Marine Biological Laboratory Library Woods Hole, Massachusetts Gift of F. R. Lillie estate - 1977 0 A MANUAL OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY. A MANUAL OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, INCLUDING HISTOLOGY AND MICROSCOPICAL ANATOMY; WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE. BY DR. L. L A N D O I S, PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY AND DIRECTOR OF THE PHYSIOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF GREIFSWALD. TRANSLATED FROM THE FOURTH GERMAN EDITION. WITH ADDITIONS BY WILLIAM STIRLING, M.D., Sc.D., REGIUS PROFESSOR OF THE INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE OR PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. 176 IT_,ljTJSTK,-A,TXOlTS. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON, SON, AND COMPANY, 1012 WALNUT STREET. 1885. \All Rights Reserved.\ TO SIR JOSEPH LISTER, BARONET, M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.E.SS. (LOND. AND EDIN.), PEOFESSOE OF CLINICAL SURGERY IN KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON, SURGEON-EXTRAORDINARY TO THE QCEEX; FORMERLY REGIUS PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL SUHGEEY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. IN ADMIRATION OF %^t Pan oi jSmttJt*, WHOSE BRILLIANT DISCOVERIES HAVE REVOLUTIONISED MEDICAL PRACTICE, AND CONTRIBUTED INCALCULABLY TO THE WELL-BEING OP MANKIND; AND IN GRATITUDE TO WHOSE NOBLE EARNESTNESS IN INCULCATING THE SACREDNESS OF HUMAN LIFE STIRRED THE HEARTS OF ALL WHO HEARD HIM : cTbis Modi is rrspcttfulln Qcbitutcir BY HIS FORMER PUPIL, THE TRANSLATOR. PKEFACE. THE fact that Prof essor LANDOIS' " Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen" has already passed through Four large Editions since its first appearance in 1880, shows that in some special way it has met the wants of Students and Practitioners in Germany. The characteristic which has thus commended the work will be found mainly to lie in its eminent practicality; and it is this consideration which has induced -/. it f me to undertake the task of putting it into an English dress for English readers. Landois' work, in fact, forms a Bridge between Physiology and the Practice of Medicine. It never loses sight of the fact that the Student of to-day is the practising Physician of to-morrow. Thus, to every Section is appended — after a full description of the normal processes— a short rdsum6 of the pathological variations, the object of this being to direct the attention of the Student, from the outset, to the field of his future practice, and to show him to what extent pathological processes are a disturbance of the normal activities. In the same Avay, the work offers to the busy physician in practice a ready means of refreshing his memory on the theoretical aspects of Medicine. He can pass backwards from the examination of pathological phenomena to the normal processes, and, in the study of these, find new indications and new lights for the appreciation and treatment of the cases under consideration. With this object in view, all the methods of investigation which may with advantage lie used by the Practitioner, are carefully and fully described ; and Histology, also, occupies a larger place than is usually assigned to it in Text-books of Physiology. A word as to my own share in the present version : — (1.) In the task of translating, I have endeavoured throughout to convey the author's meaning accurately, without a too rigid adherence to the original. Those who from experience know something of the difficulties of such an undertaking will be most ready to pardon any shortcomings they may detect. Viil PREFACE. (2.) Very considerable additions have been made to the Histological, and also (where it has seemed necessary) to the Physiological sections. All such additions are enclosed within square brackets [ ]. I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to many valuable Papers in the various Medical Journals — British and Foreign — and also to the Histological Treatises of Cadiat, Eanvier, and Klein; Quain's Anatomy, vol. n., ninth edition; Hermann's llandbucli der Physiologic; and the Text- books on Physiology, by Rutherford, Foster, and Kirkes ; Gamgee's Physiological Chemistry; Ewald's Digestion; and Roberta's Digestive Ferments. (3.) The Illustrations have been increased in number from 106 in the Fourth German Edition to 176 in the English version. These additional Diagrams, with the sources whence derived, are distinguished in the List of Woodcuts by an asterisk. There only remains for me now to express my thanks to all who have kindly helped in the progress of the work, either by furnishing Illustrations or otherwise — especially to Drs. Byrom Bramwell, Dudgeon, Lauder Brunton, and Knott ; Mr. Hawksley; Professors Hamilton and M'Kendrick; to my esteemed teacher and friend, Professor Ludwig, of Leipzic ; and, finally, to my friend, Mr. A. W. Robertson, M.A., formerly Assistant "Librarian in the University, and now Librarian of the Aberdeen Public Library, for much valuable assistance while the work was passing through the press. The Second Part will, it is hoped, be issued early in 1885. In conclusion — and forgetting for the moment my own connection with it — I heartily commend the work per se to the attention of Medical Men, and can wish for it no better fate than that it may speedily become as popular in this country as it is in its Fatherland. WILLIAM STIRLING. ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY, November, 1884. GENERAL CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. PAGE The Scope of Physiology, and its Relation to the other Branches of Natural Science, ............ xix Matter, ............. xx Forces, ............. xxii Law of the Conservation of Energy, .... ... xxvii Animals and Plants, ...... . xxviii Vital Energy and Life, ...... ... xxxi I. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE BLOOD. SECTION 1. Physical Properties of the Blood, ........ 1 2. Microscopic Examination of the Blood, ....... 3 3. Histology of the Human Red Blood-Corpuscles, ..... 7 4. Effects of Reagents on the Blood-Corpuscles, ..... 7 5. Preparation of the Stroma — Making Blood "Lake-Coloured," . . 10 6. Form and Size of the Blood-Corpuscles of Different Animals, . . 11 7. Origin of the Red Blood-Corpuscles, . . . . . . . 12 8. Decay of the Red Blood-Corpuscles, . . . . . . . 16 9. The Colourless Corpuscles— Leucocytes, . . . . . . 17 10. Abnormal Changes of the Blood-Corpuscles, ...... 22 11. Chemical Constituents of the Red Blood-Corpxiscles, .... '_'.'{ 12. Preparation of Haemoglobin Crystals, ....... 24 13. Quantitative Estimation of Haemoglobin, ...... 25 14. Use of the Spectroscope, ......... 27 15. Compounds of Haemoglobin — Methseinoglobin, ..... 29 16. Carbonic Oxide-Haemoglobin, . . . . . . . . 31 17. Poisoning by Carbonic Oxide, ........ 32 18. Decomposition of Haemoglobin, ........ 33 19. Hsemin and Blood Tests, 34 20. Hsematoidin, ........... 35 21. The Colourless Proteid of Haemoglobin, 36 22. Proteids of the Stroma, ... ... .36 23. The other Constituents of Red Blood-Corpuscles, .... 36 24. Chemical Composition of the Colourless Corpuscles, .... 37 25. Blood-Plasma, and its Relation to Serum, ...... 37 26. Preparation of Plasma, ......... 38 27. Fibrin — Coagulation of the Blood, ....... 39 28. General Phenomena of Coagulation, ....... 40 29. Cause of the Coagulation of the Blood, ....... 43 30. Source of the Fibrin- Factors, ........ 46 31. Relation of the Red Blood-Corpuscles to the Formation of Fibrin, . 47 X CONTENTS. SECTION PAGE 32. Chemical Composition of the Plasma and Serum, .... 49 33. The Gases of the Blood, 51 34. Extraction of the Blood Gases, ........ 53 35. Quantitative Estimation of the Blood Gases, 55 36. The Blood Gases, ........... 55 37. Is ozone (03) present in Blood ? . . 57 38. Carbonic Acid and Nitrogen in Blood, ....... 58 39. Arterial and Venous Blood, ......... 59 40. Quantity of Blood, . . . ... 60 41. Variations from the Normal Conditions of the Blood, .... 61 II. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE CIRCULATION. 42. General View of the Circulation, 65 43. The Heart, 66 44. Arrangement of the Cardiac Muscular Fibres, ..... 67 45. Arrangement of the Ventricular Fibres, ...... 69 46. Pericardium, Endocardium, Valves, 71 47. Self-Steering Action of the Heart, 73 48. The Movements of the Heart, 76 49. Pathological Disturbances of Cardiac Action, ..... 79 50. The Apex-Beat — the Cardiogram, ....... SO 51. The Time occupied by the Cardiac Movements, ..... 85 52. Pathological Disturbance of the Cardiac Impulse, .... 89 53. The Heart-Sounds. 91 54. Variations of the Heart-Sounds, 95 55. The Duration of the Movements of the Heart, 96 56. Innervation of the Heart, 97 57. The Cardiac Nerves, ... 97 58. The Automatic Motor-Centres of the Heart, ...... 98 59. The Cardio-Pneumatic Movements, ....... 109 00. Influence of the Kespiratory Pressure on the Heart, . . . .111 THE CIRCULATION. 61. The Flow of Fluids through Tubes, 115 62. Propelling Force, Velocity of Current, Lateral Pressure, . . .115 63. Currents through Capillary Tubes, US 64. Movements of Fluids and Wave-Motion in Elastic Tubes, . . .118 65. Structure and Properties of the Blood- Vessels, 119 66. The Pulse— Historical, 127 67. Instruments for Investigating the Pulse, 128 68. The Pulse-Curve or Sphygmogram, 136 69. Dicrotic Pulse, 140 70. Characters of the Pulse, 141 71. Variations in the Strength, Tension, and Volume of the Pulse, . . 143 72. The Pulse-Curves of various Arteries, 144 73. Anacrotism, 146 74. Influence of the Respiratory Movements on the Pulse-Curve, . . 148 75. Influence of Pressure upon the Form of the Pulse-Wave, . . . 151 76. Rapidity of Transmission of Pulse- Waves, 152 77. Propagation of the Pulse-Wave in Elastic Tubes, .... 152 78. Velocity of the Pulse-Wave in Man, , 154 CONTENTS, XI SECTION" PAGE 79. Further Pulsatile Phenomena ,156 80. Vibrations Communicated to the Body by the Action of the Heart, , 157 81. The Blood-Current, 159 82. Schemata of the Circulation, 161 83. Capacity of the Ventricles, ... . 161 84. Estimation of the Blood-Pressure, 162 85. Blood-Pressure in the Arteries, . .166 86. Blood-Pressure in the Capillaries, . . 173 87. Blood-Pressure in the Veins, . . . 175 88. Blood-Pressure in the Pulmonary Artery, . . ... 177 89. Measurement of the Velocity of the Blood-Stream, .... 179 90. Velocity of the Blood in Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins, . . . 182 91. Estimation of the Capacity of the Ventricles, . . . 184 92. The Duration of the Circulation, 184 93. Work of the Heart, 185 94. Blood-Current in the Smallest Vessels, ...... 186 95. Passage of the Blood-Corpuscles out of the Vessels— [Diapedesis], . 189 96. Movement of the Blood in the Veins, 190 97. Sounds or Bruits within Arteries, 192 98. Venous Murmurs, 193 99. The Venous Pulse— Phlebogram, . ... 194 100. Distribution of the Blood, 196 101. Plethysmography, ... 197 102. Transfusion of Blood, ... 199 THE BLOOD-GLANDS. 103. The Spleen — Thymus — Thyroid— Supra-Renal Capsules— Hypophysis Cerebri — Coccygeal and Carotid Glands, ..... 203 104. Comparative, 215 105. Historical Retrospect, 215 III. PHYSIOLOGY OF RESPIRATION. 106. Structure of the Air-Passages and Lungs, , 217 107. Mechanism of Respiration, 226 108. Quantity of Gases Respired, 227 109. Number 'of Respirations, ......... 229 110. Time occupied by the Respiratory Movements, ..... 229 111. Pathological Variations of the Respiratory Movements, . . . 233 112. General View of the Respiratory Muscles, 234 113. Action of the Individual Respiratory Muscles, 235 114. Relative Size of the Chest, 240 115. Pathological Variations of the Percussion Sounds, .... 244 116. The Normal Respiratory Sounds, 245 117. Pathological Respiratory Sounds, 245 118. Pressure in the Air-Passages during Respiration, .... 247 119. Appendix to Respiration, ......... 248 120. Peculiarly Modified Respiratory Sounds, ...... 248 121. Quantitative Estimation of C02, O, and Watery Vapour, . . . 250 122. Methods of Investigation, 250 123. Composition and Properties of Atmospheric Air, 254 Xii CONTENTS. SECTION ''AGE 124. Composition of Expired Air, . . . 254 125. Daily Quantity of Cases Exchanged, 256 126. Review of the Daily Gaseous Income and Expenditure, . . . 256 127. Conditions Influencing the Gaseous Exchanges, 256 128. Diffusion of Gases within the Lungs, ... . . 259 129. Exchange of Gases between the Blood and the Air, .... 260 130. Dissociation of Gases, 263 131. Cutaneous Respiration, ......... 264 132. Internal Respiration, . 265 133. Respiration in a Closed Space, ........ 267 134. Dyspnrea and Asphyxia, 268 135. Respiration of Foreign Gases, ........ 271 136. Accidental Impurities of the Air, . ...... 272 137. Ventilation of Rooms, .... .272 138. Formation of Mucus, 273 139. Action of the Atmospheric Pressure, 275 140. Comparative and Historical, . . 277 IV. PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION. 141. The Mouth and its Glands, 279 142. The Salivary Glands, . 280 143. Histological Changes in the Salivary Glands, ..... 283 144. The Nerves of the Salivary Glands, 285 145. Action of Nerves on the Salivary Secretion, ..... 286 146. The Saliva of the Individual Glands, 291 147. The Mixed Saliva in the Mouth, 292 148. Physiological Action of Saliva, ........ '294 149. Tests for Sugar, 297 150. Quantitative Estimation of Sugar, 298 151. Mechanism of the Digestive Apparatus, ...... 298 152. Introduction of the Food, 298 153. The Movements of Mastication, 299 154. Structure and Development of the Teeth, ...... 300 155. Movements of the Tongue, ......... 304 156. Deglutition, 305 157. Movements of the Stomach, ........ 309 158. Vomiting, 310 159. Movements of the Intestine, . . . . . . .312 160. Excretion of Faecal Matter, 313 161. Influence of Nerves on the Intestine, 316 162. Structure of the Stomach, 321 163. The Gastric Juice, 325 164. Secretion of Gastric Juice, 326 165. Methods of obtaining Gastric Juice, ....... 330 166. Process of Gastric Digestion, ........ 331 167. Gases in the Stomach, 336 168. Structure of the Pancreas, 337 169. The Pancreatic Juice, 339 170. Digestive Action of the Pancreatic Juice, ...... 340 171. The Secretion of the Pancreatic Juice, ....... 340 172. Preparation of Peptonised Food, ..,,.... 345 CONTENTS. Xlii SECTION PAGE 173. Structure of the Liver, 346 174. Chemical Composition of the Liver-Cells, 350 175. Diabetes Mellitus, or Glycosuria, ... . . 352 176. The Functions of the Liver, ... 354 177. Constituents of the Bile, ... 354 178. Secretion of Bile, 359 179. Excretion of Bile, ...... ... 361 180. Reabsorption of Bile, . .... .362 181. Functions of the Bile, . . 365 182. Fate of the Bile in the Intestine, 367 183. The IntestinalJuice, 368 184. Fermentation Processes in the Intestine, ...... 371 185. Processes in the Large Intestine, ... .... 377 186. Pathological Variations, .... . . 380 187. Comparative Physiology, ......... 383 188. Historical Retrospect, . 384 V. PHYSIOLOGY OF ABSORPTION. 189. The Organs of Absorption, , . ... 386 190. Structure of the Small and Large Intestines, 386 191. Absorption of the Digested Food, . . . .392 192. Absorptive Activity of the Wall of the Intestine, .... 395 193. Influence of the Nervous System, ....... 400 194. Feeding with "Nutrient Euemata," 400 195. Chyle-Vessels and Lymphatics, ........ 401 196. Origin of the Lymphatics, ......... 402 197. The Lymph-Glands, ; . 406 198. Properties of Chyle and Lymph, . 409 199. Quantity of Lymph and Chyle, . 412 200. Origin of Lymph, . ... 413 201. Movement of Chyle and Lymph, ....... 415 202. Absorption of Parenchymatous Effusions, ...... 418 203. Congestion of Lymph, Serous Effusions and (Edema, .... 419 204. Comparative Physiology, ....... . 420 205. Historical Retrospect, ... . ... 421 VI. PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMAL HEAT. 206. Sources of Heat, 422 207. Homoiothermal and Poikilothertnal Animals, 426 208. Methods of Estimating Temperature — Thermometiy, .... 427 209. Temperature— Topography, ........ 430 210. Conditions Influencing the Temperature of Organs, .... 432 211. Estimation of the Amount of Heat — Calorimetry, .... 434 212. Thermal Conductivity of Animal Tissues, ...... 436 213. Variations of the Mean Temperature, . ..... 437 214. Regulation of the Temperature, . . ..... 441 215. Income and Expenditure of Heat, ....... 445 216. Variations in Heat Production, ........ 447 217. Relation of Heat Production to Bodily Work, 447 218. Accommodation for Different Temperatures, 448 XiV CONTENTS. SECTION PAGE 219. Storage of Heat in the Body, . 450 220. Fever, .... . .... 450 221. Artificial Increase of the Temperature, . ... 452 222. Employment of Heat, ... . 453 223. Increase of Temperature post mortem, . . . . 453 224. Action of Cold on the Body, . . 454 225. Artificial Lowering of Temperatui'e, ... . 455 226. Employment of Cold, ... 456 227. Heat of Inflamed Parts, ... . .457 228. Historical and Comparative, • 457 VII. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE METABOLIC PHENOMENA OF THE BODY. 229. General View of Food-Stuffs, . .458 230. Structure' and Secretion of the Mammary Glands, . . 461 231. Milk and its Preparations, ... . 464 232. Eggs, . 468 233. riesh and its Preparations, . ... 469 234. Vegetable Foods, . . . ... 471 235. Condiments— Tea and Alcohol, 473 PHENOMENA AND LAWS OF METABOLISM. 236. Equilibrium of the Metabolism, . 476 237. Metabolism during Hunger and Starvation, . . . 482 238. Metabolism during a purely Flesh Diet, ...... 485 239. A Diet of Fat or of Carbohydrates, . .... 486 240. Mixture of Flesh and Fat, . .... 486 241. Origin of Fat in the Body, . . 487 242. Corpulence, .... . . . 488 243. The Metabolism of the Tissues, . . 490 244. Regeneration of the Tissues, ........ 493 245. Transplantation of the Tissues, ........ 497 246. Increase in Size and Weight during Growth, ..... 497 GENERAL VIEW OF THE CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF THE ORGANISM. 247. Inorganic Constituents, . 499 248. Organic Constituents — Proteids, . . ..... 500 249. The Animal and Vegetable Proteids and their Properties, . . . 502 250. The Albuminoids, . . . 504 251. The Fats, . . . 508 252. The Carbohydrates, . 511 253. Historical Retrospect. . . ... . 514 LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 1. Human coloured blood-corpuscles, ..... 2. Malassez's apparatus for estimating the number of blood-corpuscle.s, . 4 *3. Gower's htemacytometer (Hawksley), .... 6 4. Eed blood-corpuscles showing various changes of shape, 5. Vaso-formative cells, ..... 6. White blood-corpuscles, .... 18 7. Blood-plates and their derivatives, .... 8. Hreinoglobin crystals, ...... *9. Gower's haemoglobinometer (Hawksley), .... 26 10. Scheme of a spectroscope, ...... 28 11. Various spectra of haemoglobin, ..... 29 12. Hremin crystals, ........ 34 13. Haemin crystals prepared from traces of blood, ... 34 14. Haematoidin crystals, ....... 35 15. Scheme of Pfltiger's gas-pump, ...... 53 16. Scheme of the circulation, ...... 65 17. Muscular fibres from the heart, ..... 66 18. Muscular fibres in the left auricle, ... .68 19. Muscular fibres in the ventricles, ..... 70 *20. Lymphatic from the pericardium (Cadiat\ . . . . 71 *21. Section of the endocardium (Cadiat), . . . . .71 *22. Purkinje's fibres (Ranvier), .... 73 23. Cast of the ventricles of the human heart, .... 77 24. The closed semilunar valves, ...... 78 *25. Various cardiographs (Hermann), ..... 81 25a. Curves of the apex-beat, ...... 82 26. Changes of the heart during systole, ... 83 27. Curves from a rabbit's ventricle, ..... 86 *28. Marey's registering tambour (Hermann), .... 87 29. Curves obtained with a cardiac sound, .... 88 30. Curves from the cardiac impulse, ..... 90 31. Position of the heart in the chest (Luschka and Gairdner). . . 93 31a. Bipolar nerve-cells from a frog's heart, . . . .98 *32. Scheme of a frog-manometer (Stirling), ..... 102 *32a. Perfusion cannula (Kronecker and Stirling), , 102 *33. Roy's tonometer (Stirling), ... .103 *34. Luciani's groups of cardiac pulsations (Hermann), , . , 104 *35. Curves of a frog's heart at different temperatures (Hermann), . , J05 36. Cardio-pneumograph of Landois, , , , .110 xvi ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGUKE PAGE 37. Apparatus for showing the effect of respiration, . . .113 38. Cylindrical vessel, . . . . . . .115 39. Cylindrical vessel •with manometers, ..... 116 40. Small artery with its various coats, . . . . .120 41. Capillaries injected with silver nitrate, . . . 122 *42. Longitudinal section of a vein at a valve (Cadiat), . . . 123 43. Poiseuille's pulse-measurer, ...... 128 44. Sphyguiometer of Herisson, . . . . 128 45. Scheme of Marey's sphj'gmogi-aph, . . . . .129 *46. Marey's improved sphygmograph (B. Bramwell), . . . 130 *47. Scheme of Marey's sphygmograph in working order (B. Bramwell), . 130 *48. Scheme of Marey's sphygmograph after increase of the pressure (B. Bramwell), ... 130 *49. Dudgeon's sphygmograph (Dudgeon), . . . . 131 *50. Mode of applying Dudgeon's sphygmograph (Dudgeon), . . 131 *51. Sphygmogram (Dudgeon), ...... 132 52. Scheme of Brondgeest's pansphygmograph, .... 132 53. Scheme of Landois' angiograph, . . . . .133 54. Pulse-curves of the carotid, radial, and posterior tibial arteries, . 134 55. Landois' gas-sphygraoscope, ...... 135 56. Hremautographic curve, . . . . . . .136 *57. Sphygmogram of radial artery (Dudgeon), .... 137 58. Sphygmograms of various arteries, ..... 138 59. Pulsus dicrotus, P. caprizans, P. monocrotus. . . . .140 60. Pulsus alteruans, ....... 143 61. Curves of the posterior tibial and pedal arteries, . . • 145 62. Anacrotic pulse-curves, ....... 147 63. Influence of the respiration on the Sphygmogram, . . 148 64. Curves of the radial and carotid arteries during Miiller's and Val- salva's experiments, .... 150 65. Pulsus paradoxus, ..... 150 66. Various radial cui-ves altered by pressure, .... 151 67. Apparatus for measuring the velocity of the pulse-wave in an elastic tube, ....... 153 67«. Tracing obtained from 67, .... 154 68. Pulse tracings of the radial and carotid arteries, . . 155 69. Tracings from the posterior, tibial, and carotid arteries, 156 70. Apparatus for registering the molar motions of the body, 157 71. Vibration and heart ciirves, , 158 72. Ludwig and Fick's kymographs, . . • 163 *73. Ludwig's improved revolving cylinder (Hermann), . . 164 *74. Blood-pressure tracing of the carotid of a dog (Hermann), . . 165 *75. Fick's spring kymograph by Heriug (Hermann), . . 166 *76. Depressor curve (Stirling), ...... 168 77. Blood-pressure and respiration tracings taken simultaneously, . 169 78. Blood-pressure tracing during stimulation of the vagus (Stirling), . 173 79. f Apparatus of v. Kries for estimating the capillary pressure (C. ")••,-, SO. \ Ludwig), ...... j 81. Volkmann's htemadromometer, ..... ISO 82. Ludwig and Dogiel's rheometer, .... ISO S3. Vierordt's hrcmataehometer, .... . 181 84. Dromograph, . . . . . . . .182 * ILLUSTRATIONS. XVil PAGE 85. Diapedesis, . . . ; . . . .190 86. Various forms of venous pulse, ..... 195 87. Mosso's plethysmograph, ...... 198 *88. Trabeculaa of the spleen (Cadiat), 203 *S9. Adenoid tissue of spleen (Cadiat), ..... 203 *90. Malpighian corpuscle of the spleen (Cadiat), .... 205 *91. Tracing of a splenic curve (Roy), ..... 209 *92. Thymus gland (Cadiat), ....... 212 *93. Elements of the thymus gland (Cadiat), . . . .212 *94. Thyroid gland (Cadiat), 213 *95. Supra-renal capsule (Cadiat), ...... 214 *97. Human bronchus (Hamilton), ...... 219 *98. Air-vesicles injected with silver nitrate (Hamilton), . . 221 99. Scheme of the air- vesicles of lung, ..... 222 *100. Interlobular septa of lung (Hamilton), . . . .223 101. Scheme of Hutchinson's spirometer,' ..... 228 102. Marey's stethograph (M'Kendrick), ..... 230 103. Brondgeest's tambour and curve, ..... 230 104. Pneumatogram, ....... 231 105. Section through diaphragm (Hermann), .... 236 106. Action of intercostal muscles, ...... 237 107. Cyrtometer curve, ....... 241 108. Sibson's thoracometer, ....... 242 109. Topography of the lungs and heart, ..... 243 110. Andral and Gavarret's respiration apparatus, . . . 251 111. Scharling's apparatus, . . . . . . .251 112. Regnault and Reiset's apparatus, ..... 252 113. v. Pettenkofer's apparatus, ...... 253 114. Valentin and Bruuner's apparatus, ..... 255 115. Objects found in sputum, ...... 274 116. Histology of the salivary glands, ..... 281 *117. Human sub-maxillary gland (Heidenhain), .... 282 *118 ) *119 ( Sections of a serous gland (Heidenhain), . 284 *120. Diagram of a salivary gland (L. Brunton), . . . 289 121. Apparatus for estimation of sugar, ..... 298 122. Vertical section of a tooth, ...... 300 123. Dentine, ........ 300 124. Dentine and enamel, ....... 301 125. Dentine and crusta petrosa, .'.... 302 126. ) 127. [Development of a tooth, . 302 and 303 128. ) 129. Perinaeum and its muscles, ...... 314 130. Levator ani externus and internus, ..... 315 131. Auerbach's plexus (Cadiat), ...... 317 132. Meissner's plexus (Cadiat), ... . . 317 133. Surface section of gastric mucous membrane, .... 321 134. Fundus gland of the stomach, ...... 322 135. Pyloric gland and goblet-cells, ...... 323 136. Scheme of the gastric mucous membrane, .... 324 137. Pyloric mucous membrane (Hermann), .... 326 * xviii ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE *13S. Pyloric glands during digestion (Hermann), .... 326 *139. Section of the tubes of the pancreas (Hermann), . . . 337 140. Changes of the pancreatic cells during activity, . . 338 141. Scheme of a liver lobule, . . % • • 347 *142. Human liver-cells (Cadiat), ...... 348 *143. Liver-cells during fasting (Hermann), ..... 348 144. Various appearances of the liver-cells, . 349 *145. Cholesterin (Aitken), ...... 358 *146. Lieberkuhn's gland (Hermann), . . • 369 147. Bacterium aceti and B. butyricus, ... • 373 148. Bacillus subtilis, . . . . . • .375 *149. Villi of small intestine injected (Cadiat), . . 387 150. Scheme of an intestinal villus, . . • 388 *151. Villi and Lieberkiihn's follicles (Cadiat), 389 *152. Section of a solitary follicle (Cadiat), .... 390 *153. Section of a Peyer's patch (Cadiat), ..... 391 *154. Section of Auerbach's plexus (Cadiat), .... 391 *155. Lieberkiihn's gland (Hermann), .• . . • 392 156. Endosmometer, ....... 393 157. Origin of lymphatics in the tendon of diaphragm, . . . 403 *158. Lymphatics of diaphragm silvered (Ranvier), . . . 403 159. Perivascular lymphatics, ... ... 405 160. Stomata from lymph-sac of frog, ..... 405 161. Section of two lymph-follicles, ..... 406 *162. Scheme of a lymphatic gland (Knott), .... 407 163. Part of a lymphatic gland ...... 408 *164. Section of central tendon of diaphragm (Brunton), . . . 416 *165. Section of fascia lata of a dog (Brunton), .... 416 166. Water calorimeter of Favre and Silbermann, .... 422 167. Walferdin's metastatic thermometer, ..... 427 168. Scheme of thermo-electric arrangements, .... 428 169. Kopp's apparatus for specific heat, . . . . . . 435 170. Daily variations of temperature, ..... 439 *171. Acini of the mammary gland of a sheep (Cadiat), . . . 462 172. Milk-glands during inaction and secretion, .... 462 *173. Section of a grain of wheat (Blyth), ..... 471 174. Yeast-cells growing, ....... 474 175. Composition of animal and vegetable foods, .... 479 176. Starch grains (Blyth), . . . . . 512 [The illustrations indicated by the word Hermann, are from Hermann's Handbuch der Physiologie; by Cadiat, from Cadiat's Traite d'Anatomie Gen&rale; by Ranvier, from Ranvier's Traite Technique d 'Histologie ; by Brunton, from The. Practitioner; and by Hamilton, from, Hamilton's Pathology of Bronchitis.] Introduction, The Scope of Physiology and its Eelations to other Branches of Natural Science, PHYSIOLOGY is the science of the vital phenomena of organisms, or broadly, it is the Doctrine of Life. Correspondingly to the divisions of organisms, we distinguish — (1) Animal Physiology; (2) Vegetable Physiology ; and (3) the Physiology of the Lowest Living Organisms, which stand on the border line of animals and plants — ie., the so-called Protistce of Hseckel, micro-organisms, and those elementary organisms or cells which exist on the same level. The object of Physiology is to establish these phenomena, to deter- mine their regularity and causes, and to refer them to the general fundamental laws of Natural Science, viz., the Laws of Physics and of Chemistry. The following Scheme shows the relation of Physiology to the allied branches of Natural Science :— Biology. The science of organised beings or organisms (animals, plants, protistae, and elementary organisms). I. Morphology. The doctrine of the form of organisms. General Morphology. The doctrine of the formed elemen- tary constituents of organisms. (Histology)— (a) Histology of Plants, (6) Histology of Animals. Special Morphology. The doctrine of the parts and organs of organ- isms. (Organology Anatomy)— (a) Phytotomy, (6) Zootomy. II. Physiology- The doctrine of the vital pheno- mena of organisms. General Physiology. The doctrine of vital phenomena in general — (a) Of Plants, (6) Of Animals. Special Physiology. The doctrine of the activities of the individual organs — (a) Of Plants, (6) Of Animals. XX INTRODUCTION. Morphological part of the doctrine of develop- ment, i.e., the doctrine of form in its stages of development — (a) Genera], (b) Special. Physiological part of the doctrine of develop- ment, i.e., the doctrine of the activity during development — (a) General, (b) Special. III. Embryology. The doctrine of the generation and development of organisms. ML History of the develop- ment of single beings, of the individual (.e.g. , of man) from the ovum onwards (Ontogeny) : (a) In Plants, (b) In Animals. 2. History of the develop- ment of a whole stock of organisms from the lowest forms of the series upwards Phy- logeny)— (a) In Plants, (b) In Animals. v_ -- Morphology and Physiology are of equal rank in biological science, and a previous acquaintance with Morphology is assumed as a basis for the comprehension of Physiology, since the work of an organ can only be properly understood when its external form and its internal arrangements are known. Development occupies a middle place between Morphology and Physiology; it is a morphological discipline in so far as it is concerned with the description of the parts of the developing organism ; it is a physiological doctrine in so far as it studies the activities and vital phenomena during the course of development. Matter, The entire visible world, including all organisms, consists of matter, i.e., of substance which occupies space. We distinguish ponderable matter which has weight, and imponderable matter which cannot be weighed in a balance. The latter is generally termed ether. In ponderable materials, again, we distinguish their form, i.e., the nature of their limiting surfaces ; further, their volume, i.e., the amount of space which they occupy; and lastly, their aggregate condition, i.e., whether they are solid, fluid, or gaseous bodies. Ether. — The ether fills the space of the universe, certainly as far as the most distant visible stars. This ether, notwithstanding its imponderability, possesses distinct mechanical properties ; it is infinitely more attenuated than any known kind of gas, and behaves more like INTRODUCTION. XXI a solid body than a gas, resembling a gelatinous mass rather than the air. It participates in the luminous phenomena due to the vibrations of the atoms of the fixed stars, and hence it is the transmitter of light, which is conducted by means of its vibrations, with inconceivable rapidity (42,220 geographical miles per sec.) to our visual organs (Tyndall). Imponderable matter (ether) and ponderable matter are not separated sharply from each other; rather does the ether penetrate into all the spaces existing between the smallest particles of ponderable matter. Particles. — Supposing that ponderable matter were to be sub- divided continuously into smaller and smaller portions, until we reached the last stage of division in which it is possible to recognise the aggregate, condition of the matter operated upon, we should call the finely-divided portions of matter in this state particles. Particles of iron would still be recognised as solid, particles of water as fluid, particles of oxygen as gaseous. Molecules. — Supposing, however, the process of division of the particles to be carried further still, we should at last reach a limit beyond which, neither by mechanical nor by physical means, could any further division be effected. We should have arrived at the molecules. A molecule, therefore, is the smallest amount of matter which can still exist in a free condition, and which as a unit no longer exhibits the aggregate condition. Atoms. — But even molecules are not the final units of matter, since every molecule consists of a group of smaller units, called atoms. An atom cannot exist by itself in a free condition, but the atoms unite with other similar or dissimilar atoms to form groups, which are called molecules. Atoms are incapable of further sub-division, hence their name. We assume that the atoms are invariably of the same size, and that they are solid. From a chemical point of view, the atom of an elementary body (element) is the smallest amount of the element which can enter into a chemical combination. Just as ponderable matter consists in its ultimate parts of ponderable atoms, so does the ether consist of analogous small ether-atoms. Ponderable and Imponderable Atoms. — The ponderable atoms within ponderable matter are arranged in a definite relation to the ether- atoms. The ponderable atoms mutually attract each other, and similarly, they attract the imponderable ether-atoms; but the ether- atoms repel each other. Hence, in ponderable masses, ether-atoms surround every ponderable atom. These masses, in virtue of the attraction of the ponderable atoms, tend to come together, but only XX11 INTRODUCTION. to the extent permitted by the surrounding ether-atoms. Thus, the ponderable atoms can never come so close as not to leave interspaces. All matter must, therefore, be regarded as more or less loose and open in texture, a condition due to the interpenetrating ether-atoms, which resist the direct contact of the ponderable atoms. Aggregate Condition of Atoms. — The relative arrangement of the molecules, i.e., the smallest particles of matter, which can be isolated in a free condition, determines the aggregate condition of the body. Within a solid body, characterised by the permanence of its volume, as well as by the independence of its form, the molecules are so arranged that they cannot readily be displaced from their relative positions. Fluid bodies, although their volume is permanent, readily change their shape, and their molecules are in a condition of continual movement. When this movement of the molecules takes so wide a range that the individual molecules fly apart, the body becomes gaseous, and as such, is characterised by the instability of its form as well as by the changeableness of its volume. Physics is the study of these molecules and their motions. Forces. 1. Gravitation — Work done. All phenomena appertain to matter. These phenomena are the appreciable expression of the forces inherent in matter. The forces themselves are not appreciable, they are the causes of the phenomena. 1 . Gravitation. — The law of gravitation postulates that every particle of ponderable matter in the universe, attracts every other particle with a certain force. This force is inversely as the square of the distance. Further, the attractive force is directly proportional to the amount of the attracting matter, without any reference to the quality of the body. We may estimate the intensity of gravitation, by the extent of the movement which it communicates to a body allowed to fall, for one second, through a given distance, in a space free from air. Such a body will fall in vacuo 9 '809 metres per second. This fact has been arrived at experimentally. Let us represent g = 9 '809 metres, the final velocity of the freely falling body at the end of one second. The velocity, V, of the freely falling body is proportional to the time, t, so that V = 9t (1); .INTRODUCTION. xxill i.e., at the end of the 1st sec., V = g, 1 = g = 9'809M — the distance traversed — s = f«2 (2); i.e., the distances are as the square of the times. Hence, from (1) and (2) it follows (by eliminating t) that — V= V2<7« ......... (3). The velocities are as the square roots of the distances traversed — V2 Therefore, ~~= s ........... (4). The freely falling body, and in fact every freely moving body, possesses kinetic energy, and is in a certain sense a magazine of energy. The kinetic energy of any moving body is always equal to the product of its weight (estimated by the balance), and the height to which it would rise from the earth, if it were thrown from the earth with its own velocity. Let W represent the kinetic energy of the moving body, and P its weight, then W = P. s, so that from (4) it follows that — Hence, the kinetic energy of a body is proportional to the square of its velocity. Work. — If a force (pressure, strain, tension) be so applied to a body as to move it, a certain amount of work is performed. The amount of work is equal to the product of the amount of the pressure or strain which moves the body, and of the distance through which it is moved. Let K represent the force acting on the body, and S the distance, then the work W = K S. The attraction between the earth and any body raised above it is a source of work. It is usual to express the value of K in kilogrammes, and S in metres, so that the " unit of work" is the kilogramme-metre, i.e., the force which is required to raise 1 kilo, to the height of 1 metre. 2. Potential Energy. — The transformation of Potential into Kinetic energy, and conversely : Besides kinetic energy, there is also " potential energy," or energy of position. By this term are meant various forms of energy, which are suspended in their action, and which, although they may cause motion, are not in themselves motion. A coiled watch- spring kept in this position, a stone resting upon a tower, are instances of bodies possessing potential energy, or the energy of position. It requires merely a push to develop kinetic from the potential energy, or to transform potential into kinetic energy. XXIV INTRODUCTION. Work, w, was performed in raising the stone to rest upon the tower. iu=.p, s, where p = ihe weight and ,s = the height, p = m . g, is = the product of the mass (m), and the force of gravity ( on the stem of the pipette, or until the mark, 1, is reached. The carefully-cleaned point of the pipette is dipped into the artificial serum, and this is sucked into the pipette until it reaches the mark, 101. The artificial serum consists of 1 vol. of solution of gum arabic (S. G. 1,020) and 3 vols. of a solution of equal parts of sodic sulphate and sodic chloride (S. G. 1,020). The process of mixing the two fluids is aided by the presence of a little glass ball (a) in the bulb of the pipette. If blood is sucked up to the mark, |, the strength of the mixture is 1:200; if to the mark, 1, it is 1:100. A small drop of the mixture is allowed to run into the artificial capillary tube (c c) (the first portions are not used in order to obtain a uniform sample from the bulb of the pipette). The mixture passes by capillarity into the capillary tube, which, when full, is emptied by blowing through the thin caoutchouc tube, /", and then again rilled to §, and the mixture sucked into the middle of the capillary tube. The capillary tube is firmly fixed to a glass slide (B) with Canada balsam, and on it is inscribed the following numbers :— » Length. Volume. 600 yu . 89 500 M . . . . 107 400 M . . . . 134 i.e., a length of the capillary tube of GOO, 500, and 400 M contains -£a) 1|r, -5-^, cubic millimetre. In order to count the corpuscles, the same combination of lenses must always be used. Select Hartnack's objective, No. 5 (Nachet, No. 2) ; the ocular contains a piece of glass divided into 100 squares. The tube of the microscope must be so made that it can be pulled out and in. A micrometer, divided into -^fa milli- metre, is placed upon the stage of the microscope : 1 division, therefore, — 10 M (p = i-,^ millimetre). The tube is now pulled out until the outer lines of the divided ocular (tt, ii) exactly cover 600, 500, or 400 ;*. (500 M = k mm- i3 most convenient). A mark is made on the tube of the microscope to indicate how far it must be drawn out to accomplish this object, and, having been made, it indicates, once for all, how far the tube must be drawn out to indicate exactly 500 M. The capillary tube is then filled and placed on the stage, instead of the micrometer, when a picture like C is obtained. The length of the capillary tube, from tt to i i, is 500 ju. All the corpuscles observable between t t and i i are now counted. Suppose 315 corpuscles to be counted between 1 1 and i i, the number, 315, is then multiplied by 107 (which stands opposite 500 on B) and also by 100 (when the mixture of blood and serum was 1 : 100), or by 200 as the case may be— i.e., NUMBER OF BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 315 x 107 x 100 = 3,370,000 blood-corpuscles in 1 cubic millimetre. (After the experiment the instruments must be carefully washed with distilled water. ) To estimate the colourless corpuscles only, mix the blood with 10 parts of 0'5 per cent, solution of acetic acid, which destroys all the red corpuscles (Thoma). Various forms of apparatus for the same purpose have been devised by Thoma, Zeiss, Abbe", and Gowers. [The following is a description of Gowers' instrument (Fig. 3): — "The Hcemacytometer consists of — (1.) A small pipette, which, when filled to the mark on its stem, holds exactly 995 cubic millimetres. It is furnished with an India-rubber tube and mouthpiece to facilitate filling and emptying. (2.) A capillary tube marked to contain exactly 5 cubic millimetres, with India-rubber tube for filling, &c. (3.) A small glass jar in which the dilution is made. (4.) A glass stirrer for mixing the blood and solution in the glass jar. (5.) A brass stage plate, carrying a glass slip, on which is a cell, -J- of a millimetre deep. The bottom of this is divided into -^ millimetre squares. Upon the top of the cell rests the cover glass, which is kept in its place by the pressure of two springs proceeding from the ends of the stage plate. " The diluting solution used is a solution of sodic sulphate in distilled water, S. G. 1,025, or the following — sodic sulphate, 104 grains; acetic acid, 1 drachm; distilled water, 4 ozs. Fig. 3. Gowers' apparatus, made by Hawksley, London. A, Pipette for measuring the diluting solution. B, Capillary tube for measuring the blood. C, Cell with divisions on the floor, mounted on a slide, to which springs are fixed to secure the cover glass. I). Vessel in which the solution is made. E, Spud for mixing the blood and solution. F, Guarded spear-pointed needle. " 995 cubic millimetres of the solution are placed in the mixing jar; 5 cubic millimetres of blood are drawn into the capillary tube from a puncture in the HISTOLOGY OP THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 7 finger, and then blown into the solution. The two fluids are well mixed by rotating the stirrer between the thumb and finger, and a small drop of this dilution is placed in the centre of the cell, the covering glass gently put upon the cell, and secured by the two springs, and the plate placed upon the stage of the microscope. The lens is then focussed for the squares. lu a few minutes the corpuscles have sunk to the bottom of the cell, and are seen at rest on the squares. The number in ten squares is then counted, and this, multiplied by 10,000, gives the number in a cubic millimetre of blood. " Welcker attempted to ascertain the number of corpuscles by estimating the colouring-power of the blood. His method was not exact, but other observers have constructed apparatus for determining the amount of haemoglobin. («.) Ked blood-corpuscles are characterised by their great ELASTICITY, FLEXIBILITY, and SOFTNESS. [The elastic property is shown by the great extent to which red corpuscles still within the circulation may be distorted, and yet resume their original form as soon as the pressure is removed.] 3. Histology of the Human Red Blood-Corpuscles. Wheu observed singly, blood-corpuscles have a yellow colour with a slight tinge of green ; they seem to be devoid of an envelope, are certainly non-nucleated, and appear to be homogeneous throughout. Each corpuscle consists (1.) of a framework, an exceedingly pale, trans- parent, soft protoplasm — the stroma (Kollett) ; and (2.) of the red pigment, or haemoglobin, which impregnates the stroma, much as fluid passes into and is retained in the interstices of a bath-sponge. Some observers (Bottcher, Eberhardt, Strieker), maintain that the corpuscles contain a nucleus, but this is certainly a mistake. 4. Effects of Reagents. (A.) Vital Phenomena. — Blood-corpuscles contained in shed blood— or even in defibriiiated blood, when it is reintroduced into the circula- tion— retain their vitality and functions undiminished. Heat acts powerfully on their vitality, for if blood be heated to 52°C., the vitality of the red corpuscles is extinguished. Mammalian blood may be kept for four or live days in a vessel under iced water, and still retain its functions ; but if it be kept longer, and reintroduced into the circulation, the corpuscles rapidly break up — a proof that they have lost their vitality (Laudois). Blood freshly shed from an artery, frequently shows a transformation of the corpuscles into a peculiar mulberry-shape. [This is the so-called crenation of the coloured cor- puscles. It is produced by poisoning with Calabar bean (T. E. Fraser), and also by the addition of a 2 per cent, solution of common salt]. The HISTOLOGY OF THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. blood of many persons crenates spontaneously — a condition ascribed to an active contraction of the stroma (Klebs), but it is doubtful if this is the cause. Max Schultze observed that the red corpuscles of the embryo-chick undergo active contraction. (B.) External Characters. — Many agents affect the external char- acters of the corpuscles. (a.) The Colour is changed by many gases. 0 makes blood scarlet, want of 0 renders it dark bluish-red, CO makes it cherry-red, NO violet-red. There is no difference between the shape of corpuscles in arterial and venous blood, as was supposed by Harless. All reagents (e.g., a concentrated solution of sodic sulphate), which cause great shrinking of the coloured corpuscles, produce a very bright scarlet or brick-red colour (Bartholinus, 1661). The red colour so produced is quite different from the scarlet-red of arterial blood. Keagents which render blood-corpuscles globular darken the blood, e.g., water. [The contrast is very striking, if we compare blood to which a 10 per cent, solution of common salt has been added with blood to which water has been added. With reflected light the one is bright-red, and the other a very dark deep crimson, almost black.] (b.) Change of Position and Form. — A very common phenomenon in shed blood is the tendency of the corpuscles to run into rouleaux (Fig. 1, A, 3). Conditions that increase the coagulability of the blood favour this phenomenon, which is ascribed by Dogiel to the attraction of the discs and the formation of a sticky substance. [The cause of the arrangement of the red corpuscles into rouleaux is by no means clear. They may be detached from each other by gently touching the cover-glass, but the rouleaux may reform. Lister suggested that the surfaces of the corpuscles were so altered that they became adhesive, and thus cohered. Norris has made some ingenious experiments with corks weighted with tacks or pins, so as to produce partial submersion of the cork discs. These discs rapidly cohere, owing to capillarity, and form rouleaux. If the discs be com- pletely submerged they remain apart, as occurs with unaltered blood-corpuscles within the blood-vessels. If, however, the corpuscles be dipped in petroleum, and then placed in water, rouleaux are formed]. If reagents which cause the corpuscles to swell up be added to the blood, the corpuscles become globular and the rouleaux break up. According to E. Weber and Suchard, the uniting medium is not fibrin (although it may sometimes assume a fibrous form), but belongs to the peripheral layer of the corpuscles. (c.) The Changes of Form which, after blood is shed, the red corpuscles undergo until they are gradually dissolved, are important. Some reagents rapidly produce this series of events — e.g., the discharge of a Leyden jar causes the corpuscles to crenate, so that their surfaces are beset with large or small projections (Fig. 4, c, d, e, g, h); it also causes the corpuscles to assume a spherical form (/,*), when they are smaller than normal. The corpuscles so altered are sticky, and run together like drops of oil, CHANGES IN THE FORM OF THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 9 forming larger spheres. The prolonged action of the electrical spark causes the haemoglobin to separate from the stroma (&), whereby the fluid part of the blood is reddened, while the stroma is recognisable only as a faint shadow (/). Similar forms are to be found in decom- posing blood, as well as after the action of many other reagents. Fig. 4. Red blood-corpuscles, showing various changes of shape — a, b, normal human red corpuscles, with the central depression more or less in focus; c, d, e, mulberry forms; g, h, crenated corpuscles; Tc, pale decolourised corpuscles; I, stroma; /, a frog's blood-corpuscle, partly shrivelled, owing to the action of a strong saline solution. Action of Heat. — When blood is heated, on a warm stage, to 52°C. the corpuscles begin to undergo remarkable changes. Some of them become spherical, others biscuit-shaped ; some are perforated, while in others small portions become detached and swim about in the surround- ing fluid, a proof that heat destroys the histological individuality of the corpuscles (Max Schultze). If the heat be continued, the corpuscles are ultimately dissolved. Cytozoon or Wurmchen— Gaule's Experiment.— The following remarkable observation made by Gaule deserves mention here : — A few drops of freshly- shed frog's blood are mixed with 5 cc. of 0'6 per cent, solution of common salt, and the mixture deh'brinated by shaking it along with a few cc. of mercury. A drop of the defibrinated blood is examined on a hot stage (30°-32°C.) under a microscope, when a protoplasmic mass, the so-called "wiirmcJien," escapes with a lively movement from many corpuscles, and ultimately dissolves. Similar "cytozoa" were discovered by Gaule in the epithelium of the cornea, of the stomach and intestine, in connective tissue, in most of the large glands, and in the retina (frog, triton). In mammals also he found similar but smaller structures. Most probably these structures are parasitic in their nature, as suggested by R,ay Lankester, who called the parasite Drepanidium ranartim. If a finger moistened with blood be rapidly drawn across a warm slip of glass, so that the fluid dries rapidly, very remarkable corpuscle- shapes, showing their great ductility and softness, are observed under the microscope. 10 LAKE-COLOURED BLOOD. If blood be mixed with concentrated gum, and if concentrated salt solution be added to it under the microscope, the corpuscles assume elongated forms (Lindwurm). (Similar forms are obtained by mixing blood with an equal volume of gelatine at 3G°C., allowing it to cool, and then making sections of the coagulated mass (Rollett). The corpuscles may be broken up by pressing firmly on the cover-glass. In all these experiments no trace of an envelope is observed. 5. Preparation of the Stroma— Making Blood "Lake-Coloured." There are many reagents which separate the haemoglobin from the stroma. The hemoglobin dissolves in the serum ; the blood then becomes transparent, as it contains its colouring matter in solution, and hence it is called " lake-coloured " by Rollett. Lake-coloured blood is dark-red. The aggregate condition of the hsemoglobin is not altered, when the corpuscles are dissolved — it only changes its place, leaving the stroma and passing into the serum. Hence, the temperature of the blood is not lowered thereby (Landois). To obtain a large quantity of the stroma, add ten volumes of a solution of common salt (1 vol. concentrated solution, and 15 to 20 vols. of water) to one volume of defibriuated blood, when the stromata are thrown down as a whitish precipitate. The following reagents cause a separation of the stroma from the haemo- globin : — (a.) Physical Agents. — 1. Heating the blood to 60°C. (Schultze); the tempera- ture, however, varies for the blood of different animals. 2. Eepeated freezing and thawing of the blood (Rollett). 3. Sparks from an electrical machine (but not after the addition of salts to the blood) (Eollett); the constant and induced currents (Neumann). (b.) Chemically active Substances produced within the Body.— 4. Bile (Hiinefeld), or bile salts (Plattner, v. Dusch). 5. Serum of other species of animals (Landois); thus dog's serum and frog's serum dissolve the blood-corpuscles of the rabbit in a few minutes. 6. The addition of lake-coloured blood of many species of animals (Landois). (c.) Other Chemical Reagents. — 7. Water. 8. Conduction of vapour of chloroform (Bottcher); ether (v. Wittich); amyls, small quantities of alcohol (Rollett); thymol (Marchand); nitrobenzol, ethylic ether, aceton, petroleum ether, etc. (L. Lewin). 9. Antimonuretted hydrogen, arseuiuretted hydrogen ; carbon disulphide (Hiiuefeld, Hermann); boracic acid (2 per cent.), added to amphi- bian blood, causes the red mass (which also encloses the nucleus when such is pre- sent), the so-called zoold, to separate from the axoid. The zooid may shrink from the periphery of the corpuscle, or it may even pass out of the corpuscle altogether (Briicke) ; Briicke regards the stroma in a certain sense as a house, in which the remainder of the substance of the corpuscle, the chief part endowed with vital phenomena, lives. 11. Strong solutions of adds dissolve the corpuscles; more dilute solutions cause precipitates in the haemoglobin. This is easily seen with carbolic acid (Hiils and Landois; Stirling and Rannie). 12. Alkalies of moderate strength cause sudden solution. A 10 per cent, solution of potash, placed at the margin of a cover-glass, shows the process of solution going on under the micro- FORM AND SIZE OF THE BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 11 scope. At first the corpuscles become globular, and so appear smaller, but after- wards they burst like soap-bubbles. [Tannic Acid. — A freshly prepared solution of tannic acid has a remarkable effect on the coloured blood-corpuscles of man and animals — causing a separa- tion of the haemoglobin and the stroma. The usual effect is to produce one or more granular buds of haemoglobin on the side of the corpuscles ; more rarely the haemoglobin collects around the nucleus, if such be present (W. Roberts).] [Ammonium or Potassium Sulpho-Cyanide removes the haemoglobin, and reveals areticular structure — infra-nuclear plexus of fibrils (Stirling and Rannie).] The quantity of gases contained in the blood-corpuscles exercises an important influence on their solubility. The corpuscles of venous blood, which contains much C02, are more easily dissolved than those of arterial blood; while between both stands blood containing CO (Laudois, Litterski). When the gases are completely removed from the blood, it becomes lake-coloured. 6. Form and Size of the Blood- Corpuscles of Different Animals. All mammals (with the exception of the camel, llama, alpaca, and their allies), and the cyclostomata amongst fishes — e.g., Petromyzon, possess circular disc-shaped corpuscles. Elliptical corpuscles without a nucleus are found in the above-named mammals, while all birds, reptiles, amphibians (Fig. 1, B, 1, 2), and fishes (except cyclostomata) have nucleated elliptical bi-convex corpuscles. Size (n - O'OOl Millimetre) Of the Disc-shaped Corpuscles. Of the Elliptical Corpuscles. Short Diameter. Long Diameter. Elephant, . 0'0094 Mm. Man, . .0-0077, Dog, . . 0-0073 , Rabbit, . 0'0069 , Cat, . . . 0-0065 , Sheep, . . 0-0050 , Goat, . . 0-0041 , Musk-deer, 0-0025 , Llama, 0 '0040 Mm. Dove, 0-0065 ,, Frog, 0-0157 „ Triton, 0'0195 „ Proteus, 0-035 ,, The corpuscles of An third larger than those of 0-0080 Mm. 0-0147 „ 0-0223 ,, 0-0293 „ 0-058 ,, .pliiuma are nearly one- Proteus (Riddel). Amongst vertebrates, amphioxus has colourless blood — invertebrates generally have colourless blood, with colourless corpuscles ; but the earth-worm, and the larva of the large gnats, &c. , have red blood whose plasma contains haemoglobin, while the blood-corpuscles themselves are colourless. [Elaborate measurements of the blood-corpuscles have been made in 12 ORIGIN OF THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. this country by Gulliver, but the relative size may be best appreciated by comparing the corpuscles from various vertebrates.] Many invertebrates possess red, violet, brown, or green opalescent blood with colourless corpuscles (amoeboid cells). In cephalopods, and some crabs, the blood is blue, owing to the presence of a colouring-matter (Hcemo-cyanln) which, con- tains copper, and combines with O (Bert, Kabuteau & Papillon, Fre"dericq, and Krukeuberg). The large blood-corpuscles of many amphibia, e.g., amphiuma, are visible to the naked eye. The blood-corpuscles of the frog contain, in addition to a nucleus, a micleolus (Auerbach, Ranvier), [and the same is true of the coloured corpuscles of the newt (Stirling). The nucleolus is revealed by acting on the corpuscles with dilute alcohol (1, alcohol; 2, water; Ranvier's "a!cool au tiers").'} It is evident that the larger the blood-corpuscles are, the smaller must be the number and total superficies of corpuscles in a given volume of blood. In birds, how- ever, the number is relatively larger than in other classes of vertebrates, notwith- standing the larger size of their corpuscles ; this, doubtless, has a relation to the very energetic metabolism that takes place in birds (Malassez). Amongst mammals, caruivora have more blood-corpuscles than herbivora. Welcker has ascertained that goat's blood contains 9,720,000 corpuscles per cubic millimetre; the llama's, 13,000,000; the bullfinch's, 3,600,000; the lizard's, 1,420,000; the frog's, 404,000; the proteus', 36,000. In liybernatinrj animals, Vierordt found that the number of corpuscles diminished from 7,000,000 to 2,000,000 per cubic millimetre during hybernation. 7. Origin of the Red Blood-Corpuscles. (A.) Origin of the Nucleated Red Corpuscles during Embryonic Life. — Blood-corpuscles are developed in the fowl during the first days of embryonic life. [They appear in groups within the large branched cells of the mesoblast, in the vascular area of the blastoderm outside the developing body of the chick or embyro, where they form the " Hood-islands " of Pander. The mother-cells form an irregular net- work by the union of the processes of adjoining cells, and meantime the central masses split up, and the nuclei multiply. The small nucleated masses of protoplasm, which represent the blood-corpuscles, acquire a reddish hue, while the surrounding protoplasm, and also that of the processes, becomes vacuolated or hollowed out, constituting a branching system of canals ; the outer part of the cells remaining with their nuclei to form the walls of the future blood-vessels. A fluid appears within this system of branched canals in which the corpuscles lie, and gradually a communication is established with the blood- vessels developed in connection with the heart.] [According to Klein, the nuclei of the protoplasmic wall may also proliferate, and give rise to new corpuscles, which are washed away to form blood-corpuscles.] At first the corpuscles are devoid of pigment, nucleated, globular, larger and more irregular than the permanent corpuscles, and they also exhibit amoeboid movements. They become ORIGIN OF THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 13 coloured, retain their nucleus, and are capable of undergoing multipli- cation by division ; and, in fact, Remak observed all the stages of the process of division. The process of division is best seen from the 3rd — 5th day of incubation. Increase by division also takes place in the larvre of the salamander, triton, and toad (Flemming, Peremeschko). After the liver is developed, blood-corpuscles seem to be formed in it (E. H. Weber, Kolliker). Protoplasmic, nucleated, colourless cells are carried by the vena porta from the spleen into the liver, where they take up pigment. Neumann found in the liver of the embryo proto- plasmic cells containing red blood-corpuscles. The spleen is also regarded as a centre of their formation, but this seems to be the case only during embryonic life (Neumann). Here the red corpuscles are said to arise from yellow, round, nucleated cells, which represent transition forms. Foa and Salvioli found red corpuscles forming endogenously within large protoplasmic cells in lymphatic glands. In the later period of embryonic life, the characteristic non-nucleated corpuscles seem to be developed from the nucleated corpuscles. The nucleus becomes smaller and smaller, breaks up, and gradually dis- appears. In the human embryo at the fourth week only nucleated corpuscles are found ; at the third month their number is still }-|- of the total corpuscles, while at the end of fetal life nucleated blood- corpuscles are very rarely found. Of course, in animals with nucleated blood-corpuscles, the nucleus of the embryonic blood-corpuscles remains. (B.) Development of Blood-Vessels, Formation of Blood- Vessels and Blood-Corpuscles during Post-embryonic Life. — Kolliker assumed that, in the tail of the tadpole, capillaries are formed by the anasto- moses of the processes of branched and radiating connective tissue- corpuscles. These corpuscles lose their nuclei and protoplasm, become hollowed out, join with neighbouring capillaries, and thus form new blood-channels. Von Golubew, on the other hand, opposes this view. He assumes that the blood capillaries in the tail of the tadpole give off solid buds at different places, which grow more and more into the surrounding tissues, and anastomose with each other ; their protoplasm and contents disappearing, they become hollow and a branched system of capillaries is formed in the tissues. Eanvier, be it remarked, noticed the same mode of growth in the omentum of newly-born kittens. The latter observer has recently studied the development of blood- vessels and blood-corpuscles in the omentum of young rabbits. These animals, when a week old, have, in their omentum, little white or milk spots (" taches laiteiises," Ranvier), in which lie " vaso-formative " cells, i.e., highly refractive cells of variable shape, with long cylindrical protoplasmic processes (Fig. 5). In its refractive power the protoplasm 14 ORIGIN OF THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. of these cells resembles that of lymph-corpuscles. Long rod-like nuclei lie within these cells (K, K), and also red blood - corpuscles (r, r), and both are sur- rounded with proto- plasm. These vaso- formative cells give off points (a, a), Fig. 5. protoplasmic and processes some of which end free, while others form a network. Here and Formation of red blood-corpuscles within "vaso- formative cells," from the omentum of a rabbit there elongated COn- seven days old. r, r, the formed corpuscles. K, K, nective tissue-corpus- nucleiof the vaso-formative cell, a, a, processes cles lie Oil the branches, which ultimately unite to form capillaries. &nd ultimately form the adventitia of the blood-vessel. The vaso-formative cells have many forms : they may be elongated cylinders ending in points, or more round and oval, resembling lymph cells, or they may be modified connective tissue-corpuscles, as observed by Schafer in the subcutaneous tissue of young rats. These cells are always the scat of origin of non-nucleated red blood-corpuscles, which arise in the protoplasm of vaso-formative cells, as chlorophyll grains or starch granules arise within the cells of plants. The corpuscles escape and are washed into the circulation, when the cells form connections with the circulatory system by means of their pro- cesses. It is probable that the vessels so formed in the omentum are only temporary. May it not be that there are many other situations in the body where blood is regenerated 1 [The observations of Schafer also prove the infra-cellular origin of red blood-corpuscles, and although this mode usually ceases before birth, still it is found in the rat at birth. The protoplasm of the subcutaneous connective tissue-corpuscles, which are derived from the mesoblast, has in it small coloured globules about the size of a coloured corpuscle. The mother-cells elongate, become pointed at their ends, and unite with processes from adjoining cells. The cells become vacuolated ; fluid or plasma, in which the liberated corpuscles float, appears in their interior, and ultimately a communication is established with the general circulation.] Similar observations have been made by Neumann in the embryonic liver ; by Wissotzky in the rabbit's amnion ; by Klein in the embryo chick ; and by Leboucq and Hayem in various animals ; all of which go to show that at a certain early ORIGIN OF THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 15 period of development blood-corpuscles are formed within other large cells of the mesoblast, and that part of the protoplasm of these blood-forming cells remains to form the wall of the future blood-vessel. (C.) Later Formation of Red Blood-Corpuscles. — There is much diversity of opinion as to how coloured blood-corpuscles are formed in mammals at a later period. [They have been described as derived from colourless corpuscles, one set of observers (including Kolliker) main- taining that the nucleus of these corpuscles disappears, while the peri-nuclear portion remains, becomes flattened and coloured, and assumes the characters of the mammalian blood-corpuscles. On the other hand, other observers (including Wharton Jones, Gulliver, Busk, Huxley, and Balfour) are of opinion that the nucleus becomes pigmented, and forms the future blood-corpuscle. It is still doubtful, however, whether coloured corpuscles are developed in either of these ways.] Neumann and Bizzozero described peculiar corpuscles occurring in the red marrow of bone, which they maintain become developed into coloured blood-corpuscles, undergoing a series of changes, and forming a series of intermediate forms, which may be detected in the red marrow. Bizzozero holds that it is the nucleus of the marrow-cell which is coloured, while Neumann thinks it is the perinuclear part which becomes coloured, and forms the blood-corpuscle. Schafer's observations on the red marrow of the guinea-pig rather tend to con- firm Neumann's view. These transition cells are said by Erb to be more numerous after severe haemorrhage, the number of them occurring in the blood corresponding with the energy of the formative process. In dogs and guinea-pigs which he had rendered an?emic, Bizzozero found in the marrow and spleen nucleated red blood-corpuscles, which increased by division. According to Neumann, the bone-matron11 of adults contains all transi- tion forms, from nucleated coloured corpuscles to true red blood- corpuscles. After copious haemorrhage, these transition forms appear in numbers in the blood-stream. Red or blood-forming marrow occurs in the bones of the skull, and in most of the bones of the trunk, while the bones of the extremities either contain yellow marrow (which is essentially fatty in its nature), or, at most, it is only the heads of the long bones that contain red marrow. Where the blood regeneration process is very active, however, the yellow marrow may be changed into red, even through- out all the bones of the extremities (Neumann). Rindfleisch also regards the connective substance of the red marrow and the spleen as the mother-tissue of the red. blood-corpuscles, the connective substance or the hfematogenous connective tissue either temporarily or permanently forming red blood-corpuscles. Once the red corpuscles are formed, they easily enter the blood-stream, as the capillaries and veins of the red marrow have either no walls 16 DECAY OF THE RED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. (Hoyer, Kollmann), or exceedingly thin perforated walls. Similar conditions obtain, in the spleen. Bizzozero and Torre found that after severe haemorrhage in birds, the marroio of the bones contained globular, granular, nucleated cells, whose protoplasm was coloured with haemoglobin, while between these and the oval biconvex nucleated corpuscles of the bird, there were numerous transition stages. The spleen of the bird seems to be of much less importance in the formation of blood-corpuscles (Korn). All these observations prove that the red marrow of the bones is a great manufactory for coloured blood-corpuscles. v. R-eckliughausen observed the direct transformation of these intermediate forms into blood-corpuscles in frog's blood, which was kept for several days in a moist chamber. A. Schmidt and Semmer found large lymph cells in the blood, filled with granules of ha?mogoblin, and they regard these as intermediate forms between colourless and coloured corpuscles. [Malassez, from an investigation of the red marrow of young kids, finds that the cells of the red marrow and certain cells in the spleen form rounded coloured projections or buds on their surface. These get detached and form young blood-corpuscles, which soon become disc-shaped; while the mother-cell itself continues to produce other coloured corpuscles. Thus gemmation of the splenic and medullary cells constitutes one great process in the manufacture of blood-corpuscles. Hence it is apparent why diseases of bone in children lead to ansemia, and soon bring about a cachectic condition.] 8. Decay of the Red Blood-Corpuscles. The blood-corpuscles must positively undergo decay within a limited time, and the liver is regarded as one of the chief places in which their disintegration occurs, because bile-pigments are formed from haemoglobin, and the blood of the hepatic vein contains fewer red corpuscles than the blood of the portal vein. The splenic pulp contains cells which seem to indicate that coloured corpuscles are broken up within it. These are the so-called "blood- corpuscle-containing cells." Quincke's observations go to show that the red corpuscles — which may live from three to four weeks — when about to disintegrate, are taken up by white blood-corpuscles, and by the cells of the spleen and the bone-marrow, and are stored up chiefly in the spleen and marrow of bone. They are transformed, partly into coloured, and partly into colourless proteids which contain iron, and are either deposited in a granular form, or are dissolved. Part of the products of decomposition is used for the formation of new blood- corpuscles in the marrow and in the spleen, and also perhaps in the liver, while a portion of the iron is excreted by the liver in the bile. That the normal red blood-corpuscles and other particles suspended in the blood- stream are not taken up in this way, may be due to their being smooth and polished. THE COLOURLESS BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 17 As the corpuscles grow older and become more rigid, they, as it were, are caught by the amoeboid cells. As cells containing blood-corpuscles are very rarely found in the general circulation, one may assume that the occurrence of these cells within the spleen, liver, and marrow of bone is favoured by the slowness of the circulation in these organs (Quincke). Pathological- — In certain pathological conditions, ferruginous substances derived from the red blood-corpuscles are found in the spleen, in the marrow of bone, and in the capillaries of the liver : — (1.) When the disintegration of blood- corpuscles is increased, as in ana?mia (Stahel). (2.) When the formation of red blood-corpuscles from the old material is diminished. If the excretion from the liver cells be prevented, iron accumulates within them ; it is also more abundant in the blood-serum, and it may even accumulate in the secretory cells of the cortex of the kidney and pancreas, in gland cells, and in the tissue elements of other organs (Quincke). When the amount of blood is greatly increased (in dogs), after four weeks an enormous number of granules containing iron occur in the leucocytes of the liver capillaries, the cells of the spleen, bone-marrow, lymph-glands, the liver cells, and the epithelium of the cortex of the kidney (Quincke). The iron reaction in the two last situations occurs after the introduction of hemoglobin, or of salts of iron into the blood (Glaeveck and v. Stark). When we reflect how rapidly (relatively) large quantities of blood are replaced after haemorrhage and after menstruation, it is evident that there must be a brisk manufactory somewhere. As to the number of corpuscles which daily decay, we have in some measure an index in the amount of bile-pigment and urine-pigment resulting from the transformation of the liberated hemoglobin. 9. The Colourless Corpuscles (Leucocytes). Blood, like many other tissues, contains a number of cells or cor- puscles which reach it from without; the corpuscles vary somewhat in form, and are called colourless or ivhitfi blood-corpuscles, or " leucocytes " (Hewson, 1770). Similar corpuscles are found in lymph, adenoid tissue, marrow of bone, as wandering cells or leucocytes, in connective tissue, ami also between glandular and epithelial cells. They all con- sist of more or less spherical masses of protoplasm, which is sticky, highly refractile, soft, capable of movement, and devoid of an envelope (Fig. 6). When they are quite fresh (A) it is difficult to detect the nucleus, but after they have been shed for some time, or after the addition of water (B), or acetic acid, the nucleus (which is usually a compound one) appears ; acetic acid clears up the perinuclear proto- plasm, and reveals the presence of the nuclei, of which the number varies from one to four, although generally three are found. The subsequent addition of magenta solution- stains the nuclei deeply. Water makes the contents more turbid, and causes the cor- puscles to swell up. One or more nucleoli may be present in the nucleus. The corpuscles contain proteids, but they also contain fats, lecithin, and salts (p. 37). The size of the corpuscles varies from four 2 18 THE COLOURLESS BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. to thirteen //, and as a rule they are about Fig. 6. of an inch in diameter, and in the smallest the layer of the pro- toplasm is extremely thin. They all have the property of ex- hibiting amoeboid movements which are very apparent in the larger corpuscles. These movements AV ere discovered by Wharton Jones in the skate, and by Davine in the cor- puscles of man. Max Schultze describes three different forms in human blood : — (1.) The smallest, White blood-corpuscles— A, Human, without the addi- •, f -, ,-, „ , , , ,. . ,. round lorms, less man tion of any reagent. 13, alter the addition ot i • i. water, nuclei visible. C, after the action of acetic tne rec<- corpuscles, AVlth acid. D, Frog's corpuscles showing changes of one to two nuclei, and shape due to amceboid movement. E, Fibrils of a very small amount of fibrin from coagulated blood. F, Fjlementary granules. protoplasm ; (2.) Round forms, the same size as the coloured blood-corpuscles ; (3.) The large amoeboid corpuscles, \vith much protoplasm and distinctly evident movements. [When a drop of human blood is examined under the microscope, more especially after the coloured blood-corpuscles have run into rouleaux, the colourless corpuscles may readily be detected, there being usually three or four of them visible in the field at once. They adhere to the glass slide, for if the cover-glass be moved, the coloured corpuscles readily glide OArer each other, while the colourless can be seen still adhering to the slide. White Corpuscles of Newt's Blood. — The characters of the colourless corpuscles are best studied in a drop of newt's blood. Cut off the tip of the tail and express a drop of blood on to a slide, cover it with a thin glass, and examine. Neglecting the coloured corpuscles, search for the colourless, of which there are three varieties : — (1.) The Large Finely Granular Corpuscle, Avhich is about -^ of an THE COLOURLESS BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 19 inch ill diameter, irregular in outline, with fine processes or pseudo- podia, projecting from its surface. It rapidly changes its shape at the ordinary temperature, and in its interior a bi- or tri-partite nucleus may be seen, surrounded with fine granular protoplasm, whose outline is continually changing. Sometimes vacuoles are seen in the proto- plasm. (2.) The Coarsely Granular Variety is less common than the first- mentioned, but when detected its characters are distinct. The proto- plasm contains, besides a nucleus, a large number of highly refractive granules, and the corpuscle usually exhibits active amoeboid movements ; suddenly the granules may be seen to rush from one side of the corpuscle to the other. The processes are usually more blunt than those emitted by (1). The relation between these two kinds of corpuscles has not been ascertained. (3.) The Small Colourless Corpuscles are more like the ordinary human colourless corpuscle, and they, too, exhibit amoeboid move- ments. Two kinds of colourless corpuscles like (1.) and (2.) exist in frog's blood. In the coarsely granular corpuscles the glancing granules may be of a fatty nature, since they dissolve in alcohol and ether, but other granules exist which are insoluble in these fluids, and the nature of which is unknown. Very large colourless corpuscles exist in the axolotl's blood (Ranvier). Action of Reagents. — («.) Water, when added slowly, causes the colourless corpuscles to become globular, and the granules within them to exhibit Brownian movements (Richardson, Strieker), (b.) Pigment*, such as magenta or carmine, stain the nuclei very deeply, and the protoplasm to a less extent, (c.) Dilute Acetic Acid clears up the surrounding protoplasm and brings clearly into view the composite nucleus, which may be stained thereafter with magenta, (d.) Iodine gives a faint port-wine colour (horse's blood indicating the presence of glycogen best), (e.) Dilute Alcohol causes the formation of clear blebs on the surface of the corpuscles, and brings the nuclei clearly into view (Eanvier, Stirling).] [A delicate plexus of fibrils — intra-nuclear plexus — exists within the nucleus just as in other cells. It is very probable that the protoplasm itself is pervaded by a similar plexus of fibrils, and that it is continuous with the intra-nuclear plexus.] The colourless corpuscles divide, and in this way reproduce them- selves (Klein). The Number of Colourless Blood-Corpuscles is very much less than that of the red corpuscles, and is subject to considerable variations. It is certain that the colourless corpuscles are very much fewer in 20 AMfEBOID MOVEMENTS OF THE COLOURLESS CORPUSCLES. shed blood than in blood still within the circulation. Immediately after blood is shed, an enormous number of white corpuscles disappear (SQQ Formation of Fibrin, p. 47). Al. Schmidt estimates the number that remain at XV of the whole originally present in the circulating blood. The proportion is greater in children than in adults (Bouchut and Dubrisay). The following table gives the number in shed blood : — NUMBER OF WHITE CORPUSCLES IN PROPORTION TO EED CORPUSCLES — In Normal Conditions. In Different Places. In Different Conditions. 1 : 335 (Welcker). 1 : 357 (Moleschott). Splenic Vein, 1 : 60 Splenic Artery, 1 : 2,260 Hepatic Vein, 1 : 170 Portal Vein, 1 : 740 Generally more numerous in Veins than Arteries. Increased by Digestion, Loss of Blood, Prolonged Suppuration, Parturition, Leukaemia, Quinine, Bitters. Diminished by Hunger, Bad Nourishment, The old method of Welcker for estimating the number of colourless corpuscles is unsatisfactory. The blood was defibrinated, placed in a tall vessel, and allowed to subside, when a layer of colourless corpuscles was obtained immediately under a layer of serum. [It is better to use the liEemocytometer (p. 6) as improved by Gowers.] The Amoeboid Movements of the white corpuscles (so-called because they resemble the movements of amoeba) consist in an alternate con- traction and relaxation of the protoplasm surrounding the nucleus. Processes are given off from the surface, and are retracted again (like the pseudopodia of amoeba). There is an internal current in the protoplasm, and the nucleus has also been observed to change its form (Lavdowsky). Two series of phenomena result from these movements: — (1.) The "wandering" or locomotion of the corpuscles due to the extension and retraction of their processes ; (2.) the absorption of small particles into their interior (fat, pigment, foreign bodies). The particles adhere to the sticky external surface, are carried into the interior by the internal currents (Preyer), and may eventually be excreted, just as particles are taken up by amceba and the effete particles excreted. [Max Schultze observed that coloured particles were readily taken up by these corpuscles.] On a hot stage (35°-40°C.) the colourless corpuscles of mammals retain their movements for a long time ; at 40°C. for two to three hours; at 50°C. the proteids are coagulated and cause "heat-rigor" and death. In cold-blooded animals (frogs) colourless corpuscles may be seen to crawl THE BLOOD-PLATES. 21 out of small coagula, in a moist chamber, and move about in the serum. Induction shocks cause them to withdraw their processes and become spherical, and, if the shocks be not too severe, their movements recommence. Strong shocks kill them. 0 is necessary for their movements. These amoeboid movements are of special interest on account of the "wandering out" (diapedesis) of colourless blood- corpuscles through the walls of the blood-vessels (Waller, Cohnheim). The chyle contains leucocytes, which are more resistant than those of the blood, but less so than those of the coagulable transudations (Heyl). The leucocytes of the lymphatic glands may also be dissolved (Rauscheubach). Relation to Anililie Pigments. — Ehrlich has observed a remarkable relation of the white corpuscles to acid (eosin, picric acid, aurantia), basic (dahlia, acetate of rosanilin), or neutral (picrate of rosanilin) reactions. The smallest protoplasmic granules of the cells have different chemical affinities for these pigments. Thus Ehrlich distinguishes "eosinophile," "basophile," and " neutrophile " granules within the cells. Eosinophile granules occur in the leucocytes of amphibia, and in the marrow of their bones. Human leucocytes exhibit a neutrophile reaction, except in the case of those corpuscles that have large ovoid nuclei : the former are said to be the early stage of the latter. The eosinophile corpuscles are greatly increased in leukosmia. The basophile granules occur chiefly in connective tissue- corpuscles and in the neighbourhood of epithelium — they are always greatly increased where chronic inflammation occurs. III. Special attention has recently been directed to a third element Fig. 7. ' ' Blood-plates " and their derivatives, partly after Bizzozero and Laker. 1, Red blood-corpuscles on the flat. 2, From the side. 3, Unchanged blood-plates. 4, A lymph-corpuscle, surrounded with blood-plates. 5, Blood-plates variously altered. G, A lymph-corpuscle with two heaps of fused blood- plates and threads of fibrin. 7, Group of blood-plates fused or run together. 8, A similar small heap of partially dissolved blood-plates with fibrils of fibrin. 22 CHANGES OF THE RED AND WHITE BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. of the blood, the " llood-platcs " of Bizzozero ; pale, colourless, biconcave discs of variable size (mean, 3 /uC). According to Hayem (who called these structures H^EMATOBLASTS, supposing that they were an early stage in the development of the red blood-corpuscles), they are forty times as numerous as the leucocytes. These blood-plates may be recognised in circulating blood, as in the mesentery of the guinea-pig. They are precipitated in enormous numbers upon threads suspended in fresh-shed blood (Bizzozero). They may be obtained from blood flowing directly from a blood-vessel, on mixing it with 1 per cent, solution of osmic acid or Hayem's fluid (mercury bichloride 0'5, sodium carbonate 5, sodium chlorate 1, distilled water 200 — Laker). They undergo a rapid change in shed blood (Fig. 7, 5), disintegrating, forming small particles, and ultimately dissolving. When several occur together they rapidly unite, form small groups (7), and collect into masses resembling " stroma-fibrin " (p. 48). These masses may be associated in coagulated blood with fibrils of fibrin. Bizzozero believes that they yield the material for the formation of fibrin during coagulation of the blood. It is not yet determined whether they are derived from partially disintegrated leucocytes, or whether they are independent formations. Along with the leucocytes they are concerned in the formation of fibrin (Hlava). These structures were known to earlier observers (Max Sehultze, Puess, and others) ; but their significance has been variously interpreted. IV. Blood, especially after a microscopic preparation has been made for a short time, is seen to contain ELEMENTARY GRANULES (Fig. 6, F), [•/.('., the elementary particles of Zimmermann and Beale. They are irregular bodies, much smaller than the ordinary corpuscles, and appear to consist of masses of protoplasm detached from the surface of leucocytes, or derived from the disintegration of these corpuscles, or of the blood-plates. Others, again, are completely spherical granules, either consisting of some proteid substance or fatty in their nature. The protoplasmic and the proteid granules disappear on the addition of acetic acid, while the fatty granules (which are most numerous after a diet rich in fats) dissolve in ether]. V. In COAGULATED blood, delicate fibrils or threads of FIBRIN (Fig. G, E and G, S, G) are seen, more especially after the corpuscles have run into rouleaux. At the nodes of these fibres are found granules which closely resemble those described under III. [These granules and fibres are stained by magenta and iodine, but not by carmine or picro-carmine (Ranvier).] 10. Abnormal Changes of the Red and White Blood-Corpuscles. (1.) All haemorrhages diminish the number of red corpuscles (at most one- half), and so does menstruation. The loss is partly covered by the absorption of CHANGES OF THE RED AND WHITE BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 23 fluid from the tissues. Menstruation shows us that a moderate loss of red cor- puscles is replaced within twenty-eight days. When a large amount of blood is lost, so that all the vital processes are lowered, the time may be extended to five weeks. In acute fevers, as the temperature increases, the number of red corpuscles diminishes, while the white corpuscles increase in number (Kiegel & Boeckmann). (2.) Diminished production of new red corpuscles causes a decrease, since blood-corpuscles are continually being used up. In chlorotic girls there seems to be a congenital weakness in the blood-forming and blood-propelling apparatus, the cause of which is to be sought for in some faulty condition of the rneso-blast. In them the heart and the blood-vessels are small, and the absolute mimber of cor- puscles may be diminished one-half, although the relative number may be retained, while in the corpuscles themselves the haemoglobin is diminished almost one-third (Duncan, Quincke) ; but it rises again after the administration of iron (Hayem). The administration of iron increases the amount of haemoglobin in the blood (Scherpf). The amount of iron in the blood maybe diminished one-half. [The action of iron in anaemic persons has been known since the time of Sydenham. Hayem also finds that in certain forms of anaemia there is considerable variation in the size of the red corpuscles, and that in chronic anemia the mean diameter of the corpuscles is always less than normal (7 M to 6 M). There is, moreover, a persistent alteration in the volume, colouring power, and consistence of the cor- puscles, consequently a want of accord between the number of the corpuscles and their colouring power — i.e., the amount of haemoglobin which they contain, as was pointed out by Johaiui Duncan.] In so-called pernicious anwmia, in which the continued decrease in the red corpuscles may ultimately produce death, there is undoubtedly a severe affection of the blood-forming apparatus. The corpuscles assume many abnormal and bizarre forms (microcytes), often being oval or tailed, irregularly shaped, aud sometimes very pale ; while numerous cells containing blood-corpuscles are found in the marrow of bone (Riess). Curiously enough in this disease, although the red blood-corpuscles are diminished in number, some may be larger and contain more hemoglobin than do normal corpuscles (Laache). The number of coloured corpuscles is also diminished in chronic poisoning by lead or miasmata, and also by the poison of syphilis. (3.) Abnormal forms of the red corpuscles have been observe! after severe bums (Lesser) ; the corpuscles are much smaller, and under the influence of the heat, particles seem to be detached from them just as can be seen happening under the microscope as the effect of heat (Wertheim). Disintegration of the, corpuscles into fine droplets has been observed in various diseases, as in severe malarial fevers. The dark granules of a pigment closely related to haeinatin are derived from the granules arising from the disintegration of the blood-corpuscles, and these particles float in the blood (Melancemia). They are partly absorbed by the colour- less corpuscles, but they are also deposited in the spleen, liver, brain, and bone- marrow (Arnstein). Sometimes the red corpuscles are abnormally soft, and readily yield to pressure. The white corpuscles are enormously increased in number in Leukaemia (J. H. Bennett and Virchow) ; sometimes even to the extent of the red corpuscles. In some cases the blood looks as if it were mixed with milk. The colourless cor- puscles seem to be formed chiefly in bone-marrow (Neumann), but also in the spleen and lymphatic glands. 11. Chemical Constituents of the Red Blood-Corpuscles. (1.) The colouring-matter or haemoglobin (Hb) (Hsemato-globulin, Heemato-crystaUin) is the cause of the red colour of blood ; it also occurs 24 PREPARATION OF H/EMOGLOBIN CRYSTALS. in muscle, and in traces in the fluid part of blood, but in this last case only as the result of the solution of some red corpuscles. Its per- centage composition is :— C 53'85, H 7'32, N 16-17, Fe 0'42, S 0'39, 0 21 '84 (dog). Its rational formula is unknown, but Preyer gives the empirical formula C600, H960, N154, Fe, S3, 0179. Although it is a colloid substance it crystallises (Hunefeld 1840, Beichert) in all classes of vertebrates, according to the rhombic system, and chiefly in rhombic plates or prisms ; in the guinea-pig in rhombic tetrahedra (v. Lang) ; in the squirrel, however, it yields hexagonal plates. The varying forms, perhaps, correspond to slight differences in the chemical com- position in different cases. Crystals separate from the blood of all classes of vertebrata during the slow evaporation of lake-coloured blood, but with varying facility. The colouring-matter crystallises very readily from the blood of man, dog, mouse, guinea-pig, rat, cat, hedgehog, horse, rabbit, birds, fishes ; with difficulty from that of the sheep, ox, and pig. Coloured crystals are not obtained from the blood of the frog. More rarely a crystal is formed from a single corpuscle enclosing the stroma. Crystals have been found near the nucleus of the large corpuscles of fishes, and in this class of vertebrates colourless crystals have been observed. Haemoglobin crystals are doubli/ refractive and pleo-chromatic ; they are bluish-red with transmitted light, scarlet-red by reflected light. They contain from 3 to 9 per cent, water of crystallisation, and are soluble in water, but more so in dilute alkalies. They are insoluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, and fats. The solutions are dichroic ; red in reflected light, and green in transmitted light, In the act of crystallisation' the. haemoglobin seems to undergo some internal change. Before it crystallises it does not diffuse like a true colloid, and it also rapidly decomposes hydric peroxide. If it be redissolved after i f, crystallisation it diffuses, although only to • i < '^_ i > • • • 1 1 1 • i ^ > i L>ii i • j 1 1 , L). It (nil 1*1 i i , iii f ,1 a small extent, but it no longer decomposes human blood ; c, from the cat ; , , . , f . , , ., -. ,. , , . . nvdric peroxide, and is decolourised by it. d, from the guinea-pig; e, /, , 1,., ••,••, -.1.- v , f ^ -i A body like an acid is deposited from ha?mo- hamster; f, squirrel. . J . 1*1 globm at the positive pole of a battery. Fig. 8. Haemoglobin crystals 12, Preparation of Haemoglobin Crystals. Method Of Rollett.— Place defibrinated blood in a platinum capsule, allow the capsule and the blood to freeze by setting them in a freezing-mixture, and ESTIMATION OF H.KMOGLOBlN. L>5 then gradually to thaw ; pom- the lake-coloured blood into a plate, until it forms a stratum not more than 1| in. in. in thickness, and allow it to evaporate slowly in a cool place, when crystals will separate. Method of Hoppe-Seyler.— Mix defibrinated blood with ten volumes of a 20 per cent, salt solution, and allow it to stand for two days. Remove the clear upper fluid with a pipette, wash the thick deposit of blood-corpuscles with water, and afterwards shake it for a long time with an equal volume of ether, which dissolves the blood-corpuscles. Remove the ether, filter the lake-coloured blood, add to it | of its volume of cold (0°) alcohol, and allow the mixture to stand in the cold for several days. The numerous crystals can be collected in a filter and pressed between folds of blotting-paper. Method of Gscheidlen.— Crystals several centimetres in length were obtained by taking defibrinated blood which had been exposed for twenty-four hours to the air, aud keeping it in a closed tube of narrow calibre for several days at 37°C. When the blood is spread on glass, the crystals form rapidly. [Vaccine tubes answer very well.] [Method of Stirling and Brito- — It is in many cases sufficient to mix a drop of blood with a few drops of water on a microscopic slide, and to seal up the preparation. After a few days beautiful crystals are developed. The addition of water to the blood of some animals, such as the rat aud guinea-pig, is rapidly followed by the formation of crystals of haemoglobin. Very lai'ge crystals may be obtained from the stomach of the leech several days after it has sucked blood.] 13. Quantitative Estimation of HsemogloMn* (a.) From the Amount Of Iron- — As dry (100CC.) haemoglobin contains 0'42 per cent, of iron, the amount of iron may be calculated from the amount of haemoglobin. If m represents the percentage amount of metallic iron, then the percentage of haemoglobin in blood is 100m : 0-42 The procedure is the following: — Calcine a weighed quantity of blood, and exhaust the ash with HC1 to obtain ferric chloride, which is transformed into ferrous chloride. The solution is then titrated with potassic permanganate. (b.) Colorimetric Method. — Prepare a dilute watery solution of haemoglobin crystals of a known strength. With this compare an aqueous dilution of the blood to be investigated, by adding water to it until the colour of the test solution is obtained. Of course, the solutions must be compared in vessels with parallel sides and of exactly the same width, so as to give the same thickness of fluid (Hoppe-Seyler). [In the vessel with parallel sides, or, h&matinometer, the sides are exactly one centimetre apart. Instead of using a standard solution of oxyhw- moglobiii, a solution of picro-carminate of ammonia may be used (Rajewsky, Malassez. ) ] (c.) By the Spectroscope-— Preyer found that a O'S per cent, watery solution (1 c.m. thick), allowed the red, the yellow, and the first strip of green to be seen (Fig. 11, 1). Take the blood to be investigated (about O'S c.m.), and dilute it with water until it shows exactly the same optical effects in the spectroscope. If A- is the percentage of Hb, which allows green to pass through (O'S per cent.), b, the volume of blood investigated (about 0'5 c.m.), -w, the necessary amount of water added to dilute it, then x — the percentage of Hb in the blood to be investi- gated— k (w + 1) I, 26 THE H/EMOGLOBINOMETER. [ (d.) The Hsemoglobinometer of Gowers is used for the clinical estimation of luemoglobin.] " The tint of the dilution of a given volume of blood with distilled water is taken as the index of the amount of haemoglobin. The distilled water rapidly dissolves out all the haemoglobin, as is shown by the fact that the tint of the dilution undergoes no change on standing. The colour of a dilution of average normal blood one hundred times is taken as the standard. The quantity of haemoglobin is indicated by the amount of distilled water needed to obtain the tint with the same volume of blood under examination as was taken of the standard. On account of the instability of a standard dilution of blood, tinted glycerine-jelly is employed instead. This is perfectly stable, and by means of carmine and picrooariuiue the exact tint of diluted blood can be obtained. The apparatus consists of two glass tubes of exactly the same size. One contains (D) a standard of the tint of a dilution of 20 cubic m.m. of blood, in 2 cubic centi- metres of water (1 in 100). The second tube (C) is graduated, 100 degrees = two centimetres (100 times twenty cubic millimetres). The twenty cubic millimetres of blood are measured by a capillary pipette (B) (similar to, but larger than that used for the haemacytoineter). This quantity of the blood to be tested is ejected into the bottom of the tube, a few drops of distilled water being first placed in the latter. The mixture is rapidly agitated to prevent the coagulation of the blood. The distilled water is then added drop by drop (from the pipette stopper of a bottle [A] supplied for that purpose) until the tint of the dilution is the same as that of the standard, and the amount of water which has been added (i.e., the degree of dilution) indicates the amount of haemoglobin. Since average normal blood yields the tint of the standard at 100 degrees of dilution, the number of degrees of dilution necessary to obtain the same tint with a given specimen of blood is the pei'centage propor- tion of the haemoglobin contained in it, compared to the normal. For instance, the 20 cubic millimetres of blood from a patient with anaemia gave the standard tint at 30 degrees of dilution. Hence it contained only 30 per cent, of the normal quantity of haemoglobin. By ascertaining with the haemacytometer the cor- puscular richness of the blood, we are able to compare the two. A fraction, of which the numerator is the per- r. Fig. 9. A, pipette bottle for distilled water; B, capillary pipette; centage of haemoglobin, C, graduated tube ; D, tube with standard dilution ; antl tbe denominator F, lancet for pricking the finger. the Percentage of cor- puscles, gives at once the average value per corpuscle. Thus the blood mentioned above containing 30 pei- cent, of haemoglobin, contained GO per cent, of corpuscles ; hence the average USE OF THE SPECTROSCOPE. 27 value of each corpuscle was %% or £ of the normal. Variations in the amount of haemoglobin may be recorded on the same chart as that employed for the corpuscles. In using the instrument, the tint may be estimated by holding the tubes between the eye and the window, or by placing a piece of white paper behind the tubes ; the former is perhaps the best. Care must be taken that the tubes are always held in the line of light, not below it. In the latter case some light is reflected from the suspended corpuscles from which the haemoglobin has been dissolved. If the value of the corpuscles is small, then a perceptibly paler tint is seen when the tubes are held below the line of illumination. If all the light is transmitted directly through the tubes, the corpuscles do not interfere with the tint. In using the instrument it will be found that, during 6 or 8 degrees of dilution, it is difficult to distinguish a difference between the tint of the tubes. It is there- fore necessary to note the degree at which the colour of the dilution ceases to be deeper than the standard, and also that at which it is distinctly paler. The degree midway between these two will represent the haemoglobin percentage. The instrument is only expected to yield approximate results, accurate within 2 or 3 per cent. It has, however, been found of much iitility in clinical observa- tion."] The amount of haemoglobin in man is 12 to 15 per cent., in the woman 12 to 14 per cent., during pregnancy 9 to 12 per cent. (Preyer). According to Leichtenstern, Hb is in greatest amount in the blood of the newly-born infant, but after ten weeks the excess disappears. Between six months and five years, it becomes least in amount, reaches its second highest maximum between twenty-one and forty-five, and then sinks again. From the tenth year onwards the blood of the female is poorer in Hb. The taking of food causes a temporary decrease of the Hb, owing to the dilution of the blood. Pathological- — A decrease is observable during recovery from febrile condi- tions, and also during phthisis, cancer, ulcer of the stomach, cardiac disease, chronic diseases, chlorosis, leuktemia, pernicious antemia, and during the rapid mercurial treatment of syphilitic persons. 14. Use of the Spectroscope. As the spectroscope is frequently used in the investigation of blood and other substances of the body, it will be convenient to give a short description of the instrument here (Fig. 10). It consists of— (1. ) a tube, A, which has at its peripheral end a slit, S (that can be narrowed or widened). At the other end a collecting l< ns, C (called a collunator) is placed, so that its focus is in exact line with the slit. Light (from the sun or a lamp) passes through the slit, and thus goes parallel through C to— (2.) the prism, P, which decomposes the parallel rays into a coloured spectrum, r - r. — (3. ) An astronomical telescope is directed to the spectrum, r - v, and the observer, B, with the aid of the telescope, sees the spectrum magnified from six to eight times ; — (4.) a third tube, D, contains a delicate scale, M, on glass, whose image, when illuminated, is reflected from the prism to the eye of the observer, so that he sees the spectrum, and over or above it the scale. To keep out other rays of light the inner ends of the three tubes are covered by metal or by a dark cloth (see also Blood in urine). [The micro-spectroscope, e.g., that known as the '• Sorby-Browuiug " micro- spectroscope is very useful when small quantities of a solution are to be examined.] ABSORPTION AND FLAME SPECTRA. [Every spectroscope ought to give two spectra, so that the position of any absorp- tion baud may be definitely ascertained. The spectroscope is fitted into the ocular end of the tube of a microscope instead of the eye-piece. Small cells for containing the fluid to be examined are made from short pieces of barometer-tubes cemented to a plate of glass.] B Fig. 10. Scheme of a spectroscope for observing the spectrum of blood — A, tube ; >S, slit ; m m, layer of blood with flame in front of it ; P, prism ; M, scale ; B, eye of observer looking through a telescope ; r r, spectrum. Absorption Spectra. — If a coloured medium (e.g., a solution of blood) be placed between the slit and a source of light, all the rays of coloured light do not pass through it — some are absorbed ; many yellow rays are absorbed by blood, hence that part of the spectrum appears dark to the observer. On account of this absorption, such a spectrum is called an "absorption spectrum" Flame Spectra. — If mineral substances be burned on a platinum- wire in a non-luminous flame (Bunsen's burner) in front of the slit, the elements present in the mineral or ash give special coloured band or bands, which have a definite position. Sodium gives a yellow, potassium a red and a violet line. These substances are found in burning the ashes of almost all organs. If sunlight be allowed to fall upon the slit, the spectrum shows a large number of lines (Fraunhofer's lines) which occupy definite posi- tions in the coloured spectrum. These lines are indicated by the letters A, B, C, D, etc., a, b, c, etc. (Fig. 11). COMPOUNDS OF HAEMOGLOBIN. 29 15, Compounds of Haemoglobin with 0; Oxytomoglobin, and Mettomoglobin. (1.) Oxyhasmoglobin (00Hb) behaves as a weak acid, and occurs to the extent of 8678 to 94'30 per cent, in dry red human corpuscles (Jiidell). It is formed very readily whenever Hb comes into contact with 0 or atmospheric air. 1 gramme Hb unites with 1-6 to 1'8 cubic centimetres of 0 at 0° and 760 mm. Hg pressure. Oxyhaemoglobin is a very loose chemical compound, and is slightly less soluble than Hb ; its spectrum shows in the yellow and the green, two dark absorption-bands (Hoppe-Seyler) whose length and breadth in a 0'18 per cent, solution are given in Fig. 11 (2). Yellow. Green. Blue. Red. Orange. Illl ILIUIU I II.LI ILLI Ullllililllll 5o bo 70 80 oo 100 tio A a B C o = Eaiiiofrlobin 0,8 7, O = Hemoglobin 0-18 7, Ca rbonic Oxide Hamoglobin. Reduced Hamoglobin. Hamatin in Alcohol, with Sulphuric Acid. Hamatin in an Alkaline Solution. Reduced Hamatin. Various spectra of haemoglobin and its compounds. 30 REDUCTION OF HAEMOGLOBIN. [The two absorption-bands lie between the lines D and E, the band nearer D being more sharply defined and narrower than the second band, which is wider and less clearly marked-off, and lies nearer E.] It occurs in the blood-corpuscles, circulating in arteries and capillaries, as was shown by the spectroscopic examination of the ear of a rabbit, of the prepuce and the Aveb of the fingers (Vierordt). Reduction of Oxyhsemoglobin. — It gives up its 0 very readily, how- ever, even when means which set free absorbed gases are used. It is reduced by the removal of the gases by the air-pump, by the conduction through its solution of other gases (CO & NO), and by heating to the boiling point. In the circulating blood its 0 is very rapidly given up to the tissues, so that in suffocated animals only reduced hcemoglobin is found in the arteries. Some constituents of the serum and sugar use up 0. By adding to a solution of oxyhsemoglobin reducing sub- stances— e.g., ammonium sulphide, ammoniated tartarate of zinc oxide solution, iron filings, or Stokes's fluid [tartaric acid, iron proto-sulphate, and excess of ammonia] — the two absorption bands of the spectrum dis- appear, and reduced hemoglobin (gas-free) (Fig. 11, 4), with one absorp- tion band is formed (Stokes, 18G4). [The single band which is obtained from reduced haemoglobin lies between D and E, and its most deeply shaded portion is opposite the interval between the two bands of oxy- hsemoglobin. Its edges are less sharply defined. The colour of the blood changes from a bright red to a brownish tint. Hoppe-Seyler applies the term Haemoglobin to the reduced substance to distinguish it from oxyhwmoglobin.] The two bands are reproduced by shaking the reduced haemoglobin with air, whereby O0Hb is again formed. Solutions of oxyhajmoglobin are readily distinguished by their scarlet colour from the purplish tint of reduced hemoglobin. If a string be tied round the base of two fingers so as to interrupt the circulation, the spectroscopic examination shows that the oxyhffimoglobin rapidly passes into reduced Hb (Vierordt). Cold delays this reduction (Filehne). The spectroscopic examination of small blood-stains is often of the utmost forensic importance. A minimal drop is sufficient. Dissolve in a few drops of distilled water, and place in a thin glass tube in front of the slit of the spectroscope. (2.) Methsemoglobin (Hoppe-Seyler) contains more 0 than oxy- hsemoglobin (Fig. 11, 5). Chemically it is fairly stable, contains 0, and crystallises (Hiifner and J. Ott). It is obtained by acting upon a solution of reduced or oxyhtemoglobin with oxidising reagents ; best, however, by adding crystals of potassic ferridcyanide. It shows four absorption bands like an acid solution of heematin, that between C and D being the only one sharply defined. If a trace of ammonia be added to such a solution, it gives an alkaline solution of methsemoglobin, which shows two bands like oxyhajmoglobin, of which the first CARBONIC OXIDE-HEMOGLOBIN. 31 one ia the broader, and extends more into the red. If ammonium sulphide be added to the methaemoglobin solution, reduced Hb is formed (Jiiderholm). Methae- raoglobin is produced in old brown blood-stains, in the crusts of bloody wounds, in blood cysts — farther by the addition of minute traces of acid to blood, or by heating blood with a trace of alkali. Sorby and Jaderholm regard it as a per- oxidised haemoglobin, but this view is opposed by Hoppe-Seyler. It may also be prepared by acting upon blood with potassic chlorate and nitrate, or nitrate of amyl, which gives to blood a chocolate-brown colour (Saarbach, Gamgee). 16. Carbonic Oxide-Haemoglobin. (3.) CO-Hsemoglobin is a more stable chemical compound than the foregoing, and is produced at once when carbonic oxide is brought into contact with pure Hb or 02Hb (Cl. Bernard, 1857). It has an intensely florid or cherry-red colour, and gives two absorption-bands, very like those of 02Hb, but they are slightly closer together and lie more towards the violet (Fig. 11, 3). Reducing substances (which act upon Hb00) do not affect these bands, i.e., they cannot convert the CO compound into reduced Hb. Another good test to distinguish it from Hb02 is the soda test. If a 10 per cent, solution of caustic soda be added to a solution of CO-Hb, and heated, it gives a cinnabar-red colour; while, with an Hb02 solution, it gives a dark-brown, greenish, greasy mass (Hoppe-Seyler). Oxidising substances [solutions of potassic permanganate (O025 per cent.), potassic chlorate (5 per cent.), and dilute chlorine solution] make solutions of CO-Hb, cherry-red in colour, while they turn solutions of HbO., pale yellow. After this treatment both solutions show the absorption-bands of methaemoglobin. If ammonium sulphide be added, Hb02 and CO-Hb are re-formed. On account of its stability CO-Hb resists external influences and even putre- faction for a long time (Hoppe-Seyler), and the two bands of the spectrum may be visible after many months. Landois obtained the soda test and spectroscopic bands in the blood of a woman poisoned 18 months previously by CO, and after great putrefaction of the body had taken place. If CO is breathed by man, or if air containing it be inspired, it gradually displaces the 0, volume for volume, out of the Hb (L. Meyer), and death soon occurs; 1,000 ccm inspired at once will kill a man. A very small quantity in the air (^^"T^V o) suffices, in a relatively short time, to form a large quantity of CO-Hb (Grehant). As continued contact with other gases (such as the passing of 0 through it for a very long time) gradually separates the CO from the Hb (with the formation of 02Hb — Donders), it happens that, in very partial poisoning with CO, the blood gradually gets rid of the latter. A high degree of poisoning necessitates the transfusion of blood (p. 61). [Gamgee and Zuntz also find that although the CO-Hb compound is very stable, yet it may be reduced by passing air or neutral gases through, it for a lengthened period ; it is also reduced when blood is boiled in the mercurial pump. ] 32 POISONING BY CARBONIC OXIDE. 17. Phenomena of Poisoning by Carbonic Oxide. Other Compounds of Haemoglobin. Carbonic oxide is formed during incomplete combustion of coal or coke, and passes into the air of the room, provided there is not a free outlet for the products of combustion. It occurs to the extent of 12-28 per cent, in ordinary gas, which largely owes its poisonous properties to the presence of CO. If the 0 be gradually displaced from the blood by the respiration of air containing CO, life can only be maintained as long as sufficient 0 can be obtained from the blood to support the oxidations necessary for life. Death occurs befoi-e all the 0 is dis- placed from the blood. CO has no effect when directly applied to muscle and nerve. When it is inhaled, there is first stimulation and afterwards paralysis of the nervous system, as shown by the symptoms induced, e.g., violent headache, great restlessness, excitement, increased activity of the heart and respiration, salivation, tremors, and spasms. Later, unconsciousness, weakness, and paralysis occur, laboured respiration, diminished heart-beat, and lastly, complete loss of sensibility, cessation of the respiration and heart-beat, and death. At first the temperature rises several tenths of a degree, but it soon falls 1° or more. The pulse is also increased at first, but afterwards it becomes very small and frequent. In poisoning with pure CO there is 110 dyspnoea, but sometimes muscular spasms occur, the coma not being very marked. There is also temporary but pronounced paralysis of the limbs, followed by violent spasms. After death the heart and brain are congested with intensely florid blood. lu poisoning with the vapour of charcoal, where CO and C02 both occur, there is a varying degree of coma ; pro- nounced dyspnrea, muscular spasms which may last several minutes, gradual paralysis and asphyxia, moniliform contractions and subsequent dilatation of the blood-vessels, with congestion of various organs, occur, accompanied by a fall of the blood-pressure (Klebs), indicating initial stimulation and subsequent paralysis of the vaso-motor centre. This also explains the variations in the temperature and the occasional occurrence of sugar in the urine after poisoning with CO. After death, the blood-vessels are found to be filled with fluid blood of an exquisitely bright cherry-red colour, while all the muscles and viscera and exposed parts of the body (such as the lips) have the same colour. The brain is soft and friable, there are catarrh of the respiratory organs and degeneration of the muscles, and great congestion and degeneration of the liver, kidneys, and spleen. The spots of lividity, post-mortem, are bright red. After recovery from poisoning with CO, there may be paraplegia and (although more rarely) disturbances of the cerebral activity. The poisonous action of the vapours of combustion was known to Aristotle. (4.) Nitric Oxide -Haemoglobin (NO-Hb) — is formed when NO is brought into contact with Hb (L. Hermann). As NO has a great affinity for 0, red fumes of nitrogen peroxide (NOo) being formed whenever the two gases meet, it is clear that, in order to prepare NO-Hb, the O must first be removed. This may be done by passing H through it, [or ammonia may be added to the blood, and a stream of NO passed through it ; the ammonia combines with all the acid formed by the union of the NO with the O of the blood]. NO-Hb is a more stable chemical compound than CO-Hb, which, as we have seen, is again more stable than OjHb. It has a bluish-violet tint, and also gives two absorption -bands in the spectrum similar to those of the other two compounds, but not so intense. These bands are not abolished by the action of reducing agents. The three compounds of Hb, with 0, CO, and NO, are crystalline; like Hb, they are isomorphous, and their solutions are not dichroic. One DECOMPOSITION OF HEMOGLOBIN. 33 gramme Hb unites with 1 '33-1 '35 e.c.rn. of each of the gases at 0° and 1 metre pressure (Preyer, L. Hermann). (5.) Cyanogen, CNH (Hoppe-Seyler), and acetylene, C2H2 (Bistrow and Liebreich), form easily decomposable compounds with Hb. The former occurs in poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, and has a spectrum identical with that of 02Hb, and, like 02Hb, it is reduced by special agents. [The existence of these com- pounds is, however, highly doubtful (Gamgee).] (6.) If C03 be passed through a solution of oxyhaemoglobin for a con- siderable time, reduced Hb is first formed ; but if the process be prolonged the HI) is decomposed, a precipitate of globulin is thrown down, and an absorption-band, similar to that obtained when Hb is decomposed with acids, is observed (see p. 33). 18. Decomposition of Haemoglobin. In solution and in the dry state Hb gradually becomes decomposed, whereby the iron -con tain ing pigment hsematin, along with certain bye-products, formic, lactic, and butyric acids are formed. Hcemoglobin, however, may be decomposed at once into — (1) a body containing iron ha>matin, and — (2) a colourless proteid closely related to globulin ; — by (a.) the addition of all acids, even by C02 in the presence of plenty of water ; (b.) strong alkalies ; (c.) all reagents which coagulate albumin, and by heat at 70°-80°C. ; (f/.) by ozone. (A.) H.EMATIN (C68, H70, N8, Fe,, 010) forms about 4 per cent, of haemo- globin (dog). It is insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether; soluble in dilute alkalies and acids, and in acidulated ether and alcohol. When Hb containing 0 is decomposed, haamatin is formed at once ; while Hb free from 0 on being decomposed forms first a purplish-red body, HVEMOCHROMOGEN (C34, H3C, N4, Fe 05), which contains less 0, and is a precursor of hrematin. In the presence of 0 it becomes oxidised, and passes into hsematin. In solution it gives the spectrum shown in Fig. 11, 7 (Hoppe-Seyler). Dilute acids in an alkaline solution deprive hasmochromogen of its iron, and HJEMATO-POKPHYRIN, a substance which remains stable in contact with air, is produced. It may also be produced from hsematin by the action of acids, so that ha?matin is an oxidation stage of hremochromogen. (a) Hrpmatin in acid solution. — Lecanu extracted it from dry blood-corpuscles by using alcohol containing sulphuric and tartaric acids. If acetic acid be added to a solution of Hb, a mahogany-brown fluid is obtained, containing h(f matin in acul solution, which gives a spectrum with four absorption-bands in the yellow and green (Fig. 11, 5). (/3) If this solution be treated with excess of ammonia, Juemalin in alkaline solu- tion is formed, which gives one absorption-band on the boundary line between red and yellow (Fig. 11, 6). (y) Reducing agents cause this band to disappear, and produce in the yellow two broad bands, which are due to the presence of "reduced hcematin " (Fig. H, 7). (<5) When haemoglobin is extravasated into the subcutaneous tissue, it becomes BO altered that ultimately hydrated oxide of iron appears in its place. 3 34 H^EMIN AND BLOOD TESTS. 19. Hsemin and Blood Tests. In 1853 Teichmann prepared crystals from blood, which Hoppe- Seyler showed to be chloride of hcematin or hydrochlorate of hsematin. The presence of these crystals is nsed as a test for blood-stains or blood in solution. These crystals of hremin (Fig. 12) are prepared by adding a small crystal of common salt to dry blood on a glass slide, and then an excess of glacial acetic acid ; the whole is gently heated until bubbles of gas are given off. On allowing the preparation to cool, the characteristic hremin crystals are obtained (Hrematin, + 2HC1). Characters. — When well-formed, the crystals are small microscopic rhombic plates, or rhombic rods; sometimes they are single — at other times they are aggregated in groups, often crossing each other. Some kinds of blood (ox and pig) yield very irregular, scarcely crystalline, masses. The crystalline forms of hremin are identical in all the different kinds of blood that have been examined (Jahnke, Hogyes). They are doubli/ refractive and plco-cliromatic ; by transmitted light they are mahogany- brown, and by reflected light bluish-black, glancing like steel. They give a brown streak on porcelain. (1.) Preparation from Dry Blood-Stains. — Place a few particles of the blood-stain on a glass slide, add 2 to 3 drops of glacial acetic acid and a small crystal of common salt; cover with a cover-glass, and heat gently over the flame of a spirit-lamp until bubbles of gas are given off. On cooling, the crystals appear in the preparation (Fig. 13). ^ v V , v ~ ,* ^ *v V / * _ \ Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Hnemin Crystals of various forms. Hsemin Crystals prepared from traces of blood. (2.) From Stains on Porous Bodies. — The stained object (cloth, wood, blotting-paper, earth) is extracted with a small quantity of dilute caustic potash, and afterwards with water in a watch-glass. Both solutions are carefully filtered, and tannic acid and glacial acetic acid are added until an acid reaction is obtained. The dark precipitate which is formed is collected on a filter and washed. A small part of JLEMIN AND BLOOD TESTS. 35 it is placed on a microscope slide, a granule of common salt is added, and the whole dried ; the dry stain is treated as in ( 1 .) (Struwe). (3.) From Fluid Blood. — Dry the blood slowly at a low temperature, and proceed as in (1.) (4.) From very Dilute Solutions of Haemoglobin. — («.) Strmve's Method — Add to the fluid, ammonia, tannic acid, and afterwards glacial acetic acid, until it is acid; soon a black precipitate of tannate of hrematin is thrown down. This is isolated, washed, dried, and treated as in (1.), but instead of Nad a granule of ammonium chloride is added. (b.) Guning and van Geuns recommend the addition of zinc acetate, •which gives a reddish precipitate; this precipitate is to he treated as in (1.) Hpemin crystals may sometimes be prepared from putrefying or lake-coloured blood, but they are very small, and here the test often fails. When mixed with iron-rust, as on iron-weapons, the blood- crystals are generally not formed. In such cases, scrape off the stains and boil them with dilute caustic potash. If blood be present, the dissolved hsematiy forms a fluid, which in a thin layer is green ; in a thick layer red (H. Rose). Chemical Characters. — Hcemiii crystals have been prepared from all classes of vertebrates and from the blood of the earth-worm. They are insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform ; but HoSC^ dissolves them, expelling the HC1, and giving a violet-red colour. Ammonia also dissolves them, and if the resulting solution be evaporated, heated to 130°C., and treated with boiling water (which extracts the ammonium chloride), pure hcematin is obtained (Hoppe-Seyler) as a bluish-black substance, which on being pounded forms a brown and amorphous powder. Its solutions in caustic alkalies are dichroic; in reflected light, brownish-red; in transmitted light, in a thick stratum, red — in a thin one, olive-green. The acid solutions are monochromatic and brown. An alcoholic solution of ha?matin, when reduced by tin and hydro- chloric acid, yields urdbilin (Hoppe-Seyler), (compare Bile). 20. Hsematoidin. Virchow discovered this important derivative from haemoglobin. It occurs in the body wherever blood stagnates outside the circulation, and becomes decomposed — as when blood is extravasated into the tissues — e.g., the brain — in solidified blood-plugs (thrombus) ; invariably in the Graafian follicles. It contains no iron (C32, H36, N4, 06), and crystallises in clinorhombic prisms (Fig. 14) of a yellowish-brown colour. It is soluble in warm alkalies, carbon disulphide, benzol, and chloroform. Very probably it is identical with one of the bile pigments — bili-rubin (Valen- teiner). [When acted upon by impure nitric l[^ acid (Gmelin's reaction), it gives the same F- 14 play of colours as bile.] Hfematoidlii Crystals. 36 OTHER CONSTITUENTS OF RED CORPUSCLES. In cases where a large amount of blood has undergone solution within the blood-vessels (as by injecting foreign blood), hsematoidin crystals have been found in the urine (v. Recklinghausen, Landois). 21. (B.) The Colourless Proteid of Haemoglobin. It is closely related to globulin ; but, while the latter is precipitated by all acids, even by CO.,, and re-dissolved on passing 0 through it, the proteid of haemoglobin, on the other hand, is not dissolved after precipitation on passing through it a stream of 0. As crystals of haemoglobin can be decolourised under special circumstances, it is probable that these owe their crystalline form to the proteid which they contain. Landois placed crystals of haemoglobin along with alcohol in a dialyser, putting ether acidulated with sulphuric acid outside, and thereby obtained colourless crystals. [If frog's blood be sealed up on a microscopic slide, along with a few drops of water for several days, long colourless acicular crystals are developed in it (Stirling and Brito).] . 22. II. Proteids of the Stroma. Dry red human blood-corpuscles contain from 5'10-12'24 per cent. of these proteids, but little is known about them (Jiidell). One of them is globulin, which is combined with a body resembling nuclein (Wooldridge), and traces of a diastatic ferment (v. Wittich). The stroma tends to form masses which resemble fibrin (Landois). L. Brunton found a body resembling mucin in the nuclei of red blood- corpuscles, and Miescher detected nuclein. 23. The Other Constituents of Red Blood- Corpuscles. III. LECITHIN (0-35-072 per cent.) in dry blood-corpuscles (Jiidell), and also in brain, yelk, and seminal fluid. It is regarded as a glycero-phosphate of neurin, in which, in the radical of glycero-phosphoric acid, two atoms of H are replaced by two of the radical of stearic acid. By gentle heat glycero-phosphoric acid is split up into glycerine and phosphoric acid. CHOLESTERIN (0*25 per cent.); — no FATS. These substances are obtained by extracting stromata or blood itself with ether. When the ether evaporates, the characteristic globular forms ("myelin-forms ") of lecithin and crystals of cholesterin are recognised. The amount of lecithin may be determined from the amount of phosphorus in the ethereal extract. IV. WATER (681-63 per 1,000— C. Schmidt). V. SALTS (7-28 per 1,000, — C. Schmidt), chiefly compounds of ANALYSIS OF BLOOD. 37 potash and phosphoric add; the phosphoric acid is derived only from the burned lecithin ; while the greater part of the sulphuric acid in the analysis is derived from the burning of the haemoglobin. Analysis Of Blood.— 1:000 parts, by weight, of HORSE'S BLOOD contain : — 344'IS blood-corpuscles (containing about 128 per cent, of solids). 655'82 plasma (containing about 10 per cent, of solids). 1,000 parts, by weight, of MOIST BLOOD-CORPUSCLES contain: — Solids, 367 '9 (pig); 400'1 (ox). Water, 632 -1 „ 599 '9 „ The solids are: — Pig. Ox. Haemoglobin, . . . . 261' 280 '5 Albumin, 86 '1 107 Lecithin, Cholesterin, and other/ ,<,.„ „... Organic Bodies, . . . \ Inorganic Salts, . . . . 8 "9 4'S {POTASH, . . 5-543 0'747 Magnesia, . . O'lSS O'OIT Chlorine, . . 1'504 1-635 PHOSPHORIC ACID, 2-067 0'703 Soda, ... 0 2-093 (Bunge). 24. Chemical Composition of the Colourless Corpuscles. Investigations have been made on pus cells, which closely resemble colourless blood-corpuscles. They contain several proteids ; alkali albu- ininate, a proteid which coagulates at 48°C., and another resembling myosin, fibrino-plastin, and a coagulating ferment; nuclein in the nuclei (Miescher); perhaps also glycogen (Salomon), lecithin, and extractives. 100 parts, by weight, of dry PUS contain:— Earthy Phosphates, . . 0'416 Sodic Phosphate, • . 0'606 Potash, . . . 0-201 Sodic Chloride, . . . 0'143 25. Blood-Plasma and its Relation to Serum. The unaltered fluid in which the blood-corpuscles float is called plasma, or liquor sangulnit. This fluid, however, after blood is withdrawn from the vessels, rapidly undergoes a change, owing to the formation of a solid fibrous substance, FIBRIN, which seems to be produced by the coming together of three special substances, the so-called fibrin-factors. After this occurs, the new fluid which remains no longer coagulates spontaneously (it is plasma, minus the fibrin-factors), and is called scrum. Apart from 38 PREPARATION OF PLASMA. the presence of the fibrin-factors, the chemical composition of plasma and serum is the same. [When blood coagulates, the following rearrangement of its elements takes place : — BLOOD. Plasma. Corpuscles, \ re, :, . j white. A __ I I feerum. Fibrin. u- I Fibrin, Corpuscles, and some Serum (Blood Clot).] The serum, however, still contains a portion of the fibrin-ferment, and also some of the fibrino-plastin or fibrino-plastic substance. Plasma is a clear, transparent, slightly thickish fluid, which, in most animals (rabbit, ox, cat, dog), is almost colourless; in man it is yellow, and in the horse citron-yellow. 