Length 17, diam. 8 mm. 35. P. CROCEA (Gulick). PI. 13, figs. 14, 15. " Shell dextral, perforate, conic-ovate, solid, scarcely shin- ing, lightly striate and microscopically distinctly decussated with crowded undulating spiral lines ; orange yellow ; apex subacute, obliquely marked with white and yellow; spire conical; suture simple, slightly impressed; whorls 6, some- what convex, the last slightly flattened in the middle, equal to 71 hundredths of the length; columellar fold moderately developed, white; aperture slightly oblique, sinuously oval, snowy white within ; peristome not expanded, moderately thickened within ; with columellar margin dilated, white, un- attached ; parietal margin wanting. Length 18 ; breadth 10 ; length of aperture 9^5 mm. Weight 4 grains.' (Gulick.) Maui : Waihee, rare. E. Bailey, Jr. Honokowai (D. Thaa- num). Achatinella crocea GUL., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., p. 210, pi. 7, f. 36, 1856. The sculpture of impressed spirals and dense, fine, pro- tractive wrinkles or ripples is very clearly developed. The color is yellowish-green (tawny-olive of Ridgway's Nomen- clature of Colors) , but in the young there is often more of a 66 PARTULINA, OAHU. gamboge tint. There is often a pale line on the periphery. Embryo pale brown, the last half whorl striped with brown. The lip is thickened within, white or flesh-tinted. Columellar fold often very strong and more or less tinted with brown, but white at the end. Figured from cotypes. Probably a variety of A. terebra lignaria, yet I have seen no actually in- tergrading specimens. It seems well characterized by the color and short contour. In a series from Honokowai, West Maui, sent bv Mr. Thaa- «/ num, the color of the last whorl varies from pale buff to dull gamboge, being darkest on the base. The spire is generally more drawn out than in the figures on plate 13, and is a little attenuated, its outlines distinctly concave or sometimes almost straight. The flames on the last embryonic whorl are occa- sionally lost by wear. SPECIES OP OAHU. 36. P. MONTAGUI Pilsbry. PI. 24, figs. 7, 8. The shell is sinistral, perforate, thick and solid, ovate-conic, the spire acuminate, its outlines straight or somewhat con- cave above. Embryonic whorls distinctly striate spirally; last three whorls rudely sculptured with close, irregular wrinkles, and on the last whorl there are spirally and ob- liquely descending ridges producing flattened facets (as in many large Lymnaeas). The minute spirals disappear on the later whorls. The upper whorls are nearly flat, the last three slightly convex, last whorl more convex, the base rather rotund. Suture superficial, sometimes having a margin de- fined by an impressed line on the last whorl, but in other ex- amples this is wanting. Aperture slightly oblique. Outer and basal margins of the peristome are expanded, thick, and have a heavy callous thickening within ; columellar margin raised, thick; columellar fold thick and moderately project- ing. (a) Length 25, diam. 14, length aperture 12 mm.; l whorls. (b) Length 24.7, diam. 12.5, length aperture 11 mm.; whorls. PARTULINA, OAHU; EBURNELLA. 67 (c) Length. 26.9, diam. 13.1, length aperture 12.1 mm. Oahu: Manoa road at its junction with the upper road, back of Rocky Hill, cotypes (a) no. 108181 A. N. S. P.; (6) no. Ill coll. Irwin Spalding; and (c) no. 33581 B. P. Bishop Mus. Also found on Rocky Hill about ^4 m^e from the type locality. Partulina montagui PILSBRY, Nautilus, xxvii, p. 40, August 1st, 1913. This species differs strikingly from all others by its sculp- ture and small apical whorls. It seems to be nearest to P. divightii of Molokai. No specimens yet found show any trace of color. The periphery is angular in the young, the angle persisting as far as the last whorl in some individuals. It was first found by Dr. C. Montague Cooke. The shells occur in the humus near the surface, along the roadside, and are very rare, apparently lying in " pockets ' which have been filled and covered by the wash down the slope. Probably the forest disappeared from where the shells are found not much more than a hundred years ago. Section Eburnella Pease. Eburnella PEASE, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 647.— GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 91, as section of Partulina ; A. variabilis selected as an example. Very smooth, glossy shells, uniform white, yellow or brown, or variously banded, not striped longitudinally; outer lip simple or scarcely expanded; columellar fold strong. Type P. variabilis (Newc.). The typical group consists of Lanaian species in which the peripheral keel persists throughout the young stages, and often upon the first half of the last whorl. In the allied groups of Molokai and Maui the keel is lost much earlier ; the later stages of youth and the mature stage being round at the periphery. The group is not strongly individualized, some species, as P. mutabilis, showing transition to the pattern of Perdicella, others approaching Partulinse of the striped group of Maui. Eburnella was originally a heterogeneous group comprising 68 PARTULINA, MAUL the following species : A. casta Nc., curta Nc., livida Sw., por- cellana Nc., recto Nc., saccata Pfr., undulata Nc., semicari- nata Nc., and variabilis Nc. Gulick, in his classification of 1873 restricted it to Lanaian species, giving Partulina varia- bilis Newc. as an example. I think it may with advantage be enlarged to include species of Molokai and Maui which seem related. Series of P. porcellana. MAUI. Glossy shells with weak spiral s-triation ; uniform or with color in bands, usually few in number and well contrasted; the embryonic shell is banded above or below the suture or is plain, and has no longitudinal or oblique markings (except in P. mutabilis) . These medium-sized or small shells have much the appear- ance of Achatinellastrum, but various indications — the char- acteristic decurrent sculpture more or less visible on all the forms, and the vanishing zebrine stage in P. mutabilis — lead me to consider them modified Partulinae. This is also the view taken by Mr. Baldwin, and suggested in Hyatt's Ms. Other authors have grouped part of them in the Oahuan sec- tion Achatinellastrum. 37. P. MUTABILIS Baldwin. PL 20, figs. 1 to 7. Shell dextral or sinistral, minutely perforate, narrowly conical, the sides slightly concave, apex rather obtuse; solid, rather glossy, striatulate and under the lens showing weak, rippled spiral striation. " Color varying from pure white to dark fulvous, often variously striped with brown lines and bands ' ' ; usually pale buff-yellow or whitish with numerous chestnut spiral lines and bands, or snow-white throughout;, the last embryonic whorl frequently striped longitudinally. Suture generally margined below. The aperture is small, white, lip very narrowly thickened within ; columellar lamella white, rather strong, thick and oblique. Length 17, diam. 8.8, aperture 7.5 mm. ; 6^4 whorls. Length 16.3, diam. 9.3, aperture 7.8 mm. ; 6 whorls. West Maui : Waiehu valley. PARTULINA, MAUI. 69 Partulina mutabilis BALDWIN, Nautilus, xxii, p. 68, No- vember, 1908. i Distinct by its narrow contour, color in bands when pres- ent, and the frequent presence of a brief zebra-striped stage on the last embryonic whorl. It has a superficial resemblance to the Lanaian A. variabilis, which belongs however to a somewhat different series. Figured from specimens of the type lot received from Mr. Baldwin. P. mutabilis is an important species in that it forms a con- nection between the Partulinas having zebra striping and those having spiral bands only. The embryonic whorls are flattened, the first flesh-tinted. In most banded individuals some indistinct protractive brown streaks appear near the end of the second whorl, becoming stronger and angularly bent on the next fourth to half whorl, gradually giving place to spiral bands which arise about the middle of the third whorl (pi. 20, figs. 6, 7). This pattern is not essentially un- like that of Partulina splendida. In some individuals, how- ever, the longitudinally striped stage is omitted, and the spiral bands appear (at first very faintly) on the latter part of the second whorl, 'arising from the uniform fleshy tint of the pre- ceding part of the embryonic shell (pi. 20, fig. 5). Such shells are comparable to P. porcellana and its allies, and may be regarded as more accelerated than those having an ob- liquely striped stage. In a series of 18 sent by Mr. Baldwin, 10 are dextral. The same color patterns are found in dextral and sinistral indi- viduals. The variations are as follows: (1) Pure white throughout. (2) Pale buff, last embryonic whorl faintly striped longi- tudinally. (3) White to buff-yelloAV with chestnut bands and lines. 38. P. PORCELLANA (Newcomb) . PI. 19, figs. 1 to 4. " Shell rather solid, conical, polished, shining. Whorls 5, rounded, margined above. Aperture ovate; lip expanded, thin at the margin, thickened within. Columella short, tuber- cular. Color of a porcelain whiteness with a light fawn- 70 PARTULINA, MAUI. colored 'band encircling each whorl, the last whorl having two. Length 12, diam. six-twentieths of an inch ' (Newc.). East Maui (Neivcomb) : Huelo, Makawao to Nahiku (Thiving) ; Nahiku (Baldwin). Achatinella porcellana NEWC., P. Z. S., 1853, p. 146, pi. 23, f. 47. — PFR., Monogr. iv, 525. — THWING, Orig. Descriptions, p. 105, pi. 2, f. 12. In a specimen from Newcomb the first whorl is white, a yellow band beginning on the second below the suture; but in others seen the apex is brown or blackish, a band of the same color \y2 whorls long running from it above the suture, fading into white at its upper edge, the first \l/2 whorls being therefore bicolored. Then a yellow band appears faintly below the middle of the whorl, finally becoming the supra- peripheral band on the last whorl. In some specimens a band bordering the suture below also is found. The last whorl has two to four bands: (1) the subsutural, often want- ing; (2) one above the periphery; (3) one below it, entering the aperture at its upper angle, and sometimes there is (4) a narrow crescent around the columella. Occasionally a few spiral lines are developd in addition to these bands. These bands and lines vary from ochraceous to dark brown (mummy brown of Ridgway). The ground color is white, with a yellow tint around the columella or over the whole base. Surface glossy, with only very weak spiral striation. The lip is nar- rowly thickened within in adult shells, its face tinted or spotted at the bands. Columella white or brown. Specimens from Nahiku (pi. 19, figs. 1-3) measure: Length 18, diam. 10 mm. ; 6 whorls. Length 18, diam. 10.5 mm. ; 5l/2 whorls. Length 15.5, diam. 9 mm. All the shells I have seen are dextral. A. flemingi and wailuaensis are apparently varieties of porcellana, as Mr. Thwing has intimated. Very likely A. fulvicans, possibly A. nattii also, will eventually be included in porcellana. Fig. 4 is a copy of Newcomb 's figure of porcellana. PARTULINA, MAUL 71 38a. P. porcellana flemingi Baldwin. PI. 19, figs. 5 to 11. Shell dextral, minutely perforate, rather solid, high-conic, glossy, with very weak traces of spiral striation 'or almost none ; variously colored ; white, Landless or with one to four dark brown bands, or light fleshy-brown with bands. Lip a little thickened within; columellar fold moderately strong. Length 20, diam. 10 mm. ; 6^ whorls. Length 18, diam. 9.2 mm. Length 18.2, diam. 9 mm. Length 18.3, diam. 10 mm. Length 17.2, diam. 9.5 mm. " Animal when extended in motion as long as the shell. Mantle intense black with a narrow white band encircling the outer edge. Foot above and below very light-brown, granu- lated above. Tentacles long and slender, slate color.' (Bald- win.) East Maui: Nahiku (D. T. Fleming). Partulina flemingi BALDWIN, Nautilus, xix, p. Ill, Febru- ary, 1906. A large set from the type lot shows great variation in color- ation. (1) White, uniform (fig. 8), or yellow tinted at base and above the suture of the embryo. (2) White with four dark brown bands, situated below the suture, above and below the periphery and around the colu- mella. Embryonic shell white with a yellow band below the suture or a dark band above the suture, fading upwards; columella and lip more or less purplish brown. This is the most abundant color pattern. (3) White, with bands above and below periphery, apex lip and columella white. (4) White, with narrow dark bands at the periphery, in the middle of the base, and a distance below the suture (fig. 5) ; or having a wide band above the narrow basal band (fig. ID. (5) Ground color brownish, bands as in no. 3 (fig. 9). This subspecies differs from porcellana chiefly by its nar- 72 PARTULINA, MAUI. rower contour. The system of banding (i. e., positions of the bands) is the same as in porcellana. 386. P. porcellana wailuaensis (Sykes). PI. 19, figs. 12, 13, 14. Shell dextral, subperforate, glossy-turrited, rather solid, very lightly striate, white painted with chestnut lines, marked at the periphery with a white zone and in the suture a black- ish-chestnut line. Whorls 5 to 5J^, regularly increasing, con- vex. Aperture auriform; columellar margin having a mod- erate brown fold, the right margin acute, parietal callus very thin. Length 15.5, diam. 8.4 mm. (Sykes). East Maui : Wailua (Perkins). Hana (Cooper). Achatinella (Achatinellastrum) ivailuaensis SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, ii, Mollusca, p. 328, pi. 11, f. 19 (and var., f. 20) , 1900. — Partulina cooperi BALDWIN, Nautilus, xix, p. 135, April, 1906. " A very pretty little shell of the group of A. bella Reeve, of Molokai. A variety also occurred (pi. 19, fig. 14) in which the banding is almost obsolete save in the suture of the earliest whorls and in one strong dark band below the periphery ' (Sykes). Fig. 13 is copied from Mr. Sykes 's type figure. The arrangement of bands is essentially the same as in porcellana, but the shell is somewhat wider in contour, and the bands are typically paler and more diffuse. I have not Been specimens from Wailua. Mr. Baldwin's P. cooperi from Hana (pi. 19, fig. 12, co- type) seems to belong to the same race. The shell is pale buff with a white peripheral belt bordered on both sides by ochraceous bands; base and upper surface have some diffuse paler ochrey lines or bands, and there is a darker line along the suture. Embryonic shell white or whitish with a purple spiral band above the suture and a yellow line below the suture. The columella and its fold are purplish-brown, and the narrow callus within the outer lip either white or purplish brown. A half-dozen specimens of the type lot, sent by Mr. Baldwin, show but slight variation. Length 17, diam. 9.5 mm. (Baldwin). Length 17.3, diam. 10 mm. PARTULINA, MAUI. 73 39. P. PORCELLANA FULVICANS Baldwin. PL 19, figs. 15, 16. " Shell dextral or sinistral, very minutely perforated, rather thin, acuminately ovate conic, apex subacute; surface shining, marked with delicate incremental striae, under a lens exhibiting extremely close, minute decussating spiral striae; nuclear whorls faintly cross-lined. Color very light yellow, or sometimes white with one or two light yellowish transverse lines; a conspicuous dark band near the apex. Whorls 6, somewhat convex, narrowly margined above; suture well im>- pressed. Aperture oblique, oval, white within. Peristome acute, slightly thickened within, columellar margin narrowly reflexed. Columella terminating in a strong white nexuous fold. Length 18^, diam. 10^ mm.' (Baldwin). East Maui: Kipahula Valley, Hana (G. 0. Cooper; D. Thaanum). Partulina fulvicans BALDWIN, Nautilus, xix, p. 135, April, 1906. Topotypes from Mr. Baldwin are figured. Fig. 16 is green- ish-yellow with the embryo nearly white, without a dark band. Fig. 15 is white above the periphery, light olive below, the embryo bicolored, being white, broadly banded with flesh color above the suture, the band extending to the apex. Other shells are greenish-yellow, fading upwards to white at the suture and with a faint light peripheral band, the embryo having a rather dark olive or brown band. The shell is glossy, with the Partulina spiral sculpture but faintly devel- oped. It differs from Partulina crocea by the gloss, faint sculpture, and differently colored embryonic shell. It is very closely related to A. porcellana and ivailuaensis from which it differs only in coloration, the dark bands being absent, and the aperture white throughout. I do not know whether it occurs in a pure colony, but presume this is the case. Mr. Baldwin remarks: " The sinistral variety may prove to be a distinct species. The molluscan life of this rather secluded valley has only recently been explored. ' 40. P. NATTII (Baldwin et Hartman). PL 20, figs. 8, 9, 10, 11. " Shell dextral, turbinate, spire half the length; whorls 5, 74 PARTULINA, MAUL polished, the two last rapidly enlarged and inflated. Suture impressed, columella yellow, stout and twisted. Color bright gamboge yellow, with one white and three wide chestnut bands beneath the suture, the latter visible from within the aper- ture ; aperture round ovate, white, labium white, slightly thickened within. Length 16, diam. 10, length aperture 8, width 5 mm.' (Hartm.) East Maui: Makawao (Baldwin) ; Makawao to Honomanu (Baldwin). A.[chatmella] nattii Baldw. Nobis (Achatinellastrum) , HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1888, p. 34, pi. 1, f. 3 (Achatinellastrum nealii in explanation of plate, p. 56) . — THWING, Orig. Descriptions, p. 106. " This with the preceding, A. porcellana Newc., and A. flemingi Bald. MS., and also A. wailuaensis Sykes, form a group very similar in appearance and which run together ' (Thwing). P. nattii, of which we figure specimens from Baldwin, differs from porcellana by its stouter contour and the posi- tions of the bands, which are quite definitely located in 27 specimens examined. There is one brown band a short dis- tance below the suture, another at the periphery, and a third about midway between periphery and columella, this one usu- ally being the widest. The peripheral band shows above th© suture on the spire, but there is no dark band or margin along the suture. The bands vary in color from chestnut to ochraceous. The ground may be white throughout, but it is usually snow-white between the suture and upper band, and elsewhere gamboge yellow. The embryonic shell is rarely white, usually some shade of brownish-yellow with a white line or band below the suture. About the end of the second whorl this solid color splits into two bands which become the upper and peripheral. The embryo and early whorls are quite distinctly engraved spirally, but on the last whorl this sculpture is very weak. The surface is glossy. The lip is white except where colored by the bands, and the strong, oblique columellar fold is in- variably white. Sutural margin usually set off by an im- pressed line. PARTULINA, MAUI. 75 Length 16.8, diam. 11, aperture 9 mm. ; 6^/3 whorls. Length 18, diam. 11, aperture 9 mm. ; 5^ whorls. While nattii is very closely related to porcelldna, I have seen no intergrading specimens and therefore allow it to stand as a species. A variety in the C. M. Cooke collection from Honomanu (Baldwin) has light ochraceous bands on a gamboge ground and no snowy sutural band. 41. P. ANCEYANA (Baldwin). PI. 20, figs. 12, 13, 14. Shell dextral, imperforate, rather thin, oblong-conic, the summit obtuse. Embryonic shell chestnut, fading to, or banded with white above ; following whorls chestnut with a white line revolving a short distance below the suture, and on the penult, whorl another above the suture; last whorl rich yellowish- chestnut with a white line near the suture, another at the periphery, the latter bordered below with a yellow band. Another yellow band, usually wider, occupies the base, leaving a small dark patch around the axis. The surface is glossy, with sculpture of fine crenulated spirals throughout. Aper- ture slightly oblique, brown-banded within ; lip not expanded, narrowly thickened within. Columellar fold brown or brown and white. Length 14.5, diam. 8.5 mm. ; 5 whorls. Length 14, diam. 9 mm. Length 15.5, diam. 8.3 mm. " Animal when extended in motion longer than the shell. Mantle light-brown mottled with black, outer edge encircled with an interrupted orange band. Foot above and below a very light brown, superior portion with a slate tinge, posterior portion tapering and sometimes with a yellowish tinge. Ten- tacles long, light-slate. Head above minutely granulated ' (Baldwin). East Maui : Makawao, in forests of the exterior slope of the extinct Haleakala crater at an altitude of 4,000 ft., living on foliage near the tops of the trees (Baldivin). Type no. 65707 A. N. S. P. Achatinella anceyana Baldwin, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1895, 76 PARTULINA, HAUL p. 223, pi. 10, f. 16.— THWING, Reprint Orig. Descript, Achat, pi. 2, f. 15. This species is related to P. porcellana wailuaensis and per- haps to A. germana, of which it is thought by Dr. Cooke to be a small race. " It is remarkable for the constancy of its deli- cate color lines; over 200 examples before me show only trifling divergence in this respect : (Baldw.). In one speci- men of the lot sent by Mr. Baldwin, the lower yellow band is reduced to a line. In some others the ground-color is pale fleshy-brown above the periphery. There is some variation in shape, as shown in the figures. It was named for the late C. F. Ancey. Lives on bark of the guava, 42. P. GERMANA (Newcomb) . PI. 20, fig. 15. " Shell dextral, ovately conical; whorls 6, flatly convex. Aperture ovate; lip acute, thickened within. Columella brown, short and tubercular. Color chestnut, with fine, ob- solete, darker, transverse lines; a white band traverses the last sutural whorl and cuts the body- whorl centrally ; around the columella is a broad white band, losing itself in the aper- ture. Length sixteen, diam. eight-twentieths inch ' (Newc.). East Maui: Makawao (Newc.). Achatinella germana NEWC., P. Z. S., 1853, p. 151, pi. 24, f. 61, 1854.— PFR., Monogr., iv, 533.— THWING, Orig. Descript. p. 109. — A. (Achatinellastrum) germana Nc., SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 324. " Closely resembles the A. solitaria, and but for the widely- distant localities might -be taken for varieties of the same species. The markings and columellaB are however quite dis- tinct ' (Newc.). Known to us by the original account only. I can only suggest its probable relationship to P. anceyana and P. wail- uaensis, both of which differ in being of a more oblong shape and smaller size, P. germana measuring length 20, diam. 10 mm. according to Newcomb. PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 77 Series of P. mighelsiana. MOLOKAI. Rather small shells with a high polish, weak or almost wanting spiral stria tion, and bright coloring — yellow often with white or chestnut bands, or white or chestnut through- out; never striped longitudinally; lip unexpanded. Embryo spirally banded or plain. These shells are related to the variabilis group of Lanai and the porcellana group of Maui. Whether they belong to the Oahuan group Achatinellastrum, or represent a branch of Partulina convergent towards that Oahuan group, remains uncertain. In Hyatt's earlier writings he placed part of these species in Achatinellastrum, but later he doubted this group- ing, and was disposed to view them as modified Partulinee. As there are Maui-Molokai types in Oahu, such as Laminella and Partulina dubia, there seems no good reason why some Achatinellas of Oahuan type should not occur in the more eastern islands. For the present I leave the mighelsiana group in Partulina for the reason that among the related Mauian species it would be very difficult to draw the line between Partulina and Acha- tinellastrum. The coloration of the embryonic shell is more like that of P. virgulata than like the ordinary Partulinas. Dr. Oooke suggested that in view of the numerous forms of intermediate character between the three conventional species of the mighelsiana group, it would be more logical to rank bella and polita as subspecies of mighelsiana. 43. P. MIGHELSIANA (Pfeiffer) . PI. 18, figs. 10 to 17. " Shell ovate-coniform, smooth, opaque, glossy; snow-white variegated with ashy streaks. Spire conic, the apex rather acute, suture somewhat margined. Whorls 5^, convex, the last encircled with a blackish line (sometimes doubled) below the middle. Columellar fold strong, tooth-like, chestnut col- ored at the base. Aperture semi-oval, brown-margined ; peris- tome simple, acute. Length 17, diam. 8 mm., aperture 8T/2 mm. long, 4 wide (Pfr.). Molokai (Cuming coll.) : Kalae (Baldwin, Thaanum) ; Kilo- 78 PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. hana (Cooke and Pilsbry) ; Kalae, Puunea, Iloli, Waileia, Maunahui and Kaanaola (Borcherding, coll. Meyer). Achatinella mighelsiana PFR., P. Z. S., 1847, p. 231; Mon- ogr. ii, 238, 1848. — REEVED Conch. Icon., vi, pi. 5, f. 40, April, 1850. — NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. N. H., vi, 319 (animal). — » SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 314. — BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 6.— GWATKIN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1895, p. 238 (radula).— THWING, Orig. Descript., p. 97. — Achatinellastrum miglielsi- ana Pfr., BORCHERDING, Zoologica, xix, p. 79, pi. 7, f. 1-13, 15, 17, 19 ; with var. martensi, p. 80, pi. 7, f . 14, 16, 18, 20. The shell is dextral, perforate, very smooth and glossy, por- celain-like, showing weak spiral striae under a lens. The typical form is white with narrow gray streaks and a black- brown belt just below the periphery, and a narrow blackish submargin in the lip. The embryonic whorls are white (fig. 13). This pattern varies to forms having the ground white without streaks, or buff, with or without yellow streaks. The subperipheral belt may be split, or rarely another band de- fines an umbilical area. Probably Kalae is the type locality. (6) White, without bands or streaks (fig. 15) Kalae. (c) White, with or without gray streaks, and variously banded and lineate (figs. 10-12). This is var. martensi of Borcherding. (d) Pale yellow, with several bands, embryonic shell brown with a white band above. (e) White, with yellowish-brown streaks interrupted by spiral white bands (fig. 16). (f) Similar to the type, but the base is yellow (fig. 17) Kalae. Well-grown specimens measure length 19, diam. 10 mm. Borcherding describes a var. martensi as differing from the type by: white color, well-impressed suture, the whoris more convex, encircled by lines either wide or narrow, the last whorl having the typical broad brown peripheral band, colu- mella light reddish, the lip never bordered within with brown, interior fleshy-white. PI. 18, figs. 10-12 represent this color- form. It is from Kawela. The rounded whorls and deep suture are equally well marked in some specimens of other PARTULINA, MOLOKAI. 79 color-patterns. The same color-pattern occurs in Kilohana. There is a similarly marked form of polita. 43a. P. MIGHELSIANA BELLA (Reeve). PL 23, figs. 2 to 12; pi. 26, f. 13 to I5e. £ Shell conical, dextral, whorls rather ventricose, columella with a twisted plait. Olive-yellow, sutures black-brown, then white-banded, last whorl brown and white banded. The dark sutural band is sometimes absent in the last whorl, but the white band appears constant ' (Reeve). i Animal of a uniform yellowish-white, with slate colored tentacles ' (Neiucoml)). Molokai (Cuming coll.), Puunea, on leaves of small trees (Cooke and Pilsbry), Kalae, Kealia, Kaupelua, Waileia, Kaunakakai, Maunahui, Hanakalilolilo, Kawela, Ualapue and Kaluaaha (Borcherding, Meyer coll.). Achatinella bella REEVE, Conch. Icon., vi, pi. 3, f. 17, April, 1850. — PFEIFER, Monogr. iii, 461. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiien- sis, p. 321. — NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. N. H., vi, p. 316 (animal). —BALDWIN, Catalogue, p. 6. — THWING, Reprint Orig. De- script. Achat., pi. 2, f. 5. — Achatinellastrum bella Rve., BOR- CHERDING, Zoologica, xix, p. 77, pi. 6, f. 11-20. The shell is dextral in the large number seen. The early whorls are closely striate spirally, but the last whorl has only faint traces of spirals on the glossy surface. Columellar fold very strong. Axis imperforate. The spire is shorter and stouter than in mighelsiana, but it must be admitted that some forms, such as color-var. e, approach that species. P. polita differs chiefly recognized species of the group have had origins and life his- tories essentially similar to the forms here noticed. ' How long these forms of Jiorneri have been in reaching their present degree of differentiation cannot, of course, be told. Possibly they are nearly as old as the life of the species on this island; but in the case of creatures as plastic as the Acliatinellidce appear to be, probably no very long interval, nor very complete isolation, is requisite to establish such var- iations. Partulina pliysa Newc. (hawaiiensis Baldwin). " This shell was described by Mr. Baldwin from the same locality as the preceding, and its vertical range is about the same. It lives chiefly upon the smooth-leaved variety of the ohia but is found also of the kolea and casually on the haa (Antidesma platypJiyllum Mann). " Though this species varies much in coloration and size, there cannot be said to be any constant and well-defined color varieties, all the forms appearing to intergrade without limit. As in the case of the previous species, however, every colony, and sometimes the shells from individual trees within the confines of a colony, possess peculiarities of their own — slight differences of color and size, often sufficient to the eye of a trained collector to distinguish them from those of ether 'colonies. The tendency to differentiate is the same In kind, but for some reason or other is has not progressed so far as in the case of horneri ; possibly isolation has not been so com- plete as in the other species, although observation does not confirm this. The embryos of this species tend to follow the coloration of the parent form to some extent, especially when the latter are deep brown, but in most cases their colors do not indicate their parentage with any certainty. 96 PARTULINA, SECTION BALDWINIA. " This species has been far more successful in extending its range than the previous one, and is found in three small and isolated colonies far beyond the confines of Hamakua, which probably was its starting point on the island. The Partulina physa errans from Olaa, Kaiwiki and Puna, from forty to sixty miles distant and separated by innumerable gulches and water-courses, is a derivative of this species if indeed, as the author believes, the variation is not entirely compatible with specific identity. " The author has learned of a tree shell which many years ago lived abundantly on the ohias in South Kona, above and not far from Kealakekua Bay, and which now appears to be extinct there. If, as is probable from its description, this shell was physa (haivaiiensis) , the species has nearly encircled the island of Hawaii, affording a marked contrast to the re- stricted range enjoyed by most of the species of this family, especially upon Oahu. " It is to be remarked that this species, like the preceding, 'occurs chiefly in sparsely wooded districts and upon isolated trees. It is difficult to understand the wide dispersal of this particular species and especially its speedy appearance in clearings after the cutting of the forests, unless individuals exist here and there in the deep and virgin forest, where, how- ever, the shell has never been found. Deep forest tracts ap- pear to be inimical to the welfare, not only of the Achati- nellas proper, but to almost all other Hawaiian land shells. Partulina confusa Sykes (physa of authors). This species probably was formerly much more wide- spread in the districts of Kohala and Hamakua than it is to-day, owing to the present restriction of the forested area. It occurs at a higher altitude than the two preceding shells and extends at least as high as the upper edge of the Waimea Plains (3,500 feet) over most of which area it formerly oc- curred, although, like the preceding species, it is doubtful if it ever lived in the deep forest except casually. ' ' During the spring of 1903 the author had the opportunity of examining an isolated colony of this species on the Waimea PARTULINA, SECTION BALDWINIA. 97 Plains, which for its extent and peculiar character deserves more than passing notice. The P. confusa lives chiefly upon the pua tree (Olea sandwichensis) although in some localities it has been found abundant upon the ilima (Sida sp.), a low shrub with yellow flowers. It occurs also upon the mamani (Sophora chryso- phylla) . Whether from the fact that the pua is not common over the island of Hawaii, or for some other reason, I did not find this shell, which is far more abundant than either of the other species, outside of the above region (Mr. D. Thaanum has found it widely spread in the Waimea plains) . The colony in question occupies perhaps 150 pua trees, which cover an area of perhaps half a mile square, many trees being more or less widely separated from their fellows, The pua is a small tree fifteen or twenty feet high and with a small spread of branches. A rough estimate of the number of adult shells inhabiting this area when first visited is more than 75,000 shells, and it was possible to ride under the trees and from their trunks, leaves, and branches to pick shells literally by the handfuls. Cavities in the trunks and branches were usually packed with shells, mostly immature, from 50 to 75 being often found together. Wherever there were logs, dead branches or large rocks under the trees, they, too, har- bored large colonies of shells, and the presence of young in numbers showed that these places were their permanent abode. ' ' In six hours, without climbing a tree, the author had no difficulty in gathering 1,100 adult shells, and his companion, Mr. William Horner, did the like — a statement which will suf- ficiently attest the abundance of the mollusks. The locality becoming known to several shell collectors, something like 10,000 adult shells were gathered in the course of threes months without seriously diminishing the numerical strength of the colony. It is doubtful if so many tree shells of any one species were ever found in a like area, even in the Ha- waiian islands, abundant as the Achatinellas are, or used to be, in some places. " The colony in question comprised numerous color varie- 98 PARTULINA, SECTION BALDWINIA. ties and the shells differ much in shape. Mr. Homer, of Ku- kuihaele, has succeeded in selecting from several thousand no fewer than 200 and odd more or less distinct varieties. For the present purpose of the author it will suffice to enum- erate a few only of the more marked forms in the author's own collection. 1. Uniform light gray, with or without faint brown markings on apical whorls. ' 2. Distinct brownish-gray with more or less distinct mark- ings on apical whorls. Undoubtedly these two forms, the second being but a slight variation of the first, are to be con- sidered as the typical ones of the colony; at a rough guess one-half of all would come under one or the other. ' 3. Dark brown, almost 'chestnut, with lighter colored apical whorls; lower whorl sometimes with, sometimes with- out, gray spots. " 4. Light gray with broad or narrow light-brown band across body whorl. ' 5. Light gray with broad white band across body whorl, bordered with narrow brown band. : 6. Light gray, more or less streaked and spotted with brown; a distinct white band on body- whorl bordered by a chestnut band. " 7. Light gray, with chestnut body- whorl bordered above and below with white. " 8. Many-banded with alternate bands of brown and white from apex to base, some narrow, some broad. ' 9. Dwarfed and somewhat distorted form, running through all the above variations, and found only on mamani trees (Sophora chrysophylla) . [Plate 16, figs. 2 to 12, represent shells from this colony.] " The exact size and shape of the above varieties vary almost interminably and, it is perhaps needless to say, inter- grade with each other completely. " The above brief notes afford but little idea of the great variety and apparent distinctness of some of the color forms. Many species of the genus AcJiatinella appear in printed lists which are based upon color characters much less marked than PARTULINA, SECTION BALDWINIA. 99 those which distinguish this series. The number of forms might be multiplied almost indefinitely, but the -above will suffice to indicate the general character of the variations ex- isting within this single colony. 11 As in the case of P. horneri, a distinct tendency is ob- servable, though by no means so marked, to the segregation of the different color varieties upon individual trees, indicating that isolation has been sufficient to permit differentiation within certain limits, while the fact that many trees support a sprinkling of other varities, added to the completeness of the intergradation, proves that intercommunication has been to some extent potent in limiting the amount of the diver- gence. " The following facts bear upon the question of intercom- munication between the several parts of the colony. The pua and mamani trees, upon which the shells live, rarely touch each other, and are usually separated by a distance varying from a few feet to a hundred yards. The land is pasture and the grass under many of the trees — not in the open — is deep. There is thus no chance for the shells to pass freely from tree to tree. " Upon Oahu and the other islands of the group deep valleys and high ridges in most localities tend to the more or less complete isolation of shell colonies, and also present diverse conditions of foliage and environment favorable to the differentiation of new forms. The environment of the present colony on the contrary is exceedingly uniform and hence presumably unfavorable to the origin of new varieties, but the isolation of the trees and the open nature of the ground form barriers to free intercourse quite as effective as ridges and valleys, and hence tend to the perpetuation of any chance varieties that may arise. The author is aware that some observers 'consider the Achatinellidcc to be active and rather extensive travelers, but his study of the three species under consideration points to the opposite conclusion. The fact, as noted above, that logs and rocks under the trees form the permanent abode of such, shells as chance to fall from above, seems to show that the 100 PARTULINA, SECTION BALDWINIA. shells from some cause are unable to find the way back to the tree on which they were born though but a few feet distant. A favorite resting place of the Achatinellas is on the under side of leaves, especially dead leaves, and as these fall or are blown off by high winds they naturally carry the shells with them — usually to the ground immediately beneath the tree. In a number of instances shells that had shaken from the tree into the grass from six to twelve feet away from the trunk were found where they had fallen several weeks later, being apparently quite lost. That Achatinellas can travel twelve or fifteen feet over a tree in a single night there can be no doubt, since the author has observed them in the act and has measured the distance traveled; no doubt they arc able to travel much farther than this, as certainly can the Amastras and the apparently still weaker Succineas. It seems likely, therefore, that natural sluggishness or defective vision, perhaps both, are responsible for the failure of such shells as fall or are blown from trees to find their way back to the parent trunk. "Whatever the explanation, the fact that the three species of Achatinellas here considered are as a rule very sedentary and rarely or never regain their place on a particular tree when once dislodged seems to the author in- disputable. " The question then arises as to the means of dispersal from tree to tree and from locality to locality possessed by shells under 'Conditions similar to those here indicated. The author is convinced that the dispersal of the three species here mentioned is effected chiefly through the agency of wind when the shells are young. In several instances he has found a single young Partulina, but a few days old, to be the sole oc- 'Cupant of a shrub or tree (so small as to be readily examined leaf by leaf) separated several hundred yards from the near- est shell-bearing trees. In such cases no other transporting agency suggests itself but the wind or birds. " It would require a considerable gale to carry to a dis- tance a leaf laden with an adult Acliatinella, but a very mod- erate wind would suffice to > M X5 a o> r-t 2 embryos. • to O b X3 a OJ CO CO O b — a o> ^ •./•' o b ,0 a 0) »0 ' . CO O t~. --I X! a 0> CO co c r^ c ••" -, auian snail, but it has much in common with P. dwightii of Molokai, the shape of the spire, pattern and color being nearly alike in the two species. The pattern of the last embryonic whorl is different, and P. divightii has a stronger columellar fold. It is one of the rarest Mauian shells, and as yet entirely un- known to Hawaiian conchologists of the present day, although the Makawao district has been thoroughly worked over. It may be extinct. 50. P. THAANUMIANA Pilsbrv, n. sp. PL 18, figs. 6, 7. The shell is sinistral, narrowly umbilicate, tliin, ovate-conic, Achalinellidee PLATE 1O 11 r \ | ^•-.._ - J6 Achatinellidse PLATE ' 12 I? j> 14 Achatinellidae PLATE 15 ,-,. Achatinellidre PLATE 16 1 M I • \ . '. 1 ••' £*-'<&•>- o . •///-/« : / >••-, •- ::.. ::.. , ,..,,.., ^ 7 1 I 1 i ' ^;T-« - -'/'•' V ..'.'ACfefl ' I -- 1 >^ ; Pi • • •;:••/•:. i , 10 11 x-ftv:-«L ' • 12 Achatinellidse PLATE 17 6 10 11 j 3 13 15 Achatinellidse PLATE 18 4 •& -1 £:?\ " - . IE § f :TJft ".< ' / i<*ffi /';,-;* ' =•'•*•£ 6 10 1L . . .--" ^ N.^- 14 15 . < 17 Achatinellid£]e PLATE 19 f 9 L3 i 15 16 Achatinellid^e PLATE 2O n Achatinellidae PLATE 2 1 - • - ".- wi- •• • "*'. . -..-.-;., ;, 15 Achatinellidae PLATE 2 / • •— * / ' /""—" *•- ;-0 '• : . ~± T ^ -' .: 1 • ;- ,. / ''• "-->. • - ... "*J- / .' • : -. ~ '•' • r . . : 1 . -., 1 . A « • 1 ^ JW >• ',.. ! / 13 14- it— c Achatinellidae PLATE 23 I I' 3 >*»„ 5 6 9 10 13 17 Achatinellidae PLATE \ 10 I •"> Lo - I .. 15 -f p ) I . - 16 18 •\ \ • 2.0 j ..^r Achatinellidae PLATE 25 5a 5b 7b 8 9b 11 lla 12 lie 13a 13b lie 13c Achatinellidae Plate 2 6 3a 5b 5c 4a 5d 8 9a 13 • 5 f 9b 13 a . _^. 13 c 14 \ -i^ ' 15 15 b 15c 15d 15 e PARTULINA DUBIA, OAHU. 113 surface slightly shining, the later whorls densely striatei spirally, strias waved, descending, embryonic whorls very densely and distinctly engraved. Embryonic shell of 8^2 whorls, the first 2 whorls brown under a whitish layer; third whorl marked with oblique, angulated white stripes on a reddish-brown ground. Following (neanic) whorls mottled and streaked with white on a reddish-brown ground, which becomes paler on the last whorl, which is indistinctly streaked and mottled with creamy or brownish white, and girdled with a narrow dark band at the periphery. The whorls are strongly convex. Aperture slightly oblique, purplish-brown, with light streaks within. Peristome a trifle expanding at the base, narrowly bordered within with white, but not thick- ened. Golumella slightly convex, not plicate, the margin spreading in a triangle, white. Length 17, diam. 10.5 mm. ; fully 6 whorls. Length 15.5, diam. 10.2 mm. ; 5^4 whorls. West Maui: Waiehu Gulch (D. Thaanum). Gotypes in coll. Bishop Museum and A. N. S. P. Also in Mr. Thaanum 's collection at Hilo. This very distinct species is evidently related to the East Mauian P. grisea Newc., from which it differs by the thinner shell of somewhat different contour, the more convex whorls, different pattern of the last embryonic whorl, larger umbili- cus, dark peripheral band, etc. The aperture, lip and colu- mella are more like P. physa than like P. grisea. The spire is less drawn out and not so narrow above. P. aptycha Pfr., which has not been found by recent collectors, is obviously distinct. 51. P. DUBIA (Newcomb). PL 26, figs. 7 to 12. " Shell dextral, conically elongate, thin, finely decussately striated, light corneous with radiating zigzag lines and blotches of a light color. Whorls 6 ; suture simple. Aperture ovate; 'columella white and bulimoid except in strongly de- veloped adults where it is callous and obtusely dentated. Umbilicus small but pervious. Lip thickened. Slightly re- flected. Length 0.8, breadth 0.55 inch ' (Newc.). 114 PARTULINA DUBIA, OAHU. Oahu, among stones; Waianae, found on bushes (New- comb) . Waimano, eastern ravines southwest of forest fence ; eastern ravines of Waiawa; east side of stream, Kawaiha- lona, in Waialua; also Makalia and Makua valleys, Waianae range (Irwin Spalding). In knot holes and crevices of loose bark of kukul trees. In Waimano on guavas. Achatinella dubia NEWC., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 23 (May, 1853) ; P. Z. S., 1853, p. 152, pi. 24, f. 65, 1854.— Achatinella platystyla GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 196, pi. 6, f. 25, 1856. — Achatinella pexa GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 197, pi. 6, f . 26, December, 1856.— Achatinella fucosa Frick, LYONS, Hawaiian Almanac and An- nual for 1892, p. 105, pi. 1, f. 15.— A. morbida PPB., P. Z. S., 1859, p. 30. P. dubia is a foreigner in Oahu ; the strong spiral striation and the pattern of the embryonic whorls show it to be a real Partulina. Like Laminella, it seems to have wandered west- ward just before the connection with the Molokai-Maui mass was submerged. It is somewhat related to P. grisea and P. thaanumiana of Maui, P. radiata Gld. also has a close re- semblance, but in this the Partulina pattern has been lost from the embryonic whorls, and the columellar fold is some- what stronger. P. radiata, according to specimens in Mr. Emerson's collection, is from West Maui. In his second account of this species Newcomb states that it may be either dextral or sinistral, and that old specimens exhibit " a flat, twisted tooth ". His type figure is copied, pi. 24, fig. 9. This form has light girdles at periphery and base, with elsewhere a confused zigzag pattern of purplish- brown and white or cream. The narrow callus within the lip is white. Length 19.5, diam. 11, aperture 9.8 mm., whorls §l/2 . The smoothish and rather shining surface shows engraved spiral striae throughout. The lower part of the outer lip and the basal margin are very slightly expanded. Ten of the spe- cimens of this typical form before me are dextral, one sinis- tral. The last embryonic whorl has conspicuous zigzag white stripes on a dark ground. PL 26, fig. 7, is a specimen re- ceived from Newcomb. Other specimens, pi. 26, fig; 8, have PABTULINA DUBIA, OAHU. 115 straight light yellow and brown streaks on the post-em- bryonic whorls. The smallest adult seen is 16 mm,, long. Probably all of Newcomb's shells, to which the above notes apply, were from the Waianae range, where it has been found in Makaha valley (on the southern side) by Mr. Spalding, and perhaps elsewhere by other collectors. PI. 26, fig. 8, is a Waianae range shell. In the main range P. dubia has an extended distribution, from Waimano to Waialua or Kawailoa, but only in a few places, so that it is regarded as a rather rare shell. Very fine series are in the collections of Messrs. Spalding, Emerson and Wilder. As a general rule, main range shells have a more thickened lip than those of Waianae, and the apex is often perceptibly blunter, whorls a trifle more convex ; so far as I know, no sinistral shells have been found ; but I am not satis- fied that these small differences hold in all specimens. In Waiawa (pi. 26, figs. 9, 9a, 9&, coll. by Spalding in the eastern ravines) the shell is streaked and mottled, with boldly zigzag-striped last embryonic whorl ; or similar with a whitish peripheral band and several lines. Others are chestnut with pale streaks, a white peripheral band and several spiral light lines, the white zigzags of the embryo very much reduced (pi. 26, fig. 9 6), or white may predominate, the chestnut being reduced to bands narrower than the white, one speci- men. In a few the later whorls are whitish with brown stains (pi. 26, fig. 9). An extraordinary series was collected by Mr. Spalding in Waimano. Most of the colony is of the usual streaked and mottled form, but in a few the color is very deep, rich brown (between liver-brown or carob-brown and black, of Ridg- way's Color Standards). This may be uniform or varied with light buff bands. The embryonic whorls are brown with light bands and lines, and on the last embryonic whorl there is a trace of the light stripes of the typical form. The figures, pi. 26, figs. 10, 10&,, are from two specimens of Mr. Spalding 's no. 2181. This color-form is one of the rarest Oahuan trea snails. A suspicion has been entertained that it might be a hybrid between clubia, and a rare black form of Adi. turgida-, 116 PABTULINA DUBIA, OAHU. but having examined all ol* the specimens found, I think the evidence against that hypothesis. Achatinella platystyla Gulick, pi. 26, fig. 11, and pi. 50, fig. 17, is a peculiar color-form of dubia, described from a single shell. The surface is a good deal pitted, but it was evidently a " live ' shell, and an old one. The surface is entirely eroded to the middle of the fourth whorl. What cuticle re- mains on the next two whorls is pecan-brown with creamy streaks, and fading upwards. The last whorl is light buff in the upper third, shading downwards into pecan-brown, which is streaked with a lighter tint and has very indistinct spirals of the darker shade. The color is almost exactly that of some specimens of Achatinella glabra. The surface shows faint spiral striation, which becomes stronger upwards, as usual in P. dubia. The aperture, lip and perforation are exactly as in Main Range dubia. The lip has a faint yellow tint, deeper at the edge. Length 20, diam. 10.3, aperture 8.4 mm. ; 6^2 whorls. The unique type of platystyla was collected by Mr. Gulick in Kawailoa. It is no. 25 of 'his type collection, Boston So- ciety of Natural History. I have given two views of this specimen. Achatinella pexa Gulick, pi. 26, fig. 12, is certainly a sinis- tral specimen of A. dubia. The unique type specimen, no. 26 of Gulick 's type collection, coll. Boston Society of Natural History, is figured. The shell has the texture and thin sub- stance of dubia. The ground-tint is between light buff and white. It appears in spirals and obliquely axial streaks, leav- ing rather wide interrupted streaks of vinaceous pink, here and there darker. There is a brown line at the periphery and a group of three around the umbilical region. The early whorls are eroded, but traces of alternate light and darker stripes can be made out on the last embryonic whorl. The glossy surface is engraved with rather distinct close spirals, as in P. dubia. The lip expands a little. Aperture, lip and perforation are as usual in P. dubia; the lip having a pale yellowish-brown edge and slight thickening. Length 19, diam. 10.7, aperture 9 mm. ; 6^/2 whorls. ACHATINELLA. 117 Another figure of the type of pexa is given, pi. 50, fig. 18, to show the form of the columella more distinctly than the figure on plate 26. The pattern of color is practically the same as in some Waiawa diibia, though developed in delicate tints; and the specimen may have come from that neighborhood; yet it is sinistral with a thin lip, characters more in harmony with the Waianae range form. Gulick did not know the locality. Achatinella morbida Pfeiffer. " Shell subperf orate, sinis- tral, ovate-turrite, rather solid, striate and under a lens seen to be decussated with close spiral striae; white, variously streaked and banded with brown; spire long, slender, the apex rather acute, suture simple; whorls 6y2, very slightly convex, the last a little shorter than the spire, convex ; colu- mellar fold white, short, oblique; aperture oblique, inverted ear-shaped ; peristome thickened, narrowly expanded, the eolumellar margin much dilated, broadly adnate. Length 19, diam. 9 mm. Sandwich Islands, Dr. Frick in Mus. Cuming. ' (P/T.). Achatinella morbida PFB., Proc. Zool. So coll. by Mr. Richard A. Oooke. A small, thin-shelled form was found only on a few isolated bushes at the head of the valley just west of the pali. It is chestnut-brown with lighter streaks and pale lines below suture and periphery; lip-callus narrow; length 15.8, diam. 8 mm. PI. 31, fig. 6, coll. by R. A. Cooke. In Manoa Gulick collected the typical green form (pi. 25, figs. 1, la) ; others having black, others olive (pi. 25, fig. 3) or chestnut streaks on a yellow ground. There is now no forest low in Manoa valley. Palolo has the same range of forms shown in figs. 1 to 3. A black-streaked shell is figured (pi. 25, fig. 2, collected by Gulick). Really typical viridans does not go eastward of Palolo, so far as I know. It is a rather homogeneous race, having the same pattern but in varying shades and colors. Probably green, olive, chestnut and black are varying stages of oxidation of the same pigment; or perhaps the dull ground of some specimens may be due to cleaning with hot water. In Palolo the forms rutila and subvirens also occur, whether •associated with the typical viridans pattern I do not know. Doctor Newcomb has given the following description of the soft parts. A. viridans: ' ' Animal light gray; tentacles and tentacular sheath dark slate; mantle thick, yellowish-brown. Tentacles strongly clubbed, short and robust, when extended, longer than the shell.' A. rutila: " Animal small in proportion to the shell, of a uniform yellowish-white, retractile part of upper tentacles of a light-brown ; tentacles filiform and slightly clubbed ; foot very broad, long as the shell ; mantle same color as the ani- mal. ' ' Eastward of Palolo the typical viridans pattern disappears, and the color-forms rutila and subvirens replace it. These are often hybridized with more or less blending, so that the ap- 128 ACHATINELLA VIRIDANS. pearance of a colony suggests rutila X subvirens or rutila X tceniolata. It might be well to recognize siibvirens as an east- ern subspecies of viridans, rutila and macrostoma to be syn- onyms of it. Color form rutila Newcoonb. PI. 25, figs. 10, 11, lla-e, 12. ' ' Shell ovately-conic ; whorls 6, rounded, the last margined above; suture well marked; aperture subquadrate; lip ex- panded, subreflected, strongly thickened within; columella short, terminating in a strong, twisted plait. Color a light straw, olive or brown ; lip white or somewhat roseate. Length 17, diam. nine-twentieths inch.' (Newc.) Niu (Newcomb, type loc., pi. 25, figs. 10, 11 to lie. The color-form figured by Newcomb as typical is streaked with light green on a yellow-green ground, with several spiral brown bands below the periphery (pi. 29, fig. 21, reproduction of Newcomb 's type figure ; pi. 25, fig. 10, specimen from New- comb) . In other shells from Niu, collected by Gulick, figs. 11 to lie, the spiral bands may be more numerous or they may be wanting. The streaks are sometimes chestnut or umber, and either distinct or blended. The sutural border is almost invariably tessellated with brown, thus differing from var. subvirens, in which it is white, or at least not more heavily marked than the rest of the shell. Wailupe shells are similar (pi. 25, fig. 12). In Waialae valley the color is usually light, and specimens having bands like rutila with the white suture of subvirens were found by Gulick and kept by him in the same lot with others having the tessellated suture of rutila. See pi. 25, figs. 5 to 5d. There is no definite break between the two forms, merely a matter of one or another color-mutation prevailing in the colony. Even as far west as Palolo there are some shells with more or less tessellated sutural border. A. macrostoma Pfr. seems to me to be a form of rutila, as Newcomb held, specimens of similar pattern to Pfeiffer's fig- ured type occurring in Waialae Nui (pi. 25, fig. 8, Cooke coll.). The original figure is reproduced, pi. 30, fig. 6. Mr. Sykes has thought it a synonym of t&niolata,, and it must ACHATINELLA VIRIDANS. 