MAN \J A L OF THK ML O S S E S STERN PEN'NSY'LVANI OTTO E. JENNINGS, PH. IX WITH FIFTY-FOUR FULL-PAGE PLATES FROM DRAWINGS BY THE AUTHOR. I? ITTSBURGII, .PKXN S YL VAX I A. PUBt,ISHET> BY TOK AUTHOR, I»HT:HS OF THE CITY MISSION I>CHMSUIXO COMPAW cow.rNS xXVEXirr, EAST KNTI. IiOH, PA. ru ru r^ m r=\ o a r=\ a m a A MANUAL OF THE O S S E OF W E S T E R N P E X X S Y L V A IV I A OTTO K. JEXXIXGS, PH. D. WITH FIFTY-FO17R FL'LL-PAOE PLATES FROM VINGS BY THE AT7THOR. i ; I TTSliT " UC ; 1 1. P1CN NS V J.VANI A , Pi itr.i«-Hi:i> HV THI-: AI-THOK, l«)i:{. TiSK -'.NI> l'tT'i>-m'K *J a number of small lakes and ponds and considerable areas of * *_ poorly drained lands. Occasional Sphagnum bogs occur kere as well as swamps along the flood-plains of some of the streams. Such conditions offer suitable habitats for a number of aquatic and swamp-inhabiting species of the Bryalcs which are not to be found at all or are quite rare in the rest -of OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 5 Western Pennsylvania. Presque Isle, near Erie, is a sandspit of about six miles in length and over a mile in width at its outer extremity and, containing as it does a variety of ponds, lagoons, woodland swamps, marshes, and dry woods, it affords certain habitats which are not duplicated anywhere else in our region. The remainder of the region covered by this Manual is the rather characteristic hilly country of the Allegheny Plateau, ranging in altitude from about 700 feet above the sea, along the flood-plain of the Ohio River, to about 2,800 feet above the sea in the mountains of central Pennsylvania. In the western, southwestern and northeastern parts of our region the general topography is that of an elevated tableland in an active state of erosion, the rocks being largely sandstones and shales, and mainly non-calcareous. There are many steep valleys and precipitous rock exposures with a minimum of swampy areas or ponds. The flood-plains which have de- veloped along the Ohio River, the Monongahela River, the lower Allegheny River, and the larger tributaries of these streams have been so largely disturbed by the activities of man that they now offer but few opportunities for collection in what must have once been habitats rich in Bryalcs. As the smaller streams in Western Pennsylvania are ascended, however, the valleys often rapidly narrow to a more or less steep rock-walled canon where erosion is highly active. In the narrow valleys the forest coverirg has not been very largely disturbed by man and the damp, cool, shaded habitat with varying substrata of decaying wood, rich loam, shaly soil, bare rock, or living bark, conduces to a rich and varied flora of the Bryalcs. Above this area of active erosion there will usually be found, in the headwaters of the streams, a region which has remained largely unaltered from a former advanced stage of physiographic development and which is characterized by wide valleys with gently sloping soil-covered sides rising to broadly rounded and soil-covered hills. These rounded hills, whose height above the bottoms of the adjacent rounded valleys is rarely more than 300 to 350 feet, are in many places still covered with the native forest consisting mostly of the White Oak. but the moss flora of these forests is poor. Good collecting ground for the Bryalcs is also to be found in the mountain^ of the eastern and southeastern parts »f the region covered by this Manual, particularly in the steep and rocky gorges which have been cut through the sandstone ridges by the" larger streams. Perhaps the best collecting- ground for the Bryalcs in our whole region is to be found in the vicinity of Ohio Pyle, in Fayette County, where the Youghiogheny River and its larger tributaries have cut out 6 A MANUAL OF MOSSES wild and rocky gorges sometimes a thousand feet or more in depth. Somewhat similar and perhaps but little inferior to the Ohio Pyle region are localities along the gaps cut through the ridges by the Conemaugh and Loyalhanna Rivers and the eastward-flowing Juniata and \Yest Branch of the Susque- hanna River. The northeastern part of our region is an elevated table- land which is so dissected as to be rather hillv in some dis- j tricts but the flora is quite northern in its character. The forests were largely composed of Hemlocks, White Pines, Birches, Beeches, and Maples and the moss flora is found to contain a rich deA^elopment of Bryales, of which not a few are absent or rare in the Oak and Chestnut forests to the south and southwest. The total number of genera, species, and varieties recognized in this Manual as having been collected or authori- tatively reported in the confines of western Pennsylvania are as follows, twenty-nine families being represented : Genera Species Varieties Sphagnalcs 1 14 10 Bryales 102 234 20 Total. 103 248 30 OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA. / Directions for Collecting, Preparing, and Preserving Speci- mens of Mosses For the benefit of those who may not be familiar with the usual methods of collection and preservation of bryological specimens the following notes may be of use : Specimens of Bryalcs should be collected in fruit (ripe sporophytes) as far as possible. Specimens of Sphagnum are desirable in fruit, but determination is best made in this group from the vegetative characters. Specimens of mosses when collected should be placed at once in envelopes or other suit- able paper pockets and the data of collection, especially habitat, should be written upon the envelope. Many collec- tors would prefer to number the envelope and under the cor- responding number make note of the data in a note-book. Col- lections may be carried home in a basket or regular tin collect- ing case and, if carefully placed in the envelopes in the first place, the specimens need not be taken out of the envelopes but the envelopes should be placed between blotting papers or newspapers and subjected to a slight weight and so placed that they will soon dry. A few books or two or three bricks are usually sufficient weight for drying a package of mosses. Too much weight should be guarded against, as the habit of the plant, i. e., the position assumed by leaves, branches, etc., is often a great help in determining the species, and, if too much weight is used in drying, the specimens will be so flat- tened as to destroy these characters. \Yhen dry the specimens may be placed in paper pockets made from a rectangular piece of paper by folding up the lower part of the rectangle to within about one half-inch of the upper edge and then folding down this half-inch flap over the first flap. The two ends should now be folded backward for about one half-inch each and the pocket is then com- plete and ready for the reception of the moss. The regula- tion method in most larger herbaria is to glue this pocket in the middle of the back, midway between the two folded ends, to a so-called "herbarium sheet" which is uniformly of white stiff paper measuring ll1/^ by 16% inches. For small private collections smaller sizes are sometimes used. On the lower right-hand corner of this sheet is written the name of the species, and the number of specimens which such a sheet will accommodate is, of course, restricted only by the space occupied by the pockets. The label for each specimen should be fast- ened to the narrow (half-inch) flap at the upper edge of the pocket and should always contain the name of the species, the exact locality and habitat of the specimen, the name of the 8 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES collector, and the date of the collection. If material has been collected in sets for distribution the label should so state and a number should be assigned to the various species so that duplicate specimens reaching- different botanists may be definitely correlated. It is often advisable to add to the label also the name of the botanist who identified the specimen, especially if he be a specialist. For any extended study of the mosses, either Sphagnales or Bryalcs, it is practically necessary to have at hand besides a pocket lens of some sort, a dissecting lens and a compound microscope. A dissecting lens may be rigged up by providing some sort of a frame for holding the ordinary pocket lens at the right distance above the table. This can be done by some such simple contrivance as knitting needles and corks, in the absence of anything better. The writer has found very satis- factory the ordinary dissecting stand, which may be obtained from any dealer in scientific apparatus, the stand preferably fitted with a rack-and-pinion adjustment for focussing the lens. The writer has used with good results a doublet lens (three-quarter inch ) magnifying about four diameters and a one-fourth inch aplanat lens magnifying about seven diameters. The compound microscope should be fitted with a one-inch and also preferably a two-inch eye-piece and the cus- tomary two-thirds and one-sixth objectives. A sub-stage condenser is a great convenience and should be provided with diaphragms both above and below. In preparing a moss for microscopic study the writer pro- ceeds as followrs : A portion of the specimen, usually consisting of a whole plant, is selected and is soaked in water until it is soft and relaxed. A thin square of mica an inch or more in width is prepared and placed on an ordinary glass microscope slide, and upon it is placed a drop of a ten per cent, solution of glycerine in water which is kept already prepared in a small bottle with a medicine dropper fastened into the stopper. The glass slide with the mica square and solution in position are placed on the stand of the dissecting microscope. AYith small forceps and with the aid of needles mounted in wooden handles the moss is now carefully dissected and the parts suit- ably disposed on the mica square in the film of ten per cent, glycerine. It is usually best to place on the mica square some thin cross-sections of the stem of the moss, cut with a scalpel or knife or fine scissors, some stem-leaves, some branch-leaves, some pericruetial leaves or, better, the whole perichaetium dissected apart but not widely scattered, and then the capsule so dissected as to show a patch of the epidermis from the base of the capsule, the annulus, the peristome, both outer and inner if they are present, and the spores. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 9 Another thin mica square is now selected a little smaller than the first one used and upon it is placed a small chunk of glycerine-jelly, which is melted by holding the square in the forceps over a suitable source of heat — the writer holds the square over the electric bulb of his desk light. The glycerine when melted is smeared over the surface of the mica, which is then inverted and quickly but carefully placed on the square on which the dissections are disposed. To prevent the dissected objects from changing their position too much, and to obviate the inclusion of air-bubbles, it is best to lay the square which is to serve as cover so that one edge only comes into contact with the other square and then let the cover settle down gradually, thus driving the air out in front of the gradually advancing line of contact of the mica and mount- ing medium. The slide is now ready for study under the compound microscope and after this it may be placed in the paper pocket along with the specimens from one of which the dissections were made. In order to insure greater perma- nency of the slide, as thus made, some wrorkers advocate seal- ing the slide by running a little ring of Canada balsam around the edg;e of the smaller mica square, thus keeping the air away from the glycerine jelly and preventing any further drying out. The object of placing the dissections in the ten per cent, solution of glycerine is to gradually allow the dissections to accommodate themselves to increasing density of solutions: if the dissections were transferred immediately from pure water to the melted glycerine jelly there would in most cases be much shrinkage and curling, thus spoiling the slide for pur- poses of study. In a few cases even the transferrance from water to ten per cent, solution and thence to the jelly is too great a change and in such cases it is necessary to pass the dissections through a series of solutions of increasing glycerine per cent., up to a strong solution, before using the glycerine- jelly. Another way is to place the dissections in weak glycerine solution and keep adding more solution as the water evaporates from the first, thus gradaully increasing the density. 10 A MANUAL OF MOSSES ABBREVIATIONS AND SIGNS USED IN THE MANUAL cm., Centimeter, equals the one-hundredth part of a meter, or about two-fifths of an inch. mm-., Millimeter, equals one-tenth of a centimeter. D.A.B., D. A. Burnett. G.K.J., Grace K. Jennings (Mrs. O. E. Jennings). J.A.S., Dr. John A. Shafer. mm.. Millimeter, equals about one twenty-fifth of an inch. O.E.J., O. E. Jennings. - The short dash used between figures or between words denotes either an intermediate state or a variation from one to the other extreme. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 11 ANALYTICAL KEY TO THE GENERA OF MOSSES OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Order I.—SPHAGNALES Whitish mosses with fasciculate branches, mostly bog plants; leaf-cells of two kinds, — large hyaline ones separated by narrow chloro- phyllose ones; ecostate; operculate but with no peristome. Sphagnum, p. 23 Order II.— ANDRE AE ALES Dark colored or blackish alpine or subalpine plants growing in cushions on granitic or slaty rocks; either costate or ecostate; leaf-cells small and quite opaque; capsule dehiscing by four longitudinal slits, the valves remaining united at the apex. Andrcaea, p. 46 Order III.— BRYALES Leaves various but not sphagnoid, costate or ecostate; capsule dehiscing irregularly or, more often, by a deciduous operculum. often fur- nished with a peristome, never four-valved as in Andreaea, plants largely green I. I. Sporophyte borne at the apex of the main stem, sometimes appearing lateral by the growth of a branch A. Acrocarpi, p. 48 I. Sporophyte borne at the apex of a short lateral branch B. Plenrocarpi, see p. 16 A. ACROCARPI 1. Capsule non-operculate 2. 1. Capsule operculate 10. 2. Green protonema persistent; plants fruiting in autumn Epheineruiii, p. 127 2. Green protonema not persistent, plants fruiting mainly in spring. 3. 3. Spores few, about 16 to 20, smooth, about 0.2 mm. in diameter Archidium, p. 48 3. Spores numerous, rarely exceeding 0.05 mm. in diameter 4. 4. Leaf-margins plane or involute. 5. 4. Leaf-margins more or less revo- lute 9. 5. Capsules pyriform, with a distinct neck 6. 5. Capsules globose to ovoid 7. 6. Green protonema occasionally abun- dant; neck none; capsule acute.... Sporledera, p. 49 6. Green protonema sparse; usually none; neck more or less well de- veloped; capsule rostrate Bntchia, p. 50 7. Leaves crisped when dry, strongly pa- pillose on both sides; operculum rudi- mentary but persistent Astomum, p. 89 7. Leaves not crisped when dry, smooth. 8. 8. Calyptra cucullate; leaves linear- lanceolate to lanceolate-subulate... Plcnridium, p. 52 8. Calyptra campanulate: leaves lan- ceolate-ovate to lanceolate-obovate, dentate or serrate Physcowitrella, p. 130 12 A MANUAL Or MOSSES 9. Capsule apiculate; leaves entire, papil- lose Phascum, p. TOO 9. Capsule not at all or very slightly apicu- late; leaves erose-denticulate at the apex, smooth Acaulon, p. 129 10. Protonema persistent: plants prac- tically stemless; leaves ecostate; calyptra splitting down one side and usually remaining attached to the seta Discelium, p, 126 10. Protonema not persistent; calyptra not as above. (With a large inflated hypophysis. Splachnum, p. 125) .... 11 11. Peristome teeth none, or if present ar- ticulate 12 11. Peristome teeth not distinctly articu- late 60 12. Peristome present, sometimes im- perfect 13 12. Peristome none 52 13. Leaves distichous, dorsally winged and clasping at the base 127 13. Leaves not distichously clasping and dorsally winged 14 14. Leaves consisting of costa only, outer cells large and empty, inner small and chlorophyllose Lcucobryum, p. 75 14. Leaves with a lamina consisting mainly of one layer of more or less uniform cells 15 15. Peristome single, 16 or 32 toothed; teeth without a median longitudinal line on the exterior face 16 15. Peristome double, with 16 outer teeth and an iianer variously segmented or almost lacking membrane; teeth with a median longitudinal line on the exterior face. 37 16. Capsule more or less octagonal, the angles with differentiated cells, when dry 8-striate and furrowed... Rhabdoweisia, p. 64 16. Capsule not octagonal, or, if plicate. the cells uniform 17 17. Exterior face of teeth longitudinally striate 18 17. Exterior face of teeth smooth or papil- lose, not longitudinally striate 24 18. Leaves with large hyaline or brownish alar cells 22 18. Leaves without differentiated alar cells 19 19. Leaf-cells strongly and coarsely papil- lose Orcoweisia, p. 50 19. Leaf-cells smooth 20 . 20. Peristome of 16 broad solid teeth, sometimes somewhat bifid at the apex, smooth and strongly hygro- scopic Seligeria, /». 5# 20. Peristome of 16 narrow, prolonged, more or less two-parted, minutely striate or papillose teeth 21 OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 13 21. Capsule cernuus, with a long and inflated neck; teeth cleft or perforate Trematodon, p. 51 21. Capsule erect or inclined; neck short or none; teeth cleft to the middle into two filiform divisions Dicranella. p. 60 22. Monoicous; leaves tufted: capsules strumose, costa with distinctly heterogeneous tissues '. Oncoplwrus, p. 65 22. Dioicous; leaves flexuose-spread- ing or secund; capsule more or less distinctly strumose 23 23. Basal auricles of leaves large and in- flated; seta cygneous Dicranodontiuw, p. 72 23. Basal auricles of leaves small or none; seta not cygneous Dicranttm, p. 66 24. Pe.ristome distinctly twisted; teeth 32 25 24. Peristome not distinctly twisted; teeth 16 but often deeply cleft.. 27 25. Leaves large, oblong to sub-spatulate; costa with two median guides Tortilla, p. 103 25. Leaves small and narrow, linear-lanceo- late: costa with from 4-8 median guides 26 26. Leaf-margins plane, not revolute; cells papillose Tortella, p. 95 26. Leaf-margins revolute. at least be- low; cells smooth or papillose Barbula, p. 97 27. Dark green or blackish mosses on rocks or sometimes trees: peristome single or none 28 27. Green plants, not blackish nor very dark 30 28. Calyptra descending much below the base of the capsule, split and plicate; annulus none: spores large. Glyphomitrium, p. 107 28. Calyptra shorter. not plicate; annulus present: spores medium size 29 29. Teeth sub-entire, cribrose or irregularly cleft Grimmia. p. 108 29. Teeth cleft to near the base into fili- form segments Rhacomitrium, p. m 30. Calyptra mitrate. not folded nor torn, completely covering the cap- sule; capsule erect Hncalypta, p. 105 30. Calyptra cucullate 31 31. Teeth merging below into a more or less continuous basal wall or membrane.. 32 31. Teeth not merging below into a continu- ous membrane 35 32. Leaves papillose on the upper sur- face: peristome teeth short Didymodon. p. 96 32. Leaves mostly smooth: peristome- teeth long 33 33. Capsule inclined, distinctly plicate when dry; leaf-cells roundish-quadrate above.. Ceratodon, p. 57 33. Capsule erect, nearly or entirely smooth when dry: leaf-cells elongated above. 34 14 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 34. Leaves glaucous (Saelania) 34. Leaves glossy-green Ditrichum, p. 53 35. Plants living on trees Drummondia, p. 116 35. Plants living on earth or rocks 36 36. Leaf-margins entire, distinctly in- volute above IFcisia, p. gi 36. Leaf-margins minutely crenulate, plane Trichostomum, p. 94 37. Inner peristome usually distinct, lacking a basal membrane 38 37. Inner peristome furnished with a distinct carinate basal membrane 41 38. Calyptra cucullate Funaria, />. 134 38. Calyptra mitrate 39 39. Catyptra smooth, not plicate, extending below the capsule Encalypta, p. 705 39. Calyptra only partially enclosing the capsule, plicate and usually pubescent. 40 40. Leaves crisped when dry, base oval; neck of capsule with stomata superficial Ulota, p, 121 40. Leaves not with an oval base and. not crisped when dry; neck of cap- sule with mostly immersed stomata OrtJwtrichum, p. 117 41. Capsule ribbed when dry 42 41. Capsule smooth, not ribbed when dry. 45 42. Capsule ovoid-cylindrical: inner and outer peristomes of equal length Aiilacomninin, p. 16$ 42. Capsule sub-globose; inner per- istome shorter than the outer... 43 43. Cilia well developed Philonotis, p. 1/6 43. Cilia rudimentary or absent 44 44. Leaf-cells papillose Bartramia, p. 173 44. Leaf-cells smooth Plagiopus, p. 173 45. Upper leaf surface papillose Timmia, p. 180 45. Upper leaf surface not papillose 46 46. Segments 2 to 3 times as long as the teeth; cilia rudimentary Meesea, p. 171 46. Segments and teerh of about equal length; cilia well developed.... 47 47. Cilia appendiculate 48 47. Cilia not distinctly appendiculate.... 49 48. Large stoloniferous, Mutum-like plants with clustered capsules Rhodobryum, p. 156 48. Smaller, non-stoloniferous mosses with the capsules borne singly.... Brymn, p. 147 49. Leaf-cells narrow, linear-rhomboidal above Leptobryuw. p. 138 49. Leaf-cells rhomboid-hexagonal, never linear 50 50. Large plants with the upper leaves ovate; leaf-cells not more than twice as long as broad Minimi, p. 158 50. Smaller plants with linear-lanceo- late upper leaves; leaf-cells more than twice as long as broad. ... 51 51. Annulus none; leaf cells more or less rhombic-hexagonal, never linear, except at margins; leaves glaucous green Mniobryuw, p. 145 OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 15 51. Annulus present; leaf-cells narrowly rhombic to linear: leaves green to yel- low-green, often glossy JVebera, p. 140 52. Rock- or crevice-inhabiting mosses 53 52. Earth-inhabiting plants 58 53. Leaves on the sterile stems in two rows, forming a continuous marginal wing... Scliistostega, p. 137 53. Leaves on the sterile stem not thus ar- ranged 54 54. Leaves distichous, closely imbri- cate, carinate-plicate; stems radicu- lose and bulbiform at base Bryo.viphinm, p. 78 54. Leaves not as above; stem not bnlbiferous at base 55 55. Leaves ecostate; stalk less than 1 mm. long; operculum apiculate .-. . Hedivigia, p. 201 55. Leaves costate; stalk 2 to 12 mm. long; operculum rostrate 56 56. Capsule smooth, terminating the main axis; plants often on calcare- ous rocks 57 56. Capsule ribbed, borne on a short lateral branch; plants not often on calcareous rocks Amphidium, />; 114 57. Leaf-margins revolute on one or both sides; upper leaf-cells clear and pellucid; columella remaining attached to the operculum and falling away with it Hymcnostylhtm, p. 92 57. Leaf-margins always plane; upper leaf- cells densely papillose and obscure; columella remaining in the capsule after the operculum falls away Gymnostomum, p. 92 58. Calyptra cucullate: cells iso-dia- metric above the middle of the leaf Pottla, p. 101 58. Calyptra mitrate; cells elongated above the middle of the leaf 59 59. Capsule immersed and sessile, splitting equatorially and without specially modi- fied cells at the line of dehiscence Aphanorhegma, p. 131 59. Capsule exserted on a long seta, or, if immersed, operculate with 1—3 rows of denser cells below the line of dehiscence. Physcomitriuni. p. l$2 60. Capsule symmetric; peristome single 61 60. Capsule unsymmetric; peristome double, the inner in the form of a short conical tube 64 61. Peristome teeth 4 Tetraphis, p. 184 61. Peristome teeth 32 or 64 62 62. Capsule usually square or hexa- gonal: calyptra densely hairy: teeth generally 64 Polytrichum, p. 194 62. Capsule cylindrical; teeth 32... 63 63. Calyptra densely hairy: leaves not crisped when dry Pogonatum, p. 192 63. Calyptra cucullate, almost smooth: leaves crisped when dry Catharin&ea, p. 186 64. Leaves green, costate. conspicuous; capsule sessile and immersed Diphyscimn, p. 16 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 64. Leaves almost microscopic, color- less; capsule exserted on a thick, red stalk Bu.vbaumia, p. 182 B. PLBUROCARPI 65. Leaves distichous, dorsally winged and clasping at the base Plssidens, p. 79 65. Leaves pluri-seriate 66 66. Cilia none; segments none or rudi- mentary, or filiform and not split. 67 66. Cilia often present; segments cari- nate and often split along the me- dian line 76 67. Segments quite rudimentary, sometimes with a distinct carinate basal membrane; leaves more or less papillose 68 67. Leaves smooth 69 68. Leaves deltoid to round-ovate, spinulose-dentate to hmbriate; paraphyllia none; costa single and usually half the length of the leaf. Thelia, p. 238 68. Leaves spatulate to obovate, entire or cristate-serrate; costa double or short or almost lacking Pterygynandnun, p. 232 69. Inner peristome lattice-like; leaf-cells narrow and prosenchymatous 70 69. Inner peristome not lattice-like, some- times none; segments when present free, sometimes rudimentary 71 70. Ecostate; capsule immersed; plants aquatic Fontinalis, p. 203 70. Costate; capsule more or less ex- serted; plants growing on the base of bushes and shrubs Dichelyma, p. 208 71. Leaves complanate, transversely undu- late Ncckcra, p. 218 71. Leaves more or less spreading, not trans- versely undulate 72 72. Inner peristome none, or, if pres- ent, the linear segments without a basal membrane; teeth flat, thin, distantly articulated, approximate in pairs; costa simple, often delicate and short, or none 73 72. Inner peristome lacking or the peristome double; basal membrane low 74 73. Costa mostly delicate and short; teeth broad and obtuse; leaves serrate to cili- ate-dentate Fabronla, p. 234 73. Costa strong, ending above the middle of the leaf; peristome deeply inserted; teeth broadly lanceolate; segments shorter than the teeth, linear, almost smooth Anacamptodon, p. 235 74. Calyptra cucullate; capsule ex- serted; inner peristome without segments 75 OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 17 74. Calyptra conical-campanulate; cap- sule immersed: segments linear or very narrow-carinate ( Cryphaea) 75. Ecostate Leucodon, p. 214 75. Costate Forsstroemia, p. 216 76. Leaves mostly rough-papillose. 77 76. Leaves smooth, or sometimes slightly papillose at the cell- angles 89 77. Capsule erect and symmetric 78 77. Capsule usually arcuate, unsymmetric. 84 78. Leaves costate, margin usually en- tire 79 78. Leaves ecostate 83 79. Costa not more than half the length of the leaf Haplohymenium, p. 241 79. Costa strong, nearly reaching the apex of the leaf 80 80. Primary stems stoloniform, sec- ondary stems bearing the sporo- phytes; stem-leaves minute; para- phyllia none Anomodon, p. 242 80. Primary stems bearing the sporo- phytes and not stoloniform; branch and stem leaves not markedly dis- similar; paraph)- Ilia often present 81 81. Paraphyllia none; leaf-cells compact, round-hexagonal, nearly smooth; cilia none; teeth without lamellae, not hygro- scopic ; dioicous Leskcella, p. 251 81. Paraphyllia present; leaf-cells hexagonal to parenchymatous, mostly unipapillate ; autoicous 82 82. Teeth with well developed lamellae; segments narrow-linear Leskea, p. 248 82. Teeth with low lamellae; segments none Lindbergia, p. 247 83. Cilia two; plants glaucous-green with closely imbricated leaves and julaceous branches Myurella, p. 240 83. Cilia none; plants light green with loose- ly appressed leaves and more or less flattened branches Schwetschkeopsis, p. 223 84. Plants creeping, one-to three- pinnate 85 84. Plants erect to ascending, simply pinnate, in large tufts 88 85. Plants small, to 20 cm., delicate, one-to two-pinnate 86 85. Plants larger, to 10 cm., one-to three- pinnate; in large flat mats Thuidium, p. 256 86. Costa of stem-leaves one-fifth to one-sixth of the width of the leaf base Thuidium, p. 256 86. Costa of stem-leaves one-tenth to one-twelfth of the width of the leaf base 87 87. Stem and branch leaves dissimilar: leaf- cells each with several minute papillae.. Rauia, p. 252 18 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 87. Stem and branch leaves similar; leaf-cells each with but one or rarely two papillae. Haplocladinm, p. 88. Stem and branch leaves similar in size and shape Elodium, p. 260 88. Stem and branch leaves dissimilar. 89. Stems dendroid, upright from a creeping base; capsules clustered 90 89. Stems prostrate or ascending with the capsules borne singly 91 90. Cilia none; capsules erect and sym- metric CHwaciiim, p. 210 90. Cilia well developed, appendiculate; capsules inclined, unsymmetric. . . . Tha, ninium. p. 221 91. Cilia none; capsule symmetric and erect. or nearly so 92 91. Cilia generally present and well de- veloped; capsule unsymmetric. generally more or less arcuate and recurved, some- times almost erect 97 92. Branches strongly complanate: leaves cultriform Hoiualia. p. 220 92. Branches not strongly complanate; leaves ovate to lanceolate 93 93. Segments adhering to the teeth; basal membrane none or obscure 94 93. Segments free from the teeth 95 94. Leaves costate; seta rough Homalotheciclla, p. 330 94. Leaves ecostate; seta smooth Pylaisia, p. 229 95. Basal membrane broad and distinct Pylaisia. p. 229 95. Basal membrane none or narrow 96 96. Stem oval in cross-section : capsule 3 mm. or more long; teeth of peristome not hyaline-margined.... Entodon, p. 224 96. Stem round; capsule not over 2.5 mm. long; teeth of peristome hya- line-margined P)aty^yriiiin, p. 227 97. Stem mostly woody, often stoloniferous, irregularly divided, the leafy branches often more or less regularly pinnate; leaves erect-spreading to squarrose, rare- ly imbricated; cells narrowly prosenchy- matous rarely parenchymatous, towards the base more lax and often punctate; costa various, but rarely almost percur- rent; alar cells rounded or oval-4-to 6- sided, forming a well defined group; teeth and segments same length; basal mem- brane wide; cilia usually well developed; operculum rounded, conical-obtuse to short rostrate 99 [Hypnaccac] 97. Characters not combined as above.... 98 98. Slender plants with creeping stems; leaves often secund or somewhat complanate; costa none or double and short; cells narrow, prosenchy- matotts; alar cells 3 to 8, large, in- flated and pellucid: capsule small, oval to oblong; operculum long and slenderly rostrate Rhaphidostcgium, p.' 326 OF WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA. 19 98. Stems round, creeping, procumbent or more or less erect, often irregu- larly stoloniferous; leaves ascend- ing to appressed, often complanate. rarely secund: stem and branch leaves dissimilar in the stolonifer- ous species only, ovate to lanceo- late, mostly slenderly acuminate; costa not often reaching the apex but usually reaching to the middle at least: cells prosenchymatous, long rhomboidal to linear-vermicu- lar; operctilum conical, blunt to long rostrate 120 [Brachythcciaccae] HYPXACEAE (99-119) 99. Costa in our species single, extending to the middle of the leaf or beyond: opercu- lum never rostrate 102 [Amblystegieae] 99. Costa double and short or none: opercu- lum sometimes rostrate 100 100. Stem and branch leaves usually dis- tinctly dissimilar: leaves symmetric, inserted at right angles to the axis of the stem 114 [ Hyhcomieae] 100. Stem and branch leaves quite similar: leaves often inserted obliquely and un symmetrically.. 101 101. Leaves either symmetric and normally in- serted or un symmetric and obliquely in- serted; operculum sometimes rostrate. 118 [Stereodonteae] 101. Leaves obliquely inserted, apparently two-ranked. mostly unsymmetric; branches mostly complanate; operculum conic to short rostrate, rarely long- rostrate ' . . . . 119 [Plagiothecieae] 102. Leaves margined Sciaromium, p. 279 102. Leaves not margined 103 103. Costa strong, ending almost in the apex or sometimes excurrent 104 103. Costa not extending to the apex of the leaf . 109 104. Paraphyllia numerous and poly- morphic 105 104. Paraphyllia none or very few... 106 105. Leaves deeply longitudinally folded. falcate-secund ( Cratonenron} 105. Leaves not deeply longitudinally folded.. Hygroamblystegium,p.275 106. Leaf-cells linear-vermicular to the leaf-base, mostly with blunt ends, the alar cells forming a small but well defined group of quadrate or rectangular cells Hygroliytwuin. f>. 287 106. Leaf-cells hexagonal and 2 to 6 times as long as wide, or prolonged- linear and becoming wider and shorter towards the leaf-base, alar cells forming a larger group often reaching to the costa 20 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 107. Alar cells parenchymatons Drepanocladus, p. 280 107. Alar cells prosenchymatous 108 108. Leaf-cells prolonged-linear Calliergon, p. 284 108. Leaf-cells prosenchymatous-hexa- gonal, 2 to 6 times as long as wide.Hygroambtystegium,p.275 109. Leaves cordate-to ovate-lanceolate, more or less acuminate; costa weak, end- ing at or beyond the middle of the leaf; cells rarely linear, mostly quadrate and parenchymatous, or hexagonal and pros- enchymatous Amblystegiutn, p. 264 109. Not with the above combination of char- acters 110 110. Leaf-cells narrowly linear; leaves broadly ovate or cordate, prolonged into awl-shaped reflexed squarrose tips Cainpylium, p. 290 110. Not with above combination of characters Ill 111. Leaves oval- to oblong-lanceolate, more or less long acuminate; leaf-cells narrow, prosenchymatous; plants shining Homomallium, p. 274 111. Not with characters combined as above 112 112. Plants very slender, not shining; leaves usually spreading in all di- rections, lanceolate to linear-lanceo- late; cells rhomboidal to long hexa- gonal, 2 to 4, or rarely 6-8, times as long as broad Amblystegiella. p. 272 112. Leaf-cells prolonged-linear, most- ly very narrow 113 113. Leaves erect-spreading or imbricated, oblong-ovate to nearly circular, obtuse or apiculate, often very concave; costa short and double, or none icrocladium, p. 286 113. Leaves more or less falcate-secund to circinate, from a mostly narrowed and somewhat decurrent base, becoming ovate- to triangular-or cordate-lanceo- late, more or less slenderly acuminate; costa weak and reaching above the middle, or rarely even excurrent Drepanocladus, p. 280 114. Paraphyllia numerous; leaves more or less erect, from abruptly to gradually acuminate, mostly plicate_. Hylocomium, p. 298 114. Paraphyllia none or very few... 115 115. Stem-leaves more or less squarrose- spreading to secund, acuminate 117 115. Stem-leaves more or less crowded, im- bricate, but with more or less spreading or secund tips 116 116. Stem-leaves turgidly imbricate and secund, rugose, narrowly lanceolate- acuminate from a broadly oblong base, glossy; apex distinctly serrate; cilia two; annulus present Rhytidium, p. 116. Stem-leaves close or loosely im- bricate, not secund, broadly ovate OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 21 or rounded with an obtuse apex, olive or grayish-green, apex faintly crenulate; cilia three: annulns none. Hypnitin, />. 302 117. Alar cells not at all or but very little differentiated; plants distantly and ir- regularly pinnate; leaves sqnarrose or spreading-secund Rhytidiadelphus, p. 295 117. Alar cells distinctly differentiated; plants closely pinnate; leaves circinate-secund. . Ctenidium, p. 294 118. Plants large, to 15 cm., closely and regularly pinnate; leaves linear- acuminate from a broadly ovate base, stem-leaves plicate, falcate- secund; cilia 3 or 4 Ptilium, p. 303 118. Plants large to quite slender, simple or pinnate, mostly irregularly pinnate; leaves ovate-to cordate- lanceolate, shortly to slenderly acu- minate, generally circinate-secund in two series Stereodon, p. 304 119. Leaf-cells very narrowly prosenchyma- tous, alar cells mostly not differentiated; leaves oblong to linear, short pointed, or ovate- to linear-lanceolate, acute to long acuminate or piliferous Isopterygiuin, p. 316 119. Leaf-cells not so narrow, alar cells broader, hyaline and thin-walled; leaves broadly lanceolate to oval, more or less long acuminate Plagiothecium, p. 321 BRACHYTHECIACEAE (120-126) 120. Capsule practically erect and sym- metric; seta papillose; inner peris- tome much shorter than the outer.. Hotnalotheciella, p. 330 120. Capsule general!}' inclined or hori- zontal, unsymmetric: peristomes of equal length 121 121. Leaves with several deep sulcations Camptothecium, p. 331 121. Leaves smooth or but shallow!}' sul- cate 122 122. Operculum conic, sometimes rost- rate; alar cells differentiated Brachythecium, p. 332 122. Operculum long rostrate; alar cells few or not differentiated 123 123. Autoicous; branches and leaves often complanate. leaves mostly only slightly concave, never sulcate, ovate to ovate — lanceolate, more or less long acuminate; costa rarely ending in a spine on the back of the leaf: cells narrow, smooth; seta smooth Rhynchostegium, p. 354 123. Dioicous; seta generally papillose; costa sometimes ending in a spine on the back of the leaf 124 124. Leaves very concave, not at all or but weakly plicate, ovate to oblong, more or less abruptly acuminate or piliferous: costa not ending in a spine; cells narrow and smooth... Cirriphyllum, p. 345 22 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 124. Not with the characters combined as above 125 125. Stem and branch-leaves often dissimilar, stem-leaves ovate-to triangular-cordate or rounded triangular-oval, obtuse to somewhat acuminate: costa often ending in a spine; leaf-cells very narrow and smooth 126 125. Stem-leaves more or less concave, ir- regularly plicate; cells elongated-rhom- boid to elongated-hexagonal; branch- leaves rough on the back by papillae or tooth-like projecting cell-angles; seta very rough Bryhnia, />. 352 126. Leaves not or very little concave, never plicate; seta mostly rough... Oxyrhynchium, />. 347 126. Leaves more or less concave, most- ly distinctly plicate; seta mostly smooth Eurhynchiutn, />. ,?5o 127. Mostly not aquatic, sometimes submerged but yet floating Fissidens, p. 79 127. Aquatic, filiform, and floating.- Octodiceras, p. S6 OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 23 Order I. SPHAGNALES. Peat Mosses. Characteristic peat mosses, in bogs, usually either in water or water-soaked, monoicous or dioicous, deeply cespitose. the tufts constantly growing upwards at the same time that the plants are dying from below and often thus giving rise to deep beds of peat, the tufts light grayish-green or sometimes yel- lowish, often more or less tinted with red above : stems with- out rhizoids, usually composed of an outer cuticular sheath consisting of one to three or four layers of large lax cells, an intermediate wood cylinder composed of prosenchymatous cells with usually thickened \valls, and a central pith of lax parenchymatous cells : branches symmetrically fascicled, usually partly divergently spreading and partly slender and appressed-pendent ; leaves ecostate, unistratose, composed of large, hyaline, more or less elliptic cells with usually per- forated and spirally thickened (fibrillose) walls and separated by narrow chlorophyllose cells which meet at their ends to form a continuous network throughout the leaf ; stem-leaves usually different in form from the branch-leaves, remote, often lacking entirely the pores and spiral fibrils, while the branch- leaves are usually porose, fibrillose, and more or less densely imbricated ; seta none but the capsule is borne upon an out- growth from the gametophyte termed a pseudopodium ; an- theridial flowers usually at the apex of specialized branches of the capitulum, the antheridia being pedicillate, globose, and solitary at the base of the bracts; the archegonial flo\vers gemmiform, axillary in one of the upper fascicles, only one of the three or four archegonia developing, as a rule : capsule globose, castaneous, with a convex operculum, without annulus or peristome ; calyptra irregularly lacerate ; spores developed from the amphithecium, the columella from the endothecium. This order is a peculiar one comprising but one family (Sphagnaceac] which contains but the one genus (Sphagnum) with about 250 known species. The Sphagnums are cos- mopolitan in suitable habitats but are most abundant in the cooler temperate regions of Europe and North America, in both of these countries often forming bogs of large areas. In North America there are known about 75 species, at least 20 of these occurring in our range. I. SPHAGNUM [Dillenius] Hedwig. Analytical Key to the Species. a. Cuticular cells of the stem and usually also of the divergent branches porose and spirally tibrose: branch-leaves with a hyaline entire border, concave, cucnllate, obtuse but hardly truncate. b (Cymbi folia). a. Cuticular cells of the stem and divergent branches not porose nor 24 A MANUAL OF MOSSES fibrillose: branch-leaves usually truncate and toothed or fringed, rarely acute. e. b. Chlorophyllose cells of leaves exposed either dorsally or ven- trally, or both. c. b. Chlorophyllose cells, as seen in cross-section, centrally placed and enclosed by the hyaline cells both dorsally and ven- trally. 4. S. medium. c. Lateral walls of the Chlorophyllose cells with fibrillose thicken- Migs on the- surfaces facing into the hyaline cells. 1. S. imbncatnm. c. Lateral walls of the Chlorophyllose cells smooth. d. d. Chlorophyllose cells very broadly triangular or triangularly trapezoidal with the broader face ventral. 2. S. a f fine. d. Chlorophyllose cells narrowly triangular or trapezoidal, not over one-half as wide as long, usually less. 3. S. latifolium. e. Chlorophyllose cells triangular or trapezoidal in cross-section with one or both faces free. f. e. Chlorophyllose cells elliptical, or more or less barrel-shaped or rectangular, but not triangular nor trapezoidal. m. f. Face of Chlorophyllose cells free on the ventral surface; hya- line cells dorsally strongly convex, the interior cell-walls ad- joining the Chlorophyllose cells smooth. g. (Acutifolia). f. Face of Chlorophyllose cells dorsally free; hyaline cells ven- trally strongly convex, the interior Avails smooth or papillose. k. g. Stem-leaves erose- or lacerate-fimbriate at the broadly rounded apex, non-fibrillose. 10. 5. fimbriatum. g. Stem-leaves not fimbriate but truncate or toothed at the apex, non-fibrillose. h. h. Stem-leaves Ungulate; plants usually reddish. 11. S. warnstorfii. h. Stem-leaves more or less equilaterally triangular or triangu- lar-linguiate. i. i. Branch-leaves 5-seriate, when dry not lustrous. 12, S. quinqiicfarhim. i. Branch-leaves not 5-seriate, when dry sometimes lustrous. j. Stem-leaves usually non-fibrillose and non-porose; branch- leaves usually lustrous when dry. 13. S. subnitcns. }. Stem-leaves usually fibrillose and porose; branch-leaves not glossy when dry. 14. S. capillifolium. k. Hyaline cells of median dorsal leaf-surface of branch-leaves with about 5 very large pores, pores smaller towards the leaf-apex; Chlorophyllose cells with the exterior walls strongly thickened. 1. (Squarrosa). k. Hyaline cells with pores on median dorsal leaf-surface none or very few; Chlorophyllose cells with exterior walls not strongly thickened. s. (Cuspidatd). 1. Branch-leaves mostly squarrose in apical half of leaf. 6. S. squarrosum. 1. Branch-leaves slightly or not at all squarrose. 7. S. teres. m. Hyaline cells of stem-leaves non-fibrillose; Chlorophyllose cells of branch-leaves enclosed on both surfaces, the lumen sub-central, Or WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA. 25 elliptic; branch-leaves squarrose in their apical half. 5. S. compactum. m. Hyaline cells of stem-leaves fibrillose; chlorophyllose cells of branch-leaves free on both surfaces; branch-leaves usually sub- secund. n. (Subsecundtf . n. Cuticular sheath of stem 2-3-stratose. o. n. Cuticular sheath of stem 1-stratose. p. o. Stem-leaves small, not over 1 mm. long, fibrillose only towards apex; branch-leaves secund. 15. S-. laricinum. o. Stem-leaves large, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, fibrillose to base or nearly so; branch-leaves not secund. 16. S. platyphyllum. p. Stein-leaves with hyaline border strongly widened below, fibrils none or only in upper cells. 18. S. subsccnnJttin. p. Stem-leaves with uniformly hyaline border, fibrils more numerous. q. q. Stem-leaves strongly auriculate. large. 1.5-2.0 mm. long, fibrillose ''n upper two-thirds, at least, and at the base. 17. S. grai'etii. q. Stem-leaves non-auriculate or but slightly auriculate. usually of medium size, fibrillose in about upper two-thirds. r. r. Stem-leaves about 1-1.5 mm. long, with septate hyaline cells and fibrillose in upper half. 19. S. inundatitm. r. Stem-leaves about 1.3-1.5 (-2) mm. long, very little septate, fibrillose in upper two-thirds or to middle. 20. S. pungens. s. Branch-leaves about 1-2 mm. long, strongly undulate and with recurved tips when dry: dorsal pores of upper hyaline cells re- stricted to cell-angles. 8. 5. recurvum. s. Branch-leaves \vhen dry weakly undulate, scarcely recurved, about 1 mm. long, the upper hyaline cells with pores both in the cell- angles and along the sides. 9. S. parvifolium. 1. Sphagnum imbricatum (Hornschuch) Rtiss-»\v. (S. anstini Sullivant). (Plate I) This species occurs in bog's and wet moors in Europe and Asia and in Xorth America from Labrador to Alaska and south to Louisiana. In our region it is represented by the following variety. The typical form, as compared with the following variety, has usually more yellowish or brownish denser tufts with the shorter comal branches more erect and the divergent branches more densely-leaved and more ascending; while the hyaline cells of the stem-leaves are only sparsely comb-fibril- lose on the inside face of the lateral walls ; otherwise the char- acters of variety and species are identical : a. Sphagnum imbricatum variety sublaeve Warnstorf. (S. anstini var. glaiicnin f. squarrosulum Roell). Rather densely cespitose, large, usually more or less glaucous-green, grayish or yellowish below; stems rather stout, with us about 4-8 cm. long, the wood-cylinder greenish or yellowish and surrounded by a cuticular sheath of usually 26 A MANUAL OF -MOSSES four layers of thin-walled, large, fibrillose, and porose cells, the innermost largest; stem-leaves about 1-1.8 mm. long, widely and bluntly Ungulate, somewhat concave, the upper half rounded and with an erose-fimbriate margin, the base more or less auriculate; hyaline cells of stem-leaves usually non-fibriliose and non-porose, a few often septate, the upper median more or less rounded-hexagonal, the basal elongate, the insertion-cells small and brownish-incrassate ; branches usually four, two or three spreading, tumid, about 1.5 cm. long, the rather shortly tapering apex pendent, the comal branches short and more or less erect-spreading, often obtuse, the pendent branches closely applied to the stem, very slender; bianch-leaves 2-3 mm. long, broadly ovate, very concave, the margins involute, the apex abruptly and bluntly tapering, cncullate and more or less widely squarrose-spreading; the hyaline cells of the branch-leaves broad, fibrillose, ventrally with a few large round median pores, with small pores in the angles, dorsally with large round or elliptic pores at the cell- angles, the large pores usually equalling about one-third the width of the hyaline cell ; the basal hyaline cells of the branch- leaves are distinctly comb-fibrillose on the inner lateral side of the \vall adjoining the chlorophyllose cells; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells are widely trapezoidal, the ventral wall widest and almost or quite as wide as the lateral walls, the dorsal \vall exposed between the highly convex dorsal walls of the hyaline cells and usually one-third to one-half the width of the lateral wall ; the cuticular sheath of the branches con- sisting of one layer of rectangular, fibrillose, porose cells : fruit not seen, but spores of S. imbricatum are stated to be yellowish, smooth, and about .025 mm. in diameter. This variety is probably well distributed in regions where the typical form occurs. Crawford : Pymatuning Swramp, near Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured.) Mercer : Near Houston Junction, July 12, 1902. J. A. S. 2. Sphagnum affine Renauld and Cardot. (S. imbricatum var. affine Warnstorf.) (Plate I) Densely cespitose, usually bluish or glaucous-green above and more or less yellowish below : stems robust, sometimes as much as a decimeter in length, usually much less, densely branched ; cuticular sheath distinct, three-layered, the inner layer with the largest cells, the outer cells usually densely spirally fibrillose and 2-6-pored ; stem-leaves large, 1.6-2.2 mm. long, about two-thirds as wide, widely spatulate, the rounded upper half somewhat concave, erose-fimbriate; hyaline OK WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 27 cells of stem-leaves usually weakly fibrillose in their upper half, porose dorsally, the hyaline cells below non-hbrillose, the pores large and few ; branches usually 4, one or two of these very slender, pendent and rather closely appressed to the >tem, the divergent ones horizontally spreading, with drooping tips, rather swollen below, tapering towards the apex, the branches often 2 cm. long; branch-leaves 2-3 mm. long, broadly ovate, bluntly and cucullately short-pointed, the whole leaf very concave and with more or less involute margins, the apex dorsally scabrous by the erosion of the outer cell- walls ; hyaline cells of the branch-leaves rather wide, spirally fibrillose on both sides, with large well-defined pores of one- third to one-half the cell-width and confined mainly to the cell-angles; chlorophyllose cells in cross-section widely trape- zoidal, the wider face being ventrally exposed and more than or at least half of the width (dorsal-ventral) of the smooth lateral walls, the dorsal face exposed and rather wide; the cuticular cells of the branches porose and densely fibrillose: fruit not seen. In bogs and swampy borders of ponds and streams. Europe and in Xorth America from Canada to Florida. Quite common in our region but mostly referred in the past to S. cymbifolium. Beaver : Bog 1 mile north of Xew Galilee, Sep- tember 10, 1906. O. E. J. Center : In Rhododendron thicket along headwa- ters of Laurel Run. Tusseys Alt., July 15, 1909, and in open bog, Bear Meadows, September 21, 1909. (Figured.) O. E. J. Clearfield : Boggy woods, a few miles north of Cherry Tree, July 12, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford : In Tamarack bog near Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. f. ; Bog near Mud Lake, Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Jefferson : Miss Kate Stoy. Lycoming : Bog near Williamsport, July 16, 1908. O. E. J. Mercer : Near Houston Junction, July 12, 1902. J. A. S. Westmoreland: Along small shaded stream, on Laurel Hill Mts., Mellon's estate, New Florence, September 8-11, 1907. O. E. J. 2a. Sphagnum affine forma squarrosula Warnstorf is a strong growing form with the upper half of the leaves of the branches when dry strongly squarrose. All gradations be- tween the typical form and the squarrose form are to be found 28 A MAX UAL OF .MOSSES in our region. A packet of specimens quite characteristically of the squarrose form is as follows: Cambria: On boggy plateau near St. Lawrence, July 24, 1908. O. E. J. (Mixed with S. rccurruin Schwaegrichen). 3. Sphagnum latifolium Hedwig. (S. palnstrc Linnaeus; S. cymbifolium Ehrhart). (Plate I) Densely cespitose, usually robust, bluish or glaucous- green to yellowish: stems rather stout, usually 8-10 cm. long. sometimes 2-3 dm. long, the cuticular sheath composed of 3-4 layers of inflated cells, the innermost of which are the largest, the outer layer being rectangular, fibrillose and porose, the wood-cylinder being usually yellowish or brownish ; stem- leaves large, about 2 mm. long and 1.25 mm. broad, sometimes 3 mm. long, spatulate-lingulate, the broadly rounded apex somewhat erose-nmbriate, below narrowly hyaline-bordered, the insertion composed of brownish and incrassate cells ; lower hyaline cells of stem-leaves sometimes septate, non-porose, non-fibrillose, those of the upper one-half or two-thirds of the leaf fibrillose and porose as are the branch-leaves also, towards the apex the hyaline cells much broader relatively, often as broad as long ; branches in different plants variable, 1-2.5 cm. long, more or less turgid below, acutely tapering at the apex, usually two spreading with drooping tips and two pendent and closely appressed to the stem, the comal short, ascending, more or less blunt ; the branches in cross-section showing a layer of inflated cuticular cells which are rectangu- lar, porose, and fibrillose ; branch-leaves usually about 2 mm. long, sometimes 3 mm., widely ovate, very concave, the mar- gins involute, the apex abruptly and bluntly tapering, cucul- late, at back somewhat scabrous with the erosion of the outer cell-walls, when dry the leaves being more or less closely imbricate; hyaline cells of branch-leaves broad, fibrillose, ventrally porose with large lateral pores mainly confined to the cell-angles, the pores often equalling one-third the width of the cell, dorsally the pores somewhat smaller and more elliptic and lateral, mostly in the cell-angles ; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells are narrowly barrel-shaped or some- what trapezoidal, exposed on both faces, being ventrally nearly flush with the ventral surface of the hyaline cells but the latter dorsally very convex and projecting much beyond the chloro- phyllose cells, the lateral walls of the chlorophyllose cells smooth ; perichsetial leaves very large, broadly oval, cucullate, hyaline-bordered, rounded obtuse at apex : capsule at maturity considerably exserted above the comal tuft ; spores yellow, .028-.033 mm., mature in mid-summer. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 29 In bogs, margins of quiet rivers and lakes, wet places in woods, etc. ; a cosmopolitan, occurring in North America from Labrador and Alaska south to British Columbia and Florida. In our region not uncommon. Allegheny : Vicinity of Pittsburgh, 1902. Otto Hatry. Crawford : Bog near Mud Lake, Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Erie : Eastern end of Cranberry Pond, Presque Isle. May 8-9, 1906. O. E. J." 3a. Sphagnum latifolium variety squarrosulum (Nees and Hornschuch ) New Combination. (S. cymbifolium var. squarrosulum Nees and Hornschuch). As compared with the typical species this variety has usually a darker or more bluish-green color ; the leaves have a more abruptly narrowed apex, the apical third of the leaf es- pecially in the comal branches being rather abruptly squar- rulose. Probably with a world-wide distribution with the typical form but in our region more common and apparently more partial to less decidedly boggy situations. Beaver : Bog one mile north of New Galilee, June 22, 1908. O. E. J. Blair : Rhododendron Park, Lloydsville. October 19, 1901. J. A. S. Center : Headwaters of Laurel Run, Tussey's Mt.. near Shingletown, July 15, 1909. O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, near Linesville, August 19, 1904. O. E. J. (Fruiting specimens). Fayette : Near Falls in crevices of rock-bed of river, Ohio Pyle, September 1-3. 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Indiana : Boggy banks of Cush dishing Creek, near Cherry Tree, July 12, 1908. O. E. J. Snyder : Bog near Richfield., July 17, 1908. 6. E. J. 3b. Sphagnum latifolium variety brachycladum (Schliephacke) New Combination. (S. cymbifolium var. I'ircscens forma brachyclada Schlph.). Bluish-green or glaucous, yellowish below; branches short and closely placed along a short stem, giving the plant a con- gested appearance; leaves rather loosely imbricated and at their tips slightly squarrulose. , Center : In bog at Scotia, in the "Barrens." September 22, 1909. O. E J. :-!> 30 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 4. Sphagnum medium Limpricht. (S. cymbifolium var. compaction Russow ; .S\ compaction Bridel). (Plate II) Deeply cespitose up to 8-10 cm., gray-green to bluish- green, rose-red to purple-red above, brownish or somewhat bleached below; stems rather densely branched, the cuticular sheath consisting of 3-5 layers, distinct, the outer cells small- est, porose and weakly fibrillose, the wood-cylinder castaneous to rose-red, thick-walled; stem-leaves about 1.5 mm. Ion- (1-2 mm.), broadly lingulate-spatulate, the upper margins and the broadly rounded apex fimbri- ate ; the upper hyaline cells of the stem-leaves usually fibrillose and dorsally porose ; brandies usual- ly short, two slender and appressed to the stem, pendent, and two horizontally spreading or somewhat up-curved, thick- fusiform, the comal and upper more or less obtuse, the lower short-pointed ; cuticular cells of branches densely fibrillose. porose; branch-leaves usually densely but sometimes loosely imbricated, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, broadly ovate, very concave. cucullate, the apex dorsally rough by erosion of the cell- walls. the margin consisting of one or two very narrow cells which are often eroded away and the edge left more or less dentate ; hyaline cells of the branch-leaves rather densely fibrillose. dorsally with a few rather large pores usually confined to the cell-angles; chlorophyllose cells in cross-section small, elliptic. central, enclosed deeply on both sides by the hyaline cells, the lateral walls smooth : capsule considerably exserted ; spores stated to be .024-.028 mm., somewhat rust-colored, finely punctulate. In bogs, etc. Almost cosmopolitan; in North America oc- curring from Newfoundland to Alaska south to British Co- lumbia and Florida. Center : In a sink-hole pond in the Barrens, near Scotia, July 17 and September 22, 1909. O. E. J. ( Figured). 5. Sphagnum compactum | Roth | Schwaegrichen. (Plate II) Densely cespitose, gray-green or glaucous-green, some- times brownish above, below whitish or grayish-brown, com- pactly and closely short-branched : stems stout, low, in ours 4-8 cm. high, with a cuticular sheath of usually 3 layers of cells, the outermost cells largest, non-fibril lose, the wood- cylinder decidedly castaneous or sometimes yellowish ; stem- leaves very small, 0.6-0.8 mm. long, broadly to equilaterally triangular-Ungulate, the apex concave and broadly rounded or Or VYF.STKRX PEXXSYLVAXTA. 31 truncate, erose-dentate, the margins rather \videly hyaline- bordered : hyaline cells of stem-leaves broadly rhomboidal, non-porose, non-tibrillose ; branches short, usually not over 1 cm. long. 3 or 4 to a fascicle, one or two thick, horizontally >preading or somewhat upcurved, the others slender and ap- pressed-pendent ; branch-leaves when dry with the upper half of the leaf more or less sqiiarrose-spreading, large. 2-3 mm. long, ovate, concave, the margins narrowly bordered, the upper margins involute and often slightly erose-ciliate or erose-den- tate. the apex erose-dentate and cucnllate : hyaline cells of branch-leaves rather broadly rhomboidal. tibrillose. dorsally with several large, round pores irregularly scattered and also in the cell-angles, the pores about two-fifths as wide as the cell, sometimes a few oval and lateral, ventrally the pores small, oval, and located in the cell-angles; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells are elliptic, enclosed both dorsally and ven- tral ly by the moderately convex hyaline cells; cuticular cells oi the branches large, short-rectangular, with one large apical pore : fruit not seen. In bogs and wet woods, widelv distributed in the North- em Hemisphere, in X<»rth .America occurring from the Arctic regions south to the northern part of the L'nited States. Rare our region. Center: Margin of bog under Finns rigida, 'Barrens/' near Scotia. September 22, 10,00,. O. E. [. (Figured). 6. Sphagnum squarrosum Persoon] Schwaegrichen. i ,V. teres var. sqitan-osmn Warnstorf ; S. crassisetum t'ridel). Loosely cespitose. bluish- to yellow-green: stems long, looselv branched, with wood-cylinder hvaline to greenish or •• f -> t_5 yellowish, cuticular sheath distinctly 2-3-layered; stem-leaves broadly oblong-lingulate, the apex broadly rounded and erose- Hmbriate, the leaves very narrowly bordered, slightly auricu- late. non-fibrillose, the hyaline cells above short and broad ; branches 4 or 5, two or three tumid, horizontal, the leaves on the lower two-thirds of the divergent branches with squarrose tips: branch-leaves ovate-lanceolate, very concave, the apex acuminate with involute margins, margins narrowly hyaline- ' «>rdered; hvaline cells of branch-leaves richlv fibrillose. on * m, both sides with numerous large round pores of about one-half the width of the cell; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells free on both surfaces, narrowly rectangular to trapezoidal, when trapezoidal with the wider face dorsal, the faces thick- walled, the lumen more or less elliptic, the hyaline cells strong- ly dorsally convex: spores yellowish and finely roughened, about .022 — .025 mm. in diameter. In usually shaded locations in swamps, boggy springs, along woodland streams, etc.. in Europe, and, in North 32 A MANUAL OF MOSSES America, from the Arctic regions to the northern part of the United States. In our region reported in Porter's Catalogue as follows : Cambria : T. C. Porter, (Porter's Catalogue). Huntingdon: T. C. Porter, (Porter's Catalogue). 7. Sphagnum teres ( Schimper) Aongstroem. (S. sqnarrosiuii var. feres Schimper; S. porosum Lindberg). This species is represented in our region by a plant per- haps best regarded as the following variety, which differs from the typical form of the species mainly in having the divergent branches more or less squarrose rather than distinctly terete: 7a. Sphagnum teres variety subteres Lindberg. (S. teres var. subsquarrosuin \Yarnstorf). (Plate II) Weakly and loosely but quite deeply cespitose, yellowish- green to distinctly yellowish: stems up to 15 or even 20 cm. long, slender, the cuticular sheath usually three-layered, the outer cells perhaps a little the largest, non-fibrillose, usually not distinctly porose, the wood-cylinder strong, yellowish or rarely castaneous; stem-leaves large, about 1.5 mm. long, broadly Ungulate, the margin narrowly hyaline-bordered, the broadly rounded to somewhat truncate apex erose-dentate. the base often slightly auriculate ; hyaline cells of stem-leaves non- hbrillose, non-porose, in the lateral portions of the basal half of the leaf often septate, the upper hyaline cells about as broad as long; branches 3 to 5 to a fascicle, usually two appressed- pendent and very slender, the others widely divergent but somewhat recurved, rather slender, about 1-1.5 cm. long; branch-leaves when dry imbricate but with the apical half of some of them squarrose, the leaves usually 1.5 mm. long, ovate, concave, the narrowly hyaline-bordered margin involute to- wards the apex ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves short, wide, both ventrally and dorsally fibrillose, and with a few large round pores about half as wide as the cell and usually located in the cell-angles; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells in the apical third of the leaf trapezoidal to barrel-shaped and ex- posed both dorsally and ventrally, wider on the dorsal face, to- wards the base of the leaf sometimes triangular and exposed only dorsally ; cuticular cells of branches rectangular and apically porose: spores not seen but said to be brownish, papil- lose, and about .025 mm. in diameter. In bogs, wooded swamps, etc., in Europe and, in North America, in Canada and the northern United States, probably distributed widely with the type form. In our region known only as follows : OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 33 Crawford : In tamarack bog one and one-half miles south- east of Linesville, Tune 7, 1904, (Figured) and June 12, 1905. O. E. J. 8. Sphagnum recurvum Beauvois. (.V. intermedium Hoffman; S. upicnlatniii Lindberg). (Plate II) Loosely but deeply tufted, pale green to greenish- or whitish-yellow : stem light green, slender, long, in our region often up to 3 dm. long, the cuticular sheath rather indistinct and consisting of 3 or 4 layers of small or medium-sized rather thick-walled cells; stem-leaves small, about 0.5-0.8(-1.0) mm. long, equilaterally triangular to ovate-triangular, obtuse and slightly erose-denticulate ; hyaline cells of stem-leaves rather small, mostly non-fibrillose and non-porose, towards the base on each side of the leaf more or less septate and narrowing to form a very wide border, which abruptly narrows above but reaches almost to the apex ; branches usually 4, t\vo very slender and appressed-pendent, two somewhat larger and ir- regularly spreading: cuticular cells of the branches elongate- rectangular, perforate and somewhat recurved at the apex, like those of the stem non-fibrillose ; branch-leaves lance-ovate, imbricate, in our region ranging from 1-2 mm. long, when dry, with undulate margins, flexuose and with a recurved apex, when moist straight and erect-appressed, tapering to a rather narrowly obtuse apex with two or three teeth, the margin in- volute above ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves fibrillose and porose, above the middle rather narrow, ventrally usually with large pores in the cell-angles of about one-third the width of the cell, dorsal ly with small end-pores or sometimes a very few rather distinctly ringed lateral ones ; in cross-section the hyaline cells are ventrally quite convex, the chlorophyllose cells triangular or rarely trapezoidal, usually exposed only on the dorsal face ; perichaetial leaves large, broadly oval, con- cave, pointed : spores smoothish, yellow, about .025 mm. in diameter. A cosmopolitan species occurring in Xorth America from Newfoundland to Labrador and south to the Gulf States. In our region quite common but perhaps mainly to be regarded as belonging to the following variety: Sa. Sphagnum recurvum variety amblyphyllum ( Russow ) \\arnstorf. (S. amblyphyllum Russow). The variety has the stem-leaves more distinctly spatulate- tiiantrular, with a more rounded and somewhat erose-denticu- late apex ; the cuticular sheath is less plainly differentiated 34 A MANUAL OF MOSSES and the cells are more incrassate than in the typical form of the species. All possible intergradations are represented by the specimens examined : Cambria : Boggy plateau near St. Lawrence, July 24 1908. O. E. J. Center : In Rhododendron thicket, Bear Meadows, Sep- tember 21, 1909, and bogs in "Barrens" near Scotia. Inly 17, and September 22, 1909. O. E. J. Crawford : Around Mud Lake, Hartstown, May 29-31, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Indiana : Along margin of stream near Cherry Tree, July 11, 1908. O. E. J. Jefferson : Kate Stoy. Mercer : Bog, Half-moon Swamp, June 12, 1906. O. E. J. 9. Sphagnum parvifolium (Sendtner) ^'arnstorf. (S. angustifolium Jensen: .V. brevifolium Roell : 5*. rccun'iiin var. parvifolium Warnstorf; S. amblyphyllum var. parvifolium Warnstorf). (Plate III) Softly and loosely cespitose, yellowish- to grayish-green, or brownish above: stems slender, usually at least 10-12 cm. high, the wood-cylinder yellowish and without any distinctly differentiated cuticular sheath : stem-leaves small, usually 0.5-0.7 mm. long, equilaterally triangular to somewhat tri- angular-lingulate, the apex rounded or somewhat truncate, erose-dentate. the hyaline border narrow above and very wide below ; hyaline cells of stem-leaves non-fibrillose, non-porose, a few septate towards the base on each side of the median region ; branches 3-5, two being slender and appressed-pen- dent, two or three short, 5-9 mm. long, divergent, recurved at the tips; branch-leaves lance-ovate, about 1 mm. long, con- cave, the uniformly narrowly hyaline-bordered margin involute towards the narrowed, slightly truncate-erose apex, leaves when dry more or less undulate, loosely imbricate, with widely spreading or recurved tips ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves narrow, fibrillose, ventrally with rounded medium-sized pores in the cell-angles, dorsally with rather smaller round pores in the cell-angles or sometimes also in rows laterally ; in cross- section the chlorophyllose cells triangular and only dorsally exposed, or more usually trapezoidal and free on both faces, the dorsal face wider, the hyaline cells more convex ventrally: fruit not seen. In bogs, swamps, etc., probably widely distributed. In North America known from Connecticut and New Jersey to Washington State. In our region known from one locality only : OF WESTERN" PENNSYLVANIA. 35 Blair : springy mountain slope. Rhododendron I 'ark. Lloydsville, October 18. 1901. J. A. S. (Figured). 10. Sphagnum fimbriatum Wilson. (Sphagnum subulatum Bruch). (Plate HE) Loosely cespitose, grayish-green to yellowish-brown: stems rather slender, usually 4-5 cm. high, sometimes much longer, in cross-section showing a cuticular sheath of 2-3 lavers of cells, the cells of the outer layer largest and porose ; stem-leaves very widely obovate-spatulate, about 0.7-1.0 mm. long, wider above up to 0.6-0.8 mm., the upper half broadly rounded and erose-fimbriate ; hyaline cells of stem-leaves non- fibrose. non-porose. very wide above the middle of the leaf, towards the base often one- to several-septate, the hyaline border towards the base widening to about one-third the width of the leaf on each side ; fasciculate branches 3 or 4, usually two slender, arcuate, and decurved, and up to 2.5 cm. long, the other one or two pendent, rather closely appressed to the stem, filiform: branch-leaves closely imbricated, shortly ovate- lanceolate below to slenderly lanceolate above, concave, the upper margin incurved, the apex narrowly truncate and dentate; hyaline cells rather small with four to six fibrils, ventrallv with a few round pores which are often almost as wide as the cell, dorsally with more numerous lateral pores above one-third as wide as the cell ; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells trapezoidal, free on both surfaces, the inner surface widest, the hyaline cells extending convexly consider- ably beyond them on the dorsal face ; cuticular cells of branches without distinct necks; perichcetial leaves large, obtusely ovate : spores stated to be smooth, yellowish-brown, about .025-.030 mm. in diameter. Usually in low-lying bogs and marshes, or along the bor- ders of stream-. Europe, Asia, South America, and, in North America, from the Arctic regions through Canada to the north- ern part of the United States. Apparently rare in our region. Crawford: Pymatuning Swamp, near Einesville. June 7, 1''04. O. E. J. ( Figured). 11. Sphagnum warnstorfii Russow. (.V. acutifoliuin var. Cradle Russow). In swam])v meadows, margins of bogs, etc., in Europe and, in North America, from Newfoundland to Pennsylvania and westward to the Pacific States. The species varies from bright green to yellowish or from red to purplish. Only the •n variety has thus far been found in our region, its char- acters being as follows : 36 A MANUAL OF MOSSES lie/. Sphagnum warnstorfii variety virescens Russow. (Plate III) Rather densely cespitose, bright green above, bleached or yellowish below: stems in our specimens from about 5-12 cm. high, the wood-cylinder green to red and surrounded by a cuticular sheath of three layers of inflated cells, the middle cells usually being the largest; stem-leaves about 1 mm. long, broadlv lin^ulate, not auriculate, rather abruptly rounded to +/ o ^ a narrowly erose-dentate somewhat concave apex, the margin very broadly hyaline-bordered below but abruptly narrowing above and continuing rather narrow to the apex ; hyaline cells in upper half of stem-leaf broad, many of them once (or twice) septate, in the lower half of leaf the hyaline cells broad only in a narrow median strip flanked on both sides by narrow elongate cells, usually all hyaline cells of stem-leaf non- fibrillose and non-porose ; fasciculate branches usually 4, two very slender and closely appressed-pendent, and two hori- zontally divergent, rather slender, somewhat recurved, about 1-1.5 cm. long, the comal branches short, obtuse, ascending to erect ; branch-leaves rather indistinctly five-ranked, when dry with more or less spreading tips, ovate-lanceolate, con- cave, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, the margins uniformly narrowly hya- line-bordered and involute to the quite narrowly acuminate and truncate-erose apex ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves richly fibrillose, ventrally with one or two large round median pores of one-half to two-thirds the width of the cell, these pores usually more numerous towards the margin of the leaf, dorsally with quite numerous, small, elliptic, ringed pores in the angles and along the sides of the cell ; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells narrowly trapezoidal with the ventral face wider, both faces usually free, sometimes enclosed dorsally, the hyaline cells being dorsally quite convex; the cuticular sheath of branches with long rectangular cells with indistinct necks and apical pores: spores for the species stated to be dark yellow, minutely roughened, and about .025-.030 mm. in diameter. In our region known onlv from one locality, as follows : Cj */ ^ Mercer : Xear Houston Junction, July 12. 1902. J. A. S. (Figured). 12. Sphagnum quinquefarium ( Lindberg) Warnstorf. (Sphagnum acutifolium var. quinquefarium Lindberg). (Plate III) Pale green or yellowish-green, mostly more or less rose- tinted above, but in our region not rose-tinted so far as yet known, deeply and densely cespitose: stems up to 10 cm., often forking, densely fasciculately branched, in cross-section Or WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 37 showing a yellowish or pale wood-cylinder, the cuticular sheath composed of 3 or 4 layers of large cells ; stem-leaves lingulate- triangular from a wide slightly auriculate base, rather large, about 1.2-1.8 mm. long by about three-fifths as wide, rounded above to a narrowly erose-truncate apex, the margins narrowly hyaline-bordered and somewhat involute towards the apex, towards the base widely bordered ; hyaline cells of stem-leaves in median basal portion and towards the apex widely ^rhom- boid, in the upper half of the leaf septate, usually faintly fibril- lose and occasionally porose, in the lateral basal portion septate, rapidly becoming very narrow outwards and merging there into the broad hyaline border; branches usually 4 or 5 in a fascicle, usually 2 or 3 widely divergent, the comal short, dense, and widely ascending to erect; branch-leaves oval to ovate, about 1.5 mm. long, concave, with involute narrowly hyaline-bordered margins, above quickly narrowed to a rather broad dentate-truncate apex ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves large, fibrillose, below ventrally with a few small rounded pores in the cell-angles, the median lateral cells with a few larger in- distinct pores, dorsally above with characteristic more or less elliptic pores of about one-third the width of the cell and situated in the cell-angles or along the sides ; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells rather broadly triangular, ventrally free but dorsally enclosed between the highly convex hyaline cells ; cuticular cells of branches large, inflated, with a distinct neck and apical pore: spores stated to be smooth, yellowish, and about .021-.025 mm. in diameter. In bogs, etc., in Europe and, in Xorth America, from New- foundland to Xew England and south alonsj' the mountains to o *r> the Carolinas. Rare in our region. Clinton: Along Hyner's Run above Hyner, July 14, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). 13. Sphagnum plumulosum Roell, Warnstorf. (S. snbnitens Russow and Warnstorf; S. acutifolium var. sub- n it ens Dixon ). ( Plate IV) Densely cespitose, pale to grass-green, usually reddish to violet above: stem in typical specimens 10-15 cm. high, but in our region usually about 6-8 cm. high, the wood-cylinder Lrreen to red, the cuticular sheath distinct, 2-4-lavered. with ^3 •* the outer cells largest: stem-leaves large. 1-1.5 mm. long, broadly triangular Ungulate, the apex erose-truncate and toothed, the hyaline border of margin narrow above, very wide below ; hyaline-cells of stem-leaves broadly rhomboidal to- wards the apex and in median basal portion of leaf, towards lateral basal portions rapidly much narrower and septate, all non-fibrillose and non-porose; branches 3-5 in a fascicle. 3S A MANUAL OF MOSSES usually two of these variously di\er;;ent, rather slender, terete, about 1-1.5 em. long', the others very slender and appressed- pendent ; branch-leaves ovate, concave, about 1.5 mm. long, the narrowly hyaline-bordered margin towards the apex involute, the blade towards the apex gradual!}' narrowed towards an erose-dentate point, the leaves when dry imbricate with more or less of a metallic lustre, not distinctly 5-seriate ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves ribrillose, rather broad, ventrally with usually two or three median, large, round, ringed pores about one-third to one-half as wide as the cell, occasionally a few pores also in the cell-angles, dorsally with about 6-10 ellip- tic pores about one-third as wide as the cell and situated along the sides and angles of the cell ; in cross-section the chloro,- phyllose cells small and shortly sub-rectangular to triangularly trapezoidal, situated much nearer the ventral leaf-surface with the wider ventral face free, the narrower dorsal face free or enclosed between the dorsally highly convex hyaline cells : cuticular cells of branches inflated, short, with a distinct neck and terminal pore: spores stated to be yellow, papillose, about .025-.030 mm. in diameter. In bogs, swamps, etc., widely distributed in the cooler parts of the Northern Hemisphere, in North America occurring from Newfoundland to Alaska and south to New Jersey and Pennsylvania. In our region apparently represented only by the following variety, more properly a form, as follows: 13(7. Sphagnum plumulosum variety viride Warnstorf. (S. subnitens var. -riridc Warnstorf). This form differs from the typical species in that the tufts are low and entirely green or often bleached out below. In dee}), shaded swamps and bogs within the range of the type. ^ Crawford: Shaded bog^y margin of Mud Lake, Marts- town. .May 29-31, 1909. O. K. J. and G. EC. J. (Figured). 14. Sphagnum capillifolium j Khrhart :| lledwig. (S. acutifoliurn | Khrhart | Russo\v and Warnstorf). The typical form of this species has green to pale or vari- ously reddish to purplish tufts with often short stout stems and a hyaline to yellowish or reddish wood-cylinder; the other characters are as described below for the variety r/r/Y/t', to which variety our single collection belongs, although in Por- ter's Catalogue the species is reported, as follows ; under the name S. acntifoHwn F.hrhart : Cambria : Cresson, James. (Porter's Catalogue). Huntingdon: Warrior's Ridge, Porter. (Porter's Cata- logue). OF WF-TERX PENNSYLVANIA. 14i,-. Sphagnum ca^i'Hfolium variety viride « \\"arnstorf i \ew Combination. ( S. (icu.'ifoHum var. \'iridc XVarnstorf ). (Plate IV) Rather densely cespitose, low, yellowish above, greenish to yellowish-green below, lacking the reddish tinges so often characteristic of the species: stems slender, in our region usually 5-8 cm. long, in cross-section showing a yellowish wood-cylinder and a distinct cuticular sheath of 2-4 layers of large but non-porose cells ; stem-leaves oval-triangular to lingulate-triangular, 1-2 mm. long, always widest at the base, towards the apex abruptly narrowed to a truncate apex with a few teeth, the upper margin usually somewhat involute, the margin narrowly hyaline-bordered, the border sometimes wider at the base ; hyaline cells of stem-leaves largely once-septate, especially below the middle, those of the upper half of the leaf usually more or less completely fibrillose and sometimes distinctly laterally porose ; branches fairly numerous, usually in fascicles of four, two spreading-recurved and two appressed- pendent and very slender; the cuticular sheath of branches composed of cells with a distinct neck and terminal pore; branch-leaves 1-2 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate, when dry hard- ly secund but with slightly spreading tips, concave, with in- volute margins above, uniformly narrowly hyaline-bordered, the narrow apex somewhat erose-dentate; hyaline cells of 1 ranch-leaves rather slender, abruptly fibrillose. with small somewhat elliptic pores at the cell-angles, sometimes also lateral pores of a similar character between the angle-pores on both sides of the leaf, while towards the margin of the leaf the pores are often larger and more numerous; in cross-sec- tion the chlorophyllose cells are more or less trapezoidal, unusually short, free on both surfaces but the hyaline cells projecting far beyond them both ventrally and dorsally, es- pecially dorsally ; perichaetial leaves said to be very large and broadly ovate : spores yellow, smoothish. In boggy situations throughout Europe and North America, occurring also in Asia, South America, and in the regions of the South Pacific. In our region not common. Fayette : In hollows along rocky river-bed above the falls. Ohio Pyle, July 4, 1908. O. E. J. ( Figured). 15. Sphagnum contortum Schultz. (S. subsecniuhiin var. contortnm Huebener ; S. laricimnn Spruce). Loosely cespitose, green to brownish or yellowish, some- times more or less purplish above; stem about 6-12 cm. high, the wood-cvlinder reddish to brownish, surrounded by a dis- 40 A MAXUAL OF AtOSSES tinct two-layered sheath of inflated cells; stem-leaves small, about 1 mm. long, broadly lingulate or triangular-lingulate, the hyaline border much broader towards the base, the apex broadly rounded and more or less concave, cucullate, and erose-fimbriate ; hyaline cells of stem-leaves in upper third fibrillose, short and broad, ventrally with a few cells in the angles, dorsally with more numerous small ringed pores along the sides of the cell, very few of the hyaline cells septate, the lower ones long and narrow ; fasciculate branches 3-5 to a fascicle, usually two slender and closely appressed pendent, two divergent and recurved; branch-leaves about 1.5-2 mm. long, broadly ovate to lanceolate, more or less sharply acumi- nate, the upper margin involute and narrowly hyaline-bord- ered, leaves when dry more or less subsecund and sublustrous ; hyaline cells richly fibrillose, slender, ventrally almost pore- less, dorsally with small ringed pores more or less completely arranged in bead-like rows, the pores most numerous towards upper margins of leaf ; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells narrowly barrel-shaped, with both faces free and their walls there somewhat thickened ; cuticular cells of branches apically porose : spores not seen but reported as .020-.030 mm. in diameter, yellowish-brown, finely roughened. In swampy meadows, along ditches, margins of bogs, etc., in Europe and, in North America (from New England to Eastern Pennsylvania and Ohio. Not heretofore reported from our region but a specimen collected by J. A. Shafer, October 20, 1901, at Ohio Pyle, Fayette County, is evidently very close- ly related to this species, differing, however, in having the stem-leaves about .7-.8 mm. long, with the margin uniformly narrowly hyaline-bordered and the hyaline cells fibrillose to below the middle of the leaf. 16. Sphagnum platyphyllum (Sullivant) \Yarnstorf. (S. auriculatuni Aongstroem; S. isophyllum Russow). (Plate IV) Loosely cespitose. brownish- to grayish-green : stems in our region up to 10 cm. high, slender, rather weak and sparse- ly branched; stem in cross-section showing a usually brown- ish \vood-cylinder, with a distinct cuticular sheath of rather small, thin-walled, and usually uni-porose cells; stem-leaves large, usually 1.3-2.0 mm. long, oval to oblong from an auriculate base, very concave, the apex blunt and a little toothed or erose, the margin narrowly and uniformly bordered ; hyaline cells of the stem-leaves in lower half to two-thirds of the leaf non-fibrillose and non-porose but some of them sep- tate, in the upper half or one-third of the leaf the hyaline cells fibrillose and on both sides with lateral rows of small pores-; OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 41 branches usually 3, sometimes 4, usually 2 spreading with recurved tips, one or two being pendent and very slender; branch-leaves broadly ovate, very concave, usually 2-3 mm. long, the apex toothed, the margin more or less incurved and with a narrow and uniform border; in cross-section the chloro- phyliose cells barrel-shaped, free on both surfaces, the hyaline cells about equally convex on both sides ; hyaline cells "fibril- lose, with numerous small lateral pores on both sides: when dry the leaves towards the base of the spreading branches more or less sub-secund; spores stated by Warnstorf to be .023-.028 mm. in diameter, yellowish and finely papillose. In turfy swamps and bogs in Europe and North America, extending in the latter country from Massachusetts to Louis- iana, also to Ohio. In our region apparently rare. Butler : Open swampv pasture along Brush Creek, near Crider's Corners, April 26, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). 17. Sphagnum auriculatum Schimper. (S. graretii Russow, p. p. — Warnstorf: S. snbsccitiuiiiiii var. intermedium Warnstorf ) . (Plate IV) Densely cespitose, grayish or glaucous green, light yellow below: stems rather short (In our specimens about 5 cm.), densely branched; branches in fascicles 3-5, two or three of these drooping from a horizontally spreading base, terete and rather thick, up to 1 cm. long, the other one or two slender, and rather closely appressed to the stem ; in cross-section the cortical cells distinct, in one layer, the outer cells of the central axis much thickened and small; stem-leaves large. 1.5-2.0 mm. long, about half as wide, concave, from the distinctly auriculate base oval-lingulate, the rounded apex narrowly- toothed, somewhat cucullate, the margin narrow and of equal width from base to apex; cells of the stem-leaves fibrillose to the base or nearly so, only rarely septate, ventrally with rather large poorly defined pores in the cell-angles, rarely none, dorsally with numerous distinct pores along each side of the cell, the pores circular to elliptic and about one-fourth the width of the cell ; retort cells of the branches with a dis- tinct neck and terminal pore ; lower branch-leaves large, about 2 mm. long, widely ovate, about 1.5 mm. wide, very concave, the margins more or less involute, the apex somewhat spread- ing, narrowly toothed, the upper leaves more closely imbri- cated and lanceolate ; cells of branch-leaves ventrally with rather few large indistinct angle-pores, dorsally with numer- ous distinct pores in a row along each side, as in the stem- leaves, the hyaline cells usually with 8-10 spiral fibrils, the 42 A MANUAL OF .MOSSES border of 2-4 thick-walled, linear-prosenchymatous cells; chlorophyllose cells in cross-section barrel-shaped with both ends exposed: fruit unknown. In wooded swamps and wet shaded places, Europe and Xorth America. Not yet widely collected. Fayette : In pools and wet cavities in shaded rocky bed of river near falls, Ohio Pyle. June 14, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). Westmoreland : On springy shaded hillside. Laurel Hill Mts., Mellon's estate, Xew Florence, Sep- tember 9-11, 1907. O. E. J. 18. Sphagnum subsecundum Xees. ( Plate V) Moderately densely cespitose, green to yellowish or brownish: stems 5-20 cm. long', with a dark or purplish-brown wood-cylinder, with a cuticular sheath of one layer of moder- ately inflated cells; stem-leaves small, about 0.6-0.8 mm. long, broadly short-lingulate, somewhat auriculate, the margin broadly hyaline-bordered below, the border narrowing and be- coming fimbriate towards the broadly erose-fimbriate apex, the upper half of the stem-leaves often distinctly concave and more or less cucullate ; hyaline cells of the stem-leaves broad above, usually all non-nbrillose, rarely a few septate, some- times porose ; of the 3-5 fasciculate branches two or three are variously divergent, short, usually 6-8 mm. long, slender and sometimes flagelliform ; branch-leaves small, 1-1.5 mm. long, very concave, broadly ovate to lanceolate, acuminate to a narrowly truncate and 3-5-toothed apex, the margins uni- formly narrowly hyaline-bordered, involute, when dry closely imbricate to more or less sub-secund ; hyaline cells of branch- leaves narrow, richly nbrillose, ventrally non-porose, or with a few small non-ringed pores in the cell-angles, dorsally with numerous small ringed pores along the sides of the cells; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells narrowly barrel-shaped, relatively rather large as compared with the hyaline cells, free on both faces, the hyaline cells but slightly convex on either side : spores not seen from our region, finely papillose, yellow- ish, and .025-.028 mm. in diameter. In wet meadows, swamps, ditches, bogs, etc., in Europe and in Asia and, in North America, from Newfoundland to Alabama. In our region rare and approaching the variety brachycladum Warnstorf in having- stem-leaves more or less cucullate and the divergent branches often only about 5 mm. long. Erie : In bog at south end of Cranberry Pond, Presque Isle, May 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. (Figured). OF WESTERN" PEXXSYLVAX 1 A. 43 Westmoreland : In springy places along old road, Mellon's estate, near New Florence. September 8- 11. 1907. O. E. J. 19. Sphagnum inundatum Rnssow, \Yarnstori. Densely and deeply cespitose, gray or yellowish-green: stems usually 15-30 cm. long, more or less completely sub- merged ; branches with moderately densely imbricate leaves; stem-leaves usually somewhat nmbriate at the narrow apex, little or not at all auriculate, hbrillose only above the middle; branch-leaves dorsally richly porose in lateral bead-like rows, ventrally with only a few pores located in the cell-angles. Other characters are as described for the variety auricnlatuni. hi wet meadows, wooded swamps, bogs, etc. In cooler Europe, Asia, and North America. In our region, so far as now known, represented only by the following variety : V)a. Sphagnum inundatum variety auriculatum (Warnstorf) Roth. (S. contortnm var. la.ntui Roell). (Plate V) Only moderately cespitose, green: stems in our specimens only about 6-8 cm. high, only occasionally completely sub- merged ; wood-cylinder greenish, surrounded by a cuticular sheath of one (occasionally unsymmetrically two) layer of in- flated more or less distinctly porose cells; stem-leaves 1.2-1.5 mm. long, about three-fifths as wide, distinctly auriculate, to- wards the apex somewhat concave, the margins narrowly uni- formly hyaline-bordered and toward the apex involute, the narrow apex somewhat dentate but not fimbriate ; the hyaline cells of stem-leaves broad, towards the lateral portions of the base becoming narrower, usually septate, fibrillose at least as far down as the middle of the leaf, or farther, and usually also fibrillose at the base of the leaf, above ventrally with rather small distinct pores in the cell-angles and usually other less distinct lateral pores, above dorsally with small pores in cell- angles and numerously along the sides of the cells ; of the usually 5 fasciculate branches two are pendent and the others short, usually 6-9 mm. long, variously widely divergent ; branch-leaves when dry very lax and widely divergent, 1.5-2 mm. long, ovate, very concave, with involute, narrowly and uniformly hyaline-bordered margins, the apex narrow and dentate-truncate ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves rather long and slender, richly fibrillose, dorsally with laterally-placed bead-like rows of small pores about one-fifth as wride as the cell, ventrally with small ringed pores in the cell-angles, oc- casionally also a few laterally arranged indistinct pores ; cuti- cular cells of branches large with a short neck and terminal pore; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells narrowly elliptic 44 A MANUAL OK .MOSSES with about equally free and thickened faces : for the type of the species the spores are stated to be yellow and about .030- .035 mm. in diameter; of the variety the spores have not been seen. Center : Headwaters of Laural Run, Tussey Alt., above Shing-letown, July 15, 1909. O. E. J. Fayette : In pools and wet crevices in rocky bed of river above falls, Ohio Pyle, September 1-4, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). 20. Sphagnum pungens Roth. ($. contortiun var. gracilc Roell). (Plate V) Rather loosely cespitose, bluish-green, when dry sub-lus- trous above, yellowish or brownish below : stems rather stout, often forking, in our specimens up to 6 or 7 cm. high ; wood- cylinder greenish or pale, enclosed in a one-layered cuticular sheath which in places is unsymmetrically often two-layered ; stem-leaves broadly lingulate. about 1-1.5 mm. long, at base about three-fifths as wide, somewhat auriculate, the uniformly narrowly hyaline-bordered margin some- what erose-fimbriate towards the broadly rounded erose-dentate apex ; the hyaline cells of stem- leaves broad, rarely septate, distinctly fibrillose in upper two-thirds of leaf, ventrally with a few indistinct pores in the angles and along the sides of the cell, dorsally with numerous small pores arranged in lateral bead-like rows; of the usually 4 fasciculate branches, two are slender and appressed-pendent while the other two are horizontally divergent and recurved, about 1-1.5 cm. long, the lower and median leaves of the divergent branches more or less widely squarrose, the upper ones imbricate so that the branch ends in a sharply acuminate point; branch-leaves broadly ovate to lanceolate, large, 1.8- 2.6 mm. long', concave, the uniformly narrowly hyaline-bord- ered margins involute towards the acuminate few-toothed apex ; hyaline cells of branch-leaves narrow, long, richly fibrillose, ventrally with a few indistinct pores in the cell- angles, dorsally with numerous small ringed pores about one- fourth to one-fifth as wide as the cell and arranged in bead- like rows along the sides of the cell ; in cross-section the chlorophyllose cells relatively large, narrowly barrel-shaped, free on both faces, the hyaline cells not being markedly con- vex on either face ; cuticular cells of branches long-rectangular Avith a short neck and a large apical pore : spores not known from our region. A more or less intermediate species between S. inundatwm and S. auriculatum. Heretofore reported, so far as known to, the OF WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA. 45 present writer, only from Europe, where it occurs in swampy meadows. Center : Bog in smk-noie, in pine-barrens near Scotia. July 17. 1909. O. E. J. (Figured). 46 A MANUAL OF .MOSSES Order II. ANDREAEALES. Small, monoicons (or dioicous). dark brown to almost black, when dry very brittle, mostly cespitose on granite or slate rocks: stems slender, radiculose below, dichotomous, with fascicled branchlets, no central strand; leaves small, crowded. erect-spreading to often falcate-secnnd, uni-stratose to partly bi-stratose, thickish, often more or lese papillose, costate to ecostate, very opaque; cells small, incr. e: seta none, but represented by a pseudopodium from the gametophore ; capsule oval, opening by 4 (-8) vertical slits, the remaining united both above and below ; spores 'umella. derived from the endothecium ; no nir-cavitv between the snore-sac and I* • the capsule-wall; calyptra torn at the base, dehcr.te; :• pores large, about .034 mm. in diameter, chlorophyllose. This peculiar order is represented by but one f \ tjie Andreaeaceae, which consists of only one genus Andreae | Khr- hart] Hedwig. There are about 90 species alpine or sub-alpine and widely distributed; 13 species occur in Xorrh ' > ica, only 3 of which, however, are to be expected in our range. i. ANDREAE A | Ehrhart | Hedwig. a. Leaves ecostate. i. .-/. rupcstris. a. Leaves costate. b. b. Leaf elongate-lanceolate: costa filling only about lh? middle one- third of the leaf-apex. 2. .1. rotltii Web; r and Mohr. (. /. rnpcstris Roth ). b. Leaf lanceolate-subulate: costa practically filling the whole apex of the leaf. 3. A. crassincrria Bruch. 1. Andreaea rupestris Hedwig. (A. pctrophila Ehrhart). Densely cespitose, dark brown to blackish : stems slender, about 1.5-2.5 cm. high, usually branching, more or less erect ; leaves when dry very brittle, crowded, small, ovate to lance- ovate, imbricated, often falcate-secund from an erect base, usually obtuse, entire, margin incurved ; no costa ; (the leaves are so dense that they usually require bleaching in a solution of caustic potash before the leaf-cells can be made out under the microscope) ; basal leaf-cells narrow-rectangular, very incras- sate, sinuose, above becoming shorter, the median and upper cells rounded and angular-oblong, longitudinally seriate, dorsally strongly papillose: fruit similar to that of Sphagnum in being enclosed in the perichaetium until mature, when it is quickly exserted on an outgrowth from the tip of the leafy shoot similar in appearance to a short seta and termed the pseudopodium ; calyptra very thin and irregularly torn at base ; OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAX 1 A. 47 capsule oval, opening- usually by four perpendicular slits along the sides but remaining united at apex and base; columella persistent; spores smoothish, mature in late spring. Cosmopolitan in mountainous or hilly regions on non- calcareous exposed or dry rocks. In Xorth America from the Arctic regions south to northern United States. Occurs in northeastern Pennsylvania and in northern \Yest Virginia. 48 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Order III. BRYALES. True Mosses. This order comprises numerous mosses of various habit: the endothecium gives rise to the sporogenous tissue, which surrounds an inner sterile tissue, loose in Archidium, but form- ing the columella in the rest of the Bryalcs; the spore-sac is separated from the wall of the capsule by a more or less high- ly developed air-cavity; there is no pseudopodium but there is a more or less elongated true seta ; the outer wall of the archegonium after some growth is ruptured, thus forming a basal vaginule and an apical calyptra ; capsule cleistocarpous or, more usually, with a definite operculum and then often with a single or double peristome : the order is conveniently divided, according to the position of the sporogonium upon the leafy shoot of the gametophyte, into the acrocarpous mosses (sporo- gonium at the apex of the leafy shoot) and pleurocarpous mosses (sporogonium lateral upon the leafy shoot). Acrocarpi. The acrocarpous mosses comprise about thirty families of the Bryales widely distributed and numerous in number of species. For the analytical key to the acrocarpous mosses see the general key to the genera of mosses at the beginning of the book, p. Family I. ARCHIDIACEAE. Autoicous, sometimes paroicous or synoicous, rarely dioicous : small terrestrial plants, closely gregarious and form- ing broad mats; stems erect, with central strand, below bear- ing rhizoids ; leaves of the shoots and also the basal leaves minute, spreading, distant, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, flat, entire, the costa ending in the point ; perichaetial leaves much larger, imbricated, more or less linear-acuminate from a lanceloate base ; leaf-cells smooth, prosenchymatous or some- times sub-vermicular to parenchymatous : capsule sessile, spherical, terminal, non-operculate ; columella none; spores commonly 16 — 20, about .200 mm. in diameter. One genus only, the characters being as given for the family, comprising about 26 species, distributed widely in the temperate zones. Six species are native in North America, but only one is likely to be collected in our region. 1. ARCHIDIUM B ridel. 1. Archidium ohioense Schimper. Occurs on the ground in meadows and fields throughout eastern United States from New Jersey to Kansas and from Minnesota to Louisiana. Not yet reported in our region, but to be expected, as it occurs in eastern Pennsylvania and in Ohio. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. 49 . Family II. DICRAXACBAE. Autoicous or dioicous ; large to minute, mostly cespitose: stem with a central strand, often thickly covered with rhizoids, mostly densely leafy, branched ; leaves often falcate-secund, mostly acuminate to narrowly linear from a broader base, usually more or less smooth and shining, usually costate ; costa sometimes clorsally serrate, heterogenous ; leaf-cells sometimes mamniillate, the basal ones enlarged and mostly transparent, alar ceils often much larger and either hyaline or brownish, the central leaf-cells short to rounded, mostly smooth; perichcetial leaves often sheathing: seta usually erect and long; capsule mostly unsymmetric, usually cernuous, when dry often curved and silicate; annulus present or absent; peristome simple or rarely none ; when present the peristome teeth are 16 in number, approximate, united below into a basal mem- brane, usually two-parted to the middle, or beyond, into linear •• T awl-like divisions, no longitudinal lines, but the teeth minutely striate or papillose on the dorsal face, rarely smooth, inner face yellow with one or two longitudinal lines and with more or less projecting trabeculae; operculum more or less long-rostrate; calyptra usually cucullate. AYy to the Genera. a. Cells of costa in cross-section homogeneous; peristome-teeth broad, flat, undivided, mostly smooth, rarely none. 6. Seligci'ia. a. Cells of costa as seen in cross-section heterogeneous; teeth nar- row, prolonged, mostly two-parted, striate or papillose.' b. b. Alar cells not differentiated. i. Bruchia. b. Alar cells differentiated. c. c. Cells of the lamina smooth. d. c. Cells of the lamina mamillate on the free surfaces. d. Capsule mostly long-necked; stomata numerous in the neck or in middle of capsule-wall. e. d. Capsule with a short neck or none; stomata few or none. g. e. Calyptra mitrate: operculum either not deciduous or else not dif- ferentiated, f. e. Calyptra cucullate: operculum deciduous. 2. Trematodon. f. Capsule immersed, erect, without a neck, apiculate. (Sporledcra) f. Capsule immersed or slightly exserted. with a distinct neck, more or less cernuous, rostrate. I. Bruchia. g. Capsule mostly un symmetric, not erect. 7. Dicranella. g. Capsule symmetric and erect. h. h. Operculum not differentiated. 3. Pleuridium. h. Operculum differentiated. i. i. Upper areolation rounded-quadrate: capsule plicate or furrowed. nor plicate. 4- Ditrichum. i. Upper areolation more or less elongate: capsule neither furrowed nor plicate. 5- Ccratodon. 50 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES j. Capsule with 8 furrows and 8 ridges: leaf-cells not mamniillate. 8. Rhabdoweisia. j. Capsule not furrowed nor ridged; leaf-cells strongly mam- mil late. 10. Oreowcisia k. The 16 peristome-teeth cleft only to about the middle. k. The 16 peristome-teeth cleft to the base; alar cells reaching to the costa. 13. Dicranodontium 1. Peristome-teeth united at base to form a tube, deeply in- serted; capsule strumose. 9. Oncof>/ionts. 1. Peristome-teeth not forming a tube, only slightly inserted; capsule rarely strumose. 10. Dicranum. 1. BRUCHIA Schwaegrichen. Autoicous or paroicous ; gregarious : green protonema per- sistent but sparse ; stem short with a central strand ; leaves long-canaliculate-subulate, from an oval to lanceolate base, erect to secund ; costa broad and flat, rilling the subulate acumen; laminal ceils rectangular; seta short; capsule pyri- form, immersed or slightly exserted, with a more or less long neck, more or less cernuous, rostrate ; operculum none ; calyptra covering one-third or more of the capsule, mitrate. unsym metrically cleft. A widely distributed genus of about 25 species, 14 of these being found in North America, two of the latter prob- ably occurring in our region. Key to tJie Species. a. Capsule ovoid-pyriform. collum very short. T. B. flr.ruosa. a. Capsule ovoid-oblong, collum a little longer. 2. B. sullivantii. 1. Bruchia flexuosa (Schwaegrichen) Mueller. Gregarious, the green protenema persistent but not very conspicuous : stems about 2-4 mm. long, curved to erect ; leaves remote, small, lance-subulate, erect-spreading from a concave base, somewhat serrulate at the apex ; leaf-cells long- rectangular, sub-papillose, alar not much different ; antheridia in axils of comal leaves or in separate buds; seta short, stout, usually shorter than the erect, ovoid-pyriform, partially ex- serted, apiculate capsule ; calyptra narrowly conic, mitrate ; spores decidedly papillose, mature in May or June. On clay soil in fields from Minnesota to Xe\v England and south to the Gulf States. Occurs in eastern Pennsylvania and in Ohio and is to be expected in our range. 