26. Preparation of Plasma. (A.) Without Admixture. — Taking advantage of the fact that plasma, when cooled to 0° outside the body, does not coagulate for a considerable time, Briicke prepares the plasma thus: — Selecting the blood of the horse (because it coagulates slowly, and its corpuscles sink rapidly to the bottom), he receives it, as it flows from an artery, in a tall narrow glass, placed in a freezing-mixture, and cooled to 0°. The blood remains fluid, and, the coloured corpuscles subsiding in a few hours, the plasma remains above as a clear layer, which can be removed with a cooled pipette. If this plasma be then passed through a cooled filter, it is robbed of all its colourless corpuscles. [Burdon-Sanderson uses a vessel consisting of three compartments —the outer and inner contain ice, while the blood of the horse is caught in the central compartment, which does not exceed half-an-inch in diameter.] The quantity of plasma may be roughly (but only roughly) estimated by using a tall, graduated measuring-glass. If the plasma be warmed, it soon coagulates (owing to the formation of fibrin), and passes into a trembling jelly. If, however, it be beaten with a glass-rod, the fibrin is obtained as a white stringy mass, adhering to the rod. The quantity of fibrin in a given volume of plasma is about 0'7 — 1 pel- cent., although it varies much in different cases. COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 39 (B.) With Admixture. — Blood flowing from an artery is caught in a tall graduated measure containing -1-th of its volume of a concentrated solution of sodic sulphate (Hewson) — or in a 25 per cent, solution of maguesic sulphate (1 vol. to 4 vols. blood : Semmer) — or 1 vol. blood with 2 vols. of a 4 per cent, solution of monophosphate of potash (Masia). When the blood is mixed Avith these fluids and put in a cool place, the corpuscles subside, and the clear stratum of plasma mixed with the salts may be removed with a pipette. If the salts be removed by dialysis, coagulation occurs; or it may be caused by the addition of water (Joh. Miiller). Blood which is mixed with a 4 per cent, solution of common salt does not coagulate, so that it also may be used for the preparation of plasma. [For frog's blood Johannes Miiller used a ^ per cent, solution of cane s,ugar, which permits the corpuscles to be separated from the plasma by filtration. The plasma mixed with the sugar coagulates in a short time.] 27. Fibrin— Coagulation of the Blood. General Characters. — Fibrin is that substance which, becoming solid in shed blood, in plasma and in lymph causes coagulation. In these fluids, when left to themselves, fibrin is formed, consisting of innumerable, excessively delicate, closely-packed, microscopic, doubly refractive (Hermann) fibrils (Fig. 6, E). These fibrils entangle the blood-corpuscles as in a spider's web, and form with them a jelly-like, solid mass called the BLOOD-CLOT (placenta sanguinis). At first the clot is very soft, and after the first 2 to 15 minutes a few fibres may be found on its surface; these may be removed with a needle, while the interior of the clot is still fluid. The fibres ultimately extend throughout the entire mass, which, in this stage, has been called cruor. After from 12 to 15 hours the fibrin contracts, or, at least, shrinks more and more closely around the corpuscles, and a fairly solid, trembling, jelly-like clot, which can be cut with a knife, is formed. During this time the clot has expressed from its substance a fluid — the BLOOD-SERUM. The clot takes the shape of the vessel in which the blood coagulates. Fibrin may be obtained by washing away the corpuscles from the clot with a stream of water. Crusta Phlogistica. — If the corpuscles subside very rapidly, and if the blood coagulates slowly, the upper stratum of the clot is not red, but only yellowish, on account of the absence of coloured corpuscles. This is regularly the case in horse's blood, and in human blood it is observed especially in inflammations ; hence this layer has been called crusta pliloyistica. Such blood contains more fibrin, and so coagulates more slowly. 40 PHENOMENA OF COAGULATION. The crusta is formed under other circumstances, but the cause of its formation is not always clear — e.f/., with increased S.G. of the corpuscles, or diminished S.G. of the plasma (as in hydrsemia and chlorosis), whereby the corpuscles sink more rapidly, and also during pregnancy. The taller and narrower the glass, the thicker is the crusta (compare § 41). The upper end of the clot, where there are few corpuscles, shrinks more, and is therefore smaller than the rest of the clot. This upper, lighter-coloured layer is called the ': buffy" coat ; this, however, gradually passes both as to size and colour into the normal dark-coloured clot. [Sometimes the upper surface of the clot is concave or cupped. The older physicians used to attribute great importance to this condition, and also to the occurrence of the crusta phlogistica, or buffy coat.] Defibrinated Blood. — If freshly-shed blood be beaten or whipped with a glass-rod or with a bundle of twigs, fibrin is deposited on the rod or twigs in the form of a solid, fibrous, yellowish-white, elastic- mass, and the blood which remains is called " defilnnated Hood" [The twigs and fibrin must be washed in a stream of water to remove adhering corpuscles.] Coagulation of Plasma. — Plasma shows phenomena exactly analogous, save that there is no well-defined clot, owing to the absence of the resisting corpuscles ; there is, however, always a soft, trembling jelly formed, when plasma coagulates. Properties of Fibrin. — Although the fibrin appears voluminous, it only occurs to the extent of 0'2 per cent. (O'l to O3 per cent.) in the blood. The amount varies considerably in two samples of the same blood (Sig. Mayer). It is insoluble in water and ether; alcohol shrivels it by extracting water; dilute hydrochloric acid (O'l per cent.) causes it to swell up and become clear, and changes it into syntonin or acid- albumin. When fresh, it has a grayish-yellow fibrous appearance, and is elastic ; when dried, it is horny, transparent, brittle, and friable. When fresh it dissolves in 6 to 8 per cent, solutions of sodium nitrate or sulphate, in dilute alkalies, and in ammonia — thus forming alkali-albuminate. Heat does not coagulate these solutions. If, however, to a solution of fibrin in 0'05 per cent, soda solution, there be added acids, or (the faintly alkaline) lactate, formate, butyrate, acetate, or valerianate of ammonia or soda, coagulation occurs (Deutschmanu). Hydric peroxide is rapidly decomposed by fibrin (The'nard). According to H. Nasse, the first appearance of a coagulum occurs in man's blood after 3 min. 45 sec., in woman's blood after 2 min. 20 sec. Age has no effect; withdrawal of food accelerates coagulation (H. Vierordt). 28. General Phenomena of Coagulation. I. Blood which is in direct contact with the living and unaltered blood-vessels does not coagulate (Briicke, 1857). This important fact was proved by Briicke, who filled the heart of a tortoise with blood which had stood 1 5 minutes exposed to the air at 0°, and kept it in a moist chamber. The blood was still fluid at the end of 5^ hours, while the PHENOMENA OF COAGULATION. 41 heart itself still continued to beat. He observed that at 0° the blood was uncoagulated in the contracting heart of a tortoise after eight days. Blood inside a contracting frog's heart preserved under mercury does not coagulate. If the wall of the vessel be altered by pathological pro- cesses (e.g., if the intima becomes rough and uneven, or undergoes inflammatory change) coagulation is apt to occur at these places. Blood rapidly coagulates in a dead heart, or in blood-vessels (but not in capillaries) or other canals (e.g., the ureter) (Virchow). If blood stagnates in a living vessel, coagulation begins in the central axis, because here there is no contact with the wall of the living blood- vessel. This influence of the wall of blood-vessels was, to some extent, known to Thackrah (1819) and to Sir Astley Cooper. II. Conditions which Hinder or Delay Coagulation. — (a.) The addition of small quantities of alkalies and ammonia, or of con- centrated solutions of neutral salts of the alkalies and earths (alkaline chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, nitrates, carbonates). Magnesic sulphate acts most favourably in delaying coagulation (1 vol. solution of 28 per cent, to 3^ vol. blood of the horse). (&.) The precipitation of the fibrinoplastin by adding weak acids, or by C02. By the addition of acetic acid until the reaction is acid, the coagulation is com- pletely arrested. A large amount of C02 delays it, and hence venous blood coagulates more slowly than arterial. Hence, also, the blood of suffocated persona remains fluid. (c.) The addition of egg-albumin, syrup, glycerine, and much water. If uncoagulated blood be brought into contact with a layer of already- formed fibrin, coagulation occurs later. (d.) By cold at 0° coagulation may be delayed for one hour (J. Davy.) If blood is frozen at once, after thawing, it is still fluid, and then coagulates (Hewson). When shed blood is under high pressure it coagulates slowly (Landois). (e.) Blood of embryo-fowls does not coagulate before the 12th or 14th day of incubation (Boll); that of the hepatic rein very slightly; menstrual blood shows little tendency to coagulate when alkaline mucus from the vagina is mixed with it. If it be rapidly discharged, it coagulates in masses. (/.) Blood rich in fibrin from inflamed parts coagulates slowly. In "bleeders " (haemophilia), coagulation seems not to take place, owing to a want of the sub- stances producing fibrin ; hence, in these cases, wounds of vessels are not plugged with fibrin. Albertoni observed that if tryptic pancreas ferment (dissolved in glycerine), be injected into the blood of an animal, blood does not coagulate. Schmidt-Mulheim found that after the injection of pure peptone into the blood (0'3 to 0'6 grammes per kilo.) of a dog, the blood lost its power of coagulating. A substance is formed in the plasma, which prevents coagulation, but which is 42 PHENOMENA OF COAGULATION. precipitated by C02. Lymph behaves similarly (Fano). After peptones are injected, there is a great solution of leucocytes in the blood (v. Samson-Himmelstjerna). III. Coagulation is Accelerated — (a.) By Contact with Foreign Substances of all kinds ; hence, threads or needles introduced into arteries are rapidly covered with fibrin. Even the introduction of air-bubbles into the circulation accelerates it, and the pathologically altered wall of a vessel acts like a foreign body. Blood shed from an artery rapidly coagulates on the Avails of vessels, on the surfaces exposed freely to air, and on the rods or twigs by which it is beat. The passage through it of indifferent gases, such as N. and H., and the addition of H20 have the same effect. (b.) Heating from 39° to 55°C., rapidly facilitates coagulation (Hewson). (c.) Agitation of the blood, as shown by Hewson and Hunter. IV. Rapidity of Coagulation. — Amongst vertebrates, the blood of birds (especially of the pigeon), coagulates almost momentarily; in cold-blooded animals, coagulation occurs much more slowly, while mammals stand midway between the two. [The blood of a fowl begins to coagulate in a-half to one and a-half minute ; that of a pig, sheep, rabbit, in a-half to one and a-half minute ; of a dog, one to three minutes ; of a horse and ox, five to thirteen minutes ; of man, three to four minutes ; solidification is completed in nine to eleven minutes, but rather sooner in the case of women (Nasse) ]. The blood of invertebrates, which is usually colourless, forms a soft whitish clot of fibrin. Even in lymph and chyle, a small soft clot is formed. V. When coagulation occurs, the aggregate condition of the fibrin- factors is altered, so that heat must be set free (Valentin, 1884, Schiffer, Lepine). The rise in the temperature may be ascertained with a very delicate thermometer. VI. In blood shed from an artery, the degree of alkalinity diminishes from the time of its being shed until coagulation is completed (Pfliiger and Zuntz). This is probably due to a decomposition in the blood, whereby an acid is developed, which diminishes the alkalinity (p. 2). VII- Whether or not electricity is developed, is not positively proved. Hermann supposes that the parts already coagulated are negative, while non-coagulated parts are positive ; but this has not been clearly shown. VIII. During coagulation there is a diminution of the 0 in the blood, although a similar decrease also occurs in non-coagulated blood. Traces of ammonia are also given oft', which Eichardson erroneously supposed to be the cause of the coagulation of the blood. [This is refuted — (1.) by the fact that blood, when collected under mercury (whereby no escape of ammonia is possible), also coagulates ; and (2.) by the follow- CAUSES OF COAGULATION. 43 ing experiment of Lister : — He placed two ligatures on a vein con- taining blood, moistening one-half of the outer surface of the vein with ammonia, and leaving the other half intact. The blood coagu- lated in the first half, and not in the other, owing to the properties of the wall of the vein of the former being altered. Lister also proved that blood will remain fluid for hours in a vein after it has been freely exposed to the air, and even after it has been poured in a thin stream from one vein to another.] Neither the decrease of 0 nor the evolution of ammonia seems to have any causal connection with the formation of fibrin. 29. Cause of the Coagulation of the Blood, Alexander Schmidt stated that fibrin is formed by the coming- together of two proteid substances which occur dissolved in the plasma or liquor sanguinis, viz. : — (1.) Fibnnogen, i.e., the substance which yields the chief mass of the fibrin, and (2.) Fibrinoplastic substance or fibrino- plastin. In order to determine the coagulation a ferment seems to be necessary, and this is supplied by (3.) the fibrin-ferment. [The serous sacs of the body contain a fluid which in some respects closely resembles lymph. The pericardium contains pericardia! fluid, which in some animals coagulates spontaneously (e.g., in the rabbit, ox, horse, and sheep), if the fluid be removed immediately after death. If this be not done till several hours after death, the fluid does not coagulate spontaneously. The fluid of the tunica vaginalis of the testis, again, sometimes accumulates to a great extent, and constitutes hydrocele, but this fluid shows no tendency to coagulate spontaneously. Andrew Buchanan found, however, that if to the fluid of ascites, to pleuritic fluid, or to hydrocele fluid, there be added clear blood-serum, then coagulation takes place, i.e., two fluids— neither of which shows any tendency by itself to coagulate — form a clot when they are mixed. He also found that if "washed blood clot" (which consists of a mixture of fibrin and colourless cor- puscles) be added to hydrocele fluid, coagulation occurred. Denis mixed unco- agulated blood with a saturated solution of sodic sulphate, allowed the corpuscles to subside, and decanted the clear fluid which was mixed with sodic chloride, until a large amount of precipitate had been obtained. The precipitate, when washed with a saturated solution of sodic chloride, he called plasmine. If plas- mine be mixed with water, it coagiilates spontaneously, resulting in the formation of fibrin, while another proteid remains in solution. According to the view of Denis, fibrin is produced by the splitting up of plasmine into two bodies — fibrin and au insoluble proteid.] [Researches Of A. Schmidt- — This observer rediscovered the chief facts already known to Buchanan, viz., that some fluids which do not coagulate spontaneously, clot when mixed with other fluids, which also show no tendency to coagulate spontaneously, <, hydrocele fluid and blood-serum. He proceeded to isolate from these fluids the bodies which are described as fibrinogen and nbrinoplastin. The bodies so obtained were not pure, but Schmidt supposed that the formation of fibrin was due to the interaction of these two proteids. The reason why hydrocele fluid did not coagulate, he said, was that it contained nbrinogeu aiid no fibrinoplaatin, while blood -serum contained the latter, but not 44 THE FIBRIN-FACTORS. the former. Schmidt afterwards discovered that these two substances may be present in a fluid, and yet that coagulation may not occur (e.g., occasionally in hydrocele fluid). He supposed, therefore, that blood or blood-serum contained some other constituent necessary for coagulation. This he afterwards isolated in an impure condition and called fibrin-ferment (Gamgee). ] Properties of these Substances. — Fibrinogen and fibrinoplastin are not distinguished from each other by well-marked chemical characters. Still they differ as follows : — (a.) Fibrinoplastin is more easily precipitated from its solutions than ftbrinogen. (I.) It is more readily redissolved when once it is precipitated. (c.) It forms when precipitated a very light granular powder. (d.) Fibrinogen adheres as a sticky deposit to the side of the vessel. It coagulates at 56°C. Both substances closely resemble globulin in their chemical composi- tion (Kiihne called fibrinoplastin paraglobuliri), and in their reactions they are not unlike myosin. Like all globulins, they require a trace of common salt for their solution. On account of their great similarity, both substances are not usually prepared from blood-plasma. Fibrinogen is prepared from serous trans- udations (pericardial, abdominal, or pleuritic fluid, or the fluid of hydrocele), which contain no fibrinoplastin. Fibrinoplastin is most readily prepared from serum, in which there is still plenty of fibrino- plastin, but no fibrinogen. Preparation of Fibrinoplastin. — (a.) Dilute blood-serum with twelve times its volume of ice-cold water, and almost neutralise it with acetic acid, [add 4 drops of a 25 per cent, solution of acetic acid to every 120 c.c. of diluted serum]; or (b.) pass a stream of carbonic acid through the diluted serum, which soon becomes turbid ; and after a time a fine white powder, copious and granular, is precipitated (Schmidt, 18G2). [(c.) The serum may be dialysed for a day ; at the end of this time the contents of the dialyser have become turbid, and when a current of COo is passed through them, a precipitate of fibrinoplastin is obtained. Schmidt's fibrinoplastin has also been called SERUM-GLOBULIN (Hammarsten) or PARAGLOBULIN (Kiihue).] Schmidt found that 100 c.c. of the serum of ox blood yielded 0'7 to O'S grins.; horse serum, 0"3 to 0'56 grms. of dry fibrinoplastin. Fibrinoplastin occurs not only in serum, but also in red blood-corpuscles, in the fluids of connective tissue, and in the juices of the cornea. [((/.) Method of Hammarsten. — All the fibrinoplastin in serum is not precipitated either by adding acetic acid or by C02. Hammarsten found, however, that if crystals of magnesium sulphate be added to complete saturation, it precipitates the whole of the serum-globulin, but does not precipitate serum-albumin (Gamgee) ; it seems that in THE FIBRIN-FACTORS. 45 the ox and horse serum-globulin is more abundant than serum-albumin, while in the dog and rabbit the reverse obtains.] Preparation of Fibrinogen. — This is best prepared from hydrocele fluid, although it may also be obtained from the fluids of serous cavities— e.g., the pleura, pericardium, or peritoneum. It does not exist in blood-serum, although it does exist in blood-plasma, lymph, and chyle, from which it may be obtained by a stream of C02, after the paraglobulin is precipitated, (a.) Dilute hydrocele fluid with ten to fifteen times its volume of water, and pass a stream of C02 through it ; or (b.) carefully neutralise it by adding acetic acid, (c.) Add powdered common salt to saturation to a serous transudation, when a sticky glutinous (not very abundant) precipitate of fibrinogen is obtained. [Hammarsten and Eichwald find that, although paraglobulin and fibrinogen are soluble in solutions of common salt (containing 5 to 8 per cent, of the salt), a saline solution of 12 to 16 per cent, is required to precipitate the fibrinogen, leaving still in solution para- globulin, which is not precipitated until the amount of salt exceeds 20 per cent. (Gamgee).] Hammarsten found that it may be prepared from blood (of the horse) by first precipitating all the serum-globulin or fibrinoplastin with crystals of magnesium sulphate, and subsequent filtration, which removes the corpuscles ; a clear salted plasma is thus obtained. If to the filtrate a saturated solution of common salt be added, a turbid, flaky, impure precipitate of fibrinogen is obtained. This may be dis- solved in dilute common salt, and again precipitated by a saturated solution of NaCl. Properties Of the Fibrin-Factors. — They are insoluble in pure water, but dissolve in water containing O in solution. Both are soluble in very dilute alkalies — e.g., caustic soda, and are precipitated from this solution by C02. They are soluble in dilute common salt — like all globulins— but if a certain amount of common salt be added in excess they are precipitated. Very dilute hydrochloric acid dissolves them, but after several hours they become changed into a body resembling syntonin or acid-albumin. Fibrinogen dissolved in a weak solution of common salt (1 to 5 per cent.) is re-precipitated on adding water, so that it resembles fibrin. Its solution in common salt coagulates at 52° to 55°C. (Hammarsten, Frede"ricq). [Frederic^ finds that fibrinogen exists as such in the plasma, it coagulates at 56°C., and the plasma thereafter is uncoagulable (Gamgee).] Preparation of the Fibrin-Ferment. — Mix blood-serum (ox) with twenty times its volume of strong alcohol, and filter off the deposit thereby produced after one month. The deposit on the filter consists of albumin and. the ferment ; dry it carefully over sulphuric acid, and reduce to a powder. Triturate 1 gramme of the powder with 65 c.c.m. of water for ten minutes, and filter. The ferment is dissolved by the 46 FORMATION OF FIBRIN. water, and passes through the filter, while the coagulated albumin remains behind (Schmidt). In the preparation of fibrinoplastin, the ferment is carried down with it mechanically. The ferment seems to be formed first in fluids outside the body, very probably by the solution of the colourless corpuscles. More ferment is formed in the blood the longer the interval between its being shed and its coagulation. It is destroyed at SO°C. [Gamgee'S Method.— Buchanan's "washed blood-clot" (p. 43) is digested in an 8 per cent, solution of common salt. The solution so obtained possesses in an intense degree the properties of Schmidt's fibrin-ferment. ] Coagulation Experiments. — According to A. Schmidt, if the pure solutions of (1) fibrinogen, (2) fibrinoplastin, and (3) fibrin-ferment be mixed, fibrin is formed. The process goes on best at the tem- perature of the body ; it is delayed at 0° ; and the ferment is destroyed at the boiling point. The presence of 0 seems necessary for coagulation. The amount of ferment appears to be immaterial ; large quantities produce more rapid coagulation, but the amount of fibrin formed is not greater. The amount of salts present has a remarkable relation to coagulation. Solutions of the fibrin-factors deprived of salts, and redissolved in very dilute caustic soda, when mixed, do not coagulate until sufficient NaCl be added to make a 1 per cent, solution of this salt (Schmidt). When blood or blood-plasma coagulates, all the fibrinogen is used up, so that the serum contains only fibrinoplastin and fibrin-ferment; hence, the addition of hydrocele fluid (which contains fibrinogen) to serum causes coagulation. According to Hammarsten, fibrin is formed when the ferment is added to a solution of fibrinogen. [Hattimarsten's Theory Of Coagulation.— Hamrnarsten's researches lead him to believe that fibrinoplastiu is quite unnecessary for coagulation. According to him, fibrin is formed from one body, viz., fibrinogen, which is present in plasma when it is acted upon by the fibrin-ferment ; the latter, however, has not been obtained in a pure state. Neither he nor Schmidt asserts that this body is of the nature of a ferment, although they use the term for convenience. It is quite certain that fibrin may be formed when no fibrinoplastin is present, coagulation being caused by the addition of calcic chloride or casein prepared in a special way. But, whether one or two proteids be required, in all cases it is clear that a certain quantity of salts, especially of NaCl, is necessary.] 30. Source of the Fibrin-Factors. Al. Schmidt maintains that all the three substances out of which fibrin is said to be formed, arise from the breaking up of colourless blood-corpuscles. In the blood of man and mammals fibrinogen exists, dissolved in the circulating blood as a dissolution product of the SOURCES OF THE FIBRIN-FACTORS. 47 retrogressive changes of the white corpuscles. Plasma contains dissolved fibrinogen and serum-albumin. The circulating blood is very rich in lymph or white cells, much richer, indeed, than was formerly supposed (Schmidt, Landois). As soon as blood is shed from an artery, enormous numbers of the colourless corpuscles are dissolved (Mantegazza) — according to Alex. Schmidt 71'7 per cent, (horse). First, the body of the cell disappears, and then the nucleus (Hlava). The products of their dissolution are dissolved in the plasma, and one of these products' is fibrinopltistin. At the same time the fibrin-ferment is also produced, so that it would seem not to exist in the intact blood- corpuscles. Fibrinoplastin and fibrin -ferment are also produced by the " transition forms " of blood-corpuscles, i.e., those forms which are intermediate between the red and the white corpuscles. They seem to break up immediately after blood is shed. The blood-plates (p. 21), are also probably sources of these substances. In amphibians and birds, the red nucleated corpuscles rapidly break up after blood is shed, and yield the substance or substances which form fibrin. Al. Schmidt convinced himself that in these animals fibrinogen is also a constituent of the blood-corpuscles. It is clear, therefore, according to Schmidt's view, that as soon as the blood-corpuscles, white or red, are dissolved, the fibrin-factors pass into solution, and the formation of fibrin by the union of the three substances will ensue. [It is worthy of remark to recall the conclusion arrived at by And. Buchanan, viz., that the potential element of his "washed blood-clot" resided in the colourless corpuscles, "primary cells or vesicles." He, like Schmidt, found that the buffy-coat of horse's blood, which is very rich in white corpuscles, produced coagulation rapidly. Buchanan compared the action of his washed clot to that of rennet in coagulating milk.] Pathological. — Al. Schmidt and his pupils, Jakowicki and Birk, have shown that some ferment, probably derived from the dissolution of colourless corpuscles, is found in circulating blood, and that it is more abundant in venous than in arterial blood, while it is most abundant in shed blood. It is specially remarkable that in septic fever the amount of ferment in blood may increase to such an extent as to permit the occurrence of spontaneous coagulation (thrombosis), which may even produce death (Arn. Kb'hler). In febrile cases generally, the amount of ferment is somewhat more abundant (Edelberg and Birk). After the injection of ichor into the blood an enormous number of colourless corpuscles are dissolved (F. Hoffmann). 31. Relation of the Red Blood- Corpuscles to the Formation of Fibrin. That the red blood-corpuscles may participate in the production of fibrin is proved by many experiments. 48 RED CORPUSCLES AND FIBRIN-FORMATION. Hoppe-Seyler showed that the nucleated blood-corpuscles of birds, when treated with water, give a copious precipitate which resembles fibrin. Heynsius observed a similar result after the blood of fowls had been acted upon by water and dilute solution of common salt, and he also states that nearly 90 per cent, of the total fibrin may be obtained from the washed blood-corpuscles of the horse, when the corpuscles are gradually dissolved. Semmer discovered that he could cause defibrinated frog's blood to coagulate by mixing it with 4 to 6 times its volume of water. On adding 10 to 12 drops of a 0'2 per cent, solution of soda to 1 c.c.m. of defibrinated frog's blood, Semmer and A. Schmidt found that it became converted into a structureless glutinous mass, in which neutralisation with acetic acid produced fibres of fibrin. No fibrin was formed from serum. The same observers diluted 4 c.c.m. of defibrinated frog's blood with 20 c.c.m. of water containing CO.,. The haemoglobin was thereby dissolved in the water, while the colour- less stromata fell to the bottom. When this deposit was mixed with a solution of sodium hydrate, a similar glutinous mass was obtained, which yielded fibrin on being neutralised with acetic acid. No such result was obtained from haemoglobin. In 1874, Landois observed under the microscope that the stromata of the red blood- corpuscles of mammals passed into fibrin. If a drop of defibrinated rabbit's blood be placed in serum of frog's blood, with- out mixing them, the red corpuscles can be seen collecting together ; their surfaces are sticky, and they can only be separated by a certain pressure on the cover-glass, whereby some of the new spherical corpuscles are drawn out into threads. The corpuscles soon become spherical, and those at the margin allow the haemoglobin to escape, when the decolourisation progresses, from the margin inwards, until at last there remains a mass of stroma adhering together. The stroma- substance is very sticky, but soon the cell-contours disappear, and the stromata adhere and form fine fibres. Thus (according to Landois) the formation of fibrin from red blood-corpuscles can be traced step by step. The red corpuscles of man and animals, when dissolved in the serum of other animals, show much the same phenomena. Stroma-Fibrin and Plasma-Fibrin. — Landois calls fibrin formed direct from stroma, stroma-fibrin. Fibrin which is formed in the usual way by the fibrin-factors he calls plasma-fibrin. The stroma-fibrin is closely related chemically to stroma itself; and as yet the two kinds of fibrin have not been sharply distinguished chemically. Substances which rapidly dissolve red corpuscles cause extensive coagulation, e.g., injection of bile or bile salts, or lake-coloured blood, into arteries (Naunyn and Francken). After the injection of foreign blood the newly-injected blood often breaks up in the blood-vessels of the recipient, while COMPOSITION OF PLASMA AND SERUM, 49 the finer vessels are frequently found plugged with small thrombi (see Transfusion, p. 61). Coagulable Fluids. — With regard to coagulability, fluids containing proteids may be classified thus : — (1.) Those that coagulate spontaneously, i.e., blood, lymph, chyle. (2.) Those capable of coagulating, e.g., fluids secreted pathologically in serous cavities ; for example, hydrocele fluid, which, as usually containing fibrinogen only, does not coagulate spontaneously, coagulates on the addition of fibrinoplastin and ferment (or of blood-serum in which both occur). (3.) Those which do not coagulate, e.g., milk or seminal fluid, which do not seem to contain fibrinogen. 32. Chemical Composition of the Plasma and Serum. I. Proteids occur to the amount of 8 to 1 0 per cent, in the plasma. Only 0'2 per cent, of these go to form fibrin. When coagulation has taken place, and after the separation of the fibrin, the plasma becomes converted into serum. The S. G. of human serum is 1,027 to 1,029. It contains several proteids. [According to Hammarsten, human serum contains 9'2075 per cent, of solids, — of these, 3'103 = serum-globulin, and 4'516 = serum-albumin, i.e., in the ratio of 1 : T511.] (a.) Serum-Globulin (Th. Weyl) or Para-Globulin 2-4 p. c., was formerly believed to occur in much smaller amount than it actually does. Hammarsten found that if serum be diluted with two volumes of water, and crystals of magnesium sulphate be added to saturation, serum-globulin is precipitated, but not serum-albumin. In the serum of the horse and ox serum-globulin is more abundant than serum- albumin, while in the serum of the rabbit and dog the reverse is the case. It is soluble in 10 per cent, solution of common salt, and coagulates at 75°C. [Serum-globulin was carefully described by Panum under the name of "Serum- casein;" by Al. Schmidt, as " Fibrino-plastic substance;" and by Kiihne, as "Para-globulin."] As already mentioned, it may also be precipitated, in part, by diluting serum with 10 to 15 vols. of water, and passing a stream of C02 through it (p. 44). If a trace of acetic acid be added to serum after the separation of the serum-globulin, Kiihne finds that a fine precipitate of what he calls soda-albuminate occurs. [It is, however, highly doubtful if an alkali-albuminate does occur in the blood. Hammarsten found that C02 does not precipitate all the serum-globulin, so that it is improbable that Kiihne's soda-albuminate exists as a distinct substance in serum.] According to A. E. Burckhard, magnesium sulphate not only precipitates serum-globulin, but also another proteid substance more closely resembling albumin. During hunger the globulin increases and the albumin diminishes. Serum-Albumin. — Its solutions begin to be turbid at 60°C., and coagulation occurs at 73°C., the fluid becoming slightly more 4 50 COMPOSITION OF PLASMA AND SERUM. alkaline at the same time. The amount is about 3-4 p. c. (Fredmcq). If sodium chloride be cautiously added to serum, the coagulating temperature may be lowered to 50°C. It has a rotatory power of — 56°. It is changed into syntonin or acid-albumin by the action of dilute HC1, and by dilute alkalies into alkali-albuminate. [Although serum-albumin is closely related to egg -albumin they differ : (a.) as regards their action upon polarised light; (b. ) the precipitate produced by adding HC1 or HN03 is readily soluble in 4 c.c.m. of the reagent in the case of serum-albumin, while the precipitate in egg-albumin is dissolved with very great difficulty ; (c. ) egg-albumin, injected into the veins, is excreted in the urine as a foreign body, while serum-albumin is not (Stockvis). Serum-albumiu has never been obtained free from salts, even when it is diatysed for a very long time, as was maintained by Aronstein, whose results have not been confirmed by Heynsius, Haas, Huizinga, Salkowski, and others.] After all the para-globulin (serum-globulin) in serum is precipitated by magnesium sulphate, serum-albumin still remains in solution. If this solution be heated to 40 or 50°C. a copious precipitate of non-coagulated serum-albumin is obtained, which is soluble in water. If the serum-albumin be filtered from the fluid, and if the clear fluid be heated to over 60°C., FredeYicq found that it becomes turbid from the precipitation of other proteids; the amount of these other bodies, however, is small. II. Fats (O'l to 0'2 per cent.). — Neutral fats (tristearin, tripalmitin, triolein) occur in the blood in the form of small microscopic granules, which, after a meal rich in fat (or milk), render the serum quite milky. The amount of fat in the serum of fasting animals is about 0'2 per cent.; during digestion 0'4 to 0'6 per cent.; and in dogs fed on a diet rich in fat it may be 1'25 per cent. There are also minute traces of fatty acids (succinic). Rohrig showed that soluble soaps — i.e., alkaline salts of the fatty acids — cannot exist in the blood. \Cholcsterin may be considered along with the fats. It occurs in considerable amount in nerve-tissues, and, like fats, is extracted by ether from the dry residue of blood-serum. Hoppe-Seyler found 0'019 to 0*314 per cent, in the serum of the blood of fattened geese. There is no fat in the red blood-corpuscles (Hoppe-Seyler). Lecithin (and protagou) occur in serum and also in the blood-corpuscles.] III. Traces of Grape Sugar (O05 per cent.) occur normally in blood and serum, and also a trace of glycogen. The amount of grape sugar in the blood increases with the absorption of sugar from the intestine, and this increase is most obvious in the blood of the portal and hepatic veins; there is also a slight increase in the arterial blood, but there it is rapidly changed. The presence of sugar is ascertained by coagulating blood by boiling it with sodium sulphate, pressing out the fluid and testing it for sugar with Fehling's solution (Cl. Bernard). Pavy coagulates the blood with alcohol. IV. Extractives. — Kreatin, urea (O'Ol to 0'085 per cent, in the COMPOSITION OF PLASMA AND SERUM. 51 dog), hippurie acid, succinic acid, and uric acid (more abundant in gouty conditions), hypoxanthin, all occur in very small amounts. The plasma and serum contain a yellow pigment, or perhaps several pigments. One of these is called cholepyrrhin (horse, calf), and is identical with the bile pigment of the same name (Hammarsten). [Rabbit's serum is colourless.] Thudichum regards the yellow pigment as lutein ; Maly, as hydrobilirubin; and MacMunn as choletelin. V. Sarcolactic Acid and Indican, also in small amount. VI. Salts. — The amount of inorganic salts ('085 to '09 per cent.) contained in the serum is slightly less than in the plasma, as a small amount of lime and magnesic phosphate is removed by the fibrin (Briicke). The most abundant salt is sodium chloride (0'5 per cent.), and next to it sodium carbonate [which exists in the plasma, most probably in the condition of sodium hydric carbonate (NaHC03). There is a small amount of potassic chloride, and also sulphuric and phosphoric acids, lime and magnesia. It is most important to note that the soda salts are far more abundant in the serum than the potassium salts. The ratio may be as high as 10:1.] Salts in human blood-serum (Hoppe-Seyler). Sodic Chloride. . 4'92 per 1000. ,, Sulphate, ..... 0'44 ' ,, ,, Carbonate, . . 0'21 ,, ,, Phosphate, . O'lo ,, Calcic Phosphate, . ") A -„ TV r L/ l O . . .Magnesic ,, . . . . ) VII. Water about 90 per cent. 33. The Gases of the Blood, Absorption of Gases by Solid Bodies and by Fluids. Absorption by Solid Bodies.— A considerable attraction exists between the particles of solid porous bodies and gaseous substances, so that gases are attracted and condensed •within the pores of solid bodies — i.e., the gases are absorbed. Thus, one volume of boxwood charcoal (at 12°C. and ordinary barometric pressure) absorbs 35 volumes C02 — 9'4 vol. 0 — 7 '5 vol. N — 1'75 vol. H. Heat is always formed when gases are absorbed, and the amoiint of heat evolved bears a relation to the energy with which the absorption takes place. Non-porous bodies are similarly invested by a layer of condensed gases on their surface. By Fluids. — Fluids can also absorb gases. A known, quantity of fluid at different pressures always absorbs the same volume of gas. Whether the pressure be great or small, the volume of the gas absorbed is equally great (W. Henry). But according to Boyle and Mariotte's law (1679), when the pressure within the same volume of gas is increased, the volume varies Inversely as the pressure. Hence it follows that, with varying pressure, the volume of gas absorbed remains 52 GASES OF THE BLOOD. the same, but the quantify of gas (weight, density) is directly proportional to th? pressure.. If the pressure — 0, the weight of the gas absorbed must also = 0. As a necessary result of this, we see that (1.) fluid* can be freed of their absorbed gases in a vacuum under an air-pump. Coefficient Of absorption means the volume of a gas (at 0°C) which is absorbed by a unit of volume of a liquid (at 760 mm. Hg) at a given temperature. The volume of a gas absorbed, and therefore the coefficient of absorption, is quite independent of the pressure, while the weight of the gas is proportional to it. Temperature, has an important influence on the coefficient of absorption. With a low temperature, it is greatest; it diminishes as the temperature increases; and at the boiling point it = 0. Hence, it follows that — (2.) Absorbed gases may be expelled from fluids simply by causing the fluids to boil. The coefficient of absorption diminishes for different fluids and gases, with increasing temperature, in a special, and by no means uniform, manner, which must be determined empirically for each liquid and gas. Thus the coefficient of absorption for COj in water diminishes with an increasing temperature, while that for H in water remains unchanged between 0 and 20T. Diffusion and Absorption of Gases. Diffusion Of Gases. — Gases which do not enter into chemical combinations with each other, mix with each other in quite a regular proportion. If, e.g., the necks of two flasks be placed in communication by means of a glass or other tube, and if the lower flask contain C02, and the upper one H, the gases mix quite indepen- dently of their different specific gravities, both gases forming in each flask a perfectly uniform mixture. This phenomenon is called the diffusion ofyases. If a porous membrane be previously inserted between the gases, the exchange of gases still goes on through the membrane. But (as with endosmosis in fluids) the gases pass with unequal rapidity through the pores, so that at the beginning of the experi- ment a larger amount of gas is found on one side of the membrane than on the other. According to Graham, the rapidity of the diffusion of the gases through the pores is inversely proportional to the square root of their specific gravities. (According to Bun sen, however, this is not quite correct.) Different Gases forming a Gaseous Mixture do not Exert Pressure Upon One another. — Gases, therefore, pass into a space filled with another gas, as they would pass into a vacuum. If the surface of a fluid containing absorbed gases be placed in contact with a very large quantity of another gas, the absorbed gases diffuse into the latter. Hence, absorbed gases can be removed by (3.) passing a stream of another gas through the fluid, or by merely shaking up the fluid with another gas. If two or more gases are mixed in a closed space over a fluid, as the different gases existing in a gaseous mixture exert no pressure upon each other, the several gases are absorbed. The weight of each absorbed is proportional to the pressure under which each gas would be, were it the only gas in the space. This pressure is called the partial pressure of a gas (Bunsen). The absorption of gases from their mixtures, therefore, is proportional to the partial pressure. The partial pressure of a gas in a space is at the same time the expression for the tension of the gas absorbed by a fluid. The air contains 0'2096 volume of O, and 0'7904 volume N. If 1 volume of the air be placed under a pressure, P, over water, the partial pressure under which O is absorbed = 0'2096 . P ; that for N, = 0'7904 . P. At 0°C., and 760 m.m. pressure, 1 volume of water absorbs 0 '02477 volume of air, consisting of 0'00862 volume 0, and 0 '01615 volume N. It contains, therefore, 34 per cent. 0, and 66 per cent. N. Therefore, water absorbs from the air a mixture of gases containing a larger percentage of 0 than the air itself. GASES OF THE BLOOD. 34. Extraction of the Blood Gases. The extraction of the gases from the blood, and their collection for chemical analysis, are carried out by means of the mercurial pump (C. Ludwig). Fig. 15 shows in a diagrammatic form the arrangement of Pnuger's gas-pump. It consists of a RECEPTACLE FOR THE BLOOD, or "BLOOD-BULB" (A), a glass- globe capable of containing 250 to 300 c.c.m., connected above and below with tubes, each of which is provided with a stop-cock, « and b ; b is an ordinary stop- cock, while a has through its long axis a perforation which opens at z, and is so arranged that, according to the position of the handle, it leads up into the Fig. 15. Scheme of Pfkiger's gas-pump— A, blood-bulb ; a, stop-cock, with a longitudinal perforation opening upwards ; a', the same opening downwards ; b and c, stop-cocks ; B, froth-chamber ; d, e, f, stop-cocks ; G, drying-chambers, containing sulphuric acid and pumice-stone ; D, tube, with manometer, y. 54: EXTRACTION OF THE BLOOD-GASES. blood bulb (position x, a), or downwards through the lower tube (position x', a'). This blood-bulb is first completely emptied of air (by means of a mercurial air-pump), and then carefully weighed. One end (x') of it is tied into an artery or a vein of an animal, and when the lower stop-cock is placed in the position (x a) blood flows into the receptacle. When the necessary amount of blood is collected, the lower stop-cock is put into the position, x'. a', and the blood- bulb, after being cleaned most carefully, is weighed to ascertain the weight of the amount of blood collected. The second part of the apparatus consists of the froth- chamber, B, leading upwards and downwards into tubes, each of which is pro- vided with an ordinary stop-cock, c and d. The froth-chamber, as its name denotes, is to catch the froth which is formed during the energetic evolution of the gases from the blood. The lower aperture of the froth-chamber is connected by means of a well-ground tube with the blood-bulb, while above it communicates with the third part of the apparatus, the drying-chamber, G. This consists of a U-shaped tube, provided below with a small glass-bulb, which is half filled with sulphuric acid, while in its limbs are placed pieces of pumice-stone also moistened with sulphuric acid. As the blood-gases pass through this apparatus (which may be shut off by the stop-cocks, e and/) they are freed from their watery vapour by the sulphuric acid, so that they pass quite dry through the stop-cock, /. The short well -ground tube, D, is fixed to/ and to the former is attached the small barometric tube or manometer, y, which indicates the extent of the vacuum. From D we pass to the pump proper. This consists of two large glass-bulbs which are continued above and below into open tubes ; the lower tubes, Z and iv, being united by a caoutchouc tube, G. Both the bulbs and the caoutchouc tube contain mercury — the bulbs being about half-full, and F being larger than E. The bulb, E, is fixed ; but F can be raised or lowered by means of a pulley with a rack and pinion motion. If F be raised, E is filled ; if F be lowered, E is emptied. The upper end of E divides into two tubes, g and A. of which (j is united to D. The ascending tube, h- — gas-delivery tube — is very narrow, and is bent so that its free end dips into a vessel containing mercury (u) — a pneumatic trough — and the opening is placed exactly under the tube for collecting the gases, the eudiometer, J, which is also filled with mercury. Where g and H unite, there is a two-way stop -cock, which in one position, H, places E in communication with A, B, G, I) the chambers to be exhausted, and in the position, K, shuts off A, B, G, D, and places the bulb, E, in communication with the gas-delivery tube, It, and the eudiometer, J. B, G, D are completely emptied of air, thus : — The stop-cock is placed in the position, K ; raise F until drops of mercury issue from the fine tube, i (not yet placed under J) ; place the stop-cock in the position H, lower F ; stop-cock in position, K, and so on until the barometer, y, indicates a complete vacuum. J is now placed over i. Open the cocks, c and b, so that the blood-bulb, A, communi- cates with the rest of the apparatus, and the blood-gases froth up in B, and after being dried in G pass towards E. Lower F, and they pass into E ; stop-cock in position, K, raise F, and the gases are collected in J under mercury. The repeated lowering and raising of F with the corresponding position of the stop- cocks ultimately drives all the gases into J. The removal of the gases is greatly facilitated by placing the blood-bulb, A, in a vessel containing water at 60°C. It is well to remove the gases from the blood immediately after it is collected from a blood-vessel, because the 0 undergoes a diminution if the blood be kept. Of course, in making several analyses it is difficult to do this, and the best plan to pursue in that case is to keep the receptacles containing the blood on ice. Mayow (1670) observed that gases were given off from blood in vacua. Magnus (1837) investigated the percentage composition of the blood-gases. The more important recent investigations have been made by Lothar Meyer (1857), and by the pupils of C. Ludwig and E. Pfliiger. ESTIMATION OF THE BLOOD-GASES. 55 35. Quantitative Estimation of the Blood-Gases. The gases obtained from blood consist of 0, C02 and N. Pfliiger obtained (at 0°C. and 1 metre Hg pressure), 47'3 volumes per cent, consisting of O 16'9 per cent. - CO., 29 per cent. - N. 1'4 per cent. As is shown in Fig. 15, the gases are obtained in an eudiometer, i.e., in a narrow tube, J, closed at one end, and with a very exact scale marked on it, and having two fine platinum wires melted into its upper end, with their free-ends projecting into the tube (p and ??-). (1.) Estimation Of the COs.— A small ball of fused caustic potash, fixed on a platinum wire, is introduced into the mixture of gases through the lower end of the eudiometer under cover of the mercury. The surface of the potash ball it moistened before it is introduced. The C02 unites with the potash to form potassium carbonate. After it has been in for a considerable time (24 hours), it is withdrawn iu a similar manner. The diminution in volume indicates the amount of C02 absorbed. (2.) Estimation Of the 0. — («•) Just as in estimating the COo. a ball of phos- phorus on a platinum wire is introduced into the eudiometer (Bertholet); it absorbs the 0 and forms phosphoric acid. Another plan is to employ a small papier-mache ball saturated with pyrogalliQ acid in caustic potash, which rapidly absorbs 0 (Liebig). After the ball is removed, the diminution in volume indicates the quantity of 0. (b.) The 0 is most easily and accurately estimated by exploding it in the eudiometer (Volta and Bunsen). Introduce a sufficient quantity of H into the eudiometer, and accurately ascertain its volume ; an electrical spark is now passed between the wires, p and n, through the mixture of gases ; the 0 and H unite to form water, which causes a diminution in the volume of the gases in the eudiometer, of which ^ is due to the 0 used to form water (H20). (c.) Estimation Of the N. — When the C02 and 0 are estimated by the above method, the remainder is pure N. 36. The Blood Gases. I. Oxygen exists in arterial blood (dog) on an average to the extent of 17 volumes per cent, (at 0°C. and 1 metre Hg pressure) (Pfliiger). According to Pfliiger, arterial blood (dog) is saturated to ^ with 0, while, according to Hu'fner, it is saturated to the extent of yi. In venous blood the quantity varies very greatly; in the blood of a passive muscle 6 volumes per cent, have been found ; while in the blood after asphyxia it is absent, or occurs only in traces. It is certainly more abundant in the comparatively red blood of active glands (salivary glands, kidney), than in ordinary dark venous blood. The 0 in Blood occurs — (a.) simply absorbed in the plasma. This is only a minimal amount, and does not exceed what distilled water at the temperature of the body would take up at the partial pressure of the 0 in the air of the lungs (Lothar Meyer). According to 56 THE BLOOD-GASES. Fernet, serum takes up slightly more O than corresponds to the pressure, and this is. perhaps, due to the trace of hemoglobin con- tained in the plasma or the serum, and which is derived from the solution of red corpuscles. (b.) Almost the total 0 of the Hood is chemically united, and, therefore, not subject to the law of absorption. It is loosely united to the haemoglobin of the red corpuscles, with which it forms oxyhcemoglobin (p. 29). The absorption of this quantity of 0 is completely independent of pressure; hence, animals confined in a closed space until they are nearly asphyxiated, can use up almost all the O from the surrounding atmosphere. The fact of the union being independent of pressure is proved by the following: — The blood only gives off copiously its chemically united 0, when the atmospheric pressure is lowered to 20 millimetres, Hg. (Worm Miiller) ; and, conversely, blood only takes up a little more 0 when the pressure is increased to 6 atmospheres (Bert). Physical Methods of obtaining 0 from Blood. — Notwithstanding this chemical union between the Hb and 0, however, the total 0 of the blood can be expelled from its state of combination by those means which set free absorbed gases — (a.) by introducing blood into a torri- cellian vacuum ; (b.) by boiling ; (c.) by the conduction of other gases [H,N,CO or NO] through the blood, because the chemical union of the oxyhsemoglobin is so loose that it is decomposed even by these physical means. Chemical Keagents. — Amongst chemical reagents the following re- ducing substances — ammonium sulphide, sulphuretted hydrogen, alkaline solutions of sub-salts, iron filings, &c., rob blood of its 0 (p. 30). With regard to the taking up of 0, the total quantity of blood behaves exactly like a solution of haemoglobin free from 0 (Preyer.) The amount of iron in the blood (0'55 in 1,000 parts) stands in direct relation to the amount of Hb; this to the quantity of blood-corpuscles; and this, in turn, to the specific gravity of the blood. The amount of 0 in the blood, therefore, is nearly proportional to the specific gravity of the blood, and it is also in proportion to the amount of iron in the blood. Picard affirms that 2 '3 6 grammes of iron in the blood can fix chemically 1 grrn. 0; while, according to Hoppe-Seyler, the pro- portion is 1 atom iron to 2 atoms 0. When blood is kept long outside of the blood-vessels, the quantity of 0 gradually diminishes, and if it be kept for a length of time at a high temperature it may disappear altogether. This depends upon decomposition occurring within the blood. By this decomposition in the blood (cadaveric phenomenon), reducing substances are formed which consume the 0. All kinds of blood, however, do not act with equal energy in consuming 0, e.g., venous blood from active muscles acts most energetically, while that from the hepatic vein has very little effect. C02 appears in the blood in place of the 0, and the colour darkens. The amount of C02 produced is sometimes greater than that of the O consumed. THE BLOOD-GASES. 57 If blood (or a solution of oxyha?moglobin) be acted upon by adds (e.g., tartaric acid) until it is strongly acid, O may be pumped out in considerably less amount, while the formation of C02 is not increased. We must, therefore, assume that, during the decomposition of the Hb caused by the acids (p. 33), a decomposition product becomes more highly oxidised by the intense chemical union of the 0 at the moment of its origin (Lothar Meyer, Zuntz, Strassburg). The same phe- nomenon occurs when oxyhaMiioglobin is decomposed by boiling. 37. Is Ozone (08) Present in Blood? On account of the numerous and energetic oxidations which occur in connection with the blood, the question has often been raised as to whether the 0 of the blood exists in the form of active O (08), or ozone. Ozone, however, is contained neither in the blood itself (Schonbein) nor in the blood-gases obtained from it. Nevertheless, the red corpuscles (and Hb) have a distinct relation to ozone. (1.) Tests for Ozone. — Hremoglobiu acts as a conveyer of ozone, i.e., it is able to remove the active 0 of other bodies and to convey or transfer it at once to other easily oxidisable substances, (a.) Turpentine which has been exposed to the air for a long time always contains ozone. The tests for the latter are starch and potassium iodide, the ozone decomposing the iodide when the iodine strikes a blue with the starch. (6.) Freshly-prepared tincture of guaiacum is also rendered blue by ozone. If some tincture of guaiacum be added to turpentine there is no reaction, but on adding a drop of blood a deep blue colour is immediately produced, i.e., blood takes the ozone from the turpentine and conveys it at once to the dissolved guaiacum, which becomes blue (Schonbein, His). It is immaterial whether the Hb contains 0 or not. (2.) It has been asserted also that haemoglobin acts as an ozone- producer, i.e., that it can convert the ordinary 0 of the air into ozone. Hence the reason why red blood-corpuscles alone render guaiacum blue. This reaction succeeds best when the guaiacum solution is allowed to dry on blotting-paper, and a few drops of blood (diluted 5 to 10 times) are poured on it. That the Hb forms ozone from the surrounding O, is shown by the experiment in which even red blood- corpuscles containing carbonic oxide were found to cause the blue colour (Kiiline and Scholz). According to Pfliiger, however, these reactions only occur from decomposition of the Hb, and as a result of this view the blood- corpuscles cannot be regarded as producers of ozone. Sulphuretted hydrogen is decomposed by blood (as by ozone itself) into sulphur and water. Hydric peroxide is decomposed by blood into 0 and water [but this reaction is prevented by the addition of a small amount of hydrocyanic acid (Schonbein)]. Crystallised Hb does not do this, and H202 may be cautiously injected into the blood-vessels of animals. This would show that unchanye.d Hb does not produce ozone. Various Forms Of Oxygen.— There are three forms of oxygen: (1.) The 58 CARBONIC ACID AND NITROGEN IN BLOOD. ordinary oxygen (02) in the air. (2.) Active or nascent oxygen (0), which never can occur iu the free state, but the moment it is formed acts as a powerful oxidising agent and produces chemical compounds. It converts water into hydric peroxide — the N of the air into nitrous and nitric acids, and even CO into C02, which ozone does not. It certainly plays an important part in the organism. (3.) Ozone (Oz), which is formed by the decomposition of several molecules of ordinary oxygen (02) into two atoms of 0, and the appropriation of each of these atoms by a molecule of undecomposed oxygen. It is oxygen condensed to § of its volume. 38. Carbonic Acid and Nitrogen in Blood. II. Carbonic Acid. — In arterial blood there are about 30 volumes per cent, of CO., (at 0°C. and 1 metre pressure — Setschenow); but in venous blood the amount is very variable ; e.g., in the venous blood of passive muscles there are 35 volumes per cent. (Sczelkow), while in the blood of asphyxia there may be 52'6 volumes per cent. The amount of CO., in the lymph of asphyxia is less than that in the blood (Buehner, Gaule). The CO., in the entire mass of the blood may be extracted from it or completely pumped out, but during the process of evacuation, or removal of the gas, a new property of the red blood-corpuscles is produced, whereby they assume the function of an acid and thus aid in the chemical expulsion of the CO.,. This acid-like property of the red corpuscles occurs especially in the presence of 0 and heat. (A.) The C02 in the Plasma. — The largest portion of the C02 belongs to the- plasma (or serum) and it appears all to be in a state of chemical combination. Serum takes up C00 quite independently of pressure, hence it cannot be merely absorbed. A certain part of the C0.2 can be removed from the serum (plasma) by the torricellian vacuum, while another part is obtained only after the addition of an acid. [This is called the "fixed" CO.,, while the former is known as the "loose" CO,.] The union of C02 in the serum may take place in the following ways :— (1.) C02 is united to the soda of the plasma in the form of " sodic carbonate." This portion of the CO., can only be displaced from its combination by the addition of an acid. (In depriving blood of its gases the red corpuscles play the role of an acid.) (2.) A portion of the CO., is loosely united to sodic carbonate in the form of sodic bicarbonate; the carbonate takes up 1 equivalent of C02; Na2C03 + C02 + H20 = 2 NaHC03. This C02 may be pumped out, as in the process the bicarbonate splits up again into the neutral carbonate and CO.,. CARBONIC ACID AND NITROGEN IN BLOOD. 59 Preyer has objected to this view on the ground that blood is alkaline in reaction, whilst all solutions that contain C02 in a state of absorption, or loose chemical combination, are always acid. Pflliger and Zuntz showed that blood, after being completely saturated with C02, still remains alkaline. As the bicarbonate only gives up its C02 very slowly in vacua, while blood gives off its COo very energetically, perhaps the soda, united with an albuminous body, combines with the CC>2 and forms a complex compound, from which the C02 is rapidly given off in vacua. (3.) A minimal portion of the C02 may be chemically united in the plasma with neutral sodic phosphate (Fernet). One equivalent of this salt can fix 1 equivalent of C02, so acid sodium phosphate and acid sodium carbonate are formed, Na2HP04 + C02 + H20 = NaH2P04 + NaH,C03 (Hermann). When the gases are removed the C02 escapes, and neutral sodic phosphate remains. It is probable, however, that almost all the sodic phosphate found in the blood- ash arises from the burning of lecithin; we have, therefore, to consider only the very small amount of this salt which occurs in the plasma (Hoppe-Seyler and Sertoli). (B.) The CO., in the Blood-Corpuscles. — The red corpuscles contain CCX, in a loose chemical combination; for (1.) a volume of blood can fix nearly as much CO., as an equal volume of serum (Ludwig, Al. Schmidt) ; and (2.) with increasing pressure the absorption of CO., by blood takes place in a different ratio from what occurs with serum (Pfliiger, Zuntz). The red corpuscles may fix more CO., than their own volume, and the union of the CO., seems to depend upon the Hb, for Setschenow found that, when Hb was acted on by C02, its power of fixing the latter was increased, which is perhaps due to the forma- tion of some substance (paraglobulin) more suited for fixing CO.,. The colourless corpuscles also fix CO., after the manner of the serum- constituents, and to the extent of to TV of the absorbing power of serum (Setschenow). III. Nitrogen exists in the blood to the extent of 14 to TG vol. per cent., and it appears to be simply absorbed. It is still doubtful whether a small part of the N exists chemically united in the red corpuscles. Outside the body when blood is heated, and when there is a free supply of 0 and warmth, it gives off very minute quantities of ammonia, which are perhaps derived from the decomposition of some salt of ammonia as yet unknown (Ktihne and Strauch). 39. Arterial and Venous Blood. Arterial blood contains in solution all those substances which are necessary for the nutrition of the tissues, those which are employed in secretion ; it also contains a rich supply of 0. Venous blood must 60 ARTERIAL AND VENOUS BLOOD. contain less of all these, but in addition it holds the used-up or effete substances derived from the tissues, and the products of their retro- gressive metabolism being more numerous, there is in venous blood a larger amount of C00. It is evident also that the blood of certain veins must have special characters, e.g., that of the portal and hepatic veins. The following are the most important points of difference between arterial and venous blood :— Arterial Blood contains — more 0, less C02, more water, more fibrin, more extractives, more sugar, fewer blood-corpuscles, less urea. It is bright red and not dichroic. more salts. As a rule it is 1°C. warmer. The bright red colour of arterial blood depends on the presence of oxyhsemoglobin, whilst the dark colour of venous blood is due to its smaller proportion of oxyhsemoglobin, and the quantity of reduced luemoglobin which it contains. The dark change of colour is not to be attributed to the larger quantity of C0.7 in venous blood (Marchand); for if equal qualities of 0 be added to two portions of blood, and if CO., be added to one of them, the colour is not changed (Pfliiger). 40. Quantity of Blood. In the adult the quantity of blood is equal to jV Pai't °f the body- weight (Bischoff), in newly-born children -^ (Welcker). According to Schiicking, the amount of blood in a newly-born child depends to some extent upon the time at which the umbilical cord is ligatured. The amount = T± of the body-weight when the cord is tied at once, while if it is tied some- what later it may be J. Immediate ligature of the cord may, therefore, deprive a newly-born child of 100 grammes of blood. Further, the number of corpuscles is less in a child after immediate ligature of the umbilical cord, than when it is tied somewhat later (Helot). Various methods are adopted to ascertain the amount of blood, but perhaps that of Welcker is the best. The methods of Valentin (1838), and Ed. Weber (1850), are not now used, as the results obtained are not sufficiently accurate. Method Of Welcker (1854).— Begin by taking the weight of the animal to be experimented on ; place a cannula in the carotid, and allow the blood to run into a flask previously weighed, and in which small pebbles (or Hg) have been placed in order to detibrinate the blood by shaking. Take a part of this deiibrin- ated blood, and make it cherry-red in colour by passing through it a stream of CO NORMAL QUANTITY OF BLOOD. 61 (because ordinary blood varies in colour according to the amount of 0 contained in it — Gscheidlen, Heidenhain). Tie a \~ -shaped cannula in the two cut ends of the carotid, and allow a 0'6 per cent, solution of common salt to flow into the vessel from a pressure bottle ; collect the coloured fluid issuing from the jugular veins and inferior vena cava until the fluid is quite clear. The entire body is then chopped up (with the exception of the contents of the stomach and intestines, which are weighed, and their weight deducted from the body-weight), and extracted with water, and after twenty-four hours the fluid is expressed. This water, as well as the washings with salt solution, are collected and weighed, and part of the mixture is saturated with CO. A sample of this dilute blood is placed in a vessel with parallel sides (1 c.m. thick), opposite the light (the so-called hsematinometer), and in a second vessel of the same dimensions, a sample of the undiluted CO-blood is diluted with water from a burette until both fluids give the same intensity of colour. From the quantity of water required to dilute the blood to the tint of the washings of the blood-vessels, the quantity of blood in the washings is calculated. (On chopping up the muscles aloue, we obtain the amount of Hb present in them, which is not taken into calculation— Kuhne). Quantity of Blood in Various Animals. — The quantity of blood in the mouse = TV to TV; guinea-pig 1*-..- (^T to -oV) ', rabbit = ^ ( l_ to ^V) ; dog = T'^ (tV to -L-) ; cat = ST.V ; birds = -^ to -V ; \ 1 5 ;:-/" O 13X11 1 8 / 3 2103 10 13' frog =r TV to ^j ; fishes = yj to JL of the body-weight (without the contents of the stomach and intestines). The specific gravity of the blood ought always to be taken when estimating the amount of blood. The amount of blood is diminished during inanition ; fat persons have relatively less blood ; after haemorr- hage the loss is at first replaced by a watery fluid, while the blood- corpuscles are gradually regenerated (p. 63). The estimation of the quantify of blood in different organs is done by suddenly ligaturing their blood-vessels intra vitam. A watery extract of the chopped up organ is prepared, and the quantity of blood estimated as described above. Roughly, it may be said that the lungs, heart, large arteries, and veins contain £ ; the muscles of the skeleton, £ ; the liver, £ : and other organs, ^ (Ranke). 41. Variations from the Normal Condition of the Blood. (A.) Increase of the Blood, or of its Individual Constituents.— (l.) An increase in the entire mass of the blood, uniformly in all organs, constitutes polyamia (or plethora), and in over-nourished individuals it may approach a patho- logical condition. A bluish-red colour of the skin, swollen veins, large arteries, hard full pulse, injection of the capillaries and smaller vessels of the visible mucous membranes are signs of this state, accompanied by congestion of the brain, giving rise to vertigo, and congestion of the lungs, as shown by breathlessness. After major amputations with little loss of blood a relative increase of blood has been found (?) (plethora apocoptica). Transfusion. — Poly^mia may be produced artificially by the injection of blood of the same species. If the normal quantity of blood be increased 83 per cent. 62 TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. no abnormal condition occurs, because the blood-pressure is not permanently raised. The excess of blood is accommodated in the greatly distended capillaries, which may be stretched beyond their normal elasticity (Worm Miiller). If it be increased to 150 per cent, there are variations in the blood-pressure, life is endangered, and there may be sudden rupture of blood-vessels (Worm Miiller). Fate of Transfused Blood. — After the transfusion of blood the formation of lymph is greatly increased ; but in one to two days the serum is used up, the water is excreted chiefly by the urine, and the albumin is partly changed into urea (Landois). Hence, the blood at this time appears to be relatively richer in blood-corpuscles (Panum, Lesser, Worm Miiller). The red corpuscles break up much more slowly, and the products thereof are partly excreted as urea and partly (but not constantly) as bile pigments. Even after a month an increase of coloured blood-corpuscles has been observed (Tschirjew). That the blood-cor- puscles are broken up sloiuly in the economy is proved by the fact that the amount of urea is much larger when the same quantity of blood is swallowed by the animal, than when an equal amount is transfused (Tschirjew, Landois). In the latter case there is a moderate increase of the urea lasting for days, a proof of the slow decomposition of the red corpuscles. Pronounced over-filling of the vessels causes loss of appetite, and a tendency to haemorrhage of the mucous membranes. (-•) PolySBlnia serosais that condition in which the amount of serum — i.e., the amount of water in the blood, is increased. This may be produced artificially by the transfusion of blood-serum from the same species. The water is soon given off in the urine, and the albumin is decomposed into urea, without however, pass- ing into the urine. An animal forms more urea in a short time from a quantity of transfused serum than from the same quantity of blood, a proof that the blood- corpuscles remain longer undecomposed than the serum (Forster, Landois). If serum from another species of animal be used (e.g., dog's serum transfused into a rabbit), the blood-corpuscles of the recipient are dissolved ; hremoglobinuria is produced (Ponfick) ; and if there be general dissolution of the corpuscles, death may occur (Landois). PolySBmia aqUOSa is a simple increase of the water of the blood, and occurs temporarily after copious drinking, but increased diuresis soon restores the normal condition. Diseases of the kidneys, which destroy their secreting parenchyma, produce this condition, and often general dropsy, owing to the passage of water into the tissues. Ligature of the ureter produces a watery condition of the blood. (3.) Plethora poiycythaemica, Hypergloblllie.— An increase of the red cor- puscles has been assumed to occur when customary regular haemorrhages are inter- rupted— e.g. , menstruation, bleeding from the nose, &c. ; but the increase of corpuscles has not been definitely proved. There is a proved case of temporary polycytha;mia — viz., when similar blood is transfused, a part of the fluid is used up, while the corpuscles remain unchanged for a considerable time. There is a remarkable increase in the number of blood-corpuscles (to S'82 millions per cubic millimetre, p. 4) in certain severe cardiac affections where there is great congestion, and much water transudes through the vessels. In cases of hemiplegia, for the same reason, the number of corpuscles is greater on the paralysed congested side (Penzoldt). After diarrhoea, which diminishes the water of the blood, there is also an increase (Brouardel). There is a temporary increase in the luzmatoblasts as a reparative process after severe haemorrhage (p. 15), or after acute diseases. In cachectic conditions this increase continues, owing to the diminished non-conversion of these corpuscles into red corpuscles. In the last stages of cachexia the number diminishes more and more until the formation of hwmatoblasts ceases (Hayem). (4.) Plethora hyperalbuminosa is a term applied to the increase of albumins in the plasma, such as occurs after taking a large amount of food. A similar con- ABNORMAL CONDITIONS OF THE BLOOD. (i,3 dition is produced by transfusing the serum of the same species, whereby, at the same time, the urea is increased. Injection of egg-albumin produces albuminuria (Stokes, Lehmann). (B.) Diminution of the Quantity of Blood, or its Individual Consti- tuents.— (1.) Oligaemia VCra, or diminution of the quantity of blood as a whole, occurs whenever there is haemorrhage. Life is endangered in newly -born children when they lose a few ounces of blood; in children a year old, on losing half-a-pound ; and in adults, when one-half of the total blood is lost. Women bear loss of blood much better than men. The periodical formation of blood after each menstruation seems to enable blood to by renewed more rapidly in their case. Stout persons, old people, and children do not bear the loss of blood well. The more rapidly blood is lost, the more dangerous it is. Symptoms Of LOSS Of Blood. — Great loss of blood is accompanied by general paleness and coldness of the cutaneous surface, increased oppression, twitching of the eyeballs, noises in the ears and vertigo, loss of voice, great breathlessness, stoppage of secretions, coma ; dilatation of the pupils, involuntary evacuations of urine and fteces, and lastly, general convulsions, are sure signs of death b;/ hcemorrhage. In the gravest cases restitution is only possible by means of trans- fusion. Animals can bear the loss of one-fourth of their entire blood without the blood-pressure in the arteries permanently falling, because the blood-vessels con- tract and accommodate themselves to the smaller quantity of blood (in consequence of the stimulation of the vasomotor centre in the medulla). The loss of one-third of the total blood diminishes the blood-pressure considerably (one-fourth in the carotid of the dog). If the haemorrhage is not such as to cause death, the fluid part of the blood and the dissolved salts are restored by absorption from the tissues, the blood-pressure gradually rises, and then the albumin is restored, though a longer time is required for the formation of red corpuscles. At first, therefore, the blood is abnormally rich in water (hydrcemia), and at last abnormally poor in corpuscles (oligocytlicemia, hypocjlobulie). With the increased lymph- stream which pours into the blood, the colourless corpuscles are considerably increased above normal, and during the period of restitution fewer red corpuscles seem to be used up (^.;/., for bile). After moderate bleeding from an artery in animals, Buntzen observed that the volume of the blood was restored in several hours; after more severe haemorrhage in 24 to 48 hours. The red blood-corpuscles after a loss of blood equal to I'l to 4 '4 per cent, of the body-weight, are restored only after 7 to 34 days. The generation begins after 24 hours. During the period of regeneration the number of the smallest blood-corpuscles (hsemato-blasts) is increased. Even in man the duration of the period of regeneration depends upon the amount of blood lost (Lyon). The amount of haemoglobin is diminished nearly in proportion to the amount of the haemorrhage (Bizzozero and Salvioli). Metabolism in Anasmia.— The condition of the metabolism within the bodies of anasmic persons is important. The decomposition of proteids is increased (the same is the case in hunger), hence the excretion of urea is increased (Bauer, Jiirgensen). The decomposition of fats, on the contrary, is diminished, which stands in relation with the diminution of C02 given off. Anaemic and chlorotic persons put on fat easily. The fattening of cattle is aided by occasional bleedings and by intercurrent periods of hunger (Aristotle). (2.) An excessive thickening of the blood through loss of water is called 01ig8Binia Sicca. This occurs in man after copious watery evacuations, as in cholera, so that the thick tarry blood stagnates in the vessels. Perhaps a similar condition — though to a less degree— may exist after very copious perspiration. (3.) If the proteids in blood be abnormally diminished the condition is called Oligsemia hypalbuminosa ; they may be diminished about one-half. They are usually replaced by an excess of water in the blood. Loss of albumin from 64 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS OF THE BLOOD. the blood is caused directly by albuminuria ('25 grammes of albumin may be given off by the urine daily), persistent suppuration, great loss of milk, extensive cutaneous ulceration, albuminous diarrhoea (dysentery). Frequent and copious haemorrhages, however, by increasing the absorption of water into the vessels, at first produce oligajmia hypalbuminosa. Mellitaemia. — The su«ar in the blood is partly given off by the urine, and in "diabetes mellitus " one kilo. ('2-2 Ibs.) may be given off daily, when the quantity of urine may rise to 25 kilos. To replace this loss a large amount of food and drink is required, whereby the urea may be increased threefold. The increased production of sugar causes an increased decomposition of albuminous tissues; hence the urea is always increased, even though the supply of albumin be insufficient. The patient loses flesh ; all the glands, and even the testicles, atrophy or degenerate (pulmonary phthisis is common); the skin and bones become thinner; the nervous system holds out longest. The teeth become carious on account of the acid saliva, the crystalline lens becomes turbid from the amount of sugar in the fluid of the eye which extracts water from the lens (Kunde, Heubel), and wounds heal badly because of the abnormal condition of the blood. Absence of all carbo- hydrates in the food causes a diminution of the sugar in the blood, but does not cause it to disappear entirely. An excessive amount of inosite has been found in the blood and urine, constituting mellituria inoslta (Vohl). Lipseniia, or an Increase of the Fat in the Blood, occurs after every meal rich in fat, so that the serum may become turbid like milk. Pathologically, this occurs in a high degree in drunkards and in corpulent individuals. When there is great decomposition of albumin in the body (and therefore in very severe diseases), the fat in the blood increases, and this also takes place after a liberal supply of easily decomposable carbo-hydrates and much fat. The Salts remain very persistently in the blood. The withdrawal of common salt produces albuminuria, and, if all salts be withheld, paralytic phenomena occur (Forster). Over -feeding with salted food, such as salt meat, has caused death through fatty degeneration of the tissues, especially of the glands. Withdrawal of lime and phosphoric acid produces atrophy and softening of the bones. In infectious diseases and dropsies the salts of the blood are often increased, and diminished in inflammation and cholera. [NaCl is absent from the urine in certain stages of pneumonia, and it is a good sign when the chlorides begin to return to the urine]. The amount Of fibrin is increased in inflammations of the lung and pleura; hence, such blood forms a crusta pldo'j'istica (p. 39). In other diseases, where decomposition of the blood-corpuscles occurs, the fibrin is increased, perhaps because the dissolved red corpuscles yield material for the formation of fibrin. After repeated hpernorrhages, Signi. Mayer found an increase of fibrin. Blood rich in fibrin is said to coagulate more tsloivly than when less fibrin is present — still there are many exceptions. For the abnormal changes of the red and white blood-corpuscles see p. 23. Physiology of the Circulation, 42. General View of the Circulation. THE blood within the vessels is in a state of carried from the ventricles by the large arteries (aorta and pulmonary) and their branches to the system of capillary vessels, from which again, it passes into the veins that end in the atria of the auricles (W. Harvey). The cause of the circulation is the differ- ence of pressure which exists between the blood in the aorta and pulmonary artery on the one hand, and the two venae cavse and the four pulmonary veins on the other. The blood, of course, moves continually in its closed tubular system in the direction of least resistance. The greater the difference of pressure, the more rapid the movement will be. The cessation of the difference of pressure (as after death) naturally brings the movement to a standstill. The circulation is usually divided into — (1.) The greater, or systemic circulation, which includes the course of the blood from the left auricle and left ventricle, through the aorta and all its branches, the capillaries of the body and the veins, until the two vense cavoa terminate in the right auricle. ('!.} The lesser, or pulmonic circulation, which includes the course from the right auricle and right ventricle, the pulmonary artery, the pulmonary capillaries, and the four pulmonary veins springing from them, until these open into the right auricle. (3.) The portal circulation, which is some- times spoken of as a special circulatory system, although it represents only a second set of capillaries (within the liver) introduced into continual motion, being K L J- 16- of the c right auricle ; A, right ven- tricle ; l>, left auricle ; B, left ventricle ; 1, pulmonary artery ; 2, aorta with semi- lunar valves ; I, area of pul- monary circulation; K,area of systemic circulation in region supplying the supe- i-ior vena cava, o; G, area supplying the inferior vena cava, u; d, d, intestine; m, mesenteric artery; q, portal vein; L, liver; /i, hepatic vein. the course of a venous 5 6G MUSCULAR FIBRES OF THE HEART. trunk. It consists of the vena portarum — formed by the union of the intestinal or mesenteric and splenic veins, and it passes into the liver, where it divides into capillaries, from which the hepatic veins arise. These last veins join the inferior vena cava. Strictly speaking, however, there is no special portal circulation. Similar arrangements occur in other animals in different places — e.g., snakes have such a system in their supra-renal capsules, and the frog in its kidneys. When an artery splits up into fine branches during its course, and these branches do not form capillaries, but reunite into an arterial trunk, a rete mirabilc is formed, such as occurs in apes and the eden- tata. Similar arrangements may exist on veins, giving rise to venous retici mirabilia. 43. The Heart Muscular Fibres of the Heart. — The musculature of the mammalian heart consists of short (50 to 70 //, man), very fine, transversely striated muscular fibres, which are actual uni-cellular elements (Eberth), devoid of a sarcolemma (15 to 25 ^ broad), and usually divided at their blunt ends, by which means they anastomose and form a net- Avork. (Fig. 17, A, B.) The individual muscle-cells contain in their A C Fio;. 17. A, branched muscular fibres from the heart of a mammal ; B, transverse section of the cardiac fibres ; b, connective tissue corpuscles ; c, capillaries ; C, muscular fibres from the heart of a frog. centre an oval nucleus, and are held together by a cement which is blackened by silver nitrate, and dissolved by a 33 per cent, solution of caustic potash. This cement is also dissolved by a 40 per cent, solu- tion of nitric acid. The transverse strine are not very distinct, and not unfrequently there is an appearance of longitudinal striation, pro- duced by a number of very small granules arranged in rows within ARRANGEMENT OF THE CARDIAC MUSCULAR FIBRES. 67 the fibres. The fibres are gathered lengthwise in bundles, or fasciculi, surrounded and separated from each other by delicate processes of the perimysium. When the connective tissue is dissolved by prolonged boiling, these bundles can be isolated, and constitute the so-called " fibres " of the heart. The transverse sections of the bundles in the auricles are polygonal or rounded, while in the ventricles they are somewhat flattened. [The muscular mass of the heart is called the myocardium, and is invested by fibrous tissue. It is important to notice that the connective tissue of the visceral pericardium (epicardiuvi) is continuous with that of the endocardium by means of the peri- mysium surrounding the bundles of muscular fibres.] The fine spaces which exist between these bundles form narrow lacunse, lined with epithelium, and constituting part of the lymphatic system of the heart. [The cardiac muscular fibres occupy an intermediate position between striped and plain muscular fibres. Although they are striped they are invohintary, not being directly under the influence of the will, while they contract more slowly than a voluntary muscle of the skeleton.] [In the/ror/'s heart the muscular fibres are in shape elongated spindles, or fusi- form, in this respect resembling the plain muscle-cells, but they are transversely striped (Fig. 17, C). They are easily isolated by means of a 33 per cent, solution of potash or dilute alcohol (Weissmann, Ranvier).] 44. Arrangement of the Cardiac Muscular Fibres, and their Physiological Importance. The study of the embryonic heart is the key to a proper understand- ing of the complicated arrangement of the fibres in the adult heart. The simple tubular heart of the embryo has an outer circular and an inner longitudinal layer of fibres. The septum is formed later ; hence, it is clear that a part, at least, of the fibres must be common to the two auricles, and a part also to the two ventricles, since there is, originally, but one chamber in the heart. The muscular fibres of the auricles are, however, completely separated from those of the ventricles by the fibro-cartilaginous rings. In the auricles the fundamental arrangement of the embryonic fibres partly remains, while in the ventricles it becomes obscured as these cavities undergo a sac-like dilatation, and also become twisted in a spiral manner. (1.) The Muscular Fibres of the Auricles are completely separated from the fibres of the ventricles by the fibrous rings which surround the auriculo-ventricular orifices, and which serve as an attachment for the auriculo-ventricular valves (Fig. 18, I). The auricles are much thinner than the ventricles, and their fibres are generally arranged in two layers ; the outer transverse layer is continuous over both auricles, G8 ARRANGEMENT OF THE CARDIAC MUSCULAR FIBRES. whilst the inner one is directed longitudinally. The outer transverse fibres may be traced from the openings of the venous trunks anteriorly and posteriorly over the auricular walls. The longitudinal fibres are specially well marked where they are inserted into the fibro-cartila- ginous rings, while in some parts of the anterior auricular wall they are not continuous. In the auricular septum, some fibres, circularly disposed around the fossa ovalis (formerly the embryonic opening of the foramen ovale) are well marked. Circular bands of striped muscle exist around the veins where they open into the heart; these are least marked on the inferior vena cava, and are stronger and reach higher (2'5 cm.) on the superior vena cava (Fig. 18, II). Similar fibres exist around the four pulmonary veins, where they join the left auricle, and these fibres (which are arranged as an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layer) can be traced to the hilus of the lung in man and some mammals ; in the ape and rat they extend on the pulmonary veins right into the lung. In the mouse and bat, again, the striped muscular fibres pass so far into the lungs that the walls of the smaller veins are largely composed of striped muscle (Stieda). v.p Fig. 18. I. Course of the muscular fibres on the left auricle — Observe the outer transverse and inner longitudinal fibres, the circular fibres on the pulmonary veins (v, p)\ V, the left ventricle (John Reid). II. Arrangement of the striped muscular fibres on the superior vena cava (Elischer) — o, opening of vena azygos ; v, auricle. Circular muscular fibres are found where the vena magna cordis enters the heart, and in the valvula thelesii which guards it. From a pliy 'siological point of view the following facts are to be noted as a result of the anatomical arrangement :— (l.)'The auricles contract independently of the ventricles. This is seen when the heart is about to die ; then there may be several auricular contractions for one ventricular, and at last only the auricles ARRANGEMENT OF THE VENTRICULAR FIBRE.v 69 pulsate. The auricular portion of the right auricle heats longest ; hence, it is called the " ultinrum moriens." Independent rhythmical contractions of the vense cavje and pulmonary veins are often noticed after the heart has ceased to beat (Haller, Nysten). [This beating- can also be observed in those veins in a rabbit after the heart is cut out of the body.] (2.) The double arrangement of the fibres (transverse and longi- tudinal) produces a simultaneous and uniform diminution of the auricular cavity (such as occurs in most of the hollow viscera). (3.) The contraction of the circular muscular fibres around the venous orifices, and the subsequent contraction of the auricle, cause these veins to empty themselves into the auricle ; and by their presence and action they prevent any large quantity of blood from passing back- ward into the veins when the auricle contracts. [Xo valves are present in the superior and inferior vena cava in the adult heart, or in the pulmonary veins, hence the contraction of these. Circular muscular fibres play an important part in preventing any reflux of blood during the contraction of the auricles.] 45. Arrangement of the Ventricular Fibres. (2.) The Muscular Fibres of the Ventricles. — The fibres in the thick wall of the ventricles are arranged in several layers (Fig. 19, A) under the pericardium. First, there is an outer longitudinal layer (A) which is in the form of single bundles on the right ventricle, but forms a complete layer on the left ventricle, Avhere it measures about one'-eighth of the thickness of the ventricular Avail. A second longitudinal layer of fibres lies on the inner surface of the ventricles, distinctly visible at the orifices, and within the vertically placed papillary muscles, whilst elsewhere it is replaced by the irregularly arranged trabeculte carnese. Between these two layers there lies the thickest layer, consisting of more or less transversety-air&iiged bundles which may be broken up into single layers more or less circularly disposed. The deep lympJitif/i- vessels run between the layers, whilst the Uood-vessels lie within the substance of the layers and are surrounded by the primitive bundles of muscular fibres (Henle). All three layers are not completely independent of each other; on the contrary, the fibres which run obliquely form a gradual transition between the transverse layers and the inner and outer longitudinal layers. It is not, however, quite correct to assume that the outer longitudinal layer gradually passes into the transverse, and this again into the inner longitudinal layer (as is shown schematically in C) ; because, as Henle pointed out, the transverse fibres are relatively far greater in amount. In general, the 70 ARRANGEMENT OF THE VENTRICULAR FIBRES. Fig. 19. Course of the ventricular muscular fibres — A, On the anterior surface ; B, View of the apex with the vortex (Henle); C, Scheme of the course of the fibres within the ventricular wall ; D, Fibres passing into a papillary muscle (C. Luclwig). outer longitudinal fibres are so arranged as to cross the inner longi- tudinal layer at an acute angle. The tranverse layers lying between these two form gradual transitions between these directions. At the apex of the left ventricle, the outer longitudinal fibres bend or curve so as to meet at the so-called vortex (Wirbct) B, where they enter the muscular substance, and, taking an upward and inward direction, reach the papillary muscles, D (Lower) ; although it is a mistake to say that all the bundles which ascend to the papillary muscles arise from the vertical fibres of the outer surface : many seem to arise independently within the ventricular wall. According to Henle, all the external longitudinal fibres do not arise from the fibrous rings or the roots of the arteries. [The assumption that the muscles of the ventricle are arranged so as to form a figure of 8, or in loops, seems to be incorrect ; thus, fibres are said to arise at the base of the ventricle, to pass over it, and to reach the vortex, where they pass into the interior of the muscular substance, to end either in the papillary muscles, or high up on the inner surface of the heart at its base. Figs. C and D give a schematic representation of this view.] A special layer of circular muscular fibres, which acts like a true sphincter, surrounds the arterial opening of the left ventricle, and seems to have a certain independence of action (Henle). PERICARDIUM, ENDOCARDIUM, VALVES. 71 Only the general arrangement of the ventricular muscular fibres has been indicated here (Lower, Gasp. Wolff, 1780-92). C. Ludwig (1849), and more recently Pettigrew (1864) have made the subject a special study, and followed out its complications. According to the last observer, there are seven layers in the ventricle, viz., three external, a fourth or central layer, and three internal. These internal layers are continuous with the corresponding extenial layers at the apex, thus — one and seven, two and six. 46. Pericardium, Endocardium, Valves. The PERICARDIUM encloses within its two layers [visceral and parietal] a lymph space — the pericardia! space — which contains a small quantity of lymph — the pericardial fluid. It has the structure of a serous membrane, i.e., it consists of connective tissue mixed vn.ila.fine elastic fibres arranged in the form of a thin delicate membrane, and covered on its free surfaces with a single layer of epithelium or endothelium, composed of irregular, polygonal, flat cells. A rich lymphatic network lies under the pericardium (fig. 20) and endocardium and also in the deeper layers of the visceral pericardium next the heart, but stomata have not been found leading from the pericardial cavity into these lymphatics, nor do these open- ings exist on the parietal layer. [Salvioli has shown that lym- phatic spaces also lie between the muscular bundles.] Around the coronary arteries of the heart exist deposits of fat and lymph- vessels (Wedl), which lie in the furrows and grooves in the sub- serosa of the epicardium (visceral layer). The ENDOCARDIUM (accordingto Luschka) does not represent the intiina alone, but the entire wall of a blood-vessel. Next the cavity of the heart, it consists of a . single layer of polygonal, flat, Fig. 20. Lymphatic of the pericardium epithelium stained with nitrate of silver. nucleated endothclial cells. [Under this there is a nearly homogeneous hyaline layer (fig. 21, a), slightly thicker on the left side, which gives the endocardium its polished appearance.] Then follows, as the basis of the membrane, a layer of fine elastic fibres— stronger in the auricles, and in some places thereof as- suming the characters of a fenestrated membrane. Be- tween these fibres a small quantity of connective tissue exists, which is in larger amount and more areolar in its characters next the myocar- Fig. 21. dium. Bundles of non-striped Section of the endocardium— a, hyaline layer ; //, muscular fibres (few in the network of fine elastic fibres ; c, network of auricles) are scattered and .stronger elastic fibres; d, myocardium with arranged for the most part blood-vessels, which do not pass into the endo- longitudmally between the cardium. 72 STRUCTURE OF THE VALVES. clastic fibres. These seem evidently meant to resist the distension which is .apt to occur when the heart contracts and great pressure is put upon the endocardium. In all cases where high pressure is put upon walls composed of soft parts, we always find muscular fibres present, and never elastic fibres alone. No l>too, c, which communicates the greatest impulse to the instrument, and also to one's hand when it is placed on the apex- beat, is caused by the contraction of the ventricle, and during it the first sound of the heart occurs. Frequently, but erroneously, the cardiac impulse has been ascribed to this contraction of the ventricle. It however, is due to all those conditions which cause an elevation in the region of the apex -beat. CAUSE OF THE CARDIAC IMPULSE. 83 The cause of the 'ventricular impulse has been much discussed. It depends upon the following :— (1.) The base of the heart (auriculo-ventricular groove) represents during diastole a transversely-placed ellipse, while during contraction it has a more circular figure. Thus, the long diameter of the ellipse is diminished in the cat from 28 to 22*5 mm. (C. Ludwig) ; the small diameter is increased (^ to -4-), while the base is brought nearer to the chest- wall (Arnold, Ludwig) — Fig. 26, 1. This alone does not cause the impulse, but the basis of the heart, being hardened during the systole and brought nearer to the chest-wall, allows the apex to execute the movement which causes the impulse. (2.) During relaxation, the ventricle lies with its apex obliquely downwards, and with its long axis in an oblique direction — so that the angles formed by the axis of the ventricles with the diameter of the base are unequal — represents a regular cone, with its axis at right angles to its base. Hence, the apex must be erected from below and behind, forwards and upwards (Harvey — " cor sese erigere "), and when hardened during systole presses itself into the intercostal space (Ludwig)— Fig. '20, II. Fig. 26. I, Schematic horizontal section through the heart and lungs, and the thoracic walls, to show the change of shape which the base of the heart undergoes during contraction of the ventricle — 1, 2, transverse diameter of the ventricle during diastole ; c, position of the thoracic wall during diastole ; a, b, trans- verse diameter of the heart during systole, with e, the position of the anterior thoracic wall during systole. II, Side-view of the heart — s, apex during diastole ; p, the same during systole (C. Ludwig). 84 CAUSE OF THE CARDIAC IMPULSE. (3.) The ventricle undergoes during systole a slight spiral twisting on its long axis ("lateralem inclinationem" — Harvey), so that the apex is brought from behind more forward, and thus a greater portion of the left ventricle is turned to the front. This rotation is caused by the muscular fibres of the ventricles, which proceed from that part of the fibrous rings between the auricles and ventricles which lies next the anterior thoracic wall. The fibres pass from above obliquely down- wards, and to the left, and also run in part upon the posterior surface of the ventricle. When they contract in the axis of their direction, they tend to raise the apex, and also to bring more of the posterior surface of the heart in relation with the anterior thoracic wall (Harvey, Kiirschner, Wilckens). This rotation is favoured by the slightly spiral arrangement of the aorta and pulmonary artery (Koruitzer). These are the most important causes, but minor causes are as follows : — (4.) The " reaction impulse " is that movement which the ventricles are said to undergo (like an exploded gun or rocket) at the moment when the blood is discharged into the aorta and pulmonary artery, whereby the apex goes in the opposite direction — i.e., downwards and slightly outwards (Alderson 1825, Gutbrod, Skoda, Hiffelsheim). Landois, however, has shown that the mass of blood is discharged into the vessels 0'08 of a second after the beginning of the systole, while the cardiac impulse occurs with the first sound. (5.) When the blood is discharged into the aorta and pulmonary artery, these vessels are slightly elongated, owing to the increased blood - pressure (Senac). As the heart is suspended from above by these vessels, the apex is pressed slightly downwards and forwards towards the intercostal space (?) Guttmann and Jahn observed that the cardiac impulse disappeared after sudden ligature of the aorta and pulmonary artery, while Chauveau and Eosensteiu maintain that it persists. As the cardiac impulse is observed in the empty hearts of dead animals, (4) and (5) are certainly of only second-rate importance. Filehne and Pentzoldt maintain that the apex during systole does not move to the left and downwards, as must be the case in (4) and (5), but that it moves upwards and to the right — a result corroborated by v. Ziemssen, which, however, is disputed by Losch. It is to be remembered that as the apex is always applied to the chest- wall, separated from it merely by the thin margin of the lung, it only presses against the intercostal space during systole (Kiwisch). After the apex of the curve, c, has been reached at the end of the THE TIME OCCUPIED BY THE CARDIAC MOVEMENTS. 85 systole, the curve falls rapidly, as the ventricle rapidly becomes relaxed. In the descending part of the curve, at d and e, are two elevations, which occur simultaneously with the second sound. These are caused by the sudden closure of the semi-lunar valves, which, occurring suddenly, is propagated through the axis of the ventricle to its apex, and thus causes a vibration of the intercostal space; d corresponds to the closure of the aortic valves, and e to the closure of the piilmonary valves. The closure of the valves in these two vessels is not simul- taneous, but is separated by an interval of 0'05 to 0'09 sec. The aortic valves close sooner on account of the greater blood-pressure there (Landois, 1876, Ott and Haas, Malbranc, Maurer, Griitzner, Langendorff, v. Ziemssen, and Ter Gregorianz). Complete diastolic relaxation of the ventricle occurs from c to / in the curve. It is clear, then, that the cardiac impulse is caused chiefly by the contraction of the ventricles, while the auricular systole and the vibration caused by the closure of the semi-lunar valves are also con- cerned in its production. 51. The Time Occupied by the Cardiac Movements. Methods. — The time occupied by the various phases of the movements of the heart may be determined by studying the apex-beat curve. (1.) If we know at what rate the plate on which the curve was obtained moved during the experiment, of course all that is necessary is to measure the distance, and so calculate the time occupied by any event (see Pulse). (2.) It is preferable, however, to cause a tuning-fork, whose rate of vibration is known, to write its vibrations under the curve of the apex-beat, or the curve may be written upon a plate attached to a vibrating tuning-fork (Fig. 25a, D, E). Such a curve contains fine teeth, caused by the vibrations of the tuning-fork. D and E are curves obtained from the cardiac impulse in this way from healthy students. In D the notch d, is not indicated. Each complete vibration of the tuning-fork, reckoned from apex to apex of the teeth = 0'01613 sec., so that it is simply necessary to count the number of teeth and multiply to obtain the time. The values obtained vary within certain limits even in health. Pause and Contraction of Auricles.— The value of a b = pause + con- traction of the auricles — is subject to the greatest variation, and depends chiefly upon the number of heart-beats per minute. The more quickly the heart beats, the smaller is the pause, and conversely. In some curves, even when the heart beats slowly, it is scarcely possible to distinguish the auricular contraction (indicated by a rise) from the part of the curve corresponding to the pause (indicated by a horizontal line). In one case (heart-beats 55 per minute) the pause = 0'4 sec., the auricular contraction = (H77 sec. In Fig. 25«, A, the time occupied by the pause + the auricular contraction (74 beats per minute) = 0'5 sec. 80 TIME OCCUPIED BY THE VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE, In D the a ft = 19 to 20 vibrations = 0'3 2 sec.; in E= 26 vibrations = 0-42 sec. Ventricular Systole. — The ventricular systole is calculated from the beginning of the contraction, ft to e, when the semi-lunar valves are closed ; it lasts from the first to the second sound. It also varies somewhat, but is more constant. When the heart beats rapidly, it is somewhat less — during slow action, greater. In E = 0-32 sec.; in D = 0'29 sec. ; with 55 beats per minute Landois found it = 0*34, with a very high rate of beating = 0'199 sec. When the ventricle beats feebly, it contracts more slowly, as can be shown by applying the registering apparatus to the heart of an animal just killed. In Fig. 27, from the ventricle of a rabbit just killed, the slow heart-beats, B, ai-e seen to last longest. Fig. 27. Curves obtained from the ventricle of a rabbit, and written upon a vibrating plate attached to a tuning-fork (vibration — 0 '01613 sec.) — A, tolerably] soon after death ; B, from the dying ventricle. In calculating the time occupied by the ventricular systole we must remember — (1.) The time between the two sounds of the heart, i.e., from the beginning of the first to the end of the second sound (fc to e). (2.) The time the Hood flows into the aorta, which comes to an end at the depression between c and r? (in Fig. 25a, E). Its commencement, however, does not coincide with b, as the aortic valves open O'OSS (Landois) to 0'073 (Rive) sec. after the beginning of the ventricular systole. Hence the aortic current lasts O'OS to 0'09 sec. This is calculated in the following way : — The time between the first sound of the heart and the pulse in the axillary artery is 0'137 sec., and of this time 0'052 sec. are occupied in the propagation of the pulse-wave along the 30 cm. of artery lying between the root of the aorta and the axilla. Thus the pulse-wave in the aorta occurs 0'137 minus 0'052 = 0'OS5 sec. after the beginning of the first sound. The current in the pulmonary artery is interrupted in the depression between d and c. (3.) Lastly, the time occupied by the muscular contraction of the ventricle, which begins at b, reaches its greatest extent at c, and is completely relaxed at/. The apex of the curve, <:, may be higher or lower according to the flexibility of the intercostal space, hence the position of c varies. In hypertrophy with dilatation of the left ventricle, the duration of the ventricular contraction does not greatly exceed the normal. The time which elapses between d and e, i.e., between the complete closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves, is greater the more the pressure in the aorta exceeds that in the pulmonary artery, as the ENDOCARDIAL J'KKSM'KK. valves are closed by the pressure from above, and the difference in time may be 0'05 sec., or even double that time, in which case the second sound appears double (compare p. 94). If the aortic pressure diminishes while that in the pulmonary artery rises, d and e may be so near each other that they are no longer marked as distinct elements in the curve. The time, e,f, during which the ventricle relaxes varies somewhat: O'l sec. may be taken as a mean. Accelerated Cardiac Action. — When the action of the heai-t is greatly accelerated, the pause is considerably shortened in the first instance (Bonders), and to a less extent the time of contraction of the auricles and ventricles. When the pulse-rate is very rapid, the systole of the atria coincides with the closure of the arterial valves of the preceding contraction, as is shown in Fig. 25«, C (dog). In registering the cardiac impulse, the apparatus is separated by a greater or less extent of soft parts from the heart itself, so that in all cases the intercostal tissues do not follow exactly the movements of the heart, and thus the curve obtained may not coincide mathematically with the movements of the heart. It is desirable that curves be obtained froai persons whose hearts are exposed, -i.e., in cases of ectopia cordis. Gibson inscribed cardiograms from the heart of a man with cleft sternum. The following were the results obtained: — Auricular contraction = O'l 15; ventri- cular contraction (t>,d) = 0"2S ; difference between closure of valves (r/, r) = 0'09 ventricular diastole (, means auricular contraction ; J>, c, ventricular Fig. 30. Various forms of curves obtained from the cardiac impulse — a, b, Contraction of |^ auricles ? b, c, ventricular systole; d, closure of aortic, and 'e of pulmonary valves ; e, f, diastole of ventricle ; P, Q, hypertrophy and dilatation of the left ventricle ; E, stenosis of the aortic orifice ; F, mitral insufficiency ; G, mitral stenosis ; L, nervous palpitation in Baseclow's disease ; M, case of so-called hemisystole. THE HEART-SOUNDS. 01 contraction; d, closure of the aortic valves, and e of the pulmonary; c, /, the time the ventricle is relaxed (Fig. 30.) In curve P (much reduced), taken from a case of marked hypertrophy with, dilatation, the ventricular contraction, 6 c, is usually very great, while the time occupied by the contraction is not much increased. P and Q were obtained from a man suffering from marked eccentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle, in con- sequence of insufficiency of the aortic valves. Curve Q was taken intentionally over the auriculo-ventricular groove, where a falling in of the chest-wall occurred during systole ; nevertheless, the individual events occurring in the heart are indicated. Fig. E is from a case of aortic stenoxitt. The auricular contraction (a, b) lasts only a short time ; the ventricular systole is obviously lengthened, and after a short elevation (b, c) shows a series of fine indentations (c, e) caused by the blood being pressed through the narrowed and roughened aorta. Fig. F, from a case of insufficiency of the mitral valve, shows (a, b) well marked on account of the increased activity of the left auricle, while the shock (d) from the closure of the aortic valves is small on account of the diminished tension in the arterial system. On the other hand, the shock from the accentuated pul- monary sound (P) is very great, and is in the apex of the curve. On account of the great tension in the pulmonary artery, the second pulmonary tone may be so strong, and succeed the second aortic sound (d) so rapidly, that both almost merge completely into each other (H and K). The curve of stenosis of the mitral orifice (G) shows a long irregular notched auricular contraction (a, b) caused by the blood being forced through an irregular narrow orifice. The ventricular contraction (b, c) is feeble on account of its being imperfectly tilled. The closures of the two valves, d and c, are relatively far apart, and one can hear distinctly a reduplicated second sound. The aortic valves close rapidly because the aorta is imperfectly supplied with blood, while the more copious inflow of blood into the pulmonary artery causes a later contraction of its valves (Geigel). If the heart beats rapidly and feebly — if the blood -pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery be low, the signs of closure of the pulmonary valves may be absent— as in curve L— taken from a girl suffering from nervous palpitation and inorbus Basedowii. In very rare cases of insufficiency of the mitral valve, it has been observed that at certain times both ventricles contract simultaneously, as in a normal heart, but that this alternates with a condition where the right ventricle alone seems to con- tract. Curve M is such a curve obtained by Malbranc, who called this condition intermittent hemisystole. The first curve (I) is like a normal curve, during which the whole heart acted as usual. The curve II, however, is caused by the right side of the heart alone ; it wants the closure of the aortic valves, d, and there was no pulse in the arteries. Owing to insufficiency of the tricuspid valve, the same person had a venous pulse with every cardiac impulse, so that the arterial and venous pulses first occurred together, and then the venous pulse alone occurred. In these cases (Skoda, v. Bamberger, Leyden) the mitral insufficiency leads to overflowing of the right ventricle, while the left is nearly empty, so that the right side requires to contract more energetically than the left. It does not seem that the right ventricle alone contracts in these cases, but rather that the action of the left side is very feeble. 53. The Heart-Sounds. On listening over the region of the heart in a healthy man, either with the ear applied directly to the chest-wall, or by means of a 02 THE HEART-SOUND?!. stethoscope (Laennec, 1819), we hear two characteristic sounds, the so-called " heart-sounds." Harvey was acquainted with these sounds, but they have been more carefully studied by clinicians since the time of Laennec. The first sound [long or systolic] is somewhat duller, longer, and one-third or one-fourth deeper, than the second sound; it is less sharply defined at first, and is isochronous with the systole of the ventricles (TurnerJ. The second sound [short or diastolic] is clearer, sharper, shorter, more sudden, and is one-third to one-fourth higher ; it is sharply defined and isochronous with the closure of the semi-lunar valves. There is a very short interval between the first and second sounds, and between the second and the next following first sound a distinctly longer interval. This is the pause. [The sounds emitted during each cardiac cycle have been compared to the pronunciation of the syllables lubb, dtip. We may express the course of events with reference to the sounds, thus: — lubb, dup, pause.] Or the result may be expressed thus — V V Bu - fup. Bu - tup. The causes of the first sound are due to two conditions. As^the sound is heard in an excised heart in which the movements of the valves are arrested, and also when the finger is introduced into the auriculo-ventricular orifices so as to prevent the closure of the valves (C. Ludwig and Dogiel), one of the chief factors lies in the " muscle- sound " produced by the contracting muscular fibres of the ventricles (Williams, 1835). This sound is supported and increased by the sound produced by the tension and vibration of the auriculo-ventricular valves and their chordre tendiniae, at the moment of the ventricular systole (Rouanet, Kiwisch, Bayer, Giese). Wintrich, by means of proper resonators, has been able so to analyse the first sound as to distinguish the clear, short, valvular part from the deep, long, muscular sound. The muscle-sound produced by transversely-striped muscle does not occur with a simple contraction, but only when several contractions are superposed to produce tetanus (see Muscle). The ventricular contraction is only a simple contraction, but it lasts considerably longer than the contraction of other muscles, and herein lies the cause of the occurrence of the muscle-sound during the ventricular con- traction. Defective Heart-Sounds. — In certain conditions (typhus, fatty degeneration of the heart) where the muscular substance of the heart is much weakened, the THE HEART-SOUNDS. 93 Fig. 31. The heart— its several parts arid great vessels in relation to the front of the thorax. The lungs are collapsed to their normal extent, as after death, exposing the heart. The outlines of the several parts of the heart are indi- cated by very fine dotted lines. The area of propagation of valvular murmurs is marked out by more visible dotted lines. A, the circle of mitral murmur, corresponds to the left apex. The broad and somewhat diffused area, roughly triangular, is the region of tricuspid murmurs, and corresponds generally with the right ventricle, where it is least covered by lung. The letter C is in its centre. The circumscribed circular area, D, is the part over which the puluionic arterial murmurs are commonly heard loudest. In many cases it is an inch, or even' more, lower down, corresponding to the conus arteriosus of the right ventricle, where it touches the walls of the thorax. The internal organs and parts of organs are indicated by letters as follows — r. au, right auricle, traced in fine dotting ; ao, arch of aorta, seen in the first intercostal space, and traced in fine dotting on the sternum ; vi, the two innominate veins ; rv, right ventricle ; Iv, left ventricle. 94. CAUSES OF THE HEART-SOUNDS. lirst sound may be completely inaudible. In aortic insufficiency, in which, in con- sequence of the reflux of blood from the aorta into the ventricle, the mitral valve is gradually stretched, and sometimes even before the beginning of the ventricular systole, the first sound may be absent. Both pathological cases show that for the production of the iirst sound, muscle-sound and valve-sound must eventually work together, and that the tone is altered, or may even disappear, when one of these causes is absent. The Cause of the Second Sound is undoubtedly due to the prompt closure, and therefore sudden stretching or tension, of the semi-lunar valves of the aorta and pulmonary artery, so that it is purely a valvular sound (Carswell and Rouanet, 1830). Perhaps it is augmented by the sudden vibration of the fluid-particles in the large arterial trunks. As already pointed out (p. 85), the aortic and pulmonary valves do not close simultaneously. Usually, however, the difference in time is so small that loth valves make one sound, but the second sound may be double or divided when, through increase of the difference of pressure in the aorta and pulmonary artery, the interval becomes longer. Even in health this may be the case, as occurs at the end of inspiration or the beginning of expiration (v. Dusch). [The second sound has all the characters of a valvular sound. That the aortic valves are concerned in its production, is proved by intro- ducing a curved wire through the left carotid artery and hooking up one or more segments of the valve, when the sound is modified, and it may be replaced by an abnormal sound or " murmur." Again, when these valves are diseased, the sound is altered, and it may be accompanied or even displaced by murmurs.] Where the Sounds are Heard Loudest. — The sound produced by the trinizpid ralce is heard loudest at the insertion of the fifth right rib into the sternum, and from here somewhat inwards and obliquely upwards along the sternum; as the mitral valve lies more to the left and deeper in the chest, and is covered in front by the arterial orifice, the mitral sound is best heard at the apex-beat, or immediately above it, where a strip of the left ventricle lies next the chest-wall. [The sound is con- ducted to the part nearest the ear of the listener by the muscular substance of the heart.] The aortic and pulmonary orifices lie so close together that it is convenient to listen for the second (aortic) sound in the direction of the aorta and where it comes nearest to the surface, i.e., over the first right costal cartilage close to its junction with the sternum. The sound, although produced at the semi-lunar valves, is carried upwards by the column of. blood and by the walls of the aorta. The sound produced by the pulmonary artery is heard most distinctly in the second left intercostal space, somewhat to the left and external to the margin of the sternum (Fig. 31). \TARIATIONS Otf THE HEART-SOUNDS. 95 54. Variations of the Heart-Sounds. An increase of the first sound of both ventricles indicates a more energetic con- traction of the ventricular muscle and a simultaneously greater and more sudden tension of the auriculo- ventricular valves. An increase of the second sound is a sign of increased tension in the interior of the corresponding large arteries. Hence, increase of the second (pulmonary) sound indicates overfilling and excessive tension in the pulmonary circuit. Feeble weak action of the heart, us well as abnormal want of blood in the heart, causes weak heart-sounds, which is the case in degenerations of the heart-muscle. Irregularities in structure of the individual valves may cause the heart-sounds to become "impure." If a pathological cavity, filled with air, be so placed, and of such a form as to act as a resonator to the heart-sounds, they may assume a "metallic"' character. The first and second sounds may be "reduplicated" or "divided." The reduplication of the lirst sound is explained by the tension of the tricuspid and that of the mitral valves not occurring simultaneously. Sometimes a sound is produced by a hypertrophied auricle producing an audible presystolic sound, i.e., a sound or " murmur,7' preceding the first sound. As the aortic and pulmonary valves do not close quite simultaneously, a reduplicated second sound is only an increase of a physiological condition (Landois). All con- ditions which cause the aortic valves to close rapidly (diminished amount of blood in the left ventricle) and the pulmonary valves to close later (congestion of the right ventricle — both conditions together in mitral stenosis), favour the production of a reduplicated second sound. Cardiac Murmurs.— If irregularities occur in the valves, either in cases of stenosis or in insufficiency, so that the blood is subjected to vibratory oscillations and friction, then, instead of the heart-sounds, other sounds arise or accompany these — murmurs or bruits, which, when combined, are always accompanied by disturbances of the circulation. It is rare that tumours ur other deposits projecting into the ventricles cause murmurs, unless there be present at the same time lesions of the valves and disturbances of the circulation. The cardiac murmurs or bruits are always related to the systole or diastole, and usually the systolic are more accentuated and louder. Sometimes they are so loud that the thorax trembles under their irregular oscillations (fremitus, fremissement cataire). In cases where dlastoltc murmurs are heard, there are always anatomical changes in the cardiac mechanism. These are insufficiency of the arterial valves, or stenosis of the auriculo-ventricular orifices (usually the left). Systolir murmurs do not always necessitate a disturbance in the cardiac mechanism. They may occur in the left side, owing to insufficiency of the mitral valve, stenosis of the aorta, and in calcification and dilatation of the ascending part of the aorta. These murmurs occur very much less frequently on the right side, and are due to insufficiency of the tricuspid and stenosis of the pulmonary orifice. Systolic murmurs often occur without any valvular lesion, although they are always less loud, and are caused by abnormal vibrations of the valves or arterial walls. They occur most frequently at the orifice of the pulmonary artery, less frequently at the mitral, and still less frequently at the aorta or the tricuspid orifice. Anaemia, general mal-nutrition, acute febrile affections, are the causes of these murmurs. Murmurs also occur during a certain stage of inflammation of the pericardium (pericarditis) from the roughened surfaces of this membrane rubbing upon each other. Audible friction- sounds are thus produced, and the vibration may even be perceptible to touch. [These are "friction-sounds," and quite distinct from sounds produced within the heart itself.] 9G DURATION OF THE MOVEMENTS OF THE HEART. 55. Duration of the Movements of the Heart. That the heart continues to beat for some time after it is cut out of the body, was known to Cleanthes, a contemporary of Herophilus, 300 B.C. The movement lasts longer in cold-blooded animals (frog, turtle, fish) — extending even to days — than in mammals. A rabbit's heart beats from 3 minutes up to 36 minutes after it is cut out of the body. The average of many experiments is about 1 1 minutes. Panum found the last trace of contraction to occur in the right auricle (rabbit) 15 hours after death ; in a mouse's heart, 46 hours; in a dog's, 96 hours. An excised frog's heart beats, at the longest, 2| days (Valentin). In a human embryo (third month) the heart was found beating after 4 hours. In this condition stimulation causes an increase and accelera- tion of the action. Afterwards, the ventricular contraction first becomes weaker, and soon each auricular contraction is not followed by a ventricular contraction, two or more of the former being succeeded by only one of the latter. At the same time the ventricles contract more slowly (Fig. 27), and soon stop altogether, while the auricles still con- tinue to beat. If the ventricles be stimulated directly, as by pricking them with a pin, they may execute a contraction. The left auricle soon ceases to beat, while the right auricle still continues to contract. The right auricular appendage continues to beat longest, as was observed by Galen and Cardan us (1550). The term " ultimum moriens " is applied to it. Similar observations have been made upon the hearts of persons who have been executed. If the heart has ceased to beat, it may be excited to contract for a short time by direct stimulation (Harvey), more especially by heat ; even under these circumstances, the auricles and their appendages are the last parts to cease contracting. As a general rule, direct stimula- tion, although it may cause the heart to act more vigorously for a short time, brings it to rest sooner. In such cases, therefore, the regular sequence of events ceases, and there is usually a twitching movement of the muscular fibres of the heart. C. Ludwig found that even after the excitability is extinguished in the mammalian heart, it may be restored by injecting arterial blood into the coronary arteries: lesion of these vessels is followed by enfeebled action of the heart (p. 75). Hammer found that in a man, whose left coronary artery was plugged, the pulse fell from 80 to 8 beats per minute. Action of Gases on the Heart.— During its activity the heart uses 0, and produces CO.,, so that it beats longest in pure 0 (12 hours) (Castell), and not so long in N, — H (1 hour) — C02 (10 minutes), CO (42 minutes) — Cl (2 minutes), or in a vacuum (20 to 30 minutes) (Boyle, 1670; Fontana, Tiedemann, 1847), even when there is watery THE CARDIAC NERVES. 97 vapour present to prevent evaporation. If the heart be re-introduced into 0 it begins to beat again. [An excised heart suspended in ordinary air beats three to four times as long as a heart which is placed upon a glass-plate.] A heart which has ceased to contract spontaneously may contract when an electrical stimulus is applied to it, but it does not do so for a longer time than other muscles (Budge). 56, Innervation of the Heart. [When the heart is removed from the body, or when all the nerves which pass to it are divided, it still beats for some time, so that its movements must depend upon some mechanism situated within itself. The ordinary rhythmical movements of the heart are undoubtedly associated with the presence of nerve ganglia, which exist in the substance of the heart — the intracardiac ganglia. But the movements of the heart are influenced by nervous impulses which reach it from Avithout, so that there falls to be studied an intracardiac and an extra- cardiac nervous mechanism.] 57. The Cardiac Nerves. The cardiac plexus is composed of the following nerves — (1.) The cardiac branches of the vagus, the branch of the same name from the external branch of the superior laryngeal, a branch from the inferior laryngeal, and sometimes branches from the pulmonary plexus of the vagus (more numerous on the right side). (2.) The superior, middle, inferior, and lowest cardiac branches of the three cervical ganglia and the first thoracic ganglia of the sympathetic. (3.) The inconstant twig of the descending branch of the hypoglossal nerve, which, according to Luschka, arises from the upper cervical ganglia. From the plexus there proceed — the deep and the superficial nerves (the latter usually at the division of the pulmonary artery under the arch of the aorta, and containing a ganglion). The following nerves may be separately traced from the plexus — («.) The plexus coronarius dexter and sinister (Scarpa), which con- tains the vaso-motor nerves for these vessels (physiological proof still wanting) as well as the nerves (sensory?) proceeding from them (to the pericardium ?) (5.) Intra-cardiac Nerves and Ganglia. — The nerves lying in the grooves of the heart and in its substance, containing numerous ganglia (Remak), which are regarded as the automatic motor centres of the heart. A nervous ring containing numerous ganglia corresponds to the margin of the septum atriorum; there is another in the auriculo- ventricular groove. Where the two meet, they exchange fibres. The ganglia usually lie near the pericardium. In mammals the two largest 98 MOTOR CENTRES OF THE HEART. ganglia lie near tho orifice of the superior vena cava — in birds the largest ganglion (containing thousands of ganglionic cells) lies pos- teriorly where the longitudinal and transverse sulci cross each other. Fine branches, also provided with small ganglia, proceed from these ganglia, and penetrate the muscular walls of the auricles and ventricles. Nerves of the Frog's Heart. — In the frog there is a large ganglion (EemaJc's) near the fibres of the vagus within the wall of the sinus venosus. Branches of the vagus proceed from this ganglion along the an- terior and posterior walls of the auricular septum, and each of these con- tains a ganglion in the auriculo-ventricular groove, these aggregations of ganglion cells constituting Bidder's ganglion. Fine branches proceed from this ganglion, but they can be traced only for a short distance, so that the greater part of the ventricle appears to be devoid of nerves. According to Opeuchowsky, every part of the heart (frog, triton, tortoise) con- tains nerve-fibres which are connected with every muscular fibre. In the auricles, at the end of the non-medullated fibre, a tri-radiate nucleus exists which gives off fibrils to the muscular bundles. There is a network of fine nerve-fibres distributed immediately under the endo- cardium— these fibres act partly in a centripetal direction on the cardiac ganglia, and are partly motor for the endocardial muscles. The parietal layer of the peri- cardium contains (sensory) nerve-fibres. The following kinds of nerve-cells are found — unipolar cells, the single processes of which afterwards divide ; bipolar cells (Fig. 31a), which in the frog possess a straight (n) and usually also a spiral process (o). 