129 be admitted that some of the yellow-ground specimens from colonies presumably t&niolata X subvirens have a great re- semblance to Pfeiffer's figure. The original description fol- lows. ' A. macrostoma Pfr. Shell dextral, imperforate, conic-ovate, rather solid, very lightly striated, glossy ; fulvous, variegated with some pale and brown bands. Spire conic, lather obtuse; suture submarginate; whorls 5%, moderately convex, the last equal to the spire, swollen above, 'contracted in the middle, rounded at base. Aperture slightly oblique, ample, reversed auriform, white within; peristome white, labiate within, the right margin expanded, strongly curved above ; columellar margin dilated, adnate. Length 211/2, diam. 11 mm. ; 'aperture 12 mm. long, 5 wide inside. Inhabits the Sandwich Islands, Frick; Mus. Cuming (Pfr.). Color-form snbvirens Newc. PI. 25, figs. 5 to lit, 9 to 95. " Shell 'conically ovate. Whorls 6, rounded and margined above ; suture distinct and lined with white. Aperture ovate, expanded below; lip thickened; coluniella short, flat and ob- liquely truncated ; color of epidermis light green, interspersed with a lighter shade 'arranged longitudinally; columella, lip and aperture white. Length 15, diam. seven-twentieths of an inch. Niu, Oahu. " Var. a. Pure white. " Var. 5. Brown or chestnut replacing the green color. " Through var. a- this species approaches a variety of A. rutila, and through var. ~b, A. decipiens. It is readily dis- tinguished from the first by its smaller size, greater solidity, stronger striae and more elongate form ; from the latter by its less acuminate form, white suture, less solidity, and their widely separated localities ' (Newcomb). Newcomb's figure of the type from Niu is reproduced, pi. 29, fig. 18. The lip is white or yellowish, the green color is paler than in viridans, surface less wrinkled, and typically the sutural margin is white, though very often the dark lines extend over it. It differs from viridans in the average, but one could not pronounce on every specimen, and if Gulick's lots are reliable, it occurs in the same colonies with rutila. 130 ACHATINELLA T^NIOLATA. The same variety occurs in Wailupe and Waialae valleys. A series is figured, pi. 25, figs. 5 to 5d, Waialae ; also pi. 25, fig. 6, a clear green shell occurring with the brown-streaked form, Wailupe. Some shells from Waialae have spiral bands as in var. rutila (pi. 25, figs. 7 to 76). Gulick found a few subvirens also in Palolo, the white, green-streaked and brown-streaked forms. Also specimens connecting with form rutila, the sutural border yellow in some, white in other examples. Color yellow with indistinct olive lines, bandless or with white or chestnut bands (pi. 25, 25, figs. 9, 9a, 96, Palolo) . 3. A. T^CNIOLATA Pf eiffer. PI. 24, figs. 14 to 19 ; pi. 25, figs. 13 to 13c. " Shell ovate-oblong, solid, striatulate, glossy; white orna- mented with varying brown bands, more obsolete above. Spire conic, rather acute. Whorls 6, slightly convex ; the last about four-ninths the length. Columella white, strongly tooth- folded above. Aperture irregularly semi oval, white within, glossy; peristome very narrowly thickened outside, strongly lipped within, the columellar margin dilated, reflexed, ap- pressed. Length 20, diam. in the middle 11 mm. ; aperture 10x4!/2 mm. Sandwich Is., Mus. Cuming.' (P/V.) Oahu : Palolo to Keawaawa, and northward across the range in Maunawili. Achatinella t&niolata PFR., P. Z. S., 1846, p. 38; Mono- graphia, ii, 239 ; iv, 519 ; vi, 164. — REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 1, f. 7. — NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 320. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 310. — Achatinella rubiginosa NEW- COMB, P. Z. S., 1853, p. 154, pi. 24, f. 69 (Palolo). A. taniolata typically has a white ground, variously banded or streaked with rufous or ochraceous-orange, or without markings. The contour is usually somewhat more capacious and the surface smoother than in the forms subvirens and rutila of A. viridans; but both contours and sculpture inter- grade in some shells. The coloration is characteristic in typi- cal examples, but here again there are colonies from Palolo, AVaialae, Keawaawa and elsewhere, which could be placed, ACHATINELLA T^NIOLATA. 131 with .almost equal propriety in tceniolata, viridans rutila or viridans subvirens, or 'assorted into these seve'ral strains. The fact seems to 'be that several forms, well differentiated in pure colonies, have interbred in other places, forming hy- brid colonies. Strictly speaking, tceniolata is a subspecies of A. viridans, because there is complete intergradation between them; but as the race is usually quite recognizable, it is here admitted as a species. In dealing with Achatinella it is im- possible to be logical and at the same time preserve a practi- cally useful classification. The color in Palolo shells varies from white to few-banded or many-banded with light reddish-brown, apex and sutural border white, o>r rarely the apex is purplish-brown, perhaps stained from within (pi. 24, figs. 15, 16, Pialolo, Gulick coll.). Length 20, diam. 10.2 to 11.2 mm. Length 18, diam. 11.5 mm. (exceptionally obese). Length 21, diam. 10.8 mm. Length 21, diam. 11.8 mm. As these shells agree well with Pfeiffer's description and Reeve's figure, Palolo may be taken as type locality. In some colonies the color-form nibiginosa Newc. (pi. 24, fig. 19, Palolo, and pi. 25, figs. 13, 13&, Wailupe, all from Gulick coll.) is prevalent, together with banded shells. In this form the shell is suffused and streaked with rufous, a band or line below the suture and a columellar patch usually white. Typical t&niolata might be described as rubiginosa in which white bands traverse the shell spirally, cutting the dark color into bands. It has thus a more advanced pattern than that of rubiginosa, and the white shells are still further evolved, though the pattern is degenerate. According to Newcomb, riibiginosa has a light flesh-colored, and tceniolata a brown or dark slate-colored animal and mantle. In his later paper he admits the specific identity of rubiginosa and tceniolata. In Waialae (pi. 24, fig. 14) and Wailupe some large lots taken by Gulick are white or with but few spiral lines or none, while in others the profusely banded and the rubiginosa type of coloring prevails. PL 25, figs. 13 to 13c are Wailupe shells 132 ACHATINELLA TJSNIOLATA. collected by Gulick. A recently collected Waialae lot from Thaanum consists of (a) white shells with brown spire, (b) white shells with numerous brown bands, as in Palolo tanio- lata, and (c) greenish-yellow shells with chestnut-olive streaks, sometimes cut by white bands. There are various blends be- tween a and c patterns. This colony is probably a siibvirens X t&niolata hybrid. A small lot from Niu (Gulick) consists of well-colored banded shells (t&niolata) , or streaked (rubiginosa) , with white ground. From Kuliouou (Thaanum) the specimens have the pattern of Keawaawa form (b), see below. In a set of 9 from Keawaawa, coll. by Gulick, some have a few faint bands, others being white, peristome and parietal wall yellowish. The shape varies, as in Palolo shells : length 19, diam. 10 mm., to length 17, diam. 10^2 mm. A lot from the Thaanum collection, recently collected, there are (a) shells variously banded with chestnut on a yellow ground; (b) the same with many oblique streaks or lines added, and (c) others of rubiginosa pattern, the streaks 'blended. The yellow ground shows probable hybridism with rutila or siibvirens. On the northern side of the main range Gulick obtained a few specimens in Kailua — rather an indefinite locality. They have streaked rubiginosa coloring, with paler spiral bands. One has a greenish tone. They are transitional between rubi- ginosa, t&niolata and siibvirens. Size rather small, length 17 mm. It occurs also in Maunawili, on the northeastern slope of Mt. Olympus, a place exploited by Messrs. Kuhns and Wilder. Here the shells are white with dark or light-brown1 upper whorls, paler (sometimes white) embryonic whorls, the last whorl either banded or with rubiginosa pattern cut by one or more white bands. PL 24, figs. 17, 18. (Species of the northwestern two-thirds of the Main Range.) SERIES OF A. BYRONII. What forms of the byronii group may occur upon the crest of the main axis of the range 'between the known a>reas of byronii and decipiens are not known to me. For this reason, ACHATINELLA BYRONII. 133 and because there are differences in 'the patterns and colors, I am recognizing the forms from the northward- side, collec- tively, as a species (A. decipiens} distinct from those on the south side of the range. The decipiens forms 'all appear to be more closely related to one another than any of them are to forms from the other side of the range, They seem to form a parallel series to the latter. In both series there are smooth forms in the west, corrugation becoming progressively more emphatic eastward. In both series the western forms are in- variably dextral, and sinistral forms occur in the east. This correspondence would suggest communication across the range, but the coloration is against that explanation of the parallelism. From northwest to southeast the forms are ar- ranged thus: smooth, dextral forms above (westward), rough, sinistral forms below (eastward). kaliuwaaensis pulcherrima byronii decipiens rugosa corrugata, torrida nigricans Dr. C. Montague Cooke considers decipiens with its varieties to be a subspecies of 'byronii. In retaining A. pulcherrima as a species, I am following Dr. Cooke 's counsel, although I have some doubt whether it should be given higher rank than a sub- species of A. 'byronii. It is a case where there are numerous local forms the variations of which overlap more or less, and whether they 'are ranked as forms of one species, or are more or less arbitrarily -assorted into several, is a matter of conveni- ence in referring to the forms. The series shows such diver- sity of differentiation that it would be rather meaningless to lump all of the races under the one name, A. byronii. Practically all of the Newcomb 'and Grulick shells were taken at low levels, 'chiefly in places where there are now no forests. The modern collector in this part of Oahu rarely finds tree- snails below the forest fence, which follows the 1,000 ft. con- tour from Waimea to Moanalua. 4. A. BYRONII (Wood). PL 27, figs. 1 to le, 3. The shell is dextral, imperf orate ; pyramidal-conic with ob- 134 ACHATINELLA BYRONII. tuse summit, solid, glossy. Color variable, but typically green and light greenish-yellow in oblique streaks on the last two whorls, having a faint green peripheral band and a dark chestnut band bordering the suture below ; next earlier whorl yellow with a chestnut band, nearly three embryonic whorls pinkish gray; aperture white, the lip bordered with dark brown. Sculpture of faint spiral strias on the embryonic whorls, later whorls irregularly wrinkled in the direction of growth-lines, under the lens showing very faint traces of a fine oblique malleation. Whorls 6%, somewhat convex, the last often very obtusely angular at the periphery. Aperture strongly oblique, the lip thickened within by a strong rib near the margin. Columellar fold moderate, white or tinted. Length 20, diam. 11 mm. (typical size). Length 18, diam. 11 mm. Length 17, diam. 9% mm. Oahu: Kalaikoa, Ahonui (Gulick). Helix byronii WOOD, Supplement to the Index Testaceo- logicus, or a Catalogue of Shells, British and Foreign, 1828, p. 22, no. 30, pi. 7, f. 30. — Acnatinella byronii Wood, NEW- COMB, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 318. — PFR., Monogr., vi, 165. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 306. — Achatinella me- Unostoma NEWCOMB, P. Z. S., 1853, p. 132, pi. 22, f. 7 (1854). — PFR., Monogr., iv, 521. — Achatinella limb at a GULICK, Ann. Lye., vi, 252, pi. 8, TOa, 705 (Feb., 1858).— Helicteres byron- ensis (Gray), BECK, Index Mjolluscorum, 1837, p. 51. A. byronii, in its southeastern forms, is closely related to A. viridans and A. decipiens. All have more or less corru- gated varieties, and others almost smooth. The type of A. ~byronii was denned only by a figure, but this is of such excellence that no doubt of its identity can be entertained. The shell was presumably brought to England by Lord Byron, whose mission to Oahu in 1824 has been noted in Vol. XXI, p. 157. All of his AcliatineUidcc were from near the west end of the main range, Wahiawa to Kawailoa. The present species does not occur in Kawailo'a district, but it is to be found at Kalaikoa and Ahonui, places in Wahiawa dis- trict, a few miles southward. I select Ahonui as the type ACHATINELLA BYRONII. 135 locality, pi. 27, figs. 1, la representing typical shells. The chestnut subsutural band is invariable in Ahonuj. and Kalai- koa shells. In a lot of 68 from Ahonui, Gulick coll., the colors are as follows : 1. Typical, green-streaked (pi. 27, fig's. 1, 1«), 16 shells. 2. Yellowish or olivaceous tawny, clear or more or less roughened and streaked -with black (figs. 1&, Ic), 18 shells. 3. Like 1 or 2, but having spiral bands, at periphery and midway between sutures, sometimes not extending to the last whorl (fig. Id), 33 shells. 4. One shell (fig. le) has a peripheral band only. The above division is somewhat arbitrary, as the patterns and colors blend in some specimens. In Kalaikoa a large series from Gulick contains no bright- green shells. Olive-green, with pattern no. 1 (above), and pattern no. 2 and no. 3 predominate. There are a few dark chestnut shells (pi. 27, fig. 3) . The shells are decidedly rough. Achatinella limb at a Gul., from Ahonui and Kalaikoa is identical with the typical green and yellow forms of byronii shown in figs. 1 to Ic, having the same subsutural line, etc. It is described as * ' striate, sometimes rugose, green or yellow ; apex rose, frequently faded in mature specimens ; . . . peris- tome black.' " It differs from A. melanostoma Newc., in being more rugose, with rose-colored apex and subangulated body- whorl." Gulick subsequently (P. Z. S., 1873, p. 91) conceded the identity of limb at a with byronii. A. BYRONII RUGOSA Newcomb. PI. 29, figs. 22, 22a ; pi. 27, figs. 8 to 10a. " Shell dextral, conical, glossy; whorls 6, rounded, mar- gined above ; suture well impressed. Lip expanded, of a red- dish-brown at the margin, thickened near the edge. Columella white, short, twisted, and with a strong callus spread over the umbilicus. Aperture subrhomboidal. StrisB longitudinal, numerous, and on the last whorl rugose. Color of epidermis of a deep green, a light or dark umber, sometimes alternating and arranged with the striae, with or without pale green trans- 136 ACHATINELLA BYRONII. verse lines. Length fourteen-twentieth^, diam. eight-twen- tieths inch ' ' (Newc.). Oahu: Ewa (Newcomb) ; Waimalu, "Waiawa, Waipio (Gu- lick). Achatinella rugosa NEWC., P. Z. S., 1853, p. 138, pi. 22, f. 22, 22a, 1854.— PFR., Monogr., iv, 521.— SYKES, Fauna Ha- waiiensis, p. 309. — THWING, Orig. Descript., pi. 1, f. 24. — Bulimella rugosa LYONS,, Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1892, p. 104, pi. 1, f. 2. Newcorab's original figures are reproduced, pi. 29, figs. 22, 22a-. They are like the shells collected by Gulick in Waiawa valley (pi. 27, fig. 8), which is probably what Xewcomb meant by" Ewa." This race inhabits valleys and ridges mainly southeast of those occupied by byronii. It differs from that by having the last whorl usually more strongly corrugated, the lip-callus tit inner, the whole Up of a brownish flesh-tint, at least typi- cally, and the shell lias the gloss of fresh varnish. There are, of course, specimens which taken by themselves could hardly be classified correctly; occasional individuals may be smooth or nearly so. The occurrence of almost black (brown-black or green-black) shells in most colonies of rugosa is characteristic, since byronii is rarely if ever so dark. The embryonic whorls are grayish-buff, flesh-colored or white. The color-patterns are: (1) greenish-yellow, profusely streaked with green, or yellow streaked with brownish-olive, either plain or with two spiral brown bands and a subsutural band, (2) last whorl black or nearly so. There are also inter- mediate specimens connecting the darkest and lightest. In a lot from Waimalu there are no banded shells (pi. 27, figs. 9, 9a). This place must be at or near the extreme south- eastern limit of the species. Waiawa shells are very often banded, and with a small proportion of the blackish form (pi. 27, fig. 8). In a lot from Waipio the blackish- chestnut form predominates (pi. 27, figs. 10, 10a). All the preceding are from the Gulick collection, and probably all of them were taken at rather low elevations. Length 19.3, diam. 10.2, aperture 9 mm. ; 6% whorls. AVai- pio. ACHATINELLA BYRONII. 137 Length 17.5, dia.ni. 10 mm. Waipio. Length 18.2, diam. 9.4, aperture 8.7 mm. Waiawa. Length 16.3, diam. 10, aperture 8.8 mm. Waiawa. In Dr. C. M. Cooke's collection there is a lot -of 9 specimens (no. 1828-30) agreeing entirely with some of Gulick's Wai- nialu rugosa (such as pi. 27, fig. 9a), said to have been col- lected in " a very small and extremely isolated clump of trees on the extreme S. slope of the Wai ana e range, ' —in the region of Palihua. As the collector was a person knowing noth- ing of shells, I cannot help suspecting that he got a Koolau range lot confused with lids Waianae catch. The shells are greenish-black with the first neanic whorl green or olive streaked on a yellow ground, embryonic whorls deep livid purple in some, white in other examples. They have the gummy gloss of rugosa. 1. Sub variety capax Pils. & Cooke. PL 31, figs. 7, la, 11. At the head of Waiawa gulch, along the Waiahoie- Waiawa, ditch trail, 14 mile from top, Mr. Spalding collected large, robust specimens, less wrinkled than the typical form. The shell is streaked with olive 'and yellowish-olive on a lime-green ground, often with chestnut 'bands at periphery and base. The lip is either pure white or narrowly bordered with purple or brown; embryonic whorls either flesh-pink or bicolored, a brown zone above, white below. They were on banana and ieie. The colony was found to extend as far as the Kipapa division ridge, and probably goes farther north. There is but little variation in color and shape, and it is invariably dextral. The patterns are shown in figs. 1-71}. Length 21, diam. 12.5, aperture 11 mm. ; 6 whorls. Length 19, diam. 10.5, aperture 9.2 mm. 2. Subyariety ivaimanoensis P. £ C., new. PI. 31, figs. 9 to 9f7. On the crest of the Waimano-Manana ridge, a half mile to a mile 'above the locality of A. t. cookei, 'there is a dextral pulcherrima-like shell, with ground of almost white, buff, or greenish yellow, plain or with chestnut bands in the typical rugosa positions, or variously split into lines ; lip white or pale lilac. Surface much smoother than in rugosa. Embryo white, or in the darkest shells, light brown or bicolored. All seen are dextral. 138 ACHATINELLA BYRONII. Length 17.8, diam. 10.7, aperture 9 mm. Length 15.5, diam. 9.5, aperture 7.5 mm. Through the darkest specimens, this race seems to connect with the more wrinkled small form of rugosa, no. 3. 3. At the lower edge of the above colony, just above the locality of A. cookei, there is a diminutive race similar to the preceding in shape, but more strongly wrinkled, with the color-patterns of subvar. capax ; also a few very deep chestnut shells. The narrow lip is purple, and the upper whorls flesh pink. Length 17, diam. 9.8, aperture 8.3 mm., o1/^ whorls. PI. 31, figs. 8, 8a. Forms 2 and 3 were collected Feb. 17, 1913, in company with Messrs. Spalding and Merriam. 4Z). A. BYRONII NIGRICANS U. Subsp. PI. 31, figS. 10, 11, 12. The shell is sinistml, oblong-conic, rather solid. Embryonic 3 whorls snow-white, the next whorl brown, or brown and green, with a light band, last ivhorl intensely Hack above, but on close inspection showing very indistinctly a dusky greenish-yellow band at periphery and a wider one on the base. The surface of the last two whorls is rather coarsely wrinkled, and has a brilliant gloss. The aperture is very oblique, ovate, white OF with a faint lilac tint within; peris- tome has a narrow callous rib within of a fine purple color, changing to violet at the lip-edge. Columellar fold purple with white tip or crest, Parietal wall deep purplish brown. Length 17.4, diam. 11, aperture 9 mm. ; 6% whorls. Length 21, diam. 12.3 mm. Waimano-Manana ridge at about 1400 ft. elevation, in a very small area along the summit trail (Spalding, Merriam, Pilsbry, Wilder). This form differs from rugosa Xewc. by its capacious form, coloration and sinistral coil. The last character would not be of much significance were it not that the whole byronii- rugosa series is dextral, in hundreds of individuals which have been examined from many localities. A snow-white embryo is also occasionally seen in rugosa. A. I), nigricans is doubt- less a derivative from rugosa. ACHATINELLA LILA. 139 It lives in a clump of lehua trees alongside of the trail, about 1000 yards down the ridge from the locality of A. turgida cookei. The colony is a very small one. In Mr. Wilder 's collection there are some nigricans from the type colony distinctly banded with green on the last whorl. Mr. Spalding also found three specimens on a large moki- hana bush on a lateral spur of the ridge 'about 100 yards mauka from the locality of A. t. cookei. One of -these speci- mens, fig. 10, is larger than those from the lower station. The upper post-embryonic whorl is green, banded with brown. It is a rare and handsome shell, possibly deserving specific rank. There is a black form of A. turgida which has an as- tonishing resemblance to nigricans, but differs by being smoother with the real turgida apex, that of nigricans being quite different, So far as known, this subspecies is restricted to very few small tree®, in two spots less than a mile apart. 5. A. LILA Pilsbry, n. sp. PL 31, figs. 15 to 15 d. The shell is sinistral, ovate-conic, thin but strong, nearly smooth, brilliantly glossy. The embryonic whorls are burnt sienna brown (weathering to whitish in adult shells) or some- times there is a light median zone. Last whorl either (fig. 15cZ) uniform blackish chestnut, or (fig. 15) having a chest- nut peripheral band and baso-columellar patch on a yellow ground, or (figs. 15a, 6) like the last but with a green band midway between periphery and suture, or (fig. 15c) with sutural and peripheral bands and baso-columellar patch of yellow on a chestnut ground. There are also a few speci- mens more or less intermediate between the patterns of figs. 15 a, 5, d. The aperture is moderately oblique, white or faintly lilac within ; peristome acute, very little or not per- ceptibly thickened within; columellar fold strong, purple or white. Length 17, diam. 11, aperture 9 mm. ; 5% whorls. Length 16.8, diam. 10.2, aperture 8.8 mm. Length 16, diam. 15.3 mm. Oahu : crest of the Waimano-Manana ridge at junction with 140 ACHATINELLA PULCHERRIMA. the main range, running from the summit down about three- fourths of a mile along the ridge trail; in axils of ieie (Spal- ding, Merriam and Pilsbry). Types no. 108066 A. N. S. P. Go type in Bishop Museum. This charming shell has a great resemblance to A. abbreviata of the eastern end of the range, from which it is separated by about a fourth of the length of the island, wherein no re- lated forms have been found. A. abbreviata is invariably dextra'l, A. lila sinistral. There are also differences in the patterns of the banded forms. It is likely that A. lila is more closely related to A. nigricans, and therefore a derivative of the byronii group of species, and not directly related to A. abbreviata. The color-pattern 15c is a "negative" of 15a, the light and dark areas being reversed. In treating of the genus Liguus I have noted similar instances. In the type lot the 'colors are in the following numbers: Pattern of fig. 15, 1 specimen; figs. 15a-, b, 8; fig. 15c, 5; fig. 15, above blackish-chestnut, the last whorl tawny, with brown lines. Sandwich Is., Frick in Cuming coll : (Pfr.). Variety torrida Gulick. PL 32, figs. 8 to 12c. The sinistral form of corrugata was described as A. torrida by Mr. Gulick. The distinction from corrugata is rather too vague to rank it as a subspecies, though there is a certain amount of racial differentiation. Its patterns differ in many specimens, and then most torrida are sinistral. The original account follows. " Shell sinistral, imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, shining, somewhat rugose, green or fulvous; apex subacute, chestnut; spire conic ; suture lightly margined, white, moderately im- pressed; whorls 6, convex; columella with a strong white fold near the body-whorl. Aperture oblique, truncately auriform, white within ; peristome white, thickened within, with external margin scarcely reflected anteriorly, slightly compressed; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length IT1/-}, breadth 9% mm. ; average weight 4.5 grains ' (Gulick). 11 Var. I), with black spiral lines. I am in doubt 'Concerning the limits of variation of this species ; var. & may be distinct ' (Gulick) . ACHATINELLA DECIPIENS. 149 Oahu: Kahana, Kaaawa and Waikane (Gulick) ; Waiolu (J. S. Emerson). Waiolu may be considered the type locality, as here the typical form (pi. 32, figs. 11, Ha, 11&) occurred. It is closely, .streaked with rather dull-green or chestnut on a light ground, the streaks sometimes confluent. A wide subsutural white> band (often denuded of cuticle) is frequently present. The apex is not chestnut, as Gulick states, in any of the lot of over a hundred from Ms collection, from all the localities men- tioned above. Six out of a set of 56 from Kahana are dex- tral, all others seen being sinistral. Specimens with streaked pattern are almost mirror images of A. decipiens, but they differ by having the aperture a little more oblique, the lip is usually a trifle less thickened within, and the surface in the average torrida is more corrugated. The lip usually has a fleshy or brownish border. Specimens from Kaaawa (pi. 32, fig. 9) are similar to those of Waiolu. A small set from Waikane is strongly corrugated, heavily streaked, with a dark band below the suture (pi. 32, fig. 8) . In Kahana the shells are variable (pi. 32, figs. 10 to lOc?) . Those having blackish streaks on a yellowish or chestnut "ground resemble forms of other valleys. Others have one or two black-brown zones and a white sutural band ; and in some the blackish-chestnut color spreads over all but the earliest whorls. The surface has very little gloss in this lot, Kahana specimens in 'coll. C. M. Cooke are similar except that the ground-'Color is greenish and the surface glossy. Length 18, diam. 10.7 mm. Kahana. Length 18.5, diam. 10.5 mm. Kahana. Length 17, diam. 10 mm. Kahana, Length 17.5, diam. 10 mm. Waiolu. Kaaawa-Hakipuu division ridge (pi. 32, figs. 12 to 12c). In a very handsome series collected by Mr. Spa.ldlng the em- bryonic whorls are light-brown, differing thus from the large series of torrida in Gulick 's collection, in which the early whorls are white or nearly so. The last whorl, fig. 12, is green, streaked with a much darker shade, or similar, with two black "bands and a white sutural band. Fig. 12c, black with a yellow 150 ACHATINELLA DECIPIENS. band and white line at the suture. Fig. 12a, chocolate. The lip is dark-edged, or in form fig. 12c has two spots at the ter- minations of the bands. The surface is rather rough. This colony is mainly sinistral, but there are some dextral shells. la. A. DECIPIENS KALIUWAAENSIS Pilsbry & Cooke, n. subsp. PI, 32, figs. 1, la, 16. The shell is similar to decipiens but smoother, more glossy, with only obsolete traces of sculpture. Color various: (a) White with a brownish sutural line, (&) Olive-ocher with a white zone below the suture and a white line at periphery. (c) Olive-ocher with a chestnut subsutural line or none, and a pia'le peripheral line. Lip only narrowly thickened within, white. Length 19.2, diam. 10, aperture 9 mm. Length 17, diam. 9.7, aperture 8 mm. Length 15.3, diam. 8.9, aperture 7.6 mm. Eastern ravines of Kaliuwaa, type loe., also central and western ravines (Irwin Spalding). This new form has such a relation to decipiens as pulcher- rirna to byronii. The locality lies some distance northwest of that of decipiens, in a district where the other Bulimellas dif- fer from the Kahana forms. The coloration is much like that of typical decipiens. The white-banded form may be consid- ered the typical pattern. The cotypes are in coll. A. N. S. P. and Bishop Museum, collected by Mr. Spalding who has a long series. It is also in the Thaanum, Thurston 'and some other recently gathered collections. 75. A. DECIPIENS ( ?) SWAINSONI Pfeiffer. PI. 30, fig. 13. " Shell sinistral, imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, nearly smooth, glossy ; whitish, delicately streaked with tawny. Spire conic, apex fulvous, rather acute ; suture margined. Whorls 5!/2, a little convex, the last nearly equal to two-fifths the length, swollen below the suture, rounded >at base. Aperture slightly diagonal, reversed auriform. Oolumellar fold super- ior, strong, nodiform; peristome bordered with black-brown, the external margin a little reflected, thickly labiate within j ACHATINELLA ROSEA. 151 columellar margin thick, flexuous, adnate. Length 20, ddam. 11 mni. "5. Greenish buff, the last whorl chestnut anteriorly : (P/r.). Sandwich Islands, Frick, in coll. II. Cuming (P/r.). Achatinella sivainsoni P^R., Prorown edge outside, but not so wide or dark as in ovata. The summit is usually light yellowish- brown ; sutural margin well defined, bluish- white. Lip some- what expanded, as in A. ovata, having a moderate callus within. The parietal callus is generally imperceptible. Be- tween 3 and 4 per cent of the shells seen (are dextral. Length 22, diam. 13 mm. ; 6% whorls. Occasionally the dark color is restricted to a peripheral band, or it may disappear 'altogether, leaving the shell pure white. More often some 'brown remains on the spire. In a few shells the parietal callus is rather thick and brownish at the edge. The above notes are from the large series collected by Gulick. A. 1}. obliqua was described from a colony in which the sin- istral form very largely predominated. Mr. Gulick described shells from a colony in which the dextral form prevailed as A. oomorpha. While not exactly like typical obliqua, it does not seem sufficiently differentiated to require 'a name. The original account follows. A. oomorplm Gulick. PI. 28? figs. 10 to lOc. " Shell dex- tral, perforate, ovate, solid, shining, striated ; ash or ash-brown with two obscure brown bands, white beneath the suture. 160 ACHATINELLA BULIMOIDES. Apex rather obtuse, chestnut-brown ; spire convexly conical; suture margiiiate, moderately impressed; whorls G1/^, convex. Columellar fold central, white, strong. Aperture truncately auriform, white within; peristome thickened within, with ex- ternal margin slightly reflected anteriorly, arcuate, white or 'brown ; columellar margin reflected, detached, white ; parietal margin very thin. Length 201/£, breadth 11% mm. Average weight 7 grains. Kaliana, Oahu, on trees ' (Gulick) . ; Sinistral specimens are sometimes found which resemble A. obliqua, but are readily distinguished by the darker color- ing around and upon the lip. I have from Hauula a few spec- imens which seem to belong to this species. Some of them are nearly white ' (Gulick). This dextral form of obliqua has the same peculiar colors, drab, dull-brown overlaid with lilac, etc., but also sometimes the chestnut-brown of A. ovata. It has another ovata char- acter in the two-banded pattern of many shells of the typical colony. This pattern is not found in the typical colony of A. obliqua, judging by a lot of about 50 shells seen, though it occurs in a smaller brown-lipped lot in the Gulick CGJ lection. The form oomorpha often has exactly the coloration of typical obliqua, except that the lip is brown both externally and within. PL 28, fig. 10a is the typical oomorpha pattern ac- cording to Gulick 's figured type, twojbanded over a streaked ground. Shells also occur having the last whorl white. The length varies from 19 to 22.5 mm., but most specimens before me are smaller than obliqua. 9c7. A. BULIMOIDES OVATA Newcomb. PI. 28, figs. 1 to Id, 2 ; pi. 29, figs. 2, 2a ; pi. 33, fig. 2. ' Shell dextral, elongate-ovate, polished, finely striated lon- gitudinally. Color light flesh-colored above, last two whorls white, obscurely banded with light-brown. "Whorls 6, convex; suture slightly impressed, margined. Aperture subovate; columella twisted into a plait, slightly callus; lip slightly re- flected, dark-brown. Length 0.9 inch. Breadth 0.45 inch. Variety a : shell white, bluish-white above, without coloring or bands. Habitat, Waiauai, Oahu : (Netvcoml), May, 1853). ACHATINELLA BULIMOIDES. 161 " Shell dextral or sinistral, elongately ovate; whorls 6, slightly margined above, rounded; suture moderately im- pressed. Aperture subovate, entirely margined with black; columella short, plicate, strong and twisted ; lip thickened and slightly expanded. Color of shell pure white or yellowish- white, with or -without obsolete brownish bands above. Length eighteen-twentieths, diam. ten-twentieths inch. Hab. Kahana, Koolan, Oahu ' (Newcomb, 1854). Oahu: Kahana (Newcomb) ; Kahana and Hakipuu (Gu- lick) . Achatinella ovata NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 22, May, 1853 ; P. Z. S., 1853, p. 130, pi. 22, f . 2, 2a, 1854. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, p. 41, pi. 3, f. 6/1-15/t. — Achatinella Candida PFR., P. Z. S., 1855, p. 2, pi. 30, f. 4; Monogr., iv, 519. — Achatinella vidua PFR., P. Z. S., 1855, p. 3, pi. 30, f. 10; Monographia, iv, 522. Cf. Newcomb, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 324. — A. ivheatleyi NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye., vi, pp. 147 (1855) and 324 (1858), not described (see under A. elegans ivheatleyana). — A. fricki var. d, PFR., Mon- ogr., iv, 521 ; P. Z. S., 1855, pi. 30. f . la. Dr. Newcomb included both white and banded forms in his description and figures, which are reproduced on pi. 29, figs. 2, 2a. They occur in the same hybrid colony in Kahana, pi. 28, figs. 1 to \d ; pi. 33, fig. 2. The surface is not very glossy, often rather distinctly striate. The apex is light colored, yel- lowish, pale-brown or white. The suture has no dark border below, and the impressed line defining the margin is usually rather weak, sometimes wanting. Outside the lip has a dark border behind, as in pi. 28, fig. 1&, though not always so fully developed. The lip is distinctly expanded outwardly and es- pecially below, and has a 'chocolate edge, both outside and within. The internal callus is rather strong. In all color- forms 'at Kahana the shell may be either dextral or sinistral. Length 23, diam. 13 mm. ; 6% whorls. Length 22.5, diam. 13.5 mm. Length 21.5, diam. 12 mm. Length 18, diam. 11 mm. Banded specimens would probably prove smaller than white- 162 ACHATINELLA BULIMOIDES. in the average. The following color- forms occur in a lot from Kahana, Gulick collection. 1. White, initial whorls often yellowish, lip .chocolate (f. 1). la. Same, but whorls of spire with, a dark band (fig. la). 16. Brownish-cream color, spire as in la (fig. 16). 2. "White or whitish, with two chestnut bands separated by a peripheral white band; spire with a wide chestnut band above the suture (fig. Ic). 2a. Similar, but base entirely chestnut, usually lighter than the bands (fig. Id). Forms la and 16 are blends between 1 and 2. In a lot of 49 specimens from Hakipuu, Gulick coll., all are dextral. Color-forms fig. 1 and no. 2a, chestnut streaked with darker, with a broad white band below the suture (pi. 28, fig. 2, Hakipuu) predominate, though there are some of the pat- tern of fig. Ic. In another lot of 7 dextral shells in the Gulick collection from Kahana the lip is white, slightly yellowish at the edge. In three of them there are pale traces of brown banding, chiefly on the spire ; the others being pure white throughout (pi. 28, fig. 7). A. Candida Pfr. is generally admitted to be merely the white form of ovata. The original figure is reproduced on pi. 30, fig. 4. The description follows. Achatinella Candida Pfr. Shell dextral, imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, striatulate, a little glossy, pure white; spire convexly conic, the apex minute, black, rather acute; suture light, thread-margined. Whorls 6i/2, rather flat, the last 'three-sevenths to four-ninths the length, obsoletely angular, rounded at base. Aperture oblique, truncate-auriform; columellar fold moderate, super- ior, oblique, subcompressed ; peristome brown-violaceous, strongly labiate within, the right margin expanded, columellar margin dilated, flat, thick, adnate. Length 22, diam. 11 mm., aperture 10% x 5 mm. Sandwich Is., Frick (Pfr.). It is likely that all the patterns of A, fricki Pfr., except pat- tern a, were based upon ovata. Pfeiffer's figs, la, 76, repro- duced in my pi. 30, figs. 7a, 76, certainly look to me like ovata. I do not feel competent to pronounce upon fig. 7, which has ACHATINELLA BULIMOIDES. 163 been taken as the type of fricki, as I have not seen the shell, and the figure is not closely matched among the specimens I have seen. A. vidua Pfeift'er, of which the original figure is reproduced, pi. 30, fig. 10, is in my opinion merely a very small or stunted specimen of ovata. Dr. Neweomb, who examined the type in Mus. Cuming, decided it ' to 'be a somewhat worn and faded specimen of this species ' (A. ovata). The coloration is ex- actly that of some shells in Gulick 's KaJiana series, such as pi. 33, fig. 2, and pi. 28, fig. Id out of the same lot. Adult shells in this lot of ovata range from 19.3 to 22.8 mm. long. I do not believe that vidua has any racial status. The description follows : ' * A. vidua Pf r. Shell dextral, subimperf orate, conic- ovate, striatulate, under the lens most minutely decussate, glossy; deep brown, two-banded with white. Spire convexly- conic, the apex somewhat obtuse; suture nearly simple. Whorls 6, very slightly convex, the last a little shorter than the spire, rounded basally. Aperture a little oblique, trun- cate-oblong; columellar fold obsolete, slightly twisted. Peri- stome strongly labiate, the right margin narrowly refiexed, columellar margin dilated, subadnate. Length ISi/o, diam. 10 mm., aperture 9 mm. long, 4% wide inside ' (Pfr.). The weakness of the columellar fold, noticed by both Pfeif- fer and Sykes, can be paralleled in the large series of ovata before me. The smallest ovata I have seen is 17^ mm. long, dextral, with the pattern of pi. 28, fig. Ic. A. BULIMOIDES ROTUNDA Gulick. PI. 28, figs. 3 to 6. Very dark chestnut or chocolate, with a white or pale tawny zone around the upper part of the whorls ; glossy ; suture very distinctly margin-ate in the last 21/2 whorls, dark-bordered above and below, apex dark at the tip. Whorls rather swol- len, sinistral. Lip moderately thickened within, but less than in A. ovata, deep brown. Columellar margin gener- ally less raised outwardly than in ovata, the columellar fold brown or white ; parietal callus a very thin film. Length 21, diam. 13 to 13.6 mm. ; 6!/4 whorls. Kaaawa and Kahana (Gulick), on the dividing ridge. 164 ACHATINELLA BULIMOIDES. Achatinella rotunda GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vir p. 248, pi. 8, L 67, Feb., 1858. As it occurs 011 the Kaaawa valley side (figs. 3, 4), this form is so distinct that it might well be given specific rank. Some Kahana lots however, figs. 5, 5a, 6, show every pattern linking rotunda with ovata. Gulick remarks that ' ' there is a variety with two black bands -which resembles certain forms of A. ovata Newc., but is distinguished by its black suture, and its thinner and more regularly arcuate lip. Its bands are also deep black, while those of A. ovata are brown as in A. buli- moides Swains.' Having before me several large lots from Kahana labeled rotunda by Gulick, I find that the subsutural dark border is as often absent as present, and the bands vary in shade, often being quite as light as in ovata. Most of this Kahana lot are more lengthened shells than the Kaaawa ro- tunda, but some, such as fig. 6, are typical in shape. These colonies are clearly ovata X rotunda hybrids. A typical rotunda from the type locality, Kaaawa, is shown in pi. 28, fig. 3, Gulick coll. 9/. A. BULIMOIDES GLABRA Newcomb. PL 29, fig. 25 ; PI. 33, figs. 8 to 11. " Shell -conically ovate, glossy, whorls 6, somewhat inflated, margined above ; suture well marked. Aperture ovate ; lip slightly subreflected, dark-brown edged with black, thickened •within. Columella short, robust, expanded, 'and terminating in a twisted plait. Color bluish-slate, much lighter on the upper portion of the whorls; sometimes transversely banded with white or -chestnut. Length nine-twentieths, width seven- teen-twentieths of an inch : ' (Newc.). Oahu : Kolaupoko (Newc.); Kawailoa and Waialee (Gu- lick) ; Waimea (Spalding). Achatinella gldbra NEWC., P. Z. S., 1853, p. 139, pi. 22, f. 25 ; P. Z. S., 1854, p. 310.— PFB., Monogr., iv, 520.— THWING, Orig. Descript., p. 93, pi. 2, f . 2. — B [ulimella] glabia, Newc., HARTMANN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1888, p. 29 ("Kawaiawa"). Newcomb 's type figure (pi. 29, fig. 25) shows a shell with banded spire and light colored base. He subsequently (1854) stated that A. glabra is always dextral. ACHATINELLA BULIMOIDES. 165 Some shells received from Newcomb are whitish, becoming streaked with purplish-drab on the last whorl, with a pair of brownish- drab bands at the periphery, lip with a dark-brown edge (pi. 33, fig. 9). The specimens before me from Waialee (pi. 33, fig. 11), Waimea (pi. 33, figs. 8 to 8c) and Kawailoa (pi. 33, figs. 10, lOo-) show a good deal of variation in color; all collected by Gulick. 1. Purple-brown, with a belt of light reddish-brown below the suture, upper whorls reddish or pale, lip fleshy-brown. 2. Base reddish-chestnut, upper third of the last whorl yel- lowish or white. 3. Base flesh-colored, upper part white, a dark band be- tween, lip white. 4. Purplish-fleshy with indistinct whitish streaks, lip fleshy. The preceding are Waimea shells, the same patterns occur- ring in Kawailoa. In Waialee I note an additional pattern. 5. Similar to no. 3, but whorls of the spire banded; lip brown. This is the typical pattern. It will readily be seen that glabra inter grades in some of its .color-forms with bulimoides, but both glabra and buli- moides have other color-forms special to each. The area of glabra overlaps that of bulimoides in part, and extends thence to the western end of the range. Newcomb 's type locality, " Koolaupoko, ' is an extensive, district on the north side of that portion of the Main Range north and northeast of Honolulu (koolau signifying the wind- ward or northern side, as kona the lee or southern district, on any of the islands). Later collectors have found nothing re- sembling A. glabra in the eastern part of the island ; but Gru- lick, Spalding and others have taken the species in valleys of the northwestern end of the range. There can be no doubt that Newcomb was mislead as to the habitat of A. glabra. Var. ( ?) fricki Pfeiffer. PI. 30, fig. 7. " Shell dextral or sinistral, subimperf orate, oblong-ovate, solid, lightly striate, glossy, of very various colors; spire a little convexly-conic, the apex acute; suture narrowly mar- ginate ; whorls 6, a trifle convex, the last about equal to three- sevenths the total length, rotund at base. Aperture oblique, 16G ACHATINELLA ELEGANS. reversed ear-shaped; columellar fold above, twisted, strong; peristome slightly expanded, Obtuse, labiate and bordered with violaceous or black. Length 20-21, diam. lO1/^ mm. ; aperture 10 mm. long, 5 wide. " a. Isabelline, subfasciate with pale-brown, suture white. " b. Bright chestnut, ornamented with darker 'and white bands, sinistral. " c. Gray-brown, ornamented with darker bands, white above. " d. AYhite or buff, ornamented with two or three black- brown bands.' (Pfr-} Sandwich Islands, Frick in coll. Pfr. Achatinella fricki PFR., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1855, p. 3, pi. 30, f. 7, la, lb- Malak. Bl., 1855, p. 5; Monographia, iv, 521. Cf. SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, Mollusca, p. 307, under A. glabra. A. fricki has not been recognized by Honolulu concholo- gists. Pfeiffer described and figured several varieties. Hh first figure (see pi. 30, fig. 7), which may be ta.ken for his type, has been considered to be A. glabra Newc. by Mr. Sykes. I have not been able to match it at all closely among the glabra I have seen. It differs from pulcherrima by hav- ing a white sutural band. This band I have never seen in a dark pulcherrima, and I therefore give fricki temporary place as a variety of glabra, following Mr. Sykes. Pfeiffer 's color-form b and those following are probably different subspecies. His second figure (reproduced in pi. 30, fig. la) has been referred by Sykes to A. ovata Newc., I be- lieve correctly, as it agrees fully with some of the old ovata received from Newcomb. Pfeiffer's var. b (see pi. 30, fig. lb) is a sinistral shell, not exactly matched by any specimen I have seen, and probably not the same as typical fricki. The contiguous dark bands bordering a peripheral white band show it to belong to the bulimoides group, and it is quite pos- sible that this figure also is an ovata. 10. A. ELEGANS Newcomb. PI. 28, figs. 12 to 13d; pi. 32, fig. 15. " Phell conically-elongate, polished, shining, rather solid; ACHATINELLA ELEGANS. 167 whorls 6, plano-convex, margined above ; suture well im- pressed. Aperture subovate ; lip white, expanded, subrs- <• fleeted, somewhat contracted in its center, thickened within; columella short, flat and lightly toothed. Color light and dark-brown alternating, longitudinally arranged in lineations or broad patches; sometimes with a white sutural band and an additional one on the body-whorl. Length eighteen-twen- tieths, diam. eight-twentieths inch.' (Newc.) Oahu: Hauula (Newcomib) ; Hauula, Kaliuwaa and Ka- huku (Gulick) ; Hauula and Kaipapau (Baldwin). Achatinella elegans NEWC., P. Z. S., 1853, p. 149, pi. 24, f. 57, 1854. This species differs from all forms of bulimoides by its streaked coloration, a pattern not found in bulimoides. It is also more slender, in the average, but occasional specimens are as broad and compact as bulimoides. It is said to be now extinct, having passed with the lower forests of the Hauula region, but it was an abundant shell in 1850-55, when Newcomb and Gulick were collecting. Besides the lots in these collections I have seen a beautiful series in the collection of Mr. J. S. Emerson. Large series from. Newcomb and Gulick, taken in Hauula, show considerable variation in the pattern. Usually the shell is streaked in the direction of growth lines with brown (wal- nut-brown to brownish- vinaceous of Ridgway's Color Stand^ ards), the shade variable, but usually appearing overlaid with white, sometimes dull chestnut-brown. The typical form as figured by Newcomb has the streaks; cut by white bands at suture and periphery as in pi. 28, fig. 13a, but often; one or both of these white bands is lacking. Newcomb 's description applies to the form shown in pi. 28, fig. 12. Be- sides these prevalent patterns, there are a few additional white spirals in some shells, and sometimes the dark streaks are reduced or blurred. Rarely the streaks are confluent, the brown color almost evenly diffused. There are also a few pure white shells (fig. 13c) . In a set collected by Dr. New- eomb I note rather indistinct dusky bands above and below the periphery, sometimes parted by a light-brown peripheral 168 ACHATIXELLA ELEGANS. band. The lip is sometimes white, more often fleshy-brown or darker. The white band below the suture sometimes runs to the very apex, as in A. l>. spadicea, but oftener not. The early whorls are usually dull-brown. Dextral shells largely prevail, but all of the color-forms are common to both dextral and sinistral. In one lot from Hauula there are 82 dextral, 23 sinistral shells. A set of 8 from Kahuku are very solid, coarsely streaked throughout, without bands (pi. 32, fig. 15, coll. by Gulick). An unusual color-form, pi. 28, fig. 13cZ, has a pattern re- sembling some specimens of oomorpha or obliqua somewhat. The streaking of elegans is only weakly shown in places on the spire. The sutural white line runs to the apex, as in spadicea and some specimens of elegans. In its compact shape this shell is similar to several characteristically streaked elegans in the same Hauula lot, It is obviously an extreme form of elegans. Color- variety inelegans n. var. PI. 33, fig. 12. The shell is dextral, rather thin; glossy, rather distinctly striated spir- ally to the last whorl, which is smoother. Embryonic whorls corneous, following whorls cinnamon with white sutural border, last whorl pale cinnamon, shading to darker at the base, and having two orange-cinnamon bands, one above, the other below the periphery; sutural band pure white, be- ginning on the third whorl. Peristome a little expanded ait base, very little thickened within, edged with dark-brown. Columellar fold weak, whitish. Length 19, diani. 10, aperture 9.5 mm. ; 6 whorls. Kaliuwaa, J. T. Gulick, no. 92504 A. N. S. P. This shell was labeled A. spadicea by Mr. Gulick, but it is, in my opinion, a form of the elegans stock with less modified coloration than elegans. It does not seem closely related to the Bulimellas of upper Kaliuwaa, above the falls. 10a. A. ELEGANS WHEATLEYANA n. var. PI. 287 figs. 11, lla, 115. The shell is cinereous, blue-gray or slightly purplish, rarely purplish-brown, with faint whitish streaks and white or pale- ACHATINELLA ELEGANS AND FUSCOBASIS 169 brown band above the periphery, sometimes bisected by a dark line; suture white-bordered; summit light yellowish. Aperture pale blue within, the lip thickened within, with a narrowly but distinctly expanded, acute brown edge. It is also narrowly bordered with brown outside. The strong coiu- mellar fold is white. Length 21, diam. 12 mm. or smaller, length 19.2, diam. 11 to 12 mm. Punaluu (Gulick). This race approaches A. obliqua somewhat, but seems nearer elegans. It has the maroon-brown or purplish-brown layer overlaid with a streaked white film, giving various tints difficult to name, but near dutch blue, deep madder blue and slate purple of Ridgway's Color Standards. The whitish or pale-brown band above the periphery is nearly always pres- ent, and often more conspicuous than in fig. lla. Sometimes (fig. Ha) there is a thin yellow cuticle, but usually none. One lot of 8 from Newcomb, without habitat, consists of sinis- tral shells. Another lot from Gulick has 3 dextral shells in a total of 22. It is probably extinct now. This form was named for Charles M. Wheatley, the well- known collector of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. "A. wheatleyi' was mentioned twice by Newcomb: in Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, vi, p. 147, October, 1855, where he says " A. wheatleyi Nob. is A. vidua Pfeift'er, ' and again in the same volume, p. 324, September, 1858, " The A. vidua Pfr., which I had supposed was my manuscript A. ivheatleyi, I find in Mus. Cuming to be a somewhat worn and faded specimen of this species ' [A. ovata] . As no characters were ever assigned to A. ivheatleyi except by implication in the above remarks, we have no option but to accept Newcomb 's published statement of what his A. wheatleyi was, even though he sent out specimens of what we are now calling ivheatleyana as A. wheatleyi. SERIES OF A. FUSCOBASIS. Ovate shells, smaller than those of the bulimoides series; mainly sinistral, never marked with green, and having some resemblance to the cast a series of Achatinellastntm. They are almost entirely shells of the high ridges and peaks. 170 ACHATINELLA FUSCOBASIS. 11. A. FUSCOBASIS (E. A. Smith). PI. 35, figs. 1 to 4. Shell ovate, sinistral, glossy ; white, the last whorl yellow- ish, ornamented with a median zone and base of brown. Whorls 6, a little convex, suture distinctly margined. Aper- ture white ; peristome thick, brown, columellar fold strong. Length 16, diam. 10 mm. High up on Mt. Kaala on the Mo- kuleia side, on the island of Oahu, arboreal. (Smith.) Oahu: Head of Kuliouou-Niu division ridge to Mt. Olym- pus, -at the head of the Palolo-Manoa ridge (Spalding. Cooke, Kuhns and Wilder). Bulimella fuscoliasis SMITH, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 77, pi. 9, f. 15. — Achatinella fuscobasis Sin., THWING, Original Descrip- tions, etc., p. 83. — Achatinella luteostoma BALDWIN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1895, p. 217, pi. 10, f. 7, 8 (Palolo to Niu). — B. rosea, a small white variety with a yellow lip, HARTMAN, Pro Ib 1 h 3b 51) ^rtB! 1C li 3c . JW r 8a 8b n 12 Plate 33 Id * '.; 7 3d 8c 13 1 e 6a - 13a Achatinellidae Plate 34 la 3a H 6 b 8 8 a 8b 9 5a 10 , -. 14 14 a 13 14 b 13 a 15 13 b 15 a Achatinellidae PLATE 35 10 8 . v 16 Achatinellidae Plate 36 1 f la Ib 5a 5b Ic 1 ' 3a 5c Id 5d le 4a 5 e 6a 7a 6b 7b 8a 6c 7c 9a lOa AchatinelHdae Plate 37 7a --^ s 4a 5c - 8 i 2a 4b 8a 10 11 lla 3f . % 4c h. ^ 6a 8b lib 3g , 6b 8c 3b 3h 5a 12 Achatmellidae Plate 38 , X 9 V J 15 ,_> 10 16 V Ib 4a 7b 11 16a 12 17 2a 2b 13 14 18 18 a 19b 19c Achatinellidae Plate 39 8 8b 8c 3a 11 m 9a lla 9b lib 12d 9c lie 13c 13d 13 e 13f 10 12 13 a 14 13b 14 a ACHATINELLA SOWERBYANA. 177 em collector will ever get. The shells are either plain except for the sutural band (pi. 34, fig. 9, Kaipapau), or have a band around the base, as in pi. 34, fig. 10 from Kaliuwaa val- ley near the Castle trail. This shell measure®, length 19.2, diam. 10, aperture 9 mm. ; 6y3 whorls. In one lot from the Kaipapau end of the Castle trail, no. 1866 Spalding 'coll., there are 20 of the plain typical form with a sutural band only, 3 with a basal band. There is also one chestnut specimen with a light sutural band. It has also been taken by Mr. Thurston in the banana patch in Kai- papau along the Castle trail towards Punaluu. Color-form oviformis ' Nc.' Pfr. PI. 34, fig. 11; pi. 30, fig. 11&. ' Shell sinistral, imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, striatu- late, white under a glossy olivaceous epidermis, one to three banded with brown. Spire convexly- conic, the apex rather acute, white. Suture deeply margined. Whorls 5, scarcely convex, the last about three-sevenths the total length. Aper- ture nearly diagonal, ear-shaped; columellar fold moderate, tooth-like, reddish ; peristome unexpanded, the margins joined by a thin callus, the outer margin labiate within ; columellar margin dilated, adnate. Length 17, diam. 8%, aperture 7% mm. long, 4 wide. Oahu, Newcomb ' (Pfr.). Type in Pfeiffer's collection. Mr. Sykes hasr referred Pfeiffer's sinistral form of A. mul- ticolor to -oviformis, no doubt correctly. Pfeiffer's figure is reproduced in pi. 30, fig. lla. Specimens from Kaliuwaa are three-banded with brown (" Hay's russet ") on a wax-yellow ground, pi. 34, fig. 11, coll. by Spalding. It seems to be merely a color-form or mutation of typical sowerbyana, hardly worthy of a name. 13a. A. SOWERBYANA THURSTONi P. & C., n. subsp. PI. 34, figs. 13 to 14&. The shell is invariably sinistral; ground-color wax-yellow below the periphery, white above it, with a band of burnt- sienna bek)w the periphery. Sutural margin defined by a deep line, usually with an inconspicuous, scarcely noticeable, dark line next the suture. Apex generally tipped minutely 178 ACHATINELLA SOWERBYANA. with dull purple. Lip-rib narrow and whitish or very pale. Columellar fold moderate, pink. Length 17.2, diam. 10.5, aperture 8.5 mm. ; whorls 5~y2. Length 16, diam. 9.5, aperture 8 mm. ; whorls 5%. Length 16, diam. 8.7 mm. Kahuku, 1,500-1,700 ft. elevation, L. A. Thurston, cotypes in coll. A. N. S. and Bishop Mus. Also in Thurston collection. Waimea, overlooking Laie, Irwin Spalding. Rarely the pigment is deficient, ground white throughout and the band reduced to a group of pale-brown lines (fig. 136). This decolored form approaches A. s. laiensis. There may also rarely be traces of faint spiral lines near the lip on the upper surface. These lines are yellowish with several pink ones near the peripheral white band. These colors are so delicate that they can hardly be seen without a lens, and are mentioned here chiefly because this pattern reminds one of A. casta. The fact is, A. s. thurstoni stands on the border- line between Bulimella and the casta group. Looking at some individuals one is disposed 'to rank it as a variety of sowerbyana, while others have features which certainly come as near to casta. Figs. 13 to 136 are cotypes from Kahuku. Further southeast on the main range, upon -the Waimea- Laie ridge, Mr. Spalding found a lovely color-form, illus- trated in pi. 34, figs. 14, 14&, 146. As in the typical color- pattern, the ground-'color is wax-yellow below the periphery, white above it (when not covered by another 'Color) ; either bandless or with four peach-red, coral-red or geranium-pink bands: sutural, supra- and infra-peripheral and columellar; or bands i and ii may be concreiscent into a broad zone, as in fig. 14 ; lip-rib narrow, whitish or with spots at the ends of the bands ; apex dusky purplish or nearly white. Length 15 to 16 mm. 136. A. SOWERBYANA LAIENSIS Pilsbry & Oooke, n. subsp. PI. 34, figs. 15, 15a. The shell is sinistral, ovate-conic, moderately solid ; white, with several brown bands, from burnt-sienna to chestnut in color; the one below the periphery is widest and most con- ACHATINELLA SOWERBYANA. 