2. Bruchia sullivantii Austin. Very close to B. fle.vnosa, from which it differs mainly in having shorter stems; the leaves narrowly lance-ovate, smooth or nearly so; the leaf-cells shorter rectangular; the capsules with a short and rather inconspicuous collum and altogether more nearly ovoid-oblong than pyriform. OF WESTERN' PEX XSVLVAXI A. 51 On clay soil in fields from Xe\v England to Missouri, south to the Gulf States. ( )ccurs in eastern Pennsylvania and in Ohio and so is to be looked for in our range. 2. TRHMATODON Richard. Autoicous, rarelv dioicous ; low, singlv disposed : stem with •> <. 3 +' a large central strand and loose ground-tissue ; leaves yellow- ish-green, narrow, abruptly to gradually lance-subulate, more or less crisped when dry ; costa ending below the apex or percurrent ; cells thin-walled, loosely elongate-hexagonal to rectangular or, above, rhombic-pentagonal or -hexagonal : seta yellow, erect, rarely tortuous to cygneons ; capsule with a more or less long tapering neck, moderately arcuate, the urn smooth ; annulus differentiated : peristome-teeth united below into a low basal tube, undivided and cribrose or two-parted to the base into filiform divisions, peristome rarely lacking; operculum as long as the urn, obliquely rostrate : calyptra inflated, cucullate, not ciliate. A cosmopolitan genus of about 70 species, of which about 20 occur in Xorth America. 2 of these in our region. Key to the Species. a. Collum as long as urn of capsule. i. T. ainbigitiis. a. Collum twice as long as urn. 2. T. longicollis. 1. Trematodon ambiguus |Hedwig| Hornschuch. Densely cespitose. light green to brownish-green : stems short, up to 1-2 cm. high, sparsely branched, erect to ascend- ing; leaves abruptly linear-subulate from a concave ovate base, flexuous. erect-spreading, the actimination canaliculate, serru- late at extreme apex ; costa narrow, percurrent; basal leaf- cells laxly long-hexagonal-rectangular, hyaline, quickly nar- rowed above, in the subulation becoming small, irregularly quadrate, chlorophyllose and, especially towards the apex, quite obscure, in the apex the lamina form 1115: a very narrow and obscure margin along the costa: p-, al bracts larger and somewhat gradually acn^iinatc : seta bright yellow, lus- trous, 1-3 cm. Ion;;, flexuous; including the neck the capsule is clavate, arcuate-cerniums, bright orange-red; the neck and urn are each about 2 nun. long, the neck linear-cylindric, s»mewhat strumose at base on inner side, the urn narrowly oblong- to pyriforrn-cylindric ; peristome-teeth 16, cleft or ir- regularly perforate, confluent at base: operculum about l.r mm. long, obliquely subulate-rostrate; annulus large, re- voluble; autoicons, the antheridial cluster terminal on a basal branch: spores large, minutely roughened, mature in summer. In old fields and meadows, often in wet sandy places, in Europe and, in Xorth America, from Canada to the northern United States. 52 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Cambria: Cresson. James and Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Trematodon longicollis Richard. Cespitose, light green to brownish-green: stems erect, usually about 5 mm. high ; leaves abruptly linear-subulate from a concave ovate base, the subulation canaliculate, minutely ser- rulate at apex; costa percurrent ; leaf-cells as in T. ambiguus; perichastial leaves quite gradually long-acuminate: -eta similar to T. ambiguus; collum twice as long as the urn ; urn more strictly oblong-cylinclric ; peristome-teeth 16, narrow- subulate, nodosely articulate, usually perforate rather than cleft. Otherwise very similar to T. ambiguus. In old fields, etc., on sandy or clayey soil, in Europe. Asia, and, in Xorth America, from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio southwards. Xot yet reported in our region, but to be expected. 3. PLEURIDIUM Bridel. Autoicous or paroicous, rarely synoicous : weak, green or yellowish-green, cespitose or gregarious : stem with a central strand, radiculose at base, perennial by means of fertile shoots below the apex and by means of sterile Magella ; leaves mostly terminal, erect-spreading, sometimes secund. linear-subulate from a broader base, upwards weakly denticulate, sometimes thickly imbricated; costa varying from weak and ending be- low the apex to very broad and filling the whole acumen, often rough-serrate dorsally ; seta mostly very short and erect, rarely curved ; capsule mostly immersed and oval to ovate-globose, short pointed, sometimes obliquely so, cleistocarpous, without a collum; calyptra cucullate. cleft almost to the apex on one side, covering scarcely half the capsule. About 30 species widely distributed, mainly in temperate regions, on soil. Seven species occur in Xorth America, at least two in our region. Key to Our Species a. Perichcetial leaves long and gradually subulate from a small oval base: antheridia naked in the axils of the perichsetial leaves. 1. P. subulatum. a. Perichsetial leaves abruptly long linear-subulate from an oval base: antheridia gemmiform in the axils of the upper leaves. 2. P. altcniifolinin. 1. Pleuridium subulatum [Hudson] Rabenhorst (Phasciuii sitbulatuni Hudson). Densely gregarious to cespitose, yellowish-green : stems usually simple, about 2-5 mm. high ; stem-leaves lance-ovate, the lo\ver shorter and more nearly ovate; comal and perichsetial leaves much longer, more or less erect or subsecund, from a OF WESTERN PEXXSYLYAX LA. 53 small oval base gradually subulate-setaceous, nearly entire to minutely denticulate; costa wide, not well defined, practically filling the apex ; basal leaf-cells rectangular to more or less oblong-hexagonal, the upper cells often becoming linear and forming a more or learia. e. Leaves serrulate or denticulate. 3. D. rufcscciis. 1. Dicranella fitzgeraldi Renauld and Cardot. (D. heteromalla var. fitsgeraldi Grout). (Plate VI) Rather densely cespitose, yellowish-green : stem 5-10 mm. long, mostly simple, erect, leaves crowded, erect-spreading, sometimes subsecund, about 3-3.5 mm. long, up to 0.5 mm. broad at base, from the lance-ovate base narrowing above into a long, canaliculate-subulate, denticulate apex ; costa at base rather indistinct, about one-fourth to one-third the width of the leaf, strong above and constituting most of the acumina- tion ; basal leaf-cells elongate-rectangular or sub-rectangular, reaching 8x55 microns, hyaline, a few in the extreme alar por- tion often quadrate, median cells quadrate : seta erect, yellowish- red, becoming quite dark brownish-red when old, about 7-8 mm. long, when dry sinistrorse in the lower half and dextrorse OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXI A. 61 above: capsule erect, symmetric, about .6-.9X-25-.3 mm., ob- long, not constricted below mouth, smooth or nearly so even when dry and empty, when ripe brown ; peristome single, the teeth very slightly united below, cleft about half-way into linear-subulate prongs, sometimes sub-cribrose along the di- visural, articulate, longitudinally striolate-granulose, towards apex hyaline; spores minutely papillose, about .014- .017 mm., mature in late fall or winter; operculum low-conic with an oblique rostrum. On soil, soil-covered rocks, etc., in the eastern and south- eastern parts of the United States. Xot rare in our region. Allegheny: Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, August 16, 1905, McKees Rocks, August 27, 1905, and Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, March 8, 1908. (Figured). O. E. I. ; Wildwood Road, March 29, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 2. Dicranella heteromalla [Dillenius] Schimper. (Dicranum heteromallum Hedwig). (Plate VII) Cespitose, bright yellowish to dark green ; stem erect or ascending. 0.5-3.0 cm. tall : leaves numerous, lance-subulate, concave, 2-3 mm. long, denticulate towards the apex, usually also denticulate dorsally towards the apex ; costa strong, one- tifth to one-third the width of the leaf at base, percurrent, bordered towards the apex by a narrow margin of lamina : leaf- cells parenchymatous, at leaf-base 2-5 times as long as wide, rectangular, brownish, narrower towards the margin, the upper cells shorter and often obliquely quadrilateral; seta 1.5-2.5 cm. long, greenish-yellow, dextrorse ; capsule smooth, about 1.5 mm. long, oblong, castaneous to dark brown, more or less erect, usually slightly curved, when dry bent and curved in at the upper part just below the rim on one side in a very characteristic manner, furrowed ; operculum hemispheric, with a linear obliquely inclined beak about 1 mm. long; peristome- teeth red, bifid to below the middle or about to the middle, sometimes trifid, with somewhat projecting trabeculse, articu- late, minutely papillose-striate, hyaline and papillose at apex ; exothecial cells incrassate, irregularly elongate-rectangular to oblong-hexagonal, the end-walls thinner than the lateral walls, two to four rows of cells at the rim much smaller and rounded ; spores .010-.014 mm., yellowish-incrassate, mature in autumn. Common, especially in hilly or mountainous districts, on rocks, clay banks, soil-covered logs, etc. Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from lower Canada to the Gulf States. One of the most common mosses in our region. 62 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Allegheny Armstrong Beaver Center Crawford Fayette Lawrence Westmoreland : More than fifty collections from various localities in the County have been ex- amined. Kittanning, August 16, 1906. O. E. |. Beaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. ). Bald Eagle Ridge near Matternville, Sep- tember 20, 1909, and mountain slope near Bear Meadows, September 21, 1909. O. E. J. : Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. ] . ; Harts- town, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. *]. and G. K. J. : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. Septem- ber *l-3, 1907, and Cheat Haven. Seotem- ber 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. ;"Ohio Pyle, September 10, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. ; and May 30-31, 1908. O*. E. J. : In gorge below Ellwood City, June 26, 1909. O. E.J. : New Florence, Mellon's estate on Laurel Hill Mts., September 8-11, 1907. (Fig- ured), Hillside, May 23, 1908, and May 22, 1909, "Shades" near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. [.; Laurelville, May 30- 31, 1903. J A. S.; Hillside, at top of Chestnut Ridge, September 16-17, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 3. Dicranella rufescens | Dickson | Schimper. (Plate VII) Rather loosely cespitose, reddish- to yellowish-green: stems erect, in our region generally very short, about 3 mm. high, mostly simple; leaves few, linear-lanceolate, reaching 1.5 mm. long, gradually narrowed, minutely denticulate towards apex, plane, erect-spreading or sometimes sub-secund ; costa narrow, about one-seventh to one-sixth the width of the leaf- base, percurrent ; basal leaf-cells large, hyaline, smooth, thin- walled, quadrate-rectangular to linear-rectangular, reaching 8 ^10 times as long as wide, median cells shorter and smaller but similar, the percurrent costa margined by cells similar to the median : seta erect, red, about 3-5 mm. long, dextrorse when dry; capsule globose-ovoid, erect, red, symmetrical, smooth to slightly wrinkled when dry, the urn wide-mouthed and more or less turbinate ; operculum obliquely conic-rostrate, about as long as urn (0.5 mm.) ; calyptra cucullate, smooth, yellowish-red, narrowly conic, about 0.8 mm. long ; spores globose, smooth, orange-pellucid, about .012-.015 mm., ma- ture in late summer or fall. OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXI A. 63 ly on damp, bare soil, in Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Alaska to Nova Scotia and southwards to \Yest A irginia. Rather common in our region. Reaver : Clay bank of creek, New Galilee, Sep- tember 10, 1906. O. E. J. Cambria : Gallitzin. Jauics. (Porter's Catalogue). Elk : Me Minn. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Clay roadside. Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Huntingdon : Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Tuna Creek, Bradford, October 18, 1894, and March 31, 1895, and Xiles Hollow, October 21. 1894. D. A. B. Westmoreland : On elevated clay soil, Laurel Hill Mts., above Xew Florence, September 8-11, 1907. (Figured). O. E. J. : "Shades," near Blackburn, June 13, 1908. O. E. J. 4. Dicranella varia [ Hedwig] Schtmper. (Plate VII) Densely gregarious to cespitose, bright to yellowish- green : stems short, usually about 5-7 mm. high, ascending to erect, branching at base ; leaves up to 2.5 mm. long, linear- lanceolate, gradually narrowed to a long-linear acumination, spreading to recurved, not very secund, when dry somewhat rlexuous. margin narrowly revolute. entire, excepting some- times at the very apex somewhat denticulate ; costa wide and not well-defined, percurrent and comprising a large portion of the acumen ; basal leaf-cells rather thin-walled, rectangular or with oblique end-walls. 2-6:1, gradually becoming smaller and narrower above, the upper being about 2-4:1 and some- v. hat incrassate, all smooth and more or less yellowish- pellucid : seta yellowish-brown to castaneous, ascending to erect, about 5-8 mm. long, sinistrorse ; capsule ovate to ob- long", more or less cernuous, reddish to pale castaneous, curved, smooth, together with lid about 1-1.25 mm. long: lid about as long as urn, rostellate ; peristome-teeth large, lance-subulate, cleft to middle, strongly articulate, finely striate-papillose, rich castaneous below, sub-hyaline above; spores yellowish, rather thick-walled, minutely roughened. .020-.024 mm., mature in late autumn or in winter. On bare clay soil in fields, on ledges, etc. Widely dis- tributed in the Northern Hemisphere; in North America from Nova Scotia to Alaska and south to Georgia. Allegheny : In niches on cliff, Powers Run, November 30. 1909. (Figured). O. E. J. McKean : Bennett Brook, October 23, 1897. D. A. B. 64 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 8. RHABDOWE1SIA Bryologia Europsea. Autoicous : low, densely cespitose : stem without central strand, in cross-section obtusely pentagonal, densely foliate, radiculose, branched ; leaves when dry crisped, decurrent, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute, plane-margined; costa strong, disappearing below the apex ; upper leaf-cells chlorophyllose, quadrate to rounded, smooth ; basal cells rectangular and hya- line: seta straw-yellow, erect; capsule erect, minute, sym- metric, ovate to oblong, obtusely octagonal with darker strise, 8-costate when dry ; annulus none ; peristome rarely absent, inserted on the rim ; teeth arising from low, broad, more or less united bases, abruptly filiform or subulate, reddish-yellow, trabeculae prominent ventrally but articulations scarcely pro- jecting dorsally, surface of teeth non-papillose but often ob- liquely minutely striate ; operculum long-subulate, obliquely rostrate, as long or longer than the urn ; calyptra cuculiate, rostrate, reaching to the middle of the capsule. About 8 species of the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting crevices of silicious rocks; 5 species in North America; 2 species in our region. Key to flic Species. a. Leaves entire or nearly so. I. R. fuga.v. a. Leaves rather coarsely denticulate towards the apex. 2. R. denticulata. 1. Rhabdoweisia fugax (Hedwig) Bryologia Europsea. (Weisia fngo.v Hedwig). (Plate VII) Densely cespitose. usually dark green: stems short, in ours about 5 mm. high, radiculose at base ; leaves lance-linear, recurved-spreading, numerous, about 2-2.5 mm. long, usually somewhat concave, acute to shortly acuminate, margins plane, faintly denticulate towards apex, leaves crisped when dry ; costa strong but not quite reaching apex ; upper leaf-cells rounded-hexagonal, about .010— .014 mm., incrassate, chloro- phyllose, papillose, rather yellow, arranged in rows, in the upper part of the leaf about 6 or 8 rows on either side of the costa, the apical cells larger and more hyaline, the basal cells pellucid and elongate-rectangular, about 2-8:1: seta erect. 2- 3 mm. high, yellowish ; capsule erect, symmetric, oval ; the urn wide-mouthed, about 0.5-0.7 mm. high, brownish, when dry and empty 16-striate ; operculum about as long as urn, obliquely rostrate from a broad base ; peristome-teeth abrupt- ly subulate from a broad base, small, not very persistent, articulate, papillose; spores about .018-.020 mm., minutely roughened, yellowish-pellucid, maturing in mid-summer; calyptra cuculiate, covering about two-thirds of the urn ; exo- OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 65 thecial cells yellowish, incrassate, irregularly oblong to rec- tangular, the upper 2 to 4 rows much smaller and rounded. In crevices of various kinds of rocks, in moist, shady cliffs, etc., rarely in limestone. Mainly in the mountainous dis- tricts of Europe, Asia and America. In North America this species occurs in southern Canada and in northern United States, south to Missouri. Rare in our region. McKean : Sandstone rocks between Hawkins and Rutherford Hollows, March 12, 1894, and Toad Hollow, July 19, 1896, and August 1, 1897. D. A. B. In West Virginia this species occurs on the sandstone cliii's of Chestnut Ridge, 6 miles south of the West Virginia- Pennsylvania State boundary line. July 4, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). 2. Rhabdoweisia denticulata [Bridel] Bryologia Europsea. Closely similar to R. fnga.v but leaves wider and more dis- tinctly obtuse, more strongly denticulate ; leaf-cells in 7 to 10 rows on each side of the costa in the upper part of the leaf : peristome-teeth more persistent. We have seen no specimens of this species from our region, although it has been reported as follows : Lawrence: Slippery Rock Creek. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). 9. ONCOPHORUS Bridel. Autoicous : rather large, cespitose in broad, soft, bright green or yellowish-green tufts, usually radiculose below : stems thickly foliate ; leaves when dry crisped, when moist ascending to squarrose, from a sheathing base more or less abruptly long-acuminate or subulate, concave, carinate ; costa strong, percurrent or excurrent; cells in the sheathing base of the leaf long-rectangular, translucent to hyaline, the alar differentiatecl, the laminal cells small, mostly rounded- quadrate, at the margin bi-stratose ; perichaetial leaves sheath- ing to above the middle, abruptly subulate: seta long, erect; capsule unsymmetric, strumose with a short collum. when empty more or less weakly sulcate ; annulus indistinct ; peris- tome-teeth 16, deeply inserted, approximate, united below into a tube which is adherent to the wall of the capsule, the teeth 2-(3)-divided to the middle, outwardly minutely papillose in longitudinal lines, the inner surface with 1 (or 2) delicate longitudinal lines and strongly projecting transverse plates; operculum at least half as long as the capsule, obliquely rostrate ; calyptra cucullate. A genus" of 9 species widely distributed on damp gravelly soil, on moist non-calcareous rocks, or on decaying logs. Only one species in our range. 66 A MAN'UAL OF MOSSES 1. Oncophorus wahlenbergii Briclel. (Plate VIII) Densely cespitose, light or yellowish-green above, darker below : stem ascending or erect, forking, up to 3 cm. high, sparsely radiculose below ; leaves numerous, dense, much crisped when dry, abruptly flexuous-spreading when moist, from a concave, widely obovate base abruptly contracting into a long, carinate, linear-subulate, flexuous, rather acute portion which is low-serrate at the apex both marginally and dorsally ; costa strong, ending in the apex ; leaf-cells at base mostly pellucid and obliquely elongate-rectangular, about 3-10:1, above at the shoulder and along the subulation quickly be- coming much smaller, incrassate, about .005-.007 mm. in diameter, smooth, sometimes faintly rounded papillose : seta single, erect, flexuous, yellowish to brownish, when dry strongly dextrorse, 1-1.5 cm. long; capsule about 1.2 mm. long, arcuate-cernuous, oblong-cylindric, gibbous, distinctly sharply strumose, when old irregularly wrinkled ; peristome- teeth united at base into a rather deeply inserted tube, the teeth divided to the middle, lance-linear, castaneous-pellucid, very faintly dorsally articulate below, strongly ventrally trabeculate in a double series separated by a more or less zig- zag divisural line, at the base smooth, towards the middle minutely vertically striate-papillose, at the apex sub-hyaline ; annulus narrow with crenulate margin ; operculum obliquely rostrate ; exothecial cells irregular, rather lax, with medium walls, not much different towards the mouth ; spores papil- lose, castaneous-pellucid, about .02S-.030 mm., mature in spring. On rocks, soil, old logs, etc., in cool and moist situations, usually in the mountains in non-calcareous districts. Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Greenland to Alaska and south to the northern United States. Rare in our region. McKean : Broadbow, D. A. B. 10. DICRANUM Hedwig. Autoicous or dioicous; mostly large and thickly tufted, often cushion-like : stems mostly erect ; leaves mainly falcate- secund, more or less subulate-acuminate from a concave, lanceolate base, and usually canaliculate to tubulose ; costa largely excurrent ; alar leaf-cells mostly brownish and dif- ferentiated ; inner perichaetial leaves elongate, involute-sheath- ing, the acumen often short or lacking : seta erect, mostly twisted, sometimes 2 to 5 together in a perich?etium ; capsule various from cylindric and erect to cernuous and arcuate or even rarely strumose ; operculum long-rostrate and by a dif- ferentiated annulus always with a notched edge ; peristome not OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 67 inserted belo\\ the edge of the capsule; teeth mostly 2-3- parted to the middle, vertically striate below, ventrally trabeculate ; calyptra not ciliate at base. A cosmopolitan genus of about 150 species, mostly on non- calcareous sub-strata, in the tropics confined to the mountains and rather rare in the Southern Hemisphere. In North America about 65 species are known and at least 7 species occur in our region. Key to the Species. a. Capsule cernuous, unsymmetric. b. a. Capsule erect, symmetric. g. b. Leaf-cells porose. c. b. Leaf-cells very slightly or not at all poro>e. (D. subnlctoniin R. and C.) c. Leaves transversely undulate; costa not reaching apex. d. c. Leaves not transversely undulate; costa percurrent to excurrent. f. d. Upper leaf-cells elongated. 1. D. polysehtni. d. Upper leaf-cells iso-diametric. e. e. Capsule solitary; costa and lamina dorsally smooth. (D. bcrgeri Bland.) e. Capsules clustered: costa and lamina dorsally rough. (D. drummondii C. M.) f. Capsules clustered: guides of costa in two rows. (D. ma jus Smith.) f. Capsules solitary: guides of costa in one row. 2. D. scopariuin. g. Costa with median guides. h. g. Costa without median guides. 2— 4-stratose. 7. D. longifoHum. h. Entire lamina uni-stratose; costa percurrent. i. h. L'pper lamina more or less bi-stratose: costa excurrent. j- i. Upper leaf-cells rectangular and mamillate dorsally. 3. D. montauinn. i. L'pper leaf-cells less regular, not mamillate. 4. D. flagellare. j. Costa and margin entire, apex usually broken off. 6. D. viridc. j. Costa and margin serrulate. 5. D. fnh'uin. 1. Dicranum polysetum Swartz, Schwaegricben. (D. mgosnui Rriclel ; D. undulatnin Khrhart). Tall, up to 20 cm. or more, loosely cespitose : stems erect or decumbent, densely radiculose below; leaves undulate, lustrous yellowish-green ; 6-9 mm. long, lanceolate, the upper half spinosely serrate, the lower half with recurved margin ; costa strong, rather narrow, vanishing in the apex, with two serrate dorsal lamelke above; alar cells distinct, brownish, not reaching costa. median and upper leaf-cells elongate-elliptic to linear-fusiform, incrassate and porose: seta long, reddish, 68 A MANUAL OF MOSSES usually 2-5 in a cluster : capsule arcuate-cernuous, rather small, when dry and empty striate and brown ; spores mature in late summer or early fall. On moist soil and on humus-covered rocks in moist and shady woods, usually in hilly or mountainous regions. Eu- rope, Asia, and, in North America, in the northern United States and in Canada. Rare in our region. Huntingdon: Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Dicranum scoparium [Linnaeus] Hedwig. (Brynin scoparium Linnaeus). (Plate VIII) Large, rather loosely tufted, glossy, yellowish-green, often brownish below : stems growing upwards and dying away below, often 7 or 8 cm. long, densely felted-radiculose ; leaves falcate-secund, often more or less tufted at the upper end of the innovations, about 8-12 mm. long, linear-subulate, not undulate, concave, serrate towards apex, little changed when dry; costa strong, flat, one-fourth to one-third the width of the leaf at base, above bearing four serrate dorsal lamellae ; leaf-cells at base enlarged, quadrate to rectangular, rather thin-walled, orange-colored, the median elongate rectangular to somewhat linear, incrassate, porose, the apical irregularly oblong, not porose: seta about 3 cm. long, erect-sinuose, yel- lowish to chestnut-brown, lighter below, usually sinistrorse, sometimes dextrorse above; capsule 3.5 — I mm. long, about 0.8 mm. thick, chestnut-brown, cylindric, arcuate, when dry furrowed and slightly constricted below the mouth, tapering below into a short neck, exannulate ; operculum low-conic, subulate rostrate, the beak about 2.5 mm. long; calyptra about 6-7 mm. long, cucullate, conic-rostrate. peristome single; teeth pellucid, reddish-brown, papillose above, below strongly articulate and vertically striate, divided about one-half into 2 or 3 lance-subulate prongs, sometimes more or less cribrose ; spores globose, slightly roughened, about .020- .024 mm., mature in late summer or nearly fall. On soil, logs, rocks, etc., in woods. Europe, Asia, and, in North America, throughout the cooler and temperate re- gions. Quite common in our region. ***•• O Allegheny : Near Sharon, on dry soil, February 10, 1887. J. A. S. Cambria : James. (Porter's Catalogue). Center : Stormestown, April 2, 1902. Miss H. E. Wilson; Tussey's Mt., near Shingletown, July 15 and September 15, 1909 O. E. I. Clinton : Near Lock Haven, July 15, 1908. O. E. J. Erie : Presque Isle, August 26, 1905. O. E. J. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 69 Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906, and Sep- tember 1-3, 1907. (Figured). O. E. J. and G. K. J. Huntingdon : Tussey's Mt., near Bailevville, July 13, 1909. " O. E. J. McKean : Toad Hollow, Bradford, October 18, 1894, Rutherford Rocks, Bradford, June 19, 1896. and Langmade, November 3, 1895. D. A. B. 3. Dicranum montanum Hedwig. (Plate VIII) Densely cespitose, light yellowish-green, lustrous: stems erect, short, up to 1 cm. in our region, sparsely branching; leaves much crisped when dry, in the same cushion some of the plants with equally-spreading leaves, others with all secund leaves, from a wider base gradually narrowly linear-lanceo- late, up to 5 mm. long, concave below and canaliculate above to near the apex, on margin and back of costa strongly ser- rulate above ; costa rather strong, percurrent or almost excur- rent, forming about one-fifth of the width of the leaf at base; median leaf-cells shortly rectangular-quadrate to laterally ob- long, incrassate, yellowish, the upper somewhat smaller and rounded-quadrate, more or less distinctly papillose, the basal rectangular, thinner-walled, up to 6:1, the alar not much larger but quadrate-inflated, all the basal cells more or less castaneous in color; perichaetial leaves similar to stem leaves; seta single, erect, yellowish to brownish, about 1.5 cm. high; capsule oblong-cylindric, slightly curved, yellowish to finally brownish, plicate when dry and empty, the urn about 2.5 mm. long; the lid conic, more or less obliquely rostrate, about 1.5 mm. long, castaneous ; annulus narrow; peristome-teeth cleft to below the middle or nearly to the base into linear-subulate, deeply castaneous, articulate, faintly trabeculate,. striate- papillose divisions ; exothecial cells yellowish-incrassate. ir- regularly oblong to rectangular, the upper 3-6 rows much -mailer, more deeply colored and incrassate, rounded-quadrate or hexagonal; spores smoothish, yellowish, about .022- .025 mm., not very thick-walled, maturing in early fall. On rotten wood and on roots and trunks of trees. Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Newfoundland to the north- ern United States and westward to the Rocky Mountains. Rather rare in our region. Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Huntingdon: Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Ohio Pyle, on rotten log, September 1-3. 1906. O. E. j. and G. K. J. *~ (Figured). 70 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES 4. Dicranum flagellare Hedwig. (Plate VIII) Rather densely cespitose, bright green above, brownish below, tufts about 1 cm. high : stems radiculose, often with flagelhe in the axils of the upper leaves, erect; leaves crisped and sub-secund when dry, falcate-secund when moist, from an oblong base narrowed gradually into a subulate acumen, strongly involute to near the apex, apex serrate ; costa strong, about one-fourth to one-third the width of the leaf-base, per- current, serrate dorsally at the apex ; alar leaf-cells large, dis- tinct, inflated-quadrate, rather thin-walled, colored, reaching nearly to the costa, the leaf-cells above loosely elongate- rectangular, farther above becoming shorter, above the middle rounded-quadrate, incrassate; perichsetial leaves shorter, abruptly subulate-acuminate from a sheathing base : seta erect, sinistrorse when dry; reddish to yellowr-brown, about 2 cm. long; capsule erect, cylindric, symmetric, reddish-brown, about 2.5 mm. long, when dry striate and often slightly curved ; lid obliquely long-rostrate, lustrous, brown ; peristome-teeth trabeculate, articulate, confluent at base, cleft to two-thirds to three-fourths, the lower two-thirds reddish and more or less vertically striate-papillose, hyaline above ; annulus delicate ; exothecial cells elongate, strongly laterally incrassate with thinner end-walls, several series at the rim much smaller and rounded-quadrate ; calyptra reaching to the middle of the capsule, fugacious ; spores globose, slightly roughened, yellow- incrassate, .018-.022 mm. in diameter, mature in summer. On decayed logs and stumps and on bases of trees in moist woods. In Europe, Asia, and. in North America, from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and south to Mexico. Rather common in our region. Blair ; Porter. ( Porter's Catalogue). Cambria : Flinton, July 23. 1908. O. E. J. Erie : Presque Isle, August 26, 1905. O. E. J. Eayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1006. O. E. \. and G. K. [. ; also September 10, 1905. 6. E. J. and G. E. K. Huntingdon : Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). *~ C_T S McKean : West Branch, February 27, 1896. D. A. P>. •Somerset ; Allegheny Mts.. August 17, 1875. John 1). Shafer. Westmoreland : Mellon's estate, New Florence, Septem- ber 8-10. 1907. O. E. J. (Figured). WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 71 5. Dicranum fulvum Hooker. (P. intcrniptitm Bryologia Europsea. (Plate IX) Deeply but rather loosely cespitose, fulvous to brownish- green : stem ascending to erect, sparsely branching, radiculose at base ; leaves numerous, secund, somewhat crisped when dry, about 5-6 mm. long, gradually narrowed, from a concave lanceolate base to a linear-acuminate more or less concave to canaliculate apex, the upper margin serrulate ; costa strong, about one-third of leaf-width at base, usually somewhat ex- current, dorsally serrulate above, in the long acumination oc- cupying most of the leaf; median and upper leaf-cells quadrate to shortly rectangular, strongly yellowish-incrassate, the lower rectangular, not porose at base, becoming in the alar portion enlarged, inflated, rectangular to quadrate, thin-walled, brown- ish, this alar area reaching usually to the costa ; perichsetial leaves linear-subulate from a broadly sheathing base: seta single, rather stout, erect, flexuous, yellowish to dark with age, about 1-1.5 cm. long; capsule erect, symmetric to slightly curved, the urn about 4 mm. long, cylindric, castaneous, sulcate when dry and empty; lid stoutly and more or less obliquely lostrate and about 1.5 mm. long; annulus rather narrow; exothecial cells yellowish-incrassate, quadrate to rectangular or oblong-hexagonal, several rows below the mouth much smaller and rounded-quadrate-hexagonal ; spores large, .024- .030 mm., smoothish, rather thin-walled, mature in autumn. Generally on non-calcareous rocks in moist woods among the hills or mountains. Europe and North America from Xova Scotia and Xorth Carolina west to the Mississippi River. Rather uncommon in our region. Fayette : On rocks in woods, Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). McKean : Toad Hollow, June 9, 1896, Bolivar, August 6, 1897, Quintuple, April 11, 1898, and Rutherford. September 16, 1898, all near Bradford. D. A. B. 6. Dicranum viride (Suilivant) Lindberg. (Plate IX) Densely cespitose, yellowish-green to dark green or some- times almost blackish : stems ascending, up to 2 cm. high, simple or sparsely branching, radiculose below ; leaves 3-4 mm. long, spreading or recurved, when dry crisped, the apices usually found broken off, the leaves close, gradually linear- acuminate from a lanceolate base, concave below, the acumi- nation often concave or canaliculate, the margin entire or slightly denticulate at apex; costa strong, percurrent or ex- current, at base comprising from one-fourth to one-third the 72 A MANUAL OF MOSSES width of the leaf: median and upper leaf-cells more or less regularly quadrate, small, incrassate, towards base slightly larger, but not much longer than broad, non-porose, suddenly becoming enlarged, thin-walled, brownish, and rectangular up to 3:1, the alar inflated and sometimes extending to the costa : capsule oblong, erect or slightly curved. Not seen in fruit in our region. On decayed logs and on bases of trees in woods, rarely on rocks, in Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from New- foundland to the Rocky Mountains, south to Pennsylvania and Ohio. Butler : On base of Tilia, Brush Creek swamp. Crider's Corners, April 26, 1908. (.). E. J. ( Figured ) . Cambria : Wiltmore. James. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Rutherford, October 17, 1895. D. A. B. Westmoreland : On sandstone boulder at edge of stream, "Shades," near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. 7. Dicranum longifolium [Ehrhart| Hedwig. (Plate IX) Densely cespitose, pale green, glossy : stems more or less deeply castaneous, ascending, geniculate at intervals, at least 3-5 cm. long, sparingly brownish-tomentose below ; leaves lustrous, pale green, yellowish-green and hardly altered when dry, falcate-secund, about 5-8 mm. long, linear-subulate, from a short lanceolate base about one-fourth the length of the leaf, at the base reddish or brownish, non-decurrent ; costa wide, comprising about one-third the width of the leaf-base, some- what narrowed at insertion, the upper three-fourths of the leaf consisting entirely of the linear-subulate, canaliculate, more or less spinose-denticulate, excurrent costa; alar leaf-cells lax, rather thin-walled and hyaline, sometimes brownish, rounded and extending to the costa. the laminal cells immediately above with medium walls, obliquely oblong-angular, narrower to- wards the margin and further above becoming smaller and rhomboid-quadrate along the margin to elongate-rectangular near the costa: capsule cylindric, erect, nearly straight, smooth, produced but rarely. On tree-trunks and on non-calcareous rocks in hillv or •/ mountainous regions, in Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Greenland and British Columbia south to Colorado and !\orth Carolina. Rare in our region. McKean : Bradford, 1896. Sterile. D. A. B. (Figured). 11. DICRANODONTIUM Bryologia Europaea. Dioicous : tall mosses mostly in dense tufts, the stems and often the basal portion of the costa on the under side felted- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 73 radiculose : leaves weakly or not at all auriculate, from the lanceolate base long-snbnlate. canaliculate-tubulose, the acumen often plainly toothed on the margin and dorsal sur- face of the costa by reason of the mammillate cells ; costa broad and flat, long', excurrent, and almost tilling the acumen ; alar cells reaching the costa, inflated, hyaline, sometimes reddish, delicate, areolation above the alar cells widened to- wards the costa and rectangular to long-hexagonal, at the margin usually united into a more or less broad border; perichretial leaves sheathing, abruptly long-subulate: seta arcuate, finally erect-liexuous : capsule symmetric, oblong- cylindric, smooth; annulus not differentiated; peristome in- serted below the edge of the capsule-mouth ; teeth separate, two-parted deeply, or to the base, the divisions filiform-subu- late, below vertically and above obliquely striate-papillose ; calyptra cucullate. A cosmopolitan genus of 21 species; 4 species in Xorth America ; 3 species occurring in our region. Kc\ to the Species. a. Peristome-teeth cleft to base: leaves \vith somewhat widened auricles. i. D. Ipngirostre. a Peristome-teeth not cleft to base: leaves non-auriculate. b. b. Leaves easily caducous: seta 1.5-2 cm., urn 1.5-2 mm. long. 2. D. -L'irgiuicitin. b. Leaves rather peristent: seta 5-8 mm., urn 1 mm. long. 3. D. millspaughii. 1. Dicranodontium longirostre [Starke] Bryologia Europsea, (Didyinodon longirostris Starke). (Plate IX.) Densely and softly cespitose, lustrous, pale green, when dried as in herbarium-specimens often a lustrous yellowish- brown: stems erect or ascending, up to 3 or 4 cm. high, fork- ing frequently, flexuous, radiculose below; leaves rather numerous, often quickly deciduous, from a more or less sheath- ing oblong concave base with more or less widened auricles gradually "narrowed to a long, flexuous-spreading or falcate- secund. linear-subulate or setaceous, tubulose point, the margin entire to faintly denticulate towards the apex ; costa strong, one-fifth to one-third the width of the leaf at base, excurrent in the rough subulation, in cross-section showing a median row of large hyaline cells bordered on either side by minute incrassate cells ; alar leaf-cells large, inflated, hyaline to brown- ish, rectangular, above becoming incrassate and narrower, in the oblong base the upper marginal cells elongate-linear and more or less prosenchymatous, the median and upper rounded- quadrate, varying to short-rectangular or oblong : seta cygne- ous, dextrorse ; capsule oblong-cylindric, small ; peristome- 74 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES teeth cleft to the base or nearly so into two filiform divisions, inserted below the month of the urn, reddish ; lid as long as the urn, subulate-rostrate, straight ; spores mature in late fall or in winter : dioicous. On sandstone rocks, walls, turfy places, etc., usually in hilly or mountainous regions. Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from New Brunswick and Alaska south to Ohio and Pennsylvania. Rare and usually sterile in our region. McKean : Rutherford Rocks, July 7, 1894, Hawkins, October 18, 1895, Langmade Rocks, April 16, 1896, all in the vicinity of Bradford. D. A. B. (Figured). 2. Dicranodontium virginicum E. G. Britton. Lustrous, bright green : stems ascending to erect, below red-tomentose ; leaves erect-spreading to secund, variously straight to curled or twisted, often 5 mm. long, narrowly con- cave-subulate from a short, thick, non-auriculate base, often caducous, the caducous leaves usually with smooth points, the persistent ones with serrulate points ; alar cells more or less hyaline, the median and upper rectangular to quadrate, in- crassate ; seta appearing lateral by growth of innovations, flexuous, up to 2 cm. long, lustrous, yellow, arcuate to erect ; capsule cylindric, 1.5 to 2 mm. long; peris tome-teeth deep red, not deeply inserted, split about to the middle, papillose-striate at base, sub-hyaline above ; no annulus ; lid subulate-rostrate, >horter than the urn, straight or curved ; calyptra cucullate, rostrate, covering only the upper third of urn ; spores small, mature in summer: dioicous, antheridia terminal. At the southern border of our region, on sandstone boulder along wooded path, Tibbs Run, Monongalia County, West Virginia. C. F. Millspaugh. 3. Dicranodontium millspaughii E. G. Britton. (Campylopus flc.vuosits Sullivant) Silky, cespitose, yellowish-green ; stems rufous-tomentose at base, up to 3 cm. long ; leaves erect-spreading to secund, up to 5 mm. long, from a broad, concave, non-auriculate base narrowly tubulose-subulate ; costa strong, excurrent into a linear tip, dentate marginally and dorsally ; alar leaf-cells large, hyaline, mainly quadrate to shortly rectangular, extending to the costa, above quickly smaller, incrassate, tending to fusi- form-prosenchymatous towards the margin, shorter to quadrate in the upper part of the lamina: seta cygneous, erect when old, 5-8 mm. long, stout ; capsule pyriform-cylindric, smooth, the urn about 1 mm. long; peristome-teeth deeply inserted, red, confluent at base, split to the middle or perforate to the base, papillose-striolate below, paler above ; no annulus but the rim OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 75 of the urn dark colored: lid about as long as the urn (1 mm.), straight, subulate-rostrate; spores maturing in summer: dioicous. At the southern border of our region on sandstone rock in deep woods along Tibbs Run, Monongalia County, West Vir- ginia. C. F. Millspaugh. Family III. LEUCOBRYACEAE. Dioicous, rarely autoicous ; densely cespitose and more or less spongy like Sphagnum, whitish to glaucous-green : stem with- out central strand, scarcely radiculose ; leaves pluriseriate, close, quite uniform in size ; costa very broad, constituting most of the leaf, sometimes narrow with a stereid-bundle, composed of two kinds of cells, the outer large and parenchym- atous with perforated inner walls, the inner smaller and chlorophyllose, the lamina hyaline, usually very narrow and mainly basal : seta single, erect ; capsule erect and symmetric or inclined, unsymmetric and strumose ; annulus none; peri- stome usually inserted below the edge of the urn, the teeth mostly 16, sometimes only 8, lanceolate, articulate, entire or cleft to the middle; operculum conk, rostrate; calyptra cucullate or sometimes mitrate. With the exception of the genus Leucobryum the species of this family are mostly tropical or sub-tropical in their distribu- tion and occur mainly on trees. In our region there occurs only the following genus : i. LEUCOBRYUM Hampe. Dioicous : thickly to loosely cespitose ; whitish or glaucous green, mostly lustrous : leaves erect, when dry appressed and brittle, sometimes spiral, or falcate, or squarrose-spreading, from an ovate base lanceolate- to subulate-acuminate, canalicu- late or sometimes almost tubulose above ; costa flat, the large parenchymatous outer cells 2-6-layered ; lamina mostly nar- row, often vanishing below the apex, without a border ; perichaetial leaves half-sheathing and long-acuminate : seta terminal, or lateral by the growth of innovations, long; capsule more or less arcuate, unsymmetric. often strumose, with 8 rib- like projecting ridges; peristome on the edge of the urn, the teeth united at base into a tube, cleft to the middle into two lance-subulate prongs, thickly trabeculate, vertically striate and papillose ; operculum subulate from a conical base ; calyptra inflated, cucullate, covering the urn. About 106 species, mostly in the tropics, on trees, rocks, or on shaded earth ; 16 occurring in North America ; 2 species in our range. 76 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES Key to the Species. a. Leucocysts on the median line in 3 to 4 layers; leaves 3 to 9 mm. long: capsules arcuate, strumose. i. L. glaucum. a. Leucocysts on the median line in 2 layers in 4 to 14 series; leaves 1 to 4 mm. long: capsule almost erect, not strumose. 2. L. albiduiu. 1. Leucobryum glaucum [Linnaeus] \Y. P. Schimper. (Dlcramnn glaucum Heclwig). (Plate X) In dense, rounded, spongy, whitish or glaucous tufts, often 6 or 7 cm. deep, only the upper 5 mm. or thereabouts alive, the dead inner portion grayish-brown and peaty : leaves crowded, in our region about 3-6 mm. long, more or less tubular, acute, entire, ovate-lanceolate, narrowed at base, erect-appressed, con- sisting almost wholly of the broad, thick costa, the lamina ex- tending about half-way up the leaf as a narrow margin of 2-5 rows of hyaline, thin-walled, long-rectangular to linear cells : seta about 10 mm. long, sinistrorse, castaneous, erect ; capsule 1.5 to 2 mm. long, castaneous, when dry arcuate, ob- long-cylindric, distinctly strumose, furrowed ; lid long-rostrate, nearly as long as the urn ; calyptra longer than the capsule ; peristome slightly inserted, deep reddish-brown, dicranoid ; spores rather thin-walled, slightly roughened, .015-.020 mm. in diameter, slightly roughened, mature in autumn. Capsules are produced infrequently. Almost cosmopolitan on soil or on rocks in woods. In North America it occurs from Newfoundland to Florida and westward to the Rocky Mountains. Common in our region, especially preferring the somewhat acid soil of exposed white oak-woods, often thus associated with Kalmia and some of the wild huckleberries. Allegheny : Darlington Hollow, June 26, 1885. J. A. S. ; Coraopolis, September 4, 1905, O. E. J. and G. E. K. ; Douthett, December 29, 1908, and under hemlocks, Darlington Hollow, October 25. 1908. O. E. J. ; Stewart's Stop, Charleroi Electric R. R.. August 19, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, August 16, 1906. O. E. J. Center : Scotia, in Barrens, July 14 and Septem- ber 23 (Figured), and Tussey's Mt., near Shingletown, July 15, 1909. ' O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, on elevated hum- mock, Linesville, June 12, 1905, and Mav 12,1908. O. E. j." Erie : Presque Isle, June 9-11. 1905. O. E. J. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 77 Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Greene : Deer Lick, September 22, 1904. O. E. J. McKean : Manila Brook, Bradford, April 1, and September 26, 1896. D. A. B. Washington : Valley of Maple Creek, Charleroi, April 24. 1908, and Hanlin, May 21, 1908. O. E. J. \\ estmoreland : "Shades," near Blackburn, March 2;\ 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 2. Leucobryum albidum [B ridel] Lindberg. (L. minus Hampe; Dicramim albidum Bridel). Much smaller than L. glaucnm: tufts very dense, about 1-2 cm. deep; leaves acute, narrower, shorter (about 1- 4 mm. long), closely imbricated and but little spreading at the tip : capsule almost symmetric, little or not at all inclined, slightly or not at all strumose. On stumps, logs, or on the ground, Europe and in the eastern part of the United States. Rare in our region. Huntingdon : Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). Westmoreland : A sterile specimen from near Bear Cave. Chestnut Ridge, Hillside. September 17, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Family IV. FISSIDENTACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous : minute to large, gregarious to cespitose. mostly green : stem oval, mostly with central strand, basally radiculose, or with reddish rhizoids from the leaf-axils ; leaves distichous, mostly vertically placed, so that they stand edgewise to the stem with a clasping sheath at the base, or ex- tending well up the leaf, and a dorsal lamina which is often somewhat decurrent, the apical lamina being lacking in the perichaetial and lowest stem leaves and little developed in Bryoxiphium; costa usually present; leaf-cells small, uniform, rounded-hexagonal, chlorophyllose : seta erect or cygneous. usually elongated ; capsule erect and symmetric, or cernuous and unsymmetric or curved, smooth, collum present; annulus present or none; peristome present, except in Bryoxiphiinn, usually inserted, simple, red ; teeth articulate, united at base, cleft to the middle or below into two or three filiform divisions, trabeculate with two series of projecting transverse plates, yellowish ; spores mostly small ; operculum more or less rost- rate ; calyptra small, narrowly conical, entire or cleft on one side, rarely several times cleft, mostly smooth. A family of over 600 species, largely tropical, with wide- ly varied habitats, representated in our range by three genera. 78 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Key to Genera. a. Dorsal lamina very narrow: peristome none: stem bulbiform at base. i. Bryoxipliinnt. a. Dorsal lamina usually broad: peristome present: stern not radi- culose-bulbiform at base. b. b. Mostly not aquatic, sometimes submerged but floating. 2. Fissidcus. b. Aquatic, filiform, floating mosses. 3. Octodiceras. i. BRYOXIPHIUM. Mitten. ( Enstich la Briclel ) . Slender, dioicous, more or less densely silky-cespitose, bright green or yellowish: stem stiff, oval in cross-section, with central strand, radicnlose at the extreme base, upwardly flattened, with distichous, closely imbricated leaves, simple or irregularly branched ; leaves from a linear-lanceolate base, either linear, with a small acumen, or rounded and abruptly more or less long-subulate, denticulate above ; costa percurrent, with a very narrow dorsal wing wrhich does not extend to the base of the leaf; basal leaf-cells hyaline, rectangular, upper cells chlorophyllose, triangular to irregularly trapezoidal, smooth, towards the margin linear and forming a distinct border; perichsetium terminal, with two concave, ovate, pro- longed-acuminate, serrulate leaves with a complete dorsal wing : seta shorter than the perichsetial leaves, flexuous or cygneous ; capsule spherical, oval or obovate, smooth; no peristome or annulus ; spores .015-.020 mm. operculum abruptly and irregularly rostrate ; calyptra smooth, covering about one-third of the urn ; antheridial plants similar in appear- ance to the archegonial. Three species ; one in Mexico, one in Asia, and one in Europe and the United States, rare. 1. Bryoxiphium norvegicum [BridelJ Mitten. (Eustichia nori'egica Mueller). Plants 1-2.5 cm. long, somewhat flexuous, flat, lustrous, yellow, fastened to vertical sandstone cliffs by a radiculose bulbiform base ; stems mostly simple ; leaves short-acuminate and as described for the genus ; costa vanishing at or near the apex: seta rather thick, about 2 mm. long; capsule obovate, pale yellow, mouth reddish, peristome none; operculum reddish at base, attached to columella and long-persistent ; calyptra cucullate, large, tipped with a slender beak. On shaded vertical exposures of sandstone in Wisconsin, Kentucky and Central Ohio, also in Iceland, and once in Penn- sylvania. Lawrence : "Slippery Rock Creek, Lesquereux." (Por- ter's Catalogue). The writer has not been OF WESTERN' PEXXSYLVAX I A 79 able to find this species along Slippery Rock Creek, where Lesquereux found it. 2. FISSIDEXS Hedwig. Autoicous or dioicous : stem short to long, erect to pro- cumbent, more or less branched or simple ; leaves prominent- ly winged, linear-obovate to lanceolate-obovate ; costa usually present ; cells rounded-hexagonal, sometimes loosely rhom- boiclal, rarely prosenchymatous, smooth or papillose: seta erect or ascending, long to short, mostly terminal, sometimes lateral ; capsule mostly exserted, erect or inclined, symmetric 01 unsymmetric ; peristome mostly inserted below the mouth of the urn, teeth cleft, exteriorly articulate, often striate- papillose ; spores mostly small ; operculum conic to rostrate ; calyptra entire to once or rarely several times cleft, mostly smooth. A widely distributed genus of about 550 species, mainly tropical, on soil, rocks, trees, humus, or in water. In our region at least 8 species. Key to the Species. a. Costa none: minute plants 2-4 mm. high. i. /;. liyalinits. a. Costa well developed. b. h. Leaves bordered, at least on the vaginant lamina, by a band of linear cells. c. b. Leaves not bordered, or at least the border not composed of linear cells. g. c. Costa percurrent. confluent with border at apex and forming a mucro: capsule erect. 2. F. bryoides. c. Costa not usually percurrent: border not usually reaching apex: capsule curved or erect. d. d. Leaves non-bordered, entire, obtuse. 3. F. obtusifolius. d. Leaves bordered, at least on sheath, acute or apiculate. e. c. Leaves bordered to near the apex. f. e. Leaves usually bordered only on the sheath. 5. F. e.rigniis. f. Leaves broadly oblong-lanceolate: capsules usually more or less curved: plants usually more than 2 mm. 4. F. incnr-t'iis. f. Leaves narrowly oblong-lanceolate: capsules usually erect: plants often less than 2 mm. high. 4:1. F. inc. uiiinitulits. g. Leaves without a marginal band of several rows of somewhat paler cells, the outer row sometimes paler. !• y. Leaves with a marginal band of several rows of paler incrassate cells. h. h. Leaf-cells rather obscure, about .006-.010X.006-.014 mm. 6. F. cristatus. h. Leaf-cells distinct, about .012-.016X-015-.025 mm. 7. F. adiantoides. i. Costa excurrent into the apiculus. 8. F. ta.rifolhts. i. Costa not quite reaching apex. j. j. Leaves apiculate: seta terminal: leaf-cells .010-.016X.014-.020 mm. 9. F. osmundioides. 80 A MANUAL OF MOSSES j. Leaves more or less rounded at apex: seta lateral in basal half of stem: leaf-cells about .008 — .011 mm. 10. F. snbbasilaris. 1. Fissidens hyalinus Hooker and Wilson. Gregarious, pale green, minute, 2-4 mm. high : stem usually simple, erect ; leaves in 3-5 pairs, soft, the upper much larger, lance-oblong, acute, non-costate, margined by a single row of narrow elongate cells, the sheath hardly reaching the middle of the leaf, margin entire; cells large, about .030-.045X .060-. 100 mm., thin-walled, elongate-hexagonal, hyaline: seta terminal, 1-2 mm. long, erect smooth; capsule oblong, erect, thin- walled ; teeth closely articulate, red, cleft to the middle ; operculum rostrate ; calyptra cylindric-conic and covering the rostrum only of the operculum; spores .014— .020 mm. The original station of this rare moss was "Moist, rocky ledges. Bank Lick, on Cassidy's farm, near Cincinnati. Ohio/' where it was first collected by T. G. Lea, in 1839. This sta- tion has since been lost, but the moss has been found elsewhere in Ohio : on ground in deep ravines near Painesville,---H. C. Keardslee, and later in Pennsylvania, as follows : Washington : On clay banks with Fissidens ta.vifoliiis in ravines near Washington, September and Oc- tober, 1892, 1894, and 1898. Linn and Simon- ton. 2. Fissidens bryoides [Linnaeus] Hedwig. (Hypnnm bryoides Linnaeus). (Plate X) In loose tufts or densely gregarious, rather dark green : stems ascending or erect, 5-15 mm. high ; leaves numerous, ascending, or the apical erect, oblong-lingulate, usually abrupt- ly and somewhat obliquely acuminate, the sheath reaching about half way to the apex, the dorsal lamina gradually be- coming very narrow at base, the border strong and reaching the apex, where it becomes confluent with the costa, margin entire or sometimes faintly denticulate at apex ; costa strong ; leaf-cells rounded-hexagonal, somewhat incrassate, somewhat smaller at the apex of the sheath, becoming rectangular at the base, the border consisting of two or three rows of linear- prosenchymatous incrassate cells : seta erect, flexuous, about 4-9 mm. long, yellowish to reddish, smooth, slender, terminal: capsule erect or arcuate, usually reddish-yellow, smooth, oblong-oval, about 7-8 mm. long; peristome-teeth red, the upper two-thirds split into two awl-like prongs with spiral thickenings, pellucid, papillose, the teeth inserted below the mouth; spores smooth, small, about .010-.012 mm. in di- ameter; operculum conic-rostrate. Mature in late fall. Antheridial flowers gemmiform. axillary. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 81 Widely distributed in temperate regions on shaded soil, in our region especially in and about greenhouses. Our speci- mens show considerable variation in the arrangement of the leaf-cells, either in rows or not so, and in the capsule, the latter varying from erect and symmetric to arcuate. The spores in our specimens are much smaller than is indicated in some descriptions. Allegheny : In flower-pots, Phipps Conservatory, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, March 20, 1910. O. E. J. (Figured). Elk : James. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Fissidens obtusifolius Wilson. (Plate X) Small, densely gregarious, sometimes forming cushions, usually growing at right angles to the substratum, pale green : stems comparatively stout, in our specimens about 3-6 mm. long, mostly simple ; leaves of fertile plants about 4-8 pairs, of sterile shoots about 6-12 pairs, distichous, vertical, in fertile shoots closely placed, the lower small, obovate to ob- long, the upper much larger, oblong, ascending to erect, obtuse, the clasping portion extending above the middle, non-margined except for a few elongate cells at the end of the sheathing portion, entire, the apical leaves reaching to 1.5 mm. long by 0.3 mm. wide ; cells rounded to quadrate-hexagonal above, a few at the margin of the base rectangular (up to 4:1), at the apex of the sheath a few marginal cells elongate to linear, all incrassate ; costa strong, disappearing shortly below the apex, the dorsal lamina becoming narrow or disappearing at the base: seta comparatively stout, erect, or upcurving, in ours about 1.5-2.0 mm. long, brownish, smooth; the capsule erect, oblong-oval to oblong-obovate, somewhat narrowed below the mouth, smooth, brownish; operculum hemispheric-apiculate to very shortly rostrate ; peristome yello\vish-pellucid, trabecu- late, the teeth lanceolate, acuminate; capsule walls with cells incrassate, quadrate to hexagonal ; spores smooth, .018-.023 mm. Mature in autumn. On wet rocks from New England to Minnesota, Colorado, Texas, and Alabama. Rare in our region. Beaver : Gorge of Little Beaver Creek, on sides of large sandstone rocks in dashing current and often inundated, Smith's Ferry, October 1, 1910. O. E. J. (On the Ohio-Pennsylvania State Line.) In West Virginia on walls of Lock Xo. 9, Monongahela River, a short distance south of the AYest Virginia-Pennsyl- vania State Line, July 3, 1909. O. E. J. 82 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 4. Fissidens incurvus Starke, Schwaegrichen. Typically this species is about 2-6 mm. high, with rather broadly oblong-lanceolate leaves, which are obtuse-apiculate and narrowly bordered up to near the apex : seta reddish, long, flexuous ; capsule oval-cylindric, curved and usually more or less inclined or cernuous ; antheridial buds basal. On rocks, or more rarely clay, usually in shaded brooks and ravines, America from Greenland to Vancouver Island to Texas. Europe, Asia, Africa, New Zealand. Fayette : On muddy rock in bed of mountain rivulet, Ohio Pyle, June 14, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : Hunt's Run, April 28, 1893. D. A. B. In our region this species is rare in its typical form but is represented by a form closely approaching, but perhaps not quite typical, — variety minutulus (Sullivant) Austin, as follows: 4a. Fissidens incurvus variety minutulus (Sullivant) Austin. (/;. minutulus Sullivant). (Plate X) Plants minute, 0.8-5.0 mm. high, gregarious, green, erect: stem simple, reddish ; leaves 3-7 pairs, hardly imbricate, the uppermost much larger and incurved-erect and up to 2.5 mm. long, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, more or less acute, the border narrow, ceasing below apex, widest at upper part of sheath, margin entire or somewhat undulate, the sheath about one-half the length of the leaf, the inferior lamina narrowing at base but hardly decurrent ; costa strong, ending usually a little below apex ; leaf-cells incrassate, more or less rounded to hexagonal, rather irregular, the basal becoming rectangular, the border consisting of 1-3 rows of elongate-linear or ascend- ing prosenchymatous cells : seta reddish, smooth, erect, sub- flexuous, about 3-6 mm. long; capsule usually erect, sym- metric, 0.7-0.9 mm. long, yellowish to dark chestnut color, oval-oblong, tapering abruptly at base : peristome rich red- chestnut, the teeth deeply forked into two awl-like prongs with prominent spiral thickenings, teeth slightly inserted ; spores round to oblong, pellucid, pale yellow-red, smoothish, .014-.017 mm. in diameter; operculum conic-rostrate. Mature in early autumn. On damp stones and rocks, in shady woods or in stream beds, Nova Scotia to Vancouver Island and south to Texas; Europe. Allegheny : Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, August 20, 1905, Darlington Hollow, November 9, 1908, Keown, November 14, 1909, and Powers Run. November 30, 1909. O. E. J. OF WESTERN PEXXSVLVAXIA 83 Lawrence : Gorge below Elhvood Citv, June 26, 1909. O. E. [.; October 15/1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : Hawkins Hollow, Bradford, August 2, 1895. D. A. B. Westmoreland : Rachelwood, Xew Florence, September 8-11, 1907. O. E. J. (Figured.) 5. Fissidens exiguus Sullivant. (Plate XI) Plants very small, gregarious, light green : stems, in our specimens, 1-2.5 mm. high, erect, or ascending; leaves usual- ly 3-5 pairs, the lower minute, the upper reaching 1.5 mm. long, ascending to erect, oblong-lanceolate, acute, only the sheath margined, entire, the dorsal lamina narrowing to none at the base, the sheath about one-half the length of the leaf; costa stout, vanishing a little below apex ; cells in apical lamina quadrate to hexagonal, at base of leaf becoming rectangular, the sheath being bordered, especially in its upper part, by a border one to four cells wide, of elongate and more or less prosenchymatous cells, all cells moderately incrassate or more so in border of sheath : capsule on an erect, somewhat fiexu- ous, stout, reddish pedicel 2-5 mm. long; capsule oblong-oval, narrowed to pedicel at base, somewhat constricted below mouth, smooth, reddish-yellow, about 0.5-0.7 mm. long; operculum conic-rostrate, about two-thirds the length of the capsule ; calyptra narrow, dimidiate ; teeth red, split to the middle into two awl-like prongs which have spiral thicken- ings, closely infolded in wet specimens, inserted a little below edge of mouth ; spores smooth, about .020 mm. in diameter. Mature in September. Rather common on stones and rocks in stream beds, es- pecially in ravines. Southern Canada, United States east of the Rockies, England. Allegheny : On sandstone rocks, ravine of Powers Run, November 30. 1909. O. E. J. Fayette : Cheat Haven, September 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured.) (>. Fissidens cristatus \Yilsun. (F. dccipicns De Xotaris). (Plate XI) Usually tufted, branching from the base, green to dark gi een ; stem erect, 1-2 cm. high: leaves numerous, ascending, imbricate, the upper reaching 2.5 mm. long, oblong-lingulate. acute, crenulate below, irregularly serrate above, inferior lamina narrowed and somewhat decurrent at base, sheath ex- 84 A MANUAL OF MOSSES tending half-way to apex or a little above ; costa strong, ending- just below or in the apex; leaf-cells irregularly angular to rounded-hexagonal, about .008-.012 mm. in diameter, some of these next to the costa larger, the marginal 3 or 4 rows paler and forming a rather obscure belt around the leaf, all cells incrassate : seta ascending, usually about 1 cm. high, smooth, light chestnut color, arising from the lower half of the stem; capsule oblong, smooth, about 2 mm. long, tapering to the seta, ascending to nearly erect, chestnut-brown, con- stricted below the mouth at least when old; peristome bright red-chestnut, the teeth split at one-third above the base into two very slender, trabeculate, somewhat spirally papillose prongs: operculum conic, rostrate; spores about .020 mm. in diameter, smooth, pale yellowish, globose. Mature in winter or early spring. On moist soil and stones or occasionally at base of trees, Xova Scotia to the Gulf States and the Rocky Mountains, Europe, Asia. Allegheny : Montrose, September 1, 1905, and \Yild- wood Road, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford : On bark at base of black ash, Linesville, June 11-12, 1907. O. E. J. (Figured.) Fayette ; Ohio Pyle, September 1-3. 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. T. : Ohio Pyle. July 4, 1908. O. E.J. McKean ; Bennett Brook. Bradford. May 3. 1893. D. A. B. 7. Fissidens adiantoides [ Linnaeus] Hedwig. This species differs chiefly from /;. cristotus in that the cells are larger, .012-.016X-015-.025 mm., distinct; seta usually longer than in P. cristatus, about 1-2.5 cm. long. The plants are often much larger. 2-15 cm. high, and are monoicous instead of dioicous, as in P. cristatus. This species is reported as common in the eastern United States but all the specimens we have seen from our region labeled as P. adiantoides we have referred to P. cristatus. 8. Fissidens taxifolius [Linnaeus] Hedwig. (Hypjiuin ta.ri folium Linnaeus) (Plate XI) Plants gregarious, light green, branching at base, usually 5-10 mm. high, erect to ascending: stem rather stout and rigid ; leaves close, imbricate, oblong-ovate, apiculate, uniform- ly crenulate, non-bordered, ascending, the middle leaves usual- ly longest and up to 2 mm. long, the inferior lamina ending abruptly at the base, sheath extending to the middle or beyond ; costa strong and excurrent in the apiculus ; leaf-cells rounded- OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 85 hexagonal, about .010 mm. in diameter, incrassate, one or two rows next the costa larger, the marginal row usually a little paler, the costa at the apex widening and consisting of elong- ate parenchymatous cells: seta about 8-14 mm. long, rlexu- ous-ascending, smooth, yellowrish-castaneous, arising near the base of the plant ; capsule varying from sub-pendulous to erect, oblong, slightly inflated on the back, smooth, about 1.5 mm. long, tapering abruptly to the seta, castaneous to dark brown ; peristome bright red-chestnut, the teeth inserted a little be- low the mouth of the capsule, forked to below the middle, the prongs very slender, trabeculate. somewhat spirally papillose; spores smooth, about .016-.017 mm. in diameter, pale yellowish-pellucid ; operculum conic, obliquely rostrate to about half the length of the capsule. Mature in late fall or winter. On damp clayey soil, eastern United States. Europe. Asia, Africa. Allegheny : Powers Run, April 17, 1908. O. E. J. Eayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906, and Cheat Haven,' September 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J.; Ohio Pyle, June 14, 1908. O*. E. J. McKean : Bennett, October 26, 1898, ( Figured. ) and Quintuple, March 30, 1898. D. A. B. Lawrence : Gorge of Conoquenessing above Rock Point, October 15, 1910. 6. E. J. and G. K. J. 9. Fissidens osmundioides [Swartz] ITedwig. (Dicranmn osmundioides Swartz). Densely tufted, 1-5 (-10) cm. high, dark green, tomen- tose below with brown rhizoids : stems simple or sometimes branched basally, erect; leaves numerous, close but hardly im- bricated, the apical ones the largest, oblong-lanceolate, serru- late towards the apex, non-bordered, usually rounded and apiculate at apex, the sheath reaching from one-half to two- thirds the leaf-length, inferior lamina often ceasing abruptly at base and not decurrent ; costa ending just below the apex ; leaf- cells oval- or rounded-hexagonal, large, about .010-.018X 012 -.025 mm., incrassate, a single row at margin often paler, pellucid, and a little smaller: seta terminal, yellowish to chest- nut-red, about 5-10 mm. long; capsule narrow-oblong, sub- erect to inclined, thick-Availed, chestnut-brown or darker ; operculum conic with a needle-like usually straight beak nearly as long as the urn ; calyptra cucullate or several-lobed at base ; spores smooth, about .018-.025 mm. Mature in midsummer. In swampy woods and along streams, quite widely dis- tributed in the cooler portions of the Northern Hemisphere, reaching the northern United States. It occurs in Eastern 86 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Pennsylvania and in Ohio but h:ts not yet been found in Western Pennsylvania. 10. Fissidens subbasilaris Hedwig. (Plate XII) Cespitose in wide mats, 5-10 mm. high, erect or ascend- ing", green, brownish tomentulose at base: stems branching at base; leaves usually in 10-18 pairs, crisped when dry, widely spreading to ascending, close, imbricate, those in middle of stem often largest, the largest reaching about 1.5 mm., the sheath reaching about three-fifths the length of the leaf, leaf oblong, rather obtuse, but apiculate with a pointed cell, non- bordered, minutely crenulate below, irregularly serrate above, the inferior lamina ceasing abruptly at the base; leaf-cells incrassate. and rather obscure, small, about .007-.012 mm., roundish-hexagonal ; the costa ending considerably below the apex : seta smooth, arising from basal part of stem, ascending, usually about 3-5 mm. long and reaching about to the top of stem, light chestnut-color; capsule cylindric-oval, about 1.5 mm. long, smooth, chestnut-color to dark brown, tapering at base, erect or very nearly so ; calyptra narrowly cucullate ; operculum conic, obliquely rostrate to about one-half the length of capsule; peristome rich chestnut-color, strongly trabeculate, not papillose, the teeth slightly inserted, bifid to about the middle into two slender prongs ; spores smooth, pale yellowish pellucid, round, about .016-.018 mm. in diameter. Mature in late autumn. On earth and on rocks and bases of trees, Ontario and southwards through our Eastern States. Allegheny : On base of white oak, Douthett, December 29, 1908 (Figured), and Keown, November 14, 1909. (X E. J. Fayette : Base of rotten stump, Ohio Pyle, Septem- ber 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : Quintuple, at base of old tree, April 18. 1900. D. A. B. Indiana and Westmoreland: James. (Porter's Catalogue.) 3. OCTODICURAS Bridel. (Conoiiiiirhmi Montague). Plants slender, fasciculately branching, floating, filiform : leaves remote, lance-linear, short-auriculate : flowers monoi- cous, the male axillary, the female on elongated branchlets ; seta short ; capsule thin-walled, erect, very small, without stomata; calyptra minute, conic, undivided, covering only the rostrum of the operculum ; operculum conic-rostrate ; peris- tome-teeth variously laciniate or entire and evidently de- generate; annulus none; spores about .018— .025 mm. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA This i;enus includes about 25 species of aquatic mosses more or less resembling Fontinalis in general appearance, widely distributed over the earth, — 2 species occurring in eastern United States, and likely to be found in our region. Key to the Species. a. Large much-branched plants, up to 15 cm. long: seta shorter than the capsule. 1. O. debilis. a. Small little-branched plants, up to 4 cm. long: seta longer than the capsule. 2. O. haUianns. I. Octodiceras debilis (Schwaegrichen) New Combination. (Octodiceras julianus Bridel ; Conomitriuin jwlianum Montague; Fontinalis Juliana Savi). Plants up to 15 cm. long, flaccid, floating, blackish-green below, much branched: leaves distant, spreading, numerous, linear-lanceolate, entire, non-bordered, vaginant lamina one- fourth the length of the leaf, inferior lamina not reaching base, costa ending considerably below the apex; leaf-cells irregular hexagonal or more quadrate below, about .015— .020 X .020- .030 mm., thin-walled: seta shorter than capsule, pale, fragile at base, elliptic, erect, scarcely raised above perichsetial bracts, symmetric ; operculum conic-rostrate and about as long as urn ; peristome-teeth short, imperfect, 16, yellowish-pellucid, ir- regularly cleft and perf orate in upper part ; calyptra conic* dark, erose at base ; spores about .020-.022 mm., mature in summer. Almost cosmopolitan, but rather local, on stones and on wood in creeks and springy swamps. It has not been collected in \Yestern Pennsylvania other than as follows : Huntingdon : Porter. (Porter's Catalogue.) 2. Octodiceras hallianus ( Sullivant and Lesquereux) Jaeger and Sauerbeck. (Coiioinitriuiii hallianuui Sullivant and Lesquereux; Fissidcns hallianus Mitten). Plants smaller, up to 3-4 cm. long, laxly tufted, dirty- green : stems sparsely fasciculate-branching at base ; leaves re- mote, narrowly linear-lanceolate, usually in 5-10 pairs, entire, the sheath not reaching over one-fourth or one-third the length of the upper pair of leaves, inferior lamina narrowing and reaching almost to the base ; cells irregularly hexagonal, tend- ing to quadrate below, about .015-.022 mm.: seta longer than capsule, pale; capsule pale, elliptic-oblong; peristome-teeth un- divided, reddish, subulate-lanceolate, articulate, inserted below the mouth of urn, papillose ; operculum acutely conic-rostrate and about as long as urn ; calyptra cucullate, covering the en- tire operculum; spores smooth, about .018-.024 mm. On wood and stones, in streams, swamps, etc., New Jersey, New York, Illinois, Florida, Idaho, etc. Not reported for our 88 A MANUAL OF MOSSES immediate region, but likely overlooked on account of small -& size. Family V. TORTULACEAE. Autoicous or clioicous, rarely par-, syn-, or polyoicous : mostly small or medium-sized, more or less densely cespitose, rarelv sreearious : stems mostly with central strand, radiculose •/ o o J below, thickly foliate, simple or more or less branched ; leaves pluri-seriate, rarely 3-seriate, lanceolate to broadly ovate or oboyate ; costa heterogeneous, mostly percurrent, or excurrent, sometimes with longitudinal lamellae or with green branched filaments on the ventral surface above the middle ; leaf-cells parenchymatous, the basal rectangular to elongate, mostly pellucid, or hyaline, upper cells always chlorophyllose, on both >ides mostly warty papillose, loose, sometimes towards the apex 4-6-angled, or small and rounded-quadrate ; seta more or less elongate, mostly straight, rarely almost lacking; capsule erect, symmetric, rarely slightly inclined, straight to slightly arcuate, mostly oblong to cylindric, rarely oval to spherical ; collum short, rarely none; peristome various to none, mostly inserted on the mouth of the urn, usually without projecting trabeculce; teeth 16, straight or spirally twisted, often united at base into a tube, entire or 2-3-cleft into filiform-subulate divisions, papillose; operculum mostly conic, rostrate; calyptra mostly cucullate, smooth, rarely papillose or minutely bristly or short-hirsute. A very large family, mainly confined to the temperate zones, occurring almost entirely on soil or on rocks. The systematic relationships and the scope of the family are vari- ously treated by different bryologists who have taken dif- ferent characters as the basis for the various classifications. Key to Genera. a. Leaves mostly narrow, often linear-lanceolate, never broadest above the middle; costa with several guides, no accompanying- cells, but 2 stereid bands, rarely long-excurrent. b. a. Leaves mostly broad, ovate-oblong to spatulate or Ungulate; costa with 2 median guides, with accompanying cells, and 1 stereid band, mostly more or less long-excurrent. 1. b. Plants minute; areolation dense, strongly papillose above: capsules cleistocarpous. I. Astomum. b. With deciduous operculum. c. c. Peristome none. d. c. Peristome present, rudimentary or well-developed. e. d. Operculum deciduous with the columella detached. 4. Hymenostylium. d. Columella remaining in the urn after the falling away of the operculum. 3. Gyinnostounun. e. The exterior surface of the teeth more strongly developed and with projecting plates. 2. Weisia. OF WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA 89 e. Both surfaces of the teeth equally well-developed and no pro- jecting plates. f. i. Perichretial leaves long-convolute-sheathing. 8. Barbuhi. f. Perichcetial leaves not or but little convolute-sheathing. g. g. Leaves more or less Ungulate, margin- plane; cells smooth. /. Didymodon. g. Leaves more or less lanceolate. i. i. Leaf-margins plane or involute; cells papillose. i. Leaf-margins more or less revolute; k-ai-cells nearh- smooth or papillose. k. i. Divisions of peristome erect or slightly dextrorsely t\visted. 5. Trichostomum. j. Divisions of peri-tome distinctly sinistrorsely twisted. 6." Tortclla. k. Peristome-teeth 16, more or less 2-cleft or perforate, erect or dextrorsely ascending. 7. Didymodon. k. Peristome-teeth 32, filiform, strongly twisted sinistrorsely. 8. Barbula. 1. Cleistocarpous; capsule spherical to oval, apiculate. Q. PhascuHi. 1. Operculate. m. m. Peristome-teeth 16. n. m. Peristome-teeth 32. filiform, sinistrorsely twisted, with a high basal membrnae. 12. Tortula. n. Peristome-teeth none, or rudimentary from a low basal membrane. 10, Pottia. n. Peristome-teeth small, separate to the base, more or less divided into two slender prongs. n. Dcsiuatodon i. ASTOML'M Hampe. Autoicous. rarely polyoicous : small, gregarious to cespi- tose, dull green: stem with a few-celled central strand, radicu- lose, thickly foliate : upper leaves tufted, when dry mostly crisped, keeled, from a broad base lanceolate to subulate- lanceolate, margin plane to involute, entire ; costa strong, per- current or excurrent : leaf-cells in upper part of leaf small, rounded-quadrate, papillose both sides, the lower cells elongate-quadrangular, thin-walled and hyaline : capsule most- ly immersed, almost spherical to oblong-elliptic, mostly with a small, elongate-conic operculum. which, however, is rarely deciduous ; calyptra cucullate, rarely mitrate. smooth. A widely distributed genus of 21 terrestrial species ; 5 species occurring in Xorth America ; 3 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves crisped when dry. b. a. Leaves not crisped when dry: capsule castaneous. ovoid. 3. A. nitidnluni. b. Capsule brown, globose; spores usually .014— .017 (rarely .020) mm. in diameter, mature in spring. 1. A. crisp it in. b. Capsule brownish to orange, sub-globose; spores usually .021- .027 mm., ripe from late autumn to early spring. 2. A. sullivantii. 90 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 1. Astomum crispum [Hedwig] Hampe. (Systegium crispum Schimper ; Weisia crispa Mitten). Densely gregarious to sub-cespitose, pale to dark green : stem 5-12 mm. high, usually branched above, erect; leaves numerous, close, when dry crispate, the stem-leaves small, lance-linear, the comal and perichaetial much larger, elongate- linear from a narrowly oblong, concave, whitish base, usually narrowly involute above, the apex acute ; costa strong, acutely and shortly excurrent-mucronate, sometimes upturned so as to make the leaf somewhat cucullate ; basal leaf-cells laxly long-rectangular, hyaline, upper leaf-cells sub-quadrate, dense- ly chlorophyllose, papillose: seta erect, shorter than the capsule; capsule immersed, globose, small, brown- ish; lid distinct but not separating from the urn of its own accord, minute, conic-apiculate ; exothecial cells laxly hexagonal to oblong-hexagonal, one to three rows of cells being somewhat smaller at the junction of the lid; calyptra cucullate; spores papillose, .014-.018 mm., mature in spring: autoicous. In old sandy or clayey fields, principally in non-calcareous districts, temperate Europe, Japan, Algeria, and, in North America, from Saskatchewan to Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Texas. Not yet reported from our region but to be expected. 2. Astomum sullivantii Bryologia Europsea. (Systegium sullivantii Jaeger). Densely cespitose, green : stems simple or sparsely branched above, erect ; leaves close, when dry spirally twisted and crispate; capsule brownish to bright orange-colored, sub- globose, immersed; spores .021-.027 mm., mature from autumn to early spring. On the ground in old fields and in moist grassy spots, "especially in new clover fields," in temperate North America. Beaver : James. (Porter's Catalogue). Indiana : James. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Astomum nitidulum Bryologia Europsea. (Systegium nitidulum Jaeger). Smaller than A. suUirantii, the stem-leaves narrowly linear- lanceolate ; the perichaetial leaves broadly lance-ovate, long-acumi- nate, over twice the length of the stem-leaves : seta longer, about two-thirds as long as the capsule ; capsule ovoid, castaneous. lus- trous ; lid obliquely rostellate ; calyptra smaller than in A. sulli- rautii. (As has been suggested by Grout, this appears to be merely a variety of A. sullivantii.) On the ground in old fields and grassy places, in Pennsyl- vania and Ohio. Rare. Indiana : Derry, James. (Porter's Catalogue). OF WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA 91 2. WEISIA Hedwig. Autoicous, rarely paroicous, polyoicous, or dioicous : low, cespitose, freely branching : upper leaves much larger, relative- ly to the lower, erect-spreading, crisped when dry, carinate, elongate-lanceolate ; costa strong, cuspidate-excurrent ; basal leaf-cells rectangular, hyaline, the upper small, rounded, low- papillose on both surfaces : seta erect or sometimes curved, mostly longer than the perichaetial leaves ; capsule erect and symmetric or a little inclined and swollen dorsally, round-ovate to cylindrical, narrow-mouthed, finally usually somewhat plicate, the urn at the rim being several cells thick and the insertion of the peristome thus considerably removed from the exterior border of the rim ; peristome-teeth short, often rudi- mentary, undivided, papillose, the exterior layer more strongly developed and with projecting bars ; lid obliquely long-rostrate ; calyptra cucullate. A widely distributed genus of 27 terrestrial species ; 6 species occurring in North America ; only one in our range. 1. Weisia viridula | Linnaeus] Hedwig. (Bryum mridulum Linnaeus). (Plate XII) Densely cespitose, yellowish-green : stem erect, often branching, up to 5 mm. tall ; leaves erect-spreading, the upper much larger and up to 3 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, lance- linear, tapering to an acute or acuminate apex, the margin strongly involute, entire, leaves crispate when dry ; costa strong, about .030-.040 mm. wide at base, excurrent into a short and more or less hyaline point ; upper leaf-cells roundish- hexagonal, strongly papillose, obscure, the basal more or less elongate-rectangular and hyaline : seta slender, up to 1 cm. long, lustrous, yellowish, faintly sinistrorse ; capsule erect, ovoid, symmetric, slightly narrowed at mouth, reddish-brown, about 0.9 mm. long, somewhat plicate when dry and empty; exothecial cells rather thin-walled, irregularly oblong to hexa- gonal or rounded, those at the mouth in 3-5 rows, much smaller, quadrate and darker in color ; peristome-teeth more or less rudimentary, short, irregularly linear, divided, or truncate, papillose ; lid conic, obliquely long-rostrate, altogether nearly as long as the urn ; calyptra cucullate, covering about two- thirds of the capsule; spores orange-pellucid, papillose, about .016-.019 mm. in diameter, mature in spring. Almost cosmopolitan on bare earth in fields, excavations, along roadsides, etc. Rather uncommon in our region. Favette : Ohio Pyle, on clay bank, September i — 3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured.) 92 A MANUAL OF MOSSES McKean : Bradford, November 21, 1896, Divide, Bolivar and Bennett, December 15, 1896, and Quin- tuple, March 20, 1898. D. A. B. \Yashington : Linn and Sinwnton. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. GYMXOSrOMi'M Hedwig. Dioicous : densely cespitose, rusty in color below: stem thickly foliate, sparsely radiculose, in cross-section circular, the central strand few-celled, the branching dichotomous ; leaves erect-spreading, more or less carinate, not crisped when dry, rarely appressed or curved : elongate-lanceolate or subu- late, margin plane ; costa strong, vanishing below the apex ; upper leaf-cells rounded-quadrate, small, thickly papillose on both sides, as is also the costa, lower cells rectangular, the walls yellow ; perichsetial leaves somewhat sheathing at the base ; seta long, erect ; capsule erect, symmetric, oval or oblong, when ripe smooth and shining, the wall of the capsule not distinctly thickened at the mouth ; peristome none ; operculum conic, rostrate, easily deciduous; calyptra narrowly cucullate, cover- ing about half of the urn. A widely distributed genus of 11 species, mainly occurring on calcareous rocks ; 3 species occurring in North America ; only one in our region. 1. Gymnostomum calcareum Xees and Hornschuch. (Plate XII) Densely cespitose, yellowish-green : stems erect, branched, up to 10 mm. high or more; leaves about 1 mm. long, spreading, somewhat recurved, elongate-oblong-lanceo- late, somewhat concave, usually larger and tufted at the apex of the stem, obtuse, plane-margined ; upper leaf-cells densely papillose, small, incrassate, obscure, the interior basal cells hyaline, rectangular or up to 2-3:1; costa strong, ending be- low the apex : seta erect ; capsule oblong, often somewhat con- stricted below the mouth when dry and empty, erect, sym- metric, tapering below ; lid conic, obliquely rostrate, the beak one-half to two-thirds as long as the urn ; calyptra cucullate ; peristome none ; exothecial cells rectangular to quadrate, at the mouth becoming smaller, darker and quadrate in 3 to 5 rows; spores smooth, .008-.011 mm. in diameter, mature in summer. Cosmopolitan on damp limestone rocks and boulders, but rare in our region. Lawrence : Gorge near Rock Point, June 26. 1909. (Fig- ured.) Sterile. O. E. J. 4. HYMHNOSTYLIUM Bridel. Dioicous : densely and deeply cespitose, green to rusty or yellowish-green : stem densely foliate, sparsely radiculose, OF WESTERN" PENNSYLVANIA 93 without a central strand, triangular in cross-section ; leaves erect-spreading, rarely squarrose-recurved, when dry involute, sometimes somewhat twisted when dry, not crisped, more or less carinate. elongate-lanceolate, acuminate ; costa mostly ending below the apex ; laminal leaf-cells thick-walled, smooth or papillose : seta long, erect ; capsule erect, symmetric, obovate, firm, when empty smooth and pyriform ; peristome none ; lid obliquely long-rostrate from a broad base, remaining attached to the columella and deciduous thus attached; calyptra cucul- late. covering about half of the urn. A widely distributed genus of about 21 species, occurring mainly on calcareous rocks ; 8 species in North America ; only one occurring in our region. 1. Hymenostylium curvirostre [Ehrhart] Lindberg. (Gymnostonmm cnrrirostre Hedwig; IVcisia currirostris Muel- ler). (Plate XII) Closely cespitose. 2-4 cm. high, bright green above, darker and more or less ferruginous below : leaves little or not at all twisted when dry, erect to recurved-spreading when moist, narrowly lanceolate-acuminate. 1-1.5 mm. long, apex acute, base sub-clasping, margin entire but papillose, as are also the entire upper and lower surfaces of the lamina and costa ; costa strong, vanishing just below the apex, at base occupying about one-eighth the entire width of the leaf; upper leaf-cells rounded to sub-quadrangular, the lower towards the costa be- coming elongate-rectangular: seta 8-10 mm. long, lustrous, castaneous ; capsule about 1 mm. long, rounded ovate, lustrous, castaneous, widest towards the mouth, when dry and empty decidedly urceolate ; peristome none ; operculum with a long and oblique rostrum at least two-thirds the length of the urn, the operculum often remaining attached to the columella for some time after the spores have been shed; spores yellowish, moderately incrassate, smooth, about .014- .017 mm. in diame- ter, mature in September or October. Not uncommon on wet cliffs, principally calcareous, in Europe. Asia, northern Africa, and, in North America, from Alaska to Labrador south to California and the Carolinas. Allegheny : Guyasuta Hollow, Aspinwall. on wet cliff near waterfalls, October 12 and 25, (Fig- ured) 1908, and September 8, 1909. O. E. J. Lawrence : On wet face of exposure of the Homewood Sandstone, near Rock Point, October 15, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 94 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 5. TRICHOSTOMUM Bed wig. Dioicous, rarely autoicous : densely cespitose, medium size, green to yellowish-green : stem with central strand, erect, radiculose, rarely felted, densely leaved, mostly dichotomously branching; leaves spreading, mostly crisped when dry, upper leaves much the larger, long and narrow, more or less concave to canaliculate, margins mostly erect to involute, often undu- late, mostly entire: costa well-developed, sometimes ending be- low the apex or excurrent ; upper leaf-cells small, rounded, chlorophyllose, papillose on both faces, towards the base elongated-rectangular, mostly hyaline : seta long, erect ; capsule erect, rarely inclined, mostly symmetric, oblong-cylindnc to cylindric, short-necked, rarely strumose ; basal membrane of peristome low or none, the teeth erect, smooth or papillose, red or yellow, undivided or cleft into two filiform non-articulated divisions which are sometimes approximate in pairs : spore small ; lid conic, rostrate, the exothecial cells of the base in vertical series or rarely dextrorsely ascending ; calyptra cucul- late, smooth. A genus of about 100 species, widely distributed on earth and rocks. About 20 species in North America ; only one in our region. 1. Trichostomum cylindricum (Bruch) C. Mueller. (Didymodon cylindricus Bryologia Europsea; T. tenuirostre Lindberg). (Plate XII) Rather loosely and softly cespitose, yellowish, dark be- low: stems erect branching, rather rlexuous, reaching to 1.5-2 cm. in height ; leaves about 2-3 mm. long, narrowly linear- lanceolate, when dry crisped and contorted, when moist spreading or rlexuous, gradually acuminate or sometimes rather abruptly narrowed to an acute apex, the margin papillose- sinuate, plane or involute; basal leaf-cells elongate-rectangular or more or less angular-oblong, somewhat inflated, hyaline in a broad band that does not extend up the margin, above rather abruptly becoming much smaller, incrassate, quadrate to rounded-hexagonal, the median and upper rounded-quadrate to rounded-hexagonal or transversely oblong, densely papil- lose, much incrassate ; costa strong, usually forming the apex of larger pellucid cells : seta single or sometimes in pairs, slender, erect, about 1.5 mm. long, yellow; capsule linear- cylindric, brownish ; lid conic and obliquely rostrate ; peris- tome-teeth short, untwisted, linear-subulate, fragile, usually more or less irregularly cleft or perforate; spores mature in autumn : dioicous : fruit produced but rarely. On wet non-calcareous stones in brooks or at the base of cliffs in hilly or mountainous districts, in Europe, OF WESTERN* PENNSYLVANIA 95 South America, and, in Xorth America, from Greenland to Manitoba and southward in the mountains to Xorth Carolina. Rare in our region. Huntingdon: Alexandria. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Toad Hollow, Bradford, July 19, 1896. Sterile. D. A. B. (Figured). 6. TORT ELLA (C. Mueller) Limpricht. Dioicous ; rarely autoicous : widely and deeply cespitose, the cushions often yellowish-green outside, brownish inside : stem erect, mostly without a central strand, felted-radiculose : leaves tufted at the apex of the stem, widely spreading to re- curved-squarrose from a whitish and shining base, cirrhate- crispate when dry, elongate-lanceolate to subulate, margin un- dulate, entire, usually involute above ; costa strong, ending in the apex or excurrent ; basal leaf-cells differentiated, hyaline, elongate-rectangular, extending up the margins, smooth ; upper cells green, small, rounded-quadrangular, thickly papillose on both sides : seta red, long, erect ; capsule erect to inclined, oblong to cylindric ; annulus rarely differentiated ; peristome attached below the rim of the urn, the basal membrane low, teeth 32, filiform, sinistrorsely wound, papillose ; spores small ; lid small and elongate-conic ; calyptra cucullate, smooth, long- rostrate. A cosmopolitan genus, the 33 species mainly occurring on soil or on rocks ; 5 species in Xorth America ; 2 in our region. Key to the Species. a. Dioicous: leaves long-acuminate. i. T. tortuosa. a. Autoicous: leaves linear-lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, costa shortly excurrent as an abrupt mucro. 2. T. Inunilis. 1. Tortella tortuosa [Linnaeus] Limpricht. (Barbula tortuosa \Yeber and Mohr ; Tortula tortuosa Ehrhart). Densely cespitose in rounded tufts, yellowish or pale green above, brownish below: stems stout, branching, up to 6 cm. high, red-brown-radiculose ; leaves crowded, usually 4-6 mm. long, lance-linear, tapering to a gradually acuminate apex, flexuous- spreading, margin crenulate-papillose, more or less undulate, plane at the apex ; leaves when dry strongly crispate- contorted ; costa strong, pale, excurrent into the fine and some- times denticulate acumen ; basal leaf-cells thin-walled, hyaline, extending obliquely up the margin, above becoming abruptly smaller, chlorophyllose. rounded, incrassate, papillose : seta 1-3 cm. long, reddish below, paler above ; capsule cylindric, 2.5-3.5 mm. long, usually somewhat curved, almost erect ; lid obliquely and slenderly conic-rostrate, at least one-half as long a? urn : peristome-teeth long and from a low basal mem- 96 A MANUAL OF MOSSES brane, two or three times clextrorsely twisted ; spores mature in late spring or early summer. On rocks, usually calcareous, in hilly or mountainous dis- tricts, Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and, in North America, from Greenland to West Virginia and from Idaho to Van- couver Island. Rare in our region. Cambria: Cresson. Jantcs. ( Porter's Catalogue ). 2. Tortella humilis (Hedwig) New Combination. (Tortula caespitosa Hooker and Greville ; Barbuhi caespitosa Schwaegrichen). (Plate XIII) Loosely cespitose, green to yellowish-green, about 5 mm. high ; leaves crispate when dry, erect-spreading when moist, oblong-lanceolate and about 2 mm. long below, the upper linear-lanceolate and up to 3.5 mm. long, somewhat concave, the margin plane or sometimes involute, the perichretial leaves similar and sheathing; costa strong, excurrent-cuspidate ; the lower one-fourth of the leaf has a large V-shaped patch of hya- line rectangular cells reaching about .018X-085 mm., the median cells rounded-hexagonal, papillose, rather opaque, much smaller, about .007-.008 mm. in diameter, the upper similar : seta yellowish-brown, 15-20 mm. long, erect, dextrorse; capsule yellowish-brown, ovoid-cylindric, about 2-2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. thick, erect, symmetric, sometimes arcuate, tapering at the base ; peristome single, of 32 filiform, papillose, articulate teeth about 0.6-0.8 mm. long, two or three times dextrorse, arising from a low membrane scarcely exserted above the mouth of the capsule ; spores globose, somewhat papillose, about .008-.011 mm., mature in early summer; operculum narrowly conic-rostrate; calyptra smooth, cucullate, rostrate, covering about one-half of the capsule. Almost cosmopolitan in temperate or sub-tropical regions on earth and on the roots of trees in the woods. Rather common in our region. Allegheny : Coraopolis, September n, 190=;, and near Carnot, October 11, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). Cambria : James. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1—3, 1906. O. E. J. and G.'K. J. Huntingdon : On limestone rocks, Pennsylvania Furnace, July 13, 1909. O. E. J. McKean : Bolivar Run, September 6, 1897. D. A. P>. 7. DIDYMODON Hedwig. Dioicous, rarely synoicons : paraphyses filiform : mostly slender plants, red or brown, cespitose ; stem with central OE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 97 strand, thickly foliate, radiculose, the branches reaching to about the same height ; leaves more or less keeled, erect- spreading, mostly lanceolate from a broad base, the margin revolute : costa well developed, upwards cylindrical, rarely ex- current ; leaf-cells small, rounded-quadrangular, often smooth, sometimes the basal elongate and pellucid : seta long, erect ; capsule erect, oblong to cylindric, sometimes slightly arcuate, short-necked, smooth ; no annulus ; peristome inserted on the edge of the urn, papillose, the trabeculae projecting; teeth 16, plane, narrow, undivided, or perforate, or cleft to the base into filiform parts approximate in pairs ; spores small ; operculum conic-rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, smooth. A widely distributed genus of 80 species, on soil or rock, mainly in temperate regions; 17 species in North America; only one in our region. 1. Didymodon recurvirostre [Dickson] New Combination. (D. rubcilus Bryologia Europaea ; Barbnla rubella Mitten: Wcisia rccitri'i rostra Hedwig). Cespitose in large, soft patches, bright green above, rusty- red below ; stems erect, branched, usually 2-5 cm. high, radicu- lose below ; leaves when dry rlexuous and somewhat curled, when moist somewhat recurved-spreading from the ap- piessed and whitish base, narrowly lance-linear, the comal longer, abruptly acute, margin narrowly revolute to near apex, apex obscurely denticulate ; costa either ending in the apex or minutely apiculate-excurrent ; basal leaf-cells elongate, rec- tangular, pellucid, medium-walled, the median and upper much smaller, papillose, rather obscure, quadrate ; perichsetial bracts long-sheathing: seta long, red, slender, sinistrorse; capsule erect, oblong-cylindric, becoming reddish-brown, smooth : annulus fragile, revoluble ; peristome-teeth 16, united at base into a very low membrance, linear from a wider base, nodose-articulate, reddish, minutely roughened, with the median line but rarely divided ; lid short, obliquely conic- rostrate ; spores mature in summer or in early autumn : paroi- cous or synoicous. On wet, usually calcareous rocks, stones, walls, etc., widely distributed in the Old World and, in North America, oc- curring from Greenland to Alaska and south to the northern United States. Although not vet recorded from our region o -/ tliis species is to be expected here. 8. BARBULA Hedwig. Dioicous ; paraphyses filiform : more or less slender and densely and deepl}' cespitose. the tufts green to brownish : stems with central strand, thickly-leaved, forked ; leaves erect- spreading, rarely recurved-squarrose, keeled, oblong to pro- 98 A MANUAL OF MOSSES longed linear-lanceolate ; with mostly revolute margins ; costa strong, ending in the point, or excurrent ; leaf-cells very small, thickened and opaque, papillose both sides; basal leaf-cells en- larged, quadrate to rectangular, colored : seta long, erect ; capsule erect, rarely a little inclined, oblong to cylindric, straight or rarely a little arcuate ; annulus distinct or none ; peristome rarely rudimentary, or none; the teeth united below into a rather low basal membrane which is rather deeply in- serted, the 32 teeth spirally one to several times dextrorsely wound, filiform ; operculum conic-rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, long-rostrate, reaching to about the middle of the urn ; spores small. A genus of 240 species distributed over the whole earth, on soil and rocks ; about 70 species in North America ; only two species definitely known from our region. Key to the Species. a. Perichsetial leaves high-convolute-sheathing: seta yellowish or later reddish. 3. B. conrohtta. a. Perichsetial leaves not as above: seta red or brown. b. b. Stem-leaves obtuse, costa shortly mucronate-excurrent. 2. B. unguiculata. b. Stem-leaves acute, costa not mucronate-excurrent. c. c. Costa .070 mm. wide at base and tapering gradually. i. B. acuminata. c. Costa .050 mm. wide at base and of equal breadth to the middle. (B. reflexa Bridel). 1. Barbula acuminata Hedwig. (B. falla.v Hedwig). Loosely and widely cespitose, brownish dull green : stems fastigiately branched, slender, 1-5 cm. high ; leaves some- what distant, recurved-spreading or arcuate, appressed and slightly twisted when dry, lanceolate-acuminate from the base, the base ovate, the leaves carinate and often faintly plicate below, the margin revolute in the lower half at least, entire ; costa strong, ending in the apex ; upper leaf-cells small, rounded to hexagonal, incrassate, strongly papillose, gradually larger below, and at the lowest part of the base a few elongate- rectangular and pellucid : seta reddish, capsule brownish, long- ovoid to sub-cylindric, mostly symmetric and erect ; lid long, often as long as the urn, acutely rostrate-subulate ; peristome- teeth reddish, long, filiform, dextrorsely much twisted, united at base into a low membrane ; annulus none ; spores mature from late fall to spring : dioicous. On moist earth, rocks, walls, etc., usually on calcareous substrata, in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and, in North America from the Arctic region south to the northern United States. To be expected in northern Pennsylvania. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 99 2. Barbula unguiculata [Hudson] Hedwig. (Plate XIII) Densely cespitose, yellowish-green : stems erect, somewjiat branching, usually about 1 cm. high ; leaves about 2 mm. long, erect-spreading, somewhat recurved, when dry spirally im- bricate and twisted, oblong-lanceolate, sometimes lingulate, obtuse, mucronate, entire, the margin recurved below, plane above ; costa strong, excurrent and thus forming the rounded mucro ; upper leaf-cells small, about .008-.010 mm., rounded- quadrate, incrassate, strongly papillose, obscure, the basal elongate-rectangular, yellowish-pellucid to more or less hya- line, the marginal not different ; pericluetial leaves longer and more erect : seta erect, castaneous, lustrous, about 1 cm. high, when dry sinistrorse; capsule oblong-cylindric, deep-castane- ons, the urn about 1.8 mm. long, erect, exannulate, rather smooth when dry and empty ; lid about one-third as long as urn, conic-rostrate, slightly curved or straight ; the 16 peris- tome-teeth castaneous, pellucid, papillose, cleft to the base into 32 filiform divisions, from a narrow membrane at the base twisted into about two turns dextrorsely ; spores smoothish, yellowish, about .009— .012 mm., mature from November to spring : dioicous. A quite variable species occurring on moist earth, banks, stones, walls, etc., in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and throughout southern Canada and northern United States. Common in our region. Allegheny : Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, August, 1905. (Figured) ; Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, Jan- uary 21, 1906, and Powers Run, Novem- ber 30, 1909. O. E. J. Butler Center Huntindon McKeaii T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). West Branch Swamp, Bradford, April 10. 1894. D. A. B. Westmoreland : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Barbula convoluta Heel wig. (Plate XIII) Densely cespitose, yellowish-green : stems 1-3 cm. high, usually about 1-1.5 cm., erect, branching; leaves about 1-1.5 mm. long, when dry crisped, when moist erect-spreading, often somewhat recurved, lance-oblong to lance-linear or lingulate, rounded to obtuse, sometimes sub-acute, concave, the margins mostly plane or slightly recurved on one side at base, mostly minutely crenulate with bifid papillae; basal leaf-cells elongate- rectangular, pellucid to hyaline, rather incrassate, smooth. 100 A MANUAL OF MOSSES median and upper leaf-cells small, sub-quadrate, densely papil- lose, strongly incrassate, often rather obscure ; costa strong, yellowish-pellucid, ending below apex or rarely shortly apicu- late-excurrent ; perichaetial leaves high-convolute-sheathing, the inner ecostate : seta erect, about 1.5 mm. long, yellow, or red- dish when old, sinistrorse below, dextrorse above : capsule small, symmetric, erect, reddish-brown, narrowly oblong, the urn about 1.5 mm. long; lid conic-rostrate, oblique, about 1 mm. long, the cells spirally arranged ; exothecial cells narrow, elongate-rectangular, brownish or yellowish pellucid, two or three series at the rim much smaller, sub-quadrate and dark- ly obscure; annulus distinct and narrow; peristome-teeth con- sisting of 32 filiform articulate divisions several times dex- trorsely twisted from a low basal membrane; spores brownish- pellucid, medium-walled, smoothish, about .016-.018 mm., mature in spring; dioicous. On soil, especially in calcareous districts, Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from southern Canada to Alabama, Kan- sas, and California. In our region occurring at Latshaw, Xew York, (Figured) and as follows, — not common; Lawrence ; Enon Valley. T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Lycoming : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). 