58. The Automatic Motor Centres of the Heart. (1.) We must assume that the nervous centres which excite the cardiac movements, and maintain the rhythm of these movements, lie within the heart, and that they are probably represented by the ganglia. (2.) There are — not one, but several, of these centres in the heart, which are connected with each other by conducting paths. As long as the heart is intact, all its parts are made to move in rhythmical sequence from a principal central point, an impulse being conducted from this centre through the conducting paths (Bonders). What the "discharging forces" of these regular progressive movements are, is unknown. If, however, the heart be subjected to the action of diffuse stimuli (e.g., strong Fig. 31a. electrical currents), all the. centres are thrown Pyriforna ganglionic bi- into ti d spasm_iike action of the heart polar nerve-cell from the heart of a frog occurs. The dominating centre lies 'in the ifstrafght processf S^ mrides, hence the regular progressive move- spiral process. ment usually starts from them. If the excit- MOTOR CENTRES OF THE HEART. 99 ability is diminished (e.g., by touching the septum with opium — Ludwig, Hoffa), other centres seem to undertake this function, in which case the movement may extend from the ventricles to the auricles. If a heart be cut into pieces, so that the individual pieces still remain connected with each other, the regular peristaltic or wave-like movements proceeding from the auricles to the ventricle, may continue for a long time (Donders, Engelmann). If the heart, however, be completely divided into two distinct pieces (auricle and ventricle), the movements of both parts continue, but not in the same sequence — they beat at different rates. (3.) All stimuli of moderate strength applied directly to the heart cause at first an increase of the rhythmical heart-beats ; stronger stimuli cause a diminution, and it may be paralysis, which is often preceded by a convulsive movement. Increased activity exhausts the energy of the heart sooner. (4.) The auricular centres seem to be more excitable than those of the ventricle; hence, in a heart left to itself the auricles pulsate longest. (5.) The heart may be excited (reflexly) from its inner surface. Weak stimuli applied to the inner surface of the heart greatly accelerate the heart's action, the stimulus required being much feebler than that applied to the external surface of the heart. Strong stimuli, which bring the heart to rest, also act more easily when applied to the inner surface than when they are applied to its outer surface (Henry, 1832). The ventricle is always the part first to be paralysed. (6.) In order that the heart may continue to contract, it is necessary that it be supplied with a fluid which in addition to 0 (Ludwig, Volk- mann, Goltz) must contain the necessary nutritive materials. The most perfect fluid, of course, is blood. Hence the heart ceases to beat in an indifferent fluid (O'G p.c. sodium chloride), but its activity may be revived by supplying it with a proper nutritive fluid. Cardiac Nutritive Fluids. — These nutritive fluids are such as contain serum- Lilbumin — e.y., blood, serum, or lymph. Serum retains its nutritive properties even after it has been subjected to diffusion (Martins and Kronecker). Milk and whey (v. Ott), normal saline solution (O'G per cent. NaCl) mixed with blood, albumin, or peptone, and 0'3 per cent, sodium carbonate (Kronecker, Merunowicz, and Stienon), or a trace of caustic soda (Gaule), or a solution of the salts of serum, are suitable. (7.) The independent pulsations of parts of the heart which are devoid of ganglia, show that the presence of ganglia is not absolutely necessary in order to have rhythmical pulsation. Direct stimulation of the heart may cause these movements. But the ganglia are more excitable than the heart-muscle itself, and they conduct the impulses 100 STANNIUS' EXPERIMENT. which lead to the regular alternating action of the various parts of the heart, so that under normal circumstances, we must assume that the action of the heart is governed by the ganglia. The chief experiments upon which the above statements are based consist of two classes: — (1.) Where the heart is INCISED or DIVIDED; and (2.) where it is STIMULATED DIRECTLY. (I.) Experiments by CUTTING and LIGATURING the heart. These experiments have been made chiefly upon the frog's heart. The LIGATURE experiments are performed by tightening and then relaxing a ligature placed around the heart, so that the physiological connection is destroyed, while the anatomical or mechanical connections (con- tinuity of the cardiac wall, intact condition of its cavities) still exist. The most important of these experiments are — (1.) Stannius' Experiment. — If the sinus venosus of a frog's heart be separated from the auricles, either by an incision or by a ligature, the auricles and ventricle stand still in diastole, whilst the veins and the remainder of the sinus continue to beat. If a second incision be made at the auriculo-ventricular groove, as a rule the ventricle begins at once to beat again, whilst the auricles remain in the condition of diastolic rest. According to the position of the second ligature or incision, the auricles may also beat along with the ventricles, or the auricles alone may beat, while the ventricles remain at rest (1852). Explanations. — Various explanations of these experiments have been given : — (a.) Remak's ganglion in the sinus vinosus is distinguished by its great excitability, while Bidder's ganglion in the auriculo-ventricular groove is less excitable ; in the normal condition of the heart the motor impulse is carried from the former to the latter. If the sinus venosus be separated from the heart, Remak's ganglion has no action on the heart. The heart stops for two reasons — first, because Bidder's ganglion alone has not sufficient energy to excite it to action, and because the inhibitory fibres of the vagus going to the heart have been stimulated by being divided at this point (Heidenhain). [That stimulation of the inhibitory fibres of the vagus is not the cause of the standstill, is proved by the fact that the standstill occurs even after the administration of atropine, which paralyses the cardiac inhibitory mechanism.] The passive heart, however, may be made to contract by mechanically stimulating Bidder's ganglion — e.g., by a slight prick with a needle in the auriculo-ventricular groove (H. Munk), or by the action of a constant current of moderate strength (Eckhard), the ventricular pulsation at the same time preceding the auricular (v. Bezold, Bernstein). If the auriculo- ventricular groove be divided, the ventricle pulsates again, because Bidder's ganglion has been stimulated by the act of dividing it; while, at the same time, the ventricle is withdrawn from the inhibitory influence of the vagus produced by the first division at the sinus venosus. If the line of separation is so made that Bidder's ganglion remains attached to the auricles, these pulsate, and the ventricle rests ; if it be divided into halves, the auricles and ventricles pulsate, each half being excited by the portion of the ganglion in relation with it. (b.~) According to another view, both Remak's (a.) and Bidder's ganglia (b.) are motor centres, but in the auricles there is in addition an inhibitory ganglionic system (c.) (Bezold, Traube). Under normal circumstances a + b is stronger than c, while c is stronger LIGATURE AND SECTION OF THE HEART. 101 than a or b separately. If the sinus venosus be separated it beats in virtue of a; on the other hand, the heart rests because c is stronger than b. If the section be made at the level of the auriculo-ventricular, the auricles stand still owing to c, while the ventricle beats owing to 6. (2.) If the ventricle of a frog's heart be separated from the rest of the heart by means of a LIGATURE, or by an INCISION carried through it at the level of the auriculo-ventricular groove, the sinus and atria pulsate undisturbed as before (Descartes, 1644), but the ventricle stands still in diastole. Local stimulation of the ventricle causes a swrjh contraction. If the incision be so made that the lower margin of the auricular septum remains attached to the ventricle, the latter pulsates (Rosenberger, 1850). (3.) Section of the Heart. — Engelmann's recent experiments show that if the ventricle of a frog's heart be cut up into two or more strips in a zig-zag way, so that the individual parts still remain connected with each other by muscular tissue, the strips still beat in a regularly progressive, rhythmical manner, provided one strip is caused to con- tract. The rapidity of the transmission is about 10 to 30 mm. per sec. (Engelmann). Hence, it appears that the conducting paths for the impulse causing the contraction are not nervous, but must be the contractile mass itself. It has not been proved that nerve-fibres proceed from the ganglia to all the muscles. [According to Marchand's experiments, it takes a very long time for the excite- ment to pass from the auricles to the ventricle — a much longer time, in fact, than it would require to conduct the excitement through muscle— so that it is probable that the propagation of the impulse from the auricles to the ventricle is conducted by nervous channels to the auriculo-ventricular nervous apparatus. In fact, in the mammalian heart the muscular fibres of the auricles are quite distinct from those of the ventricle.] (4.) It is usually stated that when the apex of a frog's heart is severed from the rest of the heart, it no longer pulsates (Heidenhain, Goltz), but such an apex, if stimulated mechanically, responds with a single con- traction. Action of Fluids on the Heart. — Haller was of opinion, that the venous blood was the natural stimulus which caused the heart to contract. That this is not so, is proved at once by the fact that the heart beats rhythmically when it contains no blood. Blood and other fluids which are supplied to an excised heart are not the cause of its rhythmical movements, but only the conditions on which these movements depend. Thus, a heart which is too feeble to contract may be made to do so by supplying it with a fluid containing proteids, when a latent intra-cardiac mechanism is brought into action, the albuminous or other fluid merely supplying the pabulum for the excitable elements. 102 ACTION OF FLUIDS ON THE HEART. [Methods. — The action of fluids upon the excised frog's heart has been rendered possible by the invention of the "frog-manometer" of Ludwig. The apparatus has been improved by Ludwig's pupils, and already numerous important results have been obtained. The apparatus, Fig. 32 consists of— (1.) a double-way cannula, c, which is tied into the heart, li; (2. ) a manometer, m, connected with c, and registering the movements of its mercury on a revolving cylinder, cyl ; (3.) two Mariotte's flasks, a and b, which are connected with the other limb of the cannula. Either a or b can be placed in communication with the interior of the heart by means of the stop-cock, s. The fluid in one graduated tube may be poisoned," and the other not; d is a glass vessel for fluid, in which the heart pulsates, c and <>' are electrodes, e is inserted into the fluid in d, e' is attached to the german silver cannula which is shown in Fig. 32«. Fig. 32. Scheme of a frog-manometer — a, b, Mariotte's flasks for the nutrient fluids ; s, stop-cock ; c, cannula ; m, manometer ; h, heart ; d, glass cup for h ; e, c', electrodes ; cyl, revolving cylinder. d Fig. 32a. Double-way or perfu- sion cannula (nat. size) for a frog's heart — c, for fixing an electrode ; d, the heart is tied over the flanges, preventing it from slipping out ; e, section of d. In the tonometer of Roy (Fig. 33) the ventricle, h, or the whole heart, is placed in an air-tight chamber, o, filled with oil, or with oil and normal saline solution. As before, a "perfusion" cannula is tied into the heart. A piston, p, works up and down in a cylinder, and is adjusted by means of a thin flexible animal mem- brane, such as is used by perfumers. Attached to the piston by means of a thread is a writing lever, I, which records the variations of pressure within the chamber, o. When the ventricle contracts, it becomes smaller, diminishes the pressure within o, and hence the piston and lever rise ; conversely, when the heart dilates, the lever and piston descend. Variations in the volume of the ventricle may be registered, without in any way interfering with the flow of fluids through it. Two preparations of the frog's heart have been used — (1.) The "heart," in which case the cannula is introduced into the heart through the sinus venosus, and a ACTION OF FLUIDS ON THE HEART.' 103 ligature is tied over it around the auricle, or it may be the sinus venosus. Thus the aiiriculo-ventricular ganglia and other nervous structures remain in the pre- paration. This was the heart preparation employed by Luciani and Rossbach. (2.) In the " henrt-apex " preparation the cannula is introduced as before, but the ligature is^tied on it on the ventricle, several millimetres below the auriculo- Fig. 33. Roy's apparatus or tonometer for the heart — 7t, heart; o, air-tight chamber; p, piston; I, writing lever. ventricular groove, so that this preparation contains none of the auriculo- ventricu- lar ganglia, and, according to the usual statement, this part of the heart is devoid of nerve ganglia. This is the preparation which was used by Bowditch, Kronecker and Stirling, Merunowicz, and others. The first effect of the application of the ligature in both cases is, that both preparations cease to beat, but the "heart" usually resumes its rhythmical contractions within several minutes, while the "heart-apex" does not contract spontaneously until after a much longer time (10to90mins.). If the " Heart- Apex " be filled with a O'G percent, solution of common salt, the contractions are at first of greater extent, but they afterwards cease, and the preparation passes into a condition of "apparent death;" while if the action of the fluid be prolonged, the heart may not contract at all, even when it is stimulated electrically or mechanically. It may be made, however, to pulsate again, if it be supplied with saline solution containing blood (1 to 10 per cent). The "stille" or state of quiescence may last 90 mins. (Kronecker and Merunowicz). If the ventricle be nipped with wire forceps at the junction of the upper with its middle third, so as to separate the lower two-thirds of the ventrical physiologically but not anatomically from the rest of the heart, then the apex will cease to contract, although it is still supplied with the frog's own blood (Bernstein, Bowditch). The physiologically isolated apex may be made to beat by clamping the aortic branches to prevent blood passing out of the heart, and thus raising the intracardial pressure. The rate of the beat of the apex is independent of and slower than that of the rest of the heart. This experiment proves that the amount of pressure within the apex cavity is an important factor in the causation of the spontaneous apex beats (Gaskell). If blood-serum, to which a trace of delphinin is added, be transfused or "perfused" through the heart, it begins to beat within a minute, continues to beat for several seconds, and then stands still in diastole (Bowditch). Quinine (Schtschepotjew) and a mixture 104 ACTION OF FLUIDS ON THE HEART. of atropine and muscarin have a similar action (v. Basch). These experiments show that, provided no nervous apparatus exists within the heart-apex, the cause of the varying contraction is to be sought for in the musculature of the heart (Kronecker), and that the stimulus necessary for the systole of the heart's- apex may arise within itself (Aubert). If there is no nervous apparatus of any- kind present, then we must assume that the heart-muscle may execute rhythmical movements independently of the presence of any nervous mechanism, although it is usually assumed that the ganglia excite the heart-muscle to pulsate rhythmically. It is by no means definitely proved that the heart-apex is devoid of all nervous structures, which may act as originators of these rhythmical impulses. The "Heart" preparation in many respects behaves like the foregoing, i.e., it is exhausted after a time by the continued application of normal saline solution (0'6 per cent. NaCl), while its activity may be restored by supplying it with albuminous and other fluids (p. 99).] [(5.) Luciani found that such a heart, when filled with pure serum, produced groups of pulsations with a long diastolic pause between every two groups (Fig. 34). The successive beats in each group assume a "staircase" character (p. 107). These periodic groups undergo many Fig. 34. Four groups of pulsations with intervening pauses, as obtained by Luciani, with their "staircase" character. The points on the abscissa were marked every ten seconds. changes ; they occur when the heart is filled with pure serum free from blood-corpuscles, and they disappear and give place to regular pulsations when defibrinated blood or serum containing haemoglobin or normal saline solution (Kossbach) is used. They also occur when the blood within the heart has become dark-coloured — i.e., when it has been deprived of certain of its constituents — and if a trace of veratrin be added to bright-red blood they occur.] (6.) The same apparatus permits of the application of electrical stimuli to either of the above-named preparations. An apex-preparation, when stimulated with even a weak induction shock, always gives its maximal contraction, and when a tetanising current is applied tetanus does not occur (Kronecker and Stirling). When the opening and closing shocks of a sufficiently strong constant current are applied to the heart-apex, it contracts with each closing or opening shock. [When a constant current is applied to the lower two-thirds of the ventricle (heart-apex), under certain conditions the apex contracts rhythmically. ACTION OF HEAT ON THE HEART. 105 This is an important fact in connection with any theory of the cardiac beat.] (7.) If the bulbus aorta? (frog) be ligatured, it still pulsates, provided the internal pressure be moderate. Should it cease to beat, a single stimulus makes it respond by a series of contractions. Increase of temperature to 35°C., and increase of the pressure within it increase the number of pulsations (Engelmann). (II.) Direct Stimulation of the Heart. — All direct cardiac stimuli act more energetically on the inner than on the outer surface of the heart. If strong stimuli are applied for too long a time, the ventricle is the part first paralysed. (a.) Thermal Stimuli.— [Heat affects the number or frequency anil the amplitude of the pulsations, as well as the duration of the systole and diastole and the excitability of the heart.] Descartes (1614) observed that heat increased the number of pulsations of an eel's heart. A. v. Humboldt found that when a frog's heart was placed in lukewarm water, the number of beats increased from 12 to 40 per minute. As the temperature increases, the number of beats is at first con- siderably increased, but afterwards the beats again become fewer, and if the temperature is raised above a certain limit the heart stands still, the myosin of which its fibres consist is coagulated, and "heat-rigor" occurs. Even before this stage is reached, however, the heart may stand still, the muscular fibres a Fig. 35. Fig. a, Contractions of a frog's heart at 19°C.; b£a,t 34°C.; c, at 3°C. 100 ACTION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL STIMULI. appearing to remain contracted. The ventricles usually cease to beat before the auricles (Schelske). The size and extent of the contractions increase up to about 20°C., but above this point they diminish (Fig. 35). The time occupied by any single contraction at 20°C. is only about -^ of the time occupied by a contraction occurring at 5"C. » A heart which has been warmed is capable of reacting pretty rapidly to inter- mittent stimuli, while a heart at a low temperature reacts only to stimuli occurring at a considerable interval. If a frog be kept in a cold place its heart beats slowly and does little work, but if the heart be supplied with the extract of a frog which has been kept warm, it is rendered more capable of doing work (Gaule). Cold. — When the temperature of the blood is diminished, the heart beats slower (Kielmeyer, 1793). A frog's heart, placed between two watch-glasses and laid on ice, beats very much slower (Ludwig, 1861). The pulsations of a frog's heart stop when the heart is exposed to a temperature of 4°C. to 0° (E. Cyon). If a frog's heart be taken out of warm water, and suddenly placed upon ice, it beats more rapidly, and conversely, if it be taken from ice and placed in warm water, it beats more slowly at first and more rapidly afterwards (Aristow). [Methods. — The effect of heat on a heart may be studied by the aid of the frog- manometer, the fluid in which the heart is placed being raised to any temperature required. For demonstration purposes, the heart of a pithed frog is excised and placed on a glass slide under a light lever, such as a straw. The slide is warmed by means of a spirit-lamp. In this way the frequency and amplitude of the con- tractions are readily made visible at a distance.] [Gaskell fixes the heart by means of a clamp placed round the auriculo-ven- tricular groove, while levers are placed horizontally above and below the heart. These levers are fixed to part of the auricles and to the apex by means of threads. Each part of the heart attached to a lever, as it contracts, pulls upon its own lever, so that the extent and duration of each contraction may be registered. This method is applicable for studying the effect of the vagus and other nerves upon the heart (Roy).] (&.) Mechanical Stimuli. — Pressure applied externally to the heart accelerates its action. In the case of Frau Serafin, v. Ziemssen found, that slight pressure on the auriculo- ventricular groove caused a second short contraction of both ventricles after the heart-beat. Strong pressure causes a very irregular action of the cardiac muscle. This may readily be produced by compressing the freshly excised heart of a dog between the fingers. The intra-cardiac pressure also affects the heart-beat. If the pressure within the heart be increased, the heart-beats are gradually increased, if it be diminished the number of beats diminishes (Ludwig and Thiry). If the intra-cardiac pressure be very greatly increased, the heart's action becomes very irregular aud slower (Heidenhain). A heart which has ceased to beat may, under certain circum- stances, be caused to execute a single contraction if it be stimulated mechanically. (c.) Electrical Stimuli. — A constant electrical current of moderate strength increases the number of heart-beats, v. Ziemssen found in the case of Frail Serafin (p. 74, 3), that the number of beats was doubled, when a constant uninter- rupted strong current was passed through the ventricles. If the constant current be very strong, or if tetanising induction currents be used, the cardiac muscle assumes a condition resembling, but not identical with, tetanus (Ludwig and Hoffa), and of course this results in a fall of the blood- pressure (Sigm. Mayer). When a single induction shock is applied to the ventricle of a frog's heart during systole, it has no apparent effect ; but if it is applied during diastole, the succeeding contraction takes place sooner. The auricles behave in a similar manner. Whilst they are contracted, an induction shock has no effect ; if, however, the stimulus is applied during diastole, it causes a contraction, which is followed by systole of the ACTION OF ELECTRICAL STIMULI ON THE HEART. 107 ventricle (Hildebrand). Even when strong tetanising induction-shocks are applied to the heart, they do not produce tetanus of the entire cardiac musculature, or as it is said, "the heart knows no tetanus" (Kronecker and Stirling). Small white local weal-like elevations— such as occur when the intestinal musculature is stimulated —appear between the electrodes. They may last several minutes. A frog's heart, which yields weak and irregular contractions, may be made to execute regular rhythmical contractions isochronous with the stimuli, if electrical stimuli are used (Bowditch). In this case the weakest stimuli (which are still active) behave like the stronger stimuli— even with the weak stimulus the heart always gives the strongest contraction possible. Hence this minimal electrical stimulus is as effective as a "maximal" stimulus (Kronecker and Stirling). V. Ziemssen found that he could not alter the heart-beats of the Imman heart (Frau Serafin, p.74,3), even with strong induction currents. The ventricular diastole seemed to be less complete, and there were irregularities in its contraction. By opening and closing, or by reversing a strong constant current applied to the heart, the number of beats was increased, and the increase corresponded with the number of electrical stimuli; thus, when the electrical stimuli were 120, 140, 180, the number of heart- beats was the same, the pulse beforehand being SO. When ISO shocks per minute were applied the action of the heart assumed the characters of the pulsus alternans (p. 143). Minimal stimuli were also found to act like maximal stimuli. The normal pulse-rate of SO was reduced to 60 and 50, when the number of shocks was reduced in the same ratio. The rhythm became at the same time somewhat irregular. In these experiments a strong current is required, and v. Basch found that the same was true for the frog's heart. Even in healthy persons, v. Ziemssen ascertained that the energy and rhythm of the heart could be modified by passing an electrical current through the uninjured chest-wall. [Method. — The apparatus (Fig. 32.) is also well adapted for studying the effect of electrical currents upon the heart. Bowditch, Kronecker and Stirling, and other observers, used the " heart-apex," as it does not contract spontaneously for some time after the ligature is applied. One electrode is attached to the canuula, and the other is placed in the fluid in which the heart is bathed.] [Opening induction shocks, if of sufficient strength, cause the heart to con- tract, while weak stimuli have no effect; on the other hand, moderate stimuli, when they do cause the heart to contract, always cause a maximal contrac- tion, so that a minimal stimulus acts at the same time like a maximal stimulus. The heart either contracts or it does not contract, and when it contracts the result is always a "maximal" contraction. Bowditch found, that the excit- ability of the heart was increased by its own movements, so that after a heart had once contracted, the strength of the stimulus required to excite the next contraction may be greatly diminished, and yet the stimulus be effectual. Usually the amplitude of the first beat so produced is not so great as the second beat, and the second is less than the third, so that a " staircase " (" Treppe ") of beats of successively greater extent are produced (Fig. 34. ) This staircase arrangement occurs even when the strength of the stimulus is kept constant, so that the produc- tion of one contraction facilitates the occurrence of the succeeding one. A staircase arrangement of the pulsations is also seen in Luciani's groups (p. 104). The ques- tion, whether a stimulus will cause a contraction, depends upon what particular phase the heart is iu, when the shock is applied. Even comparatively weak stimuli will cause a heart to contract, provided the stimuli are applied at the proper moment and in the proper tempo — i.e. to say, they become what are called "infallible." If stimuli are applied to the heart, at intervals which are longer than the time the heart takes to execute its contraction, they are effectual or "adequate," but if they are applied before the period of pulsation comes to an end, then they are ineffectual (Kronecker). It is quite clear, there- 108 ACTION OF CHEMICAL STIMULI AND GASES ON THE HEART. fore, that the relation of the strength of the stimulus, to the extent of the contrac- tion of the cardiac muscle, is quite different from what occurs in a muscle of the skeleton, where within certain limits the amplitude of the contraction bears a relation to the stimulus, while in the heart the contraction is always maximal.] (rf.) Chemical Stimuli.— Many chemical substances, when applied in a dilute solution, to the inner surface of the heart, increase the heart-beats, while if they are concentrated or allowed to act too long, they diminish the heart-beats, and paralyse it. Bile (Budge), bile salts (Rohrig) diminish the heai't-beats (also when they are absorbed into the blood as in jaundice) ; in very dilute solutions both increase the heart-beats (Landois). A similar result is produced by acetic, tartaric, citric (Bobrik), and phosphoric acids (Leyden). Chloroform and ether, applied to the inner surface, rapidly diminish the heart-beats, and then paralyse it; but very small quantities of ether (1 per cent.) accelerate the heart-beat of the frog (Kronecker and M'Gregor-Robertson), while a solution of 1| to 2 per cent, passed through the heart arrests it temporarily or completely. A dilute solution of opium, strychnia, or alcohol applied to the endocardium, increases the heart-beats (C. Ludwig) ; if concentrated they rapidly arrest its action. Chloral-hydrate paralyses the heart (P. v. Rokitansky). Action of Gases. — When blood containing different gases was passed through a frog's heart, Klug found that blood containing sulphurous acid rapidly and completely killed the heart ; chlorine stimulated the heart at first, and ultimately killed it ; and laughing-gas rapidly killed it also. Blood containing sulphuretted hydrogen paralysed the heart without stimulating it. Carbonic oxide also paralysed it, but if fresh blood was transfused, the heart recovered. [Blood con- taining 0 excites the heart (Castell), while the presence of much COo paralyses it, and the presence of COo is more injurious than the want of 0. H and N have no effect.] Rossbach found on stimulating the ventricle of a frog's heart at a circumscribed area, either mechanically, chemically, or electrically, during systole, that the part so stimulated relaxes in partial diastole. The immediate direct after-effect of this stimulation is. that the muscular fibres in the part irritated remain some- what shrivelled. This part ceases to act, and has lost its vital functions. If the stimulus is applied during diastole, the part irritated always relaxes sooner, and its diastole lasts longer than does that of the parts which were not stimulated. If weak stimuli are allowed to act for a long time upon any part of the ventricle of a frog's heart, the part so stimulated always relaxes sooner than the non-stimu- lated parts, and its diastole is also prolonged. Cardiac Poisons are those substances whose action is characterised by special effects upon the movements of the heart. Amongst these are the neutral salts of potash. [Until 1863 it was believed that these salts were just as slightly active on the heart as the soda salts, but Bernard and Grandeau showed that very small doses of these salts produced death, the heart standing still in diastole. An excised frog's heart ceases to beat after one-half to one minute when it is placed in a 2 per cent, solution of potassic chloride.] Even a very dilute solution of yellow prussiate of potash injected into the heart of a frog causes the ventricle to stand still in systole. As early as 1691, Clayton and Moulin showed the poisonous action of potassium sulphate, and alum, as compared with the non-poisonous action of sodium chloride, which was demonstrated by Courten in 1679. Anliar (Java arrow-poison) causes the ventricle to stand still in systole and the auricles in diastole. Some heart- poisons in small doses, diminish the heart's action, and in large doses not unfre- quently accelerate it — e.g., digitalis, morphia, nicotin. Others, when given in small doses, accelerate ita action, and in large doses slow it — veratria, aconitin, camphor. NATURE OF A CARDIAC CONTRACTION. 109 Special Actions Of Cardiac Poisons. — The complicated actions of various poisons upon the heart, have led observers to suppose that there are various intra- cardiac mechanisms on which these substances may act. Besides the muscular fibres of the heart and its automatic ganglia, some toxicologists assume that there are inhibitory ganglia into which the inhibitory fibres of the vagus pass, and accelerator ganglia, which are connected with the accelerating nerve-fibres of the heart. Both the inhibitory and accelerator ganglia are connected with the automatic ganglia by conducting channels. Muscarin stimulates permanently the inhibitory ganglia, so that the heart stands still (Schmiedeberg and Koppe). As atropin and daturin paralyse these ganglia, the stand-still of the heart brought about by muscarin may be set aside by atropin. [If a frog's heart be excised and placed in a watch-glass, and a few drops of a very dilute solution of muscarin be placed on it with a pipette, it ceases to beat within a few minutes, and will not beat again. If, however, the muscarin be removed, and a solution of atropine applied to the heart, it will resume its contrac- tions after a short time.] Physostigmin [Calabar bean] excites the energy of the cardiac muscle to such an extent, that stimulation of the vagus no longer causes the heart to stand still. lodine-aldehyd, chloroform, and chloral-hydrate paralyse the automatic ganglia. The heart stands still, and it cannot be made to contract again by atropine. The cardiac muscle itself remains excitable after the action of muscarin and iodine -aldehyd, so that if it be stimulated it contracts. [According to Gaskell, antiarin aud digitalin solutions produce an alteration in the condition of the muscular tissue of the apex of the heart of the same nature as that pro- duced by the action of very dilute alkali solution, while the action of a blood solution containing muscarin closely resembles that of a dilute acid solution (§ 65).] [Nature of a Cardiac Contraction. — The question as to whether this is a simple contraction or a compound tetanic contraction, has been much discussed. This much is certain, that the systolic contraction of the heart is of very much longer duration (8 to 10 times) than the contraction of a skeletal muscle produced by stimulation of its motor nerve. When the sciatic nerve of a nerve-muscle preparation (" rheo- scopic limb") is adjusted upon a contracting heart, a simple secondary twitch of the limb, and not a tetanic spasm, is produced when the heart (auricle or ventricle) contracts. This of itself is not sufficient proof that the systole is a simple spasm, for tetanus of a muscle does not in all cases give rise to secondary tetanus in the leg of a rheoscopic limb. Thus, a simple " initial " contraction occurs, when the nerve is applied to a muscle tetanised by the action of strychnia, and the con- tracted diaphragm gives a similar result. The question as to whether the heart can be tetanised, has been answered in the negative, and as yet it has not been shown that the heart can be tetanised in the same way that a skeletal muscle is tetanised.] The peripheral or extra-cardiac nerves will be discussed in connec- tion with the Nervous System. 59, The Cardio-Pneumatic Movement, As the heart within the thorax occupies a smaller space during the systole than during the diastole, it follows that when the glottis is open, 110 THE CARDIO-PNEUMATIC MOVEMENT. air must be drawn into the chest when the heart contracts ; whenever the heart relaxes, i.e., during diastole, air must be expelled through the open glottis. But we must also take into account the degree to which the larger intrathoracic vessels are filled with blood. These movements of the air within the lungs, although slight, seem to be of importance in hybernating animals. In animals in this condition, the agitation of the gases in the lungs favours the exchange of C02 and 0 in the lungs, and this slow current of air is sufficient to aerate the blood passing through the lungs. [Ceradini called the diminution of the volume of the entire heart which occurs during systole meiocardie, and the subsequent increase of volume when the heart is distended to its maximum, auxocardie.] Method. — The cai'do-pneumatic movements — i.e., the movement of the respira- tory gases dependent on the movements of the heart and great vessels — may be demonstrated in animals and man. A manometric flame may be used. Insert one limb of a Y-tube into the opened trachea of an animal, while the other limb passes to a small gas-jet, and connect the other tube with a gas-jet. It is clear that the movements of the heart will affect the column of gas, and thus affect the flame. Large animals previously curarised are best. It may also be done in man by inserting the tube into one nostril, while the other nostril and the mouth are closed. [A simpler and less irritating plan is to till a wide curved glass-tube with tobacco smoke, and insert one end of the tube into one nostril while the other nostril and the mouth are closed. If the glottis be kept open, and respiration be stopped, then the movements of the column of smoke within the tube are obvious.] Fig. 36. Landois' cardio-pueumograph, and the curves obtained therewith — A and B, from man, 1 and 2, correspond to the periods of the first and second heart-sounds; C, from dog; D, method of using the apparatus. Cardio-Pneumograph. — Ceradini employed a special instrument, while Landoia uses his cardio-pneumograph which consists of a tube (D), about one inch INFLUENCE OF RESPIRATORY PRESSURE ON THE HEART. Ill in diameter and six to eight inches iu length; the tube is bent at a right angle, and communicates with a small metal capsule about the size of a saucer (T), over which a membrane composed of collodion and castor oil is loosely stretched. To this membrane is attached a glass-rod (H) used as a writing-style, which records its movements on a glass-plate (S) moved by clock-work. A small valve (K) is placed on the side of the tube (D), which enables the experimenter to breathe when necessary. The tube (D) is held in an air-tight manner between the lips, the nostrils being closed, the glottis open, and respiration stopped. Fig. 36, A, B, C, are curves obtained in this way. In them we observe— (a) At the moment of the first sound (1.), the respiratory gases undergo a sharp expiratory movement, because at the moment of the first part of the ventricular systole the blood of the ventricle has not left the thorax, while venous blood is streaming into the right auricle through the venaa cav*, and because the dilating branches of the pulmonary artery compress the accompanying bronchi. The blood of the right ventricle has not yet left the thorax, it passes merely into the pulmonary circuit. The expiratory movement is diminished somewhat by (a) the muscular mass of the ventricle occupying slightly less bulk during the contrac- tion, and (/3) owing to the thoracic cavity being slightly increased by the fifth intercostal space being pushed forward by the cardiac impulse. (b) Immediately after (1. ), there follows a strong inspiratory current of the respira- tory gases. As soon as the blood from the root of the aorta reaches that part of the aorta lying outside the thorax, more blood leaves the chest than passes into it simultaneously through the vente cavae. (c) After the second sound (at 2.), indicated sometimes by a slight depression in the apex of the curve, the arterial blood accumulates, and hence there is another expiratory movement in the curve. (d) The peripheral wave-movements of the blood from the thorax cause another inspiratory movement of the gases. (e) More blood flows into the chest through the veins, and the next heart-beat occurs. 60. Influence of the Respiratory Pressure on the Dilatation and Contraction of the Heart. The variation ia pressure to which all the intra-thoracic organs are subjected, owing to the increase and decrease in the size of the chest caused by the respiratory movements, exerts an influence on the move- ments of the heart, as was proved by Carson in 1820, and by Donders in 185 4. Examine first the relations in different passive conditions of the thorax, when the glottis is open. The diastolic dilatation of the cavities of the heart (excluding the pressure of the venous blood and the elastic stretching of the relaxed muscle-wall) is fundamentally due to the elastic traction of the lungs. This is stronger the more the lungs are distended (inspiration), and is less active the more the lungs are contracted (expiration). Hence it follows : — (1.) When the greatest possible expiratory effort is made (of course, with the glottis open) only a small amount of blood flows into the cavities of the heart ; the heart in diastole is small and contains a small 112 VALSALVA AND MULLEIl's EXPERIMENTS. amount of blood. Hence the systole must also be small, which further gives rise to a small pulse-beat. (2.) On taking the greatest possible inspiration, and therefore causing the greatest stretching of the elastic tissue of the lungs, the elastic traction of the lungs is, of course, greatest — 30 mm. Hg. (Bonders). This force may act so energetically as to interfere with the contraction of the thin-walled atria and appendices, in consequence of which these cavities do not completely empty themselves into the ventricles. The heart is in a state of great distension in diastole, and is filled with blood ; nevertheless, in consequence of the limited action of the auricles, only small pulse-beats are observed. In several individuals Bonders found the pulse to be smaller and slower; afterwards it became larger and faster. (3.) When the chest is in a position of moderate rest, whereby the elastic traction is moderate (7*5 mm. Hg. — Bonders), we have the condi- tion most favourable to the action of the heart — sufficient diastolic dilatation of the cavities of the heart, as well as unhindered emptying of them during systole. A very important factor, is the influence exerted upon the action of the heart, by the voluntary increase or diminution of the intra-thoracic 'pressure. (1.) Valsalva's Experiment. — If the thorax is fixed in the position of deepest inspiration, and the glottis be then closed, and if a powerful expiratory effort be made by bringing into action all the expiratory muscles, so as to contract the chest, the cavities of the heart are so compressed that the circulation of the blood is temporarily interrupted. In this expiratory phase the elastic traction is very limited, and the air in the lungs being under a high pressure also acts upon the heart and the intra-thoracic great vessels. No blood can pass into the thorax from without ; hence the visible veins swell up and become congested, the blood in the lungs is rapidly forced into the left ventricle by the compressed air in the lungs, and the blood soon passes out of the chest. Hence the lungs and the heart contain little blood. Hence also there is a greater supply of blood in the systemic than in the pulmonary circulation and the heart. The heart-sounds disappear, and the pulse is absent (E. H. Weber, Bonders). (2.) J. Miiller's Experiment. — Conversely, if after the deepest pos- sible expiration the glottis be closed, and the chest be now dilated with a great inspiratory effort, the heart is powerfully dilated, the elastic traction of the lungs, and the very attenuated air in these organs act so as to dilate the cavities of the heart in the direction of the lungs. More blood flows into the right heart, and in proportion as the right auricle and ventricle can overcome the traction outwards, the blood- INFLUENCE OF THE RESPIRATION ON THE HEART. 113 vessels of the lungs become filled with blood, and thus partly occupy the lung-space. Much less blood is driven out of the left heart, so that the pulse may disappear. Hence, the heart is distended with blood, and the lungs are congested, while the aortic system contains a small amount of blood — i.e., the systemic circulation is comparatively empty, while the heart and the pulmonary vessels are engorged with blood. In normal respiration, the air in the lungs during inspiration is under slight pressure, while during expiration the pressure is higher, so that these conditions favour the circulation ; inspiration favours the supply of blood (and lymph) through the vena? cavae, and favours the occurrence of diastole. In operations where the axillary or jugular vein is cut, air may be sucked into the circulation during inspiration, and cause death. Expiration favours the flow of blood in the aorta and its branches, and aids the systolic emptying of the heart. The arrangement of the valves of the heart causes the blood to move in a definite direction through it. a II Fte .37. Apparatus for demonstrating the action of inspiration, II, and expiration, I, on the heart and on the blood-stream — P, p, lungs ; H, h, heart ; L, /, closed glottis ; M, m, manometers ; E, e, ingoing blood-stream, vein ; A, a, outgoing blood-stream, artery ; D, diaphragm during expiration ; d, during inspiration. 8 114 INFLUENCE OF THE RESPIRATION ON THE HEART. The elastic traction of the lungs aids the lesser circulation through the lungs within the chest; the blood of the pulmonary capillaries is exposed to the pressure of the air in the lungs, while the blood in the pulmonary veins is exposed to a less pressure, as the elastic traction of the lungs, by dilating the left auricle favours the outflow from the capillaries into the left auricle. The elastic traction of the lungs acts slightly as a disturbing agent on the right ventricle, and, therefore, on the movement of blood through the pulmonary artery, owing to the overpowering force of the blood-stream through the pulmonary artery, as against the elastic traction of the lungs (Bonders). The above apparatus (Fig. 37) shows the effect of the inspiratory and expiratory movements on the dilatation of the heart, and on the blood-stream in the large blood-vessels. The large glass- vessel represents the thorax; the elastic mem- brane, D, the diaphragm ; P, j>, the lungs ; L, the trachea supplied with a stop-coclc to represent the glottis ; H, the heart ; E, the venas cavaj ; A, the aorta. If the glottis be dosed, and the expiratory phase imitated by pushing up D as in I, the air in P, P is compressed, the heart, H, is compressed, the venous valve closes, the arterial is opened, and the fluid is driven out through A. The manometer, M, indicates the intrathoracic pressure. If the glottis be closed, and the inspiratory phase imitated, as in II, p, p and li are dilated, the venous valve opens, the arterial valve closes ; hence, venous blood flows from e into the heart. Thus, inspiration always favours the venous stream, and hinders the arterial ; while expiration hinders the venous, and favours the arterial stream. If the glottis L and /, be open, the air in P, P, p, p will be changed during the respiratory movements D and d, so that the action on the heart and blood-vessels will be diminished, but it will still persist, although to a much less extent. The Circulation, 61. The Flow of Fluids through Tubes. Toricelli's Theorem (1643) states that the velocity of efflux (c) of a fluid— through an opening at the bottom of a cylindrical vessel — is exactly the same as the velocity which a body falling freely would acquire, were it to fall from the surface of the fluid to the base of the orifice of the out- flow. If h be the height of the propelling force, the velocity of efflux is given by the formula — v = V 2 \ g h (where ;/ =; 9 '8 metre). The rapidity of outflow increases (as shown experi- mentally) with increase in the height of the propelling force, Ji. The former occurs in the ratio, 1, 2, 3, when 7t increases in the ratio, 1, 4, 9 — i. e., the velocity of efflux is as the square root of the height of the propelling force. Hence, it follows that the velocity of efflux depends upon the height of the liquid above the orifice of outflow, and not upon the nature of the fluid. Resistance. — Toricelli's theorem, however, is only valid when all resistance to the outflow is absent ; but, in fact, in every physical experiment such resistance exists. Hence, the propelling force, h, has not only to cause the ffflux of the fluid, but has also to overcome resistance. These two forces may be expressed by the heights of two columns of water placed over each other — viz. , by the height of the column of water causing the outflow, F, and the height of the column, D, which overcomes the resistance opposed to the oiitflow of the fluid. So that h = F + D. Fig. 38. Cylindrical vessel filled with water — h, height of the column of fluid ; D, height of column of fluid requii-ed to over- come the resistance ; and F, height of column of fluid caus- ing the efflux. 62. Propelling Force— Velocity of the Current, and Lateral Pressure. In the case of a fluid flowing through a tube, which it fills completely, we have to consider the propelling force, /«, causing the fluid to flow through the various sections of the tube. The amount of the propelling force depends upon two factors : — (1.) On the velocity of the current, v; (2.) On the pressure (amount of resistance') to which the fluid is subjected at the various parts of the tube, D. (1.) The velocity of the current, v, is estimated — (a.) from the lumen, /, of the 116 FLOW OF FLUIDS THROUGH TUBES. tube ; and (b.) from the quantity of fluid, q, which flows through the tube in the unit of time. So that v = q : I. Both values, q as well as /, can be accurately measured. (The circumference of a round tube, whose diameter = d is 3'14.rf. 3-14 The sectional area (lumen of the tube) is l=~- . d".) Having in this way determined v, from it we may calculate the height of the column of fluid, F, which will give this velocity— i.e., the height from which a body must fall in vacuo, V in order to attain tlie velocity, r, In this case F - j— (where y = the distance if traversed by a falling body in 1 sec. = 4'9 metre). A cylindrical vessel rilled with water — a, I, outflow tube, along which are placed at intervals vertical tubes, 1, 2, 3, to estimate the pressure. (2.) The pressure, D (amount of resistance), is measured directly by placing manometers at different parts of the tube (Fig. 39). ropelling force at any part of the tube is or, (Bonders). This is proved experimentally by taking a tall cylindrical vessel, A, of sufficient size, which is kept filled with water at a constant level, h. The outflow rigid tube, a, b, has in connection with it a number of tubes placed vertically 1, 2, 3, constituting a piezometer. At the end of the tube, b, there is an opening with a short tube fixed in it, from which the water issues to a constant height, provided the level of h is kept constant. The height to which it rises depends on the height of the column of fluid causing the velocity, F. As the pressure in the manometric tubes, B1, B2, B3, can be read off directly, the propelling force of the water at the sections of the tubes, I, II, III, is— h = ¥ + B1 ;-F + B'-;-F + B3. At the end of the tube, b, where B4 = 0, A = F + 0, i.e., /* = F. In the cylinder itself it is the constant pressure, h, which causes the movement of the fluid. It is clear, that the propelling force of the water gradually diminishes as we pass from the part where the fluid passes out of the cylinder into the tube towards the end of the tube, b. The water in the pressure-cylinder, falling from the height, ft, only rises as high as F at b. This diminution of the propelling power is due to the ESTIMATION OF RESISTANCE. 117 presence of RESISTANCES, which oppose the current in the tube, i.e., part of the energy is transformed into heat. As the propelling power at b is represented only by F, while in the vessel it is h, the difference must be due to the sum of the resistances, D ~ h - F ; hence it follows that h — F -f D (Donders). Estimation of Resistance. Estimation Of the Resistance. — When a Huid flows through a tube of uniform calibre the propelling force, k, diminishes from point to point on account of the uniformly acting resistance, hence the sum of the resistances in the whole tube is directly proportional to its length. In a uniformly wide tube, fluid flows through each sectional area with equal velocity, hence v and also F are equal in all parts of the tube. The diminution which h ("propelling force) undergoes can only occur from a diminution of pressure D, as F remains the same throughout (and h = F + D). Experiment with the pressure-cylinder shows, that as a matter of fact, the pressure towards the outflow end of the tube becomes gradually diminished. In a uniformly wide tube, the height of the pressure in the manometers expresses the resistances opposed to the current of fluid, which it has to overcome in its course from the point investigated to the free orifice, of efflux. Nature Of the Resistance. — The resistance opposed to the flow of a fluid, depends upon the cohesion of the particles of the fluid amongst themselves. During the current, the outer layer of fluid which is next the wall of the tube, and which moistens it, is at rest (Girard, Poiseuille). All the other layers of fluid, which may be represented as so many cylindrical layers, one inside the other, move more rapidly as we proceed towards the axis of the tube, the axial thread or stream being the most rapidly moving part of the liquid. On account of the movement of the cylindrical layers, one within the other, a part of the propelling energy must be used up. The amount of the resistance greatly depends upon the amount of the cohesive force which the particles of the fluid have for each other ; the more firmly the particles cohere with each other, the greater will be the resistance, and vice versa. Hence, the sticky blood-current experiences greater resistance than water or ether. Heat diminishes the cohesion of the particles, hence it also diminishes the resistance to the flow of a current. These resistances are first developed by, and result from, the movement of the particles of the fluid, they being, as it were, torn from each other. The more rapid the current, therefore, i.e., the larger the number of particles of fluid which are pulled asunder in the unit of time, the greater will he the sum of the resistance. As already mentioned, the layer of fluid lying next the tube, and moistening it, is at rest, hence the material which composes the tube exerts no influence on the resistance. Effect of Tubes of Unequal Calibre, Unequal Diameter.— When the velocity of the current is uniform, the resis- tance depends upon the diameter of the tube — the smaller the diameter, the greater the resistance ; the greater the diameter, the less the resistance. The resistance in narrow tubes, however, increases more rapidly than the diameter of the tube decreases, as has been proved experimentally. In tubes of unequal calibre, at different parts of their course, the velocity of the current varies — it is slower in the wide part of the tube and more rapid in the 118 CURRENTS THROUGH CAPILLARY TUBES. narrow parts. As a general rule, in tubes of unequal diameter the velocity of the current is inversely proportional to the diameter of the corresponding section of the tube; i.e., if the tube be cylindrical, it is inversely proportional to the square of the diameter of the circular transverse section. In tubes of uniform diameter, the propelling force of the moving fluid diminishes uniformly from point to point, but in tubes of unequal calibre it does not diminish uniformly. As the resistance is greater in narrow tubes, of course the propelling force must diminish more rapidly in them than in wide tubes. Hence, withiu the wide parts of the tube the pressure is greater than the sum of the resistances still to be overcome, while in the narrow portions it is less than these. Tortuosities and Bending Of the Vessels add new resistance, and the fluid presses more strongly on the convex side than on the concave side of the bend, and there the resistance to the flow is greater than on the concave side. Division of a tube into two or more branches is a source of resistance, and diminishes the propelling power. When a tube divides into two smaller tubes, of course some of the particles of the fluid are retarded, while others are accelerated on account of the unequal velocities of the different layers of the fluid. Many particles which had the greatest velocity in the axial layer come to lie more towards the side of the tube where they move more slowly ; and conversely many of those lying in the outer layers reach the centre, where they move more rapidly. Hence, some of the propelling force is used up in this process, and the pulling asunder of the particles where the tube divides acts in a similar manner. If two tubes join to form one tube, new resistance is thereby caused which must diminish the propelling force. The sum of the mean velocities in both branches is independent of the angle at which the division takes place (Jacobson). If a branch be opened from a tube, the principal current is accelerated to a considerable extent, no matter at what angle the branch may be given off. 63. Currents through Capillary Tubes. Poiseuille proved experimentally, that the flow in the capillaries is subject to special conditions — (1.) The quantity of fluid which flows out of the same capillary tube is pro- portional to the pressure. (2. ) The time necessary for a given quantity of fluid to flow out (with the like pressure, diameter of tube and temperature), is proportional to the length of the tubes. (3.) The product of the outflow (other things being equal) is as the fourth power of the diameter. (4.) The velocity of the current is proportional to the pressure and to the square of the diameter, and inversely proportional to the length of the tube. (5.) The resistance in the capillaries is proportional to the velocity of the current. 64. Movement of Fluids and Wave-Motion in Elastic Tubes. (1.) When an uninterrupted uniform current flows through an elastic tube, it follows exactly the same laws as if the tube had rigid walls. If the propelling power increases or diminishes, the elastic tubes become wider or narrower, and they behave, as far as the movement of the fluid is concerned, as wider or narrower rigid tubes. MOVEMENT OF FLUIDS IN ELASTIC TUBES. 119 (2.) Wave-Motion. — If» however, more fluid be forced in jerks into an elastic tube, i.e., interruptedly — the first part of the tube dilates suddenly, corresponding to the quantity of fluid propelled into it. The jerk communicates an oscillatory movement to the particles of the fluid, which is communicated to all the fluid particles from the beginning to the end of the tube ; a positive wave is thus rapidly propagated throughout the whole length of the tube. If we imagine the elastic tube to be closed at its peripheral end, the positive wave will be reflected from the point of occlusion, and it may be propagated to and fro through the tube until it finally disappears. In such a closed tube a sudden jet of fluid produces only a wave-movement, i.e., only a vibratory movement, or an alteration in the shape of the liquid, there being no actual translation of the particles along the tube. (3.) If, however, fluid be pumped interruptedly or by jerks into an elastic tube filled with fluid, in which there is already a continuous current, the movement of the current is combined with the wave-movement. We must carefully dis- tinguish the movement of the current of the fluid, i.e., the translation of a mass of fluid through the tube, from the wave-movement, the oscillatory movement, or movement of change of form in the column of fluid. In the former, the particles are actually translated, while in the latter they merely vibrate. The current in elastic tubes is slower than the wave-movement, which is propagated with great rapidity. This last case obtains in the arterial system. The blood in the arteries is already in a state of continual movement, directed from the aorta to the capillaries (movement of the current of blood) ; by means of the systole of the left ventricle a quantity of fluid is suddenly pumped into the aorta, and causes a positive wave (pulse-wave) which is propagated with great rapidity to the terminations of the arteries, while the current of the blood itself moves much more slowly. Rigid and Elastic Tubes. — It is of importance to contrast the movement of fluids in rigid and in elastic tubes. If a certain quantity of fluid be forced into a rigid tube under a certain pressure, the same quantity of fluid will flow out at once at the other end of the tube, provided there be no special re- sistance. In an elastic, tube, immediately after the forcing in of a certain quantity of fluid, at first only a small quantity flows out, and the remainder flows out only after the propelling force has ceased to act. If an equal quantity of fluid be periodically injected into a rigid tube, with each jerk an equal quantity is forced out at the other end of the tube, and the outflow lasts exactly as long as the jerk or the contraction, and the pause between two periods of outflow is exactly the same as between the two jerks or contractions. In an elastic tube it is different, as the outflow continues for a time after the jerk; hence, it follows that a continuous outflow current will be produced in elastic tubes, when the time between two jerks is made shorter than the duration of the outflow after the jerk has been completed. When fluid is pumped periodically into rigid tubes, it causes a sharp abrupt outflow isochronous with the inflow, and the outflow becomes continuous only when the inflow is continuous and uninterrupted. In elastic tubes, an intermittent current under the above conditions causes a continuous outflow which is increased with the systole or contraction. 65. Structure and Properties of the Blood- Vessels. In the body the large vessels carry the blood to and from the various tissues and organs, while the thin-walled capillaries bring the blood into 120 STRUCTURE OF ARTERIES. intimate relation with the tissues. Through the excessively thin walls of the capillaries the fluid part of the blood transudes, to nourish the tissues outside the capillaries. [At the same time fluids pass from the tissues into the blood. Thus, there is an exchange between the blood and the fluids of the tissues. The fluid after it passes into the tissues constitutes the lymph, and acts like a stream irrigating the tissue elements.] I. The Arteries are distinguished from veins by their thicker walls, due to the greater development of smooth muscular and elastic tissues — the middle coat (tunica media) of the arteries is specially thick, while the outer coat (t. adventitia) is relatively thin. [The absence of valves is by no means a characteristic feature.] The arteries consist of three coats (Fig. 40). (1.) The Tunica intima, or inner coat, consists of a layer of (a) irregular, long, fusiform nucleated squamous cells forming the exces- sively thin transparent endothelium (His, 1866), immediately in contact with the blood-stream. [Like other endothelial cells, these cells are held together by a cement substance which is blackened by the action of silver nitrate.] Outside this lies a very thin, more or less fibrous, layer - - sub-epithelial hit/cr — in which numerous spindle or branched protoplasmic cells lie em- bedded within a corresponding system of plasma canals. Outside this is an elastic lamina (b\ which in the smallest jg a structureless Or fibrous d Fig. 40. Small artery to show the various layers which compose its walls — . . «, endothelium; b, internal elastic elasticmembranc— in artenesof medium lamina; c, circular muscular fibres see it isafcnestrated membrane (Henle), of the middle coat ; ifc is Sllch as marked off from each other by the cement which is blackened by the action of silver nitrate. The nuclei of the cells are obvious. Fig. 41. to admit freely a single row of blood-corpuscles. In the retina and muscle the diameter is 5 — 6 JUL, and in bone-marrow, liver, and choroid 10—20 /a. The tubes consist of a single layer of transparent, ex- cessively thin nucleated endothelial cells joined to each other by their margins (Hoyer, Auerbach, Eberth, Aeby, 1865). [The nuclei contain a Avell-marked intra-nuclear plexus of fibrils, like other nuclei.] The cells are more fusiform in the smaller capil- laries and more polygonal in the larger. The body of the cells presents the characters of very faintly refractive protoplasm, but it is doubtful whether the body of the cell is endowed with the property of contractility. Action of Silver Nitrate. —If a dilute solution (| per cent.) of silver nitrate be injected into the blood-vessels, the cement substance of the epithelium [and of the muscular fibres as well] is revealed by the presence of the black " silver-lines" The blackened cement sub- stance shows little specks and large black slits at different points. It is not certain whether these are actual holes (J. Arnold) through which colourless corpuscles may pass out of the vessels, or are merely larger accumulations of the cement substance. [Arnold called these small areas in the black silver lines when they were large stomata, and when small stigmata. They are most numerous after venous congestion, and after the disturbances which follow inflammation of a part (Cohnheim, Winiwarter). They are not always present. The existence of cement substance between the cells may also be inferred from the fact that indigo- STRUCTURE OF VEINS. 123 sulphate of soda is deposited in it (Thoma), and particles of cinnabar and China ink are fixed in it, when these substances are injected into the blood (Foa).] Fine anastomosing fibrils derived from non-medullated NERVES terminate in small end-buds in relation with the capillary wall; ganglia in connection with capillary nerves occur only in the region of the sympathetic (Bremer and Waldeyer). [If a capillary is examined in a perfectly fresh condition (while living) and without the addition of any reagent, it is impossible to make out any line of demarcation between adjacent cells owing to the uniform refractive index of the entire wall of the tube.] The small vessels next in size to the capillaries and continuous with them have -a completely structureless covering in addition to the eudothelium. III. The Veins are generally distinguished from the arteries by their lumen being under than the lumen of the corresponding arteries; their walls are thinner on account of the smaller amount of non-striped muscle and elastic tissue (the non-striped muscle is not unfrequently arranged longi- tudinally in veins). They are also more extensile (with the same strain). The adventitia is usually the thickest coat. The occurrence of valves is limited to the veins of certain areas. (1.) The inttma consists of a layer of shorter and broader endothelial cells, under which in the smallest veins there is a structureless elastic membrane, sub-epithelial layer, which is fibrous in veins somewhat larger in size, but in all cases is thinner than in the arteries. In large veins it may assume the characters of a fenestrated membrane, which is Fig. 42. Longitudinal section of a vein at the level of a valve— a, hyaline layer of the internal coat; b, elastic lamina; c, groups of smooth muscular fibres divided transversely; d, longitudinal muscular fibres in the adventitia. double in some parts of the crural and iliac veins. Isolated muscular fibres exist in the intima of the femoral and popliteal veins. 124 STRUCTURE OF VEINS. (2.) The media of the larger veins consists of alternate layers of elastic and muscular tissue united to each by a considerable amount of connective tissue, but this coat is always thinner than in the corres- ponding arteries. This coat diminishes in the following order in the following vessels — popliteal, veins of the lower extremity, veins of the upper extremity, superior mesenteric, other abdominal veins, hepatic, pulmonary, and coronary veins. The following veins contain no muscle — veins of bone, central nervous system, and its membranes, retina, the superior cava, with the large trunks that open into it, the upper part of the inferior cava. Of course, in these cases, the media is very thin. In the smallest veins the media is formed of fine connective tissue, with very few muscular fibres scattered in the inner part. (3.) The adventilia is thicker than that of the corresponding arteries; it contains much connective tissue usually arranged longi- tudinally, and not much elastic tissue. Longitudinally arranged muscular fibres occur in some veins (renal, portal, inferior cava near the liver, veins of the lower extremities). The valves consist of fine fibrillar connective tissue with branched cells. An elastic net- work exists on their convex surface, and both surfaces are covered by endothelium. The valves contain many muscular fibres (Fig. 42). [Ranvier has shown that the shape of the epithelial cells covering the two surfaces of the valves differs. On the side over which the blood passes, they are more elongated than on the cardiac side of the valve, where the long axes of the cell are placed transversely.] The sinuses of the dura mater are spaces covered with endothelium. The spaces are either duplicatures of the membrane, or channels in the substance of the tissue itself. Cavernous spaces we may imagine to arise by numerous divisions and anasto- moses of tolerably large veins of unequal calibre. The vascular wall appears to be much perforated and like a sponge, the internal space being traversed by threads and strands of tissue, which are covered with endothelium on their surfaces, that are in contact with the blood. The surrounding wall consists of connective tissue which is often very tough, as in the corpus cavernosum, and it not unfrequently contains non-striped muscle. Cavernous Formations of an analogous nature on arteries, are the carotid-gland of the frog, and a similar structure on the pulmonary arteries and aorta of the turtle, and the coccygeal-gland of man (Luschka). This structure is richly supplied with sympathetic nerve-fibres, and is a convoluted mass of ampullated or fusiform dilatations of the middle sacral artery (Arnold), surrounded and permeated by non-striped muscle (Eberth). Vasa Vasorum. — [These are small vessels which nourish the coats of the arteries and veins. They arise from one part of a vessel and enter the walls of PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 125 the same vessel, or another at a lower level. They break up chiefly in the outer coat, and none enter the inner coat.] In structure they resemble other small blood-vessels, and the blood circulating in the arterial or venous wall is returned by small veins. Intercellular blood-channels. — Intercellular blood-channels of narrow calibre and without walls occur in the granulation tissue of healing wounds. At first blood-plasma alone is found between the formative cells, but afterwards the blood- current forces blood-corpuscles through the channels. The first blood-vessels in the developing chick are formed in a similar way from the formative cells of the mesoblast. Properties of the Blood-Vessels. — The larger blood-vessels are cylindrical tubes composed of several layers of various tissues, more especially elastic tissue and plain muscular fibres, and the whole is lined by a smooth layer of epithelium. One of the most important properties is the CONTRACTILITY of the vascular wall, in virtue of which the blood-vessel becomes contracted, so that the calibre of the vessel and, therefore, the supply of blood to a part are altered. The contractility is due to the plain muscular fibres which are, for the most part, arranged circularly. It is most marked in the small arteries, and of course is absent where no muscular tissue occurs. The amount and intensity of the contraction depend upon the development of the muscular tissue ; in fact, the two go hand-in-hand. [If an artery be exposed in the living body it soon contracts under the stimulus of the atmosphere (J. Hunter) acting upon the muscular fibres.] [Action of Alkalies and Acids on the Vascular System.— Gaskell finds that very dilute alkalies and acids have a remarkable effect on the blood-vessels and also upon the heart. A very dilute solution of lactic acid (1 part to 10,000 parts of saline solution), passed through the blood-vessels of a frog, always enlarges the calibre of the blood-vessels, while an alkaline solution (1 part sodium hydrate to 10,000 or 20,000 parts saline solution) always diminishes their size, usually to absolute closure, and indeed the artificial constriction of the blood-vessels may be almost complete. These fluids are antagonistic to each other as far as regards their action on the calibre of the arteries. Microscopic observations which con- firmed these results, were also made on the blood-vessels of the mylohyoid muscle of the frog. Dilute alkaline solutions act on the heart in the same way. After a series of beats, the ventricle stops beating, the stand-still being in a state of con- traction. Very dilute lactic acid causes the ventricle to stand still in the position of complete relaxation. The action of the acid and alkali solutions are antagonistic in their action on the ventricle. Gaskell attaches considerable importance to the " tonic " and " atonic " conditions of the whole vascular system produced by very dilute solutions of alkalies and acids respectively.] That the capillaries undergo dilatation and contraction, owing to variations in size of the protoplasmic elements of their walls, must be admitted. Strieker has described capillaries as "protoplasm in tubes," and observed that they exhibited movements when stimulated in living animals. Golubew described an active state of contraction of the capillary wall, but he regarded the nuclei as 126 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE BLOOD-VESSELS. the parts which underwent change. Tarchanoff found that mechanical or electrical stimulation caused a change in the shape and size of the nuclei, so that he regards these as the actively contractile parts. [Severini also attaches great importance to the contractility of the capillaries.] Strieker's observations were made on the capillaries of tadpoles. These phenomena became less marked as the animal became older. Rouget observed the same result in the capillaries of new-born mammals. As the capillaries are excessively thin and delicate, and as they are soft structures, it is obvious that the form of the individual cells must depend to a considerable extent upon the degree to which the vessels are tilled with blood. In vessels which are distended with blood the eudothelial cells ai-e flattened, but when the capillaries are collapsed, they project more or less into the lumen of the vessel (Reuaut). [It is a well-known fact that the capillaries present great variations in their diameter at different times. As these variations are usually accompanied by a corresponding contraction or dilatation of the arterioles, it is usually assumed that the variations in the diameter of the capillaries are due to differences of the pres- sure within the capillaries themselves — viz., to the elasticity of their walls. Every one is agreed that the capillaries are very elastic, but the experiments of Roy and Graham Brown show that they are contractile as well as elastic, and these observers conclude that under normal conditions, it is by the contractility of the capillary wall as a whole that the diameter of these vessels is changed, and to all appearance their contractility is constantly in action. "The individual capillaries (in all probability) contract or expand in accordance with the requirements of the tissues through which they pass. The regulation of the vascular blood-flow is thus more complete than is usually imagined" (Roy and Graham Brown).] Physical Properties. — Amongst the physical properties of the blood- vessels, ELASTICITY is the most important ; their elasticity is small in amount, i.e., they offer little resistance to any force applied to them so as to distend or elongate them, but it is perfect in quality, i.e., the blood-vessels rapidly regain their original size and form after the force distending them is removed. [The elasticity of the arteries is of the utmost importance in aiding the conversion of the interrupted flow of the blood in the large arteries into a uniform flow in the capillaries. E. H. Weber compared the elastic wall of the arteries with the air in the air-chamber of a fire-engine. In both cases an elastic medium is acted upon — the air in the one case and the elastic tissue in the other — which in turn presses upon the fluid, propelling it onwards continually, while the action of the pump or the heart, as the case may be, is intermittent.] According to E. H. Weber, Volkmann, and Wertheim, the elongation of a blood- vessel (and most moist tissues) is not proportional to the weight used to extend it, the elongation being relatively less with a large weight than with a small one, so that the curve of extension is nearly [or, at least, bears a certain relation to] a hyperbola. According to Wundt, we have not only to consider the extension produced at first by the weight, but also the subsequent "elastic after-effect," which occurs gradually. The elongation which occurs during the last few moments occurs so slowly and so gradually that it is well to observe the effect by means of a magni- fying lens. Variations from the general law occur to this extent, that if a certain weight is exceeded, less extension, and, it may be, permanent elongation of the artery not unfrequently occur. K. Bardelebeu found, especially in veins elongated to 40 or 50 per cent, of their original length, that when the weight employed increased by an equal amount each time, the elongation was proportional THE PULSE. 127 to the square-root of the weight. This is apart from any elastic after-effect. Veins may be extended to at least 50 per cent, of their length without passing the limit of their elasticity. [Roy has made careful experiments upon the elastic properties of the arterial wall. A portion of an artery, so that it could be distended by any desired internal pressure, was inclosed in a small vessel containing olive oil. The small vessel with oil was arranged in the same way as in Fig. 33 for the heart. The variations of the contents were recorded by means of a lever writing on a revolving cylinder. The aorta and other large arteries were found to be most elastic and most distensible at pressures corresponding more or less exactly to their normal blood-pressure, while in veins the relation between internal pressure and the cubic capacity is very different. In them the maximum of clistensibility occurs with pressures imme- diately above zero. Speaking generally, the cubic capacity of an artery is greatly increased by raising the intra-arterial tension, say from zero to about the normal internal pressure which the artery sustains during life. Thus in the rabbit the capacity of the aorta was quadrupled by raising the intra-arterial pressure from zero to 2UO mm. Hg., while that of the carotid was more than six times as great at that pressure as it was in the undistended condition. The pulmonary artery is distinguished by its excessive elastic distensibility. Its capacity (rabbit) was increased more than twelve times on raising the internal pressure from zero to about 36 mm. Hg. Veins, on the other hand, are distinguished by the relatively small increase in their cubic capacity produced by greatly raising the internal pressure, so that the enormous changes in the capacity of the veins during life, are due less to differences in the pressure than to the great differences in the quantity of blood which they contain (Roy).] Pathological. — Interference with the nutrition of an artery alters its elasticity [and that in cases where no structural changes can be found]. Marasmus pre- ceding death causes the arteries to become wider than normal (Roy). Age also influences their elasticity — in some old people they become atheromatous and even calcined. [The ratio of expansion of strips of the aortic wall to the weights employed to stretch them, remains much the same from childhood up to a certain age (Roy).] Cohesion. — Blood-vessels are endowed with a very large amount of cohesion, in virtue of which they are able to resist even considerable internal pressure without giving way. The carotid of a sheep is ruptured only when fourteen times the usual pressure it is called upon to bear is put upon it (Volkmann). A greater pressure is required to rupture a vein than an artery with the same thickness of its wall. 66. The Pulse—Historical. Although the movement of the pulse in the superficially placed arteries was known to the ancients, still the pulse, as it was affected by disease, was more studied by the older physicians than the normal pulse. Hippocrates (460 to 377 B.C.) speaks of the former as o-^uyuos, while Herophilus (300 B.C.) contrasted the normal pulse (TraX/uos) with the pulse of disease (o-^uyjuos). He lays special stress upon the relative time occupied by the dilatation and contraction of the arterial tube, and compares these phenomena with the notes of music. He established the fact that the rhythm of the pulse varies in the newly-born, in the adult, and in the aged. Further, he distinguished the size, fulness, quickness, and. frequency of the pulse. Erasistratus (f280 B.C.), a contemporary of Herophilus, made correct 128 INSTRUMENTS FOR INVESTIGATING THE PULSE. observations on the pulse-wave. He points out that the pulse occurs sooner in arteries near the heart than in those placed further away from it, because the pulse proceeding from the heart passes towards the periphery. Erasistratus placed a caunula in the course of an artery, and he found that the pulse could still be felt on the distal side of this point. Archigenes gave the name dicrotic pulse to a condition which he had observed in febrile conditions. Galen (131 to 202 A.D. ) gave more exact details as to the relations of the dilatation and contraction of the arteries during the movement of the pulse, and supplied much information on the pulse-rhythm, and the influence of temperament, age, sex, period of the year, climate, sleep and waking, cold and warm baths, on its rate and other qualities. Cusanus (15C5) was the first person to count the pulse-beats with the aid of a watch. 67. Instruments for Investigating the Pulse. The individual phases of the movement of the pulse could only be accurately investigated by the application of instruments to the arteries. (1.) Poiseilille's BOX Pulse-Measurer (1829).— An artery (Fig. 43, a, a) is exposed and placed in an oblong box (K, K) rilled with an indifferent fluid. A vertical tube with a scale attached communicates with the interior of the box. The column of fluid undergoes a variation with every pulse-beat. Fig. 43. Poiseuille's pulse-measurer — a, a, exposed artery ; K, K, the box consisting of two pieces ; b, vertical tube, with scale attached. Fig. 44. Xphygmometer of HeVisson and Chelius. (2.) He"risson's Tubular Sphygmometer consisted of a glass-tube whose lower end was covered with an elastic membrane (Fig. 44). The tube was partly rilled with Hg. The membrane was placed over the position of a pulsating artery, so that its beat caused a movement in the Hg. Chelius used a similar instrument, MAREY'S SPHYGMOGRAPH. 129 and he succeeded with this instrument in showing the existence of the double- beat (dicrotism) in the normal pulse (1850). (3.) Vierordt's Sphygmograph (1855).— In this, one of the earliest sphygmo- graphs, Vierordt departed from the principle of a fluctuating fluid column, and adopted the principle of the lever. Upon the artery rested a small pad, which moved a complicated system of levers. At first he used a straw six inches long, which rested on the artery. The point of one of the levers inscribed its movements upon a revolving- cylinder. This instrument was soon discarded. (4.) Marey's Sphygmograph consists of a combination of a lever with an elastic spring. It consists of an elastic spring (Fig. 45, A) fixed at one end, 2, free at the other end, and provided with an ivory pad, y, which is pressed by the spring upon the radial artery. On the upper surface of the pad there is a vertically-placed fine toothed rod, k, which is pressed upon by a weak spring, e, so that its teeth dove-tail with similar teeth in the small wheel, t, from whose axis there projects a long, light, wooden lever, v, running nearly parallel with the elastic spring. This lever has a fine style at its free-end, s, which writes upon a smoked plate, P, moved by clock-work, U, in front of the style. Marey's instrument, as improved by Mahomed and others, has been very largely used. * V J P JH S d^=. ^ . r^ u Fig. 45. Scheme of Marey's sphygmograph— A, spring with ivory pad, y, which rests on the artery ; e, weak spring pressing k into t ; v, writing lever ; P, piece of smoked glass or paper moved by clock-work, U ; H, screw to limit excursion of A ; s, arrangement for fixing the instrument to the arm of the patient, [Its more complete form, as in Fig. 46, where it is shown applied to the arm, consists of— (1.) a steel spring, A, which is provided with a pad resting on the artery, and moves with each movement of the artery; (2.) the lever, C, which records the movement of the artery and spring in a magnified form on the smoked paper, G ; (3.) an arrangement, L, whereby the exact pressure exerted upon the artery is indicated on the dial, M (Mahomed) ; (4.) the clock-work, H, which moves the smoked paper, G, at a uniform rate ; (5.) a frame-work to which the various parts of the instrument are attached, and by means of which the instru- ment is fastened to the arm by the straps, K, K (Byrom Bramwell). [Application. — In applying the sphygmograph, cause the patient to seat himself beside a low table, and place his arm on the double-inclined plane (Fig. 46). In the newer form of instrument, the lid of the box is so arranged as to unfold to make this support. The fingers ought to be semi-flexed. Mark the position of the radial artery with ink. See that the clock-work is wound up, and apply the 9 130 MAREY'S SPHYGMOGRAPH. ivory pad exactly over the radial artery where it lies upon the radius, fixing it to the arm by the non -elastic straps, K, K (Fig. 46). Fix the slide holding the smoked paper in position. The best paper to use is that with a very smooth surface (albuminised or enamelled card) smoked over the flame of a turpentine lamp, or over a piece of burning camphor. The writing-style is so arranged as to write upon the smoked paper with the least possible friction. The most important part Fig. 46. Marey's improved sphygmograph as used when a tracing is taken — A, steel spring ; B, first lever ; C, writing lever ; C', its free writing end ; D, screw for bringing B in contact with C ; G, slide with smoked paper ; H, clock- work ; L, screw for increasing the pressure ; M, dial indicating the amount of pressure ; K. K, straps for fixing the instrument to the arm, and the arm to the double-inclined plane or support (Byrom Bramwell). of the process is to regulate the pressure exerted upon the artery by means of the milled head, L. This must be determined for each pulse, but the rule is to graduate the pressure until the greatest amplitude of movement of the lever is obtained. Set the clock-work going, and a tracing is obtained, which must be " fixed " by dipping it in a rapidly drying varnish — c.y., photographic. In every case scratch on the tracing with a needle the name, date, and amount of pressure employed.] Fig. 47. A1 Fig. 48. - 47. — Scheme showing the essential part of the instrument wlien in workincj order — i.e., the turned up knife-edge, B", of the short lever in contact with the writing lever, C. Every movement of the steel spring at A" — i.e., the artery — will in this position be communicated to the writing lever. [Fig. 48. — Scheme showing the essential parts of the instrument after increase of the pressure. The knife-edge, B", is no longer in contact with the writing lever, and the movements of the steel spring, A" — i.e., the artery — are no longer communicated to it. In order to put the instrument into working order, the knife-edge, B", must be raised to the position indicated by the dotted lines. This is effected by means of the screw, D (Byrom Bramwell).] DUDGEON S SPHYGMOGRAPH. 131 [(5.) Dudgeon's Sphygmograph. — This is a most convenient form of sphygmograph. Fig. 49 shows its actual size. Fig. 49.— Dudgeon's sphygmograph. The instrument after being carefully adjusted upon the radial artery is kept in position by an inelastic strap. The pressure of the spring is regulated by the eccentric wheel to any amount from 1 to 5 ounces. Fig. 50. — Mode of applying Dudgeon's sphygmograph. 132 BRONDGEEST'S PANSPHYGMOGRAPH. As in other instruments, the tracing paper is moved in front of the writing-needle by means of clock-work. The writing-levers are so adjusted that the movements of the artery are magnified fifty times.] [Fig. 51 is a sphygmogram taken with this instrument from a healthy individual. It represents a perfect tracing — a. the vertical upward, systolic or percussion wave ; b, apex ; c, on the descent ; d, first tidal or pre- dicrotic wave; e, aortic notch ; Fig. 51. — Sphygmogram — pressure 2 oz. /, dicrotic wave (Dudgeon).] (6.) Marey's Tambours are also employed for registering the move- ments of the pulse. They are used in the same way as the pansphygmograph of Brondgeest. Fig. 52 shows their arrangement. Two pairs of metallic cups (S, S and S', S', Upham's capsules) are pierced in the middle by Z' Fig. 52. Scheme of Brondgeest's sphygmograph, on the principle of Upham and Marey's tambours— S, S' , receiving and recording (S, S') tambours with writing -levers, Z and Z'; K, K', conducting tubes : p over heart, p' over a distant artery. This illustration also shows the principle of Marey's cardiograph. thin metal tubes, whose free-ends are connected with caoutchouc tubes, K and K'. All the four metallic vessels are covered with an elastic membrane. On S and S' are fixed two knob-like pads, p and p', which are applied to the pulsating arteries, and the metal arcs, B and LANDOIS ANGIOGRAPH. 133 B', retain them in position. On the other tambours are arranged the writing levers, Z and 71. Pressure on the one tambour necessarily compresses the air and makes the other, with which it is connected, expand, so as to move the writing-lever. This arrangement does not give absolutely exact results ; still, it is very easily used and is con- venient. In Fig. 52 a double arrangement is shown, where- by one instrument, B, may be placed over the heart, and the other, B', on a distant artery. Landois" Angiograph. — To a basal plate, G, G, are fixed two upright supports, p, which carry between them at their upper part the movable lever, d, r, carrying a rod bearing a pad, e, directed downwards, which rests on the pulse. The short arm carries a coun- terpoise, d, so as exactly to balance the long arm. The long arm has fixed to it at r a vertical rod provided with teeth, h, which is pressed against a toothed wheel firmly fixed on the axis of the very light writing-lever, e /, which is supported between two up- rights, q, fixed to the opposite end of the basal plate, G, G. The writing-lever is equilibri- ated by means of a light weight. The writing-needle, k, is fixed by a joint to e, and it writes on the plate, /. The first - mentioned lever, d, r, carries a shallow plate, Q, just above the pad, into which weights may be put to weight the pulse. In this instrument the weight can be measured and varied] the writing-lever moves vertically and not in a curve 134 CHARACTERS OF A PULSE-CURVE. as iii Marey's apparatus, which greatly facilitates the measuring of the curves. (Fig. 53.) Other sphygmographs are used, botli in this country and abroad, including that of Sommerbrodt, which is a complicated form of Marey's sphygmograph, and those of Pond and Mach. In choosing a sphygmograph, that instrument is to be preferred which yields a curve corresponding most closely with the variations of the pressure within the artery, in which the resistance of the instrument is small, which gives the largest curve, and in which the part in contact with the artery is not greatly displaced from its position of equilibrium (Mach). Characters of a Pulse-Curve. — In every pulse-curve — SPHYGMO GRAM or ARTERIOGRAM — we can distinguish the ascending part (ascent) of the curve, the apex, and the descending part (descent). Secondary elevations scarcely ever occur in the ascent, which is usually represented by a straight line, while they occur constantly in the descent. Such elevations occurring in the de- scent are called catacrotic, and those in the ascent, anacrotic (Landois). When the recoil elevation or dicrotic wave occurs in a well-marked form in the descent, the pulse is said to be dicrotic, and when it occurs twice, tricrotic. Measuring Pulse-Curves.— If the smoked surface on which the tracing is inscribed is moved at a uniform rate by means of the clock-work, then the height and length of the curve are measured by means of an ordinary rule. If we know the rate at which the paper was moved, then it is easy to calculate the duration of any event in the curve. For exact observation a low -power microscope with a micrometer in the eye-piece should be used, fixing the tracings see p, 130. Fig. 54. Pulse-curves of the carotid, radial, and posterial tibial arteries of a healthy student, obtained by Landois' angio- graph writing upon a plate attached to a vibrating tuning-fork. Each double vibration corresponds to 0-01613 sec. For the method of smoking the paper and LANDOIS' GAS-SPHYGMOSCOPE. 135 It is very convenient to write the curve upon a plate of glass fixed to a tuning-fork kept in vibration. Every part of the curve shows little elevations (whose rate of vibration is known beforehand). All that is required is to count the number of vibrations in order to ascertain the duration of any part of the curve. Fig. 54 was taken in this way from (A) the carotid, (B) the radial, and (C) the posterior tibial arteries of a healthy student. The results are : — 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, Carotid. 7 17 23-5 56 Radial. 7 16 22-5 39 Posterior TibiaL 8 19 28 49 This method has also been used for the registration of other physiological processes — e.g., contraction of muscle. Landois Gas-SphyglUOSCOpe. — A superficially placed artery communicates its movements to the overlying skin, and also to any freely movable body in contact with the skin. In this instrument (Fig. 55) a thin layer of air over the pulsating artery, a, is enclosed by means of a thin piece of metal, which ia so adjusted that its concave side forms a tunnel of air over the artery. The narrow space between the metallic wall, b, and the skin, a, is filled with ordinary gas, one end of the metal shield being connected by means of a tube, y, with the gas-supply, while to the other end there is attached by means of a short piece of caoutchouc, x, q, a bent glass-tube, t, with a very small aperture which acts as a gas-burner. The gas is allowed to flow through the apparatus at a low pressure, and is so regulated that the flame, v, is only a few millimetres in height. The flame rises isochron- ously with every pulse-beat, and the dicrotic beat in the normal pulse is quite observable. Fig. 55. Landois' gas-sphygmoscope — a, skin over artery ; b, metal plate ; p, y, gas ; x, q, caoutchouc tube attaching glass gas-burner, t to b. Czermak photographed a beam of light set in motion by the movements of the pulse. Hsemautography. — Expose a large artery of an animal, and divide it so that the stream of blood issuing from it strikes against a piece of paper drawn in front 136 THE PULSE-CURVE. of the blood-stream. A curve (Fig Fig. 56. Htemautographic curve of the pos- terior tibial artery of a large dog — P, primary pulse wave ; R, dicrotic or recoil wave ; e, e, elevations due to elasticity. 56), is obtained which corresponds very closely with the pulse-tracing obtained from a normal artery. In addition to the primary wave, P, there is a distinct " recoil-elevation," or dicrotic wave, R, and slight vibrations, c, e, due to variations in the elasticity of the arterial wall. The interest which attaches to a curve obtained in this way is, that it shows the movements to occur in the blood itself, and these movements to be communicated as waves to the arterial wall. By estimat- ing the amount of blood in the various parts of the ciirve we obtain a knowledge of the amount of blood discharged by the divided artery during the systole and diastole (i.e., the narrowing and dilatation) of the artery— the ratio is 7:10. Thus in the unit of time, during arterial dilatation rather more than twice as much blood flows out as happens during arterial contraction. Microphone- — Fix a small piece of wax over the radial artery, and to it attach a very fine vertical wire which is brought into con- tact with the charcoal of a microphone held over the artery. The primary pulse wave and dicrotic wave are distinctly heard in a telephone brought into connection with the microphone (Landois). All these methods are well suited for demonstrating the pulse, but for accuracy resort must be had to some form of recording instrument. 68. The Pulse-Curve or Sphygmogram. A sphygmogram consists of several curves, each one of which corre- sponds with a beat of the heart. Each pulse-curve consists of (1.) the ascending part which occurs during the dilatation (diastole) of the artery; (2.) the apex, (P in Fig. 58 and b in Fig. 57); (3.) the de- scending part, corresponding to the contraction (systole) of the artery. The most noticeable peculiarity of the pulse-curve is the existence of tico completely distinct elevations occurring in the descent. The more distinct of the two occurs as a well-marked elevation about the middle of the descent (R in Fig. 58 and / in Fig. 57); it is called the DICROTIC WAVE, or with reference to its mode of origin, the " recoil wave" The ascent, also called up-stroke or percussion stroke (Mahomed), in a normal sphygmogram, is nearly vertical, while the apex of the percussion stroke is usually pointed. [In Fig. 57, each part of the curve between the base of one up- ORIGIN AND CHARACTERS OF THE DICROTIC WAVE. 137 stroke and the base of the next up-stroke corresponds to a beat of the heart, so that this figure shows five heart-beats and part of a sixth. The part, a, b = the ascent, i, the apex of the up-stroke, and b to h, the descent, with a curve, d, called the first tidal or predicrotic wave, Sphygmogram of radial artery— pressure 2 oz. e, an angle or notch, the aortic notch, /, a second elevation, called the dicrotic wave, ; le, with the ven- tricular systole, during which time the first sound occurs, whilst a, b is a presystolic movement. The carotid pulse coincides nearly with the apex of the cardiogi'am, i.e., almost simultaneously with the descending limb of the phlebogram (Riegel). Occasionally in healthy individuals a pulsatile movement, synchronous with the action of the heart, may be observed in the common jugular vein. It is either confined to the lower part of the vein, the so- called bulb, or extends farther up along the trunk of the vein. In the latter case, the valves above the bulb are insufficient, which is by no means rare, even in health. The wave-motion passes from below up- wards, and is most obvious when the person is in the passive horizontal position, and it is more frequent on the right side, because the right vein lies nearer the heart than the left. The venous pulse resembles very closely the tracing of the cardiac impulse (Landois). Compare Fig. 86, 1, with Fig. 25a, A, p. 82. It is obvious that, as the jugular vein is in direct communication with the right auricle, and as the pressure within it is low, the systole of the right auricle must cause a positive wave to be propagated towards the peripheral end of the jugular vein. Fig. 8G, 9 and 10, are venous pulses of a healthy person with insufficiency of the valves of the jugular vein. In these curves, the part a, b, corresponds to the contraction of the auricle. Occasionally this part consists of two elevations, corre- sponding to the contraction of the atrium and auricle respectively. As the blood in the right auricle receives an impulse from the sudden tension of the tricuspid valve, isochronous with the systole of the right ventricle, there is a positive wave in the jugular vein in Fig. 86, 9 and THE VENOUS PULSE. 195 10. indicated by b, c. Lastly, the sudden closure of the pulmonary valves may even be indicated (e). As the aorta lies in direct relation with the pulmonary artery, the sudden closure of its valves may also be indicated (Fig. 86, 9, at (T). During the diastole of the auricle and ventricle, blood flows into the heart, so that the vein partly collapses and the lever of the recording instrument descends (Riegel, FranQois- Franck). The blood in the sinuses of the brain also undergoes a pulsatile movement, owing to the fact that during cardiac diastole much blood flows into the veins (Mosso). Under favourable circumstances, this movement may be propagated into the veins of the retina, constituting the venous retinal pulse of the older observers (Helfrich). Jugular Vein Pulse. — The venous pulse in the jugular vein is far better marked in insufficiency of (he tricuspid valve, and the vein may pulsate violently, but if its valves be perfect the pulse is not propagated along the vein, so that a pulse in the jugular vein is not necessarily a sign of insufficiency of the tricuspid valve, but only of insufficiency of the valve of the jugular vein (Friedreich). Liver Pulse. — The ventricular systole is propagated into the valve-less Fig. 8G. Various forms of venous pulses, chiefly after Friedreich — 1-8 from insufficiency of the tricuspid ; 9 and 10, pulse of the jugular vein of a healthy person. In all the curves, a, b — contraction of the right auricle; b, c, of the right ventricle ; d, closure of the aortic valves ; e, closure of the pulmonary valves ; e, f, diastole of the right ventricle. inferior vena cava, and causes the liver pulse. With each systole blood passes into the hepatic veins, so that the liver undergoes a systolic swelling and injection. 196 DISTRIBUTION OF THE BLOOD. Fig. 86, 2-8, are curves of the pulse in the common jugular vein (after Friedreich). Although at first sight the curves appear to be very different, they all agree in this, that the various events occurring in the heart during a cardiac revolution are indicated more or less completely. In all the curves, a, b = auricular contraction. The auricle, when it contracts, excites a positive wave in the veins (Gendrin, 1843, Marey, Friedreich). The elevation, &, c, is caused by the large blood-wave produced in the veins, owing to the emptying of the ventricle. It is always greater, of course, in insufficiency of the tricuspid valves than under normal circumstances (Fig. 86, 9 and 10). In the latter case, the closure of the tricuspid valve causes only a slight wave-motion in the auricle. The apex, c, of this wave may be higher or lower, according to the tension in the vein and the pressure exerted by the sphygmo- graph. As a general rule, at least one notch (4, 5, 6, e) follows the apex, due to the prompt closure of the valves of the pulmonary artery. The closure of the closely adjacent aortic valves may cause a small secondary wave near to c (as in 1 and 2, d). The curve falls towards f, corresponding to the diastole of the heart. A well-marked venous pulse occurs when the right auricle is greatly congested, as in cases of insufficiency of the mitral valve or stenosis of the same orifice. In rare cases, in addition to the pulse in the common jugular vein, the external jugular, the facial, thyroid, external thoracic veins, or even the veins of the upper and lower extremities may pulsate. A similar pulsation must occur in the pulmonary veins in mitral insufficiency, but of course the result is not visible. On rare occasions, a pulse occurs in the veins on the back of the hand and foot, owing to the arterial pulse being propagated through the capillaries into the veins. This may occur under normal circumstances, when the peripheral ends of the arteries become dilated and relaxed (Quincke), or when the blood-pressure within these vessels rises rapidly and falls as suddenly, as in insufficiency of the aortic valves. In progressive effusion into the pericardium, at first the carotid pulse becomes smaller and the venous pulse larger; beyond a certain pressure, the latter ceases (Riegel). 100, Distribution of the Blood. Methods.— The methods adopted do not give exact results. J. Ranke ligatured the parts during life, removed them, and investigated the amount of blood while the tissues were still warm. In a rabbit, one-fourth of the total amount of the blood is found in each of the following : — a, in the passive muscles ; b, in the liver ; c, in the organs of the circulation (heart and great vessels) ; d, in all other parts together (J. Eanke). The amount of blood is influenced by — (1) The anatomical distribution (vascularity or the reverse) of the vessels as a whole ; (2) the diameter of the vessels, which depends upon physiological causes — (a) on the blood-pressure within the vessels ; (b) on the condition of the vaso-motor or vaso-dilatator nerves ; (c) on the condition of the tissues themselves, e.g., the vessels of the intestine during absorption; by the vessels of muscle during muscular contraction ; of vessels in inflamed parts. PLETHYSMOGRAPHY. 197 Activity of an Organ. — The most important factor, however, is the state of activity of the organ itself ; hence, the saying, " ubi irritatio, ibi affluxus." We may instance the congestion of the salivary glands and the gastric mucous membrane during digestion, and the increased vascularity of muscles during contraction. As the activity of organs varies at different times, the amount of blood in the part or organ goes hand-in-hand with the variations in its states of activity (J. Ranke). When some organs are congested others are at rest; during digestion, there is muscular relaxation and less mental activity : violent muscular exertion retards digestion — during great congestion of the cutaneous vessels the activity of the kidneys diminishes. Many organs (heart, muscles of respiration, certain nerve-centres) seem always to be in a uniform state of activity and vascularity. During the activity of an organ, the amount of blood in it may be increased 30 per cent., nay even 47 per cent. The motor organs of young muscular persons are relatively more vascular than those of old and feeble persons (J. Eanke). During a condition of mental activity, the carotid is dilated, the dicrotic wave in the carotid curve is increased (the radial shows the opposite condition), and the pulse is increased in frequency (Gley). In the condition of increased activity, a more rapid renewal of the blood seems to occur; after muscular exertion the duration of the cir- culation diminishes (Vierordt). 3. — The development of the heart and large vessels determines a different dis- tribution of the blood iu the child from that which obtains in the adult. The heart is relatively small from infancy up to puberty, the vessels are relatively large ; while after puberty the heart is large, and the vessels are relatively smaller. Hence, it follows that the blood-pressure in the arteries of the systemic circulation must be lower in the child than in the adult. The pulmonary artery is relatively wide in the child, while the aorta is relatively small ; after puberty both vessels have nearly the same size. Hence, it follows that the blood-pressure in the pulmonary vessels of the child is relatively higher than that in the adult (Beneke). 101. Plethysmography. Plethysmograph. — In order to estimate and register the amount of blood in a limb Mosso devised an instrument (Fig. 87), which he termed a Plethysmograph. It is constructed on the same principle as the less perfect apparatus of Chelius and Fick. It consists of a long cylindrical glass-vessel, G, suited to accommodate a limb. The opening through which the limb is introduced is closed with caoutchouc, and the vessel is filled with water. There is an opening in the side of the vessel in which a manometer tube, filled to a certain height with water, is fixed. As the arm is enlarged with the increased supply of arterial blood passing into it at each 198 PLETHYSMOGRAPHY. pulse-beat, of course the water column in the manometer is raised. Fick placed a float upon the surface of the water, and thus enabled the variations in the volume of the fluid to be inscribed on a revolving cylinder. The curve obtained resera- Fig. 87. Mosso 's Plethysmograph — G, glass-vessel for holding a limb; F, flask for varying the water-pressure in G; T, recording apparatus. bled the pulse-curve; it was even dicrotic. In Fig. 87 the movement of the fluid is represented as conveyed to a Marey's tambour, T, similar to the recording apparatus employed in Brondgeest's Pausphygmograph (p. 87). From the curve obtained we learn that — (1.) The pulsatile variations in the volume are similar to the pulse-curve. As the venous current is regarded as uniform in the passive limb, every increase of the volume- curve indicates a greater velocity of the arterial current towards the periphery, and vice versa- (Fick). (2.) The respiratory undulations correspond to similar variations in the blood-pressure tracing (§ 85, /). Vigorous respiration and cessation of the respiration cause a diminution of the volume. The limb swells during straining (v. Basch) and coughing, and diminishes during sighing. (3.) Certain periodic undulations occur, due to the regular periodic contractions of the small arteries. (4.) Other undulations, due to various acci- dental causes, affect the blood-pressure : changes of the position of a limb acting hydrostatically, and dilatation or contraction of the vessels in other vascular regions. (5.) Movement of the muscles of the limb under observation causes diminution of volume (ex- periment of Fr. Glisson, 1677); as the venous current is accelerated, the musculature is also very slightly diminished in volume, even when the ultra-muscular vessels are dilated. (6.) Mental exercise causes a diminution in the volume of the limb, and so does sleep (Mosso). Music influences the blood-pressure in dogs, the pressure rising or falling under different conditions. The stimulation of the auditory nerve is transmitted to the medulla oblongata, where it acts so as to cause acceleration of the action of the heart (Dogiel). Compression of the afferent artery causes a decrease, and compression of the vein an increase in the volume qf the limb (Mosso). TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD, 199 102. Transfusion of Blood. Transfusion is the introduction of blood from one animal into the vascular system of another animal. Historical. — The first indication of direct transfusion from blood-vessel to blood-vessel dates from the time of Cardanus in 1556. After the discovery of the circulation in England, J. Potter (1638) evolved the idea of transfusion of blood. Numerous experiments were made on animals. New blood was transfused in order to restore life in animals that had been bled. Boyle and Lower conducted these and other experiments. The blood of the same species, as well as the blood of other species, was employed. The first case of transfusion on man was per- formed by Jean Denis in Paris (1667), lamb's blood being used. At the present time, when transfusion is practised on man, only human blood is used. (a.) The RED CORPUSCLES are the most important elements in connection with the restorative powers of the blood. They seem to preserve their functions even in blood which has been defibrinated outside the body (Prevost and Dumas, 1821). The effect of various reagents upon them has already been noticed (§ 4, A). (&.) With regard to the GASES of the blood-corpuscles, oxygenated (arterial) blood never acts injuriously ; but venous blood overcharged with carbonic acid ought only to be transfused when the respiration is sufficient to oxygenate the blood as it passes through the pulmonary capillaries, whereby venous is transformed into arterial blood. If the respiratory movements have ceased, or are imperfectly performed, the blood becomes rapidly richer in carbonic acid and in this condition reaches the heart ; thence it is propelled into the blood-vessels of the medulla oblongata, where it acts as a powerful stimulus of the respira- tory centre, causing dyspnoea, convulsions, and death. (c.) The FIBRIN, or the substances' from which it is formed (§ 29), do not seem to play any part in connection with the restorative powers of the blood ; hence, defibrinated blood performs all the func- tions of non-defibrinated blood within the body (Panum, Landois). (d.*) The investigations of Worm Miiller shoAved that an excess of 83 per cent, of blood might be transfused into the vascular system of an animal without producing any injurious effects. Hence it follows that the vascular system has the power of accommodating large quan- tities of blood within it. That the vascular system can accommodate itself to a diminished amount of blood has been known for a long time. When Employed. — The transfusion of blood is used — (1.) in acute ancemia (§41, I), e.g., after copious hemorrhage. New blood from the same species of animal is introduced directly into the vessels, to supply the place of the blood lost by the haemorrhage. 200 TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. (2.) In cases of poisoning, where the blood has been rendered use- less by being mixed with a poisonous substance, and hence is unable to support life. In such cases, remove a considerable quantity of the blood, and replace it by fresh blood. Carbonic oxide is a poison of this kind (Kiihne), and its effects on the body have already been described (compare p. 32). The indication is also obtained for a similar practice in poisoning with ether, chloral, chloroform, opium, morphia, strychnine, cobra poison. (3.) Under certain pathological conditions, the blood may become so altered in quality as to be unable to support life. The morphological elements of the blood may be altered, and so may the relative propor- tion of its other constituents. Amongst these conditions, may be cited the pathological condition of uraemia, due, it may be, to the accumula- tion of urea or the products of its decomposition Avithin the blood [or to the retention of the potash and other urinary salts — Feltz and Ritter] ; accumulation of the biliary constituents in the blood (Cholsemia), and great increase of the carbonic acid. All these three conditions, when very pronounced, may cause death. In these cases part of the impure blood may be replaced by normal human blood (Landois). Amongst conditions where the morphological constituents of the blood are altered qualitatively or quantitatively are : hydra3inia (excessive amount of water in the blood § 41, 1) ; oligocythsemia (abnormal dimi- nution of red blood-corpuscles). When these conditions are highly developed, more especially in pernicious anemia (§ 10, 2), healthy blood may be substituted. Transfusion is not suited for persons suffer- ing from leukaemia (compare p. 23). After-Effects. — A quarter or half an hour after normal blood has been injected into the blood-vessels of a man, there is a greater or less febrile reaction, according to the amount of blood transfused (compare Fever). Operation. — The operative procedure to be adopted in the process of trans- fusion varies according as defibrinated or non-detibrinated blood is used. In order to defibrinate blood, some blood is withdrawn from a vein of a healthy man in the ordinary way, it is collected in an open vessel and whipped or beaten with a glass rod until all the fibrin is completely removed from it. It is then filtered through an atlas filter, heated to the temperature of the body (by placing it in warm water) and injected by means of a syringe into an artery opened for the purpose. A vein (f. volume). The blood-pressure was recorded at the same time. Koy finds that the circulation through the spleen is peculiar, and that it is not due to the blood-pressure within the arteries, but is carried on chiefly by a rhythmical contraction of the muscular fibres of the capsule and trabeculse. The spleen undergoes very regular rhyth- mical contractions (systole) and dilatations (diastole). This alternation -Spleen Blood-pressure Abscissa, of Blood-pressure- curve 2 sec? intervals Fig. 91. Tracing of a splenic curve, reduced one-half, taken with the oncograph. The upper line with large waves is the splenic curve, each ascent corresponds to an increase, and each descent to a diminution in the volume of the spleen. The curve beneath is a blood-pressure tracing from the carotid artery. The lowest line indicates the time, the interruptions of the marker occurring every two seconds. The vertical lines, a and b, give the relative positions of the lever point of the oncograph, and of the point of the recording style of the kymograph respectively (Roy). 14 210 INFLUENCE OF NERVES ON THE SPLEEN. of systole and diastole may last for hours, and the two events together occupy about one minute (Fig. 91). Changes in the arterial blood- pressure have comparatively little influence on the volume of the spleen. The rhythmical contractions, although modified, still go on after section of the splenic nerves. This would seem to indicate that the spleen has an independent (nervous) mechanism within itself causing its move- ments.] Influence of Nerves. — Section of the splenic nerves causes an increase in the size of the spleen ; and when the nerves at the hilum are extirpated it swells and assumes a deep piirple colour. The nerves have their centre in the medulla oblongata, and so far they are com- parable to vaso-motor nerves. Stimulation of the medulla oblongata, either directly or by means of asphyxiated blood, causes contraction of the spleen [hence, the spleen is " small and contracted " in death from asphyxia.] The fibres proceed down the cord, and are probably joined by other fibres derived from ganglion cells lying opposite the first to the fourth cervical vertebi-re, which cells also act on the spleen. The fibres leave the cord in the dorsal region, enter the left splanchnic, pass through the semi-lunar ganglion, and thus reach the splenic plexus (Jaschkowitz.) Stimulation of the peripheral ends of these nerves causes contraction of the spleen, and so does cold applied to the spleen directly or over the region of the organ. In this last case the result is brought about reflexly. Section or paralysis of these nerves causes dilatation, and so does curara or continued narcosis (Bulgak). [Botkin found that the application of the induced current to the skin over the spleen, in a case of leukaemia, caused well-marked contraction of the spleen in all its dimensions ; the spleen becoming firmer, and its surface more irregular. The result lasted much longer than the duration of the stimulus. The same occurred in a case of enlarged lymphatic glands. After a time the organ began to enlarge. After every stimu- lation the number of colourless corpuscles in the blood increased, and the condition of the patient improved.] [There is a popular notion that the spleen is influenced by the condition of the nervous system. Botkin found that depressing emotions in- creased its size, while exhilarating ideas diminished it. The causes of these changes are referable not only to changes in the amount of blood in the spleen, but also to the greater or less degree of contraction of its muscular tissue. And it would appear that, like the small arteries, the muscular tissue of the spleen is in a state of tonic contraction. The size of the spleen may be influenced reflexly. Thus, Tarchanoff found that stimulation of the central end of the vagus, when the splanchnics were intact, caused contraction of the spleen, while stimulation of the central end of the sciatic also caused contraction, but to a less degree. INFLUENCE OF NERVES ON THE SPLEEN. 21 1 It is quite certain that all the phenomena are not due to the action of vaso-motor nerves on the splenic blood-vessels. There is a certain amount of independent action of the muscular fibres of the organ, and it is not improbable that the innervation of the spleen is similar to the innervation of arteries, and that it has a motor centre in the cord capable of being influenced by afferent nerves, and sending out efferent impulses.] [Eoy confirmed most of these results, and found that stimulation of (1) the central end of a sensory nerve, (2) of the peripheral ends of both splanchnics, (3) of the peripheral ends of both vagi, caused contraction of the spleen. But even after section of the splanchnics and vagi, stimulation of a sensory nerve still caused contraction, so that there must be some other channel as yet unknown. Boche- fontaine found that electrical stimulation of certain parts of the cortex cerebri produced contraction of the spleen.] Sensory nerves seem to occur only in the peritoneum covering the spleen. Pressure on the splenic vein causes enlargement of the spleen (Mosler) ; hence, increased pressure in this vein (congestion of the portal vein, cessation of hsemor- rhoidal and menstrual discharges) also causes its enlargement. With regard to the action of "splenic reagents," siach as Quinine, on the contraction of the spleen, Binz is of opinion that this drug retards the formation of the colourless blood-cor- puscles, so that its chief function is interfered with and the organ becomes less vascular. It is not definitely decided, however, whether it is contraction or dilata- tion of the spleen that alters the proportion of red and white corpuscles in the blood. Splenic Tumours. — The increase in size of the spleen in various diseases earl}' attracted the attention of physicians. The healthy spleen undergoes several varia- tions in volume during the course of a day, corresponding with the varying activity of the digestive organs. In this respect the spleen resembles the arteries. In many fevers the spleen becomes greatly enlarged, probably due to paralysis of its nerves. It is greatly increased in intermittent fever or ague, and often during the course of typhus. When it becomes abnormally enlarged, and remains so after repeated attacks of ague, it is greatly hypertrophied and constitutes "ague cake." In cases of splenic leukaemia it is greatly enlarged, and at the same time there is a great increase in the number of colourless corpuscles in the blood, and also a decrease of the coloured ones (p. 23). II. The Thymus. During fcetal life this gland is largely developed, and it increases during the first two or three years of life, remaining stationary until the tenth or fourteenth year, when it begins to atrophy and undergo fatty degeneration. [The degeneration begins at the outer part of each lobule and progress inwards (His). ] Structure. — [" It consists of an aggregation of lymph-follicles (resembling the glands of Peyer) or masses of adenoid tissue held together by a framework of con- nective tissue which contains blood-vessels, lymphatics, and a few nerves (Fig. 92). The framework of connective tissue gives off septa which divide the gland into lobes, these being further subdivided by finer septa into lobules, the lobules being separated 212 THE THYMUS. by fine intra-lobular lamellrc of connective tissue into follicles (0'5-1'5 mm.). These follicles make up the gland substance, and they are usually polygonal when seen in a section. Each follicle consists of a cortical and a medullary part, and the matrix or framework of both consists of a fine adenoid reticulum whose meshes are filled with lymph-corpuscles " (Fig. 93, a).] Many of these corpuscles exhibit various stages of disintegration. In the medulla are found the concentric corpuscles of Hassall. ["They consist of a central granular part, around which are disposed layers of flattened nucleated endothelial cells arranged concentrically. When seen in a section they resemble the ' cell-nests ' of epithelioma (Fig. 93, I). 4~- I gonal (nucleated ?) squames or placoids (22-45/u) lying over and between the capil- laries in the alveolar wall (Fig. 98, a); (2) small irre- gular "granular" nucleated cells (7-15^) arranged singly or in groups (two or three) in the interstices between the capillaries. They are well seen in a cat's lung (Fig. 98, (/). [When acted on with nitrate of silver the cement-substance bounding the clear cells is stained, but the small cells become of a uniform brown granular appearance, so that they are readily recognised. Small holes or "pseudo-stomata" seem to exist in the cement-substance, and are most obvious in distended alveoli (Klein). They open into the lymph-canalicular system of the alveolar wall (Klein), and through them the lymph-corpuscles, which are always to be found on the surface of the air-vesicles, migrate, and carry with them into the lymphatics par- ticles of carbon derived from the air. ] In the alveolar walls is a very dense plexus of fine capillaries (Fig. 99, c), which lie more towards the cavity of the air-vesicle (Rainey), being covered only by the epithelial lining of the air-cells. Between two adjacent alveoli there is only a single layer of capillaries (man), and on the boundary line between two air-cells the course of the capillaries is twisted, thua projecting sometimes into the one alveolus, sometimes into the other. Fig. 98. Air-vesicles from a kitten whose lungs were injected with silver nitrate ( x 450) — a, outlines of fully- developed squamous epithelium; 6, alveolar wall; c, young epithelial cell losing its granular appear- ance; d, aggregation of young epithelial cells germinating. 