179 stant, one above the periphery is usually present, with some- times a sutural line and columellar patch also; rarely the shell is pure white. The apex is whitish or tinged with dull purple. Surface has a moderate gloss, and) is weakly seriate under the lens. Suture distinctly margined. The aperture is not very oblique, white within ; lip a trifle expanded at the edge, having a rather narrow whitish callus rim within, dull purplish-'brown towards the edge in well-banded individuals. Columellar fold white, or often in part brownish. Length 17, diam. 9.7, aperture 8.3 mm. ; 5~y2 whorls. Length 16, diam. 9.5, aperture 7.4 mm. Oahu : Laie, division ridge above the Gastle cut trail, Irwin S pal ding. Co types in A. N. S. and Bishop Mus. Also in Sp aiding coll. This subspecies does not have the greenish-yellow cuticle or brilliant gloss of A. sowerbyana. The bands are vertically streaked with chestnut on a lighter, more yellow tint, the con- trast more obvious in some specimens than in others. Whether it will eventually prove separable from A. s. thurstoni cannot now be decided. Its locality is rather remote from the area of A. cast a, some of the Waimano patterns of which certainly resemble laiensis. There are a few white, bandless specimens in Mr. Spald- ing's lot from the type locality, no. 3556 of his collection, and one shell with yellow base and wide subperipheral blackish band (band iii), establishing a connection with var. thurstoni. 13c. A. SOWERBYANA DEXTROVERSA P. & C., n. SUbsp. PI. 35, figs. 8 to 13. Shell dextral, white, sometimes uniform, but typically en- circled by several bands, which are light-brown, vertically streaked with chestnut; a narrow chestnut columellar area; suture margined with a dark line which ascends to the apex, in banded individuals. Penstome narrowly thickened within, pale with dark spots at the ends of the bands. Columellar fold moderate, white or nearly so. Length 18.5, diam. 9.5, aperture 9 mm. ; 5% whorls. Pupukea, D. Thaanum. Cotypes in A. N. S. P. and Bishop Museum. Also in Thaanum coll. 180 ACHATINELLA, SECT. ACHATINELLASTRUM. This is the western terminal member of the sowerbyana series. In a considerable lot seen it is always dextral. Ex- cept in direction of coil and some details of banding it has a close resemblance to laiensis. Some of the white shells have •the lip white, others having it purple-brown. Further up, on the Kahuku division ridge, the same sub- species has been taken by Mr. Spalding, 3558 of his col- lection, 108129 A. N. S. P. The shells are pure white, or light brown with dark sutural line and bands ii, iii, and the colu- mellar region are narrowly dark; band ii being narrow, iii wide and darker. This subspecies is quite unlike A. s. roseoplica except that both are dextral. 13d. A. SOWERBYANA ROSEOPLICA P. & C., n. subsp. PL 34, fig. 12. The shell is dextral, oblong-conic, rather solid, white under a greenish-yellow (sulphine-yellow) cuticle which is slightly streaked and is deciduous in a band below the suture and on the spire; apex white or pale^brown. Whorls but slightly convex. Lip-rib narrow, white or pale pink, the columellar fold roseate. Length 18, diam. 9, aperture 8.2 mm.; 6 whorls (A. N. S.). Length 17.2, diam. 8.7, aperture 7.8 mm. (Bishop Mus.) Opaeula, above forest- fence line, type loc. ; also on the northeastern division ridge between Opaeula and Ka/waiha- lona, Irwin Spalding. A few of the specimens from the last locality have a pink- ish-brown line bordering the suture on the last whorl. All of the specimens from both colonies are dextral. It is widely separated from all other known 'Colonies of sowerbyana. Section ACHATINELLASTRUM Pfeiffer. Achatinellastrum PFR., Malakozoologische Blatter i, 1854, p. 133.— PEASE, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 646 (restricted to " species allied to A. productum Reeve"). — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 320, 1900. The shell is imperforate, ovate-conic or oblong-conic, ACHATINELLA, SECT. ACHATINELLASTRUM. 181 smooth, with unexpanded lip, which is but slightly or not thickened within ; columellar margin not raised or thickened on the face. Type, A. producta Reeve. Distribution, Oahu, chiefly on the Main Range. This is the most generally distributed group of Achatinella In many places it is found on the northern side of the main range, and in a doubtless more humid time of the Pleistocene it lived down nearly to sea level. In the Waianae range there are a number of colonies, but all excessively small, and situ- ated on the inland slope. Achatinellastrum is related to Bulimella through such species as casta and sowerbyana, where the sectional borders are debatable. Such forms seem to be the least changed descendants of the ancestral common stock. No point of con- tact with the section Achatinella (Apex) is traceable among the recent species. Achatinellastrum is more prolific in color-mutations than any other group of the family. The number of patterns runs into hundreds. About 72 names have been applied to sup- posed species. This number was reduced to 49 by Mr. Bald- win in his Catalogue of 1893. Mr. Sykes, 1900, recognized 35 species and 3 varieties. In the following account 17 species and 14 subspecies are admitted, two species and three subspecies being new. In the section Achatinellastrum, it is not likely that any conservative zoologist having adequate collections and data, would recognize more than seventeen species; but if the evi- dence is critically examined, it appears that there are pheno- typically intermediate forms — hybrids or undifferentiated remnants of the parent stock — between many of the conven- tional species. It would be quite possible to reduce the * * good species" to nine or ten. Thus, in the eastern end of the Main Range, we have a chain of connected forms in (1) A. ph&ozona — fulgens — ste- wartii — vulpina. A little apart from them stands (2) A. buddii. This is succeeded by the form-chain of (3) A. bellula — casta — juncea. Allied, but not connected are (4) A. juddii 182 ACHATINELLA, SECT. ACHATINELLASTRUM. and (5) A. papyracea. Westward we find the connected series (6) A. livida — curia — dimorpha, with a distinct satellite species, (7) A. ccesia. The Waianae species are as yet but little known, and apparently are distinct. Much remains to be done in the definition of the critical points where one polymorphic population gives place to another, especially in the western half of the Main Range. It is quite likely that further collections and study will modify our present specific boundaries, or perhaps abolish some of them. I have not constructed a key to the forms of this group for the reason that most species of Achatinellastrum vary widely in color. Such small differences in size and shape as there may be in the average between allied species, are usually covered by individual variation. I fear that any key I could make would surely mislead anyone who attempted to name single specimens by it. The expert will naturally turn to the group or * * series ' ' to which his unnamed shell belongs. Those without special knowledge of Achatinella will doubtless most easily get from the plates a clue to what they seek. Series of Achatinellastrum. Series of A. vulpina. Eastern end of the Main range, west to Manana. Mainly rather large and moderately strong shells, conspicuously colored, green, yellow or chestnut, gen- erally streaked or banded, rarely white. Species no. 14 to 18. Series of A. cast a. Tantalus to Helemano. Smaller shells, whitish, yellow or chestnut, usually with bands. Species no. 19 to 21. Series of A. papyracea. Middle of Main range. Rather capacious, ovate, thin shells, the embryonic whorls not marked with an ocher band. Species no. 22. Waianae Range species, intermediate between the papy- racea and livida series. Species no. 28 to 30. Series of A. livida. Western half of the Main Range. Rather small, stout, ovate or short shells, dull green, yellow or white, often with a few bands, or sometimes streaked ; embryo often with an ocher band. Species no. 23 to 27. MAP OP EASTERN OAHU. 183 Q o 2 *<£Vr £ «£.', «fc\V. *£•' -P^^x'-^-y v, ^>xVHA\% V. ^ i q v\\\v.,-=:.x ^^ ^ .. ,.-!i» .xv^ ?«|- *>\XS"fS.- '• '****tS. 3?t Series of A. vulpina. Large, highly colored forms, usually chestnut, yellow or green, and variegated with streaks or bands ; inhabiting ridges 184 ACHATINELLA PELEOZONA. and ravines from Manana valley to the eastern end of the Main Range. No other group of Achatinellastrum is found east of Manoa valley, but westward the casta group appears in the area inhabited by vulpina forms. The distribution is diagrammatically indicated in the ac- companying map, p. 183. The stations of the respective species are included between the looped lines and the main axis of the range, but in reality the colonies actually occupy only a small fraction of the areas indicated. 14. A. PEUEOZONA Gulick. PL 24, figs. 10 to 13 ; pi. 36, figs. 10, 10a ; pi. 43, figs. 1 to Id. "Shell sinistral, scarcely perforate, oblong-ovate, solid, shining, striated; white with from one to six black or chest- nut bands varying in width; apex subacute; spire convexly conical; suture marginate, moderately impressed; whorls 7, moderately convex; columellar fold central, white, strong; aperture a little oblique, lunately rounded ; peristome acute, well thickened within, with columellar margin dilated, adnate, or sometimes slightly detached; parietal margin wanting. Length 22, diam. 12% mm. ; length of body whorl lGi/4 mm. ; length of aperture 11 mm. ; an average sized specimen. Length of a large specimen 25.4 mm. Average weight 10.5 grains.' (Gulick.) Mr. Gulick enumerates the following color-variants. ' ' Var. a. — With one broad band encircling the base. Var. &. — With two dark bands, one entering the aperture, the other revolv- ing above the suture. This and var. a are sometimes found in Kailua, Oahu. Var. c. — White, with 3 or 4 bands at the base. Var. d. — Without bands, but more or less streaked with fawn brown. Var. e. — Dark brown, with two white bands, one sutural, the other on the periphery of the body- whorl. Var. f. — Brown, with one or more black bands. Var. g. — Ash or olive brown, with one or more light bands. Var. h. — Chestnut or olive brown, with fine, black, spiral lines. ' Oahu: Keawaawa, on kukui and ki (Gulick, Spalding). Formerly on the northern side of the range in Waimanalo, Kailua and Olomana (Gulick) ; fossil in a coconut plantation ACHATINELLA PH^EOZONA. 185 about half a mile from the shore, southeast of Kailua Bay, in humus of plowed fields (Spalding). Achatinella phaeozona GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 214, pi. 7, f. 40, December, 1856. "May be grouped with A. buddii and A. fulgens Newc., but differs in its more solid structure, its thicker lip and colu- mellar fold, and in the more convex outline of its spire. It also lacks the black tip which characterizes A, buddii. The typical varieties found in Keawaawa are rare, that sterile re- gion affording but few trees, which occupy the ravines near the summit of the ridge.' (Gulick.) Professor Hyatt looked upon A. phceozona as the common ancestor of Achatinellastrum, Bulimella and Apex (Science, viii, p. 395). Later he claimed for A. phceozona a relationship to Kauaia. Our investigations lead to totally different re- sults, and we believe the affinities claimed by Hyatt to be alto- gether erroneous. Some specimens of phceozona are hardly separable from cer- tain shells of the plumata pattern of A. fulgens ; but other patterns of both differ widely. A. phcuozona never has green or yellow varieties. Although this species is at present restricted to a very small area, it formerly inhabited an extensive district on the northern or Koolaupoko side of the island, which was then wooded down to the shore. About sixty years ago, when Mr. Gulick discovered the species, it was still to be found in a few scattered colonies in Waimanalo and Kailua. On his labels Mr. Gulick indicated that it was almost extinct in these valleys. The Keawaawa lot in Gulick 's collection consists wholly of dead shells. A series is shown in plate 24, figs. 10-13, pi. 36, f. 10, 10a. The shell is commonly white with chestnut bands 0230 or 0030, but the bands vary in width, sometimes nearly covering the last whorl. There is almost always a white band at the periphery, and the sutural margin and summit are always white. Often the bands are split, giving rise to nu- merous band-forms, mentioned by Gulick. Another pattern is closely streaked with fleshy-brown, cut 186 ACHATINELLA PH^EOZONA. into bands by white spiral lines and zones, and often with darker bands also. This is a plumata pattern. Albino shells are also found. Specimens of Gulick 's Keawaawa lot measure : Length 20.5, diam. 12 mm., 6% whorls. Length 23.2, diam. 13 mm. Length 22.5, diam. 14 mm. Gulick 's collection was no doubt from rather low, where the forest was already almost gone in his time. Higher up, in the bottom of the ravine next to the head of Kuliouou, Mr. Spalding found living shells on dead kukui trees, in some abundance, in 1908 to 1910. Some of these are figured, pi. 43, figs. 1 to Id. The white, the two-banded, the split-banded and the streaked patterns are about equally prevalent. The white shells are more or less tinted behind the lip, and around the root of the columellar fold. Banded shells often have the fold wholly white. Length 25.2, diam. 13.2 mm., 7*4 whorls. Length 24, diam. 13.5 mm., 7 whorls. Length 20.6, diam. 12 mm., 6% whorls. Length 18.8, diam. 12.4 mm., 6 whorls. Northward, across the range, A. phceozona is probably now extinct. About sixty years ago Gulick found it in small num- bers in Waimanalo (similar to pi. 36, fig. 10a), in Kailua and on Olomana. The Kailua specimens (no. 589 Boston Soc., pi. 36, figs. 9, 9a), are rather small, length 20 to 21 mm., and mainly slender ; but others of the same lot are typical in con- tour, similar to fig. 10a. Of the specimens from the Koolau- poko side Gulick writes: "Smaller, with outlines of spire less convex; passing into A. plumata. Average weight 5.3 grains. Habitat : vars. i-k in Kailua ; vars. l-o in Olomana. Var. i. — white with numerous chestnut bands on the lower part of the whorls. Var. j. — Light olive brown with dark bands. Var. k. — Dark brown with narrow white bands.' Olomana is a shapely and elegant peak terminating the butress thrown out between Kailua and Waimanalo. Here Mr. Gulick found a few ph&ozona, for the greater part small and slender, with bands or lines of carob brown below the periphery, or sometimes above also (pi. 48, figs. 19, 20, Boston ACHATINELLA BUDDII. 187 Soc. N. H. coll.). Also white, of the ordinary phaozona shape and size, in contour like pi. 24, fig. 11. No tree snails are now to be found on this peak. Mr. Gulick notes the fol- lowing patterns. "Var. 1. — White with one or two broad black bands at the base. Var. m. — Elongate, white with two black bands, one revolving above the suture, the other enter- ing the aperture, and sometimes a third accompanies the sutural margin. Var. n. — White with from three to five crowded bands at the base. Var. o. — Pure white.' On the base-leveled plain north of Olomana, about half a mile from the sea southeast of Kailua Bay, Mr. Spalding found phaozona of normal size and marking in the humus turned up by the plow in a grove of young coconuts, west of the stream. While one would not expect land shells to with- stand disintegration for many years, it must be a century, and probably much more, since forest suitable for tree snails existed in this place. It will be inferred from the planting of coconuts that the plain lies only a few feet above sea level. The situation is however a dry or semiarid one for the Koolau side. East of the stream in this plain I have found rather rich deposits of fossil land shells, including Amastra and Leptachatina. 15. A. BUDDII Newcomb. PI. 36, figs. 7 to 8a. ''Shell sinistral, conically ovate, solid; whorls 6, convex, slightly margined above ; suture moderately impressed, banded with white ; aperture ovate ; lip acute, thickened within ; colu- mella short, with a terminal plication. Color yellowish (or cinnamon) slate or fawn; columella and aperture white. Length 16/20, diam. 9/20 inch" (Newc.). Oahu: Waialae (Gulick); Palolo (Newcomb, type loc. ; Gulick) ; Manoa (Emerson) ; Head of Makiki (Spalding, Thurston, Cooke, Pilsbry and others). Achatinella ~buddii NEWC., P. Z. S. 1853, p. 155, pi. 24, f. 73. — PFR., Monogr. iv, 538; vi, 173. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 16 (Makiki). — Achatinella fuscozona Smith, GULICK and SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 76, pi. 9, f. 9. 188 ACHATESTELLA BUDDII. In shape A. buddii does not differ materially from the wid- est specimens of A. fulgens. The apex is dark. The colu- mellar fold is often smaller and generally vinaceous. The chief difference is one of color; in buddii the shell in its more primitive pattern is closely streaked with liver brown to purplish vinaceous, flesh color and whitish or creamy, or with flesh-tint or yellowish brown alone, on a paler ground, the sutural margin self-colored or narrowly white. The streaks are sometimes continuous, but usually the pattern is varied by darker or lighter spiral zones, or interrupted by white bands or zones, and there are occasional albino in- dividuals. Through various stages, there is a passage to the banded pattern, in which there are spiral bands and lines of chestnut brown or blackish brown on a white or buff ground, often shading towards the base to cream-buff, sometimes streaked with brown. Often there is a very faint brownish line below the suture, and in the rare mutation described as A. fuscozona, there is a subsutural chestnut band. The em- bryonic shell is often brown with a wide white or pale zone below the suture ; and when white it always has a dark tip, even in albinos. In A. fulgens the embryo is white as a rule, but sometimes it has a dark tip. Specimens of buddii from Waialae, Palolo, pi. 36, f. 7 to le, and Makiki, pi. 36, f. 8, 8a, do not differ materially. A. buddii was formerly not uncommon in Palolo, where large numbers were collected by Newcomb, Gulick and doubt- less many others. The supposed A. fuscozona recorded by Messrs. Gulick and Smith from Palolo have no direct connec- tion with the fuscozona of Makiki, but are an independent though somewhat similar form of buddii. There is a very pale sutural band of a light ochraceous-buff tint, on a straw yellow or nearly white ground, and the apex is that of typical buddii. The specimens are no. 678 of Gulick 's collection, and no doubt were selected out of his Palolo lot of buddii. About 1855 Mr. J. S. Emerson collected an ample series in the bottom of Manoa valley on the Sugar Loaf side, above where Dr. Cooke's house now stands, in a grove of kukui trees then being cut by Chinese to obtain pepeitao-laau, an ACHATINELLA BUDDII. 189 edible fungus. The shells are of the streaked and also the banded patterns. These localities have long since been de- forested, and the species is now to be found only high in Makiki, where the banded pattern, pi. 36, fig. 8a, prevails. A few specimens which had escaped shell collectors could still be found hiding in knot holes and crevices in the bark of cer- tain old kukui trees, when Doctor Cooke and I visited the place in 1913. It seems to be a shell of the kukui zone, prob- ably not found at greater elevations. An unusual pattern of buddii was selected to form the sup- posed species fuscozona. The description follows, with notes on the type and other specimens. It seems to be a mutation which did not become general in occurrence. There are many instances where a particular pattern has been found on a few trees only. Color var. fuscozona Smith. PL 38, fig. 15. "Shell sinis- tral, ovate-conic, perforate, slightly shining, striated with growth lines and (under the lens) very minute transverse lines; whitish, more or less streaked obliquely with light brown, and transversely indistinctly lined and zoned ; suture distinctly margined with brown ; whorls G1/^, convex, the last one ample ; apex blackish ; aperture white, peristome thin, lightly bordered within; columellar fold strong, reddish (sometimes whitish). Length 21, diam. 12 mm. * ' Var. Shell long-conic ; suture girdled by a very wide brown zone. Length 23%, diam. 11 mm. ' ' Station : on the trunks of trees. 1 i Habitat : Makiki, on Oahu. Two or three specimens have been found in Palolo. Affinities: It is intermediate between A. adusta Rv. and A. buddii Nwc.' (Smith). The type-specimen is figured, pi. 38, fig. 15. It is no. 75 of Gulick's type series, Boston Society. The original figure shows the aperture too narrow, and the two lines near the middle of the last whorl too strong. They are barely visible. The shell is white, pale buff behind the outer lip and on the parietal wall of the aperture, where several darker, isabella colored lines or narrow bands are indistinctly visible. The first half-whorl is ocher-red, the next whorl violet-plumbeous 190 ACHATINELLA FULGENS. in the lower half, fading to white above. This dusky tint fades on the following whorl. The last three whorls have a chestnut border below the suture about y2 of. a millimeter wide. The subsutural furrow bisects this border. The aper- ture and columella are white, exactly as in A. buddii. There is a very small dark area below the columellar reflection which makes it appear perforate, but it is not really so. Length 21, diam. 12.3 mm., with 6*4 whorls. In his collection Mr. Gulick selected specimens of buddii having a brown subsutural band and segregated them as fus- cozona. Altogether he had about a dozen, found among per- haps a couple of hundred buddii. They vary in pattern from that of the type of fuscozona to specimens like pi. 36, figs. 7a, 7c, except that they have the sutural band. A few are very small, length 18, diam. 9.5 mm., with 6Vs whorls. In one of Mr. Gulick 's lots from Makiki, no. 804 Boston Soc., there is one buddii with a wider sutural band and slightly purplish-brown columellar fold, and four stewartii of unusual pattern, two of them figured in pi. 38, figs. 16, 16a. This is what Mr. Smith described as a long variety of fus- cozona. Having examined nearly all the fuscozona ever taken by Gulick, including the type, I am satisfied that Mr. Sykes was right in placing it as a synonym under A. buddii. It has nothing to do with stewartii, except that Mr. Gulick mixed them in one of his lots. 16. A. FULGENS Newcomb. PL 36, figs. 1 to 6e ; pi. 37, figs. 1 to 9 ; pi. 43, figs. 2 to 4c. " Shell elongately conic, polished, shining; whorls 6, flatly convex ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture ovate ; columella short, tuberculated ; lip simple, ribbed within ; color rich chestnut-brown, with a broad white sutural fascia cutting the center of the last whorl ; apex and columella white. Length eighteen, diam. eight-twentieths inch.' (Newc.) " Var. a, white with broad chestnut bands.' (Newc.). PL 29, fig. 24. Oahu: Niu (Newcomb) to the Palolo-Manoa ridge; var. versipellis over the range in Kailua. ACHATINELLA FULGENS. 191 Achatinella fulgeus NEWC., Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, p. 131 ; varieties figured on pi. 22, f . 24, 24a. — PFRV Mono- graphia, iv, p. 537. — Achatinella liliacea PFEIFFER, P. Z. S., 1859, p. 31 ; Monographia, vi, p. 173. — A. lilaceum Pfr., HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S., Phila., 1888, p. 34. — Achatinella vulpina Fer., REEVED Conch. Icon,, vi, pi. 4, f. 29a, b, c. — THWING, Orig. Descriptions, etc., pi. 1, f. 12. Not of Ferus- sac. — Achatinella crassidentata PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 6, pi. 30, f. 23; Monographia, iv, p. 539. — Achatinella plumata Gu- lick, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York, vi, p. 217, pi. 7, f . 41, December, 1856 ; Evolution, etc., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 23 (Waialae}. — Achatinella diversa GULICK, t. c. p., 220, pi. 7, f. 42a, 426; Evolution, etc., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 24 (Wai- alae).— THWING, Orig. Descript., pi. 1, f. 11. — Achatinella varia GULICK, t. c. p. 222, pi. 7, f . 43 ; Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 21 (Palolo). — Achatinella tri- lineata GULICK, t. c., p. 226, pi. 7, f. 43 ; Evolution, etc., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 20 (Palolo). — Achatinella augusta SMITH, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 74, pi. 9, f. 7. — Achatinella angusta Sm., PAETEL, Catalog, p. 105. — HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1888, p. 33. A. fulgens comprises particolored, sinistral shells, inhabit- ing the ridges and ravines between the areas of A. phceozona on the east, and A. stewartii on the west. It is ordinarily a more slender shell than A. phceozona, with the spire nearly straight-sided, and further differs from that by the frequent presence of a yellow or green cuticle. A. stewartii is usually more solid, more obtuse above, and differs in color-patterns. It never has white bands, which are frequent in fulgens. A. fulgens is sinistral as a rule, but dextral as a very rare variation. Probably about half a dozen dextral shells are known. The Kailua race, versipellis, is frequently dextral. There are some transitional examples on the boundaries be- tween phceozona, fulgens, and stewartii, where narrow areas of overlap exist on the western and northern confines of Kuli- ouou, and in the northwestern ravines of Palolo. Many strikingly diverse color-mutations have arisen and become more or less generally spread throughout the fulgens 192 ACHATINELLA FULGENS. area. Nearly every colony is hybrid, and in some the mixture is very complex. If any gametically pure colonies exist, they must be rare. Segregation of the elementary patterns is often incomplete, and in assorting any large lot, one en- counters specimens which seem to be blends, often in large proportion. In general, one may say that forms obliquely streaked and lineate with various shades of vinaceous or cinereous (plu- mata patterns) predominate in the east, and fade out west- ward, where they finally appear chiefly in blends with other patterns. Green and yellow cuticle is mainly developed in the western district. Some other mutations, such as the augusta,, fulgens and crassidentata patterns, have had their rise in the intermediate district, and have not spread over the whole area of the species. The numerous names proposed by Gulick and others have no validity in existing taxonomic usage as standing for species or subspecies, because the forms occur only as con- stituents of mixed colonies, and not as pure strains; even though one or two of the patterns may predominate in one or another colony. These names, however, provide conveni- ent terms for the designation of particular patterns. The chief patterns are as follows. How many of them would turn out to be elementary patterns, if tested by suitable breeding experiments, is of course quite uncertain. 1. Plumata pattern. Finely streaked with vinaceous, purple drab or plumbeous gray, pi. 36, figs. 4a, 5, 6, 6a. 2. Varia pattern. White above, yellowish or olivaceous be- low the periphery; obliquely streaked with cinnamon or tawny; usually with a dark line below the suture. PL 36, figs. 1, la. 3. Diversa pattern. Base and a band above the periphery green, olive or yellow, elsewhere white. PL 37, figs. 4a, 4c. 4. Augusta pattern. Green or olive with a yellowish or white band below the suture. PL 37, figs. 12, 12a. 5. Trilineata pattern. Yellow below, white above the periph- ACHATINELLA FULGENS. 193 ery, with two black bands, one above, the other below the periphery. PL 37, fig. la. 6. Fulgens pattern. Chestnut-brown above and below a peripheral white or yellow band, which ascends the spire above the suture. PL 37, fig. 1. This is a rare form, but it is what Newcomb selected as typical of fulgens. 7. Crassidentata pattern. White, with yellow or olivaceous bands below the suture, at the periphery and around the axis, the upper one often wanting. PL 30, fig. 23. A rare pattern. 8. Liliacea pattern. Albino or albinistic forms occur in some colonies, and may be derived from various patterns. The typical fulgens color-form described by Newcomb is shown in pi. 37, fig. 1, this specimen being from Waialae nui, Cooke collection. Newcomb 's original figures, repro- duced in pi. 29, figs. 24, 24a, represent other color-forms, fig. 24 being Newcomb 's var. a, while fig. 24a is what was subsequently described as A. augusta. Niu. — Plate 36, figs. 4 to 6e. The plumata pattern of fine oblique, vinaceous cream or slaty-purple lines and streaks over a white, vinaceous, or white-and-yellow ground, is es- pecially characteristic of Niu. Figs. 5 to 5e show the patterns in a lot collected by Mr. Gulick. The shells are rather small, 19 to 21 mm. long. There are also shells of the trilineata pattern and albinistic specimens in which the brown bands are reduced by absence of the subsutural or the subsutural and basal. A few have no bands (pi. 36, figs. 5 to 5e). A series received from Mr. Thaanum, collected recently, consists mainly of larger shells, pi. 36, figs. 6 to 6e. This con- tains typical plumata pattern, fig. 6 ; plumata with yellow cuticle on the base, fig. 6a; plumata with white and dark bands, fig. 66, c ; trilineata pattern, fig. 6d ; and albino forms, fig. 6e. There is clear segregation of the elementary patterns in most specimens, but blends are not uncommon, such as figs. 4 and 6c, which seem to be blends of plumata and tri- lineata. A large series in Mr. Spalding's collection, from the west- 194 ACHATINELLA FULGENS. ern ravines of Niu, includes typical plumata and typical tn- lineata patterns, with many intermediate blends. There are also many white plumata, like pi. 36, fig. 6e. Dr. Newcomb's fig. 24 was evidently from a Niu shell. Wailupe.— Plate 36, figs. 3, 3a; pi. 43, figs. 3 to 3c. The Gulick collection contains plumata patterns, figs. 3, 3a, and others similar to those he obtained in Niu. Also trilineata pattern. The augusta pattern, pi. 37, figs. 12, 12a, was also taken here by Gulick. It is not found in Niu, and has not been taken in Wailupe in recent years. Recent collections contain streaked plumata ; trilineata like pi. 36, fig. 6d ; typical fulgens pattern ; diversa pattern ; var- ious blends of diversa-plumata and trilineata-plumata pat- terns; and beautiful, pure white albinos. There are also a few examples of the crassidentata color-pattern, pi. 48, fig. 21. All of these are found in one colony. A few are illus- trated, pi. 43, figs. 3 to 3c, northwestern valley of Wailupe, collected by Irwin Spalding. Waialae. — PI. 37, figs. 1 to 6&. Waialae fulgens differ from the Wailupe and Niu series by the prevalence of green forms and the decadence of the plumata pattern. Very few plumata similar to those of Niu, pi. 36, figs. 5-5$, are in the Gulick collection, but in more recent collections, the plumata pattern occurs in blends with other patterns, such as pi. 37, figs. 3, 3a, 5a, 6Z>. The varia pattern appears here (Gulick coll.) but is much more fully represented in Palolo. The augusta pattern with white spire and in various blends with plumata and diversa is common, pi. 37, figs. 3, 3a, Waialae nui, coll. by Thaanum. The trilineata pattern is rare or ab- sent, but there is an abundant form with two brownish black bands on a green-streaked ground, pi. 37, figs. 3c, d, e, Wai- alae nui. The diversa pattern, pi. 37, figs. 4a, &, c, coll. by Baldwin, and fig. 5c, coll. by Gulick, is abundant. It often blends with plumata., as in fig. 3g • and there are also beauti- ful dark green examples with white bands on the spire only, particularly in Waialae iki. PI. 36, fig. 2 is a dextral speci- men from Waialae, coll. by Gulick. The fulgens pattern, pi. 37, fig. 1, Waialae nui, coll. by Dr. Cooke, is rare. There are ACHATINELLA FULGENS. 195 two broad chestnut zones, leaving a yellow band at periphery and a yellow line below the suture. A beautiful and unique specimen in the Spalding collection, pi. 43, fig. 2, from Waia- lae iki, has a green-streaked base and a broad chestnut black zone above. Figs. 5 to 6& are from specimens taken by Gu- lick; the other figures of Waialae shells, 1 to 4c, are from more recently collected examples. On the Waialae-Palolo division ridge Mr. Thurston collected a fine series of augusta, rather small shells. It may be a pure colony. Palolo.— PI. 36, figs. I to If • pi. 37, figs. 7 to 9, coll. by Gulick. The plumata pattern is rare or wanting in Palolo, where the principal patterns are varia, diversa, trilineata and augusta. The varia pattern, pi. 36, figs. 1, 2, is rather char- acteristic of Palolo. The shell is streaked obliquely with russet or ecru olive, with an olive-brown band above, the base ecru olive or brownish. In the northern ravines of Palolo this pattern is associated with very fine citron-green and dark green diversa with a blackish line below the suture ; diversa with white bands, with or without a blackish line above the periphery, and albinos. Some of these are shown in pi. 43, figs. 4 to 4c, coll. by Spalding. There are also augusta with white or streaked spire, mostly with a dark subsutural line. The fulgens pattern is rare (pi. 37, fig. 8c). A peculiar modification of the trilineata pattern has a very narrow chest- nut or blackish line above the periphery, pi. 37, fig. 9, coll. by Gulick. This seems to be a specially Palolo pattern. The frequent presence of a dark line below the suture in- dicates affinity to A. stewartii. Rare individuals from the northwestern ravine of Palolo are indistinguishable from A. stewartii. Dr. Newcomb defined a " Var. &, chestnut colored above, yellowish below, with two black and one white band, with columella dark brown, of large size, measuring 22 x 10 twen- tieths of an inch. This last variety may upon further exami- nation prove to be a distinct species. The locality of this last is Makika valley, mauka roa, or far back in the mountain range.' I am pretty confident that Newcomb was mistaken about the locality of this variety. Nothing like it is found in 196 ACHATINELLA FULGENS. Makiki, either mauka or makai, but some Palolo specimens have the coloration described. 16a. A. FULGENS VERSIPELLIS Gulick. PL 43, figs. 5 to Id. " Shell dextral or sinistral, imperf orate, acuminately ob- long, solid, shining, striated, of lively ash-color, more or less streaked and waved with brown, with several interrupted brown bands on the upper parts of the whorls; apex some- what obtuse ; spire convexly conical ; suture margined, mod- erately impressed; whorls 6, convex; columellar fold central, white, strong; aperture truncately auriform, white within, a little oblique, in sinistral specimens very oblique ; peri- stome thickened within; with external margin unreflected, compressed, edged with brown; columellar margin dilated, adnate; parietal margin wanting. Length 20%, breadth 10, length of body- whorl 15 mm. Average weight 8.6 grains.' (Gulick.) Var. b, rich brown, with light streaks and waves. Var. c, yellow at the base, with one or more brown bands above. Var. d, yellow at the base and white above, without bands. Var. e, nearly pure white. Var. f, ash or yellow gray, with- out bands. A rare and beautiful species, found in the most rugged but verdant region of western Kailua. About a third of the specimens are sinistral.' (Gulick.) Oahu: Pohakunui, Kailua (J. T. Gulick). Kailua under Mt. Olympus, and the Kailua- Waimanalo division ridge (Irwin Spalding). Achatinella versipellis GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 224, pi. 7, f. 44a, b. December, 1856. — Achatinellastrum versipilis Gul., PEASE, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 646. — Achatinella fuscolineata SMITH, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 75, pi. 9, f. 2, and var. 6, f. 2a. Very closely related to the plumata and various other pat- terns of A. fulgens, from which versipellis is separated mainly by its habitat, on the north side of the main range, and by the frequency of dextral shells. There is, however, some dif- ference in the patterns; versipellis often having the ground color of the last whorl all yellow. ACHATINELLA FULGENS. 197 Mr. Gulick's two cotypes are figured, pi. 43, figs. 5, 5a. Both are streaked individuals, one streaked with Indian red on a white ground, the other with chestnut on a yellow ground. The apical whorls are very pale yellow in both ; colu- mellar fold entirely white. Other specimens from the origi- nal lot, pi. 43, figs. 5&, 5c, have livid brown streaks blending with the light yellowish olive ground, or the dusky streaks may be very faint on an ecru-olive ground. Specimens with- out streaks may be deep colonial bun2 with or without inter- rupted cinnamon bands. Another pattern is pale-pinkish buff with two yellow bands. One shell is white, shading to pale green-yellow at the base, with yellowish lines at suture and above periphery. There is also a diversa pattern, with light yellow base and band. I have not been able to locate the type locality, Pohakunui, but it is probably near Mt. Olympus. Specimens from Kailua, under Mt. Olympus, collected by Mr. Spalding, pi. 43, figs. 7&, 7c, Id, and others from Mauna- wili (in the same region, if not the same colony), collected by Mr. Wilder, pi. 43, figs. 7, la, show further modifications of the patterns found by Mr. Gulick. Among them, Mr. Wilder found a green form, diversa pattern. On the division ridge between Kailua and Waimanalo Mr. Spalding collected various streaked and yellow-banded pat- terns, all sinistral (pi. 43, figs. 6 to 6c). A. fuscolineata E. A. Smith. (PI. 43, fig. 8, reproduction of original figure). " Shell sinistral, ovate-conic, imperforate, glossy, striated obliquely with growth lines and very delicately transversely striate ; greenish-yellow streaked with green, and encircled above the periphery with (3 to 5) brown lines; suture dis- tinctly brown-margined. Whorls 6%, convex, the first three white. Aperture white; peristome white (sometimes brown), the margin acute, bordered within ; columellar margin strong, roseate (sometimes white). Length 19, diam. 10 mm. 11 Var. a. Shell more of a green color. " Var. &. Shell smaller, sub testaceous, streaked with pale chestnut and transversely banded above with deep brown.' (Smith.) 198 ACHATINELLA FULGENS. Oahu: the typical form is found in Kailua, but varieties which may conveniently be classed with it are found in nearly all the valleys between Palolo and Halawa (Gulick). "It is most nearly allied to A. versipellis Gulick. This species is very rarely dextral. The specimen figured is from Kailua ' (Gulick). Mr. Sykes follows Newcornb in referring this to A. vul- pina as a synonym. It seems to me to be a banded form of versipellis. Like that it is rarely dextral. Shells from other districts than Kailua, referred by Mr. Gulick to fuscolineata, are probably forms of vulpina, superficially like the Kailua type in markings. Some of them which I have seen from the western valleys are forms of analoga; and his " fuscolineata' from Palolo are certainly fulgens. 166. A. FULGENS AMPLA Newcomb. PI. 29, fig. 19 ; pi. 54, figs. 7 to 7c. * * Shell dextral, conically ovate, polished ; whorls 5, rounded ; suture simple, banded with a black stripe ; aperture large and white ; outer lip simple, acute, thickened within ; columella short, white or roseate, terminating in a twisted plait; apex obtuse, roseate ; epidermis light green or olive above, of a deeper color on the last whorl. Length 14-twentieths, width 10-twentieths inch' (Newcomb}. Oahu: Koolau (Newcomb). Achatinella ampla NEWC., P. Z. S. 1853, p. 137, pi. 22, f. 19, 1854. — PFR., Monogr. iv, 533. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 305, 1900. — THWING, Reprint Original Descr., p. 59. There is an error, probably typographical, in Dr. New- comb's measurement; 14-twentieths should be 17-twentieths according to Newcomb 's original figure, which is reproduced photographically on pi. 29, fig. 19. PL 54, figs. 7-7c rep- resent other specimens in Newcomb 's collection, no. 29904 Cornell University. The series includes both dextral and sinistral shells. The very ample last whorl is the chief char- acteristic distinguishing ampla from the other Koolau races, phceozona, versipellis and fuscolineata. Some specimens ap- proach very near to such versipellis as pi. 43, figs. 7b-7d, ACHATINELLA PULGENS. 199 from Kailua below Mt. Olympus. It must be admitted, how- ever, that there is also a close relationship to A. stewartii. Probably ampla came from somewhere in Kailua, NewcomVs locality being in a rough way correct. The last whorl is straw yellow, usually streaked and more or less suffused with green; sometimes with some obscurely traced green bands; the early whorls whitish or faintly flesh tinted. The suture is narrowly margined with chestnut. There is often a blackish chestnut crescent at the columella. In Newcomb's type and one other specimen the whole base is streaked with chestnut. Length 19.5, diam. 12.6, aperture 9.5 mm. ; 6*4 whorls. Length 20.1, diam. 12.5, aperture 10.5 mm. ; 6 whorls. The original descriptions of forms based upon various muta- tions of A. fulgens are reprinted below. We have examined the types of all but crassidentata, augusta and liliacea, and have seen part of the original lot of augusta. A. crassidentata Pfeiffer. PI. 30, fig. 23, reproduction of original figure. " Shell imperf orate, sinistral, rather solid, striatulate, little shining; white, ornamented with a few buff bands, sometimes having the base greenish-buff. Spire conic, the apex rather obtuse, suture margined ; whorls 5%, a little convex, the last about three-sevenths the length, rounded at the base. Aperture diagonal, sinuately semioval; columellar fold superior, very thick, tooth-shaped ; peristome simple, the outer margin acute, lightly arcuate ; columellar margin short, narrow. Length 20, diam. 11 mm. ; aperture 10 mm. long, 5 wide. Inhabits the Sandwich Islands, Frick, in Mus. Cum- ing" (P/r.). This pattern has been found by Mr. Spalding in Wailupe. The bands are cuticular, not homologous with those of tri- lineata, which are differently located, and dye the prismatic layer of the shell. "A. liliacea Pfr. Shell imperf orate, sinistral, ovate-conic, rather solid, lightly striate, glossy, white ; spire a little con- vexly conic, apex subacute ; suture narrowly margined ; whorls 6, scarcely convex, the last a little convex, sometimes sub- angular at the periphery, the base sack-like ; columellar fold 200 ACHATINELLA FULGENS. pale rose, high, twisted ; aperture oblique, reversed auriform ; peristome unexpanded, acute, somewhat labiate within ; colu- mellar margin slightly dilated, adnate. Length 24, diam. 12 mm. Inhabits the Sandwich Islands, Dr. Frick, in Cuming coll' (Pfr.). This is an albino form. Achatinella plumata Gulick. ' ' Shell sinistral, imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, shining, striated, cinereous, with oblique brown streaks; apex subacute; spire conic, with outlines slightly convex; suture marginate, moderately impressed, white; whorls 6!/2> somewhat convex; columellar fold central, white, strong; aperture somewhat oblique, truncately auri- form; peristome subacute, well thickened within, with colu- mellar margin dilated, adnate; parietal margin wanting. Length 23 mm., breadth 12.2, length of body-whorl 16, length of aperture 11 mm. Average weight 8.5 grains. "Station: on the leaves and branches of trees. Habitat: Niu, Oahu, J. T. G.P (Gulick). " Remarks : a neat species, differing from A. phozozona, in its smaller size, more conic spire, and in the streaked arrange- ment of its colors. The typical specimens are much thicker and heavier than A. buddii Newc., and it never has the black tip of that species. We have seen but one dextral specimen, which has been mentioned under var. s.' (Gulick). Mr. Gulick characterizes 41 color-varieties, grouped under five sections designated by Greek letters. These sections are as follows: (1) typical, vars. & to k. (2) "Smaller and more elongately ovate. Length 19y5, breadth 10% mm. Habitat Wailupe, Oahu.' Vars. I to g. (3) "Of full size, but thinner, than the typical varieties, with the first three whorls usually white; passes into A. fulgens Newc., which is found in the same locality. Habitat, Waialae, Oahu; vars. r, s and v are sometimes found in Palolo.' Vars. r to x. (4) "Rather thin, with lip acute and scarcely thickened within ; pass into A. buddi Newc., found in the same locality. Average weight 5.3 grains. Habitat, Palolo, Oahu.' Vars. y, z, aa to ii. (5) "With spire more convex and colors less streaked; pass into A. phceozona vars. i to o. Habitat Kailua, Oahu.' Vars. jj to pp. It has not been thought desirable to occupy space here ACHATINELLA FULGENS. 201 with the descriptions of Mr. Gulick 's lettered varieties. Those who have not access to the original publication can find them in Mr. Thwing's Reprint, pp. 40, 41. Data so presented serve to show the wide range of variation, but are not otherwise available as variation is now studied. The few Kailua specimens we have seen seem to be at least as near phczozona as plumata, although Gulick classed them with the latter. They have the convex-sided spire of phceozona. "Achatinella diver sa Gulick. Shell sinistral, very rarely dextral, imperforate, ovately or elongately conic, solid, shin- ing, striated, white or variously painted with yellow or green ; apex subacute ; spire conic ; suture marginate, moderately im- pressed ; whorls 6%, somewhat convex ; columellar fold cen- tral, strong, rose or white ; aperture oblique, truncately auri- form ; peristome acute, thickened within, with columellar mar- gin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length 21, breadth 11%, length of body whorl 15%, length of aperture 10% mm. An average specimen. Greatest length 25 mm. Average weight 8 grains' (Gulick). 1 1 Station, on trees. Habitat, Palolo, Waialae, Wailupe and Niu, Oahu, J. T. G.!' "Var. a. — Pure white, except the columella, which is fre- quently lilac or rose. Var. b — white with one black band. Var. c — white with two black bands, one entering the aper- ture ; approaches A. fulgens Newc. Var. d — white with yel- low or green base. Var. e — yellow with white bands. Var. f — yellow, fading towards the apex. Var. h — green, passing into gray or brown towards the apex. Var. i — green with white bands. "Remarks: Differs from A. plumata nob. in the character and arrangement of its colors, and from A. fulgens Newc. in the absence of the white sutural band and the two broad black central bands which characterize that species. "The specimens found in Niu do not present the green varieties, but incline more to white, and are also thicker and more ovate in form than those found in Palolo. The average weight of full grown specimens from Niu is about 9 grains, that of the Palolo specimens is 7.2 grains. "I have six or eight dextral specimens belonging to varie- ties d, e, g and ir (Gulick). Achatinella varia Gulick. "Shell sinistral, imperforate, acuminately oblong, solid, shining, finely striated, white, i t ( t 202 ACHATINELLA FULGENS. streaked with brown, with a black line beneath the suture, and green or brown at the base ; apex somewhat acute ; spire elongately conic; suture margined, lightly impressed; whorls 6, flatly convex ; columellar fold central, brown or rose, strong ; aperture oblique, truncately auriform, white within; peris tome thickened within ; external margin unreflected, arcuate ; columellar margin dilated, adnate, usually margined with black; parietal margin wanting. Length 21%, breadth 10%, length of body whorl 14 mm. Length of a large specimen 27, breadth 13 mm. Average weight 6.7 grains. 'Station: On the Kukui (Aleurites triloba}, Ohia (Eugenia malacctzcensis) , and other trees. J. T. G. ! Habitat: Palolo, Waialae, and Wailupe, Oahu. J. T. G. ! Var. b, White above, green or yellow at the base. Var. c, Green at the base, white above, with one or more green bands. Var. d, Green, brown, or yellow at the base, upper whorls radiated with white and brown, and banded with green or yellow. Var. e, Radiated with white, and reddish brown. Var. /, White except the suture and columella. Var. g, Green or yellow; passing into A. Stewartii Green. Var. h, Green with one narrow, white, spiral band, passing just above the suture. Var. i, Yellow with white sutures, and a dark brown band revolving beneath. Var. j, Chestnut brown at the base, becoming paler towards the apex, with several obscure, spiral, brown lines. "Remarks: The metropolis of the species is Palolo Valley, where it is very abundant. In Waialae and Wailupe, which lie to the east, it gradually becomes more rare, and disappears in Niu, which has furnished me but one specimen of var. f. In Manoa, on the west, it soon disappears, being found only on the mountain ridge that separates it from Palolo. Dextral specimens are very rare. I have a few from Waialae. "This shell has been described and figured by Reeve as A. vulpina Fer., and others have followed him ; but a com- parison of his figures with Ferussac's leads me to doubt his correctness, and after an acquaintance with the species in their native valleys, I do not hesitate to separate them as distinct. The shell here figured corresponds more nearly to what I have described as variety c (Gulick). Achatinella trilineata Gulick. "Shell sinistral, imperf or- ate, ovate-conic, solid, shining, finely striated, white above, yellow or green at the base, with three black bands, one su- tural, one entering the aperture, and the other between the two, revolving just above the suture ; apex somewhat obtuse ; spire conical, slightly convex; suture with narrow margin, ACHATINELLA FULGENS. 203 moderately impressed; whorls 6% rather convex; columellar fold central, white or rose, strongly developed aperture trun- cately auriform, white within; peristome thickened within; with external margin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length 21%, breadth 12. Length of body whorl 15 mm. Average weight 8.6 grains. ' ' Station : On the kukui and other trees. Habitat : Palolo, Waialae, Wailupe and Niu, Oahu. J. T. G. "Var. 6, With oblique reddish-brown streaks above, the base green or yellow. Var. c, Yellowish or green throughout, excepting the bands. Var. d, White at the base, and also above. Var. e, Covered with oblique reddish-brown streaks. Var. /, Apex tipped with black, passing into A. ~buddii Newc. Var. g, Green or yellow, except the black bands, and a narrow line of white. Var. h, White, with several fine spiral black lines accompanying the broader bands. Var. i, With black bands very broad, occupying half the surface or more. Var. j, With two black bands, one sutural, the other passing above the suture. Var. k, With two black bands, one sutural, the other entering the aperture ; rare. Var. I, With several nar- row bands on the upper part of the whorls. ' ' Remarks : Dextral specimens of this species are very rare ; I have obtained but two. Varieties j and k have been found only in Palolo. As in the preceding species, the specimens found in Niu are of the lighter colored varieties, and more solid than those of the other valleys.' (Gulick). 1 ' Achatinella augusta Smith. Shell sinistral, ovate-conic, glossy, striated with very fine growth and transverse lines; green, streaked with darker green and encircled by dark green and rufous lines, ornamented with a yellow zone below the white suture ; suture distinctly margined with white ; whorls 6i/2, the first four a little convex, the rest convex; aperture white, peristome thin, tinted with pale brown within; colu- mellar fold strong, brownish rose color. Length 24, diam. mm. "Var. — Shell all yellow, encircled below the suture with a white zone. ' ' Station : on trees. Habitat : the metropolis of this species is Waialae, near the east end of Oahu. It is also found in Wailupe and Palolo. Affinities: This species is on the one hand closely related to A. plumata Gk., from which it is dis- tinguished by its green and yellow epidermis, which is en- tirely wanting in that species, and to A. fulgens Newc., from which it differs in being without the broad black bands, which 204 ACHATINELLA SOLITARIA AND STEW ARTIE. belong not only to the epidermis but to the solid part of the shell of A. fulgens. It has been described by Newcomb and Pfeiffer as a variety of the latter species. Remarks: this species is always sinistral. The specimen figured is from Waialae.' (Smith and Gulick). The specimen figured as type has the appearance of a plumata-augusta blend, the plumata pattern appearing on the spire as in pi. 37, fig. 3. A purer expression of the color- form is pi. 37, fig. 12; also pi. 29, fig. 24a, which Newcomb figured as a variety of fulgens. 16l/2. A. SOLITARIA Newcomb. PL 43, fig. 9. "Shell ovately conical, dextral; whorls 6, flatly convex; suture slightly impressed; aperture ovate; lip acute, thick- ened within ; columella white, short, broad and abruptly twisted ; color light chestnut, with darker longitudinal stripes ; green at the base, white sutural band for the last 2% whorls, brown band on the suture above. Length fourteen-twentieths, width eight and one-half twentieths inch. "But a solitary specimen of this species has been obtained. Its characters are, however, sufficiently striking to warrant in giving it a place as a distinct species' (Newcomb). Oahu: Palolo (Newcomb). Achatinella solitaria NEWC., P. Z. S. 1853, p. 150, pi. 24, f . 60 ; Annals of the Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 331. A problematic form, possibly normal, but more likely to be a smoked "dunkeri" with the suture scraped white. If New- comb's locality is correct it should be a form of fulgens; but a dextral Achatinellastrum in Palolo would be rather ano- malous though not unique. While it is not likely that A. solitaria is a valid species or subspecies, it is given place here because we cannot form a well-founded opinion without seeing the type-specimen. Very few examples are known, two in the Cumingian collection being all that are on record. There are none in Newcomb 's collection at Cornell University. The original figure is reproduced photographically on my plate. 17. A. STEWARTII (Green). PL 38, figs. 1 to 6a, 14, 16 to 21. The shell is dextral or sinistral, oblong-turrite, solid, glossy, ACHATINELLA STEWARTII. 205 lightly marked with lines of growth and very faint spiral striae ; variously colored, but the typical pattern is citron yel- low fading to white at the summit, with a Hack or deep ~brown band bordering the suture below on the last 3 to S1/^ whorls, and a black crescent bounding the coluinella ; aperture white, the columellar some shade of violet. Whorls about 6%, convex, the last rather short. Outer lip simple or thick- ened within ; columellar fold strong. Length 22, diam. 11.3, aperture 10 mm., Manoa-Palolo ridge. Length 24.2, diam. 12.8, aperture 11 mm., Manoa-Palolo ridge. Length 23, diam. 11.3, aperture 9.5 mm., Manoa-Palolo ridge. Length 22, diam. 13, aperture 11 mm., Manoa-Palolo ridge. Oahu : Northwestern Palolo to Makiki and eastern Pauoa. Achatina stewartii GREEN, Contributions of the Maclurian Lyceum to the Arts and Sciences, i, no. 2, p. 47, pi. 4, f. 1-4, July, 1827. — Achatinella stewartii Green, REEVE, Conch. Icon, vi, pi. 4, f. 26. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 18 (Manoa). — Achatinella fuscozona GULICK, t. c., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 19 (Manoa). — Achatinella pulcherrima REEVE, C. Icon. pi. 3, f. 23a, b. — Achatinella venulata var. a., NEWCOMB, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 146, pi. 23, f. 48.— Achatinella byronii Gray, GULICK, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y., vi, 1858, p. 244. — Achatinella johnsoni NEWCOMB, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 147, pi. 23, fig. 50. — GULICK, Evolution, etc., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 17 (Manoa). — Achatinella aplustre NEWCOMB, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 147, pi. 23, f. 51. Professor Green's description of A. stewartii included also the forms described later as producta, castanea, and johnsoni. His shells were probably from Makiki and the slope of Mt. Tantalus, and perhaps also from eastern Manoa, as the clear- yellow ground of part of his figures is much like Manoa- Palolo ridge shells. Later authors have restricted stewartii to the yellow or green form with black sutural band such as pi. 38, fig. 1, agreeing exactly with Green's fig. 2, which may be selected as his type. PL 38, figs. 2 to 3 are sinistral forms of similar pattern. 