9. P HAS CUM [Linmeus] Hedwig. Autoicous or synoicous : very small, closely gregarious: stem short, without central strand, erect, simple or bushy- branched ; leaves mostly ovate-lanceolate to elongate-lanceo- late, mostly with entire and revolute margins, the upper most- ly with a strong excurrent costa ; upper leaf-cells quadrate to hexagonal, warty-papillose on both sides, rarely smooth ; basal leaf-cells rectangular and hyaline: seta very short, sometimes curved ; capsule immersed or slightly emergent, sometimes two in a perichsetium, mostly globose and obtusely apiculate, with no indication of an operculum ; calyptra cucullate or rarely mi- trate, small, conic. A widely distributee] genus of 22 species, on soil : 3 occur- ring in North America, one in our range. 1. Phascum cuspidatum [Schreber] Hedwig. (P. acaulon Linnaeus). Cespitose, deep green: stems short, 1-2 mm. high, simple or forked ; leaves crowded, erect, the comal largest, oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, more or less carinate, entire, revolute towards middle; costa excurrent; basal leaves lax, hyaline, the upper rectangular to hexagonal, .015-.030 mm., finely dorsally papillose : seta short, straight or curved ; capsule globose, sometimes two or three on the same plant, immersed or rarely OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 101 emergent, obtusely apiculate, cleistocarpous ; calyptra cucul- late, conic, covering only the upper portion of the capsule ; spores large, .028-.035 mm., yellowish-pellucid, finely rough- ened, mature in spring: autoicous or paroicous, antheridia clus- tered in the axils of the upper leaves. On soil in old fields, pastures, etc., usually preferring a sandy soil, in Europe, Asia, Algeria, South America, and from Ontario to the Carolinas and west to the Pacific States. Rarely found in our region. Reaver : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). 10. POTT I A Ehrhart, Fuernrohr. Autoicous or paroicous, rarely synoicous or dioicous : small, gregarious to cespitose, green to brownish or whitish : stem with central strand above, often simple, radiculose at base, leafy ; leaves tufted above, spreading to imbricate, cari- nate to deeply concave, oblong to elongate-lanceolate, or spatu- late. acuminate to piliferous, rarely obtuse, margin revolute or plane ; costa without lamellae, complete to excurrent, rarely in- complete ; lower leaf-cells elongate, pellucid, smooth, the upper rounded-quadrate or rounded-hexagonal, mostly papillose on both sides : seta mostly long and straight ; capsule exserted or rarely immersed, erect, symmetric, short-necked ; annulus none or deciduous or remaining attached ; peristome often none or rudimentary, when present of 16 perforate or upwards 2-3- cleft teeth upon a basal membrane, articulate ; operculum mainly obliquely rostrate, rarely conic-obtuse, sometimes not deciduous ; calyptra cucullate, papillose or smooth, usually fall- ing away with the operculum ; spores large, variously papillose or pitted. A genus of about 62 species widely distributed, on soil or soil-covered rocks, mainly in the temperate zones ; 12 species in North America, 1 species in our region. 1. Pottia truncata [ Iledwig] Fuernrohr. (P. truncatula Lindberg : Gymnostomum truncatnin Hedxvig). (Plate XIII) Densely cespitose, dull green : stems simple or sparingly branched, erect, about 2.5 mm. high, radiculose at base; leaves numerous, the upper much larger than the lower, obovate to oblong-spatulate, about 1.5-2.5 mm. long, soft, spreading, the margins plane, minutely crenulate with the projecting trans- verse cell-walls, the leaves when dry become twisted, apex abruptly acute, costa strong and excurrent into a short point ; basal leaf-cells quadrate to rectangular, large, lax, hyaline, more or less inflated, above becoming gradually smaller, the median and upper medium- to thin-walled, smooth, hexagonal : seta erect, about 3-4 mm. high, mostly yellowish : capsule 102 A MANUAL OF MOSSES broadly oval or turbinate, erect, symmetric, about 0.6-0.8 mm. high, exannulate, more or less castaneous. when dry and empty smooth and turbinate-hemispheric ; lid broadly convex to flattish with a beak about one-half as long as the urn ; exothecial cells medium-walled, castaneous, pellucid, irregular- ly quadrate to rectangular, the upper two or three rows at the rim much smaller, rounded-quadrate, obscure; spores orange- pellucid or brownish-pellucid, minutely punctulate, large, .026 -.030 mm., mature from autumn to spring. On moist soil in grasslands, along streams, etc., Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from Ontario to New England and Pennsylvania, and in Nevada. Rare in our region. •^ o McKean : Corydon Street, Bradford. D. A. P>. (Figured). 11. DESMATODON Rridel. Autoicous : slender plants in mostly low, soft, green to yellow-green tufts, dense to loose : stem mostly with central strand, thickly foliate, forking; leaves when dry appressed and more or less plicate, when moist erect-spreading, carinate to concave, obovate to ovate or lance-linear, mostly with recurved margins below, plane above, above often serrate, sometimes margined ; costa mucronately or aristately excurrent, both costa and lamina papillose ; leaf-cells loose, thin-walled, above rounded-quadrate or more or less hexagonal or rhomboidal, below rectangular and long-hexagonal, hyaline, smooth : seta elongate, mostly straight ; capsule erect, inclined, or even pendent, mostly symmetric, ovate to cylindric : annulus persis- tent or falling away in pieces ; peristome inserted below the rim of urn, the basal membrane forming a tube which is slight- O o ly exserted from the urn, thickly articulate, teeth rather broad, divided to the base into two or three flat, filiform, papillose, divisions, united here and there, usually twisted; lid stoutly and obliquely rostrate, with the cells more or less spirally ar- ranged; calyptra cucullate, smooth, long-rostrate; spores large. A small genus of 7 species, mainly on rich humus-soil in the mountains; one species in our region. 1. Desmatodon arenaceus Sullivant. (D. ohioensis Schimper; Didymodon arcuaccus Kindbcrg). (Plate XIII) Gregarious to loosely cespitose, bright yellowish-green : stems short, in our specimens about 3 mm. long, radiculose at base ; leaves erect-spreading when moist, crisped when dry, very small below but increasing to form a comal tuft above, from ovate to lance-ovate, the comal 2-3 mm. long, bluntly acute, short-apiculate, the margin minutely crenulate and mor,e OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 1(K> or less revolute ; costa strong, reaching the apex or extending into the apiculation ; upper leaf-cells opaque, incrassate, papillose, from rounded to hexagonal or quadrate, towards the base of the leaf becoming elongate, thin-walled and hyaline: seta erect, 6-8 mm. high, sub-lustrous, sinistrorse, castaneous ; capsule dark-castaneous, oblong, 12-15 mm. long; peristome- teeth yellow, slender, divided almost to the base into two slender, minutely-papillose prongs; annulus distinct, revolu- ble ; operculum bluntly and obliquely conic-rostrate ; exothecial cells brownish-incrassate, rectangular or oblong-hexagonal, im- mediately below the annulus being smaller and incrassate; spores smoothish, yellowish, .012-.015 mm., mature in spring. On sandy soil, rocks, etc.. mainly confined to the drainage- system of the Ohio River. Not rare in our region. Crawford : Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). Favette : Along river-bank at Ohio Pvle, Septem- ber 1-3, 1907. O. E. J. and'G. K. J. McKean : Near Bradford. December 15, 1894. D. A. B. 12. TORTi'LA Hedwig. Autoicous or dioicous, rarely synoicous or polyoicous : small to robust, in green to brown tufts or cushions : stems mostly with a central strand, below brownish- or red-radicu- lose, simple or branched ; leaves mostly larger at the ends of the shoots, often appearing rosette-like, when dry not crispate but somewhat twisted and contorted, when moist erect-spread- ing, mostly keeled, obovate or spatulate. rounded at the apex or rarely short-acute, commonly bordered, usually entire ; costa strong, often cylindric, often mucronate-excurrent or, more commonly, excurrent into a hyaline hair-like awn ; upper leaf- cells rounded-hexagonal, loose, chlorophyllose, papillose, grad- ing below into the rectangular to elongate hyaline basal cells : seta long, erect ; capsule erect, cylindric, symmetric, short- necked, straight or sometimes slightly arcuate : annulus pres- ent ; peristome single, rarely none, basal membrane low to high, teeth 32, filiform, equally spaced, mostly once to twice dex- trorsely wound, papillose and transversely striate, articulate ; operculum conic, obliquely rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, reach- ing to the middle of the urn ; spores small. A large genus of 202 species, widely distributed in the temperate regions; 40 species occurring in North America; only 1 species thus far reported in our region. Key to the Species. a. Small; leaves when dry contorted and twisted: basal membrane low. b. 104 A MANUAL OF MOSSES a. Medium to robust: basal membrane high and tessellated. d. b. Teeth rather short, erect or slightly wound. c. b. Teeth long, once to several times wound. (T. inuralis [Linnaeus] Hedwig. ) c. Cell? of leaf-margin not distinctly differentiated into a border. (T. plinthobia [Sull.] Broth.) c. Cells distinctly differentiated at margin into a border. (T. portcri [James and A ust.] Broth.) d. On trees; leaves deeply concave, margins involute; costa spinulose-aristate. i. Tortula papillosa. d. On soil or stones; leaves not deeply concave; margins not revolute: costa smooth-cuspidate. (T. ruralis [Linn.] Bryol. Europ.) 1. Tortula papillosa \Yilson, mss.. Spring. (Barbula papillosa C. Mueller). Loosely cespitose, green, brownish in drying: stem short, up to 1 cm. ; leaves erect-spreading, when dry appressed but scarcely twisted, broadly obovate-spatulate, fiddle-shaped (panduriform), with margins involute, the apex rounded to short-acute ; costa thick and spongy, dorsally papillose, above ventrally often bearing numerous shortly pedicellate multi- cellular gemmae, excurrent-mucronate or cuspidate ; basal leaf- cells rectangular, a few hyaline, upper leaf-cells pellucid, in- crassate, more or less collenchymatous, large, ventrally smooth, dorsally simply papillose : capsule, known thus far only from Australia and Xew Zealand, reddish-brown, short, with a short seta. On tree-trunks (In America often on elms), rarely on rocks in open places, South America, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and, in North America, in the Atlantic States from Delaware to Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Rare and al- ways sterile in our region. Blair : Tyrone, T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Family VI. ENCALYPTACEAE. Autoicous, rarely dioicous : robust, usually densely cespi- tose, bright green, the inside of the cushions rust-colored : stem 3-5-angled with little or no central strand, erect, brown- radiculose, thickly-leaved, branched dichotomously ; leaves erect-spreading, when dry folded and t\visted, more or less lingulate, acute to obtuse, margins plane to undulate; costa highly developed, usually percurrent to very shortly excurrent, prominent dorsally and dorsally papillose or toothed ; cells in upper two-thirds of leaf rather symmetrically hexagonal, chlorophyllose, opaque, thickly papillose on both sides, in the OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 105 lower third the cells much larger, without chlorophyll, rec- tangular to rhombic, hyaline or slightly colored, smooth, bordered by a few rows of narrow, elongate, and yellowish cells: seta long, erect; capsule erect, symmetric, cylindric, smooth or plicate, mostly with a short neck; annulus present; peristome varying from none to well-developed, usually of 16 teeth ; operculum from a conic base very long and slenderly eiect-rostrate ; calyptra cylindric-campanulate ("extinguisher- like"), long-rostrate, straight, completely enclosing the capsule, the border fringed ; spores large and papillose. A world-wide family mostly on soil and rocks, occurring in the tropics, however, only on the higher mountains. At least 40 species ; about 20 species occurring in North America ; 2 in our region. The family embraces but one genus, with characters as given for the family : 1. EXCALYPTA Schreber. Hedwig. Key to the Species. a. Mnnoicotis: no gemma?: peristome single: capsule smooth. i. It. ciliata. a. Dioicous: clusters of slender brown gemma? in axils of leaves: peristome double: capsule spirally striate. 2. E. streptocarpa. 1. Encalypta ciliata Hedwig. (Lccrsia laciniata Hedwig; Leersia ciliata Hedwig). Loosely cespitose, bright green : stems branched, 1-2.5 cm. high, densely radiculose below ; leaves large, broadly obovate-oblong to lingulate. rounded at apex, apiculate, plane- margined and narrowly recurved below, spreading when moist, crisped and incurved when dry ; costa yellowish, ending just below apex or percurrent ; basal cells lax, hyaline, rectangular, walls red, the marginal paler and narrower in several rows, the upper leaf-cells opaque, densely papillose, hexagonal-quadrate, the walls pellucid, cells about .015 mm. across: seta long, erect, yellowish to reddish, dextrorse ; capsule cylindric. red- dish-brown, smooth, constricted below mouth and smooth when dry, at base abruptly tapering into the seta ; peristome single, the teeth 16, lanceolate, reddish, inserted below the rim, irregulary divided in some specimens, papillose, articulate, strono'lv incurved when moist; annulus none; exothecial cells o J smaller in several rows at the rim ; lid erect, nearly as long as urn. narrow, slenderly rostrate-clavate ; calyptra straw- colored, mitrate, cylindric, slenderly rostrate, extending below the base of capsule, the lower margin fringed with a row of nar- rowly lanceolate teeth ; spores roughened, mature in late summer or early fall : autoicous. In crevices or shaded places on rocks and walls, almost cosmopolitan in mountainous or hilly regions ; in North A AJAXUAL OF MOSSES America from the Arctic region south to the northern United States. Reported from the adjacent states of New York and Ohio and to be expected from the northern part of our range. 2. Encalypta streptocarpa Hedwig. (E. contorta Lindberg). Densely cespitose, dull or yellowish-green ; stems large, 3 to 6 or 7 cm. high, branched, densely radiculose at base; leaves rather crowded, spreading, when dry more or less twisted and crisped, large, 5-6 mm. long, oblong-lingulate, sometimes nar- rowed in the middle, undulate, plane-margined, often incurved and sub-cucullate at apex ; costa strong, reddish, ending below apex, dorsally scabrous ; basal leaf-cells hyaline, rectangular, the marginal narrower, often forming a distinct yellowish border of a few rows of cells, upper leaf-cells hexagonal- quadrate, about .015 mm., papillose, incrassate-pellucid, usual- ly regularly seriate ; perichaetial leaves oblong, abruptly long lanceolate-acuminate: seta long, red; capsule long, cylindric, dextrorsely orange-striate, furrowed when dry ; peristome double, the teeth filiform, papillose, articulate, red, the inner peristome of 16 or 32 filiform pale segments half as long as the teeth and adherent to the latter by the broad punctulate basal membrane : lid narrow, long, rostrate, erect ; calyptra very long, cylindric, ^scabrous at the tip of the long and slender beak, extending considerably below the capsule and laciniate at the border ; spores mature in late summer ; dioicous. On rocks, walls, earth, etc., usually on calcareous sub- strata, mainly confined to rough country. Europe, Asia, and from Ontario and Virginia to California. Not yet found fruit- ing in North America. Rare in our region. Cambria : Cresson. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Famiy VII. GRIMMIACBAE. Autoicous or dioicous: cespitose, dark green to blackish: stem mostly without central strand, radiculose only at the base, branches mostly of equal height, leaves often hyaline- pointed, often piliferous, but rarely crispate, when damp more or less spreading, rarely secund, mostly lanceolate, rarely and then only upwards denticulate, towards the apex and at the margin two to several cells thick, sometimes papillose ; costa complete or nearly so, cells small, often sinuate-walled, above mostly rounded-quadrate, towards the base inflated and mostly pellucid, rectangular to elongate, rarely linear throughout the whole leaf: seta rarely shorter than the capsule; capsule most- ly symmetric, globose to cylindric, mostly smooth, often im- mersed or emergent ; annulus present, or none at all ; teeth 16, mostly separate to the insertion, red to orange, papillose, plane, OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 107 » undivided or cleft or cribrose, rarely divided to the base into filiform parts, trabeculae mostly projecting only outwards; operculum mostly rostrate, sometimes deciduous with the at- tached columella ; calyptra mostly small, mitrate or cucullate, glabrous, sometimes campanulate and plicate. A large family, world-wide in distribution, but most abun- dant in sub-arctic and temperate regions, mostly on stones or rocks, rarely on soil or trees. Key to the Genera. a. Costa with basal guides, or homogeneous; calyptra rarely cam- panulate; spores small to medium-sized, b. a. Costa with several median guides; spores small; calyptra campanu- late. i. Glyphomitrium. b. Teeth undivided, cribrose, cleft in upper half, or none; branches as high as the stem. 2. Grimmia. b. Teeth divided almost to the base into two filiform divisions; branches irregular and short. 3. Rhacomitniun. 1. Glyphomitrium R ridel. ( Ptychomitrium Fuernrohr). Autoicous: cespitose in loose yellowish-green to brownish or blackish cushions; stem with central strand, erect or ascend- ing, radiculose at the base, thickly-leaved ; leaves long, narrow, the points not hyaline, crispate when dry, spreading when moist ; costa strong, percurrent or ending below the apex ; cells not with sinuose walls, smooth, upwards small and rounded- quadrate, below linear to more or less loosely rectangular; perichsetial leaves not sheathing: seta straight, more or less elongate, mostly two or more to a perichaetium ; capsule smooth, erect, symmetric, mostly oval to oblong-elliptic ; annulus wide, deciduous, rarely none ; peristome inserted be- low the mouth ; teeth papillose, usually deeply divided into two subulate prongs, trabeculae more or less distinct; spores small; operculum conic with a long, fine, straight beak ; calyptra campanulate, plicate and lobed. A widely distributed genus of 66 species, of which at least 9 occur in North America and one in our region. Occurring on rocks and stones, — rarely on trees. 1. Glyphomitrium incurvum (Schwaegrichen) Brotherus. (Ptychomitrium incurrnui Sullivant). Densely cespitose, dark green to brownish : stems about 5 mm. high, erect ; leaves erect-spreading when moist, sometimes incurved, twisted-crispate when dry, the lower small, increas- ing in size upwards, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, thick, opaque, the margin plane; costa broad, ending in apex; basal leaf- cells rectangular, pellucid, the upper much smaller, rounded to quadrate, incrassate, dense; seta about 3-4 mm. high, erect; K'S A MAXCAL OF MOSSES * capsule erect, oval ; peristome-teeth l(>, long-subulate, articu- late, papillose; lid erect, conic-subulate, about as long- as urn; calyptra long-rostrate, mitrate, plicate-lobed to base of beak, covering a little more than half of the urn; spores mature in spring. On more or less exposed calcareous rocks from Con- necticut to Georgia and Texas. Xot uncommon in Eastern Pennsylvania, Northern Ohio, and Western Ne\v York, and probably will be found eventually in our region. 2. GRIMMIA Khrhart, Hedwig. Autoicous or dioicous ; forming cushions and mats, slender, often hoary by reason of the hyaline leaf-apices ; stem erect or ascending, mostly with a central strand, radiculose mainly at the base, thickly-leaved ; leaves imbricate when dry, rarely crispate or spirally appressed, spreading to recurved-squarrose when moist, lower often small and bract-like, the upper often suddenly larger, often hyaline-piliferous, carinate, concave, sometimes canaliculate, mostly lanceolate from an oblong or ovate base, acuminate, entire, margins plane or revolute ; costa complete or extending to the base of the piliferous apex ; upper cells small, rarely papillose, rounded-quadrate, often opaque, looser towards the middle, the basal linear to rectangular and sometimes forming a colored border ; perichsetial leaves most- ly larger, more or less sheathing, areolation looser ; seta some- times shorter than the capsule, rarely much longer than the perichaetial leaves, arcuate or straight, mostly yellow, twisted when dry, capsule mostly symmetric, smooth to ribbed, globose to cylindric : annulus persistent or curling off, sometimes none ; peristome rarely absent, when present inserted beloAv the mouth ; teeth reddish-brown, broad to subulate, entire to crib- rose, sometimes cleft to the middle, the trabeculse projecting outwards ; operculum often rostrate, never longer than the urn ; calyptra lobed-mitrate to cucullate, long-rostrate, smooth ; spores small. A large genus of world- wide distribution, but mainly confined to the mountains of the tropics, occurring on rocks and stones. About 240 species, of which some 70 occur in North America and at least 4 in our reion. Key to the Species. a. Seta not longer than the capsule; operculum mostly falling \vith the columella still attached. b. a. Seta longer than the capsule. f. b. Apices of upper leaves with short hair-points. c. b. Apices of upper leaves long-piliferous. e. c. Lower leaf-cells with sinuouse walls. 4. G. pennsylranica. c. Lower leaf-cells not with conspicuously sinuose walls. d. OF WESTERN" PENXSYLVAXIA 109 d. Slender small plants in dense cushions; central strand in stem; teeth decidedly cribrose. 2. G. conferta. d. More robust, loosely cespitose; no central strand; teeth slight- ly cribrose. I. G. afocarpa. e. Leaf-cells without sinuose walls: capsule oblong. (G. ambigua [Sullivant] Sullivant.) e. Leaf-cells with somewhat sinuose walls: capsule oblong-ovate. 3. G. Pennsylvania. f. Capsule distinctly ribbed; seta curved; leaf-margins of a single layer of cells. (G. olncyi Sullivant.) f. Capsule smooth, seta straight: upper leaf-margins of more than one layer of cells. g. g. Leaves lanceolate, tapering: basal leaf-cells thin-walled and elon- gate-rectangular, about 1:4 to 1:8. alpine. (G. obtnsa Schwaeg- richen : G. doniana Smith.) g. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, the long apex rough, piliferous; basal leaf-cells more or less quadrate. 4. G. laevigata. 1. Grimmia apocarpa [Linnaeus] Hedwig. ( Plate XIV) Loosely cespitose, more or less erect, branching rather freely, about 2 cm. high, dull olive-green, drying stiff and non- crisped : leaves ovate-lanceolate, erecting-spreading, strongly costate and usually more or less carinate, margin narrowly re- curved, apex narrowly obtuse, leaves about 2 mm. long; perichsetial leaves similar but somewhat longer and thinner; costa ending in or just below the apex, terete dorsally ; basal cells rectangular, about .008-.010X-015-.030 mm., upper basal cells quadrate, and in our specimens usually sinuose- \valled. the median and upper cells rounded and .005-.009 mm. in diameter, all cells incrassate and more or less opaque: seta erect, stout, about 0.5 mm. long; capsule immersed, oval- oblong, about 1 mm. long, reddish-brown, rather thick-walled, smooth ; calyptra short, lobed ; operculum low-conic, rostrate ; peristome single, teeth 16, lance-linear, trabeculate, somewhat cribrose. reddish-brown, faintly papillose, when dry reflexed- revolute : spores reddish-brown, in our specimens about .012- .018 mm. in diameter; columella falling away with the opercu- lum and remaining attached to it; spores mature in late spring. On stones, hard earth, etc., with a wide distribution over the colder regions of the earth. In America occurring from Alaska and Newfoundland to the Northern States and south in the mountains to Georgia. Fayette : Cheat Haven. September 3-6, 1910. O. E. T. and G. K. J. McKean : D. A. B. (Porters Catalogue). Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Cata- logue). 110 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Westmoreland : Shaly bank of stream, in Shades, Trait ord City. March 25, 1910. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). 2. Grimmia conferta Funck. Densely cespitose, in gray-green rounded cushions: stems slender ; leaves lance-ovate to oblong, acuminate, opaque, apex hyaline, denticulate; costa strong, dorsally prominent, ending at apex; basal leaf-cells rectangular to quadrate, the upper smaller and rounded, all incrassate and dense : seta short ; capsule immersed, ovate-globose, wide-mouthed, hemispheric and somewhat wrinkled when dry ; peristome-teeth light red- dish-brown to orange, fragile, markedly cribrose; annulus said to be none; lid wide, low-convex, apiculate ; spores mature in spring. On rugged exposed rocks, Europe, Asia, and Africa, and, in North America, from Nova Scotia to British Columbia south to Idaho and Pennsylvania. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Cata- logue). 3. Grimmia pennsylvanica Schwaegrichen. (Grimynia pilifcra Beauvois). Densely cespitose, dark green: stems 1 to 3 cm. high, robust, rigid, branching ; leaves close, narrowly ovate-lanceo- late, acuminate, concave, the apex rough, acute to short pilifer- otis ; margins strongly recurved below and thickened above ; basal leaf-cells linear-rectangular 3-6:1, thin-walled, hyaline to yello\v-pellucid, shortly above base the cells incrassate- Miiuous, short-rectangular, the upper rounded-quadrate to hexagonal, small, incrassate, very dark; costa strong ending in apex; pericnsetial leaves piliferous: seta about half as long as urn, capsule more or less completely immersed, oblong- ovate, smooth, even when dry, lid conic-rostrate, about three- fifths as long as urn, erect; annulus large; peristome-teeth large, broadly lanceolate, irregularly split and cribrose to about the middle, castaneous pellucid; calyptra lobed, mitrate ; spores mature in the autumn but often not shed till spring : dioicous. On moist rocks in woods, Japan and, in North America, from Nova Scotia to Georgia and Minnesota, and in Mexico. Reported in our region only from Painesville, Ohio. (W. C. Werner.) 4. Grimmia laevigata (Bridel) Bridel. (G. cauipcstris Burch. : G. leucophaea Greville). Cespitose loosely in wide, dull green tufts; hoary above: stems stout, branched ; leaves close, larger towards top of stem. OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 111 when dry imbricate-appressed, very concave, oblong-oval to rather widely ovate, 1-1.5 mm. long, plane-margined, at the apex abruptly terminating in a long, flattened, finely denticu- lated hair, which is decnrrent along the upper margin of the lamina, and is often longer than the lamina ; the smaller lower leaves acuminate but without the hair-point ; costa narrow, ending in the apex ; basal leaf-cells quadrate, except a few rec- tangular ones near the costa, the upper smaller and rounded, ail incrassate, non-sinuose, the upper quite chlorophyllose : seta erect ; capsule included, elliptic, broadly oblong, brown- ish smooth when dry : annulus large ; lid conic-rostellate, short, peristome-teeth cleft to about the middle, cribrose be- low. castaneous-pellucid ; calyptra mitrate, lobed ; spores ma- ture in spring. On rocks, mainly non-calcareous, often granite or sand- stone, almost cosmopolitan. In North America from Penn- slvania to Minnesota, Kansas and the Pacific States. Rare in our regon. Blair : Tyrone, T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). 3. RHACOMITRIL'M Briclel. Diuicuus : robust plants, loosely and widely cespitose, the mats green to yellowish or blackish-green : stem without cen- tral strand, procumbent to erect, radiculose at the base only. uniformly foliate, often with numerous short branches giving the shoot a nodose appearance : leaves spreading to recurved- spreading or sometimes secuud. when dry appressed, from an ovate to oblong base mostly lanceolate to lance-linear, more or less long-acuminate, often piliferous, sometimes Ungulate and obtuse, margins sometimes 2-layered and sometimes re- curved ; costa mostly broad, flat, and complete; cells nearly all with sinuose walls, often papillose, towards the base or some- times all over linear: seta long, straight, rarely curved, twisted; capsule erect, oblong to cylindric, narrow-mouthed, smooth ; annulus broad, curling off: teeth united at the base but most- ly cleft deeply into 2 (-3-4) filiform divisions, often very long, trabeculate; spores small; operculum conic with a long subulate apex from one-third to more than the length of the urn ; calyptra mitrate, lobed, not folded, subulate-rostrate, glabrous or rough. A world-wide genus of 88 species, mostly on siliceous rocks : 23 species in North America, probably 3 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Upper leaf-cells quadrate, lower ones linear; shoots not appearing nodose by arrangement of short lateral branches. b. 112 A MANUAL OF MOSSES a. Upper leaf-cells elongate; shoots appearing nodose with short lateral branches. c. b. Leaves lingnlate, leaf-apex broad, rounded. i. R. acicnlare b. Leaves lanceolate-acuminate, at apex hyaline-acuminate. 2. R. microcarpum. c. Leaf-apex obtuse, non-hyaline. (R. fasciculare [Schra- der] Bridel.) c. Leaf-apex hyaline, acuminate to piliferous. 3. ft. criroidcs. 1. Rhacomitrium aciculare [Linnseus] Bridel. (Dicranum aciculare Hedwig). (Plate XIV) Cespitose in coarse tufts, dark dull green to blackish : stems long, up to 6 or 8 cm. long, stout, branching by short innovations, radiculose below ; leaves erect-spreading, stiffly imbricate when dry, large, up to 1 mm. wride by 2.5 mm. long, broadly ovate-oblong, usually somewhat plicate at the base, the margin usually revolute, the apex broadly obtuse, denticu- late to entire, non-hyaline, the upper margin usually thick- ened ; costa strong, ending below apex ; leaf-cells densely yel- Icwish-pellucid, incrassate, sub-papillose, the upper sub- quadrate to rounded-hexagonal and in twro layers at the mar- gin, the basal elongate-rectangular to linear, markedly sinuose- incrassate, at the margin sub-quadrate, the alar a little larger, quadrate: seta erect, straight, about 10-12 mm. long; capsule dark brown, erect, oblong-cylindric to elliptic, smooth, with narrow mouth ; peris tome-teeth cleft to below the middle into 2 or 3 unequal divisions ; lid aciculate-fostrate or subulate, al- most as long as urn ; calyptra smooth, long-rostrate, mitrate, lobed, covering only the top of capsule; annulus rather large, revoluble; spores mature in spring; fruit rarely found. On wet. shaded, non-calcareous rocks in hilly or moun- tainous country, in Europe, Africa, and, in North America, from Alaska to Labrador south to California and Alabama. Occurs in northern West Virginia and as follows : Cambria: : James. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Ohio Pyle, in crevices of rock along the Youghiogheny river near the Falls. Sep- tember 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. ( Figured). 2. Rhacomitrium microcarpum ( Hedwig) Bridel, not Schrader. (Rhacoinitriuin sudeticuin Bryologia Europaea; Trichos'tommn microcarpum Hedwig) . Loosely cespitose, dull or yellowish-green above : stem slender with ascending branches, 2-5 cm. high ; leaves divari- cately spreading, erect when dry, narrowly lanceolate, linear- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 113 acuminate, apex hyaline, denticulate, margin more or less bi- stratose above, usually revolute below ; costa strong, ending in apex; basal leaf-cells linear, sinuose, incrassate, upper leaf- cells rounded-quadrate : seta short, light-colored, often curved or flexuose ; capsule relatively very small, elliptic, pale brown, thin-walled; annulus large, revoluble; peristome-teeth brown- ish, irregularly divided; lid conic-rostrate, shorter than the urn ; spores mature in spring. On wet rocks or cliffs, principally granite or gneiss, Eu- rope. Asia, and, in North America, from Greenland to British Columbia, south to Oregon and northeastern United States. Perhaps to be expected in the eastern or northeastern part of our region. 3. Rhacomitrium ericoides (Schwaegrichen) Xew Com- bination. (Trichostonmm ericoides Schwaegrichen; Dicrannm microcarpum Schrader). Cespitose in low, green to yellow-green tufts : stems slender, markedly nodose with obtuse lateral innovations ; leaves crowded, spreading to falcate-secund, lanceolate from an ovate base, acuminate, the apex hyaline, flat, denticulate, not very narrow, margin revolute, not thickened ; costa strong, ending in the apex; leaf-cells all linear, the upper 3-6:1, in- crassate, sinuose, the marginal shorter and in the alar portion often a few larger, rectangular, pellucid, and not sinuose- walled : seta yellowish, short; capsule small, elliptic-cylindric to oblong, pale yellow-brown, thin-walled ; annulus large, revoluble; peristome-teeth short, divided almost to the base; calyptra somewhat papillose at the apex; lid short-rostrate; spores mature in spring. On exposed rocks and stones in hilly or mountainous re- gions, Europe, and, in Xorth America, from Greenland to Brit- ish Columbia south to Oregon and eastern Pennsylvania. Per- haps will be found in the eastern part of our region. Family VIII. ORTHOTRICH ACEAE. Dioicous or autoicous, rarely heteroicous or polyoicous : cespitose, light green to yellowish- or blackish-green outside the tufts, inside brown to black : stem mostly with no central strand, erect to ascending, or creeping with erect or ascending branches, radiculose below, or along the creeping stem, with reddish or brownish filaments ; leaves spreading to squarrose, carinate, mostly from a decurrent base more or less lanceo- late, sometimes oblong-lingulate to linear, mostly entire, usually papillose both sides : costa strong, sometimes excur- rent-aristate or piliferous; upper cells generally rich in chloro- phyll, round-quadrate to round-hexagonal, basal mostly elon- 114 A MANUAL OF MOSSES gate-rectangular to linear, pellucid ; pericruetial usually more or less sheathing: seta erect; capsule erect, symmetric, collum distinct, oval to pyriform or cylindric, smooth or striate, deep- ly plicate when dry and empty ; annulus persistent ; peristome mostly double, rarely none ; teeth 16 united or approximate in 8 pairs, lanceolate, flat, whitish to yellowish or reddish, re- flexed when dry, exteriorly papillose or transversely, oblique- ly, or longitudinally striate, rarely smooth, rather delicately trabeculate ; inner peristome of 8 or 16, filiform, or lanceolate, glabrous or papillose segments alternating with the teeth ; spores small to very large; operculum long-rostrate; calyptra cucullate and usually smooth to campanulate, often plicate and hairy. A rather large family of mostly tree-inhabiting species, mostly of temperate regions. Key to the Genera. a. Calyptra cucullate, not plicate; stems erect or creeping. b. a. Calyptra mostly campanulate, plicate; stems mostly erect. c. b. Stem erect: peristome none i. Amphidiuin. b. Stem creeping with erect or ascending branches: peristome single. 2. Drummondia. c. Leaves when dry crispate, at the base ovate and mostly with a hyaline border: capsule exserted in our species. 4. Ulota. c. Leaves not crisped when dry, not ovate at the base nor with hyaline border: capsule immersed or emergent in our species. 3. Orthotrichum. I. AMPHID1UM (Nees) Schimper. (Amphoridium Schimper; Zygodon Authors). Autoicous or dioicous : tufts cushion-like, soft, often ex- tensive, yellowish olive-green to blackish, inside rusty brown: stem furcately branching, uniformly foliate, radiculose to the apex with smooth filaments ; leaves linear-lanceolate, papillose both sides, when dry contorted or crispate ; costa practically complete, with median guides ; leaf-cells thick-walled, angular to roundish, green, towards the base generally elongate, rec- tangular, thin-walled to hyaline ; perichcetial leaves erect, longer, sheathing or half-sheathing: seta short, generally erect, thickening above and grading into the long collum ; capsule emergent to exserted, mostly erect, pyriform, with 8 project- ing, reddish-brown ribs, when empty much widened at the mouth and urceolate ; annulus none ; peristome none ; operou- litm obliquely rostrate from a low-conic base ; calyptra cucul- late, glabrous, not plicate. A world-wide genus of 16 species, on mainly non-calcare- ous rocks ; 7 species in North America ; 2 in our range. OF WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA 115 Key to the Species. a. Autoicoit:.: leaf-margins plane: seta 1.5 mm. long or less; beak of operculum shorter than radius of capsule. 1. A. lapponicum. a. Dioicous: leaf-margins recurved below: seta about 3 mm. long; beak of operculum longer than radius of capsule. 2. A. vioiigcotii. 1. Amphidium lapponicum (Hedwig) Schimper. (Anictangium lapponicum Hedwig; Zygodou lapponicus Bryolo- gia Europcea). Densely cespitose, dark olive-green above, blackish below : stems dichotomously branching, usually 1-3 cm. high ; leaves fiexuous-spreading, lance-oblong to lance-linear, 1.5-2.0 mm. long, margins plane, acute, crisped when dry ; costa strong, ending below apex; basal cells large, thin-walled, pellucid to hyaline, the upper small, quadrate-hexagonal, rather obscure, incrassate. papillose; perichretial leaves sheathing; seta very short, usually not over 1.5 mm.; capsule oval with distinct collum about as long as sporangium, partially immersed. brownish, when dry constricted below mouth, urceolate, with 8 reddish stride, the mouth forming a deep red, thickened rim ; no peristome ; lid red, lustrous, small, low-conic, obliquely rostellate, the length of the beak not more than one-half the diameter of the capsule ; calyptra cucullate, small, reaching about half-way down the urn, brow'nish ; spores mature in early summer : autoicous, the antheridial flowers axillary along the stem. In crevices of shaded rocks, rarely in calcareous habitats; Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Greenland to Brit- ish Columbia south to northern United States and to Cali- fornia. Rare in our region. Huntindon ; Porter. (Porter's Cataloue). 2. Amphidium mougeotii ( Hryologia Europcea) Schimper. (Zygodon inoitgcotii Bryologia Europ?ea ; Anoectangium uion- gcotii Lindberg). Densely cespitose. in large tufts, yellowish-green above, rusty to blackish below ; stems usually 2-6 cm. high, dichoto- mously branching ; leaves spreading or erect-spreading, crisped when dry. elongate lance-linear, acuminate, carinate, margin narrowly revolute below, slightly irregular above; costa strong, vanishing at apex ; basal leaf-cells narrowly rectangular, rather thick-walled, above shorter, sub-quadrate to rounded, incras- sate, hardly papillose, pellucid ; perichsetial leaves sheathing only the base of seta; seta about 2-3 mm. long; capsule short- ly exserted, narrowly oval with a distinct neck, when dry urceolate. contracted below mouth. 8-striate ; peristome none; lid low, oblic'iielv rostrate, the lensfth of the beak more than , 116 A .MANUAL OF MOSSES one-half the radius of the capsule: calyptra cucullate ; spores mature in summer or early autumn: dioicous: fruit rare. On damp, shaded, usually non-calcareous rocks, in moun- tains or hilly regions; in Europe, Asia, and in North America, from Newfoundland to Alaska south to Alabama and Oregon. To be looked for in the eastern part of our range. 2. DRL-MMOXDIA Hooker. Autoicous or dioicous : slender, in low, dense, green, scarcely shining, often extensive mats: stem long, creeping, brown-radiculose, thickly covered with short, erect, simple or furcate branches; leaves when dry stiffly appressed, when moist erect-spreading to spreading, ovate-lanceolate to linear- oblong, acute or obtuse, entire ; costa strong, almost per- current ; cells uniformly rounded, smooth, chlorophyllose: seta erect, long; capsule erect, symmetric, oval, smooth, when dry shriveled ; annulus none ; peristome simple, inserted be- low urn-mouth ; teeth lo, very short, truncate, entire, smooth, densely trabeculate; spores very large (.08-. 10 mm.); round or oval, several-celled, green, smoothish ; operculum obliquely rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, large. A small genus of 6 species, on trees, rarely on rocks; mostly Asiatic, one in our region. 1. Drummondia prorepens [ Uridel] New Combination. (Anodontium prorepens Hridel ; Gymnostomum prorepens Hed- wig ; Hypmim chrrclhituui Dillenius ; Orthotrichurn clarel- latiini Hooker). (Plate XIV) Stems creeping, radiculose on the under side, with numer- ous short, erect branches, 6-10 mm., forming dark green or blackish tufts : leaves erect to spreading, oblong to ovate- lanceolate, 1 to 1.5 mm. long, obtuse to acute, concave, cari- nate, firm; costa strong, almost percurrent; cells small, thick- walled, rounded; the alar often quadrate-inflated and hyaline in the stem-leaves, the whole lower fourth of the perichsetial leaves elongate-rectangular and hyaline: seta erect, about 2.5 mm. long, sinistrorse ; capsule ovate-globose, smooth, about 1 mm. high; operculum low-conic, obliquely long-rostrate; peristome of 16 very short, wide, truncate, smooth, trabeculate teeth, often more or less confluent; annulus none; calyptra, at first conic, large, cucullate ; spores minutely roughened, chlorophyllose, about .080-.095 mm., moderately incrassate, mature in summer. On tree-trunks in woods, Japan, and in North America from New England to Alabama, Missouri, and Ontario. Erie : Presque Isle, May 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. ( Figured). OF WESTERN"- PENNSYLVANIA 117 McKean : Quintuple, Bradford, November 10, 1893. D. A. B. Washington : Linn and Simonton. i Porter's Cata- O logue), 3. ORTHOTR1CHUM Hedwig. Autoicous, rarely dioicous : cespitose in cushions some- times on rocks, mostly on trees : stems erect and ascending, radiculose at the base, thickly leaved, branched; leaves when dry never crispate but straight and appressed, ovate-or linear- lanceolate, mostly acute, margins usually revolute ; costa quite strong, mostly not quite percurrent ; basal leaf-cells rectangular to elongate, pellucid to hyaline, the marginal often shorter and green : seta generally shorter than the scarcely or non- sheathing perichaetial leaves ; capsule oval to cylindric, usually with 8 or 16 colored stride, when dry usually 8 (—16) -furrowed; annulus persistent ; peristome mostly double, sometimes single, rarely none, usually with 16 broadly lanceolate teeth in pairs, and 8 to 16 filiform segments ; operculum conic to convex, rostrate ; calyptra campanulate, plicate, covering most of the urn, glabrous, hirsute or papillose. A cosmopolitan genus of about 206 species, on trees or rocks, rare, however, in the Tropics; about 70 species occur in North America ; at least 5 in our region. Key to the Species. a. Peristome simple, teeth 16, erect or erect-spreading when dry. b. a. Peristome double, teeth more or less reflexed when drv. d. b. Capsule half-emergent, 16-striale. (O. cupulatuni i Hoff- mann] Schwaeg- richen.) b. Capsule immersed to half-emergent, 8-striate. c. c. Capsule ovate-cylindric, half-emergent when leaves are dry. i. O. strangulatain. c. Capsule much shorter, ovate-globose, practically immersed in the dry leaves. 2. O. Icscitrii. d. Capsule smooth when dry, immersed, e, d. Capsule plicate when dry. f. e. Teeth 16, in pairs: segments 8, short, liliform. (O. pnsilliiin Mitten.) e. Teeth 16, not in pairs: segments 16, comparatively broad. (O. leiocarpnm Bryolo- gia Europaea.) f. Leaves more or k-s> ubtu>e at the extreme ap^-x. g- f. Leaves usually distinctly acute at the extreme apex. i. g. Capsule strongly contracted below the mouth when dry and very decidedly plicate with reddish-brown folds. 3. O. bra-it nil. 118 A MANUAL OF MOSSES g. Not very strongly contracted nor very decidedly plu-ate. h. h. Stomata immersed; leaf-margins re volute. 4. O. ohioense. h. Stomata not immersed; leaf-margins erect; leaves short and broad, oblong-ovate. (Orthotrichum obtnsi- foliuin Schrader. Schwaegrichen. ) i. Capsule but little contracted below mouth when dry. ribs orange. segments 8; leaves oblong-lanceolate. 5. O. sdiunpcri. i. Capsule strongly contracted under the mouth when dnr. j- j. Capsule with very prominent reddish-brown ribs when dry, half-emergent. 3. O. branuii. j. Capsule with less prominent light colored ribs, usually im- mersed. (O. sordid mil Sullivant.) 1. Orthotrichum strangulatum Schwaegrichen. (O. porlcri Austin; O. cupulatum var. portcri Venturi). ( Plate XIV ) Densely cespitose, about 1 cm. high : sterns densely leaved, branched ; upper leaves lanceolate, about 3 mm. long, the lower ovate, shorter, acute, margins entire or papillose, more or less revolute, lamina often somewhat bi-stratose at margins and apex ; costa strong, almost percurrent ; basal leaf-cells quadrate at margin to rectangular (2:1) towards costa, smooth, hyaline, the median rounded-hexagonal, dense, papillose, becoming to- wards apex densely incrassate-rounded, arranged in quite regu- lar rows: seta short, about 0.5 mm., capsule about 1.5 mm. long, oblong-cylindric, tapering rather gradually to the seta, when dry often only partly immersed, when wet always im- mersed, dark reddish-brown, deeply 8-costate and 8-furrowed, the cost?e with about 3 rows of rectangular cells with thicker longitudinal walls, stomata few, immersed, calyptra mitrate. quite densely erect-hirsute; operculum low with a rounded apiculation ; peristome single, teeth paired, erect-spreading when dry, irregularly triangular-lanceolate, about 8-articulate, the divisural distinct and the teeth often split : the three or four upper rows of cells of the capsule densely incrassate, brown, pellucid like the costal and laterally oblong; spores globose, papillose. .017-.020 mm., mature in summer. On rocks, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Minnesota. Cambria: : Cresson. James (Porter's Catalogue). Center : On limestone rocks, two miles west of Scotia, September 22, 1909. O. E. J. (Fig- ured ). Westmoreland : Chestnut Ridge, above Hillside, on sand- stone rocks. September 23, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 119 2. Orthotrichum lescurii Austin. (O. cupulaium variety minus Sullivant). (Plate XV) Rather densely cespitose, about 5 mm. high : stems thickly- foliate, branched ; leaves lanceolate or some of the lower ovate, the upper about 3 mm. long, the lower shorter, acute, the mar- gins entire, revolute, strongly costate nearly to the apex; basal leaf-cells quadrate to elongate-rectangular, smooth, hyaline,, above becoming rounded-hexagonal, sub-opaque, densely papillose, smaller and quite regularly hexagonal at the apex; seta very short, 0.5 mm., about one-half enclosed in the in- volucre ; calyptra narrowly campanulate, plicate, hirsute with erect hairs : lid mamillate, rounded but flattened : capsule ob- long-cylindric and rather suddenly tapering to the seta, about 1.3 mm. high and 0.5 mm. in thickness, when moist globose- oblong and S-striate, when dry deeply 8-furrowed and some- times contracted below the mouth ; capsule always about the same length as the upper leaves, or sometimes slightly exserted when dry ; peristome single, the teeth 8, short, equid'istant but leaning towards each other in pairs, triangular-lanceolate, papillose, articulate, the divisural usually complete and not split, teeth when dry erect or incurved ; spores mature in spring, .014-.017 mm. On rocks, usually granite or trap ; from New England to Ontario south to Missouri and Pennsylvania, and in the Rocky Mountains to British Columbia. Rare in our region. Westmoreland : On sandstone rocks at mouth of Bear's Cave, on slope of Chestnut Ridge above Hillside, September 16, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). 3. Orthotrichum braunii Bryologise Europse. ( O. strangulatum Sullivant). (Plate XV) Sparsely cespitose to scattered, less than 5 mm. high, dark green : stems sometimes creeping at base, erect-spreading, simple or branched ; leaves spreading when moist, the upper somewhat clasping, when dry appressed, not crisped, concave, ovate to lance-ovate, the margins more or less revolute, apex acute, sometimes erose-denticulate and apiculate and some- times hyaline ; costa strong, sub-percurrent basal leaf-cells hya- line, smooth, at margin quadrate, about .016 mm. in diameter, toward the costa rectangular and reaching about .090X-016 mm., median cells papillose, opaque, rounded, about .020 mm. in diameter, the apical smaller, rounded and less papillose; capsule oblong-oval, about 1.2 mm. long tapering abruptly into a seta about one-third as long, 8-costate, when dry much con- !_>(> A MANUAL OF MOSSES stricted belo\v the mouth and very deeply 8-plicate, \vhat sinistrorse. reddish-brown; peristome-teeth lighter in color, granulose, with distinct clivisurals, when dry closely re- flexed, when moist erect; calyptra narrowly conic-mitrate, non-hirsute and plicate ; spores globose, somewhat papillose, incrassate, about .017 mm. in diameter. On bark of living trees, often apple-trees ; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from Xova Scotia to Georgia and Iowa. Scarce in our region. Allegheny : On base of O'ltcrcus imbricaria in mixed pine and oak woods at Dutil Church, near Douthett. December 29, 1908. O. E. J. ( Figured ) . McKean : Bradford. D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Cata- logue). 4. Orthotrichum ohioense Sullivant. (O. canadcnse Sullivant, not Bryologia Europsea). (Plate XV) Densely cespitose, yellowish green above, dark or brown- ish below : stems freely branching, about 6-10 mm. high : leaves lanceolate from an oblong base, about 1.5-3 mm. long, spreading to ascending, bluntly acute to rounded-obtuse, papil- lose with entire and revolute margins ; costa strong, ending at a little below the apex ; median leaf-cells quadrate to rec- tangular, moderately incrassate, towards the margins and up- wards becoming smaller, more incrassate, quadrate, sub-papil- lose, the upper small, rounded, densely papillose, incrassate: seta shorter than the urn ; capsule more or less completely im- mersed, ovate-oblong when moist to somewhat narrower and pyriform-campanulate when dry. symmetric, when dry 8- striate, pale yellow, tapering at base, slightly constricted be- low the mouth ; exothecial cells at mouth in one to three rows, small, quadrate, below abruptly rounded and strongly incras- sate, on the main body of the urn rectangular and much smaller ; stomata immersed, the outer peristome of 8 double teeth, yellowish-pellucid, densely punctulate. triangular-lanceo- late, 5-7-articulate ; segments of inner peristome of 8 short, linear-subulate segments of two rows of cells ; calyptra conic- campanulate, yellowish, plicate, densely erect-hairy ; operculum low-convex, apiculate-rostrate ; spores yellowish-brown, pel- lucid, densely papillose. .018-.020 mm., mature in spring, — about April : autoicous, antheridial clusters axillary. On bark of trees, New Brunswick to Ontario and south to Georgia, also in Montana. Probably rather common in our region. Ashtabula, Ohio, and as follows : OF WESTERN* PENNSYLVANIA 121 Erie : On bark of Populns dcltoides, Presque Isle. September 20-22, 1906. O. E. J. McKean : Langmade, Bradford. May 8, 1898. D. A. I). (Figured). 4;7. Orthotrichum ohioense variety citrinum (Austin) Les- quereux and James. (O. citrinum Austin). Leaves dark green, narrowly lanceolate; capsule thin, yellow. On bark of trees and with about the same range as the species. Occurs in our region at Painesville, Ohio, and as follows : Westmoreland: T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). 5. Orthotrichum schimperi Hammar. Densely cespitose, dark green ; stems only a few mm. high : leaves erect-spreading, lance-oblong, when dry im- bricated and straight, obtuse to short-acuminate, margin re- curved ; upper leaf-cells rounded-hexagonal, rather thin- walled for the genus, relatively rather large, minutely papillose, the basal cells larger, rectangular and smooth ; costa strong, end- ing a little below the apex : seta very short, capsule immersed, small, when moist oval-oblong with a distinct neck, when dry narrower, constricted below the mouth, 8-plicate, yellowish to orange: stomata immersed; exothecial cells quadrate to rec- tangular-hexagonal, becoming at the mouth much smaller, o . rounded, and rather obscure ; peristome-teeth 8, bigemmate, yellowish-pellucid, triangular-lanceolate, papillose, when dry reflexed, the segments almost as long, lance-subulate, 8 in number ; calyptra smooth, short, inflated, lustrous, with few or no hairs, light yellow; spores .012-.015 rnm.. mature in spring : autoicous. On trunks of trees ; Europe. Asia, Algeria, and. in North America, in Vermont, Pennsylvania, District of Columbia. Idaho, etc. Rare in our region. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Cata- o logue). 4. I' LOT A Mohr. Autoicous, rarely diocious : mostly forming cushions on living trees : stems often creeping with erect or ascending branches, radiculose ; leaves crisped or contorted when dry, mostly spreading to squarrose, from a broadly concave base lance-linear, carinate, with margins mostly revolute below; costa percurrent or nearly so; basal cells narrowly linear, yellowish but with a margin of one to several rows of hvaline, * *-* * 122 A MANUAL OF MOSSES thin-walled, rectangular to quadrate cells: capsule erect, ex- scrted, symmetric, 8-plicate when dry, stomata superficial ; annulus persisting; peristome mostly double, segments usually 8, rarely 16 or none; lid convex or conic, rostrate; calyptra mitrate, with 10-16 obtuse folds, incised-lobed at base, hirsute with shining golden-yellow hairs or rarelv almost glabrous. iT1 O ^ ^ *- O A world-wide genus of about 50 species, most numerous in America; in North America 16 species; in our region three species. J\cy to the Species. a. Rupestral: leaves not crispate when dry. i. L:. aniericana. a. Arboreal: leaves more or less crispate when dry. b. b. Capsule smooth, slightly plicate below the distinct!}' narrowed mouth. 2. U. litdwigii. b. Capsule wide-mouthed, distinctly plicate. c. c. Capsule constricted below the mouth, gradually narrowed at base to the long neck: teeth confluent. 3. U. O'ispa. c. Capsule not distinctly constricted below the mouth, abruptly nar- rowed to the shorter neck; teeth separated at apex. 30. U. crispa var. minus. 1. Ulota americana [Beauvois] Limpricht, not Mitten. ( U. hutchinsiae Hammar). (Plate XV) Rather loosely cespitose, blackish with greenish tips, about 1 cm. high, or less : stems creeping, sparingly branched \vith erect branches, when dry the leaves appressed and straight ; leaves often with hair-like paraphyllia at base, lance-ovate or linear-lanceolate from an ovate base, carinate, concave at least below, margins usually revoiute in lowrer half, costa and base of lamina pellucid-castaneous, apex sub-acute : costa strong, sometimes percurrent ; apical and median leaf-cells incrassate, papillose, rounded-quadrate, rather opaque, the basal marginal rounded-quadrate to rounded-rectangular, hya- line, towards the costa becoming linear, more or less vermicu- lar and occasionally anastomosing, much incrassate and markedly pellucid-castaneous : seta about 2 mm. long, smooth, with a distinct smooth volva at base; capsule yellowish, cylin- dric-oblong, basally tapering, when dry 8-costate and with more or less distinct intermediate costae at mouth, the neck and seta decidedly dextrorse ; stomata immersed ; peristome- teeth 16, more or less paired, articulate, granular, when dry strongly reflexed, segments 8, about one-half as high, bi- seriate below ; calyptra yellowish, mitrate, plicate, incised- lobate at base, densely clothed with erect to spreading slender hairs; lid conic-rostrate; spores globose, papillose, incrassate, about .016-.018 mm., mature in spring. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 123 On non-calcareous rocks, mainly in hilly or mountainous regions; Europe, Asia, and from Xew Brunswick to Georgia and west to the Rocky Mountains. Common in our region. Cambria: : Cresson. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Center : Dry rocks at top of Bald Eagle Mt., near Matternville, July 14, 1909. O. E. J. Fayette : On rocks in bed of Youghiogheny River at Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : On rocks, Rutherford, May 13, 1898. D. A. B. Somerset : On dry, crumbling shale, Ursina. May 12. 1905. O. E. J.' (Figured). 2. Ulota ludwigii (Bridel) Bridel. (Weissia coarctato Lindberg) (Plate XV) Loosely cespitose, yellowish green: stems more or less creeping with erect shoots often 1 cm. high, usually shorter, somewhat branched below ; leaves erect-spreading but slightly twisted when dry, lance-ovate to lanceolate, concave at base, often carinate-concave in upper third, acuminate above but the extreme apex rather obtuse, the margin entire and often recurved; costa strong, reddish, sub-percurrent ; basal leaf-cells at margin quadrate, hyaline, towards the costa rectangular to linear-vermicular, reddish-pellucid, the median cells rounded- quadrate, incrassate, slightly papillose, the apical cells similar; capsule pyriform, tapering into a slender dextrorse seta, seta and capsule together about 3.5 mm. long, capsule strongly costate but with a very small mouth and, even when dry, smooth and plicate only immediately below the mouth, pale yellowish-brown, stomata superficial at the base of the urn; calyptra narrowly conic-mitrate, hairy ; lid rostellate ; peri- stome single, or rarely with rudimentary segments, teeth some- what paired but split apart above, when dry erect, narrowly triangular, granulose, distinctly articulate, with a distinct divisural ; spores papillose, globose, about .020-.022 mm. in diameter, mature in summer. On tree-trunks in woods, usually in mountainous or hilly country ; Europe, and in North America from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Ontario and south to North Carolina. Rather uncommon in our region. Center : Bear Meadows. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 124 A MANUAL OF MOSSES McKean : Rutherford, March 6, 1893. D. A. 15. ( Figured). Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Cata- logue). 3. Ulota crispa | Linnaeus] P»ridel. (Llota ulophylla Brotherus ; Orthotrichum crispiini Hedwig). (Plate XVI) Densely cespitose, yellowish-green above, darker below, the tufts about 8 mm. high : stems sparingly branched, growing perpendicular to the bark on which it is found, sometimes decumbent at base ; leaves straight and erect-spreading when moist, when dry much crisped, narrowly lance-ovate to sharply acute to acuminate at the apex, concave and more or less carinate, often marginally revolute ; marginal basal leaf-cells hyaline, the inner basal pellucid, linear, often somewhat vermicular, the median cells incrassate, rounded, bluntly papillose, the apical cells smaller and less papillose ; costa strong, sub-percurrent ; seta and capsule together about 4 mm. long, capsule ovate-globose when wet, about 1 mm. long, tapering rather gradually into the neck and seta, when dry somewhat constricted below the mouth, with the neck and seta dextrorse, the costa brownish-pellucid ; annulus brown, pellucid, of about 3 series of small, close-set, rounded, cells ; teeth triangular-lanceolate, united into 8 pairs, when dry re- flexed, each pair confluent and cribrose at apex, often split along the divisural below; segments 8. consisting of two ro\v> of cells nearly up to the apex, a little shorter than the teeth ; spores globose, about .023-.026 mm., mature in summer. On trees in woods ; Europe, Asia, Tasmania, Alaska, and from Newfoundland to Georgia. Fairly common in our region. Allegheny : On trunk of Black Oak, Keown, Novem- ber 14, 1909. O. E. J. Center : On black oaks. Bald Eagle Ridge, near Matternville, September 21, 1909. O. E. J. (Figured). Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, Tune 12, 1906. O. E. T. McKean : Langmade, Bradford, May 29, 1898. O: A. B. 3a. Ulota crispa variety minus (Schwaegrichen) Xe\v Com- bination. (U. crispula Bruch). With shorter stems and leaves than in the species and a capsule which rather abruptly narrows into a long neck, and with a sub-globose to oval urn, which, when dry and empty, OF \VESTERX PENNSYLVANIA 125 is more or less open-mouthed and turbinate, with little or no constriction below the mouth. This variety is reported with a general range similar to that of the species but we have as yet seen no typical specimens of it from our region. Porter's Catalogue lists it from several coun- ties in Eastern Pennsylvania and from McKean Countv, D. A. * mt Burnett ; but a specimen in the Herbarium of the Carnegie Museum collected by Burnett, at Langmade, May 29, 1898, Mc- Kean County, is evidently purely L '. ulophylla. Famiy IX. SPLACHNACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous, rarely pseudautoicous : annual or perennial cespitose bog or alpine mosses, usually living on de- caying animal or vegetable matter, the tufts green to yellow- green, inside more or less red-radiculose, sometimes blackish : stem delicate with a large central strand : leaves mostly distant, flaccid, more or less broad; costa mostly not quite percurrent, usually with two basal guides ; leaf-cells loose, parenchyma- tous, 4-6-sided, elongate towards the base, sparingly chloro- phyllose, often inflated at the margin of the leaf: seta erect, sometimes very long ; capsule erect, symmetric, with a long collum or with a large colored hypophysis : usually annulus none ; peristome simple, teeth sixteen, flat, aggregated in pairs or in fours, more or less hygroscopic, vertically striate, trabecu- late, punctate, mostly golden-brown; spore-sack surrounded !>y a cavity; columella strong; spores small to large; opercu- luni convex to umbonate or long-conic, rarely none; calyptra small, either cucullate and united into a tube below or conic and almost entire to lobed. A small family of 5 genera and about 60 species ; in our range but one genus. 1. SPLACHXL'M Linnaeus, Heclwig. Autoicous, or. when old, dioicous : weak, distantly leaved ; male flowers terminal, bracts stellate-squarrose ; bog-mosses growing mainly upon the excrement of cattle or. as in Canada and northern United States, often upon that of the moose : tufts loose, soft, shining, light to yellowish-green ; leaves flaccid, spreading, when old wine-red at the base, broadly obovate, plane, acute, entire except sometimes at the very apex ; costa weak, ending below the apex ; areolation very lax : seta long, slender, dextrorse; capsule erect, small, oval to cylindric, sur- mounting a much wider inflated hypophysis which may be obovate, globose, or parasol-like, mostly dark violet-purple, when dry much wrinkled ; annulus none ; teeth confluent at base, paired, very hygroscopic ; spores small ; operculum swollen or umbonate. fugacious : columella capped, generally 126 A MANUAL OF MOSSES exserted after the operculum has fallen ; calyptra small, conic. often split down one side. A genus of 9 species, mostly of the northern hemisphere; 7 in North America; one species in our range. 1. Splachnum ampullaceum Linnaeus, Hedwig. Loosely cespitose : stems 1-2 cm. high; leaves distant, the lower lanceolate, the upper long obovate-lanceolate with a long tapering acumen, coarsely serrate above, soft, light green ; costa ending in or just below the apex: leaf-cells large, more or less regularly hexagonal: seta 2-5 cm. long, reddish-brown, erect; capsule oblong-cylindric, yellowish, surmounting a much larger, broadly pyriform, soft and fleshy hypohysis, usually reddish-brown above and "pale lilac below," rugose when dry ; lid convex, obtusely mamillate ; peristome-teeth lo, in pairs, yellowish, strongly reflexed when dry; spores mature in summer: usually autoicous ; antheridial flowers terminal. discoid. On organic matter in swampy places, usually on excre- ment of larger herbivorous animals. Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Newfoundland to Ontario south to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. To be looked for in the northern and northwestern part of our region. Family X. DISCEL1ACEAE. Dioicous ; gregarious, annual, with persistent protonema : stem very short with gemmiform foliation ; inner leaves larg- est, ovate to lance-oblong, acute, with plane margins, entire ; costa none ; cells loosely rhomboid-hexagonal, thin-walled, pel- lucid, elongated below;, smooth, very sparsely chlorophyllose : seta elongate, 2-3 cm., stiff, slender, pellucid, red or castane- ous, decidedly sinistrorsely twisted ; capsule minute, cernuous or horizontal, globose-ovate, smooth, with a short collum ; annulus of one (or two) series of cells, falling away in pieces; peristome inserted below the mouth, simple ; teeth lanceolate, acute, red, the lower half usually perforate or split, the exterior usually vertically striate but with no median line, not papil- lose, the interior with papilla? and projecting trabeculse ; spores medium size ; operculum large, convex, unbonate ; calyptra split down on one side and usually remaining attached to the seta by the constricted base. A peculiar family consisting of but one genus with only the following species. Occurring in sandy soil in northern Europe, Asia, and, in North America, in Illinois, Ohio, and Eastern Pennsylvania. 1. DISC ELI UM Bridel. 1. Discelium incarnata (Schwaegrichen) New Combination. (D. nudinn Bridel: Weisia incarnata Schwaegrichen)., OF WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA 127 Characters as for the family. The Ohio station for this species is only a few miles from the northwestern corner of Pennsylvania and the species may eventually he discovered in our region. Family XL EPHEMERACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous, rarely polyoicous or synoicous : minute, about 1-2 mm. high, singly disposed or gregarious, mostly stemless ; protonema sometimes persistent ; leaves min- ute, linear to lanceolate or ovate to obovate, often tufted, rosette-like, spreading or erect-spreading ; leaf-cells mostly lax, more or less elongate below, rectangular to rhomboid-hexa- gonal, above shorter, usually smooth ; costa none to excurrent, usually present: seta none or short; capsule immersed, sub- globose, cleistocarpous ; operculum sometimes differentiated but rarely deciduous of itself ; spores mostly large and papil- lose : calyptra mostly small, delicate, mitrate-campanulate. Minute plants growing on soil. Key to t/ie Genera. a. T. caves lanceolate: green protonema persistent. i. Hphemerum* a. Leaves ovate: green protonema not persistent. b. 1). Stem none. 2. Acaulon. b. Stem evident. .3. Physcomitrella. 1. EPHEMERl'M Hampe. Dioicous, rarely polyoicous : minute plants with abundant and persistent green protonema : upper leaves elongate-lanceo- late to linear ; costa none or variously developed ; leaf-cells lax, mostly thin- walled, rhomboidal : seta rudimentary or none; capsule mostly globose and apiculate, cleistocarpous, walls of one layer of cells with stomata ; spores large, up to .08 mm. in diameter, warty ; calyptra campanulate, delicate, torn at the base or sometimes only on one side. A cosmopolitan genus of about 25 species ; 8 or 9 species occurring in North America, perhaps most of these occurring in our region, but on account of their minute size not yet col- lected. Key to the Species. ^. Costa none. b. a. Costa more or less complete, or vanishing towards the base. c. b. Leaves lanceolate, erect-patent, spores .060 — .080 mm. (£. serratum [Schreber] Hampe.) *Xan<>initrinni Lindberg (Micromitrium Austin) differs from Epheui- cntin in having a rudimentary but not deciduous operculum and the capsule without stomata and with a wall but one cell thick. 128 A MANUAL OF MOSSES b. Leaves linear-lanceolate, often secuncl: spores smaller. (E. scrratuni angnstafiun Bryologia Europaea.) c. Costa percurrent or vanishing near the apex. d. c. Costa excnrrent and quite strong. g. d. Upper leaves broadly lanceolate to elongate-lanceolate. e. d. Upper leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, long-acuminate. f. e. Capsule short, obtuse; costa effaced at base, upwards towards the apex continuous. i. E. cohaerans. e. Capsule acutely beaked: costa loosely areolate. scarcely distinct except towards the short, entire, pointed apex. (E. pallid niu Schimper.) f. Calyptra smooth: leaves gradually long-acuminate, slightly and irregularly serrate at apex. 2. E. crassinervrium. f. Calyptra papillose: leaves papillose on both sides. (E. papillosu-ui Austin.) g. Leaves with almost entire margin or shortly serrate above. (E.stcnophylluin [Bridel] Schimper.) g. Leaves with a long, hyaline, spinulose arista. (E. spiiiulositni Schim- per.) 1. Ephemerum cohaerans (Hedwig) Hampe. (Phascuni cohaerans Hedwig). Plants minute, 1-1.5 mm. high, densely gregarious or somewhat cespitose : protonema persistent, green or yellow- ish with age ; leaves lance-ovate to lance-oblong, erect-spread- ing, acute, serrate above ; costa thin, stronger above, ending in the apex or just below; leaf-cells lax, oblong-hexagonal, rather thin-walled : capsule sub-sessile, castaneous, sub- globose, obtusely apiculate, bearing stomata all over; calyptra more or less lobed or torn at base ; spores large, .060-.080 mm., coarsely tuberculate, mature in late autumn : dioicous. On moist sandy or clayey soil, Europe and, in eastern Xorth America, south to Louisiana. Not yet collected in our region but occurring in Eastern Pennsylvania and in Ohio. 2. Ephemerum crassinervium (Schwaegrichen) C. Mueller, not Hampe. (Phase inn crassinervium Schwaegrichen ) . Plants minute, not over 1 mm. high, gregarious : green protonema persistent; leaves erect-spreading, flexnons, linear- lanceolate, slenderly long-acuminate, rather coarsely serrate above, marginally plane ; costa flat, faint below, stronger above, percurrent, denticulate dorsally above; leaf-cells more or less rectangular to oblong-hexagonal, thin-walled : capsule with a very short seta, immersed, globose, apiculate ; the capsule about half-covered by the cleft-lobate, mitrate-conic calyptra ; OF WESTERN* PEXXSYLVAXIA 129 spores large, papillose, mature in late autumn to early spring. On moist earth, often in swamps, eastern Xorth America. Occurs in Central Ohio and Eastern Pennsylvania and is. prob- ably, the plant referred to as follows : Indiana : James. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. ACAULON C. Mueller. ( Sphaerangium Schimper). Dioicous : minute, bud-like, brown, gregarious : stem very short and few-leaved, without central strand, unbranched, green protonema persistent ; leaves erect-spreading, broadly ovate, keeled or concave, above with revolute and sinuate- denticulate margin, or plane and entire ; costa more or less ex- current-cuspidate ; upper cells short-rhombic, below rhom- boidal. dorsally strong thickened, smooth, rarely with a few high papillae, the lowest thin-walled, hvaline and rectangular: » C5 seta very short : capsule sub-globose, cleistocarpous, immersed ; calyptra very small and delicate, conic-mitriform 3-5-cleft ; spores small, brown, subglobose, minutely granulose. A widely distributed genus, on soil, mostly in the temper- ate zone. Fifteen species in all, 4 in Xorth America, 2 in our region. Key to the Species. a. Uppermost and perichsetial leaves sharply carinate and with re- flexed margins. i. A, triqiietnini. a. Uppermost and perichjetial leaves concave: and with margins plane. 2. A. ntfcscens. }. Acaulon triquetrum (Spruce) C. Mueller. (Sphaerangium triquetrum Schimper) . Plants minute, about 1 mm. high, bulbiform. pale green or yellowish, distinctly triquetrous; protonema green, persist- ent; lower leaves small, rounded, the middle leaves larger, broadly ovate, deeply concave, convolute, the upper largest (perichaetial) broadly ovate, deeply carinate. triquetrous, all upper leaves writh retiexed margins, erose-denticulate above ; costa strong, in upper leaves excurrent in a recurved apiculus ; basal leaf-cells elongate-hexagonal, lax, thin-walled, hexagonal to oblong-hexagonal : seta about as long as capsule, arcuate ; capsule globose, smooth ; calyptra minute, niitrate, cleft-lobed, covering only very apex of capsule; spores papillose, about .025-.030 mm., mature in early spring. On clayey or sandy soil in fields or on banks, Europe, Algeria, and, in Xorth America, from western Canada to Xew England south to the Carolinas ; occurs in Ohio and in Pennsylvania but not yet reported from our range. 130 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 2. Acaulon rufescens Jaeger. (Phasciini rufescens Kinclb. ) Plants minute, bulbiform, about 1 mm. high, yellowish- green, not markedly triquetrous : protonema persistent ; lower leaves very small, ecostate, the upper much larger, broadly ovate, deeply concave, convolute, plane-margined, erose-denticu- late at apex ; in larger leaves the costa thick, excurrent into a squarrose-recurved apiculus ; leaf-cells about as in A. triquetrum : seta flexuose or arcuate ; capsule globose, smooth ; calyptra and spores similar to those of A. triqiictruin. On bare clayey or sandy soil in moist fields, Eastern and Central North America. Indiana : Deny. James. (Porter's Catalogue, as Sphaerangiiuii uniticuui [Schreber] Schim- per). 3. PHYSCOMITRHLLA Bryologia Europsea. Paroicous, rarely synoiccus : protonema sparse and disap- pearing early: minute, gregarious, somewhat succulent: stem mostly low, simple, without central strand ; upper leaves rosette-like, spreading, obovate, acute to acuminate, plane- margined, bluntly serrate ; costa ending below the apex ; leaf- cells very lax, rhomboid above, the lower rectangular and sparsely chlorophyllose : seta rudimentary ; capsule sub- globose, without collum, apiculate ; operculum hardly distinct but capsule usually splitting equatorially ; cells of capsule- wall large, hexagonal, thin-walled ; the large columella even- tually completely absorbed ; spores large, papillose ; calyptra narrowly campanulate. A genus of but 2 species : P. hainpci Limpricht, in Europe, and the following: 1 . Physcomitrella patens Hedwig] Bryologea Enropcea. (Phascuin patens Hedwig). • Gregarious, pale green : stem distinct but very short, about 2 mm. ; leaves lance-ovate to oblong or oval, usually shortly and bluntly acuminate, the upper often obovate-acuminate and larger, forming a rosette, all serrate above; costa narrow, ending below the apex; leaf-cells lax, widely rectangular to hexagonal : seta short, capsule globose, thin-walled, usually splitting equatorially, brownish, immersed to slightly emer- gent, obtusely apiculate; spores papillose, .025-.030 mm., ma- ture in autumn : paroicous ; antheridia sessile in upper leaf- axils. On wet clayey or sandy soil in fields, along sides of pools, river banks, etc. Europe, Asia, and, in North America, not uncommon in Ohio and also reported from Lancaster Comity, Pennsylvania. Not yet reported from our region. Ol- WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 131 Family XII. Fl'XARIACEAE. Autoicous or paroicous, rarely dioicous or synoicous : annual or rarely biennial, low. mostly light green, gregarious or loosely cespitose : stem mostly with a central strand, radicu- lose only at the base ; leaves soft, wide, the upper larger and forming a rosette, concave, margin plane to involute, entire or denticulate upwards, sometimes bordered ; costa delicate, rarely excurrent, with two large basal guides, rarely lacking; leaf- cells large, parenchymatous, thin-walled, never papillose, but slightly chlorophyllose, oblong-rectangular below, rhombic- hexagonal above: seta mostly erect and red, twisted; capsule either erect , symmetric and globose to pyriform, or cernuous and arcnate-pyriform ; collum mostly distinct ; annulus rarely present ; peristome inserted back of the periphery to the dis- tance of the thickness of several cells, simple or double, rudi- mentary or none ; teeth 16. obliquely dextrorse, strongly trabeculate ; segments 16, opposite the teeth, with no basal membrane; columella mostly thick; spores mostly medium- sized; operculum mostly weakly convex, sometimes umbonate or none : calyptra various, often inflated, usually rostrate and cucullate. Key to flic Genera. a. Capsule immersed. b. a. Capsule exserted. c. b. Cells of capsule-wall with thickened angles (collenchymatous) capsule dehiscing equatorial!}', with no modified cells at the line of splitting. i. Aphanorhegma. b. Cells of capsule-wall not collenchymatous; capsule operculate and with one to three rows of thickened cells around the mouth. 2. Physcomitrium. c. Capsules symmetric, erect, gymnostomous. 2. Physcomitrium. c. Capsules unsymmetric. peristomate. usually with a double peri- stome. 3- Funana. 1. APHAXORHEGMA Sullivant. Paroicous, rarelv svnoicous : low, gregarious to almost f ^ cespitose, pale green ; stem radiculose at base, loosely foliate below, densely foliate above; leaves spreading or the upper almost erect, obovate to oblong or spatulate-lanceolate, acute, serrate in the upper half; costa ending below the apex; leaf- cells lax, the basal rectangular, the upper oblong-hexagonal, the marginal forming a narrow uniseriate border: seta rudi- C^ CJ mentary ; capsule spherical, without a collum. laxly areolate, the cells at the mouth collenchymatous; annulus none; peri- stome none ; spores large, densely spinulose : operculum half- spherical, of same size as urn, obtusely apiculate : calyptra conic-mitrate, lobed, glabrous. A genus of two species, on damp soil. One in Cuba and the following one in temperate Xorth America: 132 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 1. Aphanorhegma serratum < I looker, f. and Wilson) Sulli- vant. (Plate XVI) Gregarious, light green: stems erect, simple or forking, 1- 5 mm. high, radiculose at base; leaves small and lance-oblong below, rapidly becoming larger up to 3-5 mm. long, narrowly lance-obovate above, the lower widely spreading and rlexuotis, the inner erect-spreading, thin, slightly serrate above the middle, apex acute to acuminate: costa medium, ending in or just below the apex; the median basal cells thin-walled and more or less inflated, rectangular, the marginal narrower, a few quadrate at the base, becoming linear-rectangular above the base, in the upper part of the leaf their tips extending as low serrations, the median rhomboid to short rectangular with walls medium, the apical longer and narrower: seta very short and stout; capsule brown when ripe, globose to de- pressed-globose, about 0.75 mm. in diameter, smooth to apically papillose, splitting in the middle along a line of one or two rows of small more or less orange-pellucid cells, the upper half of the capsule ( operculum ) apiculate-rostrate ; exothecial cells of capsule quadrate, conspicuously collenchy- matous ; calyptra hyaline, conic-mitriform, 4-6-lobecl, covering the upper half of the operculum ; spores globose, about .030 mm. in diameter, orange-pellucid or even darker, mature in autumn. On damp clayey soil in the northern and middle United States, in our region usually along streams where submerged during periods of high water. .Allegheny : Stream banks. Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, August 20, 1906; Guyasuta Hollow. No- vember 9, 1908. and Thornhill, December 29, 1908. ( ). E. J. Fayette : Cheat Haven, September 6, 1910. O. E. j. and G. K. J. (Figured). 2. PHYSCOMITR1TM ( B ridel ) Fuernrohr. Autoicous: mostly minute, densely gregarious to cespi- tose, green, mud-inhabiting mosses: stem erect, simple, radicu- lose below, loosely foliate: leaves flaccid, mostly appressed when dry, spreading when moist, concave, obovate to oblanceo- late or spatulate, mostly not margined, more or less serrate, obtuse to acuminate: costa mostly strong, incomplete to ex- current: areolation lax: seta mostly long; capsule erect, sym- metric, globose to short-pyriforrn, with lax areolation; colluni short and thick ; annul us small-celled and persistent or large- celled and disappearing' in pieces; gymnostomous ; spores large, papillose; operculum broad, conic-convex, umbonate'or OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 133 apiculate ; calyptra long' and erect-rostrate, mitrate, lobed to the base of the beak, covering one-half or less of the capsule. A cosmopolitan genus of about 75 species; 17 species in Xorth America, at least 2 species in our range. Key to the Speeies. a. Seta very short: capsule immersed, wide-mouthed; calyptra small. 1. P. immersion. a. Seta longer; capsule exserted. not wide-mouthed: calyptra larger. 2. P. turbinatitin. 1. Physcomitrium immersurn Sullivant. (Gyinnostoiiiiiiii iitittiersuiu Sullivant ). ( Plate XVI) Plants small, erect, gregarious, light green, simple or branching, 3-8 mm. high; leaves 1.5-3.5 mm. long, obovate to oblanceolate. serrate above the middle, spreading to ascend- ing; costa strong, ending a little below the apex; leaf-cells parenchymatous, rather large and thin-walled, the basal rec- tangular, about 2-5 :1, the upper irregularly oblong, the marginal narrower and in the alar region a few much shorter: capsule immersed, globose to pyriform-globose, 0.6-0.9 mm. in diameter, apiculate-rostrate, about the upper two-fifths con- stituting the operculum, yellow-brown when ripe ; seta con- siderably shorter than capsule and stout : exothecial cells ir- regularly quadrate to hexagonal, somewhat incrassate, the annulus consisting of one to three rows of much smaller, orange-pellucid, to brown-pellucid cells, the cells of the wall usually laterally elongated for one or two rows above and be- low the annulus ; calyptra mitrate, the basal margin 4-5- lobed, covering about one-half of the operculum ; spores dense- ly papillose, orange to brownish-pellucid, globose, in our speci- mens about .035 mm. in diameter, mature in autumn. Usually on clayey or sandy Mood-plains where submerged in time of freshets. Quebec to Colorado and Delaware but not commonly collected, probably on account of its ^mall size and special habitat. Beaver : Clay bank of Little Heaver Creek. Xew dafilee, September 10, 1906. O. E. J. ; Lank of Ohio River, Smith's Ferry, Oc- tober 1, 1910. O. E. J. ( Figured). McKean : East Branch, Bradford. June 15. 1895. D. \. B. 2. Physcomitrium turbinatum (Richardson) C. Mueller. (Phascum strangidatiim Kindberg; Phascnin hookcri Macoun'). ( Plate XVI) Gregarious, often densely so, light green: stems 3-5 mm. high, erect, usualh' simple; leaves 3-5 mm. long, lance-ob- 134 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES long to obovate-lanceolate, slightly serrulate above the middle, Hat and spreading when moist, somewhat crisped and incurved when dry; capsule erect, 1.5-2 mm. high, globose to pyriform, when dry becoming turbinate and constricted below the mouth and at the base, finally becoming brown and urn-shaped ; exothecial cells slightly incrassate, rhomboid to hexagonal, the mouth bordered by about 9-12 rows of laterally somewhat elongated cells and a narrow fringe of orange-pellucid and much smaller cells in 1-3 rows ; operculum convex, bluntly mamillate to sub-rostrate; calyptra somewhat oblique, rostrate, unequally split at base into 3-5 lobes ; spores decidedly papil- lose, orange-pellucid, in our specimens measuring about .026- .040 mm., mature in May and June, occasionally later: autoic- ous. Common on bare earth in fields, along roadsides, etc., from Quebec to Florida and west to the Rocky Mountains, and also in California. Allegheny : Power's Run, April 28, 1907, and Thorn- hill, May 17, 1906. O. E. ). and G. K. J. ; Pittsburgh, April 28, 1907. G. K. J. ; Kennywood, May 3, and Carnot, May 18. 1902." I. A. S. ; Aspinwall, April 9, 1905. Schenley Park, May 16, 1907. Power's Run. May 21, 1905, and Douthett, June 5. 1909. O. F, T. (Figured). Beaver : Heaver Falls. May 14, 1907. O. F. J. Crawford Lawrence McKean Linesville, May 10-11, 1906. O. E. J. New Castle, 1906. Miss Susan Gageby. Gates Hollow, April 29, and Quintuple, June 13, 1898. D. A. B. Somerset : Ursina, May 12, 1905. O. E. J. 3. PL' X ARIA Schreber, Hedwig. Autoicous : the antheridial inflorescences discoid, terminal, the archegonial on innovations: gregarious to cespitose : stem usually simple, radiculose at base; lower leaves distant, small, the upper becoming much larger, those at the apex more or less upright and tufted or gemmiform, entire or serrate, more or less acute ; costa incomplete to excurrent ; areolation lax, elongate-rectangular to rhombic, at the margin sometimes longer and narrower, forming a border : seta elongated, erect or cygneous at fruiting time, later erect and twisted; capsule with a thick collum or elongate-pyriform, symmetric to oblique, arcuate, with a narrow mouth, smooth to plicate, erect to cernuous : annulus large-celled, revoluble or none ; peristome deeply inserted, double or simple, sometimes none ; teeth lance- subulate, reddish to brownish-red, obliquely ascending to the right ; segments as long or shorter, yellow, with basal mem- • F \VESTERX PEXXSYLV. \.\I.\ 135 brane, papillose, ur;p«'site the teeth; spores medium; opercu- ium flat or convex; calyptra long-persistent, inflated-ctictil- late, long-rostrate, smooth, entire. A cosmopolitan genus of about 1(JO species (including Entosthodon) , on soil; 21 species in Xorth America. 3 in our range. Key to the Species. a. Capsule neither striate nor plicate: no annulus. 1. P. aincricana. a Capsule striate and more or less plicate; annulus curling off. b. 1). Leaves long acuminate; costa very often excurrent. 2. F. fhnncans. b. Leaves .short acuminate; costa mostly pcrcurrent. 3. F. 1. Funaria americana Lindbery;. o ( 1:. muhlenbergii Hedwig. — mainly plate, not description,- Lindberg.) Small, gregarious to loosely cespitose: stems very short; leaves erect-spreading, ovate-oblong, long-acuminate, some- what concave, plane-margined, entire ; costa strong, excurrent,. leaf-cells lax, moderately thin-walled, the basal quadrate- hexagonal to rectangular, the upper elongate rectangular : seta slender, rather short, up to 1.5 cm. long, when dry dex- trorse below, sinistrorse above ; capsule erect, subcernuous, pyriform-oblong, the mouth tilted to one side, when dry the long tapering neck rugulose. the urn smoothish and constricted below mouth ; no annulus ; peristome-teeth lance-linear, dex- trorsely tilted, castaneous-pellucid, papillose, articulate, with divisural, strongly trabeculate ; segments about as long and opposite teeth, pale pellucid; lid conic, obtuse, calyptra in- flated, long-rostrate, cucullate ; spores papillose, mature in May : autoicotts. On bare ground, Eastern Pennsylvania to Ohio and Min- nesota, south to Georgia, and in the Rocky Mountains and California, but not often collected. — perhaps to be expected in our region. 2. Funaria flavicans Richardson, Michaux. Loosely cespitose : stems erect, smaller than F. hygrojiietrica;- lower leaves small, the upper leaves larger and tufted, oblong- spatulate to obovate. concave, plane-margined, entire, at apex long-acuminate ; costa percurrent or excurrent ; leaf-cells large, lax ; seta long, erect, capsule oval-pyriform to globose-pyriform, more or less horizontal or downward curved, dark reddish when mature, with mouth less oblique and smaller than in F. hygroinct- rica, gradually attenuate below into the seta, not much furrowed 136 A MANUAL Ol- MOSSES when old : lid low-convex, not apiculate ; spores about .025 mm. in diameter, mature in May or June : autoicous. On bare moist earth, usually clay, Abyssinia and. in Xorth America, from Xew York south and west. Lawrence : T. P.James. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Funaria hygrometrica | L. — Sibthorp] Hedwig. (Plate XVII.) Loosely cespitose, rather light green : stems about 3-10 mm. high, erect, radiculose at base, simple or basally divided; leaves erect to appressed, concave, forming a bulbiform tuft, oblong-ovate, acute or shortly acuminate, entire or slightly crenate, larger leaves 2-4 mm. long by three-fifths as wide, strongly costate to the apex or percurrently costate ; cells rec- tangular to hexagonal, narrower towards margin, above more or less quadrate-hexagonal, the lower more or less inflated, above becoming more or less incrassate: seta about 2-5 cm. high, erect, sinistrorse, flexuous, lustrous, chestnut-brown, paler above ; capsule unsymmetric, arched and turgid on upper side, 2-3 mm. long, strongly incurved at mouth, deeply sulcate when dry, pyriform, yellowish to brown when old, usually more or less horizontal but the upper part of seta often vari- ously bent and curved and strongly hygroscopic ; mouth about 0.6-0.8 mm. wide, annulus revoluble, deep castaneous ; opercu- lum low-convex ; peristome-teeth castaneous-pellucid, papil- lose, strongly trabeculate, spirally twisted, united at apex ; segments about three-fourths as long, papillose ; spores smooth, round, about .014-.017 mm.; mature in May or June; calyptra cucullate, long-rostrate, early deciduous : autoicous. Widely distributed over the earth ; throughout North America. Common in our region on earth, burnt-over spots, etc. ( Quite variable in size and leaf-characters but we have x *-w not been able to recognize any of the several described vane- ties in our region.) Allegheny : Power's Run, April 22, and May 23, 1905. April 18, 1906. Schenley Park, Pitts- burgh, August 16, 1905; Sandy Creek, May 8, 1904; Carnot, May 20, 1907, and October 11. 1908; Fern Hollow, August 20. 1906; Allegheny, May 26. 1909; Li- brary P. O., April 29, 1906, all O. E. J.; Bakerstown Station, August 22, 1907. O. E. T. and G. K. T- Beaver Cambria : Crawford Beaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. J. St. Lawrence, |uly 24, 1908. O. E. [. Linesville, May 10, 1906, and May 12 and Ma 28, 1908.' O. E. OF WESTERN" PENNSYLVANIA 137 Fayette : Ohio Pyle. June 14, 1908. O. E. J. and September 1-3, 1906, and Cheat Haven, September 3-6. 1910. O. E. I. and G. K. I. ( ireene Huntingdon Lawrence Mercer Somerset Washinton Waynesburg, May 30. 1904. O. E. I. Birmingham, May 17, 1904. O. E'. J. New Castle, Apri'l 28, 1907. Miss Susan Gaeb. Houston Junction, Inly 12, 1902. [. A. S. Ursina, May 12, 1905.' O. E. I. Finleyville, July 2, 1904. G. E. K. ; Char- leroi," April 24/1908. O. E. J. Westmoreland : I.igonier to Donegal, June 23, 1904. O. E. I. (Figured); New Florence, September 8-11, 1907. O. E. (.; Saunders Station, June 21, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Family XIII. SCHISTOSTEGACEAE. This family consists of one genus only, the characters be- ing as follows : 1. SCHISTOSTEGA. Mohr. Dioicous: inflorescences gemmiform, terminal, paraphyses none: minute and slender mosses in holes in earth, in caves, etc. : annual, gregarious on an abundant persistent protonema, which is more or less luminous by reflected light ; sterile stems fiom the middle upwards with distichous, basally confluent leaves; fertile stems with a terminal 5-seriate tuft of leaves ; leaves unistratose, ecostate ; cells prosenchymatous, lax-rhom- bic, sparsely chlorophyllose : seta thin, erect, almost hyaline ; capsule minute, erect, symmetric, globose, without stomata, annulus, or peristome ; operculum small, convex ; calyptra very small and fugacious, mitrate, covering only the operculum, smooth and naked ; propagation often by brood-bodies on the protonema. One species only, in crevices and caves in non-calcareous districts, in Europe, and, in North America, in New York and Ontario, Rocky Mountains, British Columbia, Thompson's Eedges, Ohio, and White Mountains. 1. Schistostega pennata | Hedwig] Hooker and Taylor. ( Gymnostomum pcnnatum Hedwig, Schistostega osmuudocca Mohr. ) With characters as given for the genus. Family XIV. BRYACEAE. Dioicous, autoicous. paroicous, or synoicous, sometimes heteroicous ; antheridial inflorescences with paraphyses; 13S A MANUAL OF MOSSES cespitose. persistent, mostly on soil or rocks, sometimes on trees or rotting wood ; stem usually rounded-pentagonal, with central strand, radiculose at least at base; leaves in several >eiies, below mostly small and remote, above larger and often tufted, often bordered: costa mostly with 2-5 median guides, often excurrent ; cells never papillose, upper prosenchymatous, mostly rhomboidal or rhombic-hexagonal, rarefy linear or vermicular, basal rectangular to quadrate : seta elongate, erect, smooth, more or less curved; capsule cernuous to pendulous, sometimes erect, mostly symmetric, rarely arcuate, neither striate nor plicate, ovate or pyriform, rarely almost globose; collum evident, usually wrinkling when dry; annulus usually present, large-celled, spirally deciduous; peristome rarely none, or simple, mostly double, the 16 teeth often bordered, hygro- scopic, papillose on the exterior, especially towards the apex, divisural line evident, trabeculse prominent ; segments alternat- ing with teeth, delicate, yellowish or hyaline, often with cilia, often united below into a basal membrane ; spores small to medium ; operculum conic to convex, umbonate to apiculate or rarely short-rostrate : calyptra cucullate, small, fugacious. A large and cosmopolitan family of about 15 genera and 1,000 species. Key to flic Genera. a. Leaf-cells narrow, upwards narrowly rhombic to linear. b. a. Leaf-cells lax, upwards rhombic to hexagonal, never linear. c. b. Leaves long-subulate; cilia prominently appendiculate. i. Lcptobryuni. b. Leaves linear-lanceolate; cilia non-appendiculate, often rudi- mentary or none. 2. Webera. c. Annulus mostly none: leaves non-bordered. 3. Mniobryum. c. Annulus present; leaves often bordered. d. d. Sporogonia single; stem without rhizome-like stolons. 4. Bryum. d. Sporogonia often several together; stems erect from rhizome- like stolons. 5. Rhodobryum. 1. LEPTO BRYUM (Schimper) Wilson. Synoicous or dioicous ; paraphyses of the antheridial in- florescence with an acuminate end-cell ; no paraphyses in the archegonial inflorescence : weak, cespitose in low, soft, lax, yellowish-green tufts; stem erect, thin, brown-radiculose at base; lower leaves remote, small, lanceolate, uppermost leaves much larger, tufted, erect to spreading, elongate-subulate from a lanceolate base, canaliculate and often distinctly toothed to- wards the apex ; costa broad, flat, incomplete or percurrently rilling the apex ; cells very narrow and long, in the subulation linear, the basal rectangular-elongate: seta short to long,, very OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 139 thin, tortuous, twisted when dry ; capsule cernuous to almost pendent, with a thin, long, somewhat arcuate, pyriform collum, lustrous, narrow-mouthed; annulus narrow, deciduous; peri- stome-teeth pale yellow, the upper part subulate and bordered ; segments about as long, fenestrate, the lower third forming a basal membrane, the cilia mostly long-appendiculate; spores of medium size ; operculum small, convex, and mostly umbonate. A genus of three species ; one in Tasmania, one in Ecuador, and the following, almost a cosmopolitan : 1. Leptobryum pyriforme [Linnaeus] Wilson. ( Wcbera pirifontiis Heclwig). (Plate XVII) Densely cespitose in light yellowish-green, soft, lustrous tufts: stems .5-1.5 cm. high, slender, erect, reddish, brown- radiculose at base ; leaves mostly erect-spreading, flexuous, the upper forming a comal tuft, linear-setaceous, up to 4-5 mm., long, the basal portion lanceolate, the upper portion flexuous, with plane margin, denticulate above ; costa strong but rather wide and indistinct, occupying most of the upper portion of the leaf and somewhat excurrent ; leaf-cells narrow and linear- prosenchymatous, or below elongate and parenchymatous, at base rectangular and larger, all thin-walled ; perichastial bracts linear from a wider base : seta slender, flexuous, orange to brown, about 1-1.5 cm. long; capsule inclined to pendulous, pyriform with a long narrow neck, altogether about 2.5 mm. long, the neck much wrinkled when old, and at least as long as the globose-oval part of the capsule, which is a lustrous orange- to dark chestnut-brown, the mouth rather wide ; annulus wide; peristome-teeth yellowish, linear-lanceolate, the upper third suddenly narrower and sub-hyaline and papil- lose, trabeculate, lamellae and divisural evident ; segments about as long, carinately split and sometimes gaping; cilia 3, strongly appendiculate, about as long as segments, basal mem- brane one-third to almost one-half the height of the teeth; operculum convex-apiculate : spores smoothish, about .012- .015 mm.: usually synoicous : mature in June or July. On moist shaded soil, old walls, shaded cliffs and rocks near trickling water, etc. Cosmopolitan. Rather common in our regon. Allegheny : On stone wall, Perrysville Avenue, Alle- gheny, May 26, 1909 (Figured) ; on cliffs along roadside, Stoop's Ferry, May 17, 1907; on decayed logs, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, August 26, 1906. O. E. I. ; in Ferguson's greenhouse, Allegheny, April 30, 1889. J. A. S. 140 A MANUAL OF MOSSES McKean : Bennett Brook, on decaying log, Decem- ber 2, 1894, and at Quintuple, fune 15, 1896. D. A. B. 2. WEBERA Hedwig. (Pohlia Hedwig). Mostly paroicons or dioicous : paraphyses mostly present and filiform : robust to weak, gregarious or cespitose : stem mostly red ; leaves more or less tufted on the fertile shoots, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, non-bordered, towards apex more or less toothed; costa mostly incomplete; cells narrowly rhomboid-hexagonal to linear, the basal slightly more lax : seta long, slender, tortuous and twisted, at apex hooked or curved; capsule cernnous or pendulous, rarely erect, with short collum, obovate to oblanceolate or long-clavate : annulus mostly biseriate ; peristome inserted near the mouth ; teeth yellowish, papillose, with border narrow or none ; segments mostly about as long, rarely rudimentary, often with a low basal membrane, often narrow, usually split but not fenestrate, cilia non-appendiculate, often rudimentary or lacking ; spores mostly small ; operculum convex-conic, umbonate or apiculate. A world-wide genus of about 140 species, inhabiting soil, rocks, and decaying . wood. Forty-six species in North America; at least 5 species in our range. Key to the Species. a. Leaf-cells very narrow, inner peristome with a low basal mem- brane, complete narrow segments, and cilia often rudimentary or none. b. a. Leaf-cells narrow: basal membrane comprising one-third to one- half the height of the inner peristome; segments split, cilia well developed. c. b. Paroicous; capsule long and slender with a long slender collum. i. W . elongata. b. Polyoicous: capsule oblong to pyriform with a rather short collum. 2. IV. cntdo. c. Paroicous; not bearing gemmae: costa hardly reaching the serrate apex. d. c. Dioicous; often bearing gemmae: costa incomplete or percurrent e. d. Cilia two, not sub-appendiculate. articulate. 3. W . initaus. d. Cilia three, distinctly sub-appendiculate. 30. W. nntctjis var. tri- ciliota. e. Costa not reaching apex: capsule small and very short: stem net reddish. 4. W . Icscuriana. e, Costa percurrent: capsule larger and not so relatively short; ^*cm reddish. f. f. Gemmae ovoid, obtuse or with short and not twisted points. 5. W. annotina. f. Gemmae long, narrow, with acuminate and often twisted points. 6. W. proligera. OF \VESTERX PEXXSYLYAXTA 141 1. Webera elongata [ Hedwig] Schwaegrichen. ( PoJilia elougata Hechvig ) . Gregarious to cespitose, bright pale green : stems erect, up to 2 cm. high, branching towards base ; leaves crowded and larger in the comal tufts, lanceolate, erect-spreading, thin, the margin recurved below, the apex gradually narrowed, serrate; costa brownish, vanishing below or at the apex; leaf-cells narrow, linear-rhomboidal and vermicular above, hexagonal- rectangular below: seta long, slender, 2-4.5 cm. high; capsule sub-erect to horizontal, narrowly elliptic, pale, 2-5.5 mm. long, the neck slender and longer than the rest of the capsule, when dry and empty the capsule constricted belowr the mouth ; opercuium conic-acuminate or acutely rostellate ; outer peri- stome yellowish, the inner with a basal membrane about one- third as high as the teeth ; cilia two, more or less well-de- \eloped but always short and never appendiculate : paroicous ; antheridia in pairs in axils of upper leaves: mature in August. On earth and among rocks, in crevices, etc., where moist, usually in the mountains. Europe, northern Africa, Asia, Xorth America from Greenland to the northern United States and Colorado. Rare in our range. \Ye have seen no speci- mens from Pennsylvania, but it is reported as follows : McKean : Bradford. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Webera cruda | Linnaeus] Schwaegrichen. (Pohlia cruda Lindberg). Robust, up to 6 or 7 cm. high, glaucous green and shining above, brownish below : stems red, simple, cespitose ; the leaves below ovate, becoming linear-lanceolate in the comal tuft, erect-spreading, serrate towards the moderately acute apex, margin plane, rather rigid ; costa reddish at base, not reaching apex ; leaf-cells linear-prosenchymatous above, larger and rec- tangular at base, where often reddish: seta long; capsule ob- long, with inconspicuous neck, often unsymmetric, mostly horizontal, castaneous or red-brown, when dry and empty ventricose at base and constricted at the mouth ; opercuium conic-apiculate ; peristome yellowish, basal membrane one- third as high as teeth, cilia two or three, well-developed ; usual- ly autoicous. sometimes synoicous or dioicous : scores mature in summer. On shaded earth, clefts in rocks, etc., usually in mountain- ous regions. Cosmopolitan but local in its distribution. In our region rare, being unknown from \Yestern Pennsylvania, hut reported from the eastern part of Pennsylvania and from Painesville, Ohio. 142 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 3. Webera nutans [Schreber] Hedwig. (Plate XVII) (Polilia until us Lindberg). More or less densely cespitose, usually dark green : stems about 1-2 cm. high, branching by lateral innovations, or from the base, erect, matted with a castaneous tomentnm below, reddish ; leaves ovate below to much longer and linear-lanceo- late in the comal tuft, hardly decnrrent, the comal long- acuminate, the margin often somewhat recurved below, denti- culate towards apex, leaves somewhat shrunken, twisted and lustrous when dry; costa strong, reddish, ending in or a little below apex; leaf-cells long-rhomboid and more or less pointed and prosenchymatous above, rectangular below, slightly nar- rower towards the margin : seta slender, flexuous, usually 2-3 cm. long, lustrous, castaneous below, often yellowish above; capsule horizontal to sub-pendulous, oblong to obovate, usual- ly about 3-4 mm. in length, with a distinct but short neck, often gibbous when dry and then contracted below the wide mouth, yellowish to brown in age; operculum convex-mamil- late ; peristome-teeth orange-yellow below, paler and papillose .in the rather abruptly narrowed upper half, strongly trabecu- late, lamellate, divisural zigzag and distinct ; segments about as long, carinately split and gaping below but remaining un- split at apex; cilia nearly as long, two in number, filiform, articulate, basal membrane half as high as teeth ; annulus wide, revoluble ; spores smoothish, yellowish-pellucid, about .014- .016 mm., mature in early summer: autoicous ; antheridia in axils of upper leaves. On soil and decaying wood in moist places or swampy fie1, 's or woods. Cosmopolitan and common. Allegheny : Power's Run, May 11, 1904. May 28, 1905. [une 17, 1908, May 12 and 22," and June 17, 1909. O. E. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, August 16, 1906. O. E. J. Beaver : Heaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. J. Cambria: : Cresson, May 18, 1904, St. Lawrence, July 24, 1908. O. E. J. Center : Barrens near Scotia, July 14, and Tussey's Mt., near Shingletown, July 15, 1909. O. E.J. Crawford : Linesville, June 6, 1904, May 12 and June 12, 1908. 