222 THE BLOOD-VESSELS OF THE LUNG. The Blood-vessels of the lung belong to two different systems : — (A) PUL- MONARY VESSELS (lesser circulation). The branches of the pulmonary artery accompany the bronchi and are closely applied to them. [As they proceed they branch, but the branches do not anastomose, and ultimately they terminate in small arterioles which supply several adjacent alveoli, each arteriole splitting up into capillaries for several air-cells (Fig. 99, v, c). An efferent vein usually arises at the opposite side of the air-cells and carries away the purified blood from the capillaries. In their course these veins unite to form the pulmonary veins which are joined in their course by a few small bronchial veins (Zuckerkandl). The veins usually anastomose in the earlier part of their course, whilst the corresponding arteries do not.] Although the capillary plexus is very fine and dense, its sectional area is less than the sectional area of the systemic capillaries, so that the blood-stream in the pulmonary capillaries must be more rapid than that in the capillaries of the body generally. The pulmonary veins, unlike veins generally, are collectively Fig. 99. .Semi-schematic representation of the air vesicles of the lung — v, v, blood-vessels at the margins of an alveolus ; e, c. its blood capillaries ; E, relation of the squamous epithelium of an alveolus to the capillaries in its wall ; f, alveolar epithelium shown alone ; f, e, elastic tissue of the lung. narrower than the pulmonary artery (water is given off in the lung), and they have no valves. [The pulmonary artery contains venous blood, and the pulmonary veins pure or arterial blood]. (B) The BRONCHIAL VESSELS represent the nutrient system of the lungs. They (1-3) arise from the aorta (or intercostal arteries) and accompany the bronchi without anastomosing with the branches of the pulmonary artery. In their course they give branches to the lymphatic glands at the hilum of the lung, THE PLEUP.A AND THE LYMPHATICS OF THE LUNG. 223 to the walls of the large blood-vessels (vasa vasorum), the pulmonary pleura, the bronchial walls, and the interlobular septa. The blood which issues from their capillaries is returned— prer^y by the pulmonary veins — hence, any con- siderable interference with the pulmonary circulation causes congestion of the bronchial mucous membrane, resulting in a catarrhal condition of that membrane. The greater part of the blood is returned by the 'bronchial veins which open into the vena azygos, intercostal vein, or superior vena cava. The veins of the smaller bronchi (fourth order onwards) open into the pulmonary veins, and the anterior bronchial also communicate with the pulmonary veins (Zuckerkandl). [The Pleura. — Each pleural cavity is distinct, and is a large serous sac, which really belongs to the lymphatic system of the lung. The pleura consists of two layers, visceral and pari- etal. The visceral pleura covers the lung ; the pari- etal portion lines the wall of the chest, and the two layers of the corre- sponding pleura are con- tinuous with one another at the root of the lung. The visceral pleura is the thicker, and may readily be separated from the inner surface of the chest. Structurally, the pleura resembles a serous mem- brane, and consists of a thin layer of fibrous tissue covered by a layer of en- dothelium. Under this layer, or the pleura pro- per, is a deep or sub -serous layer of looser areolar tissue, containing many elastic fibres. This layer of the pleura pulmonalis of some animals, as the guinea - pig, contains a net-work of non- striped muscular fibres (Klein). Over the lung it is also continuous with the in- terlobular septa. The interlobular septa (Fig. 100, e) consist of bands of fibrous tissue separat- ing adjoining lobules, and they become continuous with the peri-bronchial connective-tissue entering the lung at its hilum. Thus the fibrous framework of the lung is continuous through- out the lung, just as in other organs. The connection of the sub-pleura! fibrous tissue with the connective-tissue within the substance of the lung, has most im- portant pathological bearings. The interlobular septa contain lymphatics and blood-vessels. The endothelium covering the parietal layer is of the ordinary squamous type, but on the pleura pulmonalis the cells are less flattened, more polyhedral, and granular. They must necessarily vary in shape with changes in Fig. 100. Normal human lung ( x 50 and reduced |) — a, small bronchus; 6 6, branches of the pulmonary artery; c, branch of the pulmonary vein; e, interlobular septa, continuous with the deep layer of the pleiira, p. 224 THE LYMPHATICS OF THE LUNG. the volume of the lung, so that they are more flattened when the lung is distended, as during inspiration (Klein). The pleura contains many lymphatics, which com- municate by means of stomata with the pleural cavity.] [The Lymphatics of the lung are numerous and are arranged in several systems. The various air-cells are connected with each other by very delicate connective-tissue, and according to J. Arnold in some parts this interstitial tissue presents characters like those of adenoid tissue ; so that the lung is traversed by a system of juice-canals or Saft-canalchen.] [In the deep layer of the pleura, there is a (a) sub-pleural plexus of lymphatics partly derived from the pleura, but chiefly from the lymph-canalicular system of the pleural alveoli. Some of these branches proceed to the bronchial glands, but others pass into the interlobular septa, where they join (b) the peri-vascular lymphatics which arise in the lymph-canalicular system of the alveoli. These trunks, provided with valves, run alongside the pulmonary artery and vein, and in their course they form frequent anastomoses. Special vessels arise within the walls of the bronchi and occur chiefly in the outer coat of the latter, constituting (c) the peri-broncliial lymphatics, which anastomose with b. The branches of these two sets run towards the bronchial glands. Not unfrequently (cat) masses of adenoid tissue are found in the course of these lymphatics (Klein)]. The lymph-canalicular system and the lymphatics become injected when fine coloured particles are inspired, or are introduced into the air-cells artificially. The pigment particles pass through the semi-fluid cement substance into the lymph-canalicular system and thence into the lymphatics (v. Wittich) ; or, according to Klein, they pass through actual holes or pores in the cement (p. 221). [This pigmentation is well seen in coal-miners' lung or anthra- cosis, where the particles of carbon pass into and are found in the lymphatics. Sikorski and Kuttner showed that pigment reached the lymphatics in this way during life. If pigment, China ink, or indigo carmine be introduced into a frog's lung, it is found in the lymphatic system of the lung. Euppert, and also Schottelius, showed that the same result occurred in dogs after the inhalation of charcoal, cinnabar, or precipitated Berlin blue, and von Ins after the inhalation of silica. A. Schestopal used China ink and cinnabar suspended in f p.c. salt solution.] Excessively fine lymph-canals lie in the wall of the alveoli in the interspaces of the capillaries, and there are slight dilatations at the points of crossing (Wydwozoff ). According to Pierret and Renaut every air-cell of the lung of the ox is surrounded by a large lymph-space, such as occurs in the salivary glands. When a large quantity of fluid is injected into the lung it is absorbed with great rapidity, even blood-corpuscles rapidly pass into the lymphatics. [Nothnagel found that, if blood was sucked into the lung of a rabbit, the blood-corpuscles were found within the interstitial connective-tissue of the lung after 3^-5 minutes, from which he concludes that the communications between the cavity of the air- cells and the lymphatics must be very numerous.] The superficial lymphatics of the pulmonary pleura communicate with the pleural cavity by means of free openings or stomata (Klein), and the same is true of the lymphatics of the parietal pleura, but these stomata are confined to limited areas over the diaphragmatic pleura. [The lymphatics in the costal pleura occur over the intercostal spaces and not over the ribs (Dybkowski).] The large arteries of the lung are provided with lymphatics which lie between the middle and outer coats (Grancher). [The movements of the lung during respiration are most important factors in moving the lymph onwards in the pulmonary lymphatics. The return of the lymph is prevented by the presence of valves.] [The Nerves of the lung are derived from the anterior and posterior pulmonary plexuses, and consist of branches from the vagus and sympathetic. They enter the lungs and follow the distribution of the bronchi, several sections of nerve- PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE LUNGS. 225 trunks being usually found in a section of a large bronchial tube. These nerves lie outside the cartilages, and are in close relation with the branches of the bronchial arteries. Medullated and non-medullated nerve-fibres occur in the nerves, which also contain numerous small ganglia (Remak, Klein, Stirling). In the lung of the calf these ganglia are so large as to be macroscopic. The exact mode of termination of the nerve-fibres within the lung has yet to be ascertained in mammals, but some fibres pass to the bronchial muscle, others to the large blood-vessels of the lung, and it is highly probable that the mucous glands are also supplied with nerve filaments. In the comparatively simple lungs of the frog, nerves with numerous nerve-cells in their course are found (Arnold, Stirling), and in the very simple lung of the newt, there are also numerous nerve-cells disposed along the course of the ultra-pulmonary nerves. Some of these fibres terminate in the uniform layer of non-striped muscle which forms part of the pulmonary wall in the frog and newt, and others end in the muscular coat of the pulmonary blood-vessels (Stirling). The functions of these ganglia are unknown, but they may be compared to the nerve-plexuses existing in the walls of the digestive tract.] The Function of the Non-striped Muscle of the entire bronchial system seems to be to offer a sufficient amount of resistance to increased pressure within the air-passages; as in forced expiration, speaking, singing, blowing, etc. The vagus is the motor-nerve for these fibres, and according to Longet (1842), the "lung-tonus" during increased tension depends upon these muscles. Stimulation of the lower end of the vagus causes a slight contraction of the bronchial muscles, but the movement is neither sudden nor considerable. It is highly doubtful if bronchial (spasmodic) asthma depends upon contraction of these mus- cular fibres due to stimulation of the vagus. Chemistry. — In addition to connective, elastic, and muscular tissue, the lungs contain lecithin, inosit, uric acid (taurin and leucin in the ox), guanin, xanthin (?), hypoxanthin (dog) — soda, potash, magnesium, oxide of iron, much phosphoric acid, also chlorine, sulphuric and silicic acids — in diabetes sugar occurs — in purulent infiltration glycogen and sugar — in renal degeneration urea, oxalic acid, and ammonia salts; and in diseases where decomposition takes place, leucin and tyrosin. [Physical Properties of the Lungs. — The lungs, in virtue of the large amount of elastic tissue which they contain, are endowed with great elas- ticity, so that when the chest is opened, they collapse. If a cannula with a small lateral opening be tied into the trachea of a rabbit's or sheep's lungs, the lungs may be inflated with a pair of bellows, or elastic pump. After the artificial inflation, the lungs, owing to their elasticity, collapse and expel the greater part of the air. As much air remains within the light spongy tissue of the lungs, even after they are removed from the body, a healthy lung floats in water. If the air-cells are filled with pathological fluids or blood, as in certain diseased conditions of the lung (pneumonia), then the lungs or parts thereof may sink in water. The lungs of the foetus, before respiration has taken place, sink in water, but after respiration has been thoroughly established in 15 226 MECHANISM OF RESPIRATION. the child, the lungs float. Hence, this hydrostatic test is largely used in medico-legal cases, as a test of the child having breathed. If a healthy lung be squeezed between the fingers, it emits a peculiar and character- istic fine crackling sound, owing to the air within the air-cells. A similar sound is heard on cutting the vesicular tissue of the lung. The colour of the lungs varies much ; in a young child it is rose-pink, but afterwards it becomes darker, especially in persons living in towns or a smoky atmosphere, owing to the deposition of granules of carbon. In coal-miners the lungs may become quite black.] 107. Mechanism of Respiration. The mechanism of respiration consists in an alternate dilatation and contraction of the chest. The dilatation is called inspiration, the con- traction expiration. As the whole external surfaces of both elastic lungs are applied directly, and in an air-tight manner by their smooth moist pleural investment to the inner wall of the chest, which is covered by the parietal pleura, it is clear, that the lungs must be distended with every dilatation of the chest, and diminished by every contraction thereof. These movements of the lungs, therefore, are entirely jwsswe, and are dependent on the thoracic movements (Galen). On account of their complete elasticity and their great extensibility, the lungs are able to accommodate themselves to any variation in the size of the thoracic cavity, without the two layers of the pleura becoming separated from each other. As the capacity of the non-distended chest is greater than the volume of the collapsed lungs after their removal from the body, it is clear that the lungs even in their natural position within the chest are distended, i.e., they are in a certain state of ELASTIC TENSION (§ 60). The tension is greater the more distended the thoracic cavity, and vice versa. As soon as the pleural cavity is opened by perforation from without, the lungs, in virtue of their elasticity, collapse, and a space filled with air is formed between the surface of the lungs and the inner surface of the thoracic wall (pneumo- thorax). The lungs so affected are rendered useless for respiration; hence a double pneumo-thorax causes death. It is also clear that, if the pulmonary pleura be perforated from within the lung, air will pass from the respiratory passages into the pleural sac, and also give rise to pneumo-thorax. [Not unfrequently the surgeon is called on to open the chest, say by removing a portion of a rib to allow of the free exit of pus from the pleural cavity. If this be done with proper precautions, and if the external wound be allowed to heal, after a time the air in the pleural cavity becomes absorbed, the collapsed lung tends, to regain Us original form, and again becomes functionally active.] QUANTITY OF GASES RESPIRED. 227 Estimation Of Elastic Tension. — If a manometer be introduced through an intercostal space into the pleura! cavity, in a dead subject, we can measure, by means of a column of mercury, the amount of the elastic tension required to keep the lung in its position. This is equal to 6 mm. in the dead subject, as well as in the condition of expiration. If, however, the thorax be brought into the position of inspiration by the application of traction from without, the elastic tension may be increased to 30 mm. Hg. (Ponders). If the glottis be closed and a deep inspiration taken, the air within the lungs must become rarified, because it has to fill a greater space. If the glottis be suddenly opened, the atmospheric air passes into the lungs until the air within the lungs has the same density as the atmosphere. Conversely, if the glottis be closed, and if an expira- tory effort be made, the air within the chest must be compressed. If the glottis be suddenly opened, air passes out of the lungs until the pressure outside and inside the lung is equal. As the glottis remains open during ordinary respiration, the equilibration of the pressure within and without the lungs will take place gradually. During tranquil inspiration there is a slight negative pressure ; during expira- tion a slight positive pressure in the lungs ; the former = 1 mm., the latter, 2 — 3 mm. Hg. in the human trachea (measured in cases of wounds of the trachea). 108. Quantity of Gases Respired. As the lungs within the it is clear, that only a part spiration and expiration, depth of the respirations. 1 chest never give out all the air they contain, of the air of the lungs is changed during in- The volume of this air will depend upon the COMPLEMENTAL AIR, 110 TIDAL AIR, 20 RESERVE AIR, 100 RESIDUAL AIR, 100 ^ I ro CO o cr to CO » s O » K| c *a o Hutchinson (1846) distinguishes the following points : — (1.) Residual Air is the volume of air which remains in the chest after the most complete expira- tion. It is equal to 1,230-1,640 c.c. [100-130 cubic inches.] (2.) Eeserve or Supplemental Air is the volume of air which can be expelled from the chest after a normal quiet expiration. It is equal to 1,240-1,800 c.c. [100 cubic inches.] (3.) Tidal Air is the volume of air which is taken in and given out at each respiration. It is equal to 500 cubic centimetres [20 cubic inches.] (4.) Complemental Air is the volume of air that can be forcibly inspired over and above what is taken in at a normal respiration. It amounts to about 1,500 c.c. [100-130 cubic inches.] 228 SPIROMETRY AND VITAL CAPACITY. (5.) Vital Capacity is the term applied to the volume of air which can be forcibly expelled from the chest after the deepest possible inspiration. It is equal to 3,772 c.c. (or 230 cubic inches) for an Englishman (Hutchinson), and 3,222 for a German (Haeser). Hence, after every quiet inspiration, both lungs contain (1 + 2 + 3) = 3,000-3,900 c.ctmr. [220 cubic inches] ; after a quiet expiration (1 + 2) = 2,500-3,400 c.ctmr. [200 cubic inches.] So that about ^ to f of the air in the lungs is subject to renewal at each respiration. Estimation of Vital Capacity. — The estimation of the vital capacity was formerly thought to be of great consequence, but at the present time not much importance is attached to it, nor is it frequently measured in cases of disease. It is estimated by means of the SPIROMETER of _t Hutchinson. This instrument (Fig. 101), consists of a graduated cylinder filled with water and in- verted like a gasometer over water, and balanced by means of a counter- poise. Into this cylinder a tube projects, and this tube is connected with a mouth-piece. The person to be experimented upon takes the deepest possible inspiration, closes his nostrils, and breathes forcibly into the mouth-piece of the tube. After doing so the tube is closed. The cylinder is raised by the air forced into it, and after the water inside and outside the cylinder is equalised, the height to which the cylinder is raised indicates the amount of air expired, or the vital rig. 101. Scheme of Hutchinson's Spirometer. or respiratory capacity. In a man of average height, 5 feet 8 inches, it is equal to 230 cubic inches. The following circumstances affect the vital capacity : — (1.) The height. — Every inch added to the height of persons between 5 and 6 feet, gives an increase of the vital capacity = 130 c.c. [8 cubic inches.] (2.) The body -weight- — When the body-weight exceeds the normal by 7 per cent., there is a diminution of 37 c.c. of the vital capacity for every kilo, of increase. (3.) Age- — The vital capacity is at its maximum at 35; there is an annual decrease of 23'4 c. c. from this age onwards to 65, and backwards to 15 years of age. (4. ) Sex. — It is less in women than men, and even where there is the same cir- cumference of chest, and the same height in a man and a woman, the ratio is 10 : 7. (5.) Position- — More air is respired in the erect than in the recumbent position. (6.) Disease. — Abdominal and thoracic diseases dimmish it. NUMBER OF RESPIRATIONS. 229 109. Number of Respirations. In the adult, the number of respirations varies from 16 to 24 per minute, so that about 4 pulse-beats occur during each respiration. The number of respirations is influenced by many conditions : — (1.) The position Of the body. — In the adult, in the horizontal position, Guy counted 13, while sitting 19, while standing 22, respirations per minute. (2.) The age. — Quetelet found the mean number of respirations in 300 individuals to be : — Tear. Respirations. \ 0-1, 44 / 5, . . 26 f Average Number 15-20, 20 \ per 20-25, . . 18-7 Minute. 25-30, 16 \ 30-50, . . 18-1 J (3.) The state Of activity. — Gorham counted in children of 2 to 4 years of age, during standing 32, in sleep 24, respirations per minute. During bodily exertion the number of respirations increases before the heart-beats. [Very slight muscular exertion suffices to increase the frequency of the respirations.] [(4.) The temperature of the surrounding medium.— The respirations become more numerous the higher the surrounding temperature, but this result only occurs when the actual temperature of the blood is increased, as in fever. (5.) Digestion- — There is a slight variation during the course of the day, the increase being most marked after mid-day dinner (Vierordt). (6.) The will can to a certain extent modify the number and also the depth of the respirations, but after a short time the impulse to respire overcomes the voluntary impulse. (7.) The gases Of the blood have a marked effect, and so has the heat of the blood in fever.] 110. Time occupied by the Respiratory Movements. The time occupied in the various phases of a respiration can only be accurately ascertained by obtaining a curve or pneumatogram of the respiratory movements. Methods. — Vierordt and C. Ludwig transferred the movements of a part of the chest-wall to a lever which inscribed its movements upon a revolving cylinder. Eiegel (1873) constructed a "double stethograph" on the same principle. This instrument is so arranged that one arm of the lever may be applied in connection with the healthy side of a person's chest, and the other on the unsound side. (2.) An air-tambour, such as is used in Brondgeest's pansphygmograph (Fig. 103, A) may be used. It consists of a brass vessel, a, shaped like a small saucer. The mouth of the brass vessel is covered with a double layer of caoutchouc membrane, b, c, and air is forced in between the two layers until the external membrane bulges outwards. This is placed on the chest, and the apparatus is fixed in posi- tion by means of the bands, d, d. The cavity of the tambour communicates by means of a caotitchouc tube, s, with a recording tambour which inscribes its 230 VARIOUS FORMS OF STETIIOGRAPHS. Fig. 102. Marey's Stethograph. B Fig. 103. A, Brondgeest's tambour for registering the respiratory movements— b, c, inner and outer caoutchouc membranes; a, the capsule; d, d, cords for fastening the instrument to the chest; S, tube to the recording tambour; B, normal respiratory curve obtained on a vibrating plate (each vibration = O'OIGIS sec.). MEASUREMENT OF THE TIME OP THE RESPIRATORY MOVEMENTS. 231 movements upon a revolving cylinder. Every dilatation of the chest compresses the membrane, and thus the air within the tambour is also compressed. (3.) A cannula or cesophageal sound may be introduced into that portion of the oesophagus which lies in the chest, and a connection established with an Upham's capsule— p. 132 (Rosenthal). Marey's StethOgraph or Pneumograph. — [There are two forms of this instru- ment, one modified by P. Bert and the more modern form (Fig. 102). A tambour (h) is fixed at right angles to a thin elastic plate of steel (/). The aluminium disc on the caoutchouc of the tambour is attached to an upright (b), whose end lies in con- tact with a horizontal screw (#). Two arms (d, c) are attached to opposite sides of the steel plate, and to them the belt (c) which fastens the instrument to the chest is attached. When the chest expands these two arms are pulled asunder, the steel plate is bent and the tambour is affected, and any movement of the tambour is transmitted to a registering tambour by the air in the tube (a).] In the case of animals placed on their backs, Snellen introduced a long needle vertically through the abdominal walls into the liver. Rosenthal opened the abdomen and applied a lever to the under surface of the diaphragm, and thus regis- tered its movements (PHREXOGRAPH). Fig. 104. Pneumatogram obtained by means of Riegel's Stethograph — I, normal curves; II, curve from a case of emphysema; a, ascending limb; b, apex; c, descending limb of the curve. The small elevations are due to the cardiac impulse. The curve (Fig. 103, B) was obtained by placing the tambour of a Brondgeest's pansphygmograph upon the xiphoid process, and recording 232 TYPE OF RESPIRATION. the movement upon a plate attached to a vibrating tuning-fork. The inspiration, (ascending limb) begins with moderate rapidity, is accelerated in the middle, and towards the end again becomes slower. The expira- tion also begins with moderate rapidity, is then accelerated, and becomes much slower at the latter part, so that the curve falls very gradually. Inspiration is slightly shorter than expiration. — According to Sibson, the ratio for an adult is as G to 7 ; in women, children, and old people, 6 to 8' or G to 9. Vierordt found the ratio to be 10 to 14'1 (to 24'1); J. E. Ewald, 1 1 to 1 2. It is only occasionally that cases occur where inspiration and expiration are equally long, or where expiration is shorter than inspiration. When respiration proceeds quietly and regularly, there is usually no pause (complete rest of the chest-walls) between the inspiration and expiration (Eiegel). The very flat part of the expiratory curve has been wrongly regarded as due to a pause. Of course, we may make a voluntary pause between two respirations, or at any part of a respiratory act. Some observers, however, have described a pause as occurring between the end of expiration and the beginning of the next inspiration (expiration pause), and also another pause at the end of inspiration (inspiration pause). The latter is always of very short duration, and considerably shorter than the former. During very deep and slow respiration, there is usually an expiration pause, while it is almost invariably absent during rapid breathing. An inspiration pause is always absent under normal circumstances, but it may occur under pathological conditions. In certain parts of the respiratory curve slight irregularities may appear, which are sometimes clue to vibrations communicated to the thoracic walls by vigorous heart-beats (Fig. 104). The " type" of respiration may be ascertained by taking curves from various parts of the respiratory movements. Hutchiuson showed that in the female, the thorax is dilated chiefly by raising the sternum and the ribs (Eespiratio costalis), while in man it is caused chiefly by a descent of the diaphragm (Respiratio diaphragmatica or abdorninalis). In the former, there is the so-called " costal type" in the latter the " abdominal or diaphragmatic type." Forced Respiration. — This difference in the type of respiration in the sexes occurs only during normal quiet respiration. During deep and forced respiration, in both sexes the dilatation of the chest is caused chiefly by raising the chest and the ribs. In man, the epigastrium may be pulled in sooner than it is protruded. During sleep, the type of respiration in both sexes is thoracic, while at the same time the inspiratory dilatation of the chest precedes the elevation of the abdominal wall (Mosso). It is not determined whether the costal type of respiration in the female depends upon the constriction of the chest by corsets or other causes (Sibson), or whether it is a natural adaptation to the child-bearing function in women (Hutchinson). Some observers maintain that the difference of type is quite distinct, even in sleep, when all constrictions are removed, and that similar differences are noticeable in young children. This is denied by others, while a third class of observers hold VARIATIONS OF THE RESPIRATORY MOVEMENTS. 233 that the costal type occurs in children of both sexes, and they ascribe as a cause the greater flexibility of the ribs of children and women, which permits the muscles of the chest to act more efficiently upon the ribs. [When a child sucks, it breathes exclusively through the nose, hence catarrhal conditions of the nasal mucous membrane are fraught with danger to the child.] 111. Pathological Variations of the Respiratory Movements. I. Changes in the mode Of movement. — In persons suffering from disease of the respiratory organs, the dilatation of the chest may be diminished (to the extent of 6 or 5 cmtr. ) on both sides or only on one side. In affections of the apex of the lung (in phthisis), the sub-normal expansion of the upper part of the wall of the chest may be considerable. Retraction of the soft parts of the thoracic wall, the xiphoid process and the parts where the lower ribs are inserted, occurs in cases where air cannot freely enter the chest during inspiration, e.g., in nar- rowing of the larynx; when this retraction is confined to the upper part of the thoracic wall, it indicates that the portion of the lung lying under the part so affected is less extensile and diseased. Harrison's Groove- — In persons suffering from chronic difficulty of breathing, and in whom, at the same time, the diaphragm acts energetically, there is a slight groove which passes horizontally outwards from the xiphoid cartilage, caused by the pulling in of the soft parts and corresponding to the insertion of the diaphragm. The duration of inspiration is lengthened in persons suffering from narrowing of the trachea or larynx ; expiration is lengthened in cases of dilatation of the lung, as in emphysema, where all the expiratory muscles must be brought into action (Fig. 104). _ II. Variations in the Rhythm. — When the respiratory apparatus is much affected, there is either an increase or a deepening of the respirations, or both. When there is great difficulty of breathing, this is called DySpnCBa. Causes Of Dyspnoea. — (1) Limitation of the exchange of the respiratory gases in the blood due to — (a) Diminution of the respiratory surface (as in some diseases of the lungs); (6) narrowing of the respiratory passages; (c) diminution of the red blood-corpuscles; (cl) disturbances of the respiratory mechanism (e.g., due to affec- tions of the respiratory muscles or nerves, or painful affections of the chest-wall); (e) impeded circulation through the lungs due to various forms of heart-disease. (2) Heat-dyspncea. — The frequency of the respirations is increased in febrile con- ditions. The warm blood acts as a direct irritant of the respiratory centre in the medulla oblongata, and raises the number of respirations to 30-60 per minute (" Heat-dyspncea"). If the carotids be placed in warm tubes, so as to heat the blood going to the medulla oblongata, the same phenomena are produced (A. Fick. ) See also " Respiratory centre" (vol. ii.). Cheyne-Stokes' Phenomenon.— This remarkable phenomenon occurs in certain diseases, where the normal supply of blood to the brain is altered, or where the quality of the blood itself is altered, e.g., in certain affections of the brain and heart, and in ura3mic poisoning. Respiratory pauses of one-half to three-quarters of a minute alternate with a short period (A-f min.) of increased respiratory activity, and during this time 20-30 respirations occur. The respirations constituting this " series" are shallow at first ; gradually they become deeper and more dyspno?ic, and finally become shallow or superficial again. Then follows the pause, and thus there is an alternation of pauses and series (or groups) of modified respirations. During the pause, the pupils are contracted and inactive; and when the respirations begin, they dilate and become sensible to light ; the eyeball is moved as a whole at the same time (Leube). Hein observed that consciousness was abolished during the pause, 234 THE MUSCLES of RESPIRATION. and that it returned when respiration commenced. A few muscular contractions may occur towards the end of the pause (rare). With regard to the causes of this phenomenon there is some doubt. According to Rosenbach, the anomalous nutrition of the brain causes certain intracranial centres, especially the respiratory centre, to be less excitable and to be sooner exhausted, and this condition reaches its maximum during the respiratory pause. During the pause these centres recover, and they again become more active. As soon as they are again exhausted, their activity ceases. Luciani also regards variations in the ex- citability of the respiratory centre as the cause of the phenomenon, which he compares with the periodic contraction of the heart (p. 104). He observed this phenomenon after injury to the medulla oblongata above the respiratory centre, and after apnoea produced in animals deeply narcotised with opium. It also occurs in the last stages of asphyxia, during respiration in a closed space. Mosso found a similar phenomenon normally in the hybernating dormouse (Myoxus.) Periodic Respiration Of Frogs. — If frogs be kept under water, or if the aorta be clamped, after several hours, they become passive. If they be taken out of the water, or if the clamp be removed from the aorta, they gradually recover and always exhibit the Cheyne-Stokes' phenomenon. In such frogs the blood- current may be arrested temporarily, while the phenomenon itself remains (Sokolow and Luchsinger). If the blood-current be arrested by ligature of the aorta, or if the frogs be bled, the respirations occur in groups. This is followed by a few single respirations, and then the respiration ceases completely. During the pause between the periods, mechanical stimulation of the skin causes the discharge of a group of respirations (vSiebert and LangendorfF). Muscarin and digitalm cause periodic respiration in frogs [which is not due to the action of these drugs on the heart.] 112. General View of the Respiratory Muscles. (A.) Inspiration. I. During Ordinary Inspiration are Active. 1. The diaphragm (Nervus phrenicus.) 2. The Mm. levatores costarum. longi et breves (Rami poster lores Nn. dorsaltum). 3. The Mm. intercostales extern! et intercartilaginei (Nn. Inter- cost ales}. II. During Forced Respiration are Active. (a.) Muscles of the Trunk. 1. The three Mm. scaleni (Rami musculares of the frtexus cervicalis et Irachialis). 2. M. sternocleidomastoideus (Ram. externus N. accessorii). 3. M. trapezius (R. externus N. accessorii et Ram. musculares ple-xun cervicalis). 4. M. pectoralis minor (Nn. thoracici anteriores). 5. M. serratus posticus superior (N. dorsalis scapulae). G. Mm. rhomboidei (N. dorsalis scapulae). THE MUSCLES OF FORCED RESPIRATION. 2 3" 5 7. Mm. extensores columnae vertebralis (Ram. posteriores nervorum dorsalium). [8. Mm. serratus anticus major (N". thoracicus longus). ? 1] (b.) Muscles of the Larynx. 1. M. sternohyoideus (Ram. descendens hypoglossi). 2. M. sternothyreoideus (Ram. descendens hypoglossi). 3. M. crico-arytaenoideus posticus (N. laryngeus inferior vagi}. 4. M. thyreo-arytaenoideus (N. laryngeus inferior vagi). (c.) Muscles of the Face. 1. M. dilatator narium anterior et posterior (N. facialis). 2. M. levator alae nasi (N. facialis'), 3. The dilators of the mouth and nares, during forced respiration, ["gasping for breath"] (N. facialis). (d.) Muscles of the Pharynx. 1. M. levator veli palatini (N. facialis). 2. M. azygos uvulae (N. facialis). 3. According to Garland, the pharynx is always narrowed. (B.) Expiration. I. During Ordinary Respiration. The thoracic cavity is diminished by the weight of the chest, the elasticity of the lungs, costal cartilages, and abdominal muscles. II. During Forced Expiration. The Abdominal Muscles. 1. The abdominal muscles [including the obliquus externus and internus, and transversalis abdominis] (Nn. aldominis internis anteriores e nerris intercostalibus, 8-12). 2. Mm. intercostales interni, so far as they lie between the osseous ribs, and the Mm. infracostales (Nn. intercostales). 3. M. triangularis sterni (Nn. intercostales}. 4. M. serratus posticus inferior (Ram. externi nerv. dorsalium). 5. M. quadratus lumborum (Ram. muscular e plexu lumbali). 113. Action of the Individual Respiratory Muscles. (A.) Inspiration.— (1.) The Diaphragm arises from the cartilages and the adjoining osseous parts of the lower six ribs (costal portion), by two thick processes or crura from the upper three or four lumbar vertebrae, and a sternal portion from the back of the ensiform process. 236 THE ACTION OF THE DIAPHRAGM. It represents an arched double cupola or dome-shaped partition, directed towards the chest ; in the larger concavity on the right side lies the liver, while the smaller arch on the left side is occupied by the spleen and stomach. During the passive condition, these viscera are pressed against the under surface of the diaphragm, by the elasticity of the abdominal walls and by the intra- abdominal pressure, so that the arch of the diaphragm is pressed upwards into the chest. The elastic traction of the lungs also aids in producing this result. The greater part of the upper surface of the central tendon of the diaphragm is united to the pericardium. The part on which the heart rests, and which is perforated by the inferior vena cava (foramen quadrilaterum) is the deepest part of the middle portion of the diaphragm during the passive condition. Action of the Diaphragm. — When the diaphragm contracts, both arched portions become natter, and the chest is thereby elongated from above downwards. In this act, the lateral muscular parts of the diaphragm pass from an arched condition into a flatter form (Fig. 105), and during a forced inspiration, the lowest lateral portions, which during rest are in contact with the chest-wall, become separated from it. The middle of the cen- tral tendon where the heart rests (fixed by means of the pericardium and inferior vena cava) takes no share in this movement ; hence, this part is highest in the thorax during a forced inspiration. Undoubtedly, the diaphragm is the most powerful agent in in- creasing the cavity of the chest. Britcke, in fact, believes that in addition to increasing the length of the thoracic cavity from above downwards, it also increases the Sagittal section through the second rib transverse diameter of the lower on the right side. This figure shows part Of the cliest. It presses upon that when the arched muscular part , -, i -i • i • c i ,,, ,. , the abdominal viscera from above, ot the diaphragm contracts, a wedge- shaped space, with its apex clown- and strives to press these out- wards, is formed around the circum- wards, thus tending to push out ference of the lower part of the chest, the adjoining thoracic wall, so that the chest is enlarged from above downwards. If tne contents of the abdomen are removed from a living animal, every time the diaphragm contracts, the ribs are drawn inwards (Haller). This, of course, hinders the chest from becoming wider below, hence the presence of the abdominal viscera seems to be necessary for the normal activity of the diaphragm. The immense importance of the diaphragm as the great inspiratory muscle is proved by the fact that, after both phrenic nerves (third and fourth cervica nerves) Fig. 105. THE ELEVATORS OF THE RIBS. 237 are divided, death occurs (Budge, Eulenkamp) . The phrenic nerve contains some sensory fibres for the pleura, pericardium, and a portion of the diaphragm (Schreiber, Henle, Schwalbe). The contraction of the diaphragm is not to be regarded as a " simple muscular contraction," since it lasts 4 to 8 times longer than a simple contraction ; it is rather a short tetanic contraction, which we may arrest at any stage of its activity without bringing into action any antagonistic muscles (Kronecker and Marckwald). (2.) The Elevators Of the Bibs. — The ribs at their vertebral ends (which lie much higher than their sternal ends) are united by means of joints by their heads and tubercles to the bodies and transverse processes of the vertebra. A horizontal axis can be drawn through both joints, around which the ribs can rotate upwards and downwards. If the axes of rotation of each pair of ribs be prolonged on both sides until they meet in the middle line, the angles so formed are greatest above (125°), and smaller below (88°) (A. W. Volkmann). Owing to the ribs being curved, we can imagine a plane which, in the passive (expiratory) condition of the chest, has a slope from behind and inwards to the front and outwards. If the ribs move on their axis of rotation this plane becomes more horizontal, and the thoracic cavity is increased in its transverse diameter. As the axis of rotation of the upper ribs runs in a more frontal, and that of the lower ribs in a more sagittal, direction, the elevation of the upper ribs causes a greater increase from before backwards, and the lower ribs from within outwards (as the movements of ribs which are directed downwards are vertical to the axis). The costal cartilages undergo a slight tension at the same time, which brings their elasticity into play. f Fig. 106. Scheme of the action of the intercostal muscles. Changes in the Chest. — All " inspiratory muscles" which act directly upon the chest-wall, do so by raising the ribs; — (a.) When the ribs are 238 THE ACTION OF THE INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES. raised, the intercostal spaces are widened, (b.) When the upper ribs are raised, all the lower ribs and the sternum must be elevated at the same time, because all the ribs are connected with each other by means of the soft parts of the intercostal spaces, (c.) During inspiration, there is an elevation of the ribs and a dilatation of the intercostal spaces. (The lowest rib is an exception; during forced respiration, at least, it is drawn downwards), (d.) If, on a preparation of the chest, the ribs be raised as in inspiration, we may regard all those muscles as elevators of the ribs, whose origin and insertion become approximated. Everyone is agreed that the scaleni and levatores costarum longi et breves, the scnatus posticus superior, are inspiratory muscles. These are the most important inspiratory muscles which act upon the ribs. Intercostal Muscles. — With regard to the action of the intercostal muscles, there is a great difference of opinion. According to the above experiment, the external intercostals and the intercartilaginous parts of the internal intercostals act as inspiratory muscles, whilst the remaining portions of the internal intercostals (as far as they are covered by the external) are elongated when the ribs are raised, while they shorten when the chest-wall descends. A muscle shortens only during its activity. The internal intercostals were regarded by Ham- berger (1727) as depressors of the ribs or expiratory muscles. In Fig. 106, I, when the rods, a and b (which represent the ribs) are raised, the intercostal space must be widened (e/> c d). On the opposite side of the figure, it is evident that when the rods are raised, the line, rj h, is shortened (ik2) is placed in the course of the tube. The vessel for measuring the O is emptied towards R, through a solution of calcium chloride from a large pan (Ca C12) provided with large flasks. Two tubes, d and e, lead from R, and are united by caoutchouc tubes with the potash bulbs (KOH, Ko/t), which can be raised or depressed alternately by means of the beam, AY. In this way they aspirate alternately the air from R, and the caustic potash absorbs the COg. The increase of weight of these flasks after the experiment indicates the amount of C02 expired. The manometer, f, shows whether there is a difference of the pressure outside and inside the globe, R. (c.) V. Pettenkofer has invented the most complete apparatus (Fig. 113). It consists of a chamber, Z, with metallic walls, and provided with a door and a window. At a is an opening for the admission of air, while a large double suction- pump, P PJ (driven by means of a steam-engine) continually renews the air within the chamber. The air passes into a vessel, b, filled writh pumice-stone saturated with sulphuric acid, in which it is dried; it then passes through a large gas-meter, c, which measures the total amount of the air passing through it. After the air is measured, it is emptied outwards by means of the pump, P Pj. From the chief exit tube, x, of the chamber, provided with a small manometer, q, a narrow laterally placed tube, n, passes, conducting a small secondary stream, Fig. 113. Respiration Apparatus of v. Pettenkofer — Z, chamber for person experimented on ; x, exit tube with manometer, q; b, vessel with sulphuric acid; C, gas-meter; PPi, pump; n, secondary current, with, k, bulb; MM1} suction apparatus; u, gas-meter; N, stream for investigating air before it enters Z. which is chemically investigated. This current passes through the suction- apparatus, M M! (constructed on the principle of Miiller's mercurial valve, and driven by a steam-engine). Before reaching this apparatus, the air passes through the bulb, K, filled with sulphuric acid, whose increase in weight indicates the amount of watery vapour. After passing through MMi, it goes through the 254 COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF ATMOSPHERIC AIR. tube, B, filled with baryta solution, which takes up the C02. The quantity of air which passes through the accessory current, n, is measured by the small gas- meter, u, from which it passes outwards. The second accessory stream, N, enables us to investigate the air before it enters the chamber, and it is arranged in exactly the same way as n. The increase of CC>2 and Hg O in the accessory stream, n (I.e., more than in N), indicates the amount of COj given off by the pressure in the chamber, Z. 123. Composition and Properties of Atmospheric Air. 1. DRY AIR contains : — Gas. By Weight. By Volume. O, . . 23-015 20-96 N, 76-985 79-02 C02, . . . 0-03—0-034 2. AQUEOUS VAPOUR is always present in the air, but it varies greatly in amount, and generally increases with the increase of the temperature of the air. In connection with the moisture of the air we distinguish (a), the absolute moisture, i.e., the quantity of watery vapour which a volume of air contains in the form of vapour ; and (fy, the relative moisture, i.e., the amount of watery vapour which a volume of air contains with respect to its temperature. Experience shows that people generally can breathe most comfortably in an atmosphere which is not completely saturated with aqueous vapour according to its temperature, but is only saturated to the extent of 70 per cent. If the air be too dry it irritates the respiratory mucous membrane ; if too moist, there is a disagree- able sensation, and if it be too warm a feeling of closeness. Hence, it is important to see that the proper amount of watery vapour is present in the air of our sitting- rooms, bedrooms, and hospital wards. The absolute amount of moisture varies : — In towns during the day it increases with increase of temperature, and diminishes when the temperature falls; it also varies with the direction of the wind, season of the year, height above sea-level. The relative amount of moisture is greatest at sunrise, least at midday ; small on high mountains; greater in winter than in summer; larger with a south or a west wind than with a north or an east wind. The air in midsummer contains absolutely three times as much watery vapour as in midwinter, nevertheless the air in summer is relatively drier than the air in winter. 3. The air EXPANDS BY HEAT. Rudberg found that 1,000 volumes of air, at 0°, expanded to 1,365 when heated to 100°C. 4. The DENSITY of the air diminishes with increase of the height above the sea-level. 124. Composition of Expired Air. 1. The expired air contains MORE C02 — in normal respiration = 4'38 vols. per cent. (3'3 to 5 -5 per cent.), so that it contains nearly 100 times more C02 than the atmospheric air. 2. It contains LESS O (4'782 vols. per cent, less) than the atmos- pheric air, i.e., it contains only 16'033 vols. per cent, of 0. COMPOSITION OF EXPIRED AIR. 255 3. Respiratory Quotient. — Hence, during respiration, more 0 is taken into the body from the air than C02 is given off (Lavoisier) ; so that the volume of the expired air is (TV - -g^) smaller than the volume of the air inspired, both being calculated as dry, at the same tempera- ture, and at the same barometric pressure. The relation of the 0 absorbed to the C02 given off, is 4-38 : 4'782. This is expressed by the " respiratory quotient"- 0 4-7S2 4. An excessively small quantity of N is added to the expired air (Regnault and Reiset). Seegen found that all the N taken in with the food did not reappear in the excreta (urine and faeces), and he assumed that a small part of it was given off by the lungs. 5. During ordinary respiration, the expired air is saturated with watery vapour. It is evident, therefore, that when the watery vapour in the air varies, the lungs give off different quantities of water from the body. The percentage of watery vapour falls during rapid respiration (Moleschott). G. The expired air is WARMER (36'3°C), that is, very A near the temperature of the body, and even although the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere be very variable, the temperature of the expired air still remains nearly the same. The Instrument (Fig. 114) was used by Valentin and Brunner to determine the temperature of the expired air. It consists of a glass tube, A, A, with a mouth-piece, B, and in it is a fine thermometer, C. The operator breathes through the nose and expires slowly through the mouth-piece into the tube. Temperature of the Air. Temperature of the Expired Air. + 29'S°C + 36-2-37 + 38-1° + 38-5° 7 -6-3°C, .... + 17-19°, + 41°, .... + 44°, .... . The diminution of the volume of the'expired air mentioned under (3) is far more than compensated by the warming which the inspired air undergoes in the respiratory passages, so that the volume of the expired air is one-ninth greater than the air inspired. 8. A very small quantity of AMMONIA is found in the expired air (Regnault and Reiset) — 0'0204 grammes in 24 hours (Lossen) ; it is probably derived from the blood, for blood exposed to the air evolves ammonia (Briicke). 9. Small quantities of H and CH4 are expired, both being absorbed from the intestine. In herbivora, Reiset found that 30 litres of CH4 were expired in 24 hours. 256 DAILY QUANTITY OF GASES EXCHANGED. 125. Daily Quantity of Gases Exchanged. As under normal circumstances more 0 is absorbed than there is CO given off (equal volumes of 0 and C02 contain equal quantities of 0), a part of the 0 must be used for other oxidation-processes in the body. According to the extent of these latter processes, the ratio of the 0 taken in to the C02 given out — O906 normally) must vary. The amount of C02 given off may be less than the " mean " above stated. The quantity of C02 alone is not a reliable indication of the entire exchange of gases during respiration ; we must estimate simul- taneously the amount of 0 absorbed, and the C02 given off. 126, Review of Daily Gaseous Income and Expenditure. Income In 24 hours. Oxygen— 744 grms. = 516'500c.cmtr. (Vierordt) (At 0°C and mean barometric pressure. ) Expenditure in 24 hours. Carbonic Acid— 900 grms. = 455500 c.cmtr. (Vierordt). 36 grms. ]>er hour (Scharling). 32'S-33'4 grms. ,, (Liebermeister). 34 grms. . ,, . (Panum). 31-5-33 grms. ,, . (Ranke). Water— 640 grms. . . (Valentin). 330 ,, . . (Vierordt). 127, Conditions Influencing the Gaseous Exchanges. The formation of C02, in all probability, consists of two distinct processes. First, compounds containing C02 seem to be formed in the tissues which are oxidation products of substances containing carbon. The second process consists in the separation of this C02, which, how- ever, takes place without the absorption of O. Both processes do not always occur simultaneously, and the one process may exceed the other in extent (L. Hermann, Pfliiger). According to Schmiedeberg, the oxidation in the tissues depends upon a synthesis with the liberation of H20, the blood supplying the necessary 0. The following affect these processes : — 1. Age. — Until the body is fully developed, the C02 given off increases, but it diminishes as the bodily energies decay. Hence, in young persons the 0 absorbed is relatively greater than the C02 given off ; at other periods both values are pretty constant. Example : — CONDITIONS INFLUENCING THE EXCRETION OF CO,. 257 Age — years. In 24 hours. CO, Gram, excreted. = Carbon. Absorbed Gram. 8 443 Gram. = 121 Carbon. 375 Grammes. 15 76G „ = 209 „ 652 16 950 „ = 259 809 „ 18-20 1003 „ = 274 854 20-24 1074 „ = 293 914 40-60 889 „ = 242 757 60-80 810 „ = 221 „ G89 The absolute amount of C02 given off is less in children than in adults; but if the C02 given off be calculated with reference to body-weight, then, weight for weight, a child gives off twice as much C02 as an adult. 2. Sex. — Males, from the eighth year onwards to old age, give off about one-third more CO, than females (Andral and Gavarret). This difference is more marked at puberty, when the difference may rise to one-half. After cessation of the menses, there is an increase, and in old age the amount of C02 given off diminishes. Pregnancy increases the amount, owing to causes which are easily understood. 3. The Constitution. — As a general rule, muscular, energetic persons use more 0 and excrete more CO, than less active persons of the same weight. 4. Alternation of Day and Night.— The C02 given off is diminished during sleep about one-fourth (Scharling). This diminution is caused by the constant heat of the surroundings (bed), darkness, absence of muscular activity, and the non-taking of food (see 5, 6, 7, 9). It does not seem that any 0 is stored up during sleep (S. Lewin). After awaking in the morning, the respirations are more rapid and deeper, and thus the amount of C02 given off is increased. It decreases during the forenoon, until dinner at mid-day causes another increase. It falls during the afternoon, and increases again after supper. During hybernation, when no food is taken, and when the respirations cease, or are enormously diminished, the respiratory exchange of gases is carried out by diffusion and by the cardio-pneumatic movements (p. 109). The C02 given off falls to TV, the 0 taken in to TV of what they are in the waking condition (Valentin). Much less C02 is given off than 0 taken in, so that the body-weight may increase through the excess of 0. 5. Temperature of the Surroundings. — Cold-Hooded animals become warmer when the temperature of their environment is raised, and they give off more CO, in this condition than when they are cooler (Spallanzani) — e.g., a frog with the temperature of the surroundings at 17 258 CONDITIONS INFLUENCING THE EXCRETION OF CO,. 39°C. excreted three times as much C02 as when the temperature was 6°C. (Moleschott). Warm-Hooded animals behave somewhat differently when the temper- ature of the surrounding medium is changed. When the temperature of the animal is lowered thereby, there is a considerable decrease in the amount of C02 given off, as in cold-blooded animals ; but if the temper- ature of the animal be increased (also in fever), the C02 is increased (C. Ludwig and Sanders-Ezn). Exactly the reverse obtains when the temperature of the surroundings varies, and the bodily temperature remains constant. As the cold of the surrounding medium increases, the processes of oxidation within the body are increased through some as yet unknown reflex mechanism ; the number and depth of the respirations increase, whereby more 0 is taken in and more C02 is given out (Lavoisier). A man in January uses 32'2 grammes 0 per hour; in July only 31 '7 grammes. In animals, with the temperature of the surroundings at 8°C., the C02 given off was one-third greater than with a temperature of 38°C. When the temperature of the air increases — the body temperature remaining the same — the respiratory activity and the C02 given off diminish, while the pulse remains nearly constant (Vierordt). On passing suddenly from a cold to a warm medium the amount of C02 is considerably diminished ; and conversely, on passing from a warm to a cold medium, the amount is considerably increased (compare Regulation of Temperature'). 6. Muscular exercise causes a considerable increase in the C02 given out (Scharling), which may be three times greater during walking than during rest (Ed. Smith). Ludwig and Sczelkow estimated the 0 taken in and the C02 given off by a rabbit during rest, and when the muscles of the hind limbs were tetanised. During tetanus the 0 and C02 were increased considerably, but in tetanised animals more 0 was given off in the C02 expired than was taken up simultaneously during respira- tion. The passive animal absorbed nearly twice as much 0 as the amount of C02 given off (compare Metabolism in Muscle). 7. Taking of food causes constantly a not inconsiderable increase in the C02 given off, which depends upon the quantity taken, and the increase generally occurs about an hour after the chief meal — dinner (Vierordt). During inanition, the exchange of gases diminishes con- siderably until death occurs (Letellier). At first the C02 given off diminishes more quickly than the 0 is taken up. The quality of the food influences the C0.2 given off to this extent, that substances rich in carbon (carbohydrates and fats) cause a greater excretion of CO., than substances which contain less C (albumins). Regnault and Eeiset found that a dog gave off 79 per cent, of the 0 inspired after a flesh diet, and 91 per cent, after a diet of starch. If easily oxidisable substances (glycerine or CONDITIONS INFLUENCING THE EXCRETION OF CO.,. 259 lactate of soda), are injected into the blood, the 0 taken in, and the C02 given off, undergo a considerable increase (Ludwig and Scheremetjewsky). Alcohols, tea, and ethereal oils, diminish the C02 (Prout, Vierordt). [Ed. Smith found that the effects produced by alcoholic drinks varied with the nature of the spirituous liquor. Thus brandy, whisky, and gin diminish the amount, while pure alcohol, rum, ale, and porter tend to increase it.] 8. The Number and Depth of the Respirations have practically no influence on the formation of C02, or the oxidation-processes within the body, these being regulated by the tissues themselves, by some mechanism as yet unknown (Pfliiger). They have a marked effect, however, upon the removal of the already formed CO., from the body. An increase in the number of respirations (their depth remaining the same), as well as an increase of their depth, the number remaining the same, cause an absolute increase in the amount of CO., given off, which with reference to the total amount of gases exchanged, is relatively diminished. The following example from Vierordt illustrates this : — No. of Resps. per miii. Vol. of Air. Amount of per cent. C02. COs. Depth of Resps. Amount of per cent. COi COi 12 cooo 258 c.cmtr. =4,3 % 500 21 c.cmtr. =4'3 % 24 12000 420 „ =3,5 „ 1000 36 „ =3-6 „ 48 24000 744 „ =3,1 „ 1500 51 „ =3-4,, 96 48000 1000 — 9 Q LOaA , , — — , J , , 2000 64 „ =3-2,, 3000 72 „ =2-4 „ 9. Exposure to a bright light causes an increase in the C02 given off in frogs (Moleschott, 1855); in mammals and birds (Selmi and Piacentini); even in frogs deprived of their lungs (Fubini); or in those whose spinal cord has been divided high up (Chasanowitz). The consumption of O is increased at the same time (Pfliiger and v. Platen). The same results occur in blind persons, although to a less degree. Bluish-violet light is almost as active as white light, while red light is less active (Moleschott and Fubini). 10. The experiments of Grehant on dogs, seem to show that intense inflamma- tion of the bronchial mucous membrane influences the COo given off. 11. Amongst poisons, thebaia increases the C02 given off, while morphia, codeia, narcein, narcotin, papaverin, diminish it (Fubiui). 128. Diffusion of Gases within the Lungs. The air within the air-vesicles contains most C02 and least 0, and as we pass from the small to the large bronchi and onwards to the trachea, the composition of the air gradually approaches more closely to that of the atmosphere (Allan and Pepys). Hence, if the air expired be collected in two portions, the first half (i.e., the air from the larger air- passages), contains less C02 (3'7vols. per cent.) than the second half (5*4 vols. per cent.). This difference in the percentage of gases gives 260 EXCHANGES OF GASES BETWEEN THE AIR AND THE BLOOD. rise to a diffusion of the gases within the air-passages ; the C02 must diffuse from the air-vesicles outwards, and the 0 from the atmosphere and nostrils inwards (compare p. 52). This movement is aided by the cardio-pneumatic movement (Landois, p. 109). In hybernating animals and in persons apparently but not actually dead, the exchange of gases within the lungs can only occur in the above-mentioned ways. For ordinary purposes this mechanism is insufficient, and there are added the respiratory movements whereby atmospheric air is introduced into the larger air-passages, from which and into which the diffusion currents of 0 and C00 pass, on account of the difference of tension of the gases. 129. Exchange of Gases between the Blood of the Pulmonary Capillaries and the Air in the Air- Vesicles. This exchange of gases occurs almost exclusively through the agency of chemical processes (independent of the diffusion of gases). Method- — It is important to ascertain the tension of the 0 and C02 in the venous blood of the pulmonary capillaries. Pfliiger and Wolfberg estimated the tension by " catheterising the lungs." An elastic catheter was introduced through an opening in the trachea of a dog into the bronchus leading to the lowest lobe of the left lung. An elastic sac was placed round the catheter, and when the latter was introduced into the bronchus, the sac around the catheter was distended so as to plug the bronchus. No air can escape between the catheter and the wall of the bronchus. The outer end of the catheter was closed at first, and the dog was allowed to respire quietly. After four minutes the air in the air-vesicles was completely in equilibrium with the blood-gases. The air of the lung was sucked out of the catheter by means of an air-pump, and afterwards analysed. Thus we may measure indirectly the tension of the 0 and C02 in the venous blood of the pulmonary capillaries. The direct estima- tion of the gases in different kinds of blood is made by shaking up the blood with another gas. The gases so removed indicate directly the proportion of blood-gases. The following tabular arrangement indicates the tension and per- centage of O and C02 in arterial and venous blood, in the atmosphere, and in the air of the alveoli : — 0-Tension in arterial blood =29 '6 mm. Hg. (corresponding to a mixture con- taining 3-9 vol. per cent, of 0). II. C02 -Tension in arterial blood = 21 mm. Hg. (corresponding to 2 '8 vol. per cent. ) III. 0-Tension in venous blood =22 mm. Hg, (corresponding to 2 '9 vol. per cent.) IV. COa-Tension in venous blood =41 mm. Hg. (corresponding to 5 '4 vol. per cent.) ABSORPTION OF OXYGEN IN THE LUNGS. 2G1 V. 0-Tension in the air of the alveoli of the catheterised lung = 27 '44 mm. Hg. (corresponding to 3 "6 vol. per cent.) VI. C02-Tension iu the air of the alveoli of the catheterised lung = 27 mm. Hg. (corresponding to 3 '56 vol. per cent.) VII. 0-Tension in the atmosphere = 158 mm. Hg. (corresponding to 20'S vol. per cent.) VIII. C02-Tension in the atmosphere = 0 '38 mm. Hg. (corresponding to U '03-0 '05 vol. per cent.) When we compare the tension of the 0 in the air (VII. = 158 mm. Hg.) with the tension of the 0 in venous blood (III. — 22 mm. Hg., or V. = 27'44 mm. Hg.), we might be inclined to assume that the passage of the 0 from the air of the air-vesicles into the blood was due solely to diffusion of the gases; and similarly, we might assume that the C02 of the venous blood (IV. or VI.) diffused into the air-vesicles, because the tension of the C02 in the air is much less (VIII.) There are a number of facts, however, which prove that the exchange of the gases in the lungs is chiefly due to chemical forces. Absorption of 0. — With regard to the absorption of 0 from the air in the alveoli into the venous blood of the lung capillaries, whereby the blood is arterialised, it is proved that this is a chemical process. The gas-free (reduced) haemoglobin takes up 0 to form oxyhaemoglobin (§ 15, 1 ). That this absorption has nothing to do directly with the diffusion of gases, but is due to a chemical combination of the atomic compounds, is shown by the fact, that, when pure 0 is respired, the blood does not take up more 0 than when atmospheric air is respired ; further, that animals made to breathe in a limited closed space can absorb almost all the 0 — even to traces — into their blood before suffocation occurs. Of course if the absorption of 0 were due to diffusion, in the former case more 0 would be absorbed, while in the latter case the absorption of 0 could not possibly occur to such an extent as it does. The law of diffusion comes into play in connection with the absorp- tion of 0 to this extent, viz., that the 0 diffuses from the air-cells of the lung into the blood-plasma, where it reaches the blood-corpuscles suspended in the plasma. The haemoglobin of the blood-corpuscles forms at once a chemical compound (oxyhcemoglobin) with the 0. Even in very rarified air, such as is met with in the upper regions of the atmosphere during a balloon ascent, the absorption of 0 still remains independent of the partial pressure (Loth. Mayer, Fernet). But a much longer time is required for this process at the ordinary temperature of the body, so that in rarified air, the absorption of 0 is greatly delayed, but it is not diminished. This is the cause of death in Eeronauts who have ascended so high that the atmospheric pressure is diminished to one-third (Setschenow). Excretion of C02. — With regard to the excretion of CO., from the blood, we must remember that the C02 in the blood exists in two con- 262 EXCRETION OF CARBONIC ACID BY THE LUNGS. ditions. Part of the C02 forms a loose or feeble chemical compound, while another portion is more firmly combined. The former is obtained by those means which remove gases from fluids containing them in a state of absorption, so that in removing the C02 from the blood it is difficult to determine whether the C(X, so removed, obeyed the law of diffusion, or if it was expelled by chemical meaus. Although it is convenient to represent the excretion of C02 from the blood into the air-vesicles of the lung, as due to equilibration of the tension of the C02 on opposite sides of the alveolar membrane, i.e., to diffusion — nevertheless, chemical processes play an important part in this act. The absorption of O by the coloured corpuscles acts, at the same time, in expelling C02. This is proved by the fact that the expulsion of C02 from the blood takes place more readily when 0 is simultaneously admitted (Ludwig and Holmgren). The free supply of 0 not only favours the removal of the C02, which is loosely combined, but it also favours the expulsion of that portion of the C02 which is more firmly combined, and which can only be expelled by the addition of acids to the blood (Ludwig, Schoffer and Sczelkow). That the oxygenated blood-corpuscles (i.e., their oxyhsemo- globin) are concerned in the removal of C02, is proved by the fact that C02 is more easily removed from serum which contains oxygenated blood-corpuscles than from serum charged with 0. [The following scheme may serve to illustrate the extent to which diffusion comes into play. The O must pass through the alveolar membrane, A B — including the alveolar epithelium and the wall of the capillaries — as well as the blood-plasma, to reach the hremoglobin of the blood-corpuscles. Similarly, the C09 must leave the salts of the plasma with which it is in combination, and diffuse in the opposite direction, through the wall of the capillaries, the alveolar membrane and epithelium, to reach the air-vesicles. Let AB represent the C02 0 Partial pressure of air in alveoli of lun. . 27 . . 27-44 1* I _T B Tension of gases in venous ) ^, oo blood of lung. ) I C02 O alveolar membrane; on the one side of it is represented the partial pressure of the C02 and 0 in the air-vesicles; and on the other, the partial pressure of the C09 and O in the venous blood entering the lung. The arrows indicate the direction of diffusion.] Theories. — Various theories have been proposed to account for the expulsion of the C02 from its state of chemical combination in the blood due to the action of the oxygenated blood-corpuscles, (a.) It is possible that the C02 in the blood- DISSOCIATION OF GASES. 2G3 corpuscles (perhaps united with paraglobulin ? — Setschenow) is expelled by the O taken up ; (6.) the acid reaction of the haemoglobin (Preyer) may act so as to expel the C02 out of the corpuscles and the plasma ; (c.) by the absorption of O volatile fatty acids may be formed from the hemoglobin (Hoppe-Seyler). These acids may act so as to expel the C02. Nature of the Process. — The exchange of gases between the blood and the air in the lungs has been represented by Donders as due to a process of dissociation. 130. Dissociation of Gases. Many gases form true chemical compounds with other bodies (i.e., they combine according to their equivalents), when the contact of these bodies is effected under conditions such that the partial pressure of the gases is high. The chemical compound formed under these con- ditions is broken up, whenever the partial pressure is diminished, or when it reaches a certain minimum level, which varies with the nature of the bodies forming the compound. Thus, by increasing and dimin- ishing the partial pressure alternately, a chemical compound of the gas may be formed and again broken up. This process is called Dissocia- tion of the gases. The minimal partial pressure is constant for each of the different substances and gases, but temperature, as in the case of the absorption of gases, has a great effect on the partial pressure ; with increase of temperature the partial pressure, under which dissociation occurs, diminishes. As an example of the dissociation of a gas, take the case of calcium carbonate. When it is heated in the air to 440°C, C02 is given off from its state of chemical combination, but is taken up again and a chemical compound formed, which is changed into chalk when it cools. Dissociation in the Blood. — The chemical combinations containing C02 and those containing 0 within the blood-stream behave in a similar manner — viz., the salts of the plasma, which are combined with C02, and the oxyhcemoglobin. If these compounds of 0 and C02 are placed under conditions where the partial pressure of these gases is very low — i.e., in a medium containing a very small amount of these gases, the com- pounds are dissociated — i.e., they give off C02 or 0. If after being dissociated, they are placed under conditions where, owing to the large amount of these gases, the partial pressure of 0 or of C02 is high, these gases are taken up again, and enter into a condition of chemical combination. The haemoglobin of the blood in the pulmonary capillaries finds plenty of 0 in the alveoli ; hence, it unites with the 0 owing to the high partial pressure of the 0 in the lung, and so forms the compound oxyhaemoglobin. On its course through the capillaries of the systemic 264 CUTANEOUS RESPIRATION. circulation, the oxyhremoglobin of the blood comes into relation with tissues poor in 0; the oxyhsemoglobin is dissociated, the 0 is supplied to the tissues, and the blood freed from this 0, returns to the right heart, and passes to the lungs, where it takes up new 0. The blood whilst circulating meets with most C02 in the tissues; the high partial pressure of the C02 in the tissues causes the CO, to unite with certain constituents in the blood so as to form chemical compounds, which carry the C02 from the tissues to the lungs. In the air of the lungs,. however, the partial pressure of the C02 is very low, dissociation of these chemical compounds occurs under the low partial pressure, and the C02 passes into the air-cells of the lung, from which it is expelled during expiration. It is evident that the giving up of 0 from the blood to the tissues, and the absorption of C02 from the tissues, go on side by side and take place simultaneously, while in the lungs the reverse processes occur also simultaneously. 131. Cutaneous Respiration. Methods. — If a man or an animal be placed in the chamber of a respiratory apparatus (Scharling's, or v. Pettenkofer's), and if tubes be so arranged that the respiratory gases do not enter the chamber, of course we obtain only the "perspiration" of the skin in the chamber. It is less satisfactory to leave the head of the person outside the chamber, while the neck is fixed air-tight in the wall of the chamber. The extent of the cutaneous respiration of a limb may be ascer- tained by enclosing it in an air-tight vessel (Rbhrig) similar to that used for the arm in the plethysmograph (p. 198). Loss by Skin. — A healthy man loses by the skin, in 24 hours, ^ of his body- weight (Seguin), which is greater than the loss by the lungs, in the ratio of 3 : 2 (Valentin, 1843). Only 10 grammes — 150 grains (Scharling), or it may be 3'9 grammes — 60 grains (Aubert), of the entire loss is due to the C02 given off by the skin. The remainder of the excretion from the skin is due to water, containing a few salts in solution. When the surrounding temperature is raised, the C02 is increased (Gerlach), in fact it may be doubled (Aubert) ; violent muscular exercise has the same effect. 0 Absorbed. — The 0 taken up by the skin is either equal to (Regnault and Keiset), or slightly less than, the C02 given off. As the C02 excreted by the skin is only ^\^ °f that excreted by the lungs, while the 0 taken in = yl^ of that taken in by the lungs, it is evident that the respiratory activity of the skin is very slight. Animals whose skin has been covered by an impermeable varnish die not from suffocation, but from other causes. — (See Artificial Diminution of Temperature.) INTERNAL RESPIRATION. 265 In animals with a thin moist epidermis (frog) the exchange of gases is much greater, and in them the skin so far supports the lungs in their function, and may even partly replace them functionally. In mammals with thick dry cutaneous appendages, the exchange of gases is, again, much less than in man, 132. Internal Respiration. Where C02 is Formed. — By the term " internal respiration" is under- stood the exchange of gases between the capillaries of the systemic circulation and the tissues of the various organs of the body. As the organic constituents of the tissues, during their activity, undergo gradual oxidation, and form, amongst other products, C02 : we may assume — (1.) That the chief focus for the absorption of 0 and the formation of C(X is to be sought for within the TISSUES themselves. That the 0 from the blood in the capillaries rapidly penetrates or diffuses into the tissues is shown by the fact, that the blood in the capillaries rapidly loses 0 and gains C02, while blood containing 0, and kept warm out- side the body, changes very slowly and incompletely. If portions of fresh tissues be placed in defibrinated blood containing 0, then the 0 rapidly disappears (Hoppe-Seyler). Frogs deprived of their blood exhibit an exchange of gases almost as great as normal. This shows that the exchange of gases must take place in the tissues themselves (Pfliiger and Oertmann). If the chief oxidations took place in the blood and not in the tissues, then, during suffocation, when 0 is excluded, the substances which use up 0, i.e., those substances which act as reducing agents, ought to accumulate in the blood. But this is not the case, for the blood of asphyxiated animals contains mere traces of reducing materials (Pfliiger). It is difficult to say how the 0 is absorbed by the tissues, and what becomes of it immediately it comes in contact with the living elements of the tissues. Perhaps it is temporarily stored up, or it may form certain intermediate less oxidised compounds. This may be followed by a period of rapid formation and excretion of C02. On this supposition, it is evident that the absorption of 0 and the excretion of C02 need not occur to the same extent, so that the amount of C02 given off at any period is not necessarily an index of the amount of 0 absorbed during the same period. [There are two views as to where the C02 is formed as the blood passes through the tissues. One view is that the seat of oxidation is in the blood itself, and the other is that it is formed in the tissues. If we knew the tension of the gases in the tissues the problem would bo easily solved, but we can only arrive at a knowledge of this subject indirectly, in the following ways] : — COa in Cavities.— That the C02 is formed in the tissues is supported by the fact, that the amount of C02 in the fluids of the cavities of the body is greater than the C02 in the blood of the capillaries. 266 TENSION OF THE GASES IN CAVITIES AND LYMPH. Pfluger and Strassburger found the tension of C02 to be, in Mm, Arterial blood, . 21 -28 Hg. tension. Peritoneal cavity, 58 '5 ,, ,, Acid urine, . 68*0 ,, ,, Mm. Bile, . . . 50'0 Hg. tension. Hydrocele fluid, . 46'5 ,, ,, The large amount of C02 in these fluids can only arise from the C02 of the tissues passing into them. Gases Of Lymph. — In the lymph of the ductus thoraciciis the tension of C02 = 33'4 to 37 '2 mm. Hg., which is greater than in arterial blood, but consider- ably less than in venous blood (41 '0 mm. Hg). This does not entitle us to conclude that hi the tissues from which the lymph comes, only a small quantity of C02 is formed, but rather that in the lymph there is less attraction for the COs formed in the tissues than in the blood of the capillaries, where chemical forces are active in causing it to combine, or that in the course of the long lymph-current, the C02 is partly given back to the tissues, or that C02 is formed in the blood itself. Further, the muscles, which are by far the largest producers of C02, con- tain few lymphatics, nevertheless they supply much C02 to the blood. The amount of free "non-fixed" C02 contained in the juices and tissues indi- cates that the C02 passes from the tissues into the blood; still, Preyer believes that in venous blood C02 undergoes chemical combination. The exchange of 0 and C02 varies much in the different tissues. The muscles are the most important organs, for in their active condition they excrete a large amount of C02, and use up much O. The 0 is so rapidly used up by them that no free O can be pumped out of muscular tissue (L. Hermann). The exchange of gases is more vigorous during the activity of the tissues. Nor are the salivary glands, kidneys, and pancreas any exception, for although when these organs are actively secreting, the blood flows out of the dilated veins in a bright red stream, still the relative diminution of C02 is more than compensated by the increased volume of blood which passes through these organs. (2.) In the BLOOD itself, as in all tissues, 0 is used up and C02 is formed. This is proved by the following facts : — That blood with- drawn from the body becomes poorer in 0 and richer in C02 ; that in the blood of asphyxia, free from 0, and in the blood-corpuscles (Afanassieff), there are slight traces of reducing agents, which become oxidised on the addition of 0 (A. Schmidt). Still, this process is comparatively insignificant as against that which occurs in all the other tissues. That the walls of the vessels — more especially the muscular fibres in the walls of the small arteries — use 0 and produce C02 is unquestionable, although it is so slight that the blood in its whole arterial course undergoes no visible change. Ludwig and his pupils have proved that C02 is actually formed in the blood. If the easily oxidisable lactate of soda be mixed with blood, and this blood be caused to circulate in an excised but still living organ, such as a lung or kidney, more 0 is used up and more C02 is formed than in unmixed blood similarly transfused. (3.) That the tissues of the living lungs use 0 and give off C02 is probable. When C. Ludwig and Miiller passed arterial blood through the blood-vessels of a lung deprived of air, the 0 was diminished and the CO., increased. RESPIRATION IN A CLOSED SPACE. 267 As the total amount of C02 and 0 found in the entire blood, at any one time, is only 4 grammes, and as the daily excretion of C02 = 900 grammes, and the 0 absorbed daily = 744 grammes, it is clear that exchange of gases must go on with great rapidity, that the 0 absorbed must be used quickly, and the C02 must be excreted. Still, it is a striking fact that oxidation-processes of such magnitude as, e.g., the union of C to form C02, occur at a relatively low temperature of the blood and the tissues. It has been assumed that the blood acts as an ozone-producer, and transfers this active form, of O to the tissues. Liebig showed that the alkaline reaction of most of the juices and tissues favours the processes of oxida- tion. Numerous organic substances, which are not altered by O alone, become rapidly oxidised in the presence of free alkalies, e.g., gallic acid, pyrogallic acid, and sugar; while many organic acids, which are unaffected by ozone alone, are changed into carbonates, when in the form of alkaline salts (Gortip-Besanez), and in the same way, when they are introduced into the body in the form of acids, they are partly or wholly excreted in the urine, but when they are administered as alkaline compounds they are changed into carbonates. 133. Respiration in a Closed Space, Respiration in a closed or confined space causes : — (1) a gradual diminution of O ; (2) a simultaneous increase of C(X> ; (3) a diminu- tion in the volume of the gases. If the space be of moderate dimensions, the animal uses up almost all the 0 contained therein (Nysten), and dies ultimately from spasms caused by the asphyxia. The 0 is absorbed, therefore — independently of the laws of absorption — by chemical means. The 0 in the blood is almost completely used up (Setschenow). In a larger closed space, the C02 accumulates rapidly, before the diminution of O is such as to affect the life of the animal. As C02 can only be ex- creted from the blood when the tension of the C02 in the blood is greater than the tension of C02 in the air, as soon as the C02 in the surrounding air in the closed space becomes the same as in the blood, the C02 will be retained in the blood, and finally C02 may pass back into the body. This occurs in a large closed space, when the amount of 0 is still sufficient to support life, so that death occurs under these circumstances (in rabbits) through poisoning with C02, causing diminished excitability, loss of consciousness, and lowering of temperature, but no spasms (Worm Miiller). In pure 0, animals breathe in a normal way; the quantity of 0 absorbed and the C02 excreted is quite independent of the percentage of 0, so that the former occurs through chemical agency independent of pressure. In closed spaces filled with 0, animals died by re-absorption of the C02 excreted. Worm Miiller found that rabbits died after absorb- ing C02 equal to half the volume of their body, although the air still contained 50 per cent. 0. Animals can breathe quite quietly a mixture of air containing 14'8 per cent. (20'9 per cent, normal); with 7 per cent. 268 DYSPNCEA AND ASPHYXIA, they breathe with difficulty; with 4'5 per cent, there is marked dyspnoea ; with 3 per cent. 0 there is tolerably rapid asphyxia (W. Miiller). The air expired by man normally contains 14-18 per cent. 0. If animals be supplied with a mixture of gases similar to the atmosphere, in which N is replaced by H, they breathe quite normally (Lavoisier and Seguin) ; the H undergoes no great change. Dyspnoea occurs when the respired air i.s deficient in 0, as well as when it is overcharged with C02, but the dyspnoea in the former case is prolonged and severe; in the latter, the respiratory activity soon ceases. The want of 0 causes a greater and more prolonged increase of the blood-pressure than is caused by excess of C02. Lastly, the consumption of 0 in the body is less affected when the O in the air is diminished than when there is excess of C02. If air containing a diminished amount of 0 be respired, death is preceded by violent phenomena of excitement and spasms, which are absent in cases of death by breathing air over- charged with C02. In poisoning with COo. the excretion of COo, is greatly diminished, while with diminution of 0, it is almost unchanged (C. Friedlander and E. Herter). Cl. Bernard found that, when an animal breathed in a closed space, it became partially accustomed to the condition. On placing a bird under a bell-jar, it lived several hours ; but if several hours before its death another bird fresh from the outer air were placed under the same bell-jar, the second bird died at once, with convulsions. Frogs, when placed for several hours in air devoid of 0, give off just as much C02 as in air containing 0, and they do this without any obvious disturbance (Pfliiger, Aubert). Hence, it appears that the formation of COo is independent of the absorption of O, and the C02 must be formed from the decomposition of other compounds. Ultimately, however, complete motor paralysis occurs, whilst the circulation remains undisturbed (Aubert). 134. Dyspnoea and Asphyxia. [The causes of dyspnoea have already been referred to (§ 111), and those of asphyxia are referred to in detail in vol. ii. under Nervous Mechanism of Respiration. If from any cause, an animal be not supplied with a due amount of air, normal respiration becomes greatly altered, passing through the phases of hyperpnoea, or increased respiration, dyspnoea or difficulty of breathing, to the final condition of suffocation or asphyxia. The phenomena of asphyxia may be developed in an animal by closing its trachea by means of a clamp, and in fact by any means which prevent the entrance of air or blood into the lungs. The phenomena of asphyxia are usually divided into several stages. — 1. During the first stage there is hyperpnoea, the respirations being deeper, more frequent, and laboured. The extraordinary muscles of respiration — both those of inspiration and expiration — referred to in § 118, are called into action, the condition of dyspnoea being rapidly produced, and the struggle for air becomes more and more severe. During this time the oxygen of the blood is being used up, the blood PHENOMENA OF ASPHYXIA. 2G9 itself is becoming more and more venous. This venous blood circulat- ing in the medulla oblongata, and spinal cord stimulates the respiratory centres, thus causing these violent respirations. This stage usually lasts about a minute and gradually gives place to — 2. The second stage, when the inspiratory muscles become less active, while those concerned in laboured expiration contract energetically, and indeed almost every muscle in the body may contract ; so that this stage of violent expiratory efforts ends in general convulsions. The convulsions are due to stimulation of the respiratory centres by the venous blood. The convulsive stage is short, and is usually reached in a little over one minute. This storm is succeeded by — 3. The third stage, or stage of exhaustion, the transition being usually somewhat sudden. This condition is brought about by the venous blood acting on and paralysing the respiratory centres. The pupils are widely dilated, consciousness is abolished, and the activity of the reflex centres is so depressed that it is impossible to discharge a reflex act, even from the cornea. The animal lies almost motionless, with flaccid muscles, and to all appearance dead, but every now and again, at long intervals, it makes a few deep inspiratory efforts, showing that the respiratory centres are not quite, but almost paralysed. Gradually, the pauses become longer and the inspirations feebler and of a gasping character. As the venous blood circulates in the spinal cord it causes n large number of muscles to contract, so that the animal extends its trunk and limbs. It makes one great inspiratory spasm, the mouth being widely open and the nostrils dilated, and ceases to breathe. After this stage, which is the longest and most variable, the heart becomes paralysed, partly from being over-distended with venous blood, and partly, perhaps, from the action of the venous blood on the cardiac tissues, so that the pulse can hardly be felt. To this pulseless condition the term " asphyxia " ought properly to be applied. In connection with the resuscitation of asphyxiated persons, it is important to note that the heart continues to beat for a few seconds after the respiratory movements have ceased. The whole series of phenomena occupies from 3 to 5 minutes, according to the animal operated on, and depending also upon the suddenness with which the trachea was closed. If the causes of suffocation act more slowly, the phenomena are the same, only they are developed more slowly. The Circulation.— The post-mortem appearances in man or in an animal are generally well marked. The right side of the heart, the pulmonary artery, the venae cavse, and the veins of the neck are engorged with dark venous blood. The left side is comparatively empty, because the rigor mortis of the left side of the heart, and the elastic recoil of the systemic arteries, force the blood towards the 270 THE CHANGES OP THE CIRCULATION DURING ASPHYXIA. systemic veins. The blood itself is almost black, and is deprived of almost all its oxygen, while its haemoglobin is nearly all in the condition of reduced haemoglobin, while ordinary venous blood contains a considerable amount of reduced and oxyhaemoglobin. The blood of an asphyxiated animal practically contains none of the latter, and much of the former. It is important to study the changes in the circulation in connection with the outward phenomena exhibited by an animal during suffocation. We may measure the blood-pressure in any artery of an animal while it is being asphyxiated, or we may open its chest, maintain artificial respi- ration, and place a manometer in a systemic artery, e.g., the carotid, and another in a branch of the pulmonary artery. In the latter case, we can watch the order of events in the heart itself, when the artificial respiration is interrupted. It is well to study the events in both cases. If the blood-pressure be measured in a systemic artery, e.g., the carotid, it is found that the blood-pressure rises very rapidly and to a great extent during the first and second stages ; the pulse-beats at first are quicker, but soon become slower and more vigorous. During the third stage it falls rapidly to zero. The great rise of the blood-pressure during the first and second stages is chiefly due to the action of the venous blood on the general vaso-motor centre, causing constriction of the small systemic arteries. The peripheral resistance is thus greatly increased, and it tends to cause the heart to contract more vigorously, but the slower and more vigorous beats of the heart are also partly due to the action of the venous blood on the cardio-inhibitory centre in the medulla. If the second method be adopted, viz., to open the chest, keep up artificial respiration, and measure the blood-pressure in a branch of the pulmonary artery, as well as in a systemic artery, e.g., the carotid — we find that when the artificial respiration is stopped, in addition to the rise of the blood-pressure indicated in the carotid manometer, the cavities of the heart and the large veins near it are engorged with venous blood. There is, however, but a slight comparative rise in the blood-pressure in the pulmonary artery. This may be accounted for, either by the pulmonary artery not being influenced to the same extent as other arteries, by the vaso-motor centre, or by its greater distensibility (Lichtheim — compare § 88). But, as the heart itself is supplied through the coronary arteries with venous blood, its action soon becomes weakened, each beat becomes feebler, so that soon the left ventricle ceases to contract, and is unable to overcome the great peripheral resistance in the systemic arteries, although the right ventricle may still be contracting. As the blood becomes more venous, the vaso- motor centre becomes paralysed, the small systemic arteries relax, and the blood flows from them into the veins, while the blood-pressure in RESPIRATION OF FOREIGN GASES. 271 the carotid manometer rapidly falls. The left ventricle, now relieved from the great internal pressure, may execute a few feeble beats, but they can only be feeble, as its tissues have been subjected to the action of the very impure blood. More and more blood accumulates in the right side from the causes already mentioned. The violent inspiratory efforts in the early stages aspirate blood from the veins towards the right side of the heart, but of course this factor is absent when the chest is opened.] [Recovery from the condition of asphyxia.— If the trachea of a dog be closed suddenly and completely, the average duration of the respiratory move- ments is 4 minutes 5 seconds, while the heart continues to beat for about 7 minutes. Recovery may be obtained if proper means be adopted before the heart ceases to beat; but after this, never. If a clog be drowned, the result is different. After complete submersion for 14 minutes, recovery did not take place. In the case of drowning, air passes out of the chest, and water is inspired into and fills the air -vesicles. It is rare for recovery to take place in a person deprived of air for more than live minutes. If the statements of sponge-divers are to be trusted, a person may become accustomed to the deprival of air for a longer time than usual. In cases where recovery takes place after a much longer period of submersion, it has been suggested that, in these cases, syncope occurs, the heart beats but feebly or not at all, so that the oxygen in the blood is not used up with the same rapidity. It is a well-known fact that newly-born and young puppies can be submerged for a long time before they are suffocated.] Artificial Respiration. — The methods of performing artificial respira- tion in persons apparently suffocated are fully given in rol. ii., under Nervous Mechanism of Respiration. 135. Respiration of Foreign Gases. No gas without a sufficient admixture of 0 can support life. Even with com- pletely innocuous and indifferent gases, if no 0 be mixed with them, they cause suffocation in 2 to 3 minutes. I. Completely indifferent gases are N", H, CH4. The living blood of an animal breathing these gases yields no 0 to them (Pfluger). II. Poisonous gases-— («•) Those that displace O, and form a permanent stable compound with the haemoglobin— (1.) CO (§ 16 and 17). (2.) CNH (Hydrocyanic acid) displaces (?) O from haemoglobin, with which it forms a more stable compound and kills exceedingly rapidly. It prevents O being changed into ozone in the blood. Blood-corpuscles charged with hydrocyanic acid lose the property of decomposing hydric peroxide into water and O (§ 17, 5). (b.) Narcotic gases. — (1.) COo — v. Petteiikofer characterises air containing O with •! p.c. C02 as "bad air ; " still, air in a room containing this amount of C02 produces a disagreeable feeling rather from the impurities mixed with it than from the actual amount of COj itself. Air containing 1 p.c. C02 produces decided discomfort, and with 10 p.c. it endangers life, while larger amounts cause death with symptoms of coma. (2.) N2O (nitrous oxide) respired, mixed with ^volume 0, causes, after 1 to 2 minutes, a short temporary stage of excitement ("Laughing gas" of H. Davy), which is succeeded by unconsciousness, and afterwards an increased excretion of C02- (3.) Ozonised air causes similar effects (Binz). 272 ACCIDENTAL IMPURITIES IN THE AIR. (c.) Reducing gases. — (1.) H2S (sulphuretted hydrogen) rapidly robs blood- corpuscles of 0 : S and H20 being formed, and death occurs rapidly before the gas can decompose the hemoglobin (Hoppe-Seyler). (2.) PH3 — Phosphuretted hydrogen is oxidised in the blood to form phosphoric acid and water with decomposition of the haemoglobin (Dybkowski, Koschlakoff, and Popoff). (3.) AsH3, arseniuretted hydrogen and SbH3, antimoniuretted hydrogen, act like PH3, but in addition, the haemoglobin passes out of the stroma and appears in the urine. (4.) C2N2, cyanogen absorbs 0, and decomposes the blood (Rosenthal and Laschkewitsch). III. Irrespirable gases, i-e., gases which, on entering the larynx, cause reflex spasm of the glottis. When introduced into the trachea they cause inflammation and death. Under this category come hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, sulphurous, nitrous, and nitric acids, ammonia, chlorine, fluorine, and ozone. 136. Accidental Impurities of the Air. Dust Particles. — Amongst these are dust particles which occur in enormous amount suspended in the air, and thereby act injuriously upon the respiratory organs. The ciliated epithelium of the respiratory passages eliminates a large number of them. Some of them, however, reach the air-vesicles of the lung, where they penetrate the epithelium, reach the interstitial lung-tissue and lym- phatics and so pass with the lymph-stream into the bronchial glands. Particles of coal or charcoal are found in the lungs of all elderly individuals, and blacken the alveoli. In moderate amount these black particles do not seem to do any harm in the tissues, but when there are large accumulations they give rise to lung affections, which lead to disintegration of these organs. [In coal-miners, for example, the luug-tissues along the track of the lymphatics and in the bronchial glands are quite black, constituting " coal- miners' lung."] In many trades various particles occur in the air; miners, grinders, stone-masons, file-makers, weavers, spinners, tobacco manufacturers, millers, and bakers, suffer from lung affections caused by the introduction of particles of various kinds inhaled during the time they are at work. There seems no doubt that the seeds of some contagious diseases may be inhaled. Diphtheritic bacteria become localised in the pharynx and in the larynx — glanders in the nose — measles in the bronchi — hay -monads in the nose. Many seeds of disease pass into the mouth along with air, are swallowed, and undergo development in the intestinal tract, as is probably the case in cholera and typhoid fever. 137. Ventilation of Rooms. Fresh air is as necessary for the healthy as for the sick. Every healthy person ought to have a cubic space of 800 cubic feet, and every sick person 1000 cubic feet of space. [The space allowed per individual varies greatly, but 1000 cubic feet is a fair average. If the air in this space is to be kept sweet, so that the C02 does not exceed '06 p.c., 2000 cubic feet of air per hour must be supplied.] In France only 42 cubic feet per head are allowed in barracks, 60 cubic feet in hospitals. In Prussia in barracks 420-500 cubic feet are allowed for every soldier, for hospital GOO -720; in England 600 cubic feet per head. When there is overcrowding in a room the amount of COg increases, v. Pettenkofer found the normal amount of C02 ( '04 to '05 per 1000) increased in comfortable rooms to FORMATION OF MUCUS IN THE RESPIRATORY PASSAGES. 273 0'54^07 per 1000; in badly ventilated sick chambers = 2'4; in overcrowded auditoriums, 3 '2 ; in pits = 4'9 ; in school-rooms, 7 '2 per 1000. Although it is not the quantity of C02 which makes the air of an overcrowded room injurious, but the excretions from the outer and inner surfaces of the body, which give a distinct odour to the air, quite recognisable by the sense of smell, still, the amount of C02 is taken as an index of the presence and amount of these other deleterious sub- stances. The question as to whether the ventilation of a room or ward occupied by persons is sufficient, is ascertained by estimating the amount of C02. A room which does not give a disagreeable, somewhat stuffy, odour has less than 0'7 per 1000 of C02, while the ventilation is certainly insufficient if the C02 = 1 per 1000. As the air contains only 0'0005 cubic meter C02 in 1 cubic meter of air, and as an adult produces hourly 0 '0226 cubic meters C02, calculation shows that every person requires 113 cubic meters of fresh air per hour, if the C02 is not to exceed 0'7 per 1000 : for 0'7 : 1000 = (0'0226 + x x O'OOOS) :x, i.e., x = 113. In ordinary rooms, where every person is allowed the necessary space (1000 cubic feet) the air is sufficiently renewed by means of the pores in the walls of the room, by the opening and shutting of doors, and by the fireplace, provided the damper is kept open. It is most important to notice that the natural ventilation be not interfered with by dampness of the walls, for this influences the pores very greatly. At the same time, damp walls are injurious to health by conducting away heat, and in them the germs of infectious diseases may develop (Lindwurra). 138. Formation of Mucus in the Respiratory Passages— Sputum. The respiratory mucous membrane is covered normally with a thin layer of mucus (Fig. 97). By its presence this substance so far inhibits the formation of new mucus by protecting the mucous glands from the action of cold or other irritative agents. New mucus is secreted as that already formed is removed. An increased secretion accompanies con- gestion of the respiratory mucous membrane. Division of the nerves on one side of the trachea (cat) causes redness of the tracheal mucous membrane and increased secretion (Rossbach). Effects of reagents on the mucous secretion.— If ice be placed on the belly of an animal so as to cause the animal to " take a cold" the respiratory mucous membrane first becomes pale, and afterwards there is a copious mucous secretion, the membrane becoming deeply congested. The injection of sodium carbonate and ammonium chloride limits the secretion. The local application of alum, silver nitrate, or tannic acid makes the mucous membrane dry, and the epithelium is shed. The secretion is excited by apomorphin, emetin, pilocarpin, and ipecacuanha, while it is limited by atropin and morphia (Rossbach). Normal Sputum. — Under normal circumstances some mucus — mixed with a little saliva — may be coughed up from the back of the throat. In catarrhal conditions of the respiratory mucous membrane, the sputum is greatly increased in amount, and is often mixed with other character- istic products. Microscopically, sputum contains : — 1. Epithelial cells — chiefly squames from the mouth and pharynx 18 274 THE SPUTUM. (Fig. 115), more rarely alveolar epithelium and ciliated epithelium (7) from the respiratory passages, The epithelial cells are often altered, having undergone maceration or other changes. Thus some cells may have lost their cilia (6). The epithelium of the alveoli (2) is squamous epithelium, the cells being 2 to 4 times the breadth of a colourless blood-corpuscle. These cells occur chiefly in the morning sputum in individuals over 30 years of age. In younger persons their presence indicates a pathological condition of the pulmonary parenchyma (Guttman, H. Schmidt, and Bizzozero). They often undergo fatty degeneration, and theyjnay contain pigment granules (3); or, they may present the appearance of what Buhl has called "mydin degenerated cells;" i.e., cells filled with clear refractive drops of various sizes, some colourless, others coloured particles, the latter having been absorbed (4). Mucin in the form of myelin drops (5)] is always present in sputum. 2. Lymplwid cells (9) are to be regarded as colourless blood-corpuscles which have wandered out of the blood-vessels; they are most numerous in yellow sputum, and less numerous in the clear, mucus-like excretion. The lymph-cells often present alterations in their characters ; they may be shrivelled up, fatty, or present a granular appearance. Fig. 115. Various objects found in sputum — 1, Detritus and particles of dust; 2, alveolar epithelium with pigment ; 3, fatty and partly pigmented alveolar epithelium ; 4, alveolar epithelium containing myeliii-forms ; 5, free myelm-forms ; 6, 7, ciliated epithelium, some changed, others without cilia; 8, squamous epithelium from the mouth; 9, leucocytes; 10, elastic fibres; 11, fibrin-cast of a small bronchus; 12, leptothrix buccalis with cocci, bacteria, and spirochteti; a, fatty acid crystals and free fatty granules ; b, htematoidin ; c, Charcot's crystals; d, Cholesterin. ACTION OF THE ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. 275 The fluid substance of the sputum contains much mucus arising from the mucous glands and goblet cells ; together with nuclein, and lecithin, and the constituents of saliva according to the amount of the latter mixed with the secretion. Albumin occurs only during inflammation of the respiratory passages, and its amount increases with the degree of inflammation. Urea has been found in cases of nephritis. Pathological. — In cases of catarrh, the sputum is at first usually sticky and clear (sputa cruda), but later it becomes more firm and yellow (sputa cocta). Under pathological conditions there may be found in the sputum — (a. ) Red blood- corpuscles from rupture of a blood-vessel. (b.) Elastic-fibres (10) from disintegration of the alveoli of the lung; usually the bundles are fine, curved, and the fibres branched. [In certain cases it is well to add a solution of caustic potash, which dissolves the other elements and leaves the elastic fibres untouched.] Their pre- sence always indicates destruction of the lung-tissue, (c.) Colourless plugs of fibrin (11), casts of the smaller or larger bronchi, occur in some cases of fibrinous exudation into the finer air-passages, (d. ) Crystals of various kinds — Crystals of fatty acids (Fig. 115, a) in bundles of fine needles. They indicate great decomposition of the stagnant secretion — colourless, sharp-pointed, octagonal, or rhombic plates — (c) (Charcofs crystals) of unknown nature (perhaps tyrosin), Haematoidiu (b) and cholesterin crystals (d) occur much more rarely. (/. ) Fungi and other lower organisms frequently occur. The threads of leptothrix buccalis (12) ; Oiidiuui albicans in the mouth of sucklings, rod-shaped bacilli and bacteria. In phthisis, the tubercle-bacillus of Koch. Abnormal coloration of the sputum — red from blood — when the blood remains long in the king it undergoes a regular series of changes and tinges the sputum dark red, bluish brown, brownish yellow, deep yellow, yellowish green, or grass green. The sputum is sometimes yellow in jaundice. The sputum may be tinged by what is inspired [as in the case of the "black-spit" of miners.] The odour of the sputum is more or less unpleasant. It becomes very disagree- able when it has remained long in pathological lung cavities, and it is stinking in gangrene of the lung. 139. Action of the Atmospheric Pressure. At the normal pressure of the atmosphere (height of the barometer, 760 millimetres Hg.), pressure is exerted upon the entire surface of the body = 15,000 to 20,000 kilos., according to the extent of the superficial area (Galileo). This pressure acts equally on all sides upon the body, and occurs also in all internal cavities containing air, both those that are constantly filled with air (the respiratory passages and the spaces in the superior maxillary, frontal, and ethmoid bones), and those that are temporarily in direct communication with the outer air (the digestive tract and tympanum ). As the fluids of the body (blood, lymph, secre- tions, parenchymatous juices) are practically incompressible, their volume remains practically unchanged under the pressure ; but they will absorb gases from the air corresponding to the prevailing pressure (i.e., the partial pressure of the individual gases), and according to their tempera- ture (compare § 33). 276 ACTION OP DIMINISHED ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. The solids consist of elementary parts (cells and fibres), each of which presents only a microscopic surface to the pressure, so that for each cell the prevailing pressure of the air can only be calculated at a few millimetres — a pressure under which the most delicate histological tissues undergo development. As an example of the action of the pressure of the atmospheric pressure upon large masses, take that brought about by the adhesion of the smooth, sticky, moist articular surfaces of the shoulder and hip joints. In these cases, the arm and the leg are supported without the action of muscles. The thigh- bone remains in its socket after section of all the muscles and its capsule (Brothers' Weber). Even when the colytoid cavity is perforated, the limb does not fall out of its socket. The ordinary barometric variations affect the respiration — a rise of the barometric pressure excites, while a fall diminishes, the respirations. The absolute amount of C02 remains the same (§ 127, 8). A Great Diminution of the Atmospheric Pressure, such as occurs in ballooning (highest ascent, 8,600 meters), or in ascending mountains, causes a series of characteristic phenomena : — (1.) In consequence of the diminution of the pressure upon the parts directly in contact with the air, they become greatly congested, hence, there is redness and swelling of the skin and free mucous membranes; there may be haemorrhage from the nose, lungs, gums, turgidity of the cutaneous veins ; copious secretion of sweat, great secretion of mucus. (2.) A feeling of weight in the limbs, a pressing outwards of the tympanic membrane (until the tension is equilibrated by opening of the Eustachian tube), and as a consequence noises in the ears and difficulty of hearing. (3. ) In consequence of the diminished tension of the O in the air (§ 129), there is difficulty of breathing, pain in the chest, whereby the respirations (and pulse) become more rapid, deeper, and irregular. When the atmospheric pressure is diminished ^-^, the amount of 0 in the blood is diminished (Bert, Friinkel and Geppert), the COo is imperfectly re- moved from the blood, and in consequence there is diminished oxidation within the body. When the atmospheric pressure is diminished to one-half, the amount of C02 in arterial blood is lessened ; and the amount of N diminishes proportionally with the decrease of the atmospheric pressure (Frankeland Gepert). The diminished tension of the air prevents the vibrations of the vocal cords from occurring so forcibly, and hence the voice is feeble. (5.) In consequence of the amount of blood in the skin, the internal organs are relatively anremic ; hence, there is diminished secretion of urine, muscular weakness, disturbances of digestion, dull- ness of the senses, and it may be unconsciousness, and all these phenomena are intensified by the conditions mentioned under (3). Some of these phenomena are modified by usage. The highest limit at which a man may still retain his senses is placed by Tissandier at an elevation of 8,000 metres (280 mm. Hg). In dogs the blood-pressure falls, and the pulse becomes small and diminished in frequency, when the atmospheric pressure falls to 200 mm. Hg. Those who live upon high mountains suffer from a disease (mal de montagne), which consists essentially in the above symptoms, although it is sometimes com- plicated with anajmia of the internal organs. Al. v. Humboldt found that in those who lived on the Andes, the thorax was capacious. At 6,000 to 8,000 feet above sea-level, water contains only one-third of the absorbed gases, so that fishes cannot live in it (Boussingault). Animals may be subjected to a farther diminution of the atmospheric pressure, by being placed under the receiver of an air-pump. Birds COMPARATIVE AND HISTORICAL. 277 die when the pressure is reduced to 120 mm. Hg. ; mammals at 40 mm. Hg. ; frogs endure repeated evacuations of the receiver, whereby they are much dis- tended, owing to the escape of gases and water, but after the entrance of air they become greatly compressed. The cause of death in mammals is ascribed by Hoppe-Seyler to the evolution of Irabbles of gas in the blood; these bubbles stop up the capillaries, and the circulation is arrested. Local diminution of the atmo spheric pressure causes marked congestion and swelling of the part, as occurs when a cupping-glass is used. Great Increase of the Atmospheric Pressure.— The phenomena, which are, for the most part, the reverse of the foregoing, have been observed in pneumatic cabinets and in diving bells, where men may work even under 4^ atmospheres pressure. The phenomena are : — (!.) Paleness and dryness of the external sur- faces, collapse of the cutaneous veins, diminution of perspiration, and mucous secretions. (2.) The tympanic membrane is pressed hvwards (until the air escapes through the Eustachian tube, after causing a sharp sound), acute sounds are heard, pain in the ears, and difficulty of hearing. (3.) A feeling of lightness and freshness during respiration, the respiration becomes slower (by 2-4 per minute), inspiration easier and shorter, expiration lengthened, the pause distinct. The capacity of the lungs increases, owing to the freer movement of the diaphragm, in consequence of the diminution of the intestinal gases. Owing to the more rapid oxidations hi the body, muscular movement is easier and more active. The 0 absorbed and the C02 excreted are increased. The venous blood is reddened. (4. ) Difficulty of speaking, alteration of the tone of the voice, inability to whistle. (5.) Increase of the urinary secretion, more muscular energy, more rapid metabolism, increased appetite, sub- jective feeling of warmth, pulse beats slower, and pulse-curve is lower (compare p. 150). In animals subjected to excessively high atmospheric pressure, P. Bert found, that the arterial blood contained 30 vols. per cent. 0 (at 760 mm. Hg. ); when the amount rose to 35 vol. per cent., death occurred with convulsions. Compressed air has been used for therapeutical purposes, but in doing so a too rapid increase of the pressure is to be avoided. Waldenburg has constructed such an apparatus, which may be used for the respiration of air under a greater or less pressure. 140, Comparative and Historical. Mammals have lungs similar to those of man. The lungs of hirds are spongy, united to the chest-wall, and there are openings 011 their surface communicating with thin-walled " air-sacs" which are placed amongst the viscera. The air-sacs communicate with cavities in the bones, which give the latter great lightness (Aristotle). The diaphragm is absent. In reptiles the lungs are divided into greater and smaller compartments ; in snakes one lung is abortive, while the other has the elongated form of the body. The amphibians (frog) possess two simple lungs, each of which represents an enormous infundibulum with its alveoli. The frog pumps air into its lungs by the contraction of its throat, the nostrils closed and the glottis opened. When young — until their metamorphosis f breathe like fishes by means of gills. The perennibranchiate amphibians (Proteus), retain their gills throughout life. Amongst fishes, which breathe by gills and use the 0 absorbed by the water, the Dipnoi have in addition to gills a swim-bladder provided with afferent and efferent vessels, which is comparable to the lung. The Cobitis respires also with its intestine (Erman, JSOS). Insects and centipedes respire by " tracheae," which are branched canals distributed throughout the body; they open on the surface of the body by openings (stigmata) which can be closed. Spiders respire by means of trachea? and tracheal sacs, crabs by gills. The molluscs and cephalopods have gills, some gasteropoda have gills aud others lungs. 278 HISTORICAL. Amongst the lower invertebrata some breathe by gills, others by means of a special " water-vascular system," and others again by no special organs. Aristotle (384 B.C.) regarded the object of respiration to be the cooling of the body, so as to moderate the internal warmth. He observed correctly that the warmest animals breathe most actively, but in interpreting the fact he reversed the cause and effect. Galen (131-203 A.D.), thought that the " soot" was removed from the body along with the expired water. The most important experiments on the mechanics of respiration date from Galen ; he observed that the lungs passively follow the movements of the chest; that the diaphragm is the most important muscle of inspiration; that the external intercostals are inspiratory; and the internal, expiratory. He divided the intercostal nerves and muscles, and observed that loss of voice occurred. On dividing the spinal cord higher and higher, he found that as he did so, the muscles of the thorax lying higher up, became paralysed. Oribasius (360 A. D.) observed that in double pueumothorax both lungs collapsed. Vesalius (1540) first described artificial respiration, as a means of restoring the beat of the heart. Malpighi (1661) described the structure of the lungs. J. A. Borelli (i* 1679) gave the first fundamental description of the mechanism of the respiratory movements. The chemical processes of respiration could only be known after the discovery of the individual gases therein concerned. Van Helmont (f 1644) detected C02. [Joseph Black (1757) discovered, by the following experi- ment, that C02 or "fixed air" is given out during expiration: — take two jars of lime water, breathe into one through a bent glass tube, and force ordinary air through the other, when a white precipitate of calcium carbonate will be found to occur in the former.] In 1774 Priestley discovered 0. Lavoisier detected N (1775), and ascertained the composition of atmospheric air, and he regarded the formation of COo and H20 of the breath as a result of a combustion within the lungs themselves. J. Ingen-Houss (1730-1790) discovered the respiration of plants. Vogel and others proved the existence of C02 in venous blood, and Hoffmann and others that of 0 in arterial blood. The more complete conception of the exchange of gases was, however, only possible after Magmis had extracted and analysed the gases of arterial and venous blood (p. 55). Physiology of Digestion. 141. The Mouth and its Glands. THE inilCOUS membrane of the cavity of the mouth, which becomes continuous with the skin at the red margin of the lips, has a number of sebaceous glands in the region of the red part of the lip. The buccal mucous membrane consists of bundles of fine fibrous tissue mixed with elastic fibres, which traverse it in every direction. Papillae — simple or compound — occur near the free surfaces. The SUb-mUCOUS tissue, which is directly continuous with the fibrous tissue of the mucous membrane itself, is thickest where the mucous membrane is thickest, and densest where it is firmly fixed to the periosteum of the bone and to the gum ; it is thinnest where the mucous membrane is most movable, and where there are most folds. The cavity of the mouth is lined by stratified squamous epithelium (Fig. 115, 8), which is thickest, as a rule, where the longest papillae occur. All the glands of the mouth, including the salivary glands, may be divided into different classes according to the nature of their secretions. 1. The serous or albuminous glands [true salivary], whose secretion contains a certain amount of albumin, e.g., the human parotid. 2. The mucous glands, whose secretion in addition to some albumin, contains the characteristic constituent mucin. 3. The mixed [or muco-salivary\ glands, some of the acini secreting albumin and others mucin — e.g., the human maxillary gland (Heiden- hain). The structure of these glands is referred to under the salivary glands. Numerous mUCOUS glands (labial, buccal, palatine, lingual, molar) have the appearance of small macroscopic bodies lying in the sub-mucosa. They are branched tubular glands, and the contents of their secretory cells consist partly of mucin, which is expelled from them during secretion. The excretory ducts of these glands, which are lined by cylindrical epithelium, are constricted where they enter the mouth. Not unfrequently one duct receives the secretion -of a neighbouring gland. The glands Of the tongue form two groups, which differ morphologically and physiologically. (1.) The mUCOUS glands (Weber's glands), occurring chiefly near the root of the tongue, are branched tubular glands lined with clear trans- parent secretory cells whose nuclei are placed near the attached end of the cells. The acini have a distinct membrana propria. (2.) The serous glands (Ebner's) are acinous glands occurring in the region of the circumvallate papillae (and in animals near the papillae foliatse). They are lined with turbid granular epithelium with a central nucleus, and they secrete saliva (Henle). (3.) The glands of Blandin and Nuhn are placed near the tip of the tongue, and consist of mucous and serous acini, so that they are mixed glands (Podwisotzky). The blood-vessels are moderately abundant, and the larger trunks lie in the 280 THE SALIVARY GLANDS. sub-mucosa, whilst the finer twigs penetrate into the papilla, where they form either a capillary net- work or simple loops. The larger lymphatics lie in the sub-mucosa, whilst the finer brandies form a fine net-work placed in the mucosa. The lymph-follicles also belong to the lymphatic system. On the dorsum of the posterior part of the tongue they form an almost continuous layer. They are round or oval (1-1 '5 mm. in diameter), and placed in the sub-mucosa. They consist of adenoid tissue loaded with lymph - corpuscles. The outer part of the adenoid reticulum is compressed so as to form a kind of capsule for each follicle. Similar follicles occur in the intestine as solitary follicles, in the small intestine they are collected together into Peyer's patches, and in the spleen they occur as Malpighian corpuscles. On the dorsum of the tongue several of these follicles form a slightly oval elevation, which is surrounded by connective tissue. In the centre of this elevation there is a depres- sion into which a mucous gland opens, which fills the small cj-ater with mucus. The Tonsils have fundamentally the same structure. On their surface are a number of depressions into which the ducts of small mucous glands opeu. Thefe depressions are surrounded by groups (10-20) of lymph-follicles, and the whole is environed by a capsule of connective tissue. After E. H. Weber discovered lymphatics in the neighbourhood of the tonsils, Briicke referred these structures to the lymphatic system. Large lymph-spaces, communicating with lymphatics, occur in the neighbourhood of the tonsils, but as yet a direct connection between the spaces in the follicles and the lymph-vessels has not been proved to exist. Stohr found that numerous leucocytes passed between the epithelium covering the tonsils, and reached the mouth. Nerves- — Numerous medullated nerve-fibres occur in the sub-mucosa, pass into the mucosa and terminate partly in the individual papilla? in Krause's End-bulbs, which are most abundant in the lips and soft palate, and not so numerous in the cheeks and in the floor of the mouth. The nerves administer not only to common sensation, but they also are the organs of transmission for tactile (heat and pres- sure) impressions. It is highly probable, however, that some nerve-fibres end in fine terminal fibrils, between the epithelial cells, such as occur in the cornea and elsewhere . 142. The Salivary Glands. Structure of the Duds. — The three pairs of salivary glands, sub- maxillary, sub-lingual, and parotid, are compound tubular glands. Fig. 116, A, shows a fine duct, terminating in the more or less flask- shaped alveoli or acini. [Each gland consists of a number of lobes, and each lobe in turn of a number of lobules, which, again, are composed of acini. All these are held together by a framework of con- nective tissue. The larger branches of the duct lie between the lobules, and constitute the intcrlobular ducts, giving branches to each lobule which they enter, constituting the intralobular ducts. These intralobular ducts branch and finally terminate in connection with the alveoli, by means of an intermediary or intercalary part. The larger interlobar and inter- lobular ducts consist of a membrana propria, strengthened outside with fibrous and elastic tissue, and in some places also by non-striped muscle, while the ducts are lined by columnar epithelial cells. In the largest branches, there is a second row of smaller cells, lying between THE STRUCTURE OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS. 281 the large cells and the membrana propria. The intralobular ducts are lined by a single layer of large cylindrical epithelium. As is shown in Fig. 1 1 6, E, the nucleus occurs about the middle of the cell, while the outer half, i.e., next the basement membrana of the cell, is finely striated longitudinally, which is due to fibrilke; the inner half next the lumen is granular. The intermediary part is narrow, and is lined with a single layer of flattened cells, each with an elongated oval nucleus. There is usually a narrow " neck," where the intralobular duct becomes continuous with the intermediary part, and here the cells are polyhedral (Klein). The acini, or alveoli, are the parts where the actual process of secretion takes place. They vary somewhat in shape — some are tubular, others branched, some are dilated and resemble a Florence flask, and several of them usually open into one intermediary part of a duct. Each rOr\ Fig. 116. A, duct and acini of the parotid gland of a dog ; B, acini of the sub-maxillary gland of a dog ; c, refractive mucous cells; d, granular half-moons of Gianuzzi; C, similar alveoli after prolonged secretion; D, basket-shaped tissue investment of an acinus; E, transverse section of an excretory duct lined with cylindrical "rodded" epithelium; F, entrance of a non-medullated nerve-fibre into a secretory cell. alveolus is bounded by a basement membrane, with a reticulate structure made up of nucleated, branched and anastomosing cells, so as to resemble a basket (D). There is a homogeneous membrane bounding the 282 THE STRUCTURE OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS. alveoli in addition to this basket-shaped structure. Immediately out- side this membrane is a lymph-space (Gianuzzi), and outside this again the net-work of capillaries is distributed. [The extent to which this lymph-space is filled with lymph determines the distance of the capil- laries from the membrana propria. The interalveolar lymph-spaces communicate with large lymph-spaces between the lobules, which in turn communicate with perivascular lymphatics around the arteries and veins.] The lymphatics emerge from the gland at the hilum. The secretory cells vary in structure, according as the salivary gland is a mucous [sub-maxillary and sub-lingual of the dog and cat], a serous [parotid of man, and mammals, and sub-maxillary of rabbit], or a mixed gland [human sub-maxillary and sub-lingual]. Mucous Acini. — The secretory cells of mucous glands, and the mucous acini of mixed glands (Fig. 117), are lined by a single layer of " mucin cells " (Heidenhain) (Fig. 116, B, c), which are large cells distended with mucin, or at least with a hypothetical sub- stance, mucigen, which yields mucin. The mucin cells are more or less spheroidal in shape, clear, shining, highly refractive, and nearly fill the acinus. The flattened nucleus is near the wall of the acinus. Each cell has a fine process which over- laps the fixed part of the cell next to it. Owing to the fact that the body of each cell is infiltrated with mucin, these cells do not stain with carmine, although the nucleus and its immediately investing protoplasm do. Another kind of cell occurs in the sub-maxillary gland of the dog. It forms a half- moon-shaped structure (Gianuzzi) lying in direct contact with the wall of the acinus. Each " half- moon " or " crescent " con- sists of a number of small, closely packed, angular, strongly albuminous cells with small oval nuclei, which, however, are separated only with difficulty. Hence, Heidenhain has called them " composite marginal cells " (B, d.} They are granular, darker, devoid Fig. 117. Section of part of the human sub-maxillary gland. On the left of the figure is a group of serous alveoli, and on the right a group of mucous alveoli. HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE SALIVARY GLANDS. 283 of mucin, and stain readily with pigments. [In the sub- maxillary gland of the cat there is a complete layer of these " marginal " carmine-staining cells lying between the mucous cells and the mem- brana propria.] [Serous Acini. — In true serous glands (parotid of man and mammals) and in the serous acini of mixed glands, the acini are lined by a single layer of secretory columnar finely granular cells, which in the quiescent condition completely fill the acinus, so that scarcely any lumen is left. Just before secretion, or when these cells are quiescent, Langley has shown that they are large and filled with numerous granules, which obscure the presence of the nucleus. As secretion takes place, these granules seem to be used up or discharged into the lumen; at least, the outer part of each cell gradually becomes clear and more transparent, and this condition spreads towards the inner part of the cell.] [In the mixed or muco-salivary glands (Klein), (e.g., human sub- maxillary), some of the alveoli are mucous and others serous in their characters, but the latter are always far more numerous, and the one kind of acinus is directly continuous with the others (Fig. 117)]. 143. Histological Changes during the Activity of the Salivary Glands. [The condition of physiological activity of the gland-cells is accom- panied by changes in the histological characters of the secretory cells.] [Serous Glands. — The changes in the secretory cells have been care- fully studied in the parotid of the rabbit. The histological appearances vary somewhat, according as the glands are examined in the fresh condition or after hardening in various reagents, such as absolute alcohol. When the gland is at rest, in a preparation hardened in alcohol, and stained with carmine, the cells consist of a pale, almost uncoloured substance, with a few fine granules, and a small irregular red-stained, shrivelled nucleus, devoid of a nucleolus. The appearance of the nucleus suggests the idea of its being shrivelled by the action of the hardening reagent (Fig. 1 1 8)]. [During activity, if the gland be caused to secrete by stimulating the sympathetic, all parts of the cells undergo a change (Figs. 118, 119) (1) The cells diminish somewhat in size; (2) the nuclei are no longer irregular, but round, with a sharp contour and nucleoli ; (3) the sub- stance of the cell itself is turbid, owing to the diminution of the clear substance, and the increase of the granules, especially near the nuclei ; (4) at the same time, the whole cell stains more deeply with carmine (Heidenhain). 284 HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE SALIVARY GLANDS. On studying the changes which occur in a living serous gland, Langley found that, during rest, the substance of the cells of the parotid is per- vaded by fine granules, which are so numerous as to obscure the nucleus, while the outlines of the cells are indistinct. No lumen is visible in the acini during activity, the granules disappear from the outer zone of the cells, the cells themselves becoming more distinct and smaller. After ^S^^feS^fe w»^-^§ssMi ijpr 4-14'iWH.SSlW *-- ?i>---^7^< ^.lE"!**.' «>J 'wife^*^ £»".