206 ACHATINELLA STEWARTII. A. stewartii differs from A. s. producta by being narrower, the last whorl shorter and a little compressed, the spire more turrited, and the suture always bordered with black. It dif- fers from fulgens by lacking white bands, by the dark suture, and various peculiarities of pattern more readily appreciated than described. A. vulpina and A. stewartii are very inti- mately related, but in general, A. stewartii is either sinistral or dextral, larger, more turrited, and when melanistic the dark hue is in bands. A. vulpina is smaller, more oblong- ovate, the melanism is sometimes more generally diffused; typically it has no dark sutural band, and is sinistral (with rare exceptions). So far as I know, all stewartii colonies are hybrids of sev- eral elementary patterns, as follows: 1. From deep colonial buff to malachite green, with dark su- tural band and columellar patch. PI. 38, figs. 1, 2-3. Stewartii pattern. 2. Olive-ocher or greenish, closely streaked with cinnamon, and with sutural and columellar black bands. PI. 38, fig. 4. Similar to the dunkeri form of producta. 3. Ground-color like either of the above, but having four black- ish bands. PI. 38, figs. 4a to 6a. Johnsoni pattern. Palolo, in the head of a makai branch, in the western ravine on the Manoa ridge, pi. 38, figs. 1 to 2& coll. by Pilsbry; fig. 3, coll. by Wilder, is a prolific locality for all of the above- described color-forms. Most of the specimens are sinistral. Towards the main range or "mauka" from the well-known stewartii ravine on the Palolo-Manoa ridge, Mr. Spalding found a colony which unites stewartii and fulgens. It con- tains the following patterns : stewartii forms 1 and 3, tri- lineata, diversa and varia with dark sutural line. All are sinistral. This has the appearance of a fulgens (varia) colony hybridized with stewartii. Mr. Thurston has collected stewartii-diversa-plumata patterns in the same region. In north-eastern ravines of Manoa the patterns are simi- lar to those of Palolo ; typical stewartii, streaked, and banded, but most of the shells are dextral (pi. 38, figs. 4, 4a, Cooke ACHATINELLA STEWARTII. 207 coll.). Gulick specimens from Manoa, exact locality not spe- cified, show the same patterns (pi. 38, figs. 5, 6, 6a). There are also a few of the stewartii pattern suffused and streaked with pink. Mr. Spalding has also collected stewartii, forms 1, 2 and 3, on the Manoa side of the Manoa-Palolo ridge. Makiki valley has various forms not found on the Manoa- Palolo ridge. A series is shown in pi. 38, figs. 14, 19 to 19c, coll. by Gulick; fig. 17, Cooke coll., and figs. 18, 18o, from Thaanum. The usual pattern has an ochraceous-orange tone, shading towards burnt sienna on the latter part of the last whorl (fig. 18), or there may be two dark lines or bands (fig. 19a), or the bands may unite to form a broad black-brown zone (fig. 19c), or the whole lower part may be blackish (fig. 18a) or chestnut (fig. 17) ; all having the blackish border be- low the suture. Reeve's A. adusta has the same pattern. Other lots in the Gulick collection have four blackish bands on a citron or colonial buff ground, the shell dextral (fig. 14). There are also Makiki specimens like pi. 38, figs. 16, 4a and 5. Rarely A. stewartii occurs with white ground and the usual sutural and columellar bands and purplish columella. One lot from Makiki in the Gulick collection contains a specimen with the ground pure white ; one white with the base pale yellow, the whole faintly streaked with pale pinkish cinnamon (pi. 38, fig. 16), another similar but having an incomplete zone of chestnut streaks below the middle, and some paler lines, (fig. 16a). These shells were thought by Gulick to be A. fuscozona, but I feel sure that they are stewartii. Near the top of Mt. Tantalus there is — or was — a hand- some form with the last whorl chestnut-black, lighter or yellow below the black sutural border (pi. 38, fig. 20, Cooke coll; fig. 21, Gulick coll.). It approaches A. vulpina, but seems to be a melanistic form of stewartii. Yla. A. STEWARTII PRODUCTA Reeve. PL 38, figs. 7 to 13 ; pi. 43, figs. 10 to 106. ' * Shell somewhat elongately conical, dextral ; whorls con- vex, slightly margined at the sutures ; columella conspicuously callous-toothed; apex rather small. Olive-green, apex, colu- 208 ACHATINELLA STEWARTII. mella and interior of the aperture white. Sandwich Islands" (Reeve). Length 27, diam. 14 mm. (from figure). Mt. Tantalus, from the rim of the "bowl" or crater to the head of Makiki valley ; also on the Pauoa slope down to about 1100 ft. ; on the bark of kukui, ti, guava and other trees and bushes. Achatinella producta REEVE, Conchologia Iconica vi, pi. 2, f. 13, April, 1850. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitu- dinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 15 (Makiki). — THWING, Orig. Descript. pi. 1, f. 13. — Achatinella bilineata REEVE, C. Icon, vi, pi. 3, f. 22, April, 1850. — Achatinella venulata NEWCOMB, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 146, pi. 23, f. 48a. — Achatinella hybrida NEWCOMB, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 147, pi 23, f. 52.— Achatinella dunkeri Cum- ing MSS., PFEIFPER, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 208; Monographia iv, 531. — GULICK, Evolution, etc., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 14 (Makiki). — Achatinella vulpina Fer., GULICK, Ann. Lye. vi, p. 1858, p. 244 ; not of Ferussac. A. s. producta is a larger, more capacious form tkan A. stewartii, the last whorl more rotund, and the suture usually without a dark border. The typical form is dextral, of a clear primrose-yellow tint (varying however in different in- dividuals from colonial buff to green), with the summit, aper- ture and columellar fold white. The lip is a little thickened within. Sometimes the periphery is indistinctly angular. Size generally large. Length 27, diam. 14.2 mm.; 6% whorls (fig. 7). Length 25, diam. 13 mm.; 7 whorls (fig. 9). Length 21.5, diam. 12.3 mm. ; 6% whorls. In the head of Makiki valley the shells are usually dextral (fig. 9), rarely sinistral; on the summit of Tantalus they are all sinistral (figs. 7 to 8a southeastern rim of 'bowl"). On the Pauoa slope of Tantalus all are dextral. The size is sometimes not greater than that of A. stewartii. The chief color-patterns are : 1. Producta pattern, pi. 38, figs. 7, 9, described above. 2. Dunkeri pattern, pi. 38, figs, la to 7c. Streaked with ACHATINELLA STEWAETII. 209 cinnamon over an ochraceous buff or naples yellow ground, sutural border paler, not streaked; often with black band ii, or ii and iii ; columella white. 3. Bilineata pattern, pi. 38, fig. 10. Having the upper dark band split, ground-color as in producta; or there may be two dark bands on the product a ground (fig. 8). 4. Melanistic forms, pi. 43, figs. 10, 10a, 10Z>, in which the dark bands occupy most of the surface. So far as I know, none of these patterns occur as pure colonies. The common association is producta and dunkeri. Figs. 7 to Ic were found by the writer on the base of a guava bush, within a few inches of one another, together with several young ones. Figs. 8, Sa were lodged side by side on an ad- jacent bush, on the east rim of Tantalus bowl. As the guava bushes here are isolated, singly or by small groups, in a knee- high growth of Hilo grass, there can be no doubt that the shells on each bush or group of bushes are an intergenerant group. While most lots can be assorted by patterns, blends are rather common. The dunkeri streaks may be excessively faint, or they may be well developed in the early neanic stage, but disappear in the later whorls, as in pi. 38, fig. 8a. The bilineata and melanistic patterns are not properly ele- mentary patterns. Bilineata is of sporadic occurrence. The split band is usually the upper, sometimes the lower. It oc- curs also on shells with green ground (fig. 11) and on those with dunkeri pattern, but is rather rare. The melanistic forms, such as pi. 38, fig. 13, Cooke coll., and pi. 43, figs. 10, 10a, 10&, Thwing coll., Bishop Mus., are ex- tremely rare, perhaps now extinct, and probably all from the Pauoa side of Tantalus. PI. 38, fig. 9 was found on the base of a kukui tree, con- cealed by the high grass, in upper Makiki valley. Higher up Tantalus they are found in similar situations on guava and other shrubs and trees. They often rest in groups of three or more on the lower side of the trunk or branches, concealed by grass or other herbage. 210 ACHATINELLA STEWARTII. Part of the patterns of producta are nearly or quite iden- tical with stewartii patterns, and would seem to belong to an older period than that of the differentiation of producta. The original descriptions of the several forms referred to A. stewartii and A. s. producta here follow. . . :Achatina stewartii Green. Shell heterostrophe, conical, oblong, about one inch in length and half an inch in diameter ; whorls 6 or 7, rounded and marked with numerous oblique and delicate striae; apex rather obtuse and not eroded; a deeply impressed line along the upper part of the whorls parallel to the suture. Periostraca smooth and very glossy. Color and marking exceedingly various; the ground color is usually greenish or some shade of yellow ; sometimes a single blackish colored band accompanied the suture ; sometimes this band is double and of different shades, and on many specimens there are two bands, one at the suture, and one in the middle of the whorls. In some varieties the base of the body-whorl is dark brown, the rest of the shell being of a dark fawn, and not infrequently the whole shell is without any markings what- ever, in which case the color is yellow. The aperture when inverted is ear-shaped; the truncation of the columella is rounded and thickened in a remarkable manner at its edge ; along the inner margin of the outer lip there is a strong callous ridge, as in most of the species of this genus, which gradually attenuates towards the edge of the lip, which is thin and sharp inside, white and pinkish around the columella.' (Green}. Oahu, on under side of leaves of the ti plant (Rev. C. S. Stewart). Achatinella dunkeri Cuming, Pfr. "Shell imperf orate, oblong-turrited, rather solid, smooth ; pale flesh colored, or- namented with close brownish streaks, and frequently en- circled by one or two black lines. Spire turrited, the apex rather acute, white ; suture lightly margined, pale. Whorls 6!/2, slightly convex, the last almost two-fifths of the length. Aperture oblique, truncate-auriform ; columellar fold white, strong, tooth-like, subsulcate ; peristome unexpanded, acute, white-lipped behind the brownish edge. Length 24, diam. 11 mm. ; aperture 10 mm. long, 5 wide. Sandwich Is., Dr. New- comb (Pfr.). "Achatinella 'bilineata. Shell oblong-conical, dextral, rather ventricose towards the base, whorls rounded, columella den- tately plicate ; bright yellow, conspicuously encircled round ACHATINELLA STEWARTEE. 211 the middle with two close black lines. Hab. ? The form of this shell is peculiar, and there is something equally char- acteristic in the marking' (Reeve). Our pi. 38, fig. 10 is practically identical with Reeve's figure of bilineata. Achatinella venulata (pi. 30, figs. 48, 48a, photographic reproductions of the original figures). "Shell dextral, elon- gately conic; whorls 7, convex, slightly margined above; su- ture well-impressed; aperture subovate; lip simple, thick- ened within ; columella strongly plicate, twisted, of a pinkish hue ; color of shell white, or pinkish white, with longitudinal veins of green or olive-green epidermal matter. Length 21/20, diam. 10/20 inch. 'Var. a. Sinistral, with a deep black sutural band. "Kolau, Oahu.' (Newcomb). This is an artifact so far as color is concerned, produced by scraping A. producta; var. a is a scraped A. stewartii. The following three forms, johnsoni, aplustre and hybrida are also manufactured patterns. A. venulata and hybrida were from Mt. Tantalus shells, perhaps johnsoni and aplustre also. The locality ' ' Kolau, ' ' given for the whole series, was a further deception on the part of the shell-artist who imposed the frauds upon Doctor Newcomb. Achatinella johnsoni (pi. 30, fig. 50, reproduction of ori- ginal figure). "Shell dextral, conically elongate; whorls 7, slightly rounded, superiorly indistinctly margined ; suture rather deep ; aperture subovate ; columella with a strong pli- cation, pink, margined with black; color of shell white or pinkish, banded with two or more narrow black lines, one or two of which are central, one sutural, and one usually broader, inferiorly on the last whorl. Length 18/20, diam. 9/20 inch. "The following form an allied group: A. producta, hy- brida, aplustre, venulata and johnsoni. This species is dedi- cated to the Rev. Mr. Johnson of Kawai, whose assistance in my researches I most thankfully acknowledge' (Newcomb). A. johnsoni and A. aplustre have somewhat the shape of A. s. producta, and may have been manufactured from a rather unusual form of that from Mt. Tantalus, such as pi. 38, fig. 13 ; but the presence of both sutural and columellar dark 212 ACHATINELLA VULPINA. bands is more suggestive of the four-banded pattern of stewartii, such as pi. 38, fig. 6. Achatinella aplustre (pi. 30, fig. 51, reproduction of ori- ginal figure). ' Shell conical, dextral; whorls 7, rounded; suture moderately impressed, simple ; aperture semiovate ; lip thin ; columella with a callus, terminating in a twisted plait, bluish-white, tipped with brown ; three first spiral turns white, the others with a broad central pink band margined by two deep black bands ; on the last whorl, superiorly and inf eriorly, is a broad bright green band. Length 1, width 10/20 inch. Kolau, Oahu. ' The gaudy coloring of this species alone separates it from the A. johnsoni, nob. It belongs to the same section with A. producta Reeve, which may be taken as the type of a group of species numbering some half-dozen, and which requires still farther additions to render it complete' (Newcomb). This was soon recognized as a scraped and dyed stewartii or producta. Achatinella hybrida (pi. 30, fig. 52, reproduction of ori- ginal figure). " Shell dextral, conical; whorls 6, rounded, margined above, the last somewhat inflated ; suture well- impressed; columella white or brownish, terminating in a twisted plait; aperture ovate, white; lip simple, thickened within ; striae longitudinal, fine ; color of shell green, or brown on the last whorl, above white, with fine longitudinal veins of the color of the epidermis. Length 18/20, width 10/20 inch. Kolau, Oahu. "This species seems to be intermediate between A. producta Reeve and A. venulata.' (Newcomb). 18. A. VULPINA (Ferussac). Plates 39 and 40 ; pi. 41, figs. 5-7. The shell is ovate-conic, smaller than A. stewartii (compare plate's 38 and 39) ; glossy; yellow, green, olive or chestnut, often banded with green or chestnut ; usually sinistral. Oahu : Makiki to Manana valleys. Helix vulpina FERUSSAC, (Prodrome, no. 429, no descrip- tion), in Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, sur I'llranie et la Physicienne, Zoologie, p. 477, pi. 68, f . 13, 14, 1824 ; His- toire Nat. Moll. Terr. pi. 155, f. 1, 2. — Achatinella vulpina Fer., PFEIFFER, Monographia, ii, 237; iii. 464. — Achatinella castanea REEVE, Conchologia Iconica, vi, pi. 3, f. 24, April, ACHATINELLA VULPINA. 213 1850. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, pi. 2, f. 12. — Achatinella adusta REEVE, C. Icon. pi. 4, f. 30, April, 1850. — Achatinella ernestina BALDWIN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1895, p. 217, pi. 10, f. 5, 6. — Achatinella olivacea REEVE, C. Icon. pi. 3, f. 20, April, 1850. (Hab. ?).— GULICK, Evolution, etc., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 13. — Achatinella prasinus REEVE, C. Icon. pi. 4, f. 27, April, 1850 (Hab. ?).— Achatinella virens GULICK, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y., vi, p. 254, pi. 8, f. 73, Feb., 1858. — Achatinella cucumis GULICK, t. c., p. 225, pi. 7, f. 45, Dec. 1856. — Achatinella analoga GULICK, t. c., p. 227, pi. 7, f. 47, Dec., 1856; Evolution, etc., p. 41, pi. 2, f. 9 (Halawa). — Achatinella longispira SMITH, P. Z. S. Lond. 1873, p. 73, pi. 9, f. 5. — Achatinella colorata GULICK, Evolution, etc., pi. 2, f. 10 (— virens). A. vulpina as here understood comprises shells of a great variety of colors and patterns, the shape and size of the shells remaining practically the same. Numerous " species", based chiefly upon color characters, have been based upon forms of vulpina, but the prevalence of undoubtedly hybrid colonies in which several of them live together opposes that interpretation of the facts, even though the hybrid colonies segregate into patterns so distinct that they may usually be assorted readily, with only a small proportion of "blends.' Some of the "elementary species'1 or patterns rarely occur also in pure colonies, which by themselves would be con- sidered subspecies. Others, like A. longispira are found only in hybrid colonies, and seem to be products of hybridism in which the parental patterns are changed rather than blended. The western edge of Nuuanu valley marks the division be- tween the western and the eastern herds. The dark olivacea, virens and longispira patterns have not crossed the floor of the valley eastward, and the vulpina patterns (typical vulpina, ernestina and adusta) spread no further west. We would signalize this fact in distribution by dividing the series into two species were it not that the light olivacea pattern is com- mon to both herds, extending from Kalihi at least as far west as Waimano, though not common we believe west of the Nuuanu-Kalihi ridge. 214 ACHATINELLA VULPINA. It appears that an ancestral stock, probably not unlike the yellowish form of virens, spread over a considerable area; various mutations arose in different places, and radiated from their initial points as far as time and conditions al- lowed, hybridizing with other mutations. Nuuanu, deeply cut, with a broad level floor, has been a partial barrier to the spread of mutations reaching it during the present climatic cycle. The races from the northern or Koolau valleys have long been in a measure isolated from those of the Kona slope. Intrinsically these races are on a par with the elementary pat- terns of the southern watershed, but by favor of their isola- tion they have not been caught in the web of hybridism which clings about the Kona forms. They may properly be recog- nized as subspecies. See page 224. Races and elementary patterns of A. vulpina. (No dark sutural border.) Chestnut or blackish below, gradually paler towards the suture, vulpina pattern, pi. 39, f . 1, la. Upper third of last whorl yellow, lower two-thirds chestnut, the division abrupt, castanea pattern, pi. 39, f. 2. Yellow, uniform, or (typically) banded with black-brown, N.-E. Nuuanu, ernestina pattern, pi. 39, f. 3-4. Green, either dark or pale, varying to olive or ochreous, olivacea pattern, pi. 40, figs. 3-4a. A form in which the shell is somewhat rugose has been named cucumis Gul. (A brown or blackish sutural border.) Kona forms. Base dark chestnut, upper surface lighter or yellow, Pauoa, adusta pattern, pi. 40, figs. 1, 2. Green, varying to chestnut or yellow, sutural band narrow, virens pattern, pi. 40, figs. 5, 5a. Similar, but with a broad sutural band and rarely another above the periphery, Kahauiki, suturalis pattern, pi. 40, figs. 9-106. Having blackish-brown bands i, ii and iii in the prismatic ACHATINELLA VULPINA. 215 layer of the shell, sometimes increased by splitting of bands, analoga pattern, pi. 40, figs. 15-15c. Having green and brown lines on a paler ground, longispira pattern, pi. 39, figs. 12c, d. Koolau forms. Ground yellow above, ochraceous-orange below, with a broad green zone above the periphery; or dusky without a green band, pi. 41, figs. 8-8c. A. v. colorata, no. 18a. Ground-color white above, greenish or olive-brown below the periphery, with a sharply defined cinnamon band above the periphery, pi. 37, figs. 10-11&. A. v. tricolor, no. 18&. Probably the test of breeding would show that not all of the above-defined patterns are elementary. The castanea pattern is often not readily separable from vulpina. Adusta seems to be a stewartii-vulpina hybrid. Longispira also may be a product of hybridism rather than an elementary pattern. Usually two or more patterns occur in one colony or often on one tree, and in any large lot there may be some blends or unusual patterns. Table showing distribution of the elementary patterns of A. vulpina. VALLEYS. Adusta. oJ C • — £* *3 > Castanea. Ernestina. Olivacea. tn P O> • i— 1 > Suturalis. 03 J3 'eS «§ Longispira. .MnrKinn * ^^ainaano * * W^aiau * * \Vaicnalu ? # Aeia * * * # Halawa # * * * Moanalua * * •* # Kahauiki ? * * # * Kalihi .. .. . •K ? * W. Nuuanu # * * E. Nuuanu * * * * Pauoa. * # * * Afakiki # # * * 216 ACHATINELLA VULPINA. West to Kahauiki the shells are invariably sinistral. From the western ridge of Kahauiki westward a few dextral in- dividuals occur sporadically in the colonies, though sinistral shells predominate. Typical form. — A. vulpina was originally based upon rather small specimens about 19 mm. long, of a pattern which was subsequently considered by collectors to be a variety of castanea Reeve. The types were somewhat faded, either by weather or the application of heat in cleaning, to a reddish or fox color, which suggested the name. Ferussac also figured a variant having a darker band over the lower two-thirds of the last whorl. Subsequently, in the Histoire, Ferussac fig- ured a large specimen of uniform tawny reddish color, length 25 mm., probably from the Pauoa slope of Tantalus. The original description follows. "Shell sinistral, conic, elongate, vertex obtuse; glossy, sharply striate ; epidermis fulvous or rufous, fugacious, the apex pale. Whorls 5%, a little convex ; suture distinct, dupli- cate. Aperture sernilunate, white ; peristome thickened with- in ; columella white or rose, arcuate ; umbilical crevice not distinct. "a, Rufous, unicolored. Z>, Rufous with a broad brown band. It inhabits the Sandwich Islands' (Per.). Length 19, diam. 10 mm. (from type figure). This typical form ranges from Makiki to Nuuanu valley. PL 39, fig. 1 represents a shell from Nuuanu valley, coll. C. M. Cooke, exactly agreeing with Ferussac 's type (repre- sented, I take it, by his fig. 13). It is deep chestnut colored, darker towards the base, becoming lighter upwards, the first three whorls buff. There is no dark sutural border. The surface is very glossy, distinctly marked with growth-striae on the last 3!/2 whorls; embryonic whorls very delicately striate spirally. Length 19, diam. 10 mm., G1^ whorls. Other specimens of the same lot are larger, up to 21 mm. long, and most of them are less slender. The columella varies from pale lilac to nearly white. A large specimen measures, length 23.5, diam. 13 mm. It is of course clear that the historic type-form of vulpina is an abberrant melanistic variation of a species more normally represented by virens. ACHATLNELLA VULPINA. 217 Very often the color fades to yellow at the suture, or the change to yellow may be abrupt, as in pi. 39, fig. la, which agrees with Ferussac's variant &. This leads to the pattern figured by Reeve as A. castanea, which is represented by pi. 39, fig. 2, Gulick coll., from the Pauoa side of Nuuanu. The same form is also found in Pauoa, pi. 40, fig. la. A. vulpina extends eastward to Makiki valley, where the chestnut or blackish form with yellow band above occurs in the northern branch, together with the dunkeri pattern of producta (L. A. Thurston and Irwin Spalding). Some of the shells have the rim within the lip rather thick. A. v. olivacea has been taken in Makiki by Gulick, and recently by Mr. Thurston in the middle branch. On the Manoa base of Tantalus Mr. Thurston found olivacea associated with pro- ducta , johnsoni and dunkeri. Pauoa. The prevalent form is the adusta pattern (pi. 40, fig. 2, copy of Reeve's figure; figs. 1, Gulick coll.). The base is chestnut, or Isabella, with a chestnut band ; above the peri- phery it is deep colonial buff or ecru-olive, sometimes more or less suffused with chestnut or green. There is a narrow band below the suture, usually blackish chestnut, rarely russet. Probably Reeve's type of adusta was from Pauoa valley. The castanea pattern (pi. 40, fig. la, Pauoa, coll. by Gulick) is also found. The adusta pattern of Pauoa and the slope of Tantalus is a transition form to A. steivartii. In this borderland the dis- tinction between the species is vague, and I am unable to decide upon such forms as pi. 38, figs. 20. Fig. 21 of the same plate I consider a steivartii, as no vulpina is dextral. When the olivacea pattern occurs in colonies of such shells, one may safely pronounce them vulpina. In the northeastern head of Nuuanu valley there is a local form of vulpina which has been described by Mr. Baldwin as A. ernestina. It is rather large and capacious typically (pi. 39, figs. 3 to 6), but varies so much in size and width that no definite line can be drawn. Fig. 4 is one of Mr. Baldwin's figured cotypes. Figs. 3, 3a are from one tree (Drac&na), taken by Dr. Cooke. The shell is either yellow, deepening to 218 ACHATINELLA VULPINA. yellow ocher on the last part, and fading on the spire, or this ground may be decorated with bands and lines of chestnut brown or blackish-chestnut; the banded form being the pat- tern of Mr. Baldwin's types. It is found only in hybrid colonies of the two patterns, plain yellow and banded, usually both on the same tree. Length 21, diam. 12.4 mm. ; 6% whorls (cotype of ernestina). Length 19.7, diam. 11 mm. ; 6 whorls (topotype). On the floor of Nuuanu there is a smaller, narrower race with the coloration of ernestina. PL 39, figs. 7 to 7c were taken by Dr. Cooke on one small lehua shrub in the middle of upper Nuuanu near the old road to the Pali. Three are banded, one on an ocher yellow ground, the others straw and primrose yellow. One specimen is bandless, of a "turtle green" tint, — an olivacea admixture. Further west, in an isolated clump of nearly dead lehua trees in the valley near the end of the ridge defining Hille- brand's Glen, Mr. Richard A. Cooke collected a large series, pi. 39, figs. 8 to 8e, varying from elongate to conic in shape. The longer shells have ernestina pattern on light or dark ground. The shorter ones are straw yellow fading to buff above, base chestnut, the colors either sharply defined (fig. 8Z>) or blended (fig. 8c) ; yellow with a dark sutural line (fig. 8a), or amber or straw yellow, uniform or with some white bands (fig. 8). In a lot taken in the same place by Dr. C. M. Cooke there are 22 of the uniform yellow pattern, 12 of the patterns of figs. Sb, 8c, 1 ernestina pattern. In a lot of 7 individuals from one tree, all of these patterns occur, four of the pattern of figs. 85, c, but with a dark sutural line, one each of the other patterns. The olivacea pattern without chestnut bands occurs in Glen Ada, on the southern side of Nuuanu (pi. 39, figs. 11 to lie, coll. by Pilsbry) the color varies from amber yellow to paris green or various blends, yellow ocher passing into green towards the suture and base, or ocher with a few green lines. The summit is buff, and there are no brown bands. This is a well-known form, back to the time of Gulick. ACHATINELLA VULPINA. 219 Length 20, diam. 11.5 mm. ; 6 whorls. Length 20.3, diam. 10.6 mm. ; 6!/4 whorls. There is also a stunted valley form of this race. A lot pi. 39, figs. 9 to 9c, from the floor of Nuuanu, taken by Mr. B. A. Cooke in an isolated group of two or three lehua trees, near the southern side of the valley, has no ernestina pattern. The shells are wax yellow, the same shading below into tawny (fig. 9c) or very rarely the dark typical vulpina pattern like pi. 39, fig. 1, or streaked with green on a nearly white or citron ground (figs. 9, 96). There are often a few faint green spiral lines, or a very dilute brown sutural line. They have the small size of other lots from the floor of the valley, length 13 to 17.3 mm. It was abundant, as about a hundred speci- mens were taken by Dr. C. M. and R. A. Cooke. Somewhere on the southern ridge Dr. Cooke collected speci- mens like pi. 39, f. Sb, but with a sutural band. Also a small form with the base olive, the rest white, embryonic whorls ochraceous or with a wide ochraceous band. The typical castanea pattern was taken by Mr. Gulick on the Pauoa side of Nuuanu (pi. 39, fig. 2), exact locality not known to me. Northwestern ridge of Nuuanu. — Hillebrand's Glen, (pi. 39, figs. 12 to 12d, coll. by R. A. Cooke), in a dark and humid locality on the east side, is probably at the eastern limit of the longispira pattern. Some specimens are scarcely distin- guishable from the yellow ernestina pattern, uniform or with chestnut base ; others have the green olivacea pattern. The longispira pattern is usually pale yellow with green or green and brown lines (figs. 12c, d.). This colony is therefore a hybrid of vulpina, olivacea and longispira. On the northern ridge of Nuuanu there are other colonies having the same and other patterns in varying proportions, such as pi. 39, figs. 13 to 13/; pi. 39, figs. 14, 14a. Also pi. 39, figs. 10, 10a, from a lateral ravine of northern Nuuanu, patterns of the virens-longispira group, but reminiscent of castanea. Others specimens from the main northern ridge, coll. by Dr. Cooke, are similar to the yellow form of ernestina. 1 1 Nuuanu on the Kalihi side ' ' is the locality of several lots of olivacea in the Gulick collection. The shells are like pi. 220 ACHATINELLA VULPINA. 39, fig. 126. Also virens patterns, the same green color with a dark sutural band (fig. 14), or yellow, like fig. 136, or like fig. 13. It is these lots of which a few are figured in pi. 39, figs. 10, lOo., 12 to 14a, which connect the vulpina, ernestina, virens and longispira so inextricably that I do not see the way clear to recognize more than one species in the series. The typical form of Reeve's A. olivacea occurs on the sum- mit of the northwestern ridge of Nuuanu. His figure is copied photographically in pi. 40, fig. 3. The original descrip- tion follows: "Shell oblong-conical, sinistral, whorls convex, thinly margined round the upper part, columella with a twisted plait. Dark olive-green, encircled with rather ob- scure brownish lines, columella and interior of the aperture white. "The rich dark olive coloring of this species leaves off suddenly in an abrupt line at the aperture and the remainder of the body-whorl [parietal wall] is of an orange-fawn tint, like a shell denuded to that extent of epidermis. Hab. ?' (Reeve). I take olivacea to include A. prasina Reeve, as the colors intergrade. In fact, typical olivacea looks to me like a prasina which was cleaned with hot water. All I found were of purer green color. However this may be, there are speci- mens in coll. C. M. Cooke which agree excellently with Reeve's figure and description, from the main northern ridge of Nuuanu. Two are figured, pi. 40, figs. 4, 4a. The shell is indistinctly streaked with brownish olive on a yellowish olive ground, and has rather indistinct spiral lines of the darker shade. There is usually a dark brown line or narrow band below the suture. The embryonic whorls are dirty buff, and the next whorl rather brown than olive. Length 22.5, diam. 11.7 or smaller. On Waolani Peak (pi. 40, figs. 5 to 56, coll. by Pilsbry) the real prasina form occurs. The last whorl is grass green (but varying in shade from a deeper to a more yellowish green), summit very pale buff, and the parietal wall is yellow ocher. The columellar fold is white. This dark green olivacea ACHATINELLA VULPINA. 221 pattern is found with similar shells having a dark sutural border, and pale mauve columellar fold, the virens pattern. A few shells have some darker green spirals on the last whorl, suggesting longispira (fig. 5&). Lower, towards the head of Waolani valley the color be- comes paler (pi. 40, fig. 5c) the general tone olive-yellow, varying toward green or yellow ocher in different specimens ; sometimes with a few green spiral lines ; the sutural border is often paler, and the spire partly white. Kalihi valley. A fine series in coll. L. A. Thurston, from the southeastern branch above the waterfall, contains deep and light green olivacea, deep chestnut and yellow forms of virens, and the longispira pattern. It is a hybrid colony. Kalihi valley is also the locality of Mr. G-ulick's A. cucumis. It is a slightly roughened form of olivacea and virens. The color is olive with light yellowish olive streaks, colonial buff with streaks of honey yellow, or ochraceous buff with blended chestnut streaks. There is often a dark sutural line, as in virens, but in a third of the lot the ground-color extends to the suture. There is rarely a pale peripheral line or nar- row band. The shape varies from ovate-conic to somewhat pyramidal. There is a slight rim or thickening within the lip. All the specimens seen are sinistral. I imagine that the slight corrugation is due to unfavorable (dry) station of the individual colony, and probably not a racial character. Two of the original lot are figured, pi. 40, figs. 6, 6a. Kahauiki. A hybrid segregating into virens, longispira and suturalis patterns is prevalent. There are also longispira- analoga hybrids, and shells suffused and streaked with chest- nut. These patterns are shown in pi. 40, figs. 7 to 7c, ridge running up from Fort Shaf ter ; figs. 8, 9, central ridge ; figs. 10 to 10 con- vex, the first two or three white or reddish ; aperture white ; peristome thin, lightly bordered within; columellar fold strong, roseate. Length 20, diam. lO1/^ mm. "Var. a. Shell white, girt about the middle with one oli- vaceous zone. "Var. 6. Shell yellowish, encircled with a very broad basal zone of chestnut. ' ( Smith ) . Oahu: loleka, in Heeia (Gulick). Achatinella tricolor SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 76, pi. 9, f. 6. In form and color it is intermediate between A. colorata Rv. and A. varia Gk. (Smith). A. c. tricolor is very closely related to colorata, which occurs westward, on the other side of the Heeia ridge. As in colorata, there is always a narrow brown sutural band or line. Typi- cally the ground-color is white or nearly so above the peri- phery, citron-green or light yellowish olive below it, with a broad cuticular band of hazel or cinnamon-brown above the periphery, which is marked with a line of the whitish ground, ACHATINELLA VULPINA. 227 as in fig. lla. Very often, however, the whole base is hazel or chestnut, and the ground yellowish above. The band may be a good deal widened, as in fig. 11 &, or much reduced. In one shell it is split (fig. 10). All the specimens seen are sinistral. The figures and the above notes are from the type and para- type lots in coll. Boston Society and Academy. I have not studied any recently collected specimens. The original descriptions of forms referred to A. vulpina here follow. Achatinella prasinus Reeve. " Shell oblong-conical, sinis- tral, whorls convex, obliquely, somewhat rudely impressly striate, columella short, twisted-plaited ; very dark green, en- circled with obscure dark lines, white at the apex, columella white. Hab. ?' (Reeve}. This is the very dark green form of olivacea. Some speci- mens from Newcomb are noticeably roughened, like cuciimis Gul. I assume that they were from an unfavorable station. Achatinella adust a. (PI. 40, fig. 2, reproduction of original figure). "Shell acuminately oblong, somewhat turrited, sinis- tral ; whorls rounded ; columella short, callous, toothed. Dark chestnut, darker towards the base, with a spiral black band beneath the sutures; columella pinkish. Habitat ?' (Reeve). A. cucumis Gulick. (PI. 40, figs. 6, 6a, Gulick coll.). "Shell sinistral, imperf orate, acuminately oblong, solid, shin- ing, striated, green ; apex rather obtuse ; spire turreted ; suture margined, impressed; whorls 6, convex; columellar fold cen- tral, white, moderately developed. Aperture oblique, sinu- ately oval, white within ; peristome thickened within, with ex- ternal margin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length 19, breadth 9% mm. ; length of body-whorl 13 mm. Average weight 5.2 grains. * * Var. &. Of a burnt yellow color. "Var. c. With one or more obscure brownish bands.' (Gulick). Oahu: Kalihi, on trees (Gulick). Kalihi to Moanalua (Baldwin). 228 ACHATINELLA VULPINA. Achatinella analoga Gulick. "Shell sinistral, imperforate, oblong, conic, solid, shining, finely striated, green, yellow or white, with three black spiral bands, one sutural, one entering the aperture, the other revolving above the suture ; apex ob- tuse ; spire turreted ; suture margined, moderately impressed. Whorls 6, convex. Columellar fold central, brown or white, moderately developed. Aperture oblique, sinuately oval, white within; peristome thickened within, with external mar- gin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; edged with brown ; parietal margin wanting. Length 18y3, breadth 7%, length of body-whorl 12 mm. Average weight 4.8 grains' (Gulick}. ' Var. a. Yellowish white. 'Var. b. Brown yellow. "Var. c. Green. 'Var. d. Green or yellow at the base and white above. 'Var. e. With but one or two black bands. "Var. /. With four or five black bands.' (Gulick}. Oahu: Halawa (Gulick). Achatinella longispira Smith. "Shell sinistral, elongate- subconic, imperforate, glossy, striated with incremental and very delicate transverse lines, yellow, promiscuously orna- mented with (4 to 6) narrow spiral zones of green and brown. Suture distinctly margined with deep brown. Whorls 6y2, convex, the first 3% whitish. Aperture two-fifths the length, white ; peristome with the margin acute, bordered within ; columellar fold strong, roseate. Length 21, diam. 10 mm.' (Smith). "Var. a. Shell shorter, ovate-conic. Length 18, diam. 10 mm. "Var. b. Shell yellow, ornamented with green zones.' (Smith) . 1 ' Oahu : Halawa is the metropolis of the species ; a few specimens are reported by Mr. Frick to have come from Ahuimanu (Gulick}. "This species is most nearly related to A. analoga Gk. which is readily distinguished from this by the two black lines upon the periphery of the whorl. The black or dark brown lines of that species belong to the solid substance of the shell, while the green and yellow bands of this species belong to the epidermis. No dextral form of this shell has been found' (Gulick}. A. diluta Smith. PL 40, fig. 16. "Shell dextral, ovate- subconic, glossy, indistinctly and very minutely striated with incremental and transverse lines; dilute buff-green, encircled ACHATINELLA VULPINA. 229 by several obscure, green transverse lines; suture lightly margined ; whorls 5%, a little convex ; aperture white ; peris- tome thin, lightly thickened within ; columellar fold strong, white. Length 18, diam. 9 mm. "Habitat, the Sandwich Islands. Judging from its affini- ties, we may believe that it comes from the island of Oahu' (Achatinella diluta SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 74, pi. 9, f. 14. — THWING, Reprint etc., p. 60, "Kalihi"). The photographic copy of Mr. Smith 's figure, pi. 40, fig. 16, is a little too dark green. I have not seen the type of diluta in the British Museum, but a specimen agreeing very closely with the figure, in Gulick's collection, no. 905, appears to be a dextral form of olivacea. The shape and color, with indistinct green bands, may be matched in sinistral shells. In the west- ern part of its range vulpina of several patterns has been found dextral, and it seems likely that the two specimens of diluta known are merely rare dextral variants of the common olivacea. Mr. Gulick has marked his specimen as from "Halawa?", and I imagine that locality is not far wrong. A. ernestina Baldwin. (PL 39, fig. 4, cotype). 'Shell sinistral, subperf orate, moderately solid, ovately conical ; apex subacute ; surface shining, obliquely striated with delicate growth lines, under a strong lens exhibiting numerous, very close, and minute decussating striae; apical whorls smooth, scarcely decussated. Color yellow, lighter above ; variously striped with transverse, dark chestnut bands, the more con- stant being one bordering the suture, one at the periphery, spiral above, and one encircling the base. Whorls 6, narrowly margined above, somewhat convex ; suture moderately im- pressed. Aperture oblique, oval, faintly exhibiting the dark bands of the exterior; peristome acute, somewhat thickened within, slightly expanded, white, the coloring of the exterior bands appearing on the inner edge ; columella white, termina- ting in a prominent, oblique, tortuous fold. Length 21, diam. 12 mm. * * Habitat, Nuuanu Valley, Island of Oahu. ' * The animal, when extended in motion, as long as the shell. Mantle light brown, sprinkled with black and margined on the outer edge with an interrupted reddish-yellow line. Superior portion of foot light brown, thickly studded with small slate spots; under portion of foot light brown with a slate tinge. Tentacles dark slate." (Baldwin}. 230 ACHATINELLA BELLULA. Series of A. casta. The shells are smaller than most of the vulpina group, and often more slender; they are never green. Species of this series inhabit ridges from Mt. Tantalus to Helemano. 19. A. BELLULA E. A. Smith. PL 41, figs. 10 to lOd ; pi. 48, figs. 1 to 18. "Shell dextral, long-subconic, imperf orate, glossy, very lightly striate with lines of growth, dilute chestnut (the spire paler) streaked with darker, and encircled with a few obsolete lines of a somewhat chestnut color, and a nearly black zone (sometimes wanting) below the periphery. Whorls 6%, a little convex; suture lightly bordered with chestnut. Aper- ture short, % of the length, white inside ; peristome with the margin thin, slightly thickened within. Columellar fold rather strong, purple. Length 20, diam. 10 mm. "Habitat, Sandwich Islands. Somewhat of the form of johnsoni Newc., but the whorls are less tumid, especially the last, and the painting is different'1 (Smith). Oahu : Pauoa slope of Tantalus and the main ridge at head of Manoa, northwest to the Kalihi-Kahauiki ridge ; only high on the ridges, chiefly on leaves of lehua, Straussia and guava. Achatinella bellula SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 77, pi. 9, f. 8. — THWING, Orig. Descript., Occ. Papers B. P. B. Mus. iii, p. 56, pi. 1, f. 15. — A. bellulae Smith, HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1888, p. 32. — Achatinella multizonata BALDWIN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1895, p. 215, pi. 10, f. 1, 2. — COOKE, Occasional Papers B. P. B. Mus. ii, pp. 65-76. A. bellula stands close to A. casta, from which it differs by being invariably dextral, with the spire a little stouter, its out- lines perceptibly convex. Also it is often larger and more solid. It is the southeastern member of the casta series. The locality was unknown to Mr. Smith, but specimens from the head of Pauoa (pi. 48, fig. 1, collected by C. M. Cooke) agree perfectly with the figured type, and that place may be con- sidered the type locality. It is most abundant on the ridges of Manoa, Pauoa and Nuuanu valleys. The color-forms from Pauoa are further illustrated in pi. 48, figs, la, 2 ; pi. 41, figs. ACHATINELLA BELLULA. 231 10 to 10d. The ground varies from white or maize yellow to burnt sienna with chestnut streaks ; a sutural band is always present, though often weak, and about one-third of the shells have nearly black bands below and above the periphery, some- times also around the columella. The upper band is often reduced to a line, or pair of lines, frequently absent. The many-banded forms of Nuuanu are wanting or very rare in Pauoa. Similar forms extend up the Pauoa side of Mt. Tantalus — the eastern limit of the species. Hon. L. A. Thurs- ton has taken it on the Manoa-Koolau ridge, its eastern limit on the main mountain axis. It does not pass Mt. Olympus. In the head of Nuuanu valley similar forms occur, also with patterns shown in pi. 48, figs. 3, 4, coll. by Dr. Cooke. Other forms are figured from Waolani Peak and towards the head of Waolani valley (pi. 48, figs. 13 to 16, coll. by H. A. P.). A series from top of ridge of a northern lateral valley of Kalihi shows the usual patterns of Pauoa, etc., also a few shells of a rare pattern, pi. 48, figs. 17, 18. Near the head of Moanalua the typical pattern was taken by Dr. Cooke. This was probably on the eastern ridge, as the shell is not found low in Moanalua. On the ridges extending into Nuuanu from the north- western bounding ridge a form occurs, which though inter- grading completely with bellula yet has a certain racial status by reason of the prevalence of a copiously banded pattern. This race has been defined by Mr. Baldwin as follows : A. bellula multizonata Baldwin. PL 48, figs. 5 to 12. "Shell dextral, imperf orate, moderately solid, elongately conical, apex subacute, surface shining, striated with fine lines of growth, under a strong lens showing very numerous, ex- tremely minute decussating strias ; apical whorls smooth, scarcely decussated. Color white, variously striped with nu- merous dark brown lines and bands, some on the base and others spiral. Whorls 6, lightly marginate above, convex; suture lightly impressed. Aperture oblique, oval, white, the dark bands of the exterior visible within; peristome acute, thickened within, slightly expanded, white, the dark lines of the exterior marked on the inner edge ; columella purplish 232 ACHATINELLA BELLULA. brown, terminating in a strong, oblique, tortuous fold. Length 18, diam. 10 mm. Nuuanu Valley. "Animal, when extended in motion, longer than the shell. Mantle brown, lighter on the outer edge. Foot above and be- low light brown ; posterior portion tapering. Tentacles long and slender; these, with the head above, slate color.' (Baldwin). "A great variety of transition forms occur between this species and A. bellula Smith, which is found on the neighbor- ing mountain ridges of Nuuanu Valley, and is a much larger shell. The animals of the two extremes are specifically dif- ferent. The mantle of the latter is black, whereas that of the former is brown, and that of the intermediate forms varies from black to brown. ' (Baldwin). Specimens of the type lot are figured, pi. 48, figs. 5, 6. Dr. C. Montague Cooke has published a detailed study of multizonata from which the following extracts are quoted: "Nuuanu valley has a north-easterly trend. The sides are more or less precipitous and rise from a few hundred to more than two thousand feet above the bed of the valley. The sides are covered by a low dense mass of trees, shrubs, ferns and creepers. Extending into the valley, at about right angles to the sides, are numerous sub-ridges. The upper portions of these sub-ridges and of the valleys between them are also over- grown with a dense mass of vegetation. The lower portions and also the bed of the main valley are covered with the intro- duced 'Hilo grass' (Paspalum conjugatum) with here and there clumps or isolated individuals of lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha), Straussia, guava (Psidium guayava), etc.- There are about twenty-three of these sub-ridges, which are more or less parallel to one another. In some cases the foot of a sub-ridge expands into a more or less undulating slope. In numbering these sub-ridges the numbers begin at the head of the valley. "A. multizonata is found on all the upper 17 sub-ridges, a district of about a mile in length, and from 100 to 400 yards in breadth. There are no permanent streams in any of the valleys between these sub-ridges. Two of these valleys usually ACHATINELLA BELLULA. 233 have a little flowing water. The valley between sub-ridges XIV and XV serves as a boundary to several of the color- varieties. That between XVII and XVIII serves as a boun- dary to the whole species. None of the localities are more than 150 yards in diameter. A. multizonata is found in more or less open localities. Specimens are seldom found where there is a dense vegetation, the limit being at the thick growths of the 'stag-horn fern' (Gleichenia dichotoma} and ieie (Frey- cinetia arnotti). The elevation at which it is found is from about 1000 ft. to about 1400 ft. Of the shells found, 95.5 per cent, were on either lehua, Straussia or guava. Lehua repre- sents 53.3 per cent, of the trees on which shells were found, Straussia 9.8 per cent., and guava 29.8 per cent. Of A. multi- zonata 54.6 per cent, were found on lehua, 14.2 per cent, on straussia, and 26.7 per cent, guava. Of the remaining plants P&deria fcetida, representing 1.7 per cent, [of the trees on which shells were found] yielded 1.2 per cent, of the shells; Kadua, representing 2.3 per cent., yielded 1.2 per cent. ; and all others, about a half a dozen genera, representing 3.1 per cent., yielded 2.1 per cent. "In all the specimens collected by the writer the mantle varies from a very dark to a light slate color. It is sometimes mottled with light or dark markings. A. bellula is not only larger [than multizonata] but the shell is more solid and the median whorls less convex. A. bellula varies to a much less extent. A. multizonata varies from a pure white to a rich mahogany brown, and also through a larger number of striped variations. The apex of the shell also varies. In about half of the color-varieties the apex is white or a very light brown ; the rest have the apex striped with a light to a very dark brown band. The color of the apex is nearly constant in each color-variety. In color-variety W, however, slightly more than half the shells have the apex white, the remaining having a banded apex. " Young, dissected from the uterus of the animal, usually agree in coloration, with the apex of their parent. Several exceptions have been found of shells with a white apex con- taining a striped young, while only four cases have been found of shells with a striped apex containing white young. 234 ACHATINELLA BELLULA. 'For convenience the writer has divided this shell into twenty-five color-varieties. Each of these color-varieties is designated by a letter. The letters thus used are A-T and V-Z. A very large number of intermediate specimens occur. Some of these color-varieties have a very restricted range, be- ing found on only three or four of the sub-ridges ; others are found over nearly the whole range of the species. These color- varieties fall naturally into seven groups. ' ' The first of these groups, and also the largest, is made up of the color-varieties A-H. It is easily recognized, as none of the shells are marked with dark bands or lines. The shells vary from white to yellow. The apex is white to light brown ; never striped. The columella is usually white, sometimes pur- ple. This group represents about 37 per cent, of A. multi- zonata. Of this group 63 per cent, were found on lehua, about 16 per cent, on Straussia, and 17 per cent, on guava. "The second of these groups contains the color-varieties I-M. The shells are white to yellow, sometimes marked with brown. All the shells of this group are encircled at the per- iphery by a dark brown band, or two brown lines. The apex in every case is white or light brown. The columella is usually purple, almost never white. This group is only found from sub-ridges I-XIV. It contains nearly 19 per cent, of the speci- mens of A. multizonata. Of this group 53 per cent, were found upon lehua, 15 per cent, on Straussia, and 24 per cent, on guava ; 48 per cent, of this group were found on sub-ridges IX-XIII. "The third of these groups contains the color-variety N. This color-variety is so distinct from all the other color-varie- ties that it is thought best to place it in a group by itself. All the specimens came from sub-ridges III-V, 62 per cent, coming from sub-ridge IV. About 40 per cent, were found on lehua, 21 per cent, on Straussia, and 27 per cent, on guava. "The fourth group contains the color- varieties 0-Q. This group is distributed over nearly the whole range of the species. It is absent, however, from sub-ridges IX-XI. The shells of this group are striped with from four to fifteen lines or bands. The apex is striped with a light brown band. The columella ACHATINELLA CASTA. 235 is usually purple ; in only a very few cases is the columella white. Of this group 48 per cent, came from sub-ridge XIV ; 44 per cent, were found on lehua, 12 per cent, on Straussia, and 43 per cent, on guava. "The fifth group is made up of color- varieties E-T. The shell is white, variously striped ; the apex is white ; columella is usually purple. About 60 per cent, were found on lehua, 15 per cent, on straussia, and 19 per cent, on guava. This group is distributed over nearly the whole range of the species ; only five specimens were found below sub-ridge XIV. "The sixth group is made up of the color- varieties V-Y. The shells are variously colored from a rich mahogany brown to a pinkish purple. The apex is usually banded; in some cases it is white. The columella is usually purple. All ex- cept two specimens came from sub-ridge XV-XVII; 75 per cent, were found upon lehua. This group comes nearest, in color, to A. bellula Smith, but differs in form and size from that species [but was later considered to be bellula by Dr. Cooke]. "The seventh group is made up of the color-variety Z. This color-variety agrees with several of the other color-varie- ties in the markings of the lower whorls, but differs from them in the very dark banded apex. Of this group 96 per cent, were found on sub-ridges I and II ; 70 per cent, were found on guava, and 23 per cent, on lehua There are seven of the color-varieties of which over 95 per cent, came from two or three consecutive ridges. ... In this species it can be seen that isolation plays a greater part than environment. ' 20. A. CASTA Newcomb. PI. 41, figs. 12 to 16 ; pi. 49, figs. 1 to 16. ' ' Shell conically elongate, solid, polished, shining, dextral or sinistral ; whorls 6, rounded, margined above ; aperture sub- ovate, rather small ; lip simple, thickened within ; columella short, with a strong plaited brownish tooth. Color white or yellow, with extremely variable transverse bands of black, brown, pink or white, variously arranged. Length 13 twen- tieths, width 6!/2 twentieths of an inch. Ewa; its northern limit is the valley below Mouna Rua, and a half dozen ravines south, in the district of Ewa': (Newcomb). 236 ACHATINELLA CASTA. Oahu: Waimalu-Waiau ridge to the Waipio district (col- lections of Spalding, Cooke and A. N. S.). Achatinella casta NEWC., P. Z. S. 1853, p. 134, pi. 22, f . 12 ; Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, 325. — PFR., Monographia iv, 538 ; vi, 174. — THWING, Orig. Descriptions, p. 64. — Eburnella casta Newc., HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila. 1888, p. 36. — Achatinella cuneus PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 205. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis p. 323 (mountains behind Ewa, Perkins). — Acha- tinella concolor E. A. SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 75, pi. 9, f. 1.— Achatinella pygm&a E. A. SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 75, pi. 9, f. 11.— Achatinella ligata E. A. SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 76, pi. 9, f. 13; and var. a, fig. 12. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 8. A. casta differs from A. bellula by being sinistral as a gen- eral rule, but eastward there are dextral shells among the sinistral in some places. It has a somewhat different range of color-forms. There is often a dark sutural band or line, but more frequently none. Newcomb's figure, reproduced in pi. 29, fig. 12, is now a rather uncommon color-form, if found at all in recent collections. It is nearly white with a chestnut sutural line and an olive band below the periphery, with several indistinct spiral lines above it. One from Newcomb is illustrated in pi. 49, fig. 1. Others of the same lot have the base yellow, tinged with chestnut, or the last whorl pale yellow, bandless; white; or white with two to four chestnut bands. Perhaps the lot represents several localities, though casta colonies are notoriously polychromatic. Dr. Newcomb apparently included the later-described bellula in his conception of casta. Indeed the locality given by him applies to A. bellula alone, if I am right in identifying his ' * Mouna Rua ' ' with Moanalua. He says : "Its northern limit is the valley below Mouna Rua, and half a dozen ravines south, in the district of Ewa.' It is practically certain how- ever, that Newcomb's figured type came from west of Moana- lua ; moreover, the ravines south of Moanalua can not properly be said to be in Ewa. Newcomb's specimens look like Wai- mano or Waiawa shells. Just eastward of the casta area is the habitat of A. juddii, and still further east, that of A. bel- ACHATINELLA CASTA. 