6. E. J. Hartstown, May 29- 30, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Erie : Presque Isle, May 8-9, 1906 (Figured)* and June 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. OF WESTERX PEXXSYLVAXIA 143 Fayette : Ohio Pylc, May 30, 1902. J. A. S. ; Ohio Pyle. May 13/1905, and fune 14, 1908. 9- E- J- Indiana : Cush Gushing Creek, Cherry Tree, July 11, 1908. O. E. J. Lawrence : Graceland Cemetery, New Castle, 1906. Miss Susan Gageby. Montour : Top of Montour Mt.. July 17, 1908. O. E. J. * ' McKean : Bradford, June 7, 1896, and Rutherford, June 19, 1896. D. A. B. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Cata- logue). Westmoreland : Chestnut Ridge. Hillside, May 23, 1908, and May 22, 1909. O. E. J. 3i/. Webera nutans var. triciliata New Variety. * (Plate XVIII) Plants iaxl}- to densely cespitose, shining, dark green to yellowish : stem simple or sparsely branched, erect, castaneous, at the base reddish-radiculose, about 6-15 mm. high ; lower leayes short, about 0.5-1.0 mm. long, costate almost to the apex, oyate, aboye the leaves becoming relatively longer and oyate-lanceolate, denticulate towards the apex; upper leayes clustered, erect-spreading, 2.5-4.0 mm. long, lanceolate, sub- decurrent, denticulate at apex, acuminate, non-margined, strongly percurrently to excurrently costate ; perichsetial leayes elongate-lanceolate to linear, long-acuminate, denticulate at apex, excurrently costate ; cells of the lower and median leaves incrassate, aboye the middle oblong-hexagonal to rhomboidal, about .010-.015><.035-.065 mm. elongate-rectangular at base where about .008-.020X-040-. 100 mm"; cells of the comal and perichsetial leayes incrassate, elongate to linear-prosenchyma- tous, about .008-.01lX-040-.065 mm., towards the margin gradually narrower and there reaching .003-.006X-080-.100 mm., at the base elongate-rectangular: inflorescence paroicous. terminal ; antheridia in the axils of the comal leayes : pedicel solitary, slender, lustrous, castaneous, erect (rlexuous, about 4-6 cm. high ; capsule horizontal to sub-pendulous, smooth, castaneous to yellowish-brown, oyate-oblong, often yery slight- ly curyed, 2.5-3.5 mm. long, when dry and empty contracted under the mouth, the basal third narrowed into a collum ; exothecial cells incrassate, yellowish-pellucid, irregularly sub- quadrate to oblong-hexagonal or elongate-rectangular, about .025-.035X-035-.050 mm., in three to fiye rows under the mouth abruptly smaller, sub-quadrate, somewhat opaque, and about .006-.010X-012-.018 mm. ; annulus broad, reyoluble ; operculum 144 A MANUAL OF MOSSES rather wide, conic-mamillate ; teeth of peristome linear-lanceo- late, yellowish, articulate, strongly trabeculate, narrowly mar- gined above, sub-hyaline and papillose at apex ; segments of inner peristome nearly as long as teeth, hyaline, granular, carinately split and gaping, cilia three, as long as segments, fili- form, strongly articulate and often sub-appendiculate, hyaline, granular ; basal membrane reaching to middle of teeth ; spores minutely roughened, yellowish-pellucid. .012-.015 mm. in diameter, mature in June. On earth with more or less humus. Thus far known only as follows : Butler : On earth under pines on rocky hillside, West Winfield, May 26, 1906. O. E. J. Cra\vford : On hummocks of earth with Polytrichum, near Hartstown, July 26, 1908. "O. E. J. Type Specimen (Figured). 4. Webera lescuriana (Sullivant) Jaeger. (Bryuin pulchelluui Sullivant, not Hedwig. } (Plate XVIII) Gregarious to loosely cespitose, pale green: stems not red, ascending, usually simple, usually 1-1.5 cm. long; leaves small and remote below, gradually increasing in size and number above, the upper lanceolate, the comal linear-lanceolate, up to 2,5 mm. long, long-acuminate at the serrulate apex, the margins more or less recurved, the base non-decurrent ; costa strong, reddish, ending below apex ; leaf-cells elongate-rhomboid-hexa- gonal, prosenchymatous, rather thick-walled, the basal often reddish and tending to rectangular, the marginal slightly nar- rower: seta erect, 1-1.5 cm. long, yellowish-brown, lustrous, slender flexuous ; capsule horizontal to abruptly pendent, short. 1.5-2 cm. long, yellowish-brown, the short tapering neck darker brown, capsule pyriform in general shape, when dry and empty widely flaring at the mouth ; operculum conic-apiculate to mamillate ; annulus revoluble ; peristome rather short, teeth linear-lanceolate, yellowish-pellucid, abruptly narrowed above the middle to a sub-hyaline papillose apex, divisural and lamellae present, trabecul?e strong, often a few connected by oblique or vertical bars; segments of inner peristome a little shorter than teeth, carinately split and gaping, cilia usually two. sometimes one, articulate, shorter than segments : basal mem- brane one-third the height of teeth ; spores minutely roughened, about .015-.018 mm., mature in May: dioicous. On wet clay or sandy soil, Xew Brunswick to Alabama and Arkansas. Probably not rare in our region. Allegheny : Power's Run, May 7, 1905. O. E. I, McKean : Quintuple, May 7.' 1896. D. A. B. OF WESTERN* PEXXSYLVAXIA 145 Westmoreland: On damp clay with Pogonatum, slope of Chestnut Ridge, Hillside, May 22, 1909. O. E. J. (Figured). 5. Webera annotina [Linnaeus] Schwaegrichen. (Pohlia annotina Lindberg). Loosely cespitose, light green : stems short, 1-2 cm., brandling with slender stiff innovations from the base ; leaves below small, lanceolate, non-decurrent, the upper longer, nar- row-lanceolate, acuminate, margins somewhat recurved, ser- rulate at apex ; costa nearly or quite percurrent, often reddish at base ; leaf-cells rather thick-walled, narrowly rhomboid, small : seta red, rlexuous ; capsule small, about 2 mm. long, castaneous, the neck about as long as the rest of capsule, taper- ing, the whole capsule oval-pyriform, inclined to horizontal; annulus broad, revoluble : operculum conic-apiculate ; mouth wide; peristome-teeth yellowish, segments widely carinately gaping, cilia in pairs, articulate ; exothecial cells more or less collenchymatous : the sterile stems bearing in the axils of most of the leaves greenish, sub-sessile, clustered, ovate to ovoid gemmae with short non-twisted points : dioicous. Moist, sandy soil, especially among rocks in mountains. Europe, Algeria, Asia, and, in North America, from Greenland to British Columbia and south to Xew England, Pennsylvania, and Kansas. Rare in our region. Beaver : Lesquereux. (Porter's Catalogue). 6. Webera proligera i Lindberg) Kindberg. (Pohlia proligera Lindberg). Gregarious to loosely cespitose, pale green : stems rather slender ; leaves similar to those of IV. annotina but somewhat longer and larger ; gemmae numerous in the axils of the upper leaves and differing from those in IV. annotina in being longer and narrower and more or less fusiform with acuminate and often twisted points: the capsule has a shorter neck (Dixon and Jame- son's Handbook ) and the exothecial cells are not collenchymatous : dioicous : fruit rare. This species inhabits sandy soil in moist situations, especially among rocks in mountains, as does also IV. annotina. with which it has been considerably confused. It occurs in Europe, and, in Xorth America, from northern Canada and Alaska to South Carolina and Minnesota. It is not yet reported in Western Pennsylvania but has been found along Lick Run in West Vir- ginia, at the southern edge of our region. 3. M Ar / O B R Y U M ( Schimper. ex parte) Limpricht. Dioicous, rarely polyoicous : weak to robust, loosely cespi- tose in brownish to whitish-green tufts, or gregarious : stems 146 A MANUAL Ob' MOSSES erect, red, radiculose at base ; leaves erect to erect-spreading, the upper lanceolate to lance-linear, the apex acute and dis- tantly serrulate ; costa mostly incomplete ; cells lax and thin- walled ; seta elongate, when dry sinistrorse, more or less hooked or curved at the top ; capsule more or less pendent, usually short-pyriform, wide-mouthed, almost turbinate, exothecial cells mostly hexagonal and often broader than high ; annulus none in our species ; peristomes equal in length ; teeth lanceo- late, finely papillose, not prominently bordered ; inner peristome yellowish, the basal membrane constituting one-half or more of its height ; segments split, cilia 2-3, well developed, weakly articulate ; spores medium size ; operculum medium size, quite convex, often apiculate. A genus of about 15 species, distributed over the whole earth, five of these being in North America, one in our range. 1. Mniobryum wahlenbergii [Weber and Mohr] New Combination. (M. albicans Limpricht ; IVcbcra albicans Schimper; Hypnuin zvahlenbergii Weber and Mohr). (Plate XVIII) Cespitose in soft, large, glaucous or whitish-green tufts: stems usually 2-6 cm. long, more or less chestnut-red, especial- ly in the older portion, slender, flexuous, branched and matted together with a brownish tomentum at base ; leaves remote be- low, in the upper portion rather remote, about 2.5 mm. long, when dry somewhat shrunken but hardly twisted, spreading, widely ovate-lanceolate, at the base narrowed and somewhat decurrent, the margin plane and serrulate towards the obtusely acute apex; costa strong, reddish, ending a little below apex; leaf-cells rhombic-hexagonal, pellucid, about .015-.025 mm. wide, slightly narrower towards margin, tending to become inflated and rectangular at base but hardlv distinctly so, the o ^ J lowermost often reddish : seta erect-flexuous, 2-4 cm. high, slender, yellowish to reddish-brown, abruptly hooked at the summit; capsule pendent, shortly wide-pyriform, about 2.5 mm. long, reddish-brown when ripe, the neck short and wide, when dry and empty the capsule wide-mouthed ; annulus none ; peristome-teeth brownish-yellow, pellucid, strongly trabecu- late, the trabeculse often with oblique connections, the lamellae and divisural indistinct, teeth lance-linear, papillose and sub- hyaline at apex; segments equal in length to teeth, narrow, carinately split, the cilia 2-4, sometimes more or less connected at apex, nearly as long as segments, papillose ; basal membrane nearly reaching middle of teeth ; spores smoothish, rather thin- walled, about .018-.024 mm.; operculum convex-apiculate ; exothecial cells irregularly quadrate-hexagonal, yellowish- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 147 pellucid, rather thin-walled, 2-3 rows at month much smaller and darker: dioicous ; antheridial flower terminal, discoid, the perigonial bracts wide-spreading: mature in our region in May. Almost a cosmopolitan in ditches, springs, or wet clay banks. etc. Rarely fruiting but rather common sterile. Allegheny : Fern Hollow and Schenley Park, August. 1905. O. E. J. Beaver : Near Beaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. J. MeKean : Springy places. Quintuple, May 17, 1895. D. A. B. (Figured). Westmoreland : Wet soil in niches of cliff, Saunders Sta- tion, June 21, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 4. B R Y (' M [Dillerjiusl Schimper. Mostly synoicous : paraphyses present, filiform: perennial, small, robust, rarely gregarious, usually more or less densely cespitose : stem upright to ascending, often red, branching be- low the inflorescence, radiculose ; lower leaves remote, upper leaves tufted, mostly erect-spreading, concave, oval or ovate to lanceolate, or elliptic to spatulate, mostly acute, often nar- rowed and decurrent at base, mostly bordered, entire or toothed towards the apex ; costa mostly strong, often excur- rent, projecting dorsally, provided with median guides; leaf- cells mostly rhombic- to rhomboid-hexagonal, the basal parenchymatous, quadrate to elongate-rectangular; perichaetial leaves narrower and smaller inside : seta long, reddish to brown, hooked or arcuate at apex, capsule cernuous to pendent, rarely horizontal, the collum distinct, pyriform to cylindric, rarely ovoid to globose, symmetric to slightly curved, the curve sometimes being entirely in the collum, phaneropore, annulus present, large-celled, pluriseriate, revoluble ; the two peristomes of nearly equal length, teeth confluent at their in- sertion, lanceolate to linear-subulate, often abruptly narrowed above the middle, yellowish to orange, often hyaline at apex and sometimes with a hyaline border, dorsally minutely papil- lose, trabeculae sometimes united by cross-partitions ; seg- ments mostly free, basal membrane usually high, outwardly carinate, segments narrowly linear to lanceolate-subulate, split along the keel and more or less fenestrate or gaping, rarely entire : cilia filiform, rarely short or lacking, often appendicu- late : spores .010-.050 mm. ; operculum conic to convex-um- bonate or rarely quite apiculate. A large and difficult genus of about 850 species, of wide distribution : about 170 species in North America, of which there are 8 or 9 snecies in our rancre. 148 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Key to the Species. a. Leaves distinctly bordered. b. a. Leaves not distinctly bordered, at least not above. i. b. Costa vanishing below the apex. 9. B. capillarc. b. Costa percurrent to long-excurrent. c. c. Leaves long-decurrent; costa short-excurrent. d. c. Leaves short- or non-decurrent; costa long-excurrent. e. d. Synoicous. 3. B. bhinuii. d. Dinicous. 2. B. pseud otriquetrum. e. Peristome-teeth with the trabeculas connected b}' various cross partition^. 1. B. ccninntn. e Peristome-teeth with trabecnla? unconnected. f. f. Autoicous: antheridia at apex of lateral innovations. 6. B. pallescens. f. Dioicous. g. f. Synoicons. h. if. Leaves ovate-lanceolate with rhomboidal cells. 7. B. caespiticium. ir. Leaves rounded to wide-obovate; cells short-hexagonal. 9. B. capillare. h. Leaves non-decurrent; spores about .025 mm. 5. B. intermedium. h. Leaves shortly decurrent : spores about .010 — .014 mm. 4. B. (if fine. i. Costa long-excurrent. 5. B. intermedium. i. Costa vanishing a little above middle of leaf. 8. B. ar^ 1. Bryum cernuum | Hornschuch] Bryologia Europsea. (B. pendulum Schimper; Cynontodium ccrnuuin Hedwig). (Plate XVIII) Densely cespitose, usually darkish-green : stems in our region short, about 6-9 mm., erect, sparsely branched, matted below with a castaneous tomentum. stem reddish ; leaves rather lax, somewhat tufted, close, erect-spreading, ovate-lanceolate, long-cuspidate-acuminate, more or less recurved on the bor- ders, reddish at base, usually obscurely denticulate at apex, when dry rigid, shrunken and somewhat twisted ; costa stout, reddish, long-excurrent ; leaf-cells rather small, rhomboidal to somewhat elongate above, at base thin- walled, rather in- flated, rectangular, at margin linear-prosenchymatous in 2-4 rows, forming a strong border: seta usually 3-4 cm. long, slen- der, ilexuous, lustrous, castaneous; capsule pendulous, elongate oval-pyriform, usually 4-5 mm. long, tapering below into a neck about 1.5 mm. long, brownish, hardly contracted below the mouth except when dried prematurely; annulus 2— 3-seriate, revoluble ; operculum rather small, conic-apiculate ; peristome- teeth linear-triangular, yellowish-pellucid below, sub-hyaline and papillose abo\ e, strongly trabecnlate and with prominent OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAX1A 149 oblique or vertical connections between the plates, the lamellae and divisural indistinct, the inner peristome more or less close- ly adherent to the teeth, the segments narrow, the cilia 2-3 and rudimentary, the basal membrane about two-fifths the height of the teeth; spores large, .024-.030 mm., yellowish- pellucid, minutely roughened; exothecial cells incrassate, yel- lowish-pellucid, irregularly rounded-quadrate to hexagonal, the upper four or five rows much smaller, rounded to transversely elongate, reddish-pellucid: synoicous : mature in June. On earth, rocks, walls, and decaying logs. Temperate regions and mountains of Europe, Algeria, Asia, and Xorth America from Greenland to Alaska and south to the northern United States. Rare in our region. Allegheny : Sloping shaly hillside. Fern Hollow. Pitts- burgh, June 8, 1909. G. K. J. < Figured). 2. Bryum pseudotriquetrum | Hedwig, p. p.] Schwaegrichen. (B. i;entricosum Dickson). This species is practically similar to Brynin bitiuuii in every- thing except that it is dioicous. According t<> Dixon and Jame- son's Handbook the paler, more lax-leaved, and more flaccid plants usually belong to B. bin nun while the more rigid and com- pact specimens are B. pseudotriquetrum, — but this is not always the case. This species has much the same habitat and the same range as does B. biinnni, but in our region seems to be rare. In Porter's Catalogue it is reported from Cresson, Cambria County, by James, and in the Carnegie Museum are specimens from two lo- calities in McKean County which were distributed as this species, but which prove to be synoicous and typically B. binnim. 3. Bryum bimum [Schreher] Uridel. (Mnhuii binniw P>ridel). (Plate XIX) Rather loosely but deeply cespitose and matted together with a chestnut-colored tomentum : stems usually 3-6 cm. high, rather sparsely branching; leaves long-decurrent, 2-3. mm long, elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the mar- gins revolute almost to apex, serrulate above; costa reddish, strong, percurrent to excurrent : leaf-cells rhomboid-hexagonal, the basal inflated-rectangular, the marginal in three or four rows linear-prosenchymatous and more or less yellowish- pellucid, forming a distinct border; leaves when dry more or less shrunken, twisted, and appressed : seta 2.5-5.5 cm. long, slender, flexuous, lustrous, castaneous ; capsule 3-5 mm. long, pendulous, brown, sub-cylindric, tapering to a neck which is but slightly shorter than the rest of capsule, slightly con- 150 A MANUAL OF MOSSES stricted below the mouth when dry and empty, sometimes un- syinmetrically up-curved; operculum broad, convex-mamillate ; annulus large, revoluble : mouth deep chestnut, pellucid ; peri- stome teeth linear-triangular, yellowish-pellucid below, sub- hyaline and papillose above, strongly trabeculate, lamellate, divisural zig-zag; basal membrane of inner peristome half the height of teeth, the segments a little shorter, hyaline, carinate- ly split, cilia 3, strongly appendiculate ; spores yellowish, .014- .016 mm., minutely "punctulate" or granular: synoicous : ma- ture in July. On wet soil, rocks, or decaying wood, in swamps or other wet places. Cosmopolitan: in our region more common in the mountains and in the swampy glaciated region towards the northwestern corner of Pennsylvania. Allegheny : \Vildwood, June 11. 1908. O. E. J. Cambria : Flinton. July 23, 1908, and St. Lawrence. July 24, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). Center : Scotia, Barrens near town, September 22, 1909. O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, June 12, 1908, and Hartstown, May 29-31. 1909. O. E. J. Erie : Prescme Isle, May 8-9 and September 20- 22. 1906. O. E. 'I. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906, O. E. J. and G. K. J.. and June 14. 1908. O. E. j! Indiana : fames (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Quintuple. June 13, 1897. D. A. B. 4. Bryum affine (I'ridel) Lindberg. (B. cuspidatum Schimper). (Plate XIX) Rather densely cespitose. becoming dark green : stem short, in ours usually 1-2 cm., occasionally longer, with slender innovations, somewhat matted with a brownish tomentum, dark brown ; leaves rather numerous, somewhat clasping and shortly decurrent, the margins revohite to near the apex where the leaves are slenderly acuminate and more or less serrulate, the leaves ranging from oblong-lanceolate below to elongate ovate-lanceolate above and on the branches ; when dry the leaves are moderately shrunken and twisted ; costa strong. f' <> reddish, long excurrent : leaf-cells rhomboid-hexagonal above, to thin-walled, reddish, and more or less inflated-rectangular at the base, the marginal in two to five rows of linear-prosenchy- matous more or less yellowish-pellucid cells forming a strongly marked border: seta slender, flexuous. lustrous-castaneous. about 2-4.5 cm. in height ; capsule 3-4 mm. long, elongate OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXJA 151 oblong-pyriform, with a tapering" neck a little shorter than the rest of the capsule, yellowish-brown, finally deep brown, when dry and empty constricted below the deeper-colored mouth, more or less pendulous; operculum wide, convex-mamillate ; annulus wide, revoluble; peristome-teeth linear-triangular, yellowish-pellucid below, sub-hyaline and papillose above, >irongly trabeculate, lamellate, the zig-zag divisural usually faint; basal membrane of inner peristome about half the length of the teeth, the segments carinately split, hyaline and papil- lose, a little shorter than the teeth, the three filiform ap- pendiculate cilia somewhat shorter than the segments ; spores yellowish-pellucid, minutely roughened, usually about .010- .014 mm. ; exothecial cells irregularly quadrate to rectangular- hexagonal, incrassate, three or four rows below the mouth be- ing much smaller, rounded-quadrate and reddish-pellucid ; synoicous : spores mature in summer. Allegheny : Sewickley, May 21, 1889, L A. S. ; Power's Run, May 4, 1905. O. E. L and G. E. K. ; Stoop's Ferry, May 20, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. " Erie : Presque Isle, May 8-9, 190(3. O. E. J. (Figured ). Favette : Laurelville. June 24, 1904. O. E. ]. Lawrence : Stop 78, S. and X. C. W. R. R., 1906. Miss Susan Gagebv ; Gorge below Ellwood City, June 26,' 1909. O. E. J. Somerset ; Ursina, May 12, 1905. O. E. J. Westmoreland; Derry, August 10, 1904. Miss Katherine R. Holmes; Hillside, May 19. 1906. O. E. J. 5. Bryum intermedium [Ludwig] Bridel. (Mninm intermedium Ludwig; IVebcra intermedia Schwaeg- richen ) . (Plate XIX) Densely cespitose, green, matted with dark-colored radicles ; stems short, laterally branching by innovations, erect and with us usually about 3-5 mm. high ; leaves tufted at apex of stem, erect-spreading, concave, oblong- to ovate-lanceolate, the margins recurved, almost entire, base sometimes reddish, only slightly decurrent, in our specimens about 1.5-2 mm. long, the costa excurrent into a long entire or denticulate acumen: leaf-cells rhomboidal above, thin-walled and rectangu- lar at base, the marginal in one to three series of linear- prosenchymatous cells forming a somewhat indistinct border, sometimes the middle cells merely narrow gradually towards the margin: seta in our specimens 1.5-3.0 cm. long, flexuous, slender, lustrous, castaneous ; capsule about 3 mm. long, ellip- 152 A MANUAL OF MOSSES tic-pyriform, tapering belo\v into a neck almost as long as the rest of the capsule, brown, often somewhat unsymmetric and incurved, scarcely constricted below mouth when dry and cinptv; mouth darker red or brown; annulus rather narrow, revoluble ; peristome-teeth linear-lanceolate, yellowish-pellucid below, sub-hyaline and papillose above, strongly trabeculate, lamellate and with faintly distinct di\ isural, inserted below the mouth ; inner peristome with carinately gaping segments al- most as long as the teeth, cilia three, strongly appendiculate, considerably shorter than segments ; spores smoothish, yellow- ish-pellucid, about .024- .027 mm. ; exothecial cells rectangular below, irregularly quadrate, to hexagonal above, the three to five upper rows much smaller, rounded-quadrate, brownish- pellucid, all incrassate; operculum conic, obtuse to apiculate: synoicous : mature in June and July. Crevices of walls and cliffs and on wet, sandy earth : Europe, Asia. North America through Canada and to the northern United States. Not very common. Allegheny : \Vet soil in crevices of cliff, Power's Run, April 18, 1. (Fig- ured ). Washington : Linn and Simonton, (Porter's Catalogue). 5. RHODOBRY i' M ( Schimper) Hampe. Dioicous or rarely polyoicous : very robust plants oi Mnhnu-like aspect, gregarious to loosely cespitose : stem ascending from subterranean rhizome-like stolons ; lower leaves remote, mostly scale-like and imbricated, comal leaves large, spatulate, bordered, sharply doubly serrate above, form- ing terminal rosettes ; costa broad, narrowing above and dis- appearing just below apex in most species; leaf-cells rhombic- to elongate-hexagonal, at the base elongate-rectangular; perichsetial leaves smaller, lanceolate, long-acuminate : seta single or in twos or threes, elongate, brownish, more or less hooked at apex; capsule horizontal to pendent, oblong-cylin- dric, slightly arcuate, collum short; annulus broad and revolu- ble or narrow and deciduous in pieces : peristome-teeth con- fluent at their insertion, lanceolate to linear-subulate, yellow- ish- to reddish-brown, hyaline above, somewhat bordered, and finely papillose; segments free, yellowish, broadly lance-subu- late, fenestrate to gaping along the keel ; basal membrane high and carinate ontwaids; cilia filiform, long-appendiculate ; spores .014-.024 mm. ; operculum convex-apiculate. A widely distributed genus of over 50 species ; 7 species occur in North America, one being in our range." 1. Rhodobryum ontariense (Kindberg) Paris. (R. roscnin Lesquereux and James. Manual, pp., not R. rose inn [Weis] Schimper* ; Bryuiit ontariense Kindberg). (Plate XX) Gregarious to loosely cespitose, deep green : stems erect from long creeping rhizome-like stolons, 2-5 cm. high, stout, with minute appressed bract-like leaves up to the summit, where the leaves suddenly enlarge to form a conspicuous rosette about 1 cm. across ; comal leaves numerous, obovate- spatulate from a narrow base, the apex suddenly narrowed and acuminate and more or less twisted, the margin revolute for about three-fourths the length of the leaf and in the upper part prominently sharply spinulose-dentate ; costa strong, mostly plainly excurrent ; leaf-cells rather1 large, elongate- hexagonal, the walls medium, towards the base larger, thinner- walled, more or less hyaline, rectangular: setae 1-3 to a perichretium, erect, lustrous, castaneous, 2-4 cm. long; capsule pale brownish, oblong-cylindrical, about 4-5 mm. long, in- */?. roseuiu [Weis] Schimper differs in having the costa ceasing below the apex ; evidently does not occur in our region, perhaps not at all in northeastern United States. OF WESTERN* PENNSYLVANIA 157 curved, somewhat constricted below the mouth when empty, at the base having a narrow incurved collum about one-third the length of the rest of the capsule, the capsule horizontal to sub-pendulous ; peristome-teeth large, linear-lanceolate, nar- rowly bordered, yellowish, hyaline and papillose above, strongly trabeculate, lamellate with distinct divisural ; seg- ments about four-fifths as long, carinately split and gaping; cilia 3. about as long as segments, strongly appendiculate ; basal membrane about two-fifths the height of teeth ; spores yellowish, minutely roughened, about .014-.01S mm.; opercu- ium convex-apiculate ; exothecial cells incrassate, rectangular to irregularly rounded, towards the mouth in several rows very much smaller, very strongly incrassate and darker; dioicous : mature in September and October. On rotten logs and rich humus in woods, sometimes on stones. Southeastern Canada and northeastern United States. Not uncommon in our region, but rarely found in fruit. Allegheny Moon Township, 1889. J. A. S. (Figured). Cambria' Flinton, July 24, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford Linesville, Pymatuning Swamp. June 11- 12. 1907. O.' E. J. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1907. O. E. 1. and G. K. J. ; May 30-31. 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Toad Hollow, Bradford, November 26, 1896. D. A. F>. Somerset : Allegheny Mountain. August 11. 1876. 1.5. H. Patterson. Washington : Hanlin. May 21, 1908. O. E. J. Family XV. MNIACHAH Synoicous or dioicous. rarely autoicous ; male flowers disk- like with club-shaped paraphyses : female flowers bud-like with filiform paraphyses : mostly robust, cespitose : stem with a central strand, radiculose below, mostly erect, frequently stoloniferous ; comal leaves large and mostly spreading in a terminal rosette, lower and stoloniferous leaves smaller and somewhat dissimilar : costa strong, broad at base, tapering upwards and ending below or in the apex, rarely toothed dorsally ; cells parenchymatous, mostly hexagonal or rounded, smooth, uniform in size or gradually smaller towards the mar- gin; perichsetial leaves erect, much smaller in size, non-mar- gined, costate : seta long, stiff, smooth, mostly shortly hooked above : capsule mostly cernuous or pendent, rarely erect, symmetric, oblong-ovoid to cylindric, rarely globose, some- times arcuate, collum short ; annulus mostly biseriate and revoluble : peristome double and mostly complete as in Brynui; spores mostly large ; operculum convex to obliquely rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, narrow, mostly fugacious, smooth. 158 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Distributed over the whole earth, most abundant in damp woods and swamps, on earth, bark of trees, or rocks, in the temperate zones. Five genera, of which but one occurs in our region. I. MNWM Linnaeus, Hedwig. Synoicous or dioicous, rarely autoicous : mostly robust, cespitose in bright green to dark green or later brownish tufts ; stem erect, often stoloniferous, often bearing creeping rlagelli- form branches; leaves bract-like and remote below, increasing upwards to the terminal rosette, broadly ovate, obovate. or oblong, to spatulate from a narrow decurrent base, when dry contorted to crispate, when wet erect-spreading to recurved. mostly with a border of 1-3 layers of elongate prosenchy- matous colored cells, each layer of the border usually sharply serrate; costa stout; cells rounded to hexagonal, often col- lenchymatous and punctate, uniform or smaller towards the margin : seta single or clustered, long ; capsule cernuous to pendent, rarely erect, mostly oblong-ovoid, rarely arcuate ; exothecial cells rounded, annulus revoluble ; teeth strong, sepa- rate at base, greenish-yellow to reddish-brown, more or less papillose, the zigzag divisural line distinct, the dorsal plates low, the trabeculae numerous, often united by sporadic cross- walls ; inner peristome mostly yellowish-red, the basal mem- brane half-way to the apex and sometimes perforate ; seg- ments usually as long as the teeth, lanceolate, mostly abrupt- ly subulate, usually fenestrate and finally gaping; cilia com- plete, mostly articulate; spores .016-.048 mm.; operculum con- vex to conic and rostrate ; calyptra narrowly cucullate. About 90 species, cosmopolitan, on various sub-strata. usually in moist or shaded situations; 32 species occurring in North America, about 1 1 species in our range. Key to the Species. a. Leaves not distinctly bordered. b. a. Leaves distinctly bordered. c. b. Margin with a single series of low irregular teeth in the upper half; cells incrassate. 9. M. stellare. b. Margin not distinctly toothed: cells thin-walled. 11. M. cincHdioides. c. Leaves with entire or almost entire margin. d. c. Leaves with serrate margin. g. d. Border indistinct and of one series of cells only. 11. M. cincHdioides. d. Border of 2-4 series of cells in several layers. e. e. Lid acutely rostrate: leaves obovate. f. e. Lid conic-apicnlate: oblong to oval or sub-orbicular. 8. M. a f fine var. rug- icnin. f. On stones; leaves usually minutely apiculate and percurrently OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 159 costate. 10. M. punctatum. f. In swamps; leaves not usually apiculate and costa not usually reaching apex; often very large. 10. M. pttnct. var. datum. g. Leaves serrate with a single row of teeth, h. g. Leaves serrate with a double row of teeth. k. h. Leaves serrate only in upper two-thirds. 6. .17. cuspidatnm. h. Leaves serrate to the base or very nearly so. i. i. Teeth slender and usually of 2-4 cells. 8. M. affinc var. ciliare. i. Teeth usually of but one cell and not so slender. j. Leaf apex bluntly rounded, abruptly apiculate. 5. M. rostratum. \. Leaf apex more or less acute and cuspidate. 7. M. medium. k. Leaves lanceolate; costa incomplete, dorsally toothed. 1. M. h or num. k. Leaves wider than lanceolate; costa usually complete in upper leaves at least. 1. 1. Co.-ta toothed dorsally. in. 1. Costa not toothed dorsally. n. m. Cells not collenchymatous. about .014-.018 mm. 2. M. orthorrhynchwn. m. Cells collenchymatous. about .020-.030 mm. in diameter. .17. lycopodioides.* n. Cells rounded and strongly collenchymatous. 3. M. scrratum. n. Cells angled and not collenchymatous. 4. M. spinulosum. 1. Mnium hornum Linnaeus, Hedwig. (Astrophyllum hornnin Lindberg). A robust species in dense tufts, with erect unbranched stems and terminal rosettes of leaves which reach a length of 3-5 mm. but are oblong- to narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, acute, sharply apiculate, all leaves with a reddish, thickened border, sharply doubly spinosely serrate in the upper half; the costa ending below the apex and spinose dorsally above ; leaf-cells incrassate, angular, not very regularly seriate, rather small: seta solitary, long; capsule subpendulous, finally horizontal, ovate-elliptic and tapering to a distinct neck, when old pale yellowish with a red mouth ; operculnm conic-apiculate : dioicous. the antheridial flowers being disc-like. The leaves are proportionally narrower than the other species of the genus and the calyptra often remains for a time clasping the seta just below the capsule, mature in April to May. In shaded, swampy or springy places and banks of streams : Europe, Algeria, Japan, North America from Newfoundland *Mnium lycopodioides (Hooker) Schwaegrichen, as reported from Blair and Elk Counties in our region (Porter's Catalogue), is probably synonymous with Mnium pseudo-lycopodioides C. Mueller and Kindberg, which appears to be hardy separable from Mnium orthorrhynchum (Bridel) Bryologia Europsea. 160 A MANUAL OF MOSSES to Georgia and west to Wyoming. (Lesquereux and James in their manual say: "More generally on quartz or schistose rocks.") Although frequently reported from the eastern part of Pennsylvania, the only report of this species in our region is : Cambria : James. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Mnium orthorrhynchum (Bride!) Bryologia Europ;.ea. ( Astrophyllinn orthorrhynchum Ljndberg). Quite similar to M. serratnin but the leaf-cells only about .015-.018 mm.; densely tufted; leaves close, oblong-lanceolate, doubly spinose-serrate from below the middle ; costa usually ending in the apiculation, toothed dorsally above ; leaf-cells angular, hexagonal to quadrate, incrassate, non-collenchyma- tous : seta solitary, red ; capsule elliptic-oblong, tapering into the neck, straight and more or less horizontal, brownish ; operculum shortly rostrate; dioicous, antheridial Mower dis- coid. Mature in late summer. On moist rocks, usually calcareous, along cool shaded ravines and streams : Europe, Asia, North America from Greenland to British Columbia south to Colorado, Montana, New York, and Pennsylvania. In our region one report : Blair : Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Mnium serratum Schrader, Schwaegrichen. (M. marginatum Beauvois ; Astrophyllinn margingtum Lindberg). (Plate XXI) Loosely cespitose in soft tufts, rather dark green : stems and lower leaves often deep reddish tinged, stems slender, rather short, usually 1.5-3 cm. in our specimens, simple or branched below with erect branches; leaves rather remote, strongly decurrent, the lower ovate-lanceolate, the upper ob- long spatulate-lanceolate, all acute and apiculate, the strong red border sharply doubly serrate, the leaves when dry more or less twisted but hardly crispate ; costa in upper leaves con- rluent with the border in the apiculus but in the middle and lower leaves and often even the upper leaves of sterile shoots the costa ends below the apex, not spinose ; leaf-cells from .020-.030 mm. in diameter, irregularly rounded, somewhat incrassate, strongly collenchymatous, the basal elongate : seta mostly single; capsule horizontal, yellowish to brown, oval- oblong, tapering at neck; peristome yellow or sometimes brown, inserted, the teeth lance-linear, pellucid yellowish- brown, papillose above, strongly trabeculate, divisural faint ; segments a little shorter than teeth, papillose above, slender, cilia 3 (2), the basal membrane reaching somewhat above the middle; spores, smooth, rounded, about .025-.030 mm.; oper- culum stoutly short-rostrate: synoicous : mature in spring. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 161 Usually near streams on shaded banks or in crevices of rocks where moist, in Europe, northern Asia, and, in North America, from Anticosti to Alaska and south to northern United States. Allegheny : Schenlev Park, Pittsburgh, September 15, 1905. 6. E. J. McKean : Hawkins and Quintuple, August 2, 1895. D. A. B. (Figured). Washington : On shale cliff in narrow ravine, Hanlin, May 21, 1908, and X. Branch Maple Creek, Charleroi, April 24, 1908. O. E. J. 4. Mnium spinulosum Bryologia Europsea. Similar in many respects to Mnium scrratuin, the leaves obovate to spatulate at the apex of the stem, clustered above, decurrent, acute, sharply doubly serrate on the thickened red- dish border in the upper two-thirds ; costa percurrent, not dorsally toothed, often ending below the apex in the lower and middle leaves ; leaf-cells about .020-.030 mm., angled hexa- gonal, or below rectangular, incrassate, non-collenchymatous : synoicous : sporophytes either single or clustered ; seta erect ; capsule horizontal or inclined, ovate-oblong, light yellowish, the peristome forming a prominent red border at the mouth; operculum rostrate. On the ground in evergreen woods, usually in mountain- ous or hilly regions. Europe and northern Xorth America, from Xova Scotia to Alaska and south to the north ermost United States. It is reported from eastern Pennsylvania and from Ohio but not yet from our region. 5. Mnium rostratum Schrader, Schwaegrichen. (Astrophylluni rostratum Lindberg). Large, loosely cespitose, stoloniferous : stems erect, short, the sterile shoots creeping or arched; leaves broadly oblong or slightly obovate, rounded at both ends, tapering but little at base, at the apex very broadly rounded or almost truncate, short apiculate, the border strong, brownish, serrate in the upper half with a single row of short obtuse or almost obsolete teeth ; the comal leaves large, up to 5 mm. long, those of the sterile shoots complanate-two-ranked ; costa excurrent in the short apiculus ; leaf-cells incrassate, collenchymatous, about .025-.030 mm., rounded-hexagonal, not radiating in rows from the costa as in affine var. nigicnin, which in the sterile condi- tion it closely resembles : capsules usually 1-3, clustered, sub- pendulous to horizontal, yellowish, operculum long rostrate; peristome-teeth yellowish, the inner peristome orange: synoi- cous : mature in spring. On wet rocks and earth in woods : almost cosmopolitan in the temperate zones, in Xorth America from central and 162 A MANUAL OF MOSSES southern Canada south to Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Mon- tana and Oregon. All Pennsylvania specimens in the Carnegie Museum Her- barium which were labeled M. rostratum are non-collenchymatous and the leaf-cells are definitely arranged in series radiating from the costa. The species is reported from our region as follows : Cambria : James. (Porter's Catalogue). Lycoming : McKimm. (Porter's Catalogue). 6. Mnium cuspidatum Linnaeus, Hedwig. (Mnium sylvaticum Lindberg). (Plate XXI) Loosely cespitose in large light to dark patches : stems branching with sterile shoots prostrate or sub-erect, in our specimens usually about 1.5-3 cm. high, reddish, radiculose be- lowr ; leaves decurrent, oblong-oval, acute, the upper tending to obovate, those on the branches more rounded or oval, all shortly cuspidate and serrate in the upper half or two-thirds with a single row of short one-celled teeth, occasionally some teeth two-celled, the border of 3-5 rows of incrassate, linear, yellowish-pellucid cells ; costa confluent with the border in the apiculate apex or ending a little below the apex ; leaf-cells about .020-.025 mm., incrassate, somewhat collenchymatous, hexagonal to somewhat rounded, the basal tending to rec- tangular: seta solitary, pale yellowish or brownish, erect; capsule pale yellowish or brownish, sub-pendulous, oblong- oval, rather abruptly narrowing to the seta, the base and mouth brown ; operculum conic-obtuse ; teeth yellow, lance- linear, papillose above, divisural indistinct ; inner peristome a little shorter, the basal membrane extending to the middle or a little above, the basal part of the segments more or less irregularly fenestrate with rounded holes, the upper part of the segments finally gaping or breaking apart ; cilia three, linear, somewhat appendiculate, the inner peristome brownish- pellucid, the tips of the segments and the cilia being paler and papillose ; spores rounded, faintly papillose, yellowish, about .030 mm. in diameter: synoicous, mature in May. In moist woods on earth, stones, rotten logs, etc. Common and widely distributed over the temperate parts of Europe, Asia, and of North America. Allegheny : Moon Township, April, and May 18, 1902. J. A. S. : Power's Run, April 28, 1907, and Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, May 29, 1907. O. E. T- and G. K. J. ; Aspinwall. April 9, 1905, October 25, 1908, Fern Hollow, January 21, 1906, OF WESTERN' PEXXSYLVAXIA 163 Beaver Butler Crawford Erie Favette Huntingdon Lawrence Mercer McKean Somerset Washington Library. April 29, 1906, Power's Run, May 18. 1907, and April 16, 1910, Brush Creek, April 26, 1908, Montrose, Sep- tember 21, 1905. O. E. T. ; Beaver Falls, May 11, 1907. O. E. J. : Winfield Junction, June 7, 1902. I. A. S.: Crider's Corners* April 26, 1908. O. E. J. : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, May 18, 1905, June 12, 1905, and May 12, 1908. O. E. J. : Xear Mud Lake, Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. : Presque Isle, on leaf mould in oak woods. May 8-9, 1906. O. E. 1. : Ohio Pyle. May 12, 1905, May 30, 1908, (Figured), and June 13, 1908. O. E. J. ; Cheat Haven, September 3-6. 1910. O. E. I. and G. K. ]. : Birmingham, May 17. 1904. O. E. J. : Slippery Rock Creek, above Wurtemberg, October 16, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J.; Slippery Rock. 1906. Miss Susan ( ia° ebv. : Houston Junction, July 12. 1902. J. A. S. : Bennett Brook, April 7, 1893, and May 8. 1897, West Branch, April 7. 1893, Quin- tuple, Tune 15, 1896. D. A. B. : Ursina, May 12, 1895. O. E. J. : Three miles south of Library. April 22, 1906. Xorth Branch Maple Creek, Char- leroi. April 24, 1908. Hanlin. May 21. 1908. O. E. J. 7. Mnium medium Bryologia Europzea. (Astrophylhtm medium Lindbergh (Plate XXI) Widely and rather loosely cespitose. large, light to dark green: stems erect, up to 5 cm. in our specimens, branching at the base, densely covered with a brown felted tomentum, sterile shoots long and prostrate or ascending; leaves distant, little shriveled when dry. ovate to oblong, somewhat narrowed and slightly decurrent at base, rather obtuse at apex, cuspi- date, narrowly margined all around, sharply serrate from near the base with mainly one-celled teeth, the cqmal leaves rosu- late, and up to 5X15 mm.; costa reddish, strong, excurrent cuspidate ; leaf-cells large, rounded above to elliptic-hexagonal towards base, the margin consisting of about two rows of 164 A MANUAL OF MOSSES linear, much incrassate, more or less colored cells, the lamina'l cells all incrassate and collenchymatous : synoicous : capsules clustered, occasionally single, on erect stout seta?, pendent, oblong; operculum convex, rostrate-apiculate : mature in May. Mostly on wet rocks and shaded damp earth and logs; cooler Europe and Asia, and, in North America, from (Green- land to Alaska and south to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Min- nesota, Idaho to California. In Pennsylvania found only in Monroe County and: McKean : On leaf-mold, etc., at headwaters o: Manila Brook in wet, springy places, Sep- tember 24, 1894 (Figured), West Branch Swam]), May 26, 1895, Bradford. Novem- ber 2. 1898." All D. A. B. 8. Mnium afrme Blandow, Schwaegrichen. (Astrophyllum cuspidatum Lindberg). As Grout points out in his "A fosses with Hand-lens and Microscope," the true Mninui affine Blandow is rare in eastern United States, and it apparently has not yet been found in Penn- sylvania. It has the capsules usually clustered. 2-4 together, and the teeth of the leaves shorter than in the variety ciliarc. Its general range is Europe, Asia, and North America south to New Jersey, West Virginia, and Washington. 8tf. Mnium affine var. ciliare (Greville) C. Mueller. (Astrophyllum ciliarc Lindberg; Bryitui ciliarc Greville). (Plate XXII) Moderately large, loosely cespitose, pale to dark green with age : stems erect, usually about 3 cm. high, reddish- brown, rather stout, radiculose below, with long, slender sterile shoots which are prostrate or arched; stem-leaves ovate, vary- ing to oblong-elliptic or at the apex rosulate and obovate to narrow spatulate, somewhat acute, apiculate, up 6-10 mm. long, decurrent, margined, serrate down to the narrowed base with long slender teeth of 2-4 cells; costa excurrent-apiculate, strong; leaf-cells large, .020-.040(-.070) mm. in diameter, angled, somewhat incrassate, hexagonal to irregularly some- what elongate rectangular, especially towards the base, hardly collenchymatous, marginal cells prosenchymatous-linear and cartilaginous pellucid, often yellowish to reddish : seta single, erect flexuous, strong, reddish, about 2.5 cm. long; capsule pendent, elliptic-oblong, about 4 mm. long, narrowed to a short darker colored neck, yellowish-brown; lid conic-apicu- late ; peristome-teeth pale pellucid, strongly trabeculate. the divisural rather faint, finely papillose above; inner peristome brownish pellucid, the basal membrane reaching about half- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 165 way, non-fenestrate, the segments and usually three cilia finely papillose above and often exceeding the teeth ; spores round, yellowish-pellucid, finely papillose, about .028-.030 mm. : dioi- cotis ; antheridial flower terminal-discoid ; mature in May. On rocks and soil in swamps and moist woods, Asia, Eu- rope, and in Xorth America through southern Canada south to Georgia. Louisiana, Missouri. Montana, and California. Crawford : On rotten stump in swampy woods, Linesville. June 12, 1907. O. E. J. Fayette : Ohio Pyle. September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). McKean : Langmade, May 29, 1898, and Bolivar Run. September 11. 1898. D. A. B. (Fig- ured, as to fruit). Washington : Washington, Linn and Simonton. (Por- ter's Catalogue). Westmoreland : "Rachelwood," Xew Florence, September 8-11, 1907. O. E. J. 8/7. Mnium affine var. rugicum (Laurar) Bryulogia Eurnpcea. (Astrophyllum rugiciiiii Lindberg). (Plate XXII) Darker green than true affine, almost blackish : stems short, usually simple : leaves oblong to broadly oval or sub-orbicular, the apex blunt and rounded with an apiculation or almost entire, the margin little or not at all serrate: capsule much as in affine var. ciliare but usually smaller. The leaves often very closely resemble those of M. rostratnni but Grout says the leaf-cells have thinner walls in ntgicnni and also radiate in more or less definite series from the costa, while in rostratnni the thick- wailed cells arc ir- regularly arranged, or at least not in radiating series. In cool, shaded ravines and swamps ; Europe, and, in Xorth America, from Greenland to Alaska and locally south to Louisiana and Colorado. Allegheny : Power's Run, April 18. 1906, and Tune 17, 1909, O. E. J.; Wildwood Hollow, March 29, 1908, and Coraopolis, Septem- ber 14, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. All sterile. Beaver : Beaver Falls, May 11, 1907. O. E. J. Sterile. Fayette : Cheat Haven, September 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. I. (Figured). Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. ( Both sterile.) 166 A MA.Vt'AL OF MOSSES 9. Mnium stellare [Reichenbach] lledwig. (Plate XXII) Densely cespitose, soft, deep or bluish-green : stems erect. usually 1-3 cm. high, branching at base; leaves gradually larg- er above, elliptic-oblong, to suborbicular below, slightly de- current, rounded and acute at apex to obtuse-apiculate, non- bordered, the upper part of the leaf obtusely irregularly short serrate; costa thin, ending considerably below the apex, smooth on back ; leaf-cells incrassate, angular, irregular to hexagonal or subquadrate, fairly uniform in size, about .020- .030 mm.; seta solitary; capsule horizontal to inclined, ob- long; lid conic-convex; peristome yellowish: dioicous; anther- idial flower discoid : mature in summer. At the base of trees or on rocks in swampy woods in tem- perate Europe, Asia, and North America, through lower Canada and northern United States. This species rarely fruits and all specimens from Pennsylvania thus far have been sterile. Allegheny : Under side of rocks in crevices, Fern Hol- low, Pittsburgh, March 9, 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Rutherford Run, March 12, 1894, and Quintuple, September 9, 1894. and No- vember 13, 1896. D. A. B. Washington : North .Branch of Maple Creek, above Charleroi, April 24. 1908. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). 10. Mnium punctatum [Linmeus] Hedwig. {Plate XXIII) Rather large, dark green, erect, loosely tufted, 1-3 inches high: stems rigid, dark, densely tomentose nearly to the apex; dioicous ; leaves remote, forming at the apex a rosette and largest there, spreading, the lower smaller, rounded-ovate, the terminal about 4-5x6-9 mm., broadly obovate, all narrowed to a few cells at the base, entire, apex usually apiculate, often somewhat emarginate-apiculate, bordered by a cartilaginous- thickened purplish-brown-pellucid rim of about 2-5 rows of elongate incrassate cells ; costa strong, usually terminating or percurrent in the apiculus, or sometimes ceasing just below the apex; median cells rounded- to elongate-hexagonal, about .030-.040X-050-.085 mm., incrassate, the basal rather larger, rectangular, slightly inflated, the apical smaller, irregularly angular: seta 2-3 cm. long, erect, flexuous, purplish-brown, rather lustrous ; capsule sub-pendulous, oval-oblong, yellowish to brown when old, finally when dry somewhat sulcate ; oper- culum conic, acutely rostrate : peristome-teeth yellowish- brown, pellucid, papillose, trabeculate ; segments nearly as high, brownish-pellucid, finely papillose, the basal membrane OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA lr,7 reaching to one-third the height, cilia usually three, slightly shorter than segments : spores smoothish, round, about .028- .033 mm.; fruiting in spring rather early (April), and some- times with two or three capsules to a plant. On soil in damp woods, ravines, swamps, etc. Rather common. Europe, Asia, all North America down to middle United States. Allegheny : Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, June 7, 1904. O. E. f.; Wildwood Hollow, March 29. 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Elk Huntingdon Lawrence McKean Mercer Westmoreland McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). Rock Point, October 15/1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Gates Hollow, May 3, 1896. D. A. B. Houston Junction, July 12, 1902. J. A. S. Shades, above Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. (Figured). lOa. Mnium punctatum var. elatum Schimper. (Plate XX111) This variety differs typically from true punctatum in that it grows in muddy shaded places and swamps, is much larger,- in our specimens reaching a height of 7 or 8 cm. and with leaves up to 10 or 11 mm. long, the leaves are rounded and usually non-apiculate at apex, the border consisting of usually but one layer of cells, and the costa ending below the apex. In swamps and muddy shaded places : Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from the Arctic regions south to Virginia, Michi- gan, and Idaho. In Pennsylvania most of the specimens of puncta- tum show some of the characters of the variety but we have found no specimen which clearly possesses all the characters attributed to the variety. The following specimens more or less closely ap- proach the variety : Allegheny : \Yildwood Hollow, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville. June 11- 12, 1907 O. E. J. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, July 4, 1908. O. E. J. Lawrence : Slippery Rock Creek, above Wurtembergr October 16, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : In overflow of cold spring. Railroad Run, May 21, 1899, in swamp along Foster Brook, May 22,1894. D. A. B. Mercer : Houston Junction, July 12, 1902. J. A. S. ( Figuied). Westmoreland: Shades, above Blackburn. March 25, 1910. O. E. J. 168 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 11. Mnium cinclidioides ( Blytt) Huebener. (Plate XXIII) Lar^e. loosely cespitose, bright green, becoming- dark O •/ L <.j t_* <_5 when old : stems rigid, under exceptional conditions reaching 15 or 20 cm. or more, our specimens sterile and about 4-8 cm. high, stems dark brownish; leaves remote, thin, large, the lower ones ovate to oblong and not at all decurrent. the upper rosulate, widely oblong-lingulate, rounded and obtuse with a minute apiculus, more or less undulate, up to 7 or 8 mm. long and 4 mm. wide in our specimens, margin non-bordered, entire with the exception of occasionally projecting marginal cells; costa ending considerably below the apex; leaf-cells rhomboid- hexagonal, arranged in series radiating from the costa, the marginal gradually becoming linear and parallel to the margin. ^5 O •/ . 1. A. heterostichum. a. Dioicous: leaves merely serrulate near the apex. 2. A. palttstre. 1. Aulacomnium heterostichum (lledwig) Rryologia Europsea. i . irrhenopterum heterostichtttn Hedwig ). (Plate XXIV) Rather loosely cespitose, pale to yellowish-green: stems branching by terminal, annual innovations, the annual growth in our specimens being usually about 8-10 mm., stems bfown- radiculose below; leaves obovate below to oblong or oval above, often somewhat unsymmetrically inclined, the leaf plane above, repand denticulate in the upper half, mostly apicu- late ; costa strong, yellowish-brown, ending just below apex; leaf-cells incrassate, median and apical rounded-quadrate, about .008-.015 mm. in diameter, basal similar, quadrate to rectangular and 3:1: seta about 6-9 mm. long, erect, flexuous. reddish-brown, smooth, little or not at all twisted, capsule about 2.5 mm. long, oblong-cylindric, arcuate, inclined, red- dish-brown, striate, when dry 8-plicate. tapering below into a short collum ; annulate, doubly peristomate ; teeth inserted on the capsule-rim, lanceolate, about 25-30-articulate. distinct to the base, yellowish-pellucid, rather indistinctly finely hori- zontally striate-papillate below, segments of same length or a little shorter, hyaline, more or less completely carinate-cleft in median portion, united in the lower third with the cilia into a basal membrane: cilia 3 (2). somewhat shorter, some- what articulate; spores pellucid-yellowish, not distinctly papil- lose, about .012-.014 mm.; mature in May to June; operculum convex, obtusely short-rostrate : calyptra long-rostrate, cucul- late. A MANUAL OF MOSSES On shaded, moist, earthy banks, bases of trees, etc., Japan and in Xorth America from Ontario to Wisconsin, and Texas to Florida. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, J. A. S. June 15, 1902. (Fig- ured); May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. ; Sep- tember 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : dates Hollow, August 4, 1894. D. A. B. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Aulacomnium paiustre [Linnaeus] Schwaegrichen. (Afniitin paiustre Linnaeus). (.Plate XXIV) Robust, densely cespitose mosses of bogs and moist places on soil or rotten wood ; tufts often 2-3 inches deep, light yel- lowish-green above, below darker and stem covered with a red- dish-brown tomentum ; leaves oblong to linear-lanceolate, about 4 mm. long, minutely denticulate towards the apex, carifiate, rather crispate when dry; costa strong, ending just below apex ; upper cells small, round incrassate, unipapillate, basal cells elongate-rectangular or hexagonal, thin-walled : seta erect, tortuous, in ours about 3 cm. long, upper part dextrorse, lower part sinistrorse ; capsule sub-cylindrical, 4-5 mm. long, when dry strongly sulcate, arcuate, constricted below mouth ; annulus high, colored at the base; teeth lance-linear, subulate- acuminate, yellowish, trabeculae sometimes united by oblique walls, divisural zigzag ; segments delicate, slightly shorter, hyaline, cilia about 3, equally long, weakly articulate ; spores small, smooth .008-.009 mm. ; mature in early summer; opercu- lum long-conic, often somewhat recurved. Cosmopolitan. In swampy woods and bogs. In North America from the Arctic regions south to the Carolinas and California. Rather common in the northern part of our region. Allegheny : Coraopolis, August, 1905. O. E. J. and (jr. E. 1C. Beaver : In swamps near Xew Galilee, Tune 22, 1908. O. E. J. Erie ; Presque Isle, May 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. ( Figured). Lawrence : Swamp, north of New Castle, 1906. Susan Gageby. McKean ; Quintuple, October 1, 1893, and Sphag- num Swamp, West Branch, Bradford, January 17, 1894. D. A. B. Snyder ; Richfield, July 17, 1908. O. E. J. Washington ; Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 171 Family XVII. M E E S E A C E A E. Synoicous, autoicous, dioicous, or polyoicous : robust to slender, cespitose : stem with a central strand, elongate, leaves 3-8-seriate, moderately close, mostly from an erect base erect- spreading to recurved-squarrose, lance-ovate to lance-acumi- nate, non-bordered, sometimes toothed at the apex ; costa strong, without guides, mostly incomplete ; cells mostly parenchyma- tous and smooth, upper firm-walled, rectangular to rounded 4-6-sided, the basal often thin-walled, elongate-rectangular and hyaline : seta mostly long and slender, erect, tortuous ; cap- sule erect, from a long collum elongate arcuate-pyriform, the mouth small and oblique, never constricted below the mouth ; annulus small-celled, 1-2-seriate, loosening itself here and there, rarely persisting; teeth mostly much shorter than the segments, truncate, more or less completely confluent, with straight divisural and thin rectangular dorsal plates, the inner layer with low lamellae; inner peristome with a carinate basal membrane united to the teeth ; segments narrowly linear, alternating with the teeth, cilia rudimentary or none ; spores .032-.056 mm., mostly finely granulate ; operculum small, conic, obtuse ; calyptra small, cucullate, smooth, fugacious. A small family (3 genera) of mostly bog mosses of the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere. One genus repre- sented in our range. 1. MEESEA Hedwig. Characters mainly as for the family ; the tufts green to yel- lowish-green, inside brown to blackish : leaves more or less de- current, acute or obtuse, mostly entire ; upper cells mostly rectangular, thick- walled, the lower elongate and hyaline : seta usually very long, inner peristome with a very low basal mem- brane ; segments 2 to 4 times the length of the teeth, often more or less united at the tip ; cilia short or rudimentary, often being represented by a chain-like series of thickenings on the per- sisting wall of the inner peristome. Xine species in bogs and wet places ; four species in North America ; two species may be looked for in bogs and swamps in the northern part of our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves three-ranked, serrate. 1. M. triquetra. a. Leaves 5-8-ranked, entire. (M. longiseta Hedwig). 1. Meesea triquetra [Linnaeus] Aongstroem. (A/, tristicha (Funck) Bryologia Europsea.) Loosely cespitose, dark green: stems elongate, radiculose below, sparingly branching; leaves three-ranked, distant, 172 A MANUAL OF MOSSES lanceolate, acute, strongly squarrose from a concave strongly decurrent half-clasping base, the spreading portion carinate, the margins sharply serrate ; costa strong, ending in the apex or just below; upper leaf-cells rectangular to hexagonal, incras- sate, the lower hyaline, elongate-rectangular ; perichsetial leaves larger, about six in number: seta long; capsule pyriform, curved from a long erect collum, when dry and empty more or less wrinkled and twisted ; peristome-teeth 16, short, unequal, bifid ; segments alternate, 16, about three times as long as teeth, united below into a low basal membrane, yellowish, linear, ir- regularly articulate and appendiculate ; exothecial cells at mouth very small and in several rows, darker; lid convex- conic ; spores large. In bogs and swampy woods, Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, Ohio and Lake Superior, north and west to Arctic America and the Pacific Ocean. Family XVIII. BAR T R A MI ACE A £. Dioicous or synoicous, rarely paroicous or autoicous : slender to very robust, cespitose : stems with central strand, erect, dichotonious or more often with whorled usub-fioral" innovations ; leaves 5-S-seriate, little or not at all decurrent, lance-ovate to lance-subulate, non-bordered, serrate marginally above and often also on the back of the costa ; costa mostly strong, with median guides, ending belo\v or in the apex or excurrent in a serrate arista ; cells parenchymatous, round- quadrate to elongate-rectangular, rarely linear, mostly thick- walled, mostly mamillate on both sides ; basal cells either not wider, or lax, wider, and hyaline, mostly smooth, alar cells rarely differentiated : seta usually long and straight, little or not at all twristed when dry ; capsule erect to cernuous, rare- ly pendent, more or less globose, darkly striate, collum rarely distinct, mouth oblique or rarely symmetrical, exothecial cells rectangular to hexagonal, several series at the mouth laterally elongate ; annulus none or very incomplete ; peristome mostly double or sometimes single or rudimentary, or lacking alto- gether ; always inserted back from the exothecium by the width of several cells, peristome-teeth dagger-shape, golden brown to reddish-yellow, mostly non-bordered, inner peristome mostly shorter, carinate, the basal membrane one-fourth to one- half the height of the inner peristome ; segments at first cari- nately gaping, then divergently parted, cilia 1-3, rarely well- developed, sometimes none, non-articulate ; spore-sac very small; lid small, short-conic, rarely rostrate; calyptra small, cucullate. smooth, fugacious ; spores large, round to oval or reniform. papillose. A large family of eight genera : three genera in our region. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 173 Key to the Genera. a. Cilia well-developed: stem with a whorl of sub-floral shoots. 3. Philonotis. a. Cilia poorly developed or none. b. b. Leaf-cells mamillate or papillose; leaves 5-seriate or pluriseri- ate. 2. Bartramia. b. Leaf-cells smooth; stem triangular and leaves 3-seriate. 1. Plagiopus. 1. PLAGIOPUS Bridel. Synoicous : quite slender, laxly to densely cespitose, dull green, becoming brownish : stem erect or ascending, the outer layer of cells lax, hyaline, the central strand poorly defined, branching above the base, the shoots of about equal height ; leaves spreading to recurved, somewhat twisted but not cris- pate when dry, from a non-sheathing base narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, sharply carinate above, the margin usually revolute, doubly serrate above ; costa strong, percurrent, dorsally pro- jecting and simply serrate upwards; leaf-cells incrassate, smooth, the upper minute, shortly rectangular and quadrate, basally more elongate and pellucid, the alar slightly more lax and quadrate: seta 1-1.5 cm. long, erect, castaneous, not twisted when dry ; capsule erect, somewhat inclined when dry, globose, slightly arcuate, brown, finely striate, when dry some- what shortened at the base and mouth, slightly curved and strongly plicate ; peristome double, the teeth smooth, narrow- ly dagger-like, reddish-brown in the upper half, with inter- lamellar thickenings, the inner peristome shorter and pale yellow, cilia none ; lid small, short-conic ; spores mostly uni- form, .024-.030 mm., warty. A genus of three species : one in New Zealand, one in Java, and the following: 1. Plagiopus oederi [Gunnerus] Limpricht. (Brynm oederi Gunnerus; Bartramia oederi Schwaegrichen ; Bartramia grandiflora Schwaegrichen). With characters essentially as given above for the genus. The spores mature in spring. On moist soil and rocks in shady woods, mainly in non- calcareous and hilly or mountainous districts ; Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Canada to North Carolina and west to the Rocky Mountains. It may eventually be found in our region. 2. BARTRAMIA Hedwig. Synoicous, paroicous, autoicous, or dioicous : slender to robust, laxly to densely cespitose, the tufts often blue-green above, brownish-yellow inside : stem with central strand rarely 174 A MANUAL OF MOSSES lacking, erect, monopodial or dichotomous, branches not whorled ; leaves mostly 8-seriate, from a mostly half-sheathing base gradually or abruptly subulate-linear, serrate upwards and often on the back of the costa ; lamina upwards, sometimes only at the margin, two-layered ; costa strong, projecting dorsally, incomplete to excurrent ; leaf-cells small, incrassate, rectangular, mamillate on both sides, the basal elongate rec- tangular to linear, smooth, pellucid to hyaline: seta mostly 1-2 cm. long, rarely very short, mostly straight ; capsule most- ly inclined, somewhat arcuate, with mouth oblique, globose, no collum, when dry mostly sulcate, more or less shrunken in the middle and flattened on the ends ; peristome double or single, rarely none, teeth not united at the apex, neither with inter- lamellar thickenings; cilia mostly none; lid small, inflated to short-conic. A cosmopolitan genus of nearly 100 species, on earth or rocks in dry or moderately moist habitats; 13 species in North America ; two species in our range. Key to the Species. a. Leaf-base neither sheathing nor /conspicuously scarious, margin revolute. 1. B. pomifonnis. a. Leaf-base scarious and sheathing, margin plane. 2. B. ithyphylla. 1. Bartramia pomiformis Linnaeus, p.p., Hedwig. (Plate XXIV) Rather densely cespitose, soft, yellowish-green : stems about 1.5-3 cm. long, erect, densely reddish-brown-felted be- low ; leaves about 4-6 mm. long, the lance-subulate part spreading rather abruptly from a more or less erect and con- cave but scarcely sheathing lance-ovate base, the margin revolute in the basal half at least, serrate above, the costa rather narrow and distinct, excurrent in a spinulose-serrate subulation ; basal leaf-cells smooth, hyaline, often reddish- brown and pellucid at insertion, elongate-rectangular, the marginal shorter in a few rows, median cells rounded-quadrate, incrassate, papillose : seta about 5-10 mm. long, erect or curved-ascending, smooth, reddish-brown ; capsule globose, about 1.5 mm. in diameter, striate, unsymmetric, reddish- brown when ripe, globose to oblong or narrowly oblong, when dry deeply sulcate, cernuous, occasionally strumose, often somewhat arcuate ; peristome double, teeth reddish-brown, narrowly triangular-lanceolate, faintly papillose, prominently articulate, sub-trabeculate, divisural faint, zigzag; seg- ments two-thirds as long as teeth, carinately split, the cilia two or three and rudimentary, or none ; lid convex, bluntly umbonate ; calyptra narrowly cucullate, about 2 mm. long; OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 175 spores reddish-brown, pellucid, coarsely papillose, mature in May or June. Cosmopolitan on rocks or soil in moist and shady woods ; in North America from the Arctic regions to Alabama and Colorado. Common in our region. Allegheny : Flaugherty Run, Moon Township, Feb- ruary 26, 1887. T. A. S.; Thornhill, De- cember 29, 1908. O. E. J.; Wildwood Road Hollow, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Crawford : On clayey roadside-bank, Hartstown, May 29-31". 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Elk : Dent's Run, July 19, 1904. O. E. J. Fayette : On rock in woods, Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : Toad Hollow, Bradford, Julv 19, 1896. D. A. B. Washington r Valley of Maple Creek, Charleroi, Oc- tober 13, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. la. Bartramia pomiformis variety crispa (Swartz) Bryologia Europcea. This variety is taller and looser than the species : leaves longer, more distant, when dry more crispate ; the innovations are long, often longer than the seta. In moister or more shaded situations but with much the same general distribution as the species. McKean : D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Bartramia ithyphylla [Flaller] Hedwig. Densely cespitose, silky, glaucous-green or yellowish : leaves close, rigidly divergent from a white, scarious, erect- appressed glossy base, when dry quite straight and more or less erect, the spreading lamina linear-subulate, abruptly con- tracted from the obovate base, margin plane, sharply denticu- late above : costa strong but not very distinct above, excurrent into the denticulate subulation ; basal leaf-cells linear, 4-10:1, hyaline, the median and upper papillose, obscure, about 3-6:1 : seta long ; capsule similar to that of B. pomiformis, globose- oblong, when dry curved and deeply furrowed ; peristome-teeth reddish-brown, apically bifid or irregularly perforate; segments yellowish, cleft, much shorter than the teeth : synoicous : spores mature in summer. On moist earth or in moist fissures of rocks, mainly in alpine regions, in Europe, Asia, and in Arctic and temperate North America. Rare in our region. 176 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Fayette : Lay ton's, Rev. S. W. Knipe. (Porter's Catalogue), and Knight. (Lesquereux and James). 3. PHILONOTIS Bridel. Dioicous, rarely autoicous : very slender to robust, cespi- tose, bright green to yellowish-green or bluish-green : stem with a distinct central strand, erect, more or less elongate, usually with whorled sub-floral shoots ; leaves erect-spreading to secund, uniform or dimorphic, lance-ovate, mostly acute, dentate or serrate, mostly with lamina one-layered ; costa per- current to excurrent, rarely incomplete, cells of the apex elongate to shortly rectangular, sometimes rhomboidal, rarely parenchymatous and 5-6-sided, mostly ventrally or on both sides mamillate, rarely so only dorsally, or rarely smooth, basal cells more lax : sporogonia solitary, seta erect, long ; capsule inclined to horizontal, globose, unsymmetric. with mostly short collum, striate, when dry sulcate and mostly con- stricted in the middle, rarely drying erect and smooth ; peris- tome mostly double, the inner one rarely lacking ; teeth gen- erally with interlamellar thickenings; lid mostly low-convex to short conic. A large and cosmopolitan genus of 211 species, on earth and rock in swamps and springy places ; about 30 species in North America ; three species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Perigonial bracts obtuse, widely spreading from an erect base; median leaf-cells about .006-.010 mm. wide; leaves dimorphic: cilia well-developed. 3. P. fontana. a. Perigonial bracts acute. b. b. Leaves not dimorphic, not or scarcely plicate; perigonial bracts long-acuminate: cilia rudimentary. 1. P. muhlcnbergii. b. Leaves dimorphic, those of stems of archegonial plants some- what plicate; perigonial leaves long-acuminate with excurrent costa. 2. P. calcarca. 1. Philonotis muhlenbergii (Schwaegrichen) Bridel. (P. marchica Sullivant). (Plate XXIV) Rather densely cespitose, light yellowish to bluish-green : branches reddish, whorled from below the archegonial clus- ters, erect to ascending, reddish-tomentose below, about 1-3 cm. high, slender; leaves of fertile stems 1-1.5 mm. long, rather distant, lance-ovate, acute, ascending to appressed, when dry somewhat crispate, carinate, with revolute margins but not plicate, more or less spreading, serrulate in apical half, scarce- ly decurrent ; costa strong, brownish, percurrent ; leaf-cells mostly parenchymatous, rectangular to hexagonal, incrassate, OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 177 median cells strongly papillose on upper end, about .003-.006X .015-.030 mm., elongate-rectangular, apical cells narrower and tending to vermicular-hexagonal, basal cells looser, more or less rectangular, up to .012X-040-.060 mm., smooth; inner perichaetial leaves ovate-triangular at base with the costa ex- current into a subulate apex, the margin entire, the cells rather lax ; perigonial leaves erect-spreading, long-acuminate : seta about 2.5-3 cm. long, erect, smooth, shining, reddish-brown, when dry flexuous ; capsule globose to ovoid-globose, faintly striate, about 2-2.5 mm. in diameter, brownish, when dry sulcate and variously wrinkled, arcuate, cernuous, the neck sunken in, about 4-6 rows of cells at the mouth of the capsule laterally elongate ; peristome double, the teeth 16, narrowly triangular-lanceolate, prominently articulate, pellucid, orange to reddish-brown, divisural zigzag, distinct below ; segments narrow, about four-fifths as high as the teeth, mostly split apart; cilia three, very short, the basal membrane comprising more than half the height of the inner peristome, the seg- ments and the upper part of the membrane orange-pellucid, papillose-striate ; spores globose, papillose, pellucid, orange to reddish-brown, .018-.020 mm., mature in June. On dripping rocks along streams, wet places, etc., from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania and westward to Kansas and Washington. Uncommon in our region. Allegheny : In crevices of rocky bed of stream, ravine of Power's Run, May 14, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). Lawrence : Wet rocks in deep ravine near Rock Point, June 26, 1909. O. E. J. 2. Philonotis calcarea (Bryologia Europaea) Schimper. (Plate XXV) Densely and softly cespitose, bright green, more or less glaucous above, brownish below: stems long, up to 10-12 cm., slender, erect in the dense tufts, red-brown and densely felted- tomentose below ; branches in whorls ; leaves dimorphic, stem- leaves broadly ovate, acuminate, about 1.5 mm. long by 1 mm. wide, deeply concave, plicate, towards the apex sharply serru- late, towards the base the basal papillae of the cells forming rounded projections, especially on the revolute margins, the margins revolute narrowly towards the clasping and sub-de- current base, the leaves erect-spreading to secund when moist, shrunken and sub-crispate when dry ; branch-leaves when moist usually more or less falcate-secund, lanceolate and nar- rowly acuminate, about 1-1.5 mm. long, by 0.5 mm. wide, when dry somewhat shrunken and twisted ; costa in both forms of leaves strong, ending in apex, dorsally papillose, basal leaf- 178 A MANUAL OF MOSSES cells rather thin-walled, rectangular, up to .060-.080X-015-.018 mm., pale, pellucid, towards the margins and upwards becom- ing shorter, more incrassate, papillose at the ends, the median and upper leaf-cells becoming quadrate to 2-4 times as wide as long, strongly papillose at their upper ends, incrassate, pel- lucid : capsule not seen but said to be large and similar to that of P. fontana : perigonial leaves widely ovate and linear-acumi- nate : spores mature in summer, but the capsules rather rarely produced. In vegetative characters this species is difficult to differentiate from forms of P. fontana or from P. seriata. In calcareous bogs and springs, Europe, Asia, Algeria, and, in North America, from New England to Pennsylvania and Nevada. Uncommon in our region. Clinton : In roadside ditch, north of Renovo, July 15, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). Huntingdon : Warrior's Ridge, T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Philonotis fontana [Linnaeus] Bridel. (Mnluin fontanum Linnaeus; Bartraniia fontana Swartz). (Plate XXV) Cespitose, yellowish-green, sometimes quite glaucous, loose above but interwoven belo\v with a reddish-brown felt- like tomentum : stems erect, reddish, slender, usually 2-6 cm. high, densely fulvous-radiculose below, the innovations usual- ly whorled and giving the plants the appearance of being pleurocarpous ; leaves about 1.5-2 mm. long, lance-ovate, acuminate, appressed when dry, usually quite plicate on each side of the costa near the base, serrate above, usually more or less revolute towards the base ; costa strong, often percurrent or even excurrent ; basal cells elongate-rectangular to elongate- hexagonal, loose, pale pellucid, about .008-.012(-.015) mm. wide, the end-walls often papillose, the cells in the acumen linear-vermicular, incrassate and more or less papillose at both ends ; perigonial leaves spreading, broadly triangular-ovate, the inner often obtuse and rounded at the apex, the costa not reaching the apex : seta dark red, 2-4.5 cm. long ; capsule ovate-globose, large, brownish, thick-walled, striate, oblong, when dry and empty arcuate and irregularly ribbed ; operculum conic-convex, acute ; peristome-teeth reddish-brown, pellucid, lanceolate ; peristome-segments nearly as long as teeth, nar- row, carinately gaping, cilia three (two) about as long as segments ; spores very slightly papillose, incrassate, yellowish- brown, about .019-.023 mm., usually mature in June. Water-loving mosses usually avoiding calareous habitats, on dripping rocks or in swamps and wet places. Cosmopolitan and occurring in North America throughout, from Canada to OF WESTERN' PEXXSYLVAXIA 179 Florida, in the cooler portions. Common but only occasional- ly fruiting" in our region. Allegheny : Flood-plain of Brush Creek, Douthett. April 26, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Armstrong : Face of dripping sandstone cliff, West Winfield, June 20, 1904. O. E. J. Center : Matternville Gap, Bald Eagle Mt., July 15. 1909. O. E. J. Clinton : Flood-plain of Hyner Run, July 14, 1908. O. E. J. Fayette : In crevices of rocky river-bed, Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. Huntingdon : Roadside-ditch, Huntingdon, July 20, 1908. O. E. J. Indiana : Along- Gush-Gushing Creek, near Grant. July 12, 1908. O. E. J. LycominL: : Swampy flood-plain near \Yilliamsport, July 16; 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Bradford, April 14, 1893. July 4, 1895, May 23 and July 7, 1897. and Quintuple, June 9, 1897. D. A. B. Westmoreland : Greensburg, May 27, 1893. Miss Kath- erine Holmes. 3<7. Philonotis fontana variety falcata Bridel. Leaves falcate-secund ; branches hooked towards the apex. Center : Matternville Gap. Bald Eagle Mt., July 15, 1909. O. E. J. Family XIX. TIMMIACEAE. Dioicous or autoicous ; robust, in more or less high, lax, dull-green to yellowish-green tufts, brownish inside, with a brown tomentum below : stem erect or procumbent, with cen- tral strand, densely-leaved, simple or dichotomous : leaves 8- seriate, of uniform length, from a half-sheathing, non-decurrent base spreading to recurved, elongate lance-linear, carinate; lamina unistratose. channeled to concave, non-bordered, ser- rate : costa strong, percurrent, often dorsally toothed above, with several median guides : leaf-cells screen, small, rounded to c> o 4-6-sided, ventrally mamillate ; cells of the sheathing part with- out chlorophyll, sometimes dorsally papillose, elongate-rectan- gular to linear, narrow towards the margin : sporog'onia soli- tary ; seta long, erect ; capsule cernuous to almost pendent, from a short collum oblong-oval, brown, not or but slightly striate, when dry ribbed ; annulus revoluble ; peristome in- serted back from the edge of the mouth, always double, the inner as long as the outer, when dry the parts sharply bulged outwards in the middle; teeth confluent at the base, broadly 180 A MANUAL OF MOSSES • lance-linear, rarely split, plane, below yellowish and trans- versely striate-punctate, above whitish and vertically papil- lose-striate, divisural zigzag, dorsal plates low, sometimes cut by cross-walls ; inner peristome free, yellow, basal membrane high, carinate, transversely striate, dividing into 64 filiform, papillose cilia, united apically into groups of fours, generally appendiculate on the inner side: spores .012-.023 mm., yellow, almost smooth; operculum hemispheric, often apiculate ; ca- lyptra cucullate. long and narrow, often remaining on the seta. One genus with characters as for the family; 10 species; three in North America, one in our range. 1. TIM All A Hedwig. 1. Timmia cucullata Richard. (T. megapolitana American authors, in part). (Plate XXV) Loosely cespitose, bright green above, bro\vnish below : stems erect, sparingly branched, radiculose below ; leaves lanceolate to lance-linear, spreading from a concave appressed and more or less sheathing base, acute to subacute, the margins serrate almost to the sheathing base, the spreading portion of the leaf concave, smooth on back or more or less involute; costa rather narrow, strong, ending in the apex ; basal leaf-cells elongate-rectangular, rather thin-walled, hyaline, hardly in- flated, in upper part of sheathing base becoming shorter to quadrate, and incrassate, the outer walls bulging so as to ap- pear slightly papillose, about .010 mm. in diameter : seta about 2 cm. long, erect ; capsule inclined to cernuous, oblong, when dry and empty unsymmetric, strongly curved, and somewhat wrinkled and tapering gradually from the wide mouth to the seta; lid rounded and apiculate: annulus revoluble, pluriseri- ate ; peristome double, the teeth 16, lance-linear, yellowish- pellucid, trabeculate on inner side, articulate and with a di- visural on outer surface, inner peristome with high basal mem- brane and 64 filiform cilia united into groups of four each, opposite to and about as long as teeth ; calyptra cncullate ; spores smoothish, mature usually in •May. In shade, on moist banks, or bases of trees, mostly in calcareous districts ; Europe, and, in North America, from New- foundland to Pennsylvania and west to the Pacific States. Rarely collected in our region. AIcKean : Riverside swamp, ten miles north of Bradford, on base of old elm, August 19, 1896. D. A. B. Sterile. (Figured). Family XX. BUXBAUMIACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous : perennial, low, gregarious to laxly cespitose, dark green, finally browrnish : protonema more or less OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 181 persistent ; stem without central strand, mostly very short, erect, thickly foliate to almost leafless: seta ranging from al- most none up to 5-20 cm. long, erect ; capsule proportionally large, sub-erect to inclined, often finally more or less horizontal, dorsiventrally unsymmetric, flattened above, ovate to oblong or ovate-conic, narrowed to a very small mouth; annulate; peristome double or, apparently, single, the inner consisting of a membraneous plaited cone with an apical opening, the teeth originating from one to four concentric rows of cells, faintly barred; operculum conic, glabrous, smooth; spores very small. A very small and rather primitive family of mosses, grow- ing on earth or decayed wood. Two genera, as follows : Key to the Genera. a. Seta almost none; capsule immersed in the fringe of the perichastial leaves. 1. Diphyscium. a. Seta 5-20 cm. long, thick, red or reddish-brown ; leaves none at the time of ripening. 2. Bu.vbaninia. 1. DIPHYSCIUM [Ehrhart] Mohr. (IVebera Ehrhart, not Hedwig). Autoicous or dioicous : perennial, mostly low and densely gregarious ; protonema long-persisting ; stem without central strand, short, erect, radiculose, thickly-leaved, simple, rarely longer and branched ; leaves twisted or crispate when dry, spreading when moist, the lowe;- lingulate or elongate-spatu- late, obtuse or acuminate, entire ; costa strong, without guides, ending below apex; lamina 2-(3-) stratose; leaf-cells on both sides mamillate to smooth, rounded to 4-6 sided, incrassate, often widened transversely, in the basal portion uni-stratose, pellucid to hyaline, lax, elongate 4-6-sided with the transverse walls incrassate, smooth ; perichaetial leaves much larger, erect, membranaceous, elongate, lanceolate to linear, the apex usual- ly fringed and the costa long aristate-excurrent : seta very short, without central strand ; capsule immersed, obliquely ovate-conic, gibbous, without collum, mouth very small ; annulus present ; outer peristome rudimentary or none, when present consisting of 16 triangular teeth ; inner peristome pale, membranaceous, 16-plaited, papillose, short-conic; operculum small, acute-conic, falling awray attached to the upper part of the fleshy columella ; calyptra very small, conic, glabrous. A genus of 10 species, only one in North America. 1. Diphyscium foliosum [Weber] Mohr. (Bu.vbaitinia foliosa Weber; Wcbcra sessilis Lindberg). (Plate XXV) Small, widely cespitose, very short-stemmed (1-2 mm.), the general appearance being that of a grain of wheat sitting in a tuft of bristles: stem-leaves minute, the largest being 182 A MAXL'AL OK MOSSES about 3 mm. long, linear-oblong, obtuse, somewhat concave, crisped when dry ; costa broad, nearly reaching apex ; peri- chsetial leaves 4-7 mm. long, lance-linear, the costa one-third the width of the leaf at base, brownish-yellow, excurrent as a spinulose arista which often reaches one-half the whole length of the leaf, the apex of the lamina acute and entire or incised ; cells at base of the stem-leaves and of nearly the whole lamina of the perichaetial leaves hyaline, thin-walled, irregularly elongate-rectangular to hexagonal, the costa in the lamina of the perichsetial leaves being bordered on either side by several rows of smaller, chlorophyllose, quadrate, and somewhat opaque cells, the lamina of the stem-leaves also being opaque with very small round-hexagonal cells : capsule 4-6 mm. high, ventricose, ovate-conic, yellowish-green ; operculum acute-conic ; calyptra small but covering the operculum ; annulus and outer peristome more or less rudimentary ; inner peristome conic, whitish, membranaceous. papillose, 16-carinate ; spores moder- ately thick-walled, .007-.010, papillose, mature from mid- summer to early fall. On moist, shaded banks, earthy hillsides, etc. Widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere. In North America from Nova Scotia to Ontario, south to Alabama. Not un- common amonsr the mountains and hills of our recrion. o o Center : Tussey's Mt., Shingletown, July 15, 1909. O. E. J. Fayette : Along wooded roadside bank, slope of Sugar Loaf Alt., September 1-3, 1906. (Figured), near Lovers' Leap, Ohio Pyle, September 4, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. ; Ohio Pyle, May 30, 1908. O. E. J. Westmoreland : Roadside bank, "Rachelwood," New- Florence, altitude 2,100 ft., September 8- 10, 1907. O. E. J. 2. BCXBAC'MIA Haller, Hedwig. Dioicous ; antheridial plants .microscopic on the green protonema ; archegonial plants with a short stein, a few small leaves, and one or two archegonia but no paraphyses : isolated or gregarious, annual : stem barely 1 mm. high, simple, with hyaline rhizoids ; leaves ovate to lance-ovate, the basal por- tion green and its cells growing out into long brown filaments during the development of the sporogonia, finally covering the stem and vaginule with a thick tomentum ; leaf-cells lax, long- hexagonal ; perichsetial and upper leaves soon disappearing : seta 5-20 mm. long, thick, red-brown, warty, the central strand being surrounded by an air-space; capsule obliquely ascend- ing, the upper surface flattened, the urn brownish and with a OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 183 short erect collum and narrowed above to a very small mouth ; a low pseud-annuius present consisting of a number of layers of cells ; outer peristome of one to several rows of short and irregular teeth; inner peristome a pale, plaited, membraneous, truncated cone, as in Diphyscium, 32-carinate ; spore-sac small, surrounded by a large air-space ; spores small ; operculum small, conic-obtuse, erect, falling tardily with the upper part of the columella attached ; calyptra small, covering only the oper- culum, glabrous, fugacious. A rather widely distributed genus of 5 species, 3 of which occur in North America, one in our region. 1. Buxbaumia aphylla Linnaeus, Hedwig. (Plate XXVI) Plants minute on a thick, brownish, felted protonema and after the development of the sporophyte usually completely obscured by a dense growth of protonemal filaments : seta erect, stout, rough, about 1 cm. high, castaneous ; capsule when ripe, lustrous, castaneous, ovate-acuminate in outline, flattened obliquely in the upper two-thirds, with angular edges, smooth- ish, about 5-7 mm. long; operculum about 1.5 mm. high, oblong-conic, disproportionately small ; calyptra falling early, conic, covering only about one-half the operculum ; peristome consisting of an outer series of papillose short, slender teeth, and a longer, papillose, conical, plaited cone ; spores smooth, spherical, about .007 mm. in diameter, mature in late fall and early spring. On clayey and mud-covered banks in woods ; Europe, Asia, and, in Xorth America, from Canada to West Virginia and AYashington State." Rather rare in our region. Cameron : D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). Lawrence : On clay bank with decayed wood, under hemlocks and beeches, ravine three miles north of Wurtemberg, October 16, 1910. G. K. J. (Figured). Huntingdon : Boecking. (Porter's Catalogue). Family XXI. GEORGIACEAE. Autoicous : slender to very small, dull, gregarious to ces- pitose, bright to brownish-green : stem erect, leaves 3-5-seriate, unistratose, costa obscure to well-developed and ending just below the apex ; cells parenchymatous, thick-\valled, smooth ; perichsetial leaves larger : seta long, erect, straight or geniculate in the middle ; sinistrorse below, dextrorse above ; capsule erect, symmetric, smooth, oval or cylindrio; annulate; peris- tome inserted below the mouth, consisting of the entire mass of tissue enclosed within the operculum, this splitting by two 184 A MANUAL OF MOSSES planes vertically into four solid, three-angled, elongate- pyramidal teeth ; columella reaching only to the level of the mouth; spores .OOS-.015 mm., smooth; operculum conic, unistratose, cleft on one side ; calyptra conic, glabrous, plicate, the margin lobed. A very small family of 5 species, occurring on rocks, rotten wood, soil, etc., in Europe, Asia, and North America. Two genera; Tetradontium and the following: 1. TETRAPHIS Hedwig. (Georgia Ehrhart). Slender plants, more or less densely cespitose in wide soft tufts, bright green to brownish, radiculose-tomentose below : stems to 3 cm. long, with central strand, three-angled, branched, with distant, scale-like, ecostate leaves below ; upper stem-leaves abruptly larger, approximate, ovate-lanceolate, acute, margins plane and entire ; costa ending below, or in the apex, 4— 5-stratose at base, cells incrassate, uniform ; leaf- cells incrassate, round-hexagonal, wider transversely, elongate in the leaf-apex, rectangular at the leaf-base: seta 1-1.5 cm. long, often two together ; capsule erect, symmetric, greenish, when empty brownish and weakly dextrorse, without stomata ; calyptra enclosing the t upper one-third of the urn, its apex carinate-toothed ; gemmae lenticular, borne in a cup formed of four or five broadly cordate bracts at the apex of the more slender and flexuous gemmiferous stems. Four species, all occurring in North America, only the following one in our range : 1. Tetraphis pellucida [Linnaeus] Hedwig. (Georgia pellucida Rabenhorst). (Plate XXVI) Loosely cespitose in wide yellowish-green tufts : stems erect, about 1 cm. high, densely felted-radiculose at the base, reddish below ; basal-leaves minute, upper leaves larger, tufted, ovate-lanceolate, margin entire ; certain stems bearing at the ap.ex gemmae-cups about 1 mm. in diameter, the surrounding leaves being broadly obovate to reniform, truncate or apiculate at the apex; perichaetial leaves linear-lanceolate, up to 4.5 mm. long ; costa of stem leaves wide, ending below apex, in perichaetial leaves often percurrent ; areolation dense, rounded, the cells of the perichaetial leaves irregularly elongate at base ; the cups enclosing small, many-celled, lenticular gemmae: seta yellowish to reddish, erect, dextrorse above, about 1-1.5 cm. long ; capsule cylindric-lanceolate, erect to ascending, reddish, about 2-2.5 mm. long ; annulus none ; peristome consisting of 4 linear-triangular thick teeth, reddish to brownish, compris- OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 185 ing about one-fifth of the length of the capsule ; operculum lustrous, conic, acute ; calyptra whitish and lacerate below, plicate, enclosing the whole capsule, at apex solid, acute, rough ; spores about .010 mm., thin-walled, slightly papillose, mature in summer or early fall ; capsules persistent. \Videly distributed, on peaty soil, decayed logs, etc., Eu- rope. Asia, and, in North America, in Canada and northern United States. Common in our range. Allegheny : Rotten log, Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh. No- vember 9, 1909. E. M. Gress. Center : Barrens, near Scotia, September 22, 1900 O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, May 10- 11. 1906, liartstown, August 4, 1909. O. E. J.; Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Lawrence : Rock Point. Gorge of Conoquenessing, October 15. 1910. "O. E. J. and G. K. £ McKean : West Branch, Bradford, June 4, 1896, and Langmade Hollow, Bradford, October 11, 1897. D. A. B. Westmoreland: Mellon's Estate ("Rachelwood") New Florence, September 8-11, 1907. O. E. J. (Figured). Family XXII. POL Y TRI C H AC E A E. Dioicous, rarely paroicous or synoicous ; antheridial flower terminal, large, discoid, generally bearing a shoot in its middle; archegonial flowers terminal, bud-like : perennial, mostly very large, mostly cespitose. with a long horizontal, subterranean, triangular, blackish, branched, radiculose rhizome: stem erect with lower leaves none or remote, leaves weakly costate, three- seriate, without lamellae, red to hyaline, small and scale-like ; upper part of stem five-more-angled, with specialized central strand ; stem structure complex ; upper leaves larger, the sheathing base usually yellowish to hyaline, lamina more or less spreading or recurved, when dry mostly erect, sometimes convolute to crispate, mostly lanceolate to lance-subulate, sometimes Ungulate, mostly sharply toothed, mostly plane with erect edges, uni-stratose or with two-stratose zone next the costa, rarely two-stratose to the margin, with narrow, vertical, green, longitudinal, mostly uni-stratose lamellae on the ventral surface of the costa and of the bi-stratose lamina : costa strong, wide, incomplete to aristate-excurrent, dorsally often toothed and rarely lamellate, complex in structure ; leaf-cells parenchymatous, small, the basal rectangular to linear and narrower towards the margin : seta elongate, mostly solitary, often flattened and weakly sinistrorse ; capsule first erect, later 186 A MANUAL OF MOSSES inclined to horizontal or pendent, cylindric to prismatically 4-6-sided or cubic, collum various; annulus none or uniseriate with three or four transitional bordering cells; peristome rarely lacking, mostly simple with 32 to 64, rarely 16, Ungulate, short, unbarred teeth, triangular in cross-section, rising from a basal membrane, the teeth hyaline, often with a colored median line, incurved to meet the disk-like apex (epiphragm) of the columella ; spores mostly small, .008-.012 or .014-.021 mm., mostly smooth ; operculum apiculate to rostrate from a conic to convex base ; calyptra cucullate, rarely glabrous, mostly spinulose to long, villous and felted. A cosmopolitan family, mostly on siliceous or other non- calcareous soils ; in colder regions often forming large masses of vegetation. Key to the Genera. a. Capsules cylindric. b. a. Capsules four-angled or six-angled. 3. Polytrichum. b. Leaves not crisped when dry; calyptra hairy. 2. Pogonatitm. b. Leaves crisped when dry; calyptra not hairy. 1. Catharinaea. 1. CATHARINAEA Ehrhart, Weber and Mohr. (Atrichiun Beauvois). Stems of moderate height, in loose tufts or gregarious, dark green to bronze when old, central strand generally Avell developed ; rhizome creeping, branched, bearing loosely- to thickly-leaved erect shoots, densely radiculose at the base ; leaves lingulate to ovate-oblong, not sheathing nor narrowed above the base but slightly embracing the stem, margined, ser- rate ; crisped when dry, costa narrow, on the upper side with 1-12 narrow lamellae, ending below or in the apex, towards the apex often spinose-serrate ; cells chlorophyllose, the upper rounded-hexagonal, smooth, the basal mostly rectangular : seta long, erect; capsule smooth, cylindric to oval, rarely obovate, often more or less curved ; operculum long-rostrate ; peristome of 32 teeth with pale borders and a median orange to reddish- brown line, the basal membrane narrow and reddisli-brown or orange; calyptra smooth, except at the apex, where it is spinulose-papillose : mostly dioicous. A cosmopolitan genus comprising about 43 species, grow- ing on earth, mostly in the temperate zones ; 19 species in North America ; four species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Upper leaf-cells .015 to .025 mm., in diameter; costa and lamellae not exceeding one-third of the width of the upper half of leaf. b. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 187 a. Upper leaf-cells .007 to .015 mm. in diameter; costa and lamellae extending, over one-fourth to three-fifths of the width of upper half of leaf. c. b. Lamellae 3-6 in number and 3-6 cells in height, covering about Vs to */4 of the upper leaf-width. 1. C. nndulata. b. Lamellae 5-7 in number and 4-7 cells in height, covering about Yf, to y$ of the upper leaf-width. 10. C. unditlata var. alle- glicniensis. c. Lamellae 5-8, 6-8 cells high, covering Y± to Y2 of upper leaf- width. 2. C. angnstata. c. Lamellae 6-8, 8-14 cells high, covering about l/2 to % of upper leaf-width. 3. C. papillosa. c. Lamellae 7-12, 8-14 cells high, covering about 2/$ to y$ of upper leaf-width. 4. C. plurUameUata. 1. Catharinaea undulata [Linnaeus] Weber and Mohr. (Brynm undulatiun Linnaeus; Atrichum un-dulatum Beauvois). (Plate XXVI) Loosely cespitose, dull, dark green : stems erect, ranging from 1.5-6 cm. long, usually about 3-4 cm., mostly simple, more or less gray-radiculose below, arising from a rhizone- like base ; lower leaves minute, increasing in size upwards, the upper leaves lanceolate-lingulate, much crisped when dry, transversely undulate when moist, sub-acute to obtuse, about 6-8 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, serrulate to the middle or slightly below, the uppermost teeth double, strong, being inserted in a border of 1-3 rows of brownish, pellucid to hyaline, incras- sate, narrow cells ; the crests of the undulations on the back of the leaf also often spinose in upper part of the leaf; leaf-cells elongate-rectangular at base, reaching about .01 7 X -033 mm., becoming quadrate towards leaf-middle, towards apex hexa- gonal and somewhat longer transversely and about .017-.024 mm. ; costa strong, ending just below apex, sharply dorsally toothed, ventrally with 3-6 longitudinal lamellae which each consist of 3-6 rows of cells similar to those of the leaf-blade, the costa and its lamellae covering rarely more than one-fourth of the total leaf-width (in our region sometimes even nar- rower) : seta erect, flexuose, somewhat sinistrorse, smooth, lustrous castaneous, 2-5 cm. long; capsule lustrous, becom- ing dull with age, castaneous, cylindrical, arcuate to almost straight, inclined, smooth, about 4-5x1-1-3 mm.; peristome single, the 32 teeth linear-lanceolate, obtuse, about 0.3 mm. high, orange-pellucid along the median line, united in the lower third into a reddish-orange basal membrane, the teeth covered (especially along the margins) with a hyaline, densely but minutely papillose layer which, during the winter, becomes deciduous, thus leaving the teeth perfectly smooth ; spores smooth, orange, spherical, about .016-.019 mm. in diameter; mature in late fall, operculum conic, curved linear-rostrate, 188 A MANUAL OF MOSSES about 2.3-3 mm. long; calyptra pale, roughened towards apex, covering about one-half to one-third of urn. Widely distributed throughout the North Temperate Zone on earth, particularly partly shaded clay banks. Common in our region. Allegheny : Power's Run, September 21, 1905, Schen- ley Park, October 30, 1905, and Darling- ton Hollow, October 12, 1908. O. E. J.; \Yildwood Road, March 29, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Clinton : Hyner Creek, above Hyner, July 15, 1908. i Fi°"ured). O. E. J. Crawford : Lines ville,' May 10-11, 1906. O. E. T. Elk : Head of Little Mill Creek, March" 31, 1910. A. B. Wallgren. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, May 13, 1905. O. E. J. ; Sep- tember 1-3, 1907. O. E. T. and G. K. T. Mc-Kean : Langmade, May 29, 1898" D. A. B. la. Catharinaea undulata variety minor Weber and Mohr. (Plate XXVII) Differs from the species in having the stem, leaves and sub-erect capsule shorter. Erie : Presqtie Isle, May 8-9. 1906. O. E. J. (Figured). Fayette : Ohio Pyle, May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. Ib. Catharinaea undulata variety allegheniensis New Variety. (Plate XXVI) Similar to the species in general habit and appearance but usually somewhat smaller and more slender : the lamellae 5-7 in number, usually 6, ranging from 4-7, usually 6, cells in height, the costa and lamellae together occupying from one- sixth to one-third of the width of the upper part of the leaf; the upper leaf-cells about .016-.018 mm. in diameter. This variety is much more abundant in the Pittsburgh district than is the species, evidently preferring habitats with shales and sandstones such as those of the Carboniferous. Allegheny : From sixteen different collections of vari- ous dates and localities, the type collec- tion being Powers Run, Montrose, April 18, 1906.' O. E. J. (Figured). (De- posited in the Pennsylvania Herbarium of the Carnegie Museum.) Armstrong : Kittanning, September 24, 1904, and September 27, 1909. O. E. J. Beaver : Beaver Falls, May 11, 1907. O. E. J. Crawford : Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 189 Fayette : September 10, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E, K.; September 1-3, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Washington : Charleroi, October 14, 1905. O. E. T. and G. K. J. Westmorland: New Florence, September 8-11, 1907, and "Shades," east of Blackburn, Tune 13, 1908. O. E. J. 2. Catharinaea angustata [Bridel] Bridel. (Polytrichum angnstatnm Schwaegrichen ; Atrichum angnstatnm Bryologia Europaea). (Plate XXVII) Loosely cespitose : stems erect, about 1-3 cm. high, or more ; lower leaves minute, the size of leaves increasing up- wards, dull green, much crisped when dry, lance-linear, doubly serrate from about the middle upwards along the margin and dorsally towards the apex ; costa with about 5-8 ventral lamellae above, the costa and lamellae together occupying about one-fourth to one-half of the width of the leaf ; lamellae 6-8 cells high, cells equal in size; basal leaf-cells elongate-rectan- gular, rather incrassate, about .010-.025 mm. in diameter, above becoming quadrate, towards the apex slightly smaller, more or less hexagonal with the longer diameter transverse, about .010-.015 mm.: seta erect, about 1.5-3.5 cm. long, smooth, lus- trous, castaneous, somewhat sinistrorse ; capsule lustrous, castaneous, linear-cylindric, usually slightly curved, about 5-8X1 mm.; peristome-teeth obtuse, about 2.5 mm. long; calyptra cucullate. slenderly rostrate, about 4-7 mm. long ; operculum hemispheric, slenderly rostrate, about 2.5 mm. long and more or less abruptly divaricately bent ; spores about .012-.018 mm., pale, orange-pellucid, smooth to minutely roughened, somewhat incrassate, mature in late fall and win- ter. Occurring on wooded shaly or clayey banks ; Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Newfoundland and Ontario to the Gulf States. In our region not very common, seemingly preferring steep slopes of ravines, and there often under hemlocks. Quite variable and often approaching closely the two species next following. Allegheny : Powers Run, November 30, 1908, and Darlington Hollow, October 25, 1908. O. E. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, October 21, 1905. O. E. J. Crawford : Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). 