-' Fis. 118. Fiir. 119. Sections of a "serous" gland — the parotid of a rabbit, Fig. 118, at rest; Fig. 110, after stimulation of the cervical sympathetic. prolonged secretion, the granules largely disappear from the cell-substance except quite near the inner margin. The cells are smaller, their outlines more distinct, their round nuclei apparent, and the lumen of the acini is wide and distinct. Thus, it is evident that, during rest, granules are manufactured, which disappear during the activity of the cells, the dis- appearance taking place from without inwards. Similar changes occur in the cells of the pancreas.] [Mucous Glands. — More complex changes occur in the mucous glands, such as the sub-maxillary or orbital glands of the dog (Lavdovsky). The appearances vary according to the intensity and duration of the secretory activity. The mucous cells at rest are large, clear, and refractive, containing a flattened nucleus (Fig. 116, B, c), surrounded with a small amount of protoplasm, and placed near the basement membrane. The clear sub- stance does not stain with carmine, and consists of mucigen lying in the wide spaces of an intracellular plexus of fibrils. After prolonged secretion, produced, it may be, by strong and continued stimulation of the chorda, the mucous cells of the sub-maxillary gland of the dog undergo a great change.] The distended, refractive, and " mucous-cells," which occur in the quiescent gland, and which do not stain with carmine, do not appear after the gland has been in a state of activity. Their place is taken by small dark protoplasmic cells (Fig. 116, C), devoid of mucin. These cells THE NERVES OF THE SALIVARY GLANDS, 285 readily stain with carmine, whilst their nucleus is scarcely, if at all, coloured by the dye. The researches of R. Heidenhain (1868) have shed much light on the secretory activity of the salivary glands. The change may be produced in two ways. Either it is due to the "mucous cells " during secretion becoming broken up, so that they yield their mucin directly to the saliva ; in saliva rich in mucin, small microscopic pieces of mucin are found, and sometimes mucous cells themselves are present. Or, we must assume that the mucous cells simply eliminate the mucin from their bodies (Ewald, Stohr); while, after a period of rest, new mucin is formed. According to this view, the dark granular cells of the glands, after active secretion, are simply mucous cells, which have given out their mucin. If we assume, with Heidenhain, that the mucous cells break up, then these granular non-mucous cells must be regarded as new formations produced by the proliferation and growth of the composite marginal cells, i.e., the crescents, or half -moons of Gianuzzi. [During rest, the protoplasm seems to manufacture mucigen, which is changed into and discharged as mucin in the secretion, when the gland is actively secreting. Thus, the cells become smaller, but the proto- plasm of the cell seems to increase, new mucigen is manufactured during rest, and the cycle is repeated.] 144. The Nerves of the Salivary Glands. The nerves are for the most part medullated, and enter at the hiluni of the gland, where they form a rich plexus provided with ganglia between the lobules. [According to Klein, there are no ganglia in the parotid gland.] All the salivary glands are supplied by branches from two different nerves — from the sympathetic and from a cranial nerve. 1. The sympathetic nerve gives branches to (a.) the sub-maxillaiy and the sub- lingual glands, derived from the plexus on the external maxillary artery • (6.) to the parotid gland from the carotid plexus. 2. The facial nerve gives branches to the sub-maxillary and sub-lingual glands from the chorda tympani which accompanies the lingual branch of the fifth nerve. The branches to the parotid reach it in a roundabout way. They arise from the tympanic branch of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve (dog). The tympanic plexus sends fibres to the small superficial petrosal nerve (Eckhard, Loeb, Heiden- hain), and with it these fibres run to the anterior surface of the pyramid in the temporal bone, and, after passing through the fora- men lacerum anticum, reach the otic ganglion. This ganglion sends branches to the auriculo-temporal nerve (itself derived from the third branch of the trigeminus), which, as it passes upwards to the tem- poral region under cover of the parotid, gives branches to this gland (v. Wittich). The sub-maxillary ganglion, which gives branches to the sub- 286 ACTION OF NERVES ON THE SECRETION OF SALIVA. maxillary and sub-lingual glands, receives fibres from the tympanico- lingual nerve, as well as sympathetic fibres from the plexus on the external maxillary artery. Termination of the nerve-fibres. — With regard to the ultimate distribution of these nerves we can distinguish (1) the vaso-motor nerves, which give branches to the walls of the blood-vessels ; and (2) the secretory nerves proper. Pfliiger states, with regard to the latter, that (a.) medullated nerve-fibres penetrate the acini ; the sheath of Schwann (gray sheath) unites with the membrana propria of the acinus ; the medullated fibre — still medullated — passes between the secretory cells, where it divides and becomes non-medullated, and its axial cylinder terminates in connection with"1 the nucleus of a secretory cell. [This, however, is not proved] (Fig. 116, F). (b) According to Pfliiger, some of the nerve-fibres end in multipolar ganglion cells, which lie outside the wall of the acinus, and these cells send branches to the secretory cells of the acini. [These cells probably correspond to the branched cells of the basket-shaped structure.] (c) Again, he describes medullated fibres which enter the attached end of the cylindrical epithelium lining the excretory ducts of the glands (E). Pfliiger thinks that those fibres entering the acini directly are cerebral, while those with ganglia in their course are derived from the sympathetic system. [(d) The direct termination of nerve-fibres has been observed hi the salivary glands of the cockroach by Kupffer.] 145. Action of the Nervous System on the Secretion of Saliva. A. Sub-maxillary Gland. — Stimulation of the facial nerve at its origin (Ludwig and Rahn) causes a profuse secretion of a thin watery saliva, which contains a very small amount of specific consti- tuents (Eckhard). Simultaneously with the act of secretion, the blood- vessels of the glands become dilated, and the capillaries are so distended that the pulsatile movement in the arteries is propagated into the veins. Nearly four times as much blood flows out of the veins (Cl. Bernard), the blood being of a bright red colour, and contains one- third more 0 than the venous blood of the non-stimulated gland. Notwithstanding this relatively high percentage of 0, the secreting gland uses more O than the passive gland (§ 131, 1). [If a cannula be placed in AVharton's duct, e.g., in a dog, and the chorda tympani be divided, no secretion flows from the cannula. On stimulating the peripheral end of the chorda tympani with an interrupted current of electricity, the same results — copious secretion of saliva and vascular dilatation, with increased flow of blood through the gland— ACTION OF NERVES ON THE SECRETION OF SALIVA. 287 occur, as when the origin of the seventh nerve itself is stimulated. The watery saliva is called chorda saliva.] Two functionally different kinds of nerve-fibres occur in the facial nerve — (1) True secretory fibres, (2) vaso-dilator fibres. The increased amount of secretion is not due simply to the increased blood supply. II. Stimulation of the sympathetic nerve causes a scanty amount of a very thick, sticky, mucous secretion (Eckhard), in which the specific salivary constituents, mucin, and the salivary corpuscles are very abundant. The specific gravity of the saliva is raised from 1,007 to 1,010. Simultaneously the blood-vessels become contracted, so that the blood flows more slowly from the veins, and has a dark bluish colour. The sympathetic also contains two kinds of nerve-fibres — (1) True secretory fibres, and (2) vaso-constrictor fibres. Relation to Stimulus. — On stimulating the cerebral nerves,at first with a weak and gradually with a stronger stimulus, there is a gradual development of the secretion in which the solid constituents — occasionally the organic — are increased (Heidenhain). If a strong stimulus be applied for a long time, the secretion diminishes, becomes watery, and is poor in specific constituents, especially in the organic elements, which are more affected than the inorganic (C. Ludwig and Becher). After prolonged stimulation of the sympathetic, the secretion resembles the chorda saliva. It would seem, therefore, that the chorda and sympathetic saliva are not specifically distinct, but vary only in degree. On continuing the stimula- tion of the nerves up to a certain maximal limit, the rapidity of secretion becomes greater, and the percentage of salts also increases to a certain maximum, and this independently of the former condition of the glands. The percentage of organic constituents also depends on the strength of the nervous stimulation, but not on this alone, as it is essentially contingent upon the condition of the gland before the secretion took place, and it also depends upon the duration and intensity of the previous secretory activity. Very strong stimulation of the gland leaves an "after-effect" which predisposes it to give off organic constituents into the secretion (Heidenhain). Relation to Blood Supply. — The secretion of saliva is not simply the result of the amount of blood in the glands ; that there is a factor independent of the changes in the state of the vessels is shown by the following facts : — (1.) The secretory activity of the glands when their nerves are stimulated con- tinues for some time after the blood-vessels of the gland have been ligatured (Ludwig, Czermack). [If the head of a rabbit be cut off, stimulation of the seventh nerve, above where the chorda leaves it, causes a flow of saliva which cannot be accounted for on the supposition that the saliva already present in the salivary glands is forced out of them. Thus we may have secretion without a blood-stream. The saliva is really secreted from the lymph present in lymph-spaces of the gland (Ludwig)]. (2.) Atropin and Daturiit extinguish the activity of the secretory fibres in the chorda tympaui, but do not affect the vaso-dilator fibres (Heidenhain). The same results occur after the injection of acids and alkalies into the excretory duct (Gianuzzi). 288 ACTION OF NERVES ON THE SECRETION OF SALIVA, (3.) The pressure in the excretory duct of the salivary gland — measured by means of a manometer tied into it — may be nearly twice as great as the pressure within the arteries of the glands (Ludwig), or even in the carotid itself. The pressure in Whartoii's duct may reach 200 mm. Hg. (•4. ) Just as in the case of muscles and nerves, the salivary glands become fatigued or exhausted after prolonged action. This result may also be brought about by in- jecting acids or alkalies into the duct, which shows that the secretory activity of the gland is independent of the circulation (Gianuzzi). [The vascular dilatation and the increased flow of saliva due to the activity of the secretory cells, produced by stimulation of the chorda tympani, although they occur simultaneously, do not stand in the rela- tion of cause and effect. We may cause vascular dilatation without an increased flow of saliva, as already stated (2). If atropin be given to an animal, stimulation of the chorda produces dilatation of the blood- vessels, but no secretion of saliva. Atropin paralyses the secretory fibres, but not the vaso-dilator fibres (Fig. 120). The increased supply of blood, while not causing, yet favours the act of secretion, by placing a larger amount of pabulum at the disposal of the secretory elements, the cells.] [The experiment described under (3.) proves, in a definite manner, that the passage of the water from the blood-vessels, or at least from the lymph into the acini of the gland, cannot be due to the blood- pressure; that, in fact, it is not a mere process of filtration, such as occurs in the glomeruli of the kidney. In the case of the salivary gland, where the pressure within the gland may be double that of the arterial pressure, the water actually moves from the lymph against very great resistance. We can only account for this result by ascribing it to the secretory activity of the gland-cells themselves. Whether the activities of the gland-cells, as suggested by Heidenhain, are governed directly by two distinct kinds of nerve-fibres, a set of solid-secreting fibres, and a set of water-secreting fibres, remains to be proved.] All these facts lead us to conclude that the nerves exercise a direct effect upon the secretory cells, apart from their action on the blood-vessels. This physiological consideration goes hand in hand with the anatomical fact of the direct continuation of nerve-fibres with the secretory cells. When the chorda tympani is extirpated on one side in young dogs, the sub-maxillary gland on that side does not develop so much — its weight is 50 per cent, less — while the mucous cells and the "crescents" are smaller than on the sound side (Bufalini). During secretion, the temperature of the gland rises 1'5°C (Ludwig), and the blood flowing from the veins is often warmer than the arterial blood. "Paralytic Secretion" of Saliva. — By this term is meant the continued secretion of a thin watery saliva from the sub-maxillary gland, which occurs 24 hours after the secretion of the cerebral nerves (chorda of the seventh), i.e., those branches of them that go to this gland, whether the REFLEX SECRETION OF SALIVA. 289 sympathetic be divided or not (Cl. Bernard). It increases until the eighth day, after which it gradually diminishes, while the gland tissue degenerates. The injection of a small quantity of curara into the artery of the gland also causes it. Perhaps it arises from the secretion, which stagnates within the gland after section of the nerves, acting as a direct stimulus to secretion (Heidenhain). Perhaps it may be explained as a degeneration effect, comparable to the fibrillar contractions which occur in a muscle after secretion of its motor nerve. B. Sub-lingnal Gland. — Very probably the same relations obtain as in the sub-maxillary gland. C. Parotid Gland. — In the dog, stimulation of the sympathetic alone, causes no secretion ; it occurs Avhen the glosso-pharyngeal branch to the parotid is simultaneously excited. This branch may be reached within the tympanum in the tympanic plexus. A thick secretion containing much organic matter is thereby obtained. Stimulation of the cerebral branch alone yields a clear thin watery secretion, containing a very small amount of organic substances, but a considerable amount of the salts of the saliva (Heidenhain). Reflex Secretion of Saliva. — [If a cannula be placed in Wharton's duct, e.g., in a dog, during fasting, no saliva will now out. If the mu- cous membrane of the mouth be stimulated by a sapid substance placed on the tongue, there is a copious flow of saliva. If the sympathetic nerve be divided, secre- tion still takes place when the mouth is stimulated, but if the chorda tympaui be cut, secretion no longer takes place. Hence, the secretion is a reflex act ; in this case, the lingual is the afferent, and the chorda the nerve-carry- ing impulses from a centre situated in the medulla oblongata (Fig. 120).] In the intact body, the secretion of saliva Vsss Diagram of a salivary gland. occurs through a reflex stimulation of the nerves concerned, whereby under normal circumstances the secretion is always watery (chorda or facial saliva). The centripetal or afferent nerve-fibres concerned are: — (1) The nerves of taste. (2) The sensory branches of the trigeminus of the entire cavity of the mouth and the glosso-pharyngeal (which appear to be capable of being stimulated by mechanical stimuli, pressure, 19 290 REFLEX SECRETION OF SALIVA. tension, displacement). The movements of mastication also cause a secretion of saliva. Pfliiger found that one-third more saliva was secreted on the side where mastication took place ; and Cl. Bernard observed that the secretion ceased in horses during the act of drinking. (3) The nerves of smell, excited by certain odours. (4) The gastric branches of the vagus (Frerichs, Oehl). A rush of saliva into the mouth usually precedes the act of vomiting (p. 310). (5) The stimulation of distant sensory nerves, e.g., the central end of the sciatic — certainly through a complicated reflex mechanism — causes a secretion of saliva (Owsjannikow and Tschierjew). Perhaps the secretion of saliva, which sometimes occurs during pregnancy, is caused in the same reflex manner. Stimulation of the conjunctiva, e.g., by applying an irritating fluid to the eye of carnivorous animals, causes a reflex secretion of saliva (Aschanbrandt). The reflex centre for the secretion of saliva lies in the medulla oblongata, at the origin of the seventh and ninth cranial nerves (Eckhard, Loeb). The centre for the sympathetic fibres is also placed here (Griitzner and Chlapowski). This region is connected by nerve-fibres with the cerebrum; hence, the thought of a savory morsel, some- times when one is hungry, causes a rapid secretion of a thin watery fluid — [or, as we say, " makes the mouth water "]. If the centre be stimulated directly by a mechanical stimulus (puncture), salivation occurs, while asphyxia has the same effect. The reflex secretion of saliva may be inhibited by stimulation of certain sensory nerves, e.g., by pulling out a loop of the intestine (Pawlow). Stimulation of the cortex cerebri of a dog, near the sulcus cruciatus, is often followed by secretion of saliva (Eulenberg and Landois, Bochefontaine, Bubnoff, and Heideuhain). Disease of the brain in man sometimes causes a secretion of saliva, owing to the effects produced on the intracranial centre. So long as there is no stimulation of the nerves, there is no secretion of saliva, as in sleep (Mitscherlich). Directly after the section of all the nerves, secretion stops, for a time at least. Pathological Conditions and Poisons.— Certain affections, as inflammation of the mouth, neuralgia, ulcers of the mucous membrane, affections of the gums, due to teething or the prolonged administration of mercury, often produce a copious secretion of saliva (or ptyalism). Certain poisons cause the same effect by direct stimulation of the nerves, as Calabar bean (Physostigmin), digitalin, and especially pilocarpin. Many poisons, especially the narcotics — above all, atropin — imralyse the secretory nerves, so that there is a cessation of the secretion, and the mouth becomes dry ; while the administration of muscarin in this condition causes secretion (Prevost). Pilocarpin acts on the chorda tympaui, causing a profuse secretion, and, if atropin be given, the secretion is again arrested. Conversely, if the secretion be arrested by atropin, it may be restored by the action of pilocarpin or physostigmin. Nicotin, in small does, excites the secretory nerves, but in large doses paralyses them (Heidenhain). Daturin, cicutin, and iodide of a;thylstrychnine, paralyse the chorda. THE PAROTID SALIVA. 291 Theory Of Salivary Secretion. — Heidenhain has recently formulated the following theory regarding the secretion of saliva : — " During the passive or quies- cent condition of the gland, the organic materials of the secretion are formed from and by the activity of the protoplasm of the secretory cells. A quiescent cell, which has been inactive for some time, therefore contains little protoplasm, and a large amount of these secretory substances. In an actively secreting gland, there are two processes occurring together, but independent of each other, and regulated by two different classes of nerve-fibres ; secretory fibres cause the act of secretion, while trophic fibres cause chemical processes within the cells, partly resulting in the formation of the soluble constituents of the secre- tion, and partly in growth of the protoplasm. According to the number of both kinds of fibres present in a nerve passing to a gland, such nerve being stimulated, the secretion takes place more rapidly (cerebral nerve) or more slowly (sympathetic), while the secretion contains less or more solid constituents. The cerebral nerves contain many secretory fibres and few trophic fibres, while the sympathetic contains many trophic, but few secretory fibres. The rapidity and chemical composition of the secretion vary, according to the strength of the stimulus. During continued secretion, the supply of secretory materials in the gland-cells is used up more rapidly than it is replaced by the activity of the pro- toplasm ; hence, the amount of organic constituents diminishes, and the micro- scopic characters of the cells are altered. The microscopic characters of the cells are altered also by the increase of the protoplasm, which takes place in an active gland. The mucous cells disappear, and seem to be dissolved after prolonged secretion, and their place is taken by other cells derived from the proliferation of the marginal cells. The energy which causes the current of fluid depends upon the protoplasm of the gland-cells." The saliva is diminished in amount in man in cases of paralysis of the facial or sympathetic nerves, as is observed in unilateral paralysis of these nerves. 146. The Saliva of the Individual Glands. (a.) The Parotid Saliva is obtained by placing a fine cannula in Steno's duct (Eckhard) ; it has an alkaline reaction, but during fasting, the first few drops may be neutral or even acid on account of free C02 (Oehl) — its specific gravity is 1,003 to 1,004. When allowed to stand it becomes turbid, and deposits, in addition to albuminous matter, calcium carbonate, which is present in the fresh saliva in the form of bicarbonate. Salivary calculi are formed in the ducts of the salivary glands, owing to the deposition of lime salts, and they contain only traces of the other salivary con- stitueuts ; in the same way is formed the tartar of the teeth, which contains many threads of leptothrix, and the remains of low organisms which live in decom- posing saliva in carious cavities between the teeth. It contains small quantities (more abundant in the horse) of a globulin-like body, and never seems to be without C N K S sulpho- cyanide of potassium (or sodium — Treviranus, 1814), which, however, is absent in the sheep and dog (Brettel). The sulphocyanide gives a dark red colour (ferric sulphocyauide) with ferric chloride. It also reduces iodic acid when added to saliva, causing a yellow colour from the liberation of iodine, which may be detected at once by starch (Solera). 292 THE MIXED SALIVA IN THE MOUTH. Mucin is absent, hence the parotid saliva is fluid, is not sticky, and can readily be poured from one vessel into another. It contains 1*5-1 '6 per cent, of solids (Mitscherlich, van Setten) in man, of which 0'3-1P0 per cent, is inorganic. Amongst the organic substances the most important are Ptyalin, a small amount of urea (Gobley), and traces of a volatile acid (Caproic ?) Of the inorganic constituents — the most abundant are potassium and sodium chlorides ; then potassium, sodium, and calcium carbonates, some phosphates and a trace of an alkaline sulphate. (b.) The Sub -maxillary Saliva is obtained by placing a cannula in Wharton's duct; it is alkaline, and may be strongly so. When allowed to stand for a long time, fine crystals of calcium carbonate are deposited, together with an amorphous albuminous body. It always contains mucin (which is precipitated by acetic acid) ; hence, it is usually some- what tenacious. Farther, it contains ptyalin, but in less amount than in parotid saliva ; and, according to Oehl, only 0'0036 per cent, of potassium sulphocyauide. Chemical Composition.— Sub-maxillary saliva (dog) : Water, .... 991-45 per 1,000, Organic Matter, . . 2 -89 ,, ,, ( 4-50 NaCl and CaCl2. Inorganic Matter, . . 5-6G< 1'IG CaCO3, Calcium and Magnesium ( phosphates. Pfluger found that 100 cubic centimetres of the saliva contained 0'6 O— 64'7 C02 (part could be pumped out, and part required the addition of phosphoric acid); 0-8 N.; or, in 100 vol. gas, 0.91 O ; 97 '88 C02, 1'21 N. (c.) The Sub-lingual Saliva is obtained by placing a very fine cannula in the ductus Rivinianus (Oehl), is strongly alkaline in reaction, very sticky and cohesive, contains much mucin, numerous salivary corpuscles, and some potassium sulphocyanide (Louget). 147, The Mixed Saliva in the Mouth. The fluid in the mouth is a mixture of the secretions from the salivary glands, and the secretions of the mucous glands of the mouth. (1.) Physical Characters. — The mixed saliva of the mouth is a some- what opalescent, tasteless, odourless, slightly glairy, fluid, with a specific gravity of 1,004-1,009, and an alkaline reaction. The amount secreted in 2-i hours— 200 to 1,500 grammes (7-70 oz.) ; according to Bidder and Schmidt, however, 1,000 to 2,000 grammes. The solid con- stituents = 5'8 per 1,000. Composition. — The solids are: — Epithelium and mucus, 2'2 ; ptyalin and albumin, 1/4 ; salts, 2'2 ; potassium sulphocyanide, 0'04per 1,000. The ash con- tains chiefly potash, phosphoric acid, and chlorine (Hammerbacher). Decomposition products of epithelium, salivary corpuscles, or the remains of food, THE MIXED SALIVA IN THE MOUTH. 293 may render it acid temporarily, as after long fasting, and after much speaking (Hoppe-Seyler). Even outside the body, saliva containing much epithelium becomes acid before it putrifies (Gorup-Besanez). The reaction is acid in some cases of dyspepsia and in fever, owing to the stagnation and insufficient secretion. (2.) Microscopic Constituents. — (a.) The salivary corpuscles are slightly larger than the white blood-corpuscles (8-11 /z), and are nucleated pro- toplasmic globular cells without an envelope. During their living condition, the particles in their interior exhibit molecular or Broivnian movement. The dark granules lying in the protoplasm are thrown into a trembling movement, from the motion of the fluid in which they are suspended. This dancing motion stops when the cell dies. [The Brownian movements of these suspended granules are purely physical, and are exhibited by all fine microscopic particles suspended in a limpid fluid — e.g., gamboge rubbed up in water, particles of carmine, charcoal, &c.] (b.) Pavement epithelial cells from the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue ; they are very abundant in catarrh of the mouth (Fig. 115, 8). (c.~) Living organisms, which live and thrive in the cavities of teeth nourished by the remains of food. Amongst these are Lcptothrix buccalis (Fig. 115, 12) and small bacteria-like organisms. (3.) Chemical Properties — (a.) Organic Constituents. — Serum-albumin is precipitated by heat and by the addition of alcohol. In saliva, mixed with much water and shaken up with C02, a globulin-Wee body is precipitated ; mucin occurs in small amount. Amongst the extractives, the most important is ptyalin (Berzelius) ; fats and urea occur only in traces. In twenty-four hours 130 milligrammes of potassium or sodium sulphocyanide are secreted. (b.) Inorganic Constituents. — Sodium and potassium chlorides, potas- sium sulphate, alkaline and earthy phosphates, ferric phosphate. Abnormal Constituents. — In diabetes mellitus, lactic acid, derived from a further decomposition of grape-sugar, is found (Lehmann). It dissolves the lime in the teeth, giving rise to diabetic dental caries. Frerichs found leucin, and Vulpian increase of albumin in albuminuria. Of foreign substances taken into the body, the following appear in the saliva : — Mercury, potassium, iodine, and bromine. Saliva of New-born Children.— In new-born children, the parotid alone contains ptyalin. The diastatic ferment seems to be developed in the sub-maxillary gland, and pancreas at the earliest after two months. Hence, it is not advisable to give starchy food to infants. No ptyalin has been found in the saliva of infants suffering from thrush (Oidium albicans — Zweifel). The diastatic action of saliva is not absolutely necessary for the suckling, feeding as it does upon milk. The mouth during the first two months is not moist, but at a later period saliva is copiously secreted (Korowin) ; after the first six months, the salivary glands 294 PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF SALIVA. increase considerably. The eruption of the teeth — owing to the irritation of the mucous membrane — produces a copious secretion of saliva. 148. Physiological Action of Saliva, I. The most important part played by saliva in digestion is its diastatic or amylolytic action (Leuchs, 1831) — i.e., the transformation of starch into dextrin and some form of sugar. This is due to the ptyalin — a hydrolytic ferment or ensym — which acts in very minute quantity, so that starch takes up water and becomes soluble, the ferment itself undergoing no essential change in the process. [Ptyalin belongs to the group of unorganised ferments. Like all other ferments it acts only within a certain range of temperature, being most active about 40°C. Its energy is permanently destroyed by boiling. It acts best in a slightly alkaline or neutral medium.] Action on Starch. — [Starch grains consist of granulose or starch enclosed by coats of cellulose. Cellulose does not appear to be affected by saliva, so that saliva acts but slowly on raw, unboiled starch. If the starch be boiled so as to swell up the starch grains and rupture the cellulose envelopes, the amylolytic action takes place rapidly.] [If starch paste or starch-mucilage, made by boiling starch in water, be acted upon by saliva, especially at the temperature of the body, the first physical change observable is the liquefaction of the paste, the mixture becoming more fluid and transparent. The change takes place in a few minutes. When the action is continued, important chemical changes occur.] According to O'Sullivan, Musculus, and v. Mering, the diastatic ferment of saliva (and of the pancreas) by acting upon starch or glycogen forms maltose and dextrin (both soluble in water). Several closely allied varieties of dextrin, distinguishable by their colour reactions, seem to be produced (Briicke). Erytlirodextrin is formed first ; it gives a red colour with iodine, then a reducing dextrin — Achroodextrin, which gives no colour reaction with iodine. The sugar formed by the action of ptyaline upon starch is maltose (C12H22011-|-H20), which is distinguished from grape-sugar (C12H24012) by containing one molecule less of water, which, however, it holds as a molecule of water of hydration, as indicated in the formula given above (Ad. Mayer). [Maltose also differs from grape-sugar in its greater rotatory power on polarised light, and in its less power of reducing cupric oxide.] [Thus, it will be seen that between the original starch and the final product, maltose, several intermediate bodies are formed. The starch PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF SALIVA. 295 gives a blue with iodine, but after it has been acted on for a time it gives a red or violet colour, indicating the presence of erythrodextrin, there being a simultaneous production of sugar; but ultimately no colour is obtained on adding iodine — achroodextrin, which gives no colour with iodine, and maltose being formed. The presence of the maltose is easily determined by testing with Fehling's solution. Brown and Heron suggest that the final result of the transformation may be represented by the equation — 10 (C12H20010) + 8 H20 = 8 (C12H22On) + 2 (C12H20010) Soluble starch. Water. Maltose. Achroodextrin.] The ferment slowly changes maltose into grape-sugar or dextrose. This result may be brought about much more rapidly by boiling maltose with dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Achroodextrin ultimately passes into maltose, and this again into dextrose ; the other form of dextrin does not seem to undergo this change (Seegen's Dystropodex- trin). For the further changes that maltose undergoes in the intestine, see Intestinal Juice, ii., 2. [The formula of starch is usually expressed as C6H1005, but the researches already mentioned, and those of Brown and Heron, make it probable that it is more complex, which we may provisionally represent by n (C^HgoOjo).] According to Musculus and Meyer, erythrodextrin is a mixture of dextrin and soluble starch. Preparation Of Ptyalin.— (1.) Like all other hydrolytic ferments, it is carried down with any copious precipitate that is produced in the fluid which contains it. It is easily isolated from the precipitate. The saliva is acidulated with phos- phoric acid, and lime-water is added until the reaction becomes alkaline, when a precipitate of basic calcium phosphate occurs, which carries the ptyaline along with it. This precipitate is collected on a filter and washed with water, which dissolves the ptyaline, and from its watery solution it is precipitated by alcohol as a white powder. It is redissolved in water and reprecipitated, and is obtained pure (Cohn- heim). (2.) V. W'MlcKs method. — The salivary glands [rat] are chopped up, placed in absolute alcohol for twenty-four hours, taken out and dried, and afterwards placed in glycerine for several days. The glycerine extracts the ptyalin. It is precipitated by alcohol from the glycerine extract. (3.) William Roberts recommends the following solutions for extracting ferments from organs which contain them: — (1) A 3-4 p.c. solution of a mixture of two parts of boracic acid and 1 part borax. (2) Water, with 12-15 p.c. of alcohol. (3) One part chloroform to 200 of water. Diastatic action Of Saliva.— («.) The diastatic or sugar-forming action is known by: — (1) The disappearance of the starch. When a small quantity of starch is boiled with several hundred times its volume of water, starch mucilage is obtained, which strikes a blue colour with iodine. If to a small quantity of this starch a sufficient amount of saliva be added, and the mixture kept for some time at the temperature of the body, the blue colour disappears. (2) The presence of sugar is proved directly by using the tests for sugar (§ 149). (&.) The action takes place more slowly in the cold than at the temperature of 296 FUNCTIONS OF SALIVA. the body— its action is enfeebled at 55°C., and destroyed at 75°C. {Paschutin). The most favourable temperature is 35°-39°C. (c.) The ptyalin itself does not seem to be changed during its action, but ptyalin which has been used for one experiment, is less active when used the Becond time (Paschutin). (d.) Saliva acts best in a slightly alkaline medium, but it also acts in a neutral and even in a slightly acid fluid; strong acidity prevents its action. The ptyalin is only active in the stomach when the acidity is due to organic acids (lactic or butyric), and not when free hydrochloric acid is present (vou den Velden). In both cases, however, dextrin is formed. Ptyalin is destroyed by hydrochloric acid or digestion by pepsin (Chittenden and Griswold). Even butyric and lactic acids formed from grape-sugar in the stomach may prevent its action; but if the acidity be neutralised, the action is resumed (01. Bernard). (e.) The addition of common salt, ammonium chloride, or sodium sulphate (4 p.c. solution), increases the activity of the ptyalin, and so do C02, acetate of quinine, strychnia, morphia, curara, 0'025 p.c. sulphuric acid. (/.) Much alcohol and caustic potash destroy the ptyalin; long exposure to the air weakens its action. Salicylic acid and much atropin arrest the formation of sugar. (#.) Ptyalin acts very feebly 'and very gradually upon raw starch, only after 2-3 hours (Schiff); while upon boiled starch it acts rapidly. [Hence the necessity for boiling thoroughly all starchy foods.] (/(.) The various kinds of starch are changed more or less rapidly according to the amount of cellulose which they contain; raw potato-starch after 2-3 hours, raw maize-starch after 2-3 minutes (Hammarsten). Starch cellulose is dissolved at 55°C. (Niigeli). When the starches are powdered and boiled, they are changed with equal rapidity. (£.) A mixture of the saliva from all the glands is more active than the saliva from any single gland (Jakubowitsch), while mucin is inactive. Ptyalin differs from diastase in so far that the latter first begins to act at + 66°C. Ptyalin decomposes salicin into saligenin and grape-sugar (Frerichs and Stlidler), but it has no action on cane-sugar and amygdalin. II. Saliva dissolves those substances which are soluble in Avater ; while the alkaline reaction enables it to dissolve some substances which are not soluble in water alone, but require the presence of an alkali. III. Saliva moistens dry food and aids the formation of the " bolus," while by its mucin it aids the act of swallowing, the mucin being given off unchanged in the fseces. The ultimate fate of ptyalin is unknown. [IV. Saliva also aids articulation, while according to Liebig it carries down into the stomach small quantities of 0.] [V. It is necessary to the sense of taste to dissolve sapid substances, and bring them in relation with the end-organs of the nerves of taste.] The presence of a peptone-forming ferment has recently been detected in saliva (Hiifner, Munk, Kuhne). This ferment is likewise said to occur in the saliva of the horse, which can also convert cane-sugar into invert sugar, and slightly einul- sionise fats (Ellenberger and v. Hofmeister). According to Hofmeister, the saliva of the sheep has a digestive action on cellulose . Saliva has no action on proteids, while on fats it produces a very feeble emulsion, TESTS FOR SUGAR. 297 149, Tests for Sugar, 1. Trommer's Test depends upon the fact that in alkaline solutions sugar acts as a reducing agent ; in this case a metallic oxide is changed into a suboxide. To the fluid to be investigated, add £ of its volume of a solution of caustic potash (soda) specific gravity 1*25, and a few drops of a weak solution of cupric sulphate, which causes at first a bluish precipitate consisting of hydrated cupric oxide, but it is redis- solved giving a clear blue fluid, if sugar be present. Heat the upper stratum of the fluid, and a yellow or red ring of cuprous oxide is obtained, which indicates the presence of sugar ; 2 CuO — 0 = Cu90. The solution of hydrated cupric oxide is caused by other organic substances; but the final stage, or the production of cuprous oxide is obtained only with certain sugars — grape, fruit and milk (but not cane) sugar. Fluids which are turbid must be previously filtered, and if they are highly coloured they must be treated with basic lead acetate ; the lead acetate is afterwards removed by the addition of sodium phosphate and subsequent filtration. If very small quantities of sugar are present along with compounds of ammonia, a yellow colour instead of a yellow precipitate may be obtained. In doing the test, care must be taken not to add too much cupric sulphate. [2. Fehling's Solution is an alkaline solution of potassio-tartarate of copper. Boil a small quantity of the deep-blue coloured Fehling's solution in a test tube, and add to the boiling test a few drops of the fluid supposed to contain the sugar. If sugar be present the copper solution is reduced, giving a yellow or reddish precipitate. The reason for boiling the test itself is, that the solution is apt to decom- pose when kept for some time, when it is precipitated by heat alone. This is one of the best and most reliable tests for the presence of sugar. In Pavy's modification of this test, ammonia is used instead of a caustic alkali.] 3. Bottger's Test.— Alkaline bismuth oxide solution (5 grammes each of basic bismuth nitrate, and tartaric acid, 30 cubic centimetres water, and caustic soda sufficient for neutralisation) is reduced to bismuth suboxide by sugar, with the formation of a dark olive green and ultimately black precipitate. 4. Moore and Heller's Test. — Caustic potash or soda is added until the mixture is strongly alkaline ; it is afterwards boiled. If sugar be present, a yellow, brown or brownish-black colouration is obtained. If nitric acid be added, the odour of burned sugar (caramel) and formic acid is obtained. 5. Mulder and Neubauer's Test. — A solution of indigo-carmine rendered alkaline with sodic carbonate, is added to the sugar-solution until a slight bluish colour is obtained. When the mixture is heated the colour passes into purple, red, and yellow. When shaken with atmospheric air, the fluid again becomes blue. In all cases where albumin is present it must be removed — in urine by acidula- ting with acetic acid and boiling; in blood, by adding four times its volume of alcohol and afterwards filtering, while the alcohol is expelled by heat. 298 VITANTITATIVE ESTIMATION OF SUGAR. 150. Quantitative Estimation of Sugar. I. By Fermentation. — Into the glass vessel ^_ ^- (Fig- 121, «) a measured quantity (20 cmtr.)of the fluid (sugar) is placed along with some yeast, while b contains concentrated sulphuric acid. The whole apparatus is now weighed. When exposed to a sufficient temperature (10-40°C.), the sugar splits into 2 molecules of alcohol and 2 of carbonic acid, •••••MM* Fig. 121. Apparatus for the quantitative estimation of sugar by fer- mentation. C6H1206 = 2 (C2H60) +2 (C0a), Grape-sugar = 2 alcohol + 2 carbonic acid ; and in addition there are formed traces of glycerine and succinic acid. The COg escapes from b, and as it passes through the H2S04, C02 yields to the latter its water. The apparatus is weighed after two days, when the reaction is ended, and the amoiiut of sugar is calculated from the loss of weight in the 20 cmtr. of fluid. 100 parts of water-free sugar = 48 "89 parts COg, or 100 parts C02 correspond to 204'54 parts of sugar. II. Titration. — By means of Fehling's solution, which consists of cupric sul- phate, tartrate of potash and soda, caustic soda, and water. It is made of such a strength that all the copper in 10 cubic centimetres of the solution is reduced by 0'05 grammes of grape-sugar (see Urine, vol. ii.). III. The amount may also be estimated by the polarisation apparatus (see Urine, vol. ii.). 151. Mechanism of the Digestive Apparatus. This embraces the following acts :— 1. The introduction of the food; the movements of mastication and those of the tongue ; insalivation and the formation of the bolus of food. 2. Deglutition. 3. The movements of the stomach, of the small and large intestine. 4. The excretion of faecal matters. 152. Introduction of the Food. Fluids are taken into the mouth in three ways: — (1) By suction, the lips are applied air-tight to the vessel containing the fluid, while the tongue is retracted (the lower jaw being often depressed) and acts like the piston in a suction pump, thus causing the fluid to enter the mouth. Herz found that the negative pressure caused by an infant while sucking = 3-10 mm. Hg. (2) The fluid is Japped when it is brought into direct contact with the lips, and is raised by aspiration and mixed with air so as to produce a characteristic sound in the mouth. (3) Fluid may be poured into the mouth, and as a general rule the lips are applied closely to the vessel containing the fluid. The solids when they consist of small particles are licked up with the lips, aided by the movements of the tongue. In the case of large THE MOVEMENTS OF MASTICATION. 299 masses, a part is bitten off with the incisor teeth, and is afterwards brought under the action of the molar teeth by means of the lips, cheeks, and tongue. 153. The Movements of Mastication. The articulation of the jaw is provided with an interarticular cartilage (Vidius, 1567) — the meniscus — which prevents direct pressure being made upon the articular surface when the jaws are energetically closed, and which also divides the joint into two cavities, one lying over the other. The capsule is so lax that, in addition to the raising and depressing of the lower jaw, it permits of the lower jaw being displaced forwards upon the articular tubercle, whereby the meniscus moves with it, and covers the articular surface. The process of mastication consists of the following movements : — («..) The elevation of the jaw is accomplished by the combined action of the Temporal, Masseter, and Internal Pterygoid Muscles. If the lower jaw was previously so far depressed that its articular surface rested upon the tubercle, it now passes backwards upon the articular surface. (&.) The depression of the lower jaw is caused by its own weight, aided by the action of the anterior bellies of the Digastrics, the Mylo- and Genio-hyoid and Platysma (Haller). The muscles act during forcible opening of the mouth. The necessary fixation of the hyoid bone is obtained through the action of the Omo- and Sterno-hyoid, and by the Sterno-thyroid and Thyro-hyoid. \Yhen the articular surface of the lower jaw passes forwards on to the tubercle, the External Pterygoids actively aid in producing this (Berard). (c.) Displacement of both or one articular surface forwards or backwards. During rest, when the mouth is closed, the incisor teeth of the lower jaw fall within the arch of the upper incisors. When in this position, the jaw is protruded by the External Pterygoids, whereby the articular surface passes on to the tubercle (and, therefore, downwards), while the lateral teeth are thereby separated from each other. The jaw is retracted by the Internal Pterygoids without any aid from the posterior fibres of the Temporals. When one articular surface is carried forwards, the jaw is protruded and retracted by the External and Internal Pterygoid of the same side. At the same time, there is a transverse movement, whereby the back teeth of the protruded side are separated from each other. During mastication, when the individual movements of the lower jaw are variously combined, the food to be masticated is kept from passing outwards by the action of the muscles of the lips (Orbicularis oris) and the Buccinators, while the tongue continually pushes the particles between the molar teeth. The energy of the muscles of 300 STRUCTURE OF THE TEETH. mastication is regulated by the sensibility of the teeth, and the muscular sensibility of the muscles of mastication, as well as by the general sensibility of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips. At the same time, the mass is mixed with saliva, the divided particles cohere, and are formed into a mass or bolus of a long, oval shape by the muscles of the tongue. The bolus then rests on the back of the tongue, ready to be swallowed. Nerves Of Mastication.— The muscles of mastication and the buccinator receive their motor nerves from the third branch of the trigeminus; the mylo- hyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric being supplied from the same source. The genio-, omo-, and sterno-hyoid, sterno-thyroid, and thyro-hyoid are supplied by the hypoglossal, while the facial supplies the posterior belly of the digastric, the stylo-hyoid, the platysma, and the muscles of the lips. The general centre for the muscles of mastication lies in the medulla oblongata. When the mouth is closed, the jaws are kept in contact by the pressure of the air, as the cavity of the mouth is rendered free from air, and the entrance of air is prevented anteriorly by the lips, and posteriorly by the soft palate. The pressure exerted by the air is from 2-4 mm. Hg. (Metzger and Ponders). 154. Structure and Development of the Teeth. A tooth is just a papilla of the mucous membrane of the gum, which has under- gone a characteristic development. In its simplest form, as in the teeth of the lamprey, the connective-tissue basis of the papilla is covered with many layers of corneous epithelium. In human teeth, part of the papilla is transformed into a layer of calcined dentine, while the epithelium of the papilla produces the enamel, the fang of the tooth being covered by a thin accessory layer of bone, the crusta pctrosa or cement. The dentine or ivory which surrounds the pulp cavity and the canal of the fang (Fig. 122) is very firm, elastic, and brittle. Like the matrix of bone, dentine, when treated in a certain way, presents a fibrillar structure (v. Ebner). It is permeated by innumer- able long, tortuous, wavy tubes — ihedentinal tubules (Leeuwenhoek, 1678)— each of which communi- cates with the pulp cavity bymeansof a fine opening, and passes more or less horizontally outwards as far as the outer layers of •p. ,OQ the dentine. The tubules Transverse section of dentine — The light rings are the walls of the dentinal tubules ; the dark centres with the light points are the fibres of Tomes lying in the tubules. soft fibres, the "fibres of Tomes" (1840), which are merely greatly elongated and branched processes of the odontoblasts of the pulp (Waldeyer, 1865). Fig. 122. Vertical section of a tooth — p, pulp cavity; d, dentine; c, cement; s,enamel. are bounded by an ex- tremely resistant, thin, cuticular membrane, which strongly resists the action of chemical reagents. These tubules are tilled completely by STRUCTURE OF THE TEETH. 301 The dentinal tubules, as well as the fibres of Tomes, anastomose throughout their entire extent by means of fine processes. As the fibres approach the enamel, which they do not penetrate, some of them bend on themselves, and form a loop (Fig. 124, c), whilst others pass into the " inter globular spaces," which are so abundant in the outer part of the dentine (Czermak, 1850). These interglobular spaces are small spaces bounded by curved surfaces. Certain curved lines " Schreger's lines" (1800), may be detected with the naked eye in the dentine (e.g., of the elephant's tusk) running parallel with the contour of the tooth. They are caused by the fact that at these parts all the chief curves in the dentinal tubules follow a similar course (Retzius, 1837). The enamel, the hardest substance in the body (resembling apatite), covers the crown of the teeth. It consists of hexagonal flattened prisms (Malpighi, 16S7) arranged side by side like a palisade (Fig. 124, a and B). They are 3-5 ^ (T(FV7 inch) broad, not quite uniform in thickness, curved slightly in different directions, and Fig. 124. Section of a tooth between the dentine and enamel— «, enamel; c, dentinal tubules; B, enamel prisms highly magnified. owing to inequalities of thickness, they exhibit transverse markings. They are elongated, calcified, cylindrical, epithelial cells derived from the dental papilla. Retzius described dark-brown lines running parallel with the outer boundary of the enamel, due to the presence of pigment. The fully-formed enamel is nega- tively doubly refractive and uniaxial, while the developing enamel is positively doubly refractive (Hoppe-Seyler). The cuticula or Nasmyth's membrane (1839) covers the free surface of the enamel as a completely structureless membrane 1 - 2 fj. thick, but in quite young teeth it exhibits an epithelial structure, and is derived from the outer epithelial layer of the enamel-organ. The cement (John Hunter, 177S) or crusta petrosa, is a thin layer of bone covering the fang (Fig. 125, a). The bone lacunae communicate directly with the dentinal tubules of the fang. Haversian canals and lamellaj are only found where the layer of cement is thick, and the former may communicate with the pulp-cavity (Salter). Very thin layers of cement may be devoid of bone-corpuscles. Sharpey's fibres occur in the cement of the dog's tooth (Wal- deyer) ; while in the horse's tooth single bone-corpuscles are enveloped by a capsule (Gerber). In the periodontal membrane, which is just the periosteum of the alveolus, coils of blood-vessels similar to the renal glomeruli occur. They anastomose with each other, and are surrounded with a delicate capsule of connective-tissue (C. Wedl). 302 CHEMISTRY OF A TOOTH. a Fig. 125. Transverse section of the fang — a, cement with bone-corpuscles ; b, dentine with dentiiial tubules ; c, boundary between both. Chemistry Of a Tooth. — The teeth consist of a gelatine-yielding matrix infil- trated with calcium phosphate and carbonate (like bone). — 1. The dentine con- tains— organic matter, 27'70; calcium phosphate and carbonate, 72'06; magnesium phosphate, 0'75, with traces of iron, fluorine, and sulphuric acid (Aeby, Hoppe- Seyler). 2. The enamel contains an organic proteid matrix allied to the substance of epithelium. It contains 3 '60 organic matter and 96 '00 of calcium phosphate and carbonate, 1*05 magnesium phos- phate, with traces of calcium fluoride and an insoluble chlorine compound. 3. The cement is identical with bone. The pulp in a fully-grown tooth re- presents the remainder of the dental papilla around which the dentine was deposited. It consists of a very vas- cular indistinctly fibrillar connective- tissue, laden with cells. The layers of cells, resembling epithelium, which lie in direct contact with the dentine are called odontoblasts (Waldeyer, 1865), i.e., those cells which build up the dentine. These cells send off long branched processes into the dentiiial tubules, whilst their nucleated bodies lie on the surface of the pulp and form connections by processes with other cells of the pulp and with neighbouring odontoblasts. Numerous non-medullated nerve-fibres (sensory from the Trigerniuus) whose mode of termination is unknown, occur in the pulp. The periosteum or periodontal membrane of the fang is, at the same time, the alveolar periosteum, and consists of delicate connective-tissue with few elastic fibres and many nerves. The gums are devoid of mucous glands, are very vascular, and often pro- vided with long vascular papillae which are sometimes compound. Development Of a Tooth. — It begins at the end of the second month of foetal life. Along the whole length of the foetal gum is a thick projecting ridge (Fig. 126, a) composed of many layers of epithelium. A depression, the dental groove also filled with epithelium, occurs in the gum, and runs along under the ridge. The dental groove becomes deeper throughout its entire length, and on transverse section presents the appearance of a dilated flask (6), while at the same time it is filled with elongated epithelial cells, which form the "enamel-organ." A conical papilla (the "dentine- germ ") grows up from the mucous tissue, of which the gum consists, towards the enamel-organ (Fig. 127, c), so that the apex of tLe papilla comes to have the enamel-organ resting upon it like a double cap. Afterwards, owing to the development of connective- tissue, the parts of the enamel-organ lying between and uniting the individual dentine-germs disappear, and gradually the connective-tissue forms a tooth- sac enclosing the papilla and its enamel-organ (d). , Dental ridge ; b, enamel- organ ; c, beginning of the dentine-germ ; d, first indication of the tooth - sac. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 303 Those epithelial cells (Fig. 127, 3) of the enamel-organ, which lie next the top of the papilla, are cylindrical, and become calcified to form enamel prisms. The layer of cells of the double cap, which is directed towards the tooth-sac (1), becomes flattened, fuses, undergoes a horny transformation, and becomes the cuticula, whilst the cells which lie between both layers undergo an intermediate metamorphosis, so that they come to resemble the branched stellate cells of the mucous tissue (2), and gradually disappear altogether. The dentine is formed in the most superficial layer of the projecting connective- tissue of the dental papilla, owing to the calcification of the continuous layer of odontoblasts which occurs there (Figs. 127 and 128, k). During the process, fibres Fig. 127. a, Dental ridge; b, enamel -organ with 1, outer epithelium; 2, middle stellate layer ; 3, ena- mel-prism cell layer ; c, den- tine-germ with blood-vessels and the long osteoblasts ou the surface ; d, tooth - sac ; e, secondary enamel-germ. -Jt Fig. 128. a, Dental ridge ; b, enamel-organ ; c, dentine-germ ; /, enamel ; g, dentine ; h, interval between enamel-organ and the position of the tooth ; k, layer of odonto- blasts. or branches of these cells are left unaffected, and remain as the fibres of Tomes. Exactly the same process occurs as in the formation of bone, the odontoblasts forming around themselves a calcified matrix. The cement is formed from the soft connective-tissue of the dental alveolus. Dentition. — During the development of the first (temporary or milk) teeth a special enamel-organ (Fig. 127, e) is formed near these, but it does not undergo development until the milk-teeth are shed ; even the papilla is wanting at first. When the permanent tooth begins to develop, it opens into the alveolar wall of the milk-teeth from below. The tissue of this dental sac causes erosion, or eating away of the fang and even of the body of the milk-teeth, without its blood-vessels undergoing atrophy. The chief agents in the absorption are the amoeboid cells of the granulation tissue. [Multinuclear giant-cells also erode the fangs of the teeth.] Eruption Of the Teeth. — The followiug is the order in which the twenty milk- teeth cut the gum — i.e., from the seventh month to the second year: — Lower central incisors, upper central incisors, upper lateral incisors, lower lateral incisors, first molar, canine, the second molars. [The figures indicate in months the period of eruption of each tooth.] 304 MOVEMENTS OF THE TONGUE. Molars. Canines. Incisors. Canines. Molars. 24 12 IS 9779 18 24 12 The permanent teeth succeed the milk-teeth, the process beginning about the seventh year. Ten teeth in each jaw take the place of the milk-teeth, while six teeth appear further back in each jaw. Thus the total number of permanent teeth is thirty-two. As the sacs, from which the permanent teeth are developed, are formed before birth, they merely undergo the same process of development as the temporary teeth, only at a much later period. The last of the permanent molars— the wisdom-tooth — may not cut the jaw until the seventeenth to the twenty- fifth year. At the sixth year the jaw contains the largest number of teeth, as all the temporary teeth are present, and, in addition, the crowns of all the per- manent teeth, except the wisdom-tooth, making forty-eight in all. [Eruption of Permanent Teeth. — The age at which each tooth cuts the gum ia given in years in the following table : — Molars. Bicuspid. Canines. Incisors. Canines. Bicuspid. Molars. 17 12 12 17 to to 6 10 9 11 to 12 8778 11 to 12 9 10 6 to to 25 13 13 25 — (Kirkes.)] 155. Movements of the Tongue. The tongue being a muscular organ (Aretaeus, A.D. 81), and extremely mobile, plays an important part in the process of mastica- tion : — (1) It keeps the food from passing from between the molar teeth. (2) It collects into a bolus the finely-divided food after it is mixed with saliva. (3) When the tongue is raised, the bolus lying on its dorsum is pushed backwards into the pharynx, whence it passes into the oesophagus. The muscular fibres of the tongue run in three directions — longi- tudinally, from base to tip ; transversely, the fibres for the most part proceeding outwards from the vertically placed septum linguae ; vertically, from below upwards. Some of the muscles are confined to the tongue (intrinsic), while others (extrinsic), are attached beyond it to the hyoid bone, lower jaw, to the styloid process, and the palate. Microscopically, the fibres are transversely striated, with a delicate sarcolemma, and very often they are divided where they are inserted Into the mucous membrane (Leeuwenhoek). The muscular bundles cross each other in various directions, and in the interspaces fat cells and glands occur. On analysing the lingual movements, we may distinguish changes in form and changes in position : — DEGLUTITION. 305 (1.) Shortening and broadening by the longitudinal muscle, aided by the hyo-glossus. (2.) Elongation and narrowing, by the transversus linguse. (3.) The dorsum rendered concave by the transversus and the simultaneous action of the median vertical fibres. (4.) Arching of the dorsum : — (a) transversely by contraction of the lowest transverse bundles ; (&) longitudinally by the action of the lowest longitudinal muscles. (5.) Protrusion, by the genio-glossus, while at the same time the tongue usually becomes narrower and longer (2). (6.) Eetraction, by the hyo-glossus and stylo-glossus, and (1) usually occurring at the same time. (7.) Depression of the tongue into the floor of the mouth, by the hyo- glossus. The floor of the mouth may be made deeper by simultaneously depressing the hyoid bone. (8.) Elevation of the tongue towards the gums : — (a) At the tip by the anterior part of the longitudinal fibres ; (6) in the middle by eleva- ting the entire hyoid bone by the mylo-hyoid (N. triyeminus) ; (c) at the root by the stylo-glossus and palato-glossus, as well as indirectly by the stylo-hyoid (N. facialis). (9.) Lateral movements, whereby the tip of the tongue passes to the right or the left ; these are caused by the contraction of the longitudinal fibres of one side. Motor Nerves.— The proper motor nerve of the tongue is the hypoglossal. When this nerve is divided or paralysed on one side, the tip of the tongue lying in the floor of the mouth is directed towards the sound side, because the tonus of the non-paralysed longitudinal fibres shortens the sound side slightly. If the tongue be protruded, however, the tip passes towards the paralysed side. This arises from the direction of the genio-glossus (from the middle downwards and outwards), and the tongue follows the direction of its action. The tongues of animals which have been killed exhibit tibrillar contractions of the muscles, some- times lasting for a whole day (Cardanus, 1550). 156. Deglutition. The onward movements of the contents of the digestive canal are effected by a special kind of action whereby the tube or canal contracts upon its contents, and as this contraction proceeds along the tube, the contents are thereby carried along. This is the "peristaltic movement" or peristalsis. In the first and most complicated part of the act of deglutition, we distinguish in order the following individual movements : — (1.) The aperture of the mouth is closed by the orbicularis oris (N. facialis). 20 306 DEGLUTITION. (2.) The jaws are pressed against each other by the muscles of mastication (N. trigeminus), while at the same time the lower jaw affords a fixed point for the action of the muscles attached to it and the hyoid bone. (3.) The tip, middle, and root of the tongue, one after the other, are pressed against the hard palate, whereby the contents of the mouth are propelled towards the pharynx. (4.) When the bolus has passed the anterior palatine arch (the mucus 'of the tonsillar glands making it slippery again), it is prevented from returning to the mouth by the palato-glossi muscles which lie in the anterior pillars of the fauces, coming together like two side-screens or curtains, meeting the raised dorsum of the tongue (Stylo-glossus — Dzondi, 1831). (5.) The morsel is now behind the anterior palatine arch and the root of the tongue, and has reached the pharynx, where it is subjected to the successive action of the three pharyngeal constrictor-muscles which propel it onwards. The action of the superior constrictor of the pharynx is always combined with a horizontal elevation (Levator veli palatini; N. facial is), and tension (Tensor veli palatini; X. frige- minus, otic ganglion} of the soft palate (Bidder, 1838). The upper constrictor presses (through the pterygo-pharyngeus) the posterior and lateral walls of the pharynx tightly against the posterior margin of the horizontal tense soft palate (Passavant), whereby the margins of the posterior palatine arches (palato-pharyngeus) are approximated. The pharyngo-nasal cavity is thus completely shut off, so that the bolus cannot be pressed backwards into the nasal cavity. In cases where the soft palate is defective, part of the food usually passes into the nose. (6.) The bolus is propelled onwards by the successive contractions of the constrictors of the pharynx until it passes into the oesophagus. At the same time the entrance to the glottis is closed, else the morsel would pass into the larynx. Falk and Kronecker assert, that by the rapid contraction of the transversely striped muscles which diminish the aperture of the mouth, the bolus is projected into the oesophagus, so that peristalsis of the pharynx and oesophagus only occurs during forced deglutition. If we make a series of efforts to swallow, one after the other, con- traction of the oesophagus takes place only after the last attempt. Kronecker and Meltzer found that stimulation of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve inhibited the act of deglutition and the propagation of the move- ment through the oesophagus. Section of both nerves causes tonic epasm of the oesophagus and cardia. NERVES CONCERNED IN DEGLUTITION. 307 The closure of the glottis is effected in the following manner: — («.) The whole larynx — the lower jaw being fixed — is raised upwards and forwards, while at the same time the root of the tongue hangs over it. The hyoid bone is raised forwards and upwards by the genio-hyoid, anterior belly of the digastric and mylo-hyoid; the larynx is approxi- mated close to the hyoid bone (Berengar, 1521) by the thyro-hyoid. (6.) When the larynx is raised so that it comes to lie below the over- hanging root of the tongue, the epiglottis is pressed downwards over the entrance to the glottis, and the bolus passes over it. In addition, the epiglottis is pulled down by the special muscular fibres of the reflector epiglottidis (Thiele) and aryepiglotticus. Injury to the Epiglottis. — Intentional injury of the epiglottis in animals, or its destruction in man may cause fluids to "go the wrong \vay,:' i.e., into the glottis, whilst solid food can be swallowed without disturbance. In dogs, at any rate, coloured fluids placed on the root of the tongue have been observed to pass directly into the pharynx without coming into contact with, so as to tinge, the upper surface of the epiglottis (Magendie, Schiff). (c.) Lastly, the closure of the glottis by the constrictors of the larynx also prevents the entrance of substances into the larnyx (Czermak). In order that the descending bolus may be prevented from carrying the pharynx with it, the stylo-pharyngeus, salpingo-pharyngeus, and baseo-pharyngeus contract upwards when the constrictors act. Nerves. — Deglutition is voluntary only during the time the bolus is in the mouth. When the food passes through the palatine arch into the gullet the act becomes involuntary, and is, in fact, a well-regulated reflex action. When there is no bolus to be swallowed, voluntary movements of deglutition can be accomplished only within the mouth ; the pharynx only takes up the movement provided a bolus (food or saliva) mechanically excites the reflex act. The sensory nerves which, when mechanically stimulated, excite the involuntary act of deglutition, are, according to Schroeder van der Kolk, the palatine branches of the tri- geminus (from the sphenopalatine ganglion) and the pharyngeal branches of the vagus (Waller, Prevost). The centre for the nerves concerned (for the striped muscles) lies in the superior olives of the medulla oblongata. Swallowing can be carried out when a person is uncon- scious, or after destruction of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and pons. [Even in the deep coma of alcoholism, the tube of a stomach-pump is readily carried into the stomach reflexly, provided the surgeon passes it back into the pharynx to bring it within the action of the constrictors of the pharynx.] The nerves of the pharynx are derived from the pharyngeal plexus, which receives branches from the vagus, glosso-pharyngeal, and sympathetic. 308 NERVES CONCERNED IN DEGLUTITION. Within the esophagus, whose stratified epithelium is moistened with the mucus derived from the mucous glands in its walls, the downward movement is involuntary, and depends upon a complicated reflex movement discharged from the centre for deglutition — there is a peri- staltic movement of the outer longitudinal and inner circular non- striped muscular fibres. In the upper part of the oesophagus which contains striped muscular fibres, the peristalsis takes place more quickly than in the lower part. The movements of the oesophagus never occur independently, but are always the continuation of a foregoing act of deglutition. If food be introduced into the oesophagus through a hole in its wall, there it lies; and it is only carried downwards when a movement to swallow is maole (Volkmann). The peristalsis extends along the whole length of the oesophagus, even when it is ligatured or when a part of it is removed (Mosso). If a olog be allowed to swallow a piece of flesh tieol to a string, so that the flesh goes half-way down the oesophagus, and if the flesh be witholrawn, the peristalsis still passes downwards (G. Ludwig anol Wild). The motor nerve of the oesophagus is the vagus (not the accessory fibres) ; after it is olivioled, the food lodges in the lower part of the oesophagus. Very large and very small masses are swallowed with more difficulty than those of moderate size. Dogs can swallow an olive-shaped body weighted with a counterpoise of 450 grammes (Mosso). When the thorax is greatly distended, as in Miiller's experi- ment, or greatly diminished, as in Valsalva's experiment (p. 112), deglutition is rendered more difficult. Goltz observed, that the oesophagus and stomach (frog) became greatly more excitable, i.e., the excitability of the ganglionic plexuses in their walls was increased, when the brain and spinal corol or both vagi were destroyed. These organs contracted energetically after slight stimulation, while frogs whose cen- tral nervous system was intact, swallowed fluids simply by peristalsis. Females, and sometimes men also, with marked weakening of the nervoiis system (Hysteria), not unfrequently have similar spasmodic contractions of the cesophageal region (globus hystcricus). After section of both vagi, Schiff observed spasmodic contraction of the oesophagus. [Structure of the (Esophagus. — The walls of the oesophagus are composed of three coats — mucous, sub-mucous, and muscular. The mucous coat is firm and is thrown into longitudinal folds, which disappear when the tube is distended. It is lined by several layers of stratified squamous epithelium. The membrane itself is composed, especially at its inner part, of dense fibrous tissue, which projects in the form of papillre, into the stratified epithelium. At its outer part is a continuous layer of non-striped muscle, the muscularis mucoscc. The sub-mucous coat is thicker than the foregoing, and consists of loose connective-tissue, with the acini of small compound tubular mucous glands imbedded in it. The ducts pierce the muscularis mucosse to open on the inner surface of the tube. The muscular coat consists of an inner, thicker, circular, and an outer, thinner, longitudinal layer of non-striped muscle. In man, the upper third of the gullet consists of striped muscular fibres. Outside the muscular coat is a layer of fibrous tissue with elastic fibres. MOVEMENTS OF THE STOMACH. 309 As in the intestine, there are two plexuses of nerves with ganglia; one in the sub-mucous coat and the other between the two muscular coats. Blood-vessels and numerous lymphatics lie in the mucous and sub-mucous coats.] 157. Movements of the Stomach. When the stomach is empty, the great curvature is directed down- wards and the lesser upwards ; but when the stomach is full, it rotates on an axis running horizontally through the pylorus and cardia, so that the great curvature appears to be directed to the front and the lesser back- wards. Arrangement of the Muscular Fibres. — The non-striped muscular fibres of the stomach are arranged in three directions or layers, an outer longitudinal continuous with those of the oesophagus. This layer is best developed along the curvatures, especially the lesser. At the pylorus the fibres form a thick layer, and become continuous with the longitudinal fibres of the duodenum. The circular fibres form a com- plete layer, but at the pylorus they are well marked and constitute the pyloric sphincter-muscle, or valve ; whilst at the cardia (inlet), such a muscular ring is absent (Gianuzzi). The innermost oblique or diagonal layer is incomplete. The movements of the stomach are of two kinds : — (1.) The rotatory or churning movements, whereby the parts of the wall of the stomach lying in contact with the contents or ingesta glide to and fro with a slow rubbing movement. Such movements seem to occur periodically, every period lasting several minutes (Beaumont). By these move- ments the contents are moistened with the gastric juice, while the masses of food are partly broken down. The formation of hair-balls in the stomach of dogs and oxen indicates that such rotatory movements of the contents of the stomach take place. (2.) The other kind of movement consists in a periodically occurring peristalsis, whereby, as with a push, the portions of the contents of the stomach first dissolved are forced into the duodenum. They begin after a quarter of an hour (Busch), and recur until about five hours after a meal (Beaumont). This peristalsis is most pronounced towards the pyloric end, and the muscles of the pyloric sphincter relax to allow the contents to pass into the duodenum. According to Riidinger, the longitudinal mus- cular fibres, when they contract, especially when the pyloric end is filled, may act so as to dilate the pylorus. The strongly muscular walls of the stomach of grain-eating birds effect a tritura- tion of the food. The mechauical force thereby exerted was often experimented 310 INFLUENCE OF NERVES ON THE STOMACH. upon by the older physiologists, who found that glass balls and lead tubes, which could be compressed only by a weight of 40 kilos. , were broken or compressed in the stomach of a turkey. Influence of Nerves on the Movements. — [The stomach is supplied by the vagi and by the sympathetic, the right vagus being distributed to the posterior surface, and the left to the anterior surface, of the stomach.] The ganglionic plexus of nerve-fibres and nerve-cells (Auer- bach's), which lies between the muscular coats of the stomach, must be regarded as its proper motor centre, and to it motor impulses are con- ducted by the vagi. Section of both vagi does not abolish, but it diminishes the movements of the stomach. The muscular fibres of the cardia may be excited to action, or their action inhibited by fibres which run in the vagus (Nn. constrictores, et dilatator cardire), (v. Openchowski). [If the vagi be divided in the neck, there is a short temporary spasmodic contraction of the cardiac aperture. On stimulat- ing the peripheral end of the vagus with electricity, after a latent period of a few seconds, the cardiac end contracts, more especially if the stomach be distended, but the movements are slight if the stomach be empty.] Stimulation of the cceliac plexus causes movements in the stomach of ruminants (Eckhard), perhaps indirectly through the effect upon the blood-vessels. Local electrical stimulation of the surface of the stomach causes circular constric- tions of the organ, which disappear very gradually, while the movement is often propagated to other parts of the gastric wall. When heated to 25°C., the excised empty stomach exhibits movements (Calliburces). Injury to the pedunculi cerebri, optic thalamus, medulla oblongata, and even to the cervical part of the spinal cord, according to Schiff, causes paralysis of the vessels of certain areas of the stomach, resulting in congestion and subsequent haemorrhage into the mucous membrane. [It is no uncommon occurrence to find haemorrhage into the gastric mucous membrane of rabbits, after they have been killed by a violent blow on the head.] 158. Vomiting. Mechanism. — Vomiting is caused by contraction of the walls of the stomach, whereby the pyloric sphincter is closed. It occurs most easily when the stomach is distended — (dogs usually greatly distend the stomach by swallowing air before they vomit) ; it readily occurs in infants, in whom the cul de sac at the cardia is not developed. It is quite certain that in children, this vomiting occurs through con- traction of the walls of the stomach without the spasmodic action of the abdominal walls. When the vomiting is violent, the abdominal muscles act energetically. [The act of vomiting is generally preceded VOMITING. 311 by a feeling of nausea, and usually there is a rush of saliva into the mouth, caused by a reflex stimulation of afferent fibres in the gastric branches of the vagus, the efferent nerve being the chorda tympani-. After this a deep inspiration is taken, and the glottis closed, so that the diaphragm is firmly pressed downwards against the abdominal con- tents, aud it is kept contracted ; the lower ribs are pulled in. The diaphragm being kept contracted and the glottis closed, a violent expiratory effort is made, so that the contraction of the abdominal muscles acts upon the abdominal contents, the stomach being forcibly compressed. The cardiac orifice is opened at the same time, and the contents of the stomach are ejected. The chief agent seems to be the abdominal compression, but the walls of the stomach also help, though only to a slight extent.] The contraction of the walls of the stomach, which causes a general diminution of the gastric cavity, is not a true antiperistalsis, as can be seen in the stomach when it is exposed (Galen). The cardia is opened by the longitudinal muscular h'bres (Schiff) which pull towards the lower orifice of the oasophagus, so that when the stomach is full they must act as dilators. The act of vomiting is preceded by a ructus-like dilating movement of the intra-thoracic part of the oasophagus, which is caused thus:— The glottis is closed, inspiration occurs suddenly and violently, whereby the tesophagus is distended by gases proceeding from the stomach (Liittich). The larynx and hyoid bone by the combine'd action of the geniohyoicl, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and thyrohyoid muscles are forcibly pulled forwards, so that the air passes from the pharynx downwards into the upper section of the tesophagus (Landois). If the abdominal walls contract suddenly, and if this sudden impulse be aided by the movements of the stomach itself, the contents of the stomach are forced outwards. During continued vomiting, anti- peristalsis of the duodenum may occur, whereby bile passes into the stomach, and becomes mixed with its contents. Children, in whom the fundus is absent, vomit more easily than adults. The capacity of the stomach of a new-born child is 35-43 cubic centimetres; after 14 days, 153-160 c.c.; at 2 years, 740 c.c. Magendie was of opinion that the abdominal muscles alone were concerned in vomiting, as he found that vomiting occurred when he replaced the stomach by a bag. This was much too crude an experiment. But it only succeeds when the lowest part of the cesophagus has been removed (Fantini, Schiff). The view of Gianuzzi, that the abdominal muscles are the chief factor, because animals poisoned with curara — in whom these muscles are paralysed, but not the walls of the stomach — cannot vomit, is too wide a deduction. Influence of Nerves. — The centre for the movements concerned in vomiting lies in the medulla oblongata, and is in relation with the respiratory centre, as is shown by the fact, that nausea may be over- come by rapid and deep respirations. In animals, vomiting may be inhibited by vigorous artificial respiration. On the other hand, the administration of certain emetics prevents the occurrence of apncea. The act of vomiting is most easily excited (chemically or mechani- cally) by stimulation of the centripetal or afferent nerves of the mucous membrane of the soft palate, pharynx, root of the tongue (glosso- 312 MOVEMENTS OF THE INTESTINE. pharyngeal nerve), stomach, and further, by stimulation of the uterus (pregnancy), intestine (inflammation of the abdomen), urinary apparatus (passing a renal calculus), and also by direct stimulation of the vomiting centre. Vomiting produced by the thought of something disagreeable appears to be caused by the conduction of the excitement from the cerebrum to the vomiting centre. Vomiting is very common in diseases of the brain. Section of both vagi prevents vomiting. Emetics act (1) partly by mechanically or chemically stimulating the ends of the centripetal (afferent) nerves of the mucous membrane. Tickling the fauces, touching the surface of the exposed stomach (dog); and many chemical emetics — e.g., cupric and zinc sulphate and other metallic salts — act in this way. (2) Other substances cause vomiting when they are introduced into the blood (without being first introduced into the stomach), and act directly upon the vomiting centre, e.y., apomorphm. (3) Lastly, there are some substances which act in both ways, e.g., tartar emetic. Emetics may also remove mucus from the lungs, and in this case it is probable that the emetic acts upon the respiratory centre, and so favours the respirations. [According to Lauder Brunton, cupric sulphate acts even when injected into the blood.] Vomiting is analogous to the process of rumination in animals that chew the cud. Some persons can empty their stomach in this way. 159. Movements of the Intestine. Peristalsis. — The best example of peristaltic movements is afforded by the small intestine ; the progressive narrowing of the tube pro- ceeds from above downwards, thus propelling the contents before it. Frequently after death, or when air acts freely upon the gut, we may observe that the peristalsis develops at various parts of the intestine simultaneously, whereby the loops of intestine present the appearance of a heap of worms creeping amongst each other. The advance of new intestinal contents again increases the movement. In the large intestine, the movements are more sluggish and less extensive. The peristaltic movements may be seen and felt when the abdominal walls are very thin, and also in hernial sacs. They are more lively in vegetable feeders than in carnivora. The peristalsis is perhaps conducted directly through the muscular substance itself (as in the heart and ureter — Engelmann). Method of Observation.— Open the abdomen of an animal under a'6 p.c. saline solution to prevent the exposure of the gut to air (Sanders, and Braam-Houckgeest). The iko-colic valve (Bauhin's valve, 1579, known to Eondelet in 1554), as a rule, prevents the contents of the large intestine from pass- ing backwards into the small intestine. The movements of the stomach and intestine cease during sleep (Busch). However, when nuid is slowly introduced into the rectum through a tube, it may pass upwards into the intestine, and even go through the ileo-colic valve into the small intestine. EXCRETION OF F^CAL MATTER. 313 Muscarin excites very lively peristalsis of the intestines, which may be set aside by atropin (Schmiecleberg and Koppe). Pathological. — -When any condition excites an acute inflammation of the intes- tinal mucous membrane, catarrh is rapidly produced, and very strong contractions of the inflamed parts filled with food, take place. When these parts of the gut become empty, the movements are not stronger than normal. If new material passes into the in darned part, the peristalsis recurs, and is more lively than normal, and the result is diarrhoea (Nothnagel). Sometimes, a greatly contracted part of the small intestine is pushed into the piece of gut directly continuous with it, giving rise to invagination or intussusception. Antiperistalsis — i.e., a- movement which sets in and travels in an upward direction towards the stomach, does not occur normally. That such a condition takes place has been inferred from the fact, that in cases where the intestine is occluded (Ileus) faecal matter is vomited. The most recent experiments of Nothnagel throw doubts upon this view, as he failed to observe antiperistalsis in cases where the intestine was occluded artificially. The ftecal odour of the ejecta may result from the prolonged retention of the material within the small intestine. 160. Excretion of Fsocal Matter. The contents of the small intestine remain in it about three hours, and about twelve hours in the large intestine, where they become less watery. The contents assume the characters of faeces, and become " formed " in the lower part of the great intestine. The faeces are gradually carried along by the peristaltic movement, until they reach a point a little above that part of the rectum which is surrounded by both sphincters ; the internal sphincter consisting of non-striped, and the external of striped muscle. Immediately after the faeces have been expelled, the external sphincter (Fig. 129, S, and Fig. 130) usually contracts vigorously, and remains in this condition for some time. Afterwards it relaxes, when the elasticity of the parts surrounding the anal opening, particularly of the two sphincters, suffices to keep the anus closed. In the interval between two evacuations, there does not seem to be a continued tonic contraction of the sphincters. As long as the faeces lie above the rectum, they do not excite any conscious sensations, but the sensation of requiring to go to stool occurs, when the faeces pass into the rectum. At the same time, the stimulation of the sensory nerves of the rectum causes a reflex excitement of the sphincters. The centre for these movements (Budge's centrum anospinale) lies in the lumbar region of the spinal cord ; in the rabbit, between the sixth and seventh, and in the dog, at the fifth lumbar vertebra (Masius). In animals, whose spinal cord is divided above the centre, a slight touch in the region of the anus causes this orifice to contract, but after this lively reflex con- traction, the sphincters relax again, and the anus may remain opeu for a time. This occurs, because the voluntary impulses which proceed from the brain to cause the contraction of the external sphincter are absent. Landois observed, that in 314 EXCRETION OF F/ECAL MATTER. 2 Fig. 129. The Perinseum and its Muscles — 1, Anus ; 2, coccyx ; 3, tuberosity ; 4, sciatic ligament ; 5, cotyloid cavity ; B, bulbo-caveruosus muscle ; Ts, superficial transverse perineai muscle ; F, fascia of the deep transverse perineal muscle ; J, ischio-cavernosus muscle ; M, obturator internus ; S, external anal sphinc- ter ; L, levator ani ; P, pyriformis (Henle). dogs with the posterior roots of their lower lumbar and sacral nerves divided, the anus remained open, and not unfrequeutly a mass of feces remained half ejected. As the sensibility of the rectum and anus was abolished in these animals, the sphincters could not contract reflexly, nor could there be any voluntary con- traction of the sphincters. The external sphincter can be contracted voluntarily from the cerebrum, like any voluntary muscle, but the closure can only be effected up to a certain degree. When the pressure from above is very great, the energetic- peristalsis at last overcomes the strongest voluntary impulses. Stimula- tion of the peduncles of the cerebrum and of the spinal cord below this point, causes contraction of the external sphincter. Defaecation. — The evacuation of the fseces, which in man usually occurs at certain times, begins with a lively peristalsis of the large intestine, which passes downwards to the rectum. In order that the mass of DEF/ECATION. 315 faeces may not excite reflexly the sphincter-muscles, iu consequence of mechanical stimulation of the sensory nerves of the rectum, there seems to be an inhibitory centre for the reflex action of the sphincters, which is set in action, owing, as it appears, to voluntary impulses. Its seat is in the brain; Masius thinks it is in the optic thalami, from whence fibres pass through the peduncles of the cerebrum to the lumbar part of the spinal cord. When this inhibitory apparatus is in action, the faecal mass passes through the anus, without causing it to close reflexly. The strong peristalsis which precedes defalcation can be aided, and to a certain degree, excited by voluntary, short, movements of the external sphincter and levator ani, whereby the plexus myentericus of the large intestine is stimulated mechanically, thus causing lively peristaltic Fig. 130. Levator ani and Sphincter ani externus. movements in the large intestine. The expulsion of the faeces is also aided by the pressure of the abdominal muscles, and most efficiently when a deep inspiration is taken, so as to fix the diaphragm, whereby the abdominal cavity is diminished to the greatest extent. The soft 316 INFLUENCE OF NERVES ON THE INTESTINE. parts of the floor of the pelvis during a strong effort at stool, are driven downwards in the form of a cone, causing the mucous membrane of the anus, which contains much venous blood, to be everted. The function of the levator ani (Figs. 1 29, 1 30) is, to raise voluntarily the soft parts of the floor of the pelvis, and to pull the anus to a certain extent upwards over the descending fecal mass. At the same time, it prevents the distension of the pelvic fascia. As the fibres of both levatores converge below and become united with the fibres of the external sphincter, they aid the latter, during energetic contraction of the sphincter; or, as Hyrtl puts it, the levatores are related to the anus, like the two cords of a tobacco pouch. During the periods between the evacuation of the gut, the faeces appear only to reach the lower end of the sigmoid flexure. As a rule, from thence downwards, the rectum is normally devoid of fceces. It seems that the strong circular fibres of the muscular coat, which Nelaton has called sphincter ani tertius, when they are well developed, contract and prevent the entrance of the fa3ces. When the tendency to the evacuation of the rectum is very pressing, the anus may be closed more firmly from without, by energetically rotating the thigh outwards, and contracting the muscles of the gluteal region. 161. Influence of Nerves on the Intestinal Movements. Auerbach's Plexus. — The intestinal canal contains an automatic motor centre within its walls — the plexus myenterieus of Auerlach — which lies between the longitudinal and circular muscular fibres of the gut. It is this plexus which enables the intestine when cut out of the body to execute, apparently spontaneously, movements for some time. [Structure. — The plexus of Auerbach consists of non-medullated nerve-fibres which form a dense plexus, groups of ganglion cells occurring at the nodes (Fig. 131). A similar plexus extends throughout the whole intestine between the longitudinal and circular muscular coats from the oesophagus to the rectum. Branches are given off to the muscular bundles. A similar, but not so rich a plexus lies in the sub-mucous coat, Meissner's plexus, which gives branches to supply the muscularis nmcosre, the smooth muscular fibres of the villi, and the glands of the intestine (Fig. 132).] 1. If this centre is not affected by any stimulus, the movements of the intestine cease — comparable to the condition of the medulla oblongata in apnoea (Sig. Mayer and v. Basch). The same is true — just as in the case of the respiration — during intra-uterine life, in con- sequence of the foetal blood being well supplied with 0. This condition may be termed aperistalsis. It also occurs during sleep, perhaps on account of the greater amount of 0 in the blood during that state. AUERBACH AND MEISSNER'S PLEXUSES. 317 Fig. 131. Plexus of Auerbach, prepared from the small intestine of a dog, by the action of gold chloride. The nerve-cells are shown at the nodes, while the fibrils pro- ceeding from the ganglia, and the anastomosing fibres, lie between the muscular bundles. Fig. 132. Plexus of Meissner— a, ganglia; b, anastomosing fibres; r, artery; d, vaso-motor nerve-fibres accompanying c. 2. When blood containing the normal amount of blood-gases passes throiigh the intestinal blood-vessels, the quiet peristaltic movements of 318 INFLUENCE OF BLOOD ON THE INTESTINE. health occur (cuperistalsis) provided no other stimulus be applied to the intestine. 3. All stimuli applied to the plexus myentericus increase the peri- stalsis, which may become so very violent as to cause evacuation of the contents of the large gut, and may even produce spasmodic con- traction of the musculature, of the intestine. This condition may be termed dysperistalsis, corresponding to dyspnoea. The condition of the blood flowing through the intestinal vessels has a most important effect on the peristaltic movements. Condition of the Blood. — Dysperistalsis may be produced by (a) interrupting the circulation of blood iu the intestines, no matter whether anasmia (as after compressing the aorta — Schiff,) or venous hypertemia be produced. The stimu- lating condition is the want of 0, i.e., the increase of COo. Very slight dis- turbance in the intestinal blood-vessels, e.g. , venous congestion after copious transfusion into the veins, whereby the abdominal and portal veins become congested, causes increased peristalsis. The intestines become nodulated at one part and narrow at another, and involuntary evacuation of the foces takes place when there is congestion, owing to the plugging of the intestinal blood-vessels when blood from another species of animal is used for trans- fusion (p. 202 — Landoia). The marked peristalsis which occurs on the approach of death is undoubtedly due to the derangements of the circulation, and the con- sequent alteration of the amount of gases in the blood of the intestine. The same is true of the increased movements of the intestines which occur as a result of psychical excitement, e.g., grief. The stimulus, in this case, passes from the cerebrum through the medulla oblongata (vaso-motor centre) to the intestinal nerves and causes anosmia of the intestine, (corresponding to the palor occurring elsewhere). When the normal condition of the circulation is restored, the peri- stalsis diminishes. (b) Direct stimulation of the intestine, conducted to the plexus myentericus, causes dysperistalsis ; direct exposure of the intestines to the air (stronger when C02 or Cl is present) — the introduction of various irritating substances into the intestine — increased filling of the intestine when there is any difficulty in emptying the gut (often in man) — direct stimulation of various kinds (also inflammation), all act upon the intestine, either from without or from within. Induction shocks applied to a loop of intestine in a hernial sac cause lively peristalsis in the hernia. The intestinal movements are favoured by heat, and cease below 19°C. (Horwath). 4. The continued application of strong stimuli causes the dysperi- stalsis to give place to rest, owing to over-stimulation, which may be called " intestinal paresis" or exhaustion. This condition is absolutely different from the passive condition of the intestine in aperistalsis. Continued congestion of the intestinal blood-vessels ultimately causes intestinal paralysis, e.g. , when transfusion of foreign blood causes coagula- tion within these vessels (Landois). Filling the blood-vessels with " indifferent " fluids, after the peristalsis has been previously caused by compressing the aorta, also causes cessation of the movements (0. Nasse). The movements cease when the intestines are cooled to 19°C. (Horwath), while severe inflammation of the intestine has a similar effect. Under favourable circumstances, the intestine may recover from this condition. Arterial blood admitted into the vessels of the exhausted intestine causes peristalsis, which at first is more vigorous than normal. INFLUENCE OF NERVES ON THE INTESTINE. 319 5. The continued application of strong stimuli causes complete paralysis of the intestine, such as occurs after violent peritonitis, or inflammation of the musculature or mucous coat in man. In this con- dition, the intestine is greatly distended, as the paralysed musculature does not offer sufficient resistance to the intestinal gases which are expanded by the heat. This constitutes the condition of meteorism. Influence of Nerves. — With regard to the nerves of the intestine, stimulation of the vagus increases the movements (of the small intes- tine), either by conducting impressions to the plexus myentericus, or by causing contraction of the stomach, which stimulates the intestine in a purely mechanical manner (Braam-Houckgeest). The splanchnic is (1) the inhibitory nerve of the small intestine (Pfliiger), but only as long as the circulation in the intestinal blood-vessels is undisturbed, and the blood in the capillaries does not become venous (Sigm. Mayer, and von Basch) ; when the latter condition occurs, stimulation of the splanchnic increases the peristalsis. If arterial blood be freely sup- plied, the inhibitory action continues for some time (0. Nasse). Stimu- lation of the origin of the splanchnics, of the spinal cord in the dorsal region (under the same conditions), and even when general tetanus has been produced by the administration of strychnia, causes an inhibitory effect. 0. ISTasse concludes from these experiments that the splanchnic contains — (2) inhibitory fibres which are easily exhausted by a venous condition of the blood, and also motor fibres which remain excitable for a longer time, because after death, stimulation of the splanchnics always causes peristalsis, just like stimulation of the vagus. (3) The splanch- nic is also the vaso-motor nerve of all the intestinal blood-vessels, so that it governs the largest vascular area in the body. When it is stimu- lated, all the vessels of the intestine, which contain muscular fibres in their walls, contract ; when it is divided, they dilate. In the latter case, a large amount of blood accumulates within the blood-vessels of the abdomen, so that there is anaemia of the other parts of the body, which may be so great as to cause death — owing to the deficient supply of blood to the medulla oblongata. (4) The splanchnic is the sensory nerve of the intestine, and as such, under certain circumstances, it may give rise to extremely painful sensations. As stimulation of the splanchnic contracts th:>7 acid, until the fluid is syrupy, then add the cane-sugar, and afterwards place the whole in boiling water. When investigating the amount of bile acids in a liquid, the albumin must be removed beforehand, as it gives a reaction similar to the bile acids, but in that case the red fluid has only one absorption-band. If only small quantities of bile acids are present, the fluid must in the first place be concentrated by evaporation. The origin of the bile acids takes place within the liver. After its extirpation, there is no accumulation of biliary matters in the blood (Joh. Miiller, Kunde, Moleschott). How the formation of the nitrogenous bile acids is effected is quite unknown. They must be obtained from the decomposition of albuminous materials, and it is important to note that the amount of bile acids is increased by albuminous food. Taurin contains the sulphur of albumin ; bile salts contains 4-4'6 p.c. of sulphur (Voit), which may perhaps be derived from the stroma of the dissolved red blood- corpuscles. (3.) The Bile Pigments. — The freshly secreted bile of man and many animals has a yellowish-brown colour, due to the presence of bilirubin (Stadler). When it remains for a considerable time in the gall-bladder, or when alkaline bile is exposed to the air, the bilirubin absorbs 0 and becomes changed into a green pigment, biliverdin. This substance is present naturally, and is the chief pigment in the bile of herbivora and cold-blooded animals. («.) Bilirubin (C3.,H36]Sr406) is, according to Stadler and Maly, perhaps united with an alkali ; it crystallises in transparent fox-red clinorhombic prisms. It is insoluble in water, soluble in chloroform, by which substance it may be separated from biliverdin, which is in- soluble in chloroform. It unites as a monobasic acid with alkalies, and as such is soluble. It is identical with Virchow's hsematoidin (p. 35). Preparation.— It is most easily prepared from the red (bilirubin-chalk) gall- stones of man or the ox. The stones are pounded, and their chalk dissolved by hydrochloric acid ; the pigment is then extracted with chloroform. That bilirubin is derived from haemoglobin is very probable, considering its identity with hsematoidin. Very probably red blood-corpuscles are dissolved in the liver, and their haemoglobin changed into bilirubin. (b.) Biliverdin (Heintz), C32H36N408, is simply an oxidised derivative of the former, from which it can be obtained by various oxidation processes. It is readily soluble in alcohol, very slightly so in ether, and not at all soluble in chloroform. It occurs in considerable amount in the placenta of the bitch. As yet it has not been retrans- formed by reducing agents into bilirubin. Tests for Bile Pigments. — Bilirubin and biliverdin may occur in other fluids — e.g., the urine, and are detected by the Gmelin-Heintz' reaction. When nitric acid containing some nitrous acid is added to the licjuid containing these pigments, a play of colours is obtained, begin- ning with green (biliverdin), blue, violet, red, ending with yellow. 358 C'HOLESTERIN. [This reaction is best done by placing a drop of the liquid on a white porcelain plate, and adding a drop of the impure nitric acid.] (c. ) If when the blue colour is reached, the oxidation process is arrested, bili- Cyanin (Heynsius, Campbell), in acid solution blue, (in alkaline violet) is obtained, which shows two ill-defined absorption-bands near D (Jaffe). Capranica advises that the acid fluids be shaken with a mixture of chloroform and alcohol (1 : 1). This mixture absorbs the pigment ; pour off the fluid and add bromine in alcohol (^ p.c.), and the play of colour is obtained. (d.) Bilifuscin occurs in small amount in decomposing bile and in gall-stones = bilirubin + H2O. (e.) Biliprasin (Stadler) also occurs = bilirubin + H2O + 0. (/.) The yellow pigment, which results from the prolonged action of the oxidising reagent, is the choletelin (C16H18N206) of Maly ; it is amorphous, and soluble in water, alcohol, acids, and alkalies. (g.} Hydro-bilirubin. — Bilirubin absorbs H + H20 (by putrefaction, or by the treatment of alkaline watery solutions with the powerfully reducing sodium amalgam), and becomes converted into Maly's hydro- bilirubin (C32H14N407), which is slightly soluble in water, and more easily soluble in solutions of salts, or alkalies, alcohol, ether, chloroform, and shows an absorption-band at b, F. This substance, which, accord- ing to Hammarsten, occurs in normal bile, is a constant colouring- matter of faeces, and was called stercobilin by Vaulair and Masius, but is identical with hydro-bilirubin (Maly). It is, however, probably identical with the urinary pigment urobilin of Jaff6 (Stokvis, p. 35). (4.) Cholesterin, C20H440 (H20) is an alcohol which rotates the ray of polarised light to the left, and whose constitution is unknown; it occurs also in blood, yelk, nervous matter, and [gall-stones]. It forms trans- parent rhombic plates, which usually have a small oblong piece cut out of one corner (Fig. 145, a). It is insoluble in water, soluble in hot alcohol, in ether, and chloroform. It is kept in solution in the bile by the bile salts. Preparation.— It is most easily prepared from so-called white gall- stones, which not unfrequently con- sist almost entirely of cholesterin, by extracting them with hot alcohol after they are pulverised. Crystals are excreted after evaporation of the alcohol, and they give a red colour Crystals laminated ; Fig. 145. of Cholesterin — a, regularly b, irregularly laminated, partially injured forms ; x 300 (Aitkeu after Wedl). THE SECRETION OF BILE. 359 with sulphuric acid (5 vol. to 1 vol. H20 — Moleschott), while they give a blue — as cellulose does — with sulphuric acid and iodine. When dissolved in chloro- form, 1 drop of concentrated sulphuric acid causes a deep red colour (H. Schiff). (5.) Amongst the other organic constituents of bile are: — Lecithin (p. 36), or its decomposition product, neurin (cholin), and glycero- phosphoric acid (into which lecithin may be artificially transformed by boiling with baryta); Pahnitin, Stearin,. Olein, as well as their soda soaps ; Diastatic Ferment (Jacobson, v. Wittich) ; traces of Urea (Picard) ; (in ox bile, acetic acid and propionic acid, united with glycerine and metals, Dogiel). [The proportion of diastatic ferment is not greater than in the tissues of the body generally (M. Hay).] (6.) Inorganic constituents of bile (0-6 to 1 p.c.): — They are — sodium chloride, potassium, chloride, calcic and magnesic phosphate, and much iron, which in fresh bile gives the ordinary reactions for iron, so that iron must occur in one of its oxidised compounds in bile (Kunkel); manganese and silica. Freshly secreted bile contains in the dog more than 50 vol., and in the rabbit 109 vol. per cent. C02 (Pfliiger, Boguljubow, Charles), partly united to alkalies, partly absorbed, the latter, however, being almost completely absorbed within the gall-bladder. Thejnean composition of human bile is : — Lecithin, . . 0-5 p.c. Mucin, . . 1-3 „ Ash, 0-61 Water, . 82-90 p.c. Bile Salts, 6-11 „ Fats and Soaps, . 2 „ Cholesterin, . . 0-4 „ Farther, unchanged fat probably always passes into the bile, but is again absorbed therefrom (Virchow). The amount of S in dry dog's bile = 2-8-3-1 p.c., the N = 7-10 p.c. (Spiro); the sulphur of the bile is not oxidised into sulphuric acid, but it appears as a sulphur-compound in the urine (Kunkel, v. Voit). 178. Secretion of Bile. The secretion of bile is not a mere filtration of substances already existing in the blood of the liver, but it is a chemical production of the characteristic biliary constituents, accompanied by oxidation, within the hepatic cells, to which the blood of the gland only supplies the raw material. The liver-cells themselves undergo histological changes during the process of digestion (Heidenhain, Kayser). It is secreted continually; it is partly stored up in the gall-bladder, and is poured out copiously during digestion. The higher temperature of the blood of the hepatic vein, as well as the large amount of C02 in the bile (Pfliiger), indicate that oxidations occur within the liver. The water of the bile is not merely 300 (CONDITIONS INFLUENCING THE SECRETION OF BILE. filtered through the blood-capillaries, as the pressure within the bile- ducts may exceed that in the portal vein. (2.) The quantity of bile was estimated by v. Wittich from a biliary fistula, at 533 cubic centimetres in 24 hours (some bile passed into the intestine); by Westphalen, at 453-566 grms.; [by Murchison, at 40 oz.]; Joh. Ranke, on a biliary-pulmonary fistula, at 652 cubic centi- metres. The last observation gives 14 grms. (with 0'44 grms. solids) per kilo, of man in 24 hours. Analogous values for animals are — 1 kilo, clog, 32 grm. (1 '2 solids) — Kolliker, H. Mu'ller; 1 kilo, rabbit, 137 grm. (2'5 solids)— Bidder and Schmidt; 1 kilo, guinea-pig, 176 grms. (5'2 solids)— Bidder and Schmidt. (3.) The excretion of bile into the intestine shows two maxima during one period of digestion; the first, from 3 to 5 hours, and the second, from 13 to 15 hours after food. The cause is due to simul- taneous reflex excitement of the hepatic blood-vessels, which become greatly dilated. (4.) The influence of food is very marked. The largest amount is secreted after a flesh diet, with some fat added ; less after vegetable food ; a very small amount with a pure fat diet ; it stops during hunger. Draughts of water increase the amount, with a correspond- ing relative diminution of the solid constituents. (5.) The influence of blood supply is variable :— (a.) Secretion is greatly favoured by a copious and rapid blood supply. The blood-pressure is not the prime factor, as ligature of the cava above the diaphragm, whereby the greatest blood-pressure occurs in the liver, arrests the secretion (Heidenhain). (ft.) Simultaneous ligature of the hepatic artery (diameter 5§ mm.) and the portal vein (diameter 6 mm.) abolishes the secretion (Rohrig). These two vessels supply the raw material for the secretion of bile. (c.) If the hepatic artery be ligatured, the portal vein alone supports the secretion (Simon, Schiff, Schmulewitsch, Asp). According to Kotbmeier, Betz, Cohnheim and Litten, ligature of the artery or one of its branches ultimately causes necrosis of the parts supplied by that branch, and eventually of the entire liver, as this artery is the nutrient vessel of the liver. (d.) If the branch of the portal vein to one lobe be ligatured, there is only a slight secretion in that lobe, so that the bile must be formed from the arterial blood (Schmulewitsch and Asp). Complete ligature of the portal vein rapidly causes death. [The blood-pressure falls rapidly and the blood accumulates in the blood-vessels of the abdomen. In fact, the accumulation of the blood within the abdomen takes place to so great an extent, that practically the animal is bled into its own abdomen (p. 176).] Neither the ligature of the hepatic artery by itself (Schiff, Betz), nor the gradual obliteration of the portal vein by itself, causes the cessation of the secretion, but it is diminished. That sudden ligature of the portal vein causes cessation is explained by the fact, that in addition to diminution of the secretion, the enormous stagnation of blood in the rootlets of the portal vein in the abdominal organs makes the liver very anremic, and thus prevents it from secreting. (e.) If the blood of the hepatic artery is allowed to pass into the portal vein (which has been ligatured on the peripheral side), secretion continues (Schiff). BILIARY FISTUL.E. 361 (/. ) Profuse loss of blood arrests the secretion of bile, before the muscular and nervous apparatus become paralysed. A more copious supply of blood to other organs — e.g., to the muscles of the trunk — during vigorous exercise, diminishes the secretion, while the transfusion of large quantities of blood increases it (Landois); but if too high a pressure is caused in the portal vein, by introducing blood from the carotid of another animal, it is diminished (Heidenhain). ({/•) The influence Of nerves. — All conditions which cause contraction of the abdominal blood-vessels — e.g., stimulation of the ansa Vieussenii, of the inferior cervical ganglion, of the hepatic nerves (Afanassiew) of the splanchnics, of the spinal cord (either directly by strychnia, or reflexly through stimulation of sensory nerves) affect the secretion; and so do all conditions which cause stagnation or congestion of the blood in the hepatic vessels (section of the splanchnic nerves, diabetic puncture, § 175), section of the cervical spinal cord (Heidenhain). Par- alysis (ligature) of the hepatic nerves causes at first an increase of the biliary secretion (Afanassieff). (/i.) With regard to the raw material supplied to the liver by its blood-vessels, it is important to note the difference in the composition of the blood of the hepatic and portal veins. The blood of the hepatic vein contains more sugar (?), lecithin, cholesterin (Drosdoff), and blood-corpuscles, but Jess albumin, fibrin, hemoglobin, fat, water, and salts. (6.) The formation of bile is largely dependent upon the decomposi- tion of coloured blood-corpuscles, as they supply the material necessary for the formation of some of its constituents. Hence, all conditions which cause solution of the coloured blood- corpuscles are accompanied by an increased formation of bile (§ 180). (7.) Of course a normal condition of the hepatic cells is required for a normal secretion of bile. Biliary Fistulas. — The mechanism of the biliary secretion is studied in animals by means of biliary fistula?. Schwann opened the belly by a vertical incision a little to the right of the ensiform process, cut into the fundus of the gall-bladder, and sewed its margins to the edges of the wound in the abdomen, and afterwards introduced a cannula into the wound. As a rule all the bile is discharged externally ; but to be quite certain that this is so, the common bile-duct ought to be tied between two ligatures, and divided. After a fistula is freshly made the secretion falls. This depends upon the removal of the bile from the body. If bile be supplied the secretion is increased. Regeneration of the divided bile-duct may occur in dogs. v. Wittich observed a biliary fistula in man. [A temporary biliary fistula may also be made. The abdomen is opened in the same way as described above. A long bent glass cannula is introduced and tied into the common bile-duct, and the cystic duct is ligatured or clamped. The tube is brought out through the wound in the abdomen. Necessarily all the bile must be discharged by the tube]. 179. Excretion of Bile. [In connection with the excretion of bile, we must keep in view two distinct mechanisms. (1) The bile-secreting mechanism dependent upon the liver-cells, which are always in a greater or less degree of activity; (2) the bile-expelling mechanism, which is specially active at certain periods of digestion (p. 360).] 362 EXCRETION OF BILE. This occurs — (1.) Owing to the continual pressure of the newly- formed bile within the interlobular bile-ducts forcing onward the bile in the excretory ducts. (2.) Owing to the interrupted periodic compression of the liver from above, by the diaphragm, at every inspiration. Farther, every inspira- tion assists the flow of blood in the hepatic veins, and every respiratory increase of pressure within the abdomen favours the current in the portal veiu. It is probable that the diminution of the secretion of bile, which occurs after bilateral division of the vagi, is to be explained in this way; still it is to be remembered, that the vagus sends branches to the hepatic plexus. It is not decided whether the biliary excretion is diminished after section of the phrenic nerves and paralysis of the abdominal muscles. (3.) Owing to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the larger bile- ducts and the gall-bladder. Stimulation of the spinal cord, from which the motor nerves for these structures pass, causes acceleration of the outflow, which is afterwards followed by a diminished outflow (Heiden- hain, J. Munk). Under normal conditions, this stimulation seems to occur reflexly, and is caused by the passage of the ingesta into the duodenum, which, at the same time, excites movement of this part of the intestine. (4.) Direct stimulation of the liver (Pfliiger), and reflex stimulation of the spinal cord (Eohrig), diminish the excretion ; while extirpation of the hepatic plexus (Pfliiger), and injury to the floor of the fourth ventricle (Heidenhain) do not exert any disturbing influence. (5.) A relatively small amount of resistance causes bile to stagnate in the bile-ducts. A manometer, tied into the gall-bladder of a guinea-pig, supports a column of 200 millimetres of water ; and secretion can take place under this pressure (Heidenhain, Friedlander, Barisch). If this pressure be increased, or too long sustained, the watery bile passes from the liver into the blood, even to the amount of four times the weight of the liver, thus causing solution of the red blood- corpuscles by the absorbed bile ; and very soon thereafter, hemoglobin appears in the urine. 180. Reabsorption of Bile. Phenomena of Jaundice (Icterus; Cholsemia). Absorption Jaundice. — When an impediment or resistance is offered to the outflow of bile into the intestine —, by a plug of mucus, or a gall-stone which occludes the bile-duct, or where a tumour or pressure from without, makes it impervious — the bile-ducts become filled with bile and cause an enlargement of the liver. The pressure within the bile-ducts is increased. As soon as the pressure has reached a certain amount, which it soon does when the bile-duct is occluded (in the dog 275 mm. of a column of bile — Afanassiew)— reabsorption of bile from the distended larger bile-ducts takes place into the lymphatics (not the blood- PHENOMENA OF JAUNDICE. 3 60 vessels) cf the liver (Saunders, 1795); the bile acids pass into the lymphatics of the liver. [The lymphatics can be seen at the portal fissure filled with a deep yellow- coloured lymph]. The lymph passes into the thoracic duct, and so into the blood (Fleischl, Kunkel, Kufferath). Even when the pressure is very low within the portal vein, bile may pass into the blood, without any obstruction to the bile-duct being present. This is the case in Icterus neonatornm, as after ligature of the umbilical cord, no more blood passes through the umbilical vein; farther, in the icterus of hunger, as the portal vein is relatively empty, owing to the feeble absorp- tion from the intestinal canal (Cl. Bernard, "\7oit, Naimyn). II. Cholremia may also occur, owing to the excessive production of bile (hyper - cholia), the bile not being all excreted into the intestine, so that part of it is reabsorbed. This takes place when there is solution of a great number of blood - corpuscles (§ 178, 6), which yields material for the formation of bile. Thick inspissated bile accumulates in the bile-ducts, so that stagnation, with subsequent reabsorption of the bile, takes place (Afanassiew). The transfusion of heterogeneous blood by dissolving coloured blood-corpuscles acts in this direction (p. 201). Icterus is a common phenomenon after too copious transfusion of the same blood. The blood-corpuscles are dissolved by the injection into the blood of heterogeneous blood-serum (Landois), by the injection of bile acids into the vessels (Frerichs), and by other salts, by phosphoric acid, water (Herrmann), chloral, inhalation of chloroform, and ether (Nothnagel, Bernstein); the injection of dissolved hsemo- globin into the arteries (Kiihne), or into a loop of small intestine, acts in the same way (Naunyn). Icterus Neonatomm. — When, owing to compression of the placenta within the uterus, too much blood is forced into the blood-vessels of the newly-born infant, a part of the surplus blood during the first few days becomes dissolved, whereby the haemoglobin passes into bilirubin, thus causing jaundice (Virchow, Violet). When the jaundice is caused by the absortion of bile already formed in the liver, it is called hepatogenic or absorption-jaundice. The following are the symptoms :— Phenomena. — (1.) Bile pigments and bile acids pass into the tissues of the body ; hence, the most pronounced external symptom is the yellowish tint or jaundice. The skin and the sclerotic become deeply coloured yellow. In preg- nancy the foetus is also tinged. (2. ) Bile pigments and bile acids pass into the urine (not into the saliva, tears, or mucus), and their presence is ascertained by the usual tests (§ 177). When there is much bile pigment, the urine is coloured a deep yellowish brown, and its froth is citron yellow ; while strips of gelatin or paper dipped into it also become coloured. Occasionally bilirubin ( = haematoidin) crystals occur in the iirine. (3.) The faeces are ilday coloured " (because the hydrobilirubin of the bile is absent from the fecal matter) — very hard (because the fluid of the bile does not pass into the intestine) ; contain much fat (in globules and crystals), because the fat is not sufficiently digested in the intestine without bile, so that more than 60 p.c. of the fat taken with the food reappears in the faeces (v. Voit) ; they have a very disagreeable odour, because bile normally greatly limits the putrefaction in the intestine. The evacuation of the fa>ces occurs slowly, partly owing to the hard- ness of the faeces, partly because of the absence of the peristaltic movements of the intestine, owing to the want of the stimulating action of the bile. (4.) The heart-beats are greatly diminished, e.g., to 40 per minute. This is due to the action of the bile salts, which at first stimulate the cardiac ganglia, and then weaken them. The injection of bile salts into the heart, produces at first a tem- porary acceleration of the pulse (Landois), and afterwards slowing (Rb'hrig). The 364 KKKKCTS OF DRUGS ON THE SECRETION OF BILE. same occurs when they are injected into the blood, but in this case, the stage of excitement is very short. The phenomenon is not affected by section of the vagi. It is probable, that when the action of the bile salts is long continued they act upon the heart-muscle (Traube). In addition to the action on the heart, there is slowing of the. respiration and diminution of temperature. (5). That the nervous system, and perhaps also the muscles, are affected, either by the bile salts or by the accumulation of cholesterin in the blood (Flint, K. Miiller), is shown by the very general relaxation, sensation of fatigue, weakness and drowsiness, lastly deep coma — sometimes there is sleeplessness, itchiness of the skin, even mania, and spasms. Lciwit, after injecting bile into animals, observed phenomena referable to stimulation of the respiratory, cardio-inhibitory, and vaso- motor nerve-centres. (6.) In very pronounced jaundice, there may be " yellow vision'" (Lucretius Carus), owing to impregnation of the retiua and macula lutca with the bile pig- ment. (7.) The bile acids in the blood dissolve the red blood-corpuscles. The haemo- globin is changed into new bile pigment, and the globulin-like body of the haemoglobin may form urinary cylinders or casts in the urinary tubules (Nothnagel), which are ultimately washed out of the tubules by the urine. Passage Of substances into the Bile. — Various substances pass into the bile, such substances being in the blood, viz., the metals (v. Sartoris, Mohnheim, Orfila)— copper, lead, zinc, nickel, silver, bismuth (Wichert), arsenic, antimony, iron ; these substances are also deposited in the hepatic tissues. Potassium iodide, bromide, and sulphocyanide (Peiper), and turpentine also pass into the bile, and, to a less degree, cane-sugar and grape-sugar (Mosler) ; sodium salicylate, and carbolic acid (Peiper). If a large amount of water be injected into the blood, the bile becomes albuminous (Mosler); mercuric and mercurous chlorides cause an increase of the water of the bile (G. Scott). Sugar has been found in the bile in diabetes ; leucin and tyrosin in typhus, lactic acid and albumin in other pathological conditions of this fluid. [Influence of Drugs on the Secretion of Bile.— Two methods are adopted, one by means of permanent fistula?, and the other by establishing temporary h'stulae. The latter is the more satisfactory method, and the experiments are usually made on fasting curarised dogs. A suitable cannula is introduced into the common bile-duct, as described at p. 361, the animal is curarised, artificial respiration being kept up, while the drug is injected into the stomach or intestine. Rohrig iised this method, which was improved by Rutherford and Vignal. Rb'hrig found that some purgatives, croton oil, colocynth, jalap, aloes, rhubarb, senna, and other substances, increased the secretion of bile. Rutherford and Vignal investigated the action of a large number of drugs on the bile-secreting mechanism. They found that croton oil is a feeble hepatic stimulant, while podophyllin, aloes, colchiciim, euonymin, iridin, sanguinarin, ipecacuan, colocynth, sodium phosphate, phytolaccin, sodium benzoate, sodium salicylate, dilute nitrohydrochloric acid, ammonium phosphate, mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate), are all powerful, or very considerable, hepatic stimulants. They found that some substances stimulate the intestinal glands, but not the liver, e.g., magnesium sulphate, castor oil, gamboge, ammonium chloride, manganese sulphate, calomel. Other substances stimulate the liver as well as the intestinal glands, although not to the same extent, e.g., scammony (powerful intestinal, feeble hepatic stimulant) ; colocynth excites both powerfully; jalap, sodium sulphate, baptisin, act with considerable power both on the liver and the intestinal glands. Calabar bean stimulates the liver, and the increased secretion caused thereby may be reduced by sulphate of atropin, although the latter drug, when given alone, does not notably affect the secretion of bile. The injection of water or bile slightly increases the secretion. In all cases where purgation was produced by purely intestinal stimulants, such as FUNCTIONS OF THE BILfi. 3Go magnesium sulphate, gamboge, and castor oil, the secretion of bile was diminished. In all such experiments it is most important that the temperature of the animal be kept up by covering it with cotton wool, else the secretion of bile diminishes. As yet, we cannot say definitely whether these substances stimulate the secretion of bile, by exciting the mucous membrane of the duodenum or other part of the small intestine, and thereby inducing reflex excitement of the liver. Their action does not seem to be due to increase of the blood-stream through the liver. More pro- bably, as Rutherford suggests, these drugs act directly on the hepatic cells or their nerves. Acetate of lead directly depresses the biliary secretion, while some substances affect it indirectly. ] CholesteraBHlia. — Flint ascribes great importance to the excretion of cholesterin by the bile, with reference to the metabolism of the nervous system. Cholesterin, which is a normal ingredient of nervous-tissue, is excreted by the bile ; and if it be retained in the blood, "cholesteramia," with grave nervous symptoms, is said to occur. This, however, is problematical, and the phenomena described are probably referable to the retention of the bile acids in the blood. 181, Functions of the Bile, [(1) Bile is concerned in the digestion of certain food-stuffs ; (2) part of it is absorbed; (3) part is excreted.] (A.) Bile plays an important part in the absorption of fats :— (1.) It emulsionises neutral fats (§ 170, III.), whereby the fatty granules pass more readily through or between the cylindrical epithelium of the small intestine into the lacteals. It does not decompose neutral fats into glycerine and a fatty acid, as the pancreas does. When, however, fatty acids are dissolved in the bile (Lenz) the bile salts are decomposed, the bile acids being set free, while the soda of the decomposed bile salts readily forms a soluble soap with the fatty acids. These soaps are soluble in the bile, and increase considerably the emulsifying power of this fluid. Bile can dissolve directly fatty acids to form an acid fluid, which has high emulsion ising properties (Steiner). (2.) As fluid fat flows more rapidly through capillary tubes when they are moistened with bile, it is concluded that when the pores of the absorbing wall of the small intestine are moistened with bile, the fatty particles pass more easily through them. (3.) Filtration of fat takes place through a membrane moistened with bile or bile salts under less pressure than when it is moistened with water or salt solutions (v. Wistinghausen). (4.) As bile, like a solution of soap, has a certain relation to watery solutions, as well as to fats, it permits diffusion to take place between these two fluids, as the membrane is moistened by both fluids (v. Wistinghausen). It is clear, therefore, that the bile is of great importance in the preparation and iu the absorption of fats. This is forcibly illustrated by experiments on animals, in which the bile is entirely discharged externally through a fistula. Dogs, under these conditions, absorbed at most 40 p.c. of the fat taken with the food (v. Voit). 30 G FUNCTIONS OF THE BILE. The chyle of such animals is very poor in fat, is not white but transparent; the faeces, however, contain much fat, and are oily. Such animals are voracious (Nasse); the tissues of the body contain little fat, even when the nutrition of the animals has not been much interfered with. Persons suffering from disturbances of the biliary secretion, or from liver affections, ought, therefore, to abstain from fatty food. (B.) Fresh bile contains a diastatic ferment which transforms starch into sugar (Nasse, Jacobson, v. Wittich), and also glycogen into sugar (Bufaliui). (C.) Bile excites contractions of the muscular coats of the intestine, and contributes thereby to absorption. (1.) The bile acids act as a stimulus to the muscles of the v'tlli, which contract from time to time, so that the contents of the lymph-spaces [origins of the lacteals] are emptied towards the larger lymphatics, and the villi are thus in a position to absorb more (Schiff). [The villi act like numerous small pumps, and expel their contents, which are prevented from returning by the presence of valves iu the larger lymphatics.] (2.) The musculature of the intestine itself seems to be excited, perhaps through the agency of the plexus myeutericus. In animals with a biliary fistula, and in which the bile-duct is obstructed, the intestinal peristalsis is greatly diminished, while the salts of the bile acids administered by the mouth cause diarrhoea and vomiting (Leyden, Schiileiu). As contraction of the intestine aids absorption, bile is also necessary in this way for the absorption of the dissolved food stuffs. (D.) The bile moistens the walls of the intestine, as it is copiously excreted. It gives to the faeces their normal amount of water, so that they can be readily evacuated. Animals with biliary fistula, or persons with obstruction of the bile-ducts, are very costive. The mucus of the bile aids the forward movement of the ingesta through the intestinal canal. [Thus, in a certain sense, bile is a natural purgative] (E.) The bile diminishes putrefactive decomposition of the intestinal contents (Valentin). [Thus, it is an antiseptic.] * (F.) When the strongly acid contents of the stomach pass into the duodenum, the glycocholic acid is precipitated by the gastric acid, and carries the pepsin with it (Burkart). Some of the albumin, which has been simply dissolved, but as yet not peptonised, is also precipitated, but it does not seem that peptone or propeptone are precipitated by the mixture of the bile acids (Maly and Emich). The bile salts are decom- posed by the acid of the gastric juice. When the mixture is rendered alkaline by the pancreatic juice and the alkali derived from the decom- position of the bile salts, the pancreatic juice acts energetically in this alkaline medium (Moleschott). When bile passes into the stomach, as in vomiting, the acid of the gastric juice unites with the bases of the bile salts; so that sodium chloride and free bile acids are formed, and the acid reaction is thereby somewhat diminished. The bile FATE OF THE BILE IN THE INTESTINE. 