237 lula. According to Mr. Thwing, A. cast a ranges from Halawa to Waipio ; but this extension eastward is very doubtful. Numerous supposed species have been based upon forms of casta, but after seeing the great series brought together by Messrs. Spalding, Thurston, Cooke and Thaanum I agree with Dr. Cooke that no sufficient ground exists for admitting them as races. They are, we believe, selected forms out of colonies which in other specimens "run into' other forms of casta. The explanation of Mr. Gulick's over-division of casta (which lured Mr. Smith into describing so many forms), is found in the fact that there is a marvellous opulence of color-mutation. Very often some special pattern predominates in, or at the height of its development is special to, a certain colony. Working with small series from scattered colonies, the differ- ences are unduly obvious. A. casta deserves monographic treatment, with several plates, but this work cannot properly be done except in Honolulu. Waimano. PL 49, figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, coll. by C. M. Cooke, on northern ridge and lateral ridges of the valley. The most abundant pattern is some shade of yellow, more or less passing into brown, with darker lines or bands. There are also a few copiously streaked shells, with two dark bands ; two of this pattern being dextral. Others have dark zones which nearly cover the surface. Two shells are deep chestnut with lighter streaks. Other Waimano patterns are shown in pi. 41, figs, figs. 13 to 13c, Cooke collection. One lot contains some specimens which approach A. c. mar- garetce in coloration, having two tawny bands on a whitish or yellow ground, and a pink columella (pi. 49, fig. 5). The shape and texture are the same as in other patterns of casta found with them. Mr. Spalding found the same pattern in the eastern ravines of Waiawa. Some Waimano shells, such as pi. 49, fig. 4, approach A. pupukanioe, but on account of the form of the columella in old shells, I believe that the latter is an entirely distinct species. PL 41, figs. 14-14& are from the A. cookei ridge, Thaanum. Waiawa. A. casta is found in both division ridges of 238 ACHATINELLA CASTA. Waiawa in many places, and everywhere in colonies of several colors and patterns. PL 41, figs. 15, 15&, 15&, 16 ; pi. 49, figs. 7, 8, represent specimens collected by Mr. Spalding, part of his no. 1863. The rarest and almost unique patterns figs. 15 to 15& still belonging to his collection. PL 49, figs. 9 to 15 are specimens collected by Mr. Kuhns and given me by Mr. Thaanurn. The darker shells of this lot also being rare pat- terns. The ground-color is white, shell-pink or yellow, band- less or with two dark zones (brown to almost black), or rarely with many lines. A sutural dark band is often present. The columella is almost always lilac, but rarely white in albino shells. The embryonic whorls are usually white, very rarely having a broad brown band. Length 18, diam. 9.6 mm. In the western ravines of Waiawa Mr. Spalding found a small form, length 15-16 mm., with the last two whorls yellow, spire ivory yellow indistinctly streaked with cream buff. It is practically identical with the form from Waipio called A. pygmcea by Mr. Smith. The original descriptions of forms now referred to A. casta here follow. "AckatineUa ligata Sm. [PL 24, fig. 21]. Shell dextral (or sinistral), elongate-ovate-subconic, moderately shining, very minutely striated with growth and transverse lines; whitish, more or less streaked with buff-olivaceous, encircled with usu- ally two pale brown zones, one above, the other below the per- iphery. Whorls 5!/2> a little convex, suture distinctly mar- gined, girdled with deep brown. Aperture white ; peristome slightly edged within, columellar fold strong, roseate. Length 19, diam. 10 mm. "Var. a. Shell more lengthened. Length 21, diam. 9 mm. (pi. 24, fig. 20). 'Var. b. Shell white, the last whorl encircled with several narrow yellow zones.' (Smith). Oahu: ''reported to be from Waimalu.' Type in British Museum. ''It has somewhat the aspect of dextral forms of A. varia Gk., but is more elongate and cylindrical' (Smith). Achatinella ligata was based upon mainly dextral shells of the pattern of pi. 41, fig. 13&. The figures on pi. 24 are ACHATINELLA CASTA. 239 copied from Mr. Smith's, the specimens having been given by Mr. Gulick. A. ligata has usually been considered' a form of A. bellula by Hawaiian conchologists, but the figures and de- scription agree with a form of casta from Waimano. A set of four in the Gulick collection, three dextral and one sinistral, seem to me to belong to casta. The type lot, from Gulick, was "reported to be from Waimalu,' which is further west than A. bellula is known, and near the eastern limit of the range of casta. It seems that towards its eastern limit A. casta approaches A. bellula in characters, and is sometimes dextral. A. ligata was based upon specimens of this somewhat inter- mediate form. The dextral form probably occurs too inti- mately blended with casta to be segregated as a subspecies. 1A. pygmcca Smith. PL 49, fig. 16. Shell sinistral, ovate- conic, glossy, striated with extremely fine growth and trans- verse lines, yellow. Suture lightly margined. Whorls 5%, convex, the first 3 1/2 white. Aperture white ; peristome slightly bordered ; columellar fold moderately large, rose. Length 14, diam. 8 mm. Var. : shell whitish, encircled above the per- iphery with a line, below with a zone of brown. Waipio' (Smith}. The type specimen is figured. It measures 14.7 mm. long, 8 wide, and differs from unicolored Waiawa casta only in the smaller size. Possibly pygmcea can be retained as a varietal name for the small western casta, if size proves to be corre- lated with distribution, which is not likely. Waipio is near the western limit of A casta. Mr. Spalding collected a similar small form of casta in the western ravines of Waiawa, but it is not quite identical, having the spire noticeably broader. However, the variation from pygmcea is not greater than among individuals in other Waiawa colonies. A. concolor E. A. Smith, [pi. 41, fig. 12, type]. "Shell sinistral, ovate-conic, glossy, striated with growth-lines and transversely, even on the first 3 whorls ; yellow ( sometimes streaked with dilute brown) ; suture distinctly margined. Whorls 6, convex, the first 3 whitish. Aperture white ; peris- tome thin, the columellar fold strong, roseate. Length 19, diam. 10 mm. Ewa, Frick.' (Smith.} 240 ACHATINELLA CASTA. Merely a color-form of A. cast a. The type specimen is no. 76 Boston Society of Natural History. It has been figured by Smith, and is shown on pi. 41, fig. 12. The last 1% whorls are streaked with ochraceous-tawny on a light ochra- ceous-buff ground, which fades to white on the upper whorls. There is a faintly darker line below the suture on the last whorl ; columella fold pale lilac. Length 18, diam. 10 mm. This coloration is rare in casta, but is a common pattern in A. bellula, which differs by being dextral. Mr. Spalding has found shells in the southeastern ravines of Waiawa (his No. 582) which agree exactly with concolor ex- cept by being smaller. They occur with a more slender banded form with weak columellar fold (pi. 49, fig. 6) recall- ing juncea; with white specimens becoming light yellow on the last whorl, or with a yellow base ; and with various brown- banded and streaked forms. Achatinella cuneus Pfr. "Shell imperf orate, whitish or buff, variously ornamented with narrow brown bands. Spire convexly conic, the apex white, rather acute ; suture bordered by a chestnut line. Whorls 6, nearly flat, the last slightly ex- ceeding one-third of the length. Aperture nearly diagonal, semioval, white within ; columellar fold moderate, obliquely somewhat twisted ; peristome acute, labiate within, columellar margin adnate. Length 18, diam. 8 mm., aperture 8 mm. long, 3i/2 wide. Oahu, Frick' ' (Pfr.) . A. cuneus has been placed in the synonymy of A. decipiens by Dr. Newcomb. Mr. Sykes allows it to stand as a species in Achatinellastrum. There appears to be no tangible differ- ence between the description of cuneus and A. casta, and Dr. Cooke, who examined the type, considers it a color-form of casta. 20a. A. CASTA MARGARETS Pilsbry & Cooke, n. subsp. PL 42, figs. 9, 10. The shell is sinistral, imperforate, thin, ovate-conic, white with two cinnamon bands, the lower usually wider, and both tessellated by the crossing of paler streaks; there is a pale pink band below the suture and a darker one bounding the ACHATINELLA JUNCEA. 241 columella, the fold of which is lilac. There is also an albino form in the same colony, pure white throughout. Surface glossy, similar to A. cast a. Whorls convex, the suture mar- gined on the last whorl. Columellar fold spiral, not very prominent. Peristome thin, acute. Length 14.2, diam. 8.6, aperture 7.2 mm. ; 5^ whorls. Length 14.8, diam. 9, aperture 7 mm. ; 5~y2 whorls. Oahu: Kolokukahau peak, at the head of Waiau valley on the Waimalu division ridge, elevation 1450 ft. (Irwin Spald- ing, Margaret and L. A. Thurston). Cotypes in coll. A. N. S. P. and Bishop Mus. ; also in the collections of Spalding and Thurston. Margaret's Achatinella is a thinner, less solid shell than A. casta, texture and coloration resembling A. juncea, which differs by its lengthened, slender contour. It appears to be closely related to juncea, but the habitats of the two are rather widely separated and the forms seem sufficiently distinct. No evidence that it actually inter grades with the polymorphic A. casta has been seen in the collections examined, though its color-pattern is much like one of the common casta pat- terns. It is doubtless, like A. juncea, of common ancestry with casta. A. c. margaretce was discovered by Miss Margaret Thurs- ton in March, 1909. "Four visits have resulted in finding it on only three lehua trees. ' It is a shell of the misty summits. 21. A. JUNCEA Gulick. PL 42, figs. 11 to 14. "Shell sinistral, imperf orate, elongately and acuminately ovate, thin, shining, finely striated, snow white ; apex some- what acute ; spire convexly turrited ; suture margined, well impressed; whorls 6, convex; columella white, with a light twisted fold near the body whorl. Aperture oblique, oval, white within ; peristome moderately thickened, with external margin slightly expanded anteriorly, arcuate, acute ; colu- mellar margin narrow, adnate ; parietal margin very thin. " Var. &. With two or three brown spiral bands" (Gulick). Length 16, diam. 8, length of aperture 7.1 mm. (type specimen). 242 ACHATINELLA PAPYRACEA. Oahu: Kalaikoa, Wahiawa [type loc.], and Helemano, on ahakea. (Gulick). Achatinella juncea GUL., Annals of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist, of N. Y. vi, p. 230, pi. 7, f. 49. December, 1856. A. juncea is a thinner, narrower, more lengthened shell than A. casta, with the columellar fold usually weaker. It is narrower than papyracea, with different color-patterns. From what I have seen it appears to be distinct from related species. The specimen figured by Gulick and marked l ' type ' ' by him (pi. 42, fig. 12) is from Wahiawa. Except for a yellow tint at the edge of the lip it is a pure white shell. Others in his collection have two cinnamon bands, one above, narrower, the other wider and below the periphery (fig. 11) ; or the upper band may be split, and a dark area surround the columella, the whole base having a faint brown tint. Mr. Spalding found substantially the same forms in Kipapa, Wahiawa ; (a) white, (&) white with bands (of which there may be four, sutural, two wider median, and columellar), the lip edged with vinaceous brown, columellar fold deep vinaceous, and (c) streaked with cinnamon on a warm buff ground, fad- ing to white above (pi. 42, figs. 13). The length varies from 13.5 to 17 mm. There is a similar lot in coll. C. M. Cooke, including some quite broad forms, length 13.7, diam. 8 mm. (pi. 42, fig. 14). Specimens from Helemano are similar to white ones from Wahiawa. I have not seen specimens from Kalaikoa. At Nichol's camp, Kaukinehua (in the Wahiawa district) Mr. Spalding collected a series of six, 3 streaked and band- less, the others with three bands, of lighter tint than in the Wahiawa lot described above. SERIES OF A. PAPYRACEA. This group consists of thin, rather capacious shells of the interior valleys, related to casta and its allies. A few species from the Waianae range are about equally related to this group and the next. The species seems not to extend so high as other forms, and none has ever been found on the northern side of the main range. While some forms have plumbeous ACHATINELLA PAPYRACEA. 243 or ecru streaks, like the livida group, the embryonic whorls never have an ocher-yellow band below the suture, such as occurs in most of the livida series. The embryo often has a faintly gray or dusky tip. 22. A. PAPYRACEA Gulick. PL 42, figs. 7, 8 ; pi. 54, figs. 8 to 10, 14, 14a. 'Shell sinistral, imperf orate, ovate-conic, thin, polished, finely striated, light gray or of leaden ash color, with obscure brown spiral lines ; apex subacute ; spire convexly conical ; suture marginate, impressed; whorls 5%, moderately convex; columellar fold central, usually white, slightly developed and not strongly twisted; aperture oblique, sinuately oval, white or gray within ; peristome scarcely thickened, with external margin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin nar- row, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length 16%, breadth 9%, length of body-whorl 12 mm. Of a large specimen, length 19, breadth 10%, length of body-whorl 13% mm- Average weight 2.5 grains. "Var. &, without the brown lines' (Gulick). Oahu : Kalaikoa, Ahonui and Wahiawa, on the hala, Pan- danus odoratissimus, and other trees (J. T. Gulick). Waipio to Kalaikoa. Achatinella papyracea GUL., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 229, pi. 7, f . 48 ; December, 1856. Mr. Gulick 's type (pi. 54, fig. 8) was from Kalaikoa, where many of the shells have the spiral lines and bands more nu- merous and distinct than in those from Wahiawa. The ground-tint is white with light brownish vinaceous streaks (very faint or almost wanting in some shells, deeper in others, — more of a light vinaceous purple). The bands vary in tint, from walnut to snuff-brown or brownish vinaceous. They are irregular in width, shade and distribution, but there is usually a peripheral light zone, and the subsutural band is not emphatic, though usually present. The embryonic whorls are white or buff, but so far as I know they are never bi- colored, ochraceous and white, as in the livida series. Colu- mellar fold usually weak, white. The lip is thin and simple. 244 ACHATINELLA JUDDII. The type specimen measures, length 16, diam. 9.7, aperture 7.7 mm., but others of the lot from Kalaikoa, are larger, length 18.1, diarn. 10.5 mm.; whorls nearly 6 (pi. 42, fig. 8). Some shells from Kalaikoa are more streaked, with faint bands, as in those from Wahiawa. Shells from Ahonui, Gulick coll., are streaked as in those of Wahiawa, but in some there are broad white zones cutting the streaks into bands (pi. 42, fig. 7). In "Wahiawa" (pi. 54, figs. 14, 14a, Gulick coll.) and Wai- kakalaua (pi. 54, fig. 10, coll. by Spalding) the bands are merely indicated by pale spirals which cross the copious streaks, which are of a light Payne 's gray or violet plumbeous tint. This pattern also occurs in the more western localities, as noted above. It is constant in a series of about 150 taken by Mr. Spalding in Waikakalaua. Also in a series from " Wai- pio, ' ' Spalding coll. In a series from Waipio district, recently received from Mr. Thaanum, collected by Mr. Kuhns, the pattern consists of brown linear streaks on a pale Quaker drab ground, white, below the suture and often at the base. This pattern usually disappears rather abruptly on the last whorl or sometimes on the penultimate (pi. 54, figs. 9, 9a, 96). There is also a very pale specimen, yellowish at the base, with a chestnut-black band below the periphery, another around the columella. It approaches some forms of A. juddii. SERIES OF A. LIVIDA. 23. A. JUDDII Baldwin. PL 49, figs. 17 to 22. "Shell dextral, imperforate, solid, pyramidally conical, apex obtuse ; surface shining, covered with very delicate in- cremental lines ; the nuclear whorls smooth. Color light gray, shading into light chestnut on the apical whorls, the gray more intense under the cuticle ; with two black lines, one be- low and one at the periphery, the latter faint and continued on the spire; between the lines a white band which revolves on the suture to the very tip of the apex. Whorls 6, mar- gined above, slightly convex ; suture lightly impressed. Aper- ture oblique, oval, white, the light gray of the exterior surface ACHATINELLA JUDDII. 245 exhibiting a darker shade within; peristome acute, slightly thickened within, a little expanded, columellar margin very slightly reflected, white, the coloring of the exterior dark lines reappearing rather more intense on the inner edge; cohimella white, terminating in a moderately developed flexu- ous fold. Length, 15; diam. 9y2 mm.' (Baldwin). Oahu: Halawa (Baldwin) ; Aiea (Cooke, Spalding) ; east- ern crest of Kalauao valley, and Kalauao-Waimalu ridge (Spalding). Achatinella juddii BALDWIN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1895, p. 216, pi. 10, f. 3, 4. 'No opportunity for an examination of the animal has yet occurred. The shell is typically very distinct from any other known species. The light chestnut band on the apical whorls is a characteristic and invariable feature. The basal portion of the shell sometimes has a yellowish hue. In immature shells the colors are more intense. "Named in honor of Hon. A. F. Judd, Chief Justice of the Republic of Hawaii, by whose son the shell was discovered.' (Baldwin). A. juddii was discovered by Mr. Albert F. Judd, the present President of the Bishop Museum Board of Trustees. It is related to A. papyracea, a more capacious shell. By the color of its embryo and the gray-streaked pattern it is also related to A. livida from which it differs by the more pyramidal shape and various details of coloration. It is rather widely separ- ated from other members of the papyracea and the livida groups, and seems to be quite distinct from all other species. Figs. 17, 18 represent two of the type lot. All of the Halawa shells sent by Mr. Baldwin (which are probably from the Halawa- Aiea ridge) have a gray-streaked zone above the periphery, bordered by a blackish or darker gray line below, a white or yellowish subperipheral belt followed by a blackish or dark-gray band, the base being white with faint gray streaks, or straw yellow. The embryonic whorls are bicolored, ochraceous with a white zone above the suture. In a series from Aiea, collected by Dr. Cooke on lehua trees at top of ridge, the same pattern predominates ; but there are 246 ACHATINELLA LIVIDA. also specimens with the two bands near the periphery and no other markings (fig. 21), and others without bands, white above, the base more or less extensively yellow, embryo colored like the typical pattern (fig. 22). On the Kalauao-Waimalu division ridge Messrs. Spalding and Kuhns found the typical pattern, together with specimens lacking dark bands, fig. 19 ; and others having several ac- cessory black bands, fig. 20, coll. by Spalding. There is also in Mr. Spalding 's collection a single specimen with black base and a broad black band above the periphery. Also a few others having a small black basal area. Very few specimens from any locality lack the brown or ochraceous zone at the summit ; probably all young shells show it, though on rare adults it may disappear by fading. A. juddii is rather difficult to place in the series, as it has affinities with casta, papyracea and livida, and seems more related to the last two, though its habitat lies between the areas of ~bellula and casta. 24. A. LIVIDA Swainson. PL 53, figs. 1 to 9. 1 1 Shell reversed, ovate, obtuse, livid brown or greyish ; spire thickened ; suture with a deep fulvous line. A small reversed species, unbanded, and scarcely exceeding half an inch in length. In form it perfectly resembles the green variety of Bulimus citrinus. The three specimens in our museum vary in color from a light olive brown to a livid purple which lies in longitudinal shades, and gradually changes on the spiral whorls to white. Suture marked by a line of deep orange brown. Aperture white, tinged with purple' (Swainson). Oahu : Wahiawa to Kawailoa district. Achatinella livida SWAINS., Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts, iii, 1828, p. 8.5; Zoological Illustra- tions iii, p. 108, pi. 108, f . 2. — Eburnella livida Swains., Hart- man, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1888, p. 36. — Achatinella viridans Mighels, REEVE, Conch. Icon. pi. 4, f. 25 (not A. viridans Mighels) =A. reevei C. B. ADAMS, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. v, p. 44; Contributions to Conchology No. 8, p. 128 (1850).- ACHATINELLA LIVIDA. 247 Achatinella emmersoni NEWC., P. Z. S. 1853, p. 156, pi. 24, f. 74. — THWING, Orig. Descriptions, etc., p. 71. — A. emersonii Nc., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y., vi, p. 309. Specimens collected in Kawailoa in 1854-5 by Mr. Gulick agree perfectly with Swainson's description and figure. In a lot of 23, 14 are dextral. Shells of this lot are figured, pi. 53, figs. 1 to 4. The typical color is dull citrine (of Bidgway's Color Standards, pi. 16) indistinctly streaked with olive- citrine and olive lake ; the suture having an ocher, ochraceous- orange or rufous border, usually edged below with pale yel- low. The embryonic whorls are very faint yellow fading to white above the suture and at the apex. The suture has a well-impressed margin. The aperture has a white lining and a chocolate band inside the acute white edge. The columellar fold is white and rather strong. Fig. 1 is a typical livida, agreeing very closely with Swainson's figure. Length 16, diam. 10 mm. ; 5% whorls. In different specimens the hue and shade vary. The gen- eral tint may be brownish vinaceous with narrow whitish streaks, or it may be yellowish olive or dark greenish olive. The dark submargin of the lip is inconspicuous in some shells, especially old ones with the lip thickened. Form reevei C. B. Adams, pi. 53, figs. 5 to 9, Kawailoa, Gulick coll.) differs by having no rufous sutural line. The suture is bordered below by a nearly white or pale greenish yellow band, varying in width. Its exact status is not clear to me, since I do not know whether the specimens occurred in colonies of livida or always separate. It seems however to have had a wider range eastward than livida, as Gulick got it in Kawailoa, Opaeula and Wahiawa. Both livida and reevei seem to be rare or extinct at the present time. They probably inhabited forests at lower levels than those now existing. 24a. A. LIVIDA EMERSONII Newcomb. PI. 53, figs. 10, 11, 12. Based upon a light form of livida, as Newcomb recognized later, confirmed by Doctor Cooke who examined the type. The original figure is copied, pi. 53, fig. 10. The description follows. * * Shell conical, polished, dextral, rather solid ; whorls 248 ACHATINELLA LIVIDA. 6, rounded, margined above ; suture distinct ; aperture sub- ovate ; columella short, tuber culate ; lip acute, within mar- gined, black ; aperture internally pure white ; exterior of shell uniform pearly white. Length 11, width 8 twentieths inch. District of Waialua. This shell in its general aspect is the complete counterpart of A. mighelsiana of Pfeiffer. The lat- ter species is from Molokai. This is clearly distinct, as may be seen by a cursory examination of the two species' (Newc.}. Evidently an albino form. Most shells of this kind are not pure white. They are white with narrow streaks of very faint flesh color or very pale gray, often with a faint yellow suffusion on the base. Last whorl somewhat flattened later- ally, convex below the impressed subsutural line. Aperture white or pale lilac, usually with a dark streak within the margin. It varies to a form with yellow base ; often there is a rufous subsutural line. It is somewhat intermediate between livida and undulata, but has the shape of livida. There is a good series from Wahiawa in coll. Dr. C. M. Cooke (pi. 53, fig. 11) and others from Waialua, from Baldwin (pi. 53, fig. 12). Named in honor of Mr. J. S. Emerson of Honolulu, who be- gan collecting in the time of Newcomb. The name was ori- ginally spelled " emmersonii' by Newcomb, but in his list of 1858 it was corrected to emersonii, and placed in the synonymy of livida. The "subspecies" of livida must not be taken too seriously ! 24fe. A. LIVIDA RECTA Newcomb. PL 30, figs. 45 ; pi. 53, figs. 13 to 21. ' ' Shell usually dextral, solid, pyramidal ; whorls 6, but slightly rounded, margined above ; suture slightly impressed. Aperture subovate ; lip simple, thickened within ; columella short, twisting to unite with the inner lip. Color various, usually yellow, plain or with two black bands on the last whorl, one of which is lost in the aperture, the other becomes sutural. The shell above described is peculiar for its solidity and rigid aspect. It possesses none of the graceful curves which give to this genus so much of its beauty. The largest ACHATINELLA LIVID A. 249 size yet discovered is given in the measurement. Length 14, diam. 7 twentieths of an inch.' (Newc.} Oahu: Waialua (Newcomb) ; Wahiawa (Cooke) ; Helemano and Kawailoa ( Gulick, chiefly sinistral form ) . Achatinella recta NEWC., P. Z. S. 1853, p. 145, pi. 23, f. 45, 1854. — PFR. Monogr. iv, 535. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal p. 41, pi. 2, f. 3 (Kawailoa). — Achatinella glauca GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. vi, p. 60, pi. 8, f. 51, 1858. Doctor Newcomb 's figure is reproduced on pi. 30, fig. 45. A topotype from Newcomb, typical in pattern, is before me. There is a broad purplish-brown band at the periphery, an- other below it, and a very faint band in the middle of the upper surface, cuticle yellow on the last whorl, lighter above. Others of the same lot are bandless, or have a wide zone in place of the two bands, pi. 53, figs. 13, 14, 15. The surface is nearly smooth, under a lens showing light growth-lines and a very faint oblique lineolation. The dark bands color the internal lip-callus, which is thin and inconspicuous. The columellar fold is rather small. As in A. livida, an ochra- ceous band may usually be made out below the suture of the embryonic whorls, but it is often very pale. The locality "Nuuanu valley' given by Mr. Sykes is a mistake. Some other form, perhaps multizonata, must have been taken for recta. Except in color, and in being partly dextral, recta does not differ materially from livida. The classification of recta in Bulimella with A. pulcherrima or A. byronii by various au- thors is not easy to account for, as the lip is quite unlike those forms. A majority of the specimens before me are sinistral, but dextral shells are in the lots from Waialua, Kawailoa and Wahiawa. Kawailoa. In a lot of 68 taken by Gulick, three are dextral. The ground-color varies from straw yellow to citron yellow. The bands vary from dark chestnut to honey yellow or paler. Usually there are only two bands, one above, the other below the periphery, but in a few there is a sutural band also. Two bands present, light in 14, dark in 11 shells. One band (ii) present, light in 32, dark in 7 shells. 250 ACHATINELLA LIVIDA. Sutural band only, light in 0, dark in 1 shell. No bands, 3 shells. See pi. 53, figs. 17 to 21. Helemano. A specimen taken by Gulick has three honey yellow bands. Wahiawa. A series collected by Dr. Cooke has three black- ish chestnut bands on a white or yellow ground, or white above, yellow below the periphery, both dextral and sinistral (pi. 53, fig. 16). Also the form with honey yellow bands, all sinistral. A. glauca Gulick, pi. 44, figs. 5, 6, 7, seems to me to be merely a dark form of recta, hardly worth a name, differing only in the olive lake ground-color. There must however have been a considerable colony of similar shells as Gulick secured a large set. The description follows. * ' Shell sinistral, rarely dextral, imperforate, acuminately ovate, solid, shining, striated, fawn or lead-colored with two black bands, one en- tering the aperture ; apex somewhat acute, white ; spire conic with slightly convex outlines; suture marginate, moderately impressed ; whorls 6, convex ; columellar fold central, white or pale pink, moderately developed ; aperture sinuately oval, white within ; peristome thickened within ; with external mar- gin unreflected, arcuate, acute, bordered with brown; colu- mellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length 17, breadth 9 mm. ; length of body-whorl ll1/^ mm. Average weight 3.9 grains. "Kawailoa, on trees. J. T. G. "Var. 6. With a third brown sutural line. "Var. c. With but one black spiral band passing above the suture. "Var. d. With a white band encircling the base between the two black bands ; very rare. "This species bears the same relation to A. livida Swains, that A. recta Newc. bears to A. casta Newc.' (Gulick}. Fig. 5 represents Gulick 's type specimen, no. 51 Boston Society. A large set from the same lot is no. 92,284 A. N. S. P The shell differs from A. livida by having two nearly black spiral bands and usually no distinct subsutural band — char- acters in which it agrees with var. recta, from which it differs only in the ground-color. The color of the suture is variable, some shells having an inconspicuous dusky or yellowish border below the suture. One specimen has a pair of wider, ACHATINELLA LIVIDA. 251 contiguous chestnut bands and a narrower subsutural band of the same color. The ground color is olive lake in the type, but varies in tint. It is nearly wax yellow in the chestnut- banded shell. The lip is often well thickened within and shows dark spots at the ends of the bands. The embryonic shell when unworn shows the characteristic yellow zone of livida below the suture, the rest of the whorl being white. This zone changes to brown on the following neanic whorls, but as stated above, fades to yellowish or disappears on the last whorl. 24c. A. LIVIDA HERBACEA Gulick. PL 44, figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. * Shell sinistral, sometimes dextral, imperf orate, ovate conic, solid, shining, striated, of a dull green color; apex rather obtuse, white ; spire conic, suture marginate, moderately im- pressed; whorls 6, convex; columellar fold central, white, strong ; aperture truncately auriform, white within ; peristome slightly thickened within • with external margin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin very thin. Length 18, breadth 10%, length of body- whorl 13 mm. Average weight 4.4 grains. "Var. 6. With a black sutural band; columellar fold usu- ally white, sometimes lilac. "Var. c. Yellow, with smoother surface, approaching A. recta Newc. ''About a fifth of my specimens are dextral' (Gulick). Oahu : forests between the streams of Waimea and Kawailoa, on the leaves of the pua, ahakea and ohawai (Lobelia gri- mesiana). J. T. Gulick. Achatinella herbacea GUL., Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 233, pi. 8, f. 52, Feb., 1858; Evolution, Racial and Habitu- dinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 4. A darker, greener shell than recta, also more strongly stri- ate, and very rarely having any bands except the sutural, which is occasionally present. Mr. Gulick 's type, pi. 44, fig. 1, is indistinctly streaked with citrine to olive-green on a yellower, pyrite yellow, ground, the narrow, well-defined su- tural margin somewhat tinted with chestnut; three apical 252 ACHATINELLA CURTA. whorls white with a pale ochraceous zone below the suture. While very glossy, it is more roughly striate than livida or recta. Others of the original lot, (pi. 44, figs. 2, 3, 4, coll. by Gulick) , are darker or lighter than the type — medal bronze or oil green to amber yellow of Ridgway's Color Standards. The sutural border may be colored like the rest of the whorl, or there may be a blackish chestnut band; but there is no light zone or band below the suture. One specimen has a pair of chestnut bands near the periphery. While close to recta, it may be practicable to distinguish this form as a local race. I do not know that it has been found since Gulick 's time. 25. A. CURTA Newcomb. Plates 45 and 46. "Shell conical, sinistral, polished; whorls 5, rounded, mar- gined above, the last very ventricose ; aperture ovate ; lip simple, slightly thickened within ; columella short, with an abrupt callous termination ; suture but little impressed ; color yellow or chestnut, plain or with a black sutural band, rarely with two or more on the last two whorls; columella white or light brown. The rounded whorls and obese appearance of this shell are strikingly characteristic. It is a rare species and extremely limited in its range. Length 12, diam. 8 twen- tieths of an inch' (Newc.). Oahu: Waialua (Newcomb). Ahonui to Kawailoa, and across the range in Laie. Achatinella curta NEWCOMB, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 144, pi. 23, f . 43 ; Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, 329.— PPR., Monogr. iv, 540; vi, 176. — Achatinella rhodoraphe E. A. SMITH, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 74, pi. 9, f. 10. — GULICK, Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, pi. 41, pi. 2, f. 6 (Wahiawa). — Achatinella un- dulata NEWCOMB, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. v, p. 218, Sept., 1855; American Journal of Conch, ii, p. 216, pi. 13, f. 15. — PPR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 208 (Feb. 5, 1856) ; Monogr. iv, 540.— Achatinella delta GULICK, Ann. Lye. vi, p. 231, pi. 8, f. 50, Feb., 1858; Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 5 (Wahiawa). ACHATINELLA CURTA. 253 Typically distinct from livida and recta by the shorter spire and the short, swollen, last whorl ; also differing in 'the color- patterns ; yet there are forms which one cannot satisfactorily classify. PI. 45, fig. 1 is a copy of the type figure. There are three color-forms which have been described as species under the names curta (yellow with a chestnut or chestnut-black subsutural band), rhodoraphe (yellow with a pale pink subsutural band), and undulata (pale ochraceous buff writh many irregular tawny stripes and sometimes a black- ish peripheral band). There are also a number of other pat- terns as noted below. The curta and rhodoraphe patterns often occur in the same colony, and curta colonies sometimes contain both rhodoraphe and undulata if I may judge by Wahaiwa series in the Cooke collection. ChieflV rhodoraphe occurs in Ahonui (Gulick coll.), at the eastern limit of the species, and pure curta has been taken in Laie, unaccom- panied by other patterns. There are some ' ' blends ' between these three patterns, but as a general rule, good segregation prevails in hybrid colonies. Northwestward curta is replaced by dimorpha, in which the shell is usually more lengthened. Ahonui (pi. 45, figs. 2, 3, coll. by Gulick). Most of the specimens are yellow with a pink zone below the suture (rhodoraphe). The pink zone begins on the last embryonic whorl as an ochraceous band. The largest shell is 17 mm. long. There are also a few shorter shells of typical curta form, yellow fading to white at the summit, without a sub- sutural band. Wahiawa (pi. 45, figs. 10, 11, 3d gulch of Wahiawa, coll. by Kuhns). Last whorl or two apricot yellow, with a chestnut- black band below the suture, edged below with orange rufous, sometimes followed by whitish. Embryo all white or with a brown hand extending to the apex. The same curta pattern is in the Cooke collection from low ridges and valleys of Wahi- awa, together with specimens without sutural band, and others with it faint and narrow, the embryonic whorls with an ochra- ceous band, the body-color varying from yellow to ochraceous tawny. Also rhodoraphe like those of Helemano, or without 254 ACHATINELLA CURTA. a pink band (like A. delta var. &. of Gulick), and various forms of the undulata pattern (pi. 45, figs. 4 to 9), from the pattern figured by Newcomb to forms with the streaks almost or entirely wanting, the band remaining. A last vestige of the undulata pattern is usually visible in a minute irregu- larity or mottling of the dark peripheral band in specimens which have otherwise the color of curia. There are also tawny-streaked forms without a band, the typical undulata pattern. Helemano. In a small ravine south of Helemano, Mr. Spalding found curta, with chestnut sutural band and plain (no. 2274-5 of his coll.). His no. 2268 from Helemano have a yellow base, white above. Gulick found the same form, which he called A. delta var. b. (pi. 46, figs. 6, 7, 8). Gulick also obtained a large series of typical rhodoraphe in Helemano, which he regarded as the metropolis of this form (pi. 46, figs. 1, 2, no. 92210 A. N. S.), associated with specimens like pi. 45, fig. 3. In a gulch west of Helemano Mr. Spalding found curta with black and with pink sutural border, and with a light brown subsutural line, in the same colony (pi. 46, figs. 3, 4). ' l Waialua ' ' is the type locality of curta and undulata, but just where Newcomb collected in the extensive district which went under his name, I do not know. Perfectly typical curta has been taken by Mr. Thaanum on the left side of Poamoho, with specimens without the chestnut sutural band (pi. 45, figs. 12, 13). Mr. D. D. Baldwin obtained typical undulata and a pale form perhaps referable to emersoni in "Waialua," local- ity not more exactly given (pi. 45, figs. 14, 15, 16). In the bottom of gulch east of Opaeula along the stream, Mr. Spalding took curta with the sutural band: (a) blackish- chestnut, (6) varying to tawny, approaching rhodoraphe, and (c) with brownish vinaceous streaks on a cream-buff ground, suture with a narrow tawny band (pi. 46, fig. 9), also vary- ing to nearly white. Some have more or less olive-yellow suf- fusion of the base or last whorl. This form approaches undulata. There are also white and yellow curta without sutural band in this colony, which is related to the streaked form from Kawaiholona. ACHATINELLA CURTA. 255 Opaeula. Gulick found rhodoraphe, varying from a wide to a linear sutural border. On the Opaeula-Kawaiholona division ridge Mr. Spalding found curia with a black or purplish sutural band, and a few white ones with yellow tint on at least part of the base. Kawaiholona. On the eastern spurs Mr. Spalding found faintly streaked curta-undulata forms similar to pi. 46, fig. 9. Along the bed of the stream a form was found with the char- acters of the preceding intensified, intermediate between curia and livida (pi. 46, fig. 10, coll. by Spalding). It has a rufous or chestnut sutural line, followed by a white band, below which it is streaked with Dutch blue or slate blue on a whitish tint of the same, the base with a yellowish suffusion. There is a slate-purple streak within the white lip-edge, and the columellar fold is white. While the coloration of this colony is much like livida, it connects with curia through forms found eastward, as noted above. A brown form also occurs in the same colony (no. 1612 of Mr. Spalding's collection). "Kawailoa.' Mr. Gulick found curia, rhodoraphe and undulata patterns, the latter small, and varying to specimens in which the tawny bands are diffused, producing an ochra- ceous-tawny shell with indistinct dusky streaks (pi. 46, figs. 20 to 24). PL 46, figs. 16-19 are Kawailoa forms from Thaanum. Kawaiiki. Above and at the Waialua Agricultural Com- pany's intake, Mr. Spalding collected a series of beautiful color-forms, illustrated in pi. 46, figs. 11 to 15. The follow- ing color-forms occur, (a) Yellow, varying to white with the base faint yellow, apical whorls often ochraceous. (6) yellow with a pale tawny sutural line or a chestnut or blackish sutural band, typical curia pattern, (c) yellow with two or three chestnut-black bands, which may cover most of the surface. (d) yellow, with diffuse chestnut streaks and sutural band, or with deep chestnut streaks and sutural and peripheral bands, approaching undulata. (e) Pale yellow with diffuse serpentine green streaks and a chestnut sutural band, a dark streak within the outer lip ; approaching livida. In the collection of Hon. L. A. Thurston there is a good 256 ACHATINELLA CURTA. series of curia in several color-forms, which he took in the bottom of Anahulu valley. This is as far west as real curia has been found, so far as I know. Laie. A series of 15 specimens, all of the typical curia pattern, was taken by Mr. Spalding. One is figured on pi. 46, fig. 5. This is the only record of curia from the north side of the main range, unless we include Gulick's A. con- tracta, which is not really distinguishable from some Wahiawa undulata in which the streaks are nearly or quite obsolete. On account of its locality I have left coniracia with the dimorpha group of forms. The original descriptions of undulata and rhodoraphe follow. . . 'Achatinella undulata. Shell sinistral or dextral, rather solid, acutely conical, shining, polished; with longitudinal oblique fine striae; microscopically spirally striate. Whorls 6, rounded and margined above ; suture well impressed. Aper- ture subovate ; columella short and plicately twisted ; lip acute, thickened within. Color light olive alternating with slightly undulating chestnut lines and bands, rarely marked by transverse black fasciae. Columella and aperture white. Length 12, width 6 twentieths of an inch. Waialua, Oahu' (Newc.). "Achatinella rhodoraphe Sm. Shell sinistral, shortly ovate- conic, imperf orate, glossy, striated with growth lines and (un- der a lens) very fine transverse striae; yellow, encircled below the suture with a wide zone of pale rose. Whorls 6, convex, the first three white ; suture distinctly margined. Aperture white ; margin of the peristome acute, bordered within ; colu- mellar fold strong, rose (sometimes white). Length 15, diam. 8y2. Var. : Shell yellow, suture zoned with chestnut below. Station : on trees. The metropolis of the species is Hele- mano, on Oahu. It is also found in Ahonui, Wahiawa, Opaiula and Kawailoa. It is related to A. livida Swn. and A. curia Nwc., but is easily distinguished from either. This species is always sinistral' (Smith). A. curia delta Gulick. PI. 45, figs. 17 to 22. ''Shell sinis- tral, imperforate, conic, obliquely truncated at the base, solid, shining, striated, yellow at the base, paler above, with 2 or 3 ash-brown bands ; apex rather obtuse, white ; spire conic ; suture marginate, lightly impressed ; whorls 5%, slightly con- ACHATINELLA CURTA. 257 vex; columellar fold central, white, strong; aperture trun- cately auriform, white within; peristome thickened within; with external margin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate, white ; parietal margin wanting. Length 16, breadth 10%, length of body-whorl 11% mm. Average weight 4.7 grains. ' Var. &, without bands. Var. c, with one black spiral line. Var. d, with two broad black bands.' (Gulick) . Oahu : Kalaikoa, Ahonui, Wahiawa and Helemano, on trees and shrubs. J. T. Gulick. "In Wahiawa, which is the metropolis of the species, var. a is most abundant; var. b is more widely diffused, being occasionally found in each of the above-mentioned localities ; vars. c and d are very rare ; the former approaches A. con- tract a Nob., and the latter passes into an unusual variety of A. emersonii Newc.' (Gulick}. A. delta is a connecting form between reevei and curta, comparable to the streaked form of curta from Kawaiholona, and probably not more deserving of a varietal name than that. Mr. Gulick 's type of delta is a Wahiawa shell closely agree- ing with pi. 45, figs. 20-22, from the same lot, of which over 60 specimens are before me, No. 92,619 A. N. S. The prevailing shape is that of A. curta, but it varies to longer shells, like livida. The color-forms figured on pi. 45, figs. 17-22 are from one colony. (a) The ground color of the typical form is white above, on the last whorl shading from white at the suture to pinard yellow on the base, the yellow area often much reduced. The sutural margin is white, followed by a band of violet plum- beous, grayish lavender or ecru-drab obliquely streaked with white. Above and below the periphery there are similar bands. Sometimes the lower band is wanting, and the others reduced to lines; and rarely the dark color of the bands ex- tends in streaks over the whole banded portion, much as in reevei, or in the rare variety of curta from Kawaiholona. (&) The other common color-form has a ground of yellow, fading above the periphery to white, or rarely continuous over the whole last whorl. It has no dark bands, or rarely 258 ACHATINELLA DIMORPHA. bands of a faint chamois tint. This form occurs with the typical form (a) in Wahiawa, but without it in Ahonui, Hele- mano and Kalaikoa. It is hardly to be distinguished from bandless curt a, and approaches very close to rhodoraphe. The fact seems to be that the unicolored form of delta (b) is a mutation of the curta-rhodoraphe stock which has rather a wide distribution, and somewhere in Wahiawa district it formed a hybrid colony with the streaked livida-curta stock; pattern (a) of the heterogeneous lot called delta being the result. Very likely the type colony of delta was limited to a small area and is now extinct. 26. A. DIMORPHA Gulick. PL 42, figs. 15 to 20 ; pi. 47. " Shell sinistral, sometimes dextral, imperf orate, turreted, solid, shining, striated, white or yellow with a brown sutural band [see below for bandless and for two- or three-banded patterns] ; apex rather obtuse ; spire turreted ; suture mar- ginate, moderately impressed, dark brown ; whorls 6, convex, columellar fold central, white or rose, moderately developed; aperture truncately ellipsoidal, white within ; peristome slightly thickened within, with external margin unrenected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin waiting. Length 18, breadth 9%, length of body- whorl 11% mm. Average weight 4 grains. Habitat, Waimea, Pupukea, Waialei and Kahuku, Oahu, J. T. G. ! Kaawa, Oahu, J. S. Emerson' (Gulick). Oahu: northwestern ridges from Waimea to Kahuku; Hauula and Kaaawa on the north side. Achatinella dimorpha GULICK, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist, of N. Y. vi, p. 236, pi. 8, f. 56. — Achatinella albescens GULICK, t. c., p. 237, pi. 8, f. 57; Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal, p. 41, pi. 2, f. 2 (Pupukea). — Achatinella zonata GULICK, t. c., p. 238, pi. 8, f. 58; Evolution, etc., pi. 2, f. 1 (Pupukea). - Achatinella contracta GULICK, t. c., p. 239, pi. 8, f. 59. Feb., 1858. A. dimorpha differs from A. curt a chiefly by its more graceful lengthened contour, the last whorl being longer, less inflated, and more slowly tapering below, whereas curta is ACHATINELLA DIMORPHA. 259 more squat, the last whorl shorter and more obese. Yet the shapes intergrade, dimorpha colonies sometimes containing shells exactly like some of the longer specimens of curia. The gamut of color-patterns is in part different in the two species. While the distribution of curta and dimorpha does not over- lap, as known at present, there is a long boundary still to be exactly investigated where connecting colonies may confidently be expected. The difficulty of delimiting the curta and dimorpha territories is therefore likely to increase with en- larging knowledge. It may turn out that my attempt to separate curta and dimorpha is impracticable in some colonies. Yet here, as in most tree snails, there has been differentiation between forms of the interior slope and those of the Pacific slope west and north. Three mutations have been named as species: dimorpha, yellow, fading to white near the suture, which has a narrow chestnut or blackish band. Zonata, ground-color the same or nearly white, with two blackish bands, at and below the per- iphery, and often a sutural band also. Albescens, base yellow, fading upwards, or whole shell nearly white ; no bands. The zonata and albescens forms ordinarily, perhaps always, live in mixed or hybrid colonies; albescens and dimorpha patterns have also been found together. I do not know that the dimorpha form is found living with both of the others, but it probably is. Mr. Gulick, who obtained these forms when they were abundant, assorted his shells and preserved no indication of their association. The areas of distribution of zonata and albescens as given by Gulick coincide exactly. He got both in Waimea, Pupukea, Waialea, Kahuku, Hauula and Kaaawa. Dimorpha was ob- tained in the same places except Hauula; but he got few shells in that valley. While in the following account I use these names for convenience in referring to particular pat- terns, it will be understood that they are not of the nature of subspecies or geographic races, but merely mutations exist- ing in hybrid colonies. While sinistral shells are the rule, there are occasional dextral shells. In Waimea and Pupukea the dextral form is rather abundant. 260 ACHATINELLA DIMORPHA. The dimorpha forms were collected in abundance by Gulick and J. S. Emerson in the Fifties. In the last few years they have been taken by Messrs. Spalding, Kuhns and Wilder. Waimea. Mr. Gulick obtained shells of zonata, albescens and dimorpha patterns. Some of the albescens have two- thirds of the last whorl yellow, with a white line at the per- iphery, elsewhere white. Others are typical, the yellow fad- ing upwards to white which forms a zone below the suture. Pupukea. The type specimen of dimorpha, no. 56 Boston Soc. coll., from Pupukea, is figured, pi. 47, fig. 1. The last whorl is amber yellow, fading upwards to nearly white near the narrow chestnut sutural band. This band ascends to the summit, but on the embryonic whorls it widens and becomes ochraceous. Surface glossy ; aperture and columellar fold white, the latter small. The Gulick collection also contains a good series from Pupukea, comprising (a) the three-banded typical zonata pattern, both sinistral and dextral; (6) shells with white ground or faintly yellow, fading upwards, with a tawny sutural band, the embryonic whorls white or with an ochraceous band, columellar fold white; rarely dextral (fig. 2), and in one shell the bands of zonata are faintly indicated, (c) albescens pattern, the last whorl straw yellow, deeper near the lip, fading upwards, no bands. Probably all of these forms were from one colony. Mr. Spalding 's No. 2187, from the Pupukea side of the Paumalu ridge contains exactly typical dimorpha, together with shorter shells indistinguishable from curta, the last two whorls yellow, band chesntut ; also a form resembling pattern b of Gulick 's lot, having the shell white, sutural band dark vinaceous, not extending upon the white embryo, the colu- mellar fold lavender. These three patterns are shown in pi. 47, figs. 3, 4, 5. In the third gulch towards Kahuku from Pupukea Mr. Kuhns collected beautiful 3-banded zonata with albescens and a pure white form (pi. 47, figs. 6, 7, 8). Paumalu-Kaunala ridge. A series taken by Mr. Spalding comprises very beautiful zonata and albescens forms, the latter white to yellow, often with a white peripheral line. Some of ACHATINELLA DIMORPHA. 261 the zonata have the bands very broad — an unusual variation (pi. 47, figs. 9 to 13). A lot taken by Kuhns has the same albescens forms and the dimorpha pattern — short, curta-like specimens. Waialee. PL 42, figs. 15, 16; pi. 47, fig. 14. Known to me from abundant series taken by Mr. Gulick. The albescens pattern, in white and varying tints of yellow, often with a peripheral white line; columella rarely lilac-tinted. Zonata pattern, with white or yellow ground. Also a dimorpha pat- tern, the ground pale yellow or white, sutural line tawny, often very faint, columellar fold white or flesh-tinted. It is similar to pattern b from Pupukea. Kahuku. Gulick reports zonata, dimorpha and albescens. Some of the zonata have lines and oblique streaks between the bands, slightly recalling formosa (pi. 47, fig. 15). Very beau- tiful pale albescens have been collected by Kuhns, Thaanum collection (pi. 47, fig. 16), and Mr. Spalding has taken zonata in Pahipahialua valley, to the west of Kahuku. From Kahuku going southeast there are no records of dimorpha forms until we reach Kaipapau, and there is another hiatus between Hauula and Kaaawa, which is the limit of the species in this direction, so far as we know. The locality "above Ewa" given by Mr. Sykes for zonata must belong to some other species, perhaps cast a. Kaipapau. On the lower ridges, just above the kukui tree belt Mr. Spalding took the zonata (pi. 47, fig. 17) and al- bescens patterns. Hauula. The zonata and albescens forms, taken by Gulick, are before me. Kaaawa. Mr. Gulick records dimorpha, albescens, zonata and contracta from this valley, collected by Mr. J. S. Emerson. The abundant series of the zonata pattern varies widely, the following forms being represented. Typical zonata, with two blackish bands and a narrower sutural band (pi. 42, fig. 20). Varying to forms with fine lines above the lower band, columella lilac-tinted, or when there is a fourth narrow band around the columella, the fold is purplish-brown (pi. 47, fig. 18). 262 ACHATINELLA DIMORPHA. Sutural band wanting, the other two reduced to lines, either of which is occasionally doubled (pi. 42, fig. 18). Only one band, the lower (band iii) remaining (pi. 42, %. 17). Only the upper band (ii) remaining (pi. 42, fig. 19). Of this pattern there is only one specimen, all of the others being represented by numerous shells. A. contract a Gulick (pi. 47, figs. 19, 20) is in my opinion only a form of the Kaaawa zonata, from which it differs by the shorter contour. Very few specimens were taken. In some of them there are indistinct gray streaks in the ground, which is yellow below, white above the supraperipheral deep chest- nut band. This shell reminds one of a similar form of un- dulata. Possibly there has been some infusion of undulata blood from across the range. No recent collector has to my knowledge found contracta or any of the dimorpha forms in Kaaawa, and they are probably extinct in the places where Mr. Emerson collected fifty or sixty years ago. The original descriptions of albescens, zonata and contracta follow. Achatinella albescens. " Shell sinistral, sometimes dextral, imperforate, ovate-conic, solid, shining, striated, white or sometimes yellowish ; apex somewhat acute ; spire convexly conical ; suture marginate, well impressed ; whorls 6 ; some- what swollen beneath the suture and slightly flattened in the middle ; columellar fold central, white, strong ; aperture trun- cately auriform, white within ; peristome thickened within, with external margin unreflected, slightly arcuate ; columellar margin dilated, adnate, parietal margin wanting. Length 18, breadth 10%, length of body-whorl 13 mm. Average weight 4.6 grains. On the leaves of the pua, ahakea and lama. Waimea, Pupukea, Waialei, Kahuku and Hauula, J. T. G. ! Kaawa J. S. Emerson ! Nearly a third of the specimens from Waimea and Pupukea are dextral, but in Waialei, the metro- polis of the species, they are always sinistral.' (Gulick). Achatinella zonata. ' ' Shell sinistral, sometimes dextral, im- perforate, ovate-conic, solid, shining, striated, white or yellow- ish with a brown sutural band and two black bands, one en- tering the aperture ; apex somewhat acute ; spire conical, with outlines slightly convex ; suture marginate, moderately im- pressed; whorls 6, convex; the last regularly rounded; colu- ACHATINELLA C^ESIA. 263 mellar fold central, rose or white, moderately 'developed; aperture semiorbicular, white within ; peristome slightly thick- ened within ; with external margin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate; parietal margin wanting. Length 16y2, breadth 10, length of body-whorls 12% mm. Average weight 4.6 grains. On the leaves of trees. Waimea, Pupukea, Waialei, Kahuku and Hauula J. T. G. ! Kaawa, J. S. Emerson ! The dextral specimens are for the most part found in Waimea and Pupukea. This and the two preceding species [albescens and dimorpha] vary much in form and size' (Gulick). Achatinella contracta. PL 47, fig. 19, copy of original fig- ure. "Shell sinistral, imperf orate, broadly conic, solid, shin- ing, striated, ash or fawn colored with two black bands, one sutural, the other revolving just above the suture on the spire and encircling the base near the periphery of the body-whorl ; apex somewhat acute, white with brown suture ; spire regu- larly conic ; suture marginate, moderately impressed ; whorls 5%, slightly convex, the last large; columellar fold central, white, strong; aperture truncately auriform, white within; peristome thickened within, with external margin unreflected, arcuate, subacute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length IS1/^ breadth 9, length of body- whorl 10 mm. Average weight 4 grains. On trees. Kaawa, J. S. Emerson ! Hauula, J. T. G. ! The sutural band is sometimes wanting, and some specimens have another band entering the aperture. I have but one specimen from Hauula, which is of the last mentioned variety, and is rather larger than those from Kaawa. It is allied to A. zonata, nob., and A. undulata Newc.' (Gulick). 