190 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 3. Catharinaea papillosa New Species. (Plate XXVII) Plants loosely cespitose, dark green, dioicous : stems simple or at the base sparsely branched, towards the base radiculose, erect, about 2 cm. high, chestnut-brown to purple ; lower leaves dark green, short, oblong, above gradually longer, erect-spreading, the upper leaves tufted, erect-spreading to erect, oblong-linear, 3-5 mm. long, 0.7-1.0 mm. wide, margined, above chlorophyll-bearing, obtuse to somewhat acute, towards the apex dorsally serrate-spinulose, in the margin above the middle more or less doubly serrate-spinulose, when moistened slightly undulate, when dry crisped and circinate, lamellate ventrally along the percurrent costa ; lamellae 6-8, mostly 10-14 cells high, smooth or minutely and sparsely papillose, above the middle extending over ^-/i the width of the leaf ; leaf- cells on both sides usually slightly minutely papillose, the lower cells hyaline, hexagonal-rectangular, about 10-15 by .030-.045 mm., the median more or less quadrate, the upper cells quadrate-orbicular, chlorophyll-bearing, about .008-.015 mm., the lower border cells linear, incrassate, in two to three series, more or less two-layered, towards the apex gradually becoming rectangular, in the teeth triangular and sometimes .125-.140 mm. long; perichsetial leaves similar to the stem- leaves ; the perigonial leaves of the antheridial plants from an ovate-orbicular concave base abruptly linear-acuminate, about 2 mm. wide and 3 mm. long, towards the apex canalicu- late, lamellate marginally and dorsally serrate-spinulose and usual- ly sparsely papillose ; lamellae usually papillose, 4-6, only 3-7 cells high, disappearing quickly below the base of the acumen: flowers dioicous or rarely arising from the center of the masculine flower of the preceding year : seta solitary, erect, flexuous, slightly sinistrorse, about 2 cm. long, smooth, sub- lustrous, chestnut-brown; capsule linear-cylindric, 3.5-6 mm. long, 0.5-0.7 mm. in diameter, erect-arcuate, tapering abruptly at the base, smooth, chestnut-brown ; cells of the capsule rec- tangular, their lateral walls much incrassate, in a series of 5 or 6 cells under the mouth smaller, quadrate, dark-incrassate; peristome teeth 32, linear-oblong, about 0.3 mm. high, in the median line reddish-orange, towards the sides hyaline, in the margins a little dark and densely although minutely papillose, forming a basal membrane in the lower third; spores smooth, incrassate, orange-pellucid, globose, about .008-.011 mm.; calyptra about 5 mm. long, narrowly cucullate, much shorter than the capsule, towards the apex spinulose-hairy ; operculum hemispheric-conic, shining, dark chestnut-brown, terminating in an oblique linear-subulate rostrum 1.8 mm. long. Known from the following localities : OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 191 Allegheny : Along a shaly roadside bank at the west end of Fern Hollow Bridge, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. O. E. Jennings, March 8, 1908. Type. (Figured). (Two pockets of specimens deposited in the Pennsylvania Herbarium of the Carnegie Museum). Same locality March 26, 1910. O. E. J. ; Stoops Ferry, October 7, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. ; Library P. O.. April 29, 1906. O. E. I. Beaver : Beaver Falls,* May 11, 1907. O. E. J. Bedford : Wills Mt., near Hyndman, October 9, 1904. O. E. J. Butler Valencia, September 27, 1905. O. E. J. Fayette Washington Ohio Pyle, May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. Hanlin, May 23, 1908. and Charleroi, June 24, 1908. O. E. J. Westmoreland: "Shades," east of Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 4. Catharinaea plurilamellata Xew Species. (Plate XXVII) Loosely cespitose, dark green, dioicous : stems simple or sparsely branched below, slightly radiculose towards the base, about 1.5 cm. tall, erect, flexuous, reddish-brown; lower leaves dark green to purplish, short, becoming abruptly longer above; upper leaves clustered, erect-spreading to erect, linear-lanceo- late. 4-7 mm. long, .9-1.3 mm. broad, margined, above with chlorophyll, obtuse to sub-acute, toothed on the back towards apex, more or less doubly serrate in the apical third, not very strongly undulate when damp, crisped and circinate when dry; lamellae 7-12 in number, 8-14 (usually about 11) cells high, smooth or sometimes sparsely minutely papillose, usually oc- cupying from YT, to Y~> of the width of the upper part of the leaf; lower cells rectangular, about .010-.016X-025-.035 mm., the upper rounded-quadrate, about .007-.013 mm., the lower marginal cells linear, incrassate, 2- to 3-seriate and more or less bi-stratose, towards the apex becoming rectangular, with triangular teeth about .025-.040 mm. long ; perichsetial leaves similar : seta solitary, erect, flexuous, somewhat sinistrorse, about 1.5-2 cm. long, smooth, shining, reddish-brown; capsule oblong-cylindric, 4—5 mm. long, 0.6-0.9 mm. in diameter, erect, arcuate, abruptly tapering at the base, reddish-bro\vn, smooth, shining when fresh ; peristome teeth 32, linear-oblong, about 0.25 mm. high, reddish-orange along median portion, hyaline towards margins, when young with densely minutely papillose margins, the lower one-fourth portion united into a basal mem- brane; snores smooth, incrassate, orange-pellucid, globose, 192 A MANUAL OF MOSSES about .008-.011 mm.; calyptra about 5-6 mm. long, narrowly cucnllate, extending to about the middle of capsule, spinulose- hairy on apex; operculum hemispheric-conic, shining reddish- brown, terminating in a linear-subulate oblique beak about 2 mm. long. Known only as follows: Allegheny : Powers Run, September 21, 1905, May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. Fayette : On shaded woodland bank, Ohio Pyle. O. E. J. and G. E. K., September 10, 1905. (Figured). Type. (Deposited in Penn- sylvania Herbarium of the Carnegie Museum. Westmoreland: Miss K. R. Holmes, 1902. 2. POGONATUM Beauvois. Dioicous : gregarious to weakly cespitose : fertile stems arising from a creeping underground stem or from a radicu- lose protonema, erect, stiff, short and simple or some longer and branched ; leaves gradually longer upwards, erect-spread- ing to recurved, more or less clasping at base, stiffened by mostly numerous lamellae, especially towards the apex, the margins more or less distinctly spinulose, leaf-blade smooth dorsally, usually for the most part bi-stratose ; the lower part of costa narrow and plane, dorsally towards the apex toothed ; cells of the leaf-blade small, incrassate, in the unistratose border mostly quadrate or transversely elongate, basal cells elongate to linear, yellowish to hyaline, thinner walled: seta solitary, sometimes more, castaneous ; capsule erect, straight or curved, cylindrical, without stomata; peristome-teeth 32, pale to yellowish-brown with a darker axis ; operculum con- vex and more or less long-rostrate; calyptra mitrate, densely hirsute, more or less shaggy. A large genus of about 165 species, growing on earth, widely distributed; about 45 species in North America; only one species yet found in our region. Key to the Species. a. Robust, 5-15 cm. high, branching; marginal cells of lamellae papil- lose, b. a. Mostly short, simple; marginal cells of lamella? elliptic and smooth. c. b. Leaf-margins entire. (P. bracliyphyUitni [Rich- ard] Schwaegrichen). b. Leaf-margins more or less serrate. 1. P. pennsylvctnicum. c. Exterior cells of lamella? round in cross-section: capsule more or less papillose. (P.urnigentni [Linnaeus] Beauvois). c. Exterior cells of lamellae ovate in cross-section: capsule not papil- lose. (P. norvegicum [Hed- wig] Beauvois). OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 193 1. Pogonatum pennsylvanicum (Hedwig) Paris. (Polytrichiiui pensilvanicum Hedwig; Pogonatum brevicaule Beauvois; P. tcnuc E. G. Britton). (Plate XXVIII) Plants scattered on a green felt-like persistent protonema which covers the moist, bare clay : stems very short, usually about 1-2 mm. long; leaves lanceolate-subulate, the lower shorter and more ovate, narrowing abruptly to an acuminate apex, margins serrulate in the upper half ; upper leaves lanceo- late with a long-acuminate, serrulate apex, appressed or some- what spreading ; lamellae 5 or 6 cells high, terminal cell orbicu- lar to ovoid in cross-section, smooth: seta slender, smooth, yellowish to reddish ; calyptra light yellow, very hairy and more or less shaggy, completely covering the capsule ; capsule erect, symmetric, long cylindric, minutely papillose, slightly or not at all constricted below the lid, yellowish to reddish, about 4 mm.XO.8 mm.; lid obtuse to truncate, abruptly tipped with a beak about 0.4 mm. long ; spores maturing in our region about November. A common moss on bare clay banks, especially if some- what moist and shaded, from Nova Scotia to Missouri and south to Alabama. Common in our region. Allegheny : Ten localities, different dates ; O. E. J. Darlington Hollow, October 12, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). Coraopolis, September 4, 1905, and Power's Run, September 14, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. ; Wildwood Road, March 29, 1908. O. G. K. J. : Kittanning, October 21, 1905; tanning, September 27, 1909. and G. K. J. : Beaver Falls, May 11, 1907, Smith's Ferry, along Ohio River bank, October 1, 1910. O. E. J. : On red clay, near Scotia, September 22, 1909. O. E. T. : Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. : Ohio Pyle, May 30, 1908. O. E. J. ; Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906, and Cheat Haven, September 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Ohio Pyle, September 10, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. : Quintuple Ridge, September 4, 1898. D. A. B. ; Kane, September 5, 1909. O. E. J. Washington : Charleroi, October 14, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. ; along north branch of Maple Armstrong Beaver Center Crawford Favette E. J. and West Kit- O. E. J. McKean 194 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Creek, Charleroi, April 26, 1908. O. E. J. A\ estmorelancl : Hillside, May 19, 1906, and May 22, 1909. O. E. I. "Shades," three miles east of Trafford, March 25, 1910, Chestnut Ridge, above Hillside, May 23, 1908, and Sep- tember 16-17, 1909. "O. E. J. and G. K. J. 3. POLYTRICHUM Dillenius, Hedwig. Dioicous; antheridial flowers cup-shaped, sprouting from the middle: robust, stiff, in green to bluish-green, mostly high tufts ; stem with a complex central strand, rising from a sub- terranean rhizome, often whitish tomentose, mostly simple ; leaves dense, erect-spreading to recurved, drying stiffly erect, from a sheathing scarious base elongate-lanceolate to linear- subulate, non-bordered, with margin plane to involute, sharp- ly serrate, the sheathing base unistratose and hyaline, at least at the angles ; lamina bi-stratose except at the margin ; costa narrow and flat below, above stronger, dorsally toothed to- wards apex, mostly excurrent as a colored, toothed awn ; lamellae erect, high, numerous, covering the costa and the bi- stratose lamina ventrally; cells in the sheathing base elongate- rectangular to linear, narrower marginward ; laminal cells small, incrassate, quadrate-hexagonal: sporogonia solitary; seta long, stiff yellowish-red to purplish, often drying flat and sinistrorse ; capsule first erect, finally inclined or horizontal, mostly prismatic, 4-6-angled, oblong to cubic, collum hemi- spheric or disk-like, with stomata ; spore-sac free ; teeth 64, with a colored axis, basal membrane colored ; operculum large, conic to convex, rostrate ; calyptra cucullate and with the long, shaggy hairs completely enclosing the capsule. About 125 species, mainly on soil in the cooler parts of the globe ; 22 species in North America ; at least 5 species in our range. Key to the Species. a. Exothecial cells of capsule not pitted; hypophysis not distinct; capsule longer than broad. 1. P. ohiocnse. a. Exothecial cells of capsule with large pits; hypophysis disk-like, distinct with a constriction above; capsule approximately cubic. b. b. Leaf-margin entire, broad and inflexed; marginal cell of lamellae not emarginate in cross-section. c. b. Leaf-margin sharply serrate, not inflexed; marginal cells of lamellae emarginate in cross-section. 5. P. commune. c. Excurrent costa hyaline, long; plants low (about 1.5-2 cm.), simple. 2. P. piliferum. c. Excurrent costa red, short; plants larger, d. d. Stems not or but slightly tomentose; capsules oblong-tetra- gonal. 3. P. juniperinum. d. Stems covered below with whitish tomentum; capsules more or less cubic. 4. P. alpcstrc. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 195 1. Polytrichum ohioense Renauld and Cardot. (Plate XXVIII) Erect, loosely cespitose, about 2.5-7 cm. high (gameto- phyte). olive-green: stems wiry, slightly or not at all tomen- tose below, chestnut-brown ; leaves widely spreading when moist, erect-appressed when dry, or with the tips flexuous- spreading, lower leaves small and linear, the upper about 8-12 mm. long, the linear-lanceolate limb spreading from an ob- long sheathing base about 2-3 mm. long, the limb serrate and ending in a spinulose, stiff, pellucid acumen, very strongly costate, the costa with about 40-50 lamellae; lamellae 4-6 cells high, the terminal cell wider but not longer and not bi-cuspi- clate or retuse ; cells in alar portion of sheathing base of leaf elongate-rectangular, about .010-.015X.100--130 mm., prosen- chymatous or parenchymatous, in middle of sheathing base narrower and proportionally longer, somewhat incrassate, in limb rounded, incrassate and pellucid-opaque ; perichaetial bracts similar but with a longer more hyaline sheathing base and a narrower limb : seta 4-8 cm. long, wiry, flexuous, lustrous, chestnut-brown shading to golden above, erect ; capsule erect soon becoming more or less horizontal, acutely 4- (5) angled, narrowed towards the base, about 2-3 by 4-6 mm., yellowish- brown, hypophysis small but distinct : peristome-teeth pale yellow with a darker median portion, about 0.2-0.25 mm. long; spores round, smooth. .015-.017 mm., mature in midsummer; cells of exothecium about .007-.010 by .010-.015 mm., quadrate to hexagonal, incrassate, non-porose ; operculum with a ros- trum about equal in length to the diameter of the capsule; calyptra yellowish, exceeding the capsule. On earth in moist woods, Alaska to Labrador, south to Missouri and Alabama, also in northern Europe. Allegheny : Stoop's Ferry, October 7, 1905, Stewart's Stop, Charleroi Electric R. R. , August 19, 1907. Wildwood Road, March 29, 1908. O. E. T. and G. K. J. ; Power's Run. September 14, 1906. O. E. J. and G. E. K. ; Carnot, May 25, 1902, December 5, 1888, and Laschell Hollow, Tune 15, 1902. J. A. S.; Power's Run, July 31, 1904, Stoop's Ferry, June 4, 1906, Schenley Park. Pittsburgh, July 10. 1905. O. E. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, August 22. 1903. D. R. S. ; Kittanning. October 12, 1905, August 16, 1906. O. ^E. J. Cambria : : St. Lawrence. July 24. 1908. O. E. J. Clearfield : Clearfield. Tulv 13. 1908. O. E. T. 196 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Crawford : Linesville, June 6, 1904, May 12, 1(J08. O. E. J. Erie : Presque Isle, June 9-11 and September 20-22, 1906. O. E. J. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, May 13, 1905. O. E. J., Sep- tember 10, 1905. September 1-3. 1906, and September 1-3, 1906. and September 1-3, 1907 (Figured), and Cheat Haven, September 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Huntingdon Indiana Lawrence Mercer Me K can Birmingham, May 17, 1904. O. E. J. Cherry Tree, July 11, 1908. O. E. J. New Castle, 1906. Miss Susan Gageby. Houston Junction, July 12, 1902. j. A. S. Marilla, July 5, 1896, Rutherford, July 29, 1896, September 16, 1898, Beardsley's Run, June 7, 1896, Bennett, May 30, 1897. D. A. B. Washington : Hanlin, May 21, 1908. O. E. J. Westmoreland : Jacob's Creek, August 10, 1902, Laurel- ville, May 30-31, 1903. J. A. S. ; Delmont, June 28, and July 3, 1903. Miss Kath- erine Holmes; Saunders' Station, June 22, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J.; Hillside, May 23, 1908, May 22, 1909, and Septem- ber 16-17, 1909, Xew Florence. September 8-11, 1907, Trafford August 22. 1910. O. E. J. 2. Polytrichum piliferum Schreber, Hedwig. (Plate XXVIII) Rather loosely cespitose, light green, rather glaucous: stems simple, erect, 1-4 cm. high, purplish-brown, radiculose slightly at the base, leafy only in the upper 1 cm. or there- abouts ; leaves when moist ascending, when dry inibricate-ap- pressed, base h}"aline, rounded-oblong, about 1.5 mm. long, the limb narrowly lanceolate, about 3 mm. long with wide mar- gins inflexed and in the upper part meeting or over-lapping, the apex abruptly terminating in a hyaline, linear, dentate arista about 1 mm. long; costa wide, with about 25-35 lamellae ventrally, dorsally more or less papillose or dentate; lamella usually of 6-7 cells, the terminal one slightly wider and apical- ly abruptly elongate ; leaf-cells in alar region of sheathing base quadrate to rectangular or hexagonal, hyaline, slightly incras- sate, in middle of sheathing part larger, rectangular, about .015-.018X-030-.040 mm., somewhat brownish-pellucid, incras- •*sate, at base of limb abruptly passing into rather opaque or bro,wn-pellucid, much incrassate, rounded cells, about .010-.015 mm. in diameter, in reflexed margin of limb larger and ir- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 197 regularly obliquely rhombic : seta about 2-3.5 cm. long, erect, flexuous, lustrous, light chestnut-brown to paler above ; capsule small, about 2-2.5 mm. long, tetragonal-oblong to almost cubic, sharply angled, erect to pendulous, usually horizontal in age; operculum shortly rostrate ; calyptra covering whole capsule ; cells of exothecium hexagonal with a large oblong pore one- half the diameter of the cell; peristome-teeth rather hyaline, about 0.2 mm. high ; spores round, smooth, about .010-.012 mm., mature in mid-summer. In dry, sandy soil, heaths, etc., in cooler regions over al- most the whole earth. In North America ranging from the Arctic regions south to the northern part of the Gulf States and California. Erie : Presque Isle, on Sand-Plain, September 20-22. 1906. O. E. J. McKean : Bradford, December 23, 1896. D. A. B. (Figured). \\ ashington : Xear Washington, Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Polytrichum juniperinum YVilldenow, Hedwig. (Plate XXIX) Rather loosely cespitose, erect, light green and somewhat glaucous : stems slightly tomentose at base, in our specimens about 5-9 cm. high, brown; leaves rather crowded, when moist spreading, when dry erect-appressed, or in the older stems somewhat spreading, the base oblong, sheathing, the limb lance-linear, 5-6 mm. long, the margin entire or crenu- late and inflexed, the costa strong and excurrent into a reddish dentate arista ; cells at base of sheathing portion of leaf linear- lectangular, mainly parenchymatous, moderately incrassate, in middle portion of sheath relatively wider, about .010X-040-.090 mm., both prosenchymatous, in inflexed margin of limb obliquely quadrate-rectangular-elongate, decidedly incrassate; lamellae about 30-40, usually 6-7 cells high, the terminal cell somewhat broader and with an abruptly narrowed shortly prolonged apex ; perichsetial leaves more hyaline with a longer sheathing base and a considerably longer slightly dentate arista: seta erect, flexuous, lustrous, about 4-6 cm. high, some- Avhat sinistrorse ; capsule tetragonal-oblong, about 3-5x2-2.5 mm., sharply angled, reddish to dark chestnut-brown when old, apophysis short but rather distinct, capsule pendulous to horizontal; spores round, smoothish, about .OOS-.011 mm., mature in midsummer; cells of exothecium elongate-hexagonal to quadrate-hexagonal, the perforation linear-oblong, about half as long as cell. 198 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Heathlands, dry pastures, thin woods, etc., in hilly, and mountainous regions almost the world over. Common in our region. Allegheny : Near Library P. O., April 29, 1erich?etial leaves sheathing, the inner rounded-obtuse, broadly ovate, reaching nearly to the apex of the mature capsule: capsule short, sub-cylindric, enclosed by the closely folding perichsetial leaves until almost mature, about 2.5:1; lid long-conic; peristome-teeth red-orange, papillose, about 20-25-articulate, the inner peristome more or less com- 208 A MANUAL OF MOSSES pletely united into a lattice-work at the apex but free and merely appendiculate below ; spores mature in summer. On stones in streams from Nova Scotia to Alabama and west to the Rocky Mountains. Rare in our region. Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Bradford. D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. D 1C H ELY MA Myrin. Dioicous ; antheridial shoots small, gemmiform ; arche- gonial shoots long; slender to robust, shining, green to golden-brown, blackish below ; branching various, the branches recurved at the apex ; leaves 3-seriate, falcate-secund to cir- cinate, lance-subulate from a slightly decurrent base, carinate- plicate, weakly serrate ; costa complete to long-excurrent ; median leaf-cells linear, narrow, the alar not wider; inner perichaetial leaves long, tubular, sinistrorsely wound around the seta : seta long ; capsule ovate, soft, brownish ; peristome- teeth 16, lance-linear, obtuse, papillose, spreading either when damp or when dry, often more or less cleft or divided along the median line, trabeculse low and distant ; inner peristome longer and sometimes falling away with the operculum, seg- ments filiform, more or less united ; lid about as long as urn, conic, mostly oblique and curved ; calyptra enclosing the wrhole capsule, split along one side, sinistrorse ; spores small and uniform in size. A rather widely distributed genus of 7 species ; 5 species occurring in North America ; 2 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves subulate; costa long-excurrent. 1. D. capillaceum. a. Leaves acute; costa complete or almost so. 2. D. pall esc ens. 1. Dichelyma capillaceum [Dillenius] Bryologia Europsea. (D. pallescens Sullivant and Lesquereux ; Fontinalis capillacea Hedwig), Yellowish above, brownish to blackish below ; stems slender, often 10-15 cm. long, with a few distichous, divaricate, or one-sided branches; leaves erect-spreading, secund to falcate-secund, long-linear from a lance-oval base, about 5-7 mm. long, serrulate towards the apex ; costa long-excurrent ; perichsetial leaves linear, thin, ecostate, pale and twisted and reaching above capsule ; leaf-cells narrow, linear-rhomboid : seta short, slender; capsule small, pale yellowish, thin-walled, ovate, the urn truncate and about 1.5-2:1; lid high-conic; peristome double, the teeth shorter than the inner peristome, narrowly linear, densely papillose, segments longer than teeth, constricted at the articulations, pale yellow, papillose, forming a connected lattice-work only above ; spores mature in late summer. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 209 On sticks and the bases of bushes in and around the edges of slow streams and ponds; Europe and from New Brunswick and Ontario southward to Pennsylvania. Xot yet recorded as occurring within our region. 2. Dichelyma pallescens Bryologia Europaea. (Fontinalis capillacea Hooker). (Plate XXXI) Slender, light yello\vish-green, sometimes glossy : stems usually about 5-10 cm. long, the branching sub-distichous ; leaves secund, more or less falcate, the ends of the branches and stems appearing hooked, leaves oblong-lanceolate, about 3-5 mm. long, gradually long-acuminate, complicate-carinate, nearly entire ; or denticulate above, plane-margined, acute to obtuse; costa percurrent or nearly so; median leaf-cells rhom- boid-linear, prosenchymatous, about 8-15:1, rather incrassate, the basal colored and somewhat shorter, a few alar wider and oblong, incrassate, the apical shorter ; perichsetial leaves about as long or usually longer than the seta and capsule together : seta about 4 mm. long, slender, enclosed in the perichsetium ; capsule small, thin, ovate, yellowish, about 1 mm. long, trun- cate by the falling away of the lid; lid high-conic; peristome- teeth linear, rather rudimentary, pale, castaneous-pellucid, with distinct divisural and lamellae, and about 10-12 castaneous- pellucid, low ventral trabecuke; segments filiform, longer than teeth, united only at the summit or entirely free, sometimes remaining on the ripe capsule only as short, filiform, cilia- like structures between the teeth ; exothecial cells rounded, castaneous-pellucid, incrassate-collenchymatous, the upper laterally oblong and smaller ; spores mature in summer, cas- taneous-pellucid, incrassate, minutely papillose, varying from about .016-.025 mm. On sticks and the bases of bushes along creeks and around ponds; New Brunswick to Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Xot yet found in our region, excepting along the northern border. McKean : Bradford. D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue) ; Riverside, New York, a few miles north of Bradford. D. A. B. October 18, 1897. (Figured). Family XXV. CLIMACEAE. Dioicous ; flowers on secondary stems and at base of branches ; gregarious, large and stately, growing in swamps : stems rhizome-like, subterranean, radiculose, with smooth, branched, reddish-brown rhizoids, secondary shoots 3- to sev- eral-angled, erect, with tree-like branching, with central strand ; branches leafy, cylindric, simple, pinnate or bi-pinnate ; paraphyllia numerous ; leaves dimorphous, the rhizome and 210 A MANUAL OF MOSSES lower part of stem having- scale-like and appressed colored leaves, the upper stem and branches having green leaves ; leaves plicate ; costa simple, homogeneous, ending below the apex, at the base widened by two or three layers of laminal cells ; leaf-cells smooth, upwardly narrow-rhombic, downwards linear, the basal orange, the alar hyaline, lax, thin-walled and forming a distinct group ; perichaetial leaves numerous, long and slender ; sporogonia often aggregated : seta long, erect, stiff, sinistrorse ; capsule erect and symmetric or arcuate and unsymmetric ; exannulate ; peristome double with the parts of equal length ; teeth confluent at base, reddish-brown, articulate, papillose, or transversely striate, the lamellae numerous ; inner peristome yellow, papillose, with more or less of a basal mem- brane, the segments carinate, more or less gaping along the keel, cilia none ; spores medium size ; operculum rostrate from a convex base ; calyptra cucullate. Two genera: GirgeiisoJinia, with one species, in the regions bordering the North Pacific, and the following : 1. CLIMACIUM Weber and Mohr. Mostly as characterized in the description of the family: branches simple, or sometimes almost pinnate, unequal, at- tenuate : branch-leaves lance-ligulate from a decurrent, auricled base, bluntly to sharply acute, sharply serrate above ; inner perichaetial leaves abruptly acuminate, entire, short-costate ; costa of the leaves strong, ending below the apex, dorsally toothed above: seta 15-45 mm. long, stiff, castaneous ; capsule erect, symmetric, almost cylindric. castaneous ; teeth lance- linear, acuminate, with a dark red border, with low papillose dorsal plates, and with closely placed trabecula?; inner peris- tome orange, vertically striate-papillose. segments linear, carinately gaping, finally divided; spores .015-.020 mm., rusty, warty ; calyptra long, narrow, enclosing whole capsule, cleft on one side to apex, sometimes twisted. A widely distributed genus of about 7 species : 3 occurring in North America and extending into our region. Key to the Specie^. a Branch-leaves indistinctly auricled and little plicate: median leaf- cells about 8-10:1. 1. C. dcndroides. a. Branch-leaves strongly and deeply plicate: median leaf-cells less than 8:1. b. b. Median cells about 5-7:1: plants of a tree-like form. 2. C. aincricaintin. b. Median cells not more than two or three times as long as wide; plants not so plainly dendroidal. 3. C. kindbergii OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 211 1. Climacium dendroides [Linnaeus] Weber and Mohr. (Hypnwni dcndroidcs Linmeus; Lcskca dendroides Hedwig). Dendroidal, robust, bright or yellowish-green ; the prim- ary stems underground, creeping, divided ; the secondary stems rising to a height of sometimes 10 cm., leafless below, bearing at the summit numerous erect-spreading, rlexuous, usually straight branches ; leaves large ; stem-leaves broadly amplex- icaul, with a more or less rounded and cucullate or apiculate apex; branch-leaves imbricated, giving to the branches a thick -and turgid appearance, about 2x0.7 mm., lance-oblong to lingu- late-oblong, denticulate at base but quite sharply serrate above, plicate, somewhat cordate at the base ; costa nearly reaching apex; median leaf-cells about 6-10:1, linear-rhomboidal to linear-hexagonal, shorter and wider towards the apex and to- wards the base, the alar somewhat lax, wider, hyaline, few, forming small auricles ; perichaetial leaves entire, non-plicate, the inner sheathing: seta deep red. about 2.5-3 cm. long; capsule erect, castaneous, oblong-cylindric, about 4 mm. long, about 3-4:1: lid often remaining attached to the columella, straight, acutely rostrate ; calyptra reaching to below the cap- sule ; peristome large, the teeth forming a cone when moist but usually curved in between the segments when dry; spores mature in fall, green in color. On wet ground in marshes, at borders of streams, mar- gins of swamps and lakes, etc. ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America south to New Jersey. It may eventually be found to occur in the northern part of our region. 2. Climacium americanum Bridel. (Plate XXXI) Loosely cespitose, robust, yellowish-green, lustrous: prim- ary stems creeping stolon-like in the leaf-mould, throwing up at intervals dendroidal secondary stems to a height of 5-8 cm. ; secondary stems with large, scattering to closely im- bricate, ovate, scale-like leaves below, above bearing a closely tufted group of branches ; branches ascending, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, terete, acute to obtuse: branch-leaves 1.7-2.2 mm. long, about two-fifths as wide, broadly lanceolate, sharply serrate in upper half, often denticulate below, acute, broadly auriculate, erect- spreading, when dry imbricate, strongly bi-sulcate : costa strong, ending just below apex; median leaf-cells oblong-hexa- gonal with more or less rounded or truncate ends, 5-7:1, rather incrassate. those of the auricles quadrate along the margin to diamond-shaped towards the interior, the apical and the upper marginal larger and rhombic-oblong: seta erect, stout, dex- trorse above, sinistrorse below, castaneous. about 1-1.6 cm. long; capsule castaneous, narrowly cylindric. about 3-5 mm. 212 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Jong, erect to slightly curved, slightly contracted below the mouth when dry, nearly smooth ; annulus none ; operculum conic-rostrate, about 1 mm. long; peristome-teeth shallowly in- serted, orange-castaneous, non-striate but decidedly papillose, strongly and rather densely trabeculate, the lamellae and di- visural not very distinct, the teeth slender and often perforate below; segments usually longer than teeth, linear, arising from a very narrow and often somewhat perforate basal membrane which is usually inserted entirely below the rim of the urn, the segments yellowish, granular-papillose, perforate-cleft in a ladder-like manner along the median line ; cilia none, or sometimes represented by mere stubs rising from the basal membrane; exothecial cells heavily incrassate, castaneous- pellucid, oblong, the upper rounded-quadrate, those at the rim smaller and transversely oblong, darkly incrassate ; spores yellowish, minutely roughened, about .016-.01S mm., the walls moderately incrassate. In damp, shady woods on rotten logs, stumps, wet soil, rocks, etc., often in swamps. From Xew Brunswick to the Carolinas and Alabama and west to the Rocky Mountain re- gion. Not uncommon in our region but rather rarely found in fruit. Allegheny : Darlington Hollo\v, Sharpsburg, August 17, 1884, J. A. S., Moon Township, 1889. J. A. S. (Figured) ; along creek near Thornhill, May, 1906. O. E. T. and G. E. K. ; near Douthett, April 26, 1908. O. E. J. Butler : Along creek north of Douthett, April 26, 1908/ O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning S\vamp, Linesville, June 12, 1905, and May 12, 1908. O. E. I. ; Harts- town, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : Bradford. D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Cata- logue). Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). Westmoreland: Near Apollo, August 3, 1904. Miss K. R. Holmes; Hillside, May 22, 1900. O. E. J. 3. Climacium kindbergii (Renauld and Cardot) Grout. (C. aincricaiiniii var. kindbergii Renauld and Cardot). (Plate XXXI) Dark yellowish-green to almost black, usually rather densely cespitose : secondary stems about 3-6 cm. tall, some- times indistinctly dendroidal, stout, castaneous, bearing along the stem rather scattered widely ovate leaves about 3-4 mm. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 213 % long, leaves not snlcate, plane-margined, sub-clasping at base, acute and almost entire at apex, strongly costate into the apex; basal cells in a -wide area, rather thin-walled, large, rectangular to rhombic-oblong, often somewhat brownish, above quickly passing into linear prosenchymatous cells about 10-15:1, the apical cells shorter and rhombic oblong; branches densely tufted, ascending to widely spreading, 1.5-2.5 cm. long; branch-leaves about 1.5-2.5 mm. long, broadly lance- ovate, somewhat clasping by the auriculate base with rounded auricles, strongly sulcate, apex obtuse to acute, margin plane, serrate in upper half, strongly costate almost to the apex ; median leaf-cells of the branch-leaves oblong-hexagonal, 2-3:1, somewhat incrassate, the basal short rhombic to quadrate- rectangular in the auricles, the median basal longer with rounded ends, incrassate and more or less castaneous-pellucid : sporogonium not seen from our region but described as hav- ing the seta more flexuous and considerably longer than in C. americanum; capsule 4-6 mm. in length; peristome-teeth perforate. In swamps and pools in woods from New England to In- diana and the Gulf States. Rare in our region. Fayette : Along margin of densely shaded mountain stream, Meadow Run Valley, four miles south of Ohio Pvle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Family XXVI. LEUCODOXTACEAE. Dioicous, rarely autoicous : antheridial shoots gemmi- form, axillary; archegonial clusters terminal on short peri- chsetial branches ; both kinds on secondary shoots : paraphyses few, filiform : plants more or less stiff and robust, laxly cespi- tose, mostly shining; stem cylindric, central axis rudimentary or none; main stem creeping, branched, radiculose with brownish radicles ; secondary stems numerous, erect or ascend- ing, rarely pendent, thickly-leaved, simple or branched ; leaves pluri-seriate, decurrent, often plicate, ovate to lanceolate, abruptly to slenderly acute, non-bordered, one-layered ; costa double or simple or none ; leaf-cells incrassate, mostly smooth, rhombic above, below elongate along the middle of the leaf, towards the margin rounded-quadrate in many series: capsule erect, symmetric, oval or ovate to oblong-cylindric ; annulus present; peristome double, teeth lanceolate to lance-subulate, densely articulate, non-bordered, mostly papillose, mostly with- out projecting lamellae; basal membrane of inner peristome low, segments rudimentary and narrow or none, as long or shorter than teeth, cilia none; lid conic, obliquely rostrate; calyptra cncullate; spores medium to large. 214 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES * On rocks and trees, mainly confined to temperate regions; 1 1 genera ; only 2 genera in our region. Key to the Genera. a. Costa double or more. 1. Lcncodon. a. Costa single. 2. Forsstroemia. 1. LEUCODOX Schwaegrichen. Dioicons: blackish to yellowish or brownish-green, dull or lustrous : primary stems very long and branched ; secondary stems usually simple, equally high, sometimes more or less pinnate, thickly leafy ; leaves drying appressed, straight or secund, mostly pluri-plicate, when moist spreading, ovate- acuminate to short-acute, entire or apically serrate, ecostate ; median leaf-cells smooth, oblong-rhombic, the basal reddish- yellow ; inner perichsetial leaves high-sheathing, long-acumi- nate : seta mostly more or less elongate, reddish ; capsule most- ly exserted, oblong to oval (or globose), reddish brown to blackish, with a small mouth and short collum, stomata none : annulus present; peristome double with the inner peristome rudimentary or apparently lacking; teeth whitish to yellow- ish, mostly gaping in the middle or divaricately cleft ; lid conic, constricted at the base, sometimes obliquely rostrate ; calyptra smooth, cucullate, enveloping the capsule and upper end of seta: spores .025-.035 mm., yellowish-green, finely warty. A widely distributed genus of 36 species, occurring on trees and rocks ; 8 species in North America ; 3 species, prob- ably, in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves plicate: secondary stems well developed: seta about 2-3.5 mm. long, with capsule emergent but shorter than the perichsetial leaves. 1. L. brachypus. a. Secondary stems less developed: capsule lorig-exserted. b. b. Leaves ovate-elliptic, rather abruptly and shortly acuminate, scarcely plicate. 2. L. julaceus. b. Leaves lance-ovate, long and slenderly acuminate, much plicate. 3. L. sciitroides. 1. Leucodon brachypus B ridel. (Plate XXXI) Moderately robust, brownish to light green, loosely tufted : stems usually at least 5-6 cm. long, with rather numerous secondary simple or branched divisions ; leaves about 2 mm. long, ovate, bluntly acute to short-acuminate, obscurely more or less secund, usually plicate with two folds, entire to ser- rulate above; costa none; median leaf-cells linear-fusiform and castaneous pellucid at base, the interior median rhombic, about 5-8:1, grading to oval at the apex, the marginal basal rounded-quadrate to transversely oblong, all cells incrassate; OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 215 perichaetial leaves loosely appressed-sheathing, non-plicate, the inner surpassing the capsule : seta about 2-3.5 mm. long, wrapped in the perichsetial leaves ; capsule oval-oblong, about 1.2-1.5 mm. long, about 2:1, castaneous, small-mouthed, dark- rimmed ; lid conic, obliquely short-rostrate ; peristome-teeth rather broad, irregular, pale to whitish, papillose, often bifid at apex, the inner peristome very thin, narrow, and without segments or cilia ; spores mature in winter or late fall, pale, rather thin-walled, granular. On trees and rocks in hilly or mountainous regions ; from Xova Scotia to Kansas and south to the Gulf States. Rather common in our region. Cambria : Cresson. T. C. Porter and T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Crawford : On bark at base of Fraxinus nigra, near Linesville, June 11-12, 1907. O. E. J. MeKean : Quintuple, November 11. 1893, (approach- ing L. sciuroides in acumination of leaf- apex) and Lano-made, near Bradford, Au- gust 11, 1895. D. A. B. (Figured). Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Leucodon julaceus [Linnaeus] Sullivant. (Hypnitin jnlacciini Linnaeus; Pterigyncmdrum julacciim Hedwig). (Plate XXXII) Resembling the preceding in habit but with shorter sec- ondary stems and distinctly terete branches, which are julace- ous when dry : leaves crowded, closely appressed-imbricate when dry. scarcely secund, ovate-elliptic, abruptly short-ac- uminate, entire or slightly serrulate at apex, the margins often recurved, blade concave, scarcely plicate, the base rounded and sub-clasping; leaf-cells mainly as described for the genus, but the upper much shorter and broader than in the other species, in the median upper third rhombic-oblong, incrassate, about 2-3:1, seriate; the marginal rounded-hexagonal but towards the base usually densely transversely oblong-hexa- gonal, the basal median linear-vermicular and much incrassate, those above becoming shorter ; costa none ; perichsetial leaves linear-oblong, filiform-acuminate, reaching well up to the cap- sule : seta slender, partly exserted ; capsule turgid-oval, cas- taneous, about 0.5-0./X1 mm.; annulus none; lid obliquely short-rostrate, about half as long as the urn ; peristome closely similar to that of L. brachypuSj the teeth apically bifid ; spores mature in fall. In woods on tree-trunks, often mixed with other mosses, from Xew England to Michigan and south to Florida and Texas. Probably will prove to be not uncommon in our region. 216 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Allegheny : On base of white oak tree, Library, April 29, 1909. O. E. J. (Figured). Cambria Indiana Washington T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Leucodon sciuroides [Linnaeus] Schwaegrichen. (Hypuuui scinroides Linnaeus; Fissidens sciuroides Hedwig). Rigidly cespitose, brownish to olive-green : secondary stems terete and julaceous, more or less curved-ascending at the ends, usually 3 or 4 cm. long : leaves densely crowded, slightly secund, closely imbricate when dry, more or less open- spreading when moist, lance-ovate, long and slenderly acumi- nate, entire, usually about 5-plicate, somewhat decurrent ; costa none ; leaf-cells about as for L. brachypus; perichaetial leaves pale, non-plicate : seta about 7 or 8 mm. long, rather stout ; capsule oblong-elliptic, brown, exserted ; lid conic, same color as urn ; peristome-teeth slender, pale to whitish, remotely articulate, entire or split towards the base; annulus simple, falling away in fragments; calyptra yellowish-brown apically, reaching to the base of caspule ; spores mature in spring but capsules very rarely found. On trunks of trees, or very rarely on rocks, in woods ; Europe, and from lower eastern Canada through the northeast- ern United States. Not yet found in our region. 2. FORSSTROEMIA Lindberg. (Leptodon Mohr). Autoicous, rarely dioicous ; quite robust to slender, green to brownish-green, mostly dull : leaves drying imbricate and non-plicate or indistinctly plicate, when moist erect-spreading, oblong to linear, short acute, also ovate and acuminate, margin more or less revolute, entire or apex serrate ; costa rather narrow, ending about the middle ; apical and median cells ellip- tic or oval, the angular rounded-quadrate to transversely ob- long; inner perichaetial leaves sheathing, long and narrowly pointed, costate or ecostate ; seta short, 2-5 mm., straight, red to yellowish ; capsule mostly exserted, ovate to oval, pale or reddish-brown ; annulus narrow or none ; peristome-teeth lance-linear, mostly yellowish, pellucid, densely articulate, finely papillose above, sometimes broken through on the di- visural ; inner peristome none or very rudimentary ; spores .020-.035 mm., yellowish-green, finely papillose ; lid conic, nar- rowly acuminate to shortly rostrate ; calyptra cucullate with erect hairs, rarely smooth. A widely distributed genus of 20 species, mostly arboreal in habitat ; 4 species in North America ; 1 species in our regiqn. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 217 1. Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedwig) Lindberg. (Fterigynandrum trichomitrium Hedwig: Leptodon trichomitrius Mohr). (Plate XXXII) Broadly cespitose, rather rigid, yellowish-green ; primary stems creeping, filiform, the secondary stems numerous and abundantly branched ; leaves close, loosely erect-spreading, lance-ovate, shortly acuminate to acute, entire, when dry some- what plicate, about 1.5-2 mm. long, the extreme apex rather blunt, the base concave, the margins reflexed : perichsetial leaves loose in texture, the inner sheathing, reaching to the base of the capsule or a little higher : seta short, slightly longer than the capsule ; capsule ovate-cylindric, thin- walled, rather gradually narrowed below, about 3-4:1, about 1.5 mm. long; exothecial cells rather incrassate, irregularly polygonal to rectangular-oblong, several rows at the narrowed mouth smaller, rounded-quadrate and dark-castaneous ; peristome- teeth whitish, lance-linear, rather remotely articulate, some- times perforate along the divisural, the inner peristome entire to more or less torn, adhering to the ventral surface of the teeth : lid short-rostrate ; spores mature in winter, orange-in- crassate. almost smooth, about .023-.025 mm. In woods on trees, rarely on rocks : Asia, and from New Ensrland to Ontario and the Gulf States. Common in Eastern o Pennsylvania but rare in our region. McKean : Xear Latshaw, X. Y., north of Bradford, August 25, 1895. D. A. B. (Figured). Family XXVII. NECKERACEAE. Dioicous, rarely autoicous or synoicous ; sexual clusters only on secondary shoots and their branches, with filiform, often yellowish paraphyses : slender to robust, mostly stiff, laxly cespi- tose : stem somewhat dorsiventrally flattened, with or without a rudimentary central strand ; primary stem more or less creeping, mostly filiform, mostly sparsely fasciculately radicu- lose ; secondary stems more or less elongate and ascending or much elongated and pendent, mostly distantly or symmetrical- ly pinnate, thickly-leaved, julaceous or flattened; leaves nearly always pluri-seriate. uni-stratose, of various forms ; costa most- ly delicate, homogenous, simple or double or none ; median cells mostly prosenchymatous, the apical sometimes parenchym- atous, the basal often colored, the alar sometimes differ- entiated : capsule mostly erect and symmetric, peristome most- ly double, teeth yellowish to brownish, lance-linear, dorsally sometimes abnormally thickened, ventrally trabeculate ; the inner peristome with mostly low carinate basal membrane, raiely rudimentary or none, segments linear to filiform, often 218 A MANUAL OF MOSSES fenestrate, rarely cleft the whole length, cilia mostly none; lid conic, erectly to obliquely rostrate ; calyptra mitrate to cucul- late, mostly hirsute ; spores of varying size. A large family, occurring mainly on trees in warmer re- gions, often forming a conspicuous part of the vegetation; 51 genera, of which but three occur in our region. Key to the Genera. a. Secondary stems flattened, ascending or pendent; leaves mostly conspicuously unsymmetric. b. a. Secondary stems mostly erect and branched in a tree-like manner; leaves only slightly unsymmetric. 3. Thamnium. b. Exannulate; basal membrane of inner peristome low, cilia none, segments narrowly linear. 1. Neckera. b. Annulus 2-seriate; basal membrane conspicuous, cilia rudi- mentary and soon disappearing or well-developed, segments about as broad as teeth. 2. Homalia. 1. NECK ERA Hedwig. Autoicous or dioicous, rarely synoicous : mostly more or less robust, cespitose, green to yellowish or brownish, some- what lustrous : primary stems often stoloniferous, paraphyllia mostly none ; leaves on the filiform shoots small, ecostate, sym- metric, concave ; normal leaves either 8-seriate, the dorsal and ventral alternately turned to the side, the lateral spreading, or 4-seriate, the dorsal and ventral series lacking, leaves plane, unsymmetric, rugose, more or less spatulate from a broader and shortly decurrent base, acute to obtuse or truncate ; costa vari- ous ; upper leaf-cells rounded to rhombic, the lower linear, the alar differentiated, small and quadrate ; perichaetial leaves high- sheathing, narrow, long-acuminate : capsule oval or elliptic, im- mersed to exserted ; annulus none ; peristome double, inserted far back ; peristome-teeth lance-linear, often basally striate, low-trabeculate, sometimes split along the divisural ; basal membrane mostly very low ; cilia none ; calyptra mostly cucul- late and with erect hairs ; spores medium, mostly brownish, papillose. A widely distributed genus of about 160 species ; about 20 species in North America ; two species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves narrower, acute to acuminate; capsule at least partly im- mersed. 1. N. pcnnata. a. Leaves rounded and abruptly apiculate; capsules exserted. 2. N. complanata. 1. Neckera pennata [Linnaeus] Hedwig. (Fontinalis pennata Linnaeus). Large, with primary stems creeping, often stoloniferous, the secondary stems 6 to 8 or 10 cm. long, erect, pinnate or nearly simple ; leaves lance-ovate, acute to acuminate, more OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 219 or less undulate above, the margins entire or slightly dentic- ulate; costa short and faint, more or less bi-striate and wrinkled ; median leaf-cells linear at base, towards the apex the upper marginal and apical broadly rhomboid ; inner peri- chsetial leaves entire, half-sheathing, elongate-lanceolate, reach- ing somewhat beyond the capsule : seta very short ; capsule immersed, yellowish, oblong-oval, brown when old, about 2.5:1; lid acute-conic or acuminate; calyptra very small and covering only the operculum ; peristome double, teeth irregular- ly divided, subulate-linear from a lance-linear base, sometimes apically coherent, the segments rudimentary and very short ; spores in summer. On trees or on moist rocks in cool, moist woods, usually on the trunks of deciduous trees ; widely distributed in temperate regions, in Xorth America extending from lower Canada south to Xorth Carolina. Probably rather common in the eastern part of our region. Cambria : Cresson. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Cata- logue). McKean : D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Neckera complanata [Linnaeus] Huebener. (Hypnuiii complanatum Linnaeus; Houialia complanata De- Xotaris). Yellowish to pale green, in rather large and dense tufts, soft : stems long, often reaching 8 or 10 cm., branchlets pinnate- ly arranged ; complanate, sometimes more or less flagelliform ; leaves oblong-Ungulate, compressed, complanate, usually rounded at the apex and short-apiculate, sometimes acute or acuminate, those at the tips of the branches often more or less deflected and falcate, the margin usually inflexed at base on one side, serrulate at apex ; costa double, very short and faint, or none ; median leaf-cells linear-vermicular, the apical shorter and wider, rhomboidal, the angular quadrate-oval and yellowish-pellucid ; perichsetia borne along the sides of the stem, the leaves long-sheathing: seta yellow, about 1 cm. long; capsule oval to elliptic-oblong, pale, orange-yellow or castane- ous, about 2:1, small-mouthed; lid subulate-rostrate, usually oblique; calyptra cucullate, reaching to about the middle of the urn ; peristome-teeth long, pale, narrow, the segments about half as long, filiform from an enlarged base ; spores mature in spring but capsules rarely produced. On bark of trees, rarely on rocks; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from Labrador to Tennessee. Rare in our region. Reported from "Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania" in Lesquereux and James' Manual. 22(1 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 2. HO MA LI A (Bridel) Kryologia Europe. Dioicous or autoicous : slender to robust, in wide, more or less lustrous, dark colored, matted tufts : primary stems with stolons : secondary stems mostly irregularly dichotomous, non- flagellate ; leaves 4-seriate, complanately spreading, unsym- metric, spatulate to Ungulate from a slightly decurrent base, rarely rounded, obtuse, non-bordered, with apex entire or serrulate ; costa simple, incomplete or none ; upper leaf-cells rounded to hexagonal, lower elongate, at least the median so, rarely all linear; inner perichsetial leaves, short-sheathing, lanceolate, acute ; seta long, mostly smooth ; capsule mostly erect to cernuous, oblong from a narrowed base, when old sometimes arcuate, red-brown, rarely almost pendent and short-oval ; annulus 2-seriate ; peristome double, inserted at the mouth ; teeth linear-subulate from a broader base, yellow to brownish, apically hyaline, mostly transversely striate and with well-developed lamella:; ; inner peristome yellow, papillose, basal membrane high, carinate, segments longer and almost as broad as the teeth, broken through in places along the keel, cilia mostly rudimentary and fugaceous, sometimes well-de- veloped and appendiculate : lid conic, obliquely rostrate ; ca- lyptra cucullate, mostly glabrous; spores small, brownish. About 60 species on trees, rocks, and stones, mostly in temperate regions : 7 species in North America ; one species in our region. 1. Homalia jamesii Schimper. In straggling tufts, shining yellow-green, repeatedly dis- tichous, stoloniferous : stems slender, interruptedly foliate by the numerous innovations ; the branches strongly complanate- foliate ; leaves cultriform, sub-falcate, oblong, obtusely apicu- late, minutely serrulate above the middle, striolate lengthwise when dry ; costa faint, slender, reaching half-way or more ; lower median leaf-cells linear-fusiform, the apical and mar- ginal about 1.5-1:1, about as broad as .long, rhomboidal ; seta about 1.5 cm. long, slender; capsule erect to cernuous, oblong- cylindric, about 2.5:1, symmetric, when dry scarcely con- stricted below the mouth ; peristome double, teeth long, yellow- ish, confluent at base, inner peristome about as long as the teeth, the segments narrow, sub-linear, more or less carinately perforate, cilia rudimentary and solitary or none : annulus present ; spores mature in fall but capsules rarely found. On rocks and in crevices, in mountainous or hilly dis- tricts ; from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to Pennsylvania, also in Washington State. Possibly will be found to occur in the eastern part of our region. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 221 3. T HAM XI I'M Bryologia Europaea. (Porotrichuui Bridelj. Dioicous or, rarely, autoicous : mostly robust to very robust, with a long, creeping primary stem : the primary stem has scale-like leaves, and is more or less densely brown-radicu- lose ; the secondary stem erect to ascending, without branches below, stoloniferous, somewhat dendroid in habit ; branches spreading, flattened, obtuse ; leaves erect-spreading to spread- ing, plane to concave, smooth to plicate, not rugose, non-de- current, unsymmetric, mostly oblong to ovate or ovate-Ungu- late, the apex obtuse to acute, serrate; costa strong, mostly incomplete ; median leaf-cells parenchymatous, the basal some- times linear ; inner perichsetial leaves lanceolate-acuminate and spreading from a half-sheathing base : seta various, mostly 10- 15 mm. long, in certain species not more than 4 mm., in others up to 4 cm. long, red, smooth ; capsule inclined to horizontal, arcuate, gibbous, rarely erect, symmetric, and oval ; annulus revoluble : peristome-teeth lanceolate to linear, subulate-acumi- nate, yellowish, bordered, with a zigzag divisural ; inner peris- tome pale yellow, basal membrane prominent, segments broad, carinately split and gaping; cilia often appendiculate ; spores small : lid conic, rostrate : calyptra cucullate, glabrous. About 41 species in temperate and warm regions ; 7 species in Xorth America ; one species in our region. 1. Thamnium allegheniense (C. Mueller) Bryologia Europaea. (Hypnum allegheniense C. Mueller). (Plate XXXII) Large, dendroidal in habit, bright to pale green, usually rising to a height of 4-7 cm. ; leaves of the branches and branch- lets up to 3 or 3.5 mm. long, rather lustrous and sub-plicate when dry, erect-spreading, oblong-elliptic, short-pointed, con- cave, the base somewhat narrowed but scarcely concave, the apex broadly acute, the plane margin strongly serrate above; costa strong, extending to near the apex ; leaf-cells incrassate, the median shortly rounded- or rhomboid-hexagonal, about 2:1, the basal becoming elongate-oblong, varying to elongate- rectangular, the lower marginal and angular, scarcely wider but sub-rectangular to quadrate ; perichaetial leaves erect, sheathing, narrowly acuminate, ecostate : seta lustrous, of a rich castaneous color, usually about 1 cm. long, smooth, arcuate; capsule oblong-cylindric, castaneous and rarely somewhat wrinkled when dry, about 2-2.5:1, about 2 to 2.5 mm. long, nearly symmetric but by the curving of the pedicel inclined or horizontal, sometimes curved : lid conic, long- and stout-ros- trate, the whole lid being about one-half to one-third as long as the urn ; peristome normally hypnoid, large ; teeth lance-sub- 222 A MANUAL OF MOSSES ulate, distinctly but finely cross-striate in at least the lower half, hyaline and papillose above, castaneous-pellucid below, the dorsal lamellae and the divisural distinct, the trabeculae well developed ; segments papillose, pale yellowish, about as long as teeth, cleft carinately between the articulations ; basal mem- brane one-third as high as teeth ; cilia 2-3, sub-appendiculate, almost as long as segments ; annulus narrow, revoluble, simple ; spores mature in late fall or early winter, smooth, castaneous- pellucid, medium-w-alled, about .016-.018 mm. On dripping rocks and ledges along streams in the hills or mountains from Nova Scotia to Minnesota and south to the Gulf States. Cambria : Cresson. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : On stones in or at the edge of streams, Hedge-hog Hollow, March 18, 1894, Ben- nett Brook, April 9, 1893 (Figured), and Limestone Creek, N. Y., all near Brad- ford. Family XXVIII. ENTODONTACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous : slender to quite robust, mostly stiff, laxly cespitose, mostly lustrous ; central strand none or but few-celled; stem thickly-foliate, julaceous or complanate ; leaves pluri-seriate, uni-stratose, often unsymmetric ; costa delicate, homogeneous, never complete, or double and very short, or none ; leaf-cells mostly prosenchymatous, the alar differentiated, being quadrate or transversely widened : capsule exserted, mostly erect and symmetric, never plicate; peristome mostly double, the inner rarely lacking ; teeth yellow to cas- taneous, with divisural, trabeculate, mostly papillose ; segments narrow or lance-subulate, often split carinately, the basal mem- brane low, carinate, the cilia rudimentary or none ; spores mostly small ; lid conic, short- to long-rostrate ; calyptra cucul- late, glabrous. Mostly in warmer and temperate regions, on trees, some- times on rocks or on soil : 19 genera, 5 genera in our region. Key to the Genera. a. Leaf-cells smooth. b. a. Leaf-cells more or less strongly papillose. d. b. Leaves narrowed at base, lower margins revolute. 2. Entodon. b. Leaves not narrowed at base. c. c. Basal membrane of inner peristome almost none: leaves acute, their margins revolute far above the base; branches when dry not strongly curved at the end. 3. Platygyrium. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 223 c. Basal membrane more or less prominent: leaves acuminate, mar- gins plane; branches when dry strongly curved at the apex. 4. Pylaisia. d. Branches complanate-leaved: peristome segments broad, and as long as the teeth. 1. Schwetschkcopsis. d. Branches julaceous: segments filiform or rudimentary. 5. Pterygynandrum. 1. SCHIVETSCHKEOPSIS Brotherus. Dioicous or autoicous : slender, stiff, forming flat tufts, green to yellowish-green : stem long, creeping, radiculose, mostly densely and symmetrically pinnately branched ; branches densely complanately-leaved, obtuse, short to long, ascending, simple or branched ; paraphyllia few, lanceolate or orbicular, rarely filiform ; branch-leaves when dry imbricate, when moist erect-spreading, non-decurrent, concave, plicate, lance-ovate, acuminate to subulate-pointed, serrulate, plane- margined ; costa none ; leaf-cells oblong-hexagonal, dorsally papillose above, alar quadrate and numerous, chlorophyllose : seta up to 7 mm. long, slender, tortuous, yellowish-red, smooth, when dry twisted; capsule mostly erect and symmetric, shortly collumate ; exannulate, peristome double, teeth lanceolate, yel- low, with zigzag divisural. densely transversely striate, closely trabeculate ; inner peristome hyaline, basal membrane one-third as high as teeth, smooth, segments about as long as teeth, broad, split along keel, finely papillose, cilia rudimentary; spores about .015 mm.; lid obliquely rostrate. Three species, on trees : one in Japan and Korea, one in Nepal, and the following: 1. Schwetschkeopsis denticulata (Sullivant) Brotherus. (Lcskca dcnticnlata Sullivant). (Plate XXXII) Light green, soft, silky: stems usually 2-3 cm. long, some- times more, irregularly branched, paraphyllia none; stem- leaves erect-spreading, close, concave, ovate, somewhat decur- rent, abruptly and narrowly acuminate, 0.4-0.9 mm. long, 0.3- 0.4 mm. wide, plane-margined, sometimes slightly striate, mar- ginally undulate-denticulate ; ecostate ; apical leaf-cells dorsally uni-papillate, the median oblong-oval to elongate-rhomboidal, sometimes vermicular, about 4-8:1, about .005-.008 mm. wide, the marginal uni-seriate and curvi-linear, the alar forming a small group of quadrate incrassate cells ; branch-leaves smaller and less abruptly acuminate, with more oblong and shorter cells: seta yellowish-red, slender, tortuous, erect; capsule erect or nearly so, oblong, about 2-3:1; operculum conic- rostrate, about two-thirds as long as the urn; peristome about the same width as the teeth ; no cilia ; no annulus ; fruit rarely found. 224 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Mostly on bases of trees, rarely on rocks, occurring in Asia and from Connecticut to the Mississippi River and south to Florida. Apparently rare in our region. AIcKean : Lewis's Run, Bradford, November 24, 1895, and Limestone Creek, Bradford, De- cember, 1896. D. A. B. (Figured). The latter issued a? Grout's No. 134, North American Musci Pleurocarpi. 2. HNTODON C. Mueller. Autoicous, rarely dioicous : green to golden-brown : stem prostrate to ascending, complanate-leaved, rarely julaceous, thickly pinnately branched, mostly short, simple, ascending or spreading ; stem-leaves compressed, slightly decurrent, con- cave, the dorsal and ventral imbricate, the lateral spreading, oval, from an ovate base obtuse or aplicnlate or rarely slender- ly acuminate, entire or apically serrate ; costa double and very short, or none; leaf-cells narrowly linear, smooth, the basal lax and incrassate, the alar laxly quadrate, forming a distinct hyaline group : seta mostly 1-3 cm. long, red or yellow, twisted when dry ; capsule erect, straight or \veakly curved ; collum short; annulate or exannulate ; teeth inserted below the mouth, lance-linear, acuminate, thin, plane, mostly non-margined, orange to castaneous, distantly articulate, mostly low-trabecu- late ; inner peristome without prominent basal membrane, seg- ments linear, carinate, yellow, as long as or shorter than the teeth, cilia none; spores .012-.020 mm. Nearly 150 species, on trees and on calcareous rocks, in temperate and warmer regions ; about 33 species occurring in North America ; 4 or 5 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves narrowly gradually acuminate. (,£. brcrisctits (H. and a. Leaves acute or abruptly acuminate-apiculate. W. ) Jaeg.) b. b. Leaves entire or almost so; only the alar cells quadrate or rectangular. c. b. Leaves serrulate; all basal cells rectangular. (£. siillk'antii (C. M.) Lindb.). o. Teeth with more than twenty articulations: leaves acute, but not apicnlate. 1. E. coinpressits. c. Teeth with less than twenty articulations, d. d. Leaves acuminate-apiculate: teeth 15-20-articulate: capsule less than 4.5:1. 2. E. cladorhisans. d. Leaves abruptly apiculate: teeth less than 10-articulate; capsule about 5:1. 3. E. scdnctri.r. 1. Entodon compressus C. Mueller. (Cylindrothecinm comprcssnin Bryologia Europaea). Widely and flatly cespitose, glossy yellow-green, with much- compressed stems and branches : considerably more slender than OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 225 H. cladorhizans but quite similar in general appearance : leaves about 1.0-1.1x0.4-0.5 mm., quite concave, broadly oblong- ovate, obtuse, entire at apex ; median leaf-cells linear, the alar quadrate and numerous; costa none or very rudimentary: seta erect, long ; capsule erect, short-ovate to elliptic, narrow- mouthed, about 2.5X0.6 mm. ; lid rather long and with a slender curved rostrum ; annulus large, early deciduous ; peristome- teeth long, lance-linear, closely articulate, the segments some- what shorter, linear-subulate, free from the teeth, the teeth densely papillose above ; spores mature in fall or early winter. On bases and roots of trees in moist situations, often near water-courses ; northern Europe, Asia, and, in the United States from Missouri to Pennsylvania and southwards. Ap- parently rare, or entirely absent from our region, but occurs in Ohio and in Eastern Pennsylvania. 2. Entodon cladorhizans (Hedwig) C. Mueller. (Cylindrothecium cladorhizans Schimper ; Neckcra cladorhizans Hedwig). (Plate XXXII) Cespitose in wide tufts, brightly lustrous, yellowish-green : stems compressed, somewhat pinnately branched, rather acuminate and sometimes up-curved at the apex ; branches complanate and spreading widely from the stem, more or less acuminate to attenuate at the apex, where sometimes rooting; leaves loosely imbricate, very concave, non-plicate, narrowed at the apex, margin plane or narrowly revolute below, apex sub-acute, faintly serrulate, usually turned slightly backwards; leaves ovate to oblong, about 1-2 mm. long by one-half as wide; costa double, short and indistinct, or none ; median leaf-cells long-linear, prosenchymatous, smooth, with firm and hyaline walls, the alar hyaline to somewrhat reddish, incrassate, quad- rate-rectangular in a triangular patch of 6-8 rows depth, bord- ered by a few intermediate, sub-quadrate to sub-vermicular cells, the apical cells shorter and rhombic : seta erect, smooth, sinistrorse, rich castaneous in color, lustrous, about 8-12 mm. long; capsule about 4-6:1, oblong-cylindric, tapering abruptly to the seta, smooth, not sulcate when dry, castaneous, narrowed somewhat at the mouth, 2.5-3.5 mm. long; annulus early de- ciduous, large, pulri-seriate with incrassate quadrate cells ; exothecial cells yellowish with thin walls, rectangular to ob- long, towards the rim suddenly much smaller and incrassate, more or less laterally oblong under the annulus ; operculum conic-rostrate, about 0.4-0.6 mm., long, often apiculate ; peris- tome double, deeply inserted, teeth light-castaneous, about 16- 20-articulate, below lightly papillose-striate in variously diver- gent or radiating lines, not finely transversely striate as in 226 A MANUAL OF MOSSES most hypnaceous peristotnes, sometimes perforate, (lacunose) above; segments distinct, linear, very narrow, carinate, hyaline, very slightly granulose-roughened, entire, nearly as long as the teeth, arising from a very narrow basal membrane; cilia none; spores papillose, incrassate, castaneous, about .016-.020 mm., mature in late autumn or early winter. On leaf-mould, rotting logs, bases of trees, etc. ; Europe, and, in America, from New Brunswick to Ontario and south to the Gulf States. Common in our region. Allegheny : Wildwood Road Hollow. March 29, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured) ; 33 other pockets from various localities in the county. T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Valencia, September 27, 1904. O. E. I. Linesville, August 3, 1909. O. E. J. Beaver Butler Crawford Indiana Fayette J, and G. K. J. Lawrence ; Gorge below Ellwood City, October 14, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Ohio Pyle, September 1-3. 1906. O. E. MoKean Washington Westmoreland Quintuple, June 15, 1896. D. A. B. Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). Shades, near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 3. Entodon seductrix (Hedwig) C. Mueller. (Ncckcra seductri.r Hedwig; Cylindrothecium seductrix Sulli- vant). (Plate XXXIII) Robust, widely cespitose in glossy yellowish-green mats: branches sub-pinnately arranged, slender, julaceous, up to 2 or 2.5 cm. long; leaves about 0.8-1.4 mm. long, broadly oblong- ellipitic to ovate, imbricate, deeply concave, short-apiculate with the apiculation often reflexed, margin plane, entire, or sometimes slightly serrulate, at base often slightly reflexed, base of leaf slightly narrowed ; costa short and double ; median leaf-cells linear- to oblong-prosenchymatous, alar cells quad- rate, slightly incrassate, forming a distinct group sometimes extending along the margin for one-fourth the length of the leaf; perich^etial leaves with a slender acumen, narrower and reaching a length of about 3 mm. : seta glossy, red-castaneous, erect, sinistrorse, about 1.5 cm. long; capsule 2-3 mm. long, castaneous, about 5-6:1, cylindric, erect, symmetric or slightly curved; exothecial cells yellowish with medium walls, rectan- gular to irregularly oblong, towards the rim smaller, quadrate to laterally oblong incrassate, and forming a rather indefinite OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 227 annulus of 2 or 3 series ; peristome-teeth few-articulate above, deeply inserted, lance-linear, rather short, bordered, not trans- versely striolate but irregularly papillose, dorsal lamellae and divisural strongly marked; segments nearly as long as teeth, narrowly linear-carinate, free from teeth, arising from a very narrow basal membrane, smooth, cilia none; operculum conic- rostrate, usually somewhat oblique, about 0.5-0.8 mm. long; calyptra small, enclosing only about half of the capsule ; spores yellowish-incrassate. about .014- .018 mm. in diameter, minute- ly roughened, mature in late summer. Variable. On rotten logs, earth, rocks, roots of trees, etc. ; from Ne\v England to Minnesota and south to the Gulf States. Common in our region. Allegheny : Guyasuta Hollow, October 25, 1908, and Keown. November 14, 1909. O. E. I. Crawford ; Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. Erie : Presque Isle, September 20-22. 1906. O. E. J. Fayette : Ohio Pyle. September 1-3, 1906, and Cheat Haven, September 1-3, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Huntingdon Indiana McKean Washington Huntingdon, July 20, 1908. O. E. J. T. P. Tames. (Porter's Catalogue). Shepherd's Run, August 17, 189.C D. A. P>. Charleroi, October 13, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). 3tf. Entodon seductrix variety minor ( Austin) Grout. Differs from the type in size, being only about one-half to two-thirds as large, usually darker in color ; capsule about 3-4:1, about 2-2.5 mm. long; spores usually about .010-.015 mm. in diameter. Allegheny : Bark of decaying log, mixed oak and pine woods, Dutil Church. Douthett, Decem- ber 29, 1908. O. E. J. 3. PLATYGYRIL'M P>ryologia Europe. Dioicous, rather robust, flatly cespitose. green to golden or brownish-green, lustrous: stem elongate, creeping, ventrally densely radiculose. thickly-leaved and unsymmetrically pin- nate ; branches julaceous, mostly short, simple : leaves imbricate when dry, moist spreading, decurrent, non-plicate, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, sharply acute, smooth, margins revolute; ecostate ; apical cells rhomboid, linear below, alar quite large, numerous, quadrate; seta 8-15 mm., sometimes 20 mm., smooth, castaneous ; capsule erect, symmetric or slightly arcuate, narrowly oblong to almost cylindric ; annulus broad, pluri-seriate, revoluble entire or sometimes in pieces ; peris- 228 A MANUAL OF MOSSES tome inserted on the mouth, double; teeth lance-linear, yel- low, broadly bordered, non-striate, trabecula? thickened ; basal membrane not prominent, segments narrowly linear, carinate- ly cleft, cilia none; spores .012-.018 mm., lid conic, shortly and obliquely rostrate. A widely distributed genus of about 11 species : one species in Xorth America. 1. Platygyrium repens |Bridel] Bryologia Europaea. (Pterogonium rcpcus Scliwaegrichen ; Anomodon repens Fuern- rohr ; Cylindrotheciuin repens DeNotaris; Hntodon repens Grout). (Plate XXXIII) Densely but thinly matted, bright to dark green, pinnately branching: leaves ecostate, crowded, erect-spreading when moist, imbricate when dry, concave, subscarions, lustrous, ovate to long-lanceolate, about 0.7-0.9 mm. long, acuminate, the margin entire and recurved below;. leaf-cells all medium- walled, at apex rhomboidal, the median linear-rhomboidal prosenchymatous, about 6-9:1, the alar distinct, quadrate and relatively large, extending up the margin ; inner perichsetial leaves about twice as long as the branch-leaves, ecostate, more acuminate: seta erect, 10-15 mm. long, smooth, lustrous, dark-castaneous, sinistrorse ; urn of capsule about 1.0-1.2 mm. long, erect, symmetric, oblong-cylindric, castaneous, not nar- rowed below the mouth when dry ; operculum about two-fifths the length of the urn, slenderly and obliquely but bluntly- rostrate ; annulus persistent, large, 2-3-seriate, and appearing like modified upper exothecial cells; peristome-teeth rather deeply inserted, linear-lanceolate, light yellowish-brown, strongly about 15-18 trabeculate, widely hyaline-bordered, papillose below in irregular and often radiating lines, but not cross-striate below as in most hypnaceous peristomes, lamellae and divisural line rather indistinct; segments about two-thirds as long as teeth, linear, narrow, arising from a very low basal membrane, more or less carinately cleft; cilia none: exothecial cells quadrate to irregular or oblong-hexagonal, yellowish ; spores about .014-.018 mm., yellowish, minutely roughened, medium-walled, mature in autumn; gemmae often abundant in the axils of the upper leaves. On bark at base of trees, on decaying logs, stumps, and in woods; widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere; in North America from Xew Brunswick to the Pacific and south to the Gulf of Mexico. Very common in our region. Allegheny : More than 40 pockets from various locali- ties in the county, 1905-1911, mostly O. E. J. and G. K. J. ; on rotten log in oak OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 229 woods. Keown, November 14, 1909. O. E. J. (Figured). Armstrong : Kittanning, September 24, 1904. O. E. J. and October 21, 1905. O. E. J. Beaver : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Butler : Xear Crider's Corners, December 29, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford : Bark of Chestnut tree, Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. Greene : \Vaynesburg, October 17, 1905. O. E. J. Fayette : Four miles south of Ohio Pyle, Morris Farm, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : Bradford. D. A. B. ( Porter's Catalogue). \Yashington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue) ; Hanlin, on base of Jnglaiis nigra, May 21, 1908, and on log, Library, Pa., April 22, 1906. O. E. J. Westmoreland : On bark of dead tree Laurel Hill Mts., Melloirs estate, September 8-11, 1907. O. E. }. ; Shades, near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 4. PYLAISA Bryologia Europsea. (PylaisieUu Kindberg). Autoicous; slender to rather robust, lustrous, in flat tufts: stem creeping, long, unsymmetrically pinnate ; branches short, ascending to erect, often curved, in cross section appearing ap- pressed ; leaves homogeneous, more or less imbricate, when moist erect-spreading, often secund, somewhat decurrent, con- cave, non-plicate, ovate to lance-oval, more or less long-acumi- nate, mostly plane and entire ; costa double, very short or none; leaf-cells linear-rhombic, smooth, alar numerous, quad- rate: seta 1-2 cm. long, castaneous. drying twisted, smooth; capsule erect, symmetric, rarely somewhat curved, oval to ob- long-cylindric, collum short; annulus small-celled or none; peristome deeply inserted; teeth lance-subulate, at the apex often irregular and sometimes remaining in the lid or attached to the segments, yellowish, hyaline-bordered, striate, densely articulate and trabeculate : basal membrane low, segments narrowly lance-subulate, as long as the teeth or shorter, some- times two-cleft, the divisions remaining attached to the teeth : cilia mostly rudimentary; spores small to large; lid conic to rostrate. Thirty-seven species, mainly on trees, in temperate re- gions; 11 species in North America, probably four species in our region. 230 A MAXL'AL O i7 MOSSES Key to the Species. a. Segments completely adherent to the teeth. 1. P. intricate. a. Segments free, at least in the upper third. b. b. Annulus 2-3-seriate, large-celled: spores about .017-.024 mm. 2. P. schimperi. b. Annulus uni-seriate; spores .010-.016 mm. c. c. Operculum rostrate; cilia none; spores .009— .012 mm. 3. P. subdenticulata. c. Operculum merely conic; cilia single, short or rudimentary; spores .012-.016 mm. 4. P. polyantha. 1. Pylaisia intricata (Heel wig) Renauld and Cardot. (P. velutina Bryologia Europ^ea ; Pylaisiella •rehitina Kindberg; Pterygynandrum intricatum Hedwig). (Plate XXXIII) Similar in appearance to P. schimperi, with which it often is confused and with which it grows, light-green, glossy, in closely entangled mats : branches ascending or erect, when dry usually more or less hooked at the end ; leaves lanceolate, long-acuminate, usually falcate-secund, about 0.8-1.2 mm. long, about 0.2-0.3 mm. wide ; leaf-cells similar to those of P. schimperi but with a smaller group of incrassate, quadrate, obscure alar cells ; median leaf-cells about 6-10:1, sub-vermicular, about .004- .005 mm. wide; costa none: seta straight, smooth, about 4-5 mm. long; capsule ovoid-cylindric, about 2 mm. long, erect, symmetric, castaneous ; lid long-conic, about 0.5 mm. long ; peristome-teeth closely trabeculate, dorsally distinctly lamel- late and with divisural, finely cross-striate ; segments very delicate, split and adherent to the teeth throughout their whole length, basal membrane indistinct or none ; spores densely in- crassate, castaneous-pellucid, finely papillose, in our speci- mens about .018-.030 mm. in diameter, mature in late fall. On bases of trees or on stumps, usually in mountainous or hilly regions ; Newfoundland to Ontario, south to North Carolina. Rare in our region. McKean : Bennett Brook, October 23, 1897, and Limestone Creek, near Bradford, October to December, 1896. (Figured). The lat- ter mixed with Grout's No. 134. North American Musci Pleurocarpi. 2. Fylaisia schimperi Cardot. (P. intricata Bryologia Europsea; Pylaisiella intricata Grout). (Plate XXXIII) In thin, densely interwoven mats, dark-green, glossy; rather closely and regularly pinnate : branches more or less ascendinsr to erect, usually about 3-4 mm. long, when dry de- d? mi ^J •* t OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 231 cidedly curved or hooked at the end ; leaves close, imbricate at the base, prominently falcate-secund, especially so when dry, lance-ovate, about 0.7-1.0 mm. long by about one-third as wide, rather long-acuminate, sub-serrate to entire, rounded at the base, concave, the margin plane and non-bordered ; median leaf-cells about 6-10:1, usually .003-.004 mm. wide, linear-prosenchymatous, the apical shorter and wider, the alar distinct, numerous, quadrate to transversely rectangular, yel- lowish-incrassate, forming a triangular group extending up along the leaf-margin to one-third the length of the leaf; perichaetial leaves similar but longer, up to 2.5 mm., and more slenderly acuminate: seta about 1.5 cm. long, lustrous, red- castaneous, dextrorse above ; capsule ovoid-oblong, castaneous, about 2 mm. long, about 2.5:1, erect, symmetric, small- mouthed ; peristome-teeth narrowly triangular lanceolate, closely trabeculate, the dorsal lamellae narrow, numerous, finely cross-striate, pale yellow, bordered up to two-thirds or three-fourths by the linear, adherent, hyaline and somewhat papillose segments, which are usually united at the tip but widely split below ; cilia none ; basal membrane very narrow or none ; annulus 2-3-seriate, narrow ; exothecial cells yellow- ish, somewhat incrassate, irregularly rounded-hexagonal to oblong-rhomboidal, beloAv the annulus several series being much smaller and transversely rhomboid-oblong; lid about 0.5 mm. high, conic-obtuse, often somewhat oblique ; spores dense- ly chlorophyllose, densely incrassate, castaneous-pellucid, papillose, about .018-.025 mm., mature in September or Oc- tober. Allegheny : Power's Run, September 21, 1905. O. E. J. Clearfield : Phillipsburg. T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Indiana : Blairsville. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Lawrence : Gorge below Ellwood City, June 26, 1909. O. E. J. McKean Washington Westmoreland D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). Shades, near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 3. Pylaisia subdenticulata Bryologia Europaea. (Pylaisia denticulata Sullivant). Intricately cespitose, glossy, yellow-green : stems creep- ing with erect or ascending branches about 5-6 mm. long; 232 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES branch-leaves subfalcate, second, erect-spreading to imbricate when dry. lance-ovate, entire below, sub-denticulate above, acuminate, concave, ecostate or faintly costate at base; leaf- cells linear-rhomboidal, 6-8:1, quadrate alar cells numerous, incrassate, extending up the margin : seta short, erect ; capsule oblong, about 2.5-3.5 mm. long, about 3-4:1, erect; lid shortly rostrate ; annulus narro\v ; peristome-teeth lance-linear, seg- ments free, basal membrane distinct, cilia none ; spores about .OOS-.012 mm. in diameter, mature in autumn. On bases of trees and on rocks, in woods, from New Eng- land to Illinois, south to the Gulf States and to New Mexico. Not yet found in our region. 4. Pylaisia polyantha [Schreber] Bryologia Europcea. (Leskea polyantha Hedwig). Intricately matted, yellowish-green : stems prostrate, root- ing on bark, not stoloniform, up to 6 or 8 cm. long, with numerous erect or ascending, curved branches about 0.5-1 cm. long; branch-leaves erect and secund or pointing upwards, when dry loosely imbricate, small, lanceolate, rapidly narrowed into a tapering acumination of about same length as the body of the leaf, entire, slightly concave, non-plicate, plane-mar- gined, ecostate or with a very short and faint double or single nerve: median leaf-cells thin-walled, about 6-10:1, the alar few, quadrate, pellucid, rather broad and distinct; stem-leaves somewhat broader and more abruptly acuminate : seta about 1.5 cm. high; capsule oblong-cylindric, about 3.5-4:1. about 2.5 mm. long; lid conic, acute, short; annulus single, narrow; peristome-teeth lance-linear, closely articulate, somewhat granular above, segments about as long as teeth, lance-linear, granulose, somewhat split when old ; spores mature in fall or winter, about .012-.016 mm. On tree trunks and in hedges, etc. ; Europe, Asia, and in lower Canada and the northeastern United States. Apparent- ly rare in our region. McKean : Bradford. D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Cata- logue). 5. PTERYGYNANDRUM Hedwig. Dioicous ; slender to quite robust, variously cespitose, green to yellowish-green, dull or lustrous, primary stem stolon- like, irregularly radiculose; secondary stems secund, filiform- julaceous, the base stolon-like, radiculose, often flagelliform, densely-leaved, ascending, forked, bushy or pinnately branched ; leaves imbricate, sometimes secund, some\vhat de- current, non-plicate, deeply concave, ovate to oval, short-acute to subulate-acuminate, margins narrowly revolute to the middle or above, entire or serrulate upwards ; costa usually OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 233 very short and thin, forked or double, rarely single and reach- ing to the middle of the leaf; cells narrow to rhombic-hexa- gonal, strongly and sharply dorsally papillose, basal cells wider and longer, alar quadrate in several series : inner perichsetial leaves thin, broadly lanceolate, sheathing, acute, the margins entire and plane: seta 8-15 mm. long, red or yellow-red, drying twisted; capsule erect, mostly symmetric, cylindric, yellow to brown : annulus 2-seriate, narrow ; peristome inserted near the mouth ; teeth lanceolate, confluent at the base, yellowish, be- low transversely and obliquely striate, above smooth, distantly articulate, non-trabeculate ; inner peristome hyaline, smooth, with quite low basal membrane, the segments very narrow, short, or sometimes almost as long as the teeth ; cilia none ; spores .010-.018 mm. ; lid conic, shortly and mostly bluntly rostrate. Only two species: P. papillosum in British Columbia, and the following : 1. Pterygynandrum filiforme [Timm] Hedwig. (Lcskcu cylindrica Bridel). On bases of trees and on rocks, in woods, widely dis- tributed in the Northern Hemisphere, — in Xorth America, ex- tending from Greenland to British Columbia and southwards to the northern United States. Occurs in the Pocono region of Eastern Pennsylvania and, possibly, will be found in the northern or northeastern part of our region. The generic description will readily enable one to differ- entiate this species from other mosses in our region. Family XXIX. FABROXIACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous : slender to very slender, weak, ces- pitose, mostly bright or light green, mostly lustrous: stem without central strand, weak, creeping, thin, with red, fascicu- late radicles; the secondary stems densely-leaved, simple or branched, erect; leaves 5~8-seriate, drying appressed, spread- ing when moist, rarely secund. more or less concave, uni- stratose, non-decurrent, ovate to lanceolate, non-bordered, non-plicate ; costa simple, delicate and short ; rarely ecostate ; median leaf-cells mostly prosenchymatous, smooth, mostly thin-walled, towards the basal angles quadrate to rectangular: capsule exserted, erect, symmetric, oval to sub-cylindric, dry- ing often longitudinally wrinkled and constricted below the C"^ <-T* » mouth, the collum short and thick; peristome deeply inserted, single or double : teeth plane, distantly articulate, non-lamel- late, in our genera non-bordered, teeth rarely none ; inner *^? * peristome none or consisting generally of subulate segments : lid broad, mostly conic and rostrate; calyptra cucullate. naked, smooth, small, fugaceous; spores small. 234 A MANUAL OF MOSSES A family of 11 genera, mostly occurring on tree-trunks in warm regions; only two genera within our range. Key to the Genera. a. Inner peristome none; teeth short, broad, and blunt. 1. Fabronia. a. Peristome double; teeth broadly lanceolate. 2. Anacamptodon. 1. FABRONIA Raddi. Autoicous, rarely dioicous : stem creeping, partly stoloni- form, rarely erect, irregularly branched ; branches often partly stoloniform and partly leafy; leafy branches thickly julaceous, the leaves often drying imbricate, sometimes secund, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, mostly subulate-acuminate or piliferous, en- tire to serrate or even ciliate-laciniate ; costa mostly delicate and short, sometimes indistinct ; median leaf-cells elongate- rhomboid to elongate-hexagonal, the alar quadrate in several series, sometimes not differentiated ; inner perichaetial leaves sheathing, subulate-acuminate, ecostate : seta mostly 1-7 mm. long, thin, pale yellow, smooth, drying twisted ; capsule erect, symmetric, ovate to pyriform, with a short neck, drying plicate, the collum shrinking and the capsule becoming cup-shaped to hemispheric, light brown, wide-mouthed ; annulus none ; peris- tome simple, rarely none, teeth very hygroscopic, at first united in pairs, later separating, broad, obtuse, often cleft or perforate divisurally, brown, non-bordered, longitudinally striate— papil- lose, non-trabeculate ; lid conic-convex to low convex, most- ly short-rostrate. A genus of about 94 species, widely distributed in warm regions, mostly arboreal in habitat, rarely on rocks ; 13 species in North America ; twro species in Eastern Pennsylvania and perhaps reaching our region at the east. The two species mentioned may be distinguished as follows : Key to the Species. a. Leaves obscurely serrate. 1. F. ravcnclii. a. Leaves ciliate-dentate. 2. F. octoblepharis. 1. Fabronia ravenelii Sullivant. (F. caroliniana Sullivant). Very small, delicate, loosely cespitose, bright green: stems creeping with more or less erect branches ; leaves loose, elongate-lanceolate, subulate-acuminate, concave, costate to the middle, entire or but obscurely serrate ; median leaf-cells linear-fusiform, the basal and alar quadrate ; inner perichsetial leaves ecostate, oblong, short-acuminate : capsule more or less pyriform : the teeth of the peristome brown, 16, approximate in pairs, orange-pellucid, acuminate-deltoid; lid conic, obtuse. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 235 On decayed logs, etc., Southern States. Extends into Pennsylvania from the southeast and may be expected along our southern border. 2. Fabronia octoblepharis [Schleicher] Schwaegrichen. (F. ciliaris Bridel ; F. pusilla Schwaegrichen; Pterogonium octoblepharis Schleicher). Small, delicate, thinly cespitose : stems creeping with erect branches ; leaves lance-ovate, filiform-acuminate, thin, green, spreading, sometimes 2-ranked. coarsely and irregularly lacerate-dentate on the border, costate to considerably below the middle, non-plicate, plane-margined, closely imbricate when dry; median leaf-cells thin-walled, linear-rhombic to hexagonal, about 8-10:1, the basal clear across the lower one-fourth or one-fifth of the leaf quadrate or sub-quadrate: seta rather long; capsule oval, neck rather distinct, the urn erect, symmetric, more or less contracted below the mouth when dry and empty ; peristome single, with the teeth united in pairs, dark brown, recurved when dry, when old more or less bifid. On trees throughout the Central States to Minnesota and southwards. Occurs in southeastern Pennsylvania and may reach the southern part of our region. 2. ANACAMPTODON Bridel. Autoicous: mostly densely cespitose, dark green, when old brownish to yellowish, lustrous : stem long-creeping, dense- ly radiculose ; the branches short, densely-leaved, erect to ascending ; leaves spreading, often secund, ovate to oval, long- acuminate, entire ; costa strong, ending above the middle of the leaf; leaf-cells rich in chlorophyll, elongated rhombic- hexagonal, the basal rectangular ; inner perichsetial leaves elongate, not sheathing, generally acuminate, thinly costate ; *eta 5-8 mm. long, quite thick, straight, smooth, red to dark castaneous, drying twisted ; capsule erect, symmetric, oval, short and thick-necked, drying strongly constricted below the mouth, smooth ; annulus broad, delicate but persistent ; peris- tome double, deeply inserted, the teeth strongly hygroscopic, apically united in pairs, broadly lanceolate, pale brown, di- visural line almost straight ; teeth distantly articulate below, densely finely papillose; basal membrane of inner peristome none, the segments filiform, somewhat shorter than the teeth, non-carinate, brown, almost smooth ; lid conic-convex, straight or obliquely rostrate : spores about .008-.010 mm. A genus of four species ; one species each in China, Japan, and Cuba, and the following in Europe and eastern North America. 236 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 1. Anacamptodon splachnoides [Froelich] B ridel. (Campylodontium hypnoides Schwaegrichen; Neckera splach- noides Schwaegrichen). (Plate XXXIII) Dark-green or bluish-green, small, delicate, thinly tufted : stems creeping, with erect branches; leaves lance-ovate, up to i.5 mm. long, acuminate, entire, plano-concave, chlorophyllose, soft, closely imbricated when dry, non-decurrent, non-plicate ; costa rather slender, reaching to above the middle of the leaf; median leaf-cells rhombic-hexagonal, about 3-5:1, with a few quadrate and sub-inflated cells at the base ; perichsetial leaves few: seta about 6-11 mm. long, sinistrorse when dry; capsule erect and symmetric, about 2:1, oval-oblong, thick-necked, constricted below the mouth when dry ; peristome double, feeth approximately in pairs and reflexed when dry; 16 in num- ber, lanceolate, pale, articulate, the divisural zigzag ; segments filiform, about one-half to two-thirds as long as teeth; no basal membrane ; annulus none ; exothecial cells castaneous- incrassate, rectangular or irregularly oblong, above smaller and quadrate, those at the rim minute and rounded ; lid short- rostrate from a conic-convex base, more or less oblique, one- half to two-thirds as long as the urn ; calyptra whitish, covering only the upper part of the urn ; spores about .010 mm., minute- ly papillose, yellowish-green, medium-walled, mature in June. In moist cavities in decaying wood, knot-holes in trees, in forks of tree-trunks, etc. ; Europe, Asia, and from New Eng- land to Alabama and Illinois and southwestward to Texas. Collected but seldom in our region, and then only in small quantities. Indiana : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Bradford, different dates, in cavities in de- caying wood. D. A. B. (Figured). Is- sued as No. 148. Grout's North American Musci Pleurocarpi. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). Family XXX. LESKHACBAE. Autoicous or dioicous : slender to robust, mostly stiff, cespitose, bright or dark green, when old brownish, dull or rarely sub-lustrous : stem without central strand, the prim- ary stems mostly erect, simple, pinnate, or variously branched, rhizoids, often stoloniform with distant minute leaves; second- ary stems mostly erect simple, pinnate, or variously branched, both main and secondary stems stoloniferous : paraphyllia mostly present ; leaves rarely uniform, usually differentiated into basal and foliate leaves, the latter again into stem-leaves and branch-leaves ; basal leaves distant, small, delicate, pale. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 237 smooth, ecostate; foliate leaves pluriseriate, dense, spreading, rarely secund, drying appressed to imbricate, symmetric, apex sometimes one-sided, mostly acuminate, mostly concave, often with two short folds at base, unistratose, mostly papillose ; costa mostly simple and strong, rarely short, double, delicate, or forked ; cells richly chlorophyllose, mostly parenchymatous, small, often oblong to linear, in the middle of the base, or up to the middle of the leaf ; branch-leaves usually shorter and narrower than the stem-leaves ; perichsetial leaves delicate, hyaline, much elongate, ecostate or \veakly costate : seta straight and long ; capsule erect and symmetric to cernuous and arcuate, non-plicate ; annulus usually present ; peristome double, the teeth mostly basally confluent, prominently articu- late and trabeculate or dorsally uniformly papillose, with weak ventral plates, whitish to red or brownish, often quite red at the insertion ; inner peristome carinate, with basal membrane, segments, and, rarely, with cilia ; lid conic or convex-conic and rostrate; calyptra cucullate ; spores mostly small. A large family, mostly in temperate and tropic regions, occurring mainly on trees and rocks; 23 genera; 15 genera in our region . Key to the Genera. a. Archegonial clusters borne on the branches: primary stems stoloniform with minute leaves; costa simple; capsule erect, sym- metric: segments filiform or rudimentary. b. a. Archegonial flowers on the stem; stem not stoloniform. c. b. Very slender; costa not reaching above the middle of the leaf: peristome-segments none. 3. HaploliynieniiDii. b. More or less robust; costa ending in or just below apex; peri- stome-segments filiform. 4. Anoinodon. c Costa short, simple, forked, double, or none. d. c. Costa simple (except Pscudo-Leskiella), elongate, ending a little below the apex, or excnrrent. e. d. Stem creeping, densely simply pinnate, costa short, simple or forked; teeth non-bordered, non-trabeculate. 1. Thella. d. Stem ascending to erect, irregular!}' bushy-branched; costa in- distinct or none: teeth bordered, trabeculate. 2. Myurella. e. Leaves of stem and branches alike; stem creeping with ascending or erect, short, blunt branches. f. e. Stem and branch-leaves unlike: stem 1-3-pinnate, often quite fern- like in general form. h. f. Teeth without distinct lamellse; segments filiform. 7. Leskeclla. f. Teeth distinctly lamellate; segments narrowly linear or none. g. g. Teeth with well-developed lamellae: segments narrowly linear. 6. Leskea. g. Teeth with distinct but low lamellse; segments none. S. Lindbergia. 238 A MANUAL OF MOSSES h. Cilia 3, smooth; cells of stem-leaves elongate-hexagonal to al- most linear: stem and branch-leaves similar. 11. Elodiuin. h. Cilia 2-4. nodose to appendicnlate: cells of stem-leaves rounded- angular to long-hexagonal. i. i. Operculum merely sharp!}' acute: costa of stem-leaves percurrent to excurrent; leaf-margins indistinctly serrate above. 9. Haplocladiiun. i. Operculum distinctly rostrate: costa incomplete to excurrent; stem- ancf branch-leaves dissimilar. j. j. Margin of stem-leaves entire, base not decurrent; cells uniform, rounded-angular, the median with 2-6 papillae on each side. 8. Rauia. j. Margin of stem-leaves entire or toothed above, the base some- what decurrent; cells mostly uniform, rounded- to oval- or oblong-hexagonal, the median ranging from dorsally unipapil- lose to both sides pluri-papillose. 10. Thuidium. 1. THELIA Sullivant. Dioicous : more or less slender, densely cespitose, yellow- ish to blue-green, dull : stem elongate, creeping, more or less brown-radiculose, densely-leaved, thickly pinnately branched ; branches short, julaceous, obtuse, erect to ascending; para- phyllia various ; leaves densely imbricate, either dry or moist, more or less decurrent, spoon-like, broadly ovate, abruptly subulate-acuminate, the margins plane, mostly ciliate-serrate to laciniate ; costa short, simple or forked ; cells rhombic, each dorsally with a high and one- to several-pointed papilla ; median basal leaf-cells elongate, the alar in several series al- most quadrate ; inner perichaetial leaves larger, delicate, erect, oblong and subulate-acuminate, with long marginal cilia, costa ending in mid-leaf, areolation elongate, the upper cells uni- papillose above: seta 5-15 mm. long, thin, drying twisted, smooth and red ; capsule symmetric, erect, oblong to cylindric, golden-brown ; annulus none ; peristome-teeth basally con- fluent, narrowly linear-lanceolate, pale, non-bordered, finely papillose, distantly articulate, non-trabeculate ; inner peris- tome pale, papillose, distantly lamellate, non-trabeculate ; inner peristome pale, papillose ; basal membrane low, segments very short or rudimentary, cilia none ; lid conic, short-rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, smooth ; spores small. A North American genus of but five species ; three species in our region. Key to the Species. Papillae on dorsal surface of leaf long, curved, with one point. 1. T. hirtclla. Papillae on dorsal leaf-surface lower, each with two or more points. b. b. Papillae usually two-pointed; leaves ciliate. 2. T. asprella. b. Papillae usually 3 or 4 pointed; leaves non-ciliate. 3. T. lescurii. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 239 1. Thelia hirtella (Heel wig) Sullivant. (Pterigynandrum hiftellum Hedwig; Hypnuin hirtcllnm C. Mueller). (Plate XXXIV) Light green to glaucous-green, small, forming thin and loosely adherent mats : primary stems creeping, felted with a reddish-brown tumentum, pinnate with numerous short, crowded, julaceous secondary stems and branches; leaves sub- orbicular, deeply concave, abruptly and narrowly acuminate, decurrent at base, dorsally papillose, the margins plane, spinu- lose-dentate above, at least in the upper half, fimbriate-ciliate below with usually upturned cilia ; costa slender, reaching about to the leaf-middle; median leaf-cells pellucid, rhomboid- elliptic, with long, slender, simple dorsal papillae ; apical leaf- cells linear, the basal larger and looser, the alar quadrate to rectangular, almost smooth, rather incrassate ; perichaetial leaves numerous, the inner lance-oblong, narrowly acuminate, ciliate- c^ } j fimbriate in the upper part: seta about 1 cm. long; capsule narrowly oblong-cylindric. about 2.5x0-^ mm., erect, sym- metric, thin-walled; peristome-teeth linear, distinctly lamel- late, the inner basal membrane truncate and about one-third as high as the teeth, peristome whitish; spores pale yellow, ma- ture in fall, thin-walled, about .012-.015 mm., smooth. On trunks and roots of trees and on stumps, in woods; from Xew England and Ontario to Kansas and the Gulf States. \. O. E. J. and ( r. K. J. Huntingdon : Bark- of oak tree, Pennsylvania Furnace, July 13. 1909. O. E. J. McKean : Bolivar Run. Bradford, September 16, 1897. D. A. B. Washington : Linn and Simonton. ( Porter's Catalogue). Westmoreland: Shades, near Blackburn, March 25, 1910, forming an "apron" on base of white oak tree. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 5. Anomodon rostratus (Hedwig) Schimper. (Lcskca rostrata Hedwig). (Plate XXXI V) Densely cespitose. tufts bright green above, yellowish inside: primary stems creeping, fasciculately branched with slender julaceous secondary stems and branches; leaves dense- ly imbricate, ovate and concave at base, narrowly lanceolate above with a long and hyaline piliferous acumination, more or less indistinctly two-ranked, the margin crenulate-papillose, often recurved towards the middle ; leaf-cells minute, chloro- phyllose, opaque, rounded-quadrate to oblong-hexagonal, pluri-papillose on both faces, the median marginal rounded- quadrate, about .OOS-.010 mm., the median interior about as wide but more oblong, about 2:1, the median basal longer, hyaline and non-papillose or but slightly so, the apical long and linear, smooth ; costa strong and ending a little below the apex ; perichsetial leaves long, pale, ecostate, the inner with a filiform and often reflexed point about as long as the main portion of the leaf: seta short, about 7-10 mm. long, erect, sinistrorse, richly castaneous: capsule about 2 mm. long, oval-oblong about 2.5:1, erect, symmetric castaneous: lid conic, obliqueh rostrate, about one-half to three-Fifths as long as the urn: teeth small, lance-linear, the di \ isural and dorsal lamellae in- distinct, the teeth with about 15 to 18 nodose articulations, pale, papillose: segments about as long as the teeth, linear, rising from a basal membrane about one-third as high as the teeth, the cilia solitary and rudimentary or none: exothecial cells medium-walled, oblong-rectangular to oblong-hexagonal, becoming quadrate above, about two rows at the rim much smaller and heavily castaneous-incrassate ; spores mature in fall, thin-walled, nearly smooth, slightly brownish, about .010 mm. in diameter. On rocks or more usually on the bases of trees ; Europe, Asia, and from Canada to the Gulf States. Very common in our region, especially on the base of white oak trees. ,-•1 • OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 247 Beaver Butler Center Crawford Favette Huntingdon McKean Washington Allegheny : Moon Township. April, 1902. J. A. S. ; Guyasuta Hollow, October 25, 1908, swampy woods near Douthett, December 29, 1908. O. E. J. ; Wildwood Road Hol- low, November 19, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. : Beaver Falls, May 4, 1907. O. E. J. : Swampy woods near Crider's Corners, De- cember 29, 1908. O. E. J. : On log, Bald Eagle Ridge, Matternville, September 20, 1909. O. E. J. : Linesville, August 19, 1904; May 12. 1908, and August 3,^ 1909. O. E. J. : Ohio Pyle, four miles up valley of Mea- dow Run, May 30-31, 1908, and September 1-3. 1906. (Figured). Cheat Haven, Sep- tember 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. : Pennsylvania Furnace and on Tussev's Mt., near Baileyville, Inly 13, 1909. O. E. J. : Bradford. D. A. B. Porter's Catalogue). : Linn and Simonton. ( Porter's Cata- logue) ; three miles southwest of Library, April'29. 1906, and Hanlin, May 21. 1908. O. E. J. 5. L1NDBERGIA Kindberg). ( Fabrolcskea Grout ) . Autoicous : rather softly and loosely cespitose, bright to brownish-green, dull : stem elongate, creeping, radiculose, densely-leaved, branched with elongate mostly irregularly pinnate branches; branchlets short or unequal in length, obtuse ; dry leaves imbricate, when moist spreading to almost squarrose-spreading, somewhat concave, more or less decur- rent, ovate to lance-ovate, abruptly subulate-acuminate, non- plicate, margins entire or rarely indistinctly apically serrulate ; costa strong, incomplete ; median leaf-cells lax, round-oval or rhombic hexagonal, smooth, or unipapillose, the marginal smaller and quadrate or transversely broader, the basal mar- ginal in many rows quadrate to transversely broader ; inner perichsetial larger, thin, erect, from a sheathing base subulate- acuminate, entire or serrulate ; costa shorter ; seta 5-10 mm. long, straight, thin, red, smooth ; capsule erect, symmetric, oval-oblong, rarely slightly curved, brown, small-mouthed and short-necked; annulus present or none; peristome deeply in- serted, teeth lanceolate, obtuse, basally confluent, pale to yellow, non-striate, more or less papillose, divisural zigzag, low-trabeculate; inner peristome papillose with a very low 248 A MANUAL OF MOSSES basal membrane, no segments, no cilia ; lid conic-obtuse ; calyptra cucullate ; spores .025-.030 mm. As here limited the genus consists of 6 species, occurring on tree-trunks in the Northern Hemisphere; two species in North America; one species in our region. 