3G7 acids are not effective for carrying on gastric digestion; the peptone is precipitated by them; neutralisation also causes a precipitate of pepsin and mucin. As soon, however, as the walls of the stomach secrete new acid, the pepsin is redis- solvecl. The bile which passes into the stomach deranges gastric digestion, by shrivelling the proteids, which can only be peptonised when they are swollen up. 182. Fate of the Bile in the Intestine. Some of the biliary constituents are completely evacuated with the faeces, while others are reabsorbed by the intestinal walls. (1.) Mucin passes unchanged into the faeces. (2.) The bile pigments are reduced, and are partly excreted with the faeces as hydroUliruUn (§ 1 77, 3 0), and partly as the identical end-product urolilin by the urine. Hydrobilirubin is absent from MeCOnium, while bilirubin and biliverclin and an unknown red oxidation product of it are present (Zweifel). Hence, no reduc- tion —but rather oxidation — processes occur in the fcetal intestine (Hoppe-Seyler). (3.) Cholesterin is given off with the faeces. (4.) The bile salts are for the most part reabsorbed by the walls of the jejunum and ileum, to be re-employed in the animal's economy. Tappeiner found them in the chyle of the thoracic duct — minute quan- tities pass from the blood into the urine. Only a very small amount of glycocholic acid appears unchanged in the faeces. The taurocholic acid, as far as it is not absorbed, is easily decomposed in the intestine, by the putrefactive processes, into cholalic acid and taurin ; the former of these is found in the faeces, but the taurin at least seems not to lie constantly present. As putrefactive decomposition does not occur in the fcetal intestine, unchanged taurocholic acid i.s found in meconium (Zweifel). The anhydride stage of cholalic acid (the artificially prepared choloidinic acid ?), dyslysin, is an artificial product, and does not occur in the ffeces (Hoppe-Seyler). (5.) The faeces contain mere traces of Lecithin (Wegscheider, Bokay). The greatest part of the most important biliary constituents, the bile acids, re-enter the blood, and thus is explained why animals with a biliary fistula, where all the bile is removed (without the animal being allowed to lick the bile), rapidly lose weight. This depends partly upon the digestion of the fats being- interfered with, and also upon the direct loss of the bile salts. If such dogs are to maintain their weight, they must eat twice as much food. In such cases, carbo- hydrates most beneficially replace the fats. If the digestive apparatus is other- wise intact, the animals, on account of their voracity, may even increase in weight, but the flesh and not the fat is increased. The fact that bile is secreted during the foetal period, whilst none of the other digestive fluids is, proves that it is an excretion. The cholalic acid which is reabsorbed by the intestinal walls passes into the body, and seems ultimately to be burned to form C02 and H20. The glycin (with 368 THE INTESTINAL JUICE. hippuric acid) forms urea, as the urea is increased after the injection of glycin (Horsford, Schultzen, Nencki). The fate of taurin is unknown. When large quantities are introduced into the human stomach, it reappears in the urine, as tauro-carbonic acid, along with a small quantity of unchanged taurin. When injected subcutaneously into a rabbit, nearly all of it reappears in the urine. 183. The Intestinal Juice, The human intestine is ten times longer than the length of the body, as measured from the vertex to the anus. It is longer comparatively than that of the omnivora (Henning). Its minimum length is 507, its maximum 1,149 centi- metres; its capacity is relatively greater in children (Beneke). In childhood the absorptive elements, in adults the secreto-chemical processes, appear to be most active (Baginsky). The succus entericus is the digestive fluid secreted by the numerous glands of the intestinal mucous membrane. The largest amount is produced by Lieberklihn's glands, while in the duodenum, there is added the scanty secretion of the small compound tubular Brunner's glands. Brunner's glands are small convoluted, branched, tubular glands, lying in the sub-mucosa of the duodeuum. Their fine ducts run inwards, pierce the mucous membrane, and open at the bases of the villi, The acini are lined by cylindrical cells, like those lining the pyloric glands. In fact, Brunner's glands are structurally and anatomically identical with the pyloric glands of the stomach. During hunger, the cells are turbid and small, while during digestion they are large and clear. The glands receive nerve-fibres from Meissner's plexus (Drasch). I. The Secretion of Brunner's Glands. — The granular contents of the secretory cells of these glands, which occur singly in man, but form a continuous layer in the duodenum of the sheep, besides albuminous substances, consist of mucin and a ferment-substance of unknown consti- tution. The watery extract of the glands causes: — (1) Solution of proteids at the temperature of the body (Krolow). (2) It also has a diastatic (?) action. It does not appear to act upon fats. [Brown and Heron have shown that the secretion of Brunner's glands, more actively than any other glands of the intestines, converts maltose into glucose.] On account of the smallness of the objects, such experiments are only made with great difficulty, and, therefore, there is a certain amount of uncertainty with regard to the action of the secretion. Lieberkullll S glands are simple tubular glands resembling the finger of a glove [or a test tube], which lie closely packed, vertically near each other, in the mucous membrane; they are most numerous in the large intestine, owing to the absence of villi in this region. They consist of a structureless membrana propria lined by a single layer of low cylindrical epithelium, between which numerous goblet-cells occur, the goblet-cells being fewer in the small intestine and much more numerous in the large (Fig. 146). The glands of the small intestine yield a thin secretion, while those of the large intestine yield a large amount of sticky mucus from their goblet-cells (Klose and Heidenhain). CHARACTERS OF THE INTESTINAL JUICE. 369 II. The Secretion of Lieberkuhn's glands is, from the duodenum onwards, the chief constituent of the intestinal juice. Intestinal Fistula.— The intestinal juice is obtained by making a Thiry'a fistula (1864). A loop of the intestine of a dog is pulled forward, and a piece about four inches in length is cut out, so that the continuity of the intestinal tube is broken, but the mesentery and its blood-vessels are not divided. One end of this tube is closed, and the other end is left open and stitched to the abdominal wall. After the two ends of the intestine, from which this piece was taken, have been carefully brought together with sutures, so as to establish the continuity of the intestinal canal, animals still continue to live. The excised piece of intestine yields a secretion which is uncontaminated with any other digestive secretion. [Thiry's method is very unsatisfactory, as judged from the action of the separated loop in relation to medicaments, probably owing to its mucous membrane becoming atrophied from disuse, or injured by inflammation. Meade Smith has lately used a better method, in which he makes a small opening in the intestine, through which he introduces two small hollow and collapsed india-rubber balls, one above and the other below the opening, which are then distended by inflation until they completely block a certain length of the intestine. The loop thus blocked off having been previously well washed out, is allowed to become filled with succus, which is secreted on the application of various stimuli. By means of Bernard's gastric cannula (p. 330) inserted into the fistula in the loop, the secretion can be removed when desired.] Fig. 146. Lieberkuhn's Gland, from the large intestine of a dog. The intestinal juice of such fistulre flows spontaneously in very small amount, and is increased during digestion; it is increased — especially its mucus — by mechanical, chemical, and electrical stimuli; at the same time, the mucous membrane becomes red, so that 100 iZJ centimetres yields 13 to 18 grammes of this juice in an hour (Thiry, Masloff). Characters. — The juice is light yellow, opalescent, thin, strongly alkaline, specific gravity 1011, evolves C02 Avhen an acid is added; it contains albumin and ferments ; mucin occurs in the juice of the large intestine. Its composition is — proteids = 0'SO p.c.; other organic substances = 07 3 p.c.; salts, 0'8S p.c.; amongst these — sodium car- bonate, 0-32-0-34 p.c.; water, 97'59 p.c. 24 •"'70 ACTIONS OF THE INTESTINAL JUICE. [The intestinal juice obtained by Meade Smith's method contained only 0'39 per cent, of organic matter, and in this respect agreed closely with the juice which A. Moreau procured by dividing the mesenteric nerves of a ligatured loop of intestine.] [The secretion of the large intestine is much more viscid than that of 'the small intestine.] Actions of succus entericus. — The digestive functions of the fluid of the small intestine are:— (1.) It has less diastatic action than either the saliva or the pancreatic juice (Schiff, Buscli, Quincke, Garland), but it does not form maltose; while the juice of the large intestine is said to possess this property (Eichhorst). V. Wittich extracted the ferment with a mixture of glycerine and water. [The diastatic action of the small intestine is incomparably weaker than that of the saliva, or pancreatic juice, and barely exceeds that of the tissues and fluids of the bodies generally. A similarly weak diastatic action is possessed by the secretion of the colon.] (±) It converts maltose into grape-sugar. It seems, therefore, to continue the diastatic action of saliva (§ 148) and pancreatic juice (§ 170) which usually form only maltose. Thus maltose seems to be transformed into grape-sugar by the intestinal juice. (3.) Fibrin is slowly (by the trypsin and pepsin — Kiihne) peptonised (Thiry, Leube); less easily albumin (Masloff), fresh casein, flesh raw or cooked, vegetable albumin (Kolliker, Schiff); probably gelatin also is changed by a special ferment into a solution which does not gelatinise (Eichhorst). [The ferment for this purpose is mainly contained in Brunner's glands, and in Peyer's patches (Brown and Heron).] (4.) Fats are only partly emulsionised (SchifF), and afterwards decomposed (Vella). [M. Hay has never observed any emulsifying action. The apparent emulsification in certain instances is due to shaking the alkaline juice with a rancid oil, containing free fatty acids, when a certain quantity of a soap is at once formed.] (f>.) According to Cl. Bernard, invertin occurs in intestinal juice (this ferment can also be extracted from yeast), whereby cane-sugar (C12H22On) takes up water ( + H20) and becomes converted into invert sugar, which is a mixture of left rotating sugar (laevulose, CGH1200) and of grape-sugar (dextrose, CGH120G). Heat seems to be absorbed during the process (Leube). (See Carbohydrates for the various kinds of sugar). [Hoppe-Seyler lias suggested that this ferment is not a natural product of the body, but is introduced from without with the food. Matthew Hay has recently disproved this theory by, amongst other reasons, finding it to be invariably present in the intestine of the fretus. It is found in every portion of the small intestine, but not in the large intestine, nor in any other part of the body, and is much less diffusible than diastase.] FERMENTATION PROCESSES IN THE INTESTINE. 371 Fate Of the Ferments. — With regard to the digestive ferments, Langley is of opinion that they are destroyed in the intestinal canal ; the diastatic ferment of saliva is destroyed by the HC1 of the gastric juice; pepsin and rennet are acted upon by the alkaline salts of the pancreatic and intestinal juices, and by trypsin ; while the diastatic and peptic ferments of the pancreas disappear under the iuliuence of the acid fermentation in the large intestine. The action Of the NerVOUS System on the secretion of the intestinal juice is not well determined. Section or stimulation of the vagi has no apparent effect; while extirpation of the large sympathetic abdominal ganglia causes the intestinal canal to be filled with a watery fluid, and gives rise to diarrhoea (Budge). This may be explained by the paralysis of the vaso-motor nerves, and also by the section of large lymphatic vessels during the operation, whereby absorption is interfered with and transudation is favoured. Moreau's Experiment. — A .similar result is caused by extirpation of the nerves which accompany the blood-vessels going to a loop of intestine (Moreau). [Moreau placed four ligatures on a loop of intestine at equal distances from each other. The ligatures were tied so that three loops of intestine were shut off. The nerves to the middle loop were divided, and the intestine was replaced in the abdominal cavity. After a time, a very small amount of secretion, or none at all, was found in two of the ligatured compartments of the gut — i.e., in those with the nerves and blood-vessels intact — but the compartment whose nerves had been divided contained a watery secretion.] The secretion of the intestinal and gastric juices is diminished in man in certain nervous affections (hysteria, hypochondriasis, and various cerebral diseases) ; while in other conditions, these secretions are increased. If an isolated intestinal fistula be made, and various drugs administered, experiment shows that the mucous membrane excretes iodine, bromine, lithium, sulphocyanides, but not potassium ferrocyanide, arsenious or boracic acid (Quincke), or iron salts (Glaevecke). In sucklings, not unfrequently a large amount of acid is formed when the fungi in the intestine (Leube) split up milk-sugar or grape-sugar into lactic acid. Starch changed into grape-sugar may undergo the same abnormal process ; hence, infants ought not to be fed with starchy food. 184. Fermentation Processes in the Intestine. Those processes, which are to be regarded as fermentations or putre- factive processes, are quite different from those caused by the action of distinct ferments (Frerichs, Hoppe-Seyler). The putrefactive changes are connected with the presence of lower organisms, so-called fermenta- tion or putrefaction producers (Nencki) ; and they may develop in suitable media outside the body. The lower organisms which cause the intestinal fermentation are swallowed with the food and the drink, and also with the saliva. When they are introduced, fermentation and putrefaction begin, and gases are evolved. Intestinal Gases. — During the whole of the fcetal period until birth, this fermentation cannot occur ; hence, gases are never present in the intestine of the newly-born (Breslau). The first air-bubbles pass into the intestine with the saliva which is swallowed, even before food has been taken. The germs of organisms are thus introduced into the 372 FUNGI AS EXCITERS OF FERMENTATION. intestinal tract, and give rise to the formation of gases. The evolution of intestinal gases goes hand-in-hand with the fermentations. Atmo- spheric air is also swallowed, and an exchange of gases takes place in the intestine, so that the composition of the intestinal gases depends upon various conditions. Kolbe and Kuge collected the gases from the anus of a man, and found in 100 vols. : — Food. CO-2. H. cm N. HaS. Milk, . . . Flesh, . . . Peas, . . . 16-8 12-4 21-0 43-3 2-1 4'0 0-9 27-5 55-9 38-3 57-8 18-9 Quantity not estimated. With regard to the formation of gas and the processes of fermenta- tion we note— 1. Air bubbles are swallowed when food is taken. The 0 thereof is rapidly absorbed by the walls of the intestinal tract, so that in the lower part of the large intestine, even traces of 0 are absent. In exchange, the blood-vessels in the intestinal wall give off C02 into the intestine, so that a part of the C02 in the intestine is derived by diffusion from the blood. 2. H and C02NH3 and CH4 are also formed from the intestinal contents by fermentation, which takes place even in the small intestine (Planer). Fungi as Exciters Of Fermentation. — The chief agents in the production of fermentations, putrefaction and other similar decompositions are undoubtedly the group of the fungi called Scliizomycetes. They are small unicellular organisms of various forms, globular (Micrococcus), short rods (Bacterium), long rods (Bacillus), or spiral threads ( Vibrio, Spirillum, Spirochceta). The mode of reproduction is by division, and they may either remain single or unite to form colonies. Each organism is usually capable of some degree of motion. They produce profound chemical changes in the fluids or media in which they grow and multiply, and these changes depend upon the vital activity of their protoplasm. These minute micro- scopic organisms take certain constituents from the "nutrient fluids" in which they live, and use them partly for building up their own tissues and partly for their own metabolism. In these processes, some of the siibstances so absorbed and assimilated undergo chemical changes, some ferments seem thereby to be produced, which in their turn may act upon material present in the nutritive fluid. These fungi consist of a capsule or envelope enclosing protoplasmic contents. Many of them are provided with excessively delicate cilia, by means of which they move about. The new organisms produced by the division of pre-existing ones, sometimes form large colonies visible to the naked eye, the individual fungi being united by a jelly-like mass, the whole constitiiting zooyloca. In some fungi, repro- duction takes place by spores; more especially when the nutrient fluids are poor in nutritive materials. The bacteria form longer rods or threads which are jointed, and in each joint or segment small (1-2/u) highly refractive globules or spores are developed (Fig. 148, 7). In some cases, as in the butyric acid fermentation, the rods FERMENTATION OF THE CARBOHYDRATES. 373 become fusiform before spores are formed. When the envelope of the mother-cell is ruptured or destroyed, the spores are liberated, and if they fall upon or into a suitable medium, they germinate and reproduce organisms similar to those from which they sprung. The process of spore-production is illustrated in Fig. 147, 7, 8, 9, and in 1, 2, 3, 4 is shown the process of germination in the butyric acid fungus. The spores are very tenacious of life; they may be dried when they resist death for a very long time; some of them are not killed by being boiled. Some fungi exhibit their vital activities only in the presence of 0 (Aerobes), while others require the exclusion of Q (Anaerobes, Pasteur). According to the products of their action, they are classified as follows: — Those that produce fermentations (zymogenic schizomycetes); those that produce pigments (chromogenic) ; those that produce disagreeable odours, as during putrefaction (bromogenic); and those that when introduced into the living tissues of other organisms produce pathological condition*, and even death (pathogenic). All these different kinds occur in the human body. D 1 5 s 6 I 0 /4 A Fig. 147. A, Bacterium actti in the form of — cocci (1); diplococci (2); short rods (3), and jointed threads (4, 5). B, Bacillus butyricus — (1) isolated spores; (2, 3, 4) germinating condition of the spores ; (5, 6) short and long rods ; (7, 8, 9) formation of spores within a cellular fungus. When we consider that numerous fungi are introduced into the intestinal canal with the food and drink — that the temperature and other conditions within this tube are specially favourable for their development; that there also they meet with sufficient pabulum for their development and reproduction — we cannot wonder that a rich crop of these organisms is met with in the intestine, and that they produce these numerous decompositions. I. Fermentation of the Carbo-hydrates. — (1.) Bacterium lacticum (Cohn), (Ferment lactique, Pasteur) are biscuit-shaped cells, T5-3 fj. in length, arranged in groups or isolated. They split up sugar into lactic acid; 1 grape-sugar = C0H12Oe=: 2 (C3H603) = 2 milk-sugar. Milk-sugar (C12H2204) may be split up by the same ferment causing it to take up H20, and forming 2 molecules of grape-sugar, 2 (C0H120C), which are again split into 4 molecules of lactic acid, 4 (C3HG03). 374 FERMENTATION OF THE FATS. The fungi which occur everywhere in the atmosphere are the cause of the spon- taneous acidification, and subsequent coagulation of milk. — See Mill: (2.) Bacillus butyricus (B. amylobacter, Van Tieghem ; Clostridiutn butyricum, Vibrion butyrique, Pasteur), which in the presence of starch is often coloured blue by iodine, changes lactic acid into butyric acid, together with CO., and H (Prazmowski). C C4HS03=1 butyric acid. 2 (C3H603) lactic acid = I 2 (C02) — 2 carbonic acid. 4 H = 4 hydrogen. This fungus (Fig. 147, B) is a true anaerobe, and grows only in the absence of 0. The lactic acid fungus uses O very largely, and is, therefore, its natural precursor. The butyric acid fermentation is the last change undergone by many carbo- hydrates, especially of starch and inulin. It takes place constantly in the fseces. (3.) A fungus, whose nature is not yet determined, causes alcohol to be formed from carbohydrates (Fitz). The presence of yeast may cause the formation of alcohol in the intestine, and in both cases also from milk-sugar, which first becomes changed into dextrose (p. 298, I). (4.) Bacterium aceti (Fig. 147, A) converts alcohol into acetic acid outside the body. Alcohol (C2H0O) + 0 = C2H4O ( Aldehyd) + H2O. Acetic acid (C2H402) is formed from aldehyd by oxidation. According to Niigeli, the same fungus causes the formation of a small amount of C02 and H20. As the acetic fermentation is arrested at 35°C., this fermentation cannot occur in the intestine, and the acetic acid, which is constantly found in the ffeces, must be derived from another source. During putrefaction of the proteids with exclusion of air, acetic acid is produced (Nencki). (5.) Starch and cellulose are partly dissolved by the schizomycetes of the intestine. If cellulose be mixed with cloacal-mucus (Hoppe- Seyler), or with the contents of the intestine (Tappeiner), n molecules, [n (C6H1005)], take up n molecules of water, + %(H20), and produce three times n molecules C02, and three times n molecules of marsh- gas 3 n (CH4). (6.) Fungi, whose nature is unknown, can partly transform starch (? and cellulose) into sugar, others excrete invert-in — e.g., the Leuko- nostoc mesenteriodes, which develops in the juice of turnips. Invertin changes cane-sugar into invert-sugar (§ 183, II, 5). II. Fermentation of the Fats.— In certain putrefactive conditions, organisms of an unknown nature can cause neutral fats to take up water and split into glycerine and fatty acids. Glycerine — C3H5 (H0)3 — is a triatomic alcohol, and is capable of undergoing several fermentations, according to the fungus which acts upon it. With a neutral reaction, in addition to succinic acid, a number of fatty acids, H and C02, are formed. Fitz found under the influence of the liay-funyus (Bacillus subtilis, Fig. 148) alcohol with caproic, butyric, and acetic acids ; in other cases butylic alcohol is the chief product. FERMENTATION OF THE PROTEIPS. 375 The fatty acids, especially as chalk soaps, form an excellent material for fermentation. Calcium formiate mixed with cloacal-mucus fer- ments and yields calcium carbonate, C02 and H ; calcium acetate, under the same conditions, produces calcium carbonate, CO, and CH4. Amongst the oxy-atids, we are acquainted with the fermentations of lactic, glycerinic, malic, tartaric, and citric acids. 0 0 y 1 2 'J 4 Fig. 148. Bacillus subtilis — 1, spore ; 2, 3, 4, germination of the spores ; 5, 6, short rods ; 7, jointed thread, with the formation of spores in each segment or cell; 8, short rods, some of them containing spores ; 9, spores in single short rods ; 10, fungus with a cilium. According to Fitz, lactic acid (in combination with chalk), produces propionic and acetic acids, C02H2O. Other ferments cause the formation of valerianic acid. Glycerinic acid, in addition to alcohol and succinic, yields chiefly acetic acid; malic acid forms succinic and acetic acid. The other acids above enumerated yield somewhat similar products. III. Fermentation of the Proteids. — There do not seem to be fungi of sufficient activity in the intestine to act upon undigested proteids and their derivatives. Many schizomycetes, however, can pro- duce a peptonising ferment. We have already seen that pancreatic digestion (p. 341), acts upon the proteids, forming, among other products, amido-acids, leucin, tyrosin, and other bodies. Under normal conditions, this is the greatest decom- position produced by the pancreatic juice. The putrefactive fermentation of the large intestine (Hiiffner, Nencki) causes further and more profound decompositions. Leucin (C6H13N"02) takes up two molecules of water and yields valerianic acid (C5H1002), ammonia, CO., and 2(H2); fjlydn behaves in a similar manner. Tyrosin (C9HUN03) is decom- posed into indol (CgH7N), which is constantly present in the intes- tine (Kiihne), C02H2ON (Nencki). If 0 be present, other decom- positions take place. These putrefactive products are absent from the intestinal canal of the foetus and the newly-born (Senator). During the putrefactive decomposition of proteids, C02H2S, also H and CH4, are formed; the same result is obtained by boiling them with 370 INDOL — SKATOL — PHENOL. alkalies. Gelatin, under the same conditions, yields much leucin and ammonia, C02, acetic, butyric, and valerianic acids, and glycin (Nencki). Mucin and nuclein undergo no change. Artificial pancreatic digestion experiments rapidly tend to undergo putrefaction. The substance which causes the peculiar ftecal odour is produced by putrefaction, but its nature is not known. It clings so firmly to inclol and skatol that these svib- stances were formerly regarded as the odorous bodies, but when they are prepared pure they are odourless (Bayer). The above-mentioned putrefactive processes, which also occur in pancreas undergoing decomposition, may be interrupted by antiseptics (salicylic acid). The putrefactive products of the pancreas give a red colour or precipitate with chlorine water. Indol. — Amongst the solid substances in the large intestine formed only by putrefaction is inclol (CgH^N), a substance which is also formed when proteids are heated with alkalies, or by overheating them with water to 200°C. It is the stage preceding the indican in the urine. If the products of the digestion of the proteids — the peptones — are rapidly absorbed, there is only a slight formation of indol ; but when absorption is slight, and putrefaction of the products of pancreatic digestion occurs, much indol is formed, and indican appears in the urine. Jaffe" found much indican in the urine in strangulated hernia, and when the small intestine was obstructed. Landois observed the same after the transfusion of heterogeneous blood. A. Bayer prepared indigo-blue artificially from ortho-phenyl-propionic acid, by boiling it with dilute caustic soda, after the addition of a little grape-sugar. He obtained indol and skatol from indigo-blue. Hoppe-Seyler foxind that on feeding rabbits with ortho-nitrophenyl-proprionic acid, much indican was present in the urine. Phenol (C6HC0) is formed by putrefaction in the intestine, and it is also formed when fibrin and pancreatic juice putrefy outside the body (Baumann), while Brieger found it constantly in the faeces. It seems to be increased by the same circumstances that increase indol (Salkowski), as an excess of indican in the urine is accompanied by an increase of phenylsulphuric acid in that fluid. Hydrocinnamic acid (phenylpropionic acid) may also be obtained from putre- fying flesh and fibrin. It is completely oxidised in the body into benzoic acid, and appears as hippuric acid in the urine. Thus is explained the formation of hippuric acid from a purely albuminous diet (E. and H. Salkowski). Skatol (C9H9N = methylindol) — (Brieger), is a constant human fffical substance, and has been prepared artificially by Nencki and Secretan from egg-albumin, by allowing it to putrefy for a long time under water. It also appears in the urine as a sulphuric acid com- pound. The excretin of human fseces, described by Marcet, is related to cholesterin, but its history and constitution are unknown. PROCESSES IN THE LARGE INTESTINE. 377 It is of the utmost importance, in connection with the processes of putrefaction, to determine whether they take place when oxygen is excluded or not (Pasteur). When 0 is absent, reductions take place ; oxy-acids are reduced to fatty acids, and HCH4 and H2S are formed; while the H may produce further reductions. If 0 be present, the nascent H separates the molecule of free ordinary oxygen ( = 02) into two atoms of active oxygen ( = 0). Water is formed on the one hand, while the second atom of 0 is a powerful oxidizing agent (Hoppe- Seyler). [It is not improbable that some substances, as sulphur, are in part rendered soluble and absorbed by the action of the nascent hydrogen evolved by the schizomycetes, forming a soluble hydrogen compound with the substance (Matthew Hay).] It is remarkable that the putrefactive processes, after the development of phenol, indol, skatol, cresol, phenylpropionic and phenylacetic acids, are after- wards limited, and after a certain concentration is reached they cease altogether. The putrefactive process produces antiseptic substances which kill the micro- organisms (Wernich), so that we may assume, that these substances limit to a certain extent the putrefactive processes in the intestine. The reaction of the intestine immediately below the stomach is acid, but the pancreatic and intestinal juices cause a neutral and afterwards an alkaline reaction, which obtains along the whole small intestine. In the large intestine, the reaction is generally acid, on account of the acid fermentation and the decomposition of the ingesta and the feces. 185. Processes in the Large Intestine. Within the large' intestine, the fermentative and putrefactive pro- cesses are certainly more prominent than the digestive processes proper, as only a very small amount of the intestinal juice is found in it (Kiihne). The absorptive function of the large intestine is greater than its secretory function, as at the beginning of the colon, its contents are thin and watery, but in the further course of the intestine they become more solid. Water and the products of digestion in solution are not the only substances absorbed, but under certain circumstances, un- changed fluid egg-albumin (Voit and Bauer, Czerny and Latschen- berger), milk and its proteids (Eichhorst), flesh- juice, solution of gelatin, myosin with common salt, may also be absorbed. Experi- ments with acid-albumin, syntonin, or blood-serum gave no result. Toxic substances are absorbed more rapidly than from the stomach (Savory). The fsecal matters are formed or rather shaped in the lower part of the gut. The cajcum of many animals, e.g., rabbit, is of con- siderable size, and in it fermentation seems to occur with considerable energy, giving rise to an acid reaction. In man, the chief function of 378 CHARACTERS OF THE F/EOES. the caecum is absorption, as is shown by the great number of lymphatics in its walls. From the lower part of the small intestine and the caecum onwards, the ingesta assume the faecal odour. The amount of fasces is about 170 grms. (60-250 grms.) in 24 hours ; but if much indigestible food be taken, it may be as much as 500 grms. The amount is less, and the absolute amount of solids is less, after a diet of flesh and albumin, than after a vegetable diet. The fasces are rendered lighter by the evolution of gases, and hence they float on water. The consistence of the faeces depends on the amount of water pre- sent— it is usually about 75 per cent. The amount of water depends partly on the food — pure flesh diet causes relatively dry faeces, while substances rich in sugar yield faeces with a relatively large amount of water. The quantity of water taken has no effect upon the amount of water in the faeces. But the energy of the peristalsis has this effect, that the more energetic it is, the more Avatery the faeces are, because sufficient time is not allowed for absorption of the fluid from the ingesta. Paralysis of the blood- and lymph-vessels, after section of the nerves, leads to a watery condition of the faeces (p. 371). The reaction is often acid in consequence of lactic acid being developed from the carbo-hydrates of the food. Numerous other acids produced by putrefaction are also present (§ 184)! If much ammonia be formed in the lower part of the intestine, a neutral or even alkaline reaction may obtain. A copious secretion of mucus favours the occurrence of a neutral reaction. The odour, which is stronger after a flesh diet than after a vegetable diet, is caused by some faecal products of putrefaction, which have not yet been isolated ; also by volatile fatty acids and by sulphuretted hydrogen, when it is present. The colour of the faeces depends upon the amount of altered bile- pigments mixed with them, whereby a bright yellow to a dark-brown colour is obtained. The colour of the food is also of importance. If much blood be present in the food, the fa;ces are almost brownish-black from ha?matiu ; green vegetables = brownish green from chlorophyll ; bones (dog) = white from the amount of lime ; preparations of iron = black from the formation of sulphide of iron. [The pigment of claret tinges the fceces.] The faeces contain — (1.) The unchanged residue of animal or vegetable tissues used as food ; hairs, horny and elastic tissues ; most of the cellulose, woody fibres, spiral vessels of vegetable cells, gum. (2.) Portions of digestible substances, especially when these have been taken in too large amount, or when they have not been sufficiently COMPOSITION OF THE F.-ECES. 379 broken up by chewing. Portions of muscular fibres, ham, tendon, cartilage, particles of fat, coagulated albumin — vegetable cells from potatoes and vegetables, raw starch, &c. All food yields a certain amount of residue— white bread, 3 '7 p.c.; rice, 4'1 p.c. ; flesh, 4'7 p.c.; potatoes, 9'4p.c.; cabbage, 14'9p.c.; black bread, 15 p.c.; yellow turnip, 20'7 p.c. (Rubner). (3.) The decomposition products of the bile-pigments, which do not now give the Gmelin-Heintz reaction ; as well as the altered bile-acids (§177, 2). This reaction, however, may be obtained in pathological stools, especially in those of a green colour ; unaltered bilirubin, bili- verdin, glycocholic, and taurocholic acids occur in meconium (Zweifel, Hoppe-Seyler). (4.) Unchanged mucin and nuclein — the latter occasionally after a diet of bread, together with cylindrical epithelium in a state of partial solution, from the intestinal canal, and occasional drops of oil. Cholesterin is very rare. The less the mucus is mixed with the faeces, the lower the part of the intestine from which it was derived (Nothnagel). (5.) After a milk diet and also after a fatty diet, crystalline needles of lime, combined with fatty acids, chalk-soaps, constantly occur, even in sucklings (Wegscheider). Even unchanged masses of casein and fat occur during the milk-cure. Compounds of ammonia, with the acids mentioned at p. 375, the result of putrefaction, belong to the faecal matters (Brieger). (6.) Amongst inorganic residues, soluble salts rarely occur in the faces because they diffuse readily — e.g., common salt, and the other alkaline chlorides, the compounds of phosphoric acid, and some of those of sulphuric acid. The insoluble compounds, of which ammoniaco- magnesic or triple phosphate, neutral calcic phosphate, j^ellow coloured lime salts, calcium carbonate, and magnesium phosphate are the chief, form 70 p.c. of the ash. Some of these insoluble substances are derived from the food, as lime from bones, and in part they are excreted after the food has been digested, as ashes are eliminated from food which has been burned. The excretion of inorganic substances is sometimes so great, that they form incrustations around other fsecal matters. Usually ammoniaco-magnesic phosphate occurs in large crystals by itself, or it may be mixed with magnesium phosphate. (7.) A considerable portion of normal fsecal matter consists of micrococci and microbactcria (Bacterium termo — Woodward, Noth- nagel). Bacillus subtilis is not very plentiful, while yeast is seldom absent (Frerichs, Nothnagel). In stools that contain much starch, the bacillus amylobacter, which is tinged blue with iodine, occurs (p. 374), •°>80 I'ATHOLOGICAL VARIATIONS OK DKiESTION. and other small globular or rod-like fungi, which give a similar reaction (Notlmagel, Uffelmann). Bienstock, who has devoted attention to the microbes of the faeces, finds two kinds of bacteria in all faeces ; both resemble B. subtilis (Fig. 148) very closely, but they are distinguished from it by their mode of development. They do not cause any fermentative action. There are several other forms found in the faecal evacuations, under different circumstances. The changes of the intestinal contents have been studied on persons with an accidental intestinal fistula, or an artificial anus. 186. Pathological Variations. A. The taking Of food may be interfered with by spasm of the muscles of mastication (usually accompanied by general spasms), stricture of the oeso- phagus, by cicatrices after swallowing caustic fluids (e.g., caustic potash, mineral acids), or by the presence of a tumour, such as cancer. Inflammation of all kiucls in the mouth or pharynx interferes with the taking of food. Impossibility of swallowing occurs as part of the general phenomena in disease of the medulla oblongata, in consequence of paralysis of the motor centre (superior olives) for the facial, vagus, and hypoglossal nerves, and also for the afferent or sensory fibres of the gloss-pharyngeal, vagus, and trigeminus. Stimulation or abnormal excitation of these parts causes spasmodic swallowing, and the disagreeable feeling of a constriction in the neck (globus hystericus). B. The secretion Of Saliva is diminished during inflammation of the salivary glands; occlusion of their ducts by concretions (salivary calculi); also by the use of atropin, daturin, and during fever, whereby the secretory (not the vaso-motor) fibres of the chorda appear to be paralysed (p. 287). When the fever is very high, no saliva is secreted. The saliva secreted during moderate fever is turbid and thick, and usually acid. As the fever increases, the diastatic action of the saliva diminishes (Uffelmann). The secretion is increased, by stimulation of the buccal nerves (inflammation, ulceration, trigeminal neuralgia), so that the saliva is secreted in great quantity. Mercury and jaborandi cause secretion of saliva, the former causing stomatitis, which excites the secretion of saliva reflexly. Even diseases of the stomach accompanied by vomiting, cause secretion of saliva. A very thick tenacious sympathetic saliva occurs when there is violent stimulation of the vascular system during sexual excitement, and also during certain psychical conditions. The reaction of the saliva is acid in catarrh of the mouth, in fever in consequence of decomposition of the buccal epithelium, and in diabetes mellitu.s in consequence of acid fermentation of the saliva which contains sugar. Hence, diabetic persons often suffer from carious teeth. Unless the mouth of an infant be kept scrupulously clean, the saliva is apt to become acid. C. Disturbances in the activity of the musculature of the stomach may be due to paralysis of the muscular layers, whereby the stomach becomes distended, and the ingesta remain a long time in it. A special form of paralysis of the stomach is due to non-closure of the pylorus (Ebstein). This may be due to disturbances of innervation of a central or peripheral nature, or there may be actual paralysis of the pyloric sphincter, or anaesthesia of the pyloric mucous membrane, which acts reflexly upon the sphincter muscle ; and lastly, it may be due to the reflex impulse not being transferred to the efferent fibre within the nerve centre. Abnormal activity of the gastric musculature hastens the passage of the ingesta into the intestine ; vomiting often occurs. DIGESTION DURING FEVER AND ANEMIA. 38 1 Gastric digestion is delayed by violent bodily or mental exercise, and some- times it is arrested altogether. Sudden mental excitement may have the same effect. These effects are very probably caused through the vaso-motor nerves of the stomach. Feeble and imperfect digestion may be of a purely nervous nature (Dyspepsia nervosa— Leube ; Neurasthenia gastrica — Burkart). [According to J. W. Fraser, all infused beverages, tea, coffee, cocoa, retard the peptic digestion of proteids, with few exceptions. The retarding action is less with coffee than with tea. The tannic acid and volatile oil seem to be the retarding ingredients in teas.] Inflammatory or catarrhal affections of the stomach, as well as ulceration and new formations, interfere with digestion, and the same result is caused by eating too much food which is difficult of digestion, or taking too much highly spiced sauces or alcohol. In the case of a dog suffering from chronic gastric catarrh, Griitzner observed that the secretion took place continuously, and that the gastric juice contained little pepsin, was turbid, sticky, feebly acid, and even alkaline. The introduction of food did not alter the secretion, so that in this condition the stomach really obtains no rest. The chief cells of the gastric glands were turbid. Hence, in gastric catarrh, we ought to eat frequently, but take little at a time, while at the same time dilute (0'4 p.c.) hydrochloric acid ought to be adminis- tered. Small doses of common salt seem to aid digestion. [In cases of carcinoma of the stomach, the acid reaction of the gastric juice is almost invariably absent.] Feeble digestion may be caused either by imperfect formation of acid or pepsin, so that both substances may be administered in such a condition. [It may also be due to deficient muscular power in the wall of the stomach. ] In other cases, lactic, butyric, and acetic acids are formed, owing to the presence of lowly organisms. In such cases, small doses of salicylic acid are useful (Hoppe- Seyler), together with some hydrochloric acid. Pepsin need not be given often, as it is rarely absent, even from the diseased gastric mucous membrane. Albumin has been found in the gastric juice in cases of gastric catarrh and cholera. D. Digestion during Fever and Anaemia. — Beaumont found that in the case of Alexis St. Martin, when fever occurred, a small amount of gastric juice was secreted ; the mucous membrane was dry, red, and irritable. Dogs suffering from septica?mic fever, or rendered anfemic by great loss of blood, secrete gastric juice of feeble digestive power and containing little acid (Manassein). Hoppe-Seyler investigated the gastric juice of a typhus patient, in which Von der Velden found no free acid, and he found the same in gastric catarrh, fever, and in cancer of the stomach. The gastric juice of the typhus patient did not digest artificially, even after the addition of hydrochloric acid. The diminution of acid, under these cir- cumstances, favours the occurrence of a neutral reaction, so that, on the one hand, digestion cannot proceed, and, on the other, fermentative processes (lactic and butyric acid fermentations with the evolution of gases) occur. These results are associated with the presence of micro-organisms and Sarcina ventriculi (Goodsir). He advises the administration of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, and when there are symptoms of fermentation, small doses of salicylic acid. Uffelmann found the secretion of a peptone-forming gastric juice ceased in fever, when the fever is severe at the outset, when a feeble condition occurs, or when the temperature is very high. The amount of juice secreted is certainly diminished during fever. The excitability of the mucous membrane is increased, so that vomiting readily occurs. The increased excitability of the vaso-motor nerves during fever (Heiden- hain) is disadvantageous for the secretion of the digestive fluids. Beaumont observed that fluids are rapidly absorbed from the stomach during fever, but the absorption of peptones is diminished on account of the accompanying catarrhal condition of the stomach, and the altered functional activity of the muscularis mucosoe (Leube). Many salts when given in large amount disturb gastric digestion — e.g., the 382 CONSTIPATION AND DIARRHCEA. sulphates. While the alkaloids, morphia, strychnia, digitalin, narcotiu, veratria have a similar action ; quinine favours it (Wolberg). In some nervous individuals a " peristaltic un-rest of the stomach," conjoined with a dyspeptic condition, occurs (Kussmaul). E. In acute diseases, the secretion of bile is affected ; it becomes less in amount and more watery, i.e., it contains less specific constituents. If the liver undergoes great structural change, the secretion may be arrested. F. Gallstones. — When decomposition of the bile occurs, gallstones are formed iu the gall-bladder or in the bile-ducts. Some are white, and consist almost entirely of stratified layers of crystals of cholesterin. The brown forms consist of bilirubin- lime and calcium carbonate, often mixed with iron, copper, and manganese. The gallstones in the gall-bladder become facetted by rubbing against each other. The nucleus of the white stones often consists of chalk and bile colouring matters, together with nitrogenous residues, derived from shed epithelium, muciii, bile salts and fats. Gallstones may occlude the bile-duct and cause cholsemia. When a small stone becomes impacted iu a duct, it gives rise to excessive pain constituting hepatic colic, and may even cause rupture of the bile-duct with its sharp edges. G. Nothing certain has been determined regarding the pancreatic secretion, in disease, but in fever, it appears to be diminished in amount and digestive activity. The suppression of the pancreatic secretion [as by a cancerous tumour of the head of the pancreas] is often accompanied by the appearance of fat in the form of globules or groups of crystals in the forces. H. Constipation is a most important derangement of the digestive tract. It may be caused by — 1. Conditions which obstruct the normal channel, e.g., con- striction of the gut from stricture — in the large gut after dysentery, tumours, rotation on its axis of a loop of intestine (volvulus), or invagiuation, occlusion of a coil of gut in a heriiial sac, or by the pressure of tumours or exudations from without, or congenital absence of the anus. 2. Too great dryness of the contents, caused by too little water in the articles of diet, diminution of the aniouut of the digestive secretions, e.i/., of bile in icterus; or in consequence of much fluid being given oti" by other organs, as after copious secretion of saliva, milk, or in fever. 3. Variations in the functional activity of the muscles and motor-nervous apparatus of the gut may cause constipation, owing to imperfect peristalsis. This condition occurs in inflammations, degenerations, chronic catarrh, diaphragmatic inflammation. Affections of the spinal cord, and sometimes also of the brain, are usually accompanied by slow evacuation of the intestine. Whether diminished mental activity and hypochondrias are the cause of or are caused by constipation is not proved. Spasmodic contraction of a part of the intestine may cause temporary retention of the intestinal contents, and, at the same time, give rise to great pain or colic ; the same is true of spasm, of the anal sphincter, which may be excited reflexly from the lower part of the gut. The fajcal masses in constipation are usually hard and dry, owing to the water being absorbed ; hence they form large masses or xcybala within the large intestine, and these again give rise to new resistance. Amongst the reagents which prevent evacuation of the bowels, some paralyse the motor apparatus temporarily, e.g. , opium, morphia; some diminish the secretion of the intestinal mucous membrane, and cause constriction of the blood-vessels, as taiinic acid, vegetables containing tannin, alum, chalk, lead acetate, silver nitrate, bismuth nitrate. I. Increased evacuation of the intestinal contents is usually accompanied by a watery condition of the faeces, constituting diarrhoea- The causes are :— 1. A too rapid movement of the contents through the intestine, chiefly through the large intestine, so that there is not time for the normal amount of absorption to take place. The increased peristalsis depends upon stimulation of the motor- COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION. 383 nervous apparatus of the intestine, usually of a reflex nature. Rapid transit of the contents through the intestine causes the evacuation of certain substances, which cannot be digested in so short a time. 2. The stools become thinner from the presence of much water, mucus, and the admixture with fat, and by eating fruit and vegetables. In rare cases, when the evacuations contain much muciu, Charcot's crystals (Fig. 115, c) occur. In ulcera- tioii of the intestine, leucocytes (pus) are present ^othnagel). 3. Diarrhoea may occur as a consequence of disturbance of the diffusion -processes through the intestinal walls, as in affections of the epithelium, when it becomes swollen in inflammatory or catarrhal conditions of the intestinal mucous membrane. [Irritation over the abdomen, as from the subcutaneous injection of small quan- tities of saline somtions, causes diarrhoea (M. Hay).] 4. It may also be due to increased secretion into the intestine, as in capillary diffusion, when magnesium sulphate in the intestine attracts water from the blood. The same occurs in cholera, when the stools are copious and of a rice-water character, and are loaded with epithelial cells from the villi. The transudation into the intestine is so great that the blood in the arteries becomes very thick, and may even on this account cease to circulate. Trausudation into the intestine also takes place as a consequence of paralysis of the vaso-motor nerves of the intestine. This is perhaps the case in diarrlm-a following upon a cold. Certain substances seem directly to excite the secretory organs of the intestines or their nerves, such as the drastic purgatives (p. o64). Pilocarpin injected into the blood causes great secretion (Maslotf). During febrile conditions, the secretion of the intestinal glands seems to be altered quantitatively and qualitatively, with simultaneous alteration of the functional activity of the musculature and the organs of absorption, while the excitability of the mucous membrane is increased (Uffelmann). It is important to note that in many acute febrile diseases, the amount of common salt in the urine diminishes, and increases again as the fever subsides. 187. Comparative. Salivary Glands. — Amongst Mammals the herbivora have larger salivary glands than the carnivora ; while midway between both are the omnivora. The whale has no salivary glands. The pinuipedia have a small parotid, which is absent in the echidna. The dog and many caruivora have a special gland lying in the orbit, the orbital or zyyomutic gland. In Birds the salivary glands open at the angle of the mouth, in them the parotid is absent. Amongst Reptiles the parotid of some species is so changed as to form poison glands ; the tortoise has sublingual glands ; reptiles have labial glands. The Amphibia and Fishes have merely small glands scattered over the mouth. The salivary glands are large in Insects ; some of them secrete formic acid. The salivary glands are well de- veloped in molluscs, and the saliva of dolium galea contains more than 3 p.c. of free sulphuric acid (?) The cephalopods have double glands. A Crop is not present in any mammal ; the stomach is either simple, as in man, or, as in many rodents, it is divided into two halves, into a cardiac and a pyloric portion. The stomach of ruminants is compound, and consists of four cavities. The intestine is short in flesh-eating animals and long in herbivora. The caecum is a very large and important digestive organ in herbivora, and in most rodents; it is small in man, and absent in carnivora. The oesophagus in grain-eating Birds not unfrequently has a blind diverticulum or crop for softening the food. In the crop of pigeons during the breeding season, there is formed a peculiar secretion — "pigeon's milk," which is used to feed the young (J. Hunter). The 384 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OP DIGESTION. stomach consists of a glandular proventriculus and a strong muscular stomach which is covered with horny epithelium and triturates the food. There are usually two fluid diverticula on the small intestine near where it joins the large gut. In Fishes the intestinal canal is usually simple ; the stomach is merely a dilatation of the tube ; and at the pylorus there may be one, but usually many, blind glandular appendages (the appendices pylorica). There are usually longi- tudinal folds in the intestinal mucous membrane, but in some fishes, e.g., the shark, there is a spiral valve. [It is curious to find that the inversive (cane-sugar) fer- ment is wanting in the herbivora, as the cow, horse, and sheep, but is present in the carnivora, as the dog and cat. It is also met with in birds and reptiles, and in many of the invertebrates, as the ordinary earth-worm (Matthew Hay).] In Amphibia and Reptiles the stomach is a simple dilatation; the gut is larger in vegetable feeders than in flesh feeders. The liver is never absent in vertebrates, although the gall-bladder frequently is. The pancreas is absent in some fishes. Digestion in Plants. — The observations on the albumin-digesting power of some plants (Canby, 1869; Ch. Darwin, 1875) are extremely interesting. The sundew or drosera has a series of tentacles on the surface of its leaves, and the tentacles are provided with glands. As soon as an insect alights upon a leaf it is suddenly seized by the tentacles, the glands pour out an acid juice over the prey, which is gradually digested; all except the chitinous structures. The secretion, as well as the subsequent absorption of the products of digestion, are accomplished by the activity of the protoplasm of the cells of the leaves. The digestive juice con- tains a pepsin-like ferment and formic acid. Similar phenomena are manifested by the Venus flytrap (Dionrea), by pinguicula, as well as by the cavity of the altered leaves of nepenthes. About fifteen species of these " insectivorous" or carnivorous plants are known. 188. Historical. Digestion in the Mouth — The Hippocratic school was acquainted with the vessels of the teeth ; Aristotle ascribed an uninterrupted growth to these organs, and he farther noticed that animals that were provided with horns, and had cloven hoofs, had an imperfect set of teeth — the upper incisors were absent. It is curious to note that in some cases where men have had an excessive formation of hairy appendages, the incisor teeth have been found to be badly developed. The muscles of mastication were known at an early period ; Vidius (t!567) described the tempero- maxillary articulation with its meniscus. Ihe older observers regarded the saliva as a solvent, and in addition, many bad qualities, especially in starving animals, were ascribed to it. This arose from the knowledge of the saliva of mad animals, and the parotid saliva of poisonous snakes. Human saliva, without organisms, is poisonous to birds (Gautier). The salivary glands have been known for a long time. Galen (131-203 A.D.) was acquainted with Wharton's duct, and Aetius (270 A.D. ) with the sub-maxillary and sub-lingual glands. Hapel de la Chenaye (1780) obtained large quantities of saliva from a horse, in which he was the first to make a salivary fistula. Spallanzaui (17SG) asserted that food mixed with saliva was more easily digested than food moistened with water. Hamberger and Siebold investigated the reaction, consistence, and specific gravity of saliva, and found in it mucus, albumin, common salt, calcium, and sodium phosphates. Berzelius gave the name ptyalm to the characteristic organic constituent of saliva, but Leuchs (1S31) was the first to detect its diastatic action. Gastric Digestion. — Digestion was formerly compared to boiling, whereby solution was effected. According to Galen, only substances that have been dis- solved passed through the pylorus into the intestine. He described the move- ments of the stomach and the peristalsis of the intestines. Aelian gave names to HISTORICAL. 385 the four stomachs of the ruminants. Vidius (t 1567) noticed the numerous small apertures of the gastric glands. Van Helmont (t 1644) expressly notices the acidity of the stomach. Reaumur (1752) knew that a juice was secreted by the stomach, which effected solution, and with which he and Spallanzani performed experiments on digestion outside the body. Carminati (1785) found that the stomachs of carnivora during digestion secreted a very acid juice. Prout (1824) discovered the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, Sprott and Boyd (1836) the glands of the gastric mucous membrane, while Wasmann and Bischoff noted the two kinds of gastric glands. After Beaumont (1834) had made his observations upon Alexis St. Martin, who had a gastric fistula, caused by a gunshot wound, Bassow (1842) and Blondlot (1843) made the first artificial gastric fistulas upon animals. Eberle (1834) prepared artificial gastric juice. Mialhe called albumin, when altered by gastric digestion, albuminose; Lehmann, who investigated this sub- stance more carefully, gave it the name peptone. Schwann isolated pepsin (1836), and established the fact of its activity in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Pancreas, Bile, Intestinal Digestion. — The pancreas was known to the Hippocratic School; Maur. Hoffmaun (1642) demonstrated its duct (fowl), and Wirsung described it in man. Regner cle Graaf (1664) collected the pancreatic juice from a fistula, and Tiedmann and Gmelin found it to be alkaline, while Leuret and Lassaigne found that it resembled saliva. Valentin discovered its diastatic action, Eberle its emulsionising power, and Cl. Bernard (1846) its tryptic and fat- splitting properties. The last-mentioned function was referred to by Purkinje and Pappenheim (1836). Aristotle characterised the bile as a useless excretion; according to Erasistratus (304 B.C.), fine invisible channels conduct the bile from the liver into the gall- bladder. Aretaeus ascribed icterus to obstruction of the bile-duct. Benedetti (1493) described gall-stones. According to Jasolinus (1573), the gall-bladder is emptied by its own contractions. Sylvius de la Boe noticed the lymphatics of the liver (1640); Walaeus, the connective-tissue of the so-called capsule of Glisson (1641). Haller indicated the uses of bile in the digestion of fats. The liver-cells were described by Henle, Purkinje, and Dutrochet (1838). Heynsius discovered the urea, and Cl. Bernard (1853) the sugar in the liver, and he and Hensen (1857) found glycogen in the liver. Kiernan gave a more exact descrip- tion of the hepatic blood-vessels (1834). Beale injected the lymphatics, and Gerlach the finest bile-ducts. Schwann (1844) made the first biliary fistula; Demarcay particularly referred to the combination of the bile acids with soda (1838); Strecker discovered the soda compounds of both acids, and isolated them. Corn. Celsus mentions nutrient enemata (3-5 A.D.) Fallopius (1561) described the valvulte conm'ventes and villi of the intestinal mucous membrane, and the nervous plexus of the mesentery. The agminated glands or patches of Peyer were known to Severinus (1645). 25 Physiology of Absorption, 189. The Organs of Absorption. THE mucous membrane of the whole intestinal tract, as far as it is covered by a single layer of columnar epithelium — i.e., from the cardiac orifice of the stomach to the anus — is adapted for absorption. The mouth and oesophagus, lined as they are by stratified squamous epithelium, are much less adapted for this purpose. Still, poisoning is caused by placing potassium cyanide in the mouth. The channels of absorption in the intestinal tract are — (1) the capillary Hood-vessels; and (2) the ladeals of the mucous membrane. Almost the whole of the substances absorbed by the former pass into the rootlets of the portal vein, and traverse the liver, while those that enter the lacteals really pass into lymphatics, so that the chyle passes through the thoracic duct, and is poured by it into the blood, where the thoracic duct joins the subclavian vein. Watery solutions of salts — e.g., potassium iodide (in T\f— H hours), grape-sugar, poisons, peptones, and in a still higher degree, alcoholic- solutions of poisons are absorbed from the stomach. The greatest area of absorption is undoubtedly the small intestine, especially its upper half (Landois and L6pine). 190. Structure of the Small and Large Intestines. [The wall of the small intestine consists of four coats ; which from without inwards are named serous, muscular, sub-mucous, and mucous. The serous coat has the same structure as the peritoneum — i.e., a thin basis of librous tissue covered on its outer surface by endothelium. The muscular COat consists of a thin outer longitudinal and an Inner thicker circular layer of non-striped muscular fibres. The SUb-mucoUS coat consists of loose connective-tissue containing large blood- vessels and nerves, and it connects the muscular with the mucous coat.] The muCOUS coat is the most internal coat, and its absorbing surface is largely increased by the presence of the valvula? conniventes and villi. [The valvula; conniventes are permanent folds of the mucous membrane of the small intes- tine, arranged across the long axis of the gut. They pass round a half or more of the inner surface of the gut. They begin a little below the STRUCTURE OF THE SMALL INTESTINE. 387 commencement of the duodenum, and are large and well marked in the duodenum, and remain so as far as "the upper half of the jejunum, where they begin to become smaller, and finally disappear about the lower part of the ileum.] The villi are characteristic of the small intestine, and are confined to it ; they occur everywhere as closely-set projections over and be- tween the valvulre conni- ventes (Fig. 149). When the inner surface of the mucous membrane is examined in water, it has a velvety appearance owing to their presence. [They vary in length from r\ to -aV of an inch, are most numerous and largest in the upper part of the intestine, duo- denum, and jejunum, where absorption is most active, but they are less abundant in the ileum. Their total number has been calculated at four millions by Krause.] Each villus is a projection of the entire mucous membrane, so that it Fig. 149. Mucous membrane of the small intestine of the dog; the lacteals are black and the blood-vessels lighter— a, artery; b, lymphatic; c, plexus of capillaries in the villi ; d, lacteal ; e, Lieberkiihn's glands. contains within itself representatives of all the tissue elements of the mucosa. The orifices of the glands of Lieberkiihn open between the bases of villi (Fig, 151). Each villus, be it cylindrical or conical in shape, is covered by a single layer of columnar epithelium, whose protoplasm is reticulated, and contains a well- defined nucleus with an intranuclear plexus of fibrils. The ends of the epithelial cells directed towards the gut are polygonal, and present the appearance of a mosaic (Fig. 150, D). When looked at from the side, their free surface is seen to be covered with a clear, highly refractive disc or " cuticula," which is marked with vertical strife. These stria? were supposed by Kolliker to represent pores for the absorption of fatty particles, but this has not been confirmed, while Brettauer and Steinach regarded them as produced by prisms placed side by side. According to some observers (v. Thanhoffer), however, this clear disc is the optical expression of a thinning of the cell membrane, comparable to the thickened flange around the bottom of a vessel, such as is used for collecting gases. On this supposition, the upper end of each cell is open, and from it there projects pseudo- podia-like bundles of protoplasmic processes (Fig. 150, B). These processes are supposed to be extended beyond the margin of the cell and again rapidly retracted, and in so acting they are said to carry the fatty particles into the interior of the cells, much as the pseudopodia of an amoeba entangles its food. [This view has not been confirmed by a sufficient number of observers.] Between the epithelial cells are the so-called goblet-cdls (Fig. 150, C). [Each goblet-cell is more~or less 388 STRUCTURE OF A VILLUS. like a chalice, narrower above and below, and broad in the middle, with a tapering fixed extremity. The outer part of each cell is filled with a clear substance or mucigen, which, on the addition of water, yields mucus. The mucigen lies in the intervals of a fine net-work of fibrils, which pervades the cell protoplasm. The protoplasm, containing a globular or triangular nucleus, is pushed into the lower part B o •« .••'a Fig. 150. .Scheme of an intestinal villus — A, Transverse section of part of a villus ; a, columnar epithelium with, b, clear disc ; c, goblet-cell ; i, i, adenoid reti- culum ; d, d, spaces within the same and containing leucocytes, e, e ; f, section of the central lacteal ; B, scheme of a cell with processes supposed to be projected from its interior ; C, columnar epithelium after the absorption of fatty granules ; D, the columnar epithelium of a villus seen from above with a goblet-cell in the centre. of the cell. These goblet-cells are simply altered columnar epithelial cells, which secrete mucus in their interior. They are more numerous under certain conditions. Not unfrequently in sections of the mucous membrane of the gut, after it is stained with logwood, we may see a deep blue plug of mucus partly exuded from these cells. When looked at from above they give the appearance seen in Fig. 150, D.] The epithelial cells are shed in enormous numbers in cholera, and in poisoning with arsenic and muscarin (Bo'hm). [The epithelial cells covering the villus are placed upon a layer of squamous epithelium (basement membrane) — the sub-epithelial membrane of Debove. This basement membrane is said to be connected by processes with the so-called branched cells of the adenoid tissue of the villus, while it also sends up processes between the epithelial covering.] The villus itself consists of a basis of adenoid tissue, containing in its centre one STRUCTURE OF A VILLUS. 389 or more lacteals, closely invested with a few longitudinal smooth muscular fibres, derived from the muscularis mucoste, and a plexus of blood-vessels. The adenoid tissue of the villus consists of a reticulum of fibrils with endothelial plates at its nodes. The spaces of the adenoid tissue form a spongy net-work of inter-communicating channels containing stroma-cells or leucocytes (Fig. 150, A, e, e). These leucocytes or lymph-corpuscles have been seen to contain fatty granules, and they may, perhaps, play an important part in the absorption of fatty particles. The lymphatic or lacteal lies in the axis of the villus (Fig. 149, d). By some observers, the lacteal is regarded merely as a space in the centre of the villus, but more probably it has a distinct wall composed of endothelial cells, with apertures or stomata here and there between the cell-plates. These stomata place the interior of the lacteal in direct communication with the spaces of the adenoid tissue. It is very probable that white blood-corpuscles wander out of the blood-vessels of the villi into the spaces of the adenoid tissue, where they become loaded with fatty granules, and pass into the central lacteal. Zuwarykin and Wiedersheim suppose that the leucocytes pass from the par- enchyma of the villus towards the epithelial layer, and even between the epithelial cells, from which they return towards the axis of the villus, laden with substances which they have taken into their interior (p. 399). A small artery placed eccentrically passes into each villus. In man it begins to divide about the middle of the villus, but in animals it usually runs to the apex before it divides. The capillaries resulting from the division of the artery form a fine dense net-work placed superficially, immediately under the epithelium of the surface. The blood is carried out of a villus by one or two veins (Fig. 149, a, c). *- 01 " " r-£fl.&i-j: '&i H$j miVi i i"W < ^ <, 'l?c' '-/.vir J i \ p j .' i-ir -•*>'/ }>^. ,\^':^^ Ht^i, v ViWif'o ' l-^- ife S(HK\v i ?:S-^''\VK^ ilp|lfil :^4 S?1; ,t '«»« 1 » ^::'^/ vttASM m Fig. 151. Section of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, showing Lieberkiilm's glands— a, with irregular epithelium; b, villi, cut short; c, muscularis mucosse; d, sub-mucous tissue. 390 BRUNNER'S GLANDS AND SOLITARY FOLLICLES. Non-striped muscular fibres are present in villi (Henle). Some are arranged longitudinally from base to apex, immediately outside the central lacteal. When they contract they tend to empty the lacteal (Briicke). A few muscular fibres are placed more superficially, and run in a more transverse direction. [The muscular fibres of the villi are direct prolongations of the muscularis mucosse]. Nerves pass into the villi from Meissner's plexus lying in the sub-mucous coat. The nerves to the villi are said to have small granular ganglionic cells in their course, and they terminate partly in the muscular fibres and partly in the arteries of the villi. [On making a vertical section of the muCOUS membrane of the small intestine, it is seen to consist of a net-work of adenoid tissue loaded with leucocytes. This tissiie forms its basis, and in it are placed vertically side by side, like test-tubes in a stand, immense numbers of simple tubular glands — the Crypts of Lieberkllhn (Fig. 151). They open above at the bases of the villi, while their lower extremity reaches almost to the muscularis mucosse. Each tube consists of a basement mem- brane lined by a single layer of columnar epithelium, leaving a wide lumen, the cells lining them being continuous with those that cover the mucous membrane. Some goblet-cells are often found between the columnar epithelium. Immediately below the bases of the follicles of Lieberkuhn is the muscularis mucoste, consisting of two or three narrow layers of non-striped muscular fibres arranged circularly and longitudinally. It is continuous with the muscularis mucosa? of the stomach, aud extends throughout the whole intestine. It sends fibres upwards into the villi.] [Brunner's glands are compound tubular glands lying in and confined to the sub-mucous coat of the duodenum. Their ducts perforate the muscularis mucosse to open on the surface. They seem to be the homologues of the pyloric glands of the stomach (p. 308).] [Solitary follicles are small round or oval white masses of adenoid tissue, with their deeper parts embedded in the sub-mucosa, and their apices pro- jecting into the mucosa of the intestine. They begin at the pyloric end of the kVV^lllTC^ «t»S f. • ,«'i&'M$$Wfr\ l|Wj|fP5» ^^\'$^$£?&-' •• 7'v • J^° 'Sir' '»' ^ >lix - -»*OT ^^ '»"'.'! rS^^a"^^ - Section of a solitary follicle of the small intestine (human), showing — a, lymph- follicle covered with epithelium (b) which has fallen from the villi, c ; d, Lieberkiihn's follicle ; c, muscularis mucosse ; /, sub-mucous tissue. STRUCTURE OF PEYER'S GLANDS. 391 stomach and are found throughout the whole intestine. They consist of small masses of adenoid tissue loaded with leucocytes (Fig. 152). They are well supplied with blood-vessels (p. 406), although no lymphatic vessels enter them. They are surrounded by lymphatics, and, in fact, they may be said to hang into a lymph - stream,] Diagram of a vertical section of the mucous membrane of the small intestine of a dog, showing the closed follicles, a a ; b, muscularis mucosag. [Peyer's glands, or agminated glands, consist .of groups of lymph-follicles like the foregoing (Fig. 153). The masses are often more or less fused together, their bases lie in the sub-mucosa, while their summits project into the mucosa, where they are covered merely by the columnar epithelium of the intestine. The lymph-corpuscles often project between the epithelium. The patches so formed have their long axis in the axis of the intestine, and they are always placed opposite the attachment of the mesentery. Like the solitary glands, they are well supplied with blood-vessels, while around them is a dense plexus of lymphatics or lacteals. They are most abundant in the lower part of the ileum. These glands are specially affected in typhoid fever.] Auerbach's plexus shown in section (human) — a, ganglionic cells ; b, nerve fibres ; c, section of the circular muscular fibres ; d, longitudinal muscular fibres. 392 STRUCTURE OF THE LARGE INTESTINE. Nerves Of the Intestine. — Thoughout the whole intestinal tract, there exists the plexus myentericus of Auerbach (Fig. 154), lying between the longitudinal and circular muscular coats. This plexus consists of non-medullated nerves with groups of ganglionic cells at the nodes. Fibres are given off by it to the muscular coats. Connected by branches with the foregoing and lying in the sub-mucosa, is the plexus ofMeissner, which is much finer, the meshes being wider, the nodes smaller, but also provided with ganglionic cells. It supplies the muscular fibres and arteries of the mucosa, including those of the villi. It also supplies branches to Lieberkiihn's glands (Drasch). — Compare Figs. 131 and 132. [Structure of the Large Intestine.— It has four coats like those of the small intestine. The serous coat has the same structure as that of the small intestine. The muscular coat has external longitudinal fibres occurring all round the gut, but they form three flat ribband-like longi- tudinal bands in the caecum and colon. Inside this coat are the circular fibres. The sub- milCOSa is practically the same as that of the small intestine. The niUCOSa is characterised by negative characters. It has no villi and no Peyer's patches, but otherwise it resembles structurally the small intestine, consisting of a basis of adenoid with the simple tubular glands of Lieberkiikn (Fig. 155). These glands are very numerous and somewhat longer than those of the small intestine, and they always contain far more goblet-cells. The cells lining them are devoid of a clear disc. Solitary glands occur throughout the entire length of the large intes- tine. At the bases of Lieberkiihn's glands is the muscularis mucosce. The blood-vessels and nerves have a similar arrangement to those the stomach.] 155. Lieberkiihn's gland from large intestine (dog). the in 191. Absorption of the Digested Food. The physical forces concerned are endosmosis, diffusion, and filtration. All the constituents of the food, with the exception of the fats, which in part are changed into a fine emulsion, are brought into a state of solution by the digestive processes. These substances pass through the walls of the intestinal tract, either into the blood-vessels of the mucous membrane or into the beginning of the lymphatics. In this passage of the fluids two physical processes come into play — endosmosis and diffusion as well as filtration. I. Endosmosis and diffusion occur between two fluids which are capable of forming an intimate mixture with each other, e.g., hydrochloric acid and water, but never between two fluids which do not form a perfect mixture, such as oil and water. If two fluids capable of mixing with each other, but of different com- positions, be separated from each other by means of a septum with physical pores, (which occur even in a homogeneous membrane), an exchange of the constituents in FORCES CONCERNED IN ABSORPTION. 303 the fluids occurs until both fluids have the same composition. This exchange of fluids is termed endosmosis or diosmosis. If we remember that within the intestinal tract, there are relatively concen- trated solutions of those substances which have been brought into solution by the digestive juices— peptone, sugar, soaps, and solutions of the salts — while separated from these by the porous mucous membrane and the walls of the blood- and lymph-capillaries is the blood, which contains relatively less of these sub- stances, it is clear that an endosmotic current must set in towards the blood and lymph-vessels. Diffusion. — If the two mixible fluids are placed in a vessel, the one fluid over the other, but without being separated by a porous septum, an exchange of the particles of the fluids also occurs, until the whole mixture is of uniform composi- tion. This process is called Diffusion. Conditions Influencing Diffusion.— Graham's investigations showed that the rapidity of diffusion is influenced by a variety of conditions: — (1) The nature of the fluids themselves is of importance; acids diffuse most rapidly; the alkaline salts more slowly; and most slowly, fluid albumin, gelatin, gum, dextrin. These last do not crystallise, and perhaps do not form true solutions. (2) The more concentrated the solutions, the greater the diffusion. (3) Heat accelerates, while cold retards, the process. (4) If a solution of a body which diffuses with difficulty be mixed with an easily diffusible one, the former diffuses with still greater difficulty. (5) Dilute solutions of several substances diffuse into each other without any difficulty, but if concentrated solutions are employed, the process is retarded. (6) Double salts, one constituent of which diffuses o more readily than the other, may be chemically separated by diffusion. The exchange of the fluid particles takes place independently of the hydrostatic pressure. Fig. 156 represents an endosmo- meter. A glass cylinder is filled with distilled water, and into this is placed a flask, J, without a bottom, instead of which a membrane, m, is tied on. A glass tube, R, is fixed firmly by means of a cork into the neck of the flask. The flask is filled up to the lower end of the tube with a concen- trated salt solution, and is then placed in the cylindrical vessel until both fluids are on the same level, x. The fluid in the tube, R, soon begins to rise, because water passes through the membrane into the concentrated solution in the flask, and this independently of the hydrostatic pressure. Particles of the concentrated salt solution pass into the cylinder and mix with the water, F. These outgoing and ingoing currents continue until the fluids without and within J are of uniform composition, whereby the fluid in R always stands higher (e.g., at y), while it is lowered in the cylinder. The circumstance of the level of the fluid within the tube being so high and remaining so, is due to the fact that the pores in the membrane are too fine to allow the hydrostatic pressure to act through them. Endosmotic Equivalent. — Experiment has shown, that equal weights of different soluble substances attract different amounts of distilled water through the membrane — i.e., a known weight of a soluble substance (in the flask) can be exchanged by endosmosis for a definite weight of water. The term endosmotic equivalent indicates the weight of distilled water that passes into the flask of the endosmometer, in exchange for a known weight of the soluble substance (Jolly). For 1 gram, alcohol 4'2 grams, water were exchanged; while for 1 gram. NaCl, 4'3 Fig. 156. Endosmometer for Diffusion. 394 ENDOSMOSIS AND FILTRATION. grams, water passed into the endosmometer. The following numbers give the endosmotic equivalent of Acid Potassium Sulphate, . = 2 '3 Common Salt, . . . = 4'3 Sugar, ... 7'1 Sodium Sulphate, . . . = 1 1 '6 Magnesium Sulphate, . . = 1 1 '7 Potassium ,, . . = 12'0 Sulphuric Acid, . . . : 0'39 Potassium Hydrate, . . = 215'0 The amount of the substance which passes through the membrane into the water of the cylinder is proportional to the concentration of the solution (Vierorclt). If the water in the cylinder, therefore, be repeatedly renewed, the endosmosis takes place more rapidly, and the process of equilibration is accelerated. The larger the pores of the membrane, and the smaller the molecules of the substance in solution, the more rapid is the endosmosis. Hence, the rapidity of endosmosis of different substances varies — thus, the rapidity of sugar, sodium sulphate, common salt, and urea is in the ratio of 1: 1'l: 5: 9'5 (Eckhard, Hoffmann). The endosmotic equivalent is not constant for each substance. It is influenced by — (1) The temperature, which as it increases, generally increases the endosmotic equivalent. (2) It also varies with the degree of concentration of the osmotic solutions, being greater for dilute solutions of the substances (C. Ludwig and Cloetta). If a substance other than water be placed in the cylinder, an endosmotic current occurs on both sides until complete equality is obtained. In this case, the currents in opposite directions disturb each other. If two substances be dissolved in the water in the flask at the same time, they diffuse into water without affecting each other. (3) It also varies with membranes of varying porosity. Common salt, which gives an endosmotic equivalent with a pig's bladder = 4*3, gives 6 '4 when an ox bladder is used; 2'9 with a swimming bladder; and 20'2 with a collodion membrane (Harzer). Colloids. — There is a number of fluid substances which, on account of the great size of their molecules, do not pass, or pass only with difficulty, through the pores of a membrane impregnated with gelatinous bodies, which diffuse slowly. These substances are not actually in a true state of solution, but exist in a very dilute condition of imbibition. Such substances are the fluid proteids, starches, dextrin, gum, and gelatin. These diffuse when no septum is present, but diffuse with difficulty or not at all through a porous septum. Graham called these substances Colloids, because when concentrated, they present a glue-like or gelatinous appear- ance; farther, they do not crystallise, while those substances which diffuse readily are crystalline, and are called Crystalloids. Crystallisable substances may be separated from nou-crystallisable by this process, which Graham called Dialysis. Mineral salts favour the passage of colloids through membranes (Baranetzky). That Endosmosis takes place in the intestinal canal tract, through the mucous membrane and the delicate membranes of the blood- and lymph-capillaries, cannot be denied. On the one side of the membrane, within the intestine, are the highly diffusible peptones, sugar, and soaps, and within the blood-vessels are the colloids which are scarcely diffusible, e.g., the proteids of blood and lymph. II. Filtration is the passage of fluids through the coarse intermolecular pores of a membrane owing to pressure. The greater the pressure, and the larger and more numerous the pores, the more rapidly does the fluid pass through the membrane ; increase of temperature also accelerates it. Those substances which are imbibed by the membrane filter most rapidly, so that the same substance filters through ABSORPTION OF WATER AND SOLUBLE SALTS. 395 different membranes with varying rapidity. The nitration is usually slower, the greater the concentration of the fluid. The filter has the property of retaining some of the substances from the solution passing through it, e.cj. , colloid sub- stances— or water (in dilute solutions of nitre). In the former case, the filtrate is more dilute, in the latter, more concentrated than before filtration. Other sub- stances filter without undergoing any change of concentration. Many membranes behave differently, according to which surface is placed next the fluid; thus the shell-membrane of an egg permits nitration only from without inwards ; [and the same is true to a much less extent with an ordinary filter paper — the smooth side of the filter paper ought always to be placed next the fluid to be filtered]. There is a similar difference with the gastric and intestinal mucous membrane. Filtration of the soluble substance may take place from the canal of the digestive tract when: — (1) The intestine contracts and thus exerts pressure upon its contents. This is possible when the tube is narrowed at two points, and the musculature between these two points contracts upon the fluid contents. (2) Filtration, under negative pressure, may be caused by the mill (Briicke). When the villi contract energetically, they empty their contents towards the blood- and lymph-vessels. The lymph-vessels remain empty, as the chyle is prevented from passing backwards into the origin of the lacteal within the villi, owing to the presence of numerous valves in the lymphatics. When the villi pass again into the relaxed condition, they again become filled with the fluids of the intestinal contents. 192. Absorptive Activity of the Wall of the Intestine. The process of digestion produces from the food, partly solutions and partly finely divided emulsions, whose fine particles are surrounded by an albuminous envelope, the haptogen membrane [of Ascherson], where- by these particles become more stable. Unchanged colloid substances may also be present in the intestinal tract. I. Absorption of Solutions. — True solutions undoubtedly pass by endosmosis into the blood-vessels and lymphatics of the intestinal walls, but numerous facts indicate, that the protoplasm of the cells of the tube take an active part in the process of absorption. The forces concerned have not as yet been referred simply to physical and chemical processes. (1.) The Inorganic Substances. — Water and the soluble salts neces- sary for nutrition are easily absorbed. When saline solutions pass by endosmosis into the vessels, water must pass from the intestinal vessels into the intestine. The amount of water, however, is small, owing to the small endosmotic equivalent of the salts to be absorbed. More salts are absorbed from concentrated than from dilute solutions (Funke). 39G ABSORPTION OF SOLUBLE CARBOHYDRATES. ]f largo quantities of salts, with a high cndosmotic equivalent, are intro- duced into the intestine, e.g., magnesium or sodium sulphate, these salts retain the water necessary for their solution, and thus diarrhoea is caused (Poiseuille, Buchheim). Conversely, when these substances are injected into the blood a large quantity of water passes from the intes- tine into the blood, so that constipation occurs, owing to dryness of the intestinal contents (Aubert). [M. Hay concludes from his experi- ments (p. 320), that salts, when placed in the intestines, do not abstract water from the blood, or are themselves absorbed, in virtue of an endosmotic relation being established between the blood and the saline solution in the intestines. Absorption is probably due to filtration and diffusion, or processes of imbibition other than en- dosmosis, as yet little understood. The result obtained by Aubert, which is not constant, is mostly caused by the great diuresis which the injected salt excites.] Numerous inorganic substances, which do not occur in the body, are absorbed by endosmosis from the intestine, e.g., dilute sulphuric acid, potassium iodide, chlorate, and bromide and many other salts. (2.) The soluble carbohydrates, such as the sugars of which the chief representative is grape-sugar, with a relatively high endosmotic equivalent. Cane-sugar is changed by a special ferment into invert sugar, which is a mixture of grape-sugar and Isevulose (p. 370). Perhaps a very small proportion of the cellulose is changed into grape-sugar. The absorption appears to take place somewhat slowly, as only very small quantities of grape-sugar are found in the chyle- vessels or the portal vein at any time. According to v. Mering, the sugar passes from the intestine into the rootlets of the portal vein ; dextrin also occurs in the portal vein. When the blood of the portal vein is boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, the amount of sugar is in- creased (Naunyn). The amount of sugar absorbed depends upon the concentration of its solution in the intestine; hence, the amount of sugar in the blood is increased, after a diet containing much of this substance (C. Schmidt and v. Becker), so that it may appear in the urine, in which case, the blood must contain at least 0'6 per cent, of sugar (Lehmann and Uhle). A small amount of cane-sugar has also been found in the blood (Cl. Bernard, Hoppe-Seyler). The sugar is used up in the bodily metabolism ; some of it is perhaps oxidised in the muscles (Zimmer). (3.) The peptones have a small endosmotic equivalent (Funke), a 2-9 per cent, solution = 7-10. Owing to their great diffusibility, they are readily absorbed, and they are the chief representatives of the proteids which are absorbed. The amount absorbed depends upon the concen~ ABSORPTION OF PEPTONES AND PROTEIDS. 39? tration of their solution in the intestine. They pass into the blood- vessels (Schmidt-Mill heim). When animals are fed on peptones (with the necessary fat or sugar), they serve to maintain the body-weight (Maly, Plosz, and Gyorgyai). Only minute quantities of peptone have as yet been found in the blood (Drosdorff ) ; hence, it is assumed, either that they are rapidly converted into true albuminous bodies, or that in part at least, they undergo further decompositions, with which we are as yet unacquainted. As, however, they can compensate for the total metabolism of the proteids within the body, we must assume that they are converted into proteids. Schmidt-Miilheim has recently found that, four hours after feeding a pig with fibrin, a large quantity of crystalline propeptone (p. 331) can be obtained from the blood. When 5 c.c. of a 20 per cent, solution of peptone in 0'6 per cent. NaCl solution, for every kilo, of a dog, are injected into the blood, death is pro- duced owing to paralysis of the blood-vessels (compare 28, II,/). Fano is of opinion that the red blood-corpuscles take up the peptone, and subject it to further changes. (4.) Unchanged true proteids filter with great difficulty, and much albumin remains upon the filter. On account of their high endosmotic equivalent they pass with extreme difficulty, and only in traces through membranes. Nevertheless, it has been conclusively proved that un- changed proteids can be absorbed (Briicke), e.g., casein, soluble myosin, alkali-albuminate, albumin mixed with common salt, gelatin (Voit, Bauer, Eichhorst). They are absorbed even from the large intestine (Czerny and Latschenberger), although the human large intestine cannot absorb more than 6 grms. daily. But the amount of unchanged proteids absorbed is always very much less than the amount of peptone. Egg-albumin without common salt, syntonin, serum-albumin, and fibrin are not absorbed (Eichhorst). Landois observed in the case of a young man who took the whites of 14-20 eggs along with NaCl, that albumin was given off by the urine for 4-10 hours thereafter. The amount of albumin given off rose until the third day and ceased on the fifth day. The more albumin that was taken the sooner the albuminuria appeared and the longer it lasted. The unchanged egg-albumin reappeared in the urine. If egg-albumin be injected into the blood, part of it reappears in the urine (§ 41, 2) (Stokvis, Lehmann). (5.) The soluble fat-soaps represent only a fraction of the fats of the food which are absorbed ; the greater part of the neutral fats being absorbed in the form of very fine particles — as an emulsion. The absorbed soaps have been found in the chyle, and as the blood of the portal vein contains more soaps during digestion than during hunger, it has been assumed that the soaps pass into the intestinal blood- capillaries. The investigations of Lenz, Bidder, and Schmidt render it probable that the organism can absorb only a limited amount of fat within a given period ; the amount perhaps bears a relation to the 398 ABSORPTION OF FATTY PARTICLES. amount of bile and pancreatic juice. The maximum per 1 kilo, (cat) was O'G grms. of fat per hour. It appears as if the soaps reunite with glycerine in the parenchyma of the villi, to form neutral fats, as Perewoznikoff and Will found, after injecting these two ingredients into the intestinal canal. C. A. Ewald found that fat was formed when soaps and glycerine were brought into contact with the fresh intestinal mucous membrane. Perhaps this is the explanation of the observation of Bruch, who found fatty particles within the blood-vessels of the villi. Absorption Of Other Substances. — Of soluble substances which are intro- duced into the intestinal canal, some are absorbed and others are not. The following are absorbed — alcohol, part of which appears in the urine (not in the expired air), viz., that part which is not changed into C02 and H2O, within the body; tartaric, citric, inalic, and lactic acids; glycerine, inulin (Komanos); gum and vegetable mucin, which give rise to the formation of glycogen in the liver. Amongst colouring matters alizarin (from madder), alkannet, indigo-sulphuric acid, and its soda salt are absorbed ; hsematin is partly absorbed, while chlorophyll is not. Metallic salts seem to be kept in solution by proteids, are perhaps absorbed along with them, and are partly carried by the blood of the portal vein to the liver (ferric sulphate has been found in chyle). Numerous poisons are very rapidly absorbed, e.g., hydrocyanic acid after a few seconds; potassium cyanide has been found in the chyle. II. Absorption of the smallest particles. — The largest amount of the fats is absorbed in the form of a milk-like emulsion formed by the action of the bile and the pancreatic juice, and consisting of excessively small granules of uniform size (v. Frey). The fats themselves are not chemically changed, but remain as undecomposed neutral fats. The particles seem to be surrounded by a delicate albuminous envelope, or haptogen membrane, partly derived from the pancreatic juice [probably from its alkali-albuminate]. The villi of the small intestine are the chief organs concerned in the absorption of the fatty emulsion, but the epithelium of the stomach and that of the large intestine also take a part. The fatty granules are recognised in the villi — (1) Within the delicate canals? (p. 387) in the clear band of the epithelium (Kolliker). [It is highly doubtful if the vertical lines seen in the clear disc of the epithelium of the intestine are due to pores.] (2) The protoplasm of the epithelial cells is loaded with fatty granules of various sizes during the time of absorption, while the nuclei of the cells remain free, although, from the amount of fat within the cells, it is often difficult to distinguish them. (3) The granules pass into the spaces of the parenchyma of the villi ; these spaces communicate freely with each other. (4) The origin of the lacteal in the axis of the villus is found to be filled with fatty granules. The amount of fat in the chyle of a dog, after a fatty meal, is 8-10 per cent., while the fat disappears from the blood within thirty hours. ABSORPTION OF FATTY PARTICLES. 399 With regard to the farces concerned in the absorption of fats, v. Wistinghausen proved, that when a porous membrane is moistened with bile, the passage of fatty particles through it is thereby facilitated, but this fact alone does not explain the copious and rapid absorption of fats. It appears probable, that the protoplasm of the epithelial cells is actively concerned in the process, and that it takes the particles into its interior. Perhaps a fine protoplasmic process is thrown out by these cells, just as pseudopodia are thrown out and retracted by lower organisms. It is possible that absorption may take place through the open mouths of the goblet-cells. The protoplasm of the epithelial cells is in direct communication with the numerous protoplasmic lymph-cells within the reticulum of the villi, so that the particles may pass into these, and from them through the stomata (?) between the endothelial cells into the central lacteal of the villus. According to this view, the absorption of fatty particles, and perhaps also the absorption of true proteids, is due to an active vital process, as indicated by the observa- tions of Briicke and v. Thanhoffer. This view is supported by the observation of Griiiiliageu, that the absorption of fatty particles in the frog is most active at the temperature at which the motor phenomena of protoplasm are most lively. That it is due to simple nitration alone is not a satisfactory explanation, for the amount of fatty particles in the chyle is independent of the amount of water in it. If absorption was chiefly due to nitration, we would expect that there would most probably be a direct relation between the amount of water and the fat (Ludwig and Zawilsky). [The observations of "Watney have led him to suppose that the fatty particles do not pass through the cell protoplasm to reach the lacteal, but that they pass through the cement- substance between the epithelial cells covering a villus. If this view be correct, the absorbing surface is thereby greatly diminished.] [Schafer suggests that the leucocytes, which have been observed between the columnar cells of the villi of the small intestine, are carriers of at least part of the fat from the lumen of the gut to the lacteal ; they also, perhaps, alter it for further use in the economy (p. 389)]. The activity of the cells of the intestine with pseudopodial processes may be studied in the intestinal canal of Distomum hepaticum. Sommer has figured these pseudopodial processes actively engaged in the absorption of particles from the intestine. Spina observed that the intestinal epithelium of the larva? of flies shortened when they were stimulated with electricity, and absorbed fluid from the intestinal canal. The cells of the villi of the frog also react to electrical stimulation. The increase in the size of the cells occurs simultaneously with the contraction of the intestine. Spina also supports the view that the cells, in virtue of their activity, possess the property of absorbing fluid from the intestinal contents and again giving it up. An exchange of fluids in the opposite direction never takes place. The statements of former observers that particles of charcoal, pigments, and 400 INFLUENCE OF NERVES ON ABSORPTION. even mammalian blood-corpuscles (in the frog) were absorbed by the epithelial cells of the intestine, and passed into the blood, are erroneous. Even for the absorption of completely fluid substances, endosmosis and filtration seem to be scarcely sufficient. An active participation of the protoplasm of the cells seems here also — in part at least — to be necessary, else it is difficult to explain how very slight disturbances in the activity of these cells — e.g., from intestinal catarrh — cause sudden variations of absorption, and even the passage of fluids into the intestine. If absorption was due to diffusion alone, when alcohol is injected into the intestine, water ought to pass into the intestine, but this does not occur. Brieger found that the injection of a 0-5-l per cent, solution of salts into a ligatured loop of intestine did not cause water to pass into the intestine; but it appeared when a 20 per cent, solution was injected. 193. Influence of the Nervous System. With regard to the influence of the nervous system upon intestinal absorption we know very little. After extirpation of the semi-lunar ganglion (Budge), as well as after section of the mesenteric nerves (Moreau), the intestinal contents become more fluid, and are increased in amount. This may be partly due to diminished absorption, v. ThanhofFer states, that he observed the protrusion of threads from the epithelial cells of the small intestine only after the spinal cord, or the dorsal nerves, had been divided for some time. [Matthew Hay injected saline solutions directly into the exposed intestine. He found that a 20 per cent, solution of sulphate of soda always excites a profuse secretion, but that a 10 per cent, solution only does so, or rather, that it only increases in bulk, when injected in sufficient quantity — a certain weight of salt failing to increase the bulk of the fluid secretion when dissolved as a 10 per cent, solution, but exciting a profuse secretion when forming a 20 per cent, solution. Se- cretion, he has reason to believe, is active in both — perhaps, almost equally active — but absorption is greatly impeded in the'case of the concentrated salt, by its injurious action on the absorptive mechanism of the mucous membrane. Moreau has recently maintained that, under such circumstances, there is actually no absorption, but Hay has disproved this, by observing that strychnia injected into a loop of intestine, containing the concentrated salt, still causes death, although after an interval three times longer than when the loop contains a 10 per cent, solution of the salt. Hay has also observed that the local effect of a ligature applied to the intestine is to excite secretion from the mucous membrane in its immediate vicinity, and therefore add to the bulk of the saline solution ; whereas the reflex effect of a ligature, as exercised through the nervous system, is to diminish the quantity of the secreted fluid in a remote portion of the intestine, probably by stimulating and accelerating absorption. Division of the vagi does not affect the nature or the quantity of the secretion]. 194. Feeding with "Nutrient Enemata." In cases where food cannot be taken by the mouth — e.g., in stricture of the oesophagus, continued vomiting, &c., food is given per rectum (Celsus, 3-5 A.D.). As the digestive activity of the large intestine is very slight, fluid food ought to be given in a condition ready to be absorbed, and this is best done by introducing LACTEALS AND LYMPHATICS, 401 it into the rectum through a tube with a funnel attached, and allowing the food to pass in slowly by its own weight. The patient must endeavour to retain the enema as long as possible. When the fluid is slowly and gradually introduced, it may pass above the ileo-csecal valve. Solutions of grape-sugar, and perhaps a small amount of soap solution, are useful; and amongst nitrogenous substances the commercial flesh, bread, or milk peptones of Sanders-Ezn, Adauikiewicz, in Germany, and Darby's fluid meat in this country, are to be recommended. The amount of peptone required is I'll grms. per kilo, of body- weight (Catillon); less useful are butter-milk, egg-albumin with common salt. Leube uses a mixture of 150 grms. flesh, with 50 grms. pancreas and 100 grms. water, which he injects into the rectum where the proteids are peptonised and absorbed. The method of nutrient enemata only permits imperfect nutrition, and at most only \ of the proteids necessary for maintaining the metabolism of the body is absorbed (v. Voit, Bauer). 195. Chyle-Vessels and Lymphatics. Within the tissues of the body, and even in those tissues which do not contain blood-vessels — e.g., the cornea, or in those which contain few blood-vessels, there exists a system of vessels or channels which contain the juices of the tissues, and within these vessels the fluid always moves in a centripetal direction. These canals arise within the tissues in a variety of ways, and unite in their course to form delicate and afterwards thicker tubes, which ultimately terminate in two large trunks which open at the junction of the jugular and sub- clavian veins ; that on the left side is the thoracic duct, and that on the right, the right lymphatic trunk. Lymphatics. — With regard to the lymph and its movements in different organs, it is to be noticed that this occurs in different ways in different places. (1) In many tissues, the lymphatics represent the nutrient channels, by which the fluid which transudes through the neighbouring vessels is distributed, as in the cornea and in many connective tissues. (2) In many tissues, as in glands — e.g., the sali- vary glands (Gianuzzi) and the testis, the lymph-spaces are the first reservoirs for fluid, from which the cells during the act of secretion derive the fluid necessary for that process. (3) The lymphatics have the general function of collecting the fluid which saturates the tissues, and carrying it back again to the blood. The capillary blood-system may be regarded as an irrigation system, which supplies the tissues with nutrient fluids, Avhile the lymphatic system may be regarded as a drainage apparatus, which conducts away the fluids that have trans- uded through the capillary walls. Some of the decomposition pro- ducts of the tissues, proofs of their retrogressive metabolism, become mixed with the lymph-stream, so that the lymphatics are at the same time absorbing vessels. Substances introduced into the parenchyma of the tissues in other ways, e.g., by subcutaneous injection, are partly 26 402 ORIGIN OF THE LYMPHATICS. absorbed by the lymphatics. A study of these conditions shows, that the lymphatic system represents an appendix to the blood-vascular system, and further, that there can be no lymph system when the blood-stream is completely arrested ; it acts only as a part of the whole, and with the whole. Lacteals. — When we speak of the lymphatics proper as against the chyle-vessels or lacteals, we do so from anatomical reasons, because the important and considerable lymphatic channels coming from the whole of the intestinal tract are, in a certain sense, a fairly independent province of the lymphatic vascular area, and are endowed with a high absorptive activity, which, from ancient times, has attracted the notice of observers. The contents of the chyle-vessels or lacteals are mixed with a large amount of fatty granules, giving the chyle a white colour, which distinguishes them at once from the clear watery con- tents of the true lymphatics. From a physiological point of view, however, the lacteals must be classified with the lymphatics, for, as regards their structure and function, they are true lymphatics, and their contents consist of true lymph mixed with a large amount of absorbed substances, chiefly fatty granules. [The contents of the lacteals are white only during digestion, at other times they are clear like lymph]. 196. Origin of the Lymphatics. The mode of origin of the lymphatics varies within the different tissues. The following modes are known :— 1. Origin in Spaces. — Within the connective-tissues (connective-tissue proper, bouc), are numerous stellate, irregular, or branched, spaces which communicate with each other by numerous tubular processes (Fig. 157, s) ; in these communicating spaces lie the cellular elements of these tissues. These spaces, however, are not completely filled by the cells, but an interval exists between the body of the cell and the wall of the space, which is greater or less according to the condition of movement of the protoplasmic cell. These spaces are the so-called "juice-canals " or " saftcanalchen," and they represent the origin of the lymphatic vessels (v. Reckliughausen). As they communicate with neighbouring spaces, the movement of the lymph is provided for. The cells which lie in the spaces, and which were formerly but erroneously regarded by Virchow as the origins of the lymphatics, exhibit amoeboid movements. Some of these cells remain permanently, each in its own space, within which, however, it may change its form — these are the so-called "fixed " connective-tissue corpuscles, and bone-corpuscles — while others merely wander or pass into these spaces, andare called "wandering cells," or "leucocytes;" but the latter are merely lymph-corpuscles, or colourless blood-corpuscles which have passed out of the blood-vessels into the origin of the lymphatics. These cells exhibit amoeboid movements. These spaces communicate with the small tubular lymphatics — the so-called lymph-capillaries (L). The spaces lie close together where they pass into a lymph-capillary (a). The lymph-capillary, which is usually of greater diameter than the blood capillary, generally lies in the middle ORIGIN OF THE LYMPHATICS. 403 Fig. 157. Origin of lymphatics — From the central tendon of the diaphragm of a rabbit (semi-diagrammatic) ; a, the juice-canals,"? communicating at x with the lymphatics; a, origin of the lymphatics by the confluence of several juice- canals. The tissue has been stained with nitrate of silver. Fig. 158. Central tendon of the diaphragm of the rabbit stained with silver nitrate and viewed from the pleural side — L, lymphatic with its sinuous endothelium; c, cells of the connective-tissue brought into view by the silver nitrate. 404 ORIGIN OF THE LYMPHATICS. of the space within the capillary arch (B). The finest lymphatics are lined by a layer of delicate, nucleated endothelial cells (e,e), with characteristic sinuous margins, whose characters are easily revealed by the action of silver nitrate (Fig. 158, L). This .substance blackens the cement substance which holds the endothelial cells together. Between the endothelial cells are small holes, or xtomata, by means of which the lymph-capillaries communicate (at x) with the juice canals. It is assumed that the blood-vessels communicate with the juice canals (J. Arnold, Thoma, Uskoff), and that fluid passes out of the thin-walled capillaries through their stomata (p. 122) into these spaces. This fluid nourishes the tissues, the tissues take up the substances appropriate to each, while the effete materials pass back into the spaces, and from these reach the lymphatics, which ultimately discharge them into the venous blood. Whether the cells within these spaces are actively concerned in the pouring out of the blood-plasma, or take part in. its movement, is matter for con- jecture. We can imagine that by contracting their body, after it has been impregnated with fluid, this fluid may be propelled from space to space towards the lymphatics. The leucocytes wander through these spaces until they pass into the lymphatics. Fine particles which are contained in these spaces — e.g., after tattooing the skin and even fatty particles after inunction — are absorbed by the leucocytes, and carried by them to other parts of the body. [The pigment particles used to tattoo the finger are usually found within the first lymphatic gland at the elbow.] After what has been said regarding the passage of colourless blood- corpuscles through the stomata of the blood-capillaries, or through the walls of the smaller blood-vessels (§ 95), the passage of cellular elements from the blood-vessels into the origin of the lymphatics is to be considered as a normal process (E. Hering). Granular colouring matter passes from the blood into the protoplasmic body of the cells within the lymph-spaces ; and only when the granular pigment is in large amount, does it appear as a granular injection in the branches of the juice-spaces (Uskoff). (2.) The origin of lymphatics within villi — i.e., of the chyle vessel or lacteal— lias been described at p. 389. The central lacteal communicates with the lacunar interstitial spaces in the adenoid tissue of the villus, and this again with the protoplasmic body of the epithelial cells. It is assumed that the lymph-corpuscles, which lie in the meshes of the adenoid tissue, pass into the central lacteal (His), while new cells are continually passing out of the blood-capillaries of the villi into the tissue, where they perhaps undergo increase through division. (3.) Origin of lymphatics in perivascular spaces (Fig. 159). — The smallest blood- vessels of bone, the central nervous system, retina, and the liver, are completely surrounded by wide lymphatic tubes, so that the blood-vessels are completely bathed by a lymph-stream. In the brain, these lymphatics are partly composed of delicate connective-tissue fibres, which traverse the lymph-space and become attached to the wall of the included blood-vessel (Roth). Fig. 159, B, represents a transverse section of a small blood-vessel, B, from the brain; p is the divided perivascular space. This space is called the perivascular space of His, but in PERIVASCULAR SPACES AND STOMATA. 405 addition to it, the blood-vessels of the brain have a lymph-space within the adventitia of the blood-vessels ( Virchow-Robin's space). It is partly lined by well- defined endothelium. Where the blood-vessels begin to increase considerably in A Fig. 159. Perivascular lymphatics — A, aorta of tortoise ; B, artery from the brain. Fig. 160. .Stomata from the great lymph-sac of a frog — a, stoma open; b, half-closed; c, closed. diameter, they pass through the wall of the lymphatics, and the two vessels afterwards take separate courses. In all cases, where there is a perivascular space, the passage of lymph- and blood-corpuscles into the lymphatics is greatly facili- tated. In the tortoise, the large blood-vessels are often surrounded with, peri- vascular lymphatics. Fig. 159, A, gives a representation of the aorta sur- rounded by a perivascular space (Gegenbaur) which is visible to the unaided eye. In mammals, the perivascular spaces are microscopic. (4.) Origin in the form of interstitial slits within organs. — Within the testis, the lymphatics begin simply in the form of numerous slits, which occur between the coils and twists of the seminal tubules. They take the form of elongated spaces bounded by the curved cylindrical surfaces of the tubules. The surfaces, however, are covered with endothelium. The lymphatics of the testis get independent walls after they leave the parenchyma of the organ. In many other glands, the gland-substance is similarly surrounded by a lymph-space. The blood-vessels pour the lymph into these spaces and from them the secreting cells obtain the materials necessary for the formation of their secretion. (5. ) Origin by means of free stomata on the walls of the larger serous cavities (Fig. 160, a). — The investigations of v. Recklinghausen, Ludwig, Dybkowsky, Schweigger-Seidel, Dogiel, and others have shown, that the old view of Mascagni, that the serous cavities freely communicate with the lymphatics, is correct. The investigation of the serous surfaces, most easily accomplished on the septum of the great abdominal lymph-sac of the frog, by means of silver nitrate, reveals the presence of relatively large free openings or stomata lying between the endothelium. Each stoma is bounded by several cells, which have a granular appearance, and are capable of undergoing a change of shape, so that the size of the stoma depends upon the degree of contraction of these cells; thus the stoma may be open (a), half open (b), or completely closed (c). These stomata are the origin of the lymphatics. The serous cavities belong therefore to the lymphatic system, and fluids placed in the serous cavities readily pass into the 406 LYMPH-FOLLICLES. lymphatics. The cavities of th peritoneum, pleura, pericardium, tunica vaginalis testis, arachnoid space, aqueous chambers of the eye (Schwalbe), and the labyrinth of the ear, are true lymph-cavities, and the fluid they contain is to be regarded as lymph. (6.) Free open pores have been observed on some mucous membranes, which are regarded as the origin of lymphatics, e.g., in the bronchi (Klein) — the nasal mucous membrane (Hjalmar-Heiberg), in the trachea and larynx. The larger lymphatics resemble in structure the veins of corresponding size. The valves are particularly numerous in the lymphatics, so that a distended lymphatic resembles a chain of pearls. [Lymphatics have dilations here and there in their course (Fig. 158).] 197. The Lymph-Glands. The so-called lymphatic glands belong to the lymph apparatus. They are incorrectly termed glands, as they are much branched lacunar labyrinthine spaces merely composed of adenoid tissue, and intercalated in the course of the lymphatic vessels. There are simple and compound lymph-glands. (1.) The simple lymph-glands, or, more correctly, lymph-follicles, are small rounded bodies, about the size of a pin-head. They consist of a mass of adenoid tissue (Fig. 161, A), i.e., of a very delicate net-work of fine reticular fibres with nuclei at their points of intersection, and in the spaces of the mesh-work lie the lymph and the lymph-corpuscles. Near the surface, the tissue is somewhat denser, where it forms a capsule, which is not however a true capsule, as it is permeated with numerous small sponge-like spaces. Small lymphatics come directly into contact with these lymph -follicles, and often cover their surface in the form of a Fig. 161. Two lymph-follicles — A, a small follicle highly magnified, showing the adenoid reticulum ; B, a follicle less highly magnified, showing injected blood-vessels. close net-work. The surface of the lymph-follicles is not unfrequently placed in the wall of a lymph-vessel, so that it is directly bathed by the lymph-stream. Although no direct canal-like opening leads from the follicle into the lymphatic stream, in relation with it a communication must exist, and this is obtained by the numerous spaces in the follicle itself, so that a lymph-follicle is a true lymphatic apparatus (Briicke) whose juices and lymph-corpuscles can pass into the nearest lymphatic. The follicles are surrounded by a net-work of blood-vessels which LYMPHATIC GLANDS. 407 sends loops of capillaries into their interior (Fig. 161, B). We may assume that lymph-corpuscles pass from these capillaries into the follicle. In connection with these follicles, including those of the back of the tongue, the solitary glands of the intestine and the adenoid tissue in the bronchial tract, the tonsils, Peyer's patches, it is important to remember that enormous numbers of leucocytes pass out between the epithelial cells covering these follicles. The extruded leucocytes undergo disintegration siibseqiiently (Ph. Stohr). (2.) The compound lymph-glands — the so-called lymphatic glands — represent a collection of lymph-follicles, whose form is somewhat altered. Every lymph - gland is covered externally with a connective- tissue capsule (Fig. 162, c), which con- tains numerous non-striped muscular fibres (0. Heyf elder). From its inner surface, numerous septa and trabeculaj (tr) pass into the interior of the gland, so that the gland-substance is divided into a large number of compartments. These com- partments in the cortical portion of the gland have a somewhat rounded form, and constitute the alveoli, while in the medullary portion they have a more elongated and irregular form. [On making a section of a lymph-gland we can readily dis- tinguish the cortical from the medullary portion of the gland.] All the compart- ments are of equal dignity, and they all communicate with each other by means of openings, so that the septa bound a rich net- work of spaces within the gland, which communicate on all sides with each other. .z. Fig. 162. Diagrammatic section of a lymphatic gland — a, I, afferent ; e, I, efferent lymphatics ; C, cortical substance; M, reticular cords of medulla; I, s, lymph-sinus; r, capsule, with trabeculse, tr. These spaces are traversed by the follicular threads (Fig. 163, /, /). These repre- sent the contents of the spaces, but they are smaller than the spaces in which they lie, and do not come into contact anywhere with the walls of the spaces. If we imagine the spaces to be injected with a mass, which ultimately shrinks to one-half of its original volume, we obtain a conception of the relation of these follicular threads to the spaces of the gland. The blood-vessels of the gland (b) lie within these follicular threads. They are surrounded by a tolerably thick crust of adenoid tissue, with very fine meshes (x, x) filled with lymph-corpuscles, and with its surface (o, o) covered by the cells of the adenoid reticulum, in such a way as to leave free communications through the narrow meshes. 408 LYMPHATIC GLAND. Between the surface of the follieular threads and the inner wall of all the spaces of the gland, lies the lymph- channel or lymph-path (B, B), which is traversed by a reticulum of adenoid tissue, containing relatively few lymph-corpuscles. It is very probable that these lymph-paths are lined by endothelium (v. Reckliughausen). Fig. 163. Part of a lymphatic gland— A, Vas afferens ; B, B, lymph-spaces within the gland; a, a, septa or trabeculse seen on edge ; /,/, follieular strand from the medulla; x, x, its adenoid reticulum ; b, its blood-vessels ; o, o, narrow meshed part limiting the follieular strands from the lymph-space. The vasa affcrentia (Fig. 1C2, a, 0, of which there are usually several, expand upon the surface of the gland, perforate the outer capsule, and pour their contents into the lymph-paths (C) of the gland. The vasa e/erentia, which are less numerous than the afferentia, and come out at the hilum, form large, wide, almost cavernous dilatations, and they anastomose near the gland (e, I). Through them the lymph passes out at the opposite surface of the gland. The lymph percolates through the gland, and passes along the lymph-paths, which represent a kind of rete mirabile interposed between the afferent and effei'ent lymph-vessels. During its passage through this complicated branched system of spaces, the movement of the lymph through the gland is retarded, and, owing to the numerous resistances which occur in its path, it has very little propulsive energy. The lymph-corpuscles which lie in the meshes of the adenoid reticulum are washed out of the gland by the lymph-stream (Briicke). The lymph-cor- puscles lying within the follieular threads, pass through the narrow meshes (0) PROPERTIES OF CHYLE AND LYMPH. 409 into the lymph-paths. The formation of lymph-corpuscles occurs either locally, from division of the pre-existing cells, or new leucocytes wander out into the follicular threads. The movement of the lymph through the gland is favoured by the muscular action of the capsule. When the capsule contracts energetically, it must compress the gland like a sponge, and the direction in which the fluid moves is regulated by the position and arrangement of the valves. The researches of Teichmaun, His, Frey, Briicke, and v. Recklinghausen have chiefly contributed to the elucidation of the morphological and physiological relations of the lymph-glands. In addition to the constituents of lymph, the following chemical substances have been found in lymphatic glands : — Leucin (Frerichs and Stildeler) and Xanthin. 198. Properties of Chyle and Lymph. (1.) Both fluids are albuminous, colourless, clear juices, containing lymph-corpuscles (§ 9), which are identical with the colourless blood- corpuscles. In some places, e.g., in the lymphatics of the spleen, especially in starving animals (Nasse), and in the thoracic duct, a few coloured blood-corpuscles have been found. The lymph-corpuscles are supplied to the lymph and chyle, from the lymphatic glands and the adenoid tissue. They also pass out of the blood-vessels and wander into the lymphatics, and as coloured blood-corpuscles have also been seen to pass out of the blood-vessels (Strieker, J. Arnold), this explains the occa- sional presence of these corpuscles in some lymphatics ; but when the pressure within the veins is high near the orifice of the thoracic duct, red blood-corpuscles may pass into the thoracic duct. In addition, the chyle contains numerous fatty granules each surrounded with an albuminous envelope. [Thus the chyle, in addition to the constituents of the lymph, contains, especially during digestion, a very large amount of fat in the form of the finely emulsion ised fat of the food, which gives it its characteristic white or milky appearance. During hunger, the fluid in the lacteals resembles ordinary lymph. The fine fat granules constitute the so-called " molecular basis " of the chyle.] Composition of Lymph. — The lymph consists of a plasma with lymph- coi'puscles suspended in it. The corpuscles — for the most part investi- gated in the form of pus-cells — consist of swollen-up proteid and soluble paraglolulin, together with lecithin, cerebrin, cholesterin, and fat, while their nuclei yield nuclein. Nuclein contains P, and is prepared by the artificial digestion of pus, as it alone remains undigested ; it is soluble in alkalies, and is precipitated from this solution by acids. It gives a feeble xanthoproteic reaction. When subjected to the prolonged action of alkalies and acids, it yields substances allied to albumin and syntonin. Miescher found glycogen in the lymph-corpuscles of serous fluids. The lymph-plasma contains the three fibrin-factors (§ 29), 410 COMPOSITION OF CHYLE. derived very probably from the breaking up of lymph-corpuscles. When lymph is withdrawn from the body, these substances cause it to coagulate. Coagulation occurs slowly, owing to the formation of a soft jelly- like, small "lymph-clot," which contains most of the lymph-corpuscles. The exuded fluid or lymph-serum contains alkali-albuminate (precipitated by acids), serum-albumin (coagulated by heat), a,nd.paraglobuUn — the two latter occurring in the same proportion as in blood-serum; 37 per cent. of the coagulable proteids is paraglobulin (Salvioli). Peptone has been found in chyle (? and perhaps also in lymph) ; also urea (Wurtz), leucin and sugar. (2.) Chyle, which occurs within the lacteals of the intestinal tract can only be obtained in very small amount before it is mixed with lymph, and hence the difficulty of investigating it. A few lymph- corpuscles occur even in the origin of lacteals within the villi, but their number increases in the vessels beyond the intestine, more especially after the chyle has passed through the mesenteric glands. The amount of solids, which undergoes a great increase during diges- tion, on the contrary, diminishes when chyle mixes with lymph. After a diet rich in fatty matters, the chyle contains innumerable fatty granules (2-4 /m. in size). [This is the so-called "molecular basis" of the chyle.] The amount of fibrin-factors increases with the increase of lymph-corpuscles, as they are formed from the breaking-up of the lymph-corpuscles. Groh6 found a diastatic ferment in chyle, which was probably absorbed from the intestine, occasionally sugar, to 2 per cent. (Colin), and after much starchy food, lactates have been found (Lehmann). The Chyle of a person who was executed contained :— Water, . . . 90 '5 per cent. Solids, . . . 9 '5 ,, Fibrin, . . . trace. Albumin, . . . 7*1 Fats, . 0-9 Extractives, 1 '0 Salts, . 0-4 Cl. Schmidt found the following inorganic substances in 1000 parts of chyle (horse): — Sodic Chloride, .... . 5'84 Soda, 1'17 Potash 0-13 Sulphuric Acid, 0'05 Phosphoric ,, ...... 0'05 Calcic Phosphate, .... 0'20 Magnesic ,, 0*05 Iron, trace. COMPOSITION OF LYMPH. 411 (3.) The Lymph obtained from the beginning of the lymphatic system also contains very few lymph-corpuscles ; it is clear, transparent, and colourless, and closely resembles the fluids of serous cavities. That the lymph coming from different tissues varies somewhat, is highly probable, but this has not been proved. After lymph has passed through lymphatic glands, it contains more corpuscles, and also more solids, especially albumin and fat. Ritter counted 8,200 lymph- corpuscles in 1 cubic centimetre of the lymph of a dog. Hensen and Dahnhardt obtained pure lymph in considerable quantity from a lymphatic fistula, in the leg of a man. It had an alkaline reaction, and a saline taste. It had the following composition, which may be compared with the composition of serous transudations : — Pure Lymph (Hensen & Dahnhardt). Cerefcrospinal Fluid (Hoppe-Seyler). Pericardial Fluid (v. Gorup-Besanez). tVater, . . . 98 '63 98-74 95-51 Solids, . . .1-37 1-25 4-48 Fibrin, . . . O'll ... 0-08 ybumin, . . 0'14 0-16 2-46 \lkali-albuminate, . 0'09 ... ... Extractives, . ... 1-26 Jrea, Leucin, . 1*05 ... Salts, . . . 0-88 The cerebrospinal fluid, JO vol. per cent, of ab- and abdominal - lymph sorbed C02, 50°/0 of which contain a kind of sugar :ould be pumped out, and (without the property of 20% by the addition of an rotating polarised light — icid. Hoppe-Seyler). 100 parts of the Ash of lymph contained the following substances:— Sodium chloride, Soda, • . Potash, . Lime, Magnesia, 74-48 10-36 3-26 0'9S 0-27 Phosphoric acid, Sulphuric acid, Carbonic acid, Iron oxide, 1-09 1-28 8-21 0-06 Just as in blood, potash and phosphoric acid are most abundant in the corpuscles, while soda, (chiefly sodium chloride) is most abundant in the lymph-serum. The potash and phosphoric acid compounds are most abundant in cerebro-spinal fluid, according to C. Schmidt. The amount of icater in the lymph rises and falls with that of the blood. Dog's lymph contains much C02 — more than 40 vols. per cent., of which 17 per cent, can be pumped out, and 23 per cent, expelled by acids, while there are only traces of 0 and 1*2 vols. per cent. N (Ludwig, Hammersten). 