27. A. ODSIA Gulick. PL 44, figs. 13 to 16. "Shell sinistral, imperf orate, ovate-conic, solid, shining, striated, so streaked with white and fawn brown as to have a gray appearance ; apex somewhat acute ; spire convexly conic ; suture marginate, moderately impressed ; whorls 6i/2, convex ; columellar fold central, white, moderately developed; aper- ture sinuately oval, white within ; peristome slightly thick- ened within ; with external margin unreflected, arcuate, acute, edged with brown ; columellar margin, dilated, adnate ; parie- tal margin wanting. Length 181/-?, breadth 10%, length of body- whorl 13 mm. Average weight 4 grains' (Gulick}. "This with A. concidens and A. formosa nob., which are 264 ACHATINELLA C^ESIA. found in Waimea, correspond to A. undulata Newc., A. emer- soni Newc., and A. glauca nob., found in Kawailoa" (Gulick). Oahu : Waimea, J. T. Gulick ; varieties at Kahuku, Kahana, Hakipuu and Waikane. Achatinella ccesia GULICK, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 234, no. 53, pi. 8, f. 53, Feb., 1858. — Achatinella concidens GUL., t. c., p. 234, no. 54, pi. 8, f. 54. — Achatinella formosa GUL., t. c., p. 235, no. 55, pi. 8, f. 55. — Achatinella cognata GUL., t. c., p. 240, no. 60, pi. 8, f. 60. — Achatinella scitula GUL., t. c., p. 241, no. 61, pi. 8, f. 61. — Achatinella cervina GUL., t. c., p. 241, no. 62, pi. 8, f. 62. A. ccesia was the first to be described of a series of shells somewhat larger in size than those of the dimorpha series, usually streaked in peculiar hues, and so far as I know, they are always sinistral and never have an ochraceous zone below the suture of the embryonic whorls. These shells were rare in Gulick 's time ; only ccesia and cognata were known to him by more than one or very few specimens. To-day they are practically unknown to Hawaiian naturalists. I do not re- member seeing any recently collected specimens, and if not actually extinct at the present time the species must be very scarce and local. The distribution is conspicuously discontinuous — ccesia, concidens and formosa in Waimea, cognata and scitula in Hakipuu, and cervina in Kahana ; yet the presence of another form of the series (littoralis) in the sand dunes of Kahuku serves to connect the extremes of its range, and permits the suggestion that it was probably a species of the low-lying forests of former times. This species then probably had the range of A. dimorpha-albescens-zonata, but chiefly at lower elevations. There seem to be several local races, although not so many as Mr. Gulick defined. I would arrange them as follows : A. ccesia Gulick, including concidens and formosa Gul. Waimea. A. c. littoralis P. & C. near Kahuku ; extinct. A. c. cervina Gul. Kahana. A. c. cognata Gul. Includes scitula Gul. Hakipuu and Waikane. ACHATINELLA C/ESIA. 265 Waimea. The type of A. ccesia is figured on pi, 44, fig. 13. The type-specimen is not fully mature, therefore it is rather thin, and reminds one of A. papyracea. It is indistinctly streaked with light pinkish cinnamon on a white ground, with a dusky, interrupted peripheral line below which there is a pale line. Suture margined on the last whorl, of the same color as the shell. The embryonic whorls have a faint yellow- ish tint, the apex being white. Columellar fold white ; lip thin, with a pinkish submargin within. The last whorl is slightly compressed laterally, so that it has a somewhat cylin- drical contour, though this is not conspicuous. There is a very minute cleft behind the reflected columellar lip in the type and in other immature shells, but in those fully mature it is closed. Another lot from Gulick, no. 1258 coll. Boston Society (pi. 44, figs. 14, 15, 16) contains several patterns, all with the same slightly cylindric last whorl, but part of them more solid than the type-specimen, being mature. Color as follows. White, with the faintest yellow tint near the lip, which is acute but slightly thickened within. White with four brown lines on the last half of the last whorl. Yellow, with some obscure lines on the base, lip and colu- mella flesh-tinted. Shell smaller, length 16^, diam. 9.1 mm. The type and sole specimen of A. concidens (pi. 43, fig. 14) is a "dead' shell which has lost its polish by weathering. It is conspicuously streaked with cinnamon, with dashes here and there of darker brown, on a soiled white ground; the streaks interrupted by a white band below the suture, another at and below the periphery, the lower half of the base being also dirty whitish. Embryonic whorls cinnamon-buff, fading to white at the apex. Length 19.7, diam. 11 mm. This shell was no doubt paler, more gray in life. I think it merely a color-form of ccesia, not a true race. The type-specimen of A. formosa (pi. 43, fig. 13, No. 55 of type series in Boston Society coll.) is a very beautiful shell. It is solid, more elongate then the type of cccsia, but other- wise not dissimilar in contour. The shell is imperforate and 266 ACHATINELLA OESIA. sinistral. The periphery is marked by a white band, with a wide black band below, a narrow one above it. There is a white band below the suture, bordered by an inconspicuous yellowish line. The rest of the upper surface of the last whorl has a light plumbago-gray hue, produced by darker and paler streaks. The base has a blackish band around the columella, and is elsewhere white. The embryonic whorls are white ; following whorls of spire have a dark band above and below the suture, which runs in a white band. Columellar fold white and very strong; aperture white within, the acute, beveled lip is colored at the terminations of bands ; somewhat thickened. Length 19.5, diam. 10.5, aperture 9 mm. ; 6*4 whorls. A. formosa is merely concidens with black bands added. It seems remarkable that Mr. Gulick did not recognize in ccesia, concidens and formosa merely three stages in the de- velopment of pattern, strictly comparable to several other well-known species which have the same sequence of patterns —streaked, streaked and with white spiral bands, and the same with dark bands. Kahuku : in troughs of sand dunes near the sea, between the road and the shore, about I1/*? miles east of Kahuku, pi. 44, figs. 17 to 20, collected by Cooke and Pilsbry. This fossil form is a fairly well-marked subspecies which may be called A. ccesia littoralis P. et C. It differs from cccsia and its Waimea color-forms by the rougher surface, which is decidedly more wrinkled along lines of growth, especially on the last half of the last whorl, and the columellar fold is unusually high on the columella, less prominent than in adult Waimea shells. The shell is thin, minutely perforate, varying in shape as figured, and marked with several broad or numerous narrow dark zones (gray, or in places brick-red in the fossils, prob- ably almost black when they were alive) ; all had a white subperipheral band. Length 20, diam. 10.6, aperture 9 mm. ; whorls 6y2. Length 20, diam. 11, aperture 10 mm. ; whorls 6*4. Length 19.8, diam. 11.6, aperture 10.3 mm. ; whorls 5%. The deposit at Kahuku contains many Tornatellinidce and ACHATINELLA OESIA. 267 other fragile snails as well as Amastra and various ground shells. They must have lived where they are now found, their preservation being due to the calcareous sand which drifted over the forest-bed. Probably Achatinella has nowhere else been found so near the sea — the shore being only a few rods away, and the difference of level not over 10 or 12 feet. It is quite likely however that there has been some subsidence of the island since the forests extended so far down. Kahana. A. cccsia cervina Gulick, of which the type is figured, pi. 43, fig. 12, is a weakly characterized race of ccesia, of which very few specimens were found. It is a thin shell very similar to concidens, and with much the appearance of A. buddii, as Sykes and others have noticed. It is cinnamon colored with softly blending darker streaks and many fine russet lines, which become distinct only on the last half of the last whorl. The suture is narrowly bordered with white, and the embryonic whorls are cinnamon-buff fading to whitish at the apex. A small cream-white area surrounds the columella. The lip is thin, not beveled or thickened within, and like the whole interior is pale pinkish buff, nearly white. Columellar fold central, thin but rather prominent. There is a very short and narrow perforation. Length 19.4, diarn. 11, aperture 9.6 mm. ; whorls about 6. The smoother surface and central columellar fold differentiate this from A. c. littoralis ; the shell is thinner and more capacious than scitula or cognata. Hakipuu. Mr. Gulick described A. cognata and A. scitula from this valley. In my opinion the two belong to one race, which would stand as A. ccesia cognata. The type-specimen of cognata, pi. 44, fig. 8 (no. 60 of the Gulick type collection, Boston Society), is a shell closely resembling A. dimorpha. It is moderately solid, very smooth and glossy. The last whorl has pale salmon colored streaks shading into the whitish ground, but on the back of the last whorl the streaks give way to a general sea-shell pink color (c/. Ridgway, Color Standards, pi. xiv). The tint is paler towards the suture of the last whorl, and the two whorls preceding are almost white. The embryonic whorls are light buff with a white sutural line, but on subsequent whorls there is a narrow chestnut sutural 268 ACHATINELLA CLESIA. line. The lip has a delicate rib close to the edge, which is of the same faintly pinkish white as the rest of the interior. Columellar fold median, rather strong, and pale flesh color; columellar margin reflxed and closely adnate. Length 18.3, diam. 10.3, aperture 8.5 mm. ; 6*4 whorls. Mr. Gulick recognized two varieties : ' ' Var. b, white ; var. c, pale green.' All of the specimens have the embryo as described above. The dark sutural line of subsequent whorls is never continued upon it as an ocher band, as it frequently is in A. dimorpha. In one specimen of the white form there is no dark sutural line, others having it. Gulick 's "green' variety is more properly olive-ocher, or tints between that and primrose yellow, always fading to nearly white near the chest- nut sutural line. Often the penultimate whorl is colored thus, the color fading out on the last whorl. Specimens of these forms are figured, pi. 44, figs. 9 to 12. All from the Gulick series, No. 92,224 A. N. S. Another shell which prob- ably came from Newcomb, has a distinct yellow band below the white peripheral band, a fainter yellow band above it. The pattern of this shell reminds one of A. decipiens. I agree with Mr. Gulick that cognata is quite distinct from dimorpha. It is also reported by him from Waikane, but I have not seen these specimens. Both cognata and scitula are imperforate. The type-specimen of A. scitula Gulick, pi. 43, fig. 11 (No. 61 of Gulick 's type series, Boston Soc.) has narrow tawny and ochraceous-tawny streaks on a Naples yellow ground, which fades near the suture. There are very weak traces of spiral dusky lines, a stronger one at the periphery, exactly as in the type specimen of A. ccesia. The suture is narrowly edged with brown. The embryonic whorls are cinnamon-buff, fad- ing to whitish at the apex, and with an inconspicuous whitish sutural line. The lip is thickened by a distinct narrow, white rib close to the edge. Interior pink tinted. Columellar fold rather weak, central and white. Length 20.2, diam. 11, aper- ture 9.4 mm., 6!/s whorls. Mr. Gulick 's statement that the suture and columella are light colored in scitula is not borne out by the type-specimen, ACHATINELLA C^SIA. 269 which has a distinct if narrow dark sutural margin. His figure also shows this. A. scitula seems to be merely a color- form of A. cccsia cognata. The original descriptions of the forms herein referred to A. ccesia follow. . , 'Achatinella concidens. Shell sinistral, imperforate, ovate- conic, solid, striated, brown banded with white ; apex some- what acute ; spire convexly conic ; suture marginate, white, moderately impressed ; whorls 6y2, convex ; columellar fold central, white, moderately developed; aperture truncately oval, white within ; peristome thickened within, with external margin unreflected, arcuate ; columellar margin dilated, ad- nate ; parietal margin wanting. Length 20, breadth 11, length of body-whorl 14 mm. Average weight 4.75 grains. "Station, on trees. Habitat, Waimea, Oahu, J. T. G. ; My specimens of this species are more or less bleached and faded. Continued search was made for living specimens, but without success' (Gulick). "Achatinella formosa. Shell sinistral, imperforate, acu- minately ovate, solid, shining, striated, white, with two black bands, one entering the aperture, sometimes with the upper part of the whorl of a pale slate color ; apex somewhat acute ; spire convexly conic ; suture marginate, well impressed ; whorls 6%, convex; columellar fold central, white, strong; aperture truncately auriform, white within; peristome thick- ened within ; with external margin unreflected, arcuate, acute ; with columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin want- ing. Length 201/3, breadth 10%, length of body-whorl 14 mm. Average weight 6 grains. "Station, on the ki (Cordyline terminalis) and other leaves. Habitat, Waimea, Oahu, J. T. G. ! "Var. &. with the two bands uniting in one broad black belt. "Var. c, with numerous black spiral lines. "A rare species, and of great interest on account of its affinities, which connect it with species so different from each other. A. glauca, delta, phceozona and zonata Nob. are cer- tainly not very similar ; but this species seems to connect itself directly with varieties of each of these species' (Gulick). "Achatinella cognata. Shell sinistral, imperforate, ovate conic, solid, shining, striated, of pale rosy fawn color, with a brown sutural band ; apex subacute ; spire convexly conic ; suture marginate, brown, lightly impressed ; whorls 6, slightly convex; columellar fold central, rose-colored, strong; aper- ture truncately auriform, within white lightly tinged with 270 ACHATINELLA C^ESIA. rose ; peristome thickened within ; with external margin un- reflected, arcuate, acute ; columellar margin dilated, adnate ; parietal margin wanting. Length 19, breadth 10, length of body- whorl 13 y2 mm. Average weight 5.6 grains. ''Station, 011 trees. Habitat, Hakipu, Oahu, J. T. G. ! Waikane, Frick. "Var. &, white. Var. c, pale green. Remarks: allied to A. dimorpha Nob.' (GuUck). " Achatinella scitula. Shell sinistral, imperforate, elon- gately ovate, solid, shining, striated, streaked with brown and pale fawn ; apex subacute ; spire convexly elongate ; suture marginate, moderately impressed; whorls 6%, convex; eolu- mella with a moderately developed white fold near the body- whorl ; aperture sinuately ellipsoidal, white within ; peristome well thickened within ; with external margin unreflected, slightly compressed in the middle, with the anterior edge arcu- ate ; columellar margin dilated, adnate, parietal margin want- ing. Length 21, breadth 10%, length of body-whorl 13% mm. Average weight 4.8 grains. "Station, on trees. Habitat, Hakipu, Oahu, J. T. G. ! ' ' Remarks : There is a green variety which passes into var. c. of the last described species. But in that species the suture and columella are dark, while in this they are light- colored. "Achatinella cervina. Shell sinistral, scarcely perforate, ovate conic, rather thin, shining, striated, fawn colored, with obscure brown spiral lines ; apex subacute ; spire convexly conic; suture obsoletely margined, moderately impressed; whorls 6, convex ; columellar fold central, white, sublamelli- form, well twisted ; aperture sinuately oval, white within, peristome slightly thickened within ; with external margin un- reflected, arcuate ; columellar margin dilated, adnate, parietal margin wanting. Length 20, breadth 11%, length of body- whorl 14 mm. Average weight 3.8 grains. "Habitat, Kahana, Oahu, very rare, J. T. G' (GuUck). Species of the Waianae range. In the systematic classification these species are about equally related to the series of A. papyracea and to that of A. livida. All of them are extremely rare shells, each species known from a single small colony only, — and by this we mean a single clump of bananas or the like. A. lehuiensis and its var- iety gulickiana have been found but once, and that over fifty years ago, a single individual of each. A. thaanumi is known ACHATINELLA SPALDINGI AND LEHUIENSIS. 271 by two specimens. Only of A. spaldingi was a. fair series obtained. All of the known colonies are on the northern slope of the range. Who knows how many more wait hidden in dark and difficult ravines, or perhaps a few steps aside from some well-trodden trail ! Probably all of the Waianae forms are descendants of a single species, which migrated from the Koolau range, along with Partulina dubia and the ancestor of Achatinella mustelina. 28. A. SPALDINGI Pilsbry & Cooke, n. sp. PL 42, figs. 1, 2, 3. The shell is sinistral, imperforate, ovate-conic, ventricose and quite thin-, white, with slightly interrupted or spotted tawny bands and lines, of which band ii, above the periphery, is the most constant. There is usually a group of bands near the columella, and a space without bands at and below the periphery ; suture edged with a band or line of the white ground ; apex a trifle dusky. Surface not very glossy, or often dull in old shells, somewhat roughened by growth- wrinkles and irregularly scattered impressions. Whorls con- vex, joined by an impressed suture. Aperture white and showing the bands weakly within ; outer lip not expanded, thin, acute. Columellar fold whitish, spiral, small. Length 16.5, diam. 11.1, aperture 9.2 mm., 5% whorls. Length 17.2, diam. 11.1 mm. Length 17.2, diam. 11 mm. Oahu, Waianae range: Pukuloa, one-half mile above the Mountain House, back of Leilehua (Spalding). Cotypes in A. N. S. P. and Bishop Mus. ; also in coll. Irwin Spalding. This species has the thin texture of A. papyracea, but it is a much more capacious shell, differing in surface and color; the spire is somewhat more attenuate near the apex. Quite old specimens have a thickening within the lip, which is want- ing in most adults. It is one of the few really distinct species of Achatinella strum. Named for a valued friend of both authors. 29. A. LEHUIENSIS E. A. Smith. PL 41, fig. 11. " Shell sinistral, ovate-conic, somewhat glossy, very finely 272 ACHATINELLA LEHUIENSIS. striated with growth and transverse lines; white, encircled with a purple-brown streaked zone and two brown zones, one above, the other below the periphery (and sometimes others). Suture submarginate. Whorls 5%, convex. Aperture white ; peristome thin; columellar fold strong, rose colored. Length 17, diam. 10 mm.' (Smith). Oahu, Waianae range: Lehui [Lihue], on trees (Gulick). Achatinella lehuiensis SM., P. Z. S. 1873, p. 76, pi. 9, f. 4. The figured type, No. 74 Coll. Boston Society, is here il- lustrated. It resembles A. dimorpha form zonata Gul. rather closely in shape, but the last whorl is slightly more ample ; it is, I believe, more closely related to A. papyracea. There are two deep chocolate bands separated by a white girdle, one immediately above, the other below the periphery. Ad- joining the upper band above there is a zone composed of narrow, brownish vinaceous streaks alternating with narrower whitish ones, and traversed by darker lines near the upper and lower edges. There is a cinnamon line below the white- edged suture, and a small area of the same around the colu- mella ; also a dark line near the lower edge of band iii. The embryonic whorls are white, shading to gray at the tip. The aperture has a white lining and a very slight thickening near the edge, which is beveled and acute, in color light brown, with dark markings where the bands terminate. The colu- mellar fold is quite strong and white. I think the statement "plica columellaris valida, rosea' was due to dirt and the fact that it has a cinnamon border ; but it may possibly have faded. The columellar margin is adnate. The suture has a distinct margin defined by an impressed line on the last whorl, but not colored. The shell is moder- ately solid, about as in A. dimorpha. The unique type meas- ures length 16.25, diam. 10 mm., longest axis of aperture 8.4 mm. T have described the type-specimen in some detail because the species has not to my knowledge been recovered by recent collectors, and its existence in the Waianae range has been doubted — I believe unnecessarily. It cannot be expected that further specimens, if found, will agree with the type in all •details of color-pattern. ACHATINELLA THAAMUNI. 273 The locality "Lehui' (more properly Lihue) was used by Gulick in rather a wide sense, I suppose covering much of the country south of Popouwela, towards Palikea, on the eastern slope of the range. As the form is probably very local, there is hope that it may still be found. While somewhat resembling A. dimorpha form zonata Gul., it seems to me to be distinct from that, and from A. papyracea. It is certainly quite distinct from A. casta. 29a. A. LEHUIENSIS GULICKIANA ii. subsp. PL 42, fig. 4. The shell is more conic than lehuiensis, in shape resembling the shorter forms of A. dimorpha form zonata ; solid ; white, with a narrow chestnut band just above the periphery, ap- pearing above the suture, and a broad one occupying most of the base ; a short distance below the suture an ochraceous band revolves. Embryonic whorls white. Aperture and colu- mellar fold white ; the outer lip not thickened, stained brown at the terminations of the bands. Length 15.75, diam. 10, length of aperture 8.1 mm. ; 5% whorls. Oahu, Waianae range: Mokuleia, Gulick coll., No. 1471 coll. Boston Society. The type is a single specimen in the Gulick collection. If it is really from Mokuleia, it may be a distinct species. Moreover, I cannot connect it with any form of the Main Range. It is not, in my opinion, to be referred to zonata Gulick. It cannot be connected with A. thaanumi, which has a more elliptical shape. In texture and weight A. gulickiana agrees with lehuiensis. Except in the structure of the lip it has some resemblance to A. fuscobasis. We would not describe a subspecies from one specimen if it were not important to direct attention to the existence of a member of this group near the western end of the Waianae range. 30. A. THAAMUNI P. & C., n. sp. PL 42, figs. 5, 6. The shell is perforate, sinistral, ovate-conic, thin but mod- erately strong; white, encircled by two chocolate bands, one above, the other below the periphery; no subsutural band or 274 ACHATINELLA. columellar dark patch. Embryonic whorls white, becoming blue-gray at the tip. The surface is glossy, marked with fine growth-lines and nearly obsolete spiral stride. Spire conic with nearly straight outlines and minute apex. Suture very narrowly margined in some, not in other specimens. The aperture has a white lining, showing the bands faintly, but at the thin edge they become vivid, the acute peristome being elsewhere white. It is slightly thickened within. Columellar fold strong and white. Length 19.1, diam. 11.6, aperture 10.3 mm. ; fully 6 whorls. Length 17.6, diam. 11, aperture 9.25 mm. Oahu, Waianae range : a gulch of Mt. Kaala running into Haleauau gulch, on banana. D. Thaanum. This fine species is closely related to A. lehuiensis, but differs by being more capacious with larger last whorl and aperture, and somewhat different coloration, lacking subsutural and columellar bands. It may eventually prove to be a subspecies of lehuiensis if colonies intermediate in characters are found, but with present knowledge a union of the two is not war- ranted. A. thaanumi is a thicker, smoother shell than A. spaldingi, with narrower aperture and somewhat different coloration. It is one of the rarest Oahuan shells, only in the collection of Mr. Thaanum, two specimens, one a dead but fresh shell. Section ACHATINELLA s. str. Achatinella SWAINSON, Quarterly Journal of Sci. and Arts iii, p. 83, l82S.—Apex von Martens, Die Heliceen, 1860, p. 248, "type Achatinella lugu~bris Chemn.' -Helicter (Fer.) PEASE, Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1862, p. 3; 1869, p. 645.—Helicterella GULICK, Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology, xi, p. 497, 1873 (name only; no species mentioned). Shell ovate-conic or piriform, imperforate or minutely per- forate, solid. Embryonic whorls nearly flat, the later ones more convex. Aperture quite oblique, the lip very little if at all expanded, well thickened within ; columellar fold strongly developed. Type A. apexfulva. Distribution, both ranges of Oahu. ACHATINELLA. 275 The forms of this group which have been described as species number not less than 53, besides several names for varieties. Doctor Hartman (1888) reduced them to 15; Mr. Baldwin, in his Catalogue of 1893, admitted 32; and Mr. Sykes, 1900, enumerates 17 species with 13 varieties. The lists of synonyms given by these authors differ very widely among themselves, and still more from the synonymy proposed here- in. My collaborator Doctor Cooke had worked out an ar- rangement of all the forms under eight specific heads before I took the group up. Using Cooke 's work as a basis, later studies confirm nearly all of his results, but it appears neces- sary to add A. swiftii and A. leucorraphe to the list of species, with consequent rearrangement of the synonymy of other forms. With some hesitation, specific rank has also been al- lowed to the Waianaean A. concavospira, making 11 species in all. It was hoped that characters might be found in the repro- ductive organs which would aid to indicate specific boundaries, but dissections of A. lorata, vittata simulans and mustelina show no tangible structural differences. A consistent arrangement of the species in linear order is impossible, as the group is formed of two parallel series which merge together in the less specialized median species of each. The minor series consists of apexfulva, turgida and lorata,. species in which the apex is never black or dusky. These forms are confined to the Main range, but do not reach to either end. In the greater series the tip of the apex is invariably dark in some species (cestus, vittata, leucorraphe), and is variable, either dusky or light, in others. The species are distributed over the whole length of both the main and the Waianae ranges. An alternative and probably better grouping may be sug- gested. (1) Series of lorata, for A. lorata. (2) Series of apexfulva, for A. apexfulva, turgida, swiftii, leucorraphe, vittata, cestus. (3) Series of decora, for A. valida, decora, mustelina, concavospira. See diagram on page 278. The distribution of the species, so far as positively known 276 ACHATINELLA. to us, is shown in the accompanying table, in which the valleys of the Main Range are given in order from the west eastward, a few omitted. The ranges given under each species include its varieties and synonyms as understood by the authors. It is remarkable that with the exception of A. lorata, no species of this group has been found on the northern side of the Main Range. Valleys. Lorata. • CO S +J $ O Vittata. c8 "C 'So 3 H Leucorraphe. • «^ ti . — fe GO Apexfulva Decora. Valida. Kah uku i * Waialee * Pupukea * Wainaea ? Kawai i ki Opaeula , * Kawaiholona * * Heleraano * * Poaraoho * N. Kaukinehua * * * Ahonui * * * Kalaikoa ^ * * * S. Kaukinehua * * Waikakalaua # * Kipapa * « Waiawa * •X- * .. Manana * ;;.;; Waimano * * Waiau •* Waimalu * * Kalauao * * Halawa * * Monualua # * Kahauiki * Kalihi * * Kapalama * •* Nuuanu * # Pauoa * Makiki * Manoa * Palolo * Waialae * Wailupe He Niu. * 277 :* K •0 I 0 r *4 o H > « a. K ^' 3 i— ( 0 a •4 H H g 0 93 • f r1 I w m 3 r~ OT m . O •^ > H Z W 0 W a» H tz £•* t V ' ^ " * V K' K S» > ^ r1 o ^ o g § D •-• H s «s JT ^ g to ^ >; >«H 52! 1 i P o> ft as » a, 0 c* ^ M :-f 0 « o I O rt ^ > P E3 ? (B 0 O $ — 5* > p DO n 1 b* o « a p- & -r ^ a •« S* »* c= »s P 0 p K ^ , S- 2 £ B DO « « %, \\$$i~ &** ''''.', ^k. V- "-', T- -5z'' ~.~ ^~ ,--. , - . "::. - - > %,.,>s*,...,.Vfe.,, *""*% """"^rp ii'=:^ ?"'W;:.$:.';: ;;;»£ =| ** ' • • . • *" ^ ^ / / / * * -'"- - £M'tt| Ma.nPOAMOHO »«l o °2 ~ P B B 278 ACHATINELLA LORATA. The systematic and to some extent the geographic relation- ships of the species may be approximately represented thus : valida mustelina — decora apexfulva concavospira swiftii — turgida leucorraphe vittata lorata i cestus In the text the species are arranged in the sequence cus- tomary in Hawaiian collections — from the east westward. 31. A. LORATA Ferussac. PL 51 ; pi. 52, figs. 1-7. Shell dextral, ovate-conic, the summit acute, glossy, striate, white with an epidermal color, epidermis uniform or orna- mented with bands ; whorls S1/^, regularly increasing ; suture margined ; aperture ovate, white ; columella arcuate, promi- nent; umbilical cleft not distinct. Inhabits the Sandwich Islands (Ferussac). Oahu: Manoa (and across the range in Maunawili) to Moanalua ; varieties further west ; the typical forms especially characteristic of the ridges between Nuuanu and Manoa. Usual station on leaves, especially terminal bunches, on guava and many other plants. Helix lorata FER. (Prodrome p. 56, nude name), Voyage auteur du Monde de 1'Uranie et la Physicienne, Zoologie, p. 479, pi. 68, figs. 8-12, 1824. — Achatina lorata Fer., DESHAYES, Hist. Nat. Moll, ii, p. 193, pi. 155, f. 9-11—Achatinella lorata Fer., NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. vi, p. 310 (animal). — PPR., Mono- graphia iv, 524; vi, 168. — THWING, Orig. Descript. p. 13, pi. 1, f. 2. — SEMPER, Eeisen im Archip. Phil., Land Moll., pi. 6, f. 23 (genitalia). — Achatinella hanleyana PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, ACHATINELLA LORATA. 279 p. 202, species no. 2; Monographia iv, 529. — Sykes, Fauua Hawaiiensis p. 302. — Achatinella ventrosa PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 6, pi. 30, f. 20; Monogr. iv, 535. — Achatinella nobilis PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 202, species no. 1 ; Monogr. iv, 524. Achatinella alba Nuttall in Jay's Catalogue, edit. 3, p. 58, 1839 (name only). — Achatinella pallida Nuttall, 1. c., and in REEVE, Conch. Icon, vi, pi. 1, f. 2, May, 1850. — PFR. Monogr. iv, 532. The straightly conic spire, the chalky or porcelain white- ness of the ground, and the tawny and blackish markings make lorata quite easily recognized. Its distinctness is rather a matter of feeling, for the shape and color vary so much that a strictly differential diagnosis could hardly be framed. It has the air of a plebeian in a company of aristocrats. The colors are rather crudely laid on, while most other species of "Apex' are clothed in well blended nuances of brown, ashen or slate, or have clearly drawn lines and bands. A. lorata is a common shell. In its area one is likely to find it wherever tree-shells occur. The complex of ridges com- posing the mountain walls between Nuuanu and Manoa valleys are the chief habitat of typical A. lorata, though it spreads around the heads of the both valleys, as noted below. Ferussac's figures represent several color-forms, all occur- ring in Nuuanu. I take his figs. 10, 11 to be the typical pat- tern. This is represented by pi. 51, figs. 9, 11, from the Nuuanu-Pauoa ridge. His fig. 12 is like the form shown in pi. 51, fig. 14, from the floor of the north side of Nuuanu, the same pattern also extending up the north side. Ferussac's other figures (8, 9), were probably from a dead and decorti- cated specimen of the streaked pattern. The patterns vary from streaked to banded. 1. Yellow (baryta yellow to yellow ocher) with olive, tawny, chestnut or black streaks, pi. 52, figs, la, 4, 5. There is often a blackish band or patch at the base. Short compact shells with blackish streaks are Pfeiffer's A. ventrosa. 2. Same streaked pattern, but cut by spiral white bands, which may be wider than the colored intervals, pi. 52, figs. 1, 3&, 6. A. pallida belongs to this group, also A. hanleyana Pfr. 280 ACHATINELLA LORATA. 3. Streaked pattern in large part lost, with the deciduous cuticle, leaving a white shell, colored on the parietal wall. Sometimes with a basal band or patch of chocolate, in the prismatic layer of shell. 4. Cuticle white at all stages of growth; distinguishable from blanched forms of no. 3 by the white parietal wall. All of these patterns of cuticle are subject to alteration by partial or total loss of the thin colored layer, which is usually more or less deciduous. Any of them may have a dark basal band or patch in the under layer of shell, which is unaffected by loss of cuticle. Patterns 1, 2 and 3 intergrade freely, and usually two, three or all of them may be found in one colony on Tantalus, where it is still rather common, living in bunches of leaves. The same patterns occur in Makiki, pi. 52, figs. 2-3c. Manoa. Mr. Spalding collected a small lot (no. 96 of his collection), in eastern Manoa (I suppose on the division ridge near the main ridge) some years ago, — the most eastern local- ity known. The shells are plain white or have traces of two yellow bands, columella mostly pink. Mount Tantalus (pi. 52, figs. 1-1& ; pi. 51, figs. 4-8), and Makiki valley (pi. 52, figs. 2-3c). The shell varies a good deal in size and shape, as shown in the figures. The lip and columella are usually a brownish flesh tint (vinaceous pink, Japan rose etc. of Ridgway) ; rarely white. A. ventrosa Pfr. and A. pallida (Nutt.) Reeve are merely color-forms occurring in mixed colonies together with other patterns, from Tantalus to Nuuanu. They have no racial status. No doubt the types of pallida as figured by Reeve were from Tantalus. A. ventrosa also has the look of a Tan- talus shell, though much the same pattern goes as far west as Moanalua. The original description follows : 11 A. ventrosa Pfr. [pi. 30, fig. 20, photographic reproduction of Pfeiffer's figure]. Shell imperf orate, ovate-conic, rather solid, striate, white, covered downwards with a tawny, black- streaked epidermis ; spire conic, obtuse ; whorls 5%, inflated, the last a little shorter than the spire, base rounded ; aperture nearly diagonal, broadly auriform, white within; columellar fold thick, tooth-like ; peristome lipped within, the right mar- ACHATINELLA LORATA. 281 gin unexpanded, rather straightly descending, slightly curved forward, columellar margin short, adnate. Length 17%, diam. 11 mm. ; aperture 9% nim. long, 5% wide in the middle. Sandwich Islands, Newcomb (Pfr.). The type is in Pfeiffer's collection. ''A. hanleyana Pfr. Shell subrimate, dextral, globose-conic, solid, smooth (under a lens very finely spirally striate) glossy; fulvous, radiated with chestnut ; spire conic, the apex minute, corneous ; suture margined with a creiiulated thread ; whorls 6, the upper flat, following moderately convex, the last nearly as long as the spire, rounded ; aperture oblique, truncate auri- form, white within ; columellar fold high, strong, tooth-like ; peristome lipped within; right margin narrowly reflected, columellar margin dilated, callous, subadnate. Length 18, diam. 11 mm. ; aperture with peristorne 10 mm. long, 5 wide within. Mus. Cuming, Sandwich Islands, Frick' (Pfr.). Mr. Sykes remarks that this is "related to the form of A. lor at a described as A. nobilis, and may prove to be an ex- treme variety.' Dr. C. Montague Cooke, on examining the type in the British Museum considered it an artificially colored lorata. Pauoa has the same forms as Tantalus, with the addition of a quite elongate form, which comes from the Pauoa-Nuuanu ridge. Nuuanu. The shell is smaller in the average than on Tan- talus, and the lip and columella are paler, almost or quite white in most shells. The color-patterns are the same as in Tantalus-Makiki shells, but white with one or two dark bands is the usual pattern. PL 51, figs. 9, 10, 11 represent shells from the south (east) side of Nuuanu, 011 lehua trees; pi. 51, figs. 12, and pi. 52, fig. 4 are shells from the north (west) slope, all collected by Dr. Cooke. Figs. 9, 11, 12 are the less common color-patterns. Further Nuuanu shells, from the Gulick collection, are figured, pi. 51, figs. 19-21. Four shells from one tree on the floor of Nuuanu valley above the central crater are shown in pi. 51, figs. 13-16, collected by Dr. Cooke. The next colony westward is that of the summit of the Nuuanu-Kalihi ridge, which differs from forms found 282 ACHATINELLA LORATA. east and west of it sufficiently to be separated as a race, A. I. nobilis. Kalihi. PL 52, figs. 5, 5a, and pi. 51, figs. 17, 18, coll. by Gulick. The short ventrosa and longer pallida forms pre- dominate. There are also pure white forms. The lip and columella are white or nearly so. The same streaked or white forms were taken by Mr. Sp aiding on the central ridge of Kahauiki. Length 18, diam. 11.8, aperture 10 mm. (ventrosa pattern). Length 20.4, diam. 11.3, aperture 10 mm. (pallida pattern). On the east side of Kalihi Mr. Spalding found the shells all small, length 15 to 17 mm. White, uniform or with a streaked band, or chestnut-streaked on a yellow ground below a white belt. In Mr. W. D. Wilder 's collection there are huge lorata from Kalihi — up to 25 mm. long. Moanalua. A large series in coll. C. M. Cooke shows the short ventrosa form exactly as in Kalihi ; the same with colored pattern remaining only in bands; and pure white, length 17 to 21 mm. These are from high lateral ridges, pi. 52, figs. 6. On the floor of the valley near the head on widely scattered niu, Dr. Cooke found a small and usually more slender form, length 15 to 19 mm., white, uniform or with a dark peripheral band, sometimes a second one below it (pi. 50, figs. 7, 8). No ventrosa occurred here. As in Kalihi shells, the aperture is entirely white. There is also a series of this small race in the Thurston col- lection, from the bottom of the north fork of Moanalua, 850 to 1300 ft. I suppose from the same colony where Dr. Cooke collected. Halawa. A small series coll. by Gulick shows patterns sub- stantially as in the ridges of Moanalua. Kalauao-Waimalu ridge. Mr. Spalding collected here speci- mens of unusual color, Vandyke brown with lighter streaks, some of them much smaller than the one figured, pi. 52, fig. 7. Waimano. A series from the Thaanum collection consists of streaked shells like pi. 52, fig. 5, the cuticle largely lost, and a white form; all solid shells of stout contour (pi. 50, fig. 6, Waimano). ACHATINELLA LOR ATA. 283 A. lorata form melanogama P. & C. PL 51, figs, 1-3 ; pi. 52, figs. 8, 8a. The shell is somewhat more slender than in Tan- talus lorata, with about 6% whorls; mutations in the hybrid colony as follows. PL 52, figs. 8, 8a, black, uniform or with indistinct mahogany-red streaks, sutural border and embry- onic whorls white or buff ; lip black-edged within. PL 51, figs. 1, 2, white, the lower half of the last whorl pale yellow with ocher or ochraceous tawny streaks, sometimes one or two spiral lines; embryo white; peristome vinaceous pink. Sometimes the colored cuticle remains only on the parietal wall. PL 51, fig. 3, white throughout except for the vinaceous pink peristome. Length 19.6, diam. 10, aperture 9 mm. Length 18.2, diam. 11, aperture 9.5 mm. Maunawili, on the north side of the main range opposite Maiioa valley — the Kailua flank of Mt. Olympus. Collected by Messrs. D. B. Kuhns and W. D. Wilder. Cotypes 108767 A. N. S. and in Wilder coll. This is one of the incipient races distinguished by contain- ing certain peculiar color-forms, in a hybrid colony also hav- ing normal patterns. Such forms as this are not subspecies in the proper sense, but it is convenient to have names for what seem to be elementary patterns, even though they are not extricated from the parent race. The black form is a mutation which occurred in a colony of rather lengthened white-ground lorata. In the hybrid colony resulting there is complete segregation of the color- forms, in a series of over one hundred individuals seen. Em- bryos from a typical black mother are figured, pi. 50, figs. 16, 16a. They vary from cinnamon to white. I do not know that dark embryos occur in light individuals ; all of the latter now before me have white apical whorls. 31a. A. LORATA NOBILIS Pfr. PL 50, figs. 1 to 5. On top of the Nuuanu-Kalihi division ridge, at 2000 feet elevation more or less, A. lorata is replaced by a race or sub- species which differs by its longer shell of 6^/2 to 7 whorls 284 ACHATINELLA LORATA. (lorata having 5y2 to 6). The peristome is usually darker than in lorata of Nuuanu and Kalihi, buff-pink to brownish vinaceous ; columellar fold the same or nearly white. Patterns various : PI. 50, fig. 5, white. Fig. 2, white, the base finely yellow-streaked or merely tinted, or streaked with tawny or Dresden brown. Fig. 3, 4, last two whorls yellow, usually with a white band above. Any of these patterns may be varied by a few chestnut lines or bands on the lower part, as in figs. 2, 3. Length 22.5, diam. 12.5, aperture 10.5 mm. Length 23.5, diam. 12, aperture 10.5 mm. Length 21, diam. 10.5, aperture 10 mm. The figures are from specimens taken on and around Wao- lani Peak, where it is rather abundant, from the head of Waolani valley up. This is probably the type locality. The original description follows. < i A. nobilis Pfr. Shell subimperf orate, dextral, solid, stri- atulate, glossy, fulvous or grayish-green with darker streaks ; spire exactly conic, apex white, acute ; suture lightly mar- gined ; whorls 6% to 7, rather flat, the last about two-fifths the total length, obsoletely subangular below the middle ; aperture oblique, obauriform, white within ; peristorne a little expand- ing, the right margin broadly lipped within, columellar mar- gin subadnate. Length 23, diam. 11 mm. ; aperture lO1/^ mm. long, 5 wide. Island of Oahu, Frick' (Pfr.). Type no. 22 of Pfeiffer's collection. 31&. A. LORATA PULCHELLA Pfeiffer. PI. 30, fig. 2; pi. 50, figs. 9 to 14. 'Shell subimperforate, dextral, ovate-conic, nearly smooth, glossy, fulvous with blackish-green bands and sometimes a median band of white ; spire conic, attenuate and white to- wards the acute apex ; suture thread-margined ; whorls S1/^, a little convex, the last about three sevenths the total length, rounded ; aperture nearly diagonal, subtetragonal-auriform ; columellar fold high, tooth-like, strong; peristome strongly lipped within, the right margin unexpanded, a little straight- ACHATINELLA LORATA. 285 ened, columellar margin reflexed, subadnate. Length diam. 10 mm. ; aperture 8 mm. long, 4 wide inside. Mus. Cuming, Sandwich Islands, Frick" (Pfr.). Waimano (C. M. Cooke) ; eastern ravines of Waiawa (Irwin Spalding) ; Halawa to Waipio (Thwing). Mountains behind Ewa, Perkins (Sykes). Achatinella pulchella PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 6, pi. 30, f . 2 ; Monographia iv, 536. I have never seen shells agreeing exactly with Pfeiffer's figure, reproduced in pi. 30, fig. 2, but some from Waiawa are perhaps as near as one ought to expect among such variable forms. It is the shell commonly known as pulchella. It differs from the ventrosa form of lorata as found in Moanalua, etc. chiefly by the presence of a darker band below the suture, the more brilliant gloss, and the short spire ; but it must be admitted that if it were not already named, we would hardly have thought the race worth a distinctive title. Shells from the eastern ravines of Waiawa, pi. 50, figs. 9, 13, 14 from Mr. Spalding 's no. 255 and 1899, have several patterns : PL 50, fig. 14. Last whorl empire yellow with chestnut streaks, mostly ill-defined, darker next the suture ; penulti- mate whorl white with chestnut-spotted sutural border. Length 17, diam. 10.8, aperture 9 mm. ; 6 whorls. Length 15.4, diam. 10.4, aperture 8.6 mm., 6 whorls. PI. 50, fig. 13. The same except that the streaks are cut by white bands. PL 50, fig. 11. The same, with two nearly black bands un- der the cuticle. Waimano (Dr. Cooke). The same form is in the Waiawa lot. PL 50, fig. 9. White, with a chestnut-streaked band below the suture. PL 50, fig. 10. White with greenish (yellowish citrine) bands. Waimano (Dr. Cooke). PL 50, fig. 12. Last whorl streaked with light ochraceous salmon. Waimano (Dr. Cooke). The specimens in coll. Cooke, reported from the north ridge of Waimano valley, figs. 10-12, are exactly like those from 286 ACHATINELLA CESTUS. Waiawa, and I suspect that there is an error in the locality. Mr. Thwing gives pulchella an eastern range as far as Halawa. In this direction the separation from lorata would become increasingly difficult. 32. A. CESTUS Newcomb. PL 29, fig. 8 ; pi. 52, figs. 12-14a ; pi. 55, fig. 1. " Shell solid, ventricose, sinistral or dextral, pointed at the summit; whorls 6, rounded, corded above, last one tumid; aperture subovate ; columella short, strongly tuberculate ; lip slightly expanded, thickened within. Color of tip black, second and third whorls white, three last white, yellowish or black or mixed, with a white cincture traversing the sutures and cutting the body whorl below the center, with or without a broader band below, sometimes with blotches or tessellations of black and white or longitudinal undulating lines of the same colors. Columella chestnut; lip same color, interrupted with white. Length 14, width 8 twentieths of an inch. "A fine shell, approaching A. similans of Reeve, which it resembles in form, but strikingly differs in markings' (Newcomb). Oahu : Palolo (Newcomb) . Western ridge of Palolo to Niu. Achatinella cestus NEWCOMB, P. Z. S. 1853, p. 132, pi. 22. f. 8; Monographia iv, p. 529, as var. of simulans. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis p. 300 (in part). — THWING. Original Descript. etc., p. 13, pi. 1, f. 1. Achatinella forbesiana PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 5, pi. 30, f. 16 ; Monographia iv, 529. — THWING, Original Descript. etc., p. 20, not pi. 1, f. 5. — B[ulimella] forbsiana Pfr., HARTMAN, Proc. A. N. S. P., 1888, p. 29. A. cestus was ill-received by European writers. Pfeiffer con- sidered it a variety of A. simulans. Sykes unites with it, as varieties or synomyms, some eight described forms from the Ewa region westward. Hawaiian students — Newcomb, Gulick and the modern collectors — hold cestus distinct from all of these. We fully agree with the latter view. The range of cestus is widely separated from the similarly marked western forms. There is also a hiatus between the areas of cestus and ACHATINELLA CESTUS. 287 simulans, wherein no related form occurs. Both by the char- acters of the shell and by geographic range, cestus seems to be somewhat isolated. Towards the eastern end of the range the shell becomes darker, with various modifications of pattern. It is these most remote eastern forms which look like shells of the western mountains. See under A. siviftii of the polymorpha pattern. Palolo. — A. cestus was given a wide range of color and pat- tern in Dr. Newcomb's description, and his figure, reproduced in pi. 29, fig. 8, represents one of the very rare patterns, by no means a fair representative of the species. This pattern was indeed included by him as exceptional, — ' ' sometimes with blotches' etc. The normal or predominant coloration of Dr. Newcomb's collection is shown in pi. 52, figs. 12, 12a, representing two specimens received from him. The ground-color is cinnamon or a tint of that, obliquely marked with streaks (often crenulate or broken into mottling) of chestnut or chocolate, interrupted by a white band or line below the periphery, another often wider, at the base, and fre- quently a band below the suture. Embryonic whorls are typically white with a small terminal comma or vortex of deep livid brown or dark purplish gray; but often the embryo is more or less stained with some tint of ocher or olivaceous. The moderate lip-callus is tinted with flesh-pink. Length 15.5, diam. 11 mm. Length 17, diam. 10.5 mm. Mr. Gulick collected similar specimens in Palolo. Three unusual color-forms are figured, pi. 52, figs. 14, 14a, and pi. 55, fig. 1. A large majority of the shells are sinistral. Mr. Wilder got a few cestus on the Palolo-Manoa ridge, which seems to be its extreme range in this direction. A mutation of cestus very distinct in appearance was taken by Newcomb and Gulick in Palolo, pi. 55, figs. 2, 3, 4, coll. by Gulick. The chestnut coloring is reduced to lines and bands at the periphery and on the base. The shell resembles A. simu- lans, but is less robust, the spire more slender, and the colu- mellar margin less developed. Most of those collected by New- comb and Gulick are sinistral. A small lot, no. 42 coll. Irwin Spalding, consists of dextral shells, which occurred with the 288 ACHATINELLA CESTUS. typical color-form of cestus. Whether the Gulick lot of this mutation was also in a mixed or hybrid colony is not known. Although this form is not known to occur as a pure race, it may be convenient for reference to designate it as color-form or mutation simulator. It is interesting as showing the evolu- tion of a banded form derived from a streaked pattern. Further instances of such transformation will be found under various western species. Form simulator has been found only in Palolo, and must now be very rare. In another form from Palolo, taken by Gulick, the streaks are light brownish olive, and an indistinct, sutural band is somewhat rusty. There are one or two light lines at the periphery, and some dark bands around the columella. These occurred with other specimens of more normal pattern. Waialae. Gulick found typical cestus. Also a form which he identified as A. forbesiana Pfr., I think correctly. The streaks vary from russet to dusky drab, cut by white bands and lines which may be few or very numerous (pi. 52, figs. 11, lla, 11& ). Lip brownish. The original description of A. forbesiana will be found below. In Waialae iki Mr. Spalding found somewhat similar shells, dark cestus with a white belt, 3 sinistral specimens. On top of the Waialae iki and Wailupe ridge Mr. Wilder obtained specimens with two white basal bands. Wailupe. Gulick obtained typical cestus, some with the markings very weak, and also a multilineate form resembling the forbesiana of Waialae (pi. 52, figs. 13, 13a). A fine series from Mr. Thaanum, pi. 52, figs. 9, 9a> represents a pure colony of forbesiana. The streaks are sepia, dusky drab or dark plumbeous ; white spiral lines few or many ; interior light blue. A series from the Wailupe-Niu ridge taken by Mr. Spalding are probably from the same place. A few have a narrow white band at the periphery. It varies to quite pale color (pi. 52, fig. 10). Niu. In a series in coll. C. M. Cooke the shells are similar to the preceding, some browner, approaching the Waialae color. A. forbesiana is a limital southeastern race of cestus, and ACHATINELLA VITTATA. 289 might be ranked as a subspecies were it not intimately as- sociated with cestus in some Waialae and WaiVupe lots. A division of these would scarcely be natural or practicable. The original description follows. Achatinella forbesiana Pfr. (pi. 30, fig. 16, reproduced from. Pfeiffer). Shell dextral or sinistral, subperf orate, ovate- conic, solid, closely striatulate, glossy, gray or whitish, painted with close gray or brown bands, frequently confluent. Spire exactly conic, white above, the tip of the apex black, rather acute. Suture margined ; whorls 6, a little convex, the last a little shorter than the spire, rounded. Aperture oblique, ob- aurif orm ; columella fold high, strong, nodule-like ; peristome bordered with brownish or flesh color, the outer margin nar- rowly expanded, columellar margin thick, subadnate. Length 19, diam. 10.5, aperture 10 X 5 mm. Sandwich Islands, Frick, in Cuming coll. (Pfr.). 33. A. VITTATA Reeve. PL 57, figs. 1 to 5&. ''Shell dextral, globosely conical, rather ventricose; whorls broadly marginated round the upper part; columella callous, scarcely toothed; lip rather thickened; white, encircled with lines and fillets of pale brown, black at the apex. Sandwich Islands, Mus. Cuming. "This approaches so closely to the sinistral species A. decora [=simulans] that it might readily be taken for a dextral variety. The whorls are more rounded and more distinctly margined beneath the sutures. The painting is very similar, but mostly darker next the sutures' (Reeve). Oahu : Eastern ridge of Nuuanu valley ; varieties westward to Kalihi. Achatinella vittata REEVE, Conch. Icon, vi, pi. 2, f. 9, April, 1850. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 304; with var. cinerea Sykes, p. 305 (1900).— NEWCOMB, Ann. Lye. N. H. of N. Y. vi, p. 315. — Helix decora Ferussac, in Freycinet's Voy. Uranie et Physicienne, Zoologie, p. 478, 1824. Not H. decora Fer. 1821. — Achatina decora Fer., DESHAYES, Histoire Nat., Moll., ii, pt. 2, p. 191, pi. 155, f. 5, 7. — Achatinella globosa PFR., P. Z. S. 1855, p. 7, pi. 30, f . 25 ; Monogr. Hel. Viv. iv, 542.— Cf. Thwing, 1. c., p. 18. 290 ACHATINELLA VITTATA. In the typical form of vittata the bands are cinnamon with darker cinnamon brown or Vandyke brown spots, or they may be more rufous, of a hazel hue, shading into chestnut-brown around the columella. The spots on the bands are clearly vestiges of an original streaked pattern, which has been inter- rupted by spiral white bands and lines. It is a further evolu- tion of the cestus pattern. The suture is almost always bor- dered with a rufous band. The lip has a fleshy tint, and the tip of the apex is invariably dark. The shell may be either dextral or sinistral. This form was collected in Nuuanu (pi. 57, figs. 2 to 2c.) by Gulick, exact location not recorded. Reeve's type is a dextral shell. His figure is reproduced, pi. 57, fig. 1. Gulick 's shells are both dextral and sinistral. Similar shells, but all sinistral, were taken by Mr. Thwiug on the eastern ridge of Nuuanu (pi. 57, figs. 3, 3a, 36). This lot is all sinistral and rather small, length about 18 mm. A fine series was taken by Dr. C. M. Cooke on a spur of the east ridge of Nuuanu opposite Luakaha (pi. 57, figs. 4, 4a, 5 to 56). All of the 33 specimens are sinistral. The bands vary from chestnut to claret brown, and are very variable in width, number and grouping, as the figures show. The size and proportions vary widely, two shells measuring : Length 18.3, diam. 11.3, aperture 9.25 mm. Length 18.7, diam. 14, aperture 10.7 mm. The typical form of vittata is probably almost extinct at the present time. PL 57, figs. 4, 4a are globosa patterns. A. vittata differs from cinerea and simulans by the lighter color of the bands, which are spotted or streaked, the dark sutural border, and the shape, which is less robust than simu- lans. So far as I know it is not found on the western ridge of Nuuanu. If this is the case the herds of vittata and simu- lans are separated. The exact location of the colony or colo- nies of vittata where Newcomb and Gulick collected is not known to me, but from Newcomb 's statement that it ' is met with in Nuuanu valley some three miles from Honolulu" and "the inflated variety designated as A. globosa by Dr. Pfeiffer is not uncommon,' ' we may gather that both came from lower Nuuanu, doubtless on the Pauoa side or ridge. The shells ACHATINELLA VITTATA. 291 taken by these collectors of sixty years ago are both dextral and sinistral. Those taken by Mr. Thwing and Dr. Cooke ten to twenty years ago, presumably from further up the val- ley, are exclusively sinistral. Judging from the short specimens approaching globosa among A. vittata from Newcomb, and his remark upon the form, I presume that this supposed species was based upon a selected extreme form, probably from the vittata colony of southeastern Nuuanu and is not in any proper sense a variety or race. Mr. Sykes considered the type of globom to be vittata, and Mr. Thwing has taken the same view. The origi- nal description of A. globosa follows. ilA. globosa Pfr. [pi. 30, fig. 25, photographic copy of ori- ginal figure]. Shell subimperf orate, dextral, conic-globose, rather thin, striatulate, white, encircled with brown lines; spire short, a little convexly conic, subacute ; suture lightly impressed, somewhat marginate ; whorls 5, moderately convex, the last one obese, about as long as the spire, brown at the base ; aperture oblique, subtetragonal-oval, pearly within ; columellar fold weak, slightly twisted ; peristome acute, brown- edged, somewhat white-lipped within ; columellar margin thickened, somewhat adnate. Length 17, diam. 11% mm. ; aperture 10 mm. long, 6 wide. Mus. Cuming. Sandwich Islands, Frick' (Pfr.). 33a. A. vittata cinerea Sykes. PL 57, figs. 6, 6#, 6Z>, 7. Banding almost black on the last whorl, ash colored on the whorl above, the upper whorls tinted with pale-brown banding above the suture, replaced by an almost black line at the apex. Nuuanu, Perkins (Sykes). In a series collected by Dr. Cooke (pi. 57, figs. 6 to 7) on a few ridges of the eastern side of Nuuanu just above the dam, the penult, and upper part of last whorl are tea green or glaucous-gray, narrowly streaked with whitish, the last whorl traversed by blackish-chestnut lines which increase and be- come confluent near the lip ; a band bordering the suture and usually a subperipheral band are white ; columellar margin cinnamon brown. 