1. Lindbergia austini (Sullivant) Brotherus. (Fabrolcskca austini Grout; Leskca austini Sullivant). Medium size, intricately matted; stems irregularly divided, the branches usually quite unequal ; leaves spreading to more or less squarrose when moistened, imbricate when dry, ovate, long and slenderly acuminate, strongly papillose, entire ; costa ending above the middle ; leaf-cells unipapillate, elliptic-rhom- boid above, the basal marginal thick, rounded-quadrate ; peri- chsetial leaves longer, lance-acuminate : seta short, erect ; capsule erect, oval-cylindric with a small mouth ; teeth broadly lanceo- late, deeply inserted, opaque, papillose on both surfaces, the inner peristome consisting merely of a low basal membrane scarcely exceeding the rim of the urn ; annulus none ; lid short- conic ; spores mature in summer. On tree-trunks and on rocks or stone-walls ; northeastern United States from New Jersey to Minnesota and Kansas. In Porter's Catalogue the habitat is given as Jumperus mrginianus. Not yet collected in our region. 6. LESKEA Heclwig. Autoicous : rather slender, usually weak, loosely cespitose, dull, dark to sooty-green : stems creeping, sparsely radiculose, rather thickly-leaved, more or less pinnately branched, with short, erect or ascending branches ; leaves when dry imbricate, when moist erect-spreading to spreading, sometimes sub- secund, from a somewhat decurrent, cordate-ovate base nar- rowed to an acute or obtuse apex, sometimes apiculate, short- ly two-plicate, revolute on one or both lower margins, rarely indistinctly serrate at apex ; costa strong, incomplete ; median leaf-cells either thin-walled, rounded-hexagonal, one- to sev- eral-papillose, at the base almost quadrate, in the middle rhom- boidal, or more or less thickened, with oval to oblong acumen ; branch-leaves smaller ; inner perichsetial leaves pale, sheathing, abruptly to slenderly acuminate, entire or serrulate, at the apex, delicately and incompletely costate ; seta long, thin, red, smooth ; capsule erect, oblong-cylindric, sometimes slightly curved and weakly inclined, yellowish, finally light brown and plicate; annulus revoluble ; teeth drying strongly incurved, linear, acuminate, entirely separate, non-bordered, pale yellow, at the base transversely dorsally striate, thickly trabeculate, papillose above; inner peristome papillose, basal membrane OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 249 low, segments linear, carinate, as long or shorter than the teeth, cilia rudimentary; lid acute-conic; calyptra cucullate. glabrous ; spores small. A widely distributed genus of about 20 species : 7 species in North America ; 3 in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves more or less secund. lance-ovate: capsule sometimes slightly curved. 1. L. polycarpa. a. Leaves not secund. ovate, acute to obtuse; capsule erect, straight. b. b. Leaves two-plicate, symmetric, the margin often revolute. 2. L. gracilescens. b. Leaves non-plicate, unsymmetric, plane-margined. 3. L. obscitra. 1. Leskea polycarpa Ehrhart, Hedwig. (L. polycarpa Ehrhart; Hypnuui medium Dickson). Slender, thinly tufted : stems prostrate, pinnateiy to bi- pinnately branched, 2-4 cm. long, with short curved or erect branches, intricately matted into close but thin patches; leaves erect-spreading to secund, loosely appressed-imbricate when dry, about 0.4><1.0 mm., lanceolate and gradually acute from a slightly decurrent, sub-cordate, more or less ovate base, entire, usually two-plicate, acute to acuminate ; costa ending a little below the apex; median leaf-cells thin-walled, pellucid, more or less dorsally papillose, hexagonal, about .007-.008 mm. wide, with one or two papillae on each surface ; branch-leaves smaller and more obtusely pointed: seta about 1 cm. long, reddish; capsule cylindric, narrow, basally tapering, straight or almost so, reddish-brown, constricted below the mouth when dry; lid elongate-conic, acute ; peristome-teeth long, whitish, narrowly linear, connivent when dry, the segments about as long, from a low basal membrane narrowly linear, >carcely carinately split ; cilia rudimentary or none ; spores mature in early summer. On roots, bases of trees, stones, or decaying wood in wet situations ; Asia, and from Newfoundland to British Columbia and southward. Not yet found in our region. 2. Leskea gracilescens Hedwig. (L. obsciira Lesquereux and James, p.p.; Hypnurn gracilescens Beauvois ) . Intricately cespitose in thin mats : stems prostrate, pinnate- iy branched with numerous simple, erect, somewhat julaceous branchlets ; paraphyllia usually few. lanceolate ; stem-leaves erect-spreading when moist, appressed-imbricate when dry. about 0.4-0.5x0.7-0.9 mm., oyate, acute or somewhat acumi- nate, entire, margins more or less revolute, sometimes more quickly tapering to a blunt point, somewhat bi-plicate; costa 250 A MANUAL OF MOSSES sub-percurrent ; branch-leaves hardly different but scarcely plicate ; median leaf-cells usually uni-papillate on dorsal sur- face, smooth on ventral, quadrate-hexagonal, about .008-.010 mm., the apical more rounded, the basal somewhat quadrate; capsule erect, basally tapering, oblong-cylindric ; peristome- teeth whitish, lance-linear, lamellate, about 0.4 mm. long, the linear segments shorter, carinate, sometimes more or less rudimentary, cilia none; lid conic, acute to obtuse; spores ma- ture in summer. On the bases of trees, roots, and on rotten logs, etc. ; from eastern lower Canada to the Gulf States and westward to the Rocky Mountains. Only once reported in our region. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Leskea obscura Hedwig. (L. ncri'osa Sullivant ; L. mlcrocarpa Schimper). (Plate XXXV) Small, loosely and intricately cespitose, dark green: stems prostrate, rather irregularly divided, sparingly branched ; leaves incurved-appressed when dry. spreading when moist, about 0.8-1.2 mm. long, from an ovate base narrowed above to a rather blunt apex, concave, recurved on the margin, entire or serrulate ; costa ending a little below the apex ; median leaf- cells quadrate-hexagonal, about .008-.010 mm. wide, with sev- eral small papillae on the lower surface, on the upper surface less papillose or almost smooth, apical and basal cells some- what wider and shorter, the alar oblong-quadrate ; branch- leaves similar ; perichaetial leaves long-sheathing, rather laxly- celled, costate : seta about 1.5-2 cm. long; capsule erect, straight, short-cylindric, sometimes slightly curved, more or less wrinkled and contracted below the mouth when dry ; lid conic, rather obtuse ; peristome-teeth yellowish, papillose, the segments linear, slender, carinately cleft between the articula- tions, shorter than the teeth, arising from a basal membrane about one-fifth the length of the teeth ; spores mature in early summer. On stones, roots of trees, logs, etc., often where sometimes overflowed; Japan, and from New Brunswick to Ontario and southwards through the eastern and central part of the United States. Probably fairly common in our region. Allegheny : On bark of white oak at three feet from ground, Fern Llollow, Pittsburgh, March 8, 1908, and at base of trees in swampy woods near Douthett, December 29, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). ' Blair : Tyrone. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 251 McKean : Tuna Creek, Bradford, December 21, 1895. D. A. B. Washington : Linn and Simonton. ( Porter's Catalogue). 7. LESKEELLA (Limpricht) Loeske. Dioicous : slender, in flattened, wide-spreading mats, dark green to brownish, dull ; stem widely creeping, fasciculately yellowish-red-radiculose, densely-leaved, numerously-branched, with erect and short branches ; leaves drying imbricate, when moist erect-spreading to secund, more or less abruptly long- acuminate from a decurrent, doubly-plicate, cordate base, mar- gins narrowly revolute below but plane in the acumen, entire; costa strong, yellow-brown, ending in the acumen ; cells rounded-hexagonal, in leaf-middle oval and oblong, in middle of base rectangular, the alar quadrate; branch-leaves smaller with plane margins and delicate and shorter costa ; perichsetial leaves pale, from the erect and half-sheathing base abruptly long-acuminate, delicately costate to the acumen: seta elon- gate, stiff, dark chestnut-color, smooth ; capsule erect, sym- metric, cylindric or oblong, rarely weakly curved, finally rust- colored to brown ; annulus rather persistent, deciduous in sec- tions ; peristome-teeth erect when dry, confluent at base, subu- late, bordered, yellowish, cross- and obliquely-striate, smooth or papillose above, not distinctly trabeculate ; inner peristome yellow, finely papillose, basal membrane moderately promi- nent, segments irregular, in nodose projections, filiform, etc., sometimes carinate, cilia mostly none ; lid convex, obliquely thick-rostrate ; calyptra glabrous, c-ucullate and reaching to base of capsule ; spores small. A small genus of 5 species; only the following in Xorth America : 1. Leskeella nervosa [B ridel] Loeske. (Lcskca ncri'osa Myrin ; Lescnraea rigidula Kindberg; Hypnnin nervosnm C. Mueller J. (Plate XXXV) Slender, in thin and appressed tufts, dark green to brown- ish, the older parts almost black : stems creeping, up to 5 or 6 cm. long, pinnately divided and again branched into numer- ous, crowded, short and erect or longer and creeping branches, often with numerous gemmiform branches towards the apex ; stem-leaves close, broadly ovate, sub-cordate, open-spreading when moist, imbricate when dry, slightly decurrent, about 0.4-0.5x1-1-2 mm., suddenly long- acuminate, the acumen re- curved, the margins plane, sub-sinuate, the blade concave and deeply plicate; costa almost percurrent, slender; branch-leaves considerably narrower, lanceolate, more rigidly erect-spread- ing, smaller, up to about 0.6-0.7 mm. long; leaf-cells oblong to 252 A MANUAL OF MOSSES oval-hexagonal, ranging from 1 to 3:1, the alar quadrate to transversely oval-hexagonal in about 4-6 rows extending well up the margins and becoming rounded ; cells smooth to lightly papillose, incrassate ; inner perichsetial leaves long-sheathing, long-acuminate : seta short ; capsule erect, sub-cylindric, sym- metric, small, castaneous ; lid narrowly conic to short-rostrate ; peristome short, the teeth whitish, lance-linear, the segments shorter, irregular, subulate, basal membrane and cilia none; annulns narrow ; spores mature in summer. On bases of trees, especially maples, in our region : Eu- rope, and in the northeastern United States. Not common in our region. Fayette : Cheat Haven, September 3-6, 1910. O. E. T. and G. K. J. McKean : Bennett Brook, Bradford, July 12. 1896. (Figured), and Bolivar Run, September 11, 1896. D. A. B. 8. RAUIA Austin. Autoicous : quite slender, dull, bluish-green to brownish- green : stems thickly-leaved, simple or divided, more or less regularly pinnately branched ; branchlets short, ascending, julaceous, obtuse; leaves dimorphic, drying imbricate, when moist erect-spreading ; stem-leaves plicate, triangular to cor- date-ovate, tapering to a lanceolate or lance-subulate acumina- tion, the margins entire ; costa strong, incomplete ; median leaf- cells rounded-angular, with low and usually numerous papillae on both sides; branch-leaves lance-ovate, short-pointed, the costa dorsally somewhat rough ; inner perichsetial leaves ap- pressed, pale, lance-oblong, slenderly acuminate, entire, incom- pletely costate, and with elongate, smooth cells : seta slender, 10-15 mm. long, reddish, smooth; capsule from nearly up- right to horizontal, oblong-cylindric, mostly weakly curved, light brown, drying more or less constricted below the mouth ; annulus revoluble; peristome-teeth lance-subulate, bordered, transversely striate, numerously trabeculate ; inner peristome yellow, finely papillose, basal membrane prominent, carinate, the segments about as long as the teeth, carinately split, the cilia 2 or 3, more or less complete, nodose ; lid conic, short- rostrate ; calyptra cucullate; spores .009-.011 mm. A genus of about 13 or 14 species, widely distributed in both hemispheres ; 5 species in North America ; 1 species in our region. 1. Rauia scita (Beauvois) Austin. (Thuidhnn scitmu Austin: Hypnum scitinn Beauvois). (Plate XXXV) In appressed, green or yellowish-brown tufts, medium- sized : stem prostrate, castaneous, 2-3-times divided ; densely OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 253 pinnately branched; branchlets short and slender, usually about 2-3 mm. long, smooth, paraphyllia present ; stem-leaves bioadly cordate-deltoid, acuminate, about 0.5-0.6 mm. loner, * C* ' margins plane, finely papillose-denticulate ; branch-leaves ovate-cordate, smaller, shorter acuminate, both kinds of leaves concave, erect-spreading; costa pellucid, broad, about three- fifths to four-fifths as long as the leaf; median leaf-cells rounded-hexagonal, minute, with 2-5 small bead-like papillae on each surface, incrassate, rather obscure, the basal median oblong, paraphyllia numerous, linear to ovate, more or less branched, occurring on both stem and branches ; inner peri- chsetial leaves elongate-lanceolate, filiform-acuminate, some- what longitudinally plicate: capsule sub-erect, about 1.3-1.5 mm. long, rather thin-walled, when old and empty more or less wrrinkled, urn cylindric, straight or slightly curved, more or less twisted when old, the seta about 1.5 cm. long; lid conic- rostrate, curved upward : annulus large ; exothecial cells rather thin-walled, mainly quadrate to rectangular; peristome-teeth knee-subulate, shallowly inserted, castaneous and transversely striolate below, hyaline and papillose above, lamellate and trabeculate ; segments nearly as long as teeth, carinately par- tially split, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high, the cilia usually three, nodose ; spores medium- walled, castaneous- pellucid. papillose, about .010-.013 mm., mature in fall and winter; autoicious. On the bases of trees and on stones in woods ; from On- tario to Missouri, eastward to the Atlantic Ocean and south- ward to North Carolina. Rare in our region. McKean : On base of trees, Rutherford, August 4, 1897, Bradford, October, 1897; Gates Hol- low', July 28, 1895, and Limestone Creek, Bradford, October to December, 1896. D. A. B. (Figured). The last named speci- men issued with Grout's No. 134, in part, North American Musci Pleurocarpi. 9. HAPLOCLAD1UM (C. Mueller) C. Mueller. Autoicous : slender, forming mats, yellowish-green to brownish-yellow, dull : stems creeping, elongate, with brown- ish rhizoids, variously pinnate with branches mostly ascend- ing, julaceous, short, obtuse and simple, or somewhat longer, acute and pinnate with scattering short branchlets ; leaves more or less uniform, drying appressed, sometimes weakly secund, when moist erect-spreading; stem-leaves more or less doubly plicate, from a more or less broadly ovate base, lanceolate to lance-subulate, the margin revolute at base, the upper margin indistinctly serrulate to entire ; costa strong, sometimes per- current, sometimes excurrent, mostly smooth ; cells more or 254 A MANUAL OF MOSSES less pellucid, oval to oblong-hexagonal, with one papilla over the lumen, the alar quadrate ; branch-leaves narrower at the base, shorter-pointed, plane-margined, more or less distinctly serrate; costa shorter, cells mostly opaque; inner perichaetial leaves erect, pale, plicate, from a lanceolate or linear base long- acuminate, incompletely costate : seta 1.5-2.5 cm. long, red- castaneous, smooth; capsule inclined, oblong-cylindric, drying more or less horizontal and arcuate, when old and empty con- tracted below the mouth; annulus present; peristome-teeth lance-subulate, yellow, bordered, transversely-striate, dorsally lamellate ; inner peristome yellowish, the basal membrane wide and carinate, the segments lance-subulate, of same length as teeth, carinate, entire or narrowly split, cilia complete, 2 or 3, slender, nodose or appendiculate ; lid convex-conic ; acute ; calyptra cucullate; spores .008-.012 mm. A genus of nearly 50 species, mostly occurring in eastern Asia and in South America ; only the following in our region : Key to the Species. a. Stem-leaves rounded-ovate, short-acuminate. 1. H. virginianum. a. Stem-leaves ovate, more or less long-acuminate. 2. H. micro phyllum. 1. Haplocladium virginianum (Bridel) Brotherus. (Thuidiiun virginianum Lindberg; T. gracile var. lancastriense Cardot ; Hypnu-m gracile var. lancastriense Sullivam and Les- quereux). (Plate XXXV) Small to medium-sized, appressed-cespitose, dark to dirty green : stems diffusely divided, the branches short and erect or ascending ; leaves of the stems rounded-ovate, concave, narrowed to the base but scarcely decurrent, about 0.6-0.8 mm. long, abruptly acuminate, costate into the acumen, serrulate above, erose-dentate below, appressed when dry, loose when moist ; median leaf-cells quadrate-hexagonal, uni-papillate, rather incrassate, the lower marginal more or less transverse- ly oblong-quadrate or hexagonal ; branch-leaves about 0.4-0.6 mm. long, broadly and shortly acuminate with a serrulate mar- gin above; perichsetial leaves long, pale, up to 2.5 rnm. long: seta slender, about 2-2.5 cm. long, rather richly castaneous, dextrorse ; capsule oblong-cylindric, castaneous, curved, more or less horizontal, often when old more or less pendent by the curving of the upper part of the seta, the urn about 2.5:1, about 2 mm. long, constricted below the mouth when dry and empty ; lid obtusely short-beaked, about one-third as long as the urn; peristome normally hypnoid, yellowish, the 16 teeth lance-linear, dorsally cross-striate, with zigzag divisural line, distinct dorsal lamellae, and about 35-40 closely placed Jra- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 255 becuhe ; segments about as long as teeth, carinate ; cilia (1-) 2-3, nodose-articulate, the basal membrane about two-fifths the height of the peristome ; exothecial cells incrassate, quad- rate to oblong-hexagonal, about three series in the rim much smaller and rounded ; spores incrassate, yellowish, faintly papillose, about .011-.014 mm., mature in spring. On the ground or on roots of trees in rather open woods ; from Xew England to Minnesota and Mexico, also in Europe. Quite common in our region. Blair : Bald Eagle Valley. T. C. Porter. (Por- ter's Catalogue). Cambria : Cresson. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Center : Tussey's Mt., above Shingletown, July 15, 1909. O. E. J. Fayette : On woods-humus, Meadow Run Valley, four miles south of Ohio Pvle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Huntingdon : \Yarriors Ridge, above Huntingdon, July 20, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured)/ Westmoreland: Two miles south of TrafTord, August 21. 1910. O. E. J.; Laurel Hill Mt., Mellon's estate, on soil with Diphyscium foliosuui, September 8-11, 1907. O.'E. J. 2. Haplocladium microphyllum (Swartz) Brotherus. (H\pnum gracilc Bruch and Schimper ; Thuidium microphyllum Best). (Plate XXXV) Medium size, pale green to yellowish, appressed-matted : stems diffusely divided, densely pinnately branched ; stem- leaves broadly ovate to lance-ovate, up to 1.2 mm. long, con- cave, long and narrowly acuminate, the margins entire or sinu- ately denticulate ; costa almost percurrent ; leaf-cells quadrate- hexagonal, somewhat incrassate, the apical and a very few of the basal elongate, all strongly uni-papillate ; branch-leaves narrower and smaller, up to 1 mm. long ; paraphyllia numerous and branched on the stem but simple and few or none on the smaller branches ; inner perich?etial leaves high-sheathing, long-acuminate, costate, up to 2.5 mm. long: seta up to 2 or 2.5 cm. long, castaneous, twisted, somewhat arcuate above; capsule turgid-oblong, about 2-2.5:1. about 2 cm. long, dorsal- ly somewhat turgid, when mature somewhat inclined or pend- ent by the curving of the upper part of the seta; lid short- conic, mamillate : peristome normally hypnoid, the teeth yel- lowish, densely trabeculate, dorsally with rather indistinct lamellae and divisural, finely cross-striate, narrowly hyaline- margined : segments carinate, about as long as teeth ; cilia 2 to 256 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 3, a little shorter than the teeth, strongly nodose to shortly appendiculate, the basal membrane about one-third as high as teeth ; annnlus simple ; spores mature in summer, somewhat incrassate, pale brownish-pellucid, very slightly roughened. On earth, rotten wood, etc., often on bases of trees ; Eu- rope, Asia, and from southern Canada to the West Indies. Rare in our region. McKean : On hillside at mouth of Langmade Hol- low, Bradford, November, 1895, (Figured) and Limestone Creek, X. Y., near the Pennsylvania State line north of Bradford, October 16, 1896. D. A. B. 10. THUIDIUM Bryologia Europsea. Autoicous or dioicous : slender to robust, mostly stiff, dull, forming greenish to yellowish or brownish mats or cushions : stem with a few-celled central strand, spreading to ascending or rarely erect, radiculose here and there in fascicles, not much divided, once to thrice pinnately branched, flattened like the frond of a fern ; leaves dimorphic, when dry incurved or ap- pressed, when moist erect-spreading or open-erect but never secund ; stem-leaves plicate, from a narrowed and decurrent base, mostly with revolute margin, entire or apically toothed; costa strong, mostly incomplete, rarely excurrent, sometimes dorsally rough, leaf-cells rather uniform, rounded to oval- or oblong-hexagonal, both sides numerously papillose or uni- papillose dorsally or on both sides ; branch-leaves of first order often similar to stem-leaves, those of the second or third order smaller, mostly lance-ovate, with the costa weaker and shorter; inner perichaetial leaves pale, appressed, mostly lanceolate and plicate, often with a prolonged and filiform apex, sometimes with ciliate margins, costa incomplete, cells elongate, smooth : seta elongate, castaneous or red, smooth or rough ; capsule in- clined to horizontal, oval-oblong to cylindric, more or less arcuate, brown to yellow, drying constricted below the mouth ; annulus sometimes persistent ; peristome-teeth basally con- fluent, lance-subulate, bordered, cross-striate, numerously trabeculate ; inner peristome yellow to orange, smooth or finely papillose, with prominent carinate basal membrane, segments as long as teeth, carinately split at least in part ; cilia 2-4, nodose to appendiculate, or sometimes rudimentary, or none; lid convex-conic, obliquely rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, most- ly smooth ; spores .007-.010 mm. or .012-.016 mm. A widely distributed family of about 175 species, on tree- trunks, rocks, or earth ; about 25 species in North America ; at least 3, probably more, in our region. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 257 Key to the Species. a. Delicate, small, not over 5 cm.; 1-2-pinnate. b. a. Larger, up to 10 cm.; 1-3-pinnate. c. b. Branchlets papillate: leaf-cells about .006 mm.: seta 1-2 cm. long. (T. pygmaeum (Sull.) Bryol. Enr.). b. Branchlets smooth; cells about .009 mm.: seta 2-4 cm. long. 1. T. uiinutuluni. c. Stems simply pinnate; plants ascending in tufts. (T. abictinum [L,.] Bryol. Eur.). c. Stems 2-3-pinnate, forming flat mats. d. (1. Leaf-margin re volute; costa not filling entire apex of leaf. e. d. Leaf-margin plane; costa of stem-leaves filling the entire apex; perichjetial leaves not ciliate. 3. T. recognititm. e. Stem-leaves lance-acuminate: perichsetial leaves ciliate. 2. T. delicatulum. e. Stem-leaves long-lance-subulate; perichaetial leaves not ciliate. (T. philiberti Limpricht). 1. Thuidium minutulum [Hedwig] Bryologia Europaea. (Hypnum minutulum Hedwig). (Plate XXXV) Small, slender, simply pinnate ; steins irregularly divided, not over 3 or 4 cm. long, both stems and branches smooth, bearing rather few linear-oblong simple paraphyllia only about 2 to 5 cells high, notched at apex; stem-leaves distant, deltoid, acuminate or apiculate. somewhat re volute on the borders, rather opaque, about 0.6-0.8 mm. long; costa strong, ending near the apex; median leaf-cells irregularly polygonal to quadrate-hexagonal, the marginal somewhat larger and some- times transversely elongate, all leaf-cells incrassate, pluri- papillose, the apical cell with 2 to 5 marginal papilla?; branch- leaves ovate-acuminate, about 0.2-0.3 mm. long, concave and with a shorter costa ; perichaetial leaves erect, slenderly lance- acuminate, the acumen more or less reflexed : seta about 2-2.5 cm. long, slender, dark yellow or brown and sinistrorse when old ; capsule yellowish, oval-oblong, cernuous to horizontal, the urn about 2 mm. long, when dry somewhat constricted below the rim ; lid obliquely subulate-rostrate and about 1 mm. long ; peristome castaneous, the teeth slender, densely trabeculate, the dorsal lamella? cross-striate and projecting to form a narrow margin, the divisural distinct ; segments as long as the teeth, split carinately, arising from a basal membrane about one-third as high, cilia usually 2, articulate, nearly as long; spores about .010-.012 mm., pale brown, medium-walled, slightly roughened, mature in fall. 258 A MANUAL OF MOSSES On rotten log's and stumps and at the base of trees in woods; Europe, and from New Brunswick to Minnesota and south to Florida and Mexico. Common in our region. Allegheny : Keown, November 14. 1909, and Darling- ton Hollow, Sharpsburg, November 9, 1908. O. E. T.; Wildwood Road Hollow, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Blair : Burgeon's Gap. A. P. Garber. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Meadow Run Valley, four miles south of Ohio Pyle, on stump, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : On decaying logs, Bolivar Run, Bradford, August 8. 1896, and Marilla Brook, Oc- tober 22, 1896, also near Bradford. D. A. B. 2. Thuidium delicatulum [Linnaeus] Mitten. (Hypnnm delicatulum Linnaeus; H. tainariscinnin Sullivant and Lesquereux). (Plate XXXVI) The "Common Fern Moss." -Bright green above, darker below, large, forming rather large and intricately woven mats, when dry rather stiff and harsh : stems elongate, procumbent or arched and alternately rooting, often reaching a length of 10 or 12 cm. ; the branching is twice or thrice pinnate, very regular and fern-like ; stem-leaves triangular-ovate, somewhat cordate, gradually acuminate, about 1 mm. long, erect-spread- ing, appressed when dry, somewhat serrate and marginally more or less recurved ; leaf-cells unipapillate on both sides, rather incrassate, the median quadrate-oblong to rhombic-oval or rounded-quadrate, about .007 to .008 mm. across ; costa strong and ending in the acumen ; branch-leaves much smaller, broadly ovate, acuminate, the apical cells with 2 to 4 papillae; perichaetial bracts ciliate on the margins : seta about 2 to 3 cm. long, rather stiff, richly castaneous, somewhat dextrorse ; cap- sule large, the urn about 3.5 to 4 mm. long, strongly inclined to horizontal, arcuate, narrowly oblong, yellowish to castane- ous ; lid slenderly conic-rostrate, about 1.5 mm. long; annulus narrow, usually 2-seriate ; peristome large, reddish, the teeth strongly and numerously trabeculate, often split at the hyaline and papillose apex, dorsally cross-striate below, the divisural and lamellae distinct ; segments about as long as teeth, carinate- ly split, papillose above ; the 2 or 3 slender nodose cilia rising from a basal membrane about one-third as high as the peris- tome ; spores rather thin-walled, pale-castaneous, very slightly roughened, about .014-.017 mm., mature in winter. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 259 On the ground, stones, rotten wood, stumps, etc. ; in moist woods ; Europe, Asia, and from Labrador to the Rocky Moun- tains and south to the \Yest Indies and South America. Very common in the woods of our region. Allegheny : Fourteen pockets, various data, from the county, mainly O. E. J. or O. E. J. and G. K. J.; Power's Run, September 14, 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. (Figured). Armstrong : Kittanning, "Buttermilk Falls," August 22, 1903, and 1905. D. R. Sumstine; Kit- tanning, September 24, 1904. O. E. J. Center : Tussey's Mt., above Shino-letown, July 15, 1909. O. E. J. Clinton : Between Renovo and Haneyville, July 15, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford • Pymatuning Swamp, near Linesville, May 10-11, 1906,' and August 3, 1909. O. E. J/ Fayette : Meadow Run Valley, four miles south of Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906, Septem- ber 1-3." 1907, May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. I.; Ohio Pyle. July 4, 1904, and May 14, 1905. O. E. J. Indiana : Along Cush-Cushing Creek, near Cherry Tree,\]uly 12. 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Bennett Brook, Bradford, February 21, 1893. and Marilla Brook, October 22, 1896. D. A. B. Westmoreland : Blairsville, July 12, 1903. Miss K. R. Flolmes ; slope of Chestnut Ridge above Hillside, September 16-17, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 3. Thuidium recognitum [Hedwig] Lindberg. (Hypnmn recogn ituin Hedwig: T. dclicatitluin Bryologia Eu- ropaea ) . (Plate XXXVI ) Yellowish-green, not as bright-colored as some of the other Thuidiuuis, quite similar to the preceding but mostly bipinnate : the primary branches are nearly equal in length, thus making the general outline of the frond more linear-oblong; stem- leaves usually about 0.6 to 0.8 mm. long, broadly triangular, auriculate-cordate, abruptly acuminate, recurved-spreading when moist, the apex acute and often very slender, the serru- late margins usually plane, the leaves sulcate when dry ; costa sub-percurrent, somewrhat broadened at apex : leaf-cells incras- sate, and each with a long, slender, upcurved dorsal papilla, the median rhombic-oblong to rounded-quadrate, the apical somewhat narrower; branch-leaves with apical cells with 2-4 260 A MANUAL OF MOSSES papillae; perichsetial leaves up to 4.5 mm. long, slenderly long- acuminate, non-ciliate : seta about 2-2.5 cm. long, slender, castaneous, lustrous, dextrorse above ; capsule oblong-cylin- dric, arcuate, more or less inclined, the urn castaneous, 2.5-3 mm. long, when dry quite sharply bent and constricted at the mouth; peristome as in T, dclicatnlum ; annulus large, decidu- ous, pluri-seriate ; lid short-rostrate; spores with yellowish, medium-thick, granular walls, about .012-.014 mm., mature in midsummer. On the ground on rocks or on rotten wood in moist, shaded woods; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from north- ern Canada southeastward to Florida. Rather common in our region. Allegheny : On clay bank under hemlocks, AYildwood Road Hollow, March 29, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. ; Guyasuta Hollow, October 25, 1908. 6. E. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, September 24, 1904. O. E. J. (Figured). Clinton : Between Renovo and Haneyville, July 15, 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Langmade Hollow, May 3, 1896, Toad Hollow, June 17, 1896, and Bolivar Run, July 17, 1897, all near Bradford. D. A. B. 11. ELODIUM (Sullivant) Warnstorf. Autoicous or rarely dioicous : more or less robust, in deep, soft, slightly lustrous, green to yellowish-green or sometimes brownish tufts : stems elliptic in cross-section, without central strand, mostly simple, thickly-foliate, somewhat distichously pinnate ; branchlets filiform ; paraphyses small, branched, numerous ; leaves all similar, when dry appressed, when moist erect-spreading, or erect, concave, with a dorsally projecting main plication; stem-leaves from a narrowed base suddenly lance-ovate, acuminate, the margin almost wholly revolute, mostly entire, sometimes apically serrate ; costa incomplete, mostly small ; cells pellucid, elongate-hexagonal to almost linear, smooth or unipapillate over the lumen or in the cell- angle, the basal cells laxly rectangular; branch-leaves smaller; perichaetial leaves erect, pale, plicate, delicate, narrowly acumi- nate, incompletely costate : seta 2-5 cm. long, smooth ; capsule inclined to horizontal, oblong-cylindric, brown, more or less arcuate ; annulus revoluble ; peristome-teeth broadly lance- subulate, yellow, basally confluent, transversely striate, apical- ly almost smooth, hyaline-bordered, high-trabeculate, the plates numerous, and often forked or with transverse walls; inner peristome yellowish, almost smooth, with high basal membrane, carinate ; segments as long as teeth, lance-subu- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 261 late, entire or very narrowly carinately split, cilia 3, complete, delicate, smooth; lid convex-conic, acute; calyptra cucullate, glabrous; spores about .010-.016(-.024) mm. A genus of four species, at least one of these in our region. 1. Elodium paludosum (Sullivant) Loeske. (Hypintni paludosum Sullivant; Thnidiuui pahtdosimi Jaeger and Sauerbeck). (Plate XXXVI) Yellowish-green, irregularly pinnate : primary stems creeping, branchlets distichous, unequal : stem-leaves some- what rigid, about 1-1.5 mm. long, erect-spreading to somewhat appressed, lance-oblong, acuminate, some\vhat cordate at base, concave below, rerlexed on the borders, smooth on both faces, at the base bearing 1 to 3 paraphyllose branched filaments, the base decurrent, plicate-striate ; costa sub-percurrent ; median leaf-cells shortly linear-oblong to linear-rhomboid, usually smooth, sometimes dorsally lightly papillose at the distal end ; stems and branches with numerous filamentous and branched paraphyllia ; branch-leaves narrower, smaller, usually 0.6-0.8 mm. long ; inner perichaetial leaves oblong, gradually slenderly acuminate, up to 3 mm. long, longitudinal- ly plicate: seta about 1.5-3 cm. long, slender, red-castaneous, dextrorse above ; capsule oblong-cylindric, curved, strongly in- clined to almost horizontal, about 3:1, the urn about 3-3.5 mm. long ; lid conic, apiculate ; peristome normally hypnoid, large, the teeth rather broadly lance-acuminate, densely trabeculate, the lower trabeculae often forked and thus united by obliquely transverse bars, the dorsal lamellae numerous and below dense- ly cross-striate, yellowish ; segments as long as teeth, carinate but rarely split, the basal membrane about one-third as high as teeth, the cilia 3, nodose or appendiculate above, nearly as long as segments ; spores mature in winter, about .018-.022 mm., medium-walled, yellowish, granular; annulus large. In wet, grassy fields, swamps, and bogs ; Asia, and from Xew England to Ontario and south to Illinois and Delaware. Probably rather common in the northern part of our region. Allegheny : Swampy ground near Douthett. about on boundary line of Butler and Allegheny Counties, April 26, 1908. O. E. J. Butler : Swampy ground near Crider's Corners, April 26, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, near Linesville, June 12, 1905. 6. E. J. (Figured). 262 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES la. Elodium paludosum variety elodioides ( Renauld and Car- dot) Best. (Thnidiuin elodioides Renauld and Cardot). Leaves smaller with margins dentate-serrate, the cells more or less strongly and often sub-centrally papillose ; darker green; cells shorter, elliptic or oval. In swampy meadows, swamps, bogs, etc. ; from New York to Ohio and Indiana. Apparently rare in our region. McKean : IX A. Burnett. Bradford. Family XXXI. HYPNACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous, rarely pseudautoicous or polyoi- cous : antheridial clusters gemmiform, small, archegonial clus- ters on short mostly rooting perich?etial branches : slender to robust, variously cespitose, rarely floating, dull to lustrous : stem without central strand, mostly woody, often stoloniferous, mostly irregularly pinnate, but the branches often regularly pinnate ; leaves pluriseriate, unistratose, erect-spreading to squarrose, rarely densely imbricate, often secund or circinate. of various forms, sometimes unsymmetric ; costa homogeneous, mostly thin and rather short, simple, double, forked, or none, rarely strong and complete to excurrent ; leaf-cells mostly nar- rowly prosenchymatous, rarely parenchymatous, at the base looser, the alar mostly differentiated into a distinct group, i ounded to oval or 4-6-sided, small to inflated, mostly hyaline : seta elongated, mostly smooth ; capsule mostly inclined to horizontal, mostly arcuate, rarely pendent, or erect, mostly smooth ; collum scant ; peristome double, both parts of same length, teeth lance-subulate, mostly strongly hygroscopic, mostly confluent at base, rarely separate, yellow, red-brown to purple, mostly transyersely striate, with divisural zigzag, with trabeculas numerous and well-developed ; basal membrane of inner peristome wide, segments keeled, mostly lance-subulate, cilia mostly complete, filiform, nodose to articulate, rarely rudi- mentary or none ; lid usually conic-convex, in our species ob- tuse to acute or shortly rostrate ; spores small. A large and cosmopolitan family of 37 genera, distributed on all kinds of substrata. Key to the Genera. a. Costa in our species single, extending to leaf-middle or beyond; lid never rostrate. d. (Amblystegieac ). a. Costa short and double or none; lid sometimes rostrate. b. b. Stem-leaves and branch-leaves usually distinctly dissimilar, symmetric and normally inserted. o. (Hylocoinicac). b. Stem- and branch-leaves more or less closely similar, often inserted obliquely and unsymmetrically. c. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 263 c. Leaves either symmetric and normally inserted or unsymmetric and obliquely inserted; lid sometimes rostrate. s. (Stcrcodonteac). c. Leaves obliquely inserted and apparently two-ranked, mostly un- symmetric; branches mostly complanate; lid conic to short- rostrate, rarely long-rostrate. t. (Plagiothccieac}. d. Leaves bordered. S. Sciaromhun. d. Leaves non-bordered. e. e. Costa strong, sub-percurrent, or sometimes excurrent. f. c. Costa not reaching leaf-apex. j. f. Paraphyllia numerous, polymorphic; leaves non-plicate. 4. Hygroamblystegium. f. Paraphyllia none or scarce. g. g. Leaf-cells linear-vermicular to the leaf-base, mostly with blunt ends, alar cells forming a small, distinct, well-defined group of quadrate or rectangular cells. 9. Hygrohypnum. g. Leaf-cells hexagonal and 2-6-times as long as wide, or prolonged- linear and becoming wider and shorter basally, alar cells forming a group which is large and often extends to the costa. h. h. Alar cells parenchymatous. 6. Drepanocladus. h. Alar cells prosenchymatous. i. i. Leaf-cells prolonged-linear. 7. Calliergon. i. Leaf-cells prosenchymatous-hexagonal, 2-6 times as long as wide. 4. Hygroamblystegium. j. Leaves cordate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; costa weak, reaching the middle of leaf or beyond; leaf-cells rarely linear, mostly parenchymatous and 4-sided or prosenchymatous and 6- sided. 1. Amblystcgium. ]. Characters not combined as above. k. k. Leaf-cells narrowly linear: leaves broadly ovate or cordate, with reflexed-squarrose and subulate-acuminate tips. 10. Campylium. k. Leaf-cells and leaves not as above. 1. 1. Leaves oval to oblong-lanceolate, long-acuminate; cells narrow- ly prosenchymatous; plants shining. 3. Homomallium. 1. Not as above. m. m. Slender, dull; leaves spreading, lanceolate to lance-linear; cells rhomboidal to long-hexagonal, 2-6 or rarely 6-8 times as long as broad. 2. Amblystcgiella. m. Leaf-cells prolonged-linear, mostly very narrow. n. n. Leaves erect-spreading to imbricated, oblong-ovate to rounded, obtuse or apiculate, often deeply concave; costa short and double or none. 8. Acrocladium. n. Leaves more or less falcate-secund to circinate, from a mostly narrowed and somewhat decurrent base becoming ovate- to triangular- or cordate-lanceolate, more or less slenderly acumi- nate, costa weak, reaching about to leaf-middle or even in some cases excurrent. 6. Drepanocladus. o. Paraphyllia numerous; leaves more or less erect, from abruptly to shortly acuminate, mostly plicate. 14. Hylocomium. o. Paraphyllia none or very few. p. p. Stem-leaves more or less sqnarrose-spreading to secund, acuminate. r. p. Stem-leaves more or less crowded, imbricate, but with more or less spreading to secund tips. q. 264 A MANUAL OF MOSSES * q. Stem-leaves turgidly imbricate and secund, rugose, narrowly lance- acuminate from a broadly oblong base, glossy: apex serrate: cilia t\vo; annulns present. 13. Rhytidhim. q. Stem-leaves close, or loosely imbricate, not secund, broadly ovate or rounded and with an obtuse apex, olive or grayish-green, apex finely crenulate: cilia three; annulus none. 15. Hy[> num. r. Alar cells little or not at all differentiated; plants distantly and irregularly pinnate; leaves squarrose or spreading and secund. 12. Rhytidiadclphiis. r. Alar cells distinctly differentiated; plants closely pinnate; leaves circinate-secund. 11. Ctenidium. s. Plants large, to 15 cm. tall, closely and regularly pinnate; leaves linear-acuminate from a broadly ovate base, stem-leaves plicate, falcate-secund: cilia 3 or 4. 16. Ptil'mm. s. Plants robust to quite slender, simple or pinnate, mostly irregu- larly pinnate; leaves ovate- to cordate-lanceolate, shortly to slen- derly acuminate, generally circinate-secund in two series. 17. St crcadon-, t. Leaf-cells very narrowly prosenchymatous, alar cells mostly not differentiated; leaves oblong to linear, short-pointed, ovate to linear-lanceolate, acute to long-acuminate or piliferous. 18. Isopterygium. t. Leaf-cells wider, alar cells broader proportionally, hyaline and thin-walled: leaves broadly lanceolate to oval, more or less long-acuminate. 19. Plagiotlicciuin. 1. AMBLYSTEGIUM Bryologia Europzea. Autoicous : usually more or less slender, in thin and spread- ing mats : stem creeping to ascending or even erect, irregularly to pinnately branched, the branches mostly more or less erect ; stem-leaves similar to branch-leaves, erect-spreading to squar- rose, mostly shortly decurrent, cordate- to ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, rather concave, non-plicate, entire to serrate ; costa thin, simple, reaching to the middle of the leaf or beyond, rarely complete ; cells parenchymatous and rectangular to elongate-prosenchymatous and hexagonal, rarely linear, smooth, the alar quadrate to rectangular, the inner perichsetial leaves erect, broadly lanceolate, mostly costate : seta long, thin, reddish to castaneous, flattened when dry; capsule, from an erect collum, curved to oblong or cylindric, smooth when dry, constricted below the expanded mouth, annulate ; peris- tome-teeth basally confluent, yellow to orange, lance-subulate, bordered, dorsally cross-striate, above pale and papillose, densely trabeculate below; inner peristome yellowish, basal membrane high ; segments carinate, entire, or slightly gaping along the keel ; cilia complete, nodose, rarely appendiculate ; lid conic, obtuse to acute ; spores small. A genus of about 50 species occurring mainly in temperate regions, on various sub-strata; about 20 species in North America ; six in our range. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 265 Key to the Species. a. Stem-creeping: leaves erect-spreading; median leaf-cell> about 2-6:1. b. a. Stem often ascending or erect; leaves mostly widely to squarrosely spreading; median leaf-cells mostly 4-8:1, or rarely 10-15:1. b. Cells in middle of leaf about 2-4:1. c. b. Cells in middle of leaf about 4-6(-8):l. e. c. Very slender: costa thin, ending near the middle of the leaf. 1. A. serpcns. c. Less slender: costa stronger, almost reaching apex. d. d. Stem-leaves ovate-acuminate, acute, slenderly acuminate. 2. A. varium. d. Stem-leaves ovate-cordate, abruptly narrowed to a rather blunt acumination. 3. A. orthocladon. e. Costa reaching to three-fourths the length of the leaf. 4. A. juratzkanum. e. Costa reaching about to the middle of the leaf. 5. A. radicale. f. Slender: median leaf-cells prosenchymatous, hexagonal to linear. 4-S(-10):l. '6. A. hochii. f. Rather robust: median leaf-cells elongate-prosenchymatous to linear. 5-10(-15):l. 7. A. 1. Amblystegium serpens [Linnaeus] Bryologia Europsea. (Hyp mi ni serpcns Linnaeus) (Plate XXXVII) Dull, more or less yellowish-green, very small and slender, forming thin, soft, densely interwoven mats : stems prostrate, radiculose, irregularly branching, the branches ascending or spreading or erect ; leaves rather crowded, when moist vari- ously spreading, when dry more or less appressed and im- bricate ; stem-leaves lance-ovate to ovate-acuminate, usually long-acuminate, the largest about 0.8-1.0x0-4-0.5 mm., often much smaller, narrowed and decurrent at base, slightly denticu- late or entire, somewhat concave, the margins plane; costa usually reaching about to the middle of the leaf or above, ^ o often quite faint and indistinct ; branch-leaves similar but smaller and narrower, usually more lanceolate; median leaf- cells oblong- to rhomboid-hexagonal, about 2-4:1, the basal broader and more rectangular, the alar quadrate to transversely elongate but not forming a well-defined group, some of the apical considerably longer; perichaetial leaves lanceolate, thin, plicate, up to 1.5 mm. long: seta rather slender, 1-3 cm. long, reddish, dextrorse; capsule cylindric, the urn about 1.5 mm. long, strongly curved, cernuous, constricted below the mouth when dry ; lid convex-conic, rather obtusely apiculate ; peris- tome rather large for the capsule, typically hypnaceous, teeth pale castaneous, strongly trabeculate, below dorsally cross- striolate, the dorsal lamellae projecting to form a more or less crenate hyaline margin ; segments about as long as teeth, 266 A MANUAL OF MOSSES carinately split, rising from a basal membrane about two-fifths as high, the cilia 1 (sometimes 2 or 3), as long as segments, slender, nodose to appendiculate ; annulus 2-3-seriate ; spores papillose, when mature brownish or yellowish, medium-walled, about .014-.018 mm., mature in spring: autoicous. On bases and roots of trees, decaying logs, soil, rocks, etc.. in moist woods ; cosmopolitan ; in North America occurring from the Arctic regions to the Gulf of Mexico. Fairly common in our region. Allegheny : Wildwood Road Hollow, June 11, 1908, on base of white oak, Guyasuta Hollow, October 25, 1908, and Douthett, Decem- ber 29, 1908. O. E. J. Beaver : Beaver Falls, May 14, 1907, Crider's Cor- ners, December 29, 1908. O. E. J. Cambria Lloydsville, July 22, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. I. Erie Presque Isle, June 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. Fayette Meadow Run Valley, four miles south of Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Westmoreland : Slope of Chestnut Ridge above Hillside, September 16-17, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. t 2. Amblystegium varium (Hedwig) Lindberg. (Leskea vana Hedwig; Stereodon I'arius Mitten; Hvpnitm dcbile Bridel). (Plate XXXVII) More or less loosely cespitose, green to light-green above, darker below, the stems and branches similar but larger than in A. scrpcns; leaves rather close together, erect- to widely- spreading, the stem-leaves ovate-acuminate, the largest about 1-1.5 mm.XO.5-0.7 mm., usually long-acuminate, somewhat concave, the margins entire or very slightly denticulate, plane, the base very slightly decurrent ; branch-leaves similar but smaller and more lance-ovate, usually about 0.6-0.8x0.3-0.4 mm. ; costa strong, more or less colored, usually yellowish or brownish, reaching usually into the acumen ; median leaf- cells rhomboid-hexagonal, usually about 2-4:1, somewrhat in- crassate, rather regularly arranged, the basal larger and more incrassate, sometimes yellowish, short-rectangular, the basal marginal distinctly quadrate ; inner perichxtial leaves slender- ly lance-triangular, about 1.6 mm. long; seta reddish, slender, dextrorse, varying from 1-2 cm. in length; capsule reddish- yellow, about 4-6:1, cylindric, arcuate, the urn about 1.3 mm. long, rather smooth, even when dry and empty; annulus 2-3- seriate; peristome typically hypnaceous, similar to that of OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 267 A. serpens, the teeth basally confluent, dorsally cross-striolate below, hyaline-papillose above, strongly and closely trabecu- late ; the segments about as long, slightly carinately cleft, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high, the cilia 1 or 2, nodose to shortly appendiculate ; lid conic-acute ; spores about .012-.018 mm., slightly papillose, medium-walled, mature in late spring: autoicous. On bases of trees, soil, rocks, rotting wood, etc., in moist woods ; Europe, and, in North America, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Very common in our region. Allegheny : Wildwood Road Hollow, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J.; on rocks, Power's Run, May 10, 1905; Wildwood Road Hollow, June 6, 1908; Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, June 18, 1907, and Guyasuta Hollow, November 9, 1908. O. E. J. ; Kenny\vood, May 3, 1902, and Moon Township May 18, 1902. J. A. S. Beaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. J. On base of Cratacgus punctata, Crider's Corners, December 29, 1908. O. E. J. Linesville, June 11-12, 1907, and May 12, 1908. O. E. J. Presque Isle, June 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. Four miles south of Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J, and Sep- tember 1-3, 1907; Ohio Pyle, May 30-31, and July 4, 1908. O. E. J. On log, New Castle. Miss Susan Gageby, 1906. ' Ursina, May 12, 1905. O. E. J. Hanlin, on wet log. May 21, 1908. O. E. J. Laurelville, May 30-31, 1903. J. A. S. ; "Shades," near Blackburn, June 13, 1908, Hillside, May 22, 1909, and Garrett Farm, near Trafford, August 21, 1910. O. E. J. ; slope of Chestnut Ridge above Hillside, September 16-17, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). 3. Amblystegium orthocladon (Beauvois) Jaeger. (Hypmim orthocladon Beauvois; A. varium var. orthocladon Husnot). (Plate XXXVII) Rather dark-green, sometimes olive-green, rather stiff when dry, compactly tufted : stems irregularly branching, the branches of plants in the denser tufts often erect, usually less Beaver Butler Crawford Erie Fayette Lawrence Somerset Washington Westmoreland 268 A MANUAL OF MOSSES than 1.5 cm. long; leaves up to 1 mm. long, broadly cordate- ovate, usually rapidly and uniformly narrowed to an acute or sub-obtuse apex, rounded to a narrow base, slightly concave, slightly decurrent, widely spreading both wet and dry, the margins plane and minutely serrulate ; costa strong, wide at base, yellowish, usually extending up into the apex; leaf-cells sub-incrassate, the median oblong-rhomboidal with rounded ends, about 2-4(-6) :1, the apical similar, the median basal oblong-rectangular, the cells of the angles somewhat wider, varying to short-rectangular or quadrate, incrassate, often opaque or colored: seta about 1-1.5 cm. long, castaneous, dextrorse ; capsule castaneous, oblong-cylindric, arcuate, cernu- ous, constricted below the rim when dry, narrowed at base to distinct neck, the urn about 1.6-1.9 mm. long; peristome typic- ally hypnoid ; spores mature in spring, somewhat incrassate, minutely roughened, about .010-.012 mm. On stones, rotten wood, bases of trees, etc., along brooks or in moist situations in woods ; Europe, and from lower Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. By many authors regarded as a variety of A. twin in, but in our region quite common and well marked. Allegheny : Power's Run, May 7, 1905, and May 17, 1907, Fern Hollow, August 26, 1906, and Darlington Hollow, October 25, 1908. O. E..J. Crawford : Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. Fayette : Cheat Haven, September 26, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Greene McKean Washington &' VVaynesburg, May 30, 1904. O. E. ^. Bennett Brook, July 15, 1893. D. A*. B. Library P. O., April 22, 1906, Hanlin, May 21, 1908. \Yestmoreland : Hillside, May 19, 1906, and May 22, 1909, and Trafford City, Tune 13, 1908. O. E. J. 4. Amblystegium juratzkanum Schimper. (Plate XXXVII) Light yellowish-green, small : steins prostrate, rooting, slender, the branches irregularly disposed, often ascending to erect, and rising to a height of 1-1.5 cm.; leaves when moist irregularly spreading to widely squarrose-spreading, when dry spreading to squarrose-spreading and shriveled, ovate-lanceo- late, gradually acuminate, about 1 to 1.4 mm. long by 0.5 mm. wide but quite variable, almost entire to minutely denticu- late, plane, the base narrowed, decurrent and slightly concave ; costa yellowish, fairly strong, reaching to the middle or some- what further ; median leaf-cells prosenchymatous, linear-hexa- gonal, about 4-8:1. moderately incrassate, hyaline, the apical OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 269 similar, the basal tending to sub-quadrate or shortly rectangu- lar, the alar forming a rather distinct group, sub-pellucid, 2-3 times as wide as the median cells, decidedly incrassate, and al- ways as long or longer than wide, perichsetial leaves 1.5-2 mm. long, acuminate, thin, plicate : seta castaneous, smooth, about 2-2.5 cm. high, when dry flattened, flexuous, dextrorse ; capsule unsymmetric, cernuous, decidedly arcuate, often describing a half-circle, about 1.5-2.0 mm. long, smooth, reddish, when dry and empty much contracted below the wide mouth ; peristome typically hypnoid ; teeth reddish, pellucid, strongly articulate and trabeculate, confluent slightly at base, hyaline-margined, divisural zigzag, dorsal cross-striae evident ; segments as long as the teeth, sub-entire, reddish-yellow, carinate, not at all or but slightly split, cilia 1-3, of equal length, or some shorter, nodose, united a little below the middle with the segments to form the basal membrane; spores rather clear, minutely papil- lose, medium to rather thin-walled, mature in spring, .010-.012 mm. in diameter. On moist soil and stones ; Europe, Asia, and. in North America, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Rather common in our region. This species is intermediate between A. serpens and A. kochii, but from the former differs in the more squarrose- spreading leaves, longer alar cells, and stronger costa. while from the latter it differs mainly in smaller size and longer-pointed leaves. Allegheny : Douthett. June 5, 1909, Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, April 25, 1909, Power's Run, May 7, 1905, Nine-Mile Run, May 17, 1907. O E. J.; Moon Township, May. 18, 1902. and Laschell Hollow. June 15, 1902. J. A. S. Crawford : Linesville, in Pymatuning Swamp, June 11-12, 1907. and" May 12, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). Erie : Presque Isle, June 9-11, 1905. O. E. J. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. 5. Amblystegium radicale [Beauvois] Mitten. (Hypnum radicale Beauvois; H. bcrgcncusc Austin; Campylium radicale Grout). (Plate XXXVIII) Loose, slender, pale-green, little branched, the branches often erect and up to 2 cm. or more long; branch-leaves distant, spreading to somewhat squarrose, lanceolate- to ovate-cordate, up to 1.5.X0.7 mm., concave at base, entire or almost so, de- current, abruptly slenderly acuminate ; median leaf-cells about 4-8:1, sometimes longer, medium-walled, the alar sometimes 270 A MANUAL OF MOSSES more abruptly enlarged and hyaline ; costa well developed, orange, up to two-thirds or three-fourths as long as the leaf; perichaetial leaves slenderly acuminate and up to 2.5 mm. long, plicate, erect : seta up to 3 cm. long, castaneous, strong, dex- trorse; capsule yellowish, the urn about 2.7 mm. long, arcuate, oblong-cylindric, contracted below the mouth when dry ; peris- tome-teeth strong, castaneous, strongly trabeculate, hyaline- margined, the dorsal lamellae cross-striolate below, papillose and hyaline above ; segments entire or nearly so, about as long as teeth, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high as teeth ; cilia 2 or 3, usually one, at least, as long as the seg- ments, nodose, hyaline, minutely papillose ; annulus usually 2- seriate ; exothecial cells rounded-quadrate above to rectangu- lar-hexagonal below; spores castaneous, minutely papillose, medium-walled, about .016-.019 mm., mature in spring. On rotten logs, roots of trees, wet soil, etc., in wet, shaded places : Europe, Asia, and apparently well distributed through- out temperate North America. The species occurs in Eastern Pennsylvania and has been found once in our region. McKean : In springy places near Bradford, May 17, 1895. D. A. B. (Figured). 6. Amblystegium kochii Bryologia Europaea. (Plate XXXVIII) Stem prostrate with short erect or ascending branches, the branches not usually reaching more than 5 or 6 mm. long, the general color of the loose mats being pale green to deep green : stem- and branch-leaves very similar, spreading rather wide- ly or almost squarrose, erect-spreading when dry, cordate- ovate, narrowed but scarcely decurrent at base, the apex long and slenderly acuminate, the leaves sometimes narrower and more lanceolate but always long-acuminate, usually 1-1.5 mm. ^ong, entire to faintly serrulate, plane-margined ; costa medium strong, yellowish, usually about three-fourths as long as the leaf; median leaf-cells more or less chlorophyllose, thick- walled, rhomboid-hexagonal, the ends blunt or parenchyma- tous, about 4-6:1 or longer, the basal wider, the alar rectangu- lar to rounded-quadrate, quite densely incrassate, hyaline or colored, but scarcely forming distinct alar patches ; perichaetial leaves up to 2 mm. long, lance-linear, long-acuminate : seta about 1.5-2 cm. long, castaneous, flexuous, dextrorse; capsule hypnoid, similar to that of A. serpens, the urn oblong-cylindric, inclined to cernuous, arcuate, about 2-2.5 mm. long, contracted below the mouth when dry ; peristome-teeth brownish or yel- lowish, hyaline and papillose above, cross-striolate below, hyaline-margined, strongly and closely trabeculate, the dorsal lamellae and divisural plain ; segments about as long as the OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 271 teeth, slightly carinately split, the basal membrane about two- fifths as high; cilia usually 3, pale, papillose, some of them as long; as the teeth, nodose; annulus rather large, two-seriate; upper exothecial cells small, rounded-hexagonal or quadrate, below becoming elongate-hexagonal or oblong-rectangular ; spores in late spring or early summer, somewhat incrassate. castaneous, minutely roughened, about .015-.018 mm. On moist earth in swampy or marshy places ; Europe, Asia, and probably throughout temperate North America. Fairly com- mon in our region but in its smaller sizes difficult to satisfactorily distinguish from A. jurat skanum. Allegheny : On wet woods-humus, Guyasuta Hollow, October 12, and October 25, 1908. O. E. J. ; Kennywood, May 3, 1902, Moon Township, May 18. 1902. J. A. S. Center : On wet, clavey soil in Barrens near Scotia, Ju!y 14, 1909.' O. E. J. Crawford : Linesville, Pymatuning Swamp, June 12, 190" O. E. J. Fayette Ohio Pyle, June 11, 1908. O. E. J. Lawrence New Castle, 1906. Miss Susan Gageby. McKean West Branch Swamp, November 15, 1899. D. A. B. Washington : On damp roots of black walnut, Hanlin, May 21, 1908. O. E. J. Westmoreland : On wet rocks at edge of stream, Hillside, May 19, 1906, and Garrett Farm, near Trafford, August 21, 1910. O. E. J. 7. Amblystegium riparium [Linnaeus] Bryologia Europsea. (Hypnum riparium Linnaeus; H. laxifolium Bridel ; Stcreodon riparium Mitten). (Plate XXXVIII) Loosely cespitose, yellowish-green, the flat tufts soft: stems creeping, sub-pinnate, the branches usually 2 or 3 cm. long, spreading to horizontal, the stems sometimes floating and reaching; a lengfth of 8 or 10 cm. ; stem-leaves 2-4 mm. lono-, O O *J rather widely spreading or almost squarrose both wet and dry, often somewhat complanate, at tips of branches more or less secund, widely lance-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, gradually tapering to a fine, flat, non-channeled acumination, shortly de- current, rounded at base, non-auriculate, somewhat excavate ; branch-leaves similar but smaller, all leaves entire and plane - margined ; costa fairly strong, reaching from one-half to three- fourths the length of the leaf; median leaf-cells linear-rhom- boid, prosenchymatous, usually 8-12(-15) :1, thin-walled, chlorophyllose, towards the base lax and sub-rectangular, at 272 A MANUAL OF MOSSES the angles often somewhat larger, rectangular, and sub-inflated, but not forming very distinct nor hyaline patches : seta usually 1-2 cm. long; capsule rather turgid, oblong-cylindric, arcuate, inclined; peristome hypnoid but relatively rather large; teeth dark orange, cilia 2 or 3, appendiculate, about as long as the entire or slightly parted segments, the basal membrane reach- ing to about two-fifths as high as the peristome; annnlns 2-3- seriate ; exothecial cells very much smaller at rim, below be- coming irregular to rectangular, medium-walled ; spores minutely roughened, .011-.014 mm., mature in spring: autoi- cous. In swamps, springs, brooks, etc., on bases of trees, roots, stones, etc., sometimes floating ; almost cosmopolitan ; in North America ranging from the Arctic regions to Louisiana and Cuba. Common in our region, in suitable habitats. Allegheny : Fern Hollow, August 20, 1906, and Nine- Mile Run, near Swissvale, May 17, 1907. O. E. J. Beaver : Beaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. J. (Figured). Center : In swampy spot in gap of Bald Eagle Mt., lear Matternville, September 20, 1909. This latter specimen has slenderly acuminate leaves approaching var. longifolium (Schultz) Bryologia Europsea. 7 a. Amblystegium riparium variety flaccidum (Lesquereux and James ) Renauld and Cardot. (Plate XXXVIII) Smaller and of a more slender habit; leaves more distant and tending to sagittate-lanceolate. McKean : East Branch swamp, near Bradford, June 15, 1895. D. A. B. (Figured). 2. AMBLYSTEGIELLA Loeske. Autoicous or dioicous : very slender, stems filiform, mostly creeping, irregularly branched ; leaves rather laxly disposed, erect-spreading or rarely weakly secund, lanceolate to lance- subulate from a sometimes somewhat decurrent base, slightly concave, non-plicate, margin plane and entire ; costa none or very short and weak ; median leaf-cells rhomboid-hexagonal or oblong-hexagonal, 2-4 (-8) :1, the basal rather lax, parenchy- matous, the alar quadrate ; inner perichastial leaves erect, basal- ly sheathing, lanceolate to lance-oblong, long-acuminate, ecostate, or with the costa ending in or above mid-leaf: seta 5-12 mm. long, drying flattened, yellowish-red to castaneous ; capsule mostly erect and symmetric, rarely secund and cernu- ous, obovate to oblong-cylindric, when dry and empty con- stricted below the wide mouth, smooth ; annulus present ; peris- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 273 tome-teeth narrowly lance-ovate, basally confluent, yellowish, bordered, dorsally cross-striate, above pale and papillose, dense- ly trabecnlate below ; inner peristome pale or yellow, basal membrane high, segments entire or but slightly split, cilia rare- ly 1-3 and complete, mostly solitary and rudimentary or none, non-appendiculate ; lid high-convex, obtuse to acute ; spores small. A genus of 8 species, confined to the Northern Hemisphere, occurring on trees and rocks ; 5 species in North America ; two species occurring in our range. Key to the Species. a. Inner perichsetial leaves irregularly toothed above; leaves not nar- rowed to insertion: alar cells longer than broad. 1. A. iniiuitisshiia. a. Inner perichaetial leaves entire; leaves narrowed to the insertion; alar cells quadrate. 2. A. confervoides. 1. Amblystegiella minutissima (Sullivant and Lesquereux) Nichols. (Hypnnm minutissimum Sullivant and Lesquereux; Auibly- stegiiun niinutissintum Jaeger). Minute, pale green : stems prostrate, short, up to about 1 cm. long, with radicles in fascicles, the branches occurring sub- pinnately and spreading to erect ; leaves loose, narrowly tri- angular-lanceolate, broadest and not narrowed at base, 3-4 mm. long, more or less serrulate, ecostate or very faintly marked with stride; leaf-cells large, oblong, about 4-8:1, the marginal alar cells about 2:1 ; capsule minute, about 0.5 mm. long, ovoid, symmetric or slightly curved, constricted below the mouth and turbinate when dry and empty, thin-walled, yellowish ; seta slender, 4 or 5 mm. long; teeth yellowish, hyaline-bordered; cilia as long as segments and 1 or 2 in number ; annulus 2- seriate, persistent ; lid conic, apiculate-rostrate, about one-half as long as urn. On rocks and stones in shaded ravines, said to prefer lime- stone, from New Jersey and Pennsylvania westward to Illinois, Ontario, the Rocky Mountains and British Columbia. Rare in our region. Huntingdon : Alexandria. T. C. Porter. ( Porter's Cata- logue). 2. Amblystegiella conferva (Schwaegrichen) New Combination. (Hypnnm confcri'oidcs Bridel ; A. confervoides Loeske; Hypnnm conferva Schwaegrichen) . Dark green, minute ; stems irregularly branching, about 0.5-1.0 cm. long; leaves very small, about 0.2-0.4 mm. long, rather distant, more or less appressed both wet and dry, entire or almost so, ovate, acuminate, ecostate; leaf-cells irre- 274 A MANUAL OF MOSSES gularly quadrate-rhomboid to oblong-hexagonal, ranging from 1-3 :1. some of them wider transversely, the apical shorter than the median, the alar numerous and quadrate to transversely elongate : capsule cernuous, reddish-brown, more or less curved, oblong, minute ; peristome perfect with double cilia or some- times 3 ; spores mature in summer : autoicous. Mainly on shaded ledges of limestone ; Europe, Asia, and, in North America from New Brunswick to southeastern Penn- sylvania and westward to the Rocky Mountains. Rare in our region. Huntingdon : On limestone rocks, one mile south of Pennsylvania Furnace, July 13, 1909. O. E. J. 3. HOMOMALLIUM (Schimper) Loeske. Autoicous : slender, rarely somewhat robust, light to brownish or yellowish-green, more or less shining; stems creeping, divided and irregularly pinnately branched, with the branches short, erect, and more or less curved ; leaves erect- spreading or secund above, the lower mostly straight, the upper often curved, concave, non-plicate, oval- to oblong-lanceolate, the base narrowed and but little decurrent, apex elongate- subulate, the margins plane, entire or serrate at apex ; costa none or short, thin, and double, or longer and sometimes forked ; leaf-cells narrowly prosenchymatous, smooth or with projecting ends, towards the base shorter and a little wider, the alar numerous, small, quadrate, green, passing rapidly into the narrower cells above ; inner perichaetial leaves almost sheathing, abruptly acuminate : seta 1-2 cm. long, thin, com- pressed, reddish ; capsule inclined to horizontal, oblong, when dry and empty strongly curved and narrowly constricted below the mouth ; annulus revoluble ; peristome-teeth yellow, basally confluent, dorsally cross-striate, bordered, pale and papillose above, trabeculse numerous and close below, above strongly projecting, inner peristome yellowish, papillose, and with a high basal membrane, segments keeled, split, cilia 2-3, papil- lose, nodose ; spores small ; lid shortly and acutely rostrate. A genus of about 8 species, occurring on rocks and tree- trunks ; 2 species in North America ; 1 species in our region. 1. Homomallium adnatum (Hedwig) Brotherus. (Hypnum adnatum Hedwig; Amblystegiella adnata Nichols; Stereodon adnatum Mitten). (Plate XXXIX) Widely cespitose in thin, closely adherent mats, pale green, or yellowish-green, darker below : stems irregularly branch- ing, creeping, the branches close, short ; leaves close, erect- spreading, ovate or oblong, shortly and widely acuminate- to OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 275 slenderly acuminate, entire or nearly so, concave, ecostate or slightly bi-striate at base, the margins often more or less re"* curved below, the leaves 0.6-1.0 mm. long: median leaf-cells somewhat pellucid, sub-rhomboidal, prosenchymatous, about 4-8:1, the apical often shorter, the alar numerous, smaller, more incrassate and opaque, quadrate and extending along the margin to one-fourth or one-third the length of the leaf ; outer perichaetial broadly ovate, narrowly gradually acuminate, spread- ing, the inner oblong, erect, more abruptly acuminate, dentate, and costate nearly to the middle: seta erect, 1.5-2 cm. long, dex- trorse ; capsule arcuate, oblong, narrowed to a distinct neck, cernuous, reddish or yellowish, when dry constricted below the mouth but not wrinkled : lid paler, acutely conic ; annulus present; exothecial cells rounded-hexagonal near the rim. rectangular below ; peristome perfect, the teeth prominently and numerously trabeculate, hyaline and papillose apically, hyaline-margined and dorsally cross-striolate below, the seg- ments entire and very slightly split, about as long as the teeth, the cilia about as long, hyaline and slightly papillose, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high; spores rather in- crassate, pale-castaneous, papillose, .009-.012 mm., mature in summer. On rocks and on bases of trees in woods ; Asia and from lower Canada to North Carolina and Texas. Fairly common in our region. Allegheny : Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, August 20, 1905, and on base of Acer saccharnui, Guyasuta Hollow. November 8. 1908. O. E. }' Fayette : Ohio Pyle, May 30-31, 1908. O. E. T. and G. K. J. Huntingdon : On limestone rocks, Pennsylvania Fur- nace. July 13, 1909. O. E. J. (Figured). McKean : On base of tree, Hawkins' Hollow, Bracl- iord. October 18, 1895. D. A. B. Westmoreland : On soil in woods. Hillside. May 22, 1909. O. E. J. 4. HYGROAMBLYSTEGIl'M Loeske. Autoicous or dioicous : slender to quite robust, mostly stiffly cespitose, dark-green to blackish-green, dull : stem more or less elongate, mostly floating, rarely more or less erect, most- ly rather regularly pinnate, with forward-directed, rarely erect, mostly simple branches ; leaves close, spreading to secund, concave, non-plicate, not at all or but slightly decurrent, rarely long-decurrent, mostly ovate to oblong-lanceolate, long- acuminate, margins plane, entire or remotely indistinctly denticulate ; costa strong, short or percttrrent. sometimes thickly excurrent ; cells green, prosenchymatous. hexagonal. 276 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 2-4(-6) :1, alar cells more or less plainly differentiated; costa complete or sub-percurrent : seta elongate, castaneous ; capsule inclined to horizontal, early symmetric or somewhat dorsally gibbous, oblong-cylindric, later more or less arcuate, when dry and empty constricted below the mouth ; peristome-teeth dark- yellow to orange, more or less basally confluent, lance-subu- late, broadly bordered, dorsally cross-striate, apically pale and papillose, the margin step-like, the trabeculse strongly project- ing; inner peristome yellow, finely papillose, with high basal membrane, segments mostly carinately split, cilia complete, nodose to short-appendicnlate ; lid high-convex and apicnlate or acute; spores small. A genus of about 13 species, in damp places or in water, mostly in temperate or cooler regions ; 5 species occur in Xorth America ; at least 3 species occurring in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves non-decurrent, entire or indistinctly and remotely serrate. b. a. Leaves mostly decnrrent, mostly with small but distinct teeth. c. b. Leaves rather obtuse. 1. H. flui'iatilc. b. Leaves more or less sharply acute. 2. //. tcna.r. c. Costa sub-percurrent to percurrent. 3. H. Ulicinuin. c. Costa excurrenl. d. (1. Leaves decurrent, auriculate, basallv excavate. (H. f alias (Bridel) Brotherus). d. Leaves non-decurrent, non-auriculate, not basally excavate. (H. notcrophilum (Stilli- vant) Warnstorf). 1. Hygroamblystegium fluviatile [ Swartz j Loeske. (Auiblystegimii flitriatilc Bryologia Europsea : Hypnnui flmiatile Swartz). (Plate XXXIX) Robust, aquatic, floating in flat and elongated tufts, soft, olive- to dark-green, devoid of leaves below : stems with few branchlets, long, the branchlets more or less parallel and scarce- ly pinnate ; leaves oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, not markedly narrowed below, rather remote, erect-spreading, es- pecially when dry, non-decurrent, gradually tapering to a short, blunt point, entire or very faintly serrulate, very concave, the margins more or less recurved at base ; costa thick and strong, yellowish, ending in the apex; median leaf-cells loose, hexa- gonal-rhomboid, about 3-6:1, the basal cells rectangular, pel- lucid, sometimes somewhat opaque, strongly incrassate, not forming auricles, sometimes quite orange ; periehsetial leaves erect, strongly costate : seta about 1.5 cm. long, castaneous, dextrorse ; capsules about 2.5 mm. long, oblong-cylindric, sub- erect, sub-arcuate, rather thick-walled, yellowish-brown, when OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 277 dry and empty strongly arcuate and constricted below the month ; below the 2-3-seriate annulus the exothecial cells small and rounded-quadrate ; peristome slightly inserted, teeth strongly confluent at base, dorsally cross-striolate, brownish below, apically hyaline and papillose ; segments about as long as teeth, carinately split, the three nodose cilia about as long, the basal membrane about two-fifths to one-half as high as teeth ; spores medium-walled, minutely papillose, brownish, about .016-.019 mm., mature in early summer. On earth and on rocks and stones in running water, usual iy in non-calcareous districts ; Europe, and, in North America, from Newfoundland to Xew Jersey and westward to the Mis- -issippi. Fairly common in our region. Allegheny Beaver McKean Laschell Hollow, Tune 15, 1902. T. A. S. Heaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. I. Bennett, May 19, 1*895, and August 8, 1897. J). A. B. \Vestmoreland : Shades. Blackburn. June 13, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). 2. Hygroamblystegium tenax ( Hedwig) New Combination. (H. irriguum Loeske ; Hypnuin irriguum Wilson; Amblystegium irriguum Bryologia Europ?ea ; Hypnnm tcna.r Hedwig). (Plate XXXIX) Dark green, aquatic, cespitose : stems rigid, irregularly pinnate, long, denuded at the base, usually with a few para- phyllia at the nodes ; stem-leaves ovate, about 1-1.5 mm. long, gradually acuminate, acute or sub-acute, narrowed at the base, sub-decurrent, spreading and sub-secund, or on the longer branches erect-spreading, entire to sub-serrulate, plane-mar- gined; branch-leaves narrower and tending to lance-ovate; costa thick and wide, yellowish-brown, narrowing and becom- ing indistinct in the acumen but often reaching the apex ; leaf- cells hexagonal-rhomboid, about 3-6:1, incrassate, often sub- opaque, smaller in the apex, at the base one or two rows usual- ly somewhat enlarged, rectangular, incrassate, often colored, a few rows above these shorter, quadrate, but no distinct auricles being formed : seta about 1.5 cm. long, smooth, castane- ous, dextrorse; capsule oblong, the urn 2-2.5 mm. long, sub- cernuous and sub-arcuate before ripening to strongly arcuate when dry, smooth, constricted below the mouth, brownish ; annulus 3-seriate : lid convex-conic, apiculate ; peristome-teeth nasally confluent, orange-pellucid and dorsally cross-striolate below, bordered, strongly trabeculate : the segments slightly shorter than the teeth, carinately split but scarcely gaping, yellowish-hyaline, the 3 cilia nodose, hyaline-papillose, about as long as the segments, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high ; exothecial cells small and rounded, hexagonal to trans- 278 A MANUAL OF MOSSES versely rounded at rim but soon becoming rather elongate oblong-hexagonal or rectangular below ; spores mature in late spring or early summer, brownish, medium-walled, papillose, .016-.019 mm. On stones and earth in wet situations or in water, usually in non-calcareous districts; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and, in North America, from Ontario to Missouri and North Caro- lina. Common in our region. Allegheny : MoonTownship, May 18, 1902. J. A. S. : on rock in stream, Fern Hollow, Pitts- 1. urgh, August 22, 1906, and March 8, 1908, Darlington Hollow, October 25, 1908. O. E. J. Bedford : In creek at base of Wills Mt., Hyndman. October 10. 1904. O. E. J. Cambria : Cresson and Johnstown. T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Sugar-Loaf Mt., September 1-3, 1906. O. E. I. and G. K. J. ; Ohio Pyle, four miles up Meadow Run; May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. Huntingdon Washington Westmoreland 1. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). Hanlin, May 21, 1908. O. E. T- Hillside, May 23, 1908. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). 2a. Hygroamblystegium tenax variety spinifolium (Schimper) New Combination.. (H. falla.v var. spinifolium Warnstorf : Amblystegium irrigunm var. spinifolium Schimper; A. faHa.r var. spinifolium Limp- richt ) . This variety differs from the species in being more robust, with longer stems, longer and narrower leaves, the leaves reaching nearly 2 mm. in length and with a strongly excurrent and stout costa : Grout states the upper leaf-cells to be about 6-8:1, and the basal cells more lax. Usually in and around calcareous springs and probably distributed mainly as is the species. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, May 12, 1908. O. E. J. 3. Hygroamblystegium filicinum [ Linnaeus] Loeske. (Amblystegium filicinum DeNotaris : Stereodon filicinus Mitten; Hypnum compressnm Bridel). Variable, forming loose to dense tufts, rather rigid, bright or golden yellow : stems usually densely brownish tomentose, especially on the prostrate or procumbent forms, rather regu- larly pinnately branched, with usually numerous oval to lanceo- late, laciniate paraphyllia ; branches slender, short, stiff, non- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 279 radiculose, with few or no paraphyllia, usually hooked at the apex ; stem-leaves cordate-triangular, finely and gradually acuminate, varying from erect-spreading to sub-secund ; branch-leaves rather narrower, more usually strongly falcate- secund ; all leaves rigid, altered but little in drying, not plicate, markedly decurrent, the base cordate and narrowed, the margin plane or recurved at the base and closely and finely serrulate from base to apex; costa strong, usually ending in the apex; median leaf-cells elliptic-hexagonal to elongate rectangular, mostly about 3-6:1, usually obtuse at the ends, the alar abrupt- ly inflated, hyaline or colored, forming well-defined auricles of sub-rectangular cells, these cells reaching to the base of the costa or nearly so; perichsetial leaves erect, strongly costate but scarcely plicate, denticulate : seta long, flexuous, up to 3-5 cm. long, flattened and twisted ; capsule sub-cylindric, rather turgid, arcuate, when dry and empty constricted below the mouth and more or less sulcate ; lid conic, acute, or apiculate ; peristome hypnoid, the segments more or less cleft carinately, cilia 2 or 3, nearly as long as the segments and teeth ; annulus simple, narrow ; spores mature in spring. On earth, stones, etc., in or near springs, streams, or swamps, principally in calcareous districts; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and, in Xorth America, from the Arctic re- gions south to the northern United States. Rare in our region. Huntingdon : Spruce Creek. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 5. SCIAROMIUM Mitten. Mostly dioicous : more or less robust, stiff, cespitose, dull, dark green to blackish : stem long, floating, sparsely radiculose. with irregularly and sometimes rather fasciculately arranged branches mostly directed forwards and mostly long and simple ; leaves close, spreading to secund, concave-carinate, non-plicate, not at all or but slightly decurrent, ovate to lance-oblong, sub- acute to acuminate, plane-margined, mostly entire, broadly and thickly bordered ; costa strong, ending apically in the border or excurrent ; median leaf-cells chlorophyllose, strongly incras- sate, rather opaque, prosenchymatous-hexagonal, 2-4(-6) :1, the basal cells more lax, the alar somewhat differentiated, the marginal slender, strongly incrassate, hyaline, in several layers; costa ending in the border at the apex: seta 1-3 cm. long, castaneous below, more yellowish above ; capsule inclined, unsymmetric, oblong, when dry somewhat constricted below the mouth, annulate ; peristome-teeth yellow, bordered, cross- striate, apically pale and papillose, the margin step-like, tra- beculas numerous ; inner peristome yellowish, with high basal membrane, segments keeled, narrowly carinately split, cilia 1-3, 280 A MANUAL OF MOSSES shorter than the segments and nodose; lid high-convex, apicu- late ; spores small. A genus mainly confined to South America and embracing about IS species ; only 1 species occurs in North America and this occurs rarely in our region. 1. Sciaromium lescurii (Sullivant) Brotherus. (Hypnuin Icscnrii Sullivant; Aniblystegiuui Icscnrii Jaeger). ' < f'late XXXTX) Loosely cespitose, dull, dark green to blackish-green : stems closely and unequally branched, the branches as de- scribed for the genus, but often with short branchlets, 1-1.5 cm. long, more or less erect, and pinnately disposed ; leaves of the stem thick, rather opaque, erect-spreading, entire below to sub-serrulate all around, broadly ovate-cordate to oblong- ovate, 1-1.3 mm. long, abruptly short-acuminate, the branch- leaves similar but more lance-ovate; leaf-cells prosenchy- matous, hexagonal to oblong, about 3-6:1. not much differenti- ated except for the yellowish or castaneous border which is composed of 4 or 5 rows of linear, prosenchymatous, flexuous highly incrassate cells, the border cells in the alar region be- coming short and rectangular or obliquely quadrilateral : costa very strong, castaneous or yellowish, merging at apex into the border : seta 1-3 cm. long, reddish ; capsule short-necked, the urn about 2.5 mm. long, oblong, cernuous, somewhat arcuate ; the teeth confluent at base, hyaline-papillose above, yellowish below, dorsallv lamellate and cross-striate, numerouslv trabecu- w> ** late, hyaline-margined ; segments yellowish, carinately split and about as long as the teeth, the basal membrane about twro- rifths as high; cilia 3 (or 4), pale, papillose, nearly as long as segments ; annulus compound ; spores mature in late spring or early summer, castaneous, medium-walled, smoothish, about .012-.015 mm. On stones and rocks in streams, usually in mountainous or hilly regions ; occurring from New England to Ontario and Georgia. Rare in our region. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). 6. DREPANOCLADUS (C. Mueller) Roth. Dioicous, rarely autoicous : mostly robust, often densely cespitose, green to yellowish or brownish, lustrous : stem procumbent to erect, often floating, variously pinnate, the ends of the shoots usually circinate ; leaves usually more or less circinate-secund, rarely erect to squarrose, more or less con- cave, from a mostly narrowed and decurrent base ovate- to triangular- or cordate-lanceolate, acute to prolonged acuminate, entire or serrulate ; costa mostly simple and thin, ending usually OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 281 about the middle of the leaf, sometimes strong and percurrent or even excurrent ; leaf-cells mostly long-linear, smooth, in the more or less excavate angles parenchymatous, thin-walled and hyaline or thick-walled and colored, usually forming a well- defined group sometimes reaching to the costa; inner peri- ch^etial erect, mostly plicate, elongate-subulate : seta long to very long ; capsule inclined to horizontal, cylindric, arcuate, when dry constricted below the mouth, smooth, annulate; lid convex, apiculate. A genus of over 40 species of water-mosses, quite largely swamp-mosses, — often forming quite large masses of vegeta- tion.— almost exclusively confined to temperate and cold re- gions; about 22 species occur in Xorth America, perhaps the following four to be included in our list. Key to the Speeies. a. Stem in cross-section displaying cortical layer of enlarged hyaline cells. 1. D. uucinatus. a Stem without such a layer. b. b. Leaves usually entire, the ends of stems and brandies not or but slightly hooked. 2. D. knciffii. b. Leaves serrulate, ends of stems and branches hooked. c. c. Costa usually less than three-fourths length of leaf: alar group of cells not reaching over to the costa. 3. D. fluitans. c Costa extending well up to the apex of leaf: alar group of cells large, excavate, and extending over to the costa. 4. D. e.vannulatus. 1. Drepanocladus uncinatus [Hedwig] Wamstorf. (Hypnum uncinatum Hedwig; Amblystegium aditncuui Lind- berg; Hypnum aduncuin Linnaeus). Rather slender and loosely interlaced, pale green or golden green : stems distantly and irregularly pinnately branched, 2-10 cm. long, in cross-section showing a layer of large hyaline cortical cells ; leaves rather crowded, regularly falcate to sub- circinate, little altered when dry, spirally flexuose at the points in the younger and softer branches, narrowly elongate-lanceo- late, strongly plicate both wet and dry, gradually very long and slenderly acuminate, usually denticulate above, texture very thin ; costa narrow, about .030-.035 mm. at base, extending well into the acumen ; leaf-cells very long, linear-flexuous, thin- walled, pointed, uniform to the base and apex, the alar forming a rather small and indistinct group of slightly enlarged and slightly inflated cells, and extending decurrently below and marginally a short distance above; perichaetial leaves erect, straight, long, plicate, sheathing: seta variable, but usually 2-3 cm. high ; capsule cylindric, arcuate, orange-red, darker when old. when dry and empty somewhat constricted below 282 A MANUAL OF MOSSES the mouth, smooth ; annulus broad, 3-seriate ; lid high-convex, conic-acuminate ; peristome hypnoid, teeth orange-yellow be- low, paler above, segments somewhat carinately split, cilia 2, slender and about as long as segments ; spores mature in late spring or early summer. On earth, decaying wood, stones, etc., bordering streams or in wet situations in the shade, mainly in hilly or moun- tainous regions almost the world over ; in North America from Arctic regions south to the Gulf States. Not common in our region. Cambria : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Drepanocladus kneiffii (Schimper) Warnstorf. (Hypnuin aduncuui var. kneiffii Schimper; Amblystegium kneiffii Bryologia Europasa). .Stems slender, long, flexuous, prostrate or ascending, more or less pinnately branched, the cross-section showing a central strand, but not a distinct cortical layer of enlarged hyaline cells ; leaves distant, narrowly lanceolate, costate to the middle at least, not secund, not falcate except sometimes at the end of the branches, the acumen flat and entire, the upper leaves usually shorter and wider; basal leaf-cells much as in D. unci- natus, the alar somewhat larger and more inflated and extend- ing to the costa. Closely related on the whole to D. uncinatus, and by some bryologists regarded as merely a variety of that species. Along streams and ditches, about as widely distributed as the preceding species but not yet reported from our region. 3. Drepanocladus fluitans [Linnaeus] Warnstorf. (Hypmun fluitans Linnaeus; Amblystegium fluitans DeNotaris). Loosely and softly cespitose, yellowish to dark brown, ir- regularly to regularly pinnately branched : leaves more or less secund or falcate, narrowly lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, tapering gradually into a very slender flexuose acumination, the branch-leaves somewhat narrower than the stem-leaves but quite similar, all denticulate, excavate at the base, sometimes reaching a length of 4 mm., decurrent ; costa not markedly wide, reaching into the apex or at least nearly so ; leaf-cells about 20-30:1, long, reaching to .100 mm. or more, pointed, narrow, somewhat incrassate, the alar enlarged, hyaline or colored and forming more or less distinct auricles reaching sometimes to the base of the costa, somewhat inflated : seta long, up to 5 or 6 cm. or sometimes much longer, flexuous, strongly dextrorse; capsule more or less inclined, curved, rather thin-walled, with a distinct collum, about 3-4:1; lid high-con- vex, bluntly apicualte ; peristome-teeth rather short, segments OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 283 rarely carinately split, cilia usually 1 or 2, usually considerably shorter than the segments ; annulus none ; spores mature in summer. Very variable and split up into many forms and varieties by various authors. In ditches, swamps, bogs, stagnant pools, etc., often im- mersed or floating, almost cosmopolitan in temperate and cold regions ; in North America, throughout Canada and the north- ern United States. Rare in our region. Center : Bear Meadows. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : West Branch Swamp, Bradford, in stag- nant pools among willows, June 9. 1895. P. A. B. 4. Drepanocladus exannulatus (Guembel) Warnstorf. (Hypmim c.vannulatnin Bryologia Europaea ; Amblystegium ex- annulatns DeXotaris). (Plate XL) Typically more rigid, compact, and more completely pinnate than D. fliiitans, the leaves more falcate, usually serrulate, fre- quently striate, especially when dry : the costa reaching well to- wards the apex and rather stronger than in D. fliiitans, biconvex ; the alar cells hyaline and much enlarged, forming an excavate and well defined patch extending across to the costa. In our region the specimens show the following characteristics : yel- lowish-brown, floating, the stems up to 8 or 10 cm. long, the tips of stems and branches hooked ; leaves rather remote, reach- ing 4 mm. long, irregularly and widely spreading, not definite- ly circinate or secnnd, except at the tips of stems and branches, slenderly acuminate into a sub-channeled acumen, entire, the base rounded to somewhat excavate and decurrent auricles, so that the insertion is more or less of a semi-circle ; median leaf- cells linear, rather incrassate, about 10-15:1, reaching 0.3 mm. or even longer, towards the base rapidly becoming shorter and quickly passing into large, hyaline, oblong, much-inflated cells, thus forming a distinct patch reaching to the costa and, below, passing abruptly into the narrowly linear epidermal cells of the stem ; in cross-section the stem may be seen to have the 3 or 4 outer layers small and very thick-wralled. In bogs and wet places, usually in cool or alpine regions ; northern and temperate Europe and Asia and, in Xorth America, from Greenland to Alaska south to the northern United States. Only once found in our region. Crawford : In pools, Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, August 19. 1904. Sterile. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). 284 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 7. CALL1ERGON (Sullivant) Kindberg. Mostly dioicoits : more or less robust, stiffly and loosely cespitose, greenish to brownish or yellowish, rather lustrous; stem long, in water and in deep swamps not bearing rhizoids but assuming a more or less erect habit, in dry places procum- bent and bearing rhizoids, irregularly to regularly pinnately branched ; stem-leaves large, erect-spreading to imbricate, con- cave, rarely somewhat plicate, ovate to oblong or almost cir- cular, the apex broadly rounded to cucullate, the margin plane and entire or rarely somewhat revolute below ; costa mostly strong and almost complete, sometimes indistinctly forked at the end ; leaf-cells elongate, linear-hexagonal, shorter below, the alar forming a distinct group of large, quadrate, rectangu- lar, and polygonal cells, at first thin and hyaline but later colored and incrassate, the alar portion of the leaf excavate ; branch-leaves smaller, narrower, the apex often canaliculate; the inner perichsetial leaves erect, more or less long-acuminate, mostly non-plicate, with a simple costa : seta mostly very long, drying flat, red to castaneous ; capsule inclined to horizontal, thickly oblong to oblong-cylindric, more or less dorsally gib- bous, drying arcuate, smooth ; annulus none to broad ; peris- tome normally hypnoid ; lid convex, acute to obtuse-conic. A genus of about 10 species of aquatic, largely swamp- inhabiting mosses, confined to temperate and cold regions: 8 species occurring in North America ; 1 species within our range and 2 others to be expected. Key to the Species. a. Costa extending to the middle or a little above. (C. stramineum (Dick- son) Kindberg). a. Costa sub-percurrent. b. b. Slender, simple or sparingly branched; alar cells gradually en- larged. 1. C. cordifolium. b. Robust, profusely branched: alar cells abruptly enlarged. (C. giganteum (Schini- per) Kindberg). 1. Calliergon cordifolium [Hedwig] Kindberg. (Hypnum cordifolium Hedwig: Amblystegium cordifolium De- Xotaris ). (Plate XL) Slender, tall, loosely and softly cespitose, green : stems brownish, 10-20 cm. in length ; when growing in swamps, more or less erect; when in dryer situations, more procumbent, and furnished with rhizoids ; sparsely branched, the branches more or less pinnately branched or simple, cuspidate at the tips ; leaves distant, erect-spreading to spreading, thin, shrink- ing when dry, large, 2-5 mm. long, concave, cordate- to oblong- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 285 ovate, entire, the apex rounded and sometimes cucullate, the base decurrent; costa slender, reaching nearly to the apex; median leaf-cells large, about .075-.125X.007-.009 mm., linear to sub-hexagonal-linear, pointed, thin-walled, the apical and upper marginal short and wide, the cells towards the base gradually becoming large, wide and more or less hyaline-in- flated, rounded-hexagonal to rectangular, forming a wide but not distinctly bounded group or band reaching clear across the base of the leaf and quite strongly decurrent ; perichsetial leaves erect, sheathing, from an ovate base long-acuminate, up to 2.5-3 mm. long: seta erect, flexuous, usually 4-5 cm. long, castaneous, when dry flattened and dextrorse ; capsule oblong- cylindric. about 3 mm. long, rather turgid-arcuate, inclined to horizontal, castaneous, slightly constricted below the mouth when dry, exannulate ; peristome-teeth pale yellow, rather thin, rather long, hyaline-margined, strongly trabeculate, the dorsal lamellae hyaline and papillose above, the basal portion rather irregularly striate. the teeth confluent at base : the segments entire or but slightly carinately split, about as long as the teeth ; cilia 2 or 3. slender, nodose, about as long as the segments; the basal membrane about one-half as high as the teeth ; exothecial cells incrassate, rounded-quadrate to rounded-hexa- gonal ; lid conic, acute to apiculate ; spores mature in late spring or early summer, about .012-.015 mm., yellowish, smooth, rather thin-walled. In swamps, margins of pools, marshy places, etc. ; Europe, Asia, and in North America from the Arctic region south to the northern United States. Common in the northern part of our region. Allegheny : Brush Creek Swamp, near Douthett, June 5, 1909. O. E. J. Cambria : Springy place on mountain-top near Lloydsville, July 22, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, near Linesville, Mav 18, 1905, (Figured). O. E. J. ; in Sphag- num bog near Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Erie : Damp border of lagoon at roots of bushes, Presque Isle, June 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. McKean : Hedgehog Hollow, Bradford, April 19, 1895. West Branch Swamp, in stagnant pools, May 26, 1895, and Bennett Brook, on stones bordering stream. July 31, 1896. D. A. B. Westmoreland : In cool mountain stream near top of I aurel Hill Mountain. Xew Florence, Sep- tember 8-11. 1907. O. E. J. 286 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 8. ACROCLADIUM Mitten. Antoicous or dioicous : robust, rather stiffly but loosely cespitose, lustrous, green to yellowish or brownish ; stems long, densely foliate, the apex of the shoots rigid and acuminate by reason of the convolute apical leaves, the stems erect, not bear- ing rhizoids, and rather regularly complanately pinnate, or procumbent, here and there with fascicles of rhizoids, irregu- larly branched ; leaves appressed, smooth, drying somewhat imbricate, when damp erect-spreading, concave, from a narrow and sub-decurrent base broadly oblong-ovate, obtuse, rarely apiculate, entire, the margin apically more or less involute ; costa double, short, or none; leaf-cells narrowly vermicular, smooth, wider and porose towards the base, in the excavate alar portions lax. oval-4-6-sided, hyaline, thin-walled, forming a distinct auricular group; inner perichaetial leaves erect, en- tire : seta 3-7 cm. high, twisted, reddish ; capsule horizontal from an erect coll um, oblong to cylindric, drying arcuate and dorsally gibbous, smooth or plicate, little narrowed below the mouth; peristome normally hypnoid with appendieulate cilia; lid convex-conic. As here recognized the genus consists of 3 species ; two in the Southern Hemisphere and the following: 1. Acrocladium cuspidatum [Linnaeus] Lindberg. (Hypmtm cnspidatuiii Linnaeus; H. flc.vile Bridel ; Collier gon cuspidatum Kindberg) . (Plate XL) Tall and moderately robust with characters mainly as out- lined for the genus; leaves usually bright, glossy, yellowish- green, or almost pure green, broadly elliptic-oblong, up to 2.5 mm. long, concave-cucullate, entire, the apex often apiculate, ecostate or the costa short and double, leaves crowded, usually more or less erect-spreading when moist, towards the tips of the stems and branches imbricate-convolute so as to make the tips cuspidate ; median leaf-cells linear-vermicular, about 10-15 :1. the alar suddenly inflated, thin-walled, hexagonal, hyaline or colored, forming a very distinct group, the apical rather abruptly shorter, rounded, and incrassate : seta 4-6 cm. long; capsule reddish-brown; peristome-teeth orange, hyaline- bordered, the margins step-like above ; cilia 3, appendieulate, slightly shorter than the narrowly cleft segments ; spores ma- ture in summer, the large capsules being but rarely pro- duced ; annulus 3-seriate. In marshy places, swamps, and bogs ; Europe, Asia, north- ern Africa, and, in North America, through Canada and the northern part of the United States. Rather uncommon in our region. OF \VESTERX PEXXSYLVAN'IA 287 McKean : East Branch, Teina Swamp, north of [Bradford, January 18, 1895. D. A. B. Snyder : In bog- between Shamokin Dam and Rich- field. July 17, 1908. O. E. J. (Figured). 9. HVGROHYrXi'M Lindberg. Autoicous or dioicous : slender to robust, in rlattish or cushion-like tufts, lustrous, green to yellowish-green or golden- green : stem long, procumbent, with few or no rhizoids, re- motely and irregularly branched ; leaves spreading to secund or imbricate, concave, smooth to weakly plicate, more or less decurrent, lance-ovate, and acuminate or broadly oval and obtuse to rounded, sometimes almost orbicular, margins plane, entire or serrate; costa mostly unequally forked, short, weak, rarely simple and long ; leaf-cells to the base uniformly narrow- ly linear- vermicular, mostly with obtuse ends, smooth, the apical often shorter and rhombic, the basal yellow to orange, the alar portions little or not excavate but with wider, quadrate to rectangular, hyaline to colored cells forming a small but often well-defined auricular group ; inner perich?etial leaves erect, elongate, plicate, costa simple or forked, short : seta long, reddish, drying flattened and twisted; capsule inclined to horizontal, mostly oval to oblong, dorsally gibbous, drying arcuate and mostly constricted below the mouth, annulate; peristome normally hypnoid ; lid convex-conic. A genus of about 20 species in wet or moist places in cool regions: in Xorth America about 12 species; in our region at least 2 species." probably another to be expected. Key to the Species. a. Leaves falcate. 1. H. luridnm. a. Leaves not falcate. b. b. Costa ver\* short, double, or forked, or none. 2. H. citgy riii in. b. Costa reaching middle of leaf. (H. ochraccuin ( Turn- er )Brotherus). 1. Hygrohypnum luridum [Hedwig] Xew Combination. (Hypnnui palustre Hudson: Amblystegium palnstre Lindberg, Hypnum Inridinn Hedwig; Calliergon palustre Kindberg). Yellowish-green, or dark-green, irregularly cespitose in low patches : stems denuded below, long, divided irregularly, the brandies erect to ascending, often more or less hooked at the tip ; leaves close, either imbricated or more or less falcate- secund, always concave, the margins incurved towards the summit, oval- to ovate-oblong, entire, about 1-1.5 mm. long, the apex variable, either obtuse or acute or rounded and apiculate : costa usually single or forked and reaching about half way up the leaf, but variable ; leaf-cells rather lax, about 5-10:1, usually linear-rhomboid, rather opaque, somewhat 288 A MANUAL OF MOSSES shorter towards the apex and towards the base, the alar few, quadrate, sub-opaque, somewhat inflated, forming small, ill-de- fined auricles which are somewhat decurrent : seta about 1-2 cm. long; capsule oblong or oval-oblong, orange-brown, arcuate, rather short and thick, more or less horizontal, dark Avhen dry, exannnlate ; lid orange-yellow ; peristome normally hypnoid, teeth yellowish, segments scarcely carinately cleft, a little longer than the 2 or 3 cilia ; spores mature in summer. On wet rocks, where often overflowed, especially in cal- careous districts; Europe, Asia, and the northern United States and Canada. Rare in our region. Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. ( Porter's Catalogue). McKean : D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Hygrohypnum eugyrium (Bryologia Europaea) Brotherus. (Hypnum eugyrium Bryologia Europaea ; Amblystegium gyrium Lindberg; Callicrgon eugyrium Kindberg). Widely cespitose in low, dense, usually sand-filled tufts, lustrous, green to reddish to brownish : stems prostrate, often leafless below ; branches numerous, erect or procumbent, usual- ly from 0.5-1.0 cm. long; leaves wide-spreading when moist, distinctly falcate-secund towards ends of branches, when dry imbricate-erect and concave, thus giving the branches a turgid appearance, oval-oblong, narrowed to the base, slightly denti- culate towards the shortly acuminate acute apex, the margins incurved towards the apex ; costa short, indistinct and double ; median leaf-cells linear, somewhat incrassate, often somewhat obtuse at ends, about 8-10:1, shorter at the apex, the alar much enlarged and inflated, the marginal thin-walled, the inner ones incrassate, hyaline to yellowish-brown, forming well-defined and somewhat inflated auricles ; perichaetial leaves whitish, the outer with flexuous spreading tips, the inner erect, long-acumi- nate, often erose-denticulate at the apex, plicate : capsule short, oval to oblong, cernuous, turgid, yellowish-brown ; peristome- teeth yellowish, slender, strongly trabeculate ; segments cari- nately cleft and about equalled in length by the 2 or 3 granu- iose and nodose cilia; annulns usually 3-seriate ; spores ma- ture in spring. On rocks in streams or along the banks where kept wet, in hilly or mountainous and usually non-calcareous regions ; Eu- rope, and from Newfoundland to Alaska and south to Georgia and Colorado. In our region apparently represented only by the following variety : OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 289 2a. Hygrohypnum eugyrium variety mackayi (Schimper) Brotherus. (Hypnum eugyrium var. mackayi Schimper; Hygrohypnum mac- kayi Loeske ; Hypniun mackayi Breidler). ( Plate XL1) Leaves about 1-1.5x0-6-0.7 mm., broadly oblong, distinct- ly serrulate at apex, sub-clasping and auriculate at base, less strongly falcate than in the species ; pericruetial leaves hyaline, plicate, the inner reaching 3 mm. in length : seta about 2 cm. long, castaneous, smooth, somewhat flexuous, dextrorse above; capsule with urn 2-2.5 mm. long; exothecial cells rounded- hexagonal, somewhat incrassate-collenchymatous, rather uni- formly seriate; peristome-teeth about as long as the slender carinate segments, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high ; spores minutely papillose, rather thin-walled, faintly yellowish, about .024- .027 mm., mature in late spring or early summer. On stones in streams in hilly or mountainous regions and with about the same general distribution as the species. Rare in our region. McKean ; On stones in brook at head of Bennett Brook, Bradford, August 26, 1894, Novem- ber 2. 