412 QUANTITY OF LYMPH AND CHYLE. The observation that when lymph is collected from large vessels and. exposed to the air it becomes red (Funke) is as yet unexplained ; but it is certainly not due to the formation of coloured corpuscles from colourless ones, owing to contact with the 0 of the air. 199. Quantity of Lymph and Chyle. When it is stated that the total amount of the lymph and chyle passing through the large vessels in 24 hours is equal to the amount of the blood (Bidder and C. Schmidt), it must be remembered that this is merely a conjecture. Of this amount one-half may be lymph and the other half chyle. The formation of lymph in the tissues takes place continually, and without interruption. Nearly 6 kilos, of lymph were collected in 24 hours from a lymphatic fistula in the arm of a woman, by Gubler and Quevenne; 70 to 100 grms. were collected in 1^ to 2 hours from the large lymph-trunk in the neck of a young horse. The following conditions affect the amount of chyle and lymph: — (1.) The amount of chyle undergoes very considerable increase during digestion, more especially after a full meal, so that the lacteals of the mesentery and intestine are distended with white or milky chyle. During hunger, the lymph-vessels are collapsed, so that it is difficult to see the large trunks. (2.) The amount of lymph increases with the activity of the organ from which it proceeds. Active or passive muscular movements greatly increase its amount. Lesser obtained in this way 300 cubic centi- metres lymph from a fasting dog, Avhereby its blood became so inspissated as to cause death. (3.) All conditions which increase the pressure, upon the juices of the tissues increase the amount of lymph, and vice versa. These con- ditions are :— («. ) An Increase of the blood-pressure, not only in the whole vascular system, but also in the vessels of the corresponding organ, augments the amount of lymph and vice versA (Ludwig, Tomsa). This however is doubtful, as has been shown by Paschutin and Emminghaus. [In order to increase the amount of lymph depend- ing upon pressure within the vessels, what must happen is increased pressure within the capillaries and veins]. (b.) Ligature or obstruction of the efferent reins greatly increases the amount of lymph which flows from the corresponding parts (Bidder, Emminghaus). It may be doubled in amount (Weiss). Tight bandages cause a swelling of the parts ou the peripheral side of the bandage, owing to a copious effusion of lymph into the tissue (congestive oedema). (c.) An increased supply of arterial blood acts in the same way, but to a less degree. Paralysis of the vaso-motor nerves (Ludwig), or stimulation of vaso- dilator fibres (Gianuzzi), by increasing the supply of blood increases the amount of lymph ; while diminution of the blood supply, owing to stimulation of vaso-motor fibres or other causes, diminishes the amount. Even after ligature of both carotids, as the head is still supplied with blood by the vertebrals, the lymph-stream in the large cervical lymphatic, does not cease (W. Krause). ORIGIN OF LYMPH. 413 (4.) When the total amount of the blood is increased, by the injec- tion of blood, serum, or milk into the arteries, much fluid passes into the tissues and increases the formation of lymph. (5.) The formation of lymph still goes on for a short time after death, and after complete cessation of the action of the heart, but only to a slight extent. If fresh blood be caused to circulate in the body of an animal, while it is still warm, more lymph flows from the lymphatics (Genersich). It appears as if the tissues obtained plasma from the blood for a time after the stoppage of the circulation. This perhaps explains the circumstance that some tissues, e.g., connective-tissues, con- tain more fluid after death than during life, whilst the blood-vessels have given out a considerable amount of their plasma after death. (6.) The amount of lymph is increased under the influence of curara (Lesser, Paschutin), and so is the amount of solids in the lymph. A large amount of lymph collects in the lymph-sacs [especially the sub- lingual] of frogs poisoned with curara, which is partly explained by the fact that the lymph-hearts are paralysed by curara (Bidder). The amount of lymph is also increased in inflamed parts (Lassar). 200. Origin of Lymph. (1.) Origin of the Lymph-Plasma. — The lymph-plasma may be re- garded as fluid which has been pressed through the walls of the blood- vessels by the blood-pressure, i.e., by filtration, into the tissues. The salts which pass most readily through membranes, go through nearly in the same proportion as they exist in blood-plasma — the fibrin-factors to about two-thirds, and albumin to about one-half of that in the blood. As in the case of other filtration processes, the amount of lymph must increase with increasing pressure. This was proved by Ludwig and Tomsa, who found that when they passed blood-serum under varying pressures through the blood-vessels of an excised testis, the amount of transuded fluid which flowed from the lymphatics varied with the pressure. This " artificial lymph " had a composition similar to that of the natural lymph. Even the amount of albumin increased with increasing pressure. The lymph-plasma is mixed in the different tissues with the decomposition products, the results of the metabolism of the tissues. When the muscles are in action, not only is the lymph poured out more rapidly, but more lymph is formed. The tendons and fascia? of the muscles of the skeleton which are provided with numerous small stomata, absorb the lymph from the muscles. By the alternate contrac- tion and relaxation of these fibrous structures, they act like suction- pumps, whereby the lymphatics are alternately filled, and emptied, while 414 ORIGIN OF THE LYMPH-CORPUSCLES. the lymph is propelled onwards. Even passive movements act in the same way. If solutions be injected under the fascia lata, they may be propelled onwards to the thoracic duct by passive movements of the limb (Ludwig, Schweigger-Seidel, and Genersich). (2.) The Origin of the Lymph-Corpuscles varies — 1. A very con- siderable number of the lymph-corpuscles are derived from the lymphatic glands; they are washed out of these glands into the vas eflerens by the lymph-stream, hence, the lymph always contains more cor- puscles after it has passed through a lymph-gland. Small isolated lymph-follicles permit corpuscles to pass through their Limiting layer into the lymph-stream. 2. A second source is those organs whose basis consists of adenoid tissue, and in whose meshes numerous lymph- corpuscles occur — e.g., the mucous membrane of the entire intestinal tract, red marrow of bone, the spleen. In these cases, the cells reach the origin of the lymph-stream by their own amoeboid movements. 3. As lymph-corpuscles are returned to the blood-stream, Avhere they appear as colourless blood-corpuscles, so they again pass out of the Uood-capillaries into the tissues, partly owing to their amoeboid move- ments (Cohnheim), and they are partly expelled by the blood-pressure (Heriug). In rare cases, lymph-corpuscles wander from lymphatic spaces back again into the blood-vessels (v. Recklinghausen). Fine particles of cinnabar or milk-globules introduced into the blood soon pass into the lymphatics, and the vaso-motor nerves do not affect the process. The extrusion of particles is greater during venous congestion, just as with diapedesis (p. 189), than when the circulation is undisturbed; inflammatory affections of the vascular wall also favour their passage. The vessels of the portal system are especially pervious (Riitiineyer). (4.) By increase of the lymph-corpuscles by division, and also by proliferation of the fixed connective-tissue corpuscles (His). This process certainly occurs during inflammation of many organs. This has been proved for the excised cornea kept in a moist chamber (v. Reckling- hauseu, Hoffmann) ; the nuclei of the cornea-corpuscles proliferate also (Strieker, Norris). That the connective-tissue corpuscles proliferate is shown by the enormous production of lymph-corpuscles in acute in- flammations (with the formation of pus) — e.g., in extensive erysipelas, and inflammatory purulent effusions into serous cavities, where the number of corpuscles is too great to be explained, by the wandering of blood-corpuscles out of the blood-vessels. Decay of Lymph-Corpuscles. — The lymph-corpuscles disappear partly where the lymphatics arise. The occurrence of the fibrin-factors in the lymph — formed as they are from the breaking-up of lymph- corpuscles — would seem to indicate this. In inflammation of con- nective-tissue, in addition to the formation of numerous new lymph- MOVEMENT OF CHYLE AND LYMPH. 415 corpuscles, a considerable number seems to be dissolved; hence the lymph, and also the blood, in this case contains more fibrin. Lymph-corpuscles are also dissolved within the blood-stream, and help to form the fibrin-factors. 201. Movement of Chyle and Lymph. The ultimate cause of the movement of the chyle and lymph depends upon the difference of the pressure at the origin of the lymphatics, and the pressure where the thoracic duct opens into the venous system. (1.) The forces which are active at the origin of the lymphatics are concerned in moving the lymph, but these must vary according to the place of origin — (a) The ladeals receive the first impulse towards the movements of their contents — the chyle — from the contraction of the muscular fibres of the mill (p. 390). When these contract and shorten, the axial lacteal is compressed, and its contents forced in a centripetal direc- tion towards the large lymphatic trunks. When the villi relax the numerous valves prevent the return of the chyle into the villi. (i) Within those lymphatics which take the form of peri-vascular spaces, every time the contained Hood-vessel is dilated the surrounding lymph will be pressed onwards, (c) In the case of the pleural lymphatics with open mouths, every inspiratory movement acts like a suction-pump upon the lymph (Dybkowsky), and the same is the case with the openings (stomata) of the lymphatics on the abdominal side of the diaphragm (Ludwig, Schweigger-Seidel). (d) In the case of those vessels which begin by means of fine juice-canals, the movement of the lymph must largely depend upon the tension of the juices of the parenchyma, and this again must depend upon the tension or pressure in the blood-capillaries, so that the blood-pressure acts like a vis a tergo in the rootlets of the lymphatics. [In some organs .peculiar pumping arrangements are brought into action. As already mentioned, the abdominal surface of the central tendon of the diaphragm is provided with stomata, or open communi- cations between the peritoneal cavity and the lymphatics in the sub- stance of the tendon, v. Eecklinghausen found that milk put upon the peritoneal surface of the central tendon showed little eddies caused by the milk-globules passing through the stomata and entering the lymphatics. The central tendon consists of two layers of fibrous tissue arranged in different directions. When the diaphragm moves during respiration, these layers are alternately pressed together and pulled apart. Thus the spaces are alternately dilated and contracted, lymph being drawn into the lymphatics (Fig. 164, Ji) through the stomata]. 416 MOVEMENT OP THE LYMPH. [Lttdwig's Experiment. —Tie a respiration cannula in the trachea of a dead rabbit; cut across the body of the animal immediately below the diaphragm; remove the viscera, and ligature the vessels passing between the thorax and abdomen; tie the thorax to a ring, and hang it up with the head downwards; Section of central tendon of diaphragm — The injected lymph spaces, h and h, are black. At /the walls of the space are collapsed (Brunton, after Ludwig and Schweigger-Seidel). pour a solution of Berlin blue upon the peritoneal surface of the diaphragm; connect the respiration cannula either with a pair of bellows or an apparatus for artificial respiration, and imitate the respiratory movements. After a few minutes, the lymphatics are filled with a blue injection showing a beautiful plexus.] [The same kind of pumping mechanism exists over the costal pleura (p. 224).] [The fascia covering the muscles is another similar mechanism. The fascia consists of two layers of fibrous tissue, with intervening lymphatics (Fig. 165). When a muscle contracts, lymph is forced out Fig. 165. Injected lymph spaces from the fascia lata of the dog — The injected spaces are black in the figure (Brunton, after Ludwig and Schweigger-Seidel). from between the layers of the fascia, while when it relaxes, the lymph from the muscle, carrying with it some of the waste products of muscular action, passes out of the muscle into the fascia, between the now partially separated layers.] (2.) Within the lymph-trunks themselves, the independent contraction of their muscular fibres partly aids the lymph-stream. Heller observed in the mesentery of the guinea-pig, that the peristaltic movement of MOVEMENT OF THE LYMPH. 417 the lymphatic wall passed in a centripetal direction. The numerous valves prevent any reflux. The contraction of the surrounding muscles, and every pressure upon the vessels and the tissues aid the current (Ludwig, Noll). If the outflow of blood from the veins is interfered with, lymph flows copiously from the corresponding tissues (Nasse, Tomsa). [If a cannula be tied in a lymphatic of a dog, a few drops of lymph flow out at long intervals. But if even passive movements of the limb be made, e.g., simply flexing and extending the limb, the outflow becomes very considerable and continuous.] (3.) The lymph-glands, which occur in the course of the lymphatics, offer very considerable resistance to the lymph-stream, which must pass through the lymph-paths, whose spaces are traversed by adenoid tissue, and contain a few lymph-corpuscles. But this is, to a certain extent, compensated by the non-striped muscle which exists in the capsule and trabeculcB of the glands. When they contract, they force on the lymph, Avhile the valves prevent its reflux. Enlarged lymphatic glands have been seen to contract when stimulated electrically. [Botkin has stimulated enlarged lymphatic glands with electricity in cases of leukaemia.] (4.) As the lymph-vessels gradually join and form larger vessels, and finally form one trunk, the transverse section, or sectional area, diminishes, so that the velocity of the current and the pressure are increased. Nevertheless, the velocity is always small ; it varied from 230-300 millimetres per minute in the large lymphatic in the neck of a horse (Weiss), a fact which enables us to conclude that the move- ment must be very slow in the small vessels. The lateral pressure at the same place, was 10-20 mm., and in the dog 5-10 mm. of a weak solution of soda (Weiss, Noll), although it was found to be 12 mm. Hg. in the thoracic duct of a horse (Weiss). (5.) The respiratory movements exercise a considerable influence upon the lymph-stream in the thoracic duct, and in the right lymphatic duct ; every inspiration favours the passage of the venous blood, and also of the lymph towards the heart, whereby the tension in the thoracic duct may even become negative (Bidder). [The diastolic suction of the heart by diminishing the pressure in the veins, also favours the inflow of lymph into the thorax.] (G.) Lymph -hearts exist in certain cold-blooded animals (Panizza, Job. M tiller). The frog has two axillary hearts (above the shoulder near the vertebral column), and two sacral hearts, one on each side of the coccyx near the anus. They beat, but not synchronously, about GO times per minute, and contain 10 cubic centimetres of lymph. They have transversely striped muscular iibres in their walls, and are also provided with nerve ganglia (Waldeyer). The posterior pair pump the lymph into the branch of the Vena iliaca communicans, and the anterior pair into the Vena subscapularis. Their pulsation depends partly, but not 27 418 ABSORPTION OF PARENCHYMATOUS EFFUSIONS. exclusively, upon the spinal cord, for if the cord be rapidly destroyed, they may cease to pulsate (Volkmann), but not unfrequently they continue to pulsate after removal of the cord (Valentin, Luchsinger). A second source of their pulsatile movements is to be sought for in Waldeyer's ganglia. Stimulation of the skin, intestine, or blood-heart influences them reflexly — partly accelerating and partly retarding them. If the coccygeal nerve, which connects the sacral hearts to the spinal cord, be divided, these effects do not occur (v. Wittich). Strychnia accelerates their movements (Scherhej). Antiar paralyses the lymph-heart and the blood-heart at the same time (Vintschgau), while curara paralyses the former alone (Bidder). In other amphibians, there are two lymph-hearts, in the ostrich and cassowary and some swimming birds (Panizza), and in the embryo chick (A. Budge). They occur in some fishes — e.g., near the caudal vein of the eel. (7.) The nervoiis system has a direct effect upon the lymph-stream, on account of its connection with the muscles of the lymphatics and lymph-glands, and with the lymph-hearts where these exist. Farther, Kiihne observed that the cornea-corpuscles contracted when the corneal nerves were stimulated. Goltz also observed that when a dilute solu- tion of common salt was injected under the skin of a frog, it was rapidly absorbed, but if the central nervous system was destroyed it was not absorbed. If inflammation be produced in the posterior extremities of a dog, and if the sciatic nerve be divided on one side, oedema and a simultaneous increase of the lymph-stream occur on that side (Jankowski). Ligatvire the leg of a frog, except the nerves, so as to arrest the circulation, and place the leg in water; it swells up very rapidly, but a dead limb does not swell up. So that absorption is independent of the continuance of the circulation. Section of the sciatic nerve, or destruction of the spinal cord (but not section of the brain), arrests absorption (Lautenbach). 202. Absorption of Parenchymatous Effusions. Fluids which pass from the blood-vessels into the spaces in the tissues, or those injected subcutaneously, are absorbed chiefly by the blood-vessels, but also by the lymphatics. Small particles, as after tattooing with cinnabar or China ink, may pass from the tissue-spaces into the lymphatics — and so do blood- corpuscles from extravasations of blood, and fat granules from the marrow of a broken bone. If all the lymphatics of a part are ligatured, absorption takes place quite as rapidly as before (Magendie); hence, absorbed fluid must pass through the thin membranes of the blood-vessels. The corresponding experiment of ligaturing all the blood- vessels, when no absorption of the parenchymatous juices takes place (Emmert, Henle, v. Dusch), does not prove that the lymphatics are not concerned in absorp- tion, for, after ligaturing the blood-vessels of a part, of course the formation of lymph, and also the lymph-stream, must cease. When fluids are injected under the skin, absorption takes place very rapidly- more rapidly than when the substance is given by the mouth. The subcutaneous injection of many drugs is now extensively used, but of course the substances used must not corrode, irritate, or coagulate the tissues. Some substances do not act when given by the mouth, as snake poison, poisons from dead bodies or putrid things, although they act rapidly when introduced subcutaneously. If emulsin be given by the mouth, and amygdalin be injected into the veins of an animal, hydro- (EDEMA AND DROPSY. 419 cyanic acid is not formed, as the emulsin seems to be destroyed in the alimentary canal. If the emulsin, however, be injected into the blood, and the amygdalin be given by the mouth, the animal is rapidly poisoned, owing to the formation of hydrocyanic acid, as the amygdalin is rapidly absorbed from the intestinal canal. The amygdalin, a glucoside (CgoH^NOn), is acted upon by fresh emulsin like a ferment ; it takes up 2 (H2 O) and yields hydrocyanic acid (C H N), -f-oil of bitter almonds (C7H60), + sugar 2 (C6H1206) — (Cl. Bernard). When serum is injected subcutaneously, it is rapidly absorbed; it is decomposed within the blood-stream, and increases the amount of urea (p. 62, 2). Albuminous solutions, oil, peptones and sugars are also absorbed (Eichhorst). 203. Congestion of Lymph and Serous Effusions. (Edema and Dropsy. [As aptly illustrated by Lauder Brunton, the lymph-spaces may be represented by cisterns, each of which is provided with .supply pipes — the arteries and capillaries; while there are two exit pipes — the veins and lymphatics. In health, the balance between the inflow and outflow is such, that the spaces are merely moistened with fluid. When a cannula is placed in a lymphatic vessel in a dog, only a few drops of lymph flow out at long intervals. Emminghaus found that, if the veins of the limb be ligatured, the lymph flows much more quickly. This is in part due to the increased transudation of fluid from the small blood-vessels, but as Brunton suggests, it may also be due to fluid passing away by the lymphatics when it can 110 longer be carried away by the veins. We cannot say what is the relative share of the veins and lymphatics, nor in the above experiment do we know how much is due to increased transudation or diminished absorption. When there is an undue accumulation of fluid in the lymph-spaces, we have the condition termed dropsy.'} If the efferent veins and lymphatics of an oi'gan be ligatured, or if resistance be offered to the outflow of their contents, congestion and a copious transudation of lymph into the tissues take place. These are most marked in the skin and sub- cutaneous cellular tissue. The soft parts swell up, without pain or redness, and a doughy swelling, which pits on pressure with the finger, results. These are the signs of lymph-congestion, which is called (edema when the fluid is watery. Under similar circumstances, lymph is effused into the serous cavities. If at the same time, a large number of colourless blood-corpuscles pass out of the blood- vessels into the cavity, the fluid becomes more and more like pus. In order that these corpuscles may proliferate, a considerable percentage of albumin is neces- sary. When the pressure within the serous cavity rises above that in the small blood-vessels, water may pass into the blood. These sero-puruleiit effusions not unfrequeutly undergo changes, and yield decomposition products, such as leucin, tyrosin, xanthin, kreatin, kreatinin (?), uric acid (?), urea. Endothelium from the serous cavity (Quiucke), sugar in pleuritic effusions (Eichhorst), and in cedemas with little albumin (Rosenbach), cholesterin frequently in hydrocele fluid, and succinic acid in the fluid of echinococci have all been found in these effusions. The effusion of lymph may arise not only from pressure upon the lymphatics, but also from inflammation and thrombosis of the lymphatics themselves, in which cases not unf requently new lymphatics are formed, so that the communication is re-established. Sometimes the ductus thoracicus bursts and lymph is poured directly into the abdomen or thorax. [Ligature of the thoracic duct results in rupture of the receptaculum chyli and escape of chyle and lymph into the large serous cavities (Ludwig).] When dropsy or effusion of fluids occurs into serous cavities, there is always a 420 CONDITIONS FAVOURING TRANSLATION. greater transudation of fluid through the blood-vessels. The abdominal blood- vessels, and those which yield a watery effusion under normal circumstances, are those most liable to be affected. Transudation is favoured by— (1) Venous congestion, in which case the effusion usually contains little albumin, and few lymph-corpuscles, while the coloured-cor- puscles on the contrary are more numerous the greater the venous obstruction. Ranvier produced cedema artificially by ligaturing the vena cava in a dog, and at the same time dividing the sciatic nerve. The paralytic dilatation of the blood-vessels thereby produced caused an increased amount of blood to pass to the limb, while the blood-pressure was raised, and both factors favoured the transudation of fluid. [Ranvier's experiment proves that mere ligature of the venous trunk of a limb by itself is not sufficient to cause cedema. The cedema is due to the concomitant paralysis of the vaso-motor nerves. If the motor roots of the sciatic nerve alone be divided along with ligature of the vena cava, no cedema occurs, but if the vaso-motor fibres are divided at the same time, the limb rapidly becomes cedematous. There is such an increased transudation through the vascular walls that the veins and lymphatics cannot remove it with sufficient rapidity, and cedema occurs. If there be weak- ness of the vaso-motor nerves, slight obstruction is sufficient to produce cedema (Lander Bronton).] When the leg veins are occluded with an injection of gypsum, cedema occurs (Sotnischewsky). (2) Some unknown physical changes occur in the protoplasm of the endothelium of the capillaries and blood-vessels, which favour the transudation of albumin, haemoglobin, and even blood-corpuscles. This occurs when abnormal substances accumulate iu the blood— e. p., dissolved haemoglobin — and when the blood contains little O or albumin. The same has been observed after exposure to too high temperatures, and the swelling of soft parts in the neighbourhood of an inflammatory focus seems due to the transudation of fluid through the altered vascular wall. It is probable that a nervous influence may affect particular areas, through its action on the blood- vessels of the part (it may be upon the protoplasm, of the blood-capillaries). The transudations of this nature usually contain much albumin and many lymph - corpuscles. (3) When the blood contains a very large amount of water the tendency to transudation of fluid is increased. After a time it may produce the changes indicated in (2), and when long continued may increase the permea- bility of the vascular wall (Cohuheim). Watery lymphatic effusions from watery- blood — "cachectic cedema" — occur in feeble and badly nourished individuals. [One of the commonest forms of dropsy is the slight cedema of the legs in anamic persons, in whom the heart and lungs are healthy. Many factors are involved — the watery condition of the blood, the condition of nutrition of the capillaries, and probably a tendency to vaso-motor paresis (Brunton).] [ (4) Ostroumoff found that stimulation of the lingual nerve not only causes the blood-vessels of the tongue to dilate, but the corresponding side of the tongue becomes cedematous. If a solution of dilute hydrochloric acid or quinine (p. 287) be injected into the duct of the submaxillary gland, and the chorda tympani stimulated, there is no secretion of saliva, but the gland becomes cedematous. In an animal poisoned with atropin, stimulation of the chorda causes dilatation of the blood-vessels, although there is no secretion of saliva, nevertheless the gland does not become cedematous (Heidenhain). As Brunton suggests, this experiment points to some action of atropin on the blood-vessels which has hitherto been entirely overlooked.] 204. Comparative Physiology. In the frog, large lymph-sacs, lined with endothelium, exist under the skin, \vhilelarge lymph-sacs lie in relation with the vertebral column— one on each side COMPARATIVE AND HISTORICAL. 421 —separated by a thin membrane, perforated with stomata, from the abdominal cavity. This is the cystcrna li/mp/iatica magnet, of Panizza. Some amphibians and many reptiles have large lymph-spaces under the skin, which occupy the whole of the dorsal region of the body. All reptiles and the tailed amphibians have large elongated reservoirs for lymph along the course of the aorta. The lymph apparatus of the tortoise (Fig. 159) is very extensive. The osseous fishes have in the lateral parts of their backs an elongated lymph- trunk, which reaches from the tail to the anterior fins, and is connected with the dilated lymphatic rootlets in the base of the tail and in the fins. The largest internal lymph-sinus is in the region of the oesophagus. Many birds possess a sinus-like dilatation or lymph-space in the region of the tail. The lymph-spaces communicate with the venous system — with valves properly arranged — usually in connection with the upper vena cava. Lymph-hearts have already been referred to (p. 417). In carnivora, the lymph-glands of the mesentery are united into one large com- pact mass, the so-called " pancreas Asellii." 205. Historical. , Although the Hippocratic School was acquainted with the lymph-glands from their becoming swollen from time to time, and although Herophilus and Erasis- tratus had seen the mesenteric glands, yet Aselli (1662) was the first who accur- ately described the lacteals of the mesentery with their valves. Pecquet (1648) discovered the receptaculum chyli ; Rudbeck and Thorn. Bartholinus the lymphatic vessels (1650—52) ; Eustachius (1563) was acquainted with the thoracic duct, which Gassendus (1654) maintained that he was the first to see; Lister noticed that the chyle became blue when indigo was injected into the intestine (1671) ; Sommering observed the separation of fibrin when lymph coagulated; Reuss and Ernmert discovered the lymph-corpuscles. The chemical investigations date from the first quarter of this century ; they were carried out by Lassaigne, Tiedemann, Gmelin, and others. The two last observers noticed that the white colour of chyle was due to the presence of small fatty granules. Physiology of Animal Heat, 206. Sources of Heat. Sources. — The heat of the body is an uninterrupted evolution of kinetic energy, which we must represent to ourselves as due to vibrations of the corporeal atoms. The ultimate source, of the heat is contained in the potential energy taken into the body with the food, and with the O of the air absorbed during respiration. The amount of heat formed depends upon the amount of energy liberated (see Introduction). The energy of the food-stuffs may be called "latent heat," if we assume that when they are used up in the body, chiefly by a process of combustion, kinetic energy is liberated only in the form of heat. As a matter of fact, how- ever, mechanical energy g and electrical energy are developed from the poten- tial energy. In order to obtain a unit measure for the energy liberated, it is advisable to express all the potential energy as heat-units. The Calorimeter. — This instrument enables us to transform the potential energy of the food into heat, and, at the same time, to measure the num- ber of heat-units pro- duced. Favre and Silbcrmann used a water-calorimeter (Fig. 166). The substance to be burned is placed in a large cylindrical combustion chamber (K), sus- pended in a large cylindrical vessel (L) filled with water (w), so that the combustion chamber is completely^surrouuded by the water. Three tubes open into the upper Eig. 166. Water calorimeter of Favre and Silbermann. C ALORIMETR Y. 423 part of the chamber ; one of them (0) supplies the air which is necessary for combus- tion, it reaches almost to the bottom of the chamber ; the second tube (a) is fixed in the middle of the lid, and is closed above with a thick glass plate, and on this is placed, at an angle, a small mirror (s) which enables an observer to see into the interior of the chamber, and to observe the process of combustion at c. The third tube (d) is used only when combustible gases are to be burned in the chamber. It can be closed by means of a stop-cock. A lead tube (e, e) with many twists on it, passes from the upper part of the chamber through the water, and finally opens at fj. The gaseous products of combustion pass out through this tube, and in doing so help to heat the water. The cylindrical vessel with the water is closed with a lid which transmits the four tubes. The water cylinder stands on four feet within a large cylinder (M), which is filled with some good non-conductor of heat, and this again is placed in a large vessel filled with water (W). This is to prevent any heat reaching the inner cylinder from without. A weighed quantity of the substance (c) to be investigated, is placed in the combustion chamber. When combustion is ended, during which the inner water must be repeatedly stirred, the temperature of the water is ascertained by means of a delicate thermometer. If the increase of the temperature and the amount of water are known, then it is easy to calculate the number of heat-units produced by the combustion of a known weight of the substance (see Introduction). The ice-Calorimeter may also be used. The inner cylinder is filled with ice and not with water, and ice is also placed in the outer cylinder to prevent any heat from without from acting upon the inner ice. The heat given off from the combustion chamber causes a certain amount of the ice to melt, and the water thereby produced is collected and measured. It requires 79 heat-units to melt 1 grm. of ice to 1 grm. of water at 0°C. Just as in a calorimeter, although much more slowly, the food-stuffs within our body are burned up, oxygen being supplied, and thus potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy, which, in the case of a person at rest — i.e., when the muscles are inactive, almost completely appears in the form of heat (see Introduction). Favre, Silbermann, Frankland, Rechenberg, B. Danilewsky, and others have made calorimetric experiments on the heat produced by food. Thus, there are produced by 1 grm. Albumin 4,998 heat-uuits f Completely dried and completely 1 ,, Ox-flesh 5,103 ,, t burned. ( When burned to urea (i.e., the heat-units 1 grm. Albumin 4,263 ,, J corresponding to the urea (1 grm. =2,206 1 ,, Ox-flesh 4,368 ,, '. calories) is deducted from those of the albumin and flesh. 1 gramme of the following dry substances yields heat-units :— Casein, .... 5,785 Potatoes, . . . 3,752 Milk, 5,093 Bread, . . . . 3,984 Rice, 3,813 Starch, .... 4,479 Yelk of egg, . . 6,460 Alcohol, . . . .8,958 Stearin, .... 9,036 Palmitin, . . . 8,883 Olein, .... 8,958 Glycerin, . . . 4,179 Leucin, .... 6,141 Creatin, . . . 4,118 Grape-sugar, . . 3,939 Cane-sugar, . . 4,173 Milk-sugar, . . 4,162 Vegetable fibrin, . 6,231 Glutin, . . . . 6,141 Legumin, . . . 5,573 Blood fibrin, . . 5,709 Peptone, . . . 4,914 Glutin, .... 5,493 Chondrin, . . . 4,909 Flesh extract (Liebig), . . 3,206 424 CHEMICAL SOURCES OF HEAT. When wo know the weight of any of the above-named substances consumed by a man in twenty-four hours, a simple calculation enables us to determine how many heat-units are formed in the body by oxidation — i.e., provided the substance is completely oxidised. Sources of Heat. — The individual sources of heat are to be found in the following : — (1.) In the transformation of the chemical constituents of the food, endowed with a large amount of potential energy, into such substances as have little or no energy. The organic substances used as food consist of C, H, 0, N, so that there takes place — (a) Combustion of C into C02, of H into H20, whereby heat is produced; 1 grm. C burned to produce C02 yields 8,080 heat-units, while 1 grm. H oxidised to H20 yields 34,460 heat-units. The 0 neces- sary for these processes is absorbed during respiration, so that, to a cer- tain extent at least, the amount of heat produced may be estimated from the amount of 0 consumed. The same consumption of 0 gives rise to the same amount of heat whether it is used to oxidise H or C (Pfliiger). There is a relation amounting to cause and effect, between the amount of heat produced in the body and the 0 consumed. The cold-blooded animals, which consume little 0 have a low temperature ; amongst warm-blooded animals, 1 kilo, of a living rabbit takes up within an hour 0'914 grm. 0, and its body is heated to a mean of 38°C. 1 kilo, of a living fowl uses T186 grms. 0, and gives a mean temperature of 43'9°C. (Eegnault and Reiset). The amount of heat produced is the same whether the combustion occurs slowly or quickly ; the rapidity of the metabolism, therefore, affects the rapidity, but not the absolute amount of heat production. The combustion of inorganic substances in the body, such as the sulphur into sulphuric acid, the phosphorus into phosphoric acid, is another, although very small, source of heat. (ft.) In addition to the processes of combustion or oxidation, all those chemical processes in our body, by which the amount of the avail- able potential energy which is present is diminished, in consequence of a greater satisfaction of atomic affinities, lead to the production of heat. In all cases where the atoms assume more stable positions with their affinities satisfied, chemical energy passes into kinetic thermal energy, as in the alcoholic fermentation of grape-sugar, and other similar processes. Heat is also developed during the following chemical processes : — (a) During the union of bases with acids (Andrews). The nature of the base determines the amount of heat prodiiced, while the nature of the acid is without effect. Only in those cases where the acid, e.g., C02, is unable to set aside the alkaline reaction, the amount of heat produced is less. The formation of com- pounds of chlorine (e.g., in the stomach) produces heat. PHYSICAL SOURCES OF HEAT. 425 (/3) When a neutral salt is changed into a basic one (Andrews). In the blood, the sulphuric and phosphoric acids derived from the combustion of S and P are united with the alkalies of the blood to form basic salts. The decomposition of the car- bonates of the blood by lactic and phosphoric acids forms a double source of heat, on the one hand, by the formation of a new salt, as well as by the liberation of COo, which is partly absorbed by the blood. (y) The combination of hemoglobin with 0 (§ 36). In connection with those chemical processes, whereby the heat of the body is produced, heat-absorbing intermediate compounds are not unfrequently formed. Thus, in order that the final stage of more complete saturation of the affinities be reached, intermediary atomic groups are formed, whereby heat is absorbed. Heat is also absorbed when the solid aggregate condition is dissolved during retrogressive processes. But these intermediary processes whereby heat is lost, are very small, compared with the amount of heat liberated when the, end-products are formed. (2.) Certain physical processes are a second source of heat. (a) The transformation of tJie kinetic mechanical energy of internal organs, when the work done is not transferred outside the body, pro- duces heat. Thus the whole of the kinetic energy of the heart is changed into heat, owing to the obstructions which are opposed to the blood-stream. The same is true of the mechanical energy evolved by many muscular viscera. The torsion of the costal cartilages, the friction of the current of air in the respiratory organs, and the ingesta in the digestive tract, all yield heat. An excessively minute amount of the mechanical energy of the heart is trans- ferred to surrounding bodies by the cardiac impulse and the superficial pulse-beats, but this is infinitesimally small. During respiration, when the respiratory gases and other substances are expired, a very small amount of energy disappears externally, which does not become changed into heat. If we assume that the daily work of the circulation exceeds 86,000 kilogram-metres, the heat evolved is equal to 204,000 calories, in 24 hours (§ 93), which is sufficient to raise the temperature of a person of medium size, 2°C. In former times, Boerhave and others thought that the heat of the body was chiefly due to the friction of the blood within the vessels. (/>) When, owing to muscular activity, the body produces work which is transferred to external objects, e.g., when a man ascends a tower or mountain, or throws a heavy weight, a portion of the kinetic energy passes into heat, owing to friction of the muscles, tendons, and the articular surfaces, as well as to the shock and pressure of the ends of the bones against each other. (c) The electrical currents which occur in muscles, nerves, and glands, very probably are changed into heat. The chemical processes which produce heat evolve electricity, which is also changed into heat. This source of heat, however, is very small. 426 HOMOIOTHERMAL AND POIKILOTHERMAL ANIMALS. (rf) Other processes are the formation of heat from the absorption of C02 (Henry), by the concentration of water as it passes through membranes (Regnault and Pouillet), in imbibition (Matteucci, 1834), formation of solids— e.g., of chalk in the bones. After death, and in some pathological processes during life, the coagulation of blood (Valentin, Schiffer), and the production of rigor mortis, are sources of heat. 207. Homoiothermal and Poikilothermal Animals. In place of the old classification of animals into "cold -blooded" and " warm-blooded," another basis of classification seems desirable, viz., the relation of the temperature of the body to the temperature of the surrounding medium. Bergmann introduced the word homoiothermal animals for the warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds), because these animals can maintain a very uniform temperature, even although the surrounding temperature be subject to considerable variations. The so-called cold- blooded animals are called poikilothermal, because the temperature of their bodies rises or falls, within wide limits, with the heat of the surrounding medium. When homoiothermal animals are kept for a long time in a cold medium, their heat production is increased, and when they are kept for a long time in a warm medium it is diminished. Fordyce gave a proof of the nearly uniform temperature in man. A man re- mained ten minutes in an oven containing very dry hot air, and yet the tempera- ture of the palm of his hand, mouth, and urine was increased only a few tenths of a degree. Becquerel and Brechet investigated the temperature of the human biceps (by means of thermo-electric needles), when the arm had been one hour in ice, and yet the temperature of the muscular tissue was cooled only 0'2°C. The same muscle did not undergo any increase in temperature, or at most 0'2°C, when the man's arm was placed for a quarter of an hour in water at 42°C. If heat be rapidly abstracted or rapidly supplied to the body, so as to produce rapid variation of the temperature, life is endangered. Poikilothermal animals behave very differently; the temperature of their bodies generally follows, although with considerable variations, the temperature of the surroundings. When the temperature of the surroundings is increased, the amount of heat produced is increased, and when the surrounding temperature falls, the amount of heat evolved within the body also falls. The following table shows very clearly the characters of poikilothermal animals, e.g., frogs (Rana Esculenta), which were placed in air and water of varying temperatures. The frogs were fixed to an iron support, and immersed up to the mouth. The temperature was measured by means of a thermometer introduced through the mouth into the stomach. THERMOMETRY. 427 In Water. In Temperature of the Water. Temperature of Frog's Stomach. Temperature of the Air. 41'0°C. 38 0° C. 40-4° C. 35-2 34-3 35-8 30-0 29-6 27-4 23-0 22-6 198 20-6 20-7 16-4 11-5 12-9 14-7 5-9 8-0 6-2 2-8 5-3 5-9 Temperature of Frog's Stomach. 31 -7° C. 24-2 19-7 15-6 14-6 10-2 7-6 8-6 Temperature of different Animals.— Birds— Gull, 37-8°; swallow, 44-03°. Mammals — Dolphin, 35 '5°; mouse, 41 '1°. Reptiles — Snakes, 10°-12°, but higher when incubating. Amphibians and fishes — 0'5°-3° above the temperature of the surroundings. Arthropoda — 0'l0-5'8° above the surroundings. Bees in a hive, 30°-32°, and when swarming, 40°. The following animals have a temperature higher than the surrounding temperature: — Cephalopods, 0'57° ; molluscs, 0'46°; echino- derms, 0'40° ; medusa, 0'27° ; polyps, 0'21°C. 208. Methods of Estimating Temperature- Thermometry. Thermometry. — By using thermometric apparatus, we are enabled to obtain information regarding the degree of heat of the body to be investigated. For this purpose, the following methods are employed :— A. The Thermometer (Galileo, 1603). — Sanctorius made the first ther- mometric observations on man (1626). Celsius (1701-1744) divided his ther- mometer into 100 parts, and each part was again divided into 10 parts, so that roCC. could be easily read off. All thermometers which have been used for a long time give too high readings (Bellani), hence they should be compared, from time to time, with a normal thermometer. When taking the temperature, the bulbs ought to be surrounded for 15 minutes, and during the last 5 minutes the mercury column ought not to vary. A very sensitive thermometer will indicate the temperature after 7 seconds if the urine-stream be directed upon its bulb (Oertmann). Minimal and maximal thermometers are often of use to the physician. Walferdin's metastatic thermometer (Fig. 167) is specially useful for comparative observation. The tube is very narrow in comparison with the bulb, and in order that the stem be not too long, it is constructed so that the amount of mercury can be varied. A quantity of mercury is taken, so that with the temperature expected the thread of mercury will stand about the middle of the stem. A small bulb at the upper part of the stem receives the excess of Hg. Suppose a temperature between 37°-40°C. is to be measured, the bulb is first heated a little over 40°C., it is then suddenly cooled, and shaken at the same time, so that the thread of mercury is thereby suddenly broken above 40°. The tube is so narrow that 1°C. is equal to about 10 centimetres of the length of the tube, so that i^°C. is still 1 millimetre in length. The scale is divided empirically, but the value of the divisions must be compared with a normal thermometer. Kroneclcer and Meyer used veiy small maximal "outflow thermometers :> (Dulong and Petit), and caused them to pass through the intestinal canal, or through large Fig. 167. blood-vessels. The mercury flows out of the short open tube, and of course more Walferdin's flows out the higher the temperature. After these small bulbs have passed Metastatic through the animal, a comparison is instituted with a normal thermometer to Thermo- determine at what temperature the mercury reaches the free margin of the tube. meter. 428 THERMO-ELECTRIC MEASUREMENT OF HEAT. in Fig. 168. Scheme of thermo-electric arrangements for estimating the temperature. B. Thermo-electric Method. — This method enables us to determine the temperature accurately and rapidly (Fig. 168, I). The thermo-electric galvanometer of MeissnerF and | Meyer stein consists of a circular magnet (m), suspended by a thread of silk (c), to which a small mirror (S) is attached. A large stationary bar magnet (M) is placed near the magnet (m), so that the north poles (n and N) of both magnets point in the same direction, and it is so arranged that the sus- pended magnet is caused to point to the north by a minimal action of M. A thick copper -wire (b, b) is coiled several times round m (although in the Fig. it is represented as a single coil), and the ends of the wire are soldered to two thermo-elements,'each composed of two different metals — iron and German silver, the two similar free elements being united by a wire (6j), so that the two thermo- elements form part of a closed circuit. A horizontal scale (K, K) is placed at a distance of 3 metres from the mirror, so that the divisions of the scale are seen in the mirror. The scale itself rests upon a telescope (F) directed towards the mirror. The observer (B) who looks through the telescope can see the divisions of the scale THERMO-ELECTRIC NEEDLES. 420 in the mirror. When the magnet, and with it the mirror, swing out of the mag- netic meridian, the observer notices other divisions of the scale in the mirror. When one of the thermo-elements is heated, an electrical current is produced, which passes from the iron to the German silver in the heated couple, and causes a deviation of the suspended magnet. Suppose a person were swimming in the direc- tion of the current in the conducting wire, then the north pole of the magnet goes to the north (Ampere). The tangent of the angle 0, through which the freely moveable magnet is diverted by a galvanic current, from its position of rest or zero, in the magnetic meridian, is the same as the galvanic stream ; G is proportional to the p magnetic energy I), I.e., tang. 0 = fy If G is to remain the same, and the tang. <£ to be as large as possible, the magnetic energy must be diminished as much as possible. If the magnetism of the suspended magnet be indicated by m, and that of the earth by T, the magnetic directing energy T) — Tm, so that D can be diminished in two ways: (1) by diminishing the magnetic moment of the suspended magnet, as may be done by using a pair of astatic needles, such as are used in Nobili's galvan- ometer; (2) and also by weakening the magnetism of the earth, by placing an accessory stationary magnet (Hauy's rod) in the same direction, and near the sus- pended magnet. An important arrangement for rapidly getting the magnet to zero is the dead-beat arrangement of Gauss (not figured in the scheme). It consists of a thick copper cylinder, on which the wire of the coil is wound. This mass of copper may be regarded as a closed multiplicator with a very large transverse section. The vibrating magnet induces a current of electricity in this closed circuit, whose intensity is greatest when the velocity of the excursion of the magnet is greatest, and which takes the opposite direction as soon as the magnet returns towards zero. These induced currents cause a diminution of the vibrations of the magnet in this way, that the arc of vibration of the magnet diminishes very rapidly, almost in a geometrical progression. The induced damping-current is stronger, the less the resistance in the closed circuit, and in the damper or dead-beat arrangement itself, the greater the section of the copper ring. This damping arrangement limits the oscillations of the magnet, and it comes to rest rapidly and promptly after 3 or 4 small vibrations, so that much time is saved. The angle of deviation is so small that the angle itself may be taken instead of the tangent. The thermo-electric needles of Dutrochet (II) may be placed in the circuit. They consist of iron and German silver soldered at their points ; or the needles of Becquerel (III) may be used. They consist of the same metals soldered in a straight line, one behind the other. The needles must always be covered by a varnish, which will prevent the parenchymatous juices from acting upon them, and so causing a current. Before the experiment we must determine what extent of excursion on the scale is obtained with a certain temperature. In order to deter- mine this, a delicate thermometer is fixed to each of the thermo-couples, and both are placed in oil baths, which differ in temperature — say by 1°C. — aa can be determined by the thermometers. When the current is closed, the excursion on the scale will indicate 1°C. Suppose that the excursion was 150 mm., then each mm. of the scale would be equal to 1|o°C. When this is determined, the two thermo-needles may be placed in the different tissues or organs of animals, and, of course, we obtain the difference of temperature in these places. Or one thermo-couple may be placed in a bath of constant temperature (nearly that of the body), in which is placed a delicate thermometer, while the other needle is intro- duced into the organ to be investigated. In this case, we obtain the difference of temperature between the tissue and the source of the constant heat. The electric current passes in the warmer needle from the iron to the German silver, and thus through the wires of the apparatus. For small differences of temperature, such as occur in the body, the thermo-electric energy is always proportional to the 430 TEMPERATURE TOPOGRAPHY. difference of temperature of the two needles or couples. In place of a single pair of needles several may be used, whereby the sensitiveness of the apparatus is greatly increased. Helmholtz found that by using 1C antimony-bismuth couples, he could detect an increase of 40100°C. Schiffer prepared a simple thermopile (IV) by soldering together alternately four pairs of wires of iron (/) and German silver (a). These are placed in the two organs (A and B), which are to be investigated, whereby a very high degree of exactness is obtained. 209. Temperature Topography. Although the blood, in virtue of its continual motion, completing, as it does, the circulation in 23 seconds, must exercise a very consider- able influence on the equilibration of the temperature in different organs, nevertheless a completely uniform temperature does not exist, and the temperature varies in different parts: — 1. Temperature of the Skin. — Middle of the sole of the foot, . 32-26°C. ) Near tendo achillis, . . 33-85 I J. Davy made these observations Anterior surface of leg, . 33 '05 I directly after standing, while Middle of calf, . . 33 '85 \ naked, with the temperature Bend of knee, . . 35 "00 / of the room at 21 °C. Only the Middle of upper arm, . . . 34'40 I under surface of the ther- Inguinal fold, . . . 35'SO 1 mometer touched the skin. Near cardiac impulse, . . 34 '40 J In the closed axilla, 36'49 (mean of 505 individuals); — 36'5 to 37 '25 ( Wunderlich) ; — 36'89°C (Liebermeister). The temperature of the skin of the head is higher in the region of the forehead and parietal region than in the occipital region; the left side is warmer than the right (Maragliano). Dyspnoea increases the temperature of the skin (Heidenhain, Friinkel). Method. — Liebermeister determines the temperature of free cutaneous surfaces thus: — The bulb of the thermometer is heated slightly above the temperature expected; after the mercury begins to fall, the bulb is placed on the skin, and if the bulb has the same temperature as the skin, the mercury remains stationary. This experiment must be repeated several times. 2. Temperature of the Cavities.— Mouth under the tongue, . . . 37'19°C. Rectum, ... 38 '01 Vagina, 38'30 (Uterine cavity somewhat warmer; cervical canal somewhat cooler.) Urine, 37'03 The temperature falls in the stomach during digestion (p. 332). Cold injections (11°C.) into the rectum rapidly lowe rthe temperature in the stomach 1°C. (Winternitz). 3. The Temperature of the Blood is, as a mean, 39°C. The venous blood in internal viscera is warmer than the arterial, but it is cooler in peripheral parts: — TEMPERATURE OF THE BLOOD AND TISSUES. 431 Blood of the right heart, . left „ ,, aorta, ,, hepatic veins, ,, superior vena cava, ,, inferior ,, ,, crural vein, 38-8 38 -6 38-7 39-7 36-78 38-11 37-20 Cl. Bernard. v. Liebig. The lower temperature of the blood in the left heart may be explained by the blood becoming cooled in its passage through the lungs during respiration. According to Heidenhain and Korner, the right heart is slightly warmer because it lies in relation with the warm liver, whilst the left heart is surrounded by the lung which contains air. This observation of Malgaigne (1832), Berger, and G. v. Liebig is disputed by others, who say that the left heart is slightly warmer (Jacobson and Bernhardt) because the combustion processes are more active in arterial blood, and heat is evolved during the formation of oxyhoemoglobin (Gamgee). The blood in the veins is usually cooler than in the corresponding arteries (Haller), owing to the superficial position of the former, whereby they give off heat during their long course; thus the blood of the jugular vein is 5 to 2°C. lower than the blood in the carotid (Colin); the crural vein f-l° cooler than in the crural artery (Becquerel and Brechet). Superficial veins, more especially those of the skin, give off much heat, and their blood is, therefore, somewhat cooler. The ^oarmcst blood is that of the hepatic vein, 39-7°C. (Cl. Bernard), partly owing to the great chemical changes which occur within the liver (p. 432), and partly to its protected situation. By means of small outflow thermometers introduced into the circulation, Kronecker and Meyer found the following temperatures in three starving dogs:— Vena azygos, 37'7 (38'0) (39'0); right ventricle, 38 '3 (39-2) (39'2); branch of the pulmonary artery, 38'4 (38'6) (40'2). At the same time, the temperature in the stomach was 38 '6 (37 '3) (40 -0), and in the rectum, 39 -5 (39 '5) (39*4); the maximum temperature in the last two dogs was 40'1 and 41 '2, hence in the starving condition, the temperature of the stomach was less than the tempei-ature of the blood in the pulmonary circulation. 4. Temperature of the Tissues. — The individual tissues are warmer: (1) the greater the transformation of kinetic energy into heat3 i.e., the greater the tissue metabolism; (2) the more blood they contain; (3) and the more protected their situation. According to Heideuhaiu and Korner, the cerebrum is the warmest organ in the body. Berger measured the temperature of the tissues of a sheep, and found the following:— Subcutaneous tissue, . 37 "35 Brain, . . . 40 '25 Liver, . . . 41 -25 Lungs, . . . 4T40 While the temperature was in— Rectum, . . . 40 '67 Eight heart, . 41 -60 Left heart, . 40 "90 Becquerel and Brechet found the temperature of the human subcutaneous tissue to be 2'1°C. lower than that of the neighbouring muscles. The horny tissues do not produce heat, and their low temperature is due to the conduction of heat from the parts on which they grow. The temperature of the cornea partly depends on that of the iris, and the more contracted the pupil is, it receives more heat from the blood-vessels of the iris. 432 CONDITIONS INFLUENCING TEMPERATURE OF ORGANS. 210. Conditions influencing the Temperature of Organs. The temperature of the individual organs is by no means constant; it is influenced by many conditions; amongst these are the following: — (1.) The more heat that is produced independently within a part, the higher is its temperature. As the amount of heat produced within a part depends upon its metabolism, therefore, when the metabolism is in- creased, the amount of heat produced is similarly increased. (a) Glands produce more heat during the act of secretion, as is proved by the higher temperature of their secretion, or by the higher tempera- ture of the venous blood flowing out of their veins. Ludwig found that when he stimulated the chorda tympani, the secretion of the sub- maxillary gland was l'5°C. warmer than the blood in the carotid, which supplied the gland with blood. The blood in the renal vein in a kidney which is secreting is warmer than the blood in the renal artery. The secreting liver produces much heat. Cl. Bernard investigated the temperature of the blood of the portal and hepatic veins during hunger, at the beginning of digestion, and when digestion was most active, and he found : — Temperature of portal vein, . 37'8°C. 1 After 4 days / Blood of right heart, „ hepatic ,, .38*4 J starvation. \ 38 '8°. (Hunger period.) : 81 ! Begins of digestion.' Temperature of portal vein, . 39 '7 ) Digestion most / Blood of right heart ,, hepatic, . 41 '3 \ active. \ during digestion, 39 -2°. When a dog receives a moderate diet, the mean temperature in the stomach is 39°C., in the rectum, 39'5°C.; at the end of the first day of hunger, in the stomach, 387°, in the rectum, 39'3°; while after food, in both situations it is 40°. Chemical or mechanical stimulation of the gastric mucous membrane, or even the sight of food, has a similar action (Kronecker and Meyer). (&) When the muscles contract they evolve heat (Bunsen, 1805). Davy found that an active muscle became 0'7°C. warmer; while Becquerel (1835), by means of a thermo-galvanometer, found that human muscles, when kept contracted for five minutes, became 1°C. warmer (see Physiology of Muscle). This is one of the reasons why the temperature may rise above 40° during rapid running. A temperature obtained by energetic muscular action usually does not fall to the normal until after resting for H hours (Billroth). The low temperature of paralysed limbs depends partly upon the absence of the muscular contractions. (c) With regard to the effect of sensory nerves upon the tempera- CONDITIONS INFLUENCING THE TEMPERATURE. 433 ture, one of the first points to ascertain is whether the circulation is accelerated or retarded by their stimulation, or whether the respiration is increased or diminished (§214, II., 3), and whether the muscles of the skeleton are relaxed or contracted reflexly (§214, I., 3). In the former case, the temperature of the interior and rectum is increased; in the latter, diminished. That there are heat-regulating nerve-centres has not been definitely proved; with regard to the influence of vaso-motor nerves see vol. ii. (d) The temperature of the body rises during mental exertion. Davy observed an increase of 0'3°C. after vigorous mental exertion. Lombard observed that the temperature of the forehead rose 0'5°C. during mental activity and emotional disturbances. The part of the forehead corre- sponded to the posterior region of both upper frontal convolutions, to the anterior central convolution, and (?) to the anterior part of the posterior central convolu- tion. The temperature was higher on the left side. (e) The parenchymatous fluids, serous fluids, and lymph produce little heat owing to their feeble metabolism, hence they have the same temperature as their surroundings; the epidermal and horny tissues do not produce heat, they merely conduct it from subjacent structures. (2.) The temperature depends, to a large extent, upon the amount of blood in an organ, and also upon the rapidity with which the blood is renewed by the circulation. This is best observed in the difference of the temperature between a cold pale bloodless hand and a warm red congested one. Becquerel and Brechet found, that the temperature of the human biceps fell several tenths of a degree, when the axillary artery was compressed. Ligature of the iliac artery in a dog caused a fall of A°C. within 18 minutes; while the removal of the ligature caused the temperature to rise rapidly to normal. Liga- ture of the crural artery and vein in a dog causes a fall of several degrees (Landois). If the extremities be kept suspended in the air, they become bloodless and cold. Liebermeister has pointed out a difference with regard to the external and internal parts of the body. The external parts give off more heat than they produce, so that they become cooler the more slowly new blood flows into them, and warmer the greater the rapidity of the blood-stream through them. Accelera- tion of the blood -stream, therefore, causes the temperature of peripheral parts to approximate more and more to the temperature of internal organs, while retardation of the blood-stream causes them to approach the temperature of the surrounding medium. Exactly the reverse is the case with internal parts, where a large amount of heat is produced, and heat is given up almost alone to the blood which flows through them. Their temperature must fall when the blood- stream through them is accelerated, and it is raised when the blood-stream is retarded (Heidenhain). Hence it follows, that the greater the difference of the temperature between peripheral and internal parts, the slower must be the velocity of the circulation. (3.) If the position of an organ be such, or if other conditions 28 434 ESTIMATION OF THE AMOUNT OF HEAT. cause it to give off heat by conduction or radiation, then its tem- perature falls. A good example of this is the skin, which varies greatly in temperature accord- ing to the temperature of the surrounding medium, whether it is covered or uncovered, whether it is dry or moist with sweat (which abstracts heat when it evaporates). When much cold food or drink is taken the stomach is cooled, and when ice-cold air is breathed the respiratory passages as far as the bronchi are cooled. 211, Estimation of the Amount of Heat— Calorimetry. Calorimetry is the method of determining the amount of heat possessed by any body, or what amount of heat it is capable of pro- ducing. The unit of measurement is the "heat-unit," i.e., the amount of heat (or potential energy) required to raise the temperature of 1 gramme of water, 1°C. (see Introduction). Experiment has shown that equal quantities of different substances require very unequal amounts of heat to raise them to the same temperature, e.g., 1 kilo, water requires nine times as much heat as 1 kilo, iron to raise it to the same temperature. In the human body, therefore, which is composed of very different substances, unequal amounts of heat will be required to .raise them all to the same temperature. The same amount of heat transferred to two different substances will raise them to different temperatures. Hence, bodies of different temperatures may contain equal amounts of heat. The amount of heat required to raise a definite quantity (e.g., 1 gramme) of a substance to a certain higher degree (e.g. , 1°C.) is called "specific heat" (Wilkie, 1780). The specific heat of water (which of all bodies has the highest specific heat) is taken as — 1. By "heat-capacity" is meant, that property of bodies in virtue of which they must absorb a given amount of heat in order to have a certain temperature (Crawford). Calorimetry is employed: — I. To determine the specific heat of the different organs of the body. — Only a few observations have been made. The mean specific heat of the following animal parts (waters 1) is:— Human Blood = T02 (?) Arterial „ = 1'031 (?) Venous „ = 0'892 (?) Cow's Milk = 0-992 Human Muscle = 0741 Ox = 0-787 Compact Bone = 0'3 Spongy ,, = 071 Fat-tissue = 0712 Striped Muscle = 0'825 Defibrinated Blood = 0'927 The specific heat of the human body, as a whole, is about that of an equal volume of water. Kopp has estimated the specific heat of solids and fluids by the following method (Fig. 169) : — The solid to be investigated is broken in pieces about the size of a pea, and placed in a test-tube, A, with thin walls, which is closed above with a cork, from which a copper-wire with a hook on it projects. The test-tube con- tarns a certain quantity of fluid which does not dissolve the substance, but which lies between its pieces and covers it. It is weighed three times to ascertain the SPECIFIC HEAT OF THE BODY. 435 weight (1) of the empty glass, (2) after it is filled with the solid substance, (3) after the fluid is added, so that we obtain the weight of the solid substance, m, and that of the fluid,/. The test-tube and its contents are placed in a mercury bath, BB, and this again in an oil lath, C C, and the whole is raised to a high temperature. Into BB there is introduced a fine thermometer, T. When the tube, A, has reached the necessary temperature (say 40°) it is rapidly placed in the water of the accompanying calorimeter-box, D D. The water in this box, which also contains a thermometer, D, is kept in motion until it has completely BB Fig. 169. Kopp's apparatus for the estimation of specific heat. absorbed all the heat given off by A. Let T represent the temperature to which A and its contents were raised in the mercury bath, and Tj the temperature to which it fell in the calorimeter; let s be the specific heat, and m the weight of the solid substance in the test-tube, while a and /u represent the specific heat of the weight of the interstitial fluid in the test-tube; and lastly, let w equal the amount of water in contact with A, which absorbs and gives off heat; then W represents the amount of heat which the test-tube and its contents give off during cooling. W = (*. m + w + ? 31-40 „ 37-1 36-25-37-5 !> 41-50 ,, 36-87 ... ) > 51-60 „ 36-83 )> 80 „ 37-46 ... Mouth. Newly-born Animals exhibit peculiarities owing to the sudden change in their conditions of existence. Immediately after birth, the infant is O3° warmer than the vagina of the mother, viz., 37'86°. A short time after birth, the temperature falls 0*9°, while 12-24 hours afterwards, it has risen to the normal temperature of an infant, which is 37'45°. Several irregular variations occur during the first weeks of life. During sleep, the temperature of an infant falls 0'34° to 0'56°, while continued crying may raise it several tenths of a degree. Old people, on account of their feeble metabolism, produce little heat ; Time. Baren- sprung. J. Davy. Hallmann. Qierse. Jurgensen. Jiiger. Morning, 5 36 '7 36-6 36-9 6 36-68 36-7 36-4 37-1 7 36-94* 36-63 36-98 36-7* 36-5* 37-5* 8 37-16* 36-80* 37-08* 36-8 36-7 37-4 9 36-89 36-9 36-8 37-5 10 37-26. 104 = 37-36 37-23 37-0 37-0 37-5 11 36-89 37-2 37-2 37-3 Mid-day, 12 36-87 37-3* 37-3* 37-5* 1 36-83 . . 37-21 37-13 37-3 37-3 37-4 2 37-05 37-50* 37-4 37-4 37-5 3 37-15* ... 37-43 37-4* 37-3* 37-5 4 37-17 37-4 37-3 37-5* 5 37-48 37-05* 54 = 37-31 37-43 37-5 37-5 37-5 6 • • • 6^ = 36-83 • • i 37-29 37-5 37-6 37-4 7 37-43 74 = 36-50* 37-31* . . . 37-5* 37-6* 37-3 8 ... 37-4 37-7 37-1* 9 37-02* 37-4 37-5 36-9 10 37-29 37-3 37-4 36-8 11 36-85 36-72 36-70 36-81 37-2 37-1 36-8 Night, 12 ... • . • ... 37-1 36-9 36-9 1 36-65 36-44 ... 37-0 36-9 36-9 2 ... 369 36-7 36-8 3 ... 36-8 36-7 36-7 4 36-31 ... ... ... 36-7 36-7 36-7 [* Indicates taking of food.] VARIATIONS OF THE MEAN TEMPERATURE. 439 they become cold sooner, and hence ought to wear warm clothing to keep up their temperature. (4.) Periodical Daily Variations. — In the course of 24 hours there are regular periodic variations in the mean temperature, and these occur at all ages. As a general rule, the temperature continues to rise during the day (maximum at 5-8 p.m.), while it continues to fall during tlie night (minimum 2-6 a.m.). The mean temperature occurs at the third hour after breakfast (Lichtenfels and Frohlich). According to Lichtenfels and Frohlich, the morning temperature rises 4-6 hours after breakfast until its first maximum, then it falls until dinner time ; and it rises again within two hours, to a second maximum, falls again towards evening, while supper does not appear to cause any obvious increase. The daily variation of the temperature is given in Fig. 170, according to Liebermeister and Jiirgensen. According to Bonnal, the minimum occurs between 12-3 a.m. (in winter 36'05, in summer 36'45°r.\ the maximum between 2-4 p.m. Morning. Variations of the daily temperature in health during 24thours — L- Liebermeister : J— , after Jiirgenseu. As the variations occur when a person is starved — although those that occur at the periods at which food ought to have been taken are less — it is obvious that the variations are not due entirely to the taking of food. The daily variation in the frequency of the pulse (p. 142) often coincides with variation of the temperature. Biirensprung found that the mid-day temperatm-e- maximum slightly preceded the pulse-maximum. If we sleep during the day, and do all our daily duties during the night, the above described typical course of the temperature is inverted (Krieger). With regard to the effect of activity or rest, it appears that the activity of the muscles during the day, tends to increase the mean temperature slightly, while at night, the mean temperature is less than in the case of a person at rest (Liebermeister). 440 CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE MEAN TEMPERATURE. The peripheral parts of the body exhibit more or less regular variations of their temperature. In the palm of the hand, the progress of events is the following : After a relatively high night-temperature, there is a rapid fall at 6 a.m., which reaches its minimum at 9-10 a.m. This is followed by a slow rise, which reaches a high maximum after dinner ; it falls between 1-3 p.m.. and after two to three hours reaches a minimum. It rises from 6-8 p.m., and falls again towards morning. A rapid fall of the temperature in a peripheral part cor- responds to a rise of temperature in internal parts (Rb'mer). (5.) Many operations upon the body affect the temperature. After luemorrliage, the temperature falls at first, but it rises again several tenths of a degree, and is usually accompanied by a shiver or slight rigor; several days thereafter, it falls to normal, and may even fall somewhat below it. The sudden loss of a large amount of blood causes a fall of the temperature of -J- 2°C. Very long continued hae- morrhage (dog) causes it to fall to 31° or 29°C. (Marshall Hall). This is obviously due to the diminution of the processes of oxidation in the aniemic body, and to the enfeebled circulation. Similar conditions causing diminished metabolism effect the same result. Continued stimulation of the peripheral end of the vagus, so that the heart's action is enormously slowed, diminishes the temperature several degrees in rabbits (Landois and Arnmon). The transfusion of a considerable quantity of blood raises the tem- perature about half an hour after the operation. This gradually passes into a febrile attack, which disappears within several hours. When blood is transfused from an artery to a vein of the same animal a similar result occurs (Albert and Strieker) (§ 102). (6.) Many poisons diminish the temperature — e.g., chloroform (Schei- nesson), and the anaesthetics, as also alcohol, digitalis, quinin, aconitin, muscarin. These may act upon the blood so as to limit its oxidising power, or they may render the tissues less liable to undergo molecular transformations for the production of heat. In the case of the anaesthetics, the latter effect perhaps occurs, and is due possibly to a semi-coagulation of the nervous substance (?). The temperature is increased by strychnin, nicotin, picrotoxin, veratrin (Hogyes), laudanin (F. A. Falck). Curara (muscarin — Hogyes), laudanosin (F. A. Falck), give an uncertain effect. (7.) Various diseases have a decided effect upon the temperature. Loewenhardt found that in insane persons, several weeks before their death, the rectal temperature was 30°-31°C. ; Bechterew found in dementica paralytica, before death 27'5°C. (rectum); the lowest temperature observed, and life retained, in a drunk person was 24°C. (lieinke, Nicolaysen). The temperature is increased in fever, and the highest point reached just before death, and recorded by Wunder- lich, was 44'65°C. (compare § 220). REGULATION OF THE TEMPERATURE. 441 The mean height of all the temperatures taken during a day in a patient is called the " daily mean " and according to Jaeger it is 37'13° in the rectum in health. A daily mean of more than 37*8° is a " fever temperature," while a mean under 37'0°C. is regarded as a " collapse temperature." 214. Regulation of the Temperature. As the bodily temperature of man and similar animals is nearly con- stant, notwithstanding great variations in the temperature of their surroundings, it is clear that some mechanism must exist in the body, whereby the heat-economy is constantly regulated. This may be brought about in two ways ; either by controlling the transformation of potential energy into heat, or by affecting the amount of heat given off according to the amount produced, or to the action of external agencies. I. Regulatory arrangements governing the production of heat.— Liebermeister estimates the amount of heat produced by a healthy man at 1'S calories per minute. It is highly probable that, within the body, there exist mechanisms which determine the molecular transformations, upon which the evolution of heat depends (Hoppe-Seyler, Liebermeister). This is accomplished chiefly in a reflex manner. The peripheral ends of cutaneous nerves (by thermal stimulation), or the nerves of the intestine and the digestive glands (by mechanical or chemical stimulation during digestion or inanition) may be stimulated, whereby impressions are conveyed to the heat-centre which sends out impulses through efferent fibres to the depots of potential energy, either to increase or diminish the extent of the transformations occurring in them. The nerve channels herein concerned are entirely unknown. Many considerations, however, go to support such an hypothesis. The following phenomena indicate the existence of mechanisms regulating the production of heat : — (1.) The temporary application of moderate cold raises the bodily temperature, while heat, similarly applied to the external surface, lowers it (§§222 and 224). (2.) Cooling of the surroundings increases the amount of C0.7 excreted, by increasing the production of heat (Lieberrneister, Gildermeister), while the 0 consumed is also increased simultaneously; heating the surrounding medium diminishes the CO., (compare Respiration, p. 257). D. Finkler found, from experiments upon guinea-pigs, that the production of heat was more than doubled when the surrounding temperature was diminished 24°C. The metabolism of the guinea-pig is increased in winter 23 per cent, as com- pared with summer, so that the same relation obtains as in the case of a diminution of the surrounding temperature of short duration. 442 KEGULATION OF THE TEMPERATURE. C. Ludwig and Sanders-Ezn found, that in a rabbit there was a rapid increase in the amount of C02 given off, when the surroundings were cooled from 38° to 6°-7°C. , while the excretion was diminished when the surrounding temperature was raised from 4°-9° to 35°-37°, so that the thermal stimulation, due to the temperature of the surrounding medium, acted upon the combustion within the body. Pfliiger found that a rabbit which was dipped in cold water used more 0 and excreted more C02. If the cooling action was so great as to reduce the bodily temperature to 30°, the exchange of gases diminished, and where the temperature fell to 20°, the exchange of gases was diminished one-half. It is to be remembered, however, that the excretion of C02 does not go hand in hand with the formation of C02, so that the increased excretion of C02 in a cold bath is perhaps due to more complete expira- tion, and Berthelot has proved that the formation of C02 is not a certain test of the amount of heat produced. If mammals be placed in a warm bath, which is 2°-3° higher than their own temperature, the excretion of C02 and the consump- tion of 0 are increased, owing to the stimulation of their metabolism (Pfliiger), while the excretion of urea is also increased in animals (Naunyn) and in man (Schleich). (3.) Cold acting upon the skin causes involuntary muscular move- ments (shivering, rigors), and also voluntary movements, both of which produce heat. The cold excites the action of the muscles, which is connected with processes of oxidation (Pfluger). After poisoning with curara, which paralyses voluntary motion, this regulation of the heat falls to a minimum (Rb'hrig and Zuntz). (4.) Variations in the temperature of the surroundings affect the appetite for food; in winter, and in cold regions, the sensation of hunger and the appetite for the fats, or such substances as yield much heat when they are oxidised, are increased ; in summer, and in hot climates, they are diminished. Thus the mean temperature of the surroundings, to a certain extent, determines the amount of the heat- producing substances to be taken in the food. In winter the amount of ozone in the air is greater, and thus the oxidising power of the inspired air is increased. II. Regulatory mechanisms governing the excretion of heat. — The mean amount of heat given off by the human skin in 24 hours, by a man weighing 82 kilos, is 2,092-2,592 calories — i.e., 1-3G-1-60 per minute. (1.) Increased temperature causes dilatation of the cutaneous vessels; the skin becomes red and congested, soft, and with more fluids, so that it becomes a better conductor of heat; the epithelium is moistened, and sweat appears upon the surface. Thus increased excretion of heat is provided for, while the evaporation of the sweat also abstracts heat. Cold causes contraction of the cutaneous vessels ; the skin becomes pale, less soft, poorer in juices, and collapsed; the epithelium becomes dry, and does not permit fluids to pass through it to be evaporated, so that the excretion of heat is diminished. The excretion of heat from REGULATION OF THE TEMPERATURE. 443 the periphery, and the transverse thermal conduction through the skin, are diminished by the contraction of the vessels and muscles of the skin, and by the expulsion of the well conducting blood from the cutaneous and sub-cutaneous vessels. The cooling of the body is very much affected, owing to the diminution of the cutaneous blood-stream, just as occurs when the current through a coil or worm of a distillation apparatus is greatly diminished (Winternitz). If the blood-vessels dilate, the temperature of the surface of the body rises, the difference of temperature between it and the surrounding cooler medium is increased, and thus the excretion of Iwat is increased. Tomsa has shown that the fibres of the skin are so arranged anatomically, that the tension of the fibres produced by the erector pili muscles causes a diminution in the thickness of the skin, this result being brought about at the expense of the easily expelled blood. Landois and Hauschild ligatured the arteries alone, or the arteries and veins (dog) — e.g., the axillary artery and vein, the crurals, the carotids and the jugular veins, and found that in a short time the temperature rose several tenths of a degree. By the systematic application of stimuli— e.g., cold baths, and washing with cold water, the muscles of the skin and its blood-vessels may be caused to con- tract, and become so vigorous and excitable, that when cold is suddenly applied to the body or to a part of it the excretion of heat is energetically prevented, so that cold baths and washing with cold water are, to a certain extent, "gym- nastics of the cutaneous muscles," which, under the above circumstances, protect the body from cold (Rosenthal, du Bois-Reymond). (2.) Increased temperature causes increased heart-beats, while diminished temperature diminishes the number of contractions of the heart (p. 105). The relatively warm blood is pumped by the action of the heart from the internal organs of the body to the surface of the skin, where it readily gives off heat. The more frequently the same volume of blood passes through the skin — 27 heart-beats being necessary for the complete circuit of the blood — the greater will be the amount of heat given off and conversely. Hence, the frequency of the heart-beat is in direct relation to the rapidity of cooling (Walther). In very hot air (over 100°C.) the pulse rose to over 160 per minute. The same is true in fever (p. 142). Liebermeister gives the following numbers with reference to the temperature in an adult: — Pulse-beats, per min., 78 "6 — 91 "2— 99 -8 — 1 OS ~5 — 110 — 137 '5. Temperature in C°., 37° — 38° — 39° - - 40° — 41° — 42°. (3.) Increased temperature increases the number of respirations. — Under ordinary circumstances, a much larger volume of air passes through the lungs when it is warmed almost to the temperature of the 444 CLOTHING. body. Farther, a certain amount of watery vapour is given off with each expiration, which must be evaporated, whereby heat is abstracted. Energetic respiration aids the circulation, so that respiration acts indirectly in the same way as (2). According to other observers, the increased consumption of O favours the combustion in the body (p. 259, 8), whereby the increased respiration must act in producing an amount of heat greater than normal. This excess is more than com- pensated by the cooling factors above-mentioned. Forced respiration produces cooling, even when the air breathed is heated to 54°C., and saturated with watery vapour (Lombard). (4.) Covering of the body. — Animals become clothed in winter with a winter fur or covering, while in summer their covering is lighter, so that the excretion of heat in surroundings of different temperatures is thereby rendered more constant. Many animals which live in very cold air or water are protected from too rapid excretion of heat by a thick layer of fat under the skin. Man provides for a similar result by adopting summer and winter clothing. The position of the body is also important ; pulling the parts of the body together, approximation of the head and limbs, keep in the heat ; spreading out the limbs, erection of the hairs, pluming the feathers, allow more heat to be evolved. If a rabbit be kept exposed to the air with its legs extended for three hours, the rectal temperature will fall from 39°C. to 37°C. Man may influence his temperature by remaining in a warm or a cold room — by taking hot or cold drinks, hot or cold baths — remaining in air at rest or air in motion, e.g., by using a fan. Stimulation of the central end of a sensory nerve (sciatic) increases the surface temperature and diminishes the internal temperature (Ostroumow, Mitropolsky). Clothing. Warm clothing is the equivalent of food. — As clothes are intended to keep in the heat of the body, and heat is produced by the combustion and oxidation of the food, we may say, the body takes in heat directly in the food, while clothing pre- vents it from giving off too much heat. Summer clothes weigh 3-4 kilo., and winter ones, 6-7 kilo. In connection with clothes, the following considerations are of importance : — (1.) Their capacity for conduction. — Those substances which conduct heat badly keep us warmest. Hare-skin, down, beaver-skin, raw silk, taffeta, sheeps' wool, cotton wool, flax, spun-silk, are given in order, from the worst to the best con- ductors. (2.) The capacity for radiation, — Coarse materials radiate more heat than smooth, but colour has no effect. (3.) Relation to the sun's rays. — Dark materials absorb more heat than light-coloured ones, (4.) Their hygroscopic properties are important, whether they can absorb much moisture from the skin and gradually give it off by evaporation or the reverse. The same weight of wool takes up twice as much water as linen; hence, the latter gives it off in evaporation more rapidly. Flannel next the skin, therefore, is not so easily moistened, nor does it so rapidly become cold by evaporation; hence, it protects against the INCOME AND EXPENDITURE OF HEAT. 445 action of cold. (5.) Ike permeability for air is of importance, but does not stand in relation with the heat-conducting capacity. The following substances are arranged in order from the most to the least permeable — flannel, buckskin, linen, silk, leather, waxcloth. 215. Income and Expenditure of Heat- Balance of Heat. As the temperature of the body is maintained within narrow limits, the amount of heat taken in must balance the heat given off, i.e., exactly the same amount of potential energy must be transformed in a given time into heat, as heat is given off from the body. An adult produces as much heat in half an hour as will raise the temperature of his body 1°C. If no heat was given off, the body would become very hot in a short time ; it would reach the boiling- point in 36 hours, supposing the production of heat continued uninterruptedly. The following are the most important calculations on this subject :— A. According to Helmholtz. Helmholtz was the first to estimate numerically the amount of heat produced by a man. (1.) Heat-income.— («) A healthy adult, weighing 82 kilos., expires in 24 hours, 878 '4 grms. C02 (Scharling). The combustion of the C therein into C02 produces . . 1,730,760 Cal. (b) But he takes in more 0 than reappears in the C02 ; the excess is used in oxidation-processes, e.g., for the forma- tion of H20, by union with H, so that 13,615 grms. H will be oxidised by the excess of 0, which gives . . 318,600 ,, 2,049.360 Cal. (c) About 25 per cent, of the heat must be referred to sources other than combustion (Dulong), so that the total = 2,732,000 Cal. 2,732,000 calories are actually sufficient to raise the temperature of an adult weighing 80-90 kilos., from 10° to 3S-39°C., i.e., to a normal temperature. (2.) Heat-expenditure.— O) Heating the food and drink, which have a mean temperature 0fl2°C 70,157 Cal. = 2 '6 per cent. (b) Heating the air respired — 16,400 grin., with an initial temperature of 20°C. . . 70,032 ,, = 2 '6 ,, ( When the temperature of the air is 0°, 140,064 Cal. = 5'2 per cent. ) (c) Evaporation of 656 grm. water by the lungs, 397,536 Cal. = 14'7 per cent. (d) The remainder given off by radiation and evaporation of water by the skin, (77 '5 per cent, to) = 80'1 per cent. 446 INCOME AND EXPENDITURE OF HEAT. B. According to Dulong. (1.) Heat-inCOme. — Dulong, and after him Boussingault, Liebig and Dumas, sought to estimate the amount of heat from the C and H contained in the food. As we know that the combustion of 1 grm. C = 8,040 heat-units, and 1 grm. H =: 34,460 heat-units, it would be easy to determine the amount of heat were the C simply converted into C02 and the H into H20. But Dulong omitted the H in the carbohydrates (e.g., grape-sugar = C6Hi20,j) as producing heat, because the H is already combined with O, or at least is the proportion in which it exists in water. This assumption is hypothetical, for the atoms of C in a carbohydrate may be so firmly united to the other atoms, that before oxidation can take place, their relations must be altered, so that potential energy is used up, i.e., heat must be rendered latent; so that these considerations rendered the following example of Dulong's method given by Vierordt very problematical. An adult eats in 24 hours, 120 grm. proteids, 90 grm. fat, and 340 grm. starch (carbohydrates). These contain:— Grain. C. H. Proteids, .... 120 contain 64,18 and 8,60 Fat, 90 70,20 ,, 10,26 Starch, .... 330 ,, 146,82 „ ... 281,20 and 18,86 The urine and faces contain still unconsumed, 29,8 ,, 6,3 Remainder to be burned, .... 251,4 and 12,56 As 1 grm. C = 8,040 heat-units and 1 grm. H = 34,460 heat-units, we have the following calculation:— 251,4 x 8,040 = 2,031,312 (from combustion of C). 12,56x34,460= 432,818 ( „ „ H). 2,464,130 heat-units. (2.) Heat-expenditure:— Heat-units. Percent, of the excreta. 1. 1,900 grm. are excreted daily by the urine and fceces, and they are 25" warmer than the food, 47,500 1*8 2. 13,000 grm. air are heated (from 12° to 37°C.) (heat-capacity of the air = 0'26), . . . 84,500 3'5 3. 330 grm. water are evaporated by the respiration (1 grm. = 582 heat-units), .... 192,060 7'2 4. 660 grm. water are evaporated from the skin, 384,120 14'5 Total, 708,180 Remainder radiated and conducted from the skin, 1,791,810 72 Total amount of heat-units given off, . 2,500,000 100 C. Heat-income, according to Frankland. Frankland burned the food directly in a calorimeter, and found that 1 grm. of the following substances yielded: — Albumin, 4,998 heat-units. Grape-sugar, . . . .3,277 ,, Ox fat, 9,069 VARIATIONS IN HEAT-PRODUCTION. 447 The albumin, however, is only oxidised to the stage of urea, hence the heat- units of urea must be deducted from 4,998, which gives 4,263 heat-units obtainable from 1 grm. albumin. When we know the number of grammes consumed, a simple multiplication gives the number of heat-units. The heat-units will vary, of course, with the nature of the food. J. Ranke gives the following:— With animal diet, ..... 2,779,524 heat-units. „ food free from N, . . . 2,059,506 ,, mixed diet, ..... 2,200,000 ,, during hunger, . 2,012,816 216. Variations in Heat-production. According to Helmholtz, an adult weighing 82 kilos, produces 2,732,000 calories in 24 hours. (1.) Influence of the body-weir/ht. — Accepting the above number, Immermann has given the following formula for the heat-production in living tissues: — (where W = 2, 732,000; P = 82 kilos. [W : ^/p= 144,75]; p=body-weight of the person to be investigated, and w represents the heat-production which is required. ) It is highly desirable that W : /^p- (= m) was ascertained as a mean from a large number of observations, then the heat production for any body-weight p would be w -= m z. (2.) Aye and Sex. — The heat-production is less in infancy and in old age, and it is less in proportion in the female than in the male. (3.) Daily Variation. — The heat-production shows variations in 24 hours corre- sponding with the temperature of the body (§ 2 1 3, 4). (4.) The heat-production is greater in the waking condition, during physical and mental exertion, and during digestion, than in the opposite conditions. 217. Relation of Heat-production to the Work of the Body. The potential energy supplied to the body may be transformed into heal and potential energy (see Introduction). In the passive condition, almost all the potential energy is changed into heat ; the workman, how- ever, transforms potential energy into work — mechanical work — in addition to heat. These two may be compared by using an equivalent measurement, thus, 1 heat-unit (energy required to raise 1 gramme of water 10C.) = 425'5 gramme-metres. The following example may serve to illustrate the relation between heat- production and the production of work: — Suppose a small steam-engine to be placed within a capacious calorimeter, and a certain quantity of coal to be burned, then as long as the engine does not perform any mechanical work, heat alone is produced by the burning of the coal. Let this amount of heat be estimated, and a second experiment made by burning the same amount of coal, but allow the engine to do 448 RELATION OF HEAT-PRODUCTION TO WORK. a certain amount of work — say, raise a weight — by a suitable arrangement. This work must, of course, be accomplished by the potential energy of the heating material. At the end of this experiment, the temperature of the water will be much less than in the first experiment, i.e., fewer heat-units have been transferred to the calorimeter when the engine was heated than when it did no work. Comparative experiments of this nature have shown, that in the second experi- ment the useful work is very nearly proportional to the decrease of the heat (Him). In good steam-engines only -=?-$> an(i m the very best £, of the potential energy is changed into mechanical energy, while i£-J passes into heat. Compare this with what happens within the body: — A man in a 2>assive condition forms from the potential energy of the food between 2|-2f million calories. The work done by a workman is reckoned at 200,000 kilogramme-metres. If the organism were entirely similar to a machine, a smaller amount of heat, corresponding to the work done, would be formed in the body. As a matter of fact, the organism produces less heat from the same amount of potential energy when mechanical work is done. There is one point of difference between a workman and a working machine. The workman consumes much more potential energy in the same time than a passive person ; much more is burned in his body, and hence, the increased consumption is not only covered, but even over-com- pensated. Hence, the workman is warmer than the passive person, owing to the increased muscular activity (§ 210, 1, i). Take the following example : — Him (1858) remained passive, and absorbed 30 grm. 0 per hour in a calorimeter, and produced 155 calories. When in the calori- meter he did work equal to 27,450 kilogramme-metres, which was transferred beyond it; he absorbed 132 grm. 0, and produced only 251 calories. In estimating the work done, we must include only the heat equivalent of the work transferred beyond the body; lifting weights, pushing anything, throwing a weight, and lifting the body, are examples. In ordinary walking, there is no loss of heat (apart from overcoming the resistance of the air); when descending from a height there may be increased warmth of the body. The organism is superior to a machine in as far as it can, from the same amount of potential energy, produce more work in proportion to heat. Whilst the very best steam-engine gives |- of the potential energy in the form of work, and f as heat, the body produces -i as work and ^ as heat. Chemical energy can never do work alone, in a living or dead motor, without heat being formed at the same time. 218. Accommodation for Varying Degrees of Temperature. All substances which possess high conductivity for heat, when brought into contact with the skin, appear to be very much colder or ACCOMMODATION FOR VARYING TEMPERATURES. 449 hotter than bad conductors of heat. The reason of this is that these bodies abstract far more heat, or conduct more heat than other bodies. Thus the water of a cool bath, being a better conductor of heat, is always thought to be colder than air at the same temperature. In our climate it appears to us that Air, at 1S°C., is moderately warm; „ 25°-2S°C., hot; above 28°, very hot. Water, at 18CC., is cold; from 1S-29°C., cool; ,, 29-35'5°C., warm; ,, 37 '5 and above, hot. As long as the temperature of the body is higher than that of the surrounding medium, heat is given off, and that the more rapidly the better the conducting power of the surrounding medium. As soon as the temperature of the surrounding medium rises higher than the temperature of the body, the latter absorbs heat, and it does so the more rapidly the better the conducting power of the medium. Hence, hot water appears to be warmer than air at the same temperature. A person may remain eight minutes in a, bath at 45 '5°C. (dangerous to life!); the hands may be plunged into water at 50'5°C., but not at 51'65°C., while at 60° violent pain is produced. A person may remain for eight minutes in air heated to 99'95- 127°C., and a temperature of 132°C. has been borne for ten minutes (Tillett, 1763). The body-temperature rises only to 38'6-38'9° (Fordyce, Blagden, 1774). This depends upon the air being a bad conductor, and thus it gives less heat to the body than water would do. Farther, and what is more important, the skin becomes covered with sweat, which evaporates and abstracts heat, while the lungs also give off more watery vapour. The enormously increased heart-beats — over 160 — and the dilated blood-vessels, enable the skin to obtain an ample supply of blood for the formation and evaporation of sweat. In proportion as the secretion of sweat diminishes, the body becomes unable to endure a hot atmosphere; hence it is that in air containing much watery vapour a person cannot endure nearly so high a temperature as in dry air, so that heat must accumulate in the body. In a Turkish vapour bath of 53° to 60°C., the rectal temperature rises to 40'7-41-6°C. (Barthels, Jiirgensen, Krishaber). A person may work continuously in air at 31°C. which is almost saturated with moisture (Stapff). If a person be placed in water at the temperature of the body, the normal temperature rises 1°C. in 1 hour, and in H hours about 2°C. (Liebermeister). A gradual increase of the temperature from 38'G to 40'2°C. causes the axillary temperature to rise to 39'0°C. within fifteen minutes. 29 450 STORAGE OF HEAT IN THE BODY. Rabbits placed in a warm box at 36°C. acquire a constant temperature of 42°C., and lose weight; but if the temperature of the box be raised to 40°, death occurs, the body-temperature rising to 45°C. (J. Rosenthal). 219. Storage of Heat in the Body. As the uniform temperature of the body, under normal circumstances, is due to the reciprocal relation between the amount of heat produced and the amount given off, it is clear that heat must be stored up in the body when the evolution of heat is diminished. The skin is the chief organ regulating the evolution of heat; when it and its blood-vessels contract, the heat evolved is diminished, when they dilate it is increased. Heat may be stored up when — (a) The skin is extensively stimulated, whereby the cutaneous vessels are tem- porarily contracted (Rb'hrig). (b) Any other circumstances prevent heat from being given off by the skin (Winternitz). (c) When the vaso-motor centre is excited, causing all the blood-vessels of the body — those of the skin included — to contract. This seems to be the cause of the rise of temperature after transfusion of blood (Landois), and the rise of temperature after the sudden removal of water from the body seems to admit of a similar explanation; as the inspissated blood occupies less space, and the contracted vessels of the skin admit less blood. (d) When the circulation in the cutaneous vessels of a large area is mechanically slowed, or when the smaller vessels are plugged by the injection of some sticky substance, or by the transfusion of foreign blood, the temperature rises (§ 102). Landois found that ligature of both carotids, and the axillary and crural arteries, caused a rise of 1°C. within two hours. It is also obvious that when a normal amount of heat is given off, an increased production of heat must raise the temperature. The rise of the temperature after muscular or mental exertion, and during digestion seems to be caused in this way. The rise which occurs several hours after a cold bath is probably due to the reflex excitement of the skin causing an increased production (Jiirgensen). When the temperature of the body, as a whole, is raised 6°C., death takes place, as in sunstroke. It seems as if there was a molecular de- composition of the tissues at this temperature ; while, if a slightly lower temperature be kept up continuously, fatty degeneration of many tissues occurs (Litten). If animals, which have been exposed artifici- ally to a temperature of over 42°-44°C., be transferred to a cooler atmosphere, their temperature becomes sub-normal (3G°C.) and may remain so for several days. 220. Fever. Fever consists in a greatly increased tissue, metabolism (especially in the muscles — Finkler, Zuntz), with simultaneous increase of the temperature. Of course the mechanism regulating the balance of formation and expenditure of heat is disturbed. FEVER AND ITS PHENOMENA. 451 During fever, the body is greatly incapacitated for performing mechanical work. It is evident, therefore, that the large amount of potential energy transformed is almost all converted into heat, so that the non-transformation of the energy into mechanical work is another important factor. We may take intermittent fever or ague as a type of fever, in which violent attacks of fever of several hours duration alternate with periods free from fever. This enables us to analyse the symptoms. The symptoms of fever are : — (1.) The increased temperature of the body.— (3S°-39°C., slight; from 39°-41°C. and upwards, severe). The high temperature occurs not only in cases where the skin is red, and has a hot burning feeling (calor mordax), but even during the rigor or the shivering stage, the temperature is raised (Ant. de Haen, 1760). The congested red skin is a good conductor of heat, while the pale blood- less skin conducts badly; hence, the former feels hot to the touch (v. Barensprung — compare § 212). (2.) The increased production Of heat (assumed by Lavoisier and Crawford) is proved by calorimetric observations. This is, in small part, due to the increased activity of the circulation being changed into heat (§ 206, 2, a), but for the most part it is due to increased combustion within the body. (3.) The increased metabolism gives rise to the "consuming " or "wasting " character of fever, which was known to Hippocrates and Galen, and in 1852 v. Barensprung asserted that "all the so-called febrile symptoms show that the metabolism is increased." The increase of the metabolism is shown in the increased excretion of C02 = 70°-80° per cent. (Leyden and Frankel), while more 0 is consumed, although the respiratory quotient remains the same (Zuntz and Lilienfeld). According to D. Finkler, the C02 excreted shows greater variations than the 0 consumed. The excretion of urea is increased ^ to f . In dogs suffering from septic fever, Naunyn observed that the urea began to increase before the temper- ature rose, ' ' prefelrile rise. " Part of the urea, however, is sometimes retained during the fever, and appears after the fever is over, " epicrilical excretion of urea " (Naunyn). The uric acid is also increased ; the urine pigment (§ 19) derived from the hemoglobin, may be increased 20 times, while the excretion of potash may be seven-fold. It is important to observe, that the oxidation or combustion processes within the body of the fever patient, are greatly increased, when he is placed in a warmer atmosphere. The oxidation processes in fever, however, are also increased under the influence of cooler surroundings (§ 214, I, 2), but the increase of the oxidation in a warm medium is very much greater than in the cold (D. Finkler). The amount of C02 in the blood is diminished, but not at once after the onset even of a very severe fever (Goppert). (4.) The diminished excretion of heat varies in different stages of a fever. We distinguish several stages in a fever — (a) The cold Stage, when the loss of heat is greatly diminished, owing to the pale bloodless skin, but at the same time the heat-production is increased 14~2^ times. The sudden and considerable rise of the temperature during this stage shows that the diminished excretion of heat is not the onl}7 cause of the rise of the temperature, (b) During the hot Stage, the heat given off from the congested red skin is greatly increased, but at the same time more heat is produced. Liebermeister assumes that a rise of 1, 2, 3, 4°C. corresponds to an increased production of heat of 6, 12, IS, 24 per cent, (c) In the sweating Stage, the excretion of heat through the red moist skin and evaporation are greatest, more than two to three tunes the normal (Leyden). The heat-production is either increased, normal, or sub-normal, so that under these conditions the temperature may also be sub-normal (36°C.). (5.) The heat-regulating mechanism is injured.— A warm temperature of the surroundings raises the temperature of the fever patient more than it does that of a non-febrile person. The depression of the heat-production, which 452 ARTIFICIAL INCREASE OF THE BODILY TEMPERATURE. enables normal animals to maintain their normal temperature in a warm medium (§ 214), is much less in fever (D. Finkler). The accessory phenomena of fever are very important : — Increase in the intensity and number of the heart-beats (§ 214, II, 2) and respirations (in adults 40, and children 60 per min.), both being compensatory phenomena of the increased temperature; further, diminished digestive activity (§ 186, D) and intestinal movements ; disturbances of the cerebral activities ; of secretion ; of muscular activity; slower excretion — e.g., of potassium iodide through the uriiie (Bachrach, Scholze). In severe fever, molecular degenerations of the tissues are very common. For the condition of the blood-corpuscles in fever see p. 23, the vascular ten- sion, § 69; the saliva, § 146. Quinine, the most important febrifuge, causes a decrease of the temperature by limiting the production of heat (Lewizky, Binz. Naunyn, Quincke, Arntz). Toxic doses of the metallic salts act in the same way, while there is at the same time diminished formation of C0% (Luchsinger). 221. Artificial Increase of the Bodily Temperature. If mammals are kept constantly in air at 40°C., the excretion of heat from the body ceases, so that the heat produced is stored up. At first, the temperature falls somewhat for a very short time (Obernier), but soon a decided increase occurs. The respirations and pulse are increased, while the latter becomes irregular and weaker. The 0 absorbed and C0.2 given off are diminished after 6-8 hours (Litten), and death occurs after great fatigue, feebleness, spasms, secretion of saliva, and loss of consciousness, when the bodily temperature has been increased 4° or at most 6°C. Death does not take place, owing to rigidity of the muscles, for the coagulation of the myosin of mammals' muscles occurs at 49-50°C., in birds at 53°C., and in frogs at 40°C. If mammals are suddenly placed in air at 100°C., death occurs (in 15-20 min.) very rapidly, and with the same phenomena, while the bodily temperature rises 4-5°C. In rabbits, the body-weight diminishes 1 grm. per min. Birds bear a high temperature somewhat longer; they die when their blood reaches 4S-50°C. Even maw may remain for some time in air at 100-110-132°C., but in 10-15 minutes there is danger to life. The skin is burning to the touch, is red, a copious secretion of sweat bursts forth, and the cutaneous Veins are fuller and redder (Crawford). The pulse and respirations are greatly accelerated. Violent headache, vertigo, feeble- ness, stupefaction indicate great danger to life. The rectal temperature is only 1-2°C. higher. The high temperature of fever may even be dangerous to human life. If the temperature remains for any length of time at 42'5°C., death is almost certain to occur. Coagulation of the blood in the arteries is said to occur at 42'G°C. (Weikart). If the artificial heating does not produce death, fatty infiltration and degenera- USE OF HEAT— POST-MORTEM TEMPER ATURE. 453 tion of the liver, heart, kidneys, and muscles begin after 36-48 hours (Litton). Cold-blooded animals, if placed in hot air or warm water, soon have their temperature raised G-10°C. The highest temperature compatible with life in a frog must be below 40°C., as the frog's heart and muscles begin to coagulate at this temperature. Death is preceded by a stage resembling death, during which life may be saved. Most of the juicy plants die in half an hour in air at 52°C., or in water at 46°C. (Sachs). Dried seeds of corn may still germinate after long exposure to air at 120°C. Lowly organised plants, such as algse, may live in water at 60°C. (Hoppe-Seyler). Several bacteria withstand a boiliug temperature (Tyndall, C'hamberland). 222, Employment of Heat. Action of Heat. — The short, but not intense, action of heat on the surface causes, in the first place, a transient slight decrease of the bodily temperature, partly because it retards reflexly the production of heat (Kernig), and partly be- cause, owing to the dilatation of the cutaneous vessels and the stretching of the skin, more heat is given off (Senator). A warm bath above the temperature of the blood at once increases the bodily temperature. Therapeutic Uses. — The application of heat to the entire body is used where the bodily temperature has fallen, or is likely to fall, very low, as in algid stage of cholera, and in infants born prematurely. The general application of heat is obtained by the use of warm baths, packing, vapour, insolation, and the copious use of hot drinks. The local application of heat is obtained by the use of warm wrappings, partial baths, plunging the parts in warm earth or sand, or placing wounded parts in chambers filled with heated air. After removal of the heating agent, care must be taken to prevent the great escape of heat due to the dilatation of the blood-vessels. 223, Increase of Temperature—Post-mortem Phenomena, Heidenhain found that in a dead dog, before the body cooled, there was a constant temporary rise of the temperature, which slightly exceeded the normal. The same observation had been occasionally made on human bodies immediately after death, especially when death was preceded by muscular spasms. Thus, Wunderlich measured the temperature 57 minutes after death in a case of tetanus, and found ittobe45-375°C. The causes are : — (1.) A temporary increased production of heat after death, due chiefly to the change of the semi-solid myosin of the muscles into a solid form (rigor mortis). As the muscle coagulates, heat is produced (v. Walther, Fick). All conditions which cause rapid and intense coagulation of the muscles— e.g., spasms, favour a post-mortem rise of temperature (see Physiology of Muscle) ; a rapid coagulation of the blood has a similar result (p. 42). (2.) Immediately after death, a series of chemical processes occur within the body, whereby heat is produced. Valentin placed dead rabbits in a chamber, so that no heat could be given off from the body, and he found that the internal tempera- ture of the animal's body was increased. The processes which cause a rise of 454 ACTION OF COLD ON THE BODY. temperature post mortem are more active during the first than the second hour; and the higher the temperature at the moment of death, the greater is the amount of heat evolved post mortem (Quincke and Brieger). (3. ) Another cause is the diminished excretion of heat jwst mortem. After the circulation is abolished, within a few minutes little heat is given off from the surface of the body, as rapid excretion implies that the cutaneous vessels must be continually filled with warm blood. 224. Action of Cold on the Body. A short temporary slight cooling of the skin (removing one's clothes in a cool room, a cool bath for a short time, or a cool douche) causes either no change or a slight rise in the bodily temperature (Lieber- meister). The slight rise, when it occurs, is due to the stimulation of the skin, causing reflexly a more rapid molecular transformation, and therefore a greater production of heat (Liebermeister), while the amount of heat given off is diminished owing to 'contraction of the small cutaneous vessels and the skin (Jiirgensen, Senator, Speck). The continuous and intense application of cold causes a decrease of the temperature (Currie), chiefly by conduction, notwithstanding that at the same time there is a greater production of heat. After a cold bath, the temperature may be 34°, 32°, and even 30°C. As an after-effect of the great abstraction of heat, the temperature of the body after a time remains lower than it was before ^primary after- effect"— Liebermeister); thus after an hour it was — 0'22°C. in the rectum. There is a "secondary after-effect" which occurs after the first after-effect is over, when the temperature rises (Jiirgensen). This effect begins 5-8 hours after a cold bath, and is equal to + 0'2°C. in the rectum. Hoppe-Seyler found that some time after the application of heat, there was a corresponding lowering of the temperature. Taking Cold. — If a rabbit be taken from a surrounding temperature of 35UC., and suddenly cooled, it shivers, and there may be temporary diarrhoea. After two days, the temperature rises 1'5°C., and albuminuria occurs. There are microscopic traces of interstitial inflammation in the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, and nerve-sheaths, the dilated arteries of the liver and lung contain thrombi, and in the neighbourhood of the veins are accumulations of leucocytes. In pregnant animals, the ketus shows the same conditions (Lassar). Perhaps the greatly cooled blood acts as an irritant causing inflammation (Rosentlial). Action of Frost. — The continued application of a high degree of cold causes at first contraction of the blood-vessels of the skin and its muscles, so that it becomes pale. If continued paralysis of the cutaneous vessels occurs, the skin becomes red, owing to congestion of its vessels. As the passage of fluids through the capillaries is rendered more difficult by the cold, the blood stagnates, and the skin assumes a livid appearance, as the 0 is almost completely used up. Thus the peripheral circulation is slowed. If the action of the cold be still more intense, the peripheral circulation stops completely, especially in the thinnest and most exposed organs — ARTIFICIAL LOWERING OF THE TEMPERATURE. 455 ears, nose, toes, and fingers. The sensory nerves are paralysed, so that there is numbness and loss of sensibility, and the parts may even be frozen through and through. As the slowing of the circulation in the superficial vessels gradually affects other areas of the circulation, the pulmonary circulation is enfeebled, and diminished oxidation of the blood occurs, notwithstanding the greater amount of O in the cold air, so that the nerve centres are affected. Hence, arise great dislike to making movements or any muscular effort, a painful sensation of fatigue, a peculiar and almost irresistible desire to sleep, cerebral inactivity, blunting of the sense-organs, and lastly, coma. The blood freezes at — 3'9°C., while the juices of the superficial parts freeze sooner. Too rapid movements of the frost-bitten parts ought to be avoided. Rubbing with snow, and the very gradual application of heat, produce the best results. Partial death of a part is not un frequently produced by the prolonged action of cold. 225. Artificial Lowering of the Temperature in Animals, Phenomena. — The artificial cooling of warm-blooded animals, by placing them in cold air or in a freezing mixture gives rise to a series of characteristic phenomena (A. Walther). If the animals (rabbits) are cooled so that the temperature (rectum) falls to 18°, they suffer great depression without, however, the voluntary or reflex movements being abolished. The pulse falls from 100 or 150 to 20 beats per minute, and the blood-pressure falls to several millimetres of Hg. The respirations are few and shallow. Suffocation does not cause spasms (Howarth), the secretion of urine stops, and the liver is congested. The animal may remain for 12 hours in this condition, and when the muscles and nerves show signs of paralysis, coagulation of the blood occurs after numerous blood-corpuscles have been destroyed. The retina becomes pale, and death occurs with spasms and the signs of asphyxia. If the bodily temperature be reduced to 17° and under, the voluntary movements cease before the reflex acts (Kichet and Rondeau). An animal cooled to 18°C., and left to itself, at the same temperature of the surroundings, does not recover of itself, but if artificial respira- tion be employed, the temperature rises 10°C. If this be combined with the application of external warmth, the animals may recover com- pletely, even when they have been apparently dead for forty minutes. Walther cooled adult animals to 9°C., and recovered them by artificial respiration and external warmth; while Howarth cooled young animals to 5°C. Mammals, which are born blind, and birds, which come out of the egg devoid of feathers, cool more rapidly than others. Morphia, and more so, alcohol, accelerate the cooling of mammals; hence, drunk men are more liable to die when exposed to cold. 456 IIYBERNATION AND USE OF COLD. Artificial Cold-Blooded Condition. — Cl. Bernard made the important observation, that the muscles of animals that had been cooled remained irritable for a long time, both to direct stimuli as well as to stimuli applied to their nerves ; and the same is the case when the animals are asphyxiated for want of 0. An " artificial cold-blooded condition" i.e., a condition in which warm-blooded animals have a lower temperature, and retain muscular and nervous excitability (Cl. Bernard), may also be caused in warm-blooded animals, by dividing the cervical spinal- cord and keeping up artificial respiration ; further, by moistening the peritoneum with a cool solution of common salt (Wegner). Hybernation presents a series of similar phenomena. Valentin found that hybernating animals become half-awake when their bodily temperature is 28°C. ; at 18°C. they are in a somnolent condition, at 6° they are in a gentle sleep, and at 1 '6°C. in a deep sleep. The heart-beats and the blood-pressure fall, the former to 8-10 per minute. The respiratory, urinary, and intestinal movements cease completely, and the cardio -pneumatic movement alone (p. 110) sustains the slight exchange of gases in the lungs. They cannot endure cooling to 0°C. ; they awake before the temperature falls so low. Hybernating animals may be cooled to a greater degree than other mammals; they give off heat rapidly, and they become warm again rapidly, and even spontaneously. New-born mammals resemble hybernating animals more closely in this respect than do adults. Cold-blooded Animals may be cooled to 0°. Even when the blood has been frozen and ice formed in the lymph of the peritoneal cavity, frogs may recover. In this condition they appear to be dead, but when placed in a warm medium they soon recover. A frog's muscle so cooled will contract again (Kiihne). The germs and ova of lower animals, e.g., insects' eggs, survive continued frost; and if the cold be moderate, it merely retards development. Bacteria survive a temperature of— 87°C.; yeast, even— 100° C. (Frisch). Varnishing the Skin causes a series of similar phenomena. The varnished skin gives off a large amount of heat by radiation (Krieger), and sometimes the cutaneous vessels are greatly dilated (Laschkewitsch). Hence the animals cool rapidly and die, although the consumption of 0 is not diminished. If cooling be prevented (Valentin, Schiff, Brunton) by warming them and keeping them in warm wool, the animals live for a longer time. The blood post mortem does not contain any poisonous substances, nor even are any materials retained in the blood which can cause death, for if the blood be injected into other animals, these remain healthy. Varnishing the human skin does not seem to be dangerous^ (Senator). 226. Employment of Cold. Cold may be applied to the whole or part of the surface of the body in the following conditions : — (a) By placing the body for a time in a cold bath to abstract as much heat as possible, when the bodily temperature in fever rises so high as to be dangerous to life. This result is best accomplished and lasts longest when the bath is gradually cooled from a moderate temperature. If the body be placed at once in cold water, the cutaneous vessels contract, the skin becomes bloodless, and thus obstacles are placed in the way of the excretion of heat. A bath gradually cooled in this way is borne longer (v. Ziemssen), The addition of stimulating substances, HISTORICAL AND COMPARATIVE. 457 e.g., salts, which cause dilatation of the cutaneous vessels, facilitates the excretion of heat ; even salt-water conducts heat better. If alcohol be given internally at the same time, it lowers the temperature. (b) Cold may be applied locally by means of ice in a bag, which causes contrac- tion of the cutaneous vessels and contraction of the tissues (as in inflammation), while at the same time heat is abstracted locally. (c) Heat may be abstracted locally by the rapid evaporation of volatile sub- stances (ether, carbon disulphide), which causes numbness of the sensory nerves. The introduction of media of low temperature into the body, respiring cool air, taking cold drinks, or the injection of cold fluids into the intestine acts locally, and also produces a more general action. In applying cold it is important to notice that the initial contraction of the vessels and the contraction of the tissues are followed by a stronger dilatation and turgescence. 227. Heat of Inflamed Parts, " Calor " or heat is reckoned one of the fundamental phenomena of inflamma- tion, in addition to rubor (redness), tumor (swelling), and dolor (pain). But the apparent increase in the heat of the inflamed parts is not above the temperature of the blood. Simon, in I860, asserted that the arterial blood flowing to an inflamed part was cooler than the part itself; but v. Blirensprung denies this, as J. Hunter did, and so does Jacobson, Bernhardt, and Laudien. The outer parts of the skin in an inflamed part are warmer than usual, owing to the dilatation of the vessels (rubor) and the consequent acceleration of the blood-stream in the inflamed part, and owing to the swelling (tumor) from the presence of good heat- conducting fluids ; but the heat is not greater than the heat of the blood. It is not proved that an increased amount of heat is produced, owiug to increased molecular decompositions within an inflamed part. 228. Historical and Comparative. According to Aristotle, the heart prepares the heat within itself, and sends it along with the blood to all parts of the body. This doctrine prevailed in the time of Hippocrates and Galen, and occurs even in Cartesius and Bartholinus (1667, " flamula cordis "). The iatro-mechanical school (Boerhave, van Swieten) ascribed the heat to the friction of the blood on the walls of the vessels. The iatro-chemical school, on the other hand, sought the source of heat in the fermenta- tions that arose from the passage of the absorbed substances into the blood (van Helmont, Sylvius, Ettmuller). Lavoisier (1777) was the first to ascribe the heat to the combustion of carbon in the lungs. After the construction of the thermometer by Galileo, Sanctorius (1626) made the first thermometric observations on sick persons, while the first calorimetric observations were made by Lavoisier and Laplace. Comparative observations are given at § 207, ami also under I [ybernation (p. 456). Physiology of the Metabolic Phenomena of the Body. BY the term metabolism are meant all those phenomena, whereby all — even the most lowly — living organisms are capable of incorporating the substances obtained from their food into their tissues, and making them an integral part of their own bodies. This part of the process is known as assimilation. Further, the organism in virtue of its meta- bolism forms a store of potential energy, which it can transform into kinetic energy, and which, in the higher animals at least, appears most obvious in the form of muscular work and heat. The changes of the constituents of the tissues, by which these transformations of the potential energy are accompanied, result in the formation of excretory products, which is another part of the process of metabolism. The normal metabolism requires the supply of food quantitatively and qualitatively of the proper kind, the laying up of this food within the body, a regular chemical transformation of the tissues, and the pre- paration of the effete products which have to be given out through the excretory organs. 229. General View of the most Important Substances used as Food. Water. When we remember that 5 8 '5 per cent, of the body consists of water, that water is being continually given off by the urine and faeces, as well as through the skin and lungs, that the processes of digestion and absorption require water for the solution of most of the substances used as food, and that numerous substances excreted from the body require water for their solution — e.g., in the urine, the great importance of water and its continual renewal within the organism are at once apparent. As put by Hoppe-Seyler, all organisms live in water, and even in running-water, a saying which ranks with the old saying — " Corpora non agunt nisi fluida." Water — as far as it is not a constituent of all fluid foods — occurs in WATER. 459 different forms as drink: — (1) Rain-water, which most closely resembles distilled or chemically pure water, always contains minute quantities of C09NH3, nitrous and nitric acids. (2) Spring-water usually con- tains much mineral substance. It is formed from the deposition of watery vapour or rain from the air, which permeates the soil containing much C02; the CO, is dissolved by the water, and aids in dissolving the alkalies, alkaline earths, and metals, which appear in solution as bicarbonates — e.g., of lime or iron oxide. The water is removed from the spring by proper mechanical appliances, or it bubbles up on the surface in the form of a " spring." (3) The running-water of rivers usually contains much less mineral matter than spring-water. Spring- water floating on the surface rapidly gives off its C02, whereby many substances — e.g., lime — are thrown out of solution, and deposited as insoluble precipitates. Gases. — Spring-water contains little 0, but much CO.,, which latter gives to it its fresh taste. Hence, vegetable organisms flourish in spring-water, while animals requiring, as they do, much 0, are but poorly represented in such water. Water flowing freely gives up C02, and absorbs 0 from the air, and thus affords the necessary con- ditions for the existence of fishes and other marine animals. Eiver- water contains -^ - ^ of its volume of absorbed gases, which may be expelled by boiling or freezing. Drinking-water is chiefly obtained from springs. River-water, if used for this purpose, must be filtered to get rid of mechanically suspended impurities. For household purposes a charcoal filter may be used, as the charcoal acts as a disinfectant. Alum has a remarkable action ; if 0 '00 01 per cent, be added, it makes turbid water clear. Investigation of Drinking-water. — Drinking-water, even in a thick layer, ought to be completely colourless, not turbid, and without odour. Any odour is best recognised by heating it to 50°C., and adding a little caustic soda. It ought not to be too hard — i.e., it ought not to contain too much lime (and magnesia) salts. By the term " degree of hardness" of a water is meant the unit amount of lime (and magnesia) in 100,000 parts of water; a water of 20° of hardness con- tains 20 parts of lime (calcium oxide) combined with C02, sulphuric, or hydro- chloric acids (the small amount of magnesia may be neglected). A good drinking water ought not to exceed 20° of hardness. The hardness is determined by titrating the water with a standard soap solution, the result being the formation of a scum on the surface. The hardness of unboiled water is called its total hardness, while that of boiled water is called permanent hardness. Boiling drives off the COg, and precipitates the calcium carbonate, so that the water at the same time becomes softer. The presence of sulphuric acid, or sulphates, is determined by the water becoming turbid on adding a solution of barium chloride and hydrochloric acid. Chlorine occurs in small amount in pure spring water, but when it occurs there 460 SALTS AND OTHER SUBSTANCES IN WATER. in large amount — apart from its being derived from saline springs, near the sea or manufactories — we may conclude that the water is contaminated from water- closets or dunghills, so that the estimation of chlorine is of importance. For this purpose use a solution, A, of 17 grms. of crystallised silver nitrate in 1 litre of distilled water; 1 cubic centimetre of this solution precipitates 3 '55 milligrammes of chlorine as silver chloride. Use also B, a cold saturated solution of neutral potassium chromate. Take 50 cubic centimetres of the water to be investigated, and place it in a beaker, add to it 2-3 drops of B, and allow the fluid A to run into it from a burette until the white precipitate first formed remains red, even after the fluid has been stirred. Multiply the number of cubic centimetres of A used by 7*1, and this will give the amount of chlorine in 100,000 parts of the water. Example — 50 c.cmtr. requires 2 '9 c.cmtr. of the silver solution, so that 100,000 parts of the water contain 2'9 x 7'1 = 20'59 parts chlorine (Kubel, Tiemann). Good water ought not to contain more than 15 milligrammes of chlorine per litre. The presence of lime niay be ascertained by acidulating 50 cubic centimetres of the water with HC1 and adding ammonia in excess, and afterwards adding ammonia oxalate ; the white precipitate is lime oxalate. According to the degree of turbidity we judge whether the water is "soft" (poor in lime), or "hard" (rich in lime). Magnesia is determined by taking the clear fluid of the above operation, after removing the precipitate of lime and adding to it a solution of sodium phosphate and some ammonia ; the crystalline precipitate which occurs is magnesia. The more feeble all these reactions are which indicate the presence of sulphuric acid, chlorine, lime, and magnesia, the better is the water. In addition, good water ought not to contain more than traces of nitrates, nitrites, or compounds of ammonia, as their presence indicates the decomposition of nitrogenous organic substances. For nitric acid, take 100 cubic centimetres of water acidulated with 2 to 3 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid, add several pieces of zinc together with a solu- tion of potassium iodide, and starch solution — a blue colour indicates nitric acid. The following test is very delicate : — Add to half a drop of water in a capsule 2 drops of a watery solution of Brucinum sulphuricum, and afterwards several drops of concentrated sulphuric acid ; a rose-red colouration indicates the presence of nitric acid. The presence of nitl'OUS acid is ascertained by the blue colouration which results from the addition of a solution of potassium iodide, and solution of starch after the water has been acidulated with sulphuric acid. Compounds Of ammonia are detected by Nessler's reagent, which gives a yellow or reddish colouration when a trace of ammonia is present in water ; while a large amount of these compounds gives a brown precipitate of the iodide of mercury and ammonia. The contamination of water by decomposing animal substance is determined by the amount of N it contains. In most cases it is sufficient to determine the amount of nitric acid present. For this purpose we require (A) a solution of TS71 grms. potassium nitrate in 1 litre distilled water — 1 cubic centimetre contains 1 milligramme nitric acid ; (B) a dilute solution of indigo, which is prepared by rubbing together 1 part of pulverised indigotin with 6 parts H2SO.j, and allowing the deposit to subside, when the blue fluid is poured into 40 times its volume of dis- tilled water and filtered. This fluid is diluted with distilled water until a layer, 12-15 mm. in thickness begins to be transparent. To test the activity of B, place 1 cubic centimetre of A in 24 cubic centimetres water, add some common salt and 50 cubic centimetres concentrated sulphuric acid, and allow B to flow from a burette into this mixture until a faint green colour is obtained. The number of cubic centimetres of B used correspond to 1 milligramme of nitric acid. MAMMARY GLANDS. 