28 specimens before me are all sinistral. It occurs as a pure race, varying chiefly in the earlier or later 292 ACHATINELLA VITTATA. appearance and spreading of the dark bands. Probably is confined to the district mentioned above. 33 &. A. vittata simulans Reeve. PL 57, figs. 8 to 14c. "Shell globosely conical, sinistral, sharp towards the apex; whorls conspicuously margined at the sutures; columella short, flatly callous; white, encircled with a few light-brown lines, with an intense brown band around the columella ; lip and columella tinged with light purple. Hab. ? Mus. Cuming ' ( reeve). Oahu : Nuuanu-Kalihi ridges, high up, especially around the heads of Waolani and Kapalama valleys. Achatinella simulans REEVE, Conch. Icon., vi, pi. 2, f. 15, April, 1850. — PFR., Monographia iv, p. 528, exclusive of var. b. — Achatinella decora Fer., REEVE, Conch. Icon., pi. 2, f . 12. Waiau-Waimano ridge. A tawny specimen with narrow in- ACHATINELLA TURGIDA. 299 conspicuous streaks and faint bands of russet is figured. The sutural band and border behind the lip are blackish. PL 56, fig. 9, coll. by Spalding. Mr. J. S. Emerson has a very fine series of the brown-banded form from this ridge. 34c. A. TURGIDA SIMULACRUM n. subsp. PL 56, figs. 13 to The shell is sinistral, in shape like turgida; white with black or chestnut bands and lines, usually wanting near the suture ; embryonic whorls ivory tinted. Peristome deep livid purple, the columellar tooth paler or sometimes white. There is a black streak behind the lip. Length 21, diam. 14.5 mm. ; 6% whorls. Length 20.5, diam. 13.2 mm. Length 18.6, diam. 13 mm. ; 6% whorls. Waimano-Manaria ridge, along the summit trail, above the locality of A. t. cookei (Spalding, Pilsbry, Merriam), types 108063 A. N. S. Ridge west of Manana (W. D. Wilder). This race is intermediate between ovum and cookei, and specimens can be selected which are transitional towards one or the other. Yet it seems to be a pure race, even though the range of fluctuation in banding is considerable, and it oc- cupies territory a couple of miles long. It begins about one- fourth or one-half mile above the cookei colony, and is found thence along the crest of the ridge up to within about a half- mile of the peak on the main range. It has thus a far greater area than A. t. cookei , which probably arose from simulacrum by a mutation at the lower edge of the simulacrum colony. The fully marked, dark shells are mainly in the lower part of its range, nearest to the cookei colony. Figs 14 to 14d represent shells of the type lot. It differs from most A. t. ovum by the white ground, purple lip and black bands ; from A. t. cookei by having bands above the periphery, and the ground-color is never tawny. Very rarely the whole base is black. The embryos are either pure white above, slightly yel- lowish below the sharply angular periphery, or they are ochra- ceous above, buff with an ochraceous band below. No dextral specimens have been found. On the ridge west of Manana Mr. Wilder found specimens 300 ACHATINELLA TURGIDA. with a very pale buff ground, variously banded or lineate ; also a melanistic form in which the first 2% whorls are white, next whorl with bands beginning buff, deepening to chestnut, and then to uniform black on the last two whorls. PL 56, figs. 13 to 13&. This black form resembles the black turgida of the mottled colonies westward except in the late embryonic and early neanic stages, which have the banding of simul- acrum. It is not so rough a shell as A. byronii nigricans, the surface being polished and minutely striate as usual in A. turgida. Moreover it differs from nigricans by having the em- bryonic whorls more conic, with the suture not at all im- pressed, while in nigricans the embryo is lower, wider, with more convex whorls parted by a noticeably impressed suture. When studying Mr. Spalding's collection I noted that some specimens in one of his Waimano-Manana lots have a blackish apex. Others of the lot are typical simulacrum, with white apex, and in one the whole base is black. The variation in color of the apex in this lot calls for further study. . A. TURGIDA COOKEI Baldwin. PL 57, figs. 15 to 17. The shell is dextral or sinistral, with the last whorl bi- colored, black or chestnut-black below the periphery, white, light buff or tawny above, usually darker below the suture; peristome livid pink (or brownish vinaceous) ; embryonic whorls white or ivory. "Length 21, diam. 15 mm.' (Baldwin). Length 19, diam. 14 mm. (Cotype). Length 18, diam. 13.2 mm. (Cotype, Proc. A. N. S., pi. 10, f. 15). Length 20, diam. 13 mm. ; GVs whorls. * Animal : mantle dark slate with a narrow brown band en- circling the outer edge. Superior portion of foot light brown, mottled with slate, under surface dingy white' (Baldwin). Waimano-Manana ridge at about 1,800 ft., extending sev- eral hundred yards down the Waimano slope. A. cookci BALDWIN, Proc. A. N. S. Phila., 1895, p. 220, pi. 10, f. 15 (July 2, 1895). Tn shape this form varies from short with swollen last whorl ACHATINELLA LEUCORRAPHE. 301 to more straightly conic with longer spire, as shown in the fig- ures. It is often subperf orate. Mr. Baldwin's original speci- mens, from the Waimano slope (at that time reached from the valley) were dextral, with the upper surface buff. One is figured, pi. 57, fig. 15 ; but among others obtained by Dr. Cooke at the same place there are also some sinistral shells. At the top of the ridge the cookei colony reaches to the trail at the summit, but not beyond it, and is very narrow — the matter of a hundred feet or so alongside the trail as I remem- ber. It is longer in the other direction, extending several hundred yards down a small spur. This small colony is the only place A. t. cookei has been found. At the upper limit of the colony the specimens are all sinistral (20 in coll. A. N. S., 63 in Spalding coll.). In this sinistral lot from the upper edge of the colony, the peristome is brownish-vinaceous. The black base is produced by coalescence of bands. The bicolored stage may begin as early as the beginning of the fifth whorl, ' but is sometimes as late as the last half of the last whorl ; the bands appearing a little earlier. A. t. cookei is now recognized by Hawaiian conchologists to be a local race of the many-banded form simulacrum, oc- curring immediately above it on the crest of the Waimano- Manana ridge. Its resemblance to A. mustelina bicolor is purely adventitious. The parent stocks of the two were cer- tainly very unlike. "Named in honor of Hon. 0. M. Cooke, by whose sons the shell was discovered/ 35. A. LEUCORRAPHE (Gulick). PL 59, fig. 8. "Shell dextral, shortly ovate-conic, striated with growth (but scarcely with spiral) lines; gray, ornamented with irre- gularly interrupted dark cinereous streaks and a few indis- tinct, white, spiral lines ; suture broadly margined with snow white ; whorls G1/^ ; apex blackish, first four whorls white, nearly flat, the rest convex ; aperture small, somewhat ear- shaped, white ; peristome slightly dilated and thickened within ; columellar fold large, rosy. Length 19, diam. 12 mm. "Var. Shell ovate-conic, regularly streaked with dark gray and cinereous; spire straightly conic. [This var. belongs to A. valida.] 802 ACHAT1NELLA LEUCORRAPHE. ' ' Kalaikoa, on the island of Oahu. Waimea ? a variety with spire regularly conical is reported to have been found in Wai- mea [this = A. valida var.]. It is allied, though not very in- timately, to A. apicatus Nwc. No sinistral form of this species has been found. The specimen figured is from Kalaikoa.' (Gulick.) Oahu: Kalaikoa (Gulick). Varieties on the ridges between Kipapa and north Kaukinehua. Apex leucorraphe GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 79, pi. 10, f. 2. The type specimen of A. leucorraphe, pi. 59, fig. 8, no. 92 of Gulick 's type series, Boston Soc., is a solid, compactly globose- conic shell resembling A. swiftii in form. The tip of the em- bryo is olivaceous black, this shade continues spirally down- ward above the suture for about 1% whorls, the upper part of which is white. The last 2y2 whorls are olivaceous black or iron gray with streaks and zigzag tracery or mottling of white. At places of growth-arrest and just behind the lip there are brownish streaks. The suture has a white margin broader than the subsutural impression. The aperture and peristoine are white, with the faintest suggestion of violaceous. A nar- row white line is traced around the periphery, but scarcely noticeable except on the back. Length 19, diam. 12.1 mm. The unnamed variety noted by Gulick as reported from Waimea is certainly a form of A. valida leucozona. Part of the lot is before me. Recent collectors have not found specimens of the original color-pattern of leucorraphe, but a good many shells collected by Messrs. Spalding, Kuhns and Wilder are evidently color- varieties of Gulick 's species. The original leucorraphe colony in Kalaikoa was doubtless long ago destroyed by recession of the forests. It must have been at the lower limit of the species, which belongs in the main to the high ridges. 35a. A. LEUCORRAPHE iRwiNi n. subsp. PL 59, figs. 9 to 15a. The shell is dextral or sinistral, compactly globose-conic. Embryonic whorls bicolored, white with a dark helicoid spiral which is olive-black or clove brown at the tip (or when the sur- ACHATINELLA LEUCORRAPHE. 303 face is eroded, it becomes dark flesh color), changing to cinna- mon buff or some ochraceous tint on the last two embryonic whorls. Later wrhorls white, encircled with black lines or lines and bands, most numerous on the base ; the lines above the periphery often weak and yellowish. Sutural margin usually white, sometimes with a dark line. Peristome pinkish lilac. Length 19, diam. 13.3 mm. ; whorls 6. Length 16.7, diam. 11.9 mm. ; whorls 6y±. Division ridges between gulches of Kipapa and Waikaka- laua, Waikakalaua and Kalaikoa, and Kalaikoa and Kaukine- hua, above the 1,500 ft. contour, extending up each ridge to within a mile of the main ridge ; abundant on mokihana, ieie, lehua and alani (Irwin Spalding). By its clean-cut bands on a white ground and dark apical spiral this form resembles A. vittata simulans of the Nuuanu- Kalihi ridge, to the point of identity. An expert might dis- tinguish between good lots of each; nobody could rightly separate a mixed lot. Yet the very identity of patterns and their geographic discontinuity makes us suspect it highly un- likely that they belong to the same species, for no Achatinella is known to hold a pattern unchanged over so great a dis- tance. It appears that we have to do with two species which have evolved along parallel lines; a smaller western stock in which some colonies retain the ancestral streaked pattern, and a larger eastern, in which the streaked pattern is now rare and rather unlike that of the western species. It is the final stages of each which are so remarkably alike. The nearest colonies of simulans and irwini are separated by fully one-fourth the length of Oahu, where neither is found, al- though some similar races of other species occur, such as A. turgida simulacrum. Mr. Spalding has noted that from Waikakalaua four-fifths of the shells are dextral, and in Kaukinehua one-half are dextral. The white ground and dark apex are constant, but there is ample variation in the number and width of the bands. The size varies from about 16 to 19 mm. The banded form from the upper part of the Kaukinehua ridge, figs. 11 to 11&, may be taken as typical of irwini (from 10A nearly to the 304 ACHATINELLA LEUCORRAPHE. main ridge, on map, p. 277). The Kaukinehua shell, pi. 59, f . 10, is a dextral form of the same color-pattern, but another lot (2095 coll. Spalding) contains similarly banded sinistral shells only. Mr. Spalding 's no. 2042 from the ridge between South Kau- kinehua and Waikakalaua (at 6 on map, p. 277), contains a few specimens streaked like those of the southeastern ravines of Waikakalaua (fig. 14a) ; others have a light buff ground, with indistinct pale purplish viiiaceous stains in streaks and spirals, deepening to light violet-gray on the back; apical spiral olive brown ; lip light pinkish lilac, pi. 59, fig. 9. Others are white with dark spiral lines below, similar to pi. 59, fig. 116. This colony also is a hybrid between the streaked and the banded forms. Still further southeastward, A. I. irwini is found on the Waikakalaua-Kipapa division ridge. In a lot from two miles above Waipio Mountain house (at 5 on map, p. 277), the col- ony (no. 1986) is chiefly dextral and banded, sometimes with dark subsutural border and reddish bands above the dark ones, sometimes typical (pi. 59, fig. 12, coll. by Spalding) ; but there are also some streaked shells, like those from lower down. This is therefore a transitional hybrid or undifferentiated col- ony. There are some very short shells, 15.6 x 12 mm., with 5y2 whorls. Further down the same ridge, in the "southeastern ravines of Waikakalaua, half a mile above Waipio,' pi. 59, figs. 14- 14&, Mr. Spalding collected a series containing some speci- mens very close to the type of leucorraphe; differing mainly in being sinistral (175 sinistral, 4 dextral in his 110. 2328 from Station 4 on the map), and in having a tinted lip and a rufous or chestnut line below the suture, instead of a white band. It is a pure race, showing only "fluctuating variation' from dark to light. The dark shells have a summit colored ex- actly like leucorraphe; later whorls with black or olivaceous- black streaks and faint or distinct white spiral lines ; lip tinted, fleshy brown. Length 18, diam. 22 mm. The lighter shells have the apical spiral more of a russet-vinaceous hue, and the stripes of the later whorls from cinnamon to walnut ACHATINELLA LEUCORRAPHE. 305 brown, with or without whitish spiral lines; sutural border tawny, lip faintly pink. A small lot of 5 dextral, 4 sinistral shells from Kipapa, in coll. Spalding, are in color like the preceding colony. PL 59, fig. 13 is from no. 2328, on the ridge, living on guava, and figs. 14 to 14& from no. 1906, lower, on the slope into Waikakalaue. This form of irwini resembles the neglect a (coniformis) pattern of A. swiftii, except in the marking of the early whorls, which seems to be a more con- stant character than the later pattern. It connects with the invini pattern from higher up, through several hybrid colo- nies, as noted above. It remains to notice two rather aberrant forms from Mr. Thaanum's collection, possibly having relations with A. swiftii. PL 59, figs. 15, 15a. A series from Mr. Thaanum labelled "Waipio' (no doubt from somewhere in the lower Kipapa- Waikakalaua ridge) consists of small dextral shells with com- siderable cinnamon -rufous on the spire and below the last suture, the last whorl or two more or less profusely banded with black, the bands usually somewhat speckled. The apex is marked as in leucorraphe, though often rather weakly. The aperture is light Payne's gray within, the lip and columellar fold lavender or fleshy with darker spots. Length 16 to 17 mm. This is a pure colony of quite distinct appearance. PL 59, figs. 16 to 16&. A series of small dextral and sinistral shells from "the rosea ridge' (I suppose the middle ridge of Poamoho, or possibly the northern ridge of Waikakalaua), from Mr. Thaanum, contains forms having much the appear- ance of the tuberans pattern of A. swiftii, but differing by the well developed, dark, apical spiral of leucorraphe. The pat- tern consists of gray streaks and spiral ba,nds, forming darker squarish spots or short bars at the intersections. Sometimes the bands predominate and are iron gray or blackish, separ- ated by white lines or bands. Lip and columellar fold of a lilac tint, interior bluish white. This form seems near to that from the southeastern ravines of Waikakalaua. 306 ACHATINELLA SWIFTII. 36. A. SWIFTII Newcomb. PL 58 ; pi. 59, figs. 1 to 4e, 6, 7. "Shell ventricose, pointed at the apex, smooth, polished, shining; whorls 6, slightly rounded above, the last strongly inflated, distinctly margined above ; lip purplish rose, thick and slightly subreflecteci ; aperture ovate ; columella short, terminating in a tubercle of the color of the lip ; three first whorls white, the lower with very fine and numerous mark- ings of black and white, arranged longitudinally to the shell, giving it a grayish aspect; fine obsolete white lines traverse the shell transversely, and a white sutural line is traced on the last two whorls. Length fourteen, width ten-twentieths of an inch. "Var. a. With a broad fascia cutting the body whorl. "Var. b. Yellowish ground-color with few markings. "This species approaches A. turgida, but is distinct in ap- pearance, locality and habits ' (Newcomb). Oahu : District of Ewa ( Newcomb ) . In its various forms this species probably extends from the western ridge of Wai- awa to the ridges of Kaukinehua. Achatinella swiftii NEWC., P. Z. S., 1853, p. 133, pi. 22, f. 9, 9a, 1854; Ann. Lye. N. II. of New York, vi, p. 325. — PFR., Monogr., iv, 528. — THWING, Orig. Descript. Achatinella, pi. 1, f. 7. — Apex albospira SMITH, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1873, p. 77, pi. 10, f. 8. — Apex innotabilis SMITH, P. Z. S, 1873, p. 78, pi. 9, f. 23 (not f. 19).— Apex neglectus SMITH, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 78, pi. 9, f. 22. — Apex ver- sicolor GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 80, pi. 9, f. 18.— Apex flavi- dus GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 80, pi. 10, f. 1, la. — Apex coni- formis GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 80, pi. 9, f. 17 (not f. 23).— Apex tuberans GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 81, pi. 10, f. 3. — Apex polymorpha GULICK, P. Z. S., 1873, p. 81, pi. 10, f. 5. A. swiftii is indifferently dextral or sinistral, though one or the other direction of coil usually predominates in any one colony, sometimes to the exclusion of the other. The em- bryonic whorls are ivory or ocher-tinted, paler towards the tip which is usually a little dusky, though sometimes flesh- tinted or quite white. The coloring of the adult stage is in ACHATINELLA SWIFTII. 307 r inaiiy shades of dull brown and purplish-gray, sometimes with a yellowish cuticle. Streaks predominate, often interrupted by light or dark bands or lines ; but the banded patterns are not definite or sharply contrasted as in some related species. I have not seen uniform blackish or white specimens. New- comb's description of the coloration applies to but a small group in the species; other patterns have given occasion for the definition of several supposed species. A. swiftii differs from A. apexfulva by the shorter, less drawn-out embryonic whorls, which moreover are usually tipped minutely with gray. A. decora has special color-pat- terns, not like those of swiftii. A. valida has the summit more slender and pointed. A. turgida never has a gray tip, and the lip is usually darker. In A. leucorraphe the dark tip is much more distinct, and the color-patterns mostly different.. In general, A. leucorraphe is a shell of high elevations, while A. swiftii inhabited the lower forests. While the various forms of swiftii described by Mr. Gulick seem to have been common in the Fifties, they are now nearly or quite extinct, with the forests they adorned. Such as remain are mostly unlike the old lots, being no doubt from places further in the back coun- try. A. swiftii is so prolific in color-mutations, so variable in shape, that no definition covering its several forms would serve to exclude the adjacent species. The best that can be said is that with a fair series from any locality, I find no ser- ious difficulty in determining the species. The supposed species albospira, innotabilis, neglecta, versi- color, flavida, coniformis, tuberans and polymorpha were based upon selected patterns, most of them known to be out of lots having other patterns which connect all in an inextricable tan- gle of pattern-combinations. Before me are Gulick 's and part of Smith's types, and a series of several hundred shells, mainly collected and named by Gulick. I have gone over them with utmost care ; and have been quite unable to find basis for subspecies. Part of the type-specimens are not even common color-forms in the lots they were selected from. So far as I can see, Gulick might as well have divided his material into twenty species instead of eight, since none of them rest upon 308 ACHATINELLA SWIPTII. any other basis than selected extreme patterns. It will be noted that not less than five of these supposed species were found in two small valleys, Ahonui and Kalaikoa, at the end of the Kaukinehua ridge. The original descriptions are given below in the order of their publication, followed by notes on the types and other specimens. Typical form of A. swiftii. — The original figures of A. swiftii are reproduced on pi. 29, figs. 9, 9a. Newcomb has stated that ''the type figured in the Zoological Proceedings is not the usual pattern of the shell, but is one of the more un- common varieties.' Neither figure agrees in color with his description. The form described must therefore be consid- ered the type; not those figured. His fig. 9a may be an A. turgida, but fig. 9 is apparently swiftii. Two sets, nine specimens, were given by Newcomb to the Academy in 1854. Four of the lot have the white suture men- tioned by Newcomb. Two are sinistral. One of these is fig- ured, pi. 58, fig. 1, no. 10313 A. N. S. These shells agree well with Gulick's series from "Wahiawa, ' except that a white sutural band is very rare in the latter, and the color of the embryo sometimes differs. I consider the Wahiawa region as type locality, though the range of the species in its several patterns lies mainly east of this. Wahiawa shells from the Gulick collection are figured, pi. 58, figs. 2 to 2c. The em- bryonic whorls are not drawn out as in A. apexfulva. They are nearly white, but under a lens there is more or less buff or ochraceous tint, either on the second whorl or in form of a band above the suture of the third whorl. The tip may be white, but in several of Newcomb 's shells the first half- whorl has a faintly gray or dusky shade. Gulick's Wahiawa shells have the embryonic whorls ivory to pale ocher, the tip white or with the faintest gray tint. The color of the later whorls is in streaks of burnt umber to blackish cut by paler or white spiral lines, which may be numerous or very few. Sometimes the streaks are of some tint of vinaceous drab. The specimens from Wahiawa which Gulick noted under his description of A. leucozonus are in my opinion merely A. swiftii with white sutural band. Very few were found, part of them now before me. ACHATINELLA SWIPTII. 309 Specimens are figured from Kalaikoa valley, from the Gu- lick collection, pi. 58, fig. 7, and figs. 13, 13a, 136. These last were regarded by Mr. Gulick as a form intermediate between gulickii and flavida, but they seem to me rather swiftii-flavida. PL 59, figs. 1, la, 16, selected from Gulick 's Ahoriui lot, further illustrate the decadence of streaks. The descriptions of forms considered synonyms of swiftii here follow, together with notes on the types and other speci- mens. "Apex albospira Sm. (pi. 59, fig. 3, type specimen, no. 96 Bost. Soc.) Shell dextral, subperf orate, shortly ovate-conic, little shining, striated with growth-lines but hardly spirally; white, a zone above the periphery and the base livid brown; suture lightly margined; whorls 6, the first four a little con- vex, the rest convex; aperture white; peristome thickened within; columellar fold strong, white, reflexed, nearly cover- ing the small crevice. Length 17, diam. 10. ' ' Var. : Shell white, ornamented above with a few yellow zones and yellow towards the base, encircled with a few darker zones. "Reported to be from Ewa, on Oahu7 (Smith). The type specimen is an unique, no. 96 of the Gulick type collection, Boston Soc. N. H. The apex and whole embryonic shell are pure white. A band appears just prior to the begin- ning of the penult, whorl. On the last whorl the band and the whole base are vinaceous drab, lightly streaked with white. Aperture and peristome white. Length 16.2, diam. 10.2 nun. It was probably somewhat dwarfed by misfortune, as there was a break in the fourth whorl, and another, affecting the whole lip, about 4 mm. behind the final peristome. Some of Gulick 's polymorpha have the same color-pattern, but with a dusky apical tip. However, in some other patterns of poly- morpha the tip is quite white. There can be no doubt that albospira is merely a form of "polymorpha7 or possibly "flavida" — the exact name is not significant, since these Gu- lickian forms are not real races. "Apex innotabilis Sm. (pi. 59, fig. 7, photographic repro- duction of original figure). Shell sinistral, subperf orate, 310 ACHATINELLA SWIFTII. globose-conic, lightly striated with growth-lines ; fawn colored, streaked with darker (sometimes ornamented with a few white and brown spiral lines) ; apex almost white, the nucleus reddish-corneous. Whorls 6, the first four flattened, the rest convex. Suture distinctly margined. Aperture pale reddish within ; peristome lightly dilated, thickened within ; columellar fold large. Length 18%, diam. 11% mm. "Habitat Sandwich Islands. Of a uniform fawn-color, with darker stripes of the same hue, the apex being paler, almost white, and the nuclear whorls reddish horn-colored' (Smith). The type is in the British Museum. I think it is a special pattern of the shell described by Gulick as A. polymorpha. The color of the apex is the same, and some polymorpha have similar body-color. 'Apex neglect us Sm. (pi. 59, fig. 6, photographic repro- duction of the type figure). Shell either sinistral or dextral, imperforate, globose-conic, lightly striated with growth lines ; dilute brown, streaked with darker or cinereous, umbilical region often chestnut, apex white; spire a little concave; whorls 6, the first four flattened, the rest convex; suture dis- tinctly margined with deep chestnut. Aperture whitish with- in ; peristome brownish, thickened within ; columellar fold strong, reddish. Length 17, diam. 11% mm. "Habitat Sandwich Islands. In form this species agrees very fairly with some varieties of lugubris Chemii. ; but it has a shorter spire, and blunter apex than the usual form of that species. The coloration is of a different character' (Smith). Mr. Sykes remarks that "the variety neglecta Smith is not really so greenish as represented in the original figure ; fig. 23 on the same plate [innotafoilis, my fig. 7] gives a better idea of the real color.' I entirely agree with Mr. Sykes that coniformis Gulick is the same thing. "Apex versicolor Gk. (pi. 58, fig. 14, type specimen). Shell sinistral, globose-conic, glossy, striated with growth lines (scarcely with spirals) ; grayish white, irregularly streaked and zoned with blackish-brown, the base blackish-brown. Su- ture lightly margined, white (sometimes brown). Spire lightly concave. Whorls 6, the first three pale, a little convex, the rest convex. Aperture white, receding ; peristome slightly ACHATINELLA SWIFTII. 311 dilated, bordered within, tinted with dilute rose-brown ; colu- mellar fold strong, pale rose color. Length 19, diam. 13 mm. ' Var. : shell gray- white, scarcely streaked ; the last whorl zoned with blackish-brown at the periphery and base. ' Station, on trees ; habitat, Ahonui and Kalaikoa, on Oahu. Affinities: it seems to be an intermediate form between A. decorus Fer. and A. tuber ans Gk. This species it always sinis- tral. The specimen figured is from Ahonui' (Gulick). In the type specimen, no. 101 of Gulick 's series, Boston Soc. coll., the first embryonic whorl is gray white, becoming light ochraceous buff on the second whorl, after which white bands appear. The last 2% whorls have light purplish gray streaks on a white ground. Immediately above the periphery the streaks coalesce into an irregular white-streaked band of blackish Vandyke brown ; and a similarly colored area occu- pies much of the base. The supraperipheral band ascends the spire, forming a narrow dark border above the suture. The lip and columellar fold have a pale flesh tint. Length 18, diam. 13 mm. There is a large series of versicolor from Ahonui in coll. A. N. S., collected by Gulick. An inspection of these shows at once that the type was merely a .specimen selected out of a chain of patterns which completely unite versicolor, tuberans, coniformis and even flavida, all of which Gulick recognized from Ahonui. The versicolor pattern also runs inextricably into the polymorpha pattern. Several additional versicolor of Gulick 's Ahonui set are figured, pi. 58, figs. 14a to 15. Many specimens are smaller than the type, down to 16 mm. long. "Apex flavidus Gk. (pi. 58, figs. 12, 12a, cotypes no. 95 Gu- lick type coll., Boston Soc.). Shell dextral (sometimes sinis- tral), shortly ovate-conic, little shining, striated with incre- mental (but hardly spiral) lines; more or less yellow, en- circled in the middle of the whorl with a wide chestnut zone (sometimes two or three zones on the base) ; suture narrowly margined with brown (sometimes white). Whorls 6, a little convex, the first three always white ; spire almost straightly conic, scarcely concave. Aperture whitish, receding; peristome pale rose, slightly dilated ; thickened within ; columellar fold large, roseate. Length 20, diam 12% mm. "Var. a. Shell dextral or sinistral, subglobose-conic, yel- 312 ACHATINELLA SW1PT1I. low, encircled with two to six brown or cinereous-brown bands [pi. 58, fig. I2a]. "Var. b. Shell entirely yellow. "Station, on trees. Habitat: the metropolis is in Kalaikoa on Oahu ; it is also found in Ahonui. "Affinities: it is most nearly allied to A. tuberans Gulick. Remarks: In Kalaikoa all are dextral; in Ahonui one-tenth are sinistral. The specimens figured are from Kalaikoa' (Gulick). The type of flavidus is the largest specimen I have seen. It retains the yellow cuticle only on the base. Above the periph- ery it is white, with a broad Vandyke brown band at the periphery and above the suture, and a brown line below the suture. The embryonic whorls are white with a pale gray tip. This pattern, although selected for the type, is rare. Out of 53 Kalaikoa flavidus from Gulick before me, only 5 have it. The bandless form is also rare. Usually there are several bands, of a russet color, or more olivaceous (Dresden brown or Saccardo's olive). Then we have shells with purplish-gray streaks appearing faintly; also, all manner of transitions to the Kalaikoa "tuberans.' A common pattern is shown in pi. 58, fig. 126, Kalaikoa, Gulick coll., A. N. S. Shells with the yellow cuticle of fl,avida over the oblique streaks of siviftii also occur in Kalaikoa. pi. 58, figs. 13-13&, Gulick collection. The shells of this lot vary a good deal, like all the Kalaikoa forms of this group. I am rather surprised that Mr. Gulick did not make a species of them, as the more characteristically marked examples, figs. 13a, fc, are as distinct as any of his Kalaikoa- Ahonui species. "Apex coniformis Gk. (pi. 59, figs. 2, 20, Ahonui, and pi. 58, figs. 8, 16, Gulick coll.). Shell sinistral (sometimes dex- tral), globose-conic, glossy, obliquely striated with growth lines but scarcely spiral lines; brown, streaked with pale brown, indistinctly encircled with several whitish lines ; suture margined with deep brown. Spire lightly concave. Whorls 6!/2> the first 3 1/2 a little convex, whitish, the rest convex. Aperture receding, white ; peristome a little dilated and thick- ened within, the margin tinted with dilute rose (or brown) ; columellar fold strong. Length 18, diam. 12 mm. ACHATINELLA SWIFTII. 313 * * Var. Shell sinistral, cinereous-brown, streaked with white and encircled with a few white spiral lines ; suture brown. "Station, on trees. Habitat: Kalaikoa and Ahonui, on Oahu ; very rare in Wahiawa and Helemano. "Affinities. It seems to be intermediate between A. decorus Fer. and A. apicatus Nwc. Remarks: This species is very rarely dextral. The specimen figured is from Ahonui' (Gulick). The coniformis pattern always has a brown line or narrow band bordering the suture below. The embryonic whorls are ivory or buff in varying tints, the tip white or sometimes faintly gray. The later whorls are dusky drab, clove brown, or Vandyke brown streaked with lighter brown or creamy. Some are streaked with very pale purplish gray, others al- most white. Usually there are pale spiral lines, often scarcely visible, or again quite distinct. All of the specimens figured are from Ahonui, pi. 58, fig. 8 agreeing with Gulick 's type. This form is identical with A. neglectus Smith, which is merely one color-tone in the coniformis scale. Some speci- mens connect completely with swiftii patterns. "Apex tuberans Gk. (pi. 58, fig. 6, type, no. 93 of Gulick 's type series, Bost. Soc.). Shell dextral, globose-conic, glossy, striated with growth (but hardly spiral) lines; cinereous streaked, interrupted with several whitish and blackish-brown zones; suture margined, pallid. Whorls 6, the first three whitish, a little convex, the rest convex ; spire concave. Aper- ture white ; peristome slightly dilated, thickened within, tinted with dilute rose-brown ; columellar fold strong, whitish. Length 20, diam. 13!/2 mm- 'Var. a. Shell white, variously zoned with brown and buff. "Var. &. Shell yellowish, closely zoned with blackish-brown. * Station, on trees. Habitat : The metropolis of the species is Kalaikoa, on Oahu. It is also found in Ahonui, and single specimens have been brought from Wahiawa and Helemano. "Affinities. It is most nearly allied to A. flavidus Gk. "Remarks. This is a dextral species. Sinistral forms are found only in a few specimens passing into other species.' ( Gulick ) . The apical whorls are white or ivory yellow, the tip slightly dusky or pale purplish gray. The last whorl, in the type spe- 314 ACHATINELLA SWIFTII. cimen, is white, streaked with light purplish gray at and above the periphery, cut by white spiral lines. There are several narrow black-brown bands and lines on the base, and two above. Sutural border slightly tinted. A large lot in the Gulick collection shows wide variation in pattern and color. The ground is often yellowish or yellow at the base. Blackish or chestnut spirals or pale streaks may predominate. Profusely banded specimens come close to the banded forms of A. leucorraphe. Others run directly into flavida and swiftii. Some are figured on pi. 58, figs. 9 to 96, 11, Ha, Kalaikoa, Gulick coll. Forms closely resembling Mr. Gulick 's tuberans were col- lected by Mr. Spalding much further southeast. A lot from the summit of the southeastern ridge of Kipapa, pi. 58, figs. 4, 4a from no. 3652 of Mr. Spalding 's collection, consists of dextral and sinistral shells. The white apex has a dusky tip, and usually an ochraceous band above the suture of the embryonic whorls, the rest of the spire being white, or with a cinnamon or brown band or line below the suture. The last whorl is grayish olive with a white band or bands, or the grayish tint may appear only in bands at periphery and base. Lip and columellar fold have a pale lilac tint. Some of these shells are very short in contour. Length 18, diam. 12.7 mm. Length 17, diam. 11 mm. Length 15, diam. 11.8 mm. A lot from one of the minor spurs between the terminal branches of the Kipapa-Waiawa division ridge, pi. 58, figs. 5, 5a, 5& from no. 2266 Spalding coll., consists largely of shells similar to the preceding, but there are some like those figured, in which black lines or bands are superposed over the other pattern ; sutural border cinnamon ; lip lavender to lilac. There are also some transitional specimens between these patterns, with the dark bands narrow and rather olivaceous. It is these shells which are nearest to Gulick 's tuberans. In a lot of 143, all are sinistral. Length 18, diam. 13 mm. Dr. Cooke took a very pale form of "tuberans" on a ''low ridge in Wahiawa", pi. 58, figs. 3, 3a. They resemble some of Mr. Spalding 's Kipapa shells. ACHATINELLA SWIFTII. 315 "Apex polymorpha Gk. (pi. 59, fig. 4 to 4e. Waipio, Gulick coll.). Shell dextral, subperf orate, globose-conic, glossy, striated with growth (scarcely with spiral) lines; di- lute brown, ornamented with several zones and blue-black streaks, and encircled with a snow-white zone at the periphery. Suture lightly margined, brown. Whorls 6, the first four a little convex, whitish, the rest convex. Spire slightly con- cave. Aperture white ; peristome thickened within, brown- tinted; columellar fold strong, whitish. Length 17, diam. 12 mm. "Var. a. Shell fawn, the suture brown. "Var. &. Shell white, a few zones and the base brown, suture brown. ''Station, on the leaves of the ohia and other trees. Habitat, The typical forms are found in Waipio and Wahiawa on Oahu. Varieties are sometimes found in Kalaikoa and Ahonui. "Affinities. It is most nearly allied to A. versicolor Gk., and A. tuberans Gk. Remarks: In Waipio and Wahiawa two-thirds of the specimens are dextral; in Ahonui and Kalaikoa only about one-eighth are dextral. The specimen figured is from Waipio >: (Gulick}. In the pattern selected by Mr. Gulick as typical, the shell is dextral, brownish drab, varying in shade, and streaked with paler or whitish ; there is a white peripheral girdle and some darker spiral lines, the sutural border being tawny or brown. Embryonic whorls ivory, or white shading into yellow towards the suture below, the tip faintly dusky, gray, or sometimes white. This particular pattern is not the commonest, and ap- proaches the coniformis pattern. In other shells of Gulick 's Waipio lot the color is orange-cinnamon ; pinkish buff towards the suture, cinereous below. Pale yellow below, white stained with pale purplish gray above. White with chestnut bands and lines ; also other patterns, running into flavida, tuberans , etc. See pi. 59, figs. 4-4e, Waipio, coll. by Gulick. PI. 58, figs. 10, 10a, Kalaikoa, Gulick. Some of the "polymorpha' from Kalaikoa are not distinguishable from cestus, though I do not believe them to be directly related to that. I believe it to be a case of the same pattern appearing independently in two derivatives of the same ancestral stock. A. innotabilis Smith is one of the "polymorpha" patterns. 316 ACHATINELLA SWIFTH. 36a. A. SWIFTII CHROMATACME ii. subsp. PI. 59, figs. 5, 5a, The shell is dextral, imperforate, solid, with straight-sided or very slightly concave spire ; glossy ; embryonic shell chest- nut brown with pale or whitish spirals, and fading to white at the apex. Later whorls copiously streaked with burnt umber (varying to blackish) on a warm buff ground; the streaks usually blended together more or less, and not reach- ing up to the suture, and usually interrupted by a white line or band at the periphery. There are also, in some specimens, indistinct pale spiral lines over the streaks. In other speci- mens of the type lot the ground-color is white, and the mark- ings olive gray ; the embryonic whorls colored as in the other pattern. The suture is margined with an impressed line on the last 2!/2 or 3 whorls. Whorls not very convex, the last a little inflated in some individuals. Aperture pale blue within, the lip and columellar fold lilac, lip dark-edged. Length 20, diam. 12.5 mm. ; 61/^ whorls. Length 18.4, diam. 13 mm. Length 18.4, diam. 12.5 mm. Waiawa. Cotypes no. 108804 A. N. S. P. and in Bishop Mus., from Mr. Thaanum's collection. This peculiar form was collected by Mr. Kuhns, who se- cured a good series. The dark colored embryonic shell with white apex is peculiar and unlike any other known form of the region. The strongly tinted lip and columellar fold as well as the more produced spire are unlike A. swiftii; and in- deed, chromatacme is grouped with A. swiftii merely as a temporary expedient, because one feels some diffidence about proposing a "new species" in the turgida-swiftii group. It does not seem to be directly related to any form of A. turgida I have examined, yet the possibility of such a relationship must be considered. ' . A. (SWIFTII?) DOLIUM Pfeiffer. PL 30, fig. 15. Shell perforate, ovate-conic, rather thin, lightly striatu- late, little shining, pale buff variegated with brownish bands and narrow streaks ; spire conic, apex rather acute ; suture scarcely marginate; whorls 6, convex, the last a little longer ACHATINELLA APEXFULVA. 317 than the spire, swollen, subcompressed at the ,base ; aper- ture oblique, obversely ear-shaped, white within; columellar fold high, dentiform, white ; peristome thin, sublabiate within, the right margin narrowly expanded, columellar margin di- lated, spreading. Length 17, diam. 10 mm. ; aperture 10 mm. long, 5 wide." (Pfr.) Sandwich Islands (Newcomb). Achatinella dolium PFR., P. Z. S., 1855, p. 5, pi. 30, f. 15 ; Monographia Hel. Viv., iv, 528. — SYKES, Fauna Hawaiiensis, p. 302. — THWING, Orig. Descriptions, etc., Occas. Pap. B. P. Bishop Mus., iii, 110. 1, p. 102, 1907 ("Kalae, Molokai"). A. dolium is known only by a single specimen, the type, in the British Museum. Mr. E. A. Smith has kindly looked at it for me, and gives the following notes: 11A. dolium is nearer vittata than lorata in shape, but not quite the same. It is a much shorter shell than A. lorata. The extreme tip of apex (one whorl only) is light olive brown. Spiral striation hardly traceable. The lip and interior of aperture are very pale lilac, not white as stated by Pfeiffer.' Comparison should be made with a good series of A. swiftii. A. dolium is probably only a color-form of that polymorphic shell. Mr. Sykes considers it a form of Achatinella s. str., with this note: "Hab. Molokai (Baldwin). I fancy this habi- tat must be wrong and that the species really belongs to Oahu ; the shell is very close to A. hanleyana Pf., and may prove to be only a color variety.' 37. A. APEXFULVA (Dixon). PL 50, fig. 15; pi. 60, figs. 1 to Ic. Shell imperforate, dextral, ovate-piriform, solid, very glossy; outlines of the spire concave. 3Vs embryonic whorls Naples yellow, following whorls varying from blackish carob brown to chestnut, sometimes with some whitish streaks and spiral lines ; the suture narrowly light-edged ; lip flesh or salmon color, columellar fold nearly white. The embryonic whorls are almost flat and are unusually elongated or drawn out, especially the last one. Last whorl inflated. Aperture is bluish white within, the lip moderately thickened. Length 19, diam. 12.2 to 12.9 mm. ; whorls 6. 318 ACHATINELLA APEXFULVA. Oahu : South side of Opaeula gulch near the lower limit of the woodland (J. S. and 0. P. Emerson, about 1860). Var- ious varieties from the Kaukinehua ridge to beyond Opaeula. Helix Apex Fulva DIXON, A voyage round the world ; but more particularly to the north-west coast of America, p. 354. -Turbo Apex Fulva DIXON, on unnumbered plate, fig. 1, 1789. — Achatinella apexfulva Dixon, SYKES, Fauna Hawaii- ensis, p. 298. — Turbo lugubris, etc., CHEMNITZ, Neues Sys- ternatisches Conchylien Cabinet, xi, p. 278, pi. 209, f. 2059-60, 1795. — Helix lugubris Chemn., FERUSSAC, Tabl. Syst., p. 56 (not Helix lugubris GmeL, Syst. Nat., 13, p. 3665). — FERUS- SAC, in Freycinet's Voyage autour du Monde de 1'Uranie et la Physicienne, Zoologie, p. 479, 1824. — Achatinella lugubris Chemn., PFEIFFER, Monographia, ii, p. 239 ; iii, 465 ; iv, 452 ; vi, 177. — REEVE, Conch. Icon., vi, pi. 2, f. 10a (not 10&). — THWING, Orig. Descript., etc., p. 25, pi. 1, f. 6. — Monodonta seminigra LAMARCK, Anim. sans Vertebres, vii, 1822, p. 37 ; Edit. Desh., ix, p. 181. — DELESSERT, Recueil de Coq. decrites par Lamarck, pi. 37, f. 2a-c. — Bulimus seminiger MKE., Synops. edit. 2, p. 26. — Achatinella pica SWAINSON, The Quar- terly Journal of Science, Literature and Art, Series 2, iii, January to June, 1828, p. 84 ; Zoological Illustrations, iii, 2d Ser., p. 99, pi. 99, f. 1. A. apexfulva is chiefly characterized by its peculiar nipple- like apical whorls. The embryonic stage has an enameled ap- pearance, the individual whorls being longer and flatter than in related forms (except perhaps some specimens of A. tur- gida). The lip is tinted (except in albinos), but never deep brown or blackish. The tip of the apex is never black or even dusky. Its range lies west of the turgida area, and so far as we know at present, several gulches and ridges lie between the areas of the two species. They are certainly near akin. PL 50, fig. 15 is copied from one of Dixon 's figures. PL 60, figs. 1-lc and the above description are from specimens taken by Mr. J. S. Emerson over fifty years ago, in a fine grove of tall, dark-leaved trees on the south side of the deep Opaeula gulch, on the edge of a rocky stream. The area of this grove is estimated by Mr. Emerson as rather less than half an acre. ACHATINELLA APEXFULVA. 319 It was then near the lower limit of woodland, which long ago receded far up the gulch. This colony was composed of en- tirely typical apexfulva, and as the range of single patterns is usually quite restricted, there is good reason to believe that this grove was a remnant of the colony from which the native Hawaiians gathered shells for the lei obtained by Captain Dixon. The colony was a pure one, though showing some "fluctu- ating variation ' ' by the presence in some individuals of whit- ish or white spiral lines. Of 49 taken by Mr. Emerson, all are dextral. 33 are blackish carob-brown, fig. 1; 8 chestnut (the shade and gloss of a horse chestnut), fig. la; 7 faintly marked with white, fig. 16 ; and 1, immature, banded with white, fig. Ic. This last specimen is unique in the colony. So far as I know, this is the only locality for strictly typical apexfulva, in a pure race. In some other colonies that pat- tern is found in hybrid communities consisting chiefly of other color-forms, such as A. a. apicata and A. a. beata. Mr. Emer- son has two apexfulva patterns from high in Helemano, but their associates are unknown to me. Synopsis of the distribution of the races. — Typical A. apex- fulva is to be looked upon as an aberrant, melanistic local race of a species widely spread, from Opaeula to Kalaikoa, commonly appearing in a streaked garb, and known as A. apicata. In the central part of its area, apicata is chiefly a dark- streaked shell with rufous sutural line. Westward there is a tendency to blend the streaks, and a white sutural band ap- pears. I have called this the cervixnivea pattern. On the Poamoho-Helemano ridge this passes into the various forms comprised under the term beata, with the shell banded, white or black. Farther west, on the ridge beyond Opaeula gulch, we have the pink form, vespertina ; and the black or deep liver-brown form, apexfulva, low in the gulch, and now probably extinct. Eastward there is a peculiar pink-banded race which I have called A. a. aloha, on the ridge dividing the upper end of north Kaukinehua. The lower end of the main Kaukinehua 320 ACHATINELLA APEXFULVA. ridge was formerly the habitat of the pattern called gulickii, which has a white subperipheral band, and of lilacea, with continuous vinaceous streaks. These are now nearly or quite extinct in the localities where Gulick collected. History of A. apexfulva. — The several synonyms of A. apex- fulva — lugubris, pica and seminigra — were based upon ex- actly the same form, their types having been taken from leis (necklaces). It appears that shell leis were strung by the natives of the good agricultural region about Waialua Bay, who doubtless got the shells from the lower forests in the back country, in various places in Kawailoa and Helemano districts. They were carried or traded eastward, and so ob- tained by explorers harboring at Honolulu. It is altogether likely that all of the A. apexfulva of these leis were from some one colony in Opaeula Gulch. The Messrs. Emerson's grove may well have been the last remnant of this colony. According to Captain Freycinet, shell leis were going out of style at the time he visited Oahu, the tawdry European orna- ments being in fashion. I am glad to say that the charming custom of wearing flower leis continues to this day. The original descriptions follow. Helix apexfulva. — ' ' . . . the natives form necklaces, brace- lets and other ornaments. One of these necklaces afforded a singular species of the Helix genus of Linna3us, which I was informed is a fresh-water shell. It is outwardly smooth, has seven spires, and is of a black-brown color except the tip which is pale-yellow ; the inside is smooth and white, and the mouth is marginated within. It is remarkable for a knob or tooth on the columella, but which does not wTind round it, consequently excludes it from the Voluta genus of Linnaeus, to which at first sight it appears to be related. As I presume it to be a species hitherto undescribed, I have taken the liberty to give it the trivial name of Apex Fulva, or the Yellow Tip. A figure of it in two views is given in one of the following plates ' (Dixon). A copy of Captain Dixon 's figure is given, pi. 50, fig. 15. In the Neues Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, vol. XI, 1795, Joh. H. Chemnitz gives the following description of ACHATINELLA APEXFULVA. 321 Turbo lugubris, prefaced by the statement that Spengler had obtained several shells in London, which were accompanied by a note referring to the account in Dixon's Voyage. "This mirror-smooth shell has six whorls. Its color resembles that of a mourning garment. It is coal-black, and on the uppermost whorls snow-white, and so smooth and shining that I think the shell was polished in the southern lands. The aperture is almost round. The short, white columella is somewhat thickened in the middle, as though there was a tooth there. The interior walls are dirty white. In the Sand- wich Islands the natives use these snails for decoration or or- naments to wear on the neck, the ears and the nose. Thus it is that almost all of this species which come to Europe have the shell bored for passage of the band for hanging about the neck or ears.' Chemnitz's figures excellently represent the typical apex- fulva, and it is very likely that the specimens were part of those brought home by Captain Dixon. Lamarck's description of the same species follows: "Monodonta seminigra. Shell obliquely conic, imperf or- ate, rather smooth, black below, white above ; columellar tooth white ; lip simple. "Inhabits the Pacific Ocean, on the shores of the island of Othaiti. My cabinet. The queen of this island used them for ear rings. The columella is very short. Diameter of the base S1/^ lines; length iy2 lines'" (Lamarck). Delessert's figures of Lamarck's type represent entirely typical apexfulva. Lamarck does not state the source of his specimens, but Delessert remarks that "il a etc rapporte par le capitaine Cook.' Swainson's type of Achatinella pica was obtained by Cap- tain (afterwards Lord) Byron in Honolulu. The description follows. " Shell trochiform, black, apex and base of the pillar white. Shell seven-tenths of an inch long, body whorl convex, spire conic ; the three upper whorls white or fulvous, without any convexity, and forming a conic point. Suture thickened, and margined by a sulcate groove ; a character that runs through all the following species except A. acuta. In- 322 ACHATINELLA APEXFULVA. terior of the aperture and base of the pillar white ; the latter tinged with rose color; margin of the outer lip within bor- dered with black.' Swainson's figure is an excellent representation of typical apexfulva. He states that Dixon 's figures ' ' accurately repre- sent my A. pica.' He also thinks Monodonta seminigra Lamarck the same species, but leaves the question open, as it had not been figured at that time. In his later publication Swainson places A. pica as a synonym of seminigra. Key to subspecies and named color-forms of A. apexfulva. a. Shell plain or with some whitish spiral lines; suture with a light line or unmarked. Western forms. b. Black, with contrasting buff summit. Opaeula. A. apexfulva. 61. Pale flesh-colored. Opaeula. A. a. vespertina. b2. White, A. a. alba; albino forms of duplocincta and beata. a1. Shell conspicuously streaked obliquely. A. a. apicata. b. Suture with narrow tawny or white margin, apicata pattern. 61. The same, with white bands below periphery, gulickii pattern. b2. Suture with broad white margin, cervixnivea pattern, a*. Shell spirally banded, not streaked. b. Chestnut or blackish bands and a wide white subsu- tural band (also with white and black forms). A. a. beata. b1. Banded with pink or sometimes black. A. a. aloha. b2. Very few brown bands or none, size small, duplocincta pattern. It should be noted that melanistic forms of apicata and beata are not distinguishable from typical apexfulva. 37ella series, and in subpolita of Molokai the form and characters and apex are precisely intermediate between mighelsiana and polita. I have examined altogether 53 specimens of Partulina mighel- siana, including several varieties, without finding in the young any trace of the barred or marbled pattern common in de- generate forms of Partulina. In Cooke's collection there is a fine series of varieties of mighelsiana that exhibit intermediate forms between this and Achatinella polita in full-grown shells. In this, and especially in Gulick's collection, the only characters that separate the young of some specimens are the somewhat lighter color of the dark sides of the apex and the brown band on the base; there is one shell in Gulick's collection in which this last is the only difference, the apex having white shoulder band and dark side precisely as in nepionic stage of A. polita. In quite a number of Cooke's shells the white shoulder is present in the young and the side of the volution underneath is darker, and it is obvious in these characters and in the smooth, highly polished shell, that the affinities with polita are very close and indicate a common origin for both species. 390 HYATT: GENEALOGY OP ACHATINELLID^. In A. polita in the Cooke collection (No. 2014), one shell has the band on the base and looks decidedly like a transition or a hybrid between polita and mighelsiana. This has also the white young of mighelsiana with the nepionic colors of polita and has the dark inner rim to the aperture so often found in mighelsiana. Cooke has placed it with polita, and in this I agree with him. Partulina variabilis Series: These are Bulimelline forms with the narrow acute flat-sided spire of Partulina. In varia- bilis -of Lanai, the callus or shield is present only in the larg- est shells and very often absent at all stages. This is transi- tional in others in which the aperture is constantly buli- melloidal. It is apparently an offshoot of P. mighelsiana and so far as I can see does not connect with any other species although coming very close to some in its general aspect. The species are as follows : Partulina variabilis Newc., P. lactea Gul. of Lanai, and Part, nivea Bald., dolei Bald., and eburnea Gul. of East Maui. Relationship between Partulina and Achatinella: The con- clusion seems unavoidable that all true Partulinse exhibit in their young stages direct affinity with Achatinella, and that the genus was derived from Achatinella that migrated to Molokai and probably began its existence on that island, for I have traced direct transitions from Achatinella polita to adults of A. polita in Cooke 's collection and the young in Partulina mighelsiana in Molokai. These were found in other collections showed very close affinities. Three species of Acliatinella, A. bella Rve., polita Newc., and sul>2')olita, occur outside of Oahu on the island of Molokai. These four species cannot be distinguished from Achati- nella3 of Oahu by any character so far as I could ascertain, for the columella is very similar to that seen in many species on Oahu. In East Maui there are three species of Achatinella, A. anceyana Bald., nattii Bald, et Hart., and porcellana Newc. In all three of these species there is the same tendency ob- servable in varieties to imitate the aperture of Partulina while others retain the thinner apertures and columellaB of true HYATT: GENEALOGY OF ACHATINELLID^]. 