1896, and July, 1897. (Figured), the latter issued as Grout's North American Musci Pleurocarpi. No. 129. Also Lime- stone Creek, Bradford. July 7, 1895. All D. A. B. 3. Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Turner) Brotherus. (Hypnum ochraceum Turner; Amblystegium ochraceum Lind- berg ; Limnobium ochraceum Bryologia Europsea). ( Plate X LI) Yellowish or rusty green, softly cespitose in wide tufts: stems up to 8 or 9 cm. long, ascending or horizontally floating, sparsely and irregularly pinnately branched, without rhizoids, the stems and branches somewhat hooked at the apex, the cortical cells of the stem very large and relatively thin-walled ; leaves falcate-secund, concave, plicate, widely lance-oblong, somewhat rounded at the base, the margins plane, entire ex- cepting for slight serration at the rather widely sub-obtuse apex; costa single or double, often reaching half the length of the leaf; median leaf-cells linear-vermicular, about 8-14:1, fair- ly thick-walled, usually rounded at the ends, the apical oval- rhomboid and much shorter, the basal larger and towards the angles of the leaf forming distinct auricles of enlarged, hyaline, inflated, rectangular cells: perich^etial leaves ecostate, lance- 290 A MANUAL OF MOSSES acuminate : seta slender, flexuous, erect ; capsules sub-erect to cernuous from a short erect collum, oblong, arcuate ; lid convex, mamillate; peristome hypnoid, the teeth yellowish, broadly margined, rather distantly trabeculate, equalled in length by the carinately split segments, the cilia shorter, unequal, no- dose, two or three in number; annulus large, usually 3-seriate : spores mature in spring or early summer. On rocks in streams in the mountains of northern and temperate Europe and Asia and, in North America, from the Arctic regions south to the northern United States. Although rare in this district, so far as now known, this species may eventually be found to be not uncommon in cool, rocky streams in the more mountainous parts of our region. Westmoreland : In mountain rivulet, Mellon's estate, Laurel Hill Mt., New Florence, Septem- ber 8-10, 1907. O. E. J. Sterile. (Fig- ured). 10. CAMPY 'LIUM (Sullivant) Bryhn. Mostly dioicous : slender, rarely robust, mostly stiffly cespitose, green to yellowish or brownish, drying more or less lustrous ; stems creeping to ascending or erect, bushy to vari- ously pinnate; leaves from a shortly decurrent base broadlv ovate or cordate, gradually or abruptly narrowed into a long, slender, canaliculate acumination which is mostly strongly squarrose-reflexed, margin plane, mostly entire ; costa various, mostly short ; cells narrowly rectangular-oblong to linear- prosenchymatous, smooth ; alar cells forming a distinct group, yellowish, incrassate, small, quadrate: seta long, drying twisted, reddish to yellowish-red; capsule inclined to hori- zontal, sub-cylindric, arcuate, annulate ; peristome normally hypnoid; lid convex, acute to conic-obtuse; spores small. ^About 33 species in both dry and wet habitats, mainly confined to the temperate regions ; about 20 species in North America ; 4 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Costa simple, thin, ending in about the middle of the leaf, or some- what above the middle. c. a. Costa none or very short. b. b. Stem slender, creeping; leaves finely serrulate all around; alar cells small, quadrate. 1. C. hispiduluw. b. Stem usually erect; leaves entire: alar cells dilated, sub- rectangular. 4. C. stcllatum. c. Leaves strongly squarrose; alar cells scarcely enlarged. 2. C. chrysopliyllmu. c. Leaves spreading-erect; alar cells enlarged. 3. C. f>olygaiiniiu. OF WESTERX PEXXSYLVAXIA 291 1. Campylium hispidulum (Bridel) Mitten. (Hypnum hispidulum Bridel; Chrysohypnum hispidulum Roth; Stercodou hispidulus Mitten; Amblystegium hispidulum Kindberg ) . (Plate XLI ) Slender, interlaced in bright green tufts more or less yel- lowish below ; stems creeping, radicnlose, abundantly but ir- resrularlv branching:, the branchlets slender and erect or ^"^ »' t^ ascending; leaves widely spreading to distinctly squarrose, about 0.5-0.8 mm. long, triangular-cordate, abruptly acumi- nate, the slender acumen about one-third to one-half as long as the main body of the leaf, the leaf slightly concave, decur- rent. sub-serrulate all around, excavate at the base ; costa double and very short, or none; median leaf-cells about 3-6:1. about .005-. 006 mm. wide, prosenchymatous, elongate-oblong with blunt ends, the alar numerous, sub-rectangular to quadrate, granulose, up to twice as wide as the median cells : seta pale castaneous to yellow, about 1.5 cm. long, slender dextrorse ; capsule small, oblong, more or less incurved, yel- lowish-brown, wide-mouthed, the urn about 1.2-1.4 mm. long, when dry furrowed and narrowed below the mouth ; annulus uni-seriate : lid convex-conic with an upturned apiculation ; peristome normally hypnoid, the segments slightly cleft and almost equalled in length by the nodose to sub-appendiculate cilia ; spores mature in summer, yellowish, medium- walled, minutely papillose, about .011-.014 mm. On the bases and roots of trees, on decaying wood, on humus, etc., always near the ground in moist shaded places; in Europe, Asia. and. in Xorth America, from North Carolina and Missouri to Canada. Common in our region. Allegheny : Moon Township. April. 1902. J. A. S. ; Coraopolis, September 4. 1905. O. E. J. and G. E. K. Cambria : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Center : Eckre of pond at Scotia. September 20. L909. O. E. J. (Figured). Erie ; Presque Isle! June 9-11. 1905. O. E. J. Indiana : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue >. Fayette : Ohio Pyle. September 1-3. 1906. O. E. J. and (T. K. J. McKean : Quintuple Ridge. November 26, 1896, Bolivar Run, December 15. 1896, Septem- ber 24. 1896, Lan'^made Hollow, all near Bradford. D. A. B. 292 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Cata- logue) ; on log on shaded hillside, three miles southwest of Library, April 22, 1906. O. E. J. 2. Campylium chrysophyllum (B ridel) Bryhn. (Hypmini chrysophyllnin Bridel ; Ghrysohypnwn chrysophyllum Loeske ; Amblystegium chrysophyllum DeNotaris). (Plate XLI) Cespitose in low, lax, or dense, bright golden-green tufts : steins slender, rather long, prostrate, more or less regularly pinnate, the branchlets erect or spreading; leaves close, small, 1-1.5x0.4-0.7 mm., squarrose-spreading from a sub-clasping base, sometimes secund, stem-leaves ovate-cordate to tri- angular-cordate, decurrent, narrowed abruptly to a long some- what channeled acumination, entire or very slightly denticu- late at base ; branch-leaves similar but smaller and narrower ; costa single, reaching about to the middle or higher ; median leaf-cells about 5-10:1, about .005-.010 mm. wide, rather in- crassate, the alar forming a group of small, incrassate, sub- opaque, sub-quadrate cells : seta castaneous, about 2-2.5 cm. long, slender, flexuous ; capsule oblong-cylindric, inclined to horizontal, arcuate, castaneous to orange ; annulus large, compound ; peris- tome normally hypnoid, the teeth yellowish, hyaline-margined, strongly trabeculate, dorsally lamellate, cross-striolate below, hyaline and papillose above ; the segments not usually carinate- ly split, the cilia stout, nodose, 2 or 3, and about as long as segments, basal membrane one-half as high as segments ; spores in early summer, light brown, smooth, .010-.012 mm.: dioicous. On earth, stones, roots of trees, etc., in moist places ; Eu- rope, Asia, and, in North America, from Canada to Louisiana. Common in our region. Allegheny : Laschell Hollow, June 15, 1902. J. A. S. ; Schenlev Park, Pittsburgh, August 20, 1905, Power's Run, June 17, 1909, Guya- suta Hollow, October 25, 1908. O. E. J. Beaver : Heaver Falls, May 14, 1907. O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, May 10- 11, 1906, and May 12, 1908. O. E. J. ( Figured). Fayette : < )hio Pyle. May 13, 1905. May 30-31. 1908. O. E. L; Ohio Pyle, September 1-3. 1906, O. E. ~J. and G. K. J. Westmoreland : Hillside, May 23, 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Lan^made, April 28, 1897, and Marilla Brook, August 28, 1898, near Bradford. D. A. B. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 293 3. Campylium polygamum ( Schimper) Bryhn. (Hypnum polygamum \Yilson; Chrysohypnum polygamum Loeske). (Plate XLII) Moderately robust, yellowish-green to golden, low, cespi- tose : stems erect to ascending, about 3-6 cm. long, divided and with rather numerous, irregularly pinnate, rather crowded, and erect or ascending branchlets ; stem-leaves lance-ovate, 2-2.5 mm. long, moderately close, erect-spreading both wet and dry, with an ovate or oblong base narrowed above into a long, gradually tapering, channeled acumination, entire, the base rounded and clasping, somewhat decurrent ; branch-leaves elongate-lanceolate, with the sides tapering in a straight line from the rounded-ovate base, the leaves averaging about 3 mm. long; median leaf-cells narrowly linear, about 8-12:1, in the older leaves somewhat incrassate, towards the base often porose, the alar sub-rectangular, somewhat enlarged, distinct, forming often orange-pellucid auricles ; costa not very strong but distinct and usually reaching somewhat above the middle of the leaf : seta slender, rlexuous, about 3-4 cm. long ; capsule oblong-cylindric, curved ; peristome normally hypnoid, cilia well developed ; annulus present ; spores mature in summer. In moist places in meadows and swamps and said to pre- fer sandy soils ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic North America to the northern United States. Rare in our region. Allegheny : Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, August 26, 1906. O. E. J. (?). Crawford : Near Linesville in the Pvmatuning Swamp, May 10-11, 1906. O. E. J. (Fig- ured ). 4. Campylium stellatum [Schreber] Lange and C. Jensen. {Hypnum stellatum Schreber; Chrysohypnutii stcllatniii Loeske; Amblystegium stcllatum Lindberg). (Plate XLII) Robust, densely tufted, soft, lustrous, bright to golden green : stems stout, usually ascending, up to 8 or 10 cm. long, irregularly divided, the branchlets sub-pinnate and more or less crowded and erect : leaves close, from 1-3 mm. long, from an erect-spreading and more or less cordate base narrowed, often rather abruptly, to a gradually long-acuminate, acute, squarrosely spreading acumen, the base entire or sometimes slightly denticulate, slightly excavate and with rounded and sub-decurrent auricles, the upper part of the leaf more or less channeled ; costa very short, either single, forked, or double, but usually appearing only as yellowish or brownish striae ; median leaf-cells narrowly linear, about 8-15:1, in the older 294 A MANUAL Oi- MOSSES leaves rather incrassate and blunt at the ends, the basal often porose, the alar sub-rectangular, incrassale, rather opaque, usualh' more or less orange-pellucid, forming distinct, often somewhat decurrent auricles: seta rather long, castaneous, up to 4.5 cm. long, stout, dextrorse above, flexuous ; capsule ob- long-cylindric, about 3-4.5:1, arcuate, the urn 2-2.5 mm. long, inclined to horizontal, sulcate and constricted below the mouth when dry and empty, brownish; lid highly convex-acuminate: annulus 2-3-seriate ; peristome normally hypnoid, large, the teeth trabeculate, confluent at base, the lower part orange- colored and dorsally cross-striolate, the lamellae and divisural distinct, the upper part paler and papillose ; segments some- what shorter and slightly carinately split: cilia 2 (or 3). nodose, about as long as the segments ; spores mature in summer, minutely papillose, rather thin-walled, pale yellowish, .011- .014 mm. On wet banks in swamps ; Europe. Asia, and from Arctic America southwards to Virginia. Rare in our region. Erie : Presque Isle, May 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. (Figured). McKean : D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). 11. CTENlDll'M (Schimper) Mitten. Usually dioicous. mostly slender, soft, cespitose, green to yellowish or golden-brown, lustrous : stem long, here and there with clusters of rhizoids, more or less regularly pinnate, branches short and mostly horizontally spreading; leaves spreading or circinate-secund, decurrent, non-plicate to weakly plicate, mostly abruptly lance-subulate from a broadly cordate base, serrate (C. procerrimum is entire) ; costa double and very short or none: cells narrowly linear, the upper angle usually ending in a forward-projecting papilla, the alar cells distinct, quadrate and rectangular, the angles sometimes weakly ex- cavate; branch-leaves smaller: seta 1-2.5 cm. long, red, smooth or nearly so; capsule inclined to nearly horizontal, thickly oval, dorsally gibbous, not constricted below the mouth ; annulus broad, revoluble ; peristome normally hypnoid; lid long-conic, acute or obtuse ; calyptra mostly more or less hairy. A genus of 21 species occurring mainly on trees and rocks in temperate and warm regions; 4 species in North America, the following species in our range: 1. Ctenidium molluscum [Hedwig] Mitten. (Hypnwm molluscum Hedwig; H. co-mprcssnr.i Roth). (Plate XLII) Very densely cespitose, soft, lustrous, golden green, rather robust : stems reaching 10 cm. in length, prostrate or ascend- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 295 ing, closely regularly pinnate, plumose ; leaves densely im- bricated, falcate-secund to circinate, stem-leaves 1.8-2.5 mm. long, when dry usually plicate, and, especially towards the points, more or less undulate and crisped, from a cordate-tri- angular, concave, and auriculate base rather abruptly and slenderly long-acuminate, plane-margined, strongly serrate, es- pecially at the base, somewhat decurrent ; costa very short and double or none; median leaf-cells about 8-15:1, the corners somewhat projecting dorsally, gradually towards the angles becoming irregularly quadrate-hexagonal, shorter and wider, pellucid, forming poorly defined auricles of about the same color as the rest of the leaf ; branch-leaves considerably smaller and narrower, not cordate-auriculate ; perichaetial leaves slen- derly lance-acuminate; paraphyllia ovate, mostly at the base of the branches: seta brownish, flexuous, slender, about 1.0-2.5 cm. long, castaneous; capsule-urn about 2.5 mm. long, oblong to oval, slightly curved to almost straight, from the curved apex of the seta mostly horizontal, not constricted below the mouth when dry ; lid conic-acuminate ; annulus broad ; peris- tome normally hypnoid, teeth yellowish, segments carinately cleft, about as long as teeth, the cilia 2 or 3, stout, about as lon£ as the segments, the basal membrane about one-half the o o height of the peristome ; calyptra somewhat hairy when young; spores mature in summer, smooth, yellowish-incrassate, about .015-.018 mm. On moist, shaded earth and rocks in wroods in hilly or mountainous districts ; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains and south to Georgia. Rather common in our region. Blair : A. P. Garber. (Porter's Catalogue). Cambria : Cresson. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Cata- logue ). Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : On rich, shaded bank of stream, Lang- made, April 3. 1897, and April 25, 1897. (Figured), and on rocks bordering rivu- lets, head of Gates' Hollow, Bradford, Oc- tober 27. 1895. D. A. B. \Yashington : Linn and Simonton. ( Porter's Catalogue). 12. RHYTIDJJDELPHUS (Lindberg) Warnstorf. Dioicous : more or, less robust, stiff, loosely cespitose forming loose, wide, stiff, green to yellowish or grayish, and rather lustrous mats ; stem angled, long, without rhizoids, simple to regularly or irregularly pinnate ; branches partly short and obtuse, partly long and acuminate, and often curved above ; upper half of the leaf spreading-squarrose to reflexed- 296 A MANUAL OF MOSSES squarrose, sometimes circinate-secund, mostly plicate, scarcely decurrent, from an ovate or cordate base more or less long- acuminate, plane-margined, rather sharply serrate ; costa short, double, or sometimes none ; cells narrowly linear, smooth, or the upper angle projecting dorsally as a tooth, the basal wider, shorter, more or less incrassate and porose, colored, the alar mostly not differentiated; seta 2-4 cm. long, castaneous; cap- sule horizontal to pendent, from a very short neck thickly oval, dorsally gibbous, when dry and empty plicate, but not con- stricted below the mouth, annulate; peristome normally hypnoid ; lid convex, conic-acute. A genus of 5 species of forest and meadow in the tem- perate and cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere ; 4 species in North America; 2 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Cells smooth both sides; stem-leaves not plicate, sqtiarrose-re- curved. 1. R. squarrosus. a Cells dorsally spinose: stem-leaves strongly plicate, spreading. 2. R. triquetrns. 1. Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus [Linnaeus] Warnstorf. (Hypnitin squarrosii/ii Limuetis ; Hylocomium sqitarrosinn Bryo- logia Europaea). Widely and softly cespitose, bright green, lustrous : stems robust, but slender, up to 10 or even 15 cm. long, procumbent or more or less ascending to erect at the ends, the branchlets rather distant, fiexuous, unequal, attenuated and more or less sub-flagelliform ; stem-leaves crowded, about 3 mm. long, abruptly squarrose from a cordate-ovate more or less erect- sheathing base, not secund, imbricated, the squarrose portion long and gradually tapering and channeled, denticulate above, the apical leaves somewhat stellately spreading, branch-leaves smaller but otherwise very similar to stem-leaves ; costa short, double, faint; median leaf-cells smooth dorsally, about 8-10;l, narrowly-linear, the alar gradually rectangular-hexagonal, larger, short, opaque to pellucid, numerous, but. not forming- abruptly differentiated auricles ; perichsetial leaves squarrose, the inner linear-acuminate and apically serrate : seta usually 3-4 cm. long, fiexuous ; capsule short, ovoid, dorsally gibbous, inclined to horizontal, or even pendent by the curving of the upper part of the seta ; lid convex-conic, rather acute ; annulus 2-seriate ; peristome normally hypnoid, segments carinately split between the articulations, cilia 3; spores mature in winter or early spring. In moist or wet meadows and borders of woods in grassy places ; Azores, Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from the Arctic regions to the northern United States. Rare in our region. Cambria ; Lesquereux, at Cresson. (Porters Flora). OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 297 2. Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus [Linnaeus] \\~arnstorf. (Hypniun triquetrum Linnaeus: Hylocomium triquetrum Bryo- logia Europaea). (Plate XLIII) Robust, stiff, bright to yellowish-green, bushy-cespitose : stems long, up to 15 or 18 cm., branching unequally and ir- regularly, sometimes more or less pinnately. reddish, woody, ascending or sometimes erect ; stem-leaves large, 4-5 mm. long, stiff, scarious, divaricately or horizontally spreading both wet and dry, widely cordate- to deltoid-triangular, widely rounded- auriculate at base, the insertion narrow and decurrent ; leaves plicate, denticulate, papillose dorsally, gradually tapering above to a sub-acute apex; branch-leaves narrower and smaller towards the ends of the attenuate branches; costa forked, or of two parallel divisions reaching about three-fourths the length of the leaf; perich?etial leaves non-costate, the acumina- tions squarrose ; median leaf-cells linear, about 8-10:1, at the angles oblong-hexagonal, pellucid, not usually forming distinct auricles, the upper cells dorsally forming spinulose papillae: seta 1.5-2.5 cm. long, rather rigid, lustrous, castaneous ; capsule turgid-oblong, large, castaneous, about 3 mm. long, dorsally gibbous, inclined or more nearly horizontal by a curve in the upper part of the seta, when dry more or less plicate and con- stricted below the mouth ; the exothecial cells rounded-hexa- gonal, rather small, incrassate, castaneous: lid conic, acute; peristome normally hypnoid, the teeth orange-yellow, strongly trabeculate, dorsally lamellate, the lamellae papillose but non- striate, projecting to form a distinct border; the segments carinately split, the cilia 2 (or 3) and about as long as the segments, stout, the basal membrane reaching about one-half the height of the peristome: spores medium-walled, smooth, yellowish, .018-.025 mm. On shaded banks in woods with a moderate amount of moisture, or in swamps ; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and, in North America from the Arctic regions south to the northern United States, and along the mountains in North Carolina. Xot uncommon in our region. Cambria Elk McKean T. C. Porter. (Porter's Cataloue). Me Minn. (Porter's Cataloue). On decaying leaves under hemlocks, Marilla Brook, Bradford, June 5, 1895 (Figured), and September 29, 1894; Ben- nett Brook, July 15, 1893. D. A. B. Washington : Linn and Simonton. ( Porter's Catalogue). 13. RHVTIDfUM (Sullivant) Kindberg. Dioicous : very robust, in wide, loose, yellowish or brown- ish-yellow tufts : when dry stiff and lustrous : stems long, tumid. 298 A MANUAL OF MOSSES with hooked tips, prostrate to ascending or erect, with few or no rhizoids, simple to regularly pinnate, rarely bushy ; branches 2-seriate, short and thick, or longer, acuminate and down- wardly arcuate ; leaves crowded, imbricate, falcate-secund, concave, plicate, rugose, scarce!}' decurrent, oval to oblong- ovate, narrowed into a long, canaliculate, lance-subulate, sharp- ly-toothed point, the margin more or less revolute ; costa simple, thin, sometimes reaching to mid-leaf; median leaf-cells narrowly vermicular, with dorsally (sometimes a few ventral- ly, also) projecting and forward-pointing teeth-like papillae at the upper end of the cell, towards the costa at base the cells more lax, rectangular, porose, incrassate, the alar region not excavate, the alar cells forming a distinct longitudinal band of small, quadrate and polygonal, yellowish, incrassate, numer- ous cells; inner perichaetial leaves elongate-lanceolate, slender- ly acuminate, plicate, serrate, ecostate : seta 2-5 cm. long, castaneous, when dry twisted; capsule inclined to horizontal, elliptic to sub-cylindric, dorsally gibbous, when dry arcuate and constricted below the mouth, brownish ; annulus 3-seriate, remaining attached to the operculum ; lid convex-conic, shortly and obliquely rostrate ; peristome normally hypnoid, teeth rusty-yellow, segments broadly split, cilia 2, as long as the segments ; spores in summer but capsules very rarely produced. One species, as follows, on exposed sunny rocks and ledges, and in dry, grassy places ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America through Canada to the northern United States. Usual- ly in hilly or mountainous regions on calcareous substrata. Rare in our region. 1. Rhytidium rugosum [Ehrhart] Kindberg. (Hylocomium ntgosnm DeNotaris ; Hypnum rugosum Ehrhart). Stems reaching 8 or 10 cm. or more, the branches tumid and sometimes 4-6 mm. in diameter; the leaves 3 mm. long or more, sometimes costate above the middle, margins narrowly reflexed. Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 14. HYLOCOMIL'U Bryologia Europaea. Dioicous, more or less robust, stiffly and laxly cespitose in green or yellowish and more or less lustrous tufts: stem mostly very long and procumbent or ascending, more or less arcuate, once to three times pinnate; paraphyllia numerous, much-branched ; leaves more or less spreading, concave, most- ly plicate, oblong to cordate, long-acuminate, plane-margined, serrate; costa thin, double, sometimes reaching mid-leaf; cells linear, mostly smooth, basally shorter and laxer, colored, in- crassate, porose, alar not differentiated ; inner perichaetial OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 299 leaves with reflexed-squarrose acuminations : seta more or less elongate, red; capsule inclined to horizontal, thickly ovate or oblong-oval, somewhat dorsally gibbous, with neck short and narrowed into the seta, drying mostly smooth and scarcely con- stricted below the mouth, annulate ; peristome normally hypnoid; lid convex with a conic-acute point or shortly and obliquely rostrate. A genus of 6 species, mainly mosses of forests in tem- perate and cold regions ; 6 species occurring in North America ; 3 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves at base semi-amplexicaul, with very large and rounded auricles. 3. H. brevirostre. a. Leaves with broad insertion but not with rounded auricles. b. b. Stem closely 2-3 pinnate; leaves obscurely bi-costate. 1. H. splendens. b. Stem irregularly or distantly 1-2 pinnate; costa double and reaching to about mid-leaf. 2. H. umbratum. 1. Hylocomium splendens (Hedwig) Bryologia Europsea. (Hypnum splendens Hedwig; Hylocomium proliferum Lindberg). (Plate XLIII) Widely cespitose in loose mats, lustrous, yellowish to brownish or olive-green : stems long, trailing, red, with green, branched paraphyllia, stems sometimes up to 15 or 20 cm. long, divided, the fern-like shoot of each year ascending from the side of the upper third of the preceding year's shoot, the divisions usually complanately and loosely bi- to tri-pinnate ; stem-leaves crowded, erect-spreading to loosely imbricate, broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, 2-3 mm. long, the insertion wide, the upper portion of the leaf abruptly acuminate into a slender, transversely undulate and flexuous point, or sometimes shorter and obtuse, the leaves basally plicate, sub-decurrent, somewhat concave, recurved at margin below, denticulate and dorsally spinulosely papillose above ; branch-leaves usually acute, smaller and non-plicate, concave, elliptic-oblong; costa double and reaching to one-fourth or one-third the length of the leaf, but faint; median leaf-cells linear-flexuous, about 8-10:1, the lower more or less porose, the basal orange-pellucid, incrassate and larger, but not forming distinct auricular groups ; perichaetial bracts long, the inner erect, narrowly acuminate and sheathing: seta about 1.5-2.0 cm. long, red, usually stiff, curved, when dry wrinkled and sometimes sinis- trorse ; capsule oblong-ovate, orange-brown, somewhat turgid, usually horizontally inclined, the urn about 2 mm. long ; peris- tome hypnoid, the teeth basally confluent, trabeculate, lamel- late, dorsally striolate below, papillose above, brownish ; seg- 300 A MANUAL OF MOSSES meats about as long, widely carinately gaping, yellowish, the three slender, nodose cilia about as long, the basai membrane about two-fifths as high as the teeth ; lid rostrate ; exothecial cells brownish, rather thin-walled, rectangular to hexagonal, several rows at the rim much smaller; spores smooth, medium- walled, .010-.014 mm., mature in spring. On stones and logs in rich and moist mountain woods ; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and in North America from the Arctic regions south to the northern United States. Not un- common in our region Blair Elk Jefferson McKean T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Kate Stoy. On logs and on ground over leaves, Ruth- erford Run, April 25, 1893, \Yest Branch Swamp, on logs, October 15, 1893, and on rich, shaded bank over leaves, Manila Brook, June 30, 1895. (Figured), all Brad- ford. D. A. B. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Hylocomium urnbratum [Ehrhart] Bryologia Europsea. (Hypnum umbra hi in Ehrhart). (Plate XLIV) Slender, not so large and not complanately branched as in II. splcndcjis, more erect and forming loose, green tufts often 12 or 15 cm. high, sometimes yellowish, somewhat lustrous: stems rigid, pinnately or bi-pinnately branched, the branchlets un- equal, often drooping, sometimes distinctly flagelliform, the stems reddish, bearing numerous conspicuous and branched paraphyllia ; stem-leaves quite broadly triangular-ovate, rather distant, rather spreading, about 2 mm. long, acute to long- acuminate, decurrent, strongly plicate, undulately strongly dentate all around, the teeth sometimes recurved, no papillae on back of leaf ; branch-leaves more ovate and smaller ; costa double and strong, reaching to about mid-leaf; median leaf- cells about 8-10:1, linear, not forming distinct auricles, the ex- treme basal castaneous-incrassate, rounded ; perichsetial leaves broad, apically spreading : seta slender, 3-4 cm. long, flexuous ; capsule short, about 2 :1, turgid-ovate, more or less horizontally inclined, somewhat plicate and constricted below the mouth when dry and empty ; peristome normally hypnoid, segments carinately split, the cilia usually 2, about as long as segments ; annulus none ; lid conic, shortly apiculate ; spores mature in early spring. Over rocks, logs, and woods-humus, in mountain woods ; Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Newfoundland to OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 301 Alaska south to the northern United States, and southwards in the mountains. Rare in our region. JMcKean : In deep, densely shaded ravines, altitude 1700 feet, along Marilla Brook, one-half mile above Bradford, April 21, 1897. D. A. B. (Figured). 3. Hylocomium brevirostre [Ehrhart] Bryologia Europsea. (Hypnwn brevirostre Ehrhart; H. intcrrnptum Bridel). (Plate XLIV) Robust, rigid, forming large, swollen tufts of a dark but glossy yellow-green: stems much-divided, up to 12-15 cm. long, erect to arched-procumbent, irregularly pinnately branched, the branches unequal, attenuate, not complanately arranged, but bushy, paraphyllia rather small, branched, stems reddish-brown ; stem-leaves somewhat crowded, spreading to squarrose, about 2-4 mm. long, cordate-ovate to triangular- ovate, abruptly narrowed to a rather long channeled acumen, the base notably with large rounded, sub-clasping, and some- what decurrent auricles, the margins finely and regularly -denticulate, the leaves when dry much plicate ; branch-leaves smaller, narrower, more ovate, less squarrose; perichsetial leaves sheathing at base, subulate-acuminate, squarrose, apical- ly serrate; costa of stem- and branch-leaves double and reach- ing to about one-third the length of the leaf: seta flexuous, about 2 cm. long, dextrorse and arcuate above, castaneous : capsule turgidly ovate-oblong, horizontally inclined, the urn about 2 mm. long, castaneous, arcuate and constricted below the mouth when dry ; lid conic-acuminate, about 1 mm. long ; annulus usually 2-seriate, rather wide ; peristome hypnoid, teeth orange-yellow, dorsally lamellate, cross-striolate below, papillose above, moderately trabeculate, confluent and inserted at base ; segments slender, about as long as teeth, yellowish, carinately gaping, finely spinose-papillose above, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high ; cilia usually 2, short, no- dose-appendiculate ; exothecial cells laterally strongly castane- ous-incrassate, rounded-hexagonal to rounded-rectangular ; spores about .021-.024 mm., oblong to round, castaneous, moderately incrassate, somewhat papillose, mature in early spring. In deep, shaded ravines and in swamps on locks and at the bases of trees, usually confined to mountainous regions; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and, in North America, from Xova Scotia to Ontario and south in the mountains to Xorth Carolina. Rather common in our region. Blair : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). Cambria : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). 302 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Clinton : Between Renovo and Haneyville, July 15. 1908. O. E. J. Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : In thin mats on perpendicular face of sandstone rocks at head of Rutherford Run, altitude 1800-2000 feet, April 25, 1895, and on densely shaded rocks along Manila Brook, one-half mile above reser- voir, Bradford. D. A. B. The latter is- sued as Grout's No. 44a, North American Musci Pleurocarpi. (Figured). Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 15. HYPNUM Linnaeus, Hedwig. Dioicous: robust, stiff, deeply arid loosely cespitose, dark to pale green or almost straw-colored, more or less lustrous : from a decumbent base ascending to erect, with straight pointed ends and rather regularly pinnate ; branches mostly spreading and 2-seriate, usually slenderly attenuate, sometimes thick and obtuse; no paraphyllia; leaves crowded, imbricately appressed, spoon-shaped, more or less distinctly plicate, scarce- ly decurrent, broadly ovate to ovate-oblong, apex blunt, the margin often narrowly revolute below and broadly involute upwards, at the very apex only weakly crenulate or serrulate ; costa indistinct, or very thin, short and double; median leaf- cells narrowly prosenchymatous, smooth, the basal shorter, laxer, porose, incrassate, yellowsih to orange-red, the alar abruptly enlarged, quadrate to shortly rectangular, or several- angled, incrassate, colored, the alae more or less excavate ; peri- chastial leaves sheathing, lance-oblong, rather abruptly acumi- nate, indistinctly costate : seta 2-4 cm. long, sinistrorse, tortu- ous, yellowish-red to red ; capsule cernuous, 2-2.5 mm. long, usually horizontal, symmetric, or dorsally somewhat gibbous, drying arcuate, slightly constricted below the mouth, brownish, smooth ; annulus none ; lid high-convex, acute or conic-obtuse. The genus as here restricted contains only the following species : 1. Hypnum schreberi Willdenow, Schwaegrichen. (H. parietinum Linnaeus; H. miiticum Swartz ; Stcrcodon schre- beri Mitten; Hylocomhnn parictinnm Lindberg). (Plate XLIV) Usually bright yellowish-green: stems up to 12 or 15 cm. long, bright red; stem-leaves 1.5-2.5 mm. long; median leaf- cells about 10-15:1, the apical shorter: capsules produced rather infrequently ; exothecial cells transversely oblong-hexa- gonal, laterally strongly castaneous-incrassate ; peristome- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 303 teeth slender, strongly trabeculate, dorsally lamellate, faintly transversely papillose-striolate, margined, yellowish, confluent below ; segments broad, nearly as long as the teeth, widely carinately gaping, yellowish and papillose ; cilia sub-appendicu- late, about as long as the segments, usually single ; the basal membrane about two-fifths as high as teeth ; spores about .014- .018 mm., smooth, moderately incrassate, castaneous. Mainly over humus, etc.. in moist, shaded woods, but oc- curring in moist pastures, dry open woods, and bogs as well; Europe. Asia, and from Arctic America to the northern United States. Xot uncommon in the northern and central parts of Pennsylvania. Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Huntingdon : T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Rutherford Rocks, on perpendicular face of moist sandstone in wide mats, altitude of 2000 feet. April 25, 1893 ; on decaying log. West Branch Swamp, April 5, 1895, and Bradley Run (Figured), all near Bradford. D. A. B. Somerset : Allegheny Mountains, August 17, 1875. B. H. Patterson. Cameron : On ground in pine grove. Hunt's Run, April 29. 1893. D. A. B. 16. PTILIUM (Sultivant) DeNotaris. Dioicous : robust, stiff, laxly cespitose, plume-like, yellow- ish-green, in shade bright green, lustrous ; stem 5-20 cm. long, ascending to erect, simple or 2-3-divided, regularly and dense- ly complanately pinnate with dense complanate branches; branches horizontally spreading, circinate at the apex, of near- ly equal length below, rapidly becoming shorter at the apex; leaves crowded, circinate to almost coiled, deeply pluri-plicate, long-lance-subulate from a broadly ovate and scarcely decur- rent base, plane-margined, finely serrulate above the middle ; costa none, or double and short ; median leaf-cells very nar- rowly linear, vermicular-prosenchymatous, smooth, the basal shorter, wider often and porose, a few alar indistinctly differ- entiated, quadrate to shortly rectangular: seta 3-5 cm. long, tortuous, red, drying dextrorse above: capsule cernuous to horizontal, arcuate, about 2 mm. long, castaneous, cylindric, smooth : annulus narrow, 2-seriate ; lid dome-like, shortly apiculate. The genus contains only 1 species, as follows: 304 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 1. Ptilium crista-castrensis [Linnaeus] DeNotaris. (Hypnuui crista-castrensis Linnaeus; Stcrcodon crista-castrensis Mitten). (Plate XLV) An easily recognized, rigid, robust, plume-like, bright yel- lowish-green species : stem-leaves about 2-3 mm. long; median leaf-cells about 10-20:1; branch-leaves not usually reaching 2 mm. in length; exothecial cells strongly castaneous-incras- sate, small and rounded in several series at the rim, below be- coming oblong-rectangular ; peristome-teeth castaneous, large, strongly trabeculate, lamellate, crosswise faintly and finely dorsally papillose-striolate, confluent below ; segments as long as teeth, yellowish, papillose; the basal membrane about one- half as high ; cilia 2-4, slender, hyaline, about as long as the segments, nodose-appendiculate ; spores smoothish, castane- ous, medium-walled, about .010-.014 mm., usually mature in early autumn. On woods-humus, rotten logs, and moist earth, in woods, usually in mountainous regions ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America south to the northern United States and southwards in the mountains to North Carolina. Not uncommon in the more mountainous portions of our region. Cambria : Cresson. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Cata- logue). Blair ; A. P. Garber. (Porter's Catalogue). Clinton : Deep mountain woods above Renovo, July, 1908. O. E. J. Elk ; McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Forming a thick mat on rock in deep wooded ravine four miles south of Ohio Pyle, September, 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Catalogue). Somerset : Allegheny Mountains, August 17, 1875. B. H. Patterson. (Figured). Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). 17. STEREODON Bridel, Mitten. Mainly dioicous : robust to quite slender, green to yel- lowish-green or golden-brown, lustrous: stems elongate, de- cumbent or ascending, rarely erect, mostly non-stoloniferous, simple or divided, irregularly or rarely regularly pinnate, the shoots mostly with hooked or circinate ends ; leaves 2-seriate, falcate-secund, non-decurrent or but slightly so, rather concave, ovate- to cordate-lanceolate, acuminate to more or less subu- late-acuminate ; costa short and double or none ; leaf-cells nar- rowly prosenchymatous, smooth on both sides, the basal most- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 305 ly incrassate and porose, parenchymatous in the mostly some- what excavate angles ; inner perichsetial leaves plicate, lance- subulate : seta long, drying twisted; capsule cernuous to hori- zontal, rarely erect, oblong to cylindric, arcuate or rarely straight, mostly smooth and annulate; lid convex-conic, um- bonate to apiculate or sometimes short-rostrate. A genus of about 115 species, mainly confined to the tem- perate regions; at least 40 species occur in North America; about 11 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves not falcate nor secund. b. a. Leaves falcate or secund. c. b. Leaves entire. 8. 5. haldanianus. b. Leaves distinctly serrulate, at least towards the apex. (S. nc morons (Koch) Lindberg). c. Leaves usually distinctly entire. d. c. Leaves serrulate, at least towards the apex. f. d. Distinctly regularly pinnate. 6. S. arciiatus. d. Not distinctly regularly pinnate. e. e. Perichaetial leaves plicate: alar leaf-cells strongly inflated. 7. 5. pratensis. e. Perichfetial leaves not plicate; alar leaf-cells not strongly inflated. 4. S. cupressifoniiis. f. With alar cells strongly inflated. i. f. With alar cells not strongly inflated. g. g. Stems not regularly pinnate: leaves usually entire. 4. 5. cupressiformis. g. Stems regularly pinnate; leaves serrulate, at least above. h. h. Alar leaf-cells not inflated: capsule strongly arcuate. 1. S. rep tills. h. A few alar leaf-cells somewhat inflated: capsule more or less symmetric. 3. S. imponcns. i. More or less regularly and evenly pinnate, k. i. Not regularly pinnate. j j. Lid altogether about as long as the urn. 9. S. recurvans. j. Lid altogether about one-half as long as. the urn. 10. S. dclicatnlus. k. Slender and sparsely branched: lid altogether about one-half as long as the urn; cilia rudimentary or none. 11. S-. tenuirostris. k. More robust and more abundantly branching: lid relatively short; cilia well developed. 1. 1. Capsule when dry and empty smooth to sub-costate; spores about .015-.018 mm. 2. S. fertilis. 1. Capsule when dry and empty strongly plicate; spores about .019-023 mm. 5. S. cwvifolius. 1. Stereodon reptilis (Richard) Mitten. (Hvpniuu reptilis Richard). (Plate XLV) Small, dark or yellowish-green, lustrous, widely and loose- ly cespitose: stems more or less regularly pinnate but not 306 A MANUAL OF MOSSES closely interwoven; stem-leaves crowded, lance-acuminate from an ovate-oblong base, about lXO.4-0.5 mm., falcate-secund, slightly decurrent, serrate above, serrulate below, the margins usually revolute ; median leaf-cells linear-rhomboidal to linear- flexuous, about 8-12:1, shorter and more or less colored to- wards the base, the alar cells quadrate, much incrassate, sub- opaque ; branch-leaves similar but proportionally much nar- rower: paraphyllia small and few; costa double, short, yel- lowish, or none ; inner perichsetial leaves long-acuminate, usual- ly faintly bi-costate, apically serrate, strongly plicate : seta cas- taneous, lustrous, about 1.5 cm. long, when dry dextrorse above ; capsules about 2.5 mm. long, cylindric, yellowish, most- ly abruptly arcuate just below the mouth so that the lid often points at right angles to the direction assumed by the base of the capsule, when dry the urn more or less wrinkled and nar- rowed below the mouth ; lid yellow, rather large, high-convex, narrowly obliquely rostrate ; peristome hypnoid, the teeth subulate-acuminate, orange-yellow and dorsally cross-striolate at base, hyaline and papillose above ; segments about as long as teeth, carinately cleft the articulations; cilia usual- ly 2, articulate, slightly shorter than the segments ; annulus large, compound ; spores rather strongly incrassate, yellow- ish-brown, papillose, about .014-.017 mm., mature in mid- summer. On bases of trees, roots, logs, etc., in woods, especially in spruce woods and mainly confined to hilly or mountainous regions; Europe, Asia, and from Canada south in the moun- tains to North Carolina and in the West to Utah. Rare in our region. McKean : Gates' Hollow. March 10, 1894, and July 25, 1895, Manila Brook, July 5, 1896, Latshaw, August 25, 1895, and Bennett, August 8, 1897. (Figured). All near Bradford. D. A. B. 2. Stereodon fertilis (Sendtner) Lindberg. (Hypnum fertile Sendtner). (Plate XLV) Yellowish-green, lustrous, usually darker below, densely interwoven : stems prostrate or ascending, from 3-10 cm. long, scarcely branching, castaneous, densely and rather regularly, complanately and somewhat plumosely pinnate with short branchlets ; stem-leaves 1.5-2.0 mm. long, concave, falcate- secund, scarcely complanate, from an oblong-ovate base slen- derly acuminate, the base sub-decurrent, sub-auriculate. some- what excavate, the margin plane, entire below, serrulate above ; costa usually bi-furcate or double, rarely none ; branch-leaves OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 307 similar to stem-leaves but smaller and narrower, strongly falcate to circinate-secund ; inner perichaetial leaves lance- acuminate, plicate, faintly bi-costate, serrulate above ; median leaf-cells linear- vermicular, about 1 : 15-20, rather incrassate, sub-acute, median basal cells strongly incrassate, castaneous- pellucid, porose, the alar portion with several oblong inflated hyaline cells, above which is a patch of about 9-15 smaller, in- crassate, quadrate to oblong-hexagonal cells often more or less castaneous-pellucid : seta 1.5-2.0 cm. long, dextrorse, castane- ous. lustrous; capsule about 1.8 mm. long, oblong, inclined to horizontal, arcuate, bright castaneous with a darker and lustrous rim, when dry narrowed below the mouth and sub- costate or smooth : lid short, conic-acute ; peristome-teeth lance-subulate, brownish-pellucid, more or less narrowly hya- line-margined, dorsal ly cross-striolate below, the divisural line and the lamellae fairly distinct, above hyaline and papillose, the trabecttlce numerous and strong ; segments pale, about as long as the teeth, carinately split between the articulations, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high, the cilia usually 2, hyaline, nodose, somewhat shorter than the segments ; exothe- cial cells rather thin-walled, quadrate-hexagonal to oblong- hexagonal, at the mouth smaller and deeply castaneous; spores medium-walled, somewhat brownish, smooth or very nearly so, about .015-.018 mm., mature in late summer. On decaying logs in moist and cool places, usually in hilly or mountainous regions ; Europe, Asia, and, in North America, from Xew Brunswick to British Columbia and southwards to the northern United States. Rare in our region, and probably only to be found in the northern portion. McKean : Leer's Run on decaying log, August 5, 1895 (Figured), Langmade Hollow, Au- gust 11, 1895, Gates' Hollow, October 27, 1895, and Bennett Brook, August 8, 1897. D. A. B. 3. Stereodon imponens ( Hedwig) Lindberg. (Hypmim imponens Hechvig: H. cupressiforme Hooker). (Plate XLV) Robust in flat, thin, widely interwoven tufts of a yellou- green color: stems rigid, reddish-brown, with numerous paraphyllia, closely, rather regularly and more or less com- planately pinnate, prostrate or sub-erect, sometimes reaching more than 10 cm. in length ; stem-leaves usually somewhat complanate-secund, from a triangular-oblong base gradually long-acuminate, the base not excavate, scarcely decurrent, the acumen strongly falcate-secund, the whole leaf about 2X0.5-0.7 mm., serrulate above, the margin often narrowly recurved 308 A MANUAL OF MOSSES below; branch-leaves narrower, otherwise similar to the stem- leaves, about as long; costa short and double or none; median leaf-cells linear-vermicular, about 10-15:1, the basal broader and more or less orange-pellucid, the alar cells sub-quadrate, a few somewhat inflated at the extreme angles, forming: a small • ^^ ^^ but quite distinct auricular patch of an orange-brown color, all cells rather incrassate: perichaetial leaves plicate, ecostate, spinose-serrulate above : seta about 3 cm. long, castaneous, sinistrorse when dry ; capsule cylindric, nearly erect, slightly curved, about 3-4 mm. long, castaneous, about 4-6:1 ; lid con- vex at base with an oblique long-acuminate point; peristome normally hypnoid, the teeth strongly trabeculate, the trabeculse often dividing, the lamelke and divisural distinct, cross-strio- late below ; the segments about as long, slightly carinately split, the basal membrane reaching about two-fifths as high, the cilia articulate and usually single; annulus compound, ad- herent; exothecial cells yellowish-pellucid, laterally quite in- crassate, oblong-quadrate to long-rectangular ; spores yellow- ish, medium-walled, minutely roughened, about .013-.015 mm., mature in late autumn or early winter. On earth, stones, roots, logs, etc., with us mainly on humus or rotten wood, in moist woods; Europe, Asia, and from Canada southwards to California and Georgia. Very common in our region. Allegheny : Eighteen pockets determined, various lo- calities, collectors, and dates. Figured from specimen from Wildwood Road Hollow, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, September 24, 1904. O. E. J. Cambria : Cresson. T. C. Porter. ( Porter's Cata- logue). Crawford : Linesville. May 10-11, 1906, and ]nne 11- 12, 1907. O. E. J. Elk Erie Fayette McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Presque Isle, May 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. Twenty-six pockets determined, various dates and collectors, mainly Ohio Pyle and Cheat Haven. McKean : Quintuple Ridge. November 13, 1896. D. A. B. Somerset : Keystone. October 9, 1904. O. E. J. Washington : North Branch, Maple Creek, above Char- leroi. April 24, 1908. O. E. J. ; Linn and Simon ton. (Porter's Catalogue). Westmoreland: Near Apollo, 1902. Miss K. R. Holmes; Mellon's estate. Laurel Hill Mts., near New Florence. O. E. J. September 8-11, OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 309 1907; "Shades,'' near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 4. Stereodon cupressiformis [Linnaeus] Lindberg. (HypiiHin cupressiformis Linnaeus; H. compression Schultz). \Yidely cespitose in flat, soft tufts, usually yellowish or brownish-green : stems up to 10 cm. long, greenish, procum- bent, irregularly pinnate, the branches spreading or ascending, usually curved ; leaves closely imbricate, concave at the base, slightly decurrent, falcate-secund, lustrous, oblong- to ovate- lanceolate, narrowred rather abruptly to a long acumination, plane-margined, typically entire, sometimes denticulate' to- wards the apex ; costa none or very short and double ; median leaf-cells about 10-15:1, linear-vermicular, rather obtuse, the angular sub-quadrate, numerous, rather opaque, a few at the extreme angles larger, scarcely inflated, orange-pellucid, or hyaline, rather incrassate, the auricles not well-defined ; peri- chastial leaves denticulate, not plicate : seta red, about 3-4 cm. long; capsule sub-erect, curved, sub-cylindric or oblong, cast- taneons, somewhat constricted below the mouth when dry ; lid convex at base, with an acuminate apex ; peristome normal- ly hypnoid ; cilia usually one or two ; spores mature in late autumn or early winter. On rocks, roots, and bases of trees, in moist woods or ravines ; practically cosmopolitan, — in Xorth America occur- ring from the Arctic regions to the Gulf States. Rare in our region. Cambria : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Three pockets so-labeled in the Carnegie Museum Herbarium are apparently typical S. fcrtilis and the Porter Catalogue record is probably founded upon some of the same Burnett collections. 4a. Stereodon cupressiformis variety filiformis (Bridel) New Combination. (Hyp int at cupressiforme var. filiforme Bridel). (Plate XLVI) More slender, distantly pinnate, the branches long, very slender and almost filiform ; leaves very small, falcate-secund, more or less regularly and neatly imbricated in two rows. Habitat and range as for the species. Rare in our region. McKean : Rutherford Rocks, on moist and densely shaded fragments of sandstone at base of cliff, May 5, 1895, and Hawkiivs Hol- low, August 2, 1895. D. A. B. (Figured). 310 A ]\1 AN'L'AL OF MOSSES 5. Stereodon curvifolius (Hedwig) Mitten. (Hypnnm cnrrifoliiun Hedwig). (Plate XLVI) Robust, lustrous, yellowish-green in large flat mats : stems prostrate, rather regularly pinnately branched, the branch- lets short and unequal, the whole plant complanately secund ; leaves crowded, imbricate in two rows, falcate-secund, thus giving to the plants a plaited appearance from the dorsal view- point; stem-leaves about 0.7-0.8X1-4— 1-8 mm., oblong-ovate to elongate and triangular-ovate, short-acuminate, plane-mar- gined, crenulate-serrulate about to the middle, and at the angles, concave, at the base abruptly narrowed and cordate or sub-cordate, somewhat decurrent ; costa none or double and faint ; branch-leaves similar but proportionally shorter and narrower, about 0.4—0.5X1-1-5 mm.; median leaf-cells about .005-.007X-035-.050 mm., linear-vermicular, basal median cells incrassate, porose, more or less vermicular to linear-oblong, a few of the alar cells sub-quadrate, yellowish or brownish and incrassate, about .020-.025 mm. in diameter, the decurrent cells enlarged, thin-walled, and hyaline ; perichaetial leaves erect, whitish, numerous, the inner sheathing, plicate, reaching 4-5 mm. long: seta about 2.5 cm. long, dextrorse above, sinis- trorse below, castaneous, sub-lustrous ; capsule about 2.5 mm. long, pale castaneous, constricted below the mouth when dry and empty and then also strongly plicate, the urn oblong, arcuate, cernuous ; lid conic, apiculate ; peristome normally hypnoid, teeth yellowish pellucid, slender, strongly trabeculate, the lamellse and divisural distinct, the apical portion of the teeth hyaline and papillose, the lower dorsal surface cross- striolate : segments about as long as the teeth, slender, slight- ly carinately cleft, pale yellowish-pellucid, cilia two or three, about as long as segments, articulate, hyaline, papillose ; annulus 3-seriate, revoluble ; spores yellowish, medium-walled, granulose, about .019-.023 mm., mature in early spring. On rocks or more usually on decaying logs in moist \voods ; Asia, and from Arctic America south to Florida and Colorado. Common in our region. Armstrong : Kittanning, on rotten log, August 16, 1905. O.'E. T. Beaver : Beaver Falls, May 11, 1907. O. E. J. Cambria : Ebensberg. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Crawford : Linesville, Pymatuning Swamp, June 11- 12, 1907, May 12, 1908 (Figured), and August 3, 1909. O. E. J. Erie : Presque Isle, Tune 8-9, 1906. O. E. T- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 311 McKean : Bennett Brook, May 3, 1893, Langmade Hollow, May 5, 1894, Manila Brook, Bradford, June 30, 1895. D. A. B. Fayette : Ten different collections from Ohio Pvle, O. E. J., G. K. J. and J. A. S. Mercer : Half-Moon Swamp, June 12, 1906. O. E. J. Somerset : Ursina, May 12, 1905. O. E. J. Washington : Three miles southwest of Library, April 29, 1906. O. E. J. Westmoreland: "Shades," near Blackburn, June 13. 1908. O. E. J. ; and same locality March 25, 1910. O. E. J, and G. K. J. " 6. Stereodon arcuatus ( Lindberg) Lindberg. (Hypniiui arcnatnui Lindberg; H. lindbergii Mitten ; H. paticntiae Lindberg). (Plate XLVI) Robust, widely cespitose in yellowish-green mats, usual- ly more or less regularly pinnate, lustrous at least on the younger parts : stems prostrate, usually sparsely branched ; stem-leaves about 1.6-2.2 mm. long, complanately falcate- secund, lustrous, ovate-oblong, decurrent, the margins plane and entire or sub-denticulate at the apex, the leaves rather shortly and broadly acuminate, the tip flat and widely acute to somewhat obtuse, the decurrent auricles are made up of large, oblong, inflated, thin-wralled, and hyaline cells bordered above by about two series of smaller, quadrate, usually brownish- pellucid, thicker-walled cells, these latter grading quickly into linear-vermicular median cells about 12-20:1, the apical cells oblong-rectangular or obliquely more or less rhomboidal ; costa very short and double or none ; branch-leaves similar ; peri- chsetial leaves sheathing, the inner lanceolate to lance-linear, up to 6 or 7 mm. long, plicate, entire, acuminate ; seta about 2.5-3 cm. long, dextrorse, lustrous, castaneous ; capsule about 2-2.5 mm. long, about 4-5:1, oblong-cylindric, erect at base but arcuate so that the lid usually points more or less hori- zontally, when dry plicate but scarcely narrowred, below the mouth ; annulus large, revoluble ; lid conic, apiculate, scarcely longer than wide ; peristome hypnoid, the teeth lance-linear, dorsally cross-striolate, yellowish-pellucid below, hyaline and papillose above, the divisural and dorsal lamellae prominent, the trabeculse strong and numerous ; segments rising from a basal membrane about two-fifths the height of the teeth, the segments about as long as teeth, narrow, somewhat carinately split; cilia 1-3, shorter, nodose, hyaline-papillose, often joined together above ; spores smoothish, yellowish, moderately in- crassate, about .014-.018 mm., mature in spring. M2 A MAXl'AL OF MOSSES On the ground in woods and wet, grassy places in swamps, around spring's, etc. ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America to the northern United States and south in the east to Florida. Fairly common in our region. Allegheny : Along Brush Creek, near Douthett, April 26, 1908. O. E. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, May 28, 1907. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). Lawrence : Springy places along roadside, East Brook, August 30, 1906. O. E. J. McKean : Bolivar, June 7, 1898. D. A. B. Washington : Wet clay bank, Bellevernon, May 21, 1907. O. E. J. 7. Stereodon pratensis (Koch) Warnstorf. (Hypnuin pretense Koch; Isopterygium pratense Lindberg). Softly and flatly cespitose, bright green, complanately flattened : stems prostrate to sub-erect, non-radiculose, irreg- ularly sub-pinnate, branchlets rather sparse ; leaves sub- secund on the larger branches and on the stems, plane to some- what concave, entire ; costa double and very faint and short ; median leaf-cells narrowly rhomboid-vermicular, at the angles large and inflated, usually colored, the alar enlarged, fewer, less enlarged and less differentiated than in S. pat entitle ; peri- chsetial leaves plicate, the inner long-lanceolate and shortly acuminate : pedicel long, twisted in two directions ; capsule non-plicate, oblong to turgid-ovate, cernuous, arcuate when dry ; lid convex-conic ; annulus 3-seriate ; peristome normally hypnoid. the cilia 3, about as long as the segments; spores mature in spring. The capsules are rarely produced. In open swamps and marshy meadows; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America to Florida. Only once reported for our regon. Cambria : \Yiltmore. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). 8. Stereodon haldanianus (Greville) Lindberg. (Hypnuin haldanianum Greville; Heterophyllon baldani Kind- berg; Hypnuui pnlchrnin Hooker). (Plate XLVI) Widely and loosely cespitose, dark to brownish-green ; stems long, creeping, irregularly pinnate, the branchlets unequal and disposed much as in some of the B rocky the tide ; leaves loosely and more or less evenly imbricate to loosely spreading ; stem- leaves usually slightly decurrent, about 0.7-1.5 mm. long, ob- long-ovate to somewhat lanceolate, rapidly narrowed to a short and acute apex, entire, plane-margined, concave ; branch- OF \VESTERX PENNSYLVANIA 313 leaves lance-ovate to lanceolate, about 0.5-1.5 mm. long, short- acuminate, otherwise similar to the stem-leaves ; median leaf- cells linear-flexuose, about 12-20:1, prosenchymatous, the alar inflated, rather incrassate, large, forming a quite distinct auricle, bordered above by a few considerably smaller and chlorophyllose cells ; costa rudimentary or none, or double and short ; perichzetial leaves spreading, abruptly filiform-acumi- nate, the inner non-plicate ; paraphyllia large and numerous : seta about 2.5 cm. long, lustrous, castaneous, when dry sinis- trorse ; capsule long-cylindric, dull-castaneous, curved, sub- erect to more or less inclined, about 4-6:1, urn about 2.5-3 mm. long, the lid conic and obliquely short-rostrate; peris- tome-teeth confluent at base, transversely striolate and yel- lowish below, strongly trabeculate, the divisural and the dorsal lamellae usually faint; segments slightly carinately cleft, be- low more or less faintly transversely striolate-papillose. above papillose, about as long as the teeth ; cilia usually single and shorter, sometimes two and rudimentary, or sometimes none, articulate ; spores granulose, yellowish-brown, somewhat in- crassate, about .015-.016 mm., mature in late fall or winter. On earth, humus, rocks\ rotten logs, etc., in woods; Eu- rope, Asia, and, in North America, from Nova Scotia to Mon- tana and southwards to the Gulf States. Very common in our region. : Thirteen pockets determined from various ravines and hollows in the countv. Fisr- - o tired from specimens from V\ ikhvood Road Hollow, November 10. 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. : Kittanning. D. R. Sumstine. 1904. : Swampy woods near Crider's Corners. April 26, and December 29. 1908. O. E. J. : Ebensburg. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). : Pymatuning Swamp. Linesville. May 18, 1905. O. E. J.; Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue ). : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3. 1907. O. E. J. and G/K. J. : Four localities near Bradford, 1894-1896. D. A. B. Allec'henv Armstrong Butler Cambria Crawford Elk Fayette McKean 314 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 9. Stereodon recurvans [Richard] Brothertis. (JJypnmn rccurrans Schwaegrichen ; Seuiatophyllnm recunwis E. G. Britton ; Leskea rccuri'ans Richard; Rhaphidostegium re cur-cans Jaeger). (.Plate XLVII) Very glossy, widely cespitose in flat tufts, usually yellow- ish-green : stems prostrate, reddish, irregularly branching ; leaves about 1.2-1.5 mm. long, strongly complanately falcate- secund, close, imbricate at base, soft, thin, more or less con- cave, lance-ovate, slenderly long-acuminate, non-decurrent, more or less sharply serrate at the apex, the margin often nar- rowly recurved below ; costa obsolete, or very short and double ; perichaetial leaves gradually long-acuminate, serrate at apex; median leaf-cells linear-flexuose, the basal yellowish or brownish, shorter, wider, the alar consisting of a group of 4 to 8 hyaline or colored, much inflated and enlarged cells forming a group bordered above by a few sub-quadrate and smaller cells: seta about 1.5-2 cm. long, lustrous, castaneous, somewhat sinistrorse; capsule oblong-oval, slightly curved, obliquely inclined to almost horizontal, the urn about 3-4:1, about 1.5-2 mm. long, light castaneous, the tapering base darker, the urn when old strongly arcuate ; annulus present ; lid conic and together with the slender beak about one-half the length of the urn; peristome hypnoid, the teeth large, strongly trabeculate, the divisural faint, the thin dorsal lamellae transversely papillose-striolate ; segments about as long as teeth but usually not splitting, the basal membrane about two- fifths as long, the cilia usually one, sometimes two, slightly ap- pendiculate, somewhat shorter than the segments ; spores .016-.018 mm., medium-walled, granulose, brownish, mature in late fall, the capsules often remaining in good condition until early spring : dioicous. On soil, humus, bases of trees, logs, etc., in moist woods, mainly in mountainous or hilly regions ; from Newfoundland to Manitoba and south to North Carolina and Missouri, also in Mexico. Very common in our region. Allegheny Armstrong Butler Crawford Near Pittsburgh, August, 1905. O. E. T Kittanning, September 24, 1904. O. E. J. Winfield Junction, May 26, 1906. O. E. J. Linesville, May 13, 1905, and June 11-12, 1907. O. E. J.; Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 10, 1905, and four miles south of Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. ; (Figured); OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 315 Ohio Pyle, July 4, 1908, and May 30-31, 1903. O. E. J. (Figured as to old capsule and peristome.) McKean : Bennett Brook, September 10, 1894, Gates' Hollow, October 27, 1895, and November 4, 1895, and Langmade Hollow, April 26, 1896. All near Bradford. D. A. Burnett. Somerset : Keystone, October 9, 1904. O. E. J. Westmoreland: Mellon's estate (Rachelwood) on Laurel Hill Mts., September 8-10, 1907, and "Shades," near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 10. Stereodon delicatulus (James) Brotherus. (Hypnum laxepatulum Lesquereux and James; Rhynchosteginni delicatulum James; Sematophyllum delicatulum E. G. Brit- ton; Rhaphidostegiuin delicatnliun Paris). Small, depressed cespitose, dark green, scarcely lustrous : stems slender, prostrate, subpinnately branching ; leaves rather open, falcate-secund. two-ranked, sharply serrulate towards the apex; costa none or very short and double; leaves con- cave, ovate, narrowed into a long acumination ; a few of the extreme alar cells much enlarged and inflated as in S. rcciin'ans, colored or hyaline, bordered by a few sub-quadrate and smaller, the median linear-flextious, prosenchymatous; perichaetial leaves non-plicate, sharply serrate above: seta shorter than in vS". recitri'ans ; capsule ovoid-oblong, curved, inclined, about 2-3:1, urn about equalled in length by the slenderly long- rostrate lid ; peristome hypnoid, segments entire, cilia usually one or two; spores mature in late fall. On rotten wood, or soil, or at the base of trees, mainly in the mountains from Xew England to Alabama. Rare in our region. McKean : Bradford. D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Cata- logue). 11. Stereodon tenuirostris (Bruch and Schimper) Brotherus. (Sematophyllum tenuirostre E. G. Britton ; Hypniun cylindrocar- piun C. Mueller; Rhaphidostegiuin cylindricarpum Jaeger). (Plate XLVII) Flatly and broadly cespitose in thin intricate mats, slen- der: stems prostrate, reddish, or green, p innately branched, branches few, slender; stem-leaves sub-lustrous, 1.5-2.5 mm. long, falcate-secund but not complanate, narrowly lance-ob- long, non-decurrent, acuminate, concave, apically serrate, marginally somewhat reflexed to the base of the acumen ; median leaf-cells linear-prosenchymatous, the apical usually a little larger, the alar few in number, inflated, sub-quadrate, 316 A MANUAL OF MOSSES bordered above by a few small quadrate, sub-opaque, often transversely elongated cells ; branch-leaves similar to the stem-leaves, sometimes a little larger ; costa very short and double or none; pericheetial leaves erect, the inner plicate and gradually narrowed to a very slender serrate point, with a very short and double costa or none : seta about 5-7 mm. long, sinistrorse above, lustrous, castaneous ; capsule cylindric to lance-oblong, the urn about 1-1.5 mm. long, erect to somewhat inclined, symmetric; annulus none; exothecial cells somewhat collenchymatous, brownish, oblong-rectangular, the upper 3 or 4 rows rounded-quadrate; peristome-teeth yellowish, lance- subulate, finely cross-striolate, strongly trabeculate, the dorsal lamellae projecting to form a rather conspicuous hyaline border; segments about three-fourths as long, slender, cari- nately split between the articulations, the basal membrane about one-third as high as the teeth, cilia none or very rudi- mentary; lid conic and writh a slender oblique rostrum about one-half as long as the urn; spores in late fall to early spring, about .014-.018 mm., smoothish, brownish, rather thinly in- crassate. On rotten logs and on rocks in dark woods ; Labrador and Newfoundland south, mainly in the mountains, to Georgia. Rather uncommon in our region. Allegheny : \\ildwood Road Hollow, side of ravine under dense shade of hemlocks, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. Fayette : On rock in shaded woods in valley of Meadow Run, four miles south of Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. T- and G. K. J. Westmoreland : "Shades," near Blackburn, March 25, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). 18. ISOPTERYGIUM Mitten. Autoicous or dioicous : mostly slender to very slender, cespitose, soft, mostly bright or yellowrish-green : stem creeping to ascending, upright only in the thick mats, mostly irregularly branched; leaves uniform, obliquely inserted, smooth, usually more or less two-seriate, from a narrow and little or not at all decurrent base oval to oblong-oval and short-pointed or else ovate to lance-oblong and acute to piliferous, margins plane and entire to serrate; costa double, very short, or none; cells prosenchymatous, smooth or papillose in the upper angle, the basal shorter, the alar not usually differentiated : seta long, smooth, mostly drying twisted ; capsule sub-erect to cernuous or horizontal, with a collum, oval to oblong or cylindric, al- most symmetric or weakly gibbous, when dry only rarely arcuate and narrowed below the mouth, mostly smooth ; OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 317 annulus present or none ; peristome-teetli basally confluent, subulate, yellowish, mostly hyaline-bordered, with divisural zigzag, cross-striate, apically hyaline and papillose, lamellae numerous ; cilia 1-2, nodose, rarely 3 and appendiculate ; lid conic-convex, sometimes rostrate. A genus of world-wide distribution and containing about 170 species, mostly occurring on decaying wood; about 25 species in Xorth America; about 7 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves entire or obscurely serrulate at apex. b. a. Leaves distinctly serrulate at least in upper half, b. Leaves perfectly entire. c. b. Leaves obscurely serrulate at apex. d. c. Cells about .005-.008X-075-.160 mm., about two rows at the base shorter and sub-oval. 5. /. pule helium var. nitidulwn. c. Cells about .003-.005X-080-.100 mm., hardly different at base. 1. /. muellerianum. d. Alar cells few. quadrate, forming a small group. 6. /. mi cans. d. Alar cells very indistinctly sub-rectangular. 2. /. clegans. e. Leaves shortly bi-costate: annulus large and compound. 4. /. geophilum. e. Leaves ecostate or obsoletely costate. f. i. Leaves serrulate to the base. 3. /. deplanatum. f. Leaves not serrulate below the middle. 7. /. turfaceum. 1. Isopterygium muellerianum (Schimper) Lindberg. (Plagiothecimn mnellerianuin Schimper). Yellowish-green, laxly cespitose ; the branches long, flat- tened, straggling out into flagella or stolons or forming flat- tened strands, very slender ; the stems and branches thick, often more than .150 mm. in diameter, with very large and thin-walled outer cells which are 3 or 4 times as \vide as^the lower cells of the leaf and usually about .015-.025 mm. wide; leaves rigid, not much different when dry, the points directed forwards and upwards so that the dorsal surface of the branch is concave, lance-ovate, abruptly long-apiculate, concave, non- clecurrent, plane-margined, entire ; costa double, very faint and short; median cells linear, narrow, up to .100 mm. long, about 20-25:1, the alar and basal scarcely different; perich^etial leaves ovate-oblong, acuminate, entire : seta rather short, castaneous ; capsule smooth, small, long-necked, obovate, erect to inclined, when dry pale brown, wide-mouthed and campanu- late; lid conical, rostellate ; peristome-teeth with rather ^ dis- tant articulations, cilia short and unequal ; annulus 1-seriate ; spores mature in autumn ; clioicous. On moist earth and rocks in ravines, etc., mostly in hilly -or mountainous regions ; Europe, Asia, and from Xew England 318 A MANUAL OF MOSSES to Ohio and southward in the mountains to North Carolina. Not yet reported from our region but to be expected, — es- pecially in the more mountainous portions. 2. Isoptergyium elegans [Hooker] Lindberg. (Hypnum elegans Hooker; Isothecinni elegans Bridel ; Plagio- thccium elegans Sullivan! ), Small, densely cespitose, thin, pale shining green: stems branching complanately, the branches slender, partly procum- bent, partly ascending, numerous, usually pointing one way ; usually there are also axillary, gemmiferous branchlets ; leaves ./ •/ ' o complanate, sub-distichous, the points usually pointing down- wards, lustrous, little changed when dry, about 1-1.5 mm. long, lance-oblong to ovate-oblong, rather gradually narrowed from about the middle, then abruptly narrowed to a fine, short acumen, the base rounded, non-decurrent, plane-margined, entire except at the acumen where a little denticulate ; costa double and short, faint or sometimes reaching one-third the length of the leaf; median leaf-cells narrowly linear, about 20-30:1, about .004-.007 mm., pointed, hardly differentiated at the angles ; perichaetial leaves lance-acuminate : capsule turgid- oval, slightly inflated at the curved neck, nearly symmetric but horizontal or sub-pendent by a curve in the upper part of the costa, when dry and empty somewhat wade-mouthed, turbi- nate, costate ; peristome hypnoid, yellow, teeth broadly lanceo- late. blunt, segments entire, cilia 3, rather slender, as long as the segments ; annulus simple ; lid conic, obtusely pointed ; spores mature in spring. On rocks or earth in hilly or mountainous regions in woods ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America to northern United States and south in the mountains to Alabama. Rare n our regon. McKean : D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Catalogue). 3. Isopterygium deplanatum (Sullivant) Mitten. (Hypmtm deplanatum Sullivant; Rhynehosteginin deplanatum Schimper). Golden-green, lustrous, small, flattened : stems prostrate, irregularly pinnately branching ; leaves 2-ranked, imbricate, thin, concave, ovate-lanceolate, gradually long-acuminate, serrulate all around, more sharply so above, plane-margined ; median leaf-cells linear, flexuous, prosenchymatous, the basal somewhat larger but very similar ; costa none or but very faint: oval-oblong, cernuous, arcuate, plicate when dry and then constricted below the mouth ; peristome hypnoid, seg- ments narrow, cilia 2 or 3, about as long as the segments, un- equal ; annulus none ; spores in autumn, but capsules rarely produced. OF WESTERN' PEXXSYLVAXIA 319 Over earth, stones, and rotten wood and humus, in woods ; from Xova Scotia to Manitoba and southward to Missouri and Maryland. Rare in our region. McKean : IX A. Burnett. (Porter's Catalogue). 4. Isopterygium geophilum (Austin) Jaeger. (Rhynchostegium geophilum Austin; Plagiothecium geophilum Grout; Hypnum dcprcssnm Sullivant and Lesquereux). Dark green, very glossy, thinly, softly, and loosely matted ; stems prostrate, irregularly divided, more or less com- pressed; leaves liat, distichous, rather distant, widely spread- ing, oblong-lanceolate, gradually and symmetrically narrowed to a somewhat blunt apex, serrate above, rounded at the base, non-decurrent ; costa short, double, rather distinct ; median leaf-cells linear, prosenchymatous, flexuous, about 8-12 :1, a few alar sub-rectangular, hyaline, only a little enlarged and not forming a distinct auricle : capsule small, ovate, gibbous, thin- walled. unsymmetric, inclined; peristome normally hypnoid, teeth yellowish, segments narrow, linear, the cilia 2 or 3. some as lon^ as segments ; annulus large, 2-seriate : lid o o <~> conic, obliquely long-rostrate. On moist earth or stones, usually near water in lowlands; occurring from Xew York to \Yisconsin and south to Mary- land. Rare, — in our region reported but once. Cambria : Cresson. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Cata- logue). 5. Isopterygium pulchellum variety nitidulum (Wahlenberg) Brotherus. (Hypnum pulchellum var. nitidulum Lesquereux and James; H. ' nitidum \Yeber and Mohr ; Lcskca nitidiila Wahlenberg). Slender, in prostrate and straggling tufts, bright glossy metallic green : stems creeping, usually not much more than 1 cm. long, complanately branched, the branches numerous and slender; leaves sub-distichous, about 1 mm. long, more or less falcate, very glossy, hardly altered when dry. entire, plane-margined, "narrowly lance-ovate, from near the base gradually narrowed to a long and slender acumen, the base rounded but not decnrrent nor excavate; costa usually none; median leaf-cells narrowly linear, about 15-25;!. .005-.008 mm. wide, pointed, the basal sub-oval and wider and shorter but not differentiated otherwise at the angles : seta reddish, slender, about 1.5-2 cm. long; capsule small, rather variable, ranging from oblong and tapering below into the neck to short and ovoid, and from erect and symmetric to curved and more or less horizontal, when dry usually wide-mouthed and constricted below the rim, ranging from greenish-brown when young to castaneous when old; lid conic, apiculate; peristome-teeth 320 A MANUAL OF MOSSES densely barred, cilia 2, a little shorter than the segments; spores mature in early summer.- -The species (/. pulchcllum) has numerous, erect, curved branchlets with leaves not com- planate but sub-falcate and regularly homomallous, and more often has the capsules somewhat erect. On rocks and roots of trees and on rotten wood, in moist woods; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America to the north- ern United States. Rare in our region. Elk : Benezette. McMinn. (Porter's Cata- logue). 6. Isopterygium micans (Swartz) E. G. Britton. (Hypnnin albiiluui C.Mueller ; PL micans Swartz; Sematophyllum micans Braithwaite). Small, thinly matted, loose, glossy, whitish-green to yel- lowish-green: stems prostrate, rooting, irregularly branching; leaves loose, erect-spreading to secund and pointing upwards, very small, about 0.8-1.2 mm. long, ovate-lanceolate, gradual- ly long-acuminate, serrulate above, thin ; costa usually none ; perichsetial leaves abruptly acuminate, the inner apically ser- rate ; median leaf-cells linear, prosenchymatous, flexuous, about 15-18:1, at the base a row considerably enlarged and broad, at the angles a few sub-quadrate : seta long and slender ; capsule very small, ovate-oblong, light castaneous, constricted below the mouth when dry and empty, slightly incurved ; peristome- segments not split, about as long as teeth, the cilia 1 or 2, short, nodose ; annulus none ; lid conic, apiculate to short- rostrate ; spores mature in mid-winter. On earth and rotten wood in moist \voods ; mainly along the eastern United States from New7 York southwards. Rare m our region. Center : Bear Meadows. T. C. Porter. (Porter's Catalogue). 7. Isopterygium turfaceum (Lindberg) Lindberg. (Hypnuui tnrfaccnm Lindberg; Stcreodon titrfacens Mitten; Plagiothcciiun turfaceum Lindberg). (Plate XLVII) Small, light green to yellowish-green, loosely matted: stems prostrate, more or less pinnately branching with short branches, rooting at the perichaetia and at the main forks and usually quite difficult to separate from the substratum with- out breaking in pieces; leaves about 1.5 mm. long, complanate- ly arranged, lance-ovate, long-acuminate from an ovate-ob- long base, sharply serrate above the middle, margins plane, serrulate, or entire towards the base ; costa none or very short and faint ; perichaetial leaves ovate, basally concave, abruptly short-pointed, dentate at apex; median leaf-cells fusiform to OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 321 broadly linear, prosenchymatous, about 8-12:1, the basal a little shorter and wider, the alar either not differentiated or a few sub-quadrate to rectangular and incrassate : seta slender, about 1.5 cm. long, castaneous, somewhat twisted; capsule oblong, about 2-3:1, about 2 mm. long, slightly curved and somewhat inclined when young, when old and empty arcuate, horizontal, plicate, castaneous, and constricted below the mouth ; annulus large, double ; lid conic ; exothecial cells small and rounded in three or four series at the rim, gradually be- coming oblong-rectangular or irregular-oblong below, the upper more or less distinctly castaneous-collenchymatous ; peristome small, the teeth lance-subulate, papillose above, dorsally transversely striolate below, strongly trabeculate and lamellate, slightly confluent at base ; segments nearly as long, narrow, not split, papillose, yellowish, basal membrane about two-fifths as high ; cilia strong, nodose, often about as long as the segments, 1 or 2 in number; spores more or less greenish- yellow, about .008-.011 mm., papillose, rather thin-walled. On rich woods-humus in moist wroods or in peat bogs ; Europe, and from Canada to Georgia and Texas. Uncommon in our region. Cambria : Ebensburg. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). Crawford : In swamp near Hartstown, May 29-31, 1909. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). McKean : East Branch Swamp, Bradford, July 1, 1896. D. A. B. 19. PLAGIOTHECIUM Bryologia Europe. Antoicous or dioicous, rarely polyoicous : usually more or less robust, mostly softly cespitose, bright to yellowish or whitish-green, lustrous: stems creeping to ascending, or in thick cushions erect, with ascending and small-leaved stolons, mostly irregularly branched ; branches often elongate-flagelli- form ; paraphyllia none; leaves uniform, obliquely inserted, non-plicate, distichous, concave from a narrow7 and more or less decurrent base, broadly lanceolate to ovate, acuminate, mostly plane-margined and entire ; costa short, mostly double, sometimes none ; median leaf-cells chlorophyllose, elongate- rhomboid to linear, thin-walled, the basal shorter and wider, the alar lax and hyaline : seta long, reddish, drying twisted ; capsule erect to cernuous, with collum, oblong to cylindric, symmetric to weakly dorsally gibbous, drying wrinkled or smooth and often arcuate; annulus mostly revoluble ; peris- tome-teeth yellowish, confluent basally, lance-subulate, mostly hyaline-bordered, the divisural zigzag, the teeth dorsally cross- striate, numerously lamellate ; lid convex-conic, acute to rarely rostrate. 322 A MAXL'AL OF MOSSES A genus of about 35 species, mostly growing on rocks and stones, rare in the tropics; about 17 species in North America; at least 4 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Leaves spreading more or less uniformly in all directions. b. a. Branches distinctly complanately flattened. c. b. Leaves entire. 2. P. roeseanum. b. Leaves more or less serrulate. 1. P. striatelhim. c. Costa strong, forked, often reaching to the middle of the leaf: capsule usually striate when dry. 3. P. sylvaticinn. c. Costa thin, short: capsule usually smooth when dry. 4. P. denticulatinn. 1. Plagiothecium striatellum (Bridel) Lindberg. (Hypmiin uinehlenbeckii Schimper ; Plagiothecium inuehlenbeckii Bryologia Europsea : Leskea striateUa Bridel). (Plate XLVII) Slender, dense, dark green, lustrous: stems prostrate, branches crowded, erect or ascending, straight or slightly curved; leaves about 1-1.3 mm. long, crowded, sub-com- planate, the branch-leaves squarrose-spreading, ovate-lanceo- late or triangular-lanceolate with a long slender and flexuous acumen, plane-margined, serrulate above at least, the base strongly Recurrent; costa double and faint; median leaf-cells linear-fusiform, flexuous, rather short, about 6-10:1, the basal somewhat larger, the alar abruptly very much enlarged, in- flated, hyaline to colored, and forming the much decurrent and plainly distinct auricles: inner perichsetial leaves half- sheathing, "the apex filiform-flexuous and usually recurved: yellowish, about 2 mm/ long, slightly curved, oblong-cylindric with a tapering neck, distinctly striate when dry; lid conic, rather obtuse; annulus large, compound; exothecial cells minute and rounded in three to five series at the rim, below rapidly becoming irregularly oblong and more or less in- crassate ; teeth short, yellowish, papillose above, dorsally cross- striolate below, lamellate, strongly trabeculate, slightly con- fluent at base ; segments about as long, slender, pale, granu- lose, only slightly carinately cleft ; basal membrane only about one-fourth to one-third as high as the teeth ; the cilia 1 to 3, a little shorter than the segments; spores mature in late spring or early summer, yellowish, papillose, rather incrassate, .007-.010 mm. On earth, rocks, and rotten logs, in woods, usually in non- calcareous habitats; Europe, and from Arctic America south to North Carolina. Rare in our region. Cambria : Ebensburg. T.P.James. (Porter's Cata- logue). OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 323 McKean : On sandstone rocks, Rutherford Rocks, altitude 2000 feet, July 7, 1894, Divide be- tween Hawkins and Rutherford Hollows. April 23. 1893, and March 12, 1894, and Lang-made, May 9, 1896. (Figured). All near Bradford.' D. A. B. Lawrence : Slippery Rock Creek, 1906. Miss Susan Gageby. 2. Plagiothecium roeseanum ( Hampe. mss.) Bryologia Europaea. (Hvpniun sullivantiae Schimper ; H. roeseanum Hamps). Compactly cespitose, pale green to yellowish-green, shin- ing: stems more or less erect, sparsely branched, radiculose at base ; leaves crowded, sub-imbricate, ovate-oblong, abruptly and shortly filiform-acuminate, serrulate towards the apex ; thin, concave, glossy, the leaves hardly complanate but the branches appearing julaceous; costa bifid, rather long and strong: median leaf-cells narrowly linear, about 15:1, the basal scarcely different, a little broader and shorter : perichaetial leaves erect, the inner oblong, narrowly acuminate: capsule cylindric-oblong, erect to sub-inclined, smooth when dry, con- stricted at the neck ; lid conic, obliquely short-rostrate ; annulus large, simple : peristome hypnoid, the 2 cilia strong and about as long as the entire segments ; spores mature in summer. On stones and earth in moist or swampy woods ; Europe, Asia, and from Xova Scotia to Alaska and south to Florida. Not yet found in our region. 3. Plagiothecium sylvaticum | Hudson] Bryologia Europaea. (Hypmnn sik'aticum Hudson: H. denticulatum C. Mueller). (Plate XLVID Both this and P. roeseanum are perhaps but varieties of P. denticulatum, but until better known should probably be kept apart as separate species. Tufts large, dull or but slightly fflossv. deep olive-crreen to vellowish-green ; stems prostrate, " /•* stoloniferous ; leaves rather soft, large, concave about 2-3 mm. lone, not very regularly complanate, widely spreading, shrinking and somewhat twisted when dry. broadly ovate- lanceolate, narrowed considerably towards the decurrent base, tapering abruptly to the acute, entire or obsoletely denticulate apex, plane-margined; costa rather faint, double, often reach- ing one-third the length of the leaf: median leaf-cells about 8-10:1, about .016 mm. wide, large, hexagonal-rhomboid, the alar cells numerous and quadrate-oblong, sub-inflated, hyaline and decurrent ; perichsetia bearing rhizoids at base, about 3 mm. high, the leaves sheathing with a flexuous acumen, non- costate ; seta castaneous, slender, about 2-4 cm. long, dextrorse 324 A MANUAL OF MOSSES above when dry ; capsule yellowish, about 2 mm. long, cylindric from a tapering- neck, inclined, arcuate, smooth, but when dry and empty somewhat striate ; lid conic, acuminate to sub- rostrate, about one-half as long as the urn ; peristome-teeth bright orange at base, pale above, lance-subulate, confluent at base, closely trabeculate, the dorsal lamellae finely cross- striolate; segments slender, about as long as the teeth, nar- rowly carinately gaping, the basal membrane about one-third as high, the cilia very slender, about as long as the segments, nodose, usually 3 in number ; exothecial cells moderately in- J •* crassate, small and quadrate at rim, larger and oblong-rec- tangular to rounded-hexagonal below; annulus large, re- voluble, 2-seriate ; spores pale yellowish, smooth, rather thin- walled, .006-,010 mm., mature in mid-summer. On humus, rocks, rotten logs, etc., in woods ; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from southern Canada to Alabama and from Alaska to Oregon. Probably more common in our region than the localities here enumerated would indicate. Allegheny : Panther Hollow, Schenley Park, Pitts- burgh, November 25, 1905, and \Yildwood Road Hollow, Tune 11, 1908. (Figured). O. E. J. ; Wildwood Road Hollow, No- vember 19, 1908. O. E. T. and G. K. T- Crawford : Linesville, May 12. 1908. O. E. J. Westmoreland : "Shades," near Blackburn, June 13, 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Manila Brook, Bradford, October 22 and November 16, 1896. D. A. B. 4. Plagiothecium denticulatum [Linnaeus] Bryologia Europaea. (Hypiuun denticulatum Linnaeus). (Plate XLVIII) Variable, in flattened tufts of a pale and lustrous green, moderately robust, the more or less ascending and elongate branches complanate ; leaves rather close, complanate and sub- distichous, rather spreading, when dry little changed, glossy, 2-3 mm. long, sub-concave, oval to lance-oblong, shortly and sometimes almost apiculately acute, usually slightly denticu- late at the apex, the lower margins entire and often narrowly recurved, the base narrowed to a rather wride and strongly decurrent insertion ; costa thin, variable, usually short and double, sometimes forked and reaching almost to the middle, sometimes none; median leaf-cells rhomboid-hexagonal, rather large, about 10-15:1, about .010-.015 mm. wide, thin-walled, chlorophyllose, gradually becoming laxer, pellucid, and more or less rectangular at base, the alar more hyaline, sub-rec- tangular, sub-inflated, and still somewhat larger but not form- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 325 ing clearly differentiated auricles, strongly decurrent ; the apical leaf-cells much smaller, incrassate, rhomboid : seta about 2.5-4 cm. long, flexuous, dextrorse above when dry, slender ; capsule-urn about 2.5 mm. long, sub-erect to horizontal, cylin- dric and with a distinct neck, arcuate to nearly symmetric, when dry and empty sometimes striate ; lid conic, obtusely acuminate to long-acuminate, about one-third as long as the urn ; annulus usually 2-seriate, large, revoluble ; exothecial cells rounded-quadrate, small at rim, gradually larger and more oblong below, all incrassate ; peristome-teeth lance-subulate, hyaline and papillose above, yellowish and dorsally cross- striolate below, strongly lamellate and trabeculate, confluent at base; segments slender, as long as the teeth, basal mem- brane one-third as high, cilia 2 or 3, usually 3, slender, nodose ; spores smooth, medium-walled, yellowish, .008-.011 mm., ma- ture in summer. On stones, humus, and rotten wood, in moist forests ; cosmopolitan in temperate and cooler regions ; in North America from the Arctic regions to the northern United States. Very common in our region. Allegheny Butler Cambria Clearfield Erie Fayette Jefferson Lawrence McKean Westmoreland Eighteen pockets determined, collected in various localities, mainly on earth or rocks in ravines. Mostly O. E. J. and G. K. J. On base of Ouercns platanoides, in low ground along Brush Creek, Crider's Corners, 'April 26, 1908. O. E. J. Ebensburg. T. P. James. ( Porter's Cata- logue). Between Clearfield and Pottersdale, July 12, 1908. O. E. J. Presque Isle, May 8-9, 1906. O. E. J. Ohio Pyle, May 30-31, 1908. O. E. J. and four miles south of Ohio Pyle, September 1-3. 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. ; Cheat Haven. September 3-6, 1910. O. E. T- and G. K. J. Falls Creek, July 18, 1904. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). Gorge below Ellwood City, June 26, 1909. O. E. J. Bolivar Run. September 6, 1897. D. A. B. Miss K. R. Holmes. Apollo, 1902: two miles south of Trafford, August 21, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 326 A MAXL'AL Ol- MOSSES Family XXXII. SEMATOPHYLLACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous; antheridial clusters gemmiform, small ; archegonial clusters on very short, usually rooting, perichsetial branches : slender to robust, cespitose. green to yellowish or brownish, often lustrous : stem without central strand, creeping to ascending, mostly irregularly branched, sometimes more or less regularly pinnate : paraphyllia none ; leaves pluriseriate, mostly uniform and symmetric, of various forms ; costa double, very short or none ; cells mostly pros- enchymatous, smooth or papillose, in the leaf-angles one row being oblong, inflated, thin-walled : capsule exserted, mostly cernuous to pendent, mostly oval to oblong, usually unsyin- metric, collum weak; exothecial cells collenchymatous; annulus none ; peristome-teeth as long as the segments, the latter rarely lacking, the teeth mostly entirely separate, mainly dorsally striate, lamella mostly well-developed, inner peris- tome free; basal membrane high, segments mostly carinate and lance-subulate, rarely filiform, cilia usually present ; spores mostly small; lid from a convex-conic base slenderly rostrate; calyptra mostly cucullate and glabrous. A rather large family almost exclusively of tropic and sub- tropic distribution and mostly living on trees ; in our region there occurs but one ^eiius. as follows : 1. RHAPHIDOSTEGIUM (Bryologia Europjea) DeXotaris. Usually autoicous ; slender to robust, mostly densely and widely cespitose, dark to pale green or yellowish to brownish : stem creeping, more or less elongate, regularly pinnately branched or irregular, with branches horizontally spreading to erect, rather jnlaceous; leaves uniform, non-plicate, concave, oval to oblong or oblong-elliptic, obtuse to piliferous-acumi- nate; usually ecostate, rarely obsoletely bi-costate ; cells nar- rowly prosenchymatous, the apical sometimes rhombic, the basal golden-yellow, narrowly rectangular, incrassate and porose, the alar oblong, inflated, hyaline to yellowish or red- brown and forming a small, non-excavate group bounded above by small quadrate cells ; seta long, mostly smooth ; cap- sule sub-erect or horizontally inclined, oval to oblong, smooth ; peristome hypnoid, teeth lance-subulate, with divisural zigzag, hyaline-bordered, prominently lamellate, especially so in the upper third; peristome-segments yellowish, carinate, with a high basal membrane, mostly split, cilia 1 or 2, nodose, or sometimes rudimentary; spores small, lid slenderly subulate- rostrate ; calyptra glabrous. A genus of about 250 species of temperate and warmer regions, occurring mainly on trees and rocks ; about 40 species occur in North America ; 3 or possibly 4 species in our region. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 32? • Key to the Species. a. Capsules erect and symmetric or nearly so; leaves secund upwards and branches curved at ends. 3. R. adnatum. a. Capsules more or less inclined to horizontal; leaves erect-spreading in all directions, or somewhat secund. b. b. Leaves serrate, sub-orbicular. 2. R. novae-caesareac. b. Leaves entire or nearly so; oblong-ovate to more or less lanceo- late, c. c. Leaves usually more than 2 mm. long. (R. maryktndicum (C. M.) Jaeg and Sauerb. > c. Leaves usually less than 1.5 mm. long. 1. R. carolinianum. I. Rhaphidostegium carolinianum (C. Mueller; Jaeger. (Hypmim carolinianum C. Mueller; H. demissum var. carolin- ianum Lesquereux and James; Seuiatophyllnm carolinianum E. G. Britton). (Plate XL VII I) Rather dark green, drooping-cespitose, lustrous : stems ir- regularly branching, often buried in the sand and then more or less leafless and with erect to ascending simple branchlets about 1-1.5 cm. long; leaves imbricate, more or less secund or complanate above, non-plicate, concave, lance-ovate or lance-oblong, more or less sub-serrulate at apex, shortly acute, the margin often rather broadly reflexed ; costa none, or faintly indicated by striae ; median leaf-cells linear-flexuous, small, in- crassate, about 8-10:1, towards the base shorter and broader, the alar abruptly much enlarged and inflated to form a group of 2-8 pellucid and hyaline or colored cells ; perichsetial leaves rather closely imbricate, lance-oblong, acuminate : seta erect, sinistrorse below, castaneous, about 1 cm. long; capsule curved and inclined, constricted below the mouth when dry and empty, the urn about 1.2-1.5 mm. long, oblong-pyriform, yel- lowish ; exothecial cells rounded-hexagonal, collenchymatous ; peristome orange-yellow, the teeth with distinct divisural and lamellae, dorsally cross-striolate, hyaline-margined, strongly trabeculate ; segments about as long, slender, rarely split, the cilia 1 (or 2), about one-half to two-thirds as long as seg- ments, the basal membrane about two-fifths the height of the peristome; lid comparatively large, the beak oblique, subulate, and about two-thirds to three-fourths as long as the urn ; spores smooth, yellowish-incrassate, usually chlorophyllose, about .014-.018 mm., mature in summer or early autumn. On wret non-calcareous rocks, mainly in ravines in hilly or mountainous districts ; Asia, and from Newfoundland south- wards to Georgia. Probably not uncommon in our region. Allegheny : Haysville Hollow, September 20, 1908. O. E. J. ; on damp rocks under hemlocks, Wildwood Road, November 19, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. 328 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES • Fayette : On damp rocks in deep hollows and ravines, Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906, and September 1-3, 1907. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured); also May 30-31, June 13, and July 4, 1908. O. E. J. ; Ohio Pyle, June 15, 1902. J. A. S. 2. Rhaphidostegium novae-caesareae (Austin) Renauld and Cardot. (Hypnnin micans Wilson, not Swartz ; Rhynchostegium norac- cacsarcae Austin) . (Plate XLVIII) Small, yellowish-green, glossy, forming wide, thin mats: stems prostrate, very slender, sparsely branching, the branches short, simple or sparsely branched, sub-erect; leaves spread- ing or the upper sometimes sub-secund, sub-orbicular, apicu- late to shortly acuminate, 0.6-0.8 mm. long, serrulate, very concave, the margins somewhat reflexed below ; costa double and very faint; median leaf-cells linear, flexuous, about 6-10:1. the apical rhomboid-oblong, rather incrassate, much smaller than the median, the basal a little shorter and wider than the median, the alar region with about 6 to 10 larger, quadrate to rectangular, rather incrassate cells and with the outermost one to three cells much larger and more or less inflated : the capsules of this species have thus far been found but once.- on damp rocks along Stony Creek, Carbon County, Pennsyl- vania, by Francis AVolle : capsules small with a shortly rostrate lid, the exothecial cells non-collenchymatous : dioicous. On damp rocks in cool and moist mountain ravines from New York and New Jersey southwards in the mountains. Rare in our region. . McKean : Bennett Brook, July 10, 1898. D. A. B. (Figured ). 3. Rhaphidostegium adnaturn (Richard) Bryologia Europsea. (Lcskea adnata Richard; Rh. microcarpum Jaeger; Leskea microcarpa Bridel ; Seuiatophyllnin adnatiun E. G. Britton). Small, in tangled, thin, green to golden-green mats : stems prostrate, with short and incurved branches ; leaves rather closely imbricate when dry, sub-homomallous, the upper usual- ly distinctly secund, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, the apex rather shortly acuminate, subserrulate to entire, margins quite broadly reflexed ; costa double but very short and faint ; median leaf-cells linear-fusiform, flexuous, about 8-12:1, shorter and wider at the base, towards the angles a border of sub-rectangular and scarcely inflated cells and at the extreme angle a fewr distinctly inflated alar cells : seta short and smooth, OF WESTERX PEXXSYLVAXIA 329 about 5-8 mm. long; calyptra more or less persistent, cucullate, reaching to a little below the mouth of the urn ; capsule castaneous, about 1-1.3 mm. long, oblong to oblong-cylindric, about 2-2.5:1, erect and symmetric or nearly so, thin-walled but with collenchymatous exothecial cells, slightly constricted below the reddish rim when dry and empty ; annulus none ; lid obliquely subulate-rostrate from a conical base, about as long- as the urn ; peristome-teeth with an unusually distinct and heavy divisural, cilia single and usually about half as long as the usually entire segments, basal membrane reaching to about one-third the height of the inner peristome; spores ma- ture in late summer to fall. On base of trees : in moist woods from southern Xew England to Ohio and southwards to the Gulf States. Xot yet found in our region. Family XXXIII. BRACHYTHECIACEAE. Autoicous or dioicous ; paraphyses filiform ; anthericlial clusters gemmiform ; archegonial clusters on very short, root- ing branches: slender to robust: stem with central strand, creeping to ascending, or rarely erect, often interruptedly stoloniferous, fasciculately radiculose. mostly irregularly pinnate ; branches mostly acute, often rlagelliform and rooting at the ends : leaves unistratose, pluriseriate, erect-spreading or appressed, rarely homomallous, dimorphic in the stolonifer- ous species ; cordate-oblong to lance-ovate or lanceolate, acumi- nate or rarely obtuse; costa mostly incomplete; median leaf- cells prosenchymatous, elongate-rhomboid to linear-vermicular, smooth or rarely papillose towards the upper end of the cell, the basal cells lax and often porose, the alar usually differ- entiated, being quadrate, green or hyaline, never inflated: seta elongate, often rough ; capsule cernuous to horizontal, mostly short, ovate or oblong and dorsally gibbous, when dry and empty more or less arcuate, rarely erect and symmetric, oval to oblong-cylindric, never pendent, smooth; collum faint; exothecial cells collenchymatous; peristome hypnoid ; teeth lance-subulate, mostly strongly hygroscopic, basally confluent, yellow or orange to red-brown, with a zigzag divisural, dorsal- ly cross-striate, lamellae numerous and well-developed ; inner peristome mostly free, with a high basal membrane, carinate segments which are lance-subulate, cilia mostly complete, rarely none or rudimentary: lid conic, obtuse to acute, often long-rostrate ; calyptra cucullate, early deciduous, mostly glabrous. A large and cosmopolitan family on various substrata, containing about 20 genera with 460 species. 330 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Key to the Genera. a. Capsule erect and symmetric; basal membrane mostly low. 1. Homalotheciclla. a. Capsule cernuous to horizontal, un symmetric; basal membrane mostly high. b. b. Leaves with several deep plications. 2. Camptothecium. b. Leaves not deeply plicate. c. c. Lid conic, sometimes acute; alar cells differentiated. 3. Brachythecium. c. Lid long-rostrate; alar cells few or none. d. d. Cells narrow, smooth. e. d. Cells oblong-rhomboidal to oblong-hexagonal, those of the branch-leaves more or less rough dorsally. 7. Bryhnia. e. Leaves complanate. 8. Rhynchostegium. e. Leaves imbricated or spreading. f. f. Leaves deeply concave, spoon-like, abruptly piliferous-acumi- nate. 4. Cirriphyllum. f. Leaves plane or somewhat concave, acute or gradually acumi- nate, not piliferous. g. g. Seta smooth in our species; leaves not much concave, nonplicate. 5. Oxyrrhynch lu ;/; . g. Seta rough or smooth: leaves mostly concave and plicate. 6. Hurhynchium. 1. HOMALOTHECIHLLA (Cardot) Brotherus. Autoicous : slender, soft, laxly cespitose, green, lustrous : stem creeping, elongate, beset thickly with obtuse, short, ascending to erect, densely-leaved branches which are often arcuate when dry; paraphyllia none; when dry the leaves im- bricate, when moist erect-spreading, non-decurrent, non- plicate, concave, oval to oblong, the apex acuminate to lance- subulate, upper half of leaf serrulate to entire ; costa simple, sometimes reaching to mid-leaf ; median leaf-cells oblong- elliptic, thin, smooth, the alar green, numerous, quadrate; inner perichaetial leaves abruptly serrate-subulate from a sheathing base ; seta about 7 mm. long, castaneous, rough ; capsule erect to sub-erect, weakly unsymmetric, oblong, dry- ing somewhat constricted below the mouth and often sub- arcuate; annulus present; inner peristome much shorter than the outer, teeth basally confluent, lance-linear, dorsally cross- striate, apically papillose, lamellae laterally projecting; inner peristome somewhat united with the outer, yellow, smooth, with low basal membrane, segments short, narrow, entire, cilia none ; lid long-rostrate ; calyptra slightly hairy at base. A small genus of three North American species ; one species occurring in our range. 1. Homalotheciella subcapillata (Hedwig) Brotherus. (Pterigynandrum subcapillatum Hedwig; Homalothccium sub- capillatum Sullivant) . Forming light green, thin, glossy mats : stems prostrate, irregularly branching; leaves loosely imbricate when dry, OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 331 elliptic-oblong, abruptly long-acuminate, more or less serrate above, about 0.9-1.2 mm. long, concave, non-plicate, not papil- lose; costa usually reaching about to the middle of the leaf; median leaf-cells, about 8-10:1, fusiform-elliptic, towards the apex somewhat shorter, the alar quadrate, numerous and forming a group which extends upwards along the margin to often one-third the length of the leaf; inner perichsetial leaves sheathing, long-acuminate : seta rough, about 6-9 mm. long, slender; capsule about 2-3.5:1, sub-erect, slightly incurved, dorsally somewhat gibbous, slightly constricted below the mouth when dry ; peristome-teeth confluent at base, dark red, with a broad pellucid central stripe marked by a delicate medial line, the segments adhering to and lining the teeth inside, form- ing a hyaline border ; spores mature in autumn. On bark of trees and on fallen trunks in woods ; in the eastern United States from New England to North Carolina. Rare in our region. Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. CAMPTOTHECIUM Bryologia Europ^a. Dioicous and pseudautoicous : slender to robust, widely cespitose, mostly yellowish-green, drying stiff, mostly lustrous: stem elongate, procumbent to ascending to erect, thickly- leaved, sometimes stoloniferous, more or less regularly pinnate ; leaves erect-spreading, sometimes weakly secund, non-decurrent or but scarcely decurrent, slightly concave, strongly plicate, lance-oval, subulate-acuminate, serrulate all around; costa simple, ending near or in the apex; median leaf- cells prosenchymatous, vermicular, thin, smooth, or with weakly projecting upper angles, the basal lax, yellow, porose, the alar numerous, quadrate ; perichsetium not rooting, inner perichsetial leaves much elongate and abruptly subulate : seta moderately long, castaneous, mostly rough, drying twisted ; capsule cernuous to horizontal, dorsally gibbous, oblong to ob- long-cylindric, more or less curved; annulus present; peris- tome-teeth basally confluent, linear-subulate, bordered, dorsal- ly cross-striate, thickly lamellate; inner peristome of same length, free, the segments broad and carinately split, cilia strong and nodose ; lid conic-acute to thickly rostrate ; calyptra glabrous. A genus of about 15 species, confined mainly to tem- perate regions on soil, bark of trees in woods, or in swamps ; a number of species occur in the West, but in our region only the following: 1. Camptothecium nitens [Schreber] Schimper. (Hypiium nitens Schreber). A striking species by reason of its bright yellow or golden color, silky lustre, strongly plicate leaves, and stems densely 332 A MANUAL OF MOSSES covered by a felt of reddish radicles : the stems often reach a length of 10 cm., strong; the elongate-lanceolate leaves en- tire, strongly plicate, marginally revolute, gradually and even- ly narrowed to the slender apex, reaching usually over 3 mm. long; median leaf-cells linear, the basal shorter with very thick and porose walls, the alar broader and short-rectangular to sub-quadrate but rather few in number and not forming a very distinct auricle : seta smooth ; capsule cylindric, arcuate. In wet meadows, bogs, and swamps ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America to northern United States. Occurs in Eastern Pennsylvania but not yet reported in our region. 3. BRACHYTHHCIUM Bryologia Europsea. Autoicotts or dioicous : slender to robust, mostly widely and flatly cespitose, green or yellowish-green to whitish, sometimes lustrous : stems creeping or procumbent, sometimes more or less erect, thickly-leaved, irregularly divided, inter- ruptedly pinnate, stolon-like at the apex; stem and branch- leaves unlike, stem-leaves erect-spreading to spreading, more or less concave, mostly plicate, narrowly lanceolate from a narrowed, ovate or triangular-cordate and decurrent base, acuminate, marginally plane, serrate all around or only towards the apex, rarely entire ; costa simple, usually long but rarely complete ; median leaf-cells narrow to moderately wide, elongate-rhomboid to linear, smooth, the basal more lax, and shorter, the alar quadrate to rectangular or oblong-hexagonal, forming a rather indefinitely bounded group ; branch-leaves mostly shorter, narrower, with a somewhat weaker costa; inner perichsetial leaves slenderly and finely acuminate : seta more or less long, smooth to rough ; capsule cernuous to hori- zontal, rarely erect, mostly short-oval and dorsally gibbous, rarely oblong-cylindric, slightly arcuate when dry and empty ; usually annulate ; peristome-teeth strong, basally confluent, dorsally cross-striate, apically papillate, thickly lamellate ; inner peristome about the same length, yellow to orange, free, with wide basal membrane, the segments broadly lanceolate, long-acuminate, carinately split and often gaping, cilia com- plete, nodose to appendiculate, rarely rudimentary or lacking ; lid conic-convex, obtuse to acute ; calyptra glabrous. A genus of about 190 species, occurring on various sub- strata, mostly confined to temperate regions ; in North America about 55 species; at least 14 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Seta smooth. b. a. Seta rough, at least in part. g. b. Annulus none, cilia rudimentary or none. c. b. Annulus often present; cilia well-developed. d. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 333 c. Middle leaf-cells about 4-8:1; slender plants. 1. B. cyrtophylhtm. c. Middle leaf-cells about 9:1: rather robust. 2. B. acuminatiun. d. Capsules sub-erect, narrowly cylindric-oblong; usually more than 3:1. 3. B. oxycladon. d. Capsules cernuous, less than 3:1. e. e. Stem-leaves narrowed gradually from base to acuminate apex, non-plicate. 7. B. acutiun. e Stem-leaves ovate-lanceolate, more or less plicate. f. f. Stem-leaves broad, about 1 mm. at base. 5. B. salebrosum. f. Stem-leaves narrow, about 0.5-0.6 mm. at base. 6. B. fle.ricaule. g. Seta rough only above. h. g. Seta rough throughout. j. h. Costa percurrent or very nearly so. 13. B. populeiim. h. Costa ending about in middle of the leaf. i. i. Leaves more or less plicate: cilia non-appendiculate. 4. B. campestre. i. Leaves non-plicate: cilia appendiculate. 14. B. flagcllarc. j. Cilia appendiculate. k j. Cilia non-appendiculate. I. k. Costa percurrent or sub-percurrent. 10. B. refle.rum. k. Costa distinctly incomplete. 11. B. starkii. 1. Leaves very short-acuminate, non-decurrent. 9. B. rivulare. I. Leaves gradually acuminate. m. m. Slender; leaves lanceolate, often secund. 12. B. velutinum. m. Robust: leaves ovate to lance-ovate, not secund. 8. B. nitabuluin. •or 1. Brachythecium cyrtophyllum Kindben (Plate XLVIII) Cespitose, lustrous, dark green : stems irregularly branch- ing to sub-pinnate, creeping, up to 4 to 6 cm. long; stem- leaves lance-ovate, up to 1 or 1.5 mm. long; branch-leaves similar but narrower and smaller, lance-ovate to ovate, acute to short-acuminate. 0.6-0.8x0-3 mm., rather close, loosely ap- pressed when dry, serrulate at least in the upper half, mar- ginally reflexed at base, not plicate, not decurrent, when moist more or less spreading: costa stout, reaching about two-thirds the length of the leaf; median leaf-cells rhomboid-fusiform, about 4-8:1, the alar sub-quadrate, numerous, sub-inflated, somewhat chlorophyllose : perichsetial leaves ecostate, half- sheathing : seta about 2-2.5 cm. long, dextrorse above, erect, flexuous ; capsule erect, cylindric, sometimes slightly curved, from 1.5 to 3 mm. long, castaneous, smooth; annulus none; peristome-teeth slender, pale castaneous, confluent at base, hyaline and papillose above, the dorsal lamellae closely cross- striolate below, the trabeculse close and strong ; segments nearly as long as the teeth, slender, pale yellowish, more or less carinately split, the cilia rudimentary or none; basal 334 A MANUAL OF MOSSES membrane about one-fourth the height of the teeth ; lid high- conic, usually acutely apiculate ; spores papillose, brownish, medium- to thick-walled, .G12-.016 mm., mature in autumn. Very closely related to the following species, which it ap- parently replaces to the west and northwest of our region. On roots and bases of trees and on old logs, in woods from our region northwestward to Minnesota and Ontario. Uncommon in our region. Allegheny : Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, on old logs in ravine, January 21, 1906 (Figured), and March 8, 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Bradford. D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Brachythecium acuminatum ( Hedwig) Kindberg. (Leskca acuminata Hedwig; Hypnnm acuminatum Beauvois). (Plate XLIX) Widely and somewhat densely cespitose, dark to yellow- ish-green, glossy : stems slender, prostrate, up to 5 to 8 cm. long, bearing rhizoids, at least near the perichaetia, rather dis- tantly and unequally branched, the branches two-ranked, plumose to sub-julaceous, acute, not usually more than 1 cm. long ; stem-leaves close, erect-spreading, lance-ovate to ovate, about 1-1.5 mm. long, acuminate, concave, with the borders reflexed below, the upper half serrulate, the leaf non-plicate or but slightly plicate ; narrowed and somewhat decurrent at the base ; costa usually reaching beyond the middle of the leaf ; branch-leaves similar to the stem-leaves but relatively nar- rower and smaller ; median leaf-cells linear-flexuose, about 8-12:1, medium-walled, prosenchymatous with rounded ends, apical cells a little shorter, the basal sub-quadrate or sub- rectangular, the alar numerous and sub-quadrate to quadrate, rather thin-walled and sub-inflated : seta erect, castaneous, flexuous, about 1-1.5 cm. long; capsule castaneous, erect, the urn 1.5-3 mm. long, sometimes slightly curved, cylindric, about 3.5-4.5:1, tapering at base; lid high-conic, acute to apiculate ; exothecial cells densely yellowish-incrassate, small, rounded but varying to quite irregular in size and shape but with rounded corners ; peristome-teeth narrow, castaneous, numerously trabeculate, hyaline and papillose above, dorsally cross-striolate below, the lamellae distinct, teeth confluent at base ; segments about as long as the teeth, narrow, carinately split, cilia rudimentary or none, the basal membrane only about one-fourth as high as the teeth ; annulus none ; spores castane- ous, papillose, medium-walled, about .014-.018 mm., mature in late fall or in winter. On earth, woods-humus, roots and bases of trees, stones, and very often on rotten logs, forming wide mats, in woods OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 335 from the southern part of Canada to the Gulf States and Colorado. Rather common in our region. Allegheny : Thirteen pockets determined from various localities, mainly on old logs in ravines. (3. E. T- and G. K. J. ; Fern Hollow, Jan- uary 21, 1906. O. E. J. (Figured). deal-field : Phillipsburg. T. P. James. Porter's Cata- logue). MoKean : Gate's Hollow, Bradford, April 29, 1898. D. A. B. Issued as Grout's No. 116, North American Mttsci Pleurocarpi. Westmoreland : Near Apollo, 1902. Miss K. R. Holmes ; Greensburg, T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue). 3. Brachythecium oxycladon [Bridel] Jaeger. (B. lactum Bryologia Europsea ; Hypmim o.vycladon Bridel). Cespitose, bright or yellowish-green : stems prostrate, branching unequally and irregularly, the branchlets attenuate at the apex and erect ; leaves close, loosely imbricate, ovate in the stem-leaves and more lance-ovate in the branch-leaves, rather abruptly acuminate, concave, plicate, finely serrulate all around; costa rather narrow, extending about to mid-leaf; median leaf-cells long, narrow, about 8-10:1, flexuous, the basal more or less quadrate, the alar numerous, small, rather incrassate. the alar portion strongly deciirrenr : seta about 2.5 cm. long, flexuous. flattened and dextrorse when dry; capsule sub-erect, about 4:1, 3-4 mm. long, oblong-cylindric, when dry somewhat arcuate and often inclined ; lid conic- acuminate ; annulus none ; peristome parts of about equal length, hypnoid, the cilia somewhat appendiculate, usually 2 in number: spores mature in fall. On earth, rocks, roots and bases of trees, in woods, but not so frequently occurring on rotten logs as do some of the other species. Not yet discovered in our region. 4. Brachythecium campestre (Bruch) Bryologia Europsea. (Hypnuin campcstre Bruch). (Plate XLIX) Very closely resembling B. salcbrosnm, but differing in having the seta smooth at base and slightly rough above. Grout notes that the leaves are usually looser and more distant — "Mosses" page 278. Otherwise the characters are as given for B. salcbrosnm. On moist earth, rocks, or on rotten logs, usually prefer- ring a non-calcareous habitat. Spores mature in winter. Eu- rope. Asia, northern Africa, and, in North America, from Canada to the northern United States and south in the moun- 336 A MANUAL OF MOSSES tains to Alabama and Colorado. Rather infrequent in our region. Allegheny : Darlington Hollow, Sharpsburg, October 25, 1908, and Power's Run, on shaded rock, November 30, 1909. (Figured). O. E. J. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, along Meadow Run Valley, four miles south of village, September 1- 3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Mc-Kean : Bennett Brook, August 26, 1894, and Quintuple, September 9, 1896. D. A. B. Both near Bradford. 5. Brachythecium salebrosum [Hoffmann] Bryologia Europsea. (Hypnuin salebrosum Hoffmann). (Plate XLIX) Widely cespitose in glossy, dark yellow-green mats : stems usually 5 or 6 cm. or more long, creeping and irregularly branching; stem-leaves lance-ovate, about 1.5-2.5x0-6-1.1 mm., in our region apparently somewhat smaller than most descriptions call for; branch-leaves similar, lanceolate, about 1.8-2.2x0.5-0.6 mm., abruptly slenderly acuminate, serrate above, entire or sub-serrulate below, concave, the lower mar- gins narrowly reflexed, the narrow insertion dccurrent, both kinds of leaves plicate and erect-spreading, costa thin, usually reaching to the middle or a little above ; median leaf-cells linear-fusiform, flexuous, about 8-12:1, the basal shorter and broader, usually two or three rows of lax, rather large, oblong or sub-quadrate cells across the whole base of the leaf, the alar more numerous, lax, sub-quadrate, rather thin-walled, the alae quite strongly decurrent ; perichretial leaves filiform- acuminate, ecostate or nearly so: seta smooth, castaneous, about 2-2.5 cm. long, flexuous, flattened and twisted when dry ; capsule oblong-ovoid, dorsally turgid, inclined to horizontal, usually somewhat arcuate, about 2-3:1, castaneous, the urn about 2-2.5 mm. long; the lid conic-acuminate, about 1 mm. long ; annulus narrow ; exothecial cells rounded-quadrate at the rim, larger and irregularly oblong or elliptic below, all strongly yellowish-incrassate ; peristome-teeth slender, con- fluent at base, closely trabeculate and lamellate, dorsally cross- striolate and brownish below, hyaline and papillose above, rather prominently margined; segments about as long as the teeth, finely papillose, carinately split and usually gaping; cilia a little shorter, hyaline, nodose, 1 to 3 in number; basal mem- brane about one-third as high as the teeth ; spores mature in OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 337 late fall or winter, about .015-.020 mm., the walls medium- incrassate, brownish, and somewhat papillose: autoicous. On earth, stones, roots and bases of trees, rotten wood, etc., in moist, shady woods ; said to be especially common in pine or hemlock woods ; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from Arctic America southward to South Carolina and Mis- souri. Common in our region. Allegheny : Moon Township, 1888. J. A. S. ; on rotten los:, Fern Hollow, Pittsburgh, January 21, 1906, Douthett, April 26, 1908 (Figured), Guyasuta Hollow^ Sharpsburg, November 9, 1908, and Keown, November 14, 1909. O. E. J. Butler : On humus under Finns rigida, near Crider's Corners, December 29, 1908. O. E. J. Crawford : Pymatuning Swamp, Linesville, August 3, 1909. O. E. J. Clinton : Between Renovo and Haneyville, July 15, 1908. O. E. J. Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Langmade, Bradford, April 25, 1897, and Marilla Brook, Bradford, September 20, 1897. D. A. B. Westmoreland: Laurelville, May 30-31, 1903. J. A. S. ; Hillside. May 22, 1909. O. E. J. 6. Brachythecium flexicaule Renauld and Cardot. (Plate L) Widely cespitose, yellowish-green : stems usually 3-6 cm. long, creeping, irregularly pinnate; leaves plicate, erect- spreading, the stem-leaves lanceloate, about 1.8-2.5x0.6-0.9 mm. ; branch-leaves narrower, up to 2.4x0.5-0.7 mm., gradually slenderly acuminate from a deeply concave, some- what decurrent plicate base with often narrowly reflexed basal margins, the margins serrulate above ; costa extending to above the middle of the leaf; median leaf-cells linear-fusiform, prosenchymatous, flexuous, about 8-15 :1, rather incrassate, the apical shorter, the basal rather abruptly shorter and wider with two to four rows of large oblong to rounded-quadrate cells across the whole median base, the alar cells sub-quadrate, rather incrassate, numerous, the wings decurrent ; perichsetial leaves up to 3 mm. long with slender flexuous acuminations, partly sheathing, ecostate or nearly so : seta smooth, castane- ous, usually sinistrorse, 1.5-2.5 cm. long; capsule oblong- cylindric, inclined to nearly horizontal, dorsally gibbous, sub- arcuate, pale-castaneous, slightly narrowed below the rim when dry, the urn from 2-4 mm. long; lid conic-acurninate, about 338 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 1-1.3 mm. long-; exothecial cells small and rounded at the rim, below larger and oblong to linear-oblong, all sharply yellowish- iiicfassate : annulus indistinct ; peristome-teeth confluent at base, castaneous and dorsally cross-striolate below, closely trabeculate and lamellate, margined, hyaline towards apex ; segments very slender, about as long as teeth, carinately cleft and gaping in median portion, yellowish, papillose, basal membrane one-fourth to one-third as high, the cilia somewhat shorter than the segments, filiform, nodose, hyaline-papillose; spores rather incrasste, smoothish, brown-walled, .013-.016 mm. According to Grout this is probably B. salcbrosum variety densum Bryologia Europ^ea. In most characters it is quite similar to typical salcbrosum but differs in having narrow leaves with evenly narrowed and very slender acuminations. Ranging from New England and the Adirondacks to Ten- nessee, and occurring also in British Columbia. Rare in our region. Allegheny : Guyasuta Hollow on clay and stones, Oc- tober 12, 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Bennett Brook. May 3, 1893. D. A. B. (Figured). 7. Brachythecium acutum (Mitten) Sullivant. (Hypnitm acntum Mitten). Loosely cespitose, bright glossy green : stems long, flexu- ous. creeping, basally radiculose, sparsely branched ; branch- lets short, sometimes reflexed ; leaves loose, open-spreading, more imbricate when dry, lanceolate to lance-ovate, non-striate, slightly decurrent, plane-margined, scarcely concave, obscurely serrulate or almost entire, short auriculate at base, the mar- gins tapering gradually and almost in a straight line from base to apex; median leaf-cells linear-vermicular, about 10:1, the basal lax, the alar sub-quadrate, small, numerous and ex- tending down to form a rather strong decurrent portion ; costa reaching to somewhat above the middle ; stem-leaves wider, triangular-ovate, reaching 2.5x1 mm., long and slenderly acuminate: seta smooth, about 1.5-2.5 cm., long, flexuous ; capsule ovoid-oblong, dorsally turgid, inclined to horizontal, usually slightly arcuate, about 2-3:1; annulus narrow; peris- tome hypnoid, the cijia 2 or 3, strongly nodose to sub-ap- pendiculate ; lid conic-acuminate ; spores mature in late fall or winter. In moist woods on rotten logs and earth : Canada and the northern United States, south to Arkansas. Rare in our region. McKean : D. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). OF WESTERN* PENNSYLVANIA 339 hyaline and papillose at apex, strongly trabeculate ; segments slender, about as long as teeth, carinately split and often widely gaping in the middle, yellowish ; basal membrane about two-fifths as high as the teeth, the cilia 2 or 3, strongly ap- pendiculate, hyaline granular, a little shorter than the seg- ments; spores about .012-.015 mm., greenish-yellow or brown- ish, slightly roughened, medium- walled, mature in winter. On moist, rotten wood, stumps, bases of trees, earth, in moist woods in hilly or mountainous regions; Europe, and from Arctic America to northern United States as far south as Xew Jersey and Pennsylvania. Probably rare in our region. Elk ; Benezette. McMinn. (Porter's Cata- logue). McKean : On shaded banks along Marilla P.rook, Bradford, April 25. 1897. D. A. B. (Fig- ured). 12. Brachythecium velutinum [Linnaeus] Bryologia Europ?ea. (Hypnuin I'clnt'uunn Linnaeus; H. dcclhnun Mitten). (Plate LI) Slender and usually in low, soft, silky mats, bright or yellowish-green, prostrate : stems radiculose ; branches numer- ous, short, in our specimens the branches usually less than 5 mm. long, crowded, irregular or curved, more or less sub- pinnate ; branch-leaves loosely erect-spreading to sub-secund, more widely spreading when dry, lanceolate to lance-ovate, in ours mainly 1-1.5 mm. long, tapering to a long acumination, serrate, apically often twisted, shortly decurrent, faintly plicate, glossy when dry, marginally plane ; costa slender, reaching about to the middle ; median leaf-cells narrow-linear, rather obtuse, about 8-15:1, the apical similar but a little shorter, the basal shorter, the alar few, rather opaque, incrassate, sub- quadrate; the stem-leaves similar but usually not so large as some of the branch-leaves ; perichaetial leaves erect, slenderly acuminate, up to 1.8 mm. long: seta about 1.5 cm. long, very OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 343 rough, castaneous, flattened and twisted when dry; capsule about 2-2.5 mm. long, 2-3:1, turgid-oblong, dorsally gibbous to sub-arcuate, castaneous, inclined to horizontally spreading; exothecial cells small and rounded-quadrate at rim, oblong- rectangular below, all densely incrassate ; peristome-teeth slender, castaneous and confluent at base, apically hyaline and papillose, dorsally cross-striolate, closely trabeculate and lamellate ; segments nearly as long as the teeth, slender, cari- nately split between the nodes, yellowish, the basal membrane one-third to two-fifths as high ; cilia 2 or 3, nodose, hyaline, somewhat shorter than the segments; lid conic-acuminate, about 0.5-0.8 mm. long; annulus large; spores mature in win- ter, faintly roughened, medium- walled, brownish, .013-.016 mm. in diameter. On earth, rocks, bases of trees, rotting wood, etc., in rather dry woods, often on knolls ; Europe, Asia, and from Arctic America south to New Jersey and Pennsylvania and also in the Pacific States. Thus far reported but once in our region. McKean : Langmade, near Bradford, April 25, 1898. D. A. B. (Figured). 13. Brachythecium populeum (Hedwig) Bryologia Europaea. (Hypnum populeum Hedwig). Slender, densely cespitose in small yellowish green tufts, lustrous: stems procumbent, branched with numerous, more or less pinnately-arranged, erect or curved-ascending branches ; leaves of stem and branches similar except that the branch- leaves are narrower and lanceolate ; stem-leaves rather closely imbricated, erect to erect-spreading when dry, ovate-lanceolate, serrate to nearly entire, slenderly and gradually acuminate, non-striate, shortly decurrent ; costa strong and nearly reach- ing the apex ; median leaf-cells about 5-8 :1, sometimes relative- ly longer, the basal more or less rectangular, the alar numerous, often yellowish but rather opaque ; seta rough except towards the base, where nearly smooth, dark brown ; annulus persistent, simple, narrow ; capsule cernuous, turgid-ovate to oval, mostly dorsally gibbous, glossy, constricted at the mouth when dry ; lid short-acuminate ; peristome normal, cilia short, usually 1 or 2 and unequal, appendiculate; spores mature in winter; au- toicous. On roots of trees, stones, sometimes on bases of trees, in shady woods, said to be somew-hat partial to pine woods; Europe, northern Africa, and from Xova Scotia to North Caro- lina and in British Columbia. Rare in our region. McKean : "B. populeum nifescens." Bradford p. A. B. (Porter's Catalogue). 344 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 14. Brachythecium flagellare (Hedwig) New Combination. (Hypnum flagellare Hedwig; Hypnum plnmosum Swartz ; B. plnmosum Bryologia Europsea). (Plate LII) Robust in loose, wide, green mats, brownish below : stems prostrate, up to 5 or 6 or more cm. long, with rather densely pinnate branches ; the branches stout, ascending to erect, some- what tumid with the closely imbricate, concave leaves ; leaves crowded, erect-spreading when moist, imbricated when dry, often quite strongly falcate-secund, the branch-leaves lanceo- late to broadly lance-ovate, abruptly slenderly acuminate, about 1.3-2.0x0-4-0.9 mm., decurrent. serrate above to nearly entire, the base very concave somewhat excavate at the al?e, narrowed, sometimes striate when dry, margin plane or slight- ly recurved at the base ; costa reaching to the middle or a little farther; median leaf-cells narrow to linear, about 8-15:1, the apical shorter, the basal shorter, the median basal en- larged, rounded to oblong, incrassate, sometimes porose, the alar somewhat smaller, oblong to sub-quadrate, in- crassate and somewhat opaque ; stem-leaves similar, rather scattered, usually smaller and narrower, about 1.5x0-6-0.7 mm., narrowly triangular-ovate; perichsetial bracts more or less erect, partly sheathing : seta papillose in the upper half, cas- taneous, stout, 1.5-2.0 cm. long, sinistrorse below, sometimes dextrorse above; capsule about 1.5-2.5x1 mm., turgidly oval- oblong, blackish when old, dorsally gibbous, horizontal to sub- erect, somewhat unsymrnetric ; lid conic-acute about 0.6-0.8 mm. long ; annulus simple, persistent ; peristome-teeth cas- taneous. confluent at base, strongly trabeculate and lamellate, prominently margined by the projecting lamellae, dorsally cross-striolate below, hyaline and papillose at apex ; segments narrow, carinately split but usually not widely gaping, yellow- ish, nearly as long as teeth, the basal membrane about one- third as high ; cilia 2, nodose, hyaline, sometimes appendicu- late below, about as long as the segments ; spores smooth, medium-walled, brownish, about .013-.017 mm., mature in autumn. On rocks in streams, in non-calcareous habitats ; Europe, Asia, Hawaiian Islands, and from Newfoundland to British Columbia and south in the mountains to Alabama. Very com- mon n our regon. Allegheny : Fourteen pockets, various localities, vari- ous data ; Wildwood Road Hollow, No- vember 19, 1908. O. E. J. and G. K. J. (Figured). Bedford : Along Wills Creek, near Hyndman, Octo- ber 9, 1904. O. E. J. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 345 Center : Edge of sink-hole pond, Scotia, September 22, 1909. O. E. J. Fayette : On rocks in edge of Meadow Run. May 30. 1908. O. E. J, and G. K. J. McKean : Lewis' Run, Bradford, January 24, 1895. D. A. B. Westmoreland : Garrett Farm, two. miles south of Traf- ford, August 21, 1910. O. E. J. 14(7. Brachythecium flagellare variety homomallum (Bryologia Europcea) New Combination. (B. plnmosiim var. homomallum Bryologia Kurop:ea : . (Plate LI1) This variety differs from the type of the species in hav- ing the leaves distinctly falcate-secund. It is said to be gen- erally smaller with narrower leaves and with the capsule small and ovate. In the same pockets with typical B. flagellare can often be found specimens with characters approaching more or less closely the variety. The following pocket of specimens perhaps typical of the variety : McKean : Gate's Hollow. Bradford. April 18, 1897. T). A. B. (Figured). 4. CIRR1PHYLLUM Grout. Dioicous : slender to robust, widely cespitose, whitish to yellowish-green, rarely darker, mostly lustrous : stem creeping to ascending, often stolon-like, pinnately to fasciculately branched, often with flagellae ; branches ascending to erect, more or less densely-leaved and julacequs; leaves uniform, often spreading, often drying imbricate, concave, somewhat weakly plicate, ovate to oblong from a somewhat narrowed and decurrent base, more or less abruptly lanceolate to pilifer- ous at the apex, plane-margined, serrate to entire : costa simple, ending at or above the middle of the leaf, never ending in a dorsal spine; median leaf-cells narrowly prosenchymatous, smooth, the basal, shorter, thickened, and porose, the alar more or less numerous, short-rectangular to quadrate, mostly green ; inner perichsetial leaves from a sheathing base abruptly long and finely acuminate : seta elongate, mostly rough : cap- sule cernuous to horizontal, oval to oblong-oval, more or less dorsally gibbous, rarely erect and sub-cylindric ; annulus pres- ent; peristome as in Brachythecium: lid usually more or less long-rostrate from a conic base. A small genus of about 14 species, mostly in temperate regions on rocks and earth : 4 species in North America ; 2 species in our region. 346 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Key to the Species. a. Stems without stolons, almost regularly pinnate; the acumination about one-half as long as the body of the leaf: seta rough. 1. C. pi life nun. a. Stems with stolons, irregularly branched; the leaf-acumination short: seta smooth. 2. C. Boscii. 1. Cirriphyllum piliferum [Schreber] Grout. (Hypniun piliferum Schreber; Hnrhynchium piliferum Bryologia Europsea). Robust, in loose straggling patches, glossy yellow-green : stems elongate, up to 10 or 15 cm. long, prostrate, creeping, radiculose, more or less pinnate; the ends of the stems and branches of a paler shining green ; leaves concave, widely ob- long-ovate, spoon-shaped, abruptly hair-pointed from the rounded apex, the piliferous acumination often reaching one- half the length of the main portion of the leaf, towards the apex of the stems and branches the leaves more closely im- bricate and forming cuspidate terete points, but with the pili- ferous leaf-tips flexuous-spreading, leaf-margin usually slightly denticulate, plane or inflexed ; when dry the leaves striate ; median leaf-cells about 10-15:1, the basal more lax, shorter and wider, the angular forming a well-defined patch, large, oval-rectangualr ; the branch-leaves somewhat smaller, nar- rower and more gradually pointed ; costa broad at base, reach- ing to about three-fourths the length of the leaf : seta about 2.5 cm. long, rough ; capsule oval-oblong to turgid, somewhat arcuate, when dry and empty strongly arcuate and constricted below the mouth, about 2 mm. long ; lid conic with a subulate beak about as long as urn, 2 mm. ; peristome large, teeth long, the segments about as long, the cilia non-appendiculate, 2 or 3, about as long as the segments ; spores mature in fall but capsules rarely found. In wet woods and swampy meadows, on the ground or on the bases of trees ; Europe, and from Greenland to Mary- land and Ohio, also from Montana to California. Not common n our regon. Elk : Benezette. McMinn. (Porter's Cata- logue). McKean : D. A. Burnett. (Porter's Catalogue). 2. Cirriphyllum boscii (Schwaegrichen) Grout. (Hypnum boscii Schwaegrichen; Enrynchium Boscii Jaeger). (Plate LIT) Loosely cespitose in large, golden-green mats, the older portions blackish, robust: stems up to 8-10 cm. long, prostrate, sorne\vhat pinnately branching, the branches mostly simple, erect, turgid-terete ; leaves closely to loosely imbricate, large, OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 347 about 1.5-2.5 mm. long, spoon-shaped, abruptly acuminate, the acumination filiform and twisted, the leaves oblong-ovate, scarious, shining; costa double and short, or simple and reach- ing to the leaf-middle ; median leaf-cells narrowly linear- rhomboid, the marginal shorter and mainly rhomboid, the basal short, wide, yellowish-brown, pellucid, irregularly oblong to rectangular, larger but shorter, the alar incrassate, quadrate, forming an indistinct group, the apical shorter and wider than the median, the median about 6-10:1; perich?etial leaves nar- rowly long-acuminate, the inner erect : seta smooth ; capsule oblong, about 2.5-3:1, the urn about 2 mm. long, inclined, sub- arcuate ; lid sharply obliquely rostrate, about 1 mm. long ; annulus present ; peristome normally hypnoid with somewhat split segments and cilia 3, about as long as segments ; spores mature in fall. On earth or rocks in moist woods, often at the edges of the woods, or even in the fields; from New England to Florida and westward to Colorado. Probably fairly common in our region. Cambria : (Porter's Catalogue). Huntingdon : Pennsylvania Furnace, July 13, 1909. q. E. j. Washington : Linn and Simonton. (Porter's Catalogue). Westmoreland: Hillside, May 22, 1909. O. E. J. (Fig- ured). 5. OXYRHYNCHIUM (Bryologia Europaa) Warnstorf. Mostly dioicous : slender to robust, laxly to densely cespitose, dark to yellowish-green, drying soft or stiff, dull to lustrous : stem creeping or ascending, often stolon-like, often bearing rhizoids, irregularly pinnate to fasciculately branched ; branches mostly complanate-leaved, stem-leaves and branch- leaves sometimes different, sometimes similar except in size, non-plicate, but little concave ; stem-leaves erect-spreading to squarrose, from a somewhat narrowed and sometimes decur- rent base ovate to triangularly oval, with short and broad or somewhat longer apex, plane-margined, somewhat serrate ; costa simple, ending at or above the leaf-middle, often ending in a dorsal spine ; median leaf-cells narrowly prosenchymatous, smooth, the basal shorter, mostly incrassate and porose, the alar differentiated : seta elongated, mostly red, quite thick, mostly rough ; capsule cernuous to horizontal, sometimes sub- erect, thickly oval to oblong-ovate, dorsally gibbous ; annulus present; peristome as in Brachythecium ; lid long and obliquely subulate-rostrate ; calyptra glabrous. A genus of about 30 species, on damp and shaded rocks, stones, or sometimes in water, mostly in temperate regions ; 4 species in North America ; 2 species in our region. 348 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Key to the Species. a. Aquatic: alar leaf-cells forming a slightly differentiated group: seta smooth. 1. O. riparioides. a. Terrestrial: alar leaf-cells not differentiated: seta roughly papillose. 2. O. Jiians. 1. Oxyrhynchium riparioides ] Hedwig] New Combination. (Hypnuni rusciforme Necker ; Burhynchium rusciforme Milde; Hypiuun riparioides Hedwig; Rhynclwsteghun rusciforme Bryologia Europcea ) . (Plate LIII) Robust, in large tufts, dark to blackish below : stems prostrate, woody, and usually denuded below ; branches sub- erect or ascending, usually more or less rigid and harsh, es- pecially when dry ; leaves ovate, loosely ascending or erect- spreading, scarcely decurrent, about 2-2.5x1-1-5 mm., obtuse to acute, plane-margined, somewhat concave, denticulate nearly to the base ; costa thick below, reaching to one-half or two- thirds the length of the leaf, or occasionally even sub-percur- rent, often ending in a dorsal spine ; median leaf-cells incras- sate, linear-fusiform, about 10-12:1, the apical and basal shorter and broader, but no alar group differentiated, the median and upper slightly dorsally spinose : seta smooth, about 1.5 cm. long, castaneous, slightly twisted when dry ; capsule castane- ous, ovoid-oblong, somewhat constricted below the mouth when dry, about 2-3:1, dorsally turgid but scarcely curved, inclined or nearly horizontal, the urn about 1.5-2 mm. long; lid obliquely slenderly rostrate from a conic base, about two- thirds as long as the urn ; annulus revoluble, usually 2-seriate ; exothecial cells yellowish-incrassate, at the rim small and rounded-quadrate, below rather large and irregularly oblong- rectangular ; peristome-teeth slender, apically hyaline-papillose, strongly trabeculate, dorsally plainly lamellate and finely cross- striolate, margined, confluent at base: segments about as lonsr, <*J O usually carinately widely gaping but remaining unsplit at apex, the basal membrane about one-half as high : cilia 2-3, subulate, nodose to sub-appendiculate, somewhat shorter than the seg- ments; spores weakly papillose, medium-walled, yellowish, about .010-.013 mm., mature in early fall. On rocks in streams and rivulets ; Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from Newfoundland to Ontario and southwards in the mountains to Georgia. Quite common in our region. Cambria : Cresson. T. P. James. (Portervs Cata- logue). Center : In rapidly flowing mountain-stream, Tussey's Mt., above Shin^letown, July 15. 1909. O. E. J. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 349 Lawrence : In rivulet, bottom of Conoquennessing Gorge, near Rock Point, October 15, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. McKean : On stones in running water, Boss Branch, October 20, 1893, Bolivar Run, August 25, 1895, Lewis' Run, November 24, 1895, and Bennett Brook, November 2, 1896. all near Bradford. D. A. B. Westmoreland : On submerged stones in Tub-Mill Run and on gravelly bottom of mountain spring, Mellori's estate, Rachelwood, Laurel Hill Mountain, September 8-11, 1907. O. E. J. (Figured). 2. Oxyrhynchium hians (Hedwig) New Combination. (Hypnuin hians Hedwig; Eurynchiuin hians Jaeger and Sauer- beck; Hypnnm praelongum C. Mueller: Pterygynandrum apiciilatnm Bridel). (Plate LIII) Rather slender, depressed, cespitose, somewhat shining: stems creeping, rather sparsely branched, slender, usually not over 3 or 4 cm. long, the branches short and more or less dis- tichously arranged ; leaves of the stem and longer branches rather distant, on some of the short branches sometimes more or less imbricated-julaceous, the stem-leaves about 1-1.6 mm. long by three-fourths as wide, concave, ovate, the apex abrupt- ly acute to shortly acuminate, the base clasping but not de- current. margins sharply serrulate nearly to the base; branch- leaves closely similar; costa distinct, reaching to one-half to four-fifths the length of the leaf; median cells about 5-8:1. prosenchymatous, medium-walled, the apical rhomboid, short- er, about 2-4:1, the basal shorter and incrassate, the alar form- ing an indistinct group of thick-walled quadrate to rectangular cells : perichsetial leaves up to 2 mm. long, ovate-oblong, sheath- ing, acuminate, serrate above: seta dark-castaneous, stout, strongly papillose. 1-1.5 cm. long ; capsule inclined to hori- zontal, arcuately oblong-cylindric. narrowed below the rim but slightly when dry. the urn about 2 mm. long by 1 mm. thick, castaneous ; operculum conic and slenderly rostrate. yellowish, about 1 mm. long; exothecial cells yellowish-incras- sate, at the rim rounded-quadrate in about two series, below larger oblong-rectangular: annulus narrow, 2-seriate ; peris- tome-teeth castaneous, slender, hyaline-papillose at apex, strongly trabeculate, narrowly margined, the dorsal lamellae often in three series towards the base, striolate in various di- rections : segments about as long as teeth, slender, narrowly •carinately gaping between nodes, the basal membrane about 350 A MANUAL OF MOSSES two-fifths as high as teeth, the cilia usually two, slender, no- dose to shortly appendiculate, nearly as long as segments; spores papillose, yellowish, medium-walled, about .011-.015 mm. in diameter, mature in late fall or early winter. On the ground in moist, shady places in woods, etc , in Europe, Asia, and in North America from Nova Scotia to British Columbia south to the Gulf States. Apparently not common in our region. Fayette : Ohio Pyle, September 1-3, 1906. O. E. J. and G. K. J. AlcKean : On shaded banks of rivulet, Bennett Brook, April 9, 1893, Marilla Brook, Sep- tember 29, 1894 (Figured), and on ground over leaf-mold, April 19, 1897. All near Bradfrod. D. A. B. 6. EURYNCHWM Bryologia Europaa. Dioicous and pseudoautoicous : slender to robust, laxly or densely cespitose, green to yellowish, drying stiff and more or less lustrous : stem creeping to ascending, often more or less stolon-like, here and there fasciculate, often bearing flagellse, pinnate to fasciculate or even dendroid ; branches more or less densely-leaved ; leaves often dimorphic, mostly plicate ; stem- leaves spreading to squarrose, more or less concave, ovate- cordate to triangular-cordate from a narrowed and more or less decurrent base, margins plane, serrate, the apex short and broad to long and narrow ; costa simple, more or elss elongate, often ending as a dorsal spine; median leaf-cells smooth, prosenchymatous, narrow, at base shorter and usually incras- sate and porose, the alar differentiated ; inner perichcetial leaves with squarrose-reflexed, subulate tips : seta mostly smooth ; capsule sernuous, sometimes horizontal, ovate to sub-cylindric, more or less dorsally gibbous; peristome as in Brachytheciwn; lid long and finely rostrate; calyptra glabrous. A genus of about 16 species, on rocks, earth, or bark, al- most entirely in temperate regions ; about 6 species in North America ; probably only one species in our region. 1. Eurynchium pulchellum (Hedwig) New Combination. (Hypniiui pulchellnin Hedwig; H. strigosuni Hoffmann ; Enrhyn- chiuni strigosuni Bryologia Europaea). So far as known this species is represented in our region only by the following variety, which differs from the typical species in the larger leaves and sporogonia and the more robu-t i i_ • .1 habit. OF WESTERN" PEXXSYLVAXIA 351 la. Eurynchium pulchellum variety robustum (Roell) Xew Combination. (E. strigosnin var. robustum Roell; Hypninn strigosum Drum- nioncl ) . (Plate LIII) Loosely matted or densely tufted, bright and shining green : stems stoloniferous, creeping, with distant leaves ; secondary stems prostrate to erect, often curved, rather robust ; leaves on the middle of the branches erect-spreading, lance- ovate, scarcely decurrent, reaching about 1-1.2x0.4-0.5 mm., acute to widely obtuse, plane-margined, sharply serrate above, concave, scarcely plicate, costate to about two-thirds, the costa usually ending in a dorsal spine ; median leaf-cells about 8-10:1, linear to linear-rhomboid, the apical becoming rhomboid-ob- long and about 2-3:1, the basal somewhat snorter than the median, the alar few, rectangular to quadrate or oval ; stem- leaves decurrent. rather long-acuminate from an ovate to tri- angular-ovate base, somewhat larger than the branch-leaves, reaching about 1.2-1.5 mm. long, serrate nearly to the base, costate to about two-thirds; paraphyllia small, rounded-ovate; leaves on the stolons ecostate, triangular-ovate, small, acumi- nate: seta castaneous, smooth, about 1-1.5 cm. long, drying dextrorse above ; capsule yellowish-brown, oblong-ovate, about 2-3:1, more or less dorsally turgid or sub-arcuate, drying slightly constricted below the mouth, inclined or almost hori- zontal, the urn about 2 mm. long; annulus 2-3-seriate ; lid convex, slenderly rostrate, about 1.5 mm. long; exothecial cells rounded-quadrate at rim, oblong-hexagonal to rectangular below, incrassate ; peristome-teeth hyaline and papillose at apex, below dorsally cross-striolate, margined, plainly lamel- late, strongly trabeculate, confluent at base ; segments narrow, nearly as long as the teeth, carinately split between the nodes, yellowish, the basal membrane about two-fifths as high ; cilia 3, slender, hyaline, nodose, usually one or two of them nearly as long as the segments; spores yellowish, incrassate, papil- lose, about .012-.014 mm., mature in autumn. The species occurs on gravelly or sandy soil, rocks, roots of trees, etc.. in open woods in Europe, Asia, northern Africa, and from Arctic America to northern United States. The variety robustum occurs in north central United States and rather commonly in the northern portion of our region. Elk : McMinn. (Porter's Catalogue). McKean : Six pockets of specimens collected on the ground or on rocks in woods, near P>rad- ford, May 13, 1893, to September 29, 1896. (Figured). D. A. B. 352 A MANUAL OF MOSSES 7. BRYHNIA Kaurin. Dioicous : more or less slender, weak, widely and laxly cespitose, more or less dark green, when old yellowish or brownish, rather dull : stem elongate, procumbent, rhizoids fascicled, branching interruptedly pinnate, some of the shoots in the middle of the tufts often erect and tree-like but later procumbent and giving rise to new shoots ; branches usually spreading to recurved, thin, acute, mostly laxly-leaved; paraphyllia none ; stem-leaves loosely imbricate, more or less concave, irregularly plicate, triangular-cordate to lance-ovate from a widely decurrent and non-auriculate base ; shortly or more slenderly' pointed, plane-margined, rmely serrate all around ; costa simple, ending in or over the leaf-middle, smooth ; median leaf-cells incrassate, green, oblong-rhomboid to oblong-hexagonal, the basal lax, a few alar rectangular ; branch-leaves mostly dorsally rough by projecting cell-angles, sharply serrate all around ; costa often ending dorsally in a spine ; inner perichaetial leaves oblong, abruptly narrowed to a reflexed-squarrose, long, serrate acumination : seta 8-15 mm., dark red, very rough ; capsule cernuous to horizontal, dorsally gibbous, oval, to oblong-cylindric ; annulus present ; peristomes of equal length, the teeth basally confluent, dorsally cross- striate, normally lamellate, apically papillose; inner peris- tome yellow, finely papillose, basal membrane high, segments lanceolate, long-subulate, split and finally gaping along the keel, cilia well-developed; lid more or less plainly shortly and thickly rostrate from a conic base ; calyptra glabrous. A small genus of 5 species, occurring on various sub- strata, confined to the Northern Hemisphere ; 3 species in Xorth America; 2 species in our region. Key to the Species. a. Branch-leaves acute to short-pointed, the apex mostly twisted. 1. B. noi'ae-angliae. a. Branch-leaves acuminate, the apex not twisted. 2. B. graniinicolor. 1. Bryhnia novae-angliae (Sullivant and Lesquereux) Grout. (Hypnum novac-angliac Sullivant and Lesquereux ; Bracljy- thecium noi'ac-angliae Jaeger and Sauerbeck). ^Videly and loosely matted, bright green outside, dirty green inside, rigid : stems prostrate, irregularly sub-pinnately branched, sometimes more or less dendroidal in appearance; branches often quite distinctly julaceous; branch-leaves rather loosely imbricate when dry, erect-spreading when moist, ovate, acuminate, concave, decurrent, serrulate, up to 1-1. 2X 0.5-0.6 mm., dorsally papillose by reason of the projecting cell- OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 353 angles, the leaf-apex often twisted about halt-around to the right, (sinistrorse) ; median leaf-cells about 5-6:1, oblong- hexagonal, somewhat shorter and broader below and at the basal angles ; perichaetial leaves ovate, abruptly long-acumi- nate, faintly costate ; costa of branch- and stem-leaves reach- ing about to the middle ; stem-leaves similar to the branch- leaves: seta short, very rough, dark castaneous ; capsule dark- castaneous, blackish when old, about 4-5:1, reaching about 3.5 mm. in length, oblong, erect, slightly curved; lid conic- acuminate; peristome normal; annulus double, large; spores mature in winter. On the ground and on stones in swamps and wet, shady places ; Europe, Asia, and from Canada to Missouri and North Carolina. Rather uncommon in our region. Butler : On swampy soil, Crider's Corners, Decem- ber 29, 1908. O. E. J. McKean : Bradford. D.A.Burnett. (Porter's Cata- logue). 2. Bryhnia graminicolor [BridelJ Grout. (Hypmtm graminicolor Bridel ; H. sitUii'antii Spruce: Eurhyn- chiuui graminicolor Paris). (Plate LIV) Small, much more slender than the preceding species, densely to loosely cespitose, pale green, yellowish below : stems slender, red, usually not over 1-2 cm. long, rather irregularly branched with erect branches ; branch-leaves reaching about 0.8x0-2-0.3 mm., narrowly lance-ovate, long-acuminate, con- cave, serrulate to the base, marginally rerlexed below, the base scarcely decurrent, the back strongly papillose by reason of the projecting cell-angles, the costa reaching to above the middle; stem-leaves larger, up to 0.8-1.0x0.4-0.5 mm., with a somewhat more slender acumen ; median leaf-cells linear- flexuous, incrassate, varying- from 8-20:1, minute, obtuse, the alar sub-quadrate, thin-walled, pellucid ; penchsetial leaves ob- long, basally sheathing, filiform-acuminate, very faintly costate: seta about 1 cm. long, rough throughout; capsule oval to oblong or turgid-ovate, dorsal ly somewhat gibbous about 2-3:1, inclined, about 2-2.5 mm. long; annulus simple per- sistent; lid conic to short-rostrate; peristome normally hypnoid, segments as long as the teeth, carinately split, the cilia 2, somewhat shorter ; rather uncommon, capsules rarely produced. In moist woods and shady places on rocks or earth ; from Xew Brunswick to Minnesota and south to Georgia. Rare in our region. 354 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Huntingdon : Alexandria. T. C. Porter (Porter's Cata- logue. McKean : Bolivar and Bennett divide on shaded dripping rocks, April 21, 1895 (Figured), and on perpendicular faces of rocks, Lewis' Run, April 25, 1895. D. A. B. 8. RHYNCHOSTEGWJ\I Bryologia Europe. Autoicous : more or less robust to quite slender, mostly soft, cespitose, pale green to dark green, rarely yellowish to golden-brown, more or less lustrous : stem creeping, bearing rhizoids, sometimes stolon-like, irregularly to pinnately branched ; branches more or less thickly-leaved, often com- planate ; leaves spreading, rarely imbricate, shortly or non-de- current, mostly a little concave, non-plicate, ovate to lance- ovate from a narrowed base, with a short or long point, mostly serrulate, the margin basally reflexed ; costa simple or rarely forked, ending in about the middle of the leaf : median leaf- cells mostly narrowly prosenchymatous, smooth, the basal shorter and wider, the alar not differentiated, sometimes short- rectangular or quadrate ; inner perichaetial leaves sheathing, abruptly subulate and reflexed from the middle : seta more or less elongate, smooth ; capsule cernuous to horizontal, oval and weakly gibbous dorsally to oblong or oblong-cylindric and almost symmetric, often constricted below the mouth when dry and empty; annulus present; peristome as in Brachythe- ciuiu : lid long-rostrate from a convex-conic base: calyptra- glabrou?. About 115 species, occurring on earth and stones, mostly in the temperate and sub-tropic regions ; about 8 species in North America ; probably only the following in our region : 1. Rhynchostegium serrulatum (Hedwig) Jaeger, i (Hypnum serrulatum Hedwig). (Plate LIV) Loosely matted, bright yellowish-green, when dry sub- lustrous : stems creeping, sub-pinnately branched with long and more or less 2-ranked branches ; branch-leaves com- planate, 1.5-2 mm. long, thin, concave, ovate-lanceolate, acumi- nate, serrulate from usually below the middle, thinly-costate to the middle or beyond, the apex often twisted, the margin plane and not bordered ; perichaetial leaves similar but more oblong ; stem-leaves similar but relatively wider and more cordate ; median leaf-cells linear, prosenchymatous, about 8-10:1, at base somewhat broader and shorter, the alar not differentiated : seta about 2.5 cm. long, smooth, castaneous, sinistrorse when dry ; capsule light yellow to dark castaneous, OF WESTERN' PEXXSVLVAXIA 355 oblong', cernuous, incurved, when dry contracted below the mouth ; lid conic, slenderly rostrate, the beak long and re- curved ; peristome-segments nearly as long as teeth, cilia usually 3, about as long as segments, nodose to weakly ap- pendiculate : basal membrane reaching almost to middle of inner peristome; teeth narrowly lanceolate, yellowish-brown, with distinct divisural, moderately trabeculate ; annulus large ; exothecial cells rectangular to hexagonal, yellowish-incrassate, or brownish ; spores yellowish-incrassate, finely papillose, about .009-.012 mm. in diameter, mature in September and October. In shaded woods on leaf-humus, old logs. etc.. from New- foundland to the Gulf States and west to the Mississippi River, also in British Columbia and Alaska. Very common in our region. Allegheny : Forty pockets representing collections from almost all sections of the county, various data. Figured from specimens from Darlington Hollow, Aspirrwall, Oc- tober 25, 1908. O. E. J. Armstrong : Kittanning, September 24, 1904. and Oc- tober 21, 1905. O. E. T.: Buttermilk Falls, August 22, 1903. D." R. Sumstine. Beaver : T. P. James. (Porter's Catalogue). Butler : Swampy woods near Crider's Corners, December 29, 1908. O. E. J. Fayette : Eleven pockets, Ohio Pvle, various dates, O. E. J., and O. E. J. and G. K. J. ; Cheat Haven, September 3-6, 1910. O. E. J. and G. K. J. Washington : Charleroi, October 13. 1905. O. E. T. and G. E. K. Westmoreland : Mellon's estate (Rachelwood), Laurel Hill Mountain, September 8-11. 1907. O. E. J. ; Chestnut Ridge above Flillside, September 16-17, 1909, and "Shades." near Blackburn. March 25, 1910. O. E. I. and G. K. J. Cambria : Cresson. T. P. James. (Porter's Cata- logue ) . McKean : Quintuple. January 17. 1894. D. A. R. GLOSSARY OF BRYOLOGICAL TERMS USED IX THE MANUAL Acaulescent, stemless. Acrocarpous, with the fruit terminal on the stern or branch. Acumen, a slenderly tapering apex, — acumination. Acuminate, narrowly and slenderly tapering at the apex. 356 A MANUAL OK MOSSES Acute, rather abruptly sharply pointed. Alar, applied to the cells at the basal angles of the leaf. Angular, applied to the alar group of cells. Ann it! us, the ring of specialized cells often occurring between the rim of the capsule and the operculum. Antheridiuin, the male reproductive organ. See Introduction. Apiculate, ending in a sharp and short point or apiculus. Apophysis, the hypophysis or swelling of the seta just below the capsule. Appendiculate, with reference to the cilia, with short transverse bars. Archcgoninm, the more or less Mask-shaped female organ. Arcuate, bent like a bow. Areolation, the cellular mesh or network of the leaf. Aristate, awn-like or bristle-like. Articulate, jointed, or with cross-bars. Attenuate, long drawn out. Auriculate, furnished with more or less ear-like lobes at the basal angles, applied to the leaf. Autoicous, having the archegonia and antheridia in separate clus- ters on the same plant. Axillary, situated in the axil or upper angle of the insertion of a leaf. Beak, the prolonged narrow apex of the operculum. Bicostate, having a double costa or midrib. Bifid, two-cleft. Bifurcate, forked. Bi-stratose, with two layers of cells. Bi-striate, with two parallel lines or stride. Calyptra, the thin and usually more or less membraneous hood or cap on top of the capsule. Campanulate, bell-shaped. Canaliculate, channeled. Cancellate, (teeth) lattice-like. Capsule, the spore-case or so-called "fruit'' of a moss. Carinate, keeled. Caulescent, furnished with a stem. Castajieous, chestnut-brown in color. Central Strand, a central bundle of narrow and elongated cells found in some moss-stems. C emit o its, somewhat drooping, nodding. Cespitose, forming mats or tufts. Chlorophyllose, containing chlorophyll or the green coloring mat- ter of leaves. Cilia, fine hair-like processes, usually applied to the hair-like struc- tures often occurring between the peristome-segments. Circinate, coiled inward from the apex. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 357 Cirrate, curling up in drying. Clavate, club-shaped. Cleistocarpous, applied to a capsule which bursts open irregularly. Coll inn, the more or less tapering neck or base of the capsule. Coluinclla, the central axis of the capsule around which the spores are produced. Coniosc, tufted at the apex, in a coma. Complanate, flattened. Confluent, merging together. Constricted, contracted somewhere below the top or apex. Cordate, heart-shaped. Corte.v, the outer bark or specialized layer. Cortical, referring to the cortex. Costa, the midrib or mid-vein of the leaf. Crenate, with rounded teeth. Cribrose, perforated more or less sieve-like. Crispate, variously curled and bent. Cucullate, hood-like. Cuneate, wedge-shaped. Cuspidate, tipped with a sharp and rigid point. Cuticnlar, belonging to the outermost skin. Cygneous, abruptly down-curved like a swan's neck. Cymbiform, the whole leaf more or less boat-shaped. Decumbent, reclining but with the apex ascending. Decurrent, (leaves) with the borders extending down the stem below the insertion. Dehiscent, splitting open. Dendroid, tree-like in form. Dentate, toothed with outwardly directed teeth. Denticulate, minutely toothed. Deopcrcnlatc, (capsule) with the lid fallen off. Dextrorse, twisted to the right as the threads of the ordinary screw or bolt, used in the opposite sense by some authors. Dimidiate, split on one side. Dimorphous, with two forms. Dioicous, with the antheridia and archegonia on separate plants. Discoid, disk-shaped as in some male inflorescences. Distichous, in two opposite rows, two-ranked. Divaricate, widely diverging or spreading. Di-risural (Line), the median line running up and down the teeth of the peristome and often zigzag. Ducts, applicl to the narrow chlorophyllose cells in the leaves of the Sphagnums. Ecostatc, without a costa. Emarginate, apically notched. Emergent, applied to capsules rising slightly above the perichaetial leaves. 358 A MAXL'AL OF MOSSES E.vannidate, with no annulus. Erase, irregularly notched. Excavate, applied to leaf-insertions hollowed out in a more or less definite curve. E.v current, with the costa extending beyond the apex of the leaf. E.vothecial, the outer layer of cells of the capsule-wall. Exserted, projecting beyond, as a capsule rising beyond the peri- chsetial leaves. Falcate, scythe-shaped, flat, gradually tapering and curved. Falcate-secund, falcate and turned to one side of the stem. Fasciculate, in close and usually short clusters ; usually applied to short, unequal, lateral, bunched branches. Fastigiate, with branches erect, near together, and more or less equal in height. Fibril lose, applied to hyaline cells of Sphagnum in which the walls are lined with fine fibrils or filaments. Filiform, thread-like. Fimbriate, fringed. Flagelliform, lash-like or whip-like. Fle.ruose. wavv or bending alternately back and forward. • *j * Frondose, bearing fronds, or frond-like. Fugacious, falling away very early. Fusiform, spindle-shaped. Gametophyte, the sexual stage in the life-history of the moss and resulting from the germination of a spore. Usually begins with a filamentous protonema which eventually gives rise to leafy stems, which finally bear the sexual organs (arche- gonia and antheridia) and, upon the fertilization of the archegonium, there is produced the other alternating phase, the sporophyte. Gemmae, small more or less bud-like bodies capable of reproduc- ing the plant. Gemntiparous, producing gemmae. Geniculate, bent like a knee. Gibbous, swollen on one side. Glabrous, with a smooth surface. Glaucous, covered or whitened with a bloom. Grauulosc, finely roughened as with grains of sand. Gregarious, growing near together or in groups but not forming tufts or mats. Gymnostomous, with the mouth of the capsule devoid of peris- tome. Hamate, hooked. Heteroicous, with two or more forms of inflorescence in the same cluster. Hispid, beset with stiff hairs. Hispidulous, minutelv hispid. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 359 Homomallous, (leaves) bent or curved to one side, all in the same direction. Hyaline, transparent and colorless like water. Hygroscopic, altering form or position with changes in moisture. Imbricated, overlapped like the shingles on a roof. Immersed, (capsule) concealed within the leaves of the peri chaetium. Jncrassaie, thickened, or thick-walled (cells). In-dehiscent, not splitting open. Inflorescence, the clusters of reproductive organs, usually with enclosing bracts. Innovation, a young offshoot from the stem. Insertion, the point of attachment of the leaf to the stem or branch. Involucre, a whorl of leaves or bracts around the flower. J nlac ~eo us, worm-like or catkin-like. Laciniatc, deeply slashed or cut into narrow lobes. Lamellae, thin plates, particularly the flat plates on the dorsal surface of many peristome-teeth ; also on ventral surface of many leaves. Lamina, the leaf-blade. Lanceolate, lance-shaped. Lid, the covering of the mouth of the capsule, the operculum. Lignlatc, strap-shaped. Linear, long and narrow with parallel sides. Lingnlate, tongue-shaped. Lnmcn, the cavity of a cell. Mamillate, tipped with a nipple-shaped projection. Margin, (of a leaf) a bordering band of peculiar shape or color. Mitrifonn, mitre-shaped, or like a peaked cap, symmetric. Monoicons. with the antheridia and archegonia on the same plant. Mucronate, with the costa percurrent as a short small abrupt tip, tipped with a mucro. 'Mnricatc, with the surface roughened with short, hard points. Mnt icons, not pointed. Xeck, the collum. Nodose, (cilia) with knots or swollen articulations. Ob-, a prefix often used to convey the sense of inversion. Obconic, inversely conic. Obcordatc, inversely cordate. Ob ovate, inversely ovate, narrowed towards the base. Obsolete, scarcely apparent. Oprcnlnm, the lid covering the mouth of the capsule. Ovate, more or less egg-shaped, with the broader end downward. Ovoid, more usually applied to a solid with an egg-like outline. Pandnriform, fiddle-shaped. Papillae, minute nipple-shaped protuberances. 300 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Papillose or Papillate, covered with papillae. Para phy Ilia, minute thin leaves or branched organs scattered among the leaves. Para phy ses, jointed and hyaline hair-like structures growing among the reproductive organs. Parenchymdtous, composed of broad cells joined end-to-end with square ends, not dove-tailed. Parole ous. having the antheridia and archegonia in the same cluster but not mixed, the antheridia being in the axils of the perichsetial leaves below the archegonia. Patent, spreading. Pectinate, branched or divided like a comb. Pedicel, • the seta or stalk of the capsule. Pedicellate, furnished with a pedicel. Pellucid, translucent but scarcely hyaline. Pendulous, drooping rather more than when cernuous, hanging down. Pcrcnrrcnt. (costa) running through the whole length of the leaf. Perichaetiuni, the involucre or whorl of bracts around the female flower and thus also around the base of the seta or sessile capsule. Perigoniwm, the whorl of bracts around the male or antheridial flower. Peristoine, the fringe of teeth, etc., at the mouth of the capsule. Persistent, not easily nor early deciduous. Pinnate, with the branches more or less equidistant and arranged on both sides of the stem like a feather. Piliferons, bearing a hair-like prolongation. Plane, flat. Pleur acarpous, with the flowers more or less axillary and the fruit laterally borne. Plicate, folded longitudinally. Plumose, plume-like. Pluriscriate, arranged in several or many series, as of leaves on the stem. Polygamous, with the antheridia and archegonia variously dis- posed on the same plant. Porose, pierced with small holes or pores. Procumbent, trailing along on the ground. Proliferous, bearing abnormal shoots, often from the flower cluster. Proscnchymatous, composed of narrow cells whose ends dove- tail past each other, as opposed to the square-ended paren- chymatous cells. Protohema, the green filamentous phase of the gametophyte which is derived directly from the germination of the spore, and sometimes persisting. OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 361 Pseudopodium, in Sphagmlm the false seta bearing the capsule; in Aulacomnium. etc., a leafless seta-like branch bearing: gemmae. Punctate, marked with dots. Pyriform , pear-shaped. Quadrate, square. Radicles, rootlets or rhizoids growing out from the base of the stem. Radiculose, covered with radicles. Ramose, branching. Ramulose, bearing smaller branchlets. Pepand, undulately or wavy-margined. Reticulate, in the form of a net-work. Retort Cells, cuticular cells of Sphagnum having an outward- curved apex. Retuse, with the obtuse apex slightly indented. Rei'olnte, rolled backward from the margin. Rci'olublc. curling off. as does the annulus of many mosses. Rhomboid, diamond-shaped. Rostcllate, short-beaked. Rostrate, with a more or less long beak. Rugose, wrinkled. Rupestral, inhabiting rocks. Scabrous, rough. Scarious, thin, dry, membraneous, but not green. Sccuud, turned to one side. Segments, the main divisions of the inner peristome. Serrate, with forward-projecting teeth. Serrulate, minutely serrate. Sessile, not stalked. Seta, the stalk or pedicel bearing the capsule. Setaceous, bristle-like. Sheathing, applied to perichaetial leaves which wrap around the seta or ordinary leaves wrapping around the stem. Sinistrorse, twisted to the left, as is the case with the threads of the rather-rare "left-handed" screw or bolt. By some authors used in the opposite sense. Sin nose, wavv. Spatulate, spatula-like, bluntly and narrowly obovate and quite attenuate downwards. Spinulose. furnished with small spines. Sporangium, usually synonymous with capsule. Sporophyte, the spore-bearing generation of the moss arising from the fertilization of the archegonium and known also as the sporogonium, — usually consisting of foot, seta, and capsule. Squarrose, spreading abruptly and widely. 362 A MANUAL OF MOSSES Sqnarrnlose, a lesser degree of squarrose. Stegocarpous, with the capsule operculate. Stipitate, mounted on a short stalk. Stolonifcrous, bearing slender, creeping and usually minutely- leaved secondary stems or branches. Stomata, breathing pores, or openings, in the epidermis. Stomatose, bearing stomata. Striate, marked with fine longitudinal lines or ridges. Striolatc, being very finely striate. Stntmose, furnished with a struma or unsymmetrical swelling at the base of the capsule, goitre-like. Sub-, as a prefix commonly used to denote the idea of somewhat or slightly. Subulate, awl-like. Sulcatc, longitudinally grooved. Synoicous, with the antheridia and archegonia mixed together in the same flower. Terete, cylindrical or tapering. Terrestrial, growing on earth. Tessellate, checkered. Tomcntose, covered with soft matted hairs or tomentum. Trabeculae, the more or less projecting plates on the inner side of the peristome-teeth. Trabeculate, furnished with trabeculae. Truncate, with the apical portion more or less squarely cut off. Tubulose, tube-like. Tumid, swollen, turgid. Turbinate, top-shaped. Turgid, more or less rigidly swollen as from internal pressure, tumid. / 'mbonatc, with a slight projection in the center like the boss of a shield. Cnciiiate, hook-shaped. I rnilateral, one-sided. Unistratose, (cells) in one layer. Urceolate, urn-like, contracted at or below the mouth. Utricles, applied to the large hyaline cells of the leaves of Sphagnum. Paginate, surrounded by a sheath. Vaginule, a small sheath, the modified remains of the lower part of the archegonium surrounding the base of the seta. Ventral, the surface of the leaf facing the stem, as ordinarily situated. Ventricose, bulging on one side. Vermicular, worm-shaped. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 363 Verrucose, minutely warty. Verticil, a whorl. Verticillaie, whorled. Vesiculose, more or less bladdery, like inflated air-spaces, vesicu- lar. Villous, covered with long, soft hairs. 364 A MANUAL OF MOSSES INDEX TO FAMILIES, GENERA, AND SPECIES (Numbers referring to Plates are enclosed in parentheses) Acaulon C. M., 129. rufescens Jaeg., 130. triquetrum (Spruce) C. M., 129. Acrocarpi, 11, 48. Acrocladium, Mitt., 286. ctispidatum [L.] Lindb., 286, (40). Amphidium (Nees) Schimp., 114. lapponicum (Hedw.) Schimp.. 115. mougeotii (Bryol. Eur.) Schimp., 115. Amphorid'nim Schimp., 114. Amblystegiella Loeske, 272. adnata Nichols, 274. conferva (Schwaeg. ) N. Comb., 273. confervoides Loeske, 273. minutissima (Sull. and Lesq.) Nichols, 273. Amblystegium Bryol. Eur., 264. aduncum Lindb., 281. chrysophyllum DeNot., 292. cordifplium DeNot., 284. eugyriuw Lindb., 288. exannulatus DeNot., 283. falla.r var. spinifoHum Limpr., 278. filicinum DeNot., 278. fluitans DeNot., 282. flui'iatilc Bryol. Eur., 276. hispidulum Kindb.. 291. irriguum Bryol. Eur., 277. var. spinifolinm Schimp., 278. juratzkanum Schimp.. 268, (37). kneiffii Bryol. Eur., 282. kochii Bryol, Eur., 270, (38). lescurii Jaeg., 280. minutissimum Jaeg.. 273. ochraccum Lindb., 289. orthocladon (Beauv.) Jaeg., 267, (37). palnstre Lindb., 287. radicale [Beauv.] Mitt., 269, (38). riparium [L.] Bryol. Eur., 271, (38). var. flaccidum (L. and J.) R. and C., 272, (38). serpens [L.] Bryol. Eur., 265, (37). stellatum Lindb., 293. varium (Hedw.) Lindb., 266, (37). var. orthocladon Husn.. 267. Anacamptodon Brid., 235. splachnoides [Froel.] Brid., 236, (33). Andreaeaceae, 46. Andreaeales, 2. 3, 4. 11. 46. Andreaea [Ehrh.] Hechv., 46. petrophila Ehrh., 46. rothii Web. and Mohr., 46. rnpestris Hedw., 46. rupestris Roth, 46. Anictangium ciliatum Hedw., 202. lapponicnm Hedw., 115. Anodontium prorepcns Brid., 116. Anocctangium mougeotii Lindb., 115. Anomodon Hook, and Tayl., 240. apiculatus Bryol. Eur., 243, (34). attenuatus [Schreb.] Hueb., 245, (34). minor (Hedw.) Fuern., 244, (34). obtiisifolius Bryol. Eur., 244. rostratus (Hedw.) Schimp., 246, (34). rcpens Fuern., 228. tristis Sull., 241. viticulosus [L.] Hook and Tayl., 244. Aphanorhegma Sull., 131. serratum (Hook, and Wils.) Sull., 132, (16). Archidiaceae, 48. Archidium Brid., 48. ohioense Schimp., 48. Arrhenopterum heterostichum Hedw., 169. Astomum Hampe, 89. cri spurn [Hedw.] Hampe, 90. nitidulum Bryol. Eur., 90. sullivantii Bryol. Eur., 90. Astrophyllum ciliare Lindb., 164. cuspidatum Lindb., 164. hormtm Lindb., 159. marginatum Lindb., 160. medium Lindb., 163. orthorhynchum Lindb., 160. rostratum Lindb., 161. rugicum Lindb., 165. Atriclmm Beauv.. 186. angustatum Bn-ol. Eur., 189. undulatum Beauv., 187. Aulacomniaceae, 168. OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 365 Aulacomnium Schwaeg., 169. •heterostichu-m (Hed\v.) Bryol. Eur., 169, (24). palustre [L-] Schwaeg., 170, (24). Barbula Hedw.. 97. acuminata Hedw., 98. caespitosa Schwaeg., 96. convoluta, Hedw., 99, (13). falla.v Hedw., 98. papillosa C. M.. 104. rubella Mitt., 97. tortnosa Web. and Mohr, 95. unguiculata [Huds.] Hedw., 99, (13). Bartramiaceae, 172. Bartramia Hedw., 173. font ana Sw., 178. grandiflora Schwaeg., 173. ithyphylla [Hall.] Hedw., 175. oederi Schwaeg., 173. pomiformis [L.] Hedw., 174, (24). var. crispa (Sw.) Bryol. Eur.. 175. Brachytheciaceae, 329. Brachythecium Bryol. Eur., 332. acuminatum (Hedw.) Kindb., 334. (49). acutum (Mitt.) Sull., 338. campestre (Bruch) Bryol. Eur.. 335, (49). cyrtophyllum Kindb., 333, (48). flagellare (Hedw.) N. Comb.. 344, (52). var. homomallum (Bryol. Eur.) N. Comb., 345, (52). flarescens Kindb., 340. flexicaule R. and C., 337, (50). laetum Bryol. Eur., 335. novae-angliae Jaeg and Sauerb., 352. oxycladon [Brid.] Jaeg., 335. plumosum Bryol. Eur., 344. var. homomallum Bryol. Eur., 345. populeum (Hedw.) Bryol Eur., 343. reflexum [Starke] Bryol. Eur., 341. rivulare (Bruch) Bryol. Eur., 340, (51). rutabulum [L-] Bryol. Eur., 339. (50). salebrosum [Hoffmann] Bryol. Eur., 336, (49). starkei [Brid.] Bryol. Eur., 341. (51). velutinu.m [L.] Bryol. Eur., 342, (51). Bruchia Schwaeg., 50. flexuosa (Schwaeg.) C. M., 50. sullivantii Aust., 50. Bryales, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 11, 48. Bryaceae, 137. Bryhnia Kaurin, 352. graminicolor [Brid.] Grout, 353, (54). novae-angliae (S. and L.) Grout, 352. Bryoxiphium Mitt.. 78. norvegicum [Brid.] Mitt., 78. Bryum [Dill.] Schimp., 147. affine Brid.) Lindb., 150, (19). argenteum [L.] Hedw., 154, (20). bimnm [Schreb.] Brid., 149, (19). csespiticium [L.] Hedw., 153. (20). capillare [L.] Hedw., 155, (20). cernuum [Hornsch.] Bryol. Eur., 148. (18). ciliarc Grev., 164. cuspidatum Schimp.. 150. intermedium [Ludw.] Brid., 151, (19). oederi Gunn., 173. ontaricnsc Kindb., 156. pallescens [Schleich] Schwaeg., 152, (19). pendulum Schimp, 148. pseudotriquetrum [Hedw.] Schwaeg., 149. pulchellum Sull., 144. scopar'mm L., 68. turbinatum Drumm., 152. undulatum L., 187. ventricosum Dicks., 149. viridulum L., 91. Buxbaumia Hall.. Hedw., 182. Buxbaumiaceae, 180. Buxbaumia aphylla L., Hedw., 183. (26). foliosa Web. 181. Calliergon (Sull.) Kindb., 284. cugvrium Kindb., 288. palustre Kindb., 287. cuspidatum Kindb., 286. cordifolium [Hedw.] Kindb., 284, (40). giganteum (Schimp.) Kindb., 285. stramineum [Dicks.] Kindb., 285. Campylium (Still.) Bryhn., 263. chrysophyllum (Brid.) Bryhn., 292. (41). 366 A MANUAL OF MOSSES hispidulum (Brid.) Mitt., 291, (41). polygamum (Schimp.) Bryhn., "293, (42). radicalc Grout, 269. stellatum [Schreb.] Lange and C. Jens., 293, (42). Campylodontium hypnoides Schwaeg., 236. Camplyopus flexuosus Sull., 73. Camptothecium Bryol. Eur., 331. nitens [Schreb.] Schimp., 331. Catharinaea Ehrh., Web. and Mohr, 186. plurilamellata N. Sp., 191, (2/). papillosa N. Sp., 190, (27). angustata Brid., 189, (27). undulata fL.] Web. and Mohr., 187, (26). var. allegheniensis N. Var., 188, (26). var. minor Web. and Mohr, 188, (27). Ceratodon Brid., 57. purpurascens (Hedw.) N. Comb., 57, (6). "purpureus Brid., 57. Ch rysohyp mini ch rysophy Hum Loeske, 292. hispidulum Roth., 291. polygamum Loeske, 293. stellatum Loeske, 293. Cirriphyllum Grout, 345. boscii (Schwaeg.) Grout, 346, (52). piliferum [Schreb.] Grout, 346. Climaceae, 209. Climacium Web. and Mohr, 210. americanum Brid., 211, (31). var. kindbergii R. and C. 212. dendroides [L.] Web. and Mohr, 211. kindbergii (R. and C.) Grout, 212, (31). Conomitrium Montag., 86. hallianum Sull. and Lesq., 87. julianum Montag., 87. Ctenidium (Schimp.) Mitt., 294. molluscum [Hedw.] Mitt., 294, (42). Cylindrothecium cladorhizans Schimp., 225. compressum Bryol, Eur., 224. repens DeNot, 228. seductrix Sull., 226. Cynontodiurn cernuum Hedw., 148. Desmatodon Brid., 102. arenaceus Sull., 102, (13). ohioensis Schimp., 102. Dicranella Schimp., 60. crispa [Ehrh.] Schimp., 60. curvata (Hedw.) Schimp., 60. fitzgeraldi R. and C., (6). heteromalla [Dill.] Schimp., 61, (7). var. fitsgeraldi Grout, 60. rufescens [Dicks.] Schimp., 62, (7). varia (Hedw.) Schimp., 63, (7). Dicranodontium Bryol. Eur., 72. longirostre [Starke] Bryol. Eur., 72, (9). millspaughii E. G. Britt., 73. virginicum E, G. Britt., 73. Dichelyma Myrin. 208. capillaceum [Dill.] Bryol. Eur., 208. pallesccns Sull. and Lesq., 208, (31). pallescens Bryol. Eur., 209. Dicranaceae, 49. Dicranum Hedw., 66. aciculare Hedw., 112. bergeri Bland., 67. drummondii C. M., 67. flagellare Hedw., 70, (8). fulvum Hook., 71, (9). glaucum Hedw., 76. heteromallum Hedw., 61. interruptum Bryol. Eur., 71. longifolium [Ehrh.] Hedw., 72, (9). microcarpum Schrad. 113. montanum Hedw., 69, (8). osmundioidcs Sw., 85. polysetum Sw., Schwaeg., 67. , purpurascens Hedw., 57. nigosittn Brid., 67. scoparium [L.] Hedw., 68, (8). subuletorum R. and C., 67. undulatum E'hrh., 67. viride (Sull.) Lindb., 71, (9). Didymodon Hedw., 96. arenaceus Kindb., cyUndricus Bryol. Eur., 94. recurvirostre [Dicks.] N. Comb., 96. longirostris Starke, 72. rubcllus Bryol. Eur., 96. Diphyscium [Ehrh.] Mohr, 181. foliosum Weber Mohr, 181. (25). Discelium Brid., 126. incarnata (Schwaeg.) N. Comb., 126. nudum Brid., 126. Disceliaceae, 126. OF WESTERN' PENNSYLVANIA 367 Ditrichum [Timni] Hampe, 53. pallidum [Schreb.] Hampe. 56, (6). tortile [Schrad.] Brockm., 55, (6). var. z'aginans Grout, 54. vaginans (Sull.) H.ampe, 54. (5). Drepanocladus (C. M.) Roth, 280. exannulatus (Guemb.) Warnst., 283, (40). fluitans [L.] Warnst.. 282. kneiffii (Schimp.) Warnst., 282. uncinatus [Hedw.] Warnst., 281. Drummondia Hook., 116. prorepens Brid., N. Comb., 116. (14). Elodium (Sull.) Warnst., 260. paludosum (Sull.) Loeske, 261, (36). var. elodioides (R. and C.) Best. 262. Encalyptaceae, 104. Encalypta Schreber, Hedw., 105. ciliat'i Hed\v., 105. contorta Lindb., 106. streptocarpa Hedw., 105, 106. Entodon C. M.. 224. cladorhizans (Hedw.) C. M.. 225, (32). compressus C. M., 224. rcpens Grout, 228. seductrix (Hedw.) C. M., 226, (33). var. minor (Aust.) Grout, 227. sultivantii (C. M.) Lindb.. 224. Entodontaceae, 222. Ephemeraceae, 127. Ephemerum Hampe. 127. cohserans (Hedw.) Hampe, 128. crassinervium (Schwaeg. ) C. M.. 128. pallidum Schimp., 128. papillosum Aust., 128. serratum [Schreb.] Hampe. 127. var. angustatum Bryol. Eur., 128. spinulosum Schimp., 128. stenophvllum (Brid.) Schimp.. 128. Eurhynchium Bryol. Eur., 350. boscii, Jaeg.. 346. graminicolor Paris, 353. hi-ans Jaeg and Sauer., 349. pilifennu Bryol. Eur., 346. pulchellum (Hedw.) N. Comb., 350. var. robustum (Roell) N. Comb., 351, (53). ntsciforme Milde, 348. strigosum Bryol. Eur., 350. var. robustum Roell., 351. L:.ustichia Brid.. 78. norvegica Muell., 78. Explanation of Plates, 375. Fabroleskea Grout, 247. mist hi i Grout, 248. Fabroniaceae, 233. Fabronia Raddi, 234. caroliniana Sull., 234. ciliaris Brid., 235. octoblepharis [Schl] Schwaeg.. 235. pusilla Schwaeg., 235. ravenelii Sull., 234. Fissidens Hedw.. 79. adiantoides [L.] Hedw., 84. bryoides [L.] Hedw., 80, (10). cristatus Wills., 83. (11). decipiens DeNot, 83. exiguus Sull.. 83. (11). haUianus Mitt., 87. hyalinus Hook, and Wils., 80. incurvus Starke, Schwaeg., 82. var. minutulus (Sull.) Aust., 82. (10). minutulus Sull.. 82. obtusifolius Wils., 81, (10). osmundioides [Sw.] Hedw., 85. sciuroides Hedw., 216.^ sub-basilaris Hedw., 85. (12). taxifolius [L.] Hedw., 84, (11). Fissidentaceae, 77. Fontinalaceae, 203. Fontinalis L.. Hedw., 203. albicans Weber, 202. antipyretica var. gigantea Sull., 204. biformis Sull.. 205. capijlacea Hook. 209. capillacea Hedw., 208. dalecarlica Bryol Eur.. 206. (30). delmarei R. and C.. 206. gigantea Sull., 203. Juliana Savi., 87. lescurii Sull., 207. var. gracilescens Sull.. 205. nova-anglise Sull., 207. (30). pcnnata L., 218. sullivantii Lindb., 205. Forsstroemia Lindb., 216. trichomitria (Hedw.) Lindb., 217, (32). Funariaceae, 13.1. Funaria Schreb.. Hedw.^ 134. americana Lindb.. 135. flavicans Rich., 135. 368 A MANUAL OF MOSSES hygrometrica [L., Sibth.] Hedw., 136, (17). muhlcnbcrgii Hedw., 135. Genera, Analytical Key to the, 11. Georgiaceae, 183. Georgia Ehrh., 184. pcllucida Rabenh., 184. Glossary, 355. Glyphomitrium Brid., 107. incurvtim (Schwaeg.) Broth., 107. Grimmiaceae, 106. Grimmia Ehrh. Hedw., 108. ambigua Sull., 109. apocarpa [L.] Hedw., 109, (14). campestris Burck, 110. •conferta Fnnck, 110. Isevigata (Brid.) Brid., 110. Icucophaca Grev., 110. obtusa Schwaeg., 109. olneyi Sull., 109. pennsylvanica Schwaeg., 110. pilifera Beanv., 110. Gymnostomum Hedw., 92. calcareum Nees and Hornsch., 92, (12). curvirostre Hedw., 93. immersum Sull., 133. pcnnatmn- Hedw., 137. prorepens Hedw., 116. tnincatitm Hedw., 101. Haplocladium (C. M.) C. M., 253. microphyllum (Sw.) Broth., 255, (35). virginianum (Brid.) Broth., 254, (35). Haplohymenium Doz. and Molk., 241. triste (Cesati Kindb., 241, (34). Hedwigiaceae, 201. Hedwigia Ehrh., Hedw., 201. albicans var. leiicopliaea Limpr., 203. ciliata Ehrh., Bryol. Eur., 202, (30). var. leucophaea Bryol. Enr., 203. Heterophyllon haldani Kindb., 312. Homalia (Brid.) Bryol. Eur., 220. complanata DeNot., 219. jamesii Schimp., 220. Homalotheciella (Card.) Broth., 330. subcapillata (Hedw.) Broth., 330. Homalothccium subcapillatum Sull., 330. Homomallium (Schimp.) Loeske, 274. adnatum (Hedw.) Broth., 274, (39). Hygroamblystegium Loeske, 275. fallax (Brid.) Broth., var. spinifolium Warnst., 278. filicinum [L.] Loeske, 278. flnviatile [Sw.] Loeske, 276, (39). irrigitum Loeske, 277. noterophilum (Sull.) Warnst., 276. tenax (Hedw.) N. Comb., 277, (39). var. spinifolium (Schimp.) N. Comb., 278. Hygrohypnum Lindb., 287. eugyrium (Bryol. Eur.) Broth., 288. var. mackayi (Schimp.) Broth., 289, '(41). luridum [Hedw.] N. Comb., 287. mackayi Loeske, 289. ochraceum (Turn.) Broth., 289, (41). Hylocomium Bryol. Eur., 298. brevirostre Ehrh. Bryol. Eur., 301, (44). parietinum Lindb., 302. prolifcnun Lindb., 299. rugosuui DeNot., 298. splendens (Hedw.) Bryol. Eur., 299, (43). sqttarrosum Bryol. Eur., 297. triquctrum Bryol. Eur., 297. umbratum [Ehrh.] Bryol. Eur., 300, (44). Hymenostylium Brid., 92. curvirostre [Ehrh.] Lindb., 93, (12). Hypnaceae, 262. Hypnum L., Hedw., 302. acwminatum Beanv., 334. acutuin Mitt., 338. adiuicnui L., 281. var. kticiffii Schimp., 282. albtilumC. M., 320. allegheniense C. ]\L, 221. arcnatum- Lindb., 311. attcnuatnm Schreb., 245. bcrgcnense Anst., 269. boscii Schwaeg., 346. brevirostre Ehrh., 301. bryoidcs L., 80. campcstre Bruch, 335. carolinianum C. M., 327. clirysophylluni Brid., 292. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 369 clavellatitm Dill., 116. complanatum L., 219. conferva Schwseg.. 273. confervoides End., 273. cordifoKum Hedw.. 284. compression Schultz., 278. crista-castrensis L., 304. cupressiforme Hook., 307. var. Ulifornie Brid., 309. cupressiformis L., 309. curvifolium Hedw., 310. cuspidatum L., 286. cylindrocarpum C. M., 315. debile Brid., 266. dcclk'itm Mitt, 342. delicatulum L., 258. dcndr aides L., 211. demission var. carolinianum L. and J., 327. dcnticulatum C. M., 323. denticulatum L., 324. delicatulum L.. 259. deplanatum Sull., 318. depression S. and L., 319. elcgans Hook., 318. eugyrium Bryol. Eur., 288. var. mackayi Schimp.. 289. exannulatum Bryol. Eur., 283. flagellare Hedw., 344. Sendt, 306. Brid., 286. L., 282. fluz'iatile Sw., 276. gracilc Bryol. Eur., 255. var. lancastriense S. and L., 254. gradlescens Beauv., 249. graminicolor Brid., 353. haldanianum Grev., 312. hians Hedw., 349. hirtellum C. M., 239. hispididum Brid., 291. imponens Hedw., 307. interruption Brid., 301. irriguiim Wils., 277. jitlaceum L., 215. la.vepatuhon L. and J., 315. laxifolium Brid., 271. lescurii Sull., 280. Undbergii Mitt., 311. luridnm Hedw., 287. mackayi Breid.. 289. medium Dicks., 249. micans Sw., 320. micans Wils.. 328. minutissimuin S. and L., 273. minutitlum Hedw., 257. molluscum Hedw., 294. muehlenbeckii Schimp., 322. mitt ic um Sw., 302. nervosion C. M., 251. nitens Schreb., 331. nitidulum Web. and Mohr, 319. noz'ae-angliae S. and L., 352. ochraceitm Turn, 289. orthocladon Beauv., 267. oxycladon Brid., 335. paliidosum Sull., 261. palustre Huds., 287. parietinum L., 302. patentiae Lindb., 311. piliferum Schreb., 346. plumosion Sw., 344. populeum Hedw., 343. polygamum Wils., 293. praelongum C. M., 349. pratense Koch.. 312. puleheUitm Hedw., 350. var. nitidulum L. and J., 319. pulchru}ii Hook., 312. radicale Beauv., 269. recognition Hedw., 259. recurz-ans Schwseg., 314. reflexion Starke, 341. reptilis Rich., 305. riparioides Hedw., 348. riparium L., 271. rirularc Brnch, 340. rocscanum Hampe, 323. rugelii C. M., 243. ritgosum Ehrh., 298. rnscifonne Neck.. 348. rutabithon L., 339. salebrosum Hoftm., 336. schreberi Willd., Schwaeg., 302, (44). scitum Beauv., 252. sclurioides L., 216. serpens L., 265. serrulation Hedw., 354. sih'aticum Huds., 323. splendens Hedw.. 299. squarrosum L., 296. starkei Brid., 341. stellatum Schreb., 293. strigosum Drummond 351. strigosum Hoffm., 350. subtcnue James, 341. sullivantiae Schimp., 323. sitUi-iantii Spruce, 353. tamariscinum S. and L., 258. taxi folium L., 84. tcna.v Hedw., 277. triquetrum L., 297. turfaceum Lindb., 320. umbration Ehrh., 300. uncinatum Hedw., 281. relutinum L., 342. 370 A MANUAL OF MOSSES wahlenbergii Wreb. and Mohr, 146. Isopterygium Mitt., 316. deplanatum (Sull.) Mitt. 318. elegans [Hook.] Lindb., 318. gepphilum (Aust.) Jseg., 317. inicans (S\v.) E. G. Britt., 320. mucllerianum (Schimp.) Lindb.. 317. prat cnsc Lindb., 312. pulchellum var. nitiduhtm (Wahl.) Broth., 319. turfaccinn (Lindb.) Lindb., 320, . (47). Isothecium elegans Brid., 318. Key, Analytical, to the Genera, 11. Leersia ciliata Hiedw., 105. laciniata Hedw., 105. Leptobryum (Schimp.) Wils., 138. pyriforme L. Wils., 139, (17). Leptodon Mohr, 216. trichomitrius Mohr, 217. Leptotrichum vaginans Schimp., 54. Lcscuraca rigid ula Kindb., 251. Leskeaceae, 236. Leskea Hedw., 237, 248. acuminata Hedw., 334. adnata Rich., 328. apiculata Schimp., 243. asprclla Bryol. Ettr., 239. attennata Hedw., 245. austini Sull., 248. cylindrica Brid., 233. dendroides Hedw., 211. denticulata Sull., 223. gracilescens Hedw., 249. microcarpa Brid., 328. Microcarpa Schimp., 250. nervosa Sull., 251, (35). nitidula Wahlenb., 319, (35). obscura Hedw., 249. obscura L. and J., 250. polyantha Hedw., 232. polycarpa Ehrh., 249. polycarpa Ehrh., Hedw., 249. recwvans Rich., 314. rostrata Hedw., 246. striatella Brid., 322. tristis Cesat, 241. varla Hedw., 266. Leskeella (Limpr.) Loeske, 251. nervosa [Brid.] Loeske, 251. Leucobryaceae, 75. Leucobryum Hainpe, 75. albidum [Brid.] Lindb., 77. glaucum [L.] Schimp., 76. (10). minus Hampe, 77. Leucodon Schwaeg.. 214. brachypus Brid., 214, (31). julaceus [L.] Sull., 215, (32). sciuroides [L.] Schwaeg., 216. Leucodpntaceae, 213. Lfimnobium ochraceum Bryol. Eur., 289. Lindbergia Kindb., 247. austini (Sull.) Broth., 248. Meeseaceae, 171. Meesea Hedw.. 171. longiseta Hedw.. 171. triquetra [L.] Aongst., 171. tristicha (Funck) Bryol. Eur., 171. Micromitnuui Angst., 127. Mniaceae, 157. Mniobryum (Schimp.) Limpr., 145. albicans Limpr., 146. wahlenbergii (Web. and Mohr) N. Comb., 140, (18). Mnium L., Hedw., 158. affine Bland., Schwaeg., 164. var. ciliare (Grev.) C. M., 164, (22). var. rugicum (Laurar) Borol. Eur., 165, (22). bimurn Brid., 149. ca pi I la re L., 155. cinclidioides (Blytt) Hueb., 168, (23). ctispidatum L., Hedw., 162, (21). fontanum L., 178. hornum L., Hedw., 159. intermedium Ludw., 151. lycopodioides (Hook.) Schwaeg., 159. marginatum Beauv., 160. medium Bryol. Eur., 163, (21). orthorhynchum (Brid) Bryol. Eur., 160. palustre L., 170. pseudolycopodioides C. M. and Kindb., 159.* purpurcum L., 57. punctatum [L.] Hedw., 166, (23). var. elatum Schimp., 167, (23). rostratum Schrad., Schwaeg., 161. L L L serratum Schrad., Schwaeg., 160, (21). spinulosum Bryol. Eur., 161. stellare [Reich.] Hedw., 166, (22). syh'aticiiiii Lindb., 162. Mosses, Peat, 23. Mosses, True, 48. Myurella Broyl. Eur., 240. care van a Sull. 240. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 371 gTacilis (W.dnm.) Lindb.. 240. Nanomitrium Lindb.. 127. Neckeraceae, 217. Neckera Hedw.. 218. dadorhizaiis Hedvv., 225. complanata [L.] Hueb., 219. pennata [L.] Hedw., 218. scductri.v Hedw., 226. splachnoidcs Schwaeg.. 236. mticulosa var. minor Hedw., 244. Octodiceras Brid., 86. debilis (Schwaeg.) N. Comb., 87. jitiiamts Brid., 87. hallianus (S. and L.) Jaeg. and Sauerb., 87. Oncophorus Brid., 65. wahlenbergii Brid.. 66. (8). Oreoweisia, 50. Orthotrichaceae, 113. Orthotrichum Hedw., 117. braunii Bryol. Eur., 119, (15). canadcnse Sull., 120. citi'inuin Aust., 121. chii'ellatitm Hook.. 116. crispnm Hedw., 124. cnpulatum [Hoffm.j Schwaeg., 117. var. portcri Vent.. 118. var. minus Sull.. 119. leiocarpum Bryol. Eur., 117. lescurii Aust, 119, (15). ohioense Sull.. 120, (15). var. citrinum (Aust.) L. and J.. 121. obtusifolium Schracl., Schwaeg.. 118. portcri Aust.. 118. pusillum Mitt.. 117. schimperi Ha mm., 121. sordidum Sull.. 118. strangulatum Schwaeg., 119, (14). Oxyrhynchium (Bryol. Eur.) Warn st.. 347". riparioides [Hedw.] N. Comb., 348. (53). hians (Hedw.) N. Comb. 349. (53). Peat Mosses, 23. Phascum [L.] Hedw., 100. acaulon L., 100. cohaeruns Hedw.. 128. crassinervinum Schwaeg.. 128. cuspidatum [Schreb.] Hedw.. 100. • hookcri Macoun. 133. patens Hedw., 130. rnfcsccns Kindb.. 130. strangulatum Kindb., 133. Philonotis Brid., 176. calcarea (Bryol. Eur.) Schimp., 177, (25"). fontana fL.] Brid.. 178, (25). var. falcata Brid., 179. inarchica Sull., 176. muhlenbergii (Schwaeg.) Bricl., 176, (24): Physcomitrella Bryol. Eur., 130. patens [Hedw.] Bryol. Eur., 130. Physcomitrium (Brid.) Fuern.. 132. immersum Sull.. 133, (16). turbinatum (Rich.) C, M., 133, (16). Plagiopus Brid.. 173. oederi [Gunn.] Limpr.. 173. Plagiothecium Bryol. Eur., 321. denticulatum [L.] Bryol. Eur., 324, (48). clegans Sull., 318. gcophilitm Grout, 319. muehlenbeckii Bryol. Eur.. 322. muellerianum Schimp., 317. roeseanum (Hampe) Bryol. Euro., 323. striatellum (Brid.) Lindb., 322, (47). sylvaticum [Huds.] Bryol. Eur., 323. (47). tnrfaccum Lindb., 320. Plates, Explanation of. 375. Platygyrium Bryol. Eur.. 227. repens [Brid.] Bryol. Eur.. 228, (33). Pleuridium Brid.. 52. alternifolium Brid., 53. subulatum [Hedw.] Lindb.. 52. Pogonatum Beauv.. 192. brachyphyllnm [Rich.] Schwaeg., 192. brci'icanle Beauv., 193. norvegicum [Hedw.] Beauv., 192. pennsylvanicum (Hedw.) Paris 193. (28). tcmtc E. G. Britt.. 193. urnigerum [L.] Beauv.. 192. Pohlia Hedw., 140. annotina Lindb.. 145. cntdii Lindb., 141. clongata Hedw., 141. ii titans Lindb.. 142. proligera Lindb.. 145. Polytrichaceae, 185. Polytrichum Dill.. Hedw.. 194. 372 A MANUAL OF MOSSES alpestre Hoppe, Schwaeg.. 198, (29). angustatuni Schwaeg., 189. commune L., Hechv., 199, (29). var. uliginosum Hneb., 200. jnniperintim Willcl., Hedvv., 197, (29). ohioense R. and C, 195, (28). pennsylvanicum Hedw., 193. piliferum Schreb., Hedvv., 196, (28). strictum Banks, Menz., 198. Porotrichiim Brid., 221. Pottia Ehrh., Fuern., 101. truncata [Hedw.] Fuern, 101, (13). truncatula Lindb., 101. Ptcrogoniiini rcpens Schwaeg., 228. octoblcpharis Schl., 235. Pterygynandrum Hedw., 232. tipicnlatnm Brid., 349. ft li forme [Timm.] Hedw., 233. hirtcllum Hedw., 239. iutricatnm Hedw., 230. jnlaccuin Hedw., 215. subcapillatum Hedw., 330. trichomitrium Hedw., 217. Ptilium (Still.) DeNot. 303. cr.ista-castrensis [L.] DeNot., 304, (45). Ptyckomitrium Fuern., 107. lucur-rnni Sull., 107. Pylaisia Bryol. Eur., 229. denticulata Sull., 231. intricate! Bryol. Eur., 230. intricata (Hedwr.) R. and C., 230, (33). polyantha [Sohreb.] Bryol. ' Eur., 232. schimperi Card.. 230, (33). subdenticulata Bryol. Eur., 231. vclittina Bryol. Eur., 230. Pylaisiclla Kindb., 229. intricata Grout, 230. rciittina Kindb., 230. Rauia Aust., 252. scita (Bcauv.) Aust, 252, (35). Rhabdoweisia Bryol. Eur., 50, 64. denticulata (Brid.) Bryol. Eur., 65. fugax (Hedw.) Bryol. Enr., 64, Rhacomitrium Brid., 111. aciculare [L.] Brid., 112, (14). ericoides (Schwasg.) N. Comb., 113. fasciculare [Schrad.] Brid., 112. microcarpitm (Hedw.) Brid., 112. sudcticnm Bryol- Eur., 112. Rhaphidostegium (Bryol. Eur.) DeNot, 326. adnatum (Rich.) Bryol. Eur., 328. carolinianum (C. M.) Jaeg., 327, (48). cylindricarpum Jaeg., 315. delicatulum Paris, 315. marvlandicum (C. M.) Jaeg. and Sauerb., 327. microcarpum Jaeg., 328. novae-caesareae (Aust.) R. and C, 328, (48). recitrvans Jaeg., 314. Rhodobryum (Schimp.) Hampe, 138, 156. ontariense Kindb.) Paris, 156, (20). rosciun L. and J., 156. roseum fWeis] Schimp., 156. Rhynchostegium Bryol. Eur., 354. delicatulum James 315. deplanatum Schimp., 318. gcophiluni Aust., 319. no-rac-caesareac Angst., 328. niscifonnc Bryol. Eur., 348. serrulatum (Hedw.) Jaeg., 354, (54). Rhytidiadelphus (Lindb.) YVarnst, 295, (43). squarrosns [L.] Warnst., 296. triquetrus [L.] Warnst., 297. Rhytidium (Sull.) Kindb., 297. rugosum [Ehrh.] Kindb., 298. Schistostegaceae, 137. Schistostega Mohr, 137. osnnindacca Mohr, 137. pennata [Hedw.] Hook, and Tayl., 137. Schwetschkeopsis Broth., 223. denticulata (Sull.) Broth., 223, (32). Sciaromium Mitt., 279. lescurii (Sull.) Broth., 280, (39). Seligeria Bryol. Eur., 58. recurvata (Hedw.) Bryol. Eur.. 59. calcarea [Dicks.] Bryol. Eur., 59. setacea [Wulf.] Lindb., 59. Sematophyllaceae, 326. Scniatophylluin adnatuui E. G. Britt, 328. carolinianum E. G. Britt., 327. delicatulum E. G.. Britt., 315. a i leans Braithw., 320. reciirvans E. G. Britt., 314. tcnuirostrc E. G. Britt., 315. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 373 Sphaerangium Schimp, 129. muticum (Schreb.) Schimp., 130. triqiictnini Schimp., 129. Sphagnaceae, 23. Sphagnales, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 23. Sphagnum Dill., Hechv., 23. acutifolinui Ehrh. Russ. and Warnst, 38. var. quinquefarium Lindb., 36. var. sub nit ens Dixon, 37. var. i' i ride Warnst., 39. var. gracilc Russ., 35. affine R. and C., 26, (1). forma squarrosula Warnst., 27. amblyphyllum Russ., 33. var. parvifolium Warnst., 34. angustifolium Jens., 34. aptculatum Lindb., 33. auriculatum Aongst., 40. auriculatum Schimp., 40, (4). aitstini Sull., 25. var. glaucuiii f. squarrosu- hun Roell, 25. brerifoUum Roell 34. capillifolinm [Ehrh.] Hed\v.. 38. var. viride (Warnst.) N. Comb., 39, (4). compaction Brid., 30. compactum [Roth.] Schwseg., 30, (2). contortum Schultz., 39. var. gracilc Roell, 44. var. la.i'itin Roell, 43. crassisetum Brid., 31. cymbifoliiiiii Ehrh., 28. var. compaction Rnss., 30. var. squarrosulum Nees and Hornsch., 29. var. I'ircscois f. braclivclada Schlp., 29. fimbriatum Wils., 35, (3). gravctii Russ., 40. imbricatum (Hornsch.) Russ., 25, (1). var. affine Warnst., 26. var. sublaeve Warnst., 25. intermedium Hoffm., 33. inundatum (Russ.) Warnst., 43. var. auriculatum (Warnst.) Roth, 43, (5). isophyllum Russ.. 40. laricinum Spruce, 39. lati folium Hedw., 28, (1). var. brachycladum (Schlp.) N. Comb.; 29. var. squarrosulum (N. and H.) N. Comb., 29. medium Limpr., 30, (2). pulnstre L.. 28. parvifolium (Sendt.) Warnst., 34, (3). platyp'hvllum (Sull.) Warnst, 40, (4). plumulosum Roell. \Varnst., 37, (4). var. viride Yviarnst., 38. porositm Lindb., 32. pungens Roth, 44, (5). quinquefarium (Lindb.) Warnst., 36, (3). recurvum Beauv., 33, (2). var. amblyphyllum (Russ.) Warnst., 33. var. parvifolium Warnst., 34. squarrosum Pers. Schwaeg., 31. var. teres Schimp., 32. subnitcns Russ. and Warnst., 37. var. I'iridc Warnst., 38. subsecundum Nees, 42, (5). var. contortum Hueb., 39. var. intermedium Warnst., 40. subulatiun Bruch, 35. teres (Schimp.) Aongst., 32. var. squarrosum Warnst., 31. var. subsquarrosum Warnst., 32. var. subteres Lindb., 32, (2). warnstorfii Russ., 35. var. virescens Russ., 36. (3). Splachnaceae, 125. Splachnum L., Hedw., 125. ampullaceum L., Hechv., 126. S.porlcdera, 49. Stereodon Brid., ^litt., 304. adnatuui ]\Iitt.. 274. arcuatus (Lindb.) Lindb., 311, (46). crista-castrensis Mitt., 304. cupressiformis L. Lindb., 309. var. filiformis (Brid.) N. Comb., 309, (46). curvifolius (Hechv.) Mitt., 310, (46). delicatulus (James) Broth.. 315. fertilis (Sendt.) Lindb., 306. (45). f.Hcimis Mitt., 278. 374 A MANUAL OF MOSSES haldanianus (Grev.) Lindb., 312. (46). hispid ill us Mitt., 291. imponens (Hedw.) Lindb., 307. (45). nemorosus (Koch) Lindb., 304. pratcnsis (Koch) Warnst., 312. recurvans [Rich.] Broth.. 314, (47). reptilis [Rich.] Mitt., 305, (45). riparium Mitt., 271. schreberi Mitt., 302. tenuirostris (Br. and Schimp.) Broth., 315, (47). turfaccns Mitt. 320. varius Mitt., 266. Systcgiuui crispum Schimp., 90. nitidulum Jaeg., 90. sullivantii Jaeg., 90. Tetraphis Hedw., 184. pellucida [L.] Hedw.. 184, (26). Thamnium Bryol. Eur., 221. allegheniense (C. M.) Bryol. Ettr., 221, (32). Thelia Sull.. 238. asprella Sull.. 239, (34). •hirtella (Hedw.) Lindb., 239, (34). lescurii Sull., 240. Thuidium Bryol. Eur.. 256. abietinum [L.] Bryol. Eur., 257. delieatiihiin Bryol. Eur., 259. delicatulum [L.] Mitt., 258. (36). clodioides R. and C.. 262. Cradle var. lancastriense Card.. 254. laxifolium Macoun, 341. microphyllwm Best, 255. minutultim [Hedw.] Bryol. Eur.. 257. (35). paludosum Jaeg. and Sauerb., 261. philiberti Limpr.. 256. pygm?eum (Sull.) Bryol. Eur.. 257. rccognitum [Hedw.] Lindb., 259, (36). scituin Aust., 252. I'irginiainiin Lindb., 254. Timmia Hedw., Hedw., 180. cucullata Rich., 180, (25). r.iegapolitana Am. Autli., 180. Tortella (C. M.) Limpr., 95. humilis (Hedw.) N. Comb.. 95, (13). tortuosa [L.] Limpr., 95. Tortulacea, 88. Tortula Hedw., 103. caespitosa Hook, and Grev., 96. muralis [L.] Hedw.. 104. papillosa Wils.. Spring.. 104. plinthobia (Sull.) Broth., 104. porteri (James and Aust.) Broth., 104. ruralis [LJ Bryol. Eur., 104. tortuosa Ehrh.. 95. Trematodon Richard. 51. ambiguus [Hedw.] Hornsch., 51. longicollis Richard, 52. Trichostomum Hedw.. 94. cylindricum (Bruch) C. M., 94, (12). cricoides Schwaeg., 113. microcarpum Hedw., 112. tenuirostre Lindb., 94. ragmans Sull.. 54. True Mosses, 48. Ulota Mohr, 114. 121. americana | Beanv.] Limpr., 122. (15). crispa [L.] Brid., 124. (16). var. minus (Schwaeg.) N. Comb., 124. crisp ula Bruch.. 124. Initchlnsiae Hamm., 122. ludwigii (Brid.) Schwaeg., 123, (15). ulophylla Broth., 124. Il'ebera Ehrh., 181. Webera Hedw., 140. albicans Schimp., 146. annotina [L.] Schwaeg.. 145. elongata [Hedw.] Schwaeg., 141. cruda [L.] Schwaeg., 141. intermedia Schwaeg.. 151. lescuriana (Still.) Jaeg.. 144, (18). nntans [Schreb.] Hed\v.. 142, (17). var. tricUiata N. Var.. 143, (18) pyriforuiis Hedw., 139. proligera (Lindb.) Kinclb., 145. scssilis Lindb., 181. Weisia Hedw., 88. 91. coarctata Lindb., 123. crispa Mitt.. 90. citrrirostris Muell., 93. ftiga.v Hedw., 64. incarnata Schwaeg., 126. recurvirostra Hechv.. 97. viridula [L.] Hedw., 91. (12). Zygodon Atith.. 114. lapponiciis Bryol. Eur.. 115. mougcotii Bo'ol. Eur., 115. OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 375 PLATES Explanation of Method of Lettering. To facilitate reference and comparison of the various plates a series of letters and figures has been used which applies uni- formly to all of the plates alike. Stem-leaf Branch-leaf Perichaetial leaf Paraphyllia Seta 6, Capsule 7, Calyptra 8, Peristome 3, 4, 5, a, Apex an, Annulus B, Branch b, Base be, Basal median c, Central or median cr. Cross-section cif Cilia d, Dorsal g, Gemmae //;/, Lower margin mf Margin. p, Lid or operculum P, Habit sketch of plant, or of a portion of a plant sp, Spores S, Stem s, Peristome-segments t, Teeth it pin, Upper margin r, Ventral The various letters and figures are used in combination as fol- lows: Iff, apex of stem-leaf; \bc, median basal portion of stem- leaf; 2bc, median basal portion of branch-leaf; 2ad, dorsal view of apex of branch-leaf : Snpni, upper margin of perichsetial leaf, etc. 375 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE I lc x 2oo SPHAGNUM IMBRICATUM I upy x :*i SPHAGNUM AFFINE £ SPHAGNUM LATIFOLIUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 377 PLATE II Ibc* SPHAGNUM MEDIUM SPHAGNUM COMPACTUM VAR. SQUARROSUM •E >- -' £ "V/V' • ''\*-'J < *\ i ./(f^'Jilftl'V v M^&M£&Me^^mW& 1«7S SPHAGNUM RECURVUM 2ci- •.!» SPHAGNUM TERES 378 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE III SPHAGNUM PARVIFOLIUM SPHAGNUM FIMBRIATUM SPHAGNUM WARNSTORHI V**.,VIRESCENS J^*Wtf~ SPHAGNUM QUINQUEFARIUM OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 379 PLATE IV SPHAGNUM CAPILLIFOLIUM SPHAGNUM PLUMUUDSUM • , i • • • -' 1 fflllll SPHAGNUM PLATYPHYLLUM SPHAGNUM AURICULATUM A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE V SPHAGNUM SUBSECUNDUM SPHAGNUM INUNDATUM VAK. AURICULATUM SPHAGNUM PUNGENS DlTRICHUM VAGINANS OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 381 PLATE VI DlTRlCHUM TORTILE I DlTRlCHUM PALLIDUM •P M 1 \JVJ/ /r\5CX- FlSSIDENS TAXIFOLIUS FlSSIDENS CRISTATUS OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 387 PLATE XII * 374 WEISIA VIRIDULA FlSSlDENS SUBSA5ILARIS HYMENOSTYLIUM CURVIROSTRE GYMNOSTOMUM CALCAREUM TRICHOSTOMUM CYLINDRJCUM 388 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES PLATE X i m BARBULA UNGUICULATA ?^fc. i TORTELLA HUMIUS am m :S'- {~~>z^^— <\ '~'^?y ( w7TnnUU>3« ^(^^AiV^i?.--^^ ,;ri-J j y*- -r^ - \ ^, UrAu, ^ ^j n f* • GRIMMIA APOCARPA RHACOMITRIUM ACICULARE ^p^^g^: CrV---—.;^^ <— - • •^"-sSrS^MJlK ^^yl^MM) ^S-^vtpi ^i* - '-^ • S^i-^ S5 /rwi ORTHOTRICHUM STRANGULATUM DRUMMONDIA PROREPENS 390 A MAXUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XV - is?/ ^ - *>. .oV^^^^'-^i imn^mm^n wlffnPm i wr\ .fwj.-yjpaflf/li j • fifth fir* i •' - p W/i ^^^^rfvTV- ^ZZT"""~ QP^/. ^^^^ Sr-.^ i.*f./nv "*.? - - - ^r £ i i; '-f-j'-v.:.--. r/fw1 $m nrfif ORTHOTRIGKUM BRAUNMI /gSfe^S^^^i Si**S:5$M§fe HHpsiS I'u^^isPUAiS nU (/ S-AXJ- ORTHOTR;CHUM LESCURU ^' // /3S-.J i^Ste1-) / /,•' . Cir'r ,,*-f.;i-^ f ' •'-"•'•^- y •- 'L---. ' \\. ; ??$""? » e II SI -::-V';-3l || •%•" '-•' '..'•*'_ A ?J' M .'('"' pf I | (jj ULOTA AMERICANA CN KsT P ^ rSp ll&wfl : ULOTA LUDWIGII /*xw --'.,r j.,« ORTHOTRICHUM OHIOENSE OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 391 PLATE XVI - };• .»% few APHANORHEGMA SERRATUM / , / I U L/ ' BRYUM CERNUUM MNIOBRYUM WAHLENBERGII 394 A MAXITAL OF MOSSES PLATE XIX BRYUM SSMUW BRYUM AFFINE BRYUM INTERMEDIUM BRYUM PALLESCENS OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 395 PLATE XX u * »• BRYUM CXESPITICIUM BRYUM ARGENTEUM BRYUM CAPILLARE RHODOBRYUM ONTARIENSE 396 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXI MNIUM SERRATUM MNIUM CUSPIDATUM MNIUM MEDIUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 397 PLATE XXII MNIUM AFFINE . CILIARE X/0 MNIUM AFFINE RUGICUM MNIUM STCLLARC 398 A MANUAL OK MOSSES PLATE XXill IVlNIUM PUNCTATUM MNIUM CINCLIDIOIDES OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 399 PLATE XXIV /I &*m$r/a "wT'^'v AULACOMNIUM PALUSTRE AULACOMNIUM HETEROSTICHUM BARTRAMIA POMIFORMIS PHILONOTIS MUHLENBERGII 400 A MANT'AL OF MOSSES PLATE XXV PHILONOTIS CALCAREA PHILONOTIS FONTANA TIMMIA CUCULLATA DlPHYSCIUM FOLIOSUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 401 PLATE XXVI BUXBAUMIA APHYLLA TETRAPHIS PELLUCIDA CATHARIN/EA UNDULATA CATHARIN>EA UNOULATA VA*. ALLCGHENIENSIS 402 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXVII CATHARIN/EA ANGUSTATA CATHARIN/CA UNDULATA VAR. MINOR hr is • ' :^ IAU CATHARINXEA PAPILLOSA CATHARIN/EA PLURILAMELLATA OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 403 PLATE XXVIII POGONATUM PENNSYLVANICUM /-« POLYTRICHUM PILIFERUM •it * u POLYTRICHUM OHIOENSE 4 "4 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXIX Mil POLYTRICHUM COMMUNE POLYTRICHUM ALPESTRE POLYTRICHUM JUNIPERINUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 405 PLATE XXX HEDWIGIA CILIATA , *7* Ike \ \ \ \ FONTINALIS DALECARLICA FONTINALIS NOVAE-ANGLIAE 406 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXXI DlCHELYMA PALLESCENS " \ CLIMACIUM AMERICANUM CLIMACIUM KINDBERGII LEUCODON BRACHYPUS OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAXIA 407 PLATE XXXII VXtffK 9 ^ m. r» FORRSTROEMIA TRICHOMITRIA LEUCODON JULACEUS SCHWETSCHKEOPSIS OENTiCULATA i ^"\,}.~V- *• MS-V' "WE THAMNIUM ALLEGMENIENSE ENTODON CLADORRHIZANS 408 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXXIII /fr^\ ENTODON SEDUCTRIX PLATYGYRIUM REPENS ^ PYLAISIA INT^ICATA PYLAISIA SCHIMPERI ANACAMPTODON SPLACHNOIDES OF WESTERN PEXXSYLVAX1A 419 PLATE XXXIV •#• * SBfip ^-*j)3 h HW *m, ,A 1 K, THELIA HIRTELLA HAPLOHYMENIUM TRISTE <- JU i / v ' .'-••••-/ %'~?£&i«> THELIA ASPRELLA ANOMODON ATTENUATUS I fltfl ' - ANOMODON APICULATUS T ANOMODON MINOR •- - '- -1 . i». >>i."' ANOMODON ROSTRATUS 4!' A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXXV LESKEELLA NERVOSA LESKEA OBSCURA HAPLOCLADIUM VIRG1NIANUNI HAPLOCLADIUM MICROPHYLLUM THUIDIUM MINUTULUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 411 PLATE XXXVI THUIDIUM RECOGNITUM m THUIDIUM DELICATULUM ELODIUM PALUDOSUM 412 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXXVII AMBLYSTEGIUM ORTHOCLADON / ---- AMBLYSTEGIUM SERPENS Q,0 I II . ! AMBLYSTEGIUM VARIUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 413 PLATE XXXVIII AMBLYSTEGIUM RADICALS AMBLYSTEGIUM KOCHIJ AMBLYSTEGIUM RIPARIUM AMBLYSTEGIUM RIPARIUM FLACCIOUM 414 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XXXIX HYGROAMBLYSTEGIUM FLUVIATILE HOMOMALLIUM ADNATUM SCIAROMIUM LESCWmt HYGROAMBLYSTEGIUM TENAX OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 415 PLATE XL DflEPANOCLADUS EXANNULATUS £* CALLIERGON CORDIFOLIUM 'Z%~A~- ACROCLADiUW CUSPIDATUM 416 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XLI HYGROHYPNUM OCHRACEUM HYGROHYPNUM EUGYRIUM v**. MACKAYI ^^^ \_> lt>*iec CAMPYLIUM HISPIDULUM CAMPYLIUM CHRYSOPHYLLUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 417 PLATE XLII CAMPYLIUM POLYGAMUM CAMPYLIUM STELLATUM CTCNIDIUM MOLLUSCUM 418 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XLIII :mm RHYTIDIADELPHUS TRIQUETRUS / HYLOCOMIUM SPLENOENS OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 419 PLATE XLIV HYLOCOMIUM UMBRATUM HYLOCOMIUM BREVIROSTRE HYPNUM SCHREBERI 420 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XLV STEREODON REPTILIS PTILIUM CRISTA-CASTRENSIS STEREODON PERTILIS STCREODON IMPONENS OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 421 PLATE XLVI «j)M » it-.?*- STEREODON CUPRESSIFORMIS VAK. Fl LI FORME STERCODON CURVIFOLIUS &M/f STEREODON ARCUATUS STEREODON HAJ.DANIANUS 422 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XLVII STEREODON TENUIROSTRIS STEREOOON RECURVANS PLAGIOTHECIUM ISOPTERYGiUM TURFACEUM PLAGIOTHECIUM SYLVATICUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 423 PLATE XLVIII K/*-1!S8K' ^^i!f.ti; ^>?^to* RHAPHIDOSTEGIUM CAROLINIANIT/I \\*y PLAGIOTHECIUM DENTICULATUM RHAPHIDOSTEGIUM NOVAE-CAESAREAE BRACHYTHECIUM CYRTOPHYLLUM 424 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE XLIX .«- v — & BRACHYTHECIUM ACUMINATUM BRACHYTHCCIUM CAMPESTRE BRACHYTHECIUM SALESROSUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 425 PLATE L m^^- - BRACHYTHECIUM FLEXICAULE 8RACHYTH«CIUM RUTA3ULUM 426 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE LI BRACHYTHECIUM STARKE BRACHYTHECIUM RIVULARE BRACHYTHECIUM VCLUTINUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 427 PLATE LII oo VA*. HOMOMALLUM BRACHYTHECIUM FLAGELLARE - BRACHYTHECIUM FLAGELLARE ClRRIPHYLLUM BOSCH 428 A MANUAL OF MOSSES PLATE LI 1 1 OXYRRHYNCHIUM HIANS OXYRRHYNCHIUM RIPARIOIDES EURHYNCHIUM PULCHELLUM V*K ROBUSTUM OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 429 PLATE LIV BRYHNIA GRAMINICOLOB RHYNCHOSTEGIUM SERFTULATUM 1