46 1 25 cubic centimetres of the water to be investigated are mixed with 50 cubic centimetres of concentrated HoSO-i, and titrated with B until a green colour is obtained. This process must be repeated, and on the second occasion the solution B must be allowed to flow in at once, when usually somewhat more indigo solution is required to obtain the green solution. The number of cubic centimetres of B (corresponding to the strength of B, as determined above), indicates the amount of nitric acid present in 25 c.cmtr. of the water investigated. As much as 10 milli- grammes nitric acid have been found in spring- water (Marx, Trommsdorff ). Sulphuretted Hydrogen is recognised by its odour ; also by a piece of blotting- paper moistened with alkaline solution of lead becoming brown, when it is held over the boiling water. If it occurs as a compound in the wrater, sodium nitro- prusside gives a reddish violet colour. It is of the greatest importance that drinking water should be free, from the. presence of organic matter in a state of decomposition. Organic matter in a state of decomposition, and the organisms therewith associated, when introduced into the body, may give rise to fatal maladies, e.g., cholera and typhoid fever. This is the case when the water-supply has been contaminated from water which has percolated from water-closets, privies, and dung-pits. The presence of organic matter may be delected thus — (1) A considerable amount of the water is evaporated to dryness in a porcelain vessel, if the residue be heated again a brown or black colour indicates the presence of a considerable amount of organic matter ; and if it contain N, there is an odour of ammonia. Good water treated in this way gives only a light-brown. The presence of micro-organisms may be determined microsco- pically after evaporating a small quantity of the water on a glass-slide. (2) The addition of potassio-gold chloride added to the water gives a black frothy precipitate after long standing. (3) A solution of potassium permanganate, added to the water in a covered jar, gradually becomes decolourised, and a brownish precipitate is formed. Water containing much organic matter should never be used as drinking water, and this is especially the case when there is an epidemic of typhoid fever, cholera, or diarrhoea. In all such circumstances, the water ought to be boiled for a long time, whereby the organic germs are killed. The insipid taste of the water after boiling may be corrected by adding a little sugar or lime juice. 230, Structure and Secretion of the ^Mammary Glands. About 20 galactoferous ducts open singly upon the surface of the nipple. Eacli of these, just before it opens on the surface, is provided with an oval dilatation — the sinus lacteus. When traced into the gland, the galactoferous ducts divide like the branches of a tree, and a large branch of the duct passes to each lobe of the gland, all the lobes being held together by loose connective-tissue. Only during lactation do all the fine terminations of the ducts communicate with the globular glandular acini. Every gland acinus consists of a membrana propria, surrounded externally with a net-work of branched connective-tissue corpuscles, and lined internally with a somewhat flattened polyhedral layer of nucleated secretory cells (Fig. 171.) The size of the lumen of the acini depends upon the secretory activity of the glands ; when it is large it is tilled with milk containing numerous refractive fatty granules. The milk-ducts consist of fibrillar connective-tissue. Some fibres are arranged longitudinally, but the chief mass are disposed circularly, and are permeated externally with elastic fibres, while in the finer ducts, there is a membraua propria continuous with that of the gland acini. The ducts are lined by cylindrical epithelium. 402 STRUCTURE OF THE MAMMA. During the first few days after delivery, the breasts secrete a small amount of milk of greater consistence, and of a yellow colour— the colostrum — in which large cells filled with fatty granules occur — the colostrum-corpuscles. Sometimes a nucleus is observable within them, and rarely they exhibit amoeboid movements (Fig. 172, c, d, c). The regular secretion of milk begins after 3-4 days. It was formerly supposed that the cells of the acini underwent a fatty degeneration, and thus produced the fatty granules of the milk. It is more probable, from the observations of Strieker, Schwarz, Partsch and Heidenhain, that the cells of the acini manufacture the fatty granules, and their protoplasm eliminates them, at the same time forming the clear fluid part of the milk. Fig. 171. Acini of the mammary gland of a sheep during lactation— a, membrana propria ; b, secretory epithelium. Changes during Secretion. — Partsch and Heidenhain found that the secretory cells in the passive non-secreting gland (Fig. 172, I) were flat, polyhedral, and uni-nucleated, whilst the secreting cells (Fig. II) often con- Fig. 172. I — Inactive acinus of the mamma. II — During the secretion of milk ; a, b, milk- globules ; c, d, ?, colostrum-corpuscles ; f, pale cells (bitch). tained several nuclei, were more albuminous, higher, and cylindrical in form. The edge of the cell directed towards the lumen of the acinus undergoes characteristic changes during secretion. Fatty granules are formed in this part of the cell, and are afterwards ex- truded. The decomposed portion of the cell is dissolved in the milk, and the fatty granules become free as milk-globules. (Fig. II, a). If nuclei are present in that part of the cell which is broken up, they also pass into the milk and give rise to the presence of nuclein in the secretion. Besides the milk-globules and colostrum-corpuscles, Rauber has found leucocytes undergoing fatty degeneration and single pale cells (/). Occasionally milk-globules are found with traces of the cell-substance adhering to their surface (6). Formation Of Milk. — Concerning the formation of the individual constituents STRUCTURE OF THE MAMMA. 463 of milk, H. Thierfelder, who digested fresh mammary glands directly after death, found that during the digestion of the glands at the temperature of the body, a reducing substance, probably lactose, was formed by a process of fermentation. The mother substance (saccharogen) is soluble in water, but not in alcohol or ether, is not destroyed by boiling, and is not identical with glycogen. The ferment which forms the lactose is connected with the gland-cells — it does not pass into the milk, nor into a watery extract of the gland. During the digestion of the mammary glands, at the temperature of the body, casein is formed, probably from serum- albumin, by a process of fermentation. This ferment occurs in the milk. The nipple and its areola are characterised by the presence of pigment — more abundant during pregnancy — hi the rete Malpighii of the skin, and by large papilla? in the cutis vera. Some of the papillae contain touch-corpuscles. Numerous non- striped muscular fibres surround the milk-ducts hi the deep layers of the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue, which contains no fat. These muscular fibres can be traced following a longitudinal course to the termination of the ducts on the surface. The small glands of Montgomery, which occur on the areola during lactation, are small milk-glands, each with a special duct opening on the surface of the elevation. Arteries proceed from several sources to supply the mamma, but their branches do not accompany the milk-ducts ; the gland acini are each surrounded by a net- work of capillaries, which communicate with those of adjoining acini by small arteries and veins. The veins of the areola are arranged in a circle (circulus Halleri). The nerves are derived from the supraclavicular, and the II-IV-VI iutercostals ; they proceed to the skin over the gland, to the very sensitive nipple, to the blood-vessels and non-striped muscle of the nipple, and to the gland acini, where their mode of termination is still unknown. Lymphatics surround the alveoli, and they are often full. The milk appears to be prepared from the lymph contained in the lymphatics surrounding the acini. The comparative anatomy of the mamma. — The rodents, insectivora, and car- nivora, have 10 to 12 teats, while some of them have only 4. The pachydermata and ruminantia have 2-4 abdominal teats, the whale has 2 near the vulva. The apes, bats, vegetable-feeding whales, elephants, and sloths have 2, like man. In the marsupials the tubes are arranged in groups, which open on a patch of skin devoid of hair without any nipple. The young animals remain within the mother's pouch, and the milk is expelled into their mouths by the action of a muscle — the com- pressor mammas. The development of the human mamma begins in both sexes during the third month ; at the fourth and fifth months, a few simple tubular gland-ducts are arranged radially around the position of the future nipple, which is devoid of hair. In the new-born child the ducts are branched twice or thrice, and are provided with dilated extremities, the future acini. Up to the 12th year in both sexes, the ducts continue to divide dendritically, but without any proper acini being formed. In the girl at puberty the ducts branch rapidly ; but the acini are formed only at Hie periphery of the gland, while during pregnancy, acini are also formed in the centre of the gland, while the connective-tissue at the same time becomes some- what more opened out. At the climacteric period, or menopause, all the acini and numerous fine milk-ducts degenerate. In the adult male, the gland remains in the non-developed infantile condition. Accessory or supernumerary glands upon the breast and abdomen are not uncommon, sometimes the mamma occurs hi the axilla, on the back, over the acromion process, or on the leg. A slight secre- tion of milk in a newly-born infant is normal. During the evacuation of the milk (500-1500 cubic centimetres daily), there is not only the mechanical action of sucking, but also the activity of the gland itself. This consists in the erection of the nipple, whereby its non-striped muscular fibres compress the sinuses on the milk-ducts, and empty them, so that the milk may flow out in streams. The gland acini are also excited to secretion reflexly by the stim- 4G4 MILK AND ITS PREPARATIONS. ulation of the sensory nerves of the nipple. The vessels of the gland are dilated, and there is a copious transudation into the gland, the transuded fluid being manufactured into milk under the influence of the secretory protoplasm. The amount of secretion depends upon the blood-pressure (Rohrig). During sucking, not only is the milk in the gland extracted, but new milk is formed, owing to the accelerated secretion. Emotional disturbances — anger, fear, &c. — arrest the secre- tion. Laffont found that stimulation of the mammary nerve (bitch) caused erection of the teat, dilatation of the vessels, and secretion of milk. After section of the cerebro-spinal nerves going to the mamma, Eckhard observed that erection of the teat ceased, although the secretion of milk in a goat was not interrupted. The rarely observed galactorrh(Ea is perhaps to be regarded as a paralytic secre- tion analogous to the paralytic secretion of saliva. Heidenhain and Partsch found that the secretion (bitch) was increased by injecting strychnine or curara after section of the nerves of the gland. The "milk-fever," which accompanies the first secretion of milk, probably depends on stimulation of the vaso-motor nerves, but this condition must be studied in relation with the other changes which occur within the pelvic cavity after birth. [Some substances, such as atropin, arrest the secretion of milk.] 231, Milk and its Preparations. Milk represents a complete or typical food in which all the con- stituents necessary for maintaining the life and growth of the body are present. To every 10 parts of proteids there are 10 parts fat and 20 parts sugar. Eelatively more fat than albumin is absorbed from the milk (Rubner) ; while a part of both is excreted in the faeces. Characters. — Milk is an opaque, bluish-white fluid with a sweetish taste and a characteristic odour, probably due to the peculiar volatile substances derived from the cutaneous secretions of the glands, and it has a specific gravity of 1026-1035 (Radenhausen). When it stands for a time, numerous milk-globules, butter-globules, or cream, collect on its surface, under which there is a watery bluish fluid. Human milk is always alkaline, cow's milk may be alkaline, acid or amphoteric ; while the milk of carnivora is always acid. Milk-Globules. — When milk is examined microscopically, it is seen to contain numerous small highly refractive oil-globules, floating in a clear fluid — the milk-plasma (Fig. 172, a, &,); while colostrum-corpuscles and epithelium from the milk-ducts are not so numerous. The white colour and opacity of the milk are due to the presence of the milk- globules which reflect the light ; the globules consist of a fat, or butter, surrounded with a very thin envelope of casein. If acetic acid be added to a microscopic preparation of milk, this caseous envelope is dissolved, the fatty granules are liberated, and they run together to form irregular masses. If cow's milk be shaken with caustic potash, the casein envelopes are dissolved, and if ether be added, the milk becomes clear and transparent, as the ether dissolves FATS AND PLASMA OF MILK. 465 out all the fatty particles in the solution. Ether cannot extract the fat from cow's milk until acetic acid or caustic potash is added to liberate the fats from their envelopes; but shaking with ether is sufficient to extract the fats from human milk (Radenhausen). Some observers deny that an envelope of casein exists, and according to them milk is a simple emulsion, kept emulsionised owing to the colloid swollen up casein in the milk-plasma. The treatment of milk with potash and ether makes the casein unable any longer to preserve the emulsion (Soxhlet). The fats of the milk-globules are the triglycerides of stearic, palmitic, myristic, oleic, arachinic (butinic), capric, caprylic, caproic, and butyric acids, with traces of acetic and formic acids (Heintz), and cholesterin (Schmidt-Miilheim). When milk is beaten or stirred for a long time (i.e., churned), the fat of the milk-globules is ultimately obtained in the form of butter, owing to the rupture of the envelopes of casein. Butter is soluble in alcohol and ether, and it is clarified by heat (60°C.), or by washing in water at 40°C. When allowed to stand exposed to the air it becomes rancid, owing to the glycerine of the neutral fats being decomposed by fungi into acrolein and formic acid, while the volatile fatty acids give it its raucid odour. The milk-plasma, obtained by filtration through clay filters or mem- branes, is a clear, slightly opalescent fluid, and contains casein (§ 249, III, 3), serum-albumin (p. 49), and to a less extent a body resembling albumin (lactoprotein — Millon, Liebermann) ; galactin, albuminose, and globulin; peptone (0'13 per cent.); nuclein, diastatic ferment (in human milk — Bechamp). Milk-sugar (§ 252), a carbohydrate resemb- ling dextrin (Eitthausen), (? lactic acid), lecithin, urea, extractives; — sodic and potassic chlorides, alkaline phosphates, calcium and mag- nesium sulphates, alkaline carbonates, traces of iron, fluorine, and silica ; C02N, 0. When milk is boiled the albumin coagulates, while the surface also becomes covered with a thin scum or layer of casein, which has become insoluble. When milk is filtered through fresh animal membranes (Hoppe-Seyler), or through a clay filter, the casein does not pass through (Helmholtz, Zahn, Kehrer), while burned pulverised clay and animal charcoal also attract the casein (Dupre and Hermann). The coagulation Of milk depends upon the coagulation of its casein. In milk, casein is combined with calcium phosphate, which keeps it in solution; acids which act on the calcium phosphate cause coagulation of the casein (acetic and tar- taric acids in excess redissolve it). All acids do not coagulate human milk (Biedert). It is coagulated by two or more drops of hydrochloric acid (O'l per cent.) or acetic acid (0'2 per cent.). The spontaneous coagulation of milk after it has stood for a time, especially in a warm place, is due to the formation of lactic acid, which is 30 4G6 COMPOSITION OF MILK. formed from the milk-sugar in the milk by the action of bacterium lacticum [which is introduced from without (Pasteur, Cohii, Lister)]. It changes the neutral alka- line phosphate into the acid phosphate, takes the casein from the calcium phosphate, and precipitates the casein (p. 373). The ferment may be isolated by means of alcohol. Rennet, which contains a special ferment, coagulates milk with an alkaline reaction (sweet whey). This ferment decomposes the casein into the precipitated cheese, and also into the slightly soluble whey-albumin (Hammarsten, Koster), so that the coagulation by rennet is a process quite distinct from the coagulation of milk by the gastric and pancreatic juices. When the milk is coagulated we obtain the curd, consisting of casein with some milk-globules entangled in it ; the whey contains some soluble albumin and fat, and the great proportion of the salts and milk-sugar, together with lactic acid. Boiling (by killing all the lower organisms), sodium bicarbonate (T-JUTJ), ammonia, salicylic acid (sinnr)? glycerine, and ethereal oil of mustard prevent the spon- taneoiis coagulation. Fresh milk makes tincture of guaiacum blue, but boiled milk does not do so (Schacht, C. Arnold). When milk is exposed to the air for a long time, it gives off COg, and absorbs 0 ; the fats are increased (? owing to the development of fungi in the milk), and so are the alcoholic and ethereal extracts, from the decomposition of the casein (Hoppe-Seyler, Kemmerich). According to Schmidt-Miilheim, some of the casein becomes converted into peptone, but this occurs only in unboiled milk. Composition. — 100 parts of milk contain— Human. Cow. Goat, Ass. Water, 87 '24— 90 '58 86 '23 86 "85 89 "01 Solids, 9-42—12-39 13'77 13'52 10'99 Casein, 2'91— 3'92 ) . .„„ «,.„, \ 3-23 2-53 \ ,.w Albumin, f / 0-50 1-26 J Butter, 2-67— 4-30 4'50 4'34 1'85 Milk-sugar, . . . 3'15— 6'09 4 '93 3'78 ) r ^, Salts, 0'14— 0-28 U'6 0'65 \ Human milk contains less albumin, which is more soluble than the albumin in the milk of animals. Colostrum contains much serum-albumin, and very little casein, while all the other substances, and especially the fats, are more abundant. Gases. — Pflllger and Setscheuow found in 100 vols. of milk 5 '01-7 '60 C02 ; 0-09-0-32 0; 0'70-1'41 N, according to volume. Only part of the C02 is expelled by phosphoric acid. Salts. — The potash salts (as in blood and muscle) are more abundant than the soda compounds, while there is a considerable amount of calcium phosphate, which is necessary for forming the bones of the infant. Wildenstein found in 100 parts of the ash of human milk — sodium chloride, 10'73; potassium chloride, 26'33; potash, 21-44; lime, 18 '78; magnesia, 0'S7; phosphoric acid, 19; ferric phosphate, 0'21 ; sulphuric acid, 2 '64 ; silica traces. The amount of salts present is affected by the salts of the food. Conditions Influencing the Composition.— The more frequently the breasts are emptied, the richer the milk becomes in casein. The last milk obtained at any time is always richer in butter, as it comes from the most distant part of the gland— viz., the acini (Reiset, Heynsius, Forster, de Leon). Some substances are TESTS FOR MILK. 467 diminished and others increased in amount, according to the time after delivery. The following are increased : — Until the 2nd month after delivery, casein and fat ; until the 5th month, the salts (which diminish progressively from this time onwards); from 8-1 Oth months, the sugar. The following are diminished: — From 10-24th months, casein; from 5-6th and 10-llth months, fat; during 1st month, the sugar; from the 5th month, the salts. [That cow's milk is influenced by the pasture and food is well-known. Turnip as food give a peculiar odour, taste, and flavour to milk, and so do the fragrant grasses. The mental state of the nurse influences the quantity and quality of the milk, while many substances given as medicines reappear in the milk, such as dill, copaiba, conium, aniseed, garlic, potassium iodide, arsenic, mercury, opium, rhubarb, or its active principle, and the cathartic principle of senna. Jaborandi is the nearest approach to a galactagogue, but its action is temporary. Atropin is a true anti-galactagogue. The composition of the milk may be affected by using fatty food, by the use of salts, and above all by the diet (Dolan).] [Milk may be a vehicle for communicating disease — by direct contamination from the water used for adulteration or cleansing ; by the milk absorbing deleterous gases; by the secretion being altered in diseased animals.] The greater the amount of milk that is secreted (woman), the more casein and sugar, and the less butter it contains. The milk of a primipara is less watery. Rich feeding, especially proteids (small amount of vegetable food), increase the amount of milk and the casein, sugar, and fat in it ; a large amount of carbo- hydrates (not fats) increases the amount of sugar. If other than human milk has to be used, ass's milk most closely resembles human milk. Cow's milk is best when it contains plenty fatty matters — it must be diluted with its own volume of water at first, and a little milk-sugar added. The casein of cow's milk differs qualitatively from that of human milk (Biedert); its coagulated flocculi or curd are much coarser than the fine curd of human milk, and they are only f dissolved by the digestive juices, while human milk is completely dissolved. Cow's milk when boiled is less digestible than unboiled (E. Jessen). Milk ought not to be kept in zinc vessels owing to the formation of zinc lactate. Tests for Milk. — The amount of cream is estimated by placing the milk for 24 hours in a tall cylindrical glass graduated into a hundred parts; the cream collects on the surface, ami ought to form from 10-24 vols. per cent. The specific gravity (fresh cow's milk, 1,029-1,034; when creamed, 1,032-1,040) is estimated with an araeometer or lactometer at 15°C. The sityar is estimated by titration with Fehling's solution (p. 298), but in this case 1 cubic centimetre of this solution corresponds to O'OOGT grm. of milk-sugar; or its amount may be estimated with the polariscopic apparatus (vol. ii). The proteids are precipitated and the fats extracted with ether. The fats in fresh milk form about 3 per cent., and in skimmed milk 1| per cent. The amount of water in relation to the milk- globules is estimated by the lactoscope (the diaphanometer of Donne", modified by Vogel and Hoppe-Seyler), which consists of a glass-vessel with plane parallel sides placed 1 centimetre apart. A measured quantity of milk is taken, and water is added to it from a burette until the outline of a candle flame placed at a distance of 1 metre can be distinctly seen through the diluted milk. This is done in a dark room. For 1 cubic centimetre of good cow's milk, 70-85 centimetres water are required. Various substances pass into the milk ivhen they are administered to the mother— many odoriferous vegetable bodies, e.g., anise, vermuth garlic, &c.; opium, indigo, salicylic acid, iodine, iron, zinc, mercury, lead, bismuth, antimony. In osteo- malacia the amount of lime in the milk is increased (Gusserow). Potassium iodide 468 EGGS. diminishes the secretion of m ilk by affecting the secretory function (Stumpf). Amongst abnormal COnstit ents are— hemoglobin, bile-pigments, ruucin, blood-corpuscles, pus, fibriu. Numerous fungi and other low organisms develop in evacuated milk, and the rare blue milk is due to the development of Bacterium cyanogeneum (Fuchs, Neelsen). The blue colour is due to aniline blue derived from casein (Erdmann). The milk-serum is blue, not the fungus. Blue milk is unhealthy, and causes diarrhoea (Mosler). Red and yellow milk are produced by a similar action of chromogenic fungi (p. 373). The former is produced by Micrococcus prodigiosus, which is colourless. The colour seems to be due to fuchsin. The yellow colour is produced by Bacterium ftynxantlmm (Ehrenberg), and the colour is also due to an aniline substance (Schroter). Preparations Of Milk. — (1.) Condensed mill: — SO grms. cane-sugar are added to 1 litre of milk; the whole is evaporated to ^; and while hot sealed up in tin cans (Lignac). For children one teaspoonful is dissolved in a pint of cold water, and then boiled. (2. ) Koumiss is prepared by the Tartars from mare's milk. Koumiss and sour milk are added to milk, the whole is violently stirred, and it undergoes the alcoholic fermentation, whereby the milk-sugar is first changed into galactose, and then into alcohol; so that koumiss contains 2-3 per cent, of alcohol; while the casein is at first precipitated, but is afterwards partly redissolved and changed into acid-albumin and peptone (Dochmann). (3.) Cheese is prepared by coagulating milk with rennet, allowing the whey to separate, and adding salt to the curd. When kept for a long time cheese ' ' ripens, " the casein again becomes soluble in water, probably from the formation of soda albuminate; in many cases it becomes semi-fluid when it takes the characters of peptones. When further decomposition occurs, leucin and tyrosin are formed. The fats increase at the expense of the casein, and they again undergo further change, the volatile fatty acids giving the characteristic odour. The formation of peptone, leucin, tyrosin, and the decomposition of fat recalls the digestive processes. 232. Eggs. Eggs must also be regarded as a complete food, as the organism of the young chick is developed from them. The yelk contains a characteristic proteid body, Vitellin (§ 249), and an albuminate in the envelopes of the yellow yelk spheres — Nudein, from the white yelk ; fats in the yellow yelk (palmitin, olein), cholesterin, much lecithin; and as its decomposition product, glycerin-phosphoric acid — grape- sugar, pigments (lutein), and a body containing iron and related to haemoglobin; lastly, salts qualitatively the same as in blood — quanti- tatively as in the Hood-corpuscles — gases. The chief constituent of the white of egg is egg-albumin (§ 249), together with a small amount of palmitin and olein partly saponified with soda; grape-sugar, extractives; lastly salts, quali- tatively resembling those of blood, but quantitatively like those of serum, and a trace of fluorine. Kelatively more of the nitrogenous constituents than the fatty constituents of eggs are absorbed (Rubner). FLESH AND ITS PREPARATIONS. 469 233, Flesh and its Preparations. Flesh, in the form in which it is eaten, contains in addition to the muscle-substance proper, more or less of the elements of fat, connective- and elastic-tissue mixed with it. The following results refer to flesh freed as much as possible from these constituents. The chief proteid constituent of the contractile muscular substance is myosin (Kiihne); scrum-albumin occurs in the fluid of the fibres, in the lymph and blood of muscle. The fats are for the most part derived from the interfibrillar fat cells, and so are lecithin and cholesterin from the nerves of the muscles; the gelatin is derived from the connective-tissue of the perimysium, perineurium, and the walls of blood-vessels and tendons. The red colour of the flesh is due to the haemoglobin present in the sarcous substance (Kiihne, Gscheidlen). Elastin occurs in the sarcolemma, neurilemma, and in the elastic fibres of the perimysium and walls of the vessels ; the small amount of keratin is derived from the endothelium of the vessels. The chief muscular substance, the result of the retrogressive metabolism of the sarcous substance, is kreatin (Chevreul — 0'25 per cent., Perls) ; Ireatinin, the inconstant inosinic acid, then lactic, or rather sarcolactic acid (see Muscle). Farther, taurin, sarkin, xanthin, uric acid, car- nin, inosit (most abundant in the muscles of drunkards), dextrin (in horse and rabbit, not constant — Sanson, Limpricht) ; grape-sugar (Meissner), but it is very probably derived post mortem from glycogen (0'43 per cent.), which occurs in considerable amount in foetal muscles (0. Nasse) ; lastly, fatty acids. Amongst the salts, potash and phosphoric acid compounds (Braconnot) are most abundant ; magnesium phosphate exceeds calcium phosphate in amount. In 1 00 parts FLESH there is, according to Schlossberger and v. Bibra— Ox. Calf. Deer. Pig. Man. Fowl. Carp. Frog. Water, 77-50 78-20 74-63 78-30 74-45 77-30 79-78 80-43 Solids, 22-50 21-80 25-37 21-70 25-55 22-7 20-22 19-57 Soluble Albumin, Colouring Matter, J2-20 2-60 1-94 2-40 1-93 3-0 1 2-35 1-86 Glutin, . 1-30 1-60 0-50 0-80 2-07 1-2 1-98 2-48 Alcoholic Extract, . 1-50 1-40 4-75 1-70 3-71 1-4 3-47 3-46 Fats, ... ... 1-30 ... 2-30 ... 1-11 o-io Insoluble Albumin, Blood-vessels, &c., 17-50 16-2 16-81 16-81 15-54 16-5 ill'31 11-67 470 COMPOSITION OF FLESH. In 100 parts ASH there is— Horse. Ox. Calf. Pig. Potash 39'40 35'94 3440 3779 v 1 f 32 ,, Inorganic compounds (Salts). The whole is equal to 3i kilo., i.e., about ^ of the body-weight ; so that about 6 per cent, of the water, about 6 per cent, of the fat, about 1 per cent, albumin, and about 0'4 per cent, of the salts of the body are daily transformed within the organism. AN ADULT DOING MODERATE WORK GIVES OFF:— Water. C. II. N. 0. By respiration, 330 24S-8 9 651-15 Transpiration, 660 2-0 . . • 7-2 Urine, . 1,700 9-8 3'3 15'8 11-1 Faeces, 128 20-0 3-0 3-0 12-0 2,818 281-2 6-3 18-8 681-45 Add to this (besides 2,818 grammes water as drink), 296 grammes water formed in the body by the oxidation of H. These 296 grammes of water contain 32,89 grammes H, and 263,41 grammes O; 26 grammes of salts are given off in the urine, and 6 by the faeces. Effect of Age. — The investigations of the Munich School have shown, that the following numbers represent the smallest amount of food necessary for different ages : — 31 482 RELATIVE PROPORTION OP POODS REQUIRED DAILY. Age. Nitrogenous. Fat. Carbohydrates. Child until 1 i years, . 20-36 grm. 30-45 grm. 60-90 grm. ,, from 6-15 years, 70-80 „ 37-50 „ 250-400 „ Mail (moderate work), 118 „ 56 500 „ Woman ,, 92 „ 44 „ 400 „ Old man, , . 100 „ 68 „ 350 „ Old woman, . SO „ 50 „ 260 „ In most of the ordinary articles of diet, nitrogenous and non- nitrogenous substances are present, but in very varying proportion in the different foods. Man requires that these shall be in the proportion of 1 : 31 to 1 : 41. If food be taken in which this proportion is not observed, in order to obtain the necessary amount of that substance which is contained in too small proportion in his food, he must consume far too much food. Moleschott finds that a person, in order to obtain the 130 grammes of proteids necessary, must use Cheese, Lentils, Peas, . 388 grm. 491 „ 582 Beef, . . 614 grm. Eggs, . 968 „ Wheat bread, 1,444 ,, Eice, . Rye bread, Potatoes, 2,562 grm. 2,875 „ 10,000 „ provided he were to take only one of these substances as food; so that it is perfectly obvious that if a workman were to live on potatoes alone, in order to get the necessary amount of N, he would have to consume an altogether preposterous amount of this kind of food. To obtain the 448 grammes of carbohydrates, or the equivalent amount of fat (100 : 175), necessary to support him, a man must eat Bice, . Wheat bread, Lentils, 572 grm. 625 „ 806 „ Peas, . . Eggs, Piye bread, 819 grm. 902 „ 930 „ Cheese, , Potatoes, . Beef, 2,011 grm. 2,039 „ 2,261 „ So that if he were to live upon cheese or flesh alone, he would require to eat an enormous amount of these substances. In the case of the herbivora, the proportion of nitrogenous to non-nitrogenous food necessary is 1 of the former to 8 or 9 parts of the latter. 237. Metabolism during Hunger and Starvation, If a warm-blooded animal be deprived of all food, it must, in order to maintain the temperature of its body and to produce the necessary amount of mechanical work, transform and utilise the potential energy of the constituents of its own body. The result is that its body- weight diminishes from day to day, until death occurs from starvation. HUNGER AND STARVATION. 483 In order to Investigate the condition of inanition it is necessary — (1) to weigh the animal daily; (2) to estimate daily all the C and N given off from the body in the faeces, urine, and expired air. The N and C, of course, can only be obtained from the decomposition of tissues containing them. The following table from Bidder and Schmidt shows the amounts of the different excreta in the case of a starved cat : — Day. Body- weight. "Water taken. Urine. Urea. Inorganic substances in Urine. Dry Faeces. Expired C. Water in Urine andFeeces. 1. 2,464 98 7-9 1-3 1-2 13-9 91-4 0^ 2,297 11-5 54 5-3 0-8 1-2 12-9 50-5 3. 2,210 45 4-2 0-7 1-1 13 42-9 4. 2,172 GS-2 45 3-8 07 1-1 12'3 43 5. 2,129 . . . 55 4-7 0-7 1-7 11-9 54-1 6. 2,024 ... 44 4-3 0-6 0-6 11-6 41-1 7. 1,946 • . • 40 3-8 0-5 0-7 11 37-5 8. 1,873 . . . 42 3-9 0-6 1-1 10-6 40 9. 1,782 15-2 42 4 0-5 17 10-6 41-4 10. 1,717 ... 35 3-3 0-4 1-3 10-5 34 11. 1,695 4 32 2-9 0-5 1-1 10-2 30-9 12. 1,634 22-5 30 2-7 0-4 1-1 10-3 29-6 13. 1,570 7-1 40 3-4 0-5 0-4 10-1 36-6 14. 1,518 3 41 3-4 0-5 0-3 9-7 38 15. 1,434 ... 41 2-9 0-4 0-3 9-4 38-4 16. 1,389 48 3 0-4 0-2 8-8 45-5 17. 1,335 . . . 28 1-6 0-2 0-3 7-8 26 -G 18. f 1,267 13 0-7 0-1 0-3 6-1 12-9 -1,197 131-5 775 65-9 9-8 15-8 190-8 734-4 The cat lost 1,197 grm. in weight before it died, and this amount is apportioned in the following way: 204'43 grm. ( = 17'01 per cent.); loss of albumin, 132'75 grm. ( = 11-05 per cent.); loss of fat, 8G3-S2 grm., loss of water (=71 '91 per cent, of the total body-weight). Amongst the general phenomena of inanition, it is found that strong, well-nourished dogs die after 4 weeks, man after 21-24 days (Moleschott) — (G melancholies who took water died after 41 days) ; small mammals and birds, 9 days, and frogs 9 months. Vigorous adults die when they lose T% of their body-weight, but young individuals die much sooner than adults. The symptoms of inanition are obvious: — The mouth is dry, the walls of the alimentary canal become thin, and the digestive secretions cease to be formed, pulse-beats and respirations are fewer; urine very acid from the presence of an increased amount of sulphuric and phosphoric acids, whilst the chlorine compounds rapidly diminish 484 LOSS OF WEIGHT DURING STARVATION. and almost disappear. The blood contains less water and the plasma less albumin, the gall-bladder is distended, which indicates a con- tinuous decomposition of blood-corpuscles within the liver. The liver is small and very dark-coloured, the muscles are very brittle and dry, so that there is great muscular weakness, and death occurs with the signs of great depression and coma. The relations of the metabolism are given in the foregoing table, the diminished excretion of urea is much greater than that of C00, which is due to a larger amount of fats than proteids being decomposed. According to the calculation, there is daily a tolerably constant amount of fat used up, while, as starvation continues, the proteids are decomposed in much smaller amounts from day to day, although the drinking of water accelerates their decomposition. The excretion of CO., therefore falls more slowly than the total body-weight, so that the unit-weight of the living animal from day to day may even show an increased production of C00. The amount of 0 consumed, depends of course upon the oxidation of proteids (which require less 0), and of fats (which require more 0). According to D. Finkler, starving animals consume nearly as much 0 as well- nourished animals, so that the energy of oxidation is scarcely altered during inanition. Corresponding to this, the temperature of a starving animal is the same as normal. The respiratory quotient (p. 255) falls from 0'9 to 0'7, and the excretion of C02 diminishes more rapidly than the consumption of 0. It would be wrong, however, to conclude, from the diminished condition of COo, that the oxidation also was diminished, as the simultaneous consumption of 0 is the only guide to the energy of the metabolism. As starving animals use up their own flesh and fat, they form less C02 than well-nourished animals which oxidise carbo- hydrates. Loss of weight of Organs.— It is of importance to determine to what extent the individual organs and tissues lose weight; some undergo simple loss of weight, e.g., the bones, the fat undergoes very considerable and rapid decomposition, while other organs, as the heart, undergo little change, because they seem to be able to nourish themselves from the transformation products of other tissues. A starving cat, according to v. Voit, lost— Per cent, of Per cent, of the originally tho total loss of present. body-weight. 1. Fat, . . 97 ... 2G-2 2. Spleen, . GG'7 ... O'G 3. Liver, . 537 ... 4 -8 4. Testicles, . 40 '0 ... O'l 5. Muscles, . 30'5 ... 42 -2 6. Blood, . 27-0 ... 3-7 7. Kidneys, . 25'9 ... O'G 8. Skin, . 20-6 ... 8-8 9. Intestine, . IS'O 2'0 Per cent, of Per cent, of the originally the total loss of present. body-weight. 10. Lungs, . 17'7 ... 0'3 11. Pancreas, 17'0 ... O'l 12. Bones, . 13'9 ... 5'4 13. Central Nervous System, 3'2 ... O'l 14. Heart, . 2-6 ... Q-Q2 15. Total loss of the rest of the body, . 36-8 ... 5'0 METABOLISM DURING A FLESH DIET. 485 There is a very important difference according as the animals before inanition have been fed freely on flesh and fat, or as they have merely had a subsistence diet. Well-fed animals lose weight much more rapidly during the first few days than on the later days. v. Voit thinks that the albumin derived from the excess of food occurs in a state of loose combination in the body as " drculatinrj " or "storage-albumin" so that during hunger, it must decompose more readily and to a greater extent than the "organ-albumin" which forms an integral part of the tissues (p. 477). Further, in fat indi- viduals, tho decomposition of fat is much greater than in slender persons. 238, Metabolism during a purely Flesh Diet— Albumin or Gelatin. A man is not able to maintain his metabolism in equilibrium on a purely flesh diet ; if he were compelled to live on such a diet, he would succumb. The reason is obvious. In beef, the proportion of nitrogenous to non-nitrogenous elementary constituents of food is 1:1 '7 (p. 480). A healthy person excretes 280 grammes of carbon, in the form of CO.,, in the expired air and in the urine and fceces. If a man is to obtain 280 grammes C from a flesh diet he must consume — digest and assimilate — more than 2 kilos, of beef in 24 hours. But our digestive organs are unequal to this task for any length of time. The person is soon obliged to take less beef, which would necessitate the using of his own tissues, at first the fatty parts and afterwards the proteid substances. A Carnivorous animal (dog)> whose digestive apparatus, being specially adapted for the digestion of flesh, has a short intestine, and powerfully active digestive fluids, can only maintain its metabolism in a state of equilibrium when fed on a flesh diet free from fat, provided its body is already well supplied with fat, and is muscular. It consumes ^ to ^ part of the weight of its body in flesh, so that the excretion of urea increases enormously. If it eats a larger amount, it may " put on flesh," when, of course, it requires to eat more to maintain itself in this condition, until the limit of its digestive activity is reached. If a well-nourished dog is fed on less than J- to *V of its body-weight of flesh, it uses part of its own fat and muscle, gradually diminishes in weight, and ultimately succumbs. Poorly fed non-muscular dogs are unable from the very beginning to maintain their metabolism in equilibrium for any length of time on a purely flesh diet, as they must eat so large a quantity of flesh, that their digestive organs cannot digest it. The herbivora cannot live upon flesh food, as their digestive apparatus is adapted solely for the digestion of vegetable food. Exactly the same result occurs with other forms of proteids, as with flesh. It has been proved that gelatin may to a certain extent replace proteids in the food, in the proportion of 2 of gelatin to 1 of 486 DIET OF PURE FAT OR CARBOHYDRATES. albumin. The carnivora which can maintain their metabolism in equilibrium by eating a large amount of flesh, can do so with less flesh when gelatin is added to their food. A diet of gelatin alone, which produces much urea, is not sufficient for this purpose, and animals soon lose their appetite for this kind of food (v. Bischoff, v. Voit, v. Pettenkofer, Oerum). Owing to the great solubility of gelatin, the value of gelatin as a food used to be greatly discussed, and now again the addition of gelatin in the form of calf s-foot jelly is recommended to invalids. When chondrin is given along with flesh for a time, grape-sugar is found in the urine (Bodeker). 239. A Diet of Fat or of Carbohydrates. If fat alone be given as a food, the animal lives but a short time. The animal so fed secretes even less urea than when it is starving ; so that the consumption of fat limits the decomposition of the animal's own proteids. This depends upon the fact that, fat being an easily oxidised body, yields heat chiefly, and becomes sooner oxidised than the nitrogenous proteids which are oxidised with more difficulty. If the amount of fat taken be very large, all the C of the fat does not reappear, e.g., in the C02 of the expired air ; so that the body must acquire fat, whilst at the same time it decomposes proteids. The animal thus becomes poorer in proteids and richer in fats at the same time. When carbohydrates alone are given, they must first be converted by the act of digestion into sugar. The result of such feeding coincides pretty nearly with the results of feeding with fat alone. But the sugar is more easily burned or oxidised within the body than the fat, and 17 parts of a carbohydrate are equal to 10 parts of fat. Thus the diet of carbohydrates limits the excretion of urea more readily than a purely fat diet. The animals lose flesh and appear even to use up part of their own fat. The direct introduction of grape-sugar and cane-sugar into the blood does not increase the amount of oxygen used, although the amount of COs formed is increased (Wolfers). 240. Mixture of Flesh and Fat, or of Flesh and Carbohydrates. Since an amount of flesh equal to -^-g—^ of the weight of the body is required to nourish a dog, which is fed on a purely flesh diet, if the necessary amount of fat or carbohydrates be added to the diet, a quantity of flesh three or four times less is required. A carbohydrate has a greater effect in diminishing the amount of urea DIET OF MIXTURE OF FLESH AND FAT. 487 excreted, than a quantity of fat, which requires the same amount of 0 to oxidise it, as is required by the amount of carbohydrates con- sumed. When the amount of flesh is insufficient, the addition of fat or carbohydrates to the food always limits the decomposition of the animal's own substance. Lastly, when too much flesh is given along with these substances, the weight of the body increases more with them than without them. Under these circumstances, the animal's body puts on more fat than flesh. The consumption of 0 in the body is regulated by the mixture of flesh and non-nitrogenous substances, rising and falling Avith the amount of flesh consumed. It is remarkable that more 0 is con- sumed when a given amount of flesh is taken, than when the same amount of flesh is taken with the addition of fat (v. Pettenkofer and v. Voit). It seems that instead of fat, the corresponding amount of fatty acids has the same effect on the metabolism. They are absorbed as an emulsion just like the fats. When so absorbed, they seem to be reconverted into fats in their passage from the intestine to the thoracic duct (J. Munk, Will). Glycerin does not diminish the decomposition of albumin within the body (Lewin, Tschirwinsky, J. Munk). According to Lebedeff and v. Voit, it diminishes the decomposition of the fats, and is therefore a food. 241. Origin of Fat in the Body. I. Part of the fat of the body is derived directly from the food, i.e., it is absorbed and deposited in the tissues. This is shown by the fact that, with a diet containing a small amount of albumin, the addition of more fat causes the deposition of a larger amount of fat in the body (v. Voit, Hofmann). Lebedeff found that dogs, which were starved for a month, so as to get rid of all their own fat, on being fed with linseed oil or mutton suet and flesh, had these fats restored to their tissues. These fats, therefore, must have been absorbed and deposited. II. A second source of the fats is their formation from albuminous bodies (Liebig and others). In the case of the formation of fat from proteids, which may yield 11 per cent, of fat, these proteids split up into a non-nitrogenous and a nitrogenous atomic compound. The former, during a diet containing much albumin, when it is not completely oxidised into C00, and H00, is the substance from which the fat is formed — the latter leaves the body oxidised chiefly to the stage of urea (Hoppe-Seyler, Fiirstenberg, v. Voit, v. Pettenkofer). Examples. — That/cite are formed from proteids is shown by the following :— 1. A cow which produces 1 Ib. of butter daily, does not take nearly this amount of 488 ORIGIN OF FAT IN THE BODY. fatty matter in its food, so that the fat would appear to be formed from vegetable proteids. 2. Carnivora giving suck, when fed on plenty of flesh and some fat, yield milk rich in fat. 3. Dogs fed with plenty of flesh and some fat, add more fat to their bodies than the fat contained in the food. 4. Fatty degeneration, e.g., of nerve and muscle, is due to a decomposition of proteids. 5. The transformation of entire bodies, e.g., such as have lain for a long time surrounded with water, into a mass consisting almost entirely of palmitic acid (the adipocere of Fourcroy), is also a proof of the transformation of part of the proteids into fats. 6. Fungi are also able to form fat from albumin during their growth (v. Naegeli, and 0. Low). FatS not merely absorbed. — Experiments which go to show that the fat of animals, during the fattening process, is not absorbed as such, from the food : — 1. Fattening occurs with flesh and soaps ; it is most improbable that the soaps are retransformed into neutral fats by taking up glycerin and giving up alkali (Kiihne and Radziejewski). 2. If a lean dog be fed with flesh and palmitin-of stearin-soda-soap, the fat of its body contains in addition to palmitin and stearin, olein fat; so that the last must be formed by the organism from the proteids of the flesh. Further, Ssubotin found that, when a lean dog was fed on lean meat and spermaceti-fat, a very small amount of the latter was found in the fat of the animal. Although these experiments show, that the fat of the body must be formed from the decomposition of proteids, they do not prove that all the fat arises in this way, aud that none of it is absorbed and redeposited. III. According to v. Voit, no fat is formed in the body directly, e.g., by reduction from carbohydrates. As fattening occurs on a diet of pure flesh with the addition of carbohydrates, we must assume that the carbohydrates are consumed or oxidised in the body, and that, thereby, a non-nitrogenous body derived from the proteids is prevented from being burned up, and that it is changed into fat and stored up as such. From experiments upon animals, however, Lawes, Lehmann, Heiden, v. Wolff, think they are entitled to conclude that the carbohydrates absorbed are directly concerned in the formation of fats, a view which is supported by Henneberg, B. Schulze, Gilbert and Soxhlet. According to Pasteur, glycerine (the basis of neutral fats) may be formed from carbohydrates. Formerly it was believed that bees could prepare wax from honey alone; this is a mistake— an equivalent of albumin is required in addition— the necessary amount is found in the raw honey itself. 242. Corpulence. The addition of too much fat to the body is a pathological phenomenon which is attended with disagreeable consequences. With regard to the caUSCS of obesity, without doubt there is an inherited tendency (in 33-56 per cent, of the cases — Bouchard, Chalmers) in many families — and in some breeds of cattle — to lay up fat in the body, while other families may be richly supplied with fat, and yet remain lean. The chief cause, however, is taking too much food, i.e. , more than the amount required for the normal metabolism; corpulent people, in order to maintain their bodies, must eat absolutely and relatively more than persons of spare habit, under analogous conditions of nutrition (p. 477). CORPULENCE. 489 Conditions favouring Corpulence.— The following conditions favour the occurrence of corpulence: — (1) A diet rich in proteids, with a corresponding addition of fat or carbohydrates. As flesh or muscle is formed from proteids, and part of the fat of the body is also formed from albumin (p. 487), the assumption that fats and carbohydrates fatten, or when taken alone, act as fattening agents, is completely without foundation. No one ever becomes fat without taking plenty of albumin. (2) Diminished disintegration of materials within the body — e.g. (a) diminished muscular activity (much sleep and little exercise); (b) abroga- tion of the sexual functions (as is shown by the rapid fattening of castrated animals, as well as by the fact that some women, after cessation of the menses, readily become corpulent) ; (c) diminished mental activity (the obesity of dementia), phlegmatic temperament. On the contrary, vigorous mental work, excitable temperament, care and sorrow, counteract the deposit of fat; (d) diminished extent of the respiratory activity, as occurs when there is a great deposition of fat in the abdomen, limiting the action of the diaphragm (breathlessness of corpulent people), whereby the combustion of the fatty matters, which become deposited in the body, is limited ; (e) a corpulent person requires to use relatively less heat- giving substances in his body, partly because he gives off relatively less heat from his compact body, than is done by a slender long-bodied individual, and partly because the thick layer of fat retards the conduction of heat (p. 444). Thus corresponding to the relatively diminished production of heat, more fat may be stored up; (/) a diminution of the red blood-corpuscles, which are the great exciters of oxidation in the body, is generally followed by an increase of fat — fat people, as a rule, are fat because they have relatively less blood (p. 63) — women with fewer red blood-corpuscles are usually fatter than men; (n) the consumption of alcohol favours the conservation of fat in the body, the alcohol is easily oxidised, and thus prevents the fat from being burned up ( § 235). Well-nourished individuals are usually at first both muscular and endowed with a fair amount of fatty tissue. When they begin to put on fat, the develop- ment of the muscular system lags behind, partly because the increasing corpulence leads to diminished activity of the muscular system, so that this system is involved secondarily. Some lively corpulent people, nevertheless, retain their muscular energy. When those conditions which favour corpulence are specially active, corpulence may ultimately pass into a condition of great obesity. Besides the inconvenience of the great size and weight of the body, corpulent people suffer from breathlessness — they are easily fatigued, are liable to intertrigo between the folds of the skin, the heart becomes loaded with fat, and they not unfrequently are subject to apoplexy. In order to counteract corpulence we ought to — (1) Reduce uniformly all articles of diet. The diet and body ought to be weighed from week to week, and as long as there is no diminution in the body-weight the amount of food ought to be gradually and uniformly reduced (notwithstanding the appetite). This must be done very gradually and not suddenly. It is not advisable to limit the amount of fat and carbohydrates alone, as is done in the Banting-cure or Bantingism. Apart altogether from the fact that fat is formed from proteids, if too little non- nitrogenous food be taken, severe disturbance of the bodily metabolism is apt to occur. (2) The muscular activity ought to be greatly developed by doing plenty of muscular work, or taking plenty of exercise, both physical and mental. (3) Favour the evolution of heat by taking cold baths of considerable duration, and afterwards rubbing the skin strongly so as to cause it to become red; farther, dress lightly; and at night use light bed-clothing; tea and coffee are useful, as they excite the circulation. (4) Use gentle laxatives; acid fruits, cider, alkaline carbonates (Marienbad, Carlsbad, Vichy, Neuenahr, Ems, &c.). The copious drinking of water is also serviceable, as it favours the metabolism. Fatty Degeneration, — The process of fattening consists in the deposition of 490 METABOLISM OF THE TISSUES. drops of fat within the fat-cells of the pauniculus and around the viscera, as well as in the marrow of bone (but they are never deposited in the subcutaneous tissue of the eyelids, of the penis, of the red part of the lips, in the ears and nose). This is quite different from the fatty atrophy or fatty degeneration which occurs in the form of fatty globules or granules in albuminous tissues — e.g., in muscular fibres (heart), gland-cells (liver, kidney), cartilage-cells, lymph- and pus-corpuscles, as well as in nerve-fibres separated from their nerve-centres The fat in these cases is derived from albumin, much in the same way as fat is formed in the gland-cells of the mammary and sebaceous glands. Marked fatty degeneration not unfrequently occurs after severe fevers, and after artificial heating of the tissues; wben a too small amount of 0 is supplied to the tissues, as occiirs in cases of phosphorus poisoning (Bauer); in drunkards; after poisoning with arsenic and other substances; and after some disturbances of the circulation and inner- vation. Some organs are especially prone to undergo fatty degeneration during the course of certain diseases. 243. The Metabolism of the Tissues, The blood-stream is the chief medium whereby new material is supplied to the tissues and the effete products removed from them. The lymph which passes through the thin capillaries, comes into actual contact with the tissue elements. Those tissues which are devoid of blood-vessels in their own substance, such as the cornea and cartilage, receive nutrient fluid or lymph from the adjacent capillaries, by means of their cellular elements which act as juice-conducting media. Hence, when the normal circulation is interfered with, as by atheroma or calcification of the walls of the blood-vessels, these tissues are secondarily affected [this, for example, is the case in arcus senilis of the cornea, due to a fatty degeneration of the corneal tissue, owing to some affection of the blood-vessels on which the cornea depends for its nutrition]. Total compression or ligature of all the blood-vessels, results in necrosis of the parts supplied by the ligatured blood-vessels. Hence, there must be a double current of the tissue juices ; the afferent or supply current, which supplies the new material, and the efferent stream which removes the effete products. The former brings to the tissues the proteids, fats, carbohydrates and salts from which the tissues are formed. That such a current exists is proved by injecting an indifferent, easily recognisable substance into the blood, e.g., potassium ferrocyanide, when its presence may be detected in the tissues, to which it has been carried by the out-going current. The efferent stream carries away the decomposition products from the various tissues, more especially urea, C02, H20 and salts, and these are transferred as quickly as possible to the organs through which they are excreted. That such a current exists is proved by injecting such a substance as potassium ferrocyanide into the tissues, METABOLISM OF THE TISSUES. 491 e.g., subcutaneously, when its presence may be detected in the urine within 2 to 5 minutes. If the current from the tissues to the blood is so active that the excretory organs cannot eliminate all the effete products from the blood, then these products are found in the tissues. This occurs when certain poisons are injected sub- cutaneously, when they pass rapidly into the blood and are carried in great quantity to other tissues, e.g., to the nervous system, on which they act with fatal effect, before they are eliminated to any great extent from the blood, by the action of the excretory organs. The effete materials are carried away from the tissues by two channels, viz., by the veins and by the lymphatics, so that if these be interfered with, the metabolism of the tissues must also suffer. When a limb is ligatured so as to compress the veins and the lymphatics, the efferent stream stagnates to such an extent that considerable swelling of the tissues may occur (oedema, p. 419.) H. Nasse found, that the blood of the jugular vein is 0'225 per 1000 specifically heavier than the blood of the carotid, and contains 0'9 parts per 1000 more solids; 1000 cubic centimetres of blood circulating through the head yield about 5 cubic centimetres of transudation into the tissues. The extent and intensity of the metabolism of the tissues depend upon a variety of factors. 1. Upon their activity. — The increased activity of an organ is indicated by the increased amount of blood going to it, and by the more active circulation through it (§100). When an organ is completely inactive, such as a paralysed muscle, or the peripheral end of a divided nerve, the amount of blood and the nutritive exchange of fluids diminish within these parts. The parts .thus thrown out of activity become pale, relaxed, and ultimately undergo fatty degeneration. The increased metabolism of an organ during its activity has been proved experimentally in the case of muscle, and also in the brain (Speck). Langley and Sewell have recently observed directly the metabolic changes within sufficiently thin lobules of glands during life. The cells of serous glands (p. 283), and those of mucous and pepsin- forming glands (p. 327), during quiescence, become filled with coarse granules which are dark in transmitted light, and white in reflected light, which granules are consumed or disappear during glandular activity. During sleep, when most organs are at rest, the metabolism is limited ; darkness also diminishes it, while light excites it, obviously owing to nervous influence. The variations in the total metabolism of the body are reflected in the excretion of CO., and urea, which may be expressed graphically in the form, of a curve corresponding 492 METABOLISM OF THE TISSUES. •with the activity of the organism ; this curve corresponds very closely with the daily variations in the respirations, pulse, and temperature. 2. The composition or quality of the blood has a marked effect upon the current on which the metabolism of the tissues depends. Very concentrated blood, which contains a small amount of water, as after profuse sweating, severe diarrhoea, e.g., in cholera, makes the tissues dry, while if much water be absorbed into the blood, the tissues become more succulent and even oedema may occur. When much common salt is present in the blood and when the red blood- corpuscles contain a diminished amount of 0, and especially if the latter condition be accompanied by muscular exertion causing dyspnoea, a large amount of albumin is decomposed, and there is a great formation of urea. Hence, exposure to a rarified atmosphere is accompanied by increased excretion of urea (Frankel, Penzoldt, and R. Fleischer). Certain abnormal conditions of the blood produce remarkable results; blood charged with carbonic oxide cannot absorb 0 from the air, and does not remove CO., from the tissues (compare p. 31). The presence of hydrocyanic acid in the blood (p. 33), is said to interrupt at once the chemical oxidation processes in the blood (Mialhe), so that rapid asphyxia, owing to cessation of the internal respiration, occurs (Ed. Wagner). Fermentation is interrupted by the same substance in a similar way. A diminution of the total amount of the blood causes more fluid to pass from the tissues into the blood (p. 63), but the absorption of substances — such as poisons or patho- logical effusions (Kaup), from the tissues or intestines is delayed. If the substances which pass from the tissues into the blood be rapidly eliminated from it, absorption takes place more rapidly. 3. The blood-pressure is of importance in so far that, when it is greatly increased, the tissues contain more fluid, while the blood itself becomes more concentrated, to the extent of 3-5 per 1000 (Nasse). We may convince ourselves that blood-plasma easily passes through the capillary wall, by pressing upon the efferent vessel coming from the chorium deprived of its epidermis, e.g., by a burn or a blister, when the surface of the wound becomes rapidly suffused with plasma. Diminution of the blood-pressure produces the opposite result. 4. Increased temperature of the tissues favours the metabolism, so that the excretion of C02 and the production of urea are increased (§§ 220, 221); while diminution of the temperature has the opposite result (§225). 5. The influence of the Nervous system on the metabolism is twofold. On the one hand, it acts indirectly through its effect upon the blood-vessels, by causing them to contract or dilate through the REGENERATION OF ORGANS AND TISSUES. 493 agency of vaso-motor nerves, whereby it influences the amount of blood supplied, and also affects the blood-pressure. But ill addition to this, and quite independently of the blood-vessels, it is probable that certain special nerves — the so-called trophic nerves, influence the metabolism or nutrition of the tissues (see Trophic Nerves). That nerves do influence directly the transformation of matter within the tissues is shown by the secretion of saliva resulting from the stimulation of certain nerves, after cessation of the circulation (p. 287), and by the metabolism during the contraction of bloodless muscles. Increased respiration and apncea are not followed by increased oxidation (Pfliiger) (compare p. 259). 244, Regeneration of Organs and Tissues. The extent to which lost parts are replaced varies greatly in different organs. Amongst the lower animals, the parts of organs are replaced to a far greater extent than amongst warm-blooded animals. When a hydra is divided into two parts, each part forms a new individual — nay, if the body of the animal be divided into several parts in a particular way, then each part gives rise to a new individual (Spallanzani). The Planarians also show a great capability of reproducing lost parts (Duges). Spiders and crabs can reproduce lost feelers, limbs, and claws ; snails, part of the head, feelers, and eyes, provided the central nervous system is not injured. Many fishes reproduce tins, even the tail- fin. Salamanders and lizards can produce an entire tail, including bones, muscles, and even the posterior part of the spinal cord; while the triton reproduces an amputated limb, the lower jaw, and the eye. This reproduction necessitates that a small stump be left, while total extirpation of the parts prevents reproduction (Philippeaux). In amphibians and reptiles, the regeneration of organs and tissues as a whole, takes place after the type of the embryonic development (Fraisse, Giitte), and the same is true as regards the histological processes which occur in the regenerated tail and other parts of the body of the earth-worm (Bulow). The extent to which regeneration can take place in mammals and in man is very slight, and even in these cases, it is chiefly confined to young individuals. A true regeneration occurs in — 1. The blood (compare § 7 and § 41), including the plasma, the colourless and coloured corpuscles. 2. The epidermal appendages (see Skin, vol. £), and the epithelium of the mucous membranes are reproduced by a proliferation of the cells of the deeper layers of the epithelium, with simultaneous division of their nuclei. Epithelial cells are reproduced as long as the matrix on which they rest and the lowest layer of cells are intact. When these are destroyed cell-regeneration from below ceases, and the cells at the margins are concerned in filling up the deficiency. Regeneration, therefore, either takes place from below or from the margins of the wound in the epithelial covering ; leucocytes also wander into the part, 494 REGENERATION OF TISSUES. while the deepest layer of cells forms large multi-nucleated cells which reproduce by division polygonal, flat nucleated cells (Klebs, Heller). The nails grow from the root forwards ; those of the fingers in 4-5 months, and that of the great toe in about 1 2 months, although growth is slower in the case of fracture of the bones. The matrix is co-extensive with the lumdc, and if it be destroyed the nail is not reproduced (see vol. ii.). The eyelashes are changed in 100 - 150 days (Donders), the other hairs of the body somewhat more slowly. If the papilla of the hair follicle be destroyed, the hair is not reproduced. Cutting the hair favours its growth, but hair which has been cut does not grow longer than uncut hair. After hair has grown to a certain length it falls out. The hair never grows at its apex (Aristotle). The epithelial cells of mucous membranes and secretory glands seem to undergo a regular series of changes and renewal. The presence of secretory cells in the milk (§ 231) and in the sebaceous secretion (vol. ii.) proves this ; the spermatozoa are replaced by the action of spermatoblasts. In catarrhal conditions of mucous membranes, there is a great increase in the formation and excretion of new epithe- lium, while many cells are but indifferently formed and constitute mucous corpuscles. The crystalline lens, which is just modified epithelium, is reorganised just like epithelium ; its matrix is the anterior wall of its capsule, with the single layer of cells covering it. If the lens be removed and this layer of cells retained, these cells proliferate and elongate to form lens fibres, so that the whole cavity of the empty lens capsule is refilled. If much water be withdrawn from the body, the lens fibres become turbid (Kunde, Koehnhorn). [A turbid or opaque condition of the lens may occur in diabetes, or after the transfusion of strong common salt or sugar solution into a frog.] 3. The blood-vessels undergo extensive regeneration, and they are regenerated in the same way as they are formed (p. 13). Capillaries are always the first stage, and around them the characteristic coats are added to form an artery or a vein. When an artery is injured and permanently occluded, as a general rule the part of the vessel up to the nearest collateral branch becomes obliterated, whereby the deriva- tives of the endothelial lining, the connective tissue-corpuscles of the wall and the leucocytes change into spindle-shaped cells and form a kind of cicatricial tissue. Blind and solid outshoots are always found on the blood-vessels of young and adult animals, and are a sign of the continual degeneration and regeneration of these vessels (Sigm. Mayer). 4. The contractile substance of muscle may undergo regeneration after it has become partially degenerated. This takes place after amy- loid or wax-like degeneration, such as occurs not unfrequently after typhus and other severe fevers. This is chiefly accomplished by an REGENERATION OF TISSUES. 495 increase of the muscle corpuscles. After being compressed, the mus- cular nuclei disappear and at the same time the contractile contents degenerate (Heidelberg). After several days, the sarcolemma contains numerous nuclei which reproduce new muscular nuclei and the con- tractile substance (Kraske, Erbkam). In fibres injured by a subcu- taneous wound, Neumann found that, after 5-7 days, there was a bud-like elongation of the cut ends of the fibres, at first without transverse striation, but with striation ultimately. If a large extent of a muscle be removed, it is replaced by cicatricial connective- tissue. Non-Striped muscular fibres are also reproduced ; the nuclei of the injured fibres divide after becoming enlarged, and exhibit a well- marked intra-nuclear plexus of fibrils. The nuclei divide into two, and from each of these a new fibre is formed, probably by the differen- tiation of the peri-nuclear protoplasm. 5. After a nerve is divided, the two ends do not join at once so as to permit the function of the nerve to be established. On the contrary, marked changes occur which are described in vol. u. If a piece be cut out of a nerve-trunk, the peripheral end of the divided nerve degenerates, the axial cylinder and the white substance of Schwann disappear. The interval is filled up at first with juicy cellular tissue. The subsequent changes are fully described in vol. ii. There seems to be in peripheral nerves a continual disappearance of fibres by fatty degeneration, accompanied by a consecutive formation of new fibres (Sigm. Mayer). The regeneration of peripheral ganglionic cells is unknown, v. Voit, however, observed that a pigeon, part of whose brain was removed, had within five months reproduced a nervous mass within the skull consisting of medullated nerve-fibres and nerve-cells. Eichhorst and Naunyn found that in young dogs, whose spinal cord was divided between the dorsal and lumbar regions, there was an ana- tomical and physiological regeneration to such an extent that voluntary movements could be executed. Vaulair, in the case of frogs, and Masius in dogs, found that mobility or motion was first restored and afterwards sensibility. Regeneration of the spinal ganglia does not occur. 6. If a portion of a secretory gland be removed, as a general rule, it is not reproduced. But the bile-ducts (p. 350), and the pancreatic duct may be reproduced (p. 345). According to Philippeaux and Griffini, if part of the spleen be removed, it is reproduced (compare p. 207). Tizzoni and Collucci observed the formation of new liver- cells and bile-ducts after injury to the liver. 7. Amongst connective-tissues, cartilage, provided its perichondrium be not injured, reproduces itself by division of its cartilage cells 496 REGENERATION OF BONE. (Legrand, Ewetzky, Schklarewsky); but usually when a part of a cartilage is removed, it is replaced by connective-tissue. 8. When a tendon is divided, proliferation of the tendon cells occurs, and the cut ends are united by connective-tissue. 9. The reproduction of bone takes place to a great extent under certain conditions. If the articular end be removed by excision, it may be reproduced, although there is a considerable degree of shortening. Pieces of bone which have been broken off or sawn off heal again, and become united with the original bone (Jakimowitsch). If a piece of periosteum be transplanted to another region of the body, it eventually gives rise to the formation of new bone in that locality. If part of a bone be removed, provided the periosteum be left, new bone is rapidly reproduced; hence, the surgeon takes great care to preserve the periosteum intact in all operations where he wishes new bone to be reproduced. Even the marrow of bone, when it is transplanted, gives rise to the formation of bone. This is due to the osteoblasts adhering to the osseous tissue (P. Bruns, MacEwen). In fracture of along bone, the periosteum deposits on the surface of the ends of the broken bones, a ring of substance which forms a temporary support, the external callus. At tirst this callus is jelly-like, soft, and contains many corpuscles, but afterwards, it becomes more solid and somewhat like cartilage. A similar condition occurs within the bone, where an internal callus is formed. The formation of this temporary callus is due to an inflammatory proliferation of the connective-tissue corpuscles, and partly to the osteoblasts of the periosteum and marrow. According to Rigal and Vignal, the internal callus is always osseous, and is derived from the marrow of the bone. The outer and inner callus becomes calcified and ultimately ossified, whereby the broken ends are reunited. Towards the fortieth day, a thin layer of bone is formed (intermediary callus) between the ends of the bone. When this begins to be definitely ossified, the outer and inner callus begins to be absorbed, and ultimately the intermediary callus has the same structure as the rest of the bone. There are many interesting observations connected with the growth and meta- bolism of bones. 1. The addition of a very small amount of phosphorus (Wagner) or arsenious acid (Maas) to the food causes considerable thickening of the bones. This seems to be due to the non-absorption of those parts of the bones which are usually absorbed, while new growth is continually taking place. 2. When food devoid of lime salts is given to an animal, the growth of the bones is not arrested (v. Voit), but the bones become thinner, whereby all parts, even the organic basis of the bone, undergo a uniform diminution (Chossat, A. Milne-Edwards). 3. Feeding with madder makes the bones red, as the colouring matter is deposited with the bone salts in the bone, especially in the growing and last formed parts. In birds, the shell of the egg becomes coloured. 4. The continued use of lactic acid dissolves the bones (Siedamgrotzky and Hofmeister). The ash of bone is thereby diminished. If lime salts be withheld at the same time, the effect is greatly increased, so that the bones come to resemble rachitic bones. The normal de- velopment of bone is described in vol. ii. When a lost tissue is not replaced by the same kind of tissue, its place is always taken by cicatricial connective-tissue. TRANSPLANTATION OF TISSUES. 497 When this is the case, the part becomes inflamed and swollen, owing to an exudation of plasma. The blood-vessels become dilated and congested, and, notwithstanding the slower circulation, the amount of blood is greater. The blood-vessels are increased, owing to the formation of new ones. Colourless blood- corpuscles pass out of the vessels and reproduce themselves, and many of them undergo fatty degeneration, whilst others take up nutriment and become con- verted into large uninucleated protoplasma-cells, from which giant-cells are developed (Ziegler, Cohnheim). The newly-formed blood-vessels supply all these elements with blood. 245. Transplantation of Tissues. The nose, ear, and even a finger, after having been severed from the body by a clean cut, have, under certain circumstances, become united to the part from which they were removed. The skin is frequently transplanted by surgeons, as, for example, to form a new nose. The piece of skin is cut from the forehead or arm, to which it is left attached by a bridge of skin. The skin is then stitched to the part which it is desired to cover in, and when it has become attached in its new situation, the bridge of skin is severed. Reverdin cut a piece of skin into pieces about the size of a pea and fixed them on an ulcerated surface, where they, as it were, took root, grew, and sent off from their margins epithelial out-growths, so that ultimately the whole surface was covered with epithelium. The excised spur of a cock was transplanted and fixed in the comb of the same animal where it grew (John Hunter). P. Bert cut off the tail and legs of rats and transplanted them under the skin of the back of other rats, where they united with the adjoining parts. Oilier found that, when periosteum was transplanted it grew and reproduced bone in its new situation. Even blood and lymph may be transfused (Trans- fusion— p. 199). All these results seem only to be possible between individuals of the same species, although Helferich has recently found that a piece of a dog's muscle, when substituted for human muscle, united to the adjoining muscle and became functionally active. [While J. R. Wolfe has transplanted the conjunctiva of the rabbit to the human eye]. Most tissues, however, do not admit of transplanta- tion, e.g., glands and the sense-organs. They may be removed to other parts of the body, or into the peritoneal cavity, without exciting any inflammatory reaction ; they, in fact, behave like inert foreign matter. 246. Increase in Size and Weight during Growth, The length of the body, which at birth is usually ~ of the adult body, undergoes the greatest elongation at an early period :— in the first year, 20; in the second, 10; in the third, about 7 centimetres; whilst from 5-16 years the annual increase is about 5| centimetres. In the twentieth year the increase is very slight. From 50 onwards the size of the body diminishes, owing to the intervertebral discs becoming thinner, and the loss may be 6-7 centimetres about the eightieth year. The weight of the body (-£$ of an adult) sinks during the first 5-7 days, owing to the evacuation of the meconium and the small amount of food which ia taken at first. The increase of weight is greater in the same time than the increase in length. Within the first year a child trebles its weight. The greatest weight is usually 32 498 INCREASE IN SIZE AND WEIGHT. reached about 40, while towards 60 a decrease begins, which «it 80 may amount even to 6 kilo. The results of measurements, chiefly by Quetelet, are given in the following table: — Age. Length (Cmtr.) Weight (Kilo.) Age. Length (Cmtr.) Weight (Kilo.) Man. Woman. Man. Woman. Man. Woman. Man. Woman. 0 49-6 48-3 3-20 2-91 15 155-9 147-5 46-41 41-30 1 696 69-0 10-00 9-30 16 161-0 150-0 53-39 44-44 o 79-6 78-0 12-00 11-40 17 167-0 154-4 57-40 49-08 3 86-0 85-0 13-21 12-45 18 170-0 156-2 61-26 53-10 4 93-2 91-0 15-07 14-18 19 170-6 63-32 • . , 5 99-0 97-0 16-70 15-50 20 171-1 157-0 65-00 54-46 6 104-6 103-2 18-04 16-74 25 172-2 157-7 68-29 55-08 7 111-2 109-6 20-16 18-45 30 1722 157-9 68-90 55-14 8 117-0 113-9 22-26 19-82 40 171-3 155-5 68-81 56-65 9 122-7 120-0 24-09 22-44 50 167-4 153-6 67-45 58-45 10 128-2 124-8 26-12 24-24 60 163-9 151-6 65-50 56-73 11 1327 127-5 27-85 26-25 70 162-3 151-4 63-03 53-72 12 135-9 132-7 31-00 30-54 80 161-3 150-6 61-22 51-52 13 140-3 1386 35-32 34-65 90 • • • 57-83 49-34 14 148-7 144-7 40-50 38-10 (Chiefly from Quetelet). Between the 12th and 15th years, the weight and size of the female are greater than of the male. Growth is most active in the last months of fcetal life, and afterwards from the 6th to 9th year, until the 13th to 16th. The full stature is reached about 30, but not the greatest weight (Thoma). General Yiew of the Chemical Constituents of the Organism. 247. (A.) Inorganic Constituents. I. Water forms 58 '5 per cent, of the whole body, but it occurs in different quantity in the different tissues; the kidneys contain the most water, S2-7 per cent.; bones, 22 per cent.; teeth, 10 per cent.; while enamel contains the least, 0'2 per cent. [ Water is of the utmost importance in the economy, and it is no paradox to say that all organisms live in water, for though the entire animal may not live in water, all its tissues are bathed by watery fluids, and the essential vital processes occur in water (p. 458). A constant stream of water may be said to be passing through organisms, a certain quantity of water is taken in with the food and drink, which ultimately reaches the blood, while from the blood a constant loss is taking place by the urine, the sweat and breath. The greater quantity of the water in our bodies is derived from without, but it is probable that a small amount is formed within our bodies by the action of free oxygen on certain organic sub- stances. According to some observers, peroxide of hydrogen (B.202) is also present in the body.] II. Gases.— [Oxygen is absorbed from the air, and enters the blood, where it forms a loose chemical compound, with the colouring matter or haemoglobin, while a small amount exists in a free state, or is simply absorbed.] Hydrogen is found in the alimentary canal. Nitrogen [like oxygen, is absorbed from the atmosphere by the blood, in which it is dissolved, and from which it passes into other fluids of the body. It is probable that a very small quantity is formed within the body.] The presence of Marsh gas (CH4) (p. 255), ammonia (NH3), and sulphuretted hydrogen (H2S) (p. 372) has been referred to already. III. Salts. — Sodium chloride [is one of the most important inorganic substances present in the body. It occurs in all the tissues and fluids of the body, and it plays a most prominent part in connection with the diffusion of fluids through membranes, and its presence is necessary for the solution of the globulins (p. 502). In some cases it exists in a state of combination with albuminous bodies, as in the blood-plasma. Common salt is absolutely necessary for one's existence; if it be withdrawn entirely, life soon comes to an end. About 15 grammes are given off in twenty-four hours, the great part being excreted by the urine. Boussingault showed that, the addition of a certain amount of common salt to the daily food of cattle greatly improved their condition.] Calcium phosphate [ (Ca3P208) is the moat abundant salt in the body, ag it forms more than one-half of our bonea, but it also occurs in dentine, enamel, and to a 500 SALTS, ACIDS, AND BASES IN THE BODY. much less extent in the other solids and fluids of the body. Amongst secretions, milk contains relatively the largest amount (2 '72) per cent. In milk it is neces- sary for forming the calcareous matter of the bones of the infant. It gives bones their hardness, solidity, and rigidity. It is chiefly derived from the food, and as only a small quantity is given off in the excretions, it seems not to undergo rapid removal from the body.] Sodium phosphate (PNa304), acid sodium phosphate, (PNa2H04), acid potassium phosphate (PK.7H04). [The sodium phosphate and the corresponding potash salt give most of the fluids of the body their alkaline reaction. The alkaline reaction of the blood-plasma is partly due to alkaline phosphates which are chiefly derived from the food. The acid sodium phosphate is the chief cause of the acid reaction of the urine. A small quantity of phosphoric acid is formed in the body owing to the oxidation of " lecithin " which contains phosphorus, and also forms an important constituent of nerve-tissue.] Sodium carbonate (Na2C03) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHC03) [exist in small quantities in the food, and are chiefly formed in the body from the decomposition of the salts of the vegetable acids. They occur in the blood-plasma, where they play an important part in carrying the C02 from the tissues to the lungs.] Sodium and jiotassium sulphates (NaS04, and K2S04) [exist in very small quantity in the body, and are introduced with the food, but part is formed in the body from the oxidation of organic bodies containing sulphur.] [Potassium chloride (KC12) is pretty widely distributed, and it occurs specially in muscle, coloured blood-corpuscles, and milk. Calcium fluoride (CaFlo) occurs in small quantity in bones and teeth. Calcium carbonate (CaCOo) is associated with calcium phosphate in bone, tooth, and in some fluids, but it occurs in rela- tively much smaller amount. It is kept in solution by alkaline chlorides, or by the presence of free carbonic acid.] Ammonium chloride (NH4C1). — [Minute traces occur in the gastric juice and the urine.] Magnesium phosphate (Mg3P04) [occurs in the tissues and fluids of the body along with calcium phosphate, but in very much smaller quantity.] IV. Free Acids. — Hydrochloric acid (HC1) [occurs free in the gastric juice, but in combination with the alkalies it is widely distributed as chlorides.] Sulphuric acid (H2S04) [is said to occur free] in] the saliva of certain gasteropods, as Dolium galea. In the body it forms sulphates, being chiefly in combination with soda and potash.] V. Bases- — Silicon as silicic acid (Si02) ; manganese, iron, the last forms an integral constituent of the blood pigment ; copper (?), p. 352. 248. (B.) Organic Compounds, I. THE ALBUMINOUS OR PROTEID SUBSTANCES. 1. Proteids and their Allies. Proteids and their allies are composed of C, H, 0, N, and S, and are derived from plants (see Introduction). [According to Hoppe'Seyler their general percentage composition is O. H. N. 0. S. From . . . 20-9 6'9 15'2 51'5 0'3 to . „ . . 23-5 to 7'3 to 17-0 to 54'5 to 2'0.] CHARACTERS OF THE PROTEIDS. 501 They exist in all animal fluids, and in nearly all the tissues. They occur partly in the fluid form, although Briicke maintains that the molecule of albumin exists in a condition midway between a state of imbibition and a true solution— and partly in a more concentrated condition. Besides forming the chief part of muscle, nerve, and gland, they occur in nearly all the fluids of the body, including the blood, lymph, and serous fluids, but in health mere traces occur in the sweat, while they are absent from the bile and the urine. White of egg is the type. In the alimentary canal they are changed into peptones. The chief products derived from their oxidation within the body are CC^HjO, and especially urea, which contains nearly all the N of the proteids. Constitution. — Their chemical constitution is quite unknown. The N seems to exist in two distinct conditions, partly loosely combined, so as to yield am- monia readily when they are decomposed, and partly in a more fixed condition. According to Pfliiger, part of the N in living proteicl bodies exists in the form of cyanogen. The proteids form a large group of closely related substances, all of which are perhaps modifications of the same body. When we remember that the infant manufactures most of the proteids of its ever-growing body from the casein of milk, this last view seems not improbable. Characters. — Proteids, the anhydrides of peptones are colloids (p. 394), and therefore do not diffuse easily through animal membranes ; they are amorphous and do not crystallise, and hence are isolated with difficulty ; some are soluble and others are insoluble in water ; they are insoluble in alcohol ; they rotate the ray of polarised light to the left; in a flame, they give the odour of burned horn. Various metallic salts and alcohol precipitate them from their solution, and they are coagulated by heat, mineral acids and the prolonged action of alcohol. Caustic alkalies dissolve them (yellow), and from this solution they are precipitated by acids. Decompositions. — When acted upon in a suitable manner by acids and alkalies, they give rise to the decomposition products — leucin (10-18 per cent.), tyrosin (0-25-2 per cent.), asparaginic acid, glutamic acid, and also volatile fatty acids, benzoic and hydrocyanic acids, and aldehydes of benzoic and fatty acids ; also, indol (Hlasiwetz, Habermann). Similar products are formed during pancreatic digestion (p. 342), and during putrefaction (p. 376). Reactions. — They are coagulated by (1) nitric acid, and when boiled there- with give a yellow, the xanthoproteic reaction; the addition of ammonia gives a deep orange colour. (2) Millon's reagent (nitrate of mercury with nitrous acid); when heated M'ith this reagent above 60° C., they give a red, probably owing to the formation of tyrosin. [If the proteids are present in large amount, a red precipitate occurs, but if mere traces are present only the fluid becomes red.] (3) The addition of a few drops of solution of cupric sulphate, and the subse- quent addition of caustic potash or soda give a violet colour, which deepens on boiling, [or the same colour may be obtained by adding a few drops of Fehling's solution. ] (4) They are precipitated by acetic acid and potassium ferrocyanide. (5) When boiled with concentrated hydrochloric acid they give a violet-red colour. (6) Sulphuric acid containing molybdic acid gives a blue colour (Frb'hde). (7) Their solution in acetic acid is coloured violet with concentrated sulphuric acid, and shows the absorption -band of hydrobilirubin (Adamkiewicz). (8) Iodine is a good microscopic reagent, which strikes a brownish-yellow, while sulphuric acid and cane-sugar give a purplish -violet (E. Schultze). [ (9) When boiled with acetic acid and an equal volume of a concentrated solution of sodium sulphate, they are precipitated. This method is frequently used for removing proteids from other liquids, as it does not interfere with the presence of other substances.] 502 NATIVE ALBUMINS AND GLOBULINS. 249. The Animal Proteids and their Characters. They have been divided into classes: — Class I. — Native Albumins. Native Albumins occur in a natural condition in the solids and fluids of the body. They are soluble in water, and are not precipitated by alkaline carbonates, NaCl, or by very dilute acids. Their solutions are coagulated by heat at 65°-73°C. Dried at 40°C., they yield a clear yellow amber-coloured friable mass, "soluble albumin" which is soluble in water. (1.) Serum-albumin, whose cheinico-physical characters are given at p. 49, and its physiological properties at § 41. Almost all its salts may be removed from it by dialysis, when it no longer coagulates with heat (Schmidt). It is coagulated by strong alcohol, and is easily dissolved in strong hydrochloric acid. When precipitated, it is readily soluble in strong nitric acid. It is not coagulated when shaken up with ether. The addition of water to the hydrochloric solution precipitates acid-albumin. (2.) Egg-albumin. — When injected into the blood-vessels or under the skin, or even when introduced in large quantity into the intestine, part of it appears unchanged in the urine (p. 397). When shaken with ether, it is precipitated. These two reactions serve to distinguish it from (1). The specihc rotation is — 37-8°. (Metalbumin and Paralbumin have been found by Scherer in ropy solutions in ovarian cysts; they are only partially precipitated by heat. The precipitate thrown down by the action of strong alcohol is soluble in water. They are not precipitated by acetic acid, by acetic acid and potassium ferro- cyanide, by mercuric chloride, or by saturation with magnesium sulphate. Con- centrated sulphuric acid and acetic acid give a violet colour (Adamkiewicz). According to Hammarsten, metalbumin is a mixture of paralbumin and other proteid substances. On being boiled with dilute sulphuric acid they yield a reducing substance (? sugar)). Class II.— Globulins. They are native proteids, which are insoluble in distilled water, but are soluble in dilute saline solutions, sodium chloride of 1 per cent., and in magnesium sulphate, These solutions are coagulated by heat, and are precipitated by the addition of a large quantity of water. Most of them are precipitated from their sodium chloride solution by the addition of crystals of sodium chloride, and also by saturating their neutral solution at 30° with crystals of magnesium sulphate. When acted upon by dilute acids, they yield acid-albumin, and by dilute alkalies, alkali- albumin. (1.) Globulin (Crystallin) is obtained by passing a stream of C02 through a watery extract of the crystalline lens. (2.) Vitellin is the chief proteid in the yolk of egg. It is also said to occur in the chyle (?) and in the amniotic fluid (Weyl). Both of the foregoing are not precipitated from their neutral solutions by saturation with sodium chloride. (3.) Para-globulin or Serum-globulin (p. 44). (4.) Fibrinogen (p. 45). (5.) Myosin is the chief proteid in dead muscle. Its coagulation in muscle post mortem constitutes rigor mortis. If muscle be repeatedly washed and after- wards treated with a 10 per cent, solution of sodium chloride, it yields a viscid fluid which, when dropped into a large quantity of distilled water, gives a white flocculent precipitate of myosin. It is also precipitated from its NaCl solution by crystals of NaCl. For Kiihne's method of preparation, see Muscle. (6.) Globin (Preyer), the proteid residue of haemoglobin. ALBUMIN ATES AND OTHER PROTEIDS. 503 Class III. — Derived Albumins (Albuminates). (1-) Acid- Albumin or Syntonin. — When proteids are dissolved in the stronger acids, e.g., hydrochloric, they become changed into acid-albumins. They are precipitated from solution by the addition of many salts (NaCl, Na2S04) or by neutralisation with an alkali, e.g., sodic carbonate, but they are not precipitated by heat. The concentrated solution gelatinises in the cold, and is redissolved by heat. Syntonin, which is obtained by the prolonged action of dilute hydrochloric acid (2 per 1000) upon minced muscle, is also an acid-albumin. It is formed also in the stomach during digestion. According to Soyka, the alkali- and acid- albumins differ from each other only in so far as the proteid in the one case is united with the base (metal) arid in the other with the acid. (2.) Alkali- Albumin. — If egg- or serum-albumin be acted upon by dilute alkalies, a solution of alkali-albumin is obtained. Strong caustic potash acts upon white of egg and yields a thick jelly (Lieberkiihn). The solution is not precipitated by heat, but is precipitated by the addition of an acid. (3. ) Casein is the chief proteid in milk (p. 466). It is precipitated by acids and by rennet at 40°C. In its characters it is closely related to alkali-albuminate, but, according to 0. Nasse, it contains more N. It contains a large amount of phos- phorus (O'SS per cent.). It may be precipitated from milk by diluting it with several tunes its volume of water and adding dilute acetic acid, or by adding magnesium sulphate crystals to milk and shaking vigorously. Owing to the large amount of phosphorus which it contains, it is sometimes referred to the nucleo- albumins. When it is digested with dilute HC1 (O'l per cent.) and pepsin at the temperature of the body, it gradually yields nuclein. Class IV.— Fibrin. For fibrin, see p. 39, and for the fibrin-factors, p. 43. Class V. — Peptones. For peptones and propeptones, see p. 331. Class VI. — Lardacein and Other Bodies. There fall to be mentioned the "yelk -plates," which occur in the yelk: — Ichthin (cartilaginous fishes, frog) ; Ichthidin (osseous fishes) ; Ichthulin (salmon) ; Emydin (tortoise — Valenciennes and Fremy); also the indigestible Amyloid substance (Virchow) or lardacein, which occurs chiefly as a pathological infiltration into various organs, as the liver, spleen, kidneys, and blood-vessels. It gives a blue with iodine and sulphuric acid (like cellulose), and a mahogany-brown with iodine. It is difficult to change it into an albuminate by the action of acids and alkalies. Class VII. — Coagulated Proteids. When any native albumins or globulins are coagulated, e.g., at 70°C. , they yield bodies with altered characters, insoluble in water and saline solutions, but soluble in boiling strong acids and alkalies, when they are apt to split up. They are dissolved during gastric and pancreatic digestion to produce peptones. Appendix: Vegetable Proteid Bodies. Plants, like animals, contain proteid bodies, although in less amount. They occur either in solution in the juices of living plants or in the solid form. In com- position and reaction they resemble animal proteids. Vegetable proteids have fre- quently been obtained in a crystalline form (Radlkofer), e.g., from the seeds of the gourd (Griibler) and various oleaginous seeds (Ritthausen). 504 VEGETABLE PROTEIDS. 1. Vegetable albumin is found dissolved in most juices of plants and closely resembles animal albumin. If the dough of wheat be washed with water, and the starch be allowed to subside, on boiling the supernatant fluid the vegetable albumin is coagulated. 2. Glutin (vegetable fibrin) occurs in cereal grains, and its peculiar glutinous or sticky characters, when mixed with water, enable it to form dough. From wheat, which may contain as much as 17 per cent., it is prepared by washing away all the starch from the dough with a stream of water. This is best effected by washing the dough in a muslin bag or over a fine sieve. It is elastic, gray, insol- uble in water and alcohol, and soluble in dilute acids (1 HC1 per 1000), and in alkalies. Glutin is a complex substance. If it be boiled with water a sticky varnish-like mass is obtained, yliadin (animal gelatin). If this substance is treated with strong alcohol it dissolves, but a slimy body remains undissolved, mucedin. If glutin be digested with alcohol, a brownish-yellow substance, glutin- fibrin (Ritthausen) is extracted from it. 3. Vegetable Casein occurs specially in the leguminosae. It is slightly soluble in water, but readily soluble in weak alkalies, and in solutions of basic calcic phosphate. These solutions, like animal casein, are precipitated by acids or rennet. The varieties of it are— (a) Legumin in peas, beans, lentils (Einhof, 1805); it has an acid reaction, is insoluble in water, easily soluble in dilute alkalies, and in very dilute HC1 or acetic acid; (6) the casein -like body occurring in hops and almonds which closely resembles (a), and is called conglutin (Ritthausen). Vegetable casein, like animal casern, is an alkali-albuminate, and is precipitated by the same substances ; it is not precipitated by boiling. When long exposed to the air. its solution coagulates with the formation of lactic acid. 250, (2.) The Albuminoids, These substances closely resemble true proteids in their composition and origin, and are amorphous non-crystalline colloids; some of them do not contain S, but the most of them have not been prepared free from ash. Their reactions and decomposition products closely resemble those of the proteids ; some of them pro- duce, in addition to leucin and tyrosin, glycin and alanin (amido-propionic acid). They occur as organised constituents of the tissues and also in a fluid form. It is unknown whether they are formed by oxidation from proteid bodies or by synthesis. 1 . Mucill is the characteristic substance present in mucus. It contains no S. That obtained from the sub-maxillary gland contains C. 52'31, H. 7'22, N. 11 '84, O. 28'63 (Obolensky). It dissolves in water, making it sticky or slimy, and can be filtered. It is precipitated by acetic acid and alcohol ; and the alcohol precipitate is again soluble in water. It is not precipitated by acetic acid and ferro-cyanide of potassium, but HN03 and other mineral acids precipitate it (Scherer). It occurs in saliva (p. 292), in bile, in mucous glands, secretions of mucous membranes, in mucous tissue, in synovia, and in tendons (A. Rollet). Pathologically it occurs not unfrequently in cysts ; in the animal kingdom, especially in snails and in the skin of holothurians (Eichwald). It yields leucin and 7 per cent, of tyrosin when it is decomposed by prolonged boiling with sulphuric pcid. 2. Nudein (Miescher— p. 409) C. 29, H. 49, N. 9, P. 3, 0. 22, is slightly soluble in water, easily in ammonia, alkaline carbonates, strong HN03 ; it gives the biuret-reaction ; no reaction with Millon's reagent ; when decomposed it yields phosphorus. It occurs in the nuclei of pus and blood-corpuscles (p. 36), in spermatozoids, yelk-spheres, liver, brain, and milk, yeast, fungi, and many seeds. Its most remarkable characteristic is the large quautity of phosphorus it contains, nearly 10 per cent. Hypoxauthin and guanin have been obtained as decomposition products from it (Kossel). THE ALBUMINOIDS. 505 3. Keratin occurs in all horny and epidermic tissues (epidermic scales, hairs, nails, feathers)- C. 50'3-52'5 ; H. 6 '4-7 ; N. 16'2-17'7 ; O. 20'8-25 ; S. 07-5 per cent., is soluble only in boiling caustic alkalies, but swells up in cold concentrated acetic acid. When decomposed by HoS04 it yields 10 per cent, leucin and 3'6 per cent, tyrosin. 4. Fibroin is soluble in strong alkalies and mineral acids, in ammonio- sulphate of copper ; when boiled with H2S04 it yields 5 per cent, tyrosin, leucin, and glycin. It is the chief constituent of the cocoons of insects and threads of spiders. 5. Spongin, allied to fibroin, occurs in the bath-sponge, and yields as decom- position products, leucin and glycin (St'adeler). 6. Elastill, the fundamental substance in elastic tissue, is soluble only when boiled in concentrated caustic potash (C. 55-55 '6 ; H. 7'l-7'7 ; N. 16'1-17'7 ; 0. 19'2-21 '1 per cent. ) It yields 36-45 per cent, of leucin and £ per cent, of tyrosin. 7. Gelatin, obtained from connective-tissues by prolonged boiling with water; it gelatinises in the cold (C. 52'2-50'7 ; H. 6'6-7'2; N. 17'9-lS'S; S. + 0, 23'5-25 ; (.S. O'G per cent.). [The ordinary connective-tissues are supposed to contain the hypothetical anhydride collagen, while the organic basis of bone is called ossein.] It rotates the ray of polarised light strongly to the left. By pro- longed boiling and digestion it is converted into a peptone-like body (gelatin- peptone), which does not gelatinise (p. 332). [It swells up, but does not dis- solve in cold water ; when dissolved in warm water and tinged with Berlin blue or carmine it forms the usual coloured mass which is employed by histologists for making fine transparent injections of blood-vessels.] A body resembling gelatin is found in leuksernic blood and in the juice of the spleen (p. 206). When decom- posed with sulphuric acid it yields glycin, ammonia, leucin, but no tyrosin. It gives insoluble precipitates with mercuric chloride and tannin. 8. Chondrin (Job. Mtiller) occurs in the matrix of hyaline cartilage and between the fibres in fibro-cartilage. It is obtained from hyaline cartilage and the cornea by boiling. It occurs also in the mantle of molluscs (C. 49 '5-50 %9; H. 6'6-7'l; N. 14-4-14-9; S + 0. 27 '2-29; S. 0'4 per cent.). When boiled with sulphuric acid it yields leucin; with hydrochloric acid, and when digested chondro-glucose (Meissner) ; it belongs to the glucosides, which contain N. When acted upon by oxidising reagents it is converted into gelatin (Brame). The substance which yields chondrin is called chondrogen, which is perhaps an anhydride of chondrin. The following properties of gelatin and chondrin are to be noted: — Reagent. Gelatin. Chondrin. Acids, .... Not precipitated, . Precipitated by acetic acid, dilute HC1 and H2S04. Tannic acid, mercuric chloride, Precipitated, . Give slight opalescence. Chlorine water, platinic chloride, Precipitated. Alum, silver, iron, cop- per, lead salts, Precipitated, . Precipitated copiously. Potassic ferrocyanide and acetic acid, Not precipitated. Alcohol, Precipitated, precipitate soluble in water. Specific Rotation, . -130°. —213°. 506 HYDROLYTIC FERMENTS. 9. The hydrolytic ferments have recently been called Enzymes by W. Kiihne, in order to distinguish them from organised ferments, such as yeast. The enzymes, hydrolytic or organic ferments, act only in the presence of water. They act upon certain bodies causing them to take up a molecule of water. They all decompose hydric peroxide into water and O. They are most active between 30- 35°C., and are destroyed by boiling, but when dry they may be subjected to a temperature of 100° without being destroyed. Their solutions, if kept for a long time, gradually lose their properties and undergo more or less decomposition. [Table showing the unorganised ferments present in the body, and their actions: — Fiuid or Tissues. Saliva, . Ferment. 1. Ptyalin, . . . (See also p. 296.) Actions. Converts Starch chiefly into Maltose. Gastric Juice,/ 1. Pepsin, . . . 2. Milk-curdling, 3. Lactic Acid Ferment 4. Fat-splitting, Converts Proteids into Peptones in an Acid Medium, certain by-product; being formed (p. 331). Curdles Casein of Milk. Splits up Milk-sugar into Lactic Acid. Splits up Fats into Glycerin and Fatty Acids. Pancreatic Juice, . 1. Diastatic or Amylopsin, . 2. Trypsin, . . . 3. Emulsive, 4. Fat-splitting or Steapsin, 5. Milk-curdling, . Converts Starch chiefly into Maltose. Changes Proteids into Peptones in an Alkaline Medium, certain by- products being formed (p. 341). Emulsifies Fats. Splits Fats into Glycerin and Fatty Acids. Curdles Casein of Milk. Intestinal Juice, Blood, . . Chyle, . . Liver, . . Milk, . . . Most Tissues, 1. Diastatic, 2. Proteolytic, . 3. Invertin, 4. Milk-curdling, ! Does not form Maltose, but Maltose is changed into Glucose (p. 370). Fibrin into Peptone (?). Changes Cane- into Grape-Sugar. (?in Small Intestine.) > Diastatic Ferments. Muscle, Urine, Pepsin. Blood, Fibrin-forming Ferment. (Modified from W. Roberts).] ORGANISED AND UNORGANISED FERMENTS. 507 (a.) Sugar-forming or diastatic ferment occurs in saliva (p. 294), pancreatic juice (p. 340), intestinal juice (p. 335), bile (p. 366), blood (p. 36), chyle (p. 410), liver (p. 351), in human milk (p. 465). Invertin in intestinal juice (p. 370).— (Cl. Bernard.) Almost all dead tissues, organic fluids, and even proteicls, although only to a slight degree, may act diastatically. Diastatic ferments are very generally distri- buted in the vegetable kingdom. (b.) Proteolytic or Ferments which act upon proteids. — Pepsin in gastric juice and in muscle (p. 332), in vetches, myxomycetes (Krukenberg), trypsin in the pancreatic juice (p. 341 ) , and a similar ferment in the intestinal juice (p. 370). (c.) Fat-decomposing in pancreatic juice (p. 343) in the stomach (p. 335). (d.) Milk-coagulating in the stomach (p. 335), pancreatic juice (p. 344), and perhaps also in the intestinal juice (?) — W. Roberts. [The importance of fermentative processes has already been referred to in detail under " Digestion." Ferments are bodies which excite chemical changes in other matter with which they are brought into contact. They are divided into two classes : — (1.) Unorganised, soluble or non-living. (2.) Organised, or living. ( 1 . ) The Unorganised ferments are those mentioned in the above table. They seem to be nitrogenous bodies, although their exact composition is unknown, and it is doubtful if they have ever been obtained perfectly pure. They are produced within the body, in many secretions, by the vital activity of the protoplasm of cells. They are termed soluble because they are soluble iu water, glycerine, and some other substances (p. 295), while they can be precipitated by alcohol and some other reagents. They do not multiply during their activity, nor is their activity prevented by a certain proportion of salicylic acid. They are not affected by oxygen subjected to the compression of many atmospheres (P. Bert). They are non-living. Their other properties are referred to above]. [(2.) The Organised or living ferments are represented by yeast (p. 474). Other living ferments belonging to the schizomycetes, occurring in the intestinal canal, are referred to in § 184. Yeast causes fermentation by splitting up sugar into C02 and alcohol (p. 298), but this result only occurs so long as the yeast is living. Hence, its activity is coupled with the vitality of the cells of the yeast. If yeast be boiled, or if it be mixed with carbolic or salicylic acid, or chloroform, all of which destroy its activity, it cannot produce the alcoholic fermentation. As yet no one has succeeded in extracting from yeast a substance which will excite the alcoholic fermentation. All the organised ferments grow and multiply during their activity at the expense of the substances in which they occur. Thus the alcoholic fermentation depends upon the " life" of the yeast. They are said to be killed by oxygen subjected to the compression of many atmospheres (P. Bert). But it is important to note that Hoppe-Seyler has extracted from dead yeast (killed by ether), an unorganised ferment which can change cane-sugar into grape- sugar. All purely physiological processes in the body, except some in the intestinal canal, depend upon unorganised ferments]. 10. Haemoglobin, the colouring matter of blood, which, in addition to C,H,0,N, andS, contains iron, may be taken with the albuminoids (p. 23). 508 GLUCOSIDES, AND ORGANIC ACIDS. (3.) Glucosides containing Nitrogen. In addition to chondrin, the following glucosides containing nitrogen, when sub- jected to hydrolytic processes, may combine with water, and form sugar and other substances: — Cerebrin (see Nervous Syslem) = C57'H.i-loN2025 (Geoghegan). Protagon occurs in nerves, and contains phosphorus. CMtin, 2(C15H26N2Oio), is a glucoside containing nitrogen, and occurs in the cutaneous coverings of arthropoda, and also in their intestine and trachea?; it is soluble in concentrated acids, e.g. , hydrochloric or nitric acid, but insoluble in other reagents. According to Sandwick, chitin is an amm-derivative of a carbo- hydrate with the general formula n(Ci2H2oOio). The hyalin of worms is closely related to chitin. (Solanin, amygdalin, p. 49, and salicin, &c., are glucosides of the vegetable kingdom.) (4.) Colouring Matters containing Nitrogen. Their constitution is unknown, and they occur only in animals. They are in all probability derivatives of hemoglobin. They are — (1) hcematin (p. 33) and hcematoidin (p. 33). (2) Bile-pigments (p. 357). (3) Urine-pigments (except ludican). (4) Melanin, C. 44'2, H3, N. 9'9, 0. 42'6, or the black pigment, which occurs partly in epithelium (choroid, retina, iris, and in the deep layers of epidermis in coloured races) and partly in connective-tissue corpuscles (Lamina fusca of the choroid). II.— Organic Acids free from Nitrogen. (1.) The fatty acids with the formula CnH2n-iO(OH) occur in the body partly free and partly in combination. Free volatile fatty acids occur in decom- posing cutaneous secretions (sweat). In combination, acetic acid and caproic acid occur as amido-compounds in glycin ( =: amido-acetic acid), and leucin ( = amido- caproic acid). More especially do they occur united with glycerine to form neutral fats, from which the fatty acid is again set free by pancreatic digestion (p. 343). (2.) The acids of the acrylic acid series, with the formula CnH2n-30(HO), are represented in the body by one acid, oleic acid, which in combination with glycerine yields the neutral fat olein. 251. Fats. Fats occur very abundantly in animals, but they also occur in all plants; in the latter more especially in the seeds (nuts, almonds, cocoa nut, poppy), more rarely in the pericarp (olive) or in the root. They are obtained by pressure, melting, or by extracting them with ether or boiling alcohol. They contain much less O than the carbohydrates, such as sugar and starch ; they give a greasy spot on paper, and when shaken with colloid substances, such as albumin, they yield an emulsion. When treated with superheated steam, or with certain ferments (p. 507, c), they take up water and yield glycerine and fatty acids, and if the latter be volatile they have a rancid odour. Treated with caustic alkalies they also take up water, and are decomposed into glycerine and fatty acids; the fatty acid unites with the alkali and forms a soap, while glycerine is set free. The soap- solution dissolves fats. FATS. 509 Glycerine is a tri-atomic alcohol, C3H5(OH)3) and unites with (1) the following mono-basic fatty adds (those occurring in the body are printed in italics) : — 1. Formic 2. Acetic 3. Propionic 4. Butyric [Isobutyric 5. Valerianic 6. Caproic 7. (Enanthylic 8. Caprylic 9. Pelargonic acid, )) » J) CH202 Corio Oo C3Hg Oo 04 HS Oo C4H8 02] C5H1002 10. Capric acid, Ci0H2002 11. Laurostearic ,, Ci2H2402 12. Myristic ,, C!4H2802 13. Palmitic „ C16H3202 [Margaric ,, C17H3402, is a mixture of 13 and 14.] 14. Stearic acid, C18H3C02 15. Arachinic ,, C2oH4o02 16. Hyiinic ,, C25H5002 17. Cerotinic ,, C27H5402 The acids form a homologous series with the formula CnH2n-iO(OH). With every CH2 added their boiling point rises 19°. Those containing most carbon are solid, and non-volatile; those containing less C (up to and including capric acid) are fluid like oil, have a burning acid taste, and a rancid odour. The earlier members of the series may be obtained by oxidation from the later, by CH2 being removed, while C02 and H20 are formed; thus, butyric acid is obtained from propionic acid. Nos. 13 and 14 are found in human and animal fat, less abundant and more inconstant are 12, 11, 6, 8, 10, 4. Some occur in sweat, and in milk (p. 465). Many of them are developed during the decomposition of albumin and gelatin. Most of the above (except 15-17) occur in the contents of the large intestine (p. 376). (2.) Glycerine also unites with the mono-basic oleic acid, which also forms a series, whose general formula is CnH2u-sO(OH) ; and they all contain 2H less than the corresponding members of the fatty acid series. The corresponding fatty acids can be obtained from the oleic acid series and vice versd. Oleic acid (olein-elainic acid), Ci8H3402, is the only one found in the organism; united with glycerine, it forms the fluid fat, olein (Gottlieb, 1846). The fat of new-born children contains more glyceride of palmitic and stearic acid than that of adults, which contains more glyceride of oleic acid (L. Langer). Oleic acid also occurs united with alkalies (in soaps), and (like some fatty acids) in the lecithins (p. 36). If lecithin be acted on with barium hydrate, we obtain insoluble stearic, or oleic, or palmitic acids and barium oleate, together with dissolved neurin and baric glycerin- phosphate. It appears as if there were several lecithins, of which the most abundant are the one with stearic acid and that with pahnitin + oleic acid radicle (Diakonow). The neutral fats, the glycerides of fatty acids, and of oleic acid, are triple ethers of the tri-atomic alcohol glycerine. With the neutral fats may be associated glycerin-phosphoric acid, an acid glycerin-ether, formed by the union of glycerine and phosphoric acid, with the giving off of a molecule of water (C3H9P06) ; it is a decomposition product of lecithin (p. 36). (3.) The gly colic acids — (acids of the lactic acid series) have the formula CnH2ll_oO(OH)2. They are formed by oxidation from the fatty acid series by sub- stituting OH (hydroxyl) for 1 atom of H of the fatty acids. Conversely, fatty acids may be obtained from the glycolic acids. The following acids of this series occur in the body : — (a.) Carbonic Acid (oxy-formic acid) CO (OH)2 ; in this form, however, it only makes salts. Free carbonic acid or carbon dioxide is an anhydride of the same = C02. (b.) Glycolic Acid (oxy-acetic acid), C2H20 (OH)2, doea not occur free in the body. 510 ACIDS AND ALCOHOLS. One of its compounds, glycin (glycocoll, amidoacetic acid, or gelatin-sugar), occurs as a conjugate acid, viz., as glycocholic acid in the bile (p. 355), and as hippuric acid in the urine. Glycin exists in complex combination in gelatin. (c.) Lactic Acid (oxy-propionic acid), C3H40 (OH)2, occurs in the body in two isomeric forms — 1. The ethylidene-lactic acid, which occurs in two modifications — as the right rotatory sarcolactic acid (paralactic), a metabolic product of muscle ; and as the ordinary optically inactive product of "lactic fermentation," which occurs in gastric juice, in sour milk (sauerkraut, acid cucumber), and can be obtained by fermentation from sugar (p. 373). 2. The isomer, ethylene-lactic acid, occurs in the watery extract of muscles. (d.) Leucic acid (oxy-caproic acid), CgH^Og, does not occur as such, but only in the form of one of its derivatives, leucin (amido-caproic acid), as a product of the metabolism in many tissues, and is formed during pancreatic digestion (p. 342). Leucic acid may be prepared from leucin, and glycolic acid from glycin by the action of nitrous acid. (4.) Acids of the Oxalic Acid or Succinic Acid Series having the formula, CnH2n_402 (OH)2, are bi-basic acids, which are formed as completely oxidised products by the oxidation of fatty acids and glycolic acid (H20 being removed); and it is important to note their origin from substances rich in carbon, e.g., fats, carbohydrates, and proteids. (a.) Oxalic Acid, C202 (OH)2, arises from the oxidation of glycol, glycin, cellulose, sugar, starch, glycerine, and many vegetable acids — it occurs in the urine as calcium oxalate. (b.) Succinic Acid, C4H402 (OH)2, has been found in small amount in animal solids and fluids; spleen, liver, thymus, thyroid; in the fluids of echinococcus, of hydrocephalus, and of hydrocele, and more abundantly in dog's urine after fatty and flesh food; in rabbit's urine after feeding with yellow turnips. It is also formed in small amount during alcoholic fermentation (p. 298). (5.) CholallC Acids in the bile (p. 35G) and in the intestine (p. 367). (6.) Aromatic Acids — Benzole acid (= phenyl-formic acid) occurs in urine united with glycin, as hippuric acid (see Urine). Ill— Alcohols. Alcohols are those bodies which originate from carbohydrates, in which the radicle hydroxyl (HO) is substituted for one or more atoms of H. They may be TT "I regarded as water, T \ 0, in which the half of the H is replaced by a CH com- /~1 TT -V pound. Thus, C2HG (ethyl-hydrogen) passes into 2 T| \ 0 (ethylic alcohol). C TT 1 (a.) Cholesterin, 2G T? j-0, is a true men-atomic alcohol, and occurs in blood, yelk, brain, bile (p. 358), and generally in vegetable cells. I OH (6.) Glycerine, C3H5 < OH, is a tri-atomic alcohol. It occurs in neutral fats (OH united with fatty acids and oleic acid ; it is formed by the splitting-up of neutral fats during pancreatic digestion (p. 343), and during the alcoholic fermen- tation (p. 298). (c.) Phenol (= phenylic acid, carbolic acid, oxybenzol, p. 376). (d.) BrenzTcatecliin ( = dioxybenzol). (e.) The Sugars are closely related to the alcohols, and they may be regarded as polyatomic alcohols. Their constitution is unknown. Together with a series of closely-related bodies they form the great group of the Carbohydrates, some of which occur in the animal body, while others are widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom. CARBOHYDRATES. 511 252. The Carbohydrates. These substances, which occur in plants and animals, have received their name, because in addition to C (at least 6 atoms), they contain H and O, in the propor- tion in which these occur in water. They are all solid, chemically indifferent, and without odour. They have either a sweet taste (sugars), or can be readily changed into sugars by the action of dilute acids; they rotate the ray of polarised light either to the right or left; as far as their constitution is concerned, they may be regarded as fatty bodies, as hexatomic alcohols, in which 2H are wanting. They are divided into the following group: — I. Division. Glucoses (C6H1206)— (i) Grape-sugar (glucose, dextrose, or diabetic sugar) occurs in minute quantities in the blood, chyle, muscle (? liver), urine, and in large amount in the urine in diabetes mellitus (p. 352). It is formed by the action of diastatic ferments upon other carbohydrates, during digestion. In the vegetable kingdom, it is extensively distributed in the sweet juices of many fruits and flowers (and thus it gets into honey). It is formed from cane-sugar, maltose, dextrin, glycogen, and starch, by boiling with dilute acids. It crystallises in warty masses with one molecule of water of crystallisation; unites with bases, salts, acids, and alcohols, but is easily decom- posed by bases; it reduces many metallic oxides (p. 297). Fresh solutions have a rotatory power of + 10G°. By fermentation with yeast, it splits up into alcohol and C02 (p. 298) ; with decomposing proteids, it splits into two molecules of lactic acid (p. 373) ; the lactic acid splits up under the same conditions in alkaline solutions, into butyric acid, C02 and H. For the qualitative and quantitative estimation of glucose, see § 149 and § 150. In alcoholic solution, it forms very insoluble compounds with chalk, barium, or potassium, and it also forms a crystalline compound with common salt. (2.) Galactose, obtained by boiling milk-sugar (lactose) with dilute mineral acids; it crystallises readily, is very fermentable, and gives all the reactions of glucose. When oxidised with nitric acid it becomes transformed into mucic acid. Its specific rotatory power = + 88 '08°. (3.) Laevulose (left-fruit-, invert- or mucin-sugar) occurs as a colourless syrup in the acid-juices of some fruits and in honey; is non-crystallisable, and insoluble in alcohol ; specific rotatory power = — 106°. It is formed normally in the intestine (p. 370), and occurs rarely as a pathological product in urine. II. Division contains carbohydrates with the formula Ci2H22On, and which may be regarded as anhydrides of the first division — (1) Milk-SUgar or lactose occurs only in milk, crystallises in cakes (with one molecule of water) from the syrupy concentrated whey; it rotates polarised light to the right =+ 59 '3, and is much less soluble in water and alcohol than grape-sugar. When boiled with dilute mineral acids it passes into galactose, and can be directly transformed into lactic acid only by fermentation; the galactose, however, is capable of undergoing the alcoholic fermentation with yeast (Koumis preparation, p. 468). For its quantita- tive estimation, see Milk. (2.) Maltose (Ci2H22On) + H20 (O'Sullivan) has one molecule of water less than grape-sugar (Ci2H24012), is formed during the action of a diastatic ferment, such as saliva upon starch (p. 294); is soluble in alcohol, right rotatory power = 150°, it is crystalline, while its reducing power is only two-thirds that of dextrose. (3. Saccharose (cane-sugar) occurs in sugar-cane and some plants, it does not reduce solutions of copper, is insoluble in alcohol, is right rotatory, and not capable of fermentation. When boiled with dilute acids, it becomes changed into a mixture of easily fermentable glucose (right-rotatory) and laevulose (invert-sugar) which ferments with difficulty and is left-rotatory (p. 370). When oxidised with nitric acid, it passes into gl';cic acid and oxalic acid.) 51: CARBOHYDRATES. (4. MelitOSe, from Eucalyptus-manna; MelezitOSfi, from Larch-manna; Trehalose (Mycose), from Ergot ; all right-rotatory, and do not reduce alkaline cupric solutions.) Ill- Division, contains carbohydrates with the formula, CeHjoOs, which may be regarded as anhydrides of the second division. 1. GlyCOgen, with a rotatory power of 211° (Bohm and Hoffmann, Kiilz), does not reduce cupric oxide. It occurs in the liver (p. 350), muscles, many embryonic tissues, the embryonic area of the chick (Kitlz), in normal and pathological epithelium (Schiele), and according to Pavy, in the spleen, pancreas, kidney, ovum, brain and blood, together with a small amount of glucose. It also occurs in the oyster and some of the molluscs (Bizio). 2. Dextrin was discovered by Limpricht in the muscles of the horse. It is right-rotatory = + 138°, soluble in water and forms a very sticky solution, from which it is precipitated by alcohol or acetic acid ; it is tinged slightly red with iodine. It is formed in roasted starch, (hence it occurs in large quantity in the crust of bread — see Bread, p. 472), by dilute acids, and in the body by the action of ferments (p. 294). It is formed from cellulose by the action of dilute sulphuric acid. It occurs in beer, and is found in the juices of most plants. (3. Amylum or Starch occurs in the " mealy" parts of many plants, is formed within vegetable cells, and consists of concentric layers with an ex- centric nucleus (Fig. 176, B) The diameter of starch grains varies greatly with the plant from which they are derived. At 72°C. it swells up in water and forms mucilage ; in the cold, iodine colours it blue. Starch grams always contain more or less cellulose and a sub- stance which is coloured red with iodine (erythrogranulose) (see p. 294). It and glycogen are transformed into dextrose by certain digestive ferments in the saliva, pancreatic and intestinal juices, and artificially by boiling with dilute sulphuric acid. ) (4. Gum occurs in vegetable juices (specially in acacia? and mimosse), is partly soluble in water (arabin), partly swells up like mucin (bassorin). Alcohol pre- cipitates it.) (5. Inulin, a crystalline powder occurring in the root of chicory, dandelion, and specially in the bulbs of the dahlia; it is not coloured blue by iodine.) (6. Lichenin occurs in the intercellular substance of Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) and algas; is transformed into glucose by dilute sulphuric acid.) (7. Paramylum occurs in the form of granules resembling starch, in the infus- orian, Euglena viridis.) (8. Cellulose occurs in the cell- walla of all plants (in the exo-skeleton of arthropoda, and the skin of snakes) ; soluble only in ammonio-cupric oxide ; ren- dered blue by sulphuric acid and iodine. Boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, it yields dextrin and glucose. Concentrated nitric acid mixed with sulphuric acid changes it (cotton) into mtro-cellulose (gun cotton) C6H7(N02)305, which dissolves in a mixture of ether and alcohol and forms collodion.) Fig. 176. Section of a wheat grain — d, starch-corpuscles within vegetable cells; B, starch-corpuscles with concentric markings (See also Fig. 173). DERIVATIVES OF AMMONIA AND THEIR COMPOUNDS.' 513 (9. Tuilicin is a substance resembling cellulose, and occurs in the integument of the tunicata or ascidians.) IV. Division contains the carbohydrates which do not ferment. 1. Inositd'haseo-mannit, muscle-sugar) occurs in muscle (Scherer), lung, liver, spleen, kidney, brain of ox, human kidney; pathologically in urine and the fluid of echinococcus. In the vegetable kingdom, in beans (leguminosse), and the juice of the grape. It is an isomer of grape-sugar; optically it is inactive, crystallises in warts with two molecules of water, in long monoclinic crystals ; it has a sweet taste, is insoluble in water, does not give Trommer's reaction, is capable of under- going only the sarcolactic acid fermentation. (Nearly allied are Sorbin from sorbic acid — Scyllit from the intestines of the hag-fish and skate — and Eukabjn arising from the fermentation of melitose.) IV.— Derivatives of Ammonia and their Compounds. The ammonia derivatives are obtained from the proteids, and are decomposition products of tlieir metabolism. (1.) AniineS) i.e., compound ammonias which can be obtained from ammonia (NH3), or from ammonium-hydroxide (NH4 - OH), by replacing one or all the at' >ins of H by groups of carbohydrates (alcohol radicals). The amine derived from one molecule of ammonia is called monamine. We are only acquainted with H ^ CH3) H [• N Methylamine and Tri-Methylanrine CH3 - N, CH3) CH3) as decomposition products of cholin (neurin) and of kreatin. Neurin occurs in lecithin in a very complex combination (see Lecithin under Fats, and also p. 36). (2.) Amides, i.e., derivatives of acids, which have exchanged the hydroxyl (HO) of the acids for NH2. Urea, CO(NH2)2, the biamid of C02, is the chief end- product of the metabolism of the nitrogenous constituents of our bodies (see Urine]. Carbonic acid containing water = CO(OH)2; in it both OH are replaced by NH2— thus we get CO(NH2)2, urea. (3-) Amido-acids, i.e., nitrogenous compounds (p. 341), which show partly the character of an acid and partly that of a weak base, in which the atoms of H of the acid radicle are replaced by NH2, or by the substituted ammonia groups. («•) Glycin — (p. 355), (or amido-acetic acid, glycocoll, gelatin-sugar is formed by boiling gelatin with dilute sulphuric acid. It has a sweet taste (gelatin-sugar), behaves as a weak acid, but also unites with acids as an arnine-base. It occurs as glycin + benzoic acid = hippuric acid in urine ; and also as glycin + cholalic acid = glyco-cholic acid in bile (p. 355). (b.) Leucin— (p. 341)*= amido-caproic acid, (c.) Serin — (=? amido-lactic acid) obtained from silk-gelatin. (