391 Achatinella. All of them have the surfaces, apices, and gen- eral aspect of true Achatinellas. In these forms, therefore, outside of Molokai, there is a constantly recurring tendency to imitate the thickened colu- mella and apertures of Partulina, but this does not extend to any alteration of the general aspect nor of the texture of the surface as has been stated above, nor in the patterns and colors, the colors being brilliant and banded throughout the islands. The characters of the apertures have caused most authors to include either all or part of these in the genus Partulina, but the colors and forms are, it appears to me, conclusive in favor of the theory of direct connection with the unques- tionable Achatinellas of Molokai, and if this be true, it fol- lows necessarily that the Bulimella apertures are simply parallelisms with Partulina and have consequently neither genetic nor taxonomic significance except within the limits of the series itself. Achatinella nattii Bald, and Hart, has the typical apex and general aspect of Achatinella in most specimens, but there is a tendency in many shells to form a callous or shield which often develops to be as large and well marked as in Partulina. The same is true of the outer lip, that often becomes thick- ened at the same time. So far as these characters are con- cerned, this species or some of its varieties is a Partulina, but all of the specimens have the apex and external surface like Achatinella. All of these have either a uniform or banded pattern in the young, never a cross-barred or zigzag pattern. Partulinella marmorata series: This group consists of shells having an apex similar to that of Achatinella in shape but with heavier longitudinal ridges which also persist through- out the later stages of the shell. The surfaces in later stages are also apt to have persistent transverse ridges of growth much coarser than in Achatinella and like the latter in that the longitudinal ridges also persist and usually cross them even on the last volution. The roughness of the shells is therefore a marked characteristic just as it is in the Partulina virgulata series. 392 HYATT: GENEALOGY OF ACHATINELLID^. The apertures vary from toothless to those with prominent tooth-folds, but the shield on the columella and the structure of the peristome occurs in almost all of these forms. A marked characteristic is also the presence of bars or zigzag lines of color in the early neanic stage or throughout life in all the shells, as a rule except in extreme cases of albinism. The shells of the Partulinella marmorata series have a peculiarly "brown barred pattern either throughout life or in the early neanic sub-stage. There are two sub-series ; the first consisting of highly colored shells with elaborate marbled or banded patterns that show affinity with Partulinella dubia in these colors and in their young; but as a rule these have large columellar tooth-folds. The second sub-series consists of shells that have lost these more highly colored patterns in their later stages in different degrees and have remnants of these only on their young and finally only in some individ- uals in the most degenerate species. The sub-series of P. marmorata, shells with marbled or banded pattern, is as follows: Partulinella proximo, Pse., red- fieldi Newc., tessellata Newc., rufa Newe., from Molokai; Partulinella crassa Newc., P. perdix Rve., pyramidalis GuL, splendida Newc., and several others from West Maui ; Par- tulinella marmorata Gould, plumbea GuL, grisea Newc. from East Maui P. tessellata and rufa have either no tooth-fold or a very slight one, and this condition is also found in P. crassa* Marmorata series, Sub-series of P. horneri: These consists of the species heretofore included in Partulina that occur on Hawaii. They resemble the toothless forms of Oahu, Molokai, and Lanai, and are especially similar to P. crassa of Lanai. The spire, however, is more concave and more acute and in- creases more rapidly and more regularly, and the last volution flares out with a more even and regular form. The colu- mella may be open or closed, but is always toothless and has * Partulinella is a new subdivision of Partulina proposed by Professor Hyatt for species with the last embryonic whorl marked with protractive stripes ; the shell otherwise like Partulina s. sir. P. marmorata may be taken for type. — H. A. P. HYATT: GENEALOGY OF ACHATINELLID/E. 393 a distinct shield 'Or callus. The peristome is apt to be ex- panded but is not always thickened. The young have the patterns of the young of the P. tappaniana series except in degenerative or albino forms. The species are P. hawaiiensis and horneri Bald., and physa Newc. The eastern variety of hawaiiensis has such lively colors and coarse barred pattern that it suggests that this series may have arisen from migrants like the existing forms P. zebrina and zebra of East Maui. The relationship betiueen Partulinella dubia and the Mar- morata group: The only clue that I at present possess with regard to the origin of this group consists in the primitive colors and characters of Partulinella dubia Newc. which is found on Oahu. For a long time I regarded the species as a migrant from some island to the eastward of its home that had found its way there and 'become somewhat retrogressive in colors and columella. This view can still be maintained, but it seems more likely that Partulinella dubia is a remnant of some primitive form. I was led to this conclusion by find- ing in the Boston Society's collection a fossil Amastra, un- fortunately without a label, which possessed decided resem- blances to Partulinella dubia in its toothless columella and general form. Its spire was, of course, Amastran and dis- tinct, and the columella had a comparatively large perfora- tion. It was similar to Am. antiqua Bald, in aspect, except that the tooth was wanting. Fortunately Newcomb observed in very old shells of dubia a tooth, was present and this en- ables us to make the connection with the Marmorata series more confidently. The transitional character of the habitat 'on bushes' is also notable. The colors of dubia are distinct from any that occur in Amastra, but the reticulated pattern and zigzag lines that occur over the entire spire of Partulinella dubia is a primitive character and in some varieties there are large bars that ap- proximate to those of marmorata and perdix. I have therefore provisionally supposed that dubia repre- sents more nearly an ancestral stock of Partulinella than any other species, and that the migrations of this series started 394 HYATT: GENEALOGY OP ACHATINELLIDvE. from Oahu, as the first locality in which the group origin- ated. Partulinella dubia of Oahu is probably a remnant of an ancient series which probably sprang from large Amastras having no tooth-folds and also possessing the zig- zag or barred reticulated pattern not very widely different from that of Am. transversalis. The Sub-series of Partulinella tappaniana: These are shells with white or light backgrounds and slightly banded patterns resembling mighelsiana and those of the variabilis series that are albinos, but in these every species has through- out, or in some individuals, a pattern barred or marbled with brown in the young. Partulinella dwightii of Molokai and lignaria of West Maui belong to both sub-series. The former connects with P. crassa of Lanai. Some of its varieties are marbled through- out life, and some are white except for the zigzag bars in the earliest neanic sub-stage. Some of the shells of Partulinella proxima of Molokai are very close to this series as are also P. tappaniana Ad., at- tenuata Pfr., terebra Newc., ampulla Gul. of West Maui, and P. eburnea Gul., P. dolei Bald., and P. nivea Bald., of East Maui. The difficulty in distinguishing highly retrogressive shells of this sub-series from those of the variabilis series is perhaps at present insuperable. Some of the P. tappaniana series such as dolei and eburnea may belong to this sub-series. That is to say, their completely albinized young may have originated in the same way as the completely albinized young of most shells in P. tappaniana Ad., for example, through the non-appearance of the barred pattern in the individual. Relationship between Perdicella and Partulinella: Sykes, Fauna Hawaiensis, p. 329, has selected A. helena Newc., as the type of Perdicella Pease, and I propose to follow him. Perdicella helena of Molokai is one of the stoutest of the dwarf forms composing this group. Its colors and patterns, basal band and toothless columella, barred young, and finely wrinkled surface due to the crossing of the transverse ridges of growth by longitudinal ridges, show that it is a dwarfed form derived from some species of the Partulinella marmorata HYATT: GENEALOGY OF ACHATINELLID/K. 395 series ; and its nearest affines now living are PartuUnella dwighti of Molokai and P. crassa of Lanai. The more elon- gated species of this series are Perd. theodorei Bald, of Molokai. This makes genetic connection with P. ornata Newc., of West Maui and P. mauiensis Newc., of Maul. These species have no tooth-fold or only very slight spiral ridges on the columella and in the last three the forms are much elongated and more turritelloidal than in P. Helena. The parallelism with Carelia is very marked in form as well as in the toothless columella. The highly specialized habitat of helena is stated by New- comb to be within the coil of the Ti (Dracaena) leaf at the point where it starts from the stem, is exceedingly suggestive when taken in connection with the dwarfed aspect of this species and others of the same genus supposed to have origin- ated from some such ancestor as P. proximo,. [P. helena or- dinarily lives on leaves and twigs of numerous shrubs and trees, H. A. P.] Relationship bettveen Newcombia and Perdicella: The genus Newcombia was described by Pfeiffer and the first species mentioned under this name is Achat. helena Newc., from Molokai. Pease placed this species, and the two follow- ing in other genera, and used the fourth species, Newcombia cumingi Newc., as the type. If the author and Mr. Baldwin are correct in their translation of the facts, this action of Mr. Pease appears justified if the name can be maintained for the extremely elongated, rough, sinistral shells having an umbilical perforation and no specialized tooth-fold, but having .a callous deposit or swelling at the base of the columella. These three characters are always found in Newcombia cumingi Newc. of West and East Maui and Newcombia new- combiana Pfr., and plicata Mighels, cinnamonea, sulcata Pfr., and canaliculata Baldwin, all of which are from Molokai, the metropolis of the genus. The genus is certainly limited to Molokai and Maui. Its absence on the adjacent island of Lanai is very remarkable and interesting but entirely in character with its highly specialized form and unique ornamentation. 396 HYATT: GENEALOGY OF ACHATINELLID^E. The connection between Newcombia and Perdicella is shown through the resemblances in color and form of the young of Newcombia to those of Perdicella. They are as a rule more slender than the most primitive species of that genus, viz. P. helena, but are quite similar to the more modified and more slender forms of Newcombia itself, like N. perkinsii Sykes of Molokai. The resemblances are better seen in the young of Newc. cinnamonea and some of the smoother species than in the more highly modified shells like sulcata, etc. This evidence is strongly in favor of the direct derivation of Newcombia from some form like the Perdicella helena of Molokai. The Relationship between Amastra, Kauaia, [Cyclamastra], Carelia and Armiella: Amastra, Kauaia, [Cyclamastra] Carelia and Armiella in Oahu and Kauai have smooth vshells in the earliest stages and there is a common form in the nepionic stage. This has somewhat stout and rapidly in- creasing volutions, the surface is covered with fine transverse ridges or growth-bands. The bases are separated from the p'lano-convex dorsal sides by a more or less prominent sub- angulation, but this is never developed into a keel nor are there any coarse, transverse costse on the dorsum. There are also no longitudinal markings of any sort. Keels, when pres- ent, and longitudinal ridges are introduced in late stages in [Cyclamastra'], Kauaia, Armiella, and Carelia. In Armiella the columella is only known in large shells and in them it is solid. In Carelia the columella is known in the young of C. dolei wherein it remains solid or incomplete until a compara- tively late stage and is solid also in the ephebic stage, but in one shell there was a small perforation when the shell was about one centimeter in length and was then just closing, for it was entirely closed in the same shell when four mil- lemeters longer. In some others it was present but very minute at an earlier stage, and in some it seemed to be absent altogether at every stage. It was present in two shells of C. adusta when the shells were about six mm. in length (verti- cal diameter) and closed at one centimeter. Its beginning was not traced in these two shells. HYATT: GENEALOGY OP ACHATINELLID.E. 397 In C. bicolor there is a very minute perforation in the neanic stage and there are indications in another individual shell of the presence of a somewhat larger perforation. The columella in [Cyclamastra} is at first incomplete in the young then becomes complete and remains complete, the umbilicus being open throughout life. In Kauaia the history is similar to that of Carelia in the young, but the columella has a long straight ventral or inner deposit, and during the period or stage of the completed columella the umbilical opening is small and similar to that of the Amastra rugulosa group of Kauai. In a more ad- vanced age such as the ephebic and gerontic stages, the columella again becomes solid, the umbilical opening closes, and the deposits are less, and are plastered directly against the axis. The Amastrae of Kauai have a columella which is long and straight in shells that retain an open umbilicus ; and the aper- ture in such examples is similar to that of [Cyclamastra] which never closes its umbilicus, and to the young of Kauaia during the stage when the umbilicus is open. In shells that close up the umbilicus, a variation that occurs apparently in species having an open umbilicus, the columella and aperture resemble that of Kauaia in its older stage and after its um- bilicus closes, In all these species the thick brown periostracum is a marked characteristic, and a tendency to put on more lively colors is only shown in a few species by bands, etc. [Cyclamastra'] is obviously the nearest to the ancestral form of Amastra. This has an open umbilicus, and form both of spire and aperture and columella which is more or less re- peated in the young of all other species in the neanic stage. The gradation appears to be as follows: [Cyclamastra'] is directly connected with Kauaia. Kauaia is similar to it only in the young. Armiella is similar to Kauaia and descended from it or from some common ancestor, but hav- ing two longitudinal ridges on the dorsum, and a distinct aperture. Amastra is derived from [Cyclamastra] which the species resemble during a part or the whole of their 398 HYATT: GENEALOGY OF ACHATINELLHXE. neanic stages. This common ancestor probably was not dis- tinct from [Cyclamastra] -generically, but must have differed in having a slightly less depressed or longer spire and smaller umbilical perforation, and no distinct carination, the sides being, however, distinctly angulated. The young shells of these genera have a common form which may in general terms be described as the nepionic or baby shell. This has a 'comparatively smooth short spire with open columella and broad, stout volutions showing a tendency to angularity on the outer, median zone of the volution and some times an incipient carination. This is particularly ob- vous in species of Amastra, and in Achatinella phcuozona and Acli. plumata, which are both closely allied species. There is but one form among Achatinellidce that is geneti- cally identical with Ach. ph&ozona and A. plumata. This is Kauaia, a terrestrial genus of the island of Kauai. This shell has until a very late, probably adult stage, a similar stout form and visible carinations, and its brown color is also in accord with the similar hues of many young shells. The terrestrial genus Amastra is obviously in the direct line of descent from Kauaia, and has similar colorations and uniform pattern. Achatinella ph&ozona, now extinct, was collected by Gulick in the valley of Kuliouou immediately adjoining Niu. This species shows characteristics that intergrade on the one hand with Bulimella and on the other with Achatinella. It stands at the focus of the affinities of these two groups as regards the form of the shell, which is bulimelloid in some varieties, and Achatinelloid in others; and in the apertures which are plainly Achatinelloid. It also grades into A. plumata through numerous hybrids. Apex cestus and forbesianus are both in color and in pat- tern more like Achat. plumata than any other species of the same region, but differ in the characteristic, turbiniforrn basal volution, the Bulimella-like aperture and the almost constantly dark apex of Achat. plumata. Achat. plumata has also the dark apex and is precisely similar to Ach. por- cellana, which is almost white in the succeeding or nepionic HYATT: GENEALOGY OP ACHATINELLID^. 399 whorls with similar longitudinal striae. The conclusion from this and the fact that the young until a late stage have the Achatlnelloid form and apertures is obviously in favor of the opinion that Apex sprang from Achatinella and not from Bulimella which it resembles more closely in the aperture. The close resemblances in the pattern of coloration is in favor of the derivation of Apex through A. plumata or some closely related modification of this polymorphic species. We can now assume as a working hypothesis that Achat. phccozona not only lies at the focus of affinities of these genera but was the surviving representative of their common ancestor. If this be the case the young shells, being nearer to the assumed ancestor, Kauaia, ought to carry closer reminiscences of this progenitor and retain its aspect until a later stage of de- velopment than Achat. plumata, Bulimella, or Apex. This theoretical requirement is actually more exacting than ought to be demanded in view of the fact that Ach. phceozona is a more or less remote descendant of this ancestor or proachatinellan shell. Like other actual cases of this kind, it might reasonably be expected that it would have lost or skipped in its development many of the characters of this ancestor. Nevertheless, even the most exacting requirements of the working hypothesis are fulfilled in the ontogeny, and not only the form until a late stage of development is similar to that of Kauaia, but the horn-brown and uniform pattern of that genus is also recapitulated in those varieties of Ach. phceozona, that are not banded. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. NOTE. — When not otherwise stated, the specimens figured are in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences. FIGURE PAGE PLATE 1. Newcombia. 1. Newcombia plicata (High.). 57844 2 2, 3. Newcombia plicata (High.). 2026 Cooke coll 2 4, 5. Newcombia costata Borch. (=N. p. gemma). After Borcherding 4 6. Newcombia plicata (High.). 57842 2 7. 8, 10. Newcombia plicata gemma (Pfr.). 66541 .... 3 9,12. Newcombia cinnamomea (Pfr.). 57841 and 66121. 10 11. Newcombia plicata gemma (Pfr.). 2028 Cooke coll.. 3 PLATE 2. Newcombia and Partulina. 1-3. Partulina carinella (Bald.). Cotypes. 109052. ... 7 4, 8, 14. Newcombia pfeifferi (Newc.). 2021 Cooke coll. 13 5-7. Newcombia canaliculata (Bald.). Cotypes. 65713. 6 8. Newcombia pfeifferi (Newc.). 109908 13 9, 10. Newcombia sulcata (Pfr.). After Borcherding. .. 5 11, 12. Newcombia p. ualapuensis (Pils.). Type. 94490 12 13. Newcombia cumingi (Newc.). 57846 10 14. Newcombia pfeifferi (Newc.). 109908 13 PLATE 3. Newcombia. 1-3, 5. Newcombia cumingi (Newc.). 92480, Wailuku, Gulick 10 4. Newcombia cumingi (Newc.). 92670, Makawao, Gu- lick 10 6. Newcombia cumingi (Newc.). 2139 Cooke coll., Ma- kawao 10 7-9. Newcombia cinnamomea (Pfr.). 57841 10 10, 11. Newcombia cinnamomea (Pfr.). 66538 10 PLATE 4. Perdicella. 1-6. Partulina helena (Newc.). 109054 A. N. S. ; 2017, 2119 Cooke coll 16 7. Partulina helena balteata Pils. 109053 17 (400) EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 401 FIGURE PAGE 8-10. Partulina ornate (Newc.). 92707 A. N. S. ; 2106 Cooke coll 18 11. Partulina mauiensis (Pfr.). 2107 Cooke coll 20 12-14. Partulina mauiensis (Pfr.) . 57773 20 PLATE 5. Perdicella. 1-3, 7. Partulina fulgurans (Sykes). 66550 21 4. Partulina fulgurans (Sykes). After Sykes 21 5. 8, 9. Partulina zebrina (Pfr.) . 68875 20 6. Partulina helena Nc. (Type figure of A. minuscula Pfr.). After Pfeiffer 18 10-12. Partulina zebrina Pfr. 2103 Cooke coll 20 PLATE 6. Partulina, Molokai. 1. Partulina virgulata (Migh.). After Borcherding. . . 25 2. Partulina virgulata (Migh.), var. 106057 27 3-6. Partulina virgulata (Migh.). 92691, 106056 25 7. 8. Partulina v. halawaensis Borch. After Borcherd- ing 27 9. Partulina virgulata, var. Ualapue. After Bor- cherding 26 10. Partulina virgulata, var. Pelekunu. After Bor- cherding 26 11. Partulina v. halawaensis Borch. 1851 Cooke coll. . . 27 12. Partulina tessellata (Newc.). Specimen from New- comb 28 13-15,20. Partulina tessellata (Newc.). Kahanui. After Borcherding 28 16,18. Partulina tessellata (Newc.). Makakupaia. After Borcherding 28 17. Partulina tessellata (Newc.) . 106058 28 19. Partulina tessellata (Newc.). Kealia. After Bor- cherding 28 21. Partulina tessellata (Newc.). 2029 Cooke coll 28 PLATE 7. Partulina, Molokai. 1, 2. Partulina tessellata meyeri Borch. After Bor- cherding 29' 3. Partulina rufa (Newc.) . 1921 Cooke coll 29 4. 5. Partulina rufa (Newc.). 106046-7 29 6,7. Partulina rufa (Newc.). var. After Borcherding .. 29 8. Partulina rufa (Newc.). var. 106048 29 9. Partulina rufa (Newc.). 1915 Cooke coll 29 10, 11. Partulina rufa (Newc.) . 106049 29 402 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. FIGURE PAGE 12, 16, 17. Partulina redfieldii (Nc.). 2068-71-74 Cooke coll 38 13, Partulina rufa var. Idas Borch. 106050 31 14, 15. Partulina rufa var. idae Borch. After Borcher- ding 31 18, 19. Newcombia perkinsi Sykes (= philippiana Pfr.). Cooke coll 8 PLATE 8. Partulina, Molokai. 1. Partulina dwightii (Newc.). Puukaeha. After Bor- cherding 35 2. Partulina dwightii (Newc.). Kawela. After Bor- cherding 35 3. 4. Partulina dwightii (Newc.) . 106062 35 5. Partulina dwightii (Newc.). Specimen from New- comb 35 6. Partulina dwightii (Newc.). Kawela. After Bor- cherding 35 7. 8. Partulina dwightii color-form compta Pse. 106059- 60 36 9, 10, 12. Partulina d. color-form concomitans. Maka- kupaia. After Borcherding 37 13. Partulina d. color-form concomitans. 106061 37 14. Partulina redfieldii (Newc.). After Newcomb 38 15-20. Partulina redfieldii (Newc.). Specimens from New- comb 38 PLATE 9. Partulina, Molokai. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8. Partulina proxima Pse. 106051-55-52 32 3, 5, 6. Partulina proxima Pse. 1956-60-62 Cooke coll. . . 32 9. Partulina proxima Pse. var. 106053 33 10, 11. Partulina p. schauinslandi Borch. After Bor- cherding 33 12, Partulina p. multistrigata Pils. 109844 34 13, 16. Partulina p. multistrigata Pils. 1928, 1930 Cooke coll 34 14, 15. Partulina theodorei Bald. Cotypes. 65710 33 17. Partulina dwightii mucida Bald. Cotype. 65708. . 34 18. Partulina d. mucida form macrodon Borch. 106054. 35 19. 20. Partulina d. mucida form macrodon Borch. After Borcherding 35 PLATE 10. Partulina, Maui. 1. Partulina marmorata Gld. After Gould, U. S. Expl. Exp 42 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 403 FIGURE PAGE 2-4. Partulina marmorata Old. 92666 A. N. S. ; 2119 Cooke coll 42 5-7. Partulina kaaeana Bald. Cotypes 41 8-12. Partulina plumbea Gul. 66543, 92671, Kula, Gulick 43 13. Partulina grisea (Newc.). Specimen from Newcomb. Ill 14-16. Partulina perdix (Rve.). Specimen from Lahaina. 45 17-19. Partulina undosa Gul. (== perdix). 92728. Wai- hee, Gulick 45 20. Partulina perdix var. pyramidalis Gul. Lahaina, Gu- lick 46 PLATE 11. Partulina, Maui. 1-9. Partulina splendida (Newc.). 92711. Wailuku, Gulick 51 10. Partulina splendida (Newc.). 92702. Lahaina, Gulick 51 11, 12. Partulina s. baileyana Gul. 92719. Wailuku, Gu- lick 52 13. Partulina c. baileyana Gul. Cooke coll 52 14. Partulina gouldii (Nc.). After Newcomb 52 15. 16. Partulina gouldii (Nc.) . Maui 52 17. Partulina talpina Gul. (= gouldii). 92714. Wai- luku, Gulick 53 18-21. Partulina gouldii var. perfecta Pils. Wailuku, Baldwin 54 PLATE 12. Partulina, Maui. 1. Partulina tappaniana C. B. Ad. Wailuku, Gulick. 92718 54 2, 3. Partulina tappaniana C. B. Ad. Lahaina, Gulick. 92701 54 4. Partulina t. ampulla Gul. Copy of type figure 57 5. Partulina t. fasciata Gul. Honukawai, Baldwin .... 56 6. 7. Partulina t. fasciata Gul. Honukawai, Gulick. 92724 56 8. Partulina nivea Bald. Cotype. A. N. S 59 9, 10. Partulina t. eburnea Gul. Honuaula, Gulick. 92663 57 11, 12. Partulina t. eburnea G;ul. Cooke coll 57 13, 14. Partulina t. carnicolor Bald. Cotypes. A. N. S.. 58 15-18. Partulina dolei Bald. Cotypes. A. N. S 60 19, 20. Partulina lemmoni Bald. Cotypes. A. N. S 61 404 EXPLANATION OP PLATES. FIGURE PAGE PLATE 13. Partulina, Maui. 1-3. Partulina winniei. Bald. Cotypes. A. N. S 44 4. Partulina denselineata Rve. (=radiata). Conch. Icon., fig. 9 51 5. Partulina ustulata Gul., var. Kahoma, Gulick. 92726. 47 6. Partulina ustulata Gul., copy of type figure 47 7. Partulina induta Gul. Wailuku, Gul. 92712 48 8. 9. Partulina radiata Gld. A. N. S 49 10-13. Partulina perdix Rve. Honokawai, Thaanum .... 45 14, 15. Partulina crocea Gul. Waihee, Gulick. A. N. S. 65 16. Partulina nivea kaupakaluana Pils. Cotype. Cooke coll 60 PLATE 14. Newcombia, Perdicella. 1. Newcombia cinnamomea Pfr. Moanui, Thaanum .... 12 2-4. Newcombia c. decorata Pils. Kupeke, Thaanum ... 12 5. Newcombia canaliculata wailauensis Pils. Cotype . . 7 6, 7. Newcombia c. honomuniensis Pils. Cotypes 12 8. Partulina kuhnsi Pils., var. Honokawai 23 9-11. Newcombia sulcata Pfr. Ahaino 5 12-15. Partulina kuhnsi Pils. Cotypes. Honokuhua ... 22 PLATE 15. Partulina, Maui. 1. Partulina terebra Nc. From Dr. Newcomb 61 2. Partulina terebra Nc. Copy of original figure 61 3. Partulina t. attenuata Pfr. Copy of original figure. 63 4-8. Partulina terebra Nc. Waiehu, Gulick. A. N. S. . . 61 9. Partulina t. corusca Gul. 57769 62 10. Partulina fusoidea Newc. Am. Journ. Conch., II. . . 64 11. Partulina fusoidea Newc. Ukumehame 64 12. Partulina t. longior Pils. 92721 63 13-17. Partulina t. lignaria Gul. Wailuku, Gulick. 92717. 63 PLATE 16. Partulina, Hawaii. 1. Partulina confusa Sykes. From Dr. Newcomb 105 2-10. Partulina confusa Sykes. Near Mana, Thaanum. 105 11. Partulina confusa Sykes. Embryo from fig. 2 106 12. Partulina confusa Sykes. Embryo from fig. 8 106 PLATE 17. Partulina. 1, P. horneri Bald. Cotype. Hamakua. 65702 107 2, 5. P. horneri fuscozonata P. & C. Hamakua. 65700. 107 3, 4. P. horneri Candida. Above Kukuihaele, Thaanum. 108203 107 6. P. physa Newc. Copy of type figure 109 7. 8. P. physa (Cotype of A. hawaiiensis). 65695 109 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 405 FIGURE PAGE 9-12. P. physa. Waimea Plains, Thaanum ....'. 109 13. P. physa (hawaiiensis Bald.). From Baldwin 109 14. P. physa errans Pils. Near Pahoa Ill 15. 16. P. physa errans Pils. Kawaiiki Ill PLATE 18. Partulina. 1, 3, 4. Partulina crassa Newc. Coll. by Thaanum .... 40 2. Partulina crassa Newc., var. 92673, Gulick coll 40 6, 7. Partulina thaanumiana Pils. Cotypes 112 8, 9. Partulina grisea Newc. Specimens from Newcomb. Ill 10-17. Partulina mighelsiana Pfr 77 PLATE 19. Partulina, Maui. 1-3. Partulina porcellana Nc. Nahiku, Baldwin 69 4. Partulina porcellana Nc. Copy of original figure ... 69 5-11. Partulina p. flemiiigi Bald. Cotypes 71 12. Partulina p. wailauensis (cotype of cooperi Bald.) . . 72 13, 14. Partulina p. wailauensis Sykes and var. After Sykes 72 15, 16. Partulina p. fulvicans Bald. Cotypes 73 PLATE 20. Partulina, Maui. 1-7. Partulina mutabilis Bald. Cotypes 68 8-11. Partulina nattii Bald. & Hartm. Topotypes from Baldwin 73 12-14. Partulina aiiceyana Bald. Cotype 75 15. Partulina germana Newc. Copy of type fig 76 PLATE 21. Partulina, Lanai. 1-4. Partulina semicarinata Newc. Main ridge, Lanai, Thaanum 86 5-7. Partulina hayseldeni Bald. Cotypes 88 8-12. Partulina hayseldeni Bald. Lanaihale, Thaanum. 88 13. Partulina semicarinata Newc. Copy of type figure. 86 14. Partulina variabilis Newc. Copy of type figure .... 83 15. Partulina semicarinata Newc. Embryo from fig. 1 . . 86 16. 17. Partulina variabilis Newc. Embryo 85 PLATE 22. Partulina, Lanai. 1-3. Partulina variabilis Newc. Specimens from New- comb 4-9. Partulina variabilis Newc. 92674, Gulick coll. ... 83 10-12. Partulina variabilis Newc. 108198, Thaanum coll. 83 13, 14. Partulina v. fulva Newc. 66540 85 15, 16. Partulina v. lactea Gul. 108197 86 406 EXPLANATION OP PLATES. FIGURE PAGE PLATE 23. Partulina, Molokai. 1. Partulina subpolita Hyatt & Pils. Type. 106992. . 359 2-8. Partulina m. bella Rve 79 9-11. Partulina m. bella Rve. 1942-6-7 Cooke coll 79 12. Partulina m. bella Rve. Copy of original figure 79 13. Partulina rnighelsiana var. latizona Borch. After Bor- cherding 82 14. 15, 16. Partulina mighelsiana var. dixoni Borch. After Borcherding 17, 18. Partulina mighelsiana var. hepatica Borch. After Borcherding 83i PLATE 24. 1-4. Partulina polita Nc. A. N. S. ; fig. 2 from Newc.. . 80 5, 6. Partulina polita Nc. Mapulehu. 108179 80 7, 8. Partulina montagui Pils. Cotypes, A. N. S. and Spalding coll 66 9. Partulina dubia Newc. Copy of original figure .... 113 10-13. Achatinella phaeozona Gul. Keawaawa, Gulick. A. N. S. and Boston Soc 184 14. Achatinella taeniolata Pfr. Waialae, Gulick. A. N. S. 130 15, 16, 19. Achatinella taeniolata Pfr. Palolo, Gulick. A. N. S 130 17, 18. Achatinella tseniolata Pfr. Maunawili, Thaanum.130 20, 21. Achatinella casta. Copies of original figs, of ligata Sm 238 PLATE 25. 1. la. Achatinella viridans Migh. Manoa, Gulick .... 125 2. Achatinella viridans Migh. Palolo, Gulick 125 3. Achatinella viridans Migh. Manoa, Cooke, 348 125 4. Achatinella viridans Migh. Nuuanu, Cooke, 791 .... 125 5-5d. Achatinella viridans subvirens Nc. Waialae, Gu- lick 129, 6. Achatinella v. subvirens Nc. Wailupe, Gulick 129 7-76. Achatinella v. subvirens and tseniolata. Waialae, Gulick 129 8. Achatinella viridans rutila Nc. Waialae nui, 145 Cooke coll 128 9-9&. Achatinella v. subvirens Nc. Palolo, Gulick .... 129 10. Achatinella v. rutila Nc. Niu 128 11-lle. Achatinella v. rutila. Niu, Gulick 128 12. Achatinella v. rutila. Wailupe, Gulick 128 13-13c. Achatinella taeniolata Pfr. Wailupe, Gulick .... 130 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 407 FIGURE PAGE PLATE 26. Partulina. 1, la. P. virgulata var. Mapulehu, Thaanum 358 2, 2a. P. v. halawaensis Bald. Kapookoholua, Thaanum. 359 3, 3a. P. v. kaluaahacola. Kaluaaha 359 3, 4a. P. redfieldi kamaloensis P. & C. Kamalo 362 5. 5/. P. redfieldi X dwightii. Puu Kolekole 360 6. P. dwightii oecidentalis P. & C. Moomomi 361 7. P. dubia Nc. From Newcomb 113 8. P. dubia Nc. Waianae, 1777 Cooke coll 113 9-9Z>. P. dubia. E. ravines Waiawa, Spalding 113 10. 100. P. dubia var. Waimano, 2181 Spalding coll. . . 113 11. P. dubia (type of A. platystyla Gul.) 116 12. P. dubia (type of A. pexa Gul.) 116 13-14. P. m. bella Rve. Puunea, Cooke & Pilsbry 79 15-15e. P. m. bella. Ualapue, Thaanum 79 PLATE 27. Achatinella. l-le. A. byronii Wood. Ahonui, Gulick. 92425 133 2. A. pulcherrima Sw. Ahonui, Gulick. 92422 140 3. A. byronii. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92312 . . . 133 4-4d. A. pulcherrima ("mahogani"). Ahonui, Gulick. 92427 143 5-6. A. pulcherrima. Wahiawa, Gulick. 92624 140 7-7b. A. pulcherrima nympha. Wahiawa, Gulick. 92622. 144 8. A. b. rugosa Nc. Waiawa, Gulick. 92230 135 9, 9a. A. b. rugosa. Waimalu, Gulick. 92234 135 10, 100. A. b. rugosa. Waipio, Gulick. 92260 135 PLATE 28. Achatinella (Bulimella) . 1-ld. A. bulimoides ovata Nc. Kahana, Gulick. 92400. 160 2. A. bulimoides ovata Nc. Hakipuu, Gulick. 92448. . 160 3, 4. A. bulimoides rotunda Gul. Kaaawa, Gulick. 92264-82 163 5-6. A. bulimoides rotunda Gul. Kahana, Gulick. 92401-60 163 7. A. bulimoides ovata, albino. Kahana, Gulick. 92463. 160 8-9a. A. bulimoides obliqua Gul. Kahana, Gulick. 92404-65 158 10-10c. A. bulimoides oomorpha Gul. Kahana, Gulick. 92402 159 11-11&. A. bulimoides wheatleyana Pils. Punaluu, Gu- lick. 92449 168 12. A. elegans Nc. Specimen from Newcomb 166 13-13d. A. elegans Nc. Hauula, Gulick. 92446 166 408 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. FIGURE PAGE PLATE 29. AchatineUa, etc. (Photographically reproduced from Newcomb's plate 22, P. Z. S., 1853.) 1. AchatineUa gouldii Newc. (=Partulina gouldii) . . 52 2. 2a. AchatineUa ovata Newc. (= A. bulimoides ovata) 160 3. AchatineUa rufa Newc. (= Partulina rufa) 29 4. Achatinella splendida Newc. (= Partulina splen- dida) 51 5. Achatinella redfieldii Newc. (= Partulina redfieldii), 38 6. Achatinella nivosa Newc. (= A. abbreviata) 125 7. Achatinella melanostoma Newc. (= A. pulcherrima) 142 8. Achatinella cestus Newc 286 9. 9a. Achatinella swiftii Newc 294 10. 10&. Achatinella turgida Newc 306 11. Achatinella cylindrica Newc. (= Amastra cylin- drica.) Vol. XXI 227 12. Achatinella casta Newc 235 13. Achatinella intermedia Newc. (= Amastra cylin- drica color-var.) Vol. XXI 222 14. Achatinella violacea Newc. (== Amastra violacea.) Vol. XXI 257 15. Achatinella sanguinea Newc. (= Laminella san- guinea.) Vol. XXI 330 16. Achatinella porphyrea Newc. (= Amastra cylin- drica var.) Vol. XXI 224 17. Achatinella gigantea Newc. (= Amastra magna.) Vol. XXI 239 18. Achatinella subvirens Newc. (=A. viridans var.). 129 19. Achatinella ampla Newc. (= A. fulgens ampla) .... 198 20. Achatinella adamsi Newc. (= Partulina marmorata) 43 21. Achatinella rutila Newc. (= A. viridans var.) 128 22. 22&. Achatinella rugosa Newc. (= A. byronii rugosa) 135 23. Achatinella multilineata Newc. (== A. mustelina High.) 343 24. 24a. Achatinella fulgens Newc 190 25. Achatinella glabra Newc. (= A. bulimoides glabra) 164 PLATE 30. (Reproduced photographically from Pfr., P. Z. S., 1855, pi. 30, f. 1-25, and from Newcomb, P. Z. S., 1853, pi. 23, f. 27-52.) 1. Achatinella aptycha Pfr 54, 145 2. Achatinella pulchella Ufr. (==A. lorata pulchella). 284 3. Achatinella amoena Pfr. (= Auriculella amoena.) Vol. XXIII EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 409 FIGURE PAGE 4. Achatinella Candida Pfr. (= A. bulimoides-ovata) . 162 5. Achatinella cinerosa Pfr. (== A. valida cinerosa) .. 336 6. Achatinella macrostoma Pfr. (—viridans) 128 7. Achatinella fricki Pfr. (= A. b. ovata?) 162 la, b. Achatinella fricki Pfr. (= A. b. ovata Nc.) .... 162 8. Achatinella planospira Pfr. (— A. decipiens?) .... 148 9. Achatinella monacha Pfr. (= = A. mustelina) 343 10. Achatinella vidua Pfr. (== A. b. ovata) 163 11. Achatinella multicolor Pfr. (= A. pulcherrima Sw.) 143 lla. Achatinella multicolor Pfr. (= A. sowerbyana ovi- formis Nc.) 177 12. Achatinella attenuata Pfr. (=Partulina terebra var.) 63 13. Achatinella swainsoni Pfr. (= decipiens var. ?) .... 150 14. 14a. Achatinella sowerbyana Pfr 175 15. Achatinella dolium Pfr 316 16. Achatinella forbesiana Pfr. (= A. cestus var.) . . . 289 17. Achatinella rudis Pfr. (= Amastra spirizona rudis) Vol. XXI 219 18. Achatinella fusiformis Pfr. (= Amastra mucronata.) Vol. XXI 268 19. Achatinella napus Pfr. (— A. mustelina sordida) . . 349 20. Achatinella ventrosa Pfr. (= A. lorata var.) 280 23. Achatinella crassidentata Pfr. (==A. fulgens) . 193, 199 24. Achatinella valida Pfr 334 25. Achatinella globosa Pfr. (== A. vittata) 291 27. Achatinella sordida Newc. (= A. mustelina var.) . . 349 45. Achatinella recta Ne we. (= A. livida recta) 248 48. Achatinella venulata Newc. (= A. stewartii) 211 48«. Achatinella venulata Newc. (= A. s. producta) . . 211 49. Achatinella mucronata Newc. (= Amastra mucro- nata.) Vol. XXI 268 50. Achatinella johnsoni Newc. (== A. stewartii) 211 51. Achatinella aplustre Newc. (=A. stewartii) 212 52. Achatinella hybrid a Newc. (= A. s. producta) .... 212 PLATE 31. Achatinella (Bulimella.) 1, la. A. abbreviata Rve. Palolo, Gulick. 92572 123 2, 2a. A. abbreviata Rve. Palolo, Thaanum. 107002.. 123 3, 3a. A. abbreviata Rve. Palolo- Waialae ridge, Thaa- num 123 4-4d A. abbreviata Rve. Western ravine of Palolo, Pils- bry. 108184 123 5, 5a. A. abbreviata Rve. Palolo, Gulick. 92575 123 6, 6a. A. viridans Migh. Nuuanu, near Pali, R. A. Cooke. 127 410 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. * FIGURE PAGE 7-76. A. byronii capax P. & C. Waimano-Manana ridge. 108133 137 8, 8a. A. byronii rugosa, var. Waimano-Manana ridge. 108064 138 9-9d. A. byronii waimaiioensis P. & C. Waimaiio-Ma- nana ridge. 108136 137 10. A. byronii nigricans P. & C. Waimano-Manana ridge. 108134-5-77 138 13. A. pulcherrima Sw. E. spurs of Kawaihalone, Spald- ing. 108130 140 14. A. pulclierrima Sw. Low in Helemano, Spalding. 108131 140 15-15cL A. lila Pils. Waimano-Manana ridge. 108066.. 139 PLATE 32. Achatinella (Bulimella.) 1-16. A. decipiens kaliuwaaensis P. & C. 107997 150 2, 2a. A. decipiens Nc. Specimens from Dr. Newcomb. 146 3-5. A. decipiens Nc. Kahana, Gulick. 92458-9-64 146 6-6c. A. decipiens (corrugata). Hakipuu, Gulick. 92451 147 7-76. A. corrugata Gul. = decipiens var. Kahana, Gu- lick. 92452 147 8. A. d. torrida Gul. Waikane, Gulick. 92455 148 9. A. d. torrida Gul. Kaaawa, Gulick. 92263 148 10-10d. A. d. torrida Gul. Kahana. Gulick. 93403 148 11-116. A. d. torrida Gul. Waiolu, Gulick. 92454 148 12-12c. A. d. torrida Gul. Kaaawa-Hakipuu ridge, Spald- ing. 107996 148 13. A. pulclierrima nympha Gul. Wahiawa (color much too deep yellow) . 92622 144 14. A. pulclierrima nympha. Helemano, Gulick. 92206. 144 15. A. elegans Nc. Kahuku, Gulick. 92256 166 PLATE 33. Achatinella (Bulimella.) 1-lj. A. bulimoides Swains. Kawailoa, Gulick. 92489. 154 2. A. b. ovata Nc. Kahana, Gulick. 92400 160 3-3d. A. bulimoides. Kaipapau, Spalding. 108117 .... 156 4. A. bulimoides. Hauula, Gulick. 92445 156 5-5c. A. b. mistura P. & C. Kaliuwaa, Spalding. 108115. 156 6, 60, A. b. mistura P. & C. Kaliuwaa, Spalding. 108116. 156 7. A. b. mistura. Punaluu ridge, Spalding. 108114 . . 156 8-8c. A. b. glabra Nc. Waimea, Gulick. 92220 164 9. A. b. glabra Nc. Specimen from Newcomb 164 10, 10a. A. b. glabra. Kawailoa, Gulick. 92486 164 11. A. b. glabra. Waialee, Gulick. 92651 164 EXPLANATION OP PLATES. 411 FIGURE PAGE 12. A. elegans inelegans P. & C. 92504 168 13. A. b. spadicea Gul. Type, Boston Soc. N. H. 157 13a. A. b. spadicea Gul. One of original lot, A. N. S. . . 157 PLATE 34. Achatinella (Bulimella.) 1, la. A. rosea Sw. Wahiawa, Gulick. 92618 151 16. A. rosea Sw. Wahiawa, Cooke. 1289 Cooke coll. . . 151 2, 2a. A. rosea Sw. Poamoho, Spalding. 107991-2 .... 151 3, 3a. A. rosea Sw. Kawaihalona, Spalding. 108118 A. N. S. and 2167 Spalding coll 151 4, A. rosea Sw. West of Helemano, Spalding. 434 Spalding coll 151 5, A. rosea Sw. Opaeula, 1,700 ft., Wilder. 108121 . . 151 5a. A. rosea Sw. Opaeula, 1,700 ft., Wilder. Wilder collection 151 6-6c. A. rosea Sw. Poamoho, Spalding. 107991 151 7. A. rosea Sw. Kaukinehua, Spalding. 108119 151 8-86. A. rosea Sw. Wahiawa, W. D. Wilder. 108120.. 151 9. A. sowerbyana Pfr. Kaipapau, Spalding. 108122 . . 175 10. A. sowerbyana Pfr. Kaliuwaa, Spalding. 108123 . . . 175 11. A. s. var. oviformis Pfr. Kaliuwaa, Spalding. 108125. 177 12. A. s. roseoplica P. & C. Opaeula, Spalding. 107990. 180 13-136. A. s. thurstoni P. & C. Kahuku, Thurston. 108126 177 14-146. A. s. thurstoni var. Waimea-Laie ridge, Spald- ing. 108124 178 15, 15a. A. s. laiensis P. & C. Laie, Spalding. 108127... 178 PLATE 35. Achatinella (Bulimella.) 1. A. fuscobasis Smith. Type, 110 Boston Soc. N. H. . . 170 2. A. fuscobasis Smith. Kuliouou, Thaanum. 108559. 170 3. 4. A. fuscobasis Smith. Mt. Olympus, Spalding. 108560 170 5, 7. A. f. lyonsiaiia Bald. Cotypes, Konahuaniu. 65693. 172 6. A. f . lyonsiana Bald. Konahuanui, Spalding. 108561. 172 8-13. A. sowerbyana dextroversa P.&. C. Pupukea, Thaa- num. 108128 179 14-17. A. pupukanioe P. & C. Waimaiio-Manana ridge, Pilsbry. 108068 174 PLATE 36. Achatinella. l-l/. A. fulgens Nc. Palolo, Gulick. 92576 195 2, A. fulgens Nc. Waialae, Gulick. 92296 194 3, 3a. A. fulgens Nc. Wailupe, Gulick. 92241 194 4, 4a. A. fulgens Nc. Niu, Cooke, no. 21, 22 193 412 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. FIGURE PAGE 5-5c. A. fulgens Nc. Niu, Gulick. Bost. Soc., 604 193 6-6e. A. fulgens Nc. Niu, Thaanum 193 7-le. A. buddi Newc. Palolo, Gulick. 92581-2 187 8, Sa. A. buddi Newc. Makiki. 108208 187 9, 9a. A. phaeozona Gul. Kailua, Gulick. 589 Bost. Soc. 186 10, 100. A. phaeozona Gul. Keawaawa, Gulick. 92266. 185 PLATE 37. Achatinella. 1, A. fulgens Nc. Waialae nui, Cooke coll. 125 194 2, 2a. A. fulgens Nc. Waialae nui, Thaanum. 108211. 194 3-3/1. A. fulgens Nc. Waialae iki, Thaanum. 108209 . . 194 4-4c. A. fulgens Nc. Waialae. 66539 194 5-5c. A. fulgens Nc. Waialae, Gulick. 92309 194 6-66. A. fulgens Nc. Waialae, Gulick. 92290 194 7, la. A. fulgens Nc. Palolo. 237 Cooke ; 108210 195 8-8c. A. fulgens Nc. Palolo, Gulick. 92308 195 8-8c. A. fulgens Nc. Palolo, Gulick. 92308 195 9. A. fulgens Nc. Palolo, Gulick. 92310 195 10-116. A. vulpina tricolor Sm. Heia, Gulick. 92466-8. 226 12, 120. A. fulgens Nc. (Augusta pattern.) Wailupe, Gulick. 92239 194 PLATE 38. Achatinella. 1-1&. A. stewartii Green. W. branch Palolo, H. A. P. 108190 204 2-2&. A. stewartii Green. Manoa-Palolo ridge, Thaa- num. 108215 204 3, A. stewartii Green. Manoa-Palolo ridge, Wilder. 108216 204 4, 4a. A. stewartii Green. S. side Manoa, 326303 Cooke coll 204 5, 6, 60. A. stewartii Green. Manoa, Gulick. 92562-3. 204 7-7c, 8, 80. A. s. producta Rv. E. rim Tantalus bowl, P. & C 207 9. A. s. producta. Head of Makiki, H. A. P. 108551 . . 207 10. A. s. producta (bilineata). Tantalus. 385 Cooke coll. 207 11-13. A. s. producta. Tantalus. 452, 458, 399 Cooke coll 207 14. A. stewartii. Makiki, Gulick. 92552 207 15. A. fuscozona, type specimen (=buddii). 75 Bost. Soc. coll 189 16. 160. A. stewartii Gr. Makiki, Gulick. 804 Bost. Soc. 207 17. A. stewartii Gr. Tantalus. 355 Cooke coll 207 18. 180. A. stewartii. Makiki, Thaanum. 108552 207 19-19c. A. stewartii. Makiki, Gulick. 92546 207 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 413 FIGURE PAGE 20. A. stewartii. Tantalus. 353 Cooke coll 207 21. A. stewartii. Pauoa, Gulick. 92611 207 PLATE 39. Achatinella vulpina, varieties. 1, la. A. vulpina, typical pattern. Nuuanu. 362-3 Cooke coll 212, 216 2, A. vulpina (castanea pattern). S. side Nuuanu, Gu- lick. 92365 217 3, 3a. A. vulpina, ernestina patterns. N. E. Nuuanu, Cooke. 108553 217 4, A. vulpina (cotype of ernestina). Nuuanu, Baldwin. 65706 217 5, 6. A. vulpina ("ernestina"). Nuuanu. 552-8 Cooke coll 217 7-7c. A. vulpina, from one small bush. Nuuanu. 108554. 218 S-Se. A. vulpina. Nuuanu, R. A. Cooke. 108555 218 9-9c. A. vulpina. Nuuanu, R. A. Cooke. 108556 219 10, 10«. A. vulpina. N. side Nuuanu, C. M. Cooke, no. 643, 645 219 11-llc. A. vulpina, olivacea pattern. Glen Ada, H. A. P. 108082 218 12-12d. O. vulpina, olivacea, virens and longispira pat- terns. Hillebrand 's Glen, R. A. Cooke 219 13-13/. A." vulpina. Nuuanu-Kalihi ridge. 108558 219 14, 14a. A. vulpina. Nuuanu, Gulick. 92358 219 PLATE 40. Achatinella vulpina, varieties. 1, la. A. vulpina, adusta pattern. Pauoa, Gulick .... 217 2. A. vulpina, type figure of A. adusta. After Reeve.. . 217 3. A. vulpina, type figure of A. olivacea. After Reeve. 220 4, 4a. A. vulpina, olivacea pattern. Nuuanu, Cooke coll. 218 5-5c. A. vulpina, olivacea pattern. Waolani Peak. 108027 220 6, 6a. A. vulpina, form cucumis Gk. Kalihi. 92501 . . 221 7-7c. A. vulpina, varieties. Kahauiki, Spalding. 108848. 221 8, 9. A. vulpina, varieties. Kahauiki, Spalding. 108849, 51 221 10-10d A. vulpina, varieties. Kahauiki, Spalding. 108850 221 . A. vulpina, varieties. Kahauiki, Spalding. Bishop Mus 222 le. A. vulpina, varieties. Moanalua, Cooke coll 222 12-12&. A. vulpina, var. Moanalua, Spalding 222 12&. A. vulpina, var. Moanalua, Cooke coll 222 13. A. vulpina, var. Halawa, Spalding 223 414 EXPLANATION OP PLATES. FIGURE PAGE 14, 14a. A. vulpina, var. Middle fork Halawa, Thaamim. 223 15-15d A. vulpina, analoga pattern. Halawa, Gulick. 92370 223 16. A. vulpina, var. Type fig. of diluta Smith. After Smith 228 PLATE 41. 1, la. A. fuscobasis wilderi. Lanihuli, Wilder 173 2. A. fuscobasis wilderi. Lanihuli, Koolau side, Spald- ing 173 3, 3a. A. fuscobasis wilderi. Wilder 173 4. Partulina dubia. Type of A. morbida Pfr., B. M. . . 117 5-5(7. A. vulpina, longispira patterns. Halawa, Gulick, 875, 896 Bost. Soc. ; 92386 223 6. A. vulpina, virens pattern. Aeia 223 7. A. vulpina var. Waimano 223 8, 8a. A. vulpina colorata Rv. Newcomb 224 8&-8e. A. vulpina colorata. Ahuimanu, Gulick 224 9, 9a. A. vulpina colorata. A. consanguinea Sin. Ahui- manu, Gulick 225 10-10d. A. bellula Sm. Upper Pauoa, Thwing 230 11. A. lehuiensis Sm. Type, no. 74 Boston Soc 271 12. A. casta Nc. Type of concolor Smith, Boston Soc. . . 239 13-13c. A. casta Nc. Waimano, Cooke coll 235 14-145. A. casta Nc. "A. cookei ridge.' Thaanum. 108764 235 15-15&. A. casta Nc. Waiawa, Spalding coll. no. 1863 . . 235 16. A. casta Nc. Waiawa, Spalding. 108565 235 PLATE 42. Achatinella. 1-3. A. spaldingi P. & C. Cotypes 271 4. A. lehuiensis gulickiana P. & C. Type, Boston Soc.. . 273 5, 6. A. thaanumi P. & C. Type, Thaanum coll 273 7. A. papyracea Gul. Ahonui, Gulick. 1021 Bost. Soc. 243 8. A. papyracea Gul. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 978 Bost. Soc. 243 9. 10. A. casta margaretag P. & C. 108570-1 240 11, 12. A. juncea Gul. Types. Wahiawa, Gulick. 49 Boston Soc 241 13. A. juncea Gul. Wahiawa, Spalding. 107987 241 14. A. juncea Gul. Wahiawa. Cooke coll., 1304 241 15. 16. A. dimorpha Gul. Waialee, Gulick. 92654 . . . . 258 17-20. A. dimorpha, zonata patterns. Kaaawa, Gulick. 92265 258 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 415 FIGURE PAGE PLATE 43. Achatinella. f 1-lcZ. A. phaeozona Gul. Keawaawa, Spalding 184 2. A. fulgens var. Waialae iki, Spalding coll. no. 670. 194 3-3c. A. fulgens varieties. N. W. Wailupe. 108842 ... 194 4-4c. A. fulgens varieties. N. ravines Palolo, Spalding. 108847 195 5, 5a. A. fulgens versipellis Gk. Types, 44a, &, Boston Soc 196 5&, 5c. A. fulgens versipellis Gk. Boston Soc., no. 601 . . 196 6-6e. A. fulgens versipellis. Kailua-Waimanalu ridge, Spalding 196 1-7 a. A. fulgens versipellis. Maunawili, Wilder 197 l~b-ld. A. fulgens versipellis. Kailua, under Olympus, Spalding 197 8. A. fulgens form fuscolineata Sm. Copy of type figure 197 9. A. solitaria Nc. Copy of type figure 204 10-106. A. s. producta Ey. Tantalus-Pauoa. Bishop Mus. 209 11. A. caesia cognata. Type of A. scitula Gk. Boston Soc 268 12. A. cassia cervina. Type of A. cervina Gk. Boston Soc. 267 13. A. caesia. Type of A. formosa Gk. Boston Soc 265 14. A. caesia. Type of A. concidens Gk. Boston Soc 265 PLATE 44. Achatinella. 1. A. livida herbacea Gk. Type. Boston Soc 251 2-4. A. livida herbacea Gk. 92491 251 5. A. livida. Type of A. glauca Gk. Boston Soc 250 6, 7. A. livida, glauca pattern. 92284 250 8. A. caesia Gk. Type of var. cognata Gk. Boston Soc. 267 9-12. A. caesia cognata Gk. Hakipuu, Gulick. . . 92224. 267 13. A. caesia Gk. Type. Boston Soc., no. 53 263 14-16. A. caesia Gk. Waimea, Gulick. 1258 Boston Soc. 263 17-20. A. cassia littoralis P. & C. Cotypes 266 PLATE 45. Achatinella curia. 1. A. curta Newc. Copy of type figure 252 2, 3. A. curta Newc., rhodoraphe pattern. Ahonui Gu- lick 253 4-9. A. curta var. Wahiawa, Cooke coll 254 10, 11. A. curta var. Wahiawa, Thaanum 253 12, 13. A. curta. Left side Poamoho, Thaanum 254 14-16. A. curta. Waialua, Baldwin. Cooke coll 254 17-22. A. curta, form delta Gk. Wahiawa, Gulick. 92619. 256 416 EXPLANATION OP PLATES. FIGURE PAGE PLATE 46. Achatinella curta. 1, 2. A. curta, rhodoraphe pattern. Helemano, Gulick. 254 3, 4. A. curta, rhodoraphe pattern. Gulch W. of Hele- mano 254 5. A. curta. Laie, Spalding. 108751 256 6-8. A. curta, delta pattern. Helemano, Gulick 256 9. A. curta. E. of Opaeula, Spalding. 108576 254 10. A. curta. Kawaiholona, Spalding. 108579 255 11-15. A. curta. Kawaiiki, Spalding. 108580, 108988 . . 255 16-19. A. curta. Kawailoa, Thaanum. 108581 255 20-24. A. curta, undulata pattern. Kawailoa, Gulick. 92278, 92286 255 PLATE 47. Achatinella. 1. A. dimorpha Gk. Type, no. 56, Boston Soc 260 2. A. dimorpha. Pupukea, Gulick. 92389 260 3-5. A. dimorpha. Paumalu, Spalding. 108755 260 6-8. A. dimorpha Thaanum. 108756 260 9-12. A. dimorpha. Paumalu, Spalding. 108757 261 13. A. dimorpha. Kaunala ridge, Spalding. 108758. . 260 14. A. dimorpha, albescens pattern. Waialee, Gulick. 92653 261 15. A. dimorpha, sonata pattern., Kahuku, Gulick. 92655. 261 16. A. dimorpha, albescens pattern. Kahuku, Thaanum. 108759 261 17. A. dimorpha, sonata pattern. Kipapau, Spalding. 108761 261, 18. A. dimorpha, sonata pattern. Kaaawa, Gulick. 92265. 261 19. A. dimorpha, contracta pattern. Copy original fig. 263 20. A. dimorpha, contracta pattern. Kaaawa, Gulick. 92262 262 PLATE 48. Achatinella. 1-2. A. bellula Sm. Pauoa, Cooke coll 230 3. 4. A. bellula Sm. Head of Nuuanu, Cooke coll 230 5, 6. A. b. multizonata. Cotypes. 65703 231 7-12. A. b. multizonata. Nuuanu, Cooke coll 231 13-16. A. bellula. Waolani. 108562, 108013 231 17, 18. A. bellula. Kalihi, Cooke coll 231 19, 20. A. phseozona. Olomana, Gulick coll. Bost. Soc. 186 21. A. fulgens, crassidentata pattern. Wailupe, Spalding. 108844 194 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 417 FIGURE PAGE PLATE 49. Achatinella. r 1. A. casta Nc., received from Newcomb 23G 2-5. A. casta. Waimano, Cooke Coll 237 6-8. A. casta. Waiawa, Spalding 23S 9-15. A. casta. Waiawa, Thaanum 238 16. A. casta. Type of A. pygmaa, no. 79 Boston Soc. . . 239 17, 18. A. juddii Bald. Cotypes 244 19, 20. A. juddii. Kalauao-Waimalu ridge, Spalding . . 244 21, 22. A. juddii. Aiea, Cooke Coll 244 PLATE 50. 1-5. A. lorata nobilis. Waolani. 108006, .8 283 6. A. lorata. Waimano, Thaanum. 108768 282 7. 8. A. lorata, Moanalua, Cooke coll 282 9. A. 1. pulchella. Waiawa, Spalding. 107982 284 10-14. A. 1. pulchella. Waiawa, Cooke coll 284 15. A. apexfulva. Copy of Dixon's figure 317 16. 16&. A. lorata, melanogama pattern. Embryos, 108767 283 17. Partulina dubia. Type of A. platystyla Gk. Boston Soc 116 18. Partulina dubia. Type of A. pexa Gk. Boston Soc.. . 116 PLATE 51. Achatinella lorata. 1-3. A. lorata, melanogama colony. Maunawili, Wilder. 108767 283 4-7. A. lorata, Tantalus, Cooke Coll., 406, 408, 431 280 8. A. lorata. Tantalus, S.-E. rim. 108040 280 9-12. A. lorata. Nuuanu, Cooke Coll 281 13-16. A. lorata. Nuuanu, Cooke, 108777 281 17, 18. A. lorata. Kalihi, Gulick. 92502 282 19-21. A. lorata. Nuuanu, Gulick. 92359 281 PLATE 52. Achatinella. 1, la. A. lorata. Tantalus, Cooke Coll. no. 411 280 Ife. A. lorata. Tantalus, Spalding 280 2. A. lorata. Makiki, above falls. Spalding 280 3-3c. A. lorata. Makiki, Gulick, 82544 280 4. A. lorata. N. side Nuuanu, 655 Cooke Coll 281 5, 50. A. lorata. Kalihi, Gulick, 92271 282 6. A. lorata. Moanalua, 868 Cooke Coll 282 7. A. lorata. Kalauao, Spalding 282 8, Sa. A. lorata, melanogama pattern. Maunawili, Wilder 283 9, 9a. A. cestus, forbesiana pattern. Wailupe, Thaanum 288 10. A. cestus, forbesiana pattern. Wailupe-Niu, Spalding 288 418 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. FIGURE PAGE 11-116. A. cestus. Waialae, Gulick, 92304 288 12, 12«. A. cestus. Specimens from Newcomb 286 13, 13a. A. cestus. Wailupe, Gulick. 92238 288 14, 140. A. cestus. Palolo, Gulick. 92579 287 15-15e. A. valida Pfr. Pupukea, Gulick. 92387 334 16. A. concavospira Pfr. Type in British Mus 351 17, Yla. A. v. kahukuensis P. & C. Cotypes 338 PLATE 53. Achatinella livida. 1-9. A. livida Sw. Kawailoa, Gulick, 92276 246 10. A. livida, emersoni pattern. After Newcomb 247 11. A. livida, emersoni pattern. Wahiawa, Cooke Coll. . 247 13-15. A. livida, recta Nc. Waialua, Newcomb 248 16. A. livida, recta Nc. Wahiawa, Cooke coll 250 17-21. A. livida, recta Nc. Kawailoa, Gulick 92277 248 PLATE 54. Partulina, Achatinella. 1. la. Partulina helena Nc. W. of Meyer's lake. 108584 356 2. P. helena near Puu Kolekole. 108657 356 3. P. helena near Puu Kolekole. 108656 356 4. P. saccata Pfr., type in British Mus 364 5. 5a. P. physa konana P. & C. Cotypes 365 6-66. P. thwingi P. & C. Cotypes 357 7-7c. Achatinella fulgens ampla Nc. Newcomb coll. . . 198 8. A. papyracea Gk. Type, no. 48 Boston Soc 243 9-96. A. papyracea Gk. Waipio, Thaanum. 108765 . . 243 10. A. papyracea Gk. Wahiawa, Spalding. 108572 . . . 243 11. Partulina horneri Bald., Embryo 365 12. P. horneri Candida P. & C., Embryo 365 13. P. horneri fuscospira P. & C., Embryo 365 14. 14a. Achatinella papyracea Gk. Wahiawa, Gulick. 1109 Boston Soc 244 PLATE 55. Achatinella. 1. A. cestus Nc. Palolo, Gulick, 92579 287 2-4. A. cestus, simulator pattern. Palolo, Gulick, 92592 287 5. A. apexfulva beata P. & C. Helemano-Poamoho, Spalding, 108808 329 6, 7. A. a. duplocincta P. & C. Kawailoa, Gulick. Bost. Soc 323 8. A. a. duplocincta. Wahiawa, Cooke Coll. no. 1272 . . 323 9-16. A. valida cinerosa Pfr. (leucozona Gk.). Waialee, Gulick. 92650, 56 336 17, 18. A. v. cinerosa, var. Waimea (?), Gulick. 92221 338 19-22. A. v. leucophoea Gk. Waialee, Gulick. 92655 ... 336 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. 419 FIGURE PAGE PLATE 56. Achatinella turgida. , 1-lc. A. turgida Nc. Waiawa, Spalding. 107983 295 2. A. turgida Nc. Waiawa 295 3. 3a. A. turgida ovum. Waimalu (?) Gulick. 92235 298 4. A. turgida Nc. Waiawa, Spalding 295 5-5/. A. t. perplexa. Waimano, Cooke Coll 296 6. A. t. ovum. Aiea. 991 Cooke Coll 298 7-ld. A. t. ovum. Moanalua. Cooke Coll 298 8, 8a. A. t. ovum. E. of Kalauao, Spalding. 108769. 298 9. A. t. ovum. Waimano- Waiau, Spalding. 108771.. 298 10. A. t. ovum. Halawa, Spalding. 108770 298 11. A. t. perplexa. Waimano, Cooke Coll. no. 1176 297 12. A. t. ovum. Waimalu, Gulick. 92233 298 13-136. A. t. simulacrum. W. of Manana, Wilder. 108772. 299 14-14d. A. t. simulacrum. Waimano-Manana. 108063. 299 PLATE 57. Achatinella. 1. A. vittata Eve. Copy of type figure 289 2-2c. A. vittata Rve. Nuuanu, Gulick. 92360 290 3-36. A. vittata Rve. Nuuanu, 108800 290 4, 40. A. vittata Rve. Nuuanu, 631 Cooke Coll 290 5-56. A. vittata Rve. Nuuanu, Cooke Coll 290 6-66. A. vittata cinerea. Nuuanu, 108801 291 7. A. vittata cinerea. Nuuanu, 620 Cooke Coll 291 8. A. v. simulans Rve. Copy of type figure 292 9. 9a. A. v. simulans. Nuuanu, Cooke Coll 292 10-11. A. v. simulans. Waolani Peak. 108026, 107979. 292 12. A. v. simulans. Kapalama, Spalding. 107980 .... 293 13. A. v. simulans. Copy of type figure of A. albofasciata 293 14a-14c. A. v. simulans. Nuuanu, Cooke Coll 293 15. A. turgida cookei Bald. Cotype. 65692 300 16-166. A. t. cookei. Thaanum 300 17. A. t. cookei. Spalding 300 PLATE 58. Achatinella, swiftii. 1. A. swiftii Nc. Specimen from Newcomb 306, 308 2-2c. A. swiftii. Wahiawa, Gulick. 92633 306, 308 3, 3a. A. swiftii, tuberans pattern. Wahiawa, Cooke Coll. 314 4, 4a. A. swiftii Nc. Kipapa, Spalding. 107985 314 5-56. A. swiftii Nc. Kipapa- Wahiawa ridge, Spalding. 108783 314 6. A. swiftii. Type of A. tuberans Gulick. Bost. Soc. no. 93 313 7. A. swiftii Nc. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92327 309 420 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. FIGURE PAGE 8. A. swiftii, coniformis pattern. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92325 309, 313 9-96. A. swiftii, tuberans patterns. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92329 314 10, 10a. A. swiftii, polymorpha patterns. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92343 315 11, Ha. A. swiftii, tuberans patterns. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92328 314 12, 12a. A. swiftii. Cotypes of A. flavida Gul. Boston Soc. no. 95 311 126. A. swiftii, flavida pattern. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92337 311 13-136. A. swiftii Nc. Kalaikoa, Gulick. 92335 309 14. A. swiftii. Type of A. versicolor Gul. Boston Soc. no. 101 310 14' , I j f 20 / 21 22 Achatinellidfe if\ -- «-i ' 6 i, 10 m i - 12 • * 15 1 r ! ; 16 I v o 1.7 t 19 Achalinellidre t. —v ••. v\i .* i m 1.0 II ... ' 15 8 12 . 10 19 Achatinellidce v > ' • 9 1C - 17 19 '" -ij t 12 16 Achatinellidee PLATE 50 f A -• 10 • • • Pi - . f "• 6 >- id •• 12 9 • y t . '-, 17 '** y*>! ; rA 16 ,- 16a Achatinellidse PLATE 51 L3 . 15 18 ~- 20 H M ? '-*•! _ j. Achatinellidae PLATE 51 8 13 16 • Achatinellidae Plate 52 la - -*. Ib . ••***•- I 3a 3b 3c 5a 8 8a lla 14 I5c ISd 15 16 17 Achatinellidre PLATE S3 • X - • > • > 10 K-J .1 17 Achatinellidae Plate 54 6b 8 la 5a 7a 9a 11 7b 9b 6a 14 13 1 4a Achatinellidcip 1 . ~. PLATE 55 ' :\ •— — - { i v 6 i ^- F> ' -•^ ^ V 11 1° i ^_ . 10 O 15 . . -.:-- ~ 5 18 21 '*/ _ — Achatinellidae Plate 56 5a 13 a 13b 14 a I4b 14c 14d Achatinellidae Plate 5 7 2b 3a 3b 5b 6a 6b 12 13 15 8 • 14 a 1 6a lOc 14 b 16b 9a 17 Achatinellidae Plate 58 \& 11 13 3a 9 9a I f»*~ •* j*« ***•* lla 13 a - 12 - 14b 14c 13b p 14d 4a 12a 8 12b 14 a 15 16 Achatinellidae Plate 5 9 la 4e Ib 4b 4c 8 10 lla lib 12 v 13 14 1 4a 1 4b 16 16a 16b 17 Achatinellidae Plate 60 13 16 la 5a 7a 10 14 4a 7b lOa 14 a 17 17a Ic 4b 8 11 15 17b 4c 6a 8a 12 15 a 17c Achatinellidae Plate 6 1 . . Ib 2a 2c K ! 2d 1 2e 4a 5a 5b 7a 8b 8c 8d 8e 10 12 12a lOb 12c 12d Achatinellidce PLATE 62 L^M o o / - / / f '^•~;J >*% 6 8 ; 10 11 15 .• 12 16 X'( - 17 . - . •• & 10 20 '» I — 1 Achatinellidae Jk.' ^WR 4a - . . . -* lOb 13 4b 6a •\ - •&. 9a lOc 13 a 9b 11 13b 5a 8 10 12 I3c Plate 63 5b ^ 8a lOa 12 a 73d